[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
In the Cold War years, Lincoln's image shifted to emphasize the symbol of freedom who brought hope to those oppressed by communist regimes.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="Cold/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="War/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="years/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="Lincoln/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="'s/POS-8"]; N_9 [label="image/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="shifted/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="emphasize/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="symbol/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="freedom/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="who/WP-17"]; N_18 [label="brought/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label="hope/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="to/TO-20"]; N_21 [label="those/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="oppressed/VBN-22"]; N_23 [label="by/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="communist/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="regimes/NNS-25"]; N_26 [label="./.-26"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_10 -> N_5 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="xcomp"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="ref"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="dobj"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="nmod:to"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="acl"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="nmod:by"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Similar organizations in other countries followed: The Anthropological Society of Madrid (1865), the American Anthropological Association in 1902, the Anthropological Society of Vienna (1870), the Italian Society of Anthropology and Ethnology (1871), and many others subsequently.
digraph { N_1 [label="Similar/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="organizations/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="in/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="other/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="countries/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="followed/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label=":/:-7"]; N_8 [label="The/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="Anthropological/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="Society/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="Madrid/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--13"]; N_14 [label="1865/CD-14"]; N_15 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="American/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="Anthropological/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="Association/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="in/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="1902/CD-22"]; N_23 [label=",/,-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="Anthropological/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="Society/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="of/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="Vienna/NNP-28"]; N_29 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--29"]; N_30 [label="1870/CD-30"]; N_31 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--31"]; N_32 [label=",/,-32"]; N_33 [label="the/DT-33"]; N_34 [label="Italian/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="Society/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="of/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="Anthropology/NNP-37"]; N_38 [label="and/CC-38"]; N_39 [label="Ethnology/NNP-39"]; N_40 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--40"]; N_41 [label="1871/CD-41"]; N_42 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--42"]; N_43 [label=",/,-43"]; N_44 [label="and/CC-44"]; N_45 [label="many/JJ-45"]; N_46 [label="others/NNS-46"]; N_47 [label="subsequently/RB-47"]; N_48 [label="./.-48"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_48 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_35 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_26 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_46 [label="dobj"]; N_10 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_35 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_44 [label="cc"]; N_10 -> N_46 [label="conj:and"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_20 [label="appos"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="appos"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="nmod:in"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="compound"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="nmod:of"]; N_26 -> N_30 [label="appos"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="det"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_37 [label="nmod:of"]; N_35 -> N_39 [label="nmod:of"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_38 [label="cc"]; N_37 -> N_39 [label="conj:and"]; N_39 -> N_41 [label="appos"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_41 -> N_42 [label="punct"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="amod"]; N_46 -> N_47 [label="advmod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
If economic and environmental changes in a community affect access to food, food security, and dietary health, then this interplay between culture and biology is in turn connected to broader historical and economic trends associated with globalization.
digraph { N_1 [label="If/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="economic/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="and/CC-3"]; N_4 [label="environmental/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="changes/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="in/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="a/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="community/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="affect/VB-9"]; N_10 [label="access/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="food/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="food/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="security/NN-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="and/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="dietary/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="health/NN-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="then/RB-21"]; N_22 [label="this/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="interplay/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="between/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="culture/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="and/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="biology/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="is/VBZ-28"]; N_29 [label="in/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="turn/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="connected/VBN-31"]; N_32 [label="to/TO-32"]; N_33 [label="broader/JJR-33"]; N_34 [label="historical/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="and/CC-35"]; N_36 [label="economic/JJ-36"]; N_37 [label="trends/NNS-37"]; N_38 [label="associated/VBN-38"]; N_39 [label="with/IN-39"]; N_40 [label="globalization/NN-40"]; N_41 [label="./.-41"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_10 -> N_19 [label="nmod:to"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="nmod:to"]; N_10 -> N_15 [label="nmod:to"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_12 -> N_19 [label="conj:and"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="advmod"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="nmod:between"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="nmod:between"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_37 [label="nmod:to"]; N_31 -> N_23 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_31 -> N_9 [label="advcl:if"]; N_31 -> N_41 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_28 [label="auxpass"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="nmod:in"]; N_34 -> N_35 [label="cc"]; N_34 -> N_36 [label="conj:and"]; N_37 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_33 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_38 [label="acl"]; N_38 -> N_40 [label="nmod:with"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Various social processes in the Western World as well as in the "Third World" (the latter being the habitual focus of attention of anthropologists) brought the attention of "specialists in 'other cultures'" closer to their homes.
digraph { N_1 [label="Various/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="social/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="processes/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="in/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="Western/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="World/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="as/RB-8"]; N_9 [label="well/RB-9"]; N_10 [label="as/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="in/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="``/``-13"]; N_14 [label="Third/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="World/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="''/''-16"]; N_17 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="latter/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="being/VBG-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="habitual/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="focus/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="of/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="attention/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="of/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="anthropologists/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--28"]; N_29 [label="brought/VBD-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="attention/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="of/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="``/``-33"]; N_34 [label="specialists/NNS-34"]; N_35 [label="in/IN-35"]; N_36 [label="`/``-36"]; N_37 [label="other/JJ-37"]; N_38 [label="cultures/NNS-38"]; N_39 [label="'/POS-39"]; N_40 [label="''/''-40"]; N_41 [label="closer/JJR-41"]; N_42 [label="to/TO-42"]; N_43 [label="their/PRP$-43"]; N_44 [label="homes/NNS-44"]; N_45 [label="./.-45"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="nmod:in"]; N_3 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="mwe"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="mwe"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_23 [label="dep"]; N_15 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_19 [label="nsubj"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="cop"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="nmod:of"]; N_23 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="nmod:of"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_29 -> N_45 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_15 [label="nsubj"]; N_29 -> N_31 [label="dobj"]; N_31 -> N_34 [label="nmod:of"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_34 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_34 -> N_38 [label="nmod:'"]; N_38 -> N_35 [label="case"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="amod"]; N_38 -> N_39 [label="case"]; N_38 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_38 -> N_41 [label="amod"]; N_41 -> N_44 [label="nmod:to"]; N_44 -> N_42 [label="case"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VBP +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Physical anthropologists throughout the first half of the 20th century viewed this relationship from a racial perspective; that is, from the assumption that typological human biological differences lead to cultural differences.
digraph { N_1 [label="Physical/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="anthropologists/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="throughout/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="first/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="half/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="20th/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="century/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="viewed/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="this/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="relationship/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="from/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="a/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="racial/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="perspective/NN-17"]; N_18 [label=";/:-18"]; N_19 [label="that/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="is/VBZ-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="from/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="assumption/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="that/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="typological/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="human/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="biological/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="differences/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label="lead/VBP-30"]; N_31 [label="to/TO-31"]; N_32 [label="cultural/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="differences/NNS-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:throughout"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_17 [label="nmod:from"]; N_11 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_20 [label="parataxis"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_24 [label="nmod:from"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_30 [label="ccomp"]; N_29 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_30 -> N_33 [label="nmod:to"]; N_30 -> N_25 [label="mark"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="nsubj"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBN +dobj [[effect]]/N
Anthropologists' involvement with the U.S. government, in particular, has caused bitter controversy within the discipline.
digraph { N_1 [label="Anthropologists/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="'/POS-2"]; N_3 [label="involvement/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="with/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="U.S./NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="government/NN-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="particular/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="has/VBZ-12"]; N_13 [label="caused/VBN-13"]; N_14 [label="bitter/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="controversy/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="within/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="discipline/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="./.-19"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="nmod:with"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="aux"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:within"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
In general application, such an oversight will lead to the average value artificially moving towards the middle of the numerical range.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="general/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="application/NN-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="such/PDT-5"]; N_6 [label="an/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="oversight/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="will/MD-8"]; N_9 [label="lead/VB-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="average/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="value/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="artificially/RB-14"]; N_15 [label="moving/VBG-15"]; N_16 [label="towards/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="middle/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="of/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="numerical/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="range/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det:predet"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_3 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="aux"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:to"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="xcomp"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:towards"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="advmod"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="nmod:of"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:from resulting/VBG -acl [[effect]]/N
If the data set is a statistical sample (a subset of the population), we call the statistic resulting from this calculation a sample mean.
digraph { N_1 [label="If/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="data/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="set/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="is/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="a/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="statistical/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="sample/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--9"]; N_10 [label="a/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="subset/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="population/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="we/PRP-17"]; N_18 [label="call/VBP-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="statistic/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="resulting/VBG-21"]; N_22 [label="from/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="this/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="calculation/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="a/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="sample/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="mean/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="cop"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="dep"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_8 [label="advcl:if"]; N_18 -> N_27 [label="xcomp"]; N_18 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="acl"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:from"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
In 1995, the Cleveland Browns had attempted to move to Baltimore; the resulting dispute between Cleveland and the team led to Modell establishing the Baltimore Ravens with the players and personnel from the Browns, while the Browns were placed in suspended operations before they were reinstated by the NFL.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="1995/CD-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="Cleveland/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="Browns/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="had/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="attempted/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="to/TO-9"]; N_10 [label="move/VB-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="Baltimore/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label=";/:-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="resulting/VBG-15"]; N_16 [label="dispute/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="between/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="Cleveland/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="and/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="team/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="led/VBD-22"]; N_23 [label="to/TO-23"]; N_24 [label="Modell/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="establishing/VBG-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="Baltimore/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label="Ravens/NNPS-28"]; N_29 [label="with/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="players/NNS-31"]; N_32 [label="and/CC-32"]; N_33 [label="personnel/NNS-33"]; N_34 [label="from/IN-34"]; N_35 [label="the/DT-35"]; N_36 [label="Browns/NNPS-36"]; N_37 [label=",/,-37"]; N_38 [label="while/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="the/DT-39"]; N_40 [label="Browns/NNPS-40"]; N_41 [label="were/VBD-41"]; N_42 [label="placed/VBN-42"]; N_43 [label="in/IN-43"]; N_44 [label="suspended/VBN-44"]; N_45 [label="operations/NNS-45"]; N_46 [label="before/IN-46"]; N_47 [label="they/PRP-47"]; N_48 [label="were/VBD-48"]; N_49 [label="reinstated/VBN-49"]; N_50 [label="by/IN-50"]; N_51 [label="the/DT-51"]; N_52 [label="NFL/NNP-52"]; N_53 [label="./.-53"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_2 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_53 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_22 [label="parataxis"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="aux"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="xcomp"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_6 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="nmod:to"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="nmod:between"]; N_16 -> N_21 [label="nmod:between"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="conj:and"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="nmod:to"]; N_22 -> N_42 [label="advcl:while"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="acl"]; N_25 -> N_33 [label="nmod:with"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="dobj"]; N_25 -> N_31 [label="nmod:with"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="compound"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="cc"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="conj:and"]; N_31 -> N_36 [label="nmod:from"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="det"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="det"]; N_42 -> N_49 [label="advcl:before"]; N_42 -> N_38 [label="mark"]; N_42 -> N_40 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="auxpass"]; N_42 -> N_45 [label="nmod:in"]; N_45 -> N_43 [label="case"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="amod"]; N_49 -> N_48 [label="auxpass"]; N_49 -> N_52 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_49 -> N_46 [label="mark"]; N_49 -> N_47 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_52 -> N_50 [label="case"]; N_52 -> N_51 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
A 2015 made analysis using the Automated Similarity Judgment Program resulted in Japanese being grouped with the Ainu and the Austroasiatic languages.
digraph { N_1 [label="A/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="2015/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="made/VBN-3"]; N_4 [label="analysis/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="using/VBG-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="Automated/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label="Similarity/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="Judgment/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="Program/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="resulted/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="in/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="Japanese/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="being/VBG-14"]; N_15 [label="grouped/VBN-15"]; N_16 [label="with/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="Ainu/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="and/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="Austroasiatic/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="languages/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nummod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="acl"]; N_5 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_10 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="xcomp"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:with"]; N_15 -> N_22 [label="nmod:with"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="auxpass"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBN +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
This reduction of presyllables has led to a variety among modern languages of phonological shapes of the same original Proto-Austroasiatic prefixes, such as the causative prefix, ranging from CVC syllables to consonant clusters to single consonants.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="reduction/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="presyllables/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="has/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="led/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="a/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="variety/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="among/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="modern/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="languages/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="of/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="phonological/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="shapes/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="same/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="original/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="Proto-Austroasiatic/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="prefixes/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label=",/,-22"]; N_23 [label="such/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="as/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="causative/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="prefix/NN-27"]; N_28 [label=",/,-28"]; N_29 [label="ranging/VBG-29"]; N_30 [label="from/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="CVC/NNP-31"]; N_32 [label="syllables/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label="to/TO-33"]; N_34 [label="consonant/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="clusters/NNS-35"]; N_36 [label="to/TO-36"]; N_37 [label="single/JJ-37"]; N_38 [label="consonants/NNS-38"]; N_39 [label="./.-39"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:of"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="aux"]; N_6 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:to"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:among"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_27 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="mwe"]; N_27 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="acl"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="nmod:from"]; N_29 -> N_38 [label="nmod:to"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="nmod:to"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="compound"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Finally, Joseph Greenberg's 1950 work led to the widespread rejection of "Hamitic" as a language category by linguists.
digraph { N_1 [label="Finally/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="Joseph/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="Greenberg/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="'s/POS-5"]; N_6 [label="1950/CD-6"]; N_7 [label="work/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="led/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="to/TO-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="widespread/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="rejection/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="of/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="``/``-14"]; N_15 [label="Hamitic/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="''/''-16"]; N_17 [label="as/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="a/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="language/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="category/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="by/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="linguists/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="nummod"]; N_8 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_8 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="nmod:to"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="nmod:as"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="nmod:by"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
The conquest of Algeria by the French took some time and resulted in considerable bloodshed.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="conquest/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="Algeria/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="by/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="French/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="took/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="some/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="time/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="and/CC-11"]; N_12 [label="resulted/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="in/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="considerable/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="bloodshed/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="./.-16"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_7 [label="nmod:by"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="cc"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Neanderthal tool makers produced hand axes in the Levalloisian and Mousterian styles (43,000 BC) similar to those in the Levant.
digraph { N_1 [label="Neanderthal/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="tool/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="makers/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="produced/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="hand/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="axes/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="Levalloisian/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="and/CC-10"]; N_11 [label="Mousterian/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="styles/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--13"]; N_14 [label="43,000/CD-14"]; N_15 [label="BC/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--16"]; N_17 [label="similar/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="to/TO-18"]; N_19 [label="those/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="in/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="Levant/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="conj:and"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="appos"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="nummod"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:to"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="nmod:in"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
A combination of violence and disease epidemics caused the indigenous Algerian population to decline by nearly one-third from 1830 to 1872.
digraph { N_1 [label="A/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="combination/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="violence/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="and/CC-5"]; N_6 [label="disease/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="epidemics/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="caused/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="indigenous/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="Algerian/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="population/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="to/TO-13"]; N_14 [label="decline/VB-14"]; N_15 [label="by/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="nearly/RB-16"]; N_17 [label="one-third/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="from/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="1830/CD-19"]; N_20 [label="to/TO-20"]; N_21 [label="1872/CD-21"]; N_22 [label="./.-22"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="conj:and"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="dep"]; N_8 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_14 [label="xcomp"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="nmod:by"]; N_14 -> N_19 [label="nmod:from"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="mark"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="nmod:to"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Morocco's claim to portions of western Algeria led to the Sand War in 1963.
digraph { N_1 [label="Morocco/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="'s/POS-2"]; N_3 [label="claim/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="to/TO-4"]; N_5 [label="portions/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="western/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="Algeria/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="led/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="Sand/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="War/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="in/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="1963/CD-15"]; N_16 [label="./.-16"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:to"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:to"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
However, poor sanitation and unclean water still cause tuberculosis, hepatitis, measles, typhoid fever, cholera and dysentery.
digraph { N_1 [label="However/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="poor/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="sanitation/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="and/CC-5"]; N_6 [label="unclean/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="water/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="still/RB-8"]; N_9 [label="cause/VB-9"]; N_10 [label="tuberculosis/NN-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="hepatitis/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="measles/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="typhoid/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="fever/NN-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="cholera/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="and/CC-20"]; N_21 [label="dysentery/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="./.-22"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_9 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_19 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_21 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="advmod"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_10 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_19 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_20 [label="cc"]; N_10 -> N_21 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Piracy on American vessels in the Mediterranean resulted in the United States initiating the First (1801–1805) and Second Barbary Wars (1815).
digraph { N_1 [label="Piracy/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="on/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="American/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="vessels/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="in/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="Mediterranean/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="resulted/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="United/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="States/NNPS-12"]; N_13 [label="initiating/VBG-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="First/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--16"]; N_17 [label="1801/CD-17"]; N_18 [label="--/:-18"]; N_19 [label="1805/CD-19"]; N_20 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="Second/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="Barbary/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="Wars/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--25"]; N_26 [label="1815/CD-26"]; N_27 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_1 -> N_4 [label="nmod:on"]; N_1 -> N_7 [label="nmod:in"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="acl"]; N_13 -> N_24 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="dep"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="dep"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="appos"]; N_24 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Trade links between Carthage and the Berbers in the interior grew, but territorial expansion also resulted in the enslavement or military recruitment of some Berbers and in the extraction of tribute from others.
digraph { N_1 [label="Trade/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="links/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="between/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="Carthage/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="and/CC-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="Berbers/NNPS-7"]; N_8 [label="in/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="interior/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="grew/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="but/CC-13"]; N_14 [label="territorial/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="expansion/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="also/RB-16"]; N_17 [label="resulted/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="in/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="enslavement/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="or/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="military/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="recruitment/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="of/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="some/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="Berbers/NNPS-26"]; N_27 [label="and/CC-27"]; N_28 [label="in/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="the/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="extraction/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="of/IN-31"]; N_32 [label="tribute/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="from/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="others/NNS-34"]; N_35 [label="./.-35"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:between"]; N_2 -> N_7 [label="nmod:between"]; N_2 -> N_10 [label="nmod:in"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_17 [label="conj:but"]; N_11 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_23 [label="nmod:in"]; N_17 -> N_30 [label="nmod:in"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="conj:or"]; N_23 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:of"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="cc"]; N_23 -> N_30 [label="conj:and"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_32 [label="nmod:of"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_32 -> N_34 [label="nmod:from"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="case"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The war led to the death of hundreds of thousands of Algerians and hundreds of thousands of injuries.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="war/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="led/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="to/TO-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="death/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="hundreds/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="thousands/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="Algerians/NNPS-12"]; N_13 [label="and/CC-13"]; N_14 [label="hundreds/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="thousands/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="of/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="injuries/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="./.-19"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:to"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="cc"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="conj:and"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Economic recession caused by the crash in world oil prices resulted in Algerian social unrest during the 1980s; by the end of the decade, Bendjedid introduced a multi-party system.
digraph { N_1 [label="Economic/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="recession/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="caused/VBN-3"]; N_4 [label="by/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="crash/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="world/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="oil/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="prices/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="resulted/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="in/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="Algerian/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="social/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="unrest/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="during/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="1980s/CD-18"]; N_19 [label=";/:-19"]; N_20 [label="by/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="end/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="of/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="decade/NN-25"]; N_26 [label=",/,-26"]; N_27 [label="Bendjedid/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label="introduced/VBD-28"]; N_29 [label="a/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="multi-party/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="system/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="./.-32"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="acl"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:by"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_18 [label="nmod:during"]; N_11 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_22 [label="nmod:by"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="nmod:of"]; N_22 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_28 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="nsubj"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="dobj"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Serious fires which lasted for two days in December 1959 led to calls for a permanent fire service, and the Andorran Fire Brigade was formed on 21 April 1961.
digraph { N_1 [label="Serious/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="fires/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="which/WDT-3"]; N_4 [label="lasted/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="for/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="two/CD-6"]; N_7 [label="days/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="in/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="December/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="1959/CD-10"]; N_11 [label="led/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="to/TO-12"]; N_13 [label="calls/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="for/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="a/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="permanent/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="fire/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="service/NN-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="and/CC-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="Andorran/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="Fire/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="Brigade/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="was/VBD-25"]; N_26 [label="formed/VBN-26"]; N_27 [label="on/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="21/CD-28"]; N_29 [label="April/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label="1961/CD-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="ref"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:for"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="nummod"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="nummod"]; N_11 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_20 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="nmod:to"]; N_11 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_18 [label="nmod:for"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="auxpass"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="nmod:on"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="nummod"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Brief civil disorder associated with the elections of 1933 led to assistance being sought from the French National Gendarmerie, with a detachment resident in Andorra for two months under the command of René-Jules Baulard.
digraph { N_1 [label="Brief/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="civil/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="disorder/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="associated/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="with/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="elections/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="1933/CD-9"]; N_10 [label="led/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="assistance/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="being/VBG-13"]; N_14 [label="sought/VBN-14"]; N_15 [label="from/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="French/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="National/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="Gendarmerie/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="with/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="a/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="detachment/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="resident/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="in/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="Andorra/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="for/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="two/CD-28"]; N_29 [label="months/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label="under/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="the/DT-31"]; N_32 [label="command/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="of/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="René-Jules/NNP-34"]; N_35 [label="Baulard/NNP-35"]; N_36 [label="./.-36"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="acl"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:with"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_24 [label="nmod:with"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="nmod:to"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="acl"]; N_14 -> N_19 [label="nmod:from"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="auxpass"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="nmod:in"]; N_24 -> N_29 [label="nmod:for"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="nmod:under"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="nummod"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="nmod:of"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="det"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
The inhabitants of the valleys were traditionally associated with the Iberians and historically located in Andorra as the Iberian tribe Andosins or Andosini (Ἀνδοσίνους) during the 7th and 2nd centuries BC.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="inhabitants/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="valleys/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="were/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="traditionally/RB-7"]; N_8 [label="associated/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="with/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="Iberians/NNPS-11"]; N_12 [label="and/CC-12"]; N_13 [label="historically/RB-13"]; N_14 [label="located/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="in/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="Andorra/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="as/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="Iberian/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="tribe/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="Andosins/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="or/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="Andosini/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--24"]; N_25 [label="Ἀνδοσίνους/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--26"]; N_27 [label="during/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="the/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="7th/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="and/CC-30"]; N_31 [label="2nd/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="centuries/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label="BC/NNP-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_8 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="auxpass"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="advmod"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:with"]; N_8 -> N_14 [label="nmod:with"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:in"]; N_14 -> N_21 [label="nmod:as"]; N_14 -> N_23 [label="nmod:as"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="advmod"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_33 [label="nmod:during"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="conj:or"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="appos"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="cc"]; N_29 -> N_31 [label="conj:and"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_33 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The conflict led to the so-called Revolution of 1881 or Troubles of Andorra, when revolutionaries assaulted the house of the syndic during 8 December 1880 and established the Provisional Revolutionary Council led by Joan Pla i Calvo and Pere Baró i Mas, who granted the construction of casinos and spas to foreign companies.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="conflict/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="led/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="to/TO-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="so-called/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="Revolution/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="1881/CD-9"]; N_10 [label="or/CC-10"]; N_11 [label="Troubles/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="Andorra/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="when/WRB-15"]; N_16 [label="revolutionaries/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="assaulted/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="house/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="of/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="syndic/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="during/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="8/CD-24"]; N_25 [label="December/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="1880/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="and/CC-27"]; N_28 [label="established/VBD-28"]; N_29 [label="the/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="Provisional/NNP-30"]; N_31 [label="Revolutionary/NNP-31"]; N_32 [label="Council/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label="led/VBD-33"]; N_34 [label="by/IN-34"]; N_35 [label="Joan/NNP-35"]; N_36 [label="Pla/NNP-36"]; N_37 [label="i/FW-37"]; N_38 [label="Calvo/NNP-38"]; N_39 [label="and/CC-39"]; N_40 [label="Pere/NNP-40"]; N_41 [label="Baró/NNP-41"]; N_42 [label="i/FW-42"]; N_43 [label="Mas/NNP-43"]; N_44 [label=",/,-44"]; N_45 [label="who/WP-45"]; N_46 [label="granted/VBD-46"]; N_47 [label="the/DT-47"]; N_48 [label="construction/NN-48"]; N_49 [label="of/IN-49"]; N_50 [label="casinos/NNS-50"]; N_51 [label="and/CC-51"]; N_52 [label="spas/NNS-52"]; N_53 [label="to/TO-53"]; N_54 [label="foreign/JJ-54"]; N_55 [label="companies/NNS-55"]; N_56 [label="./.-56"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="nmod:to"]; N_3 -> N_56 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_17 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_7 -> N_28 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_7 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="conj:or"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_26 [label="nmod:during"]; N_17 -> N_27 [label="cc"]; N_17 -> N_28 [label="conj:and"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="nmod:of"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="nummod"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="compound"]; N_28 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_28 -> N_33 [label="ccomp"]; N_32 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="compound"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="nsubj"]; N_33 -> N_38 [label="nmod:by"]; N_33 -> N_43 [label="nmod:by"]; N_38 -> N_34 [label="case"]; N_38 -> N_35 [label="compound"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="compound"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="compound"]; N_38 -> N_39 [label="cc"]; N_38 -> N_43 [label="conj:and"]; N_38 -> N_44 [label="punct"]; N_38 -> N_45 [label="ref"]; N_38 -> N_46 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_43 -> N_40 [label="compound"]; N_43 -> N_41 [label="compound"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="compound"]; N_46 -> N_48 [label="dobj"]; N_46 -> N_38 [label="nsubj"]; N_46 -> N_55 [label="nmod:to"]; N_46 -> N_43 [label="nsubj"]; N_48 -> N_50 [label="nmod:of"]; N_48 -> N_52 [label="nmod:of"]; N_48 -> N_47 [label="det"]; N_50 -> N_49 [label="case"]; N_50 -> N_51 [label="cc"]; N_50 -> N_52 [label="conj:and"]; N_55 -> N_53 [label="case"]; N_55 -> N_54 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
This approach eventually led to the founding of modern chemistry in the 18th and 19th centuries, based on revolutionary discoveries of Lavoisier and John Dalton.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="approach/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="eventually/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="led/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="to/TO-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="founding/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="modern/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="chemistry/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="in/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="18th/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="19th/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="centuries/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="based/VBN-18"]; N_19 [label="on/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="revolutionary/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="discoveries/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="of/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="Lavoisier/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="and/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="John/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="Dalton/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:to"]; N_4 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_16 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_21 [label="nmod:on"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="nmod:of"]; N_21 -> N_26 [label="nmod:of"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to attributed/VBN +nsubjpass [[effect]]/N
Likewise, alchemical texts have been attributed to Albert's student Thomas Aquinas.
digraph { N_1 [label="Likewise/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="alchemical/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="texts/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="have/VBP-5"]; N_6 [label="been/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="attributed/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="Albert/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="'s/POS-10"]; N_11 [label="student/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="Thomas/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="Aquinas/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="./.-14"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="aux"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="auxpass"]; N_7 -> N_13 [label="nmod:to"]; N_7 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_9 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
John Dee (13 July 1527 – December, 1608) followed Agrippa's occult tradition.
digraph { N_1 [label="John/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="Dee/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--3"]; N_4 [label="13/CD-4"]; N_5 [label="July/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="1527/CD-6"]; N_7 [label="--/:-7"]; N_8 [label="December/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label=",/,-9"]; N_10 [label="1608/CD-10"]; N_11 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--11"]; N_12 [label="followed/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="Agrippa/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="'s/POS-14"]; N_15 [label="occult/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="tradition/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="./.-17"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="appos"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nummod"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="nummod"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="dep"]; N_5 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
In the early 12th century, Peter Abelard followed Anselm's work, laying down the foundation for acceptance of Aristotelian thought before the first works of Aristotle had reached the West.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="early/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="12th/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="century/NN-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="Peter/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="Abelard/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="followed/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="Anselm/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="'s/POS-11"]; N_12 [label="work/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="laying/VBG-14"]; N_15 [label="down/RP-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="foundation/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="for/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="acceptance/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="of/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="Aristotelian/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="thought/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="before/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="first/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="works/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="of/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="Aristotle/NNP-28"]; N_29 [label="had/VBD-29"]; N_30 [label="reached/VBN-30"]; N_31 [label="the/DT-31"]; N_32 [label="West/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label="./.-33"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_30 [label="parataxis"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_26 [label="nmod:before"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="compound:prt"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:for"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="nmod:of"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="nmod:of"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_32 [label="dobj"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="aux"]; N_30 -> N_14 [label="csubj"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Thinking that this consequential death would lead to freedom and access to the Taoist heavens, the ensuing deaths encouraged people to eschew this method of alchemy in favor of external sources (the aforementioned Tai Chi Chuan, mastering of the qi, etc.)
digraph { N_1 [label="Thinking/VBG-1"]; N_2 [label="that/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="this/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="consequential/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="death/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="would/MD-6"]; N_7 [label="lead/VB-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="freedom/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="and/CC-10"]; N_11 [label="access/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="to/TO-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="Taoist/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="heavens/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="ensuing/VBG-18"]; N_19 [label="deaths/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="encouraged/VBD-20"]; N_21 [label="people/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="to/TO-22"]; N_23 [label="eschew/VB-23"]; N_24 [label="this/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="method/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="of/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="alchemy/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="in/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="favor/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="of/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="external/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="sources/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--33"]; N_34 [label="the/DT-34"]; N_35 [label="aforementioned/JJ-35"]; N_36 [label="Tai/NNP-36"]; N_37 [label="Chi/NNP-37"]; N_38 [label="Chuan/NNP-38"]; N_39 [label=",/,-39"]; N_40 [label="mastering/VBG-40"]; N_41 [label="of/IN-41"]; N_42 [label="the/DT-42"]; N_43 [label="qi/NN-43"]; N_44 [label=",/,-44"]; N_45 [label="etc./FW-45"]; N_46 [label="./.-46"]; N_47 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--47"]; N_1 -> N_7 [label="ccomp"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="mark"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="aux"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:to"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="conj:and"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:to"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_1 [label="advcl"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="dobj"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="xcomp"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="mark"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="dobj"]; N_23 -> N_29 [label="nmod:in"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="nmod:of"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="nmod:of"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_38 [label="dep"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; N_38 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_38 -> N_34 [label="det"]; N_38 -> N_35 [label="amod"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="compound"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="compound"]; N_38 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_38 -> N_40 [label="acl"]; N_38 -> N_46 [label="punct"]; N_38 -> N_47 [label="punct"]; N_40 -> N_43 [label="nmod:of"]; N_43 -> N_41 [label="case"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="det"]; N_43 -> N_44 [label="punct"]; N_43 -> N_45 [label="appos"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to attributed/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The author attributed this recipe to an ancient manuscript he located.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="author/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="attributed/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="this/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="recipe/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="an/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="ancient/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="manuscript/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="he/PRP-10"]; N_11 [label="located/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="./.-12"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="nmod:to"]; N_3 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Similarly, the gods of the Roman pantheon who are associated with these luminaries are discussed in alchemical literature.
digraph { N_1 [label="Similarly/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="gods/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="of/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="Roman/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="pantheon/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="who/WP-9"]; N_10 [label="are/VBP-10"]; N_11 [label="associated/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="with/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="these/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="luminaries/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="are/VBP-15"]; N_16 [label="discussed/VBN-16"]; N_17 [label="in/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="alchemical/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="literature/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="ref"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="auxpass"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:with"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_16 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:in"]; N_16 -> N_4 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="auxpass"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Their cryptic allusions and symbolism led to wide variations in interpretation of the art.
digraph { N_1 [label="Their/PRP$-1"]; N_2 [label="cryptic/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="allusions/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="and/CC-4"]; N_5 [label="symbolism/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="led/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="wide/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="variations/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="in/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="interpretation/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="art/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="./.-15"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:to"]; N_6 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Applied to the alchemist himself, the twin goal symbolized his evolution from ignorance to enlightenment, and the stone represented a hidden spiritual truth or power that would lead to that goal.
digraph { N_1 [label="Applied/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="to/TO-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="alchemist/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="himself/PRP-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="twin/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="goal/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="symbolized/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="his/PRP$-11"]; N_12 [label="evolution/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="from/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="ignorance/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="to/TO-15"]; N_16 [label="enlightenment/NN-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="and/CC-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="stone/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="represented/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="a/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="hidden/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="spiritual/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="truth/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="or/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="power/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="that/WDT-28"]; N_29 [label="would/MD-29"]; N_30 [label="lead/VB-30"]; N_31 [label="to/TO-31"]; N_32 [label="that/DT-32"]; N_33 [label="goal/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_1 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_18 [label="cc"]; N_1 -> N_4 [label="nmod:to"]; N_1 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_1 -> N_5 [label="nmod:npmod"]; N_1 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_10 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="nmod:from"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:to"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="dobj"]; N_21 -> N_27 [label="dobj"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="conj:or"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="ref"]; N_25 -> N_30 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_30 -> N_33 [label="nmod:to"]; N_30 -> N_25 [label="nsubj"]; N_30 -> N_27 [label="nsubj"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="aux"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="det"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj causes/VBZ +dobj [[effect]]/N
In graphical user interface (GUI) and windowing systems, ESC generally causes an application to abort its current operation or to exit (terminate) altogether.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="graphical/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="user/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="interface/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--5"]; N_6 [label="GUI/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="windowing/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="systems/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="ESC/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="generally/RB-13"]; N_14 [label="causes/VBZ-14"]; N_15 [label="an/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="application/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="to/TO-17"]; N_18 [label="abort/VB-18"]; N_19 [label="its/PRP$-19"]; N_20 [label="current/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="operation/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="or/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="to/TO-23"]; N_24 [label="exit/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--25"]; N_26 [label="terminate/VB-26"]; N_27 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--27"]; N_28 [label="altogether/RB-28"]; N_29 [label="./.-29"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="appos"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_10 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_4 [label="nmod:in"]; N_14 -> N_10 [label="nmod:in"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="nsubj"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="advmod"]; N_14 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="acl:to"]; N_16 -> N_24 [label="acl:to"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="mark"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="dobj"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_24 [label="conj:or"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="appos"]; N_24 -> N_28 [label="advmod"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
The committee voted to use a seven-bit code to minimize costs associated with data transmission.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="committee/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="voted/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="to/TO-4"]; N_5 [label="use/VB-5"]; N_6 [label="a/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="seven-bit/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="code/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="to/TO-9"]; N_10 [label="minimize/VB-10"]; N_11 [label="costs/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="associated/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="with/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="data/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="transmission/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="./.-16"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="xcomp"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="mark"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_10 [label="advcl:to"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="acl"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="nmod:with"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
However, the four years that elapsed between the publication of ASCII-1963 and ISO's first acceptance of an international recommendation during 1967 caused ASCII's choices for the national use characters to seem to be de facto standards for the world, causing confusion and incompatibility once other countries did begin to make their own assignments to these code points.
digraph { N_1 [label="However/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="four/CD-4"]; N_5 [label="years/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="that/WDT-6"]; N_7 [label="elapsed/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="between/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="publication/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="ASCII-1963/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="and/CC-13"]; N_14 [label="ISO/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="'s/POS-15"]; N_16 [label="first/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="acceptance/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="of/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="an/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="international/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="recommendation/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="during/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="1967/CD-23"]; N_24 [label="caused/VBD-24"]; N_25 [label="ASCII/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="'s/POS-26"]; N_27 [label="choices/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="for/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="the/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="national/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="use/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="characters/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label="to/TO-33"]; N_34 [label="seem/VB-34"]; N_35 [label="to/TO-35"]; N_36 [label="be/VB-36"]; N_37 [label="de/FW-37"]; N_38 [label="facto/FW-38"]; N_39 [label="standards/NNS-39"]; N_40 [label="for/IN-40"]; N_41 [label="the/DT-41"]; N_42 [label="world/NN-42"]; N_43 [label=",/,-43"]; N_44 [label="causing/VBG-44"]; N_45 [label="confusion/NN-45"]; N_46 [label="and/CC-46"]; N_47 [label="incompatibility/NN-47"]; N_48 [label="once/RB-48"]; N_49 [label="other/JJ-49"]; N_50 [label="countries/NNS-50"]; N_51 [label="did/VBD-51"]; N_52 [label="begin/VB-52"]; N_53 [label="to/TO-53"]; N_54 [label="make/VB-54"]; N_55 [label="their/PRP$-55"]; N_56 [label="own/JJ-56"]; N_57 [label="assignments/NNS-57"]; N_58 [label="to/TO-58"]; N_59 [label="these/DT-59"]; N_60 [label="code/NN-60"]; N_61 [label="points/NNS-61"]; N_62 [label="./.-62"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nummod"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="ref"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_23 [label="nmod:during"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:between"]; N_10 -> N_17 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="cc"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="nmod:of"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_24 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="dobj"]; N_24 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_44 [label="advcl"]; N_24 -> N_62 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_34 [label="acl:for"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_32 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="compound"]; N_34 -> N_32 [label="nsubj"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="mark"]; N_34 -> N_39 [label="xcomp"]; N_34 -> N_28 [label="mark"]; N_39 -> N_32 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_39 -> N_35 [label="mark"]; N_39 -> N_36 [label="cop"]; N_39 -> N_37 [label="compound"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="compound"]; N_39 -> N_42 [label="nmod:for"]; N_42 -> N_40 [label="case"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="det"]; N_44 -> N_52 [label="advcl"]; N_44 -> N_45 [label="dobj"]; N_44 -> N_47 [label="dobj"]; N_45 -> N_46 [label="cc"]; N_45 -> N_47 [label="conj:and"]; N_50 -> N_49 [label="amod"]; N_52 -> N_48 [label="advmod"]; N_52 -> N_50 [label="nsubj"]; N_52 -> N_51 [label="aux"]; N_52 -> N_54 [label="xcomp"]; N_54 -> N_50 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_54 -> N_53 [label="mark"]; N_54 -> N_57 [label="dobj"]; N_54 -> N_61 [label="nmod:to"]; N_57 -> N_55 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_57 -> N_56 [label="amod"]; N_61 -> N_58 [label="case"]; N_61 -> N_59 [label="det"]; N_61 -> N_60 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:of result/NN -nmod:as [[effect]]/N
Shadow play and the magic lantern offered popular shows with moving images as the result of manipulation by hand and/or some minor mechanics.
digraph { N_1 [label="Shadow/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="play/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="and/CC-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="magic/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="lantern/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="offered/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label="popular/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="shows/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="with/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="moving/VBG-11"]; N_12 [label="images/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="as/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="result/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="manipulation/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="by/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="hand/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="and/or/CC-20"]; N_21 [label="some/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="minor/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="mechanics/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="./.-24"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_2 -> N_15 [label="nmod:as"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:with"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_23 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:by"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="cc"]; N_17 -> N_23 [label="conj:and/or"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBN +dobj [[effect]]/N
After the publication of The Doors of Perception, in which he recounted this experience, Huxley and Swami Prabhavananda disagreed about the meaning and importance of the psychedelic drug experience, which may have caused the relationship to cool, but Huxley continued to write articles for the society's journal, lecture at the temple, and attend social functions.
digraph { N_1 [label="After/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="publication/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="The/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="Doors/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="Perception/NN-8"]; N_9 [label=",/,-9"]; N_10 [label="in/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="which/WDT-11"]; N_12 [label="he/PRP-12"]; N_13 [label="recounted/VBD-13"]; N_14 [label="this/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="experience/NN-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="Huxley/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="and/CC-18"]; N_19 [label="Swami/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="Prabhavananda/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="disagreed/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="about/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="meaning/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="and/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="importance/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="of/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="the/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="psychedelic/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="drug/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="experience/NN-31"]; N_32 [label=",/,-32"]; N_33 [label="which/WDT-33"]; N_34 [label="may/MD-34"]; N_35 [label="have/VB-35"]; N_36 [label="caused/VBN-36"]; N_37 [label="the/DT-37"]; N_38 [label="relationship/NN-38"]; N_39 [label="to/TO-39"]; N_40 [label="cool/VB-40"]; N_41 [label=",/,-41"]; N_42 [label="but/CC-42"]; N_43 [label="Huxley/NNP-43"]; N_44 [label="continued/VBD-44"]; N_45 [label="to/TO-45"]; N_46 [label="write/VB-46"]; N_47 [label="articles/NNS-47"]; N_48 [label="for/IN-48"]; N_49 [label="the/DT-49"]; N_50 [label="society/NN-50"]; N_51 [label="'s/POS-51"]; N_52 [label="journal/NN-52"]; N_53 [label=",/,-53"]; N_54 [label="lecture/NN-54"]; N_55 [label="at/IN-55"]; N_56 [label="the/DT-56"]; N_57 [label="temple/NN-57"]; N_58 [label=",/,-58"]; N_59 [label="and/CC-59"]; N_60 [label="attend/VB-60"]; N_61 [label="social/JJ-61"]; N_62 [label="functions/NNS-62"]; N_63 [label="./.-63"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_3 [label="nmod:after"]; N_13 -> N_21 [label="ccomp"]; N_13 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_41 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_42 [label="cc"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_44 [label="conj:but"]; N_13 -> N_63 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:about"]; N_21 -> N_26 [label="nmod:about"]; N_21 -> N_15 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_24 -> N_31 [label="nmod:of"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="ref"]; N_31 -> N_36 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_31 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="compound"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="aux"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="aux"]; N_36 -> N_38 [label="dobj"]; N_36 -> N_31 [label="nsubj"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="det"]; N_38 -> N_40 [label="acl:to"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="mark"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="nsubj"]; N_44 -> N_46 [label="xcomp"]; N_46 -> N_43 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="mark"]; N_46 -> N_47 [label="dobj"]; N_47 -> N_52 [label="nmod:for"]; N_47 -> N_54 [label="nmod:for"]; N_47 -> N_60 [label="nmod:for"]; N_50 -> N_49 [label="det"]; N_50 -> N_51 [label="case"]; N_52 -> N_48 [label="case"]; N_52 -> N_50 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_52 -> N_53 [label="punct"]; N_52 -> N_54 [label="conj:and"]; N_52 -> N_58 [label="punct"]; N_52 -> N_59 [label="cc"]; N_52 -> N_60 [label="conj:and"]; N_54 -> N_57 [label="nmod:at"]; N_57 -> N_55 [label="case"]; N_57 -> N_56 [label="det"]; N_60 -> N_62 [label="dobj"]; N_62 -> N_61 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj contributed/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
From 1941 until 1960, Huxley contributed 48 articles to Vedanta and the West, published by the society.
digraph { N_1 [label="From/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="1941/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="until/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="1960/CD-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="Huxley/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="contributed/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="48/CD-8"]; N_9 [label="articles/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="Vedanta/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="and/CC-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="West/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="published/VBN-16"]; N_17 [label="by/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="society/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:until"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nmod:from"]; N_7 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_7 -> N_14 [label="nmod:to"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="nummod"]; N_11 -> N_16 [label="acl"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="conj:and"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:by"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Soon after, Napoleon and Squealer partake in activities associated with the humans (drinking alcohol, sleeping in beds, trading), which were explicitly prohibited by the Seven Commandments.
digraph { N_1 [label="Soon/RB-1"]; N_2 [label="after/IN-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="Napoleon/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="and/CC-5"]; N_6 [label="Squealer/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="partake/VBP-7"]; N_8 [label="in/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="activities/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="associated/VBN-10"]; N_11 [label="with/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="humans/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--14"]; N_15 [label="drinking/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="alcohol/NN-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="sleeping/VBG-18"]; N_19 [label="in/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="beds/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="trading/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--23"]; N_24 [label=",/,-24"]; N_25 [label="which/WDT-25"]; N_26 [label="were/VBD-26"]; N_27 [label="explicitly/RB-27"]; N_28 [label="prohibited/VBN-28"]; N_29 [label="by/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="Seven/CD-31"]; N_32 [label="Commandments/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label="./.-33"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="mark"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="acl"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:with"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="dep"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="acl"]; N_16 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_25 [label="ref"]; N_16 -> N_28 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="nmod:in"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="appos"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_16 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_28 -> N_32 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="auxpass"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="advmod"]; N_32 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N +acl leading/VBG +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
According to Orwell, the book reflects events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and then on into the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union.
digraph { N_1 [label="According/VBG-1"]; N_2 [label="to/TO-2"]; N_3 [label="Orwell/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="book/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="reflects/VBZ-7"]; N_8 [label="events/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="leading/VBG-9"]; N_10 [label="up/RP-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="Russian/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="Revolution/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="1917/CD-16"]; N_17 [label="and/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="then/RB-18"]; N_19 [label="on/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="into/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="Stalinist/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="era/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="of/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="Soviet/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="Union/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="mwe"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="nmod:according_to"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_23 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="acl"]; N_9 -> N_14 [label="nmod:to"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_23 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="nmod:of"]; N_27 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
IX), as Stalin brought back the Russian Orthodox Church.
digraph { N_1 [label="IX/CD-1"]; N_2 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="as/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="Stalin/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="brought/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="back/RP-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="Russian/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="Orthodox/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="Church/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="./.-12"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_6 [label="advcl:as"]; N_1 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="mark"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="compound:prt"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Agassi followed his 1999 French Open victory by reaching the Wimbledon final, where he lost to Sampras in straight sets.
digraph { N_1 [label="Agassi/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="followed/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="his/PRP$-3"]; N_4 [label="1999/CD-4"]; N_5 [label="French/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="Open/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="victory/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="by/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="reaching/VBG-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="Wimbledon/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="final/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="where/WRB-14"]; N_15 [label="he/PRP-15"]; N_16 [label="lost/VBD-16"]; N_17 [label="to/TO-17"]; N_18 [label="Sampras/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="in/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="straight/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="sets/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="./.-22"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="advcl:by"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="nummod"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="mark"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="xcomp"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="advcl"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="nmod:to"]; N_16 -> N_21 [label="nmod:in"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="advmod"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by caused/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
After suffering from sciatica caused by two bulging discs in his back, a spondylolisthesis (vertebral displacement) and a bone spur that interfered with the nerve, Agassi retired from professional tennis on September 3, 2006, after losing in the third round of the US Open to Benjamin Becker.
digraph { N_1 [label="After/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="suffering/VBG-2"]; N_3 [label="from/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="sciatica/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="caused/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="by/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="two/CD-7"]; N_8 [label="bulging/VBG-8"]; N_9 [label="discs/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="in/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="his/PRP$-11"]; N_12 [label="back/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="a/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="spondylolisthesis/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--16"]; N_17 [label="vertebral/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="displacement/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--19"]; N_20 [label="and/CC-20"]; N_21 [label="a/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="bone/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="spur/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="that/WDT-24"]; N_25 [label="interfered/VBD-25"]; N_26 [label="with/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="the/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="nerve/NN-28"]; N_29 [label=",/,-29"]; N_30 [label="Agassi/NNP-30"]; N_31 [label="retired/VBD-31"]; N_32 [label="from/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="professional/JJ-33"]; N_34 [label="tennis/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="on/IN-35"]; N_36 [label="September/NNP-36"]; N_37 [label="3/CD-37"]; N_38 [label=",/,-38"]; N_39 [label="2006/CD-39"]; N_40 [label=",/,-40"]; N_41 [label="after/IN-41"]; N_42 [label="losing/VBG-42"]; N_43 [label="in/IN-43"]; N_44 [label="the/DT-44"]; N_45 [label="third/JJ-45"]; N_46 [label="round/NN-46"]; N_47 [label="of/IN-47"]; N_48 [label="the/DT-48"]; N_49 [label="US/NNP-49"]; N_50 [label="Open/NNP-50"]; N_51 [label="to/TO-51"]; N_52 [label="Benjamin/NNP-52"]; N_53 [label="Becker/NNP-53"]; N_54 [label="./.-54"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:from"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="acl"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="nmod:by"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nummod"]; N_9 -> N_23 [label="appos"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="appos"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="appos"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_23 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="ref"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="nmod:with"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="det"]; N_31 -> N_2 [label="advcl:after"]; N_31 -> N_34 [label="nmod:from"]; N_31 -> N_36 [label="nmod:on"]; N_31 -> N_54 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_42 [label="advcl:after"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="nsubj"]; N_34 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="amod"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_37 [label="nummod"]; N_36 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_36 -> N_39 [label="nummod"]; N_42 -> N_53 [label="nmod:to"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="mark"]; N_42 -> N_46 [label="nmod:in"]; N_46 -> N_50 [label="nmod:of"]; N_46 -> N_43 [label="case"]; N_46 -> N_44 [label="det"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="amod"]; N_50 -> N_48 [label="det"]; N_50 -> N_49 [label="compound"]; N_50 -> N_47 [label="case"]; N_53 -> N_51 [label="case"]; N_53 -> N_52 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
Agassi had several other deep runs at tournaments, but had to withdraw from several events due to injury.
digraph { N_1 [label="Agassi/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="had/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="several/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="other/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="deep/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="runs/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="at/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="tournaments/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label=",/,-9"]; N_10 [label="but/CC-10"]; N_11 [label="had/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="to/TO-12"]; N_13 [label="withdraw/VB-13"]; N_14 [label="from/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="several/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="events/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="due/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="to/TO-18"]; N_19 [label="injury/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="nmod:at"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_10 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_11 [label="conj:but"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="xcomp"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:from"]; N_13 -> N_1 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="mark"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:to"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Criminal cases may lead to fines or other punishment, such as imprisonment.
digraph { N_1 [label="Criminal/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="cases/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="may/MD-3"]; N_4 [label="lead/VB-4"]; N_5 [label="to/TO-5"]; N_6 [label="fines/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="or/CC-7"]; N_8 [label="other/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="punishment/NN-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="such/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="as/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="imprisonment/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="./.-14"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="aux"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:to"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="nmod:to"]; N_4 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="cc"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="conj:or"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_13 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="mwe"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by brought/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
A "cross-appeal" is an appeal brought by the respondent.
digraph { N_1 [label="A/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="``/``-2"]; N_3 [label="cross-appeal/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="''/''-4"]; N_5 [label="is/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="an/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="appeal/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="brought/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="by/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="respondent/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="./.-12"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="cop"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="acl"]; N_7 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:by"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj:xsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
Certain jurisdictions permit certain appeals to cause the trial to be heard afresh in the appellate court.
digraph { N_1 [label="Certain/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="jurisdictions/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="permit/VBP-3"]; N_4 [label="certain/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="appeals/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="cause/VB-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="trial/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="be/VB-11"]; N_12 [label="heard/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="afresh/RB-13"]; N_14 [label="in/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="appellate/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="court/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="./.-18"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="xcomp"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="mark"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="acl:to"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="nmod:in"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="auxpass"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/NN +nmod:of [[effect]]/N
Statehood for Alaska was an important cause of James Wickersham early in his tenure as a congressional delegate.
digraph { N_1 [label="Statehood/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="for/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="Alaska/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="was/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="an/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="important/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="cause/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="James/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="Wickersham/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="early/RB-11"]; N_12 [label="in/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="his/PRP$-13"]; N_14 [label="tenure/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="as/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="a/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="congressional/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="delegate/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="./.-19"]; N_1 -> N_3 [label="nmod:for"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="cop"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_7 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="nmod:as"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="advmod"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by brought/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Influences on music in Alaska include the traditional music of Alaska Natives as well as folk music brought by later immigrants from Russia and Europe.
digraph { N_1 [label="Influences/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="on/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="music/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="in/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="Alaska/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="include/VBP-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="traditional/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="music/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="Alaska/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="Natives/NNPS-12"]; N_13 [label="as/RB-13"]; N_14 [label="well/RB-14"]; N_15 [label="as/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="folk/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="music/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="brought/VBN-18"]; N_19 [label="by/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="later/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="immigrants/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="from/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="Russia/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="and/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="Europe/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="./.-26"]; N_1 -> N_3 [label="nmod:on"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="cc"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="mwe"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="mwe"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="acl"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="nmod:by"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="nmod:from"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="nmod:from"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="conj:and"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The 1968 discovery of oil at Prudhoe Bay and the 1977 completion of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System led to an oil boom.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="1968/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="discovery/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="oil/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="at/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="Prudhoe/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="Bay/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="and/CC-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="1977/CD-11"]; N_12 [label="completion/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="of/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="Trans-Alaska/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="Pipeline/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="System/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="led/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label="to/TO-19"]; N_20 [label="an/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="oil/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="boom/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nummod"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_3 -> N_8 [label="nmod:at"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_12 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nummod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="nmod:to"]; N_18 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_12 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj contributed/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The construction of military bases contributed to the population growth of some Alaskan cities.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="construction/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="military/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="bases/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="contributed/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="population/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="growth/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="some/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="Alaskan/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="cities/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="./.-15"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:to"]; N_6 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The most complex forms are found among the charophyte algae (see Charales and Charophyta), in a lineage that eventually led to the higher land plants.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="most/RBS-2"]; N_3 [label="complex/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="forms/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="are/VBP-5"]; N_6 [label="found/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="among/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="charophyte/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="algae/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--11"]; N_12 [label="see/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="Charales/NNPS-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="Charophyta/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="in/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="a/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="lineage/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="that/WDT-21"]; N_22 [label="eventually/RB-22"]; N_23 [label="led/VBD-23"]; N_24 [label="to/TO-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="higher/JJR-26"]; N_27 [label="land/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="plants/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label="./.-29"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_6 -> N_20 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="auxpass"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:among"]; N_6 -> N_12 [label="parataxis"]; N_6 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="ref"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="advmod"]; N_23 -> N_28 [label="nmod:to"]; N_28 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj leads/VBZ +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The loss of Symbiodinium from the host is known as coral bleaching, a condition which leads to the deterioration of a reef.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="loss/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="Symbiodinium/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="from/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="host/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="is/VBZ-8"]; N_9 [label="known/VBN-9"]; N_10 [label="as/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="coral/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="bleaching/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="a/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="condition/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="which/WDT-16"]; N_17 [label="leads/VBZ-17"]; N_18 [label="to/TO-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="deterioration/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="of/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="a/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="reef/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="./.-24"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_7 [label="nmod:from"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="auxpass"]; N_9 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:as"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="appos"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="ref"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="nmod:to"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="nmod:of"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N +acl resulting/VBG +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Lichens are defined by the International Association for Lichenology to be "an association of a fungus and a photosynthetic symbiont resulting in a stable vegetative body having a specific structure."
digraph { N_1 [label="Lichens/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="are/VBP-2"]; N_3 [label="defined/VBN-3"]; N_4 [label="by/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="International/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="Association/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="for/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="Lichenology/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="be/VB-11"]; N_12 [label="``/``-12"]; N_13 [label="an/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="association/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="a/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="fungus/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="and/CC-18"]; N_19 [label="a/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="photosynthetic/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="symbiont/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="resulting/VBG-22"]; N_23 [label="in/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="a/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="stable/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="vegetative/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="body/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="having/VBG-28"]; N_29 [label="a/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="specific/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="structure/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="./.-32"]; N_33 [label="''/''-33"]; N_3 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_3 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="auxpass"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_3 -> N_14 [label="advcl:to"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_21 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_8 [label="mark"]; N_14 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_14 -> N_10 [label="mark"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="cop"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="cc"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="conj:and"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="acl"]; N_22 -> N_27 [label="nmod:in"]; N_27 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="acl"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="dobj"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
A photobiont may be associated with many different mycobionts or may live independently; accordingly, lichens are named and classified as fungal species.
digraph { N_1 [label="A/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="photobiont/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="may/MD-3"]; N_4 [label="be/VB-4"]; N_5 [label="associated/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="with/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="many/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="different/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="mycobionts/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="or/CC-10"]; N_11 [label="may/MD-11"]; N_12 [label="live/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="independently/RB-13"]; N_14 [label=";/:-14"]; N_15 [label="accordingly/RB-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="lichens/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label="are/VBP-18"]; N_19 [label="named/VBN-19"]; N_20 [label="and/CC-20"]; N_21 [label="classified/VBN-21"]; N_22 [label="as/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="fungal/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="species/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="./.-25"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="aux"]; N_5 -> N_19 [label="parataxis"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="auxpass"]; N_5 -> N_21 [label="parataxis"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="nmod:with"]; N_5 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_10 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_12 [label="conj:or"]; N_5 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="aux"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="auxpass"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="cc"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="conj:and"]; N_19 -> N_24 [label="nmod:as"]; N_19 -> N_15 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by caused/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
To some degree, the distribution of algae is subject to floristic discontinuities caused by geographical features, such as Antarctica, long distances of ocean or general land masses.
digraph { N_1 [label="To/TO-1"]; N_2 [label="some/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="degree/NN-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="distribution/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="algae/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="is/VBZ-9"]; N_10 [label="subject/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="floristic/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="discontinuities/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="caused/VBN-14"]; N_15 [label="by/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="geographical/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="features/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="such/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="as/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="Antarctica/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label=",/,-22"]; N_23 [label="long/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="distances/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="of/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="ocean/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="or/CC-27"]; N_28 [label="general/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="land/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="masses/NNS-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_3 [label="nmod:to"]; N_10 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="cop"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:to"]; N_10 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="acl"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="nmod:by"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="mwe"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="appos"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="nmod:of"]; N_24 -> N_30 [label="nmod:of"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="cc"]; N_26 -> N_30 [label="conj:or"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj leads/VBZ +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Since the hydrogen bonds between individual water molecules are aligned away from an alkane molecule, the coexistence of an alkane and water leads to an increase in molecular order (a reduction in entropy).
digraph { N_1 [label="Since/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="hydrogen/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="bonds/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="between/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="individual/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="water/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="molecules/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="are/VBP-9"]; N_10 [label="aligned/VBN-10"]; N_11 [label="away/RB-11"]; N_12 [label="from/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="an/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="alkane/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="molecule/NN-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="coexistence/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="of/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="an/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="alkane/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="and/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="water/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="leads/VBZ-24"]; N_25 [label="to/TO-25"]; N_26 [label="an/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="increase/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="in/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="molecular/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="order/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--31"]; N_32 [label="a/DT-32"]; N_33 [label="reduction/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="in/IN-34"]; N_35 [label="entropy/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--36"]; N_37 [label="./.-37"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:between"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_10 -> N_4 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="auxpass"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="advmod"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:from"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="nmod:of"]; N_18 -> N_23 [label="nmod:of"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="conj:and"]; N_24 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_10 [label="advcl:since"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="nmod:to"]; N_27 -> N_33 [label="dep"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_30 [label="nmod:in"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="det"]; N_33 -> N_35 [label="nmod:in"]; N_33 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The reaction is highly exothermic, and can lead to an explosion.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="reaction/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="is/VBZ-3"]; N_4 [label="highly/RB-4"]; N_5 [label="exothermic/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="and/CC-7"]; N_8 [label="can/MD-8"]; N_9 [label="lead/VB-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="an/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="explosion/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="./.-13"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="aux"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:to"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:from resulting/VBG -acl [[effect]]/N
The fragment resulting from the loss of a single methyl group (M − 15) is often absent, and other fragments are often spaced by intervals of fourteen mass units, corresponding to sequential loss of CH2 groups.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="fragment/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="resulting/VBG-3"]; N_4 [label="from/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="loss/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="a/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="single/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="methyl/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="group/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--12"]; N_13 [label="M/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="−/CD-14"]; N_15 [label="15/CD-15"]; N_16 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--16"]; N_17 [label="is/VBZ-17"]; N_18 [label="often/RB-18"]; N_19 [label="absent/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="other/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="fragments/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="are/VBP-24"]; N_25 [label="often/RB-25"]; N_26 [label="spaced/VBN-26"]; N_27 [label="by/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="intervals/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label="of/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="fourteen/CD-30"]; N_31 [label="mass/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="units/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label=",/,-33"]; N_34 [label="corresponding/VBG-34"]; N_35 [label="to/TO-35"]; N_36 [label="sequential/JJ-36"]; N_37 [label="loss/NN-37"]; N_38 [label="of/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="CH2/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="groups/NNS-40"]; N_41 [label="./.-41"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="acl"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:from"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="appos"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="nummod"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="nummod"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="cop"]; N_19 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_19 -> N_41 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_34 [label="advcl"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="auxpass"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="advmod"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_28 -> N_32 [label="nmod:of"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="nummod"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="compound"]; N_34 -> N_37 [label="nmod:to"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_40 [label="nmod:of"]; N_40 -> N_38 [label="case"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ +nsubj [[effect]]/N
The methane output of cattle and other herbivores, which can release 30 to 50 gallons per day, and of termites, is also due to methanogens.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="methane/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="output/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="cattle/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="and/CC-6"]; N_7 [label="other/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="herbivores/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label=",/,-9"]; N_10 [label="which/WDT-10"]; N_11 [label="can/MD-11"]; N_12 [label="release/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="30/CD-13"]; N_14 [label="to/TO-14"]; N_15 [label="50/CD-15"]; N_16 [label="gallons/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="per/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="day/NN-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="and/CC-20"]; N_21 [label="of/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="termites/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label=",/,-23"]; N_24 [label="is/VBZ-24"]; N_25 [label="also/RB-25"]; N_26 [label="due/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="to/TO-27"]; N_28 [label="methanogens/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label="./.-29"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_3 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_20 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_3 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_3 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_10 [label="ref"]; N_3 -> N_12 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="conj:and"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_22 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="aux"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="dep"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="nmod:per"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="nummod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_26 -> N_22 [label="nsubj"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="cop"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="advmod"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="nmod:to"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj leads/VBZ +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Reaction with oxygen (if present in sufficient quantity to satisfy the reaction stoichiometry) leads to combustion without any smoke, producing carbon dioxide and water.
digraph { N_1 [label="Reaction/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="with/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="oxygen/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--4"]; N_5 [label="if/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="present/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="sufficient/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="quantity/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="satisfy/VB-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="reaction/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="stoichiometry/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--15"]; N_16 [label="leads/VBZ-16"]; N_17 [label="to/TO-17"]; N_18 [label="combustion/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="without/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="any/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="smoke/NN-21"]; N_22 [label=",/,-22"]; N_23 [label="producing/VBG-23"]; N_24 [label="carbon/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="dioxide/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="and/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="water/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_1 -> N_3 [label="nmod:with"]; N_1 -> N_6 [label="dep"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="mark"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="dep"]; N_6 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="mark"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="nmod:to"]; N_16 -> N_21 [label="nmod:without"]; N_16 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_23 [label="xcomp"]; N_16 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="dobj"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="dobj"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="compound"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
The fungus Amorphotheca resinae prefers the longer-chain alkanes in aviation fuel, and can cause serious problems for aircraft in tropical regions.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="fungus/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="Amorphotheca/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="resinae/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="prefers/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="longer-chain/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="alkanes/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="aviation/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="fuel/NN-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="and/CC-13"]; N_14 [label="can/MD-14"]; N_15 [label="cause/VB-15"]; N_16 [label="serious/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="problems/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label="for/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="aircraft/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="in/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="tropical/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="regions/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_13 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="aux"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:for"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="nmod:in"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
However, the higher melting points of these alkanes can cause problems at low temperatures and in polar regions, where the fuel becomes too thick to flow correctly.
digraph { N_1 [label="However/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="higher/JJR-4"]; N_5 [label="melting/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="points/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="these/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="alkanes/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="can/MD-10"]; N_11 [label="cause/VB-11"]; N_12 [label="problems/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="at/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="low/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="temperatures/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="and/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="in/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="polar/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="regions/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="where/WRB-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="fuel/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="becomes/VBZ-24"]; N_25 [label="too/RB-25"]; N_26 [label="thick/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="to/TO-27"]; N_28 [label="flow/VB-28"]; N_29 [label="correctly/RB-29"]; N_30 [label="./.-30"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_11 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_19 [label="nmod:at"]; N_11 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="aux"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_11 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:at"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_24 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="advmod"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="xcomp"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="advmod"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="xcomp"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="mark"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="advmod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj leads/VBZ +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Free radicals are the reactive species that participate in the reaction, which usually leads to a mixture of products.
digraph { N_1 [label="Free/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="radicals/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="are/VBP-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="reactive/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="species/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="that/WDT-7"]; N_8 [label="participate/VBP-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="reaction/NN-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="which/WDT-13"]; N_14 [label="usually/RB-14"]; N_15 [label="leads/VBZ-15"]; N_16 [label="to/TO-16"]; N_17 [label="a/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="mixture/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="of/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="products/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="./.-21"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="ref"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="ref"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:to"]; N_15 -> N_11 [label="nsubj"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="advmod"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="nmod:of"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Apollo's role as the slayer of the Python led to his association with battle and victory; hence it became the Roman custom for a paean to be sung by an army on the march and before entering into battle, when a fleet left the harbour, and also after a victory had been won.
digraph { N_1 [label="Apollo/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="'s/POS-2"]; N_3 [label="role/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="as/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="slayer/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="Python/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="led/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="his/PRP$-12"]; N_13 [label="association/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="with/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="battle/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="and/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="victory/NN-17"]; N_18 [label=";/:-18"]; N_19 [label="hence/RB-19"]; N_20 [label="it/PRP-20"]; N_21 [label="became/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="Roman/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="custom/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="for/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="a/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="paean/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="to/TO-28"]; N_29 [label="be/VB-29"]; N_30 [label="sung/VBN-30"]; N_31 [label="by/IN-31"]; N_32 [label="an/DT-32"]; N_33 [label="army/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="on/IN-34"]; N_35 [label="the/DT-35"]; N_36 [label="march/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="and/CC-37"]; N_38 [label="before/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="entering/VBG-39"]; N_40 [label="into/IN-40"]; N_41 [label="battle/NN-41"]; N_42 [label=",/,-42"]; N_43 [label="when/WRB-43"]; N_44 [label="a/DT-44"]; N_45 [label="fleet/NN-45"]; N_46 [label="left/VBD-46"]; N_47 [label="the/DT-47"]; N_48 [label="harbour/NN-48"]; N_49 [label=",/,-49"]; N_50 [label="and/CC-50"]; N_51 [label="also/RB-51"]; N_52 [label="after/IN-52"]; N_53 [label="a/DT-53"]; N_54 [label="victory/NN-54"]; N_55 [label="had/VBD-55"]; N_56 [label="been/VBN-56"]; N_57 [label="won/VBN-57"]; N_58 [label="./.-58"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:as"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_21 [label="parataxis"]; N_10 -> N_57 [label="parataxis"]; N_10 -> N_58 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:to"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="nmod:with"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="nmod:with"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_49 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_50 [label="cc"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_39 [label="advcl:to"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="xcomp"]; N_21 -> N_57 [label="conj:and"]; N_21 -> N_30 [label="advcl:to"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_33 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_30 -> N_37 [label="cc"]; N_30 -> N_39 [label="conj:and"]; N_30 -> N_25 [label="mark"]; N_30 -> N_27 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="mark"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="auxpass"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="det"]; N_33 -> N_36 [label="nmod:on"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="det"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="mark"]; N_39 -> N_41 [label="nmod:into"]; N_39 -> N_42 [label="punct"]; N_39 -> N_27 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_39 -> N_46 [label="advcl"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="case"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="det"]; N_46 -> N_48 [label="dobj"]; N_46 -> N_43 [label="advmod"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="nsubj"]; N_48 -> N_47 [label="det"]; N_54 -> N_53 [label="det"]; N_57 -> N_51 [label="advmod"]; N_57 -> N_52 [label="mark"]; N_57 -> N_54 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_57 -> N_55 [label="aux"]; N_57 -> N_56 [label="auxpass"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
The pediment shows the story of Heracles stealing Apollo's tripod that was strongly associated with his oracular inspiration.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="pediment/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="shows/VBZ-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="story/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="Heracles/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="stealing/VBG-8"]; N_9 [label="Apollo/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="'s/POS-10"]; N_11 [label="tripod/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="that/WDT-12"]; N_13 [label="was/VBD-13"]; N_14 [label="strongly/RB-14"]; N_15 [label="associated/VBN-15"]; N_16 [label="with/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="his/PRP$-17"]; N_18 [label="oracular/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="inspiration/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="acl:of"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="mark"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="ref"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="nmod:with"]; N_15 -> N_11 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="auxpass"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Medicine and healing are associated with Apollo, whether through the god himself or mediated through his son Asclepius, yet Apollo was also seen as a god who could bring ill-health and deadly plague.
digraph { N_1 [label="Medicine/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="and/CC-2"]; N_3 [label="healing/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="are/VBP-4"]; N_5 [label="associated/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="with/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="Apollo/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="whether/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="through/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="god/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="himself/PRP-13"]; N_14 [label="or/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="mediated/VBN-15"]; N_16 [label="through/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="his/PRP$-17"]; N_18 [label="son/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="Asclepius/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="yet/RB-21"]; N_22 [label="Apollo/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="was/VBD-23"]; N_24 [label="also/RB-24"]; N_25 [label="seen/VBN-25"]; N_26 [label="as/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="a/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="god/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="who/WP-29"]; N_30 [label="could/MD-30"]; N_31 [label="bring/VB-31"]; N_32 [label="ill-health/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="and/CC-33"]; N_34 [label="deadly/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="plague/VB-35"]; N_36 [label="./.-36"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="cc"]; N_1 -> N_3 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="auxpass"]; N_5 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:with"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_25 [label="advcl:whether"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_21 [label="advmod"]; N_13 -> N_22 [label="dep"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="conj:or"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="nmod:through"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="auxpass"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="advmod"]; N_25 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_25 -> N_12 [label="nmod:through"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="nmod:as"]; N_25 -> N_13 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_25 -> N_15 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="ref"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_31 -> N_35 [label="dobj"]; N_31 -> N_28 [label="nsubj"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="aux"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="cc"]; N_32 -> N_34 [label="conj:and"]; N_35 -> N_32 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Apollo is often associated with the Golden Mean.
digraph { N_1 [label="Apollo/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="is/VBZ-2"]; N_3 [label="often/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="associated/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="with/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="Golden/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="Mean/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="./.-9"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="auxpass"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:with"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
His arrival must have occurred during the "Dark Ages" that followed the destruction of the Mycenaean civilization, and his conflict with Gaia (Mother Earth) was represented by the legend of his slaying her daughter the serpent Python.
digraph { N_1 [label="His/PRP$-1"]; N_2 [label="arrival/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="must/MD-3"]; N_4 [label="have/VB-4"]; N_5 [label="occurred/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="during/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="``/``-8"]; N_9 [label="Dark/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="Ages/NNPS-10"]; N_11 [label="''/''-11"]; N_12 [label="that/WDT-12"]; N_13 [label="followed/VBD-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="destruction/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="Mycenaean/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="civilization/NN-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="his/PRP$-22"]; N_23 [label="conflict/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="with/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="Gaia/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--26"]; N_27 [label="Mother/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="Earth/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--29"]; N_30 [label="was/VBD-30"]; N_31 [label="represented/VBN-31"]; N_32 [label="by/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="the/DT-33"]; N_34 [label="legend/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="of/IN-35"]; N_36 [label="his/PRP$-36"]; N_37 [label="slaying/NN-37"]; N_38 [label="her/PRP$-38"]; N_39 [label="daughter/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="the/DT-40"]; N_41 [label="serpent/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="Python/NNP-42"]; N_43 [label="./.-43"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="aux"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="aux"]; N_5 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_10 [label="nmod:during"]; N_5 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_31 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="ref"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="nmod:with"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="appos"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="compound"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_34 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_31 -> N_23 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="auxpass"]; N_34 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="det"]; N_34 -> N_37 [label="nmod:of"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_37 -> N_39 [label="dep"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_39 -> N_42 [label="dep"]; N_42 -> N_40 [label="det"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by brought/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
He writes that the Cretan seer Epimenides purified Athens after the pollution brought by the Alcmeonidae, and that the seer's expertise in sacrifices and reform of funeral practices were of great help to Solon in his reform of the Athenian state.
digraph { N_1 [label="He/PRP-1"]; N_2 [label="writes/VBZ-2"]; N_3 [label="that/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="Cretan/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="seer/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="Epimenides/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="purified/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="Athens/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="after/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="pollution/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="brought/VBN-13"]; N_14 [label="by/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="Alcmeonidae/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="and/CC-18"]; N_19 [label="that/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="seer/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="'s/POS-22"]; N_23 [label="expertise/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="in/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="sacrifices/NNS-25"]; N_26 [label="and/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="reform/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="of/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="funeral/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="practices/NNS-30"]; N_31 [label="were/VBD-31"]; N_32 [label="of/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="great/JJ-33"]; N_34 [label="help/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="to/TO-35"]; N_36 [label="Solon/NNP-36"]; N_37 [label="in/IN-37"]; N_38 [label="his/PRP$-38"]; N_39 [label="reform/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="of/IN-40"]; N_41 [label="the/DT-41"]; N_42 [label="Athenian/JJ-42"]; N_43 [label="state/NN-43"]; N_44 [label="./.-44"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_44 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="dep"]; N_7 -> N_34 [label="dep"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="dep"]; N_9 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_18 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_34 [label="conj:and"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:after"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="acl"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:by"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="nmod:in"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="nmod:in"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_25 -> N_30 [label="nmod:of"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; N_34 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="amod"]; N_34 -> N_19 [label="mark"]; N_34 -> N_36 [label="nmod:to"]; N_34 -> N_23 [label="nsubj"]; N_34 -> N_31 [label="cop"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_39 [label="nmod:in"]; N_39 -> N_37 [label="case"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_39 -> N_43 [label="nmod:of"]; N_43 -> N_40 [label="case"]; N_43 -> N_41 [label="det"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
The naked bodies of the statues are associated with the cult of the body that was essentially a religious activity.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="naked/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="bodies/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="statues/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="are/VBP-7"]; N_8 [label="associated/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="with/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="cult/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="body/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="that/WDT-15"]; N_16 [label="was/VBD-16"]; N_17 [label="essentially/RB-17"]; N_18 [label="a/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="religious/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="activity/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="./.-21"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_8 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="auxpass"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:with"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_20 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="ref"]; N_20 -> N_16 [label="cop"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="advmod"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The artists seem to have been dominated by geometrical pattern and order, and this was improved when classical art brought a greater freedom and economy.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="artists/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="seem/VBP-3"]; N_4 [label="to/TO-4"]; N_5 [label="have/VB-5"]; N_6 [label="been/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="dominated/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label="by/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="geometrical/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="pattern/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="and/CC-11"]; N_12 [label="order/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="this/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="was/VBD-16"]; N_17 [label="improved/VBN-17"]; N_18 [label="when/WRB-18"]; N_19 [label="classical/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="art/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="brought/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="a/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="greater/JJR-23"]; N_24 [label="freedom/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="and/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="economy/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="xcomp"]; N_3 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass:xsubj"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="mark"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="aux"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="auxpass"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_7 -> N_12 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="cc"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="conj:and"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="auxpass"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="advcl"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="dobj"]; N_21 -> N_26 [label="dobj"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
This was the spring which emitted vapors that caused the oracle at Delphi to give her prophecies.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="was/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="spring/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="which/WDT-5"]; N_6 [label="emitted/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="vapors/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="that/WDT-8"]; N_9 [label="caused/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="oracle/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="at/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="Delphi/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="to/TO-14"]; N_15 [label="give/VB-15"]; N_16 [label="her/PRP$-16"]; N_17 [label="prophecies/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label="./.-18"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="cop"]; N_4 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="ref"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="ref"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:at"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="xcomp"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_11 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="mark"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
An etiology in the Homeric Hymns associated this with dolphins.
digraph { N_1 [label="An/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="etiology/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="in/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="Homeric/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="Hymns/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="associated/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label="this/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="with/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="dolphins/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="./.-11"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:in"]; N_2 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="acl"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:with"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The Greek architects and sculptors were always trying to find the mathematical relation, that would lead to the esthetic perfection.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Greek/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="architects/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="and/CC-4"]; N_5 [label="sculptors/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="were/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="always/RB-7"]; N_8 [label="trying/VBG-8"]; N_9 [label="to/TO-9"]; N_10 [label="find/VB-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="mathematical/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="relation/NN-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="that/WDT-15"]; N_16 [label="would/MD-16"]; N_17 [label="lead/VB-17"]; N_18 [label="to/TO-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="esthetic/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="perfection/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="./.-22"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="conj:and"]; N_8 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="aux"]; N_8 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="advmod"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="xcomp"]; N_10 -> N_3 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_10 -> N_5 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="ref"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="aux"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="nmod:to"]; N_17 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Further industrialization led to the use of monocultures, when one cultivar is planted on a large acreage.
digraph { N_1 [label="Further/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="industrialization/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="led/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="to/TO-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="use/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="monocultures/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label=",/,-9"]; N_10 [label="when/WRB-10"]; N_11 [label="one/CD-11"]; N_12 [label="cultivar/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="is/VBZ-13"]; N_14 [label="planted/VBN-14"]; N_15 [label="on/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="a/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="large/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="acreage/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="./.-19"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:to"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_14 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nummod"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="nmod:on"]; N_14 -> N_10 [label="advmod"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="auxpass"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:from resulting/VBG -acl [[effect]]/N
This includes GHGs emitted by the use of inorganic fertilisers agro-chemical pesticides and herbicides; (GHG emissions resulting from production of these inputs are included in industrial emissions); and fossil fuel-energy inputs.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="includes/VBZ-2"]; N_3 [label="GHGs/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="emitted/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="by/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="use/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="inorganic/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="fertilisers/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="agro-chemical/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="pesticides/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="and/CC-13"]; N_14 [label="herbicides/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label=";/:-15"]; N_16 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--16"]; N_17 [label="GHG/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="emissions/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="resulting/VBG-19"]; N_20 [label="from/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="production/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="of/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="these/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="inputs/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="are/VBP-25"]; N_26 [label="included/VBN-26"]; N_27 [label="in/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="industrial/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="emissions/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--30"]; N_31 [label=";/:-31"]; N_32 [label="and/CC-32"]; N_33 [label="fossil/JJ-33"]; N_34 [label="fuel-energy/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="inputs/NNS-35"]; N_36 [label="./.-36"]; N_2 -> N_32 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_35 [label="conj:and"]; N_2 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_26 [label="parataxis"]; N_2 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="acl"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:by"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="dep"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="dep"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="cc"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="conj:and"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="acl"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="nmod:from"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:of"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_18 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="auxpass"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="nmod:in"]; N_26 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
After 1492, the Columbian exchange brought New World crops such as maize, potatoes, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and manioc to Europe, and Old World crops such as wheat, barley, rice and turnips, and livestock including horses, cattle, sheep and goats to the Americas.
digraph { N_1 [label="After/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="1492/CD-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="Columbian/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="exchange/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="brought/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="New/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="World/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="crops/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="such/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="as/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="maize/NN-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="potatoes/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="tomatoes/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="sweet/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="potatoes/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="manioc/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="to/TO-23"]; N_24 [label="Europe/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="and/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="Old/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label="World/NNP-28"]; N_29 [label="crops/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label="such/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="as/IN-31"]; N_32 [label="wheat/NN-32"]; N_33 [label=",/,-33"]; N_34 [label="barley/NN-34"]; N_35 [label=",/,-35"]; N_36 [label="rice/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="and/CC-37"]; N_38 [label="turnips/NNS-38"]; N_39 [label=",/,-39"]; N_40 [label="and/CC-40"]; N_41 [label="livestock/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="including/VBG-42"]; N_43 [label="horses/NNS-43"]; N_44 [label=",/,-44"]; N_45 [label="cattle/NNS-45"]; N_46 [label=",/,-46"]; N_47 [label="sheep/NN-47"]; N_48 [label="and/CC-48"]; N_49 [label="goats/NNS-49"]; N_50 [label="to/TO-50"]; N_51 [label="the/DT-51"]; N_52 [label="Americas/NNPS-52"]; N_53 [label="./.-53"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nmod:after"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_53 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_41 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_29 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_17 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_10 -> N_20 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_10 -> N_22 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_10 -> N_15 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="mwe"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_13 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_13 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_13 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="nmod:to"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_29 -> N_34 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_29 -> N_36 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_29 -> N_38 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_29 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_40 [label="cc"]; N_29 -> N_41 [label="conj:and"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="compound"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="mwe"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_34 [label="conj:and"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_36 [label="conj:and"]; N_32 -> N_37 [label="cc"]; N_32 -> N_38 [label="conj:and"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_41 -> N_49 [label="nmod:including"]; N_41 -> N_43 [label="nmod:including"]; N_41 -> N_45 [label="nmod:including"]; N_41 -> N_47 [label="nmod:including"]; N_43 -> N_48 [label="cc"]; N_43 -> N_49 [label="conj:and"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="case"]; N_43 -> N_44 [label="punct"]; N_43 -> N_45 [label="conj:and"]; N_43 -> N_46 [label="punct"]; N_43 -> N_47 [label="conj:and"]; N_49 -> N_52 [label="nmod:to"]; N_52 -> N_50 [label="case"]; N_52 -> N_51 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj leads/VBZ +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Eutrophication, excessive nutrients in aquatic ecosystems resulting in algal blooms and anoxia, leads to fish kills, loss of biodiversity, and renders water unfit for drinking and other industrial uses.
digraph { N_1 [label="Eutrophication/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="excessive/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="nutrients/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="in/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="aquatic/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="ecosystems/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="resulting/VBG-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="algal/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="blooms/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="and/CC-12"]; N_13 [label="anoxia/NN-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="leads/VBZ-15"]; N_16 [label="to/TO-16"]; N_17 [label="fish/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="kills/VBZ-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="loss/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="of/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="biodiversity/NN-22"]; N_23 [label=",/,-23"]; N_24 [label="and/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="renders/VBZ-25"]; N_26 [label="water/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="unfit/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="for/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="drinking/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="and/CC-30"]; N_31 [label="other/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="industrial/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="uses/NNS-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_4 [label="appos"]; N_1 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="acl"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="nmod:to"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="dep"]; N_15 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="dep"]; N_15 -> N_25 [label="dep"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_18 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_25 [label="conj:and"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="nmod:of"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="dobj"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_33 [label="nmod:for"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="nmod:for"]; N_29 -> N_33 [label="conj:and"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="cc"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
The three agricultural products with the greatest amount of trade distortion were sugar, milk and rice, mainly due to taxation.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="three/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="agricultural/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="products/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="with/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="greatest/JJS-7"]; N_8 [label="amount/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="trade/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="distortion/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="were/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="sugar/NN-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="milk/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="and/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="rice/NN-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="mainly/RB-19"]; N_20 [label="due/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="to/TO-21"]; N_22 [label="taxation/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nummod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:with"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_13 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="cop"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="advmod"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="nmod:to"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
Integrated pest management attempts to use all of these methods to keep pest populations below the number which would cause economic loss, and recommends pesticides as a last resort.
digraph { N_1 [label="Integrated/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="pest/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="management/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="attempts/VBZ-4"]; N_5 [label="to/TO-5"]; N_6 [label="use/VB-6"]; N_7 [label="all/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="these/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="methods/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="keep/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="pest/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="populations/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="below/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="number/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="which/WDT-18"]; N_19 [label="would/MD-19"]; N_20 [label="cause/VB-20"]; N_21 [label="economic/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="loss/NN-22"]; N_23 [label=",/,-23"]; N_24 [label="and/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="recommends/VBZ-25"]; N_26 [label="pesticides/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="as/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="a/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="last/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="resort/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="xcomp"]; N_4 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_25 [label="conj:and"]; N_4 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="mark"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_12 [label="advcl:to"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="nmod:below"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="ref"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="aux"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="dobj"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="dobj"]; N_25 -> N_30 [label="nmod:as"]; N_30 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Extensive X-ray and ultraviolet induced mutagenesis efforts (i.e. primitive genetic engineering) during the 1950s produced the modern commercial varieties of grains such as wheat, corn (maize) and barley.
digraph { N_1 [label="Extensive/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="X-ray/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="and/CC-3"]; N_4 [label="ultraviolet/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="induced/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="mutagenesis/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="efforts/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--8"]; N_9 [label="i.e./FW-9"]; N_10 [label="primitive/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="genetic/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="engineering/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--13"]; N_14 [label="during/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="1950s/CD-16"]; N_17 [label="produced/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="modern/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="commercial/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="varieties/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="of/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="grains/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="such/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="as/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="wheat/NN-26"]; N_27 [label=",/,-27"]; N_28 [label="corn/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--29"]; N_30 [label="maize/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--31"]; N_32 [label="and/CC-32"]; N_33 [label="barley/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_2 -> N_16 [label="nmod:during"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_7 [label="conj:and"]; N_2 -> N_12 [label="dep"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="dep"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="nmod:of"]; N_23 -> N_33 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_23 -> N_28 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="mwe"]; N_26 -> N_32 [label="cc"]; N_26 -> N_33 [label="conj:and"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="conj:and"]; N_28 -> N_30 [label="appos"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBN +dobj [[effect]]/N
Modern agronomy, plant breeding, agrochemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers, and technological developments have sharply increased yields from cultivation, but at the same time have caused widespread ecological and environmental damage.
digraph { N_1 [label="Modern/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="agronomy/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="plant/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="breeding/NN-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="agrochemicals/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="such/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="as/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="pesticides/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="and/CC-11"]; N_12 [label="fertilizers/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="technological/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="developments/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="have/VBP-17"]; N_18 [label="sharply/RB-18"]; N_19 [label="increased/VBN-19"]; N_20 [label="yields/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="from/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="cultivation/NN-22"]; N_23 [label=",/,-23"]; N_24 [label="but/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="at/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="same/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="time/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="have/VBP-29"]; N_30 [label="caused/VBN-30"]; N_31 [label="widespread/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="ecological/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="and/CC-33"]; N_34 [label="environmental/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="damage/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="./.-36"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="appos"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_19 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_7 -> N_12 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_7 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_30 [label="conj:and"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="mwe"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="cc"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="aux"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_19 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_19 -> N_30 [label="conj:but"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="nmod:from"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_30 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_30 -> N_35 [label="dobj"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="nmod:at"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="aux"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="cc"]; N_32 -> N_34 [label="conj:and"]; N_35 -> N_32 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N +nsubj cause/NN +nmod:of [[effect]]/N
On industrialized farms, injuries frequently involve the use of agricultural machinery, and a common cause of fatal agricultural injuries in developed countries is tractor rollovers.
digraph { N_1 [label="On/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="industrialized/VBN-2"]; N_3 [label="farms/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="injuries/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="frequently/RB-6"]; N_7 [label="involve/VBP-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="use/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="agricultural/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="machinery/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="a/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="common/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="cause/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="of/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="fatal/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="agricultural/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="injuries/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="in/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="developed/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="countries/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="is/VBZ-25"]; N_26 [label="tractor/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="rollovers/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="nmod:on"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="nmod:of"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:in"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="cop"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Variations in yields are due mainly to variation in climate, genetics, and the level of intensive farming techniques (use of fertilizers, chemical pest control, growth control to avoid lodging).
digraph { N_1 [label="Variations/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="in/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="yields/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="are/VBP-4"]; N_5 [label="due/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="mainly/RB-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="variation/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="climate/NN-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="genetics/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="level/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="of/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="intensive/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="farming/VBG-19"]; N_20 [label="techniques/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--21"]; N_22 [label="use/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="of/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="fertilizers/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="chemical/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="pest/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="control/NN-28"]; N_29 [label=",/,-29"]; N_30 [label="growth/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="control/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="to/TO-32"]; N_33 [label="avoid/VB-33"]; N_34 [label="lodging/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--35"]; N_36 [label="./.-36"]; N_1 -> N_3 [label="nmod:in"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="cop"]; N_5 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:to"]; N_8 -> N_16 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="advmod"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_16 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="dep"]; N_22 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="nmod:of"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_28 [label="conj"]; N_24 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_31 [label="appos"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="compound"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="acl:to"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="mark"]; N_33 -> N_34 [label="dobj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj contributed/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Agriculture, forestry and land-use change contributed around 20 to 25% to global annual emissions in 2010.
digraph { N_1 [label="Agriculture/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="forestry/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="and/CC-4"]; N_5 [label="land-use/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="change/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="contributed/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="around/RB-8"]; N_9 [label="20/CD-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="25/CD-11"]; N_12 [label="%/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="to/TO-13"]; N_14 [label="global/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="annual/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="emissions/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="in/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="2010/CD-18"]; N_19 [label="./.-19"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_3 [label="conj:and"]; N_1 -> N_4 [label="cc"]; N_1 -> N_5 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_16 [label="nmod:to"]; N_7 -> N_18 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="advmod"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="dep"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nummod"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBN +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
This trend has led to a significant decrease in genetic diversity and resources among livestock breeds, leading to a corresponding decrease in disease resistance and local adaptations previously found among traditional breeds.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="trend/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="has/VBZ-3"]; N_4 [label="led/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="to/TO-5"]; N_6 [label="a/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="significant/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="decrease/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="genetic/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="diversity/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="and/CC-12"]; N_13 [label="resources/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="among/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="livestock/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="breeds/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="leading/VBG-18"]; N_19 [label="to/TO-19"]; N_20 [label="a/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="corresponding/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="decrease/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="in/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="disease/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="resistance/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="and/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="local/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="adaptations/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label="previously/RB-29"]; N_30 [label="found/VBN-30"]; N_31 [label="among/IN-31"]; N_32 [label="traditional/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="breeds/NNS-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_18 [label="xcomp"]; N_4 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="aux"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:to"]; N_8 -> N_16 [label="nmod:among"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="nmod:to"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="nmod:in"]; N_22 -> N_28 [label="nmod:in"]; N_22 -> N_30 [label="acl"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="compound"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="conj:and"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_30 -> N_33 [label="nmod:among"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="advmod"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
Agricultural water usage can also cause major environmental problems, including the destruction of natural wetlands, the spread of water-borne diseases, and land degradation through salinization and waterlogging, when irrigation is performed incorrectly.
digraph { N_1 [label="Agricultural/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="water/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="usage/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="can/MD-4"]; N_5 [label="also/RB-5"]; N_6 [label="cause/VB-6"]; N_7 [label="major/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="environmental/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="problems/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="including/VBG-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="destruction/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="of/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="natural/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="wetlands/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="spread/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="of/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="water-borne/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="diseases/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label=",/,-23"]; N_24 [label="and/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="land/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="degradation/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="through/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="salinization/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="and/CC-29"]; N_30 [label="waterlogging/NN-30"]; N_31 [label=",/,-31"]; N_32 [label="when/WRB-32"]; N_33 [label="irrigation/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="is/VBZ-34"]; N_35 [label="performed/VBN-35"]; N_36 [label="incorrectly/RB-36"]; N_37 [label="./.-37"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_19 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_35 [label="advcl"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="aux"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="advmod"]; N_6 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_26 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_19 [label="conj:and"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:including"]; N_9 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="nmod:of"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="compound"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="nmod:through"]; N_26 -> N_30 [label="nmod:through"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="cc"]; N_28 -> N_30 [label="conj:and"]; N_35 -> N_32 [label="advmod"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="auxpass"]; N_35 -> N_36 [label="advmod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj leads/VBZ +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
For more complex designs the lack of balance leads to further complications.
digraph { N_1 [label="For/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="more/JJR-2"]; N_3 [label="complex/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="designs/VBZ-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="lack/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="balance/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="leads/VBZ-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="further/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="complications/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="./.-13"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nmod:for"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="ccomp"]; N_4 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:to"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:of result/NN +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Responses show a variability that is partially the result of the effect and is partially random error.
digraph { N_1 [label="Responses/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="show/VBP-2"]; N_3 [label="a/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="variability/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="that/WDT-5"]; N_6 [label="is/VBZ-6"]; N_7 [label="partially/RB-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="result/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="effect/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="and/CC-13"]; N_14 [label="is/VBZ-14"]; N_15 [label="partially/RB-15"]; N_16 [label="random/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="error/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="./.-18"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_17 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="ref"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_9 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="cop"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="advmod"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="cc"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="cop"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
Blocking: A schedule for conducting treatment combinations in an experimental study such that any effects on the experimental results due to a known change in raw materials, operators, machines, etc., become concentrated in the levels of the blocking variable.
digraph { N_1 [label="Blocking/NN-1"]; N_2 [label=":/:-2"]; N_3 [label="A/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="schedule/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="for/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="conducting/VBG-6"]; N_7 [label="treatment/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="combinations/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="an/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="experimental/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="study/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="such/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="that/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="any/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="effects/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="on/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="experimental/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="results/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="due/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="to/TO-22"]; N_23 [label="a/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="known/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="change/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="in/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="raw/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="materials/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label=",/,-29"]; N_30 [label="operators/NNS-30"]; N_31 [label=",/,-31"]; N_32 [label="machines/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label=",/,-33"]; N_34 [label="etc./FW-34"]; N_35 [label=",/,-35"]; N_36 [label="become/VB-36"]; N_37 [label="concentrated/VBN-37"]; N_38 [label="in/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="the/DT-39"]; N_40 [label="levels/NNS-40"]; N_41 [label="of/IN-41"]; N_42 [label="the/DT-42"]; N_43 [label="blocking/VBG-43"]; N_44 [label="variable/NN-44"]; N_45 [label="./.-45"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_4 [label="dep"]; N_1 -> N_45 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="acl:for"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="mark"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="dep"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="nmod:on"]; N_16 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="nmod:to"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="nmod:in"]; N_28 -> N_32 [label="conj"]; N_28 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_34 [label="conj"]; N_28 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_36 [label="acl"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_30 [label="conj"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_36 -> N_37 [label="xcomp"]; N_37 -> N_40 [label="nmod:in"]; N_40 -> N_38 [label="case"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="det"]; N_40 -> N_44 [label="nmod:of"]; N_44 -> N_41 [label="case"]; N_44 -> N_42 [label="det"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj:xsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
Factors: Process inputs that an investigator manipulates to cause a change in the output.
digraph { N_1 [label="Factors/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label=":/:-2"]; N_3 [label="Process/VB-3"]; N_4 [label="inputs/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="that/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="an/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="investigator/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="manipulates/VBZ-8"]; N_9 [label="to/TO-9"]; N_10 [label="cause/VB-10"]; N_11 [label="a/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="change/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="in/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="output/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="./.-16"]; N_1 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_3 [label="dep"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="ref"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="xcomp"]; N_10 -> N_4 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:from resulting/VBG -acl [[effect]]/N
Before 1800, astronomers had isolated observational errors resulting from reaction times (the "personal equation") and had developed methods of reducing the errors.
digraph { N_1 [label="Before/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="1800/CD-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="astronomers/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="had/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="isolated/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="observational/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="errors/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="resulting/VBG-9"]; N_10 [label="from/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="reaction/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="times/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="``/``-15"]; N_16 [label="personal/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="equation/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="''/''-18"]; N_19 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--19"]; N_20 [label="and/CC-20"]; N_21 [label="had/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="developed/VBN-22"]; N_23 [label="methods/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="of/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="reducing/VBG-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="errors/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nmod:before"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_20 [label="cc"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="aux"]; N_6 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="acl"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:from"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="appos"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="aux"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="acl:of"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="mark"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="dobj"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
"Provide information on sample size and the process that led to sample size decisions."
digraph { N_1 [label="``/``-1"]; N_2 [label="Provide/VB-2"]; N_3 [label="information/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="on/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="sample/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="size/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="and/CC-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="process/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="that/WDT-10"]; N_11 [label="led/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="to/TO-12"]; N_13 [label="sample/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="size/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="decisions/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="./.-16"]; N_17 [label="''/''-17"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="root"]; N_2 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:on"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="ref"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:to"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Linearly re-order the data so that observation is associated with a response and factors where denotes the different factors and is the total number of factors.
digraph { N_1 [label="Linearly/RB-1"]; N_2 [label="re-order/VB-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="data/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="so/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="that/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="observation/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="is/VBZ-8"]; N_9 [label="associated/VBN-9"]; N_10 [label="with/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="a/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="response/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="and/CC-13"]; N_14 [label="factors/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="where/WRB-15"]; N_16 [label="denotes/VBZ-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="different/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="factors/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="and/CC-20"]; N_21 [label="is/VBZ-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="total/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="number/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="of/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="factors/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="advcl:so_that"]; N_2 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="mwe"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="mark"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="auxpass"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:with"]; N_9 -> N_14 [label="nmod:with"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="cc"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_24 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="dobj"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_24 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="cop"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="nmod:of"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
The loss of carnivorous species near the top of the food chain will upset the delicate ecosystem balance and may cause dramatic increases in opportunistic species.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="loss/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="carnivorous/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="species/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="near/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="top/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="food/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="chain/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="will/MD-13"]; N_14 [label="upset/VB-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="delicate/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="ecosystem/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="balance/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="and/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="may/MD-20"]; N_21 [label="cause/VB-21"]; N_22 [label="dramatic/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="increases/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="in/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="opportunistic/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="species/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="nmod:near"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_14 -> N_21 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="aux"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="aux"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:in"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
A reduction in the number of tadpoles may lead to an overgrowth of algae, resulting in depletion of oxygen in the water when the algae later die and decompose.
digraph { N_1 [label="A/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="reduction/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="in/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="number/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="tadpoles/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="may/MD-8"]; N_9 [label="lead/VB-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="an/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="overgrowth/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="of/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="algae/NN-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="resulting/VBG-16"]; N_17 [label="in/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="depletion/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="of/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="oxygen/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="in/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="water/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="when/WRB-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="algae/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="later/RB-27"]; N_28 [label="die/VB-28"]; N_29 [label="and/CC-29"]; N_30 [label="decompose/VB-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:of"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_16 [label="xcomp"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="aux"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:to"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="nmod:in"]; N_16 -> N_28 [label="advcl"]; N_16 -> N_30 [label="advcl"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="nmod:of"]; N_18 -> N_23 [label="nmod:in"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_24 [label="advmod"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="nsubj"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="advmod"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="cc"]; N_28 -> N_30 [label="conj:and"]; N_30 -> N_26 [label="nsubj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Although most species are associated with water and damp habitats, some are specialised to live in trees or in deserts.
digraph { N_1 [label="Although/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="most/JJS-2"]; N_3 [label="species/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="are/VBP-4"]; N_5 [label="associated/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="with/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="water/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="damp/VB-9"]; N_10 [label="habitats/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="some/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="are/VBP-13"]; N_14 [label="specialised/VBN-14"]; N_15 [label="to/TO-15"]; N_16 [label="live/VB-16"]; N_17 [label="in/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="trees/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="or/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="in/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="deserts/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="./.-22"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="auxpass"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:with"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="xcomp"]; N_14 -> N_5 [label="advcl:although"]; N_14 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_9 [label="advcl:although"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="auxpass"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="nmod:in"]; N_16 -> N_21 [label="nmod:in"]; N_16 -> N_12 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="mark"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="conj:or"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; }