Aside from the fact that this movie was filmed mostly in Rockport MA which is a beautiful town where my mother once rented a small storefront and I spent many a pleasant summer as a child it is fun and cute little film br br I must admit that I had no desire to actually see this movie even though I have a weakspot for romantic comedies I dont know why The trailers I saw were not appealing the cast did not look that interesting and I had no idea what the plot would be about In the end I found it to be an interesting meditation on relationships and family I thoroughly enjoyed myself and must admit that I thought that this film was one of the most overlooked gems of last year I am disappointed that so few people seemed to have enjoyed the very humanness that this movie presented the viewer withbr br I have read many bad reviews of this film and must admit a certain level of shock at the cynicism that is prevalent in them As a grad student I consider myself to be quite cynical but this was a beautiful little film that deserves much better than it got
Where do I begin I first saw this film in 1995 and had no idea of what to expect I was actually at the time searching out films that Elijah Wood had starred in and this one had come highly recommended I sat down and watched the film once and didnt know what to think I watched it a second time a few days later and the floodgates just opened Never before in my life had I ever really cried while watching a film and I was blubbing every high and low the film I was riding right alongside on an emotional roller coasterbr br It struck such an emotional chord in me on many levels the intense sadness and elation we see in the film the wonder and innocence of childhood the yearning for a time that once was but is no more More than anything this film reminded me of my childhood except for the abuse during a time in my life when Id shrugged off my childhood some years before and not even really noticed Id given it up and moved on to a life entirely devoid of it The Radio flyer made me wake up and suddenly realise what Id given up without really even noticing From that day forward I immediately set about to change my life and myself and I didbr br This is going to sound corny but basically I rediscovered my inner child I started down a path that has been ongoing over the past 6 years and has changed me so much so much for the better embracing and living that part of myself Ive been finding out who I really am I dont think it was simply a case of the right film coming along at a crucial moment of my life The Radio Flyer really did something very special and I still look upon it as an incredible piece of work in all respects an incredible filmbr br In closing I cannot fail to mention the music I am a great fan of Hans Zimmer and this is among his very finest works The sheer breadth and depth of emotional expression he has put into the score of this film is a huge part of what makes the film what it is to me Like subtitles to a foreign language film his soaring music is a crib sheet to the intense emotions this film will take you through Find the soundtrack at all costs it was sadly deleted long ago I never expected to find it but amazingly did after chatting with someone I met on a Hans Zimmer fansite guest bookbr br Watch this film let yourself live the emotions dont get bogged in trivial nitpicking of the ending be that child again
This film is absolutely awful but nevertheless it can be hilarious at times although this humor is entirely unintentionalbr br The plot was beyond ridiculous I dont even think a 2 yearold would be convinced by the ludicrous idiocy that the filmmakers tried to slap together into a story However on the positive side some of the horrifically inane plot twists provide a great deal of humor For example Wow Lady Hogbottom has a giant missile hidden in her back yard It gets worse and even funnier but Ill spare youbr br The acting is generally laughable Most of the kids roles are sort of cute but not very believable On the other hand Annie is pretty awful allaround The adults dont take their roles seriously at all but this is largely a good thing If theyd tried to be believable the film wouldve been even worse Which is difficult to imaginebr br Once you get past the overall crappiness of the movie there are actually a few standout moments of almostnotcrappiness The scene where Lady Hogbottoms son runs away with the maid is surprisingly hilarious though its an annoying letdown when they get caught by the police The butler character while very minor is a ray of sunlight that almost but never quite pierces through the gloombr br Watching this movie actually caused me physical pain Nevertheless there were a few redeeming parts that made it almost watchable without beginning to hemorrhage internally Judged on its good parts alone the movie would be about a 5 unfortunately the rest of the movie hardly deserves a 1 Thus I give it a 3br br Thats being pretty generous Id say
It is nice to see the likes of Oliver Stone Brian DePalma Al Pacino and even Michelle Pfiefer make one monumental piece of cinematic garbage It is nice to see people so rich and successful wasting their time on one of the most forgettable trite and pathetic pieces of filmmaking of all time This movie represents the worst of Hollywoodbr br What is this Is it based on a true story Well they do start with some basic news bites and facts that they read off USA today But then the movie departs to some fantasy world and a cuban refugee going to make it in the American drug subculture kind of like Rocky on cocaine Is it a movie about Cuba or Cubans For the life of me I dont believe there is a single Cuban in this movie The accents are totally fake and scene with Antonios mother looks like a poster for midwest American values The whole scene looks like something out of the Dick Van Dyke show Is this movie about Miami It looks more like LA transposed in Florida Afterall a palm tree is a palm tree Is this a romance novel The relationship between Pacino and Pfeiffer is so obvious from the getgo and there is not one shred of possibility that these two characters could ever care for each other Is this a drug movie Well no issues of obsession or addiction are even mentioned The behavior of the actors after a line of coke is nothing different than had they had a drink of water Admittedly the acting is terriblebr br Lets get to the rest The music is disgusting and sounds like latin elevator music or something out of a Lawrence Welk show I think I heard a polka The camera work is shoddy with too much movement and far more cranes than could ever be effective Clearly the photography budget was excessive The sound is bleached in a number of spots and the dialogue seems to be carried out in a warehouse The writing is appalling This is one of those movies were the script writes itself You are dragged from one trite piece of dialogue to the next each pushing the plot like a sack of bricksbr br So I am going to ask Is this even a movie It could be a drama series patched together for two and a half hours But at least a drama series has some kind of focus Maybe it is just a bunch of poorly acted scenes taped together Whatever it is movie or not it is a piece of crap
A fashion designer trips over a cat and falls into a pool hitting her head on something floating on the surface With rather cheesy effects this was a TV movie she floats up out of her body She floats through a tunnel of rings of swirling orange smoke and black rigid figures tip into her view they look like the mannequins in her apartment I almost thought I was watching a Jess Franco movie As her friends revive her a black arm grabs her by the wrist and she has to struggle to get loose When she is revived she remembers everything and has a nasty bruise on her forearmbr br Shortly thereafter she nearly gets hit by an outofcontrol car that comes up on the sidewalk behind her On Halloween she decides with her boyfriend to go to Mexico for a vacation When she gets there shes surprised to find its the Day of the Dead Theyre annoyed by another American tourist who keeps following them and he almost drowns thembr br The designer is encouraged to join a group of people whove had near death experiences Theyve all experienced the tunnel but not the black figures or the repeated near escapes from death One of them has and hes very anxious Shes also encouraged to meet with a psychicbr br A Doctor tells her about people he calls Walkers the name of the novel this was based on Theyre people who supposedly died of one cause that when examined prove to have died of another cause Thus its like they continued walking around after dying until they died again but he blames it on poor recordkeepingbr br I watched this on the 102 minute video and it felt awfully long I cant imagine that theres actually a 192 minute version Perhaps if it was meant to be watched over two or more nights on TV it would better be watched that way than in one sittingbr br Ive only read one Gary Brandner novel Floater and if it is representative of his work hes not the most original of writers Floater had the common plot of picked on kid kills people in revenge Even the variation was pretty common picked on kid dies and kills people years later in revenge from beyond the grave And in fact it has a point in common with this movie in that the kid practices astral projection and when he is drowned he floats up out of his body as here I dont know how closely From the Dead of Night follows his novel Walkers I understand the Howling movies dont bear much resemblance to his novelsbr br Its quite a slow movie and the special effects and cinematography are really held down by the presumably low budget and madeforTV shortcomings There are a lot of easily recognizable character actors in it It also feels very dated more early to mid 1980s than 1989 I found it to be boring A much better lowbudget movie covering similar subject matter that I dont think has dated as badly is Sole Survivor 1983 arguably the inspiration for the 2000s Final Destination movies It blows From the Dead of Night away
This series produced at probably the most propitious time following the events of the second World War is on a scale of value that stands far above any individuals presumption to criticizebr br The timing of World at Wars production in 1974 amounting to some three decades after the events of the war permits an accurate relating of events in a manner uncoloured by residual propaganda and slant The passage of thirty years allows the telling to be backed up by an impressive and fascinating panoply of the very individuals involved ranging from some of the highest military and political figures down to the field soldiers civilians and such survivors of the death camps as have remained to bear witness to the unimaginable inhumanities of which civilized humans are capable Most approaching or well into their senior years the interviewed subjects have had enough time to reflect on their experiences and in most instances have had enough time for whatever propaganda and fervor may have affected them in the past to have receded away leaving only the memories of what they saw and what they didbr br The information that these survivors give strikingly reinforced by the postures and expressions they display while telling their part give their stories all the more impact Such names as Ira Eaker Adolph Galland Louis Mountbatten Albert Speer Gertrude Junge Hitlers personal secretary the list is far too long to relate br br Today within the lifetime of the survivors of this enormous lesson in the hideous price of political ambition are young people who chant the same sort of militaristic and nationalistic war promotion as led to WW2 The DVD series we discuss here ought to comprise the core of a mandatory history subject in schools that the lessons bought at such a horrible cost in those days should not have been wasted but should be taken to heart by those who did not see firsthand the terrible pricebr br I am almost done watching the 11 disk set having seen most of the series when a local TV channel aired it more than 10 years ago It has lost none of its poignancy to me indeed has become even more of a magnificent chronicle of some of the very darkest days of human timesbr br The highest possible rating seems unworthy of being applied to this presentation I think the value of this series is beyond counting
Kannathil Muthamittal is for sure a great movie I have to give it to Mani Ratnam for a great directing job and AR Rahman for great songs The camera work is just excellent and is similar to Black Hawk Down and Saving Private Ryan I will be shocked if this movie does not win an Oscar for Best Foreign Film or even Best Camera Work
This is an absolutely horrid excuse for a show People say its witty and intelligence I dont see how Maybe because the characters use fancy words Maybe because they are snooty use dry humor and have 2 dimensional personalities I went to an Ivy league school and nobody acted anywhere near as obnoxious as these characters In fact had I met someone like them I would have likely strangled them The men act like little emotional preteen girls and all the minority characters are based off stereotypes The characters are no AT ALL AUTHENTIC Simply put they sound like a trailer park family trying to be rich and sophisticated This show is just another cookiecutter hit that braindead prime time viewers eat up on a regular basis
I probably give this more credit than it deserves because its Halloween I was just at Knotts Scary Farm and I was in a mood to watch a really cheesy Halloween moviebr br Oh and it only cost me one dollarbr br Usually Ill ffwd through a movie like this to get to the good stuff but I resisted the urge here and Im still not sure why It was obvious from the opening shots this wasnt a real movie not even a Bmovie Its more in the category of the DeCoteau horror movies like The Brotherhood that are shot on filmlook video for about 50 cents in fact I was half afraid any minute one of his beefy college boys would stagger out rubbing himself in his underpants or something There were no cutaway shots too expensive to do multiple camera setups and flat lighting butits hard to pinpoint Theres something refreshing about watching a director with no money pull off a halfdecent movie The fact that hes doing even a halfdecent job is commendable and this movie has its share of meritsthe acting isnt bad the photography is pretty good if too bright to be scary there are some surprises and the whole thing is sort ofdifferent somehowbr br A bunch of college kids are for some unknown reason stuck in the warehouse where they are decorating the annual haunted house A creepy old man gives them a satanic book and they accidentally summon up the powers of hell This results in the costumed people in the haunted house becoming who they are made up to be and causing a lot of mayhem and human suffering Along the way we are treated to an oddly complex and thoughtful lesbian relationship subplotits interesting that this couple seems to be the most wellrounded in the movie Yes theres a sex scene but it isnt salaciousor at least no more so than youd find in any legit movie about lesbians that shows them having sex Its rather unusual for a horror film to take the time and effort to do this without resorting to cheap exploitation br br The other thing about this that held my interest was how it was clearly trying to emulate the stupid kids have sex and get killed vibe of the 80s slashers Its hard to take that on because there are so many of those films that already exist the genre has been done to death Im not sure if its good or bad that these filmmakers simply tried to make another entry in that genre without irony as if it was still a LIVING genre but I appreciated the attemptbr br Which is why I sat through it sometimes you just want to watch a mindless nobudget Aforeffort horror film There really was too much set up not enough gore endless plotholes deadends and clichs and the unfortunate overall feel of a movie that simply did not have enough money behind it to be the film the producers envisionedbut at the very least the haunted house scenes were pretty cool Id pay to go to that haunted house if it existed and didnt mind paying a dollar to see it on DVD even if Ill never watch this againbr br Oh and possible spoiler but there was great brief business with the vampire girl in the coffin I used to be claustrophobic But Ive changed Ha ha good one
What can I say about this film that wont give you any preconceived notions when you see it Very little The plot has to do with the return from hospital of a teenage girl after she broke down What follows after that is the movie It is one of the creepiest most mind blowing films of the past several years Everything about the film is just slightly off center and leaves you feeling ill at ease well after the film has ended It is not a perfect film The film has problems in its final half hour which make an already confusing story even more confusedIf youve read any number of other comments here on IMDb and elsewhere youll know that a great deal of time has been spent trying to unlock what actually is going on Im not sure what I actually think of this film beyond the fact that it scared me and disturbed me in ways that most well known horror films ever have If you like horror and dont mind not having everything clearly summed up I suggest you try this since it will more than likely make your skin crawl
The Unborn is a pretty good lowbudget horror movie exploiting the fears associated with pregnancy Its very well acted by the alwaysgood Brooke Adams and bmovie stalwart James Karen although the supporting cast is pretty average for a bgrader The music by Gary Numan of all people is good too Henry Dominics script is quite intelligent for this sort of thing although there is a hint of misogyny about it Rodman Fenders direction is merely adequate and there are some unnecessary cheap scares If youre a fan of Adams whose movie career is nowhere near as illustrious as it should be check it out shes great as always
Surprisingly enough does movie does have some redeeming quality in it when it moves toward its end For the other part this movie is being a really bad and lame one with a small budget insultingly bad written script and everything that goes with itbr br Its silly that with all the money going around in the Christian circles they never can seem to get sufficient funds to make a decent movie with Im not a religious so I couldnt care less really but filmmaking does some like a good tool to reach a new audience for churches and getting people more interested and curious in reading the bible for instance In that regard these movies always seem like a wasted opportunitybr br The low budget does really hurt the movie and brings it down It makes the movie laughable to watch with its effects and it just gives the overall movie a campy Bmovie like feelingbr br But whats hurting this movie more is its writing The stuff that just happens in this movie is just insulting to the intelligence and then Im not even complaining or talking about the religious aspects of the whole story The way the movie progresses is just so improbable and the people within this movie do such highly unlikely things that its being insulting to its viewersbr br I also hated how the movie was being like a soap opera at times Seemed to me that they simply had a hard time turning this into a full length movie and they added in some characters and dramatic developments just to fill things up I just couldnt cared less really at timesbr br Still it needs to be said that the movie gets more solid and steady toward its end when its story gets more focused on its essence Still it remains predictable all but it prevented this movie from being a complete wreck to watch and as far as these type of movies are concerned there are far worser one to watch out there though I dont think this movie will win over any new soulsbr br 410
Quentin Tarantino once said that to succeed in the film industry you had to make your own Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs Writeractordirector Larry Bishop seems to have taken that advice a little too literally with Hell Ride and concocted a messy homage that borrows much too heavily in its visuals music camerawork and timealtering storytelling But to properly mimic a Tarantino film one has to have a knack for constructing creative conversations unfortunately Hell Rides primary derailing element is its atrocious ramblings and vulgar monologues that only work to disgust and confuse the audience while simultaneously invoking pity for the actors just for being involvedbr br The antihero protagonist biker gang The Victors consists of several weathered vigilantes who bring their own brand of bloodthirsty justice to the lawless roads The leader Pistolero Larry Bishop is hellbent on revenge and putting out fires The Gent Michael Madsen just tries to balance his chaotic psychotic symphony of life with putting lead into anyone who crosses his boss and Comanche Eric Balfour follows with a fierce loyalty and a mysterious pastbr br On the villainous front Deuce David Carradine is the mastermind who orchestrates from afar though not quite far enough and Billy Wings Vinnie Jones spits venom and lewd explanations for his tattoos while toting a harpoon gun and a general disdain for life While these characters might sound interesting on paper once theyre forced to rant horrendously illconceived dialogue all traces of cool disappear faster than the funding should for Bishops next filmbr br While Hell Ride is riddled with imperfections and missed opportunities the main facet of its undoing lies in the poorly devised conversations And because Bishops main influences are the talky films of Tarantino there are a lot of them The first twenty minutes of the movie are nearly unintelligible and would probably make as much sense muted By the time Pistoleros main squeeze is introduced and certain phrases are overused to the point of nausea youll pray for both death and the ability to turn the sound off Even Dennis Hopper has trouble remaining cool while spouting off such goofy dialoguebr br Have you ever repeated a word or phrase to yourself so many times that it just doesnt sound right or even make sense anymore Bishop starts there and then keeps the madness going until you envy the characters on screen getting their heads cut off And when the dialogue finally takes a break were treated to interspersed shots of nude female oil wrestling and throats being slashed Im not sure what effect Bishop hoped to attain but I doubt he found itbr br Hell Ride wants to pay homage to Quentin Tarantino films Robert Rodriguez films and every movie that idolizes the violent and devilmaycare attitudes of bikers But while its intentions may be noble the horrendously cringeworthy dialogue and the hyperstylized timelinemangling editing prevents the audience from becoming invested with the generic toughguy characters By the time we figure out the mystery behind the characters motives and it may be awhile before you even realize theres a mystery to be solved its just too hard to care anymore And while everyone on screen is clearly having fun theyve entirely neglected to translate any of that entertainment to the audiencebr br Joel Massie
This mess starts off with a real tank running over a car intercut with images of a toy tank This is followed by a family driving home from a birthday party without saying anything The unexplained tank and the untalkative family take up I swear over 10 minutes of film Finally the family sees a car after it has been in a wreck and decides to report it to the proper authorities only to find that the citizens of the town are all hiding in their houses and the cops are hiding in the police station Interesting Almost When the town folk come out due to the familys presence we learn that both the writer and editor are conspiring to substitute suspense with incomprehensible storytelling techniques in the hopes that the audiences inability to tell whats going on will somehow bring unease upon the audience and it works but not in the way they thought it would I was very uneasy with how bad this movie was but not scared at all The dialogue is composed of things that make little sense Not in a fun David Lynch sort of way but a sort of Iwalkedinduringthemiddleofaboringconversation sort of way Over the course of the next hour we learn that the moviemakers try to bore us into being afraid by showing tediously mundane scenes combined with the abovementioned whats going on type scenesbr br The plot involves something along the lines of gentlelooking old folks putting children into a trance through the power of Satan and then bringing them to a party to play with toys and an even more sinister intention and its up to a group of white men everybodys white in the movie to grab their guns and save the day and a tagalong eye candy woman who whines at the drop of a hat They look for the kidnapped children by looking in random places and yelling the kids namesbr br This is a great horror movie for any person who has never seen a horror movie because that person is frightened by the mere thought of Satanism Paganism Wicca or even Catholicism due to a lifetime diet of brainwashing from the Trinity Broadcast Network This represents Satanism as elderly folks in Halloween costumes with candles while mingling at a party in front of an Ankh Replete with a priest spouting completely madeup nonsense about Satanists while calling them Witches The message that anything that isnt Protestantism can be all thrown into the same category for easy condemnationbr br About 30 minutes of footage is wasted to show mediocre elderly actors awkwardly babbling overwrought pseudoSatanic gibberish corny enough to make a teen Goth blush almost always in Olde English and sometimes in Latin that may or may not be made up wordsbr br Highlights include a guy laughing at the idea of little green men for a solid 3 minutes a family staring out of the windows of their car without talking for 10 minutes while listening to elevator muzak A priest studying Satanism for 4 minutes with oohsoscary drawings of demons to scare the Church Lady crowd Random shots of dolls Random shots of children Paint instead of blood at every chance Film School level dream sequences Introduces unimportant characters who do nothing before they exit Sometimes they act as if the Nothing that theyre doing is a big dealbr br The directing is sloppy at best An example of the directing includes a scene at the beginning where a man and woman are kissing and the man pulls away to look lovingly into her eyes and some dark red paint falls on her cheek Looking up they see that its not blood but droplets from a girls snowcone Snowcones are ice and colored flavored water and would not have produced droplets of the same texture as paint not to mention the fact that her snowcone was a bright reddishorange Hackneyed writing certainly but made even worse by the bad directing It then cuts to an alternate shot of the man woman and girl and shows that shes standing about four feet away from them so the snowcone wouldnt have dripped on the woman even if shed held her snowcone out over the womans face Way to go editor Of course the acting is blah The acting by the whole cast could be put on a scale and balanced perfectly between overacting and underactingbr br The directors most offensive technique is to give the actors no motivation and then go out for lunch as the unblinking eye of the camera leers as the actors make fools of themselvesbr br And FINALLY after all that we get to an ending that wouldve been great had it been handled by competent people and not Jerry Falwell
Take Rambo mix in some Miami Vice slice the budget about 80 and youve got something that a few tenyearold boys could come up with if they have a big enough backyard too much access to Penthouse Cop and excommando McBain Busey and with a name like McBain you know hes as gritty as they come is recruited to retrieve an American supertank that has been stolen hidden in Mexico Captured with the tank were hardbitten Sgt Major ORourke Jones McBains former love Devon Fluegel the officer in command now meat for the depraved terroristsspiesdrug peddlers who have no sense of decency blah blah blah For an action movie with depraved sex theres a dearth of action and not much sex The running joke is that McBain gets shot all the time survives keeping the bullets as souvenirs Apparently the writers didnt see The Magnificent Seven The man for us is the one who GAVE him that face nor thought to give McBain even a pretense of intelligence Even for a budget actioner the production values are poor with distant shots during dialog and very little movement The main prop the tank is silly enough for an Ed Wood production Fluegel who might have been a blonde Julia Roberts she had a far bigger role in Crime Story than Julia has to go from simpering to frightened to buttkicking back again on an instants notice Jones whos been in an amazing array of films pretty much hits bottom right here Both he Busey were probably just out for some easy money a couple of laughs Look for talented future character actor Danny Trejo Heat Once Upon a Time in Mexico in a stereotyped menacing bit part Much too dull even for a guilty pleasure Bulletproof is still noisy enough to play when you leave your house but want people to think theres someone home
I attended a screening of The Cooler at the Toronto Film Festival this year While the other reviews Ive read seem to be generally and mystifyingly positive I must tell you without any kind of axe to grind that this film is unimaginably unspeakably bad The very brave and candid performances by William H Macy and Maria Bello have been horribly misspent on what is probably the least polished most clichd script to have received the green light in years I dont know how bad The Brown Bunny was but Im certain it couldnt have attained the Dantestyle depths that this one did As courageous as their performances were perhaps the bravest thing these otherwise brilliant actors did was to entrust themselves to such a dreadful director and abysmal screenplaybr br He must pitch pretty well in the boardroom because he should never been permitted to be within a hundred yards of a camera The dialogue is so embarrassingly contrived and clumsy that I actually found myself blushing during the screening I am mortified that the talents of Macy have been totally squandered in the hands of someone whose direction is as incompetent as his writingbr br Watching gifted actors like Alec Baldwin labor through Kramers appalling script and hamfisted direction was akin to watching a baby seal get clubbed to death I felt angered helpless and sickened all at the same time Although I am always glad that there are investors and industrypeople willing to take risks on quirky scripts with interesting premises this picture was a total utter fiasco Kramer couldnt have been crueler to these actors if he had himself taken a steel pipe to their knees I hope for their sakes they can all avoid similar humiliations in the future Macy wisely ducked out the side door and didnt even stick around for the screening Regrettably it seems that the bad luck of main character has rubbed off on the picture in the worst possible way Anyone accustomed to quality independents will likely find it completely unbearable
I got to see this on the plane to NZ last week and was wondering how it would measure up to both the UK film and the book I have to say I was favorable impressed If anything the fanatical attachment to the Red Sox during the lean years works even better than the original devotion to Arsenal FC who have had success through the years As a Brit I was also interested to see that you dont need to understand baseball to get whats going on One question springs to mind Was the screenplay written using the Sox as the team even before they finally broke the Curse of the Bambino Or was another team in the frame As a Red Sox fan myself weird I know a Brit who understands baseball I have to say that it added to the enjoyment
I have not watched every jackass episode It was mildly entertaining if nothing else was going But after watching Jackass 2 i was fond of Bam and Dunn They had a nice attitude in the movie jackass so i figured id tune in on viva la Bam Boy was i mistaken Seriously you could pair a bunch of 2graders provide them with the same budget and i bet they could knock off something more creative on the screen I mean CMon MTV At 23 where most people are tuned in you give us this rubbishbr br Everything seems so forced You dont know the characters because theres no attitude at all You cant appreciate Bam or Dunn or anyone for that matter If there would just be a tiny tiny doze of thought Anything we wont forget as soon as next shot goes onbr br They finally manage to create a good shot and you like whats going on You sit there just waiting for their reaction and then some jerk closes the scenes with two lame sentences and bang Was that the close for that shot or what please If i had been there i would freak out and laugh Do some insane stuff and have my adrenaline pumping but these guys Just scripted stupid reactionsbr br Yes they get a few chuckles of the audience by cheap gross jokes or gigantic jokes which in my opinion are such a waste of cash br br Many many normal humans which was not taken under the Jackass wing could in a heartbeat write a far funnier script Or impress with visual camera work Even spontaneous wannabe cool guys without a script would pull of a better job MTV could in a whim bring more soothing material on the screen You just need to fire the writer of this stupid showbr br Some scenes actually require a bit of courage and therefore 2 stars
I caught this movie on the Horror Channel and was quite impressed by the films Gothic atmosphere and tone As a big fan of all things vampire related I am always happy to see a new variation of the vampire mythos in this case a ghoullike creature residing in a Lovecraftian other dimension The director has done a brilliant job of conveying the dark mood of the subject using the decadent art scene as a backdrop to what is essentially a tale of love spanning time and space the pure love of friendship opposed to the lust for blood and life by the vampires in the story The characters in the story are transported to another dimension by the means of a mindaltering substance where a shapeshifting vampire creature appears to grant them their hearts desires whilst draining them of their life essence There are some analogies to drug addiction and loss of control and how this affects a group of friends in an artistic circle I enjoyed watching the 2 main male characters in the story Chris Ivan Cevic and Alex Petrovich who were very attractive hunks always a plus point in a vampire story for the female viewers The special effects make up and creature effects were well done and the set design of the vampires dimension was very effective All in all an enjoyable take on vampire myths and recommended for anyone who likes their vampires with some intelligence and not just action The only thing missing to make it even better would have been a bit more eroticism and nudity as it would have suited the plot and themes
Ettore Scola is one of the most important Italian directors My parents and I watched together Ceravamo tanto amati on a summer night we liked it but we didnt love it as we loved A special day I believe Ettore Scola is pretty underrated we often forget to remember him maybe because his latest films were disappointing And so yesterday night my mum and I sat on our sofa to enjoy this masterpiece Writing direction cinematography score and production design were sober and accurate but the thing I liked the most was the chemistry between Loren and Mastroianni Theyre both excellent actors and play the main roles of Antonietta and Gabriele Antonietta is an housewife married with a fanatic Fascist she has six children but her husband wants to have another child to get a prize for the huge families Gabriele is simply an AntiFascist They spend together a special day that special day of 1938 when Hitler came to Rome visiting Mussolini I dont want to spoil anymore about the plot go looking for this film
Val Kilmer is almost nowhere in this film lucky for him He plays maybe 30 seconds of screen time and his role is completely irrelevant After seeing the film I couldnt tell you what role he plays in the film OK they suck you in the first hour by immersing you in dark underground tunnels Spooky movies filmed in dark underground tunnels easily suck most people in to last the first 30 minutes to an hour Then you will begin wondering why am I watching this I remember thinking how easy it must be for a directorwriter to use dark underground labyrinths to make a film Simply film people wandering around in dark tunnels and you have instant suspense But that is where this movie goes no further We all wonder what goes bump in the night but there is nothing out there in the dark in this film but more darkness The story is even worse Apparently there is an underlying story to the film that I learned of after watching the film But the film uses such poor dialouge that it never came across clearly during the screening I still dont understand what the writerdirector meant to say Some children trapped underground by a misled sister in Russia Why Are they in our time the same time as the characters Are they ghosts br br This was an absolutely Horrible film that drew me to write my first IMDb review to warn others to avoid it
i am not exactly how sure the accuracy is with this movie but i can tell you that i was thoroughly entertained by this movie the character of gustplayed perfectly by Phillip Seymour Hoffman was one of the most unique yet entertaining characters in recent memory this movie informedyet managed to avoid preaching to the audience it made me laugh made me sad made me feel alive and glad to be spending the time to watch the movie it takes no time to understand what is going on and takes you on a roller coaster ride of genuine human emotion i thought i knew my history apparently i didnt know it at all i give this move 9 out of 10 and recommend it for all adults and young adults and the young at heart just not the young but as soon as they are allowed to see r rated movies make it a priority
Unfortunately Jean Eustache 19381981 belongs like so many once leading French film makers nowadays to the great unknown ones whose movies are hard to find and are not released on international DVDs Since we have a good oldfashioned videostore in Tucson I had the chance to watch this 3 12hour marathon masterwork that is not boring for ten secondsbr br Since we speak here about one of the most discussed and most controversially discussed movies of all times let me tell you my impression that the endless dialogs originally typical for the early Nouvelle Vague of a Jacques Rivette or Alain Resnais appear almost ridiculous in this movie The dialogs are basically monologues mainly the longest ones spoken by JeanPierre Laud The most characteristic feature is that the intersections of the speeches of two people is almost zero Laud or his character Alexandre pleases to tell more about himself than about the topics he is seemingly to speak Therefore one can hardly speak about communication in this movie It is well possible that the director had a gargantuan satire in mind against the idle running of the once so hotly discussed political and sociological ideas but the type of man Alexandre exists to all times we find him already in Petrons Satiricon which work has actually great resemblance with The Mother and the Whorebr br Alexandre does not only nothing but he has developed an own kind of metaphysics about the absence of acting at least acting in the sense of responsibility toward the society whose part he is He mocks at the people who run to work at 7 cclock in the morning when he is just busy having his last drink before he goes to bed in the apartment of one of his girlfriends from whose money he lives He is unable to speak one sentence without quoting one of the leading thinkers between Nietzsche and Bernanos Especially Sartre who is shown quickly in the French intellectual caf Aux Deux Magots where Alexandre too is sitting all day must serve as excuse for the lifestyle of Alexandre and his colleagues because they suffer existential crisis from bourgeois nausea However the intellectual speeches of Alexandre seem to be rather pseudointellectual and the sentences and quips he cites seem to come rather from a dictionary of quotations than from his actual reading of the respective booksbr br It is true This movie demands an extremely broad European knowledge especially the connoisseurship of French existentialist philosophy and there consequences to the 68 student revolution movement but if you have this knowledge than you will enjoy 215 minutes of your life by staring amazed into the TV and crying out with laughing like you have probably not done it since a long time
How bad can you make a film A good question which House of the Dead 2 succeeds in answering I could not believe it was possible to get something worse than the first House of the Dead but amazingly the director has succeeded The only feeling you get from the film is that its bad just bad What with overacting bad FX and a stupid story Its this kind of movie which gives a bad name to ZMovies in general Why could they not learn the lesson from the first House of the Dead movie Anyway I guess you will have understood by now that you should not see this film It is but a waste of time Watch Bad Taste or Dawn of the Dead if you want to see some good zombies
Walter Matthau and George Burns were a famous vaudeville comedy act Lewis and Clark who havent spoken in over 10 years Burns retired and Matthau took it personally and has held a grudge ever since Such is the premise of this hilarious Neil Simon play made into a movie Of course what makes it so good is Matthau and Burns in their prime and the material is funnier than anything you can find today Richard Benjamin shines as Matthaus nephew and agent Theres even old clips of actual stars of the golden era to get you into the groove of the film and character actor Fritz Feld starts it all off with a pop Rosetta LaNoire who started out in the 30s in theater with Orson Welles and later was Grandma on Family Matters is great in a small rolebr br The only problem I had with it and maybe Im being too picky andor serious is the way Matthau treats Burns when they first meet Granted hes had a lot of resentment festering in all these years but some of the things he does would be considered rude or just plain bad manners taken out of context Also Im used to seeing Matthau act that way in other movies but not to George Burns And Matthaus bellowing tends to get a little old br br All in all if you need a consistently funny film to help and forget your troubles put in The Sunshine Boys Theyll lift your spirits and make you think of a simpler time and way of lifebr br Benjamin You have to slide it br br Matthau Wait wait I think you have to slide it
This film is terrible Not only is the story unbelievable the situations the characters put themselves in are so silly to the point where it isnt shocking I find it sad that Daisy Eagan star of Broadways The Secret Garden decided that this would be a career step The idea is interesting two young girls coming of age very quickly But the sex isnt even arousing The film is silly the story is silly the performances are silly and the whole concept while interesting falls flat Im sure all 14 year old girls make out with guys after theyve had their first period and tried to flush their panties down the toilet Better Luck next time guys My Scale TScale
Wellthis movie is really PLUMPED HAHA Get it Thats kinda like the attitude of this movie The plot is just a copy of Pulp Fictionokay thats acceptablebut to make this piece if PLUMP haha is really unbelievableThe storyline is so patheticand the whole thing only gathered a few laughs It did try making a few jokes from various other moviesand it failed most of the times I meani do have a sense of humorbut this isnt really the way to go to get a laugh Most of the supposedly Funny moments are completely ironic The film is quiet short running at around 75 minutes overall They could have done a much funnier jobseeming they made fun of a blockbuster filmthey were gamblingand hey I think they lostbr br In overall PLUMP Fictionis PLUMPABLE but you wont gather much at allbr br Worth watching over and over again No once is enoughactually its more than enoughbr br So is it worth the rent UmmmAs I saidIts PLUMPABLEbut you will only gather a few PLUMPS from itbr br Overall out of 10 a 4 out of 10
Im proud to say Ive seen all three Fast and Furious filmsSurethe plots are kinda sillyand they might be a little cheesybut I love them car chasesand all the beautiful carsand the clandestine midnight racesAnd Ill gladly see a fourth onebr br Wanna know what the difference is between those three and RedlineDecent actingsomewhat thought out ploteven if they are potboilersand last but not leastdirectors who have a clueAll three were made by very competent directorsall of them took the films in a different directionequally excitingRedline looks like the producer picked out a dozen women he slept with on the casting couchand made them the extrasthen picked up his leads from Hollywoods unemployment lineAnd the scriptYikesIts Mystery Science Theatre 3000 badThis is 70s made for TV movie badbr br Yeahthe movie had a few cool carsbut you dont really get to see that many in actionand the action is directed so poorly you cant get excited by the chasesand if the cars arent thrilling youwhy go to a movie like thisbr br Im in the audience with a bunch of teenagersand I cant stop laughing out loudIm getting dirty looksbut this was just a debaclebr br Rent the FF moviesGo to Nascar RaceGo to a karting track and race yourselfWhatever you doavoid Redline like bad cheese
Miles Okeefe stars as Ator a loinclothed hero who resembles a Chippendales dancer The Conanwannabe must do battle with an evil guy in a Cher wig and protect the Earth from the Geometric Nucleus a sort of primitive atomic bomb Watch closely for visible sunglasses and tiretracks Mystery Science Theater 3000 made fun of it under the title CAVE DWELLERS
This is my kind of film I am fascinated by strange psychotic nightmares and this movie is just that But it is also a dark comedy While I see it mostly as a horrorthriller there will be others who might see it as a black dramatic comedybr br But either way it is a fascinating descent into madness The ending caught me off guard but what an ending It leaves the viewer a lot to think aboutbr br Powerful performances a complex and detailed plot a great script filled with dread and dashes of humor and an eerie atmosphere make this a film worth watchingbr br Personally I think that I will need to watch this several more times to pick up and understand all the subtleties that are within But it is such a film that it will be a pleasure and not a chore so to do
For comedy to work there are many factors involvedbr br 1 Dont be afraid to take risks 2 If anyone or anything deserves to be poked fun at do it and continue to do itbr br but most of allbr br 3 BE FUNNYbr br The Chasers War on Everything succeeds in all those three things In fact the show proved to be so popular and so funny that already only months after its first episode a DVD of the first season was released I picked it up within days of it being released and hit the floor laughing and had so many fuing tears in my eyes Its that well goodbr br In short and to save me blabbing on about the show watch it buy it podcast it whatever will make you watch the fuing best show in the worldbr br Go the CHASER
I find it hard to believe that this movie has such a low rating It is arguably one of the best comedies ever made and surely the best Bollywood comedy of the 90s The film did not do too well on the box office and people had diametrically opposite reactions after seeing it My guess is most people didnt expect it to be an allout comedy and were expecting a regular movie If you love comedies this is a mustsee And Aamir Khan is outstanding
After leaving TVs popular The Andy Griffith Show Don Knotts gave movie stardom a valiant try with a series of inane but matinepleasing comedy vehicles Unfortunately The Reluctant Astronaut filmed on the cheap as were most of Knotts movies is much worse than his others Don plays a small town schnook who gets accepted to Astronaut Training campbut not as a candidate for space travelthey want him as their new janitor Some may say the weak satire capitalizes on Americans thenfresh fever for the new age of technology but the flick is really just a dim excuse to keep restless children occupied It gets off to a good start with an OK setup and nostalgic locations but it becomes increasingly more spiritless and idiotic from
Head is one of those films youll have a lot of trouble convincing your friends to see but once they do theyll fall in love with it I dont know how many times this has happened to me This film is just so funny and bizarre really a deconstruction of everything the Monkees had been up to this point in their career A lot the credit goes to Bob Rafelson who pretty much ended the Monkees career with this film My guess is he wanted to get out of directing the TV show and get into features which he did in a big way after this one Micky Dolenz is absolutely hilarious I cant believe he didnt have a second life as a comic actor after this film This film has a lot of great cameos and a lot of wonderful psychedelic nonsense I feel like the reputation of this film is continuing to build and it wouldnt surprise me if it eventually becomes a full on cult classic
The first reviewer is right In this movie we see ourselves snuggling up to the majority being agreeable trying to stay out of trouble just trying to live our lives and we see how easily these very human traits so fundamental to the functioning of society can lead us to become complicit in a great evilbr br The story is set during World War II with the radio newspapers and movies reminding us of Hitlers attacks on Jews to underscore the irony of the same kind of violent antisemitism taking place in America At times that seemed a little heavyhanded to mebr br It feels more like a play than a movie but its so thoughtprovoking that such quibbles mean little Perhaps less trivial is the fact that the entire plot hinges one one little fact that struck me as rather implausible Larry has lived an uneventful life until middle age yet all it takes is his beginning to wear a pair of spectacles for everyone EVERYONE to at the first glance take him for a Jew I willingly suspended disbelief because the plot kept me moving forward but the implausibility did bother me throughout the film And quite frankly I didnt understand why his wife was also taken for a Jew Larry seemed to think so because her name was Hart And later when he married her I dont know why his neighbours assumed she was Jewish For the first part of the film I wondered if there were going to be elements of fantasy Larrys unassumingness seemed exaggerated almost to the point of the grotesque Why not call the police on seeing the rape even if the attacker was a neighbour And I thought the lighting seemed to suggest something slightly unreal the red of the houses seemed too red Gertrudes entrance seemed deliberately overlit generally the colours were almost crayonlike in their intensitybr br In the credits I see that it was filmed on Campbell Avenue and Wallace Avenue in Toronto so I plan to drive down there near Bloor Dufferin today to check out the colours Really It was good to be reminded that the clergy at that time were often leading the evil of racism Remember how the pope refused to speak out against Hitler seeking only to get protection for the Church It was the same pope by the way who when Rome was about to be liberated by American troops requested that the first soldiers to enter the city not be black Check your history I dont recall ever hearing of this movie before Thats a shame It certainly is of great interest to every thinking person to everyone interested in American history or racism its one of the clearest illustrations Ive ever seen of Bertrand Russells dictum Do not go with a crowd to do evil
Homelessness or Houselessness as George Carlin stated has been an issue for years but never a plan to help those on the street that were once considered human who did everything from going to school work or vote for the matter Most people think of the homeless as just a lost cause while worrying about things such as racism the war on Iraq pressuring kids to succeed technology the elections inflation or worrying if theyll be next to end up on the streetsbr br But what if you were given a bet to live on the streets for a month without the luxuries you once had from a home the entertainment sets a bathroom pictures on the wall a computer and everything you once treasure to see what its like to be homeless That is Goddard Bolts lessonbr br Mel Brooks who directs who stars as Bolt plays a rich man who has everything in the world until deciding to make a bet with a sissy rival Jeffery Tambor to see if he can live in the streets for thirty days without the luxuries if Bolt succeeds he can do what he wants with a future project of making more buildings The bets on where Bolt is thrown on the street with a bracelet on his leg to monitor his every move where he cant step off the sidewalk Hes given the nickname Pepto by a vagrant after its written on his forehead where Bolt meets other characters including a woman by the name of Molly Lesley Ann Warren an exdancer who got divorce before losing her home and her pals Sailor Howard Morris and Fumes Teddy Wilson who are already used to the streets Theyre survivors Bolt isnt Hes not used to reaching mutual agreements like he once did when being rich where its fight or flight kill or be killedbr br While the love connection between Molly and Bolt wasnt necessary to plot I found Life Stinks to be one of Mel Brooks observant films where prior to being a comedy it shows a tender side compared to his slapstick work such as Blazing Saddles Young Frankenstein or Spaceballs for the matter to show what its like having something valuable before losing it the next day or on the other hand making a stupid bet like all rich people do when they dont know what to do with their money Maybe they should give it to the homeless instead of using it like Monopoly moneybr br Or maybe this film will inspire you to help others
The auteur of Prince manages to take an excellent cast a decent story a mediocre script and carefully assemble them into one boring monotonous amateurish mess In spite of a strong central performance by Frank Nasso the Prince this disjointed film wanders aimlessly from scene to scene painfully disintegrating into hash The result brings a sigh of relief at the end where the tears of joy should be A sad waste of time and talent and a good example of how NOT to direct a filmbr br
Sure its hard being gay especially in the south We get it Over and over againbr br What stood out was that the film makers focused almost wholly on the more extreme characters in these small town gay bars the drag queens the seedy sleaze of a bar longclosed and on a guy who was brutally murdered for being gay yet had nothing to do with either of the bars which were the focus of this filmbr br There were snippets of interviews from other people people viewers would perhaps be better able to relate to But they were glossed over practically skipped maybe shown in a glimpse in the backgroundbr br It would have been more interesting to me at least to hear the experiences of the more common gay men and women who were either enriched or otherwise by the experiences of a small town gay bar andor the absence of that community
I scooped up this title by accident with the Grindhouse Vol 1 collection of pure Eurotrash movies But this movie has a nice stamp of approval and should deserve a better transfer than what is out there Stupednous it is not satisfying it is Watching this movie I couldnt help to wonder how come Sergio Martino didnt make this flick This has his signature all over it and punctuated by Edwedge Fenech alas not as well known as she should be but she did get a nice cameo in Hostel II Doublecrosses and triplecrosses underly and cement this film from beginning to end with Lee Van Cleef oozing coolness under pressure from the 1st second Did this guy have to go to Italy to finally reach his potential or did the studio system let this guy slip through Besides Lees more recognizable films filmgoers should try this on for size and see how if Sergio Leone wouldve lowered his epic scale down on Once Upon a Time in America to half the running time and 14 of the budget this is what it wouldve turned out to be like So refreshing it should be taken in during the day at home and make it for an couch matine
This is another Universal fun filled fright festMany people want to compare it to House Of FrankensteinEven though it has similar cast and the same director it can stand on its ownIt does appear that Erle C Kenton directed most of the Universal horror films of the 40sbr br The plot recapBaron Latos appears at the home of Dr Eidlemann seeking a cure for his vampirismLarry Talbot who somehow survived House OF Frankenstein also shows up at the good doctors door seeking a cure for his afflictionAfter a failed suicide attempt Talbot and the doctor find the Frankenstein monster To complicate matters just before he bites the dust Dracula infects the good doctor with his bloodThe doctor becomes a bloodthirsty maniac at certain timesWhere this leads to is something youll have to see for your selfbr br Carradine actually gives a very good performance as Dracula He isnt chewing up the scenery as he will in later roles It is hard to repress giggles when he appears in a top hat thoughThe capecloak is traditional but the hat has to go Where does the hat go when he changes into a batbr br Onslow Stevens gives an excellent portrayal of the doctor Hes torn between his basic kindness and the increasing blood lust he is now prone to This is a very underrated performanceChaney brings even more life to the Wolf Man in his 4th appearance in that rolebr br The monster isnt given much to do this timeJust lay on the table until the endsome stock footage from the Ghost Of Frankenstein is usedAt least in House Of Frankenstein he was up and around a bitbr br Yes this does stick to the basic Universal pattern complete with the angry village mob running amok with torchesBut it isnt a bad way to spend an hour and ten minutesIt gets a low 8
I accidently felt on this movie on TV and I wasnt able to leave it Its really an excellent movie which makes people learning about americans history with the Vietnam war the flower powers time the racisms fight It illustrates the conflict of generation of political opinion of race which took place in the 60sIm born in 1980 so I didnt know all that stuff beforeIn france USAs history is not a priority and that movie really learned me a lot of facts By the way I think all the actors are great especially Jordana Brewster Josh Hamilton and Jerry OConnell Now I can see this film more then 1 time each day Its really great what a shame it only appeared on TV not in cinemasbr br
Acclaimed Argentine horror director Emilio Vierya directs a script from Jack Curtis and Antonio Ross Cheesy and ridiculous are in the mix for the method to the madness A doctors son is nearing his early death until his desperate father transplants an apes heart into his chest As expected things are going to get weird when this young man turns into a mask wearing monster and roams the beaches scouting out nice looking party girls to make his slaves When heroin is injected his beauties become zombies The monster summons his dazed minions with strange organ music So badwellits just bad In the cast Jose E Moreno Alberto Caneau Mauricio De Ferraris Gloria Prat and Gina Moret
I have only seen Gretchen Mol in two other films Girl 6 Donnie Brasco and dont really remember her but she did a great job as a naive girl who posed for pictures because it made people happybr br She really didnt think what she was doing was wrong even when she left the business and found her religion againbr br The photos she made were certainly tame by todays standards and it is funny seeing men with cameras get all excited and politicians pontificating on the evils of pornography David Strathairn Good Night and Good Luck played a super part herebr br Mary Harron American Psycho wrote and directed an outstanding biopic of the most famous pinup girl ever
Irwin Allens first venture into all star spectacle was one all star disaster The Story of Mankind contains some of the most incredible casting decisions of all time Virginia Mayo as the blond Cleopatra Dennis Hopper chewing the scenery with Napoleon Peter Lorre dining on the scenery for weeks as Nero Marie Wilson as Marie Antoinette as a roadshow Marilyn Monroe thats just some of thembr br The film also is known for being the last film which featured all three of the Marx Brothers though they all have different roles Chico plays a monk who is Christopher Columbuss confidante Groucho euchres the Indians out of Manhattan island as Peter Minuit and most astonishing of all Harpo Marx as Sir Isaac Newton who discovers gravity when an apple conks him on the bean br br Holding all these portrayals together is a story where mankind itself is being judged A super H Bomb is about to be discovered and let loose will do in the worlds population Its Judgement Day a comingbr br But mankind has its advocates and detractors Speaking for the prosecution is Old Scratch whos been bringing the worst out in man for centuries in the form of Vincent Price But man has his good side as well and who better than Ronald Colman to demonstrate man at his most civilized best Colman and Price plead their case before The Judge played by Cedric Hardwicke br br In those three individuals you have some of the finest speaking voices the English language ever knew When the film is on them as they each bring out the exhibits for their case its a pleasure to listen to Then when the focus is on the individual stories you want to scream in agonybr br What was Irwin Allen driving at Im still trying to figure it out Was he deliberately camping it up with some of these casting decisions If it was satire it just doesnt get off the groundbr br This was Ronald Colmans farewell film and while its hardly something Id like to go out on I cant think of any man who could have stated the case for civilization any better br br So when you see The Story of Mankind fast forward through some of the exhibits and treasure every moment the advocates are before the judge
Demon Wind is about as much fun as breaking your legs It is definitely an awful example of a film So awful in fact that I dont even consider it a movie I describe it more as a thing a monstrous thing A thing that must be stopped at all costs My friends and I first discovered this thing buried under a big box of video tapes at my friends house It was a late night and we had nothing better to do so we decided to watch some cheesy horror movies we unfortunately picked this one Well during the 90 minutes that this thing played we ended up laughing so hard that we almost threw up The thing is literally pointless in every sense of the word Its just a cheap poorly done ripoff of Evil Dead The whole story seems to be nothing more than some guy wanting to knock off his friends by inviting them to an abandoned house and letting demons rip them to pieces I have a bet that the writers were actually writing the story while it was being filmed Ive seen bad horror movies before Manos Troll 2 HOBGOBLINS shudder I would have to say that Demon Wind could definitely contend with any and all of these films on terms of sheer stupidity Watch it only if you enjoy laughing at stupid filmsbr br Fun fact This film is like a cockroach on steroids Much like the ouija board every time we try to get rid of it it always seems to mysteriously reappear Kind of scary huh
1st watched 1262009 4 out of 10 DirWalter Lang Disappointing musical from a character development standpoint in my opinion from this muchheralded Rodgers and Hammerstein piece There a couple of good songs and a decent comical portrayal at times of the King of Siam by Yul Brynner but the movie doesnt really do a good job of presenting the situation and the settings I can only blame the screenplay and possibly some of the acting as to why we dont fully understand the characters and their situations I know it might be a little too much to ask of a musical meant for the enjoyment of the songs and the dancing but even this part didnt stand out a lot for me The basic storyline is about an English woman coming to Siam to teach the children about upscale European things We find out later that the King is actually the biggest pupil There is a side forbidden romance between the Kings newest wife played by Rita Morenoa latino as an Arabcome on and a former lover that causes some complications but nothing really mesmerizing added though Deborah Kerr as the main female character Annie is OK but not that convincing either The King learns some things because of her presence and then the movie fades away as he does This is really a miniscule story with some songs and dancing but not that great of an experience for a viewer really
I have given this film an elevated rating of 2 stars as I personally appear in minutes 42 and 43 of the filmthe road side bar scene in Russia In this scene the director of the movie offered me the immortal line 50 Dollarsyou Drink and Talk but I felt that my Polish counterpart could speak in a more convincing Russian accent than I could so I declined to take this speaking part on I was slightly starstruck as this was my first Film experienceand who knows these lines could have ended up there with lines such as Ill be Back and Quite Frankly My Dear I Dont Give a Damn Had I spoken that one line then my name would appear in the credits of Rancid Aluminium as Heavy 1 instead of the name of Ryszard Janikowski br br As time goes on I am counting myself lucky that my name is in no way connected to this filmbr br Even though I spent a whole day on the set in South Wales hotspot Barry Island no one could tell me what the actual storyline was The caterers and the wardrobe lady all concurred that it appeared to have a lot of swearing and nudity in it things could certainly have been worse if Id ended up naked in this most dreadful of filmsbr br StillOn the positive sideI got chatting to Rhys Ifans during one break I had no idea who he was as Notting Hill was yet to be released and not an inkling that he might be Welsh Made various inappropriate comments about what an awful pit Barry Island had become since my childhood visits there in the 70s and 80s It was only when Keith Allen showed up that I realised I was in a quality production
When Jan Svankmajer lets his imagination run wild get ready Youre in for dark harrowing films like Alice and Little Otik or short gems such as Down to the Cellar and Jabberwocky All of those are excellent films that represent disturbing surrealistic filmmaking at its bestbr br On the other hand when Svankmajer attempts to make a political statement of any kind youre advised to leave the room in a hurry Svankmajers films in this vein tend to be both adolescent and preachy presenting strawman caricatures in repetitious fashion to express his pseudobrilliant insightsbr br Lunacy unfortunately is very much this latter type of movie Cartoonish ideas and characters are stretched paperthin for an appalling two hours There are a few moments that briefly hold interest but these few oases are separated by vast deserts of boredombr br If you found Svankmajers dreadful monotonous short film Et Cetera brilliant and hilarious youll probably love Lunacy If youve never seen a Svankmajer film before please start elsewhere
I didnt know a lot about this film going into it but I did find out that Kane was a wrestler which didnt exactly thrill me but hey I liked Santas Slay and that had a wrestler in it so what the hell The story begins very strangely and promisingly but after a while becomes not much more than your typical teen terror slasher flick although the settings helped some A bunch of criminal young folks get rounded up and taken to an old hotel that used to be a luxury palace but is now a dump to clean it up to prepare it as a homeless shelter The driver is a man with a prosthetic arm being a veteran of the opening scene of this movie wherein he encounters this big galoot that had just killed his partner and blinded another woman The teens all being punk smartasses all of course object to having to do any real work but theyre part of some unique coed work program yep what a great idea that is of course Little does anyone suspect that there is someone lurking there in the hotel that in his own little way will save the tax payers of that state some money Of course its the guy that likes to collect eyeballs and hes got quite a collection going There wont be a lot here that horror fans havent seen before but theres a few brutal scenes and sufficient gore to satisfy the hardcore fan The setting of the old hotel makes a perfect spot for a slasher flick too and theres little substories like the search for an alleged safe full of money and the search for babes since this coed work crew is evenly matched Most of the teens are deservingly killable too so that works well Not great but far better than Silent Hill or When A Stranger calls and perhaps better than some of the other crap that I wouldnt bother to see 7 out of 10
Maybe Im reading into this too much but I wonder how much of a hand Hongsheng had in developing the film I mean when a story is told casting the main character as himself I would think he would be a heavy hand in writing documenting etc and that would make it a little biasedbr br Buthis family and friends also may have had a hand in getting the actual details about Hongshengs life I think the best view would have been told from Hongshengs family and friends perspectives They saw his transformation and werent so messed up on drugs that they remember everythingbr br As for Hongsheng being full of himself the consistencies of the Jesus Christ pose make him appear as a martyr who sacrificed his life metaphorically of course hes obviously still alive as he was cast as himself for his familys happiness Huhbr br The viewer sees him at his lowest points while still maintaining a superiority complex He lies on the grass coming down from during a high by himself and with his father he contemplates life and has visions of dragons at his window he celebrates his freedom on a bicycle all while outstretching his arms his head cocked to the sidebr br Its fabulous that hes off of drugs now but hes no hero He went from a high point in his career in acting to his most vulnerable point while on drugs to come back somewhere in the middlebr br This same device is used in Ted Demmes Blow where the audience empathizes with the main character who is shown as a flawed herobr br However Quitting Zuotian is a film that is recommended mostly for its haunting soundtrack superb acting and landscapes But the best part is the feeling that one gets when what we presume to be the house of Jia Hongsheng is actually a stage setting for a play It makes the viewer feel as if Hongshengs life was merely a play told in many difficult parts
As a community theater actor who works hard at it but doesnt take acting too seriously Im always amused by those who treat it as Great Art This movie skewers the Actors Craft mercilessly while dishing up a lot of good laughsbr br A ham actor on location for a movie bears a resemblance to the dictator When the dictator dies of a heart attack from too much drink and food the actor is kidnapped and forced to play the part of a lifetime by the neoNazi head of the secret service He plays it to the hilt gets the dictators girlfriend to fall in love with him and vice versa and turns the tables on his captors beautifullybr br Lots of great shtick by the leads lots of good work by some unknown supporting actors particularly the household staff and two members of the palace guard and fun little cameos abound Sammy Davis Jr makes light of himself Jonathan Winters plays a semiretired American businessman with something else going on and Raul Julia Sonia Braga and above all Richard Dreyfuss are exceptionalbr br This is a dumb movie but it has lots of beautiful locations in Brazil a humorous script and good actors doing their thing and looking like theyre actually having fun and not going through the usual existential angst about what is only playacting
I watched this movie tonight and I do need to say that it is horrible I expected it to be great because you know usually we dont have many movies about Asian vampires mixed with Asian culture but already in the beginning it started in a bad way the introduction of the movie seemed not to have an end The plot is so weak and if you take the fights and the soundtrack off you really dont have anything useful at all The director of this film doesnt look to have some important notions about how much time to spend in introduction and flashbacks for example not to mention some other thingsbr br For people like me who wants to watch a great vampire movie I really recommend to watch Lost Boys or The Interview with the vampire
Not confusing in the sense that Gee this movie is really complex and thus hard to follow But confusing in the sense that Gee this movie really has no idea what its doingbr br DREAM OF A WARRIOR is a Hong KongSouth Korean collaboration but its all utter nonsense A movie about parallel universes mixed in with time travel mixed in with love story mixed in with sillinessbr br The film has the type of concept that boggles the mind Again not boggles the mind because its so great and complex but boggles in the sense that its so ridiculous and one cant conceive of anyone ever coming up with such an awful premise to begin withbr br Nothing in DREAM OF A WARRIOR makes sense and thats because the whole movie should never have been made It is quite awful The only saving grace is the actress who plays the female warrior not the female leadbr br 3 out of 10
This movie is excellent i watched the French version There are many subplots which usually detracts from the whole but they nicely unfold and concur to the discovering of ones real self main theme In fact the whole movie besides his background is the journey to the discovery of ones or someone elses self Is the King really a good peacenik monarch trying to wage a war to end all wars or is he just a disturbed blood thirsty hoodlum Is he a true king after all Is the attendant to the queen mother just a lusty careerdriven spineless sock puppet or rather a sharp thinking bold individual Will the dameconcubine realize who the king truly is Whats between the king and the old chancellor Whats the secret everyone knows but wont tell Whats the true reason the assassin quit his job Subplots something im not particularly fond of are handled well and keep one watching until the end Scenes are well crafted and CGI fits nicely in without going overboard Suspense is properly maintained and actors are upto the task There is a lot of braindamaged smiling but that is how one was supposed to behave at the kings court as the dameconcubine complains about Realistic movie without superhero moments This Chinese movie really puts Hollywood cardboard colossals Gladiator etc to shame
I could never remember the name of this show I use to watch it when I was 8 I remember staying up late when I wasnt suppose to just so I could watch this show It was the best show to me From what I remember of it it is still great This showed starred Lucas Black making him the first boy I ever had a crush on I am from the country therefore boys with an accent have no appeal to me but for him I would definitely make an exception Which after seeing Crazy in Alabama Friday Night Lights and Tokyo Drift you should see why He is a great actor and has been since he was a kid I miss this show and wish it would come back out If anyone ever sees where they are selling the season please email me kywildflower16hotmailcom
This movie starts out the way every movie should start out with a bunch of hot babes in a dorm walking around in their undies andor topless A couple of them take showers Im liking it so far Unfortunately we then meet or main characters Theyre just not particularly likable Usually in these movies the actresses arent really acting they give very natural performances and theyre quite sympathetic fun and likable Not here They dont have much of any personality and I didnt care for them muchbr br Some of the girls go on a camping trip for school On the way they stop at a backwoods gas station and meet a biker gang The biker gang should really have been left out of the movie it was cheesy before but now its just plain stupid The head biker looks like a middle aged guy dressed up as John Bon Jovi for Halloween The girls go out to the woods and later the biker gang follows thembr br I dont really know what the heck happens after that Theres a bunch of stuff about the world ending because its the end of the millennium then some of the bikers get killed by a mysterious Indian dude who keeps disappearing Somebody gets eaten by a cheesy Lock Ness Monster thing as hes swimming across a lake Some guy in silly makeup is apparently a Druid and he needs to sacrifice some of the girls in order to forestall the end of the world Or maybe cause the end of the world Im afraid I wasnt paying much attention First he dresses the girls up in animal skin lingeriebr br It could have been a really fun cheesy movie but the biker gang kind of ruined the atmosphere and the plot was so scatterbrained that it didnt even live up to my grade Z schlock expectations They really should have eliminated half the plot elements and just focused on one or two things Instead its all over the place Overall if youre looking for late 80 schlock I imagine you could do worse If you tried really hard Theres plenty of nudity at the beginning but the characters are kind of crummy and the plot is too nonsensical to be even the least bit satisfying
After seeing the trailer it was an easy decision not to see this film I mean I dont care for stupid stoner comedies Im sure it was also an easy choice for a lot of people to get together smoke a bowl and go check out this flick with the guy from The Simpsons and some guy named Billy Bob Should have been a good time but the films just not that funnytoo bad somebody had to go and bum their highbr br Unfortunately I found out that the trailer was misleading after it had already left the theaters so I had to wait for the video I really enjoyed it Nice locations quality production and excellent performances from the entire cast Looking back at it the plot twists werent totally unexpected but I didnt find it cumbersome because the premise was so engagingbr br So why was this absorbing drama marketed as a comedy Did something happen to the producer leaving the associate producers to do the marketing by themselves
This is a textbook example of how Hollywood didnt doesnt trust moviegoers and panders to its big name stars The character of Christian is completely rewritten the antisemitism Noah faces from his own army unit is virtually eliminated Michaels story is changed significantly and the end result is to decimate the power and terrible beauty of the book I almost wish I hadnt even seen it because of the ability of movies sounds and images to resonate so powerfully in your brain I would have much rather just been left with the impression of the book The book could have been written today it is that honest and brave The movie neither My advice SKIP the movie READ the book
I was peeved that the best makeup academy award went to Dick Tracy a horrible film with horrible makeup The Nightbreed based on the better titled Cabal novella look terrific the acting is excellent and David Chroneburg makes for a truly creepy and terrific antagonistbr br The plot focuss on Aaron Boone who has recurring nightmares about a society of monsters living under a cemetery Is he making it up or are they real and calling to him His Pyschologist Chroneburg convinces him hes a murderer a slayer of familiesbr br Troubled and suicidal Boone seeks refuge in Midian but the monsters dont want him at first He is also tracked by his girlfriend Lori who refuses to give up on him even after he dies and comes back cold and monstrousbr br But Decker isnt about to let Boone continue on He raises the locals on an all out assault on Midian like a holy war in gods name led by the devilbr br Barkers themes of misunderstood monsters may come from his experiences as a homosexual male but they are always strong and honest Nightbreed turns the genre on its head The monsters are just trying to survive and want to be left alone but man is hunting thembr br A 20 minute longer cut was originally submitted by Barker but the studio chopped it into this fractured masterpiece Barker is hard at work trying to locate the missing footage for a directors cut release Until then this version will have to do
This movie is all about entertainment Imagine your friends that you love spending time with the ones that you know inside out becoming a bit silly and perhaps taking on a character or two Thats what this film is about An inventive script and brilliantly performed Its not about pleasing the masses with this one its about having fun with a bunch of brilliantly talented people Which is what Im sure they all thought when they signed up for it br br The above review sounds completely unfair and I think that the person who wrote that was in the wrong frame of mind when they watched the film In a lighthearted moment there is great dignity in it if you care to lookbr br A job well done I thought it was a great film Id watch this before the North American norm any daybr br In a nutshell its not the best film youre ever going to see but it has a hell of a lot of moments I havent laughed that long in an age
This movie has beautiful scenery Unfortunately it has no plot In order to have a plot there must be a conflict This movie had none It spent two hours painting a beautifule scene and failed to ever place any activity in it The picture trys to be artistic but fails to pay attentions to the fundamentals of story tellingbr br If you love Montana scenery and fly fishing you will find some value in this film just dont expect a story There isnt one
Loosely based on the James J Corbett biography The Roar Of The Crowd Gentleman Jim is a wonderfully breezy picture that perfectly encapsulates not only the rise of the pugilistic prancer that was Corbett but also the wind of change as regards the sport of boxing circa the 1890sbr br The story follows Corbett a perfectly casted Errol Flynn from his humble beginnings as a bank teller in San Fransico thru to a chance fight with an ex boxing champion that eventually leads to him fighting the fearsome heavyweight champion of the world John L Sullivan beefcake personified delightfully by Ward Bond Not all the fights are in the ring tho and its all the spin off vignettes in Corbetts life that makes this a grand entertaining picture There are class issues to overcome here perfectly played out as fellow club members pay to have him knocked down a peg or two and Corbett has to not only fight to get respect from his so called peers but he must also overcome his ego as it grows as briskly as his reputation does Along with the quite wonderful Corbett family and all their stoic humorous support Corbetts journey is as enthralling as it is joyous yet as brash and as bold as he is he is a very likable character and its a character that befits the tagged moniker he got of Gentleman Jimbr br The film never sags for one moment and its a testament to director Raoul Walsh that although we are eagerly awaiting the final fight the outer ring goings on are keeping us firmly entertained not even the love interest sub plot hurts this picture thank you Alexis Smith The fight sequences stand up really well and they perfectly show just how Corbett became the champ he was his brand of dancing rings round slugger fighters is now firmly placed in boxing history As the final reel rolls we all come down to earth as an after fight meeting between Sullivan and Corbett puts all the brutality into context and its here where humility and humbleness becomes the outright winner and as far as this viewer goesit will do for me to be sure to be sure 910 for a truly wonderful picture
I screamed my head off because seeing this movie was my first movie going experience ever at some 13 months old I remember it being incredibly bloody and it made me angry I watched it again on tv a few years ago Big mistake the acting is wooden the plot nonexistent and the movie lacks merit unless 23 yearold T A is what gets you going 0
This is easily one of the worst movies i have ever seen There is so much at the house that goes wrong that would not happen it isnt even funny Granted this is a movie meaning things that wont happen in normal life happen here however this movie is more far fetched than theories that no child left behind is working All of these people are in the house and nobody has noticed another not to mention the damn owl that seems to be coming everywhere but in its cage I could deal with an owl joke the first few times but after an hour i just cant take it i would rather kill myself than see that damn owl again Did i laugh during this movie no Not even once no Horrible Horrible Horrible The fact that this pile of garbage is capped off with Ashton Kutcher bending his boss over and taking his pants off in front of everybody just makes this movie ever worse But wait the day is saved because the damn owl can fly WOW AMAZING However i do give this movie some cred its not as bad as Epic Movie
The BFG is one of Roald Dahls most cherished books but in this animated adaptation the magic just isnt there This version remains pretty faithful to Dahls original story so one cant lay the blame on John Hambleys script If anything the fault lies with the colourless animation the lethargic pace and the generally lacklustre voiceovers One would be right to expect this story to make for a happy vibrant funfilled movie instead the film is a hopelessly dull affair that becomes quite tedious to watch Children who are not familiar with the story should definitely read the book first All the film will achieve is to put them off read what is actually a childrens classicbr br Young orphan Sophie voice of Amanda Root lives in a nonetoofriendly orphanage under the cruel supervision of Mrs Clonkers One evening she is peering through the window when she spots a massive figure walking stealthily down the village street The figure realises it has been seen so it reaches in through the window and scoops Sophie from her bed placing her into its enormous pocket before fleeing into the night Sophie soon discovers that she has been kidnapped by a giant from Giant Country and fears that he will eat her But to her relief he turns out to be a kind and sensitive member of his species who introduces himself as the BFG voice of David Jason The BFG refuses to eat people instead restricting himself to foultasting vegetables known as snozzcumbers However Giant Country is populated by numerous other giants who DO feast every night as it happens on poor unsuspecting humans Sophie and the BFG become great friends and soon they come up with a plan to thwart the other giants Together they go to the Queen of England voice of Angela Thorne with their remarkable story and beg her to send the army and the air force to fight the maneating giants The Queen agrees and so begins a dangerous operation to capture the bad giants before they can harm anyone elsebr br Jason voices the BFG quite well one of the few pluses in the film but his good work is almost ruined by somewhat poor sound quality The rest of the voice work is decidedly uninspired with very little to bring the characters to life Similarly the BFG is the only character that is imaginatively animated Sophie lacks appeal and the giants are boringly designed and look almost indistinguishable from each other Even the places are uninventive Giant Country especially comes up short being nothing more than a barren wasteland with occasional rocks and canyons At 88 minutes the film is not exactly lengthy yet it drags quite badly in parts due to the soporific handling of several sequences Little of Dahls mischievous humour is conveyed satisfactorily One chapter in the book deals with the BFGs love of whizzpopping farting and is laughoutloud hilarious In the film the same section is totally killed by unfunny handling I came to the The BFG expecting lots of zest fun and enjoyment but what I got was pretty much the opposite This one is a failed misfire that simply doesnt match the calibre of the book in any department unfortunately therefore it must go down as one to skip
I only wanted to see you laughing in the Purple Rain This is an excell film It should have been rerated to PG13 But anyways Princes first film and greatest The followup sucked But I havent seen for years so heres what I can remember about it The Kid Prince has to juggle with winning over the love of his life Apollonia herself keeping his band together The Revolution as themselves and the tension in his family But his rival band The Time as themselves is ruining his life Like Morris himself is trying to steal Apollonia from The Kid Just like Saturday Night Fever Flashdance and 8 Mile Really good Rent it laugh and cry and if you luv it buy it
Contrary to most of the comments in this section I have to say this film just barely escapes the definition rubbish The only readers who seem to be aware of what a catalogue of clichs it is are those who like me live in the northeast and know at first hand what the area is like I am totally sick of films that are supposed to be realistic yet portray the working class of wherever as stupid criminal lowlifes but then excuse them because of their social background And funny I smiled briefly twice and laughed once but that was at the incongruity of two boy actors with Sunderland accents supposedly trying to hide their Newcastle accents from Sunderland football fans There was only one likable character in the whole film and that was the senile grandfather played quietly but very competently by Roy Hudd the only nonGeordie in the castbr br As for the writing well I just wonder what university sociology department the author studied at He certainly had no ear for the local accent And I too have never heard the expression Purely Belter and not only am I a native Im a linguist whos written articles on the local dialectbr br Dont waste your time and eyesight on this garbage It isnt funny it isnt realistic it isnt entertaining and it is fundamentally dishonest
Ill keep this short as I know I dont need to say muchbr br Alive is a strange little film that obviously appeals to some but I found it to be shockingly bland from almost the very beginning The film did very little to make any of the characters likable and the story at times became so convoluted that I completely lost interest As I said I know others enjoyed it but I found Kitamuras Alive to be anything but a lame extremely boring drama disguised as a thoughtprovoking action scifi flick I felt like I was suckered into watching this film based by its intriguing premise and uberexciting cover artbr br My suggestion Pass it up for Kitamuras far more enjoyable freshman effort Versus or his 2004 riot Godzilla Final Warsbr br And dont get me wrong Im always up for a good thinking mans film but this certainly wasnt it There was nary a moment that I actually cared about a single event taking place in this overlypreachy dialogueheavy moviebr br If you wanna talk about something talk about boring
I am oh soooo glad I have not spent money to go to the cinema on it It is nothing more than compilation of elements of few other classic titles like The Thing Final Fantasy The Abyss etc framed in rather dull and meaningless scenario I really can not figure out what was the purpose of creating this movie it has absolutely nothing new to offer in its storyline which additionally is also senseless Moreover there is nothing to watch the FXes look like there were taken from a second hand store you generally saw all of them in other movies But it is definitely a good lullaby
There was talk on the E Hollywood Special about the Making of Dirty Dancing which still is considered by many women including a dear friend of mine in her fifties to be one of her favorite all time movies Maybe the music the dancing or the melodrama around the plot of Baby Frances becoming a dancing sensation with Johnny Castle Of course this film established Jennifer Grey whose biggest role to date was the resentful sister in Ferris Beullers Day Off Patrick Swayze is perfectly cast as the heart throb leading man who sweeps baby away literally Dirty Dancing has it all to become a Broadway or West End smash hit It has the love story the music and most of all lots of dancing Jennifer and Patrick could revive their roles easily it is nice to see Jerry Orbach play a doctor instead of a police officer and Kelly Bishop as the mother It all took place in the Catskills in the sixties where many Jewish families vacationed in the area during their summer vacations At the end of the film it is sad to see the hotel owner Kellerman be baffled by the next generation It happened anyway Most people prefer cruises and traveling through Europe than spending the summer in the Catskills Those old grand hotels are becoming Indian gaming casinos Let Broadway bring Dirty Dancing alive and well After all they could do it for Footloose and Saturday Night Fever this should be a no brainer I know that this film is one of the favorites that you dont get tired of after watching 800 times There are people that have probably seen this filma 1000 times by now Somehow watching the making and the story behind Dirty Dancing made me long for my childhood days as a thirteen year old Dirty Dancing may not be the greatest film ever made in the history but its universal appeal still draws crowds and repeated watchers like the 800 club whose members have watched it so many times I watch it fondly now with all the awkwardness of Babys first days and her first true love with Patrick Swayze as heart throb Johnny Castle Nobody could have imagined this little film as a big hit then with the sixties music two soundtracks and even a tour in the late eighties I hope they bring it to Broadway in a musical It would work for the audience to be part of a film No wonder it still attracts kids and even adults particularly women of all ages to watch it over and over again Well Australia and London both have had productions of Dirty Dancing It looks like it will come to Broadway in 2007 just in time for its 20th anniversary
This film goes into my Worst Films Ever Made file I have a copy of this film which I watch when I want a good laugh and this isnt even a comedy I am disappointed that such great actors agreed to be in such a piece of garbage This film is inaccurate in its portrayal of hockey offensive to Canadians and I wasnt even all that impressed with the acting Even the story was a bit weak If you have never seen this film youre lucky If you have Im sorry
SAPS AT SEA br br Aspect ratio 1371br br Sound format Monobr br Black and whitebr br Suffering from hornophobia Ollie embarks on a restful boat trip but he and Stan get mixed up with an escaped convict Rychard Cramer Chaos ensuesbr br This feature length comedy an OK entry which nonetheless unspools like a mere imitation of Laurel and Hardys best work marked the final collaboration between LH and producer Hal Roach Episodic in structure the movie culminates in a memorable ocean voyage after The Boys are taken hostage by villainous Cramer who shoots a seagull to prove how tough he is The gags are OK but inspiration is lacking perhaps due to the recruitment of actorturneddirector Gordon Douglas previously responsible for Ollies first solo effort in the sound era ZENOBIA produced in 1939 but whose work here lacks a measure of pzazz Fair but nothing special LH regulars Charlie Hall and James Finlayson make guest appearances
I watched this movie three times at different ages of my life and always did enjoy it very much indeed This CanCan is an authentic explosion of joie de vivre like Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly musical but in French way And a Jean Renoir nice tribute to his time his friends lovers music and dances It is at same time a show business chronicle of that age full of affection and French mood It is too a clear tribute to the Impressionism people who likes impressionistic painters will like this picture It is particularly a tribute to ToulouseLautrec and of course to Jean Renoir father PierreAuguste You will find hear a trustworthy and splendid colored recreation of some Renoir master work Excellent casting scenery soundeffects and music Even it tell us about the creation of Parisian Moulin Rouge obviously it is a fiction story and not very original by the way as it fall down in the very well know moral that the show must go on But the Jean Renoir production is greatbr br
One of the best war films I have ever seen if not the best It is very hard to talk about such films as it is very difficult to point at any film mistake made The problem is as it looks too real and by that drags you in to the ruins of Stalingrad and make you suffer for both sides This is for the reason that this film unlike the most of Hollywood films doesnt glorify the war or the heroism of the main characters Instead of that the film makes them heroes only for being human and by that is antiwar as much as the reason can offer Extremely convincing war scenes and so impressive acting most of the scenes look like isolated theater pieces Also German army is played by Germans which is so convincing as well The film is produced and realized by Germans where you can see their love for details to perfection This is the reason why Stalingrad is one of the films I can watch million times and never feel dull I watched the film with my father who fought in WWII and the first thing he said was This is like real this is how the war against Germans looked like This is the place you can see how did it look to be a soldier in the worst nightmare of warfare in human history and turning point of WWII Stalingrad
I have 2 words for you Sean Bean He is the only worthwhile presence in this film But even so dont see this movie Even though he is good as the main villain you dont want to waste your time br br I didnt care about the characters except the little boy and in fact I didnt really care if the star crossed lovers ended up together or died The movie did not make me care or BELIEVE that these people cared about each other at all I have read a lot of classic novels after seeing the movies and this movie made me not even want to read the book The story seems so boring But I may go ahead and read it to try to redeem the story in my head br br Stay away from Lorna Doone The actress who played Lorna was also in Sense and Sensibility and she was much better in that Watch Sharpe Horatio Hornblower A E has great movies of novels like Pride and Prejudice Or miniseries like the Forsyte Saga Check them out dont bother with Lorna Doone
It may not be a 10 out of 10 but for me the jokes didnt fail Ive seen it many times when I was younger and again on DVD I believe and I laughed each timeThe humor is simple and funthis film was just one of many small flicks Disney was throwing out at the time I found the parts where the people out of the invisible loop saw people invisible THere expressions were priceless Great film if the opportunity to ever see this arises I recommend seeing it for a good oh fashion laugh My favorite character in all the Dexter series would most definitely have to be Dean Higgins I love his voice and hearing him get upset especially seeing his expression at the end was just pure hysterical for me
Renown writer Mark Redfield as Edgar Allen Poe tries to conquer old addictions and start a new life for himself as a Baltimore Maryland magazine publisher However blackouts delirium and rejection threaten to thwart his efforts He would also like to rekindle romance with an old sweetheart a significantly flawed prospect as things turns out Mr Redfield also directed this dramatization of the mysterious last days of Edgar Allen Poe Redfield employs a lot of black and white color and trick photography to create mood Kevin G Shinnick as Dr John Moran performs well relatively speaking Its not enough
An airplane transporting some scientists and a prototype of a DNA machine a powerful and revolutionary invent fall in a jungle in Pacific The insurance company sponsors a rescue expedition commanded by Harlan Knowles Lance Henriksen the owner of a huge corporation which owns the prototype and father of one of the scientist There the group finds the rests of the plane five miles far from the expected location and the machine and the remains of the persons Further they realize that a Sasquatch a kind of Big Foot is chasing them This movie is so ridiculous that I do not know what I am doing spending my time again in this garbage The direction is awful the actors and the lines are horrible copying parts of `The Predator and even `The Blair Witch Project To summarize how bad this movie is its best scene is when Marla Lawson the character of Andrea Roth is wounded and the guide of the expedition says that she needs to have an injection of tetanus vaccine Andrea undresses her jeans and the guide says Nice butts but the shot needs to be in your arm Ridiculous My vote is twobr br Title Brazil `Sasquatch O Abominvel `Sasquatch The Abominablebr br
Well Ill start by admitting Im not a John Ford fan I watched The Informer only because Im trying to work my way through a list of the greats So if you are just move along cause youre not going to agree with mebr br What an overwrought and dated piece of silliness this is I will say that there is a good idea for a movie here it made me think about how few films there are about the Irish Revolution but as usual Ford is determined to bury it under overacting and cheap sentiment I suppose its somewhat interesting to watch for a while in order to see the lessthanseamless transition that was being made from the silents to the talkies the acting styles of some of the principals have that overbroad quality endemic to early films and movie does feel as if it might play better with title cards than spoken dialogue Of course title cards would prevent Ford from restating every bit of emotion six times What dialogue there is usually has a Theyre always after me Lucky Charms quality that is aggravated by the fact that each actor seems to have been allowed to use his or her own personal version of an Irish accent Of course as bad as they are the accents are helpful in reminding us were in Ireland because the sets mostly look as if they were dragged in from from some German expressionist piece being filmed on the next soundstage over It feels as if with an eagle eye you might see some villagers off to torch Dr Frankenstein in the backgroundbr br Techniques change Tastes change So I wont go off on how crazy it seems that this film was so acclaimed in its day But its not one of the classics that hold up more just fair warning about the kind of oversimplified malarkey to which Ford was going to devote his career
From hardly alien sounding lasers to an elementary school style shuttle crash Nightbeast is better classified as a farcical mix of fake blood and bare chest The almost pornographic style of the film seems to be a failed attempt to recover from a lack of cohesive or effective story The acting however is not nearly as beastly many of the young aspiring actors admirably showcase a hidden talent Particularly Don Leifert and Jamie Zemarel who shed a well needed shard of light on this otherwise terrible film Nightbeast would have never shown up on set had he known the terrible movie making talent of this small Maryland town
Isabelle Huppert must be one of the greatest actresses of her or any other generation La Pianiste truly confirms it As if that wasnt enough Annie Girardot plays her mother and Annie Girardot is one of the greatest actresses of her or any other generation So as you may well imagine those pieces of casting are worth the horror were put through Isabelle and Annie play characters weve never seen before on the screen A mother and daughter yes but with such virulent fearlessness that sometimes I was unable even to blink or to breath Personally I dont believe in the directors intentions I dont believe they the intentions that is go beyond the shocking anecdote and the ending made me scream with frustration but I was riveted by the story written in the face of the sensational Huppert and the fierceness of Girardots strength I highly recommend it to cinema lovers anywhere and to the collectors of great performances like me you cant afford to miss La Pianiste
I must say every time I see this movie I am deeply touched not only by the most painful four years of Hongshengs life but also by how his family deals with his drug addiction It is also true that getting addicted to anything such as drugs alcohol or pornography cannot only hurt you but also hurt your most important people in the world your family Since family is the 1 priority in the Asian culture it takes guts for the circle to gather together and show one person how much the family loves himher this is actually the first Chinese movie that I actually enjoy not for the fun of it but the elements surrounding it superb acting touching story great direction make this movie worth watching What stands out the most is that Hongsheng and his family act out the story themselves instead of having some Bmovie actor trying to imitate the real person It shows the genuineness of the movie
As part of our late 1950s vocabulary we well knew the Ponderosa Little Joe Hoss Ben Cartwrightetc on that great show Bonanzabr br It came Saturday night and everyone was glued to the television set This was a real show depicting family values There may have been a weekly crisis but it was the strong family atmosphere that pulled everyone togetherbr br Lorne Greene was dominant as the patriarch of the family His words depicted wisdom We often were left to wonder that Ben Cartwright a widower must have been the best of husbands to that poor wife of his who had died He reared wonderful sonsbr br Naturally we all wondered why Pernell Roberts left the show The show was a gold mine and Roberts surrendered loads of money when he departed His career never took off as he was associated as a Cartwright son He should have tried to get back into the series He certainly lost a bonanza by dropping out
I had no idea what Jane Eyre was before I saw this miniseries I had read and watched many classics before and I believed that most classics were boring overworded and overrated stories with moderately interesting plots at best This Jane Eyre miniseries completely changed my conceptionsbr br Zelah Clarke is a fabulous actress and she gives a wonderful portrayal of Jane Eyre Her accent is delightful and her quiet yet firm nature matches the young governess character exactly Timothy Dalton is an amazing Rochester His passion and energy in the film makes me believe that he was born to play the brooding master of Thornfield Hall I couldnt sleep at all the night after I had watched this miniseries The plot is both haunting and inspiring The characters are masterfully performed and the story is incredible This is the best version of Jane Eyre to ever appear on filmbr br I read the book later and was amazed at how closely this miniseries followed Charolette Brontes writing Jane Eyre is now my favorite film and book If you want to see a masterpiece that will change your life watch the 1983 BBC version of Jane Eyre
EPSILON aka ALIEN VISITOR is not what I expected This is a nobudget Australian film with no special effects other than speededup film and quick scene cuts The female alien who comes over immediately able to speak perfectly accented Australian can blip from place to place or time to time and alter her perception of the flow of time to match the faster humansbr br An elderly grandmother tells her two granddaughters about a story a wandering man told her 40 years before when an unnamed She came to the planet naked and completely disoriented unable to recognize which star in the sky she came fromShe meets a man alone camping in the Australian Outback apparently bewildering him She is here by mistake and gets angry when she is told she is on Earth The Earthlings are known as consummate despoilers of the environment and a metaphor for the most insulting thing imaginable to the rest of the universe those who breathe the foul air but do nothing about it sticking their heads under the sand like an ostrich In another amusing metaphor Earthlings are frogsbr br From there it is entirely a film about dialogue as the perplexed man tries to understand Shes peculiar psychology and viewpoints even as She calls him unintelligent and quaint The man begins to realize maybe its humans who are irrational and not thinking straight Yet while waiting to be beamed up back home She sees that this human is not entirely faulty in his thinking and even falls in love with himbr br The dialogue about perspectives is in spots interesting but it is all layered with a heavyhanded environmental message and a lowbudget feel there are only two main actors who blip around various deserted scenes and the evil despoiling humans on the planet are never seen at all The environmental message offers no solutions but paints one or two dire metaphors about what will happen to nature and man if something isnt done The logic also doesnt hang together the rest of the universe has given up on Earth yet one space woman caught on Earth by mistake manages to effect some positive change by the conclusion of the movie What would a battalion of aliens deliberately sent here manage to achieve against pollution and waste
Have wanted to see this for a while I never thought Id be watching it in a damp Trafalgar Square London with 15000 other people and all to a new score by the Pet Shop Boysbr br Quickly that experience specifically A new departure from PSB it seemed to suffer from the same problem the miniaturist Hugo Wolf had when he wrote his opera Der Corregidor the long structure was a chain of short ones ie songs PSB produced a more fluid integrated score although it was quite static on its own terms Neither could they resist song a setting of the subtitled text worked in this respect a free standing meditation on the action of the Odessa steps massacre during the action of that sequence itself was Id go so far to say counterproductive Overall it was very exciting though which is surely what Eisenstein was trying to achievebr br It is a very exciting film with choppier editing taking the place of acceleration of tension or action In fact the film though beautifully shot and passionately acted it has a silent film melodrama but not in the excess of the Hollywood comic style breathes through its careful editing pacing specific shots with a sense of the rate at which the audience will take them in And theres a huge range of perspective too either he had a lot of cameras or the sequences on the harbor and steps took a great deal of timebr br Super film which can be assessed irrespective of sound as thats how the finished product would have been conceived 810
It was funny because the whole thing was so unrealistic I mean come on like a pop star would just show up at a public high school and fall in love with the girl who happens to be obsessed with him Come on peoplebr br Everyone but the lead girl were completely horrendous at acting The dialog was cheesy the premise was stupid and the camera work was poorly done I felt like I was watching a badly made home video br br I feel as if Ive wasted almost 2 hours of my life that I will never get back br br I dont have anything else to say except that Id rather punch myself in the face multiple times than watch this movie again
especially by Lambert This is the essential Burroughs Tarzan that I grew up reading when I was a kid I have read a few negative reviews on this film and couldnt help but wonder what their issue was They obviously didnt see the movie I did or they were expecting something that was more akin to the Saturday afternoon serialsbr br This was the Tarzan that was of the novel and the film makers should be applauded for tackling the source material and taking it seriously Lambert was excellent I still think he is one of Hollywoods most underrated actors This was a movie that he shines inbr br The photography and the apes done by Rick Baker both were amazing You definitely felt the since of the jungle The 2nd half Tarzans attempt at being civilized really pulls you into the emotional conflict he had was forced to resolvebr br I highly recommend this film
When i first saw this show advertised to be on Australian TV back in the late 90s i ignored it thinking it was just capitalizing on the Kevin Costner movie Bodyguard But then i caught an episode and i wish i had watched it from the start The partnership between Sean Pertwee and Louise Lombard was so well acted and the structure of each episode was extremely entertaining It wasnt an overblown TV show that you can tell spent most of its energy in making things explode so that they could put that clip in the commercial to lure audiences and then not deliver on any other level The show delved into the lives of the two main characters and thats what made it interesting The stories for each episode where also well written with interesting guest stars who were good actors And of course there was a lot of action and intrigue which is always good But what was great was that there was humour and it flowed naturally from the characters it didnt appear contrived It was British but in a good way and if this show was made in America it would no doubt be on DVD by now I dont know why British TV production companies are not interested in releasing this show on DVD It was a great show and deserves a DVD release
I work with children from 0 6 years old and they all love the Doodlebops The Doodlebops are energetic vibrant and appealing Once they start singing Were the Doodlebops Were the Doodlebops Were the Doodlebops Oh yeah Come and join the fun because were laughing and were singing all day it is almost impossible not to join them in song The Doodlebops brings the viewer into a world of color and fun Each show is an adventure the Doodlebops do not try to change the world with preachy messages all they do is have fun while sorting out everyday life challenges that the young child may relate to The Doodlebops is an refreshing high action alternative to regular childrens television programs
Yowsa If you REALLY want some ACTION check out the babes and bombs on this nonstop thriller Veteran star MARTIN SHEEN leads a trio of supermodels on a mission to stop nuclear terrorism but director Dean Hamilton doesnt let this heavy plotline get in the way of massive doses of TEENSYSWIMSUIT scenes jiggly beach jogs hubbahubba hot tubs and the like Want action Youll get more of it here than in PEARL HARBOR Want babes Youll get an eyeful every two minutes Want more Go out and BUY THIS VIDEO Yowsa Yowsa Yowsa Thats some mighty spicy meatballs
Ah a KellySinatra sailorsuit musical So familiar right Yes but this isnt the one you usually hear about On The Towns thataway But if you stick around you might learn something Okay probably not Anyway Anchors Aweigh tells the story of two sailors on a three or fourday leave Joe is the Sea Wolf and Clarence the bookish type begs Joe to get him a dame Now after theyre picked up by the coppers they get little Donald home Thats where they meet Susie that temptress that jezebel Just kidding Clarence falls in love with her At least he thinks he does Is he right Or is he a moron Or is he just misguided by society Find out all this and more when you watch trumpet fanfare ANCHORS AWEIGHbr br PS If you want to see Kathryn Grayson be anything but sickeningly sweet try Kiss Me Kate 1953
although i liked this Westerni do have to sayits not one of my favourite John Ford Westernsfor meit just lacks a certain something that most of his other filmsthe ones i have seen anywaypossessim nit sure what that something isits not something tangibleanywaythe gist of the story is about a Mormon wagon train which is being used by a band of outlaws as a hideout from a pursuing posseFord employs a lot of his regulars herethere are some interesting characterssome nice scenerya bit of actionand excitementit all adds up to a watchable experienceits certainly not boringjust not quite up to the usual John Ford standardfor meWagon Master is a 710
I checked this out as an impulse when browsing through the movie store and couldnt have been any more pleasantly surprised My mom and I watched this film together and we thoroughly enjoyed it It isnt the typical chickflick with a sappy love story and tears all the way through but it definitely touches a nerve in the twist at the end Its an ending where although unexpected and tragic the movies overall effect is not harmed by it I think Reese Witherspoon was a great actress even in this film her debut and this is definitely worth watching I didnt recognize many of the supporting actors but they all play their important supporting roles well The Man in the Moon is such an believable story about a young teenager falling in love for the first time Most women can definitely relate to everythingfrom Witherspoons words her subtle glances and her not so subtle emotions raging like the typical teenage girl While shes playing a character confused about love she does not come across as silly and immature which was much appreciated considering many movies today
Certainly this film is not for everybodybut for anyone with a sense of humor and love of period film buy this immediately Where else can you get a run down of 70s fashion a period vocabulary primer karate trained hookers crime a rap about the Titanics sinking shoot outs and a costar named Queen Bee watch for her moving crying scene early on in the wardens office With a filming style thats a cross between a porno movieDawn of The Dead and Car Wash you cannot go wrong This is one to watch over and over againafter you put the kids to bed
I read somewhere in a fairly panning review that this is something of a liveaction mecha anime and I think theyre on the right lines I first watched this movie when I was very young and Ive been dying to see it again and when I finally did just recently all the memories came flooding back I dont think this is to be taken too seriously its just a bit of good old 80s almostaTVmovie fun it is set against the backdrop of a fairly dark future although this point isnt stressed too much What I admired most about this movie was that the dialogue didnt sound generic no clichs no predictable lines all in all just good fun Maybe time hasnt been kind to this little movie but still I can find appreciation for it in me Its by no means perfect but its entertaining and doesnt try to be anything other than that Let the nerds and comicstoreguys worry about technicalities who cares See it for yourself and make your own decision Noone elses opinion matters
This movie is a story of a Catholic nun as an advisor of convicted killer on death row The movie describes what she does as a nun who does not have any productive role She might have had doubt in her actual role But eventually she does the role only a nun could do who has nothing but faith in Christ In America there are so many movies that describe condemned criminals or jails Those scenes especially execution are too much different from Japan
imagination must of slipped Jim Wynorski mind when he wrote the script to this one i dont mind when the animals scenes are almost identical but when the actors repeat lines from other movies is going a little too far I did enjoy seeing Jay Richardson and Glori Ann Gilbert get eaten Gloria brings nothing to a movie but her tits my husbands sentiments Jerri Manthey should of stayed on survival island her acting is stiff unbelievable and she just a plain boor liked the scene where the cobra comes out of the ocean eats the guy then for added flavor destroys the dingy At least we know the next plot giant snake man slays komodo before becoming daddy to a nest of eggs Jerri would be great as the mother cobra sit back with a 6 pact or a couple of joints it will ease the pain
THIS REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS The Decline of Western Civilizationwhat a great title eh And of coarse a great movie This is the best concert film I have ever seen A close second being the Talking Heads movie Stop Making Sense I first heard of this movie when Waynes World came out in 1992 I looked at the directors name Penelope Spheeris and thought cool name what else has he directed I thought the first name was pronounced like envelope After some time looking in movie guides I came across the critically acclaimed Decline and realized Penelope was a womanmy Mom corrected me I spent 8 years of my life trying to track this down I finally saw it on VHS in Vancouver where I currently reside It was worth the wait This captures the LA punk movement very well This is teen angst at its best folks My favourite is the band the Germs who need subtitles for the lyrics because Darby Crash sings so crazy you cannot understand it I laughed when I saw this The band Black Flag live in an abandoned church and the band X are a very intelligent bunch Also laughed at the letter some idiot writes in to Slash Magazine about how we do not need to save the whales there are countless miles of ocean for us to pour toxins in I became a huge Penelope Spheeris fan after this and saw all her punk moviesDudes was OK and Suburbia is a cult classic I own both of these on VHS She is a true underground film maker and I love her stuff I would have loved to have seen this movie in 1994 when grunge was so popular I was a big Nirvana fan then but alas I saw this in 2002 and by that point I had grown out of grunge and now I listen to Crystal MethodFatboy Slim Quite a change of pace I know but what can you do But if you want a true depiction of the punk movement this captures it better than anything Much better than 1991 The Year Punk Broke This is a tough movie to track down but if you get your hands on it rent it even if you dont like the music it is an excellent piece of work Now days it might be easier to find with DVDs being so popular By the way Penelope produced a little known Albert Brooks movie called Real Life which I also own Very funny stuff in todays reality TV craptacular Rent DeclineHighly recommended Thanks
I have been a rabid Star Trek fan since 1966 Still am One thing I learned from Star Trek is that the special effects are secondary to the characters Encounter At Farpoint fails in its missionbr br Superbly producedbr br POORLY directed written acted DC Fontana really blew this one This episode is so embarrassing the master tape should be burnedbr br The first half of the first season didnt fare much better