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standard library package TensorCalculations {
* This package package defines calculations for the construction of and computations on TensorQuantityValues.
private import ScalarValues::Boolean;
private import ScalarValues::Number;
private import Quantities::ScalarQuantityValue;
private import Quantities::VectorQuantityValue;
private import Quantities::TensorQuantityValue;
private import MeasurementReferences::TensorMeasurementReference;
private import MeasurementReferences::CoordinateTransformation;
calc def '[' specializes BaseFunctions::'[' {
in elements: Number[1..n] ordered;
in mRef: TensorMeasurementReference[1];
return quantity: TensorQuantityValue[1];
private attribute n = mRef.flattenedSize;
calc def isZeroTensorQuantity {
in x : TensorQuantityValue[1];
return : Boolean[1];
calc def isUnitTensorQuantity {
in x : TensorQuantityValue[1];
return : Boolean[1];
/* Addition and subtraction */
calc def '+' :> DataFunctions::'+' { in : TensorQuantityValue[1]; in : TensorQuantityValue[1]; return : TensorQuantityValue[1]; }
calc def '-' :> DataFunctions::'-' { in : TensorQuantityValue[1]; in : TensorQuantityValue[1]; return : TensorQuantityValue[1]; }
/* Multiplication and division */
calc def scalarTensorMult { in : Number[1]; in : TensorQuantityValue[1]; return : TensorQuantityValue[1]; }
calc def TensorScalarMult { in : TensorQuantityValue[1]; in : Number[1]; return : TensorQuantityValue[1]; }
calc def scalarQuantityTensorMult { in : ScalarQuantityValue[1]; in : TensorQuantityValue[1]; return : TensorQuantityValue[1]; }
calc def TensorScalarQuantityMult { in : TensorQuantityValue[1]; in : ScalarQuantityValue[1]; return : TensorQuantityValue[1]; }
calc def tensorVectorMult { in : TensorQuantityValue[1]; in : VectorQuantityValue[1]; return : VectorQuantityValue[1]; }
calc def vectorTensorMult { in : VectorQuantityValue[1]; in : TensorQuantityValue[1]; return : VectorQuantityValue[1]; }
calc def tensorTensorMult { in : TensorQuantityValue[1]; in : TensorQuantityValue[1]; return : TensorQuantityValue[1]; }
/* Tensor transformation */
calc def transform {
in transformation : CoordinateTransformation;
in sourceTensor : TensorQuantityValue;
return targetTensor : TensorQuantityValue;
} |