Oh goshIm really fed up with all these generic Japanese horror films about longhaired female ghosts and ghostly kidsGhost Train is no exceptionIt is clearly influenced by RinguJuOnShutter and PulseTwo years ago I was into such modern ghost storiesbecause they usually managed to give me some goosebumpsunfortunately there is nothing fresh or interesting in Ghost TrainIn fact the film is really boringNoriko goes missing in a subway tunnellike an elementaryschool classmateNana must investigate a mystery of multiple disappearanceswith the help of a youthful train conductor and another disappeared childs motherThe film offers some mildly creepy momentshowever the CGI effects are laughable and the climax is illogicalSkip it
I used to think that It Came from Hollywood was the worst movie I had seen that showed clips from horror scifi crime and drama movies Of course I hadnt seen THIS beauty yetbr br Whats wrong with Terror in the Aisles Four thingsbr br 1 It assumes that most of the great moments in shock cinema history began in the 70s when directors like John Carpenter and Brian De Palma came along And what bones are thrown to the true classics ie the black and white films like Frankenstein Dracula and The Wolf Man are either shown with Martin and Lewis or Abbott and Costello alongside or not at allbr br 2 The clips are most times so brief and out of their originals place that they just give a momentary shock to the viewer and for those unfamiliar with these films will make no sense at all indeed the moment where the shark jumps out of the water at Roy Scheider in Jaws is shown much to the effect of a sight gag Whereas in the originals context it had powerbr br 3 Did we really need Pleasance and Allen in the audience reminding us that its only a movie or that most of the violence in the horror movies is sadly against women So is that an indictment against the moviemakers for adding those scenes or the moviegoers who tromp into the theaters and watch the same kind of fodder time and again Sorry thats a whole can of worms to open for a more deserving moviebr br 4 And most importantly why is the movie so SHORT It isnt like there wasnt enough of these kinds of movies to use If they had just opened up their resources and used EVERY available film they could have had a Thats Entertainmentstyle movie that would have been comparatively more entertaining Heck even drag out Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing Cushing was alive then mind you and better yet even Vincent Price would have been more than willing Ill bet What a cheer THAT would have gotten from the audiencebr br But no all were left with is a dreary little flick that pretends to pay homage to these movies but all it does is leave the viewer feeling cheated out of less than 90 minutes with which they could have went and watched a REAL movie Dont get me wrong it was good to see what clips they did show but if they could have just done more with the goodsbr br Two stars Another good idea left laying in the Aisles
I anticipated the release of the film as much as any fan of the Broadway play I waited and read reviews for months about the award winning performances I mean with the star power of Eddie Murphy Jamie Foxx Beyonce Knowles Danny Glover the movie couldnt be less than 4 out of 4 stars right WRONG I was definitely disappointed by the finished product The film did not match up to the publicity hype it was given and the only saving graces were Eddie Murphy Anika Noni Rose and Jennifer Hudsonbr br Eddie Murphys James Brownesque performance rescues the movie just when it hits its multiple lulls and Jennifer Hudsons performance compels you to pay attention each time shes on screen Her performance of And I Am Telling You was the only time that I felt the hype was deserved You cringed as she begged her no good man to let her stay in the group and in his life As many reviewers have stated she steals the movie from the more experienced actors and deserves all the accolades shes receiving for this performance Anika Noni Rose was also a strong presence with a great voice and comedic talent br br Jamie Foxx and Beyonce Knowles on the other hand cruised through their performances Foxxs acting skills for this film seemed to predate his extraordinary Ray performance and Beyonce Knowles was on an extended fashion photo shoot or video taping posing and shimmying her way through the movie Her performance wasnt strong enough to make you care about her character at any point in the filmbr br The movie was too hyped 30 minutes and 1 song Beyonces heartfelt solo to Jamie Foxx too longbr br DH Vancouver WA
Obviously a lot of talented behind the scenes crew members worked on this movie so dont even look at the credits at the end youll only hold it against them Nobody seemed interested in seeing this movie only 3 were in the theater two passed out after 10 minutes and they were the lucky ones The monsters were the unemployed worm from Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan and rejected designs for the space creatures in Alien The creators of the movie obviously didnt want to overshadow the third rate movie monsters so they hired forth rate actors who apparently didnt get to memorize their lines or in some cases learn to pronounce the words before filming began Some scenes are incredibly inept in conveying just what is supposed to be happening if anything is If you are unfortunate enough to be in a theater where this movie is showing and you dont pass out youll laugh at what are supposed to be frightening or suspenseful moments of the film The implausibility of several scenes will just stun you and Stephen Dorffs regular spewing of the Queen Mary of curse words conveys the feeling of anyone who pays to see this If you must see this movie do yourself a favor and wait until its in the bargain bin at the video store If theres any justice in the film industry one of the main actors will be there to rent it to you
Four young gradeschool girls witness the murder of one of their classmates during what they thought was just an innocent game The killer is a strange young boy named Milo Jeeder Sixteen years later the four survivors of the event reunite under happier circumstances in the same town where it happened They believe that Milo drowned in a river shortly after the murder but soon learn that the demonic killer Milo has also returned still a young boy unchanged even after almost two decadesbr br The cover for this movie makes it look really cool yet I still expected a bad movie to come out of it When I pop in the DVD into my player the menu comes up and makes the film still look cool Sadly this movie isnt all that it got my excited about The movie is your average attempt at a slasher film and when I say average I mean just like all those other smallbudget slasher movies that have never been welcomed with open arms into most members of the horror community Im talking about you the horror fan In other words you could walk up to any horror fan and the majority of responses would be this sucksbr br What mistakes did the movie make First of all the DVD cover art makes Milo look really dark but they blow it all by showing his face in the movie in many different scenes He had the potential of being a very freaky character Secondly the back of the cover art tells Freddy Jason Chucky etc to pack their bags and move on out because Milo is so much better why in the hell would you want to say something like that when it comes to a noname lowbudget slasher film that has obviously failed I mean it just raises your expectations of the movie making it harder to impress itself upon you In a last ditch effort to attract attention it says in very big letters From the creator of Anaconda Just shows you how low theyre going to get as much attention as possible for the moviebr br The gore in the movie sucks the director gives you some hideous angles when Milo attacks someone The music isnt all that bad and I never once fell asleep during the movie congratulations Im still trying to figure out what Milo actually is My best bet would be that he is a zombie if anyone else knows tell me Rest assured I wont be losing any sleep over thinking about it
Yeah i saw the rough cuts The unedited sex scenes The dire cut scenes Almost on a par with the film The Need for awful acting This movie is as bad as bad films getthe bad script bad acting bad effects bad locations bad stunts bad everything The best actors in the film were the lap dancers they hired for the vampire extrasbr br Sean Harry the foppish actor as someone else put it makes a matchstick look talented here His amazing ability to badly drive a car when it is obviously being shook by people on the bonnet check out the reflection in the windscreen his inability to turn left which is class OH and dont forget the sex scene plus his noteworthy use of a toy gun which the props guys couldnt even be bothered to disguise as a real gun The other actors on screen could barely deliver their linesIt was as if half the time they were waiting for a line that wasnt therebr br The special effects were soooo good to the point that the guys who did it took their real names off the creditsbr br If you want a laugh at a party then rent this moviethen again there are plenty of good comedies that are just as funny and dont give money to people who dont deserve it
Ya know when one looks at this Brian DePalma film today Im sure there has been allot of criticism about how dated it is Also about the violence When I looked at this film on VHS when I was 20 I thought it was ultaviolent and gritty as well But I didnt get itbr br A few decades go by and man how I know how much I didnt get in this film This is a remake of an excellent film which was done back in the 30s40s How can you improve upon a classic Ya dont But you tell a tale that is brought up to date through the eyes of the new immigrants during the most greed ridden decade the over indulgent 80s DePalma Stone and the gang present an ambitious disturbing and darn right good filmbr br YesDisco was dying and New WavePunk were taking over but these immigrants from Cuba who had to make a new home in Florida couldnt tell the difference It was exciting it was what they wanted but how to get it To these immigrants there was only one way to get it in Florida where they wereby having lots of money and to get the money you had to take over running a drug empirebr br Al Pacino was fantastic to me as Tony Montana the little train that could What an amazing way to have your lead character look at America to fight kill steal lie cheat all to get the money the women and the powerbr br Thats what Tony saw as the American dreambr br He wanted it he wanted to live it and in his circle saw nothing wrong with how he went to get it Tony Montanas command of the English language was heavily saturated with the f word but what did you expect Emily Posts finishing school for him and his cohorts Look at how they CAME to America what they knew what they were exposed to This is the way Tony and his crew chose to be all they can be in America It was all about the power Tony Montana would and did ANYTHING to achieve itit all its violent lying stealing crooked thieving glorybr br The part of the film that personified the 1980s to me is the money laundering Tonys crew bringing sacks of drug money to the bank Did those around Tony and his crew care At the clubs where he spent and drank Nope Money was money and with money you get the power Tony was living high off the hog He and his pretty blond American trophy he married played well by Michelle Pfiefferbr br After Tony Montanas rise to power he finds out its really crappy up there Hes riddled with doubt hes drug addicted hes paranoid hes surrounded by those who want to take him on in a bloody takeover his trophy 80s American blonde drug addicted wife he finds out is a bore he needs to keep atop of his empire becausehes going down And down he goes in a horrific violent fashion but again I ask what do you expectbr br This is the quintessential 1980s film telling you a warped tale of how some misunderstand the American Dreamto obsession Its violent bloody overly sobut it drives the point disturbingly home Not all Cubans thrown out of Cuba who landed in Florida in the 80s were anything like Tony Montana Give me a break But the showing of how miserable the 1980s were with its emphasis on greed and money as the only measures in the USA to be somebody and have power took its tool on these poor characters and their lives in Americabr br Makes you wonder has anything from then been learned today
I can only guess that this movie was an experiment that misfired Years earlier it would have been moving images accompanied by music Later it would have been sound added to silents Eventually it would have been Technicolor Cinemascope or Imax This movie must have been a misguided attempt to introduce a new element to the talking picture During all the emotional scenes the character stops in mid dialogue and their inner thoughts are narrated while they gaze off into the distance or appeal to the camera This interruption is painful at its very least Imagine these top tier actors trying to look busy while the narration drones on Painful I have no idea who came up with this gimmick but it was the only time I ever saw it used and for good reason In every scene the actors were forced to roll their eyes wring their hands or overact to such a degree I actually wondered if this was really a comedy br br The story is a hopeless soap opera that takes place over a couple of generations Norma Shearer disappointed in love searches for a reason to live She has a friend played by Ralph Morgan who worships her but she takes him for granted She is attracted to a doctor played by Clark Gable but he is self absorbed and isnt interested in her She settles for a weakling that needs her desperately She marries him only to find that there is insanity in his family and she can never have a child with him Along comes the doctor who selfishly pops a bun in her oven only to find out later that he loves her after all The child builds confidence in her husband who becomes a success but she realizes that its really Clark she loves after all Confused yet Forget the rest just watch a couple of episodes of As the World Turns and itll all become clearbr br If your are ever forced to watch this movie hold out for the final scene The gyrations of the actors put Harold LLoyd to shame It is not to be missed
I bought this film on DVD so I could get an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thankfully Mike Crow and Tom Servo are watchable because the film itself is not Although there is a plot a story one can follow and a few actors that can act there isnt anything else The movie was so boring I have firmly confirmed that I will never watch it again without Tom Crow and Mike As summarized above however it was better than the film featured in the MST3K episode that preceded it Mitchell
Voodoo Academy features an Academy like no other one that houses only six male students in one bedroom These teenage guys are instructed in religion by a sinister young priest who enjoys tormenting and comforting them simultaneously The sole administrator of this Academy is a young and seductive headmistress and she retains her handsome charges on a short leash so to speakbr br Sexual overtones abound and the director obviously has high regard for young male bodies These young actors occasionally strip down to their designer underwear to sneak about the Academy and their sexuality is the entire focus of the movie If youre not interested in the male form stay awaybr br Burdened by weak and awkward dialogue this lowbudget exploitation piece just stumbles along with a few laughable special effects tossed in between the yawns The mood is claustrophobic with tediously long takes a handful of cheap sets and few costume changes These visual elements come interspersed with seemingly unending sequences of banal dialogue intended as character and plot development It gives one the feeling it was filmed in three days
I think Rosemarys Baby is the most overrated horror film out there Not scary interesting or much of anything Its reasonably welldirected and Ruth Gordon was wonderful but thats about it But this sequel makes it look like Gone With the Windbr br I caught this on TV back when I was 14 Unfortunately I still remember it From what I remember Rosemarys baby Andrew is now grown up and the coven wants him to start taking over the world that is But there are forces trying to stop itand Andrew is having doubts himselfbr br Im giving this a 2 for a few reasons Gordon is in this and still very good Stephen McHattie was actually pretty good as Andrew and there is one spooky moment at the beginning with Rosemary Patty Duke being kidnapped by a buswith no driverbr br Other than that its dull silly and needless The original didnt NEED a sequel Ira Levins book followup in 1999 wasnt much betterbr br Tune in for the beginning with Dukethen tune out Not worth the effort
Saw this at Newport Beach Film Festival the other day The film is REALLY exceptional The crowd I went with all loved it Funny poignant and great acting Im tired of the tried and true Hollywood romances who can relate David Krumholtz Max is really amazing as the sure and true lover of the ultrascrewy Grace Natasha Lyonne who is also excellent When Max falls for Grace we believe it Why Because love at first sight IS crazy and were dealing with two lost and maybe not so crazy souls Also of note are Giullmo Diaz as Hector and Rosanna Arquette as a sexlesssexy neurotic both roommates of Max and Grace before they embark on their trip to Sheboygen WI and finding themselves Dont miss this one its something special PS The soundtrack led by Kevin Hearn of Bare Naked Ladies fame is really super super cool as well
Lovely music Beautiful photography some of scenes are breathtaking and affecting But the dramatic tension is lost in a film that is so poorly edited it is hard to know what exactly is going on At times the dialogue is incomprehensible Then there is Richard Gere Hes supposed to be a factory worker who gets into trouble and gets work on a farm We see dozens of farmhands sweaty and dirty in the hot sun Then we see Gere looking like he just wandered away from a Calvin Klein ad Sam Shepard another glamour guy is supposed to be terminally ill But he looks great Nice try but it just doesnt work Brook Adams try hard but she gets lost in the sceneryThe real star is the girl
This was a very faithful presentation of Lewiss life in the mid50s The dialogue on theology and the banter with his follow colleagues was exceptionally good Michael Whites book CS Lewis Creator of Narnia deals with this time frame in a very parallel way Joss Acklands acting was superb in catching the unemotional Lewis The movie took great pains to be presented in an accurate English setting The development of a strong bond between Jack his preferred name Lewis and Douglas Gresham Joys son from her previous marriage was enjoyable to watch The movie did avoid the distasteful element of Warnie Lewiss Jacks older brother drinking problem but it would not have moved the story on so it is best left out
As much as I dislike saying me too in response to other comments its completely true that the first 30 minutes of this film have nothing whatsoever to do with the endless dirge that comprises the following 90br br Having been banned somewhere doesnt make a film watchable Just because it doesnt resemble a Hollywood product does not make it crediblebr br Worse yet in addition to no discernible plot other than there are lots of muddy places in Russia and many people even very old women drink lots of vodka a number of visuals are so unnecessarily nauseating Im in to my second package of Rolaidsbr br As for spoilers well the film is so devoid of any narrative thread I couldnt write one if I triedbr br Dont waste your time or money and dont confuse this with good Russian cinema
The subject of children being terminally ill is difficult and saddening but The Cure successfully portrays the idea that it doesnt have to be all doom and gloom and if anything children need to have hope and delight in their lives if they are to find peace before the end It is also a film of remarkable bonds of friendship and the innocence of childhoodbr br The film sees Erik a dysfunctional adolescent boy with a distant mother moving into a new area where their nextdoor neighbour is elevenyearold Dexter who contracted AIDS through a blood transfusion After his initial fears and ignorance over AIDS are allayed Erik befriends Dexter and their almost fraternal friendship sees them embark on a journey down the Mississippi to where they have heard about a New Orleans doctor who claims to have found a cure for the diseasebr br The talent from the two young leads of Brad Renfro and Joseph Mazzello who play Erik and Dexter respectively is exceptional Brad was able to portray Eriks harder edge without comprising the subtle childish innocence inherent to the character while Joseph depicts the sense of vulnerability to Dexters character but injects the right amount of boyish enthusiasm and zeal to highlight that his illness doesnt mean he still isnt a child who wants to run and play like any other elevenyearold boy The pairs interactions create a feel in the audience that these are two boys who are genuinely close and they carry the film well Annabella Sciorra also delivers a touching performance as Dexters mother Linda who adores her son and delights in seeing him thrive with this new friendship to Erik and eventually becomes a surrogate motherfigure to the other boybr br Set against an excellent soundtrack The Cure is a very bittersweet film that manages to flawlessly weave the story of boyhood friendship that survives unflinchingly in the midst of prejudice and terminal illness without resorting to sappiness or unnecessary saccharine sweet scenes A very interesting reflection in the film is that is it the adults who have the problem with Dexters AIDS status whereas the children even the bullies come to accept him as they would any other What is also very touching is how despite Eriks streetwise nature he is the more naive one in his determination to cure Dexter while the younger boy has this haunting sense that he knows his fate but is swept away by his best friends enthusiasm for a curebr br I highly recommend The Cure for it is rare to find a film that is simultaneously sad and uplifting
Just saw Baby Blue Marine again after 30 years I still find it a pleasant and romantic film which catches a time which has been lost forever The innocence and purity of a time now long gone is truthfully captured in this small film The acting is above average and Richard Geres brief appearance as a shellshocked Raider Marine war hero holds a keen interest for any film buff or Gere fan JanMicheal Vincent is in his prime and looks and acts like the AllAmerican boy The late Bruno Kirby who was billed as BKirby Jr has a meaty role as Pop a peaceloving Marine Corp reject dreaming of getting back home to his wife If youre looking for sex drugs or rock and roll this movie is not for you If youre looking for action and adventure the same applies However if you want to recapture a time in America of innocence honor romance and love then Baby Blue Marine is a movie for you
The Great Dictator is arguably one of Charlie Chaplins most widelyknown films It is notorious for its blatant satire of Adolf Hitler and Nazism Until watching it I only knew of its fame Now I know how much the film deserves itbr br The film basically shows the exploits of the somewhat clumsy ambitious shortfused and impressive dictator of Tomania Adenoid Hynkel and with him his near and dear staff FieldMarshall Herring and Herr Garbitsch Also it entails the exploits of an amnesiac emotional and often clumsy Jewish barber a veteran of the First World Warbr br Stopping with the plot I would like to say that this film has various qualities that make it both unique and wonderful While the comedy is decidedly both verbal and slapstick and incidental the entirety of the film shows how serious it takes Nazism or aggressive nationalism as a theme with various interludes Chaplins impeccable acting skills range far and wide in the film he keeps revving it up and up until he simply explodes Paulette Goddards position as an ambitious Jewish wouldbe revolter and Henry Daniells delivery of a nasal calmasDeathseriousasaheartattack lines makes for wonderful viewingbr br Further one aspect of the film is what makes it so special it pulls no punches It isnt covert it has no business being covert It is an overt blatant inyourface obvious lampooning of both Hitler and Nazismbr br To sum up briefly watch it Just watch it youll see it
Not the best of the WIPs but not the worst either I honestly feel guilty laughing at this film considering it had to be career lows for all involved Yet the acting dialogue preposterous scenarios and the ever present boom mic get to me everytime and certainly add to its bad movie charm As much of a Linda Blair fan I am top or topless honors go to Sybil Danning Also special kudos to Henry Silva whos the only one in the cast who doesnt play his role too seriously Viewing the film now though makes me look at Stella Stevens character more closely She plays the head officer and I have to wonder if this where Hilary Clinton decided to adopt her current look and demeanor After all Im sure she had to look no further than her husbands video collection to find this film Not that Im judging Ive seen it several times myself and it all makes me wonder what wouldve happened if Mr Clinton had been allowed to install a hot tub in the Oval Office Hmmm
Wow what a great cast Julia Roberts John Cusack Christopher Walken Catherine ZetaJones Hank Azariawhats that A script you say Now youre just being greedy Surely such a charismatic bunch of thespians will weave such fetching tapestries of cinematic wonder that a script will be unnecessary Youd think so but no Americas Sweethearts is one missed opportunity after another Its like everyone involved woke up before each days writingshootingediting and though You know what Ive been working pretty hard lately and this is guaranteed to be a hit with all these big names right Im just gonna cruise along and let somebody else carry the can So much potential yet so painful to sit through There isnt a single aspect of this thing that doesnt suck Even Julias fat suit is lame
The story of Cinderella is one of my favorites from Charles Perrault with Sleeping Beauty which was also made into a Disney film in 1959 this film is a sweet enchanting masterpiece from Disneybr br The film has a great soundtrack thats one I like in a movie is a very good soundtrack and I love the songs too my favorite song is the romantic So This is Love I love the mice from the film too they are cute My favorite scene is the scene after the narration the little birds tried to wake Cinderella up in the morning I also love it when Cinderellas animal friends the mice and birds fix up Cinderellas birthmothers dress so she could go to the balluntil Drizella Anastasia tore it to bits the bes
Starring Tomas Milian and Manny Perez Washington Heights is a low budget drama set in a Latino neighborhood in NYCbr br A young comicbook artist Manny Perez wants to escape his Latino neighborhood When his father is crippled by a robbers gunshot the young man is forced to run the family bodegabr br The movie was shot in a budget low resolution video and poor audio with low profile actorsbr br The plot flowed well for 85 minutes but the last 5 minutes were just terrible We dont know for sure if Perez and his girlfriend remained together and if Angel endedup in jail for the shootingbr br 410
There is a reason why Jay Leno himself will not acknowledge this film It consistently ranks as one of the worst films of all time The acting is horrible the script lacks direction and the director himself doesnt seem sure on which way to take this film A buddy film an actioncomedy mystery Seems half way through he gives up and is just along for the ride Jay Leno and Pat Morita are talented and dedicated performers It is a shame that they wasted their time and gifts making this mess of a movie Jay Leno and Pat Morita prior to involving themselves with this had spent years pounding out their crafts on the Hollywood circuit Mr Morita had already been a star in his own right acting steadily since the mid 1960s as the star of such cult TV and movie classics as Happy Days and the dismal but affable Mr T and Tina And won the hearts of America with his roles in the powerful film Midway The Karate Kid and a host of others Mr Leno can been seen on TV shows dating back to the mid 70s And was a top performer in the comedy clubs of America He can be seen in countless TV spots and in major films It is a shame that they agreed to be seen with this nonsense
This film was the worst film I have ever viewed It was like a homework assignment for a film class It totally misses the mark when it comes to the message it is TRYING to relay Characters are over exaggerated poor acting and as for a plotwell it is utterly ridiculous The cover shot is what made me think it may be a decent film the coactor is handsome and thats about it Moral of this movie NEVER JUDGE A MOVIE BY ITS COVER Save your time money and energy and make your own home movie and you will be far better off than I It was painful to watch and quite frankly I am surprised that anyone would spend money to make and distribute it
This is a top finnish film this yearalthough Tango Kabaree comes closeThe Director Lampela made couple of years back another nice little film called Rakastin eptoivoista naista I was in love with a desperate womanJoki is truly truetolife beautiful film of one saturday afternoon in a little villagetownThe actors are maybe not so handsome or beautiful but they do act beautifullyI certainly do hope that many of them get JUSSI statue finnish OSCAR next springI think this film could make it abroad as well
I did not know what to expect when I decided to watch this documentary I knew it was about an exViet Nam POW in Laos who escaped but I didnt know much else In reality I wasnt expecting too much Oh what a surprise The story of this mans life is very interesting in itself but what sets this film apart from other biographytype docs is that Dieter himself tells most of the story himself Dieter is very comfortable in front of the camera His personality really shines He tells his story about his life growing up in Germany during WWII and the hardships We are there with him in that same small town as he describes his family inspirations and struggles We follow him to America and his path to fulfilling his dream to be a pilot Then later Dieter describes his story of capture escape and survival in the Laotian jungle We are again with him in that very jungle as he describes and reenacts his imprisonment and path to freedom with great detail We see the same primitive huts villagers and forms of detainment he dealt with that really hasnt changed for 30 years We see the thick jungle mountain terrain and rivers Dieter faced during his escape It helps us to understand his emotions pain and plight I enjoyed the man the story and the style Job well done
As I peruse through the hundreds of comments that loyal readers of the IMDB have posted on this film I find it very interesting how few middle of the road comments there are Everyone either loves it or they hate it Having seen Apocalypse Now approximately 30 times and having recently dissected it on DVD how did we ever live without those magical digital machines I can say without hesitation that I am one of those who have a very special place in my heart for this film Why would you like a film thats so confusing ask many of my associates The answer is this Forget the war forget the brutalityThis is a classic story of society protecting itself from those that refuse to fall in line with the status quo Brando represents the individual that has his own way of getting the job done They Big Brother sent him out to do the job he does it too well without adhering to the accepted standards of death and destruction Am I the only one whos troubled by the fact that we have standards for death and destruction so they send the Conformity Police out to eliminate the individual HmmmmmmDraw any parallels between this and things you see every day With the deepest respect to Mr Coppola whom I believe is one of the best directors of all time I think he transcended his original intent of the movie and probably didnt even realize it until after the movie was released The subtle subtext that permeates the entire movie has way too much to it to have been planned and portrayed instead it seems to have grown itself like some wild flower in the middle of a vegetable garden Again I must reiterate I think FF Coppola did a bangup job on this entire production as did the cast and crew but the sum of the movie exceeds the individual efforts tenfold So if you havent seen the movie rent it watch it then watch it again and maybe a few more times and look for all the generic parallels to everyday life Only then make a judgment on the quality of the film Those of you that have seen it watch it again with the mindset previously described I think you may just have a whole new appreciation for the film Or maybe not No matter whether you love it or hate it be sure and give credit to Coppola for his masterful storytelling style
There are many distinct problems with the movie KillShot For one there are way too many coincidences The husband is a hunter and just happens to be hunting on the day that the main killer shows up with someone the killer knows Okay I will take that one The kid calls the real estate agency that the wife works for and asks for money to be ready when he comes to get it Okay I will take that one as well Before he goes to get the cash he decided to rob our killer who doesnt kill him but decided to go with him on the job Its starting to get real weak Then they show up on the same day that the husband has an interview with his wives boss No one is there but the wife and the husband who has decided to make his way into the empty office They make their way into the office and the professional killer just assumes that they are talking to the right guy That is just in the first 15 minuetsbr br There are a lot more holes in this movie then I care to talk about Why the killer didnt just kill everyone at the real estate agency I dont know Why he didnt shoot the woman on her porch I dont know Why he kept letting that dumb kid make all those stupid moves and mess a whole lot of crap up I dont know Why the girlfriend was even in the movie I dont know Why he decided not to pocket the gun and just leave it out on the counter I dont know Why they even went into the witness protection program I dont know What I do know is that the Casting Director did a great job the Director of Photography did very good work the Location Scout picked great locations and the Production Designer was worth every penny So my advice for anyone that is going to pick a script that is going to be so well worked by the crew make sure that every attempt to kill someone by the hit man is not foiled by a peak through an open window
The Sentinel i was hoping would be a good film and boy i was rightA great story first of all from a novel and i thought this was an original story but i guess it wasnt and it was a very smart story Michael Douglas in this film is very good and Keither Sutherland is toobut however it is very hard to shrug him off his role as Jack Bauer in 24 but eventually you do and he is very different in The Sentinel than he is in 24also another person trying to shrug off their TV role but failedEva LongeriaShe wasnt that good in the film and had a back seat in the entire thingAfter i saw the film i had constant dreams about The Sentinel and couldnt sleepOverall Sentinel is a good film and i would recommend it
There really is very little positive that can be said about this film Walter Pidgeon is a truly unconvincing hero and even moreso when he tries to go undercover as a villain who were meant to believe drinks too much and knocks his wife about a bit Margaret Leighton as the wifeundercover sergeant is a little more convincing but its still difficult to believe that any hood worth their salt would not have seen through their charade in less than a minute The plot about a bullion heist is silly and the action drags rather than grips David Tomlinson who plays Algy in the same way that David Tomlinson seems to play all his roles is the only glimmer of light in a wholly dull affair
This is one of quite a few cartoons with Bugs Bunny and Marvin the Martian and a space dog called K9 is included as well This Looney Tunes episode is very funny has reasonably good cartoon animation Marvins animation is very well done and the plot is well done The end is rather weird so be prepared for it it is slightly boring br br In this episode Marvin the Martian has been sent to earth to capture an earth creature and bring it back to Mars With his trusty dog K9 Marvin sets out and soon finds the tracks of no other rabbit but Bugs Bunny He greets them with treats thinking they are trick or treaters in their costumes Little does he realise they are preparing themselves to take this rabbit to Marsbr br I recommend this episode to anyone who likes Bugs Bunny Marvin the Martian and Looney Tunes in general As far as the beginning and the middle of the episode are concerned you are likely to like this Enjoy Hasty Hare
I will start by saying that this has undeservedly be panned by just about everyone The fact is it wasnt what anyone was expecting especially from Guy Ritchie What everyone was expecting was cockney geezers and good one liners do ya like dags etc but this is far more mature than his previous works I would agree that it is confusing but all the facts are there for us we just have to see them and listen harder this film demands all your attention Look past the cool and dazzling look of the film try to listen to the dialogue rather than admire the performances and i think we will all get a more thorough understanding of the whole filmbr br Yes this has its influences from modern classics fight club pulp fiction etc but it is in the whole original in both direction and pacing with a music score second to none I feel that if everyone watched this film over and over they would understand it a lot more and maybe appreciate it for the fine piece of modern cinema that it is and i hope also that Ritchie continues in this vain as i far prefer this to his mockney masterpieces
The monster from Enemy Mine somehow made his way into a small mountain community where he has taken up residence Hes being hunted by a female doctorturnedvigilante who is out to exterminate him This female assassin who looks like a refugee from a Motley Crue video rides around on a motorcycle and tries to save a bunch of kids who have chosen to have a Big Chill weekend right smack dab in the middle of the monsters turf Decapitations and lots of blood are primarily in place to draw attention away from the story which limps along like a bad version of the Island of Dr Moreau and yes its worse than the one with Val Kilmer
Ouch This is one ugly movie Not only is it badly acted but it absolutely destroyed the book as well Horrible How you could mess up such a classic book is beyond me but they sure did Dont even think about even renting this
Bad news for anyone wanting to film a fulllength parody of a Lifetime Network movie the makers of A Deadly Encounter have already done it albeit unintentionally All of the Lifetime tropes are there a divorced mother in peril from a deranged stalker an unreliable exhusband who of course cheated on her while they were married and a police department that patronizingly dismisses her complaints forcing her to Stand Up For Herself Especially jawdropping is the scene where the heroine after enduring a breakin and the attempted murder of her mother by her seemingly ubiquitous stalker decides to relieve the stress by going shopping Having seen first hand the harassment of a coworker by some creep she met at church I know stalking is not a joke but it certainly is in this movie
Im actually too drained to write this review bad movies always do that to me but I feel obligated as if its my civic duty to warn anyone who might be considering purchasing or viewing this godawful messofapicture Please please just take my word this is one youll want to stay away from Its so boring and dull so insipid and uninspired such a poor excuse to assemble any familiar talent Burt Reynolds Wasted despite his best efforts IceT is barely in the film and when he does appear on screen his performance is so restrained and muted that it becomes crystal clear that the director perhaps intimidated by Ices intense stare didnt know what to do with him Rob Lowe as the title character has never displayed so little onscreen charisma Mario Van Peebles should be ashamed of himself his performance is in the saddest sense possible a joke Surely Satan himself signed Marios check for this film The plot is as weak halfbaked and annoying as all the music involved the utterly boring club song seems to continue on literally for the first third of the movie The films look will prompt one to seriously wonder if the Director of Photography was also forced like one of the films forgettable female characters to smoke crack from a pipe ducttaped to his mouth And if youre looking at least for stylized shootemuptype violence youll get none here This film I assure you I promise you has Absolutely no redeeming qualities Please I implore you Avoid this Flick Dont put it in and get suckered into believing that its pace will pick up itll get better and evolve into a decent denouement It wont It dont It cant It sucks Now you have been warned and I can now go to bed Its 3am please forgive any resulting errors this admonition might contain knowing my conscience is clear because Ive done my civic duty for my fellow man
I thought this was a splendid showcase for Mandys bodacious bod If you dont expect anything else such as clever plot twists and believable character development you wont be disappointed Consider this a Sports Illustrated shoot whose character goes around killing people especially those who threaten to come between her and her Mommy Suzanna Arquette who obviously doesnt want to play the sex kitten she leaves that up to her daughterbr br Mandys face is a little too perfect but her body is a complete 5alarm fire up there in the ranks of Sophia Loren when it comes to natural bustiness a perfect 7to10 ratio of waist to hips and splendidly configured legs right down to her feet There has to be some ideal configuration of thighs to knees to calves to ankles that is altogether pleasing to the eye Mandy certainly is the model for this idealized ratiobr br And no flat butt to boot which seems to be the undoing of many a busty babe with curves everywhere except in the nether hemispheres Mandy might have used a body double in the rear shot of her losing her towel as she descended into the candlelit hot tub with her blindfolded GermanGuy Victim No 2 but from all I could see from her bikini shots she had the butt for it and didnt need a double to prove itbr br Mandys acting abilities had little to do with her impression of a psychotic Mommys Girl with the obvious erotic lesbian overtones Her bisexual nature allowing herself to be boinked in the hot tub after a long flirtation with German Guy No 2 who also happened to be her mothers lover added an additional dimension to an otherwise onedimensional caricature of adolescent female horniness conflicted with pathological murderous impulses always by water with the men the ultimate fate of the Latina housekeeper was edited out in the televised version for some obscure reasonbr br Mandys UberNordic facial features coupled with her UberVoluptuous body could either be a blessing or a curse If Mandy really wants to further her career as an actress Id advise her to immerse herself fully in the Romance Languages especially Italian and Spanish and maybe French although I dont know if they would go for her type But this would enable her to reconcile her Bo Derek face with her Vida Guerra body but maybe her face is just a little too Nordic and she has shown off too much of her extraordinary body in a cheesy movie to enable her to advance to any more fame that was enjoyed by Michelle Johnson of the 1980s whose early fame in Blame it on Rio was followed by a series of skin flicks that failed to make it off the groundbr br Vambo Drule
If you are planning to watch Partner and are on IMDb reading reviews about it you have already wasted too much time over this stupid idiotic awful moviebr br Its a horrible horrible horrible copy of the movie Hitch I choose to ignore all the other warnings and bad reviews I had heard about this movie and wasted a precious 20 minutes on it I thought that after all its David Dhawan who is making it and it has Govinda how bad can it be But after 20 minutes of watching this nonsense I couldnt take it any more and turned off my computerbr br Overacting by everyone in the movie stupid dialogues total time waste I gave it a 1star rating because thats the lowest you can do If I could go lower I would have given it a 100 rating
I found this movie really hard to sit through my attention kept wandering off the tv As far as romantic movies gothis one is the worst Ive seen Dont bother with it
It was obvious that this movie is designed to appeal to the Chick Flick audience to which i have sat through quite a few and enjoyed most However this was a very irritating attempt by Heather Graham to become the next Meg Ryan who became annoying as hell in her own right Her acting was overdone and it appeared that she was overanxious compared to her colleagues who were relaxed in their roles This film might have been more as there was suitable budget for settings actors and a decent story line My wife and I both agreed that this was Muck at the end as the film ended on a painful embarrassing high Better luck next time hope Miss Graham sticks to the type of films that she belongs in like From Hell
With all the dreck out there this is a gentle movie about young love Yes its true that young love often makes more out of something than it deserves but why arent people down on Romeo and Juliet Paul and Michelle are models of good behave compared to thembr br Yes they run away and set up an ideal life but this is a movie not real life Paul is more sexually interested than Michelle who has been come onto in a bad way Eventually they have sex but no one is forced into it The movie does let kids know that sex can cause babiesbr br One thing there is nudity in the movies The camera does not focus on it but it is therebr br The ending of the movie has Paul in good chance of being found out In Paul and Michelle they separate for a time If you dont like the ending of a movie think one up yourself Alternative endings are not just for DVDs
THE PLOT A trucker Kristofferson battles a corrupt sheriff Borgnine by getting his fellow truckers to band together and form an unstoppable convoy that stretches for miles and soon creates a national media frenzybr br THE NEGATIVE The films setup is weak and the ending even weaker It has all the goodoleboytrucker clichs without adding anything new in the process It ends up making SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT look brilliant and inspired Kristofferson is much too laid back for a leading man role and cannot carry the picture Borgnines character is portrayed awkwardly At the start he is made to look like a real jerk of a sheriff who overacts to a minor contrivance that starts the whole thing rolling Then at the end he is made out to be a little more sympathetic and even secretly siding with Kristofferson which doesnt work at all In either case Jackie Gleason is a much better actor for this type of role The worst part about the movie though is director Peckinpahs attempts to throw in a serious message into this silly action flick that does nothing but slow it down and bomb in the processbr br THE POSITIVE The only good scene in the whole film is the fight sequence inside the truck stop restaurant Director Peckinpah puts a funny spin to his trademark slow motion violence and the result is amusing Unfortunately he starts putting all the action into slow motion during the rest of the picture until it eventually becomes tiring McGraw is always a pleasure to look at but unfortunately she is given very little to say or dobr br THE LOWDOWN If youve read the synopsis than you have essentially seen the movie The song that this movie is based on is pretty good but the movie adds nothing to it and should never have been made This is all very uninspired stuff for such a maverick directorbr br THE RATING 3 out of 10
The TV productions at the 2000s start were between weak and bad Before marks like Alias Lost Prison Break Desperate Housewives or Monk the TV didnt have the right hit yet which could capture the attention and the interests of the 2000s viewer Titles like Relic Hunter Mutant X The Lost World Sheena or even Baywatch Hawaii werent encouraging for you to watch and follow or at least werent that captivating and interesting all the time as what preceded them Special Unit 2 was no exception In fact its Men in Black meets The X Files spoof As if these were the special unit 1 But even according to this brilliant formula it didnt work well It was promising at the time there was some saturation out of the supernatural cases after a decade of many X files already so the natural spirit to lampoon it naughtily too imagine Mulder as womanizer However Special Unit 2 wasnt the strongest in this or a strong when it comes to make a comic SciFi show It was highly ridiculous where for instance every sexy situation must turn into ugly disgusting one It enjoyed that bad taste sickeningly Michael Landes was noncharismatic and mostly unbearable as a comedian His chemistry with Alexondra Lee as well as any supposed sexual attention was all languid Sure the show got a funny look but overall it was unfunny work Its clear that there was nothing more interesting than its main idea Among Evan Katzs other works as a cowriter and a coproducer like Seven Days before or 24 later this must be a low point Despite the distinctive personality it managed to be a silly jest for most of the time Therefore if that was there goal so they made one of the silliest indeed And truly it would be one of the rarest times to be thankful for the cancellation of a show after 19 episodes of it only
I have to say I totally loved the movie It had its funny moments some heartwarming parts just all around good Me personally really liked the movie because its something that finally i can relate to my childhood This movie in my opinion is geared more towards the young gay population It shows how a young gay boy would be treated while growing up All the taunting namecalling and not knowing is something I like most other young feminine boys will always remember and now finally a movie that illustrates how hard it really is to grow up gay So I would definitely recommend seeing this movie Probably shouldnt really watch it until a person is old and mature enough to understand it
Nurse Betty is the kind of movie you cant describe on a poster or in a trailer or commericial Its the kind of movie that you walk in to expecting a more mature Dumb and Dumber what with temporarily insane waitress goes on a cross country adventure while avoiding crooks trying to kill herbr br The fact is this film is a wonderful heartwarming tale about two people chasing their dreams The best part about Nurse Betty is its unpredictability Director Neil LaBute uses brutal violence to seperate dreams from reality and along with the touching drama and hilarious comedy you can never tell what is going to happen next
A nicely paced romantic war story that should have got more exposure The Czech pilot who played piano gives a mellow touch to the story The flying footage may not have been enough for aviation buffs like myself but then again this really isnt an action movie Though it does not have anything in common with the James Salter novel The Hunters that became the movie about Korean War F86 Sabre pilots Dark Blue World had a similar feel but with more of a romantic element to it Better in some ways than Battle of Britain in that it doesnt rely on big name actors Suggest viewing this movie with some Czech beer and some Czech dumplings called kneldnikysp
I really loved this movie and so did the audience that I saw it with in Los Angeles After the film lots of people were crying and saying how much the film had affected them I can see why it was such a huge hit in its homeland Sweden The film is masterfully directed and each character brilliantly drawn so that by the end you really know these people and care about them The music is very natural and the main song in the film quite heartbreaking but inspiring Would definitely recommend this film for everyone to see even people who dont normally go to subtitled films Definitely deserved the Oscar Nomination because of the profound themes of the film reflected without pretension in a smalltown community with everyday people It is a film that unites us in this divided world and shows us the potential of the human spirit A MUST SEE
This is a very interesting acquaintance Twofisted tales contains three foolish and childish episodes genre isnt actually horror or action more like something in between Wheres the suspence Wheres the fun Wheres the common sense Definitely not in here but if you dont expect to get it you dont necessarily miss itbr br First segment is called Showdown Its a violent absurd western I failed to understand the whole idea of it King of the road is a stupid story starring Brad Pitt At the time of Twofisted tales he was just a pretty face who really didnt know how to act yet Luckily he learned the skill later and now hes a fantastic talented actor one of the big ones of the younger generation Story is almost ok in all of its stupidness Final episode Yellow is the only segment thats almost entirely successful Its foolish but funny We have to thank Kirk Douglas for thatbr br This movie is something to watch when you sit in an easy chair and eat popcorn I should know thats what I did If you loved Tales from the Crypt youll love Twofisted tales too because basically its all the same I understand these three episodes are actually extremely rare piece of art and very difficult to find anywhere I have the whole package on VHS but I dont think its a big privilege Youll have to be a fanatic Brad Pitt fan to search it out Otherwise dont bother its not worth the effort Silly crap
This program was quite interesting The way the program was displayed made it all the more interesting String Theory is also very interesting to listen too The whole three hours in my opinion were well worth it I enjoyed listening to the ideas given by the physicists Extra dimensions really boggle the mind If you have the chance watch this amazing documentary
dont buy this film for comedy value like I did I didnt find it one bit funny but so f miserable and lame its unbelievable I gave it to a friend for christmas which was pretty funny on my side I recently heard that he watched it and told me what an aehole I ambr br There is nothing more frustrating than watching an overlit over dramatic poorly scored scene in which the camera is sat there on a tripod and doesnt move the film work is truely pathetic and I can only say DONT WATCH THIS MOVIE
Isabel has just gone out of jail She is decided to not return again but life is difficult for exconvict specially if they are homeless as Isabel When she finds the one that was her boyfriend Rufo she can see a light of hope but Rufo is now not only a junkie but also an AIDS ill This will not make Isabel surrender because if theres a will theres a way and she is going to fight for her future to have normal life with a house and a family A very hard and touching film that has passed unaware by most of the Spanish cinemas actors are great and the story is very touching maybe a better treatment of the secondary characters would have made the movie better but it is really good I highly recommend it to watch it but be aware that this is not a Disney happy film it is hard and dramatic
Well its not often that we in the UK have a film made about inner city life from the perspective of the Afro Caribbean community the last example that I can remember was the underrated Babylon way back in 1980 So I had high expectations when I heard about Bullet Boy a film that has been touted as the British version of La Haine Well La Haine it is not I agree that the use of dialogue and environment gives this film an authenticity that has been missed in other British films of late but my concern is that this film predictably ends sadlybr br The film intelligently deals with the escalating problem of black on black violence that is sadly all to common in London but Im concerned that film makers now use typecasting in plot as opposed to characters which is equally as damaging Saul Dibb had a great opportunity to make a film that could be both entertaining and inspirational to us all but sadly missed and created a film that only reinforces the idea that to be a young black male in London the only future is violence tragedy
I havent read through all the comments but at least one poster mentioned that the 30 minute version might possibly be abridged Im curious about that myself because the later parts of the film just didnt make much sense to me even when I rewatched them 30 minutes seems really short for a movie in 1917 also Poor Little Rich Girl which was Tourneurs next film is 65 minutes long and Pride of the Clan which was his previous feature was 84 minutes long So Im relieved to see that I wasnt crazy there must be part of this film missing and thats why the resolution didnt make much sensebr br Its hard to review or comment on a movie that youre only able to see half of but I would recommend this film anyway because of the really fascinating view that it provides us of the insides of an East Coast movie studio of the time Its the earliest film Ive personally seen thats based on the movie industry itself The main character is a movie star played by Robert Warwick who was later a mainstay Hollywood character actor and appeared in almost all of Preston Sturges films He plays a western actor perhaps vaguely modeled on William S Hart who Warwick does resemble somewhat After the really fascinating sequences set in the studio we see them on a location shoot where he discovers a country girl Doris Kenyon and convinces her to come to New Jersey for a screen test which goes very poorly After that point the movie seems to be missing major pieces in the form we have nowbr br Again Id recommend it to anyone whos interested in film history for the documentary value but in the form we have it doesnt hold up much as a movie and isnt a particularly good example of Maurice Tourneurs work
Robot Jox tries hard but is fundamentally a series of fight scenes strung together robot against robot man against man man against woman The premise had potential but it seems the script wasnt really given the couple of more drafts it needed Still it was fairly good for a science fiction action movie Part of it was because the script was by Joe Haldeman For those who arent familiar with the name Haldeman wrote the awardwinning science fiction novel The Forever War Its considered one of the very best powered battle armor novels right up there with Robert Heinleins Starship Troopers and John Steakleys Armor And this movie is really more like a giant powered battle armor movie rather than giant robots Its closer to what fans would have wanted instead of the travesty that was Paul Verhoevens Starship Troopers which bore only a passing resemblance to the novel it was based onbr br Despite some assumptions this really isnt based on Homers Iliad A couple of names are all they had in common Achilles having his robots foot blown off had no parallel in the Iliad which didnt include Achilles death Nor was the ancient Achilles a noble warrior He was the mightiest but also vengeful and petty Even the robot jock killed off in the first scene doesnt fit He was named Hercules while the Greek Iliad would have had Heraklesbr br The effects were fairly good for the time and the budget True it wasnt comparable to Terminator 2 a year later but that movie cost ten times as much The stop motion was almost as good as the robotic walkers in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi Better in fact than a lot of Ray Harryhausen animation which is highly regarded but quite datedbr br Dont bring high expectations into this and you probably wont be disappointed Its better than a lot of other lowbudget flicks and even some bigbudget blockbuster wannabes that have better effects but far worse scripts
This has to be one of the worst movies Ive ever seen in my life I cant believe people actually a write scripts like this b have a budget to make a film c actually expect it to be successful Words cant even describe how horrible this film is I enjoy my fair share of teen movies but this didnt even come close to being funny In fact it was funny for the sole reason that it was so horrible I can probably count one maybe two parts in the film where I even managed to squeeze out a chuckle other than the laughs regarding how bad it wasbr br Renting this was one of the biggest mistakes Ive ever made Its been a day since Ive seen the film and Im still in shock regarding how horrible it was Avoid at all costsbr br 210
As an avid Disney fan I was not totally impressed by this movie certainly not motivated enough to catch it in the theaters I am however so glad that I caught it on DVD and watched the special featuresbr br You MUST check out the Moose commentary the entire movie can be viewed with commentary from Rutt and Tuke the comic relief moose of the story who are voiced by Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas Two veterans of the famous Second City comedy troupe adlib in character for an hour and a half about a movie that they are clearly fond of I laughed the whole time The enjoyment I got from this commentary completely made up for the tepid reaction I had to the film itself Do yourself a favor and listen to it
Being a freshman in college this movie reminded me of my relationship with my mom Of course my situation doesnt parrallel with Natalie Portman and Surandons situation but my mom and I have grown up with the typical mother and daughter fights There is always the mother telling you what to do or not being the kind of mother you want to be I was balling my eyes at the end of this movie Surandons reaction of her daughter going to the East coast miles away after all theyve been through reminded me of how I felt being from a small city in the West coast going to New York br br The movie is meant for women who have children that are now all grown up It is very touching I was moved by the movie Every feeling out of the characters in this movie was utterly real you didnt get any phony sentimentality I was sitting through the credits at the screening of this movie alone wishing my mother was sitting next to me so I could hug her and thank her for everything This movie is a bit corny of course but everything is trully momentous Its all about what a mom can learn from her child and what a child learns from her mother 810
Poorly acted and poorly directed Congo unsuccessfully tries to recreate the feeling of Jurassic Park But the truth is the book wasnt all that great either Still the movies first problem is that Tim Currys character was added the second problem is that the talking arm was added the main problem though is that the cast members dont create realistic characters I guarantee that this movie will not make you think that there are killer gorillas anywhere on earth Also starring Laura Linney happy birthday Laura Dylan Walsh Ernie Hudson Grant Heslov Joe Don Baker James Karen and Bruce Campbell Im guessing that they dont wish to emphasize this movie in their resumes
The worst thing I have ever watchbr br The movie is pure trash All the things is bad on this movie The direction screenplay arts cinematography cast or anything elsebr br May I say morebr br The main character is an boy It has to have 20 years of age approximately but the actor who plays the role looks like 30 years old in addition he is an very bad actorbr br The editing tries to save it but with that very bad material in hands they cant do miraclesbr br As I said the cast is poor the text is poor that it doesnt help the actorsbr br I learned how to do not make a movie
Poor Casper Van Dien his career has slid a long way from Tarzan and Starship Troopersbr br In Meltdown hes a policeman who just happens to be dating TV reporter Stefanie Von Pfeten and her brother is a scientist whos trying to deal with a speeding comment headed for Earth But in the runaway comet business even a near miss causes some real problems as the Earths orbit goes out of kilterbr br From the survival of the Earth we go to the survival of Van Dien and his immediate family His daughters gangbanger boyfriend Ryan McDonell actually proves to be of some use especially when he suspects a guy he knows as a crooked cop might mean the Van Dien group a lot of harmbr br My only question here is why didnt they have Bruce Willis Billy Bob Thornton and the rest of that crew to deal with the nasty cometbr br Pass this one up folks
Scary Movie 3 2003 was a bad idea to begin with The last film was a mediocre effort Put it next to this load its a comedy classic Whilst part two was filled with a lot of dated humor and cheap shots at least it was funny Theres nothing funny about forced humor Jokes pratfalls and sight gags are supposed to be naturally funny Hitting the viewer over the head with tired jokes is not cool The humor in this film was caters to juvenile imbeciles wholl laugh at anything When they catered to the junior high school crowd any sense of self respect was tossed out the window Ring parodies are not funny I have watched them in comedies since 1998 Theyre so dated Michael Jackson jokes are not cool either Whats even worse is making fun of two broken down has been performers whose best days were NEVERbr br The death of American cinema has been a slow one Films like this are the nails that are being pounded into its coffin Whatever happened to real humor I havent laughed out loud in a movie theater in a long time Too many bad movies rot the brain You want proof Go to your local mega chain video rental store and see whats on the shelves This movie is bad Dont believe the hype I would rather watch Scary Movie 2 in a continuous loop than to suffer through this poor excuse of a comedy ever againbr br Definitely not recommended unless you have a handful of brain cells
For those of you whove never heard of it or seen it on AE Cracker is a brilliant British TV show about an overweight chainsmoking foulmouthed psychologist named Fitz who helps the Manchester police department get into the heads of violent criminals Its considered to be one of the finest shows ever to come out of England and thats saying something and was tremendously successful in England and around the world back in 1993br br Now the original stars have reteamed with the original writer to knock out one more 2hour episode Ive loved this show ever since Id first seen it over a decade ago The DVD box set holds a place of honor in my collection and I can quote a good deal of Fitzs interrogation scenes practically word for word The idea of Robbie Coltrane reteaming with Jimmy McGovern for another TV movie about Fitz filled me with absolute gleebr br Ill start with the good One of the many things that impressed me about the original Cracker series was how quickly Fitz was defined as a character Five minutes into the first episode with his lecture throwing the books into the air his drinking and his cussing of the guy after him on the gambling machine queue and you knew simply knew who this character was You could feel him clicking in your mind the kind of click that only happens when a great actor gets a great role written by a great writerbr br Coltrane of course remained great throughout the show but I always felt that some of the later episodes those not written by McGovern mistreated the characterbr br So the good news is this Fitz is back As soon as you see him in this show making incredibly inappropriate comments at his daughters wedding youll feel that click once again Its him petulant one moment and truly sorry the next always insightful sincere to the point of tactlessness but brilliantly funny in the process If you love this character as much as I do youll be delighted with how he is portrayed in the movie And this extends to Judith and Mark in fact everything having to do with the Fitzs is handled perfectlybr br The problem I do have with this movie revolves around the crime Fitz is trying to solve In standard Cracker fashion we know exactly who the criminal is in the first five minutes the suspense lies in seeing Fitz figure it out In this case we have a serial killer who is out for American blood And the reason for this unfortunately is not due to any believable psychological trauma rather it seems that the murders are here simply to allow the writer to display his personal political beliefsbr br Its difficult for me to write this as I truly believe that Jimmy McGovern is one of the greatest writers in the world Nor do I have a problem with movies that are about current issues or movies that take a political stand But in the Cracker universe we expect to see the characters behaving like human beings not like caricatures Instead the Americans in this movie are all depicted in an entirely stereotypical fashion Theyre knownothing loudmouths who complain about everything treat the locals like crap and cheat on their wives one of them even manages to do all of the above within less than 5 minutes I honestly thought Id mistakenly switched channels or somethingbr br But it doesnt stop there We get constant reminders of just how badly the war in Iraq is going reminders that have nothing whatsoever to do with the story and appear practically out of nowhere The killer is so busy ranting about how Bush is worse than Hitler that he almost forgets to get on with the killing but more to the point he is such a mouthpiece for the writers political views that he forgets to act like a believable human being and thus we as an audience dont buy his sudden transformation from a happy family man to a tortured serialkilling soulbr br I cant say that this ruined the show for me its was still good TV better than almost everything else in the genre mainly due to once again Coltrane But its constant politicizing made it impossible for it to be as good as the real Cracker classics like To Be A Somebody an episode that was just as issuey but one that was handled with far more subtlety and psychological depthbr br Two other small points Panhandle not being around is a disappointment but whats worse are her replacements The entire police department which for so long filled with such great characters is now full of vanilla Completely interchangeable cops who lack any and all personality how you could drain Couplings Richard Coyle of personality is beyond me but it is indeed missing herebr br Also there are couple of moments where the show lost its believability for me One such instance revolves around Fitz having to narrow down the entire population of Manchester from 1 million to a hundred based on some very strange criteria French windows How does the computer know if I have French windows he not only succeeds in doing this but he succeeds in less than an hour I dont think sobr br So all in all I was a little disappointed Its recommended viewing but remember to leave at least some of your expectations at the door Still if theres new series to come after this it would all have been for the good Im convinced that McGovern can still write great stuff and maybe now that hes got his politics out of his system he can go back to writing about people
Beautifully done A lot of angst Friendship may not endure all but in the end its all that matters or so a group of friends learn I have watched it over and over again The music is also amazing When Kei loses the one friend he has he gives up until he meets Sho an orphan boy who is not repelled by his true nature In the lawless streets of Mallepa they struggle for their own place among a melting pot of Asian races and learn that sometimes being on top can cost you more than you are ever ready to pay A surprise ending that grips as much as the whole movie does I couldnt get enough of it Gackt and Hyde do a wonderful job of acting proving they are more than pretty boys who sing
Was this a comedy or was it a drama I begin this review by asking this question because the film that I just witnessed Hollywood Shuffle was neither funny or rather dramatic While it tried so hard to make a point because of this lack of definition comedy or drama the clever themes and pointed remarks were lost While I am a strong believer that there is too much racial profiling happening in Hollywood even today I do not believe that Townsends directorial debut did much to stop it Instead I feel it only added more fuel to the fire Townsends comic timing in this film was disastrous due to the fact that the elements he was supposed to be making fun of he was instead promoting and vice versa The parts that were supposed to be serious were somehow destroyed by the poor lack of funny comedy Townsend had a decent concept with this film but sadly the execution is what ultimately hurt this film If you watch the preview before the film which I constantly do you will immediately get the wrong impression of what you are going to see The preview gives the impression of a very intelligent comic film that prides itself on the intelligence of the viewers but the actually film could not be further from the truthbr br The main problem with Hollywood Shuffle is not story itself because it is lacking in elaboration it is Townsends direction He had a wonderful concept with this film Exploit the Hollywood that exploits our race Decent idea but why couldnt he execute it very well The first reason is that his ideas are too random and sporadic The structure of this film was like watching a heart attack on a monitor at the hospital we are literally everywhere without any warning or map It was obvious that Townsend had quite a bit to say but only a short amount of time to do it in So instead of defining his characters developing his themes and actually creating a smart film he just throws it all together and prays that it works Sadly it doesnt Instead of a smart comedy we have a hodgepodge of so many ideas comedic skits and underused actors that this film goes from decent to nearly unwatchable What hurts Townsend the most are his brief attempt to be funny interruptions throughout the film From battling a villain known as Jerry Curl to parodying Siskel Ebert Townsends attempt to poke fun while speak a message about the film industry falters This is because these small intermittent skits actually distract from the central focus of the film and actually destroy internally While Townsend seems to be trying to make a joke about life in Hollywood he actually is simply connecting to every stereotype and clich in the book What could have been beautiful satire transforms into simply generic humor that never quite stands apart from the restbr br So if you find yourself not laughing at the humor of this story perhaps there is some comfort in knowing that some of the Wayans brothers are around to help spice up this dull story WRONG The Wayans are in this film but Townsend demonstrates that he has the ability to even bring the worst out even in this entertaining family Definitely in their preIn Living Color moments we see that comedy was something that all needed to constantly improve upon Perhaps it was Townsends direction or just maybe this atrocious story but these typically funny comedians were obviously underused and ignored when it came to critics of this film I just thought that with the talent pool that Townsend had to pull from that Hollywood Shuffle would have been funny bright and a true stab at this obvious Hollywood dilemma Sadly it was none of the abovebr br Finally I would like to say that this was a workable film There were some moments while they were few and way far between that had a smile on my face the final product just didnt settle well with me Townsend can be funny but in this film it just felt like he was playing against himself instead of through his personal experiences and troubles I realize that he was probably speaking the truth but it never came through as that Instead we are threaded through a weak story which supports itself with idiotic flash clips that may have worked for a sitcom but surely didnt work for this film Even for those that comment that this was his directorial debut and that he was learning from this film I would have to disagree If you are starting fresh either have a tight script or defined themes Townsend had neither of these and combined with the inability to control his actors he just failed in a ball of flamesbr br Overall this was rather disappointing to watch It reminded me of a grade school Spelling Bee where it is finally your childs time to spell The word is tough but as the first two to three letters come out you think that it is going to work perfectly but then there is that random P and silent R that forces your excitement to come tumbling down That is how I felt with Hollywood Shuffle At first I saw the potential I saw the theme and the motive behind the picture but through fuzzy and inexperienced technique and after the first couple of scenes I experienced that deep fall feeling Townsend sank his own ship on this one and I dont think Hollywood Shuffle will ever resubmerge as a pivotal moment of Hollywood cinemabr br Grade out of
This show was Fabulous It was intricate and well written and all the characters where likable with out being horribly sweet Even Jonathan Cake the philandering boyfriend was likable Since our airwaves are filled with crap like American Idol and Dancing with the Stars it was nice to see a drama that was not too soap opera like It was always intriguing to see how each character would be connected to the next circumstance It really is annoying that we finally get a show that makes you think a little bit and have it thrown out because of some mysterious number that most of us dont even pay attention to Some of us are not sheep This show will be missed maybe not by a lot of people but by some pretty loyal fans
This firstrate western tale of the gold rush brings great excitement romance and James Stewart to the screen The Far Country is the only one out of all five StewartMann westerns that is often overlooked Stewart yet again puts a new look on the everpresent personalities he had in the five StewartMann westerns Jeff Webster Stewart is uncaring always looking out for himself which is why he is so surprised when people are nice and kindly to him Ironically he does wear a bell on his saddle that he will not ride without This displays that he might just care for one person his sidekick Ben Tatum played by Walter Brennan since Tatum is the one that gave it to him Mann yet again puts a new look on the ever present personalities he put into the five StewartMann westerns He displays violence excitement plot twists romance and corruption The story is that Jeff and Ben through a series of events wind up in the get rich quick town of Dawson along with gold partners Calvet and Flippen and nogood but beautiful Roman and her hired men They are unable to leave because crooked sheriff Mr Gannon McIntire and his deputies will hang them since the only way out is through Skagway which is Gannons town But eventually McIntire comes to them but not to collect Stewart andor his fine that he supposedly owes to the government What is McIntire there for He is there to cheat miners out of their claims and money People are killed A sheriff for Dawson is considered needed and Calvet elects Stewart because he is good with a gun Stewart however refuses the job because he plans to get all the gold he can and then pull out He also refuses it because he does not like to help people since law and order always gets somebody killed So Flippen is elected instead A miner is killed because he tries to stand up to one of Gannons men a purely evil mustachioed fancy gunman named Madden who carries two guns played by Wilke Flippen attempts to arrest Madden and see that justice be done but he cannot stand up to him so he becomes the town drunk A man named Yukon replaces Flippen Stewart and Tatum start to pull out but are ambushed by Gannons men Tatum is killed and Stewart is wounded Stewart finally realizes that he must do something or Gannon will take over Dawson set up his own rules and it will become his town just like Skagway The audience also realizes what Stewart must do Another thing that the audience realizes is that Stewart is the only thing that stands between the townspeople and Gannon If Stewart leaves Gannon would take over the town If Stewart stays and keeps on not doing anything about it the townspeople will be killed one by one mercilessly and uselessly This is where a great scene occurs Stewart walks into his cabin He has a sling on his arm For a few seconds his gun in the gunbelt is hanging on a post beside his bed the gun is close up Stewart is in the background just inside the door He stares at it for a few seconds He tosses the sling away The sling lands on the back of a chair and falls to the floor This is symbolic because he is throwing away his old life which consisted of not caring about anybody but himself He comes into his new life of helping people when they need help What ends the film is a gunsblazing furious show of good against evil and a genuinely feelgood feeling that everything will be alright
Saw this used DVD cheap and got it for a chuckle I had recently also found The Octagon on DVD and bought that one to reminisce having seen it in the theatre as a preteen and loving it at the time The problem now with going back to these American karate films is that Ive since then seen so many Hong Kong and Thai action films in which the fight scenes are long fast and jawdropping Im thinking particularly of fights like Jackie and Benny The Jet at the end of Dragons Forever or Tony Jaas circularstairwell fight from The Protector The Hollywood kungfu offerings are just not filmed right and even make someone of certified skill such as Chuck look awkward at times And whats worse than a fight going into slow motion Then you know it looked crappy at normal speed so they slowed it down for effect It really highlights how ridiculous an opponent looks as they stand and just WAIT to get kicked in the chestbr br Poor Chuck he just has no intensity in this film nor does he project any righteous menace Compare that to his former costar Bruce Lee who had charm and attitude to burn When Bruce would square off against some opponents you could nearly see the air around him crackling with what was about to happen In Breaker Breaker Chuck seemed to accidentally be kicking people with complete nonchalance When the judge comes to see him in jail and sentence him to death Chuck is staring off with a sad look and I thought OKhes doing that third eye focus thing and is going to grab the judge by the throat and get out of this but he does nothing except look up with a doeeyed stare Terrible And while the DVD case gives you hope listing a run time of 1 hour 5 minutes its actually 1 hour 25 minutes so theres 20 more minutes of viewing pain br br For great fight action go watch Jackie Chan in the first Police Storythe fight in the shopping mall at the end is pure gold
Surprisingly good film made in the wake of the Exorcist concerning a young woman who becomes possessed by a spirit after she goes to a desanctified church to restore a life size and life like crucified man The piece was Christ and the two thieves however Christ was long ago sold off Trouble starts once the figure is removed from the cross and it seems to come to life and seduce the woman From that point on it becomes a battle for the girls soul Creepy scary and much better than you think the film works because its cast sells the events which are decidedly adult It helps that these are real people who are flawed so its easier to relate to them I really liked this film and seeing it again for the first time in at least a decade I was shocked at how good it is Definitely better than any of its myriad of schlocky titles makes it seem
I cant believe it Were they crazy in filming a movie about Connecticut in southern California For gods sake theres Palm Trees everywhere In one of the opening scenes a guy says Welcome to Connecticut and throws down a newspaper the newspaper says something like Greenwich Herald Greenwich Connecticut doesnt have a Herald it has a Times as in Stamford Advocate AND THE GREENWICH TIMES Refering to the Stamford Connecticut Newspaper Maybe the film makers should have done a little research I mean my god at least get the name of the newspaper right or film in locations that look at least remotely like Connecticut
and an extremely bad one at that How long did this trainwreck last 14 episodes or something I can see why nowbr br I bought the Serenity episode from Amazon Unboxed It was my first purchase so was free That is the ONLY good thing about the experience incidentbr br I wont comment really on the acting since these were I guess fairly new people who hadnt really gotten the job down just right yet At least Ive never seen them before in any type of major show theater or TV If I did then I have easily forgotten thembr br But the special effects were absolutely horrendous True this isnt exactly a multimillion project but the original Star Trek did better than this that was THIRTYFIVE YEARS ago I especially got a laugh out of the bad guys reapers or something like that ship as it chased the hilarious looking Firefly with smoke coming out of the engines looking something like a gigantic model rocket I fully expected to eventually see the Wiley Coyote riding on top while chasing after the Roadrunner MODERN jetrocket engines dont even do it that badbr br And that wasnt even the worst of it The wildwest type shootouts had me wondering if I was actually watching a scifi film or a Gene Autry onebr br Regardless of the hype dont waste your timeI didall 80something minutes of the disaster called Firefly
Jesse yet again delivers after almost 12 months of hype about his upcoming production it finally reaches the dark world of the internet with more than a brilliant approach to amateur film makingbr br DBP is a original nailbiting commentary on a troubled child growing into an even more troubled adult if i had more than two thumbs i would give more but i think two will be enoughbr br Great work from all cast especially by Marissa and Elizabeth the character of Emily as an adult has given me shivers so far and im afraid of where shell go nextbr br An excellent watch
I was attracted to this movie when I looked at cast list but after I watched it I must admit that I felt a bit disappointed The main problem of this movie is that actors arent capable of holding this movie on their back Why Because of bad script Although Dillon Lane and Jones try very hard to take this movie on another level there is no innovative storytelling and the direction is too ordinary So for Matt Dillon fans this is watchable movie just like for admirers of beautiful Diane Lane Legendary Tommy Lee Jones is always great but this is not movie for him far below his level So if you get hooked up by this great cast watch it but dont expect anything big or extraordinary The only thing that youll remember about this flick is Diane Lane scenes rest of it is very forgettable
This is a lovely spiritrestoring movie From the use of the actual villa that inspired Elizabeth Arngrim to write the novel in the 1920s to the inspired casting every choice was perfectly right The quiet joy of this film doesnt stale after repeated viewings Josie Lawrence Miranda Richardson Polly Walker and Joan Plowright seem to have been born to play these parts I would dearly love to see Enchanted April released on DVD in a widescreen format
This film Blade Master may be cheap clumsy in appearance and it is sometimes but it shares thoughts on problems that are way beyond the era this film is set in Ator is the chosen one that has to protect the earth against a terrible weapon that is compared in an unforgettable and unpredictable way to the atomic weapon He goes through obstacles as a witful character who is just more than muscle power although he has quite is lot I would say this aspect of the movie makes it surpass a film like Conan the barbarian which is the least I can say quite brainless It doesnt diminish in any ways the great adventure movie that is Conan but it gives Ator his wholesomeness that he shares not with the barbarian For a lower budget movie this film does good in terms of setting and the fights are most of the time believable Zor the villain has with is prisoner throughout the film one of the most interesting psychological confrontation that gives tension to the movie even if Ator seems way too fit for the task to loose br br What gives this movie that little extra are those scenes that may look quirky but worth of mention The fight with the serpent god even though he is a gigantic puppet is well handled as the snake with good lightnings remains a silhouette and the fight is quite convincing The movie climaxes in a most unusual way quite anachronic but breathtaking the deltaplane sequence The scene itself is not introduced properly read not at all where did Ator get that machine its pretty unconvincing but it leads to a really poetic and beautiful midair sequence that standalone is the culminating point in the movie elevating Ator in a place where few human fantasy heroes have been br br If Blade Master is not among the great fantastic movies of all time is no surprise due to its lacks its a bigger surprise considering the philosophical way it chooses on the confrontation between good and evil the truth it speaks and the heart it shows that this movie is so unwlecomed I suggest it for every fan of the genre and try take it seriously as an intelligent movie thats to be taken more seriously than it seems
I just watched this movie last night Within 30 minutes of the start I was hoping it would endbr br It had a promising beginning the first 10 minutes The premise of this movie friendship that goes nowhere after theyve spent days and Years together in Separate beds in hotel rooms is just not believable He does kiss her somewhere along the way and she feels Ohh so terrible about it br br Very little substance to grab your interest The acting just does not hold up He is very passive Regardless of how much of the movie is shown the viewer never develops any type of a caring connection with the characters on the screen You learn that her next utterance will be as boring as her previous one Do you have a cigarette He doesnt smoke He wants her to stop smoking Doesnt she know this by nowbr br She calls him in the middle of the night to visit him after a years absence she comes in through the door they dont even hug or kiss or express any type of emotional connection He doesnt even lean forward to lift her suitcase to help her in That is not how real people behave This is not how best pals behavebr br When he receives her phone call in the middle of the night she is in town for one day he shows little interest to see her face acts more like she will be a burden for the night At this point theyve known each other for two years and he hasnt seen her for a year Not Believable not real br br Supposedly he has written a book on Entropy and Enthalpy yet we never see him write or read or discuss any of his interests in Physics with her not that she would be able to handle the discussion We learn that a watermelon in LA costs 50 It wasnt the Silicon Type mind you he has no problem affording that Fruit We also learn that the airport shuts down when a few really really fake snow flakes fall off the sky Im Sorry but was that in LA toobr br We never see how these two characters survive we never see them at work We never see them struggle They are always on vacation They have infinite time they have no worries whatsoever br br Nice life Unreal life Unreal Characters Bad Title Bad Movie
Theres not much anyone can say about this flickthe plot is quite simple Two police officers who also happen to be lovers are using a brothel as a stakeout in order to catch a criminal with the help of the lady of the house played by hardcore pornstar Chloe As anyone can guess theres a few plot twists and some blurred alliances but the writing was just horrible even for a softcore moviebr br Ive read some previous posts about Nicole Hilbigs accent she plays the female cop Yes its hard to understand what shes saying at times but I think Ive placed it I did some sniffing aroundI think shes from Germany hence her oddsounding accent She makes an impression even without speaking howevershes got a great looking bodybr br There were a couple of from behind sex scenes in this movie that were quite graphic for a softcore filmexcellent work there The threeway scene toward the end wasnt bad eitherbr br SPOILER ALERTbr br I kinda knew the female cop was gonna turn into a parttime call girl at the end She enjoyed her threeway WAY too muchbr br END SPOILERbr br Im not gonna nitpick about the story TOO much seeing as this is a lowbudget directtovideo softcore flick However it just seems like Ive seen way too many movies in this genre with a similar type of storylinebr br Women B Chloe and Hilbig were okay as the eyecandy Sex B scenes were kinda short but good Story C a recycled plot but whatever works eh Overall B
I cannot hate on the show When the old and better tech TV had to hit the bricks the channel was reformatted and new shows stepped in Attack of the Show is the replacement for the Screen Savers with 3 cohosts in the beginning They were Kevin Rose Kevin Pereira and Sarah Lane Brendan Moran came to be something of a cohost as well but he mostly did prerecorded pieces for the show Kevin Rose decided to leave the show and eventually there was a contest to see who would be the third host but that didnt pan out for some reasonbr br Eventually I just learned this from this very IMDb messageboard Sarah Lane and Brendan Moran moved on because hey this is what I read the two got married That was a big secret to me Now there is a new female cohost the notashot my opinion Olivia Munn Shes hiding something in those tops she wears while Sarah Lane had a perfect body and she wasnt afraid to show itbr br AHEM Sorrybr br Attack of the Show deals with everything young people want to know about Its music movies comic books the internet and television This is whats great about the show If you dont want to bother with scouring the net or waste time watching MTV you can get all you want on AOTS Some segments and bits they do are funny They have regular guests and contributors who are in the industry as well as guests who range from insignificant internet stars to actual big namesbr br Even though the hosts arent as geek as Id like them to be I still have found Attack of the Show to be entertaining even with its latest lineup
There are laughs in this film that is for sure Michael Keaton is a talent and he used to be funny before he decided he was a serious actor However what bothers me so much about this film is how unlikable practically all of the characters are Other than the main two leads everybody is a jerk I mean these small town losers are about as uncouth as you can get You just watch and think man these losers should be unemployed Moreover the American factory worker is portrayed as a lazy and ungrateful slob It made me wonder if this film was made by Japanese nationalists Oh sure in the end they all come together as one but I just did not enjoy the trip to get there
This third Pokemon movie is too abstract for younger kids to follow and too repetitious to entertain older kids The message of the film about dealing with loss is subverted by the return of the young girls father during the films credits Team Rocket provide some amusement but theyre not really part of the small plot so they dont appear very often
First of all the release date is 2009 not 2007 for this feature length nature documentary film It should be more properly referred to as Earth 2009 Secondly allow me to address the complaints of some reviewers who have seen the Planet Earth TV series of 2006 br br I have not seen this TV series but learned here that this film is the full length version of this 2006 TV series I judge any film on its own merits not by its source I judge the results on their own and the results of Earth 2009 are indeed excellent I dismiss this trivial complaint of some reviewers that its simply an expanded version of the 2006 TV series Planet Earth So what It doesnt really matterbr br As a film buff and one who has viewed dozens of nature documentaries in my lifetime I was astonished and highly impressed by Earth 2009 This is the debut film from the new DisneyNature division of Disney and follows in the footsteps of Walt Disneys pioneering and Academy Award winning nature documentary films of the 1950s and 1960sbr br Cinematography film editing music score sound and narration are all excellent There have been a few other nature documentaries that also excelled in these categories What really sets Earth 2009 apart is its scope It literally covers the entire planet covering all seven continentsbr br After my first viewing it was obvious this documentary film required a massive effort and amount of time and talent to create br br Three production companies were required to make this amazing documentary filmbr br Earth 2009 convincingly tells the stories of four species on their great migrations as it spans one year through the seasons beginning in January and ending in December from the North Pole to the South Polebr br Two special new hightech cameras were used for this film one camera has a 360 degree computer controlled motorized rotating lens and the other is a HD camera set to an amazing 1000 frames per second This filming technique really added drama and beauty to some of the scenes of Earth 2009 especially the cheetah chase and great white sharks leaping out of the water to catch sea lions and an aerial view going over the edge of the worlds highest waterfall There are many stunningly beautiful shots in this documentarybr br Via cinematography music score and narration there is drama sadness humor and great beauty in this documentary With a great music score performed by the world renowned Berliner Philharmoniker excellent creative and technical cinematography and James Earl Jones narration I consider Earth 2009 as the greatest nature feature length documentary film ever madebr br Five years of hard work patience talent and dedication really paid off very well here This film should be required viewing in all schools throughout the world I predict an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature among other awards Truly an amazing astonishing exhilarating and magnificent documentary filmbr br Very Highly Recommended
Im not a fan of the Left Behind book series the books are written at a 6thgrade reading level with a lack of research and understanding of science technology and politics While the books do manage to remain faithful to scripture their methods of fulfilling prophecy are often ridiculous an example is their explanation for the RussianArab invasion of Israel Also the books have an unmistakable preachy tone that will turn off unbelievers rather than bring them to the gospel Still I found myself reading these books because of my interest in the events of Revelation For a similar reason I watched this film adaptation I am sad to say that it is a rather mediocre film bordering on poor The acting is actually rather decent for the most part with occasional bits of poor acting and overacting The script is rather bad though it is hardly unexpected when starting with the novel as a basis The characters are poorly drawn and underdeveloped Events feel scattered and disconnected The dialogue sometimes sounds rushed At least the book managed to flesh out its hokey conspiracy theory Here the viewer is left with an incoherent mess that only makes much sense if one has read the book The pacing of the film is also very poorly executed with the opening and conclusion seeming extremely rushed and the middle dragging to an excruciatingly slow trudge that makes it feel padded The music is schizophrenic At times it successfully underscores the mood and sounds fitting for a motion picture At other moments it reminds me of sitcom and miniseries music And still other bits remind me of a poppy MTV soundtrack that just doesnt belong in the film I can give the film points for the scene of panic on board the plane but thats it The other scenes involving the disasters after the Rapture are far from compelling The film also suffers from the books preachiness although its message isnt quite as in your face In all I found the movie just as disappointing as the series This is not the film to rally Christians around it I hope that this film does NOT get any attention at the theaters next year It would be more unnecessary bad publicity for Christianity For an example of a compelling intelligent wellresearched series based on Revelation that presents a realistic and Christian world view without offending the secular reader who after all should be whom a Christian is trying to reach read the Christ Clone trilogy by James BeauSeigneur Its a great read and is a much better choice for unbelievers or believers who appreciate quality
Eh not a particular good slasher flick Soso acting effects decent yet familiar and uninventive soundtrackbr br There are three deaths in close succession near the beginning of the movie that make for a fairly good scene in which it would seem anything goes Apart from that theres a lot of characters wandering around not realizing whats going on or chasing after red herrings more killing of time than of people There are other deaths and the killer is an equal opportunity murderer not partial to any one implement The killer also likes to set other people up to kill innocent people as well The identity isnt revealed towards the end and motive is pretty thin and we really dont carebr br Supposedly the movie takes place around Christmas but this isnt a major factor One scene gets lit by Christmas lights thats about itbr br The movie is rather dark with a muddy picture most of the time at least on the videotape I watched Some of the dialog got a little lost in some of the opening scenes The ending should have been stronger than it was We think we realize what happened although theres a chance something else did
Its been 3 months and you know what that meansA new Seagal movie Seagal has really been on role making horrible film after horrible film Each time every movie getting worse and worse hes really amazing I dont really know what to say about TYD first its a piece of crap the story makes no sense at all secondly he uses stunt men in all his fight scenes and last but not least a lot of the footage is taken from other movies It amazes how this guy continues to find work he comes to the set late and leaves early and because of that his films are full of plot holes and stunt men Why do we continue to buy his movies why do we continue to have hope that maybe just maybe he will make a great movie
Presenting Lily Mars MGM 1943 is a cute film but in my opinion it could have been better Judy Garland is great as always but some scenes in the film seem out of place and the romance between her and Van Heflin develops all too quicklybr br I mean one minute hes ready to beat her butt but the next minute he falls in love with her I believe that this production the film editing and the script even though the photography was great the scenery was nice and the costumes were nice as well could have been a little better It feels as though the production was too rushed br br The supporting cast was good as well especially little Janet Chapman as the second youngest daughter daughter Rosie She at the age of 11 looks really cute and its a shame that she didnt develop into a teenage comic actress Shes much better in this film than in her previous films as Warner Brothers in the late 1930s except for Broadway Musketeers 1938 shes really good in that when they tried to make her into a Shirley TempleSybil Jason hybrid Overall this film could better but in the end Judy gave it her all
I was so moved by this film in 1981 I went back to the theater four times to see it again Something I have never done for another film No movie evokes the feelings of growing up in the 60s like Four Friends That it so closely approximated my own experiences in the 60s is probably something that many will share Jodi Thelen is radiantly beautiful and unforgetable Why she didnt become a major star after this I will never know The acting by the entire cast is flawless as is Steve Tischs script I always wanted to know how much of the story was autobiographical But alas Steve is no longer here to answer that question I have all but worn out my VHS copy of this great movie Highly recommended
I saw the star of this movie on The Daily Show and thought I might tune in the movie premiered on Comedy Central Then went into theaters Oh Veybr br This makes Shakes the Clown look like Citizen Kane Avoid avoid avoid at all costs Not one laugh not even a grin This movie will make your face come out in pimples and your eyes burst like the last remants of Raiders I cant even think of a worse movie be it Manos or Ishtar As the Pythons beckoned run away run away Why did anyone green light this unless they used their own money The horror is that there is not ONE good line not ONE good joke and only ONE bad thingthe making of this moviebr br I feel that if made properly this would have been hilarious As it is I need a new pancreas for retching so loud Damn anyone involved in this travesty
I went into this film with expectations from the hype that it would be insightful and uplifting Certainly something more than a cheap promotional for the band Wilcobr br Instead we get a lot of moping and whining about the process a dishonorable and no doubt onesided portrayal of one band members who was kicked out by the prima donna lead singersongwriter a gutwrenching confession by the fallen members friend for like 18 years saying the friendship had run its course and this whiny uncompelling story about how one record label hurt their feelings by dumping them only so that the band could immediately get 50 offers from other labels oh the tensionnot They tried their best to make it look like it was a strain but I suspect it was all smoke and mirrors to generate a tragedy that didnt exist This doesnt even take into account the long stretches where we get many of their newest songs shoved at us in full without any storyline insight or even a decent job at cinematography The strained attempts at emotional sincerity or reasonable perspective on life made me sick to watchbr br From the film this band sounds like a bunch of vile little babies who poke around to find a voice they dont have and think theyre some kind of guardians for the art of music which they most definitely are not And I thought the music sucked and I couldnt even understand the lyrics due to the mumbling style of the lead singerbr br I give it a 210
This like Murder She Wrote is one of those shows that after a stressful day at school I sit down in front of the TV and watch Why Because I genuinely enjoy it and its a shame its not on the air anymore Dick Van Dyke is amazing as Dr Mark Sloan a doctorturneddetective who with his son solves murders He is joined by a largely unknown but very competent supporting cast namely his reallife son Barry Van Dyke Victoria Rowell is also good but I noticed that every series her hairstyle changes i also liked Scott Baio and Charlie Schlatter but I particularly loved Michael Tucci as Norman and was puzzled how he suddenly disappeared This show is so entertainingwith great guest stars its a bit obvious at times like Colombo but in every episode there is always something to chuckle about In conclusion a great series with two thumbs up and a 1010 Bethany Cox
There is no reason to see this movie A good plot idea is handled very badly In the middle of the movie everything changes and from there on nothing makes much sense The reason for the killings are not made clear The acting is awful Nick Stahl obviously needs a better director He was excellent in In the Bedroom but here he is terrible Amber Benson from Buffy has to change her character someday Even those of you who enjoy gratuitous sex and violence will be disappointed Even though the movie was 80 minutes which is too short for a good movie but too long for this onethere are no deleted scenes in the DVD which means they never bothered to fill in the missing parts to the charactersbr br Dont spend the time on this one
What made the idea of seeing this movie so attractive was the hope that it would live up to Charlotte Brontes brilliance of the original classic story I was deeply disappointed to find that this movie which seemed to be either written or filmed in great haste had not the qualities that made the original novel so powerful Much of the witty back and forth between the main characters Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester seemed to be either missing from the screenplay or left on the cutting room floor Also missing was Jane Eyres charismatic sense of self which enabled her to suffer through her turmoil and triumph over all The original Jane Eyre was a hero The woman in this movie did not seem to have much to triumph over including one of the greatest parts of the story when Jane runs away from Thornfield and Mr Rochester Her struggle to find food and shelter her shame at having to beg for bread the threat of freezing to death in the cold all to get away from a man she loved were in my opinion poignant parts of the story that were simply left out of this movie The title character seemed dry and uninspired The story was unappealing and for those who did not read the book I cannot imagine that this story would be the least bit interesting The screenplay and Direction did little if any credit to the classic story
Something of a disappointment Lee J Cobb is the antiunion head of Roxton Garments in New York His partner in the business is killed when an elevator is unleashed and plunges twentyseven floors to the bottom of the shaft in the scariest scene in the filmbr br Cobb doesnt know it or doesnt let himself realize it but the man behind the killing is Richard Boone who protects the business from union organizersbr br Then Cobbs son Kerwin Mathews returns from Europe determined to learn the business and join his father in running a clean shop Hes shocked shocked to learn that Boone has been clobbering the union members and killing a few who have become irretrievably irritatingbr br Robert Loggia is one of the organizers who is killed by a couple of Boones goons led by Wesley Addy Loggia leaves behind a widow Gia Scala with whom Mathews understandably and decorously takes upbr br In the end Cobb pays for his self deception Addy and Boone get their just desserts and Mathews winds up with the succulent Scala after whom an opera house is namedbr br There isnt a sparkle in any line of dialog A couple of lines are stolen verbatim from On the Waterfront pistoleros youll talk yourself right into the grave The plot is schematic and holds absolutely no surprises Vincent Shermans direction is pedestrian The photography is flat an uninspired though there are a couple of nice shots of New York streetsbr br Lee J Cobb can act In this case it must have been easy for him because he replays Johnny Friendly from On the Waterfront only this time with a soft heart Richard Boone can act too Joseph Wiseman in a minor part does a good job Gia Scala hits her marks says what the script demands and does what the director tells her to A stunning woman her life soured early on The director and photographer do a good job on Wesley Addy He has white hair a blanched face eyes the color of a glacial lake and hes sometimes shot through a wideangle lens than turns his surprisingly fleshy lips into those of some kind of parasitic fish I dont see him as a lowtier muscle man though He and Boone should have switched roles Harold J Stone is his reliable self although hes forced to be more Italian as Tony than comes naturally to him Nobody else in anything resembling a major part is more than mediocre and some performers dont clear even that bar Kerwin Mathews may be a nice guy in real life but hes blandly sterile and belongs in domestic dramas on afternoon televisionbr br Great title suggestive of intrigue and shadows Some good people in the cast A potentially explosive expose of a business nobody knows much about but which deals in megabucksbr br And it all comes out like this
I understand wanting to make a movie that is edgy and different I understand the previous reviewer comments that this is a missunderstood movie My point is as soon as this movie ended my first comment was this is what happens when a rich princess wants to be a movie star and has no talentshe uses daddys money to make a movie she wrote directs and pays forobviously to close to the movie to realize there was no character development and no directions such as a beginning middle and endingthe voyeur part was good and edgy but what was the point I saw a women go to a house find some pictures screw the caretaker come out side on a very cold night not believable to check on noise and runs over her caretaker lovermovie endssome one educate my ignorant arss I really want to know what the point iswhat was the directors visionwhy no development of the dead lover Why no background on the caretaker What is the point of the night vision What is the point of the lipstick on the car Why a dead caretaker Why tell us about an escaped mental patientpeeping tom Whats with the urn Oh and the lamp is that suppose to signify whose house this is Territorial Why Why would the caretaker feel like its his house that aspect was never pursuedas for William DefoeI rented this movie because he was in it and known for edgy characterswrite back and do tell me what I need to learnI am just a mom in middle America who loves moviesChris
I think the biggest failing something can have is to be boring Bad is actually better than boring This thing has no breath It does have the interesting fact of taking place in Cambodia How many American made films of the 30s take place in Cambodia Nevertheless the conflict there is a little hard to figure out Even the troop movements are a little confusing What drags it to a resounding halt is the love story Why those two guys are so totally transfixed on the dippy blonde I dont know I thought he should continue to use his Zombies such as they are and forget all about her The movie just plods along The perfect microcosm is where one of the principle characters follows a Cambodian priest through the water to get to the secret place where the hieroglyphics or whatever that explain how to turn people into zombies is kept I thought they would never get there One guy takes two steps He stops He looks around The other guy hides behind some columns He takes two steps He stops He looks around The other guy hides behind some bushes This is the movie in a nutshell Then there is the bad acting and insipid dialogue I actually have a lot of patience when it comes to B movies This one is insufferable By the way a more apt title would be Revolt of the Hypnotized
When the circus comes to town and places the lions cage directly over Bugs Bunnys home Bugs ends up somewhere in the range right between freaked out and intrepid Despite the title Acrobatty Bunny its only at the end when Bugs and the lion perform acrobatics But even leading up to that its quite funny what Bugs does to escape getting eaten somehow he always manages to use the other characters weakness against him and then pull any convenient object out of thin air Bugs later ended up in the circus in Big Top Bunny I liked this one better as the latter got drug down a little bit by giving the antagonist an Eastern European accent I know that it was during the Cold War but still I recommend this onebr br And with the end we can affirm that itll never be Aloha Oe for this cartoon
What I liked best about this featurelength animated film from 1941 is the great feel it gives for the early 1940s Its the songs the clothing automobiles buildings lingo of the day etc You feel like youve stepped back into timebr br From reading some of the reviews here I see this was a hardluck film being released a couple of days before the Pearl Harbor attack Wow no one would be interested in going to the movies for a featurelength cartoon during those eventful and shocking days Im sure Too bad because the folks missed some nice animation would have really impressed back then almost 70 years ago The colors are nice drawings are good and story involving as we root for the bugs led by Hoppity and and his beautiful girl Honey to make it happilyeverafter and out of harms way Its also about all of them finding a grassy spot they can live and not worry about humans trampling thembr br There is a nasty villain though C Bagley Beetle and two of his henchmen Those helpers Swat The Fly and Smack the Mosquito are comedians complete with their Brooklynese accents The story is a familiar one where a nasty old man wants to marry the sweet young thing and uses unscrupulous means to force her hand The good guy meanwhile has the decked stacked against him but in the very end of course prevailsbr br My favorite part this will sound worse than what it was was when goodguy Hoppity got temporarily electrocuted and he danced in blackandwhite That was fantastic animation br br You know its a good thing I didnt see this as a very little kid I would have been afraid to play outside and squash all those nice bugpeople You never know what or who is in that grass beneath your feet
An OUR GANG Comedy Shortbr br The Gang coerces Spanky into watching their younger siblings Caring for these FORGOTTEN BABIES turns out to be quite a chore leaving the little nipper with no choice but to come up with some ingenious solutions to the babysitting problembr br Spanky is in his glory in this hilarious little film arguably his best Highlight Spankys retelling the plot of the TARZAN movie hes recently seen to the audience of infants Movie mavens will recognize Billy Gilberts voice in the radio drama
Days of Heaven is one of the most painfully boring and pointless films I have ever seen In no way shape or form would I recommend it to anyoneunless youre trying to put your kids to sleep or God forbid give someone an aneurysm If I could go back in time and do one thing I would set fire to the reels before they were sent to theaters Why Days of Heavens plot is simple but extremely vague Long sequences devoid of dialogue compose much of the film The characters are too shallow and ridiculously stupid to relate with The climax of the story does not touch you by this time your brain has worked so hard to figure out the plot and the array of hidden metaphors that your ability to think is gone The only things working are your eyes and unfortunately your ears who must listen to the sound of Linda the little girl in the story who talks like a man I am now dumber for seeing this movie Dont let it happen to you
This movie shows that the free enterprise system and the quest for the almighty buck transcends all racial and ethnic barriers Ultimately the market place determines the message that is sent to the public This movie dramatizes that point A conservative whitecollar advertising company is taken over by a group of streetwise African Americans chaired by a nononsense black man who wants to make a buck and believes he can sell products by telling the the truth But the movie shows that no matter how hard he tries to do something different the market place and the political system demands that he conform rendering him no different than his predecessors Interesting offbeat movie
The Bill was essentially a cultural fountain from which a beautiful rainbowhaze of sociointrospection emerged inspiring such famed derivatives as Cop Land The Departed The Godfather 3 and most recently of course The Wirebr br With multifaceted characters and story lines that have been described as 4dimensional Shakespeare The Bill grabbed you by the collars from episode one and just would not let you gobr br The show covered anticipated and even occasionally caused all the major global events between 1984 and 2010 The most famously prescient moment being episode 19 of series 5 which aired on the eve of the second Gulf War Detective Jim Carvers misguided and ultimately career ending drugs raid on Craig Fun Boy Richardsons flat in the Jasmine Allen Estate in early 2003 was widely viewed as a predictive allegory for the coalitions failure to find weapons of mass destruction following the invasion of Iraq several months laterbr br However it was the work the Bill did to try and highlight some of the lesserknown problems experienced by police officers that won it the most praise This was sympathetic drama covering such sensitive areas as helmetphobia underuniform crossdressing invan homosexuality lost truncheons casual drunken bestiality regretted siren aversion syndrome SAS groin chaffing caused by chasing suspects while wearing an overly starched uniform and many many more issues that still trouble disturb haunt and excite officers to this daybr br The last word should go to one of The Bills most famous fans Nelson Mandela …it is no exaggeration to say that I would not have made it through the dark void of loneliness that summed up my last years of incarceration on Robben Island if it wasnt for the heartwarming casual buffoonery of Reg Hollis
How many fricken times do we have to see a spook walking by in the background peaking through a mirrors reflection Its been done in two dozen movies in recent memory four dozen times in this choppy poorly done film There were only two freaky moments to appreciatewhen the ghosts invaded the personal spaces of two characters Speaking of characters the acting was as flat as the Diet Coke in the 64 oz cup I was drawing it from The side characters could have been pulled from various Scooby Doo cartoons There was the friendly aged sheriff There was the kooky weirdo living in the backwoods with the Alabama drawl Lotsocharacters with no development The most disturbing image was that of a murdered child in the beginning But rather than explore the childs murder which would have been interesting they just let us know that she was dead her parents had a hard time reconciling her death with the community each other When they reach the cabin the scenes rarely flowed togetherwith flashing images of the dead daughter interjected here there Ohand the eerie sounds were also overdone You know what I meancreaking doors that open by themselves crickets in the forest yada yada yada Ooooohhhh Havent seen that before Again youll see the amazing selfopening door in the movie over and over an over again NOTE TO DIRECTOR a scary scene is only scary if its not repeated every 5 minutes in the same film Think these things out before calling out its a wrap