[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Conversely, if heat is applied on the side of the face (e.g., hot water bottle) rather than inside the mouth, it may cause a dental abscess to drain extra-orally, which is later associated with an area of fibrosis on the face (see cutaneous sinus of dental origin).
digraph { N_1 [label="Conversely/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="if/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="heat/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="is/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="applied/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="on/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="side/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="face/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--13"]; N_14 [label="e.g./FW-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="hot/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="water/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="bottle/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--19"]; N_20 [label="rather/RB-20"]; N_21 [label="than/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="inside/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="mouth/NN-24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="it/PRP-26"]; N_27 [label="may/MD-27"]; N_28 [label="cause/VB-28"]; N_29 [label="a/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="dental/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="abscess/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="to/TO-32"]; N_33 [label="drain/VB-33"]; N_34 [label="extra-orally/RB-34"]; N_35 [label=",/,-35"]; N_36 [label="which/WDT-36"]; N_37 [label="is/VBZ-37"]; N_38 [label="later/RB-38"]; N_39 [label="associated/VBN-39"]; N_40 [label="with/IN-40"]; N_41 [label="an/DT-41"]; N_42 [label="area/NN-42"]; N_43 [label="of/IN-43"]; N_44 [label="fibrosis/NN-44"]; N_45 [label="on/IN-45"]; N_46 [label="the/DT-46"]; N_47 [label="face/NN-47"]; N_48 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--48"]; N_49 [label="see/VB-49"]; N_50 [label="cutaneous/JJ-50"]; N_51 [label="sinus/NN-51"]; N_52 [label="of/IN-52"]; N_53 [label="dental/JJ-53"]; N_54 [label="origin/NN-54"]; N_55 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--55"]; N_56 [label="./.-56"]; N_6 -> N_18 [label="dep"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="mark"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="auxpass"]; N_6 -> N_24 [label="nmod:rather_than"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:on"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_14 [label="dep"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="mwe"]; N_24 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_28 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_6 [label="advcl:if"]; N_28 -> N_56 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="nsubj"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="aux"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="dobj"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="acl:to"]; N_31 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_36 [label="ref"]; N_31 -> N_39 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="mark"]; N_33 -> N_34 [label="advmod"]; N_39 -> N_49 [label="parataxis"]; N_39 -> N_37 [label="auxpass"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="advmod"]; N_39 -> N_42 [label="nmod:with"]; N_39 -> N_31 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_42 -> N_40 [label="case"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="det"]; N_42 -> N_44 [label="nmod:of"]; N_42 -> N_47 [label="nmod:on"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="case"]; N_47 -> N_45 [label="case"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="det"]; N_49 -> N_48 [label="punct"]; N_49 -> N_51 [label="dobj"]; N_49 -> N_55 [label="punct"]; N_51 -> N_50 [label="amod"]; N_51 -> N_54 [label="nmod:of"]; N_54 -> N_52 [label="case"]; N_54 -> N_53 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Prescription mouthwashes are used prior to and after oral surgery procedures such as tooth extraction or to treat the pain associated with mucositis caused by radiation therapy or chemotherapy.
digraph { N_1 [label="Prescription/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="mouthwashes/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="are/VBP-3"]; N_4 [label="used/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="prior/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="and/CC-7"]; N_8 [label="after/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="oral/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="surgery/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="procedures/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="such/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="as/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="tooth/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="extraction/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="or/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="to/TO-17"]; N_18 [label="treat/VB-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="pain/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="associated/VBN-21"]; N_22 [label="with/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="mucositis/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="caused/VBN-24"]; N_25 [label="by/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="radiation/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="therapy/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="or/CC-28"]; N_29 [label="chemotherapy/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="./.-30"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="auxpass"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="xcomp"]; N_4 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_18 [label="nmod:to"]; N_5 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="cc"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="conj:and"]; N_11 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_18 [label="conj:or"]; N_11 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="mwe"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="mark"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="acl"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="nmod:with"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="acl"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="nmod:by"]; N_24 -> N_29 [label="nmod:by"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="cc"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="conj:or"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
However, chlorhexidine binds to tannins, meaning that prolonged use in persons who consume coffee, tea or red wine is associated with extrinsic staining (i.e. removable staining) of teeth.
digraph { N_1 [label="However/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="chlorhexidine/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="binds/VBZ-4"]; N_5 [label="to/TO-5"]; N_6 [label="tannins/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="meaning/VBG-8"]; N_9 [label="that/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="prolonged/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="use/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="in/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="persons/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="who/WP-14"]; N_15 [label="consume/VBP-15"]; N_16 [label="coffee/NN-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="tea/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="or/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="red/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="wine/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="is/VBZ-22"]; N_23 [label="associated/VBN-23"]; N_24 [label="with/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="extrinsic/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="staining/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--27"]; N_28 [label="i.e./FW-28"]; N_29 [label="removable/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="staining/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--31"]; N_32 [label="of/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="teeth/NNS-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:to"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="advcl"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_23 [label="ccomp"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="ref"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="conj:or"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_21 [label="conj:or"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="auxpass"]; N_23 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:with"]; N_23 -> N_11 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_26 -> N_33 [label="nmod:of"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_30 [label="dep"]; N_30 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="dep"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
However, its use is strongly associated with development of leukoplakia (a white patch in the mouth), usually in the buccal sulcus.
digraph { N_1 [label="However/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="its/PRP$-3"]; N_4 [label="use/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="is/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="strongly/RB-6"]; N_7 [label="associated/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label="with/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="development/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="leukoplakia/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--12"]; N_13 [label="a/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="white/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="patch/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="in/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="mouth/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="usually/RB-21"]; N_22 [label="in/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="buccal/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="sulcus/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="./.-26"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_7 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_7 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="auxpass"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:with"]; N_7 -> N_25 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="dep"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:in"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_21 [label="advmod"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj causes/VBZ +dobj [[effect]]/N
Some manufacturers of mouthwash state that antiseptic and anti-plaque mouth rinse kill the bacterial plaque that causes cavities, gingivitis, and bad breath.
digraph { N_1 [label="Some/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="manufacturers/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="mouthwash/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="state/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="that/WDT-6"]; N_7 [label="antiseptic/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="anti-plaque/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="mouth/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="rinse/VB-11"]; N_12 [label="kill/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="bacterial/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="plaque/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="that/WDT-16"]; N_17 [label="causes/VBZ-17"]; N_18 [label="cavities/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="gingivitis/NN-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="and/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="bad/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="breath/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="./.-25"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="ref"]; N_2 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_11 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_2 [label="dobj"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="ccomp"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="ref"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_24 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_24 [label="conj:and"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VBP +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Many of these solutions aim to control the Volatile Sulfur Compound (VSC)-creating anaerobic bacteria that live in the mouth and excrete substances that lead to bad breath and unpleasant mouth taste.
digraph { N_1 [label="Many/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="of/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="these/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="solutions/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="aim/VBP-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="control/VB-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="Volatile/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="Sulfur/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="Compound/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--12"]; N_13 [label="VSC/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--14"]; N_15 [label="-/:-15"]; N_16 [label="creating/VBG-16"]; N_17 [label="anaerobic/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="bacteria/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="that/WDT-19"]; N_20 [label="live/VBP-20"]; N_21 [label="in/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="mouth/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="and/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="excrete/VB-25"]; N_26 [label="substances/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="that/WDT-27"]; N_28 [label="lead/VBP-28"]; N_29 [label="to/TO-29"]; N_30 [label="bad/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="breath/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="and/CC-32"]; N_33 [label="unpleasant/JJ-33"]; N_34 [label="mouth/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="taste/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="./.-36"]; N_1 -> N_4 [label="nmod:of"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="xcomp"]; N_7 -> N_16 [label="advcl"]; N_7 -> N_1 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="mark"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="appos"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="ref"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_18 -> N_25 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="nmod:in"]; N_20 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_20 -> N_25 [label="conj:and"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="dobj"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="ref"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_28 -> N_35 [label="nmod:to"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="nsubj"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="nmod:to"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="cc"]; N_31 -> N_35 [label="conj:and"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
Cetylpyridinium chloride mouthwash has less anti-plaque effect than chlorhexidine and may cause staining of teeth, or sometimes an oral burning sensation or ulceration.
digraph { N_1 [label="Cetylpyridinium/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="chloride/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="mouthwash/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="has/VBZ-4"]; N_5 [label="less/JJR-5"]; N_6 [label="anti-plaque/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="effect/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="than/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="chlorhexidine/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="and/CC-10"]; N_11 [label="may/MD-11"]; N_12 [label="cause/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="staining/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="of/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="teeth/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="or/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="sometimes/RB-18"]; N_19 [label="an/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="oral/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="burning/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="sensation/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="or/CC-23"]; N_24 [label="ulceration/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="./.-25"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_10 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_12 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:than"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_22 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="aux"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_13 -> N_22 [label="conj:or"]; N_13 -> N_24 [label="conj:or"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="cc"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="conj:or"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
Chlorhexidine mouthwash can also cause taste disturbance and/or alteration.
digraph { N_1 [label="Chlorhexidine/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="mouthwash/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="can/MD-3"]; N_4 [label="also/RB-4"]; N_5 [label="cause/VB-5"]; N_6 [label="taste/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="disturbance/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="and/or/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="alteration/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="./.-10"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="aux"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="conj:and/or"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
It is sometimes use for herpetiforme ulceration (an uncommon type of aphthous stomatitis), but prolonged use may lead to oral candidiasis as the fungal population of the mouth overgrows in the absence of enough competing bacteria.
digraph { N_1 [label="It/PRP-1"]; N_2 [label="is/VBZ-2"]; N_3 [label="sometimes/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="use/VB-4"]; N_5 [label="for/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="herpetiforme/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="ulceration/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--8"]; N_9 [label="an/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="uncommon/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="type/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="aphthous/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="stomatitis/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="but/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="prolonged/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="use/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="may/MD-20"]; N_21 [label="lead/VB-21"]; N_22 [label="to/TO-22"]; N_23 [label="oral/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="candidiasis/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="as/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="fungal/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="population/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="of/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="mouth/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="overgrows/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label="in/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="the/DT-34"]; N_35 [label="absence/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="of/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="enough/JJ-37"]; N_38 [label="competing/VBG-38"]; N_39 [label="bacteria/NNS-39"]; N_40 [label="./.-40"]; N_4 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="aux"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_21 [label="conj:but"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:for"]; N_4 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="dep"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="aux"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:to"]; N_21 -> N_28 [label="nmod:as"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_32 [label="nmod:of"]; N_28 -> N_35 [label="nmod:in"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_32 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="compound"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="det"]; N_35 -> N_39 [label="nmod:of"]; N_39 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_39 -> N_37 [label="amod"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
In Greek mythology, Aquarius is sometimes associated with Deucalion, the son of Prometheus who built a ship with his wife Pyrrha to survive an imminent flood.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="Greek/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="mythology/NN-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="Aquarius/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="is/VBZ-6"]; N_7 [label="sometimes/RB-7"]; N_8 [label="associated/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="with/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="Deucalion/NN-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="son/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="of/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="Prometheus/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="who/WP-16"]; N_17 [label="built/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="a/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="ship/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="with/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="his/PRP$-21"]; N_22 [label="wife/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="Pyrrha/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="to/TO-24"]; N_25 [label="survive/VB-25"]; N_26 [label="an/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="imminent/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="flood/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="./.-29"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_3 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="auxpass"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="advmod"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:with"]; N_8 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="appos"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="ref"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_25 [label="advcl:to"]; N_17 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_23 [label="nmod:with"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="mark"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="dobj"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Yet another figure associated with the water bearer is Cecrops I, a king of Athens who sacrificed water instead of wine to the gods.
digraph { N_1 [label="Yet/RB-1"]; N_2 [label="another/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="figure/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="associated/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="with/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="water/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="bearer/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="is/VBZ-9"]; N_10 [label="Cecrops/NNPS-10"]; N_11 [label="I/PRP-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="a/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="king/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="Athens/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="who/WP-17"]; N_18 [label="sacrificed/VBN-18"]; N_19 [label="water/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="instead/RB-20"]; N_21 [label="of/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="wine/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="to/TO-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="gods/NNS-25"]; N_26 [label="./.-26"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="acl"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:with"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_11 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="cop"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="appos"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="ref"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="dobj"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="nmod:instead_of"]; N_18 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="mwe"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="nmod:to"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Aquarius was also associated with the destructive floods that the Babylonians regularly experienced, and thus was negatively connoted.
digraph { N_1 [label="Aquarius/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="was/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="also/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="associated/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="with/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="destructive/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="floods/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="that/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="Babylonians/NNPS-11"]; N_12 [label="regularly/RB-12"]; N_13 [label="experienced/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="and/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="thus/RB-16"]; N_17 [label="was/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="negatively/RB-18"]; N_19 [label="connoted/VBN-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="auxpass"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:with"]; N_8 -> N_19 [label="ccomp"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="ccomp"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_19 [label="conj:and"]; N_13 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="advmod"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="auxpass"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_11 [label="nsubjpass"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
In Ancient Egypt astronomy, Aquarius was associated with the annual flood of the Nile; the banks were said to flood when Aquarius put his jar into the river, beginning spring.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="Ancient/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="Egypt/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="astronomy/NN-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="Aquarius/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="was/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="associated/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="with/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="annual/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="flood/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="of/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="Nile/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label=";/:-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="banks/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="were/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="said/VBN-20"]; N_21 [label="to/TO-21"]; N_22 [label="flood/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="when/WRB-23"]; N_24 [label="Aquarius/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="put/VBD-25"]; N_26 [label="his/PRP$-26"]; N_27 [label="jar/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="into/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="the/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="river/NN-30"]; N_31 [label=",/,-31"]; N_32 [label="beginning/VBG-32"]; N_33 [label="spring/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_20 [label="parataxis"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="auxpass"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="nmod:with"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="auxpass"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="nmod:to"]; N_20 -> N_25 [label="advcl"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_33 [label="nmod:beginning"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="advmod"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="dobj"]; N_25 -> N_30 [label="nmod:into"]; N_25 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
The 11th lunar mansion shared its name with the constellation Xu ("emptiness"), formed by Beta Aquarii and Alpha Equulei; it represented a bleak place associated with death and funerals.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="11th/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="lunar/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="mansion/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="shared/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="its/PRP$-6"]; N_7 [label="name/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="with/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="constellation/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="Xu/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--12"]; N_13 [label="``/``-13"]; N_14 [label="emptiness/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="''/''-15"]; N_16 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="formed/VBN-18"]; N_19 [label="by/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="Beta/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="Aquarii/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="and/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="Alpha/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="Equulei/NN-24"]; N_25 [label=";/:-25"]; N_26 [label="it/PRP-26"]; N_27 [label="represented/VBD-27"]; N_28 [label="a/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="bleak/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="place/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="associated/VBN-31"]; N_32 [label="with/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="death/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="and/CC-34"]; N_35 [label="funerals/NNS-35"]; N_36 [label="./.-36"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_11 [label="nmod:with"]; N_5 -> N_27 [label="parataxis"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_11 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_18 [label="acl"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="dep"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="nmod:by"]; N_18 -> N_24 [label="nmod:by"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="conj:and"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_30 [label="dobj"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="acl"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="nmod:with"]; N_31 -> N_35 [label="nmod:with"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_34 [label="cc"]; N_33 -> N_35 [label="conj:and"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Aquarius is also associated with the Age of Aquarius, a concept popular in 1960s counterculture.
digraph { N_1 [label="Aquarius/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="is/VBZ-2"]; N_3 [label="also/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="associated/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="with/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="Age/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="Aquarius/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="a/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="concept/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="popular/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="in/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="1960s/CD-15"]; N_16 [label="counterculture/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="./.-17"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_4 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="auxpass"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:with"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="appos"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:in"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:from resulting/VBG -acl [[effect]]/N
NGC 7252 is a tangle of stars resulting from the collision of two large galaxies and is known as the Atoms-for-Peace galaxy because of its resemblance to a cartoon atom.
digraph { N_1 [label="NGC/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="7252/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="is/VBZ-3"]; N_4 [label="a/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="tangle/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="stars/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="resulting/VBG-8"]; N_9 [label="from/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="collision/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="two/CD-13"]; N_14 [label="large/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="galaxies/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="and/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="is/VBZ-17"]; N_18 [label="known/VBN-18"]; N_19 [label="as/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="Atoms-for-Peace/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="galaxy/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="because/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="of/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="its/PRP$-25"]; N_26 [label="resemblance/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="to/TO-27"]; N_28 [label="a/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="cartoon/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="atom/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="nummod"]; N_5 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="acl"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:from"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="nummod"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="auxpass"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="nmod:as"]; N_18 -> N_26 [label="nmod:because_of"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="mwe"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_26 -> N_30 [label="nmod:to"]; N_30 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
John Flamsteed, in his Atlas Coelestis, followed Ptolemy's description by mapping it above the figure's head.
digraph { N_1 [label="John/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="Flamsteed/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="in/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="his/PRP$-5"]; N_6 [label="Atlas/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="Coelestis/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="followed/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="Ptolemy/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="'s/POS-11"]; N_12 [label="description/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="by/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="mapping/VBG-14"]; N_15 [label="it/PRP-15"]; N_16 [label="above/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="figure/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="'s/POS-19"]; N_20 [label="head/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="./.-21"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_14 [label="advcl:by"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_14 -> N_20 [label="nmod:above"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="mark"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
The Sun now appears in Aries from late April through mid May, though the constellation is still associated with the beginning of spring.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Sun/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="now/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="appears/VBZ-4"]; N_5 [label="in/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="Aries/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="from/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="late/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="April/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="through/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="mid/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="May/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="though/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="constellation/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="is/VBZ-17"]; N_18 [label="still/RB-18"]; N_19 [label="associated/VBN-19"]; N_20 [label="with/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="beginning/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="of/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="spring/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="./.-25"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_19 [label="advcl:though"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:in"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="nmod:from"]; N_4 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_12 [label="nmod:through"]; N_4 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="auxpass"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="nmod:with"]; N_19 -> N_14 [label="mark"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="nmod:of"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Flamsteed followed the general convention of maps by depicting Aries lying down.
digraph { N_1 [label="Flamsteed/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="followed/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="general/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="convention/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="maps/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="by/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="depicting/VBG-9"]; N_10 [label="Aries/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="lying/VBG-11"]; N_12 [label="down/RP-12"]; N_13 [label="./.-13"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="advcl:by"]; N_2 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:of"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="mark"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="acl"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="compound:prt"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
It is an annual shower associated with the Marsden group of comets that peaks on 7 June with a maximum zenithal hourly rate of 54 meteors.
digraph { N_1 [label="It/PRP-1"]; N_2 [label="is/VBZ-2"]; N_3 [label="an/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="annual/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="shower/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="associated/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="with/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="Marsden/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="group/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="comets/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="that/WDT-13"]; N_14 [label="peaks/VBZ-14"]; N_15 [label="on/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="7/CD-16"]; N_17 [label="June/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="with/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="a/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="maximum/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="zenithal/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="hourly/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="rate/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="of/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="54/CD-25"]; N_26 [label="meteors/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="cop"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="acl"]; N_5 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:with"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="ref"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="nmod:on"]; N_14 -> N_23 [label="nmod:with"]; N_14 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="nummod"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:of"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Astrologically, Aries has been associated with the head and its humors.
digraph { N_1 [label="Astrologically/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="Aries/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="has/VBZ-4"]; N_5 [label="been/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="associated/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="with/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="head/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="and/CC-10"]; N_11 [label="its/PRP$-11"]; N_12 [label="humors/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="./.-13"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="aux"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="auxpass"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:with"]; N_6 -> N_12 [label="nmod:with"]; N_6 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="conj:and"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
This constellation has also been associated with harvest-time as it could represent a woman carrying a basket of food on her head.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="constellation/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="has/VBZ-3"]; N_4 [label="also/RB-4"]; N_5 [label="been/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="associated/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="with/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="harvest-time/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="as/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="it/PRP-10"]; N_11 [label="could/MD-11"]; N_12 [label="represent/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="a/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="woman/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="carrying/VBG-15"]; N_16 [label="a/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="basket/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="of/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="food/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="on/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="her/PRP$-21"]; N_22 [label="head/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="aux"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="auxpass"]; N_6 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:with"]; N_6 -> N_12 [label="advcl:as"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="aux"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="acl"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_22 [label="nmod:on"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
In ancient Egyptian astronomy, Aries was associated with the god Amon-Ra, who was depicted as a man with a ram's head and represented fertility and creativity.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="ancient/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="Egyptian/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="astronomy/NN-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="Aries/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="was/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="associated/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="with/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="god/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="Amon-Ra/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="who/WP-14"]; N_15 [label="was/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="depicted/VBN-16"]; N_17 [label="as/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="a/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="man/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="with/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="a/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="ram/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="'s/POS-23"]; N_24 [label="head/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="and/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="represented/VBD-26"]; N_27 [label="fertility/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="and/CC-28"]; N_29 [label="creativity/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="./.-30"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="auxpass"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="nmod:with"]; N_8 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_26 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="ref"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:as"]; N_16 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_12 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="auxpass"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_24 [label="nmod:with"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="dobj"]; N_26 -> N_12 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="dobj"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="cc"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="conj:and"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
In Hellenistic astrology, the constellation of Aries is associated with the golden ram of Greek mythology that rescued Phrixus and Helle on orders from Hermes, taking Phrixus to the land of Colchis.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="Hellenistic/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="astrology/NN-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="constellation/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="Aries/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="is/VBZ-9"]; N_10 [label="associated/VBN-10"]; N_11 [label="with/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="golden/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="ram/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="Greek/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="mythology/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="that/WDT-18"]; N_19 [label="rescued/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="Phrixus/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="Helle/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="on/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="orders/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="from/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="Hermes/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label=",/,-27"]; N_28 [label="taking/VBG-28"]; N_29 [label="Phrixus/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label="to/TO-30"]; N_31 [label="the/DT-31"]; N_32 [label="land/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="of/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="Colchis/NNP-34"]; N_35 [label="./.-35"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_3 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_6 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="auxpass"]; N_10 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_28 [label="xcomp"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="nmod:with"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="ref"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="dobj"]; N_19 -> N_24 [label="nmod:on"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="nmod:from"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_32 [label="nmod:to"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="dobj"]; N_32 -> N_34 [label="nmod:of"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="det"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Distinctions in vocabulary persist, for example, in culinary terms, where communication with Germans is frequently difficult, and administrative and legal language, which is due to Austria's exclusion from the development of a German nation-state in the late 19th century and its manifold particular traditions.
digraph { N_1 [label="Distinctions/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="in/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="vocabulary/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="persist/VBP-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="for/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="example/NN-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="culinary/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="terms/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="where/WRB-13"]; N_14 [label="communication/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="with/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="Germans/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="is/VBZ-17"]; N_18 [label="frequently/RB-18"]; N_19 [label="difficult/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="administrative/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="and/CC-23"]; N_24 [label="legal/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="language/NN-25"]; N_26 [label=",/,-26"]; N_27 [label="which/WDT-27"]; N_28 [label="is/VBZ-28"]; N_29 [label="due/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="to/TO-30"]; N_31 [label="Austria/NNP-31"]; N_32 [label="'s/POS-32"]; N_33 [label="exclusion/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="from/IN-34"]; N_35 [label="the/DT-35"]; N_36 [label="development/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="of/IN-37"]; N_38 [label="a/DT-38"]; N_39 [label="German/JJ-39"]; N_40 [label="nation-state/NN-40"]; N_41 [label="in/IN-41"]; N_42 [label="the/DT-42"]; N_43 [label="late/JJ-43"]; N_44 [label="19th/JJ-44"]; N_45 [label="century/NN-45"]; N_46 [label="and/CC-46"]; N_47 [label="its/PRP$-47"]; N_48 [label="manifold/NN-48"]; N_49 [label="particular/JJ-49"]; N_50 [label="traditions/NNS-50"]; N_51 [label="./.-51"]; N_1 -> N_3 [label="nmod:in"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_51 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:for"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_25 [label="nmod:in"]; N_4 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_19 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_11 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_25 [label="conj:and"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:with"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="cop"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_13 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="cc"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="conj:and"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="ref"]; N_25 -> N_29 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_29 -> N_33 [label="nmod:to"]; N_29 -> N_50 [label="nmod:to"]; N_29 -> N_25 [label="nsubj"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="cop"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_50 [label="conj:and"]; N_33 -> N_36 [label="nmod:from"]; N_33 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_46 [label="cc"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_40 [label="nmod:of"]; N_36 -> N_45 [label="nmod:in"]; N_40 -> N_37 [label="case"]; N_40 -> N_38 [label="det"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="amod"]; N_45 -> N_41 [label="case"]; N_45 -> N_42 [label="det"]; N_45 -> N_43 [label="amod"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="amod"]; N_50 -> N_48 [label="compound"]; N_50 -> N_49 [label="amod"]; N_50 -> N_47 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
The Video CD (VCD) format was popular in Hong Kong and Taiwan, but became only a minor format in the United States that was closely associated with bootleg copies.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Video/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="CD/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--4"]; N_5 [label="VCD/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--6"]; N_7 [label="format/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="was/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="popular/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="in/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="Hong/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="Kong/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="and/CC-13"]; N_14 [label="Taiwan/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="but/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="became/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="only/RB-18"]; N_19 [label="a/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="minor/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="format/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="in/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="United/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="States/NNPS-25"]; N_26 [label="that/WDT-26"]; N_27 [label="was/VBD-27"]; N_28 [label="closely/RB-28"]; N_29 [label="associated/VBN-29"]; N_30 [label="with/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="bootleg/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="copies/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label="./.-33"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="appos"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_17 [label="conj:but"]; N_9 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="cop"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="cc"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="conj:and"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="xcomp"]; N_17 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="nmod:in"]; N_21 -> N_26 [label="ref"]; N_21 -> N_29 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="compound"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="nmod:with"]; N_29 -> N_21 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="auxpass"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="advmod"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
The 1923 Great Kantō earthquake resulted in widespread destruction to Japan's infrastructure and the destruction of Shimokawa's warehouse, destroying most of these early works.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="1923/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="Great/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="Kantō/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="earthquake/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="resulted/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="widespread/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="destruction/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="Japan/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="'s/POS-12"]; N_13 [label="infrastructure/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="destruction/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="of/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="Shimokawa/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="'s/POS-19"]; N_20 [label="warehouse/NN-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="destroying/VBG-22"]; N_23 [label="most/JJS-23"]; N_24 [label="of/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="these/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="early/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="works/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nummod"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_22 [label="xcomp"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_16 [label="nmod:to"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:to"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="conj:and"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="nmod:of"]; N_27 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Animators such as Ōten Shimokawa and Seitarou Kitayama produced numerous works, with the oldest surviving film being Kouchi's Namakura Gatana, a two-minute clip of a samurai trying to test a new sword on his target only to suffer defeat.
digraph { N_1 [label="Animators/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="such/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="as/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="Ōten/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="Shimokawa/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="and/CC-6"]; N_7 [label="Seitarou/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="Kitayama/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="produced/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="numerous/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="works/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="with/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="oldest/JJS-15"]; N_16 [label="surviving/VBG-16"]; N_17 [label="film/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="being/VBG-18"]; N_19 [label="Kouchi/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="'s/POS-20"]; N_21 [label="Namakura/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="Gatana/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label=",/,-23"]; N_24 [label="a/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="two-minute/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="clip/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="of/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="a/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="samurai/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="trying/VBG-30"]; N_31 [label="to/TO-31"]; N_32 [label="test/VB-32"]; N_33 [label="a/DT-33"]; N_34 [label="new/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="sword/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="on/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="his/PRP$-37"]; N_38 [label="target/NN-38"]; N_39 [label="only/RB-39"]; N_40 [label="to/TO-40"]; N_41 [label="suffer/VB-41"]; N_42 [label="defeat/NN-42"]; N_43 [label="./.-43"]; N_1 -> N_5 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_1 -> N_8 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="mwe"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="conj:and"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_22 [label="advcl:with"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_18 [label="cop"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_26 [label="appos"]; N_22 -> N_13 [label="mark"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="nmod:of"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="acl"]; N_30 -> N_32 [label="xcomp"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="dobj"]; N_32 -> N_41 [label="advcl:to"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="mark"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="det"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_38 [label="nmod:on"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_41 -> N_39 [label="advmod"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="mark"]; N_41 -> N_42 [label="dobj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by caused/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
There has been a rise in sales of shows to television stations in Japan, caused by late night anime with adults as the target demographic.
digraph { N_1 [label="There/EX-1"]; N_2 [label="has/VBZ-2"]; N_3 [label="been/VBN-3"]; N_4 [label="a/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="rise/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="in/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="sales/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="shows/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="television/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="stations/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="in/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="Japan/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="caused/VBN-16"]; N_17 [label="by/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="late/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="night/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="anime/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="with/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="adults/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="as/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="target/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="demographic/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_5 -> N_16 [label="acl"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="expl"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="aux"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_12 [label="nmod:to"]; N_5 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:by"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="dep"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="nmod:with"]; N_20 -> N_25 [label="nmod:as"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Two events in later decades increased the alarm: the increasing acceptance of the Alvarez hypothesis that an impact event resulted in the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction, and the 1994 observation of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashing into Jupiter.
digraph { N_1 [label="Two/CD-1"]; N_2 [label="events/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="in/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="later/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="decades/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="increased/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="alarm/NN-8"]; N_9 [label=":/:-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="increasing/VBG-11"]; N_12 [label="acceptance/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="of/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="Alvarez/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="hypothesis/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="that/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="an/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="impact/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="event/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="resulted/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="in/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="Cretaceous/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="--/:-25"]; N_26 [label="Paleogene/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="extinction/NN-27"]; N_28 [label=",/,-28"]; N_29 [label="and/CC-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="1994/CD-31"]; N_32 [label="observation/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="of/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="Comet/NNP-34"]; N_35 [label="Shoemaker-Levy/NNP-35"]; N_36 [label="9/CD-36"]; N_37 [label="crashing/VBG-37"]; N_38 [label="into/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="Jupiter/NNP-39"]; N_40 [label="./.-40"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nummod"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_32 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_32 [label="conj:and"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_29 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_21 [label="ccomp"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="mark"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_27 [label="nmod:in"]; N_27 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="nmod:of"]; N_32 -> N_37 [label="acl"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="nummod"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="compound"]; N_35 -> N_36 [label="nummod"]; N_37 -> N_39 [label="nmod:into"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
A family has also been associated with the plutoid dwarf planet .
digraph { N_1 [label="A/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="family/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="has/VBZ-3"]; N_4 [label="also/RB-4"]; N_5 [label="been/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="associated/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="with/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="plutoid/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="dwarf/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="planet/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="./.-12"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="aux"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="auxpass"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="nmod:with"]; N_6 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The near-Earth asteroid 433 Eros had been discovered as long ago as 1898, and the 1930s brought a flurry of similar objects.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="near-Earth/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="asteroid/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="433/CD-4"]; N_5 [label="Eros/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="had/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="been/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label="discovered/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="as/RB-9"]; N_10 [label="long/RB-10"]; N_11 [label="ago/RB-11"]; N_12 [label="as/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="1898/CD-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="and/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="1930s/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label="brought/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label="a/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="flurry/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="of/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="similar/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="objects/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="./.-24"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nummod"]; N_8 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="aux"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="auxpass"]; N_8 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="advmod"]; N_8 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="advmod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="advmod"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="nmod:as"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="nmod:of"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Scientists hypothesize that some of the first water brought to Earth was delivered by asteroid impacts after the collision that produced the Moon.
digraph { N_1 [label="Scientists/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="hypothesize/VBP-2"]; N_3 [label="that/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="some/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="of/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="first/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="water/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="brought/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="Earth/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="was/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="delivered/VBN-13"]; N_14 [label="by/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="asteroid/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="impacts/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="after/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="collision/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="that/WDT-20"]; N_21 [label="produced/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="Moon/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="./.-24"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="ccomp"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_3 [label="mark"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_13 -> N_2 [label="csubjpass"]; N_13 -> N_19 [label="nmod:after"]; N_13 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="auxpass"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="ref"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
In 2002, the Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey resulted in a modified version of the Tholen taxonomy with 24 different types.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="2002/CD-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="Small/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="Main-Belt/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="Asteroid/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="Spectroscopic/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="Survey/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="resulted/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="in/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="a/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="modified/VBN-13"]; N_14 [label="version/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="Tholen/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="taxonomy/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="with/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="24/CD-20"]; N_21 [label="different/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="types/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_2 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_22 [label="nmod:with"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="nummod"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
However, such objects could be associated with outer planets as well.
digraph { N_1 [label="However/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="such/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="objects/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="could/MD-5"]; N_6 [label="be/VB-6"]; N_7 [label="associated/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label="with/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="outer/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="planets/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="as/RB-11"]; N_12 [label="well/RB-12"]; N_13 [label="./.-13"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="aux"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="auxpass"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:with"]; N_7 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="advmod"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="mwe"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
The city has one football club currently competing in the Turkish Super League: Ankaragücü, founded in 1910, is the oldest club in Ankara and is associated with Ankara's military arsenal manufacturing company MKE.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="city/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="has/VBZ-3"]; N_4 [label="one/CD-4"]; N_5 [label="football/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="club/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="currently/RB-7"]; N_8 [label="competing/VBG-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="Turkish/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="Super/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="League/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label=":/:-14"]; N_15 [label="Ankaragücü/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="founded/VBN-17"]; N_18 [label="in/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="1910/CD-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="is/VBZ-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="oldest/JJS-23"]; N_24 [label="club/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="in/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="Ankara/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="and/CC-27"]; N_28 [label="is/VBZ-28"]; N_29 [label="associated/VBN-29"]; N_30 [label="with/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="Ankara/NNP-31"]; N_32 [label="'s/POS-32"]; N_33 [label="military/JJ-33"]; N_34 [label="arsenal/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="manufacturing/VBG-35"]; N_36 [label="company/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="MKE/NNP-37"]; N_38 [label="./.-38"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_24 [label="parataxis"]; N_3 -> N_29 [label="parataxis"]; N_3 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nummod"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="acl"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="advmod"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="acl"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:in"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="cop"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="nmod:in"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="cc"]; N_24 -> N_29 [label="conj:and"]; N_24 -> N_15 [label="nsubj"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_37 [label="nmod:with"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="auxpass"]; N_29 -> N_15 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_33 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_34 [label="compound"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="compound"]; N_37 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_31 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
Sometimes they are shorn in the summer as the long fur can cause the rabbits to overheat.
digraph { N_1 [label="Sometimes/RB-1"]; N_2 [label="they/PRP-2"]; N_3 [label="are/VBP-3"]; N_4 [label="shorn/VB-4"]; N_5 [label="in/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="summer/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="as/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="long/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="fur/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="can/MD-12"]; N_13 [label="cause/VB-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="rabbits/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="to/TO-16"]; N_17 [label="overheat/VB-17"]; N_18 [label="./.-18"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="aux"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:in"]; N_4 -> N_13 [label="advcl:as"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="xcomp"]; N_13 -> N_8 [label="mark"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="aux"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="mark"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The Armenian Genocide brought an effective end to the residential diocese, which was only formally suppressed in 1972 and instantly transformed into an Armenian Catholic titular bishopric.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Armenian/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="Genocide/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="brought/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="an/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="effective/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="end/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="residential/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="diocese/NN-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="which/WDT-13"]; N_14 [label="was/VBD-14"]; N_15 [label="only/RB-15"]; N_16 [label="formally/RB-16"]; N_17 [label="suppressed/VBN-17"]; N_18 [label="in/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="1972/CD-19"]; N_20 [label="and/CC-20"]; N_21 [label="instantly/RB-21"]; N_22 [label="transformed/VBN-22"]; N_23 [label="into/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="an/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="Armenian/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="Catholic/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="titular/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="bishopric/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="./.-29"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_4 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_17 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_11 -> N_22 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="ref"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:in"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="cc"]; N_17 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_17 -> N_11 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="auxpass"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="advmod"]; N_22 -> N_11 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_22 -> N_28 [label="nmod:into"]; N_28 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N +acl resulting/VBG +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
This correspondences, however, have been harshly criticized for several reasons: There are significant gaps resulting in the absence of etymologies for certain initial segments: an impossible situation in the case of a genetic relationship; lack of common paradigmatic morphology; in many cases, there are ghosts, invented or polished meanings; and word-list linguistics rules supreme, as there are few if any references to texts or philology.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="correspondences/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="however/RB-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="have/VBP-6"]; N_7 [label="been/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label="harshly/RB-8"]; N_9 [label="criticized/VBN-9"]; N_10 [label="for/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="several/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="reasons/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label=":/:-13"]; N_14 [label="There/EX-14"]; N_15 [label="are/VBP-15"]; N_16 [label="significant/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="gaps/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label="resulting/VBG-18"]; N_19 [label="in/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="absence/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="of/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="etymologies/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="for/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="certain/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="initial/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="segments/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label=":/:-28"]; N_29 [label="an/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="impossible/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="situation/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="in/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="the/DT-33"]; N_34 [label="case/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="of/IN-35"]; N_36 [label="a/DT-36"]; N_37 [label="genetic/JJ-37"]; N_38 [label="relationship/NN-38"]; N_39 [label=";/:-39"]; N_40 [label="lack/NN-40"]; N_41 [label="of/IN-41"]; N_42 [label="common/JJ-42"]; N_43 [label="paradigmatic/JJ-43"]; N_44 [label="morphology/NN-44"]; N_45 [label=";/:-45"]; N_46 [label="in/IN-46"]; N_47 [label="many/JJ-47"]; N_48 [label="cases/NNS-48"]; N_49 [label=",/,-49"]; N_50 [label="there/EX-50"]; N_51 [label="are/VBP-51"]; N_52 [label="ghosts/NNS-52"]; N_53 [label=",/,-53"]; N_54 [label="invented/VBN-54"]; N_55 [label="or/CC-55"]; N_56 [label="polished/VBN-56"]; N_57 [label="meanings/NNS-57"]; N_58 [label=";/:-58"]; N_59 [label="and/CC-59"]; N_60 [label="word-list/JJ-60"]; N_61 [label="linguistics/NNS-61"]; N_62 [label="rules/NNS-62"]; N_63 [label="supreme/NN-63"]; N_64 [label=",/,-64"]; N_65 [label="as/IN-65"]; N_66 [label="there/EX-66"]; N_67 [label="are/VBP-67"]; N_68 [label="few/JJ-68"]; N_69 [label="if/IN-69"]; N_70 [label="any/DT-70"]; N_71 [label="references/NNS-71"]; N_72 [label="to/TO-72"]; N_73 [label="texts/NNS-73"]; N_74 [label="or/CC-74"]; N_75 [label="philology/NN-75"]; N_76 [label="./.-76"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_9 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="aux"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="auxpass"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="advmod"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:for"]; N_9 -> N_76 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="parataxis"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_15 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="expl"]; N_15 -> N_31 [label="dep"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="acl"]; N_17 -> N_27 [label="nmod:for"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="nmod:in"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="nmod:of"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_31 -> N_34 [label="nmod:in"]; N_31 -> N_51 [label="conj"]; N_31 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_40 [label="conj"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_31 -> N_45 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; N_34 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="det"]; N_34 -> N_38 [label="nmod:of"]; N_38 -> N_35 [label="case"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="det"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="amod"]; N_40 -> N_44 [label="nmod:of"]; N_44 -> N_41 [label="case"]; N_44 -> N_42 [label="amod"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="amod"]; N_48 -> N_46 [label="case"]; N_48 -> N_47 [label="amod"]; N_51 -> N_48 [label="nmod:in"]; N_51 -> N_64 [label="punct"]; N_51 -> N_49 [label="punct"]; N_51 -> N_50 [label="expl"]; N_51 -> N_67 [label="advcl:as"]; N_51 -> N_52 [label="nsubj"]; N_51 -> N_57 [label="nsubj"]; N_51 -> N_63 [label="nsubj"]; N_52 -> N_53 [label="punct"]; N_52 -> N_57 [label="conj:and"]; N_52 -> N_58 [label="punct"]; N_52 -> N_59 [label="cc"]; N_52 -> N_63 [label="conj:and"]; N_54 -> N_55 [label="cc"]; N_54 -> N_56 [label="conj:or"]; N_57 -> N_54 [label="amod"]; N_57 -> N_56 [label="amod"]; N_63 -> N_60 [label="amod"]; N_63 -> N_61 [label="compound"]; N_63 -> N_62 [label="compound"]; N_67 -> N_65 [label="mark"]; N_67 -> N_66 [label="expl"]; N_67 -> N_68 [label="nsubj"]; N_68 -> N_69 [label="dep"]; N_69 -> N_71 [label="dep"]; N_71 -> N_70 [label="det"]; N_71 -> N_73 [label="nmod:to"]; N_71 -> N_75 [label="nmod:to"]; N_73 -> N_72 [label="case"]; N_73 -> N_74 [label="cc"]; N_73 -> N_75 [label="conj:or"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to attributed/VBN +nsubjpass [[effect]]/N
Anti-Altaicists Gerard Clauson (1956), Gerhard Doerfer (1963), and Alexander Shcherbak argued that the words and features shared by Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic languages were for the most part borrowings and that the rest could be attributed to chance resemblances.
digraph { N_1 [label="Anti-Altaicists/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="Gerard/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="Clauson/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--4"]; N_5 [label="1956/CD-5"]; N_6 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="Gerhard/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="Doerfer/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--10"]; N_11 [label="1963/CD-11"]; N_12 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="Alexander/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="Shcherbak/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="argued/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="that/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="words/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="features/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="shared/VBN-23"]; N_24 [label="by/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="Turkic/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label=",/,-26"]; N_27 [label="Mongolic/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label=",/,-28"]; N_29 [label="and/CC-29"]; N_30 [label="Tungusic/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="languages/NNS-31"]; N_32 [label="were/VBD-32"]; N_33 [label="for/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="the/DT-34"]; N_35 [label="most/JJS-35"]; N_36 [label="part/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="borrowings/NNS-37"]; N_38 [label="and/CC-38"]; N_39 [label="that/IN-39"]; N_40 [label="the/DT-40"]; N_41 [label="rest/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="could/MD-42"]; N_43 [label="be/VB-43"]; N_44 [label="attributed/VBN-44"]; N_45 [label="to/TO-45"]; N_46 [label="chance/NN-46"]; N_47 [label="resemblances/NNS-47"]; N_48 [label="./.-48"]; N_3 -> N_16 [label="conj:and"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="appos"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_3 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="appos"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_48 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_37 [label="ccomp"]; N_17 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_44 [label="ccomp"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="acl"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="nmod:by"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="nmod:by"]; N_23 -> N_31 [label="nmod:by"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_29 [label="cc"]; N_25 -> N_31 [label="conj:and"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_32 [label="cop"]; N_37 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_18 [label="mark"]; N_37 -> N_34 [label="det"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="compound"]; N_37 -> N_22 [label="nsubj"]; N_37 -> N_38 [label="cc"]; N_37 -> N_44 [label="conj:and"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="det"]; N_44 -> N_39 [label="mark"]; N_44 -> N_41 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_44 -> N_42 [label="aux"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="auxpass"]; N_44 -> N_47 [label="nmod:to"]; N_47 -> N_45 [label="case"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
According to the ancient Greek biographer Plutarch, on the eve of the consummation of her marriage to Philip, Olympias dreamed that her womb was struck by a thunder bolt that caused a flame to spread "far and wide" before dying away.
digraph { N_1 [label="According/VBG-1"]; N_2 [label="to/TO-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="ancient/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="Greek/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="biographer/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="Plutarch/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="on/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="eve/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="consummation/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="her/PRP$-16"]; N_17 [label="marriage/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="to/TO-18"]; N_19 [label="Philip/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="Olympias/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="dreamed/VBD-22"]; N_23 [label="that/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="her/PRP$-24"]; N_25 [label="womb/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="was/VBD-26"]; N_27 [label="struck/VBN-27"]; N_28 [label="by/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="a/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="thunder/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="bolt/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="that/WDT-32"]; N_33 [label="caused/VBD-33"]; N_34 [label="a/DT-34"]; N_35 [label="flame/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="to/TO-36"]; N_37 [label="spread/VB-37"]; N_38 [label="``/``-38"]; N_39 [label="far/RB-39"]; N_40 [label="and/CC-40"]; N_41 [label="wide/RB-41"]; N_42 [label="''/''-42"]; N_43 [label="before/IN-43"]; N_44 [label="dying/VBG-44"]; N_45 [label="away/RB-45"]; N_46 [label="./.-46"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="mwe"]; N_7 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_19 [label="nmod:to"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_7 [label="nmod:according_to"]; N_22 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_11 [label="nmod:on"]; N_22 -> N_27 [label="ccomp"]; N_22 -> N_46 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_27 -> N_23 [label="mark"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="auxpass"]; N_27 -> N_31 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="ref"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_31 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_35 [label="dobj"]; N_33 -> N_37 [label="xcomp"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="nsubj"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="det"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="mark"]; N_37 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_37 -> N_39 [label="advmod"]; N_37 -> N_41 [label="advmod"]; N_37 -> N_42 [label="punct"]; N_37 -> N_44 [label="advcl:before"]; N_39 -> N_40 [label="cc"]; N_39 -> N_41 [label="conj:and"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="mark"]; N_44 -> N_45 [label="advmod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The close association of men from across Greece in Alexander's army directly led to the emergence of the largely Attic-based "koine", or "common" Greek dialect.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="close/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="association/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="men/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="from/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="across/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="Greece/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="Alexander/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="'s/POS-11"]; N_12 [label="army/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="directly/RB-13"]; N_14 [label="led/VBD-14"]; N_15 [label="to/TO-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="emergence/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="of/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="largely/RB-20"]; N_21 [label="Attic-based/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="``/``-22"]; N_23 [label="koine/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="''/''-24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="or/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="``/``-27"]; N_28 [label="common/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="''/''-29"]; N_30 [label="Greek/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="dialect/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="./.-32"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_3 -> N_8 [label="nmod:across"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_14 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="nmod:to"]; N_14 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_23 [label="nmod:of"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_31 [label="nmod:of"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="advmod"]; N_23 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_23 -> N_31 [label="conj:or"]; N_31 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to attributed/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
A 1998 article in the New England Journal of Medicine attributed his death to typhoid fever complicated by bowel perforation and ascending paralysis.
digraph { N_1 [label="A/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="1998/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="article/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="in/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="New/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="England/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="Journal/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="Medicine/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="attributed/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="his/PRP$-12"]; N_13 [label="death/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="to/TO-14"]; N_15 [label="typhoid/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="fever/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="complicated/VBN-17"]; N_18 [label="by/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="bowel/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="perforation/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="ascending/VBG-22"]; N_23 [label="paralysis/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="./.-24"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nummod"]; N_3 -> N_8 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_16 [label="nmod:to"]; N_11 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_11 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="acl"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="nmod:by"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
Any other answer would cause the mermaid to turn into a raging Gorgon who would drag the ship to the bottom of the sea, all hands aboard.
digraph { N_1 [label="Any/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="other/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="answer/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="would/MD-4"]; N_5 [label="cause/VB-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="mermaid/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="turn/VB-9"]; N_10 [label="into/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="a/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="raging/VBG-12"]; N_13 [label="Gorgon/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="who/WP-14"]; N_15 [label="would/MD-15"]; N_16 [label="drag/VB-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="ship/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="to/TO-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="bottom/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="of/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="sea/NN-24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="all/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="hands/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="aboard/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="./.-29"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="aux"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="xcomp"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="mark"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:into"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="ref"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_16 -> N_21 [label="nmod:to"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="aux"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:of"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_5 [label="ccomp"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="nsubj"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Alexander's settlement of Greek colonists and the resulting spread of Greek culture in the east resulted in a new Hellenistic civilization, aspects of which were still evident in the traditions of the Byzantine Empire in the mid-15th century AD and the presence of Greek speakers in central and far eastern Anatolia until the 1920s.
digraph { N_1 [label="Alexander/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="'s/POS-2"]; N_3 [label="settlement/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="Greek/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="colonists/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="and/CC-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="resulting/VBG-9"]; N_10 [label="spread/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="Greek/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="culture/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="in/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="east/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="resulted/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="in/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="a/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="new/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="Hellenistic/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="civilization/NN-22"]; N_23 [label=",/,-23"]; N_24 [label="aspects/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="of/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="which/WDT-26"]; N_27 [label="were/VBD-27"]; N_28 [label="still/RB-28"]; N_29 [label="evident/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="in/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="the/DT-31"]; N_32 [label="traditions/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label="of/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="the/DT-34"]; N_35 [label="Byzantine/JJ-35"]; N_36 [label="Empire/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="in/IN-37"]; N_38 [label="the/DT-38"]; N_39 [label="mid-15th/JJ-39"]; N_40 [label="century/NN-40"]; N_41 [label="AD/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="and/CC-42"]; N_43 [label="the/DT-43"]; N_44 [label="presence/NN-44"]; N_45 [label="of/IN-45"]; N_46 [label="Greek/JJ-46"]; N_47 [label="speakers/NNS-47"]; N_48 [label="in/IN-48"]; N_49 [label="central/JJ-49"]; N_50 [label="and/CC-50"]; N_51 [label="far/RB-51"]; N_52 [label="eastern/JJ-52"]; N_53 [label="Anatolia/NNP-53"]; N_54 [label="until/IN-54"]; N_55 [label="the/DT-55"]; N_56 [label="1920s/NNS-56"]; N_57 [label="./.-57"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_3 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="cc"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_16 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_22 [label="nmod:in"]; N_17 -> N_57 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_26 [label="ref"]; N_22 -> N_44 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_22 -> N_29 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="nmod:of"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="nmod:in"]; N_29 -> N_24 [label="nsubj"]; N_29 -> N_42 [label="cc"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="cop"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="advmod"]; N_29 -> N_44 [label="conj:and"]; N_32 -> N_36 [label="nmod:of"]; N_32 -> N_41 [label="nmod:in"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="amod"]; N_41 -> N_37 [label="case"]; N_41 -> N_38 [label="det"]; N_41 -> N_39 [label="amod"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="compound"]; N_44 -> N_53 [label="nmod:in"]; N_44 -> N_56 [label="nmod:until"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="det"]; N_44 -> N_47 [label="nmod:of"]; N_47 -> N_45 [label="case"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="amod"]; N_49 -> N_50 [label="cc"]; N_49 -> N_52 [label="conj:and"]; N_52 -> N_51 [label="advmod"]; N_53 -> N_48 [label="case"]; N_53 -> N_49 [label="amod"]; N_53 -> N_52 [label="amod"]; N_56 -> N_54 [label="case"]; N_56 -> N_55 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
When Alexander was ten years old, a trader from Thessaly brought Philip a horse, which he offered to sell for thirteen talents.
digraph { N_1 [label="When/WRB-1"]; N_2 [label="Alexander/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="was/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="ten/CD-4"]; N_5 [label="years/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="old/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="a/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="trader/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="from/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="Thessaly/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="brought/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="Philip/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="a/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="horse/NN-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="which/WDT-17"]; N_18 [label="he/PRP-18"]; N_19 [label="offered/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="to/TO-20"]; N_21 [label="sell/VB-21"]; N_22 [label="for/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="thirteen/CD-23"]; N_24 [label="talents/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="./.-25"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nummod"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nmod:npmod"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:from"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_6 [label="advcl"]; N_12 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="ref"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="xcomp"]; N_19 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="mark"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:for"]; N_21 -> N_15 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
These increasing tensions led to a mutual scramble for ordnance and pushed the colonies toward open war.
digraph { N_1 [label="These/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="increasing/VBG-2"]; N_3 [label="tensions/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="led/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="to/TO-5"]; N_6 [label="a/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="mutual/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="scramble/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="for/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="ordnance/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="and/CC-11"]; N_12 [label="pushed/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="colonies/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="toward/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="open/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="war/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="./.-18"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:to"]; N_4 -> N_11 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_12 [label="conj:and"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:for"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="nmod:toward"]; N_12 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by caused/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
The greatest killer at sea was scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="greatest/JJS-2"]; N_3 [label="killer/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="at/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="sea/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="was/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="scurvy/NN-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="a/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="disease/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="caused/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="by/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="vitamin/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="C/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="deficiency/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="./.-16"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:at"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="cop"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="appos"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="acl"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:by"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The climate was also against the British in the southern colonies and the Caribbean, where the intense summer heat caused food supplies to sour and spoil.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="climate/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="was/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="also/RB-4"]; N_5 [label="against/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="British/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="in/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="southern/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="colonies/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="and/CC-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="Caribbean/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="where/WRB-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="intense/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="summer/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="heat/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="caused/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="food/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="supplies/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="to/TO-24"]; N_25 [label="sour/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="and/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="spoil/VB-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_21 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_27 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="conj:and"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="nmod:to"]; N_21 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_21 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj triggered/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The seizure of the sloop Liberty in 1768 on suspicions of smuggling triggered a riot.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="seizure/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="sloop/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="Liberty/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="1768/CD-8"]; N_9 [label="on/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="suspicions/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="smuggling/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="triggered/VBD-13"]; N_14 [label="a/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="riot/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="./.-16"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="nmod:in"]; N_2 -> N_10 [label="nmod:on"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
The British were ravaged by disease and were running low on food due to poor logistics.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="British/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="were/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="ravaged/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="by/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="disease/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="and/CC-7"]; N_8 [label="were/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="running/VBG-9"]; N_10 [label="low/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="on/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="food/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="due/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="to/TO-14"]; N_15 [label="poor/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="logistics/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="./.-17"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="auxpass"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="aux"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="advmod"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:on"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:to"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Patriots followed independence with the Test Laws, requiring residents to swear allegiance to the state in which they lived, intending to root out neutrals or opponents to independence.
digraph { N_1 [label="Patriots/NNPS-1"]; N_2 [label="followed/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="independence/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="with/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="Test/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="Laws/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="requiring/VBG-9"]; N_10 [label="residents/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="swear/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="allegiance/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="to/TO-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="state/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="in/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="which/WDT-18"]; N_19 [label="they/PRP-19"]; N_20 [label="lived/VBD-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="intending/VBG-22"]; N_23 [label="to/TO-23"]; N_24 [label="root/VB-24"]; N_25 [label="out/RP-25"]; N_26 [label="neutrals/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="or/CC-27"]; N_28 [label="opponents/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label="to/TO-29"]; N_30 [label="independence/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="advcl"]; N_2 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="nmod:with"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="xcomp"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="nmod:to"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="ref"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_16 [label="nmod:in"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="xcomp"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="xcomp"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="mark"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="compound:prt"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="dobj"]; N_24 -> N_28 [label="dobj"]; N_24 -> N_30 [label="nmod:to"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="cc"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="conj:or"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The defeat at Saratoga caused considerable anxiety in Britain over foreign intervention.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="defeat/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="at/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="Saratoga/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="caused/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="considerable/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="anxiety/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="in/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="Britain/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="over/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="foreign/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="intervention/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="./.-13"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:at"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_12 [label="nmod:over"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Nurses sometimes were apprentices to surgeons, but many were drafted from the women who followed the army.
digraph { N_1 [label="Nurses/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="sometimes/RB-2"]; N_3 [label="were/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="apprentices/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="to/TO-5"]; N_6 [label="surgeons/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="but/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="many/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="were/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="drafted/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="from/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="women/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="who/WP-15"]; N_16 [label="followed/VBD-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="army/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="./.-19"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_4 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:to"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_11 [label="conj:but"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="auxpass"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:from"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="ref"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The presence of Hessian soldiers caused considerable anxiety among the colonists, both Patriot and Loyalist, who viewed them as brutal mercenaries.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="presence/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="Hessian/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="soldiers/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="caused/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="considerable/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="anxiety/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="among/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="colonists/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="both/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="Patriot/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="and/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="Loyalist/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="who/WP-18"]; N_19 [label="viewed/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="them/PRP-20"]; N_21 [label="as/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="brutal/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="mercenaries/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="./.-24"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_16 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:among"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="ref"]; N_14 -> N_19 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="cc:preconj"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_19 -> N_23 [label="nmod:as"]; N_19 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to attributed/VBN +nsubjpass [[effect]]/N
Howe's tardiness in launching the New York campaign, and his reluctance to allow Cornwallis to vigorously pursue Washington's beaten army, have both been attributed to the paucity of available food supplies.
digraph { N_1 [label="Howe/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="'s/POS-2"]; N_3 [label="tardiness/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="in/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="launching/VBG-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="New/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="York/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="campaign/NN-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="and/CC-11"]; N_12 [label="his/PRP$-12"]; N_13 [label="reluctance/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="to/TO-14"]; N_15 [label="allow/VB-15"]; N_16 [label="Cornwallis/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="to/TO-17"]; N_18 [label="vigorously/RB-18"]; N_19 [label="pursue/VB-19"]; N_20 [label="Washington/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="'s/POS-21"]; N_22 [label="beaten/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="army/NN-23"]; N_24 [label=",/,-24"]; N_25 [label="have/VBP-25"]; N_26 [label="both/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="been/VBN-27"]; N_28 [label="attributed/VBN-28"]; N_29 [label="to/TO-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="paucity/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="of/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="available/JJ-33"]; N_34 [label="food/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="supplies/NNS-35"]; N_36 [label="./.-36"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="acl:in"]; N_3 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_11 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_13 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="mark"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="acl:to"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="xcomp"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="mark"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="mark"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_28 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="aux"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="dep"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="auxpass"]; N_28 -> N_13 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="nmod:to"]; N_31 -> N_35 [label="nmod:of"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_35 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Patriot protests against taxation without representation followed the Stamp Act and escalated into boycotts, which culminated in 1773 with the Sons of Liberty destroying a shipment of tea in Boston Harbor.
digraph { N_1 [label="Patriot/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="protests/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="against/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="taxation/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="without/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="representation/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="followed/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="Stamp/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="Act/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="and/CC-11"]; N_12 [label="escalated/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="into/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="boycotts/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="which/WDT-16"]; N_17 [label="culminated/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="in/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="1773/CD-19"]; N_20 [label="with/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="Sons/NNPS-22"]; N_23 [label="of/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="Liberty/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="destroying/VBG-25"]; N_26 [label="a/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="shipment/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="of/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="tea/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="in/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="Boston/NNP-31"]; N_32 [label="Harbor/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label="./.-33"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:against"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:without"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_12 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="nmod:into"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="ref"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:in"]; N_17 -> N_22 [label="nmod:with"]; N_17 -> N_25 [label="xcomp"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="nmod:of"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="dobj"]; N_27 -> N_32 [label="nmod:in"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="nmod:of"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The successes led to predictions that the British could win within a year.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="successes/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="led/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="to/TO-4"]; N_5 [label="predictions/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="that/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="British/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="could/MD-9"]; N_10 [label="win/VB-10"]; N_11 [label="within/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="a/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="year/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="./.-14"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:to"]; N_3 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="ref"]; N_5 -> N_10 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_5 [label="dobj"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="aux"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:within"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj contributed/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The debts contributed to a worsening fiscal crisis that ultimately begat the French Revolution at the end of the century.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="debts/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="contributed/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="to/TO-4"]; N_5 [label="a/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="worsening/VBG-6"]; N_7 [label="fiscal/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="crisis/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="that/WDT-9"]; N_10 [label="ultimately/RB-10"]; N_11 [label="begat/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="French/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="Revolution/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="at/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="end/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="of/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="century/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="./.-21"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_8 [label="nmod:to"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="ref"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_11 -> N_17 [label="nmod:at"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="advmod"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="nmod:of"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Their defeat resulted in a splintering of the Cherokee settlements and people, and was directly responsible for the rise of the Chickamauga Cherokee, bitter enemies of the Colonials who carried on a frontier war for decades following the end of hostilities with Britain.
digraph { N_1 [label="Their/PRP$-1"]; N_2 [label="defeat/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="resulted/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="in/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="a/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="splintering/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="Cherokee/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="settlements/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="and/CC-11"]; N_12 [label="people/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="was/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="directly/RB-16"]; N_17 [label="responsible/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="for/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="rise/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="of/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="Chickamauga/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="Cherokee/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="bitter/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="enemies/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="of/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="the/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="Colonials/NNPS-30"]; N_31 [label="who/WP-31"]; N_32 [label="carried/VBD-32"]; N_33 [label="on/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="a/DT-34"]; N_35 [label="frontier/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="war/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="for/IN-37"]; N_38 [label="decades/NNS-38"]; N_39 [label="following/VBG-39"]; N_40 [label="the/DT-40"]; N_41 [label="end/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="of/IN-42"]; N_43 [label="hostilities/NNS-43"]; N_44 [label="with/IN-44"]; N_45 [label="Britain/NNP-45"]; N_46 [label="./.-46"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:in"]; N_3 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_46 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="cc"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="conj:and"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="nmod:for"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="cop"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_24 [label="nmod:of"]; N_20 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_27 [label="appos"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_30 [label="nmod:of"]; N_30 -> N_32 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="ref"]; N_32 -> N_36 [label="nmod:on"]; N_32 -> N_38 [label="nmod:for"]; N_32 -> N_41 [label="nmod:following"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="nsubj"]; N_36 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="compound"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="case"]; N_41 -> N_39 [label="case"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="det"]; N_41 -> N_43 [label="nmod:of"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="case"]; N_43 -> N_45 [label="nmod:with"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Poor conditions and supply problems resulted in the deaths of some 2,500 troops.
digraph { N_1 [label="Poor/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="conditions/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="and/CC-3"]; N_4 [label="supply/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="problems/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="resulted/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="deaths/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="some/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="2,500/CD-12"]; N_13 [label="troops/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="./.-14"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="advmod"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Competition between naval and army press gangs, and even between rival ships or regiments, frequently resulted in brawls between the gangs in order to secure recruits for their unit.
digraph { N_1 [label="Competition/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="between/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="naval/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="and/CC-4"]; N_5 [label="army/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="press/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="gangs/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="and/CC-9"]; N_10 [label="even/RB-10"]; N_11 [label="between/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="rival/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="ships/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="or/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="regiments/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="frequently/RB-17"]; N_18 [label="resulted/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label="in/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="brawls/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="between/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="gangs/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="in/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="order/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="to/TO-26"]; N_27 [label="secure/VB-27"]; N_28 [label="recruits/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label="for/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="their/PRP$-30"]; N_31 [label="unit/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="./.-32"]; N_1 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_7 [label="nmod:between"]; N_1 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_9 [label="cc"]; N_1 -> N_13 [label="conj:and"]; N_1 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="advmod"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="conj:or"]; N_18 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="advmod"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="nmod:in"]; N_18 -> N_27 [label="advcl:in_order"]; N_18 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="nmod:between"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="mwe"]; N_27 -> N_24 [label="mark"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="mark"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="dobj"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="nmod:for"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj contributed/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
These factors contributed to the eventual surrender of Cornwallis' entire army, and the end of major operations in North America.
digraph { N_1 [label="These/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="factors/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="contributed/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="to/TO-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="eventual/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="surrender/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="Cornwallis/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="'/POS-10"]; N_11 [label="entire/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="army/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="end/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="of/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="major/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="operations/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="in/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="North/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="America/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_16 [label="conj:and"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="nmod:to"]; N_3 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="nmod:in"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ +nsubj [[effect]]/N
This inactivity was partially due to the shortage of food.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="inactivity/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="was/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="partially/RB-4"]; N_5 [label="due/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="shortage/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="food/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="./.-11"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:to"]; N_5 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Hitchcock felt uneasy living and working in Hollywood while his country was at war; his concern resulted in a film that overtly supported the British war effort.
digraph { N_1 [label="Hitchcock/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="felt/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="uneasy/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="living/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="and/CC-5"]; N_6 [label="working/VBG-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="Hollywood/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="while/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="his/PRP$-10"]; N_11 [label="country/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="was/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="at/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="war/NN-14"]; N_15 [label=";/:-15"]; N_16 [label="his/PRP$-16"]; N_17 [label="concern/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="resulted/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label="in/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="a/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="film/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="that/WDT-22"]; N_23 [label="overtly/RB-23"]; N_24 [label="supported/VBD-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="British/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="war/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="effort/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="./.-29"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_18 [label="parataxis"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_14 [label="advcl:at"]; N_2 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="conj:and"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_14 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="nsubj"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="cop"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="nmod:in"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="ref"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="advmod"]; N_24 -> N_28 [label="dobj"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Hitchcock followed Vertigo with three more successful films, which are also recognised as among his best: North by Northwest (1959), Psycho (1960) and The Birds (1963).
digraph { N_1 [label="Hitchcock/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="followed/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="Vertigo/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="with/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="three/CD-5"]; N_6 [label="more/JJR-6"]; N_7 [label="successful/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="films/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label=",/,-9"]; N_10 [label="which/WDT-10"]; N_11 [label="are/VBP-11"]; N_12 [label="also/RB-12"]; N_13 [label="recognised/VBN-13"]; N_14 [label="as/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="among/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="his/PRP$-16"]; N_17 [label="best/JJS-17"]; N_18 [label=":/:-18"]; N_19 [label="North/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="by/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="Northwest/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--22"]; N_23 [label="1959/CD-23"]; N_24 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="Psycho/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--27"]; N_28 [label="1960/CD-28"]; N_29 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--29"]; N_30 [label="and/CC-30"]; N_31 [label="The/DT-31"]; N_32 [label="Birds/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--33"]; N_34 [label="1963/CD-34"]; N_35 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--35"]; N_36 [label="./.-36"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="nmod:with"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="advmod"]; N_8 -> N_32 [label="dep"]; N_8 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_19 [label="dep"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="nummod"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="ref"]; N_8 -> N_26 [label="dep"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="advcl:among"]; N_13 -> N_8 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="auxpass"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_32 [label="conj:and"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="nmod:by"]; N_19 -> N_23 [label="dep"]; N_19 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_19 -> N_30 [label="cc"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="appos"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_34 [label="appos"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="det"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_34 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
During the filming of Mr. & Mrs. Smith (1941), Carole Lombard brought three cows onto the set wearing the name tags of Lombard, Robert Montgomery, and Gene Raymond, the stars of the film, to surprise him.
digraph { N_1 [label="During/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="filming/VBG-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="Mr./NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="&/CC-6"]; N_7 [label="Mrs./NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="Smith/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--9"]; N_10 [label="1941/CD-10"]; N_11 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="Carole/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="Lombard/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="brought/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="three/CD-16"]; N_17 [label="cows/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label="onto/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="set/VBN-20"]; N_21 [label="wearing/VBG-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="name/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="tags/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="of/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="Lombard/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label=",/,-27"]; N_28 [label="Robert/NNP-28"]; N_29 [label="Montgomery/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label=",/,-30"]; N_31 [label="and/CC-31"]; N_32 [label="Gene/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label="Raymond/NNP-33"]; N_34 [label=",/,-34"]; N_35 [label="the/DT-35"]; N_36 [label="stars/NNS-36"]; N_37 [label="of/IN-37"]; N_38 [label="the/DT-38"]; N_39 [label="film/NN-39"]; N_40 [label=",/,-40"]; N_41 [label="to/TO-41"]; N_42 [label="surprise/VB-42"]; N_43 [label="him/PRP-43"]; N_44 [label="./.-44"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="conj:&"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="appos"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_3 [label="nmod:during"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="nmod:onto"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_44 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="nummod"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="dep"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="dobj"]; N_21 -> N_42 [label="advcl:to"]; N_24 -> N_33 [label="nmod:of"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="nmod:of"]; N_24 -> N_29 [label="nmod:of"]; N_26 -> N_33 [label="conj:and"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="conj:and"]; N_26 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_31 [label="cc"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_33 -> N_36 [label="appos"]; N_33 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_39 [label="nmod:of"]; N_39 -> N_37 [label="case"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="det"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="mark"]; N_42 -> N_43 [label="dobj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The film was assembled in London and produced by Sidney Bernstein of the Ministry of Information, who brought Hitchcock (a friend of his) on board.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="film/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="was/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="assembled/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="in/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="London/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="and/CC-7"]; N_8 [label="produced/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="by/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="Sidney/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="Bernstein/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="Ministry/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="Information/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="who/WP-18"]; N_19 [label="brought/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="Hitchcock/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--21"]; N_22 [label="a/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="friend/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="of/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="his/PRP$-25"]; N_26 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--26"]; N_27 [label="on/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="board/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="./.-29"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="auxpass"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:in"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:by"]; N_11 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_18 [label="ref"]; N_11 -> N_19 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_19 -> N_11 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="dep"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_28 [label="nmod:on"]; N_23 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj causes/VBZ +dobj [[effect]]/N
Etzel also appears as Kriemhild's second noble husband in the Nibelungenlied, in which Kriemhild causes the destruction of both the Hunnish kingdom and that of her Burgundian relatives.
digraph { N_1 [label="Etzel/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="also/RB-2"]; N_3 [label="appears/VBZ-3"]; N_4 [label="as/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="Kriemhild/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="'s/POS-6"]; N_7 [label="second/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="noble/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="husband/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="in/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="Nibelungenlied/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="in/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="which/WDT-15"]; N_16 [label="Kriemhild/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="causes/VBZ-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="destruction/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="of/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="both/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="Hunnish/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="kingdom/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="and/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="that/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="of/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="her/PRP$-28"]; N_29 [label="Burgundian/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="relatives/NNS-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="advmod"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="nmod:as"]; N_3 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="ref"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_24 [label="nmod:of"]; N_19 -> N_26 [label="nmod:of"]; N_24 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="cc:preconj"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_26 -> N_30 [label="nmod:of"]; N_30 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N +acl leading/VBG +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
An alternative theory is that he succumbed to internal bleeding after heavy drinking, possibly a condition called esophageal varices, where dilated veins in the lower part of the esophagus rupture leading to death by hemorrhage.
digraph { N_1 [label="An/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="alternative/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="theory/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="is/VBZ-4"]; N_5 [label="that/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="he/PRP-6"]; N_7 [label="succumbed/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="internal/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="bleeding/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="after/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="heavy/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="drinking/NN-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="possibly/RB-15"]; N_16 [label="a/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="condition/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="called/VBN-18"]; N_19 [label="esophageal/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="varices/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="where/WRB-22"]; N_23 [label="dilated/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="veins/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="in/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="lower/JJR-27"]; N_28 [label="part/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="of/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="esophagus/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="rupture/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="leading/VBG-33"]; N_34 [label="to/TO-34"]; N_35 [label="death/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="by/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="hemorrhage/NN-37"]; N_38 [label="./.-38"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="ccomp"]; N_7 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="mark"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:to"]; N_7 -> N_13 [label="nmod:after"]; N_7 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="acl"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_22 [label="dep"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="advmod"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="xcomp"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="dep"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_28 [label="nmod:in"]; N_28 -> N_32 [label="nmod:of"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="acl"]; N_32 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_35 [label="nmod:to"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_37 [label="nmod:by"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
An offshoot of this research resulted in Nobel's invention of ballistite, the precursor of many modern smokeless powder explosives and still used as a rocket propellant.
digraph { N_1 [label="An/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="offshoot/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="this/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="research/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="resulted/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="Nobel/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="'s/POS-9"]; N_10 [label="invention/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="ballistite/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="precursor/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="many/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="modern/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="smokeless/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="powder/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="explosives/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="and/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="still/RB-23"]; N_24 [label="used/VBN-24"]; N_25 [label="as/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="a/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="rocket/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="propellant/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="./.-29"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_24 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_10 -> N_24 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="advmod"]; N_24 -> N_28 [label="nmod:as"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBN +dobj [[effect]]/N
The formulation for the literary prize being given for a work "in an ideal direction" ( in Swedish), is cryptic and has caused much confusion.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="formulation/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="for/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="literary/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="prize/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="being/VBG-7"]; N_8 [label="given/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="for/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="a/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="work/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="``/``-12"]; N_13 [label="in/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="an/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="ideal/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="direction/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="''/''-17"]; N_18 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--18"]; N_19 [label="in/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="Swedish/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--21"]; N_22 [label=",/,-22"]; N_23 [label="is/VBZ-23"]; N_24 [label="cryptic/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="and/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="has/VBZ-26"]; N_27 [label="caused/VBN-27"]; N_28 [label="much/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="confusion/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="./.-30"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:for"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="acl"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="auxpass"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:for"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_16 [label="nmod:in"]; N_24 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_20 [label="dep"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="cop"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_24 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_27 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="aux"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="dobj"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
In 1888, the death of his brother Ludvig caused several newspapers to publish obituaries of Alfred in error.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="1888/CD-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="death/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="his/PRP$-7"]; N_8 [label="brother/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="Ludvig/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="caused/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="several/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="newspapers/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="to/TO-13"]; N_14 [label="publish/VB-14"]; N_15 [label="obituaries/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="Alfred/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="in/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="error/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_2 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="xcomp"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_19 [label="nmod:in"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="mark"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="nmod:of"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
In order to help reestablish his name and improve the image of his business from the earlier controversies associated with the dangerous explosives, Nobel had also considered naming the highly powerful substance "Nobel's Safety Powder", but settled with Dynamite instead, referring to the Greek word for "power" ().
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="order/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="to/TO-3"]; N_4 [label="help/VB-4"]; N_5 [label="reestablish/VB-5"]; N_6 [label="his/PRP$-6"]; N_7 [label="name/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="improve/VB-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="image/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="his/PRP$-13"]; N_14 [label="business/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="from/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="earlier/JJR-17"]; N_18 [label="controversies/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="associated/VBN-19"]; N_20 [label="with/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="dangerous/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="explosives/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label=",/,-24"]; N_25 [label="Nobel/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="had/VBD-26"]; N_27 [label="also/RB-27"]; N_28 [label="considered/VBN-28"]; N_29 [label="naming/VBG-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="highly/RB-31"]; N_32 [label="powerful/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="substance/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="``/``-34"]; N_35 [label="Nobel/NNP-35"]; N_36 [label="'s/POS-36"]; N_37 [label="Safety/NN-37"]; N_38 [label="Powder/NNP-38"]; N_39 [label="''/''-39"]; N_40 [label=",/,-40"]; N_41 [label="but/CC-41"]; N_42 [label="settled/VBD-42"]; N_43 [label="with/IN-43"]; N_44 [label="Dynamite/NNP-44"]; N_45 [label="instead/RB-45"]; N_46 [label=",/,-46"]; N_47 [label="referring/VBG-47"]; N_48 [label="to/TO-48"]; N_49 [label="the/DT-49"]; N_50 [label="Greek/JJ-50"]; N_51 [label="word/NN-51"]; N_52 [label="for/IN-52"]; N_53 [label="``/``-53"]; N_54 [label="power/NN-54"]; N_55 [label="''/''-55"]; N_56 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--56"]; N_57 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--57"]; N_58 [label="./.-58"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="mwe"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="mark"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="ccomp"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="ccomp"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_9 -> N_18 [label="nmod:from"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="acl"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_23 [label="nmod:with"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_4 [label="advcl:in_order"]; N_28 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="nsubj"]; N_28 -> N_41 [label="cc"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="aux"]; N_28 -> N_42 [label="conj:but"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="advmod"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="xcomp"]; N_29 -> N_33 [label="dobj"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="advmod"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_33 -> N_38 [label="dep"]; N_33 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_33 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_35 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_38 -> N_35 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="compound"]; N_42 -> N_25 [label="nsubj"]; N_42 -> N_44 [label="nmod:with"]; N_42 -> N_45 [label="advmod"]; N_42 -> N_46 [label="punct"]; N_42 -> N_47 [label="xcomp"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="case"]; N_47 -> N_51 [label="nmod:to"]; N_51 -> N_48 [label="case"]; N_51 -> N_49 [label="det"]; N_51 -> N_50 [label="amod"]; N_51 -> N_54 [label="nmod:for"]; N_54 -> N_52 [label="case"]; N_54 -> N_53 [label="punct"]; N_54 -> N_55 [label="punct"]; N_54 -> N_58 [label="punct"]; N_58 -> N_56 [label="punct"]; N_58 -> N_57 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The family factory produced armaments for the Crimean War (1853–1856), but had difficulty switching back to regular domestic production when the fighting ended and they filed for bankruptcy.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="family/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="factory/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="produced/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="armaments/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="for/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="Crimean/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="War/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--10"]; N_11 [label="1853/CD-11"]; N_12 [label="--/:-12"]; N_13 [label="1856/CD-13"]; N_14 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="but/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="had/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="difficulty/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="switching/VBG-19"]; N_20 [label="back/RB-20"]; N_21 [label="to/TO-21"]; N_22 [label="regular/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="domestic/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="production/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="when/WRB-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="fighting/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="ended/VBD-28"]; N_29 [label="and/CC-29"]; N_30 [label="they/PRP-30"]; N_31 [label="filed/VBD-31"]; N_32 [label="for/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="bankruptcy/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_17 [label="conj:but"]; N_4 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="nmod:for"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="dep"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="dep"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_28 [label="advcl"]; N_17 -> N_31 [label="advcl"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="dep"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_24 [label="nmod:to"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="advmod"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="nsubj"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="cc"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="conj:and"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="nmod:for"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="nsubj"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBN +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The term's association with aesthetic violence has led to its use in the media.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="term/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="'s/POS-3"]; N_4 [label="association/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="with/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="aesthetic/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="violence/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="has/VBZ-8"]; N_9 [label="led/VBN-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="its/PRP$-11"]; N_12 [label="use/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="in/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="media/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="./.-16"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:with"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="aux"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:to"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
F. Alexander: An author who was in the process of typing his magnum opus A Clockwork Orange when Alex and his droogs broke into his house, beat him, tore up his work and then brutally gang-raped his wife, which caused her subsequent death.
digraph { N_1 [label="F./NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="Alexander/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label=":/:-3"]; N_4 [label="An/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="author/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="who/WP-6"]; N_7 [label="was/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="in/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="process/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="typing/VBG-12"]; N_13 [label="his/PRP$-13"]; N_14 [label="magnum/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="opus/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="A/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="Clockwork/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="Orange/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="when/WRB-19"]; N_20 [label="Alex/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="his/PRP$-22"]; N_23 [label="droogs/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="broke/VBD-24"]; N_25 [label="into/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="his/PRP$-26"]; N_27 [label="house/NN-27"]; N_28 [label=",/,-28"]; N_29 [label="beat/VBD-29"]; N_30 [label="him/PRP-30"]; N_31 [label=",/,-31"]; N_32 [label="tore/VBD-32"]; N_33 [label="up/RP-33"]; N_34 [label="his/PRP$-34"]; N_35 [label="work/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="and/CC-36"]; N_37 [label="then/RB-37"]; N_38 [label="brutally/RB-38"]; N_39 [label="gang-raped/VBD-39"]; N_40 [label="his/PRP$-40"]; N_41 [label="wife/NN-41"]; N_42 [label=",/,-42"]; N_43 [label="which/WDT-43"]; N_44 [label="caused/VBD-44"]; N_45 [label="her/PRP-45"]; N_46 [label="subsequent/JJ-46"]; N_47 [label="death/NN-47"]; N_48 [label="./.-48"]; N_2 -> N_32 [label="dep"]; N_2 -> N_48 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_39 [label="dep"]; N_2 -> N_29 [label="dep"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="ref"]; N_5 -> N_10 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_5 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="cop"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="acl:of"]; N_12 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_24 [label="advcl"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="mark"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_13 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_18 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="conj:and"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_24 -> N_19 [label="advmod"]; N_24 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="nmod:into"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="conj:and"]; N_29 -> N_36 [label="cc"]; N_29 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_29 -> N_39 [label="conj:and"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="dobj"]; N_29 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="compound:prt"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="dobj"]; N_32 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_39 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_39 -> N_37 [label="advmod"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="advmod"]; N_39 -> N_41 [label="dobj"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_41 -> N_42 [label="punct"]; N_41 -> N_43 [label="ref"]; N_41 -> N_44 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_44 -> N_41 [label="nsubj"]; N_44 -> N_47 [label="dobj"]; N_47 -> N_45 [label="dep"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
The 2017 elections resulted in the following representation: The overall political composition of the council, following subsequent defections and by-elections, is as follows: The Council's Revenue Budget for 2012/13 totals approx £548 million.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="2017/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="elections/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="resulted/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="in/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="following/VBG-7"]; N_8 [label="representation/NN-8"]; N_9 [label=":/:-9"]; N_10 [label="The/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="overall/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="political/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="composition/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="of/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="council/NN-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="following/VBG-18"]; N_19 [label="subsequent/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="defections/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="by-elections/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label=",/,-23"]; N_24 [label="is/VBZ-24"]; N_25 [label="as/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="follows/VBZ-26"]; N_27 [label=":/:-27"]; N_28 [label="The/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="Council/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label="'s/POS-30"]; N_31 [label="Revenue/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="Budget/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="for/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="2012/13/CD-34"]; N_35 [label="totals/NNS-35"]; N_36 [label="approx/RB-36"]; N_37 [label="£/$-37"]; N_38 [label="548/CD-38"]; N_39 [label="million/CD-39"]; N_40 [label="./.-40"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nummod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:in"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_26 [label="parataxis"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_20 [label="nmod:following"]; N_13 -> N_22 [label="nmod:following"]; N_13 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_26 -> N_32 [label="parataxis"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="cop"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="mark"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="nmod:for"]; N_32 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_29 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="compound"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="nummod"]; N_35 -> N_37 [label="dep"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="advmod"]; N_37 -> N_39 [label="nummod"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
He was a Loyalist during the American Revolutionary War, which led to the confiscation of his property and his banishment in 1782.
digraph { N_1 [label="He/PRP-1"]; N_2 [label="was/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="a/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="Loyalist/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="during/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="American/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="Revolutionary/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="War/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="which/WDT-11"]; N_12 [label="led/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="to/TO-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="confiscation/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="his/PRP$-17"]; N_18 [label="property/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="and/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="his/PRP$-20"]; N_21 [label="banishment/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="in/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="1782/CD-23"]; N_24 [label="./.-24"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="cop"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="nmod:during"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="ref"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="nmod:to"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="conj:and"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="nmod:in"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
When the fighting amongst these newcomers resulted in the Scottish Wars of Independence, the English king Edward I traveled across the area twice, in 1296 and 1303.
digraph { N_1 [label="When/WRB-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="fighting/VBG-3"]; N_4 [label="amongst/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="these/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="newcomers/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="resulted/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="in/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="Scottish/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="Wars/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="Independence/NN-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="English/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="king/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="Edward/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="I/PRP-19"]; N_20 [label="traveled/VBD-20"]; N_21 [label="across/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="area/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="twice/RB-24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="in/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="1296/CD-27"]; N_28 [label="and/CC-28"]; N_29 [label="1303/CD-29"]; N_30 [label="./.-30"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="ccomp"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="mark"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_20 -> N_3 [label="advcl"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="nmod:across"]; N_20 -> N_24 [label="advmod"]; N_20 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_27 [label="nmod:in"]; N_20 -> N_29 [label="nmod:in"]; N_20 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="cc"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="conj:and"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj contributed/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Over the last 40 years, the development of the oil and gas industry and associated service sector has broadened Aberdeenshire's economic base, and contributed to a rapid population growth of some 50% since 1975.
digraph { N_1 [label="Over/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="last/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="40/CD-4"]; N_5 [label="years/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="development/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="oil/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="and/CC-12"]; N_13 [label="gas/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="industry/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="and/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="associated/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="service/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="sector/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="has/VBZ-19"]; N_20 [label="broadened/VBN-20"]; N_21 [label="Aberdeenshire/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="'s/POS-22"]; N_23 [label="economic/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="base/NN-24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="and/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="contributed/VBD-27"]; N_28 [label="to/TO-28"]; N_29 [label="a/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="rapid/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="population/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="growth/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="of/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="some/DT-34"]; N_35 [label="50/CD-35"]; N_36 [label="%/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="since/IN-37"]; N_38 [label="1975/CD-38"]; N_39 [label="./.-39"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nummod"]; N_8 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="aux"]; N_20 -> N_5 [label="nmod:over"]; N_20 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_8 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_24 [label="dobj"]; N_20 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_20 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_32 [label="nmod:to"]; N_27 -> N_38 [label="nmod:since"]; N_27 -> N_8 [label="nsubj"]; N_32 -> N_36 [label="nmod:of"]; N_32 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="compound"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="advmod"]; N_36 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="nummod"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The major head of this movement was Louis Massignon, a French Orientalist, who brought his concern before the Arabic Language Academy in Damacus in 1928.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="major/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="head/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="this/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="movement/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="was/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="Louis/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="Massignon/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="a/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="French/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="Orientalist/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="who/WP-15"]; N_16 [label="brought/VBD-16"]; N_17 [label="his/PRP$-17"]; N_18 [label="concern/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="before/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="Arabic/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="Language/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="Academy/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="in/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="Damacus/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="in/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="1928/CD-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_16 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_9 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="cop"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="appos"]; N_9 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="ref"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_16 -> N_23 [label="nmod:before"]; N_16 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_16 -> N_25 [label="nmod:in"]; N_16 -> N_27 [label="nmod:in"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_23 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj leads/VBZ +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
There are various conflicting motivations involved, which leads to multiple systems.
digraph { N_1 [label="There/EX-1"]; N_2 [label="are/VBP-2"]; N_3 [label="various/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="conflicting/VBG-4"]; N_5 [label="motivations/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="involved/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="which/WDT-8"]; N_9 [label="leads/VBZ-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="multiple/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="systems/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="./.-13"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="expl"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="acl"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="ref"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:to"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:of result/NN -nmod:as [[effect]]/N
Sicilian has about 500 Arabic words as result of Sicily being progressively conquered by Arabs from North Africa, from the mid 9th to mid 10th centuries.
digraph { N_1 [label="Sicilian/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="has/VBZ-2"]; N_3 [label="about/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="500/CD-4"]; N_5 [label="Arabic/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="words/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="as/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="result/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="Sicily/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="being/VBG-11"]; N_12 [label="progressively/RB-12"]; N_13 [label="conquered/VBN-13"]; N_14 [label="by/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="Arabs/NNPS-15"]; N_16 [label="from/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="North/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="Africa/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="from/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="mid/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="9th/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="to/TO-24"]; N_25 [label="mid/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="10th/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="centuries/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_23 [label="nmod:from"]; N_2 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nummod"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:as"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="acl"]; N_13 -> N_18 [label="nmod:from"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="auxpass"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="advmod"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="nmod:to"]; N_27 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj generate/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
To fly, air must flow over the wing and generate lift.
digraph { N_1 [label="To/TO-1"]; N_2 [label="fly/VB-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="air/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="must/MD-5"]; N_6 [label="flow/VB-6"]; N_7 [label="over/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="wing/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="and/CC-10"]; N_11 [label="generate/VB-11"]; N_12 [label="lift/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="./.-13"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="advcl:to"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="aux"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:over"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="cc"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Then several accidents, such as the Hindenburg disaster in 1937, led to the demise of these airships.
digraph { N_1 [label="Then/RB-1"]; N_2 [label="several/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="accidents/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="such/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="as/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="Hindenburg/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="disaster/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="in/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="1937/CD-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="led/VBD-13"]; N_14 [label="to/TO-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="demise/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="of/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="these/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="airships/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_3 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="mwe"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:to"]; N_13 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_13 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
On 18 September 2017 it was announced by Eberhard van der Laan in an open letter to Amsterdam citizens that Kajsa Ollongren would take up his office as acting Mayor of Amsterdam with immediate effect due to ill health.
digraph { N_1 [label="On/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="18/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="September/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="2017/CD-4"]; N_5 [label="it/PRP-5"]; N_6 [label="was/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="announced/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label="by/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="Eberhard/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="van/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="der/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="Laan/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="in/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="an/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="open/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="letter/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="to/TO-17"]; N_18 [label="Amsterdam/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="citizens/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="that/WDT-20"]; N_21 [label="Kajsa/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="Ollongren/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="would/MD-23"]; N_24 [label="take/VB-24"]; N_25 [label="up/RP-25"]; N_26 [label="his/PRP$-26"]; N_27 [label="office/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="as/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="acting/VBG-29"]; N_30 [label="Mayor/NNP-30"]; N_31 [label="of/IN-31"]; N_32 [label="Amsterdam/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label="with/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="immediate/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="effect/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="due/JJ-36"]; N_37 [label="to/TO-37"]; N_38 [label="ill/JJ-38"]; N_39 [label="health/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="./.-40"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nummod"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="nummod"]; N_7 -> N_16 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="nmod:on"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="auxpass"]; N_7 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_12 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_12 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:to"]; N_16 -> N_24 [label="dep"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; N_24 -> N_20 [label="mark"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="aux"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="compound:prt"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="dobj"]; N_24 -> N_29 [label="advcl:as"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_29 -> N_35 [label="nmod:with"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="mark"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="dobj"]; N_30 -> N_32 [label="nmod:of"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_36 [label="amod"]; N_36 -> N_39 [label="nmod:to"]; N_39 -> N_37 [label="case"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:of result/NN +nsubj [[effect]]/N
The Amsterdam canal system is the result of conscious city planning.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Amsterdam/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="canal/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="system/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="is/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="result/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="conscious/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="city/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="planning/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="./.-12"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="cop"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_7 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N +acl leading/VBG +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Road A8, leading north to Zaandam and the A10 Ringroad were opened between 1968 and 1974.
digraph { N_1 [label="Road/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="A8/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="leading/VBG-4"]; N_5 [label="north/RB-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="Zaandam/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="A10/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="Ringroad/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="were/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="opened/VBN-13"]; N_14 [label="between/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="1968/CD-15"]; N_16 [label="and/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="1974/CD-17"]; N_18 [label="./.-18"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="acl"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:to"]; N_4 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="conj:and"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="nmod:between"]; N_13 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_13 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="auxpass"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="nmod:between"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The revolt escalated into the Eighty Years' War, which ultimately led to Dutch independence.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="revolt/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="escalated/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="into/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="Eighty/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="Years/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="'/POS-8"]; N_9 [label="War/NN-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="which/WDT-11"]; N_12 [label="ultimately/RB-12"]; N_13 [label="led/VBD-13"]; N_14 [label="to/TO-14"]; N_15 [label="Dutch/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="independence/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="./.-17"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="nmod:into"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="ref"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:to"]; N_13 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="advmod"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by caused/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
At the peak of the demolition, the Nieuwmarktrellen (Nieuwmarkt Riots) broke out; the rioters expressed their fury about the demolition caused by the restructuring of the city.
digraph { N_1 [label="At/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="peak/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="demolition/NN-6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="Nieuwmarktrellen/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--10"]; N_11 [label="Nieuwmarkt/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="Riots/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--13"]; N_14 [label="broke/VBD-14"]; N_15 [label="out/RP-15"]; N_16 [label=";/:-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="rioters/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="expressed/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="their/PRP$-20"]; N_21 [label="fury/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="about/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="demolition/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="caused/VBN-25"]; N_26 [label="by/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="the/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="restructuring/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="of/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="city/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="./.-32"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_3 [label="nmod:at"]; N_14 -> N_19 [label="parataxis"]; N_14 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="nsubj"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="compound:prt"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="dobj"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:about"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="acl"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="nmod:by"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="nmod:of"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
One of the principal architects behind the city's Catholic churches, Cuypers, was also responsible for the Amsterdam Central station and the Rijksmuseum, which led to a refusal of Protestant King William III to open 'that monastery'.
digraph { N_1 [label="One/CD-1"]; N_2 [label="of/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="principal/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="architects/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="behind/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="city/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="'s/POS-9"]; N_10 [label="Catholic/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="churches/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="Cuypers/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="was/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="also/RB-16"]; N_17 [label="responsible/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="for/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="Amsterdam/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="Central/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="station/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="and/CC-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="Rijksmuseum/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label=",/,-26"]; N_27 [label="which/WDT-27"]; N_28 [label="led/VBD-28"]; N_29 [label="to/TO-29"]; N_30 [label="a/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="refusal/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="of/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="Protestant/NNP-33"]; N_34 [label="King/NNP-34"]; N_35 [label="William/NNP-35"]; N_36 [label="III/NNP-36"]; N_37 [label="to/TO-37"]; N_38 [label="open/VB-38"]; N_39 [label="`/``-39"]; N_40 [label="that/WDT-40"]; N_41 [label="monastery/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="'/''-42"]; N_43 [label="./.-43"]; N_1 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_11 [label="nmod:behind"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="appos"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_22 [label="nmod:for"]; N_17 -> N_25 [label="nmod:for"]; N_17 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="cop"]; N_22 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="cc"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="conj:and"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="ref"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="nsubj"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="nmod:to"]; N_31 -> N_36 [label="nmod:of"]; N_31 -> N_38 [label="acl:to"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_33 [label="compound"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="compound"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="compound"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="mark"]; N_38 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_38 -> N_41 [label="dobj"]; N_38 -> N_42 [label="punct"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
The artist most associated with Amsterdam is Rembrandt, whose work, and the work of his pupils, is displayed in the Rijksmuseum.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="artist/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="most/RBS-3"]; N_4 [label="associated/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="with/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="Amsterdam/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="is/VBZ-7"]; N_8 [label="Rembrandt/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label=",/,-9"]; N_10 [label="whose/WP$-10"]; N_11 [label="work/NN-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="and/CC-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="work/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="his/PRP$-17"]; N_18 [label="pupils/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="is/VBZ-20"]; N_21 [label="displayed/VBN-21"]; N_22 [label="in/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="Rijksmuseum/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="./.-25"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="acl"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:with"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_21 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="cop"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="ref"]; N_11 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="auxpass"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:in"]; N_21 -> N_11 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_21 -> N_15 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The outbreak of the Second World War and shifting priorities led to the current situation, where only roads A1, A2, and A4 originate from Amsterdam according to the original plan.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="outbreak/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="Second/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="World/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="War/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="shifting/VBG-9"]; N_10 [label="priorities/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="led/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="to/TO-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="current/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="situation/NN-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="where/WRB-17"]; N_18 [label="only/RB-18"]; N_19 [label="roads/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="A1/NN-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="A2/NN-22"]; N_23 [label=",/,-23"]; N_24 [label="and/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="A4/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="originate/VB-26"]; N_27 [label="from/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="Amsterdam/NNP-28"]; N_29 [label="according/VBG-29"]; N_30 [label="to/TO-30"]; N_31 [label="the/DT-31"]; N_32 [label="original/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="plan/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_7 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_10 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:to"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_26 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="dep"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="dep"]; N_19 -> N_25 [label="dep"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_20 -> N_25 [label="conj:and"]; N_26 -> N_17 [label="advmod"]; N_26 -> N_33 [label="nmod:according_to"]; N_26 -> N_19 [label="nsubj"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="nmod:from"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="mwe"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:from resulting/VBG -acl [[effect]]/N
In a review study published in 2012, NHTSA summarized its past findings about the Audi unintended acceleration problems: "Once an unintended acceleration had begun, in the Audi 5000, due to a failure in the idle-stabilizer system (producing an initial acceleration of 0.3g), pedal misapplication resulting from panic, confusion, or unfamiliarity with the Audi 5000 contributed to the severity of the incident."
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="a/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="review/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="study/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="published/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="in/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="2012/CD-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="NHTSA/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="summarized/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="its/PRP$-11"]; N_12 [label="past/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="findings/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="about/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="Audi/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="unintended/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="acceleration/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="problems/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label=":/:-20"]; N_21 [label="``/``-21"]; N_22 [label="Once/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="an/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="unintended/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="acceleration/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="had/VBD-26"]; N_27 [label="begun/VBN-27"]; N_28 [label=",/,-28"]; N_29 [label="in/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="Audi/NNP-31"]; N_32 [label="5000/CD-32"]; N_33 [label=",/,-33"]; N_34 [label="due/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="to/TO-35"]; N_36 [label="a/DT-36"]; N_37 [label="failure/NN-37"]; N_38 [label="in/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="the/DT-39"]; N_40 [label="idle-stabilizer/JJ-40"]; N_41 [label="system/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--42"]; N_43 [label="producing/VBG-43"]; N_44 [label="an/DT-44"]; N_45 [label="initial/JJ-45"]; N_46 [label="acceleration/NN-46"]; N_47 [label="of/IN-47"]; N_48 [label="0.3/CD-48"]; N_49 [label="g/NN-49"]; N_50 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--50"]; N_51 [label=",/,-51"]; N_52 [label="pedal/NN-52"]; N_53 [label="misapplication/NN-53"]; N_54 [label="resulting/VBG-54"]; N_55 [label="from/IN-55"]; N_56 [label="panic/NN-56"]; N_57 [label=",/,-57"]; N_58 [label="confusion/NN-58"]; N_59 [label=",/,-59"]; N_60 [label="or/CC-60"]; N_61 [label="unfamiliarity/NN-61"]; N_62 [label="with/IN-62"]; N_63 [label="the/DT-63"]; N_64 [label="Audi/NNP-64"]; N_65 [label="5000/CD-65"]; N_66 [label="contributed/VBD-66"]; N_67 [label="to/TO-67"]; N_68 [label="the/DT-68"]; N_69 [label="severity/NN-69"]; N_70 [label="of/IN-70"]; N_71 [label="the/DT-71"]; N_72 [label="incident/NN-72"]; N_73 [label="./.-73"]; N_74 [label="''/''-74"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="acl"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_4 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_73 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_74 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_27 [label="advcl:once"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_19 [label="nmod:about"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_27 -> N_66 [label="ccomp"]; N_27 -> N_51 [label="punct"]; N_27 -> N_37 [label="nmod:due_to"]; N_27 -> N_22 [label="mark"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="aux"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_27 -> N_31 [label="nmod:in"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="nummod"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_34 -> N_35 [label="mwe"]; N_37 -> N_34 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="det"]; N_37 -> N_41 [label="nmod:in"]; N_37 -> N_43 [label="dep"]; N_41 -> N_38 [label="case"]; N_41 -> N_39 [label="det"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="amod"]; N_43 -> N_50 [label="punct"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="punct"]; N_43 -> N_46 [label="dobj"]; N_46 -> N_49 [label="nmod:of"]; N_46 -> N_44 [label="det"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="amod"]; N_49 -> N_48 [label="nummod"]; N_49 -> N_47 [label="case"]; N_53 -> N_52 [label="compound"]; N_53 -> N_54 [label="acl"]; N_54 -> N_56 [label="nmod:from"]; N_54 -> N_58 [label="nmod:from"]; N_54 -> N_61 [label="nmod:from"]; N_56 -> N_55 [label="case"]; N_56 -> N_57 [label="punct"]; N_56 -> N_58 [label="conj:or"]; N_56 -> N_59 [label="punct"]; N_56 -> N_60 [label="cc"]; N_56 -> N_61 [label="conj:or"]; N_61 -> N_64 [label="nmod:with"]; N_64 -> N_65 [label="nummod"]; N_64 -> N_62 [label="case"]; N_64 -> N_63 [label="det"]; N_66 -> N_53 [label="nsubj"]; N_66 -> N_69 [label="nmod:to"]; N_69 -> N_67 [label="case"]; N_69 -> N_68 [label="det"]; N_69 -> N_72 [label="nmod:of"]; N_72 -> N_70 [label="case"]; N_72 -> N_71 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
This summary is consistent with the conclusions of NHTSA's most technical analysis at the time: "Audi idle-stabilization systems were prone to defects which resulted in excessive idle speeds and brief unanticipated accelerations of up to 0.3g [which is similar in magnitude to an emergency stop in a subway car].
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="summary/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="is/VBZ-3"]; N_4 [label="consistent/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="with/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="conclusions/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="NHTSA/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="'s/POS-10"]; N_11 [label="most/JJS-11"]; N_12 [label="technical/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="analysis/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="at/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="time/NN-16"]; N_17 [label=":/:-17"]; N_18 [label="``/``-18"]; N_19 [label="Audi/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="idle-stabilization/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="systems/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="were/VBD-22"]; N_23 [label="prone/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="to/TO-24"]; N_25 [label="defects/NNS-25"]; N_26 [label="which/WDT-26"]; N_27 [label="resulted/VBD-27"]; N_28 [label="in/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="excessive/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="idle/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="speeds/NNS-31"]; N_32 [label="and/CC-32"]; N_33 [label="brief/JJ-33"]; N_34 [label="unanticipated/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="accelerations/NNS-35"]; N_36 [label="of/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="up/RB-37"]; N_38 [label="to/TO-38"]; N_39 [label="0.3/CD-39"]; N_40 [label="g/NN-40"]; N_41 [label="-LSB-/-LRB--41"]; N_42 [label="which/WDT-42"]; N_43 [label="is/VBZ-43"]; N_44 [label="similar/JJ-44"]; N_45 [label="in/IN-45"]; N_46 [label="magnitude/NN-46"]; N_47 [label="to/TO-47"]; N_48 [label="an/DT-48"]; N_49 [label="emergency/NN-49"]; N_50 [label="stop/NN-50"]; N_51 [label="in/IN-51"]; N_52 [label="a/DT-52"]; N_53 [label="subway/NN-53"]; N_54 [label="car/NN-54"]; N_55 [label="-RSB-/-RRB--55"]; N_56 [label="./.-56"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:with"]; N_4 -> N_23 [label="ccomp"]; N_4 -> N_56 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_16 [label="nmod:at"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_9 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="nsubj"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="cop"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="nmod:to"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="ref"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_27 -> N_35 [label="nmod:in"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_44 [label="dep"]; N_27 -> N_31 [label="nmod:in"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="cc"]; N_31 -> N_35 [label="conj:and"]; N_31 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_40 [label="nmod:of"]; N_39 -> N_37 [label="advmod"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="dep"]; N_40 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="nummod"]; N_44 -> N_55 [label="punct"]; N_44 -> N_41 [label="punct"]; N_44 -> N_42 [label="nsubj"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="cop"]; N_44 -> N_46 [label="nmod:in"]; N_46 -> N_50 [label="nmod:to"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="case"]; N_50 -> N_48 [label="det"]; N_50 -> N_49 [label="compound"]; N_50 -> N_54 [label="nmod:in"]; N_50 -> N_47 [label="case"]; N_54 -> N_51 [label="case"]; N_54 -> N_52 [label="det"]; N_54 -> N_53 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:agent caused/VBN +nsubjpass [[effect]]/N
Audi contended, prior to findings by outside investigators, that the problems were caused by driver error, specifically pedal misapplication.
digraph { N_1 [label="Audi/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="contended/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="prior/RB-4"]; N_5 [label="to/TO-5"]; N_6 [label="findings/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="by/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="outside/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="investigators/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="that/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="problems/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="were/VBD-14"]; N_15 [label="caused/VBN-15"]; N_16 [label="by/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="driver/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="error/NN-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="specifically/RB-20"]; N_21 [label="pedal/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="misapplication/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_2 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_15 [label="ccomp"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:to"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:by"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_15 -> N_11 [label="mark"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="auxpass"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="appos"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="advmod"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Approval of the plan would lead to an investment of $30 million in the new plant.
digraph { N_1 [label="Approval/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="of/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="plan/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="would/MD-5"]; N_6 [label="lead/VB-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="an/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="investment/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="$/$-11"]; N_12 [label="30/CD-12"]; N_13 [label="million/CD-13"]; N_14 [label="in/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="new/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="plant/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="./.-18"]; N_1 -> N_4 [label="nmod:of"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="aux"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:to"]; N_9 -> N_17 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="nummod"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Sales in the United States fell after a series of recalls from 1982 to 1987 of Audi 5000 models associated with reported incidents of sudden unintended acceleration linked to six deaths and 700 accidents.
digraph { N_1 [label="Sales/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="in/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="United/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="States/NNPS-5"]; N_6 [label="fell/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="after/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="a/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="series/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="recalls/VBZ-11"]; N_12 [label="from/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="1982/CD-13"]; N_14 [label="to/TO-14"]; N_15 [label="1987/CD-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="Audi/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="5000/CD-18"]; N_19 [label="models/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="associated/VBN-20"]; N_21 [label="with/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="reported/VBN-22"]; N_23 [label="incidents/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="of/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="sudden/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="unintended/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="acceleration/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="linked/VBN-28"]; N_29 [label="to/TO-29"]; N_30 [label="six/CD-30"]; N_31 [label="deaths/NNS-31"]; N_32 [label="and/CC-32"]; N_33 [label="700/CD-33"]; N_34 [label="accidents/NNS-34"]; N_35 [label="./.-35"]; N_1 -> N_5 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:after"]; N_6 -> N_13 [label="nmod:from"]; N_6 -> N_15 [label="nmod:to"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="nummod"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="acl"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="nmod:with"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="nmod:of"]; N_27 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="acl"]; N_28 -> N_34 [label="nmod:to"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="nmod:to"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="cc"]; N_31 -> N_34 [label="conj:and"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="nummod"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:agent caused/VBN +nsubjpass [[effect]]/N
Subsequently, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) concluded that the majority of unintended acceleration cases, including all the ones that prompted the 60 Minutes report, were caused by driver error such as confusion of pedals.
digraph { N_1 [label="Subsequently/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="National/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="Highway/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="Traffic/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="Safety/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="Administration/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--9"]; N_10 [label="NHTSA/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--11"]; N_12 [label="concluded/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="that/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="majority/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="unintended/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="acceleration/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="cases/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="including/VBG-21"]; N_22 [label="all/PDT-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="ones/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="that/WDT-25"]; N_26 [label="prompted/VBD-26"]; N_27 [label="the/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="60/CD-28"]; N_29 [label="Minutes/NNPS-29"]; N_30 [label="report/NN-30"]; N_31 [label=",/,-31"]; N_32 [label="were/VBD-32"]; N_33 [label="caused/VBN-33"]; N_34 [label="by/IN-34"]; N_35 [label="driver/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="error/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="such/JJ-37"]; N_38 [label="as/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="confusion/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="of/IN-40"]; N_41 [label="pedals/NNS-41"]; N_42 [label="./.-42"]; N_8 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="appos"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_12 -> N_33 [label="ccomp"]; N_12 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_8 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_42 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_24 [label="nmod:including"]; N_19 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="det:predet"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="ref"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="nsubj"]; N_26 -> N_30 [label="dobj"]; N_30 -> N_27 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="nummod"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="auxpass"]; N_33 -> N_36 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_33 -> N_13 [label="mark"]; N_33 -> N_15 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="compound"]; N_36 -> N_39 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_37 -> N_38 [label="mwe"]; N_39 -> N_37 [label="case"]; N_39 -> N_41 [label="nmod:of"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="case"]; }