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I can't volunteer at my daughter's school due to a false arrest in 2016 Background: In Indiana, if your name is not on a child's birth certificate, you have to take a DNA test to prove paternity. I am, however, on my daughter's birth certificate, and I have since taken a DNA test. I didn't know the details of the law at the time. In 2016, my girlfriend (at the time) and I got into a very heated argument, and afterwards I took our daughter on a walk to cool off before going back home. She told me if I left, she would call the cops, and she did. She took advantage of the Indiana law I wrote about, lied to the police, and had me arrested. The charge was "interference with custody." I spent 16 hours in jail before I was let out without charges. I assume they looked up my daughter's birth certificate, saw that I was on it, and saw that they had no right to have me in their custody. I have no other criminal record. Fast forward to today, 4 years later. Happily separated. 50/50 legal and physical custody. I had to apply for a background check so I could chaperone my daughter's field trip to see Cat in the Hat. I was just told by her school that my application has been denied. The only reasonable explanation is the arrest in 2016. How can I go about having this expunged from my criminal record so I can be involved in my daughter's school activities?
Have you asked why it was denied instead of just assuming?
Not a lawyer. You could run a background check on yourself and see what comes out. I'd talk to the principal and see what can be done within the school's process. Escalate to the superintendent and school board if necessary. There's a pretty big difference between being arrested, being charged, and being convicted.
Friend of mine was arrested for DUI while sober, if he can’t afford an attorney is he screwed? My friend was driving last night and arrested for DUI even though he blew a 0 on the officers breathalyzer and at the station. The cop thought he was under the influence of drugs so he had to go to the hospital for a blood test, then was booked and released. He never does drugs not even weed so I know the blood will be negative. The problem is every lawyer in the area is charging thousands of dollars to represent, and my friend doesn’t even have a penny in his savings, in fact he’s in tons of debt. If he can’t afford an attorney does this mean he’ll automatically be found guilty, even though all the test results show he’s negative ?
Cops arresting for DUI is not the same thing as being charged with a DUI in a criminal court case. A prosecutor needs to review the evidence and decide whether to file charges. I am a prosecutor. I sometimes will file a DUI without the lab test results back yet, but it has to be a very solid DUI that I 100% expect a positive lab result in. More often, I will wait for the labs to come back. If the labs don't show anything, I would not charge a DUI. (Edit to add: if I file on a case and the labs come back clean, I dismiss that case.) IF your friend is actually charged with a crime in court, he needs to get a public defender. They are perfectly competent attorneys. Your friend should also be aware that (depending on your state's DUI laws), you can get a DUI for driving under the influence of legal drugs. In some states, it doesn't even have to be prescription or a controlled substance; you can get a DUI on Benadryl. In others, it has to be a controlled substance.
Assuming this happened in the US: If he is charged with a crime and cannot afford a private lawyer, a public defender will be assigned to him at no cost. So he will have representation. Have him tell the lawyer everything and listen to their advice.
I was served with papers accusing me of not paying child support for the 11 year old I fathered. I'm 19 and a woman. That's not a typo in the title of my post. I am a woman who is being accused of not paying child support for the child I **fathered**. The child is 11, I am 19. It's not a scam because I phoned the courthouse and they actually have a file for the case. I told them it was a mistake but no one there would listen. My first name is definitely not a man’s name (Abigail) and my last name is not common at all. I checked my bank account and my credit but my identity was not stolen or compromised as far as anyone could tell. I don’t have money for a lawyer. Is there any way I can get this fixed on my own now or do I have to wait until it goes to court and I see the judge? The location is Florida. Sorry if my question seems obvious, I don’t really know anything about court or family law stuff.
Call the lawyer listed on the paperwork and inform them of their hilarious mistake.
**Florida lawyer here.** Contact an attorney of your own. I recommend you go to a law school and get a student from the law clinic to do the work. If you're in Miami, try FIU or UM. Florida statute 57.105 can give you relief here. Your attorney will draft a letter to the plaintiff's counsel advising them of the error and that the suit is frivolous. He'll get ten days to voluntarily dismiss the case. If he doesn't, your attorney files your motion for sanctions. Now, if you win, you can get your attorney's fees and costs paid back by the plaintiff's attorney. Do this *today.* Edit: Thanks for the gold!
I was served with papers accusing me of not paying child support for the 11 year old I fathered. I'm 19 and a woman. That's not a typo in the title of my post. I am a woman who is being accused of not paying child support for the child I **fathered**. The child is 11, I am 19. It's not a scam because I phoned the courthouse and they actually have a file for the case. I told them it was a mistake but no one there would listen. My first name is definitely not a man’s name (Abigail) and my last name is not common at all. I checked my bank account and my credit but my identity was not stolen or compromised as far as anyone could tell. I don’t have money for a lawyer. Is there any way I can get this fixed on my own now or do I have to wait until it goes to court and I see the judge? The location is Florida. Sorry if my question seems obvious, I don’t really know anything about court or family law stuff.
**Florida lawyer here.** Contact an attorney of your own. I recommend you go to a law school and get a student from the law clinic to do the work. If you're in Miami, try FIU or UM. Florida statute 57.105 can give you relief here. Your attorney will draft a letter to the plaintiff's counsel advising them of the error and that the suit is frivolous. He'll get ten days to voluntarily dismiss the case. If he doesn't, your attorney files your motion for sanctions. Now, if you win, you can get your attorney's fees and costs paid back by the plaintiff's attorney. Do this *today.* Edit: Thanks for the gold!
See here: also a woman being sued for fathering a child, odd that. I'll paraphrase what I suggested to her. You may, be able to get out of this without needing a lawyer. I assume that the woman asking for child support does have an attorney, if so, send a registered letter to that attorney with a copy of your driver's license and ideally a copy of your birth certificate to show this attorney that not only are you a woman now, but you have always been one. Also call the woman's lawyer on the phone, don't call the court. They don't want to waste time suing the wrong person, but will want to find the correct one. simple proof that you're a lady and always have been should shut this down quickly. You can also file an answer, pro-se. This will require a bit of time on your part, but in essence they have filed a complaint with the court alleging that you're the dad. You file a response, with the court and a copy to the other party, stating that it is impossible. probably they'll drop the suit quickly. good luck.
I was served with papers accusing me of not paying child support for the 11 year old I fathered. I'm 19 and a woman. That's not a typo in the title of my post. I am a woman who is being accused of not paying child support for the child I **fathered**. The child is 11, I am 19. It's not a scam because I phoned the courthouse and they actually have a file for the case. I told them it was a mistake but no one there would listen. My first name is definitely not a man’s name (Abigail) and my last name is not common at all. I checked my bank account and my credit but my identity was not stolen or compromised as far as anyone could tell. I don’t have money for a lawyer. Is there any way I can get this fixed on my own now or do I have to wait until it goes to court and I see the judge? The location is Florida. Sorry if my question seems obvious, I don’t really know anything about court or family law stuff.
This is probably a case of mistaken identity. It happens all of the time. I once accidentally served a woman who had a very similar name to, and the same initials and date of birth as, the guy I was trying to serve. All it takes is a phone call to the correct person to resolve this. If the petitioner is being represented by an attorney, the attorney's name and information will be included in the paperwork you received. Give them the case number and explain you have been incorrectly served. The attorney may ask you to send the paperwork back, or he may instruct you to destroy it. You shouldn't have to do anything more than that.
**Florida lawyer here.** Contact an attorney of your own. I recommend you go to a law school and get a student from the law clinic to do the work. If you're in Miami, try FIU or UM. Florida statute 57.105 can give you relief here. Your attorney will draft a letter to the plaintiff's counsel advising them of the error and that the suit is frivolous. He'll get ten days to voluntarily dismiss the case. If he doesn't, your attorney files your motion for sanctions. Now, if you win, you can get your attorney's fees and costs paid back by the plaintiff's attorney. Do this *today.* Edit: Thanks for the gold!
I was served with papers accusing me of not paying child support for the 11 year old I fathered. I'm 19 and a woman. That's not a typo in the title of my post. I am a woman who is being accused of not paying child support for the child I **fathered**. The child is 11, I am 19. It's not a scam because I phoned the courthouse and they actually have a file for the case. I told them it was a mistake but no one there would listen. My first name is definitely not a man’s name (Abigail) and my last name is not common at all. I checked my bank account and my credit but my identity was not stolen or compromised as far as anyone could tell. I don’t have money for a lawyer. Is there any way I can get this fixed on my own now or do I have to wait until it goes to court and I see the judge? The location is Florida. Sorry if my question seems obvious, I don’t really know anything about court or family law stuff.
You said you've never been to the city the attorney is in. Do you live in the city/county that the lawsuit is filed in? But really, don't worry about this too much. As long as you don't ignore it, you'll be fine. It was some dumb mistake, and most likely the attorney will apologize profusely and alter the lawsuit, and it'll be a funny story you can tell at parties.
**Florida lawyer here.** Contact an attorney of your own. I recommend you go to a law school and get a student from the law clinic to do the work. If you're in Miami, try FIU or UM. Florida statute 57.105 can give you relief here. Your attorney will draft a letter to the plaintiff's counsel advising them of the error and that the suit is frivolous. He'll get ten days to voluntarily dismiss the case. If he doesn't, your attorney files your motion for sanctions. Now, if you win, you can get your attorney's fees and costs paid back by the plaintiff's attorney. Do this *today.* Edit: Thanks for the gold!
I was served with papers accusing me of not paying child support for the 11 year old I fathered. I'm 19 and a woman. That's not a typo in the title of my post. I am a woman who is being accused of not paying child support for the child I **fathered**. The child is 11, I am 19. It's not a scam because I phoned the courthouse and they actually have a file for the case. I told them it was a mistake but no one there would listen. My first name is definitely not a man’s name (Abigail) and my last name is not common at all. I checked my bank account and my credit but my identity was not stolen or compromised as far as anyone could tell. I don’t have money for a lawyer. Is there any way I can get this fixed on my own now or do I have to wait until it goes to court and I see the judge? The location is Florida. Sorry if my question seems obvious, I don’t really know anything about court or family law stuff.
**Florida lawyer here.** Contact an attorney of your own. I recommend you go to a law school and get a student from the law clinic to do the work. If you're in Miami, try FIU or UM. Florida statute 57.105 can give you relief here. Your attorney will draft a letter to the plaintiff's counsel advising them of the error and that the suit is frivolous. He'll get ten days to voluntarily dismiss the case. If he doesn't, your attorney files your motion for sanctions. Now, if you win, you can get your attorney's fees and costs paid back by the plaintiff's attorney. Do this *today.* Edit: Thanks for the gold!
Whoa! Two in three days! It must be "deadbeat mom" week. (I kid, OP. That other case is a lot like yours. Woman with no children served for child support. In her case, it was mistaken identity; she has a unisex first name.)
I was served with papers accusing me of not paying child support for the 11 year old I fathered. I'm 19 and a woman. That's not a typo in the title of my post. I am a woman who is being accused of not paying child support for the child I **fathered**. The child is 11, I am 19. It's not a scam because I phoned the courthouse and they actually have a file for the case. I told them it was a mistake but no one there would listen. My first name is definitely not a man’s name (Abigail) and my last name is not common at all. I checked my bank account and my credit but my identity was not stolen or compromised as far as anyone could tell. I don’t have money for a lawyer. Is there any way I can get this fixed on my own now or do I have to wait until it goes to court and I see the judge? The location is Florida. Sorry if my question seems obvious, I don’t really know anything about court or family law stuff.
Go to court and explain the situation. You shouldn't need a lawyer.
**Florida lawyer here.** Contact an attorney of your own. I recommend you go to a law school and get a student from the law clinic to do the work. If you're in Miami, try FIU or UM. Florida statute 57.105 can give you relief here. Your attorney will draft a letter to the plaintiff's counsel advising them of the error and that the suit is frivolous. He'll get ten days to voluntarily dismiss the case. If he doesn't, your attorney files your motion for sanctions. Now, if you win, you can get your attorney's fees and costs paid back by the plaintiff's attorney. Do this *today.* Edit: Thanks for the gold!
I was served with papers accusing me of not paying child support for the 11 year old I fathered. I'm 19 and a woman. That's not a typo in the title of my post. I am a woman who is being accused of not paying child support for the child I **fathered**. The child is 11, I am 19. It's not a scam because I phoned the courthouse and they actually have a file for the case. I told them it was a mistake but no one there would listen. My first name is definitely not a man’s name (Abigail) and my last name is not common at all. I checked my bank account and my credit but my identity was not stolen or compromised as far as anyone could tell. I don’t have money for a lawyer. Is there any way I can get this fixed on my own now or do I have to wait until it goes to court and I see the judge? The location is Florida. Sorry if my question seems obvious, I don’t really know anything about court or family law stuff.
This is probably a case of mistaken identity. It happens all of the time. I once accidentally served a woman who had a very similar name to, and the same initials and date of birth as, the guy I was trying to serve. All it takes is a phone call to the correct person to resolve this. If the petitioner is being represented by an attorney, the attorney's name and information will be included in the paperwork you received. Give them the case number and explain you have been incorrectly served. The attorney may ask you to send the paperwork back, or he may instruct you to destroy it. You shouldn't have to do anything more than that.
See here: also a woman being sued for fathering a child, odd that. I'll paraphrase what I suggested to her. You may, be able to get out of this without needing a lawyer. I assume that the woman asking for child support does have an attorney, if so, send a registered letter to that attorney with a copy of your driver's license and ideally a copy of your birth certificate to show this attorney that not only are you a woman now, but you have always been one. Also call the woman's lawyer on the phone, don't call the court. They don't want to waste time suing the wrong person, but will want to find the correct one. simple proof that you're a lady and always have been should shut this down quickly. You can also file an answer, pro-se. This will require a bit of time on your part, but in essence they have filed a complaint with the court alleging that you're the dad. You file a response, with the court and a copy to the other party, stating that it is impossible. probably they'll drop the suit quickly. good luck.
I was served with papers accusing me of not paying child support for the 11 year old I fathered. I'm 19 and a woman. That's not a typo in the title of my post. I am a woman who is being accused of not paying child support for the child I **fathered**. The child is 11, I am 19. It's not a scam because I phoned the courthouse and they actually have a file for the case. I told them it was a mistake but no one there would listen. My first name is definitely not a man’s name (Abigail) and my last name is not common at all. I checked my bank account and my credit but my identity was not stolen or compromised as far as anyone could tell. I don’t have money for a lawyer. Is there any way I can get this fixed on my own now or do I have to wait until it goes to court and I see the judge? The location is Florida. Sorry if my question seems obvious, I don’t really know anything about court or family law stuff.
See here: also a woman being sued for fathering a child, odd that. I'll paraphrase what I suggested to her. You may, be able to get out of this without needing a lawyer. I assume that the woman asking for child support does have an attorney, if so, send a registered letter to that attorney with a copy of your driver's license and ideally a copy of your birth certificate to show this attorney that not only are you a woman now, but you have always been one. Also call the woman's lawyer on the phone, don't call the court. They don't want to waste time suing the wrong person, but will want to find the correct one. simple proof that you're a lady and always have been should shut this down quickly. You can also file an answer, pro-se. This will require a bit of time on your part, but in essence they have filed a complaint with the court alleging that you're the dad. You file a response, with the court and a copy to the other party, stating that it is impossible. probably they'll drop the suit quickly. good luck.
You said you've never been to the city the attorney is in. Do you live in the city/county that the lawsuit is filed in? But really, don't worry about this too much. As long as you don't ignore it, you'll be fine. It was some dumb mistake, and most likely the attorney will apologize profusely and alter the lawsuit, and it'll be a funny story you can tell at parties.
I was served with papers accusing me of not paying child support for the 11 year old I fathered. I'm 19 and a woman. That's not a typo in the title of my post. I am a woman who is being accused of not paying child support for the child I **fathered**. The child is 11, I am 19. It's not a scam because I phoned the courthouse and they actually have a file for the case. I told them it was a mistake but no one there would listen. My first name is definitely not a man’s name (Abigail) and my last name is not common at all. I checked my bank account and my credit but my identity was not stolen or compromised as far as anyone could tell. I don’t have money for a lawyer. Is there any way I can get this fixed on my own now or do I have to wait until it goes to court and I see the judge? The location is Florida. Sorry if my question seems obvious, I don’t really know anything about court or family law stuff.
Whoa! Two in three days! It must be "deadbeat mom" week. (I kid, OP. That other case is a lot like yours. Woman with no children served for child support. In her case, it was mistaken identity; she has a unisex first name.)
See here: also a woman being sued for fathering a child, odd that. I'll paraphrase what I suggested to her. You may, be able to get out of this without needing a lawyer. I assume that the woman asking for child support does have an attorney, if so, send a registered letter to that attorney with a copy of your driver's license and ideally a copy of your birth certificate to show this attorney that not only are you a woman now, but you have always been one. Also call the woman's lawyer on the phone, don't call the court. They don't want to waste time suing the wrong person, but will want to find the correct one. simple proof that you're a lady and always have been should shut this down quickly. You can also file an answer, pro-se. This will require a bit of time on your part, but in essence they have filed a complaint with the court alleging that you're the dad. You file a response, with the court and a copy to the other party, stating that it is impossible. probably they'll drop the suit quickly. good luck.
I was served with papers accusing me of not paying child support for the 11 year old I fathered. I'm 19 and a woman. That's not a typo in the title of my post. I am a woman who is being accused of not paying child support for the child I **fathered**. The child is 11, I am 19. It's not a scam because I phoned the courthouse and they actually have a file for the case. I told them it was a mistake but no one there would listen. My first name is definitely not a man’s name (Abigail) and my last name is not common at all. I checked my bank account and my credit but my identity was not stolen or compromised as far as anyone could tell. I don’t have money for a lawyer. Is there any way I can get this fixed on my own now or do I have to wait until it goes to court and I see the judge? The location is Florida. Sorry if my question seems obvious, I don’t really know anything about court or family law stuff.
Go to court and explain the situation. You shouldn't need a lawyer.
See here: also a woman being sued for fathering a child, odd that. I'll paraphrase what I suggested to her. You may, be able to get out of this without needing a lawyer. I assume that the woman asking for child support does have an attorney, if so, send a registered letter to that attorney with a copy of your driver's license and ideally a copy of your birth certificate to show this attorney that not only are you a woman now, but you have always been one. Also call the woman's lawyer on the phone, don't call the court. They don't want to waste time suing the wrong person, but will want to find the correct one. simple proof that you're a lady and always have been should shut this down quickly. You can also file an answer, pro-se. This will require a bit of time on your part, but in essence they have filed a complaint with the court alleging that you're the dad. You file a response, with the court and a copy to the other party, stating that it is impossible. probably they'll drop the suit quickly. good luck.
I was served with papers accusing me of not paying child support for the 11 year old I fathered. I'm 19 and a woman. That's not a typo in the title of my post. I am a woman who is being accused of not paying child support for the child I **fathered**. The child is 11, I am 19. It's not a scam because I phoned the courthouse and they actually have a file for the case. I told them it was a mistake but no one there would listen. My first name is definitely not a man’s name (Abigail) and my last name is not common at all. I checked my bank account and my credit but my identity was not stolen or compromised as far as anyone could tell. I don’t have money for a lawyer. Is there any way I can get this fixed on my own now or do I have to wait until it goes to court and I see the judge? The location is Florida. Sorry if my question seems obvious, I don’t really know anything about court or family law stuff.
This is probably a case of mistaken identity. It happens all of the time. I once accidentally served a woman who had a very similar name to, and the same initials and date of birth as, the guy I was trying to serve. All it takes is a phone call to the correct person to resolve this. If the petitioner is being represented by an attorney, the attorney's name and information will be included in the paperwork you received. Give them the case number and explain you have been incorrectly served. The attorney may ask you to send the paperwork back, or he may instruct you to destroy it. You shouldn't have to do anything more than that.
Go to court and explain the situation. You shouldn't need a lawyer.
I was served with papers accusing me of not paying child support for the 11 year old I fathered. I'm 19 and a woman. That's not a typo in the title of my post. I am a woman who is being accused of not paying child support for the child I **fathered**. The child is 11, I am 19. It's not a scam because I phoned the courthouse and they actually have a file for the case. I told them it was a mistake but no one there would listen. My first name is definitely not a man’s name (Abigail) and my last name is not common at all. I checked my bank account and my credit but my identity was not stolen or compromised as far as anyone could tell. I don’t have money for a lawyer. Is there any way I can get this fixed on my own now or do I have to wait until it goes to court and I see the judge? The location is Florida. Sorry if my question seems obvious, I don’t really know anything about court or family law stuff.
When I was in collage I was served papers for a case that claimed I was the perpetrator in a hit and run accident in Honolulu the month prior. I called the lawyers office listed and explained that I was a poor college student in Georgia and had never been to Hawaii. They asked me to send a letter with this statement as well as a copy of my drivers license as proof of identity. I did this and got a letter the next week saying the issue had been resolved. I was kind of hoping they would fly me out to Hawaii to go to court, but no such luck.
You said you've never been to the city the attorney is in. Do you live in the city/county that the lawsuit is filed in? But really, don't worry about this too much. As long as you don't ignore it, you'll be fine. It was some dumb mistake, and most likely the attorney will apologize profusely and alter the lawsuit, and it'll be a funny story you can tell at parties.
I was served with papers accusing me of not paying child support for the 11 year old I fathered. I'm 19 and a woman. That's not a typo in the title of my post. I am a woman who is being accused of not paying child support for the child I **fathered**. The child is 11, I am 19. It's not a scam because I phoned the courthouse and they actually have a file for the case. I told them it was a mistake but no one there would listen. My first name is definitely not a man’s name (Abigail) and my last name is not common at all. I checked my bank account and my credit but my identity was not stolen or compromised as far as anyone could tell. I don’t have money for a lawyer. Is there any way I can get this fixed on my own now or do I have to wait until it goes to court and I see the judge? The location is Florida. Sorry if my question seems obvious, I don’t really know anything about court or family law stuff.
When I was in collage I was served papers for a case that claimed I was the perpetrator in a hit and run accident in Honolulu the month prior. I called the lawyers office listed and explained that I was a poor college student in Georgia and had never been to Hawaii. They asked me to send a letter with this statement as well as a copy of my drivers license as proof of identity. I did this and got a letter the next week saying the issue had been resolved. I was kind of hoping they would fly me out to Hawaii to go to court, but no such luck.
Whoa! Two in three days! It must be "deadbeat mom" week. (I kid, OP. That other case is a lot like yours. Woman with no children served for child support. In her case, it was mistaken identity; she has a unisex first name.)
I was served with papers accusing me of not paying child support for the 11 year old I fathered. I'm 19 and a woman. That's not a typo in the title of my post. I am a woman who is being accused of not paying child support for the child I **fathered**. The child is 11, I am 19. It's not a scam because I phoned the courthouse and they actually have a file for the case. I told them it was a mistake but no one there would listen. My first name is definitely not a man’s name (Abigail) and my last name is not common at all. I checked my bank account and my credit but my identity was not stolen or compromised as far as anyone could tell. I don’t have money for a lawyer. Is there any way I can get this fixed on my own now or do I have to wait until it goes to court and I see the judge? The location is Florida. Sorry if my question seems obvious, I don’t really know anything about court or family law stuff.
Go to court and explain the situation. You shouldn't need a lawyer.
When I was in collage I was served papers for a case that claimed I was the perpetrator in a hit and run accident in Honolulu the month prior. I called the lawyers office listed and explained that I was a poor college student in Georgia and had never been to Hawaii. They asked me to send a letter with this statement as well as a copy of my drivers license as proof of identity. I did this and got a letter the next week saying the issue had been resolved. I was kind of hoping they would fly me out to Hawaii to go to court, but no such luck.
I was served with papers accusing me of not paying child support for the 11 year old I fathered. I'm 19 and a woman. That's not a typo in the title of my post. I am a woman who is being accused of not paying child support for the child I **fathered**. The child is 11, I am 19. It's not a scam because I phoned the courthouse and they actually have a file for the case. I told them it was a mistake but no one there would listen. My first name is definitely not a man’s name (Abigail) and my last name is not common at all. I checked my bank account and my credit but my identity was not stolen or compromised as far as anyone could tell. I don’t have money for a lawyer. Is there any way I can get this fixed on my own now or do I have to wait until it goes to court and I see the judge? The location is Florida. Sorry if my question seems obvious, I don’t really know anything about court or family law stuff.
Go to court and explain the situation. You shouldn't need a lawyer.
You said you've never been to the city the attorney is in. Do you live in the city/county that the lawsuit is filed in? But really, don't worry about this too much. As long as you don't ignore it, you'll be fine. It was some dumb mistake, and most likely the attorney will apologize profusely and alter the lawsuit, and it'll be a funny story you can tell at parties.
I was served with papers accusing me of not paying child support for the 11 year old I fathered. I'm 19 and a woman. That's not a typo in the title of my post. I am a woman who is being accused of not paying child support for the child I **fathered**. The child is 11, I am 19. It's not a scam because I phoned the courthouse and they actually have a file for the case. I told them it was a mistake but no one there would listen. My first name is definitely not a man’s name (Abigail) and my last name is not common at all. I checked my bank account and my credit but my identity was not stolen or compromised as far as anyone could tell. I don’t have money for a lawyer. Is there any way I can get this fixed on my own now or do I have to wait until it goes to court and I see the judge? The location is Florida. Sorry if my question seems obvious, I don’t really know anything about court or family law stuff.
Go to court and explain the situation. You shouldn't need a lawyer.
Whoa! Two in three days! It must be "deadbeat mom" week. (I kid, OP. That other case is a lot like yours. Woman with no children served for child support. In her case, it was mistaken identity; she has a unisex first name.)
Police thought I was evading arrest, I just didn't want to stop car in the middle of nowhere... I'll keep this brief. I was on a highway at 3am on Monday, coming home from my job that runs late into the night. I see a cop following me for a few minutes before he begins flashing the lights at me to pull over. Seeing as it was late, and there was basically no one else around, I didn't feel good about pulling over. I slowed down, put my blinkers on, and called 911. I asked the operator to let the cop know that I'd be pulling into the 24/7 Wal*Mart near my home. She claims she complied. The cop began to tailgate me. It took fifteen minutes for me to get to the Wal*Mart. The cop arrested me for "Second Degree Police Eluding". He also suspected I was drunk but I passed my sobriety test. I also got a ticket for "Reckless Driving". My court date is around a month from now. I spoke to an attorney, and asked if I could have the operator vouch for me. Apparently, she can't??? So now I have no proof that I *wasn't* evading police. Am I fucked now? If not that, what can I do to prove that I wasn't trying to outrun the cops?
Talk to another attorney; anyone competent should be able to get your 911 call to mitigate damages. But you don't get to pick where to pull over.
>I spoke to an attorney, and asked if I could have the operator vouch for me. Apparently, she can't??? I don't see why your attorney cannot get a recording of your 911 call.
Police thought I was evading arrest, I just didn't want to stop car in the middle of nowhere... I'll keep this brief. I was on a highway at 3am on Monday, coming home from my job that runs late into the night. I see a cop following me for a few minutes before he begins flashing the lights at me to pull over. Seeing as it was late, and there was basically no one else around, I didn't feel good about pulling over. I slowed down, put my blinkers on, and called 911. I asked the operator to let the cop know that I'd be pulling into the 24/7 Wal*Mart near my home. She claims she complied. The cop began to tailgate me. It took fifteen minutes for me to get to the Wal*Mart. The cop arrested me for "Second Degree Police Eluding". He also suspected I was drunk but I passed my sobriety test. I also got a ticket for "Reckless Driving". My court date is around a month from now. I spoke to an attorney, and asked if I could have the operator vouch for me. Apparently, she can't??? So now I have no proof that I *wasn't* evading police. Am I fucked now? If not that, what can I do to prove that I wasn't trying to outrun the cops?
911 calls are within the scope of discovery that a DA has. Get a new lawyer.
Did 911 not tell you , "I'm in contact with the officer , pull over now." ?
Police thought I was evading arrest, I just didn't want to stop car in the middle of nowhere... I'll keep this brief. I was on a highway at 3am on Monday, coming home from my job that runs late into the night. I see a cop following me for a few minutes before he begins flashing the lights at me to pull over. Seeing as it was late, and there was basically no one else around, I didn't feel good about pulling over. I slowed down, put my blinkers on, and called 911. I asked the operator to let the cop know that I'd be pulling into the 24/7 Wal*Mart near my home. She claims she complied. The cop began to tailgate me. It took fifteen minutes for me to get to the Wal*Mart. The cop arrested me for "Second Degree Police Eluding". He also suspected I was drunk but I passed my sobriety test. I also got a ticket for "Reckless Driving". My court date is around a month from now. I spoke to an attorney, and asked if I could have the operator vouch for me. Apparently, she can't??? So now I have no proof that I *wasn't* evading police. Am I fucked now? If not that, what can I do to prove that I wasn't trying to outrun the cops?
911 calls are within the scope of discovery that a DA has. Get a new lawyer.
Talk to another attorney; anyone competent should be able to get your 911 call to mitigate damages. But you don't get to pick where to pull over.
Police thought I was evading arrest, I just didn't want to stop car in the middle of nowhere... I'll keep this brief. I was on a highway at 3am on Monday, coming home from my job that runs late into the night. I see a cop following me for a few minutes before he begins flashing the lights at me to pull over. Seeing as it was late, and there was basically no one else around, I didn't feel good about pulling over. I slowed down, put my blinkers on, and called 911. I asked the operator to let the cop know that I'd be pulling into the 24/7 Wal*Mart near my home. She claims she complied. The cop began to tailgate me. It took fifteen minutes for me to get to the Wal*Mart. The cop arrested me for "Second Degree Police Eluding". He also suspected I was drunk but I passed my sobriety test. I also got a ticket for "Reckless Driving". My court date is around a month from now. I spoke to an attorney, and asked if I could have the operator vouch for me. Apparently, she can't??? So now I have no proof that I *wasn't* evading police. Am I fucked now? If not that, what can I do to prove that I wasn't trying to outrun the cops?
Did 911 not tell you , "I'm in contact with the officer , pull over now." ?
Talk to another attorney; anyone competent should be able to get your 911 call to mitigate damages. But you don't get to pick where to pull over.
Police thought I was evading arrest, I just didn't want to stop car in the middle of nowhere... I'll keep this brief. I was on a highway at 3am on Monday, coming home from my job that runs late into the night. I see a cop following me for a few minutes before he begins flashing the lights at me to pull over. Seeing as it was late, and there was basically no one else around, I didn't feel good about pulling over. I slowed down, put my blinkers on, and called 911. I asked the operator to let the cop know that I'd be pulling into the 24/7 Wal*Mart near my home. She claims she complied. The cop began to tailgate me. It took fifteen minutes for me to get to the Wal*Mart. The cop arrested me for "Second Degree Police Eluding". He also suspected I was drunk but I passed my sobriety test. I also got a ticket for "Reckless Driving". My court date is around a month from now. I spoke to an attorney, and asked if I could have the operator vouch for me. Apparently, she can't??? So now I have no proof that I *wasn't* evading police. Am I fucked now? If not that, what can I do to prove that I wasn't trying to outrun the cops?
So, from what I can see 2nd degree eluding is a charge that could result in 5-10 years in prison. You're going to want a criminal defense attorney that specializes in this type of charge.
15 minutes to pull over is more than excessive.
Police thought I was evading arrest, I just didn't want to stop car in the middle of nowhere... I'll keep this brief. I was on a highway at 3am on Monday, coming home from my job that runs late into the night. I see a cop following me for a few minutes before he begins flashing the lights at me to pull over. Seeing as it was late, and there was basically no one else around, I didn't feel good about pulling over. I slowed down, put my blinkers on, and called 911. I asked the operator to let the cop know that I'd be pulling into the 24/7 Wal*Mart near my home. She claims she complied. The cop began to tailgate me. It took fifteen minutes for me to get to the Wal*Mart. The cop arrested me for "Second Degree Police Eluding". He also suspected I was drunk but I passed my sobriety test. I also got a ticket for "Reckless Driving". My court date is around a month from now. I spoke to an attorney, and asked if I could have the operator vouch for me. Apparently, she can't??? So now I have no proof that I *wasn't* evading police. Am I fucked now? If not that, what can I do to prove that I wasn't trying to outrun the cops?
So, from what I can see 2nd degree eluding is a charge that could result in 5-10 years in prison. You're going to want a criminal defense attorney that specializes in this type of charge.
Talk to another attorney; anyone competent should be able to get your 911 call to mitigate damages. But you don't get to pick where to pull over.
Police thought I was evading arrest, I just didn't want to stop car in the middle of nowhere... I'll keep this brief. I was on a highway at 3am on Monday, coming home from my job that runs late into the night. I see a cop following me for a few minutes before he begins flashing the lights at me to pull over. Seeing as it was late, and there was basically no one else around, I didn't feel good about pulling over. I slowed down, put my blinkers on, and called 911. I asked the operator to let the cop know that I'd be pulling into the 24/7 Wal*Mart near my home. She claims she complied. The cop began to tailgate me. It took fifteen minutes for me to get to the Wal*Mart. The cop arrested me for "Second Degree Police Eluding". He also suspected I was drunk but I passed my sobriety test. I also got a ticket for "Reckless Driving". My court date is around a month from now. I spoke to an attorney, and asked if I could have the operator vouch for me. Apparently, she can't??? So now I have no proof that I *wasn't* evading police. Am I fucked now? If not that, what can I do to prove that I wasn't trying to outrun the cops?
Talk to another attorney; anyone competent should be able to get your 911 call to mitigate damages. But you don't get to pick where to pull over.
15 minutes to pull over is more than excessive.
Police thought I was evading arrest, I just didn't want to stop car in the middle of nowhere... I'll keep this brief. I was on a highway at 3am on Monday, coming home from my job that runs late into the night. I see a cop following me for a few minutes before he begins flashing the lights at me to pull over. Seeing as it was late, and there was basically no one else around, I didn't feel good about pulling over. I slowed down, put my blinkers on, and called 911. I asked the operator to let the cop know that I'd be pulling into the 24/7 Wal*Mart near my home. She claims she complied. The cop began to tailgate me. It took fifteen minutes for me to get to the Wal*Mart. The cop arrested me for "Second Degree Police Eluding". He also suspected I was drunk but I passed my sobriety test. I also got a ticket for "Reckless Driving". My court date is around a month from now. I spoke to an attorney, and asked if I could have the operator vouch for me. Apparently, she can't??? So now I have no proof that I *wasn't* evading police. Am I fucked now? If not that, what can I do to prove that I wasn't trying to outrun the cops?
OP, you done screwed up. Were you in middle of nowhere Wyoming or North Dakota or Alaska, you might have a reason to be driving 15 minutes to the nearest place that's safe, but you stated here that they were on I-295 in NJ) which is *not* 15 minutes between civilization rural. Maybe bringing your phone records and a recording of the 911 call will help you get it bumped down to something else, but... c'mon. You were in New Jersey, the most densely populated state in the country. Sorry, this is all on you.
OK, let's back up. "N.J.S.A. 2C:29-2 b. Any person, while operating a motor vehicle on any street or highway in this State or any vessel, as defined pursuant to section 2 of P.L.1995, c. 401 ( C.12:7-71), on the waters of this State, who knowingly flees or attempts to elude any police or law enforcement officer after having received any signal from such officer to bring the vehicle or vessel to a full stop commits a crime of the third degree; except that, a person is guilty of a crime of the second degree if the flight or attempt to elude creates a risk of death or injury to any person." Is there an explanation how the hell this created a risk of death or injury to any person? Were you speeding while he was behind you? "In addition to the penalty prescribed under this subsection or any other section of law, the court shall order the suspension of that person's driver's license, or privilege to operate a vessel, whichever is appropriate, for a period of not less than six months or more than two years. " Your first problem is you're looking at 5 to 10 years in state prison and fines of up to $150,000 (for a second degree felony), and license suspension even after that. So you need an attorney, badly. You have proof from your end you called 911, so your attorney absolutely needs to get that 911 call. You were an idiot for demanding to drive 15 minutes before you got out. You are absolutely being overcharged here, seeing as you will have the 911 call (and the judge will absolutely wonder why that call isn't turned over if you don't have it) to show you had no intent to elude or flee and spoke to an operator. If you **do not** have proof you dialed 911, you still may be able to argue that the totality of evidence shows you had no intent to flee or elude. If you minded the speed limit, drove safely to Wal-Mart, and stopped, then that could help you. Moral of the story: Calling 911 to say "I want to stop somewhere safe" is good, but that means stop at the next lighted area. Period. Edited to add: You should definitely ask your attorney to seek a plea deal for a misdemeanor if it's offered.
Police thought I was evading arrest, I just didn't want to stop car in the middle of nowhere... I'll keep this brief. I was on a highway at 3am on Monday, coming home from my job that runs late into the night. I see a cop following me for a few minutes before he begins flashing the lights at me to pull over. Seeing as it was late, and there was basically no one else around, I didn't feel good about pulling over. I slowed down, put my blinkers on, and called 911. I asked the operator to let the cop know that I'd be pulling into the 24/7 Wal*Mart near my home. She claims she complied. The cop began to tailgate me. It took fifteen minutes for me to get to the Wal*Mart. The cop arrested me for "Second Degree Police Eluding". He also suspected I was drunk but I passed my sobriety test. I also got a ticket for "Reckless Driving". My court date is around a month from now. I spoke to an attorney, and asked if I could have the operator vouch for me. Apparently, she can't??? So now I have no proof that I *wasn't* evading police. Am I fucked now? If not that, what can I do to prove that I wasn't trying to outrun the cops?
Talk to another attorney; anyone competent should be able to get your 911 call to mitigate damages. But you don't get to pick where to pull over.
OK, let's back up. "N.J.S.A. 2C:29-2 b. Any person, while operating a motor vehicle on any street or highway in this State or any vessel, as defined pursuant to section 2 of P.L.1995, c. 401 ( C.12:7-71), on the waters of this State, who knowingly flees or attempts to elude any police or law enforcement officer after having received any signal from such officer to bring the vehicle or vessel to a full stop commits a crime of the third degree; except that, a person is guilty of a crime of the second degree if the flight or attempt to elude creates a risk of death or injury to any person." Is there an explanation how the hell this created a risk of death or injury to any person? Were you speeding while he was behind you? "In addition to the penalty prescribed under this subsection or any other section of law, the court shall order the suspension of that person's driver's license, or privilege to operate a vessel, whichever is appropriate, for a period of not less than six months or more than two years. " Your first problem is you're looking at 5 to 10 years in state prison and fines of up to $150,000 (for a second degree felony), and license suspension even after that. So you need an attorney, badly. You have proof from your end you called 911, so your attorney absolutely needs to get that 911 call. You were an idiot for demanding to drive 15 minutes before you got out. You are absolutely being overcharged here, seeing as you will have the 911 call (and the judge will absolutely wonder why that call isn't turned over if you don't have it) to show you had no intent to elude or flee and spoke to an operator. If you **do not** have proof you dialed 911, you still may be able to argue that the totality of evidence shows you had no intent to flee or elude. If you minded the speed limit, drove safely to Wal-Mart, and stopped, then that could help you. Moral of the story: Calling 911 to say "I want to stop somewhere safe" is good, but that means stop at the next lighted area. Period. Edited to add: You should definitely ask your attorney to seek a plea deal for a misdemeanor if it's offered.
Police thought I was evading arrest, I just didn't want to stop car in the middle of nowhere... I'll keep this brief. I was on a highway at 3am on Monday, coming home from my job that runs late into the night. I see a cop following me for a few minutes before he begins flashing the lights at me to pull over. Seeing as it was late, and there was basically no one else around, I didn't feel good about pulling over. I slowed down, put my blinkers on, and called 911. I asked the operator to let the cop know that I'd be pulling into the 24/7 Wal*Mart near my home. She claims she complied. The cop began to tailgate me. It took fifteen minutes for me to get to the Wal*Mart. The cop arrested me for "Second Degree Police Eluding". He also suspected I was drunk but I passed my sobriety test. I also got a ticket for "Reckless Driving". My court date is around a month from now. I spoke to an attorney, and asked if I could have the operator vouch for me. Apparently, she can't??? So now I have no proof that I *wasn't* evading police. Am I fucked now? If not that, what can I do to prove that I wasn't trying to outrun the cops?
Talk to another attorney; anyone competent should be able to get your 911 call to mitigate damages. But you don't get to pick where to pull over.
OP, you done screwed up. Were you in middle of nowhere Wyoming or North Dakota or Alaska, you might have a reason to be driving 15 minutes to the nearest place that's safe, but you stated here that they were on I-295 in NJ) which is *not* 15 minutes between civilization rural. Maybe bringing your phone records and a recording of the 911 call will help you get it bumped down to something else, but... c'mon. You were in New Jersey, the most densely populated state in the country. Sorry, this is all on you.
Police thought I was evading arrest, I just didn't want to stop car in the middle of nowhere... I'll keep this brief. I was on a highway at 3am on Monday, coming home from my job that runs late into the night. I see a cop following me for a few minutes before he begins flashing the lights at me to pull over. Seeing as it was late, and there was basically no one else around, I didn't feel good about pulling over. I slowed down, put my blinkers on, and called 911. I asked the operator to let the cop know that I'd be pulling into the 24/7 Wal*Mart near my home. She claims she complied. The cop began to tailgate me. It took fifteen minutes for me to get to the Wal*Mart. The cop arrested me for "Second Degree Police Eluding". He also suspected I was drunk but I passed my sobriety test. I also got a ticket for "Reckless Driving". My court date is around a month from now. I spoke to an attorney, and asked if I could have the operator vouch for me. Apparently, she can't??? So now I have no proof that I *wasn't* evading police. Am I fucked now? If not that, what can I do to prove that I wasn't trying to outrun the cops?
If you're this paranoid AND regularly drive home in the middle of the night, get a dashcam and stop somewhere more reasonable next time. Much cheaper than a lawyer.
A couple minutes to drive far enough to get past the part where there's a scary-ass 200 foot shear cliff beside the shoulder makes sense. Fifteen minutes to drive to the place of your choosing? Er, no, that's just dumb. You're required to pull over, you can't negotiate the conditions of said pullover-age.
Police thought I was evading arrest, I just didn't want to stop car in the middle of nowhere... I'll keep this brief. I was on a highway at 3am on Monday, coming home from my job that runs late into the night. I see a cop following me for a few minutes before he begins flashing the lights at me to pull over. Seeing as it was late, and there was basically no one else around, I didn't feel good about pulling over. I slowed down, put my blinkers on, and called 911. I asked the operator to let the cop know that I'd be pulling into the 24/7 Wal*Mart near my home. She claims she complied. The cop began to tailgate me. It took fifteen minutes for me to get to the Wal*Mart. The cop arrested me for "Second Degree Police Eluding". He also suspected I was drunk but I passed my sobriety test. I also got a ticket for "Reckless Driving". My court date is around a month from now. I spoke to an attorney, and asked if I could have the operator vouch for me. Apparently, she can't??? So now I have no proof that I *wasn't* evading police. Am I fucked now? If not that, what can I do to prove that I wasn't trying to outrun the cops?
FYI, there was a murder in the 90s where I'm from (Delaware County, PA - on route 476), a woman was pulled over in the middle of the night by a fake police officer (he had a light kit). I learned to drive in the 90s and my mom told me never to pull over in an area that was not well-lit or preferably staffed, like a gas station. Idk if it helps to learn this but I believe you had a right to do what you did.
A couple minutes to drive far enough to get past the part where there's a scary-ass 200 foot shear cliff beside the shoulder makes sense. Fifteen minutes to drive to the place of your choosing? Er, no, that's just dumb. You're required to pull over, you can't negotiate the conditions of said pullover-age.
Police thought I was evading arrest, I just didn't want to stop car in the middle of nowhere... I'll keep this brief. I was on a highway at 3am on Monday, coming home from my job that runs late into the night. I see a cop following me for a few minutes before he begins flashing the lights at me to pull over. Seeing as it was late, and there was basically no one else around, I didn't feel good about pulling over. I slowed down, put my blinkers on, and called 911. I asked the operator to let the cop know that I'd be pulling into the 24/7 Wal*Mart near my home. She claims she complied. The cop began to tailgate me. It took fifteen minutes for me to get to the Wal*Mart. The cop arrested me for "Second Degree Police Eluding". He also suspected I was drunk but I passed my sobriety test. I also got a ticket for "Reckless Driving". My court date is around a month from now. I spoke to an attorney, and asked if I could have the operator vouch for me. Apparently, she can't??? So now I have no proof that I *wasn't* evading police. Am I fucked now? If not that, what can I do to prove that I wasn't trying to outrun the cops?
If you're this paranoid AND regularly drive home in the middle of the night, get a dashcam and stop somewhere more reasonable next time. Much cheaper than a lawyer.
FYI, there was a murder in the 90s where I'm from (Delaware County, PA - on route 476), a woman was pulled over in the middle of the night by a fake police officer (he had a light kit). I learned to drive in the 90s and my mom told me never to pull over in an area that was not well-lit or preferably staffed, like a gas station. Idk if it helps to learn this but I believe you had a right to do what you did.
Arrested on a jog for Evading arrest. (Cont.) Police Report in. This is a continuation of my previous post Overview: I was out on my usual timed 4 mile run when I saw bright cop lights from the end of the street I was on, .7 mi away. As I got closer I saw that there were 3 cops, all with their lights strobing. (The cops lights in my city are exceptionally well lit and hurt my eyes every time i see them) I turn at the street corner continuing down my normal route as I call across the road to them (This is at 11:30 at night) "Those lights are disturbing people you know" and a couple of seconds later "So turn 'em off maybe?" One officer yelled to me "Quit yelling" and I just continued on my way. A couple of blocks down the road an officer rolls up and shines his spot light on me. He opens his door and I said to him "I haven't done anything wrong, I haven't broken any laws, I don't have to stop" and continued my jog. (I had been running for over 2 miles non-stop, not going to quit now) For some reason the officer got out to pursue me on foot calling for me to stop about 3 or 4 times, to which i continued calling "I haven't done anything wrong" and "I haven't broken any laws", after about 20 yds or so I stopped. He caught up, grabbed me and put me in handcuffs, saying "You're going to jail." I was charged with Evading Arrest and spent the night in jail (wtf). Did I actually "evade arrest" or am I not at fault here? The bond costed $1000, of which I had to pay $165 to go home the next day. Is there a way I can make all of this go away (I really don't want evading arrest on my record) and get a refund for the cost of the bond? Update: It has been 16 days since my arrest and still no court date. The lawyers seem to be too expensive for me and not as confident as I would hope. I think I'm going to apply for indigent counsel. Thoughts? Update 2: I was arrested December 21. It is now February 7. I still have no court date. Diagram of Encounter: Running up to the corner, I see 3 cops parked perpendicular to the street I was on. (Next to the curb on the street I was turning on ((still across the street))) The officers were not in the house, but out at their cars, I dont remember seeing any suspects, though there could have been a few. [House] [BPDcar] [Officers] [BPDcar] [BPDcar] ______________________"stop yelling"(comment 3) __________ street __comment1___>_____My path_______________comment2> | | Here is the newly acquired police report. On the reported date and time, Officer Garrett-391 responded to the 900 blk of SW Hillside. Dr. at the request of Officer Pilgrim-384. Officer Pilgrim-384 was conducting an investigation in the 700 blk of SW Hillside and he advised a w/m wearing sweat pants and glasses ran through their investigation and yelled at them. The w/m was advised to stop disturbing the peace and move along at which he yelled at them again before running off. Officer Pilgrim-384 requested Officer Garrett-391 stop the subject and identify him. The w/m was located in the 900 blk of SW Hillside. Dr. Officer Garrett-391 positioned his patrol vehicle infront of the w/m and placed the spotlight on him. The officer then exited the patrol vehicle and said, "Police. Stop." The subject said "no." and kept running. Officer Garrett-391 chased after the suspect on foot for approximately 30 yards before catching him. While running, the officer gave commands for the suspect to "stop" approximately four more times. Each time a command was given, the w/m acknowledged with some statement about how he did not have to because he had not broken a law. The w/m refused to give the officer his name and birthday until they were at the Burleson Jail. At that point he was identified as Alex. (OP) Useful Information: Florida v. Royer, 460 U.S. 491 (1983). The person approached, however, need not answer any questions put to him; indeed, he may decline to listen to the questions at all and may go on his way. He may not be detained even momentarily without reasonable, objective grounds for doing so; and his refusal to listen or answer does not, without more, furnish those grounds.
I'm so glad you've come back with more info. Prepare for a deluge of responses.
I find this particularly amusing: > The w/m was advised to stop disturbing the peace and move along at which he yelled at them again before running off. Isn't that EXACTLY what the w/m did? Stop disturbing the peace and continue moving along? What a fucking joke this is. If this isn't ACD'd or whatever you folks do down in Texas, I'll be shocked.
HELP! Car dealership wants me to return car immediately. Do I have to return it as soon as they're saying or is there a way to work around this? I'm a college student and I leased a car on September 3rd. I signed the contract, submitted all of my paperwork, and walked off the lot with the car the same day. Everything's fine until September 15th when I start receiving text messages about the lender having trouble getting in contact with my employers. There's a mix up with my paystubs and the amount I listed on my loan application and they need to verify my employment. After days of back and forth communication, I hear nothing for a few days. They messaged me on Thursday asking for my bank statements and I provided my last three bank statements for them. Yesterday, I woke up to them blowing up my phone because their boss is upset and wants this taken care of ASAP. They tell me that the paystubs aren't adding up but that if they resubmit everything with the correct information, everything will be fine. The missing amount from my paystubs is on my September bank statement (which hasn't been released yet) as it posted on September 1st to the bank and not August 31st. Despite that, I have screenshots of the deposited amount in my account on the 31st. Bank is no help so I send over the screenshot but that's not enough. After more back and forth, he ups the down payment amount to $2,300 (it was originally $1,200) and tells me that they need at least $800 today or tomorrow (Saturday or Sunday) or they're taking the car. After more back and forth, he says that if I can get a cosigner, everything will be alright. So I get my mom to cosign but it only brings the total down $300. He blows up my phone and says that his boss is asking when I can bring the car back, despite that not being the original condition. I told him that I get paid on the 28th and that I don't have the money to give him on such short notice. I told him that a day and a half ago, the tire popped and that I currently only have the spare tire. My school is almost two hours away from the dealership - I got it when I was back home. He tells me that he needs the car back regardless. At first, he tells me to just drive on the highway with a spare tire. When I said that that's an issue of safety, he told me to tow it which would be insanely expensive. Finally, he talked to his boss and said they would cover the tire. However, he demanded that I bring the car back tomorrow while they wait for me to get paid. I'm concerned about the situation and wondering if they can demand me to bring the car back tomorrow. Is there anything I can do to buy more time until I get paid? I fully intend to return the car but on such short notice, I don't have the funds, a way to get back to campus, or a way to get back to the dealership once I get paid to get the car back. I appreciate any help y'all can offer!
You need to read the contract you signed to understand whether this is legit. But in the absence of anything saying otherwise, I would tell them that if they want it back they can come and collect it.
What state is the dealer in ? If your financial information truly did not qualify you for any of the lenders they use at the agreed-upon rate and amount, AND there is a valid "sellers right to cancel" section in the contract, at most they can cancel the sale and demand the return of the car. You would be entitled to a refund, minus only a (specified in writing) mileage fee. Most sellers right to cancel clauses only give them 10 days or so to notify you in writing. Text messages might not count, especially if they are not explaining your right to agree to cancellation.
HELP! Car dealership wants me to return car immediately. Do I have to return it as soon as they're saying or is there a way to work around this? I'm a college student and I leased a car on September 3rd. I signed the contract, submitted all of my paperwork, and walked off the lot with the car the same day. Everything's fine until September 15th when I start receiving text messages about the lender having trouble getting in contact with my employers. There's a mix up with my paystubs and the amount I listed on my loan application and they need to verify my employment. After days of back and forth communication, I hear nothing for a few days. They messaged me on Thursday asking for my bank statements and I provided my last three bank statements for them. Yesterday, I woke up to them blowing up my phone because their boss is upset and wants this taken care of ASAP. They tell me that the paystubs aren't adding up but that if they resubmit everything with the correct information, everything will be fine. The missing amount from my paystubs is on my September bank statement (which hasn't been released yet) as it posted on September 1st to the bank and not August 31st. Despite that, I have screenshots of the deposited amount in my account on the 31st. Bank is no help so I send over the screenshot but that's not enough. After more back and forth, he ups the down payment amount to $2,300 (it was originally $1,200) and tells me that they need at least $800 today or tomorrow (Saturday or Sunday) or they're taking the car. After more back and forth, he says that if I can get a cosigner, everything will be alright. So I get my mom to cosign but it only brings the total down $300. He blows up my phone and says that his boss is asking when I can bring the car back, despite that not being the original condition. I told him that I get paid on the 28th and that I don't have the money to give him on such short notice. I told him that a day and a half ago, the tire popped and that I currently only have the spare tire. My school is almost two hours away from the dealership - I got it when I was back home. He tells me that he needs the car back regardless. At first, he tells me to just drive on the highway with a spare tire. When I said that that's an issue of safety, he told me to tow it which would be insanely expensive. Finally, he talked to his boss and said they would cover the tire. However, he demanded that I bring the car back tomorrow while they wait for me to get paid. I'm concerned about the situation and wondering if they can demand me to bring the car back tomorrow. Is there anything I can do to buy more time until I get paid? I fully intend to return the car but on such short notice, I don't have the funds, a way to get back to campus, or a way to get back to the dealership once I get paid to get the car back. I appreciate any help y'all can offer!
Talk to their General Manager as to what the mistakes were and if you signed all the papers you needed to take delivery. The biggest misconception is they leave 1 or final pieces of paper unhinged and then hit you up 2 weeks later. It's called the take away close. And it's a poor practice. Demand that they get you a better packaged car with lesser apr. I would talk to them before surrending the loan. Chances are their finance department didn't Waco you good enough. So their going to this time around.
Did you put an amount down for your income that isn't correct? If you misrepresented your income then you're probably in the wrong....if you represented everything correctly then maybe they are just trying to get the car back because they messed up somewhere like sold it too cheap or something. Have you put the car in your name, got tags, etc? Have you called the bank to verify if they funded the dealership or not? If not, I would do that. If you misrepresented your income, you need to return the vehicle because nearly all vehicle finance agreements allow them to call in your note for various reasons. If they call in the note then take you to court you'll lose if you lied about your income and it'll screw up your credit and such.
HELP! Car dealership wants me to return car immediately. Do I have to return it as soon as they're saying or is there a way to work around this? I'm a college student and I leased a car on September 3rd. I signed the contract, submitted all of my paperwork, and walked off the lot with the car the same day. Everything's fine until September 15th when I start receiving text messages about the lender having trouble getting in contact with my employers. There's a mix up with my paystubs and the amount I listed on my loan application and they need to verify my employment. After days of back and forth communication, I hear nothing for a few days. They messaged me on Thursday asking for my bank statements and I provided my last three bank statements for them. Yesterday, I woke up to them blowing up my phone because their boss is upset and wants this taken care of ASAP. They tell me that the paystubs aren't adding up but that if they resubmit everything with the correct information, everything will be fine. The missing amount from my paystubs is on my September bank statement (which hasn't been released yet) as it posted on September 1st to the bank and not August 31st. Despite that, I have screenshots of the deposited amount in my account on the 31st. Bank is no help so I send over the screenshot but that's not enough. After more back and forth, he ups the down payment amount to $2,300 (it was originally $1,200) and tells me that they need at least $800 today or tomorrow (Saturday or Sunday) or they're taking the car. After more back and forth, he says that if I can get a cosigner, everything will be alright. So I get my mom to cosign but it only brings the total down $300. He blows up my phone and says that his boss is asking when I can bring the car back, despite that not being the original condition. I told him that I get paid on the 28th and that I don't have the money to give him on such short notice. I told him that a day and a half ago, the tire popped and that I currently only have the spare tire. My school is almost two hours away from the dealership - I got it when I was back home. He tells me that he needs the car back regardless. At first, he tells me to just drive on the highway with a spare tire. When I said that that's an issue of safety, he told me to tow it which would be insanely expensive. Finally, he talked to his boss and said they would cover the tire. However, he demanded that I bring the car back tomorrow while they wait for me to get paid. I'm concerned about the situation and wondering if they can demand me to bring the car back tomorrow. Is there anything I can do to buy more time until I get paid? I fully intend to return the car but on such short notice, I don't have the funds, a way to get back to campus, or a way to get back to the dealership once I get paid to get the car back. I appreciate any help y'all can offer!
I would have a look and see if your school offers any kind of legal aid type services to students. If they do, jump on that. Have someone review your contract.
Did you put an amount down for your income that isn't correct? If you misrepresented your income then you're probably in the wrong....if you represented everything correctly then maybe they are just trying to get the car back because they messed up somewhere like sold it too cheap or something. Have you put the car in your name, got tags, etc? Have you called the bank to verify if they funded the dealership or not? If not, I would do that. If you misrepresented your income, you need to return the vehicle because nearly all vehicle finance agreements allow them to call in your note for various reasons. If they call in the note then take you to court you'll lose if you lied about your income and it'll screw up your credit and such.
Friend cancelled wedding an is being sued by fiance Hello! Would really appreciate some thoughts / guidance here. My friend was supposed to get married at the end of March. She and her fiance had been disagreeing about the wedding and their plans as a married couple for the entire duration of their year-long engagement. When COVID cancelled their (limited, unfinished) wedding plans, he announced they would get married virtually. She asked for more time. They went back and forth about it and he said they would get married on X date or it was over. They did not get married on X date. He then sent her an invoice for wedding and honeymoon related expenses. He included her engagement ring (which she had already returned to him), both of their wedding rings, and his suit, and some other things. The total is \~12K. She has repaid some of the expenses but he is threatening to sue him for the remaining balance. What is her legal obligation here, and what should she be doing to prepare? Some other miscellaneous notes: * We live in Texas, not sure if there are any state laws that are applicable / we should know about * The amount he invoiced her for is too high for our small claims court right now, but starting in September, the max limit you can sue for in small claims court is increasing and would cover this amount. (Small claims court would be advantageous so we are trying to make sure this gets stalled out so that he doesn't file any lawsuits before then) * He did not include receipts, and the majority of the amounts end in a 0 (ie 30, 120, 2240), which seems like he is estimating (my speculation). * She was not directly involved or listed in many of the transactions. * She is now collecting communication records and other documentation related to the transactions. * Not legally relevant, but we all hated him and felt like he was really pressuring her to get married. Thanks for any guidance!
She is only liable for any legally binding contract that she has entered into. He may attempt to argue there was an "oral contract" where these expenses would be shared, but without proof he will be entirely unable to meet the onus that rests upon the plaintiff in a civil suit. Do not pay a cent of this invoice, as even partial payment can be considered accepting the debt. If he does file an action, then get a lawyer. Until then, refuse to pay anything.
Not a lawyer but something that people seem to be overlooking is that she did not technically agree to the second wedding. The wedding she agreed to and was involved with the planning of was cancelled. He gave her an ultimatum about the date of the second wedding and she asked for more time. He was the one to call it off, not her. An argument can be made that she would have gone through with the wedding had he not called it off or set an ultimatum.
Friend cancelled wedding an is being sued by fiance Hello! Would really appreciate some thoughts / guidance here. My friend was supposed to get married at the end of March. She and her fiance had been disagreeing about the wedding and their plans as a married couple for the entire duration of their year-long engagement. When COVID cancelled their (limited, unfinished) wedding plans, he announced they would get married virtually. She asked for more time. They went back and forth about it and he said they would get married on X date or it was over. They did not get married on X date. He then sent her an invoice for wedding and honeymoon related expenses. He included her engagement ring (which she had already returned to him), both of their wedding rings, and his suit, and some other things. The total is \~12K. She has repaid some of the expenses but he is threatening to sue him for the remaining balance. What is her legal obligation here, and what should she be doing to prepare? Some other miscellaneous notes: * We live in Texas, not sure if there are any state laws that are applicable / we should know about * The amount he invoiced her for is too high for our small claims court right now, but starting in September, the max limit you can sue for in small claims court is increasing and would cover this amount. (Small claims court would be advantageous so we are trying to make sure this gets stalled out so that he doesn't file any lawsuits before then) * He did not include receipts, and the majority of the amounts end in a 0 (ie 30, 120, 2240), which seems like he is estimating (my speculation). * She was not directly involved or listed in many of the transactions. * She is now collecting communication records and other documentation related to the transactions. * Not legally relevant, but we all hated him and felt like he was really pressuring her to get married. Thanks for any guidance!
Not a lawyer It may be relevant if he set a wedding date that she never agreed to nor agreed to any of the reservations.
She is only liable for any legally binding contract that she has entered into. He may attempt to argue there was an "oral contract" where these expenses would be shared, but without proof he will be entirely unable to meet the onus that rests upon the plaintiff in a civil suit. Do not pay a cent of this invoice, as even partial payment can be considered accepting the debt. If he does file an action, then get a lawyer. Until then, refuse to pay anything.
Uncle is refusing to return my Mothers car, what can she do? Uncles car got repoed at the beginning of the year. My mother tried to help him out by letting him use her car until he could get back on his feet. Since then he has been acting incredibly disrespectful, rude and entitled. He leaves trash in the car as well as bottles of pee in there. The car constantly smells of bad BO as if he’s living in there not showering for days. On the days they agreed he would drop my mom off to work and pick her up he’s been bailing and not showing up. So she’s been having to use Uber to get to and from work while my Uncle is pretty much using her car like it’s his 24/7. She has asked for her car keys back numerous times and has told him he needs to get his own car now because she has helped him enough. But he’s outright refusing to give it back. She’s basically begging him (ridiculous, I know) to give her back her car and he just won’t. He tells her to continue taking Uber in a nasty rude tone. She no longer wants to help him at this point but seems intimidated by him (although she won’t admit it). She can’t get him to give her back her car willingly. What can she do? Outside of the police can she call a towing company to tow it?
Towing company owner here. I've dealt with this multiple times. There are 2 ways to do this without anyone being arrested. 1. Hire a repossession company. Most of them are about 4-500 for a repo. & they may not want to a civil issue repo. 2. Locate where he parks the car. Find a Towing company willing to do this beforehand. Have them meet you around the corner from the car & call your local sheriff or police & ask for a civil standby. Which means they are only there to keep the peace. Your mom, the cop & the tow truck will pull up to the car & the tow truck will load it up. She will have to have proof she owns the car to show the tow truck before they just load it up. The cops can't force him to give up the keys so your mom may have to get new keys.
The simplest way to handle this is to call the police and report the car as stolen. If she has texts or other written forms of showing she revoked consent for him, even better, but it's not required. She tells the cops where he lives and works, the cops go there and find the car, and they tow it themselves and arrest him. Then they call her, and she goes down and picks it up. At worst, she has to get a spare key.
Uncle is refusing to return my Mothers car, what can she do? Uncles car got repoed at the beginning of the year. My mother tried to help him out by letting him use her car until he could get back on his feet. Since then he has been acting incredibly disrespectful, rude and entitled. He leaves trash in the car as well as bottles of pee in there. The car constantly smells of bad BO as if he’s living in there not showering for days. On the days they agreed he would drop my mom off to work and pick her up he’s been bailing and not showing up. So she’s been having to use Uber to get to and from work while my Uncle is pretty much using her car like it’s his 24/7. She has asked for her car keys back numerous times and has told him he needs to get his own car now because she has helped him enough. But he’s outright refusing to give it back. She’s basically begging him (ridiculous, I know) to give her back her car and he just won’t. He tells her to continue taking Uber in a nasty rude tone. She no longer wants to help him at this point but seems intimidated by him (although she won’t admit it). She can’t get him to give her back her car willingly. What can she do? Outside of the police can she call a towing company to tow it?
Towing company owner here. I've dealt with this multiple times. There are 2 ways to do this without anyone being arrested. 1. Hire a repossession company. Most of them are about 4-500 for a repo. & they may not want to a civil issue repo. 2. Locate where he parks the car. Find a Towing company willing to do this beforehand. Have them meet you around the corner from the car & call your local sheriff or police & ask for a civil standby. Which means they are only there to keep the peace. Your mom, the cop & the tow truck will pull up to the car & the tow truck will load it up. She will have to have proof she owns the car to show the tow truck before they just load it up. The cops can't force him to give up the keys so your mom may have to get new keys.
Why doesn’t she just wait until he is sleeping and go get it? Hopefully she has an extra set of keys.
Uncle is refusing to return my Mothers car, what can she do? Uncles car got repoed at the beginning of the year. My mother tried to help him out by letting him use her car until he could get back on his feet. Since then he has been acting incredibly disrespectful, rude and entitled. He leaves trash in the car as well as bottles of pee in there. The car constantly smells of bad BO as if he’s living in there not showering for days. On the days they agreed he would drop my mom off to work and pick her up he’s been bailing and not showing up. So she’s been having to use Uber to get to and from work while my Uncle is pretty much using her car like it’s his 24/7. She has asked for her car keys back numerous times and has told him he needs to get his own car now because she has helped him enough. But he’s outright refusing to give it back. She’s basically begging him (ridiculous, I know) to give her back her car and he just won’t. He tells her to continue taking Uber in a nasty rude tone. She no longer wants to help him at this point but seems intimidated by him (although she won’t admit it). She can’t get him to give her back her car willingly. What can she do? Outside of the police can she call a towing company to tow it?
Just tell him he has a day to return it before it’s reported stolen
What state? To the people saying “report it stolen”: 2 problems 1) OPs mom doesn’t seem to want to prosecute. Speaking only for my jurisdiction since OP didn’t give a location, a car can’t be entered as stolen if the owner isn’t willing to prosecute. 2) Again, speaking for my jurisdiction, The uncle did have permission to drive the car, but that permission has expired. So this may not even be a stolen car, but simply an unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. If OP lived where I do (since we don’t know where OP lives) they would have to send a letter through certified mail revoking permission and demanding return of the vehicle. You’d then have to wait a specified amount of time, 10 days or so, from when the letter was received or it was returned undeliverable. Only then could you report it stolen. But again, if OP doesn’t want to press charges, they only want their car back, it still won’t be entered as stolen into the NCIC database. And if not then cops can’t tow it or arrest uncle even if he’s found inside it.
Uncle is refusing to return my Mothers car, what can she do? Uncles car got repoed at the beginning of the year. My mother tried to help him out by letting him use her car until he could get back on his feet. Since then he has been acting incredibly disrespectful, rude and entitled. He leaves trash in the car as well as bottles of pee in there. The car constantly smells of bad BO as if he’s living in there not showering for days. On the days they agreed he would drop my mom off to work and pick her up he’s been bailing and not showing up. So she’s been having to use Uber to get to and from work while my Uncle is pretty much using her car like it’s his 24/7. She has asked for her car keys back numerous times and has told him he needs to get his own car now because she has helped him enough. But he’s outright refusing to give it back. She’s basically begging him (ridiculous, I know) to give her back her car and he just won’t. He tells her to continue taking Uber in a nasty rude tone. She no longer wants to help him at this point but seems intimidated by him (although she won’t admit it). She can’t get him to give her back her car willingly. What can she do? Outside of the police can she call a towing company to tow it?
Honestly family drama is hard and especially when the person complaining doesn’t have to stones to do what needs to be done. Usually it’s the mom. My mom is the same way. You can show them all the options but they still have to pull the trigger and that’s almost near impossible for them. Hopefully your mom is willing to pull the trigger and notify PD. If not what I’ve learned is you have to take the decision away from them if they cant make it. Ask to “buy” the car or gift it to you so it’s your responsibility and when she hands over the title it’s yours and you can do what needs to be done and report it stolen and get it back for her. If she refuses to make a move, move on and ask not to hear about it again because it will drive you crazy.
Just tell him he has a day to return it before it’s reported stolen
Uncle forces us out of our “informal” inheritance, a home from my grandparents. He pretty much wants to take it all. Do I have a dog in the fight for the inheritance or even as a tenant of the house? I’ve lived at my family home in California with my grandparents all my life with my mom. My grandparents built an extension to their home for us to live. My mom was sick, and a single mother. The house ultimately was to be inherited and divided between my uncle (main house) and my mom (extension of 3 beds, 2 bath, kitchen and livingroom). The house deed/title was transferred from my grandparents to my uncle in 2010 in good faith that my would honor that my mother owned her side. The house was paid off, and her name was not used on the deed because she was mentally disabled, incapable of managing and owning a home. She passed almost a decade ago. After my mother passed, my grandparents wrote out an agreement that was signed by my uncle as a means of a more formal agreement to address the “owned” sections of the house between my uncle, my sibling and I (inherited by my mother). They included a section that if we were to sell, the house and lot would be liquidated and a 60/40. Uncle gets 60%, and my sibling and I split 40%. My uncle signed the agreement writing out that he understood the conditions. I continued to live in the house with my grandparents. I took care of them as their primary caregiver well into their 90’s until they both passed at home with me. Since they passed, my uncle now wants to rent out the house so he can cash flow. He proposed to “pay me out” 10%, and says he doesn’t remember signing any agreement. I haven’t shown him to remind him because honestly, I’m more hurt that he refuses to acknowledge what my grandparents gave to him in good faith that he would honor the agreements. This house is not his primary, and I know that he technically owns it. We have always split property tax every year with my uncle 60/40 since this agreement. We were supposed to add our names to the deed which my uncle agreed verbally and over text message, but I got busy caring for both my grandparents who both had serious illnesses back to back the last 2-3 years until ultimately passing. I know, this was a stupid decision on my part, but I trusted him completely and at the time I was more concerned about my grandparents. Just know, I love my uncle. He is like an older brother to me, or at least I thought he was. I have chosen to bite my tongue this entire time. I am grateful to even get anything and know I am more fortunate than others being in this situation, but I have a hard time accepting that he is disrespecting my grandparents wishes and taking what was actually originally meant for my mother. If you’re wondering why I stayed this entire time, it’s because I love my grandparents. They raised me and are pretty much my parents, and all my uncles and aunts are treated as my siblings even though there is a ~30yr age gap.
Are you still living in the extension? Is it just the main house portion that your uncle wants to rent out or the entire property?
I am not a lawyer. Once title to the property was transferred to your uncle, he became the owner of the property and he can do with it as he pleases. Any agreements between him and your grandparents that were signed after the title transfer are unenforceable as your grandparents had transferred their ownership rights to your uncle. Unfortunately, when it comes to money, people often have an ugly side. By all means have an attorney review any and all documentation, but don't hold out hope for anything other than a gift from your uncle, which would be at his sole discretion.
Mother withholding my father's will. Says the house is "hers now". Land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership to my dad and 1/3rd to my mom. My mother acts suspiciously every time this matter comes up. First she told me "your father and I didn't have wills", and that "when your father died his half of the house went to me". Then a few weeks later she said in front of a lawyer "yes I have a will" and "yes my husband had a will". The land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership by my dad and 1/3rd ownership by my mom. She (my mom) says that she has not applied for probate. But seems to think she can sell the house any time she feels like it. Something is starting to smell very fishy (?). I will talk to a lawyer soon and I will contact the Govt "find a will" service. Any other advice or comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
You can file to probate his estate as intestate. If she wants the property distributed according to a will, she's going to need to produce the will.
--- > --- *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. Please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***Do NOT delete this post - Instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- Author: /u/dakinibliss66 Title: **Mother withholding my father's will. Says the house is "hers now". Land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership to my dad and 1/3rd to my mom.** Original Post: > My mother acts suspiciously every time this matter comes up. First she told me "your father and I didn't have wills", and that "when your father died his half of the house went to me". > > Then a few weeks later she said in front of a lawyer "yes I have a will" and "yes my husband had a will". > > The land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership by my dad and 1/3rd ownership by my mom. > > She (my mom) says that she has not applied for probate. But seems to think she can sell the house any time she feels like it. > > Something is starting to smell very fishy (?). I will talk to a lawyer soon and I will contact the Govt "find a will" service. Any other advice or comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated. --- LocationBot 4.999988713 83/601rds | Report Issues | >!TdUO5NmMWlXWXJFcjJzZ!<
Mother withholding my father's will. Says the house is "hers now". Land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership to my dad and 1/3rd to my mom. My mother acts suspiciously every time this matter comes up. First she told me "your father and I didn't have wills", and that "when your father died his half of the house went to me". Then a few weeks later she said in front of a lawyer "yes I have a will" and "yes my husband had a will". The land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership by my dad and 1/3rd ownership by my mom. She (my mom) says that she has not applied for probate. But seems to think she can sell the house any time she feels like it. Something is starting to smell very fishy (?). I will talk to a lawyer soon and I will contact the Govt "find a will" service. Any other advice or comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
She cannot sell the house without probate. Your father is one of the owners. To sell it she needs his signature which is not possible. The only person who can sign now is someone who is appointed by a court to represent your father's estate. Depending on many factors including your location and what any will does or doesn't say, she may actually end up owning the home. You can get a lawyer and start probate if you want. It doesn't have to be her.
--- > --- *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. Please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***Do NOT delete this post - Instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- Author: /u/dakinibliss66 Title: **Mother withholding my father's will. Says the house is "hers now". Land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership to my dad and 1/3rd to my mom.** Original Post: > My mother acts suspiciously every time this matter comes up. First she told me "your father and I didn't have wills", and that "when your father died his half of the house went to me". > > Then a few weeks later she said in front of a lawyer "yes I have a will" and "yes my husband had a will". > > The land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership by my dad and 1/3rd ownership by my mom. > > She (my mom) says that she has not applied for probate. But seems to think she can sell the house any time she feels like it. > > Something is starting to smell very fishy (?). I will talk to a lawyer soon and I will contact the Govt "find a will" service. Any other advice or comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated. --- LocationBot 4.999988713 83/601rds | Report Issues | >!TdUO5NmMWlXWXJFcjJzZ!<
Mother withholding my father's will. Says the house is "hers now". Land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership to my dad and 1/3rd to my mom. My mother acts suspiciously every time this matter comes up. First she told me "your father and I didn't have wills", and that "when your father died his half of the house went to me". Then a few weeks later she said in front of a lawyer "yes I have a will" and "yes my husband had a will". The land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership by my dad and 1/3rd ownership by my mom. She (my mom) says that she has not applied for probate. But seems to think she can sell the house any time she feels like it. Something is starting to smell very fishy (?). I will talk to a lawyer soon and I will contact the Govt "find a will" service. Any other advice or comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
--- > --- *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. Please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***Do NOT delete this post - Instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- Author: /u/dakinibliss66 Title: **Mother withholding my father's will. Says the house is "hers now". Land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership to my dad and 1/3rd to my mom.** Original Post: > My mother acts suspiciously every time this matter comes up. First she told me "your father and I didn't have wills", and that "when your father died his half of the house went to me". > > Then a few weeks later she said in front of a lawyer "yes I have a will" and "yes my husband had a will". > > The land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership by my dad and 1/3rd ownership by my mom. > > She (my mom) says that she has not applied for probate. But seems to think she can sell the house any time she feels like it. > > Something is starting to smell very fishy (?). I will talk to a lawyer soon and I will contact the Govt "find a will" service. Any other advice or comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated. --- LocationBot 4.999988713 83/601rds | Report Issues | >!TdUO5NmMWlXWXJFcjJzZ!<
when did he die and in what state?
Mother withholding my father's will. Says the house is "hers now". Land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership to my dad and 1/3rd to my mom. My mother acts suspiciously every time this matter comes up. First she told me "your father and I didn't have wills", and that "when your father died his half of the house went to me". Then a few weeks later she said in front of a lawyer "yes I have a will" and "yes my husband had a will". The land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership by my dad and 1/3rd ownership by my mom. She (my mom) says that she has not applied for probate. But seems to think she can sell the house any time she feels like it. Something is starting to smell very fishy (?). I will talk to a lawyer soon and I will contact the Govt "find a will" service. Any other advice or comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
--- > --- *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. Please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***Do NOT delete this post - Instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- Author: /u/dakinibliss66 Title: **Mother withholding my father's will. Says the house is "hers now". Land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership to my dad and 1/3rd to my mom.** Original Post: > My mother acts suspiciously every time this matter comes up. First she told me "your father and I didn't have wills", and that "when your father died his half of the house went to me". > > Then a few weeks later she said in front of a lawyer "yes I have a will" and "yes my husband had a will". > > The land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership by my dad and 1/3rd ownership by my mom. > > She (my mom) says that she has not applied for probate. But seems to think she can sell the house any time she feels like it. > > Something is starting to smell very fishy (?). I will talk to a lawyer soon and I will contact the Govt "find a will" service. Any other advice or comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated. --- LocationBot 4.999988713 83/601rds | Report Issues | >!TdUO5NmMWlXWXJFcjJzZ!<
Were they legally married? That can play a huge effect on how things play out.
Mother withholding my father's will. Says the house is "hers now". Land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership to my dad and 1/3rd to my mom. My mother acts suspiciously every time this matter comes up. First she told me "your father and I didn't have wills", and that "when your father died his half of the house went to me". Then a few weeks later she said in front of a lawyer "yes I have a will" and "yes my husband had a will". The land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership by my dad and 1/3rd ownership by my mom. She (my mom) says that she has not applied for probate. But seems to think she can sell the house any time she feels like it. Something is starting to smell very fishy (?). I will talk to a lawyer soon and I will contact the Govt "find a will" service. Any other advice or comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Probate also assumes the debts of the deceased, did he pass on with considerable debt? Just asking if there's some legit reason besides grief or greed that she'd not have started the process yet. My condolences and best wishes to you all
Location matters. Please post your location. Some states require a will or trust to be recorded. You might start be looking into that. or better still get a consultation from a lawyer that specializes in trusts and wills.
Mother withholding my father's will. Says the house is "hers now". Land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership to my dad and 1/3rd to my mom. My mother acts suspiciously every time this matter comes up. First she told me "your father and I didn't have wills", and that "when your father died his half of the house went to me". Then a few weeks later she said in front of a lawyer "yes I have a will" and "yes my husband had a will". The land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership by my dad and 1/3rd ownership by my mom. She (my mom) says that she has not applied for probate. But seems to think she can sell the house any time she feels like it. Something is starting to smell very fishy (?). I will talk to a lawyer soon and I will contact the Govt "find a will" service. Any other advice or comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
--- > --- *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. Please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***Do NOT delete this post - Instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- Author: /u/dakinibliss66 Title: **Mother withholding my father's will. Says the house is "hers now". Land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership to my dad and 1/3rd to my mom.** Original Post: > My mother acts suspiciously every time this matter comes up. First she told me "your father and I didn't have wills", and that "when your father died his half of the house went to me". > > Then a few weeks later she said in front of a lawyer "yes I have a will" and "yes my husband had a will". > > The land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership by my dad and 1/3rd ownership by my mom. > > She (my mom) says that she has not applied for probate. But seems to think she can sell the house any time she feels like it. > > Something is starting to smell very fishy (?). I will talk to a lawyer soon and I will contact the Govt "find a will" service. Any other advice or comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated. --- LocationBot 4.999988713 83/601rds | Report Issues | >!TdUO5NmMWlXWXJFcjJzZ!<
Location matters. Please post your location. Some states require a will or trust to be recorded. You might start be looking into that. or better still get a consultation from a lawyer that specializes in trusts and wills.
Mother withholding my father's will. Says the house is "hers now". Land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership to my dad and 1/3rd to my mom. My mother acts suspiciously every time this matter comes up. First she told me "your father and I didn't have wills", and that "when your father died his half of the house went to me". Then a few weeks later she said in front of a lawyer "yes I have a will" and "yes my husband had a will". The land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership by my dad and 1/3rd ownership by my mom. She (my mom) says that she has not applied for probate. But seems to think she can sell the house any time she feels like it. Something is starting to smell very fishy (?). I will talk to a lawyer soon and I will contact the Govt "find a will" service. Any other advice or comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
--- > --- *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. Please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***Do NOT delete this post - Instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- Author: /u/dakinibliss66 Title: **Mother withholding my father's will. Says the house is "hers now". Land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership to my dad and 1/3rd to my mom.** Original Post: > My mother acts suspiciously every time this matter comes up. First she told me "your father and I didn't have wills", and that "when your father died his half of the house went to me". > > Then a few weeks later she said in front of a lawyer "yes I have a will" and "yes my husband had a will". > > The land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership by my dad and 1/3rd ownership by my mom. > > She (my mom) says that she has not applied for probate. But seems to think she can sell the house any time she feels like it. > > Something is starting to smell very fishy (?). I will talk to a lawyer soon and I will contact the Govt "find a will" service. Any other advice or comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated. --- LocationBot 4.999988713 83/601rds | Report Issues | >!TdUO5NmMWlXWXJFcjJzZ!<
Probate also assumes the debts of the deceased, did he pass on with considerable debt? Just asking if there's some legit reason besides grief or greed that she'd not have started the process yet. My condolences and best wishes to you all
Mother withholding my father's will. Says the house is "hers now". Land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership to my dad and 1/3rd to my mom. My mother acts suspiciously every time this matter comes up. First she told me "your father and I didn't have wills", and that "when your father died his half of the house went to me". Then a few weeks later she said in front of a lawyer "yes I have a will" and "yes my husband had a will". The land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership by my dad and 1/3rd ownership by my mom. She (my mom) says that she has not applied for probate. But seems to think she can sell the house any time she feels like it. Something is starting to smell very fishy (?). I will talk to a lawyer soon and I will contact the Govt "find a will" service. Any other advice or comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
--- > --- *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. Please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***Do NOT delete this post - Instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- Author: /u/dakinibliss66 Title: **Mother withholding my father's will. Says the house is "hers now". Land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership to my dad and 1/3rd to my mom.** Original Post: > My mother acts suspiciously every time this matter comes up. First she told me "your father and I didn't have wills", and that "when your father died his half of the house went to me". > > Then a few weeks later she said in front of a lawyer "yes I have a will" and "yes my husband had a will". > > The land title says they were 'tenants in common' with 2/3rds ownership by my dad and 1/3rd ownership by my mom. > > She (my mom) says that she has not applied for probate. But seems to think she can sell the house any time she feels like it. > > Something is starting to smell very fishy (?). I will talk to a lawyer soon and I will contact the Govt "find a will" service. Any other advice or comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated. --- LocationBot 4.999988713 83/601rds | Report Issues | >!TdUO5NmMWlXWXJFcjJzZ!<
You need an attorney. In my personal experience in reading title/estates having a property vested as “tenants in common” is different than “tenants in common with rights of survivorship” or “husband and wife.” It that’s truly the case on the deed, you may have rights to the property, but that depends on what his will says too. I’m not an attorney and this also can vary from state to state, so you absolutely need to higher a lawyer to deal with this because it sounds shady af.
[OREGON] My tenant/roommate has been missing for 3 weeks and his employer stopped by, wondering where he is. His cat is going crazy in his room, will probably die soon, I need advice on how to proceed. I live in a room shared house (2 stories, 6 rooms) and also manage the tenants as part of my rent. We have a tenant that hasn’t shown up in 3 weeks, not entirely uncommon, before he got a cat. He’s always been a bit sporadic and tends to take off for days or weeks, occasionally a month at a time but usually lets us know beforehand. Usually, not always. He doesn’t have a phone, so we can’t get ahold of him. His boss stopped by the other day and asked if we’d seen him, he hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks. We let his boss know that we hadn’t seen or heard anything from him in that time either. He also has (had?) a meth problem that I thought we got past, I honestly thought he was dealing for a while because of his constant coming and going, all hours of the day and night. And disappearing for days at a time is pretty common tweaker behavior. Also, constantly giving rides to shady characters that we sometimes met. Not to mention he’s had all four of his tires slashed, twice. So maybe this time he pissed off the wrong people and got buried in the woods? IDK My question is; He has a (now currently dying) cat in his room. How do I go about gaining entry to his room? Do I call the police and have them perform a welfare check? Knowing full well he isn’t home. Do I file a missing persons report? I am at a loss here and have no idea how to proceed and stay within legal landlord parameters. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE CAT!!! TIME IS LIMITED BEFORE IT DIES!!! Also, I do NOT need advice on evictions. I am fully aware of tenant law regarding that and have plenty of court experience. This missing person stuff is new territory, please only offer advice regarding how to save the cat. That is all I care about at the moment. Thank you.
Just open the door. You said it's unlocked. Literally open the door and let the cat out. No one is going to be able to provide you a legal source that says "yes ihateflyingthings, you can legally save a cat in this specific situation". Save the cat. Stop living with tweakers.
Call a locksmith, get the cat. Close the door back on your way out. Don’t touch anything else. If you are the property manager, look at the lease. Does is say you are allowed to inspect the premises? If so, you’d be fully within your legal boundaries to inspect his room.
[OREGON] My tenant/roommate has been missing for 3 weeks and his employer stopped by, wondering where he is. His cat is going crazy in his room, will probably die soon, I need advice on how to proceed. I live in a room shared house (2 stories, 6 rooms) and also manage the tenants as part of my rent. We have a tenant that hasn’t shown up in 3 weeks, not entirely uncommon, before he got a cat. He’s always been a bit sporadic and tends to take off for days or weeks, occasionally a month at a time but usually lets us know beforehand. Usually, not always. He doesn’t have a phone, so we can’t get ahold of him. His boss stopped by the other day and asked if we’d seen him, he hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks. We let his boss know that we hadn’t seen or heard anything from him in that time either. He also has (had?) a meth problem that I thought we got past, I honestly thought he was dealing for a while because of his constant coming and going, all hours of the day and night. And disappearing for days at a time is pretty common tweaker behavior. Also, constantly giving rides to shady characters that we sometimes met. Not to mention he’s had all four of his tires slashed, twice. So maybe this time he pissed off the wrong people and got buried in the woods? IDK My question is; He has a (now currently dying) cat in his room. How do I go about gaining entry to his room? Do I call the police and have them perform a welfare check? Knowing full well he isn’t home. Do I file a missing persons report? I am at a loss here and have no idea how to proceed and stay within legal landlord parameters. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE CAT!!! TIME IS LIMITED BEFORE IT DIES!!! Also, I do NOT need advice on evictions. I am fully aware of tenant law regarding that and have plenty of court experience. This missing person stuff is new territory, please only offer advice regarding how to save the cat. That is all I care about at the moment. Thank you.
Just open the door. You said it's unlocked. Literally open the door and let the cat out. No one is going to be able to provide you a legal source that says "yes ihateflyingthings, you can legally save a cat in this specific situation". Save the cat. Stop living with tweakers. In cases of emergency you can enter without notice. This is an emergency. Enter and save that cat right now
[OREGON] My tenant/roommate has been missing for 3 weeks and his employer stopped by, wondering where he is. His cat is going crazy in his room, will probably die soon, I need advice on how to proceed. I live in a room shared house (2 stories, 6 rooms) and also manage the tenants as part of my rent. We have a tenant that hasn’t shown up in 3 weeks, not entirely uncommon, before he got a cat. He’s always been a bit sporadic and tends to take off for days or weeks, occasionally a month at a time but usually lets us know beforehand. Usually, not always. He doesn’t have a phone, so we can’t get ahold of him. His boss stopped by the other day and asked if we’d seen him, he hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks. We let his boss know that we hadn’t seen or heard anything from him in that time either. He also has (had?) a meth problem that I thought we got past, I honestly thought he was dealing for a while because of his constant coming and going, all hours of the day and night. And disappearing for days at a time is pretty common tweaker behavior. Also, constantly giving rides to shady characters that we sometimes met. Not to mention he’s had all four of his tires slashed, twice. So maybe this time he pissed off the wrong people and got buried in the woods? IDK My question is; He has a (now currently dying) cat in his room. How do I go about gaining entry to his room? Do I call the police and have them perform a welfare check? Knowing full well he isn’t home. Do I file a missing persons report? I am at a loss here and have no idea how to proceed and stay within legal landlord parameters. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE CAT!!! TIME IS LIMITED BEFORE IT DIES!!! Also, I do NOT need advice on evictions. I am fully aware of tenant law regarding that and have plenty of court experience. This missing person stuff is new territory, please only offer advice regarding how to save the cat. That is all I care about at the moment. Thank you.
Open the door to his room, feed it, give it water, give it a litter box. He has been gone a while, you can file a missing person's report.
Just open the door. You said it's unlocked. Literally open the door and let the cat out. No one is going to be able to provide you a legal source that says "yes ihateflyingthings, you can legally save a cat in this specific situation". Save the cat. Stop living with tweakers.
[OREGON] My tenant/roommate has been missing for 3 weeks and his employer stopped by, wondering where he is. His cat is going crazy in his room, will probably die soon, I need advice on how to proceed. I live in a room shared house (2 stories, 6 rooms) and also manage the tenants as part of my rent. We have a tenant that hasn’t shown up in 3 weeks, not entirely uncommon, before he got a cat. He’s always been a bit sporadic and tends to take off for days or weeks, occasionally a month at a time but usually lets us know beforehand. Usually, not always. He doesn’t have a phone, so we can’t get ahold of him. His boss stopped by the other day and asked if we’d seen him, he hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks. We let his boss know that we hadn’t seen or heard anything from him in that time either. He also has (had?) a meth problem that I thought we got past, I honestly thought he was dealing for a while because of his constant coming and going, all hours of the day and night. And disappearing for days at a time is pretty common tweaker behavior. Also, constantly giving rides to shady characters that we sometimes met. Not to mention he’s had all four of his tires slashed, twice. So maybe this time he pissed off the wrong people and got buried in the woods? IDK My question is; He has a (now currently dying) cat in his room. How do I go about gaining entry to his room? Do I call the police and have them perform a welfare check? Knowing full well he isn’t home. Do I file a missing persons report? I am at a loss here and have no idea how to proceed and stay within legal landlord parameters. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE CAT!!! TIME IS LIMITED BEFORE IT DIES!!! Also, I do NOT need advice on evictions. I am fully aware of tenant law regarding that and have plenty of court experience. This missing person stuff is new territory, please only offer advice regarding how to save the cat. That is all I care about at the moment. Thank you.
This may sound like a dumb question but how has that cat survived for 3 weeks already? Could someone else be stopping by?
Just open the door. You said it's unlocked. Literally open the door and let the cat out. No one is going to be able to provide you a legal source that says "yes ihateflyingthings, you can legally save a cat in this specific situation". Save the cat. Stop living with tweakers.
[OREGON] My tenant/roommate has been missing for 3 weeks and his employer stopped by, wondering where he is. His cat is going crazy in his room, will probably die soon, I need advice on how to proceed. I live in a room shared house (2 stories, 6 rooms) and also manage the tenants as part of my rent. We have a tenant that hasn’t shown up in 3 weeks, not entirely uncommon, before he got a cat. He’s always been a bit sporadic and tends to take off for days or weeks, occasionally a month at a time but usually lets us know beforehand. Usually, not always. He doesn’t have a phone, so we can’t get ahold of him. His boss stopped by the other day and asked if we’d seen him, he hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks. We let his boss know that we hadn’t seen or heard anything from him in that time either. He also has (had?) a meth problem that I thought we got past, I honestly thought he was dealing for a while because of his constant coming and going, all hours of the day and night. And disappearing for days at a time is pretty common tweaker behavior. Also, constantly giving rides to shady characters that we sometimes met. Not to mention he’s had all four of his tires slashed, twice. So maybe this time he pissed off the wrong people and got buried in the woods? IDK My question is; He has a (now currently dying) cat in his room. How do I go about gaining entry to his room? Do I call the police and have them perform a welfare check? Knowing full well he isn’t home. Do I file a missing persons report? I am at a loss here and have no idea how to proceed and stay within legal landlord parameters. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE CAT!!! TIME IS LIMITED BEFORE IT DIES!!! Also, I do NOT need advice on evictions. I am fully aware of tenant law regarding that and have plenty of court experience. This missing person stuff is new territory, please only offer advice regarding how to save the cat. That is all I care about at the moment. Thank you.
Just open the door. You said it's unlocked. Literally open the door and let the cat out. No one is going to be able to provide you a legal source that says "yes ihateflyingthings, you can legally save a cat in this specific situation". Save the cat. Stop living with tweakers.
Assuming this is accurate, the only person who would complain would be your roomate. Just kick down the door and feed the cat.
[OREGON] My tenant/roommate has been missing for 3 weeks and his employer stopped by, wondering where he is. His cat is going crazy in his room, will probably die soon, I need advice on how to proceed. I live in a room shared house (2 stories, 6 rooms) and also manage the tenants as part of my rent. We have a tenant that hasn’t shown up in 3 weeks, not entirely uncommon, before he got a cat. He’s always been a bit sporadic and tends to take off for days or weeks, occasionally a month at a time but usually lets us know beforehand. Usually, not always. He doesn’t have a phone, so we can’t get ahold of him. His boss stopped by the other day and asked if we’d seen him, he hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks. We let his boss know that we hadn’t seen or heard anything from him in that time either. He also has (had?) a meth problem that I thought we got past, I honestly thought he was dealing for a while because of his constant coming and going, all hours of the day and night. And disappearing for days at a time is pretty common tweaker behavior. Also, constantly giving rides to shady characters that we sometimes met. Not to mention he’s had all four of his tires slashed, twice. So maybe this time he pissed off the wrong people and got buried in the woods? IDK My question is; He has a (now currently dying) cat in his room. How do I go about gaining entry to his room? Do I call the police and have them perform a welfare check? Knowing full well he isn’t home. Do I file a missing persons report? I am at a loss here and have no idea how to proceed and stay within legal landlord parameters. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE CAT!!! TIME IS LIMITED BEFORE IT DIES!!! Also, I do NOT need advice on evictions. I am fully aware of tenant law regarding that and have plenty of court experience. This missing person stuff is new territory, please only offer advice regarding how to save the cat. That is all I care about at the moment. Thank you.
Call the police, inform them you believe that the animal is in danger, ask them if you or them can enter his room, be sure to express that it is unlike your tenant to leave the cat alone so long and you'd like to file a missing persons report is you are able to.
Just open the door. You said it's unlocked. Literally open the door and let the cat out. No one is going to be able to provide you a legal source that says "yes ihateflyingthings, you can legally save a cat in this specific situation". Save the cat. Stop living with tweakers.
[OREGON] My tenant/roommate has been missing for 3 weeks and his employer stopped by, wondering where he is. His cat is going crazy in his room, will probably die soon, I need advice on how to proceed. I live in a room shared house (2 stories, 6 rooms) and also manage the tenants as part of my rent. We have a tenant that hasn’t shown up in 3 weeks, not entirely uncommon, before he got a cat. He’s always been a bit sporadic and tends to take off for days or weeks, occasionally a month at a time but usually lets us know beforehand. Usually, not always. He doesn’t have a phone, so we can’t get ahold of him. His boss stopped by the other day and asked if we’d seen him, he hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks. We let his boss know that we hadn’t seen or heard anything from him in that time either. He also has (had?) a meth problem that I thought we got past, I honestly thought he was dealing for a while because of his constant coming and going, all hours of the day and night. And disappearing for days at a time is pretty common tweaker behavior. Also, constantly giving rides to shady characters that we sometimes met. Not to mention he’s had all four of his tires slashed, twice. So maybe this time he pissed off the wrong people and got buried in the woods? IDK My question is; He has a (now currently dying) cat in his room. How do I go about gaining entry to his room? Do I call the police and have them perform a welfare check? Knowing full well he isn’t home. Do I file a missing persons report? I am at a loss here and have no idea how to proceed and stay within legal landlord parameters. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE CAT!!! TIME IS LIMITED BEFORE IT DIES!!! Also, I do NOT need advice on evictions. I am fully aware of tenant law regarding that and have plenty of court experience. This missing person stuff is new territory, please only offer advice regarding how to save the cat. That is all I care about at the moment. Thank you.
Just open the door. You said it's unlocked. Literally open the door and let the cat out. No one is going to be able to provide you a legal source that says "yes ihateflyingthings, you can legally save a cat in this specific situation". Save the cat. Stop living with tweakers.
There honestly has to be some sort of loophole for the welfare of the animal. If all else fails for the sake of the cat contact your local Humane Law Enforcement they should have the right to enter for the animals safety, I'm not sure what state you're in but here is a list of states and what legal actions humane officers can take.
[OREGON] My tenant/roommate has been missing for 3 weeks and his employer stopped by, wondering where he is. His cat is going crazy in his room, will probably die soon, I need advice on how to proceed. I live in a room shared house (2 stories, 6 rooms) and also manage the tenants as part of my rent. We have a tenant that hasn’t shown up in 3 weeks, not entirely uncommon, before he got a cat. He’s always been a bit sporadic and tends to take off for days or weeks, occasionally a month at a time but usually lets us know beforehand. Usually, not always. He doesn’t have a phone, so we can’t get ahold of him. His boss stopped by the other day and asked if we’d seen him, he hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks. We let his boss know that we hadn’t seen or heard anything from him in that time either. He also has (had?) a meth problem that I thought we got past, I honestly thought he was dealing for a while because of his constant coming and going, all hours of the day and night. And disappearing for days at a time is pretty common tweaker behavior. Also, constantly giving rides to shady characters that we sometimes met. Not to mention he’s had all four of his tires slashed, twice. So maybe this time he pissed off the wrong people and got buried in the woods? IDK My question is; He has a (now currently dying) cat in his room. How do I go about gaining entry to his room? Do I call the police and have them perform a welfare check? Knowing full well he isn’t home. Do I file a missing persons report? I am at a loss here and have no idea how to proceed and stay within legal landlord parameters. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE CAT!!! TIME IS LIMITED BEFORE IT DIES!!! Also, I do NOT need advice on evictions. I am fully aware of tenant law regarding that and have plenty of court experience. This missing person stuff is new territory, please only offer advice regarding how to save the cat. That is all I care about at the moment. Thank you.
65 In cases of emergency you can enter without notice. This is an emergency. Enter and save that cat right now
Open the door to his room, feed it, give it water, give it a litter box. He has been gone a while, you can file a missing person's report.
[OREGON] My tenant/roommate has been missing for 3 weeks and his employer stopped by, wondering where he is. His cat is going crazy in his room, will probably die soon, I need advice on how to proceed. I live in a room shared house (2 stories, 6 rooms) and also manage the tenants as part of my rent. We have a tenant that hasn’t shown up in 3 weeks, not entirely uncommon, before he got a cat. He’s always been a bit sporadic and tends to take off for days or weeks, occasionally a month at a time but usually lets us know beforehand. Usually, not always. He doesn’t have a phone, so we can’t get ahold of him. His boss stopped by the other day and asked if we’d seen him, he hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks. We let his boss know that we hadn’t seen or heard anything from him in that time either. He also has (had?) a meth problem that I thought we got past, I honestly thought he was dealing for a while because of his constant coming and going, all hours of the day and night. And disappearing for days at a time is pretty common tweaker behavior. Also, constantly giving rides to shady characters that we sometimes met. Not to mention he’s had all four of his tires slashed, twice. So maybe this time he pissed off the wrong people and got buried in the woods? IDK My question is; He has a (now currently dying) cat in his room. How do I go about gaining entry to his room? Do I call the police and have them perform a welfare check? Knowing full well he isn’t home. Do I file a missing persons report? I am at a loss here and have no idea how to proceed and stay within legal landlord parameters. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE CAT!!! TIME IS LIMITED BEFORE IT DIES!!! Also, I do NOT need advice on evictions. I am fully aware of tenant law regarding that and have plenty of court experience. This missing person stuff is new territory, please only offer advice regarding how to save the cat. That is all I care about at the moment. Thank you.
52 In cases of emergency you can enter without notice. This is an emergency. Enter and save that cat right now
This may sound like a dumb question but how has that cat survived for 3 weeks already? Could someone else be stopping by?
[OREGON] My tenant/roommate has been missing for 3 weeks and his employer stopped by, wondering where he is. His cat is going crazy in his room, will probably die soon, I need advice on how to proceed. I live in a room shared house (2 stories, 6 rooms) and also manage the tenants as part of my rent. We have a tenant that hasn’t shown up in 3 weeks, not entirely uncommon, before he got a cat. He’s always been a bit sporadic and tends to take off for days or weeks, occasionally a month at a time but usually lets us know beforehand. Usually, not always. He doesn’t have a phone, so we can’t get ahold of him. His boss stopped by the other day and asked if we’d seen him, he hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks. We let his boss know that we hadn’t seen or heard anything from him in that time either. He also has (had?) a meth problem that I thought we got past, I honestly thought he was dealing for a while because of his constant coming and going, all hours of the day and night. And disappearing for days at a time is pretty common tweaker behavior. Also, constantly giving rides to shady characters that we sometimes met. Not to mention he’s had all four of his tires slashed, twice. So maybe this time he pissed off the wrong people and got buried in the woods? IDK My question is; He has a (now currently dying) cat in his room. How do I go about gaining entry to his room? Do I call the police and have them perform a welfare check? Knowing full well he isn’t home. Do I file a missing persons report? I am at a loss here and have no idea how to proceed and stay within legal landlord parameters. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE CAT!!! TIME IS LIMITED BEFORE IT DIES!!! Also, I do NOT need advice on evictions. I am fully aware of tenant law regarding that and have plenty of court experience. This missing person stuff is new territory, please only offer advice regarding how to save the cat. That is all I care about at the moment. Thank you.
Call the police, inform them you believe that the animal is in danger, ask them if you or them can enter his room, be sure to express that it is unlike your tenant to leave the cat alone so long and you'd like to file a missing persons report is you are able to. In cases of emergency you can enter without notice. This is an emergency. Enter and save that cat right now
[OREGON] My tenant/roommate has been missing for 3 weeks and his employer stopped by, wondering where he is. His cat is going crazy in his room, will probably die soon, I need advice on how to proceed. I live in a room shared house (2 stories, 6 rooms) and also manage the tenants as part of my rent. We have a tenant that hasn’t shown up in 3 weeks, not entirely uncommon, before he got a cat. He’s always been a bit sporadic and tends to take off for days or weeks, occasionally a month at a time but usually lets us know beforehand. Usually, not always. He doesn’t have a phone, so we can’t get ahold of him. His boss stopped by the other day and asked if we’d seen him, he hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks. We let his boss know that we hadn’t seen or heard anything from him in that time either. He also has (had?) a meth problem that I thought we got past, I honestly thought he was dealing for a while because of his constant coming and going, all hours of the day and night. And disappearing for days at a time is pretty common tweaker behavior. Also, constantly giving rides to shady characters that we sometimes met. Not to mention he’s had all four of his tires slashed, twice. So maybe this time he pissed off the wrong people and got buried in the woods? IDK My question is; He has a (now currently dying) cat in his room. How do I go about gaining entry to his room? Do I call the police and have them perform a welfare check? Knowing full well he isn’t home. Do I file a missing persons report? I am at a loss here and have no idea how to proceed and stay within legal landlord parameters. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE CAT!!! TIME IS LIMITED BEFORE IT DIES!!! Also, I do NOT need advice on evictions. I am fully aware of tenant law regarding that and have plenty of court experience. This missing person stuff is new territory, please only offer advice regarding how to save the cat. That is all I care about at the moment. Thank you.
This may sound like a dumb question but how has that cat survived for 3 weeks already? Could someone else be stopping by?
Open the door to his room, feed it, give it water, give it a litter box. He has been gone a while, you can file a missing person's report.
[OREGON] My tenant/roommate has been missing for 3 weeks and his employer stopped by, wondering where he is. His cat is going crazy in his room, will probably die soon, I need advice on how to proceed. I live in a room shared house (2 stories, 6 rooms) and also manage the tenants as part of my rent. We have a tenant that hasn’t shown up in 3 weeks, not entirely uncommon, before he got a cat. He’s always been a bit sporadic and tends to take off for days or weeks, occasionally a month at a time but usually lets us know beforehand. Usually, not always. He doesn’t have a phone, so we can’t get ahold of him. His boss stopped by the other day and asked if we’d seen him, he hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks. We let his boss know that we hadn’t seen or heard anything from him in that time either. He also has (had?) a meth problem that I thought we got past, I honestly thought he was dealing for a while because of his constant coming and going, all hours of the day and night. And disappearing for days at a time is pretty common tweaker behavior. Also, constantly giving rides to shady characters that we sometimes met. Not to mention he’s had all four of his tires slashed, twice. So maybe this time he pissed off the wrong people and got buried in the woods? IDK My question is; He has a (now currently dying) cat in his room. How do I go about gaining entry to his room? Do I call the police and have them perform a welfare check? Knowing full well he isn’t home. Do I file a missing persons report? I am at a loss here and have no idea how to proceed and stay within legal landlord parameters. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE CAT!!! TIME IS LIMITED BEFORE IT DIES!!! Also, I do NOT need advice on evictions. I am fully aware of tenant law regarding that and have plenty of court experience. This missing person stuff is new territory, please only offer advice regarding how to save the cat. That is all I care about at the moment. Thank you.
Assuming this is accurate, the only person who would complain would be your roomate. Just kick down the door and feed the cat.
Call the police, inform them you believe that the animal is in danger, ask them if you or them can enter his room, be sure to express that it is unlike your tenant to leave the cat alone so long and you'd like to file a missing persons report is you are able to.
[OREGON] My tenant/roommate has been missing for 3 weeks and his employer stopped by, wondering where he is. His cat is going crazy in his room, will probably die soon, I need advice on how to proceed. I live in a room shared house (2 stories, 6 rooms) and also manage the tenants as part of my rent. We have a tenant that hasn’t shown up in 3 weeks, not entirely uncommon, before he got a cat. He’s always been a bit sporadic and tends to take off for days or weeks, occasionally a month at a time but usually lets us know beforehand. Usually, not always. He doesn’t have a phone, so we can’t get ahold of him. His boss stopped by the other day and asked if we’d seen him, he hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks. We let his boss know that we hadn’t seen or heard anything from him in that time either. He also has (had?) a meth problem that I thought we got past, I honestly thought he was dealing for a while because of his constant coming and going, all hours of the day and night. And disappearing for days at a time is pretty common tweaker behavior. Also, constantly giving rides to shady characters that we sometimes met. Not to mention he’s had all four of his tires slashed, twice. So maybe this time he pissed off the wrong people and got buried in the woods? IDK My question is; He has a (now currently dying) cat in his room. How do I go about gaining entry to his room? Do I call the police and have them perform a welfare check? Knowing full well he isn’t home. Do I file a missing persons report? I am at a loss here and have no idea how to proceed and stay within legal landlord parameters. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE CAT!!! TIME IS LIMITED BEFORE IT DIES!!! Also, I do NOT need advice on evictions. I am fully aware of tenant law regarding that and have plenty of court experience. This missing person stuff is new territory, please only offer advice regarding how to save the cat. That is all I care about at the moment. Thank you.
Call the police, inform them you believe that the animal is in danger, ask them if you or them can enter his room, be sure to express that it is unlike your tenant to leave the cat alone so long and you'd like to file a missing persons report is you are able to.
Did you open the fucking door
[OREGON] My tenant/roommate has been missing for 3 weeks and his employer stopped by, wondering where he is. His cat is going crazy in his room, will probably die soon, I need advice on how to proceed. I live in a room shared house (2 stories, 6 rooms) and also manage the tenants as part of my rent. We have a tenant that hasn’t shown up in 3 weeks, not entirely uncommon, before he got a cat. He’s always been a bit sporadic and tends to take off for days or weeks, occasionally a month at a time but usually lets us know beforehand. Usually, not always. He doesn’t have a phone, so we can’t get ahold of him. His boss stopped by the other day and asked if we’d seen him, he hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks. We let his boss know that we hadn’t seen or heard anything from him in that time either. He also has (had?) a meth problem that I thought we got past, I honestly thought he was dealing for a while because of his constant coming and going, all hours of the day and night. And disappearing for days at a time is pretty common tweaker behavior. Also, constantly giving rides to shady characters that we sometimes met. Not to mention he’s had all four of his tires slashed, twice. So maybe this time he pissed off the wrong people and got buried in the woods? IDK My question is; He has a (now currently dying) cat in his room. How do I go about gaining entry to his room? Do I call the police and have them perform a welfare check? Knowing full well he isn’t home. Do I file a missing persons report? I am at a loss here and have no idea how to proceed and stay within legal landlord parameters. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE CAT!!! TIME IS LIMITED BEFORE IT DIES!!! Also, I do NOT need advice on evictions. I am fully aware of tenant law regarding that and have plenty of court experience. This missing person stuff is new territory, please only offer advice regarding how to save the cat. That is all I care about at the moment. Thank you.
Did you open the fucking door
Did you decide to open the door and save the cat? I mean, seriously, what is the worst that is going to happen? The roommate comes home and you are like "Hey asshole, your cat almost died so I opened the door and let it out"?
[OREGON] My tenant/roommate has been missing for 3 weeks and his employer stopped by, wondering where he is. His cat is going crazy in his room, will probably die soon, I need advice on how to proceed. I live in a room shared house (2 stories, 6 rooms) and also manage the tenants as part of my rent. We have a tenant that hasn’t shown up in 3 weeks, not entirely uncommon, before he got a cat. He’s always been a bit sporadic and tends to take off for days or weeks, occasionally a month at a time but usually lets us know beforehand. Usually, not always. He doesn’t have a phone, so we can’t get ahold of him. His boss stopped by the other day and asked if we’d seen him, he hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks. We let his boss know that we hadn’t seen or heard anything from him in that time either. He also has (had?) a meth problem that I thought we got past, I honestly thought he was dealing for a while because of his constant coming and going, all hours of the day and night. And disappearing for days at a time is pretty common tweaker behavior. Also, constantly giving rides to shady characters that we sometimes met. Not to mention he’s had all four of his tires slashed, twice. So maybe this time he pissed off the wrong people and got buried in the woods? IDK My question is; He has a (now currently dying) cat in his room. How do I go about gaining entry to his room? Do I call the police and have them perform a welfare check? Knowing full well he isn’t home. Do I file a missing persons report? I am at a loss here and have no idea how to proceed and stay within legal landlord parameters. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE CAT!!! TIME IS LIMITED BEFORE IT DIES!!! Also, I do NOT need advice on evictions. I am fully aware of tenant law regarding that and have plenty of court experience. This missing person stuff is new territory, please only offer advice regarding how to save the cat. That is all I care about at the moment. Thank you.
There honestly has to be some sort of loophole for the welfare of the animal. If all else fails for the sake of the cat contact your local Humane Law Enforcement they should have the right to enter for the animals safety, I'm not sure what state you're in but here is a list of states and what legal actions humane officers can take.
Did you open the fucking door
[OREGON] My tenant/roommate has been missing for 3 weeks and his employer stopped by, wondering where he is. His cat is going crazy in his room, will probably die soon, I need advice on how to proceed. I live in a room shared house (2 stories, 6 rooms) and also manage the tenants as part of my rent. We have a tenant that hasn’t shown up in 3 weeks, not entirely uncommon, before he got a cat. He’s always been a bit sporadic and tends to take off for days or weeks, occasionally a month at a time but usually lets us know beforehand. Usually, not always. He doesn’t have a phone, so we can’t get ahold of him. His boss stopped by the other day and asked if we’d seen him, he hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks. We let his boss know that we hadn’t seen or heard anything from him in that time either. He also has (had?) a meth problem that I thought we got past, I honestly thought he was dealing for a while because of his constant coming and going, all hours of the day and night. And disappearing for days at a time is pretty common tweaker behavior. Also, constantly giving rides to shady characters that we sometimes met. Not to mention he’s had all four of his tires slashed, twice. So maybe this time he pissed off the wrong people and got buried in the woods? IDK My question is; He has a (now currently dying) cat in his room. How do I go about gaining entry to his room? Do I call the police and have them perform a welfare check? Knowing full well he isn’t home. Do I file a missing persons report? I am at a loss here and have no idea how to proceed and stay within legal landlord parameters. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE CAT!!! TIME IS LIMITED BEFORE IT DIES!!! Also, I do NOT need advice on evictions. I am fully aware of tenant law regarding that and have plenty of court experience. This missing person stuff is new territory, please only offer advice regarding how to save the cat. That is all I care about at the moment. Thank you.
There honestly has to be some sort of loophole for the welfare of the animal. If all else fails for the sake of the cat contact your local Humane Law Enforcement they should have the right to enter for the animals safety, I'm not sure what state you're in but here is a list of states and what legal actions humane officers can take.
Did you decide to open the door and save the cat? I mean, seriously, what is the worst that is going to happen? The roommate comes home and you are like "Hey asshole, your cat almost died so I opened the door and let it out"?
Are public schools really allowed to make students pay them to get an education? PA I am a high school senior about to graduate. At the end of last year, my guidance counselor told me I was required to take five AP classes, that it was “school policy” for students to be in the highest class level they could, and my grades qualified me for the highest class level, AP. I told him that I couldn’t afford ONE AP test, let alone five, and that that was why I had refused to sign up for AP classes for the past two years. He told me that I could take the class but not take the exam, which sounded great so I signed up for all five. When it came time for the tests I told my teachers that I wasn’t taking the tests because I couldn’t afford them, and they told me that I was required to take the tests, that it was school policy. There was so much back and forth about it that I ended up in the principal’s office arguing with her. She told me that since I have proof of being a low income student (free lunches $$) they could get my fees waived. So they didn’t make me pay upfront, and I took all five tests. Now that graduation is a week away, the school is trying to get everyone to settle their “accounts” with the school and pay for lost textbooks and whatnot. If you don’t pay, you don’t get to graduate. I thought it was a mistake when I got a bill for almost five hundred dollars, but the school is now telling me that my fees WEREN’T waived and I’m responsible for paying for them. They won’t tell me why my fees weren’t waived, so I’m pretty sure at this point that they fucked up somewhere, that I was told the wrong information and now they’re trying to cover their asses. I don’t have five hundred dollars. My mom doesn’t have five hundred dollars, which I thought was pretty obvious since I’ve been on free lunch since kindergarten. But now apparently my diploma will be withheld if I don’t pay up. I’m supposed to be going to college in August, so I’m obviously not ok with that. My mom and I have both talked to everyone at the school who’ll listen to us, but they just keep saying it’s my fault and I have to pay up. My only option at this point is going to one of those CASH MONEY NOW CASH CASH CASHCASHCASH loan places, which will really chap my ass but apparently is the only way I can graduate next week. So now I’m wondering if this is even legal. It’s a PUBLIC school, isn’t my education supposed to be free? I know that someone has to pay for the tests, I’m not one of those people trying to get something for nothing. But it doesn’t seem right that they REQUIRED me to take five AP classes and then REQUIRED me to take the tests and REQUIRED me to run up a five hundred dollar bill. I think they should eat the cost of the tests, since I got wrong information from two separate administrators. Can a public school really charge me this much money just for doing what I was told I had to do to get my education? Tl;dr: School told me I was required to take five AP classes I tested into. Then they told me I was also required to take the AP tests, and that my AP test fees would be waived since I'm poor, but now they're saying I have to pay for them to graduate. Can public schools really have a school policy that force students to pay tons of money?
> She told me that since I have proof of being a low income student (free lunches $$) they could get my fees waived. You need to talk to the principal and get it waived in the system. Don't bother to talk to anyone else.
Tell them you're willing to go to the School Board and complain as well. PA Legal Aid may also be able to help you for free.
Are public schools really allowed to make students pay them to get an education? PA I am a high school senior about to graduate. At the end of last year, my guidance counselor told me I was required to take five AP classes, that it was “school policy” for students to be in the highest class level they could, and my grades qualified me for the highest class level, AP. I told him that I couldn’t afford ONE AP test, let alone five, and that that was why I had refused to sign up for AP classes for the past two years. He told me that I could take the class but not take the exam, which sounded great so I signed up for all five. When it came time for the tests I told my teachers that I wasn’t taking the tests because I couldn’t afford them, and they told me that I was required to take the tests, that it was school policy. There was so much back and forth about it that I ended up in the principal’s office arguing with her. She told me that since I have proof of being a low income student (free lunches $$) they could get my fees waived. So they didn’t make me pay upfront, and I took all five tests. Now that graduation is a week away, the school is trying to get everyone to settle their “accounts” with the school and pay for lost textbooks and whatnot. If you don’t pay, you don’t get to graduate. I thought it was a mistake when I got a bill for almost five hundred dollars, but the school is now telling me that my fees WEREN’T waived and I’m responsible for paying for them. They won’t tell me why my fees weren’t waived, so I’m pretty sure at this point that they fucked up somewhere, that I was told the wrong information and now they’re trying to cover their asses. I don’t have five hundred dollars. My mom doesn’t have five hundred dollars, which I thought was pretty obvious since I’ve been on free lunch since kindergarten. But now apparently my diploma will be withheld if I don’t pay up. I’m supposed to be going to college in August, so I’m obviously not ok with that. My mom and I have both talked to everyone at the school who’ll listen to us, but they just keep saying it’s my fault and I have to pay up. My only option at this point is going to one of those CASH MONEY NOW CASH CASH CASHCASHCASH loan places, which will really chap my ass but apparently is the only way I can graduate next week. So now I’m wondering if this is even legal. It’s a PUBLIC school, isn’t my education supposed to be free? I know that someone has to pay for the tests, I’m not one of those people trying to get something for nothing. But it doesn’t seem right that they REQUIRED me to take five AP classes and then REQUIRED me to take the tests and REQUIRED me to run up a five hundred dollar bill. I think they should eat the cost of the tests, since I got wrong information from two separate administrators. Can a public school really charge me this much money just for doing what I was told I had to do to get my education? Tl;dr: School told me I was required to take five AP classes I tested into. Then they told me I was also required to take the AP tests, and that my AP test fees would be waived since I'm poor, but now they're saying I have to pay for them to graduate. Can public schools really have a school policy that force students to pay tons of money?
DO NOT ENTERTAIN THOSE PAYDAY LOANS! It will be the worst decision of your life.
> She told me that since I have proof of being a low income student (free lunches $$) they could get my fees waived. You need to talk to the principal and get it waived in the system. Don't bother to talk to anyone else.
Are public schools really allowed to make students pay them to get an education? PA I am a high school senior about to graduate. At the end of last year, my guidance counselor told me I was required to take five AP classes, that it was “school policy” for students to be in the highest class level they could, and my grades qualified me for the highest class level, AP. I told him that I couldn’t afford ONE AP test, let alone five, and that that was why I had refused to sign up for AP classes for the past two years. He told me that I could take the class but not take the exam, which sounded great so I signed up for all five. When it came time for the tests I told my teachers that I wasn’t taking the tests because I couldn’t afford them, and they told me that I was required to take the tests, that it was school policy. There was so much back and forth about it that I ended up in the principal’s office arguing with her. She told me that since I have proof of being a low income student (free lunches $$) they could get my fees waived. So they didn’t make me pay upfront, and I took all five tests. Now that graduation is a week away, the school is trying to get everyone to settle their “accounts” with the school and pay for lost textbooks and whatnot. If you don’t pay, you don’t get to graduate. I thought it was a mistake when I got a bill for almost five hundred dollars, but the school is now telling me that my fees WEREN’T waived and I’m responsible for paying for them. They won’t tell me why my fees weren’t waived, so I’m pretty sure at this point that they fucked up somewhere, that I was told the wrong information and now they’re trying to cover their asses. I don’t have five hundred dollars. My mom doesn’t have five hundred dollars, which I thought was pretty obvious since I’ve been on free lunch since kindergarten. But now apparently my diploma will be withheld if I don’t pay up. I’m supposed to be going to college in August, so I’m obviously not ok with that. My mom and I have both talked to everyone at the school who’ll listen to us, but they just keep saying it’s my fault and I have to pay up. My only option at this point is going to one of those CASH MONEY NOW CASH CASH CASHCASHCASH loan places, which will really chap my ass but apparently is the only way I can graduate next week. So now I’m wondering if this is even legal. It’s a PUBLIC school, isn’t my education supposed to be free? I know that someone has to pay for the tests, I’m not one of those people trying to get something for nothing. But it doesn’t seem right that they REQUIRED me to take five AP classes and then REQUIRED me to take the tests and REQUIRED me to run up a five hundred dollar bill. I think they should eat the cost of the tests, since I got wrong information from two separate administrators. Can a public school really charge me this much money just for doing what I was told I had to do to get my education? Tl;dr: School told me I was required to take five AP classes I tested into. Then they told me I was also required to take the AP tests, and that my AP test fees would be waived since I'm poor, but now they're saying I have to pay for them to graduate. Can public schools really have a school policy that force students to pay tons of money?
When you say graduate, do you mean "certify that I have completed course work" or "let me walk across stage?" Either way go to school board about fees.
DO NOT ENTERTAIN THOSE PAYDAY LOANS! It will be the worst decision of your life.
Are public schools really allowed to make students pay them to get an education? PA I am a high school senior about to graduate. At the end of last year, my guidance counselor told me I was required to take five AP classes, that it was “school policy” for students to be in the highest class level they could, and my grades qualified me for the highest class level, AP. I told him that I couldn’t afford ONE AP test, let alone five, and that that was why I had refused to sign up for AP classes for the past two years. He told me that I could take the class but not take the exam, which sounded great so I signed up for all five. When it came time for the tests I told my teachers that I wasn’t taking the tests because I couldn’t afford them, and they told me that I was required to take the tests, that it was school policy. There was so much back and forth about it that I ended up in the principal’s office arguing with her. She told me that since I have proof of being a low income student (free lunches $$) they could get my fees waived. So they didn’t make me pay upfront, and I took all five tests. Now that graduation is a week away, the school is trying to get everyone to settle their “accounts” with the school and pay for lost textbooks and whatnot. If you don’t pay, you don’t get to graduate. I thought it was a mistake when I got a bill for almost five hundred dollars, but the school is now telling me that my fees WEREN’T waived and I’m responsible for paying for them. They won’t tell me why my fees weren’t waived, so I’m pretty sure at this point that they fucked up somewhere, that I was told the wrong information and now they’re trying to cover their asses. I don’t have five hundred dollars. My mom doesn’t have five hundred dollars, which I thought was pretty obvious since I’ve been on free lunch since kindergarten. But now apparently my diploma will be withheld if I don’t pay up. I’m supposed to be going to college in August, so I’m obviously not ok with that. My mom and I have both talked to everyone at the school who’ll listen to us, but they just keep saying it’s my fault and I have to pay up. My only option at this point is going to one of those CASH MONEY NOW CASH CASH CASHCASHCASH loan places, which will really chap my ass but apparently is the only way I can graduate next week. So now I’m wondering if this is even legal. It’s a PUBLIC school, isn’t my education supposed to be free? I know that someone has to pay for the tests, I’m not one of those people trying to get something for nothing. But it doesn’t seem right that they REQUIRED me to take five AP classes and then REQUIRED me to take the tests and REQUIRED me to run up a five hundred dollar bill. I think they should eat the cost of the tests, since I got wrong information from two separate administrators. Can a public school really charge me this much money just for doing what I was told I had to do to get my education? Tl;dr: School told me I was required to take five AP classes I tested into. Then they told me I was also required to take the AP tests, and that my AP test fees would be waived since I'm poor, but now they're saying I have to pay for them to graduate. Can public schools really have a school policy that force students to pay tons of money?
DO NOT ENTERTAIN THOSE PAYDAY LOANS! It will be the worst decision of your life.
As a practical matter, a week is not very long to get this resolved. Perhaps in the meantime as an emergency back up plan you can make arrangements to walk and participate in the graduation ceremony and just get the empty folder with the actual diploma to follow.
Are public schools really allowed to make students pay them to get an education? PA I am a high school senior about to graduate. At the end of last year, my guidance counselor told me I was required to take five AP classes, that it was “school policy” for students to be in the highest class level they could, and my grades qualified me for the highest class level, AP. I told him that I couldn’t afford ONE AP test, let alone five, and that that was why I had refused to sign up for AP classes for the past two years. He told me that I could take the class but not take the exam, which sounded great so I signed up for all five. When it came time for the tests I told my teachers that I wasn’t taking the tests because I couldn’t afford them, and they told me that I was required to take the tests, that it was school policy. There was so much back and forth about it that I ended up in the principal’s office arguing with her. She told me that since I have proof of being a low income student (free lunches $$) they could get my fees waived. So they didn’t make me pay upfront, and I took all five tests. Now that graduation is a week away, the school is trying to get everyone to settle their “accounts” with the school and pay for lost textbooks and whatnot. If you don’t pay, you don’t get to graduate. I thought it was a mistake when I got a bill for almost five hundred dollars, but the school is now telling me that my fees WEREN’T waived and I’m responsible for paying for them. They won’t tell me why my fees weren’t waived, so I’m pretty sure at this point that they fucked up somewhere, that I was told the wrong information and now they’re trying to cover their asses. I don’t have five hundred dollars. My mom doesn’t have five hundred dollars, which I thought was pretty obvious since I’ve been on free lunch since kindergarten. But now apparently my diploma will be withheld if I don’t pay up. I’m supposed to be going to college in August, so I’m obviously not ok with that. My mom and I have both talked to everyone at the school who’ll listen to us, but they just keep saying it’s my fault and I have to pay up. My only option at this point is going to one of those CASH MONEY NOW CASH CASH CASHCASHCASH loan places, which will really chap my ass but apparently is the only way I can graduate next week. So now I’m wondering if this is even legal. It’s a PUBLIC school, isn’t my education supposed to be free? I know that someone has to pay for the tests, I’m not one of those people trying to get something for nothing. But it doesn’t seem right that they REQUIRED me to take five AP classes and then REQUIRED me to take the tests and REQUIRED me to run up a five hundred dollar bill. I think they should eat the cost of the tests, since I got wrong information from two separate administrators. Can a public school really charge me this much money just for doing what I was told I had to do to get my education? Tl;dr: School told me I was required to take five AP classes I tested into. Then they told me I was also required to take the AP tests, and that my AP test fees would be waived since I'm poor, but now they're saying I have to pay for them to graduate. Can public schools really have a school policy that force students to pay tons of money?
If the school board/superintendent isn't helpful try contacting your state representatives and state board of education.
DO NOT ENTERTAIN THOSE PAYDAY LOANS! It will be the worst decision of your life.
Are public schools really allowed to make students pay them to get an education? PA I am a high school senior about to graduate. At the end of last year, my guidance counselor told me I was required to take five AP classes, that it was “school policy” for students to be in the highest class level they could, and my grades qualified me for the highest class level, AP. I told him that I couldn’t afford ONE AP test, let alone five, and that that was why I had refused to sign up for AP classes for the past two years. He told me that I could take the class but not take the exam, which sounded great so I signed up for all five. When it came time for the tests I told my teachers that I wasn’t taking the tests because I couldn’t afford them, and they told me that I was required to take the tests, that it was school policy. There was so much back and forth about it that I ended up in the principal’s office arguing with her. She told me that since I have proof of being a low income student (free lunches $$) they could get my fees waived. So they didn’t make me pay upfront, and I took all five tests. Now that graduation is a week away, the school is trying to get everyone to settle their “accounts” with the school and pay for lost textbooks and whatnot. If you don’t pay, you don’t get to graduate. I thought it was a mistake when I got a bill for almost five hundred dollars, but the school is now telling me that my fees WEREN’T waived and I’m responsible for paying for them. They won’t tell me why my fees weren’t waived, so I’m pretty sure at this point that they fucked up somewhere, that I was told the wrong information and now they’re trying to cover their asses. I don’t have five hundred dollars. My mom doesn’t have five hundred dollars, which I thought was pretty obvious since I’ve been on free lunch since kindergarten. But now apparently my diploma will be withheld if I don’t pay up. I’m supposed to be going to college in August, so I’m obviously not ok with that. My mom and I have both talked to everyone at the school who’ll listen to us, but they just keep saying it’s my fault and I have to pay up. My only option at this point is going to one of those CASH MONEY NOW CASH CASH CASHCASHCASH loan places, which will really chap my ass but apparently is the only way I can graduate next week. So now I’m wondering if this is even legal. It’s a PUBLIC school, isn’t my education supposed to be free? I know that someone has to pay for the tests, I’m not one of those people trying to get something for nothing. But it doesn’t seem right that they REQUIRED me to take five AP classes and then REQUIRED me to take the tests and REQUIRED me to run up a five hundred dollar bill. I think they should eat the cost of the tests, since I got wrong information from two separate administrators. Can a public school really charge me this much money just for doing what I was told I had to do to get my education? Tl;dr: School told me I was required to take five AP classes I tested into. Then they told me I was also required to take the AP tests, and that my AP test fees would be waived since I'm poor, but now they're saying I have to pay for them to graduate. Can public schools really have a school policy that force students to pay tons of money?
When you say graduate, do you mean "certify that I have completed course work" or "let me walk across stage?" Either way go to school board about fees.
Assuming you're not in Pittsburgh or Philadelphia, nearly all of the school districts in Pennsylvania are quite small. Don't wait to go to a school board meeting to complain. Look online and find the email addresses for the school board representative for your area and email him or her. My mom was on the school board for one of those small districts for something like 20 years, and she could get most people's administrative problems solved pretty quickly. Now, if you are unfortunate enough to be in one of the few large districts in Pennsylvania, you probably just have to work your way up the ladder.
Are public schools really allowed to make students pay them to get an education? PA I am a high school senior about to graduate. At the end of last year, my guidance counselor told me I was required to take five AP classes, that it was “school policy” for students to be in the highest class level they could, and my grades qualified me for the highest class level, AP. I told him that I couldn’t afford ONE AP test, let alone five, and that that was why I had refused to sign up for AP classes for the past two years. He told me that I could take the class but not take the exam, which sounded great so I signed up for all five. When it came time for the tests I told my teachers that I wasn’t taking the tests because I couldn’t afford them, and they told me that I was required to take the tests, that it was school policy. There was so much back and forth about it that I ended up in the principal’s office arguing with her. She told me that since I have proof of being a low income student (free lunches $$) they could get my fees waived. So they didn’t make me pay upfront, and I took all five tests. Now that graduation is a week away, the school is trying to get everyone to settle their “accounts” with the school and pay for lost textbooks and whatnot. If you don’t pay, you don’t get to graduate. I thought it was a mistake when I got a bill for almost five hundred dollars, but the school is now telling me that my fees WEREN’T waived and I’m responsible for paying for them. They won’t tell me why my fees weren’t waived, so I’m pretty sure at this point that they fucked up somewhere, that I was told the wrong information and now they’re trying to cover their asses. I don’t have five hundred dollars. My mom doesn’t have five hundred dollars, which I thought was pretty obvious since I’ve been on free lunch since kindergarten. But now apparently my diploma will be withheld if I don’t pay up. I’m supposed to be going to college in August, so I’m obviously not ok with that. My mom and I have both talked to everyone at the school who’ll listen to us, but they just keep saying it’s my fault and I have to pay up. My only option at this point is going to one of those CASH MONEY NOW CASH CASH CASHCASHCASH loan places, which will really chap my ass but apparently is the only way I can graduate next week. So now I’m wondering if this is even legal. It’s a PUBLIC school, isn’t my education supposed to be free? I know that someone has to pay for the tests, I’m not one of those people trying to get something for nothing. But it doesn’t seem right that they REQUIRED me to take five AP classes and then REQUIRED me to take the tests and REQUIRED me to run up a five hundred dollar bill. I think they should eat the cost of the tests, since I got wrong information from two separate administrators. Can a public school really charge me this much money just for doing what I was told I had to do to get my education? Tl;dr: School told me I was required to take five AP classes I tested into. Then they told me I was also required to take the AP tests, and that my AP test fees would be waived since I'm poor, but now they're saying I have to pay for them to graduate. Can public schools really have a school policy that force students to pay tons of money?
Assuming you're not in Pittsburgh or Philadelphia, nearly all of the school districts in Pennsylvania are quite small. Don't wait to go to a school board meeting to complain. Look online and find the email addresses for the school board representative for your area and email him or her. My mom was on the school board for one of those small districts for something like 20 years, and she could get most people's administrative problems solved pretty quickly. Now, if you are unfortunate enough to be in one of the few large districts in Pennsylvania, you probably just have to work your way up the ladder.
As a practical matter, a week is not very long to get this resolved. Perhaps in the meantime as an emergency back up plan you can make arrangements to walk and participate in the graduation ceremony and just get the empty folder with the actual diploma to follow.
Are public schools really allowed to make students pay them to get an education? PA I am a high school senior about to graduate. At the end of last year, my guidance counselor told me I was required to take five AP classes, that it was “school policy” for students to be in the highest class level they could, and my grades qualified me for the highest class level, AP. I told him that I couldn’t afford ONE AP test, let alone five, and that that was why I had refused to sign up for AP classes for the past two years. He told me that I could take the class but not take the exam, which sounded great so I signed up for all five. When it came time for the tests I told my teachers that I wasn’t taking the tests because I couldn’t afford them, and they told me that I was required to take the tests, that it was school policy. There was so much back and forth about it that I ended up in the principal’s office arguing with her. She told me that since I have proof of being a low income student (free lunches $$) they could get my fees waived. So they didn’t make me pay upfront, and I took all five tests. Now that graduation is a week away, the school is trying to get everyone to settle their “accounts” with the school and pay for lost textbooks and whatnot. If you don’t pay, you don’t get to graduate. I thought it was a mistake when I got a bill for almost five hundred dollars, but the school is now telling me that my fees WEREN’T waived and I’m responsible for paying for them. They won’t tell me why my fees weren’t waived, so I’m pretty sure at this point that they fucked up somewhere, that I was told the wrong information and now they’re trying to cover their asses. I don’t have five hundred dollars. My mom doesn’t have five hundred dollars, which I thought was pretty obvious since I’ve been on free lunch since kindergarten. But now apparently my diploma will be withheld if I don’t pay up. I’m supposed to be going to college in August, so I’m obviously not ok with that. My mom and I have both talked to everyone at the school who’ll listen to us, but they just keep saying it’s my fault and I have to pay up. My only option at this point is going to one of those CASH MONEY NOW CASH CASH CASHCASHCASH loan places, which will really chap my ass but apparently is the only way I can graduate next week. So now I’m wondering if this is even legal. It’s a PUBLIC school, isn’t my education supposed to be free? I know that someone has to pay for the tests, I’m not one of those people trying to get something for nothing. But it doesn’t seem right that they REQUIRED me to take five AP classes and then REQUIRED me to take the tests and REQUIRED me to run up a five hundred dollar bill. I think they should eat the cost of the tests, since I got wrong information from two separate administrators. Can a public school really charge me this much money just for doing what I was told I had to do to get my education? Tl;dr: School told me I was required to take five AP classes I tested into. Then they told me I was also required to take the AP tests, and that my AP test fees would be waived since I'm poor, but now they're saying I have to pay for them to graduate. Can public schools really have a school policy that force students to pay tons of money?
Assuming you're not in Pittsburgh or Philadelphia, nearly all of the school districts in Pennsylvania are quite small. Don't wait to go to a school board meeting to complain. Look online and find the email addresses for the school board representative for your area and email him or her. My mom was on the school board for one of those small districts for something like 20 years, and she could get most people's administrative problems solved pretty quickly. Now, if you are unfortunate enough to be in one of the few large districts in Pennsylvania, you probably just have to work your way up the ladder.
If the school board/superintendent isn't helpful try contacting your state representatives and state board of education.
Are public schools really allowed to make students pay them to get an education? PA I am a high school senior about to graduate. At the end of last year, my guidance counselor told me I was required to take five AP classes, that it was “school policy” for students to be in the highest class level they could, and my grades qualified me for the highest class level, AP. I told him that I couldn’t afford ONE AP test, let alone five, and that that was why I had refused to sign up for AP classes for the past two years. He told me that I could take the class but not take the exam, which sounded great so I signed up for all five. When it came time for the tests I told my teachers that I wasn’t taking the tests because I couldn’t afford them, and they told me that I was required to take the tests, that it was school policy. There was so much back and forth about it that I ended up in the principal’s office arguing with her. She told me that since I have proof of being a low income student (free lunches $$) they could get my fees waived. So they didn’t make me pay upfront, and I took all five tests. Now that graduation is a week away, the school is trying to get everyone to settle their “accounts” with the school and pay for lost textbooks and whatnot. If you don’t pay, you don’t get to graduate. I thought it was a mistake when I got a bill for almost five hundred dollars, but the school is now telling me that my fees WEREN’T waived and I’m responsible for paying for them. They won’t tell me why my fees weren’t waived, so I’m pretty sure at this point that they fucked up somewhere, that I was told the wrong information and now they’re trying to cover their asses. I don’t have five hundred dollars. My mom doesn’t have five hundred dollars, which I thought was pretty obvious since I’ve been on free lunch since kindergarten. But now apparently my diploma will be withheld if I don’t pay up. I’m supposed to be going to college in August, so I’m obviously not ok with that. My mom and I have both talked to everyone at the school who’ll listen to us, but they just keep saying it’s my fault and I have to pay up. My only option at this point is going to one of those CASH MONEY NOW CASH CASH CASHCASHCASH loan places, which will really chap my ass but apparently is the only way I can graduate next week. So now I’m wondering if this is even legal. It’s a PUBLIC school, isn’t my education supposed to be free? I know that someone has to pay for the tests, I’m not one of those people trying to get something for nothing. But it doesn’t seem right that they REQUIRED me to take five AP classes and then REQUIRED me to take the tests and REQUIRED me to run up a five hundred dollar bill. I think they should eat the cost of the tests, since I got wrong information from two separate administrators. Can a public school really charge me this much money just for doing what I was told I had to do to get my education? Tl;dr: School told me I was required to take five AP classes I tested into. Then they told me I was also required to take the AP tests, and that my AP test fees would be waived since I'm poor, but now they're saying I have to pay for them to graduate. Can public schools really have a school policy that force students to pay tons of money?
As a practical matter, a week is not very long to get this resolved. Perhaps in the meantime as an emergency back up plan you can make arrangements to walk and participate in the graduation ceremony and just get the empty folder with the actual diploma to follow.
Are they denying you the diploma & graduation walk? You should be able to get a copy of your transcript which may be sufficient but I'm not sure your college needs your actual diploma. Suggestion, email your school board & your superintendent today. If you have anything in writing regarding requirements, school lunch program, include the proof. Also going forward the only lesson you need to take away from this is document, document, document. Emails, texts, snail mail to your confirm what you are being told. Also I hate your principal.
Are public schools really allowed to make students pay them to get an education? PA I am a high school senior about to graduate. At the end of last year, my guidance counselor told me I was required to take five AP classes, that it was “school policy” for students to be in the highest class level they could, and my grades qualified me for the highest class level, AP. I told him that I couldn’t afford ONE AP test, let alone five, and that that was why I had refused to sign up for AP classes for the past two years. He told me that I could take the class but not take the exam, which sounded great so I signed up for all five. When it came time for the tests I told my teachers that I wasn’t taking the tests because I couldn’t afford them, and they told me that I was required to take the tests, that it was school policy. There was so much back and forth about it that I ended up in the principal’s office arguing with her. She told me that since I have proof of being a low income student (free lunches $$) they could get my fees waived. So they didn’t make me pay upfront, and I took all five tests. Now that graduation is a week away, the school is trying to get everyone to settle their “accounts” with the school and pay for lost textbooks and whatnot. If you don’t pay, you don’t get to graduate. I thought it was a mistake when I got a bill for almost five hundred dollars, but the school is now telling me that my fees WEREN’T waived and I’m responsible for paying for them. They won’t tell me why my fees weren’t waived, so I’m pretty sure at this point that they fucked up somewhere, that I was told the wrong information and now they’re trying to cover their asses. I don’t have five hundred dollars. My mom doesn’t have five hundred dollars, which I thought was pretty obvious since I’ve been on free lunch since kindergarten. But now apparently my diploma will be withheld if I don’t pay up. I’m supposed to be going to college in August, so I’m obviously not ok with that. My mom and I have both talked to everyone at the school who’ll listen to us, but they just keep saying it’s my fault and I have to pay up. My only option at this point is going to one of those CASH MONEY NOW CASH CASH CASHCASHCASH loan places, which will really chap my ass but apparently is the only way I can graduate next week. So now I’m wondering if this is even legal. It’s a PUBLIC school, isn’t my education supposed to be free? I know that someone has to pay for the tests, I’m not one of those people trying to get something for nothing. But it doesn’t seem right that they REQUIRED me to take five AP classes and then REQUIRED me to take the tests and REQUIRED me to run up a five hundred dollar bill. I think they should eat the cost of the tests, since I got wrong information from two separate administrators. Can a public school really charge me this much money just for doing what I was told I had to do to get my education? Tl;dr: School told me I was required to take five AP classes I tested into. Then they told me I was also required to take the AP tests, and that my AP test fees would be waived since I'm poor, but now they're saying I have to pay for them to graduate. Can public schools really have a school policy that force students to pay tons of money?
If the school board/superintendent isn't helpful try contacting your state representatives and state board of education.
Are they denying you the diploma & graduation walk? You should be able to get a copy of your transcript which may be sufficient but I'm not sure your college needs your actual diploma. Suggestion, email your school board & your superintendent today. If you have anything in writing regarding requirements, school lunch program, include the proof. Also going forward the only lesson you need to take away from this is document, document, document. Emails, texts, snail mail to your confirm what you are being told. Also I hate your principal.
Are public schools really allowed to make students pay them to get an education? PA I am a high school senior about to graduate. At the end of last year, my guidance counselor told me I was required to take five AP classes, that it was “school policy” for students to be in the highest class level they could, and my grades qualified me for the highest class level, AP. I told him that I couldn’t afford ONE AP test, let alone five, and that that was why I had refused to sign up for AP classes for the past two years. He told me that I could take the class but not take the exam, which sounded great so I signed up for all five. When it came time for the tests I told my teachers that I wasn’t taking the tests because I couldn’t afford them, and they told me that I was required to take the tests, that it was school policy. There was so much back and forth about it that I ended up in the principal’s office arguing with her. She told me that since I have proof of being a low income student (free lunches $$) they could get my fees waived. So they didn’t make me pay upfront, and I took all five tests. Now that graduation is a week away, the school is trying to get everyone to settle their “accounts” with the school and pay for lost textbooks and whatnot. If you don’t pay, you don’t get to graduate. I thought it was a mistake when I got a bill for almost five hundred dollars, but the school is now telling me that my fees WEREN’T waived and I’m responsible for paying for them. They won’t tell me why my fees weren’t waived, so I’m pretty sure at this point that they fucked up somewhere, that I was told the wrong information and now they’re trying to cover their asses. I don’t have five hundred dollars. My mom doesn’t have five hundred dollars, which I thought was pretty obvious since I’ve been on free lunch since kindergarten. But now apparently my diploma will be withheld if I don’t pay up. I’m supposed to be going to college in August, so I’m obviously not ok with that. My mom and I have both talked to everyone at the school who’ll listen to us, but they just keep saying it’s my fault and I have to pay up. My only option at this point is going to one of those CASH MONEY NOW CASH CASH CASHCASHCASH loan places, which will really chap my ass but apparently is the only way I can graduate next week. So now I’m wondering if this is even legal. It’s a PUBLIC school, isn’t my education supposed to be free? I know that someone has to pay for the tests, I’m not one of those people trying to get something for nothing. But it doesn’t seem right that they REQUIRED me to take five AP classes and then REQUIRED me to take the tests and REQUIRED me to run up a five hundred dollar bill. I think they should eat the cost of the tests, since I got wrong information from two separate administrators. Can a public school really charge me this much money just for doing what I was told I had to do to get my education? Tl;dr: School told me I was required to take five AP classes I tested into. Then they told me I was also required to take the AP tests, and that my AP test fees would be waived since I'm poor, but now they're saying I have to pay for them to graduate. Can public schools really have a school policy that force students to pay tons of money?
Please post an update when this is resolved.
Are they denying you the diploma & graduation walk? You should be able to get a copy of your transcript which may be sufficient but I'm not sure your college needs your actual diploma. Suggestion, email your school board & your superintendent today. If you have anything in writing regarding requirements, school lunch program, include the proof. Also going forward the only lesson you need to take away from this is document, document, document. Emails, texts, snail mail to your confirm what you are being told. Also I hate your principal.
Are public schools really allowed to make students pay them to get an education? PA I am a high school senior about to graduate. At the end of last year, my guidance counselor told me I was required to take five AP classes, that it was “school policy” for students to be in the highest class level they could, and my grades qualified me for the highest class level, AP. I told him that I couldn’t afford ONE AP test, let alone five, and that that was why I had refused to sign up for AP classes for the past two years. He told me that I could take the class but not take the exam, which sounded great so I signed up for all five. When it came time for the tests I told my teachers that I wasn’t taking the tests because I couldn’t afford them, and they told me that I was required to take the tests, that it was school policy. There was so much back and forth about it that I ended up in the principal’s office arguing with her. She told me that since I have proof of being a low income student (free lunches $$) they could get my fees waived. So they didn’t make me pay upfront, and I took all five tests. Now that graduation is a week away, the school is trying to get everyone to settle their “accounts” with the school and pay for lost textbooks and whatnot. If you don’t pay, you don’t get to graduate. I thought it was a mistake when I got a bill for almost five hundred dollars, but the school is now telling me that my fees WEREN’T waived and I’m responsible for paying for them. They won’t tell me why my fees weren’t waived, so I’m pretty sure at this point that they fucked up somewhere, that I was told the wrong information and now they’re trying to cover their asses. I don’t have five hundred dollars. My mom doesn’t have five hundred dollars, which I thought was pretty obvious since I’ve been on free lunch since kindergarten. But now apparently my diploma will be withheld if I don’t pay up. I’m supposed to be going to college in August, so I’m obviously not ok with that. My mom and I have both talked to everyone at the school who’ll listen to us, but they just keep saying it’s my fault and I have to pay up. My only option at this point is going to one of those CASH MONEY NOW CASH CASH CASHCASHCASH loan places, which will really chap my ass but apparently is the only way I can graduate next week. So now I’m wondering if this is even legal. It’s a PUBLIC school, isn’t my education supposed to be free? I know that someone has to pay for the tests, I’m not one of those people trying to get something for nothing. But it doesn’t seem right that they REQUIRED me to take five AP classes and then REQUIRED me to take the tests and REQUIRED me to run up a five hundred dollar bill. I think they should eat the cost of the tests, since I got wrong information from two separate administrators. Can a public school really charge me this much money just for doing what I was told I had to do to get my education? Tl;dr: School told me I was required to take five AP classes I tested into. Then they told me I was also required to take the AP tests, and that my AP test fees would be waived since I'm poor, but now they're saying I have to pay for them to graduate. Can public schools really have a school policy that force students to pay tons of money?
As a practical matter, a week is not very long to get this resolved. Perhaps in the meantime as an emergency back up plan you can make arrangements to walk and participate in the graduation ceremony and just get the empty folder with the actual diploma to follow.
If the school board/superintendent isn't helpful try contacting your state representatives and state board of education.
Took newborn to hospital for head injury and now they’re telling me that they have to involve Child Protective Team??? Today I experienced what any worse parents can experience, my child getting injured, as I was getting him on his car seat, my 8 week old flung him self off the counter that I had the car seat on and bumped his head. I felt like complete and utter shit but I immediately took him to the ER to rule out any traumatic brain injury. I’m now in the hospital day 2, they stated results of imaging was normal, but this nurse told me that child protective team will talk to me and also that they are going to re X-ray my newborn??? When I asked why they said it’s standard procedure for anyone under a year old to have child protective team involved. I feel a failure as a parent because I made my first mistake with my baby and I’ve just gone through hell dealing with the stress of my newborns injury, and now im being told child protective team has to investigate? Is this normal?? And why do they have to re-X-ray the bones and expose them to more radiation?
You aren't a failure. It's common for injuries to children to involve CPS or other higher level review. >And why do they have to re-X-ray the bones and expose them to more radiation? To make sure there isn't other signs of abuse or trauma.
I used to work for DCS in a US state years ago, and it was standard procedure for a child under a certain age with an injury to have an investigation, for the reasons stated above, like abuse being covered by an "accident." I had coworkers going to hospitals pretty frequently. This can happen even when someone does everything right, but due to the high potential for abuse, it has to be investigated.
Took newborn to hospital for head injury and now they’re telling me that they have to involve Child Protective Team??? Today I experienced what any worse parents can experience, my child getting injured, as I was getting him on his car seat, my 8 week old flung him self off the counter that I had the car seat on and bumped his head. I felt like complete and utter shit but I immediately took him to the ER to rule out any traumatic brain injury. I’m now in the hospital day 2, they stated results of imaging was normal, but this nurse told me that child protective team will talk to me and also that they are going to re X-ray my newborn??? When I asked why they said it’s standard procedure for anyone under a year old to have child protective team involved. I feel a failure as a parent because I made my first mistake with my baby and I’ve just gone through hell dealing with the stress of my newborns injury, and now im being told child protective team has to investigate? Is this normal?? And why do they have to re-X-ray the bones and expose them to more radiation?
This is pretty normal. The additional x-rays are to rule out other history of broken bones which may not have been treated. It is a standard and somewhat effective way of trying to zero in on families where there's a larger problem.
I used to work for DCS in a US state years ago, and it was standard procedure for a child under a certain age with an injury to have an investigation, for the reasons stated above, like abuse being covered by an "accident." I had coworkers going to hospitals pretty frequently. This can happen even when someone does everything right, but due to the high potential for abuse, it has to be investigated.
Took newborn to hospital for head injury and now they’re telling me that they have to involve Child Protective Team??? Today I experienced what any worse parents can experience, my child getting injured, as I was getting him on his car seat, my 8 week old flung him self off the counter that I had the car seat on and bumped his head. I felt like complete and utter shit but I immediately took him to the ER to rule out any traumatic brain injury. I’m now in the hospital day 2, they stated results of imaging was normal, but this nurse told me that child protective team will talk to me and also that they are going to re X-ray my newborn??? When I asked why they said it’s standard procedure for anyone under a year old to have child protective team involved. I feel a failure as a parent because I made my first mistake with my baby and I’ve just gone through hell dealing with the stress of my newborns injury, and now im being told child protective team has to investigate? Is this normal?? And why do they have to re-X-ray the bones and expose them to more radiation?
I used to work for DCS in a US state years ago, and it was standard procedure for a child under a certain age with an injury to have an investigation, for the reasons stated above, like abuse being covered by an "accident." I had coworkers going to hospitals pretty frequently. This can happen even when someone does everything right, but due to the high potential for abuse, it has to be investigated.
It’s normal. Many parents lie to cover abusive injuries to their kids. If they tell you it’s standard protocol then they legally have to contact them to cover their own asses in the case it’s a legitimate abuse incident. Just be truthful to the case worker.
Took newborn to hospital for head injury and now they’re telling me that they have to involve Child Protective Team??? Today I experienced what any worse parents can experience, my child getting injured, as I was getting him on his car seat, my 8 week old flung him self off the counter that I had the car seat on and bumped his head. I felt like complete and utter shit but I immediately took him to the ER to rule out any traumatic brain injury. I’m now in the hospital day 2, they stated results of imaging was normal, but this nurse told me that child protective team will talk to me and also that they are going to re X-ray my newborn??? When I asked why they said it’s standard procedure for anyone under a year old to have child protective team involved. I feel a failure as a parent because I made my first mistake with my baby and I’ve just gone through hell dealing with the stress of my newborns injury, and now im being told child protective team has to investigate? Is this normal?? And why do they have to re-X-ray the bones and expose them to more radiation?
It’s normal. Many parents lie to cover abusive injuries to their kids. If they tell you it’s standard protocol then they legally have to contact them to cover their own asses in the case it’s a legitimate abuse incident. Just be truthful to the case worker.
I am a hospital pharmacist. I am not a lawyer. This is standard operating procedure for an injury such as this one. It does NOT mean they think you intentionally harmed your baby. The additional X-rays will not harm your baby. You are a not a failure as a parent. Every parent learns lessons. I accidentally left the a baby gate open and my 1 year old tumbled down about 8 stairs. She ended up being totally fine but I of course felt terrible for weeks. I still cringe thinking about it. My wife and I learned from that experience and now shout "GATE OPEN" every time we leave the gate open with kids upstairs.
Took newborn to hospital for head injury and now they’re telling me that they have to involve Child Protective Team??? Today I experienced what any worse parents can experience, my child getting injured, as I was getting him on his car seat, my 8 week old flung him self off the counter that I had the car seat on and bumped his head. I felt like complete and utter shit but I immediately took him to the ER to rule out any traumatic brain injury. I’m now in the hospital day 2, they stated results of imaging was normal, but this nurse told me that child protective team will talk to me and also that they are going to re X-ray my newborn??? When I asked why they said it’s standard procedure for anyone under a year old to have child protective team involved. I feel a failure as a parent because I made my first mistake with my baby and I’ve just gone through hell dealing with the stress of my newborns injury, and now im being told child protective team has to investigate? Is this normal?? And why do they have to re-X-ray the bones and expose them to more radiation?
Breathe deep and try to calm down. It’s standard procedure to get child services involved. Most of these guys are very understanding, and will come from a viewpoint that you’re a (I’m assuming) new mom, or if you have other children, then you’re still getting reacquainted with having a new born again. They know parents make mistakes, and their kids will get injured through no intent and malice on your part. They just have to play it safe, and they can’t just assume there was no intent involved until they actually investigate. They’re just looking after your baby. Whatever you do, don’t be defiant, overly defensive, or combative. Those are red flags for anyone. You’re already remorseful, and they’ll see that. Be honest and understanding towards their own perspective, and give them no reason to suspect you’re hiding anything. You’re all trying to do best by your child.
I am a hospital pharmacist. I am not a lawyer. This is standard operating procedure for an injury such as this one. It does NOT mean they think you intentionally harmed your baby. The additional X-rays will not harm your baby. You are a not a failure as a parent. Every parent learns lessons. I accidentally left the a baby gate open and my 1 year old tumbled down about 8 stairs. She ended up being totally fine but I of course felt terrible for weeks. I still cringe thinking about it. My wife and I learned from that experience and now shout "GATE OPEN" every time we leave the gate open with kids upstairs.
Took newborn to hospital for head injury and now they’re telling me that they have to involve Child Protective Team??? Today I experienced what any worse parents can experience, my child getting injured, as I was getting him on his car seat, my 8 week old flung him self off the counter that I had the car seat on and bumped his head. I felt like complete and utter shit but I immediately took him to the ER to rule out any traumatic brain injury. I’m now in the hospital day 2, they stated results of imaging was normal, but this nurse told me that child protective team will talk to me and also that they are going to re X-ray my newborn??? When I asked why they said it’s standard procedure for anyone under a year old to have child protective team involved. I feel a failure as a parent because I made my first mistake with my baby and I’ve just gone through hell dealing with the stress of my newborns injury, and now im being told child protective team has to investigate? Is this normal?? And why do they have to re-X-ray the bones and expose them to more radiation?
Deep breaths parent! It's so scary, I understand how you are feeling! You are not a failure as a parent. Accidents happen and really for the first couple of years you are just trying to keep a tiny person from unaliving themselves in ways you didn't know were possible. One of my good friends is an investigator for CPS. This is pretty common procedure following an injury like this. It isn't that they don't believe you, it's because they believed the wrong person in the past. So they are making sure they follow all protocol to protect all kids (obviously this is a general statement). The extra xray is just to ensure they didn't miss anything. Lastly, I've been the kid in this situation. My idiot aunt was babysitting me when I was 3, went to the gym to work out, and I was playing on the equipment. I fell off a weight bench at JUST the right angle and fractured my arm. My mom also had a broken arm because she slipped and fell at work. So dv was assumed. Everything cleared up, but it's definitely scary! Hugs to you!
I am a hospital pharmacist. I am not a lawyer. This is standard operating procedure for an injury such as this one. It does NOT mean they think you intentionally harmed your baby. The additional X-rays will not harm your baby. You are a not a failure as a parent. Every parent learns lessons. I accidentally left the a baby gate open and my 1 year old tumbled down about 8 stairs. She ended up being totally fine but I of course felt terrible for weeks. I still cringe thinking about it. My wife and I learned from that experience and now shout "GATE OPEN" every time we leave the gate open with kids upstairs.
Took newborn to hospital for head injury and now they’re telling me that they have to involve Child Protective Team??? Today I experienced what any worse parents can experience, my child getting injured, as I was getting him on his car seat, my 8 week old flung him self off the counter that I had the car seat on and bumped his head. I felt like complete and utter shit but I immediately took him to the ER to rule out any traumatic brain injury. I’m now in the hospital day 2, they stated results of imaging was normal, but this nurse told me that child protective team will talk to me and also that they are going to re X-ray my newborn??? When I asked why they said it’s standard procedure for anyone under a year old to have child protective team involved. I feel a failure as a parent because I made my first mistake with my baby and I’ve just gone through hell dealing with the stress of my newborns injury, and now im being told child protective team has to investigate? Is this normal?? And why do they have to re-X-ray the bones and expose them to more radiation?
It’s normal. Many parents lie to cover abusive injuries to their kids. If they tell you it’s standard protocol then they legally have to contact them to cover their own asses in the case it’s a legitimate abuse incident. Just be truthful to the case worker.
Yes, this is normal. You did the absolute right thing bringing your baby to the hospital, even though this all now really sucks. The hospital, and CPS, needs to do further testing to ensure that there are no other signs of abuse or trauma. In terms of x-ray radiation - the impact of these x-rays is absolutely negligible. Please don't worry about them, they aren't going to harm your baby. Also know that the CPS people that will be investigating you aren't in the business of trying to traumatize parents. They see these cases all the time. There is a process they need to work through, even though the vast majority of the time, these investigations come up with nothing. I promise that they WANT the investigation to turn up with nothing. They want to sign off on the report and let you get home with your baby ASAP.
Took newborn to hospital for head injury and now they’re telling me that they have to involve Child Protective Team??? Today I experienced what any worse parents can experience, my child getting injured, as I was getting him on his car seat, my 8 week old flung him self off the counter that I had the car seat on and bumped his head. I felt like complete and utter shit but I immediately took him to the ER to rule out any traumatic brain injury. I’m now in the hospital day 2, they stated results of imaging was normal, but this nurse told me that child protective team will talk to me and also that they are going to re X-ray my newborn??? When I asked why they said it’s standard procedure for anyone under a year old to have child protective team involved. I feel a failure as a parent because I made my first mistake with my baby and I’ve just gone through hell dealing with the stress of my newborns injury, and now im being told child protective team has to investigate? Is this normal?? And why do they have to re-X-ray the bones and expose them to more radiation?
Breathe deep and try to calm down. It’s standard procedure to get child services involved. Most of these guys are very understanding, and will come from a viewpoint that you’re a (I’m assuming) new mom, or if you have other children, then you’re still getting reacquainted with having a new born again. They know parents make mistakes, and their kids will get injured through no intent and malice on your part. They just have to play it safe, and they can’t just assume there was no intent involved until they actually investigate. They’re just looking after your baby. Whatever you do, don’t be defiant, overly defensive, or combative. Those are red flags for anyone. You’re already remorseful, and they’ll see that. Be honest and understanding towards their own perspective, and give them no reason to suspect you’re hiding anything. You’re all trying to do best by your child.
Yes, this is normal. You did the absolute right thing bringing your baby to the hospital, even though this all now really sucks. The hospital, and CPS, needs to do further testing to ensure that there are no other signs of abuse or trauma. In terms of x-ray radiation - the impact of these x-rays is absolutely negligible. Please don't worry about them, they aren't going to harm your baby. Also know that the CPS people that will be investigating you aren't in the business of trying to traumatize parents. They see these cases all the time. There is a process they need to work through, even though the vast majority of the time, these investigations come up with nothing. I promise that they WANT the investigation to turn up with nothing. They want to sign off on the report and let you get home with your baby ASAP.
Took newborn to hospital for head injury and now they’re telling me that they have to involve Child Protective Team??? Today I experienced what any worse parents can experience, my child getting injured, as I was getting him on his car seat, my 8 week old flung him self off the counter that I had the car seat on and bumped his head. I felt like complete and utter shit but I immediately took him to the ER to rule out any traumatic brain injury. I’m now in the hospital day 2, they stated results of imaging was normal, but this nurse told me that child protective team will talk to me and also that they are going to re X-ray my newborn??? When I asked why they said it’s standard procedure for anyone under a year old to have child protective team involved. I feel a failure as a parent because I made my first mistake with my baby and I’ve just gone through hell dealing with the stress of my newborns injury, and now im being told child protective team has to investigate? Is this normal?? And why do they have to re-X-ray the bones and expose them to more radiation?
Deep breaths parent! It's so scary, I understand how you are feeling! You are not a failure as a parent. Accidents happen and really for the first couple of years you are just trying to keep a tiny person from unaliving themselves in ways you didn't know were possible. One of my good friends is an investigator for CPS. This is pretty common procedure following an injury like this. It isn't that they don't believe you, it's because they believed the wrong person in the past. So they are making sure they follow all protocol to protect all kids (obviously this is a general statement). The extra xray is just to ensure they didn't miss anything. Lastly, I've been the kid in this situation. My idiot aunt was babysitting me when I was 3, went to the gym to work out, and I was playing on the equipment. I fell off a weight bench at JUST the right angle and fractured my arm. My mom also had a broken arm because she slipped and fell at work. So dv was assumed. Everything cleared up, but it's definitely scary! Hugs to you!
Yes, this is normal. You did the absolute right thing bringing your baby to the hospital, even though this all now really sucks. The hospital, and CPS, needs to do further testing to ensure that there are no other signs of abuse or trauma. In terms of x-ray radiation - the impact of these x-rays is absolutely negligible. Please don't worry about them, they aren't going to harm your baby. Also know that the CPS people that will be investigating you aren't in the business of trying to traumatize parents. They see these cases all the time. There is a process they need to work through, even though the vast majority of the time, these investigations come up with nothing. I promise that they WANT the investigation to turn up with nothing. They want to sign off on the report and let you get home with your baby ASAP.
Propery manager conducted audit and says I owe $1600 in back payments for discounts erroneously given to me. They have taken my February rent to apply to this oversight and is now telling me that I am behind on February rent!!! My apartment manager is harassing me for money I do not owe. When I moved into my apartment there were many outstanding deficiencies. I sent an exhaustive email detailing/noting all of the items that they promised to do prior to my move in that were not completed. The property manager conducted a walk thru of my unit. I pointed out all of the outstanding items. She apologized for the many oversights and told me that they would apply concessions to me account verbally and via email. The amount and duration of the concessions were not told to me. My rent is $1500 a month and for 8 months I received a concession of $200 off of my monthly rent. I paid $1300 per month plus water, as billed. Now the property manager sent me a notice stating that I owe back $1600 because she hadn't intended to give me those discounts and it was meant to only be a one-time discount of $200. She has taken my Feb rent payment and applied it toward this amount and informed me that I am now behind on my rent. When submitting my rent checks I always made note on my checks that the check was to cover rent+water. I have never missed a rent payment and never paid late. Always paid my rent on time, minus the concessions that were given to me. I received a notice demanding I pay the delinquent rent (that IMo is not delinquent) or face eviction. Also, received a notice to renew my lease. Another note... the property is under new ownership and management and they are telling me that these discounts though given to me from the prior owner/management company are now owed to them. The onsite property manager, the one harassing me, is the same onsite manager who issued the discounts and now working with the new company.
Do you still have a copy of the emails? It sounds like you may be looking at court. If the lease says $1,500 and the manager says it was a one time credit of $200 and you have no other proof it is going to be hard to win a case. If you have emails listing everything that was wrong you could at least get a total value to show the single $200 wouldn’t have come close to covering it.
City/state makes a big difference. Please edit your post and include.
Propery manager conducted audit and says I owe $1600 in back payments for discounts erroneously given to me. They have taken my February rent to apply to this oversight and is now telling me that I am behind on February rent!!! My apartment manager is harassing me for money I do not owe. When I moved into my apartment there were many outstanding deficiencies. I sent an exhaustive email detailing/noting all of the items that they promised to do prior to my move in that were not completed. The property manager conducted a walk thru of my unit. I pointed out all of the outstanding items. She apologized for the many oversights and told me that they would apply concessions to me account verbally and via email. The amount and duration of the concessions were not told to me. My rent is $1500 a month and for 8 months I received a concession of $200 off of my monthly rent. I paid $1300 per month plus water, as billed. Now the property manager sent me a notice stating that I owe back $1600 because she hadn't intended to give me those discounts and it was meant to only be a one-time discount of $200. She has taken my Feb rent payment and applied it toward this amount and informed me that I am now behind on my rent. When submitting my rent checks I always made note on my checks that the check was to cover rent+water. I have never missed a rent payment and never paid late. Always paid my rent on time, minus the concessions that were given to me. I received a notice demanding I pay the delinquent rent (that IMo is not delinquent) or face eviction. Also, received a notice to renew my lease. Another note... the property is under new ownership and management and they are telling me that these discounts though given to me from the prior owner/management company are now owed to them. The onsite property manager, the one harassing me, is the same onsite manager who issued the discounts and now working with the new company.
Hi there! I’m the LegalFAQ bot. It looks like you may be experiencing housing issues related to housing or eviction. Come to to find legal resources for renters in each state. You can also find links to local groups that can help you with legal, financial, or other problems at Help us provide accurate advice to fellow redditors: if your post was related to housing or eviction, please like this comment; otherwise, please dislike this comment.
Do you still have a copy of the emails? It sounds like you may be looking at court. If the lease says $1,500 and the manager says it was a one time credit of $200 and you have no other proof it is going to be hard to win a case. If you have emails listing everything that was wrong you could at least get a total value to show the single $200 wouldn’t have come close to covering it.
Propery manager conducted audit and says I owe $1600 in back payments for discounts erroneously given to me. They have taken my February rent to apply to this oversight and is now telling me that I am behind on February rent!!! My apartment manager is harassing me for money I do not owe. When I moved into my apartment there were many outstanding deficiencies. I sent an exhaustive email detailing/noting all of the items that they promised to do prior to my move in that were not completed. The property manager conducted a walk thru of my unit. I pointed out all of the outstanding items. She apologized for the many oversights and told me that they would apply concessions to me account verbally and via email. The amount and duration of the concessions were not told to me. My rent is $1500 a month and for 8 months I received a concession of $200 off of my monthly rent. I paid $1300 per month plus water, as billed. Now the property manager sent me a notice stating that I owe back $1600 because she hadn't intended to give me those discounts and it was meant to only be a one-time discount of $200. She has taken my Feb rent payment and applied it toward this amount and informed me that I am now behind on my rent. When submitting my rent checks I always made note on my checks that the check was to cover rent+water. I have never missed a rent payment and never paid late. Always paid my rent on time, minus the concessions that were given to me. I received a notice demanding I pay the delinquent rent (that IMo is not delinquent) or face eviction. Also, received a notice to renew my lease. Another note... the property is under new ownership and management and they are telling me that these discounts though given to me from the prior owner/management company are now owed to them. The onsite property manager, the one harassing me, is the same onsite manager who issued the discounts and now working with the new company.
Do you still have a copy of the emails? It sounds like you may be looking at court. If the lease says $1,500 and the manager says it was a one time credit of $200 and you have no other proof it is going to be hard to win a case. If you have emails listing everything that was wrong you could at least get a total value to show the single $200 wouldn’t have come close to covering it.
--- > --- *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. Please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***Do NOT delete this post - Instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- Author: /u/bluefrog3301 Title: **Propery manager conducted audit and says I owe $1600 in back payments for discounts erroneously given to me. They have taken my February rent to apply to this oversight and is now telling me that I am behind on February rent!!!** Original Post: > My apartment manager is harassing me for money I do not owe. When I moved into my apartment there were many outstanding deficiencies. I sent an exhaustive email detailing/noting all of the items that they promised to do prior to my move in that were not completed. The property manager conducted a walk thru of my unit. I pointed out all of the outstanding items. She apologized for the many oversights and told me that they would apply concessions to me account verbally and via email. The amount and duration of the concessions were not told to me. My rent is $1500 a month and for 8 months I received a concession of $200 off of my monthly rent. I paid $1300 per month plus water, as billed. Now the property manager sent me a notice stating that I owe back $1600 because she hadn't intended to give me those discounts and it was meant to only be a one-time discount of $200. She has taken my Feb rent payment and applied it toward this amount and informed me that I am now behind on my rent. When submitting my rent checks I always made note on my checks that the check was to cover rent+water. I have never missed a rent payment and never paid late. Always paid my rent on time, minus the concessions that were given to me. I received a notice demanding I pay the delinquent rent (that IMo is not delinquent) or face eviction. Also, received a notice to renew my lease. Another note... the property is under new ownership and management and they are telling me that these discounts though given to me from the prior owner/management company are now owed to them. The onsite property manager, the one harassing me, is the same onsite manager who issued the discounts and now working with the new company.   --- LocationBot 4.999988713 83/601rds | Report Issues | >!TdUO5NmMWlXWXJFcjJzZ!<
Propery manager conducted audit and says I owe $1600 in back payments for discounts erroneously given to me. They have taken my February rent to apply to this oversight and is now telling me that I am behind on February rent!!! My apartment manager is harassing me for money I do not owe. When I moved into my apartment there were many outstanding deficiencies. I sent an exhaustive email detailing/noting all of the items that they promised to do prior to my move in that were not completed. The property manager conducted a walk thru of my unit. I pointed out all of the outstanding items. She apologized for the many oversights and told me that they would apply concessions to me account verbally and via email. The amount and duration of the concessions were not told to me. My rent is $1500 a month and for 8 months I received a concession of $200 off of my monthly rent. I paid $1300 per month plus water, as billed. Now the property manager sent me a notice stating that I owe back $1600 because she hadn't intended to give me those discounts and it was meant to only be a one-time discount of $200. She has taken my Feb rent payment and applied it toward this amount and informed me that I am now behind on my rent. When submitting my rent checks I always made note on my checks that the check was to cover rent+water. I have never missed a rent payment and never paid late. Always paid my rent on time, minus the concessions that were given to me. I received a notice demanding I pay the delinquent rent (that IMo is not delinquent) or face eviction. Also, received a notice to renew my lease. Another note... the property is under new ownership and management and they are telling me that these discounts though given to me from the prior owner/management company are now owed to them. The onsite property manager, the one harassing me, is the same onsite manager who issued the discounts and now working with the new company.
Hi there! I’m the LegalFAQ bot. It looks like you may be experiencing housing issues related to housing or eviction. Come to to find legal resources for renters in each state. You can also find links to local groups that can help you with legal, financial, or other problems at Help us provide accurate advice to fellow redditors: if your post was related to housing or eviction, please like this comment; otherwise, please dislike this comment.
City/state makes a big difference. Please edit your post and include.
Propery manager conducted audit and says I owe $1600 in back payments for discounts erroneously given to me. They have taken my February rent to apply to this oversight and is now telling me that I am behind on February rent!!! My apartment manager is harassing me for money I do not owe. When I moved into my apartment there were many outstanding deficiencies. I sent an exhaustive email detailing/noting all of the items that they promised to do prior to my move in that were not completed. The property manager conducted a walk thru of my unit. I pointed out all of the outstanding items. She apologized for the many oversights and told me that they would apply concessions to me account verbally and via email. The amount and duration of the concessions were not told to me. My rent is $1500 a month and for 8 months I received a concession of $200 off of my monthly rent. I paid $1300 per month plus water, as billed. Now the property manager sent me a notice stating that I owe back $1600 because she hadn't intended to give me those discounts and it was meant to only be a one-time discount of $200. She has taken my Feb rent payment and applied it toward this amount and informed me that I am now behind on my rent. When submitting my rent checks I always made note on my checks that the check was to cover rent+water. I have never missed a rent payment and never paid late. Always paid my rent on time, minus the concessions that were given to me. I received a notice demanding I pay the delinquent rent (that IMo is not delinquent) or face eviction. Also, received a notice to renew my lease. Another note... the property is under new ownership and management and they are telling me that these discounts though given to me from the prior owner/management company are now owed to them. The onsite property manager, the one harassing me, is the same onsite manager who issued the discounts and now working with the new company.
--- > --- *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. Please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***Do NOT delete this post - Instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- Author: /u/bluefrog3301 Title: **Propery manager conducted audit and says I owe $1600 in back payments for discounts erroneously given to me. They have taken my February rent to apply to this oversight and is now telling me that I am behind on February rent!!!** Original Post: > My apartment manager is harassing me for money I do not owe. When I moved into my apartment there were many outstanding deficiencies. I sent an exhaustive email detailing/noting all of the items that they promised to do prior to my move in that were not completed. The property manager conducted a walk thru of my unit. I pointed out all of the outstanding items. She apologized for the many oversights and told me that they would apply concessions to me account verbally and via email. The amount and duration of the concessions were not told to me. My rent is $1500 a month and for 8 months I received a concession of $200 off of my monthly rent. I paid $1300 per month plus water, as billed. Now the property manager sent me a notice stating that I owe back $1600 because she hadn't intended to give me those discounts and it was meant to only be a one-time discount of $200. She has taken my Feb rent payment and applied it toward this amount and informed me that I am now behind on my rent. When submitting my rent checks I always made note on my checks that the check was to cover rent+water. I have never missed a rent payment and never paid late. Always paid my rent on time, minus the concessions that were given to me. I received a notice demanding I pay the delinquent rent (that IMo is not delinquent) or face eviction. Also, received a notice to renew my lease. Another note... the property is under new ownership and management and they are telling me that these discounts though given to me from the prior owner/management company are now owed to them. The onsite property manager, the one harassing me, is the same onsite manager who issued the discounts and now working with the new company.   --- LocationBot 4.999988713 83/601rds | Report Issues | >!TdUO5NmMWlXWXJFcjJzZ!<
City/state makes a big difference. Please edit your post and include.
Propery manager conducted audit and says I owe $1600 in back payments for discounts erroneously given to me. They have taken my February rent to apply to this oversight and is now telling me that I am behind on February rent!!! My apartment manager is harassing me for money I do not owe. When I moved into my apartment there were many outstanding deficiencies. I sent an exhaustive email detailing/noting all of the items that they promised to do prior to my move in that were not completed. The property manager conducted a walk thru of my unit. I pointed out all of the outstanding items. She apologized for the many oversights and told me that they would apply concessions to me account verbally and via email. The amount and duration of the concessions were not told to me. My rent is $1500 a month and for 8 months I received a concession of $200 off of my monthly rent. I paid $1300 per month plus water, as billed. Now the property manager sent me a notice stating that I owe back $1600 because she hadn't intended to give me those discounts and it was meant to only be a one-time discount of $200. She has taken my Feb rent payment and applied it toward this amount and informed me that I am now behind on my rent. When submitting my rent checks I always made note on my checks that the check was to cover rent+water. I have never missed a rent payment and never paid late. Always paid my rent on time, minus the concessions that were given to me. I received a notice demanding I pay the delinquent rent (that IMo is not delinquent) or face eviction. Also, received a notice to renew my lease. Another note... the property is under new ownership and management and they are telling me that these discounts though given to me from the prior owner/management company are now owed to them. The onsite property manager, the one harassing me, is the same onsite manager who issued the discounts and now working with the new company.
In instances like this, if you have these things in writing (yes, email is fine) then let her try to evict you. Eviction is done by a judge, which means you have to file and you can get a court date. I'm a former property manager and have seen this very thing come up in eviction court. Consult an attorney that's familiar with your local rules about apartments and leases. But if you have it in writing, you should be okay
Hi there! I’m the LegalFAQ bot. It looks like you may be experiencing housing issues related to housing or eviction. Come to to find legal resources for renters in each state. You can also find links to local groups that can help you with legal, financial, or other problems at Help us provide accurate advice to fellow redditors: if your post was related to housing or eviction, please like this comment; otherwise, please dislike this comment.
Propery manager conducted audit and says I owe $1600 in back payments for discounts erroneously given to me. They have taken my February rent to apply to this oversight and is now telling me that I am behind on February rent!!! My apartment manager is harassing me for money I do not owe. When I moved into my apartment there were many outstanding deficiencies. I sent an exhaustive email detailing/noting all of the items that they promised to do prior to my move in that were not completed. The property manager conducted a walk thru of my unit. I pointed out all of the outstanding items. She apologized for the many oversights and told me that they would apply concessions to me account verbally and via email. The amount and duration of the concessions were not told to me. My rent is $1500 a month and for 8 months I received a concession of $200 off of my monthly rent. I paid $1300 per month plus water, as billed. Now the property manager sent me a notice stating that I owe back $1600 because she hadn't intended to give me those discounts and it was meant to only be a one-time discount of $200. She has taken my Feb rent payment and applied it toward this amount and informed me that I am now behind on my rent. When submitting my rent checks I always made note on my checks that the check was to cover rent+water. I have never missed a rent payment and never paid late. Always paid my rent on time, minus the concessions that were given to me. I received a notice demanding I pay the delinquent rent (that IMo is not delinquent) or face eviction. Also, received a notice to renew my lease. Another note... the property is under new ownership and management and they are telling me that these discounts though given to me from the prior owner/management company are now owed to them. The onsite property manager, the one harassing me, is the same onsite manager who issued the discounts and now working with the new company.
Look online to see if your city or state has a tenant's union. The laws around these issues vary greatly by location. A local lawyer or tenant's union or legal aid group will be able to guide you on next steps.
In instances like this, if you have these things in writing (yes, email is fine) then let her try to evict you. Eviction is done by a judge, which means you have to file and you can get a court date. I'm a former property manager and have seen this very thing come up in eviction court. Consult an attorney that's familiar with your local rules about apartments and leases. But if you have it in writing, you should be okay
Propery manager conducted audit and says I owe $1600 in back payments for discounts erroneously given to me. They have taken my February rent to apply to this oversight and is now telling me that I am behind on February rent!!! My apartment manager is harassing me for money I do not owe. When I moved into my apartment there were many outstanding deficiencies. I sent an exhaustive email detailing/noting all of the items that they promised to do prior to my move in that were not completed. The property manager conducted a walk thru of my unit. I pointed out all of the outstanding items. She apologized for the many oversights and told me that they would apply concessions to me account verbally and via email. The amount and duration of the concessions were not told to me. My rent is $1500 a month and for 8 months I received a concession of $200 off of my monthly rent. I paid $1300 per month plus water, as billed. Now the property manager sent me a notice stating that I owe back $1600 because she hadn't intended to give me those discounts and it was meant to only be a one-time discount of $200. She has taken my Feb rent payment and applied it toward this amount and informed me that I am now behind on my rent. When submitting my rent checks I always made note on my checks that the check was to cover rent+water. I have never missed a rent payment and never paid late. Always paid my rent on time, minus the concessions that were given to me. I received a notice demanding I pay the delinquent rent (that IMo is not delinquent) or face eviction. Also, received a notice to renew my lease. Another note... the property is under new ownership and management and they are telling me that these discounts though given to me from the prior owner/management company are now owed to them. The onsite property manager, the one harassing me, is the same onsite manager who issued the discounts and now working with the new company.
In instances like this, if you have these things in writing (yes, email is fine) then let her try to evict you. Eviction is done by a judge, which means you have to file and you can get a court date. I'm a former property manager and have seen this very thing come up in eviction court. Consult an attorney that's familiar with your local rules about apartments and leases. But if you have it in writing, you should be okay
So, the 'outstanding items' were never addressed/fixed? Seems to be a key piece of info missing.
Propery manager conducted audit and says I owe $1600 in back payments for discounts erroneously given to me. They have taken my February rent to apply to this oversight and is now telling me that I am behind on February rent!!! My apartment manager is harassing me for money I do not owe. When I moved into my apartment there were many outstanding deficiencies. I sent an exhaustive email detailing/noting all of the items that they promised to do prior to my move in that were not completed. The property manager conducted a walk thru of my unit. I pointed out all of the outstanding items. She apologized for the many oversights and told me that they would apply concessions to me account verbally and via email. The amount and duration of the concessions were not told to me. My rent is $1500 a month and for 8 months I received a concession of $200 off of my monthly rent. I paid $1300 per month plus water, as billed. Now the property manager sent me a notice stating that I owe back $1600 because she hadn't intended to give me those discounts and it was meant to only be a one-time discount of $200. She has taken my Feb rent payment and applied it toward this amount and informed me that I am now behind on my rent. When submitting my rent checks I always made note on my checks that the check was to cover rent+water. I have never missed a rent payment and never paid late. Always paid my rent on time, minus the concessions that were given to me. I received a notice demanding I pay the delinquent rent (that IMo is not delinquent) or face eviction. Also, received a notice to renew my lease. Another note... the property is under new ownership and management and they are telling me that these discounts though given to me from the prior owner/management company are now owed to them. The onsite property manager, the one harassing me, is the same onsite manager who issued the discounts and now working with the new company.
--- > --- *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. Please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***Do NOT delete this post - Instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- Author: /u/bluefrog3301 Title: **Propery manager conducted audit and says I owe $1600 in back payments for discounts erroneously given to me. They have taken my February rent to apply to this oversight and is now telling me that I am behind on February rent!!!** Original Post: > My apartment manager is harassing me for money I do not owe. When I moved into my apartment there were many outstanding deficiencies. I sent an exhaustive email detailing/noting all of the items that they promised to do prior to my move in that were not completed. The property manager conducted a walk thru of my unit. I pointed out all of the outstanding items. She apologized for the many oversights and told me that they would apply concessions to me account verbally and via email. The amount and duration of the concessions were not told to me. My rent is $1500 a month and for 8 months I received a concession of $200 off of my monthly rent. I paid $1300 per month plus water, as billed. Now the property manager sent me a notice stating that I owe back $1600 because she hadn't intended to give me those discounts and it was meant to only be a one-time discount of $200. She has taken my Feb rent payment and applied it toward this amount and informed me that I am now behind on my rent. When submitting my rent checks I always made note on my checks that the check was to cover rent+water. I have never missed a rent payment and never paid late. Always paid my rent on time, minus the concessions that were given to me. I received a notice demanding I pay the delinquent rent (that IMo is not delinquent) or face eviction. Also, received a notice to renew my lease. Another note... the property is under new ownership and management and they are telling me that these discounts though given to me from the prior owner/management company are now owed to them. The onsite property manager, the one harassing me, is the same onsite manager who issued the discounts and now working with the new company.   --- LocationBot 4.999988713 83/601rds | Report Issues | >!TdUO5NmMWlXWXJFcjJzZ!<
In instances like this, if you have these things in writing (yes, email is fine) then let her try to evict you. Eviction is done by a judge, which means you have to file and you can get a court date. I'm a former property manager and have seen this very thing come up in eviction court. Consult an attorney that's familiar with your local rules about apartments and leases. But if you have it in writing, you should be okay
Propery manager conducted audit and says I owe $1600 in back payments for discounts erroneously given to me. They have taken my February rent to apply to this oversight and is now telling me that I am behind on February rent!!! My apartment manager is harassing me for money I do not owe. When I moved into my apartment there were many outstanding deficiencies. I sent an exhaustive email detailing/noting all of the items that they promised to do prior to my move in that were not completed. The property manager conducted a walk thru of my unit. I pointed out all of the outstanding items. She apologized for the many oversights and told me that they would apply concessions to me account verbally and via email. The amount and duration of the concessions were not told to me. My rent is $1500 a month and for 8 months I received a concession of $200 off of my monthly rent. I paid $1300 per month plus water, as billed. Now the property manager sent me a notice stating that I owe back $1600 because she hadn't intended to give me those discounts and it was meant to only be a one-time discount of $200. She has taken my Feb rent payment and applied it toward this amount and informed me that I am now behind on my rent. When submitting my rent checks I always made note on my checks that the check was to cover rent+water. I have never missed a rent payment and never paid late. Always paid my rent on time, minus the concessions that were given to me. I received a notice demanding I pay the delinquent rent (that IMo is not delinquent) or face eviction. Also, received a notice to renew my lease. Another note... the property is under new ownership and management and they are telling me that these discounts though given to me from the prior owner/management company are now owed to them. The onsite property manager, the one harassing me, is the same onsite manager who issued the discounts and now working with the new company.
Is the property manager who offered you the discounts the same manager as the one claiming that you now owe her back most of the discounts? If you were never offered the discounts every month, why didn't they say something sooner and continue letting you pay your rent for $200 less?
Not a lawyer but work in rental housing. You need to check your lease very carefully but in Texas they cannot take rent and apply it to late fees or other expenses unless specified. You would have to pay them specifically for late fees or other expenses, rent is for rent.
Propery manager conducted audit and says I owe $1600 in back payments for discounts erroneously given to me. They have taken my February rent to apply to this oversight and is now telling me that I am behind on February rent!!! My apartment manager is harassing me for money I do not owe. When I moved into my apartment there were many outstanding deficiencies. I sent an exhaustive email detailing/noting all of the items that they promised to do prior to my move in that were not completed. The property manager conducted a walk thru of my unit. I pointed out all of the outstanding items. She apologized for the many oversights and told me that they would apply concessions to me account verbally and via email. The amount and duration of the concessions were not told to me. My rent is $1500 a month and for 8 months I received a concession of $200 off of my monthly rent. I paid $1300 per month plus water, as billed. Now the property manager sent me a notice stating that I owe back $1600 because she hadn't intended to give me those discounts and it was meant to only be a one-time discount of $200. She has taken my Feb rent payment and applied it toward this amount and informed me that I am now behind on my rent. When submitting my rent checks I always made note on my checks that the check was to cover rent+water. I have never missed a rent payment and never paid late. Always paid my rent on time, minus the concessions that were given to me. I received a notice demanding I pay the delinquent rent (that IMo is not delinquent) or face eviction. Also, received a notice to renew my lease. Another note... the property is under new ownership and management and they are telling me that these discounts though given to me from the prior owner/management company are now owed to them. The onsite property manager, the one harassing me, is the same onsite manager who issued the discounts and now working with the new company.
Hi there! I’m the LegalFAQ bot. It looks like you may be experiencing housing issues related to housing or eviction. Come to to find legal resources for renters in each state. You can also find links to local groups that can help you with legal, financial, or other problems at Help us provide accurate advice to fellow redditors: if your post was related to housing or eviction, please like this comment; otherwise, please dislike this comment.
Not a lawyer but work in rental housing. You need to check your lease very carefully but in Texas they cannot take rent and apply it to late fees or other expenses unless specified. You would have to pay them specifically for late fees or other expenses, rent is for rent.
Propery manager conducted audit and says I owe $1600 in back payments for discounts erroneously given to me. They have taken my February rent to apply to this oversight and is now telling me that I am behind on February rent!!! My apartment manager is harassing me for money I do not owe. When I moved into my apartment there were many outstanding deficiencies. I sent an exhaustive email detailing/noting all of the items that they promised to do prior to my move in that were not completed. The property manager conducted a walk thru of my unit. I pointed out all of the outstanding items. She apologized for the many oversights and told me that they would apply concessions to me account verbally and via email. The amount and duration of the concessions were not told to me. My rent is $1500 a month and for 8 months I received a concession of $200 off of my monthly rent. I paid $1300 per month plus water, as billed. Now the property manager sent me a notice stating that I owe back $1600 because she hadn't intended to give me those discounts and it was meant to only be a one-time discount of $200. She has taken my Feb rent payment and applied it toward this amount and informed me that I am now behind on my rent. When submitting my rent checks I always made note on my checks that the check was to cover rent+water. I have never missed a rent payment and never paid late. Always paid my rent on time, minus the concessions that were given to me. I received a notice demanding I pay the delinquent rent (that IMo is not delinquent) or face eviction. Also, received a notice to renew my lease. Another note... the property is under new ownership and management and they are telling me that these discounts though given to me from the prior owner/management company are now owed to them. The onsite property manager, the one harassing me, is the same onsite manager who issued the discounts and now working with the new company.
Not a lawyer but work in rental housing. You need to check your lease very carefully but in Texas they cannot take rent and apply it to late fees or other expenses unless specified. You would have to pay them specifically for late fees or other expenses, rent is for rent.
Look online to see if your city or state has a tenant's union. The laws around these issues vary greatly by location. A local lawyer or tenant's union or legal aid group will be able to guide you on next steps.
Propery manager conducted audit and says I owe $1600 in back payments for discounts erroneously given to me. They have taken my February rent to apply to this oversight and is now telling me that I am behind on February rent!!! My apartment manager is harassing me for money I do not owe. When I moved into my apartment there were many outstanding deficiencies. I sent an exhaustive email detailing/noting all of the items that they promised to do prior to my move in that were not completed. The property manager conducted a walk thru of my unit. I pointed out all of the outstanding items. She apologized for the many oversights and told me that they would apply concessions to me account verbally and via email. The amount and duration of the concessions were not told to me. My rent is $1500 a month and for 8 months I received a concession of $200 off of my monthly rent. I paid $1300 per month plus water, as billed. Now the property manager sent me a notice stating that I owe back $1600 because she hadn't intended to give me those discounts and it was meant to only be a one-time discount of $200. She has taken my Feb rent payment and applied it toward this amount and informed me that I am now behind on my rent. When submitting my rent checks I always made note on my checks that the check was to cover rent+water. I have never missed a rent payment and never paid late. Always paid my rent on time, minus the concessions that were given to me. I received a notice demanding I pay the delinquent rent (that IMo is not delinquent) or face eviction. Also, received a notice to renew my lease. Another note... the property is under new ownership and management and they are telling me that these discounts though given to me from the prior owner/management company are now owed to them. The onsite property manager, the one harassing me, is the same onsite manager who issued the discounts and now working with the new company.
Not a lawyer but work in rental housing. You need to check your lease very carefully but in Texas they cannot take rent and apply it to late fees or other expenses unless specified. You would have to pay them specifically for late fees or other expenses, rent is for rent.
So, the 'outstanding items' were never addressed/fixed? Seems to be a key piece of info missing.