2 values
13 values
Whitehouse , a scientist who works with Lord Lawson ’ s sceptic Global Warming Policy Foundation , said the massive fall in temperatures following the end of El Nino meant the warming hiatus or slowdown may be coming back .
faulty generalization
Others have argued that the records were caused by El Nino , a complex natural phenomenon that takes place every few years , and has nothing to do with greenhouse gas emissions by humans .
Others have argued that the records were caused by El Nino , a complex natural phenomenon that takes place every few years , and has nothing to do with greenhouse gas emissions by humans .
faulty generalization
This also has worldwide impacts , driving temperatures down rather than up .
‘ According to the satellites , the late 2016 temperatures are returning to the levels they were at after the 1998 El Nino .
“ We indicated 23 years ago — in our 1994 Nature article — that climate models had the atmosphere ’ s sensitivity to CO2 much too high , ” Christy said in a statement . “ This recent paper bolsters that conclusion . ”
fallacy of credibility
Those eruptions meant there was more subsequent warming in the following years , making the rate of warming appear to be rising as a result of man-made emissions or other factors , Christy said .
While many scientists have acknowledged the mismatch between model predictions and actual temperature observations , few have really challenged the validity of the models themselves .
fallacy of logic
Americans receive a daily barrage from the fake news media and climate “ experts ” reporting that each and every day , week , month or year is the hottest on record due to global warming .
ad hominem
Sadly , these supposed experts use mathematical equations that do not jive with reality over the past 140 years .
ad hominem
The highest record temperature ever reported was 136 degrees Fahrenheit in Libya in 1922 . The record high temperature for the United States was 134 degrees Fahrenheit in Death Valley , California in 1913 . Fossil fuel emissions in 1913 and 1922 were negligible compared to today .
false dilemma
We hope these examples , right out of the weather record books , compiled by C.C . Burt in his book Extreme Weather Changes , will help you to understand the scams alarmists are trying to pull .
appeal to emotion
Once again , the data does not support the claim that the United States is hotter than ever as a result of rising Carbon dioxide levels .
fallacy of relevance
However , since 1998 , little warming has occurred while carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase .
fallacy of relevance
Once again , the data does not support the claim that the United States is hotter than ever as a result of rising Carbon dioxide levels .
fallacy of relevance
The idea that climate change is producing heat records across the Earth is among the most egregious manipulations of data in the absurd global warming debate .
fallacy of logic
Americans receive a daily barrage from the fake news media and climate “ experts ” reporting that each and every day , week , month or year is the hottest on record due to global warming .
fallacy of extension
Sadly , these supposed experts use mathematical equations that do not jive with reality over the past 140 years .
fallacy of logic
Many of these fear mongers also say we should stop burning fossil fuels that are causing this mayhem .
ad hominem
Is the Earth truly experiencing the hottest weather on record ? Absolutely not .
fallacy of logic
These zealots would like you to believe that due to fossil fuel emissions , summers are now longer and hotter while winters are shorter and milder .
ad hominem
The highest record temperature ever reported was 136 degrees Fahrenheit in Libya in 1922 . The record high temperature for the United States was 134 degrees Fahrenheit in Death Valley , California in 1913 . Fossil fuel emissions in 1913 and 1922 were negligible compared to today .
ad populum
The coldest temperature ever reported was minus 129 degrees Fahrenheit in Vostok , Antarctica , in 1983 when Carbon dioxide emissions were five times higher than in 1913 . The coldest temperature in the lower 48 states ( excluding Alaska ) of minus 64 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded in 1996 in Embarrass , Minnesota .
ad populum
We hope these examples , right out of the weather record books , compiled by C.C . Burt in his book Extreme Weather Changes , will help you to understand the scams alarmists are trying to pull .
fallacy of credibility
These examples all illustrate that cherry-picking record high temperatures in isolated locations tells absolutely nothing about the Earth ’ s climate .
The strongest heat wave ever recorded occurred in July 1936 , generating high temperatures in half of America ’ s 50 states . In 1935 , fossil fuel emissions were 25 times lower than today .
false causality
Interesting that the figure above shows the most severe historic cold wave during the past century took place in 1936 , which was the same year when the strongest heat wave took place .
false causality
However , since 1998 , little warming has occurred while carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase . This is totally consistent with variations in the amount of heat the Earth receives from the Sun .
false causality
These facts are completely supported by 4,000 ocean floats which measure ocean temperatures at a variety of depths .
fallacy of relevance
Isn ’ t it time to start ignoring the calamitous annual claims that this is the hottest year on record ?
fallacy of credibility
However , since 1998 , little warming has occurred while carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase .
fallacy of logic
The highest record temperature ever reported was 136 degrees Fahrenheit in Libya in 1922 . The record high temperature for the United States was 134 degrees Fahrenheit in Death Valley , California in 1913 . Fossil fuel emissions in 1913 and 1922 were negligible compared to today .
Did the Earth experience its hottest temperature ever this year ? The answer is no . The highest record temperature ever reported was 136 degrees Fahrenheit in Libya in 1922 . The record high temperature for the United States was 134 degrees Fahrenheit in Death Valley , California in 1913 . Fossil fuel emissions in 1913 and 1922 were negligible compared to today .
In 2007 , with the aid of scientists such as Wieslaw Maslowski and Peter Wadhams , the BBC and others were telling us that the Arctic would be totally “ ice free by 2013 ” ( the Independent even cleared its front page to announce that the ice could all have disappeared within weeks ) . By 2011 , the BBC ’ s science editor Richard Black was telling us that the ice would “ probably be gone within this decade ” . In 2012 , his colleague Roger Harrabin was reporting that the sea ice was now melting so fast that more had vanished that summer than “ at any time since satellite records began ” .
Al Gore , set out to paddle a kayak to the North Pole – only to have to abort his trip after a few days because “ the ice was too thick ” . In 2009 , the three-man Caitlin expedition , sponsored by a “ climate risk ” insurance company , and backed by the BBC and the Prince of Wales , set out to walk to the North Pole . Their intention was to measure the thickness of the vanishing ice with an electronic instrument , but it froze so hard that they had to resort to a tape measure . Again , after a few weeks , they had to be airlifted back to a rescue ship because the constantly shifting ice was “ too thick ” .
But wasn ’ t the whole point of this warming that it was meant to be “ global ” ?
Two events last week brought yet further twists to one of the longest-running farces of our modern world .
ad hominem
One was the revelation by the European Space Agency that in 2013 and 2014 , after years when the volume of Arctic ice had been diminishing , it increased again by as much as 33 per cent . The other was that Canadian scientists studying the effect of climate change on Arctic ice from an icebreaker had to suspend their research , when their vessel was called to the aid of other ships trapped in the thickest summer ice seen in Hudson Bay for 20 years .
In 2012 , his colleague Roger Harrabin was reporting that the sea ice was now melting so fast that more had vanished that summer than “ at any time since satellite records began ” .
In December 2013 , the world followed agog the plight of yet another “ scientific expedition ” , when 52 climate activists , accompanied by reporters from the BBC and the Guardian , sailed into the Antarctic to measure the effects of global warming on its sea-ice . By Christmas their ship was so dangerously trapped by thick , multi-year ice that they had to be helicoptered to a Chinese ship 10 miles away , which itself then got so trapped in ice that they had to be airlifted again to two other ships even further away .
By Christmas their ship was so dangerously trapped by thick , multi-year ice that they had to be helicoptered to a Chinese ship 10 miles away , which itself then got so trapped in ice that they had to be airlifted again to two other ships even further away .
But , alas , it just isn ’ t happening .
In recent years there has been more polar ice in the world than at any time since satellite records began in 1979 .
In the very year they had forecast that the Arctic would be “ ice free ” , its thickness increased by a third . Polar bear numbers are rising , not falling . Temperatures in Greenland have shown no increase for decades .
The greatest scare story of all simply isn ’ t turning out as their computer models predicted .
A synthesis of more than 350 publications on the effects of ocean acidification - which will be given to climate delegates at next month 's summit - reveals that almost half of the marine animal species tested reacted negatively to already moderate increases in seawater CO2 concentrations .
faulty generalization
For the past 500 million years , the atmospheric carbon dioxide content has been decreasing and if we halved today ’ s atmospheric carbon dioxide content , all life would die .
false dilemma
In the past decade China has increased its carbon dioxide emissions by 53 per cent , 12 times Australia ’ s total carbon dioxide output of 1.3 per cent of the global total .
fallacy of relevance
If we were so passionately concerned about our carbon footprint , then the best thing to do is to expire .
false dilemma
In our lifetime , there has been no correlation between carbon dioxide emissions and temperature .
false causality
On a larger scale , the ice caps show that after a natural orbitally driven warming , atmospheric carbon dioxide content increases 800 years later . Rather than atmos­pheric carbon dioxide driving temperature , it is the opposite .
false causality
Geology shows us again there is no correlation between atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature . Each of the six major past ice ages began when the atmospheric carbon dioxide content was far higher than at present .
false causality
The attack on emissions of the gas of life is an irrational attack on industry , our modern way of life , freedoms and prosperity .
appeal to emotion
By ignoring history and geology , any claim of unusual weather can be made sensational .
The geological history of the planet shows major planetary climate changes have never been driven by a trace gas . Just because we are alive today does not mean we change major planetary systems that operated for billions of years .
fallacy of credibility
These processes involve a transfer of energy , and water vapour makes the atmosphere behave like a giant airconditioner .
fallacy of logic
Water is 12 times more effective than carbon dioxide with respect to all incoming and outgoing radiation .
ad populum
In the past , warming has never been a threat to life on Earth . Why should it be now ?
fallacy of credibility
We are not living in a period of catastrophic climate change . The past tells us it ’ s business as usual .
fallacy of credibility
It has never been shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming .
Carbon dioxide is plant food . It is neither a pollutant nor a toxin . Without carbon dioxide , all life on Earth would die .
fallacy of extension
The fossil record shows that a thriving and diversification of plant and animal life occurs every time the atmosphere had a very high carbon dioxide content .
false causality
The role of the sun and clouds was not considered important by modellers . They are the major drivers for the climate on our planet .
fallacy of relevance
When there is a low atmospheric carbon dioxide content , especially during very cold times , life struggles .
As soon as the words carbon footprint , emissions , pollution , and decarbonisation , climate emergency , extreme weather , unprecedented and extinction are used , I know I am being conned by ignorant activ­ists , populist scaremonger­ing , vote-chasing politicians and rent seekers .
ad hominem
There are no carbon emissions . If there were , we could not see because most carbon is black .
fallacy of logic
We ’ ve had reefs on planet Earth for 3500 million years . They came and went many times .
Just because we are alive today does not mean we change major planetary systems that operated for billions of years .
false dilemma
Carbon dioxide is plant food . It is neither a pollutant nor a toxin .
false dilemma
In the past , warming has never been a threat to life on Earth . Why should it be now ?
faulty generalization
If we were so passionately concerned about our carbon footprint , then the best thing to do is to expire .
fallacy of logic
The attack on emissions of the gas of life is an irrational attack on industry , our modern way of life , freedoms and prosperity .
fallacy of extension
The study was “ very nicely done , ” she said , but the tendency of wet soils to produce methane could be counteracted by several factors .
fallacy of credibility
Now even that silver lining is in doubt .
appeal to emotion
Some experts , such as UN climate scientist Dr. Indur Goklany , have defended rising CO2 levels as a good thing for humanity . Goklany has argued that the rising level of carbon dioxide in the earth ’ s atmosphere “ is currently net beneficial for both humanity and the biosphere generally . ”
fallacy of credibility
Despite recent attempts to paint the United States as a major global polluter , according to the World Health Organization ( WHO ) , the U.S. is among the cleanest nations on the planet . In the most recent WHO report on air pollution , the United States was listed as one of the countries with the cleanest air in the world , significantly cleaner in fact than the air in Germany , Italy , Switzerland , the UK , Japan , Austria and France . While France and other G7 countries lamented the U.S. exit from the Paris climate accord , America ’ s air is already cleaner than that of any other country in the G7 , except Canada with its scant population .
fallacy of credibility
With such relatively clean air throughout America , how can even reputable news agencies like Reuters continue spreading the well-worn lie that the United States is one of the “ biggest polluters ” in the world ? Rather than follow the time-tested practice used by the World Health Organization , which measures levels of disease-causing pollutants that get into people ’ s lungs , some have played a shell game , swapping a new measure of “ pollution ” based solely on emissions of carbon dioxide .
The problem with this ploy is that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant and it is dishonest to say it is .
fallacy of logic
Without human intervention , the concentration of CO2 has climbed as high as 7,000 parts per million ( ppm ) in prior eras , whereas at present the concentration is just over 400 ppm .
ad populum
CO2 is colorless , odorless and completely non-toxic . Plants depend on it to live and grow , and human beings draw some into their lungs with every breath they take to no ill effect whatsoever .
fallacy of relevance
At the very low end of the spectrum , the United States has a concentration of just 8 , while China has a concentration more than seven times higher at 59 , India at 66 , Egypt at 101 and Saudi Arabia with the worst air pollution at 127 .
fallacy of relevance
In a recent list of the 25 cleanest cities in the world , the only country to boast three cities among the cleanest on the planet was the United States of America , with Chicago coming in second place , Honolulu coming in fourth , and Portland , OR , coming in sixteenth . Unsurprisingly , no cities from China , Russia or India made the list at all . Similarly , another list of the 15 most polluted cities in the world featured three cities from China , three cities from Saudi Arabia , and a whopping seven cities from India .
fallacy of relevance
Similarly , another list of the 15 most polluted cities in the world featured three cities from China , three cities from Saudi Arabia , and a whopping seven cities from India .
ad hominem
Similarly , another list of the 15 most polluted cities in the world featured three cities from China , three cities from Saudi Arabia , and a whopping seven cities from India .
ad hominem
The list of the most polluted cities in the world was led by two cities from China followed by two more cities from India .
ad hominem
With such relatively clean air throughout America , how can even reputable news agencies like Reuters continue spreading the well-worn lie that the United States is one of the “ biggest polluters ” in the world ? Rather than follow the time-tested practice used by the World Health Organization , which measures levels of disease-causing pollutants that get into people ’ s lungs , some have played a shell game , swapping a new measure of “ pollution ” based solely on emissions of carbon dioxide .
false dilemma
Rather than follow the time-tested practice used by the World Health Organization , which measures levels of disease-causing pollutants that get into people ’ s lungs , some have played a shell game , swapping a new measure of “ pollution ” based solely on emissions of carbon dioxide .
ad hominem
The problem with this ploy is that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant and it is dishonest to say it is .
CO2 is colorless , odorless and completely non-toxic . Plants depend on it to live and grow , and human beings draw some into their lungs with every breath they take to no ill effect whatsoever .
fallacy of logic
In the most recent WHO report on air pollution , the United States was listed as one of the countries with the cleanest air in the world , significantly cleaner in fact than the air in Germany , Italy , Switzerland , the UK , Japan , Austria and France . While France and other G7 countries lamented the U.S. exit from the Paris climate accord , America ’ s air is already cleaner than that of any other country in the G7 , except Canada with its scant population .
fallacy of relevance
Also , it is increasingly clear that the planet was significantly warmer than today several times during the past 10,000 years .
Also , it is increasingly clear that the planet was significantly warmer than today several times during the past 10,000 years .
fallacy of relevance
On a global scale , as scientists keep confirming , there has been no increase in frequency or intensity of storms , floods or droughts , while deaths attributed to such natural disasters have never been fewer , thanks to modern technology and infrastructure .
fallacy of relevance
On a global scale , as scientists keep confirming , there has been no increase in frequency or intensity of storms , floods or droughts , while deaths attributed to such natural disasters have never been fewer , thanks to modern technology and infrastructure .
It can not be what is happening to world temperatures , because they have gone up only very slowly , less than half as fast as the scientific consensus predicted in 1990 when the global-warming scare began in earnest .
Even with this year ’ s El Niño-boosted warmth threatening to break records , the world is barely half a degree Celsius ( 0.9 degrees Fahrenheit ) warmer than it was about 35 years ago .
Sea level continues its centuries-long slow rise—about a foot a century—with no sign of recent acceleration .
In February President Obama said , a little carelessly , that climate change is a greater threat than terrorism .
What precisely makes these world leaders so convinced that climate change is a more urgent and massive threat than the incessant rampages of Islamist violence ? It can not be what is happening to world temperatures , because they have gone up only very slowly , less than half as fast as the scientific consensus predicted in 1990 when the global-warming scare began in earnest .
Next week he will be in Paris , a city terrorized yet again by mass murderers , for a summit with other world leaders on climate change , not terrorism . What precisely makes these world leaders so convinced that climate change is a more urgent and massive threat than the incessant rampages of Islamist violence ? It can not be what is happening to world temperatures , because they have gone up only very slowly , less than half as fast as the scientific consensus predicted in 1990 when the global-warming scare began in earnest .
false dilemma