[[cause]]/N +acl leading/VBG +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The origins of the company are complex, going back to the early 20th century and the initial enterprises (Horch and the Audiwerke) founded by engineer August Horch; and two other manufacturers (DKW and Wanderer), leading to the foundation of Auto Union in 1932.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="origins/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="company/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="are/VBP-6"]; N_7 [label="complex/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="going/VBG-9"]; N_10 [label="back/RB-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="early/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="20th/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="century/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="and/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="initial/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="enterprises/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--20"]; N_21 [label="Horch/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="and/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="Audiwerke/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--25"]; N_26 [label="founded/VBN-26"]; N_27 [label="by/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="engineer/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="August/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label="Horch/NNP-30"]; N_31 [label=";/:-31"]; N_32 [label="and/CC-32"]; N_33 [label="two/CD-33"]; N_34 [label="other/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="manufacturers/NNS-35"]; N_36 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--36"]; N_37 [label="DKW/NN-37"]; N_38 [label="and/CC-38"]; N_39 [label="Wanderer/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--40"]; N_41 [label=",/,-41"]; N_42 [label="leading/VBG-42"]; N_43 [label="to/TO-43"]; N_44 [label="the/DT-44"]; N_45 [label="foundation/NN-45"]; N_46 [label="of/IN-46"]; N_47 [label="Auto/NNP-47"]; N_48 [label="Union/NNP-48"]; N_49 [label="in/IN-49"]; N_50 [label="1932/CD-50"]; N_51 [label="./.-51"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_32 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_35 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_51 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="cop"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="xcomp"]; N_7 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_19 [label="nmod:to"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="advmod"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="nmod:to"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="dep"]; N_15 -> N_24 [label="dep"]; N_15 -> N_26 [label="acl"]; N_15 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="conj:and"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_30 [label="nmod:by"]; N_30 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="compound"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="compound"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="nummod"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_37 [label="dep"]; N_35 -> N_39 [label="dep"]; N_35 -> N_41 [label="punct"]; N_35 -> N_42 [label="acl"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_37 -> N_38 [label="cc"]; N_37 -> N_39 [label="conj:and"]; N_37 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_42 -> N_50 [label="nmod:in"]; N_42 -> N_45 [label="nmod:to"]; N_45 -> N_48 [label="nmod:of"]; N_45 -> N_43 [label="case"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="det"]; N_48 -> N_46 [label="case"]; N_48 -> N_47 [label="compound"]; N_50 -> N_49 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj result/VB +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
The alliance could result in Sanyo batteries and other electronic components being used in future models of the Volkswagen Group.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="alliance/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="could/MD-3"]; N_4 [label="result/VB-4"]; N_5 [label="in/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="Sanyo/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="batteries/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="other/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="electronic/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="components/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="being/VBG-12"]; N_13 [label="used/VBN-13"]; N_14 [label="in/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="future/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="models/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="of/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="Volkswagen/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="Group/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="./.-21"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="aux"]; N_4 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:in"]; N_4 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_13 [label="acl"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="auxpass"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj result/VB +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
In a true abugida, the lack of distinctive marking may result from the diachronic loss of the inherent vowel, e.g. by syncope and apocope in Hindi.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="a/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="true/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="abugida/NN-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="lack/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="distinctive/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="marking/VBG-10"]; N_11 [label="may/MD-11"]; N_12 [label="result/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="from/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="diachronic/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="loss/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="of/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="inherent/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="vowel/NN-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="e.g./FW-22"]; N_23 [label="by/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="syncope/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="and/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="apocope/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="in/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="Hindi/NNP-28"]; N_29 [label="./.-29"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="nmod:from"]; N_12 -> N_4 [label="nmod:in"]; N_12 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="aux"]; N_12 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_24 [label="nmod:by"]; N_16 -> N_26 [label="nmod:by"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="advmod"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_24 -> N_28 [label="nmod:in"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
This refusal to accept any renunciation of allegiance to the Crown led to conflict with the United States over impressment, which led to further conflicts during the War of 1812, when thirteen Irish American prisoners of war were executed as traitors after the Battle of Queenston Heights; Winfield Scott urged American reprisal, but none was carried out.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="refusal/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="to/TO-3"]; N_4 [label="accept/VB-4"]; N_5 [label="any/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="renunciation/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="allegiance/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="to/TO-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="Crown/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="led/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="to/TO-13"]; N_14 [label="conflict/VB-14"]; N_15 [label="with/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="United/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="States/NNPS-18"]; N_19 [label="over/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="impressment/NN-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="which/WDT-22"]; N_23 [label="led/VBD-23"]; N_24 [label="to/TO-24"]; N_25 [label="further/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="conflicts/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="during/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="the/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="War/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="of/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="1812/CD-31"]; N_32 [label=",/,-32"]; N_33 [label="when/WRB-33"]; N_34 [label="thirteen/CD-34"]; N_35 [label="Irish/JJ-35"]; N_36 [label="American/JJ-36"]; N_37 [label="prisoners/NNS-37"]; N_38 [label="of/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="war/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="were/VBD-40"]; N_41 [label="executed/VBN-41"]; N_42 [label="as/IN-42"]; N_43 [label="traitors/NNS-43"]; N_44 [label="after/IN-44"]; N_45 [label="the/DT-45"]; N_46 [label="Battle/NN-46"]; N_47 [label="of/IN-47"]; N_48 [label="Queenston/NNP-48"]; N_49 [label="Heights/NNP-49"]; N_50 [label=";/:-50"]; N_51 [label="Winfield/NNP-51"]; N_52 [label="Scott/NNP-52"]; N_53 [label="urged/VBD-53"]; N_54 [label="American/JJ-54"]; N_55 [label="reprisal/NN-55"]; N_56 [label=",/,-56"]; N_57 [label="but/CC-57"]; N_58 [label="none/NN-58"]; N_59 [label="was/VBD-59"]; N_60 [label="carried/VBN-60"]; N_61 [label="out/RP-61"]; N_62 [label="./.-62"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="acl:to"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="mark"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_50 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_53 [label="parataxis"]; N_12 -> N_60 [label="parataxis"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="xcomp"]; N_12 -> N_62 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_2 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="nmod:with"]; N_14 -> N_20 [label="nmod:over"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="mark"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="ref"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:to"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="nmod:during"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_41 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_29 -> N_31 [label="nmod:of"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_34 [label="nummod"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_39 [label="nmod:of"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="case"]; N_41 -> N_33 [label="advmod"]; N_41 -> N_37 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="auxpass"]; N_41 -> N_43 [label="nmod:as"]; N_41 -> N_46 [label="nmod:after"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="case"]; N_46 -> N_49 [label="nmod:of"]; N_46 -> N_44 [label="case"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="det"]; N_49 -> N_48 [label="compound"]; N_49 -> N_47 [label="case"]; N_52 -> N_51 [label="compound"]; N_53 -> N_52 [label="nsubj"]; N_53 -> N_55 [label="dobj"]; N_53 -> N_56 [label="punct"]; N_53 -> N_57 [label="cc"]; N_53 -> N_60 [label="conj:but"]; N_55 -> N_54 [label="amod"]; N_60 -> N_58 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_60 -> N_59 [label="auxpass"]; N_60 -> N_61 [label="compound:prt"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:agent caused/VBN +nsubjpass [[effect]]/N
Difficulties were in part caused by the long time requirements for the Calligrapher handwriting recognition software to "learn" the user's handwriting; this process could take from two weeks to two months.
digraph { N_1 [label="Difficulties/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="were/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="in/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="part/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="caused/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="by/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="long/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="time/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="requirements/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="for/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="Calligrapher/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="handwriting/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="recognition/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="software/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="to/TO-17"]; N_18 [label="``/``-18"]; N_19 [label="learn/VB-19"]; N_20 [label="''/''-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="user/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="'s/POS-23"]; N_24 [label="handwriting/NN-24"]; N_25 [label=";/:-25"]; N_26 [label="this/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="process/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="could/MD-28"]; N_29 [label="take/VB-29"]; N_30 [label="from/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="two/CD-31"]; N_32 [label="weeks/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label="to/TO-33"]; N_34 [label="two/CD-34"]; N_35 [label="months/NNS-35"]; N_36 [label="./.-36"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="auxpass"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_10 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_5 -> N_29 [label="parataxis"]; N_10 -> N_16 [label="nmod:for"]; N_10 -> N_19 [label="acl:to"]; N_10 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="mark"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_24 [label="dobj"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="nmod:from"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="nsubj"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="aux"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="nmod:to"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="nummod"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj causes/VBZ +dobj [[effect]]/N
In third grade, Warhol had Sydenham's chorea (also known as St. Vitus' Dance), the nervous system disease that causes involuntary movements of the extremities, which is believed to be a complication of scarlet fever which causes skin pigmentation blotchiness.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="third/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="grade/NN-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="Warhol/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="had/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="Sydenham/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="'s/POS-8"]; N_9 [label="chorea/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--10"]; N_11 [label="also/RB-11"]; N_12 [label="known/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="as/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="St./NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="Vitus/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="'/POS-16"]; N_17 [label="Dance/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="nervous/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="system/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="disease/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="that/WDT-24"]; N_25 [label="causes/VBZ-25"]; N_26 [label="involuntary/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="movements/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="of/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="the/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="extremities/NNS-30"]; N_31 [label=",/,-31"]; N_32 [label="which/WDT-32"]; N_33 [label="is/VBZ-33"]; N_34 [label="believed/VBN-34"]; N_35 [label="to/TO-35"]; N_36 [label="be/VB-36"]; N_37 [label="a/DT-37"]; N_38 [label="complication/NN-38"]; N_39 [label="of/IN-39"]; N_40 [label="scarlet/JJ-40"]; N_41 [label="fever/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="which/WDT-42"]; N_43 [label="causes/VBZ-43"]; N_44 [label="skin/NN-44"]; N_45 [label="pigmentation/NN-45"]; N_46 [label="blotchiness/NN-46"]; N_47 [label="./.-47"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_47 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_9 -> N_23 [label="appos"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="dep"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="nmod:as"]; N_12 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="advmod"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="ref"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="dobj"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_30 [label="nmod:of"]; N_30 -> N_32 [label="ref"]; N_30 -> N_34 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="auxpass"]; N_34 -> N_38 [label="xcomp"]; N_34 -> N_30 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_38 -> N_35 [label="mark"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="cop"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="det"]; N_38 -> N_41 [label="nmod:of"]; N_38 -> N_42 [label="ref"]; N_38 -> N_43 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_38 -> N_30 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_41 -> N_39 [label="case"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="amod"]; N_43 -> N_38 [label="nsubj"]; N_43 -> N_46 [label="dobj"]; N_46 -> N_44 [label="compound"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
At the height of his fame as a painter, Warhol had several assistants who produced his silk-screen multiples, following his directions to make different versions and variations.
digraph { N_1 [label="At/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="height/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="his/PRP$-5"]; N_6 [label="fame/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="as/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="a/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="painter/NN-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="Warhol/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="had/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="several/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="assistants/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="who/WP-15"]; N_16 [label="produced/VBD-16"]; N_17 [label="his/PRP$-17"]; N_18 [label="silk-screen/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="multiples/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="following/VBG-21"]; N_22 [label="his/PRP$-22"]; N_23 [label="directions/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="to/TO-24"]; N_25 [label="make/VB-25"]; N_26 [label="different/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="versions/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="and/CC-28"]; N_29 [label="variations/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label="./.-30"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="nmod:as"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_3 [label="nmod:at"]; N_12 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_23 [label="nmod:following"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="ref"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="dobj"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="acl:to"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="mark"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="dobj"]; N_25 -> N_29 [label="dobj"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="cc"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="conj:and"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
His New York studio, The Factory, became a well-known gathering place that brought together distinguished intellectuals, drag queens, playwrights, Bohemian street people, Hollywood celebrities, and wealthy patrons.
digraph { N_1 [label="His/PRP$-1"]; N_2 [label="New/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="York/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="studio/NN-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="The/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="Factory/NN-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="became/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="a/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="well-known/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="gathering/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="place/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="that/WDT-14"]; N_15 [label="brought/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="together/RB-16"]; N_17 [label="distinguished/VBN-17"]; N_18 [label="intellectuals/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="drag/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="queens/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label=",/,-22"]; N_23 [label="playwrights/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label=",/,-24"]; N_25 [label="Bohemian/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="street/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="people/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label=",/,-28"]; N_29 [label="Hollywood/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label="celebrities/NNS-30"]; N_31 [label=",/,-31"]; N_32 [label="and/CC-32"]; N_33 [label="wealthy/JJ-33"]; N_34 [label="patrons/NNS-34"]; N_35 [label="./.-35"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="appos"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="xcomp"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="ref"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_34 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_27 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_15 -> N_30 [label="dobj"]; N_18 -> N_32 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_34 [label="conj:and"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="conj:and"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_23 [label="conj:and"]; N_18 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_18 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_30 [label="conj:and"]; N_18 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="compound"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Beginning in the early 1950s, Warhol produced several unbound portfolios of his work.
digraph { N_1 [label="Beginning/VBG-1"]; N_2 [label="in/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="early/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="1950s/CD-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="Warhol/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="produced/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="several/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="unbound/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="portfolios/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="his/PRP$-13"]; N_14 [label="work/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="./.-15"]; N_1 -> N_5 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_1 [label="advcl"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Throughout his career, Warhol produced erotic photography and drawings of male nudes.
digraph { N_1 [label="Throughout/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="his/PRP$-2"]; N_3 [label="career/NN-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="Warhol/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="produced/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="erotic/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="photography/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="and/CC-9"]; N_10 [label="drawings/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="male/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="nudes/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="./.-14"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nmod:throughout"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="cc"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="conj:and"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:agent caused/VBN +nsubjpass [[effect]]/N
His family sued the hospital for inadequate care, saying that the arrhythmia was caused by improper care and water intoxication.
digraph { N_1 [label="His/PRP$-1"]; N_2 [label="family/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="sued/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="hospital/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="for/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="inadequate/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="care/NN-8"]; N_9 [label=",/,-9"]; N_10 [label="saying/VBG-10"]; N_11 [label="that/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="arrhythmia/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="was/VBD-14"]; N_15 [label="caused/VBN-15"]; N_16 [label="by/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="improper/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="care/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="and/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="water/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="intoxication/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="./.-22"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_8 [label="nmod:for"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_10 [label="advcl"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_15 [label="ccomp"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_15 -> N_11 [label="mark"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="auxpass"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="conj:and"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Warhol produced both comic and serious works; his subject could be a soup can or an electric chair.
digraph { N_1 [label="Warhol/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="produced/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="both/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="comic/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="and/CC-5"]; N_6 [label="serious/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="works/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label=";/:-8"]; N_9 [label="his/PRP$-9"]; N_10 [label="subject/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="could/MD-11"]; N_12 [label="be/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="a/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="soup/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="can/MD-15"]; N_16 [label="or/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="an/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="electric/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="chair/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_14 [label="parataxis"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="cc:preconj"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_14 -> N_19 [label="dep"]; N_14 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="aux"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="cop"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="dep"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="conj:or"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Warhol exceeded the demands of the commission and produced nearly 100 variations on the theme, mostly silkscreens and paintings, and among them a collaborative sculpture with Basquiat, the Ten Punching Bags (Last Supper).
digraph { N_1 [label="Warhol/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="exceeded/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="demands/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="of/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="commission/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="produced/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="nearly/RB-10"]; N_11 [label="100/CD-11"]; N_12 [label="variations/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="on/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="theme/NN-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="mostly/RB-17"]; N_18 [label="silkscreens/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="and/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="paintings/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="and/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="among/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="them/PRP-24"]; N_25 [label="a/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="collaborative/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="sculpture/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="with/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="Basquiat/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label=",/,-30"]; N_31 [label="the/DT-31"]; N_32 [label="Ten/CD-32"]; N_33 [label="Punching/VBG-33"]; N_34 [label="Bags/NNS-34"]; N_35 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--35"]; N_36 [label="Last/JJ-36"]; N_37 [label="Supper/NN-37"]; N_38 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--38"]; N_39 [label="./.-39"]; N_2 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_2 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_24 [label="conj:and"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:of"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="nmod:on"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="advmod"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nummod"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="advmod"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="dep"]; N_27 -> N_34 [label="appos"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="nmod:with"]; N_27 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_34 -> N_32 [label="nummod"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="amod"]; N_34 -> N_37 [label="appos"]; N_34 -> N_31 [label="det"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Warhol also produced a TV commercial for Schrafft's Restaurants in New York City, for an ice cream dessert appropriately titled the "Underground Sundae".
digraph { N_1 [label="Warhol/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="also/RB-2"]; N_3 [label="produced/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="a/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="TV/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="commercial/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="for/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="Schrafft/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="'s/POS-9"]; N_10 [label="Restaurants/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="in/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="New/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="York/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="City/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="for/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="an/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="ice/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="cream/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="dessert/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="appropriately/RB-21"]; N_22 [label="titled/VBN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="``/``-24"]; N_25 [label="Underground/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="Sundae/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="''/''-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="advmod"]; N_3 -> N_20 [label="nmod:for"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:for"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="acl"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="advmod"]; N_22 -> N_26 [label="xcomp"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
In 1974, Andy Warhol also produced the stage musical Man on the Moon, which was written by John Phillips of the Mamas and the Papas.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="1974/CD-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="Andy/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="Warhol/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="also/RB-6"]; N_7 [label="produced/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="stage/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="musical/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="Man/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="on/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="Moon/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="which/WDT-16"]; N_17 [label="was/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="written/VBN-18"]; N_19 [label="by/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="John/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="Phillips/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="of/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="Mamas/NNPS-24"]; N_25 [label="and/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="Papas/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:on"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="ref"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="auxpass"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_18 -> N_27 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_18 -> N_14 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:of"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_21 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ +nsubj [[effect]]/N
He also later remarked: "I thought that Helmholtz had done it ... and that my failure was due only to my ignorance of electricity.
digraph { N_1 [label="He/PRP-1"]; N_2 [label="also/RB-2"]; N_3 [label="later/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="remarked/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label=":/:-5"]; N_6 [label="``/``-6"]; N_7 [label="I/PRP-7"]; N_8 [label="thought/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="that/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="Helmholtz/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="had/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="done/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="it/PRP-13"]; N_14 [label=".../:-14"]; N_15 [label="and/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="that/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="my/PRP$-17"]; N_18 [label="failure/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="was/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="due/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="only/RB-21"]; N_22 [label="to/TO-22"]; N_23 [label="my/PRP$-23"]; N_24 [label="ignorance/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="of/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="electricity/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="ccomp"]; N_4 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_20 [label="ccomp"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="ccomp"]; N_12 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="aux"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_20 -> N_16 [label="mark"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="cop"]; N_20 -> N_24 [label="nmod:to"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="advmod"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="nmod:of"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The Siemens company produced near-identical copies of the Bell telephone without having to pay royalties.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Siemens/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="company/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="produced/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="near-identical/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="copies/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="Bell/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="telephone/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="without/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="having/VBG-12"]; N_13 [label="to/TO-13"]; N_14 [label="pay/VB-14"]; N_15 [label="royalties/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="./.-16"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_12 [label="advcl:without"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="xcomp"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="mark"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Although Alexander Graham Bell is most often associated with the invention of the telephone, his interests were extremely varied.
digraph { N_1 [label="Although/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="Alexander/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="Graham/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="Bell/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="is/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="most/RBS-6"]; N_7 [label="often/RB-7"]; N_8 [label="associated/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="with/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="invention/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="telephone/NN-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="his/PRP$-16"]; N_17 [label="interests/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label="were/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label="extremely/RB-19"]; N_20 [label="varied/VBN-20"]; N_21 [label="./.-21"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="advmod"]; N_8 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="auxpass"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="advmod"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:with"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="auxpass"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="advmod"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_8 [label="advcl:although"]; N_20 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Vibration of the diaphragm caused a needle to vibrate in the water, varying the electrical resistance in the circuit.
digraph { N_1 [label="Vibration/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="of/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="diaphragm/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="caused/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="a/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="needle/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="vibrate/VB-9"]; N_10 [label="in/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="water/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="varying/VBG-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="electrical/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="resistance/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="in/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="circuit/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="./.-21"]; N_1 -> N_4 [label="nmod:of"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_14 [label="advcl"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="acl:to"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="mark"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="nmod:in"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Continuing his experiments in Brantford, Bell brought home a working model of his telephone.
digraph { N_1 [label="Continuing/VBG-1"]; N_2 [label="his/PRP$-2"]; N_3 [label="experiments/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="in/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="Brantford/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="Bell/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="brought/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="home/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="a/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="working/VBG-11"]; N_12 [label="model/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="of/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="his/PRP$-14"]; N_15 [label="telephone/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="./.-16"]; N_1 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_3 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
The strain put on Bell by his constant appearances in court, necessitated by the legal battles, eventually resulted in his resignation from the company.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="strain/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="put/VBN-3"]; N_4 [label="on/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="Bell/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="by/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="his/PRP$-7"]; N_8 [label="constant/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="appearances/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="in/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="court/NN-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="necessitated/VBN-13"]; N_14 [label="by/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="legal/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="battles/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="eventually/RB-19"]; N_20 [label="resulted/VBD-20"]; N_21 [label="in/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="his/PRP$-22"]; N_23 [label="resignation/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="from/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="company/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="acl"]; N_2 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_13 [label="acl"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:on"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="nmod:by"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="nmod:by"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="advmod"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="nmod:in"]; N_20 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:from"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
However, it was his hobby of livestock breeding which led to his appointment to biologist David Starr Jordan's Committee on Eugenics, under the auspices of the American Breeders' Association.
digraph { N_1 [label="However/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="it/PRP-3"]; N_4 [label="was/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="his/PRP$-5"]; N_6 [label="hobby/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="livestock/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="breeding/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="which/WDT-10"]; N_11 [label="led/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="to/TO-12"]; N_13 [label="his/PRP$-13"]; N_14 [label="appointment/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="to/TO-15"]; N_16 [label="biologist/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="David/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="Starr/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="Jordan/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="'s/POS-20"]; N_21 [label="Committee/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="on/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="Eugenics/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label=",/,-24"]; N_25 [label="under/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="auspices/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="of/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="the/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="American/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="Breeders/NNP-31"]; N_32 [label="'/POS-32"]; N_33 [label="Association/NNP-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="cop"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="ref"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_27 [label="nmod:under"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:to"]; N_14 -> N_21 [label="nmod:to"]; N_14 -> N_23 [label="nmod:on"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_21 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_33 [label="nmod:of"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_33 -> N_30 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Bell's father, grandfather, and brother had all been associated with work on elocution and speech and both his mother and wife were deaf, profoundly influencing Bell's life's work.
digraph { N_1 [label="Bell/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="'s/POS-2"]; N_3 [label="father/NN-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="grandfather/NN-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="and/CC-7"]; N_8 [label="brother/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="had/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="all/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="been/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="associated/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="with/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="work/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="on/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="elocution/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="and/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="speech/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="and/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="both/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="his/PRP$-21"]; N_22 [label="mother/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="and/CC-23"]; N_24 [label="wife/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="were/VBD-25"]; N_26 [label="deaf/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label=",/,-27"]; N_28 [label="profoundly/RB-28"]; N_29 [label="influencing/VBG-29"]; N_30 [label="Bell/NNP-30"]; N_31 [label="'s/POS-31"]; N_32 [label="life/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="'s/POS-33"]; N_34 [label="work/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="./.-35"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="conj:and"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_8 [label="conj:and"]; N_12 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_12 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_5 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_12 -> N_8 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="aux"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="advmod"]; N_12 -> N_26 [label="nmod:with"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="auxpass"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="nmod:with"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:on"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="nmod:on"]; N_14 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_14 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="cc:preconj"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="cc"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="conj:and"]; N_26 -> N_22 [label="nsubj"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="nsubj"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="cop"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="xcomp"]; N_29 -> N_34 [label="dobj"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="advmod"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_34 -> N_32 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
It will ever be a source of pride to our country that the great invention, with which his name is immortally associated, is a part of its history.
digraph { N_1 [label="It/PRP-1"]; N_2 [label="will/MD-2"]; N_3 [label="ever/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="be/VB-4"]; N_5 [label="a/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="source/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="pride/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="to/TO-9"]; N_10 [label="our/PRP$-10"]; N_11 [label="country/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="that/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="great/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="invention/NN-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="with/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="which/WDT-18"]; N_19 [label="his/PRP$-19"]; N_20 [label="name/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="is/VBZ-21"]; N_22 [label="immortally/RB-22"]; N_23 [label="associated/VBN-23"]; N_24 [label=",/,-24"]; N_25 [label="is/VBZ-25"]; N_26 [label="a/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="part/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="of/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="its/PRP$-29"]; N_30 [label="history/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="aux"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="cop"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_6 -> N_27 [label="ccomp"]; N_6 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="ref"]; N_15 -> N_23 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="auxpass"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="advmod"]; N_23 -> N_15 [label="nmod:with"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="cop"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_12 [label="mark"]; N_27 -> N_30 [label="nmod:of"]; N_27 -> N_15 [label="nsubj"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
His research on hearing and speech further led him to experiment with hearing devices which eventually culminated in Bell being awarded the first U.S. patent for the telephone in 1876.
digraph { N_1 [label="His/PRP$-1"]; N_2 [label="research/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="on/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="hearing/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="and/CC-5"]; N_6 [label="speech/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="further/RB-7"]; N_8 [label="led/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="him/PRP-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="experiment/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="with/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="hearing/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="devices/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="which/WDT-15"]; N_16 [label="eventually/RB-16"]; N_17 [label="culminated/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="in/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="Bell/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="being/VBG-20"]; N_21 [label="awarded/VBN-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="first/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="U.S./NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="patent/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="for/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="the/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="telephone/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="in/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="1876/CD-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:on"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:on"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="conj:and"]; N_8 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="advmod"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_8 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:with"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="ref"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:in"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="xcomp"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="auxpass"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="dobj"]; N_21 -> N_30 [label="nmod:in"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="compound"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="nmod:for"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
His efforts resulted in a remarkably lifelike head that could "speak", albeit only a few words.
digraph { N_1 [label="His/PRP$-1"]; N_2 [label="efforts/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="resulted/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="in/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="a/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="remarkably/RB-6"]; N_7 [label="lifelike/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="head/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="that/WDT-9"]; N_10 [label="could/MD-10"]; N_11 [label="``/``-11"]; N_12 [label="speak/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="''/''-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="albeit/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="only/RB-16"]; N_17 [label="a/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="few/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="words/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_8 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="advmod"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="ref"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_12 -> N_19 [label="nmod:albeit"]; N_12 -> N_8 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="aux"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_15 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
However, in May 1870, Melville died from complications due to tuberculosis, causing a family crisis.
digraph { N_1 [label="However/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="in/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="May/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="1870/CD-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="Melville/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="died/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="from/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="complications/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="due/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="to/TO-12"]; N_13 [label="tuberculosis/NN-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="causing/VBG-15"]; N_16 [label="a/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="family/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="crisis/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="./.-19"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="nummod"]; N_8 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_8 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:from"]; N_8 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_15 [label="xcomp"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="nmod:to"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
A short time later, his demonstration of an early telephone prototype at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia brought the telephone to international attention.
digraph { N_1 [label="A/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="short/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="time/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="later/RB-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="his/PRP$-6"]; N_7 [label="demonstration/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="an/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="early/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="telephone/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="prototype/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="at/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="1876/CD-15"]; N_16 [label="Centennial/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="Exposition/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="in/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="Philadelphia/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="brought/VBD-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="telephone/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="to/TO-23"]; N_24 [label="international/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="attention/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="./.-26"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nmod:npmod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_7 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="nmod:at"]; N_12 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:in"]; N_17 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="nummod"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_20 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="dobj"]; N_20 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_25 [label="nmod:to"]; N_20 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
From 1912 until 1918, he was the chairman of the board of scientific advisers to the Eugenics Record Office associated with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York, and regularly attended meetings.
digraph { N_1 [label="From/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="1912/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="until/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="1918/CD-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="he/PRP-6"]; N_7 [label="was/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="chairman/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="board/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="of/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="scientific/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="advisers/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="to/TO-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="Eugenics/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="Record/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="Office/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="associated/VBN-21"]; N_22 [label="with/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="Cold/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="Spring/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="Harbor/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="Laboratory/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="in/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="New/NNP-28"]; N_29 [label="York/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label=",/,-30"]; N_31 [label="and/CC-31"]; N_32 [label="regularly/RB-32"]; N_33 [label="attended/VBD-33"]; N_34 [label="meetings/NNS-34"]; N_35 [label="./.-35"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:until"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="nmod:from"]; N_9 -> N_34 [label="conj:and"]; N_9 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_20 [label="nmod:to"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="cop"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_31 [label="cc"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="acl"]; N_21 -> N_26 [label="nmod:with"]; N_26 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="compound"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="compound"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="nmod:in"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="advmod"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N +acl leading/VBG +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
In 1936, the US Patent Office declared Bell first on its list of the country's greatest inventors, leading to the US Post Office issuing a commemorative stamp honoring Bell in 1940 as part of its 'Famous Americans Series'.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="1936/CD-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="US/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="Patent/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="Office/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="declared/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="Bell/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="first/RB-10"]; N_11 [label="on/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="its/PRP$-12"]; N_13 [label="list/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="of/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="country/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="'s/POS-17"]; N_18 [label="greatest/JJS-18"]; N_19 [label="inventors/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="leading/VBG-21"]; N_22 [label="to/TO-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="US/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="Post/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="Office/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="issuing/VBG-27"]; N_28 [label="a/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="commemorative/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="stamp/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="honoring/VBG-31"]; N_32 [label="Bell/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label="in/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="1940/CD-34"]; N_35 [label="as/IN-35"]; N_36 [label="part/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="of/IN-37"]; N_38 [label="its/PRP$-38"]; N_39 [label="`/``-39"]; N_40 [label="Famous/NNP-40"]; N_41 [label="Americans/NNP-41"]; N_42 [label="Series/NNP-42"]; N_43 [label="'/POS-43"]; N_44 [label="./.-44"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_2 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_44 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_21 [label="acl"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:on"]; N_13 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="advmod"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_26 [label="nmod:to"]; N_21 -> N_27 [label="xcomp"]; N_26 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="compound"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="compound"]; N_27 -> N_30 [label="dobj"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="acl"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="dobj"]; N_31 -> N_34 [label="nmod:in"]; N_31 -> N_36 [label="nmod:as"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_42 [label="nmod:'"]; N_42 -> N_37 [label="case"]; N_42 -> N_38 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_42 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_42 -> N_40 [label="compound"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="compound"]; N_42 -> N_43 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj contributed/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
His neuropathological research contributed greatly to the delineation of several diseases, including multiple sclerosis and Friedreich's ataxia.
digraph { N_1 [label="His/PRP$-1"]; N_2 [label="neuropathological/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="research/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="contributed/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="greatly/RB-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="delineation/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="several/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="diseases/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="including/VBG-13"]; N_14 [label="multiple/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="sclerosis/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="and/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="Friedreich/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="'s/POS-18"]; N_19 [label="ataxia/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:to"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_19 [label="nmod:including"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:including"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by caused/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
It is the most common form of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies caused by prions.
digraph { N_1 [label="It/PRP-1"]; N_2 [label="is/VBZ-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="most/RBS-4"]; N_5 [label="common/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="form/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="transmissible/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="spongiform/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="encephalopathies/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="caused/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="by/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="prions/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="./.-14"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="cop"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="acl"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="nmod:by"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
In the same decade, van Vogt also produced collections and fixups such as The Mixed Men (1952), The War Against the Rull (1959), and the two "Clane" novels, Empire of the Atom (1957) and The Wizard of Linn (1962), which were inspired (like Asimov's Foundation series) by Roman imperial history, specifically the reign of Claudius.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="same/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="decade/NN-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="van/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="Vogt/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="also/RB-8"]; N_9 [label="produced/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="collections/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="and/CC-11"]; N_12 [label="fixups/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="such/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="as/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="The/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="Mixed/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="Men/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--18"]; N_19 [label="1952/CD-19"]; N_20 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="The/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="War/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="Against/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="Rull/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--27"]; N_28 [label="1959/CD-28"]; N_29 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--29"]; N_30 [label=",/,-30"]; N_31 [label="and/CC-31"]; N_32 [label="the/DT-32"]; N_33 [label="two/CD-33"]; N_34 [label="``/``-34"]; N_35 [label="Clane/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="''/''-36"]; N_37 [label="novels/NNS-37"]; N_38 [label=",/,-38"]; N_39 [label="Empire/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="of/IN-40"]; N_41 [label="the/DT-41"]; N_42 [label="Atom/NN-42"]; N_43 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--43"]; N_44 [label="1957/CD-44"]; N_45 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--45"]; N_46 [label="and/CC-46"]; N_47 [label="The/DT-47"]; N_48 [label="Wizard/NNP-48"]; N_49 [label="of/IN-49"]; N_50 [label="Linn/NNP-50"]; N_51 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--51"]; N_52 [label="1962/CD-52"]; N_53 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--53"]; N_54 [label=",/,-54"]; N_55 [label="which/WDT-55"]; N_56 [label="were/VBD-56"]; N_57 [label="inspired/VBN-57"]; N_58 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--58"]; N_59 [label="like/IN-59"]; N_60 [label="Asimov/NNP-60"]; N_61 [label="'s/POS-61"]; N_62 [label="Foundation/NNP-62"]; N_63 [label="series/NN-63"]; N_64 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--64"]; N_65 [label="by/IN-65"]; N_66 [label="Roman/NNP-66"]; N_67 [label="imperial/JJ-67"]; N_68 [label="history/NN-68"]; N_69 [label=",/,-69"]; N_70 [label="specifically/RB-70"]; N_71 [label="the/DT-71"]; N_72 [label="reign/NN-72"]; N_73 [label="of/IN-73"]; N_74 [label="Claudius/NNP-74"]; N_75 [label="./.-75"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="advmod"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_75 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_10 -> N_17 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_10 -> N_37 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_10 -> N_23 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="cc"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="conj:and"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="mwe"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="appos"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_37 [label="conj:and"]; N_17 -> N_23 [label="conj:and"]; N_17 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_31 [label="cc"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:against"]; N_23 -> N_28 [label="appos"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_37 -> N_32 [label="det"]; N_37 -> N_33 [label="nummod"]; N_37 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="compound"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_37 -> N_69 [label="punct"]; N_37 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_37 -> N_39 [label="appos"]; N_37 -> N_72 [label="appos"]; N_39 -> N_48 [label="nmod:of"]; N_39 -> N_42 [label="nmod:of"]; N_42 -> N_48 [label="conj:and"]; N_42 -> N_40 [label="case"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="det"]; N_42 -> N_44 [label="appos"]; N_42 -> N_46 [label="cc"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_44 -> N_45 [label="punct"]; N_48 -> N_50 [label="nmod:of"]; N_48 -> N_52 [label="appos"]; N_48 -> N_54 [label="punct"]; N_48 -> N_55 [label="ref"]; N_48 -> N_57 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_48 -> N_47 [label="det"]; N_50 -> N_49 [label="case"]; N_52 -> N_51 [label="punct"]; N_52 -> N_53 [label="punct"]; N_57 -> N_48 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_57 -> N_68 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_57 -> N_56 [label="auxpass"]; N_57 -> N_63 [label="nmod:like"]; N_60 -> N_61 [label="case"]; N_63 -> N_64 [label="punct"]; N_63 -> N_58 [label="punct"]; N_63 -> N_59 [label="case"]; N_63 -> N_60 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_63 -> N_62 [label="compound"]; N_68 -> N_65 [label="case"]; N_68 -> N_66 [label="compound"]; N_68 -> N_67 [label="amod"]; N_72 -> N_70 [label="advmod"]; N_72 -> N_71 [label="det"]; N_72 -> N_74 [label="nmod:of"]; N_74 -> N_73 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The outbreak of World War II in September 1939 caused a change in van Vogt's circumstances.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="outbreak/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="World/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="War/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="II/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="September/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="1939/CD-9"]; N_10 [label="caused/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="a/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="change/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="in/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="van/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="Vogt/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="'s/POS-16"]; N_17 [label="circumstances/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label="./.-18"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="nummod"]; N_10 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="nmod:in"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
On Christmas Eve 1968, the Americans announced that Kurosawa had left the production due to "fatigue", effectively firing him.
digraph { N_1 [label="On/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="Christmas/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="Eve/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="1968/CD-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="Americans/NNPS-7"]; N_8 [label="announced/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="that/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="Kurosawa/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="had/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="left/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="production/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="due/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="to/TO-16"]; N_17 [label="``/``-17"]; N_18 [label="fatigue/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="''/''-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="effectively/RB-21"]; N_22 [label="firing/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="him/PRP-23"]; N_24 [label="./.-24"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="nummod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_3 [label="nmod:on"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="ccomp"]; N_12 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_22 [label="dep"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="aux"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:to"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="advmod"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
Although the script, like all of Kurosawa's occupation-era works, had to go through forced rewrites due to American censorship, Kurosawa felt that this was the first film in which he was able to express himself freely.
digraph { N_1 [label="Although/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="script/NN-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="like/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="all/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="Kurosawa/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="'s/POS-9"]; N_10 [label="occupation-era/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="works/VBZ-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="had/VBD-13"]; N_14 [label="to/TO-14"]; N_15 [label="go/VB-15"]; N_16 [label="through/RB-16"]; N_17 [label="forced/VBN-17"]; N_18 [label="rewrites/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="due/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="to/TO-20"]; N_21 [label="American/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="censorship/NN-22"]; N_23 [label=",/,-23"]; N_24 [label="Kurosawa/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="felt/VBD-25"]; N_26 [label="that/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="this/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="was/VBD-28"]; N_29 [label="the/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="first/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="film/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="in/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="which/WDT-33"]; N_34 [label="he/PRP-34"]; N_35 [label="was/VBD-35"]; N_36 [label="able/JJ-36"]; N_37 [label="to/TO-37"]; N_38 [label="express/VB-38"]; N_39 [label="himself/PRP-39"]; N_40 [label="freely/RB-40"]; N_41 [label="./.-41"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_11 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_11 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_6 [label="nmod:like"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="advcl:although"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="xcomp"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:through"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="mark"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="nmod:to"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_41 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_13 [label="ccomp"]; N_25 -> N_31 [label="ccomp"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="ref"]; N_31 -> N_36 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_31 -> N_26 [label="mark"]; N_31 -> N_27 [label="nsubj"]; N_31 -> N_28 [label="cop"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="nsubj"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="cop"]; N_36 -> N_38 [label="xcomp"]; N_36 -> N_31 [label="nmod:in"]; N_38 -> N_34 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="mark"]; N_38 -> N_39 [label="dobj"]; N_38 -> N_40 [label="advmod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj causing/VBG +dobj [[effect]]/N
In 1954, nuclear tests in the Pacific were causing radioactive rainstorms in Japan and one particular incident in March had exposed a Japanese fishing boat to nuclear fallout, with disastrous results.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="1954/CD-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="nuclear/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="tests/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="in/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="Pacific/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="were/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="causing/VBG-10"]; N_11 [label="radioactive/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="rainstorms/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="in/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="Japan/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="and/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="one/CD-16"]; N_17 [label="particular/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="incident/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="in/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="March/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="had/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="exposed/VBN-22"]; N_23 [label="a/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="Japanese/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="fishing/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="boat/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="to/TO-27"]; N_28 [label="nuclear/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="fallout/NN-29"]; N_30 [label=",/,-30"]; N_31 [label="with/IN-31"]; N_32 [label="disastrous/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="results/NNS-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_33 [label="nmod:with"]; N_10 -> N_2 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="aux"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="nummod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="nmod:in"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="aux"]; N_22 -> N_26 [label="dobj"]; N_22 -> N_29 [label="nmod:to"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="compound"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj contributed/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Posthumously, he was named "Asian of the Century" in the "Arts, Literature, and Culture" category by AsianWeek magazine and CNN, cited there as being among the five people who most prominently contributed to the improvement of Asia in the 20th century.
digraph { N_1 [label="Posthumously/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="he/PRP-3"]; N_4 [label="was/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="named/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="``/``-6"]; N_7 [label="Asian/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="Century/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="''/''-11"]; N_12 [label="in/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="``/``-14"]; N_15 [label="Arts/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="Literature/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="and/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="Culture/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="''/''-21"]; N_22 [label="category/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="by/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="AsianWeek/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="magazine/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="and/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="CNN/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label=",/,-28"]; N_29 [label="cited/VBD-29"]; N_30 [label="there/RB-30"]; N_31 [label="as/IN-31"]; N_32 [label="being/VBG-32"]; N_33 [label="among/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="the/DT-34"]; N_35 [label="five/CD-35"]; N_36 [label="people/NNS-36"]; N_37 [label="who/WP-37"]; N_38 [label="most/JJS-38"]; N_39 [label="prominently/RB-39"]; N_40 [label="contributed/VBD-40"]; N_41 [label="to/TO-41"]; N_42 [label="the/DT-42"]; N_43 [label="improvement/NN-43"]; N_44 [label="of/IN-44"]; N_45 [label="Asia/NNP-45"]; N_46 [label="in/IN-46"]; N_47 [label="the/DT-47"]; N_48 [label="20th/JJ-48"]; N_49 [label="century/NN-49"]; N_50 [label="./.-50"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="auxpass"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_50 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_29 [label="dep"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="appos"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="nmod:by"]; N_22 -> N_27 [label="nmod:by"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="compound"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_29 -> N_36 [label="advcl:as"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="advmod"]; N_36 -> N_32 [label="cop"]; N_36 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="nummod"]; N_36 -> N_37 [label="ref"]; N_36 -> N_40 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_36 -> N_31 [label="mark"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="advmod"]; N_40 -> N_36 [label="nsubj"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="advmod"]; N_40 -> N_43 [label="nmod:to"]; N_43 -> N_49 [label="nmod:in"]; N_43 -> N_41 [label="case"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="det"]; N_43 -> N_45 [label="nmod:of"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="case"]; N_49 -> N_48 [label="amod"]; N_49 -> N_46 [label="case"]; N_49 -> N_47 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The picture lost money and caused the Club of the Four Knights to dissolve.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="picture/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="lost/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="money/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="and/CC-5"]; N_6 [label="caused/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="Club/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="Four/CD-11"]; N_12 [label="Knights/NNPS-12"]; N_13 [label="to/TO-13"]; N_14 [label="dissolve/VB-14"]; N_15 [label="./.-15"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="conj:and"]; N_3 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_14 [label="xcomp"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nummod"]; N_14 -> N_8 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="mark"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The commercial and critical success of that film opened up Western film markets for the first time to the products of the Japanese film industry, which in turn led to international recognition for other Japanese filmmakers.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="commercial/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="and/CC-3"]; N_4 [label="critical/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="success/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="that/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="film/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="opened/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="up/RP-10"]; N_11 [label="Western/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="film/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="markets/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="for/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="first/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="time/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="to/TO-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="products/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="of/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="Japanese/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="film/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="industry/NN-25"]; N_26 [label=",/,-26"]; N_27 [label="which/WDT-27"]; N_28 [label="in/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="turn/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="led/VBD-30"]; N_31 [label="to/TO-31"]; N_32 [label="international/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="recognition/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="for/IN-34"]; N_35 [label="other/JJ-35"]; N_36 [label="Japanese/JJ-36"]; N_37 [label="filmmakers/NNS-37"]; N_38 [label="./.-38"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_17 [label="nmod:for"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="compound:prt"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="nmod:to"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_25 [label="nmod:of"]; N_20 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_27 [label="ref"]; N_20 -> N_30 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_25 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="compound"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_33 [label="nmod:to"]; N_30 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="nmod:in"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_37 [label="nmod:for"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_34 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
This success in turn led to a vogue in America and the West for Japanese movies throughout the 1950s, replacing the enthusiasm for Italian neorealist cinema.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="success/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="in/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="turn/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="led/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="a/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="vogue/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="America/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="and/CC-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="West/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="for/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="Japanese/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="movies/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="throughout/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="1950s/CD-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="replacing/VBG-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="enthusiasm/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="for/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="Italian/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="neorealist/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="cinema/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:in"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_21 [label="xcomp"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:to"]; N_5 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_13 [label="nmod:to"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="cc"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:for"]; N_13 -> N_19 [label="nmod:throughout"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="nmod:for"]; N_27 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by caused/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Kurosawa was examined at Kyoto University Hospital by a neuropsychologist, Dr. Murakami, whose diagnosis was forwarded to Darryl Zanuck and Richard Zanuck at Fox studios indicating a diagnosis of neurasthenia stating that, "He is suffering from disturbance of sleep, agitated with feelings of anxiety and in manic excitement caused by the above mentioned illness.
digraph { N_1 [label="Kurosawa/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="was/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="examined/VBN-3"]; N_4 [label="at/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="Kyoto/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="University/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="Hospital/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="by/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="a/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="neuropsychologist/NN-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="Dr./NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="Murakami/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="whose/WP$-15"]; N_16 [label="diagnosis/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="was/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="forwarded/VBN-18"]; N_19 [label="to/TO-19"]; N_20 [label="Darryl/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="Zanuck/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="and/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="Richard/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="Zanuck/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="at/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="Fox/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="studios/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="indicating/VBG-28"]; N_29 [label="a/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="diagnosis/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="of/IN-31"]; N_32 [label="neurasthenia/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label="stating/VBG-33"]; N_34 [label="that/IN-34"]; N_35 [label=",/,-35"]; N_36 [label="``/``-36"]; N_37 [label="He/PRP-37"]; N_38 [label="is/VBZ-38"]; N_39 [label="suffering/VBG-39"]; N_40 [label="from/IN-40"]; N_41 [label="disturbance/NN-41"]; N_42 [label="of/IN-42"]; N_43 [label="sleep/NN-43"]; N_44 [label=",/,-44"]; N_45 [label="agitated/VBN-45"]; N_46 [label="with/IN-46"]; N_47 [label="feelings/NNS-47"]; N_48 [label="of/IN-48"]; N_49 [label="anxiety/NN-49"]; N_50 [label="and/CC-50"]; N_51 [label="in/IN-51"]; N_52 [label="manic/JJ-52"]; N_53 [label="excitement/NN-53"]; N_54 [label="caused/VBN-54"]; N_55 [label="by/IN-55"]; N_56 [label="the/DT-56"]; N_57 [label="above/JJ-57"]; N_58 [label="mentioned/VBN-58"]; N_59 [label="illness/NN-59"]; N_60 [label="./.-60"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="auxpass"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="nmod:at"]; N_3 -> N_10 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_3 -> N_60 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_18 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_10 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_39 [label="dep"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="appos"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_15 [label="ref"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_10 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="auxpass"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="nmod:to"]; N_18 -> N_24 [label="nmod:to"]; N_18 -> N_27 [label="nmod:at"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="conj:and"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="acl"]; N_28 -> N_30 [label="dobj"]; N_30 -> N_32 [label="nmod:of"]; N_30 -> N_33 [label="acl"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_34 [label="dobj"]; N_39 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_39 -> N_37 [label="nsubj"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="aux"]; N_39 -> N_41 [label="nmod:from"]; N_39 -> N_44 [label="punct"]; N_39 -> N_45 [label="dep"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="case"]; N_41 -> N_43 [label="nmod:of"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="case"]; N_45 -> N_53 [label="nmod:with"]; N_45 -> N_47 [label="nmod:with"]; N_47 -> N_49 [label="nmod:of"]; N_47 -> N_50 [label="cc"]; N_47 -> N_53 [label="conj:and"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="case"]; N_49 -> N_48 [label="case"]; N_53 -> N_51 [label="case"]; N_53 -> N_52 [label="amod"]; N_53 -> N_54 [label="acl"]; N_54 -> N_59 [label="nmod:by"]; N_59 -> N_55 [label="case"]; N_59 -> N_56 [label="det"]; N_59 -> N_57 [label="amod"]; N_59 -> N_58 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj contributed/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
In 1999 he was named "Asian of the Century" in the "Arts, Literature, and Culture" category by AsianWeek magazine and CNN, cited as "one of the [five] people who contributed most to the betterment of Asia in the past 100 years".
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="1999/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="he/PRP-3"]; N_4 [label="was/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="named/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="``/``-6"]; N_7 [label="Asian/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="Century/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="''/''-11"]; N_12 [label="in/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="``/``-14"]; N_15 [label="Arts/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="Literature/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="and/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="Culture/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="''/''-21"]; N_22 [label="category/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="by/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="AsianWeek/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="magazine/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="and/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="CNN/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label=",/,-28"]; N_29 [label="cited/VBD-29"]; N_30 [label="as/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="``/``-31"]; N_32 [label="one/CD-32"]; N_33 [label="of/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="the/DT-34"]; N_35 [label="-LSB-/-LRB--35"]; N_36 [label="five/CD-36"]; N_37 [label="-RSB-/-RRB--37"]; N_38 [label="people/NNS-38"]; N_39 [label="who/WP-39"]; N_40 [label="contributed/VBD-40"]; N_41 [label="most/RBS-41"]; N_42 [label="to/TO-42"]; N_43 [label="the/DT-43"]; N_44 [label="betterment/NN-44"]; N_45 [label="of/IN-45"]; N_46 [label="Asia/NNP-46"]; N_47 [label="in/IN-47"]; N_48 [label="the/DT-48"]; N_49 [label="past/JJ-49"]; N_50 [label="100/CD-50"]; N_51 [label="years/NNS-51"]; N_52 [label="''/''-52"]; N_53 [label="./.-53"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="auxpass"]; N_5 -> N_53 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_22 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="xcomp"]; N_5 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_29 [label="xcomp"]; N_5 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="appos"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="nmod:by"]; N_22 -> N_27 [label="nmod:by"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="compound"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="nmod:as"]; N_32 -> N_38 [label="nmod:of"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_38 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_38 -> N_34 [label="det"]; N_38 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="nummod"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_38 -> N_39 [label="ref"]; N_38 -> N_40 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_40 -> N_51 [label="nmod:in"]; N_40 -> N_38 [label="nsubj"]; N_40 -> N_41 [label="advmod"]; N_40 -> N_44 [label="nmod:to"]; N_44 -> N_42 [label="case"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="det"]; N_44 -> N_46 [label="nmod:of"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="case"]; N_51 -> N_48 [label="det"]; N_51 -> N_49 [label="amod"]; N_51 -> N_50 [label="nummod"]; N_51 -> N_52 [label="punct"]; N_51 -> N_47 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
For the screenplay, Kurosawa brought in Hashimoto as well as writer Hideo Oguni, who would go on to co-write 12 Kurosawa films.
digraph { N_1 [label="For/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="screenplay/NN-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="Kurosawa/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="brought/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="in/RP-7"]; N_8 [label="Hashimoto/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="as/RB-9"]; N_10 [label="well/RB-10"]; N_11 [label="as/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="writer/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="Hideo/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="Oguni/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="who/WP-16"]; N_17 [label="would/MD-17"]; N_18 [label="go/VB-18"]; N_19 [label="on/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="to/TO-20"]; N_21 [label="co-write/VB-21"]; N_22 [label="12/CD-22"]; N_23 [label="Kurosawa/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="films/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="./.-25"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nmod:for"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="compound:prt"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_16 [label="ref"]; N_8 -> N_18 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="cc"]; N_8 -> N_14 [label="conj:and"]; N_8 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="mwe"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="mwe"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="aux"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="compound:prt"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="xcomp"]; N_18 -> N_8 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="mark"]; N_21 -> N_8 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="dobj"]; N_21 -> N_14 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="nummod"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
However, the high price tag of its products and limited software titles caused problems, as did power struggles between executives at the company.
digraph { N_1 [label="However/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="high/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="price/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="tag/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="its/PRP$-8"]; N_9 [label="products/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="and/CC-10"]; N_11 [label="limited/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="software/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="titles/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="caused/VBD-14"]; N_15 [label="problems/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="as/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="did/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label="power/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="struggles/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="between/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="executives/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="at/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="company/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="./.-26"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="conj:and"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_14 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="advcl"]; N_14 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_14 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="dep"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="nmod:between"]; N_20 -> N_25 [label="nmod:at"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Alongside peer entities such as Atari and Cisco Systems, Apple was featured in the documentary Something Ventured, which premiered in 2011 and explored the three-decade era that led to the establishment and dominance of Silicon Valley.
digraph { N_1 [label="Alongside/RB-1"]; N_2 [label="peer/VB-2"]; N_3 [label="entities/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="such/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="as/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="Atari/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="and/CC-7"]; N_8 [label="Cisco/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="Systems/NNPS-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="Apple/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="was/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="featured/VBN-13"]; N_14 [label="in/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="documentary/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="Something/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="Ventured/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="which/WDT-20"]; N_21 [label="premiered/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="in/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="2011/CD-23"]; N_24 [label="and/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="explored/VBD-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="three-decade/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="era/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="that/WDT-29"]; N_30 [label="led/VBD-30"]; N_31 [label="to/TO-31"]; N_32 [label="the/DT-32"]; N_33 [label="establishment/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="and/CC-34"]; N_35 [label="dominance/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="of/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="Silicon/NNP-37"]; N_38 [label="Valley/NNP-38"]; N_39 [label="./.-39"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="mwe"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="cc"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_2 [label="advcl"]; N_13 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="auxpass"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="acl"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="ref"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_17 -> N_25 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="nmod:in"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="conj:and"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="dobj"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="ref"]; N_28 -> N_30 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_30 -> N_33 [label="nmod:to"]; N_30 -> N_35 [label="nmod:to"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="nsubj"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="det"]; N_33 -> N_34 [label="cc"]; N_33 -> N_35 [label="conj:and"]; N_33 -> N_38 [label="nmod:of"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="case"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
From 1997 to 2002, the slogan "Think Different" was used in advertising campaigns, and is still closely associated with Apple.
digraph { N_1 [label="From/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="1997/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="to/TO-3"]; N_4 [label="2002/CD-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="slogan/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="``/``-8"]; N_9 [label="Think/VBP-9"]; N_10 [label="Different/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="''/''-11"]; N_12 [label="was/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="used/VBN-13"]; N_14 [label="in/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="advertising/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="campaigns/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="and/CC-18"]; N_19 [label="is/VBZ-19"]; N_20 [label="still/RB-20"]; N_21 [label="closely/RB-21"]; N_22 [label="associated/VBN-22"]; N_23 [label="with/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="Apple/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="./.-25"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:to"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="nmod:from"]; N_9 -> N_18 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="ccomp"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="auxpass"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="auxpass"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="advmod"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="advmod"]; N_22 -> N_7 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="nmod:with"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
The news followed Cook's acknowledgment of the country in July when sales results showed that iPhone sales in India grew 400% during the second quarter of 2013.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="news/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="followed/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="Cook/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="'s/POS-5"]; N_6 [label="acknowledgment/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="country/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="in/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="July/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="when/WRB-12"]; N_13 [label="sales/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="results/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="showed/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="that/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="iPhone/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="sales/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="in/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="India/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="grew/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="400/CD-22"]; N_23 [label="%/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="during/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="second/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="quarter/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="of/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="2013/CD-29"]; N_30 [label="./.-30"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_3 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_15 [label="advcl"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="ccomp"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="advmod"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="nmod:in"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_16 [label="mark"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_21 -> N_27 [label="nmod:during"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="nummod"]; N_27 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="nmod:of"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Later that year, Apple again refreshed its iPod line of MP3 players by introducing a multi-touch iPod Nano, an iPod Touch with FaceTime, and an iPod Shuffle that brought back the buttons of earlier generations.
digraph { N_1 [label="Later/RB-1"]; N_2 [label="that/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="year/NN-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="Apple/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="again/RB-6"]; N_7 [label="refreshed/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="its/PRP$-8"]; N_9 [label="iPod/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="line/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="MP3/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="players/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="by/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="introducing/VBG-15"]; N_16 [label="a/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="multi-touch/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="iPod/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="Nano/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="an/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="iPod/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="Touch/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="with/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="FaceTime/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label=",/,-26"]; N_27 [label="and/CC-27"]; N_28 [label="an/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="iPod/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="Shuffle/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="that/WDT-31"]; N_32 [label="brought/VBD-32"]; N_33 [label="back/RP-33"]; N_34 [label="the/DT-34"]; N_35 [label="buttons/NNS-35"]; N_36 [label="of/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="earlier/JJR-37"]; N_38 [label="generations/NNS-38"]; N_39 [label="./.-39"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="nmod:tmod"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_15 [label="advcl:by"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="mark"]; N_15 -> N_30 [label="dobj"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_23 [label="conj:and"]; N_19 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_27 [label="cc"]; N_19 -> N_30 [label="conj:and"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="nmod:with"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_32 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="compound"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="ref"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="compound:prt"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="dobj"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="nsubj"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="det"]; N_35 -> N_38 [label="nmod:of"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj generate/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
The colored stripes were conceived to make the logo more accessible, and to represent the fact the Apple II could generate graphics in color.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="colored/VBN-2"]; N_3 [label="stripes/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="were/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="conceived/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="make/VB-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="logo/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="more/RBR-10"]; N_11 [label="accessible/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="and/CC-13"]; N_14 [label="to/TO-14"]; N_15 [label="represent/VB-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="fact/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="Apple/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="II/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="could/MD-21"]; N_22 [label="generate/VB-22"]; N_23 [label="graphics/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="in/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="color/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="./.-26"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="auxpass"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="xcomp"]; N_5 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_13 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="mark"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="xcomp"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="advmod"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="mark"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_22 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="aux"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="nmod:in"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
This increased to 116,000 full-time employees the next year, a notable hiring decrease, largely due to its first revenue decline.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="increased/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="to/TO-3"]; N_4 [label="116,000/CD-4"]; N_5 [label="full-time/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="employees/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="next/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="year/NN-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="a/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="notable/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="hiring/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="decrease/NN-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="largely/RB-16"]; N_17 [label="due/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="to/TO-18"]; N_19 [label="its/PRP$-19"]; N_20 [label="first/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="revenue/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="decline/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:to"]; N_2 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="nmod:tmod"]; N_2 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_14 [label="nmod:npmod"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nummod"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_22 [label="nmod:to"]; N_22 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The Christmas season of 1989 was the first in the company's history that saw declining sales, and led to a 20% drop in Apple's stock price.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Christmas/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="season/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="1989/CD-5"]; N_6 [label="was/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="first/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="company/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="'s/POS-12"]; N_13 [label="history/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="that/WDT-14"]; N_15 [label="saw/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="declining/VBG-16"]; N_17 [label="sales/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="and/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="led/VBD-20"]; N_21 [label="to/TO-21"]; N_22 [label="a/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="20/CD-23"]; N_24 [label="%/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="drop/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="in/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="Apple/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label="'s/POS-28"]; N_29 [label="stock/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="price/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_8 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="cop"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="ref"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_25 [label="nmod:to"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_25 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_30 [label="nmod:in"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_27 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The development of Key Grip also led to Apple's release of the consumer video-editing product iMovie in October 1999.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="development/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="Key/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="Grip/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="also/RB-6"]; N_7 [label="led/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="Apple/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="'s/POS-10"]; N_11 [label="release/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="consumer/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="video-editing/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="product/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="iMovie/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="in/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="October/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="1999/CD-20"]; N_21 [label="./.-21"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_17 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_19 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj causes/VBZ +dobj [[effect]]/N
Apple's notable brand loyalty among consumers causes long lines of hundreds of people at new Apple Store openings or product releases.
digraph { N_1 [label="Apple/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="'s/POS-2"]; N_3 [label="notable/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="brand/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="loyalty/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="among/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="consumers/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="causes/VBZ-8"]; N_9 [label="long/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="lines/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="hundreds/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="of/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="people/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="at/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="new/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="Apple/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="Store/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="openings/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="or/CC-20"]; N_21 [label="product/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="releases/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:among"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_19 [label="nmod:at"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_22 [label="nmod:at"]; N_8 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="cc"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="conj:or"]; N_19 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N +acl resulting/VBG +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
The Foxconn suicides occurred between January and November 2010, when 18 Foxconn (Chinese: 富士康) employees attempted suicide, resulting in 14 deaths—the company was the world's largest contract electronics manufacturer, for clients including Apple, at the time.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Foxconn/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="suicides/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="occurred/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="between/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="January/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="and/CC-7"]; N_8 [label="November/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="2010/CD-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="when/WRB-11"]; N_12 [label="18/CD-12"]; N_13 [label="Foxconn/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--14"]; N_15 [label="Chinese/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label=":/:-16"]; N_17 [label="富士康/CD-17"]; N_18 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--18"]; N_19 [label="employees/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="attempted/VBD-20"]; N_21 [label="suicide/NN-21"]; N_22 [label=",/,-22"]; N_23 [label="resulting/VBG-23"]; N_24 [label="in/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="14/CD-25"]; N_26 [label="deaths/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="--/:-27"]; N_28 [label="the/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="company/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="was/VBD-30"]; N_31 [label="the/DT-31"]; N_32 [label="world/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="'s/POS-33"]; N_34 [label="largest/JJS-34"]; N_35 [label="contract/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="electronics/NNS-36"]; N_37 [label="manufacturer/NN-37"]; N_38 [label=",/,-38"]; N_39 [label="for/IN-39"]; N_40 [label="clients/NNS-40"]; N_41 [label="including/VBG-41"]; N_42 [label="Apple/NNP-42"]; N_43 [label=",/,-43"]; N_44 [label="at/IN-44"]; N_45 [label="the/DT-45"]; N_46 [label="time/NN-46"]; N_47 [label="./.-47"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_37 [label="dep"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:between"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:between"]; N_4 -> N_47 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_20 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="cc"]; N_6 -> N_23 [label="acl"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="nummod"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="nummod"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="dep"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_15 [label="dep"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="dobj"]; N_20 -> N_11 [label="advmod"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:in"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="nummod"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="det"]; N_37 -> N_32 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_37 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="compound"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="compound"]; N_37 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_37 -> N_40 [label="nmod:for"]; N_37 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_37 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_37 -> N_29 [label="nsubj"]; N_37 -> N_30 [label="cop"]; N_37 -> N_46 [label="nmod:at"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="case"]; N_40 -> N_42 [label="nmod:including"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="case"]; N_46 -> N_44 [label="case"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
Later that year, Apple introduced three lower cost models, the Macintosh Classic, Macintosh LC and Macintosh IIsi, all of which saw significant sales due to pent-up demand.
digraph { N_1 [label="Later/RB-1"]; N_2 [label="that/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="year/NN-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="Apple/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="introduced/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="three/CD-7"]; N_8 [label="lower/JJR-8"]; N_9 [label="cost/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="models/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="Macintosh/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="Classic/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="Macintosh/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="LC/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="and/CC-18"]; N_19 [label="Macintosh/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="IIsi/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="all/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="of/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="which/WDT-24"]; N_25 [label="saw/VBD-25"]; N_26 [label="significant/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="sales/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="due/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="to/TO-29"]; N_30 [label="pent-up/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="demand/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="./.-32"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nmod:tmod"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_10 -> N_17 [label="appos"]; N_10 -> N_20 [label="appos"]; N_10 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="nummod"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_24 [label="ref"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_25 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="appos"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="cc"]; N_14 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="dobj"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="nmod:to"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The success of Apple's lower-cost consumer models, especially the LC, also led to cannibalization of their higher priced machines.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="success/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="Apple/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="'s/POS-5"]; N_6 [label="lower-cost/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="consumer/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="models/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label=",/,-9"]; N_10 [label="especially/RB-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="LC/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="also/RB-14"]; N_15 [label="led/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="to/TO-16"]; N_17 [label="cannibalization/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="of/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="their/PRP$-19"]; N_20 [label="higher/JJR-20"]; N_21 [label="priced/VBN-21"]; N_22 [label="machines/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="appos"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="advmod"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="nmod:to"]; N_15 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_15 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_22 [label="nmod:of"]; N_22 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The combined problems of the week on both macOS and iOS caused The Verges Tom Warren to call it a "nightmare" for Apple's software engineers and described it as a significant lapse in Apple's ability to protect its more than 1 billion devices.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="combined/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="problems/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="week/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="on/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="both/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="macOS/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="and/CC-10"]; N_11 [label="iOS/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="caused/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="The/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="Verges/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="Tom/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="Warren/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="to/TO-17"]; N_18 [label="call/VB-18"]; N_19 [label="it/PRP-19"]; N_20 [label="a/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="``/``-21"]; N_22 [label="nightmare/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="''/''-23"]; N_24 [label="for/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="Apple/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="'s/POS-26"]; N_27 [label="software/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="engineers/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label="and/CC-29"]; N_30 [label="described/VBD-30"]; N_31 [label="it/PRP-31"]; N_32 [label="as/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="a/DT-33"]; N_34 [label="significant/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="lapse/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="in/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="Apple/NNP-37"]; N_38 [label="'s/POS-38"]; N_39 [label="ability/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="to/TO-40"]; N_41 [label="protect/VB-41"]; N_42 [label="its/PRP$-42"]; N_43 [label="more/JJR-43"]; N_44 [label="than/IN-44"]; N_45 [label="1/CD-45"]; N_46 [label="billion/CD-46"]; N_47 [label="devices/NNS-47"]; N_48 [label="./.-48"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="nmod:on"]; N_3 -> N_11 [label="nmod:on"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="cc:preconj"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="conj:and"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_48 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_18 [label="xcomp"]; N_12 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_29 [label="cc"]; N_12 -> N_30 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="mark"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="xcomp"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_28 [label="nmod:for"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="compound"]; N_30 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_30 -> N_35 [label="nmod:as"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="dobj"]; N_35 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="det"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_39 [label="nmod:in"]; N_37 -> N_38 [label="case"]; N_39 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_39 -> N_37 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_39 -> N_41 [label="acl:to"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="mark"]; N_41 -> N_47 [label="dobj"]; N_43 -> N_44 [label="mwe"]; N_46 -> N_43 [label="advmod"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="compound"]; N_47 -> N_42 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
In 2006, the Mail on Sunday reported on the working conditions of the Chinese factories where contract manufacturers Foxconn and Inventec produced the iPod.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="2006/CD-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="Mail/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="on/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="Sunday/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="reported/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="on/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="working/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="conditions/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="of/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="Chinese/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="factories/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="where/WRB-17"]; N_18 [label="contract/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="manufacturers/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="Foxconn/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="Inventec/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="produced/VBD-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="iPod/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="./.-26"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_2 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nmod:on"]; N_8 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="nmod:on"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_23 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_23 -> N_17 [label="advmod"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="nsubj"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="dobj"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Argon-36, in the form of argon hydride (argonium) ions, has been detected in interstellar medium associated with the Crab Nebula supernova; this was the first noble-gas molecule detected in outer space.
digraph { N_1 [label="Argon-36/NN-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="in/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="form/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="argon/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="hydride/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--9"]; N_10 [label="argonium/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--11"]; N_12 [label="ions/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="has/VBZ-14"]; N_15 [label="been/VBN-15"]; N_16 [label="detected/VBN-16"]; N_17 [label="in/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="interstellar/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="medium/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="associated/VBN-20"]; N_21 [label="with/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="Crab/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="Nebula/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="supernova/NN-25"]; N_26 [label=";/:-26"]; N_27 [label="this/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="was/VBD-28"]; N_29 [label="the/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="first/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="noble-gas/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="molecule/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="detected/VBN-33"]; N_34 [label="in/IN-34"]; N_35 [label="outer/JJ-35"]; N_36 [label="space/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="./.-37"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="appos"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="dep"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_32 [label="parataxis"]; N_16 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_16 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:in"]; N_16 -> N_5 [label="nmod:in"]; N_16 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="aux"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="auxpass"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="acl"]; N_20 -> N_25 [label="nmod:with"]; N_25 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="compound"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="acl"]; N_32 -> N_27 [label="nsubj"]; N_32 -> N_28 [label="cop"]; N_32 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_36 [label="nmod:in"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
For some of these processes, the presence of nitrogen or oxygen gases might cause defects within the material.
digraph { N_1 [label="For/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="some/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="these/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="processes/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="presence/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="nitrogen/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="or/CC-11"]; N_12 [label="oxygen/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="gases/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="might/MD-14"]; N_15 [label="cause/VB-15"]; N_16 [label="defects/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="within/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="material/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="cc"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="conj:or"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_2 [label="nmod:for"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="nmod:within"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_8 [label="nsubj"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="aux"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Johnston halted McClellan's advance at the Battle of Seven Pines, but suffered a wound which resulted in his death, and Robert E. Lee assumed his position of command.
digraph { N_1 [label="Johnston/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="halted/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="McClellan/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="'s/POS-4"]; N_5 [label="advance/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="at/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="Battle/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="Seven/CD-10"]; N_11 [label="Pines/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="but/CC-13"]; N_14 [label="suffered/VBD-14"]; N_15 [label="a/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="wound/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="which/WDT-17"]; N_18 [label="resulted/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label="in/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="his/PRP$-20"]; N_21 [label="death/NN-21"]; N_22 [label=",/,-22"]; N_23 [label="and/CC-23"]; N_24 [label="Robert/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="E./NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="Lee/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="assumed/VBD-27"]; N_28 [label="his/PRP$-28"]; N_29 [label="position/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="of/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="command/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="./.-32"]; N_2 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_23 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="nmod:at"]; N_2 -> N_27 [label="conj:but"]; N_2 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_13 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_14 [label="conj:but"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="nummod"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="ref"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="nmod:in"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="compound"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="compound"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="dobj"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_29 -> N_31 [label="nmod:of"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
The war resulted in at least 1,030,000 casualties (3 percent of the population), including about 620,000 soldier deaths—two-thirds by disease, and 50,000 civilians.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="war/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="resulted/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="in/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="at/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="least/JJS-6"]; N_7 [label="1,030,000/CD-7"]; N_8 [label="casualties/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--9"]; N_10 [label="3/CD-10"]; N_11 [label="percent/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="population/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="including/VBG-17"]; N_18 [label="about/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="620,000/CD-19"]; N_20 [label="soldier/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="deaths/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="--/:-22"]; N_23 [label="two-thirds/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="by/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="disease/NN-25"]; N_26 [label=",/,-26"]; N_27 [label="and/CC-27"]; N_28 [label="50,000/CD-28"]; N_29 [label="civilians/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label="./.-30"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_8 [label="nmod:in"]; N_3 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="nmod:npmod"]; N_8 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_21 [label="nmod:including"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nummod"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="dep"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="nummod"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="nummod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="dep"]; N_21 -> N_29 [label="dep"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="nmod:by"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="cc"]; N_23 -> N_29 [label="conj:and"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:from resulted/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Sectionalism resulted from the different economies, social structure, customs and political values of the North and South.
digraph { N_1 [label="Sectionalism/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="resulted/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="from/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="different/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="economies/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="social/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="structure/NN-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="customs/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="and/CC-12"]; N_13 [label="political/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="values/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="North/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="and/CC-18"]; N_19 [label="South/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:from"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="nmod:from"]; N_2 -> N_11 [label="nmod:from"]; N_2 -> N_14 [label="nmod:from"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_12 [label="cc"]; N_6 -> N_14 [label="conj:and"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="cc"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="conj:and"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N +nsubj causes/NNS +nmod:of [[effect]]/N
The causes of the war, the reasons for its outcome, and even the name of the war itself are subjects of lingering contention today.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="causes/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="war/NN-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="reasons/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="for/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="its/PRP$-10"]; N_11 [label="outcome/NN-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="and/CC-13"]; N_14 [label="even/RB-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="name/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="of/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="war/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="itself/PRP-20"]; N_21 [label="are/VBP-21"]; N_22 [label="subjects/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="of/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="lingering/VBG-24"]; N_25 [label="contention/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="today/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_2 -> N_16 [label="conj:and"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="conj:and"]; N_2 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_13 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:for"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="advmod"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="nmod:npmod"]; N_22 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="cop"]; N_22 -> N_8 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="nmod:of"]; N_22 -> N_26 [label="nmod:tmod"]; N_22 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Ken Burns produced a notable PBS series on television titled The Civil War (1990).
digraph { N_1 [label="Ken/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="Burns/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="produced/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="a/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="notable/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="PBS/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="series/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="on/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="television/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="titled/VBN-10"]; N_11 [label="The/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="Civil/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="War/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--14"]; N_15 [label="1990/CD-15"]; N_16 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--16"]; N_17 [label="./.-17"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_3 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:on"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="acl"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="appos"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
The "cotton states" of Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas followed suit, seceding in January and February 1861.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="``/``-2"]; N_3 [label="cotton/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="states/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="''/''-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="Mississippi/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="Florida/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="Alabama/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="Georgia/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="Louisiana/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="and/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="Texas/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="followed/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="suit/NN-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="seceding/VBG-22"]; N_23 [label="in/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="January/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="and/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="February/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="1861/CD-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:of"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_4 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_4 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_4 -> N_15 [label="nmod:of"]; N_7 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_13 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_19 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="advcl"]; N_19 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="nmod:in"]; N_22 -> N_26 [label="nmod:in"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Each battle resulted in setbacks for the Union that mirrored what they had suffered under prior generals, though unlike those prior generals, Grant fought on rather than retreat.
digraph { N_1 [label="Each/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="battle/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="resulted/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="in/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="setbacks/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="for/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="Union/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="that/WDT-9"]; N_10 [label="mirrored/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="what/WP-11"]; N_12 [label="they/PRP-12"]; N_13 [label="had/VBD-13"]; N_14 [label="suffered/VBN-14"]; N_15 [label="under/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="prior/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="generals/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="though/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="unlike/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="those/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="prior/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="generals/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label=",/,-24"]; N_25 [label="Grant/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="fought/VBD-26"]; N_27 [label="on/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="rather/RB-28"]; N_29 [label="than/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="retreat/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:in"]; N_3 -> N_26 [label="advcl:though"]; N_3 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:for"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="ref"]; N_5 -> N_10 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="ccomp"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="nmod:under"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="nsubj"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="aux"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_19 [label="mark"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="nmod:unlike"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="nsubj"]; N_26 -> N_30 [label="nmod:rather_than"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="mwe"]; N_30 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ +nsubj [[effect]]/N
199,790 died of disease (75 percent was due to the war, the remainder would have occurred in civilian life anyway) 24,866 died in Confederate prison camps 9,058 killed by accidents or drowning 15,741 other/unknown deaths 359,528 total dead In addition there were 4,523 deaths in the Navy (2,112 in battle) and 460 in the Marines (148 in battle).
digraph { N_1 [label="199,790/CD-1"]; N_2 [label="died/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="disease/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--5"]; N_6 [label="75/CD-6"]; N_7 [label="percent/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="was/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="due/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="war/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="remainder/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="would/MD-16"]; N_17 [label="have/VB-17"]; N_18 [label="occurred/VBN-18"]; N_19 [label="in/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="civilian/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="life/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="anyway/RB-22"]; N_23 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--23"]; N_24 [label="24,866/CD-24"]; N_25 [label="died/VBD-25"]; N_26 [label="in/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="Confederate/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="prison/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="camps/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label="9,058/CD-30"]; N_31 [label="killed/VBN-31"]; N_32 [label="by/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="accidents/NNS-33"]; N_34 [label="or/CC-34"]; N_35 [label="drowning/VBG-35"]; N_36 [label="15,741/CD-36"]; N_37 [label="other/unknown/JJ-37"]; N_38 [label="deaths/NNS-38"]; N_39 [label="359,528/CD-39"]; N_40 [label="total/JJ-40"]; N_41 [label="dead/JJ-41"]; N_42 [label="In/IN-42"]; N_43 [label="addition/NN-43"]; N_44 [label="there/EX-44"]; N_45 [label="were/VBD-45"]; N_46 [label="4,523/CD-46"]; N_47 [label="deaths/NNS-47"]; N_48 [label="in/IN-48"]; N_49 [label="the/DT-49"]; N_50 [label="Navy/NNP-50"]; N_51 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--51"]; N_52 [label="2,112/CD-52"]; N_53 [label="in/IN-53"]; N_54 [label="battle/NN-54"]; N_55 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--55"]; N_56 [label="and/CC-56"]; N_57 [label="460/CD-57"]; N_58 [label="in/IN-58"]; N_59 [label="the/DT-59"]; N_60 [label="Marines/NNPS-60"]; N_61 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--61"]; N_62 [label="148/CD-62"]; N_63 [label="in/IN-63"]; N_64 [label="battle/NN-64"]; N_65 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--65"]; N_66 [label="./.-66"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_18 [label="ccomp"]; N_2 -> N_66 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="nummod"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="cop"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:to"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="aux"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="aux"]; N_18 -> N_35 [label="ccomp"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="nmod:in"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="advmod"]; N_18 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_25 [label="ccomp"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_34 [label="cc"]; N_25 -> N_35 [label="conj:or"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_29 [label="nmod:in"]; N_29 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="compound"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="nummod"]; N_29 -> N_31 [label="acl"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="nmod:by"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_38 [label="dobj"]; N_35 -> N_24 [label="nsubj"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="nummod"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="amod"]; N_38 -> N_39 [label="nummod"]; N_39 -> N_45 [label="dep"]; N_41 -> N_43 [label="nmod:in"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="case"]; N_45 -> N_40 [label="dep"]; N_45 -> N_41 [label="dep"]; N_45 -> N_57 [label="nsubj"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="expl"]; N_45 -> N_47 [label="nsubj"]; N_47 -> N_50 [label="nmod:in"]; N_47 -> N_52 [label="dep"]; N_47 -> N_56 [label="cc"]; N_47 -> N_57 [label="conj:and"]; N_47 -> N_60 [label="nmod:in"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="nummod"]; N_47 -> N_62 [label="dep"]; N_50 -> N_48 [label="case"]; N_50 -> N_49 [label="det"]; N_52 -> N_51 [label="punct"]; N_52 -> N_54 [label="nmod:in"]; N_52 -> N_55 [label="punct"]; N_54 -> N_53 [label="case"]; N_60 -> N_58 [label="case"]; N_60 -> N_59 [label="det"]; N_62 -> N_64 [label="nmod:in"]; N_62 -> N_65 [label="punct"]; N_62 -> N_61 [label="punct"]; N_64 -> N_63 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
They ignored constitutional issues of states' rights and even ignored American nationalism as the force that finally led to victory in the war.
digraph { N_1 [label="They/PRP-1"]; N_2 [label="ignored/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="constitutional/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="issues/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="of/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="states/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="'/POS-7"]; N_8 [label="rights/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="and/CC-9"]; N_10 [label="even/RB-10"]; N_11 [label="ignored/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="American/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="nationalism/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="as/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="force/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="that/WDT-17"]; N_18 [label="finally/RB-18"]; N_19 [label="led/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="to/TO-20"]; N_21 [label="victory/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="in/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="war/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="./.-25"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_11 [label="conj:and"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_11 -> N_16 [label="nmod:as"]; N_11 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="advmod"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="ref"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="nmod:to"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:in"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Western successes led to Ulysses S. Grant's command of all Union armies in 1864.
digraph { N_1 [label="Western/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="successes/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="led/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="to/TO-4"]; N_5 [label="Ulysses/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="S./NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="Grant/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="'s/POS-8"]; N_9 [label="command/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="all/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="Union/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="armies/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="in/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="1864/CD-15"]; N_16 [label="./.-16"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="nmod:to"]; N_3 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The election of Lincoln caused the legislature of South Carolina to call a state convention to consider secession.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="election/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="Lincoln/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="caused/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="legislature/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="South/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="Carolina/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="call/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="a/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="state/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="convention/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="to/TO-16"]; N_17 [label="consider/VB-17"]; N_18 [label="secession/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="./.-19"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:of"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_12 [label="xcomp"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="advcl:to"]; N_12 -> N_7 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="mark"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/NN +nmod:of [[effect]]/N
Slavery was a major cause of disunion.
digraph { N_1 [label="Slavery/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="was/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="a/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="major/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="cause/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="disunion/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="./.-8"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="cop"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Historian Allan Nevins said: The thunderclap of Sumter produced a startling crystallization of Northern sentiment.
digraph { N_1 [label="Historian/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="Allan/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="Nevins/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="said/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label=":/:-5"]; N_6 [label="The/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="thunderclap/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="Sumter/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="produced/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="a/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="startling/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="crystallization/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="of/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="Northern/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="sentiment/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="./.-17"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_10 [label="ccomp"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
A brigade of Virginians under the relatively unknown brigadier general from the Virginia Military Institute, Thomas J. Jackson, stood its ground, which resulted in Jackson receiving his famous nickname, "Stonewall".
digraph { N_1 [label="A/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="brigade/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="Virginians/NNPS-4"]; N_5 [label="under/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="relatively/RB-7"]; N_8 [label="unknown/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="brigadier/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="general/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="from/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="Virginia/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="Military/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="Institute/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="Thomas/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="J./NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="Jackson/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="stood/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="its/PRP$-22"]; N_23 [label="ground/NN-23"]; N_24 [label=",/,-24"]; N_25 [label="which/WDT-25"]; N_26 [label="resulted/VBD-26"]; N_27 [label="in/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="Jackson/NNP-28"]; N_29 [label="receiving/VBG-29"]; N_30 [label="his/PRP$-30"]; N_31 [label="famous/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="nickname/NN-32"]; N_33 [label=",/,-33"]; N_34 [label="``/``-34"]; N_35 [label="Stonewall/NNP-35"]; N_36 [label="''/''-36"]; N_37 [label="./.-37"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_10 [label="nmod:under"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="advmod"]; N_10 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_15 [label="nmod:from"]; N_15 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_2 [label="ccomp"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_23 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_35 [label="appos"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="ref"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="nsubj"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="nmod:in"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="xcomp"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="dobj"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_35 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Chancellorsville is known as Lee's "perfect battle" because his risky decision to divide his army in the presence of a much larger enemy force resulted in a significant Confederate victory.
digraph { N_1 [label="Chancellorsville/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="is/VBZ-2"]; N_3 [label="known/VBN-3"]; N_4 [label="as/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="Lee/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="'s/POS-6"]; N_7 [label="``/``-7"]; N_8 [label="perfect/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="battle/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="''/''-10"]; N_11 [label="because/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="his/PRP$-12"]; N_13 [label="risky/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="decision/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="to/TO-15"]; N_16 [label="divide/VB-16"]; N_17 [label="his/PRP$-17"]; N_18 [label="army/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="in/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="presence/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="of/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="a/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="much/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="larger/JJR-25"]; N_26 [label="enemy/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="force/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="resulted/VBD-28"]; N_29 [label="in/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="a/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="significant/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="Confederate/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="victory/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="auxpass"]; N_3 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="nmod:as"]; N_3 -> N_28 [label="advcl:because"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="acl:to"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_16 -> N_21 [label="nmod:in"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="mark"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_27 [label="nmod:of"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="advmod"]; N_27 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; N_28 -> N_33 [label="nmod:in"]; N_28 -> N_11 [label="mark"]; N_28 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
These battles resulted in heavy losses on both sides, and forced Lee's Confederates to fall back repeatedly.
digraph { N_1 [label="These/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="battles/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="resulted/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="in/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="heavy/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="losses/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="on/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="both/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="sides/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="and/CC-11"]; N_12 [label="forced/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="Lee/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="'s/POS-14"]; N_15 [label="Confederates/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="to/TO-16"]; N_17 [label="fall/VB-17"]; N_18 [label="back/RB-18"]; N_19 [label="repeatedly/RB-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:in"]; N_3 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_11 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_12 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:on"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="xcomp"]; N_12 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="mark"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
A new-found respect for antiquities and excavations in the early modern period by Europeans and Egyptians led to the scientific investigation of Egyptian civilization and a greater appreciation of its cultural legacy.
digraph { N_1 [label="A/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="new-found/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="respect/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="for/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="antiquities/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="and/CC-6"]; N_7 [label="excavations/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="in/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="early/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="modern/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="period/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="by/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="Europeans/NNPS-14"]; N_15 [label="and/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="Egyptians/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="led/VBD-17"]; N_18 [label="to/TO-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="scientific/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="investigation/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="of/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="Egyptian/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="civilization/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="and/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="a/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="greater/JJR-27"]; N_28 [label="appreciation/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="of/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="its/PRP$-30"]; N_31 [label="cultural/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="legacy/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="./.-33"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:for"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="nmod:for"]; N_3 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="conj:and"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="nmod:by"]; N_12 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="nmod:by"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_17 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="nmod:to"]; N_17 -> N_28 [label="nmod:to"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:of"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_21 -> N_28 [label="conj:and"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_32 [label="nmod:of"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_32 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:from resulting/VBG -acl [[effect]]/N
A combination of favorable geographical features contributed to the success of ancient Egyptian culture, the most important of which was the rich fertile soil resulting from annual inundations of the Nile River.
digraph { N_1 [label="A/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="combination/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="favorable/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="geographical/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="features/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="contributed/VBD-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="success/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="ancient/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="Egyptian/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="culture/NN-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="most/RBS-17"]; N_18 [label="important/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="of/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="which/WDT-20"]; N_21 [label="was/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="rich/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="fertile/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="soil/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="resulting/VBG-26"]; N_27 [label="from/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="annual/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="inundations/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label="of/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="the/DT-31"]; N_32 [label="Nile/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label="River/NNP-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:to"]; N_10 -> N_20 [label="ref"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_25 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="advmod"]; N_18 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_21 [label="cop"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="acl"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="nmod:from"]; N_29 -> N_33 [label="nmod:of"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The ancient Egyptians produced art to serve functional purposes.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="ancient/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="Egyptians/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="produced/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="art/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="serve/VB-7"]; N_8 [label="functional/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="purposes/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="./.-10"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="advcl:to"]; N_4 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="mark"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Living and working close to the Nile brought hazards from malaria and debilitating schistosomiasis parasites, which caused liver and intestinal damage.
digraph { N_1 [label="Living/VBG-1"]; N_2 [label="and/CC-2"]; N_3 [label="working/VBG-3"]; N_4 [label="close/RB-4"]; N_5 [label="to/TO-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="Nile/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="brought/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="hazards/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="from/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="malaria/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="and/CC-12"]; N_13 [label="debilitating/VBG-13"]; N_14 [label="schistosomiasis/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="parasites/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="which/WDT-17"]; N_18 [label="caused/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label="liver/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="and/CC-20"]; N_21 [label="intestinal/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="damage/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="cc"]; N_1 -> N_3 [label="conj:and"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:to"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:from"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="cc"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="conj:and"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="ref"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="dobj"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="dobj"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="cc"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The Badari was followed by the Amratian (Naqada I) and Gerzeh (Naqada II) cultures, which brought a number of technological improvements.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Badari/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="was/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="followed/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="by/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="Amratian/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--8"]; N_9 [label="Naqada/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="I/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--11"]; N_12 [label="and/CC-12"]; N_13 [label="Gerzeh/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--14"]; N_15 [label="Naqada/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="II/CD-16"]; N_17 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--17"]; N_18 [label="cultures/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="which/WDT-20"]; N_21 [label="brought/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="a/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="number/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="of/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="technological/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="improvements/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="auxpass"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_4 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_20 [label="ref"]; N_7 -> N_21 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="dep"]; N_7 -> N_12 [label="cc"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="nummod"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="appos"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:of"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Ancient Egyptian civilization followed prehistoric Egypt and coalesced around 3100 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under Menes (often identified with Narmer).
digraph { N_1 [label="Ancient/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="Egyptian/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="civilization/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="followed/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="prehistoric/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="Egypt/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="and/CC-7"]; N_8 [label="coalesced/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="around/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="3100/CD-10"]; N_11 [label="BC/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--12"]; N_13 [label="according/VBG-13"]; N_14 [label="to/TO-14"]; N_15 [label="conventional/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="Egyptian/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="chronology/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--18"]; N_19 [label="with/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="political/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="unification/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="of/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="Upper/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="and/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="Lower/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="Egypt/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label="under/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="Menes/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--30"]; N_31 [label="often/RB-31"]; N_32 [label="identified/VBN-32"]; N_33 [label="with/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="Narmer/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--35"]; N_36 [label="./.-36"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_17 [label="dep"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_22 [label="nmod:with"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="advmod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="nummod"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="mwe"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="nmod:of"]; N_22 -> N_27 [label="nmod:of"]; N_22 -> N_29 [label="nmod:under"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="dep"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_34 [label="nmod:with"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="advmod"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, European travelers and tourists brought back antiquities and wrote stories of their journeys, leading to a wave of Egyptomania across Europe.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="seventeenth/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="and/CC-4"]; N_5 [label="eighteenth/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="centuries/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="European/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="travelers/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="and/CC-10"]; N_11 [label="tourists/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="brought/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="back/RB-13"]; N_14 [label="antiquities/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="and/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="wrote/VBD-16"]; N_17 [label="stories/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label="of/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="their/PRP$-19"]; N_20 [label="journeys/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="leading/VBG-22"]; N_23 [label="to/TO-23"]; N_24 [label="a/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="wave/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="of/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="Egyptomania/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label="across/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="Europe/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label="./.-30"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="conj:and"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="conj:and"]; N_12 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_6 [label="nmod:in"]; N_12 -> N_22 [label="advcl"]; N_12 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="advmod"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_16 -> N_9 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="nmod:of"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="nmod:to"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="nmod:of"]; N_25 -> N_29 [label="nmod:across"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The predictable flooding and controlled irrigation of the fertile valley produced surplus crops, which supported a more dense population, and social development and culture.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="predictable/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="flooding/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="and/CC-4"]; N_5 [label="controlled/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="irrigation/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="fertile/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="valley/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="produced/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="surplus/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="crops/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="which/WDT-15"]; N_16 [label="supported/VBD-16"]; N_17 [label="a/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="more/RBR-18"]; N_19 [label="dense/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="population/NN-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="and/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="social/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="development/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="and/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="culture/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="conj:and"]; N_3 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_24 [label="dobj"]; N_11 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_13 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_13 -> N_24 [label="conj:and"]; N_13 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="ref"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_16 -> N_24 [label="nsubj"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
By a related technique, the ancient Egyptians produced a pigment known as Egyptian Blue, also called blue frit, which is produced by fusing (or sintering) silica, copper, lime, and an alkali such as natron.
digraph { N_1 [label="By/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="a/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="related/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="technique/NN-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="ancient/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="Egyptians/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="produced/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="a/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="pigment/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="known/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="as/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="Egyptian/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="Blue/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="also/RB-17"]; N_18 [label="called/VBN-18"]; N_19 [label="blue/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="frit/NN-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="which/WDT-22"]; N_23 [label="is/VBZ-23"]; N_24 [label="produced/VBN-24"]; N_25 [label="by/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="fusing/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--27"]; N_28 [label="or/CC-28"]; N_29 [label="sintering/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--30"]; N_31 [label="silica/NN-31"]; N_32 [label=",/,-32"]; N_33 [label="copper/NN-33"]; N_34 [label=",/,-34"]; N_35 [label="lime/NN-35"]; N_36 [label=",/,-36"]; N_37 [label="and/CC-37"]; N_38 [label="an/DT-38"]; N_39 [label="alkali/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="such/JJ-40"]; N_41 [label="as/IN-41"]; N_42 [label="natron/NN-42"]; N_43 [label="./.-43"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="nmod:by"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_18 [label="acl"]; N_11 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_22 [label="ref"]; N_11 -> N_24 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="acl"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="nmod:as"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="advmod"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="xcomp"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="auxpass"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_24 -> N_11 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_26 -> N_33 [label="dep"]; N_26 -> N_35 [label="dep"]; N_26 -> N_39 [label="dep"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="appos"]; N_26 -> N_31 [label="dep"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="cc"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="conj:and"]; N_31 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_35 [label="conj:and"]; N_31 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_37 [label="cc"]; N_31 -> N_39 [label="conj:and"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="det"]; N_39 -> N_42 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_40 -> N_41 [label="mwe"]; N_42 -> N_40 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
IE: Use of fast amounts of fertilizer in the United States that end up devastating rivers, water ways and river endings due accumulation of none degradable toxins and Nitrogen bearing molecules that remove oxygen and cause none aerobic processes to form.)
digraph { N_1 [label="IE/NN-1"]; N_2 [label=":/:-2"]; N_3 [label="Use/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="fast/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="amounts/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="fertilizer/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="United/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="States/NNPS-12"]; N_13 [label="that/WDT-13"]; N_14 [label="end/VBP-14"]; N_15 [label="up/RP-15"]; N_16 [label="devastating/VBG-16"]; N_17 [label="rivers/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="water/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="ways/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="river/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="endings/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="due/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="accumulation/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="of/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="none/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="degradable/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="toxins/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label="and/CC-30"]; N_31 [label="Nitrogen/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="bearing/VBG-32"]; N_33 [label="molecules/NNS-33"]; N_34 [label="that/WDT-34"]; N_35 [label="remove/VBP-35"]; N_36 [label="oxygen/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="and/CC-37"]; N_38 [label="cause/VB-38"]; N_39 [label="none/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="aerobic/JJ-40"]; N_41 [label="processes/NNS-41"]; N_42 [label="to/TO-42"]; N_43 [label="form/VB-43"]; N_44 [label="./.-44"]; N_45 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--45"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_3 [label="dep"]; N_1 -> N_44 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_45 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_3 -> N_13 [label="ref"]; N_3 -> N_14 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_14 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="compound:prt"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_17 -> N_23 [label="conj:and"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="dep"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_29 [label="nmod:of"]; N_25 -> N_31 [label="nmod:of"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="acl"]; N_29 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="compound"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="cc"]; N_29 -> N_31 [label="conj:and"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="dobj"]; N_33 -> N_34 [label="ref"]; N_33 -> N_35 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_33 -> N_38 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="nsubj"]; N_35 -> N_36 [label="dobj"]; N_35 -> N_37 [label="cc"]; N_35 -> N_38 [label="conj:and"]; N_38 -> N_33 [label="nsubj"]; N_38 -> N_41 [label="dobj"]; N_38 -> N_43 [label="xcomp"]; N_41 -> N_39 [label="compound"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="amod"]; N_43 -> N_41 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="mark"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj leads/VBZ +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
This relatively close packing leads to a high density of 6.697 g/cm3, but the weak bonding between the layers leads to the low hardness and brittleness of antimony.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="relatively/RB-2"]; N_3 [label="close/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="packing/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="leads/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="a/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="high/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="density/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="6.697/CD-11"]; N_12 [label="g/cm3/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="but/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="weak/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="bonding/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="between/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="layers/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="leads/VBZ-21"]; N_22 [label="to/TO-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="low/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="hardness/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="and/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="brittleness/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="of/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="antimony/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="./.-30"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_21 [label="conj:but"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="nmod:to"]; N_5 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nummod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="nmod:between"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="nmod:to"]; N_21 -> N_27 [label="nmod:to"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_25 -> N_29 [label="nmod:of"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
Prolonged skin contact with antimony dust may cause dermatitis.
digraph { N_1 [label="Prolonged/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="skin/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="contact/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="with/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="antimony/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="dust/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="may/MD-7"]; N_8 [label="cause/VB-8"]; N_9 [label="dermatitis/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="./.-10"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:with"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="aux"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
Occupational exposure may cause respiratory irritation, pneumoconiosis, antimony spots on the skin, gastrointestinal symptoms and cardiac arrhythmias.
digraph { N_1 [label="Occupational/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="exposure/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="may/MD-3"]; N_4 [label="cause/VB-4"]; N_5 [label="respiratory/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="irritation/NN-6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="pneumoconiosis/NN-8"]; N_9 [label=",/,-9"]; N_10 [label="antimony/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="spots/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="on/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="skin/NN-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="gastrointestinal/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="symptoms/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label="and/CC-18"]; N_19 [label="cardiac/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="arrhythmias/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="./.-21"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="aux"]; N_4 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_18 [label="cc"]; N_6 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:on"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
The rules associated with the disposal of smoke detectors are relaxed in most jurisdictions.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="rules/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="associated/VBN-3"]; N_4 [label="with/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="disposal/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="smoke/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="detectors/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="are/VBP-10"]; N_11 [label="relaxed/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="in/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="most/JJS-13"]; N_14 [label="jurisdictions/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="./.-15"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="acl"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:with"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="auxpass"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Andersson produced her single "Peter Pan" in September 1969—her first collaboration with Benny & Björn, as they had written the song.
digraph { N_1 [label="Andersson/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="produced/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="her/PRP$-3"]; N_4 [label="single/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="``/``-5"]; N_6 [label="Peter/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="Pan/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="''/''-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="September/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="1969/CD-11"]; N_12 [label="--/:-12"]; N_13 [label="her/PRP$-13"]; N_14 [label="first/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="collaboration/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="with/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="Benny/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="&/CC-18"]; N_19 [label="Björn/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="as/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="they/PRP-22"]; N_23 [label="had/VBD-23"]; N_24 [label="written/VBN-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="song/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_10 [label="nmod:in"]; N_2 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="nummod"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="nmod:with"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="nmod:with"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_24 [label="advcl:as"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="cc"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="conj:&"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="mark"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="aux"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="dobj"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Later that year, the release of their self-titled third studio album ABBA and single "SOS" brought back their chart presence in the UK, where the single hit number six and the album peaked at number 13.
digraph { N_1 [label="Later/RB-1"]; N_2 [label="that/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="year/NN-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="release/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="their/PRP$-8"]; N_9 [label="self-titled/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="third/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="studio/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="album/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="ABBA/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="single/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="``/``-16"]; N_17 [label="SOS/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="''/''-18"]; N_19 [label="brought/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="back/RP-20"]; N_21 [label="their/PRP$-21"]; N_22 [label="chart/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="presence/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="in/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="UK/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label=",/,-27"]; N_28 [label="where/WRB-28"]; N_29 [label="the/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="single/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="hit/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="number/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="six/CD-33"]; N_34 [label="and/CC-34"]; N_35 [label="the/DT-35"]; N_36 [label="album/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="peaked/VBD-37"]; N_38 [label="at/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="number/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="13/CD-40"]; N_41 [label="./.-41"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_17 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_13 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_8 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_13 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_3 [label="nmod:tmod"]; N_19 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="compound:prt"]; N_19 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_19 -> N_41 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:in"]; N_26 -> N_37 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="nummod"]; N_32 -> N_34 [label="cc"]; N_32 -> N_36 [label="conj:and"]; N_32 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="compound"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="det"]; N_37 -> N_32 [label="nsubj"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="nsubj"]; N_37 -> N_39 [label="nmod:at"]; N_37 -> N_28 [label="advmod"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="case"]; N_39 -> N_40 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
In December 1977, ABBA followed up Arrival with the more ambitious fifth album ABBA: The Album, released to coincide with the debut of ABBA: The Movie.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="December/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="1977/CD-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="ABBA/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="followed/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="up/RP-7"]; N_8 [label="Arrival/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="with/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="more/RBR-11"]; N_12 [label="ambitious/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="fifth/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="album/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="ABBA/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label=":/:-16"]; N_17 [label="The/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="Album/NN-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="released/VBN-20"]; N_21 [label="to/TO-21"]; N_22 [label="coincide/VB-22"]; N_23 [label="with/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="debut/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="of/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="ABBA/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label=":/:-28"]; N_29 [label="The/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="Movie/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="nummod"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="compound:prt"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_18 [label="dep"]; N_8 -> N_15 [label="nmod:with"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="advmod"]; N_15 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="acl"]; N_18 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_30 [label="dep"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="xcomp"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="mark"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="nmod:with"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="nmod:of"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj results/VBZ +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
The latter needs to be produced first, according to the following nuclear process: ^{238}_{92}U ->[\ce{(n,\gamma)}] ^{239}_{92}U ->[\beta^-][23.5 \ \ce{min}] ^{239}_{93}Np ->[\beta^-][2.3565 \ \ce{d}] ^{239}_{94}Pu The capture of two neutrons by 239Pu (a so-called (n,γ) reaction), followed by a β-decay, results in 241Am: ^{239}_{94}Pu ->[\ce{2(n,\gamma)}] ^{241}_{94}Pu ->[\beta^-][14.35 \ \ce{yr}] ^{241}_{95}Am The plutonium present in spent nuclear fuel contains about 12% of 241Pu.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="latter/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="needs/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="to/TO-4"]; N_5 [label="be/VB-5"]; N_6 [label="produced/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="first/RB-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="according/VBG-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="following/VBG-12"]; N_13 [label="nuclear/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="process/NN-14"]; N_15 [label=":/:-15"]; N_16 [label="^/SYM-16"]; N_17 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--17"]; N_18 [label="238/CD-18"]; N_19 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--19"]; N_20 [label="_/SYM-20"]; N_21 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--21"]; N_22 [label="92/CD-22"]; N_23 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--23"]; N_24 [label="U/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="-/:-25"]; N_26 [label=">/JJR-26"]; N_27 [label="-LSB-/-LRB--27"]; N_28 [label="\/SYM-28"]; N_29 [label="ce/FW-29"]; N_30 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--30"]; N_31 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--31"]; N_32 [label="n/NN-32"]; N_33 [label=",/,-33"]; N_34 [label="\/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="gamma/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--36"]; N_37 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--37"]; N_38 [label="-RSB-/-RRB--38"]; N_39 [label="^/SYM-39"]; N_40 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--40"]; N_41 [label="239/CD-41"]; N_42 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--42"]; N_43 [label="_/SYM-43"]; N_44 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--44"]; N_45 [label="92/CD-45"]; N_46 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--46"]; N_47 [label="U/NNP-47"]; N_48 [label="-/:-48"]; N_49 [label=">/JJR-49"]; N_50 [label="-LSB-/-LRB--50"]; N_51 [label="\/SYM-51"]; N_52 [label="beta/NN-52"]; N_53 [label="^/SYM-53"]; N_54 [label="-/:-54"]; N_55 [label="-RSB-/-RRB--55"]; N_56 [label="-LSB-/-LRB--56"]; N_57 [label="23.5/CD-57"]; N_58 [label="\/SYM-58"]; N_59 [label="\/SYM-59"]; N_60 [label="ce/FW-60"]; N_61 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--61"]; N_62 [label="min/NN-62"]; N_63 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--63"]; N_64 [label="-RSB-/-RRB--64"]; N_65 [label="^/SYM-65"]; N_66 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--66"]; N_67 [label="239/CD-67"]; N_68 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--68"]; N_69 [label="_/SYM-69"]; N_70 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--70"]; N_71 [label="93/CD-71"]; N_72 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--72"]; N_73 [label="Np/NNP-73"]; N_74 [label="-/:-74"]; N_75 [label=">/JJR-75"]; N_76 [label="-LSB-/-LRB--76"]; N_77 [label="\/SYM-77"]; N_78 [label="beta/NN-78"]; N_79 [label="^/SYM-79"]; N_80 [label="-/:-80"]; N_81 [label="-RSB-/-RRB--81"]; N_82 [label="-LSB-/-LRB--82"]; N_83 [label="2.3565/CD-83"]; N_84 [label="\/SYM-84"]; N_85 [label="\/SYM-85"]; N_86 [label="ce/FW-86"]; N_87 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--87"]; N_88 [label="d/NN-88"]; N_89 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--89"]; N_90 [label="-RSB-/-RRB--90"]; N_91 [label="^/SYM-91"]; N_92 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--92"]; N_93 [label="239/CD-93"]; N_94 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--94"]; N_95 [label="_/SYM-95"]; N_96 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--96"]; N_97 [label="94/CD-97"]; N_98 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--98"]; N_99 [label="Pu/NNP-99"]; N_100 [label="The/DT-100"]; N_101 [label="capture/NN-101"]; N_102 [label="of/IN-102"]; N_103 [label="two/CD-103"]; N_104 [label="neutrons/NNS-104"]; N_105 [label="by/IN-105"]; N_106 [label="239Pu/NN-106"]; N_107 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--107"]; N_108 [label="a/DT-108"]; N_109 [label="so-called/JJ-109"]; N_110 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--110"]; N_111 [label="n/NN-111"]; N_112 [label=",/,-112"]; N_113 [label="γ/NN-113"]; N_114 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--114"]; N_115 [label="reaction/NN-115"]; N_116 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--116"]; N_117 [label=",/,-117"]; N_118 [label="followed/VBN-118"]; N_119 [label="by/IN-119"]; N_120 [label="a/DT-120"]; N_121 [label="β-decay/NN-121"]; N_122 [label=",/,-122"]; N_123 [label="results/VBZ-123"]; N_124 [label="in/IN-124"]; N_125 [label="241Am/NN-125"]; N_126 [label=":/:-126"]; N_127 [label="^/SYM-127"]; N_128 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--128"]; N_129 [label="239/CD-129"]; N_130 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--130"]; N_131 [label="_/SYM-131"]; N_132 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--132"]; N_133 [label="94/CD-133"]; N_134 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--134"]; N_135 [label="Pu/NNP-135"]; N_136 [label="-/:-136"]; N_137 [label=">/JJR-137"]; N_138 [label="-LSB-/-LRB--138"]; N_139 [label="\/SYM-139"]; N_140 [label="ce/FW-140"]; N_141 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--141"]; N_142 [label="2/CD-142"]; N_143 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--143"]; N_144 [label="n/NN-144"]; N_145 [label=",/,-145"]; N_146 [label="\/NN-146"]; N_147 [label="gamma/NN-147"]; N_148 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--148"]; N_149 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--149"]; N_150 [label="-RSB-/-RRB--150"]; N_151 [label="^/SYM-151"]; N_152 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--152"]; N_153 [label="241/CD-153"]; N_154 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--154"]; N_155 [label="_/SYM-155"]; N_156 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--156"]; N_157 [label="94/CD-157"]; N_158 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--158"]; N_159 [label="Pu/NNP-159"]; N_160 [label="-/:-160"]; N_161 [label=">/JJR-161"]; N_162 [label="-LSB-/-LRB--162"]; N_163 [label="\/SYM-163"]; N_164 [label="beta/NN-164"]; N_165 [label="^/SYM-165"]; N_166 [label="-/:-166"]; N_167 [label="-RSB-/-RRB--167"]; N_168 [label="-LSB-/-LRB--168"]; N_169 [label="14.35/CD-169"]; N_170 [label="\/SYM-170"]; N_171 [label="\/SYM-171"]; N_172 [label="ce/FW-172"]; N_173 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--173"]; N_174 [label="yr/NN-174"]; N_175 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--175"]; N_176 [label="-RSB-/-RRB--176"]; N_177 [label="^/SYM-177"]; N_178 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--178"]; N_179 [label="241/CD-179"]; N_180 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--180"]; N_181 [label="_/SYM-181"]; N_182 [label="-LCB-/-LRB--182"]; N_183 [label="95/CD-183"]; N_184 [label="-RCB-/-RRB--184"]; N_185 [label="Am/VBP-185"]; N_186 [label="The/DT-186"]; N_187 [label="plutonium/NN-187"]; N_188 [label="present/JJ-188"]; N_189 [label="in/IN-189"]; N_190 [label="spent/VBN-190"]; N_191 [label="nuclear/JJ-191"]; N_192 [label="fuel/NN-192"]; N_193 [label="contains/VBZ-193"]; N_194 [label="about/IN-194"]; N_195 [label="12/CD-195"]; N_196 [label="%/NN-196"]; N_197 [label="of/IN-197"]; N_198 [label="241Pu/NN-198"]; N_199 [label="./.-199"]; N_3 -> N_16 [label="dep"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="acl:to"]; N_3 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_14 [label="nmod:according_to"]; N_3 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="mark"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="auxpass"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="advmod"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="mwe"]; N_14 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="root"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="dep"]; N_20 -> N_24 [label="dep"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="nummod"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="dep"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="root"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="dep"]; N_29 -> N_35 [label="dep"]; N_35 -> N_32 [label="compound"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="compound"]; N_35 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_35 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_35 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_35 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_35 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_35 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_39 -> N_41 [label="root"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_41 -> N_42 [label="punct"]; N_41 -> N_43 [label="dep"]; N_43 -> N_47 [label="dep"]; N_47 -> N_48 [label="punct"]; N_47 -> N_49 [label="dep"]; N_47 -> N_44 [label="punct"]; N_47 -> N_45 [label="nummod"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="punct"]; N_49 -> N_53 [label="dep"]; N_49 -> N_56 [label="punct"]; N_53 -> N_50 [label="punct"]; N_53 -> N_51 [label="dep"]; N_53 -> N_52 [label="compound"]; N_53 -> N_54 [label="punct"]; N_53 -> N_55 [label="punct"]; N_56 -> N_57 [label="root"]; N_57 -> N_58 [label="dep"]; N_58 -> N_59 [label="dep"]; N_59 -> N_65 [label="dep"]; N_59 -> N_60 [label="dep"]; N_60 -> N_64 [label="punct"]; N_60 -> N_62 [label="appos"]; N_62 -> N_61 [label="punct"]; N_62 -> N_63 [label="punct"]; N_65 -> N_67 [label="root"]; N_67 -> N_66 [label="punct"]; N_67 -> N_68 [label="punct"]; N_67 -> N_69 [label="dep"]; N_69 -> N_73 [label="root"]; N_73 -> N_70 [label="punct"]; N_73 -> N_71 [label="nummod"]; N_73 -> N_199 [label="punct"]; N_73 -> N_72 [label="punct"]; N_73 -> N_74 [label="punct"]; N_73 -> N_75 [label="dep"]; N_73 -> N_159 [label="dep"]; N_75 -> N_123 [label="dep"]; N_75 -> N_79 [label="dep"]; N_79 -> N_80 [label="punct"]; N_79 -> N_81 [label="punct"]; N_79 -> N_76 [label="punct"]; N_79 -> N_77 [label="dep"]; N_79 -> N_78 [label="compound"]; N_85 -> N_86 [label="dep"]; N_86 -> N_88 [label="appos"]; N_86 -> N_90 [label="punct"]; N_88 -> N_87 [label="punct"]; N_88 -> N_89 [label="punct"]; N_93 -> N_92 [label="punct"]; N_93 -> N_94 [label="punct"]; N_99 -> N_96 [label="punct"]; N_99 -> N_97 [label="nummod"]; N_99 -> N_98 [label="punct"]; N_99 -> N_101 [label="dep"]; N_99 -> N_117 [label="punct"]; N_99 -> N_118 [label="acl"]; N_99 -> N_122 [label="punct"]; N_101 -> N_100 [label="det"]; N_101 -> N_104 [label="nmod:of"]; N_101 -> N_106 [label="nmod:by"]; N_104 -> N_102 [label="case"]; N_104 -> N_103 [label="nummod"]; N_106 -> N_115 [label="appos"]; N_106 -> N_105 [label="case"]; N_109 -> N_111 [label="dep"]; N_111 -> N_112 [label="punct"]; N_111 -> N_113 [label="appos"]; N_111 -> N_114 [label="punct"]; N_111 -> N_110 [label="punct"]; N_115 -> N_116 [label="punct"]; N_115 -> N_107 [label="punct"]; N_115 -> N_108 [label="det"]; N_115 -> N_109 [label="amod"]; N_118 -> N_121 [label="nmod:by"]; N_121 -> N_119 [label="case"]; N_121 -> N_120 [label="det"]; N_123 -> N_82 [label="punct"]; N_123 -> N_83 [label="dep"]; N_123 -> N_99 [label="nsubj"]; N_123 -> N_84 [label="dep"]; N_123 -> N_85 [label="dep"]; N_123 -> N_150 [label="punct"]; N_123 -> N_135 [label="parataxis"]; N_123 -> N_91 [label="dep"]; N_123 -> N_93 [label="dep"]; N_123 -> N_125 [label="nmod:in"]; N_123 -> N_126 [label="punct"]; N_123 -> N_95 [label="dep"]; N_125 -> N_124 [label="case"]; N_129 -> N_128 [label="punct"]; N_129 -> N_130 [label="punct"]; N_133 -> N_132 [label="punct"]; N_133 -> N_134 [label="punct"]; N_135 -> N_129 [label="dep"]; N_135 -> N_131 [label="dep"]; N_135 -> N_133 [label="dep"]; N_135 -> N_149 [label="punct"]; N_135 -> N_136 [label="punct"]; N_135 -> N_140 [label="dep"]; N_135 -> N_127 [label="dep"]; N_140 -> N_144 [label="dep"]; N_140 -> N_137 [label="dep"]; N_140 -> N_138 [label="punct"]; N_140 -> N_139 [label="dep"]; N_144 -> N_145 [label="punct"]; N_144 -> N_147 [label="appos"]; N_144 -> N_148 [label="punct"]; N_144 -> N_141 [label="punct"]; N_144 -> N_142 [label="nummod"]; N_144 -> N_143 [label="punct"]; N_147 -> N_146 [label="compound"]; N_153 -> N_152 [label="punct"]; N_153 -> N_154 [label="punct"]; N_157 -> N_156 [label="punct"]; N_157 -> N_158 [label="punct"]; N_159 -> N_160 [label="punct"]; N_159 -> N_161 [label="dep"]; N_159 -> N_193 [label="dep"]; N_159 -> N_151 [label="dep"]; N_159 -> N_153 [label="dep"]; N_159 -> N_155 [label="dep"]; N_159 -> N_157 [label="dep"]; N_161 -> N_165 [label="dep"]; N_165 -> N_162 [label="punct"]; N_165 -> N_163 [label="dep"]; N_165 -> N_164 [label="compound"]; N_165 -> N_166 [label="punct"]; N_165 -> N_167 [label="punct"]; N_171 -> N_172 [label="dep"]; N_172 -> N_176 [label="punct"]; N_172 -> N_174 [label="appos"]; N_174 -> N_173 [label="punct"]; N_174 -> N_175 [label="punct"]; N_179 -> N_178 [label="punct"]; N_179 -> N_180 [label="punct"]; N_179 -> N_181 [label="dep"]; N_181 -> N_183 [label="appos"]; N_183 -> N_182 [label="punct"]; N_183 -> N_184 [label="punct"]; N_187 -> N_186 [label="det"]; N_187 -> N_188 [label="amod"]; N_188 -> N_192 [label="nmod:in"]; N_192 -> N_189 [label="case"]; N_192 -> N_190 [label="amod"]; N_192 -> N_191 [label="amod"]; N_193 -> N_177 [label="punct"]; N_193 -> N_179 [label="nsubj"]; N_193 -> N_196 [label="dobj"]; N_193 -> N_168 [label="punct"]; N_193 -> N_169 [label="nsubj"]; N_193 -> N_185 [label="aux"]; N_193 -> N_170 [label="dep"]; N_193 -> N_171 [label="dep"]; N_193 -> N_187 [label="nsubj"]; N_195 -> N_194 [label="advmod"]; N_196 -> N_195 [label="nummod"]; N_196 -> N_198 [label="nmod:of"]; N_198 -> N_197 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The news caused interest from the media and led to speculation about the band's future.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="news/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="caused/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="interest/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="from/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="media/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="led/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="speculation/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="about/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="band/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="'s/POS-15"]; N_16 [label="future/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="./.-17"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:from"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_11 -> N_16 [label="nmod:about"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
In other regions, the average radioactivity of surface soil due to residual americium is only about 0.01 picocuries/g (0.37 mBq/g).
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="other/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="regions/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="average/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="radioactivity/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="surface/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="soil/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="due/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="to/TO-12"]; N_13 [label="residual/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="americium/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="is/VBZ-15"]; N_16 [label="only/RB-16"]; N_17 [label="about/RB-17"]; N_18 [label="0.01/CD-18"]; N_19 [label="picocuries/g/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--20"]; N_21 [label="0.37/CD-21"]; N_22 [label="mBq/g/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--23"]; N_24 [label="./.-24"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:to"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="nummod"]; N_19 -> N_3 [label="nmod:in"]; N_19 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="appos"]; N_19 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_15 [label="cop"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="nummod"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The pair produced two English-language pop albums with Swedish duo Gemini in 1985 and 1987.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="pair/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="produced/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="two/CD-4"]; N_5 [label="English-language/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="pop/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="albums/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="with/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="Swedish/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="duo/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="Gemini/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="in/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="1985/CD-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="1987/CD-15"]; N_16 [label="./.-16"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_11 [label="nmod:with"]; N_3 -> N_13 [label="nmod:in"]; N_3 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="nummod"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The Australian tour and its subsequent ABBA: The Movie produced some ABBA lore, as well.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Australian/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="tour/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="and/CC-4"]; N_5 [label="its/PRP$-5"]; N_6 [label="subsequent/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="ABBA/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label=":/:-8"]; N_9 [label="The/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="Movie/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="produced/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="some/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="ABBA/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="lore/NN-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="as/RB-16"]; N_17 [label="well/RB-17"]; N_18 [label="./.-18"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="conj:and"]; N_3 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_11 [label="dep"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="mwe"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj results/VBZ +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
The isotope 242mAm (half-life 141 years) has the largest cross sections for absorption of thermal neutrons (5,700 barns), that results in a small critical mass for a sustained nuclear chain reaction.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="isotope/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="242mAm/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--4"]; N_5 [label="half-life/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="141/CD-6"]; N_7 [label="years/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--8"]; N_9 [label="has/VBZ-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="largest/JJS-11"]; N_12 [label="cross/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="sections/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="for/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="absorption/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="thermal/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="neutrons/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--19"]; N_20 [label="5,700/CD-20"]; N_21 [label="barns/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--22"]; N_23 [label=",/,-23"]; N_24 [label="that/WDT-24"]; N_25 [label="results/VBZ-25"]; N_26 [label="in/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="a/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="small/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="critical/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="mass/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="for/IN-31"]; N_32 [label="a/DT-32"]; N_33 [label="sustained/JJ-33"]; N_34 [label="nuclear/JJ-34"]; N_35 [label="chain/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="reaction/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="./.-37"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="appos"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:tmod"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="nummod"]; N_9 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_24 [label="ref"]; N_13 -> N_25 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="nmod:for"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="appos"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="nummod"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_30 [label="nmod:in"]; N_30 -> N_36 [label="nmod:for"]; N_30 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_27 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; N_36 -> N_32 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_33 [label="amod"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="compound"]; N_36 -> N_31 [label="case"]; }