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Next week he will be in Paris , a city terrorized yet again by mass murderers , for a summit with other world leaders on climate change , not terrorism .
fallacy of relevance
Also , it is increasingly clear that the planet was significantly warmer than today several times during the past 10,000 years .
fallacy of credibility
They say there is great uncertainty , and they reflected this uncertainty in their fifth and latest assessment for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) .
An important factor in the fires of the past week was that people are building homes in areas that are naturally prone to wildfires , or where naturally dry conditions mean that the kinds of building materials and vegetation that people prefer to use in cities and suburbs are a fire hazard .
However , climate scientists are more skeptical , noting that climate change could be one of a variety of factors .
And last month , Brown told a conference at the Vatican that the world needed β€œ brain washing ” on climate change .
California Governor Jerry Brown blamed climate change for the California fires that have devastated the state this fall during a visit to assess the damage in Ventura County on Saturday .
false causality
We have to have the resources to combat the fires , and also have to invest in managing our vegetation and forests and all the ways we dwell in this very wonderful place β€” but a place that ’ s getting hotter . ”
appeal to emotion
And last month , Brown told a conference at the Vatican that the world needed β€œ brain washing ” on climate change .
fallacy of relevance
Once a year or so , journalists from major news outlets travel to the Marshall Islands , a remote chain of volcanic islands and coral atolls in the Pacific Ocean , to report in panicked tones that the island nation is vanishing because of climate change .
Once a year or so , journalists from major news outlets travel to the Marshall Islands , a remote chain of volcanic islands and coral atolls in the Pacific Ocean , to report in panicked tones that the island nation is vanishing because of climate change .
fallacy of extension
Acknowledging this doesn ’ t mean that global warming isn ’ t real , or that world leaders and scientists shouldn ’ t tackle the adverse effects of climate change , but hype and exaggeration serve no one .
fallacy of extension
Research shows that this process is overpowering the erosion from sea-level rise , leading to net land-area gain .
fallacy of credibility
In its 2015 human-rights report on the island nation , the U.S. State Department said that significant problems include β€œ chronic government corruption , and chronic domestic violence , ” along with β€œ child abuse , sex trafficking , and lack of legal provisions protecting worker ’ s rights. ”
ad hominem
Some 52.7 % of the Marshall Islands population lives below the poverty line , according to the Asian Development Bank . Only 39.3 % of the population age 15 years and above is employed .
ad hominem
It will slow the world ’ s economic growth to force a shift to inefficient green energy sources .
fallacy of extension
My peer-reviewed research , published last November in the journal Global Policy , shows that even if every nation were to fulfill all their carbon-cutting promises by 2030 and stick to them all the way through the centuryβ€”at a cost of more than $ 100 trillion in lost GDPβ€”global temperature rise would be reduced by a tiny 0.3Β°F ( 0.17Β°C ) .
ad populum
Instead of simply mandating less carbon output , we need more R & D spending on green energy , including more efficient fission and fusion , cheaper solar and wind , and improved storage . New technology is crucial if green energy is to out-compete fossil fuels .
Tackling issues like poverty , health care , corruption and domestic violence would do even more .
fallacy of relevance
At a cost of between $ 1 trillion and $ 2 trillion annually , the Paris climate agreement , recently ratified by China , is likely to be history ’ s most expensive treaty .
appeal to emotion
It is understandable why Marshall Island leaders might prefer to talk about global warming .
ad hominem
Telling viewers in the U.S. starkly that they ’ re β€œ making this island disappear , ” as a report from CNN ’ s John Sutter did in June 2015 , makes for good , blame-laden television .
appeal to emotion
The polar bear ’ s resilience should have meant the end of its use as a cherished icon of global warming doom , but it didn ’ t . The alarmism is not going away without a struggle .
My close examination of recent research has revealed that serious inconsistencies exist within the polar bear literature and between that literature and public statements made by some researchers .
fallacy of credibility
More food for seals in summer means more fat seal pups for polar bears to eat the following spring , a result that ’ s probably true throughout the Arctic . As long as polar bears have lots of baby seals to eat in spring , they get fat enough to survive even a longer-than-usual summer fast .
faulty generalization
And while it ’ s true that studies in some regions show polar bears are lighter in weight than they were in the 1980s , there is no evidence that more individuals are starving to death or becoming too thin to reproduce because of less summer ice .
Some cancers induce a muscle-wasting syndrome that leads to faster-than-usual weight loss . This is likely what happened to the emaciated Baffin Island bear captured on video in July 2017 and promoted by National Geographic late last year .
faulty generalization
The videographers claimed it showed what starvation due to sea-ice loss looked like β€” an implausible conclusion given the time of year , the isolated nature of the incident , and the fact that sea ice that year was no more reduced than previously .
fallacy of relevance
The failure of the 2007 polar bear survival model is a simple fact that explodes the myth that polar bears are on their way to extinction .
fallacy of logic
My close examination of recent research has revealed that serious inconsistencies exist within the polar bear literature and between that literature and public statements made by some researchers .
fallacy of relevance
More food for seals in summer means more fat seal pups for polar bears to eat the following spring , a result that ’ s probably true throughout the Arctic . As long as polar bears have lots of baby seals to eat in spring , they get fat enough to survive even a longer-than-usual summer fast .
false causality
This is likely what happened to the emaciated Baffin Island bear captured on video in July 2017 and promoted by National Geographic late last year .
faulty generalization
Although the extent of the summer sea ice after 2006 dropped abruptly to levels not expected until 2050 , the predicted 67-per-cent decline in polar bear numbers simply didn ’ t happen .
fallacy of extension
One reason that the 2007 predictions of future polar bear survival were so far off base is that the model developed by American biologist Steven Amstrup ( now at Polar Bears International , an NGO ) assumed any polar bear population decline would be caused by less summer ice , despite the Beaufort Sea experience .
fallacy of credibility
This increase may not be statistically significant , but it is decidedly not the 67-per-cent decline that was predicted given the ice conditions that prevailed .
fallacy of relevance
Prof Tim Benton at the University of Leeds , who was not part of the research team , said : β€œ Ultimately , we live on a finite planet , with finite resources .
fallacy of credibility
Prof Peter Smith at the University of Aberdeen , who was also not part of the research team , said : β€œ We know food choices are very personal , and that behaviour change can be difficult to encourage , but the evidence is now unequivocal – we need to change our diets if we are to have a sustainable future .
fallacy of credibility
The research also finds that enormous changes to farming are needed to avoid destroying the planet ’ s ability to feed the 10 billion people expected to be on the planet in a few decades .
appeal to emotion
The research also finds that enormous changes to farming are needed to avoid destroying the planet ’ s ability to feed the 10 billion people expected to be on the planet in a few decades .
This trajectory would smash critical environmental limits beyond which humanity will struggle to live , the new research indicates . β€œ
faulty generalization
Huge reductions in meat-eating are essential to avoid dangerous climate change , according to the most comprehensive analysis yet of the food system ’ s impact on the environment .
appeal to emotion
It ’ s a big enough deal that yesterday President Obama even tweeted about it , including a map showing the maximum heat index in some parts of the Midwest and Southeast reaching 110 or 115 degrees on Saturday .
fallacy of credibility
Well the answer is , it ’ s both , ” said Texas Tech University climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe on a press call Thursday . β€œ We get heat waves naturally , but climate change is amping them up , it ’ s giving them that extra energy , to make them even more serious , and have even greater impacts . ”
false dilemma
A new National Academies study suggests that β€˜ heat waves ’ may be one of the primary climate change markers like home runs were in baseball . ”
faulty generalization
They may not have science on their side , but those who claim either that climate change is n't real or say it 's not a big problem have a lot of money and media platforms .
faulty generalization
That combination is deadly : thanks to sea-level rise due to climate change , flooding is going to get much worse .
appeal to emotion
In other words , record-breaking temperatures this year are specifically from El NiΓ±o , but the general increase in global temperatures is part of the trend due to climate change .
fallacy of logic
Climatology Professor David Legates adds , β€œ In twelve years it ’ ll be 12 more years . ”
fallacy of relevance
β€œ You acknowledge though the water is rising ? ” asks Stossel .
So many years ago , the Dutch built dikes to prevent flooding .
fallacy of relevance
Pat Michaels , former president of the American Association of State Climatologists , says , β€œ It 's warmed up around one degree Celsius since 1900 , and life expectancy DOUBLED … yet [ if ] that temperature ticks up another half a degree … the entire system crashes ? That 's the most absurd belief . ''
fallacy of logic
The 3 scientists argue that even if the planet warms by 5 degrees , humans can adjust .
false dilemma
It wouldn ’ t stop global warming but : β€œ You ’ ll sure have an impoverished dark country.
It ’ s hard to believe they are when so many serious people are so worried . I wish there were a real debate !
ad hominem
Legates interjects , β€œ Yes , the water has been rising for approximately 20,000 years . ”
Well , not a debate … because climate alarmists who were invited didn ’ t show .
ad hominem
Pat Michaels , former president of the American Association of State Climatologists , says , β€œ It 's warmed up around one degree Celsius since 1900 , and life expectancy DOUBLED … yet [ if ] that temperature ticks up another half a degree … the entire system crashes ? That 's the most absurd belief . ''
It wouldn ’ t stop global warming but : β€œ You ’ ll sure have an impoverished dark country. ” he continues .
false dilemma
I wish there were a real debate !
This means that thousands of peopleβ€”and perhaps tens of thousands of peopleβ€”are facing a terrifying and all-too-real struggle to survive right now .
appeal to emotion
In the past 30 years of records , no storms west of Florida have intensified in the last 12 hours before landfall .
ad populum
Interstates are under feet of water , local authorities have asked boat owners to join rescue efforts , and most of the streams and rivers near the city are in flood stage .
appeal to emotion
The earth is 15 years from a period of low solar activity similar to that last seen during the `` mini ice-age '' of the 17th century , when the Thames froze .
β€’ Fiddling with temperature data is biggest science scandal ever ( 31,000 comments )
In England during this `` Little Ice Age '' , River
In the winter of 1683-84 the Thames froze over for seven weeks , during which it was `` passable by foot '' , according to historical records .
fallacy of relevance
The earth is 15 years from a period of low solar activity similar to that last seen during the `` mini ice-age '' of the 17th century , when the Thames froze .
The earth is 15 years from a period of low solar activity similar to that last seen during the `` mini ice-age '' of the 17th century , when the Thames froze .
false causality
Maunder minimum , indicating low sunspot activity , was the name given to the period between 1645 and 1715 , when Europe and North America experienced very cold winters .
false causality
In 2012 , Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter , β€œ The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing noncompetitive . ”
false causality
Temperatures are heading toward levels that many experts believe will pose a profound threat to both the natural world and to human civilization .
fallacy of credibility
The U.S. government is at it again , hyping meaningless records in a parameter that does not exist in order to frighten us about something that doesn ’ t matter .
fallacy of extension
NOAA claims an uncertainty of 14 one-hundredths of a degree in its temperature averages , or near twice the amount by which they say the record was set .
ad populum
Such misrepresentations are now commonplace in NOAA and NASA announcements . They are regularly proclaiming monthly and yearly records set by less than the uncertainties in the measurements .
Temperature , like viscosity and density , and of course phone numbers , is not something that can be meaningfully averaged . β€œ Global temperature ” does not exist .
There is no super-sized being straddling the planet , feeling global averages in temperature . Global warming does not matter .
fallacy of relevance
Future generations are bound to ask why America closed its coal-fueled generating stations , its cheapest , most plentiful source of electric power , and wasted billions of dollars trying to stop insignificant changes in imaginary phenomena .
appeal to emotion
As Jay Lehr , science director of the Chicago-based Heartland Institute said , β€œ It is a scam that dwarfs all others that have come before . ”
fallacy of credibility
The U.S. government is at it again , hyping meaningless records in a parameter that does not exist in order to frighten us about something that doesn ’ t matter .
So , the new temperature records are meaningless .
fallacy of extension
In the final analysis , it is no more meaningful to calculate an average temperature for a whole planet than it is to calculate the average telephone number in the Washington D.C. phone book .
fallacy of extension
No one and nothing would experience it directly since we all live in regions , not the globe .
Future generations are bound to ask why America closed its coal-fueled generating stations , its cheapest , most plentiful source of electric power , and wasted billions of dollars trying to stop insignificant changes in imaginary phenomena .
appeal to emotion
Even if enough accurate surface temperature measurements existed to ensure reasonable planetary coverage ( it doesn ’ t ) and to calculate some sort of global temperature statistic , interpreting its significance would be challenging .
circular reasoning
For some groups of close temperature measures ( and NASA and NOAA are dealing with thousands of very close temperatures ) , one method of calculating an average can lead to a determination of warming while another can lead to a conclusion of cooling .
It gives you that nagging feeling that maybe global warming is real after all .
appeal to emotion
There 's something about a warm February day that reminds you that something just is n't right .
appeal to emotion
A Republican congressman from Colorado , Ken Buck , recently called one military proposal part of a β€œ radical climate change agenda . ”
ad hominem
β€œ We ’ re putting enough heat in the ocean to send water over us , no question , ” Dr. Stoddard said . β€œ Ultimately , we give up and we leave .
appeal to emotion
The sea has crept up to the point that a high tide and a brisk wind are all it takes to send water pouring into streets and homes .
faulty generalization
β€œ I ’ m a Republican , but I also realize , by any objective analysis , the sea level is rising , ” said Jason Buelterman , the mayor of tiny Tybee Island , one of the first Georgia communities to adopt a detailed climate plan .
fallacy of credibility
They are pleading with state and federal governments for guidance and help , including billions to pay for flood walls , pumps and road improvements that would buy them time . Yet Congress has largely ignored these pleas , and has even tried to block plans by the military to head off future problems at the numerous bases imperiled by a rising sea .
appeal to emotion
A Republican congressman from Colorado , Ken Buck , recently called one military proposal part of a β€œ radical climate change agenda . ”
fallacy of credibility
As the problem worsens , experts are warning that national security is on the line . Naval bases , in particular , are threatened ; they can hardly be moved away from the ocean , yet much of their land is at risk of disappearing within this century .
fallacy of relevance
It ’ s a slow , gradual attack , but it threatens the safety and security of the United States . ”
faulty generalization
It ’ s a slow , gradual attack , but it threatens the safety and security of the United States . ”
faulty generalization
β€œ I believe it because we ’ re living it , ” Ms. Speights said as she sat on her sofa , nodding toward the nearby tidal marsh that sent water into her living room . β€œ The water has to be rising if we never flooded , and all of a sudden we ’ ve flooded three times in eight years . ”
fallacy of relevance
As the national response lags , experts warn that the flooding is putting the country ’ s defense at risk .
appeal to emotion
β€œ When we distract our military with a radical climate change agenda , we detract from their main purpose of defending America from enemies ” like the Islamic State , said Mr. Buck of Colorado , the Republican congressman who sponsored the measure .
faulty generalization
β€œ When we distract our military with a radical climate change agenda , we detract from their main purpose of defending America from enemies ” like the Islamic State , said Mr. Buck of Colorado , the Republican congressman who sponsored the measure .
fallacy of relevance