Trouble uploading to MobileMe? I just tried this and it solved a problem that's been ongoing for... well... forever.
I've always had issues with horrible upload performance to my iDisk. Even the smallest files hang or take forever to transfer. [Honestly, I don't know why I keep paying for it, but that's another story.] After unsuccessfully trying to connect using the Cyberduck WebDAV client, I connected to my iDisk in the Finder via HTTPS. Speed is now lightning fast. In the Finder, Go>Connect To Server [command+k], then enter Obviously, *accountname* is going to be your MobileMe account name. Enjoy. Edit: command+k in the Finder automatically mounts the volume as a WebDAV volume. No need for third party utilities.
Every book by Bill O'Reilly. (Sigh.)
But I don't mind...I have fun with them. I bring them to friend's apartments and stealthily put them in their bookcases. Next time I'm over, I ask them about it and enjoy their confusion.
Anyone else notice that last weeks JLA gave away the ending to next month's JLA: Cry for Justice?
Am I just retarded or did the first few pages of JLA discuss what happens at the end of the final issue of cry for justice, which doesn't come out until next month.
I gave birth at home on purpose. Since the theme seems to be babies today, AMA if you want.
I've had three girls, all with the same midwife and the last time I had a homebirth. She is now 9 months old. It was the most amazing experience of my life. EDIT: Someone asked if the baby was cute. Judge for yourself: (also take note that she is flipping off the camera)
Ask Webbit: I am looking to purchase a domain with some hosted space...
I have never purchased a domain or space before, so I was looking for some guidelines (things to look out for) when searching for a provider. I want basics like PHP and MySQL, and I don't expect to have much traffic. Do you have some suggestions?
A techie seeks the help of some mathies: How can I determine the probability of an event occurring with a minimal number of trials
So the obvious way to predict the probability of an event occurring when you've had **n** trials and **s** successes is s/n - however I'm sure there must be a better approach than this, particularly when **n** is small. Here is an example: graph Here the actual probability is 0.3, but even after 1000 trials, there is still noticeable fluctuation away from the actual probability. It seems that perhaps the **s/n** approach isn't fully taking advantage of all available information. For example, this approach doesn't use the information that our prediction cannot possibly be above 1 or below 0. Perhaps there are other qualities of a probability that we could exploit to arrive at an accurate estimate of the underlying probability more quickly? More advanced: what if we knew the mean and standard deviation of the set of probabilities from which the probability we are testing is drawn? This is possible in my particular problem, could it help? In your responses, please remember that I am a lowly computer scientist, so please keep your math not significantly beyond that of a smart high-school math student.
Serious question: How do you know when sex is over?
I mean this is a very literal sense. That is, how do you and your partner know when that particular episode of sex is over. In general, of course (I understand that certain circumstances might change things). Is it when he comes? Is it when she comes? Is it a random, mutually-agreed upon point when both of you start to get tired? I'm curious how it works in your relationships. Edit: I am in a long-term relationship. We have sex a healthy amount. I'm just curious about the details of *your* sexual encounters.
What game has the best/most fun boss fights?
I've been playing devil may cry 4, and the boss fights in the game are really fun. They work to where you can beat them relatively easy if you are bad, but you can doing really really well if you are good. And either way they arent soo easy that you still feel some sense of accomplishment. I remember the metal gear solid 3 bosses being ok. If I like boss fights, what game should I play?
Has the Man In Black been using Christian's body all along?
Just like he used a clone of Locke's body when it was returned to the island to become Flocke, did he use a clone of Christian's body to become Fristian? Had Christian already been on the island before the crash of Oceanic 815? And what will the loss of his body in the non-crash timeline mean? (Flame away if these questions have been discussed or answered)
Hey Reddit: Would you vote for Google for Congress?
I mean, if we're going to be going down this road, we might as well get a good Congressbeing out of the deal, right? Google seems pretty smart and it has more foreign diplomatic experience than some Congresspeople now. What do you think?
What is the word for fear of posting links that you think are hilarious but which may be so old that you will be mocked for it? Postaphobia?
This may apply more to Facebook, where it's actually people you know that will see the link. Still, I can't be the only Redditor who has some trepidation about posting some hilarious thing I just happened to find on the intertubes. Side question- what is the fear of realizing how many memes and in-jokes you don't know about? This inundation of information in our new world is daunting sometimes.
Dear Hackers: Questions from a curious outsider
I was wondering what the latest fashion in hacker hierarchy is these days? What are you all calling each other? Does anyone still use 'wizard' these days? How do you decide who gets what honorific?
Reddit, if civilization were to end, what ONE book (barring religious text) would you choose to leave for future civilizations to discover?
If you had to choose one book to leave behind, which would it be? The future folk finding it would be starting from the ground up, so what one piece of literary work would you leave to help them? No religious text, so this should be interesting. Assume that this new civilization is able to understand this text.
Reddit, where is the most amazing place you've ever been?
I'm putting together a list of places I want to visit because in two years I'm going to be travelling around the world. The most amazing place I've ever been is SCUBA diving in cenotes in Mexico's Yucatan peninsula.
Ask Netsec: Should Antivirus Software be installed on web servers?
Currently we are using Symantec End Point, I personally felt it is a waste of money and CPU resource for daily scans. We already have a firewall to protect the servers from network attacks...
Reddit! I need your help to stop this guy from bothering me.
So there's this guy whose my friend and ever since his laptop got stolen, he's constantly coming over to my house to do his "projects" which he seems to get everyday. I have no problems with this but he always come late at night around 11pm to midnight and takes 1~2 hours to do it and it's seriously pissing me off. He has a desktop computer at home but doesn't have Microsoft Office. There's also like 5 friends nearer to his house than mine but he always seem to pick me for some strange. Any help? Edit: After he's done with the project, he always asks me to e-mail it to him the following day/
I just had my third wet dream in a row. Is there anyway I can prevent this from happening?
It's really starting to become a nuisance. I have no control over this either. There has to be a method or something to help me with my problem, no?
To get certification or not to?
I'm a Computer Engineering student and I'm about to graduate. For my senior design, I've been working with Hadoop (the MapReduce framework from Apache), and I was thinking of getting certified by Cloudera. Cloudera is currently the only group who is giving certification for Hadoop, and I want to get it as a developer. My question is, does getting a certification really make a big advantage while looking for a job?
Changes to the voting system.
Down-voting from the actual threads have been disabled but comments haven't been changed. This was a very sought after feature that was asked couple of times by many of you. We encourage you to use the hide option now instead of the down-vote arrow. If you see something that you think is questionable please report it to us. **Update**: Down-voting has been reinstated until more users request this feature.
Question about "Attack of the Clones"
Hi all, I've always wondered: why does Count Dooku warn Obiwan about the Sith, and urge him to join the fight against them? Is Dooku really supposed to be a good guy? Thanks!
Can someone please explain whats behind the Tea Party movement?
I wanna know what they're all about. I think it's good that people are trying to change things but are they all Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin fans? Also, if you're for/against them, could you tell me why?
I can't get dwarf manager to work...
when i try to open the dwarfmanager.exe file, this is the error message i get: "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)." any idea on how to get it to work? i've tried deleting the dwarfmanager folder all together and then downloading it separately and reinstalling it, but i get the same error message. any help with this would be greatly appreciated. btw, i also tried to download and install dwarf therapist, but that gets a whole different error of its own.. **edit** 1. using windows xp 2. using dwarf fortress version .40d 3. i've tried it with df both open and closed
DAE Not get the entire 3D media craze, or can you not watch 3D media?
I don't have the same stereoscopic vision as everyone else. My right eye is legally blind. I can see, but everything, even with glasses, is horribly blurred. I'm left eye dominant. I can't use 3D glasses. I can't watch 3D films, or play games in 3D. I don't get the whole craze, and it's really annoying, because I can't go see Avatar at the local theatre, since it's only in 3D. Why is everything moving towards 3D? Can someone explain why everyone's suddenly so interested in it, as if we were in the late 80's / early 90's again? And is there anyone else like me?
What is something you own that has lasted far longer than its price would have suggested?
I have a popup mesh laundry basket that I got when I started college, its going strong 4 years later, it was 5 bucks. I also have a keychain guitar pick holder I got for 3 dollars at Guitar Center 7 or 8 years ago which is still just as useful as the day I got it. Anyone else have great 'bang for your buck' items?
The opposite side of the spectrum: What low-rated, hated game did you find yourself really enjoying?
Just thought I’d put this out after seeing What big, highly-rated game did you not care much for? Sometimes you’ll read a review about a game that the reviewer clearly dislikes. You hear about bugs, repetition, linearity etc etc. But when you start playing the game, you think “am I playing the same game these guys hated?” Some examples for me – Assassins Creed 1 – I read alot of comments about repedative missions and bland combat, but I found myself really engaged with it when played in small doses. Mercenaries 2 – could be glitchy and cheap, but it was FUN The Force Unleashed – “glitchy and poor” to some, but overall fun factor let me see more in it. How ‘bout you guys?
Atlanta Meetup: Phase 4: Phase Harder: Never Phase Alone
It would seem that the things we can agree on is Meeting at RuSans and that it would be on Friday, February 19th. Once there, or even now we can throw around ideas for what else to do, but this is where we are definitely going, Probably some time around 7-8PM. If anyone has any other stuff to add or anything else to say, I'll keep this post updated unless there is some sort of major change. EDIT: If you are coming PM me so we can exchange phone numbers, don't want to leave anyone behind! EDIT: RSVP at Facebook]( and/or at [Meetup
Majesty 1 & 2 for $10. Should I or should I not
I never played the original and started to hear about the sequel just after it came out. I see it has mixed reviews, but I'm still intrigued. Should I finally get it now that is 10 and gives me the original as well? EDIT: Thanks redditors. I've bought it and now I can't stop playing. Great game for just $10
Ok Reddit, I'm moving cross-country next week, any tips?
Here is my Route. (This route is to avoid snow) Please ask any questions you might have as well. EDIT: As an aspiring History buff, any notable historical sites I should visit?
DAE forget to close Facebook at night, and end up getting messages from aunts, uncles, etc. saying, "Hey, shouldn't you be in bed right now?"
This is incredibly annoying. I'm 17, I think I can decide for myself whether or not going to bed at midnight will affect the next day. On top of that, I'm actually being productive. Got an awesome sounding song I've been working on since 11 tonight.
So my IIPA exploded tonight... will it survive?
We brewed an AHS Pliny the Elder Clone last night. Lots of hops, double pitched yeast, our biggest beer yet (4th batch). It was bubbling pretty good after dinner, went to the gym to find the cap/airlock blown off, foam all over the floor, carboy, wall, etc. Rushed to sanitize the cap/airlock, tried putting it back on, but cracked the airlock in my hand, just read tonight about using a bubbler airlock and a siphon hose as a blowoff tube, so I sanitized those, and recapped and hooked up my contraption, w/ the hose in a bucket of sanitized water. Is it ruined? I dont think anything got back in, as it was foaming out through the hole/airlock when I put it on. Here is a gallery of the results, not too many pics of the mess as I was scrambling to get things sanitized.
I need some awesome prank ideas
I'm going on a weekend trip with some friends next next weekend. We've booked an apartment and I will be in for two nights, whereas the rest of them will be in for four. Give me some awesome ideas for pranks I can pull on them!
So what is your favorite film score?
I would have to go with either Blade Runner]( or [Stargate. All of the John Williams scores from the 70's and 80's are also kinda a gimmie.
On Principle and On Feelings. Please, take a look; offer what you can.
I am in a difficult position (of course... why else would I be posting this?). This may quickly turn into a TL;DR, so I will try and keep it reasonable. If you need more detail, just ask. To Begin: I am a straight, 22 year old male, and in my fourth year of college at UW Madison. The Background: I have been seeing this girl that I met through class pretty casually for, let's say, about 3 months. It doesn't seem to me that we are entirely compatible, and after a bit I was pretty sure it wouldn't go long term. (To put this in perspective, we only talked twice when I went back to my home town for a month over winter break.) Now, don't get me wrong, it's not really just about the sex (which is pretty damn good), but it just isn't rolling right. Recently we had a semi-intoxicated discussion about where we were, and she told me that she is starting to legitimately have some feelings for me. We talked later, in a more sober state, and she apparently has the same feelings that I have: We're having a good time hanging out and messing around, and neither of us have too high of expectations for what this holds for us. Just having a good time and seeing where it plays out. The BUT Statement: I am beginning to have some thoughts that if this isn't going to play out, then I think I want to call it quits. I am starting to have some good vibes from some girls, and I would like to pursue something that might have more lasting potential. On Principle: I (proudly) consider myself very transparent and easy-going. I do not like to play games when it comes to relationships, and I believe in as much honesty as possible. In all honesty, I want to stop seeing her because our conversation is boring and unstimulating, which I believe comes mostly from certain incompatibilities between us. Understand, "boring and unstimulating" is a bit of an overstatement, and it is not always like this. Essentially, I want to see other people who give me more energy, and stimulate me. On Feelings: If I call this off, I don't think I can say to her face that the reason is "I don't find you interesting, and I want to pursue other people (person?)." I am very gentle by nature, and I do not want to hurt her by saying this straight to her face. I think she really is developing some feelings for me, and I want to bring this to an end as civilly and maturely as possible. As a sidenote, I am rather inexperienced when it comes to break ups. This is rather the first relationship of any kind that I have had since I was about 18 (in the past 6ish months I have lost a lot of weight and gained more confidence in myself). The Question: How do I bring this fun, but ultimately unrewarding relationship to a close? Again, if this needs clarification or has huge gaps missing I will do my best to fill anything in. Thanks for taking a look and any advice you may have. Edit: I don't really think she sees this coming for the most part, so it may be a bit of a surprise to her... maybe? It's very hard for me to tell how much she will actually be upset about this.
Just saw "Food Inc." The documentary on how the majority of our food is made...
This might have been brought up before, but thought it was important enough to share with reddit again. It's available on netflix as a streaming option. Watch it and form your own opinions.
How many of you are pro-ERA?
The Equal Rights Amendment has been in and out of legislative circles for around 25 years now--just curious to see everyone feels about it. I personally think it would be a great triumph symbolically, but ultimately believe that it's impossible to legislate thought and doing so sets a dangerous constitutional precedent.
1.4: YSK that Narwhals are Voracious Eaters
Recently, I have become aware of the appearance of a very special visitor. This visitor has not made themselves visible to everyone else yet, but that is about to begin. The visitor? A rare lexivorous narwhal! That's right, a narwhal that eats words. This narwhal apparently has learned that a very healthy source of words is right here, and has decided to take up residence. This narwhal can be a very voracious eater - however, its also very picky. It turns out that it will only eat words from proposed laws. No others. It also believes itself to be picker than that - as it will only nibble at first if it doesn't recognize the minister who proposed the law. But as it recognizes the person, it eats more and more. How much does it eat? Oddly, the maximum number of words it eats from a proposed law can be described with the equation ((n+1)!-1), where n is the number of laws previously submitted in a row by the current proposer. There is no minimum - the narwhal may choose to nibble, or not eat at all, from any proposed law. Fortunately, the narwhal is also very forgetful. As soon as a law is proposed by a new minister, it completely forgets about the previous submitters, which is why the count resets. But it won't eat where we can see it - it hides, eating quietly, in secret. Its very sneaky about it - by the time the judge gets to rule on the law, the narwhal has already eaten. As a result, the judge may end up ruling on a law that's not quite the same as what was proposed. Fortunately, the judge will be helpful enough to share with us the law as he ruled on it, though we are forced to trust that the narwhal ate the words, and it wasn't just the judge removing them at his discretion. Fortunately for us ministers though, the narwhal will never eat words that will turn a constitutional law into an unconstitutional one - but it may go the other way.
What should you do with your glasses while making love?
I posted this on askreddit, but felt it would be more appropriate over here: My eyes are really weak and I'm really confused what to do about this. Of course everyone would be a lot more comfortable if I just took my glasses off, but I want to be able to enjoy my partner's visual beauty as well. So what do the rest of you do? I realize the optimal solution would be to wear contacts or get lasic done, but barring those two possibilities, what are your opinions?
Can the apple store help me downgrade my itouch 2g?
I have an Itouch 2g that I just got, and accidentally upgraded the firmware to 3.1.3, which may end up not getting a jailbreak. I tried downgrading the firmware myself using the DSU mode and everything, but I always get errors like 1600 and 1601 which I figure are stoppers to prevent downgrading. If I was to go over to the apple store and politely ask them to downgrade my itouch, can and would they be able to do it?
I'm a guy. AMA. I dare you.
This is the antithesis of all the extraordinary AMA's. Go ahead and ask all the questions you didn't dare to ask.
Reddit, a senior at my high school is facing expulsion for possession/intent to sell marijuana. What do you think the school should do about him?
He was caught coming back from Tutorial, which is like a free class period during which you aren't allowed to leave campus. Apparently he and some friends went to his house to smoke weed, and pulling into the parking lot were caught by our principal, assistant principle, and another teacher or two. Complaining that they reeked of marijuana, the adults searched the car without a warrant (someone said this is against the law) and found 0.6g of marijuana, which according to the senior in question is about as much as would fit on your thumbnail. They then confiscated his phone and suspended him for 2 days, then for another month, and now he is awaiting a hearing in which he may or may not be expelled. I'm no legal expert, but 0.6g of marijuana is technically well below the expellable limit. Should he be expelled for his actions, or is this just overblowing a relatively small offense? EDIT: According to him (although it's arguable that he's making this up) the "instant expulsion" amount is 30.0g. Also, here's a link to California's policies regarding expulsion: his argument is that while possession of drugs may be recommended for expulsion, it is only in the case where (taken from text) "1. Other means of correction are not feasible or have repeatedly failed to bring about proper conduct. Due to the nature of the act, the presence of the pupil causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the pupil or others [see Section 48915 (b)]." His claim is that suspension has already "brought about proper conduct" and as the marijuana never left his car, his presence (and the drug's presence) never caused a "continuing danger to the physical safety of the pupil or others". Tl;dr Senior is caught with 0.6g of weed, school wants him expelled but he argues that the search of his car and cell phone was unwarranted and illegal and that under the basis of California law regarding expulsion he cannot be expelled.
How many of you would actually use KGB?
I don't think I can even think of anything I would want to know that I can't just find on google, or wikipedia, or wolfram-alpha. KGB makes no sense to me, how do they stay in business? I just don't see the point.
US Redditors-- Aren't we hundreds of thousands of people spread across the country? Lessig's idea for a Constitutional Congress won't take legs if it just stays online. Let's organize for some real-world action.
+ Let's declare a date for action. + Let's collaborate on documents/pamphlets to hand out + Let's write letters to the editor of our local papers + Let's get our communities involved in any way possible, through donation of money or resources. + AND let's get friends and relatives in other communities involved as well! Any other ideas? Let's get this thing going! Discuss date, documents, etc below. Obviously Lessig's blog already has a lot of great writings that would be a great start for this project.
Top this: The thirty-three Turkish tourists theorized that trekking to the Thai towns through the thick tropical timbers...
Top this: The thirty-three Turkish tourists theorized that trekking to the Thai towns through the thick tropical timbers takes thrice the trouble that travelling there through the train takes, therefore they took the train to travel to their target.
DAE like to use Star Wars quotes as many times they can in their daily life?
Like today I got to use, mostly in context, "Asteroids do not concern me, Admiral. I want that ship, not excuses."
Hey Reddit. How feasible would it be to talk my landlord into selling my apartment unit?
Here's the story. For the better part of two years I've been trying incredibly hard to rent a unit in this two story building and finally I got a unit, and it's a lot better than I could have imagined. It's now been six months into the lease and the idea crept into my head to start putting money away to possibly buy this unit. It's a very large one bedroom with huge windows looking out over my town, I love it. I'm not sure if this is common practice, and state laws aside (which still need to be researched), how feasible is it to pitch this idea to my landlord, providing them with the knowledge that I'm prepared to take over the financial obligations and legal burdens of owning this unit? It's a property management company, so obviously they'd either just flat out say no, or tell me to talk to the owners.
Just a big misunderstanding.
I'm playing in a reddit server, and it's a round of CTF in Turbine. I'm playing Demo, doing alright, havin' fun. **BUT THEN...** our teams are tied up, 3 to 3. First to 4 wins the round. I spawn and see our team, a pyro to be specific, carrying the intelligence down the final hallway in our base, certain to score the last point. **BUT LO...** a scout snatches our intel just moments before our capture! I give chase! I shoot grenades, stickies, EVERYTHING, but his jumping is 1337. The scout dashes away, our fruitless bullets ricochet off the walls. But why haven't we scored? The pyro was mere meters away. It was a mystery to me. The match ends, the other team wins, and I see my name thunder across the chat box... * "SPOONER WTF." * "Spooner, troll or noob?" * "GODDAMMIT SPOONER" Apparently in the midst of the chaos, the pyro had dropped the intel at my feet, and I had picked it up. I ran around the entire map chasing the scout with the intel on my back. TL;DR: I don't notice that I'm carrying the intelligence unless I deliberately pick it up. Sorry.
So how do taxes work? I paid $2000 in taxes in 2009, but now have to pay $567 more, and I get $800 back.
What's all this "interest-free loan" talk I hear? This is my first time filing (been paid cash under the table my whole life until last year..shhhh) and I thought all those huge chunks coming out of my paycheck all year would be returned to me after I file. I made about $15,000 in 9 months while going to school full-time and paid about $2000 in taxes out of my paychecks, so why am I only getting back $800? Meanwhile my friends, who've barely worked at all last year, got back about the same amount. What gives?
I am a Parsi/Zoroastrian. AMA
If you don't know who they are: Well technically half, my mom is. My dad is Hindu. I'm born in USA though.
Reddit, I am asking for your help to come up with an ingenious plan. Situation inside
So I don't want to give too much information just in case the plan works. It's very simple really, I live in a smallish liberal college city. We need someone to get a lot of exposure very quickly. Basically, think politics: he is a great guy and we magically need to get a lot of people to recognize that very quickly. I won't try and give relevant details yet, but I will clarify/answer questions for a while if anyone is interested.
Definitive Stories for Supervillains?
What stories do you guys think embody the essence of a particular supervillain? For example, a lot of people think Alan Moore's The Killing Joke defines who the Joker is and provides insight his character. I think Red Son is a pretty good example of Lex Luthor, having him vigorously fighting against Superman, even though they're on opposite sides of the planet. It shows his lust for power, insecurity from his humanity, and vision of a world determined by intelligence rather than strength.
Do any ents practice tai chi?
if so can you point me in some direction, gone through google and wikipedia. what works for you? i am looking to begin.
My first App Engine app: Playlistr
This app isn't new, it's just my favorite out of my three (with a fourth one coming). I made it mainly for myself, both to learn GAE and because it's a hell of a lot easier to use this app to keep my internet radio playlists updated than it is to do it manually. If you're into electronic music, this app is right up your alley. It needs some minor overhauling, since I've come a long way in a short time since I deployed this app. Specifically, I have a much better way to manage the streams that needs to be deployed. I just need to be arsed to get the code off the old machine (used learning GAE to pass the time while my Mac Mini was being repaired). There's also a shiny new design coming thanks to a colleague of mine. And here's the link:
Using a delayed choice like setup to send FTL information
If you're not familiar with the Delayed Choice Quantuum Eraser, you can read up on it here. I've been wondering if you could use delayed choice to send "probable" information. An example could be a mechanism at a midway point that produces entangled photons by passing single photons through a double slit, and then passes the wave function through a SPDC to make two wave functions. It then sends a wave function stream to Earth and another to, say, Alpha Centauri-3. If AC-3 wants to set the information to a 1, then they start to observe the wave function to see which side of the slit the photons passed. This should turn the interference pattern on earth into a solid pattern. Now, it's possible for a solid pattern to emerge from the wave form randomly. But given enough time, you can become confident that the message is "we've been attacked". This is why it's only a probable information. There is a chance that it isn't the message, but it becomes more and more likely the more time goes on. This is just sending a single bit, and I'm not really sure how long you would need to observe the pattern before you are confident of the message. But even if it's on the order of a day, you could start to use this to send information. Anyone else know more about delayed choice and why I'm wrong?
Theora is not advanced enough to be the next Standard Codec. Being license free is the only thing it has going for it.
Thought I should make my earlier comment its own post. Everyone seems to have a hard-on for Theora because of its opensource license, but I think the technical details need to be taken into account too. Ok so I spent the day researching the Theora spec at work (I design video encoding/decoding hardware). Theora is a codec from the stone age. It is not designed with hardware implementations in mind. Obviously mobile devices will want hardware implementations if it is to be a universal standard. Also it lacks MANY features that make today's codecs great. Things like 1/4 pel motion vectors (it is only full pel), B pictures, direct mode, motion vector prediction, variable block sizes, context adaptive entropy coding.. etc. Trust me on this, the only thing great about Theora is the fact that it is royalty free. What would be awesome is if Google decided to release their newly acquired VP8 codec into the public domain. I have looked into VP8, and it is almost as advanced as H.264. On2 claims it perfoms better, but their opinion is hardly objective. Apple is committed to H.264. They tend to pick what they think is the the best of the best technologies and push to make it mainstream (like AAC audio). Hopefully this might help resolve the unfortunate license issues with H.264. Remember MP3 has similar license problems, yet it doesn't seem to bother anyone these days. Another thing worth mentioning is AVS. This is an H.264-like codec that was developed by China specifically to avoid the license issues with H.264. It performs fairly close to H.264, yet is quite a bit more simple (with the exception of motion vector prediction). It probably has its own license issues though, being intellectual property of China. (Note: When I talk about a codec's performance, I mean quality vs. bitrate. Issues of complexity, multi-thread-able, hardware implementation etc are different discussions. But feel free to ask) **EDIT** Going to bed now, but will be answering questions all day tomorrow.
moving from online chatting to dating, partially clueless
All my prior relationships started strangely, so I've never really had a normal date. I met a girl online, we chatted a bit, I asked her out, she said yes. I'll be meeting her at a quaint restaurant for lunch. I'm a recent college grad, male. She's about the same age, also recent grad. I'm not looking for a one night stand. * What's an appropriate greeting? Hug? Wave and say hi? Shake hands? * Are gifts appropriate? Are flowers really as clichéd as I suspect? I'm pretty good with arts and crafts so I figured I'd make something small but original, but I don't know if that would be too much. * I know she's got the rest of the day free, if things go well, is there any chance of extending lunch into a longer date? Anyone else done that? * Instead of the above, should I plan on giving her time, and follow up for a future date later instead? * We've both done our internet dating due diligence, so we haven't traded phone numbers, last names, or real emails. If things go well, would asking for any of that be unreasonable? I know I'm over-thinking it, but I have no experience with this initial bit. Any tips specifically for that first real-life date?
IAE kinda excited for this huge storm that's coming on the east coast tomorrow?
I have no reason to be excited for this storm. Its going to make it impossible to go out and hang. It will probably ruin my super bowl plans, and it will make it overall miserable going to and fro from work... yet why do I have this giddy feeling inside?
My girlfriend would absolutely swoon if I could find the wooden bird figurine from the movie Up. Anyone know where I could buy it?
My gf realized she was in love with me while we were watching the movie Up. If I could give her the colorful wooden bird figurine from the movie (or something similar) for Valentine's day, I know she would absolutely swoon. Does anyone know where I could buy this? I've tried searching all over Google and Ebay with no luck at all. Or if you can think of something similar I could give her, that could work too.
This chick is 'huge' on youtube right now... do you think its fake?
This girl was on youtubes home page a minute ago, I wasn't even signed in. I watched a couple videos and read some comments because I seriously couldn't understand. From what I can tell she is some middle school fuck who talks about how pretty she is. I think she is supposed to reviewing makeup, or something. Anyway... from what it looks like she is paid by MAC. Thoughts?
BofA sent me an interesting piece of mail...Not sure what to do about this. Anyone on reddit have any financial/banking experience?
Let me start by saying I've had no financial relationship with Bank of America to date... I just received a tax statement for what seems to be interest accrued on a U.S. savings bond in my name. The statement includes my full name, current address, and my social security number. Here is the document (personal info removed): The statement indicates the yearly interest to be $86.80 for 2009. Anyone have any idea what this could mean? OR why I might have received this, in light of the fact I've never banked with BofA (including no BofA credit cards)? EDIT: Attention down-voters. I would rather you just ignore this post if you're not interested. I'm just looking for some advice.
Is it possible for electrical interference from a Kindle to crash a commercial airliner?
I've had a long and drawn out battle with a troll (and employed troll lore in the process), and it's time to settle things once and for all. That's the original thread, if you're bored and would like to read it. If you don't care why and would like to educate a reddidiot with regard to matters of the known physical universe, please simply respond.
Does anyone use the Advanced Profile Kit module?
I just got into using drupal in the last few weeks. Everyone is so helpful. Has anyone set up the Advanced Profile Kit module? I have some questions, but there I couldn't find an active group on the topic
Reporting, Karma, and Tags
Two ideas: 1. When a user reports a submission allow the moderator(s) to vote on whether that was a good report or superfluous. Display the "report karma" for reported links to give moderators an idea of how credible the report is. Optionally add a trophy for people that report tons of spam and bad submissions. 2. Allow the moderators to set up predefined tags for reporting. Different subreddits have different reportage requirements, and knowing if a report was about spam or dupe or not marked NSFW, etc. would make it easier for moderators to handle each sort of report by its priority. The tags would be displayed when the user clicked `Report`, next to the existing `Are you sure? yes/no` links (probably with a gap after the `no?` to help prevent misclicks). Thanks.
Coming home to see my dog after a month away at school.
I go back to my parents' home every so often during the semester usually just to see my dog, an Australian Shepherd. It's always great because after being gone for so long he is *thrilled* to see me. He gets excited and shakes his nub enthusiastically (I call what's left of his tail his nub; his previous owners cut it off ;( ). My return home last night was no exception. I opened the door just a crack and he forced his head out and pounced on me immediately. He was whimpering and crying to see me. I got down on the ground and sat giving him hugs and kisses and he just couldn't sit still with all of his excitement. I gave him scooches almost all of last night. Just thought I'd share my story with you guys. I'm sure you have some of your own stories that are aww-inspiring as well. As I type this, Smitty, my dog, is sleeping on his little brown square pillow. I love him like a son. :) **Edit**:Pictures of my dog in another thread also in /r/aww here.
Know of a Freeware Invoice Software / App?
I manage a coupe of website and I need to bill clients... also recurring quarterly hosting chargebacks. I do very little business on the side but the bastards want an actual invoice. Do you know of a freeware invoice app? I'd hate to have to write something that exists a million times already...
I passed the first of my COMPtia A+ certification tests today.
After a couple months of studying a book which ended up not being that accurate, and after hearing horror stories of 33% pass rates and one coworker who failed it three times, I finally took my first test. I was absolutely amazed by how easy it was; I was a lot closer to getting a perfect score than to failing. I owe it all to my girlfriend, who quizzed me and made me study when I wasn't feeling like it or was depressed by how difficult it supposedly was. To all those out there who are afraid of failure when trying to educate themselves: Just try. You never know when you'll surprise yourself.
When should we start round two?
I've had a bunch of questions from users wondering when we should start sign ups for the second round. Basically, our options are: * Start the next round of sign ups in the middle of the month, putting the send-out deadline somewhere in early March, or * Wait until the majority of users have received their mixes, and start the next round in March, either having the send-out deadline in the middle of the month or near the end Since you're the ones doing the sending, I want to get a feel for what you would rather do. The website should be ready within the week, so we're good to go either way.
Dear Reddit, what is the best cover of Radiohead's 'Creep' you've ever heard?
I have seen Homeless Mustard's cover, and was really blown away. Could the fine people of Reddit suggest some other good covers of this song?
"i love how reddit is a mix of bleeding heart liberal gaybees and typical internet shock masters."
an outsider's view of reddit. i explained how "typical internet shock masters" were called *trolls* and that, under no circumstance, should you feed them.
I need some songwriting advice
I have some knowledge of music theory and of poetry (although I don't usually apply it to my lyrics), but one thing seems to escape me; which comes first for most of you: do you write the music part first (chords, melody, etc.) and write lyrics to fit the music, or do you usually write lyrics then the music comes next? I know there's not really any right answer, and ultimately the default answer will be 'whatever works for you,' but I am somewhat new to this and want to know what some people who have songwriting experience tend to do.
Is there a online lookup for polynomial coefficients? It would be very useful to have.
Today I spent several hours trying to find out if some polynomials I had derived as the result of some calculation were simply related to any known set of 'special' polys including orthogonal polys. Turns out they were 1/2 integer Laguerre polynomials. However, imagine how much easier it would be if you could type in the coefficients, e.g. from (-x^6+27 x^4-189 x^2+315) I would type in A6=-1, A4=27, a2=-189 and a0=315. The online lookup would then tell me in 0.1 seconds that this is propto to L^1/2_3(x^2). I couldn't find a web-resource which would do this, but maybe one exists.
Calling Reddit's Chemical and Process Engineers: HELP!
I usually do not come straight to reddit for the answers to life's problems. But I am making an exception here (where else can I find other chem engineers to consult at 1am?). I have an exam in my Separation Processes class tomorrow (well, technically today since it is 1am). I have not been to class yet. Yes, yes I know I have failed at life. I am not going to waste your time with my excuses. Also, i ordered my textbook on eBay, and guess what? The seller ran out of the book (didn't bother to tell me until a week ago). I ordered a new one, and it is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, which does me no good. So here I am, trying to gather morsels of information from not very detailed lecture notes I printed off. I have already scoured the interwebs for all manner of free downloadable material on the subject. Unfortunately, there are literally like 2 books used academically for the subject, none of which I have found downloads for. Also checked all the free online courses offered by MIT, Berkely, etc. MIT has the same class but no notes, videos or any decent substance. Also checked google scholar and all of my libraries resources (both their copies are checked out, of course). The solutions manuals are available, but they help little without the actual text. So I have about 9 hours to learn this stuff with little to no material. The book for my course is Separation Process Principles by Seader and Henley, 2nd edition published by Wiley. If someone has some kind of magical online access to it, that would be excellent. If not, any sources of good material on the subject would be very much appreciated. Topics on the exam: Separation concepts Simple thermodynamic concepts Concept of an equilibrium stage Binary vapor-liquid equilibria Single stage operations Cascade concepts, balances Equipment Binary absorption/stripping Stage efficiency, column sizing Any help is very much appreciated! UPDATE: Despite my fairly insurmountable circumstances, I am not giving up! I also have a Biochemistry exam at 10am which I am almost prepared for, but I will at least give the engineering exam a shot. If I go down in a ball of fiery flames, so be it. I can always drop the class. If I succeed...well...I'm not going to get ahead of myself here. Currently practicing solving flash problems. Joy.
The entire UNEDITED Bill O'Reilly-Jon Stewart interview was much different than the 10 minute heavily-edited segments you saw on tv. Seriously, if you're a fan of Jon Stewart you will like it and if you hate O'Reilly you'll hate him more after watching it. (link inside)
Here's the link: #/v/4003531/entire-jon-stewart-interview/?playlist_id=86923 My take/rant: It is clear from this interview that Bill O and Jon Stewart do not get along. It is also clear that Bill O is a terrible interviewer in the sense that he makes claims that cannot be backed up and cannot be disproved. This is nothing new, just more prevalent in this interview. Also, Jon Stewart did very well, however you didn't see much of that in the TV edited version. My favorite part: It is well known that Bill O complains all the time that Stewart takes him out of context to discredit Stewart, and in the interview when he brought up a specific example of what he believed to be Stewart taking him out of context, Stewart bitch-slapped O'Reilly and proved (quite easily) how his mocking of O'Reilly was in fact fair and in context. Note: Another Redditor posted a similar link, but this issue did not get the notoriety I believed it deserved and so I am posting this rant again. My apologies KingBeetle Edit: Sorry for the somewhat sensational title.
Bicycle maintenance stands - wow!!
I bought a maintenance stand (like they use in the bike shops) today to maintain and clean mine and my families road bikes. I have to say it was amazing to use and would thoroughly recommend one if you enjoy working on your bike. The access and ability to work comfortably on every part of your bike is just amazing. Just wanted to share that. For info, I ride a Trek Madone as does my wife, and my son rides a Trek 1.2, cycle on everyone.
Not running into anyone I'd want to date, but getting pretty lonely...
So I'm a 19 year old college student. I don't meet women often, and am really looking to get into a relationship. The few girls I do know, I'm simply not attracted to them for one reason or another (or vice versa). I'm getting fairly lonely. I have friends but not many of them go out. I don't meet many new people, but am trying to get out more and change that. So I don't really know what I should do. I feel like it would be unfair to get involved with someone who likes me but I don't like them back. I can try to drag my friends out but I don't know if I'll have much success. I have a few other people I know, but not well enough to tag along with them without it being awkward... Is it a good idea to dive into something I'm not sure I'll enjoy? I assume not...anyone else have trouble meeting people at a university setting? I'm not 21 so i can't go to bars.
Honest question about Libertarian fortune telling.
So as I listen to Ron Paul talking about the coming "social and political chaos" that is about to come as a result of the fed printing money, foreign wars, and the suspension of civil rights, I'm curious about how rescent the message of national self destruction is? Are these kind of predictions from Ron Paul et al something they've been saying for years (maybe, since the 80s when Paul entered congress) ? Or, is it something they've started doing in the last few years as a result of our exploding debt, lack of economic recovery ect? I became aware of these kind of statements during the 2008 election, when on the dailypaul.com users were warning of a looming food shortage, peak oil, an "October Surprise" where Bush would stage a false flag terrorist attack to suspend elections and declare himself President indefinitely. So my question is - are these doomsday scenarios Libertarians warn about a new thing - based on recent events and occurrences? Or are these gloomy scenarios an enduring theme (since before W Bush) of Libertarianism - as much a part of the libertarian message as property rights and non-intervention?
Why can't android record to AVI?
It would be great if the Camcorder app could record to AVI or any other format other than 3gp. The current windows VLC can't play it because of SMR or something like that. And it seems like a major hassle So why no avi or mpg option?
Can anyone help me evaluate the state of my relationship?
I've been with my current gf for almost 2 years now. Unfortunately, the "excitement" phase of the relationship has worn off and I'm not quite sure what to do. On one hand, I'm fairly content with the relationship. The girl is extremely loving, devoted, and loyal (sickeningly so). Moreover, she seems really stable -- which is something that I really value. However, I have a lot of trouble conversing with her. She's one of those casual conversation types... The kind that can drone on all day about what she saw on certain T.V. shows etc. I just find that kind of talk boring. I'd rather talk about something meaningful -- like school or a good book (or at least a good movie). When I bring up those kinds of things, her eyes glaze-over and she says things like "that's way over my head", or just sits there.. quietly. There are some other issues too. She has trouble recognizing when things need to be cleaned, or when tasks have been performed adequately (like when you're finished with something). For example, for the last several months there has been cat-poop in a corner of her house. When I bring it up, she gets mad, but she refuses to clean it. She also has what I would describe as an attitude of victimization. It's like she's concluded that she doesn't have any means of affecting her environment or her performance. It's like she just expects things to happen for her. Whenever something bad happens, like when she gets a C on a project, she concludes that the teacher doesn't like her and accepts it. Emotionally, I don't really know where I stand. I'm not really all that emotional. I definitely have them -- I just have a lot of difficulty processing them. I don't usually get attached to people either (I think I am pretty attached to her -- but I might just be that I'm afraid of change). TLDR I feel like it's babysitting with sex.. But it's a stable relationship.
People in your age bracket die every day, do you ever wonder what would happen if you died, then quickly dismiss the idea because you will not die until your 90?
Just wondering, there is so much more I want to do with my life, I would die completely unsatisfied with my life. It's really a horrifying thought that you can die at any point in a car accident. It's something that I rarely think about, but when I do think about it, it chills me straight to the bone. This is dedicated to those who have died young, I will live for you, though I do ask that if I die young too, that someone live for me.
DAE involuntarily emphasize bolded or hyperlinked words in their mind when reading silently?
I find myself subvocalizing any emphasized text as if I were speaking it aloud. It pisses me off. Even after I recognize it and reread the text, consciously trying to make the words 'sound' the same in my head, I invariably emphasize the word.
DAE want a version omegle strictly for reddit users
Basically...its like the awesomeness of the reddit community...and omegle...I feel like we have some mad intelligent people on here and it would be so interesting to jump on? or at least a chat room for God sakes Edit:So how do we get this done and created!?
As a tribute to my Grandfather, I wrote an epic half-hour long song recounting his experiences as a child in Nazi Germany. If you have the patience, this is his story.
He's alive and well and living in New Mexico. Here's a recent story in the newspaper about him: right here I know a half hour song is excessive, but my band and I wanted to see if we could do it and write a long, engaging, cinematic piece without any limitations. We wrote it as it came to us over a few days in the studio. Various sound effects for the story were recorded over 2 days by my friend and I as we drove around the desert South of Tucson for a few days looking for things that felt right. It's the last song my band wrote before we ended things and more or less quit playing music. The parts that sound like they might be synth or strings aren't; they're from a 12 string guitar that I played with one of those shitty $.99 AA battery fans from Circle K with tons of reverb, and then the reverb was kept, while the original track was discarded. Nothing else that was artificial was used. The words are intentionally buried within the mix and can be difficult to make out at key times. Sometimes they are replaced with German. I know I'm not the best musician in the world, but I'm proud of this song and what it means to my family, and I'm told it means a great deal to my Grandfather. I thought I'd share it, as I think it's something unique and would be quite moving to the kind of person (like me) that likes to listen to music loud, in headphones or in the dark while driving, sitting in the driveway until it's done. Anyway, I hope you like it. If you don't, that's fine too. It's called "White flags were up, but they were meaningless" whiteflags.mp3
Hey Windows Media Player! Use space to pause/play like everyone else!
Youtube does it. VLC does it. Media player classic does it. Even Realplayer does it! Why don't you? Then again, that's just another reason I hate to use you, and use something better whenever possible. Signed - me
TIL that the word 'Senator' comes from the same eymological root (senax, meaning old man) as 'Senile.'
This was pointed out to me by hsfrey]( and it seems to be verified [here. Suddenly John McCain makes sense. *edit: eTymological. It was late when I posted that.
Buenos Airies Argentina, Sydney Australia, or Manila Phillippines, where would you live?
I have this crazy idea in my head that I want to quit my job, sell my car, buy an open-ended ticket to one of these places, and try to live. If it doesn't work out I can always come back, but I'm thinking take a few hundred dollars (which will go a long way in a foreign country), get some shitty job doing... something shitty, braid hair on the beach for tourists or something, stay in a hostel or rent a crappy room, use my meager allowances to get by and enjoy a simpler life elsewhere. Learn about different languages, cultures, etc. I've looked at all three, and jus curious what reddit thinks. If you were going to pull a Houdini and disappear where would you go?
Do marketing people think we're stupid?
I noticed on an egg carton yesterday that L is the smallest sized egg you can buy. The sizes go "L", "XL" and "J". Seriously? When did a small become a large? Do marketing people seriously think we will think an egg is bigger than it actually is by calling it a "Large" egg? Or worse, are they right? Have there been any studies done that have confirmed that people's perceptions of what they're buying are changed by something so arbitrary as calling a small egg "Large"?
I think I just had the easiest break up of all time....but, I don't know what to do from here...in fact, neither does she
Background information: I am a 20 year old male and she is a 19 year old female. We had been dating for three years, and we were both our "firsts" in *every single way* (well, except for first kiss). We have never betrayed each others trust. We have never been on a break. We get along very, very well. Anyway, the past week she had been very distant, and, for a person with mild OCD, I was *freaking the hell out.* I knew something was up, because she kept insisting everything was fine. Not more than an hour ago she calls me, crying, and tells me that she doesn't think we should be together anymore. Well, I broke down....but for only 10 seconds. I had realized that I had been feeling the same way she had for awhile, and realized that it was completely for the best. In fact, it had felt like a *huge weight* had lifted off my chest. I could sense she felt this way too.... Anyway, we decided we want to remain extremely good friends. I let that sit for a second (to see how it made me feel), and I completely 100% agreed with her. The reason why she was crying was because she thought she would lose me as a friend, but I assured her there was no way she could ever do that. Seriously, she is one of the only people I *truly* get along with. Anyway, we both got off the phone feeling pretty relieved, like we were both getting a fresh start for everything. We both admitted to each other that it was really frightening, but honestly, how else is it suppose to feel after a 3 year commitment? I just need somebody to give me some advice. This is my first *real* break up, and I do not know what to do from here. We both know that we want to be in each others lives still, but not in a "relationship." Does anybody else perhaps have a similar experience? We are both a little confused (and frightened) how things are supposed to go from here... Also, feel free to ask any questions that I may have left unanswered.
Shake that ASS O[F]F! (pics and video)
video: # thong: another angle: lingerie: I don't know what this ass off thing is about, but here are my submissions. What do I win?
IAmA Request: Futurama cast members
We know the Futurama cast is composed mostly of geeks (in fact most of them play D&D), so I have no doubt there's at least ONE of them on reddit who will read this. Feel free to make alternate accounts, Futurama gods. We await thee.
Follow-up please, it is encouraged
I really encourage anyone here who feels they aren't getting attention they need after the first 18 hours of posting.... come back and start a new thread. Link back to your original thread in the post... or at least let us know you previously posted so we know to look. Lately one of my life's problems is that I'm a bit distracted. I could sit here on reddit all day and do a better job following up... but it does help me to balance here with outside-the-computer-screen life. But it isn't always easy to mix and predict time, sometime the wind of life blows long to the West, then back to the East. That doesn't mean I don't care and you are just some text. I just am more busy on some other stuff in my life and my mind or emotions can't do as good of a job. I am asking for your help please. I also suspect others here responding would like more opportunity too. I am being centric to my life, as I run my own consulting business have worked at home for over 10 years... so my idea of weekends and evenings is rather intermixed. I'm sure there are other SW helpers and responders who work day jobs and are here before and after work or on weekends. There's no formal schedule for us, we just check content like most redditors do. I don't actually keep any kind of reminders here on people who have engaged me. I kind of consider that too impersonal, to much like a "job". Maybe I should, I am obviously thinking of that idea as I write this. I wish I did at times, as I can be self-absorbed just like you at times... and I don't wish for my "bad distracted day" to make it seem like you don't matter. But don't we all do that to friends at time, even if it is our first day with them? This is part of why I've given people my cell phone number to text and such. Seriously, almost nobody does this... so you really aren't imposing to ask me for it. I've learned to be brave as this world can be a little harsh, there are some areas where it just isn't worth trying to be too tidy. I know that it can take a lot more than one day to sort out a serious emotional crisis you have going on. I don't consider us here miracle workers. We just try to use some common ground (reddit reading interests) to connect ourselves. I have no illusions that we aren't strangers, but I truly am open to letting more people in my life. I can't always fix the frustrations in life... but I can keep trying to offer me and my role in life. I work at home, by myself, and have traveled many unique ways. Who gives a shit if I make new friends with some anonymous stranger on the Internet. I think it's cool, others can think whatever the hell they want. I am just being me. If 150 find me a fool and one is helped, then I did something. I have had some privileged in life to spend time where most could not. I hope that you can take me serious that the time thing is real. And for the record, I did kind of ramble here... so what. It's 2:00am here in Austin and I had to work on some server issue that needed attention, so I posted here and responded to someone who had orangered me. If you need help, post away, I doubt you can match my rambling ;) tl;dr Post, and re-post, we need your help if you need ours. Don't feel like we don't care, it may just be that we aren't so perfect either. Keep reaching your hand out, cry louder, you are not alone!
At what point does age not matter?
The oft cited rule of thumb is divide by 2, add 7 for age gap in relationships. Is this generally applicable? In reddit's opinion at what point do the following differences become OK? 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years Does it matter which gender is older, and should it matter? It seems to me that typically you see the guy as the older one in a relationship. From what I can tell it seems that age plays an important part for both those in a relationship and those that examine it. For example, most questions on this subreddit include the ages involved or they are requested in short time. Perhaps this question is better suited to AskReddit since there is no specific scenario for you guys to weigh in on, but I am interested in the social conventions that have developed. (No you all are not writing a homework assignment for me here Edit: for the purposes of discussion I am referring to legal examples.
One of the best things in the world is to...
watch your 14 month old son walk around, pick up random things including his blocks and other toys he has, and just sit there and play with them... I'm watching my son now drag around his blanket, and watch this NFL commercial, which I swear, everytime it comes on, he will stop what he's doing and watch the whole 45 seconds of it, like he's doing at this moment... I sit here in amazement, wondering what exactly he's thinking and what he's trying to say to me.. I know all you dads out there know exactly what I'm talking about.. don't have any real reason to post this, just something I'm thinking about, and thought I'd share. AMA(Yes, I'm aware i'm not in that subreddit, just adding that, so you lames that are lurking don't try to correct me.
[Offer] I'll review your website for you.
i dunno if there is interest in this, but thought i would give what i can. i can review your website for you for: user experience, marketability, organization, etc. I can give you pointers on what might help you better sell your product/yourself/etc. I do this professionally, and have worked on many large consumer websites for very large companies. Also if you're looking to become a interactive designer, i can review your portfolio for you.
Does sex change after childbirth?
I heard a rumor that having sex after having a baby just doesn't feel the same. In particular, sex is not as pleasurable (and harder to reach orgasm) for the woman after having a NATURAL birth. Is this true? I'm not asking about libido, drive, or desire; I'm asking about actual perception and enjoyment. Mothers of Reddit, what are your thoughts? *Please also share if you had a natural or C-section birth and how long ago you had your last child. EDIT: Decided to also ask SELF to increase comments. Very interesting story so far... I would love for more research to be done on the orgasm in women. We know so little.
The ethics of living in 'stealth'
I have been thinking deeply about the ethical, moral, and pragmatic implications of living in what is known in the transsexual community as 'deep stealth' or in other words, choosing not to disclose your trans history to anyone. I have read articles on the issue and the trans community itself seems to be split on what should be done. On the one hand, disclosing to someone up-front is considered by some to be the "honest" thing to do, especially when dealing with a potential love interest. It helps to weed out the trans-phobic and bigoted types and helps take a burden of one's shoulders. However, you can pigeon-hole yourself fairly easily with this approach and your trans history quickly becomes common knowledge and people you know WILL find out, and in all likelihood treat you in a disrespectful way. On the other hand, deep stealth has its allure. You are a woman/man, you live as a woman/man, and people have no reason to treat you differently. If you are particularly passable, casual dating with your preferred gender becomes much more simple and easy. If you have had sexual reassignment surgery, your sex life may even be unaffected by you history. You can live how you deserve to live, without having to fight the little battles and insecurities that can come with being openly trans in our relatively intolerant world. However, there is also a platter of issues that arise from this choice. For one, you will always wonder if someone, in some way will discover your personal history and out you to everyone. It becomes your worst fear if you have created a life of complete stealth, and it can jeopardize relationships and careers. You could also be put in a position of physical harm or even death, and there is a stigma within the some of the trans community that this is inherently a "dishonest" way of living. Please share your outlook and opinions, or even personal experiences on this difficult issue.
Found a possible alternative to Tinychat
Test Link for functionality and later we can decide on using tinychat or finding an alternative to tinychat.
Dear Midwest Chicago Server Owners/Admins: Your server is fucked up.
You guys need to tweak the auto-balance or something. I just played a map where the top scoring guy on one team had 80 points, the lowest was 20, and the other team had maybe 40 combined, (these scores are taken from after the round after an auto-balance. The scores before *that* was fucking brutal.) and it didn't auto-balance. What's up with that? That doesn't seem like fair and balanced teams to me. The other night, the map was Viaduct. In the 30 minutes of this map, blue team(it might have been red, I can't remember) never had the point for a single second. They barely even touched the point throughout the entire game. Does *this* seem fair and balanced to you? But these are not rare cases. From what I've played, about 3/4 of the time, it's just one team rolling the other on this server. It's not fun. Now here is where my real problem is: Those two times above, along with countless others, there were admins on the servers while this was happening. Do you guys have no problem with this rolling happening over and over? So, yeah... A big 'wtf' from me.
Help to switch to xmonad. Standalone or under KDE/Gnome ? Tray icons and notifications, startup programs, automount, keyboard layout switcher etc.
I'm an Arch user. Want to try xmonad. What stops me is that i like some of the services that i get from KDE. I like my tray with icons and notifications. I like my programs that startup upon login. So here are my questions: 1. Should i go with KDE + xmonad, or should i use xmonad with its own status bar, menu, tray etc ? 2. How do tray living programs like kopete, amarok, kalarm, kde wallet, keyboard switcher work with xmonad tray (if there's such a thing as xmonad tray)? 3. how does automounting work in xmonad ?
Would anyone else be interested in a licensed Top Gear game?
I hate racing games usually, but I love the programme Top Gear. Does anyone else think a Top Gear racing game would be awesome? I was just thinking about it last night, so I don't have a whole lot of ideas, but I thought it could possibly have a whole bunch of multiplayer minigames (think of the caravan carnage!) as well as special challenges (amphibious cars springs to mind). What do you guys think?
Oh Man Reddit, I'm looking for the most obsure of obscure ms-dos games
so I've been wanting to find this game, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I believe it is called Mr. Milo and you played this little guy in a old platformer shooter thing kind of like commander keen, if not a bit simpler. Anyone? EDIT: It was Crystal Caves. Many thanks to WhatAnAss...
Reddit, what defines an artist?
Do you think it has to do with talent? Is dedication necessary or is passion more important (even if fleeting)? Is anyone who is inspired to be creative or create an artist?