Few would argue that master animation director Hayao Miyazaki is one of the few to hold this abilitybr br No Too many are focused on John Lassiters amazing ability to steal other movies plots turn them into pretty puppet shows and then be lauded as a genius but i digressbr br Miyazaki has given us film after film that deals with important mature issues usually ecologically themed and has an intelligent script that even the most jaded viewer who would normally despise any film that was animated could thoroughly enjoy if given the chance Still Miyazaki almost never forgets who will undoubtedly be in the audience of these movies childrenbr br That said I am at a loss to think of another filmmaker with this ability Where else are you going to have a film where a three year old my nephew Link will sit still throughout the move enthralled a 7 year old my niece Amber loving it all her own and able to appreciate the star power of Frankie Jonas and Noah Cyrus a 12 year old my nephew Aaron whos review was of course it was good Everything Miyazakisan does is good a 32 year old animation fan brought to tears by the powerful directing and gorgeous animation er that would be me and a 58 year old woman my mother able to connect with the mother characters and Im betting the older charas too and loving the cuteness of the child charactersbr br And that is what I respect most about Miyazakisan He seems to speak to his audience in a completely different way than the average filmmaker On the surface Ponyo could be seen as a simple story about a little fishgirl who gets a taste of the human world and wants to join it and the friend she makes there a little boy names Soske somewhat like The Little Mermaid but there is an entire different level at play here True to form Miyazaki populates his film with intensely strong female characters Ponyos Mother Soskes mother the older ladies in a nursing home are all genuine characters with minds of their own and extremely strong willedbr br But the girl who takes the cake is Ponyo herself Once she decides that she likes the human world she simply uses her own will to achieve her dreams Her father is trying to keep her innocent and keep her a magical fish but young Ponyo knows what she wants and becomes human out of simply her own determination br br Once human she teams up with her friend Soske whom she loves very much although maybe not as much as ham Soske is asked to be the man of the house at age five when his mother Lisa decides she has to help the people at the rest home where she works during a typhoon that has been inadvertently caused by Ponyo on her quest to become human Frankie Jonas yes Hes related to the Jonas brothers Can we just get past that please gives perhaps the best performance in the film as young Soske which is good since he has the most lines His character is also strong willed but also very respectful and friendly characteristics youre not likely to find in a child character on THIS side of the Pacificbr br In the end Ponyos father Fujimoto must cope with his daughters decision and his estranges wifes wishes to allow her to be human He hopes that Ponyo and Soske will remember him fondly And once again Miyazaki REFUSES to allow a character to become the stereotypical bad guy Although Miyazaki has for some reason received some criticism for this it is honestly what makes his movies magical and yet relatable No one in real life is completely a bad person All humans are various shades of gray And that is exactly what Miyazaki does with his characters br br And then theres the animation itself In a time when CGI would certainly have helped with the copious amounts of effects shots in this film especially the water Miyazaki has chosen to incorporate NO CGI whatsoever Certainly the hand drawn animation was colored by digital means but every film in this was handdrawn and I for one was extremely grateful for that The character animation was extremely fluid and there even appeared to be some lipsync going on quite unusual for an anime film The backgrounds seemed to be rendered with colored pencil and had an effect all its own on the audience This is what animation used to look like and what it SHOULD look like br br In the end I found Ponyo to be thoroughly enjoyable Certainly not Miyazakis best in my opinion that honor is still held by Kikis Delivery Service but still a 10star fun movie for the ENTIRE family
This film was hard to get a hold of and when I eventually saw it the disappointment was overwhelming I mean this is one of the great stories of the twentieth century an unknown man takes advantage of the unsuspecting airline industry and GETS AWAY with millions in ransom without hurting anyone or bungling the attempt With all of this builtin interest how could anyone make such a lackluster talkladen flick of this truelife event While Williams is always interesting the screenwriters assumed that the DB Cooper persona was stereotypically heroic like a movie star s what we get is a typewithout any engaging details or insights into the mind of a person daring enough and clever enough to have pulled it off Harrold practically steals the movie with her spunk and pure beauty but the real letdown was in the handling of the plot and the lame direction Shame on this film for even existing
The reason I am reviewing this is that the previous review was written by someone who walked out of this film not even half way through Unfortunately for him he missed out on a film of tremendous beauty Agreed the film was very slow to start in fact the friend I was with fell asleep brieflyI woke him before his snoring disturbed the rest of the audience Thankfully the film developed from there into a story of love drugs and what it was like to be young and free in the experimental 60s Fantastic performances from the two leads and a great look to the film that gave it a real authentic feel Be patient like many great films its well worth the wait and is certainly a film that I will look forward to revisiting 810
This film set the standard for AfricanAmerican film excellence when it was made I heard on various stories on the film through time that there was a push for an Academy Award nomination when it was released This film plays on various emotions and you definitely feel for all of the characters Sure some of the acting is a little wooden but fortunately those parts arent pivotal The music is sensational and if you dont think the ending is a tearjerker you have no heart in your chest If you watch Cooley High you will see that many many films have copied various elements from it in order to strengthen their own films The biggest example of this is Boyz N The Hood
Being a HUGE fan of the bottom series i was really looking forward to the release of this filmI was eagerly anticipating a laugh a minute rollercoaster ridealasbr br Where to start on this messi think its a good start to say that its hardly richie and eddie on our screens in the first place as none of the jokes and one liners they usually deliver so well are funnyI was still waiting for the first laugh after a good 20 minutes of viewingMany aspects of the story were pathetic and it was as if the film was full of those bad moments they rehearsed and decided to leave out of the final cutbr br The overall sets and atmosphere surrounding the film is dark and dingy which i suppose is good if they want to portray the terrible guest house the 2 buffoons attempt to runbut to me its just puts an even higher dampener on a sorry state of filming that should never have been createdbr br The actingat timesis patheticFenella Fielding is wasted as the loony Mrs Foxfur and ive seen Simon Pegg have much better outingsbr br Id recommend Guest House Paradiso to anybody who is blind drunk because they might appreciate the terrible puns much moreBut to any bottom fan who hasnt seen this film and is expecting true richie and eddie action you have been warned
GLORIFYING not GLAMORIZING World War IIbr br Weve had quite a few documentary series about World War II on the regular Television programming Without looking up any information in some encyclopedia or film book it seems that this old memory can recollect most names entirely on its ownbr br There was CRUSADE IN EUROPEwhich was the title of the war memoirs of one General of the Army and later the 33rd President of the United States of America Dwight D Eisenhower It told the story of the conflict in Europe as viewed by the Supreme Allied Commanderbr br Then there was a CRUSADE IN THE PACIFICsubject matter selfexplanatorywhich I dont remember much about Newspaper ManAuthor Jim Bishop was the hostnavigator of BATTLELINEbr br And there was the excellent WINSTON CHURCHILL THE VALIANT YEARS The Series was a coproduction of the British Broadcasting Corporation and the American Broadcasting Company It first aired in 196061 season here in The States and boasts of having Richard Burtons speaking the words of Sir Winstonbr br It is the 1952 NBC Television Networks Production of our subject matter today this VICTORY AT SEA that wins the cigar hands downbr br To begin with this had to have taken the production several years of carefully and literally sorting through thousands of hours of film The movie footage referred to here was the official filmed record taken by members of the Armed Forces of the United States independent newsreel film Motion Picture Record of our other Allied Partner Nationsas well as captured Axis pictures from Nazi Germany Fascist Italy and Imperial Japanbr br Once that was accomplished the various corresponding film had to be cut and edited into a series of 12 hour installments This was done with great skill being that there were so many scene changes whether done abruptly or as a dissolve The look of ever episode appears as smooth as if it had been a single motion picture projectbr br The writing of the Spoken Word to accompany this finest of real life film was no less amazing and unique The highly polished and meaningful eloquence wastes not a word and at times even understates the description of action rather than exaggerating it The narration goes to Mr Ralph Graves who was a talented Actor of Stage Film Radio and Television He certainly gained a measure of immortality by way of his golden toned voicing of the written episode descriptionsbr br Lastly VICTORY AT SEA enjoys the luxury of having an original score both opening theme and incidental music penned by Richard Rodgers of Broadway fameRodgers Hart Rodgers Hammerstein His compositions are intricate full variable and even classic in the true sensebr br The Classical Arrangement was played by the NBC Sympphony Orchestra under the Direction of Robert Russell Bennett and as a soundtrack recordcassette tapecompact disk it has been continually available and in demand ever since its first release 55 years ago And really small wonder for it is this musical score that is so mesmerizing to the viewerlistener It truly puts the frosting on this cakebr br SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL THE VALIANT YEARS also had a beautiful and highly memorable original score This also was composed by Mr Rodgersbr br We had in additional Ace in the Hole in our house in the person of our Father the Late Clement J Ryan191474 Dad had been in the USNavy during the war being inducted in 1943 or44 Our Pop was always on hand to explain and further elucidate any of the situations that were depicted in the seriesbr br He and our Mother the now 90 year old Bertha nee FuerstRyan already had my older sister Joanne194290as a Dependant
This movie clearly has an agenda which could be summed up like this Never never cross the border either physical or metaphorical Lets shun everything thats on the other side with a wall or a fence or something else lets pretend all gringos are evil satanic or drug dealers All that is outside ones countrys border and specially US borders is dangerous malevolent and people there will hate you or envy you or try to steal you or something else The based on true events is only a perverse tag that can be pinned on anything to give it some aura of credibility or in this case just to help pushing the films ideology down some nave throats out there The perversity of the film lies in the fact that it reduces countries people and all else into very black and white stereotyped categories Mexicans into disgusting people Mexican police into a bunch of corrupt cops republicans into the rightwing morons democrats into almost hippie humanists and so forth Is there anything good about the film I hardly think so but may be you think differently
This was a very funny fast paced movie I watched it more than once and am keeping my rental around to show others Id just like to take this opportunity to ask anyone in the know how do HK producers choose their subtitle translators Im most curious Please direct me br br Again to return to review it is a really rollicking film with plenty of content subtleties reminiscent of the classics though full of slapstick Reminiscent say of the Mexican comedies of Cantinflasbr br The film does not disappoint fans of the director who have noticed that he chooses distinctly Chinese themes trying to get to characteristics rarely explored The directors entire collection is way of getting a look inside the culture in a disarming waybr br And I dont see how his funny girl in Chinese Feast could be topped
An excellent and accurate film McGovern takes great pains to research and document his writing and it pays off He is not afraid to tell the truth even though it might draw unfavourable reviews and comments from some who like stories to be clean and sweet and glossybr br Once again McGovern brings in Christopher Eccleston though not in as high a profile a role as he played in Hillsborough I found this movie as accurate well acted and well presented as Hillsborough and I applaud McGovern for his poignant unapologetic writing Well done and my hat is off to the writer the actors the production crew A great film
Id love to sit down and write an intelligent well thought out review however I feel Id be spending more time in the writing process than the filmmakers did I live in Los Angeles and Im sorry to say that the characters seemed just SO much like underemployed and overly ego inflated ACTORS There was not one moment in the film when I could escape the feeling I was watching the drivel ridden conversation of unemployed actors at a hipster LA coffee shop One of the worst indie films Ive ever seem with so little to recommend it that hearing it won at Sundance has effectively removed any prior interest I may have had in attending much less considering a postitive Sundance review to be meaningful Watch at your own risk
Sugar Spice is one of the worst movies of 2001 The film tries to cross Heathers and Bring It On and fails When I saw last January I was so disgusted by the film that I walked and talked on my cell phone to my girlfriend for the last half hour of the movie Ive heard that the DVD has a directors cut maybe Ill check it out but this PG13 trash movie is s and the worst kind of s Maybe if the film had some TA that wouldve have made it okay But the gags are lame and the acting is horrible Worse than a Troma film
It is not obvious from viewing this film so I recommend viewers research the people who present their case in it but this presentation on the realities of Islam and its encouragement of violence and intolerance against all nonMuslims is lacking objectiveness and also completely fails to factor in the human condition It is one thing to document that the Koran says many things about how a devout Muslim is required to interact with nonMuslims but any realist is able to realize that not every human who feels himself or herself to be a follower of Islam will agree with and comply with all tenets of that faith and system There is reason to call much about the presenters into question such that viewers need to see the presentation with a healthy skepticism dont swallow it all hook line and sinker without some thinking of your ownbr br One specific for instance is researching the person Walid Shoebat who claims to be a former Muslim who perpetrated an act of terrorism in Bethlehem There are many wise people in the world who believe neither of these assertions I am not nor have I ever been a Muslim I have never read the Koran I am not a Christian nor a member of _any_ faith But I am an intelligent and discerning human While the film is quite disturbing in its presentation of how SOME Muslims view their obligation to Islam I remind you that there is more to Islam than the views of the fundamentalists Just as their are fundamentalists and evangelical Christians so too there are variations in the intensity of belief and obligation among Jews and Muslimsbr br When you watch this film you need to have the salt shaker on hand One grain will not be enough youll need more Please use your own mind and think for yourself research what is presented and evaluate the state of the world and how Islam fits within it based on more than what is said in 98 minutes of video There is a common thread of political affiliation among those who put this film together indicating a definite bias Be your own brain
First of all Id like to say that I really enjoyed this movie However that said I cant say that it was a good movie I went into the theatre with pretty low expectations something Ive learned to do Im glad I did because the plot and development wasnt stellar The jokes were lowgrade humor But I was in the right mindset to enjoy thembr br I wasnt the only one In fact the entire theatre was laughing out loud I didnt hear anyone complain after the movie came to a close I even saw one guy fall out of his chair laughing But again I have to warn you Grandmas Boy is NOT a topquality film It is a funny albeit lowbrow movie and if you go with the right mindset youll really enjoy it Oh and dont take kids to it
The film is about a sabretooth on the lose at a amusement park where teens are on a scavenger hunt Since there are no rules they break into a building and start getting killed off The deaths are cheesy and are dumb But at least it had better effects then sabretooth I gave it a three because Stacy was in it and I loved the movie Sabretooth I thought it was okay but some deaths were offscreen There was a dumb scene where the two teens kiss and the sabretooths head pops out and the boy leaves his girlfriend behind leaving her to have her totally fake looking red guts out Then the sabretooth gets up in the vents and bites the kids head off The end death with the owner was totally fake looking graphics Even that death was stupid because the statues tooth went through his mouth and hangs there like that will support it and there is a scene when a goth girl loses her contacts doesnt find them and seems like she doesnt need the The film is idiotic and a waste of time
Dont waste your time on this film It could have been good but the ending was one of the lamest Ive ever seen I seriously have to wonder how the people involved with the making of this film couldve looked at that final scene and thought yeah now theres an ending and patted themselves on the back about it To me it seemed more like they just ran out of ideas They built up the final scenes to have a cool twist but instead just let the whole buildup fall flat on its face When the last shot faded to black and I heard the credit music starting I was in shock I could not believe what I was seeing and that someone could even call that an ending The best thing anyone could do with this film is rewrite the end and give it some substance Seriously Id really love to get whoever came up with that one in a room look them in the face and say WTF
As a big Jim Carey fan I took my seat in the cinema with optimism After all Fun With Dick And Jane appeared to have all the raw materials to make this another Carey success After the opening five minutes of good humour it seemed that this film would provide but it went wrong as soon as the plot kicked in The idea that a charming charismatic top VIP employee could suddenly find himself turning up to work in his nearest supermarket is just so hard to believe and then to get your head round the fact that this guy has also become a master criminal is virtually impossible The actors seem confused with the situation as well Of course the stereotypical rich uncaring head of the operation doesnt struggle one bit to pull off his one dimensional character but for Carey and others around him the job is a whole lot harder One minute Dick is seen as a cocky office pro obsessed with possessions the next minute hes a bumbling mess who can barely string two words together and ultimately he becomes a petty thief who is able quite happily to put a gun to another mans head Jane is equally confused with her role and her character never really gets going br br The idea behind the story is such a good one and it is a shame that this film has not managed to make it work The odd moment of laugh out loud comedy can be found but it is usually more physical humour than anything witty or clever Carey tries his best in parts to save a sinking ship but his comic talent can never flourish in a character that has so many gaping holes to his personality Carey shines when he is presented with a strong daring character Man on the Moon The Truman Show Ace Ventura which this film never presented him with despite its best efforts
Not only do I think this was the best film of 1987 its probably in my own amorphous list as one of the 1020 best films Ive ever seen For whatever reason I really connected with this movie and it is one of the most personal films I had seen at that point in my life I was 26 For better or worse I strongly identified with the Holly Hunter character and Im a guy She plays an extremely bright loyal and intense woman who couldnt figure out romantic relationships There were so many things that she said in this movie that were things that I would say or have said to others in similar circumstances And the ending of the movie I find to be so very very sadbr br Obviously this role was the big break for Holly Hunter Clearly I was not the only one to think so highly of it
This film was bad Bad acting bad directing bad writing But it wasnt bad in a funny way It was bad in a boring way I watched Surface to Air because I thought it might be a laugh It wasnt Dont make the mistake I did There are plenty of more enjoyable ways to spend an hour and a half such as watching paint dry or reading the dictionary Seriously
Ive seen this movie at least fifty times and after watching it last week for the first time in a long time I still FELT itbr br The story itself was incredible but came alive by Spielbergs expertise and the fabulous cast including Whoopi Goldberg Oprah Winfrey Danny Glover and Margaret Avery Akosua Busia deserved an Oscar nomination for her short but powerful portrayal of Nettiebr br Youll experience every human emotion while watching this film I laughed cried and got angry Like most great movies it was looked over by the Academy with a host of nominations but no wins But this movie without a doubt is definitely one of the best films of all time
Well it definitely is unlike anything else directed by Lynch No supernatural stuff no violence no profanity Nevertheless it is a beautiful flick Its a little slow but perhaps that was intentional because its the story of an old mans 6weekthats my best guess for its duration journey The characters are everyday people and thus they are believable The performances are good and the final scene was incredibly touching Everyone who has a sibling can relate to it Lyle and Alvin dont even have to say anything For a moment they are back in the old days and all the fighting is forgotten
to start off im easily pleased im in no way a real critic and movies that authentic critics friends family and newspapers may find awful may even be fun for me to watchbr br not this one howeverbr br i got it since it was the newest wesley snipes movie in my DVDstore i like snipes but this was a letdownbr br bad story bad actors continuityglitches crappy sound depressing locations a pseudo cool snipes i really had to force myself to finish the moviebr br they even left some markings in the shots where a car was supposed to come to a stopbr br and im not talking about small production companyyoung directorlow budget kind of bad where you may ignore some mistakes because you feel sympathybr br a wannabe block buster action movie that disappoints like no other in a long time
When the Grinch came out I was excited though I thought it was going to be a happy go lucky film and it was Though it did have a little Nightmare before Christmas touch to it You know kind of dark and spooky I loved this film because it helped fill people with the Christmas spirit So mostly the Grinch saved Christmas And what happened then well in Whoville they say that the Grinchs small heart grew three sizes that day MERRY GRINCHMAS
Tom Cutler Jackson is a retired policeman who now works as a crime scene Cleanerupper In his latest job he cleans a new crime scene and destroys evidence and isnt aware the crime hasnt been officially reported Uh oh this cant be good br br You hear about Cleaners all the time but usually when a mob or gangland hit is involved when bodies etc need to be removed and the area cleaned up This one is different in that Tom Cutler works with the Police to clean up after the police have done their investigation of a crime scene Hey someone has to do it You know the Police wont The movie makes that quite clear and it is up to the family to get the area cleaned up br br This is almost a good thriller but a side plot involving Toms daughter Palmer makes this story somewhat awkward I guess they had to fill in some time Oh they brought this side plot around to connect with the another side plot but it was still a reach and awkward Seebr br This was almost a good thriller because there was a noticeable lack of tension suspense and the pace was somewhat draggy The music didnt help either as I noticed the music was more appropriate for watching people take a long journey You know journey music Get it HAbr br The acting by all was excellent in this almost a good thriller br br Violence Yes Sex No Nudity No Language No
Who Will Love My Children Saddest movie I have ever seen Definite 1010 Released on TV in 1983 Movie has been released on VHS DVD release is a must sooner rather than later Mother dying of cancer must find homes for all her children before she dies because her thoughts are that her husband and father of the kids is not capable of caring for them once she has died She manages to find homes for the children except one a young boy whom is not wanted because he suffers from epilepsy Very sad when your not wanted In for a real good tear jerker get your hands on this movie Im a male even I cried when I watched this movie Not to be missed
Well if you set aside the fact that this movie features abysmal acting and if you set aside the fact that the story is muddled and wanders off in about five different directions without ever deciding which way it really wants to go and if you set aside the fact that I didnt find a single scene in this movie that was remotely interesting well if you set all that aside this is still a REALLY terrible moviebr br I take it that this is supposed to be a love story about rich guypoor girl I never really understood for a moment how this romance between Kelley Chris Klein and Samantha Leelee Sobieski ever got started The inexplicable romance is made worse by a complete lack of chemistry between Klein and Sobieski The screenplay by Michael Seitzman is dull to the point of stupefying How Seitzman managed to write the thing without falling asleep is a miracle that he would think anyone would want to pay to see this is unbelievablebr br Did I mention that this is a REALLY REALLY terrible moviebr br Id give it a ZERO but the IMDb doesnt provide for votes of ZERO So I give it a one while holding my nose
Wow I thought Eskimo Limon was the most awful and embarrassing firstsex movie ever But I had forgotten that Germany always tries to compete In this case the wellknown German film producer Bernd Eichinger was successful in producing even worse crap Harte Jungs is stupid not believable and predictable and above all not funny Its almost a tragedy that so many kids went to see this in Germany and Im afraid also Austriabr br Tobias Schenke 19 looks too nice to have no girlfriend and too ripe to be 15 and his character is too dumb to be true Schenke tries real hard to make us believe that he doesnt know ANYthing about sex but that doesnt help Harte Jungs seems to be made by someone who watched Al Bundy and took him too seriouslybr br The best actors in the movie are Sissi Perlinger and Stefan Jrgens who play Schenkes semiliberal parents Perlinger and Jrgens are standup comedians who are not particularly talented in movie acting Still their performances are the `best and `funniest in comparisonbr br A complete failure
I remember being forced yesliterally FORCED to see this film by a Southern Baptist Preacher when I was a kid and even then I loved its awfulness Its designed to scare poor suckers into being saved The only thing that saved me was the fact that it finally ended and I could go out and have a REAL lifebr br Check out the chapter on this film in Sarah Diamonds book The Politics of the Christian Right FASCINATING And certainly more interesting than the movie
How do these guys keep going Theyre about 50 years old each and act as if theyre only 30 They play 3 hours of music at every concert and barely break a sweat This DVD is their first concert in Rio Brazil Although the people dont speak English they try to memorize the words to the most famous Rush songs and try to sing a foreign language at the concert with their best friendsbr br From Tom Sawyer to The Spirit of Radio this concert DVD will keep you in the chair not wanting to pause or move away from the classics that youve listened to when you were young This is their 30th reunion tour started in 1974 I went to their Scranton PA concert and this was just as good although in PA they didnt play Freewill so I was upsetbr br They have Freewill they have The Trees they have YYZ The Pass Driven Dreamline Red Sector A Limelight Roll the Bones 2112 and much more 10 out of 10 because nothing else compares If you never go to a Rush concert then at least buy this DVD
Home Room really surprised me In comparison to other movies that were written regarding Columbine high school this one is the best Home room does not show the school shooting but rather the aftermath and the effects of the community and the town The movie focus on two opposite characters AleciaBusy Phillips and DeannaErika Christensen Alecia is an outcast who witnessed the entire shooting She seems to show no emotion about it Deanna is a popular girl and the only surviving victim Alecia is forced to visit Deanna at the hospital in order to graduate Meanwhile the police are investigating Alecia as she might have known the shooting was going to happen Alecia and Deanna are very different and do not get along at first Eventually they develop a mutual understanding for one another and become friends very much in the style of the breakfast club Home Room Beautifully shows the power of closeness and turmoil after a school shooting I would recommend this film to anyone and everyone
This is a very very odd filmone that is so odd its best you just see it for yourself The film begins with a jaded professor haranguing his class because the students have the audacity to not be as incredibly brilliant as he is You can tell very quickly that this man is a total cynicfinding the value in practically nothing but sticking to his own inner sense of selfimportance Additionally he seems tired and bored with the monotony of lifebr br Later in the film he walks into a bank robbery and manages to annoy the robbers so much that one of them shoots him in the head Oddly this is only halfway through the film and what followed was a very bizarre narration of the final seconds of his life This is when the film becomes exciting because the style of the narration is just like one of this literature professors novelsone that is intelligently written and says things the way we wish we could all say thembr br See this weird filmits amazingly compelling and not like anything Ive ever seen before
In this day and age in which just about every other news story involves discussions of waterboarding images of Abu Ghraib or tales of forced detentions at Guantanamo Bay Gavin Hoods Rendition is about as uptotheminute and timely a movie as is ever likely to come out of the entertainment mills of mainstream Hollywood Its not by any stretch of the imagination a perfect film but neither does it merit the caterwauling opprobrium it has received at the hands of critics from all across the ideological and political spectrumbr br The term rendition refers to the ability of the CIA to arrest any individuals it suspects of terrorist dealings then to whisk them away in secret to a foreign country to interrogate and torture them for an indefinite period of time all without due process of law Anwar ElIbrahimi is an Egyptian man who has been living for twenty years in the United States He has an American wife a young son and a new baby on the way He seems a very unlikely candidate for a terrorist yet one day without warning or explanation Anwar is seized and taken to an undisclosed location where he is subjected to brutal torture until he admits his involvement with a terrorist organization that Anwar claims to know nothing aboutbr br On the negative side Rendition falters occasionally in its storytelling abilities often biting off a little more than it can chew in terms of both plot and character The ostensible focal point is Douglas Freeman a rookie CIA agent who is brought in to observe Anwars interrogation at the hands of Egyptian officials The problem is that as conceived by writer Kelley Sane and enacted by Jake Gyllenhaal Freeman seems too much of a nave boy scout to make for a very plausible agent and he isnt given the screen time he needs to develop fully as a character We know little about him at the beginning and even less it seems at the end He goes through the motions but we learn precious little about the man within Thus without a strong center of gravity to hold it all together the film occasionally feels as if it is coming apart at the seams with story elements flying off in all directions A similar problem occurs with Anwars distraught wife played by Reese Witherspoon a woman we never get to know much about apart from what we can see on the surface Gyllenhaal and Witherspoon have both proved themselves to be fine actors under other circumstances but here they are hemmed in by a restrictive screenplay that rarely lets them go beyond a single recurring note in their performancesbr br What makes Rendition an ultimately powerful film however is the extreme seriousness of the subject matter and the way in which two concurrently running plot lines elegantly dovetail into one another in the movies closing stretches It may make for a slightly more contrived story than perhaps we might have liked on this subject but hey this is Hollywood after all and the film has to pay SOME deference to mass audience expectations if it is to get itself green lighted let alone see the light of day as a completed projectbr br Two of the supporting performances are particularly compelling in the film Omar Metwally who makes palpable the terror of a man caught in a real life Kafkaesque nightmare from which he cannot awaken and Yigal Naor who makes a surprisingly complex character out of the chief interrogatortorturer Meryl Streep Alan Arkin and Peter Sarsgaard also make their marks in smaller roles Special mention should also be made of the warm and richly hued cinematography of Dion Beebebr br Does the movie oversimplify the issues Probably Does it stack the deck in favor of the torture victim and against the evil government forces Most definitely One wonders how the movie would have played if Anwar really WERE a terrorist Yet the movie has the guts to tread on controversial ground It isnt afraid to raise dicey questions or risk the disapproval of some for the political stances it takes It openly ponders the issue of just how DOES a nation hold fast to its hardwon principle of civil liberties for all in the face of terrorism and fear And just how much courage does it take for people of good will to finally stand up and say enough is enough even at the risk of being branded terroristappeasing and unpatriotic by those in power The movie also does not in any way deny the reality of extreme Islamic terrorismbr br Thus to reject Rendition out of hand would be to allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good Rendition may not be perfect but it IS good and it has something of importance to say about the world in which we now live And that alone makes it very much worth seeing
This is a truly magnificent and heartwrenching film Ripsteins locations are spectacular extremely detailed and well lit the dialogue is extraordinarily Garca Mrquez no doubt about it Fernando Lujn and Marisa Paredes give us outstanding performances as the colonel and his wifebr br You must see it
Dr Stephens Michael Harvey head of a seriously understaffed institute for the insane takes a progressive approach towards the treatment of his patients even allowing his loonies complete freedom of the building day and night he pays the price for his forward thinking however when he rather stupidly prescribes chopping wood with an axe as therapy for one of his patients and consequently gets his neck mistaken for a log serves him right for not suggesting basket weavingbr br Shortly after this tragic incident nurse Charlotte Beale Rosie Holotik arrives at the hospital to take up position as the doctors assistant and discovers that the facility is now being run by the much sterner Dr Geraldine Masters Annabelle Weenick Despite being unaware of her deceased predecessors decision to employ Ms Beale and not particularly eager to take on new staff Dr Masters agrees to let the pretty nurse begin work but following several harrowing experiences at the hospital Charlotte begins to wonder whether it might have been better if she had been turned awaybr br It doesnt take a genius to figure out what is actually happening at the hospital the lunatics have taken over the asylum schtick being a premise that should be familiar to most seasoned horror fans but SF Brownriggs Dont Look In The Basement still proves to be an entertaining piece of drivein fun thanks to its well defined collection of nutters lobotomised popsiclesucking Sam Bill McGhee Judge Oliver W Cameron Gene Ross who continuously mumbles courtroom phrases old Mrs Callingham Rhea MacAdams who recites William Allinghams creepy poem The Fairies and warns Charlotte of impending doom cackling loon Danny Jessie Kirby who delights in teasing the other patients Harriet Camilla Carr who thinks her doll is a real baby army nut Sergeant Jaffee Hugh Feagin and best of all Allyson King Betty Chandler whose rejection by a series of men has left her with a craving for love ie she tries to jump any man who goes near herbr br This convincingly crazy set of characters plus a bit of gore and nudity reasonable direction from Brownrigg who also gave us the impressive white trash horror Scum of the Earth and a solid turn from Playboy covergirl Holotik all go to turn an otherwise rather predictable low budget piece of exploitation into a very watchable psycho shocker
As the story in my family goes my dad Milton Raskin played the piano for the Dorsey band After Sinatra joined the band my dad practiced with him for hours on end Then at a point in time my dad told Sinatra that he was actually to good to be tied up with such a small group band and that he should venture off on his own By that time Sinatra had enough credits under his belt to do just that Dorsey never forgave my dad and the rest as they say is historybr br I have some pictures and records to that effect and so does Berkley University in Californiabr br I have seen just about every Sinatra movie more times than I wish to say and his movies never get old Thank you Frank
You know the old saw about a train wreck The one about how you cant look away This movie isnt that good The only reason youre still there is because you brought your kids and you cant leave them alone in the theater You might catch a napbr br Tim Hill should never work in film again after delivering this awful piece of junk He manages to take a decent comic actor in Jason Lee and turn him into a robotic unsure actor in this productionbr br I didnt have much hope for this movie in the first place I admit If it werent basically the only family film I could take my son to around Christmas my wife and I wouldnt have gone God I wish we could go back in time and stop ourselves I leaned over to my wife about 10 minutes in to tell her what a stinker I thought it was but she beat me to the punchbr br Im not kidding Its putrid Only David Crosss terrificasusual work saves this review from being only 1 starbr br The story is cloying insulting and stupid as might be expected for a movie in this genre although the recent Curious George was blissfully intelligent and enjoyable The acting is mostly poor The decision to update the Chipmunks songs for todays audience was inadvisable at best and boneheaded at worst It does not workbr br The chipmunks of old were clever mischievous and sly These chipmunks are dumb somewhat meanspirited obnoxious and in a surprise needy to the point of uselessnessbr br Either as a retrospect a tribute or as a completely new production this film totally fails The final straw My son couldnt wait to leave Spend your money renting Curious George instead
The only reason I saw this movie was because it had Giovanni Ribisi and it was supposed to be Horror Dont be fooled this movie has to be the worst horror film I have seen Its about these people who go to a secret location which has a Monster in it The monster is a man with a deformed face running around in blue sweat pants who has a craving for brains Some people die some people dont In the end they throw the monster off of a plane and then fly away happily BUT OH NO THE MONSTER IS STILL ALIVE AFTER FALLING OUT OF A PLANE Go spend 2 hours some other way like watching paint dry on a wall trust me its more entertaining than this crap
I loved this film because in my mind it seemed to so perfectly capture what I imagined life in French colonial Africa must have been like in the 50s my generation anyway But I was truly enraptured by its quiet pacing and by the glorious ending Within the last 5 minutes of this film you must focus intently on whats happening Never have I been more impressed with the wrapup of a film I remember yelling wow when I realized it was over On the other hand my two daughters fell asleep on the couch
Great film from the late 1970s Says much about corporate corruption at the expense of the common person so that the powerful can gain gain huge profits and disregard the environment and safety of othersbr br Nearly 30 years later this film is compelling about the power of certain corporate entities that since the films release have gained ten fold in their ability to control It shows the need for regulation of the public against powerful business interests whose primary goal is profitbr br Jack Lemmon is brilliant while Jane Fonda and Micheal Douglas are as equally compelling in their roles The frivolous 70s where damned for much this film redeems the decadebr br A film that becomes better after each watching
This is a documentary about homeless women It was interesting in the sense that this focused on women who are engaged socially having jobs and lasting friendships but are in situations where they can not afford housingbr br I found some of the women covered to be interesting but there was little focus or progression in the story The direction and editing failed to maintain my attention There were differences in the stories of these women of course but the message was essentially the same and could have been told by focusing on any one of them in more depthbr br I made it to the end of the movie but it was a rather boring journey
Allegedly the true story of Juana de Castilla the eldest daughter of the Catholic Queen Isabella yes the same who funded Columbuss expedition the film charts the progress and degeneration of her morbid obsession with her husband the Archduke Philip of Austria known as The Handsome and played in a rather unispired manner by Italian hunk Daniele Liotti at his most buttery and beefy here This is a groaninducingly familiar story of late 15th c early 16th c intrigue betrayal and bodiceripping It drips destructive lust from start to finish But while La Reine Margot succeeds in making cruel sensuality and ruthless cutthroat intrigue entertaining to watch Juana La Loca just doesnt pull off It just ends up feeling like a bigbudgeted soap opera with belowaverage lazy or overkeen acting Liotti looks positively bored and Pilar Lpez de Ayala in the title role though to be fair she may mature into a proper talent just seems to be trying too hard switching back and fourth from twodimensional hornylooking to spoilt teenage hysterics all the way through Some of the supporting cast are OK with the exception of Manuela Arcuri another Italian pinup voluptuous and beautiful but really no actress to speak of I couldnt in fact bring myself to feel any concern towards any character nor for that matter did I feel strongly in a negative way against any of the supposed villains What a waste of a substantial film budget This one sadly is just so rhetorical and dejavu nodding to other films in the genre rather than to its source material history for inspiration It seems to me that such a fascinating and complex historic era deserved a far superior filmmaker to evoke it
American expatriate Jules Dassin makes an awardwinning French gangster film The plot involves Tony the Stephanois a hoodlum just out of prison who takes his band of thieves on a 240 million jewel heist Unfortunately his exwifes relationship with a notorious gangster named Grutter an Italian safecracker named Cesar with a weakness for women and the missteps of his own friend Jo cause the successful heist to turn into a bloody race against time as Grutter holds Jos son hostage for the cash in typical crime never pays tragedy fashionbr br The rififi in the title is explained in a song to mean slang for basically violence and sex and the full title Du rififi chez les hommes means roughly Some naughty in the house of men which is pretty much where the fatal flaw of the characters take place Leave it to a gangster film to place most of the emphasis on the missteps on the women but this time Jos wife gets the last laugh if you could call it a laugh when she predicts All of you are just going to kill each other The characters arent the most sympathetic and the women are mostly weak but Dassin still builds an extremely wellcrafted suspense film out of them as they pull off a heist that requires the utmost quiet hide the goods and then attempt to survive what basically becomes a crosscountry cat and mouse game In the mix are some very amazing photography and a fine attention to detail in editing leading to a pacing and visual experience that well overstates the otherwise generic plot Its not only easy to see why this is held as a classic its also easy to see why its among the top 250 on the IMDb its suspenseful visually magnificent full of sex and violence and maintains that classy gangster attitude we film buffs like so much
I dont understand what the big hype was about this film All the horror sites were saying that this movie had all the essentials of an old American slasher flick that it would satisfy your needs Even though this was similar to an old American slasher flick my needs were still not satisfiedbr br My big problem with this movie is that we are now in the 2000s not the 1980s 1980s horror is the past and should stay in the past Horror movies have changed so much that older movies now look cheesy and unrealistic Even though they are fun to watch they dont offer the same realistic blood thirsty gore that the recent films offerbr br Hatchet is cheesy unrealistic and downright awful If we wanted to watch an old American slasher flick i can just go back to the Friday the 13th series Nightmare on Elm street series or the Halloween series I must admit the movie is better than some of the horror movies being released but it is among the worst The jokes are not funny and the actors are horriblebr br I would personally stay away from this movie and never look back
In a college dorm a guy is killed by somebody with a scythe His girlfriend Beth Dorie Barton discovers him and tries to commit suicide Shes institutionalized A year later shes out has a new boyfriend named Hank Joseph Lawrence and is about to spend Spring Break with Hank and four other mindless friends in a BIG beautiful condo in Florida Naturally the killer pops up for no reason and starts killing againbr br Lousy slasher thrillera textbook example of how NOT to do a lowbudget horror movie For starters large portions of this film are ENDLESS filler of these six idiots videotaping themselves having fun more fun than the audience getting drunk acting stupid etc etc Also there is NO nudity in here at all Im not saying a horror film needs nudity but ANYTHING to liven this up would have helped None of the deaths are really shown you hear them are only a little bloody and there is no gore Theres one REAL gruesome onebut thats not till the endbr br With a few exceptions the acting sucks Dorie Barton is dreadful as the main woman and Tom Jay Jones is lousy as Oz Chad Allen pops up as Brad and hes TERRIBLE Lawrence is actually very goodhandsome and hunky and giving this crap his all And Jeff Conaway pops up in a small role doing a pretty good jobbr br Logic lapses aboundafter they realize a friend has been killed two of the girls casually talk about sex Bastons non reaction to seeing a friend getting killed is kind of funny and WHAT happens to Lawrence His character disappears without a trace at the end Dull stupid no gore no nudityskip this onebr br Rated R for Graphic Violence and some Profanity
Aussie Shakespeare for 1824 setwith blood blood and more bloodand good dose of nudity this will not be for every one on may levels to violent for some too cheap for most done on low budget they try and do there best but it only works sporadicallyand this macbeth just seem to be lacking its just not compelling although there is some good acting on the part of most you dont get into there heads especially mecbeths the best performance came from gary sweet and the strangest mick molly if your into Shakespeare then see itbut if you like your cheese mature you will love itit not a bad film but it not that good either sam peckenpah would of loved it that is if it was filmed as a western i was expecting a lot from this as i loved romper stomper but this is was a vacant effort
I was very impressed with this film I would have to rate it as one of the better classicera westerns I say that for the whole thing the acting mature dialog no nonsense story and excellent cinematographybr br Director Anthony Mann who did several wellphotographed film noirs around this same era also made some westerns such as this one It has that same filmnoir look Mann and Jimmy Stewart collaborated on several westerns during this period If you like this movie I recommend the MannStewart film Bend Of The Riverbr br In a nutshell the story is about a man Lin McAdam Stewart who owns this prestigious Winchester 73 rifle a weapon he won fairandsquare in a contest It is then stolen and passed on from villain to villain All of those villains are interesting charactersbr br Aiding Stewart act out this interesting tale are Shelley Winters Dan Duryea Stephen McNally Millard Mitchell Charles Drake Will Greer and J C Flippen All of them are fun to watch It was a bit of a stretch however to see Rock Hudson playing an Indian Young Bull but you cant have everything
Words cannot begin to describe how blandly terrible this movie is I wish it were so bad its good but its not Its just dull lifeless and boring Its so bad I couldnt even laugh at itbr br In response to other posters AnneMarie Frigon is not the highlight of the movie The only person less charismatic is the director Brett Kelly who as a true statement on vanity cast himself as the male lead They both look like inbreeds sister and brotherbr br The gal Sherry Thurig is a looker The complete opposite of AnneMarie attractive This girl is tall and willowy and can act Although you can tell shes holding backbr br All the actors seem to be holding back especially the supporting male Mark Ive seen less wood in a rain forest but hes still better than Kelly Why would Kelly keep his actors from acting Is he really that bad a director Everyone else has summed the story up perfectly there isnt one Kids are kidnapped and Kelly steps in poo to solve the crime I know how he felt stepping in the poo its how I felt after watching his moviebr br Yes I tried to get my money back from the rental store This is a home movie best left to be seen by the friends of the director and if you search them out youll see those same friends were the one who gave the movie positive marks
I cant believe how bad this film is For starters the movie deals with the legend of Big Foot and a group of people having a close encounter with the creature The premise is interesting and having Lance Henriksen in the cast ALIENSgave The Untold a promising outlook Unfortunately thats as interesting as it gets This looks like a direct to DVD releaseor so I guess This is basically a productionless affair with probably the worst editing with a constant fading to black in between every sceneIve seen in my life and acting that will sure make you cringe Why Lance Henriksen picked this is completely fathomless And the movie takes cues from just about any other genre movie from Blair Witch Project The video scene and Predator to Alive This is supposedly based on true events but the only truth to be found herein is just how BAD this movie is Im usually not a harsh critic and believe me I DID try to enjoy this trash but eventually did NOT Do yourselves a favor and steer clear from this DVD br br Ill try to put it mildly This movie is PURE garbage and it made me want to take my gun and shoot my neighbors or ask BLOCKBUSTER for a refundbr br And Lance shame on you 1 out of 10
Of all the ERBurroughs screen adaptations that Doug McClure starred in the 70s this is the stagiest of all Its so stagy you can taste the dust of the sets and feel the heath of the lamps above The thing looks like a very very big budget school play or indeed a very very low budget action movie which it actually is Its been said on many occasions that this was the last of the genre entries and I do hope it was The genre didnt die peacefully but in horrible agony amidst a lot of smoke fake blood and lousy sound effects Peter Cushing must have felt a boy again as a nutty professor whose shirt stays white as snow after the gentlemen has dragged himself through the slimy crapholes of the Underworld What a sport he was to accept a part in this mishmash and carry it so bravelybr br Shot entirely on a sound stage and accompanied by then trendy now unbearable synthesizer soundtrack the main antiattraction of this film are the cardboard monsters Yes there are always monsters like that in a Burroughs adaptation but they rarely manage to be so completely ridiculous helpless or void of any credibility On a few occasions during the elevated actioncombat scenes where Mr McClure heroically attacks the creatures you can almost hear the empty hollow sound as his head bangs against the side of a triplodactocryptosaurus Fortunately the animals explode and go up in flames the minute they trip and fell over Indeed there is a great deal of unmotivated exploding as the film and the genre draws towards the finale And lovely Miss Munroe loses her underworldly accentbr br The triple bill currently on the market features this film plus two others The Land That Time Forgot and The War Lords Of Atlantis The first two are quite strong entries especially the first one with a lot of money invested and occasionally even fascinating script turns Dont expect any of these qualities from this film Get drunk with pals and laugh shamelessly at what you see After all the makers didnt have any shame either
I felt compelled to write a review after seeing the only review which gave this film a suspiciously high 910 rating I say suspicious because it looks less like a review but more like a publicity statement Perhaps the filmmaker himself or one of his mates has written that review Naughty naughtybr br I watched this movie on the Propeller channel on Sky TV expecting it to be truly awful The special effects used were to be honest very very good for a low budget film and some of the acting wasnt that bad either but most of the acting was really awful but well done for trying as I expect most were pals of the filmmakerbr br I think the filmmaker has done really well by trying to punch above his weight I did find some of the film funny because it was trying to be super cool when it just wasntbr br If you dont take this film too seriously and watch it whilst drunk with some mates you might well have a good time but probably not in the way it was intended This film is no way a 910 but worth watching for a laugh bearing in mind it was made on a very very low budget and in fairness due credit to those involved in its production
At first the movie seemed to be doing great they had the characters profiles setthe plot seemed to be going in the right direction however as the movie progressed it seemed the director focused on the wrong kind of thingsor just a lot was edited from the movie The characters identities changed for the worse within the movie Also there seemed to be a lot of implicit meaning in other words they had things within the movie that didnt seem to fit the movie itself AND the title no where in the movie does the title fit the movieI suppose the title works for the previews Actors did well with what they hadif they had a better director and writer maybe this would have worked out better But it didnt So now theres a new terrible movie coming out this Friday My opiniondont waste your time or money
The production values in this video are so poor that it is unwatchable The performance took second place to the overwhelmingly creative hijinks of the studio wanks with about thirty special effects per minute It is filmed through a cloud of smoke only one or two seconds duration per shot and frequently background spotlights shine directly into the camera The lighting was terrible for filming There is constant zooming in and out with a total lack of visual continuity There may have been some good dancing available to the live audience but the video viewers will never know
Right on Colmyster I totally concur with all your sentiments and add these I came to my PC especially to post a comment on this dreadful minusBgrade movie I was going to say that in this day and age I am at a loss to comprehend how anyone could possibly make such a woeful movie but you beat me to it Anyone reading this and Colmysters comment trust me DONt waste you time and money Its an absolute shocker The acting is totally pathetic the script is way worse and the so called special effects are a joke Surely noone actually invested money to make this movie I really cannot think of anything else to say about this so called horror scifi product but must pad this commentary to make 10 lines of comment in order to have it accepted for submission
I was glad to watch this movie free of charge as I am working in the hotel industry and this movie came lately to our movie library Nothing against low budget movies but this movie has horrible acting and directing How can a movie as this one ever be made The director should be blacklisted and for all the poor actors it is for sure not a jumping board into a career Please make sure that youll not watch this movie the acting is lame the camera and directing awful There are just a few more movies out there which deserve to be called the LOW 10 Another example would be Dracula 3000 People who make money with this movie should give it to charity so at least it serves for a good reason br br In this case I would watch it even another 10 or at least one more time
The message of a world on the brink of war is disregarded by the masses the mythical city of Everytown in 1940 represents England in general but it could just as well stand for any nation of the world When war finally does arrive its ravages continue not for another five years but until 1966 at which time Everytown is completely destroyed Adding to the desolation and toll on humanity is the wandering sickness a pestilence that continues for another four yearsbr br Things to Come balances both a fatalistic and futuristic world view where science holds out a hope for a revived civilization The Wings Over the World concept plays out a bit corny though its spokesman Cabal Raymond Massey is unwavering in his mission and dedicated to his cause If he fails others will follow This message is continually reinforced throughout the film brought home convincingly in Masseys end of movie speech Mans insatiable need to test the limits of knowledge and achievement requires an all the universe or nothing mindsetbr br The films imagery of automation and machinery in the second half is reminiscent of the great silent film Metropolis As Everytown is rebuilt and transformed by the year 2036 the spectacle of the citys rebirth strikes a resonant chord as architecture of modern cities of today suggest the movies eerily prophetic vision is coming to fruition Where the movie gets it wrong by sixty seven years though is mans first mission to the moon but in 1936 a hundred year timetable probably seemed more legitimate than 1969br br Things to Come is one of those rarities in film a picture that makes you think Which side will you come down on the forces for advancement in the face of uncertainty or maintain the status quo Its not a comfortable question as both choices offer inherent dangers and unknowable outcomes Those who choose to be bystanders risk being swept away by forces beyond their control
As a writer I find films this bad making it into production a complete slap in the face Talk about insulting I was writing better stories than this in 8th grade Bad acting bad writing bad directing and when added all together the result is complete and total failure br br The only thing this movie manages to accomplish is tricking the unsuspecting consumer into wasting their time Who would green light something so poorly written Its not artistic clever smart suspenseful mysterious scary dramaticNOTHINGbr br The characters are flat and boring with no development The plot is as recycled as an aluminum can They somehow managed to cast a few very familiar actors who all must be pretty desperate for work or hoping one of these low budget independent movies will turn out to be the next Pulp Fiction This script should have been used to line a bird cage not a movie br br Oh and last but not least a 52 105 lb woman of course has the strength to kill men and women twice her size without a struggle and in a single blow br br Avoid this bomb like it will infect you with an STD
Im rating The Decline of the American Empire just about below average since it wasnt terrible but also not great I liked the very open conversations from people so incredibly selfish and ugly inside and out That was probably the most original aspect a dialoguelaced sexual small film with people who are extremely far from models That aside it seems ironic that these Frenchspeaking Canadians have a movie about a neighboring society that well is in Decline when their own actions are their own demise A group of women friends and male friends spend half the movie laughing it up on their infidelities and acceptance of such behavior and the other half intellectually speaking of how powerful they are for their speech and actions These are the normal targets in typical sitcoms the main characters make fun of at parties occupied mainly by college professors Sadly its not their intelligence or mastery of history that disturbs me Its their pedestal made of ego and mightierthanthou attitude that pushes me away and not one character could I relate to nor like When one cries I couldnt care less its your bed When one complains I barely flinched What made me skirmish was one character uh peeing red Another example of playing with fire Sure I understand it happens to some people but it was hard to watch And I sincerely hoped the he washed his hands as he had no problem going right back to cooking for everyone On the complete opposite end of the nosesup educators they introduce a stereotypical nomad This made me cringe as no one seemed real everyone was as shallow as their laughter on society Unfortunately with no one left to root for youre left as empty as these characters souls
Jared Diamond made a point in the first episode that other peoples of the world didnt have animals to domesticate but Europeans did and that accounts for why we were able to make steel and invent complex machines It is obvious that the person who wrote this comment hasnt understood the reasoning behind this documentary or the original book Please dont ruin this great piece by your simple mindedness The reasons are far more complex than the single thing you mentioned Please read the book as is it a great source of information I enjoyed it a lot This book is even a taught as a text book at some universities
Not having any idea what this film was about but based on the fact that John Leguizamo was appearing in it we decided to watch it Well it turned out not to be the wisest decision In fact as another commentary in this forum puts it we felt embarrassed for the actors that participated in this moviebr br While the film is by no means horrible it doesnt make sense at all The over the top performance by William Baldwin doesnt help the situation either John Leguizamo is a multitalented actor who deserved better The basic problem it seems to be the film was a project that started with good intentions in making a little comedy and the people in charge ran out of ideas along the way The result is an uneven film
Watching this movie all I could think of was maybe it gets better but after 20 minutes I couldnt watch it any second longer I dont want too wast to many lines about this but really its a complete wast of time All the actors say is cnt this cont that If you are still going too watch it dont say I didnt warned you Maybe if you are an hooligan or something you might think its a tribute to your hobby again Film is a term that encompasses individual motion pictures the field of film as an art form and the motion picture industry Films are produced by recording images from the world with cameras or by creating images using animation techniques or special effects
When Braveheart first came out I was enthralled and was admittedly one of the most rabid fans of the film When Rob Roy came out I was intrigued and although I enjoyed the film I did not think it was a great film However as time has gone by my appreciation for Rob Roy has grown and my enthusiasm for Braveheart has diminished Braveheart is great entertainment to be sure but there are flaws as well The most significant in my view is the unflattering portrayal of Robert the Bruce who was without a doubt Scotlands greatest king Another is the historical inaccuracy of the film which tarnishes the film in proportion to the many historical distortions I think I am also bothered by the fact that it was in this film seen only at least by me in retrospect that the beginnings of Mel Gibsons egomania can be seen clearly for the first time In contrast Rob Roy has grown on me over the years Partly because it largely avoids the faults I mind most in Braveheart But also because Rob Roy is like fine wine growing more mature and complex with each viewing
Saw this movie the first time while drunk at a motel in Canada While flipping through channels came across the Easy Lube part My friend kept flipping but I told him to go back Something about the name easy lube just didnt sound right Watched the rest of the movie it was pretty damn funny Jotted down a couple of names from the credits and got home to look it up Turned out to be Chevy Chases first movie I didnt remember him in it Didnt remember much about it so I rented it and gave it a second veiw Its pretty funny and quite graphic Its just like Kentucky Fried Movie except not as funny Love the fingers easy lube and Im da fkin president parts Dealers skit is pretty cool too I give it a 65 or 7 out of ten
Sometimes changes to novels when theyre made into films are not only necessary but a good thing However in the case of Northanger Abbey its a very very bad thing Not only is the story itself ripped to shreds but the satire is almost completely absent from the film and its mixture of romance and intrigue doesnt even touch upon the biting commentary that Austen put into her work It fails to be amusing or satirical at all and instead turns the characters fascination with her fantasy world into mostly a dramabr br This affects the romance as well Its meandering and aimless Chemistry and interest are never established The reasons Tilney is attracted to Catherine are completely absent from the film leaving the audience to wonder what it is he sees in her at allbr br Hopefully some day soon well get a more faithful version if Austens satire
We went to the movie with a group because the play we were going to was cancelled It is without doubt one of the worst movies ever It is not that i dont like cultmovies I do But nothing happens in the film One does not feel any connection with the characters whatsoever endless times without dialog And the car How do thay carry a huge tent and beds chairs and clothing for every day in that car It is a two seater I have to say however the scenery is beautiful but not in a movie the director should have made a photoshoot of the movie so that we could skip about 80 minutes of useless time in with nothing happens anywaybr br I would not recommend it as it is a waste of your time
One of my favorite shows in the 80s After the first season it started going downhill when they decided to add Jean Bruce Scott to the cast Deborah Pratt was wonderful and it was fun watching her and Ernest Borgnines character go at it with each other The last episode she appeared in was one of my favorites for in the second season Unfortunately during those days blacks did not last long on television shows Some of the episodes in the second season where okay but the third season it was more about the human characters than Airwolf and it was not shown until almost at the end of the show When it went to USA it was disgusting
This is a straighttovideo movie so it should go without saying that its not going to rival the first Lion King but that said this was downright goodbr br My kids loved this but thats a given they love anything thats a cartoon The big shock was that I liked it too it was laugh out loud funny at some parts even the fart jokes had lots of rather creative tieins with the first movie and even some jokes that you had to be older to understand but without being risqu like in Shrek br br A special note on the fart jokes I was surprised to find that none of the jokes were just toilet noises in fact there were almost no noisesimagery at all the references were actually rather subtle they actually had a setuppunchlineetc and were almost in good taste Id like my kids to think that theres more to humor than going to the bathroom and this movie is fine in those regardsbr br Hmm what else The music was soso not nearly as creative as in the first or second movie but plenty of fun for the kids No painfully corny moments which was a blessing for me A little action but nothing too scary the Secret of NIMH gave my kids nightmares not sure a G rating was appropriate for that onebr br All in all Id say this is a great movie for kids of any age one thats 100 safe to let them watch I try not to be overly sensitive but Ive had to jump up and turn off the TV during a few movies that were less kidappropriate than expected but youre safe to leave the room during this one Id say stick around anyway though you might find that you enjoy it too
Why remake the original Assault To my mind Assault was Carpenters true masterpiece It had all the elements good Carpenter movies contain External threat on a small group of individuals People taking the challenge because they are forced to do so Isolation Just remember the guns in Carpenters original made no sound being thus a lot more threatening than conventional devices And now this remake Concentrating on main character Is psychology and on his relation to main character II the evil but honorable The anonymous threat in the Carpenter movie replaced by a rather conventional conspiracycorruption background The remakers just didnt understand the main plot of the original And thus produced something pretty ordinary
Giant is one of the most boring overlylong Hollywood contraptions ever Many scenes seem utterly fake and without energy Rock Hudson Elizabeth Taylor and James Dean are wasted in this big Hollywood production A central notion to this movie that a rancher would ever resist drilling for oil on his land is absurd and I know this because Im from Houston A couple of scenes especially Dean serving Taylor coffee redeem this otherwise boring film For a much more accurate and interesting depiction about how modernism changed the ranches in Texas see Hud one of Paul Newmans great performances or The Last Picture Show
DOA is a nonthrilling thriller from directors Rocky Morton and Annabelbr br Jankel The acting is okay and the screenplay is pretty bad This movie also has some moments which will make you laugh at how stupid the scenes of violencebr br are For example someone is shot near a window We then see from outsidebr br the building what looks like that person jumped I laughed my head off when this happened This movie tries hard but ultimately fails Only watch this moviebr br when you have no other choicebr br My Critique br br Rating br br Rating Reasons Violence and languagebr br There was no rating reason available due to its age
This movie reminds me of Irrversible 2002 another artwork movie with is a violent and radical approach of human nature I did not like the movie but I cannot say that it is a bad movie it is just special I reminds me also of Camping Cosmos 1996 where a bunch of lowclass figures are residents of a camp at the sea in Belgium The same description of people living together side by side against their wills and with all the confrontation of characters that do not match together I also thought about the books by the French writer Emile Zola who was a writer of the style that is naturalism I did not like the movie and I also do not like the people who are in it They all seem so vulgar without any basic good taste One could ask the question why do they live they all seem to be on this planet a a member of a big farce forced to live against their will Or you could say the hell is on this world
I remember having a pretty low regard for a venture like this when it was first released James Not Jim Belushi a hammy kid actress and a cheesy title in a John Hughes formula You couldnt have paid me to see it 15 years ago But I got caught up watching it while wasting away a Sunday afternoon and it hits me on a couple of levels The fairy tale part Pretty Woman part reverse Pretty Woman the very vulnerable Elizabeth_Perkins_in_Miracle_On_42nd_Street like performance by Kelly Lynch the escapism Over all it gently pulls some very nice strings Its pretty hard not to fall into the story develop a crush on Kelly Lynch identify with James Belushi dislike the stiff bad guy boyfriend and laugh at the Curley Sue lines Has all the ups and downs with a happy ending and the kind of message you want to hear Go ahead waste your time on this movie its worth it
The scenes are fastpaced the characters are great I love AnneMarie Johnsons acting I really like the ending br br However I was disappointed that this movie didnt delve deeper into Achilless and Athenas relationship It only blossomed when they kissed each other
With the Nazi rise to power in Eastern Europe in the late 1930s Charles Chaplin turned his attention to creating a reaction to it The catalyst may well have been a propaganda publication referring to Chaplin as a Jewish sympathizer In The Great Dictator Chaplin created a deadon parody of Hitler that is as funny as it is frightening at times The film traces Hitlers experiences in the German army from World War I up to the present day Simultaneously Chaplin plays a Jewish barber who dresses like the tramp who comes out of a hospital after a long long time only to discover how different the world is under Nazi rulebr br Paulette Goddard Chaplins wife at the time plays a young Jewish girl whose family is oppressed in a Jewish ghetto Jack Oakie has a great Oscarnominated supporting role as a Mussolini lookalike Benzini Napaloni who gives Chaplins Hitler character Adenoid Hynkel a lot of fits Henry Daniell is his usual staid self as Garbitsch chief adviser to Adenoid Hynkel Chaplin wrote and directed the film and received Oscar nominations for his screenplay and his acting The film was also nominated for best picturebr br Chaplin made the film under tremendous pressure for some obvious reasons and some not so well known He financed the entire film himself at great risk because of the subject matter and there were no other major films made regarding Nazi Germany up to that time The film spent about twentyone months in production with Chaplin even rebuilding a set and reshooting a scene to get things right By the time of the films release in October of 1940 the war in Europe was well under way with Hitler conquering one country after another so the film became much more topical at its release than when production first beganbr br There isnt much plot in looking at the film in retrospect the film seems more like a series of comedy sketches andor mishaps strung together to get to a purpose independent of the film itself Several examples of this occur in the last third of the film with the meeting between Hynkel and Napaloni The scene is very very funny but it leads no where in terms of the plot Likewise the escape of both the barber and Schultz simply leads to the mistaken identity of the barber for Hynkel in order to give Chaplin through the barber character an opportunity to pontificate to the audience at the end of the film On the other hand what better way to make a point about the misplaced narcissism of Aryan superiority than to have a Jewish Barber mistaken for Hynkel br br Still the film contains many high comic moments such as the rally speech the new war developments bulletproof uniforms etc the dancing globe scene the coin in the pudding scene and the entire scenario between Hynkel and Napaloni including the barber chair scene to highly recommend the film One can also not forget the risks Chaplin took in making his first talking film an antiNazi film and financing the film himself 12 of 4 stars
This is definitely an outstanding 1944 musical with great young stars and famous veteran actors under the direction of Charles Vidor Rita Hayworth Rusty ParkerCharlie Chan in Egypt sang and danced with Gene KellyDanny McGuire Anchors Away Danny McGuire owned a night club in Brooklyn NY and was in love with Rusty Parker who was a dancer in his club along with Phil SilversGeniusConey Island who was the comedian in this picture and also worked and dance together with Danny Rusty Otto Kruger John CoudairDuel in the Sun played the role as a promoter of a cover girl magazine and decided Rusty Parker was going to be his top model Jerome Kerns music is heard through out the entire picture and the song Long Ago Far Away is the theme music for this musical This film was nominated for many awards and was a big hit at the box office during WW II which kept peoples minds off of the war that was going on at the time Rita Hayworth and Gene Kelly were instant hits and their careers exploded on the silver screen for many many years Great Musical and a film you will not want to miss this is truly a great Classic Film Enjoy
I caught this little gem totally by accident back in 1980 or 81 I was at a revival theatre to see two old silly scifi movies The theatre was packed full and with no warning they showed a bunch of scifi short spoofs to get us in the mood Most were somewhat amusing but THIS came on and within seconds the audience was in hysterics The biggest laugh came when they showed Princess Laia having huge cinnamon buns instead of hair on her head She looks at the camera gives a grim smile and nods That made it even funnier You gotta see Chewabacca played by what looks like a Muppet It was extremely silly and stupidbut I couldnt stop laughing Most of the dialogue was drowned out because of all the laughter Also if you know Star Wars pretty well its even funnierthey deliberately poke fun at some of the dialogue This REALLY works with an audience A definite 10
I found this on the shelf while housesitting and bored How can people possibly give this a 10 Its not just that its supposed to be a feelgood redemption film I think because it doesnt work on that level either Weak plot bad dialogue terrible acting theres just nothing there Harvey Keitel is decent but has nothing to work with and Bridget Fonda and especially Johnathon Schaech are just terrible The plot progression especially the relationship between Byron and Ashley makes no sense It seems like the writers wanted the plot to go a certain way and made it without actually writing in the necessary bits to make it flow Its only an hour and a half but thats 90 minutes of your life youll never get back
There are some films that every Horror fan owes himself or herself to see and Emilio Miraglias La Dama Rossa Uccide Sette Volte aka The Red Queen Kills Seven Times 1972 is definitely one of them With Gialli and Gothic Tales being my two favorite subgenres in Horror I was looking forward to seeing this film for quite a while and even though my expectations were high this masterpiece surpassed my greatest hopes Miraglias earlier Giallo The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave 1971 was already a creepy and highly atmospheric film which successfully mixed Giallo with Gothic Horror but it couldnt possibly compare to this instant personal favorite The Red Queen Kills Seven Times is hands down one of the most unique and overwhelming Italian Horror films ever made and no lover of the genre could possibly consider missing it An incredibly mesmerizing Giallo with strong Gothic elements The Red Queen delivers everything one could hope for in either subgenre An inventive and incredibly compelling plot spinechilling suspense a sublimely uncanny setting and a genuinely creepy atmosphere eerily lush colors stylish murders a brilliant score and not least a ravishing female cast lead by the stunningly beautiful Barbara Bouchet this film simply is one of the most outstanding combinations of elegant beauty and pure terrorbr br The film starts out incredibly in a beautiful Gothic castle in Germany As little girls Kitty Wildenbrck and her sister Evelyn have been fighting when their grandfather tells them the story behind an incredibly uncanny painting Legend has it that a fiendish Red Lady is to return to the castle every hundred years and kill seven people Fourteen years later Kitty Barbara Bouchet has become a successful fashion photographer Suddenly people begin to get murdered Director Miraglia had already proved his incredible talent for style atmosphere and colorful creepiness with The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave and he makes use of these elements even far more effectively in this gem The Red Queen Kills Seven Times is a feast for the eyes indeed and one of the most overwhelming Italian Horror films both visually and plotwise The haunting painting in the Grandfathers castle alone is capable of giving the viewer the goosebumps The Red Lady or Red Queen as she is called in the English title is arguably the most fiendish figure ever in a Giallo the spinechilling laughter that the murders are accompanied by would even be frightening on its own br br A sexy female cast is always appreciated especially in a Giallo and this one is a prime example for that The ravishing Barbara Bouchet one of my favorite actresses must be one of the most stunningly beautiful ladies ever to appear on screen and she is a great actress too Bouchets presence has graded up many Italian flicks among other appearances she starred in three of the greatest Cultmasterpieces of Italian 70s cinema within one year 1972 Fernando Di Leos Milano Calibro 9 Lucio Fulcis Giallohighlight Dont Torture a Duckling and this unforgettable gem Apart from the wonderful Miss Bouchet the films gorgeous female cast includes sexy young Sybil Danning Marina Malfatti The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave and other beauties who are not afraid to bare it for the camera br br As the whole film the murders are stylish and extremely elegant yet frightening and macabre and some of them are quite gory Bruno Nicolais mesmerizing score is as memorable as it gets and makes the films intensely eerie atmosphere even more haunting The plot is ingeniously convoluted and full of red herrings the tensionlevel increses with each passing minute The Red Queen begins creepy and it stays stunning to the last second Overall this is one of the films that I cannot find enough words of praise for The Red Queen Kills Seven Times is an absolute masterpiece that easily ranks among the finest Gialli ever made and a toppriority for every fan of Horror andor Italian cinema to see 1010
Firstly I wont tell you WHY I rented this movie as Im still confused myselfbr br Air Rage is much like any movie Ive seen where a plane is hijacked There is of course that one important person on the plane and the hijacker looking for revenge The sad thing is some of the methods to stop the hijackers have already been used in other movies Are we really becoming so unoriginal so quicklybr br Although its IceT who for some incomprehensible reason makes painful attempts at ACTING while hes not busy putting the c back in front of rap who is glorified on the cover the movie actually stars the less than amazing Kim Oja as a stewardess who is surprisingly OVERLOOKED by the five hijackers which naturally comes back to haunt them As for the rest of the cast the only person I managed to recognize was Steve Hytner more commonly known as Kenny Bania from Seinfeldbr br I cant forget to leave out my favorite part of the movie when a hijacker used about a POUND of PLASTIQUE to blow a lock off a door BRILLIANTbr br The plot was unnaturally predictablebr br The script atrocious It got to the point where I could say something which I felt would make a stupid comment and it would be the next line in the moviebr br As for special effects the only thing special about this movie is that I wasted the cost of electricity to run my TV and VCR for 100 minutesbr br And the title the movie DID take place in the Air But due to the less than stellar performances the only Rage in the movie was that of the viewerbr br So if youre in the mood to even pick apart a movie just because its bad Please SAVE YOURSELF dont choose this
Haunted by a secret Ben Thomas Will Smith looks for redemption by radically transforming the lives of seven people he doesnt know Once his plan is set nothing will be able to stop him At least thats what he thinks But Ben hadnt planned on falling in love with one of these people and shes the one who will end up transforming him Will Smith is back again with Director Gabriele Muccino after the life inspiring movie The Pursuit of Happiness Seven Pounds is yet another life changing movie experience which not only does reminds you of their previous collaboration tearful but inspires you joyfully in the end Will Smith also is the producer again with some of the others These movies are very realistic which depicts a common mans life his struggles through life Seven Pounds might have took some time to gain its actual momentum but just after half an hour of the movie the movie is all set to rule your heart Also this movie has some twists revolving around which lets the viewers keep guessing Director Gabriele Muccino once again is the winner all the way with his emotional yet inspiring message He makes all the characters of the movie very real that the people would actually find themselves in somewhere of the movie Along with the director Will Smith is yet another winner with his superb acting skills Once again the duo of the director the actor works as a charm Also there are other talented actors in the movie who did their part pretty well Rosario Dawson beauty with brains thats what she can be called She looks beautiful does her part extremely well Barry Pepper gives a great support to the movie Woody Harrelson does the same although Woody did not had much screen timingwould have been good if he had more You wont forget this movie easily Watch this movie change your life Top class cinema
Great documentary of how scientists believed dinosaurs behaved captured with some of the most spectacular CGI since Jurassic Park Done completely seriously like a prehistoric episode of Nation Geographic Grabs your attention from the first frame and never lets go My favorite part was when the Diplodocus fights off the Allosaurosbr br 10 stars This is what science is all about
Contains 1 spoiler market with br br Not presenting itself as yet another remake of The Interview Five Fingers actually is Alas besides maybe the hardship of physical torture it never adds anything to its predecessors accomplishment in terms of suspense plot or performances In fact Five Fingers never gets anywhere near its level br br What I found to be in particular painful to watch wasnt the torture itself but the way Martijn Ryan Philippe acted out his ordeal To me it looked as if Philippe tried too hard to get his accent right and it made his performance glibly amateur which in turn even dragged down the performance of an otherwise great Colm Meaney Phillipes accent btw being far from anything near Dutch sounded more like Eastern European br br Besides the acting of Philippiwhich to my surprise turned from poor to actually decent towards the end there is the matter of the flashbacks with the hackneyed Dutch scenery If these scenes were set in Switzerland they would have had the cast eat cheese on mountaintops with endless pastures with grazing cows wearing expensive timepieces Scenery aside The way these flashbacks pushed the plot didnt work for me at all It made it being served like French fries at a drivein and caused the buildup of suspense to flatlinebr br Admittedly the movie did become more enjoyable as Phillipes acting improved but I couldnt help being annoyed every now and then with scenes that were just too implausible Eg br br Start spoilerbr br At some point after days Philippe is almost tenderly washed by the female terrorist This only to be followed by the brute severing of yet another finger Why give the guy a wash if hes in for a torture And the severing of that last finger seemed to only serve the title of this flick anyway I mean he was practically begging to have it knifed off Didnt make sense…br br End spoilerbr br What ultimately kept me watching was the performance of Fishburn who once again proved to be a brilliant actor but who also had the best part of the script to work withbr br All in all one is just far better off seeing The Interview with that other Matrixicon Hugo Weaving And when you do Im confident you wont find this review that disagreeablebr br 3510br br The Interview 1998 wwwimdbcomtitlett0120714
SciFi has been having some extremely bad luck making quality movies lately such as Minotaur or Dog Soldiers Grendel is supposed to be based of the great epic Beowulf however it deviates so much and offers so little in comparison that the advertisements on television might as well have titled it some shitty Christopher Lambert movie I wasnt expecting it to be as accurate as a full blown Hollywood production but I did however expect the artistic integrity to not interfere with the actual story even if a little bit was changed to make a two hour storyboard flow nicely in the allotted time slotsbr br Did the director and producers have any idea about what they were doing did any research go into this Obviously not as one could tell from the massive horned helmets that Beowulf and his crew save for mullet boy are wearing One major problem I have though was with the very look of Grendel…if Beowulf is supposed to wrestle him shouldnt he not have been sixteen feet tall and weigh 2 tons Grendels death segment was also lacking in every way in my opinion the one in the epic was actually better than the made up junk on the script for example Grendel is supposed to have his arm ripped out from the socket by Beowulf not cut off at the forearm after he was set on fire by an exploding arrow from a crossbow that looks like it weighs 300lbs And Grendels mother…did they just combine her with the dragon at the end of the epic where he eventually dies when he succumbs to his wounds And honestly what the hell was with that mullet br br If you want to see this movie because its connection to the epic…dont as there really isnt one other than character names The only way I could recommend this film is if you liked the movie Druids directed by Jacques Dorfmann although I dont recommend watching either
SPOIERS Atlanta crime auctioneer with Burt ReynoldsSgt Sharky and his tough and well oiled Sharkys Machine Let Frisco Charles Durning and officers Papa Arch Brian Keith Berney Casey breaking up the Atlanta crime Syndicate whos on the verge of putting Their Man in the Geroria Governors State House br br Busted after messing up a major drug police sting operation with the drug dealer and a number of innocent pedestrians shot and killed Sgt Sharky was transfered into vice Busting hookers johns and perverts Sgt Sharky finds a list of call girls in the wallet of a top Atlanta pimp and after bugging one of the call girls apartment it turns out that shes having Don Hotchkins Earl Holliman a candidate for governor as a regular costumer br br As Sharky starts to investigate this strange arraignment he finds out that the good family man married with five children Hotchkins is also on the payroll of Vittorio Victor Gassman the mob Godfather of AtlantaThe highprice callgirl Dominoe Rachel Wardwhos involved with Hotchkins is tired of being a hooker and wants to leave Victors stable of callgirls and live with Hotchkins as his livein mistress after he gets elected governor of Georgia which is already a forgone conclusion but theirs only one slight hitch will Victor let go of her br br Tangling with the Gassman Syndicate the corrupt Atlanta police and city officials as well as the local Chinese mob Sgt Sharky ends up losing most of his men including two of his fingers as he brings down the Gassman Mafia in a final shootout with the his Mobsters at the famous Atlanta Peachtree Plaza Hotels br br Statueques and beautiful Rachel Ward as Dominoe is thought to have been murdered by Gassmans druggedout hitman Billy ScoreHenry Silvawho blew her face off with a shot gun but in reality it turned out that he really killed Dominoes callgirl roommate Tiffany Aarika Wells with Dominoe away in the country br br Sharky who was in love with Dominoe from afar found out the truth about her being alive and to the surprise and shock of mob kingpin Victor Gassman is going to use her by getting Dominoe to testify against him to put Gassman and his mob away for good but the cunning and vicious Victor wasnt going to go willingly and let Sharky know it sooner then he thought br br Blood spattering shootout at the Peachtree Plaza Hotel in the films final sequence with Sharky Machine having it out with the almost indestructible junkie hitman Billy Score Shooting it out on the hotel stairway both Billy Score and Sharkys machine member Arch come face to face with Billys drug induced invincibility clashing with Archs Zen reality alerting philosophy in what can best be said to be a battle of two cultures West and East
I saw Roger Moore huffing it on the scenes that required running or exercise He was a James Bond who would be most comfortable sitting at a bar telling stories with his fellow British Knights Nothing against the elderly in ageappropriate roles but how realistic is it for a fraillooking 58 year old man to be fighting on the wings of planes hanging off the side of a train swimming in a swamp with crocodiles etc Aside from the fact that OCTOPUSSY was incredibly silly vapid and moronic the fact that a frail oldster engaged in many deathdefying stunts just made it so much easier to laugh at James Bond By 1983 Roger Moore was clearly looking his age and he was long past the time when he looked like he could fight with younger men I saw this movie in the Theater and the howls of laughter were many and very often Any credibility that James Bond had built up was gone after OCTOPUSSYbr br The only thing missing from OCTOPUSSY was Benny Hill and his supporting cast Another low point was that the incredibly lame Louis Jordan was one half of the Axis of Evil Jordan helped to make the whole concept even more laughable And the Russian General was a total goof OCTOPUSSY works better as a comedy spoof similar to SPIES LIKE USbr br Even the fight scene on the train was just a bad copy of the same train scenes done in many other films by better actors Take EMPEROR OF THE NORTH 1972 where Lee Marvin Ernest Borgnine fought all over the top bottom of the train and made it look exciting and realbr br Roger Moore had a thin frail body in 1983 and yet his stunt double was clearly a younger taller athletic muscular man Even the hair color did not match This only made his fight scenes more comedic The Moore stunts looked like those old lowbudget ChopSocky KungFu movies especially with the bad editing The Director seemed to try to make the bad acting and bad stunts better by providing several views of the same stunt This only accentuated the differences between Moore and his stunt double The fact that the Train scenes with Moore were shot inside a studio could be noticed from the lighting when Moore was in the shot versus the exterior shots of the stunt double on a real train Though many of the Bond Movies have to be the worst ever when it comes to editing their stuntfights You can usually clearly see that the Bond actor is not actually fighting Overall OCTOPUSSY has to rank as one of the worst movies ever made and easily the worst of the worst Bond movies
What can I say that hasnt been said about The Haunting It has everything that would make a great picture Wonderful sets moody music and sound design to die for were all in place The screenplay though sometimes boggles the mind in such a weird surrealistic way The entire team must have forgotten to read it through maybe because they were too busy creating cg effects and building gothic sets to notice how weak the plot was Each member of the cast gives a worthy performance although with little conviction to the material at hand Lili Taylor has the most to do while the others mostly react to her But thats about it All I can say is that it was a slightly enjoyable two hours but you will definitely want more A lot more
This show is perhaps one of the most boring most unfunny shows Ive ever seen While the humour was subtle and Im all for the subtle humour the jokes just werent funnybr br The show is about two Kiwis in their midthirties living in New York trying to start their music careersbr br I saw the one episode where Brett leaves the other Kiwi behind during a mugging Okay the plot idea has potential but I got the feeling that half the episode was just filler and the other half was actually important to the storybr br What I mean is they kept on explaining how the one who was left behind felt betrayed and had a lot of mistrust for the other guy Ive got one piece of advice for the writers mention it once for the idiots who cant figure it out by the way hes acting and move onbr br And I found the characters were annoying The character who left the other behind Brett came across as being overly innocent and naive the one left behind walked around talking in this monotone and robotic voicebr br A third character who was the band manager was obviously incompetent but he was the one character that I liked Hes also the one that earned the show a onestar ratingbr br All in all a show I have no intention of ever watching again
I have never seen any of Spike Lees prior films as their trailers never caught my interest I have seen and admire Denzel Washington and Jodie Fosters work and have several of their DVDs I was however entirely disappointed with this movie If this film is any indication of Spike Lees ability as a director my advice would be to get a job and stop wasting the time and talent of others br br I wonder if some of the other IMDb commentators watched the same movie that Id seen I can only assume from their sappy lovelorn reviews that their adoration of Spike Lee has blinded them to the banality of this piece of work I only paid 250 in a Second Run theater and still felt Id wasted my moneybr br The IMDb Trivia page says it allbr br Shot in 39 days How can you expect to shoot a big budget Blockbuster as the media hype promised in such a short time No wonder there was such a weak performance by allbr br Ron Howard was first going to direct the film He may have done this project some justice given more time to do so of course Though the writing was atrocious the premise had some merits br br OK maybe not Im sorry This film was so rife with pitiful clichs implausible scenes and lousy characterizations that maybe even he couldnt have made much of it Hey Ron Be sure to thank RussellGood call br br Jodie Foster filmed her part in three weeks And it showed Her portrayal of a Fixer who makes peoples problems go away was as unbelievable as the script she was given Did she even want to be therebr br Other Peeves br br How many bank robbers would bother to come to the door and inform a uniformed police officer that they were inside robbing the bank and hed better keep awayor else br br When Detective Frazier Denzel Washington comes into the bank to verify there are no corpses yet how many bank robbers without a gun would have led a cop much less let a cop back out to the front door allowing the police officer to walk behind him br br Det Frazier later claimed to have given the robber every reason to shoot me Why then in their brief struggle didnt he even try to expose the robbers face That may have gotten the response he was looking fora robber would have shot him just to prevent later identification And why did it take Steve Stevie SteveO the robbers accomplice so long to come and help out br br I understand that these werent your typical bank robbers They had a different agenda and didnt want anyone harmed But the cops had no reason to think that they wouldnt To them it was a desperate situation Why then when two of the bad guys stepped outside to pick up the pizzas were they not taken down first of all how many robbers would have came outside without using a hostage as a shield Is this Spike Lees version of NY City or SNLs Taking them down would have reduced the bad guys numbers screwed up their plans and the remaining robbers would more probably have given up If not there at least would be fewer bad guys inside Give SWAT something to do or send them homebr br What police department in this country would have allowed Madeline White Jodie Foster to just waltz right into the bank and discuss a matter with the robbers that she would not disclose to them first She had no authority no governmental credentials and besides this was after all already a hostage situationadd one morebr br Why wouldnt the Bank CEO Christopher Plummer just have destroyed the incriminating documents a long time ago Screw sentimentality The diamonds he could have soldbr br Who was that schmuck the character not the actor with the Jersey accent that conveniently volunteered and said he knew the recording was 100 Albanian but yet he himself couldnt speak itSIR PUT YOUR HAND DOWN And his Exwife What a schlump she was Both were totally unbelievable br br When interrogating suspects why did Det Frazier continually harass the individuals who were obviously not a part of the heist ie telling the elderly woman she could go and then she couldnt then could then couldnt Give me a break br br Who after seeing the bank robbers demand that the hostages put on jump suites couldnt deduce their escape plan included coming out of the bank pretending to be some of the hostages br br Near the end of the movie a false wall was shown to have been built in the supply room behind which Clive Owens hid out for a weekwhere did the materials come from the drywall studs It was also to be assumed that they cut into the sewer so he could relieve himself The bank employees hadnt complained about the smell all week long Hellobr br After such a debacle since the documents had fallen into the robbers hands what kind of references was Ms White expecting to get from the bank CEO seeing that he was now to be a target for blackmail due to her failurebr br And last but certainly not least Whats with the Electric Glide that Denzel did HOW STUPID Was that supposed to indicate his resolve to bring these guys to justice He looked rather like a man who hopped a ride on a shopping cart while trying to prevent a bowel movement CheeeeZheeee br br Other than the mediocre plot lousy script bad acting and overall pitiful directingyada yada yada br br Hopefully this will give enough insight into the movie to help others decide whether to waste their money or notbr br
My name is John Mourby and this is my story about Paperhouse In May 2003 I saw Alfred Hitchcocks psycho I was very scared and deeply disturbed I began a frantic search for a film that was frightening in the same way But none where satisfactory Amongst those tried and failed were The Birds Night of the Living Dead The Silence of the Lambs The Blair Witch Project Ring The Evil Dead The Sixth Sense 28 Days Later The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Halloween Near Dark Alien Peeping Tom The Cell Rosemarys Baby Dont Look Now Witchfinder General Friday the 13th and The Omen That should confirm I was desperate Long after I had stopped searching I found out about Paperhouse ……br br Paperhouse is based on a favourite book that I own called Marianne Dreams Paperhouse had also come up in some of the books I had found on horror films but they didnt tell me about the link between book and film I discovered the truth while on the Internet I bought the film later that daybr br I thought Paperhouse would not be faithful to the book and dull Unfaithal it certainly was but dull certainly not It was the answer to my prayers Marianne is renamed Anna in the film but most of the original story is the same One day in school Anna draws a house in her scrap book nothing remarkable about that then she becomes ill and every time she faints or falls asleep she finds herself outside a creepy old house and I mean genuinely unnerving More she also finds that every time she puts something new in the drawing it appears in the dreamworld EG an apple tree Anna draws into the dreamworld a rather sad boy named mark who apparently is a person in the real world Mark is a cripple but wants to leave the house obligingly Anna draws in a lighthouse a place to go to but still the problem remains mark cant walk So Anna decides to draw her father in she gets her pencil out and gets too work but the outcome is deformed and unsettling Anna particularly dislikes his eyes Quote he looks like madman So Anna tries to rub him out and start again but the pencil proves indelible that means nothing can be rubbed out Then Anna loses her temper and crosses out her fathers eyes I leave you too find out for you self the terrible consequences of the rash actionbr br Paperhouse truly is the British answer to A Nightmare on elm Street The viewing of this film left me shocked and upset But I have found what I was looking for after 2 years The question is how dose the compare with Psycho Answer 1 the old dark house 2 psychological parental fears 3 a genuine shock 4 and very scary music
The box is why I originally picked up this movie and the back is why I rented it But I soon learned that I had been duped I had thought this movie would be something like a Road TripEurotripAmerican Pie deal But I was wrong This movie is one of the dumbest Ive seen in a long time The unrated version teases you in to watching but will completely disappoint you The acting was terrible and sound effects just gaudy It appeared very low budget with the entire setting taking place in the same building Go out and get Eurotrip or Road Trip instead I cant believe National Lampoon put its name on this DONT BUY IT DONT RENT IT Dont waste 2 hours of your life on this
The Incredible Melting Man is a fantastically gross trashy and energetic Zgrade production that every selfrespecting camphorror freak simply has to see for himherself The ideal way to describe this lowbudget 70s gem is like a shameless copy of Hammers The Quatermass Xperiment only a thousand times filthier Astronaust Steve West is the only survivor of a disastrous spacemission but turns out the carrier of a horrible disease that makes him radioactive and causes him to melt In shock after seeing his face in the mirror can you blame him Steve busts out of the hospital leaving a trail of sticky pus and fallen off body parts behind Doctor Ted Nelson has to find him urgently as the disease also set Steve up with an insatiable appetite for human flesh The premise may sound utterly stupid but this flick is enormously entertaining and contains great makeup effects from the hand of Rick Baker The melting dudes face looks like a rotting pizza and his heavy breathing makes him sound like Darth Vader Another big advantage is that William Sachs screenplay doesnt waste any time on tedious scientific explanations or emotional speeches The repulsiveness starts right away and lasts until the very last moment of the film Just enjoy this silly horror gem and try to switch off your brain activity as much as you can because if you start contemplating about the many stupidities in the script youll miss out on all the campy fun
I love this movie first and foremost because of Mark Wahlberg is in it and secondly because the end justifies the means There is something about this film that sucks you in and allows you to feel all of the emotions the characters are feeling Jen Aniston is great as the girlfriend in this movie It takes a look at the Rockstar lifestyle that so many hardcore rockers lived back in the day perhaps these days they have gotten just abit smarter It takes through a rainbow of emotions and has a lot of subtle facets to allow the light through Like a diamond this movie shines You wont waste your popcorn on this one Semichick flick but my husband enjoyed it too Theres some laughs thrown in too