2 values
13 values
No genuine environmentalist could honestly support subsidised wind turbines that despoil the scenery , slice and dice birds and bats , damage human health and spread toxins .
No genuine environmentalist could honestly support subsidised wind turbines that despoil the scenery , slice and dice birds and bats , damage human health and spread toxins .
appeal to emotion
Unless the laws of physics are changed , solar power can not be made more efficient .
Ice core drilling shows that 800 years after natural warming , the atmosphere increases in carbon dioxide . The zenith of the Little Ice Age was 300 years ago and since then we have slightly warmed and cooled during a long-term warming trend . Instrumental temperature measurements over the past 150 years show no correlation between human emissions of CO2 and Β­temperature . On all timescales it can be shown that there is no correlation between CO2 emissions and global warming .
fallacy of logic
In the corporate world , if a loss is β€œ homoΒ­genised ” to a profit , it is fraud .
fallacy of logic
This is not environmentalism .
It is power over people by unelected activists , often Β­funded from outside Australia .
fallacy of relevance
Solar facilities result in the clearing and environmental degradation of huge acreages and depositing of toxins .
fallacy of logic
No wonder Spain went broke .
false causality
The subsidies for wind and solar power and the must-take mandate have attracted all sorts of dodgy enterprises , lickspittles and carpetbaggers to the renewable energy honey pot .
ad hominem
The National Energy Market was the nail in the coffin and , after 40 years of falling electricity costs and a reliable grid , Australia now has energy poverty and destruction of businesses . Electricity is not a luxury ; it is a necessity for any civilised society .
false causality
Electricity is not a luxury ; it is a necessity for any civilised society .
fallacy of relevance
As soon as the words emissions , climate change and Paris are used , you know you are being conned and that the world ’ s biggest scam will continue .
As soon as the words emissions , climate change and Paris are used , you know you are being conned and that the world ’ s biggest scam will continue .
ad hominem
I fear there will be years of Β­increasing pain before there is enough political courage to bring Australia to what it had in the past : cheap , reliable employment-generating electricity .
fallacy of credibility
Global human emissions are only 3 per cent of total annual emissions .
It has never been shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming .
In the geological past , Earth ’ s atmosphere had hundreds of times the CO2 content of the modern atmosphere yet there were no carbon dioxide-driven catastrophes .
fallacy of relevance
In the geological past , Earth ’ s atmosphere had hundreds of times the CO2 content of the modern atmosphere yet there were no carbon dioxide-driven catastrophes .
The past shows that climate change is normal , that warmer times and more atmospheric carbon dioxide have driven biodiversity and that cold times kill .
fallacy of credibility
The past shows that climate change is normal , that warmer times and more atmospheric carbon dioxide have driven biodiversity and that cold times kill .
Instrumental temperature measurements over the past 150 years show no correlation between human emissions of CO2 and Β­temperature . On all timescales it can be shown that there is no correlation between CO2 emissions and global warming .
On all timescales it can be shown that there is no correlation between CO2 emissions and global warming .
Without correlation , there can be no causation .
Australia remains the only G20 country with no nuclear power yet has 30 per cent of the planet ’ s in-ground uranium , mainly in South Australia .
Construction and maintenance of wind and solar facilities Β­release far more carbon dioxide than they are meant to save over their working lives and they need to be supΒ­ported 24/7 by coal-fired generators .
Australia ’ s signed a suicide note yet didn ’ t seem to notice that China , India , Indonesia and the US did not commit to reducing their large carbon dioxide emissions .
Australia ’ s energy policy is based on the fallacious assumption that human emissions of CO2 drive global warming .
The grasslands , crops , forests and territorial waters of Australia absorb more carbon dioxide than Australia emits . Australia should demand the Paris Accord shell out some of the billions sloshing around in the climate business .
Cooling trends have been β€œ homogenised ” to warming trends .
No genuine environmentalist could honestly support subsidised wind turbines that despoil the scenery , slice and dice birds and bats , damage human health and spread toxins .
fallacy of extension
As soon as the words emissions , climate change and Paris are used , you know you are being conned and that the world ’ s biggest scam will continue .
ad hominem
Unless the laws of physics are changed , solar power can not be made more efficient .
fallacy of extension
Worst-case global heating scenarios may need to be revised upwards in light of a better understanding of the role of clouds , scientists have said .
fallacy of credibility
Recent modelling data suggests the climate is considerably more sensitive to carbon emissions than previously believed , and experts said the projections had the potential to be β€œ incredibly alarming ” , though they stressed further research would be needed to validate the new numbers .
faulty generalization
Compared with the last assessment in 2014 , 25 % of them show a sharp upward shift from 3C to 5C in climate sensitivity – the amount of warming projected from a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide from the preindustrial level of 280 parts per million .
Now , we are suddenly starting to see big climate models on the best supercomputers showing things could be worse than we thought . ”
faulty generalization
Compared with the last assessment in 2014 , 25 % of them show a sharp upward shift from 3C to 5C in climate sensitivity – the amount of warming projected from a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide from the preindustrial level of 280 parts per million .
β€œ Clouds will determine humanity ’ s fate – whether climate is an existential threat or an inconvenience that we will learn to live with , ” said Palmer . β€œ Most recent models suggest clouds will make matters worse . ”
faulty generalization
Recent modelling data suggests the climate is considerably more sensitive to carbon emissions than previously believed , and experts said the projections had the potential to be β€œ incredibly alarming ” , though they stressed further research would be needed to validate the new numbers .
Worst-case projections in excess of 5C have been generated by several of the world ’ s leading climate research bodies , including the UK Met Office ’ s Hadley Centre and the EU ’ s Community Earth System Model .
People asked whether there was a bug in the code , ” he said . β€œ But it boiled down to relatively small changes in the way clouds are represented in the models . ”
appeal to emotion
β€œ The more we learn , the more fragile the Earth system seems to be and the faster we need to move , ” he said . β€œ
fallacy of logic
You can say this for bleeding-heart liberals : They certainly have a flair for the ironic .
ad hominem
An expedition designed to gather evidence of global warming and β€œ climate change ” in the Arctic was canceled last month after a humiliating discovery was made :
There was so much ice in the Arctic that the icebreaker it was going to use was needed elsewhere .
false dilemma
It ’ s the return of left-leaning scientists ’ famous nemesis , β€œ Reality. ”
ad hominem
β€œ There was the Ship of Fools expedition in which an Australian climate researcher called Chris Turkey had to call an expedition to the melting Antarctic after his ship got stuck in the ice , ” recalled Breitbart News contributor James Delingpole .
β€œ The Caitlin Expedition – supported by the Prince of Wales – in which Pen Haddow and his team had to abandon their trip to the North Pole because it was colder than they ’ d expected , ” he continued .
ad hominem
Have you noticed a trend ?
ad hominem
Recognizing that skepticism and asking challenging questions are part of good science , yet climate change radicals have made their politically fueled narrative more important than the truth .
fallacy of extension
The problem with the proponents of man-made climate change theories isn ’ t that they might be wrong . The real issue is the arrogance and zealotry found in people who see science not as an ongoing process , but as a religion .
fallacy of extension
You can say this for bleeding-heart liberals : They certainly have a flair for the ironic .
ad hominem
An expedition designed to gather evidence of global warming and β€œ climate change ” in the Arctic was canceled last month after a humiliating discovery was made : There was so much ice in the Arctic that the icebreaker it was going to use was needed elsewhere .
fallacy of extension
It ’ s the return of left-leaning scientists ’ famous nemesis , β€œ Reality. ”
fallacy of relevance
β€œ There was the Ship of Fools expedition in which an Australian climate researcher called Chris Turkey had to call an expedition to the melting Antarctic after his ship got stuck in the ice , ” recalled Breitbart News contributor James Delingpole .
fallacy of logic
The real issue is the arrogance and zealotry found in people who see science not as an ongoing process , but as a religion .
ad hominem
The simple fact is , humans know very little about the climate cycles of our world .
fallacy of logic
Recognizing that skepticism and asking challenging questions are part of good science , yet climate change radicals have made their politically fueled narrative more important than the truth .
ad hominem
It looks like the Arctic Ocean missed the memo and isn ’ t playing along with the liberal talking points .
circular reasoning
It looks like the Arctic Ocean missed the memo and isn ’ t playing along with the liberal talking points .
ad hominem
If your anxiety about global warming is dominated by fears of sea-level rise , you are barely scratching the surface of what terrors are possible , even within the lifetime of a teenager today .
appeal to emotion
When it thaws and is released , that carbon may evaporate as methane , which is 34 times as powerful a greenhouse-gas warming blanket as carbon dioxide when judged on the timescale of a century ; when judged on the timescale of two decades , it is 86 times as powerful .
false dilemma
Over the past decades , our culture has gone apocalyptic with zombie movies and Mad Max dystopias , perhaps the collective result of displaced climate anxiety , and yet when it comes to contemplating real-world warming dangers , we suffer from an incredible failure of imagination .
ad populum
Most people talk as if Miami and Bangladesh still have a chance of surviving ; most of the scientists I spoke with assume we ’ ll lose them within the century , even if we stop burning fossil fuel in the next decade .
faulty generalization
But the many sober-minded scientists I interviewed over the past several months β€” the most credentialed and tenured in the field , few of them inclined to alarmism and many advisers to the IPCC who nevertheless criticize its conservatism β€” have quietly reached an apocalyptic conclusion , too :
fallacy of credibility
At four degrees , the deadly European heat wave of 2003 , which killed as many as 2,000 people a day , will be a normal summer .
appeal to emotion
Of course , heat stress promises to pummel us in places other than our kidneys , too .
appeal to emotion
As the BBC reported in May , scientists suspect smallpox and the bubonic plague are trapped in Siberian ice , too β€” an abridged history of devastating human sickness , left out like egg salad in the Arctic sun .
fallacy of relevance
You don ’ t worry much about dengue or malaria if you are living in Maine or France . But as the tropics creep northward and mosquitoes migrate with them , you will .
appeal to emotion
A planet five degrees warmer would have at least half again as many wars as we do today .
false causality
The scale of that economic devastation is hard to comprehend , but you can start by imagining what the world would look like today with an economy half as big , which would produce only half as much value , generating only half as much to offer the workers of the world .
fallacy of extension
Ocean acidification will fry fish populations directly , too , though scientists aren ’ t yet sure how to predict the effects on the stuff we haul out of the ocean to eat ; they do know that in acid waters , oysters and mussels will struggle to grow their shells , and that when the pH of human blood drops as much as the oceans ’ pH has over the past generation , it induces seizures , comas , and sudden death .
false causality
Carbon absorption can initiate a feedback loop in which underoxygenated waters breed different kinds of microbes that turn the water still more β€œ anoxic , ” first in deep ocean β€œ dead zones , ” then gradually up toward the surface .
false causality
This process , in which dead zones grow like cancers , choking off marine life and wiping out fisheries , is already quite advanced in parts of the Gulf of Mexico and just off Namibia , where hydrogen sulfide is bubbling out of the sea along a thousand-mile stretch of land known as the β€œ Skeleton Coast. ”
appeal to emotion
The strongest hurricanes will come more often , and we ’ ll have to invent new categories with which to describe them ; tornadoes will grow longer and wider and strike much more frequently , and hail rocks will quadruple in size .
appeal to emotion
The strongest hurricanes will come more often , and we ’ ll have to invent new categories with which to describe them ; tornadoes will grow longer and wider and strike much more frequently , and hail rocks will quadruple in size .
appeal to emotion
And yet the swelling seas β€” and the cities they will drown β€” have so dominated the picture of global warming , and so overwhelmed our capacity for climate panic , that they have occluded our perception of other threats , many much closer at hand .
appeal to emotion
Rising oceans are bad , in fact very bad ; but fleeing the coastline will not be enough .
fallacy of logic
Indeed , absent a significant adjustment to how billions of humans conduct their lives , parts of the Earth will likely become close to uninhabitable , and other parts horrifically inhospitable , as soon as the end of this century . Even when we train our eyes on climate change , we are unable to comprehend its scope .
fallacy of logic
This past winter , a string of days 60 and 70 degrees warmer than normal baked the North Pole , melting the permafrost that encased Norway ’ s Svalbard seed vault β€” a global food bank nicknamed β€œ Doomsday , ” designed to ensure that our agriculture survives any catastrophe , and which appeared to have been flooded by climate change less than ten years after being built .
fallacy of relevance
In other words , we have , trapped in Arctic permafrost , twice as much carbon as is currently wrecking the atmosphere of the planet , all of it scheduled to be released at a date that keeps getting moved up , partially in the form of a gas that multiplies its warming power 86 times over .
ad populum
Or the news from Antarctica this past May , when a crack in an ice shelf grew 11 miles in six days , then kept going ; the break now has just three miles to go β€” by the time you read this , it may already have met the open water , where it will drop into the sea one of the biggest icebergs ever , a process known poetically as β€œ calving . ”
faulty generalization
It is unlikely that all of these warming scenarios will be fully realized , largely because the devastation along the way will shake our complacency .
appeal to emotion
This article is the result of dozens of interviews and exchanges with climatologists and researchers in related fields and reflects hundreds of scientific papers on the subject of climate change .
fallacy of credibility
Most people talk as if Miami and Bangladesh still have a chance of surviving ; most of the scientists I spoke with assume we ’ ll lose them within the century , even if we stop burning fossil fuel in the next decade .
fallacy of credibility
The IPCC reports also don ’ t fully account for the albedo effect ( less ice means less reflected and more absorbed sunlight , hence more warming ) ; more cloud cover ( which traps heat ) ; or the dieback of forests and other flora ( which extract carbon from the atmosphere ) .
The last time the planet was even four degrees warmer , Peter Brannen points out in The Ends of the World , his new history of the planet ’ s major extinction events , the oceans were hundreds of feet higher . * The Earth has experienced five mass extinctions before the one we are living through now , each so complete a slate-wiping of the evolutionary record it functioned as a resetting of the planetary clock , and many climate scientists will tell you they are the best analog for the ecological future we are diving headlong into .
ad populum
The Earth has experienced five mass extinctions before the one we are living through now , each so complete a slate-wiping of the evolutionary record it functioned as a resetting of the planetary clock , and many climate scientists will tell you they are the best analog for the ecological future we are diving headlong into .
faulty generalization
That is what Wallace Smith Broecker , the avuncular oceanographer who coined the term β€œ global warming , ” means when he calls the planet an β€œ angry beast. ” You could also go with β€œ war machine. ” Each day we arm it more .
faulty generalization
At seven degrees of warming , that would become impossible for large portions of the planet ’ s equatorial band , and especially the tropics , where humidity adds to the problem ; in the jungles of Costa Rica , for instance , where humidity routinely tops 90 percent , simply moving around outside when it ’ s over 105 degrees Fahrenheit would be lethal .
faulty generalization
Peter Ward , a charismatic paleontologist among those responsible for discovering that the planet ’ s mass extinctions were caused by greenhouse gas , calls this the β€œ Great Filter ” : β€œ Civilizations rise , but there ’ s an environmental filter that causes them to die off again and disappear fairly quickly , ” he told me . β€œ If you look at planet Earth , the filtering we ’ ve had in the past has been in these mass extinctions. ”
The Earth has experienced five mass extinctions before the one we are living through now , each so complete a slate-wiping of the evolutionary record it functioned as a resetting of the planetary clock , and many climate scientists will tell you they are the best analog for the ecological future we are diving headlong into .
fallacy of credibility
This is what Stephen Hawking had in mind when he said , this spring , that the species needs to colonize other planets in the next century to survive , and what drove Elon Musk , last month , to unveil his plans to build a Mars habitat in 40 to 100 years .
fallacy of credibility
No plausible program of emissions reductions alone can prevent climate disaster .
fallacy of logic
And however sanguine you might be about the proposition that we have already ravaged the natural world , which we surely have , it is another thing entirely to consider the possibility that we have only provoked it , engineering first in ignorance and then in denial a climate system that will now go to war with us for many centuries , perhaps until it destroys us .
appeal to emotion
At 11 or 12 degrees of warming , more than half the world ’ s population , as distributed today , would die of direct heat .
ad populum
Things almost certainly won ’ t get that hot this century , though models of unabated emissions do bring us that far eventually .
fallacy of logic
Since 1980 , the planet has experienced a 50-fold increase in the number of places experiencing dangerous or extreme heat ; a bigger increase is to come .
faulty generalization
The five warmest summers in Europe since 1500 have all occurred since 2002 , and soon , the IPCC warns , simply being outdoors that time of year will be unhealthy for much of the globe . Even if we meet the Paris goals of two degrees warming , cities like Karachi and Kolkata will become close to uninhabitable , annually encountering deadly heat waves like those that crippled them in 2015 .
fallacy of logic