I just dinged 70 and need a little help
What is the optimal gear I should have before heading to NR. I'm a Prot Pally tank and know I'm supposed to stack def rating, stamina, strength, etc. but I need to know some specifics. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Here is my gear
Global Agenda Questions Thread
If you have any questions about the game lets start to consolidate them here. One Rule, if you are asking a new question post a comment if not then please only use the reply option. Will help keep the thread clean. Edit: Can't Spell
Help me understand newsgroups.
I have done torrents and recently have become interested in newsgroups. However I don't really get it yet. I have tried reading up on the subject but I guess i am looking for a newbies guide and recommendations.
Making friends, not acquaintances
For some reason, potential friends I meet in school becomes acquaintances. I would know more about their education and work life than their personal life. I would probably end up knowing what year they are, major, where they work..etc and then it becomes a professional connection and i feel weird just talking about anything else. At some point, it would also get awkward. How do you guys make friends, and not acquaintances?
[request] colorful logo design. in return, credit to you from my website.
my website is called *yellow red green blue* ( and if somebody could design a logo for me i would greatly appreciate it. it should have a colorful, splashy look (but not overly-complicated) similar to the following images: * * (this one is a bit too 'messy' looking, but you get the idea.) * (best example of splatter, if you ignore everything else.) the colors i use on my website (and the four colors you should use for the splashes in the logo) are: * Yellow #ffff00 * Red(ish) #ff4040 * Green(ish)#adff2f * Blue(ish) #73c2fb feel free to be creative and play around with the colors. if you don't want to add text (aka: yrgb, or yellow red green blue), i can do that. just so long as i have the colors. dimensions are 400x155 and the background should be white (#ffffff) or transparent. colors should not touch the sides. am i asking too much? if i use your design, i will gladly give you credit (or a link, if preferred) in the footer of my website, and a firm handshake (if gentleman) or a rigorous bout of intercourse (if lady). thank you. **edit:** if you do add text, it should be white and look similar to AOL's new logo ( but like i said, i can do this. **edit #2:** thanks to everybody who designed a logo, i never expected such an enthusiastic response. this is the one i will probably use, created by katringa: i also love the one made by dannisbet, too, so if i ever use it for anything i will be sure to give you credit. again, thanks to everybody. i've gotten so many ideas by looking at your designs. /r/favors is awesome.
I'm going to a church dance this weekend. What did you guys thought of those dances?
I enjoyed dancing with strangers at first, then it just got lame. BTW, 90% of mormon girls' favorite color is blue.
I am from a interracial Trekkie family AMA
My family and I have seen every episode of Star Trek 4 times...in order and I watch it everyday pretty much. That means from TOS to Enterprise we watched everything from start to finish. I love Star Trek. I have met dozens of actors from conventions and they have all been pretty cool. I am half black, half white (mom is black.) I don't live with my parents, I attend the University of Hawaii while they live in California and I have a healthy social life. Why do I think this deserves a AMA? No idea...mostly bored Edit 1: my friends always ask me what the worst parts of doing these marathons are. TOS episodes can be really dated sometimes so its hard to push through those episodes. But nothing compares to how boring some episodes of Voyager got when it was a Chakotay episode about him being Native American. Kill me now edit 2: Its not limited to Star Trek, we watch Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, and Firefly also.
If you think it's new? You're wrong.
Protip: If you think you've found something new and you want to post it to reddit, just make sure you put "I heard reposts are funny now hurhur..." and you will save yourself from being flamed.
What is the last drink you will ever do in this lifetime?
What made you the sickest? What event or situation do you associate with a drink that swore your dumb drunken ass off forever from said elixir?
I am thinking of posing nude for an art class...
I am thinking of posing nude for an art class for a college in my area and... I just want to know what to expect. Has anyone done this before? was it worth the compensation? would you do it again? was it a good experience or bad one? edit: heres a pic of me at burning man i'm the one who isn't silver i'm a 25 year old female. i have this weird thing about nudity and feel like it would be a liberating experience to get over this fear i have. i also live in a small college city and am afraid of running into people i know.. thanks!
First time scuba diving...need advice
I am going to Mexico with my class to do some scuba diving among other things. I was just wondering if any of you people had advice on gear that would be preferable to personally own. They said that they will provide it all, but I assume some gear caters to some people better than others. I could be totally wrong considering I know nothing but that's why I'm asking. Also, any tips for a beginner that my instructor might not touch on? Any advice at all on scuba would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: I guess I should say that I do have a mask (seadive) and a snorkle (scubapro). I bought these for a sailing trip but have never used them. Thanks for all of the advice so far.
DAE often have dreams about airplane crashes?
It's my most common dream/nightmare. Actually, my only nightmare, since I finally stopped dreaming about my teeth falling out. It's pretty scary.
Dear Reddit: You are about to make spaghetti. You fill the pot with water. Do you put in hot or cold water from the tap?
My wife was making spaghetti (damn right she was in the kitchen) and I noticed she filled the pot with cold water. I asked why she did that, and she looked at me like I was insane. "I want to put in fresh water". First of all, you're boiling it so aside from boiling away any impurities, it will be hot anyway. Secondly, it will boil faster if you start with hot water as opposed to cold. Please tell me that you all boil water starting with hot water?!
Dear AskReddit: What is the deal with ROMs?
Are they legal? If not, what are the possible romifications surrounding their use? Are laws against them enforced?
IAMA White Male who grew up and resides in BROOKLYN. Formerly known as the Murder Capital. AMA
Whenever I go on vacations or cruises people always think that Brooklyn is cool, maybe you guys do too. People from Brooklyn: Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Biggie Smalls, Donald Trump. Yes, i do know all of them.
Which TwoXers read /r/Mens Rights? What did you find interesting?
I have been reading some of the issues pointed out on the Mens Rights page, an issue like false rape claims. It was a good contrast to some of the things I feel are issues for women. TwoXers, I invite you to tell us what you have found interesting and what you may think about the issues that men face. I know I felt I have learned a bit more about both our situations as a whole and its refreshing.
DAE make good on their threats to 'never shop here again'?
I recently had a run in with Best Buy where I may or may not have told the store manager to perform certain acts on himself. After leaving I decided that I will not purchase anything from them again. For most people I would consider this an idle threat, but I thought back to my experience with Burger King. I had a negative experience with them seven years ago and have not spent a dime there since. Does anybody else make good on their threats to boycott a location? Do you have any good stories of standing up to the managers? Do you find my continual asking of questions to be a bit much?
Why don't all of my posts appear??
I have posted quite a few things recently that haven't shown up in the "new" section. What's going on? I've tried sending messages to moderators with no response.
Study: Effects of cannabis when playing TF2 with Low/High tolerance
**Introduction: Hello Ents** I'm taking on a personal project to see how tolerance effects us when playing TF2. **Execution:** I plan to take a week t-break (I'm on day 3) during the last 3 days I'll start playing TF2 at least 2 hours a day on the same 24/7 server and gathering data. The day I end the t-break I will play 3 hours. The first hour sober, but not the last 2 hours :-p. for the next 2 weeks I will be intaking normally, 4 bowls a day, 1 before I start playing, the rest in the evening. The bowl I'll be using is the standard size 18.8 bowl with 3 bumps around it's rim. **Data to be gathered:** * Score recorded every 10 minutes/game * What classes I played and for how long * Deaths also, recorded every 10 mins/game **Results:** Mean nothing without more results to compare them to...so, **anyone wish to join me? I'll do all the work all you have to do is play in the same sever and smoke, o and that pesky tolerance break thing too.** I plan to put them on Google Fusion Tables **Note:** I'm willing to end my break now and re-start it with anyone who wishes to join me, also I will probably edit this first post quite a bit in its first hour or 2 of infancy.
I'm not subscribed to /politics, but my front page is littered with political crap.
Why does this happen? I unsubscribed to any subreddit dealing with politics and stopped reading political blogs, yet I'm bombarded with morons (on the left and right) spouting their asinine opinions. Please, keep your politics where they belong. My pappy always said, politics and religion don't belong at the dinner table, can we try, a little, to honor this? Use the subreddits, please.
Why does fried chicken portray a negative stereotype of black people?
All races have certain foods connected with them. Irish: Potato Mexican: Tacos, burritos Chinese: Rice, Sweet & Sour Pork On May 5th (Cinco De Mayo) my school would serve Mexican food. I didn't see that as an insult. Actually I saw it as recognizing a Mexican holiday. **EDIt:** Sp far no one has given any reason why balck people should be offended by this reference. So is this a case of people crying racism when there really is none? (serious question) So why is it that chicken is even connected with black people and why is that connection negative? And why is it wrong to recognize a cultural and not another by serving their foods on a holiday?
dear reddit, I have a proposition
Since we seem to see so many threads on here and relationship advice, would anyone be interested in posting their current relationship status, and then we'll bump this in a few months and see what happens? I get pretty depressed reading about all the divorced/dumped/breakup threads that I'm curious to see how things are now for people, and how things are a few months from now. Would there be any interest in this?
Free issue ticket system, deployment easy.
I want an issue ticket system, web-based, free, good UI and deployment easy, without extra downloads. Much like when you install a desktop application. Is there something like that?
What is your favorite multi-player mode for Modern Warfare 2?
I like the team-based style gameplay of headquarters, but I'm a little tired of that mode. Also looking to level up quickly...
What are some good mods for Fallout 3?
Im currently downloading Fallout 3 game of the year edition (includes all the dlc) and i am wondering is there are any good mods i should get before playing. Ive already played and beaten the game on x box, so dont worry about spoilers.
What the hell is wrong with my Perl install?
It.. doesn't seem to want to do anything most of the time. For example, when I run this script, it doesn't do anything. And I've had it trying to run for a few minutes, now. I thought it was just Moose taking a while to initialize, but that doesn't seem to be the case. So I tried the -e switch and that doesn't seem to work, either. Not only that, but it somehow managed to break even worse. slis-mini:Desktop sli$ perl -e print "Hello\n"; slis-mini:Desktop sli$ perl -e print "Hello\n"; slis-mini:Desktop sli$ perl -e "print \"Hello!\\n\";" -bash: !\\n\": event not found slis-mini:Desktop sli$ perl -e print "Hello!\n"; -bash: !\n": event not found slis-mini:Desktop sli$ perl -e print "Hello"; slis-mini:Desktop sli$ EDIT: Reddit's markdown obliterated a couple things. Those big spaces are escaped quotes, newlines, and slashes. So one last try. I wrote a script that simply prints "Hello!" slis-mini:Desktop sli$ perl blah.pl Hello! What the hell is going on, here?
The Westboro Baptist Church is coming to Sacramento! Nail this to the front page so Redditors in the area can organize another absurdist counter-protest.
If enough people do this, maybe it'll discourage them. Humiliating them in San Francisco has done so much more than any amount of reasoning ever could, and I'd like to see that happen again. **UPDATE:** So I checked it out, here's their agenda for **February 5th, 2010**: 1:10PM - 1:40PM Sacramento Capitol Building 2:05 - 2:35 UC Davis 3:00 - 3:30 Rosemont High School. For fuck's sake. 3:15 - 3:45 McClatchy High School 4:00 - 4:30 Jewish Federation of Sacramento 4:45 - 5:15 Beth Yeshua Messianic Congregation 5:30 - 6:00 Chabad JCC of Folsom 7:15PM - 8:00PM Sacramento Community Theater, during a showing of *Rent* **February 6, 2010** 8:30AM - 9:00AM Congregation B'Nai Israel 8:30 - 9:00 (poor planning or spreading out, I'm not sure) Kessenet Israel Torah Center 9:30AM - 10:00AM Chabad of Davis For other times (lots in Long Beach, apparently) here's their itinerary, which they had the poor foresight to post publicly on the internet.
Does twitch gaming really describe FPS gameplay?
I just game off a 38 1/2 hour jag of STALKER: Clear Sky, and I was thinking to myself that, aside from the obvious sleep dep and massive caffeine overstimulation, some FPS games really aren't that twitchy. Stalker, for instance, involves a lot of stalking. You can run in guns blazing and hope for lots of perfect head shots, but you're generally better served by carefully scouting your enemies, making smart use of cover, waiting for your allies, flushing bad guys out with grenades, and generally being a sneaky, slow, careful, tactical bastard. Not to say that their aren't "Twitch Gaming" moments, but In STALKER, at least, hammering down on the trigger until the gun goes click usually means something has gone awfully, awfully wrong, and you're about to get face-snacked by a snork. What do you folks think? Are their enough FPS's out there where careful planning matters more than being able to line up two pixels and click your mouse?
Anybody here know how to use a talkbox?
I just bought a talkbox (Banshee), and I'm teaching myself to use it. I'm running a keyboard through it (moog little phatty II), so I'm going for more of a roger troutman sound than a peter frampton. I can use my mouth easily enough to get a Wah-wah effect from it, but so far, clear enunciation of the more difficult syllables eludes me. Does anybody know how to make an 'S' or 'F' sound? Is there a trick with how you move your mouth? Does tube placement matter?
1 hour daily practice regiment
I just moved into a new house and have been making some pretty dramatic changes in my productivity regarding school and other things like that. My brother is doing an hourly workout regiment, and I would like to mirror that with a guitar practice regiment of my own that I do for approximately an hour a day. I have been playing for about 3 years now (holy crap!), but I am no where near as good as a 3 year player should be, as I really didn't take it too seriously until recently. One of my biggest problems is figuring out exactly what to practice. I need to have outside direction , otherwise I just end up playing the same songs I already know, without working on anything new. I'm pretty capable physically, though certainly far from perfect, and my music theory and knowledge of scales and scale forms is pretty minimal, though I'm taking theory classes at my college to improve my theory. Are there any laid-out practice routines for ~1 hour a day, or do any of you guys have a set practice routine which is an overall workout on all things guitar, such as technique, scales, chords, soloing, etc?
I just had to repost this guys comment from Cnet "Apple, Google, and the importance of Bing" discuss
by raymondcote February 4, 2010 5:06 PM PST Google maybe open regarding the old commoditized profit substrate of computational networked data massage. Google is very closed regarding the new emerging profit substrate. A substrate where controlling massive numbers of captive eyeballs for resale to the highest commercial bider is the new closed system that really counts on the ground. The key elements required to assemble wealth and power on this new corporate profit playing field are not the orchestration of complex computational dynamics, which have been simply reduced at this point to a commoditized substrate, but rather the orchestration of complex new social network dynamics, endlessly synthesized atop the old commoditized computational networked data massage to form new profitable social control geometries. This is neither good nor bad in and of itself. It is simply the endless regress of evolutionary layers that nature seems to use to build new possible realities atop the substrate of previously stabilized layers of reality. When you take time out of the formula, it is of course inevitable that we will manufacture powerful new organically-dynamic social geometries, the emergent noosphere, atop the commoditized computational data networking that is the internet. The real question is! Who will control the manufacturing of this new noosphere? The government apparatchiks, the profit seeking corporations or commercial-free citizen groups. As government apparatchiks and the profit seeking corporate institutions are arguably necessary evils for the obvious reason that self interest has been evolutionarily built into the wetware. It is our, the commercial-free citizens, challenge as the monkey in the middle to play these two major power brokers off against each other in order to keep either from dominating the democratic interests of the citizens. In a democracy the citizens must take responsibility for controlling the institutions they have created to ultimately serve their collective democratic needs. Google is just another, all be it new-age, corporate profit seeking institutional entity. They are very clever and as the first movers at orchestrating complex new social network dynamics atop the old commoditized computational networking data massage they will seek to build profitable social control geometries for their share holders. They are very right to warn of all the control vultures larking around trying to extend their old world profit lockdown control business models. The non commercial citizen's interests are best served by playing the old boys business model, profits via corporate lockdown structures, against the new boys business mode, profit via subtle control over the manufacture of all new social exchange geometries. Google is both a short term hero helping liberate us from the clutches of the old lockdown corporate profit control crowd and at the same time our new long term villain setting itself up at the master control panel at MATRIX CENTRAL to orchestrate a social control fabric over which we will may have little input or control if we are not sufficiently suspicious of our new best frenemy Google. In the long run, free, maybe to high a price to pay. Like this
What to do with ex's stuff
So I have some stuff that was given to me by an ex over the years and i don't want to see it anymore...we were friends for a number of years dated for a while, and then were still friends after that...about 10 years in all....then out of no where she just stopped answering calls with excuses like she is working and at school all the time which I can buy, but 6 months and haven't heard a peep..I was pretty taken by this as she was like a best friend, and dropped of the planet with no explanation...anyway I want to get rid of stuff that remind me of her, but don't know what I should do with it...Should I just give it back to her?..I don't want to give it to someone I know because the point is I don't want to see it anymore Edited: the 3 items will be shipped to the person with the best post as decided by me if they agree to pay shipping for items...no i won't tell you what they are...yes they are worth more than what shipping them costs edited 2: lightheat was the winner...items have been sent
Info for if you've been raped.
I didn't see a submission on here for some basic info, so I thought I'd make a self post. **It's been pointed out that this is USA-centric. It is. I don't know much about resources/services available outside of the states.** First, **it's not your fault.** It doesn't matter what you drank, what you wore, who you were with. None of that matters. It is normal to be upset, confused, anxious, pissed off, or none of the above. Whatever you are going through is normal. Second, **you're not alone.** You might have heard of rape crisis lines or counseling. You can hit up RAINN, they will probably send you to your local sexual assault center. I'd suggest Googling "sexual assault" and your city to find your local joint. Third, **the counseling stuff is free and versatile.** They are all nonprofits and mostly funded through VAWA. It's a benefit you don't have to earn. It's just there. Don't want to share and just know your options? Fine. They are pros at that. Just want to vent anonymously? Fine. They're trained in that... and, you don't have to give them your name. Period. Fourth, **it's up to you.** The question a lot of people have is "what now?" Well, depending on your situation, you might want to go to the hospital. There, you should definitely get a medical exam to get checked up. If you're worried you might have caught something, get to the hospital ASAP. They have heavy anti-virals that can stop you from contracting the big scary diseases. If you decide to report it to the police, then you might also get a forensic exam (a "rape kit"). This is a pain, but at this point, you've been through worse. They take hairs, samples, and the nurse treats it as evidence. If you've called and gotten a sexual assault advocate from the help line (or requested one at the hospital), they'll be able to walk you through this stuff while you're at the hospital. Free, caring, and anonymous. The advocates can also help you with legal issues, ongoing support, and even refer you to other community services (should you want them). Fifth, **get support somewhere.** Maybe you don't want to call a crisis line, report, go to the hospital, any of that. That's okay, but find some support somewhere in your group of friends or family. Everybody responds to sexual assault differently, so if you don't feel like you need support, that's okay, but if you do, please seek it out. Sixth, **it doesn't just happen to women. Or, straight women for that matter.** Services are not restricted by gender. I'd urge men to contact someone, as there are many social stigmas about men and sexuality. Counseling/advocacy *should* be open to men and women, transmen, transwomen, gay men and lesbians, though competency in dealing with people other than straight ciswomen varies. Some areas have Anti-Violence Programs. If you have one in your area, it might be a good place to start. Heck, if you're at all concerned, call the closest one first. I'd be happy to amend or change this based on comments.
What crazy things do you believe in?
A lot of wacky belief bashing happens here in r/atheism/, specially religious ones. However, I bet most atheists have wacky beliefs too (I know I do!) Please share your favourite and craziest metaphysical musings, the more believable the better.
Have you ever considered Democrats and Republicans are on the same team?
Scott Brown was sworn in with great haste. Not to appease the Republicans and seem more bi-partisan, but rather to create an excuse as to why they could not do the things on their own agenda. A super majority has never been needed in American history to pass ANYTHING. Yet the ONLY way health care will get passed is with one. With Democrats and Republicans getting paid by the same people, its clear that Democrats are just looking for an excuse to pander to the same people Republicans openly pander to only with someone to blame for failure. You lose, they all win.
DAE not care about movies being in 3D?
It seems like everything is all about being in 3D these days, and I think it's stupid. Cool concept. However, it gives me a headache sometimes because my depth perception gets fucked up, I don't want to pay $15.50 for a movie, and I can't even notice the difference between 3D and regular after about 20 minutes.
I'm going to Europe this summer, what equipment should I take with me reddit?
So far I have the following not including essentials like clothes: Hiking backpack camera netbook sleeping bag. I will be living in hostels for the trip and I want it to last at least 2 weeks. What else would you recommend? It will be myself and 3 friends going from Germany all the way down to Italy.
I live in New Orleans...we've got ONE single-screen theatre in the whole state...they want to show the super bowl for FREE and the NFL won't let 'em...let them know how much they suck for us!
Here's a video of everybody watching the conference championship two weeks ago: The theater opened their doors for free and made the event BYOB...one of the best football experiences of my life! Maybe if they get enough complaints they'll let us do it for the Superbowl. There's nothing like bad press to turn an evil corporation into a saint! (that pun was 50% unintentional...) edit: Here's a "contact us" link for the NFL...that might be a good start...I don't suppose there are any sympathetic executives of major media corporations that browse reddit...
Help. I have no debt or obligations, and I want to do something awesome. I also have no money or degree. Happy to do most any kind of work in exchange for living expenses/accomodations.
I'm really up for most anything. I live close to Boston, and relocating isn't just acceptable, it's preferable. I'm not a hippy, but I always meet hippy people with cool stories about places... communes... work.. fuck. I don't know. Hippy stuff. I'm not picky though. Setting up computers in India is fine. Ideally I'd like to be somewhere that I can live at and be fed in exchange for working. Like... a farm, or any old thing. I just... I'm very mainstream, and I don't even know where to begin finding these types of things. The difficulty is just that I really have no money. So, simply volunteering someplace isn't going to work unless they can provide me with food and a place to live. Money's not important, but eating is. Edit: Wow. Thanks for all the great suggestions. I want to hedge my bets though, so I'm happy to get more leads to follow.
So I made a subreddit for people with mental illnesses like myself. Hopefully this helps people who suffer from the same illnesses to relate and seek advice.
So I suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder and always wanted to interact with people who suffered from the same. I made **/r/diagnosed** for people who have been diagnosed with a mental illness and would like to talk to people who suffer from the same.
Why do commercial drug names often have the suffix -ol or -pan?
I was recently prescribed some medication for gastroenteritis called Buscopan. The name seemed like a typical medication name, and I was wondering if anyone had any insight regarding naming conventions for commercial drugs. I tried searching, but perhaps I am not wording my search properly. Edit: Thanks everyone! This is why Reddit is teh pwn!
Collective consciousness and nirvana
Here's a paragraph I wrote on the comedown of three hits of acid describing my experience with ego death and the discovery of the collective consciousness. Anyone else have similar experiences and notice the similarity to the Buddhist concept of nirvana? Ego Death – 12/12/09 The most basic meaning of the self was called into question. I felt as though there was only one, true mind that simply manifests itself in all of humanity. This mind is altered by various experiences, surroundings, and genetics that form every person into the individual that they are. These experiences form what we call the ego, and when I was stripped of my ego, I thought as that one, true sentience thought. I was amused to be in my own body, amused at the friends this branch of the “mind” had amassed, the family, the experiences. I felt as though my body, and entire being, was only a small part of my true existence; merely a small wedge cut out of the ultimate, single sentience. At the time I actually lamented that I would soon again be stuck in the body, with only a corner of the knowing that I was experiencing. I said aloud at the time “I have never been so sure of a life beyond death”, as that single, ultimate mind seemed all encapsulating of all existence, whether or not our physical bodies are alive makes no difference. I can only describe it as a complete obliteration of the basic concept of the “I”. During this experience I had trouble reacting to any humor or other conversation attempted by my friend X, as they seemed to pander so much to the ego that “I”, the universal sentience, could not relate too, as it was not me. Scholar Herbert Guenther states that with nirvana "the ideal personality, the true human being" becomes reality.[3] The Buddha described Nirvana as the perfect peace of the state of mind that is free from craving, anger and other afflictive states The Buddha discusses in the context of nirvana a kind of consciousness described as: Consciousness without feature, without end, luminous all around
DAE dislike Window 7's 'new' toolbar?
I tried to get used to it many times, but I find myself using the traditional style once more. EDIT: Forgot an 's' in Windows :(. inc flame.
DAE really love their job?
I don't get paid that much but I really do like what I do for a living and feel like i'm on a good career track. Does anyone else feel pretty good about what they do from 9-5?
Who REALLY freed the slaves?
Did Lincoln free the slaves, or did the slaves free themselves? I've been taught all my life that Abraham Lincoln was the emancipator. I heard the new widely accepted notion is that the slave freed themselves. Can Reddit clear this up for me?
Reference to Greek War of Independence in Count of Monte Cristo - Can Someone Explain.
One of the characters in Dumas's Count of Monte Cristo is revealed as a traitor, having betrayed "Ali Pasha," the ruler of Yannina (in French, Janina), to the Greeks. I'm assuming this is a reference to the Greek War of Independence since the novel takes place between 1815–1838. Can anyone help my understand what's going on though with this supposed betrayal? My understanding is that the French and the Greeks were allies here, fighting to drive out the Turks... so it doesn't make sense to me that this would be characterized as a "betrayal." Any help would be appreciated.
When do you start telling people? (Also, saw my baby's heart beat for the first time today!)
My wife and I are eight weeks & two days along. We went for our dating ultrasound today and I got to see the little fella's heartbeat for the first time. This was a truly overwhelming experience for me and I've been on a high all day. We've been holding off on telling people, tho a few close family members know, just for the support aspect. Redditors, when did you start telling people? (I'm so excited!)
DAE notice that the Gates Millenium Scholarship is open to every race except Caucasians?
scholarship qualifications It's his 1 billion, I know, he can do what he wants. But to open it to every race but specifically exclude whites seems so weird. It'd be one thing if the major scholarships were for whites-only, but most scholarships are racially inclusive. Except the Gate's. I wonder why didn't he make it "need-based" instead of race based?
My Mass Effect 2 play style is as follows, and I know damn well that some of you out there are the same way.
There will be points where it's obvious that the plot is ready to move on and I'll be all, no no wait, let me scan this system for a while! Maybe there's a sidequest? *30 minutes pass* Well, no sidequests, but I have some more Platinum, I guess? Okay, almost ready to get going, but first I probably should walk around the entire Normandy talking to all of my crew again. G...garrus? Garrus do you want to talk? No? Just hanging out in your gun room? Okay. Jack? Jack do you have anything to say? Nope, okay. Just...you know...let me know if you guys want a cot or something. *20 minutes pass* Maybe I should go look at my spaceship models in my cabin and change my color palette... *5 minutes pass* Oh man, maybe there's something new for sale at Citadel! I should check Omega and Illium too! Its been a while *Enough time passes where one of the previously mentioned activities once again seems like a good idea.* note: There is a 25-50% chance that, between any of the above activities, I may subject myself to a large amount of planet scanning, neither enjoying it nor disliking it--completely numb, yet unable to stop. *more time passes*
My roommate drives me nuts, and I'm stuck with him for 3 months! Help please!
Okay, so here's the situation: I have been with my roommate since the start of the school year in August. Back then, we got along just fine, but now he's just starting to drive me nuts, and I don't know if he can take it anymore. Here is a list of the things he does: 1) He stays up really late (5am), and then sleeps in until 4, so I can't sleep, but can't do anything in the room in the afternoon. 2) He brings back random friends of his that sleep on our futon, all guys, and I don't know who any of them are. 3) He doesn't clean anything. Leaves crap all over the floor, doesn't vacuum, and it makes the room a mess. 4) He takes my food and eats it, without telling me or asking me first. 5) He doesn't pay for anything. Not for the soap for the sink or the toilet paper (yes, we have a bathroom.), for the air fresheners...I pretty much buy it all. Any ideas on what I can do? I've tried talking to him, but he doesn't care. Anything at all would help. Edit*: I do live on campus, and have talked to him about the mess, and how it annoys me he takes my food. Not so much number 5, and nothing with 2.
Quazi-Baked Theories and How to Prove Them. (I need your advice)
Listen Reddit. I am an undergrad at a University not known for its theoretical physics department or even higher chemistry. However I have recently become extremely interested in just these subjects. Now this is not to say I can't recieve a degree in any of these fields Chemistry/Physics where I am but I am currently a Biology Major I love Biology, the beauty of nature and complexity of life and blah blah. But I have a definite growing love for the physics behind life and the cosmos. The main flaw in my plan is I have a very low level of math under my belt, Calc 1, and would need to obviously be more well versed. But a man can think without mathematics, but this might make me ignorant... ANYWAY REDDIT. I pose to you my quazi baked theory on finding the exact postion of an electron. I pose that through understanding higher dimensions, one can fully determine the position and velocity of an electron (previously thought to be impossible and demonstrated by the Heisenburg Uncertainty principle) My limited understanding of quantum mechanics and higher dimensions leads leads me to thinking that the electron could possibly be phasing in between the third and (4th?) dimension. And through completely understanding the math behind the fourth dimension (I believe a lot of it was calulated by Dirac?) and reviewing it with schrodingers wave equation, we can determine very precisely the position and velocity of an electron (this would still lend itself to probability). I am stuck reddit.. Were do I even begin to prove this? What classes do I need to take? What books should I read? Is this a fucking retarded theory? TL;DR - stupid undergrad with stupid theory, how do I shot unifying theory of everything?
Hey guys, I was experimenting with Fourier Series, and I made an interesting little discovery (that I'm sure everyone knows about).
Something like: The definite integral from 0-pi for (Sin(kx)+Sin(x)) * Sin(kx) is always equal to Pi/2. Isn't that cool? I'm pretty sure it's correct to. Anyone care to offer their insight on this? I'm perfectly content though if Pi is just making another cameo for no particular reason.
Today I hacked into two email accounts to obtain nudie pics of a close friend. I am a bad person. AMAA
I use the word "hacked" very loosely here. I'm no computer whiz. Getting access to the two accounts mostly just required knowing personal information about my close friend and her ex. To start, my friend gave me access to her university account, because I am taking an online class for her in return for a favour or two. So there I was sitting home bored out of my mind this morning reading coursework for her class when I remembered that from her university page, I can access her Gmail. So I did. It was at this point that I realized what I was doing was wrong. Anyways, just for the hell of it, I did a quick search on her account for the name of her ex. And I found a risque picture. So what did I do next? I checked the sender address, saw that it was a Yahoo account and headed over to Yahoo. I entered in the ex's Yahoo ID, clicked the "Forgot my password" link and was presented with a few questions. I found all the information I needed about my friend's ex from his Facebook and his current girlfriend. So I entered it in. Success! His email was mine! Unfortunately, he hadn't used it for over four months, so all his emails had been deleted. Not so much of a success. So I went back to her account and saw that she'd recently requested a new password from Yahoo. Now, I don't have a Yahoo account, so I don't know how their password changing system works, but I assume it sends an email and then has you change the actual password on their site. For some reason, she'd tried to reply to the Yahoo email with her new password. So now I had her password, but not her account name. Fortunately, Yahoo will email you your account name if you have another email associated with her account. So I did. And I gained access to said nudie pics. But the whole thing made me feel sick afterwards. Anyways, ask away Reddit. **Edit: No. I will not share pics.**
What is the best brand for Monitors?
I have always used this 22" Acer Monitor, but i really need an upgrade to a 24". I want one that has good specs and uses led because those seem like the newest monitors of 2010. I always look at newegg and the asus/samsung monitors don't appeal to me. I want a monitor with a sturdy stand that won't wobble with height adjustment. I only use my monitor for internet and video games.
What has been your longest phone conversation?
My coworker behind me has been on the phone for 45 minutes and it made me wonder how long some people have talked on the phone for. edit: mine is actually ~2 hours from playing CS with a friend online
My local brewery is number 1 on ratebeer.com!!!!!
I grew up about 2 miles from Three Floyd's and used to go there almost daily when I lived at home (only about a year ago). GO 3 FLOYD'S!!!!
So I just bought a brand new bubbler!
And as I was walking out of the glass shop, holding my bubbler triumphantly, I said "a bubbler has been added to your inventory". I never felt like that line was more applicable ever... P.S. I will post pics soon! EDIT: Sorry it took me so long guys. I got pretty high and drunk last night then forgot all about the post :p Without further adieu, here is my bubbler! Front side]( [Back Side
I got 2 girls numbers last night who are friends....
the hotter one has a boyfriend, the slightly less attractive one is french. What do i do? (both are interested in me) edit: literally just got a text that the hotter one broke up with her boy friend.
WATMM, here is my band's free Concept-Comedy EP
So I posted a song from our EP a little while back that made it to the top of this subreddit for awhile. I know plugs for bands may become tiresome, but I thought this music might be something you don't hear around here too much! Comes with 5 songs and a digital booklet with artwork done by a friend. Let us know what you think, any feedback is great and much appreciated! You can download the EP here...(the link takes 40 seconds to appear on this site, somebody has to make money off us I suppose) Or, if you don't want to download anything without listening to it first, it's streaming on our fan page under the music tab here:
[TOMT] I'm not crazy! I know this game exists!!!
Around the time of Diablo II (2000-2001) my brother brought home a game for PC that may have been a few years old. It wasn't the greatest game in the world, but it was an RPG. The main character was a woman in a leather suit, similar to Catwoman. The game had a very dark theme to it, it was mostly inside in some sort of tomb (pyramid?) and for some reason you were supposed to collect apples (for health maybe?). I don't think there were many weapons, if any and the enemies were mostly non-organic/human (unmanned tanks/pools of very green acid. No zombies/mummies). I do know that in the platforming levels, which was most of them, she could float down by inflating her head/mask/suit thing; It may have been a small parachute. On a top 100 list, this may have ranked 80. Graphics are similar to Narbacular Drop, but in 3rd person. I've asked my brother about it, he thinks I'm crazy. I've asked a fairly knowledgeable friend, he thinks I must have been dropped on my head. Help! **edit: It was MDK.** Thank you! A round of upvotes for everyone!
/r/Fitness Supplement FAQ. Lets make one.
I figured fitness is in need of a supplement FAQ... so I thought I'd be proactive. Lets make one. I'll update this as a wiki. I'd prefer you link to why (research relating to the subject) And I will update this. CLA / L Arginine Protein Creatine Fish Oil This is kind of a spammy link but it does explain some of the benefits. 3-6-9 Blend I actually take a blend instead of just straight fish oil because it does contain fish oil. Multivitamin Thermogenic Flaxseed Oil Lecithin Ask away. Add Away. Please suggest some too, I'll answer (or someone else will) to the best of my (or their) ability.
Are there any experienced pipe smokers here?
Hey r/tobacco, I've been a smoker for 5 years and I want to buy my first pipe. Cigars are too big, and cigarettes have lost their zest for me. Can anyone recommend what type/brand/style/etc of pipe I should buy? My price range is ~$50. I want something that I can smoke slowly and inhale comfortably. Like I said, I've been a smoker for some time so keep in mind that I don't exactly have virgin tastes or lungs. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks! :) Edit: For anyone who happens to return to this thread, thanks! This is what I purchased as my first pipe and my first tobacco: Stanwell no7 Samuel Gawith Firedance Flake I'm really excited to try these, thanks again!
Please help me with a psychology paper Reddit!
Basically I need to find a news story that references an official study done about why men cheat, and I need to be able to find that official study as well. All the articles I have read do not provide a link or any information about where I can find the published scientific study. I have spent hours on this and am quite frustrated. Can you guys help at all?
[Borderline Personality Disorder] How do you deal with mood swings?
I really can't control mine. I know I'm depressed and I'll get over it but at the same time I am thinking about suicide and doing drugs. How do you deal with these irrational thoughts.
Hey Reddit, what band would you suggest seeing live in concert?
I have always been a huge NIN fan, and never been to a concert before last year. Since it was their last concert run ever ( yeah right, this never happens ) My sister bought me tickets to the Houston show, however it never came close to many of the concert videos I have seen of them. This video for example looks like it was a very awesome concert: Watch it in HD. [This part is very bad ass.. Do any of you have a suggestion on a similar genre band that puts on a great visual show while they perform?
Hey Reddit, what's your favorite Chewbacca quote?
Mine has to be that time Han looks to Chewbacca and he goes "GRRRRRRRRAaaaawhhh whhhr!" You know that time? What's yours?
Here's a nice little bit of nostalgia. I'm wondering whic h you all think is better?
Whilst perusing the various internets, I stumbled across these two little gems. Anybody remember them? Also, which did you think was the better show? EDIT: Neatness
The the hell are cups/glasses made so the tapered end is the bottom? If I have a glass of something, I want the bottom wide and sturdy.
is much easier to knock over than It's not because I spill stuff a lot, but it would just make fucking sense to not have something filled with potentially staining liquid be more precarious than it has to be. This crosses my mind every time I pour something into a small bottomed glass.
Sweater for a Dress for the Assof[f]. One more inside.
Took these a few months ago when I got back from out of town. I love this sweater. Enjoy. Title Link. And one more I like to call "Pan right!" I promise I will return with the product of a better camera.
Hi, Reddit. I need to learn how to masturbate properly.
I was a raised as a member of a pretty extreme sect of an otherwise mainstream religion. Not saying which one, it doesn't matter. (I'm male) Somehow I managed to do well enough in school to get a scholarship to a university some distance away, and my parents let me go because i was such a good kid they thought I'd remain "faithful" to our (their) values. You can pretty much imagine what happened from there when I went outside my comfort zone. So here I am, many misadventures later, barely two years out of home, and I realized I never made myself come deliberately - lots of wet dreams, but nothing consciously. I started exploring online pornography a month ago and found the usual batch of useful websites and found a range of things I become aroused by. (I had tried to masturbate a much longer time ago (last year), but it always hurt quickly, so I gave it up soon, thinking it was not worth it.) I hit upon the idea very recently of using lotion, and it worked! The first time it took me a good fourt-y minutes to finally ejaculate because I had absolutely no idea what the hell I was supposed to do, what to stimulate, etc with my hands. I found that stimulating the head directly was best. So I started watching more online pornography, and settled upon a pretty decent position - I emulate the "guy on top" position I see used often in the videos, splay my legs and ankles out a bit, and keep thrusting into my lotion-covered palm. It's a decent imitation of the real thing, I suppose (?) Anyway, the problem is that my knees and ankles start hurting very quickly. Also, it makes a bit of a mess, and cleaning it up is also a pain (I do not mind cleaning, but help here would be appreciated). If you didn't care to read the whole thing (understandable): 1) I need help with the physical orientation of my bits and body, because right now it hurts my knees and ankles as I thrust into my hand. 2) Need help on how to avoid making such a mess every time. Edit: Please don't be reticent in divulging details, and please don't be embarrassed! Much appreciated. I've missed out on years and years worth of experimentation opportunities and need the help to catch up. Edit 2: Yes, I am circumsized.
Independent studies in science fiction?
I'm thinking about doing an independent study in science fiction literature at my school. I would love to hear any ideas you have for concepts as well as individual book recommendations. What I'd like to do is take a particular aspect of the genre and trace it through history, for example, how does the idea of "progress" change throughout the history of American science fiction? But different types of suggestions would also be happily welcomed. tl;dr: if you could take a class on any topic you wanted in scifi literature, what would you want to study?
Is it legal to defend my property with violence?
When I go out, I always lock my bike to parking meters with a u lock and cable, but let's say I saw someone cut through the cable, and start working on the lock with a hammer and chisel. Would I be in my legal rights to sucker punch him in the back of the head? Could I drop kick him, or hit him with a bike wrench? EDIT: I live in Los Angeles, CA USA
A quick question, I have a plastic bucket fermenter with a spout at the bottom...
... the brew is a week into its fermentation, if I let a bit out to see how it was coming along, would it ruin anything? Thanks in advance!
Ask Proggit: Do any of you do time tracking?
We are planning to implement or roll out time tracking in our firm. I am of the opinion that you essentially cannot measure human activity especially time spent by programmers. But my co-founder thinks otherwise. We do consulting for our clients. When on a project, I tend to think about the problem and let it percolate before I act on it. I am not sure if other folks do it too. How do I account for such time?
Why doesn't every website have up/down voting like reddit?
I spend so much time on other blogs trying to find the button that will bury idiotic comments or bring great ones forward. Some places like imdb have an option to block specific users but that seems to be a rarity. Anyone else feel frustrated when they can't find the appropriate response buttons?
Why did you choose the college you did?
I'm just starting a project that deals with why students choose one university over another. If you went to college, or have already chosen a college, I would appreciate your input as to what were the deciding factors in your choice? Additionally, if you done any research on this topic and you know of good sources, I would appreciate that too. Edit: I just wanted to say thanks to everyone. Your replies have been great and very useful starting point.
At this moment, over 10 cop cars have descended lights ablazing to Beacon Hill, right in front of my house.
Heard one cop say "He's not going anywhere". edit: should say "descended upon" but I can't change title (or can I?) update: there are cops everywhere scouring with flashlights update: I took video but its pretty boring. Their arrival was fuckin badass but i missed capturing it, they came one after the other. I don't even know how many total there were. update: They split up and are just about all gone now. video: sorry this footage kinda sucks, it doesn't really show how weird it was. The splashes at the end of the 2nd vid are from me stepping in puddles on my deck lol
Reddit, let's make a trophy for those redditors that have passed on. Who is with me?
This was inspired by this story: I went to look at kakomango's profile today and found it incredibly sad and amazing that I could read all his comments on reddit. He left a part of himself behind for us and I think that needs to be acknowledged. Let's give him a trophy!
Just a reminder, Duke Nukem Forever isn't out yet.
Can we be done with reminders of things that aren't going to happen now, please?
Dear Reddit: has anyone "clicked here to enjoy unlimited use of megavideo"?
I steal most of my tv from the internet, and megavideo is a major part of my life. Such a huge part, that the thought of paying for it crossed my mind. I know what you're thinking, paying for intertubes is insane. Anyone have any light to shed on the topic? Thanks!
Sometimes the Federal Government is Awesome
Ok, I live in Maryland, and for those who don't know we are about to have a biblical snowstorm (from what I've heard, it will be like that scene from "Day After Tomorrow" when the entire atmosphere collapses and destroys everything); anyway, I just found the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's website ( and I'll be damned if it isn't the best weather-related resource available anywhere. That is important and they are apparently very good at it. Props to the Feds.
Hey Reddit, what is this game called?
My friend said he got it from his dad who got it in college but he doesn't know what it is called. I would really like to know. Thanks!
How did you get your mojo back?
For those of you who went through a heartbreak, how did you regain some semblence of mojo after, and how long did it take? No offense, but I'm really only interested in people over the age of 25 who were in long-standing relationships that went south.
Hello my fellow pirates...
My fellow Piraticans, **We have seen tremendous growth in the last two weeks, but we've also seen our share of trouble. Now that certain issues have been resolved it's time that we moved forward, not just as Pirates, but as Americans fighting for the future of their nation....with raptors.** Despite these tribulations, we've seen our council put in countless hours for the betterment of our party. We should all extend to them our deepest gratitude, for they have shown us that our differences do not have to be a source of division, but that they can help us to improve this party of ours. With that being said, I would like to officially announce my candidacy in the upcoming council election. This will undoubtedly be a difficult task, but, with hard work and dedication, we can move this party forward. With your blessing, I hope to ensure we accomplish the following: *Complete a full party platform: Lets face it, if we were to go on the street and tell our friends or some stranger that we were part of the APP, we wouldn't be able to them what we stood for. If the council was only to get one thing done in the next few weeks, this would be it. *Finalize the decision-making process: This is a little more self-explanatory. We need a way so that all our ideas can be heard, and that good ones come to fruition. *Complete and ratify our party constitution: If this party is indeed going to be a force in the national stage, we need a permanent organization. One that can speak for us and represent us in the national spot light. And one that can help local organizations get up and running. *Clearly define and establish our party's organizational structure *Solidify and establish our committees I feel I can best serve you all as a council member, but whether you vote for me or not, please keep in mind the absolute importance of our unity in the faces of these challenges. Our party must stand firm, otherwise we'll fall like so many have before us. You can learn more about me here **TL;DR: I'm a candidate in the upcoming council elections AMAA** Edit: Format. And special thanks to some_asshole, bigtobacco, and 0x44
DAE drop a dollar on T musicians they like?
Not to sound like a self righteous douche, but the way I feel about T musicians is, if you like the music you're hearing at your T stop, and you hope to hear it again, give the musician a reason to come back, just like the way you might pay for a single or album you'd like to hear again later. But too often I hear some great music, and don't see any money in the musician's jar. At first I thought, "Well, maybe I just have a different taste in music than everyone else at this stop." But meanwhile, I always see, for example, some bum belligerently squeaking away on a rusty harmonica, filling up his jar with pity money. That's fine and charitable, but don't forget about the guy who actually wants to entertain you.
What do you think is the true purpose in life?
You have a job or go to school. You either strive to be good or earn more money, you tend to find the best person as your partner, maybe have kids, you buy stuff to comfort you or your ego and live well. All this aside, what exactly is the true purpose in life?
I think I fed a troll...help?
So I created an IAMA reddit about being a starbucks barista and god some serious jackassery from a fellow redditor. i'm new to posting and have been long time lurker to avoid just this sort of thing but felt that reddit was more of a respectful place...versus say..uhh 4chan where i could post and become involved in a community without asshole-ish comments about my 'graduation' and my being 'married and pregnant' as if my life choices are somehow derogatory. what am i supposed to be doing?
Bass Players out there I need some advice on effect pedals.
I recently started playing bass in my band, and I am trying to get some gear together as of now I have a Thunderbird bass ( that has been set up well) and a decent amp. I am looking for some bass pedals (Bigg Muff, compression, phaser, and maybe a chorus)... **QUESTION:**Should I buy these pedals separately or just buy a *Line 6 Bass Floor POD*? Probably won't buy these all separately, just thinking for future options it's really between the POD or Big Muff right now. **Thanks for your input in advance**
Shop job needed...go to town on my girlfriend...
She's the girl in the FRONT staring up at Chino...get creative reddit. I've seen you do it before!!
Hey Reddit, I'm Starting a debate club at our High School...
I'm a senior at our High School. We've never had a debate team, but there are a few in our area. I've got a teacher on board to start the club with, but he's going to be more of a chaperon than anything. I have never done any sort of structured debates before. Most of the people that I have talked to haven't a clue what a logical fallacy is. I'm entirely lost with how to begin with this club, and I'm hoping that reddit might have a resource or two to help get us started. edit: It should also be known that I'm working with a current sophomore to keep the club going.
My mother was attacked by dogs (Bob Barker knows his shit)
So an eccentric and naive friend of my mother is wealthy both by inheritance and marriage. She puts her money into acquiring and raising tons of different animals. Dogs happen to be her favorite, especially dalmatians. They've attacked pretty much every other pet she has, including this awesome French bulldog that is perhaps the funniest creature I've ever seen. One bit the hell out of my mother's hand months ago. This week was worse. Pack behavior leads to a deep, 6-7" long gash on the arm. Multiple puncture wounds. She had to go to the ER and get doped up on dilaudid. Augmentin for afterward. Oh, and animal control came in of course. Don't play pretend breeder. Spay and neuter your pets, you assholes.
What are your favorite gear/production blogs????
i like www.createdigitalmusic.com, www.protoolerblog.com i'm into anything guitar stuff, recording stuff, weird stuff. i know you got em!
What is your impression of your father?
My father was angry and too busy working to spend much time with me and my brothers. When we did spend time with him it was doing yardwork, or working on his business. However, he also had a strong and nuanced sense of right and wrong, was liberal in his views of race and gender, and did really care about us, even though he was incapable of ever expressing it. He was flawed, but as I've become an adult, has become less so. Who is your Dad?
How many redditors host websites?
Shameless self promotion encouraged. Upvote the best / most original ones!
I am enjoying Engadget so much more by excluding apple news.
Without Apple news it is suddenly becomes a relevant new technology blog. Take a look. I will never go back. Just use
Hey Reddit...my bro-in-law drew this. Help me convince him he has potential...
My brother-in-law is one of the nicest individuals (aside from my wife and you cats) to walk this earth. He's currently in sales because of family influences, but I truly believe he's missed his calling. The guy has raw talent, and I think he has the potential to be a great graphic artist. He drew the linked image United States. Anyway, he doesn't know I'm posting this, but I'll show him if you agree with me. Upvote if you like it!
Maybe you guys can help me out
So I just bought "Getting Started in Hold'em by Ed Miller". And i am about half way through the book, and my question is how does pot equity and counting outs work together? Is pot equity only important preflop? and counting outs only important when to call a bet? Any thoughts guys.
Glass vs Metal, which do you prefer and why?
IMO metal has a nasty taste most of the time, but I'd prefer than the risks involved with glass (such as tiny shards cracking with heat, or from someone being stupid about cleaning it).
question about privacy?............
If someone had an anon blog can thier identity be traced? what about people who post nauty pics on here?
Can you guys recommend some good animes of the "Saturday morning" variety?
I usually tend to watch multiple series in tandem; usually one is something seinen for late nights and the other is something lighter for whenever I need to find something to pass the time. Right now I'm nearing the end of Cromartie High School, so I guess it's time to start looking for something to come in line after it. Right now I'm looking at possibly watching Excel Saga in its entirety (I watched it when I was younger but never watched it from start to finish and a lot of times I didn't catch full episodes), although I'm not sure if that's something that would be too fast-paced for me to view during meals when I'm devoting half my attention to whatever I'm eating. The English dub of Ghost Stories looks really good, but I'm not sure whether I'll eventually tire of listening to pre-pubescent children making penis jokes after a dozen episodes. Any suggestions? Preferably, I'd like something I can watch dubbed. Part of why I liked Cromartie (and why I'm considering Excel Saga and Ghost Stories) is the relative strength of their dubs. This is an anime that will likely be consumed alongside french fries and fresh fruit, so the ability to take my eyes off the screen without missing dialog is a giant plus.