I think it should be fixed on either UTC standard or UTC+1 year around, with the current zone offsets. Moving timescales add a lot of complexity to the implementation of timekeeping systems and have [dubious value]( I think seasonal shifting time made sense in the pre-electric past, when timekeeping was more flexible and artificial light was inefficient and often dangerous. Now we have machines that work easily with simple timekeeping rules, and it's more beneficial to spend a small amount on energy for lighting, and save the larger cost of engineering things to work with the complex timekeeping rules, as well as saving the irritation to humans. Lighting has gotten much more efficient over time; we can squeeze out a lot more photons per unit of energy from a 2012 CFL or LED than a candle could in 1780, or a lightbulb could in 1950. There's a lot of room for improvement in how we use lights as well; as lighting control gets more intelligent, there will be a lot of savings from not illuminating inactive spaces constantly. tl;dr: Shifting seasonal time is no longer worth it.
I think it should be fixed on either UTC standard or UTC+1 year around, with the current zone offsets. Moving timescales add a lot of complexity to the implementation of timekeeping systems and have [dubious value]( I think seasonal shifting time made sense in the pre-electric past, when timekeeping was more flexible and artificial light was inefficient and often dangerous. Now we have machines that work easily with simple timekeeping rules, and it's more beneficial to spend a small amount on energy for lighting, and save the larger cost of engineering things to work with the complex timekeeping rules, as well as saving the irritation to humans. Lighting has gotten much more efficient over time; we can squeeze out a lot more photons per unit of energy from a 2012 CFL or LED than a candle could in 1780, or a lightbulb could in 1950. There's a lot of room for improvement in how we use lights as well; as lighting control gets more intelligent, there will be a lot of savings from not illuminating inactive spaces constantly. tl;dr: Shifting seasonal time is no longer worth it.
I think it should be fixed on either UTC standard or UTC+1 year around, with the current zone offsets. Moving timescales add a lot of complexity to the implementation of timekeeping systems and have [dubious value]( I think seasonal shifting time made sense in the pre-electric past, when timekeeping was more flexible and artificial light was inefficient and often dangerous. Now we have machines that work easily with simple timekeeping rules, and it's more beneficial to spend a small amount on energy for lighting, and save the larger cost of engineering things to work with the complex timekeeping rules, as well as saving the irritation to humans. Lighting has gotten much more efficient over time; we can squeeze out a lot more photons per unit of energy from a 2012 CFL or LED than a candle could in 1780, or a lightbulb could in 1950. There's a lot of room for improvement in how we use lights as well; as lighting control gets more intelligent, there will be a lot of savings from not illuminating inactive spaces constantly.
Shifting seasonal time is no longer worth it.
Art is about the hardest thing to categorize in terms of good and bad. To consider one work or artist as dominate over another comes down to personal opinion. Sure some things maybe blatantly better than other works, but it ultimately lies with the individual. I personally enjoy the work of "street artists" (using quotations not to be sarcastic, but mainly because this is in a different category than graffiti and since my background is not in art I don't know what the "proper" term is , if there is one), but I do see where you are coming from. CLET tends to use the same images continuously (to a point where one could say "Is this it?") as do most street artists (I do think this term is thrown around a lot more than it should be, I agree with you there) and it can be annoying. tl;dr: Personal opinions 'n shit.
Art is about the hardest thing to categorize in terms of good and bad. To consider one work or artist as dominate over another comes down to personal opinion. Sure some things maybe blatantly better than other works, but it ultimately lies with the individual. I personally enjoy the work of "street artists" (using quotations not to be sarcastic, but mainly because this is in a different category than graffiti and since my background is not in art I don't know what the "proper" term is , if there is one), but I do see where you are coming from. CLET tends to use the same images continuously (to a point where one could say "Is this it?") as do most street artists (I do think this term is thrown around a lot more than it should be, I agree with you there) and it can be annoying. tl;dr: Personal opinions 'n shit.
Art is about the hardest thing to categorize in terms of good and bad. To consider one work or artist as dominate over another comes down to personal opinion. Sure some things maybe blatantly better than other works, but it ultimately lies with the individual. I personally enjoy the work of "street artists" (using quotations not to be sarcastic, but mainly because this is in a different category than graffiti and since my background is not in art I don't know what the "proper" term is , if there is one), but I do see where you are coming from. CLET tends to use the same images continuously (to a point where one could say "Is this it?") as do most street artists (I do think this term is thrown around a lot more than it should be, I agree with you there) and it can be annoying.
Personal opinions 'n shit.
Ask me what I think about the Wall Street Journal and I'll tell you about it's bland, monumental, walls of text. This isn't the deeply engrossing reading material that the bubblegum popping, paparazzi loving celebrities read in the daily publications of The L.A. Times. It’s apparent that Wall Street journal is going after that greed driven, white GOP, 50-90-or-so demographic, with its over-the-top use of big words nobody really gives a shit about (eg. “gratuitous....magilla ”), TL;DR insults and slack ass insight. Wall Street Journal misses on enough counts that not only did i yawn with boredom, i fell asleep trying to read through this crap. It may be the paper for you, but if your in the the market for a new read, i'd at least counsel you on reading the Washington Post instead, due out on stands anytime, or the Globe, which is slated for a weekly release.
Ask me what I think about the Wall Street Journal and I'll tell you about it's bland, monumental, walls of text. This isn't the deeply engrossing reading material that the bubblegum popping, paparazzi loving celebrities read in the daily publications of The L.A. Times. It’s apparent that Wall Street journal is going after that greed driven, white GOP, 50-90-or-so demographic, with its over-the-top use of big words nobody really gives a shit about (eg. “gratuitous....magilla ”), TL;DR insults and slack ass insight. Wall Street Journal misses on enough counts that not only did i yawn with boredom, i fell asleep trying to read through this crap. It may be the paper for you, but if your in the the market for a new read, i'd at least counsel you on reading the Washington Post instead, due out on stands anytime, or the Globe, which is slated for a weekly release.
Ask me what I think about the Wall Street Journal and I'll tell you about it's bland, monumental, walls of text. This isn't the deeply engrossing reading material that the bubblegum popping, paparazzi loving celebrities read in the daily publications of The L.A. Times. It’s apparent that Wall Street journal is going after that greed driven, white GOP, 50-90-or-so demographic, with its over-the-top use of big words nobody really gives a shit about (eg. “gratuitous....magilla ”),
insults and slack ass insight. Wall Street Journal misses on enough counts that not only did i yawn with boredom, i fell asleep trying to read through this crap. It may be the paper for you, but if your in the the market for a new read, i'd at least counsel you on reading the Washington Post instead, due out on stands anytime, or the Globe, which is slated for a weekly release.
In Mechwarrior Online, I have begun to use a mouse for the "turret" aspect of the torso twist/tilt and a Logitech G13 for other controls ( The G-13 has a little thumbstick that works well for WASD functions and has a little keyboard to cover all the other (limited) controls required for MWO. For modern games, I guess that's as close to HOTAS as they want you to get. For a better solution, I think that with a joystick emulating mouse inputs it would be passable, but as you said: It's presently a sad day and you have to be able to edit XML files to modify joystick input triggers and it starts becoming an occupation rather than a gaming hobby. In Mechwarrior 2, 3, & 4 I use the Steel Battalion controller and it is freaking awesome to have the three axes of torso twist, tilt, walking direction, plus a real throttle, plus real hat switches for views, plus pedals for extra speed, stopping power and jumpjet control. Not to mention the 32 other buttons and the flip cover over the eject button. Check this control map by Baron Von Pilsner ( and look at my original posts for links to my Fully Enclosed Mech Simulator on Mechwarrior Online's forums for details. TL/DR: Yes, Joysticks in modern games have apparently become passe unless you are playing a flight sim and that sucks.
In Mechwarrior Online, I have begun to use a mouse for the "turret" aspect of the torso twist/tilt and a Logitech G13 for other controls ( The G-13 has a little thumbstick that works well for WASD functions and has a little keyboard to cover all the other (limited) controls required for MWO. For modern games, I guess that's as close to HOTAS as they want you to get. For a better solution, I think that with a joystick emulating mouse inputs it would be passable, but as you said: It's presently a sad day and you have to be able to edit XML files to modify joystick input triggers and it starts becoming an occupation rather than a gaming hobby. In Mechwarrior 2, 3, & 4 I use the Steel Battalion controller and it is freaking awesome to have the three axes of torso twist, tilt, walking direction, plus a real throttle, plus real hat switches for views, plus pedals for extra speed, stopping power and jumpjet control. Not to mention the 32 other buttons and the flip cover over the eject button. Check this control map by Baron Von Pilsner ( and look at my original posts for links to my Fully Enclosed Mech Simulator on Mechwarrior Online's forums for details. TL/DR: Yes, Joysticks in modern games have apparently become passe unless you are playing a flight sim and that sucks.
In Mechwarrior Online, I have begun to use a mouse for the "turret" aspect of the torso twist/tilt and a Logitech G13 for other controls ( The G-13 has a little thumbstick that works well for WASD functions and has a little keyboard to cover all the other (limited) controls required for MWO. For modern games, I guess that's as close to HOTAS as they want you to get. For a better solution, I think that with a joystick emulating mouse inputs it would be passable, but as you said: It's presently a sad day and you have to be able to edit XML files to modify joystick input triggers and it starts becoming an occupation rather than a gaming hobby. In Mechwarrior 2, 3, & 4 I use the Steel Battalion controller and it is freaking awesome to have the three axes of torso twist, tilt, walking direction, plus a real throttle, plus real hat switches for views, plus pedals for extra speed, stopping power and jumpjet control. Not to mention the 32 other buttons and the flip cover over the eject button. Check this control map by Baron Von Pilsner ( and look at my original posts for links to my Fully Enclosed Mech Simulator on Mechwarrior Online's forums for details.
Yes, Joysticks in modern games have apparently become passe unless you are playing a flight sim and that sucks.
You are talking about the Charsi imbue, right? Or a cube upgrade? If we are talking Charsi imbue, you can only imbue WHITE items. This includes superior, but they will not neccesarily be superior after imbuing (they get random base-modifications). Bloodfist and Gorefoot are both uniques (gold), and therefore not eligible for imbuing. When you imbue, the item level matters (the item level is hidden). The item is the same level as the monster who dropped it. That means, that the higher level the monster who dropped it, the more stats is available on that item. It is important to note that an item doesn't neccesarily use all it's stat potential. This means that the same item dropped in a1 and a2 can has the possibility of some very different outcomes. After the imbue, the item can be as good as if the monster itself had dropped a rare (yellow) item. Imbued weapons will always turn out as rare items. To answer your question, you should just progress like you are now, fighting the hardest monsters you can. When a potential good white item appears, try to imbue that. Class specifiq items has a better chance to give +skills to your class. Circlets has the higest bonuses regarding yellow items. And you can get an extra base stat advantage by using exceoptional (nightmare) items, which will drop in a4-5 from time to time. You can check out monster levels, and item qualities (normal, exceptional, elite) on arreat summit ofc. :) EDIT (forgot infoz): In cases of imbue-eligible items with base bonuses (maces, wands, staffs and class specifique items, and any other item with +skills etc.) will loose their current bonuses due to the base item reroll. They can get extra skills from the base item AND the rarity class. Say, if you imbue a staff with +1 fireball, it will reroll that base staff. It might turn out with a staff with +1 icebolt and +1 warmth, and then you add the bonuses the rarity would give you, lets say +1 icebolt and +1 fireball. Then your +1 fireball staff will have turned into a +2 icebolt +1 fireball staff. It might as well turn into any other staff allowed by it's item lvl though. As far as I recall, weapon damage and defense values are not rerolled. I am not 100% positive on this though. Haven't played d2 for a looong time :P TLDR: Class only items dropped from high-lvl monsters.
You are talking about the Charsi imbue, right? Or a cube upgrade? If we are talking Charsi imbue, you can only imbue WHITE items. This includes superior, but they will not neccesarily be superior after imbuing (they get random base-modifications). Bloodfist and Gorefoot are both uniques (gold), and therefore not eligible for imbuing. When you imbue, the item level matters (the item level is hidden). The item is the same level as the monster who dropped it. That means, that the higher level the monster who dropped it, the more stats is available on that item. It is important to note that an item doesn't neccesarily use all it's stat potential. This means that the same item dropped in a1 and a2 can has the possibility of some very different outcomes. After the imbue, the item can be as good as if the monster itself had dropped a rare (yellow) item. Imbued weapons will always turn out as rare items. To answer your question, you should just progress like you are now, fighting the hardest monsters you can. When a potential good white item appears, try to imbue that. Class specifiq items has a better chance to give +skills to your class. Circlets has the higest bonuses regarding yellow items. And you can get an extra base stat advantage by using exceoptional (nightmare) items, which will drop in a4-5 from time to time. You can check out monster levels, and item qualities (normal, exceptional, elite) on arreat summit ofc. :) EDIT (forgot infoz): In cases of imbue-eligible items with base bonuses (maces, wands, staffs and class specifique items, and any other item with +skills etc.) will loose their current bonuses due to the base item reroll. They can get extra skills from the base item AND the rarity class. Say, if you imbue a staff with +1 fireball, it will reroll that base staff. It might turn out with a staff with +1 icebolt and +1 warmth, and then you add the bonuses the rarity would give you, lets say +1 icebolt and +1 fireball. Then your +1 fireball staff will have turned into a +2 icebolt +1 fireball staff. It might as well turn into any other staff allowed by it's item lvl though. As far as I recall, weapon damage and defense values are not rerolled. I am not 100% positive on this though. Haven't played d2 for a looong time :P TLDR: Class only items dropped from high-lvl monsters.
You are talking about the Charsi imbue, right? Or a cube upgrade? If we are talking Charsi imbue, you can only imbue WHITE items. This includes superior, but they will not neccesarily be superior after imbuing (they get random base-modifications). Bloodfist and Gorefoot are both uniques (gold), and therefore not eligible for imbuing. When you imbue, the item level matters (the item level is hidden). The item is the same level as the monster who dropped it. That means, that the higher level the monster who dropped it, the more stats is available on that item. It is important to note that an item doesn't neccesarily use all it's stat potential. This means that the same item dropped in a1 and a2 can has the possibility of some very different outcomes. After the imbue, the item can be as good as if the monster itself had dropped a rare (yellow) item. Imbued weapons will always turn out as rare items. To answer your question, you should just progress like you are now, fighting the hardest monsters you can. When a potential good white item appears, try to imbue that. Class specifiq items has a better chance to give +skills to your class. Circlets has the higest bonuses regarding yellow items. And you can get an extra base stat advantage by using exceoptional (nightmare) items, which will drop in a4-5 from time to time. You can check out monster levels, and item qualities (normal, exceptional, elite) on arreat summit ofc. :) EDIT (forgot infoz): In cases of imbue-eligible items with base bonuses (maces, wands, staffs and class specifique items, and any other item with +skills etc.) will loose their current bonuses due to the base item reroll. They can get extra skills from the base item AND the rarity class. Say, if you imbue a staff with +1 fireball, it will reroll that base staff. It might turn out with a staff with +1 icebolt and +1 warmth, and then you add the bonuses the rarity would give you, lets say +1 icebolt and +1 fireball. Then your +1 fireball staff will have turned into a +2 icebolt +1 fireball staff. It might as well turn into any other staff allowed by it's item lvl though. As far as I recall, weapon damage and defense values are not rerolled. I am not 100% positive on this though. Haven't played d2 for a looong time :P
Class only items dropped from high-lvl monsters.
All but one of my nails were in the ballpark of 1 1/8" - 1 1/2" long when my ring finger nail broke to the quick on Monday! It was the second break on the same hand in about a month, so I finally had to get compulsive and make all the nails the same length! I probably cut off more than half the length of the free edge. As a side note, I used to be a **serious** nail biter all through my childhood and high school. I have had occasional relapses in my adulthood as well, but the point I'm trying to make is that my nail beds are *really* short, and I think my nails that short show about 1/8" of my fingertips and look so sad! TL;DR: OPI Nail Envy!
All but one of my nails were in the ballpark of 1 1/8" - 1 1/2" long when my ring finger nail broke to the quick on Monday! It was the second break on the same hand in about a month, so I finally had to get compulsive and make all the nails the same length! I probably cut off more than half the length of the free edge. As a side note, I used to be a serious nail biter all through my childhood and high school. I have had occasional relapses in my adulthood as well, but the point I'm trying to make is that my nail beds are really short, and I think my nails that short show about 1/8" of my fingertips and look so sad! TL;DR: OPI Nail Envy!
All but one of my nails were in the ballpark of 1 1/8" - 1 1/2" long when my ring finger nail broke to the quick on Monday! It was the second break on the same hand in about a month, so I finally had to get compulsive and make all the nails the same length! I probably cut off more than half the length of the free edge. As a side note, I used to be a serious nail biter all through my childhood and high school. I have had occasional relapses in my adulthood as well, but the point I'm trying to make is that my nail beds are really short, and I think my nails that short show about 1/8" of my fingertips and look so sad!
OPI Nail Envy!
I could give a shit about turn by turn directions because I never drive and the new maps doesn't have ANY public transportation directions which is just complete bullshit -- especially for a company that is supposedly "green" conscious. I know Apple and others have said that you can just get a 3rd party app, but to be honest I haven't found one for NYC Metro area that is as fast and complete as iOS5 Maps. It has integrated bus routes/schedules and train schedules and as someone else pointed out in another thread about this subject, you will need another 3rd party app if you go to a city other than your own, instead of easily being able to get directions as you travel. I would also argue that since NYC of all places has a pretty shitty selection of 3rd party options, that the available options in other smaller major cities would be significantly shittier. **TL;DR** - I don't drive like *most* people in major cities, and need public transit directions integrated in iOS6 Maps.
I could give a shit about turn by turn directions because I never drive and the new maps doesn't have ANY public transportation directions which is just complete bullshit -- especially for a company that is supposedly "green" conscious. I know Apple and others have said that you can just get a 3rd party app, but to be honest I haven't found one for NYC Metro area that is as fast and complete as iOS5 Maps. It has integrated bus routes/schedules and train schedules and as someone else pointed out in another thread about this subject, you will need another 3rd party app if you go to a city other than your own, instead of easily being able to get directions as you travel. I would also argue that since NYC of all places has a pretty shitty selection of 3rd party options, that the available options in other smaller major cities would be significantly shittier. TL;DR - I don't drive like most people in major cities, and need public transit directions integrated in iOS6 Maps.
I could give a shit about turn by turn directions because I never drive and the new maps doesn't have ANY public transportation directions which is just complete bullshit -- especially for a company that is supposedly "green" conscious. I know Apple and others have said that you can just get a 3rd party app, but to be honest I haven't found one for NYC Metro area that is as fast and complete as iOS5 Maps. It has integrated bus routes/schedules and train schedules and as someone else pointed out in another thread about this subject, you will need another 3rd party app if you go to a city other than your own, instead of easily being able to get directions as you travel. I would also argue that since NYC of all places has a pretty shitty selection of 3rd party options, that the available options in other smaller major cities would be significantly shittier.
I don't drive like most people in major cities, and need public transit directions integrated in iOS6 Maps.
So you're saying "try it, I might not mind losing access to directions that follow my only available mode of transportation (public)"? This isn't a it might be ok but some people don't like it issue like Siri not listening to you *well*. This is removing an entire function that I use all the time. It's not worth it and I won't be upgrading. Especially since they still haven't provided a feature that lets you roll anything back to a previous version (which just boggles my mind). If have to roll everything back using a backup of it turned out that, yes, I really can't find my way through the maze of subways, busses, and trains that make up the greater NY area with a combination of 3D flyovers, luck, and *magic*. Tl;dr you don't seem to understand what's going on here.
So you're saying "try it, I might not mind losing access to directions that follow my only available mode of transportation (public)"? This isn't a it might be ok but some people don't like it issue like Siri not listening to you well . This is removing an entire function that I use all the time. It's not worth it and I won't be upgrading. Especially since they still haven't provided a feature that lets you roll anything back to a previous version (which just boggles my mind). If have to roll everything back using a backup of it turned out that, yes, I really can't find my way through the maze of subways, busses, and trains that make up the greater NY area with a combination of 3D flyovers, luck, and magic . Tl;dr you don't seem to understand what's going on here.
So you're saying "try it, I might not mind losing access to directions that follow my only available mode of transportation (public)"? This isn't a it might be ok but some people don't like it issue like Siri not listening to you well . This is removing an entire function that I use all the time. It's not worth it and I won't be upgrading. Especially since they still haven't provided a feature that lets you roll anything back to a previous version (which just boggles my mind). If have to roll everything back using a backup of it turned out that, yes, I really can't find my way through the maze of subways, busses, and trains that make up the greater NY area with a combination of 3D flyovers, luck, and magic .
you don't seem to understand what's going on here.
I love this idea and most definitely want to help. I have a few concerns though. My primary concern is that of financing. Making movies isn't free as we all know. It's fine to work on one or two volunteer projects for fun and to build interest and community but somewhere down the line it must be made sustainable. Otherwise the turnover rate of artists skyrockets. My secondary concern is keeping this as open, transparent, and democratic as possible. Reddit's strength is in the hive, for better or worse, and I'd hate to relegate decisions to a few of us who happen to live in LA. From the get-go this needs to be a global initiative. So yeah, getting out of that SoCal bubble is key. TL;DR - How we make money? How we involve everyone, yo?
I love this idea and most definitely want to help. I have a few concerns though. My primary concern is that of financing. Making movies isn't free as we all know. It's fine to work on one or two volunteer projects for fun and to build interest and community but somewhere down the line it must be made sustainable. Otherwise the turnover rate of artists skyrockets. My secondary concern is keeping this as open, transparent, and democratic as possible. Reddit's strength is in the hive, for better or worse, and I'd hate to relegate decisions to a few of us who happen to live in LA. From the get-go this needs to be a global initiative. So yeah, getting out of that SoCal bubble is key. TL;DR - How we make money? How we involve everyone, yo?
I love this idea and most definitely want to help. I have a few concerns though. My primary concern is that of financing. Making movies isn't free as we all know. It's fine to work on one or two volunteer projects for fun and to build interest and community but somewhere down the line it must be made sustainable. Otherwise the turnover rate of artists skyrockets. My secondary concern is keeping this as open, transparent, and democratic as possible. Reddit's strength is in the hive, for better or worse, and I'd hate to relegate decisions to a few of us who happen to live in LA. From the get-go this needs to be a global initiative. So yeah, getting out of that SoCal bubble is key.
How we make money? How we involve everyone, yo?
Theres an entire small town under the lake by my house. I'll try and get up there soon to take pictures. the lake should be pretty empty right now. Usually is at the end of summer and before rainy season. It's actually pretty close to Shaver lake. Lake Kaweah in CA. I don't remember the story well but they either made the lake or made it bigger and the town had to be moved. didnt take down the buildings and once in a while you can see them sticking up a bit out of the water. I think the area use to just be a river. a decent part of the Central Valley use to be a lake because of all of the rivers flowing in. Shaver might be from this too. blocking off the rivers to dry up the valley. Not sure though. this is what it use to be. Tulare Lake. Biggest lake on the west side of the Mississippi river. Now the valley is dried up but has some of the best soil for crops in the world. TL;DR: I'll try and get some similar shots from lake Kaweah next time I'm up there because there is an entire small town under the lake.
Theres an entire small town under the lake by my house. I'll try and get up there soon to take pictures. the lake should be pretty empty right now. Usually is at the end of summer and before rainy season. It's actually pretty close to Shaver lake. Lake Kaweah in CA. I don't remember the story well but they either made the lake or made it bigger and the town had to be moved. didnt take down the buildings and once in a while you can see them sticking up a bit out of the water. I think the area use to just be a river. a decent part of the Central Valley use to be a lake because of all of the rivers flowing in. Shaver might be from this too. blocking off the rivers to dry up the valley. Not sure though. this is what it use to be. Tulare Lake. Biggest lake on the west side of the Mississippi river. Now the valley is dried up but has some of the best soil for crops in the world. TL;DR: I'll try and get some similar shots from lake Kaweah next time I'm up there because there is an entire small town under the lake.
Theres an entire small town under the lake by my house. I'll try and get up there soon to take pictures. the lake should be pretty empty right now. Usually is at the end of summer and before rainy season. It's actually pretty close to Shaver lake. Lake Kaweah in CA. I don't remember the story well but they either made the lake or made it bigger and the town had to be moved. didnt take down the buildings and once in a while you can see them sticking up a bit out of the water. I think the area use to just be a river. a decent part of the Central Valley use to be a lake because of all of the rivers flowing in. Shaver might be from this too. blocking off the rivers to dry up the valley. Not sure though. this is what it use to be. Tulare Lake. Biggest lake on the west side of the Mississippi river. Now the valley is dried up but has some of the best soil for crops in the world.
I'll try and get some similar shots from lake Kaweah next time I'm up there because there is an entire small town under the lake.
dont fuck with red timber wolves
If the number of sides of any circle => 4, then yes. tldr no
If the number of sides of any circle => 4, then yes. tldr no
If the number of sides of any circle => 4, then yes.
Yeah, but most folks think avoiding gluten will cause them to become thin. Thats why I call it a fad. A woman I know once fell asleep after eating a large cheeseburger. She believed her sleep was caused by the gluten in the bun, and now she goes around telling people shes borderlime celiacs. Funny thing is I have seen her unknowingly eat foods PACKED with gluten since the whole cheeseburger incident without any trouble. Tldr: stupid stuff.
Yeah, but most folks think avoiding gluten will cause them to become thin. Thats why I call it a fad. A woman I know once fell asleep after eating a large cheeseburger. She believed her sleep was caused by the gluten in the bun, and now she goes around telling people shes borderlime celiacs. Funny thing is I have seen her unknowingly eat foods PACKED with gluten since the whole cheeseburger incident without any trouble. Tldr: stupid stuff.
Yeah, but most folks think avoiding gluten will cause them to become thin. Thats why I call it a fad. A woman I know once fell asleep after eating a large cheeseburger. She believed her sleep was caused by the gluten in the bun, and now she goes around telling people shes borderlime celiacs. Funny thing is I have seen her unknowingly eat foods PACKED with gluten since the whole cheeseburger incident without any trouble.
stupid stuff.
As an entrepreneur/freelancer (especially a successful one) a good CPA can really really help you out. They can find lots of deductions and credits that you're eligible for AS WELL AS keeping you out of trouble with the IRS. The last thing you want is to find out 2 years from now that someone on reddit told you something and you listened, didn't pay something until later, and end up with an audit and a lot of penalties. TL;DR - get a good CPA - they aren't that expensive but are 100% worth it
As an entrepreneur/freelancer (especially a successful one) a good CPA can really really help you out. They can find lots of deductions and credits that you're eligible for AS WELL AS keeping you out of trouble with the IRS. The last thing you want is to find out 2 years from now that someone on reddit told you something and you listened, didn't pay something until later, and end up with an audit and a lot of penalties. TL;DR - get a good CPA - they aren't that expensive but are 100% worth it
As an entrepreneur/freelancer (especially a successful one) a good CPA can really really help you out. They can find lots of deductions and credits that you're eligible for AS WELL AS keeping you out of trouble with the IRS. The last thing you want is to find out 2 years from now that someone on reddit told you something and you listened, didn't pay something until later, and end up with an audit and a lot of penalties.
get a good CPA - they aren't that expensive but are 100% worth it
i guess the way I tell it is off. Here is some back story- the dog was left outside with no shelter or food for most of the day to "train it to be a coon hound". (I lived by really country folks). When I came upon it that night, it had been bit by a unidentifiable snake and was beat for it, then was fed table scraps ( a half of a baked potato was put in his bowl). I was walking into the sliding door and said "Hey Pup!" and patted him on the head. At that point I was bitten and grabbed, as you know those jaws are bred for, I am sure. The only family member he would listen to was the youngest child and he was not there. I had 3 grown men remove the dog and say," I am so sorry- we keep him hungry so he will hunt better, and keep him outdoors so he will be acclimated to all weather. I did not blame the dog. That was his life; how he was brought up. I blamed the father of my friend who owned him who disregarded the dog as a pet and trained him in a small backyard with children to fight, hunt, starve and get rained on, etc. The poor dog had to be quarantined for a few days because of the supposed snake bite encounter, and I got threats from the owner saying I roughed up his dog and got him going, which i most certainly did not. I lost 2 friends that night (they were also sons of the dog owner), had ER bills and a permanent scar. But no, I know that was the way that poor guy was raised. I have known to many nana pits and papa pits that I know for a fact that it was due to neglect and ego that the dog acted that way. TLDR: Dog neglected for sport, stranger danger ensues.
i guess the way I tell it is off. Here is some back story- the dog was left outside with no shelter or food for most of the day to "train it to be a coon hound". (I lived by really country folks). When I came upon it that night, it had been bit by a unidentifiable snake and was beat for it, then was fed table scraps ( a half of a baked potato was put in his bowl). I was walking into the sliding door and said "Hey Pup!" and patted him on the head. At that point I was bitten and grabbed, as you know those jaws are bred for, I am sure. The only family member he would listen to was the youngest child and he was not there. I had 3 grown men remove the dog and say," I am so sorry- we keep him hungry so he will hunt better, and keep him outdoors so he will be acclimated to all weather. I did not blame the dog. That was his life; how he was brought up. I blamed the father of my friend who owned him who disregarded the dog as a pet and trained him in a small backyard with children to fight, hunt, starve and get rained on, etc. The poor dog had to be quarantined for a few days because of the supposed snake bite encounter, and I got threats from the owner saying I roughed up his dog and got him going, which i most certainly did not. I lost 2 friends that night (they were also sons of the dog owner), had ER bills and a permanent scar. But no, I know that was the way that poor guy was raised. I have known to many nana pits and papa pits that I know for a fact that it was due to neglect and ego that the dog acted that way. TLDR: Dog neglected for sport, stranger danger ensues.
i guess the way I tell it is off. Here is some back story- the dog was left outside with no shelter or food for most of the day to "train it to be a coon hound". (I lived by really country folks). When I came upon it that night, it had been bit by a unidentifiable snake and was beat for it, then was fed table scraps ( a half of a baked potato was put in his bowl). I was walking into the sliding door and said "Hey Pup!" and patted him on the head. At that point I was bitten and grabbed, as you know those jaws are bred for, I am sure. The only family member he would listen to was the youngest child and he was not there. I had 3 grown men remove the dog and say," I am so sorry- we keep him hungry so he will hunt better, and keep him outdoors so he will be acclimated to all weather. I did not blame the dog. That was his life; how he was brought up. I blamed the father of my friend who owned him who disregarded the dog as a pet and trained him in a small backyard with children to fight, hunt, starve and get rained on, etc. The poor dog had to be quarantined for a few days because of the supposed snake bite encounter, and I got threats from the owner saying I roughed up his dog and got him going, which i most certainly did not. I lost 2 friends that night (they were also sons of the dog owner), had ER bills and a permanent scar. But no, I know that was the way that poor guy was raised. I have known to many nana pits and papa pits that I know for a fact that it was due to neglect and ego that the dog acted that way.
Dog neglected for sport, stranger danger ensues.
Didn't they lose 6 games in a row? Just because you're close for some of the games doesn't mean that you're not a lot weaker than that team. I **love** Arkansas razorbacks football. 2 years (i think) we lost to Alabama and LSU by a field goal that we missed from less than 40 yards. This year we lost to Alabam 52-0. Our team isnt' young and we we're ranked 8. Our quarterback did get injured against UL monroe, but that doesn't make up 49 points. TL;DR just because you're close "at times" doesn't mean you didn't get stomped in a best of 5 that you lost 6 games in.
Didn't they lose 6 games in a row? Just because you're close for some of the games doesn't mean that you're not a lot weaker than that team. I love Arkansas razorbacks football. 2 years (i think) we lost to Alabama and LSU by a field goal that we missed from less than 40 yards. This year we lost to Alabam 52-0. Our team isnt' young and we we're ranked 8. Our quarterback did get injured against UL monroe, but that doesn't make up 49 points. TL;DR just because you're close "at times" doesn't mean you didn't get stomped in a best of 5 that you lost 6 games in.
Didn't they lose 6 games in a row? Just because you're close for some of the games doesn't mean that you're not a lot weaker than that team. I love Arkansas razorbacks football. 2 years (i think) we lost to Alabama and LSU by a field goal that we missed from less than 40 yards. This year we lost to Alabam 52-0. Our team isnt' young and we we're ranked 8. Our quarterback did get injured against UL monroe, but that doesn't make up 49 points.
just because you're close "at times" doesn't mean you didn't get stomped in a best of 5 that you lost 6 games in.
You probably won't come off as an ass if you just say whats on your mind to the girl you like. If the other girl gets offended that you like the other chick, well its not really anyones fault but her own. OR: talk about planning to go out or something with both of them and exchange numbers with all involved and then text the girl you want to later. a little underhanded but it may avoid any confrontation. tl:dr just get both of their numbers, text the one you like
You probably won't come off as an ass if you just say whats on your mind to the girl you like. If the other girl gets offended that you like the other chick, well its not really anyones fault but her own. OR: talk about planning to go out or something with both of them and exchange numbers with all involved and then text the girl you want to later. a little underhanded but it may avoid any confrontation. tl:dr just get both of their numbers, text the one you like
You probably won't come off as an ass if you just say whats on your mind to the girl you like. If the other girl gets offended that you like the other chick, well its not really anyones fault but her own. OR: talk about planning to go out or something with both of them and exchange numbers with all involved and then text the girl you want to later. a little underhanded but it may avoid any confrontation.
just get both of their numbers, text the one you like
To simply say that The Massive Monkees were better dancers is a bit of an overstatement. Hitting the moves on the beat is the basics of not only breakdancing, but all dancing. You can't say that what Jinjo Crew did was nothing but a bunch of stunts while claiming that The Massive Monkees did was the are of dance. The Massive Monkees didn't just beat some group of guys that were good at stunts, they beat THE Jinjo Crew. If you knew anything about the B-boy scene, you would know who they are. Both crews put on an amazing performance, which we should be thankful for seeing. To say otherwise would be an insult to the blood and sweat poured into this performance by both crews. If you want to look at how the judges scored, Jinjo Crew beat the Massive Monkees on execution and lost on foundation and originality. Individually, I would have to say that Jinjo Crew had better dancers. Their moves were quicker, cleaner, and, on average, more complicated. However, The Massive Monkees did an amazing job showing off their flow of creativity and their teamwork. That is why the judges gave them the win. It gets easy for things to get biased when we put thing in terms of "USA vs Korea" or Country X vs Country Y. When our team loses, it's because of biased judging and the other team cheated. Look at how the US media started attacking the Chinese during the Olympics for the "abusive" training the athletes went through when China started presenting itself as a threat to US dominance at the Olympics. But note how the dancers are as soon as the battle is done, before the results are announced. They're excited for each other and freaking hugging each other and shit. We have to remember, or at least try to remember, that's what this is about. Bringing the world together by sharing in what we love to do. **TL;DR Oppan Gangnam Style**
To simply say that The Massive Monkees were better dancers is a bit of an overstatement. Hitting the moves on the beat is the basics of not only breakdancing, but all dancing. You can't say that what Jinjo Crew did was nothing but a bunch of stunts while claiming that The Massive Monkees did was the are of dance. The Massive Monkees didn't just beat some group of guys that were good at stunts, they beat THE Jinjo Crew. If you knew anything about the B-boy scene, you would know who they are. Both crews put on an amazing performance, which we should be thankful for seeing. To say otherwise would be an insult to the blood and sweat poured into this performance by both crews. If you want to look at how the judges scored, Jinjo Crew beat the Massive Monkees on execution and lost on foundation and originality. Individually, I would have to say that Jinjo Crew had better dancers. Their moves were quicker, cleaner, and, on average, more complicated. However, The Massive Monkees did an amazing job showing off their flow of creativity and their teamwork. That is why the judges gave them the win. It gets easy for things to get biased when we put thing in terms of "USA vs Korea" or Country X vs Country Y. When our team loses, it's because of biased judging and the other team cheated. Look at how the US media started attacking the Chinese during the Olympics for the "abusive" training the athletes went through when China started presenting itself as a threat to US dominance at the Olympics. But note how the dancers are as soon as the battle is done, before the results are announced. They're excited for each other and freaking hugging each other and shit. We have to remember, or at least try to remember, that's what this is about. Bringing the world together by sharing in what we love to do. TL;DR Oppan Gangnam Style
To simply say that The Massive Monkees were better dancers is a bit of an overstatement. Hitting the moves on the beat is the basics of not only breakdancing, but all dancing. You can't say that what Jinjo Crew did was nothing but a bunch of stunts while claiming that The Massive Monkees did was the are of dance. The Massive Monkees didn't just beat some group of guys that were good at stunts, they beat THE Jinjo Crew. If you knew anything about the B-boy scene, you would know who they are. Both crews put on an amazing performance, which we should be thankful for seeing. To say otherwise would be an insult to the blood and sweat poured into this performance by both crews. If you want to look at how the judges scored, Jinjo Crew beat the Massive Monkees on execution and lost on foundation and originality. Individually, I would have to say that Jinjo Crew had better dancers. Their moves were quicker, cleaner, and, on average, more complicated. However, The Massive Monkees did an amazing job showing off their flow of creativity and their teamwork. That is why the judges gave them the win. It gets easy for things to get biased when we put thing in terms of "USA vs Korea" or Country X vs Country Y. When our team loses, it's because of biased judging and the other team cheated. Look at how the US media started attacking the Chinese during the Olympics for the "abusive" training the athletes went through when China started presenting itself as a threat to US dominance at the Olympics. But note how the dancers are as soon as the battle is done, before the results are announced. They're excited for each other and freaking hugging each other and shit. We have to remember, or at least try to remember, that's what this is about. Bringing the world together by sharing in what we love to do.
Oppan Gangnam Style
This picture doesn't follow too well, as defining characteristics of major characters are left out in both sections. tl;dr It's a half-assed fan-art that literally put effort into one-half of the picture.
This picture doesn't follow too well, as defining characteristics of major characters are left out in both sections. tl;dr It's a half-assed fan-art that literally put effort into one-half of the picture.
This picture doesn't follow too well, as defining characteristics of major characters are left out in both sections.
It's a half-assed fan-art that literally put effort into one-half of the picture.
And that is, hands down, the coolest aspect of the game. It rewards creativity, careful planning, and experimenting with unconventional ideas. There is no optimum build or gear allocation. You can do things that the designers never even dreamed of and come up with a very effective build that might be unlike anything that anyone else does. TLDR; Play balance is for wimps. Welcome to the deep end of the pool.
And that is, hands down, the coolest aspect of the game. It rewards creativity, careful planning, and experimenting with unconventional ideas. There is no optimum build or gear allocation. You can do things that the designers never even dreamed of and come up with a very effective build that might be unlike anything that anyone else does. TLDR; Play balance is for wimps. Welcome to the deep end of the pool.
And that is, hands down, the coolest aspect of the game. It rewards creativity, careful planning, and experimenting with unconventional ideas. There is no optimum build or gear allocation. You can do things that the designers never even dreamed of and come up with a very effective build that might be unlike anything that anyone else does.
Play balance is for wimps. Welcome to the deep end of the pool.
I want to say this was about two weeks ago, could be less, but I haven't been sleeping very much lately and the days are starting to blur together. My dream started off quite normal, going to familiar places and seeing people I knew. However, I then went through a door and ended up on the middle of the interstate outside my current hometown, traffic not even bothering to attempt to avoid me. It felt like Frogger. Anyway, I came to the conclusion that I should just walk home to my old house which is about 180 miles from where I live now. The entire way back, I began making up stories to keep myself entertained and somehow came upon the idea of creating a new background for my last name, coming up with traits and their stories for each letter in my last name. Somehow I ended up in my childhood neighborhood in North Carolina, but my house in Florida had replaced the house there. Every light in the neighborhood was off. No streetlamps, no porch lights, the stars and moon were gone as well. Completely dark, and the fatigue was beginning to wear me down. I finally made it to my house and walked in the front door. I expected to hear my dogs barking due to the noise I made, but there was nothing. I walk through the hallway, turn my head to the right and see my parents' bedroom door is closed. I figure they're asleep, so I turn around. As soon as I was facing the opposite direction, I see my sister in a chair, dead, eyes open but lifeless, and fucking Slender Man behind her, and even with his featureless face, I could sense every bit fear-inducing aura built up within him as if he'd done this same thing to thousands of people in their nightmares since the dawn of man. I yelled out her name in the dream, waking myself up with the sound of me actually yelling it in the real world. I shot straight up in my bed, sobbing, yelling out my sister's name as if it were something from a movie. That one nightmare singlehandedly scared me more than anything else in my entire life. TL;DR - Fuck Slender Man.
I want to say this was about two weeks ago, could be less, but I haven't been sleeping very much lately and the days are starting to blur together. My dream started off quite normal, going to familiar places and seeing people I knew. However, I then went through a door and ended up on the middle of the interstate outside my current hometown, traffic not even bothering to attempt to avoid me. It felt like Frogger. Anyway, I came to the conclusion that I should just walk home to my old house which is about 180 miles from where I live now. The entire way back, I began making up stories to keep myself entertained and somehow came upon the idea of creating a new background for my last name, coming up with traits and their stories for each letter in my last name. Somehow I ended up in my childhood neighborhood in North Carolina, but my house in Florida had replaced the house there. Every light in the neighborhood was off. No streetlamps, no porch lights, the stars and moon were gone as well. Completely dark, and the fatigue was beginning to wear me down. I finally made it to my house and walked in the front door. I expected to hear my dogs barking due to the noise I made, but there was nothing. I walk through the hallway, turn my head to the right and see my parents' bedroom door is closed. I figure they're asleep, so I turn around. As soon as I was facing the opposite direction, I see my sister in a chair, dead, eyes open but lifeless, and fucking Slender Man behind her, and even with his featureless face, I could sense every bit fear-inducing aura built up within him as if he'd done this same thing to thousands of people in their nightmares since the dawn of man. I yelled out her name in the dream, waking myself up with the sound of me actually yelling it in the real world. I shot straight up in my bed, sobbing, yelling out my sister's name as if it were something from a movie. That one nightmare singlehandedly scared me more than anything else in my entire life. TL;DR - Fuck Slender Man.
I want to say this was about two weeks ago, could be less, but I haven't been sleeping very much lately and the days are starting to blur together. My dream started off quite normal, going to familiar places and seeing people I knew. However, I then went through a door and ended up on the middle of the interstate outside my current hometown, traffic not even bothering to attempt to avoid me. It felt like Frogger. Anyway, I came to the conclusion that I should just walk home to my old house which is about 180 miles from where I live now. The entire way back, I began making up stories to keep myself entertained and somehow came upon the idea of creating a new background for my last name, coming up with traits and their stories for each letter in my last name. Somehow I ended up in my childhood neighborhood in North Carolina, but my house in Florida had replaced the house there. Every light in the neighborhood was off. No streetlamps, no porch lights, the stars and moon were gone as well. Completely dark, and the fatigue was beginning to wear me down. I finally made it to my house and walked in the front door. I expected to hear my dogs barking due to the noise I made, but there was nothing. I walk through the hallway, turn my head to the right and see my parents' bedroom door is closed. I figure they're asleep, so I turn around. As soon as I was facing the opposite direction, I see my sister in a chair, dead, eyes open but lifeless, and fucking Slender Man behind her, and even with his featureless face, I could sense every bit fear-inducing aura built up within him as if he'd done this same thing to thousands of people in their nightmares since the dawn of man. I yelled out her name in the dream, waking myself up with the sound of me actually yelling it in the real world. I shot straight up in my bed, sobbing, yelling out my sister's name as if it were something from a movie. That one nightmare singlehandedly scared me more than anything else in my entire life.
Fuck Slender Man.
I take a beta blocker for my heart condition that not only makes me have crazy dreams, they can feel more real than reality. 2 dreams come to mind which were fucked up. The last and most recent was basically unzipping the skin on my barely 1 year old daughter to save the universe under the direction of an alien. I knew it was fucked up, but I honestly believed what the alien was saying so to save the universe I butchered my daughter. Now that was pretty bad and all, but the first really bad dream I had on the beta blocker has stuck with me just as much. In it I was at my parents house with all of us dressed in bdsm gear. I then became aware that I was in a dream and thought to myself wtf? a lucid dream? this is awesome. At that point my feet wouldn't move and my parents gradually walked up to me before violently raping me. I couldn't do anything to wake up and it felt as real as anything I have ever done while awake and sober. It felt like the dream lasted hours, I woke up in tears and didn't say much for a few days instead opting to get extremely wasted until I got over it. TL;DR: Butchered daughter to save the universe and was violently raped for house by my parents, both of which felt as real as reality when awake and sober.
I take a beta blocker for my heart condition that not only makes me have crazy dreams, they can feel more real than reality. 2 dreams come to mind which were fucked up. The last and most recent was basically unzipping the skin on my barely 1 year old daughter to save the universe under the direction of an alien. I knew it was fucked up, but I honestly believed what the alien was saying so to save the universe I butchered my daughter. Now that was pretty bad and all, but the first really bad dream I had on the beta blocker has stuck with me just as much. In it I was at my parents house with all of us dressed in bdsm gear. I then became aware that I was in a dream and thought to myself wtf? a lucid dream? this is awesome. At that point my feet wouldn't move and my parents gradually walked up to me before violently raping me. I couldn't do anything to wake up and it felt as real as anything I have ever done while awake and sober. It felt like the dream lasted hours, I woke up in tears and didn't say much for a few days instead opting to get extremely wasted until I got over it. TL;DR: Butchered daughter to save the universe and was violently raped for house by my parents, both of which felt as real as reality when awake and sober.
I take a beta blocker for my heart condition that not only makes me have crazy dreams, they can feel more real than reality. 2 dreams come to mind which were fucked up. The last and most recent was basically unzipping the skin on my barely 1 year old daughter to save the universe under the direction of an alien. I knew it was fucked up, but I honestly believed what the alien was saying so to save the universe I butchered my daughter. Now that was pretty bad and all, but the first really bad dream I had on the beta blocker has stuck with me just as much. In it I was at my parents house with all of us dressed in bdsm gear. I then became aware that I was in a dream and thought to myself wtf? a lucid dream? this is awesome. At that point my feet wouldn't move and my parents gradually walked up to me before violently raping me. I couldn't do anything to wake up and it felt as real as anything I have ever done while awake and sober. It felt like the dream lasted hours, I woke up in tears and didn't say much for a few days instead opting to get extremely wasted until I got over it.
Butchered daughter to save the universe and was violently raped for house by my parents, both of which felt as real as reality when awake and sober.
About two months ago I had a very vivid and detailed dream about Extraterrestrials invading earth. I believe there was also some kind of plane crash involved - perhaps having to do with the ETs disabling all Earth-en electronics? Anyway, in the dream as the spaceships were descending, I felt this overwhelming terror and realization that my life would never be the same, and that I would very likely die soon. Woke up really scared from that one. TL;DR - Aliens, man.
About two months ago I had a very vivid and detailed dream about Extraterrestrials invading earth. I believe there was also some kind of plane crash involved - perhaps having to do with the ETs disabling all Earth-en electronics? Anyway, in the dream as the spaceships were descending, I felt this overwhelming terror and realization that my life would never be the same, and that I would very likely die soon. Woke up really scared from that one. TL;DR - Aliens, man.
About two months ago I had a very vivid and detailed dream about Extraterrestrials invading earth. I believe there was also some kind of plane crash involved - perhaps having to do with the ETs disabling all Earth-en electronics? Anyway, in the dream as the spaceships were descending, I felt this overwhelming terror and realization that my life would never be the same, and that I would very likely die soon. Woke up really scared from that one.
Aliens, man.
While I was under during my spinal surgery a few years back I had the most vivid and terrifying dream of my life. My eyes slowly opened as I tried to shake off the grogginess of sleep. Immediately, I was filled with a sense of dread and discomfort, and my surveillance of my surroundings did little to comfort me. I was naked, laying on a large operating table made entirely of cold stainless steel. The room I found myself in was completely empty, save for my metal platform, with the wall that my feet were towards being made of glass. On the other side of the glass was my mother, talking nervously with some doctors and looking more and more hysterical as they attempted to comfort her. My voice caught in my throat as I tried to call out, and my legs refused to budge as if welded to the steel. At this moment, I noticed the single most excruciating pain I've felt in my life, and collapsed back onto the table. I looked down at my chest, and saw a gaping, gory, bleeding chasm stretching from my collar bone down to my belly button. I could feel my stomach turn, for as I looked closer, the inside of my chest was hollowed, as if I'd been cleaned like some game. With uneasy trepidation, I plunged my right hand down, further and further into my chest, looking desperately for any organs that would remain. For how could I live without them? My hand returned, sheathed in a thick coating of blood, at which point I lost the ability to breathe. A cold wind swept over my body as I curled up, a pool of blood now leaking from the massive hole in my chest that I knew I couldn't fix. I would die here. Cold, alone, sad, and afraid. Though the dream lasted little more than two minutes, I can recall every second with complete and total detail. It was so vivid, that when I came out of anesthesia I kept asking the doctors and my parents about it, convinced the whole ordeal had been real. TL;DR Dreamed I woke up during my operation with my organs gone and a hole in my chest.
While I was under during my spinal surgery a few years back I had the most vivid and terrifying dream of my life. My eyes slowly opened as I tried to shake off the grogginess of sleep. Immediately, I was filled with a sense of dread and discomfort, and my surveillance of my surroundings did little to comfort me. I was naked, laying on a large operating table made entirely of cold stainless steel. The room I found myself in was completely empty, save for my metal platform, with the wall that my feet were towards being made of glass. On the other side of the glass was my mother, talking nervously with some doctors and looking more and more hysterical as they attempted to comfort her. My voice caught in my throat as I tried to call out, and my legs refused to budge as if welded to the steel. At this moment, I noticed the single most excruciating pain I've felt in my life, and collapsed back onto the table. I looked down at my chest, and saw a gaping, gory, bleeding chasm stretching from my collar bone down to my belly button. I could feel my stomach turn, for as I looked closer, the inside of my chest was hollowed, as if I'd been cleaned like some game. With uneasy trepidation, I plunged my right hand down, further and further into my chest, looking desperately for any organs that would remain. For how could I live without them? My hand returned, sheathed in a thick coating of blood, at which point I lost the ability to breathe. A cold wind swept over my body as I curled up, a pool of blood now leaking from the massive hole in my chest that I knew I couldn't fix. I would die here. Cold, alone, sad, and afraid. Though the dream lasted little more than two minutes, I can recall every second with complete and total detail. It was so vivid, that when I came out of anesthesia I kept asking the doctors and my parents about it, convinced the whole ordeal had been real. TL;DR Dreamed I woke up during my operation with my organs gone and a hole in my chest.
While I was under during my spinal surgery a few years back I had the most vivid and terrifying dream of my life. My eyes slowly opened as I tried to shake off the grogginess of sleep. Immediately, I was filled with a sense of dread and discomfort, and my surveillance of my surroundings did little to comfort me. I was naked, laying on a large operating table made entirely of cold stainless steel. The room I found myself in was completely empty, save for my metal platform, with the wall that my feet were towards being made of glass. On the other side of the glass was my mother, talking nervously with some doctors and looking more and more hysterical as they attempted to comfort her. My voice caught in my throat as I tried to call out, and my legs refused to budge as if welded to the steel. At this moment, I noticed the single most excruciating pain I've felt in my life, and collapsed back onto the table. I looked down at my chest, and saw a gaping, gory, bleeding chasm stretching from my collar bone down to my belly button. I could feel my stomach turn, for as I looked closer, the inside of my chest was hollowed, as if I'd been cleaned like some game. With uneasy trepidation, I plunged my right hand down, further and further into my chest, looking desperately for any organs that would remain. For how could I live without them? My hand returned, sheathed in a thick coating of blood, at which point I lost the ability to breathe. A cold wind swept over my body as I curled up, a pool of blood now leaking from the massive hole in my chest that I knew I couldn't fix. I would die here. Cold, alone, sad, and afraid. Though the dream lasted little more than two minutes, I can recall every second with complete and total detail. It was so vivid, that when I came out of anesthesia I kept asking the doctors and my parents about it, convinced the whole ordeal had been real.
Dreamed I woke up during my operation with my organs gone and a hole in my chest.
Long one, I was in Walmart, being chased by a man whom I knew was going to rape me/cause me serious bodily harm. Said Walmart became a maze and was increasingly hard to navigate, then I come upon my ex boyfriend in the yarn section (which I'm not sure exists in Walmart stores) and he refused to help me. He said, "You deserve what is happening to you". So I'm running out of breath, feeling terrified, knowing I'm going to be caught when I see the door and run outside. It's raining, and very dark out. Two of my professors are out in the parking lot, one is crying and staring off into the distance. I follow her gaze to see this terrible scene: A bridge over a gaping ravine has collapsed and cars are still driving off the edge and crashing into the river beneath. People are dying right before my eyes, screaming, crying. My ears are filled with a terrible screeching sound louder than any other sobbing and I'm suddenly underneath the bridge looking up. I turn around and there's a little girl laying on the river-bank, she's making the screeching sound. I can see blood everywhere but begin to panic when I can't find why she's making this horrifying noise. I place my hands beneath her head and lift her face towards mine. Her eyes are all white and completely void of life. Her mouth grows wider as she screeches and her jaw begins to unhinge. Her teeth grow into long silver spikes that pierce her lips as they grow, finally her head tears in half completely. Once everything was silent and this 'girl' lay dead on the ground, I grew calm with the thought that it wasn't me that had to suffer. Then I woke up. Tl;Dr: series of unrelated fucked up things reveals that I'm a very selfish person.
Long one, I was in Walmart, being chased by a man whom I knew was going to rape me/cause me serious bodily harm. Said Walmart became a maze and was increasingly hard to navigate, then I come upon my ex boyfriend in the yarn section (which I'm not sure exists in Walmart stores) and he refused to help me. He said, "You deserve what is happening to you". So I'm running out of breath, feeling terrified, knowing I'm going to be caught when I see the door and run outside. It's raining, and very dark out. Two of my professors are out in the parking lot, one is crying and staring off into the distance. I follow her gaze to see this terrible scene: A bridge over a gaping ravine has collapsed and cars are still driving off the edge and crashing into the river beneath. People are dying right before my eyes, screaming, crying. My ears are filled with a terrible screeching sound louder than any other sobbing and I'm suddenly underneath the bridge looking up. I turn around and there's a little girl laying on the river-bank, she's making the screeching sound. I can see blood everywhere but begin to panic when I can't find why she's making this horrifying noise. I place my hands beneath her head and lift her face towards mine. Her eyes are all white and completely void of life. Her mouth grows wider as she screeches and her jaw begins to unhinge. Her teeth grow into long silver spikes that pierce her lips as they grow, finally her head tears in half completely. Once everything was silent and this 'girl' lay dead on the ground, I grew calm with the thought that it wasn't me that had to suffer. Then I woke up. Tl;Dr: series of unrelated fucked up things reveals that I'm a very selfish person.
Long one, I was in Walmart, being chased by a man whom I knew was going to rape me/cause me serious bodily harm. Said Walmart became a maze and was increasingly hard to navigate, then I come upon my ex boyfriend in the yarn section (which I'm not sure exists in Walmart stores) and he refused to help me. He said, "You deserve what is happening to you". So I'm running out of breath, feeling terrified, knowing I'm going to be caught when I see the door and run outside. It's raining, and very dark out. Two of my professors are out in the parking lot, one is crying and staring off into the distance. I follow her gaze to see this terrible scene: A bridge over a gaping ravine has collapsed and cars are still driving off the edge and crashing into the river beneath. People are dying right before my eyes, screaming, crying. My ears are filled with a terrible screeching sound louder than any other sobbing and I'm suddenly underneath the bridge looking up. I turn around and there's a little girl laying on the river-bank, she's making the screeching sound. I can see blood everywhere but begin to panic when I can't find why she's making this horrifying noise. I place my hands beneath her head and lift her face towards mine. Her eyes are all white and completely void of life. Her mouth grows wider as she screeches and her jaw begins to unhinge. Her teeth grow into long silver spikes that pierce her lips as they grow, finally her head tears in half completely. Once everything was silent and this 'girl' lay dead on the ground, I grew calm with the thought that it wasn't me that had to suffer. Then I woke up.
series of unrelated fucked up things reveals that I'm a very selfish person.
Serial killer kidnapped me and a bunch of other people, made us work in a pretend store, and hunted us down. He cornered the last few of us in this display for a living room, and I was hiding right next to his last victim. I looked up at him when he put the barrel to my head... And then it skipped to me in the hospital. I was being treated for burns on my hands from grabbing the barrel, shallow stab wounds to the lower back/side, and shock. And all the while, I was asking if anyone would let me brush my teeth. He was in the ICU with a crushed windpipe and lacerations near the jugular. **TL;DR:** I had a nightmare about almost killing a serial killer while he tried to kill me.
Serial killer kidnapped me and a bunch of other people, made us work in a pretend store, and hunted us down. He cornered the last few of us in this display for a living room, and I was hiding right next to his last victim. I looked up at him when he put the barrel to my head... And then it skipped to me in the hospital. I was being treated for burns on my hands from grabbing the barrel, shallow stab wounds to the lower back/side, and shock. And all the while, I was asking if anyone would let me brush my teeth. He was in the ICU with a crushed windpipe and lacerations near the jugular. TL;DR: I had a nightmare about almost killing a serial killer while he tried to kill me.
Serial killer kidnapped me and a bunch of other people, made us work in a pretend store, and hunted us down. He cornered the last few of us in this display for a living room, and I was hiding right next to his last victim. I looked up at him when he put the barrel to my head... And then it skipped to me in the hospital. I was being treated for burns on my hands from grabbing the barrel, shallow stab wounds to the lower back/side, and shock. And all the while, I was asking if anyone would let me brush my teeth. He was in the ICU with a crushed windpipe and lacerations near the jugular.
I had a nightmare about almost killing a serial killer while he tried to kill me.
This is back when i still listened to skrillex. Songs almost always play during my dreams, and this was no exception. This was also a very vivid dream, pretty rare for me. Started at a huge rave with some really hardcore ravers. Piercings everywhere, facial tattoos, shaved heads, the whole bit. Weird for me, since I rarely go to parties, much less raves. Intro to First of the Year by Skrillex starts playing. Everyone's dancing, partying, and people are popping pills. Loooots of drugs. Mostly pills though. And then, right as the drop starts, huge floodlights on the ceiling turn on, illuminating the entire building. Walls are bare, unpainted, white. Everyone in the building turns and stares at me. And then, simultaneously, they all scream, "call 911 now!" (the drop) and collapse at the same time. They were dead before they hit the ground. Blood starts coming out of their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. End of dream. Go listen to the song, this'll make a bit more sense. But yeah, that shook me up pretty bad for about a week afterwards. tl;dr don't listen to dubstep right before you go to sleep.
This is back when i still listened to skrillex. Songs almost always play during my dreams, and this was no exception. This was also a very vivid dream, pretty rare for me. Started at a huge rave with some really hardcore ravers. Piercings everywhere, facial tattoos, shaved heads, the whole bit. Weird for me, since I rarely go to parties, much less raves. Intro to First of the Year by Skrillex starts playing. Everyone's dancing, partying, and people are popping pills. Loooots of drugs. Mostly pills though. And then, right as the drop starts, huge floodlights on the ceiling turn on, illuminating the entire building. Walls are bare, unpainted, white. Everyone in the building turns and stares at me. And then, simultaneously, they all scream, "call 911 now!" (the drop) and collapse at the same time. They were dead before they hit the ground. Blood starts coming out of their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. End of dream. Go listen to the song, this'll make a bit more sense. But yeah, that shook me up pretty bad for about a week afterwards. tl;dr don't listen to dubstep right before you go to sleep.
This is back when i still listened to skrillex. Songs almost always play during my dreams, and this was no exception. This was also a very vivid dream, pretty rare for me. Started at a huge rave with some really hardcore ravers. Piercings everywhere, facial tattoos, shaved heads, the whole bit. Weird for me, since I rarely go to parties, much less raves. Intro to First of the Year by Skrillex starts playing. Everyone's dancing, partying, and people are popping pills. Loooots of drugs. Mostly pills though. And then, right as the drop starts, huge floodlights on the ceiling turn on, illuminating the entire building. Walls are bare, unpainted, white. Everyone in the building turns and stares at me. And then, simultaneously, they all scream, "call 911 now!" (the drop) and collapse at the same time. They were dead before they hit the ground. Blood starts coming out of their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. End of dream. Go listen to the song, this'll make a bit more sense. But yeah, that shook me up pretty bad for about a week afterwards.
don't listen to dubstep right before you go to sleep.
I was hanging out with friends when suddenly two suited men grabbed me and told me to follow them. They put me in a car and we drove to a huge house and they put me in a white room with a bed, telling me I had died. They were gonna leave me in the room and lock the door, and I could stay in the room forever without sleeping or eating, but when I went for the bed to sleep, I would die. I cried and tried to kick the door open, and then I sat in a corner, crying and thinking about my life - and after a while, I started to man up and was ready to die, I got into the bed and felt like i startet to float, and then I woke up in my own bed, 100% ready to die. Didnt spoke much that day in school TL;DR: I dreamed about being in a white room where I should die when I went to bed, thought about my life and decided I was ready to die. Woke up in my bed.
I was hanging out with friends when suddenly two suited men grabbed me and told me to follow them. They put me in a car and we drove to a huge house and they put me in a white room with a bed, telling me I had died. They were gonna leave me in the room and lock the door, and I could stay in the room forever without sleeping or eating, but when I went for the bed to sleep, I would die. I cried and tried to kick the door open, and then I sat in a corner, crying and thinking about my life - and after a while, I started to man up and was ready to die, I got into the bed and felt like i startet to float, and then I woke up in my own bed, 100% ready to die. Didnt spoke much that day in school TL;DR: I dreamed about being in a white room where I should die when I went to bed, thought about my life and decided I was ready to die. Woke up in my bed.
I was hanging out with friends when suddenly two suited men grabbed me and told me to follow them. They put me in a car and we drove to a huge house and they put me in a white room with a bed, telling me I had died. They were gonna leave me in the room and lock the door, and I could stay in the room forever without sleeping or eating, but when I went for the bed to sleep, I would die. I cried and tried to kick the door open, and then I sat in a corner, crying and thinking about my life - and after a while, I started to man up and was ready to die, I got into the bed and felt like i startet to float, and then I woke up in my own bed, 100% ready to die. Didnt spoke much that day in school
I dreamed about being in a white room where I should die when I went to bed, thought about my life and decided I was ready to die. Woke up in my bed.
While levi stf may seem like a cheap alternative to raws, they aren't. The fit is bad unless you have cankles and fat calves. Most raws like nudies, apc, or nf are not cut like stf are. Stf are straight leg while raws are tapered/ slim. Tl;dr: Stf dont substitute raw denim. Straight leg is not good looking. Look for slim/ tapered denim.
While levi stf may seem like a cheap alternative to raws, they aren't. The fit is bad unless you have cankles and fat calves. Most raws like nudies, apc, or nf are not cut like stf are. Stf are straight leg while raws are tapered/ slim. Tl;dr: Stf dont substitute raw denim. Straight leg is not good looking. Look for slim/ tapered denim.
While levi stf may seem like a cheap alternative to raws, they aren't. The fit is bad unless you have cankles and fat calves. Most raws like nudies, apc, or nf are not cut like stf are. Stf are straight leg while raws are tapered/ slim.
Stf dont substitute raw denim. Straight leg is not good looking. Look for slim/ tapered denim.
Ive actually had a guy speak to me at a stop light as though we had been racing since the previous light. Example: 'Wow, yer pretty quick. Did you do anything to it...?' and Im like...wha??? I was just driving to Bag-n-Save for some milk during half time. TL;DR: it is possible to be in a race you didnt know you were in.
Ive actually had a guy speak to me at a stop light as though we had been racing since the previous light. Example: 'Wow, yer pretty quick. Did you do anything to it...?' and Im like...wha??? I was just driving to Bag-n-Save for some milk during half time. TL;DR: it is possible to be in a race you didnt know you were in.
Ive actually had a guy speak to me at a stop light as though we had been racing since the previous light. Example: 'Wow, yer pretty quick. Did you do anything to it...?' and Im like...wha??? I was just driving to Bag-n-Save for some milk during half time.
it is possible to be in a race you didnt know you were in.
I've been playing a 2001 MiM strat for five years now, and it's only been great. The stock pickups were just okay, I've since replaced the humbucker with a dimebucker and the neck with a seymour duncan blues something'or'other. I think I had it set up when I bought it, and it has been rock solid: holds its tuning great, no warping or fret buzz in this whole time, no weird burrs or sharps have developed on the tuners or bridge. tl;dr if you like it, get it. The MiM strats are solid.
I've been playing a 2001 MiM strat for five years now, and it's only been great. The stock pickups were just okay, I've since replaced the humbucker with a dimebucker and the neck with a seymour duncan blues something'or'other. I think I had it set up when I bought it, and it has been rock solid: holds its tuning great, no warping or fret buzz in this whole time, no weird burrs or sharps have developed on the tuners or bridge. tl;dr if you like it, get it. The MiM strats are solid.
I've been playing a 2001 MiM strat for five years now, and it's only been great. The stock pickups were just okay, I've since replaced the humbucker with a dimebucker and the neck with a seymour duncan blues something'or'other. I think I had it set up when I bought it, and it has been rock solid: holds its tuning great, no warping or fret buzz in this whole time, no weird burrs or sharps have developed on the tuners or bridge.
if you like it, get it. The MiM strats are solid.
There's no definitive line when it comes to hours or anything. Someone could spend all their time sniping on 2fort, whereas others could spend a quarter of that time doing pugs or lobbies. Generally, it's just how you perform compared to other people in the area you play most. If you're topscoring by a mile every match on a valve server, you'd be considered a relative pro. But just because you're a pro, doesn't mean you stop working at it. Find something you're bad at, make it better, and if you're good at one thing, find a better person to play against. If you're bored of valve, move to one of the server farms, and then keep moving up to some servers with experienced players, like STAR's server. From there, try lobbies, and competitive. **tl;dr: There isn't a definitive skill level, it's all relative to whom you're playing against.**
There's no definitive line when it comes to hours or anything. Someone could spend all their time sniping on 2fort, whereas others could spend a quarter of that time doing pugs or lobbies. Generally, it's just how you perform compared to other people in the area you play most. If you're topscoring by a mile every match on a valve server, you'd be considered a relative pro. But just because you're a pro, doesn't mean you stop working at it. Find something you're bad at, make it better, and if you're good at one thing, find a better person to play against. If you're bored of valve, move to one of the server farms, and then keep moving up to some servers with experienced players, like STAR's server. From there, try lobbies, and competitive. tl;dr: There isn't a definitive skill level, it's all relative to whom you're playing against.
There's no definitive line when it comes to hours or anything. Someone could spend all their time sniping on 2fort, whereas others could spend a quarter of that time doing pugs or lobbies. Generally, it's just how you perform compared to other people in the area you play most. If you're topscoring by a mile every match on a valve server, you'd be considered a relative pro. But just because you're a pro, doesn't mean you stop working at it. Find something you're bad at, make it better, and if you're good at one thing, find a better person to play against. If you're bored of valve, move to one of the server farms, and then keep moving up to some servers with experienced players, like STAR's server. From there, try lobbies, and competitive.
There isn't a definitive skill level, it's all relative to whom you're playing against.
While I don't much support the term noob per se, I think the most useful definition of a player is their ability to understand and work in the team dynamic to push for victory. There are two main lessons a player must learn, and a bunch of secondary ones that stem from that. Lesson 1: Play Well Individually This is mostly the obvious part. If you're playing a sniper, get headshots, deal with counter sniping, and so on. Each class has their own foibles and learning curve. Engineer is probably the best class for the 'rote' aspects of this, as much of their early game strategy basically comes down to building perfectly at an optimal speed, like getting the sentry and dispenser up by the main spawn to cover the courtyard and both forward entries ASAP on round start. Other classes are more implicit, like knowing how to use the maps for scouts, spies, and soldiers. Knowing how to set an effective sticky trap. You may not necessarily be great at a given class, but you migrate out of 'noob' territory in my book when it's clear your play mistakes are incidental rather than systemic. Got killed by a random enemy poking around a corner? Not a noob error. Missed a clutch shot and died in an important firefight? Happens to the best of us. Over-extend into a front line? Probably a noob mistake. Lesson 2: Play Your Team One thing I find really frustrating on many pub servers is that most people never really seem to get the idea of working together as a team. All classes have their strengths and weaknesses, and while you can go far on your own personal skill, the force multiplication of a coordinated effort is so huge that on pubs it is usually more important than skill unless it's entirely lopsided. Obvious things are like picking classes that cover where the team is weak. There's also more subtle stuff, like if you have an engineer building a forward base, help guard the zone for a few seconds if you don't have an immediate priority target to reach. Understanding the dynamics of timing and supporting the moves your allies make is a gigantic step out of noobdom. See an uber? Follow it. Know a spy's getting in position to sap? Try to pull attention. At a higher level of play, you can begin to perform some actions that would normally be somewhat noobish with deeper thought and skill in mind to achieve a bigger goal. For example, you're a scout and can afford to break ahead of your team's push of the fourth point, and the fifth is clear. But the other team is moving as a squad back to the other point. Do you cap or harass? This is a complex question, but there are times when the right answer is to run through their team to try and force a medic kill or at least slow their push enough to get the cap and give the rest of your team spare moments to reload for the fight. tl;dr: A 'noob' is someone who acts without a plan and/or has insufficient skill to credibly execute their plans. You don't have to be amazing to stop being a noob - you just need to be able to present a credible challenge.
While I don't much support the term noob per se, I think the most useful definition of a player is their ability to understand and work in the team dynamic to push for victory. There are two main lessons a player must learn, and a bunch of secondary ones that stem from that. Lesson 1: Play Well Individually This is mostly the obvious part. If you're playing a sniper, get headshots, deal with counter sniping, and so on. Each class has their own foibles and learning curve. Engineer is probably the best class for the 'rote' aspects of this, as much of their early game strategy basically comes down to building perfectly at an optimal speed, like getting the sentry and dispenser up by the main spawn to cover the courtyard and both forward entries ASAP on round start. Other classes are more implicit, like knowing how to use the maps for scouts, spies, and soldiers. Knowing how to set an effective sticky trap. You may not necessarily be great at a given class, but you migrate out of 'noob' territory in my book when it's clear your play mistakes are incidental rather than systemic. Got killed by a random enemy poking around a corner? Not a noob error. Missed a clutch shot and died in an important firefight? Happens to the best of us. Over-extend into a front line? Probably a noob mistake. Lesson 2: Play Your Team One thing I find really frustrating on many pub servers is that most people never really seem to get the idea of working together as a team. All classes have their strengths and weaknesses, and while you can go far on your own personal skill, the force multiplication of a coordinated effort is so huge that on pubs it is usually more important than skill unless it's entirely lopsided. Obvious things are like picking classes that cover where the team is weak. There's also more subtle stuff, like if you have an engineer building a forward base, help guard the zone for a few seconds if you don't have an immediate priority target to reach. Understanding the dynamics of timing and supporting the moves your allies make is a gigantic step out of noobdom. See an uber? Follow it. Know a spy's getting in position to sap? Try to pull attention. At a higher level of play, you can begin to perform some actions that would normally be somewhat noobish with deeper thought and skill in mind to achieve a bigger goal. For example, you're a scout and can afford to break ahead of your team's push of the fourth point, and the fifth is clear. But the other team is moving as a squad back to the other point. Do you cap or harass? This is a complex question, but there are times when the right answer is to run through their team to try and force a medic kill or at least slow their push enough to get the cap and give the rest of your team spare moments to reload for the fight. tl;dr: A 'noob' is someone who acts without a plan and/or has insufficient skill to credibly execute their plans. You don't have to be amazing to stop being a noob - you just need to be able to present a credible challenge.
While I don't much support the term noob per se, I think the most useful definition of a player is their ability to understand and work in the team dynamic to push for victory. There are two main lessons a player must learn, and a bunch of secondary ones that stem from that. Lesson 1: Play Well Individually This is mostly the obvious part. If you're playing a sniper, get headshots, deal with counter sniping, and so on. Each class has their own foibles and learning curve. Engineer is probably the best class for the 'rote' aspects of this, as much of their early game strategy basically comes down to building perfectly at an optimal speed, like getting the sentry and dispenser up by the main spawn to cover the courtyard and both forward entries ASAP on round start. Other classes are more implicit, like knowing how to use the maps for scouts, spies, and soldiers. Knowing how to set an effective sticky trap. You may not necessarily be great at a given class, but you migrate out of 'noob' territory in my book when it's clear your play mistakes are incidental rather than systemic. Got killed by a random enemy poking around a corner? Not a noob error. Missed a clutch shot and died in an important firefight? Happens to the best of us. Over-extend into a front line? Probably a noob mistake. Lesson 2: Play Your Team One thing I find really frustrating on many pub servers is that most people never really seem to get the idea of working together as a team. All classes have their strengths and weaknesses, and while you can go far on your own personal skill, the force multiplication of a coordinated effort is so huge that on pubs it is usually more important than skill unless it's entirely lopsided. Obvious things are like picking classes that cover where the team is weak. There's also more subtle stuff, like if you have an engineer building a forward base, help guard the zone for a few seconds if you don't have an immediate priority target to reach. Understanding the dynamics of timing and supporting the moves your allies make is a gigantic step out of noobdom. See an uber? Follow it. Know a spy's getting in position to sap? Try to pull attention. At a higher level of play, you can begin to perform some actions that would normally be somewhat noobish with deeper thought and skill in mind to achieve a bigger goal. For example, you're a scout and can afford to break ahead of your team's push of the fourth point, and the fifth is clear. But the other team is moving as a squad back to the other point. Do you cap or harass? This is a complex question, but there are times when the right answer is to run through their team to try and force a medic kill or at least slow their push enough to get the cap and give the rest of your team spare moments to reload for the fight.
A 'noob' is someone who acts without a plan and/or has insufficient skill to credibly execute their plans. You don't have to be amazing to stop being a noob - you just need to be able to present a credible challenge.
Analysts are actually surprisingly correct on their estimates on most things for the business world, like a company's projected earnings for the quarter. For this, the problem is the only sales that counted towards the weekend were fulfilled sales (sales don't go on book until the item has changed hands, so an estimated million or two pre-orders are not counted towards this weekends sales because they ran out of product). Additionally, because Apple ran out of stock so fast, the product was not available for showcase and for immediate purchase in Apple store, which they expected limited the amount sold. The figure could have easily been 6-10million phones sold opening weekend had Apple had adequate stock. The analysts expected Apple to, but unfortunately Apple did not come through, otherwise this weekend could have been a huge stock boost which I would have loved to see. TL;DR - Analysts usually do quite well, but Apple not having enough iPhones in stock for opening weekend hurt their sales and thus caused them to come in under expectations. Edit: forgot '
Analysts are actually surprisingly correct on their estimates on most things for the business world, like a company's projected earnings for the quarter. For this, the problem is the only sales that counted towards the weekend were fulfilled sales (sales don't go on book until the item has changed hands, so an estimated million or two pre-orders are not counted towards this weekends sales because they ran out of product). Additionally, because Apple ran out of stock so fast, the product was not available for showcase and for immediate purchase in Apple store, which they expected limited the amount sold. The figure could have easily been 6-10million phones sold opening weekend had Apple had adequate stock. The analysts expected Apple to, but unfortunately Apple did not come through, otherwise this weekend could have been a huge stock boost which I would have loved to see. TL;DR - Analysts usually do quite well, but Apple not having enough iPhones in stock for opening weekend hurt their sales and thus caused them to come in under expectations. Edit: forgot '
Analysts are actually surprisingly correct on their estimates on most things for the business world, like a company's projected earnings for the quarter. For this, the problem is the only sales that counted towards the weekend were fulfilled sales (sales don't go on book until the item has changed hands, so an estimated million or two pre-orders are not counted towards this weekends sales because they ran out of product). Additionally, because Apple ran out of stock so fast, the product was not available for showcase and for immediate purchase in Apple store, which they expected limited the amount sold. The figure could have easily been 6-10million phones sold opening weekend had Apple had adequate stock. The analysts expected Apple to, but unfortunately Apple did not come through, otherwise this weekend could have been a huge stock boost which I would have loved to see.
Analysts usually do quite well, but Apple not having enough iPhones in stock for opening weekend hurt their sales and thus caused them to come in under expectations. Edit: forgot '
I have one very distinct memory of bad saves. In Final Fantasy Tactics, there's a boss encounter about 3/4ths of the way through the game that you have to fight with only your main character. It's at the end of a series of battles, meaning you can't move through the world map between them. The first time I ever played the game I got stuck here, I hadn't been staggering my saves, and saved over my only slot right after the first battle. I wasn't strong enough to defeat the boss and got stuck. I ended up having to restart from the beginning to beat him. Fast forward to Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions on the PSP. I was well aware of the boss, but I wasn't sure where. I had staggered saves and I was making sure that I always had a backup save. Somehow when it came time to fight that boss again, I had messed up my staggered saves and gotten stuck again. I think there was a cutscene or something before the first battle that you could save at, I don't quite remember exactly how I messed it up. I could go back to the battle before but that didn't help too much. Stuck yet again, I gave up. Luckily I aced it when I played through the game again on the iPhone. The best manual way to deal with it is to stagger saves over several slots, giving you X number of saves back from your current save. Ideally though you shouldn't have to think about it at all in a well-designed system. I wouldn't call your Dark Souls or FF issues related to bad saves. Those are both just part of the game that you have to deal with. A real bad save is one where you are stuck losing regardless of what you do. **TLDR: Fuck Wiegraf**
I have one very distinct memory of bad saves. In Final Fantasy Tactics, there's a boss encounter about 3/4ths of the way through the game that you have to fight with only your main character. It's at the end of a series of battles, meaning you can't move through the world map between them. The first time I ever played the game I got stuck here, I hadn't been staggering my saves, and saved over my only slot right after the first battle. I wasn't strong enough to defeat the boss and got stuck. I ended up having to restart from the beginning to beat him. Fast forward to Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions on the PSP. I was well aware of the boss, but I wasn't sure where. I had staggered saves and I was making sure that I always had a backup save. Somehow when it came time to fight that boss again, I had messed up my staggered saves and gotten stuck again. I think there was a cutscene or something before the first battle that you could save at, I don't quite remember exactly how I messed it up. I could go back to the battle before but that didn't help too much. Stuck yet again, I gave up. Luckily I aced it when I played through the game again on the iPhone. The best manual way to deal with it is to stagger saves over several slots, giving you X number of saves back from your current save. Ideally though you shouldn't have to think about it at all in a well-designed system. I wouldn't call your Dark Souls or FF issues related to bad saves. Those are both just part of the game that you have to deal with. A real bad save is one where you are stuck losing regardless of what you do. TLDR: Fuck Wiegraf
I have one very distinct memory of bad saves. In Final Fantasy Tactics, there's a boss encounter about 3/4ths of the way through the game that you have to fight with only your main character. It's at the end of a series of battles, meaning you can't move through the world map between them. The first time I ever played the game I got stuck here, I hadn't been staggering my saves, and saved over my only slot right after the first battle. I wasn't strong enough to defeat the boss and got stuck. I ended up having to restart from the beginning to beat him. Fast forward to Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions on the PSP. I was well aware of the boss, but I wasn't sure where. I had staggered saves and I was making sure that I always had a backup save. Somehow when it came time to fight that boss again, I had messed up my staggered saves and gotten stuck again. I think there was a cutscene or something before the first battle that you could save at, I don't quite remember exactly how I messed it up. I could go back to the battle before but that didn't help too much. Stuck yet again, I gave up. Luckily I aced it when I played through the game again on the iPhone. The best manual way to deal with it is to stagger saves over several slots, giving you X number of saves back from your current save. Ideally though you shouldn't have to think about it at all in a well-designed system. I wouldn't call your Dark Souls or FF issues related to bad saves. Those are both just part of the game that you have to deal with. A real bad save is one where you are stuck losing regardless of what you do.
Fuck Wiegraf
Not sure if this change has been seriously discussed here but I think this is gonna be the biggest, most unbalancing change in PvP in 1.4. For the most part I liked the changes Bioware made to the other classes. Commandos & Sages got buffs where they needed it, DPS Scoundrels got some love (though still not enough imo), and I'm even fine with the Assault Vanguard nerfs to be honest. But the buff to Focus spec baffled me for the longest time when I read it. I think if anything, most heavy PvPers (including Focus spec players) were expecting it to be hit with a nerf 1.4, instead it's the other way around. Everyone knows Focus Guardians (and to a lesser extent Sentinels) do the expected insane amounts of total damage (AOE spec, no big surprise) but what's crazy is that they'll often also have the biggest single hit in warzones, because of the way they can Force Stasis/Choke (skill tree node) and Leap in (Vindicator set bonus) to get extra damage + guaranteed crit (skill tree node). I'm fully augmented WH with optimized mods/enhancements and I'm lucky to hit 5.5k against BM and above opponents. I've screenshots of Guardians doing up to 6.7k in those same warzones while also surpassing me in total damage. And Bioware is buffing them so they can Smash even *more* often? It wasn't until I talked to a friend who does PvE (which I almost never do) that he explained it's a PvE buff. Focus spec lags super hard (around 15-20% according to DPS parsers) behind Vigilance for Guardians and the other 2 DPS trees for Sentinels in PvE. So they upping the frequency of Sweep to make up for this. Here's where I see 2 problems: 1) I doubt this is even gonna fix the PvE issue. A big part of Focus specs problem in PvE is the fact it's AOE and it'll wake up and hit all CC'd targets along with taking threat away from the tank that the tank might not have heavily taunted/attacked at that point. I have a feeling most dedicated PvErs are still gonna stick with the other specs because it's safer and does damage just fine. 2) I understand in PvE, Focus spec is underwhelming against a boss with 500k - 1mill-k HP. The sustain just isn't there (pre 1.4). But in PvP burst is king and against players with 15k-20k health, hitting for 5k-6.5k damage every 15 seconds against everybody around them is VERY VERY GOOD. And now it's gonna get even better. I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say next few weeks Warzones are gonna be a bit rough when more and more ppl realize how strong Focus spec is post 1.4 and until it becomes an obvious enough issue that Bioware needs to balance patch this. **TL;DR = As if Sweep/Smash spec wasn't already borderline OP in PvP, prepare to see a lot more of them come 1.4 buffs.** EDIT: Don't want to give the impression that I thought Focus spec was totally and absolutely broken. It does have weaknesses like lack of sustain and nothing to really fall back on if Smash doesn't hit (at least till the next cooldown). Also it's one of those specs that is very gear dependent, meaning with bad gear, it is very very bad because of the weaknesses above. But it's also a spec that gets exponentially better once you have awesome gear because everything is focused down to a single bursty AOE attack that automatically crits and is kinetic damage so Knights can completely ignore accuracy and crit rating and stack main stat, power, and surge (which explains the 6.7k+ hits). So again, didn't think it was broken, but did think it was a bit too strong pre 1.4. And now it's getting buffed. Sadface.jpg
Not sure if this change has been seriously discussed here but I think this is gonna be the biggest, most unbalancing change in PvP in 1.4. For the most part I liked the changes Bioware made to the other classes. Commandos & Sages got buffs where they needed it, DPS Scoundrels got some love (though still not enough imo), and I'm even fine with the Assault Vanguard nerfs to be honest. But the buff to Focus spec baffled me for the longest time when I read it. I think if anything, most heavy PvPers (including Focus spec players) were expecting it to be hit with a nerf 1.4, instead it's the other way around. Everyone knows Focus Guardians (and to a lesser extent Sentinels) do the expected insane amounts of total damage (AOE spec, no big surprise) but what's crazy is that they'll often also have the biggest single hit in warzones, because of the way they can Force Stasis/Choke (skill tree node) and Leap in (Vindicator set bonus) to get extra damage + guaranteed crit (skill tree node). I'm fully augmented WH with optimized mods/enhancements and I'm lucky to hit 5.5k against BM and above opponents. I've screenshots of Guardians doing up to 6.7k in those same warzones while also surpassing me in total damage. And Bioware is buffing them so they can Smash even more often? It wasn't until I talked to a friend who does PvE (which I almost never do) that he explained it's a PvE buff. Focus spec lags super hard (around 15-20% according to DPS parsers) behind Vigilance for Guardians and the other 2 DPS trees for Sentinels in PvE. So they upping the frequency of Sweep to make up for this. Here's where I see 2 problems: 1) I doubt this is even gonna fix the PvE issue. A big part of Focus specs problem in PvE is the fact it's AOE and it'll wake up and hit all CC'd targets along with taking threat away from the tank that the tank might not have heavily taunted/attacked at that point. I have a feeling most dedicated PvErs are still gonna stick with the other specs because it's safer and does damage just fine. 2) I understand in PvE, Focus spec is underwhelming against a boss with 500k - 1mill-k HP. The sustain just isn't there (pre 1.4). But in PvP burst is king and against players with 15k-20k health, hitting for 5k-6.5k damage every 15 seconds against everybody around them is VERY VERY GOOD. And now it's gonna get even better. I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say next few weeks Warzones are gonna be a bit rough when more and more ppl realize how strong Focus spec is post 1.4 and until it becomes an obvious enough issue that Bioware needs to balance patch this. TL;DR = As if Sweep/Smash spec wasn't already borderline OP in PvP, prepare to see a lot more of them come 1.4 buffs. EDIT: Don't want to give the impression that I thought Focus spec was totally and absolutely broken. It does have weaknesses like lack of sustain and nothing to really fall back on if Smash doesn't hit (at least till the next cooldown). Also it's one of those specs that is very gear dependent, meaning with bad gear, it is very very bad because of the weaknesses above. But it's also a spec that gets exponentially better once you have awesome gear because everything is focused down to a single bursty AOE attack that automatically crits and is kinetic damage so Knights can completely ignore accuracy and crit rating and stack main stat, power, and surge (which explains the 6.7k+ hits). So again, didn't think it was broken, but did think it was a bit too strong pre 1.4. And now it's getting buffed. Sadface.jpg
Not sure if this change has been seriously discussed here but I think this is gonna be the biggest, most unbalancing change in PvP in 1.4. For the most part I liked the changes Bioware made to the other classes. Commandos & Sages got buffs where they needed it, DPS Scoundrels got some love (though still not enough imo), and I'm even fine with the Assault Vanguard nerfs to be honest. But the buff to Focus spec baffled me for the longest time when I read it. I think if anything, most heavy PvPers (including Focus spec players) were expecting it to be hit with a nerf 1.4, instead it's the other way around. Everyone knows Focus Guardians (and to a lesser extent Sentinels) do the expected insane amounts of total damage (AOE spec, no big surprise) but what's crazy is that they'll often also have the biggest single hit in warzones, because of the way they can Force Stasis/Choke (skill tree node) and Leap in (Vindicator set bonus) to get extra damage + guaranteed crit (skill tree node). I'm fully augmented WH with optimized mods/enhancements and I'm lucky to hit 5.5k against BM and above opponents. I've screenshots of Guardians doing up to 6.7k in those same warzones while also surpassing me in total damage. And Bioware is buffing them so they can Smash even more often? It wasn't until I talked to a friend who does PvE (which I almost never do) that he explained it's a PvE buff. Focus spec lags super hard (around 15-20% according to DPS parsers) behind Vigilance for Guardians and the other 2 DPS trees for Sentinels in PvE. So they upping the frequency of Sweep to make up for this. Here's where I see 2 problems: 1) I doubt this is even gonna fix the PvE issue. A big part of Focus specs problem in PvE is the fact it's AOE and it'll wake up and hit all CC'd targets along with taking threat away from the tank that the tank might not have heavily taunted/attacked at that point. I have a feeling most dedicated PvErs are still gonna stick with the other specs because it's safer and does damage just fine. 2) I understand in PvE, Focus spec is underwhelming against a boss with 500k - 1mill-k HP. The sustain just isn't there (pre 1.4). But in PvP burst is king and against players with 15k-20k health, hitting for 5k-6.5k damage every 15 seconds against everybody around them is VERY VERY GOOD. And now it's gonna get even better. I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say next few weeks Warzones are gonna be a bit rough when more and more ppl realize how strong Focus spec is post 1.4 and until it becomes an obvious enough issue that Bioware needs to balance patch this.
As if Sweep/Smash spec wasn't already borderline OP in PvP, prepare to see a lot more of them come 1.4 buffs. EDIT: Don't want to give the impression that I thought Focus spec was totally and absolutely broken. It does have weaknesses like lack of sustain and nothing to really fall back on if Smash doesn't hit (at least till the next cooldown). Also it's one of those specs that is very gear dependent, meaning with bad gear, it is very very bad because of the weaknesses above. But it's also a spec that gets exponentially better once you have awesome gear because everything is focused down to a single bursty AOE attack that automatically crits and is kinetic damage so Knights can completely ignore accuracy and crit rating and stack main stat, power, and surge (which explains the 6.7k+ hits). So again, didn't think it was broken, but did think it was a bit too strong pre 1.4. And now it's getting buffed. Sadface.jpg
> Explain to me how to kite when they jump directly onto you immobilizing you? stun after leap (imob is 1.5s iirc, GCD is 1.5s, do the math) kite (see the attached slow; im assuming youre assault) no "good" focus spec is going to double leap on one target just to, um, kill you. Try kiting away from your group and you neutralize the threat. TL; DR: learn to fucking play your RANGED (see ranged) class.
> Explain to me how to kite when they jump directly onto you immobilizing you? stun after leap (imob is 1.5s iirc, GCD is 1.5s, do the math) kite (see the attached slow; im assuming youre assault) no "good" focus spec is going to double leap on one target just to, um, kill you. Try kiting away from your group and you neutralize the threat. TL; DR: learn to fucking play your RANGED (see ranged) class.
Explain to me how to kite when they jump directly onto you immobilizing you? stun after leap (imob is 1.5s iirc, GCD is 1.5s, do the math) kite (see the attached slow; im assuming youre assault) no "good" focus spec is going to double leap on one target just to, um, kill you. Try kiting away from your group and you neutralize the threat.
learn to fucking play your RANGED (see ranged) class.
> Like I said I don't know and do not have the expertise or education look, i appreciate our level of conversation but i think you can understand if i tell you this is getting annoying. You keep saying it's important and insisting there is a role, but when I ask multiple times for more information you respond like this. Look, if you don't have a reasonable argument to back it up, we can move on. You're perfectly entitled to a point of view without evidence or reasonable argument. > i don't really believe that argumentation even works, directly Fine then, what does suggesting this guy is closeted gay going to do indirectly? Or at all? >are much more effective, if not persuasive. what is the indirect effect of suggesting this homophobe is a closeted gay? >again, you should be skeptical, but the study found that they tend to be gay dude, it doesn't mean he's definitely gay. this is a fact. we don't know. it's likely that he is, according to the research, but again, i ask you, how is this of any use? Accuse him of hypocrisy? He'll simply deny it, and continuing to call him gay will transform your accusation into taunting--you are now being unreasonable bullying tactics. So again, TL;DR: I get you think that through some fancy hand-waving suggesting the guy is gay (whether to his face or to each other) has some use. I'm simply asking you to present evidence or a reasonable argument. I'm still waiting.
> Like I said I don't know and do not have the expertise or education look, i appreciate our level of conversation but i think you can understand if i tell you this is getting annoying. You keep saying it's important and insisting there is a role, but when I ask multiple times for more information you respond like this. Look, if you don't have a reasonable argument to back it up, we can move on. You're perfectly entitled to a point of view without evidence or reasonable argument. > i don't really believe that argumentation even works, directly Fine then, what does suggesting this guy is closeted gay going to do indirectly? Or at all? >are much more effective, if not persuasive. what is the indirect effect of suggesting this homophobe is a closeted gay? >again, you should be skeptical, but the study found that they tend to be gay dude, it doesn't mean he's definitely gay. this is a fact. we don't know. it's likely that he is, according to the research, but again, i ask you, how is this of any use? Accuse him of hypocrisy? He'll simply deny it, and continuing to call him gay will transform your accusation into taunting--you are now being unreasonable bullying tactics. So again, TL;DR: I get you think that through some fancy hand-waving suggesting the guy is gay (whether to his face or to each other) has some use. I'm simply asking you to present evidence or a reasonable argument. I'm still waiting.
Like I said I don't know and do not have the expertise or education look, i appreciate our level of conversation but i think you can understand if i tell you this is getting annoying. You keep saying it's important and insisting there is a role, but when I ask multiple times for more information you respond like this. Look, if you don't have a reasonable argument to back it up, we can move on. You're perfectly entitled to a point of view without evidence or reasonable argument. > i don't really believe that argumentation even works, directly Fine then, what does suggesting this guy is closeted gay going to do indirectly? Or at all? >are much more effective, if not persuasive. what is the indirect effect of suggesting this homophobe is a closeted gay? >again, you should be skeptical, but the study found that they tend to be gay dude, it doesn't mean he's definitely gay. this is a fact. we don't know. it's likely that he is, according to the research, but again, i ask you, how is this of any use? Accuse him of hypocrisy? He'll simply deny it, and continuing to call him gay will transform your accusation into taunting--you are now being unreasonable bullying tactics. So again,
I get you think that through some fancy hand-waving suggesting the guy is gay (whether to his face or to each other) has some use. I'm simply asking you to present evidence or a reasonable argument. I'm still waiting.
Tower of heaven wasn't great mainly because it was the last arc to feature the bad reused animations for attacks and such, and the lack of blood that becomes a real mood killer when Erza has her first real major battles that would need it. Oracion Seis on the other hand was just a huge let down on delivering the story. The thing is my opinion on this arc might be a little biased, as at this point I ran out of episodes and changed to reading the manga. Then when coming back to watch the episodes it was more evident what factors were missing from the anime and that affected my views on the series. Now obviously it had its moments, Jura's fight with Hoteye was very well made, but especially the fights on the later stages seemed much worse on anime format. Lucy's and Erza's fights were not that well done and the final fight was made a wee bit too corny compared to the manga. But the real killer was the fact that the anime's delivery of the emotional stuff at the end was just plain worse than the manga's. That could be because I had already known of the coming plot twists, but that hasn't really mattered in any other anime I've watched thus far, nor did it affect my reactions in the Edolas scenes, which in truth were not as sad as the one in the end of Oracion Seis. **TL;DR:** A mix of censoring, lacking delivery and bias towards the manga.
Tower of heaven wasn't great mainly because it was the last arc to feature the bad reused animations for attacks and such, and the lack of blood that becomes a real mood killer when Erza has her first real major battles that would need it. Oracion Seis on the other hand was just a huge let down on delivering the story. The thing is my opinion on this arc might be a little biased, as at this point I ran out of episodes and changed to reading the manga. Then when coming back to watch the episodes it was more evident what factors were missing from the anime and that affected my views on the series. Now obviously it had its moments, Jura's fight with Hoteye was very well made, but especially the fights on the later stages seemed much worse on anime format. Lucy's and Erza's fights were not that well done and the final fight was made a wee bit too corny compared to the manga. But the real killer was the fact that the anime's delivery of the emotional stuff at the end was just plain worse than the manga's. That could be because I had already known of the coming plot twists, but that hasn't really mattered in any other anime I've watched thus far, nor did it affect my reactions in the Edolas scenes, which in truth were not as sad as the one in the end of Oracion Seis. TL;DR: A mix of censoring, lacking delivery and bias towards the manga.
Tower of heaven wasn't great mainly because it was the last arc to feature the bad reused animations for attacks and such, and the lack of blood that becomes a real mood killer when Erza has her first real major battles that would need it. Oracion Seis on the other hand was just a huge let down on delivering the story. The thing is my opinion on this arc might be a little biased, as at this point I ran out of episodes and changed to reading the manga. Then when coming back to watch the episodes it was more evident what factors were missing from the anime and that affected my views on the series. Now obviously it had its moments, Jura's fight with Hoteye was very well made, but especially the fights on the later stages seemed much worse on anime format. Lucy's and Erza's fights were not that well done and the final fight was made a wee bit too corny compared to the manga. But the real killer was the fact that the anime's delivery of the emotional stuff at the end was just plain worse than the manga's. That could be because I had already known of the coming plot twists, but that hasn't really mattered in any other anime I've watched thus far, nor did it affect my reactions in the Edolas scenes, which in truth were not as sad as the one in the end of Oracion Seis.
A mix of censoring, lacking delivery and bias towards the manga.
She's been honest with you the entire time. And it's all about the drugs. You have to admit that you do like to use a lot. We all like drugs and the feelings but anything in moderation ya know? What are your goals besides drugs? Why can't you be happy with yourself and not rely on a pill and a high to make you happy? Why not take up a sport, running or even skydiving? You know, something that actually accomplishes life and you can share your experience with anyone anywhere? You'd really impress her if you cut most of those out. Why should she invest in you if you end up getting thrown in jail, overdose on something, or ruin your health. She definitely cares about you more than you know, and that's kinda hot. But you're not seeing it. You could have an amazing future with this beautiful girl and you're willing to throw it away for some "high" with your friends. You have a lot to be thankful for with her, and I don't think the pills are worth it. TL;DR - create your own natural highs. Gym - get a physical goal. Drugs are the lazy, trashy, and tacky way to be something you're not.
She's been honest with you the entire time. And it's all about the drugs. You have to admit that you do like to use a lot. We all like drugs and the feelings but anything in moderation ya know? What are your goals besides drugs? Why can't you be happy with yourself and not rely on a pill and a high to make you happy? Why not take up a sport, running or even skydiving? You know, something that actually accomplishes life and you can share your experience with anyone anywhere? You'd really impress her if you cut most of those out. Why should she invest in you if you end up getting thrown in jail, overdose on something, or ruin your health. She definitely cares about you more than you know, and that's kinda hot. But you're not seeing it. You could have an amazing future with this beautiful girl and you're willing to throw it away for some "high" with your friends. You have a lot to be thankful for with her, and I don't think the pills are worth it. TL;DR - create your own natural highs. Gym - get a physical goal. Drugs are the lazy, trashy, and tacky way to be something you're not.
She's been honest with you the entire time. And it's all about the drugs. You have to admit that you do like to use a lot. We all like drugs and the feelings but anything in moderation ya know? What are your goals besides drugs? Why can't you be happy with yourself and not rely on a pill and a high to make you happy? Why not take up a sport, running or even skydiving? You know, something that actually accomplishes life and you can share your experience with anyone anywhere? You'd really impress her if you cut most of those out. Why should she invest in you if you end up getting thrown in jail, overdose on something, or ruin your health. She definitely cares about you more than you know, and that's kinda hot. But you're not seeing it. You could have an amazing future with this beautiful girl and you're willing to throw it away for some "high" with your friends. You have a lot to be thankful for with her, and I don't think the pills are worth it.
create your own natural highs. Gym - get a physical goal. Drugs are the lazy, trashy, and tacky way to be something you're not.
You love yourself more than her. That's not inherently wrong, at your age this is natural. You should probably leave her though because you will hurt her in the end. I won't advocate changing yourself to her expectations because I think her expectations do not take you into account either. I think both of you would be better off with more compatible people. I use drugs a lot like you do. I'm not opposed to a bump of coke or two a couple times a year when it's around, I'll eat some mushrooms on a camping trip in the woods every couple years or so for a good cerebral dump and wipe, I smoke marijuana fairly regularly it's a good way to unwind with a beer at the end of the day, I drink beer and have begun brewing my own because it's a fun hobby, and I enjoy smoking cigars with my dad or my uncles when we have time to visit. My girlfriend and I live together and I've never pushed anything on her. She is aware of how I take my pleasure by the dose sometimes. She enjoys beer, and has taken an interest in brewing so we have a shared hobby, and the occasional toke, but has no interest in other drugs. I don't need her to take drugs to validate myself, and she doesn't require me to abstain to appease her own self-interest. We are compatible and sensible with each other. This is how we are and I wouldn't change her, and she doesn't need to change me. However I have a problem with your story. Why do you feel the need to validate yourself by pressuring her to use these substances the way you do? It's obvious she has no interest. On the other hand she is asking the same of you from a different perspective, that you abstain like her. It's obvious you have no interest to change either. There's your answer, staring you right in the face. If you have experienced such incompatibility on such regular intervals over the same issue which neither of you have an interest in changing, then stop beating yourself up. Give up on this rollercoaster because it is emotionally draining and hurtful for both of you. You are young, probably intelligent, and have a lot of time ahead of you. Learn from this and be yourself. You are yourself, she is herself, and if either has to change to fit the other's expectations, when these expectations are unreal, then be yourself by yourself and not what she wants you to be. I don't think you're going to be able to compromise with your current attitude about drugs. You need to find somebody less hung up on your drug use, and you also need to reexamine why you need her so badly to "try before you say no" to validate your own use. You yourself validate your own actions, no one else. Own that and get yourself out of this relationship before you damage yourselves even further. There are millions of other girls out there who could make a better match for you. Probably an older you, because I think I've been you and I think you still have some growing up to do before you commit to long term relationships especially ones as emotionally draining as this one. You're only 23 and you've been with her since 18? I've seen this happen in my own friends' relationships and it's usually an impediment to adulthood. Think about it, you've been together since you were children. You've become emotionally dependent on each other even though you're both growing up into very different adults. Time to move on and into your own adulthood and stop holding each other back. It can be an amicable break, time shared in love is very meaningful and will stay with you both forever, but every good thing must come to an end and you've postponed that point for too long now. TL;DR: Stop getting back together when it doesn't work out.
You love yourself more than her. That's not inherently wrong, at your age this is natural. You should probably leave her though because you will hurt her in the end. I won't advocate changing yourself to her expectations because I think her expectations do not take you into account either. I think both of you would be better off with more compatible people. I use drugs a lot like you do. I'm not opposed to a bump of coke or two a couple times a year when it's around, I'll eat some mushrooms on a camping trip in the woods every couple years or so for a good cerebral dump and wipe, I smoke marijuana fairly regularly it's a good way to unwind with a beer at the end of the day, I drink beer and have begun brewing my own because it's a fun hobby, and I enjoy smoking cigars with my dad or my uncles when we have time to visit. My girlfriend and I live together and I've never pushed anything on her. She is aware of how I take my pleasure by the dose sometimes. She enjoys beer, and has taken an interest in brewing so we have a shared hobby, and the occasional toke, but has no interest in other drugs. I don't need her to take drugs to validate myself, and she doesn't require me to abstain to appease her own self-interest. We are compatible and sensible with each other. This is how we are and I wouldn't change her, and she doesn't need to change me. However I have a problem with your story. Why do you feel the need to validate yourself by pressuring her to use these substances the way you do? It's obvious she has no interest. On the other hand she is asking the same of you from a different perspective, that you abstain like her. It's obvious you have no interest to change either. There's your answer, staring you right in the face. If you have experienced such incompatibility on such regular intervals over the same issue which neither of you have an interest in changing, then stop beating yourself up. Give up on this rollercoaster because it is emotionally draining and hurtful for both of you. You are young, probably intelligent, and have a lot of time ahead of you. Learn from this and be yourself. You are yourself, she is herself, and if either has to change to fit the other's expectations, when these expectations are unreal, then be yourself by yourself and not what she wants you to be. I don't think you're going to be able to compromise with your current attitude about drugs. You need to find somebody less hung up on your drug use, and you also need to reexamine why you need her so badly to "try before you say no" to validate your own use. You yourself validate your own actions, no one else. Own that and get yourself out of this relationship before you damage yourselves even further. There are millions of other girls out there who could make a better match for you. Probably an older you, because I think I've been you and I think you still have some growing up to do before you commit to long term relationships especially ones as emotionally draining as this one. You're only 23 and you've been with her since 18? I've seen this happen in my own friends' relationships and it's usually an impediment to adulthood. Think about it, you've been together since you were children. You've become emotionally dependent on each other even though you're both growing up into very different adults. Time to move on and into your own adulthood and stop holding each other back. It can be an amicable break, time shared in love is very meaningful and will stay with you both forever, but every good thing must come to an end and you've postponed that point for too long now. TL;DR: Stop getting back together when it doesn't work out.
You love yourself more than her. That's not inherently wrong, at your age this is natural. You should probably leave her though because you will hurt her in the end. I won't advocate changing yourself to her expectations because I think her expectations do not take you into account either. I think both of you would be better off with more compatible people. I use drugs a lot like you do. I'm not opposed to a bump of coke or two a couple times a year when it's around, I'll eat some mushrooms on a camping trip in the woods every couple years or so for a good cerebral dump and wipe, I smoke marijuana fairly regularly it's a good way to unwind with a beer at the end of the day, I drink beer and have begun brewing my own because it's a fun hobby, and I enjoy smoking cigars with my dad or my uncles when we have time to visit. My girlfriend and I live together and I've never pushed anything on her. She is aware of how I take my pleasure by the dose sometimes. She enjoys beer, and has taken an interest in brewing so we have a shared hobby, and the occasional toke, but has no interest in other drugs. I don't need her to take drugs to validate myself, and she doesn't require me to abstain to appease her own self-interest. We are compatible and sensible with each other. This is how we are and I wouldn't change her, and she doesn't need to change me. However I have a problem with your story. Why do you feel the need to validate yourself by pressuring her to use these substances the way you do? It's obvious she has no interest. On the other hand she is asking the same of you from a different perspective, that you abstain like her. It's obvious you have no interest to change either. There's your answer, staring you right in the face. If you have experienced such incompatibility on such regular intervals over the same issue which neither of you have an interest in changing, then stop beating yourself up. Give up on this rollercoaster because it is emotionally draining and hurtful for both of you. You are young, probably intelligent, and have a lot of time ahead of you. Learn from this and be yourself. You are yourself, she is herself, and if either has to change to fit the other's expectations, when these expectations are unreal, then be yourself by yourself and not what she wants you to be. I don't think you're going to be able to compromise with your current attitude about drugs. You need to find somebody less hung up on your drug use, and you also need to reexamine why you need her so badly to "try before you say no" to validate your own use. You yourself validate your own actions, no one else. Own that and get yourself out of this relationship before you damage yourselves even further. There are millions of other girls out there who could make a better match for you. Probably an older you, because I think I've been you and I think you still have some growing up to do before you commit to long term relationships especially ones as emotionally draining as this one. You're only 23 and you've been with her since 18? I've seen this happen in my own friends' relationships and it's usually an impediment to adulthood. Think about it, you've been together since you were children. You've become emotionally dependent on each other even though you're both growing up into very different adults. Time to move on and into your own adulthood and stop holding each other back. It can be an amicable break, time shared in love is very meaningful and will stay with you both forever, but every good thing must come to an end and you've postponed that point for too long now.
Stop getting back together when it doesn't work out.
If this Plan B is the same as the "morning after pill" I was prescribed 10 years ago (it wasn't OTC then, and going to get it from a furious hospital doctor [because doctor's offices were closed on a Saturday] who almost kicked me out because I didn't have a regular gyno, which meant she had to do a bunch of other checks on me as well was rather traumatic to me - for almost a year I turned sheet white at the notion of having to see a gyno), I'd have to agree. It screwed up my periods completely (I got them every 2 weeks for months, and even prescribing me the regular BC pill didn't fix it). Edit: So my tl;dr is I'm all for it being somewhat more easily accessible than it was then, but if it's the same pill, it's definitely a hormonal whopper with side effects. Second edit: Thanks to everyone who actually sent me thoughtful replies instead of going "no she's wrong, downvote herp derp".
If this Plan B is the same as the "morning after pill" I was prescribed 10 years ago (it wasn't OTC then, and going to get it from a furious hospital doctor [because doctor's offices were closed on a Saturday] who almost kicked me out because I didn't have a regular gyno, which meant she had to do a bunch of other checks on me as well was rather traumatic to me - for almost a year I turned sheet white at the notion of having to see a gyno), I'd have to agree. It screwed up my periods completely (I got them every 2 weeks for months, and even prescribing me the regular BC pill didn't fix it). Edit: So my tl;dr is I'm all for it being somewhat more easily accessible than it was then, but if it's the same pill, it's definitely a hormonal whopper with side effects. Second edit: Thanks to everyone who actually sent me thoughtful replies instead of going "no she's wrong, downvote herp derp".
If this Plan B is the same as the "morning after pill" I was prescribed 10 years ago (it wasn't OTC then, and going to get it from a furious hospital doctor [because doctor's offices were closed on a Saturday] who almost kicked me out because I didn't have a regular gyno, which meant she had to do a bunch of other checks on me as well was rather traumatic to me - for almost a year I turned sheet white at the notion of having to see a gyno), I'd have to agree. It screwed up my periods completely (I got them every 2 weeks for months, and even prescribing me the regular BC pill didn't fix it). Edit: So my
is I'm all for it being somewhat more easily accessible than it was then, but if it's the same pill, it's definitely a hormonal whopper with side effects. Second edit: Thanks to everyone who actually sent me thoughtful replies instead of going "no she's wrong, downvote herp derp".
I'm warning for a wall of text here. Actually there's quite a good explanation for this phenomenon. This is what we in marketing call branding. That is the creation of a brand. A brand in turn is "A person, name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers." This is according to the american marketing association. Now in this case it has to do with personal branding. Rein, Kotler and Stoller (1987) define a celebrity as as ”A person whose name has attention-getting, interest-riveting, profit generating value”. By using a celebrity for endorsement in campaigns you can achieve something called co-branding. That means that the name of a celebrity is used to endorse a particular politician or party. This is the same as what Nike for example does with Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods for example. They use their names, big names in their particular fields, to endorse endorse different kinds of products to give them more exposure. Say that you want to sell a shoe. If you see two ads, one with just the shoe and one with Michael Jordan (or whatever celebrity you know of) you are by more or less always going to pay more attention to the one with the celebrity. Alright so now we've covered the basics. Now we are coming to word of mouth or as we are here online we are talking about word of mouse. Because of the nature of politics, by that I mean that it's an area which very few people actually know that much about and the information can be ambiguous, they look to so called opinion leaders. These opinion leaders can be more or less anyone. For example Steven Colbert, Bill O'Riley,Engadget, Ray W Johnson or what ever ... someone people look to for some kind of information they are too lazy to find out themselves and which give them the information they think they need. Now say that you know jack shit about politics and you are ha huge fan of Madonna, then you'll most probably think that Madonna probably is on to something. So instead of finding stuff out yourself you vote like Madonna, because you "know" Madonna and you like her, so she's probably right. That means that Madonna is your opinion leader in this case. Same goes for basically all other brands, both for intangible and tangible "products". I could probably continue writing about this stuff all day but I think you get the picture from this. Tl;dr It's Marketing! Get affiliated with good celebrities and you can get more votes through them.
I'm warning for a wall of text here. Actually there's quite a good explanation for this phenomenon. This is what we in marketing call branding. That is the creation of a brand. A brand in turn is "A person, name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers." This is according to the american marketing association. Now in this case it has to do with personal branding. Rein, Kotler and Stoller (1987) define a celebrity as as ”A person whose name has attention-getting, interest-riveting, profit generating value”. By using a celebrity for endorsement in campaigns you can achieve something called co-branding. That means that the name of a celebrity is used to endorse a particular politician or party. This is the same as what Nike for example does with Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods for example. They use their names, big names in their particular fields, to endorse endorse different kinds of products to give them more exposure. Say that you want to sell a shoe. If you see two ads, one with just the shoe and one with Michael Jordan (or whatever celebrity you know of) you are by more or less always going to pay more attention to the one with the celebrity. Alright so now we've covered the basics. Now we are coming to word of mouth or as we are here online we are talking about word of mouse. Because of the nature of politics, by that I mean that it's an area which very few people actually know that much about and the information can be ambiguous, they look to so called opinion leaders. These opinion leaders can be more or less anyone. For example Steven Colbert, Bill O'Riley,Engadget, Ray W Johnson or what ever ... someone people look to for some kind of information they are too lazy to find out themselves and which give them the information they think they need. Now say that you know jack shit about politics and you are ha huge fan of Madonna, then you'll most probably think that Madonna probably is on to something. So instead of finding stuff out yourself you vote like Madonna, because you "know" Madonna and you like her, so she's probably right. That means that Madonna is your opinion leader in this case. Same goes for basically all other brands, both for intangible and tangible "products". I could probably continue writing about this stuff all day but I think you get the picture from this. Tl;dr It's Marketing! Get affiliated with good celebrities and you can get more votes through them.
I'm warning for a wall of text here. Actually there's quite a good explanation for this phenomenon. This is what we in marketing call branding. That is the creation of a brand. A brand in turn is "A person, name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers." This is according to the american marketing association. Now in this case it has to do with personal branding. Rein, Kotler and Stoller (1987) define a celebrity as as ”A person whose name has attention-getting, interest-riveting, profit generating value”. By using a celebrity for endorsement in campaigns you can achieve something called co-branding. That means that the name of a celebrity is used to endorse a particular politician or party. This is the same as what Nike for example does with Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods for example. They use their names, big names in their particular fields, to endorse endorse different kinds of products to give them more exposure. Say that you want to sell a shoe. If you see two ads, one with just the shoe and one with Michael Jordan (or whatever celebrity you know of) you are by more or less always going to pay more attention to the one with the celebrity. Alright so now we've covered the basics. Now we are coming to word of mouth or as we are here online we are talking about word of mouse. Because of the nature of politics, by that I mean that it's an area which very few people actually know that much about and the information can be ambiguous, they look to so called opinion leaders. These opinion leaders can be more or less anyone. For example Steven Colbert, Bill O'Riley,Engadget, Ray W Johnson or what ever ... someone people look to for some kind of information they are too lazy to find out themselves and which give them the information they think they need. Now say that you know jack shit about politics and you are ha huge fan of Madonna, then you'll most probably think that Madonna probably is on to something. So instead of finding stuff out yourself you vote like Madonna, because you "know" Madonna and you like her, so she's probably right. That means that Madonna is your opinion leader in this case. Same goes for basically all other brands, both for intangible and tangible "products". I could probably continue writing about this stuff all day but I think you get the picture from this.
It's Marketing! Get affiliated with good celebrities and you can get more votes through them.
I was on this server and we were in our nether base. Someone decided that putting in beds right next to our chests for decoration would be fun (ignorant of what would happen when you click on one). I accidentally clicked on one and not only was all of the stuff strewn about, the base was quickly burning to the ground. tl;dr BEDS IN THE NETHER ARE NEVER A GOOD IDEA.
I was on this server and we were in our nether base. Someone decided that putting in beds right next to our chests for decoration would be fun (ignorant of what would happen when you click on one). I accidentally clicked on one and not only was all of the stuff strewn about, the base was quickly burning to the ground. tl;dr BEDS IN THE NETHER ARE NEVER A GOOD IDEA.
I was on this server and we were in our nether base. Someone decided that putting in beds right next to our chests for decoration would be fun (ignorant of what would happen when you click on one). I accidentally clicked on one and not only was all of the stuff strewn about, the base was quickly burning to the ground.
Change out force armor for pinpoint barrier (+5% cc) and use the scoundrel with anatomy (+3% cc). You'll need more ApoC from a source and/or wand. You've done a good job stacking attack speed, but I feel like that has hindered you from getting more ApoC, LoH, and CC. Find a monster level that you can farm comfortably in 1.0.5 (All MLs above 0 have ilvl 63 drops) and slowly start accruing capital. Critical hit damage is a nice bonus, but only once you've collected enough APoC and LoH to set up an infinte permastun loop. tl;dr CC, LoH, and APoC before DPS (in my opinion). Baseline mechanics have to work well before it can output a ton of damage.
Change out force armor for pinpoint barrier (+5% cc) and use the scoundrel with anatomy (+3% cc). You'll need more ApoC from a source and/or wand. You've done a good job stacking attack speed, but I feel like that has hindered you from getting more ApoC, LoH, and CC. Find a monster level that you can farm comfortably in 1.0.5 (All MLs above 0 have ilvl 63 drops) and slowly start accruing capital. Critical hit damage is a nice bonus, but only once you've collected enough APoC and LoH to set up an infinte permastun loop. tl;dr CC, LoH, and APoC before DPS (in my opinion). Baseline mechanics have to work well before it can output a ton of damage.
Change out force armor for pinpoint barrier (+5% cc) and use the scoundrel with anatomy (+3% cc). You'll need more ApoC from a source and/or wand. You've done a good job stacking attack speed, but I feel like that has hindered you from getting more ApoC, LoH, and CC. Find a monster level that you can farm comfortably in 1.0.5 (All MLs above 0 have ilvl 63 drops) and slowly start accruing capital. Critical hit damage is a nice bonus, but only once you've collected enough APoC and LoH to set up an infinte permastun loop.
CC, LoH, and APoC before DPS (in my opinion). Baseline mechanics have to work well before it can output a ton of damage.
Guess I'll throw my .02 in here. Spec(Spectral Blades(Deep Cuts), Twister(WW), Diamond Skin, Explosive Blast, Frost nova). Relevant Stats(DPS 37k, Crt 38%, 1.8 AS, ~42k life, ~500Resist, ~5.5k-6k Armor, 19 APoC, ~900LoH) First off, does Spectral Blades - Deep Cuts proc CM? Yes. Tried it myself. I hit some mobs, used my Diamond skin and clearly saw it reducing my cooldown in large chunks. Was the coefficient changed at all? I dunno, it's been so long since I used Spectral Blades, but on one of those large numbered groups in A3 it seemed to proc quite often. Act 3(MP0): Wow, they really nerfed it. This might be fun to try new specs with, as more that wouldn't be viable due to high dmg before could now be workable. Might not be the most efficient way to farm, but if you want to mix things up then why not? Enemies die very fast. Act 3(MP3-4): Getting harder. Seems about where Inferno is now. Act 3(MP5): Alright, their health is now pretty high. To high for me to want to farm with my current DPS. Damage done to me is noticeably higher, and I've died from some real nasty spike damage. If you have trouble keeping stuff frozen, and you run into a nasty affix combo, you're gonna have a bad time. Act 3 MP(10). Tried this with another wizard, and while we killed an easy affix pack, monster health is just to high to make me want to run it. Normal mobs can hit like a truck and if you lag on your windup, you're dead. I also tried some low MP Act 1, and while I enjoy being able to get top quality loot, the enemies are to spread out for it to be efficient farming. It's nice for a change of scenery, but that's all. As for how the spec feels? Alright. Not as OP as before, but still works. I usually toss out 2 WW and then a SB hit to put up the bleeds to help reset cooldowns. I run with the cooldown reduction passive rune(can't remember name atm) and that seems to be enough. Some might want to think about taking the reduce cooldown rune for Frost Nova if your crit or attack speed is low. TL;DR Spectral Blades - Deep Cuts still procs CM from the bleed, Windup Wizard is still viable with some moderate gear and high crit, MP0 is super easy, MP3-4 feels like it does now, MP5+ enemy HP is to high to make it feel worth the time.
Guess I'll throw my .02 in here. Spec(Spectral Blades(Deep Cuts), Twister(WW), Diamond Skin, Explosive Blast, Frost nova). Relevant Stats(DPS 37k, Crt 38%, 1.8 AS, ~42k life, ~500Resist, ~5.5k-6k Armor, 19 APoC, ~900LoH) First off, does Spectral Blades - Deep Cuts proc CM? Yes. Tried it myself. I hit some mobs, used my Diamond skin and clearly saw it reducing my cooldown in large chunks. Was the coefficient changed at all? I dunno, it's been so long since I used Spectral Blades, but on one of those large numbered groups in A3 it seemed to proc quite often. Act 3(MP0): Wow, they really nerfed it. This might be fun to try new specs with, as more that wouldn't be viable due to high dmg before could now be workable. Might not be the most efficient way to farm, but if you want to mix things up then why not? Enemies die very fast. Act 3(MP3-4): Getting harder. Seems about where Inferno is now. Act 3(MP5): Alright, their health is now pretty high. To high for me to want to farm with my current DPS. Damage done to me is noticeably higher, and I've died from some real nasty spike damage. If you have trouble keeping stuff frozen, and you run into a nasty affix combo, you're gonna have a bad time. Act 3 MP(10). Tried this with another wizard, and while we killed an easy affix pack, monster health is just to high to make me want to run it. Normal mobs can hit like a truck and if you lag on your windup, you're dead. I also tried some low MP Act 1, and while I enjoy being able to get top quality loot, the enemies are to spread out for it to be efficient farming. It's nice for a change of scenery, but that's all. As for how the spec feels? Alright. Not as OP as before, but still works. I usually toss out 2 WW and then a SB hit to put up the bleeds to help reset cooldowns. I run with the cooldown reduction passive rune(can't remember name atm) and that seems to be enough. Some might want to think about taking the reduce cooldown rune for Frost Nova if your crit or attack speed is low. TL;DR Spectral Blades - Deep Cuts still procs CM from the bleed, Windup Wizard is still viable with some moderate gear and high crit, MP0 is super easy, MP3-4 feels like it does now, MP5+ enemy HP is to high to make it feel worth the time.
Guess I'll throw my .02 in here. Spec(Spectral Blades(Deep Cuts), Twister(WW), Diamond Skin, Explosive Blast, Frost nova). Relevant Stats(DPS 37k, Crt 38%, 1.8 AS, ~42k life, ~500Resist, ~5.5k-6k Armor, 19 APoC, ~900LoH) First off, does Spectral Blades - Deep Cuts proc CM? Yes. Tried it myself. I hit some mobs, used my Diamond skin and clearly saw it reducing my cooldown in large chunks. Was the coefficient changed at all? I dunno, it's been so long since I used Spectral Blades, but on one of those large numbered groups in A3 it seemed to proc quite often. Act 3(MP0): Wow, they really nerfed it. This might be fun to try new specs with, as more that wouldn't be viable due to high dmg before could now be workable. Might not be the most efficient way to farm, but if you want to mix things up then why not? Enemies die very fast. Act 3(MP3-4): Getting harder. Seems about where Inferno is now. Act 3(MP5): Alright, their health is now pretty high. To high for me to want to farm with my current DPS. Damage done to me is noticeably higher, and I've died from some real nasty spike damage. If you have trouble keeping stuff frozen, and you run into a nasty affix combo, you're gonna have a bad time. Act 3 MP(10). Tried this with another wizard, and while we killed an easy affix pack, monster health is just to high to make me want to run it. Normal mobs can hit like a truck and if you lag on your windup, you're dead. I also tried some low MP Act 1, and while I enjoy being able to get top quality loot, the enemies are to spread out for it to be efficient farming. It's nice for a change of scenery, but that's all. As for how the spec feels? Alright. Not as OP as before, but still works. I usually toss out 2 WW and then a SB hit to put up the bleeds to help reset cooldowns. I run with the cooldown reduction passive rune(can't remember name atm) and that seems to be enough. Some might want to think about taking the reduce cooldown rune for Frost Nova if your crit or attack speed is low.
Spectral Blades - Deep Cuts still procs CM from the bleed, Windup Wizard is still viable with some moderate gear and high crit, MP0 is super easy, MP3-4 feels like it does now, MP5+ enemy HP is to high to make it feel worth the time.
No, you're not alone. I didn't take one either. I *did* sit in on the BRC when my wife took it. The instructor you get when you take the MSF is pivotal in how beneficial your BRC experience will be. My wife's instructors were just a couple of good-ol'-boys earning a little extra cash on weekends. I believe many new riders put too much stock in what an MSF course instructor has to say, as though they are the end-all-be-all in motorcycling technique. The curriculum is essentially the same defensive driving techniques taught in high school drivers' ed. It's not some magic bean that keeps you from dying on the street. It's not a magic common sense pill either. Her class was geared toward cruiser riders as well. The myths about front brake vs. rear brake were actually taught in her class. Then, as the husband, it's difficult to refute the misinformation she was given by this motorcycling god placed before her by fate. Edit: I'd like to add that about 6 miles into her 2nd ride, she went wide in a right-hander, froze at the controls and crashed in the grass. I was behind her and had to watch and hear (Chatterboxes) the whole thing. She was uninjured but her Baby Ninja wasn't rideable. This was a week after she passed her BRC at what her instructors said was the "top of the class." TL;DR: The MSF, while a good base, isn't going to transform anyone into a good rider. Common sense, respect for the machine, a thirst for knowledge (and research), the ability to think critically and apply that to the controls and a host of traits that some people just don't have will go a lot farther to surviving your motorcycle.
No, you're not alone. I didn't take one either. I did sit in on the BRC when my wife took it. The instructor you get when you take the MSF is pivotal in how beneficial your BRC experience will be. My wife's instructors were just a couple of good-ol'-boys earning a little extra cash on weekends. I believe many new riders put too much stock in what an MSF course instructor has to say, as though they are the end-all-be-all in motorcycling technique. The curriculum is essentially the same defensive driving techniques taught in high school drivers' ed. It's not some magic bean that keeps you from dying on the street. It's not a magic common sense pill either. Her class was geared toward cruiser riders as well. The myths about front brake vs. rear brake were actually taught in her class. Then, as the husband, it's difficult to refute the misinformation she was given by this motorcycling god placed before her by fate. Edit: I'd like to add that about 6 miles into her 2nd ride, she went wide in a right-hander, froze at the controls and crashed in the grass. I was behind her and had to watch and hear (Chatterboxes) the whole thing. She was uninjured but her Baby Ninja wasn't rideable. This was a week after she passed her BRC at what her instructors said was the "top of the class." TL;DR: The MSF, while a good base, isn't going to transform anyone into a good rider. Common sense, respect for the machine, a thirst for knowledge (and research), the ability to think critically and apply that to the controls and a host of traits that some people just don't have will go a lot farther to surviving your motorcycle.
No, you're not alone. I didn't take one either. I did sit in on the BRC when my wife took it. The instructor you get when you take the MSF is pivotal in how beneficial your BRC experience will be. My wife's instructors were just a couple of good-ol'-boys earning a little extra cash on weekends. I believe many new riders put too much stock in what an MSF course instructor has to say, as though they are the end-all-be-all in motorcycling technique. The curriculum is essentially the same defensive driving techniques taught in high school drivers' ed. It's not some magic bean that keeps you from dying on the street. It's not a magic common sense pill either. Her class was geared toward cruiser riders as well. The myths about front brake vs. rear brake were actually taught in her class. Then, as the husband, it's difficult to refute the misinformation she was given by this motorcycling god placed before her by fate. Edit: I'd like to add that about 6 miles into her 2nd ride, she went wide in a right-hander, froze at the controls and crashed in the grass. I was behind her and had to watch and hear (Chatterboxes) the whole thing. She was uninjured but her Baby Ninja wasn't rideable. This was a week after she passed her BRC at what her instructors said was the "top of the class."
The MSF, while a good base, isn't going to transform anyone into a good rider. Common sense, respect for the machine, a thirst for knowledge (and research), the ability to think critically and apply that to the controls and a host of traits that some people just don't have will go a lot farther to surviving your motorcycle.
I used to work for MGM Studios (now known as Disney's Hollywood Stuidos,) and it was Soap Weekend. This meant that thousands of soap stars from around the world flocked to the park to charge hundreds of dollars to sign a photo. I was heading into the castmember restroom after a delicious lunch of mystery nuggets. The door seemed a bit stuck, so I slammed into it like a line-backer on steroids. Unbeknownst to me, Susan Lucci was on the other side, trying to escape our filth-laden bathroom. My beefy body hit the door, and I heard an "oof" as yards of skanky red cloth, shiny brunette hair and about 17 inches of spike heels flew across the room and landed in the sink. TL;DR: I knocked Susan Lucci on her ass.
I used to work for MGM Studios (now known as Disney's Hollywood Stuidos,) and it was Soap Weekend. This meant that thousands of soap stars from around the world flocked to the park to charge hundreds of dollars to sign a photo. I was heading into the castmember restroom after a delicious lunch of mystery nuggets. The door seemed a bit stuck, so I slammed into it like a line-backer on steroids. Unbeknownst to me, Susan Lucci was on the other side, trying to escape our filth-laden bathroom. My beefy body hit the door, and I heard an "oof" as yards of skanky red cloth, shiny brunette hair and about 17 inches of spike heels flew across the room and landed in the sink. TL;DR: I knocked Susan Lucci on her ass.
I used to work for MGM Studios (now known as Disney's Hollywood Stuidos,) and it was Soap Weekend. This meant that thousands of soap stars from around the world flocked to the park to charge hundreds of dollars to sign a photo. I was heading into the castmember restroom after a delicious lunch of mystery nuggets. The door seemed a bit stuck, so I slammed into it like a line-backer on steroids. Unbeknownst to me, Susan Lucci was on the other side, trying to escape our filth-laden bathroom. My beefy body hit the door, and I heard an "oof" as yards of skanky red cloth, shiny brunette hair and about 17 inches of spike heels flew across the room and landed in the sink.
I knocked Susan Lucci on her ass.
The good: * Audio/Video quality (including mics) * Banter wasn't annoying * You know what you're doing while playing The bad: * Banter got off topic, which is fine but towards the end of part 2 you brought up XP boost being potentially pay to win, but never really talked about it. I find commentary to content more enjoyable when interesting conversations are had about the content they're displaying. By no means does this mean it has to be 30 minutes talking about firefall, but considering your audience is watching a video about firefall news/opinions/criticisms/explinations are what I'm looking for for most of the commentary tl;dr: Good job, but more firefall talk
The good: Audio/Video quality (including mics) Banter wasn't annoying You know what you're doing while playing The bad: Banter got off topic, which is fine but towards the end of part 2 you brought up XP boost being potentially pay to win, but never really talked about it. I find commentary to content more enjoyable when interesting conversations are had about the content they're displaying. By no means does this mean it has to be 30 minutes talking about firefall, but considering your audience is watching a video about firefall news/opinions/criticisms/explinations are what I'm looking for for most of the commentary tl;dr: Good job, but more firefall talk
The good: Audio/Video quality (including mics) Banter wasn't annoying You know what you're doing while playing The bad: Banter got off topic, which is fine but towards the end of part 2 you brought up XP boost being potentially pay to win, but never really talked about it. I find commentary to content more enjoyable when interesting conversations are had about the content they're displaying. By no means does this mean it has to be 30 minutes talking about firefall, but considering your audience is watching a video about firefall news/opinions/criticisms/explinations are what I'm looking for for most of the commentary
Good job, but more firefall talk
I am a little late, but this is something I did that my Dad was proud of me for. I was constantly bullied for around 7 years (still am in some cases) but, although I could fight if I needed to (My father is an ex almost Olympic boxer who taught me for around 2 years,) I would always get ready to hurt someone but stopped myself. I wanted to hurt the person but there was something stopping me. Almost every day I would come home with a new bruise and with each day both my father and I got a little bit more angry, he told me that if I stood up for myself I would get to go to Mc Donalds or something. After years of my Dad telling me to stand up for myself one day while being randomly attacked by someone (he was my friend but just got scared as hell.) So I just did did a spin and threw a right hook (with nice form if I remember correctly,) into his jaw. The bully fell to the ground crying, almost knocked out. As you may expect I got send to the principals office and was told the basic "What you did was wrong!" I told my Dad about the story he gave me a pat on my back. When my teacher went to speak with my Dad about it my Dad replied with "My son was bullied for years and you guys didn't help, he stood up for himself and do you think that that the kid will bully him again?" The teacher was embarrassed and it made my week and the bullying has remarkably slowed down. TL;DR: After years of being bullied, almost knocked a kid out and got Mc Donalds. Edit: This was Grade 7.
I am a little late, but this is something I did that my Dad was proud of me for. I was constantly bullied for around 7 years (still am in some cases) but, although I could fight if I needed to (My father is an ex almost Olympic boxer who taught me for around 2 years,) I would always get ready to hurt someone but stopped myself. I wanted to hurt the person but there was something stopping me. Almost every day I would come home with a new bruise and with each day both my father and I got a little bit more angry, he told me that if I stood up for myself I would get to go to Mc Donalds or something. After years of my Dad telling me to stand up for myself one day while being randomly attacked by someone (he was my friend but just got scared as hell.) So I just did did a spin and threw a right hook (with nice form if I remember correctly,) into his jaw. The bully fell to the ground crying, almost knocked out. As you may expect I got send to the principals office and was told the basic "What you did was wrong!" I told my Dad about the story he gave me a pat on my back. When my teacher went to speak with my Dad about it my Dad replied with "My son was bullied for years and you guys didn't help, he stood up for himself and do you think that that the kid will bully him again?" The teacher was embarrassed and it made my week and the bullying has remarkably slowed down. TL;DR: After years of being bullied, almost knocked a kid out and got Mc Donalds. Edit: This was Grade 7.
I am a little late, but this is something I did that my Dad was proud of me for. I was constantly bullied for around 7 years (still am in some cases) but, although I could fight if I needed to (My father is an ex almost Olympic boxer who taught me for around 2 years,) I would always get ready to hurt someone but stopped myself. I wanted to hurt the person but there was something stopping me. Almost every day I would come home with a new bruise and with each day both my father and I got a little bit more angry, he told me that if I stood up for myself I would get to go to Mc Donalds or something. After years of my Dad telling me to stand up for myself one day while being randomly attacked by someone (he was my friend but just got scared as hell.) So I just did did a spin and threw a right hook (with nice form if I remember correctly,) into his jaw. The bully fell to the ground crying, almost knocked out. As you may expect I got send to the principals office and was told the basic "What you did was wrong!" I told my Dad about the story he gave me a pat on my back. When my teacher went to speak with my Dad about it my Dad replied with "My son was bullied for years and you guys didn't help, he stood up for himself and do you think that that the kid will bully him again?" The teacher was embarrassed and it made my week and the bullying has remarkably slowed down.
After years of being bullied, almost knocked a kid out and got Mc Donalds. Edit: This was Grade 7.
My then 10 month old son was the McDonalds playplace, just being a little goofball, when this ADORABLE little girl climbs in as well, the cutest little thing ever, about 5. She walks up to my fiancee and asks "Can I play with him?" and points to my son. She said sure and she climbs up and starts playing with him. Well, for about twenty minutes, they're giggling and laughing. When suddenly, she screams bloody murder. We turn around ... and then started laughing. It turns out my 10 month old son was as big as this 5 year old and her pinned down, pulling on her dress and trying to bite her cheek. It was adorably creepy. I had to climb in there and pull him off (easier said than done). She ran out and she promptly left with her mom. tl;dr: My 10 month old molests a 5 year old. >>
My then 10 month old son was the McDonalds playplace, just being a little goofball, when this ADORABLE little girl climbs in as well, the cutest little thing ever, about 5. She walks up to my fiancee and asks "Can I play with him?" and points to my son. She said sure and she climbs up and starts playing with him. Well, for about twenty minutes, they're giggling and laughing. When suddenly, she screams bloody murder. We turn around ... and then started laughing. It turns out my 10 month old son was as big as this 5 year old and her pinned down, pulling on her dress and trying to bite her cheek. It was adorably creepy. I had to climb in there and pull him off (easier said than done). She ran out and she promptly left with her mom. tl;dr: My 10 month old molests a 5 year old. >>
My then 10 month old son was the McDonalds playplace, just being a little goofball, when this ADORABLE little girl climbs in as well, the cutest little thing ever, about 5. She walks up to my fiancee and asks "Can I play with him?" and points to my son. She said sure and she climbs up and starts playing with him. Well, for about twenty minutes, they're giggling and laughing. When suddenly, she screams bloody murder. We turn around ... and then started laughing. It turns out my 10 month old son was as big as this 5 year old and her pinned down, pulling on her dress and trying to bite her cheek. It was adorably creepy. I had to climb in there and pull him off (easier said than done). She ran out and she promptly left with her mom.
My 10 month old molests a 5 year old. >>
when my kids were little (they are both in their 20's now) i had always told them to look after one another. reminding them that he was the only brother he had. the oldest was in 5th grade, the younger in 4th. on the bus one day coming home from school, an 8th grader began hitting the older in the back of the head ( this was not the first time he had bullied them). he was hiting him fairly hard as he came home with large knots. anyway, the younger who was sitting with him jumped up, leaped across the back of the seat and promptly beat the 8th grader into a crying bloody mess. (i had taught them both how to defend themselves from an early age) no one EVER dared to bully either of my children for the remainder of their schoolling. this story was relayed to me by their bus driver ben, who happened to be a friend of mine. lucas, the younger, was kicked off of the bus for a week for fighting, shcool rules, although the driver clearly stated to the principal that it was a matter of self defense. ben, the driver, was quite proud of my son, no where near as proud as i was. i enjoyed every day of driving that boy to school. the 8th graders parents, both of whom i know, to this day will not look me in the eye or speak to me. tl;dr 4th grader beat an 8th grade bully to bloody tears.
when my kids were little (they are both in their 20's now) i had always told them to look after one another. reminding them that he was the only brother he had. the oldest was in 5th grade, the younger in 4th. on the bus one day coming home from school, an 8th grader began hitting the older in the back of the head ( this was not the first time he had bullied them). he was hiting him fairly hard as he came home with large knots. anyway, the younger who was sitting with him jumped up, leaped across the back of the seat and promptly beat the 8th grader into a crying bloody mess. (i had taught them both how to defend themselves from an early age) no one EVER dared to bully either of my children for the remainder of their schoolling. this story was relayed to me by their bus driver ben, who happened to be a friend of mine. lucas, the younger, was kicked off of the bus for a week for fighting, shcool rules, although the driver clearly stated to the principal that it was a matter of self defense. ben, the driver, was quite proud of my son, no where near as proud as i was. i enjoyed every day of driving that boy to school. the 8th graders parents, both of whom i know, to this day will not look me in the eye or speak to me. tl;dr 4th grader beat an 8th grade bully to bloody tears.
when my kids were little (they are both in their 20's now) i had always told them to look after one another. reminding them that he was the only brother he had. the oldest was in 5th grade, the younger in 4th. on the bus one day coming home from school, an 8th grader began hitting the older in the back of the head ( this was not the first time he had bullied them). he was hiting him fairly hard as he came home with large knots. anyway, the younger who was sitting with him jumped up, leaped across the back of the seat and promptly beat the 8th grader into a crying bloody mess. (i had taught them both how to defend themselves from an early age) no one EVER dared to bully either of my children for the remainder of their schoolling. this story was relayed to me by their bus driver ben, who happened to be a friend of mine. lucas, the younger, was kicked off of the bus for a week for fighting, shcool rules, although the driver clearly stated to the principal that it was a matter of self defense. ben, the driver, was quite proud of my son, no where near as proud as i was. i enjoyed every day of driving that boy to school. the 8th graders parents, both of whom i know, to this day will not look me in the eye or speak to me.
4th grader beat an 8th grade bully to bloody tears.
My dad is a CFO and spends most of his time making business contracts and so spends a large amount of his time in negotiations/arguments. As a result he is normally very calm and well worded, and when he wants to be aggressive goes for the approach of being firm and accurate in his negotiations and basically knowledge bombing people till they don't know what to do. A few weeks ago my girlfriends father (who is an ignorant idiot) started trying to blame my girlfriend for getting who drink spiked when she was out at a bar in a quite area, saying that the way she was dressed was provocative and a bunch of other disgusting and retarded reasons. He also tried to stop me coming into his house or seeing his daughter because of this, no idea how that logic worked seeing as though I was the only person comforting her. So when I arrived at the house he started yelling at me, calling me a drug addict because he knew I have smoked weed before, yelling at me and my girlfriend, she starts yelling back and holding in tears while I patiently waited for him to finish his shit storm idiot rant. Once finished I asked him if we were going to go inside and talk like adults about it or if he wanted to keep throwing a tantrum. He was so taken aback he told us to come in and we sat down. I then proceeded to go through everything he said, negating every argument and informing him how disgusting it was that he would even suggest some of the things he had said (that I was a drug addict and that the way she dressed she was asking to get her drink spiked). He continuously tried to interrupt me switching to his daughter, at which every time I calmly stated that I thought we were having an adult conversation and that I would be able to finish my story without being interrupted. By the end of my 5 minutes of knowledge bombing him he couldn't even look me in the eyes, he just said it was fine if I stayed there and I dealt with the situation in a respectful way. I told my dad the story and he just said with a ridiculous grin on his face - "you are definitely my son." TL:DR; talked a bully (my girlfriends dad) into thanking me. I am my fathers son
My dad is a CFO and spends most of his time making business contracts and so spends a large amount of his time in negotiations/arguments. As a result he is normally very calm and well worded, and when he wants to be aggressive goes for the approach of being firm and accurate in his negotiations and basically knowledge bombing people till they don't know what to do. A few weeks ago my girlfriends father (who is an ignorant idiot) started trying to blame my girlfriend for getting who drink spiked when she was out at a bar in a quite area, saying that the way she was dressed was provocative and a bunch of other disgusting and retarded reasons. He also tried to stop me coming into his house or seeing his daughter because of this, no idea how that logic worked seeing as though I was the only person comforting her. So when I arrived at the house he started yelling at me, calling me a drug addict because he knew I have smoked weed before, yelling at me and my girlfriend, she starts yelling back and holding in tears while I patiently waited for him to finish his shit storm idiot rant. Once finished I asked him if we were going to go inside and talk like adults about it or if he wanted to keep throwing a tantrum. He was so taken aback he told us to come in and we sat down. I then proceeded to go through everything he said, negating every argument and informing him how disgusting it was that he would even suggest some of the things he had said (that I was a drug addict and that the way she dressed she was asking to get her drink spiked). He continuously tried to interrupt me switching to his daughter, at which every time I calmly stated that I thought we were having an adult conversation and that I would be able to finish my story without being interrupted. By the end of my 5 minutes of knowledge bombing him he couldn't even look me in the eyes, he just said it was fine if I stayed there and I dealt with the situation in a respectful way. I told my dad the story and he just said with a ridiculous grin on his face - "you are definitely my son." TL:DR; talked a bully (my girlfriends dad) into thanking me. I am my fathers son
My dad is a CFO and spends most of his time making business contracts and so spends a large amount of his time in negotiations/arguments. As a result he is normally very calm and well worded, and when he wants to be aggressive goes for the approach of being firm and accurate in his negotiations and basically knowledge bombing people till they don't know what to do. A few weeks ago my girlfriends father (who is an ignorant idiot) started trying to blame my girlfriend for getting who drink spiked when she was out at a bar in a quite area, saying that the way she was dressed was provocative and a bunch of other disgusting and retarded reasons. He also tried to stop me coming into his house or seeing his daughter because of this, no idea how that logic worked seeing as though I was the only person comforting her. So when I arrived at the house he started yelling at me, calling me a drug addict because he knew I have smoked weed before, yelling at me and my girlfriend, she starts yelling back and holding in tears while I patiently waited for him to finish his shit storm idiot rant. Once finished I asked him if we were going to go inside and talk like adults about it or if he wanted to keep throwing a tantrum. He was so taken aback he told us to come in and we sat down. I then proceeded to go through everything he said, negating every argument and informing him how disgusting it was that he would even suggest some of the things he had said (that I was a drug addict and that the way she dressed she was asking to get her drink spiked). He continuously tried to interrupt me switching to his daughter, at which every time I calmly stated that I thought we were having an adult conversation and that I would be able to finish my story without being interrupted. By the end of my 5 minutes of knowledge bombing him he couldn't even look me in the eyes, he just said it was fine if I stayed there and I dealt with the situation in a respectful way. I told my dad the story and he just said with a ridiculous grin on his face - "you are definitely my son."
talked a bully (my girlfriends dad) into thanking me. I am my fathers son

Dataset Card for Reddit Webis-TLDR-17

Dataset Summary

This corpus contains preprocessed posts from the Reddit dataset (Webis-TLDR-17). The dataset consists of 3,848,330 posts with an average length of 270 words for content, and 28 words for the summary.

Features includes strings: author, body, normalizedBody, content, summary, subreddit, subreddit_id. Content is used as document and summary is used as summary.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

Summarization (abstractive)

Known ROUGE scores achieved for the Webis-TLDR-17:

Model ROUGE-1 ROUGE-2 ROUGE-L Paper/Source
Transformer + Copy (Gehrmann et al., 2019) 22 6 17 Generating Summaries with Finetuned Language Models
Unified VAE + PGN (Choi et al., 2019) 19 4 15 VAE-PGN based Abstractive Model in Multi-stage Architecture for Text Summarization




Dataset Structure

Data Instances


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: 3.14 GB
  • Size of the generated dataset: 18.94 GB
  • Total amount of disk used: 22.08 GB

An example of 'train' looks as follows.

    "author": "me",
    "body": "<>",
    "content": "input document.",
    "id": "1",
    "normalizedBody": "",
    "subreddit": "machinelearning",
    "subreddit_id": "2",
    "summary": "output summary."

Data Fields

The data fields are the same among all splits.


  • author: a string feature.
  • body: a string feature.
  • normalizedBody: a string feature.
  • subreddit: a string feature.
  • subreddit_id: a string feature.
  • id: a string feature.
  • content: a string feature.
  • summary: a string feature.

Data Splits

name train
default 3848330

This corpus does not contain a separate test set. Thus it is up to the users to divide the corpus into appropriate training, validation and test sets.

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

In the scope of the task of absractive summarization the creators of the Webis-TLDR-17 propose mining social media for author-provided summaries and taking advantage of the common practice of appending a "TL;DR" to long posts. A large Reddit crawl was used to yield the Webis-TLDR-17 corpus. This dataset intends to complement the existing summarization corpora primarily from the news genre.

Source Data

Reddit subreddits posts (submissions & comments) containing "TL;DR" from 2006 to 2016. Multiple subreddits are included.

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

Initial data: a set of 286 million submissions and 1.6 billion comments posted to Reddit between 2006 and 2016. Then a five-step pipeline of consecutive filtering steps was applied.

Who are the source language producers?

The contents of the dataset are produced by human authors, bot-generated content was eliminated by filtering out all bot accounts with the help of an extensive list provided by the Reddit community, as well as manual inspection of cases where the user name contained the substring "bot."


Annotation process

More Information Needed

Who are the annotators?

More Information Needed

Personal and Sensitive Information

More Information Needed

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

This dataset has been created to serve as a source of large-scale summarization training data. It is primarily geared towards the automatic abstractive summarization task, that can be considered one of the most challenging variants of automatic summarization. It also aims to tackle the lack of genre diversity in the summarization datasets (most are news-related).

Discussion of Biases

More Information Needed

Other Known Limitations

Reddit users write TL;DRs with various intentions, such as providing a “true” summary, asking questions or for help, or forming judgments and conclusions. As noted in the paper introducing the dataset, although the first kind of TL;DR posts are most important for training summarization models, yet, the latter allow for various alternative summarization-related tasks.

Although filtering was performed abusive language maybe still be present.

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

Michael Völske, Martin Potthast, Shahbaz Syed, Benno Stein

Licensing Information

More Information Needed

Citation Information

    title = "{TL};{DR}: Mining {R}eddit to Learn Automatic Summarization",
    author = {V{"o}lske, Michael  and
      Potthast, Martin  and
      Syed, Shahbaz  and
      Stein, Benno},
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on New Frontiers in Summarization",
    month = sep,
    year = "2017",
    address = "Copenhagen, Denmark",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/W17-4508",
    pages = "59--63",
    abstract = "Recent advances in automatic text summarization have used deep neural networks to generate high-quality abstractive summaries, but the performance of these models strongly depends on large amounts of suitable training data. We propose a new method for mining social media for author-provided summaries, taking advantage of the common practice of appending a {``}TL;DR{''} to long posts. A case study using a large Reddit crawl yields the Webis-TLDR-17 dataset, complementing existing corpora primarily from the news genre. Our technique is likely applicable to other social media sites and general web crawls.",


Thanks to @mariamabarham, @patrickvonplaten, @thomwolf for adding this dataset.

Downloads last month

Models trained or fine-tuned on webis/tldr-17

Spaces using webis/tldr-17 2