Reddit: How serious are allegations of copyright fraud? What should I expect?
Today I received an email from my school's network administrator, saying that they'd been notified by an outside source that I'd been illegally distributing copyrighted material, and they have shut down my network. The school itself does not monitor the network, but receives emails from outside providers with allegations of such violations. I have to wait to meet with my Resident Director, where I will be "fully apprised of [my] rights and will have an opportunity to discuss this matter and explain the circumstances surrounding the incident" before I can have my network access restored. I want to know how worried I should be. How proveable is copyright fraud? I have been accused, at least in the email I received, of "Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, specifically the movie Sherlock Holmes." What are my rights? What am I obligated to divulge? Should I attempt to apologize and smooth things over? As far as I know, this is not a legal matter (yet).
I am being laid off and HR wants to conduct an "exit interview." Any redditors who have experience with this have any advice?
I have read that exit interviews are generally only conducted to help the company avoid litigation, and I've also read that they offer no upside to the departing employee and that I'd be best off declining to meet. Thoughts?
While watching Jon Stewart on the O'Reilley factor I thought it was strange he bring up fox cutting out of Obama's GOP visit until... (a lesson in humility from an elitist)
O'Reilly mentions that FOX covered the speech for a full hour before cutting away, I wanted to prove/disprove (I'm a douche so I was trying to prove the latter) what he said, so I took the clip from the daily show that shows fox cutting away from the speech, and used Huffington Post's full transcript to figure out where in the video they cut out which was about 45 minutes into the Huffington post video, and though I couldn't find Fox's coverage, I assume there were probably around 15 minutes of coverage before Obama got to the podium. (all 3 clips are provided below) Fox then cut to a segment that they had scheduled ahead of time, regardless of it's bias and xenophobia (I believe reddit told me it was on terrorists in the US or some crap.) Now if I were to try and put myself in Fox's shoes, regardless of bias and knowing that people (right and left) react better to edited coverage of scary things rather then actual political debate which is covered on 4 news channels, the best explanation being a quote I found on reddit and Google is telling me JC Watts said: If you are explaining, you are losing. From a purely business point of view, a good move. So what O'Reilly said was true, what does that mean? Self righteous Fox hating joke answer which I would normally find My opinion: When we, which if I had to would classify as liberals and liberal media though the world is not so black and white, saw Fox do this, we freaked out and began our talking points of Fox is not 'fair and balanced' as they claim to be, and I was right there with you. Though if we ask Fox to be fair, we must reciprocate, and in Fox's defense, they claim (I disagree) that they do not represent the GOP, and therefore I don't think they were obligated to cover this. I do believe that much of the world owes Fox an apology for our unfair treatment of the cutaway, and I hope that many of you may have seen your reflections. If we are to ever come together and begin bipartisanship, it's not just the conservatives who need to stop attacking us, it needs to be a two way street. Now, I still think that Fox is a biased hatemonger, and I continue to disagree with how they report BUT I definitely saw that my reaction to their bias has been no better, I and I hope all of you will begin looking at things with less of a tint from now on I lurk here ALOT, started a few weeks ago, but made this account just to post this, so this is my first post. I hope all of the parentheses and the mediocre at best writing didn't kill you. Daily show's coverage of Fox's dump can be found at 7:48 here: O'Reilly interview with statement in question at 6:55: Fox cut out at 45:35 of this video (I haven't looked but I assume that the coverage started before Obama got to the podium, if O'Reilly speaks the truth then about 15 minutes before this video starts): (before you all kill me I suggest you read the full thing rather then base your opinion on a TL:DR, though I understand either way, PMs if thats what they are called, I lurk here but just made this account, are welcome). TL:DR = Fox's coverage of Obama at the GOP was fair, Fox covered Obama for an hour before cutting out to programming they had planned ahead of time, and Obama's Q&A went overtime, Fox was fair and balanced
Help. I need to find a source of Mesorhizobium inoculant for Caragana Arborescens.
I am developing and assembling guilds of plants that resemble natural eco-systems but are also highly productive in multiple ways. This caragana species is not a native here, though it is very useful including- wildlife habitat, feed for domestic birds (and potentially people), hedges, windbreaks, erosion control. Its ability to fix nitrogen (as well as drought, cold and heat tolerance) also makes it an excellent pioneer species. However since the correct mesorhizobial symbiots (bacteria) are not present in the soil, it doesn't show active root nodulation (nitrogen fixing). Plant geeks only beyond this point. > There are fourteen strains representing 11 Caragana-nodulating Mesorhizobium genomic species identified representing: Mesorhizobium amorphae, Mesorhizobium huakuii, Mesorhizobium septentrionale and groups related to Mesorhizobium plurifarium, Mesorhizobium temperatum, Mesorhizobium tianshanense and Mesorhizobium mediterraneum. Despite their different taxonomic affiliation, highly similar symbiotic genes (>93% similarity for nodC and >91.8% similarity for nifH) were found among the Caragana strains and the three type strains for M. tianshanense, M. temperatum and M. septentrionale. Cross nodulation tests revealed that each of these 14 Caragana mesorhizobia and the three type strains mentioned above could effectively infect each of their original host plants, Caragana microphylla, Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora (host for M. tianshanense type strain) and Astragalus adsurgens (host for M. temperatum and M. septentrionale type strains). ...The nodulation tests in the present study confirmed this estimation and demonstrated that Caragana microphylla, Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora and Astragalus adsurgens could share their microsymbionts. = Wen Feng Chen et al., FEMS Microbiology Letters 283, no. 2 (6, 2008): 203-209. Hopefully Caragana microphylla and C. arborescens share their microsymbionts. If so, then like a never ending scavenger hunt, Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora is just not readily available here, however Glycyrrhiza lepidota is a native so is worth checking out. (As well as other licorice species in cultivation.) ... and Astragalus adsurgens is also a native here (Standing milk-vetch, Tanana milk-vetch) so is another clue to follow. Now I know what they are... but where to get them? Any help? EDITED: for clarity.
Reddit, what is your earliest memory?
I was at a Chuckee Cheese's with my grandparents and I was so unbelievably scared because I was in a room with a strobe light. I just remember being terrified. Also, how is my brain able to always associate the idea of an earliest memory with this memory? How does my mind have a concept of what its earliest memory is? Why that one memory and not others, or any others for that matter? So much has been forgotten, why do I always remember that?
Looking for EPL/Champions League video highlights viewable in the US...
I'm a recent convert to the beautiful game (and sport in general, to be honest) who got caught up in the Seattle Sounders FC wave last season as an ECS supporter. I'd love to expand my world-view here, but west coast airings of European games are at best around noon, not exactly when I have the most free time. I haven't really been able to find a reliable source for video highlights/commentary. Can anyone recommend an entry-point here, perhaps a good blog? I'm following Arsenal and Everton mostly, if that helps. Any other tips for a newbie? I've recently had to move back to LA after a year living next door to the Sounders home stadium, so I'll be investigating the local supporters group for a home away from my club. Any help there would also be appreciated.
Okay, Reddit, what are your bathing rituals?
Inspired by these comments. I shared it there but I go: I lather up against my torso, get left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, then move to my back and get my underarms somewhere along the way (it's hard to remember without doing it, you know?). Then I use shampoo to wash my hair and face at the same time. What about you, Reddit? Any eccentricities? How did you settle on your routine?
So r/drugs/, any experience with JWH-018?
Weed is pretty hard to find sometimes in my area, and it might not hurt to have a substitute around for days I just want to relax and forget about shit...does anyone have any experience with it?
What should I do or see while in Las Vegas that is free or very cheap?
I've never been to Vegas before and I'm going soon for a 5 day trip with my wife. We already have some not-so cheap things planned but I want to see what else we can find. I've already browsed some sites like cheapovegas.com but I'd like to see if there are any gems that redditors can point out for me.
Has anyone else been a temp for over a year? and if so, how did you finally move out of it?
So I graduated last year with my bachelor's in Business Admin specializing in Accounting and Finance. I did some travelling around Europe and whatnot for fun and came back to Canada with hopes of starting a career somewhere. I applied at many places, and the few that gave me an interview basically tried to spoon feed me a cookie cutter answer of "no experience, no thanks". My experience is in retail and resturaunts because I couldn't be a full time student and a full time office worker. I didn't let this get me down. I found some staffing agencies and they started giving me contract work in accounting/finance departments which looks good on my resume as opposed to cooking and stocking shelves. But now I've come to a point where I've done nothing but temping in similar companies for over the last year. Each position is kind of accounting related but mundane and boring. I've done great at all my positions and received contract extentions and professional references almost every time. The pay is OK but I really want the stability of a full time position that actually challenges me. Typically, many temps move onto full time positions with the companies they are interning at. However, with the recession everyone has been freezing hiring, slowing down drastically, or asking a huge amount of education and experience for even low level jobs. So my questions are these: Do you have any tips for someone in my shoes? What places do you primarily browse (Workopolis, monster, etc) for positions? How do other accounting/finance/HR/operations grads go about "getting the ball rolling" towards a career in a related field? Go with a larger firm or a smaller one? I'm thinking basic entry level jobs in AP, Treasury (I realize that's a bit higher) or perhaps JV accounting (It's an oil town). No AR, I don't want to yell in the phone all day. There are also similar positions I’d consider, but AP, JV and Treasury are my top interests. Just looking for general advice and tips essentially, mostly related to accounting/finance, but if you have any other tips or suggestions that don't pertain to those fields feel free to share, they might help someone else out! Additonally, I know with today's economy I should be happy to have a job (kinda), and for that I am grateful. But I still need a stable position. I don't want to come accross as someone who makes more than he needs but is whining for more. I also know most redditors are IT guys and developers so please don’t laugh at my interest in accounting positions :P Also, I know many will suggest I do more school. The problem is I live with 2 roomates and really can’t find quiet time to study. Again, I’m hoping to land an entry level job and move out to my own little place. With that done, I will be continuing my educations by going for JV certification and then CMA. Thanks in advance.
Dating philosophy? Am I stupid to think short-term is wrong for me? Another pathetic guy here.
Me in a nutshell: 26, male, virgin, socially inept and usually shy. Often lack social confidence. Been this way for as long as I can remember. Feel like I missed out on a lot of the social conditioning that happens in highschool/college because I was totally aloof and focused on learning. Back story: Until about a year ago I had never done anything with a girl. Then I finally got the courage to ask one out online, we went "out" for a few months but then she had to move away. No hard feelings though there was a lot of confusion on my end mostly due to a lack of communication. The most I ever got the courage to do (she didn't initiate anything) was very innocent kissing (no tongue). All of this did give me more confidence, enough to ask out a random girl I met (was denied), but nothing overwhelming as I was left really confused about the things that went "wrong" with the previous girl. I still feel like I have no idea how to connect with women in a romantic or platonic way... I have a few female friends, but they aren't particularly close and they tend to be the sister's or wives of my friends. I don't have a lot of friends in general but I'm actively working at expanding my social circle... To that end I've met more women recently and I think I picked up on one at least that might be trying to flirt with me. The problem is that she lives about 2 hours away so getting together would be tricky, and I will hopefully be leaving the States in 9 months and be gone for a couple years. Since I've taken the mindset of leaving the country, I've taken up the philosophy that I really should just focus on learning how to be friends with women first as anything romantic would only be a fling. Generally I'm against the idea of a fling. It not only is risky health-wise, but it feels like someone if not both people are simply using each other. On the other hand being a virgin with practically no relationship experience weighs on my confidence and I feel like I'm missing out. I have no wisdom/experience to contribute when everyone is always talking about past or current relationships. I'm also kind of concerned that I'm screwing myself over by denying myself any sort of more intimate relationship. i.e. being friends with girls likely isn't going to help me that much in trying to be romantic with a girl. So what says you RA, am I over-thinking this and being an idiot by precluding any possibility of a romantic "relationship" with a girl? TL;DR: Inexperienced older virgin doesn't know how to connect with women. Leaving country for a couple years in less then a year and doesn't know if he is being stupid for not taking present "opportunity" for learning how to be in a romantic relationship.
Time Traveler Jack.....L O S T speculation
The first time we see Jack, he has already time traveled. Every time there has been a flash, such as Ben, or Locke, turning the donkey wheel, or when desmond was blown from the hatch, they wake up flat on their backs, staring up at the sky. So my theory is that perhaps altJack must somehow travel back in time and transverse into another reality where the plane does crash to end up flat on his back in season 1 pilot episode. Do you agree or not? What can the implications of this be??? He walks among them but is not one of them.....didn't they say this about jack?
Do any Americans pretend to be a Canadian when travelling?
I have never seen anyone do this, but it seems to be a popular stereotype in American media. As a Canadian I'd like to think this doesn't happen, but I can understand if it is useful in some situations.
Women for women sponsorship program
I used to be a regular sponsor of world vision, until I had to stop due to finances. I'm now in a position to start again, and have been keeping an eye out for programs that seem to be more in tune with what I want (I found the whole getting a picture of 'your child' to put on the fridge etc a waste of money). Today I found the program in the link, did some research and joined up. I love the idea of a support and training program for women in war-torn countries, and think it's a great thing to be a part of, so I thought I'd share. Guess the title doesn't link, so here it is:
Does anyone play that Madballs game that's on steam? Honest opinions?
I'm kind of curious because it seems like it gets patched every single week... is it because it's super buggy? Or is the game actually fun and they're giving it the TF2 treatment?
He has done it - it is finished.
Psalm 22:29-31 hebrew for done John 19:28-30 greek for finished
I-am-a drunk guy with a broken heart and a website AMA
About a year ago, my ex left me. For about the last 5 months I have been saying 7 months ago. She corrected me today. She called me because she was upset that all you wonderful reddit people called her a bitch on facebook after seeing my comics at And after I asked you to. She's furious. A year ago, she left me because I worked to much. I tried working less and making it work- it didn't. Even quitting my job wasn't enough. I felt like it was an excuse. She later told me she loved me, but she wanted to play the field. This made me miserable. I've been drinking to excess and doing every drug I can since then. I am pretty flipping miserable, but all things considered I have pretty nice life. I good job, a classically good looking secretary, my own condo I own outright now. I'm only 25. And I'm on fire. I loved her deeply. Every 20th of the month was Genia day, celebrating the first day we made love, 3/20. Her birthday is 4/18. I've sung her her own songs, I've written her poetry, I've made her artwork. I've tried every sweet thing I could. She still wouldn't stay. If my site gets 3,000 hits a day, reliably, my boss will let me drink at work. Thats how awesome my work is. I work for a Medical Doctor Television network, MDiTV. Its still a start up. Ask me anything.
Allow moderators to add a custom CSS class to post.
So, I'm working on starting up a Nomic game (at /r/nommit) and one of the things that would be useful would be to be able to star some posts and strike-through others. I know IAMA does this, so I looked at how they do it, and basically they do it in a very tedious way - altering the custom stylesheet and adding the post id of every post they want to star. Ugh. Originally I thought a good solution would be to add an option for moderators to "star" a post, but I think even better would be the option to add custom CSS classes to posts. That way it would be a lot more flexible and could work for all sorts of things. Well, that's my idea. :)
Question: Why are people who have no 1st hand exp. in some activities allowed to vote on and outlaw/regulate said activity?
This just doesn't make sense (if it does plz enlighten). Shouldn't the laws be made by people who have at least 1st hand expierience in w/e it is they are outlawing/regulating? OF COURSE there would be exceptions...use common sense Murder/rape/slavery/w/e
UFC 109 Predictions + MMAPlayground thread
Card (stolen from Wikipedia): * Dan Miller vs Demian Maia * Matt Serra vs Frank Trigg * Ronny Torres vs Melvin Guillard * Phillipe Nover vs Rob Emerson * Mac Danzig vs Justin Buchholz * Brian Stann vs Phil Davis * Tim Hague vs Chris Tuchscherer * Rolles Gracie vs Joey Beltran * Nate Marquardt vs Chael Sonnen * Mike Swick vs Paulo Thiago * Randy Couture vs Mark Coleman So yeah, thoughts? Upsets? I think it's a relatively strong card again, although I wouldn't surprised to see the main 3 fights all go to decision. The undercard's where the excitement's at. And of course, the MMAPlayground league is still up and active - member count all the way up to SIXTEEN, and we place a mighty 19 out of 24. Feel free to request an invite when you're all joined up - we need all the help we can get.
Why won't my link comment go up?
Yesterday the number beside my name was 145. I submit something that has net 29 upvotes. Today my number is still 145. When I posted something to videos and I got net two downvotes it went from 147 to 145. I also posted a recipe to the board that had 12 upvotes and it stayed at 147. I am unable to move up in link karma. What's going on?
RPI refuses housing scholarship to students moving off campus
The office of financial aid hasn't officially stated this new policy, which would refuse housing scholarships to current sophomores and juniors moving off campus next year. This is another blow in the battle over housing reform at RPI and now many of the students who thought they could move off campus and get a meal plan covered under their housing scholarship will find that RPI is no longer considering your meal plan as part of your housing scholarship. I personally think this is ridiculous since most students moving off campus next year have already done so under the belief that they would be able to keep their housing scholarship as long as they kept a meal plan. Thanks a lot RPI. I'm so glad I we are really making a difference in the RPI experience.
Session 1: The narwhal bacons at midnight.
I declare the first session of the parliament of Nommit to be open as of now. The theme shall be "reddit memes." I will be the Judge, and there is no Prime Minister for this session, so anyone can post the first law. For consistency sake, remember to post your laws as "1.X: A short description" where X is the law number. If two laws are posted with the same law number, the first (chronological) constitutional law will go into effect, and the others will be marked unconstitutional.
Sharing my sadness: my santee's gift is about to be returned to sender.
So I sent my gift, dutifully, on the 'Ship By' date. It's only going from Canada to the States (and my province/santee's state are RIGHT NEXT to each other). It should get there by Christmas. Right? Nope. It took until January 5th. I had a bit of conversation with my santee before then--first to get ideas for the gift, then to tell them it was sent. I got a sweet message at Christmas saying that they had not received anything, but that they still wished me well. I've been keeping them updated through messages about where the package is (from the USPS tracking website), but I've gotten no response. And they haven't commented since before Christmas. And it's been a month since it arrived in the States, and they're going to send it back. And I feel AWFUL. I really wish it had gotten to my Santee before they gave up. (And i cross-stitched them something personal and everything!) Boo.
What's the worst thing that your partner has ever confessed to you, and how did you get over it?
I've been trying to figure out how people deal with the terrible things their partners have confessed to them. My gf confessed that she slept with her best friends husband at a party, stayed the night, woke up the next morning and ate breakfast with her, and then continued to hang out with her after that and lied to her about it.
Question to Android phone users: What's your background? What's the coolest ones?
I was thinking of changing from a default background on my Droid and have downloaded some apps for backgrounds, but usually once the image is blown up on the screen it pixelates and looks terrible. So, what're some good backgrounds? Where can I get them? If they're cool enough, I dont mind paying.
Dear Gaming Reddit: Any gaming backgrounds for my cellphone?
Just got a droid, and I was thinking about getting a cool new background but most of the stock ones are plain and the free ones available from apps are kinda lackluster or they pixelate when used as a background. Just wondering if other games have gaming backgrounds for their phone they may suggest.
Catchy fucking title (Question inside)
Why is it that politicians polarize their propaganda so much that it doesn't bear any resemblance to reality? We are so desensitized towards violence and pornography, even the most vile examples barely stifle a yawn. Yet, our society and politicians can't even recognize something as trivial as gay marriage. Why is this? What creates this gap? EDIT: And how can we fix it?
The Last Airbender: Teaser trailer!
leaked teaser trailer for The Last Airbender. Grabbed from i09
Clueless wife+husband's 30th birthday=TROUBLE!!! I need your help Reddit!!!
So I was going to send him and his friends to Vegas as a surprise, but my dad spilled it. I need other ideas BUT AM CLUELESS!! That was my one cool idea!! I would really like to make this special-can anyone help??
My ideas on how to restore politics. Can anyone tell me if they're unfounded or why they wouldn't work?
So I'll try to keep it short. Basically, you see companies get too big and they fall apart because too many people are making too many decisions. What happens usually is there are smaller companies (disruptive companies/technology) that come in and debase the old, big companies because they're more efficient. But then they usually become large as well, and the cycle continues. I relate this to Britain/America in the early days. Britain had their monarchy and wasn't about to change any time soon. With the advent of America, a small colony that was able to make progress quickly, we see that democracy (or a democratic republic, whatever we are today) or some semblance of it has quickly spread throughout the modern world. As of today, I think the idea of democracy is too old, and that we're seeing many of its problems. I think the solution to this would be a type of "disruptive government": that we could take a bunch of people, move them somewhere else with all the knowledge we have, and try to make a new society off it. If it works, I'm sure the rest of the world would want to follow. The only problem is that there's no more land to create a new government on Earth (which is why I'm for space travel and such... but that's beyond the point). However, my question is, do you think that "disruptive government" (or even economic policy) would be a good answer to the problems of today?
Valentines day ideas. Common guys, lets help each other out.
What are some of you doing that are really gonna make your girl happy? I need help and I know I'm not the only one. Thanks.
I've been defending Texas for years on Reddit, but you know what, fuck Texas.
Let me introduce you all to the Texas Surcharge program. Feel free to research this disaster of law yourself, but let me give you my personal story. Awhile ago I was on my way to Blockbuster and forgot my license. I was pulled over and ticketed for driving without a license. *This is where I screwed up big* All I had to do was go to the courthouse, show my license and pay $10.00 and the charge would have been dismissed. Instead, I was distracted by impending move to Oregon and forgot. My fault 100%. Not arguing that. Fast forward two months. I receive a notice that I was ticketed for driving without a license in Texas and that I owed $323.00 to the courthouse in Grapevine. I paid the ticket and full and continued my life, feeling like and idiot for wasting $323.00. (little did i know that was just the beginning.) Fast forward about six weeks. Car packed, I'm on my way to Oregon. Goodbye Texas, nice to know you. On the way, I'm pulled over in New Mexico. The officer informs me that I'm driving on a suspended license. Suspended license? This is news to me. He tickets me and allows my mother to drive the rest of the way. I send $415 to the courthouse in New Mexico to pay the ticket and full and call the DPS in Texas to see why my license is suspended. As it turns out, I had been placed on the surcharge program the moment I received my initial citation for driving without a license (from the Blockbuster trip). The surcharge program requires a payment of $35/month over the next 3 years, on top of every ticket I had already paid. Well, I was never once notified of this program and because of my failure to pay, my license was suspend. Well, that sucks. I pay all $750 of the surcharge immediately plus an additional $100 fee for reinstating my license and get my license renewed. That lasted for 1 month, until I received another letter in the mail. Because of my ticket in New Mexico for driving on a suspended license, I was being placed on the surcharge program again. Another $750, another $100 for my license, only this time, because I am a repeat offender, I need to add sr-22 insurance to my policy, in Texas. So, even though I don't even live in Texas, I know have to add a Texas based insurance policy to my account. I'm now broke, I've lost my job because it requires a valid license and I can't afford to pay my upcoming school tuition. On the bright side, I guess I can sell my car now. Fuck you, Texas.
Reddit girls: Sexy/fun Valentine's suggestions?
I'd like to do/surpirse my wife with something sexy and fun and different for Valentine's day. Ladies, do you have any suggestions?
What are your favorite songs about ganja?
So many to mention. But here are a couple of mine: Sukh Knight - Ganja Dub Collie Buddz - Come Around (The Widdler bootleg)
Help! I lie and I can't stop!
Reddit...I need your advice. I have come to the realization that I am a complete liar to everyone. It started out as little white lies but now it's full blown. Everything I say seems to be a lie to some extent. I started doing this when I was a kid. (I remember lying to my teacher about random stuff.) It just hasn't stopped. How do I change my ways? I really want to change. Please, I just can't seem to stop.
am i afraid of commitment or in love with someone else?
i've been dating my gf, "C" for appx 5 years (on and off at first, took 6 months off freshman year of college, have been together since end of freshman year of college). now i'm in a doctorate program and she's working (and going to grad school at nite). she has been bugging me for a few weeks about wanting to move in together and eventually get married when we're a couple years into our careers. i'm nervous because... i am really falling for someone in my doctorate program, "D". i actually met D through C. she is so similar to C, but cooler and more on the same intellect as me. (she is less attractive than C, but she is still cute). part of me wants to dump C and chase after D. the other part of me says i'm just afraid of commitment since C has been my only serious gf. here's the twist: C and D are first cousins... tl;dr i'm falling for my gf's first cousin, who i am in a doctorate program with. what do i do?
Where is a good place to go snipe hunting?
My friends say it's fun and I should try it. I'm willing to travel anywhere to hunt snipe.
I normally avoid the whole Reddit vs. Digg thing, but this caught my eye today
So, last night as I was watching old Deadwood episodes and surfing Reddit I saw this post. I dashed off a quick comment: Ya gotta love the "Front-Butt".... Ho ho... I know, real hilarious. Anyways, looking at my Digg RSS feed this afternoon I see this post. No way that's a coincidence right? This interwebz is a strange beast.
What will the legacy of the baby boomers be?
I'm in my early 30's. During my twenties the economy was boom & bust. Currently the economy is in the tank. Horrendous national debt. When I look at my grandparents generation, I have respect and admiration for their hard work and selflessness. Sure they had problems of their times. But when I look at boomers, on average - its completely different. I see greed, ignorance, incompetence and selfishness. Is it just me? Am I just another kid mad at his parents generation for "not getting it"? Or 100 years from now will people say "man those boomers sure were a bunch of screw ups..."
DAE playfully insult their spouse, life partner, or girlfriend or boyfriend?
My wife and I call each other names, flip each other off, etc. I call her a bitch, she responds with asshole. I call her a cunt, she calls me a dick-with-ears. It never leads to hurt feelings or real anger. Maybe it's because we, very much, love each other; I realize not everybody can deal with this sort of fun, especially if they're sensitive or self-absorbed. We don't know any other couple who does this. I am wondering just how common this might be.
Reminder: No, it is not okay to publicize personally identifying information of other redditors in lgbt
I am sure that the vast majority of you understand this already, and it attests to the excellence of this reddit's membership that such a warning did not even need to be made explicit until now. However, I have seen at least one person publishing another redditor's identifying details (full name, location, and so on) with the intent of some kind of vengeance for a perceived personal slight, or something of the sort. I want to make it clear that this is absolutely unacceptable, even more so in a reddit such as this which deals with what can be very sensitive issues. It recalls the name-and-shame campaigns perpetrated against LGBT individuals in African nations, and it carries the same risks. I am very disturbed that anyone here would do this intentionally. It is rare for someone to be banned from here -- people aren't banned for even the most ridiculous inflammatory posts -- but this is a bannable offense, and if you do this, you can expect to be removed from /r/lgbt. It poses a danger which is intolerable. I'd just like everyone to be aware of this.
Dear Reddit: What was the first PC game published on a CD that actually used the capabilities of the media?
We have been arguing about this at my office for a few days now. "7th Guest" (1993) was the oldest we could find, until today when we ran across "Mixed-Up Mother Goose" (1992) ( Can Reddit find anything earlier? Please provide documentation. Thanks!
Why is it EVERY time I go to the doctor, first question they ask me: "when was your last period?" Second question: "what are you using for contraception?" Even when your DAD is in the room?!
I only went in for pink eye!! My dad came because I needed his help paying (no insurance and doing an internship till I can find a better paying gig). Judge Judy was playing in the lobby and he figured ANYTHING was better than listening to that... he was wrong. So the nurse asked me about my period, then about the pill... I explained that recently stopped taking it. She said "what do you use then?" I got panicky and said "nothing.. condoms" so she asked "you are sexually active right?". I've never had this talk with my dad, I've been I guess lying for years since we are pretty uptight that way, so I panicked and responded: "My dad is RIGHT HERE!" He got up and left the room. The nurse then realized her mistake and apologized, and I cried, and apologized for yelling, and yeah. Bad day. Any nurses out there, remember to have a little tact please. Write it down or something if you have to ask me.
1.1: It's Better With Bacon
**Section A:** *It's BACON!* All ministers, present and future, are initially given five strips of bacon. **Section B:** *Law of Conservation of Bacon* Strips of bacon may only be gained, lost, or transferred as stated in the laws. There is no bacon other than strips of bacon. **Section C:** *Bacon is Life* When a minister proposes a law, they lose one strip of bacon. A minister may not propose a law without being in possession of at least one strip of bacon. **Section D:** *Bring Home the Bacon* When a law is judged constitutional, the minister who proposed the law gains two strips of bacon.
Reddit DIY, trying to make an awesome beer pong table.
So, me and some friends are getting a house next year for college, and as part of our house, we want to have a really cool beer pong table. Our thoughts for what we want it to look like are to have it be made of plastic, or anything clear and durable, and to have it hollow on the inside. We would then fill it with highlighter fluid and mount black lights on the bottom so that it glowed and would look awesome. Any ideas how we could make this on a poor college student budget?
I am a Ferrari test driver. AMAA
I am a test driver for Ferrari S.p.A. I know Schumacher and other F1 drivers. I have driven the cheapest Ferraris all the way up to F1 cars. I work in Italy, the USA and Germany most of the time but do spend time in other countries (I don't speak anything other that English though (I know thats bad of me)). You can ask me almost anything I am limited on what I can say due to contracts and I don't want my identity to be known. AMAA
I Believe in Professional Politicians. There. I Said It.
It is my belief that the complexities of economics, sociology, politics, and law are so numerous that while it may be possible for any citizen to *become* a politician, it may be best if people who are truly learned and seasoned in the field of politics are the ones chosen to become our representatives and leaders. While I agree that by becoming professional politicians, some politicians can become out of touch with their constituents, I also believe that there is a select group of people who do not get this way, and have prudent knowledge for the conducting of politics, and that these people are the ones best fit for their jobs.
Car got repossessed. what can I do?
Hey Reddit, Hope someone out there can help. I'm from California, and just today my girlfriend found out that her car got repossessed. So what happened? In short, about 4 months ago, her brother took the car to the shop. 2 months ago, her brother went to the DMV to pay all his unpaid tickets in order to get the boot removed. 1 month a towing company took his car. 1 week ago, the auto shop called her brother to tell him that they cannot find his car. Today, we found out their creditor (a Credit Union) had possession of her car and decided to claim under repossession due to unpaid tickets. Now my girlfriend was never late for any of the payments because she had setup an automatic payment plan with the creditor. Tomorrow my girlfriend has to go to some car auction to pick up her car. Can a creditor repossess a car due to unpaid tickets? She was never late with her car payments. What can we do to get this repossession off of her credit report? What are her options? Also, her brother and her live separately, hence this is why she didn't know the status of her car.
2010/02/04 Update - Two minor crash fixes
February 4, 2010 - Team Fortress 2 Update Released Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include: **Team Fortress 2** * Fixed a client crash during the localization of item names * Fixed a client crash caused by selecting Random in the class menu and then clicking on "Edit Loadout"
IwasA janitor who cleaned up after porn shoots - AMA
So 4 years ago, for about 6 months, I got a janitorial job at a small apartment complex who used to rent their space out to short term tenants. Various porn directors (usually small time independent guys) loved to buy up the property for a week or two to film a couple shoots. I was the guy who had to clean up between tenants, and if requested, do some day-to-day cleaning also. The pay was decent (almost $20/hour, but not too many hours available). It was a good part time job while going to school part time. I ended up quitting not so much because it was a gross job (which it was), but because I got a better office job later that year. Ask me anything! Just a note: No, I never got to participate in any of the films, and rarely got to watch. EDIT: Just some more information about the place I worked at. Basically, it was a group of 5 "apartments" (I don't really know if they were officially apartments or just rental space) that the owner rented out to whoever was willing to pay. They buildings were associated with a nearby club/resort so that's where she generated most of her business from. Think of it as sort of a clubhouse, but rather than a big house, a string of apartments. Clients weren't just from the porn industry, we had a wide array of people rent out space, but most of them were from the sex industry (I don't know why, I guess the owner had some connects in that realm of business). EDIT #2: Before anyone asks, I've never come across a video filmed in my workplace. I don't watch much porn, sorry! Also, 4 years ago streaming porn wasn't as abundant as it is now. I think most of the work done went straight to DVD, or just went to random picture sites. Who knows...
Q) How to check if a kernel image is the same as a previous build?
Hi, I maintain a Linux system. It's a + various patches + various customisations. We have an image that I made a while ago which we use for production. Just recently I made a monolithic patch between my version and a vanilla kernel. I then applied this patch to a vanilla kernel and rebuilt an image. The image size is *almost* the same as my original one, difference is a few bytes. I expect there to be a difference because each build embeds times stamps, a build counter, etc. How can I compare the two images to see that they are *functionally* the same? The binaries are very different, so I took a look at System.map. they are *almost* identical. The funny thing is that the only difference is a 5% contiguous chunk where the symbol names are the same but their starting addresses are all offset by +4 bytes. e.g. c01f07f8 T __lock_text_end c01f0f54 T linux_proc_banner c01f0f90 T linux_banner -c01f1000 t cpdext -c01f103c t cpdist -c01f1078 t cplext +c01f1004 t cpdext +c01f1040 t cpdist +c01f107c t cplext I am positive that this means the two images contain pretty well the same data bu just offset by a few bytes because of a different string length somewhere.
The ganja Gods have smiled on me with fortune
I just got a halfazone for 10 bucks, right on! This first J is for you Ents!!!
I have strong urges to veer off road on my motorcycle.
I would say I've been secretly severely depressed for around 6 months. I've been trying my hardest to get over my heart breaking over a messy break up with my ex (together for 3 years, it was perfect mostly). We broke up around Octoberish and I thought I really could carry on. But the more I try not to think about her the worse it is. I've tried taking up physical and mental hobbies to take my mind off but I just can't stop thinking about memories we shared together. She's obviously moved on and is happy again, which I'm happy for but I can never extinguish the hope that we can still share a few more memories together. So anyway, I've made a serious cry for help gesture before by means of a pain killer overdose and sleeping tablets but now it just seems like I really can't go on. My heart feels broken and shattered. I have a motorcycle which I ride regularly in heavy, open road traffic to commute and I never forget when riding how easy it would be just to swerve slightly to the other lane and get hit head on and end it. I know this is incredibly stupid because of the immense damage it could cause to so many other people but it's always there in the back of my mind. I just can't move on. She's slept with other men now and has got a whole new life, she was incredible in almost everyway. I know she's a totally different person now but I still can't shake her out of me, she got so inbuilt, everything I did, I did for her... Help me.
/r/nommit - A nomic game based on the Fantasy Rules Committee is starting its first round.
/r/nommit A nomic is a type of game where the rules allow for the rules to be edited as part of the game. Looking at the Fantasy Rules Committee, I thought that reddit would be an ideal forum for starting our own nomic, so I went ahead and created one. Think of it kind of like a mock parliament, but with the explicit aim of trying to create rules that make you "win" in an interesting and fun way. If you are interested in joining, read the getting started section (linked in the description of the subreddit) and send me a PM. I'll get you hooked up!
Beereddit, I'm new to beer. What should I get for the Super Bowl this weekend?
I only started drinking beer a few months ago, but I definitely enjoy it, though I'm not too experienced in the finer beers. I've had some crappy beers like Bud Light and Milwaukee's Best and some nicer ones like Sam Adams winter lager and Sweetwater pale ale and IPA. For the big game this weekend, I want to get some quality beer, but I don't totally know what I should go for. I can tell you that I enjoy paler beers, but that's about it. Help me, /r/beer; you're my only hope. If it helps, I'm in Georgia.
CDL Drivers - What's the best way to get my CDL?
I want to get my CDL. I'm 23 with a clean driving record, love to drive, have no ties to home (girlfriend/wife, kids) and think this would be a great way to earn some money doing something I enjoy. I want to start out local (2-3 hours radius) but would love to hit the open road. I've driven across the country on 3 occasions, pa to ca twice, and ca to massachusetts, so I know what it takes to be on the road. My questions is: Do I need to enroll in a 5 week driving course? What do you think of this website? ( And how did you acquire your CDL, what do you recommend? Thanks ahead for your input! tl;dr: 23 yrs old, clean driving record, want to get my CDL asap
Hey Reddit, Should I look at buying a 2 year old CRV if it was 132,000KM on it?
I'm buying my first ever car from a dealer and would appreciate any tips you could give me! :) Thank you!
Reddit, I need to get out of my job.
I'm in this Help Desk phone support job right now, and It is making me crazy. I used to do the hands on stuff, but with the economy as it is, I can't seem to find anything else! The pay is shit, the users are abusive and moronic, and the supervisors are bastards. I hate coming here every day. I feel like I have to get out now, or I am going to crack completely and check myself into a mental hospital. I am not exaggerating on this. I would quit if I was able to live without an income. I have 4 years of IT experience, and I live in Southern California, if that helps. I don't currently have any certifications. I do not know anything about programming, html, or databases. I plan to get Network+ and MCITP Enterprise Administrator certs, but I can't stay here any longer. Any advice on making a career change would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: I should note that I have a Bachelor's Degree, but it's in English.
Dear Reddit: I have a phone interview tomorrow for an internship with a large company. What should I be on the lookout for? Any advice?
It's a finance internship (I know, I know) with a company that you would know but I'll withhold. I haven't had any serious interviews before, only minor jobs I've held for summer positions and misc. work. But nothing actually relating to my education. I'm a calm person and should be able to keep myself relaxed, but I get anxious when I don't have an idea of what's coming. Anyone wish to share some questions they've heard in interviews relating to business? Or better yet, anyone want to share some questions they ask people in interviews? Any advice would be greatly appreciated and help me sleep better. :)
Anyone else notice that the fonts/text in Ubuntu 9.10 are gorgeous?
I'm running Ubuntu in a VM on my Windows 7 laptop, and I'm noticing that text looks incredibly good when compared to Windows. I mean, ClearType is turned on, but Ubuntu is blowing it out of the water. Loving it :)
1.2: Favorite Animal Congratulations act
I propose 1.2: Favorite Animal Congratulations act 1.2: Once a minister accumulates 6 style points, they are entitled to receive a congratulatory MS paint drawing of the mentioned minister's favorite animal, drawn by the current judge. Failure in delivering this image to the minister from the judge, will result in impeachment of that judge. This was posted as a comment earlier by mistake. I dont know how this works yet.
I'm still in love with my ex
I broke up with my ex nearly a year ago, and it broke her heart. It was my longest relationship yet and I freaked out. Two weeks after we broke up, I slept with someone else, ignored her calls and spent the next couple of months generally being a dick to her. Fast forward a year and we're good friends, she has moved on and has a new boyfriend of 6 months, I realised long ago that I am still in love with her, she came close to taking me back, but decided not to. She is from a different country and I married her, while she had a boyfriend, so she could return to the country in a few months when we will have to live together. These past six months have been horrible for me, I have been really depressed and despite being with a few other girls since, always think about her, when I've been with these other girls I have felt completely empty and detached from them. I have even been having suicidal thoughts, nothing strong enough to act on, but I stay awake at night thinking about how I don't want to be there to see her reach all these milestones with her new boyfriend. Does anyone have **anything** to say to me?
Ask Reddit: to what extent is germophobia a self-reinforcing phobia?
Another way of phrasing my question is "how much does avoiding germs as much as possible increase the chance of getting sick when one does come in contact with germs?" If you're a germophobe, then you probably aren't exposed to nearly as many germs as the average person and thus your immune system is not as strong. All of the germophobes I've known have been consistently sick, and not just in a "I think I'm sick" kind of way.
Hey LGBT, At my college the administration has refused to change our anti-discrimination clause in our mission to included sexual orientation!
Just this year, a club was created at my university called Allies. We are a group working for LGBT rights here on campus. Recently there has been some discriminatory action towards some of the known members on campus. Recently we appealed to the administration to add a clause into our anti-discrimination policy, that includes gender and race among other things, regarding sexual orientation. Their response was an E-mail that was deceiving sympathetic, only to end in a refusal to change. Last night there was a protest before a school basketball game, members of our group sat in the middle of the court and refused to move until many of them were arrested. At this point we are looking for suggestions on how to handle this situation and get it changed. Anyone have any suggestions? edit: more details here:
[0] Just got done with class. The perfect storm.
I just got a quo of Sour Diesel, cleaned my vaporizer, and I have nothing to do between now and Tuesday. I'm going to challenge myself to be as productive as possible. I can't tell you how good I feel right now. Also, as I type this, I'm taking the first hit!!
Can anyone recommend a good book on Fortran 90?
I will be using it for extensive mathematical computations on a physics project. I have no experience in the language, but I am familiar with C and C++.
A few quick questions about Rhthymbox.
Fairly new to linux (Ubuntu). It seems like I cant have my audio files automatically open with rhythmbox. By this I mean 2 things: * The audio files wont open on a double-click, even though Rhythmbox is my preferred multimedia application. * When I do open the files with rhythmbox, they first are added to the library. Then, if I open the file again, it will play. So my questions are as follows: * Is there something I don't know about making Rhythmbox my default music application? * Is there a way to make it so the files will play the first time they are opened. EDIT: Problem Solved. In case anyone else has the same trouble. Go to a music file. Right-Click>Properties>Open With and change it there.
What can I get in Canada that I can't get in the US?
Besides mugs and tshirts that say Canada on them? Edit: Wow what a great list! I'm so excited to try all this Canadian food. Thanks Reddit!
Where do you get parts to make steampunk items?
Ebay has gears and watch/clock parts galore, and other items if you know what it is that you want. But what if you just need assorted old-looking brass pieces? Anyone know where to go for things like that?
Men, how much sex does it take before your knob loses sensitivity?
in my last sexual relationship, sex would generally last between 10 and 20 minutes. when it ended in that time frame, it meant that we finished together which was always the best way to finish. in that time frame my penis was constantly growing in sensitivity and the finish was fantastic and intense. on those occasions where she took a bit longer, i had to constantly back off from orgasms so she could finish. eventually, i would cross this line somewhere after 25 or 30 minutes of sex and my penis would lose much of its sensitivity. it still felt good, but a little more numb. Usually after this point i would ask her to finish me with her mouth - this was great because I love blow jobs and she loved the taste of herself on me. anyway, it became really obvious that i was significantly de-sensitized at this point because normally when she took me in her mouth as foreplay, it was incredibly intense. after a lot of sex, she needed to suck like a hoover and squeeze rather hard with her hands to get me off. The orgasm in this situation was always interesting because it would be this sudden burst of intensity during a period where she was being rather rough with me. so it was incredible and then i had to really plead with her to calm down and be really gentle as she brought me down. so i guess my question is, does this happen to other guys and, if so, about how long before you lose a lot of sensitivity? also, is there anything you can do to extend the amount of time your sensitivity grows before it crosses that thresh-hold and you lose some sensitivity?
TIL Andreessen Horowitz invests in Digg.
Today was the job fair at my school. I approached the Andreesen Horowitz table, as they were described as a "venture capital firm focused on software and internet investments". Sounded like a good idea. I gave them my resume, and asked them about some of the companies they funded. Long story short, my resume is accidentally floating around Digg's resume database, and it was very hard for me not to say "I'm a redditor" when he started talking about Digg.
Yo Seattle, let us discuss the next Game Night
So. It was brought up that there is no alcohol available at Cafe Vita (though they are applying for a liquor license, yay). And mentioned that everyone who's shown up so far has been over 21. Therefore, we could meet somewhere that serves alcohol (plus coffee too?? oh heavens) so that we may enjoy beer. Amanda mentioned that she works (worked?) at Victrola on 15th Ave E. They are open til 11 and they serve beer AND coffee, joy of joys. Also apparently easy to wrangle tables? It sounds good on all counts. I move that we move the gamery to Victrola this Mon/7PM. Aye, nay, better suggestions? Also, bring your own board/card games! (Is there a third chess set in the house?)
So thanks to a bad settop box, I will be without a TV during the Superbowl, are there any sites that will be streaming the broadcast?
I'm not sure if it's the FIOS update that wiped out my box last night or just bad timing, but I have no TV until at least Monday. Outside of taking my neighbor's TV hostage, what can I do to watch the game?
What topics should be addressed by an APP constitution?
I'm working with the others working to write a proposed constitution for the APP (anyone interested in joining should feel free to message me on the topic) and I sort of volunteered to write a draft of a scope of the constitution. Since this is a collaborative effort, and I wish to include as many perspectives as possible at every turn, I'd like any thoughts on the subject that you might have. Please, feel free to write or discuss suggestions here. Thanks everyone!
IAE not at all bothered by hair in their food?
I have some friends/family who look like they're ready to throw up when they find a hair in their food. Personally, if I'm lucky enough to catch it before it enters my mouth then I just pull it out, acknowledge it's failed attempt at oral infiltration, and throw it aside. If it's stealthy enough to enter my mouth and I suddenly feel it wrapping around my tongue and my teeth, I'm more perturbed that my chewing process has been interrupted mid-chew and I have to pull a hair out of my mouth; though this is sometimes an interesting feeling. Anyone else not at all bothered?
Really need advice: The man I've loved for 4 years refuses to talk to me
We dated for 3 years in a long distance relationship. The distance was painful for both of us, and for my mental health I needed to take a break from it. My ex takes the breakup really hard. I was stuck because he needed my help, but it was too painful for me to do so while also maintaining the distance I needed. I start a new relationship, but we remain good friends, email/call regularly. We end up getting together a few times. We still loved each other and hoped it could work out in the future. He later starts a new relationship, too. But then, my new boyfriend says he could be interested in this other girl if he got to know her better. This bothers me, and things had been going downhill over the past few months (mismatched personalities), and we later break up. I was lonely, going through a hard time. I call my ex for guidance. I start to realize how good he was to me and thinking he was probably the best for me, and I miss him terribly. I call him more. He's friendly, but not as affectionate. He eventually says he doesn't want us to say "I love you" anymore. I'm hurt. I feel us drifting, so I make plans to fly out and see him. I try to work plans with him to be together in the future. But he's cold about all this. Later, he says that I shouldn't call anymore because I bother his girlfriend. A few emails later, he disappears for months. I email him, call him, text him, tell him how angry/hurt I am. No response. Then his girlfriend calls me, asking for my thoughts. I explained that I was *not* a threat to her; if I was going to start a relationship with him, it would be a year or more from then, after he graduated college. They wouldn't even be in the same place by then because of school and careers. But still nothing. The last email I sent asked him to meet me for closure. Finally, a month later, I get a call from him. He goes on to say, after not talking to me for *six months*, how the whole thing was my fault. He says that I was was selfish, so he *had* to stop talking to me. He goes on to say he doesn't want to date me again, after ignoring and hurting me for so long I'm so hurt and angry. Physical distance forced us to break up, but we promised each other that we would be lovers forever, no matter if we dated or loved other people. We were so good together, and he's throwing it away. Reddit, how can I convince him he's making a mistake?
Can I get advise from users of dipping tobacco or doctors ?
Hey, Reddit, I just quit smoking but started using dipp. Now I am coughing really gooey black clumps. Is this just my lungs cleaning them selfs or is the dipp leaking down into my lungs? If so is this worse on them than smoking?
Can anyone think of a place to find a gold star that I can photograph?
I am working on a v-day present for my boyfriend, and I'm hoping to find a 5 pointed star (gold in color, not atomic make-up) that I can take a picture of. It could be large, as in a sculpture, or small, like you might find in a store. Any ideas on where to check would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
How do you detect a photoshopped image?
For those of you who have seen quite a few shops in your time, please, tell us how you do it. Exactly *what* about the pixels tells you it is a shop? Are there any tools you use to detect image modification?
Hey Reddit, can you guys recommend me random music?
I've been trying to stay with relaxing stuff, but I also enjoy widening my tastes in music. Lately I've been listening to a bit of a mash up. A little Bach and Chopin, although I've only been listening to a piece here and there (given the size of what they've done, I don't really know where to start), Bossa Nova (although not too many torrents falling in that genre online), Jazz (Pretty much just Miles Davis, and I've only really listened to Kind of Blue and Bitches Brew), Post-rock (Mostly Godspeed You! Black Emperor), Nobuo Uematsu, Pink Floyd, Modest Mouse, and the Beatles. I haven't really listened to music nearly as much as I used to lately, and I want to know about either where to go from stuff I've already listened to, or what you guys think I might enjoy. I appreciate you reading this long and probably confusingly put together wall of text, and anything you might suggest.
Hey Reddit, any wrestling tips?
I started wrestling for fun with a bunch of friends about a week ago. Rules are simple - no strikes, no clothes pull/push, only grappling, first one to be on the floor loses. I have been boxing for quite sometime now, but have close to no experience in 'grappling' style martial arts. Any tips / moves / learning material suggestions? My schedule is almost 100%, so I don't have enough time for classes, but I can probably find some free time to look at books or something along the lines.
What are some good books for getting a basic science background?
I'm looking for some good, basic books that would help someone wrap their mind around basic concepts in the fields of biology, chemistry and physics. The books should ideally be geared towards someone who has next to no background in any field of science. The goal of this knowledge would be to write more convincing science fiction, for instance to help explain the evolutionary pressures that helped to shape an alien species, or to talk convincingly about the fabric of space and the consequences of warping it. Note: I'm a 3rd year chemistry major about to start my thesis work in catalytic applications of aerogels. These books would for my girlfriend, who is beginning to seriously delve into creating sci-fi worlds as a way to channel her artistic talent and creativity, but she's running into some roadblocks when it comes to logically designing them. I don't remember what books I read when I was younger to get my basic scientific knowledge, so would you mind suggesting some?
Any Indian ladies want to give a clueless white guy some advice?
I am a fairly good looking, tall, blonde, blue eyed, white male of indiscriminate origin. I do well enough with the ladies but I don't date much because I'm really f'n picky. There's this extremely cute Indian girl in one of my classes. She's sat by me since the first day, we joke around, talk. We have good eye contact, and every time I enter or leave the room she makes eye contact and beams at me. She always seems happy to see me around school, gives me big smiles, and a few days ago she finally gave me her phone number. She has initiated physical contact a few times, like touching my hand when we're parting ways, and I've initiated contact a regularly, which she seems to like, by touching her upper arm, forearm, putting my hand on her back, etc. Everything I can tell points to her being as interested in me as I am in her, but she won't agree to meet me outside of class or school. We'll spend time together between classes, and talk after class, but whenever I ask her out she either says she's busy or she'll call me. Today, I asked her what she was doing this weekend (I know, never ask a girl after Wednesday, etc, I'm familiar with that but circumstances are what they are) and she said she had to work. I prodded her, saying she certainly wasn't working *all* weekend. She said she would be done at 8pm, and I told her that was more than early enough for us to do something. She just said, "Okay, I'll call you and let you know," to which I replied, "Somehow I don't think you will," (last week, she said she'd email me to tell me when she was free this week and never did). She started blushing and said, "I get the message," and I told her I was just teasing her, not to be embarrassed. After a few more minutes, I said goodbye, and she gave me a big shining eye smile when I left. Am I barking up the wrong tree here? Is there something I'm missing that knowing more about Indian culture might enlighten me on? I know that often Indian girls are strongly... encouraged... to only date Indian guys, but I don't think she'd be so warm towards me - I don't think she'd look at me and respond to me the way she does - if she was truly disinterested. I wonder if she's making me work for it on purpose, or is just shy or something? She seems very shy, soft spoken. Should I keep at it? Change tactics? Any Indian ladies want to give me an insight into the culture? Preferably an Indian girl who's with a white guy but never thought that would happen? edit: When she says she's busy, she gives a long and detailed explanation of what she'll be doing; my impression of this is that she doesn't want me to think she's just saying that, but really is busy. edit2: Forgot, I'm 28, she's a Master's student so she's at least 22-23.
So . . . when is this happening again?
I am very sorry that I missed out on this mix cd exchange! When will the next exchange happen? I'm totally on board.
Deadly Secrets Will Kill Your Man
Does your man hide secrets from you that might kill him and or your relationship?
I'm 24, have never flown in a commercial airliner, and never been further west than State College, PA. In 8 hours I'm flying to San Diego!
Hey Reddit, I'm pretty excited for this trip. I have never really traveled far from eastern PA in my life, so I thought you guys could chime in with some tips for airports, San Diego, Southern California, or how dumb it was to fly across the country for four days (only two without travel!) when I'm going to be paying it off for MONTHS! I'm flying out of Philly around 6am and landing out there around noon PST. I am going because my girlfriend's sister and her fiancée have been bugging us to come for over a year, and now they are moving back east. So we're going! So, share your first big adventure!
Anyone have recommendations on who to buy from online?
I'm looking into ordering cards online, especially from places that offer random grab bags of cards, and I was curious if anyone had a place they prefer to buy from and why. Right now I'm aiming towards < who seem to have good prices and near perfect reviews.
When I get my medical degree in three years, I will be around $200,000 in educational debt. What is my best financial plan?
I do not own a home or have any other assets. Do I just contribute my leftover earnings after living expenses entirely to pay off my loans, or piece it out and invest some or hold on to some? Would it be wise to see a financial planner about this?
I get soooo jealous when my boyfriend looks at other girls. What does this mean, and how should I approach this?
So I really wanted my boyfriend and me to go to a yoga class I really like, but now I am afraid to go. Why, you ask? Because my teacher is young and hot! She's tall blonde goddess, a few years older than me and around my new boyfriend's age, and I feel so ridiculous and ashamed that I would want to avoid bringing him to this class. I am afraid he'll look at her, then compare her utterly amazing blondeness and hotness to me, and just want me less. I know there are tons of hot chicks out there, but I always fear that my boyfriend will look at them and just become dissatisfied with me. Are all guys like this? Would a guy want you less after looking at a much hotter, cooler, taller, etc girl than you? Please help, I always find myself second-guessing my very nice new boyfriend of almost 4 months because of these insecurities.
Guilty Pleasure; Collections
I know most of us are frugal and offer all kinds of advice on saving money. However, we all have our weaknesses. Who has a collection of items? History, reason for collecting, cost?
Dear reddit, what is your favorite movie that is still in theaters?
Make a comment with the name of the movie if your movie isn't already there; otherwise just upvote your favorite.
I'm getting sick of people saying "I'm not a feminist, but..." Here's what I think feminism means, and why everyone actually is one.
Sorry, but it's driving me crazy. So here is what feminism means to me: - That people of any sex should be equal in their rights and responsibilities under the law. - That every person should be by default sovereign over their own body. - That no organization should have authority over the relationship between consenting adults. - That no person should be discriminated against due to their sex, sexuality, gender identity, skin tone, or class. Feminism to me does not dictate a overarching set of values beyond the firm belief that we are equally valuable individuals who deserve respect as persons and freedom as citizens. What you personally choose to do with that freedom, and what values you choose to adhere to should be at your own discretion, subject to no requirements. Feminism is about striving for legal, social, and economic equality for all, and the right to live as we define ourselves without limitation. So as a woman who believes I deserve the right to work towards and become anything I can dream of- that I should be judged only by my skills and not by anything else- and that every other woman, man, or trans person is also entitled to that right, I am proud to be a feminist. Isn't everyone? Update: I've really got to sleep now, but I'm definitely enjoying the discussion! Thanks to everyone for considering the topic so intelligently and respectfully. I hope we can continue tomorrow.
Bad Company 2 PS3 DEMO server disconnects. Anyone experiencing this?
I am wondering if being disconnected at regular intervals is a feature of the demo itself, to encourage people to buy the game for a seamless experience, or whether something is wrong with my PS3 and its internet. I have disconnect issues with Modern Warfare 2, despite having a NAT=OPEN or Level 2. Hope the same issue doesn't persist for me in BC2.
Just a reminder, SHUT THE HELL UP.
This "just a reminder" crap isn't funny and it never has been, nor was it intended to be so. Sean Hannity is not going to get waterboarded and nobody cares anymore. He lied, great, GET OVER IT. This crap isn't news and it doesn't contribute to anything constructive. Why don't you all get some preparation H so your butts can stop hurting already?
RST: What to do with replays, streaming starts at 16:00 EST
Send your replays to redditsc@gmail.com along with the following information: Player nicks, races and the result. We are meeting in the op reddit channel on ICCUP, if you are in the clan this is the channel you auto join. I managed to get my stream working so the streamed games are definatley on! **Snip: We have no commentator atm :( If you want to give it ago please PM me** The stream will be on tv.zeroboy.net/redditsc . If you have never been on ICCUP before you can find all the information you need to get there here: Please note that in order to log in you have to sign up on the site, you cannot sign up through the ingame client. Hope you all have fun on saturday :) **Edit: If the players in the first streamed game could be in op reddit right before 1600 EST please :) And need the players of the second game to hang around till they are done.** Edit2: I only need an email with replays from one person :)
Father's Minolta Hexar lens, need some help.
My father has an old Konica Hexar AR 135mm F/3.5 prime lens from his film SLR that he has (sadly) lost. I know it uses a bayonet mount but from my research, not much else does these days. I have been looking into buying a Nikon D90 for myself and was wondering if there was a way to make this old lens play well with a new body. Do I need to look at another camera body for compatibility? Is my cause completely helpless? Any help would be greatly appreciated, I would really like to shoot with my father's glass. edit:grammar!
Hey Reddit, how do you like your bacon?
I prefer a thick bacon baked in an oven on a tray. 5 minutes before it's done, I drizzle it with maple syrup. The final bacon is well done but not crispy, with a meaty feel to it.
reddit Idol - Share your videos!
I'm sure we have some very talented redditors out there. Show us your stuff!
1.3: Grand Points and Bacon Act
1.3: Grand Points and Bacon Act Section 1.3.1: Points and Bacon may be exchanged equally for each other. However, with every transaction there is a 50% tax on the amount exchanged. That 50% will be deposited into the People's Points and Bacon Bank. Once inside the bank, the amount is exempt from the 50% exchange tax. Section 1.3.2: The People's Points and Bacon Bank will be established. The amount in the bank will be calculated by the primary accountant. This information will be available to the public, and open for audit. The amount of currency in the bank, is not under control of either the judge or the primary accountant, but is to accumulate until a purpose is decided on later. Section 1.3.3: The position of Primary accountant will be established. The first primary accountant will be TUNGSTEN_MAN. Besides the first primary accountant, all other primary accountants are appointed by the the judge. They can be impeached by a 2/3rds vote. Once becoming Primary accountant, the minister earns 12 strips of bacon in payment.