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"On Fri, 4 Oct 2002, Mark Derricutt wrote:\n\n> Anyone know where one could get rpms for alot of the python libraries for \n> 2.2?\n> \n> Its darn annoying the way RH ship python 1.5.2 and python 2.2 (as python2) \n> and libs that only work with one or the other :(\n> \n> esp. the pgdb and xml modules.\n> \n> Anyone know why Red Hat insist on sticking with python 1.5.2?\n\nThey want to preserve binary compatibility for all .x releases. Red Hat \n8.0 has python 2.2 as default.\n\n-- \n\t- Panu -\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
["On Thu, 2002-10-03 at 08:16, Mark Derricutt wrote:\n> Anyone know where one could get rpms for alot of the python libraries for \n> 2.2?\n> \n> Its darn annoying the way RH ship python 1.5.2 and python 2.2 (as python2) \n> and libs that only work with one or the other :(\n> \n> esp. the pgdb and xml modules.\n> \n> Anyone know why Red Hat insist on sticking with python 1.5.2?\n>\n\nthey are on python 2.2 for 8.0 - but they don't like to break\ncompatibility during major releases.\n\ntherefore: 6.X was 1.5.2 b/c that was current\n7.x was 1.5.2 b/c that was current when 7.0 was released.\n\n-sv\n\n", "…"]
" Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 10:40:39 -0500\n From: Chris Garrigues <cwg-dated-1030376441.95dd45@DeepEddy.Com>\n Message-ID: <>\n\n | The background color in this window is the same as the background \n | color in the ftoc.\n\nThat's what I'd like to vary - particularly as the ftoc background isn't\nconstant - messages in the unseen sequence have a different background\nthan others.\n\nIn the ftoc that's fine, but in the sequences window, it isn't needed.\nunseen already has a different foreground there (no problem with that),\nit doesn't need a different background as well.\n\nI'll play about a bit with this, and with making it vertical instead of\nhorizontal, and see what turns up.\n\n | The only sequences that are defined there are sequences which are defined\n | in app-defaults-color or ~/exmh/exmh-defaults-color.\n\nOK.\n\n | I've been thinking about how to dynamically generate highlighting for\n | other sequences, but haven't got that figured out yet.\n\nIn this case, highlighting wasn't what I was most concerned about.\nA method to get messages in & out of sequences comes first, how it\ndisplays is a secondary consideration. But as a suggestion, have an\n\"all unknown\" sequence highlight, any message in a sequence which has\nno defined highlighting (where defined includes defined to not be treated\nspecially) gets highlighted the same way (maybe something as boring as\na dark brown text colour - almost indistinguishable from the normal black)\n\n\n | > > Any chance of making the current message a little brighter background?\n | \n | I don't see any reason why not. Experiment and let me know what works for you.\n\nDone some of that. First, the most significant change came from changing\nrelief from raised to sunken. I don't know why, but it just looks better\n(for me anyway). But even with that, cur and unseen are still just a\nbit too similar. I ended up using\n\n*sequence_cur: -background {PaleGoldenrod} -relief sunken -borderwidth 2\n\nThe unnecessary braces are just because some of the colours I was using\nhad spaces in their names. PaleGoldenrod translates as #eee8aa which\nis probably safer for generic use.\n\nkre\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-workers mailing list\\n\n\n"
"ok, so if i was in the uk for a wekk, how might i configure my laptop to\ndial in to a freebie isp? redhat's internet connection wizard actually\nhas settings for uk isp's, but freeserve is the only one i recognize\nand it doen't seem to work.\n\nhas anyone here done this?\n\nkevin\n\n-- \ that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to\nfork()'ed on 37058400 the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier\nmeatspace place: home than a sober one. the happiness of credulity is a\n cheap & dangerous quality -- g.b. shaw\n\n-- \nIrish Linux Users' Group:\n for (un)subscription information.\nList maintainer:\n\n"
"On Fri, 4 Oct 2002, Mark Derricutt wrote:\n\n> Anyone know why Red Hat insist on sticking with python 1.5.2?\n\nehhh? IANAHNBARHE -- RHL 8.0 is fully python-2, with a back\ncompatability v 1 shim set. This has been working and freely\navailable in their Raw Hide for 5 months for early adopters\nand back-porters.\n\nRed Hat maintains binary compatability across major releases. \nIts server management tools are heavily Python, and becoming \nmore so.\n\nTo have added mid-stream the python-2 series in the RHL 7.x\nseries would have been quite disruptive to an existing \ninstalled base.\n\n-- Russ Herrold\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"On Fri, 04 Oct 2002 01:14:28 +0200\nVincent <> wrote:\n\n# Hello,\n# \n# I'm looking for the package k3b for the redhat 8.0, Does anyone know\n# \n# where to get it ? I tried to compile but it did an error message:\n\nI've been working on a .src.rpm for it. Their rpm and spec file is\nvery dirty, so I\"m cleaning it up. I think I have all the build-req's\nand the install req's sorted out, but I need more testers.\n\n\n\nPlease try it.\n\n-- \nJesse Keating\\nMondo DevTeam (\n\nWas I helpful? Let others know:\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Ahh sweet. Theres a reason for me to upgrade then :-)\n\n--On Thursday, October 03, 2002 16:20:46 +0300 Panu Matilainen \n<> wrote:\n\n> They want to preserve binary compatibility for all .x releases. Red Hat\n> 8.0 has python 2.2 as default.\n\n\n\n -- \\m/ --\n \"...if I seem super human I have been misunderstood.\" (c) Dream Theater\n - ICQ: 1934853 JID:\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Jesse Keating wrote:\n\n>On Fri, 04 Oct 2002 01:14:28 +0200\n>Vincent <> wrote:\n>\n># Hello,\n># \n># I'm looking for the package k3b for the redhat 8.0, Does anyone know\n># \n># where to get it ? I tried to compile but it did an error message:\n>\n>I've been working on a .src.rpm for it. Their rpm and spec file is\n>very dirty, so I\"m cleaning it up. I think I have all the build-req's\n>and the install req's sorted out, but I need more testers.\n>\n>\n>\n>Please try it.\n>\n> \n>\nIf I get troubles with the .tar.gz source file compilation, will it work \nwith the .src.rpm source file compilation ?\nIf it will, how do I manage with a .src.rpm file, sorry, I don't remeber :(\n\nThanks.\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Ville wrote :\n\n> how about applying this to the default apt.conf shipped with the\n> apt package? I found it a bit weird when the behaviour\n> changed between the old 0.3.x and the new 0.5.x versions so that when\n> doing a \"apt-get upgrade\", it wouldn't tell me *which* packages were to\n> be upgraded, just that it was about to upgrade something...\n\nIndeed, I found that strange too, then I noticed the \"-u\" switch and used\nthat... but your solution is much better :-) The next apt build will\nincorporate this change (not worth a rebuild for this, and as some\nrelatively important cnc7 bugs are currently being fixed, I'd say cnc8\nisn't far off!).\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nClean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :\nRed Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10acpi\nLoad : 0.02 0.06 0.10\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu\nchecking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu\nchecking target system type... Invalid configuration\n`athalon-redhat-linux': machine `athalon-redhat' not recognized\nconfigure: error: /bin/sh admin/config.sub athalon-redhat-linux failed\nerror: Bad exit status from /home/dale/rpmbuild/tmp/rpm-tmp.26673\n(%prep)\n\n\nRPM build errors:\n user jkeating does not exist - using root\n group jkeating does not exist - using root\n user jkeating does not exist - using root\n group jkeating does not exist - using root\n Bad exit status from /home/dale/rpmbuild/tmp/rpm-tmp.26673 (%prep)\n[dale@gandalf dale]$\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"oops, I am bad, I need to learn how to spell......\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"If you haven't already, you should enable the debug log under\nHacking Support preferences and look for clues there.\n\n>>>Reg Clemens said:\n > > Hi,\n > > \n > > On Sun, 01 Sep 2002 00:05:03 MDT Reg Clemens wrote: \n > > \n > > [...]\n > > > in messages with GnuPG signatures. But punching the line ALWAYS\n > > > gives\n > > > \n > > > Signature made Thu Aug 29 00:27:17 2002 MDT using DSA key ID BDD\n F997A\n > > > Can't check signature: public key not found\n > > > \n > > > So, something else is missing.\n > > \n > > Yes, the public key of the signature you want to check :-).\n > > \n > > Are you really sure that you have the public key of the message's\n > > signature? If not, try downloading it or try to check a signature from\n > > which you know you have the public key.\n > > \n > > \n > > \n > \n > Ah, sorry for not making that clearer.\n > But no.\n > Previously (v1.0.6 of GnuPG) there would be a slight pause at this point whi\n le\n > it went out to get the public key from a keyserver.\n > Now, whether I have the key or NOT, I get the failure message.\n > \n > Its as if it cant find gpg to execute it (but I fixed that path), so there\n > must be something else that I am missing...\n > \n > \n > -- \n > Reg.Clemens\n >\n > \n > \n > \n > \n > _______________________________________________\n > Exmh-users mailing list\n >\n >\n\n--\nBrent Welch\nSoftware Architect, Panasas Inc\nPioneering the World's Most Scalable and Agile Storage Network\\\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n"
"Matthias Saou wrote:\n\n>Once upon a time, Roi wrote :\n>\n> \n>\n>>Since I upgraded to redhat8 mplayer -vo sdl isnt working for me\n>>It gives me black screen and I only hear sound.\n>>\n>>can anyone help me with this ?\n>> \n>>\n>\n>I'll test this as soon as I can.\n>\n> \n>\n>>btw,\n>>also the source rpm specified that I can do --without libdv\n>>but it didn't work, worked for lirc and arts.\n>> \n>>\n>\n>Should be fixed : You probably had libdv-devel installed and MPlayer\n>automatically detected it. The new spec file explicitely passes\n>--disable-libdv when the package is rebuilt with --without libdv.\n> \n>\nI didn't had libdv at all, I installed it just to install mplayer.\n\n>Grab the \"fr2.1\" spec from here :\n>\n>\n>Matthias\n>\n> \n>\n\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"> `athalon-redhat-linux': machine `athalon-redhat' not recognized\n> configure: error: /bin/sh admin/config.sub athalon-redhat-linux failed\n> error: Bad exit status from /home/dale/rpmbuild/tmp/rpm-tmp.26673\n> (%prep)\n\nWoah ;) did you tweak some flags yourself, like default rpm flags ? What \ndist are you running ? I don't think there's an athalon-redhat-linux \nmachine as standard ;) it should be some permutation of athlon and linux, \nand without redhat, but I can't tell for sure. Any idea where your \nsystem might be setting this flag ?\n\n\n > RPM build errors:\n> user jkeating does not exist - using root\n> group jkeating does not exist - using root\n> user jkeating does not exist - using root\n> group jkeating does not exist - using root\n> Bad exit status from /home/dale/rpmbuild/tmp/rpm-tmp.26673 (%prep)\n\nlooks like the files are owned by the wrong user (ie the original spec \nbuilder).\n\nThomas\n\n-- \n\nThe Dave/Dina Project : future TV today ! -\n<-*- -*->\nGoodbye\nI've finally arrived\n<-*- -*->\nURGent, the best radio on the Internet - 24/7 ! -\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"\n Damn, this thing is slick. Someone seems to have done a very complete QA test on it; yesterday I installed it for the first time on an old Celeron box. Sure, parts of it were slow, but compared to my more modern machine, everything is. It was good; a beautiful interface that legions of 'sheep' can look at and say \"Cool; I can understand this\" and leave their shackles behind. :)\n\n I was struck by the massive amount of applications, both KDE and Gnome, intuitively seperated NOT by the Gnome/KDE names, but by their **meanings** instead. It's obvious that someone spent a lot of time improving the usability and graphics to make it more 'international'; the web browser graphic, for example, has a 'world' icon with a mouse wrapped around it. Office-apps have familiar pens, paper, and/or calculators involved.\n\n This is a Linux that I can plop down in front of almost anyone, and they can figure it out.\n\n At some point I'd miss the character of KDE/Gnome, and I'll probably 'hotrod' the graphics setup with my own themes, etc. But for the wide release, this one's IT. If you get a chance, try this; I think you'll be surprisingly pleased.\n \n------------------------------------------------------------------------\nBrian Fahrländer Linux Zealot, Conservative, and Technomad\nEvansville, IN My Voyage:\nICQ 5119262\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\nJust machines, to make big decisions- programmed by fellas with\ncompassion and vision. We'll be clean when that work is done;\nEternally free and eternally young. Linux.\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"\nAlthough it looks like I'm replying to myself, I just haven't gotten\nMatthias' reply yet, although I can see it on the website (and I did\nsubscribe, but probably to the digest).\n\nAnyway, Matthias wrote:\n> Once upon a time, Steve wrote :\n> \n> > I did apt-get update, and it seemed to have gotten the new packages\n> \n> Hmmm, \"it seems\"? Check closer as this may be where the problem is\n> coming\n> from.\n> > but doing things like \"apt-get install synaptic\" didn't work (neither\n> > did other known packages, like apt-get install lame\n> > \n> > I just get:\n> > root@canarsie:/var/cache/apt # apt-get install lame\n> > Reading Package Lists... Done\n> > Building Dependency Tree... Done\n> > E: Couldn't find package lame\n> \n> Could you double check what \"apt-get update\" does? And eventually post\n> the\n> output if there are any errors or messages you don't understand.\n\nOK, I did it again, and here's what I got:\nroot@canarsie:/tmp # apt-get update\nIgn redhat/8.0/en/i386 release\nHit redhat/8.0/en/i386/os pkglist\nHit redhat/8.0/en/i386/os release\nHit redhat/8.0/en/i386/updates pkglist\nHit redhat/8.0/en/i386/updates release\nGet:1 redhat/8.0/en/i386/freshrpms pkglist [51.8kB]\nHit redhat/8.0/en/i386/freshrpms release\nHit redhat/8.0/en/i386/os srclist\nHit redhat/8.0/en/i386/updates srclist\nGet:2 redhat/8.0/en/i386/freshrpms srclist [12.6kB]\nFetched 64.4kB in 2s (30.1kB/s)\nReading Package Lists... Done\nroot@canarsie:/tmp # apt-get install lame\nReading Package Lists... Done\nBuilding Dependency Tree... Done\nE: Couldn't find package lame\n\nroot@canarsie:/var/cache/apt # ls -ltr\ntotal 148\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 29 10:49 gensrclist\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 29 10:49 genpkglist\ndrwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 29 10:49 archives\n-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 49863 Oct 4 16:00 srcpkgcache.bin\n-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 158131 Oct 4 16:00 pkgcache.bin\nroot@canarsie:/var/cache/apt # date\nFri Oct 4 16:03:15 EDT 2002\n\nSo, it looks like it worked, and the files are updated.. very strange. \n\nMaybe something went wrong updating apt from my old version (as used\nwith rh7.2), and this one. Lemme try totally uninstalling and\nreinstalling it..\n\nroot@canarsie:/ # rpm -e apt synaptic\nwarning: /etc/apt/sources.list saved as /etc/apt/sources.list.rpmsave\nroot@canarsie:/ # ls -l /etc/apt\ntotal 4\n-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1610 Oct 4 10:07\nsources.list.rpmsave\nroot@canarsie:/ # rpm -ivh /tmp/apt-0.5.4cnc7-fr1.i386.rpm\nwarning: /tmp/apt-0.5.4cnc7-fr1.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key\nID e42d547b\nPreparing... ###########################################\n[100%]\n 1:apt ###########################################\n[100%]\nroot@canarsie:/ # apt-get update\nIgn redhat/8.0/en/i386 release\nHit redhat/8.0/en/i386/os pkglist\nHit redhat/8.0/en/i386/os release\nHit redhat/8.0/en/i386/updates pkglist\nHit redhat/8.0/en/i386/updates release\nHit redhat/8.0/en/i386/freshrpms pkglist\nHit redhat/8.0/en/i386/freshrpms release\nHit redhat/8.0/en/i386/os srclist\nHit redhat/8.0/en/i386/updates srclist\nHit redhat/8.0/en/i386/freshrpms srclist\nReading Package Lists... Done\nroot@canarsie:/ # apt-get install synaptic\nReading Package Lists... Done\nBuilding Dependency Tree... Done\nE: Couldn't find package synaptic\nroot@canarsie:/ #\n\nStill no go...\n\nI'm stumped.\n\n-SteveK\n\n\n\n> \n> Matthias\n> \n\n\n-- \n Steve Kann - Chief Engineer - 520 8th Ave #2300 NY 10018 - (212) 533-1775\n - collaborate . interact . learn\n \"The box said 'Requires Windows 95, NT, or better,' so I installed Linux.\"\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Matthias Saou ( wrote*:\n>I really think that with my ALSA packages, ALSA on Red Hat Linux has never\n>been so easy! ;-)\n\nI had been hand building those alsa packages for probably 6 months or more, so I\ncould use my laptop's ESS chip best (hard disk recording and such). Wow, maybe 8 to\n10 months, time flys. I didn't look forward to doing that tedious build every time I\nchanged a kernel or something. Matthias has made this a thing of the past! Dude,\nit's a no brainer, use apt-get or just download and install.\n\nWhat's more, OSS is fully \"imitated\", older apps using OSS are as happy as a clam.\nMy personal taste tells me newer apps which use alsa sound better (alsaplayer, xmms\nwith alsa module) to my ear.\n\nThe 2 things that trick people are the modules.conf file, they didn't have that\nautomatic matrix page when I started with alsa, you don't know how good you have it.\n\nAnd on my old installs (only the first time I installed it on a clean box), alsa\nalways was \"muted\" until you fire up a mixer and turn up the music. It's possible\nMatthias even took care of that too. Anyway it is/was only a one time thing on 1st\ninstall, that was a long time ago for me.\n\nThose ALSA dudes had been trying to get it into the 2.4 kernel but missed it, but\nit's been in 2.5 for a while now, so alsa is the future of sound in the linux kernel.\n\n--\nThat's \"angle\" as in geometry.\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Matthias Haase wrote:\n> RH ships the code with the bytecode hinter disabled which makes \n> non-AA fonts really ugly.\n> This reqiures only a small change for include/freetype/config/ftoption.h,\n> it is very well documented.\n\nRed Hat 8.0 ships with the bytecode hinter enabled; I think 7.3 may have \nas well.\n\nThe enabling change to \"ftoption.h\" is made by Red Hat's SRPM before \nbuilding. Take a look at \"freetype-2.1.1-enable-ft2-bci.patch\" from the \nSRPM; it's pretty clear that this does exactly what needs to be done.\n\nSo if your fonts look ugly, lack of bytecode hinting is *not* the cause.\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"I can't seem to build this package. It errors out because rpm found \nfiles not included in any of the packages. I tried getting them addes \n(it's the documentation that is being loaded) and was unsuccessful. \nAnyone get this to work?\n\nCoy\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"On 04 Oct 2002 22:25:31 -0400, QuaffA Pint <> wrote:\n\n> On a RH 8 box, I'm trying to install your package\n> xine-0.9.13-fr5.i386.rpm, I keep running into dependency problems. I've\n> tried to install the dev and lib rpm's as well and they error out with\n> dependency problems on each other (they each want something from the\n> other's package).\n> \n> I've tried the --without options, but still end up with (similar for the\n> regular package),\n> \n> \tglut is needed by xine-libs-0.9.13-fr5\n> aalib is needed by xine-libs-0.9.13-fr5\n> lirc is needed by xine-libs-0.9.13-fr5\n> is needed by xine-libs-0.9.13-fr5\n> is needed by xine-libs-0.9.13-fr5\n> \n> What am I missing here?\n\n \"apt-get install xine\". It'll find all these. Oh, and I'm told that Redhat 8.0 will also suggest things like this for ya. (Not apt, but the actual package names you need)\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\nBrian Fahrländer Linux Zealot, Conservative, and Technomad\nEvansville, IN My Voyage:\nICQ 5119262\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\nJust machines, to make big decisions- programmed by fellas with\ncompassion and vision. We'll be clean when that work is done;\nEternally free and eternally young. Linux.\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Vernon,\n\nI'm changing the instructions in the SpamAssassin INSTALL file \nright now to:\n\ntar xfvz dcc-dccproc.tar.Z\ncd dcc-dccproc-X.X.X\n./configure && make && make install\ncdcc 'info'\n\n\nLet me know ASAP if that's innapropriate, since we're shipping \n2.40 today!\n\nC\n\nOn Monday, September 2, 2002, at 10:02 AM, Vernon Schryver wrote:\n\n>> Here are the instructions in the spamassassin README:\n>>\n>> # tar xfvz dcc-dccproc.tar.Z\n>> # cd dcc-dccproc-X.X.X\n>> # ./configure && make && make install\n>> # cdcc 'new map'\n>> # cdcc 'add'\n>> # cdcc 'info'\n>\n> That's ok, except that the 'new map' and \"add'\n> are respectively unnecessary and wrong. The map file that comes\n> with the source points to localhost and Those\n> two shipped entries usually do the right thing if there is a local\n> server. If there is no local server or if the local server fails,\n> requests are instantly sent to one of the public server names listed\n> in the main DCC web page at\n> and http://www.dcc-\n>\n> has not been listed for months.\n\n\n"
"On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 10:45:04PM +0200, Matthias Saou wrote:\n> > So I've attached a patch to specify an alternate kernel by setting the\n> > \"TARGET_KERNEL\" environment variable before running rpmbuild. You\n> > still need to have the rpm for the specified kernel installed, but at\n> > least it doesn't have to be currently running. It's kinda hackish, so\n> > if someone has a better way to do this, let me know.\n> \n> That idea looks good although it maybe needs to be tweaked a bit more (what\n> you sent doesn't support packages named \"kernel-smp\"). I'd also prefer a\n> cleaner way than the env variable, and preferrably not editing the spec...\n> probably \"--define 'target 2.4.xx-xx' --with smp\". Sound good enough?\n> The BuildRequires on \"kernel-source\" will also need to be removed because\n> it won't necessarily need to be true, and that does bug me a bit :-/\n\nThe \"--define\" is exactly what I was looking for! I was trying to\nfigure out a way to do it within the mechanism of rpm (like the\n\"--with\" switches), but for some reason didn't think of using\n\"--define\". My computer is currently gone for repairs, but once it's\nback, I'll rewrite the specfile, add support for kernel-smp, and email\nit to the list for further criticism :)\n\nAs far as requiring kernel-source, I don't feel it's a big problem. If\nyou're gonna go to the trouble of packaging custom kernels into rpms,\nit's not a far stretch to package the source tree too (as I currently\ndo).\n\nAlso, I've found that the alsa-driver source needs a usb-related patch \nto compile under the latest test kernels (2.4.20-preX). Are other \npeople seeing the same thing, or is this just a problem with my setup?\n\ngary\n\nP.S. If I didn't mention it before, thanks for the alsa packages! They \ngreatly simplified what used to take way too long before.\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"On Fri, 04 Oct 2002 16:07:12 -0700\nBen Liblit <> wrote:\n\n> So if your fonts look ugly, lack of bytecode hinting is *not* the cause.\n\nWell you are right, sorry, I didn't have any better idea yesterday late in\nthe evening.\nThe fonts are ugly only inside of gnome2 and clean for gnome1 apps, if\nantialiasing is disabled. \nThis is difficult to understand for me.\n\n--\nregards from Germany\n Matthias\n \n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Matthias said:\n\n>Could you post the list of files in question?\n\nSure. I used the following command to rebuild the package:\n\nrpmbuild --rebuild --target i586 lame-3.92-fr5.src.rpm\n\nAnd here is the error output for the files:\n\nRPM build errors:\n user dude does not exist - using root\n user dude does not exist - using root\n Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:\n /usr/share/doc/lame/html/basic.html\n /usr/share/doc/lame/html/contributors.html\n /usr/share/doc/lame/html/examples.html\n /usr/share/doc/lame/html/history.html\n /usr/share/doc/lame/html/id3.html\n /usr/share/doc/lame/html/index.html\n /usr/share/doc/lame/html/lame.css\n /usr/share/doc/lame/html/modes.html\n /usr/share/doc/lame/html/node6.html\n /usr/share/doc/lame/html/switchs.html\n\nCoy\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"On Sat, 5 Oct 2002, Coy Krill wrote:\n\n> Sure. I used the following command to rebuild the package:\n> \n> rpmbuild --rebuild --target i586 lame-3.92-fr5.src.rpm\n> \n> And here is the error output for the files:\n> \n> RPM build errors:\n> user dude does not exist - using root\n> user dude does not exist - using root\n\nharmless ...\n\n> Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:\n> /usr/share/doc/lame/html/basic.html\n> /usr/share/doc/lame/html/contributors.html\n> /usr/share/doc/lame/html/examples.html\n> /usr/share/doc/lame/html/history.html\n<snip>\n\nThis is a problem with the .spec file not accounting for all \nthe files produced. see: \n \n\n-- Russ Herrold\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Roi wrote :\n\n> Same as in mplayer src package\n> the --with and --without not working correctly\n> I do --without arts and it still want to install with arts\n\nThis time the problem seems to be that I overestimated xine-lib's configure\nscript as it seems that it doesn't support disabling arts... so if you have\narts-devel installed, its support will be compiled in :-/\n\nAlso, I had made another mistake and added the configure option to disable\nlirc ot xine-lib when it should have been for xine-ui.\n\nAll this is fixed in the upcoming \"fr6\" release.\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nClean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :\nRed Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10\nLoad : 0.08 0.15 0.11, AC on-line, battery charging: 100% (1:47)\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc says Operation not Permitted.\nDVD playback is very jumpy.\nDoes someone have any ideas on what I can do yo get DMA transfers?\nThanks Alvie\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 21:17, Alvie wrote:\n> hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc says Operation not Permitted.\n> DVD playback is very jumpy.\n> Does someone have any ideas on what I can do yo get DMA transfers?\n> Thanks Alvie\n\nAdd to /etc/modules.conf:\n\noptions ide-cd dma=1\n\n-- \nChris Kloiber\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"On September 2, said:\n> OS-X is linux\n> \n\nEr, no it's not. It's kinda BSD-related, but it's definitely not\nLinux.\n\nWaider.\n-- \ / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me.\n\n\"Since I am project leader, I must not be permitted to go insane.\"\n - Theo de Radt\n\n-- \nIrish Linux Users' Group:\n for (un)subscription information.\nList maintainer:\n\n"
"Thank you, that was exactly what I needed.\nDVD works great now.\n1 more problem?\nVideo-DVDRip worked on RH 7.3 but can't get contents of DVD, last\nmessage is 'libdvdread: using libdvdcss 1.2.2 for DVD access'.\nbut it fails.\n\nOn Sun, 2002-10-06 at 20:32, Chris Kloiber wrote:\n> On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 21:17, Alvie wrote:\n> > hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc says Operation not Permitted.\n> > DVD playback is very jumpy.\n> > Does someone have any ideas on what I can do yo get DMA transfers?\n> > Thanks Alvie\n> \n> Add to /etc/modules.conf:\n> \n> options ide-cd dma=1\n> \n> -- \n> Chris Kloiber\n> \n> _______________________________________________\n> RPM-List mailing list <>\n>\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"When I try to use apt-get upgrade\nit wants to install libusb while I got it\n(same version)\nand all collapse because of this.\n\nRoi\n\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"On Mon, 07 Oct 2002 08:01:24 +0200, Roi Dayan <> wrote:\n\n> When I try to use apt-get upgrade\n> it wants to install libusb while I got it\n> (same version)\n> and all collapse because of this.\n\n I had that too; I removed libusb (I don't think it needed --nodeps) and then 'apt-get -f install' and all was well.\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\nBrian Fahrländer Linux Zealot, Conservative, and Technomad\nEvansville, IN My Voyage:\nICQ 5119262\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\nangegangen, Schlange-Hüften, sein es ganz rüber jetzt. Bügel innen fest,\nweil es eine lange, süsse Fahrt ist. \n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 09:56, Matthias Saou wrote:\n\n> > Thank you, that was exactly what I needed.\n> > DVD works great now.\n> \n> BTW, I think I'll kake it so that my ogle package automatically inserts\n> this \"options ide-cd dma=1\" to /etc/modules.conf! It currently creates the\n> /dev/dvd link to /dev/cdrom (which will work most of the time, if there's\n> only one drive) if no /dev/dvd exists.\n\nEek. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think that's a good idea. \nOutputting a message in %post and providing a README of some kind would\nbe better, as well as perhaps adding a note in %description.\n\n-- \n\\/ille Skyttä\nville.skytta at\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Ville wrote :\n\n> > BTW, I think I'll kake it so that my ogle package automatically inserts\n> > this \"options ide-cd dma=1\" to /etc/modules.conf! It currently creates\n> > the/dev/dvd link to /dev/cdrom (which will work most of the time, if\n> > there's only one drive) if no /dev/dvd exists.\n> \n> Eek. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think that's a good idea. \n> Outputting a message in %post and providing a README of some kind would\n> be better, as well as perhaps adding a note in %description.\n\nWhy \"Eek\"? :-)\nIf no /dev/dvd exists, it'll create it.\nIf /dev/dvd exists, it won't touch it.\nIf someone installs ogle (a DVD player), I'm assuming the hardware is\nrecent enough for software playback and that the drive is a DVD-ROM... all\nof them support DMA! But since that change requires a reboot or a manual\nchange, I'm still hesitating to integrate it :-/\n\nMy goal is to allow users to install a DVD player through synaptic and play\nDVDs in no time. Outputting a message in the %post section of a package is\nalways a bad idea, putting the tip in the %description sounds good though.\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nClean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :\nRed Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10acpi\nLoad : 0.07 0.14 0.16\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 08:59, Matthias Saou wrote:\n> Once upon a time, Alvie wrote :\n> \n> > Thanks, I seem to be having problems with rebuilding transcode from SRC\n> > it gets confused from previous errors and gives up.\n> \n> Could you give the output of the error?\n>\n\nThis is only the last part of it.I used 'rpmbuild --rebuild --without avifile transcode.0.6.1-fr2.src.rpm'.\naf6_decore.cpp:305: 'WAVEFORMATEX' is used as a type, but is not defined\nas a\n type.\naf6_decore.cpp:306: parse error before `if'\naf6_decore.cpp:308: syntax error before `->' token\naf6_decore.cpp:313: `wvFmt' was not declared in this scope\naf6_decore.cpp:313: `avm_wave_format_name' was not declared in this\nscope\naf6_decore.cpp:314: `wvFmt' was not declared in this scope\naf6_decore.cpp:315: `wvFmt' was not declared in this scope\naf6_decore.cpp:316: `wvFmt' was not declared in this scope\naf6_decore.cpp:316: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `fprintf' with no\ntype\naf6_decore.cpp:316: redefinition of `int fprintf'\naf6_decore.cpp:161: `int fprintf' previously defined here\naf6_decore.cpp:316: initializer list being treated as compound\nexpression\naf6_decore.cpp:317: 'WAVEFORMATEX' is used as a type, but is not defined\nas a\n type.\naf6_decore.cpp:318: syntax error before `->' token\naf6_decore.cpp:321: `fmt' was not declared in this scope\naf6_decore.cpp:321: `avm_wave_format_name' was not declared in this\nscope\naf6_decore.cpp:322: `fmt' was not declared in this scope\naf6_decore.cpp:323: `fmt' was not declared in this scope\naf6_decore.cpp:324: `fmt' was not declared in this scope\naf6_decore.cpp:324: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `fprintf' with no\ntype\naf6_decore.cpp:324: redefinition of `int fprintf'\naf6_decore.cpp:316: `int fprintf' previously defined here\naf6_decore.cpp:324: initializer list being treated as compound\nexpression\naf6_decore.cpp:327: parse error before `if'\naf6_decore.cpp:330: syntax error before `->' token\naf6_decore.cpp:349: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `samples' with no\ntype\naf6_decore.cpp:349: conflicting types for `int samples'\naf6_decore.cpp:290: previous declaration as `unsigned int samples'\naf6_decore.cpp:349: `fmt' was not declared in this scope\naf6_decore.cpp:350: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `buffer_size' with no\ntype\naf6_decore.cpp:350: conflicting types for `int buffer_size'\naf6_decore.cpp:288: previous declaration as `unsigned int buffer_size'\naf6_decore.cpp:350: `fmt' was not declared in this scope\naf6_decore.cpp:351: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `buffer' with no type\naf6_decore.cpp:351: conflicting types for `int buffer'\naf6_decore.cpp:291: previous declaration as `char*buffer'\naf6_decore.cpp:351: invalid conversion from `char*' to `int'\naf6_decore.cpp:352: parse error before `if'\naf6_decore.cpp:354: syntax error before `->' token\naf6_decore.cpp:359: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `fflush' with no type\naf6_decore.cpp:359: redefinition of `int fflush'\n\naf6_decore.cpp:288: previous declaration as `unsigned int buffer_size'\naf6_decore.cpp:350: `fmt' was not declared in this scope\naf6_decore.cpp:351: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `buffer' with no type\naf6_decore.cpp:351: conflicting types for `int buffer'\naf6_decore.cpp:291: previous declaration as `char*buffer'\naf6_decore.cpp:351: invalid conversion from `char*' to `int'\naf6_decore.cpp:352: parse error before `if'\naf6_decore.cpp:354: syntax error before `->' token\naf6_decore.cpp:359: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `fflush' with no type\naf6_decore.cpp:359: redefinition of `int fflush'\naf6_decore.cpp:208: `int fflush' previously defined here\naf6_decore.cpp:359: invalid conversion from `_IO_FILE*' to `int'\naf6_decore.cpp:360: `ipipe' was not declared in this scope\naf6_decore.cpp:360: `sync_str' was not declared in this scope\naf6_decore.cpp:360: `sync_str' was not declared in this scope\naf6_decore.cpp:360: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `p_write' with no\ntype\naf6_decore.cpp:360: redefinition of `int p_write'\naf6_decore.cpp:209: `int p_write' previously defined here\naf6_decore.cpp:360: initializer list being treated as compound\nexpression\naf6_decore.cpp:363: parse error before `while'\naf6_decore.cpp:368: syntax error before `->' token\nmake[3]: *** [af6_decore.lo] Error 1\nmake[3]: Leaving directory\n`/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/transcode-0.6.1/import'\nmake[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1\nmake[2]: Leaving directory\n`/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/transcode-0.6.1/import'\n\n\n> > Using trancode rpm I can't get transcode command line args to\n> > work.Although it's been a while since I used it - maybe I forgot how!\n>\nThis was a dumb mistake on my part. I did'nt have libdvdcss-devel, the\ntranscode command line args work fine now, but not so for DVD::RIP.\nThanks for help\nAlvie\n \n> I'm encoding a DVD to DivX4 right now on my home computer, and it works\n> fine. My current Red Hat 8.0 build of transcode has avifile support\n> disabled, that may be your problem? It's because gcc 3.2 isn't currently\n> able to recompile avifile... :-/\n> \n> Matthias\n> \n> -- \n> Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :\n> Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10acpi\n> Load : 0.09 0.12 0.21\n> \n> _______________________________________________\n> RPM-List mailing list <>\n>\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Alvie wrote :\n\n> This is only the last part of it.I used 'rpmbuild --rebuild --without\n> avifile transcode.0.6.1-fr2.src.rpm'.\n\n> af6_decore.cpp:305: 'WAVEFORMATEX'\n> is used as a type, but is not defined as a\n> type.\n> af6_decore.cpp:306: parse error before `if'\n[...]\n\nAll of these \"af6\" are related to avifile6 support :-/\nNormally, my 0.6.1-fr2 build of transcode defaults to *not* use avifile,\nbut you can use \"--with avifile6\" to force recompiling against it.\n\nDo you have an old avifile installed maybe?\nCan you check the \"./configure ...\" line run at the beginning of the\nrebuild process to see if it does include the \"--without-avifile6\" option?\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nClean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :\nRed Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10acpi\nLoad : 0.23 0.14 0.14\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Ville wrote :\n\n> I assume that you won't %ghost or remove these and the modules.conf\n> change on uninstall, though. So people who are installing this RPM and\n> are unfortunate enough to have a DVD drive (or just an ordinary CD,\n> non-DVD drive) that doesn't support DMA will be left with a system\n> without a working CD drive, even after removing the RPM. And without\n> ever knowing what struck them. You can't remove the DMA setting from\n> modules.conf either unless you're sure that ogle added it there and\n> nothing else needs it.\n\nI've never heard of any CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive having problems with DMA...\nalthough there probably is since Red Hat decided to default disabling it a\nfew releases back :-/\nNormally, even if you try to enable DMA and your device doesn't support it,\nit simply don't be able to make the change, and that's it. The problem IIRC\nis with crappy hardware that is supposed to support DMA but doesn't work as\nexpected when it's enabled... maybe Chris could confirm this? ;-)\n\nI guess I'll settle for the /dev/dvd link change as described and putting\nthe DMA tip in the %description :-)\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nClean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :\nRed Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10acpi\nLoad : 0.00 0.05 0.14\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"> From: Paul Linehan [] \n>\n> There are two open alternatives that I can think of\n> that don't appear to have been mentioned \n> elsewhere in this thread.\n> \n> \n> One is Firebird (this is my personal favourite).\n> It is and you can\n> purchase support contracts here\n>\n\nIndeedy - I had never even heard of firebird until we started a new job\nlast week with a client who uses it. So we popped it onto a box\ndownstairs and wow - it is fast. Comes with some lovely client tools\nalso. Supports all the db goodies, transactions, stored procedures,\ntriggers.\n\n> It's really amazing to think how much they've got\n> out of a db that is only 4 MB in size - that's 10\n> times smaller than the Oracle *_client_*.\n> \n> \n> Having said all of the above, Oracle is really\n> a super product, but ya pays ya money...\n> \nIBM's db2 is another cheaper alternative to Oracle. Free single\ndeveloper license downloadable from their website.\n\nFergal.\n-- \nIrish Linux Users' Group:\n for (un)subscription information.\nList maintainer:\n\n\n"
"On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 11:54, Matthias Saou wrote:\n> Once upon a time, Alvie wrote :\n> \n> > This is only the last part of it.I used 'rpmbuild --rebuild --without\n> > avifile transcode.0.6.1-fr2.src.rpm'.\n> \n> > af6_decore.cpp:305: 'WAVEFORMATEX'\n> > is used as a type, but is not defined as a\n> > type.\n> > af6_decore.cpp:306: parse error before `if'\n> [...]\n> \n> All of these \"af6\" are related to avifile6 support :-/\n> Normally, my 0.6.1-fr2 build of transcode defaults to *not* use avifile,\n> but you can use \"--with avifile6\" to force recompiling against it.\n> \n> Do you have an old avifile installed maybe?\n> Can you check the \"./configure ...\" line run at the beginning of the\n> rebuild process to see if it does include the \"--without-avifile6\" option?\n> \nYes it was there.\nYou guessed the problem correctly in an earlier e-mail There was still\nremnants remaining from an old failed avifile installation.\nThe transcode src.rpm now builds perfectly.\nThank you VERY much!\nYou are GOOD.\nAlvie \n \n> Matthias\n> \n> -- \n> Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :\n> Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10acpi\n> Load : 0.23 0.14 0.14\n> \n> _______________________________________________\n> RPM-List mailing list <>\n>\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"On Mon, 7 Oct 2002 19:28:51 +0200\nMatthias Saou <> wrote:\n\n# I've never heard of any CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive having problems with\n# DMA... although there probably is since Red Hat decided to default\n# disabling it a few releases back :-/\n\nWhen I worked as a PC repair tech for a Computer store chain, I did\nrun across quite a few DVD drives that would lock up if DMA was\nenabled. It's more of a chipset/drive problem than a Drive by itself.\n\n-- \nJesse Keating\\nMondo DevTeam (\n\nWas I helpful? Let others know:\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 20:28, Matthias Saou wrote:\n\n> I guess I'll settle for the /dev/dvd link change as described and putting\n> the DMA tip in the %description :-)\n\nThanks, I'll sleep better now :)\n\n-- \n\\/ille Skyttä\nville.skytta at\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Any plans for rolling Nessus RPMs for RH8? Miss it already...\n\n-- \n\\/ille Skyttä\nville.skytta at\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Ville wrote :\n\n> Any plans for rolling Nessus RPMs for RH8? Miss it already...\n\nWell, that's one of the 10 rpm-related mails leftover in my inbox I just\nmentionned privately ;-)\nAs it's a big piece and needs some testing, I'm just bit lazy about it :-/\n\nI'll try to packages it asap, or at least put up a \"testing\" version first\nin case I fear some imperfections.\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nClean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :\nRed Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10acpi\nLoad : 0.17 0.17 0.12\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Matthias Saou wrote:\n\n>Once upon a time, Roi wrote :\n>\n> \n>\n>>oh xmms didn't work for me also\n>>i used mpg123 i tought its something from me\n>> \n>>\n>\n>Nope, this is \"normal\" as Red Hat removed all mp3 support from 8.0 because\n>of patent and royalty issues :-(\n>On, you can find the xmms mp3 plugin as I said, but also\n>libmad, lame (mp3 encoder), and soon mpg321 as I often used it myself.\n>Many other players can also play mp3 files, like alsaplayer, xine, mplayer.\n>\n> \n>\n>>like mplayer not working also and gives black screen\n>> \n>>\n>\n>This is not normal though...\n>Try \"mplayer -vo help\" then try usinf various output methods to see if some\n>do work or not.\n>\n>Matthias\n>\n> \n>\n\nmplayer works with dga (if i am root) and works with x11\nand always worked with sdl (but not now with redhat 8)\nnow it gives black screen window and play the music of the movie.\n\nRoi\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Roi wrote :\n\n> mplayer works with dga (if i am root) and works with x11\n> and always worked with sdl (but not now with redhat 8)\n> now it gives black screen window and play the music of the movie.\n\nStrange, because as I said in an earlier post, it works for me. Maybe\nyou're missing the SDL_image or something? :-/\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nClean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :\nRed Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10acpi\nLoad : 0.28 0.17 0.13\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Here's a weird and wacky problem:\n\nI'm currently out of the country with my trusty Evo N600c laptop. When I \ntried to use the serial port to talk to my mobile phone, Linux behaved \npretty much as if the port was fried. Bizarre, I thought, because I'd \nused it successfully while in the office. The only difference was that I \nwas trying the thing in the hotel. I entertained brief notions of having \nsomehow fried the serial drivers, then rebooted the laptop to Windows \nand tried again. Worked perfectly. Back to Linux. Still not talking. \nConsidered that it might be flaky power, so I ran the laptop on battery. \nNope. Tried moving the laptop to a differnet part of the room where \nthere might be less bogon flux. Still not working. Eventually I gave up \nand used the IrDA port instead - which is usually the serial connection \nof doom, grief, and teeth-grinding.\n\nThis morning, in the office, the damn thing is working without a hitch.\n\nAnyone like to suggest what mystery technology is in use in the hotel \nthat prevents serial ports from working under Linux?\n\nCheers,\nWaider.\n-- \ / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me\n\n-- \nIrish Linux Users' Group:\n for (un)subscription information.\nList maintainer:\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Joshua wrote :\n\n> Just a thought, would it be possible to generalize this ALSA \n> stuff to make building a kernel with *any* custom/optional/updated\n> modules an easy thing? I think some scripts or at least step-by-step\n> instructions would be great. \n> \n> For example, to build a kernel RPM with ALSA do:\n> 1. get the kernel source\n> 2. get the ALSA source\n> 3. run the script\n> ...\n> \n> Or a kernel RPM with the lastest wireless LAN drivers:\n> 1. get the kernel source\n> 2. get the CVS driver source\n> 3. run the script\n> ...\n> \n> etc.\n\nThis wouldn't be worth the effort involved IMHO, and would probably end up\nin relative breakage of a few systems if not carefully tested.\nYour first example is a good one, because I really think it's even easier\ncurrently :\n1. Leave your current kernel as-is\n2. Get the \"alsa-driver\" source rpm\n3. Rebuild and install resulting packages\n\nDrivers that are written to be easily compiled as modules (like ltmodem,\nNVidia, ALSA etc.) can easily be repackaged separately as rpms and ported\nas easily for various kernel rpms from the source rpm.\n\nAlso, what you describe is sort of the opposite of what rpm packaging is in\nmy mind. I see it more as a \"one size fits all\" achievement in the general\ncase. And kernel isn't an exception (although there are packages optimized\nfor various processors) since they all come with just about all the modules\nyou'll ever need. Make that \"one size fits many\" then if you want ;-)\n\nLast but not least : The kernel is something I'm trying to keep away from\nin my packaging since I really don't want to see newbies screwing up their\nsystems because of packages on my website... same goes for GNOME, KDE and\nother major bits of the distribution since I also want people who happily\nuse my packages to be able to upgrade to the next Red Hat Linux release\nwithout having their system turned into another Ximian mess.\n\nMatthias\n\nPS: Yes Chris, I'm worried about not giving you too much work! Less in fact\nsince you can easily answer \"!\" to people asking how to play\nDVDs, right? ;-))))\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"I want to thank those involved in making these RPMS available. Thanks\nguys, thanks Matthias.\n\nLance\n\nOn Thu, 2002-08-29 at 14:30, Lance wrote:\n> Thanks Matthias. Actually I got all four speakers with subwoofer\n> working in digital out mode with gamixer.\n> (\n> \n> However switching between analog and digital, I'm still baffled. As I\n> have a tuner and cassette deck hooked up to \"Line In\" on a SBLive! 5.1,\n> which is in analog mode. But digital out works great now!\n> \n> On Wed, 2002-08-28 at 23:26, Matthias Saou wrote:\n> > Once upon a time, Lance wrote :\n> > \n> > > Ok, I got ALSA installed and there is no static inbetween mp3s like\n> > > before which is great! My setup is digital 4.1 but sound is only coming\n> > > from front 2 speakers and subwoofer, rear speakers there is no sound. \n> > > Also alsamixer or aumix are unresponsive as well. \n> > \n> > Maybe you could find more info or tips on the ALSA page for your card?\n> > Also, you could try \"alsactl store\", editing /etc/asound.state\" by hand\n> > (for me it contains data similar to what I can control with \"alsamixer\")\n> > then run \"alsactl restore\" and see if you're able to change what you want\n> > that way.\n> > \n> > Matthias\n> > \n> > -- \n> > Matthias Saou World Trade Center\n> > ------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\n> > System and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\n> > Electronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n> > \n> > _______________________________________________\n> > RPM-List mailing list <>\n> >\n> -- \n> :\n> ####[ Linux One Stanza Tip (LOST) ]###########################\n> \n> Sub : Finding out files larger than given size LOST #324\n> \n> To find out all files in a dir over a given size, try:\n> find /path/to/dir_of_file -type f -size +Nk\n> [Where N is a number like 1024 for 1mb, and multiples thereof] \n> \n> ####[Discussions on LIH : 04 Jul 2002]########################\n> :\n> \n> \n> _______________________________________________\n> RPM-List mailing list <>\n>\n-- \n:\n####[ Linux One Stanza Tip (LOST) ]###########################\n\nSub : Finding out files larger than given size LOST #324\n\nTo find out all files in a dir over a given size, try:\nfind /path/to/dir_of_file -type f -size +Nk\n[Where N is a number like 1024 for 1mb, and multiples thereof] \n\n####[Discussions on LIH : 04 Jul 2002]########################\n:\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"On 14:22 29 Aug 2002, Matthias Saou <> wrote:\n| Once upon a time, Axel wrote :\n| > I am now relaxed again ;), and pass this info on. Probably Matthias Saou\n| > himself is \"dude\", and some package has hardwired a path in his build\n| > directory. It would be nice to find out which and fix it, but I am using\n| > too many of the freshrpm suite to narrow it down.\n| \n| Indeed, my usual login is \"dude\" (and has been since long before \"The Big\n| Lebowsky\" came out ;-)), and it seems the some programs wrongly hard code\n| my home directory when being compiled :-(\n| For instance :\n| \n| [dude@python dude]$ strings /usr/bin/gentoo | grep dude\n| /home/dude/\n| [dude@python dude]$ strings /usr/bin/xine | grep dude\n| /home/dude/redhat/tmp/xine-root/usr/share/locale\n| \n| These should probably be considered bugs in the program's build process\n| (especially for xine, look at that!), I'll report them upstream if/when I\n| have some time.\n\nThis is a standard trap for people building things from source. It's\ngenerally wise to have a special \"build\" environment to avoid these\nhassles. Most likely you have some library loading path in your env. An\nstrace of the app will show it:\n\n\tthe-app 2>&1 | grep dude\n\nPersonally, I have a script called logbuild whose entire purpose is to\nstart a shell with a minimal build environment, logged with script. The\nprevents this kind of error. Since configure yanks all sorts of ill\ndocumented values from one's environment for use in the build (CC, ARCH,\nvarious LD_* variables) this kind of thing is necessary.\n\nOften the easiest thing is to have a special nonroot account with no .profile\nfor building stuff.\n\nCheers,\n-- \nCameron Simpson, DoD#743\n\nDo not taunt Happy Fun Coder.\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"I am trying to rebuild the recently posted ALSA driver package for my \nkernel. Although I run Red Hat 7.3, I am not using a Red Hat kernel \npackage: my kernel is lovingly downloaded, configured, and built by \nhand. Call me old fashioned.\n\nSadly, the RPM rebuild fails part way through:\n\n % rpm --rebuild alsa-driver-0.9.0rc3-fr6.src.rpm\n\n gcc -DALSA_BUILD -D__KERNEL__ -DMODULE=1 \\\n -I/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/alsa-driver-0.9.0rc3/include \\\n -I/lib/modules/2.4.18/build/include -O2 \\\n -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -march=i686 -DLINUX -Wall \\\n -Wstrict-prototypes -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -DEXPORT_SYMTAB \\\n -c sound.c\n\n sound.c:41: `snd_hack_usb_set_interface' undeclared here (not in a \\\n function)\n\n sound.c:41: initializer element is not constant\n\n sound.c:41: (near initialization for \\\n __ksymtab_snd_hack_usb_set_interface.value')\n\n make[1]: *** [sound.o] Error 1\n\nThe line in question looks like this:\n\n\t/* USB workaround */\n\t#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2, 5, 24)\n\t#if defined(CONFIG_SND_USB_AUDIO) || \\\n\tdefined(CONFIG_SND_USB_AUDIO_MODULE) || \\\n\tdefined(CONFIG_SND_USB_MIDI) || \\\n\tdefined(CONFIG_SND_USB_MIDI_MODULE)\n-41-> \nEXPORT_SYMBOL(snd_hack_usb_set_interface);\n\t#endif\n\t#endif\n\nAny suggestions?\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"On Sat, 2002-08-31 at 08:28, Ben Liblit wrote:\n\n> Well, I've figured out the problem. I guess you could say it's an ALSA \n> bug. When one configures using \"--with-cards=all\", ALSA blindly turns \n> on the various CONFIG_SND_USB_* macros even if CONFIG_USB is not \n> actually set.\n[...]\n> Matthias, would you please consider hooking up this patch in your \n> alsa-driver.spec? It can be added in the obvious manner:\n> \n> I suppose I should send this along to the ALSA developers as well. For \n> them I'll produce a \"proper\" patch that makes the fix in \"acinclude.m4\". \n> Or is someone else on this list already part of the ALSA developer \n> community, and willing to shepherd this through for me?\n\nNot me, but IMHO it's kind of offtopic to put it in RPMs. \nUpstream is the way to go...\n\n-- \n\\/ille Skyttä\nville.skytta at\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Ville wrote :\n\n> Not me, but IMHO it's kind of offtopic to put it in RPMs. \n> Upstream is the way to go...\n\nAgreed, especially since my packages are primarily meant for the original\nRed Hat Linux kernels. And someone removing USB support from his kernel is\nprobably not going to recompile ALSA with *all* the drivers anyway ;-)\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"This mixer is specific to ALSA's special stuff, I use it in addition to the other\nmixers if I need something special.\n\nI built it a while ago, may need a --rebuild.\n\n\n\n\n\nMatthias Saou ( wrote*:\n>\n>Once upon a time, Ville wrote :\n>\n>> Ah! The mixer stuff was what made me look for an init script in the\n>> first place, I didn't bother to check whether the existing stuff would\n>> have worked with that. Will try that out, you can assume silence ==\n>> success :)\n>\n>Well, from what I've tried, both the main and the PCM (at least) volume\n>levels can be controlled either by \"alsamixer\" or the good old \"aumix\".\n>\n>> > >From what I can tell after only 2 days using it : ALSA rocks,\n>> > >especially\n>> > since having a full OSS compatibility results that it breaks nothing at\n>> > all! :-)\n>>\n>> Agreed. Though with only 2 hours experience...\n>\n>I guess/hope some other people from the list will try it out ;-)\n>\n>Both problems you reported ( and wrong xine dependency) are now\n>fixed in the current packages.\n>\n>Oh, it's maybe also worth pointing out : I've implemented at last sorting\n>by both last change date and alphabetically for my \"build list\" in the php\n>code :\n>\n>And yes, I accept patches/comments/suggestions about all those spec files!\n>\n>Matthias\n>\n>\n>_______________________________________________\n>RPM-List mailing list <>\n>\n\n--\nThat's \"angle\" as in geometry.\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"If I have any RPMS in\n\n\n\nthat could be useful to some one with a real apt repository or someone who wants to\nmaintain a package, be it known I am not selfish :)\n\nI found stuff I thought would later get popular so I would not have to maintain the\nRPMs for them after they hit the big time. Gnump3d is an exapmple of this.\n\nSo if anyone is psyched, go for it. If so, let me know so I can get the RPMs from\nyou in the future.\n\n--\nThat's \"angle\" as in geometry.\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"On Sat, Oct 05, 2002 at 06:06:14PM +0100, Padraig Brady mentioned:\n> OK I'm upgrading vorbis on my machine and I'm getting\n> the following:\n> \n> # rpm -U libvorbis-* vorbis-tools-1.0-1.i386.rpm\n> error: failed dependencies:\n> \ is needed by SDL_mixer-1.2.0-4\n> \ is needed by xmms-1.2.5-7\n> \ is needed by tuxracer-0.61-5\n> \n> This is because the new libvorbis.rpm only has\n> So is this a problem in the other packages depending on\n> a specific version ( rather than on the\n> generic ?\n\n This is a pain. \n\n The only way you can resolve this, to my knowledge is to download the\noriginal libvorbis rpm and the new one. Remove the old one, then do:\n\n rpm -Uvh libvorbis-*\n\n RPM then assumes that you want both versions installed at the same time,\nand does so. Why you can't do this after you have one library already\ninstalled is beyond me.\n\nKate\n\n-- \nIrish Linux Users' Group:\n for (un)subscription information.\nList maintainer:\n\n\n"
"On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 00:05, Matthias Saou wrote:\n\n> It's 100% untested, although the build should be ok. The new menu was\n> added, but some configuration files may be better with new or different\n> defaults.\n> \n> Feedback is very welcome!\n\nLooks good to me, just installed it, and ran a local scan, everything\nworked smoothly. Thanks a bunch!\n\n-- \n\\/ille Skyttä\nville.skytta at\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Hi\n\nI try to rebuild xine from src package and I get these errors:\n\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\nFinding Provides: /usr/lib/rpm/find-provides\nFinding Requires: /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires\nPreReq: rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 \nrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1\nRequires(rpmlib): rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 \nrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1\nRequires: xine-libs = 0.9.13 /bin/sh\nObsoletes: xine-devel\n\n\nRPM build errors:\n user dude does not exist - using root\n user dude does not exist - using root\n user dude does not exist - using root\n user dude does not exist - using root\n user dude does not exist - using root\n File not found: /var/tmp/xine-root/usr/bin/aaxine\n\n\nthx,\nRoi\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Roi wrote :\n\n> RPM build errors:\n> user dude does not exist - using root\n> user dude does not exist - using root\n> user dude does not exist - using root\n> user dude does not exist - using root\n> user dude does not exist - using root\n\nThis I would guess is normal, but don't you get it at the very beginning of\nthe build? Isn't this at the end just a reminder?\n\n> File not found: /var/tmp/xine-root/usr/bin/aaxine\n\nArgh, I forgot to exclude aaxine from the %files when using \"--without\naalib\" :-(\nThe current \"fr6.1\" spec file fixes this...\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nClean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :\nRed Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10acpi\nLoad : 0.02 0.03 0.00\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Thomas Vander Stichele wrote:\n\n> Hi,\n> \n> In my build scripts, I have problems with some of the kernel packages.\n> \n> For kernel-sources, I get :\n> \n> Package kernel-source is a virtual package provided by:\n> kernel-source#2.4.18-3 2.4.18-3\n> kernel-source#2.4.18-3 2.4.18-3\n> \n> on running apt-get install kernel-source\n> \n> Now, first of all, this doesn't really tell me what the two options are ;)\n> Second, is there some way I can tell apt-get to install either ? This is \n> done from automatic build scripts so I'd like it to proceed anyway.\n\nThat's just apt's way of telling you the package is in \"AllowDuplicated\", \nmeaning multiple versions of the package can be installed at the same \ntime. Yes the output is a bit strange.. especially when there's only one \nversion available.\n\n'apt-get install kernel-source#2.4.18-3' will install it...\n\n-- \n\t- Panu -\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Jesse Keating wrote:\n\n> On Mon, 7 Oct 2002 19:28:51 +0200\n> Matthias Saou <> wrote:\n> \n> # I've never heard of any CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive having problems with\n> # DMA... although there probably is since Red Hat decided to default\n> # disabling it a few releases back :-/\n> \n> When I worked as a PC repair tech for a Computer store chain, I did\n> run across quite a few DVD drives that would lock up if DMA was\n> enabled. It's more of a chipset/drive problem than a Drive by itself.\n\nAnd my IBM Intellistation would lock up instantly .. now this is actually \nquite funny .. if DMA was enabled for the CD-ROM *and* you tried to access \na CD with Joliet extensions. Otherwise it worked just fine with DMA \nenabled :)\n\n-- \n\t- Panu -\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Hi all,\n\nI've decided at last to test the ALSA sound drivers. As usual the result is\nthat I've spent much more time repackaging the darn thing than actually\ntesting the functionalities or trying to hear the great sound quality\npeople seem to think it outputs... but hey, some of you will benefit from\nthat, right? ;-)\n\nI've got the whole thing working on a Valhalla system, but the packages\nshould easily install or at least recompile on Enigma, Limbo/(null) and\nmaybe others, who knows ;-)\n\nHere are quick instructions for those of you that wish to try it out :\n- Recompile the \"alsa-driver\" source rpm for your running kernel\n (you can install the binary package if you're using the i686 2.4.18-10)\n- Install this \"alsa-driver\" package\n- Install the \"alsa-libs\" package\n- Install the \"alsa-utils\" package\n\nNow go to this URL and find out what you need to change in your\n/etc/modules.conf file to replace the default OSS driver loading :\n\n(very complete and very good documentation!)\nHopefully you'll see that your card *is* supported ;-)\n\nReboot, or remove by hand your current sound modules (you'll probably need\nto stop many applications to free the sound resource...) \"by hand\" and\ninsert the new ones. If all is well you've got ALSA working! (\"dmesg\" to\ncheck is a good idea), you now just need to adjust the volume levels with\ne.g. aumix and alsamixer because everything is muted by default.\n\nWith \"aplay\" you can already test files to see if you hear anything. You\ncan also install the XMMS plugin (seems to make my XMMS segfault on exit...\nhmmm, but maybe it's another plugin) to listen to your good ol' mp3\nfiles... that's it!\n\nIt really isn't complicated, and has never been from what I see. The only\nthing I disliked was to have to install from source... but as I can't\nimagine myself doing that ;-) I've repackaged everything cleanly. Even the\n/dev entries are included in the rpm package (and *not* created by an ugly\n%post script, I insist!) and seamlessly integrate into the /etc/makedev.d\nstructure. There are also a few other noticeable differences with the\ndefault provided ALSA spec files, for example I've split alsa-lib's\ndevelopment files into an alsa-lib-devel package and included static\nlibraries... there are others of course (oh yes, the kernel version against\nwhich the \"alsa-driver\" package is compiled gets neatly integrated in the\nrpm release, so does the architecture!).\n\nI'm open to any comments or suggestions about these packages!\n\nDownload :\n\n\nCurrent spec files :\n\n\n\n(All others, patches etc. : )\n\nMatthias\n\nPS: As an extra bonus, I've also recompiled xine with alsa support! Simply\nrun \"xine -A alsa09\" and off you go! It may even support 5.1 and S/PDIF ;-)\n\n-- \nClean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :\nRed Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10\nLoad : 0.57 0.42 0.42, AC on-line, battery charging: 29% (1:55)\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Hi,\n\nsome time now the following messages were haunting me:\n\n automount[11593]: attempting to mount entry /home/dude\n\nIt just came to my attention, that only freshrpm benefitting hosts showed this\nup. I grepped through the binaries and found referrences to /home/dude.\n\n# grep /home/dude /usr/bin/*\nBinary file /usr/bin/aaxine matches\nBinary file /usr/bin/gentoo matches\nBinary file /usr/bin/gphoto2 matches\nBinary file /usr/bin/gtkam matches\n...\n\nI am now relaxed again ;), and pass this info on. Probably Matthias Saou\nhimself is \"dude\", and some package has hardwired a path in his build\ndirectory. It would be nice to find out which and fix it, but I am using too\nmany of the freshrpm suite to narrow it down.\n\nRegards, Axel.\n-- \\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"After installing and enabling xosd-xmms I get the following error when\ntrying to start xmms\n\nXlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x30)!\n\nxmms starts, but it does not detect mouse commands.\n\nThanks,\nMike\n-- \nD. Michael Basinger\\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"John P. Looney wrote:\n> The only way you can resolve this, to my knowledge is to download the\n> original libvorbis rpm and the new one. Remove the old one, then do:\n> \n> rpm -Uvh libvorbis-*\n> \n> RPM then assumes that you want both versions installed at the same time,\n> and does so. Why you can't do this after you have one library already\n> installed is beyond me.\n\nDoes using the --oldpackage flag help your pain, or is your pain caused \nby \"Obsoletes\" flags?\n\nCheers,\nWaider.\n-- \ / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me\n\n-- \nIrish Linux Users' Group:\n for (un)subscription information.\nList maintainer:\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Jon wrote :\n\n> Since libdvdcss-1.2.0, I have been unable to play DVDs using ogle, xine,\n> vlc, or mplayer. They all show a scrambled picture with (VERY) choppy\n> audio. When I run xine I see tons of these in the console: \n> \n> liba52: a52_block error\n> liba52: a52_block error\n> liba52: a52_block error\n> liba52: a52_block error\n> audio_out: inserting 5859 0-frames to fill a gap of 10989 pts\n> metronom: audio jump\n> liba52: a52_block error\n> \n> Has anyone seen this before and know how to fix it? Or should I file a\n> bug report? \n\nHi,\n\nFirst of all, sorry for not replying to your private email from last week,\nbut I really don't have a slight idea of what could be causing this!\n- Is this with different DVDs or a single one?\n- Is this using OSS or ALSA? Have you tried both?\n- Is this using binariy packages or recompiling source ones?\n\nI remember a user having trouble with a particular DVD ever since upgrading\nlibdvdcss to a recent version, but haven't heard the end of the story.\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nClean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :\nRed Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10acpi\nLoad : 0.07 0.20 0.21\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Thomas wrote :\n\n> Should I expect problems if my apt server is running RH 7.3/Apt 0.3 and\n> some clients are coming on line and will be running RH 8.0/Apt 0.5? Do\n> the two different version interoperate?\n\nNo problems whatsoever. Currently is running 7.3 with apt\n0.3 and many 8.0 clients with 0.5 are using it.\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nClean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :\nRed Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10\nLoad : 0.10 0.11 0.10, AC on-line, battery charging: 100% (1:47)\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Hello,\n\nHas anyone made a working source RPM for dvd::rip for Red Hat 8.0?\nMatthias has a spec file on the site for 0.46, and there are a couple of\nspec files lying around on the dvd::rip website, including one I patched\na while ago, but it appears that the Makefile automatically generated is\ntrying to install the Perl libraries into the system's, and also at the\nmoment dvd::rip needs to be called with PERLIO=stdio as it seems to not\nwork with PerlIO on RH8's Perl.\n\nNot too sure what the cleanest way to fix this is - anyone working on\nthis?\n\nThanks,\n\n-- \nMichèl Alexandre Salim\nWeb:\t\t\nGPG/PGP key:\t\n\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nEverything you'll ever need on one web page\nfrom News and Sport to Email and Music Charts\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Michèl wrote :\n\n> Has anyone made a working source RPM for dvd::rip for Red Hat 8.0?\n\nI don't think I've tried yet, but if I did, I probably moved on to another\npackage after having bumped into one of the problems you mention.\n\nIf anyone sends me a patch to my spec file and eventually needed patches\netc., I'd be more than glad to make a new build available.\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nClean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :\nRed Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10acpi\nLoad : 0.13 0.09 0.09\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Folks, \n\nSome of you seem to have hardcoded honor as the default catalogue server.\nThere are three catalogue only servers running now, and honor is acting\nas a nomination only server. Tonight we will be completely turning off\ncatalogue support on honor, so if you are specifying honor with the -rs\noption, please take it out and let the agents discover a closeby\ncatalogue server.\n\ncheers,\nvipul.\n\n\n-- \n\nVipul Ved Prakash | \"The future is here, it's just not \nSoftware Design Artist | widely distributed.\"\n | -- William Gibson\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nRazor-users mailing list\\n\n\n"
"I never claimed it could learn *all* combinatorial \npossibilities, but it certainly can learn some.\n\nC\n\nOn Thursday, August 22, 2002, at 07:21 PM, Scott A Crosby wrote:\n\n> On Thu, 22 Aug 2002 09:20:05 -0700, Craig R.Hughes \n> <> writes:\n>\n>> It *can* learn combinatorial stuff in a more subtle way. Imagine\n>\n> No it can't..\n>\n> It can learn a few examples that happen to be linearily seperable,\n> like those you gave. It cannot learn the example I gave below, which\n> is not linearily seperable.\n\n\n"
"Hello all,\nI get problems with the latest nightly build from Spamassassin with\nVMailMgr + OMail-Admin. \nIt scans the mail and gives it an :\n\n X-Spam-Status: No, hits=11.4 required=7.0\n\nCan someone look at the code for it? Maybe because option -F is gone?\n\n\nGreetings\nErik Rudolfs\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-devel mailing list\\n\n\n"
"\n\"Craig R.Hughes\" said:\n\n> Are you filtering the nonspamtrap for spam when those \n> newsletters sold your address to someone you didn't sign up \n> with? You should probably manually verify that all the mail in \n> the trap is in fact nonspam!\n\nYep. so far it's all opt-in stuff, no \"affiliate deals\" etc.\n\n--j.\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"As the subject line indicates, I'm sure these are stupid questions, but\nI'm having trouble getting SA working like I understand it should work,\nand have about given up on trying to figure it out myself.\n\nIf a user has a line like:\n\nwhitelist_from *\n\nin his .spamassassin/user_prefs file, does that line not, in effect,\ntell the program to take no action at all against any mail coming in from\, or is there still checking being done against it? And if\nthe latter, what does he need to place in user_prefs to cause such mail\nto be ignored? I'm testing SA here with a few users who happen to be on\nyahoogroups lists, before deploying it system-wide, and although the above\nline has been added to their user_prefs files, much of their list mail is\nstill going to the spam folder due to all the usual things you would\nexpect to trigger SA.\n\nThanks in advance for any help.\n\n--\nKen Scott,\\n\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
["On Thu, Aug 22, 2002 at 01:01:44PM -0500, Ken Scott wrote:\n> whitelist_from *\n> \n> in his .spamassassin/user_prefs file, does that line not, in effect,\n> tell the program to take no action at all against any mail coming in from\n>, or is there still checking being done against it? And if\n\nIt still gets checked, but a negative score is added in. And it doesn't\nmean \"coming in from\" it means \"From: address is\".\nThere's a Yahoo Groups compensation rule in 2.40 though. :)\n\n> the latter, what does he need to place in user_prefs to cause such mail\n> to be ignored? I'm testing SA here with a few users who happen to be on\n\nignored completely? you can't do that, put in a procmail rule.\n\n> yahoogroups lists, before deploying it system-wide, and although the above\n> line has been added to their user_prefs files, much of their list mail is\n> still going to the spam folder due to all the usual things you would\n> expect to trigger SA.\n\nYou'd want to either add your own compensation rule or up (negatively)\nthe whitelist score.\n\n-- \nRandomly Generated Tagline:\nThere are perfectly good answers to those questions, but they'll have\n to wait for another night.\n \n \t\t-- Homer Simpson\n \t\t Homers Barbershop Quartet\n", "…"]
"Update of /cvsroot/spamassassin/spamassassin/masses\nIn directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv440/masses\n\nModified Files:\n Tag: b2_4_0\n\tmass-check \nLog Message:\nFixes, additions to mass-check\n\nIndex: mass-check\n===================================================================\nRCS file: /cvsroot/spamassassin/spamassassin/masses/mass-check,v\nretrieving revision 1.67\nretrieving revision\ndiff -b -w -u -d -r1.67 -r1.67.2.1\n--- mass-check\t20 Aug 2002 12:29:32 -0000\t1.67\n+++ mass-check\t22 Aug 2002 18:13:30 -0000\t1.67.2.1\n@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@\n \n print \"# mass-check results from $who\\@$where, on $when\\n\";\n print \"# M:SA version \".$spamtest->Version().\"\\n\";\n+print '# CVS tag: $Name$',\"\\n\";\n $iter->set_function (\\&wanted);\n $iter->run (@ARGV);\n exit;\n@@ -132,6 +133,8 @@\n my $tests = $status->get_names_of_tests_hit();\n \n $tests = join(',', sort(split(/,/, $tests)));\n+\n+ $id =~ s/\\s/_/g;\n \n printf \"%s %2d %s %s\\n\",\n \t\t ($yorn ? 'Y' : '.'),\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-commits mailing list\\n\n\n"
"I think with the confusion and all, we should give these folks \nuntil the end of the day to get fixed logs uploaded :)\n\nJustin, on a related note -- I didn't include the spamtrap stuff \nfrom the corpus directory on your server in my logs, but that \nshould definitely be in there -- don't know if you'd included it \nin yours or not. I think it's from Kelsey's mailtraps...\n\nC\n\nOn Thursday, August 22, 2002, at 09:49 AM, Justin Mason wrote:\n\n> Files that are out of date (as far as I can tell -- they have no date\n> comment), and will be ignored:\n>\n> nonspam-danielp.log\n> nonspam-danielr.log\n> nonspam-duncan.log\n> nonspam-james.log\n> nonspam-laager.log\n> nonspam-messagelabs.log\n> nonspam-msquadrat.log\n> nonspam-olivier.log\n> nonspam-oliviern.log\n> nonspam-quinlan.log\n> nonspam-rodbegbie.log\n> nonspam-sean.log\n> nonspam-theo.log\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"\nOn Thursday, August 22, 2002, at 09:36 AM, Justin Mason wrote:\n\n>\n> \"Craig R.Hughes\" said:\n>\n>> I thought we'd sort of decided that after 2.40 we'd switch the\n>> meaning of the \"lang\" prefix to actually mean \"run these rules\n>> if language matches\", where \"language\" is what TextCat spits out\n>> for a message, as opposed to using the locale which is how\n>> things currently work.\n>\n> ah, right -- I'd forgotten that. :(\n>\n> doesn't help with the finding-broken-rules QA case though...\n\nIt does, if you have a corpus of german spam and nonspam to feed \nit, and you're not in a de locale.\n\nC\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"So do you know my public key? Does the guy who wants to buy \n10,000 licenses of SpamAssassin Pro? Do I really want to lose \nemail from either of you?\n\nC\n\nOn Thursday, August 22, 2002, at 10:13 AM, Tony L. Svanstrom wrote:\n\n> On Thu, 22 Aug 2002 the voices made Craig R.Hughes write:\n>\n>> Trouble is, you don't necessarily know ahead of time who's \n>> wanting to send\n>> you stuff. I don't have your PGP public key on my keychain. \n>> You can do all\n>> the signing you want, it's not going to help. However, if you \n>> stick a Habeas\n>> header in your mail, I can (hopefully) be reasonably sure that \n>> you're not\n>> trying to spam me. It is going to be all about enforcement \n>> though; we'll\n>> have to see how they do on enforcement.\n>\n> Signing messages to someone ('s public key) isn't impossible, \n> using some\n> creative scripting you could even do it with OpenPGP-compatible \n> software...\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"---------- Forwarded message ----------\nFrom: Vernon Schryver <>\nTo:\nDate: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 09:09:05 -0600 (MDT)\nSubject: Version 1.1.11 of the DCC\n\nersion 1.1.11 of the DCC source is in\n and\n\n\n and\n start with\n\n fix dccm bugs with handling a non-responsive server.\n change misc/hackmc to modify to reject unauthorized relay\n\tattempts with a temporary failure when they are supposed to be sent\n\tto the DCC but dccm is not running. This prevents leaking relay\n\trelay spam. You must use the new hackmc script to install this\n\tchange in\n remove \"# whitelisted\" from `cdcc stats` output to give more room\n\tfor totals.\n prevent empty dccproc log files as noted by Krzysztof Snopek.\n even fatal errors should cause dccproc to exit with 0 to avoid\n\trejecting mail, as noted by Krzysztof Snopek.\n When server hostnames have common IP addresses, prefer the server\n\twith the non-anonymous client-ID, noted by Krzysztof Snopek.\n\n\nVernon Schryver\n_______________________________________________\nDCC mailing list\n\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"Is there a way to get my read email downloaded off\n\nI've been reading the emails using the web based interface. But I've\nreached my quota limit. There doesn't seem to be any way to get the\nemails off the server. I can connect to the account using POP, but that\nonly retrieves unread emails. There's also no way to mark emails as\nunread from the html interface.\n\nIs there a way I can use fetchmail perhaps to get it to pull down all\nthe emails and remove them off the server.\n\nIt's been years since I've used fetchmail, I don't recall be able to do\nthis.\n\nAny other suggestions welcome. There's a few hundred email so I don't\nfancy going through each one forwarding it to another account.\n\nGlen\n\n\n\n\n-- \nIrish Linux Users' Group:\n for (un)subscription information.\nList maintainer:\n\n\n"
"There is a whitelist RBL now! Ironport's Bonded Sender is \nbasically a whitelist RBL where you post a bond to get on the \nlist, and then lose the bond if you end up spamming from that IP \naddress (or something like that).\n\nC\n\nOn Sunday, August 25, 2002, at 07:58 PM, Bart Schaefer wrote:\n\n>> 4. DNSBL: Only certifies an ip address, not who is using it. As it is\n>> currently used, DNSBL allows you to look up if some IP address \n>> has been\n>> blacklisted by someone. What I haven't seen is a service that \n>> provides a\n>> DNS based whitelist.\n>\n> There's a practical reason for that: Any DNS list (white or \n> black) works\n> only for a limited number of IPs; the set of unlisted IPs is \n> much larger\n> than the set in the DNS list. If you have to make a binary decision to\n> accept or reject, you'll be wrong less often if you reject the \n> blacklist\n> and accept everything else, rather than accept the whitelist and reject\n> everything else.\n>\n> A whitelist is only helpful when (a) you only want mail from a limited\n> number of known sources, or (b) you can use a secondary system \n> like SA to\n> decide what to do with the vast unlisted masses. Most MTAs still make\n> only the binary decision, because the secondary computation is \n> expensive.\n>\n> With SA's cooperation, though, it might be worth a try. Even better if\n> one could get commercial anti-spam outfits to agree to factor it in.\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"Political news T R U T H O U T uses it too.\n\nJustin Mason wrote:\n>>>> 0.978 0.540 1.184 0.31 -1.00 FWD_MSG\n>>>\n>>>I'm a bit surprised that any spams hit this one. Did somebody forward a \n>>>spam that then went into a corpus?\n>>\n>>My corpus is quite clean and I get spam hits.\n> \n> \n> yes, it's being frequently forged already.\n> \n> \n>>>> 1.582 2.226 1.279 0.64 0.39 GAPPY_TEXT\n>>>\n>>>Gappy text in a non-spam? It must be a H E A D L I N E or something. \n>>>Maybe just remove space from the list of \"gap\" characters?\n>>\n>>For 2.50, we could try to figure out which nonspams are hitting and\n>>improve the rule.\n> \n> \n> BTW I subscribe to the Media Unspun newsletter, and it and a few others\n> regularly use that H E A D L I N E thing.\n> \n> splitting it into 2, one that matches gappy text with punctuation chars,\n> one that matches spaces between the chars, would probably help. if\n> anyone's bothered, I'd suggest filing a bug.\n> \n> --j.\n> \n> \n> -------------------------------------------------------\n> This email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\n> cell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n>\n> _______________________________________________\n> Spamassassin-devel mailing list\n>\n>\n> \n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-devel mailing list\\n\n\n"
"\nLuiz Felipe Ceglia said:\n\n> \t:0fw\n> \t| /usr/bin/spamassassin -c \n> \t\t\t/etc/mail/spamassassin/rules\n\nare you using exactly that -- with the line break -- or is it like this:\n\n :0fw\n | /usr/bin/spamassassin -c /etc/mail/spamassassin/rules\n\nall on one line? it should be the latter.\n\n--j.\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"\nBrian R. Melcer said:\n>> I've got spamassassin installed and tested on MacOS X 10.1.5,\n>> although there are issues with spamd still. So in addition to\n>> looking for new and different uses for SA, I'd like to hear\n>> from folks using it under MacOS X.\n>\n> I just recently converted our SA setup to use Amavisd into our Postfix\n\nAmavisd or Amavisd-new? If the latter, you don't need spamd running, since\namavisd-new calls SA functions directly.\n\n-- \nPGP Fingerprint: 0AA8 DC47 CB63 AE3F C739 6BF9 9AB4 1EF6 5AA5 BCDF\nMember, LEAF Project <> AIM: MikeLeone\nPublic Key - <>\n\nSome days you're the pigeon; some days you're the statue.\n\n\n\n\nRandom Thought:\n--------------\n\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"Daniel Quinlan <> wrote:\n> Exactly, except that I think you may be too optimistic\n> about the reporting, the timeframe, and the accuracy.\n\nThat's another argument for a \"HLL\" (Habeas Licensee List) which would be less\ninclusive than a test for the mark of for HIL, but more timely and accurate. When an\nip address is on the HLL it could get a huge negative score, bigger than the Habeas\nmark alone.\n\n -- sidney\n\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"\n\"Craig R.Hughes\" said:\n\n> The GA run on the current corpus is yielding an average (mean) \n> score for false-positives of about 10 points, which is higher \n> than before. There's some tweaking to be done yet (rule \n> elimination and such), so that will likely fall, but -15 might \n> not be enough of a correction in many situations. I will set \n> the scores for the Habeas stuff and the Ironport stuff to be \n> sensible given:\n> \n> a) estimated likeliness of compliance with Habeas/Bonded sender \n> rules, and\n> b) score correction level needed to achieve purposes of those projects.\n\nUsing the score-ranges stuff and my aggressive anti-FP evaluation code,\nBTW, yielded an average FP of 5.7 points, with 0.67% FPs and 96.57%\noverall accuracy -- but I notice you went back to the other method.\nJust pointing this out ;)\n\n--j.\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"On Mon, 26 Aug 2002 the voices made write:\n\n>\n\n> ------- Additional Comments From 2002-08-26 09:33 -------\n> Just because it's documented doesn't mean it's a good thing.\n>\n> I work for an ISP. We provide SpamAssassin to our customers. I got email\n> today from a support tech saying that \"spamassassin -t\" reports that a\n> message is probably spam even when it's not, and why is this, and can we\n> change it? I thought about why it is, and the only answer I could come up\n> with was, \"it was easier for the programmer that way\". That's an answer, I\n> guess, but her point was that this is going to generate support calls, and\n> support calls cost us time and money.\n\n Why would a customer use `spamassassin -t` without understanding what it does?\n\n\n\t/Tony\n-- \n# Per scientiam ad libertatem! // Through knowledge towards freedom! #\n# Genom kunskap mot frihet! =*= (c) 1999-2002 =*= #\n\n perl -e'print$_{$_} for sort%_=`lynx -dump`'\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-devel mailing list\\n\n\n"
"On Mon, 26 Aug 2002 the voices made CertaintyTech write:\n\n> Recently I have been receiving Spam where both the From: and To: address are\n> set to my address therefore getting thru due to AWL. Any suggestions on\n> this one? I could turn off AWL but it does have advantages. BTW, I use a\n> site-wide AWL.\n\n Use cron to remove your address from the AWL daily...?!\n\n\t/Tony\n-- \n# Per scientiam ad libertatem! // Through knowledge towards freedom! #\n# Genom kunskap mot frihet! =*= (c) 1999-2002 =*= #\n\n perl -e'print$_{$_} for sort%_=`lynx -dump`'\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"I don't know how make of you are in the Bay Area but EFF is having a benifit \nparty ast the DNA Lounge in San Francisco tonight. Wil Weaton (Wesley Crussher \nfrom star Trek TNG) will fight Barney the Dinasour.\n\nCome on by if you're not doing anything.\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-devel mailing list\\n\n\n"
"Seems fetchmail has a -a switch to get it all.\n\nJust need to install fetchmail now :)\n\nGlen\n\nOn Mon, 2002-10-07 at 10:17, Stephane Dudzinski wrote:\n> Funny enough, that also happened to a Friend of mine who uses both the\n> web interface and a pop client. Last time i tried to send a picture\n> which was around 100k, it got denied saying that quota was exceeded.\n> When he looked at his account on the web, it mentionned 5 MB free, so i\n> have no idea what they're playing at ...\n> \n> Doesn't really help but just wanted to confirm the problem. \n> \n> Steph\n> \n> On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 10:10, Glen Gray wrote:\n> > Is there a way to get my read email downloaded off\n> > \n> > I've been reading the emails using the web based interface. But I've\n> > reached my quota limit. There doesn't seem to be any way to get the\n> > emails off the server. I can connect to the account using POP, but that\n> > only retrieves unread emails. There's also no way to mark emails as\n> > unread from the html interface.\n> > \n> > Is there a way I can use fetchmail perhaps to get it to pull down all\n> > the emails and remove them off the server.\n> > \n> > It's been years since I've used fetchmail, I don't recall be able to do\n> > this.\n> > \n> > Any other suggestions welcome. There's a few hundred email so I don't\n> > fancy going through each one forwarding it to another account.\n> > \n> > Glen\n> > \n> > \n> > \n> > \n> > -- \n> > Irish Linux Users' Group:\n> > for (un)subscription information.\n> > List maintainer:\n> -- \n> ______________________________________________\n> Stephane Dudzinski Systems Administrator\n> NewWorldIQ \t t: +353 1 4334357\n> f: +353 1 4334301\n> \n> -- \n> Irish Linux Users' Group:\n> for (un)subscription information.\n> List maintainer:\n\n\n-- \nIrish Linux Users' Group:\n for (un)subscription information.\nList maintainer:\n\n\n"
"Hi, does anyone have a collection of real-world-spam, that I could use to\ntest my setup?\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"\nOn Tuesday, August 27, 2002, at 06:03 AM, Tony L. Svanstrom wrote:\n\n> Where can I find it, I was searching online without any luck... =(\n\nYou can't, because there isn't one, yet. Habeas is using a \ncombination of copyright and trademark law to protect their \nsender warranties. They hope to patent the system, but they \nhave not been ISSUED a patent.\n\n--B\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"On Tue, 27 Aug 2002 the voices made Matt Sergeant write:\n\n> I've got 6C115 (I think) the current developer release (though not the same\n> as gold).\n\n The only difference AFAIK is the path to a single helpfile, which we don't use\nanyways, right? *G*\n\n\n\t/Tony\nPS I also have a problem with that stupid helpprogram crasching whenever I\nsearch for \"windows\"; not sure if that's a feature or not. =)\n-- \n# Per scientiam ad libertatem! // Through knowledge towards freedom! #\n# Genom kunskap mot frihet! =*= (c) 1999-2002 =*= #\n\n perl -e'print$_{$_} for sort%_=`lynx -dump`'\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
" (Justin Mason) writes:\n\n> Sounds a lot like TMDA to me. :( Filing date is July 26, 2001,\n> granted May 16, 2002.\n>\n> TMDAers, have you seen this before?\n\nNo, but thanks for pointing it out.\n\n> I'd presume TMDA is prior art, but still, it could be troublesome...\n\nYup. TMDA's core functionality was fully established before even the\nfiling date.\n\nAnyone with experience in this area have a recommendation on whether\nthis should be pursued or not?\n\n"
"\n> I would be in favor of creating new SpamAssassin CVS modules and\n> Bugzilla categories for other clients (provided there is sufficient\n> interest and a maintainer).\n\nyeah, I'd be with that -- as long as they have a maintainer ;)\n\nhowever regarding CVS, I'd say many projects might find it easier\nto just sign up as a new proj with -- it might save them having\nto go through us (not sure, depends on what's procedures\nare like).\n\n--j.\n\n\n\n"
["On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 12:14:24AM +0100, Justin Mason wrote:\n> actually, I think procmail supports this directly. use DROPPRIVS=yes\n> at the top of the /etc/procmailrc.\n\nHey, look at that!\n\n DROPPRIVS If set to\t`yes' procmail will drop all privileges\n\t\t it might have had (suid or sgid). This is only\n\t\t useful if you want to guarantee that the bottom half\n\t\t of the /etc/procmailrc file is executed on behalf\n\t\t of the recipient.\n\nOf course, removing setuid/gid bits on programs that don't need it is\nalways a good idea. A general rule of system administration: don't give\nout permissions unless you absolutely need to. ;)\n\n-- \nRandomly Generated Tagline:\n\"The cardinal rule at our school is simple. No shooting at teachers. If\n you have to shoot a gun, shoot it at a student or an administrator.\"\n - \"Word Smart II\", from Princeton Review Pub.\n", "…"]
"-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\nHash: SHA1\n\nOn Tuesday 27 August 2002 07:45 am, Justin Mason wrote:\n> Tony Svanstrom, on SpamAssassin-talk, noted this US patent:\n>\n>\n>tml/PTO/search-adv.html&r=62&f=G&l=50&d=PG01&s1=spam&p=2&OS=haiku&RS=spam\n>\n> Method of anti-spam\n>\n> Abstract\n>\n> A method of anti-spam is to set an optional trustcode, or a trustlist, or\n> at least a trustweb based on online mail delivery at a recipient's e-mail\n> address. A mail sender is compelled at the first time to deliver a mail\n> by way of: taking the way of \"Visiting trustweb and sending online\", or\n> enclosing the recipient's trustcode in the mail and sending in another way\n> other than the mentioned. After the sender's e-mail address has been stored\n> automatically in the recipient's trustlist, the sender may send mails to\n> the same recipient in whatever the ways feasible.\n>\n>\n> Sounds a lot like TMDA to me. :( Filing date is July 26, 2001, granted\n> May 16, 2002.\n>\n> TMDAers, have you seen this before? I'd presume TMDA is prior art, but\n> still, it could be troublesome...\n>\n>\nI took a bit of time to review what is on the above URL. If I were a news \neditor, the headline would be:\n\n\"Inventor\" from country that ignores patents and copyrights, seeks patent for \ninventing the wheel!\n- -- \n- ------------------------------------------------------------------------\nRobin Lynn Frank---Director of Operations---Paradigm, Omega, LLC\n\n© 2002. All rights reserved. No duplication/dissemination permitted.\nUse of PGP/GPG encrypted mail preferred. No HTML/attachments accepted.\nFingerprint: 08E0 567C 63CC 5642 DB6D D490 0F98 D7D3 77EA 3714\nKey Server:\n- ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)\n\niD8DBQE9bEcKD5jX03fqNxQRAmTfAKDM6BDsePbg8fb9Ore0XuS5jB4t1wCfbTcw\n/PBXqXO7Pei1f9lIj4gd0/c=\n=PNJx\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n\n"
"On Tue, 27 Aug 2002 the voices made Jason R. Mastaler write:\n\n> (Justin Mason) writes:\n>\n> > Sounds a lot like TMDA to me. :( Filing date is July 26, 2001,\n> > granted May 16, 2002.\n> >\n> > TMDAers, have you seen this before?\n>\n> No, but thanks for pointing it out.\n>\n> > I'd presume TMDA is prior art, but still, it could be troublesome...\n>\n> Yup. TMDA's core functionality was fully established before even the\n> filing date.\n>\n> Anyone with experience in this area have a recommendation on whether\n> this should be pursued or not?\n\n If you think you can survive it, please fight... When I found that patent I\nfound others that were just common sense, things that any geek could implement\nwith his script/shell-language of choice; and it's time for someone to get the\nmedias attention on what's going on.\n Basically this is the new wave of \"namenappers\"; it used to be domainnames,\nnot it's all the basic general ideas they can think off/find on the web that\nthey're patenting.\n\n\n\t/Tony\n-- \n# Per scientiam ad libertatem! // Through knowledge towards freedom! #\n# Genom kunskap mot frihet! =*= (c) 1999-2002 =*= #\n\n perl -e'print$_{$_} for sort%_=`lynx -dump`'\n\n\n"
"On Tuesday 27 August 2002 19:26 CET Leroy B. wrote:\n> Ignore...\n\nCan't.\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: Jabber - The world's fastest growing \nreal-time communications platform! Don't just IM. Build it in! \n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"It seems to only support PPPoA and not PPPoE. You need one that supports\nPPPoE, if you want torun it in routed IP mode. If you are using it as a\nbridge, it'll probably work, but you'd be left leaving the computer on,\nwhich would defeat the purpose of getting a router.\n\nThe best router I've come accross is the Zyxel 643. Eircom supply this,\nbut if you have alook online you can probably find it cheaper to buy\nonline from America or the UK.\n\nHope this is useful,\nJoe\n\n\n-- \nIrish Linux Users' Group:\n for (un)subscription information.\nList maintainer:\n\n\n"