We must finish what we failed to do at Gaugamela.
Danu wara jeexal li nu ñàkka def ci Gaugamela.
- Nothing.
- Dara.
It just slipped out.
Dafa génn rek.
Two things never happened again after that.
Ñaari mbir musu ñu am ginaaw ga.
The Pacific Ocean?
Géeju Pacific bi?
Thank you? .?
Jërëjëf? .?
No hard feelings?
Amul yëg-yëg bu metti?
I will be hoping that this letter finds you and finds you well.
Dinaa am yaakaar ni bataaxal bii daf lay gis, nga wér.
Yes, my Führer.
Waaw, sama Führer.
I'm right here!
Maa ngi fi!
The rest of you go back to work.
Yéen ñi ci des dellu leen seen liggéey.
Meniconi and Bagonghi, come over here.
Menikoni ak Bagonghi, ñëwleen fii.
Two mozzarellas and a full bottle.
Ñaari mozzarella ak benn butéel bu fees.
Sometimes you're paid, sometimes not
Yenn saa yi dañu lay fay, yenn saa yi duñu la fay
He only went to bed a few hours ago.
Waxtu yu néew rek lay tëdd.
How can you sing so?
naka ngay mëna way nii?
From the South Island?
Ci Ile du Sud la?
The fifth one from the front.
Juroom bi ci kanam.
- Yes, of course.
- Waaw kay.
She's gone after the Deer God.
Dafa dem topp Yàlla Kewel.
Go to the employment office.
Demal ci biro biy saytu liggéey.
Do you think I'II go to school and be made a fool of?
Yaakaar nga ni damay dem ekol ñu def ma dof?
But no wine or cold chicken.
Waaye amul vin wala ginaar gu sedd.
You live in the forest, and I'll live at the ironworks.
Yaw ci àll bi nga dëkk, man ma dëkk ci wen wi.
Not like your father's... made of calfskin, new.
Du ni bu sa pàppa... ñu defaree ko der nag, bees.
Well done today.
Def nga lu baax tay.
I don't believe they did.
Gëmuma ni def nañu ko.
Let's go!
Nanu dem!
and that during those 20 years he did not have to modify his policies whatsoever.
ak ni ci 20 at yooyu amul benn coppite bumu wara def.
Is it good?
Ndax baax na?
We risked our lives to bring the rice you're eating.
Danuy risk sunu bakkan ngir indi céeb gi ngeen di lekk.
We must hunt Darius down.
Danu wara rëbb Dariyus.
Your friend, Andy.
Sa xarit, Andy.
I'm a fighting man.
Xeexkat laa.
Practice, Lucien!
Jàngaleel, Lucien!
- You can finish it.
- Mën nga ko jeexal.
Yes, sir.
Waaw, sang bi.
My Führer, as a soldier I suggest we try to break through the encirclement.
Sama Führer, soldaar laa, maa ngi lay digal nga jéema jaar ci biir dëkk bi.
We'll drink wine with our meal, but leave room for dessert, okay?
Dina nu naan vin ak sunu lekk, waaye bàyyi palaas ngir desee, waaw?
But we couldn't.
Waaye mënu nu ko woon.
My life is now yours.
Sama dundu leegi yaa ko moom.
My son, let me die with you.
Sama doom, bàyyi ma ak yaw dee.
I'm Katja's son.
Man doomu Katja laa.
What's the matter?
Lu xew?
There's no mistaking those tusks.
Amul benn njuumte ci bëñ yooyu.
I had dreams, too, of all the things I would do.
Maa ngi yàgg a xalaat mbir yima wara def.
With the regimen of cares that I've put in place...
Ak regime de soins yima def...
Come inside and get warm.
Duggal nga tàngoor.
The Sisters never laid a finger on Andy again and Bogs never walked again.
Sisters yi musu ñu teg baraam ci Andy te Bogs musul doxaat.
The Lord forgive me for abusing his gifts but it's a terrible temptation when you' re broken-hearted.
Boroom bi baal ma ci ni may yàq may yi mu ma jox, waaye soo amee xol bu yàqu, natt bu metti la.
Doom bu jigéen ci buur!
- 2, 3, and 4 dinars
- 2, 3 ak 4 dinaar
Mr er.?
M. er.?
Come here.
Kaay fii.
We're passing the pork butcher.
Noo ngi romb yàppu mbaam xuux bi.
Can't you wait till later?
Mën nga xaar ba ëlëg?
I suggest...
Maa ngi lay digal...
- That was not your father's mission.
- Du loolu mooy liggéeyu sa pàppa.
Go back to the other oafs.
Dellu ci yeneen dof yi.
Make sure the women and children are fed.
Fexeel ba jigéen ñi ak xale yi am luñu lekk.
You should know that Hermann isn't here.
Danga wara xamni Hermann nekkul fii.
What make was it?
Lan moo ko defar?
Tàggat tàggatu!
And who made the iron that bought that rice?
Ak kan moo defar wen wi jëndoon céeb googu?
During the fight for Berlin we've already lost 15-20,000 of the younger officers.
Ci xeex bi ñuy xeex Berlin, ñàkk nañu 15 ba 20000 ofisiye yu ndaw.
Put me down for a quarter deck?
Tegal ma ci benn pond?
I think it's time she took a real risk.
Dama jàpp ni jotna nga jël risk.
I think the best thing is to come along to the gentlemen's room and we'll get some water to it, sir.
Dama jàpp ni li gëna wóor mooy nga ñëw ci néegu góor ñi, nu jël ndox ci, kilifa gi.
The girls can't find their cows when you move them around.
Jigéen ñi duñu gis seeni nag soo leen toxal.
-You don't?
-Xamuloo ko?
Get busy living or get busy dying.
Demal ci dundu wala nga nekk ci dee.
- About scare me to death, something that big.
- Dama tiital ba dee, lu rëy lool.
I just wanted to get out of the wind.
Lima bëggoon mooy génn ci ngelaw li.
They transferred him to a minimum-security hospital upstate.
Ñu daal di koy yóbbu ci hopitaal bu am kaaraange gu néew ci nord bi.
Looks like he brought his whole tribe!
Daa melni dafa indi tribum yépp!
I don't like no bellyaching.
Bëgguma ab biir buy metti.
I lay in the blood for three days, like a stuck pig.
Ma tëdd ci deret ji ñatti fan, melni mbaam xuux bu tëju.
Come, doctor.
Doktër, ñëwal.
If I promise you'II never again see your father like yesterday would you then go to school tomorrow, Pelle?
Suma lay dige ni dootu ma gisati sa pàppa ni démb, ndax suba nga dem ekol, Pelle?
She's doing no harm, let her stay.
Deful dara luy lore, bàyyileen ko mu des.
Those who came before are gone.
Ñi ko jiitu dem nañu.
They'll give you a work permit.
Dina ñu la jox sañ-sañu liggéey.
Don't you know that?
Ndax xamuleen loolu ?
Brooks. "
Brooks. "
A Fides.
A Fides.
We work those bellows all night long!
Guddi gi yépp danuy liggéey soufflet yooyu!
Ham, 79 francs.
Jambon, 79 fraŋ.
- Proud bitch.
- Yaakaar gu réy.
But that's what young men are for.
Waaye loolu mooy li xale yu góor yi di def.
You will not have to eat!
Dunga lekk!
that we try it again.
nu jéemaat ko.
- The small one?
- Bu ndaw bi?
You take care of it.
Yaw nga toppatoo ko.
Do you remember Katja?
Ndax fàttaliku nga Katja?
He's not my father.
Du sama pàppa.
Watch out, Pelle.
Moytul, Pelle.