2 values
13 values
The methodology widely used to understand sea temperatures in the scientific community may be based on a mistake , the new study suggests , and so our understanding of climate change might be fundamentally flawed .
fallacy of credibility
The new research suggests that the oceans hundreds of millions of years ago were much cooler than we thought . If true , that means that the global warming we are currently undergoing is unparallelled within the last 100 million years , and far worse than we had previously calculated .
fallacy of credibility
The research challenges the ways that researchers have worked out sea temperatures until now , meaning that they may be increasing quicker than previously suggested .
false causality
If true , that means that the global warming we are currently undergoing is unparallelled within the last 100 million years , and far worse than we had previously calculated .
fallacy of extension
Thawing permafrost can release not just CO2 , but also methane , a much stronger heat-trapping gas .
Since CO2 is the primary heat-trapping greenhouse gas β€” and since the permafrost contains twice as much carbon as the atmosphere does today β€” this means a vicious cycle has begun that will speed up global warming .
appeal to emotion
But it has little to do with what recent headlines have been saying about the hottest year ever . It is called business as usual .
Until last June , most scientists acknowledged that warming reached a peak in the late 1990s , and since then had plateaued in a β€œ hiatus. ”
fallacy of credibility
NOAA ’ s alteration of its measurement standard and other changes produced a result that could have been predicted : a marginally significant warming trend in the data over the past several years , erasing the temperature plateau that vexed climate alarmists have found difficult to explain .
ad populum
But it has little to do with what recent headlines have been saying about the hottest year ever . It is called business as usual .
NOAA ’ s alteration of its measurement standard and other changes produced a result that could have been predicted : a marginally significant warming trend in the data over the past several years , erasing the temperature plateau that vexed climate alarmists have found difficult to explain .
ad hominem
Whether temperatures have warmed much since then depends on what you look at .
If it ’ s science , it isn ’ t consensus .
false dilemma
Humans have had no detectable impact on hurricanes over the past century . . . . Greenland ’ s ice sheet isn ’ t shrinking any more rapidly today than it was eighty years ago . . . .
The extent of global fires has been trending significantly downward .
Global crop yields are rising , not falling .
Humans have had no detectable impact on hurricanes over the past century . . . . Greenland ’ s ice sheet isn ’ t shrinking any more rapidly today than it was eighty years ago . . . . The net economic impact of human-induced climate change will be minimal through at least the end of this century . ” But Mr. Koonin is no β€œ climate denier , ” to use the concocted phrase used to shut down debate .
It ’ s a big problem , he says , when models can ’ t retroactively β€œ predict ” events that have already happened .
The rate of sea-level rise has not accelerated .
As Mr Koonin illustrates , tornado frequency and severity are also not trending up ; nor are the number and severity of droughts .
As Mr Koonin illustrates , tornado frequency and severity are also not trending up ; nor are the number and severity of droughts .
fallacy of extension
And while global atmospheric CO2 levels are obviously higher now than two centuries ago , they ’ re not at any record planetary highβ€”they ’ re at a low that has only been seen once before in the past 500 million years .
But science itself is not conducted by polls , regardless of how often we are urged to heed a β€œ scientific consensus ” on climate .
The word β€œ denier ” is of course meant to associate skeptics of climate alarmism with Holocaust deniers .
fallacy of extension
Mr. Koonin finds this label particularly abhorrent , since β€œ the Nazis killed more than two hundred of my relatives in Eastern Europe. ”
fallacy of relevance
And while global atmospheric CO2 levels are obviously higher now than two centuries ago , they ’ re not at any record planetary highβ€”they ’ re at a low that has only been seen once before in the past 500 million years .
fallacy of credibility
Mr. Koonin laments the sloppiness of those using local weather β€œ events ” to make claims about long-cycle planetary phenomena . He chastises not so much local news media as journalists with prestigious national media who should know better .
ad hominem
This attribution error evokes one of Mr. Koonin ’ s rare rebukes : β€œ Pointing to hurricanes as an example of the ravages of human-caused climate change is at best unconvincing , and at worst plainly dishonest . ”
fallacy of extension
He should know , having written one of the first textbooks on using computers to model physics phenomena .
fallacy of credibility
Mr. Koonin ’ s science credentials are impeccableβ€”unlike , say , those of one well-known Swedish teenager to whom the media affords great attention on climate matters .
ad hominem
Mr. Koonin ’ s science credentials are impeccableβ€”unlike , say , those of one well-known Swedish teenager to whom the media affords great attention on climate matters .
fallacy of credibility
Since all the data that Mr. Koonin uses are available to others , he poses the obvious question : β€œ Why haven ’ t you heard these facts before ? ”
We ’ ll see if that happens in a world in which politicians assert the science is settled and plan astronomical levels of spending to replace the nation ’ s massive infrastructures with β€œ green ” alternatives .
He begins with a kind of trigger warning for readers who may be shocked by the book ’ s contradiction of four points of climate orthodoxy : β€œ Heat waves in the US are now no more common than they were in 1900 ” and β€œ the warmest temperatures in the US have not risen in the past fifty years . . . .
ad hominem
So no β€” I would not agree that it ’ s a primary contributor to the global warming that we see . But we don ’ t know that yet . We need to continue the debate and continue the review and the analysis . ”
fallacy of extension
Yet for all the hyperventilating , Pruitt ’ s answer to the question he was asked β€” whether carbon dioxide is the climate ’ s β€œ primary control knob ” β€” was entirely sound . β€œ We don ’ t know that yet , ” he said .
ad hominem
CO2 is certainly a heat-trapping greenhouse gas , but hardly the primary one : Water vapor accounts for about 95 percent of greenhouse gases .
false dilemma
Adding more CO2 molecules to the atmosphere is like painting over a red wall with white paint β€” the first coat does most of the work of concealing the red .
fallacy of extension
The more variables there are in any system or train of events , the lower the probability of all of them coming to pass .
fallacy of credibility
But for the sake of argument , say there are merely 15 variables involved in predicting global climate change , and assume that climatologists have mastered each one to a near-perfect accuracy of 95 percent .
fallacy of extension
CO2 is certainly a heat-trapping greenhouse gas , but hardly the primary one : Water vapor accounts for about 95 percent of greenhouse gases . By contrast , carbon dioxide is only a trace component in the atmosphere : about 400 ppm ( parts per million ) , or 0.04 percent .
ad populum
Adding more CO2 molecules to the atmosphere is like painting over a red wall with white paint β€” the first coat does most of the work of concealing the red .
faulty generalization
There is a popular theory that atmospheric CO2 amplifies the creation of water vapor , thereby increasing warming through a β€œ positive feedback loop. ” But that theory so far is mostly speculative ; climate projections using models based on it have consistently failed , nearly always predicting far more warming than has occurred .
fallacy of logic
It should go without saying that if scientists can not yet make accurate predictions about future climate change , then their understanding of climate science remains highly incomplete .
circular reasoning
It is affected by innumerable interacting variables , atmospheric CO2 levels being just one . The more variables there are in any system or train of events , the lower the probability of all of them coming to pass .
ad populum
Your odds of correctly guessing the outcome of a flipped coin are 1 in 2 , but your odds of guessing correctly twice in a row are only 1 in 4 β€” i.e. , Β½ x Β½ Extending your winning streak to a third guess is even less probable : just 1 in 8 . Apply that approach to climate change , and it becomes clear why the best response to the alarmists ’ frantic predictions is a healthy skepticism .
faulty generalization
A comprehensive list would run to hundreds , if not thousands , of elements , none of which scientists would claim to understand with absolute precision .
ad populum
But for the sake of argument , say there are merely 15 variables involved in predicting global climate change , and assume that climatologists have mastered each one to a near-perfect accuracy of 95 percent . What are the odds that a climate model built on a system that simple would be reliable ? Less than 50/50 . ( Multiplying .95 by itself 15 times yields 46.3 percent . )
faulty generalization
Is it any surprise that climate-change predictions in the real world β€” where the complexities are exponentially greater and the exactitude of knowledge much less β€” have such a poor track record ?
faulty generalization
The science is far from settled .
false dilemma
The rate of warming is also remarkable : β€œ The changes we see today are much faster than anything encountered in Earth ’ s history . In terms of rate of change , we are in uncharted waters , ” said study co-author Katrin Meissner of the University of New South Wales in Australia .
fallacy of relevance
β€œ Even with just 2 degrees of warming – and potentially just 1.5 degrees – significant impacts on the Earth system are profound , ” said study co-author Alan Mix , a scientist from Oregon State University .
fallacy of credibility
In one instance , the administration relied on an assumption that the planet will warm a disastrous seven degrees Fahrenheit , or about four degrees Celsius , by the end of the century in arguing that a proposal to ease vehicle fuel-efficiency standards would have only minor climate impacts .
That we could get confirmation from atmospheric gases of ocean heat content is extraordinary , ” said Joellen Russell , a professor and oceanographer at the University of Arizona . β€œ You ’ ve got the A team here on this paper . ”
fallacy of credibility
'If we do nothing to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions , the kind of extreme heat we saw this past summer will be the norm when my young son is a grown man . '
appeal to emotion
It happened in four years between 1980-2010 , but has now occurred in four out of the last five winters . ”
ad populum
The rise in Arctic temperatures is probably also tied to a sudden warming of the stratosphere , the atmospheric layer about 30,000 feet high β€” above where most weather happens β€” that occurred several weeks ago , Moore said .
false causality
Whether a blip or indicative of a new normal , scientists have uniformly expressed disbelief at the current Arctic temperatures and the state of the sea ice .
fallacy of credibility
The impact of humans on Earth is unparalleled , with scientists arguing our actions have tipped the planet into a new era - the Anthropocene - with fallout from nuclear bombs now written into the rocks beneath our feet , and species facing extinction at 1,000 times the usual rate .
faulty generalization
The impact of humans on Earth is unparalleled , with scientists arguing our actions have tipped the planet into a new era - the Anthropocene - with fallout from nuclear bombs now written into the rocks beneath our feet , and species facing extinction at 1,000 times the usual rate .
However the warming trend is slower than most climate models have forecast .
Yet , some scientists argue that the gas is not capable of producing the extreme temperature rises seen in recent decades .
In its 5th assessment report in 2013 , the IPCC estimated that human emissions are probably responsible for more than half of the observed increase in global average temperature from 1951 to 2010 .
Yet , some scientists argue that the gas is not capable of producing the extreme temperature rises seen in recent decades .
fallacy of credibility
However , some experts argue that carbon dioxide is only a minor player in this atmospheric hothouse effect .
CO2 is not powerful in that sense , the only thing it does in the system is make the planet greener . Carbon Dioxide is playing a minor role in the total greenhouse effect . ”
Yet other scientists claim this is a red herring because of the positive feedback loop created by water vapour .
faulty generalization
Even the BBC has admitted to Ofcom that the corporation is now biased on the matter because it no longer thinks there is a counter-argument .
ad hominem
The MWP lasted from about 950 to 1250AD , and temperature records appear to show it was even hotter than today , allowing grain crops to flourish , the global population to soar and wine grapes to be planted in England for the first time in hundreds of years .
faulty generalization
Skeptics claim such anomalies prove that Earth can quickly warm and cool even in the absence of carbon dioxide , and any warming today may be caused by similar natural events .
faulty generalization
The IPCC no longer includes the β€˜ Hockey stick ’ chart in its reports .
As we have already seen , during this time , the Northern Hemisphere experienced β€˜ The Little Ice Age ’ where crops failed and plague wiped out tens of millions of people showing a clear correlation between solar activity and temperature on Earth . Likewise , there was also high solar activity during the Medieval Warm Period .
faulty generalization
Some scientists believe that solar activity is more likely to influence today ’ s climate than carbon dioxide , and Dr Soon has compiled data showing temperature in America , Canada and Mexico rises and falls in line with solar activity .
faulty generalization
Contents of the emails suggested scientists had been hiding or manipulating data , preventing people accessing their figures and working to stop papers critical of their findings from being published .
ad hominem
Just like Dr Mann ’ s β€˜ hockey stick ’ graph he had cut off the tree-ring data just at the point where it stopped showing an upward trend and swapped in thermometer temperatures for recent decades , making them look much warmer .
In an interview with the BBC after the scandal broke , Dr Jones admitted there had been β€˜ no statistically significant global warming since 1995.
The figure traditionally cited that suggests 97 per cent of climate scientists agree that global warming is man-made was also found to be flawed . A survey which claimed to have questioned 10,257 academics , was found to have winnowed down the sample to just 77 .
A poll of 1854 members of the American Meteorological Society found the number who believe climate change to be man-made to be 52 per cent .
fallacy of credibility
Climate skeptics argue temperature records have been adjusted in recent years to make the past appear cooler and the present warmer , although the Carbon Brief showed that NOAA has actually made the past warmer , evening out the difference .
The difference between recorded temperatures and reported temperatures has been slowly rising in recent years .
It is projected to rise another one to four by 2100 .
A survey which claimed to have questioned 10,257 academics , was found to have winnowed down the sample to just 77 .
Some of Dr Soon ’ s work is paid for by oil companies who clearly have a vested interest in making the blame for global warming fall elsewhere .
The figure traditionally cited that suggests 97 per cent of climate scientists agree that global warming is man-made was also found to be flawed . A survey which claimed to have questioned 10,257 academics , was found to have winnowed down the sample to just 77 . A poll of 1854 members of the American Meteorological Society found the number who believe climate change to be man-made to be 52 per cent .
ad populum
However , some experts argue that carbon dioxide is only a minor player in this atmospheric hothouse effect .
As we have already seen , during this time , the Northern Hemisphere experienced β€˜ The Little Ice Age ’ where crops failed and plague wiped out tens of millions of people showing a clear correlation between solar activity and temperature on Earth . Likewise , there was also high solar activity during the Medieval Warm Period . Some scientists believe that solar activity is more likely to influence today ’ s climate than carbon dioxide , and Dr Soon has compiled data showing temperature in America , Canada and Mexico rises and falls in line with solar activity .
false causality
And , can today ’ s climate models be trusted when scientists have misrepresented the data in the past ?
CLIMATE change in Antarctica may be linked to a never-before-seen island emerging from the ocean , experts have said . The uncharted island is actually big enough to spot from space but may have gone unnoticed due to previously being hidden beneath a lot of ice , a Nature report suggests .
false causality
Extreme melting and changes to the climate may have released pressure on to the continent , allowing the ground to rise up , a Nature report claims .
false causality
Rebounding ground can accelerate the ice cracking and falling away , which may be what happened with this new island that potentially emerged off the coast of Antarctica around 2010 .
false causality
According to Nature News , experts are n't sure how long the island has been visible but they think climate change may be behind its appearance .
false causality
Extreme melting and changes to the climate may have released pressure on to the continent , allowing the ground to rise up , a Nature report claims .
fallacy of credibility
The slowdown in warming was , she added , real , and all the evidence suggested that since 1998 , the rate of global warming has been much slower than predicted by computer models – about 1C per century .
fallacy of logic
Global average temperatures over land have plummeted by more than 1C since the middle of this year – their biggest and steepest fall on record .
But it is almost certain that next year , large falls will also be measured over the oceans , and by weather station thermometers on the surface of the planet – exactly as happened after the end of the last very strong El Nino in 1998 .
faulty generalization
Global average temperatures over land have plummeted by more than 1C since the middle of this year – their biggest and steepest fall on record .
The news comes amid mounting evidence that the recent run of world record high temperatures is about to end .
The news comes amid mounting evidence that the recent run of world record high temperatures is about to end .
Others have argued that the records were caused by El Nino , a complex natural phenomenon that takes place every few years , and has nothing to do with greenhouse gas emissions by humans .
fallacy of relevance
Dr Schmidt also denied that there was any β€˜ pause ’ or β€˜ hiatus ’ in global warming between the 1998 and 2015 El Ninos .