I got this for my birthday in a box set under the name Broke Skull Well after watching one on the DVD and being pleasantly surprised I popped this sucker in It was worse than I had expected and I didnt expect much This movie is basically a convoluted story about a guy who dies and comes back to life with the mob and other bull crap There was some interesting ideas in this that were never followed up on Now everybody has been saying there was a lot of gore can somebody tell me were I saw a bad effect of a head being crushed brain tissue or something and blood coming from the penis area two times I have to say the the part were the guy gets his man hood bitten off made me squirm that was the only good thing about this movie And that gay sex scene was just thrown in there for no reason The acting in this was Atrocious really it blew That Asian chick was annoying then the annoying Mexican boyfriend who comes in to just be killed I say if you get this in a box set that is fine but dont spend any money on it at all
I can only assume the previous posts came from execs at the production companybr br Attended the UK premiere last night Zane and Brook attended they probably knew I was gonna be there and are undoubtedly stars but what a turkey of a film I felt sorry for them at times when the audience erupted in laughter at what were serious thriller scenesbr br But perhaps I was missing the point Perhaps an element of tongueincheek was intended If so pure genius If not career genocidebr br On the plus side Zane always shines and Brook can actually act a little As the other half said as we ran out the cinema avec broken ribs they can be forgiven for this film as they both seem like nice people The scriptwriter however should be marooned
Northanger Abbey is not my favorite Jane Austen novel but it has its charms This movie doesnt It has some of the same character names as the book but the story is drastically altered and the sweetest man in the whole Austen canon unless Emmas Mr Knightley gets pride of place is made out to be a heartless and mercenary creep One or two totally extraneous characters are introduced and a palpable air of corseted perversion hangs over it all I was so disappointed when I first saw it on its release in 1986 even today it ranks high on the list of films that disgrace the books on which theyre based Even Robert Hardy fans should give this one a wide berth It has nothing and I mean NOTHING to recommend it
Went looking for this movie after i read Tom Clancys Red Storm Rising novel Timeless masterpiece about 13th century Russians being invaded by the Germans Movie was made in 1938 under orders from Joseph Stalin to warn Soviets about Hitler and Germany Battle scenes are wonderfully done showing that you dont need computer animation to make a great fight scene Probably Sergei Eisensteins greatest work Also see Battleship Potemkin Any history buff or polisci major should watch this movie 10 out of 10
I work at Memorial Hermann Hospital TMC and was also working at Texas Childrens Hospital Womens Hospital and West Houston during Allison First the shots of the hospital are sadly suburban The Texas Medical Center has a daytime population density similar to Wall Street There are huge skyscraper professional buildings and hospitals TCH was the largest Childrens Hospital before it doubled in size TWICE Methodist with its 1500 beds is one of the largest hospital in world The Texas Medical Center skyline is bigger than that of Memphis Yet the best pics Hollywood could muster are that of some dinky hospital in the middle of nowhere besides the real pic of the hospital taken decades ago Also they combined several reallife characters and portrayed them all in one supernurse I actually know the Medical Technologists working in the blood bank Two where actually working at the time but the movie shows only one pregnant MT There was a pregnant MT and another MT that took the precious patient antibody rolodex research alloantibodies for more info I will not mention their names privacy There was no nurse in the real life lab scene Hollywood combined these two techs most likely to save time and money In the movie military helicopters true had to transfer the our babies NICU and PICU to UTMB all the way to Galveston Why you may ask when we have the largest childrens hospital just down the street Because Texas Childrens Hospital refused to take them You read right they REFUSED Being employed by them I was ashamed Needlesstosay Im no longer affiliated with that facility Any other comments would be repetitive to the ones already posted by the people that who actually live here or lived through the experience
I just got back from this free screening and this Osama Witch Project is the handsdown worst film Ive seen this year worse than even Catwoman which had the decency to at least pass itself off as fictionbr br In September Tapes a film crew of documentary journalists heads to Afghanistan despite being thoroughly unprepared for the trip the conditions and oh yeah the psychotic and ridiculous vendetta of their filmmaker leader to avenge his wifes death on Sept 11 to track down Osama bin Ladenbr br They made eight tapes on their journey which now document their travels and of course their attempts to kill the terrorist leader The eight tapes thankfully all end at points significant in the narrative which is convenient for a documentarybr br The psychotic idiotic protagonist who is given to long significant speeches that he probably learned watching MacGyver cares nothing for his own life or the life of his innocent crew as he gets them further and further into danger through a series of completely dumb mishaps I dont know why he didnt just wear a sign on his back that said Shoot mebr br The crews translator supposedly their sensible voiceofreason does little more than whine and gets baffled as the idiot hero leads them into doom br br You wish theyd brought along someone on their trip to call them all moronsbr br Around Tape 4 I began rooting for the terrorists to shoot the film crew
A few words for the people here in germens cine club The worst crap ever seen on this honorable cinema A very poor script a very bad actors and a very bad movie Dont waste your time looking this movie see the very good mutantes verdes fritos anarquia radioactiva or any movie have been good commented by me Say no more
Cant believe that Bostocks Cup isnt available on a proper video or DVD yet Ive only seen it once on a dodgy copy taken off the TV and despite not being a footy fan at all thought it was one of the funniest things Ive ever seenbr br The famous sloping pitch of wherever it was the clueless coach driver Pontythis Pontythat Ill take the next exit the pointless plot it all added up to aching sidesbr br Being stuck in the US Im desperate for some good British humour but not quite enough to spend the amount that the production company are asking for Cmon get it out on kosher DVD pronto
Ray Bradbury run and hide This tacky film version of his short story from the 1950s about time travel and the effect it might have on deevolution is not well known from the theatrical run did it have one and exists now as a DVD on the shelves released during a slow weekbr br What looks to be a fancy scifi thriller form the opening scenes quickly fools us as the computer generated graphics are rerun unaltered throughout a film that is supposed to be about different trips back in time where a major company sells macho guys in 2055 the chance to hunt dinosaurs by paying exorbitant fees to travel back in time to prehistoric jungles One slip of the footbutterfly while on one of these ventures and the course of evolution is altered with resultant time waves rolling over the planet changing everything to maneating plants and beasties Of course there is a pretty damsel who knows how to reverse the process and a hunky man to risk his life to act on her orders and everything is eventually OKbr br Yes that is the storyand the most surprising fact about this poorly scripted abysmally acted mess of a film is that it attracted some fine talent to portray the comic book flat characters Edward Burns all buff and hunky is our hero du jour Ben Kingsley is the requisite bad corporate guy sporting a ridiculous white wig Catherine McCormack is the knowitall woman creator and Wilfried Hochholdinger as an evil one all are superb actors and should have known better than to align with this flop And the saddest thing is that for those who like this genre of scifi monster thrillers the creative department sold out with some of the corniest animation to hit the screen in a long time A must miss Grady Harp
OK first of all the video looks like it was filmed in the 80s I was shocked to find out it was released in 2001 Secondly the plot was all over the place right off the bat the story is confusing Had there been some brief prologue or introduction the story wouldve been better Also I appreciate fantasy but this film was too much It was bizarre and badly filmed The scenes did not flow smoothly and the characters were odd It was hard to follow and maybe it was the translation but it was even hard to understand I love Chinese epic films but if youre looking for a Chinese epic fantasy film i would recommend the Promise visually stunning the plot is interesting and good character development not this film Beware you will be disappointed
The actors did a really good job playing their rolesparticularly the mom However as the movie progressed I found I was watching it more for their acting and not because I cared in the least for the people And at times I felt irritated by the irresponsible and handsoff approach to parenting displayed again and again The daughter is a 17 yearold shallow skank whose main ambition in life is bedding famous men and becoming a dancing nyphette complete with lots of booty shaking The son is a guy with low selfesteem that seems very desperate for a relationship and friendsso much that he throws a drug party late in the film The husband and wife are both bored but rather than put energy into their stale relationship would rather seek out new partners though the wife picks poorly as the man she throws herself at happens to be gayOOPS I just felt that ALL the characters needed to grow up and had a hard time caring for such shallow jerks I think the authors attempt was to demonstrate the utter banality and hollowness of the capitalist system However given that these characters are NOT typical of the average western family it seems disingenuous
Critics need to review what they class as a quality movie I think the critics have seen too many actions films and have succumbed to the Matrix style of films Europa is a breath of fresh air a film with so many layers that one viewing is not enough to understand or appreciate this outstanding film Lars von Trier shows that old styles of filming can produce marvellous cinema and build drama and tension The back projection effect he uses during the film arouses and enhances the characters and the focus of the conversation they are having Other effects he uses such as the colour and black and white in one scene much like Hitchcock and the girl with the red coat grabs attention and enhances the drama and meaning of the scene The commentary is superb and has a hypnotic effect again maintaining the focus on the central characters in the scene and there actionsbr br I could talk about the effects more but I think you all would agree they push this film into a category of its own and really heighten the drama of the film A film to buy if you dont own already and one to see if you have notbr br 1010 Dont miss this artistic noir film from one of the great film directors
When Uwe Boll cinema con man extraordinaire released the first House Of The Dead adaptation to completely deserved mockery it was generally agreed among fans of the source video game that one would have to be incredibly moronic to contemplate making a sequel Hollywoods percapita ratio of morons must indeed be high for not only do we have a sequel it was distributed in the antipodes by Sony a company not normally known for its taste in expensive writeoffs Released direct to television in America the sequel does improve on the original in most respects but in so doing it becomes bland rather than interesting The scale of the scenario is enlarged with the action taking place in a deserted town that just happens to surround a university where experiments in a virus that can reanimate the dead have been occurring In particular the action is spread throughout the university where the first infected denizens can be found Put simply the film differs from the original in that it actually occurs within a house where dead people can be foundbr br The cast on the other hand is a real step backward Emmanuelle Vaugier was specifically made up to resemble a lowrent Angelina Jolie while the rest of the cast never reaches the level of a slummingit Jrgen Prochnow In fact the only name that will stand out among this cast is one Sticky Fingaz who probably did not want to be recognised that easily by the people he faces at home Put simply these people could not convincingly order pizza on the big screen even under the best direction Say what you will about Boll but he at least inspired actors like Ona Grauer to fight against his ineptitude That said the people involved here at least seem to be aware that their film sucks and that they might as well have some fun with it Much of the problem with the original was that the director thought he was crafting some kind of misunderstood masterpiece and he took himself seriously Unfortunately with the actors failing to take their characters or the predicament seriously what little dramatic tension there could have been is underminedbr br Much of the plot concerns itself with the search for a generationzero victim of whatever plague is causing the dead to rise Or to translate into more practical terms they are trying to find someone who was infected just after the virus mutated into a form that was threatening to humans How this would help when a nonmutated strain is usually required to create a vaccine is anyones guess but the manner in which this quest is paced out suffers problems of its own The wehavetogoback plot device is used in order to pad out the running time but the actual timing of the extra quest is also problematic We are told at one point that the town will be obliterated by Cruise missiles in ten minutes yet the heroes drive back into the university locate the sample they are looking for and fight off enough zombies to eat the army of China all in this space of time Filmmakers take note it only pays to be specific with time when it can serve rather than hinder dramatic tensionbr br The special effects used in House Of The Dead 2 leave those of the original in the dust Where Uwe Boll simulated the deaths of the characters using idiotic rotating camera tricks Michael Hurst instead uses all the graphic details his budget can allow Necks are bitten arms are cut off heads are shot It all makes for a much more convincing throughput but it also disallows the mockery of obvious fakery The photography is also much improved As DVD Crypt put it the fact that it is in focus throughout makes it an improvement upon the original but this also deprives us of something to have a laugh at the expense of The writing is also both an improvement and a setback Throughout the script references to other horror and survival horror games the most obvious being Run Like Hell are offered The first couple of times they work because they offer clever ways to work titles into ordinary everyday dialogue After the eighth time however they just get on the nerves because they remind gamers of things they would prefer to do with their timebr br Interestingly House Of The Dead 2 cost a mere six million to bring to television screens across America Given that Tom Savini on his own would cost more than this to work on a film nowadays I have to say I am somewhat impressed with the visual results In contrast to the muchreviled original the zombies here look like actual zombies rather than extras in bad makeup shot poorly In a further contrast to the original the actors appear to have a clue what they are doing Sealing the deal is the fact that apart from some real zingers scattered throughout the characters speak like real people However the story is nothing that we have not seen a thousand times already When Aliens the real Dawn Of The Dead or The Evil Dead were released to acclaim the acclaim came from the fact that these films either did something we had not seen before or did it so well that we did not really care House Of The Dead 2 is competent enough that we do not mock it but it brings nothing new or particularly brilliant to the table so we end up not caring eitherbr br For that reason and many others I gave House Of The Dead 2 a two out of ten It is too good to be bad but too bad to be any good Unless you are into sucky films as much as I am you are best to steer clear of it
Voor een verloren soldaat for a lost soldier is a sad example of how not to translate to film a touching complex psychological study of that most magical time in a mans life when he is still a child but starting to become a man The novel records the real life experiences of Rudy van Dantzig as told thru the boy Jeroen during the waning days of WWII at age 11 as he deals with his incipient sexuality and his deep fears of abandonment as he has been sent to the province of Friesland north of Holland by his parents because of the lack of food in Amsterdam and has not heard from them in many months as the postal service has broken down The arrival of the liberating soldiers in the film is presented in a painfully corny way with the soldiers providing entertainment vaudeville style Then one soldier Walt romances Jeroen and the pair is presented as two frolicking maleswho consummate their love in a sexual experience This taken in stride by the 11 yo Jeroen The reality was somewhat different Jeroen describes his encounters with Walt 6 in all in detail but in oblique language But there is no misunderstanding their nature Walt is aroused to an intense passion by Jeroen during which he handles him roughly so that in their final meeting Jeroen is bruised and suffering a painful wound on the shoulder where Walt has bitten him During this encounter Walt rapes Jeroen twice Jeroen could have easily avoided Walt after their 2nd encounter when Walt first assaults him as Walt is clearly anxious to keep his abuse of the boy from the other soldiers Why Jeroen keeps seeking Walt out is a mystery of the human heart and not explainable by me anyway What the film leaves out is the aftermath the nightmares the dejection the frantic search throughout Amsterdam on the chance of finding Walt for Jeroen loved Walt and nothing could shake that
Krajobraz po bitwie like many films of Wajda is perhaps not understandable for the rest of the world Story based on the few short stories of Tadeusz Borowski who during WWII was the prisoner of Oswiecim Dachau and Dautmergen camps Borowski in his books describes inhuman life in the Nazi camps from the point of view vorarbeiter Tadek porte parole of author who also was on the privileged position among the prisoners Borowski was merciless for the humanity and merciless for himself He describes the human history as the endless chain of exploitation and humiliation Ironically after the returning to Poland he stopped writing artistic prose and became communistic propagandist producing stream of antiimperialistic and antiamerican press publications After few years he committed suicide In the movie Wajda changes point of view Vorarbeiter Tadek character created by the Tadeusz Janczar plays only supporting role Story is focused on the poet destroyed burned out by the war and imprisonement and his oneday love affair with Nina Jewish girl who escaped from communistic Poland although she actually hates jewish life and mentality As the background we can observe sad grotesque of socalled dipis displaced persons life who after the liberation are settled by the Americans in SS barracks Marches patriotic kitsch mixed with hunting for the extra dose of food andor prostituting German girlsbr br
I bought this movie for 1 euro not knowing what it was all about I thought hmmm a movie named mutilation man must be if not very funny at least filled with gore It wasnt funny alright It was disturbing Very disturbing And I dont mind disturbing movies but this one just didnt mean anything except that child abuse is not a good thing to do hmmm The quality of the images were terrible The actingthere was no acting Just some fckedup fcker mutilating himself for over 90 minutes This is probably material for sickos jurking off on extreme gorebr br Dont watch this Its not worth your time Its just awful I wish i never bought thisbr br They should mutilate the guy who made this
Although it has been 2 years I still remember the complete waste that comprises the entire plot of the movie Unfortunately I came across this movie after my friends and I selected it while browsing through the new releases at Blockbuster We decided to pick the movie because it was the only one we all had not seen and it sounded like it may be enjoyable Although it has been quite some time since I viewed the movie I still remember the lack of plot seriously there is no true plot and complete waste of time that was spent watching the movie If you are in the video store and this film catches your eye walk on and find a better movie If you did end up seeing this movie I understand your pain
I have watched 3 episodes of Caveman and I have no idea why I continue except maybe waiting for it to get better br br To me this show is just pumping itself off the commercials with no real humor As we sat around watching these shows we all speculated on what was going to happenbr br The episode of the woman cavewoman with a attitude was actually a big yea right for us shes crude in a theater and acts tough to strangers and truth be told she needed a slapbr br I consider myself a pretty good reviewer taking in everything but I must say Cavemen is comparable to the old show My mother the car I give it a 2 only because they deserve 1 better than a 1 because they actually spent money on it
This movie was on the Romance channel and I thought it might be a goofy 80s movie that would be enjoyable on some level so my brother and I watched it Boy did it suck Boy gets crush on girlcorrection his dreamgirl apparently there is a difference and Im surprised he realized she was his dream girlhe was smitten with her from over 30 feet away I guess that just goes to show the power of dreamgirls boy ends up masquerading as a female to be near dreamgirl creative in the sense that its a farout plan but uncreative in the sense that there are probably better solutions one might think up awkward situations ensue a match is made all of which takes seems to take place around late afternooneither the location was somehow responsible for this odd lighting or the actors had to wait until they got off of their dayjobs to come to the set I suspect the latter Very clumsily done very pathetic Its almost never even amusing accidentally so there really is nothing to redeem it Unless youre interested in seeing Chad Lowes early days before he finally got his piece of the pie with his role as the HIVpositive gay guy on the series Life Goes On or Gail OGrady who was on NYPD Blue and probably got to stare at Dennis Franzs buttocks But those are unlikely motivesId say systematic derangement of the senses would be a more justified purpose Im surprised I watched it all I guess its the kind of thing where halfway through you find yourself still watching due to some morbid selfflagellistic innerissue and think you might as well finish it so you can tell your friends and family that you actually sat through such a horrible movie on the offchance that itll garner you some sympathy for the questionable state of your mental health Can You Take the Challenge
A winters day 28th December 1986 two bored 14 year olds hire a movie Hmmmm Police Story looks interesting who is this Jackie Chan never heard of him Two hours later after watching the film in a daze we wanted to know more 16 years later and severely out of pocket from collecting JC movies the film still grabs me like no other Ok maybe I have a soft spot for it as it was my first Cannonball Run doesnt count JC movie but it is an excellent movie It has all the classic JC elements Action Humour Action Heart and ACTION Some comments say its dated it was made in 1985 of course its dated But then so must Jaws Casablanca Singin in the Rain and The Godfather Without movies like Police Story where would Hollywood action be today PS set standards many a scene has been stolen for use in other movies To really fully appreciate it you must see it in widescreen you miss so much of the movie otherwise yes he really does fall off the bus going round the corner If you havent already SEE THIS MOVIE NOWbr br
Terry Gilliam gives a stunning movie which I thoroughly enjoyed Bruce Willis Madeline Stowe Brad Pitt and even the small appearance of Christover Plummer makes the movie absolutely brilliant This is the only Terry Gilliam film Ive seen and Twelve Monkeys is definitely in my top 10 I think this is one of the four best Bruce Willis movies and Brad Pitts best Brad Pitt delivers a perfect performance Possibly one of the ten best actors performance that Ive ever seen He played his role Geoffrey very convincingly Bruce Willis role James Cole was also quite convincing Both Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt acted extraordinarily well With the brilliant story to back the great performances and to back that up Terry Gilliams superb directing
I have to agree with the previous authors comments about the excellent performances and plot Started watching this movie by accidentlazy Sunday afternoon clicking channels to see if anything good was onand was mesmerized by Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez Wow Gut wrenching Kudos to everyone have always admired Martin Sheen but was particularly impressed with Emilio Excellent job of acting and directingsimply superb So why have I never heard of this movie before Ill have to spread the news
Sometimes its hard to be a piratebut by golly Miss Jean Peters has a lot of fun trying and it showsparticularly during her first spot of friendly swordplay with Blackbeard Mr Thomas Gomez eminently hissablewhen the sheer joy of performing is plain on her face With fifty years of hindsight Feminists seem intent on grabbing this movie as some sort of an anthem for the empowerment of women in a male dominated society but I have serious doubts that either MTourneur or Miss Peters had any such concept in their heads at the time It was an excitingentertaining family film with absolutely no pretensionshidden meanings or alternative agendaIt was fun MLouis Jourdan is both winsome and treacherous as her love interest Mr Herbert Chapman is wise and philosophical as the wise and philosophical doctorMr James Robertson Justice is just a tad unbelievable as the bosun But it is Miss Peters who stays in the memoryWilfully adolescentilliteratetough but vulnerablewonderfully agileand ultimatelycourageousshe is everybodys idea of a lady pirate There was a definite window of opportunity for her in feisty costume roles that she did not choose to seize it is a matter of some regret
Although many audio recordings of great musicians like Jascha Heifetz survive the cinematic or televised record is limited indeed This is why musical offerings like They Shall Have Music are such rare gems While with modern eyes and ears one can quibble about the plot the perceptive viewer should put this films unique delights in their proper perspective The plot was designed to appeal to both young and old audiences of the era but it remains enjoyable to this day A important aspect of the experience of watching classic films is to see them through the eyes of the moviegoer of that erabr br I must take issue with reviewer who complains about a film that is in black and white or who feel obliged to report that their students express such reservations These are juvenile complaints which reflect a limited historical perspective For the teacher this should offer up an educational opportunity to explain the unique qualities of black and white photography and its place in cinematic history Color can in fact get in the way of a good storyline or the music For example the black and white photography of John Fords Stagecoach is like the still photographs of Ansel Adams an artistic masterpiecebr br As for Heifetz being wooden I could not disagree more If you want blatant emotional posturing go to a rock concert The role of a classical musician like Heifetz is to move the audience not him or herself Heifetzs emotion is conveyed through his playing not through his body language He had a rare ability to extract every emotional nuance out of the music and transfer it to his listeners It is the listener who should be moved not the artistbr br Incidentally one reviewer asked about seeing Heifetz on YouTube playing the 1st movement of the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto with Frank McHugh in the audience This is from the 1947 film Carnegie Hall not They Shall Have Music Carnegie Hall is an even greater treasure of many great classical artists in their prime We are blessed that there were film producers who at least in these limited instances chose to showcase these artists In was still an era not totally overwhelmed by the lowest common denominator tripe we get today
Of the three titles from Jess Franco to find their way onto the Official DPP Video Nasty list Devil Hunter Bloody Moon and Women Behind Bars this is perhaps the least deserving of notoriety being a dreadfully dull jungle clunker enlivened only very slightly by a little inept gore a gratuitous rape scene and loads of nuditybr br Gorgeous blonde Ursula Buchfellner plays movie star Laura Crawford who is abducted by a gang of ruthless kidnappers and taken to a remote tropical island inhabited by a savage tribe who worship the devil god that lurks in the jungle a big naked bulgingeyed native who likes to eat the hearts of nubile female sacrificesbr br Employed by Lauras agent to deliver a 6million ransom brave mercenary Peter Weston Al Cliver and his Vietnam vet pilot pal travel to the island but encounter trouble when the bad guys attempt a doublecross During the confusion Laura escapes into the jungle but runs straight into the arms of the islands natives who offer her up to their godbr br Franco directs in his usual torpid style and loads this laughable effort with his usual dreadful trademarks crap gore murky cinematography rapid zooms numerous crotch shots out of focus imagery awful sound effects and hamfisted editing The result is a dire mess that is a real struggle to sit through from start to finish It took me a couple of sittings to finish the thing and even the sight of the luscious Buchfellner in all of her natural glory aint enough to make me revisit this film in a hurry
I was one of the many fools who were sapped out into paying for this at the theater even though I payed 4 bucks for matine before 6pm pricesbr br The remakes story was hohum the CGI Morlocks were lame the Eloi were rastafarian to mimic todays fads no I did not think the chick was hot at all the rekilling of the heros modern girlfriend was somewhat cruel overall just a sad bad remake br br Ill take Rod Taylor Weena and the fat glowing eyed surfer Morlocks over this junk any time My estimation is that many of the reviewers who like this awful remake are young kids which does not account for either good taste or a true value of the old classics which are largely unappreciated by todays confused and everwantingmore youth br br When the 60s version came out I first saw it in the 70s for summer fun it was pretty damn impressive and still holds up You dont have to have an over abundance of CGI in a movie for it to be better Too much of this looks fake I cant say enough of how disappointingly bad the Morlocks looked and they ran and jumped around like they were in a childs video game 3 stars out of 10
Gayniggers from Outer Space is a short foreign film about black gay aliens who explore the galaxy until they stumble upon Earth Being gay their goal is to have a maleonly universe in which all people are gay Hence when they discover women or female creatures live on Earth they are at first terrified eventually they decide to eliminate all women on the planet and liberate the male populationbr br An offensive title with a racist homophobic and sexist storyline albeit probably intended as a satire give this film some shock value However theres little substance underneath As another reviewer pointed out there are few jokes besides the characters names eg ArmInAss I think I laughed once at one small gay joke I think I got the point of the film quickly a satire of bad science fiction but after that I had had enough I kept wanting the film to end already and it is a short film Not brilliant or particularly wellwritten
Sally and Saint Anne is a very funny movie The first time my Mom told me about it I was 7 and Saint Anne had just been the Saint I had for my Communion Saint My Mom knew this so she told me to watch this with her I did and have seen it many times since because it is really funny Aunt Bea from the Andy Griffith Show was in it and Sallys grandfather was the guy who played Santa Claus in Miracle On 34th Street So there were lots of actors we seen on TV shows too There is a bad guy who keeps trying to steal the house away and Sally keeps trying things with St Anne to help raise money so they can keep the house That includes a boxing match with Hugh OBrian who plays her older brother This is a good and funny movie that I still love
Anyone who has seen ShineScott Hicks film of the heartbreaking yet ultimately joyful life of the pianist David Helfgotts will I am sure realise that The SOLOIST is very poor in comparisonIt is as slow as a lullaby I took five breaks answering emails just to wake up The depiction of the homeless area way over the top and extremely self indulgent on a par I fear with the awful beach battle depiction in Joe Wrights other disaster Attonment J Fox performance was an extremely poor example of acting and lacked credibility from the offsetDowney on the other hand although struggling with a badly paced film still manages to charm9Is it me or is he turning into George Clooney in more ways than one Comparing both these well known so called STARactors though is unnecessary as the light that shines brightest as far as acting is concerned must be that of shines Geoeffry Rush whos brilliant performance definitely SHONE far brighter in my sky With both Attonment and The Soloist the written word wins far more prizes for empathy of subject Read the book and articles or wait for the DVD its bound to be in the bargain basement soon
As I sat in front of the TV watching this movie I thought Oh what Alfred Hitchcock or even Brian DePalma could have done with this Chances are you will too It does start out intrigueing A British park ranger living in Los Angeles Collin Firth marries a pretty demure brunette woman Lisa Zane whom he met in a park only a short time ago Then one day she dissappears The police are unable to find any documentation that she ever existed and Firth conducts his own search So far so good Just as hes about to give up he turns to his womanizing best friend Billy Zane and they stumble onto her former life in LAs sordid underground of drugs nightclubs and ametuer filmmaking and then to her history of mental instability At that point Firths life is in danger and the film falls apart None of the characters from Lisa Zanes past are remotely interesting The film moves slowly and theres very little action There is a subplot regarding missing drug money but its just a throwaway No chases no cliffhanging sequences and no suspense Just some dull beatings and a lot of chat by boring characters One thing worth noting Lisa Zane and Billy Zane are brother and sister but they never appear in a scene together By the end of the movie youre torn between wondering what might have been and trying to stay awake
This is 30 minute show about one joke The joke Cavemen are not treated fairly HaHaHa He cant dial a phone because he is a Caveman Cavemen are not as smart as human beings Oh jeez those Cavemen are so unsophisticated There is no humor in this show They can only run off this one joke for so long and they already have with the Geico commercials This show does not deserve a time slot on national TV br br This show tries to hard to be funny but it just isnt Watching this show I was thinking that it was trying to be like a Bachelors Gone Wild Show Meaning they go to the bar and try to sleep with many women The crying caveman is annoying The caveman with the glasses is too smart to be a cavemanHAHAHA All three of them have personalities but I cant figure out why I dont care about them
Rea Sutherland DeMunn and von Sydow in a small role are all brilliant in their performances Sutherland is particularly adept at this sort of role where he must portray a character whose morality is at first uncertain to the audience As is so often the case with Sutherlands characters we must ask is he a villian or a herobr br This is a disturbing story intelligently told about the incompetence and fearful bureaucracy in the old Soviet Union that impeded the efforts of extremely competent people As Sutherlands character wryly notes The measure of a bureaucracy is its ability not to make special exceptions The committee meeting between Rea and Sutherlands characters after perestroika is enforced with its revelations has enormous emotional impact You can feel the suffering of the dedicated people who labored in that systembr br The handful of dramatic scenes portraying victims family members adds emotional resonance to the impact of the story This is seldom a feature of a film with this sickening subject matter but effectively reminds us that the victims had lives and were lovedbr br This is a sad but very important film which deserved its showcase on Canadas History Television
I felt drawn into the world of the manipulation of mind and will at the heart of the story The acting by Nolte Lee Arkin and the supporting cast was superb The strange twists in the Vonnegut story are made stranger by odd details
I was impressed by the story It had the typical predatory gay male and the typical Mormon missionary But they each also had friends and family who balanced their lives well There are a number of characters some nice and some not so nice each with their own personality nuances And most reminded me of people in my own lifebr br The story starts out with several humorous moments and slowly evolves into a heartwarming relationship film The story progresses without obvious plot turns and never talks down to you It makes you think a bit while waiting to see what happens Even when I thought I could foresee something coming I was surprised by how it actually came aboutbr br Not many movies make me laugh knowingly at real gay dialogue and then bring a tear to my eye when I feel the characters pain I watched the film on DVD and couldnt bring myself to stop watching until it was over Usually I watch a film in pieces over a couple of days Its nice to see a film with gay characters that is uplifting but not preachy I highly recommend this film And not just for gay audiences The relationships transcend sexuality
The first and far better of Kevin Klines two gay roles The second is the dreary DeLovely in which he played Cole Porter Inspired by Tom Hanks emotional acceptance speech for Philadelphia in which he outed his high school drama teacher the nominated film in this version was obviously more Forrest Gump than Philadelphia Here the Hanks character is played by Matt Dillonbr br The reaction scenes in most of the film are very funny and as has been often pointed out are especially effective as done by Kevin himself Debbie Reynolds Tom Selleck a brave move since he was himself the target of such rumors which he denied Bob Newhart and Joan Cusack as the eventually jilted bridetobebr br Tom Hanks actual teacher criticized the graduation scene saying people dont act that way in real life But this is a farce and not real life That being said it is not as effective as it might be and the misdirection of the final wedding scene which makes it look like Tom and Kevin are about to get hitched I found rather pointless annoying and a cop outbr br The highlight of the film for me is of course Kevins scene with the howtobearealman audio tape and it is hilarious but certainly not at all realistic when the tape reacts to Kevins actionsbr br On the whole a hoot
The brief existence of The Sex Pistols and the making of this film after the controversial groundbreaking English punk bands breakup both happened before I was born However I started listening to their only album Never Mind the Bs Heres the Sex Pistols in 2003 when I was a teenager and quickly became a big fan I didnt see The Great Rock n Roll Swindle until 2006 but saw it a couple times that year and thought it was pretty good certainly not great but pretty good even if I could only remember bits of it and didnt see how it all connected Seeing it a third time nearly three years after the second I didnt care much for it at all Im not even sure what I found so good about most of it in the first place cant remember nowbr br This film is a mockumentary in which Sex Pistols manager Malcolm McLaren tells his side of the story of the band and its members guitarist Steve Jones credited here as The Crook drummer Paul Cook credited as The TeaMaker bassist Sid Vicious credited as The Gimmick and John Lydon aka Johnny Rotten credited as The Collaborator McLaren claims that he created the band and even the genre of punk rock as a scam to make money He tells much of the story to Helen WellingtonLloyd aka Helen of Troy in various places where they go together Its basically a hodgepodge of McLaren talking Pistols songs live footage of the band fictional scenes often silly strange ones several cartoon sequences etc all put together in one film to tell the Pistols managers side of the story in a bizarre waybr br It has been well proved that McLaren is a liar I know many have already pointed this out including band members themselves He was NOT the driving force of the band he didnt create them nor did he invent punk rock and The Sex Pistols werent even the first punk band though they were unique The band members were the ones who made the band what it was The Filth and the Fury a much more believable film about the band from Julien Temple who made this film is told from the point of view of the band members who contradict McLarens claims However the dishonesty of The Great Rock n Roll Swindle is not my biggest problem with it If it were actually entertaining which I used to think it was to a certain extent I would be able to overlook that like I obviously used to be able to do During my third viewing apart from Sex Pistols songs some live footage and at least one mildly amusing cartoon sequence it was pretty dull I found the Who Killed Bambi song mildly amusing at first but it got tiring very quicklybr br Is this mockumentary worth watching for Sex Pistols fans It seems a good number of fans would say it is not to learn about the true story of the shortlived but groundbreaking 70s punk band but for entertainment That was once my opinion on The Great Rock n Roll Swindle After the first time I watched it I couldnt remember a thing McLaren said and by the time I saw it the second time I was aware of what the Pistols manager was using this film to imply but could still barely remember anything I heard him say Obviously other aspects of the film were what I found impressive Now after my third viewing I can definitely remember some of the things McLaren says but it still wasnt 100 clear Like most of the film I guess his words are not that memorable probably because of the way theyre presented If youre a Pistols fan I guess it wouldnt hurt to give Swindle a try but to me for the most part its just an incoherent boring mess that tries to be funny but fails
as an inspiring director myself this movie was exciting to watch with criticism in mind Shot with low end digital camera probably with 35mm adapter for DOF The editing is good acting decent sound effects arent too over the top I would have give it a 7 for an indie film but the story arent that interesting Its more on the drama side character developments than a horror flickbr br Its not for those who wants to get spooked startled frightened grossed out or sit down with popcorn to just enjoybr br honestly this movie would be good if we were still in the 50sbr br This movie is about a family who has a dry field and that is just that
Hello This movie iswellokay Just kidding ITS AWESOME Its NOT a Block Buster smash hit Its not meant to be But its a big hit in my world And my sisters We are rockin Rollers GO RAMONES This is a great movie For ME
Ive never saw the first three but I know theyre all better than thistrash Its about some kid who throws a party Wow Sounds amazingsarcasm Is it NOOO It starts off with a kid laying in bed and hes getting woke up by his mom So the kid pretends to be sick so he doesnt have to go to school He goes to his uncles house and rounds up some people and throws a party I didnt laugh at all while watching this trash I cant imagine someone sitting down and writing down this dialogue thinking Man dis is gunna be big yo Makes me wonder if they even had a script for this movie I watched this knowing it would be bad but usually watching a bad movie makes me feel good because it gives me something to make fun of This just disgusted me TWO THUMBS DOWN
I loathed this film The original Phantasm had such wonderful ambiance and mystery Like many 70s horror flicks it looked and felt like some creepy unfinished documentary Phantasm II from the late 80s pumped up the action but maintained this nice attention to mood Sadly Phantasm III is just awful It tediously explains all of the weird happenings in the previous films which diminishes rather than expands their power It shamelessly degrades imagery from the first Phantasm like a cheap reenactment of the original There are so many flying spheres in this movie that they seem more like household pests than menacing death orbs Hundreds hang from the ceiling like Christmas balls swaying in the draft Didnt anyone the prop master the DP the editor the director notice or care that they looked so crummy Even worse Phantasm III presents one corny unfunny joke after another How different from the intensity of the first film The original Phantasm used humor to relieve its relentless focus on death Phantasm III uses death to set up countless cheap jokes about Reggies horniness several refer to the films flying balls haha oh I get it balls Maybe the crew got a kick out of these jokes but they are on us
I dont know about you but what I love about Tom and Jerry cartoons is the often violent interaction between the two characters Mouse In Manhattan sees Jerry leaving Tom behind to have an adventure in New York and as far as I am concerned this one definitely suffers from a lack of catbr br As magical as Jerrys exploration of the Big Apple might be for the other TJ fans who have commented here on IMDb I couldnt wait for this selfindulgent rubbish to end so I could watch the next cartoon on my DVDbr br In fact the only part of the whole episode that I genuinely enjoyed was when Jerry almost buys the farm hanging precariously off the end of a broken candle hundreds of feet above a busy road
I have viewed this cartoon as a child a father and now a grandfather It is my favorite cartoon I love the characters the great little tunes and the very good drawings I totally love the main song which comes up throughout the cartoon I think it is a beautiful little cartoon Everyone I have shown it to simply loves it It is too bad it opened on such a bad day Pearl Harbor bombing If it wasnt for the bad timing it would have been a great success I hope I can find a DVD of it because all the VHS tapes dont do it justicebr br I think if anyone shows it to their child they will come up with the same result They will just love itbr br
I cant believe the high marks people have given this film on this site The writing is incredibly bad with people coming in at just the right time and revealing exactly what the heroine is doing to try to escape Dont you just hate it when that happens And the acting is so very very bad that you may get a splinter in your eye from all the scenery being chewedbr br A nut is holding her hostage children are outside the open screen so she whimpers for help instead of screaming when only a moment ago she was brave enough to be smashing windows to yell to these same childrenbr br Shes finally free and alone in the house Her chance to go for help so what does she do Wanders around the house and lies down Shes in the basement locked away So what does she do Takes a little nap Come on Most of the movie is the nut wandering away and finding her sitting there snoozing when he wakes her up Four times What If the writer is too bored to actually write a real plot why should we be paying attention I think the key here is that it was originally a play for the radio so they filled in with the heroine just sitting around rather than pretending to be screen writers and actually writing any actionbr br And the ending is horrendousbr br The whole movie is completely implausible horribly written and almost comically acted Beware this movie at all costs
The documentary revolves around Eva Mozes Kor a holocaust survivor part of Mengeles experiments on twins consisting primarily her version of what happened at Auschwitz and a comparison of the emotions of the other survivors of the twin experiments The movie obviously had great reviews Its one of those topics that no one dares to voice a contrary opinion aboutbr br I too for a large part of the movie got sucked into the emotion that the moviemaker so obviously wanted the viewer to concentrate on One of the user reviews on IMDb by Eric Monder obviously having nothing critical to say about the issue on a public forum could only find the sweetest nectar In one of the many dramatic sequences as a group of Jews argue with Kor at a Jewish center the meaning of the word forgive is even debated but the isolated and outnumbered Kor holds her own But by this time the sappy hold that the movie had on my dormant emotional repertoire had let loose enough that I could see clearly once more After the strongwilled Eva Kor forgives her Nazi captors the movie begins to delve into what forgiving is all about at least from the viewpoint of Kor The movie goes about following her past her public statement forgiving the Nazis and into new territory To me this was the meat of the movie surrounded by inedible fat of her act of forgiveness Obviously it was a very sick cowbr br On a mission to test her theory of forgiveness in order to heal wounds of the past she makes her way to the promised land to meet with some Arabs to discuss with them the issues that they face and to see if dialogue cannot lead to a better understanding of the situation and heavily interspersed with debates and discussions with Jews in the US on her act of forgiving the Nazis including one at a Jewish center in Chicago From then on anyone not so teary eyed that they cant see the screen will find it hardpressed to miss the obvious contradiction in her statementsbr br Firstly you immediately notice her body language defensive and unwilling to listen in a room full of Arab scholars and teachers Her comments about how she feared that they might kidnap her shows how much of a waste of time effort and money the entire act was A rather annoyed Dr Sami Advan Professor of education at Bethlehem University gets it just right when he tells Kor off for a statement she makes about how she would rather be asleep in her apartmentbr br Finally the debate at the Jewish center in Chicago where she is grilled on the meaning of forgiveness and her right to do so in the wake of those that continue suffering through the trauma of the actsbr br I will cut to the chase By the end of the movie I was hoping I hadnt chosen to watch the movie The movie was badly made failing to delve deeper into anything about Auschwitz apart from the purely trivial just sufficient to make sure the holocaust is refreshed in the viewers memory and to incite a barrage of tears It showed that Kor the subject of the documentary was unable to engage in fair discussion Her discussion abilities were limited to parroting her stance on forgiveness at best to a complete unwillingness to listen or participatebr br Lastly is everyone so retarded today that they cant notice the difference between making peace and forgiving Quoting another IMDb user I dont see her forgiveness as being weak quite the contrary she just wanted to relieve its hold from her soul she wanted the suffering to be over so she let it go That would be the perfect laymans definition of MAKING PEACEbr br I guess in a world of propaganda blind faith and political correctness there is no room to question those that have gone through more than the human mind can fathombr br PS The dictionary certainly should go into all those Bookstobuy lists everyone keeps making
This is the worst italian movie ever quite possibly the worst movie of all time Joe DAmato is of course no cinematic genius but many of his movies are interesting and watchable Unfortunatly this is not one of them Its cheesy and boringwaaaaay boring If you want a movie to MST3k get Troll 2 if you want a movie to put someone into a coma get deep blood
In a future society the military component does not have to recruit rather their candidates are chosen at birth culled from nurseries and designated to spend their entire lives in the service of the government They are given over to the war machine body and soul for no reason other than to protect and serve they have no personal identity other than a name and rank and no autonomy whatsoever This is the fate of those whose destiny is predetermined for them in `Soldier directed by Paul Anderson and starring Kurt Russell The scenario is hard and bleak as the movie begins by depicting the training of the soldiers during advancing periods of time from preadolescence to adulthood Russell is Sergeant Todd the best of the best and we glimpse his career as he discharges his duties in an exemplary manner in campaign after campaign he is what he was born to be a soldier But even the best cannot go on forever and the day arrives when Todd and his peers are no longer the elite A new generation of soldiers has been created products of advanced genetics and technology and Todds generation is suddenly obsolete What follows is the story of a man who must fight for his life while struggling to discover his own sense of humanity and individuality traits new to a soldier who has known only two things his entire life Fear and discipline Russell gives a commanding performance as Todd the soldier who above all else must obey orders without question while suppressing all emotion and individual thoughts He has few lines in this movie but Russell speaks volumes with his eyes This role demonstrates that he is in fact one of the underappreciated actors of our times that he can disappear so entirely into the character of Todd is a credit to his ability and with this part he has created someone quite different from any hes done before And hes given Todd a depth and credibility that someone of lesser talent could easily have rendered as nothing more than a pretentious and superficial stereotype Notable performances are also turned in here by Connie Nielsen Sandra and Jason Isaacs Colonel Mekum Rounding out the supporting cast are Jason Scott Lee memorable as Caine 607 one of the new generation of soldiers Sean Pertwee Mace Gary Busey Captain Church Michael Chiklis Jimmy Pig and Mark Bringleson Rubrick Anderson has delivered an action film with a message a cautionary tale that transcends the genre of sciencefiction `Soldier reminds us of the importance of keeping the humanity of our lives intact Its an entertaining way of making us consider the alternatives like a bleak future and a world in which good movies just wouldnt make a whole lot of difference Much like `1984 and `Mad Max this movie which is ultimately uplifting is going to make you take pause and think about the kind of Universe in which we all must live together and share I rate this one 710
As I mentioned previously John Carpenters 1978 classic is one of the first two movies I can remember seeing and being heavily influenced by the other being the classic Conan the Barbarian It so truly scared me that the only monster under my bed was Michael Meyers whom I eventually befriended imaginary friend to keep him from killing me in my sleep Now that is terror for a 10 year oldbr br It is a horror classic and I am sure my modest review will not do it the justice it deserves The most surprising thing of all is that the movie still works perhaps not in the guttural reaction but more of a cognitive possibility or immediate subconscious This all could happen It isnt in the realm of impossibility or located in a foreign country as most modern horror is ie Hostel Touristas Cry Wolf Sawetc At times it is graphic while the rest is relegated to our imaginations I believe it is this element that keeps people terrified or at the very least wary of going outside at night with the signature soundtrack still vivid in their head It still works because we can substitute implied or tertiary killing with anything more terrifying that our mind can create So we ourselves are contributing to our own fears and anxietybr br Carpenter weaves a simple story about an everyday middle class suburban and relatively benign child who snaps on Halloween and kills his sister He then spends the next 15 years in an institution which we thankfully do not experience only to escape and return to his hometown the infamous Haddonfield On his way he kills and kills The childs name is Michael Meyers though he is not a person John Carpenter uses Michael Meyers as a metaphor against the implied safety of middle class suburbia In the bastion of American safety and security chaos can still strikebr br Michael ceased to be a person once he killed He is not a serial killer human being or psychopath He is as unstoppable force The generic overalls bleachedwhite Shatner mask and lack of any dialog other then some breathing helps to dehumanize and complete Michaels generification This is the source of all his power He is faceless speechless and unremarkable in any way other than as a source of unrelenting chaos This is helped by the cinematography post card effect a lack of informationmotivationexplanation and the veteran narrative experience of Donald Pleasence Dr Loomis His over the top performance and uneasiness sells the Shape This is also the first film performance by Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode the innocent girl who deters chaos in the face of overwhelming odds at least for a little bit br br Though this isnt the first movie of this new niche of horror films Black Christmas came out 4 years earlier it is the most successful and does not diminish upon reviewing If you havent been scared by horror movies in a long time like me this will probably make the hairs on the back of your head tingle at the first chords of the signature soundtrack I highly recommend this movie as a must see horror movie and as one of the pinnacles of John Carpenters career
Having sat and watched this film I can only wonder at the reasons for creating the film This was without a doubt one of the worst films Ive ever seen and had no redeeming featuresbr br If it was supposed to be funny then it might have managed to be a very weak comedy but as an action thriller it was direbr br Slow no plot no real action nothing approaching good dialogue and Ive no idea about the characters What else can I say Avoid
When this movie was first shown on television I had high hopes that we would finally have a decent movie about World War I as experienced by American soldiers Unfortunately this is not itbr br It should have been a good movie about WWI Even though it was made for television it is obvious that a real effort was made to use appropriate equipment and props But the writing and directing are badly lacking even though the makers of this movie obviously borrowed freely from quite a few well made war movies War movie clichs abound such as the arrogant general who apparently does not care a flip about the lives of his men When will Hollywood realize that even though there have been plenty of bad generals most combat unit generals have seen plenty of combat themselves and are not naive about what the average grunt experiences The first part of this movie appeared to be Paths of Glory with American uniforms Except that Paths of Glory was emotionally gripping Later on there was Chamberlains charge except uphill from Gettysburg and even the capture of the American soldier by a ring of enemy soldiers from The Thin Red Line But in The Thin Red Line the soldier was alone when captured In this movie a ring forms around the new prisoner in the middle of a battlebr br If this movie used a military adviser they ignored him Even though the actors and I never could forget they were actors while watching mouthed military tactics I didnt see very much of it The American soldiers would stand up to be shot while the Germans attacked And the infamous Storm Troopers who were apparently blind appeared to use no tactics whatsoever in their attack In the real war the tactics were what made storm troopers so effective But the silliest scene was the attack of the German Flamethrowers In this scene the German flamethrower operators walked in a broad line towards the defending Americans If that had been real they would never have gotten close enough to use their flamethrowers before they had all been dropped by the defenders bulletsbr br Okay so most war movies are unrealistic when it comes to the tactics shown But it is still disappointing But what really turned me off to this flick was the typical antiwar antimilitary angle that movie makers seem to think is important True war is hell But most American soldiers even though they grumble and gripe tend to believe in what they are doing and can be rather gungho about it My Grandfather served in World War I And even though he died four years before I was born I have been told how proud he was of his service
Dysfunctional family goes home for the holidays and murder and mayhem result Violent sexy Milligan at his most home made Little better than a home movie as much of Milligans films are this is a trip into depravity 1960s style Notable for the copious nudity and sex this film is neither sexy nor gruesome playing now more as quaintthough decidedly r rated The film suffers from its uneven cast and from the cheapness of the productionNo one was ever sure where the money went on his movies since he was always broke Its a bad bad movie thats not worth seeing except as a Milligan completeist or because its got some good looking people fooling around
The Guidelines state that a comment must contain a minimum of four lines That is the only reason I am saying anything more about Tomcats Because after all my one line summary really says everything there is to say There is absolutely NOTHING remotely entertaining in this film
Interesting topic Pathetic delivery script and direction br br Our hero Miles thaws out and has his emergency worldfirst life restoration surgery This is where the fun begins The underlying issue is that Miles has NO SOUL This is used to explain his quasierratic behaviour of being indirectly responsible for two deaths I believe this to be the total number of deaths in 104 minutes br br On the livlier side Miles prefers the odd glass of brandy blazing fireplaces and his young maturing female cousin The finale does indeed do justice to this filmbr br Some thoughts 1 Producer were parted with to create this tripe JD Feigelson was the script writer and a or sole producer Looks like he did not learn a lesson on how not to bring an interesting idea to life when one views his other writing credits This will support the credibility of this scriptbr br 2 Now available on DVD This IS truly scary Should be forever Bottom of the Shelf in VHS formatbr br 3 A reincarnated human without a soul will default to an evil entity br br 4 The score offers minimal support Not even an inform Jerry Goldsmith could save itbr br 5 Deserved the 0230 time slot on TV and a touch more entertaining than the infomercials test patterns it was competing against at the time of my viewingbr br 6 Thankfully did not spawn any sequels ala Wes Cravens Nightmare franchise Chiller Too The Return Return of Miles or something like thatbr br Despite my rating of 1 I still recommend this movie as a great example of how to kill an acting or scriptwriting career This should apply to directing however Wes Craven will eternally be exempt due to his sole good piece of A Nightmare on Elm Street 1984
I remember this in a similar vein to the Young Ones Wed stumble back from the pub and watch this or tape it and then spend weeks replaying the lines to each otherbr br We called one of our mates Zipmole Watkins after the brilliant episode in which Daniel Peacock has a bit of restyling on his nose by the Back Street Abortionistbr br Lots of great lines Remember at 530 in the morning you can only get white bread from a brown man Take it easy guy Gandhi as a local shopkeeperbr br Tony woodcock was definitely on there in the episode they were teaching Ralph Daniel Peacock to be a barman Its no good Amanda Ill never make it as a bar man Helen Lederer teaches him to ask people about the match See the match last night I thought Woodcock played well After a string of failed conversations the curly haired Arsenal star was sitting at the bar See the match last night Yeah I thought I played wellbr br We still do odd stupid lines now Reg and Ralph or Ralph and Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Regbr br Lots of very surreal silly moments and very surreal songs from the Flatlets The Back Street Abortionist a personal favourite with the great ending line And hell mark your packages Return To Senderbr br Good old Danny Peacock you added a lot to some young drinkers evenings sirbr br Update I found a couple of episodes on tape Im going to upload the Gandhi sketch to Youtube
This 1hour 30minute inside joke is best understood by Catholics the number one religion of selfmedicating comedians the world over That isnt to say it cant stand on its own which it does that the film isnt without its flaws which its got Technical issues mostly Belief that in 1998 digital was the answer when in fact it was in its infancy a Beta of a Beta if you will and remastering will never improve it For the love of God Halplease get yourself a Red One Or threebr br If you like Hartley films of course youll like it I liked it because I liked GrimFool and there were added benefits of retrospect I couldnt help noticing a disturbing selfprophecy an airliner soaring overhead used as a harbinger of Armageddon in this 1998 movie It was as if Cheney had gotten the whole idea from Hal Its true Hartley moves his players round into the camera like its the House of Commons just one piece of the gimmickry that needs a rest After all were already paying attention to the actors and the writing is alive Not great writing butfervent Can I use the word fervent Purposeful intelligent not condescendingbr br Absolutely love PJ Harvey in this course Id love her anywhere Oddly if Helen Mirren needs a younger self she should look Harvey up and bring a bottle of blond
In Paris the shy and insecure bureaucrat Trelkovsky Roman Polanski rents an old apartment without bathroom where the previous tenant the Egyptologist Simone Choule Dominique Poulange committed suicide The unfriendly concierge Shelley Winters and the tough landlord Mr Zy Melvyn Douglas establish stringent rules of behavior and Trekovsky feels ridden by his neighbors Meanwhile he visits Simone in the hospital and befriends her girlfriend Stella Isabelle Adjani After the death of Simone Trekovsky feels obsessed for her and believes his landlord and neighbors are plotting a scheme to force him to also commit suicide br br The weird Le Locataire is a disturbing and creepy tale of paranoia and delusion The story and the process of madness and loss of identity of the lonely Trelkovsky are slowly developed in a nightmarish atmosphere in the gruesome location of his apartment and what is happening indeed is totally unpredictable The performances are awesome and Isabelle Adjani is extremely beautiful My vote is eightbr br Title Brazil O Inquilino The Tenant
I am utterly astonished at how overrated Cemetery Man is among horror fans Now I usually welcome movies that blend two or more kinds of genrestyles into one and I love just about every zombiecomedy I have ever seen To my dismay this Italian cultclassic really didnt show me a lot to get too pumped up about It follows the unusual duties of a fulltime cemetery caretaker and his retarded manchild Curly Joe looking assistant as they seem to primarily dispose of the recently deceased who pop out of the ground seven days after their initial death He meets a widow whom he wows with some grisly graveyard atmosphere and develops a quick romance soon having sex with her on her dead husbands grave The husbands corpse springs alive and bites her triggering a series of events that seem to consume the rest of the movie Cemetery Man attempts to incorporate every element it can like horror romance comedy action and fails entirely in the longrun It plods along never able to focus on any aspect long enough to make it interesting for the viewer such as the paunchy sidekicks relationship with a living severed head a motorcycle riding zombie launching out of the ground the main character deciding to gun down random people on the sidewalk etc This thing is so convoluted and dull that its nearly impossible to take it seriously Sure its stylish and often elegant but even the most artsy kind of films need the right kind of lineage to allow it to make sense Cemetery Man plods along appearing unable to focus on anything for more than a few minutes which becomes very tiring after a while People argue that its a more sophisticated zombie movie Frankly when it comes to zombies I dont want anything more sophisticated than Romero Theres a little bit of gore and nudity mainly in the scenes where it wants to play horror movie but not nearly enough to make up for its uncompromising lack of structure Terrible film
This movie beats everything out there Well depends on what you are looking for it could be a 10 or a 1 on the scale This movie is in a complete league of its own I dont think any movie could possibly come close to it I am not sure what the director intended to make it as a thriller or a comedy If he did think he was making a thriller then he has by a stroke of luck created one of the best bollywood comedies of all time You have to see it to believe it a matrix terminator a host of other movies rolled into one along with a storyline dating back to 1980s Hindi movies with a icchadhari naag a mythical snake which can turn into a humanbr br Its an ideal movie if you are sitting with a bunch of friends with alcohol on the side planning to laugh at the movie I am not sure whether to give it a 1 or a 10 On the basis of flipping a coin I have decided to give it a 1
I can see why Laurel and Hardy purists might be offended by this rather gentle reenactment but this film would be an excellent way to introduce children to the pleasures of classic L H Bronson Pinchot and Gailard Sartain acquit themselves reasonably as the comedy duo and theres a reasonably good supporting cast I enjoyed it
Lifeforce is a truly bizarre adaptation of the novel The Space Vampires by Colin Wilson scripted by Dan OBannon Don Jakoby A joint AmericanBritish space exploration team makes a mindboggling discovery an alien spacecraft resting inside Halleys Comet containing three entities that look like people one of them a female beauty the ohsoalluring Mathilda Maybr br They take these discoveries back on board their own spacecraft Big mistakebr br It turns out that these creatures drain the life out of human beings and as American colonel Carlsen an intense edgy and committed Steve Railsback and British SAS colonel Caine a solid Peter Firth watch in horror an infestation of vampirism overtakes London with the fate of Earth in the balancebr br This picture certainly is not lacking in imagination It moves a little slowly at times but offers so many strange and fanciful ideas and eyepopping visuals that its hard not to be amused The first of director Tobe Hoopers threepicture deal with Cannon Films he followed it up with Texas Chainsaw Massacre II and the Invaders from Mars remake he makes it something truly unique Incorporating elements of scifi vampire films zombie films and endoftheworld sagas its like nothing that Ive seen beforebr br Railsback and Firth are ably supported by such strong Brit actors as Frank Finlay Patrick Stewart Michael Gothard Aubrey Morris and John Hallam Mathilda May is very memorable as the bewitching enigmatic villainess it certainly doesnt hurt that she performs a great deal of her scenes in the nude Also worth noting is a stirring music score from none other than Pink Panther composer Henry Mancinibr br Ridiculous it may be but I found it to be fun as well Its flamboyant and spirited entertainmentbr br 810
I agree with the other 9 and 10 star reviews I saw this at the South By Southwest Film Festival in Austin Of the 20 films I saw7 were really good and this was the best one for me Im a sucker for movies that have plot devices where characters go through transformations that totally change their lives The excellent acting was mostly done by people involved in TV or it was their first movie It was written and directed by Jay Floyd This was his debut as a director Jays day job is apparently as a clearance administrator for lots of famous films Forgiving the Franklins was a total delight and extremely funny in spots This is one movie where I would buy the DVD and rewatch it truly a high complement from me Well done Jay yesgive up your day job
I happened on Shower in the foreign film section of my local video store and passed it over several times since from its cover it looked like a farce or comedy I then lucked into a copy to purchase at economical price and am happy for my luck Shower is the story of three3 men a father and two2 adult sons each coming to terms with life changes as the world around them also continues to change in modern China As with many foreign films the Chinese culture itself is one of the most interesting facets of this moviebr br Beyond the fascinating characteristics of the local Chinese color giving the setting to this story is the difficult yet touching relationships between the men and a sole woman involved in the story all set against the backdrop of a village bathhousebr br The familys story moves from estrangement to understanding and made me glad I came to know these people Added to the main story are the numerous small characters bathhouse customers and their individual conflicts and friendships Shower is a film one walks away from smiling and touched by its warmth and humanity
There is not a single sympathetic character in this entire movie Is it the lawyer played by Kenneth Branagh that were supposed to be pulling for Well lets see we learn hes a sleazebag defense attorney who gets criminals off on technicalities He treats his coworkers like cattle gets them involved in his own personal crisis in the process getting one of them killed jeopardizes the safety of his kids threatens his exwifes new boyfriend tries to strongarm the police and school administrators and all this for what Because he was THINKING WITH HIS LITTLE HEAD I was really pulling for the father and his gang to beat the stuffing out of the lawyer and drown him in the swampit would have made for a far more satisfying ending
SPOILERS FOLLOW and I havent even seen itbr br Let me guess the murder is related to the evil property developer wanting to develop the riverside and Dickens was murdered because he was trying to uncover a similar dastardly plot If anybody whos seen it could let me know if Im half right youll have saved me the time it might take to watch something worthwhile and the rest of us will know to steer clear of both this film and its enthusiastic reviewers On the other hand it sounds intriguing but if it was any good would it really be given away with a Sunday rag And what sort of track record does Foley have anywaybr br So as a public service I managed to sit through it Its worse than Swept Away Really Ive read stories by eightyearolds with more drama than this Truly awful And I was half right
I smiled through the whole film The music is great The storytelling is great Its a wonderful film This picture is made with respect and a true love of the sixties
I cant believe I bought this movie on DVD I dont even remember it being shown on TV last year Why in the world couldnt they have just done a real sequel to one of the best Christmas movies ever made Damn and Randy Quaid looks like hes been on the same drugs as Jerry Lewis I didnt know about this movie until I bought it tonight and thought I would check it out on IMDb and see how it was rated Boy did I make a mistake If your reading this review be warned stay away from it and just stick to the first Christmas Vacation Well at least I didnt pay more then 10 bucks for it Maybe I can trade it in and get half of that back at Tower Records Then again maybe not PS I still havent watched it yet my DVD player went on the fritz tonight watching another wonderful movie The Chronicles of Riddick Unrated Directors Cut woo freaking hoo
This was a really interesting Halloween film I wasnt to thrilled with the whole Thorn theory but it still makes for a good film I liked getting to see Tommy Doyle back but sadly Donald Pleasance died right after shooting The film had a really REALLY bad director who didnt give a flip about the series from what I heard treated Donald bad and wouldnt let Danielle Harris come back as Jamie Its like he was just trying to bring down the film but I still liked it There were alot of cuts and music changes and if youre lucky you can get the Producers Cut which features over 40 min of never before scenes With those scenes it turns into a whole new movie Check it out if you have the chance
This was a funny movie Just having seeing the Evil Dead trilogy not a week ago and left wanting for more I got as many Bruce Campbell movies as I could including really bad ones This one is funny without being exceptional but as sure as hell originalbr br I mean youve got mad scientists superhuman cyborgs half brain freaks gypsies ex KGB cab drivers jealousy murders of passion love romance sex action and what more all with the same 6 actors br br You really have to see it and enjoy it I cant explain it in a text box I guess it is not so much a cult movie as Evil Dead was but it certainly has that Bruce Campbell touch I love Ted Raimi lends a hand Tamara Gorski looks both beautiful and interesting she has gone a long way from the hooker in Friday the 13th and Vladimir Kolev also shows a lot of promise as an actor although he will probably be cast as secondary character in Hollywood movies his entire careerbr br Bottom line funny movie If you liked Evil Dead youll like this too
Years ago I caught a fairly well made TV movie entitled Linda It was made in 1973 and starred Stella Stevens in the femme fatale title roll Imagine my surprise when over ten years later I once again saw the same story unfold on late night TV However it was this 1993 version starring Virginia Madsen Dont get me wrong I can handle remakes even obscure ones But this badly written and poorly filmed retread made me feel sorry for both Madsen and costar Richard Thomas Unlike the original the dialogue here is cliched making me wonder Why did they bother to rewrite it Second the camera work is very heavyhanded and the the film stock is poor At times I felt reminded of the student film competition at the beginning of Christopher Guests The Big Picture Finally the cast looks either bored Madsen or suffering Thomas In fact the only one who seems like hes really enjoying the work is Ted McGinley Of course with his perfectly coifed hair and capped teeth hes really stretching himself from his previous work on The Love Boat Bottom line to borrow a critique from Opus the Penguin in Bloom Countybr br This movie does for film what Jonestown did for KoolAidbr br Thomkat
Last time I checked the Nazis didnt win the second world war not that youd sodding notice After all the Third Reich was pretty big on issuing orders and demanding cold robotic obedience from the populace and thats pretty much what were saddled with today But the way the orders are delivered has changed Instead of being barked at in a German accent through a loudhailer theyre disguised as concerned expert advice and floated under your nose every time you switch on the TV or flip open a newspaper Theres a continual background hum a middleclass message of selfimprovement whispered on the windbr br You eat too much You eat the wrong things You drink You smoke You dont get enough exercise You probably cant even beep properly Youll die if you dont change your ways Your health will suffer Have you got no selfrespect Look at you You sicken me I pity you I hate you We all hate you God hates you Dont you get it Its so sad what youre doing to yourself Its just so bloody sad Thats the mantra And it goes without saying that the people reciting it are routinely depicted as saints Last year the media dropped to its knees to give Jamie Oliver a collective blow job over his School Dinners series in which he campaigned to get healthier food put on school menus Given the backslapping reaction youd be forgiven for thinking hed personally rescued 5000 children from the jaws of a slavering paedophilebr br Anyway the series was a huge success In fact in telly terms there was only one real drawback it wasnt returnable After all when youve saved every child in the nation from certain death once you cant really do it a second time The only solution is to find a new threat which brings us to Ian Wrights Unfit Kids Wed 9pm C4 a weekly issuetainment programme in which the former footballer and renowned enemy of grammar forces a bunch of overweight youngsters to take part in some extracurricular PEbr br Its essentially a carbon copy of the Jamie Oliver show with more sweating and fewer shots of pupils mashing fresh basil with a pestle an uplifting fable in which Wrighty shapes his gang of misfits into a lean mean exercising machine combating apathy and lethargy confronting lazy parents and attempting to turn the whole thing into a nationwide issue thatll have Range Rover mums everywhere dampening their knickers with sheer sanctimony in between trips to the Conran shop Oh isnt it simply terrible what these blobsome plebes do to themselves Not our Josh you understand he eats nothing but organic spinach and attends lacrosse practise six hundred times a weekbr br Bet he does the little sh1t yes it is heartwarming to watch flabby inconvenient kids transforming themselves with a bit of simple activity but theres something about the underlying eatyourgreens message that really sticks in my craw in case you hadnt guessedbr br What happened to the concept of CHOICE you beep So a bit of jogging might increase your life expectancy so what That just equates to a few more years in the nursing home whoopee do And besides Id rather drop dead tomorrow than spend the rest of my life sharing a planet with a bunch of smug toss ends trying to outhealth one anotherbr br In episode two video games and the internet are singled out as villains in the war on flab they make kids too sedentary you see Oddly enough TV which is equally sedentary and unlike those two activities actively encourages you to let your mind atrophy along with your physique escapes without a rollicking Funny thatbr br Well listen here Channel 4 instead of forcing kids to eat bracken or do squatthrusts how about teaching them to think more expansively so they reject the sly cajoling nature of programmes like this Or would that be a campaign too far
What the hell of a DMovie was that Bad acting bad special effects and the worst dialoguesstoryline i ever came across The only cool thing here was Coolio who had a nice cameo as a freaked out cop However the rest of the film is awful and boring Its not even so bad you can laugh about it Just plain crap And whoever compares this to the Evil Dead Series might as well compare Tomb Raider to Indiana Jones well ok at least there was Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider 1 out of 10
Personally this is one of my favorites of all time no im not 10 im 30 i own an old original VHS of this that i bought from a rental store ive watched it countless timesbr br while its an amusing movie for kids its an intriguing movie for adults i once saw this movie whiile i was not sober my eyes were opened to things i had never noticed before i saw morals being strongly encouraged both overtly and somewhat subliminally i wish i could remember all the things i noticed in particular but its been a very long time since then rest assured there are TONS of things that are alluded to throughout the movie if you get the chance to view it not sober do so you wont be disappointed as a matter of fact you will probably feel rather happy and warmbr br unique and wonderful
Call me old fashioned but I like movies with plots I thought stoner comedy was just a way to more specifically describe a comedy in which lots of weed is smoked and the people watching it are more apt to enjoy it high Grandmas Boy however has decided this is a fullblown niche and that stoners represent a piece of the comedy pie that need to be reached Apparently Allen Covert star and producer and the Happy Madison gang were right but that doesnt make Grandmas Boy any less boring and unfunny They might be completely stoned but the characters are mostly halfbakedbr br Alex Covert a longtime supporting player for Adam Sandler firsttime star is a mid30s professional video game tester whose roommate has gotten them evicted He could look for a new apartment but then we dont have a movie After trying a couple friends he ends up living with good ole Grandma Lilly Doris Roberts of Everybody Loves Raymond She wakes him up a 6 am and has him do chores and soon hes falling asleep on the job and so the new video game sequel might not get done on deadlinebr br Like most people Alex deals with his frustration and eradicates boredom by either playing video games or getting high or both His friendscoworkers all do the same thing Most of them are virgins that live at home in addition to loving video games Theyre all awkward and all with the exception of Nick Swardson and Joel Moore only at times their characters arent funny Funny if youre blazed sure i suppose but I cant say from experiencebr br Maybe all we loser guys like is getting high playing video games and awkwardly ogling women with specific attention on their breasts but even so it shouldnt be the driving force of an entire film Neither should old women getting high on accident saw that one coming or being the but of grossout sex jokes but thats what happens when a film isnt about anything No conflict occurs until the last 20 minutes outside of the slight problems of being out of pot Alex trying to get the hot girl Linda Cardellini to like him and the guys scrambling to finish their levels for the video game deadlinebr br Characters can be the saving grace for these meandering stoner flicks but aside from a lovable Doris Roberts the aforementioned Swardson as the virgin friend who lives with his parents and calls them his roommates and Joel Moores skill at making robot noises theres little character ingenuity Covert is a runofthemill main character with no comedic dimensions his dealer friend Dante is an inept actor and waste of screen time and Jonah Hill and Kevin Nealon are written so far into the periphery it doesnt matterbr br If you like movies about nothing and watching them in a state of mind and body that enhance that nothingness Grandmas Boy will likely be just what youre looking for Those who need a little more talent and wit to get on board with a comedy will be left unaffected The most I can say for Grandmas Boy is that its watchable despite its pointlessness It wont feel like a total waste of time but youll wish you did do drugs so you could at least have made the most of the hour and a halfbr br Steven Cbr br Visit my site at wwwmoviemusereviewscom
This is a clever episode of TWILIGHT ZONE that was comic rather than strange or tragic Buster Keaton is Woodrow Mulligan a janitor from 1890 America works in a laboratory He is constantly griping about the life problems around him meat is too expensive its like 100 lb Unheard of He is always yelling after crazy speeders on bicycles autos havent appeared yet Griping to the end he sees a helmet like device by a scientist and puts it on and tries it Suddenly he is in modern America The beginning was a seven minute silent film Now it is all noise all talking all beeping all blowing Keaton is here only a few minutes when he realizes that the world has changed and not for the better He runs into Stanley Adams a Professor Rollo who realizes that Mulligan is from c 1890 he mentions President Cleveland Rollo has always wanted to live in that charming quiet age He helps Mulligan get the helmet repaired and they go back in time Rollo gets bored after awhile due to the lack of scientific equipment that he can use Mulligan puts the helmet on him and sends him into the future But now Woodrow is fully content with the quiet simple age he lives in He has found contentmentbr br In his last fifteen years Buster Keaton was frequently on television many times for Allan Funt on CANDID CAMERA where he could help set up sight gag tricks on the public He did make a few films as well most notably A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM and THE RAILRODDER But he occasionally popped up in television plays and episodes He is in his element here presumably advising the director old comedy film director Norman McLeod he directed the Marx Brothers in HORSE FEATHERS on the tricks he could do Watch how Stanley Adams and he time Adams picking him up when he is snatching a pair of trousers he needs In terms of timing it reminds one of gags he did in the 20s in films like SHERLOCK JR The episode does show Keaton in fine fettle for a man in his sixtiesbr br The appearances of Jesse White here as a repairman of all things is always welcome But look a bit at Professor Rollo Stanley Adams was a well known figure in movies and television from the 1950s onward to his tragic suicide in 1977 Plump with unkempt appearance and heavy booming voice his best known dramatic role was as the wrestling promoter in the film version of REQUIEM FOR A HEAVYWEIGHT he wants Anthony Quinn to be a wrestler wearing a costume as an Indian His best known television appearance was as the space trader who introduces the crew of the Starship Enterprise in STAR TREK to those furry fertile little creatures Tribbles as in The Trouble With Adams was always worth watching like Jesse White and certainly like Keaton enhancing most of the productions he appeared in I have never understood his suicide but it was a sad end to a first rate character performer
Pandoras Clock is among the best thrillers you will ever read and this is one of the best thrillers you will ever see A highly faithful adaptation of John J Nances novel which had a frightfully real scenario in the novelis made even more so here br br Despite being made for TV this is first rate entertainment The cast is great and slips into characters from the novel so well that you would think they were reading the novel Richard Dean Anderson steps way outside the shadow of Macgyver and gives the best performance of his career to date Jane Leeves is great her role as an ambassadors assistant in a role that proves she can be a fine dramatic actor Daphne Zuniga is great as Dr Sanders and despite the character being a man in the book it works incredibly well Robert Loggia Edward Herrmann Robert Guillaume and the rest of the supporting cast are top notch and fit their novel counterparts tot he letterbr br There are changes to the story of course including and a slight change in the ending but those changes are for the better when compared with the novel The plot is realistic and very see to believe in the way its presented making this the best airplane set movie since the original Airport movie The production values are high and though the special effects might look as good as they did a decade or so ago they work fine Sets are great especially CIA HQ and the Oval Office showing that the filmmakers spent a lot of time to make this workbr br It doesnt matter if you see this first and read then read the novel or vice versa Just do both and you wont regret losing four hours to this film and however long it takes to read the novel This will leave you breathless
I really tried to like this movie It deals with an important problem in any society sex addictionbr br In this story we learn that you can lose everything when youre addicted to sex In this case our main character and hero for having nonstop sex with all kinds of women crazy kinky neurotic puts in jeopardy his marriage job and even his lifebr br The production values are terrible mainly the acting Oh you wont enjoy ANY of the sex scenes most of them are done in very poor taste and you might think youre watching a home made flickbr br Second the plot is just non sense How could such a smart and beautiful wife stand all the nasty stuff from the husband How could she believe him The threesome situation is priceless and will make you chuckle for a whilebr br Also the scene with the black movie theater attendant is just pointless and will leave you thinking wtf br br Scenes like those you will find plenty br br Avoid this movie Please avoid it its not soft core its not a documental its not a dramatic feature Its a pretentious effort form a so called documentary director or whateverbr br Only Mrs Kinskis legs on display are worth the watch I caught it on HBO and Im glad I didnt spend my money on it But those 90 minutes of my life wont come back
The movie adaptation of Heart of Darkness is disappointing both as a movie and as a representation of Joseph Conrads classic story br br There are several small differences between the book and movie but thats expected in any book to movie transition Kurtz dies in a different location the manager does not accompany Marlow on his voyage Kurtzs mistress spends much more time with him than in the story The real issue is the amount of footage thats put into the movie but has no basis in the actual story For some reason the director finds the need to spice up a few of the scenes adding drama or actions that seldom make any sense and are always unimportant to the story Some examples that come to mind are Kurtzs mistress beating Marlow over the head and knocking him out Nothing happens while hes unconscious and Marlow didnt even provoke the attack A couple hours pass and he wakes up total waste of time Kurtz has a pet monkey which for some random reason he kills on a whim Also when Marlow leaves Kurtzs station he makes the noble decision to leave behind all the priceless ivory he had obtained for no real reason at all One other flaw is Kurtzs character John Malkovich is a terrible choice to play the man who is described as tall and inspirational a man with a commanding presence He practically whispers all of his lines which in a more capable actors hands could have been very thought provoking I cant remove the image of John Malkovich playing a mentally disabled farmhand in Of Mice and Men when Im watching him botch the role of Kurtz Over all I would rate the movie at 3 out of 10 stars Its a good movie if youve read the book and want to see it in movie form perhaps to help you visual the scenes but as a source of entertainment I would never recommend it
The bittersweet twist to this movie contains a wonderful element of romanticism that evokes an impetuous passion These characteristics of idealistic imagery which Moonstruck possesses spur on an end result of a resounding thumbs up verdict by virtually every prominent critic in Hollywood Let me describe the circumstances to this film simply put they are yesteryear Moonstruck is a cohesive film which sparks the naivety of an old Italian neighborhood in New York City New York City has always been one big melting pot that is galvanized by many bickersome mannerisms which are indicative of typical New Yorkers this includes a lot of Italian Americans living in New York as well The mid and late eighties brought on an abrupt conclusion to many strong associations with various cultural stereotypes Ethnicity polarization was a firmly embedded scourge in American history that was far more prevalent several generations before this movie was made These generalizing proclivities still exist today however they are more mollified and less identifiable For this Italian family of a bygone era confusion indecisiveness agitation and yes of course love all have the comical camaraderie of an utterly human understanding to them The kindred spirits with everyone in Moonstruck seems to be that of comprehending individual frailties One might wonder about Cher playing the lead role as she is more known as an entertainer than a big box office first billing star in a movie In Moonstruck however I think she was incredibly well suited to her role and came off as thoroughly believable in a relatively unbelievable situation All of the characters in Moonstruck are very rough around the edges really tough and not afraid to have a formidable duel with adversity The most hilarious aspect to their lives is imperfection and they are thoroughly aware of the fact that weathering the storm definitely serves a constructive purpose I thought the acting in this movie was sensational All relationships in this movie garner an auspicious potential to vividly illuminate because everybody knows how everybody elses basic nature is really like For this family nothing is glamorous nothing is pretentiously romantic and nothing is overly emotional just moderately so The fact is this entire family is plainly and perpetually afflicted and overcome by an extremely zealous and candid cupid in all of their lives Taking moon beams literally can indeed have a pleasantly enervating impact on ones resolve masqueraded mystique and resistance to the proverbial am ore Thus signifying everything The homey and mercurial tenet in this film is basically one of Be honest get angry Be honest get confrontational Be honest get distorted and emphatic Most importantly Be honest and fall in love This is Chers best performance ever as an actress Nicholas Cage Danny Aiello and Olympia Dukakis were wonderfully flawed in Moonstruck Such performances by these three were perfectly appropriate for the kinetic energy of the characters in this movie Director Norman Jewison Famous for Cincinnati Kid Thomas Crowne Affair and most famous for In The Heat Of The Night which won the academy award for best picture in 1967 depicts many keen and humanistic instincts in the process of purveying the deliberate incongruity to this film I am Italian American in descent Partially anyways Cher is not Italian and for that matter neither is the writer nor the director I guess since nonItalians like eating our food they may as well use our culture to make a fabulous film too It is refreshing to know that a film can be marvelous and have an incredibly happy ending For those of you who didnt like this movie I just have one thing to say Snap Out Of It This movie Moonstruck is totally happy go lucky Totally eighties and Totally five stars See it
Rachel and Chuck Yoman Valerie Harper Gerald McRaney decided the city is too busy and dangerous for their family so they packed up their reluctant son Gregory Togel and daughter Tammy Lauren and moved back to a lake like the one Rachel lived at as a childbr br They say you can not go home again but this is an ideal rural home with what at first seems like a Mayberry feel Later the residence seems to be more like the people in Deliverance Soon bodies start turning up and everybody looks suspect with the exception of a few friendly faces This does not keep the family from enjoying running around and messing around in the woodsbr br We find that they have to be super ignorant to find the secrets and not tell anyone until they get axcepted as the antagonists br br Can the ignored young Stevie save his parents or will their pursuers put hisher foot in itbr br This film is more than most parodies as it was played with strait faces They could not have chosen better actors and Daryl Anderson was exceptionally creepy An added plus is that they let us know what is happening before the characters find out instead of pulling a clue out of the hat after the fact Anyway this made for TV movie is good for a few laughs
I thought Rachel York was fantastic as Lucy I have seen her in Kiss Me Kate and VictorVictoria as well and in each of these performances she has developed very different and very real characterizations She is a chameleon who can play and sing anythingbr br I am very surprised at how many negative reviews appear here regarding Rachels performance in Lucy Even some bonafide TV and entertainment critics seem to have missed the point of her portrayal So many people have focused on the fact that Rachel doesnt really look like Lucy My response to that is So what I wasnt looking for a superficial impersonation of Lucy I wanted to know more about the real woman behind the clown And Rachel certainly gave us that in great depth I also didnt want to see someone simply doing classic Lucy routines Therefore I was very pleased with the decision by the producers and director to have Rachel portray Lucy in rehearsal for the most memorable of these skits Vitameatavegamin and The Candy Factory It seems that some of the reviewers didnt realize that these two scenes were meant to be rehearsal sequences and not the actual skits This approach I thought gave an innovative twist to sketches that so many of us know by heart I also thought Rachel was terrifically fresh and funny in these scenes And she absolutely nailed the routines that were recreated the Professor and the Grape Stomping in particular There was one moment in the Grape scene where the corner of Rachels mouth had the exact little upturn that I remember Lucy having I couldnt believe she was able to capture that and so naturallybr br I wonder if many of the folks who criticized the performance were expecting to see the Lucille Ball of I Love Lucy throughout the entire movie After all those of us who came to know her only through TV would not have any idea what Lucy was really like in her early movie years I think Rachel showed a natural progression in the character that was brilliant She planted all the right seeds for us to see the clown just waiting to emerge given the right set of circumstances Lucy didnt fit the mold of the old studio system In her frustrated attempts to become the stereotypical movie star of that era she kept repressing what would prove to be her ultimate giftsbr br I believe that Rachel deftly captured the comedy drama wit sadness anger passion love ambition loyalty sexiness self absorption childishness and stoicism all rolled into one complex American icon And she did it with an authenticity and freshness that was totally endearing Lucy was a star turn for Rachel York I hope it brings a flood of great roles her way in the future I also hope it brings her an Emmy
I love this film Its one of those I can watch again and again It is acted well by a good cast that doesnt try too hard to be star studdedbr br The premise of a newly widowed housewife who turns to selling pot to make ends meet could have been made into an Americanised turd of a movie or an action thriller Either would have killed the film completelybr br The film plays out like an Ealing Comedy with a terrific feelgood factor throughoutbr br It is worth watching just for the scene with the two old ladies and a box of cornflakes no thats not a spoiler
First it was Jack The Ripper now it is Alan Feinstone The crazy dentist tortures people in horrific ways Quite realistic at times but some of the acting is abysmal and comical Especially from Corbin Bernson In some scenes there is dental torture that will really make you cringe
Oh god what a horrible horrible film Meant to be a comment on the state of society its just a reflection of the worst of the worst in reality TV Interstitials hosted by Jason Jones and Don McKellar are the most obnoxious part written in a tone that is perhaps meant to be reflexive and insightful Rather these moments are mind numbing as they speak to the camera with dialogue written by someone with a love for insulting condescending speech that shoves the meaning of the film down the viewers throatbr br Also a point to wouldbe filmmakers Long takes and quiet scenes do not equal art Neither do extreme angles or logic stretched to the point of absurditybr br If anyone out there is interested in watching this film please dont Seriously Please You have better things to do
Im not sure where to start with this In short it was a disappointing movie Having taught the novella I was aware that it would be a hard story to turn into a movie The movie has a couple of interesting lines mainly between Alfred and Aschenbach but it doesnt represent the debate on art that basically shapes the novella br br For one I was expecting an older Aschenbach and a younger Tadzio In the book Tadzio is fourteen but he is described as pure ideal innocent whereas in the movie he reeks of sexuality and is a tease He is an accomplice to Aschenbach he always looks back at him almost provokingly In the book it is Aschenbach who steals glances at the boy As for Aschenbach I imagined something closer to the professorturnedclown in The Blue Angel based on a story by Thomas Manns brother Heinrich than this fortyyear old with hardly any gray hair In all fairness I do think that Dirk Bogarde did a good job but either someone else should have done that or he should have made to look older at the beginning br br I know that the discovery of homosexuality is important to the story but the movie minimizes the talk about art and the duality between the Apollonian and Dyonisian inspirations and focuses instead on Aschenbachs obsession of Tadzio and does not justify it I liked the fact that Mahlers music was used because ultimately he did inspire Mann to write his story Im not sure turning Aschenbach into a musician was a particularly good move Or the creation of Alfred who I dont remember in the bookbr br And one thing that really got to me was the sound and how it did not match the actors lips I was wondering if it was dubbed because I expected it to be in Italian But then I remembered that each Italian movie I have watched has this problem It just bothers me because these directors Fellini is the other person Im thinking of are supposed to epitomize perfection in Italian cinema and here are their characters laughing without sound then you hear a noise that doesnt correspond to their faces Im thinking of the scenes when Aschenbach almost collapses and starts laughing This scene couldshould have been the strongest but it was annoying instead
This movie was the slowest and most boring so called horror that I have ever seen I would include a comment on the plot but there was none I do not recommend this movie unless you are prepared for the biggest waste of money and time of your life
Mario Racocevic from Europe is the only user who has posted a comment so far and covers the major points to the filmYet again another difficult film to purchase in the UKI had to go through Midnight Video who have a Swedish branchI went to the post office and bought by mail order this and a similar title at only SKR30 a titlebr br This film goes under many akas depending on when and where it is marketedI had previously purchased The Bloodsucker leads the Dance which you will find if you search on Imdb under people and input Krista NellThe actor who plays the Count on his private island in the latter film had his words dubbed from Italian into English by an actor with an unmistakably mournful and rather tired sounding voiceI smiled when I heard this same voice dubbing on the English soundtrack as the police inspector who is investigating the murder of the prostitute killed in the copse in the subject filmMy choice of course was to see another outing by the delicious Krista Nellbr br There are quite a few rather inconsequential sub plots in the movie involving blackmailextortion sleazy affairs with girlfriends mothers a motor cycle chase resulting in a gangland hit a gangrape by a clients motorcycle friends sleazy photography cross dressing by transvestites etc which give a flavour to this film summarised in a word SLEAZE but artistic sleazeThe aforementioned contributor liked this film but the lowly rating suggests other Imdb fans did not albeit without explaining their wheres and whyforesPersonally I thought there were too many subplots and not enough put into the main story and the relationship of these subordinate characters to the central plot and the development of their screen charactersAlso a professional film editor was sorely needed as some of the scenes appeared to last far too long having made their point so that the film appeared to drag in places eg the scene of the dancing transvestiteKrista Nell appears in one fruity scene with a client but this too is but a vignette and I was left wanting more from her the director and the screenplaybr br I love the political incorrectness shown in older films this is 30 years from its making eg smoking in offices and the way some characters react to each other in the officeI would suggest 410 as a more realistic rating and I have awarded it as such
I watched this movie at a Sneak Preview screening and Im glad I didnt pay for it This movie is just disgusting Its full of dick and fart jokes and takes no pride in the action sequencessuch as the shootout in Little Germany I made a little list of things I enjoyed in the movie and a lot of which I didnt agree ofbr br 1 Dave Foleys penis 2 The fart jokes 3 The Poop jokes 4 The Dude was a pussy 5 No Gary Coleman 6 The Talibans 7 Again making fun of Bush WE GET IT HES AN IDIOT move on 8 The Dude has blonde hair 9 The Plot 10 The killing of minors 11 Uwe Boll was in it 12 Most of the cast were just outrages and out therebr br Now the few good onesbr br 1 The Dude uses a cat as a silencer like in the game 2 Lots of action 3 Crotchy made a return and a cameo of the maker of Postal 4 Uhm I didnt have to pay for it 5 There are a few what the ef momentsbr br Boll did it again He made another crappy game into movie adaption Kudos to you Mr Boll 210
I cant understand all the hype about this movie OK if you like cheap splatter you will love this movie but if you like good stories and good actors dont watch this Personally i really disliked the actors in this movie they seem to be hired straight from the street The Dialogs are completely flat and you always know whats coming up next The overall quality of this movie lacks of the supposable very low budget When we saw this movie me and 3 other people we all had in mind that this movie was made by some people who needed to do this just to get their graduation at a film school with the lowest effort Another issue that really lessens the whole experience is the bad cam very shaking and the bad sound the whole movie seems to be recored with a single microphone
I am so happy not to live in an American small town Because whenever Im shown some small town in the States it is populated with all kinds of monsters among whom flesh hungry zombies evil aliens and sinister ghosts are most harmless In this movie a former doctor whos just done time for an accidental killing of his wife in a car crash directs his steps to the nearest small town he must have never in his life seen a flick about any small towns which happens to be the Purgatory Flats And of course as soon as he arrives there all the hell breaks loose He meets a blond chick who out of all creatures most resembles a cow both in facial expressions and in brain functioning and at once falls in love with her But there is a tiny handicap she is already married to a very smalltime drug dealer who in a minute gets himself shot pitifully not dead To know what has come out of all this you should watch the movie for yourself Ill just tell you that its slightly reminiscent of U Turn by Oliver Stone but is a way down in all artistic properties
Well let me just say something about these actors they really were a good decision and from experience having actors really brings the dialogue to life If you walk into this even fifteen minutes late youll be in for a shock the movie will have already began You dont want to miss the first few jokes assuming you came to not miss any jokesbr br Wow I have never seen a movie that ended with such a final ending Not to be harsh I mean I loved it but it just surprised me that it really kept going until it stopped But im getting ahead of myself lets start with the very start of it when it began The plot outline goes like this there is this man and not to give away any spoilers Spoiler Alert he hasnt had any sex ever they use this plot device to set the story moving and there are intentionally or not it could go either way some funny situations had by the main characters some containing irony and jokes and awkward situations you knowbr br The director uses the advancements in technology by combining the film shot on the set and scripted dialog some music and jokes to make a funny movie designed as a comedy where he takes us on a journey from the opening credits to the end with an entirely full movie in between I went into this movie expecting to see a funny comedy because of what I already knew about it and left feeling as though i had just left a theater that just played a funny comedy TEN STARS
The lines in the title of this review are the first lines in this films theme song a wonderfully demented parody of the in my opinion horrible song My favorite things from The Sound of Music And this fun little detail isnt the only aspect that makes The Body Shop aka Doctor Gore 1973 recommendable to my fellow GoreTrash fans The film which was created almost entirely by JG Patterson Jr who served as producer writer director and leading man as the eponymous Dr Gore is crap no doubt but it is also beyond doubt that it is amusing and that everyone involved probably Patterson especially was aware that they were not exactly making a masterpiecebr br Dr Brandon Patterson a famous but totally insane plastic surgeon looses his beloved wife Anitra a model in an accident Along with his hunchbacked assistant Greg Roy Mehaffey he henceforth kidnaps beautiful young women in order to build himself a new perfect wife out of their bodypartsbr br Doctor Gore is doubtlessly a film of the so bad its good kind but it is also has qualities beyond the usual ridiculous trashiness Mad science has always been one of my absolute favorite Horror topics and as a matter of fact it is also one of the coolest topics for ridiculous Gore Trash flicks Obviously shot on a minimal budget Doctor Gore pays some homage to the Frankenstein films especially James Whales masterpiece Bride of Frankenstein 1935 and resembles the look of the early Troma Herschell Gordon Lewis Gore flicks such as Blood Feast 1963 only that this looks a lot cheaper and crappier Obviously JG Pattersons motive was not merely to make a fun gore flick Being a rather ugly weirdlooking fellow his role of Dr Brandon gave Patterson the opportunity to make out with a couple of hot scarcely dressed young women who would later end up as bodypart donors in Dr Brandons laboratorybr br Most of the gore is actually pretty wellmade regarding the obviously tiny budget The dialogue includes some extremely hilarious lines Get that it might be the door and put a coat on so they dont see youre a hunchback Besides the aforementioned theme song Doctor Gore also includes a wonderfully crappy appearance by a country band called Bill Hicks and the Rainbows my new favorite band NOT For the rest of the film I kept wondering whether Bill Hicks and Roy Mehaffey who plays the hunchbacked assistant are twins or even the same person the two look exactly the same and having two unrelated obese redbearded guys looking this weird in one film would be a huge coincidence Other than JG Patterson most of the cast members never did any other films This is the first film Ive seen out of the few by Patterson Sadly the man died of cancer in 1975br br Overall Doctor Gore is a film that certainly isnt for everyone As a matter of fact it is total crap But it is also amusing and recommendable to my fellow fans of weirdness and cheap camp stuff Dictionaries should show a screenshot from this film under trash flick
If you just watched All Dogs Go To Heaven and learn that theres a sequel dont watch it Its horrible Its absolutely awful They rush the characters to develop Sasha for example begins singing about how you can count her out for love And at the end this seems more like a dramatic romance flick than a comedyadventure film They rip Charlie out of his character and replace him with a gushy soft but still rebellious version of himselfbr br The humor behind Carfaces character is just completely lost Hes a totally different dog He doesnt have a cool voice anymore he isnt that villain you love to hate anymore hes just a wimp voiced by none other than Mermaid Man from Spongebob Speaking of voice actorsbr br Charlie has a completely different voice And while it isnt horrible I dont like it Its terrible in comparison to the excellent job that Burt Reynolds did for the character in the first film Dom DeLuise is wonderful as always as Itchy That character stays true and thats why this film gets a 310 Purely because Dom DeLuise was still voicing Itchybr br Oh and my last complaint I know AnnMaries movie was done and gone she has parents now etc but did Charlie completely forget about her or what No mention at ALL of her in the second film I mean even a small mention from Itchy would have been acceptable ex Charlie we have to get back You cant take care of every kid that needs rescuing Or something of the sort I mean he died living with her she deserves some kind of mentionbr br Dont watch this if youre looking for a wonderful sequel
I used to love Sabrina The Teenage Witch and have seen every single episode I remember when I used to sit at 6pm every night and wait for it to come on Nickelodeon however when Sabrina left high school the show began to go downhill The best series has to be when she was friends with Valerie Im not sure which one that is From there the next series friends with Dreama was still really good but when she left high school it just didnt seem right All the main characters seemed to have left which meant that it didnt have as much of the old sparkle however the first series where Sabrina is in college is still relatively good and watchable however when her aunts leave and Sabrina moves into their house it just isnt right She is no longer a teenager so therefore the name of the show isnt right and without Hilda and Zelda and Josh the show just doesnt seem right especially when Sabrina nearly marries someone that isnt Harvey Thank goodness he came through in the last five minutes of the last episode to take her away All in all I still love to watch the old episodes of Sabrina the Teenage Witch but I think the writers took it too far and should have left it with Sabrina leaving high school Because after that the show definitely lost some of its magic
Halloween is the story of a boy who was misunderstood as a child He takes out his problems on his older sister whom he murders at the beginning of the film This is just the start of things to come from Michael Myersbr br Donald Pleasance plays the doctor whos been studying Myers for years He knows that something is different about him something mysteriously evil This evil will not be contained and it cannot be stoppedbr br After an escape from an institution Myers tracks down his younger sister If he kills her there may be an end to the troubles of this misunderstood boy But he seems to have problems in finishing his sister off as other people get in the way He manages to take them out while still looking for that one girl he needsbr br There have been a lot of those horror movies involving teenagers getting hacked to pieces by a masked or gruesome killer But this one started it all sort of If you think about it most of those horror movies we all remember are the ones that have Freddy Kruger or Jason chasing around half naked girls Well if it wasnt for Halloween those characters wouldnt have haunted our dreams when we were childrenbr br Halloweens director John Carpenter got a lot out of the horror movies of the 50s and combined everything he knew into one film that scared the hell out of a lot of people back in the late 70s This films solidified him as a director to watch and also jump started the career of Jamie Lee Curtis who plays the girl being stalked by the masked killerbr br This film may seem clich today but back then there wasnt much out there like this Its been copied from and ripped off of but Halloween will always remain the quintessential teenage horror movie It still gives you chills listening to Carpenters thrilling music while we see another victim get chased by that shadowy Michael Myers
Having read many of the other reviews for this film on the IMDb there is ostensibly a consensus amongst purists that this film is nothing like the books upon which it is based Upon this point I cannot comment having never actually read any of the protagonists adventures previously However what I can say with certainty is that it strikes me that many of the said reviewers must have surely undergone a sense of humour bypass Lets be honest here this film is just so much funbr br OK…so I must concede the point that the film apparently is not representative of the characters but lets put this into a clear perspective…do the same individuals who are carping on about this film also bemoan the fact that the classic 1960s Batman series does not remain faithful to the original DC comic book character Or perhaps is there STILL unrest in same persons that the 1980 film version of Flash Gordon was too much of a departure from the original seriesbr br The point is yes this film is incredibly camp but thats precisely its charmbr br Former Tarzan Ron Ely plays the eponymous hero in this and bears more than a passing resemblance to Gary Busey to boot and is backed up by a great supporting cast who all look to be having a ball with their respective roles Also look out for a very brief but highly welcome appearance by horror movie favourite Michael Berrymanbr br Best scene Far too many to choose from but check out the hilarious facial expressions adopted by the waiter when Savage and his men commit the ultimate faux pas of ordering coke lemonade and milk at a formal occasion Also the often noted scene near the end of the film wherein Savage tackles his nemesis Captain Seas utilising various martial arts disciplines which are labelled on screen Pricelessbr br Simply put the film doesnt take itself at all seriously and is all the more fun for it Great fun from start to finish and youll be singing the John Phillip Sousa adapted theme song for days afterwards guaranteed
talk about your waste of money im just wondering why Michael would star in such a turkey of a movieMichael is a Great actor especially in the movie where he plays a man dying of cancer that was wonderful as he tapes himself for his son to see it once he grows up Michael is such a talented actor so what made him do this one i watched it and thought it was really dumb i guess at one time in their career they have the crappy movies especially The Squeeze i didnt understand that one At all and i feel his best performance was in Pacific Heights his character really creeped me out and i really enjoyed Multiplicity that one was so Hilarious and he was just Perfect for the role of Batman and i kind of liked Night Shift and i love Johnny Dangerously too just too bad some of them end up doing lousy movies like this one was
I think that it was just pointless to produce a second part of a movie like My Girl My Girl was a very good movie but it is ridiculous making a second part of a movie in which one of the main characters Macaulay Culkin as Thomas J dies The story was over after the first movie I wonder why someone tried to find a way to make the story going on That was senseless
Someone will have to explain to me why every film that features poor people and adopts a pseudogritty look is somehow seen as realistic by some peoplebr br I didnt see anything realistic about the characters although the actors did their best with really bad parts or the situations Instead I saw a forced selfconscious effort at being edgy gritty and down and dirtybr br Sadly it takes a lot more than handholding the camera without rhyme or reason and failing to light the film to achieve any of the above qualities in any significant waybr br Its a sad commentary on the state of independent film distribution that the only films that see the inside of a movie theater are nowadays all carbon copies with bad cinematography nonexistent camera direction and a lot of swearing striving to pass themselves as Artbr br Its little wonder that films like In the Bedroom or About Schmidt get such raves I found them to be meandering and very average but compared to the current slew of independent clones like Raising victor Vargas they are outright brilliant and inspiredbr br A few years ago seeing an independent film meant that you would likely be treated to some originality and a lot of energy and care and maybe a few technical glitches caused by the low budgets nowadays it means that chances are youll get yet another bythenumbers letsshakethecameraaroundfortwohours attempt at placating the lack of taste of independent distributors And of course all that to serve characters and situations that are completely unreal and contrivedbr br Is it any surprise that the independent marketplace has fewer and fewer surviving companies Not at all when you see films like Raising Victor Vargas that do nothing but copy the worst of the films that preceded them
I saw this movie with hopes of a good laugh but when I watched it I didnt stop laughing for weeks they are such bad actors and it made this movie so much funnier to watch BTW Ryan Dunn didnt eat the toy car he shoved it up his ass The random appearances from the skaters and Vitos parts were great Gimme some grapes Vito No Valo your grapes are at the store I wouldnt recommend any one under 13 to watch it frankly they wouldnt understand half of the jokes in or what they are talking about I love VLB and after watching this movie I couldnt help but go buy it or the Viva La Bam series What is the deal with this stupid comment thing It has to be 10 lines what kind of Bullsh1t is that I should be able to write one as long or in this case as short as I want Im just going to keep typing until it tells me I can actually send it Its just a waste of time I expected to just say what I wanted it wasnt too much but then Im told I have to keep putting more in and then it corrects my spelling so what if I didnt spell something right you get what I mean still This is ridiculously longbr br Those who live by the Sword get shot by those who dont
Film noir at its best Set in the immediate aftermath of WWII 1946 Crossfire depicts the good bad and ugly of that time Monty Montgomery kills Sam because Sams a Jew and therefore automatically perceived through Montys narrow lens to have been a slacker who got out of fighting the war Monty doesnt like people like that The truth is that Sam was a soldier too but the truth is something which disappears when youre feeling right about the ideologies of hate youve been immersed in and the world is full of dirty this and thats badly in need of your brand of cleansingbr br Monty is a sadist in winning soldiers clothing The losers of WWII had more than their share as well hate filled prejudiced leaders and soldiers as well Some of them were hung for war crimes like starting a war of aggressionbr br This movie got its makers in trouble when that other sadistic cleanser of America Joe McCarthy got his hearings going in the early 1950sbr br See Crossfire just to see how good an actor Robert Ryan was The real Robert Ryan was no Monty He WAS a great if underestimated under used actorbr br See Crossfire and get a taste of the dark side of postWWII America See it to get a taste of the good side of late 40s America as well Robert Mitchim and Robert Young also play leading roles Mitchim could have played Ryans role in fact he did when he played the psychopath in Cape Fear
It is a great tragedy that both Richard Harris and John Derek are no longer with us But that shouldnt blind anybody to the fact that in 1981 a pretty ugly blotch appears on both mens CVs No doubt John Derek conceived this movie doing for his wife what Some Like it Hot and One Million Years BC did for Maryln Monroe and Raquel Welsh respectively creating an iconic sex symbol for the new decade Having run to embrace Dudley Moore on the beach in 10 Bos reputation an allstar cast and location filming in Sri Lanka meant that nothing could go wrong Alas as they say Mortals plan and God laughs It is said that when this film premiered in 1981 the Edgar Rice Burrows estate tried to take legal action against it Bo Derek plays Jane Parker who sets off into turnofthe century Africa to be reunited with her boozy abusive Dad Richard Harris Daddy Parker is an explorer who has set out to find the Great Inland Sea the stuff of local legend whose existence has been poopooed by conventional wisdom Harris is worth watching for a wonderfully hammy tanked up performance which includes singing an Irish ditty at an Indian elephant that somehow found its way into Africa did it arrive at the same time as the OrangUtan from Sumatra Furthermore although Jane professes to despise Parker Bo and Richs relationship is creepily incestuous testimony perhaps to the effects of the tropical heat Before long however local legends start to circulate about a Great White Ape and Jane hears the famous yodel This is the movies cue for Miles OKeefe a future BMovie star making a rather odd debut as the loinclothed Lord of the Jungle Unlike Johnny Weismuller with his pidgin English or Ron Ely who speaks the language fluently the OKeefe Tarzan is mute Given some of Bo and Richies dialog though this is probably not a bad thing Harris and his caravan eventually reaches the Great Inland Sea located atop a gigantic plateau that seems to run halfway across Africahang on arent seas lakes and other watery places generally located in lowlying areas Nevermind it is just one of many anomalies in the John Derek universe The crew attempt to mount the cliffs and when the ropes snap Harris roars echoing abuse at the hapless men who have plummeted to their deaths On another occasion Jane decides to take a nude swim by the Inland Sea giving another occasion to see some gratuitous nudity Out of nowhere a single male lion appears Now lions usually travel in prides and never go near beaches but later on Tarzan will be wrestling with a venomous boa constrictor Zoology doesnt seem to have been one of John Dereks strong points This being a Tarzan movie Jane becomes enchanted with the Lord of the Jungle and resolves to take his virginity But having seen his closeness to some of those chimps you do have to wonderSpeaking of which its not only the Edgar Rice Burroughs estate could have sued It is highly probable that certain primates were on the phone to their lawyers the chimps here make you miss Cheeta badly Especially when they do ridiculous things like ride on the backs of elephants and clap their hands when Tarzan and Jane finally get it on The climax of this film has Bo and Harris captured by some rather stereotypical cannibals who paint our heroine and prepare to sacrificeeatexecute her Suffice is to say that The Great Wooden Ape gets his girl and SPOILER Harris gets himself impaled on a huge elephant tusk This doesnt stop the dying Parker from delivering a rambling monologue to Jane As far as I am aware the law suit from the Rice Burrows estate never materialized but Tarzan the Ape Man was crucified at the box office no kidding A pity John Derek could have directed Tarzan the Ape Man 2 with Bo Derek and Miles OKeefe living in domestic bliss and Dudley Moore as Boy