2 values
13 values
Unfortunately , because of back to back mass bleaching events , scientists are telling us that the massive , impressive Australian Great Barrier Reef is now at a ‘ terminal stage ’ —with large portions having no hope of recovery .
faulty generalization
Unfortunately , because of back to back mass bleaching events , scientists are telling us that the massive , impressive Australian Great Barrier Reef is now at a ‘ terminal stage ’ —with large portions having no hope of recovery .
Throughout history , there have only been four instances of this occurrence , and after such an event , it will take decades to recover .
In an interview with The Guardian , scientists note just how dire the situation is . “ We ’ ve given up , ” said Jon Brodie , a James Cook University water quality expert , who was referring to inaction on the part of the Australian government . “
It ’ s been my life managing water quality , we ’ ve failed . ”
Unfortunately , because of back to back mass bleaching events , scientists are telling us that the massive , impressive Australian Great Barrier Reef is now at a ‘ terminal stage ’ —with large portions having no hope of recovery .
appeal to emotion
Mahowald was n't apart of the study but told the AP that `` the new study makes sense and conveys the urgency of the man-made climate change differently than past research . ''
fallacy of credibility
In the next 50 years , somewhere between 1 to 3 billion people are expected to be inflicted with unbearable heat , according to the study .
Not only would this have devastating direct effects , it leaves societies less able to cope with future crises like new pandemics .
faulty generalization
By 2070 , that could be about a third of the overall global population at that time .
Greenhouse gas emissions have to be reduced so average annual temperatures do n't rise beyond the approximately 52 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit yearly average that humans have been able to thrive in for the past 6,000 years , USA Today reported .
fallacy of credibility
Not only would this have devastating direct effects , it leaves societies less able to cope with future crises like new pandemics .
appeal to emotion
Not only would this have devastating direct effects , it leaves societies less able to cope with future crises like new pandemics .
The latest study from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found that in the previous 15 years temperatures had risen 0.09 degrees Fahrenheit . The average of all models expected 0.8 degrees . So we ’ re seeing about 90 % less temperature rise than expected .
ad populum
We are often being told that we ’ re seeing more and more droughts , but a study published last March in the journal Nature actually shows a decrease in the world ’ s surface that has been afflicted by droughts since 1982 .
Yet the trend for landfalling typhoons around the Philippines has actually declined since 1950 , according to a study published in 2012 by the American Meteorological Society ’ s Journal of Climate .
fallacy of credibility
Yes , sea levels are rising , but the rise is not accelerating—if anything , two recent papers , one by Chinese scientists published in the January 2014 issue of Global and Planetary Change , and the other by U.S. scientists published in the May 2013 issue of Coastal Engineering , have shown a small decline in the rate of sea-level increase .
fallacy of credibility
If we adjust for population and wealth , hurricane damage during the period 1900-2013 decreased slightly .
ad populum
Climate projections also assume that planet Earth is not dynamic and that a temporary terrestrial vertebrate on an evolving planet can change major planetary and extraterrestrial systems .
fallacy of relevance
Even in our own lifetimes , there is no relationship between temperature and carbon dioxide emissions by ­humans , yet there is a very close relationship between solar activity and temperature .
faulty generalization
Even in our own lifetimes , there is no relationship between temperature and carbon dioxide emissions by ­humans , yet there is a very close relationship between solar activity and temperature .
false dilemma
Do we really believe that one bellowing fan in a crowd of 85,000 at the MCG can completely change the course of a game ?
fallacy of relevance
Do we really believe that one bellowing fan in a crowd of 85,000 at the MCG can completely change the course of a game ?
fallacy of logic
Since the beginning of time , water vapour has been the main greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide has had a minuscule effect on global climate .
fallacy of credibility
In the past , the atmospheric carbon dioxide content has been orders of magnitude higher than now , yet there were ice ages .
false causality
In the past , the atmospheric carbon dioxide content has been orders of magnitude higher than now , yet there were ice ages .
fallacy of logic
Horticulturalists pump warm carbon dioxide into glasshouses to stimulate growth .
fallacy of relevance
Without carbon dioxide , there would be no complex life on earth .
fallacy of relevance
It is neither pollution nor a poison , and in the past the atmospheric carbon dioxide content has varied enormously .
fallacy of credibility
As soon as the word emissions entered the language and became part of a religious ideology , electricity prices skyrocketed , electricity supply became more unreliable , subsidies for wind and solar energy went through the roof and employers and consumers had massive cost increases .
ad hominem
As soon as the word emissions entered the language and became part of a religious ideology , electricity prices skyrocketed , electricity supply became more unreliable , subsidies for wind and solar energy went through the roof and employers and consumers had massive cost increases .
false causality
Even if human-induced global warming could be shown , a reduction in Australian emissions , comprising 1.3 per cent of global annual emissions , is dwarfed by annual increases of 2 per cent globally and 4 per cent by China . Australia ’ s symbolic suicidal climate policy just makes everybody poorer .
Australia ’ s symbolic suicidal climate policy just makes everybody poorer .
appeal to emotion
For most of time , Earth has been a warm , wet volcanic planet with no polar ice .
fallacy of credibility
We are the envy of the world .
appeal to emotion
This is recognised by the major carbon dioxide emitters such as China , India and the US , which don ’ t comply . No EU state has met its target .
ad populum
It has yet to be shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive climate change .
More than 100 climate models over the past 30 years did not predict what actually happened because it was assumed carbon dioxide had the pivotal role in driving climate change and that the effects of clouds , back-radiation and the sun were trivial .
Even in our own lifetimes , there is no relationship between temperature and carbon dioxide emissions by ­humans , yet there is a very close relationship between solar activity and temperature .
Since the beginning of time , water vapour has been the main greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide has had a minuscule effect on global climate .
fallacy of logic
If the atmosphere comprised 85,000 molecules , the total carbon dioxide emissions added annually would be 33 molecules , of which only one molecule would be from human emissions and the other 32 from natural emissions .
faulty generalization
Why is it that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming yet natural emissions do not ?
Carbon dioxide is plant food .
fallacy of logic
Climate projections also assume that planet Earth is not dynamic and that a temporary terrestrial vertebrate on an evolving planet can change major planetary and extraterrestrial systems .
We are expected to believe that emission of traces of a trace gas into the atmosphere is a major planetary driving force .
faulty generalization
Do we really believe that one bellowing fan in a crowd of 85,000 at the MCG can completely change the course of a game ?
faulty generalization
For the past 4567 million years , the sun and the Earth ’ s orbit have driven climate change cycles .
If human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming , why have there been slight warmings and coolings since the Industrial Revolution ?
Over the past 30 years , planet Earth has greened due to a slight increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide .
In addition , when it was warm , life expanded , whereas when it was cold , life contracted . Over historical times , when it was cold there was human depopulation . When it was warm , economies thrived .
false causality
As soon as the word emissions entered the language and became part of a religious ideology , electricity prices skyrocketed , electricity supply became more unreliable , subsidies for wind and solar energy went through the roof and employers and consumers had massive cost increases .
faulty generalization
Trump ’ s other nominees , such as State Department nominee Rex Tillerson and Interior Department nominee Ryan Zinke , have been less dismissive of climate change in their confirmation hearings , acknowledging at least some human contribution to the phenomenon but also raising questions either about the extent to which it is human-caused or about our capacity to predict the consequences .
faulty generalization
The record comes two days before Donald Trump , who has tweeted that global warming is a “ hoax , ” assumes the presidency and , with it , control over the two science agencies that announced these records .
fallacy of extension
To the extent that the cost of weather disasters has risen over time , that is well known to be the result of modern society building more infrastructure in areas that are prone to damage from weather—which is almost everywhere .
This is because even if the countries of the world agree to do what they promised on climate change , and that climate change is entirely our fault , and that climate change really will ultimately get bad , the promised actions will have no measurable effect on future global temperatures .
fallacy of extension
So , until people actually experience climate change , and new energy technologies are developed , any claims by politicians that we are in a “ climate crisis ” will fall on deaf ears .
You see , many of those countries that have signed on to the Paris Agreement aren ’ t signing up to reduce carbon dioxide emissions . They are signing up for wealth transfers from the minority of advanced countries to the majority of poor countries .
appeal to emotion
Even the modern godfather of global warming , ex-NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies director James Hansen , has admitted that the Paris climate agreement is “ a fraud really , a fake. ”
fallacy of credibility
The amount of energy necessary for humans to do everything we do is simply too large . As that demand for energy grows , the amount of renewable energy also has to grow , just to maintain only a 15-20 % fraction of the total .
ad populum
And since the biggest risk to humanity is poverty , if we allow policymakers to have their way , the resulting energy poverty will indeed cause the deaths of some of our children and grandchildren .
appeal to emotion
Hillary Clinton and Al Gore spoke at Miami-Dade College on October 11 about the “ climate crisis ” that Gore has been trying to convince us about for 20 years .
Just as in Gore ’ s movie An Inconvenient Truth , weather disasters that have always occurred have been repurposed to support the climate change narrative , with the claim those disasters are getting worse .
But the observed warming as monitored by satellites ( our only truly global monitoring system ) has been only about half of what computerized climate models say should be happening .
ad populum
It has now , even after Hurricane Matthew , been over 4,000 days since a major hurricane ( Category 3 or stronger ) has made landfall in the U.S . Sea level rise , which was occurring long before humans could be blamed , has not accelerated and still amounts to only 1 inch every ten years .
ad populum
Sea level rise , which was occurring long before humans could be blamed , has not accelerated and still amounts to only 1 inch every ten years .
ad populum
Meanwhile , Chapman University has released a survey of the top ten issues Americans fear the most . Guess what ? Climate change didn ’ t make the list .
fallacy of credibility
Global warming and climate change , even if it is 100 % caused by humans , is so slow that it can not be observed by anyone in their lifetime .
Hurricanes , tornadoes , floods , droughts and other natural disasters have yet to show any obvious long-term change .
This means that in order for politicians to advance policy goals ( such as forcing expensive solar energy on the masses or creating a carbon tax ) , they have to turn normal weather disasters into “ evidence ” of climate change .
Furthermore , the overall increases in such things as hurricanes and tornadoes have not materialized . Drought in the western U.S. pales in comparison to the mega-droughts tree rings tell us existed in centuries past . Lake-bottom sediments in Florida tell us that recent major hurricane activity in the Gulf of Mexico has been less frequent than in centuries past . Strong Sandy-type storms occur every year in all the major ocean basins… they just don ’ t happen to hit major metropolitan areas .
If a major hurricane is approaching with a predicted storm surge of 10-14 feet , are you really going to worry about a sea level rise of 1 inch per decade ?
fallacy of relevance
So , to keep the masses alarmed , politicians must claim that what is normal is actually abnormal—and getting worse . And , furthermore , that only they can fix it … and thereby save your children and grandchildren .
ad hominem
Climate change didn ’ t make the list . Instead , corruption of politicians was the No . 1 worry .
false dilemma
Strong Sandy-type storms occur every year in all the major ocean basins… they just don ’ t happen to hit major metropolitan areas .
fallacy of logic
Sea level rise , which was occurring long before humans could be blamed , has not accelerated and still amounts to only 1 inch every ten years .
fallacy of relevance
If Hillary would have fact-checked her example of sea level rise in Norfolk , Virginia , she would have found out that the experts already know this is mostly due to the land there sinking .
ad hominem
To the extent that the cost of weather disasters has risen over time , that is well known to be the result of modern society building more infrastructure in areas that are prone to damage from weather—which is almost everywhere .
false dilemma
You see , many of those countries that have signed on to the Paris Agreement aren ’ t signing up to reduce carbon dioxide emissions . They are signing up for wealth transfers from the minority of advanced countries to the majority of poor countries .
So , until people actually experience climate change , and new energy technologies are developed , any claims by politicians that we are in a “ climate crisis ” will fall on deaf ears .
faulty generalization
Greenland 's ice sheet has melted to a point of no return , and efforts to slow global warming will not stop it from disintegrating .
false dilemma
Ice melting in Greenland contributes more than a millimeter rise to sea level every year , and that 's likely to get worse .
false causality
Greenland 's ice sheet has melted to a point of no return , and efforts to slow global warming will not stop it from disintegrating . That 's according to a new study by researchers at Ohio State University . ``
fallacy of credibility
Sea levels are projected to rise by more than 3 feet by the end of the century , wiping away beaches and coastal properties .
faulty generalization
Coastal states like Florida , and low-lying island nations are particularly vulnerable . Just 3 feet of sea level rise could put large areas of coastline underwater . Forty percent of the US population resides in coastal areas that are vulnerable to sea level rise . ``
The study also found that the ice sheet is retreating in rapid bursts , leading to a sudden and unpredictable rise in sea levels , making it difficult to prepare for the effects .
faulty generalization
As global warming pushes temperatures up , more people will die in heat waves ; a point emphasized by campaigners like UN climate chief , Christiana Figueres . What we don ’ t hear from her is that fewer people will die from cold .
fallacy of relevance
As the world develops , it has become much less vulnerable : a hurricane hitting Florida kills few people while a similar event in Guatemala kills tens of thousands .
ad populum
A recent Nature study expecting more severe hurricanes from global warming still found that damages would halve from 0.04 per cent to 0.02 per cent of global GDP , because the increased ferocity would be more than made up by increased prosperity and resilience .
ad populum
Yet , a new study of 60 climate models and scenarios shows this warning fails to take into account the fact that global warming will mean precipitation increases . Indeed , water flow will actually increase over this century , which is likely beneficial in increasing “ water availability in the Indus Basin irrigation scheme during the spring growing seasons . ” If our climate conversation managed to include the good along with the bad , we would have a much better understanding of our options .
A climate economics approach finds that today – contrary to the alarmists ’ massive insistence on negatives-only stories – global warming causes about as much damage as benefits .
fallacy of relevance
Over time , climate becomes a net problem : by the 2070s , the UN Climate Panel finds that global warming will likely cause damage equivalent to 0.2 per cent to 2 per cent of global GDP . This is certainly not a trivial cost , but nor is it the end of the world . It is perhaps half the social cost of alcohol today .
ad populum
The Paris climate treaty will cost around 2 per cent of global GDP and fix much less than a tenth of the problem .
ad populum
Electric cars provide perhaps a thousandth in climate benefit of their substantial public subsidies .
ad populum
Less effective but more ambitious climate policies cost at least 6 per cent of global GDP per year and likely much more .
ad populum
Last week , a study in the prestigious journal Nature revealed just how much CO₂ increases have greened the Earth over the past three decades . Because CO₂ acts as a fertilizer , as much as half of all vegetated land is persistently greener today .
fallacy of credibility
Similarly , we know that many more people die from cold than from heat .
fallacy of relevance
Because CO₂ acts as a fertilizer , as much as half of all vegetated land is persistently greener today . This ought to be a cause for great joy .
fallacy of logic
Many other major news outlets did not even report on the study .
ad populum
Only mentioning the negatives distorts and degrades the political conversation .
faulty generalization
Yet , a new study of 60 climate models and scenarios shows this warning fails to take into account the fact that global warming will mean precipitation increases .
fallacy of relevance