I am both an alcoholic and a successful Math student at a top European university.
*this is a throwaway account* As the topic says. I am a student of mathematics at a top 5 European university. I also have around 24 bottles of beer a day and usually start drinking before my morning classes. I realize that people my age tend to view heavy drinking as something tough or "manly", but I assure you that this is not why I created this AMA. I am not proud of my drinking, but think that my lifestyle is original and perhaps others would be interested in hearing about it.
So, how's the goal list going?
It's been a few days since we've discussed the goal list we made up a few months ago, and I was wondering how everyone was doing. One month updates here, in case you joined us then.
i could care less or, i couldn't care less?
everyone always says 'i could care less', but doesn't that mean that they don't care that much? Is it like 'anyway' where everyone always says 'anyways' but you really never have to put an 's' after anyway.. EVER?!
So, that hissing sound? Is that bad?
I was chipping off the ice damn that was on my mini-fridge... tl;dr, I was only hitting the ice, when there was a distinct hisssssss. No smells. I hope it wasn't the freon. Freon should be in the coils on the back, and in no way inside the fridge. But then why the hiss sound... and any guesses to whether my fridge is still working? Looks like this
Where in the U.S. would you like to visit?
I have a friend with a free airline ticket to anywhere in the contiguous 48 states. He doesn't know where to go. If you had his ticket, where would you travel and why would you go there? Rule #1: You can't go to Hawaii or Alaska. Rule #2: You can't go somewhere to visit family or friends. I'll go first. I would visit the Grand Canyon to do some hiking and river rafting.
Any shredittors going to the Ulver gig tomorrow in Copenhagen?
I'm not some Ulver super fan, but would like to go regardless. However, I couldn't get anyone to come with me and I don't feel like going alone. Anyone nearby wants to join me?
What would it take to unite the whole world under one government?
What do you think would take to do this? Also, what do you think the consequences would be of having a one world government?
RST: Clarification on the seeds and round 1.5
I misjudged somethings in the last post so I forgot to mention this, but in order to compensate for the fact we have 70, 6 of the higher ranked players play off against 6 winners of the first round, to get into round 2. Rather than removing 6 people I would rather they had a good game to take away from this :) So the winner of these games will play the seed assigned to them. (T)calabera - exist(R) vs **Elyot(Z)** (T)Beanscounter - wakeupsucka(P) vs **Denzak(P)** (P)your4father - sheldon_cooper(Z) vs **chadz(Z)** (P)Lincolnius - jmav(P) vs **Veritasen(Z)** (T)dodgingbullets - atmorgen(Z) vs **Bloody-Killer(T)** (T)HathNoro - gerritvb(Z) vs **shuaz(P)** The main problem is when these games will be played, idealy if you can contact each other at some stage between this saturday(after the games) and the following saturday, that would be awesome. Hopefully we will be able to get round 2 going off quickly!
Hey Reddit: What was your worst panic attack?
I have them pretty frequently in the middle of the night. The last one was at a job interview; as I sat there waiting to be judged, my adrenalin shot up, my heart rate increased, and I could feel this imminent welling in my chest. I got up and left without explanation when I felt myself on the verge of tears. Not really my worst panic attack, just the latest. You? edit: yes I'm a pussy.
As an American with a passport, which countries can I not visit?
Out of curiosity, As an American with a(n American) passport, which countries can I not visit? Of those countries, if I use my Polish passport, can I gain entry? EDIT: Yes, I meant visa (everyone knows MasterCard sucks)
I've lost five years of home sex movies through a botched Win7 upgrade. Could anyone please help me recover them?
While upgrading from Vista to Win7, there was an error and I could simply upgrade. All of my files were kept, but I had to reinstall all of my programs. In this process, the large cache of home movies my wife and I have made over nearly five years has become inaccessible. I had them encrypted with the program MyLockbox. I know the files are still there because when I defrag, I see a large chunk that can't be touched. I still have the Windows.old directory where all of the old files are kept. If anyone has the know-how, the time and the inclination to help me out, I'd be so grateful. **EDIT**: SUCCESS! Recuva for posterity. One funny thing, World of Goo overwrote some of the files. I guess like sticks with like. So, what should I do in the future, beside save it in two places? Is TrueCrypt the way to go? Thank you all for your comments (especially to TreeBeard15, be they helpful or humorous. These videos are precious! I'm so happy, I've got a boner. Time to go make a new video!
My 2008 Prius has the braking issue they're now talking about
It happens when I am braking and go over a metal grate which causes momentary loss of traction - when that happens the ABS kicks in and stops ALL braking for about 1/2 to 1 second. It's never really bothered me and never occurred to me that its a problem, but thinking about it, it does change your stopping distance. Anyone else have this problem?
reddit, my friends, I have a problem with mice strutting around my house like they own the place. How do I make them, disappear?
I have recently developed a mouse problem in my house. Now, they are cute, but totally annoying. I have tried standard lethal and non-lethal traps, using both chocolate and peanut butter. These jerks are just too dumb to know good (deadly) food when they see it. A cat or dog is not an option, sadly. What say you? Update: We caught our first one last night sometime with a lethal trap baited with Peanut Butter. I spent a large part of yesterday afternoon in my crawl space and found not a single gap that wasn't filled with spray foam. We have hardwoods throughout the house and there are no cracks or gaps anywhere near large enough for a mouse to squeeze through. Our house is only 1200 sq./ft, so there aren't many places to hide. We'll put the traps out again for the next week and see what happens, I guess. Thanks for everyone's help and suggestions. This was both informative and entertaining.
Ask /r/cookbook What are your tuna variations?
Long story short I'm eating Tuna salad almost everyday. What variations to the mayo, relish, and 2 egg whites do you suggest?
DAE think it is weird that MLB hasn't banned chewing tobacco during games?
I feel like all major sports have a big issue with how the players are role models for the young generation, yet they continue to let guys chew during games. I know some say it "tradition", but really? It's banned in the minor league.
What's the best non-alcoholic, non-sweet drink you know?
My wife doesn't like alcoholic drinks. No high-falutin' idealism, she just doesn't like the taste (and she's tried just about everything). She's also not a big fan of hyper sweet drinks like pop, but would like something that she could sip over the course of a dinner that's not OJ. What are your suggestions? (Oh, and she *hates* tomato juice...) *Edit: Just to clarify- It's not like she sits around all day complaining about she has nothing interesting to drink; she'll go through life drinking water and OJ, and leaving cups of tea scattered throughout the house and never think twice about it. I simply thought it would be a nice thing to try and come up with some fun alternatives.
DAE forget to set your alarm clock, but wake up at the right time anyway?
This happened to me for the third time this week. I don't know why I'm forgetting to set my alarm clock, but I'm waking up exactly 5 minutes before it would go off anyway.
Neiman-Marcus cherged me $250 for a cookie recipe, so I'm sharing it with the internet.
My daughter & I had just finished a salad at Neiman-Marcus Cafe in Dallas & decided to have a small dessert. Because our family are such cookie lovers, we decided to try the "Neiman-Marcus Cookie". It was so excellent that I asked if they would give me the recipe and they said with a small frown, "I'm afraid not." Well, I said, would you let me buy the recipe? With a cute smile, she said, "Yes." I asked how much, and she responded, "Two fifty." I said with approval, just add it to my tab. Thirty days later, I received my VISA statement from Neiman-Marcus and it was $285.00. I looked again and I remembered I had only spent $9.95 for two salads and about $20.00 for a scarf. As I glanced at the bottom of the statement, it said, "Cookie Recipe - $250.00." Boy, was I upset!! I called Neiman's Accounting Dept. and told them the waitress said it was "two fifty," and I did not realize she meant $250.00 for a cookie recipe. I asked them to take back the recipe and reduce my bill and they said they were sorry, but because all the recipes were this expensive so not just everyone could duplicate any of our bakery recipes....the bill would stand. I waited, thinking of how I could get even or even try and get any of my money back. I just said, "Okay, you folks got my $250.00 and now I'm going to have $250.00 worth of fun." I told her that I was going to see to it that every cookie lover will have a $250.00 cookie recipe from Neiman-Marcus for nothing. She replied, "I wish you wouldn't do this." I said, "I'm sorry but this is the only way I feel I could get even," and I will. So, here it is, and please pass it to someone else or run a few copies....I paid for it; now you can have it for free. (Recipe may be halved): * 2 cups butter * 4 cups flour * 2 tsp. soda * 2 cups sugar * 5 cups blended oatmeal** * 24 oz. chocolate chips * 2 cups brown sugar * 1 tsp. salt * 1 8 oz. Hershey Bar (grated) * 4 eggs * 2 tsp. baking powder * 3 cups chopped nuts (your choice) * 2 tsp. vanilla Cream the butter and both sugars. Add eggs and vanilla; mix together with flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and soda. Add chocolate chips, Hershey Bar and nuts. Roll into balls and place two inches apart on a cookie sheet. Bake for 10 minutes at 375 degrees. Makes 112 cookies. **PLEASE KEEP THE RECIPE AND SEND IT TO EVERY PERSON YOU KNOW WHO HAS AN E-MAIL ADDRESS!**
To all Super Bowl advertisers
I'll be watching the Super Bowl. I'll have a good time. I will also have pen and paper to take notes about who is advertising on the Super Bowl. If CBS runs the Focus on the Family sponsored Tebow anti-choice advertisement I will avoid where possible doing business with all Super Bowl advertisers for as far into the future as I can see. -- That is all.
Thanks to everyone for coming out last night. I personally had a blast, lets do it again sometime. heres some pics, please add links if you have more, we all like pictures and reminiscing.
DAE constantly have to take a dump just as they're heading out the door?
10 minute bike ride, 1.5-2 hour busride (Because STO sucks that way), hourly frequency, and crap trying to force its way out. This happens at least every second morning.
Am I normal for an amateur?
So I'm writing a book and I'm editing a particular section of a particular chapter. Trouble is it is taking a lot of passes to get it "right". The section is very important to the story and to the development of the characters and, is action heavy. Is the fact that I am revisiting the same section multiple times normal for someone with little experience? (Apart from the start of chapter 1 I've not had the same problem in other areas.) Each time around I have been trying to make the section clearer, tighter and more expressive but I wonder whether I'm grinding the axe a little too keenly. I know that I'm not polishing a turd but I'm starting to doubt whether I'll ever be able to polish it enough to my satisfaction. Does anyone else suffer with this? **edit** Thanks to all for the supportive advice. I know now what I have to do :) Interestingly I'm not too troubled by the thought of writing the rest of the book, I have it all planned out (well the major plot beats anyway). But I think I shall the take advice of those with more experience and plough on with rest of the story. Again, thanks to all who have replied, it's helped me to feel normal!
What are '2012 truthers' trying to prove anyway? And why?!
I have a friend of mine working in the NASA GISS. He's been there for about 3 years now and I suppose if he knew that the world was ending in 2 years that he'd be freaking the fuck out right about now... What the fuck is the deal with those people who think they know better than NASA scientists and engineers? How can anyone dignify their "evidence"? Supposed photos of stray planets hurtling toward the Earth...why haven't any astronomers seen it? and what's with this deranged obssession with NASA anyway....*they* seem to detect everything (aliens, UFO's, comets that barely miss the Earth) and intentionally cover it up...all of them...every single engineer and scientist in every NASA observatory. All of them are apparently crooked (nevermind that they're some of the most brilliant minds on this planet). Poles flipping, galactic realignment, stripping of the atmosphere...what's the deal here? What *REALLY* pisses me off though is the efforts these truthers go through to convince us that we're all gonna die...again, how (and why) can you dignify that? These are people obviously looking for attention...why are we human beings so obssessed with our own demise? ALWAYS...you'd think if the world was actually ending that we'd try our best to ignore it, but no...we're actually endulging in the fear it stokes, we're profitting off it...we're addicted to it! Does that make sense to anyone here?! P.S. this is mostly a rant against:
Does all matter exhibit properties of a wave and a particle? Does the duality exist even for macro objects? Or is it all a simplification?
I ask this because I was seeing one of Feynman's talks at the U of Auckland in 1979 and he said with great conviction that light is a particle and not a wave. He was able to dismiss all the wave-like behavior based on a single premise: that light behaves with a probability (he didn't elaborate where that probability came from) So I'm a little confused at this point, is light truly a particle and this business of wave-particle duality only exists becuase it offers a convenient explanation? I remember back in chemsitry, we were introduced to deBroglie, and the explanation offered was that the wavelenght of common scale objects (baseball) was so small (10^-36 if i recall correctly) that it was irrelevant to explore them through a wave perspective. Is this true? Does DeBroglie's work hold true? Do large objects have a wavelength? So I guess, in the subsequent 30 years of research, do physicists still hold this viewpoint? Is the wave-particle duality only offered as an explanation because it is easy to understand for itnroductory purposes and is then dismissed as false at advanced levels? Is there an explanation for Feynman's comments besides, "new research has corrected him?" Update: After six comments, everyone has said that everything exhibits dual behavior. Then can someone please explain Feynman's conviction?
Need advice: Bought a new Macbook Pro a month ago. Three days ago I splashed literally a drop of herb tea on the track pad. The cloth I grabbed to wipe it wasn't very absorbent and a miniscule amount of liquid seeped through the cracks. Now the trackpad doesn't click. What should I do?
To explain further, the pad physically clicks, but has no effect on software. (USB mouse works fine.) The reason for my quandary is that I've read Apple doesn't cover damage caused by spills, and that they've installed some kind of liquid detection technology in their latest models. I don't know whether to bluff my way through and not mention the spill, or point out to them that susceptibility to such minute amounts of liquid seems like a deliberate design flaw intended to sell more Macs. (Googling revealed others who've experienced the same problem.) Advice please? Edit: Just thought of a related question: I hate turning my data over to Apple when I take my computers in for repair. (Lots of journal writing and private financial data.) Erasing and restoring with Time Machine is one option. But would Apple let me hand over my Macbook for repair with the hard disk removed? (They're supposed to pop out easy on the new models.)
Women of r/Fitness - What is your workout regiment during your menstrual cycle?
My wife has been working out with me for a while now, but when she's on her period, she is quick to bail on working out. Are there routines you do that ease the physical discomfort of menstruation? Any tips or advice for a husband to empathize but still push her in her fitness?
A man littered in front of me. I asked him to pick it up, he told me to pick it up. What would you have done/replied?
I was sitting at a sidewalk cafe. The man was with his girl and tossed something at the garbage can and missed. He got up to use the bathroom inside and I told him he missed the garbage can. He said he'd pick it up later. He came back out and left with his girlfriend without picking it up. I called after him, "you're really not going to pick it up?" And he replied, "you pick it up". I became consumed with rage, but all I could was muster was, "Just worry about yourself why don't you". I've had fantasies of pummeling his face in, but I don't think that is the road to go down. What would you have done/said that might have had the desired effect of getting him to clean up? Why are some people litterbugs and others not? Where does my anger come from over the matter?
Hi Reddit, Need your help in buying a puppy.
Hi Reddit, I am looking for a pug puppy which I found. However, I like to know your help in deciding if this ad is a scam or not. I have been e-robbed before on other similar websites. Someone posted a puppy and asked for the payment, but I never received the puppy. The person was responding promptly before the payment, but has not responded after I made the payment. So, this time I want to be little careful. I am sure some of you must have experience in buying a similar thing online. So, please visit and see what do you think? The reason I am not so sure is the low price and an email in the description of the ad. Thanks for your help.
NASA enthusiasts, please weigh in on our moon arguement.
So my roommate and I are in a heated debate about why there are no more manned moon missions. He thinks that NASA has no reason to visit the moon as we've exhausted all the data we can get and thus not even a priority. While I'll agree it's not a top priority, if NASA had more funding they would most certainly love to keep running missions to, at best gather new data, and at worst verify old data. What does Reddit think?
Kids with Autism and marijuana
Here is a news article i found on Youtube dealing with a kid named Sam who struggles with Autism and how he found stability with the ganj. I personally struggled with ADD my entire life through school and my parents denied me all medication because of the effect it had on my friends with similar issues (they usually became violent or out of touch). I'm glad i didn't take those medications, but now since i've began medicating with marijuana, i've found myself to be a calmer, focused, and way more productive. I even sleep LESS with marijuana because having ADD has made going to bed a nightmare since I was a baby because I could never shut my mind off. This is no longer the case because I fall asleep quickly and I sleep deeper. edit: for some reason the link didn't post so here it is.
Friend swears we will soon have to pay for PSN
He says it was announced 'officially' on G4tv attack of the show... I dont buy it...I see where it could be a possibility... I challenge reddit to find the facts
Rethinking Richard Dawkins
First, a disclaimer of sorts. I agree with the vast majority of what Richard Dawkins writes and says. This is true not only of his points of religion and creationism, but also the broader topics of education, metaphysics, and natural philosophy. I also am well aware that he makes his coin by being outspoken -- that this is part of who he is. Yet (you knew that was coming!) he is rapidly turning into the Rush Limbaugh of atheists. Lemme explain. He doesn't have to convince people like me he's right, that would be preaching to the choir (so to speak). He will never convince hardcore fundamentalists he's right, so why bother? I get that as well. This leaves a large cross-section of people who haven't thought about these issues, or are in the process of rethinking them. What do they hear of Atheism through Dawkins? Well, they hear him call religious people's thoughts "spectacularly stupid." Maybe so, but if someone walked up to you and said your ideals were spectacularly stupid, would you listen to what else he had to say. If you say "yes", forgive me for suspecting you're lying. He says people who disagree with him are "not very good at thinking." If a religious person said that to you, what would you think of her? The point is, Dawkins isn't just outspoken, he is bordering on obnoxious. Is he helping people understand the Atheist PoV? No. Is he allowing room for people to think things through in their own manner? No. (That would be stupid thinking.) He is merely trolling religious thinkers. Yes, he is more clever than most (and far more clever than I!) but as fun as trolling is, very few people are enlightened by it. Just a thought.
HAE replaced their tanked water heater with a tankless water heater?
I'm thinking of replacing my big tanked water heater with an inline water heater. Will this save me money over a central water heater? I would probably need to get one for the kitchen/ washer/ dishwasher, and one for the bathrooms. Does anyone have experience with this?
Any Skillet fans out there? I saw/met them last night. Best night ever!
My best friend and I did a 3 hour road trip to State College, PA last night to see Skillet, Puddle of Mudd, and Shinedown. Abosuletely amazing concert, and Skillet blew my mind. I won something with my ticket where I was able to meet the band before the show. They are the most friendly people I have ever met. I got autographs and a picture with the band and that much made my night. Then, their show completely melted my face off. Linked video not from last night's concert, but still demonstrates their awesomeness!
IAmAn employee of a NE supermarket that has been in the top 10 of Fortune's Top 100 Companies to Work For since 2003. AMA
I have worked for this company in one way or another for a little over 10 years. I started as a cashier, became a Front End Coordinator ("Runner"), worked in the Accounting Office and ended as a low-level Service Team Leader (aka manager). I even spent some time in their distribution center/warehouse. I've worked in two different stores in two totally different markets.
DAE feel like a ghost sometimes?
I don't mean an ethereal, spiritual ghost but like an existential one. Over the years, I've met and promptly been forgotten by people. I'm not sure if it's a certain type of person or the nature of the interaction but I've met people and inevitably when I see them again they do not remember me. I'd understand if I were a timid type of person but I'm a rather effusive and gragarious guy with a good social life and at 6' tall and 240 lbs, it's not like I'm not noticeable. Anyone else have experiences like this? I'd say it's because I'm in IT management but I remember this kind of thing happening in High School and College as well.
President Obama is christian, does that mean he is just another ignorant, fairytale worshiper?
I am an atheist, but I hardly ever hear of ANY criticism of anyone who isn't religious AND conservative. All I see in /politics and /atheism is how conservatives who believe in "gawd" are idiots, morons, ignorant, retarded, ruining our country.. blah blah. The religious part isn't just a descriptor, it's part of the insult. So I ask you reddit, why does Obama and liberals in turn who are religious get a pass? Almost the entire Democratic side of Congress is Christian, Catholic, Presbyterian or some other form of religious denomination. If you truly believe that religion is for ignorant people who need a crutch, how can that opinion not be associated with Obama? You cant use the logic that conservatives are "more ignorant" it just doesn't fly.. you either believe in a supreme being or you don't. How hard you pray or adhere to the fairytale story in a book is irrelevant. Don't we just have another believer in fairy tales in the White House? Why do religious liberals seem to get a pass? **EDIT:** I see a lot of excuses here that basically boil down to a level of public devotion as seen by many of you. Obama has talked about his faith many, many times. He has referenced his church, his pastor and his faith in God. He doesn't hide from it and just because he hasn't said "because God told me to" doesn't mean he doesn't hold to the same beliefs. This seems to be just partisan as I suspected.. it's ok to be religious if you are liberal, otherwise, you are a nut-bag. Just to point out to many of you, not all conservatives/republicans attribute everything to their faith. **EDIT2:** Yep, more of the same.. I knew this was bust when I asked the question, it's all partisan in nature.
My Autistic son is about to get a service dog ask me anything.
My son is 7 years old and is high functioning autistic due to many many hours of work mainly by my wife. edit: The dog costs about $20,000.00 for all the training, although we are expected to pay for a fraction of that, which will be $5,000. We start our team training (meaning us, the dog and the trainer go to public places to take the dog through it's paces so we learn about all the commands she has been taught. his blog
Why do digital cameras have those idiotic 'scene modes'? Does anyone really use them?
Why do camera manufacturers insist on clogging the camera's UI with 'scene modes'? Do people actually use them? Is adjusting the shutter speed and/or aperture really that hard?
Is that anyway to treat your customers?
Wells Fargo calls offering some insurance. They tell me if I agree they'll send me the info and that I can call to cancel. If I don't do anything, however, I'll be getting it by default. So, they're asking me to agree by default to something that I haven't even had a chance to learn about. I tell them "I don't do business that way." I feel insulted. Immediately, they've thrown away any pretense of good faith. Am I reasonable for feeling this way? Would any of you agree? EDIT: Unsurprisingly, nobody seems to care for this practice or cold calls, in general, but I'm specifically interested in whether you feel actually insulted rather than merely annoyed.
Is belief in reincarnation a necessary/underlying tenet of "Buddhism"?
All views are welcome. meant to write: "Is reincarnation a necesssary tenet of Buddhism?" This is so we can focus discussion and continue from previous post on whether Buddhism is a religion. Underlying assumption here, which you may continue to challenge is whether Buddhism is a religion. But I hope you try to focus more on what is meant by reincarnation. What is reincarnation anyway? Please challenge this assertion. **update** a more refined question: What is "it" that reincarnates? Follow by: What does that mean to you? Thank you!
CNN is watching you, Reddit!
I watched CNN this morning, and they talked about that Australian Wanker...I mean Banker who was looking at porn on camera. They showed comments, and I caught a glimpse of the Reddit mainpage before they zoomed in.
Downvotes are back in Circlejerk
##Serious and long version ---- When I joined /r/circlejerk 5 months ago, there were around 600 members. There were only maybe 4-5 submissions per day, which kept bad CJ submissions from invading our frontpages. Today, there are over 3,000 participants in this subreddit. We get our kicks satirizing the rest of reddit -- and, often enough, we are satirizing our own behavior. The people on this site, including us, often need to be kicked down a peg or two through parody or even relentless mocking. One of the things we've always mocked is the hivemind. Redditors will sometimes swoop in and mass downvote an unpopular opinion, rather than taking the time to hear a dissenting voice out. In that same spirit, I wrote some CSS which disabled the downvote arrows in this subreddit (only if you use the custom stylesheets for each subreddit – users who have them disabled will have no clue what I'm talking about). The effect was supposed to be humorous – no one really wanted you to upvote everything, despite our tongue-in-cheek instructions to do so. But with more users, the quality of the submissions varies. Some are hilarious, some are repetitive and rather annoying. So, to aid us in keeping crap off our frontpages, I've re-enabled the downvote arrows. Please use them freely. Also, a note about what is and isn't allowed in circlejerk: self-posts are encouraged, but not mandatory. Now that downvote arrows are back, you're free to post as many link-based submissions as you like -- but you will probably get downvoted. If they are unrelated to circlejerk or making fun of reddit, the submissions will probably be banned. The only things that are **not** allowed are: 1. Blantant spamming - if it's obvious, I will ban your post. 2. Linking to a submission or comment, instructing the community to upvote - just don't do it. 3. The other things that would usually be prohibited: warez, porn, etc. This does not affect the comments. No one should be punished for voicing their opinion (or bad joke) in the comments. ##TL;DR version ---- Too many unfunny circlejerkers, downvotes are back.
I'm eating 6 eggs a day. My dad is freaking out.
I'm trying to get stronger by lifting weights and eating all the time. My dad says he has never seen anyone in his life eating like I do and is concerned that I am causing irreversible damage to my body. I don't intend to eat 6 eggs a day for the rest of my life.. just until I gain 20 pounds or so of muscle... So what should I tell him, or should I listen to my old man and have maybe 1 egg a day?
Reddit Students: Which college/university do you attend, and what is your major?
I'm curious to see what other Redditors plan to do with their lives. I am a film major at the University of Texas at Austin.
Reddit, what movie should I watch (right now)?
I'm in a bad mood and want to be put in a better mood by a good movie. I have no class today and I don't know what to do with my time right now (who wants to study now, really). First movie that gets posted that I haven't seen yet and I can find online I'm going to watch. EDIT: OK the winner is Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension, submitted by reddilada! But some great movies are coming in from you people, please feel free to keep adding, before I know it i'll have a list of movies to procrastinate for a month!
Hey, Reddit! Who wants to be a snomad with me this weekend?
According to the latest projections we're getting 16-24 inches of the stuff between Friday morning and Saturday afternoon. This puts us squarely in a range between the mid-December snowpocalypse and the super-cell from The Day After Tomorrow. Which isn't all that bad - I don't drive anywhere, I take the Metro, and I'm from the northeast so I'm used to cold and trudging through snow. It might be kind of fun. Except.. I live out by the East Falls Church metro station, and during the December storm WMATA gave us the snow map, cutting off access to everywhere overground. Since EFC is the first overground stop on the Orange Line in Virginia, I spent three whole days stuck in my apartment tantalizingly close to a subway system that could take me to people I could talk to, and restaurants that stayed open, and snowball fights that descended into gangland violence, and all that was *before* I ran out of beer. I'm not letting it happen this time. I'm packing a large bag and planning on being a snomad (snow + nomad = delightful portmanteau) all weekend, anywhere I can pretty much get to an underground Metro stop. I'm gonna stay over Friday night at my friend's place between Dupont and McPherson, except we're both the kind of people that if we get stuck together inside a junior one bedroom apartment for 48-60 straight hours, there's a high chance we'll murder each other. So I'ma crowdsource this one. Who wants to hang out anywhere adjacent to an open Metro line this weekend?
Waiting on her divorce and need to vent my nerves.
Okay so about 6 months ago I met this girl and she was amazing. We got along like nothing I've ever experienced. Everything was going fine and we had actually fallen in love with each other and we both really feel like we're soul mates and I never even believed in it before her. She makes me truly happier and warmer than I've ever felt in my life. I feel complete with her. We've already talked about marriage and family and such. Here's the zinger. She told me when we first started talking she had been in an abusive marriage and had divorced the guy finally. However, about a month ago she finds out some paperwork was filed incorrectly and technically she was still married. We were both just crushed and now she's in the middle of getting it all settled again. Thing is, we cant see each other for fear of the guy taking her for adultery. Its killing me not being able to see her. Her mom and grandmother flipped out on her about it and she's afraid to talk to me much either until its over. She's apologized numerous times about putting me through this and reassures me she isn't going anywhere and that she's gonna make it up to me when its over. I've told her I understand the situation and that I'd wait forever for her. She knows that it tears me up as it does her too but I try not to say much to her about it to keep from adding to her stress. The guy has since harassed her and threatened her and she had to get a restraining order. It does bother me alot, my nerves are fried and I have no one to really talk to about it so any comments you guys can give to calm me down would be greatly appreciated. I have started writing in a journal about my thoughts like I'm talking to her and thought it would help and would be a nice thing to maybe give to her afterwards. It'll be over soon but I just hate not being able to hold her or know if shes ok whenever I want. Thanks for letting me vent.
Any suggestions on foundation? I just caught a look at myself in a mirror in the bright light of day and realized that my foundation looks orangish
I've been an Aveda girl since I was 14. (I'm 30 now if it means anything) A few years ago I decided to branch out. I use foundation and powder. Right now I'm using a Lancome foundation and Aveda pressed powder. I'm fair skinned and I like a lot of coverage on my cheeks due to a love of Canadian whiskey (hence some broken blood vessels). I would pay up to $60 for good foundation that actually blends. Any suggestions?
Something extremely weird happened to me in my sleep lastnight and now I think I may be going crazy. Was I abducted?!
I am sure most of you are not going to believe a single word I say, but so be it. But I am 100% serious, and freaked out enough to actually write about it to find some answers/opinions. Lastnight I had a dream that a barn owl. I could still hear my clock though which was weird. Then I turned on my TV because I was extremely freaked out. Eventually i fell back asleep and I cannot tell if I was dreaming or what, but I was laying there and a long metal machine-tube was going down my throat and when I struggled I blacked out and woke up when my alarm clock was going off. I have no idea if i was dreaming or not. Now I didnt eat anything weird before bed and I am not taking any medications or am not under any sort of stress so this is weird. I was utterly freaked out. Has anyone else had something like this happen? Im afraid to fall asleep again tonight. What should I do!? *EDIT* Thanks for the replies. Now I feel better about the situation and less like I'm about to have little aliens pop out of me.
Why does there seem to be such a poor understanding of agnosticism vs atheism in the non religious community?
When someone asks if you believe in a particular god, you only have two possible answers: yes or no. Why people choose to throw epistemological questions into the mix is beyond me. If you are asked 'do you believe in my god?', an answer of 'im agnostic' doesnt answer the question in the slightest. It's mostly just an annoyance to me because, so called 'agnostics' are going around saying that there is some sort of atheist dogma and that we are all certain of something. Which of course could not be farther from the truth and is a misrepresentation of the definition of the two terms. Your thoughts? Some info:
Per Request: A Jehovah Witness that does door to door preaching. AMA.
I am 28 years old Jehovah Witness since birth and I've been going door to door since I am 8. EDIT: Leaving to go home now. Will answer all the others tomorrow. EDIT2: There are currently 1200 comments on this thread, and I probably only addressed around 100 yesterday. If you do not receive a prompt reply, it is because I am busy answering the other comments. I will answer all questions on this thread in due time. EDIT3: To everyone who has not received a reply on this thread, know that I am doing my best to answer everyone and I will get to you eventually. EDIT4: There are around 100 messages left. I shall do my best to answer them all today, and the proceed to answer all follow ups to my answers. This is not a throwaway account so I will remain answering questions as long as they keep coming. EDIT5: I think I finally managed to answer all opening thread questions. A few handful questions were left intentionally unanswered as I don't have a satisfying enough answer to provide to them. The permalink to them was sent to my email and I will redirect my personal studies to find the answer to those. They will be all addressed in time. I am now scouring the thread to see if I missed any opening thread questions, and then I will proceed to answer the follow-ups to my answers.
Overturning DADT and Gay Marriage .
Iif this administration overturns the DADT policy, do you think this would be enough to finally sway a change in gay marriage laws?
AskHardware: please help me choose/understand a UPS
My mobo just died and I'm pretty sure it's due to the regular blackouts/brownouts I get at my cheap uni accommodation. I understand a UPS should guard me from further failures, but after some researching, I have no idea what exactly I'm looking for. What does VA mean? My PSU is 600w, but I think my peak load is more like ~400W
Does anybody remember school assemblies where you were forced to donate money to charity to attend?
I remember that there was student karaoke, a dance, and a walkathon (usually on a really nice spring day) like this. If you didn't pay, you had to sit in a room with all the other poor kids and watch a crappy movie. That really sucked to be inside for no reason on a nice day because I didn't want to be extorted. btw, Planes, trains, and automobiles with John Candy sucks. I had a stomach bug that day and the only reason I didn't go home was so I could go to track practice afterward.
Can anyone recommend some movies with 'bright' sets or scenery?
I'm looking for movies with a lot of sun, daylight, etc. in them. Raising Arizona, No Country, The Fall are all coming to mind atm. It seems so many movies these days are too dark and lacking color and brightness and I'm fed up dammit! Maybe it's just the winter gloom getting to me.
Can rape ever be morally justified or is there no scenario for which you would condone it?
So here's the scenario: The human population has been reduced to a bare minimum and currently the final remnants of humanity is living on an island. The humans are separated into two tribes; an atheist tribe and a religious tribe. The problem is that almost all the women are in the religious tribe and they are indoctrinated and have been conditioned to live as slaves and as such have started to want to live this way. If something were to happen, say a powerful storm or extended periods of starvation due to climate changes the religious group would not have the mental capacity to deal with it and would die out. So knowing this, could it not be morally justifiable for the atheist tribe to raid the religious tribe and steal their women to save humanity? Of course these women, being thoroughly brainwashed would have to be raped to be used for breeding purposes. Is it really so bad considering the circumstances? Discuss.
Company is instituting "self-assessment" semi-annual review. How to handle?
My company is starting a self-assessment style semi-annual review process. Since I do believe that everyone is their own worst critic, I feel all this does is shift an uncomfortable part of a managers (or HR's) job to the employee, giving him room to "officially" record things that could be completely irrelevant to the job, not noticed by managers, not actual problems, or any number of things that would otherwise not be put on a review because THEY DON'T MATTER. While I have no reason to believe my work is sub-par, I have a lot of problems with the process. A few "corporate politics" books I've read over the years say admit to absolutely nothing negative. Don't lie, but put down only things you'd put on a resume. What's a good tactical play to this?
Hey Reddit, describe a time which forced you to make a very tough/murky ethical decision?
To be clear for those who might not be, ethics is essentially a study of competing notions of what is right. It is different from a study of morals because morals tend to be more cut/dry. For example, most people would agree that it would be moral to donate to charities or to help the homeless when you are able. To slightly twist that situation into an ethical dilemma would be something like: Do you give money to that homeless fellow? Or do you buy him a sandwhich and a cup of coffee? Or do you donate to a charity which helps the homeless? All of these are morally sound choices but each present a question of ethics because any of them could be right. I have a feeling my example is kind of shitty shitty, but hopefully that sheds light on what I mean by an "ethical dilema". So, reddit...lay some intense ethical dilemmas on us and hopefully we can have an excellent discussion on competing notions of what is "right"
Fittit, is Alton Brown's diet plan junk
He's generally a smart guy, and if you do a google search, you'll find that he lost quite a bit of body fat in a short time. One of the cornerstones of his diet is to have a fruit/soy smoothie like the plague. What's your opinion? I'll also tell you about myself: 5'7" Male, 205 lbs. I lift a little but my main forms of fitness are distance running (I typically hit 12 to 15 miles/week) and exercises using body weight (pushups, etc). I also have a punching bag and go 5 to 7 1:30 rounds once or twice a week. Does such a smoothie every morning (and fruit all day too) fit into a good runners' diet to achieve belly fat loss and keep muscle hanging around? Thanks! **Edit:** Argh, I've left off the ? above and I can't figure out how to edit the title... Ah well.
Will Wright @ NYU's Games 4 Learning Institute on February 17
I know it is a little weird to post an upcoming event to reddit, since these posts are around forever... But I happen to work at NYU and when I was asked to add this to our website, I thought of the good people at /r/gaming. Here is the link about the event If you're in the NYC area, tickets are free.
What was your least favorite thing about being Mormon?
...and I don't mean the fact it wasn't true, etc, I mean like physical aspects like doing baptisms, bearing your "testimony" etc. For me, I really really really hated Young Women's activities/Girl's Camp. I'm pretty introverted, and do not get along well with most women, so being forced to spend time with a bunch of women without escape was unbearable. I hated how at camp I was pretty much never allowed to have time by myself. I would sneak out at night, and pretty much whenever I got a change, just to be away from everybody else for a little while.
Hmmm, this can't be right. (ME2 - PICS)
Must be a a very advanced alien society! pic 1 pic 2 pic 3 pic 4 Side note: Happened after installing Blood Armor DLC.
You have been messed up ever since your dad put panties on you and pretended that your butthole was his cousins' pussy and fucked it.
impotent rage filled poor white trash from Go_Fuck_YourGayFathe sent 1 hour ago Ok we get it. You are poor ignorant white trash. You have been messed up ever since your dad put panties on you and pretended that your butthole was his cousins' pussy and fucked it. Being molested has really fucked you up. But oh no! You are the tough guy! The big man! You aren't your daddy's butt-baby anymore! Now you go online and tell people what you think of them... from behind your computer where it's safe. Why didn't your mommy keep you safe? Why did she let your daddy rape you? She wanted a daughter and not you? Didn't she love you? Why did she drink so much? Good thing you aren't a muslim, a qeer, or black isn't it? That would be worse! You are just your daddy's butt-baby. And no one needs to know that. That's a secret bewteen you and your daddy's cock. So good work butt-baby. Being a troll is cheaper than therapy. And we all know you can't afford that on $12 an hour.
How would you change education?
What is it you would change to make education better and why? Imagine you could change **ANYTHING**.
Dear Reddit, How should I prepare for my job interview in marketing tomorrow?
I'm a University graduate who has only held retail and clerk related office jobs up till now and is looking for his first major job out of Uni. 10 minutes ago I was contacted by a recruiter for a marketing company who have scheduled me in for an interview tomorrow morning. I feel woefully unprepared and it will be my first "major" interview. Does anyone have any advice to help me prepare? There aren't many details on the job besides the fact they want someone with good people and communication skills who is looking for a challenge and is out going. I guess it goes without saying that I should "be" these things but past that - how can I better prepare myself? Thanks folks!
Has anyone had any experience in getting hypnotized?
I met an attractive gentleman from Recon.com who is really into this. He told me he enjoys taking complete control of a sub and making them totally obedient. He offered to show me over the phone. I accepted, and he managed to put me in a light trance with just his voice. I plan to meet him later (after taking necessary safety precautions) and I'm wondering what to expect. Can anyone share their experience?
BioShock 2 Bundle Group 17
My steam ID is: sc00ter_. Post here if you want to join. I will be buying the bundle tomorrow. PayPal payments only. The important information: Total is ~$33.75 per copy. ($135/4) When paying, SEND THE PAYMENT AS A GIFT, otherwise the buyer has to pay PayPal fees. You will receive both Bioshock 1 & 2 as part of this bundle. Edit: Closed.
Sean Hannity will not be waterboarded. Get over it.
People lie. It happens. Who cares? Posting something on Reddit about it will not change anything.
Should Congress be required to read all legislation prior to voting on it?
Regardless of political affiliation, isn't it important that our representatives read the legislation that they are enacting prior to voting it into law? I mean there could be some serious caveats within the law that no one knows except the drafters, because some legislation is so lengthy that no one wants to spend the time to read it. I know in the private sector I'd never sign a contract without reading it in full. I sort of equate legislation with a contract, as they are binding documents into law and many congressmen (and women) don't bother to even read what they are agreeing to or disagreeing with. I find it abhorrent that congress would vote things into law without reading it. This is sheer laziness in my opinion. As a side note, if reading all legislation prior to voting on it was a requirement, it might also help shorten legislation with a hope that everyone would read it. This would help the common man understand legislation a little better as well. Thoughts? EDIT: The vast majority believe according to the input would indicate that they want their congressmen/women to read proposed legislation or that they would like it if it were feasible. My thought is that it is feasible, but it would require condensation of the law and an understanding that this is a requirement of a senator or representative going into office. That's just my opinion. Great topic to discuss though. I didn't realize so many people thought that our representatives did read the legislation prior to voting on it.
What is the best meme of all time?
Hey Reddit, My coworker and I are debating which meme is the best meme of all time. I say Advice Dog, and he says Rick Roll. What do you think?
Reddit, I want to get into Urban Exploration. Where should I start?
I'm fat and out of shape. I've always liked the idea of urban exploration. Why not kill two birds with one stone? I'm wanting to know, where should I start? What would I need? Are there any places I should go? What key facts should I know? I'm 17, about to be 18. I live in the Waco, TX area (bleh). Does anyone have any advice?
Valentine's Dance with my bf, what do I wear?
so after our romantic dinner, we are planning a costume change and then heading out to see this band : question: what do I wear to an indie-electro-funk-rock show? I'm not very good at this, my usual wardrobe is kindergarten chic. So far, this is my inspiration: Your shitty advice is appreciated.
Why does the Government has to waste time on gay marriage
Gay people amass for 2.5 to 3 percent of the population and its just really disconcerting to me that such a big deal is made of all the gay rights and etc... I mean were talking about such a small portion of the population. Congress, etc... are debating issues Concerning to such a small portion of the population. Can some one explain why this is such a big deal? When we have soo many other issues going on... I don't have a problem with gay people by no means but I'm soo sick of getting the gayness on the Tv or in the news taking up headlines when more important matters our out there ... EDIT: I have terrible Grammer Thanks for all the points I agree with the all equal human rights agenda and everything ...
Dear Reddit Bosses: What do you like to see in an interview?
I'm a senior in college going in for an interview tomorrow with some of the heads of an entertainment company. What are some things you like to see/hear from an interviewee? Is there anything in particular that you look out for? Any input would be appreciated! Thanks! EDIT: Thank you so much for all the great advise! I'll tell you tomorrow how it goes!
How should I start Fallout3 to make it more fun? How did you stat your character?
*First submission, hopefully I did this right... So I finally took it up a few months back, talk about LATE! So I created a character with no physical skills- maxed/used points for only math, science, lockpicking, medicine, etc. And I made him into a scrawny, albino with all chacteristics set to the smallest/lowest with thinning hair. It was fun at first, but then I realized I couldn't carry much, got hurt easily, wasted all my ammo for some bandits, etc. So would it be more fun if I had a balanced character? (Playing strategically) Or should I go another extreme? (I'm thinking a tank and run-gun the game shooting everybody)
Skin moisturizer/creme recommendations?
I'm 21 and just noticed that I'm beginning to get a crease in my forehead that I'm now obsessing over, and noticed at the same time that my previously extremely oily skin is now starting to get a bit on the dry side. I'm a little lacking of knowledge in the beauty products department... so help? Please? Extra points if the product can be bought at wal-mart or a drugstore. Thank you!
Hey reddit! Any AWESOME ideas on what to do for my 30th?!
'm leaving my troubled v.29 model behind for the new, and improved, v.30 model. This is happening sometime next month and I'm located in Illinois. Any cool ideas on what I must make sure to do, or where, within reason, I must go to celebrate will be added to my already extensive list. Help me make this the best birthday EVER! A little about myself: adventurous, outdoorsy, nerdy enough to consider a cool class on how to do something cool, don't get enough vaca time to do a real long trip but could take a couple of days off + weekend... thanks reddit! EDIT_1: What awesome thing would you do for YOUR 30th b-day? Getting a lot of good suggestions but still nothing that makes me want to write home about the experience... except skydiving. EDIT_2: I also though of doing some sort of volunteering... anyone out there have a fun and rewarding experience I should try?
Where is the politically incorrect / stereotyping line in this case?
Dear Reddit: My wife and I have been invited to her boss's house for brunch in a few weekends. He is Jewish, we are non-Jews. Is it presumptuous / stereotyping / in any way offensive to bring a traditionally "jewish" item like lox to the brunch? In other words, is this guy going to assume that we brought lox b/c he's a Jew? And will that piss him off / offend him?
Just a reminder: It's been more than an hour since we've last been reminded that Sean Hannity still hasn't been waterboarded.
Let's remind us. His show is on tonight at 11 and then again at 11:30 (UTC + 3:00). After watching it, enraged that his 'views' represent those of 'the other team,' and that he doesn't have the 'sack' to follow through on his 'pledge', we should all reconvene here in hopes that he'll join us. C U THEN LOL
Whats the technical term for the cable that connects a light bulb on the ceiling.
Feeling not too bright. But seriously I can't remember what its called. I'm talking about the end bit where the bulb connects .Refer to link above for image.
Okay, Reddit. Spill. What are your wisest, neatest grooming hacks?
Inspired by: I realized after trying this that there must be all SORTS of neat things people do to look good that I'm unaware of. Ways to make hair softer or skin look better or clothes fit better. And this is an old, wise community. So I figure a lot of you know all sorts of cool things. So what're your coolest "hacks"? Simple, clever things that let you do a lot with a little? Or that help you understand concepts about grooming that you found slipped your mind before? I'll start: Brush your teeth with Arm + Hammer twice a week and your gums will be stronger and, more importantly, your teeth will be whiter. Also: Wash your mouth out with salt water to quickly kill any odors.
What English words have you heard where the pronunciation has been mangled?
Of course, there's the common AX (*ask*), JOO (*you*). My late mother-in-law would say OCHIGEN (*oxygen*), OYCECHURES (*oysters*). I had a boss from Boston who would say PAAAHK (*park*), CAAH (*car*), and WATTAH (*water*). A Japanese-American friend would say ROOSE (*loose*), and ELECTION (*erection*), not sure if that was in the same sentence. What manglings of pronunciation have you heard?
Anybody hear about PS3 shortages?
My buddy just got his tax return, and since I've been bringing my PS3 over to play UFC, he really wanted to get one. He called 3 Wal-marts, 3 Best Buys, 3 Targets, and more GameStops. No one had it. Best buy and Wal-mart even said they would be getting maybe one or two next shipment. WTH
Now THIS is a party I am sad I missed.
I have NO idea what the hell is going on here, but I am sure it was hilarious, and alcohol was involved.
How does your shop manage what goes into your code base? Mandatory code-review? Feature freezes? Complete testing frameworks?
I'm looking for ideas to solve a problem we are facing at our shop. I work within a group of six programmers, lead by our Fearless Leader who controls what goes into our trunk. Our Fearless Leader is both a developer and a manager, and therefore is quite busy, yet he is the gateway for all code to enter the trunk of our repository. In order for our new code to be included, a patch is created and emailed to everyone. Someone is assigned to be the reviewer, an email thread goes back and forth until the reviewer is happy, and then when the Fearless Leader gets around to it, he makes any modifications and finally applies it. This bottleneck has created a many month long backlog of patches that aren't pressing enough to warrant inspection by our Fearless Leader. Old patches suffer severe bit rot due to the trunk changing since they were created. We are at a point where it is clear a change needs to happen, so I though I'd poll the rest of /r/programming to see how you guys address the problem. Fundamental problems in our approach from my point of view: * The trunk should be for development and branches should be for stable code. Not the other way around. * A single code-review bottleneck impedes check-in progress, but can enforce quality. Maybe full testing coverage could replace the need for an eyeball on each line. * code-review by email is possibly not the most efficient/educational approach. So how do you manage what new code is introduced? Does it work?
Girls, what do you think of big beast men?
I'm a weightlifter. 6'0 215lbs down from 260lbs last year. I'm just a big dude. Broad shoulders, thick limbs, dense. People have called me a bear, and the name has stuck. Your opinions?
Need Birthday gift advice -- 14 year-old-boy
I asked this last week, and I'm pretty sure the collective wisdom of Reditors (the smartest people on the planet) can come up with something better... He's tapped out for video games, iPods, etc. So let's come up with something great! (< $150 please!) ** Follow-up: Following a friend's advice, I got him this: And he loved it! ** Thanks to all who provided advice.
DAE upvote and hide without reading stories whose title horrify you?
I usually upvote them because I want other people to read them, and, more importantly, to do something about them. However, I hide them, because I don't want them to disturb me. This does not apply to trolls, -- since I know anything they say is a boring attempt to ruse, -- just _genuine_ stories about rapes and murders, that sort of thing.
looking for Demonoid code have Google Wave, myanonamouse.net, and midnight-scene invites.
I still need a Demonoid code if anyone has one please. The last one I got didn't work. I have Google Wave Invites, myanonamouse.net, and midnight-scene invites.
Reddit, help me understand thermodynamics!
I usually catch on to scientific concepts pretty easily, and really understand them, with the exception of thermodynamics. It's my hardest class, and for some reason I'm just not really getting the concepts and its hard to really really understand as fully as I want to. Does anyone know of good resources online that can help me develop a full understanding of thermodynamics in general?
TIL there is a National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
This caught my eye in today's MMWR after just reading the discussion on racism and "reverse-racism" from the other day...
The hand that made me quit for the day
I know I should just post in /r/tilt but I still find it funny enough to put in here: I was about 60bb for my short 200 hand session then ended up running into a few coolers in the next 100 hands: - KK vs AA which turned into set over set on the flop and turn - QQ raised to 10bb against a drooler who won't fold who flopped AAK with his A7 (only called a 1/2 pot turn bet to that one) - 88 flopping top set on 865tt board against the same drooler, river was a 5 card straight and he potted into me and I folded figuring I was more likely beat than chopping (he had A7 again) But the one that really set me off was this: NL Holdem $0.10(BB) Replayer Game#3129117660 SB ($7.12) Hero (BB) ($10.10) BTN ($10.46) UTG ($29.03) SB posts $0.05 Hero posts BB $0.10 Dealt to Hero Kh Ad fold, BTN raises to $0.40 SB raises to $0.70 Hero raises to $2 fold, SB raises to $7.07 Hero calls $5.07 FLOP ($14.54) Ts Ks Qs <------------ pay attention TURN ($14.54) Ts Ks Qs 9c RIVER ($14.54) Ts Ks Qs 9c 2h SB shows Js As <---------------------- :O (Pre 30%, Flop 100.0%, Turn 100.0%) Hero shows Kh Ad (Pre 70%, Flop 0.0%, Turn 0.0%) SB wins $13.82 with a straight flush :S
Since the Republican party likes chain emails so much, I thought the best way to get Republicans to see Obama taking questions from the GOP would be a FWD:FWD email campaign. Details inside.
Do you get a lot of FWD emails from your Republican friends? I know I do. So, I thought it would only be fitting to return the favor in order to get more Republicans to see Obama taking questions directly from the GOP at the GOP House Issues Conference. Since Fox cut the Q&A session short, I honestly think this is the only way that many Republicans will ever see this video. Simply type up an email with an enticing name like: 'Obama taking questions from the GOP with NO TELEPROMPTER!' Then include this link: Don't be afraid to use ALL CAPS. It's how they know you're serious. Edit: For those of you worried that this is possibly "stooping to their level", I'd like to add a quote from insomniac84 that follows my thinking on this nicely: >insomniac84 4 points 18 hours ago[-] The point is if you have a nut emailing you these things, you send a fake forward of this back to them. It's not stooping to their level, so much as using their preferred level of communication to talk to them. Though I do not personally think everyone who forwards these Republican chain mails is nuts. Just a sizable portion. Let's try to help make everyone less crazy by showing them a reasonable dialog between their two parties. It is unfortunately enough of a rarity in American political discourse that it should not go unseen.
World's most delicious (and easy to make) vegan alfredo
*EDIT:* Somehow I originally missed the link... I guess that's quite the claim to make but I've been making this a lot over the last couple of years since watching this video. It's quite enjoyable and really easy to make. It's also the first dish I made that convinced me I could probably eat an entirely vegan based diet. If it doesn't look like alfredo at the beginning, keep watching till the end. The last step is like magic. One thing it *isn't* though is low in calories... but hey, it's alfredo. :)
So, what's the longest amount of time you've spent naked?
nothing sexual, just pure freedom without clothes. I was just in the shower and was surprised to realize that I think I've only been naked for a few hours at a time tops. I think everyone should spend at least one day a month completely nude. Thoughts?
Synesthesia and Math -- Help out a teacher!
I am a Jr. High math teacher, and one of my favorite students was just diagnosed with synesthesia. I'm actually pretty jealous, as I've always had a fascination with this condition. She is a quiet, strong-willed, and incredibly creative young woman, but has been struggling some with math. She's definitely grasping main concepts, but I am wondering to what degree the synesthesia is affecting her comprehension? Her biggest issues have been with solving 2+ step equations. I will be learning more about how she "sees things" in the coming week, but do know that, of course, she sees each number with a different color, and sometimes texture. What I do find interesting is that, on a number line, she can't see any negative values. The lowest it goes is 0, with the negative numbers either blurred or absent completely. So, any redditors out there have advice on successful teaching methods for students with synesthesia? Perhaps you have synesthesia, or have been in a similar teaching situation? I'd appreciate any insight! EDIT: Thanks for the advice and resources! I already feel like I will be much more equipped for my meeting with the parents. I definitely don't want this to come off as if I've classified it as learning disability or disorder. Personally, I see it as an advantage. It's just my job as a teacher to accommodate different learning styles as best I can.
First Photography Show Pricing Question
I suspect this has been answered but I had trouble finding pricing relating to non-studio situations. I will be having my first photography showing tomorrow at my town's equivalent of art-walk. A business will host my photography for the month and opening night (tomorrow) will have free alcohol for everyone that comes by. I have 15 photos ready to be displayed. 10- 16x20 and 5- 20x30. I need pricing advice. I figure that supplies and my time have cost me about $250.00 to this point. The photos are mounted on black foam core and unframed. That averages to a cost of $17.00 for each. I am going to have fun and I don't need to feed a family with this show. However, I still want to apply a smart pricing strategy. I was considering having most prints around $50 and a few "stronger" prints around $70. Any advice would really be appreciated. I am looking for other view points on this conundrum. EDIT: I have decided to try and price in poor college students while maintaining a low volume sales approach for the rest. Low-Res digital desktop files (Iphones and such)-$5 Prints (based off discussion here and dpreview.com) $60/$90 as averages and variations in price.
As the world's population approaches 7 BILLION don't you think the value/uniqueness of human life is a bit over hyped?
I for one think that the value of human life = the value of a spider's life... I just smashed one for violating my personal space... Don't invade MY home buddy... :) edit:spelling
Traveling Book Update: I have it. Who wants it next?
I've been real bad about getting some work into it, but it's happening TONIGHT. So who wants it next? Post here and who-ever is first (or has the most persuasive post) I'll let know and you can PM me your address.