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"On Fri, 23 Aug 2002, Tom wrote:\n\n--]\n--]XviD [1] is a project to make GPL divx codecs. Sigma Designs [1] is a\n\n\nSorry, Sigma Designs should be the [2] not the [1]\n\n\n\n\n"
"\nOn Tue, 10 Sep 2002 01:20:56 PDT,\n\tJ C Lawrence <> wrote:\n\n> On Mon, 09 Sep 2002 15:36:37 -0400 \n> Tom Reingold <> wrote:\n> \n> > At work, I have to use Outlook. Ick. I hate it. \n> \n> Ahh. At work we fire people who use Outlook (Literally true: They get\n> escorted to the door, their badge confiscated, and told to return the\n> next day to collect their office contents).\n\nWhy? What threat does Outlook pose to your organization?\n\n> > But it does a few things right. Like making indices for each folder,\n> > and not just by date, but also by sender, message size, subject. So I\n> > can sort by any column instantly.\n> \n> Have you looked into using a custom sequences file?\n\nMore detail please? I do use sequences, so I'm familiar with their\nuse, but how can I make indices with them, and how can I keep them\nup to date?\n\n> > And mime handling is pretty bad compared with modern mailers.\n> \n> The only thing I actually miss in that regard is support for S/MIME.\n\nYou're probably running exmh on a local machine. I'm running it on\na very remote machine. In this scenario, the mime handling is weak.\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"\nTom Reingold wrote:\n\n> > \n> > Ahh. At work we fire people who use Outlook (Literally true:\n> > They get escorted to the door, their badge confiscated, and\n> > told to return the next day to collect their office contents).\n> \n> Why? What threat does Outlook pose to your organization?\n> \n\nIt has been described as \"the technological equivalent of\nsoliciting blood transfusions from random strangers in the\nstreet\". In short - it's a virus magnet.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 10:29:26 -0400 \nTom Reingold <> wrote:\n> On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 01:20:56 PDT, J C Lawrence <> wrote:\n\n>> Ahh. At work we fire people who use Outlook (Literally true: They\n>> get escorted to the door, their badge confiscated, and told to return\n>> the next day to collect their office contents).\n\n> Why? What threat does Outlook pose to your organization?\n\nIt places the company, corporate network and data at risk.\n\nOutlook is subject to an (absurdly large) number of exploits with more\nbeing regularly found. An exploited system, to whatever extent, places\nother corporate systems at risk, customer systems at risk, company\nreputation and liability with customers at risk, and\nproprietary/corporate data at risk. Further, users cannot be reliably\nexpected to use Outlook in a safe manner. The net result is that\nOutlook use is considered to be somewhere between criminal negligence\nand deliberately malicious as far as the employer is concerned.\n\n>> Have you looked into using a custom sequences file?\n\n> More detail please? I do use sequences, so I'm familiar with their\n> use, but how can I make indices with them, and how can I keep them up\n> to date?\n\nI don't use custom sequences, so I can't comment well. I suspect that\nyou'd have to use a cron job to maintain the sequences.\n\n>> The only thing I actually miss in that regard is support for S/MIME.\n\n> You're probably running exmh on a local machine. I'm running it on a\n> very remote machine. In this scenario, the mime handling is weak.\n\nNope. I run exmh on my desktops at home and at work with the resulting\nexmh windows being displayed on both my work and home desktops (gratis\nSSH X11 forwarding). In fact, your message was read and replied to\n(this message) while at work, using an exmh instance running on my home\nmachine.\n\n-- \nJ C Lawrence \n---------(*) Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas. \ He lived as a devil, eh?\t\t \n Evil is a name of a foeman, as I live.\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
["> From: Hal DeVore <>\n> Sender:\n> Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 22:06:58 -0500\n> \n> \n> \n> >>>>> On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, \"Rick\" == Rick Baartman wrote:\n> \n> Rick> This is dangerous; I have to remember to re-scan each\n> Rick> folder I enter. Is there a safeguard for this?\n> \n> Nope. Regenerate the cache in the script\n> \n> \tfor f in `folders -fast -r`\n> \tdo\n> \t\techo sorting $f ...\n> \t\tsortm +$f\n> \t\tscan `mhpath +`/$f/.xmhcache\n> \tdone\n> \n> --Hal\n\nHere is the little script I run I run nightly from cron. It does a\ngeneral tidying of things including sorting and updating the cache.\n\nI didn't write it and I'm afraid I have lost track of who did, but\nit's worked well for years. I run a similar one to update the glimpse\nindices nightly.\n\nR. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer\nEnergy Sciences Network (ESnet)\nErnest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)\nE-mail:\t\t\tPhone: +1 510 486-8634\n\n", "…"]
"> > You're probably running exmh on a local machine. I'm running it on a\n> > very remote machine. In this scenario, the mime handling is weak.\n> \n> Nope. I run exmh on my desktops at home and at work with the resulting\n> exmh windows being displayed on both my work and home desktops (gratis\n> SSH X11 forwarding).\n\nI run exmh routinely from home (broadband) using an XWindows Client tunneled through ssh under <ahem> WinXP. It works very well in this fashion.\n\nFWIW, I use Eudora under Winder$ because it's less of a virus magnet. :)\n\nThere's more to the story why I run Winder$, but that's really off-topic and I'm already guilty!\n\n-=d\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"There is an \"Update all scan caches\" menu entry that rescans your\nfolders similar to the short scripts folks have shared around. It\nruns in the background.\n\n>>>Rick Baartman said:\n > > > On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, Rick Baartman wrote:\n > > Thanks Tom and Jacob. The above works, but without the double quotes: \ni.e.\n \n > > \n > > sh -c 'for f in `folders -recurse -fast` ; do sortm +\"$f\" ; done'\n > > \n > But there is a problem with making changes outside of exmh: the \n.xmhcache fi\n les \n > don't get updated. This is dangerous; I have to remember to re-scan each \nfol\n der \n > I enter. Is there a safeguard for this?\n > \n > --\n > rick\n > \n > \n > \n > \n > _______________________________________________\n > Exmh-users mailing list\n >\n >\n\n--\nBrent Welch\nSoftware Architect, Panasas Inc\nPioneering the World's Most Scalable and Agile Storage Network\\\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
["\nOn Tue, 10 Sep 2002 09:27:12 PDT, J C Lawrence writes:\n>I run exmh on my desktops at home and at work with the resulting\n>exmh windows being displayed on both my work and home desktops (gratis\n>SSH X11 forwarding). In fact, your message was read and replied to\n>(this message) while at work, using an exmh instance running on my home\n>machine.\n\nSo you have 4 copies (1+1 per desktop) of exmh running?\n\nThat's what I usually do, but what I'd really like would be some \n automagism to tell them \"Flist\", \"Rescan Folder\", which I now do \n manually whenever I'm going to work at the \"other\" machine.\n\ncheers,\n&rw\n-- \n-- In the first place, God made idiots;\n-- though this was for practice only;\n-- then he made users. (Mark Twain, modified)\n\n\n", "…"]
"On Wed, 11 Sep 2002 01:24:46 +0200 \nRobert Waldner <> wrote:\n> On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 09:27:12 PDT, J C Lawrence writes:\n\n>> I run exmh on my desktops at home and at work with the resulting exmh\n>> windows being displayed on both my work and home desktops (gratis SSH\n>> X11 forwarding). In fact, your message was read and replied to (this\n>> message) while at work, using an exmh instance running on my home\n>> machine.\n\n> So you have 4 copies (1+1 per desktop) of exmh running?\n\nYes.\n\nOne of the nicer aspects of exmh's colour handling is that while I have\nthe default background for the message pane set to black, the second\ninsance of exmh displaying to a given $DISPLAY will set the background\nof the message pane to darkslategray. Very nice as it provides an\ninstant visual cue as to which is which. (No: I've not checked where it\ngets that colour selection from).\n\n> That's what I usually do, but what I'd really like would be some\n> automagism to tell them \"Flist\", \"Rescan Folder\", which I now do\n> manually whenever I'm going to work at the \"other\" machine.\n\n<nod>\n\n-- \nJ C Lawrence \n---------(*) Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas. \ He lived as a devil, eh?\t\t \n Evil is a name of a foeman, as I live.\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"\n\n>> I run exmh on my desktops at home and at work with the resulting exmh\n>> windows being displayed on both my work and home desktops (gratis SSH\n>> X11 forwarding). In fact, your message was read and replied to (this\n>> message) while at work, using an exmh instance running on my home\n>> machine.\n\nJust to throw in another approach to solving the same problem. \n\nI run two copies of exmh, one at work, one at home. They both\ndisplay on a \"virtual X server\" created by vncserver on the home\nbox. I connect to that virtual X server using vncviewer wherever\nI happen to be. The VNC connection is tunneled over ssh and is\ncarried over the Internet via an IPSEC appliance.\n\nThat gives me access to both home and work email from either \nplace without the complications involved in having two copies of \nexmh working on the same set of folders.\n\nIt's a tad slow viewing work email when I'm at work ... but not \nso bad that I can't stand it.\n\n--Hal\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"Hmm - I'm cc'ing the exmh-workers list, because I really don't know\nmuch about the various PGP interfaces. I think there has been some\ntalk about \"issues\" with the latest version of gpg.\n\n>>>Hacksaw said:\n > version 2.5 08/15/2002\n > Linux 2.4.7-10smp #1 SMP Thu Sep 6 \n17:09:31\n > EDT 2001 i686 unknown\n > Tk 8.3 Tcl 8.3\n > \n > It's not clear to me this is a bug with exmh per se, but it's something \nthat\n \n > manifests through exmh, so I figured asking you might help me track it \ndown.\n > \n > When I receive a gpg encrypted message, and it asks me for a passphrase, \nit\n > first tries to ask me via the tty under which exmh is running. It tells \nme m\n y \n > passphrase is incorrect every time, at which point exmh offers me the \nline i\n n \n > the message about decrypting. I click the line and it offers me the \ndialog\n > box, and tells me the passphrase is correct, and shows me the decrypted \n > message.\n > \n > Any ideas on that?\n > -- \n > Honour necessity.\n > -- -- KB1FVD\n\n--\nBrent Welch\nSoftware Architect, Panasas Inc\nPioneering the World's Most Scalable and Agile Storage Network\\\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-workers mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"\nGotta wonder what the GPG config stuff in ~/.exmh/exmh-defaults looks \nlike. Also gotta wonder what the message headers in the offending \nmessage are saying to nmh/exmh. My set-up works perfectly. That is, \nI get a pop-up window to enter my passphrase into, and when I type it \ncorrectly, the message display changes from a prompt to click to \ndecrypt to the message content.\n\nTTFN....\n\nOn 11 September 2002 at 12:17, Brent Welch <> wrote:\n\nHmm - I'm cc'ing the exmh-workers list, because I really don't know\nmuch about the various PGP interfaces. I think there has been some\ntalk about \"issues\" with the latest version of gpg.\n\n>>>Hacksaw said:\n > version 2.5 08/15/2002\n > Linux 2.4.7-10smp #1 SMP Thu Sep 6 17:09:31\n > EDT 2001 i686 unknown\n > Tk 8.3 Tcl 8.3\n > \n > It's not clear to me this is a bug with exmh per se, but it's\n > something that manifests through exmh, so I figured asking you\n > might help me track it down.\n >\n > When I receive a gpg encrypted message, and it asks me for a\n > passphrase, it first tries to ask me via the tty under which\n > exmh is running. It tells me my passphrase is incorrect every\n > time, at which point exmh offers me the line in the message\n > about decrypting. I click the line and it offers me the dialog\n > box, and tells me the passphrase is correct, and shows me the\n > decrypted message.\n > \n > Any ideas on that?\n > -- \n > Honour necessity.\n > -- -- KB1FVD\n\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-workers mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"\nHere's a message that works fine for me:\n\n\n\nX-Mailer: exmh version 2.5 07/13/2001 with nmh-1.0.4\nTo:\nSubject: gpg test\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/x-pgp; format=mime; x-action=encrypt;\n\tx-recipients=\"D165C0CC, D165C0CC\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nDate: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 13:18:58 -0700\nFrom: Kevin Cosgrove <kevinc@dOink.COM>\nMessage-Id: <>\nX-Spam-Status: No, hits=-1.3 required=5.0 tests=AWL version=2.11\n\n-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)\nComment: Exmh version 2.5 10/15/1999\n\nblah, blah, blah\n\n-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n\n\n\n\n\nIt could be that your content type of text/plain is messing you up.\nYour config stuff looks substantially the same as mine.\n\nCheers....\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOn 11 September 2002 at 16:11, Hacksaw <> wrote:\n\nYou may assume the X's were originally a valid address.\n\nX-em-version: 5, 0, 0, 4\nX-em-registration: #01E0520310450300B900\nX-priority: 3\nX-mailer: My Own Email v4.00\nMime-version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII\nSubject: Discussion\nFrom: \"XXXXXXX\" <>\nDate: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 05:47:46 -0500 (06:47 EDT)\nTo:\n\n\n*gpgRfc822: 0\n*gpgChooseKey: 1\n*gpgRunTwice: 1\n*gpgCacheIds: persistent\n*gpgMinMatch: 75\n*gpgShowInline: none\n*gpgShortMessages: 1\n*gpgAutoExtract: 1\n*gpgKeyServer:\n*gpgKeyQueryMethod: hkp\n*gpgHKPKeyServerUrl:\n*gpgKeyServerURL:\n=get&search=0x%s\n*gpgKeyOtherMethod: exec echo \"can't find $id\" > $tmp\n*gpgComment: Exmh version 2.5 08/15/2002\n*gpgModulePath: /usr/lib/gnupg\n*gpgCipherMods: skipjack idea\n*gpgDigestMods: tiger\n*gpgPubkeyMods: rsa\n*gpgPgp5Compatibility: 1\n*gpgCipherAlgo: 3des\n*gpgDigestAlgo: sha1\n*gpgCompressAlgo: zip\n\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-workers mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"\nI am a (tv)twm user. when I snarf text into my mouse cut buffer, and then\nattempt to inject it into the exmh input windows for comp/repl, the 'point'\nis often an apparently random place in the text pane, not where I think I\nhave current flashing cursor. \n\nI usually wipe out any of To:/Subject:/<random body> with the text. Its\noften not even beginning of line denoted, ie its an unexplicable number\nof char spaces in to the text where it inserts, \n\nWhat am I doing wrong in either X, WM, shell, EXMH which is causing this?\n\ncheers\n\t-George\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
" Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 20:15:00 -0700\n From: Brent Welch <>\n Message-ID: <>\n\n | exmh has a funky cut/paste model that is essentially all my fault.\n | The middle click sets the insert point. If you hate that, go to the\n | Bindings... Simple Edit preferences window and de-select\n | \"Paste Sets Insert\". \n\nUnfortunately, the side effect of that solution is that it is no longer\npossible to cut/paste within one sedit window, some intermediate client\nalways must be used (except in the rare case where you want to select\nsome text, and then paste it at the same place).\n\nThat's because the click that you have to (with this option) make to set\nthe insert point, also kills the selection (it ends up reverting to the\nlast selection made in some other window, or something like that).\n\nSo, the vast majority of people probably want that \"Paste Sets Insert\"\nenabled - that one you can learn to live with, the other is much more\npainful.\n\nkre\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"On Tue Sep 10 2002 at 12:52, Robert Elz wrote:\n\n> Subject: Patch to complete a change...\n\n> I guess that most of us don't use \"link\" very often ... I noticed it\n> last week, but only got time to look and see why today.\n\nI would like to use [Link] a lot more, but is it rather\ninconvenient.\n\nI have set my right mouse button to [Move] a message to another\nfolder, which works fine.\n\nHowever, [Link] also uses the same destination folder as [Move], and\nso if I want to use [Link] I first have to mark the destination\nfolder with a message-move, undo the move, then I can use the\n[Link]. Very inconvenient.\n\nIs there a better way for me to set this up so that [Link] works\nwith one or two simple clicks?\n\n(In essence: is there a way to mark a destination folder for a\nmessage link or move without actually doing a move or link, I\ncouldn't see anything obvious).\n\nCheers\nTony\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
" Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 23:26:33 -0500\n From: Hal DeVore <>\n Message-ID: <23204.1031891193@dimebox>\n\n | 1) Right click on the folder label in the folder list\n\nThat (the way I have it configured, and it sounds as if the way Tony does\ntoo) just does a move (rather than select as target without moving).\n\nOf course, if you can manage to get no messages currently selected, then\nit works fine.\n\n | 2) In the main window, the \"+\" key puts you into a \"change \n | folder\" mode (the first time you use it after starting exmh),\n | hit a second + and you go to \"set a target\" mode. Type a few\n | characters of the folder name and hit space for autocomplete.\n\nThis works, but is not nice if you're not using the keyboard, but just\nthe mouse.\n\nTony: I agree - a nice way to link in one click would be good, and should\nbe easy to add, though currently adding mouse bindings (something like\nshift right click would be a good choice) is much harder than adding\nkey bindings.\n\nBut note there's no need to \"undo\" - the way I generally use link, if\nthe desired destination folder isn't the current selected target, is\nto right click on the target, which selects it and moves the message,\n(and because I have the \"automatic move to the next message on move or\nlink option set) select the message again, and then \"Link\".\n\nExmh only permits one uncomitted action to be selected for a message at a\ntime, that is, one of delete, move, or link. Selecting any of those\nimplicitly undoes any previous choice from the three (so you cannot\nachieve a \"move\" by doing a link, then delete, then commit, it needs to\nbe link, commit, delete, commit). (xmh was just the same there incidentally).\n\n | How's spring shaping up \"down under\"?\n\nNo meaningful comment from me, I'm not there at the minute. But I'm told\nthat where I'm from it is cold, wet, and miserable, though has been better\nduring the day (sunny days, cold nights) for the past few. In any case,\nall of that is a good enough reason to stay away...\n\nkre\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"On Fri, 23 Aug 2002, Tom wrote:\n\n> from\n>\n> \"There has mostly been talk thus far and little action, but the\n> Department of Justice says it may be ready to file criminal lawsuits\n> against individuals [1] who distribute or receive unauthorized\n> copyrighted material over the Internet.\n\nAnd yet STILL noone is out there creating _public domain_ content. Is there\neven one person out there can can even begin to talk without being a\ncomplete hypocrite? And no the \"open source\" people cant talk either, the\nGPL aint even close. I know I cant talk.\n\nIf the creator didnt say you could have it without paying, it's theft, so\nsimple, hell that's even in all the major holy books.\n\nFair use needs to be clarified a bit and then I hope they start locking\npeople up. How else do i ever have hope of finding a job working for someone\nthat makes things people are supposed to ... *drumroll* pay for.\n\n- Adam L. \"Duncan\" Beberg\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
" Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 11:26:30 +1000\n From: Tony Nugent <>\n Message-ID: <>\n\n | I can cut'n'paste from exmh's message display window into spawned\n | gvim processes, but not into anything else.\n\nThat's odd. I cut & paste between all kinds of windows (exmh into\nmozilla, xterm, another wish script of mine I use for DNS tasks (but\nthat one I guess is to be expected) netscape (when I used to use it,\nbut I suppose it and mozilla are the same codebase, approx) - in fact\nI can't thing of anything it fails for, that I have noticed.\n\nWhat is an example of an \"anything else\" that it fails for for you?\n\nkre\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"On Fri Sep 13 2002 at 17:55, Robert Elz wrote:\n\n> Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 11:26:30 +1000\n> From: Tony Nugent <>\n\n> | I can cut'n'paste from exmh's message display window into spawned\n> | gvim processes, but not into anything else.\n> \n> That's odd. I cut & paste between all kinds of windows (exmh into\n\nNot so odd, this issue came up several weeks ago (with no real\nresolution).\n\n> mozilla, xterm, another wish script of mine I use for DNS tasks (but\n> that one I guess is to be expected) netscape (when I used to use it,\n> but I suppose it and mozilla are the same codebase, approx) - in fact\n> I can't thing of anything it fails for, that I have noticed.\n> \n> What is an example of an \"anything else\" that it fails for for you?\n\nEverything else :) I can't even mark text in an exmh message window\nand then paste it into a terminal window, the cut buffer seems to be\ncompletely empty (and its previous contents are no longer there\neither).\n\n> kre\n\n BTW: talking of spring downunder... I'm in Queensland. It almost\n feels like early summer already (winters here are dry and warm,\n much better than cold wet miserable Melbourne :-) Despite some\n recent rain (first in months), we are already into a drought, with\n an El-Nino on the way it is only going to get worse... (the last\n one in the 90s caused one of the worst droughts ever seen here in\n aussie).\n\nCheers\nTony\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"\n\n>>>>> On Fri, 13 Sep 2002, \"Robert\" == Robert Elz wrote:\n\n Robert> That (the way I have it configured, and it sounds as if\n Robert> the way Tony does too) just does a move (rather than\n Robert> select as target without moving).\n\nAh. I had forgotten that was settable. \n\nPreferences, Folder Display, \"Action when Target Button\nclicked...\" set to \"Select only\" will change it. I seem to\nrecall that the button that is used as \"Target button\" is\nconfigurable but I haven't had enough caffeine to recall where\nthat is.\n\n--Hal\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"\n\n>>>>> On Fri, 13 Sep 2002, \"Tony\" == Tony Nugent wrote:\n\n Tony> I can't even mark text in an exmh message window and then\n Tony> paste it into a terminal window, the cut buffer seems to\n Tony> be completely empty (and its previous contents are no\n Tony> longer there either).\n\nBrent confessed recently that he had tried to subvert the X\nmodel(s) of copy and paste. Not in those words... but that\nwas how I read it. ;)\n\nI have a lot of trouble copying and pasting from or to exmh \nacross a VNC link (from things in the vncviewer to things not in \nit and vice versa). As long as I stick to apps being \"normally\" \ndisplayed on my X server I don't have much of a problem.\n\nMy recollection from my X programming days is that the X model,\nlike everything in X, is more complex than the human brain can\nhandle. It also is very different from the MS-Windows model.\nAnd I get the feeling that Tk tries to \"unify\" those two models\nand fails. Not sure what the exmh-specific contribution to the \nconfusion is, frankly.\n\n--Hal\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"> From: Tony Nugent <>\n> Sender:\n> Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 21:30:34 +1000\n> \n> On Fri Sep 13 2002 at 17:55, Robert Elz wrote:\n> \n> > Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 11:26:30 +1000\n> > From: Tony Nugent <>\n> \n> > | I can cut'n'paste from exmh's message display window into spawned\n> > | gvim processes, but not into anything else.\n> > \n> > That's odd. I cut & paste between all kinds of windows (exmh into\n> \n> Not so odd, this issue came up several weeks ago (with no real\n> resolution).\n> \n> > mozilla, xterm, another wish script of mine I use for DNS tasks (but\n> > that one I guess is to be expected) netscape (when I used to use it,\n> > but I suppose it and mozilla are the same codebase, approx) - in fact\n> > I can't thing of anything it fails for, that I have noticed.\n> > \n> > What is an example of an \"anything else\" that it fails for for you?\n> \n> Everything else :) I can't even mark text in an exmh message window\n> and then paste it into a terminal window, the cut buffer seems to be\n> completely empty (and its previous contents are no longer there\n> either).\n> \n> > kre\n> \n> BTW: talking of spring downunder... I'm in Queensland. It almost\n> feels like early summer already (winters here are dry and warm,\n> much better than cold wet miserable Melbourne :-) Despite some\n> recent rain (first in months), we are already into a drought, with\n> an El-Nino on the way it is only going to get worse... (the last\n> one in the 90s caused one of the worst droughts ever seen here in\n> aussie).\n\n(This is all guess work and may be bogus.)\n\nAre you running Gnome 1.4? I had similar problems as did several\nco-workers. Updating my Gnome components has fixed it for me and\nothers, although I can't say exactly which component did the\ntrick. Gnomecore or gtk would seem most likely, but it may have been\nsomething else.\n\nIn any case, I have not seen the problem for quite a while, now.\n\nR. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer\nEnergy Sciences Network (ESnet)\nErnest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)\nE-mail:\t\t\tPhone: +1 510 486-8634\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"\nIn message <>, Tony Nu\ngent writes:\n> \n> I have set my right mouse button to [Move] a message to another\n> folder, which works fine.\n> \n> However, [Link] also uses the same destination folder as [Move], and\n> so if I want to use [Link] I first have to mark the destination\n> folder with a message-move, undo the move, then I can use the\n> [Link]. Very inconvenient.\n> \n> Is there a better way for me to set this up so that [Link] works\n> with one or two simple clicks?\n> \n\nAccording to some old documentation (man exmh-ref)\n\n The mouse bindings for the folders labels are:\n\n Left - Change to folder.\n Middle - View nested folders.\n Right - Refile current messages to the folder.\n Shift-Right - Link current messages to the folder.\n Shift-Middle - Drag a folder label to some drop target.\n Control-Right - Clear the current target folder.\n\nIt should be possible to link using shift-right-click the same way you \ncan move using only right-click.\n\nKevin\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"\nHi Folks,\n\nI've been trying to set a button called which automatically\nforwards mail using a '-form mycomps' without going through\nthe editor, but so far haven't got the right recipe.\n\nI currently have in my .exmh-defaults:\n\n*Mops.spam.text: Spam\n*Mops.spam.command: Msg_Forward -form spamcomps -noedit -nowhatnowproc ; Msg\n_Remove\n\n\nI've also tried with \"SeditSend {$draft $t 0}\" after the forward command.\nIt should forward to a spam address (where filters get adjusted) and then\ndelete. It does so, but not without producing the edit window.\n\nAny help appreciated.\n\nWendy Roberts\n\n\n\n===========================================\nWendy Roberts \nHEAD System Administrator \nHigh Energy Astrophsics Division\nHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics\nCambridge, MA USA 02138\ \nPhone: 617-495-7153 \n===========================================\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"On Fri Sep 13 2002 at 07:46, \"Kevin Oberman\" wrote:\n\n> > > What is an example of an \"anything else\" that it fails for for you?\n> >\n> > Everything else :) I can't even mark text in an exmh message window\n> > and then paste it into a terminal window, the cut buffer seems to be\n> > completely empty (and its previous contents are no longer there\n> > either).\n\n> (This is all guess work and may be bogus.)\n> \n> Are you running Gnome 1.4? I had similar problems as did several\n> co-workers. Updating my Gnome components has fixed it for me and\n> others, although I can't say exactly which component did the\n> trick. Gnomecore or gtk would seem most likely, but it may have been\n> something else.\n\nIndeed I am (this workstation is rh7.2 with gnome1.4, it [mostly?]\nworks, so I hadn't bothered to updated it to 7.3:)\n\n> In any case, I have not seen the problem for quite a while, now.\n\nSo upgrading gnome will fix the problem, it's not an exmh/tktcl\nissue.\n\n> R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer\n\nThanks.\n\nCheers\nTony\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"Reza B'Far (eBuilt) wrote:\n> problems.... Why do most computer scientists insist on solving the same\n> problems over and over again when there are some many more important and\n> interesting problems (high level) to be solved ?????\n\nAmen!\n\nDoing it in an (unecessarily) harder way does NOT make you more of a man\n(or less of a kiddie).\n\n- Joe\n\n\n\n"
"On Fri, 13 Sep 2002, Dale Alspach wrote:\n> My experience has been that if the item is showing in xclipboard\n> and is highlighted that is what is pasted using the mouse.\n\nClassic X copy-and-paste behavior is that you can only paste what is\ncurrently highlighted. In fact, it is the act of highlighting a\nselection that actually copies that selection into the buffer. X has\nno \"copy\" command -- if you highlighted it, you just copied it.\n\n> This does not seem to override what is in an application's own\n> paste buffer. As far as I can tell Maple's cut and paste, for\n> example, is isolated.\n\nIf ab application has a \"copy\" command that you can choose to use\nseparately from the process of highlighting something, that command\nis something the application authors wrote on their own. (And it it\nlikely that an application that wrote an internal \"copy\" command would\nalso have their own customized \"paste\" command, to make sure the two\nwork together.) Whether the internal (custom) select and paste\nfunctions interoperate with the X server's global select and paste\nfunctions will vary from program to program, because in each case you\nare relying on the program's authors' efforts to blend separate systems.\n\n\n Jacob Morzinski\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"> From: Tony Nugent <>\n> Sender:\n> Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 13:20:58 +1000\n> \n> On Fri Sep 13 2002 at 07:46, \"Kevin Oberman\" wrote:\n> \n> > > > What is an example of an \"anything else\" that it fails for for you?\n> > >\n> > > Everything else :) I can't even mark text in an exmh message window\n> > > and then paste it into a terminal window, the cut buffer seems to be\n> > > completely empty (and its previous contents are no longer there\n> > > either).\n> \n> > (This is all guess work and may be bogus.)\n> > \n> > Are you running Gnome 1.4? I had similar problems as did several\n> > co-workers. Updating my Gnome components has fixed it for me and\n> > others, although I can't say exactly which component did the\n> > trick. Gnomecore or gtk would seem most likely, but it may have been\n> > something else.\n> \n> Indeed I am (this workstation is rh7.2 with gnome1.4, it [mostly?]\n> works, so I hadn't bothered to updated it to 7.3:)\n> \n> > In any case, I have not seen the problem for quite a while, now.\n> \n> So upgrading gnome will fix the problem, it's not an exmh/tktcl\n> issue.\n\nIt did for me, but I am not willing to say it is not a tcl/tk issue as\nother apps seemed to work OK for cut and paste and Tk does its\nclipboard stuff a bit differently than most toolkits. So I'm not\nabout to place blame. Just reporting my experience.\n\nAlso, I am not talking about installing Gnome2. Just updating the\nmany, many pieces of gnome to the current rev level.\n\nR. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer\nEnergy Sciences Network (ESnet)\nErnest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)\nE-mail:\t\t\tPhone: +1 510 486-8634\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"I recently transfered my exmh setup to a new system, and now\nall my email ends up in Mail/MyIncErrors folder. This is true for \ninbox or presort options. I'm having difficulty finding this condition\nin the documention. Suggestions?\n\nCheers,\nKarl\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"I guess the first question here should be does anyone have some\nupdates to the PGP code in EXMH that I should know about?\n\nMy current problem is that if I get a PGP signed message, I first\nget a button that reads:\n\t\"Check the signature with GnuPG\"\nIf I punch the button, and I dont have the signature on my keyring\nthen I get a message saying just that, and the message:\n\t\"Can't check signature: public key not found\"\nalong with a button with the inscription\n\t\"Query keyserver\"\nIf I punch the button then EXMH just hangs. Forever.\n\nIf instead of punching the button, I go out to the keyserver myself\nand then try the message again, everything works, so it SEEMS that it\nmust be the code that goes out to the keyserver.\n\nAnyone else with this problem?\nThis is EXMH v2.5 and tcl/tk 8.4a4\n-- \n Reg.Clemens\n\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"I just updated to the latest CVS - I had been running a build from June. \nHitting the Flist button gives the following traceback:\n\nsyntax error in expression \"int(17+1+(222-)*(19-17-2)/(224-))\"\n while executing\n\"expr int($minLine+1+($msgid-$minMsg)*($maxLine-$minLine-2)/($maxMsg-$minMsg))\"\n (procedure \"Ftoc_FindMsg\" line 57)\n invoked from within\n\"Ftoc_FindMsg $i\"\n (procedure \"Ftoc_ShowSequences\" line 16)\n invoked from within\n\"Ftoc_ShowSequences $F\"\n (procedure \"ScanFolder\" line 81)\n invoked from within\n\"ScanFolder inbox 0\"\n invoked from within\n\"time [list ScanFolder $F $adjustDisplay\"\n (procedure \"Scan_Folder\" line 2)\n invoked from within\n\"Scan_Folder $exmh(folder) $ftoc(showNew)\"\n (procedure \"Inc_PresortFinish\" line 7)\n invoked from within\n\"Inc_PresortFinish\"\n invoked from within\n\".fops.flist invoke\"\n (\"uplevel\" body line 1)\n invoked from within\n\"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]\"\n (procedure \"tkButtonUp\" line 7)\n invoked from within\n\"tkButtonUp .fops.flist\n\"\n (command bound to event)\n\n\nIt seems to only happen in a folder with no unseen messages.\n\nChris, is this related to your recent changes?\n\nScott\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-workers mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"Both Move and Link are one-click actions.\n\n<Button-3> on a folder label Move's the current message\n<Shift-Button-3> on a folder label Link's the current message\n\n>>>Robert Elz said:\n > Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 23:26:33 -0500\n > From: Hal DeVore <>\n > Message-ID: <23204.1031891193@dimebox>\n > \n > | 1) Right click on the folder label in the folder list\n > \n > That (the way I have it configured, and it sounds as if the way Tony does\n > too) just does a move (rather than select as target without moving).\n > \n > Of course, if you can manage to get no messages currently selected, then\n > it works fine.\n > \n > | 2) In the main window, the \"+\" key puts you into a \"change \n > | folder\" mode (the first time you use it after starting exmh),\n > | hit a second + and you go to \"set a target\" mode. Type a few\n > | characters of the folder name and hit space for autocomplete.\n > \n > This works, but is not nice if you're not using the keyboard, but just\n > the mouse.\n > \n > Tony: I agree - a nice way to link in one click would be good, and should\n > be easy to add, though currently adding mouse bindings (something like\n > shift right click would be a good choice) is much harder than adding\n > key bindings.\n > \n > But note there's no need to \"undo\" - the way I generally use link, if\n > the desired destination folder isn't the current selected target, is\n > to right click on the target, which selects it and moves the message,\n > (and because I have the \"automatic move to the next message on move or\n > link option set) select the message again, and then \"Link\".\n > \n > Exmh only permits one uncomitted action to be selected for a message at a\n > time, that is, one of delete, move, or link. Selecting any of those\n > implicitly undoes any previous choice from the three (so you cannot\n > achieve a \"move\" by doing a link, then delete, then commit, it needs to\n > be link, commit, delete, commit). (xmh was just the same there incidentally\n ).\n > \n > | How's spring shaping up \"down under\"?\n > \n > No meaningful comment from me, I'm not there at the minute. But I'm told\n > that where I'm from it is cold, wet, and miserable, though has been better\n > during the day (sunny days, cold nights) for the past few. In any case,\n > all of that is a good enough reason to stay away...\n > \n > kre\n > \n > \n > \n > _______________________________________________\n > Exmh-users mailing list\n >\n >\n\n--\nBrent Welch\nSoftware Architect, Panasas Inc\nPioneering the World's Most Scalable and Agile Storage Network\\\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"Halloechen!\n\nI have\n\nRequires: saxon >= 6.5.1\nConflicts: saxon >= 7\n\nin my spec file. But apparently rpm ignores all version numbers. So,\n\nRequires: saxon >= 6.5.1\n# Conflicts: saxon >= 7\n\nwould install even with saxon-3.0.0, and\n\n# Requires: saxon >= 6.5.1\nConflicts: saxon >= 7\n\nwouldn't install even with saxon-6.5.2. What could be the reason\nfor this?\n\nTschoe,\nTorsten.\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"I have been trying to research via SA mirrors and search engines if a canned\nscript exists giving clients access to their user_prefs options via a\nweb-based CGI interface. Numerous ISPs provide this feature to clients, but\nso far I can find nothing. Our configuration uses Amavis-Postfix and ClamAV\nfor virus filtering and Procmail with SpamAssassin for spam filtering. I\nwould prefer not to have to write a script myself, but will appreciate any\nsuggestions.\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"If I have any RPMS in\n\n\n\nthat could be useful to some one with a real apt repository or someone who wants to\nmaintain a package, be it known I am not selfish :)\n\nI found stuff I thought would later get popular so I would not have to maintain the\nRPMs for them after they hit the big time. Gnump3d is an exapmple of this.\n\nSo if anyone is psyched, go for it. If so, let me know so I can get the RPMs from\nyou in the future.\n\n--\nThat's \"angle\" as in geometry.\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"> The devices are there now, thank Gordon for reporting the problem (and as I\n> said, you were the only one). Any further comments are very welcome!\n> \n> Download :\n> New spec :\n\nAhh, wonderful! Just tried out these and *finally* got sound working\nwith my Abit TH7II-RAID's integrated audio. I've been pulling hair\ntogether with the (helpful) OpenSound people for quite some time now,\nbut we've failed to get sound to work, either with the drivers included\nin kernel, or the commercial OSS.\n\nThanks a *lot* ! The RPMs seem to be fine, they worked for me out of\nthe box (on vanilla Valhalla w/latest errata).\n\n-- \n\\/ille Skyttä\nville.skytta at\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"On Wed, 2002-08-28 at 23:48, Ville Skyttä wrote:\n\n> > The devices are there now, thank Gordon for reporting the problem (and as I\n> > said, you were the only one). Any further comments are very welcome!\n> > \n> > Download :\n> > New spec :\n> \n> Ahh, wonderful! Just tried out these and *finally* got sound working\n> with my Abit TH7II-RAID's integrated audio. I've been pulling hair\n> together with the (helpful) OpenSound people for quite some time now,\n> but we've failed to get sound to work, either with the drivers included\n> in kernel, or the commercial OSS.\n> \n> Thanks a *lot* ! The RPMs seem to be fine, they worked for me out of\n> the box (on vanilla Valhalla w/latest errata).\n\n...except that I don't see an init script in the RPMs, a sample one\ndesigned for RH is supposed to be in \"utils/alsasound\". Could you take\na look if it can be included?\n\nCheers,\n-- \n\\/ille Skyttä\nville.skytta at\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Ville wrote :\n\n> > Thanks a *lot* ! The RPMs seem to be fine, they worked for me out of\n> > the box (on vanilla Valhalla w/latest errata).\n> \n> ...except that I don't see an init script in the RPMs, a sample one\n> designed for RH is supposed to be in \"utils/alsasound\". Could you take\n> a look if it can be included?\n\nIt doesn't need to as Red Hat Linux already sets correct permissions on all\nALSA audio devices for locally logged in users (through the console.perms\nfile) and the modules.conf files takes care of loading the right modules on\ndemand. Also, aumix and the scripts that come with Red Hat Linux still work\nfor controlling the volume, so it's still saved and restored when the\ncomputer is halted, even using ALSA.\n\nI'm glad you got your card working with these! I'm now wondering if I won't\nmaybe buy an amplifier that supports Dolby Digial decoding (my current one\n\"only\" does PRo Logic) since I've read that ALSA supports the S/PDIF\noptical output of the sound chip of my Shuttle!\n(\n\n>>From what I can tell after only 2 days using it : ALSA rocks, especially\nsince having a full OSS compatibility results that it breaks nothing at\nall! :-)\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Ville wrote :\n\n> Ok, some more nits: alsa-xmms doesn't work if I don't have\n> alsa-lib-devel installed, but xmms dies on startup telling me:\n> \n> Cannot load alsa library: cannot open shared object\n> file: No such file or directory\n> \n> is part of alsa-lib-devel... if I install it, the ALSA XMMS\n> output plugins works fine.\n\nOK, will fix :-)\n\n> I can't install the xine stuff, because xine-libs needs,\n> which I can't find anywhere (NVidia stuff? I have Radeon 7500...)\n\nArgh, got bitten again! :-(\nWill fix too...\n\nThanks a lot for pointing these out!\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Ville wrote :\n\n> Ah! The mixer stuff was what made me look for an init script in the\n> first place, I didn't bother to check whether the existing stuff would\n> have worked with that. Will try that out, you can assume silence ==\n> success :)\n\nWell, from what I've tried, both the main and the PCM (at least) volume\nlevels can be controlled either by \"alsamixer\" or the good old \"aumix\".\n\n> > >From what I can tell after only 2 days using it : ALSA rocks,\n> > >especially\n> > since having a full OSS compatibility results that it breaks nothing at\n> > all! :-)\n> \n> Agreed. Though with only 2 hours experience...\n\nI guess/hope some other people from the list will try it out ;-)\n\nBoth problems you reported ( and wrong xine dependency) are now\nfixed in the current packages.\n\nOh, it's maybe also worth pointing out : I've implemented at last sorting\nby both last change date and alphabetically for my \"build list\" in the php\ncode :\n\nAnd yes, I accept patches/comments/suggestions about all those spec files!\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"On Thu, 2002-08-29 at 01:50, Matthias Saou wrote:\n\n> > Ah! The mixer stuff was what made me look for an init script in the\n> > first place, I didn't bother to check whether the existing stuff would\n> > have worked with that. Will try that out, you can assume silence ==\n> > success :)\n> \n> Well, from what I've tried, both the main and the PCM (at least) volume\n> levels can be controlled either by \"alsamixer\" or the good old \"aumix\".\n\nCool, I'll try it out as well as the new RPMs tomorrow.\n\n> > > >From what I can tell after only 2 days using it : ALSA rocks,\n> > > >especially\n> > > since having a full OSS compatibility results that it breaks nothing at\n> > > all! :-)\n> > \n> > Agreed. Though with only 2 hours experience...\n> \n> I guess/hope some other people from the list will try it out ;-)\n> \n> Both problems you reported ( and wrong xine dependency) are now\n> fixed in the current packages.\n\nThanks, that was quick!\n\n-- \n\\/ille Skyttä\nville.skytta at\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Ok, I got ALSA installed and there is no static inbetween mp3s like\nbefore which is great! My setup is digital 4.1 but sound is only coming\nfrom front 2 speakers and subwoofer, rear speakers there is no sound. \nAlso alsamixer or aumix are unresponsive as well. \n\nLance\n\nOn Wed, 2002-08-28 at 18:09, Lance wrote:\n> Thanks for this, I'm going to give them another try. One question: How\n> do I switch between digital out and analog out with ALSA? With\n> emu10k1-tools it's easy enough (emu-config -d for digital, emu-config -a\n> for analog) Is there a similar method with ALSA?\n> \n> Lance\n> \n> On Wed, 2002-08-28 at 12:00, Matthias Saou wrote:\n> > Followup to the story :\n> > \n> > I've now made a sub-package of alsa-driver called \"alsa-kernel\" which\n> > contains only the kernel modules, and alsa-driver contains everything else\n> > from the original package (device entries, include files and docs).\n> > \n> > This should allow installation of a single \"alsa-driver\" package and\n> > multiple \"alsa-kernel\" if you have more than one kernel installed. Right\n> > now the dependencies make it mandatory to have kernels installed through\n> > rpm... people who install from source can still install the ALSA modules\n> > from the source though ;-)\n> > \n> > The devices are there now, thank Gordon for reporting the problem (and as I\n> > said, you were the only one). Any further comments are very welcome!\n> > \n> > Download :\n> > New spec :\n> > \n> > If you aren't running kernel-2.4.18-10 for i686, simply --rebuild the\n> > alsa-driver source rpm and you'll get a package for your running kernel.\n> > \n> > Matthias\n> > \n> > -- \n> > Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :\n> > Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10\n> > Load : 0.08 0.42 0.84, AC on-line, battery charging: 100% (6:36)\n> > \n> > _______________________________________________\n> > RPM-List mailing list <>\n> >\n> -- \n> :\n> ####[ Linux One Stanza Tip (LOST) ]###########################\n> \n> Sub : Finding out files larger than given size LOST #324\n> \n> To find out all files in a dir over a given size, try:\n> find /path/to/dir_of_file -type f -size +Nk\n> [Where N is a number like 1024 for 1mb, and multiples thereof] \n> \n> ####[Discussions on LIH : 04 Jul 2002]########################\n> :\n> \n> \n> _______________________________________________\n> RPM-List mailing list <>\n>\n-- \n:\n####[ Linux One Stanza Tip (LOST) ]###########################\n\nSub : Finding out files larger than given size LOST #324\n\nTo find out all files in a dir over a given size, try:\nfind /path/to/dir_of_file -type f -size +Nk\n[Where N is a number like 1024 for 1mb, and multiples thereof] \n\n####[Discussions on LIH : 04 Jul 2002]########################\n:\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"On Sun, 1 Sep 2002, Reza B'Far (eBuilt) wrote:\n\n> 2. C and C++ forces the developer to solve problems such as memory\n> management over and over again. IMHO, Java is superior because the problem\n> of programming in the future is not about 0's and 1's, making the compiler\n> 2% faster, or making your code take 5% less memory... It's about design\n> patterns, architecture, high level stuff...\n\nConsidering 90% of the fake job posting I see are for embedded systems or\ndevice drivers - C still rules the world.\n\n> 3. Java is not just a programming language! It's also a platform... There\n> is NOTHING like the standard API's in Java in C and C++. Everyone defines\n> their own API's, people end up solving the same problems ten different ways\n\nThe problem is the problem you're trying to solve is never the same. Java\nwill soon suffer API-rot (alot of poeple are already complaining about it),\nit's just new. C was clean in the beginning too. API-rot is PURELY a\nfunction of age.\n\n> 4. If you have a program of any type of high complexity written in C, you\n> can't possibly think that you could port it to different platforms within\n> the same magnitude of cost as Java....\n\nI do this all the time, It's alot easier then you think if the original\nprogrammer had a clue at all... Java does remove the clue requirement tho,\njust adds a huge testing requirement, QA guys aren't as cheap ;)\n\n> 5. Makes no sense for a scientific or a business project to depend on a\n> person... Java, IMHO, reduces the dependence of these entities on the\n> individual developer as it is much easier to reverse engineer Java as it is\n> to reverse engineer C (large applications).\n\nNo it's not, but you can hire teams of Javites for cheap at your local high\nschool. Java is about cutting costs and commoditizing programming - and it's\nworking!\n\n- Adam L. \"Duncan\" Beberg\n\n\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Lance wrote :\n\n> Ok, I got ALSA installed and there is no static inbetween mp3s like\n> before which is great! My setup is digital 4.1 but sound is only coming\n> from front 2 speakers and subwoofer, rear speakers there is no sound. \n> Also alsamixer or aumix are unresponsive as well. \n\nMaybe you could find more info or tips on the ALSA page for your card?\nAlso, you could try \"alsactl store\", editing /etc/asound.state\" by hand\n(for me it contains data similar to what I can control with \"alsamixer\")\nthen run \"alsactl restore\" and see if you're able to change what you want\nthat way.\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
["Matthias Saou wrote:\n > I guess/hope some other people from the list will try it out ;-)\n >\n > Both problems you reported ( and wrong xine dependency) are now\n > fixed in the current packages.\n >\n > Oh, it's maybe also worth pointing out : I've implemented at last sorting\n > by both last change date and alphabetically for my \"build list\" in the php\n > code :\n >\n > And yes, I accept patches/comments/suggestions about all those spec files!\n\nSure thing :)\n\nI've added to the spec some flags to remove OSS and ISA-PNP support at\nbuild time if one wishes to, so is's possible to do a\n\n\trpmbuild --recompile <rpm> --without oss --without isapnp\n\n(I haven't included OSS in my 2.4.19, because VT82433 on my motherboard\nis not supported :( yet, and I'm too lazy to recompile the kernel :)).\n\nAlso, having the kernel compiled by me, I have no kernel-source package\ninstalled. I've added a flag \"kernsrc\", that also can be used\n--without, to remove the dependency for kernel-source at build time. It\nwould be nice to check the correct kernel include files actually exist\n(/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include/linux/*.h), though; however, I'm\na beginner in RPM building -- is it possible to BuildRequire for a file\nnot provided by a package at all? I've googled a bit, and found no way\nto do that.\n\nI was also considering adding some sort of flag for the --with-cards\noption in alsa's ./configure, but don't know how to do that. Only found\nout about --without from your first alsa-driver.spec, and existing RPM docs \ndon't help much.\n\n\nOh, and one more thing :). At first I've installed the first version of\nalsa-driver for 2.4.18-10, although I don't have that kernel, to supply\nthe dependency for the rest of the alsa rpm's, and compiled the modules\nfrom source. It created the /dev files and all.\n\nThen wanted to make my own rpm for 2.4.19, so now I'm trying to rpmbuild\nthe alsa-kernel package. Removed all alsa rpms, and tried my spec:\n\nrpmbuild --ba alsa-driver.spec.mine --without oss --without isapnp\n--without kernsrc\n\nBut I get this:\n\n==[long successful compile snipped]=====================================\nwarning: File listed twice: /dev/adsp\nwarning: File listed twice: /dev/amidi\nFinding Provides: /usr/lib/rpm/find-provides\nFinding Requires: /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires\nPreReq: /bin/sh /bin/sh rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1\nrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1\nRequires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh\nRequires(rpmlib): rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1\nrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1\nRequires(post): /bin/sh\nRequires(postun): /bin/sh\nRequires: alsa-kernel = 0.9.0rc3 /sbin/depmod\nProcessing files: alsa-kernel-0.9.0rc3-fr4_2.4.19\nFinding Provides: /usr/lib/rpm/find-provides\nFinding Requires: /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires\nPreReq: rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1\nrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1\nRequires(rpmlib): rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1\nrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1\nRequires: alsa-driver = 0.9.0rc3 kernel = 2.4.19\nChecking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files\n/var/tmp/alsa-driver-0.9.0rc3-root\nerror: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:\n /etc/makedev.d/00macros\n /etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound\n\n\nRPM build errors:\n File listed twice: /dev/adsp\n File listed twice: /dev/amidi\n Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:\n /etc/makedev.d/00macros\n /etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound\n========================================================================\n\nLike I said, I'm a beginned with RPM building, so I don't understand\nmuch of what's going on here. The 00macros file is from the MAKEDEV\nrpm, and alsasound was supposed to be installed by alsa-driver, I think.\n It is not in the filesystem, anyway.\n\nI've looked in /var/tmp/alsa-driver-0.9.0rc3-root, they are there in\netc. For 00macros I think the part that does it is this line\nin alsa-driver.spec:\n\ncp -a %{_sysconfdir}/makedev.d/00macros /{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/makedev.d/\n\nAnd alsasound is installed by %{BUILDIDR}/Makefile.\n\n\nOh, and I think I've forgot to mention, I'm running beta-null :).\n\n > Matthias\n\n-silent\n\n-- \n... And on the seventh day, God was arrested for tresspassing.\n\n", "6a7,17\n>\n> %define withoss yes\n> %{?_without_oss:%define withoss no}\n>\n> %define withisapnp auto\n> %{?_without_isapnp:%define withisapnp no}\n>\n> %define kernsrc 1\n> %{?_without_kernsrc:%define kernsrc 0}\n>\n>\n20a32\n> %if %{kernsrc}\n21a34,36\n> %else\n> BuildRequires: MAKEDEV\n> %endif\n64c79\n< %configure\n---\n> %configure --with-oss=%{withoss} --with-isapnp=%{withisapnp}\n119a135,137\n> * Thu Aug 29 2002 Daniel Pavel <>\n> - Added OSS and ISA-PNP build-time flags.\n> - Added kernel-source requirement flag.\n\n"]
"Matthias Saou wrote:\n> OK, I'll add this.\n\nCool :)\n\n> Requiring a file that isn't part of an rpm is not possible, no, except\n> maybe by stopping the build process if it isn't found... but that's errr...\n> ugly!\n> And I really think that for people who installed a kernel from sources, the\n> easiest is to install the alsa kernel drivers from source too...\n\nYes, it is... But then alsa-driver requires alsa-kernel, and I don't quite \nlike --nodeps...\n\n> This would be a tricky one since to use the \"--with <name>\" feature of\n> rpmbuild, I think you'd need to add individual handling of each and every\n> card :-/\n\nThat's ok. I was only considering it for the sake of tweaking anyway, not \nfor some real-world need :).\n\n> That's what the \"alsa-driver\" is there for, create all the base files\n> excluding the kernel drivers. What I would suggest for dependency reasons\n> it to install an \"alsa-kernel\" for the original kernel (you've kept it,\n> right? ;-)) and install ALSA modules from source for custom kernels built\n> from source.\n\nUm... I keep 2.4.18-12.2 for emergency sitations (like I forget to include \nkeyboard support in kernel, dumb me), but alsa-kernel_2.4.18-10 does not \nrequire kernel-2.4.18-10, so that's ok.\n\n> Matthias\n\n-silent\n\n-- \n... And on the seventh day, God was arrested for tresspassing.\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Axel wrote :\n\n> I am now relaxed again ;), and pass this info on. Probably Matthias Saou\n> himself is \"dude\", and some package has hardwired a path in his build\n> directory. It would be nice to find out which and fix it, but I am using\n> too many of the freshrpm suite to narrow it down.\n\nIndeed, my usual login is \"dude\" (and has been since long before \"The Big\nLebowsky\" came out ;-)), and it seems the some programs wrongly hard code\nmy home directory when being compiled :-(\nFor instance :\n\n[dude@python dude]$ strings /usr/bin/gentoo | grep dude\n/home/dude/\n[dude@python dude]$ strings /usr/bin/xine | grep dude\n/home/dude/redhat/tmp/xine-root/usr/share/locale\n\nThese should probably be considered bugs in the program's build process\n(especially for xine, look at that!), I'll report them upstream if/when I\nhave some time.\n\nThanks for noticing this!\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Hi Matthias,\n\nI think I could do help you out with new plugins package for gkrellm 2. \nWould you prefer to keep it as it is now, or package every plugin\nseparately? The latter would be probably easier to maintain.\n\n-- \n\\/ille Skyttä\nville.skytta at\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Hello!\n\ni have just found a small issue with the downloader 4 x update. the ftp search engines are missing something like:\n\n%{_datadir}/d4x/ftpsearch.xml \n\nthanks in advance,\nche\n\np.s. i love the xmms-xosd plugin :)\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"I've noted that there are packaged versions of\nBlackbox and hackedbox available from FreshRPMs. What\nabout FluxBox?\n\nI'd certainly enjoy a packaged version, since its\ncreators seem hesitant to provide .rpms (.debs, yes,\nbut no .rpms).\n\n.Doug\n\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nYahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
["Hi,\n\n\tI made a spec file for it some weeks ago, maybe it can be included in fresh. \nIf not, at least you can use it...\n\nI'm attaching it here...\n\nHope it might be some use for you, does the trick for me. Might be an old \nversion though, but should still work\n\nNick\n\n\n\n\nOn Wednesday 04 September 2002 21:00, Doug Stewart wrote:\n> I've noted that there are packaged versions of\n> Blackbox and hackedbox available from FreshRPMs. What\n> about FluxBox?\n>\n> I'd certainly enjoy a packaged version, since its\n> creators seem hesitant to provide .rpms (.debs, yes,\n> but no .rpms).\n>\n> .Doug\n>\n> __________________________________________________\n> Do You Yahoo!?\n> Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes\n>\n>\n> _______________________________________________\n> RPM-List mailing list <>\n>\n", "Summary: Blackbox derived window manager\nName: fluxbox\nVersion: 0.1.10\nRelease: nv1\nLicense: other\nGroup: User Interface/Desktops\nSource:{name}-%{version}.tar.gz\nURL:\nBuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root\nBuildRequires: XFree86-devel, libstdc++-devel\n\n%description\n\n\nFluxbox is yet another windowmanager for X.\nIt's based on the Blackbox 0.61.1 code. Fluxbox looks like blackbox and \nhandles styles, colors, window placement and similar thing exactly like \nblackbox (100% theme/style compability).\nMany changes and improvements have been made to the code, such as window tabs, \niconbar, native keygrabber, gnome and kde support etc.\n\n%prep\n%setup -q\n\n\n%build\n%configure --enable-xinerama --enable-gnome --enable-kde\nmake\n\n%install\nrm -rf %{buildroot}\n%makeinstall\n\n%clean\nrm -rf %{buildroot}\n\n\n%files\n%defattr(-, root, root)\n%doc README NEWS COPYING AUTHORS INSTALL TODO doc/Coding_style\n%{_bindir}/*\n%{_datadir}/%{name}\n%{_mandir}/man1/*\n\n%changelog\n* Thu Jul 19 2002 Nick Verhaegen\n- Update to 0.1.10\n\n* Tue Jul 9 2002 Nick Verhaegen\n- Initial RPM release.\n\n"]
"\n>\n> 6. Hardware is getting so fast that I'm not sure if the performance\n> difference between Java and C/C++ are relevant any more.\n\nWhen out-of-the-box parsing & transform of XML in java is 25x slower than\nC++ on the same hardware then it does matter.\n\n"
"On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 07:11:23AM +0000, Angles Puglisi wrote:\n> If I can use apt, can I use it to get updates from these 3 different places:\n> 1. the (null) up2date Redhat upgrades\n> 2. the (null) files at\n> 3. the regular RH7.3 files from\n\nYou could build your own apt-repository. Just mirror the needed directories\n(e.g. by using a wget cron job), symlink the needed rpms and recreate the\nrepository. It is already worth the trouble, if you have more than one\ninstallation.\n\nIn any case in order to acces the mentioned places, somebody must keep such a\nrepository up to date, be it yourself or someone else.\n-- \\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 12:32:58PM +0200, Axel Thimm wrote:\n> On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 07:11:23AM +0000, Angles Puglisi wrote:\n> > If I can use apt, can I use it to get updates from these 3 different\n> > places:\n> > 1. the (null) up2date Redhat upgrades\n> > 2. the (null) files at\n> > 3. the regular RH7.3 files from\n> You could build your own apt-repository. Just mirror the needed\n> directories (e.g. by using a wget cron job), symlink the needed rpms\n> and recreate the repository. It is already worth the trouble, if you\n> have more than one installation.\n\nAlways nice to have one to put stuff that overrides RH things. Like if\nyou absolutely detest qt and some programs are rebuildable from sources\nwith different %configure options. You can get src.rpm, edit spec, bump\nrelease numberwith your initials and another number and rebuild, insert\ninto apt and let loose... :)\n\nDoesn't freshrpms have updates dir too? Maybe not quite as up to date as\nup2date but still. I would never use up2date. There is another\nrepository at IIRC. Not sure if that had The\nupdates.\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"I spun another AlsaPlayer build, this time on my (null) box. I do not know what this\nmeans but the Curl stuff compiled in this time.\n\nIt's sounding damn cool with the new alsa drivers. Thanks to Matthias for the Alsa\nRPMS. Great job bring sound to the masses.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n--\nThat's \"angle\" as in geometry.\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Hi All Folks,\n\nI have 'APT' installed and updated from ' But I failed using it\n\n# apt-get install \n/mnt/cdrom/Linux/CDBurner/cdrtools-cdrecord-1.11a23-1.i386.rpm\nProcessing File Dependencies... Done\nReading Package Lists... Done\nBuilding Dependency Tree... Done\nE: Couldn't find package \n/mnt/cdrom/Linux/CDBurner/cdrtools-cdrecord-1.11a23-1.i386.rpm\n\nThe file 'cdrtools-cdrecord-1.11a23-1.i386.rpm' is there\n\nI performed another test copying the file \n'cdrtools-cdrecord-1.11a23-1.i386.rpm' to /root/Download\n\n# apt-get install /root/Download/cdrtools-cdrecord-1.11a23-1.i386.rpm\nProcessing File Dependencies... Done\nReading Package Lists... Done\nBuilding Dependency Tree... Done\nE: Couldn't find package /root/Download/cdrtools-cdrecord-1.11a23-1.i386.rpm\n\nStill failed. Finally I rpm 'cdrtools-cdrecord-1.11a23-1.i386.rpm' from the \nCD and suceeded.\n\nKindly advise what mistake I have committed.\n\nThanks in advance.\n\nStephen Liu\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Stephen wrote :\n\n> # apt-get install \n> /mnt/cdrom/Linux/CDBurner/cdrtools-cdrecord-1.11a23-1.i386.rpm\n\nThis is not how apt is meant to be used, see Gordon's answer to your post\non the Valhalla list for details.\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Hi,\nthis is my first problem with one of the freshrpms rpms ...\nI just upgrade mplayer and now I get\n\n$ mplayer \nmplayer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory\n\nI guess Matthias has forgotten libdvdnav dependency.\n\n-- \nThey told me I needed WIN95 or better\nSo I chose Linux!\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
" \n Hello,\n \n I just installed redhat 7.2 and I think I have everything \nworking properly. Anyway I want to install mplayer because I heard it \ncan play quicktime movs. I apt-get source mplayer and dl'd it to \n/usr/src. \n\n I tried to just rpm --rebuild mplayer-20020106-fr1.src.rpm, \nthen I get ; mplayer-20020106-fr1.src.rpm: No such file or directory.\n\n Any help or a link to some document would be appreciated, Thanks\n-rob\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Adam Beberg:\n>Considering 90% of the fake job posting I see are for embedded systems or \n>device drivers - C still rules the world.\n\nThere is a lot of C++ in the embedded world. With\nstatic object allocation and a few other programming\ntechniques, performance differences disappear, but\nC++ gives a boost in development and maintainability.\nThe real issue is compiler availability. Almost every\nembedded platform has C cross-compilers. Many have\nC++ compilers. But there is still a range of\nplatforms that have the first but not the second. Or\nat least, that was the story a few years ago.\n\n_________________________________________________________________\nSend and receive Hotmail on your mobile device:\n\n\n"
"Make sure you rebuild as root and you're in the directory that you\ndownloaded the file. Also it might complain of a few dependencies but\nyou can get these at, except for gcc3, which you can find\non your Red Hat cd, Red Hat ftp, or\n\nAfter you rebuild the source rpm it should install a binary rpm in\n/usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386. With all dependencies met, install mplayer\nwith 'rpm -ivh mplayer-20020106-fr1.rpm' and you should be good to go.\n\nOne last thing, you will need the win32 codecs, I found them on google,\ncreate a directory /usr/lib/win32 and place the codecs in there.\n\nGood Luck!\n\nLance\n\nOn Thu, 2002-01-31 at 23:44, rob bains wrote:\n> \n> Hello,\n> \n> I just installed redhat 7.2 and I think I have everything \n> working properly. Anyway I want to install mplayer because I heard it \n> can play quicktime movs. I apt-get source mplayer and dl'd it to \n> /usr/src. \n> \n> I tried to just rpm --rebuild mplayer-20020106-fr1.src.rpm, \n> then I get ; mplayer-20020106-fr1.src.rpm: No such file or directory.\n> \n> Any help or a link to some document would be appreciated, Thanks\n> -rob\n> \n> \n> _______________________________________________\n> RPM-List mailing list <>\n>\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, rob wrote :\n\n> I dl'd gcc3 and libgcc3, but I still get the same error message when I \n> try rpm --rebuild or recompile. I do this as root, I dl'd as root also.\n> \n> thanks for the help, any more idea what's going on?\n\nI've never installed source rpms with apt, but I suppose that if you get\nfile not found, it's because the source rpm was installed. To see if this\nis the case, go to /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/ and if you see mplayer.spec,\nyou'll just need to do \"rpm -bb mplayer.spec\" to get a binary build in\n/usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
["Title page has a login screen and I can't seem to get the apt indexes\nanymore. Is it just me or is something going on there?\n\n-- \nAdditive E120 - \"not suitable for vegetarians\".\n\n", "…"]
"Once upon a time, Harri wrote :\n\n> Title page has a login screen and I can't seem to get the apt indexes\n> anymore. Is it just me or is something going on there?\n\nYou can't get the file index from here either?\n\n\nDuring the past few days, I've experienced connection problems with that\nsite from time to time, but for me right now it's working.\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
["On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 04:15:52PM +0100, Matthias Saou wrote:\n> Once upon a time, Harri wrote :\n> \n> > > During the past few days, I've experienced connection problems with\n> > > that site from time to time, but for me right now it's working.\n> > \n> > Maybe it's temporary :-/\n> \n> If you need another apt repository with Red Hat Linux 7.2 files, there are\n> a few others. See :\n\nI have a local one for the main and upgrades from somewhere plus my own\nat $ORKPLACE.\n\nblades@remiel% grep nixia /etc/apt/sources.list \n#rpm redhat/7.2/i386 gnomehide\n#rpm-src redhat/7.2/i386 gnomehide\n\nAh, that's it. They had newer gnome there\n\n-- \n\"When life hands you a lemon, make batteries\n....then go electrocute someone.\"\n\t-- Stevo, Scary Devil Monastery\n", "…"]
"hey i have a problem:\ni have a rpms that i have installed that i want to uninstall, i do it\nlike so:\nrpm -e [rpm package]\nand it gives the error: package not installed, so i install it like\nso:\nrpm -i [rpm package]\nand it gives the error: package already installed, so i force it to\ninstall like so:\nrpm -i --force [rpm package]\nthis installs it and then i try to uninstall it again and it still\ngives me the same error: package not installed.\n \nHow can i get it to recognize that the package is indeed installed it,\nand/or get it to unstall it?\n \nThanx in advance,\nBrian French\n\n-French\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Brian wrote :\n\n> hey i have a problem:\n> i have a rpms that i have installed that i want to uninstall, i do it\n> like so:\n> rpm -e [rpm package]\n> and it gives the error: package not installed, so i install it like\n> so:\n> rpm -i [rpm package]\n> and it gives the error: package already installed, so i force it to\n> install like so:\n> rpm -i --force [rpm package]\n> this installs it and then i try to uninstall it again and it still\n> gives me the same error: package not installed.\n> \n> How can i get it to recognize that the package is indeed installed it,\n> and/or get it to unstall it?\n\nYou're a bit too vague on your \"[rpm package]\" here...\nMaybe this will help you :\n\n[root@python apg]# rpm -e apg\n[root@python apg]# rpm -ivh apg-1.2.13-fr1.i386.rpm \nPreparing... ###########################################\n[100%] 1:apg \n########################################### [100%][root@python apg]# rpm -e\napg[root@python apg]# rpm -ivh apg-1.2.13-fr1.i386.rpm \nPreparing... ###########################################\n[100%] 1:apg \n########################################### [100%][root@python apg]# rpm -e\napg-1.2.13-fr1[root@python apg]# rpm -ivh apg-1.2.13-fr1.i386.rpm \nPreparing... ###########################################\n[100%] 1:apg \n########################################### [100%][root@python apg]# rpm -e\napg-1.2.13-fr1.i386.rpm error: package apg-1.2.13-fr1.i386.rpm is not\ninstalled[root@python apg]# \n\nYou can just put the name, of the name and version, and even the release,\nbut the entire filename will not work!\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 12:42:02PM -0500, Brian French wrote:\n> hey i have a problem:\n> i have a rpms that i have installed that i want to uninstall, i do it\n> like so:\n> rpm -e [rpm package]\n> and it gives the error: package not installed, so i install it like\n> so:\nIts a little confusing but you install rpms like\nrpm -ivh packagename-0.1.1.rpm \nuninstalls must be done without the version info like\nrpm -e packagename ie: rpm -e sendmail or \nrpm -e sendmail-devel. \n\ngive that a go and it should work np. \n\nPhil, \n\n\n> rpm -i [rpm package]\n> and it gives the error: package already installed, so i force it to\n> install like so:\n> rpm -i --force [rpm package]\n> this installs it and then i try to uninstall it again and it still\n> gives me the same error: package not installed.\n> \n> How can i get it to recognize that the package is indeed installed it,\n> and/or get it to unstall it?\n> \n> Thanx in advance,\n> Brian French\n> \n> -French\n> \n> \n> _______________________________________________\n> RPM-List mailing list <>\n>\n\n-- \n\"I say, bring on the brand new renaissance. 'Cause I\nthink I'm ready. I've been shaking all night long...\nBut my hands are steady.\" \nGord Downie\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Hiya, I always seem to get errors when I do an \"apt update\", is this a \nproblem on the repository itself, or on my end, or possibly a timeout in \nthe connection due to my connection being a crappy modem?\n\n[root@spawn root]# apt-get update\nHit redhat/7.2/i386/base/pkglist.gnomehide\nHit redhat/7.2/i386/base/pkglist.os\nIgn redhat/7.2/i386 release.os\nErr redhat/7.2/i386/base/pkglist.updates\n Bad header line\nHit redhat/7.2/i386 release.updates\nErr redhat/7.2/i386/base/pkglist.freshrpms\n 400 Bad Request\nErr redhat/7.2/i386 release.freshrpms\n Bad header line\nHit redhat/7.2/i386/base/srclist.freshrpms\nIgn redhat/7.2/i386 release.gnomehide\nIgn redhat/7.2/i386/base/mirrors\nHit redhat/7.2/i386 release.freshrpms\nIgn redhat/7.2/i386/base/mirrors\nIgn redhat/7.2/i386/base/mirrors\nIgn redhat/7.2/i386/base/mirrors\nIgn redhat/7.2/i386/base/mirrors\nFailed to fetch \n\n Bad header line\nFailed to fetch \n\n 400 Bad Request\nFailed to fetch \n\n Bad header line\n\n -- \\m/ --\n \"...if I seem super human I have been misunderstood.\" (c) Dream Theater\n - ICQ: 1934853 JID:\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"I have failed dependencies in RPM database to I am unable to use\napt-get. I requests to run 'apt-get -f install' to fix these\ndependencies, however, I get these errors when running 'apt-get -f\ninstall' :\n\n[root@localhost root]# apt-get -f install\nProcessing File Dependencies... Done\nReading Package Lists... Done \nBuilding Dependency Tree... Done\nCorrecting dependencies... Done\nThe following extra packages will be installed:\n libgcj \nThe following NEW packages will be installed:\n libgcj \n0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove(replace) and 68 not\nupgraded.\nNeed to get 2407kB of archives. After unpacking 8598kB will be used.\nDo you want to continue? [Y/n] Y\nGet:1 redhat-7.2-i386/redhat/os libgcj\n2.96-27 [2407kB]\nFetched 2407kB in 22s\n(105kB/s) \nExecuting RPM (-U)...\nPreparing... ###########################################\n[100%]\n 1:libgcj error: unpacking of archive failed on file\n/usr/share/;3c5b5e75: cpio: MD5 sum mismatch\nE: Sub-process /bin/rpm returned an error code (1)\n[root@localhost root]# \n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Lance wrote :\n\n> I have failed dependencies in RPM database to I am unable to use\n> apt-get. I requests to run 'apt-get -f install' to fix these\n> dependencies, however, I get these errors when running 'apt-get -f\n> install' :\n[...]\n> error: unpacking of archive failed on file\n> /usr/share/;3c5b5e75: cpio: MD5 sum mismatch\n> E: Sub-process /bin/rpm returned an error code (1)\n> [root@localhost root]# \n\nI'd say that the file apt downloaded is corrupted. Maybe trying \"apt-get\nclean\" to remove all downloaded files first would solve the problem.\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Hello,\n\nTried 'apt-get clean' with same results.\n\nOn Sat, 2002-02-02 at 06:08, Matthias Saou wrote:\n> Once upon a time, Lance wrote :\n> \n> > I have failed dependencies in RPM database to I am unable to use\n> > apt-get. I requests to run 'apt-get -f install' to fix these\n> > dependencies, however, I get these errors when running 'apt-get -f\n> > install' :\n> [...]\n> > error: unpacking of archive failed on file\n> > /usr/share/;3c5b5e75: cpio: MD5 sum mismatch\n> > E: Sub-process /bin/rpm returned an error code (1)\n> > [root@localhost root]# \n> \n> I'd say that the file apt downloaded is corrupted. Maybe trying \"apt-get\n> clean\" to remove all downloaded files first would solve the problem.\n> \n> Matthias\n> \n> -- \n> Matthias Saou World Trade Center\n> ------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\n> System and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\n> Electronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n> \n> _______________________________________________\n> RPM-List mailing list <>\n>\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Sorry about that :) \n\nDidn't think before sending... So I didn't realize that Reply-To was to \nthe list and not to the sender (as it usually is). \n\nAnyawy, I was asking Harri if he could point me a few advices on how to \nbuild my own apt repositry for RH updates. There is a tutorial of somekind \nat which I'm following right now, but if \nthere is some other good advices, let me know!\n\nRegards,\nPeter\n\n\nOn Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 02:33:29PM +0200, Peter Peltonen wrote:\n> On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 05:41:32PM +0200, Harri Haataja wrote:\n> > I have a local one for the main and upgrades from somewhere plus my own\n> > at $ORKPLACE.\n> \n> Olen ajatellut pystyttää itselleni lokaalin apt-varaston, kun Suomesta ei \n> tunnu löytyvän julkista peiliä. Osaisitko avittaa hiukan asiassa, eli \n> kuinka lähteä liikkeelle? Ensin kannattanee peilata varsinainen RH:n rpm:t \n> jostain, vaan millä softalla (rsync?) ja mistä (funet?) tuo kannattaa \n> tehdä, ajatuksia?\n> \n> -- \n> Peter\n> \n> \n> _______________________________________________\n> RPM-List mailing list <>\n>\n> \n\n-- \nPeter\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Peter wrote :\n\n> On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 05:41:32PM +0200, Harri Haataja wrote:\n> > I have a local one for the main and upgrades from somewhere plus my own\n> > at $ORKPLACE.\n> \n> Olen ajatellut pystyttää itselleni lokaalin apt-varaston, kun Suomesta ei\n> tunnu löytyvän julkista peiliä. Osaisitko avittaa hiukan asiassa, eli \n> kuinka lähteä liikkeelle? Ensin kannattanee peilata varsinainen RH:n\n> rpm:t jostain, vaan millä softalla (rsync?) ja mistä (funet?) tuo\n> kannattaa tehdä, ajatuksia?\n\nWow, Finnish seems even more complicated than German to me :-)\nCould you send an English translation next time? I really didn't understand\na thing and I assume I'm not the only one ;-)\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Peter Peltonen wrote:\n> Sorry about that :) \n> \n> Didn't think before sending... So I didn't realize that Reply-To was to \n> the list and not to the sender (as it usually is). \n\nHow about removing the reply-to to the list?\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 02:33:29PM +0200, Peter Peltonen wrote:\n> On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 05:41:32PM +0200, Harri Haataja wrote:\n> > I have a local one for the main and upgrades from somewhere plus my own\n> > at $ORKPLACE.\n> \n> Olen ajatellut pystyttää itselleni lokaalin apt-varaston, kun Suomesta ei \n> tunnu löytyvän julkista peiliä. Osaisitko avittaa hiukan asiassa, eli \n> kuinka lähteä liikkeelle? Ensin kannattanee peilata varsinainen RH:n rpm:t \n> jostain, vaan millä softalla (rsync?) ja mistä (funet?) tuo kannattaa \n> tehdä, ajatuksia?\n\nI'll post my own repository story here anyway, hope no-one minds.\nIt may freely be commented on or used in another text.\n\nI have a directory like this:\n$ tree -d\n.\n|-- current7\n| |-- SRPMS.current\n| |-- SRPMS.gcc3\n| `-- redhat\n| |-- RPMS.current\n| |-- RPMS.gcc3\n| `-- base\n|-- redhat-7_2\n| |-- SRPMS.os\n| `-- redhat\n| |-- RPMS.os -> <link to RH network install image>\n| `-- base\n`-- testing\n |-- SRPMS.testing\n `-- redhat\n |-- RPMS.testing\n `-- base\n\n27 directories\n\nI throw updates to current7's rpms and my own stuff (with makefile :) to\ntesting.\nAfter each new package, \nnice genbasedir -s --progress --topdir=$TOPDIR/ \\\ntesting/redhat testing\n\n(for -s to work, you need to make release files, pinch someones for\nexmple)\n\nThis stuff is found under apache. I put that url, my keys and all that\ninto apt conf on the machines on the network and apt away.\n\nAs for .fi mirrors, funet is very slow. I think I use tuxfamily for\nupdates but when I see errata I usually also put that to my own one so\nrest of the machines have a shorter path to it.\nFunet hosts a whole load of mirrors and projects (it used to be (is?)\nthe main mirror for Linux. It was one of the big pub ftp sites). If\nthere was a definite apt repository, maybe they might mirror that as\nwell. I doubt RH would be very keen on using apt and forking a\ndistribution doesn't seem like an easy option, someone should just start\na project.\n\n-- \n\"Barry also was quick to point out that the Titanium uses torque screws as\nopposed to Phillips screws. We're not sure why this matters even a little\nbit, but Barry sure seemed to think it was interesting.\nThat's why Mac geeks scare us.\" \t-- ZDNet Powerbook Titanium review \n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"On Mon, 2 Sep 2002, Russell Turpin wrote:\n\n> Adam Beberg:\n> >Considering 90% of the fake job posting I see are for embedded systems or\n> >device drivers - C still rules the world.\n>\n> There is a lot of C++ in the embedded world. With static object\n> allocation and a few other programming techniques, performance\n> differences disappear, but C++ gives a boost in development and\n> maintainability.\n\nAgreed, not much difference there. With C it just doesnt seem as wrong to\nbe crawling around in registers and things. Quite frankly you cant fit\n_that_ big of a project into a 32K ROM, so large project issues dont matter\nas much in the embedded world.\n\nAnd in the realtime space, or when you have data coming in at 2Gbit/sec\n[fibrechannel], every cycle DOES count.\n\n> The real issue is compiler availability. Almost every embedded platform\n> has C cross-compilers. Many have C++ compilers. But there is still a\n> range of platforms that have the first but not the second. Or at least,\n> that was the story a few years ago.\n\nDefinately still very very true. C++ compilers are still a rarity.\n\n\n- Adam L. \"Duncan\" Beberg\n\n\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Peter wrote :\n\n> I started wondering how does apt react when it finds a newer kernel in\n> the bunch of \"to be updated\" files?\n\nIt skips it. See the /etc/apt/apt.conf file for this.\n\n> And has anyone ever tried to do a dist-upgrade, say from 7.1 to 7.2? \n> Should it work? If not, why?\n\nI've done a dist-upgrade from 7.2 to a quite broken rawhide release... it\nwas a mess, still, it went much faster and smoother than if I had done it\n\"manually\" with rpm -U or -F. I think that updates between stable releases\nshould still be done with the installer since IIRC, sometimes a few\ntwitches are done by anaconda to migrate configurations to new formats. It\nshould work though... I still prefer backuping config files and\nreinstalling a clean system when I have the time.\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 04:53:14PM +0100, Matthias Saou wrote:\n> It skips it. See the /etc/apt/apt.conf file for this.\n\nIn my apt.conf reads:\n\n--<snip>--\nRPM\n{\n // Leave list empty to disable\n AllowedDupPkgs {\"^kernel$\"; \"kernel-smp\"; \"kernel-enterprise\"; };\n HoldPkgs {\"kernel-source\"; \"kernel-headers\"; };\n}\n--</snip>--\n\nIf I understand this correctly, then only kernel-source and kernel-headers \nare held from being installed, but kernel will be installed, right?\n\nMaybe I should test this on some vanilla system...\n\n-- \nPeter\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Hiya, I just myself an rpm, and when I did -Uvh to upgrade the earlier \nversion I had installed (also from my rpm) I got:\n\n[root@spawn i386]# rpm -Uvh mulberry-2.2-b1.i386.rpm\nPreparing... ########################################### \n[100%]\n 1:mulberry ########################################### \n[100%]\nerror: db3 error(-30998) from db->close: DB_INCOMPLETE: Cache flush was \nunable to complete\n\nWhats the DB_INCOMPLETE mean?\n\nIt all seems to have installed ok thou...\n\n -- \\m/ --\n \"...if I seem super human I have been misunderstood.\" (c) Dream Theater\n - ICQ: 1934853 JID:\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Mark Derricutt wrote:\n> Hiya, I just myself an rpm, and when I did -Uvh to upgrade the earlier \n> version I had installed (also from my rpm) I got:\n> \n> [root@spawn i386]# rpm -Uvh mulberry-2.2-b1.i386.rpm\n> Preparing... ########################################### \n> [100%]\n> 1:mulberry ########################################### \n> [100%]\n> error: db3 error(-30998) from db->close: DB_INCOMPLETE: Cache flush was \n> unable to complete\n\nIt's not the rpm, it's the rpm-system with you. The cache seems to have \nrottened. Try removing /var/lib/rpm/__db*\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Do I need to do anything to recreate anything after deleting this?\n\nI did notice an rpm I made the other day didn't work, and just sat there \nfor ages seemingly doing nothing, which probably did this :(\n\nOk, now I get:\n\n\nFetched 88.1kB in 2m31s (581B/s)\nerror: cannot get exclusive lock on /var/lib/rpm/Packages\nerror: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Operation not permitted (1)\nE: could not open RPM database:cannot open Packages index using db3 - \nOperation not permitted (1)\n\nArrrrg.\n\n--On Tuesday, February 05, 2002 15:06:28 +0100 Roy-Magne Mo \n<> wrote:\n\n> It's not the rpm, it's the rpm-system with you. The cache seems to have\n> rottened. Try removing /var/lib/rpm/__db*\n\n\n\n -- \\m/ --\n \"...if I seem super human I have been misunderstood.\" (c) Dream Theater\n - ICQ: 1934853 JID:\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Never mind, there was some cron thing doing rpm -qf ??? seems fine now.\n\n--On Wednesday, February 06, 2002 07:37:44 +1300 Mark Derricutt \n<> wrote:\n\n> Fetched 88.1kB in 2m31s (581B/s)\n> error: cannot get exclusive lock on /var/lib/rpm/Packages\n> error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Operation not permitted (1)\n> E: could not open RPM database:cannot open Packages index using db3 -\n> Operation not permitted (1)\n\n\n\n -- \\m/ --\n \"...if I seem super human I have been misunderstood.\" (c) Dream Theater\n - ICQ: 1934853 JID:\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Mark Derricutt wrote:\n> Never mind, there was some cron thing doing rpm -qf ??? seems fine now.\n> \n> --On Wednesday, February 06, 2002 07:37:44 +1300 Mark Derricutt \n> <> wrote:\n> \n>> Fetched 88.1kB in 2m31s (581B/s)\n>> error: cannot get exclusive lock on /var/lib/rpm/Packages\n>> error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Operation not permitted (1)\n>> E: could not open RPM database:cannot open Packages index using db3 -\n>> Operation not permitted (1)\n\nYou can do a rpm --rebuilddb too\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
["On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 04:29:53PM +0200, Peter Peltonen wrote:\n> Two issues:\n> \n> --<snip>--\n> Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:\n> openssh: Depends: openssl (= 0.9.5a) but 0.9.6b-8 is installed\n> php-pgsql: Depends: postgresql but it is not installed\n> Depends:\n> E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.\n> --</snip>--\n> \n> 1. I have the following openssl packages installed:\n> \n> --<snip>--\n> openssl-perl-0.9.6b-8\n> openssl-0.9.6b-8\n> openssl095a-0.9.5a-11\n> openssl-devel-0.9.6b-8\n> --</snip>--\n> \n> The openssl095a package should provide the openssl-0.9.5a compatibility \n> but apt doesn't think so? \n\nI believe that's just a matter of string parsing. If someone were to fix\nthe openssh package, removing the explicit Requires:, I believe the\nautomagic binary handler would figure the right libraries to use and\ninstall. I haven't met an openssh like that and in worst case I've had 3\ndifferent openssl libraries (WTF can't they just bump a major version if\nit's incompatible?!?).\n\n> 2. I have postgresql installed from the source. So that's why I need \n> php-pgsql. Is there a way to tell apt about packages I don't want it to \n> complain about?\n\nI have a few such things (with jdk, imlib, kernel DRI version..\nsomething) and Ive just made dummy packages (with verbose warning\nattached ;) that explicitly provide those capabilities. (or claim to,\nthat is).\n\n-- \nIf you only want to go 500 miles, can you begin with a halfstep?\n", "…"]
"\n\n\n\nDell Quinn\nAccount Executive\nFleishman-Hillard Saunders\n15 Fitzwilliam Quay\nDublin 4\nIreland\nTel: 01 6188428\nFax: 01 6602244\nMobile: 086 6048101\n \n\n\n-- \nIrish Linux Users' Group:\n for (un)subscription information.\nList maintainer:\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Harri wrote :\n\n> On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 04:29:53PM +0200, Peter Peltonen wrote:\n> > Two issues:\n> > \n> > --<snip>--\n> > Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:\n> > openssh: Depends: openssl (= 0.9.5a) but 0.9.6b-8 is installed\n> > php-pgsql: Depends: postgresql but it is not installed\n> > Depends:\n> > E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.\n> > --</snip>--\n> > \n> > 1. I have the following openssl packages installed:\n> > \n> > --<snip>--\n> > openssl-perl-0.9.6b-8\n> > openssl-0.9.6b-8\n> > openssl095a-0.9.5a-11\n> > openssl-devel-0.9.6b-8\n> > --</snip>--\n> > \n> > The openssl095a package should provide the openssl-0.9.5a compatibility\n> > but apt doesn't think so? \n> \n> I believe that's just a matter of string parsing. If someone were to fix\n> the openssh package, removing the explicit Requires:, I believe the\n> automagic binary handler would figure the right libraries to use and\n> install. I haven't met an openssh like that and in worst case I've had 3\n> different openssl libraries (WTF can't they just bump a major version if\n> it's incompatible?!?).\n\nStrange... all my openssh packages don't explicitly requires a version of\nopenssl. What version of openssh do you have? Is it an official Red Hat\npackage? I suppose it isn't, and using Red Hat's rpms will solve your\nproblem.\n\nWhat you need to know for openssl is :\n0.9.5b is and\n0.9.6 is and\n0.9.6b is and\n\nNow in all Red Hat packages I've seen so far, the only dependency is on\nthose files and not on \"openssl = version\".\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
["I installed apt-get yesterday and liked it, for a couple hours anyway. \nLate last night I started to get errors like:\n\n\n--( root@theshadows )-- apt-get update\nE: Method http has died unexpectedly!\nE: Tried to dequeue a fetching object\nE: Tried to dequeue a fetching object\nE: Tried to dequeue a fetching object\nE: Tried to dequeue a fetching object\nE: Tried to dequeue a fetching object\nE: Tried to dequeue a fetching object\nE: Tried to dequeue a fetching object\n(...)\n\ni get the same errors (two like the first line instead of one) with\napt-get update.\n\nI was wondering why this would happen.\n\nI would appreciate any help you all can give me.\n\nThanks.\n\n-- \n\t\t\t\t\t-Govind Salinas\nICQ:32026672\t\t\t\t\tAIM:DyErthScum\n", "…"]
"On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 04:30:18PM +0200, Harri Haataja wrote:\n> install. I haven't met an openssh like that and in worst case I've had 3\n> different openssl libraries (WTF can't they just bump a major version if\n> it's incompatible?!?).\n\nSo, what should I with the openssl thing?\n\n> something) and Ive just made dummy packages (with verbose warning\n> attached ;) that explicitly provide those capabilities. (or claim to,\n> that is).\n\nHow do I make such packages?\n\n-- \nPeter\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Peter wrote :\n\n> On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 04:14:27PM +0100, Matthias Saou wrote:\n> > Strange... all my openssh packages don't explicitly requires a version\n> > of openssl. What version of openssh do you have? Is it an official Red\n> > Hat package? I suppose it isn't, and using Red Hat's rpms will solve\n> > your problem.\n> \n> openssh-3.0.2p1-1\n> \n> I think that is directly from openssh site. It's from the RH 6.2 that I \n> upgraded to 7.2 (6.2 doesn't ship with openssh...). \n\nThat explains...\n\n> I probably should downgrade to the versoin RH provides except I can't do \n> that as I don't have physical access to that box and downgrading ssh \n> packages over ssh doesn't sound like a bright idea...\n\nWell, with 7.0, I've seen a few problems with doing that, but as of 7.2\nit's really wonderful! Ever tried of completely uninstalling all openssh\nrelated packages while being connected through ssh? Well, it works!!!! Of\ncourse, if the connection cuts at that moment, you're stuck, but a simple\nupgrade with official Red Hat packages also works like a charm :-)\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 04:30:18PM +0200, Harri Haataja wrote:\n> I have a few such things (with jdk, imlib, kernel DRI version..\n> something) and Ive just made dummy packages (with verbose warning\n> attached ;) that explicitly provide those capabilities. (or claim to,\n> that is).\n\nHm. One could do this with rpm's --justdb switch too, without having to \nmake a dummy package, right?\n\nI was wondering that this is a bit dangerous if there is a update for my \nsoftware, as the dummy package might get updated with it overwriting the \ninstallation I've done from source... Not good.\n\nIs there really no \"--nodeps\" kind of switch in apt-get? \n\n-- \nPeter\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"About apt.conf there are these lines:\n\n--<snip>--\nRPM \n{\n // Leave list empty to disable\n AllowedDupPkgs {\"^kernel$\"; \"kernel-smp\"; \"kernel-enterprise\"; };\n HoldPkgs {\"kernel-source\"; \"kernel-headers\"; };\n}\n--</snip>--\n\nHow do I tell apt hold all kernel packages? Can I use syntax like \n\"kernel*\"; ? \n\nAnd I don't quite understand what the part \"^kernel$\"; means?\n\n-- \nPeter\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"\nThanks for the great work Mathias but I would like to point out that this\nlist is fastly become the apt-rpm-list instead of the rpm-list. The\ndiscussion concerning apt is overwhelming. Maybe another list is in order\nfor those having trouble with apt-rpm. ? :)\n\nThough I think apt-rpm is a great tool, I don't use it and would like to\nget back to talk of new packages and rpm building techniques.\n\ndTd\nDaniel T. Drea\\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, dTd wrote :\n\n> \n> Thanks for the great work Mathias but I would like to point out that this\n> list is fastly become the apt-rpm-list instead of the rpm-list. The\n> discussion concerning apt is overwhelming. Maybe another list is in order\n> for those having trouble with apt-rpm. ? :)\n> \n> Though I think apt-rpm is a great tool, I don't use it and would like to\n> get back to talk of new packages and rpm building techniques.\n\nHmmm, know what? On the apt-list has been up\nfor a while now ;-) There is almost no traffic though, since I wanted to\nkeep that list for apt-rpm on the server side (mirrors, building\nrepositories etc.), but hey, it could be a good place for general apt-rpm\nquestions ;-)\n\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n"
"Hi all,\n\nI'll be leaving this evening until next Monday, with no access to\nwhatsoever to a single computer until then, woohoo, real holidays! :-)\n\nSo don't be worried if there's a new release of <insert your favorite\nfreshrpms package here> and that it's not updated quickly despite your many\nrequests to the list ;-)\n\nBefore going, I did repackage the latest hackedbox and lbreakout2 that both\ncame out today.\n\nHave fun! (I will!! ;-))\nMatthias\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Once upon a time, Chris wrote :\n\n> On Tue, 2002-09-10 at 12:39, Matthias Saou wrote:\n> > Hi all,\n> > \n> > I'll be leaving this evening until next Monday, with no access to\n> > whatsoever to a single computer until then, woohoo, real holidays! :-)\n> \n> I don't think I could take it. The network was down for an hour here and\n> I was climbing the walls. :)\n\nI can't stand it either when it's at work or home and I'd planned on doing\nsomething that required network access... but I really feel like I need a\nbreak now, away from work pressure that almost drove me nuts all summer!\nAh, the joys of responsibilities... :-/\n\nSix days without computers ahead, but six days driving my 600 Bandit\nroadster bike! I won't be miserable nor get bored, don't worry for me ;-)\nI also have the first Lord of the Rings book to finish (half way through\nnow) and the two others to read... lots of \"sane\" and non-wired occupations\nahead!\nOh, did I mention beer drinking with friends? :-))))\n\nMatthias (really happy to be on holidayyyy for the first time this year!)\n\n-- \nMatthias Saou World Trade Center\n------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta\nSystem and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain\nElectronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"\n\nThere's a realy nasty shortage on sequencers :(\n\n(Actually I'd like this running on my main box, which is Irix but that\nI'll probably try to tackle myself :)\n\n-- \nRule #1: All software sucks\nRule #2: All hardware sucks.\nRule #3: My vacuum-cleaner is hardware. It never obeys rule #2?\n\t\t-- Tanuki the Raccoon-dog, Scary Devil Monastery\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Hi,\n\nJust the kind of announce I make once in a while :\n- I've rebuilt a new \"alsaplayer\" package based on Angle's one.\n- I've rebuilt a hopefully final version \"-fr8\" of the \"alsa-driver\" and\n \"alsa-kernel\" packages which fix all known SMP build issues.\n\nBoth can be found here :\n\n\nI've also repackaged gkrellm 2.0.2 with at last a separate package for the\nserver that can be installed standalone and doesn't even require glib2.\n\n\nLast but not least, my latest proftpd 1.2.6 package incorporates some nifty\nnew features : You can use any of \"--with ldap\", \"--with mysql\" and \"--with\npostgres\" when rebuilding the source rpm with rpmbuild to enable desired\nextra authentication methods and all package requirements are set\naccordingly, and the release tag is changed too.\n (the usual place ;-))\n\nI think I'll use this \"--with <whatever>\" switch more and more where\npossible. Some other of my package already use it like the xmame for its\noutput targets, sqlrelay for its modules and my latest sylpheed claws spec\nto enable Pilot support.\n\nAs usual, feedback and comments are welcome! :-)\n\nMatthias\n\nPS: Yup, I'm back from my holidays ;-)\n\n-- \nClean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :\nRed Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-10\nLoad : 2.42 2.10 1.32, AC on-line, battery charging: 100% (7:12)\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"Greetings ...\n\n> PS: Yup, I'm back from my holidays ;-)\n\tI hope you did not miss us at all ... ;-0\n\n > I think I'll use this \"--with <whatever>\" switch more and more where\n > possible.\n\tMmm, great stuff ... Now to get the RedHat Samba packager to do the same \nthing ...\n\n\tI have used there spec file and fun a few problems in it, and one of them \nwas just hashing out things for other use ...\n\n\tNow to get to grips with the Kernel ... still have not found and easy way to \nrebuild the Kernel without having to wait and hour for it to generate the \nheaders for all arch ... arrrrhhhh ...\n\nMailed\nLee\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"