2 values
13 values
A smoke screen to cover the truth; a clue that is misleading or distracting.
fallacy of relevance
President Clinton being a moral man, being married and loving his daughter; talking about the Bible; going to church
Asking a respected scientist to weigh in on matters of economics is what fallacy?
fallacy of credibility
We think that Malltime will be a success because all little girls like shopping.
faulty generalization
Evolution is the idea that humans come from pond scum.
appeal to emotion
Katie likes to read and would rather do that than play sports. Her friends make fun of her and tell her that reading is for nerds. Katie stops reading so much and starts to play sports more.
ad populum
The research and reasoning that supposedly supports (or that supposedly discredits) this intervention are a joke. The researchers are people who are not methodologically sophisticated and there have been rumors--I have no idea whether they're true or not--that they faked some of the data. The advocates (or opponents) of this intervention are the worst kind of sloppy thinkers. They are fanatical adherents who already have their minds made up; they've become true believers in their cause. They make arguments only a stupid person would accept, and mistakes in reasoning that would make an undergrad psych major blush. These are not the kind of people who deserve to be taken seriously.
ad hominem
It occurs when someone makes an appeal to emotion of pity instead of addressing the argument.
appeal to emotion
Person 1: Bicycle infrastructure should be expanded because cycling is a sustainable mode of transportation. Person 2: We should not build bike lanes because cyclists run red lights and endanger pedestrians.
fallacy of extension
A commercial featuring starving children in Africa asking for donations to help provide food and clean water to those in need.
appeal to emotion
J: Cats are better than dogs. V: Dogs are better. J: You are a lazy person. You won't even be able to take care of a dog.
ad hominem
1. β€œiPhones are the best smartphones on the market because Apple makes the best smartphones.”
circular reasoning
My neighbor told me that the position of the sun, moon, and stars decide our personalities. I believe her because she is a famous violin player.
fallacy of credibility
Steve: In Sweden, college is free for citizens. How come we can't do that here? Ed: If you like Sweden so much, move there. The USA would be glad to be rid of your liberal ass!
ad hominem
Senator: I will vote to increase the defense budget. Public: Why don't you care about education?
fallacy of extension
Delores is a big supporter for equal pay for equal work. This is the same policy that all those extreme feminist groups support. Extremists like Delores should not be taken seriously -- at least politically.
faulty generalization
I've had bad luck for so long that I'm bound to have good luck now.
false causality
"Everyone who likes pizza likes pepperoni" is an example of
faulty generalization
If you don’t go to the party, then your friends will have fun without you. If your friends have fun without you, then they will stop inviting you to fun things. If your friends stop inviting you to fun things, you will have no social life. Therefore, if you don’t go to this party, then you will have no social life.
faulty generalization
When your parent asks you why you have a bad grade in math class, and you answer, "All teachers are the enemy!"
fallacy of relevance
"My roommate said her philosophy class was hard, and the one I'm in is hard, too. All philosophy classes must be hard!”
faulty generalization
No animals are insects. No insects are dogs. Therefore, no dogs are animals.
fallacy of logic
Claim: You can't give me a C in this course... Reason: ... Because I am an A student. Warrant: An A student is someone who can't receive Cs.
circular reasoning
an attempt to persuade the reader/audience based on feelings or emotions; emotional response
appeal to emotion
The economy continues to grow as the number of "likes" on my Instagram account continue to increase. Clearly, the two are linked.
false causality
All teachers drink coffee and teachers are people; therefore, all people drink coffee.
faulty generalization
Parents today would rather their kids suppress their identity rather than just be who they are even if it doesn't go with the norm.
faulty generalization
Charlie: Illegal posting and sharing of songs online is crippling the music industry. Bob: You couldn’t be more wrong; the music industry is doing just fine. I can’t believe you think the government should be allowed to regulate what I share with my β€œfriends.” No one wants a world where I can’t loan a book to my girlfriend, let my roommate borrow my iPod, or share a funny meme with my blog followers.
fallacy of extension
"I can't trust that doctor's advice on how to raise my child. He has never been a mother. This is an example of
ad hominem
in response to the claim that "Eating fast food is unhealthy": β€œBut I saw you eat a burger and fries for lunch only a few hours ago!"
ad hominem
Every time I wash my car, it rains the next day. My car washing definitely affects the weather.
false causality
Barbara believes the marketing agency's office is haunted. The cleaning crew once said they heard a other-worldly noise late at night. Since no one could prove that it wasn't a ghost, the office must be haunted.
Everyone loves Rebecca, because she is so popular.
faulty generalization
Victor, the company you work for just filed for bankruptcy! How can I trust you with our money?
faulty generalization
America: love it or leave it. Either you’re for us or against us.
false dilemma
β€œYou should always do what you are being told because following the rules is important.”
circular reasoning
"Avoid Latam Airlines. Their planes are always late" is what kind of fallacy?
faulty generalization
Since many of the students at St. Cloud State University get A's, St. Cloud State must be a top-rated school.
faulty generalization
He can't be a great athlete; he cheated on his wife.
ad hominem
Marco cusses a lot, so you can't listen to a thing he says. He's not a good guy.
ad hominem
My cousin Bob works as a mechanic at Oil Changers and he says that renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, aren't going to provide any help in fixing our nation's energy crisis.
fallacy of credibility
Morris: Oh youthful spirit, you have so much to learn. I know for a fact that there are multiple dimensions that beings occupy. Clifton: How can you possibly *know* that for a fact? Morris: (raises one eyebrow, stares deeply into the eyes of Clifton and says nothing) Clifton: Wow. You convinced me!
fallacy of relevance
You need to go to the party with me, otherwise you’ll just be bored at home.
false dilemma
Free trade will be good for this country. The reason is patently clear. Isn't it obvious that unrestricted commercial relations will bestow on all sections of this nation the benefits which result when there is an unimpeded flow of goods between countries?
circular reasoning
Animals tread softly upon the earth without shoes, so all other living beings should follow suit.
fallacy of credibility
The Volkswagen Beetle is an evil car because it was originally designed by Hitler’s army.
ad hominem
Recognising that Amanda had committed a fallacy in arguing that we should eat healthy food because a nutritionist said it was popular, Alyse said we should therefore eat bacon double cheeseburgers every day.
fallacy of logic
Valencia bought a different brand of detergent at the store. She developed a rash after wearing clothes washed in the new detergent. She concluded that she was allergic to the new soap. What type of reasoning is this?
false causality
surgeons have X-rays to guide them during an operation, lawyers have briefs to guide them during a trial, carpenters have blueprints to guide them when they are building a house. Why, then, shouldn’t students be allowed to look at their textbooks during an examination?
fallacy of logic
In June last year , a severe heatwave claimed over 1,000 lives in Karachi , Pakistan . Severe drought caused food shortages for millions of people in Ethiopia , with a lack of rainfall resulting in β€œ intense and widespread ” forest fires in Indonesia that belched out a vast quantity of greenhouse gas .
Diminishing sea ice is causing major walrus herds to haul themselves out on to land . Arctic marine species , such as snailfish and polar cod , are being pushed out of the region by species coming from further south , attracted to the warming waters . A huge algal bloom off the west coast of North America harmed marine life and fisheries .
A landmark report from the United Nations ’ scientific panel on climate change paints a far more dire picture of the immediate consequences of climate change than previously thought and says that avoiding the damage requires transforming the world economy at a speed and scale that has β€œ no documented historic precedent . ”
fallacy of credibility
The report β€œ is quite a shock , and quite concerning , ” said Bill Hare , an author of previous I.P.C.C . reports and a physicist with Climate Analytics , a nonprofit organization . β€œ We were not aware of this just a few years ago. ”
fallacy of credibility
The World Coal Association disputed the conclusion that stopping global warming calls for an end of coal use .
false dilemma
In a statement , Katie Warrick , its interim chief executive , noted that forecasts from the International Energy Agency , a global analysis organization , β€œ continue to see a role for coal for the foreseeable future . ”
fallacy of credibility
Refusing to approve the document would place the United States at odds with many nations and show it rejecting established academic science on the world stage .
appeal to emotion
β€œ Carbon taxes are political poison because they increase gas prices and electric rates , ” said Myron Ebell , who heads the energy program at the Competitive Enterprise Institute , an industry-funded Washington research organization , and who led the Trump administration ’ s transition at the Environmental Protection Agency .
In addition , it said , the United States along with Bangladesh , China , Egypt , India , Indonesia , Japan , the Philippines and Vietnam are home to 50 million people who will be exposed to the effects of increased coastal flooding by 2040 , if 2.7 degrees of warming occur .
At 3.6 degrees of warming , the report predicts a β€œ disproportionately rapid evacuation ” of people from the tropics . β€œ In some parts of the world , national borders will become irrelevant , ” said Aromar Revi , director of the Indian Institute for Human Settlements and an author of the report . β€œ You can set up a wall to try to contain 10,000 and 20,000 and one million people , but not 10 million . ”
faulty generalization
β€œ Welcome to climate chaos .
faulty generalization
β€œ Welcome to climate chaos .
Scribbler and Beckwith said the anomalies were most likely precipitated by man-made climate change , which caused the jet stream to slow down and create larger waves .
faulty generalization
Something that would absolutely not happen in a normal world .
fallacy of relevance
Meanwhile , Mr Beckwith confirmed the changes would usher in a sustained period of β€œ climate system mayhem ” which could prove difficult to resolve .
appeal to emotion
β€œ Welcome to climate chaos .
appeal to emotion
We must declare a global climate emergency .
appeal to emotion
There ’ s very strange things going on on planet Earth right now . ”
fallacy of logic
`` When I tell people what to expect , I say , 'Well , imagine the opening scene of The Sound of Music was filmed outside of Reno , Nevada , ' `` he says . ``
appeal to emotion
Some plants and wildlife , taking their thermal cue , have been able to adapt in kind . Some are thriving . Others are being left behind .
appeal to emotion
`` You can see it visually , '' says Rebecca Irwin , an ecologist from North Carolina State University . `` We have less flowers . ''
fallacy of relevance
`` When I tell people what to expect , I say , 'Well , imagine the opening scene of The Sound of Music was filmed outside of Reno , Nevada , ' `` he says . ``
faulty generalization
`` We are projecting that all of these meadows are going to look like that , '' Harte says , pointing to the gnarled plant . `` We are homogenizing the planet . ''
fallacy of relevance
But in other parts of Antarctica , similar shelves are holding back enormous amounts of ice , and scientists fear that their future collapse could dump enough ice into the ocean to raise the sea level by many feet .
appeal to emotion
He says `` contrary to what your political leader , professor , and newspaper tell you , global warming is dominated by natural factors .
ad populum
Osaka city authorities are investing in other infrastructure to mitigate the effects of flooding , but public education is also vital , according to Toshikazu Nakaaki of the Osaka municipal government ’ s environment bureau .
fallacy of relevance
But the same coastline that draws locals to its scenic vistas is threatening to slowly engulf the historic city as sea levels rise due to global warming .
appeal to emotion
Image modelling shows that swaths of Osaka – the commercial heart of a region whose GDP is almost as big as that of the Netherlands – would disappear beneath the water in a 3C world , threatening the local economy and almost a third of the wider region ’ s 19 million residents .
ad populum
As a result of global sea-level rise , storm surges and other factors , economists project that coastal flooding could put almost $ 1tn of Osaka ’ s assets at risk by the 2070s , according to the Union of Concerned Scientists .
ad populum
β€œ [ We ] still find ourselves in a situation where we are not doing nearly enough to save hundreds of millions of people from a miserable future , ” said Erik Solheim , the UN environment chief , ahead of the upcoming Bonn conference .
appeal to emotion
A domino-like cascade of melting ice , warming seas , shifting currents and dying forests could tilt the Earth into a β€œ hothouse ” state beyond which human efforts to reduce emissions will be increasingly futile , a group of leading climate scientists has warned .
faulty generalization
This grim prospect is sketched out in a journal paper that considers the combined consequences of 10 climate change processes , including the release of methane trapped in Siberian permafrost and the impact of melting ice in Greenland on the Antarctic .
appeal to emotion
Another climate scientist – who was not involved in the paper – emphasised the document aimed to raise questions rather than prove a theory . β€œ
fallacy of credibility
Dr. Broecker , who died in 2019 , famously warned : β€œ The climate system is an angry beast and we are poking it with sticks . ”
fallacy of logic
He points out that , in IPCC jargon , β€œ very unlikely ” translates to a probability of less than 10 percent . But if a nuclear reactor in your neighborhood had a less-than-10-percent likelihood of blowing up , he asked , β€œ would you be reassured ? ” β€œ We still don ’ t know how far away this threshold is where it could break down altogether , ” he said .
fallacy of logic
A rapid disintegration of Antarctica might , in the worst case , cause the sea to rise so fast that tens of millions of coastal refugees would have to flee inland , potentially straining societies to the breaking point .
ad populum
Because the collapse of vulnerable parts of the ice sheet could raise the sea level dramatically , the continued existence of the world ’ s great coastal cities β€” Miami , New York , Shanghai and many more β€” is tied to Antarctica ’ s fate .
appeal to emotion
Recent computer forecasts suggest that if greenhouse gas emissions continue at a high level , parts of Antarctica could break up rapidly , causing the ocean to rise six feet or more by the end of this century . That is double the maximum increase that an international climate panel projected only four years ago .
ad populum
Extremely hot days , when temperatures soar to 95 degrees Fahrenheit or higher , can be miserable .
appeal to emotion
By 2100 , Washington could swelter in 95-degree weather for fully one-fifth of the year β€” around 74 days , on average .
Forget what global warming activists would lead you to believe – 2015 was not even close to the hottest year on record .
fallacy of logic
18 years after 1998 , global warming still has not created the runaway warming we were told to expect .
ad populum
As I recently reported at , a study presented last month at the American Geophysical Union found that well-sited and well-maintained stations report significantly less warming than the surface station network as a whole . Government overseers collect the raw temperature data from the full network of surface stations and then produce temperature summaries for public distribution .
fallacy of credibility
Forget what global warming activists would lead you to believe – 2015 was not even close to the hottest year on record .
fallacy of relevance
A record El Nino resulting in less-than-record temperatures is another sign that global warming is not all that activists crack it up to be .
false causality
With a record El Nino , we should have experienced record high temperatures . Yet we didn ’ t .
faulty generalization
Global warming activists do not extend β€œ the record ” back any further , they say , because it has only been since the late 1800s that we have had a global network of mercury thermometers .
faulty generalization
Update Jan. 25 , 2016 : As I predicted in this article , global warming activists have indeed made a full-blown public relations effort to claim 2015 was the warmest year on record .
ad hominem
Instead , and remarkably , government overseers adjust the data to add more recent warming than is being reported in the raw temperature readings .
faulty generalization
Only after government overseers make these highly suspect adjustments are temperature β€œ records ” capable of showing anything approaching record warmth .
ad hominem
If that ’ s not enough , it has the distinction of being the largest living structure on the planet .
faulty generalization