[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ +nsubj [[effect]]/N
The rediscovery of the Nepōhualtzintzin was due to the Mexican engineer David Esparza Hidalgo, who in his wanderings throughout Mexico found diverse engravings and paintings of this instrument and reconstructed several of them made in gold, jade, encrustations of shell, etc.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="rediscovery/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="Nepōhualtzintzin/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="was/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="due/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="Mexican/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="engineer/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="David/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="Esparza/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="Hidalgo/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="who/WP-16"]; N_17 [label="in/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="his/PRP$-18"]; N_19 [label="wanderings/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="throughout/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="Mexico/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="found/VBD-22"]; N_23 [label="diverse/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="engravings/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="and/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="paintings/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="of/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="this/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="instrument/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="and/CC-30"]; N_31 [label="reconstructed/VBD-31"]; N_32 [label="several/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="of/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="them/PRP-34"]; N_35 [label="made/VBN-35"]; N_36 [label="in/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="gold/NN-37"]; N_38 [label=",/,-38"]; N_39 [label="jade/NN-39"]; N_40 [label=",/,-40"]; N_41 [label="encrustations/NNS-41"]; N_42 [label="of/IN-42"]; N_43 [label="shell/NN-43"]; N_44 [label=",/,-44"]; N_45 [label="etc./FW-45"]; N_46 [label="./.-46"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="cop"]; N_7 -> N_14 [label="nmod:to"]; N_7 -> N_46 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="ref"]; N_14 -> N_22 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_31 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="nmod:throughout"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="nmod:in"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="dobj"]; N_22 -> N_26 [label="dobj"]; N_22 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_30 [label="cc"]; N_22 -> N_31 [label="conj:and"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_24 -> N_29 [label="nmod:of"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="dobj"]; N_31 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_32 -> N_34 [label="nmod:of"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="acl"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_37 [label="nmod:in"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_37 -> N_39 [label="conj"]; N_37 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_37 -> N_41 [label="appos"]; N_41 -> N_43 [label="nmod:of"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="case"]; N_43 -> N_44 [label="punct"]; N_43 -> N_45 [label="appos"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Astronauts who took longer space trips were associated with greater brain changes.
digraph { N_1 [label="Astronauts/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="who/WP-2"]; N_3 [label="took/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="longer/JJR-4"]; N_5 [label="space/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="trips/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="were/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="associated/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="with/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="greater/JJR-10"]; N_11 [label="brain/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="changes/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="./.-13"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="ref"]; N_1 -> N_3 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="auxpass"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="nmod:with"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
A 2006 Space Shuttle experiment found that Salmonella typhimurium, a bacterium that can cause food poisoning, became more virulent when cultivated in space.
digraph { N_1 [label="A/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="2006/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="Space/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="Shuttle/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="experiment/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="found/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="that/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="Salmonella/FW-8"]; N_9 [label="typhimurium/FW-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="a/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="bacterium/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="that/WDT-13"]; N_14 [label="can/MD-14"]; N_15 [label="cause/VB-15"]; N_16 [label="food/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="poisoning/NN-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="became/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="more/RBR-20"]; N_21 [label="virulent/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="when/WRB-22"]; N_23 [label="cultivated/VBN-23"]; N_24 [label="in/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="space/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="./.-26"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nummod"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_19 [label="ccomp"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="appos"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="ref"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="nsubj"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="aux"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="xcomp"]; N_19 -> N_7 [label="mark"]; N_19 -> N_23 [label="advcl"]; N_19 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="advmod"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="advmod"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="nmod:in"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
Zero gravity and cosmic rays can cause many implications for astronauts.
digraph { N_1 [label="Zero/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="gravity/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="and/CC-3"]; N_4 [label="cosmic/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="rays/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="can/MD-6"]; N_7 [label="cause/VB-7"]; N_8 [label="many/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="implications/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="for/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="astronauts/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="./.-12"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="aux"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:for"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
At either equivalence point, adding a drop of base will cause the steepest rise of the pH value in the system.
digraph { N_1 [label="At/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="either/CC-2"]; N_3 [label="equivalence/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="point/NN-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="adding/VBG-6"]; N_7 [label="a/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="drop/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="base/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="will/MD-11"]; N_12 [label="cause/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="steepest/JJS-14"]; N_15 [label="rise/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="pH/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="value/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="in/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="system/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nmod:at"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_12 [label="ccomp"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_8 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="aux"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_22 [label="nmod:in"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to attributed/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius attributed the properties of acidity to hydrogen ions (H+) or protons in 1884.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Swedish/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="chemist/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="Svante/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="Arrhenius/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="attributed/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="properties/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="acidity/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="hydrogen/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="ions/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--14"]; N_15 [label="H/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="+/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--17"]; N_18 [label="or/CC-18"]; N_19 [label="protons/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="in/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="1884/CD-21"]; N_22 [label="./.-22"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_19 [label="nmod:to"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_13 [label="nmod:to"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_18 [label="cc"]; N_13 -> N_19 [label="conj:or"]; N_13 -> N_21 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="appos"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj result/VB +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
It is often wrongly assumed that neutralization should result in a solution with pH 7.0, which is only the case with similar acid and base strengths during a reaction.
digraph { N_1 [label="It/PRP-1"]; N_2 [label="is/VBZ-2"]; N_3 [label="often/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="wrongly/RB-4"]; N_5 [label="assumed/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="that/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="neutralization/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="should/MD-8"]; N_9 [label="result/VB-9"]; N_10 [label="in/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="a/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="solution/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="with/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="pH/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="7.0/CD-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="which/WDT-17"]; N_18 [label="is/VBZ-18"]; N_19 [label="only/RB-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="case/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="with/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="similar/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="acid/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="and/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="base/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="strengths/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="during/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="a/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="reaction/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="auxpass"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="ccomp"]; N_5 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="mark"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="aux"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="nmod:with"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="ref"]; N_14 -> N_21 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="nummod"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="cop"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:with"]; N_21 -> N_27 [label="nmod:with"]; N_21 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_30 [label="nmod:during"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj generate/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
For example, a generic diprotic acid will generate 3 species in solution: H2A, HA−, and A2−.
digraph { N_1 [label="For/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="example/NN-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="a/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="generic/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="diprotic/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="acid/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="will/MD-8"]; N_9 [label="generate/VB-9"]; N_10 [label="3/CD-10"]; N_11 [label="species/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="in/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="solution/NN-13"]; N_14 [label=":/:-14"]; N_15 [label="H2A/NN-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="HA/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="−/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="and/CC-20"]; N_21 [label="A2/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="−/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="nmod:for"]; N_9 -> N_18 [label="dep"]; N_9 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_22 [label="dep"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="aux"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="dep"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="nummod"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj results/VBZ +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Neutralization with a base weaker than the acid results in a weakly acidic salt.
digraph { N_1 [label="Neutralization/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="with/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="a/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="base/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="weaker/JJR-5"]; N_6 [label="than/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="acid/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="results/VBZ-9"]; N_10 [label="in/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="a/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="weakly/RB-12"]; N_13 [label="acidic/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="salt/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="./.-15"]; N_1 -> N_4 [label="nmod:with"]; N_1 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="advcl:than"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="mark"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="advmod"]; N_14 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
In its early years, there were many variants of the Greek alphabet, a situation that caused many different alphabets to evolve from it.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="its/PRP$-2"]; N_3 [label="early/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="years/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="there/EX-6"]; N_7 [label="were/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="many/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="variants/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="Greek/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="alphabet/NN-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="a/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="situation/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="that/WDT-17"]; N_18 [label="caused/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label="many/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="different/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="alphabets/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="to/TO-22"]; N_23 [label="evolve/VB-23"]; N_24 [label="from/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="it/PRP-25"]; N_26 [label="./.-26"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="expl"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_16 [label="appos"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="ref"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="dobj"]; N_18 -> N_23 [label="xcomp"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="mark"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="nmod:from"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
The Phoenician letter names, in which each letter was associated with a word that begins with that sound (acrophony), continue to be used to varying degrees in Samaritan, Aramaic, Syriac, Hebrew, Greek and Arabic.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Phoenician/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="letter/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="names/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="in/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="which/WDT-7"]; N_8 [label="each/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="letter/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="was/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="associated/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="with/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="a/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="word/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="that/WDT-15"]; N_16 [label="begins/VBZ-16"]; N_17 [label="with/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="that/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="sound/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--20"]; N_21 [label="acrophony/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--22"]; N_23 [label=",/,-23"]; N_24 [label="continue/VBP-24"]; N_25 [label="to/TO-25"]; N_26 [label="be/VB-26"]; N_27 [label="used/VBN-27"]; N_28 [label="to/TO-28"]; N_29 [label="varying/VBG-29"]; N_30 [label="degrees/NNS-30"]; N_31 [label="in/IN-31"]; N_32 [label="Samaritan/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label=",/,-33"]; N_34 [label="Aramaic/NNP-34"]; N_35 [label=",/,-35"]; N_36 [label="Syriac/NNP-36"]; N_37 [label=",/,-37"]; N_38 [label="Hebrew/NNP-38"]; N_39 [label=",/,-39"]; N_40 [label="Greek/JJ-40"]; N_41 [label="and/CC-41"]; N_42 [label="Arabic/JJ-42"]; N_43 [label="./.-43"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="ref"]; N_4 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_11 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_4 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="auxpass"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:with"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="ref"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:with"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="appos"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="xcomp"]; N_24 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_27 -> N_4 [label="nsubjpass:xsubj"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="mark"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="auxpass"]; N_27 -> N_30 [label="nmod:to"]; N_30 -> N_32 [label="nmod:in"]; N_30 -> N_34 [label="nmod:in"]; N_30 -> N_36 [label="nmod:in"]; N_30 -> N_38 [label="nmod:in"]; N_30 -> N_40 [label="nmod:in"]; N_30 -> N_42 [label="nmod:in"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_34 [label="conj:and"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_36 [label="conj:and"]; N_32 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_38 [label="conj:and"]; N_32 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_40 [label="conj:and"]; N_32 -> N_41 [label="cc"]; N_32 -> N_42 [label="conj:and"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
In simple animals, receptor neurons in the body wall cause a local reaction to a stimulus.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="simple/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="animals/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="receptor/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="neurons/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="body/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="wall/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="cause/VB-11"]; N_12 [label="a/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="local/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="reaction/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="to/TO-15"]; N_16 [label="a/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="stimulus/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="./.-18"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_3 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="nmod:to"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The invention of the electron microscope brought a great advance in resolution power and allowed research into the ultrastructure of cells and the organelles and other structures within them.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="invention/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="electron/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="microscope/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="brought/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="a/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="great/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="advance/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="in/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="resolution/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="power/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="allowed/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="research/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="into/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="ultrastructure/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="of/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="cells/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="and/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="organelles/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="and/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="other/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="structures/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="within/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="them/PRP-29"]; N_30 [label="./.-30"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="nmod:into"]; N_15 -> N_24 [label="nmod:into"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="nmod:of"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_19 -> N_24 [label="conj:and"]; N_19 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_24 -> N_29 [label="nmod:within"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Early on, scientists felt that it was merely mimicking the striped hyena, which subsequently led to the creation of Protelidae.
digraph { N_1 [label="Early/RB-1"]; N_2 [label="on/IN-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="scientists/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="felt/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="that/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="it/PRP-7"]; N_8 [label="was/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="merely/RB-9"]; N_10 [label="mimicking/VBG-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="striped/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="hyena/NN-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="which/WDT-15"]; N_16 [label="subsequently/RB-16"]; N_17 [label="led/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="to/TO-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="creation/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="of/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="Protelidae/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_10 [label="ccomp"]; N_10 -> N_6 [label="mark"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="aux"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="advmod"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="ref"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="nmod:to"]; N_17 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="nmod:of"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj result/VB +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Dominant males also mate opportunistically with the females of less dominant neighboring aardwolves, which can result in conflict between rival males.
digraph { N_1 [label="Dominant/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="males/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="also/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="mate/VBP-4"]; N_5 [label="opportunistically/RB-5"]; N_6 [label="with/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="females/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="less/JJR-10"]; N_11 [label="dominant/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="neighboring/VBG-12"]; N_13 [label="aardwolves/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="which/WDT-15"]; N_16 [label="can/MD-16"]; N_17 [label="result/VB-17"]; N_18 [label="in/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="conflict/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="between/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="rival/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="males/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:with"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_13 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="ref"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="aux"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:in"]; N_17 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="nmod:between"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N +acl resulting/VBG +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Tarkovsky once said that a director who realizes somebody else's screenplay without being involved in it becomes a mere illustrator, resulting in dead and monotonous films.
digraph { N_1 [label="Tarkovsky/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="once/RB-2"]; N_3 [label="said/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="that/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="a/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="director/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="who/WP-7"]; N_8 [label="realizes/VBZ-8"]; N_9 [label="somebody/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="else/RB-10"]; N_11 [label="'s/POS-11"]; N_12 [label="screenplay/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="without/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="being/VBG-14"]; N_15 [label="involved/VBN-15"]; N_16 [label="in/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="it/PRP-17"]; N_18 [label="becomes/VBZ-18"]; N_19 [label="a/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="mere/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="illustrator/NN-21"]; N_22 [label=",/,-22"]; N_23 [label="resulting/VBG-23"]; N_24 [label="in/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="dead/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="and/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="monotonous/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="films/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label="./.-29"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="advmod"]; N_3 -> N_18 [label="ccomp"]; N_3 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="ref"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_15 [label="advcl:without"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="nmod:in"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="mark"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="auxpass"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_4 [label="mark"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="dobj"]; N_18 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="acl"]; N_23 -> N_28 [label="nmod:in"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_28 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Film director Chris Marker produced the television documentary One Day in the Life of Andrei Arsenevich as an homage to Andrei Tarkovsky in 2000.
digraph { N_1 [label="Film/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="director/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="Chris/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="Marker/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="produced/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="television/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="documentary/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="One/CD-9"]; N_10 [label="Day/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="in/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="Life/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="of/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="Andrei/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="Arsenevich/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="as/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="an/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="homage/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="to/TO-20"]; N_21 [label="Andrei/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="Tarkovsky/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="in/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="2000/CD-24"]; N_25 [label="./.-25"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_5 -> N_19 [label="nmod:as"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_24 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_10 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="nummod"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="nmod:to"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
These temperatures could cause the heat shield to crack and propellant lines to burst.
digraph { N_1 [label="These/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="temperatures/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="could/MD-3"]; N_4 [label="cause/VB-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="heat/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="shield/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="crack/VB-9"]; N_10 [label="and/CC-10"]; N_11 [label="propellant/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="lines/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="to/TO-13"]; N_14 [label="burst/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="./.-15"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="aux"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="xcomp"]; N_4 -> N_12 [label="xcomp"]; N_4 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="mark"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="conj:and"]; N_9 -> N_14 [label="nmod:to"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
However, he accidentally erased some of the computer's memory, which caused the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) to think the module was in the same relative position it had been in before lift-off and fire the thrusters to "correct" the module's attitude.
digraph { N_1 [label="However/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="he/PRP-3"]; N_4 [label="accidentally/RB-4"]; N_5 [label="erased/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="some/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="computer/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="'s/POS-10"]; N_11 [label="memory/NN-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="which/WDT-13"]; N_14 [label="caused/VBD-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="Inertial/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="Measurement/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="Unit/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--19"]; N_20 [label="IMU/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--21"]; N_22 [label="to/TO-22"]; N_23 [label="think/VB-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="module/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="was/VBD-26"]; N_27 [label="in/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="the/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="same/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="relative/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="position/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="it/PRP-32"]; N_33 [label="had/VBD-33"]; N_34 [label="been/VBN-34"]; N_35 [label="in/IN-35"]; N_36 [label="before/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="lift-off/NN-37"]; N_38 [label="and/CC-38"]; N_39 [label="fire/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="the/DT-40"]; N_41 [label="thrusters/NNS-41"]; N_42 [label="to/TO-42"]; N_43 [label="``/``-43"]; N_44 [label="correct/VB-44"]; N_45 [label="''/''-45"]; N_46 [label="the/DT-46"]; N_47 [label="module/NN-47"]; N_48 [label="'s/POS-48"]; N_49 [label="attitude/NN-49"]; N_50 [label="./.-50"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_50 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="ref"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_23 [label="xcomp"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="appos"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_18 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="mark"]; N_23 -> N_31 [label="ccomp"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_31 -> N_37 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_31 -> N_39 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_31 -> N_25 [label="nsubj"]; N_31 -> N_26 [label="cop"]; N_31 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_32 [label="nsubj"]; N_37 -> N_33 [label="aux"]; N_37 -> N_34 [label="cop"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_38 [label="cc"]; N_37 -> N_39 [label="conj:and"]; N_37 -> N_41 [label="dobj"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="det"]; N_41 -> N_44 [label="acl:to"]; N_44 -> N_49 [label="dobj"]; N_44 -> N_42 [label="mark"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_44 -> N_45 [label="punct"]; N_47 -> N_48 [label="case"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="det"]; N_49 -> N_47 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by caused/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
In subsequent interviews Lovell has acknowledged that the incident was an accident, caused by his mistake.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="subsequent/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="interviews/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="Lovell/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="has/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="acknowledged/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="that/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="incident/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="was/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="an/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="accident/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="caused/VBN-14"]; N_15 [label="by/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="his/PRP$-16"]; N_17 [label="mistake/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="./.-18"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="aux"]; N_6 -> N_12 [label="ccomp"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_7 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="cop"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="acl"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="nmod:by"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Madalyn Murray O'Hair, an atheist, later caused controversy by bringing a lawsuit against NASA over the reading from Genesis.
digraph { N_1 [label="Madalyn/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="Murray/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="O'Hair/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="an/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="atheist/NN-6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="later/RB-8"]; N_9 [label="caused/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="controversy/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="by/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="bringing/VBG-12"]; N_13 [label="a/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="lawsuit/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="against/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="NASA/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="over/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="reading/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="from/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="Genesis/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="./.-22"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="appos"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="advmod"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="advcl:by"]; N_12 -> N_19 [label="nmod:over"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:against"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="nmod:from"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N +acl causing/VBG +dobj [[effect]]/N
Researchers quickly determined that a leaking hydrogen fuel line ruptured when exposed to vacuum, causing a loss of fuel pressure in engine two.
digraph { N_1 [label="Researchers/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="quickly/RB-2"]; N_3 [label="determined/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="that/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="a/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="leaking/VBG-6"]; N_7 [label="hydrogen/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="fuel/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="line/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="ruptured/VBN-10"]; N_11 [label="when/WRB-11"]; N_12 [label="exposed/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="to/TO-13"]; N_14 [label="vacuum/VB-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="causing/VBG-16"]; N_17 [label="a/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="loss/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="of/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="fuel/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="pressure/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="in/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="engine/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="two/CD-24"]; N_25 [label="./.-25"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="advmod"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="dep"]; N_9 -> N_16 [label="acl"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="acl"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="advcl"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="advmod"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="xcomp"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="mark"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="nmod:of"]; N_18 -> N_23 [label="nmod:in"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
This change was less than the planned , because of a bubble of helium in the oxidizer lines, which caused unexpectedly low propellant pressure.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="change/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="was/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="less/JJR-4"]; N_5 [label="than/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="planned/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="because/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="a/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="bubble/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="of/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="helium/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="in/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="oxidizer/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="lines/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="which/WDT-20"]; N_21 [label="caused/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="unexpectedly/RB-22"]; N_23 [label="low/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="propellant/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="pressure/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="./.-26"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="advcl:than"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_12 [label="nmod:because_of"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="mwe"]; N_12 -> N_18 [label="nmod:in"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="ref"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="dobj"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="advmod"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N +acl leading/VBG +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The ptolemaiidans, a mysterious clade of mammals with uncertain affinities, may actually be stem-aardvarks, either as a sister clade to Tubulidentata or as a grade leading to true tubulidentates.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="ptolemaiidans/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="a/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="mysterious/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="clade/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="mammals/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="with/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="uncertain/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="affinities/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="may/MD-13"]; N_14 [label="actually/RB-14"]; N_15 [label="be/VB-15"]; N_16 [label="stem-aardvarks/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="either/CC-18"]; N_19 [label="as/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="a/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="sister/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="clade/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="to/TO-23"]; N_24 [label="Tubulidentata/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="or/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="as/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="a/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="grade/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="leading/VBG-29"]; N_30 [label="to/TO-30"]; N_31 [label="true/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="tubulidentates/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label="./.-33"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="appos"]; N_2 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:with"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_16 -> N_22 [label="nmod:as"]; N_16 -> N_28 [label="nmod:as"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="aux"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="advmod"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="cop"]; N_22 -> N_18 [label="cc:preconj"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="nmod:to"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_22 -> N_28 [label="conj:or"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="acl"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="nmod:to"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBN +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Following Ernest Becker, he argues that the desire to 'authoritatively disambiguate' the world and existence has led to numerous ideologies and historical events such as genocide.
digraph { N_1 [label="Following/VBG-1"]; N_2 [label="Ernest/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="Becker/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="he/PRP-5"]; N_6 [label="argues/VBZ-6"]; N_7 [label="that/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="desire/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="`/``-11"]; N_12 [label="authoritatively/RB-12"]; N_13 [label="disambiguate/VBG-13"]; N_14 [label="'/''-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="world/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="and/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="existence/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="has/VBZ-19"]; N_20 [label="led/VBN-20"]; N_21 [label="to/TO-21"]; N_22 [label="numerous/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="ideologies/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="and/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="historical/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="events/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="such/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="as/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="genocide/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="./.-30"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nmod:following"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_20 [label="acl:to"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="acl:to"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_13 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="mark"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="advmod"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="aux"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="nmod:to"]; N_20 -> N_26 [label="nmod:to"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="mwe"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
In addition, it is common to write an argument of a function without parenthesis, which also may lead to ambiguity.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="addition/NN-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="it/PRP-4"]; N_5 [label="is/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="common/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="write/VB-8"]; N_9 [label="an/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="argument/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="a/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="function/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="without/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="parenthesis/NN-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="which/WDT-17"]; N_18 [label="also/RB-18"]; N_19 [label="may/MD-19"]; N_20 [label="lead/VB-20"]; N_21 [label="to/TO-21"]; N_22 [label="ambiguity/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="cop"]; N_6 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="xcomp"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="mark"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_15 [label="nmod:without"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="ref"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="aux"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="nmod:to"]; N_20 -> N_15 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VBP +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Such ambiguities easily lead to confusions, especially if some normalized adimensional, dimensionless variables are used.
digraph { N_1 [label="Such/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="ambiguities/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="easily/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="lead/VBP-4"]; N_5 [label="to/TO-5"]; N_6 [label="confusions/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="especially/RB-8"]; N_9 [label="if/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="some/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="normalized/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="adimensional/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="dimensionless/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="variables/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="are/VBP-16"]; N_17 [label="used/VBN-17"]; N_18 [label="./.-18"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:to"]; N_6 -> N_17 [label="acl:if"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="auxpass"]; N_17 -> N_8 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_17 -> N_10 [label="dep"]; N_17 -> N_11 [label="dep"]; N_17 -> N_12 [label="dep"]; N_17 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="nsubjpass"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Adventurous activities can also lead to gains in knowledge, such as those undertaken by explorers and pioneers – the British adventurer Jason Lewis, for example, uses adventures to draw global sustainability lessons from living within finite environmental constraints on expeditions to share with schoolchildren.
digraph { N_1 [label="Adventurous/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="activities/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="can/MD-3"]; N_4 [label="also/RB-4"]; N_5 [label="lead/VB-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="gains/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="in/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="knowledge/NN-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="such/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="as/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="those/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="undertaken/VBN-14"]; N_15 [label="by/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="explorers/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="and/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="pioneers/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="--/:-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="British/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="adventurer/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="Jason/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="Lewis/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="for/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="example/NN-27"]; N_28 [label=",/,-28"]; N_29 [label="uses/VBZ-29"]; N_30 [label="adventures/NNS-30"]; N_31 [label="to/TO-31"]; N_32 [label="draw/VB-32"]; N_33 [label="global/JJ-33"]; N_34 [label="sustainability/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="lessons/NNS-35"]; N_36 [label="from/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="living/VBG-37"]; N_38 [label="within/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="finite/JJ-39"]; N_40 [label="environmental/JJ-40"]; N_41 [label="constraints/NNS-41"]; N_42 [label="on/IN-42"]; N_43 [label="expeditions/NNS-43"]; N_44 [label="to/TO-44"]; N_45 [label="share/VB-45"]; N_46 [label="with/IN-46"]; N_47 [label="schoolchildren/NNS-47"]; N_48 [label="./.-48"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_48 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="aux"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:to"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_13 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="mwe"]; N_13 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_29 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="acl"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:by"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="nmod:by"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="advcl:to"]; N_29 -> N_24 [label="nsubj"]; N_29 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="nmod:for"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="dobj"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="dobj"]; N_32 -> N_37 [label="advcl:from"]; N_32 -> N_45 [label="advcl:to"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="mark"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="compound"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="mark"]; N_37 -> N_41 [label="nmod:within"]; N_37 -> N_43 [label="nmod:on"]; N_41 -> N_38 [label="case"]; N_41 -> N_39 [label="amod"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="amod"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="case"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="mark"]; N_45 -> N_47 [label="nmod:with"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Campbell proposed that the heroic mythological stories from culture to culture followed a similar underlying pattern, starting with the "call to adventure", followed by a hazardous journey, and eventual triumph.
digraph { N_1 [label="Campbell/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="proposed/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="that/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="heroic/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="mythological/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="stories/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="from/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="culture/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="culture/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="followed/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="a/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="similar/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="underlying/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="pattern/NN-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="starting/VBG-18"]; N_19 [label="with/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="``/``-21"]; N_22 [label="call/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="to/TO-23"]; N_24 [label="adventure/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="''/''-25"]; N_26 [label=",/,-26"]; N_27 [label="followed/VBN-27"]; N_28 [label="by/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="a/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="hazardous/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="journey/NN-31"]; N_32 [label=",/,-32"]; N_33 [label="and/CC-33"]; N_34 [label="eventual/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="triumph/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="./.-36"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_12 [label="ccomp"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:from"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_18 [label="dep"]; N_12 -> N_3 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_35 [label="dep"]; N_12 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_27 [label="dep"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_33 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_35 [label="conj:and"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="nmod:with"]; N_18 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="nmod:to"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_31 [label="nmod:by"]; N_31 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
Such an acceleration will cause lateral loads on the walls, resulting in shear and bending and inducing tensile stresses.
digraph { N_1 [label="Such/PDT-1"]; N_2 [label="an/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="acceleration/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="will/MD-4"]; N_5 [label="cause/VB-5"]; N_6 [label="lateral/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="loads/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="on/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="walls/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="resulting/VBG-12"]; N_13 [label="in/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="shear/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="and/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="bending/VBG-16"]; N_17 [label="and/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="inducing/VBG-18"]; N_19 [label="tensile/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="stresses/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="./.-21"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det:predet"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_18 [label="dep"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="aux"]; N_5 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_12 [label="dep"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:on"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="nmod:in"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_12 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to attributed/VBN +nsubjpass [[effect]]/N
Its wide use can be attributed to its simplicity of design and manufacture, and economics.
digraph { N_1 [label="Its/PRP$-1"]; N_2 [label="wide/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="use/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="can/MD-4"]; N_5 [label="be/VB-5"]; N_6 [label="attributed/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="its/PRP$-8"]; N_9 [label="simplicity/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="design/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="and/CC-12"]; N_13 [label="manufacture/NN-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="and/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="economics/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="./.-17"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_16 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="aux"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="auxpass"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:to"]; N_6 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="conj:and"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ +nsubj [[effect]]/N
However, software engineer Don Eyles concluded in a 2005 Guidance and Control Conference paper that the problem was actually due to a hardware design bug previously seen during testing of the first unmanned LM in Apollo 5.
digraph { N_1 [label="However/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="software/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="engineer/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="Don/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="Eyles/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="concluded/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="in/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="a/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="2005/CD-10"]; N_11 [label="Guidance/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="and/CC-12"]; N_13 [label="Control/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="Conference/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="paper/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="that/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="problem/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="was/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="actually/RB-20"]; N_21 [label="due/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="to/TO-22"]; N_23 [label="a/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="hardware/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="design/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="bug/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="previously/RB-27"]; N_28 [label="seen/VBN-28"]; N_29 [label="during/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="testing/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="of/IN-31"]; N_32 [label="the/DT-32"]; N_33 [label="first/JJ-33"]; N_34 [label="unmanned/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="LM/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="in/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="Apollo/NNP-37"]; N_38 [label="5/CD-38"]; N_39 [label="./.-39"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_21 [label="ccomp"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="nummod"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_16 [label="mark"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="cop"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_26 [label="nmod:to"]; N_26 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="compound"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="compound"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="acl"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="advmod"]; N_28 -> N_30 [label="nmod:during"]; N_30 -> N_35 [label="nmod:of"]; N_30 -> N_37 [label="nmod:in"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_32 [label="det"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_31 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_38 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
Having the rendezvous radar on (so that it was warmed up in case of an emergency landing abort) should have been irrelevant to the computer, but an electrical phasing mismatch between two parts of the rendezvous radar system could cause the stationary antenna to appear to the computer as dithering back and forth between two positions, depending upon how the hardware randomly powered up.
digraph { N_1 [label="Having/VBG-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="rendezvous/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="radar/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="on/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--6"]; N_7 [label="so/RB-7"]; N_8 [label="that/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="it/PRP-9"]; N_10 [label="was/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="warmed/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="up/RP-12"]; N_13 [label="in/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="case/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="an/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="emergency/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="landing/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="abort/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--20"]; N_21 [label="should/MD-21"]; N_22 [label="have/VB-22"]; N_23 [label="been/VBN-23"]; N_24 [label="irrelevant/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="to/TO-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="computer/NN-27"]; N_28 [label=",/,-28"]; N_29 [label="but/CC-29"]; N_30 [label="an/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="electrical/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="phasing/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="mismatch/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="between/IN-34"]; N_35 [label="two/CD-35"]; N_36 [label="parts/NNS-36"]; N_37 [label="of/IN-37"]; N_38 [label="the/DT-38"]; N_39 [label="rendezvous/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="radar/NN-40"]; N_41 [label="system/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="could/MD-42"]; N_43 [label="cause/VB-43"]; N_44 [label="the/DT-44"]; N_45 [label="stationary/JJ-45"]; N_46 [label="antenna/NN-46"]; N_47 [label="to/TO-47"]; N_48 [label="appear/VB-48"]; N_49 [label="to/TO-49"]; N_50 [label="the/DT-50"]; N_51 [label="computer/NN-51"]; N_52 [label="as/IN-52"]; N_53 [label="dithering/VBG-53"]; N_54 [label="back/RB-54"]; N_55 [label="and/CC-55"]; N_56 [label="forth/RB-56"]; N_57 [label="between/IN-57"]; N_58 [label="two/CD-58"]; N_59 [label="positions/NNS-59"]; N_60 [label=",/,-60"]; N_61 [label="depending/VBG-61"]; N_62 [label="upon/IN-62"]; N_63 [label="how/WRB-63"]; N_64 [label="the/DT-64"]; N_65 [label="hardware/NN-65"]; N_66 [label="randomly/RB-66"]; N_67 [label="powered/VBD-67"]; N_68 [label="up/RP-68"]; N_69 [label="./.-69"]; N_1 -> N_69 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_24 [label="xcomp"]; N_1 -> N_43 [label="xcomp"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_5 -> N_11 [label="dep"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="mwe"]; N_11 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_7 [label="mark"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="auxpass"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="compound:prt"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_14 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_5 [label="dep"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="aux"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="aux"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="cop"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="nmod:to"]; N_24 -> N_43 [label="conj:but"]; N_24 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_29 [label="cc"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_36 [label="nmod:between"]; N_33 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="nummod"]; N_36 -> N_41 [label="nmod:of"]; N_41 -> N_37 [label="case"]; N_41 -> N_38 [label="det"]; N_41 -> N_39 [label="compound"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="compound"]; N_43 -> N_48 [label="xcomp"]; N_43 -> N_33 [label="nsubj"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="aux"]; N_43 -> N_60 [label="punct"]; N_43 -> N_61 [label="xcomp"]; N_43 -> N_46 [label="dobj"]; N_46 -> N_44 [label="det"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="amod"]; N_48 -> N_51 [label="nmod:to"]; N_48 -> N_53 [label="advcl:as"]; N_48 -> N_46 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_48 -> N_47 [label="mark"]; N_51 -> N_49 [label="case"]; N_51 -> N_50 [label="det"]; N_53 -> N_52 [label="mark"]; N_53 -> N_54 [label="advmod"]; N_53 -> N_56 [label="advmod"]; N_53 -> N_59 [label="nmod:between"]; N_54 -> N_55 [label="cc"]; N_54 -> N_56 [label="conj:and"]; N_59 -> N_57 [label="case"]; N_59 -> N_58 [label="nummod"]; N_61 -> N_67 [label="advcl:upon"]; N_65 -> N_64 [label="det"]; N_67 -> N_65 [label="nsubj"]; N_67 -> N_66 [label="advmod"]; N_67 -> N_68 [label="compound:prt"]; N_67 -> N_62 [label="mark"]; N_67 -> N_63 [label="advmod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
This celebration was the beginning of a 45-day "Giant Leap" tour that brought the astronauts to 25 foreign countries and included visits with prominent leaders such as Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="celebration/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="was/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="beginning/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="a/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="45-day/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="``/``-9"]; N_10 [label="Giant/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="Leap/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="''/''-12"]; N_13 [label="tour/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="that/WDT-14"]; N_15 [label="brought/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="astronauts/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label="to/TO-18"]; N_19 [label="25/CD-19"]; N_20 [label="foreign/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="countries/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="and/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="included/VBD-23"]; N_24 [label="visits/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="with/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="prominent/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="leaders/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="such/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="as/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="Queen/NNP-30"]; N_31 [label="Elizabeth/NNP-31"]; N_32 [label="II/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label="of/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="the/DT-34"]; N_35 [label="United/NNP-35"]; N_36 [label="Kingdom/NNP-36"]; N_37 [label="./.-37"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_23 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_13 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="ref"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="nmod:to"]; N_15 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_23 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="nummod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="dobj"]; N_23 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="nmod:with"]; N_27 -> N_32 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="mwe"]; N_32 -> N_36 [label="nmod:of"]; N_32 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="compound"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="compound"]; N_36 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The extra spurious cycle stealing, as the rendezvous radar updated an involuntary counter, caused the computer alarms.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="extra/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="spurious/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="cycle/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="stealing/NN-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="as/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="rendezvous/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="radar/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="updated/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="an/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="involuntary/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="counter/NN-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="caused/VBD-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="computer/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="alarms/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_7 [label="mark"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="dobj"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_16 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_11 [label="advcl:as"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by brought/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
At this time NASA was still fighting a lawsuit brought by atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair (who had objected to the Apollo 8 crew reading from the Book of Genesis) demanding that their astronauts refrain from broadcasting religious activities while in space.
digraph { N_1 [label="At/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="this/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="time/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="NASA/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="was/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="still/RB-6"]; N_7 [label="fighting/VBG-7"]; N_8 [label="a/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="lawsuit/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="brought/VBN-10"]; N_11 [label="by/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="atheist/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="Madalyn/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="Murray/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="O'Hair/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--16"]; N_17 [label="who/WP-17"]; N_18 [label="had/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label="objected/VBN-19"]; N_20 [label="to/TO-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="Apollo/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="8/CD-23"]; N_24 [label="crew/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="reading/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="from/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="the/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="Book/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="of/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="Genesis/NNP-30"]; N_31 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--31"]; N_32 [label="demanding/VBG-32"]; N_33 [label="that/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="their/PRP$-34"]; N_35 [label="astronauts/NNS-35"]; N_36 [label="refrain/VBP-36"]; N_37 [label="from/IN-37"]; N_38 [label="broadcasting/VBG-38"]; N_39 [label="religious/JJ-39"]; N_40 [label="activities/NNS-40"]; N_41 [label="while/IN-41"]; N_42 [label="in/IN-42"]; N_43 [label="space/NN-43"]; N_44 [label="./.-44"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_32 [label="ccomp"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="nmod:at"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="aux"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_44 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="acl"]; N_10 -> N_15 [label="nmod:by"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="dep"]; N_15 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="aux"]; N_19 -> N_25 [label="nmod:to"]; N_19 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="nummod"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="compound"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="nmod:from"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_30 [label="nmod:of"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_36 [label="ccomp"]; N_32 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_36 -> N_33 [label="mark"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="nsubj"]; N_36 -> N_38 [label="advcl:from"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="mark"]; N_38 -> N_40 [label="dobj"]; N_38 -> N_43 [label="nmod:in"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="amod"]; N_43 -> N_41 [label="case"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
During descent, a malfunction caused Luna 15 to crash in Mare Crisium about two hours before Armstrong and Aldrin took off from the Moon's surface to begin their voyage home.
digraph { N_1 [label="During/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="descent/NN-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="a/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="malfunction/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="caused/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="Luna/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="15/CD-8"]; N_9 [label="to/TO-9"]; N_10 [label="crash/VB-10"]; N_11 [label="in/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="Mare/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="Crisium/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="about/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="two/CD-15"]; N_16 [label="hours/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="before/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="Armstrong/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="and/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="Aldrin/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="took/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="off/RP-22"]; N_23 [label="from/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="Moon/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="'s/POS-26"]; N_27 [label="surface/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="to/TO-28"]; N_29 [label="begin/VB-29"]; N_30 [label="their/PRP$-30"]; N_31 [label="voyage/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="home/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="./.-33"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nmod:during"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="xcomp"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="nummod"]; N_10 -> N_16 [label="nmod:before"]; N_10 -> N_21 [label="dep"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="advmod"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="dep"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="dep"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="nummod"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="compound:prt"]; N_21 -> N_27 [label="nmod:from"]; N_21 -> N_29 [label="advcl:to"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="dobj"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="mark"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
His team brought parts of two of the five engines to the surface.
digraph { N_1 [label="His/PRP$-1"]; N_2 [label="team/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="brought/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="parts/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="of/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="two/CD-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="five/CD-9"]; N_10 [label="engines/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="surface/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="./.-14"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_13 [label="nmod:to"]; N_3 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="nummod"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
In examining the potential health hazards associated with asphalt, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) determined that it is the application parameters, predominantly temperature, that affect occupational exposure and the potential bioavailable carcinogenic hazard/risk of the asphalt emissions.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="examining/VBG-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="potential/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="health/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="hazards/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="associated/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label="with/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="asphalt/NN-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="International/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="Agency/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="for/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="Research/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="on/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="Cancer/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--18"]; N_19 [label="IARC/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--20"]; N_21 [label="determined/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="that/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="it/PRP-23"]; N_24 [label="is/VBZ-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="application/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="parameters/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label=",/,-28"]; N_29 [label="predominantly/RB-29"]; N_30 [label="temperature/NN-30"]; N_31 [label=",/,-31"]; N_32 [label="that/WDT-32"]; N_33 [label="affect/VBP-33"]; N_34 [label="occupational/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="exposure/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="and/CC-36"]; N_37 [label="the/DT-37"]; N_38 [label="potential/JJ-38"]; N_39 [label="bioavailable/JJ-39"]; N_40 [label="carcinogenic/JJ-40"]; N_41 [label="hazard/risk/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="of/IN-42"]; N_43 [label="the/DT-43"]; N_44 [label="asphalt/NN-44"]; N_45 [label="emissions/NNS-45"]; N_46 [label="./.-46"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="acl"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:with"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="nmod:on"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="nmod:for"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="appos"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_2 [label="advcl:in"]; N_21 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_27 [label="ccomp"]; N_21 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_46 [label="punct"]; N_27 -> N_33 [label="dep"]; N_27 -> N_22 [label="mark"]; N_27 -> N_23 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_24 [label="cop"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_27 -> N_30 [label="appos"]; N_27 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="advmod"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="nsubj"]; N_33 -> N_35 [label="dobj"]; N_33 -> N_41 [label="dobj"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_36 [label="cc"]; N_35 -> N_41 [label="conj:and"]; N_41 -> N_37 [label="det"]; N_41 -> N_38 [label="amod"]; N_41 -> N_39 [label="amod"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="amod"]; N_41 -> N_45 [label="nmod:of"]; N_45 -> N_42 [label="case"]; N_45 -> N_43 [label="det"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The addition of coal tar to macadam roads led to the word "tarmac", which is now used in common parlance to refer to road-making materials.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="addition/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="coal/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="tar/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="macadam/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="roads/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="led/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="word/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="``/``-13"]; N_14 [label="tarmac/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="''/''-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="which/WDT-17"]; N_18 [label="is/VBZ-18"]; N_19 [label="now/RB-19"]; N_20 [label="used/VBN-20"]; N_21 [label="in/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="common/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="parlance/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="to/TO-24"]; N_25 [label="refer/VB-25"]; N_26 [label="to/TO-26"]; N_27 [label="road-making/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="materials/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label="./.-29"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="nmod:to"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_14 [label="nmod:to"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="ref"]; N_14 -> N_20 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="auxpass"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="advmod"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="nmod:in"]; N_20 -> N_25 [label="xcomp"]; N_20 -> N_14 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="mark"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="nmod:to"]; N_25 -> N_14 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
The use of bitumen as a glaze to set in shadow or mixed with other colors to render a darker tone resulted in the eventual deterioration of many paintings, for instance those of Delacroix.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="use/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="bitumen/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="as/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="a/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="glaze/VBP-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="set/VB-9"]; N_10 [label="in/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="shadow/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="or/CC-12"]; N_13 [label="mixed/VBN-13"]; N_14 [label="with/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="other/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="colors/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="to/TO-17"]; N_18 [label="render/VB-18"]; N_19 [label="a/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="darker/JJR-20"]; N_21 [label="tone/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="resulted/VBD-22"]; N_23 [label="in/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="eventual/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="deterioration/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="of/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="many/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="paintings/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label=",/,-30"]; N_31 [label="for/IN-31"]; N_32 [label="instance/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="those/DT-33"]; N_34 [label="of/IN-34"]; N_35 [label="Delacroix/NNP-35"]; N_36 [label="./.-36"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_7 [label="nmod:as"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="acl:to"]; N_7 -> N_13 [label="acl:to"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="mark"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="conj:or"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:with"]; N_13 -> N_18 [label="xcomp"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="mark"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="dobj"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_26 [label="nmod:in"]; N_26 -> N_32 [label="nmod:for"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="nmod:of"]; N_26 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="dep"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_35 [label="nmod:of"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Perhaps the most famous example of the destructiveness of bitumen is Théodore Géricault's Raft of the Medusa (1818–1819), where his use of bitumen caused the brilliant colors to degenerate into dark greens and blacks and the paint and canvas to buckle.
digraph { N_1 [label="Perhaps/RB-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="most/RBS-3"]; N_4 [label="famous/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="example/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="destructiveness/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="bitumen/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="is/VBZ-11"]; N_12 [label="Théodore/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="Géricault/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="'s/POS-14"]; N_15 [label="Raft/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="Medusa/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--19"]; N_20 [label="1818/CD-20"]; N_21 [label="--/:-21"]; N_22 [label="1819/CD-22"]; N_23 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--23"]; N_24 [label=",/,-24"]; N_25 [label="where/WRB-25"]; N_26 [label="his/PRP$-26"]; N_27 [label="use/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="of/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="bitumen/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="caused/VBD-30"]; N_31 [label="the/DT-31"]; N_32 [label="brilliant/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="colors/NNS-33"]; N_34 [label="to/TO-34"]; N_35 [label="degenerate/VB-35"]; N_36 [label="into/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="dark/JJ-37"]; N_38 [label="greens/NNS-38"]; N_39 [label="and/CC-39"]; N_40 [label="blacks/NNS-40"]; N_41 [label="and/CC-41"]; N_42 [label="the/DT-42"]; N_43 [label="paint/NN-43"]; N_44 [label="and/CC-44"]; N_45 [label="canvas/NN-45"]; N_46 [label="to/TO-46"]; N_47 [label="buckle/VB-47"]; N_48 [label="./.-48"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_48 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_15 -> N_11 [label="cop"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="dep"]; N_18 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_30 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="dep"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="nmod:of"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_33 [label="dobj"]; N_30 -> N_35 [label="xcomp"]; N_30 -> N_25 [label="advmod"]; N_30 -> N_27 [label="nsubj"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="det"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="mark"]; N_35 -> N_38 [label="nmod:into"]; N_35 -> N_40 [label="nmod:into"]; N_35 -> N_43 [label="nmod:into"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="amod"]; N_38 -> N_39 [label="cc"]; N_38 -> N_40 [label="conj:and"]; N_38 -> N_41 [label="cc"]; N_38 -> N_43 [label="conj:and"]; N_38 -> N_45 [label="conj:and"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="det"]; N_43 -> N_44 [label="cc"]; N_43 -> N_45 [label="conj:and"]; N_43 -> N_47 [label="acl:to"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="mark"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
In 1719, a Cree named Wa-Pa-Su brought a sample for trade to Henry Kelsey of the Hudson’s Bay Company, who was the first recorded European to see it.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="1719/CD-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="a/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="Cree/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="named/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="Wa-Pa-Su/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="brought/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="a/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="sample/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="for/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="trade/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="to/TO-13"]; N_14 [label="Henry/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="Kelsey/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="Hudson/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="'s/POS-19"]; N_20 [label="Bay/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="Company/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label=",/,-22"]; N_23 [label="who/WP-23"]; N_24 [label="was/VBD-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="first/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="recorded/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="European/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="to/TO-29"]; N_30 [label="see/VB-30"]; N_31 [label="it/PRP-31"]; N_32 [label="./.-32"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="ccomp"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_15 [label="nmod:to"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="nmod:for"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="ref"]; N_21 -> N_28 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_28 -> N_21 [label="nsubj"]; N_28 -> N_24 [label="cop"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_30 [label="xcomp"]; N_30 -> N_21 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="mark"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="dobj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Once this was over, a massive development cooperation in the field of health and education brought in numerous civil personnel from Cuba.
digraph { N_1 [label="Once/RB-1"]; N_2 [label="this/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="was/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="over/RB-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="a/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="massive/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="development/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="cooperation/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="in/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="field/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="of/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="health/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="and/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="education/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="brought/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="in/RP-18"]; N_19 [label="numerous/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="civil/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="personnel/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="from/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="Cuba/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="./.-24"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="compound:prt"]; N_17 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="nmod:from"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N +acl causing/VBG +dobj [[effect]]/N
Geographical Asia is a cultural artifact of European conceptions of the world, beginning with the Ancient Greeks, being imposed onto other cultures, an imprecise concept causing endemic contention about what it means.
digraph { N_1 [label="Geographical/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="Asia/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="is/VBZ-3"]; N_4 [label="a/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="cultural/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="artifact/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="European/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="conceptions/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="world/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="beginning/VBG-14"]; N_15 [label="with/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="Ancient/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="Greeks/NNPS-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="being/VBG-20"]; N_21 [label="imposed/VBN-21"]; N_22 [label="onto/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="other/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="cultures/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="an/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="imprecise/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="concept/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="causing/VBG-29"]; N_30 [label="endemic/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="contention/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="about/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="what/WP-33"]; N_34 [label="it/PRP-34"]; N_35 [label="means/VBZ-35"]; N_36 [label="./.-36"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_6 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_21 [label="dep"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_14 [label="advcl"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="nmod:with"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="auxpass"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:onto"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_28 [label="dobj"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="acl"]; N_29 -> N_31 [label="dobj"]; N_31 -> N_35 [label="acl:about"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_32 [label="mark"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="dobj"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="nsubj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Aruba's proximity to South America resulted in interaction with cultures of the coastal areas more than a century after independence of Netherlands from Spain; architectural similarities can be seen between the 19th-century parts of Oranjestad and the nearby Venezuelan city of Coro in Falcón State.
digraph { N_1 [label="Aruba/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="'s/POS-2"]; N_3 [label="proximity/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="to/TO-4"]; N_5 [label="South/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="America/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="resulted/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="in/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="interaction/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="with/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="cultures/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="coastal/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="areas/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="more/RBR-16"]; N_17 [label="than/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="a/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="century/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="after/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="independence/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="of/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="Netherlands/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="from/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="Spain/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label=";/:-26"]; N_27 [label="architectural/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="similarities/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label="can/MD-29"]; N_30 [label="be/VB-30"]; N_31 [label="seen/VBN-31"]; N_32 [label="between/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="the/DT-33"]; N_34 [label="19th-century/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="parts/NNS-35"]; N_36 [label="of/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="Oranjestad/NNP-37"]; N_38 [label="and/CC-38"]; N_39 [label="the/DT-39"]; N_40 [label="nearby/JJ-40"]; N_41 [label="Venezuelan/JJ-41"]; N_42 [label="city/NN-42"]; N_43 [label="of/IN-43"]; N_44 [label="Coro/NNP-44"]; N_45 [label="in/IN-45"]; N_46 [label="Falcón/NNP-46"]; N_47 [label="State/NNP-47"]; N_48 [label="./.-48"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:to"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_48 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_31 [label="parataxis"]; N_9 -> N_21 [label="nmod:after"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:with"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:than"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="nmod:of"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="nmod:from"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_31 -> N_35 [label="nmod:between"]; N_31 -> N_28 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="aux"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="auxpass"]; N_35 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="det"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_37 [label="nmod:of"]; N_35 -> N_42 [label="nmod:of"]; N_35 -> N_47 [label="nmod:in"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_38 [label="cc"]; N_37 -> N_42 [label="conj:and"]; N_42 -> N_39 [label="det"]; N_42 -> N_40 [label="amod"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="amod"]; N_42 -> N_44 [label="nmod:of"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="case"]; N_47 -> N_45 [label="case"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N +acl resulting/VBG +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
With civil disobedience resulting in coercive, and what the colonials perceived as intolerable acts of Parliament, and armed conflict resulting in dissidents being proclaimed rebels and outside the King's protection, any loyalty remaining shifted toward independence and how to achieve it.
digraph { N_1 [label="With/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="civil/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="disobedience/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="resulting/VBG-4"]; N_5 [label="in/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="coercive/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="what/WP-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="colonials/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="perceived/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="as/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="intolerable/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="acts/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="Parliament/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="and/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="armed/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="conflict/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="resulting/VBG-22"]; N_23 [label="in/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="dissidents/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="being/VBG-25"]; N_26 [label="proclaimed/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="rebels/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="and/CC-28"]; N_29 [label="outside/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="King/NNP-31"]; N_32 [label="'s/POS-32"]; N_33 [label="protection/NN-33"]; N_34 [label=",/,-34"]; N_35 [label="any/DT-35"]; N_36 [label="loyalty/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="remaining/VBG-37"]; N_38 [label="shifted/VBN-38"]; N_39 [label="toward/IN-39"]; N_40 [label="independence/NN-40"]; N_41 [label="and/CC-41"]; N_42 [label="how/WRB-42"]; N_43 [label="to/TO-43"]; N_44 [label="achieve/VB-44"]; N_45 [label="it/PRP-45"]; N_46 [label="./.-46"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:in"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_4 -> N_46 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_21 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_36 [label="appos"]; N_11 -> N_21 [label="conj:and"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="acl"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="nmod:as"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="acl"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="nmod:in"]; N_24 -> N_33 [label="dep"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="dep"]; N_27 -> N_33 [label="conj:and"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="cop"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="cc"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_33 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_37 [label="acl"]; N_37 -> N_38 [label="dep"]; N_37 -> N_44 [label="dep"]; N_38 -> N_40 [label="nmod:toward"]; N_38 -> N_41 [label="cc"]; N_38 -> N_44 [label="conj:and"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="case"]; N_44 -> N_42 [label="advmod"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="mark"]; N_44 -> N_45 [label="dobj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Hanson Robotics, Inc., of Texas and KAIST produced an android portrait of Albert Einstein, using Hanson's facial android technology mounted on KAIST's life-size walking bipedal robot body.
digraph { N_1 [label="Hanson/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="Robotics/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="Inc./NNP-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="Texas/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="KAIST/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="produced/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="an/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="android/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="portrait/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="of/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="Albert/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="Einstein/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="using/VBG-18"]; N_19 [label="Hanson/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="'s/POS-20"]; N_21 [label="facial/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="android/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="technology/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="mounted/VBD-24"]; N_25 [label="on/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="KAIST/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="'s/POS-27"]; N_28 [label="life-size/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="walking/VBG-29"]; N_30 [label="bipedal/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="robot/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="body/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="./.-33"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="appos"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_7 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_24 [label="advcl"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_19 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_24 -> N_18 [label="csubj"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="nmod:'s"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="dep"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="dobj"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
The Navy has been neglected and ignored as a military arm mainly due to the guerrilla struggle against the Portuguese and the nature of the civil war.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Navy/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="has/VBZ-3"]; N_4 [label="been/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="neglected/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="and/CC-6"]; N_7 [label="ignored/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label="as/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="a/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="military/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="arm/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="mainly/RB-12"]; N_13 [label="due/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="to/TO-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="guerrilla/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="struggle/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="against/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="Portuguese/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="nature/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="of/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="civil/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="war/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="aux"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="auxpass"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_11 [label="nmod:as"]; N_5 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="nmod:to"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="nmod:against"]; N_17 -> N_23 [label="nmod:against"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="conj:and"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="nmod:of"]; N_27 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
From the 1920s to the 1960s, strong economic growth, abundant natural resources and development of infrastructure, led to the arrival of even more Portuguese settlers.
digraph { N_1 [label="From/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="1920s/CD-3"]; N_4 [label="to/TO-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="1960s/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="strong/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="economic/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="growth/NN-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="abundant/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="natural/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="resources/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="and/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="development/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="of/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="infrastructure/NN-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="led/VBD-20"]; N_21 [label="to/TO-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="arrival/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="of/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="even/RB-25"]; N_26 [label="more/JJR-26"]; N_27 [label="Portuguese/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="settlers/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label="./.-29"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:to"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_16 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_3 [label="nmod:from"]; N_20 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="nmod:to"]; N_20 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_28 [label="nmod:of"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="advmod"]; N_28 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:agent caused/VBN +nsubjpass [[effect]]/N
The wide range of salinities in the North Atlantic is caused by the asymmetry of the northern subtropical gyre and the large number of contributions from a wide range of sources: Labrador Sea, Norwegian-Greenland Sea, Mediterranean, and South Atlantic Intermediate Water.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="wide/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="range/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="salinities/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="in/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="North/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="Atlantic/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="is/VBZ-10"]; N_11 [label="caused/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="by/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="asymmetry/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="northern/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="subtropical/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="gyre/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="and/CC-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="large/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="number/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="of/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="contributions/NNS-25"]; N_26 [label="from/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="a/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="wide/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="range/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="of/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="sources/NNS-31"]; N_32 [label=":/:-32"]; N_33 [label="Labrador/NNP-33"]; N_34 [label="Sea/NNP-34"]; N_35 [label=",/,-35"]; N_36 [label="Norwegian-Greenland/NNP-36"]; N_37 [label="Sea/NNP-37"]; N_38 [label=",/,-38"]; N_39 [label="Mediterranean/NNP-39"]; N_40 [label=",/,-40"]; N_41 [label="and/CC-41"]; N_42 [label="South/NNP-42"]; N_43 [label="Atlantic/NNP-43"]; N_44 [label="Intermediate/NNP-44"]; N_45 [label="Water/NNP-45"]; N_46 [label="./.-46"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_34 [label="dobj"]; N_11 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_11 -> N_37 [label="dobj"]; N_11 -> N_23 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_11 -> N_39 [label="dobj"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="auxpass"]; N_11 -> N_45 [label="dobj"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_11 -> N_46 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_20 [label="cc"]; N_14 -> N_23 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="nmod:of"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_29 [label="nmod:from"]; N_29 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="det"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_29 -> N_31 [label="nmod:of"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="compound"]; N_34 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_34 -> N_37 [label="conj:and"]; N_34 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_34 -> N_39 [label="conj:and"]; N_34 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_34 -> N_41 [label="cc"]; N_34 -> N_45 [label="conj:and"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="compound"]; N_45 -> N_42 [label="compound"]; N_45 -> N_43 [label="compound"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
The formation of the isthmus resulted in the migration and extinction of many land-living animals, known as the Great American Interchange, but the closure of the seaway resulted in a "Great American Schism" as it affected ocean currents, salinity, and temperatures in both the Atlantic and Pacific.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="formation/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="isthmus/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="resulted/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="migration/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="and/CC-10"]; N_11 [label="extinction/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="many/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="land-living/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="animals/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="known/VBN-17"]; N_18 [label="as/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="Great/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="American/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="Interchange/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label=",/,-23"]; N_24 [label="but/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="closure/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="of/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="the/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="seaway/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="resulted/VBD-30"]; N_31 [label="in/IN-31"]; N_32 [label="a/DT-32"]; N_33 [label="``/``-33"]; N_34 [label="Great/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="American/JJ-35"]; N_36 [label="Schism/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="''/''-37"]; N_38 [label="as/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="it/PRP-39"]; N_40 [label="affected/VBD-40"]; N_41 [label="ocean/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="currents/NNS-42"]; N_43 [label=",/,-43"]; N_44 [label="salinity/NN-44"]; N_45 [label=",/,-45"]; N_46 [label="and/CC-46"]; N_47 [label="temperatures/NNS-47"]; N_48 [label="in/IN-48"]; N_49 [label="both/CC-49"]; N_50 [label="the/DT-50"]; N_51 [label="Atlantic/NNP-51"]; N_52 [label="and/CC-52"]; N_53 [label="Pacific/NNP-53"]; N_54 [label="./.-54"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_54 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_30 [label="conj:but"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="conj:and"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="acl"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_22 [label="nmod:as"]; N_22 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="nmod:of"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_36 [label="nmod:in"]; N_30 -> N_40 [label="advcl:as"]; N_30 -> N_26 [label="nsubj"]; N_36 -> N_32 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="amod"]; N_36 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_36 -> N_31 [label="case"]; N_40 -> N_51 [label="nmod:in"]; N_40 -> N_53 [label="nmod:in"]; N_40 -> N_38 [label="mark"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="nsubj"]; N_40 -> N_42 [label="dobj"]; N_40 -> N_44 [label="dobj"]; N_40 -> N_47 [label="dobj"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="compound"]; N_42 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_42 -> N_44 [label="conj:and"]; N_42 -> N_45 [label="punct"]; N_42 -> N_46 [label="cc"]; N_42 -> N_47 [label="conj:and"]; N_51 -> N_48 [label="case"]; N_51 -> N_49 [label="cc:preconj"]; N_51 -> N_50 [label="det"]; N_51 -> N_52 [label="cc"]; N_51 -> N_53 [label="conj:and"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:agent caused/VBN +nsubjpass [[effect]]/N
Therefore, these changes in SST must be caused by human activities.
digraph { N_1 [label="Therefore/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="these/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="changes/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="in/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="SST/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="must/MD-7"]; N_8 [label="be/VB-8"]; N_9 [label="caused/VBN-9"]; N_10 [label="by/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="human/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="activities/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="./.-13"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="aux"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="auxpass"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Large variations in the subpolar gyre on a decade-century scale, associated with the North Atlantic oscillation, are especially pronounced in Labrador Sea Water, the upper layers of the MOC.
digraph { N_1 [label="Large/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="variations/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="in/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="subpolar/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="gyre/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="on/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="a/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="decade-century/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="scale/NN-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="associated/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="with/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="North/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="Atlantic/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="oscillation/NN-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="are/VBP-19"]; N_20 [label="especially/RB-20"]; N_21 [label="pronounced/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="in/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="Labrador/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="Sea/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="Water/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label=",/,-26"]; N_27 [label="the/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="upper/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="layers/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label="of/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="the/DT-31"]; N_32 [label="MOC/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label="./.-33"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_2 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:in"]; N_2 -> N_10 [label="nmod:on"]; N_2 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_12 [label="acl"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="nmod:with"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="cop"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="nmod:in"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="compound"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_29 [label="appos"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="nmod:of"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="det"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
The opening of the Atlantic Ocean coincided with the initial break-up of the supercontinent Pangaea, both of which were initiated by the eruption of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP), one of the most extensive and voluminous large igneous provinces in Earth's history associated with the Triassic–Jurassic extinction event, one of Earth's major extinction events.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="opening/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="Atlantic/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="Ocean/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="coincided/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="with/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="initial/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="break-up/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="supercontinent/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="Pangaea/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="both/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="of/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="which/WDT-19"]; N_20 [label="were/VBD-20"]; N_21 [label="initiated/VBN-21"]; N_22 [label="by/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="eruption/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="of/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="Central/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label="Atlantic/NNP-28"]; N_29 [label="Magmatic/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label="Province/NNP-30"]; N_31 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--31"]; N_32 [label="CAMP/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--33"]; N_34 [label=",/,-34"]; N_35 [label="one/CD-35"]; N_36 [label="of/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="the/DT-37"]; N_38 [label="most/RBS-38"]; N_39 [label="extensive/JJ-39"]; N_40 [label="and/CC-40"]; N_41 [label="voluminous/JJ-41"]; N_42 [label="large/JJ-42"]; N_43 [label="igneous/JJ-43"]; N_44 [label="provinces/NNS-44"]; N_45 [label="in/IN-45"]; N_46 [label="Earth/NNP-46"]; N_47 [label="'s/POS-47"]; N_48 [label="history/NN-48"]; N_49 [label="associated/VBN-49"]; N_50 [label="with/IN-50"]; N_51 [label="the/DT-51"]; N_52 [label="Triassic/NNP-52"]; N_53 [label="--/:-53"]; N_54 [label="Jurassic/JJ-54"]; N_55 [label="extinction/NN-55"]; N_56 [label="event/NN-56"]; N_57 [label=",/,-57"]; N_58 [label="one/CD-58"]; N_59 [label="of/IN-59"]; N_60 [label="Earth/NNP-60"]; N_61 [label="'s/POS-61"]; N_62 [label="major/JJ-62"]; N_63 [label="extinction/NN-63"]; N_64 [label="events/NNS-64"]; N_65 [label="./.-65"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_65 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_53 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_56 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="nmod:with"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="ref"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="nmod:of"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="auxpass"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_30 [label="nmod:of"]; N_30 -> N_32 [label="appos"]; N_30 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_30 -> N_35 [label="appos"]; N_30 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_27 [label="compound"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="compound"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="compound"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_35 -> N_44 [label="nmod:of"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="advmod"]; N_39 -> N_40 [label="cc"]; N_39 -> N_41 [label="conj:and"]; N_44 -> N_48 [label="nmod:in"]; N_44 -> N_49 [label="acl"]; N_44 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_44 -> N_37 [label="det"]; N_44 -> N_39 [label="amod"]; N_44 -> N_41 [label="amod"]; N_44 -> N_42 [label="amod"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="amod"]; N_46 -> N_47 [label="case"]; N_48 -> N_45 [label="case"]; N_48 -> N_46 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_49 -> N_52 [label="nmod:with"]; N_52 -> N_50 [label="case"]; N_52 -> N_51 [label="det"]; N_56 -> N_54 [label="amod"]; N_56 -> N_55 [label="compound"]; N_56 -> N_57 [label="punct"]; N_56 -> N_58 [label="appos"]; N_58 -> N_64 [label="nmod:of"]; N_60 -> N_61 [label="case"]; N_64 -> N_59 [label="case"]; N_64 -> N_60 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_64 -> N_62 [label="amod"]; N_64 -> N_63 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
The earliest evidences for the complex behavior associated with this behavioral modernity has been found in the Greater Cape Floristic Region (GCFR) along the coast of South Africa.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="earliest/JJS-2"]; N_3 [label="evidences/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="for/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="complex/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="behavior/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="associated/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="with/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="this/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="behavioral/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="modernity/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="has/VBZ-13"]; N_14 [label="been/VBN-14"]; N_15 [label="found/VBN-15"]; N_16 [label="in/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="Greater/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="Cape/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="Floristic/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="Region/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--22"]; N_23 [label="GCFR/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--24"]; N_25 [label="along/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="coast/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="of/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="South/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label="Africa/NNP-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="nmod:for"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="acl"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="nmod:with"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="nmod:in"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="aux"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="auxpass"]; N_15 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="appos"]; N_21 -> N_27 [label="nmod:along"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_30 [label="nmod:of"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by caused/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Various international treaties attempt to reduce pollution caused by environmental threats such as oil spills, marine debris, and the incineration of toxic wastes at sea.
digraph { N_1 [label="Various/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="international/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="treaties/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="attempt/VBP-4"]; N_5 [label="to/TO-5"]; N_6 [label="reduce/VB-6"]; N_7 [label="pollution/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="caused/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="by/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="environmental/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="threats/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="such/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="as/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="oil/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="spills/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="marine/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="debris/NN-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="and/CC-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="incineration/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="of/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="toxic/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="wastes/NNS-25"]; N_26 [label="at/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="sea/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="xcomp"]; N_4 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="mark"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="acl"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:by"]; N_11 -> N_18 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_11 -> N_22 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="mwe"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="nmod:of"]; N_22 -> N_27 [label="nmod:at"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to attributed/VBN +nsubjpass [[effect]]/N
North Atlantic hurricane activity has increased over past decades because of increased sea surface temperature (SST) at tropical latitudes, changes that can be attributed to either the natural Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) or to anthropogenic climate change.
digraph { N_1 [label="North/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="Atlantic/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="hurricane/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="activity/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="has/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="increased/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="over/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="past/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="decades/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="because/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="increased/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="sea/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="surface/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="temperature/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--16"]; N_17 [label="SST/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--18"]; N_19 [label="at/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="tropical/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="latitudes/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label=",/,-22"]; N_23 [label="changes/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="that/WDT-24"]; N_25 [label="can/MD-25"]; N_26 [label="be/VB-26"]; N_27 [label="attributed/VBN-27"]; N_28 [label="to/TO-28"]; N_29 [label="either/CC-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="natural/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="Atlantic/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label="Multidecadal/NNP-33"]; N_34 [label="Oscillation/NNP-34"]; N_35 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--35"]; N_36 [label="AMO/NNP-36"]; N_37 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--37"]; N_38 [label="or/CC-38"]; N_39 [label="to/TO-39"]; N_40 [label="anthropogenic/JJ-40"]; N_41 [label="climate/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="change/NN-42"]; N_43 [label="./.-43"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="aux"]; N_6 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_23 [label="nmod:npmod"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:over"]; N_6 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_15 [label="nmod:because_of"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="mwe"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="appos"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="nmod:at"]; N_15 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="ref"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_27 -> N_34 [label="nmod:to"]; N_27 -> N_23 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="aux"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="auxpass"]; N_27 -> N_42 [label="nmod:to"]; N_34 -> N_32 [label="compound"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="compound"]; N_34 -> N_36 [label="appos"]; N_34 -> N_38 [label="cc"]; N_34 -> N_42 [label="conj:or"]; N_34 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_34 -> N_29 [label="cc:preconj"]; N_34 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_34 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_36 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_42 -> N_39 [label="case"]; N_42 -> N_40 [label="amod"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Spain and Portugal monopolized this trade in order to keep other European nations out, but conflicting interests nevertheless led to a series of Spanish-Portuguese wars.
digraph { N_1 [label="Spain/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="and/CC-2"]; N_3 [label="Portugal/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="monopolized/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="this/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="trade/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="order/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="to/TO-9"]; N_10 [label="keep/VB-10"]; N_11 [label="other/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="European/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="nations/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="out/RB-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="but/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="conflicting/VBG-17"]; N_18 [label="interests/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="nevertheless/RB-19"]; N_20 [label="led/VBD-20"]; N_21 [label="to/TO-21"]; N_22 [label="a/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="series/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="of/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="Spanish-Portuguese/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="wars/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="cc"]; N_1 -> N_3 [label="conj:and"]; N_4 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_20 [label="conj:but"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_10 [label="advcl:in_order"]; N_4 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="mwe"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="mark"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="compound:prt"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="advmod"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="nmod:to"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:of"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
The opening of the Northern Atlantic closely followed the margins of its predecessor, the Iapetus Ocean, and spread from the Central Atlantic in six stages: Iberia–Newfoundland, Porcupine–North America, Eurasia–Greenland, Eurasia–North America.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="opening/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="Northern/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="Atlantic/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="closely/RB-7"]; N_8 [label="followed/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="margins/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="its/PRP$-12"]; N_13 [label="predecessor/NN-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="Iapetus/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="Ocean/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="and/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="spread/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="from/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="Central/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="Atlantic/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="in/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="six/CD-26"]; N_27 [label="stages/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label=":/:-28"]; N_29 [label="Iberia/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label="--/:-30"]; N_31 [label="Newfoundland/NNP-31"]; N_32 [label=",/,-32"]; N_33 [label="Porcupine/NNP-33"]; N_34 [label="--/:-34"]; N_35 [label="North/NNP-35"]; N_36 [label="America/NNP-36"]; N_37 [label=",/,-37"]; N_38 [label="Eurasia/NNP-38"]; N_39 [label="--/:-39"]; N_40 [label="Greenland/NNP-40"]; N_41 [label=",/,-41"]; N_42 [label="Eurasia/NNP-42"]; N_43 [label="--/:-43"]; N_44 [label="North/NNP-44"]; N_45 [label="America/NNP-45"]; N_46 [label="./.-46"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="advmod"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_46 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_20 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_29 [label="dep"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="appos"]; N_13 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_13 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_24 [label="nmod:from"]; N_20 -> N_27 [label="nmod:in"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="nummod"]; N_29 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_36 [label="dep"]; N_29 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_40 [label="dep"]; N_29 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_45 [label="dep"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_31 [label="dep"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="appos"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="compound"]; N_36 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_36 -> N_38 [label="appos"]; N_40 -> N_41 [label="punct"]; N_40 -> N_42 [label="appos"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:from resulted/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
About 50 Ma the opening of the Drake Passage resulted from a change in the motions and separation rate of the South American and Antarctic plates.
digraph { N_1 [label="About/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="50/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="Ma/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="opening/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="Drake/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="Passage/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="resulted/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="from/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="a/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="change/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="in/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="motions/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="and/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="separation/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="rate/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="of/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="South/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="American/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="and/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="Antarctic/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="plates/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nummod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:from"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_19 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_23 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_26 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Trans-Atlantic trade also resulted in an increasing urbanization: in European countries facing the Atlantic urbanization grew from 8% in 1300, 10.1% in 1500, to 24.5% in 1850; in other European countries from 10% in 1300, 11.4% in 1500, to 17% in 1850.
digraph { N_1 [label="Trans-Atlantic/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="trade/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="also/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="resulted/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="in/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="an/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="increasing/VBG-7"]; N_8 [label="urbanization/NN-8"]; N_9 [label=":/:-9"]; N_10 [label="in/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="European/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="countries/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="facing/VBG-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="Atlantic/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="urbanization/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="grew/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="from/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="8/CD-19"]; N_20 [label="%/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="in/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="1300/CD-22"]; N_23 [label=",/,-23"]; N_24 [label="10.1/CD-24"]; N_25 [label="%/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="in/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="1500/CD-27"]; N_28 [label=",/,-28"]; N_29 [label="to/TO-29"]; N_30 [label="24.5/CD-30"]; N_31 [label="%/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="in/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="1850/CD-33"]; N_34 [label=";/:-34"]; N_35 [label="in/IN-35"]; N_36 [label="other/JJ-36"]; N_37 [label="European/JJ-37"]; N_38 [label="countries/NNS-38"]; N_39 [label="from/IN-39"]; N_40 [label="10/CD-40"]; N_41 [label="%/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="in/IN-42"]; N_43 [label="1300/CD-43"]; N_44 [label=",/,-44"]; N_45 [label="11.4/CD-45"]; N_46 [label="%/NN-46"]; N_47 [label="in/IN-47"]; N_48 [label="1500/CD-48"]; N_49 [label=",/,-49"]; N_50 [label="to/TO-50"]; N_51 [label="17/CD-51"]; N_52 [label="%/NN-52"]; N_53 [label="in/IN-53"]; N_54 [label="1850/CD-54"]; N_55 [label="./.-55"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_55 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:in"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="acl"]; N_12 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_38 [label="nmod:in"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="acl"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="dobj"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="nmod:from"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="nummod"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="nmod:in"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_25 [label="appos"]; N_20 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_31 [label="nmod:to"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="nummod"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="nmod:in"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="nmod:in"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="nummod"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_38 -> N_35 [label="case"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="amod"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="amod"]; N_38 -> N_41 [label="nmod:from"]; N_41 -> N_49 [label="punct"]; N_41 -> N_52 [label="nmod:to"]; N_41 -> N_39 [label="case"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="nummod"]; N_41 -> N_43 [label="nmod:in"]; N_41 -> N_44 [label="punct"]; N_41 -> N_46 [label="appos"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="case"]; N_46 -> N_48 [label="nmod:in"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="nummod"]; N_48 -> N_47 [label="case"]; N_52 -> N_50 [label="case"]; N_52 -> N_51 [label="nummod"]; N_52 -> N_54 [label="nmod:in"]; N_54 -> N_53 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj leads/VBZ +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The excess of oxygen-depleting chemicals leads to hypoxia and the creation of a dead zone.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="excess/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="oxygen-depleting/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="chemicals/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="leads/VBZ-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="hypoxia/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="and/CC-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="creation/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="a/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="dead/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="zone/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="./.-16"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:to"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="cc"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="conj:and"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The exploration of the MAR in the 1950s led to the general acceptance of seafloor spreading and plate tectonics.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="exploration/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="MAR/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="in/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="1950s/CD-8"]; N_9 [label="led/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="general/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="acceptance/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="of/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="seafloor/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="spreading/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="and/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="plate/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="tectonics/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:to"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
50 ka-old, deeply stratified shell middens found in Ysterfontein on the western coast of South Africa are associated with the Middle Stone Age (MSA).
digraph { N_1 [label="50/CD-1"]; N_2 [label="ka-old/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="deeply/RB-4"]; N_5 [label="stratified/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="shell/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="middens/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="found/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="Ysterfontein/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="on/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="western/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="coast/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="South/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="Africa/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="are/VBP-18"]; N_19 [label="associated/VBN-19"]; N_20 [label="with/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="Middle/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="Stone/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="Age/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--25"]; N_26 [label="MSA/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_1 [label="nummod"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="acl"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_14 [label="nmod:on"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="auxpass"]; N_19 -> N_7 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_19 -> N_24 [label="nmod:with"]; N_19 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="appos"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
This setback was caused by a range of factors: an unsustainable economy resulted in erosion and denudation, while conflicts with the local Inuit resulted in the failure to adapt their Arctic technologies; a colder climate resulted in starvation; and the colony got economically marginalized as the Great Plague and Barbary pirates harvested its victims on Iceland in the 15th century.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="setback/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="was/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="caused/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="by/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="a/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="range/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="factors/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label=":/:-10"]; N_11 [label="an/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="unsustainable/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="economy/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="resulted/VBD-14"]; N_15 [label="in/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="erosion/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="and/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="denudation/NN-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="while/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="conflicts/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="with/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="local/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="Inuit/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="resulted/VBD-26"]; N_27 [label="in/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="the/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="failure/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="to/TO-30"]; N_31 [label="adapt/VB-31"]; N_32 [label="their/PRP$-32"]; N_33 [label="Arctic/NNP-33"]; N_34 [label="technologies/NNS-34"]; N_35 [label=";/:-35"]; N_36 [label="a/DT-36"]; N_37 [label="colder/JJR-37"]; N_38 [label="climate/NN-38"]; N_39 [label="resulted/VBD-39"]; N_40 [label="in/IN-40"]; N_41 [label="starvation/NN-41"]; N_42 [label=";/:-42"]; N_43 [label="and/CC-43"]; N_44 [label="the/DT-44"]; N_45 [label="colony/NN-45"]; N_46 [label="got/VBD-46"]; N_47 [label="economically/RB-47"]; N_48 [label="marginalized/VBN-48"]; N_49 [label="as/IN-49"]; N_50 [label="the/DT-50"]; N_51 [label="Great/NNP-51"]; N_52 [label="Plague/NNP-52"]; N_53 [label="and/CC-53"]; N_54 [label="Barbary/NNP-54"]; N_55 [label="pirates/NNS-55"]; N_56 [label="harvested/VBD-56"]; N_57 [label="its/PRP$-57"]; N_58 [label="victims/NNS-58"]; N_59 [label="on/IN-59"]; N_60 [label="Iceland/NNP-60"]; N_61 [label="in/IN-61"]; N_62 [label="the/DT-62"]; N_63 [label="15th/JJ-63"]; N_64 [label="century/NN-64"]; N_65 [label="./.-65"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_48 [label="parataxis"]; N_4 -> N_65 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="auxpass"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_4 -> N_39 [label="parataxis"]; N_4 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_14 [label="parataxis"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:in"]; N_14 -> N_48 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="nmod:in"]; N_14 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_39 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_26 [label="advcl:while"]; N_14 -> N_42 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_43 [label="cc"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="nmod:with"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_20 [label="mark"]; N_26 -> N_21 [label="nsubj"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="nmod:in"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_29 -> N_31 [label="acl:to"]; N_31 -> N_34 [label="dobj"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="mark"]; N_34 -> N_32 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="compound"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="det"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="amod"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="nsubj"]; N_39 -> N_41 [label="nmod:in"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="case"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="det"]; N_48 -> N_52 [label="nmod:as"]; N_48 -> N_55 [label="nmod:as"]; N_48 -> N_56 [label="xcomp"]; N_48 -> N_45 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_48 -> N_46 [label="auxpass"]; N_48 -> N_47 [label="advmod"]; N_52 -> N_49 [label="case"]; N_52 -> N_50 [label="det"]; N_52 -> N_51 [label="compound"]; N_52 -> N_53 [label="cc"]; N_52 -> N_55 [label="conj:and"]; N_55 -> N_54 [label="compound"]; N_56 -> N_64 [label="nmod:in"]; N_56 -> N_58 [label="dobj"]; N_58 -> N_57 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_58 -> N_60 [label="nmod:on"]; N_60 -> N_59 [label="case"]; N_64 -> N_61 [label="case"]; N_64 -> N_62 [label="det"]; N_64 -> N_63 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
It was his first successful, widely read book, partly due to the work of his disciples who wrote praising reviews.
digraph { N_1 [label="It/PRP-1"]; N_2 [label="was/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="his/PRP$-3"]; N_4 [label="first/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="successful/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="widely/RB-7"]; N_8 [label="read/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="book/NN-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="partly/RB-11"]; N_12 [label="due/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="to/TO-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="work/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="his/PRP$-17"]; N_18 [label="disciples/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="who/WP-19"]; N_20 [label="wrote/VBD-20"]; N_21 [label="praising/VBG-21"]; N_22 [label="reviews/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="cop"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="dep"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="advmod"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="advmod"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="nmod:to"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="ref"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="xcomp"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="dobj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/NN +nmod:of [[effect]]/N
Schopenhauer praises Kant for his distinction between appearance and the things-in-themselves that appear, whereas the general consensus in German Idealism was that this was the weakest spot of Kant’s theory, since according to Kant causality can find application on objects of experience only, and consequently, things-in-themselves cannot be the cause of appearances, as Kant argued.
digraph { N_1 [label="Schopenhauer/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="praises/VBZ-2"]; N_3 [label="Kant/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="for/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="his/PRP$-5"]; N_6 [label="distinction/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="between/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="appearance/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="and/CC-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="things-in-themselves/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="that/WDT-12"]; N_13 [label="appear/VBP-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="whereas/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="general/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="consensus/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="in/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="German/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="Idealism/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="was/VBD-22"]; N_23 [label="that/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="this/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="was/VBD-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="weakest/JJS-27"]; N_28 [label="spot/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="of/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="Kant/NNP-30"]; N_31 [label="'s/POS-31"]; N_32 [label="theory/NN-32"]; N_33 [label=",/,-33"]; N_34 [label="since/IN-34"]; N_35 [label="according/VBG-35"]; N_36 [label="to/TO-36"]; N_37 [label="Kant/NNP-37"]; N_38 [label="causality/NN-38"]; N_39 [label="can/MD-39"]; N_40 [label="find/VB-40"]; N_41 [label="application/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="on/IN-42"]; N_43 [label="objects/NNS-43"]; N_44 [label="of/IN-44"]; N_45 [label="experience/NN-45"]; N_46 [label="only/RB-46"]; N_47 [label=",/,-47"]; N_48 [label="and/CC-48"]; N_49 [label="consequently/RB-49"]; N_50 [label=",/,-50"]; N_51 [label="things-in-themselves/NNS-51"]; N_52 [label="can/MD-52"]; N_53 [label="not/RB-53"]; N_54 [label="be/VB-54"]; N_55 [label="the/DT-55"]; N_56 [label="cause/NN-56"]; N_57 [label="of/IN-57"]; N_58 [label="appearances/NNS-58"]; N_59 [label=",/,-59"]; N_60 [label="as/IN-60"]; N_61 [label="Kant/NNP-61"]; N_62 [label="argued/VBD-62"]; N_63 [label="./.-63"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:for"]; N_2 -> N_22 [label="parataxis"]; N_2 -> N_56 [label="parataxis"]; N_2 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_15 [label="dep"]; N_2 -> N_63 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:between"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="nmod:between"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="cc"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="conj:and"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="ref"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="nmod:in"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_48 [label="cc"]; N_22 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_35 [label="advcl:since"]; N_22 -> N_56 [label="conj:and"]; N_22 -> N_59 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_28 [label="ccomp"]; N_22 -> N_62 [label="advcl:as"]; N_22 -> N_47 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_32 [label="nmod:of"]; N_28 -> N_23 [label="mark"]; N_28 -> N_24 [label="nsubj"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="cop"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="mark"]; N_35 -> N_36 [label="mwe"]; N_35 -> N_40 [label="ccomp"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="compound"]; N_40 -> N_38 [label="nsubj"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="aux"]; N_40 -> N_41 [label="dobj"]; N_40 -> N_46 [label="advmod"]; N_41 -> N_43 [label="nmod:on"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="case"]; N_43 -> N_45 [label="nmod:of"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="case"]; N_56 -> N_49 [label="advmod"]; N_56 -> N_50 [label="punct"]; N_56 -> N_51 [label="nsubj"]; N_56 -> N_52 [label="aux"]; N_56 -> N_53 [label="neg"]; N_56 -> N_54 [label="cop"]; N_56 -> N_55 [label="det"]; N_56 -> N_58 [label="nmod:of"]; N_58 -> N_57 [label="case"]; N_62 -> N_60 [label="mark"]; N_62 -> N_61 [label="nsubj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Nevertheless, these investigations led him to his most important discovery in epistemology: finding a demonstration for the a priori nature of causality.
digraph { N_1 [label="Nevertheless/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="these/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="investigations/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="led/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="him/PRP-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="his/PRP$-8"]; N_9 [label="most/RBS-9"]; N_10 [label="important/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="discovery/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="in/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="epistemology/NN-13"]; N_14 [label=":/:-14"]; N_15 [label="finding/VBG-15"]; N_16 [label="a/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="demonstration/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="for/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="a/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="priori/FW-21"]; N_22 [label="nature/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="of/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="causality/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="./.-25"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_5 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_15 [label="parataxis"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="advmod"]; N_11 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_22 [label="nmod:for"]; N_22 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="nmod:of"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
In September 1818, while waiting for his book to be published and conveniently escaping an affair with a maid that caused an unwanted pregnancy, Schopenhauer left Dresden for a yearlong vacation in Italy.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="September/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="1818/CD-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="while/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="waiting/VBG-6"]; N_7 [label="for/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="his/PRP$-8"]; N_9 [label="book/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="be/VB-11"]; N_12 [label="published/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="and/CC-13"]; N_14 [label="conveniently/RB-14"]; N_15 [label="escaping/VBG-15"]; N_16 [label="an/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="affair/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="with/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="a/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="maid/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="that/WDT-21"]; N_22 [label="caused/VBD-22"]; N_23 [label="an/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="unwanted/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="pregnancy/NN-25"]; N_26 [label=",/,-26"]; N_27 [label="Schopenhauer/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label="left/VBD-28"]; N_29 [label="Dresden/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label="for/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="a/DT-31"]; N_32 [label="yearlong/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="vacation/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="in/IN-34"]; N_35 [label="Italy/NNP-35"]; N_36 [label="./.-36"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="nummod"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="mark"]; N_6 -> N_12 [label="advcl:to"]; N_6 -> N_15 [label="advcl:to"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_12 -> N_7 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="auxpass"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="cc"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="nmod:with"]; N_15 -> N_9 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="ref"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="dobj"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_33 [label="nmod:for"]; N_28 -> N_2 [label="nmod:in"]; N_28 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_6 [label="advcl:while"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="nsubj"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="dobj"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_35 [label="nmod:in"]; N_33 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="det"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj leads/VBZ +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Similarities centered on the principles that life involves suffering, that suffering is caused by desire (taṇhā), and that the extinction of desire leads to liberation.
digraph { N_1 [label="Similarities/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="centered/VBN-2"]; N_3 [label="on/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="principles/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="that/WDT-6"]; N_7 [label="life/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="involves/VBZ-8"]; N_9 [label="suffering/NN-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="that/WDT-11"]; N_12 [label="suffering/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="is/VBZ-13"]; N_14 [label="caused/VBN-14"]; N_15 [label="by/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="desire/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--17"]; N_18 [label="taṇhā/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="that/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="extinction/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="of/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="desire/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="leads/VBZ-27"]; N_28 [label="to/TO-28"]; N_29 [label="liberation/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="./.-30"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="acl"]; N_1 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:on"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="ccomp"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="mark"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_27 [label="ccomp"]; N_8 -> N_14 [label="ccomp"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_14 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="mark"]; N_14 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="auxpass"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="appos"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="nmod:of"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_22 [label="mark"]; N_27 -> N_24 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="nmod:to"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
His criticisms of local artists occasionally caused public quarrels when he ran into them in public.
digraph { N_1 [label="His/PRP$-1"]; N_2 [label="criticisms/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="local/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="artists/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="occasionally/RB-6"]; N_7 [label="caused/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="public/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="quarrels/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="when/WRB-10"]; N_11 [label="he/PRP-11"]; N_12 [label="ran/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="into/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="them/PRP-14"]; N_15 [label="in/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="public/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="./.-17"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_12 [label="advcl"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="nmod:in"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="advmod"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="nmod:into"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to attributed/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Schopenhauer attributed civilizational primacy to the northern "white races" due to their sensitivity and creativity (except for the ancient Egyptians and Hindus, whom he saw as equal): The highest civilization and culture, apart from the ancient Hindus and Egyptians, are found exclusively among the white races; and even with many dark peoples, the ruling caste or race is fairer in colour than the rest and has, therefore, evidently immigrated, for example, the Brahmans, the Incas, and the rulers of the South Sea Islands.
digraph { N_1 [label="Schopenhauer/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="attributed/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="civilizational/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="primacy/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="to/TO-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="northern/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="``/``-8"]; N_9 [label="white/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="races/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="''/''-11"]; N_12 [label="due/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="to/TO-13"]; N_14 [label="their/PRP$-14"]; N_15 [label="sensitivity/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="and/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="creativity/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--18"]; N_19 [label="except/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="for/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="ancient/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="Egyptians/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="and/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="Hindus/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label=",/,-26"]; N_27 [label="whom/WP-27"]; N_28 [label="he/PRP-28"]; N_29 [label="saw/VBD-29"]; N_30 [label="as/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="equal/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--32"]; N_33 [label=":/:-33"]; N_34 [label="The/DT-34"]; N_35 [label="highest/JJS-35"]; N_36 [label="civilization/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="and/CC-37"]; N_38 [label="culture/NN-38"]; N_39 [label=",/,-39"]; N_40 [label="apart/RB-40"]; N_41 [label="from/IN-41"]; N_42 [label="the/DT-42"]; N_43 [label="ancient/JJ-43"]; N_44 [label="Hindus/NNP-44"]; N_45 [label="and/CC-45"]; N_46 [label="Egyptians/NNP-46"]; N_47 [label=",/,-47"]; N_48 [label="are/VBP-48"]; N_49 [label="found/VBN-49"]; N_50 [label="exclusively/RB-50"]; N_51 [label="among/IN-51"]; N_52 [label="the/DT-52"]; N_53 [label="white/JJ-53"]; N_54 [label="races/NNS-54"]; N_55 [label=";/:-55"]; N_56 [label="and/CC-56"]; N_57 [label="even/RB-57"]; N_58 [label="with/IN-58"]; N_59 [label="many/JJ-59"]; N_60 [label="dark/JJ-60"]; N_61 [label="peoples/NNS-61"]; N_62 [label=",/,-62"]; N_63 [label="the/DT-63"]; N_64 [label="ruling/NN-64"]; N_65 [label="caste/NN-65"]; N_66 [label="or/CC-66"]; N_67 [label="race/NN-67"]; N_68 [label="is/VBZ-68"]; N_69 [label="fairer/JJR-69"]; N_70 [label="in/IN-70"]; N_71 [label="colour/NN-71"]; N_72 [label="than/IN-72"]; N_73 [label="the/DT-73"]; N_74 [label="rest/NN-74"]; N_75 [label="and/CC-75"]; N_76 [label="has/VBZ-76"]; N_77 [label=",/,-77"]; N_78 [label="therefore/RB-78"]; N_79 [label=",/,-79"]; N_80 [label="evidently/RB-80"]; N_81 [label="immigrated/VBD-81"]; N_82 [label=",/,-82"]; N_83 [label="for/IN-83"]; N_84 [label="example/NN-84"]; N_85 [label=",/,-85"]; N_86 [label="the/DT-86"]; N_87 [label="Brahmans/NNP-87"]; N_88 [label=",/,-88"]; N_89 [label="the/DT-89"]; N_90 [label="Incas/NNPS-90"]; N_91 [label=",/,-91"]; N_92 [label="and/CC-92"]; N_93 [label="the/DT-93"]; N_94 [label="rulers/NNS-94"]; N_95 [label="of/IN-95"]; N_96 [label="the/DT-96"]; N_97 [label="South/NNP-97"]; N_98 [label="Sea/NNP-98"]; N_99 [label="Islands/NNPS-99"]; N_100 [label="./.-100"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_100 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_10 [label="nmod:to"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_15 [label="nmod:due_to"]; N_10 -> N_17 [label="nmod:due_to"]; N_10 -> N_49 [label="parataxis"]; N_10 -> N_23 [label="nmod:for"]; N_10 -> N_25 [label="nmod:for"]; N_10 -> N_61 [label="parataxis"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="mwe"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_23 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="conj:and"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="ref"]; N_23 -> N_29 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_29 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_29 -> N_25 [label="dobj"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="nsubj"]; N_29 -> N_31 [label="advcl:as"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="amod"]; N_36 -> N_37 [label="cc"]; N_36 -> N_38 [label="conj:and"]; N_36 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_36 -> N_40 [label="advmod"]; N_36 -> N_47 [label="punct"]; N_40 -> N_44 [label="nmod:from"]; N_40 -> N_46 [label="nmod:from"]; N_44 -> N_41 [label="case"]; N_44 -> N_42 [label="det"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="amod"]; N_44 -> N_45 [label="cc"]; N_44 -> N_46 [label="conj:and"]; N_49 -> N_48 [label="auxpass"]; N_49 -> N_36 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_49 -> N_38 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_49 -> N_54 [label="nmod:among"]; N_49 -> N_55 [label="punct"]; N_49 -> N_56 [label="cc"]; N_49 -> N_61 [label="conj:and"]; N_54 -> N_50 [label="advmod"]; N_54 -> N_51 [label="case"]; N_54 -> N_52 [label="det"]; N_54 -> N_53 [label="amod"]; N_61 -> N_81 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_61 -> N_69 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_61 -> N_85 [label="punct"]; N_61 -> N_87 [label="appos"]; N_61 -> N_57 [label="advmod"]; N_61 -> N_58 [label="case"]; N_61 -> N_59 [label="amod"]; N_61 -> N_60 [label="amod"]; N_61 -> N_62 [label="punct"]; N_61 -> N_94 [label="appos"]; N_65 -> N_64 [label="amod"]; N_65 -> N_66 [label="cc"]; N_65 -> N_67 [label="conj:or"]; N_65 -> N_63 [label="det"]; N_69 -> N_65 [label="nsubj"]; N_69 -> N_81 [label="conj:and"]; N_69 -> N_67 [label="nsubj"]; N_69 -> N_68 [label="cop"]; N_69 -> N_71 [label="nmod:in"]; N_69 -> N_74 [label="nmod:than"]; N_69 -> N_75 [label="cc"]; N_71 -> N_70 [label="case"]; N_74 -> N_72 [label="case"]; N_74 -> N_73 [label="det"]; N_81 -> N_80 [label="advmod"]; N_81 -> N_65 [label="nsubj"]; N_81 -> N_82 [label="punct"]; N_81 -> N_84 [label="nmod:for"]; N_81 -> N_76 [label="aux"]; N_81 -> N_77 [label="punct"]; N_81 -> N_78 [label="advmod"]; N_81 -> N_79 [label="punct"]; N_84 -> N_83 [label="case"]; N_87 -> N_86 [label="det"]; N_87 -> N_88 [label="punct"]; N_87 -> N_90 [label="appos"]; N_87 -> N_91 [label="punct"]; N_87 -> N_92 [label="cc"]; N_87 -> N_94 [label="conj:and"]; N_90 -> N_89 [label="det"]; N_94 -> N_99 [label="nmod:of"]; N_94 -> N_93 [label="det"]; N_99 -> N_96 [label="det"]; N_99 -> N_97 [label="compound"]; N_99 -> N_98 [label="compound"]; N_99 -> N_95 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj leads/VBZ +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
In Schopenhauer's philosophy, denial of the will is attained by either: personal experience of an extremely great suffering that leads to loss of the will to live; or knowledge of the essential nature of life in the world through observation of the suffering of other people.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="Schopenhauer/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="'s/POS-3"]; N_4 [label="philosophy/NN-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="denial/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="will/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="is/VBZ-10"]; N_11 [label="attained/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="by/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="either/CC-13"]; N_14 [label=":/:-14"]; N_15 [label="personal/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="experience/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="of/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="an/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="extremely/RB-19"]; N_20 [label="great/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="suffering/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="that/WDT-22"]; N_23 [label="leads/VBZ-23"]; N_24 [label="to/TO-24"]; N_25 [label="loss/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="of/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="the/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="will/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="to/TO-29"]; N_30 [label="live/VB-30"]; N_31 [label=";/:-31"]; N_32 [label="or/CC-32"]; N_33 [label="knowledge/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="of/IN-34"]; N_35 [label="the/DT-35"]; N_36 [label="essential/JJ-36"]; N_37 [label="nature/NN-37"]; N_38 [label="of/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="life/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="in/IN-40"]; N_41 [label="the/DT-41"]; N_42 [label="world/NN-42"]; N_43 [label="through/IN-43"]; N_44 [label="observation/NN-44"]; N_45 [label="of/IN-45"]; N_46 [label="the/DT-46"]; N_47 [label="suffering/NN-47"]; N_48 [label="of/IN-48"]; N_49 [label="other/JJ-49"]; N_50 [label="people/NNS-50"]; N_51 [label="./.-51"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_16 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_11 -> N_33 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_11 -> N_51 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_4 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_6 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="auxpass"]; N_16 -> N_32 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_33 [label="conj:or"]; N_16 -> N_21 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="dep"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="ref"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="nsubj"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="nmod:to"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="nmod:of"]; N_25 -> N_30 [label="acl:to"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="mark"]; N_33 -> N_37 [label="nmod:of"]; N_33 -> N_44 [label="nmod:through"]; N_37 -> N_34 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="det"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_39 [label="nmod:of"]; N_37 -> N_42 [label="nmod:in"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="case"]; N_42 -> N_40 [label="case"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="det"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="case"]; N_44 -> N_47 [label="nmod:of"]; N_47 -> N_50 [label="nmod:of"]; N_47 -> N_45 [label="case"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="det"]; N_50 -> N_48 [label="case"]; N_50 -> N_49 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
After quitting his merchant apprenticeship, with some encouragement from his mother, he dedicated himself to studies at the Gotha gymnasium () in Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, but he also enjoyed social life among local nobility spending large amounts of money which caused concern to his frugal mother.
digraph { N_1 [label="After/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="quitting/VBG-2"]; N_3 [label="his/PRP$-3"]; N_4 [label="merchant/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="apprenticeship/NN-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="with/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="some/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="encouragement/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="from/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="his/PRP$-11"]; N_12 [label="mother/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="he/PRP-14"]; N_15 [label="dedicated/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="himself/PRP-16"]; N_17 [label="to/TO-17"]; N_18 [label="studies/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="at/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="Gotha/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="gymnasium/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--23"]; N_24 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--24"]; N_25 [label="in/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label=",/,-27"]; N_28 [label="but/CC-28"]; N_29 [label="he/PRP-29"]; N_30 [label="also/RB-30"]; N_31 [label="enjoyed/VBD-31"]; N_32 [label="social/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="life/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="among/IN-34"]; N_35 [label="local/JJ-35"]; N_36 [label="nobility/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="spending/NN-37"]; N_38 [label="large/JJ-38"]; N_39 [label="amounts/NNS-39"]; N_40 [label="of/IN-40"]; N_41 [label="money/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="which/WDT-42"]; N_43 [label="caused/VBD-43"]; N_44 [label="concern/NN-44"]; N_45 [label="to/TO-45"]; N_46 [label="his/PRP$-46"]; N_47 [label="frugal/JJ-47"]; N_48 [label="mother/NN-48"]; N_49 [label="./.-49"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="nmod:with"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:from"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_49 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_2 [label="advcl:after"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:to"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="nmod:at"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_26 [label="appos"]; N_22 -> N_31 [label="appos"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="cc"]; N_26 -> N_31 [label="conj:but"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="dobj"]; N_31 -> N_37 [label="nmod:among"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="nsubj"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="advmod"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_34 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="compound"]; N_37 -> N_39 [label="dobj"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="amod"]; N_39 -> N_41 [label="nmod:of"]; N_39 -> N_42 [label="ref"]; N_39 -> N_43 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="case"]; N_43 -> N_39 [label="nsubj"]; N_43 -> N_44 [label="dobj"]; N_44 -> N_48 [label="nmod:to"]; N_48 -> N_45 [label="case"]; N_48 -> N_46 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_48 -> N_47 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The oil glut led to a local price for unleaded gasoline of £0.37 a gallon.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="oil/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="glut/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="led/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="to/TO-5"]; N_6 [label="a/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="local/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="price/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="for/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="unleaded/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="gasoline/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="£/$-13"]; N_14 [label="0.37/CD-14"]; N_15 [label="a/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="gallon/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="./.-17"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:to"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:for"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:npmod"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="dep"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Drought in 2016 caused the worst food crisis in Southern Africa in 25 years.
digraph { N_1 [label="Drought/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="in/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="2016/CD-3"]; N_4 [label="caused/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="worst/JJS-6"]; N_7 [label="food/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="crisis/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="Southern/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="Africa/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="in/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="25/CD-13"]; N_14 [label="years/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="./.-15"]; N_1 -> N_3 [label="nmod:in"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_4 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
Tourism is restarting on the heels of the long ended stop in the civil war, and very few tourists venture anywhere in Angola yet due to lack of infrastructure.
digraph { N_1 [label="Tourism/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="is/VBZ-2"]; N_3 [label="restarting/VBG-3"]; N_4 [label="on/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="heels/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="long/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="ended/VBN-10"]; N_11 [label="stop/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="in/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="civil/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="war/NN-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="and/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="very/RB-18"]; N_19 [label="few/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="tourists/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="venture/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="anywhere/RB-22"]; N_23 [label="in/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="Angola/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="yet/RB-25"]; N_26 [label="due/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="to/TO-27"]; N_28 [label="lack/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="of/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="infrastructure/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_3 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="aux"]; N_3 -> N_21 [label="conj:and"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:on"]; N_3 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="nmod:in"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_22 [label="advmod"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="advmod"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="nmod:to"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_30 [label="nmod:of"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by caused/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Angola's economy has in recent years moved on from the disarray caused by a quarter-century of Angolan civil war to become the fastest-growing economy in Africa and one of the fastest-growing in the world, with an average GDP growth of 20% between 2005 and 2007.
digraph { N_1 [label="Angola/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="'s/POS-2"]; N_3 [label="economy/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="has/VBZ-4"]; N_5 [label="in/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="recent/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="years/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="moved/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="on/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="from/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="disarray/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="caused/VBN-13"]; N_14 [label="by/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="a/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="quarter-century/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="of/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="Angolan/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="civil/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="war/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="to/TO-21"]; N_22 [label="become/VB-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="fastest-growing/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="economy/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="in/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="Africa/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label="and/CC-28"]; N_29 [label="one/CD-29"]; N_30 [label="of/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="the/DT-31"]; N_32 [label="fastest-growing/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="in/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="the/DT-34"]; N_35 [label="world/NN-35"]; N_36 [label=",/,-36"]; N_37 [label="with/IN-37"]; N_38 [label="an/DT-38"]; N_39 [label="average/JJ-39"]; N_40 [label="GDP/NNP-40"]; N_41 [label="growth/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="of/IN-42"]; N_43 [label="20/CD-43"]; N_44 [label="%/NN-44"]; N_45 [label="between/IN-45"]; N_46 [label="2005/CD-46"]; N_47 [label="and/CC-47"]; N_48 [label="2007/CD-48"]; N_49 [label="./.-49"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_4 -> N_49 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="ccomp"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_22 [label="xcomp"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="compound:prt"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="nmod:from"]; N_8 -> N_29 [label="xcomp"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="acl"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:by"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="mark"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="xcomp"]; N_22 -> N_28 [label="cc"]; N_22 -> N_29 [label="conj:and"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="nmod:in"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="nmod:of"]; N_29 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_41 [label="nmod:with"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="nmod:in"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="det"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="det"]; N_41 -> N_48 [label="nmod:between"]; N_41 -> N_37 [label="case"]; N_41 -> N_38 [label="det"]; N_41 -> N_39 [label="amod"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="compound"]; N_41 -> N_44 [label="nmod:of"]; N_41 -> N_46 [label="nmod:between"]; N_44 -> N_42 [label="case"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="nummod"]; N_46 -> N_48 [label="conj:and"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="case"]; N_46 -> N_47 [label="cc"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj triggered/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
On June 21, 2013, during the 2013 Alberta floods Alberta experienced heavy rainfall that triggered catastrophic flooding throughout much of the southern half of the province along the Bow, Elbow, Highwood and Oldman rivers and tributaries.
digraph { N_1 [label="On/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="June/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="21/CD-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="2013/CD-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="during/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="2013/CD-9"]; N_10 [label="Alberta/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="floods/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="Alberta/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="experienced/VBD-13"]; N_14 [label="heavy/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="rainfall/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="that/WDT-16"]; N_17 [label="triggered/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="catastrophic/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="flooding/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="throughout/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="much/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="of/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="southern/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="half/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="of/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="the/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="province/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="along/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="Bow/NN-31"]; N_32 [label=",/,-32"]; N_33 [label="Elbow/NN-33"]; N_34 [label=",/,-34"]; N_35 [label="Highwood/NNP-35"]; N_36 [label="and/CC-36"]; N_37 [label="Oldman/NNP-37"]; N_38 [label="rivers/NNS-38"]; N_39 [label="and/CC-39"]; N_40 [label="tributaries/NNS-40"]; N_41 [label="./.-41"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="nummod"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nummod"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_12 [label="nmod:during"]; N_12 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="nummod"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_2 [label="nmod:on"]; N_13 -> N_41 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="ref"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="nmod:throughout"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_33 [label="nmod:along"]; N_21 -> N_35 [label="nmod:along"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_38 [label="nmod:along"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="nmod:of"]; N_21 -> N_31 [label="nmod:along"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="nmod:of"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="det"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="conj:and"]; N_31 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_35 [label="conj:and"]; N_31 -> N_36 [label="cc"]; N_31 -> N_38 [label="conj:and"]; N_31 -> N_40 [label="conj:and"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="compound"]; N_38 -> N_39 [label="cc"]; N_38 -> N_40 [label="conj:and"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by caused/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
The northern and western parts of the province experience higher rainfall and lower evaporation rates caused by cooler summer temperatures.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="northern/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="and/CC-3"]; N_4 [label="western/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="parts/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="province/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="experience/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="higher/JJR-10"]; N_11 [label="rainfall/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="and/CC-12"]; N_13 [label="lower/JJR-13"]; N_14 [label="evaporation/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="rates/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="caused/VBN-16"]; N_17 [label="by/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="cooler/JJR-18"]; N_19 [label="summer/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="temperatures/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="./.-21"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="acl"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="nmod:by"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
The northerly location and isolation from the weather systems of the Pacific Ocean cause Alberta to have a dry climate with little moderation from the ocean.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="northerly/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="location/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="and/CC-4"]; N_5 [label="isolation/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="from/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="weather/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="systems/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="Pacific/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="Ocean/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="cause/VB-14"]; N_15 [label="Alberta/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="to/TO-16"]; N_17 [label="have/VB-17"]; N_18 [label="a/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="dry/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="climate/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="with/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="little/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="moderation/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="from/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="ocean/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="conj:and"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="nmod:from"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="xcomp"]; N_14 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_14 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_14 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="mark"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_23 [label="nmod:with"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:from"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:agent caused/VBN +nsubjpass [[effect]]/N
The region surrounding the Calgary–Edmonton Corridor is notable for having the highest frequency of hail in Canada, which is caused by orographic lifting from the nearby Rocky Mountains, enhancing the updraft/downdraft cycle necessary for the formation of hail.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="region/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="surrounding/VBG-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="Calgary/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="--/:-6"]; N_7 [label="Edmonton/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="Corridor/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="is/VBZ-9"]; N_10 [label="notable/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="for/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="having/VBG-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="highest/JJS-14"]; N_15 [label="frequency/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="hail/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="in/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="Canada/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="which/WDT-21"]; N_22 [label="is/VBZ-22"]; N_23 [label="caused/VBN-23"]; N_24 [label="by/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="orographic/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="lifting/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="from/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="the/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="nearby/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="Rocky/NNP-30"]; N_31 [label="Mountains/NNS-31"]; N_32 [label=",/,-32"]; N_33 [label="enhancing/VBG-33"]; N_34 [label="the/DT-34"]; N_35 [label="updraft/downdraft/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="cycle/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="necessary/JJ-37"]; N_38 [label="for/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="the/DT-39"]; N_40 [label="formation/NN-40"]; N_41 [label="of/IN-41"]; N_42 [label="hail/NN-42"]; N_43 [label="./.-43"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="acl"]; N_2 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_10 [label="dep"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="cop"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="advcl:for"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_33 [label="acl"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="nmod:in"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="ref"]; N_15 -> N_23 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="auxpass"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_23 -> N_15 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_31 [label="nmod:from"]; N_31 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_36 [label="dobj"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="compound"]; N_36 -> N_37 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_40 [label="nmod:for"]; N_40 -> N_38 [label="case"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="det"]; N_40 -> N_42 [label="nmod:of"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
In 2016, a wildfire resulted in the largest evacuation of residents in Alberta's history, as more than 80,000 people were ordered to evacuate.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="2016/CD-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="a/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="wildfire/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="resulted/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="largest/JJS-9"]; N_10 [label="evacuation/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="residents/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="in/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="Alberta/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="'s/POS-15"]; N_16 [label="history/NN-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="as/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="more/JJR-19"]; N_20 [label="than/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="80,000/CD-21"]; N_22 [label="people/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="were/VBD-23"]; N_24 [label="ordered/VBN-24"]; N_25 [label="to/TO-25"]; N_26 [label="evacuate/VB-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_24 [label="advcl:as"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_16 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="mwe"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="advmod"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="nummod"]; N_24 -> N_18 [label="mark"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="auxpass"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="xcomp"]; N_26 -> N_22 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="mark"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by brought/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Western Alberta is protected by the mountains and enjoys the mild temperatures brought by winter chinook winds.
digraph { N_1 [label="Western/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="Alberta/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="is/VBZ-3"]; N_4 [label="protected/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="by/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="mountains/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="enjoys/VBZ-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="mild/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="temperatures/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="brought/VBN-13"]; N_14 [label="by/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="winter/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="chinook/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="winds/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label="./.-18"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_4 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="auxpass"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="acl"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="nmod:by"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
However, these latter two have a lower diversity of documented dinosaurs, primarily due to their lower total fossil quantity and neglect from collectors who are hindered by the isolation and scarcity of exposed outcrops.
digraph { N_1 [label="However/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="these/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="latter/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="two/CD-5"]; N_6 [label="have/VBP-6"]; N_7 [label="a/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="lower/JJR-8"]; N_9 [label="diversity/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="documented/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="dinosaurs/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="primarily/RB-14"]; N_15 [label="due/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="to/TO-16"]; N_17 [label="their/PRP$-17"]; N_18 [label="lower/JJR-18"]; N_19 [label="total/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="fossil/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="quantity/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="and/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="neglect/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="from/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="collectors/NNS-25"]; N_26 [label="who/WP-26"]; N_27 [label="are/VBP-27"]; N_28 [label="hindered/VBN-28"]; N_29 [label="by/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="isolation/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="and/CC-32"]; N_33 [label="scarcity/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="of/IN-34"]; N_35 [label="exposed/VBN-35"]; N_36 [label="outcrops/NNS-36"]; N_37 [label="./.-37"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="nmod:to"]; N_15 -> N_23 [label="nmod:to"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="conj:and"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="nmod:from"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="ref"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_28 -> N_33 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="auxpass"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="cc"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="conj:and"]; N_31 -> N_36 [label="nmod:of"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
His cousin, Sir Alexander Mackenzie, followed the North Saskatchewan River to its northernmost point near Edmonton, then setting northward on foot, trekked to the Athabasca River, which he followed to Lake Athabasca.
digraph { N_1 [label="His/PRP$-1"]; N_2 [label="cousin/NN-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="Sir/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="Alexander/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="Mackenzie/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="followed/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="North/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="Saskatchewan/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="River/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="to/TO-13"]; N_14 [label="its/PRP$-14"]; N_15 [label="northernmost/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="point/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="near/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="Edmonton/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="then/RB-20"]; N_21 [label="setting/VBG-21"]; N_22 [label="northward/RB-22"]; N_23 [label="on/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="foot/NN-24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="trekked/VBD-26"]; N_27 [label="to/TO-27"]; N_28 [label="the/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="Athabasca/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label="River/NNP-30"]; N_31 [label=",/,-31"]; N_32 [label="which/WDT-32"]; N_33 [label="he/PRP-33"]; N_34 [label="followed/VBD-34"]; N_35 [label="to/TO-35"]; N_36 [label="Lake/NNP-36"]; N_37 [label="Athabasca/NNP-37"]; N_38 [label="./.-38"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="appos"]; N_2 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_16 [label="nmod:to"]; N_8 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_21 [label="ccomp"]; N_8 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="nmod:near"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:on"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_26 [label="dep"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_30 [label="nmod:to"]; N_30 -> N_32 [label="ref"]; N_30 -> N_34 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_30 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="compound"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="nsubj"]; N_34 -> N_37 [label="nmod:to"]; N_34 -> N_30 [label="dobj"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBN +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Some archaeological excavation quests have led to the discovery of ancient pre-Islamic inscriptions and tombs made by Arab Christians in the ruins of a church at Umm el-Jimal in Northern Jordan, which contained references to Allah as the proper name of God, and some of the graves contained names such as "Abd Allah" which means "the servant/slave of Allah".
digraph { N_1 [label="Some/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="archaeological/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="excavation/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="quests/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="have/VBP-5"]; N_6 [label="led/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="discovery/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="ancient/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="pre-Islamic/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="inscriptions/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="tombs/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="made/VBN-16"]; N_17 [label="by/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="Arab/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="Christians/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="in/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="ruins/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="of/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="a/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="church/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="at/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="Umm/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label="el-Jimal/NNP-28"]; N_29 [label="in/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="Northern/NNP-30"]; N_31 [label="Jordan/NNP-31"]; N_32 [label=",/,-32"]; N_33 [label="which/WDT-33"]; N_34 [label="contained/VBD-34"]; N_35 [label="references/NNS-35"]; N_36 [label="to/TO-36"]; N_37 [label="Allah/NNP-37"]; N_38 [label="as/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="the/DT-39"]; N_40 [label="proper/JJ-40"]; N_41 [label="name/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="of/IN-42"]; N_43 [label="God/NNP-43"]; N_44 [label=",/,-44"]; N_45 [label="and/CC-45"]; N_46 [label="some/DT-46"]; N_47 [label="of/IN-47"]; N_48 [label="the/DT-48"]; N_49 [label="graves/NNS-49"]; N_50 [label="contained/VBD-50"]; N_51 [label="names/NNS-51"]; N_52 [label="such/JJ-52"]; N_53 [label="as/IN-53"]; N_54 [label="``/``-54"]; N_55 [label="Abd/NNP-55"]; N_56 [label="Allah/NNP-56"]; N_57 [label="''/''-57"]; N_58 [label="which/WDT-58"]; N_59 [label="means/VBZ-59"]; N_60 [label="``/``-60"]; N_61 [label="the/DT-61"]; N_62 [label="servant/slave/NN-62"]; N_63 [label="of/IN-63"]; N_64 [label="Allah/NNP-64"]; N_65 [label="''/''-65"]; N_66 [label="./.-66"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_50 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_66 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="aux"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:to"]; N_6 -> N_44 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_45 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="acl"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:by"]; N_16 -> N_22 [label="nmod:in"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="nmod:of"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="nmod:at"]; N_28 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_33 [label="ref"]; N_28 -> N_34 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="compound"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="nmod:in"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="compound"]; N_34 -> N_35 [label="dobj"]; N_34 -> N_41 [label="nmod:as"]; N_34 -> N_28 [label="nsubj"]; N_35 -> N_37 [label="nmod:to"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_41 -> N_38 [label="case"]; N_41 -> N_39 [label="det"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="amod"]; N_41 -> N_43 [label="nmod:of"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="case"]; N_46 -> N_49 [label="nmod:of"]; N_49 -> N_48 [label="det"]; N_49 -> N_47 [label="case"]; N_50 -> N_51 [label="dobj"]; N_50 -> N_46 [label="nsubj"]; N_51 -> N_56 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_52 -> N_53 [label="mwe"]; N_56 -> N_52 [label="case"]; N_56 -> N_54 [label="punct"]; N_56 -> N_55 [label="compound"]; N_56 -> N_57 [label="punct"]; N_56 -> N_58 [label="ref"]; N_56 -> N_59 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_59 -> N_65 [label="punct"]; N_59 -> N_56 [label="nsubj"]; N_59 -> N_60 [label="punct"]; N_59 -> N_62 [label="dobj"]; N_62 -> N_64 [label="nmod:of"]; N_62 -> N_61 [label="det"]; N_64 -> N_63 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by caused/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Several deaths from head-and-neck injuries, caused by aggressive shihōnage in a senpai/kōhai hazing context, have been reported.
digraph { N_1 [label="Several/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="deaths/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="from/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="head-and-neck/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="injuries/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="caused/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label="by/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="aggressive/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="shihōnage/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="in/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="a/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="senpai/kōhai/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="hazing/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="context/NN-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="have/VBP-17"]; N_18 [label="been/VBN-18"]; N_19 [label="reported/VBN-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_2 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:from"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_7 [label="acl"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:by"]; N_7 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="aux"]; N_19 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="auxpass"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to attributed/VBN +nsubjpass [[effect]]/N
Many sayings about atemi are attributed to Morihei Ueshiba, who considered them an essential element of technique.
digraph { N_1 [label="Many/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="sayings/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="about/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="atemi/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="are/VBP-5"]; N_6 [label="attributed/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="Morihei/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="Ueshiba/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="who/WP-11"]; N_12 [label="considered/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="them/PRP-13"]; N_14 [label="an/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="essential/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="element/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="of/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="technique/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="./.-19"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:about"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_6 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="auxpass"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:to"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="ref"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="xcomp"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:of result/NN +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Injuries (especially those to the joints), when they do occur in aikido, are often the result of tori misjudging the ability of uke to receive the throw or pin.
digraph { N_1 [label="Injuries/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--2"]; N_3 [label="especially/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="those/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="to/TO-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="joints/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--8"]; N_9 [label=",/,-9"]; N_10 [label="when/WRB-10"]; N_11 [label="they/PRP-11"]; N_12 [label="do/VBP-12"]; N_13 [label="occur/VB-13"]; N_14 [label="in/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="aikido/NN-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="are/VBP-17"]; N_18 [label="often/RB-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="result/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="of/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="tori/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="misjudging/VBG-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="ability/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="of/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="uke/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="to/TO-28"]; N_29 [label="receive/VB-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="throw/VB-31"]; N_32 [label="or/CC-32"]; N_33 [label="pin/VB-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_1 -> N_4 [label="dep"]; N_1 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:to"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="advmod"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="aux"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="cop"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_20 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="nmod:of"]; N_20 -> N_13 [label="advcl"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="acl"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="dobj"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="nmod:of"]; N_25 -> N_29 [label="acl:to"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_33 [label="dobj"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="mark"]; N_29 -> N_31 [label="dobj"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="cc"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="conj:or"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj leads/VBZ +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Some Aikido practitioners feel that lack of training in these areas leads to an overall loss of effectiveness.
digraph { N_1 [label="Some/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Aikido/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="practitioners/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="feel/VBP-4"]; N_5 [label="that/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="lack/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="training/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="these/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="areas/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="leads/VBZ-12"]; N_13 [label="to/TO-13"]; N_14 [label="an/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="overall/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="loss/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="of/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="effectiveness/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="./.-19"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_12 [label="ccomp"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="nmod:to"]; N_12 -> N_5 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj causes/VBZ +dobj [[effect]]/N
Rather, the object is chosen from the electronic database, which causes distance values and arrow markers to appear in the display that indicate the distance and direction to move the telescope.
digraph { N_1 [label="Rather/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="object/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="is/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="chosen/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="from/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="electronic/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="database/NN-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="which/WDT-12"]; N_13 [label="causes/VBZ-13"]; N_14 [label="distance/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="values/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="and/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="arrow/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="markers/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="to/TO-19"]; N_20 [label="appear/VB-20"]; N_21 [label="in/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="display/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="that/WDT-24"]; N_25 [label="indicate/VBP-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="distance/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="and/CC-28"]; N_29 [label="direction/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="to/TO-30"]; N_31 [label="move/VB-31"]; N_32 [label="the/DT-32"]; N_33 [label="telescope/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="auxpass"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:from"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="ref"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_13 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_20 [label="xcomp"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="mark"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="nmod:in"]; N_20 -> N_15 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="ref"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="dobj"]; N_25 -> N_29 [label="dobj"]; N_25 -> N_31 [label="xcomp"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="cc"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="conj:and"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="dobj"]; N_31 -> N_27 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="mark"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBN +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The popularity of imaging among amateurs has led to large numbers of web sites being written by individuals about their images and equipment.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="popularity/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="imaging/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="among/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="amateurs/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="has/VBZ-7"]; N_8 [label="led/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="to/TO-9"]; N_10 [label="large/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="numbers/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="web/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="sites/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="being/VBG-15"]; N_16 [label="written/VBN-16"]; N_17 [label="by/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="individuals/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="about/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="their/PRP$-20"]; N_21 [label="images/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="and/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="equipment/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="./.-24"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:among"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="aux"]; N_8 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_11 -> N_16 [label="acl"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="auxpass"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="nmod:about"]; N_18 -> N_23 [label="nmod:about"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="conj:and"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
John Dobson (1915–2014), whose name is associated with the Dobsonian telescope, a simplified design for Newtonian reflecting telescopes.
digraph { N_1 [label="John/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="Dobson/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--3"]; N_4 [label="1915/CD-4"]; N_5 [label="--/:-5"]; N_6 [label="2014/CD-6"]; N_7 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="whose/WP$-9"]; N_10 [label="name/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="is/VBZ-11"]; N_12 [label="associated/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="with/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="Dobsonian/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="telescope/NN-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="a/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="simplified/VBN-19"]; N_20 [label="design/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="for/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="Newtonian/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="reflecting/VBG-23"]; N_24 [label="telescopes/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="./.-25"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="dep"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="ref"]; N_2 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_12 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="dep"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_2 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="nmod:with"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="auxpass"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="appos"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="dep"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="dep"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="dobj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBN +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The advent of mobile applications for use in smartphones has led to the creation of many dedicated apps.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="advent/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="mobile/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="applications/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="for/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="use/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="in/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="smartphones/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="has/VBZ-10"]; N_11 [label="led/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="to/TO-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="creation/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="many/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="dedicated/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="apps/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="./.-19"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:for"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="aux"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:to"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by caused/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
The new product exhibited chemical properties of an alkali metal (such as coprecipitating with caesium salts), which led Perey to believe that it was element 87, caused by the alpha decay of actinium-227.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="new/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="product/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="exhibited/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="chemical/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="properties/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="an/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="alkali/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="metal/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--11"]; N_12 [label="such/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="as/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="coprecipitating/VBG-14"]; N_15 [label="with/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="caesium/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="salts/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="which/WDT-20"]; N_21 [label="led/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="Perey/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="to/TO-23"]; N_24 [label="believe/VB-24"]; N_25 [label="that/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="it/PRP-26"]; N_27 [label="was/VBD-27"]; N_28 [label="element/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="87/CD-29"]; N_30 [label=",/,-30"]; N_31 [label="caused/VBN-31"]; N_32 [label="by/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="the/DT-33"]; N_34 [label="alpha/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="decay/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="of/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="actinium-227/NN-37"]; N_38 [label="./.-38"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_20 [label="ref"]; N_10 -> N_21 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="dep"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="mwe"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="nmod:with"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="mark"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="dobj"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="xcomp"]; N_21 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="mark"]; N_24 -> N_28 [label="ccomp"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="mark"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="nsubj"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="cop"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="nummod"]; N_28 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="acl"]; N_31 -> N_35 [label="nmod:by"]; N_35 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="det"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="compound"]; N_35 -> N_37 [label="nmod:of"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj results/VBZ +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
The physical and chemical properties of the alkali metals can be readily explained by their having an ns1 valence electron configuration, which results in weak metallic bonding.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="physical/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="and/CC-3"]; N_4 [label="chemical/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="properties/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="alkali/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="metals/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="can/MD-10"]; N_11 [label="be/VB-11"]; N_12 [label="readily/RB-12"]; N_13 [label="explained/VBN-13"]; N_14 [label="by/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="their/PRP$-15"]; N_16 [label="having/VBG-16"]; N_17 [label="an/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="ns1/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="valence/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="electron/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="configuration/NN-21"]; N_22 [label=",/,-22"]; N_23 [label="which/WDT-23"]; N_24 [label="results/VBZ-24"]; N_25 [label="in/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="weak/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="metallic/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="bonding/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="./.-29"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="advcl:by"]; N_13 -> N_5 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="aux"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="auxpass"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="advmod"]; N_13 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_21 [label="dobj"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="mark"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="ref"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_28 [label="nmod:in"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ +nsubj [[effect]]/N
This lowered reactivity is due to the relativistic stabilisation of ununennium's valence electron, increasing ununennium's first ionisation energy and decreasing the metallic and ionic radii; this effect is already seen for francium.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="lowered/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="reactivity/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="is/VBZ-4"]; N_5 [label="due/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="relativistic/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="stabilisation/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="ununennium/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="'s/POS-12"]; N_13 [label="valence/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="electron/NN-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="increasing/VBG-16"]; N_17 [label="ununennium/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="'s/POS-18"]; N_19 [label="first/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="ionisation/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="energy/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="and/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="decreasing/VBG-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="metallic/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="and/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="ionic/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="radii/NN-28"]; N_29 [label=";/:-29"]; N_30 [label="this/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="effect/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="is/VBZ-32"]; N_33 [label="already/RB-33"]; N_34 [label="seen/VBN-34"]; N_35 [label="for/IN-35"]; N_36 [label="francium/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="./.-37"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_34 [label="parataxis"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="ccomp"]; N_2 -> N_21 [label="ccomp"]; N_2 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_23 [label="ccomp"]; N_2 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="cop"]; N_5 -> N_21 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_23 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="nmod:to"]; N_5 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_23 -> N_28 [label="dobj"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_28 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_34 -> N_32 [label="auxpass"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="advmod"]; N_34 -> N_36 [label="nmod:for"]; N_34 -> N_31 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Its placement above lithium is primarily due to its electron configuration.
digraph { N_1 [label="Its/PRP$-1"]; N_2 [label="placement/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="above/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="lithium/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="is/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="primarily/RB-6"]; N_7 [label="due/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="its/PRP$-9"]; N_10 [label="electron/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="configuration/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="./.-12"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:above"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="cop"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_7 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; }