Trees, would you please open your Bible to the book of Daniel chapter 4 verse 20.
The tree you saw, which grew large and strong, with its top touching the sky, visible to the whole earth. Daniel 4:20
Reddit, are you balding? If so, how do you fix it?
I've always had a widow's peak but I'm starting to notice that it is receding a little bit. Lots of people think that it's funny how other people lose their hair until it happens to themselves. How do you fix baldness? Is there really a miracle drug out there? And for the ladies of Reddit, is bald as bad as some men make it sound or is it actually attractive?
Lonely girl seeks stable man
So my boyfriend ran away. Not from me, but still away. He is only 20 and he has some mental issues that he struggles to deal with. Two days ago, he was planning a visit to my new house where I live with one other girl. On Wednesday, I found that he had ended our oh so important facebook relationship and his crazy ex girlfriend had sent me endless amounts of hatemail to my phone, e-mail, facebook page, and instant messenger. When he finally called, I was informed that his ex girlfriend was pregnant, and they were running away to Florida. i was devastated. Later that day, I received a phone call form his mother, begging me for any information as to where they could find him. He had stolen her car, all of the cash from her wallet, and up and left. I told her what I knew, but it wasn't very helpful. How do I deal with this? And more importantly what should I say if he is to call or text me? Has anyone else ever had anything like this happen to them before?
How does adrenaline affect you, gentlefolks of reddit?
I'm not a physically active person *at all*. One of my friends and I just got into an impromptu wrestling match, which he started, catching me quite off guard. I assume my reactions were influenced by an adrenaline rush of sorts, because I easily had him pinned within a few seconds, and now I can't stop shaking, and feel somewhat nauseous, but not sick.
what's this "karma" stuff....
and how do I redeem it? Is it like Marlboro points that I can cash in for free swag? I'd like to save up for a nice vape.
Gaming reddit, i'm gonna unleash some Baldur's Gate awesome on you now.
Today I was driving back from work and saw the registration number KGX. Anyhoo, i was thinking what it reminded me of, and for some reason the name Kangaxx came into my head. After much thinking I decided it was the lich from Baldur's Gate 2, anyhoo. When i got home i looked it up and I was right! Now, this may not be that awesome, but seeing as i havent played the game for about seven years, i'm fairly happy about it. I hope you share my love.
Where do I start in regards to baking?
Hi all. I love to cook, but have never baked anything. My mom thinks I would be good at it (she is a pastry chef trained at Le Cordon Bleu) but I have no idea where to start. I don't like measuring things when I cook which seems to be a bit more essential when baking. Any easy, not so rigid recipes you can recommend to wet my beak a little?
Ask r/web_design - are "share this" buttons a waste of space?
I'm talking about those endless rows of "share" buttons under articles/posts for Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Reddit, SU, Technorati, Newsvine, delicious, etc. I'm thinking about ditching them in favor of a cleaner layout, but I'd be interested in getting other opinions - has anyone seen these buttons actually generate traffic, or are they just clutter? Thanks
Mid-Atlantic redditors: Yet another death storm is bringing certain icy doom to our beleaguered region. How will you spend your last hours on earth?
My answer is the same as it was for the last storm - I'm buying beer and preparing for the complete, inevitable and hilarious failure of all basic human functions in DC when more than 1/2 inch of snow falls.
IAmA former telemarketer. AMA.
For a brief six months, I was a top-earning telemarketer for a company called Xentel. They are the ones who solicit donations on behalf of groups like the "Fraternal Order of Police." Conscience finally caught up with me and I quit this job, never to return. I learned more about telemarketing in those six months than I would have ever guessed.
Does an NTP preference make us more open to conspiracy/far fetched theories?
I am somewhat of a conspiracy sympathist. A lot of my friends are as well, and nearly all of my close friends are NTs with way more than my fair share of NTPs. Some things are straight forward with a bit of research, should fluoride be in the water? Absolutely not, in my not so humble opinion. Is the official 9/11 story true? Absolutely not in my opinion. Etc. I have wondered for a long time why I am able to go from being completely pro fluoridation, having never considered it, to doing 20 minutes of research on the internet and completely changing my mind, while other people who have seen the same evidence as I have can't get over the fact that the American Dental Association supports it and it must therefore be all happiness and butterflies. I don't want this to turn into a debate about fluoride or 9/11 or aliens or anything, but it has started to seem to me that an iNtuition preference combined with Thinking allows one to approach any particular topic with an open mind, or more open of a mind than an SF in particular who being an S has already 'evaluated all the evidence' and therefore doesn't need to reevaluate their position. I would be really curious to a) know if as an INTP you find yourself mroe likely than most to entertain fringe political/metaphysical outlooks and b) you agree or disagree that the NT combination is some how directly related to open mindedness.
Set membership as a function of time: how not to sounds like a jackass when talking about population dynamics?
Dear R/Math: I'm an engineer with a love for math, but I'm currently in over my head theory-wise, so I come to you for advice and/or pointers to some nice secondary literature. I'm now back at school making and applying math/computer models in biology. I've never taken any formal courses on set theory, but I'm pretty sure that I should be using it to write about my work in population dynamics. I'm aware of the more classical and typical approach for describing a population in which I consider its *density* (something like u(x,y,z,t)), instead of the individual members in it. This would have been nice 100 years ago of course, since we can do calculus on it. But I'm making a computer model instead, so talking about individuals makes more sense. It just makes more sense to me to talk about a finite set of individuals as opposed to an infinite set of population densities. But I'm lost as to what I need to learn in order to describe a model like this using equations. Here's what I think is my problem: >I have a set of bugs floating around in space. Each of these bugs has several attributes, such as its position, age and health, (but it also must have some sort of unique identity or essence, since two identical objects only count for one in a set if I understand correctly). Originally, I was thinking I should use the word "population" to describe such a set of bugs, but that's not quite right. My bugs reproduce. When we refer to a population, we're actually talking about the "set of bugs that are alive at time t", not the set of bugs. The size of my set is changing, with members entering and leaving all the time. Sorry to bore you with the biology-speak and improper use of your well-defined math vocabulary, but my problem is that I can't articulate myself without it and that's why I'm here in the first place! I figure that mathematicians probably have a very nice way of talking about such processes -- objects gaining and losing membership within a set, and the operations that cause such changes. Does talking about "set size as a function of time" even make sense? If not, then I suppose I shouldn't be calling this a set at all, but something else. But what else? Where should I look? Who should I read if I want to achieve enlightenment on this sort of thing? Feed me! I hunger for knowledge!
Sensa! Has anyone used it????
I am thinking about using "Sensa" to help me lose weight. I want to know as much as I can about it, but I've had some trouble finding anything significant by doing a Google search. Has anyone used it? Does anyone know anything about it? *Edit: I do exercise. My problem is simply over-eating. Even healthy things. I am unemployed and my boyfriend works 70-80 hours a week. I recently moved from Chicago to Chattanooga and don't know anyone down here yet, so I sit alone at home all day. Sensa is supposed to do no more than change the scent of food slightly in such a way as to decrease appetite. **Edit: Here are pics to dispel any myths that I am some sort of "fat slob." ***Edit: Exercise isn't my problem. I posted this simply in hopes of getting some information on Sensa. I don't need exercise advice.
Chronos and metal detectors.
My 48 hours old chronos stopped working the other day, while I was at the airport. It was definetely working on my way to the airport and it wasn't at the gate anymore. I suspect the problem had something to do with me passing through the metal detector at the security: it was just dead, with the exception of the backlight. I could not do much for three days as I was busy and on the other side of the world but as I came back I removed and re-inserted the battery and the watch came to life again. So, this is kind of speculation but I suspect the magnetic field arising from the metal detector may have backfired current through the antenna and put the watch in panic mode. YMMV.
Did anyone here ever happen to find anything important in their spam folder?
I myself have found a few things that were not spam as such, in that they were from companies I had registered with in the past, but I have never noticed anything really important.
Wife having twins. Need your ideas for a birth gift (please).
My wife and I are expecting twins in a few days. I'd like to buy her some kind of gift to show my appreciation for the many baby-kicks to her cervix for the last 34+ weeks. I'd like to spend around $1000-$3000. Jewelry seems too obvious, but I may go that route if I can't come up with anything better. Can you come up with any good ideas? Thanks!
DAE get annoyed by the name "Fifth Third Bank"?
5/3 in their logo is FIVE-THIRDS not fifth thirds. GARRGH. Is it just my OCD?
Suggestion on a new Subreddit - Cribs
I just created Cribs on Reddit! Our *obviously* superior version of the show. Any ideas? Good idea/bad idea? I'll bet some of us are rockin' some pretty sweet cribs, just bought our first home and need some ideas, or live in a way we haven't seen before...let's hear it Previous discussion edit: MUCH MUCH MUCH more hate on this discussion than any of the previous ones! Any publicity is good publicity! I <8 you Reddit!
Even IF God existed, I would rather burn in Hell FOREVER than worship him!
I am an atheist, but even if we all found out that we were created by an all powerful sky daddy (Christian or otherwise), I could not morally bring myself to worship such an immoral being.
Just a reminder: Steve Jobs still has not been waterboarded.
Remember when Steve Jobs promised to never put out another terrible product again or he would be waterboarded and raise money for the troops?
I worked in the building next to the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis before and after collapse. AMA.
I wasn't in the building when it happened, and luckily no one I knew was on it. I watched them haul away the wreckage and build the new bridge, though I quit the job before it was completed. I know a bit about the rescue from an extended conversation I had with a MNDOT employee who was heavily involved. AMA
Looking for advice on changing server hardware
Right now I've got a headless server stowed away in my roommate's room (that's where Comcast comes out of the floor). The server is this nasty full ATX Dell XPS from 7 years ago. Pentium 4 3.06GHz, 1GB of PC3200 RAM, and two HDD. The thing sounds like a jet turbine, especially on hot days, cause it has a trillion fans which is probably overkill for a linux home server. My roommate isn't a huge fan of this setup. I'm thinking about upgrading to a Foxconn Atom 230 mobo/cpu combo]( [1GB of DDR2-533]( and an [80+ PSU, for a total of about $150 shipped. My question is, will this machine be too crippled and slow compared to my previous one? I was hoping it'd at least operate around the same speed, given that the memory is faster and dual channel. My server runs as a file sharing server, a firefly (mt-daapd) server, Apache2-MySQL webserver (8Mbps upload pipe), bit-torrent server, and shell server. It's not a heavy traffic server, mostly just 5-6 visitors at a time. The web server does host 720p videos, that's probably the most data intensive thing it does. Advice is hugely appreciated! EDIT: According to the PSU calc, the energy saving is 229 W -> 54 W. 175W savings over 1 year at $0.10 kWh is about $150.
Does Hulu, Netflix and Youtube completely lie with their ability to stream HD video, or is my ISP full of it?
I pay $67 a month for 16Mb cable from my ISP, all three of these streaming sites say that with 5Mb I can get full HD. I can never get anything more than the lowest quality from any of them and even then I have to buffer allot. My speedtests from any location on speedtest.net is 1.5-2.5Mb. But if I test my ISP's speedtest (speedtest.bresnan.net) I get 16Mb from 2 locations 2Mb avg from the others. I have spent months talking with support with them and they continually claim that it is "off their network" I have MANY tests recorded from many times of the day including Traceroutes, packet tracing with wireshark, and speedtests that show very clearly the slowdown occurs at their connection to the "backbone" they have ignored me and blown me off with absolutely no help. Is there anything I can do to force them to actually look at their uplink? Help me Obi-wan Reddit, you're my only hope. UPDATE: BTW it is not just HD, it is ALL streaming and downloads from Steam (200k max) and iTunes
Developers! In a standard 9-5 work day, what percent of the work day are you effectively productive?
I would say that in an average work day, I am only actually productive for about 3.5 of the 8 hours I am on site. This is actual time entering code, or hacking at the database, or reading work email. What say you?
So what are your feelings about differences in age in relationships?
I ask in a general sense, and because I find myself kind of stuck at the moment. I have a bit of a crush on girl, but she's 20 and I'm 26 (27 in a few months). I mean technically she passes the divide in half and add seven test...but I can't help but think that when I was her age, she was in middle school...when 9/11 happened, she was 11. She's smart, and cool, but I can't help but feel like I'm a dirty old man. But don't feel you have to advise me personally...I'm curious on what peoples feelings are in general.
Im in SF for the night, I know noone. What should I do?
I'm in San Fransisco for the Thursday night. I am travelling alone and I want to do something fun tonight. Any suggestions?
My job just blocked, myspace, twitter, facebook, and youtube.
I'm really only mildly upset at youtube being blocked. The other sites I either don't use at all or don't mind at all putting off 'till I get home. Thank the FSM, they don't know or don't care about reddit.
What's the point of skill testing questions?
I remember a while back I was at McDonalds. They had the monopoly thing and I won a free burger. So I go to redeem it and I had to answer some skill testing question. It was easy (I think it was like 25 + [2+3]). What is the point of it? Edit: This is a real life thing, not a website thing. I'm not talking about captchas
Reddit developers - The lack of a functioning search is causing me to reconsider my relationship with you. The search bar stares ever-so-tauntingly... I can't take the teasing much longer.
*Waves the reddit flag - dripping with the blood of thousands of pedobears* I was kind of miffed a few weeks ago when I couldn't do a search to find a post from a few hours ago. I was slightly inconvenienced yesterday when I wanted to find another lost post. I would really be okay with a half-attempt at a temporary search that worked 3/4 of the time with a questionable host. This has been going on for far too long. It's either me or the broken search feature. I will now stand with my hands on my hips with the wrath of generations of inconvenienced internet lurkers fueling the fire in my eyes. My foot taps with the drumming of undiscoverable reddit posts, yelling thunderously to be found. Demons and trolls of the internet, unite! It is time. We demand a search function!! *Flails the flag around some more, showering hoards of redditors in glory*
Am I the only one who doesn't enjoy webcomics?
My friends have always sent me links to things like pennyarcade or xkcd and very rarely I will get a laugh out of any them. Am I alone? I grew up playing a lot of games on the internet (warcraft, diablo, counter strike, team fortress, etc) so I think I have a good sense of all those internet memes. I am open to suggestions for webcomics you think are funny.
Did anyone else notice the new sound between scenes in the premiere of LAX?
There is a new sound when the show flashes from the Island to scenes off the Island. I think this has to do with a Parallel universe that was created after the explosion of the H-Bomb that Juliette said "worked". Did anyone else notice this new exotic noise? It sounds like a helicopter played backwards.
AskReddit: What's the worst "wrong number" call you've ever received?
My family just got a teary voicemail about how a beloved aunt had passed away :( EDIT: If it's important enough to comment, it's important enough to upvote >:-(
What is the (1) beside my name?
I see some people have higher numbers, what is the significance of this number, and how does it grow?
Evidence of inter-decadal natural cycle in the climate system - guess who the author is?
"Analyses of proxy based reconstructions of surface temperatures during the past 330 years show the existence of a distinct oscillatory mode of variability with an approximate time scale of 70 years." Observed and simulated multidecadal variability in the Northern Hemisphere "Recent models suggest that interdecadal (roughly 15–35-year period) and century-scale (roughly 50–150-year period) climate variability may be intrinsic to the natural climate system." Global interdecadal and century-scale climate oscillations during the past five centuries PDF The author of both? Michael Mann.
IAMA Retail Merchandiser... AMA
I've been a retail merchandiser for a little over 3 years, and prior to this I was a manager at a large retail chain.
TIL that you can play minesweeper with Xbox 360 controller.
I realised this when I was playing minesweeper with Xbox controller attached to my computer and all the sudden the controller started vibrating rapidly indicating that I had hit a mine.
I'm considering significantly shortening my commute, has anyone done this before?
OK here's the deal. I live near downtown Houston, and I work 35 minutes north by car. Currently I am centrally located, and it is very easy to get everywhere on the weekends. Restaurants, bars, etc are never far. All of my friends live in Houston as well. My landlord is selling my apartment so I will be moving in May. The question is whether or not I should move closer to work, or find another place in Houston. There is an apartment complex that I could walk to the office from, walk to the grocery store, etc. Everything is very close proximity, within one square mile. It is a nice, wooded area with plenty of bike trails etc. I've recently quit drinking so going out doesn't have the appeal it used to-- being close to bars was one of the motivations behind my current living location. I am torn between the desire of being close to my friends on the one hand, and leaving the office at 5 and playing Mass Effect 2 by 5:02 on the other. Not to mention the additional sleep and time that I could put into other interests which I currently spend behind the wheel. I'm wondering if there are any negative aspects to living close to the office that I am overlooking; does anyone here live close to their office that can advise on this? I'm thinking mainly about the feeling of living and working in the same neighborhood... would one become prone to a sort of environmental cabin fever? Thoughts are appreciated.
Can't tell if my cats love, or are annoyed by my whistling.
I'll be sitting here, whistling a tune, and my cats will come over to me, sometimes meowing or trying to climb on me. It's clearly in response to the whistling. I can't tell if the pitch of the whistling is hurting their ears and they're responding to that, or if somehow they think I'm calling to them? They're not generally deprived of attention.
Reddit: I am thinking of giving up my Atari, NES, SNES, SEGA, and all of their games in favor of emulators and a USB controller. Please help me do this.
I haven't used many PC emulators and I just want to know some reputable places to get emulated games. I don't even mind paying for them if I have to in order to avoid wading through a sea of torrent sites with tons of spyware and games that don't work. **Edit:** I need emulators as well as the games to play on them. Also, can I use an SNES controller to play NES or Atari emulators or do I need multiple controllers? Can I map the buttons using windows and the emulators automatically apply my changes? Thanks in advance!
My Uncle just sent me this chain email... *Sigh*
We are distraught over the recent earthquake that hit Haiti causing the estimated deaths of up to 100,000 Haitians. We are asking the US government to donate 100,000 Negroes to replace them as quickly as possible with an additional 50,000 on standby in Detroit for immediate exportation. Then and only then can we guarantee Haiti will continue to be the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. Please urge your city to donate and donate early as the need is real and the need is now! Give and give generously. Thank you, The American Negro Replacement Foundation “Creating poverty around the world for 200 years” 3225 W. 54th Street Washington, DC 10679
Can someone explain the process by which fast food turns into waste so quickly?
How is it possible that you can eat a fast food meal and have diarrhea within a half hour? Does the food actually travel through your digestive system that fast, or is there some other process at work? I know this seems like a disgusting question, but I really am curious.
Why so much salt and so little pepper?
Why is it they seem to manage to fit around 52lbs of salt into each of those little paper packets of salt? The same packets for pepper always seem to have roughly 8 grains of black pepper in them. Do people really need that much salt and so little pepper?
Finally! Some instant karma! Some jackass gets pulled over.
So I was in the truck with my dad for lunch and we are in stop-and-go traffic. My city has terrible traffic and the rain wasn't helping. We're inching our way down the freeway and my dad rolls his car slowly forward to close the gap between him and the car in front of us. Some dick-bag in a gas guzzler pick-up honks at us for not gassing up to the car in front of us and slamming on our breaks. We deal with pushy drivers often, my family and I, but honestly, there isn't more we can do to exacerbate the situation we are already in. We're already going slow as balls. So the guy in the big truck changes lanes and eventually gets about 4 car lanes in front us. We're coming up to the intersection and this guy is in a REAL "hurry" (just like 90% of drivers in our city). The light changes to yellow and this guy isn't even close to the intersection! He guns it and obviously blows through a red light. I see this happen *all the time*! But then a motorcycle cop pulls into the emergency lane, puts on his lights, and zooms to pull the ass-hat over. So, to all the people who see this shit and ask, "Man, where's a cop that does his job when you need him??" this story's for you.
How bad will coffee stain my teeth?
About two years ago, I started drinking coffee and found i love it. I average around two cups a day, but i worry that it will stain my teeth. Is there any tricks to prevent this?
It's not punny anymore reddit...
Don't get me wrong, I love puns just as much as the next guy, but not when they get in the way of the actual discussion. I'm tired of having to scroll half-way down every other submission just to get past the barrage of puns and find the beginning of some real conversation. If a pun is truly a gem, go ahead and upvote or submit it, but otherwise, stop jizzing all over yourselves, it's mostly simple wordplay that we're all capable of.
Ask /r/forth: Whats the smallest implementation of forth you've seen?
I'm currently taking a class in assembly language and I'm thinking that I want to really dig deep down into assembly by writing an implementation of forth. I have no idea if I'll be able to learn assembler and forth well enough to do this, but I'd like to try :) And at least by attempting such a project, it would push me to understand assembler more, as opposed to the trivial assignments my professor is giving us. My thinking is, if I could find a really small implementation, perhaps almost too small, I might be able to squeeze in enough time to learn and code this up. Can anyone recommend a tutorial or documents towards this? Thanks!
What are good things to fill a piñata with?
We're having a Piñata Party this weekend and are trying to think of good things to fill them with. Any suggestions?
Suggest movies to watch that are on Netflix Watch Instantly
I'm a huge fan of Netflix's Watch Instantly, as a medium. But a lot of the movies on there are complete and utter shit. I've found plenty of good ones, but I want more. I propose we use this to list our favorite Watch Instantly movies. **Edit: just to clarify, I'm not looking just for suggestions for myself, but for anyone with Netflix**
How I manage my depression
long time reader, first time poster to /r/depression. Have been depressed for approximately 20 years, diagnosed for about 6, medicated and with therapist for those same 6. Take Celexa 20mg daily, see a therapist for CBT once a month. What I want to share with others comes from an article in Psychology Today about 6 or 6 months ago about living in the now. An example that I'd like to share is when I come home from a crap day at a tough job to a wife that is pregnant with twins (very exciting and stressful at the same time) who also isn't working due to pregnancy complications, housework to be done (laundry, cleaning etc) cooking, and other assorted fun chores, and walking the dog. I've chosen to enjoy walking the dog. I found a great little wilderness area near where I live, where our dog can run off leash in the woods, smelling anything he wants. Very few people use this area, so no worries about running into someone else with a dog or any type of confrontation. The bit about living in the moment. There are times when Shadow (the dog) is running around just being happy to be running around. It's then that I try to forget about everything that happened that day, and everything that is to come, and just enjoy Shadow being happy. The air is crisp, the noise of the city are drowned out, there is a peace in the solitude. I watch my dog being happy, and it makes me happy. I come home after 30 or 60 minutes, refreshed and better able to manage myself and my reactions to the stresses that normal life delivers. I know not all will be able to find the same type of relief or enjoyment, but I hope that at least one person can read this and try to find one thing each day to enjoy and live in that moment.
Can anyone suggest a good resource for learning web security?
So, I am a Java Developer for a non-tech company where I work on a team that builds web software for our companies corporate business. I have about 2 yrs experience now and I enjoy my programming job but I am looking for something to help me stay sharp. The other day I realized I use security packages all of the time, but I don't really understand their workings and why they work(well much past the less than challenging networking class I took in college and what I can infer from my job). Can someone point me to a resource that goes in depth to what web security is and how it works, with relevant examples?
I'd like to start an internet radio station.
Hello, AskReddit. I've always wanted to start an internet radio station so I could do live broadcasts of my music (here's. I've been successfully broadcasting tests to a few friends from my desktop but if I'm going to do this seriously I'm going to need a paid provider to rebroadcast the station, and to provide backup when I'm down, my connection is down, or I simply want to use this machine for other things. All or nearly all the tracks will be my copyright, or the copyrights of my friends - I will handle all royalty arrangements. So here's the minimum feature I need - the ability to switch automatically between a set of music stored on the server and a relay for a live broadcast. I need to be able to turn on a broadcast easily when I please, and turn it off again - and if my home connectivity goes down, I'd like the server to detect it's not getting a signal and go back to a stored playlist. More, I'd love to be able to script the server, or send it commands from here through CGI. I have tons of great ideas and would be willing to code to get them going, and to pay for hosting and bandwidth costs of course. But I'd take anything good... Any recommendations gratefully received and probably acted upon almost immediately.
[Feb 3rd, 2010] Speed limits, communicating via brain waves, and life in Hong Kong
**/r/reddit.com** market posts about a corporation that intends to run for congress]( ModernDemagogue posts about a guy who [films his wife crying at the end of movies]( Gag_Halfrunt discovers the [secret to the black eyed peas' success]( and blhack posts a [positive update from wikileaks. **/r/todayilearned** jbr1 learns interesting facts about speed limits. **/r/AskReddit** FinalAmendment asks worldly redditors about their language related adventures. **/r/IAmA** dv82 talks about life in Hong Kong. **/r/science** stephen251 posts about a vegetative patient communicating via brainwaves. **/r/history** torosbulba42 links a NatGeo article on a cataclysmic meteorite impact in Australia --- Reddit of the day /r//r/redditstories/ ps: if you sent me a ROTD yesterday/today, please resend, I think I lost it
What other songs have some amazing bass effects?
One song that comes to mind would be the bass effect around the 1:15 mark on Smile by Crystal Method. It tickles your ears with good headphones and vibrates walls even with a small subwoofer. Other songs that come to mind would pretty much be any Pendulum song such as: 9000 Miles]( [Girl in the Fire]( [Hold Your Colour]( and [Propane Nightmares.
Juliet's flashback in The Incident
Maybe I'm getting *crazy* paranoid, but that flashback (from her childhood - her parents telling her about their divorce) has been weighing on my mind. First of all, every other flashback was about Jacob. Jacob didn't appear in this one. It didn't contribute to the narrative or the mythology at all. In an episode with a lot of ground to cover, why waste time on something like that? But secondly, it's supposed to be set in the early or late eighties, right? Holy crap, does it NOT look period. The clothes, the furniture - it looks so contemporary. LOST usually takes great care with its set design. Here are some screencaps. I think something's afoot.
How can I send a calendar over email?
I want to send a calendar of events (ranging from 5-30 per day) over the email to someone. What is a good program to use or how can I embed GoogleCal or iCal in an email. I dont want them to have to open a pdf or click on a website link.
During the campaign I signed up for notifications from Obama, and I still receive them. Today I got one regarding a Q&A session, asking for questions for the President to answer. This was my response:
Considering the failed war on drugs, changing public opinion, the revenue opportunities due to taxes and the knowledge of its' safety compared to other drugs, when are you going to take the issue of ending marijuana prohibition seriously? I know it's not worded perfectly and I probably could have included other reasonings, but I was texting it in the middle of a class, so I just wanted to get it done quickly. I doubt it'll be answered, but for those of you who are interested, the initial notification I got said the Q&A session was to be on BarackObama.com at 5:45 EST (about an hour from when I'm posting this). And the number that sent out the question was 622-62 (Obama), so you can send in your own questions I guess. Maybe this time he can actually answer the question rather than casting it aside as a joke, like he's done previously.
Dear food reddit, allow me to share an excellent culinary "secret."
Vermouth! I just had occasion to mention this in another thread. It's one of those things I am SO glad I learned. I figured I'd share. From Julia Child I long ago learned to keep a bottle of __dry__ French vermouth at hand. I also keep one in the liquor cabinet for martinis but that's another story. It's perfect. It's handy as hell - screw that skipping the wine because you don't wnat to open a whole bottle and yada yada. You can use a half cup here and a cup there; it never goes bad. There is little temptation to drink it so you're likely to have some when you want it. Any time a recipe calls for white wine, use the vermouth. You'll probably find yourself making pan sauces a lot more frequently. For cooking (and martinis) my favorite is Noilly Pratt. Other French brnads slot in at second, then California in third. Martini & Rossi is, in my humble opinion, swill.
DAE get annoyed when they hear foreign languages?
I know it may seem intolerant, but I can't help it. When I hear someone speaking another language, mainly Spanish or Chinese, it just annoys me. I don't dislike the people at all, but there's something about the sound of some languages that a find annoying.
What do I say to a religious family member with cancer?
A family member has cancer and they are all religious. As an atheist what non douchey thing can I say other than "I'm sorry to hear that is there any thing I can do to help?"
my parents officially know i smoke pot
from a message my dad sent me earlier today " Btw, what is purchased in Amsterdam STAYS in Amsterdam!!! Be smart" haha.
Reddit, is it illegal to pass on the shoulder in MA?
I was recently found at fault for making a left turn and getting hit by a car making a pass on the shoulder around the SUV in front of him. The SUV was indicating a left turn onto a side street as I was coming to a Dunkin' Donuts. I yielded to the SUV and we began our turns simultaneously. My front wheels were in the entrance when the other party passed the turning SUV and struck my car on the passenger side. Hard. My car spun about 120 degrees and is totaled. Please, I need help. Did the other party do something illegal? EDIT: my car - his car
I decided to ask the Gideons people directly about Bibles in hotels, and here is their response.
Someone posted the other day a question about "What should I do with all these Bibles I've taken from hotel rooms?" I've seen other "Bibles in hotel rooms" posts in the past, and the information seems cloudy about how those Bibles get there, who pays for them, and whether they are free for the taking. I decided to ask Gideons directly, via email yesterday, and they answered today. My email: >I'm writing from the United States, so my questions are in that context. >Your Bibles are famously found in hotel rooms everywhere. How do those Bibles get there? Does the hotel pay for the Bible, and if so, how much do they cost? I see from your FAQ that the books have about a six year lifespan; how do they get replaced when they need to be? >Lastly, what is your position on hotel guests who take the Bible with them after their stay? >Thanks for your answers, >Nougat Here's the response I received: >Thank you for your questions! >Men who are members of our association, or Gideons, volunteer their time to place Bibles in hotels. We also place Scriptures in hospitals, nursing homes, jails, prisons, schools, colleges, and provide them to the military. The Bibles are provided through donations from church offerings and individuals. The hotels do not pay for this service – they are free for the asking. Gideons will periodically check hotels to make sure that they are stocked and also check rooms (as they are available) to make sure the Bibles are in good condition. >The Bibles that are placed in the hotel rooms are actually property of the Gideons International. It is our intention that the Bibles remain in the rooms for use by the guest. However, if someone is in need of a Bible we are happy for them to take the one from the room. We pray that the Bible will be a blessing and an encouragement to their life. We have received many reports over the years from people whose lives have been transformed by reading a Bible that they took from a hotel room. This is the reason that we place the Bibles in the rooms. And, as I said before, the hotels are checked periodically to make sure rooms have a Bible. >Hope this answers your questions. In short: * Gideons pays for the Bibles, not the hotels (or other facilities) * Volunteers, known as *Gideons,* handle distribution of the books * The books remain the property of Gideons International, though there seems to be latitude to remove a book for an appropriate "need."
I just watched Groundhog Day again for the first time in years, and it was awesome. Thanks Etab!
These persistent posts drove me to spontaneously acquire the movie, in a totally legal fashion of course (as with everything I post about in a public forum, and everything else as well, I think it goes without saying). Anyway, I just watched it, and the experience is every bit as great as it was when I last saw it! Man, Bill Murray is still *young* in that movie... I think I may have to start a nostalgia movie week now, how about Four Weddings and a Funeral for the next one?
IAE excited about Heavy Rain?
I was curious as I haven't been this excited about a game in a long time, but I haven't seen much on here [Reddit] about it.
CompTIA is planning to screw it's current Cert holders
Fight the power back! for those who saw the article as good news, scroll down in the comments section there is a user named "Hiya" which posted a very good detailed explanation on what's going to happen. here is the link:
Dollhouse Finale: a critique (spoilers in droves)
Did anybody else think it would have been better for Topher to wipe everybody and imprint them with some basic instructions for living? I just found the "return everybody to who they were" pulse too big to swallow. I mean, the show's technology was already pretty out there, but I found it believable enough up to that point. I liked the Paul-in-Echo bit, though. Hard to imagine how that relationship would work, but fun to try. And overall: muy bueno!
Hey trees! Check out my modded one-hitter!
There are two images in that link, check 'em out. I took a hole puncher to a metal screen and very lightly superglued the radius of it to my one hitter, on the mouthpiece. This way I don't get the black ash on my teeth, or hot coals on my tongue. Because it only blocks the occasional small bit that comes out of the pipe if you draw on it slowly, it doesn't get blocked, and doesn't impede poking/scraping/iso cleaning. What do you think? :-D
Reddit Tutorial for y'all.
Hey guys, Here's the deal. Step 1. Create a user account. See up in the upper right hand corner? Where it says "register in seconds?" Click on register. Fill in the simple menu. Boom, you have your account. Step 2. Posting something to this forum. First, you need to be logged in. See step one. Then, look at the middle right of . You should see a button called "Submit a link." Click on that. If you're submitting a link to another page, say a helpful website, fill out the default "submit to reddit" marked "link." Step 2a. If you're submitting text, like this, or my test, or our point of tension in teaching thingamabobbers, click on the tab marked "text" in the "Submit a link" page. Then, put text in the box marked text. Step 3. Commenting. Click on the comments button on a link on when logged in. Then, you can read the comments. There's also a box where you can comment on the main link. Or, if you want to comment on someone else's comment, click on the gray word "reply" under their comment. Comment comment comment. Step 4. Up/down voting. See how there's these arrows going up and down next to everyone's links and comments? You can click on them! To do so means you either upvote or downvote someone's link or comment. If a link is upvoted, it goes higher on a page. If it's downvoted, it goes lower. It's like democracy! With tiny arrows. Step 4. You've got mail! Look back at the upper right, where you moments before registered your account name. See, your name is there! Whee! And, next to your name is an envelope. It's probably gray. That means no one has responded to any of your comments. :(. But! When someone does respond, it becomes red! :) And you can click on it to see what people have said about your links and comments. Any questions? Feel free to comment below! Wheeeeee!!!
When turning left onto a road with a large median, which method do you prefer?
example diagram The blue lines show both left-turning cars passing each other and hovering in the median-space before turning past each other. The red lines show both left-turning cars making the turn in the same manner as a road without a median.
I have a "big" situation on my hands.
Resubmitted from /r/relationship_advice's retarded younger stepbrother, /r/relationships. So I recently met this really cool girl. She's beautiful and has a fantastic personality and has all her priorities in check. The only problem, and I really don't want to come off as shallow, is that she's probably about 40lbs overweight. I'm not a great looking guy but somehow I've had incredible luck with really attractive girls in my past and as bad as this sounds, I am genuinely turned off by her weight. We've only been on a couple dates and she's made mention of trying to get into shape. What do I do?
I just bought a cast iron pan and a cookbook to go with it. It's pretty limited, and I'd like to know what to do with my new pride and joy.
I'll be cooking my first dish tonight, a pan of chili-mac. The problem is, I really don't know what do do with this. I love it as it is, but is there anything in specific which cast iron pans are better than the teflon coated pans we see nowadays?
I was a criminal informant for the police and wore a wire while buying drugs. AMA.
Edit: snitches get stitches, blah blah blah. About a year ago, I was caught with drugs in my car that didn't belong to me. I had, in a serious lapse of judgment, agreed to hold them for a friend earlier that day. I ratted him out to the cops rather than face the risk of punishment. Commence a month of surreptitious meetings with the cops that culminated in me buying drugs from my friend while wearing a wire. Ask me anything that doesn't identify me, my friend, or location! Edit: I am still friends with the guy, too, although I only see him every now and then. Edit: okay, seriously, the repeated calls of omg douche! and you piece of shit! are boring more than anything else. Feel free to ask me anything.
Pissing match between Feminism and Men's Rights
The main issue isn't "Who is more disadvantaged?" We can bring up each issue separately and address multiple things at a time. For example rape is a problem, and so are false rape claims. Let's address each separately. It is fallacious to say "My issue is more important, so we should ignore yours." This is where some people have issues with Feminism or Men's Rights. If Pat says, "We have to address false rape claims," and Sam replies, "Rape is the real problem," that is a fallacy. If a Pat says, "We have to address false rape claims," and Sam's response is, "You're ignoring rape," that is a bad argument. Pat is addressing a single issue, and now Sam is reframing the argument to a different issue. If Pat said, "We have to address false rape claims, and rape isn't an issue anymore," then Sam would be correct with the original response. This is another way to describe the problem: A correlative conjunction is a relationship between two statements where one must be false and the other true. In formal logic this is known as the exclusive or relationship; traditionally, terms between which this relationship exists have been called contradictories.
What market do you target?
I'm curious on getting some input here, and maybe see what other people are really focusing in. I work for a small web design firm that does mostly non-profits, and I would like to kind of target a much different audience for my freelance stuff. Doing the same type of sites at work and at home gets kind of boring sometimes, and I would like to branch out a little bit. So other than the obvious, like normal businesses, non-profits, and religious sites and stuff, what other markets have you worked with before? I'm considering the gaming market, but that market itself seems like it utilizes the freelance area less. Has anyone tried venturing into it? Edit: I do have a client that wants me to set up a webcomic site, so I guess that's another potential area of exploration as well.
A way to identify ourselves as Male or Female.
Obviously, default would be "not specified" Which leads me to ask; why no profile page as of yet?
Who doesn't bother downvoting unless it's really bad?
I am in the habit of upvoting much more than I downvote. Is there anyone else who shares this sentiment?
What do you do first when you get home from work/school?
Besides the obvious....taking off shoes, checking reddit, touching yourself, etc, etc.
What was your craziest dream?
What was your most WTF dream? Do you think it meant something?
Reddit, I have a problem. I perspire incredible amounts from my armpits during the school day. How do I combat this?
I've tried every brand of antiperpirant it seems, then just gone to deodorant, but no matter what, it's jusrt overbearing to feel these swamps where my pits should be. Help?
Foreign redditors, what have you noticed about America if you have visited that is much different than yours?
One example I can give is I was working with 2 British guys from London and they noticed the lack of sidewalks for walking, bigger cars and bigger food portions. Also, when I ordered Papa Johns online it blew their minds.
Will artificial intelligence KILL comedy?
Seriously. What happens when a machine with an unbelievable amount of processing power at its disposal along with access to nearly all of written/recorded comedy via the internet is motivated (maybe by us or just its bloodthirsty pursuit of knowledge) to dissect the art itself? With access to the internet it would also be able to create jokes aimed at contemporary or extremely specific tastes. A developed sense of humor owes much to being exposed to a lot of comedy. With access to the internet, couldn’t computer do it better?
Crosspost from WATMM: Music technology?
Hey there. This is a question mainly for the educators out there, but I figure that many other people here can help out. I'm doing a research project on technology that can be used in the music classroom. I was wondering what suggestions people would have for programs used to teach. This can range anything from music notation, learning theory, technique builders, etc. I'm also looking for a wide range: anything from a elementary school perspective to a high school level. Either individual practice tools, or even programs that can be used with an entire ensemble. Pretty much any suggestions are ok. Websites would be a great plus, as would any program that's F/OSS. I already have a couple programs and websites that I'm going to talk about, such as musictheory.net, noteflight.com, and audacity. I just want to know what you all turn to! I'll be around for a little bit now, and then I'll be back at about 7/8pm CST. You can also usually find me lurking in #wearethemusicmakers on irc. Thanks for any help!
Fraternization as the fundament of revolution?
I've been on the green-communo-anarcho-syndico-autonomist spectrum for a while but I find myself agreeing more and more with Foucault that models of desirable future societies are seriously skewed by civilization's mental artifacts. It seems to me that a much simpler solution would be to construct a political program solely around inter- and intra-class fraternization (or sororization if you like). No matter where we are on this spectrum we can all agree that our ideal society would be a lot more fraternal, and it seems to me that capitalism's most salient victory has been the pervasive sense of isolation instilled in its subjects. Real resilient communities are usually ad hoc, so the details aren't very concerning to me - increased fraternization would just up the odds of the formation of these types of communities. Thoughts?
My conversation with laptopmemoryupgrade.com support.
It starts with me giving him my order numbers and Mr. Zac closing chat. It happened three times before I got any response out of him. * Jason> and again, order number ----------- * Zac> Hi, thanks for contacting LaptopMemoryUpgrade - How may I assist you today? *** If this conversation ends abruptly (or) if you no longer receive messages from us, please feel free to initiate another chat interaction. You may also send a email to orders@LaptopMemoryUpgrade.com and our support team will respond to your queries. *** * Jason> And my latest RMA number ---------- * Zac> ok * Jason> So I was just wondering why I got broken samsung ram in place of my broken kingston ram.. * --------Several Minutes go by --------------- * Jason> Is your keyboard broken? * Jason> Well, I'm going to go to the bathroom while I wait for your keyboard to get fixed. * Jason> I'll brb. * Jason> ah, that's better. * Jason> So is it company policy to just ignore people having issues with your company? If it is I really wish we could do that where I work. It would make life so much easier. * Zac> did you shipped back the memory sir * Jason> It'll be in the mail tomorrow. * Jason> Still just curious as to how this happened. * Jason> Did I get sent someone else RMA? It wasn't even in a sealed package. * Zac> what do you mean * Jason> I ordered Kingston Ram. It didn't work. So I sent it back. About a week later I got this broken samsung ram. * Jason> It has a visible crack on one of its chips. * ------------About 2 minutes pass ---------------- * Jason> Now it's your turn to answer. * ------------another 5 minutes ------------------- * Zac> sent it back to aus and he closes chat. Wow, Zac, you are super at what you do. I think everyone at Maplelinks should go visit Zac at Memory Upgrade.com and tell him how good of a job he does.
IAMA person In health care debt.
I receive an unlisted call (debt collector) about every 45 mins. during the day I am unemployed due to my illness. I am in the process of applying for disability. I was covered at the time of the major incident, but still somehow got screwed. I have no idea what I am going to do. This is boring and common but it is quite therapeutic for me to type this out. So If you happen to have any questions, AMA away!!!!!!!!! current total - 4585.43.
[SONG] crosspost from /music/
All credit to the original poster, but I can't shake this loose: what band is this song from?
Where is Rob McElhenney in LAX pt. 2?
If you look at his imdb, you can see that he is tagged as being in this most recent of episodes. He was seen once in season 3. Can someone spot him?
Reddit Gmail users, how many labels do you have set up?
I'm currently at 94, myself - I seem to have a compulsive tendency to want to create very specialized labels for every little thing (one for each of my friends' names rather than one 'Friends' label, one for each of my bills rather than one 'Bills' label...) Is this too many to be useful? Think I ought to force myself to switch to a more 'generalized' system? How do you keep your e-mail organized?
Where is the cheapest place to buy models?
A curious question. I currently have a game store near me which, if I purchase in excess of 200 dollars (likely) I can get 20% off my order. There is also 'the war store' which gives 20% discounts normally, but charges shipping. Wondering if there are any places I don't know about to score some cheap minis. This came around mostly because I'm starting a Grey Knights army, by the way. Yeah. Need all the discounts I can get.
Let's hear some of your favorite Arrested Development moments.
Just started watching Arrested Development for the first time a few weeks back, Love it.
Question: Why are people who have no 1st hand exp. in some activities allowed to vote on and outlaw/regulate said activity?
This just doesn't make sense (if it does plz enlighten). Shouldn't the laws be made by people who have 1st hand expierience in w/e it is they are outlawing/regulating? There should be a law against this :P OF COURSE there would be exceptions...use common sense Murder/rape/w/e Let the ideas, comments, criticisms, and death threats begin **EDIT: I re-posted in politics heres a link:**
good bars to watch the superbowl?
I know, I know, the superbowl is like so 2009. Irregardless! If anyone wants to get inebriated on Sunday, preferably in the shadyside, oakland, squirrel hill, bloomfield area, let it be known. I have no plans currently, other than being unproductive, and am opening up the floor for suggestions.
Reddit, two years ago my father had a massive stroke and can no longer speak or move. Can Reddit help me find stem cell treatment for him?
In spring of 2008 my dad was waiting on word regarding a job he had applied for to be a programmer for the state, he would finally get paid what he was worth and help get our family ahead for once. In mid March that year he had a massive stroke in the Pons portion of the brainstem(a bottleneck for all information traveling through the brain). the next month over six job offers flooded in. Our whole family waited with him in the hospital sometimes for 24 hours, all 11 children and 5 grandchildren off and on. We waited every day for good news but all we got from the staff was "This is a sign from god, he wants to go, Just let him go, He will never recover." For more than 4 years... it has been a rough two years. Months after multiple transfers and care homes we successfully got him transfered home to be cared for in mid 2008. my mom has been by his bedside for at least 18 hours a day nearly everyday since the stroke. He has gained control of his fingers, feet, hands and some control of his mouth. He can open his eyes and look at you just long enough for you to see the emotional pain he is going through not being able to respond consistently in arguably anyway we have seen. He responds the most to each of his 6 grandchildren and gets very excited to see them. He love to pet my little sisters new Havanese dog and feel him on his bed... But the prolonged treatment is literally making my mother a wreck and I don't want her to suffer the same fate from the stress of it all. I just want to find some way to speed the process and get my father a little farther along than he might be able to get on his own. I would appreciate any help, information or hope you guys might have... He was a teacher, a technician, a musician, a programmer, an amazing father and Grandpa. He still wants to be.
I was once mistaken for Sean Hannity at a restaurant. I will live with this shame the rest of my life.
I went to Fuddruckers and someone asked me if I was Sean Hannity. I thought they said "Do you watch Sean Hannity?". I figured it could be an interesting conversation so I said "Yes, I do". The next thing I know they start giving me free food and bringing out random desserts. At that point I couldn't decide on taking the free cake and milkshake, then live the rest of my life in shame, or just say "no". I took the cake! edit: This is what I look like
I'm buying a co-op. What kinds of sweet home automation things should I install before I move in?
I'm putting in new floors, bathroom, kitchen and a little sheetrock for noise insulation. What are some cool gadgets that I could integrate in to the home? I've done some things with simple electronics and Arduinos before so it might be interesting to custom build something myself. Edit: It's a 2 bedroom with a terrace.
Hey GamingReddit, I'm running a video game marathon for charity. Rate my ideas/suggest more!
Hey GamingReddit: A group of friends and I are running an online video game marathon for charity. We're racing through games. So, two people will play through the same game, with first to the end of the game winning. We're also playing through two different games at the same time, to maximize the interest in games. If you don't like one game, you might like another! So, here's the gist: Two channels, one "RPG" channel (a loose characterization) and an "Action" channel. Here's the lineup of games we have scheduled (we may not play all these games due to time constraints, just some of the ones we're considering): RPG Channel: Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Pokemon Red/Blue, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy IV, Secret of Evermore, Final Fantasy Tactics. Action Channel: Donkey Kong Countries, Old school Mario games (Mario 3, World), Halo, Link to the Past, Doom 3 (Being done at graveyard hours, will be interesting. Neither of the players have played this before), Mario 64, Mario Kart(s), Sonic Games (Sonic 2, Sonic & Knuckles games?), Starfox 64, Goldeneye, Bomberman 64, Super Metroid, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, FEAR (Again: Being done at graveyard hours, will be interesting. Neither of the players have played this before) Ocarina of Time. We're also streaming commentary not only from the gamers themselves, but from the extra people who aren't playing at that time, etc. This should hopefully keep the commentary more involved and interesting. Sometimes the gamers focus too much on the game and not enough on the commentary (or vice versa!). Some miscellaneous info: This is going to be a 60 hour marathon, from ~noon on Friday until possibly late night Sunday into Monday, depending on how fast we get through the games. We have yet to pick a specific charity but are thinking some charity for kids with cancer (St. Jude's is the obvious choice, but they get plenty of help already. They don't need more, :)). We have embedded an IRC chat window into our website, so people can tag along with that (or through an alternate IRC client if they prefer). We'll need mods to deal with that. So, I'm looking for suggestions. Clearly there are a *lot* of these types of things going on. I think what we bring to the table is superior commentary (We're a pretty entertaining group of guys, if I do say so myself...), some variety of gaming (something for everyone here), and pretty good organization. Frankly, I think the key to this is going to be appropriate use of social media. I know Reddit REALLY helped out with the ExtraLives marathon, certainly in viewership but also in donations! So, I want to know what you guys think to help us plan this out. So, what do you guys like to see? What would make you watch? What would make you donate? What ideas do you have? I'm also looking for a few people who are willing to help mod the chat/promote the event. If you have some experience or ideas with this, please send me a PM or make a comment and I"ll be sure to get in touch with you. Proper promotion here is going to be the key to getting this going.
Dear Proggit: I need to find a third-party developer that can create a service that receives a zip code, and returns Spring last frost and Fall first frost dates for that location. Googling lead to dead ends -- any ideas?
I've already contacted Weather Underground ( wunderground.com, not the radical left organization... ), and they turned me down ( the problem wasn't interesting enough for them to solve :( ) Googling hasn't gotten me very far. Open to other ideas. **Edit: I need a high degree of granularity: preferably frost data by zip code instead of city/state. **Edit: It's for a commercial project, and the technology I'm using requires the service's server to have a cross-domain policy file in place ( so scraping is out :( )
Reddit, what's on your bucket list?
Ok Reddit, I'm compiling my bucket list, things that i want to do, see and experience before i die. I'm just wondering whats on yours? Some of mine to get started; Dive with sharks, Run a marathon, High five a penguin, Build a tree house, Climb everest Edit - Grammar and spelling.
Wow. I looked at my apache logs and I'm being hit by some dodgy requests. Am I safe or stupid?
I don't know anything about internet security when it comes to servers and stuff, but I have been using apache and php on my macbook to test various things that I am developing, and I just looked at the apache logs and there are quite a few requests which I assume are from some kind of mass sort of hacking bot or something: - - [05/Dec/2009:23:20:23 +0000] "GET //webdb/config/config.inc.php?p=phpinfo(); HTTP/1.1" 404 225 - - [05/Dec/2009:23:20:23 +0000] "GET //mysqladmin/config/config.inc.php?p=phpinfo(); HTTP/1.1" 404 230 - - [05/Dec/2009:23:20:23 +0000] "GET //mysql-admin/config/config.inc.php?p=phpinfo(); HTTP/1.1" 404 231 - - [26/Nov/2009:11:53:39 +0000] "GET HTTP/1.1" 200 44 - - [30/Nov/2009:20:45:24 +0000] "GET HTTP/1.1" 200 44 - - [01/Dec/2009:08:40:01 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 44 - - [01/Dec/2009:20:12:20 +0000] "CONNECT HTTP/1.0" 405 238 - - [01/Dec/2009:20:12:22 +0000] "GET HTTP/1.0" 400 226 - - [03/Dec/2009:10:20:58 +0000] "GET HTTP/1.1" 200 44 - - [04/Dec/2009:17:36:00 +0000] "GET /w00tw00t.at.ISC.SANS.DFind:) HTTP/1.1" 400 226 - - [04/Dec/2009:20:01:11 +0000] "GET HTTP/1.1" 404 205 baidu?! Am I being hacked by the chinese? Is this normal and nothing to worry about or should I make sure I have it turned off whenever I don't need it?
Need advise on being less antsy
Folks of reddit... I need some advise/therepy... I have noticed a few posts from redditors that spend a good portion of their time alone and indoors. I however seem to have the opposite problem...I'm 25 and Ever since I graduated college and began working, i have become very ansty and am unable to stay in a situation where i am alone for too long. This has gotten to a point where I am constantly spending all of my time outdoors and unable to focus on my home/personal issues. I cannot focus my attention on anything that requires my mental capacity for too long (I cannot seem to focus on my job, studying/preparing for my grad school applications, or even reading a book) I find myself constantly trying to run up to dinners or bars with friends and this is hurting my wallet a lot. Ive tried staying in and watching tv or doing something alone but i begin to feel anxious and immediately start calling people to make plans for things to do even when the weather is horrible and i barely have enough money for the week. This is seriosuly effecting my productivity and my wallet. Are these signs of ADD and should i seek professional help? I've tried yoga but that hasn't seemed to calm me down. I'm not even sure what sort of advise I am looking for but if anyone has gone through similar phase and learnt to control their anxiety, i'd like to hear about that