I understand.
Nànd naa.
And please... don't worry.
Ak mangi... bul jaaxle.
They're coming.
Ñu ngi ñëw.
I could use a good man to help me get my project on wheels.
Mën naa jëfandikoo nit ku baax ngir jàppale ma def sama projet.
Daddy's asleep.
Sama pàppa nelaw na.
I've decided... not to stay.
Dama jël dogal... duma toog.
Yeah, well, what the hell do you know about it, Capone?
Waaw, loo xam ci mbir mi, Capone?
I've got plenty of jackets.
Amnaa ay veste yu bari.
- Silence?
- Noppi?
This winter, I will take him to the mountain.
Hiver bii, dinaa ko yóbbu ci tundu wi.
Do you think they'll take to it?
Yaakaar nga ni dina ñu ko nangu?
-Stay away from me.
-Nga baña jege.
Half a bottle?
Genn-wàllu butéel?
We can leave, Erik.
Mën nanu dem, Erik.
22, my Führer.
22, sama fuurr.
I am unworthy!
Did they die in the war?
Ndax dee nañu ci xare bi?
You just stay there to take care of yours.
Yaw nga toog foofu ngir toppatoo sa bopp.
But look at it: it's like living in the forest.
Waaye xoolal lii: dafa mel ni danga dëkk ci àll bi.
Well, you underestimate yourself.
Waaye, yaa ngi suufeel sa bopp.
- To do what?
- Ngir def lan?
There's hundreds of them.
Amna ay téemeeri nit.
Life and death are his to give and take.
Dundu ak dee, moo wara joxe ak jël.
That child is being badly brought up.
Xale boobu dañu koy yar bu baax.
Mmm. Smell that.
Mmm. Xettal loolu.
- Jessie.
- Jesi.
What is this?
Liggéeyu tàggatu?
End it. I would do the-
Jeexal ko. Dinaa def
Six months.
Jiroom benn weer.
Bunch of cowherds!
Ay sàmm nag!
The bastards!
Bastard yi!
A cup of tea, please
Baal ma benn kaasu ataaya
That's my mother.
Loolu mooy sama yaay.
What are you in for?
Lu tax nga nekk?
He will reach the age.
Dina àgg ci àpp bi.
Let me tell you.
Xaaral ma wax la.
Good Lord ...
Boroom bu baax...
- A whole bottle and a pizza.
- Benn butéel lëmm ak benn pizza.
They'll love it.
Dina ñu ko bëgg.
I'm so sorry I can't give you a better present.
Maa ngi lay massawu, mënu ma la jox kado bu gëna baax.
- We're with you, Alexander!
- Noo ngi ànd ak yaw, Alexandre!
Give her a little gas.
Jox ko tuuti gaz.
We'll see what we can do.
Dinañu xool li ñu mën a def.
I'll keep an eye out for you and the chessboard ready.
Dinaa la xool bu baax, nga defar tablo d'échec bi.
That's it, it's well done.
Loolu la, def nga ko bu baax.
I don't think so.
Yaakaar naa ni du loolu.
I doubt they'll kick up any fuss.
Sikki sama bopp ni dina ñu def benn coow.
Only when he's found will it be decided.
Suñu ko gisee rek lañuy dogal.
Can I help?
Mën naa la jàppale?
They hit me here, and here.
Ñu dóor ma fii, ak fii.
At night the jackals prowl around.
Guddi gi, jaaka yi dañuy wër.
Dalal ak jàmm
But how can this be?
Waaye naka la loolu mënee am ?
I won't make any noise.
Duma def benn coow.
My national comrades...
Samay xarit national...
-Stop it!
This is where we keep all of our meat.
Mooy barab bi ñuy denc sunu yàpp yépp.
Your mother too will soon turn 70.
Sa yaay itam mingi waaja am 70 at.
Heywood, you're so smart, you call it?
Heywood, danga am xel lool, nga woo ko?
Berlin, 23 April, 1945.
Berlin, 23 awril 1945.
Remember, Red, hope is a good thing.
Nga bàyyi sa xel, Red, yaakaar lu baax la.
Neex na.
I mean.?
Maa ngi.?
- No pizzas in this restaurant.
- Amul pizza ci resto bii.
Not for an old crook like me.
Du ngir defkati ñaawtéef yu melni man.
She can't say Rud either.
Mënul wax Rud itam.
We can leave this awful place and go out and conquer the world, Erik.
Mën nanu bàyyi barab bu tiis bii dem daal di nangu àdduna bi, Erik.
There are no neighbours I can talk to.
Amul dëkkandoo bu ma mëna waxtaan ak moom.
- It's too heavy for you.
- Dafa diis ci yaw.
Damn the Stone Farm.
Damn Ferme de Stone.
Come over to our place, Traveler!
Tukkikat bi, ñëwal ci sunu barab!
- Typhus of India?
- Tifus bu Inde?
-Give me the bat.
-Jox ma yat wi.
We'll never leave this place.
Dunu musa bàyyi barab bii.
Why is that?
Lu tax mu mel noonu ?
My dearest sister, I'm so sorry I have to write you this.
Sama mag ju jigéen ju baax ji, mangi jeggalu ci lima lay bind lii.
- Mm-hmm.
- M-mm.
I have denied him, Mother!
Weddi naa ko, yaay!
I thirst.
Dama mar.
You got 15 rib roasts 30 ten-pound bags of hamburger.
Am nga 15 costo buñ saaf ak 30 saaku hamburger bu fukki kilo.
We'll try to find something.
Dina nu jéema wut dara.
They're giving out melon slices.
Dañuy séddale ay daggitu melon.
You've never been away.
Musu nga dem feneen.
How long can you hold out?
Ba kañ ngay mëna muñ?
Asano waited till we left!
Asano xaar ba nu dem
Orin of "the house of the strain"
Orin de "la maison de la strain".
Maybe the best of things.
Amaana li gëna baax ci mbir yi.
Look, the sole has worn away.
Xoolal, sol bi daa màgget.