Item#: SCP-7301 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7301 is currently stored in a Standard Anomalous Item Locker located in Site-301. Direct visual contact with SCP-7301 is strictly forbidden. Foundation personnel violating this policy will be detained and amneticized. Investigations regarding widespread SCP-7301 exposure among Foundation personnel are currently underway. This document is maintained and edited by the Site-301 Administrative Team exclusively. Description: SCP-7301 is a handwritten document drafted on 3 pages of non-anomalous A4 paper. SCP-7301's primary anomalous effect is a TYPE-B memetic compulsion triggered upon 72.89% of individuals after reading the entirety of SCP-7301's contents. Said individuals are collectively designated as SCP-7301-A. Foundation employees described as "compassionate", "empathetic", and "kind" appear to be seemingly more vulnerable to SCP-7301's effects, while D-class personnel from violent backgrounds seem to be the least affected. SCP-7301-A instances express a strong compulsion to convince Foundation personnel unaffected by SCP-7301 phenomena into reading SCP-7301. When questioned about SCP-7301's contents or reasons for reading it, SCP-7301-A responses vary; most avoid the prompt or fail to justify a response with sufficient reasoning. Nevertheless, due to the potential confirmed exposure of several high-ranking Foundation personnel to SCP-7301 and the resources available to them, it is currently believed that 2.6% 7.9% 16.2% 44.5% of all Foundation personnel have been exposed to SCP-7301. SCP-7301's second anomalous effect renders SCP-7301-A instances completely inoculated against all methods of memory removal or alteration known to the Foundation. This effect is present in 100% of observed SCP-7301 instances. Potential implications of this effect are poorly understood. Addenda 7301.1—SCP-7301 Excerpts: SHOW EXCERPTS HIDE EXCERPTS …years of experience with amnestics. They have become an essential tool to aid you all with the containment of anomalies and the upholding of the Veil protocol. And we are not denying this fact. But times have changed, my friends. Our mission statement all this time was to shield the public from the unknown, unexplained, and dangerous. We don't just secure and contain anomalies for no reason. We are doing this to protect the rest of humanity, ignorant of the dangers that lurk in the dark. Once, a long time ago, we were like you. We were the pioneers of cutting-edge paratechnology; we had pills that can tap into the very minds of humans, pills that can warp, dilate, and erase our memories. It was the foundation of modern containment and Veil preservation protocol. It was everything to us. A flaming torch keeping us warm and safe in the endless night of the anomalous world so to speak. That reassurance that there will always be a way out from a dire situation or a great mistake. The way of removing the memories of everyone involved. But still, amnestics are twisted and just so…wrong, on many different levels. We prided ourselves on the protection of humanity and consensus reality against anomalous threats. Yet to achieve this goal, we had to intrude and interfere with countless human minds anomalously. Are we really protecting humanity from anomalous influence if we are anomalously affecting human memories ourselves? What about the extremely immoral method for harvesting critical amnestical components? So we've decided to change our ways. Less obtrusive alternatives to amnestics are in development. Reassessments regarding the Veil protocol are underway due to the massive surge of new anomalies and GOIs in recent years. Some folks call for the deprecation of the Veil or even complete removal from Foundation mission objectives, but personally, I think that's going too far. That brings us to now. We urge all of you to stop the usage and production of amnestics and to reassess containment methods with more morality in mind. At the end of the day, we are all Foundation. And we humbly request that our steps are followed to create a more ethical future for your world. This letter is a gift, a token of fellowship, and a symbol of our success in reforming containment methods. A proof of concept. Addenda 7301.2—Discovery and Additional Information: SCP-7301 manifested in Site-301's meeting room on █/1/2023 during a scheduled Administrative Staff meeting, somewhat resembling an official Foundation Summary Memo distributed annually amongst site administrative teams providing updates and statistics regarding the Foundation and its operations. Colloquial vocabulary is used as opposed to the clinical tone used in almost all official Foundation documents. According to information provided by SCP-7301, the document was written by the "SCP Foundation Ethics Committee". No such department has ever been established in the Foundation. The "Ethics Committee", for all intents and purposes, does not exist. Site-301 Administrative Staff identified the anomaly and current containment procedures were designed and implemented successfully..This statement has been flagged for potential memetic corruption. No further action is necessary. « SCP-7300 | SCP-7301 | SCP-7302 »
a monsterlover, not a monsterfighter That's Sonderance, for the record. See more of his stuff here. Item #: SCP-7302 Object Class: Uncontained Special Containment Procedures: Due to the unique abilities held by members of SCP-7302, containment is not feasible at the moment. Surveillance teams are to monitor any occasion in which two or more members of SCP-7302 are in contact for any anomalous phenomena. The clearest known image of SCP-7302-0. Description: SCP-7302 is the collective designation given to members of the Teratophagous Club, an organization centered around the consumption of anomalous entities. While the club has existed in some form for centuries, its membership has never exceeded 6 individuals. All attempts by Foundation staff to contain members of SCP-7302 have been unsuccessful due to the abilities resulting from consumption of anomalous material. Following a failed operation in 2013 resulting in 17 civilian casualties and 36 reanimation events, active containment attempts are currently considered inadvisable. At time of writing, there are 4 known members of SCP-7302: SCP-7302-1, also known as James Ewetell, a British chef and media personality. He joined SCP-7302 in 1997 with the claim of having consumed an anomalously poisonous rodent found in Scotland. Referred to in SCP-7302 communications as 'The Chef'. SCP-7302-2, also known as Jean Anthelme, a French politician known for his nationalist positions. He joined SCP-7302 in 1989 after the capture and consumption of a thaumaturgical entity in northern Africa. Referred to in SCP-7302 communications as 'The Politician'. SCP-7302-3, also known as Kenneth Yan, a Chinese-American businessman. He joined SCP-7302 in 2005 after importing several anomalous chickens1 for their consumption. Referred to in SCP-7302 communications as 'The Import'. SCP-7302-0, a heavyset Caucasian man of unknown name and origin. SCP-7302-1 has been a member of SCP-7302 since its conception, and his abilities and history are unknown. Referred to in SCP-7302 communications as 'The Founder'. Addendum as of 2023-01-02: On December 31st, 2021, SCP-7302-1 through -32 were observed to travel to Buckland, New York for their annual New Year's dinner. All three individuals entered a small seafood restaurant in the town's harbor in the late afternoon. Foundation agents established three surveillance points nearby. At approximately 19:30, a 5.9-magnitude earthquake was recorded in the immediate vicinity of the restaurant. Upon entering the vicinity three minutes later, Foundation agents were unable to locate any members of SCP-7302. The interior of the restaurant was coated with several tons of viscera, none of which was a genetic match for any known terrestrial entity. The location of the members of SCP-7302 is currently unknown. Investigation is ongoing. Addendum as of 2023-01-05: During the seizure and analysis of SCP-7302-2's personal assets, Foundation staff found a hard drive containing footage of several dinners hosted by SCP-7302. Based on the conditions of the room in which it was found, it is hypothesized that the videos were recorded and reviewed by SCP-7302-2 in order to fulfill a paraphilia related to the consumption of exotic meats. The footage of the dinner held on 2022-12-31 was uploaded to the hard drive remotely immediately following the earthquake. VIDEO LOG DATE: 2022-12-31 19:23 NOTE: Footage was recovered from a camera attached to SCP-7302-2's chest. Designations used are derived from internal SCP-7302 communications for legibility. [BEGIN LOG] Recording begins with a view of the darkened seafood restaurant. The only visible lights come from the kitchen and a lamp hanging over a single table, where two men sit. The camera approaches the table. The Politician: Hello, my friends. Another year come and gone, eh? The Import rises and shakes The Politician's hand with a grin. The man at the head of the table chuckles, but doesn't get up. His face is blurred for unknown reasons, but it is clear that it is The Founder. The door to the kitchen can be heard swinging open, and the camera turns to show The Chef approaching. His expression sours. The Chef: Come on, Jean, do you really have to wear that bloody thing to every meeting? Makes me feel like I'm back in the studio. The Founder: Now, now. The Chef turns to look back at the table, as does the camera. The Founder has not stood up. The Founder: Remember your vows, son. We are bonded in domination of the powerful. Who are you to critique how others enjoy their consumption? The Chef: Of course. Of course, yes, I'm sorry. The Founder: No need to be sorry! Just tell us what we'll be enjoying this evening. The camera turns back to The Chef, whose face is paler than before. The Chef: Yes, Founder. I'm starting us off with raw carbuncios to be eaten with lemon juice. For our main course, I've got a braised nuckelavee with water chestnuts, followed by the fruit of the Nicaraguan devil's snare as dessert. The Founder: That sounds excellent. Let's begin. The Chef nods and turns, stepping back into the kitchen. The Politician's camera turns back to the table, where The Import leans closer. The Import: Let me tell you, getting the nuckelavee here was a nightmare. The Orcadian authorities required all sorts of specialty paperwork, and my usual pilot had some sort of qualms about the odor— The back door of the restaurant can be heard swinging open3. The camera turns to show three silhouettes in the dark. A deep voice with a slight accent can be heard. Unknown #1: Excuse me. Our car broke down outside. Do any of you have a phone we may use? The Politician rises from his chair, raising the angle of the camera. From the sound of a chair scraping against the floor next to him, The Import rises as well. The kitchen door can be heard swinging open. The Chef: What the hell are you doing here? This is private property. I should— One of the three silhouettes flickers out of sight. There's a shout and a crash behind The Politician, and the camera turns to show a thin figure with long, tangled hair holding The Chef aloft by the neck. A bottle of wine lies smashed on the ground. Unknown #2: What are we doing here? Do you have any idea what you've taken from me? The Chef: What kind of insolent little shit— The Chef 's skin ripples. For a moment, it looks as if it's about to slough off. The figure's grip visibly tightens, keeping it in place. The Chef: What the fuck are you? The individual who first spoke shouts across the room to their companion. Unknown #1: What happened to waiting for Ashera to get here? The figure holding The Chef spits and slams him against the ground. The Chef lets out a grunt of pain. The Founder: Would you three care to introduce yourselves? I don't think we've met. The Founder has not stood up from his seat. When The Politician turns back to the table, the other two intruders are now standing a few feet away. The man who originally spoke is tall and dark, with faint Arabic text on his arms. A smaller figure stands next to him with a hood over their face. Unknown #1: That's not strictly true, actually. I am Youssef. I met Mr. Anthelme there in 1989. The Politician: I've never seen you in my life. Youssef: My, ah, impatient friend over there is Carys. She met Mr. Ewetell somewhere in 2005, I think. There's a rough sound from behind the camera as The Chef attempts to speak. From the crunch and noise of pain that immediately follows, Carys has injured him further. Youssef: And this is Akae. Mr. Yan, do you recognize her? The Import: I'm tired of this. Founder, I'll take care of them. A soft, wet, sprouting sound can be heard next to the camera, and a sudden gust of wind ruffles Youssef's hair. The hooded figure standing next to Youssef lunges. By the time The Politician turns towards the Import, the figure has a steak knife from the table pressed against his jugular. The Import has sprouted black-feathered wings, and his nose has swelled and turned bright red. He is motionless, his eyes crossed as he tries to watch the blade. Youssef: You should recognize her. You saw her three months ago, right before you struck down the woman she loved. The Import: I haven't killed any women. I swear, I haven't! Akae says something quietly to him. Her blade draws a red line of blood on his neck. The Import: I don't speak fucking Japanese! The Founder: He's referring to the tengu, Kenneth. The one whose wings you're currently wearing. On the other side of the table, The Founder is leaning back in the chair, eyes on Youssef. The Import: The, the fucking tengu? That wasn't a woman, that was— The Politician: Ken, for your own sake, read the room. The Import stops talking. The camera turns back to Youssef. The Politician: If you know who I am, young man, then you know what I can do. Youssef: I know perfectly well what you can do, yes. Youssef leisurely rounds the table and approaches The Politician. The footage begins to show distortion resulting from a powerful thaumaturgical field. The Politician: I can summon lightning from on high. I can turn you into a louse and crush you beneath my heel. I can— Youssef: You can enter a home uninvited. Youssef passes through the flickering magic as if it isn't there. The Politician takes a step back, then another. Youssef: You can find a man while he is sleeping. A man of light and magic and innocence. And you can drive a blade through his heart. I know this from personal experience. The Politician: How the fuck— Youssef grabs a knife from the table and drives it into The Politician's belly, out of sight of the camera. The Politician stumbles backwards against another table, slumping into one of its chairs. Youssef stays in view, his face cast into silhouette by the light above the table behind him. Youssef: You only have the magic you've digested, Mr. Anthelme. I was surrounded by it for twenty years. There's nothing you can do to me with hatred that I haven't felt with love. The Founder: I'm going to have to agree with Mr. Yan here, actually. He stands up and stretches. The Founder: This has become quite tiresome. Kenneth, speaking of, is a small knife really all it takes to defeat you? The Import opens his mouth to speak, but Akae interrupts. Akae: The tengu invented swordplay. Eating one teaches you nothing. The Founder: And James, you give up so easily? Against a malnourished waif? Carys: He's using her magic, or trying, he's trying to use her magic, but he never knew her name. If you don't know her name, if you don't love her, you get nothing, you get dregs, you get nothing! Nothing! Nothing! There's the loud crunch of broken bones, followed by a soft gurgle. The Founder sighs. Youssef: It's okay, Carys. It's okay. We've got this. The Founder: Ah, I misspoke. He gave up against the lover of one of the many selkies that we have had the pleasure of consuming as part of this club. My mistake. There's a hiss from out of view, and in an instant, Carys has her hands wrapped around The Founder's throat. He seems unaffected. The Founder: I can appreciate your positions. But I don't think you quite understand the league you are in. The Founder's skin ripples, then bursts open in a dozen places. Thick, dark tentacles erupt from his skin. They wrap around the three intruders, trapping their arms against their sides. When The Founder speaks again, his voice is slurred due to the tentacle twisting out of the side of his face. The Founder: You three, you've bedded a few demons and think you can call yourselves powerful. But I have consumed entities you cannot imagine. I've eaten entire mythologies, entire pantheons. I've swallowed gods whose names are lost to time, while leaving room for dessert. Unknown: What were their names, then? The Founder's eyes flicked towards the entrance. The expressions of the three intruders become oddly calm. The camera's angle doesn't show who spoke, but there's a soft light coming from the direction of the voice. Unknown: If you consumed them so proudly, then you must have learned their names, no matter what time has done. What were they? The Founder: Why would I bother remembering the names of gnats I've swatted? Another tentacle sprouts from his torso and speeds out of view, towards the light. A crunch can be heard, followed by a wet splatter. The tentacle stops moving. The Founder's expression can't change due to the intruding tentacle, but his eyes widen. Unknown: I hoped for more, you know. I hoped you held even the slightest respect for them. For her. Unknown: But that was foolish, wasn't it? There's no respect in your world, is there? Since anything worth respecting can be consumed. The Founder: What do you think you are? More tentacles sprout from the base of the motionless one. Each falls motionless as soon as it reaches out of view. The unknown voice continues speaking. Unknown: Her name was Tiamus, by the by. She was glorious and cold, and her voice was like whalesong, and her tentacles stretched the breadth of the ocean. And here you are, barely controlling a room with what you stole from her. The Founder: I don't know what you are, but I will break you. And you will be the greatest meal I've ever had. With a blur, The Founder disappears off-screen. The other three intruders fall to the floor. Unknown: I'm someone who loved her in every aspect. And when some idiot consumed one of those aspects with no thoughts in his silly little head, the rest had to go somewhere. Unknown: That's how love works. It's reciprocated worship. There's a loud crunch, followed by a pop. The three intruders within view disappear, and a wave of viscera slams into the camera, ending the footage. [END LOG] Following review of this video, the corpses of SCP-7302-1 through 3 were found heavily compressed against the back wall of the restaurant. The viscera surrounding them had almost entirely dissolved their bodies. Locating and containing the four individuals responsible for the dissolution of SCP-7302 is a top priority. Footnotes 1. The exact anomalous nature of the chickens is unknown. 2. SCP-7302-0's methods of transportation have yet to be identified. He has only be observed at events related to SCP-7302. 3. As the back alley leads directly to the water outside, Foundation agents were unable to secure a vantage point facing it. However, no individuals were observed approaching the building from any angle. More From This Author More From This Author Sonderance's Works SCPs SCP-7770 • SCP-4653 • SCP-5625 • SCP-5640 • SCP-6531 • SCP-6012 • SCP-5785 • Tales/GoI Formats Sudoku Puzzles and a Lit Cigarette • Other Sonderance • « SCP-7301 | SCP-7302| SCP-7303 »
Item#: 7304 Level3 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Outpost-12-IRQ is established to occupy SCP-7304-2 and secure SCP-7304-1 items for transport to Site-02-IRQ. Description: SCP-7304 refers to the manifestation of items in SCP-7304-2, an ancient Sumerian temple located in the city of Ur. These items, designated SCP-7304-1, have been continuously appearing since their discovery in 1952, with a total of 392 393 instances recovered. The most technologically advanced SCP-7304-1 instances suggest their natural development occurring in the near-future (around the early 2100s), based on an exponential model of technological growth. All SCP-7304-1 instances were found with significant amount of inert Scranton Radiation1 and a large quantity of Euchars2. Most SCP-7304-1 instances were found deliberately damaged, exhibiting signs of being struck with a bladed weapon consistent with bronze-age technology. Addendum-7304.1: The following is an incomplete list of SCP-7304-1 items recovered from SCP-7304-2. DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SCP-7304-1-12 An incredibly small 10 TB empty USB with key-chain compatibility. Found broken in half. SCP-7304-1-126 An advanced computer with labels indicating that its CPU regularly reaches speeds of 48 gHz and requires 32 Kilowatts. No compatible monitor is currently available. The gashes on the case were likely made with a ~60cm curved blade. An emblem engraved on the side resembles the logo of a Foundation-like entity, -BF/102 "Rogue Spies"3 SCP-7304-1-230 A smartphone. Incredibly thin at 2mm. Found deliberately broken in half. No charging port is found. Outer casing is scorched and emitted toxic amounts of gamma radiation at time of discovery. SCP-7304-1-260 A laser printer with a sheet of paper in the printing compartment. The paper contains a crude, printed diagram of an unknown terrestrial creature. Small spots are highlighted to indicate the presumed vital spots of the creature. No ink was found in storage. SCP-7304-1-327 A slab of modern concrete with dried blood splattered over a 2m2 area. Large claw-like scratches were found in this area as well. DNA analysis of the blood reveals it to be a mixture of human blood and blood from an unknown anomalous Cephalopoda-Felidae creature. The creature is designated as anomalous due to trace inactive amnestic compounds found in the blood. SCP-7304-1-381 An automatic rifle superficially resembling an M60 machine gun. It is incredibly lightweight due to being constructed of graphene. Engraved middle-Sumerian writing on the barrel reads "Begone foul beasts!" Evidence of heavy use was found. Addendum-7304.2: On 2033/4/3, SCP-7304-1-393 was recovered. Unlike others, it was a clay tablet consistent with bronze-age technology containing middle-sumerian writing. Below is a translation. A few lines were memetically highlighted in SCP-7304-1-393, represented below by italicization. Atayah, King of Ur and Sumer, in accordance with the true word of Utu, did establish equity in the land; he banished violence, and strife, and set the monthly Temple expenses lower than previous. For 20 years did he rule in this way, and it was good. However, the citizens of Ur had demanded the banishment of one more aspect. They demanded that King Atayah banish the mighty mayors of Sutrah, Ceridu, and Peresad, who the citizens said make an affront to Utu with sorcery, and commune with the gods in order to gain power for themselves. When King Atayah refused to banish them, they tore their clothes. The mayors, having many allies from the heavens who share their Foundation, were favored by the gods. Atayah, wise King of Ur and Sumer, knew this, and that they alone held back many evils. It was for this reason King Atayah did not banish them even though they grew powerful enough to challenge the King. After Atayah had turned over the Kingship of Ur and Sumer to Enlil, he, in a foolish attempt to gain the people's favor and secure his new position, had the mayors of Sutrah, Ceridu, and Peresad slaughtered, and their belongings seized. Their largest temple, located in Sutrah who's dimensions were many, and in which the mayors communed with their heavenly allies, was converted into a temple for Utu. Of the seized belongings, those deemed unholy were banished at the new temple of Utu in Sutrah. Some were kept as loot. Because of this foolishness, all of Sumer was cursed and great beasts of heaven shook the Earth. He ruled a mere 2 months, and chaos consumed the world. Using the inter dimensional database available as a result of the Many Foundations Treaties4, it was found that a Foundation-like entity designated -BR/463 "Bronze Mayors" was a minor figure in inter-Foundation relations. Despite their interdimensional capabilities, their mundane development paralleled that of the bronze age. Their most recent communications indicated that their neutralization was imminent, and that a widespread TTK-Class "Tartarean-Intrusion" scenario would take place as a result. They requested support and equipment to prepare for an WC-class "War for Civilization" scenario. No communication has been received from them since the 1950s, and Foundation-like entity -BR/463 is presumed neutralized. The status of humanity in -BR/463's dimension is unknown, but due to the freshness of Euchars on SCP-7304-1 instances, presumed not extinct. Footnotes 1. An indicator of an object going through inter-dimensional travel. 2. An indicator of an object going through a religious ritual. See Tactical Theology. 3. Foundation-like entities refer to groups residing in another dimension that are analogous to the SCP Foundation. The given code names do not necessarily represent the actual names of these entities. For example, our SCP Foundation's interdimensional designation is TW/224 "Efficient Forgetters" 4. A term used to generalize the various agreements and pacts between Foundation-like entities across dimensions. Examples include the Multi-Foundation Pact of 1981, the Hexauniversal Foundation Collaboration Agreement, etc.
close Info X More by this author Image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Red_sphere_shaded_lightsource_top_right.svg Artist's Rendition of SCP-7308 Item #: SCP-7308 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7308 is contained within a standard humanoid containment cell in Site-309. Description: SCP-7308 appears to be a red sphere approximately two meters in diameter. All attempts to perceive the true appearance of SCP-7308 have been unsuccessful. Addendum: Discovery SCP-7308 was discovered in Poplar Grove, Illinois after reports of an "orb" wandering a local apple orchard. Following the capture of SCP-7308, Gate B of Site-309 was blasted down by Soupglop, a known reality bender residing in Three Portlands, demanding that SCP-7308 be returned to her. After fourteen hours of standard de-escalation procedures, Dr. Noah Addams managed to conduct an interview with Soupglop. <Begin Log> Dr. Addams: Are you ready to cooperate? Or am I going to have to call in the tranq unit again? Soupglop: Fine. Fine. But mark my words, young man, I'm gonna be casting sooooo many hexes on you later. I'm gonna… Soupglop gestures her hands in the air wildly. Soupglop: And you're gonna be SORRY. Dr. Addams: I… Okay. Well, to start, what is SCP-7308? Soupglop: Ha! What is it? It's my INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, that's what it is. Dr. Addams: To be clear, I'm talking about the… red circle thing. Soupglop: Wait, circle? I thought I upgraded to the orb package! Goddammit. I'm so fucking mad. I suck at contracts. Always using so much LANGUAGE. I— Dr. Addams: No— it's— you did fine. It's an orb. I just misspoke. Sorry. Soupglop: Huh. How the fuck did you go from orb to circle? There's a whole DIMENSION of difference. I thought you people were supposed to be smart! Dr. Addams: I just misspoke. I'd appreciate moving on now. Soupglop: Peh. Fine. Dr. Addams: So, again. What is SCP-7308, and why can we only perceive it as an orb? Soupglop: You see him like that because you hold no shares! Nobody does! Because all the shares are mine. I copyrighted him! Dr. Addams: Well… then what do you see it as? Soupglop: He's a large man with white fur. He has big muscles. He would be my husband but he's kind of stupid, so I copyrighted him instead. I call him "Yeti" and he's one of a kind. That's why Lord Alrights allowed me to finalize the ritual. Dr. Addams: Hm. One moment, please. Dr. Addams stands, retrieves a manilla folder, then pushes it towards Soupglop. She begins inspecting its contents. Dr. Addams: Did you know that there are countless entities that are almost identical to your "Yeti"? Therefore… Soupglop: Oh… oh no. A tear in reality suddenly forms above Soupglop. An eye emerges, staring directly at her. UNKNOWN: SOUPGLOP. YOU HAVE LIED, AND BETRAYED LORD ALRIGHTS. FOR THIS YOU WILL BE PUNISHED. Soupglop: Wait, wait, I didn't know! I didn't— UNKNOWN: IGNORANCE IS NOT FORGIVEN. PERISH. Soupglop disintegrates into a pile of salt, and the tear closes. <End Log> Following the interview, it was discovered that SCP-7308 had disintegrated into a pile of ground black pepper. Reclassification to Neutralized pending. More From This Author More From This Author Ellie3's Works SCPs SCP-4492 • SCP-5033 • SCP-4874 • SCP-2019-J • SCP-5986 • SCP-7300 • Tales/GoI Formats A Little Bunny's Doctor • SCP-ide • Fishbowl • Learn To Live • "Is bad luck really such a crime?" asked the mouse to the cat. • No Cars Allowed • Talloran Shoots Archduke Franz Ferdinand • "You called my bluff." • END OF THE WORLD LIVESTREAM!!! • Rise Of The Human Resources • Three Portlands Pastries • Cuteness On Main! • Memory Dives & Deep Desires • The Bed Salesman: A Brief Interlude • Extradimensional Purchase: "Wondertainment Vacation Spot!" • Other Ellie3 (Gimmick Free!) • « SCP-7307 | SCP-7308 | SCP-7309 »
close Info X 84.82% (+67) 15.18% (-12) -% (+0) -% (-0) Item#: 7310 Level4 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: critical link to memo Special Containment Procedures Due to its distance from the Solar System, SCP-7310's discovery by the non-anomalous community is highly improbable. Any discoveries suggesting the existence of SCP-7310 in non-anomalous communities are to be discredited using Cover Story 158 (Cosmic Background Radiation). Update: Through currently unknown methods, SCP-7310 began to penetrate the signal blocker array established on February 1st, 2035. Description SCP-7310 as observed from Relay Station Tau SCP-7310 is a mechanical construct four kilometers in height with a mass of approximately 3.67 x 1016 kilograms that broadcasts radio signals across the Plastic and Milky Way Galaxies. Although SCP-7310 does not resemble any distinctive architectural style found in the Foundation's expanded compendium of interstellar species, SCP-7310 possesses several technomantic sigils typically associated with Fifthism. SCP-7310 emanates a constant, anomalous auditory pulse that drastically increases dopamine production in carbon-based organisms1. This effect, while not compulsive, is akin to addiction. Listeners will do everything within their power to "maintain their connection" to SCP-7310, and grow discontented when SCP-7310 cannot be heard. Subjects report auditory hallucinations, typically assuming the form of a soft-spoken voice with an English accent whispering information not privy to uninvolved parties in close proximity to their ear. These auditory hallucinations can also be heard by recording and adjusting specific audio frequencies typically inaudible to humans. The anomaly currently affects approximately one-in-ten thousand people on Earth. This auditory hallucination is hypothesized to be caused by SCP-7310, although confirmation is pending. The circumstances that cause SCP-7310 to cease being heard are unknown. Broadcast Samples The following audio samples produced by SCP-7310 were taken from The Reality Cinq radio broadcast prior to the apprehension of Salem Steros. Date: September 7th, 2004 Date: November 11th, 2005 Date: March 15th, 2012 Date: May 4th, 2016 Date: February 1st, 2023 Date: August 5th, 2035 Footnotes 1. Evidence suggests that SCP-7310 has a similar effect on extraterrestrial organisms' pleasure sensors.
Errorban Written by Errorban Link To Guide Item#:7312 Clearance Level 2: Clearance Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: draugr Disruption Class: #/ekhi Risk Class: #/danger Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force N/D N/A Alex Y. Bushed N/A Special Containment Procedures: All Monitoring Systems, along with Observing Personnel, should be familiarized with the current definition of SCP-7312-β objects' characteristics. If such an object is noticed, personnel are required to immediately inform the nearest Foundation or sister organization site about its location and noted characteristics. These facilities are required to send a team or a group of drones to the location, to determine the exact characteristics and features of the subject, as well as the general threat posed by it. Subsequently, per the relevant guidelines of the Yam protocol1 as well as containment procedures appropriate for the anomaly of -beta object, it needed to be secured and its documentation and label prepared. The Bureau of Disinformation and the Department of Public History are obligated to conduct extensive Veil-patching operations, as well as attempts to recreate as much as possible of historical knowledge damaged by SCP-7312's occurrence. Designated interdepartmental analysis teams were chosen to determine the cause of SCP-7312's occurrence, along with the development of new methods of detection and prompt containment of -beta subjects through the Yam protocol. Description: SCP-7312 was a worldwide event of a fully unknown nature, which took place on May 18th, 2020. Currently, it is believed that the main consequence of the aforementioned event is the complete obliteration of noosphere-residing memeplex, designated as SCP-7312-α or referred to as “-alpha," from baseline reality. Due to that, the conceptualization of the whole subject of said memeplex became impossible for every sentient being on Earth. Despite the complete disappearance of -alpha, the physical or informational nonnoospherical pieces of evidence of its existence persisted. Unfortunately, after the occurrence of SCP-7312, all of the evidence became heavily distorted from its primary form. Most of the said objects also gained diverse anomalous properties. This led to officially determining them as instances of SCP-7312-β. Ongoing research on previous noosphere localisation of SCP-7312-α allowed the discovery of residual information2 not directly connected to eradicate -plex, due to their connection with other memeplexes. Analysis of those residuals and -beta objects allowed researchers to determine some information that could be parts of -alpha, before its disappearance. Some of them are: -alpha was the memeplex of a physically existing subject; the said subject was a person; said person was an important historical figure; was born in Poland in May of 1920, day undetermined; was closely related to the Catholic Church; held an administrative position; was subject of the cult, presumably canonized or viewed as a saint without official recognition; died between 1990 and 2010; for reasons unclear some of the Polish people ridiculed and satirized them after their death, mostly on the internet. Overview report on the SCP-7312 incident and following investigation. October 13, 2021 Dr Alex Y. Bushed, et al. On May 18, 2020, between 11 a.m. and 12 a.m. UTC, Foundation's Monitoring Systems and Observing Personnel began to simultaneously report the occurrence of an undefined but significant number of paranormal phenomena or anomalous objects discoveries, throughout the planet. Due to the seriousness of the situation and its difficult-to-control development, official requests for cooperative help in tackling the situation were sent to the GOC and local sister GoIs. The vast majority of these organizations agreed to the offer without making any additional requests. The rest of them agreed to cooperate after negotiations. This allowed the majority of physical objects to be contained and a significant part of the anomaly to be secured within the first 6 hours of the incident. From that moment on, cybersphere anomalies, the number of which significantly exceeded the worst estimates, became the most problematic case. Because of this, the Foundation has started negotiations for cooperation with anomalous hacker organizations, branches of the Maxwellism Church collectives as well as non-aggressive digital beings and hives. Talks were completed within half an hour, with the success of receiving support from more than half of mentioned institutions and beings. As a result, the main wave of the crisis was resolved less than 24 hours after its start. And it allowed for the initiation of the Veil-patching operations, and the analysis of events and objects acquired by the Foundation and other GoI. Summarizes have shown that approximately 21 million people died as a result of the incident. And the number of missing, injured or other victims is difficult to determine unequivocally due to the involvement of anomalous factors. The most specific and difficult events include: sudden increase in size and acquisition of motor skills by the statue located on the grounds of the National Museum in Warsaw, Poland, which then began to ram the city's buildings, throw and roll a boulder that was previously part of the installation; after its destruction remains of the statue were searched, and any possibly still anomalous parts were secured and contained for research; death of about 37 thousand people in the prayer square on the outskirts of Częstochowa, Poland; the cause of death was impossible to establish, and research indicated that it occurred simultaneously; at the same time, at the scene, especially among the personal belongings of the deceased, a large number of anomalies caused by SCP-7312 were found; the airport near Ponta Delgada on the island of São Miguel, Azores, Portugal, lifted off the ground and began to levitate a few kilometres above sea level; the disappearance of the street with its structures and people on it, in Yonkers, NYC, USA; the acquisition of the properties of non-Euclidean space and temporal anomalies by one of the parts of the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome, Italy; the spread of a highly viral, life-threatening and mind-altering, but at the same time deeply self-antialternating and limited to one form of manifestation, a meme that quickly transmitted across the European and Asian internet; this meme took the form of a video recording of a portrait picture of a man in white clothes, with distorted characteristics, animated in the way resembling a run or a dance, accompanied by specific synthetic music with a rhythm matching the movements of the animation; all infected devices and servers have been shut down and wiped, a copy of the memetic agent has been secured for analysis, the exposed persons were put in a pharmacological coma and are awaiting amnestisation; the simultaneous acquisition of motor and verbal communication skills through two monuments, in Chicago City, USA, and Krakow, Poland; both monuments began to move at a considerable pace through the large area, breaching the door of local houses and apartments, asking in the language of its inhabitants "Do you want to talk about the God?" [sic]; the memorial in the USA managed to visit about a quarter of its denizens before neutralization, and the memorial from Poland visited the residents of the voivodeships of Małopolska and Upper Silesia, and some inhabitants of the northern regions of the Czech Republic and Slovakia before it was secured. Eight days after its initiation, the main incident was considered resolved and preliminary documentation was prepared, classifying it as SCP-7312. A proper investigation was launched with the appropriate teams and resources in place. Monitoring of the world situation and securing previously unnoticed objects were continued. At the same time, a campaign to cover up the incident was launched. According to the data collected thanks to following investigations, all the objects seemed to be in a key way related to each other, but they have been distorted or damaged to a degree that makes it impossible to clearly define the common element. These objects often referred to specific documentation, which also turned out to be distorted or damaged. In addition, the Department of History reported that many of the damaged documents were concerned with historical events from the 1920s to the present day. It was also noted that all staff members, including Parabiological Databases personnel, were unable to recall certain details of the specific events and facts. Surveys conducted among the global community of historians and civilians proved a clear inability to recall the same information — apart from deviations resulting from the functioning of the brain. Based on this, the main committee team hypothesized that SCP-7312 was a collective consciousness restructuring event. The effect of which must have been complete removal or isolation of at least one memeplex from baseline reality. Therefore, a special interdisciplinary team was appointed to analyze the results of the investigation, and the Semio- and Noosphere to prove or contradict the hypothesis. Due to a major component failure of TETS3 on May 18, a pinpoint procedure using a non-anomalous totemic object warped due to the occurrence of SCP-7312 has been delayed. On September 11, 2020, the team began the first scans of the local Infosphere covering the area associated with the planet Earth. The first map after the SCP-7312 event was fully completed five days later. For comparative purposes, maps of the local Infosphere from 2010-2019 were pulled out from the Deepwell Archives of the adequate Sites. After three months, the team and TETS were unable to discover any remains of the decomposition or isolation of memeplexes matching the conceptual data borne by the incident. Because of this, hypothesis that SCP-7312 is a failed reality restructuring event was proposed. However, on January 9, 2021, an unidentified information hole in the compaction of the Noosphere was found. At first, linking it to the incident proved to be extremely difficult. Mostly due to the lack of data about such a thing. Additionally, the existence of the aforementioned hole was not consistent with the maps obtained from Deepwell Archives, which indicated that there was no information or a hole in the given coordinates in previous years. This would indicate a spontaneous creation of a memetic vacuum, which did not interfere with the Noosphere in any way or collapse under its influence. The suggestion was then made for possible damage to the Deepwell Archives maps by SCP-7312. Despite that some considered it to be impossible, the maps were re-scanned by the CIM-SHRIMS.4 The scans showed the presence of antimemeticaly-affected memeplexes in the coordinates where a void was found in the new maps. This fact suggested that the SCP-7312 event used an unidentified aspect of reality to wipe out memeplex, SCP-7312-α, and in some way alter all objects directly connected to it on a conceptual level. Including subjects secured against any threats and forces known to the Foundation. Scans of the remaining maps were carried out, revealing in some of the oldest the presence of highly lethal factors. When an examination was conducted to verify if anyone might have accessed them before this discovery, no lack of personnel was noticed. However, in one of Site-184's Deepwell Archive terminal rooms, the corpse of an unidentified male was found, carrying a Foundation scientist's ID with an assignment to a team analyzing SCP-7312's connection to the Noosphere. After a Deepwell Archive backup of the Site's employee database was accessed, it was confirmed that the man was indeed a member of the team. Terminal's search history in the room where the body was found showed that the scientist had been exposed to a lethal factor present on the 1989 map. After the above discoveries, all maps were properly doctored and additional security procedures were introduced for Deepwell Archives. No further unexpected events were recorded, and research into SCP-7312 proceeded smoothly. By focusing on the information hole, researchers were able to gather more evidence consolidating the hypothesis of the complete erasure of SCP-7312-α from the Noosphere. Including information that were parts of non-alpha memeplexes, but showed a state of temporary destabilization due to their certain connection with -alpha before the event of SCP-7312. Due to the risk of a scenario similar to Incident Ø-E5/B, extensive scans were commissioned to verify the possible existence of an alpha residue beyond the standard Semio- and Noosphere, or other beyond-human-comprehension space. However, all the analyzes made contradicted this possibility. Effective August 19, 2021, this research phase was completed and the current version of SCP-7312's documentation was prepared. From then on, the analytical team focused on a more detailed analysis of all events, the location of the information hole, and the alpha residuals. ESC#21 event summary. May 9, 2022 Isimud.aic, Interplanetary Affairs Bureau of Foundation's Department of Paraastronomy On the date of July 3rd, 2021, the twenty-first event of the Exosolar Contact with seven inhuman, extrasolar civilizations or other beings began. These civilisations made contact with the Foundation through various, not necessarily pre-established, communication channels. The end of the event was considered to be the date of the last contact, October 1, 2021, when no other extrasolar civilization established open communication with the Foundation after four consecutive months. These civilizations as the main reason for their interest in Earth gave the fact of noticing a non-collapsing memetic vacuum in the local Infosphere of the universe. However, the general motives for making contact turned out to be different or were difficult to establish unequivocally. The brief descriptions of each contact are presented below: ID #: ESC#21-1 Duration: 08:09 AM, July 3 2021 — 07:16 PM, July 5 2021 CoI:5 Mapele Contact method: Micro Space-Time Wormhole Stabilization Anchor Pod Synopsis: Contact started by sending a query via satellite to the Foundation Early Communication Systems, about the state of human civilization and planet Earth. After a short time needed for identification, the system sent a response to the planet Nebt — the main centre of the Mapele civilization — providing basic info about the proper functioning of the terrestrial civilization. Immediately afterwards, the information about a signal from Nebt was sent to IPAB, which took the initiative and launched an official conference with Mapelen. The Mapeleans, it turned out, were concerned about the sudden sighting of an unusual phenomenon in the Earth's Noosphere. They expressed concern about the possibility of serious harm to human civilization, leading to its eventual extinction. Proposals were made to help the evacuation of a group of people to their home planet Nebt, where they promised to build a separate and properly terraformed district. All because of the fear of loneliness - a memetically induced species trait of Mapelean.6 The representatives of the Foundation managed to calm Mapelean's proxies and ensured that humanity is not currently critically endangered. Upon authorisation from their superiors, IPAB briefly reported to them the incident of SCP-7312 and stated that an investigation into its cause and possible dangers is still ongoing. After gaining this information, the Mapeleans, clearly reassured, used the remaining stability time of the wormhole to continue negotiations of the knowledge needed for Earth's space colonization projects that are under development. ID #: ESC#21-2 Duration: 11:00 AM, July 18, 2021 — 09:17 AM, July 19, 2021 CoI: Swarm 37 Contact method: Proxies of one of the swarm's combat fleets. Synopsis: Swarm's Spacecraft Fleet7 arrived in the asteroid belt area, then dispatched 17 small scout units into the orbit of the Earth. Some broke into satellite systems of the largest organizations and countries in the world, and the Internet. Three units made contact with the Foundation, UN (GOC) and Gaia. They demanded an immediate explanation of the memetic void in our Infosphere area, as well as the transmission of all information obtained about it, focusing primarily on its general threat to existence.8 After receiving a response and verifying its truthfulness, the fleet departed from the Solar System, leaving behind a xenobiomechanical, autonomous ship to monitor the further activities of humanity and the effects of the SCP-7312 event. ID #: ESC#21-3 Duration: 01:58 PM, July 31 2021 — 03:31 AM, September 13 2021 CoI: S'aveng Hive Contact method: Tachyon Exotic Transmitter Synopsis: The Foundation's Time Afterimage Observatory Systems recorded the tachyon afterimage signal. The signal location pointed to the star VVV-WIT-07, 1300 ly9 distant from Earth. Thanks to this, the sender was identified as a robotic Hive of S'aveng who, for unknown reasons, expresses great interest in the colonization of star systems whose civilizations have become extinct. As predicted, the hive asked if humanity was dying out because it had noticed a hole in the Earth's Noosphere. At the same time, they stated that no response within half of our planet's cycle would be taken as an affirmative answer. In this case, autoreplicators would be sent to Earth, which could reach it within 40 years and start building another hive. A reply negating such assumptions was sent, along with a deliberately fragmented explanation of the situation, omitting information that might be too dangerous to convey to this hive. Then a message about accepting the answer was received. ID #: ESC#21-4 Duration: 07:13 AM, August 13, 2021 — 01:13 PM, September 17, 2021 CoI: Smertnesti Contact method: Tachyon Exotic Transmitter Synopsis: The tachyon afterimage was observed again, but this time from a planetary system located in the constellation of Lynx. The signal was decoded as a threatening inquiry. Briefly, the Smertnestians were asking if humans had created a new "killer of worlds" weapon, referring to the Infospheric hole in space associated with the Earth.10 Following the appropriate contact procedures, an appropriately contoured confirmation message was sent back, the form of which allowed for the subconscious implications that mankind had not developed any such weapons. This was followed by an answer that laughed at the stupidity and military weakness of Terrestrial civilization and glorified Smertnesti's military power. In line with the official policy, no further contact was made. ID #: ESC#21-5 Duration: 03:34 PM, August 20, 2021 — 02:18 PM, September 11, 2021 CoI: Cal Compre Contact method: Trans-Space Interference Projector Synopsis: In the office of the chief director of the Department of Paraastronomy, a holographic image of the Virtual Interspecies Contact Assistant of Cal Compre civilization has appeared. Like previous civilizations, they decided to contact us to verify what happened to the human Noosphere. Due to the standard transmission delay resulting from a distance,11 it took such a considerable amount of time to clarify the situation, with a shortened form of explanation, and to discuss its issues. Finally, the Virtual Assistant expressed their understanding of the situation, and Cal Comprean's interest in the event of SCP-7312, after which contact was ended. ID #: ESC#21-6 Duration: 12:45 AM, September 23, 2021 — 00:27 PM, September 29, 2021 CoI: Put'e Contact method: Tachyon Exotic Transmitter Synopsis: Another observation of tachyon afterimages has been reported. This time it was established that they came from the planet Wano, distant from Earth by about 450 ly. The message contained the typical call to conversion to faith in the "Great Oool Unn" (literal translation) and excerpts from the holy books and psalms of the Put'e culture and an invitation to discuss the deity of that culture. Throughout the entire message, information about the hole in our Noosphere, which the discussed civilization used as an excuse to send this message, appeared many times, in various forms. In response, the message 5HU7-7H3-FVK-U9 was re-sent.12 As expected, no reply was received after that. ID #: ESC#21-7 Duration: 04:57 PM, October 1, 2021 — 05:02 PM, October 1, 2021 CoI: Not Determined / Unknown Contact method: Powerful psionic impulses Synopsis: An unidentified, possibly previously unknown to Foundation, entity sent strong psionic impulses toward Earth, targeting all persons whose work was directly related to SCP-7312. The sense of the psionic message was presented by all those affected as a question "What happened?", which, according to witnesses, was also supposed to convey the image of a hole in mass consciousness. From that moment on, all of them, along with all the psionically sensitive persons on the planet, felt the presence of an unidentified force. This force covered the entire planet for a few minutes, overwhelming each of the aforementioned people. After that, the presence sent another message that was translated as "Now we understand" and backed off. Affected persons described this presence as ancient. The Psionic Stability Surveillance Systems of Planet Earth recorded the readings, which when transcribed into clear data, confirmed all the information provided by witnesses. At the same time, these systems pointed the outer space, more than 33 billion light-years from Earth, as the location of the psionic signal. In April 2022, it was confirmed that this signal came from an area where two highly redshifted galaxies, HD1 and HD2 — one of the oldest known to mankind — were discovered. Proposal for sending a request to the RCT-Δt to inform other TLs about SCP-7312 July 24, 2022 TL-Overseeing Office Based on recent reports and analysis of SCP-7312's effects, it has been determined that approximately 17 anomalies have arisen as a result, which, if not contained, would have led to some end of the world. In addition, it was noted that the anomalies generated during the event took on features randomly, and similarities were only noted between the severity of the properties and how conceptually related the distorted objects were with -alpha. Therefore, it is clear that only a quick reaction and winning the probabilistic lottery took the view of the end of life as we know it away from us, giving us at least a few more days of peace. Yet another major problem with the -alpha disappearance was the twenty-first ESC event, during which at least two to four of the seven contacts established posed some serious risk to the survival of Earth and its life, and humanity. Considering the above facts, TL-Os O is officially requesting an alert to be sent as soon as possible, via RCT-Δt, to other TLs regarding the threat posed by SCP-7312. TL-Os O estimates that if the cause of SCP-7312 has not been determined by the end of 2025, urgent consideration should be given to requesting a warning without giving clear info about the cause of the anomaly. This is due to the observation of the current state of our TL, now referred to as TL-7312-0, which indicates that the Relative Warning Window has been limited to a given date. Review of the SCP-7312's impact on the present world August 31, 2022 Dr Julia Alea, Dr Petra Okolova and Dr Claus Wolf Although the title of this study seems clear, the isolation of cultural data and events arising from the occurrence of SCP-7312 is not necessarily so. While some can be taken with a high degree of certainty as such, others are variously questionable. This is in many cases due to the influence of SCP-7312 (or at least such assumptions seem correct in most cases), which makes it unclear what exactly we should be observing. We don't know what to look for because all clues are gone. Which of the more or less drastic changes in the world should we take into account? Nevertheless, we can clearly explain most of the information obtained. On a global scale, many changes are the result of -beta entities and cover-up actions. A great example of this is the tightening of anti-terrorist laws in many countries and rapid (supported by the Foundation and the GOC) modification of the global Internet Network. As for the overall effects, apart from the aforementioned ones, there is a certain historical crisis resulting from the necessity to modify many historical facts about the -alpha subject. For this reason, we observe the emergence of certain scientific studies and conspiracy theories, the latter often referring to the so-called Mandela Effect. Such scientific works and theories often focus on trying to decipher some of the uncertainties arising from the impossibility of -alpha conceptualization. Most often they fail to discover any key information. Sometimes, however, some of them are still able to reach certain conclusions, which has already helped the Department of History several times to develop and introduce into the public consciousness the probable courses of these historical events — the closest to their expected form. At the same time, the mass distribution of some amnestics introduced a certain apathy to the gaps in history in the academic community, which helped to prevent a major scandal on a global scale. One can also point to the temporary consternation of some communities and individuals about the object considered to be one of the main or the main reasons for the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989. But the credit for leading to this event was quickly distributed among more easily identifiable entities. Other significant effects of SCP-7312 are heavily associated with the Catholic Church and other religions. As an example, giving a momentary and unexpected deterioration of the relationship between the institution of the Roman Catholic Church and other Abrahamic faiths, especially Islam. While this crisis has been dealt with, it nevertheless leaves a somewhat unpleasant chance for a future sudden escalation. Further, there is a slight decrease in self-committed believers in highly religious regions and communities. Or problems with identifying a person from the Roman Catholic faith, associated with certain controversies, which led to the final, more intense, direct and impersonal accusations of Church institutions of various scandals or critical events. It was also impossible to determine who assumed the position of the Pope after the death of John Paul the first. This fact turned out to be particularly demanding in terms of fabricating evidence from fragmented knowledge and distracting historians and the public from it. In addition, it seems that the overall culture and nationality of the people living in the Republic of Poland suffered the most. Here, as a result of huge losses (one of the largest in the world), we could observe quite drastic changes in the law and manifestations of citizens who were for the changes, as well as against them or their elements. It also appears that the influence of the Roman Catholic Church in this country has weakened particularly strongly due to SCP-7312. At the same time, a slightly larger increase in the degree of secularization of the society has been observed at present, although the overall acceleration of the trend seems to be a bit slower than in the previous years. Additionally, some parties and institutions closely associated with the Church seem to lose their authority to a noticeable degree. It is possible that this and several other factors contributed to a slight social depolarization in the country. Another event that followed, but quickly faded out, was the two-month long, nationwide pro-Russian and pro-USSR socialism media campaign, which appealed to nostalgia and longing for the times of the Polish People's Republic. It received no special attention other than satirical and cynical comments from some columnists and commentators. It is also worth noting the impact of SCP-7312 on Polish culture, especially the Internet. It was possible to observe some non-anomalous memes here that were related in some way to -alpha but have now been permanently taken out of context, becoming cultural artefacts. An example here is the various uses of the number 2137 frequently appearing on the Internet or various puns using the word “kremówka” (fondant) — a popular cream cake. When you look at all of this from a broad perspective, it is difficult to judge clearly how much SCP-7312 has changed the course of events. The only thing that is almost certain at the moment is that many of these changes are rather barely noticeable in the short term and that in the long term their impact will slowly dissipate and mix with reality in a less and less noticeable way. New documentation discussing recent discoveries about SCP-7312 is available. Click here to access new file. ⠀ Footnotes 1. Developed to ensure an increase in the efficiency and quality of the containment of SCP-7312 remains. 2. Further referred to as “residuals” or “alpha residuals.” 3. Trismegistus-Engine Totemic Signifier / SCP-6659-A. 4. Cognitive, Informational, Memetic, and Similar Hazards Recognition, Isolation and Marking Systems. 5. Civilisation of Interest 6. According to previous ESC events, and indvidual Mapelean's contacts with Earth, a memetic pandemic occurred in the early period of their civilization's development. The memetic agent turned out to be highly viral among members of their kind, and quite subtly variable, indelibly bonding to the Mapelean brain structure. Ultimately, this agent managed to integrate into the genetic material of the population, remaining permanently in it. The main information carried by the factor was the fear or panic of being alone. Over time, this fear began to become an integral part of society, significantly affecting its structure, operation, and culture. It is also known that several hundred Nebt cycles later (about 700 Earth years) there was a significant agent mutation that quickly spread to a third of the general population. This mutation, apart from typical variations of fear of loneliness, including pathological ones, induced an exceptionally strong and specific fear of loneliness in the universe. It resulted in a significant intensification of searching for an alien, from their perspective, intelligent and communicative life. For this reason, any potential threat to the creatures and civilization, they meet, is treated by them as a very serious problem. Therefore, they are negotiating with numerous civilizations about the possibility of helping to colonize space to increase their chances of survival. It is also for this reason that they refrain from passing on most of their knowledge and technology, because of fear of the possibility of their self-destruction. — "Mapelean history and culture, summaries and analysis based on previous contacts" Hubert Trup, Alan P. Uoe and Hiacynta Zygmund, 2018 Foundation Archives 7. An unspecified number of small units, 42 medium units, 13 large units and one mother ship. 8. There isn't much archival data on this Swarm, especially those that could explain such behaviour. Only in 1976 someone going by the name of Dr Albert von Johim, hypothesized that the Swarm was heavily paranoid about its survival. 9. Light years. 10. It should be noted that the Smetnestians love violence and strength, which, as a result of their civilization development, turned into paranoid and competent militarism of society and culture. And as they established contact with civilizations beyond their planetary system, it contributed to phantom armaments competition. — "Culture hyperbolizing the miraculousness of death and brutality, the profile of the Smertnestian civilization" Gilbert Yomann, Hubert Trup, et al, 2010 Foundation Archives 11. The Cal Compre civilization, contrary to the previously mentioned civilizations, inhabits the Andromeda galaxy. 12. The message was devised based on Put'e culture studies. It turns out to be a highly effective indicator that prevents the discussed civilization from sending new messages to Earth. This significantly increases the security of our planet and civilization due to Put'e's unique primary communication structure, which, without proper processing, constitutes a serious, though probably unintended, cognitive threat. « SCP-7311 | SCP-7312 | SCP-7313 »
CowscantgoMoo Alright guys, it's the first SCP, let's see how well it goes Item#: 7315 Level4 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: archon Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Center of SCP-7315's activity within the noosphere during the early stages of investigation. Special Containment Procedures: To combat the increasing number of anomalous threats and diminishing resources faced by the Foundation, SCP-7315 must stay uncontained to suppress the public's ability to investigate the anomalous. SCP-7315 will perform upkeep to the Veil without needing direct involvement from the Foundation. It is expected that the use of SCP-7315 will cut the cost of amnestic production by 20%. If any of the following events occur, SCP-7315 must be contained using the Archived Containment Procedures: The damaging effects of SCP-7315 outweigh its use as an effective suppressor The current effects of SCP-7315 decrease or dissipate Foundation resources restabilize, making usage of SCP-7315 unnecessary All Foundation personnel must be exposed to SCP-7315-C, via Mandatory Memetic Inoculation. + View Archived Containment Procedures - Close Archived Containment Procedures: SCP-7315 is contained through [].aic.1 [].aic will continuously generate random, dissonant melodies that are unlikely to be replicated. If any SCP-7315-A instances are found that aren't connected to [].aic, [].aic must be reformatted to allow for stronger connections to the noosphere, attracting the attention of SCP-7315. Description: SCP-7315 is an auditory parasite within the noosphere.2 SCP-7315 attaches itself to melodies, designated SCP-7315-A, and connects to human hosts via SCP-7315-A instances. SCP-7315 is highly adaptive, targeting popular melodies and adjusting itself to gain a higher infection rate. Due to the highly adaptive nature of SCP-7315, it has evolved to minimize any noticeable effects, in an effort to avoid containment. (See Incident-7315.A1) Infected individuals, designated as SCP-7315-B instances, experience severe auditory hallucinations of SCP-7315-A, a compulsion to recreate or mimic SCP-7315-A, and an unconscious adherence to rhythmic thought and movement. These changes lead to a decrease in risk-taking, an increase in repetitive actions,3 and a decrease in critical thinking. SCP-7315-C is an mp3 file that grants the listener immunity to SCP-7315 and all related SCP-7315-A instances, discovered during an investigation into SCP-7315. (See Origins) Attempts to detach SCP-7315 from SCP-7315-A instances or reverse its effects on SCP-7315-B instances have been inconclusive and ineffective. Discovery / Incident-7315.A1: SCP-7315 was first discovered on June 12, 2022, following multiple cases of seizures and comas with affected individuals rapidly vibrating at a speed and rhythm capable of reproducing SCP-7315-A1. Due to its rapid spread and crippling effects, SCP-7315 was designated as a Level-1 Priority4 and assigned to multiple high-priority researchers. SCP-7315 was classified as a highly viral memetic infohazard and Protocol-1935 was enacted on SCP-7315-A1. All infected individuals ceased vibration after approximately 48 hours and expended all available energy.6 SCP-7315-A1 and SCP-7315-B1 instances continued to spread a version of SCP-7315 that perpetuated its severe effects. All -B1 instances were incinerated and conceptual integration was used to pair SCP-7315-A1 with a memetic kill agent to prevent a similar incident. It's theorized that due to the sudden loss of SCP-7315-B instances, SCP-7315 quickly evolved causing a significant drop in the lethality and severity of its anomalous effects. Several SCP-7315-A instances have appeared since then with minimal damaging and noticeable effects. Since then, SCP-7315 was downgraded to a Level-6 (Passive Attention) Priority. Origins: SCP-7315 was traced to an unflagged AWCY music forum. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that a small group of AWCY members constructed SCP-7315 as an attack on mainstream media over the course of several months. The following conversation depicts the first usage of SCP-7315, a digital version of SCP-7315's inner workings, and SCP-7315-C: chrushedspirit: [DATA EXPUNGED]7 it's like listening to a woodchuck go through a woodchipper dyserrack: bet those woodchucks could only count to 4/4 B: all these pop songs just sound the same. the ones that pander to depression are probably the worst tho chrushedspirit: it's depressing that a majority of people will never know actual good music dyserrack: yeah, there's no skill in any of this. just mumble into the mic and hire a producer to fix it insert_selfinsert: Hey @B, is it done yet? B: Yeah, I'm almost done with it. Operation: "Damn the Mainstream" is underway ;) insert_selfinsert: if they want to rot their brains, we might as well speed up the process B: listen to the audio Attachments: earworm.acb8, hearme.mp39 B: damn normies won't know what hit 'em dyserrack: bro wtf did you do Containment Log To: James Crowley (james.crowley@scip.net) From: Karolyn Vittnner (karolyn.vittnner@scip.net) Subject: Additional Projects Dear Containment Specialist James Crowley, In addition to your other projects, you have also been assigned to SCP-████, SCP-7315, and SCP-████. Due to the increased number of high-priority situations the Foundation faces and the recent staff shortage, you will be working alone on SCP-7315 and SCP-████ and in a small team of two on SCP-████. Despite these shortcomings, containment plans must be in place by the end of the quarter. We may have a shortage, but that is no excuse to slack off. -Site Director Vittnner Secure. Contain. Protect. The following was recorded as mandatory documentation of containment strategies for future reference. Relevant Studies: Tortellini, D., & Boyd, M. V. (2006). Locating Concepts within the Noosphere: Introduction to Conceptual Signatures. Foundation Archives: Science of Abstract Anomalies, 2006(10),1-50 Patel, H. (1987). Intellectual Darwinism: The Study of Non-Anamalous Memetics. Foundation Archives: Memetics, 1987(8), 23-57. Containment Notes Video #1: 8/12/2022, 2:53 AM [Crowley sits in a dimly lit office. There are visible bags under his eyes] Crowley: Hello, this is Specialist Crowley regarding containment notes on SCP-7315. [Crowley looks through an unorganized collection of papers on his desk. He picks one up.] Crowley: I've spent hours looking through everything the Foundation has on the noosphere. I'm leaving a reading list for anyone else that wants it, but I'll paraphrase. [Crowley takes a deep breath and sips from a cup of coffee.] Crowley: SCP-7315 operates on a highly reactive form of intellectual Darwinism. It constantly adapts to make as many -A instances as possible. So it has to have a preference. [He taps his finger on his desk] Crowley: So I'm going to collect data on the -A instances. I set up an audio recorder to record whenever it registers a -A instance nearby. Since I'm protected against the anomaly, I'll just listen to music while I work on other projects and we'll see the running thread… [Crowley trails off and appears to be lost in thought] Crowley: (mumbles) I should probably look into music theory as well [Crowley stares absentmindedly at his papers for two minutes. He then looks up and reads the time. He sighs and throws his head back in his chair] Crowley: I'm so tired. Feedback: This is a reminder to all Foundation personnel involved in containment to focus on effective containment that requires minimal human supervision. The usage of automation and self-containment are highly encouraged. Following this log, an audio recorder was repurposed to log instances of SCP-7315-A. It was designed to identify audio with SCP-7315's infosignature and record related SCP-7315-A instances in an effort to gauge a pattern with -A instances and evaluate SCP-7315's tendencies. This audio recorder, dubbed the "Singnature Recorder", was kept on Crowley's person at all times. Date: 8/15/2022 Instance: SCP-7315-A5 Song Name: Loretta by Ginger Root Context: Driving home after a late night. [A5 is played on Specialist Crowley's car radio. Crowley is singing along. All sounds are muffled.] Crowley: (Singing) How are supposed to carry on? [A5 continues to play, Crowley notices the "Singnature Recorder"] Crowley: Oh, it works! [Sounds of rummaging, all sounds get louder.] Crowley: Uh, this is Loretta by Ginger Root, some good stuff, you should listen to it. [Pause.] Crowley: Wait no, DON'T listen to this unless you're inoculated. Not until it's contained. It- [Pause.] Crowley: [Sighs.] Okay, I'll wake up early tomorrow to get the SCP-███4 project done. Then I'll meet with the SCP-███7 team. Then I can ask Keller about the music shit. [Pause. A5 warps up.] Crowley: I can do this. I can balance this. [Crowley ends the recording.] Update 8/19/22: A prototype local AI was implemented with the "Singnature" Recorder and the SCP-7315 containment log, allowing given SCP-7315-A instances to be recreated through generated audio files in order to isolate the infected musical phrase. This will be implemented into the following recorded -A instance logs. Date: 8/22/2022 Instance: SCP-7315-A9 Song Name: Wyvern by The HasBeens Context: Working with the SCP-███7 crew. Specialist McKenna was wearing headphones and listening to loud music. [A9 is muffled and identified as coming through Specialist McKenna's headphones.] McKenna: Crowley, how're the thermal readings? Crowley: They're rising. I don't think the liquid nitrogen is a long-lasting containment method. McKenna: Well, we've got to do something. O4 Council is still sitting on our proposal to use SCP-████ as a power source. [Crowley notices the recording.] Crowley: Oh, can you tell me what song you're listening to? McKenna: Hm? Why? Crowley: It's for another anomaly I'm doing. McKenna: Alright, it's Wyvern by The HasBeens. Is that all you need? Crowley: Yeah, sorry I just have so many other skips I gotta get done and- McKenna: Yeah, I know. We all do. I've got seven other meetings today, so if we're going to stay off-topic, I'll leave. Crowley: Oh, sorry. McKenna: It's fine. Now, I was wondering if we could get SCP-████ into an environment with absolute- [The recording stops.] [LOGS CUT FOR BREVITY] Date: 9/1/2022 Instance: SCP-7315-A15 Song Name: summer nights by Unprobable Context: Lofi music playing in the background while I worked. I'm also submitting this as Containment Log #2. [A15 is coming through speakers. Crowley's writing into a notebook.] Crowley: (muttering) …not enough data. Some kind of bias… [Crowley notices the recorder.] Crowley: Oh great, another one. Is it the lo-fi? (groans) I don't know much about music theory and I haven't looked into it too much, but here's what I got. [Papers shuffled.] Crowley: SCP-7315 relies on songs being catchy and memorable to spread, and all the -A instances logged so far share that style of repetition and lack of resolve. Resolve as in the song doesn't end in a satisfying way, so I've got two plans. Crowley: Plan one is non-intrusive, by taking something that sounds absolutely horrible and forcing that into the conceptual link between SCP-7315 and SCP-7315-A. That should get 7315 uninterested, severing the connection and returning the song to a non-anomalous state. Crowley: Second, the intrusive approach, is to make some kind of solution to all music. Some way to make sure all songs resolve so well that they can't be repeated in someone's head. Crowley: Now, I'm taking the first plan because I don't know enough about music to be confident in the second one, but if anyone listening has any type of musical background, I ask that you try this out because I'm not too sure in what I'm doing. [Crowley pauses. A15 continues in the background.] Crowley: Y'know, this is the only solo project I have, and it's in a subject I don't know jack about. I've asked for assistance multiple times, but you guys keep ignoring me. I'm not cut out for this. [A15 continues.] Crowley: I just want a break. FOUNDATION ALERT: All personnel must review mandatory memetic inoculations due to recent changes. Anyone experiencing the following symptoms must contact their Site Director immediately: Heightened faith in a singular deity Translating and understanding all languages as Latin Excessive repetitive motions Obsessions over any form of music Desires to mutilate yourself or others Secure. Contain. Protect. Containment Proposal #1: Upon discovery of an SCP-7315-A instance, an excerpt of loud static10 must be conceptually integrated with SCP-7315-A, forcing SCP-7315 to relocate. SCP-7315-AX Description Outcome Notes SCP-7315-A17 Oslo in the Summertime by of Montreal SUCCESS FAIL Upon upload, SCP-7315 reacted, tethering its connection to A17. Think this is going to work. SCP-7315-A20 A Long Goodbye by Matteo Palmer SUCCESS FAIL Promising outcomes so far. Multiple entries omitted for brevity SCP-7315-A48 Flight of the Bumblebee by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov SUCCESS FAIL SCP-7315 seems not to have any regard for the key signature, possibly broadening the scope of a -A instance. SCP-7315-A52 The Lick11 SUCCESS FAIL Use of garbled static has lost its efficiency, so it's been switched to a loud high-pitched screech. It then performed the desired effect. SCP-7315-A76 Tritone12 SUCCESS I had to use -C to get rid of this one. Nothing else was working. I'm stopping containment efforts before it starts infecting the sound of silence. Containment Proposal #1: FAILED With the cessation of proposed containment measures, all SCP-7315-A instances returned to their infected state. At the time of writing, 93% of the Top 100 Billboard currently harbor some form of SCP-7315. Containment efforts are still ongoing. Date: 9/27/2022 Instance: SCP-7315-A137 Song Name: Where We Stand by Vislieu Context: Took a break for a week Crowley: It really is a nice day outside. [A car passes with its radio at an audible volume. Additional 7315-A instance detected.] Keller: Yeah, I come here every Saturday at five. You've got to try their cinnamon rolls. They're really good. [Sound of construction heard in distance. They maintain a constant rhythm. 7315-A instance detected.] Keller: Hope you're free on Saturday. Going to a concert would be great to finally bring you along. [Sound of construction heard in distance. They maintain a constant rhythm. 7315-A instance detected.] Crowley: Oh nice, I'll be there. Anyone else coming along? Keller: Yeah, Joyce and Alex. We go about every week. [A137 continues playing.] Keller: Well, it's about that time. I gotta head out. Crowley: Oh, see you then. [Recording stopped before A137 concludes.] For those reading the containment log, there's no need. I'll contain SCP-7315 myself. He died from a goddamn car crash, listening to the radio. I could've stopped it. I stopped because I was worried. Tired. But the moment it affects my personal life… I shouldn't even be here. Foundation only took me in cause they had no one else. Like the last pick on a football team. And they trusted me with something simple. Contain it. That's it, that's all they asked. I'm supposed to help them contain things for everyone else, and I couldn't get through a solo project. But I can avenge him. I'm starting containment efforts again. I know none of the higher-ups will read this, they're far too busy with whatever shit they've got going on, but this is for everyone else. I have a personal vendetta against 7315 now, and I won't rest until it's gone. I'm doing this for you, Keller. Containment Proposal #2 Procedure: Develop an auditory meme to resolve all auditory stimuli to deprive SCP-7315 of songs to build from Status: DENIED Reason: Experts have advised against this course of action. It will be brought back up if no other method is available. Containment Proposal #3 Procedure: Eject SCP-7315 from the noosphere Status: DENIED Reason: Too many listed -A instances Containment Proposal #4 Procedure: Lure the anomaly into a dissonant pattern, trapping it into one -A instance. Status: DENIED Reason: There is not sufficient evidence to prove this proposal's efficiency. Containment Proposal #5 Procedure: Eject SCP-7315 from the noosphere, neutralizing it Status: DENIED Reason: Unknown psychic damage to a large percent of the population possible Containment Proposal #6 Procedure: Spread SCP-7315-C to the public Status: DENIED Reason: Not only is there a chance that SCP-7315 might evolve against SCP-7315-C but relying on poorly understood mechanics is ill-advised, as there is a higher chance of containment breach. Containment Proposal #7 Procedure: Construct an AI to randomly generate songs connected to the noosphere. This AI would then listen to the generated song on repeat, attracting the attention of SCP-7315. SCP-7315 would then attach itself to the generated -A instance. In the event of a breach, more connections to the noosphere will be made, providing the illusion of a larger number of minds. Status: PENDING Reason: N/A To: James Crowley (james.crowley@scip.net) From: O4 Council (o4council@scip.net) Subject: SCP-7315; Containment Dear Containment Specialist James Crowley, After discussing with ourselves and other associated departments, we found it best to leave SCP-7315 uncontained for the foreseeable future. Its benefits in hindering the general public's curiosity and ability to critically think were seen as a benefit for our misinformation team, as well as our Amnestics Department. As you may already know, the Foundation is having trouble sustaining its costs and has been forced to take heavy cuts in both personnel and resources. We thank you for your work on SCP-7315, as well as the additional research you were able to provide. You are dismissed from SCP-7315. You will be reassigned shortly. -O4 Council Secure. Contain. Protect. To: O4 Council (o4council@scip.net) From: James Crowley (james.crowley@scip.net) Subject: RE: SCP-7315; Containment Dear O4 Council, After weeks of working on the SCP-7315, I have seen the effect of SCP-7315 firsthand, and I cannot leave it uncontained. I will be releasing SCP-7315-C to the public. I know you won't read this until it's too late. By the time you do, SCP-7315 is effectively contained. Secure. Contain. Protect. To: James Crowley (james.crowley@scip.net) From: O4 Council (noreply@scip.net) Subject: RE: RE: SCP-7315; Containment Due to the workload of the O4 Council, your email has been marked as spam. To get in touch with the O4 Council, please reach out to your Site Director. This was an automated response. For further information, visit the SCIP Automation page for more details. Secure. Contain. Protect. Foundation web crawlers have discovered additional discussion regarding SCP-7315 from its source. + View? - Close dyserrack: https://youtu.be/x1a4GvQYIkM chrushedspirit: yo this is pretty good dyserrack: i know, its been stuck in my head B: guys, the earworm is in that insert_selfinsert: earworm? B: the thing we put into the mainstream it's in that song dyserrack: well, can you get it out? i don't want people getting dumber just because i showed them this B: yeah, another thing. it's not working anymore we're not immune anymore dyserrack: what. B: that mp3 was the most potent shit i had nothing works against it now chrushedspirit: how the hell did this happen?? how the hell does it just not work anymore? B: bruv, i have no idea on the bright side, this song is pretty good. dyserrack: guys help i can't stop tapping my foot to the beat Footnotes 1. Assigned AI construct to be determined. 2. The noosphere is the sum of all human thought. 3. This includes increased use of catchphrases, a faster formation of habits, and little to no deviation from a daily routine 4. Level-1 Priorities require immediate attention and are usually coupled with a K-Class Scenario. 5. Protocol-193 demands the expungement of infohazardous digital media and the use of Artificial Intelligence Constructs to process and analyze the anomaly. 6. Vibrations persisted for up to 32 hours after brain death, using more energy than the human body had available. 7. As per Protocol-193, all information regarding SCP-7315-A1 has been expunged. 8. Artifical Conceptual Builder File 9. SCP-7315-C 10. To prevent possible adaption against SCP-7315-C, SCP-7315-C will not be used as the deterrent. 11. A common musical phrase in jazz, described as "the most famous jazz cliché ever". 12. A dissonant musical interval composed of six semitones, also known as the "Devil's Interval". « SCP-7314 | SCP-7315 | SCP-7316 »
Item#: 7316 Level2 Containment Class: pending Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: The file containing SCP-7316 is to remain undisturbed at the present time, pending relocation decisions from the O5 Council. Under no circumstances are Foundation personnel allowed to experiment with the concepts of quantum immortality and the Many Worlds theory, unless explicitly assigned to such research. Description: SCP-7316 designates a singular file, uploaded to the SCiPnet directory at exactly 00:00 on July 25th, 2022. The file is, at time of posting, compatible with the SCiPnet directory and takes the form of a standard SCP entry, though using Foundation classification techniques which began to be phased out in the mid 1960s. SCP-7316 contains, in addition to the standard entry, hidden text and video components which have been extracted. GPS signatures found in the document indicate this file originated from a Foundation safehouse/nuclear weapons storage facility located in Acadia National Park, Maine. This safehouse, after investigation, has been deemed abandoned since 1943. After its initial posting, the contents of SCP-7316 have been locked on order of the Overseer Council. BY ORDER OF THE OVERSEER COUNCIL The following file is Level 5/7316 classified. Unauthorized access is forbidden. Any attempt to access this file will be tracked. _ + Input Credentials?- Log out? Welcome, O5-6. Notice: Researcher Andrew Dillon was recorded as: [AWOL] in [1955]. Mobile Task Force Beta-7 is currently en route to [Mount Desert Island]. SCP-7316 files are currently: Available. _ + Open Original Files- Hide Original Files Item #: SCP-7316 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-7316 is a result of multiversal interactions, the only feasible method of containing SCP-7316 is a complete disconnect of our universe from all others. This can be accomplished through use of a Universal Exclusion Device. When activated, this device will first broadcast a copy of the SCP-7316 file to all SCP Foundation databases, and then remove the affected universe from all interactions with other, adjacent universes. Description: SCP-7316 designates the concept of "quantum immortality," which is the theory that consciousness persists through many alternative universes. For example, should one die in an accident in one universe, their consciousness would be moved to a universe in which they had survived this accident. This theory posits that the human consciousness is functionally immortal from its own perspective, though not the perspective of others. While Foundation research into this perspective has been ongoing, it is worth noting that no Foundation experiment has been proposed thus far which has officially proven the concrete transfer between worlds via death. The fact that the phenomenon can only be observed by the test subject results in the procedure of the containment project being assigned only one researcher. Foundation universal transfer meters have determined fluctuating transfer readings among personnel, even those who have not undergone voluntary universal transfers, but the reason for these events is still under investigation. Since the discovery of SCP-7316, Project Janus has been initialized to provide permanent containment via the usage of a Universal Exclusion Device, under sole directorship of Andrew Dillon. _ + Open Auxiliary Files- Close Auxiliary Files Entry 001: 01/24/55 Managed to secure two weeks of vacation. Foundation's always been tough about time off, but I have enough here to figure out the truth. Too many close calls in the past, things I survived but definitely should not have. I have a theory, though. Some folks outside of the exclusionary sites got real weird with death, cycling between death, life, and whatever is in between like some kind of Schrodinger's cat. Something to do with probability and shifting, at least from what I overheard. Probability isn't enough to account for what I've been through, or at least I don't believe it is. I'm going to push probability to its limits. Either way, I'm glad the computer system's still running. The keycard I stole to get in here worked too. Lucky me. It's time to find out the truth. All I need now is a neutron detector. Signing off, Andrew Dillon. Video file 001: 1/29/55 Warhead Hall Camera 14:58 [ANNOTATED] Andrew Dillon is seen pacing circles around a modified Alpha Warhead. The detonation system appears to have been modified, with an unidentified component, likely a neutron detector, attached to the trigger mechanism. A few seconds later, the component buzzes, and Dillon looks at his watch. After a few seconds, Dillon looks down at his hands, and appears confused. The footage continues in a similar pattern for approximately 40 minutes, with each buzz occurring exactly one minute apart. Footage ends. Entry 002: 1/30/55 My God. I don't exactly know what I was expecting, but not…that. 24 hours in the chamber, with a nuclear weapon set to detonate with a 50% chance every minute? Do you know the odds of that just happening? Do you know what this means? It means I proved it! I've proved quantum immortality! I knew the incident back in '45 was too good to be true. Nobody's that lucky, but if I understand this correctly, my consciouness simply shifted to a universe where I did survive. I guess after that was when I started to question if it was all just luck, or perhaps something more. I suppose I should explain the concept for anyone reading this. In a million different universes, I was incinerated in that chamber when that warhead went off. But, due to the interconnectedness of consciousness, when "I" died in that chamber, I was transported to a universe where I didn't, so I could keep on existing! Therefore, I was transported to a universe where the nuke never went off at all. This means this sort of immortality is an inherent property to the universe. To the person reading this, do you remember when you almost stepped in front of a car, or any other moment where you might have died, but didn't due to 'sheer luck?' In reality, you did die, but your consciouness moved to another universe where you did not. I did not create it, rather we have lived with it for the entirety of our history. Each person is condemned to spend a life of immortality in a single universe, becoming more improbable with each second they continue to live. Improbable, yes, but not impossible. Time to break out the champagne tonight. An academic discovery for the ages, to be sure. Signing off, Andrew Dillon Entry 003: 2/02/55 I can't go back there. This is my life now. They'll know what I did, they'll have me tortured, probed, and dissected once they find out what I've done. They'll know everything. I tried something yesterday. I needed to see if it would work, and… I guess I got carried away. I guess I figured, if it works, won't need to worry about it anymore. If it doesn't… then I'll know the predicament I'm in. Took a piece of the champagne bottle, and ran it across my wrists. Hurt like hell, and I passed out shortly afterwards. Woke up again in a pool of my own blood. Humans contain a lot more blood than you think. I don't like this. I don't think I want to be immortal, but I don't think I have a choice. I don't want to think about what they'll do when they find out what I've been up to. Signing off, Andrew Dillon Audio Log 001: 2/24/55 Dillon is heard coughing into the microphone for approximately 14 seconds before speaking. Coughs sound ragged, indicating lung damage. Andrew Dillon: It's, uhm, it's been three weeks since I first tried to, tried to kill myself. I'm still alive. As you can tell, since you're listening to this. Haha. Got the computer system online. Ancient thing, but oddly advanced for the site. Contained some of the tech the boys told me about back at the exclusionary sites, something about measuring universal changes. I don't have the clearance to get into the monitors but I can pull just enough out of the stored data to get some blueprints generated. The reason I mention this is because as soon as it turned on, it spat some gas into the room and I got a nice mouthful. Not enough to kill me, but I suspect that's the case for everything right now. Either way, it's under control and I've got a handle on it. Anyways. In all likelihood, you're listening to this and I died right after hitting "end recording" because that's just how this bitch of a multiverse works, I guess. Maybe not for too much longer, though. SCP-7316- Yes, I've designated this as SCP-7316. It'll be a long while until the folks back at the Foundation proper fill this one out, and me being a deserter, it would be best to not return until I have a viable finished product on my hands. As if they'll ever take me back. Either way, I need to fix this problem. And I think I've got the solution. It's obvious I can't die here until I manage to contain this… anomaly. But how do you contain something that permeates the entire multiverse? I guess you'd have to contain your own universe from all others. Sort of like the exclusionary sites I used to work in. Something like that, but on a universal scale, to separate my universe from all the others. Only then, would I be allowed to die in peace. I start work tomorrow. Margot? I'll be with you soon. Signing off, Andrew Dillon. Audio continues for approximately 26 seconds. Papers shuffling and buzzing noises are heard in the background. Entry 076: 6/18/64 I haven't been keeping up with my journaling lately. Haven't seen the point. It's enough to have to leave this place and scrounge for supplies nearly every week. On the bright side, I think the Foundation has given up looking for me, probably assumed I was killed by some anomaly or lost outside an exclusionary site. Happens often enough they won't think twice. I've been busy lately, as much as one can be in situations like these. Only so many parts one can scavenge from nuclear warheads. The rest I've got to pull from local sources, and I can't stay topside for too long, or else someone will see me. But I have figured out what I need to do. My purpose, my salvation, has revealed itself. This was an idea kicked around by some of the more tech-savvy folks at the exclusionary sites, something of a multiversal wire-cutter. They called it a Universal Exclusion Device. From what I'm able to piece together from this blueprint, the machine will disconnect this universe, and only this one, from the interconnected multiverse via directed energy pulses to various multiversal 'anchors.' What the computer tells me, when this thing activates, it's going to eat a lot of power, and it's going to make a lot of light and noise. But when it's done, nothing will change from our point of view. However, when I die, I won't go to a new body in a new universe and just keep living. I will finally go to the afterlife, and be reunited with you. I'm going to be honest, I have genuinely no idea how this thing works on the technical side, nor do I really want to. I just need to trust that it does, and that I can finally contain this once and for all. For us. Oh, how I miss us. Signing off, Andrew Dillon Video File 045: 4/02/69 Testing Chamber 17:04 [ANNOTATED] Footage of Andrew Dillon interacting with a large device, cube sized and approximately 0.4 meters in length, is shown. Dillon is wearing grease-stained clothing and appears to be in signficant distress. Andrew Dillon: Computer, can you shine some light over here? A spotlight is directed opposite Dillon to illuminate his workspace. Andrew Dillon: Thanks. Appreciate it. Dillon continues working with the machine for approximately four minutes, during which occasional grunts and sounds of distress can be heard. After four minutes, the wrench he is holding drops to the floor. Andrew Dillon: Fuck! Footage cuts. Medical Report: 4/19/69 Certified Automated Medical Report of: [Andrew J. Dillon] Vital Signs: Normal Heart Rate: Slightly elevated, investigate further. General Health: Mild radiation exposure detected, investigate further. Diagnostics: Poor performance in spatial awareness and memory recollection skills indicate radiation induced early-stage dementia. Current Treatment: None. Entry 084: 11/17/72 Can't pull up the audio logs anymore. I forgot the password. More difficult to remember certain things lately. Can't remember where to find salvage, food, but I can still work the machines. I feel sick. It's as if this machine is the only thing keeping me alive right now, but I know that's not the case. The machine is going to be what finally lets me die. But I'm tired. I'm so, so tired. I'm going to go to bed. Signing off, Andrew Dillon. Entry 089: 12/05/72 Dear Margot, I know you probably can't read this, but I figured I'd type it out anyway. Maybe it's selfish, but I think it would help. It's been 45 years since we married, and 30 since I lost you. They told me the pain would go away, I'd find someone new, I would go on living just as I had before, but they were wrong. I've missed you every day since the day I woke up and you were no longer by my side. Anniversaries are never easy. I still remember the song they played for us that day. I remember holding your waist, looking into your eyes, and thinking how I would never want anybody but you ever again. I was right that day, more right than I ever could have imagined. At that moment, I was convinced that nothing could separate us, no force of man or God. I suppose I was too confident. Till death do us part, I suppose. "I don't want to set the world on fire, I just want to start a flame in your heart." My dear, my love, forgive me. I may set the world on fire, just to see you again. Video File 063: 2/21/73 Manufacturing Room 14:45 [ANNOTATED] Andrew Dillon, at this point confined to a wheelchair, is seen holding a mass of diagnostic cables, near a much more advanced version of the machine seen in previous video logs. The machine is now approximately two cubic meters in volume, most of which is occupied by a toroidal structure in the center. Dillon seems confused by the presence and the purpose of the diagnostic cables. After a few minutes of holding the cables, Dillon exhibits signs of significant agitation, culminating in him throwing the cables to the floor and leaving the frame of the video. The manufacturing room remains empty for approximately 14 minutes, after which point a small drone enters the chamber and begins to assemble the diagnostic cable in the proper ports. Dillon enters the frame 12 minutes later. He appears to look for the diagnostic cable, and is noted as looking confused and crestfallen when he cannot find the cable. Dillon leaves the room after a few minutes. Footage ends. Entry 090: 12/25/74 It's cold down here in this bunker. Not so bad, being underground and all, but it could be better. Maybe I've just been getting colder lately. I forgot it was Christmas Day until a few minutes ago, seeing the calendar. How could I forget that? No matter. I remember my first Christmas. I can hardly remember anything else from my childhood. When I sing the carols, though, I can remember. It was 1906, I was eight years old. I sat with my cousins, singing carols by the fire. It felt warm on my skin. Relaxing. I haven't felt that warmth in a long time, just cold on the surface of my skin, cold down to the bone. I know I'm getting older. No use in trying to hide it. It's difficult to tell, usually, but when I sing the carols to myself, or the songs Margot and I used to sing together, I can see what I'm losing. Oh, Margot. I try and pretend I write this log for me, but I know. I know I won't read this again, I know I write this for you. I don't want to forget you. I don't want to lose you, your memory, to this bleak, forgetful existence I'm trapped in by this godforsaken multiverse. I need to isolate, and finally get to see you. The machine is almost complete. I'll be able to see you soon. Video File 068: 5/03/76 Living Quarters 22:24 [ANNOTATED] Andrew Dillon is seen entering his living quarters. He approaches his bedside table, upon which he rests his glasses. He appears to attempt to lift himself on his bed, but a combination of the sheets slipping and his arm giving out under the strain result in Dillon falling out of his wheelchair and onto the floor. Sound indicates multiple bones were broken and Dillon appears to pass out, likely suffering severe shock. A small drone attempts to move Dillon. This attempt is unsuccessful. The drone connects Dillon to his life support system, which appears to induce a coma. Footage cuts. Automated Testing Log: 6/01/80 Testing Chamber 10:00 Testing Object: Universal Exclusion Device Mark I Testing Objectives: Isolate one (1) object from the multiverse. Input: One (1) Rattus Norvegicus, or brown Norway rat. Power Usage: 0.0000024 W Result: Rat was terminated. No universal transfer of consciousness was recorded via Universal Travel Log. Device deemed a success. Testing Objectives: Rate system for 0.4 TW of power. Input: None Power Usage: 0.468 TW Result: None. System remained intact. Device deemed a success. Further human authorization required. To confirm, enter the Testing Chamber, and full device activation will begin. Exploration Video Log Transcript Date: 7/25/22 Exploration Team: Mobile Task Force Beta-7, detachment Charlie Objective: Locate PoI-7316 / Recover Foundation Nuclear Storage Site 08 Charlie-1 : "Okay, this is the last safehouse it could be in so be exceedingly cautious. We have no clue what he's been up to down here, and the radiation may pose a danger. PoI-7316 is almost certainly dead, but if what's in the initial report is true, he could be alive and needed for questioning. Are we ready?" Charlie-2 : "Yes sir." Charlie-3 : "Yes, sir." Charlie-1 : "Alright, let's move." Charlie-1 uses a crowbar to dislodge a drainage grate, revealing a metal door. Charlie-1's Geiger counter begins to tick. Charlie-2 : "There's no chance this guy's alive. What, 70 years down here?" Charlie-3 : "You and I have both seen much worse. We can't know for certain, let's go." Charlie-1 leads as they go lower into the facility. The team passes a kitchen, monitoring station, and storeroom, each of which is coated in a thick layer of dust. Some monitors are broken and the cameras are dead. The corridor leads into a dilapidated, dated medical room. A body lays on the floor, attached to various tubes and IV drips. A broken medical drone lies next to the figure. From the vital signs on the life support equipment, the subject appears to be in a coma. Charlie-2 : "Looks like he was wrong, let's grab the body and leave." Charlie-3 : "Wait a minute, 2. We haven't investigated the testing chamber yet." Charlie-1 : "3, take the body to the surface and bag him. Command's gonna wanna take a look." Charlie-3 : "Got it, good luck." Charlie-1 : "Testing chamber is sealed. I'm going to cut door hydraulics, and you're going to enter the chamber. Slowly. Weapons up." Charlie-3 exits carrying POI-7316 as Charlie-1 and Charlie-2 proceed forward. A loud hiss is heard as Charlie-1 cuts hydraulic control to the testing chamber door. Charlie 2 is seen stepping into the chamber, and all the lights in the building activate. System : "Activation authorized, proceeding with exclusion" A loud flash is seen, color consistent with massive electrical arcs. When the cameras return to normal, no change is observed. Charlie-2 : "Well, shit, doesn't look like anything happened. Stay alert." Charlie-1 : "No disturbances on my end." Command : "Evacuate and return to site until farther notice. We don't want to chance it." Video cuts. . . _ + Access Universal Travel Log?- Close Universal Travel Log? Universal Travel Log of Transfers Personnel: [Andrew J. Dillon] Total Universal Transfers, due to Many Worlds decision-splitting, voluntary transfer, use of Ways, or otherwise: 0 [A typical score on this metric is about 42 transfers per year alive. If your score is significantly higher or lower than this number, speak to a Foundation quantum statistician. Have a nice day.] _ External Data Intercepted: Open?- Close (Unknown Data)? And so the Serpent lay, coiled atop the Library, as if a protector and captor at once. The Serpent watched the multiverse, each universe intersecting with the Library painted as a star across the cosmos. Behind each star, in each universe, in an underground bunker, one Dr. Andrew Dillon took his last breath before he could see his wife once more. In each universe, one massive flash of light, sound, and fury ripped through hundreds of thousands of anchors, setting each star adrift on its own course through the inky void. As the Serpent stared lazily into the stellar tapestry above it, each star began to go out. . I witnessed this, a lowly wanderer before him, and saw your fate outlined in those stars. If you can read this, there is still time. Do not let your star go out.
close Info X My author page ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains graphic violence, suicidal intentions, self-harm, mentions of canibalism and being eaten alive. ⚠️ content warning Item#: SCP-7317 Level2 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: radix Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo The largest remaining part of SCP-7317-3 after she rendered herself unable to work during the 2009 strike of Site-61. Special Containment Procedures: As per the 1958 Accords on the Securing, Containing and Protecting of Middle-Normandy, the four instances of SCP-7317 are the only D-Class personel allowed within Site-61.1 Using any other human test subjects will result in the French government's Ministry of Sub-Veil Affairs cancelling its support of the Foundation's activities within FP-61. Researchers are allowed - and even encouraged - to completely disregard the subjects' safety during testing. Should permanent injury, alteration or death occur, no punitive action will be taken. Outside of testing, SCP-7317 are allowed free rein of Site-61's common and public areas, their on-site housing and the outside. Description: SCP-7317 are four reanimated and seemingly immortal humans of Scandinavian origins.2 SCP-7317 were originally soldiers serving under Jarl Rollon, and died during his conquest of Middle-Normandy in 915.3 All had previously taken part in an unstable thaumaturgical ritual in hope of matching against the region's anomalous defenders, and found themselves reanimated hours after their deaths. SCP-7317 do not age and will heal any injuries received. Additionally, SCP-7317 are incapable of leaving a 3,333 Km2 area centered around the place where they initially perished. This gives them access to Site-61, the town of Frémont, but not to any of the Ways providing an exit from Middle-Normandy. As such, they pose no threat to the Veil. SCP-7317 display erratic personalities, extreme behaviours, apathy and forgetfulness. Their activities as D-Class personnel are voluntary and regarded as a source of novelty or potential release from their condition. Addendum 1 Individual profiles Designation: SCP-7317-1 Most useful when testing with: Hostile creatures, dangerous devices, all other anomalies known to be a threat to human life. Evaluation: SCP-7317-1 is the most enthusiastic of the four and is used in 48% of all tests conducted at Site-61. He derives pleasure from dangerous situations and pain and will actively seek them during testing. Staff are to be reminded to keep SCP-7317-1 in check so as to not exceed testing parameters. Illustrative footage: Dr Marlois: Alright D-7317, please approach the anomaly. SCP-7317-1: Sure thing. SCP-7317-1 enters the activation radius, trigerring the attack sequence. SCP-7317-1: Oho! Those spinning bits look nasty! Do you have anything specific you want me to do or can I just jump in there? Dr Marlois: If you could try to last as long as possible, that'd be great. We'd like to see all of its patterns. SCP-7317-1: You got it. [Sensitive data removed] SCP-7317-1: Heh, that tickles. [Sensitive data removed] SCP-7317-1: Did you see that? Went a lot farther away than last time! [Sensitive data removed] SCP-7317-1: I like the look of this one. [Sensitive data removed] SCP-7317-1: Notice how it's repeatedly stabbing me in the liver even though it hasn't grown back yet? There's gotta be some data in that. [Sensitive data removed] SCP-7317-1: Gegegeggouhgouhgoughga- [Sensitive data removed] Dr Marlois: That's it for today. Guards, please remove the remains in the safe zone and return them to D-7317's quarters. Make sure to get all of them, he's scheduled with Dr Sala in three hours. Designation: SCP-7317-2 Most useful when testing with: Hostile humanoids, anomalous weaponry, anomalies needing precision and control. Evaluation: SCP-7317-2 is the most disciplined of the four. She has continued battle practice through her continued existence; and observes a number of traditions and ritualised actions in her daily life. This has allowed her to retain a stronger sense of identity, as well as her oldest memories, at the cost of making it harder for her to remember new information and adapt to the modern world. Illustrative footage: SCP-7317-2: What are you doing now? Cashier: I'm scanning your items ma'am, to add up their prices. SCP-7317-2: But they have these little tag things right? Why can't you simply read them? Cashier: Sighs. It's more efficient that way ma'am. The cashier continues scanning. Cashier: And with those, that'll be 89.65 Euros. Cash or card? SCP-7317-2 takes her credit card out, as well as a second card that she shows to the cashier. This second card identifies her as a veteran of the 7th Occult War.4 SCP-7317-2: I believe this little medal makes me eligible for a discount, yes? Cashier: Yeah you don't look nearly old enough to have been in that. SCP-7317-2: I know, and I'm never gonna look any older. The cashier rolls their eyes and points to a sign taped on the wall behind them. It reads "All customers claiming immortality, agelessness or any variations thereof during checkout -for purposes such as the purchase of alcohol- must be able to provide suitable proof." SCP-7317-2: Sighs. So it's gonna be like that huh? She takes out a large knife. Cashier: WOAH! Calm down lady! I don't make the rules, really, if you wanna be angry at someone, I have a manager who- SCP-7317-2 slits her own throat. Blood spews and she falls limp on the counter. The cashier runs to a supply closet and comes back with a broom and bucket. However, by the time they come back, the blood has already begun to resorb into SCP-7317-2's body. They stare at it until a few minutes later, when SCP-7317-2 stands up again, showing no signs of injury. SCP-7317-2: So that's 20% off right? Designation: SCP-7317-3 Most useful when testing with: Perception-altering anomalies and cognitohazards. Evaluation: SCP-7317-3 is the most artistically oriented of the four. She has adopted and discarded many hobbies throughout her life but remains deeply interested by creative arts and their evolution. SCP-7317-3 is well adapted to modern times, at the cost of having forgotten most of her oldest memories. Illustrative footage: SCP-7317-1: So they said no to the rock? SCP-7317-3: They did. Apparently they've already tested it on regenerators so they don't want to go through the trouble of sending it all the way here. And since I can't really go there myself… SCP-7317-1: We're back to plan D. SCP-7317-3: Exactly. Dr Marlois: And what is plan D exactly? I have to know the details if you want me to sign this off as an official test to let you use the incinerator. SCP-7317-3: Alright so, you know how every time we die, get injured or whatever, we go back to the same state? Hell, we can't even cut or grow our hair! SCP-7317-1: We're lucky our styles are coming back into fashion. SCP-7317-3: But! We can gain and lose memories just fine, even though that causes changes in the connections of our brains and stuff. So that proves that change is possible somehow. Dr Marlois: Have you considered it might be a matter of scale? I doubt the ritual's casters knew about neurons. SCP-7317-3: Interesting point, but my theory is that we always go back to our own selves. Our outer selves don't change and we've accepted that in our inner selves, so that's why we always come back the same. But our inner selves change, our thoughts and memories evolve and that has an effect on our outer selves by impacting our brains. SCP-7317-3: And to test that, I will smoke this bundle of ritual herbs Hilda gave me, meditate super hard until my inner self completely redefines how I see my outer self, and while I do that you'll turn on the incinerator. If it works, once I regenerate I'll look how I want and you'll get the first new discovery about us in ages. Win-win! Dr Marlois: I see no reason to not test that. What I'm not sure of is, what is D-7317 here for? SCP-7317-1: Fun. SCP-7317-3: Emotional support. SCP-7317-1, as illustrated by SCP-7317-3. Designation: SCP-7317-4 Most useful when testing with: Thaumaturgical anomalies, low activity tests when none of the other instances are available. Evaluation: SCP-7317-4 is the most depressed of the four. He regards their condition as a curse and actively researches ways to put an end to it, although this has not yet yielded any results. SCP-7317-4 possesses a wide knowledge of thaumaturgy, having exchanged with many of the practictioners and scholars that have lived in Middle-Normandy. However, as he displays great apathy, disdain towards most things that do not pertain to his research, and confused memories, accessing this knowledge is not easily accomplished. Staff are to remember that the most useful methods to convince SCP-7317-4 of cooperating are to coax him with intriguing or new thaumaturgical processes, or to rely on the other instances to force him to be more active. Failing that, SCP-7317-4 is usually unresponsive and lethargic and may be simply placed into a room with anomalies that do not require actions on the test subject's part. Illustrative footage: SCP-7317-4: Yeah that looks like it was made by the Grogaillards. That wasn't their original name, you know. People started calling them that when they settled here, and it stuck. Not that they mind though, they think it's very accurate. Dr Romaire: It did sound a bit on the nose. Do you know what their original name was? SCP-7317-4 shrugs. SCP-7317-4: Anyway, this one time I let their Karcist cut me into pieces and feed me to her delegation. I was really hoping it would work but I ended up regenerating from a few small bits that were stuck at the bottom of the pot. At least it took a while so I got a nice break out of it. Dr Romaire: So that's why you don't have high hopes for this test. SCP-7317-4 flinches as the Biotype begins chewing on his other leg. SCP-7317-4: Yeah, even if that thing is very thorough, there'll still be some bits of me left when it's done -one way or another- and I'll be back in a few days. Dr Romaire: In time for our next appointment? SCP-7317-4: Does it really matter if I miss another session where I tell you about my meaningless but unending life and you pretend like writing it down will help? Dr Romaire: You know we do more than that. SCP-7317-4: You're right, your sessions have really helped me feel good about everything. Just look at me now: being eaten alive and yet I'm chatting away like it doesn't even hurt. SCP-7317-4: Oh wait, it's because I've had centuries to grow used to the pain and learn that it's nothing compared to the constant despair I always feel. SCP-7317-4: But I'm sure one hour on your couch next week will take care of that little problem. Dr Sala: Could I ask you to cut it out? I think you're starting to bum the Biotype out. Addendum 2 Decline of SCP-7317-4 In 2014, SCP-7317-4 carried out 8 new attempts at self-neutralization, a marked decrease compared to previous years. SCP-7317-4's mental health greatly worsened that year, which negatively impacted his testing performance. Security cameras record SCP-7317-2 standing in front of Dr Romaire's office, carrying a large duffel bag. She is attempting to open the door by turning the handle, pushing, pulling and sliding the door. The digital padclock flashes red every time, which she does not notice. SCP-7317-2: Oh come on you stupid piece of wood! She bangs on the door in frustration. Dr Romaire's voice is heard from the inside. Dr Romaire: I'm on my union break, come back later. SCP-7317-2: Please doctor, I really need your help. Dr Romaire: Hilda? Hold on, I'm coming. The padlock flashes green and Dr Romaire opens the door. She is wearing a wireless headset with rainbow led lights. Dr Romaire: So you were making all that racket? You know your pass doesn't have the clearance to open any of our offices, right? SCP-7317-2: Right, yes, I knew that. They both enter the room. Dr Romaire gestures for SCP-7317-2 to sit on the couch while she opens her office's blinds and sets the headset down. Dr Romaire: I admit I'm surprised to see you here. If I remember correctly, the last time I offered you my help, you said you "already knew how to meditate". SCP-7317-2: And I still do, thanks. I'm not here for me, but for Frode. He's had it real bad recently, and we thought you could help. Dr Romaire: I have been trying to, trust me. But he has been very good at avoiding me. SCP-7317-2: Well, it shouldn't be a problem now, right Frode? Dr Romaire: What? SCP-7317-2 opens her bag and flips it down, dumping the body of SCP-7317-4 on the couch. He is bound by several chains and a gag covers his mouth. SCP-7317-2 removes the gag and stands up. SCP-7317-2: He's all yours doctor. I think he suffocated in the bag, so you should have time to finish your break before he comes back. SCP-7317-2 exits the room, leaving SCP-7317-4 on the couch. Dr Romaire sighs and returns to her desk. After thirteen minutes, SCP-7317-4 gasps for air. SCP-7317-4: Where- Oh, Romaire. I should have guessed. Dr Romaire: Not surprised to see me? SCP-7317-4: The others wanted to help me, and there's only so many times you can say "no" to Hilda before she does it anyway. Dr Romaire: So, are you ready to resume our sessions? SCP-7317-4: If it stops them from worrying about me, then yes. Below are relevant excerpts from SCP-7317-4's sessions with Dr Romaire. Dr Romaire slides some photographs over the table. Dr Romaire: Can you tell me what these are? SCP-7317-4: As if you don't already know. Dr Romaire: Of course I do, but I need you to tell me. SCP-7317-4: This is the hill. The place where we died for the first time. Dr Romaire: Do you still remember that day? SCP-7317-4: It's the oldest thing I still remember, and it's much clearer than everything else afterwards. I don't even know if we knew each other before that ritual, but we were in the same unit when we attacked that hill. The four of us and dozens of others, charging at a fort while the enemy threw everything they had at us. SCP-7317-4: And then nothing. Not pain, not peace just nothing. Nothing to feel or remember. SCP-7317-4: I'm not sure how long it lasted, but next thing I know the four of us are on a great pyre with the rest of the dead from that battle. Maybe the flames woke us up or maybe it was just bad timing, but we came back to life only to burn. And we screamed. We screamed like it was the worst pain we had ever felt and would ever feel. SCP-7317-4: We've had plenty of time to realise we were wrong about that. Dr Romaire: I've been told you have been spending a lot of time at that hill these past few days. SCP-7317-4: Yes, I've seen the cameras. Dr Romaire: Now, if I remember correctly, you told me that investigating traces of the ritual was a dead end. SCP-7317-4: Of course it's a dead end! The traces are long gone, and it was a complete mess anyway. It wasn't even supposed to do that to us, but Rollon didn't care that none of his soldiers knew magic, he only wanted to get even with the enemy. Dr Romaire: So why go to the hill then? Just to reminisce? SCP-7317-4 nods. Dr Romaire: I'm sure you must have better memories. Remember when we talked about- SCP-7317-4: I don't want better memories, what I want is no memories at all. SCP-7317-4: It's that moment between the battle and the flames that I want to go back to. The nothingness, the end of everything. SCP-7317-4: I just can't keep going like this, living every moment without purpose knowing it won't end, my mind so weary that every thought hurts. I just want it all to stop. Dr Romaire: I would argue that you're not without purpose. Your search for an end to your condition would not only help yourself and the other three, but the Foundation could also benefit from your findings. SCP-7317-4 chuckles. SCP-7317-4: I'm pretty sure most therapists don't tell their patients that it's good they want to die. Dr Romaire: Most therapists don't have you as their patient. I know it would be cruel to convince you to give up. SCP-7317-4: But you think you could? Dr Romaire: Absolutely. After all, I am the best therapist you've had in a millenia. SCP-7317-4: Well you'll never have the chance to try. It's over. Dr Romaire: I'm sure this is only a rough- SCP-7317-4: No, you don't get it, it's really over. That last attempt? That was the last thing I could think of. I have tried everything I could do with everything I can get in here, and nothing has worked. Dr Romaire: Have you told the others yet? SCP-7317-4: I have not. But you know them, I'm sure it won't really bother them. Dr Romaire: It is true that they are less concerned with their condition than you are. SCP-7317-4 nods. Dr Romaire: Does it upset you? SCP-7317-4: Of course it does. They're all dealing with it in their own ways, and I can't really say they have it better than me but… it feels lonely, being the only one who really wants to leave. SCP-7317-4: Fear. Dr Romaire shows another flash card. SCP-7317-4: Contentment. Dr Romaire shows another flash card. SCP-7317-4: Jealousy. Dr Romaire: That is not usually the answer I get for the gravestone card. SCP-7317-4: Well it's true, I always wanted one. Dr Romaire: What kind of epitaph would you want on it? SCP-7317-4: I don't know. I couldn't even tell you what name to put on it. Addendum 3 Incident SCP-7317-4 On 10/09/2014, SCP-7317-4 was in Site-61's library when it was breached by an intruder. SCP-7317-1, SCP-7317-3 and SCP-7317-4 are sat together at a table, reading the weekly issue of "The Middling Gazette". SCP-7317-4: So Sigrun, you look different today. SCP-7317-1: Uh, she's been like that for a while now. Did you really not notice? SCP-7317-4: I'm sorry, my mind has just been sort of… hazy. SCP-7317-3: No, this is good, I had run out of people to give me their first impressions. So, how do I look? SCP-7317-4: You look better. Happier. SCP-7317-3: You bet I do. And hey, thanks for your help. I was able to figure it out thanks to some outside consultation and your research notes. SCP-7317-1: How's that going, by the way? Has Romaire managed to get you motivated again? SCP-7317-4 looks down. SCP-7317-4: Ah no, no progress yet. SCP-7317-3: Sorry to hear that. You'll let us know if you need anything, alright? We're here for you. SCP-7317-1: Not like we can be that far away, really. SCP-7317-3 punches him in the shoulder. SCP-7317-1: But yeah she's right, you can always ask us anything, you know that. SCP-7317-4: I know. Thanks. The three finish their reading. SCP-7317-1 and SCP-7317-3 are called for testing and leave the library. SCP-7317-4 reads various books for 5 hours and eventually falls asleep behind a shelf. Night comes and the library is closed with SCP-7317-4 still inside. A Way opens inside the library and a figure emerges from it. They are humanoid, though they possess two pair of arms. They begin rummaging through the bookshelves, and accidentally step on SCP-7317-4. SCP-7317-4: What the- oh, a breach. We haven't had one of those in a while I think. The individual takes a defensive stance, but lowers their guard after SCP-7317-4 shows no sign of action. Unknown: That uniform… I see, you are one of those the Foundation sacrifices. SCP-7317-4: Something like that. And who are you? Unknown: [INFORMATION REDACTED ON ORDER OF THE O5 COUNCIL] SCP-7317-4: Huh, that did not sound like something I'm allowed to know. Unknown: I suppose not. SCP-7317-4: And what brings you to this place, Arklay? Unknown: I am looking for information about the Mouleur Foci. I was told that a scholar who had researched it lived in this region and his collection had been acquired by this Site. SCP-7317-4 thinks for a moment. SCP-7317-4: Ah, the Rot thing from Edial's book. The book should be somewhere over there. SCP-7317-4 gestures to the left. Unknown: You know about it? SCP-7317-4: I looked into it to solve a certain problem I have. From what I've read it could have worked, but I have no idea where to find it. It's not in Middle-Normandy, that's for sure, and that means it can't help me. The individual searches the area indicated by SCP-7317-4 and retrieves a book from a shelf. Unknown: This is it. Thank you for your help, stranger. SCP-7317-4: No big deal. Say, what do you need it for? Unknown: [INFORMATION REDACTED ON ORDER OF THE O5 COUNCIL] SCP-7317-4: Of all magic? Unknown: Yes. SCP-7317-4 shivers and mumbles. SCP-7317-4: …. that might just work. SCP-7317-4: Would you mind helping me with something? You sound good at breaking into places. Security was alerted of the presence of an intruder within Site-61 before the surveillance system went down. At the same time, the Site's thaumaturgical artefacts repository was breached. Orders were given to apprehend the intruder, as well as SCP-7317-4 who was to be considered guilty of a severe information breach. The intruder was never found; they are presumed to have exited Site-61 via a Way. When security guards approached SCP-7317-4's quarters, they were met with resistance from SCP-7317-1 and SCP-7317-2, who later confirmed they had been asked to stall for time. Both instances were disciplined. Inside SCP-7317-4's quarters, security guards found a series of recursive containment blocks made of concrete. All blocks were engraved with several copies of the Foundation's logo and text resembling containment procedures. Special containment procedures: I am to be contained wholly and absolutely. My prison is to be this place, which I have designed as an altar to containment. The time inside is to pass faster than outside, so that the end may come sooner. I am to stay within these walls until the end. I am not to be seen or spoken to by anyone until the end. I will not be a part of the world while I am contained or afterwards. These walls are to choke the life and magic out of me, permanently. I am to return to nothing, where I will feel nothing, think nothing. I am to be free of this burden. My friends are to mourn me if they choose. They are to be informed that I cared for them and I wish they can enjoy life where I could not. They are to know there is a way out. These walls are to be my grave, that I may have one at last. I will fade. Inside the last concrete block, the corpse of SCP-7317-4 was found in an advanced state of decay. It has not shown any sign of life in over 48 hours. Footnotes 1. Radix-class anomalies have been integrated within the Foundation's operating structure. 2. An accurate geographical origin cannot be determined due to SCP-7317 not having had access to detailed maps at the time and forgetting most of their early lives. 3. This conquest would finally integrate the Free Port within the French Kingdom, although the Dukes of Normandy would keep it secret from the crown until the next century. 4. SCP-7317 participated in several battles and acts of sabotage during the occupation of Middle-Normandy. « SCP-7316 | SCP-7317 | SCP-7318 »
DrowningDutchman It is I Dutch. I have written more stuff! DrowningDutchman Item#: 7319 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7319-1 is to be kept in a small low-security containment chamber in Reliquary Site-39. SCP-7319-2 is to be kept in a small low-security containment chamber in Reliquary Site-12. To avoid damage to SCP-7319-1 and SCP-7319-2, the northeast corner of the Site-39 cell and the southwest corner of the Site-12 cell are to be padded with soft materials. SCP-7319-1 and SCP-7319-2 are to be kept together in a low-security containment chamber located in Reliquary Site-39. Addendum 31-10-2022: SCP-7319-3 is to be stored in a standard non-hazardous anomalous documents display in Reliquary Site-39. SCP-7319-3 is free to be studied by Site Personnel. Description: SCP-7319 refers to two seperate suits of armor (SCP-7319-1 and SCP-7319-2) recovered near Bernau im Schwarzwald in what is currently Germany, approximately 20km from the German-Swiss border. The suits of armor were traced back to Burg Nanstein1, a castle located approximately 250km north of the recovery location. Discovery: SCP-7319-1 and SCP-7319-2 were observed moving through the castle when put on display. The entities were noted to stop moving when they were relatively close to each other. The suits of armor were taken by the Foundation and brought to separate Reliquary sites for investigation and to utilize the available chambers. Efforts to incapacitate SCP-7319-1 and SCP-7319-2 were discontinued when deemed unnecessary due to their inability to escape containment. SCP-7319-3 was discovered on 25-09-2022 in Burg Nanstein. The letter was initially overlooked as there was no initial connection to SCP-7319-1 or SCP-7319-2. A full report on the translation of SCP-7319-3 is provided below. Addendum: 10-12-2022 As part of a planned test, SCP-7319-1 and SCP-7319-2 will be brought into the same containment cell on 27-01-2023. 27-01-2023 Test Close Test SCP-7319-1 and SCP-7319-2 test on: 27-01-2023 On 27-01-2023, SCP-7319-2 was transported from Reliquary Site-12 to Reliquary site-39 to be placed in the same containment chamber as SCP-7319-1. During the Transport while SCP-7319-2 was restrained SCP-7319-1 was reported to start moving in different directions corresponding to the location of the other entity while being transported. SCP-7319-1 was restrained as SCP-7319-2 was brought into the containment chamber. When both entities were released from their restraints, they began to move towards each other. SCP-7319-1 and SCP-7319-2 stopped their movements as they got within 2 meters of each other. Since the entities were still standing, the presiding team decided to attempt bringing them closer together. Though moving the entire suits of armour proved impossible, personnel were able to manipulate the entities' arms and hands into contact with the other. As the entities' hands touched, the heads moved to seemingly look at eachother before they collapsed approximately 1 minute later. The team at Reliquary Site-39 has elected to keep SCP-7319-1 and SCP-7319-2 together in the cell at Reliquary Site-39. This was decided to mitigate damage to either entity and to keep their anomalous activity to a minimum. Note: SCP-7319-1 and SCP-7319-2 are not considered Neutralized, as separation of the entities causes anomalous activity to return to the same level as before the entities met. Letter recovered at Burg Nanstein Close Letter Translation Report Translation of SCP-7319-3 Translator Dr G. Meiya (Department of Terra-linguistics) Translation concluded on 05-12-2022 extra info SCP-7319-3 was recovered on 25-10-2022 from Burg Nanstein, Germany. The letter is in better condition than scripts recovered from the same period. The letter dates back to the mid 1300's placing is in the same period as SCP-7319-1 and SCP-7319-2. The writer of the letter is one Alard of Mannheim; the receiver remains unknown. SCP-7319-3 speaks of a pact between the two subjects in the letter seeking each other even past death. Contextual analysis of the contents of SCP-7319-3 implies the existance of a romantic affair. My dearest Angel2, Since the first time I saw you I knew the purpose of the life set out for me was living for you… I truly believe this feeling has not been felt before as I was completely unprepared for this. The days without you are the longest days of my life, while I also know this is the best way to remain in your good graces. The idea of you gets me through the days I am away and will never be able to forget the grace you exude at every moment I get to lay my eyes on you. You carry yourself with as much grace and beauty as the angel you were named for and I wish you to understand this will for me is an eternal feeling… I wish you could actually be mine. I promise you I will follow you beyond death, my love for you will certainly last long beyond the point my heart can beat for you. I do swear upon everything that is worldly and all that we can possibly imagine that, even beyond the point my heart will beat, I will look for you eternally for I can not rest my heart when I am away from you. My life will eternally be in service to you, Alard of Mannheim Footnotes 1. A castle in modern day Germany, located in the town of Landstuhl in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate 2. Translated in a literal sense, likely to be a pet name used for the receiver « SCP-7318 | SCP-7319 | SCP-7320 »
Raddagher More by this Author | Find Us Alive Hub SCP-7320-1 instances Item #: SCP-7320 Object Class: Keter Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: Due to the difficulty of cataloging companies and low-risk nature of the anomaly, individual use of instances of SCP-7320-1 by Foundation personnel is permitted with or without formal approval. Personnel are discouraged from engaging in behaviors known to create new instances of SCP-7320-2. Containment procedures for currently existing instances of SCP-7320-2 are listed below, referred to respectively as Objects A, B, and C. Object A - Object A is not to be moved from its designated area atop Agent Summers' computer tower. Should Object A be relocated anywhere other than its designated area, all servers housed at Site-129 are to be backed up immediately, with Object A being returned to its area as soon as possible. Object B - The perimeter of Object B is to be wrapped in 51 pieces of cellophane office tape between 5-15cm. Any piece that loses adhesion and falls off must be replaced within 24 hours. Object C - Object C is to be struck with a provided wooden dowel at least once per 24-hour period by designated staff. Personnel in the locker room where Object C is located must allow a minimum of ten seconds of silence after Object C is struck before speaking or making unnecessary noise. Description: SCP-7320 is a mundane thaumaturgical anomaly affecting otherwise ordinary personal items belonging to Foundation personnel. Items affected by SCP-7320 gain the ability to measurably impact events experienced by the user, typically altering events in the user's favor. Two prerequisites are required in order for a manifestation of SCP-7320 to occur: an inanimate physical object and an associated action taken by the user. Any object affected by SCP-7320 can lose its anomalous effect for multiple reasons (Footnote: Such as organic lack of use or the death of its creator), but every conscious attempt to nullify the effect has both failed and caused significant misfortune for those attempting. Conversely, deliberate attempts to imbue an object with SCP-7320's effect, while consciously aware of its existence, have also failed (Footnote: It is noted that objects already associated with a widely known religion or belief system have not been observed to experience SCP-7320's effect). Direct knowledge of SCP-7320 neutralizes an individual's ability to create an instance of SCP-7320-1 and/or maintain an existing instance. SCP-7320-1 refers to any personal item affected by SCP-7320, thought of by its owner as a “good luck charm.” The vast majority of these items are created inadvertently, with the owner either developing a strong emotional attachment to the object, or simply pretending the object has an effect. In all cases, the owner associates the object with “luck” or good fortune. The favorable events caused by these items are easily misconstrued as coincidence or confirmation bias, but specialized equipment confirms that the increase in “good fortune” is in fact quantifiable. SCP-7320-2 refers to objects affected by SCP-7320 that cause large-scale misfortune when certain invented rituals are not properly carried out. All cataloged instances of SCP-7320-2 within the Foundation are communal objects engaged with by multiple people, a factor believed to be the source of SCP-7320-2 objects' potency. All three of these objects cataloged by the Foundation have been the documented sources of several major incidents, listed in Addendum 2. Addendum 1 - Registered SCP-7320-1 Examples The following individuals have not been made aware of SCP-7320's existence. All SCP-7320-1 instances are still active. Owner Name: Researcher Harlan Cordova Object: An off-brand plastic Pokémon toy. Certain colors and details are off-model from the character on which the toy is based, and most of the paint is applied incorrectly. Activation: SCP-7320's effect is activated in the object upon being viewed by other staff members when in close proximity to Researcher Cordova. Observed Effect: An increased frequency of innocuous positive interactions with other staff members, typically in the form of casual compliments or small favors. Notes: Researcher Cordova does not believe in luck and insists that the object has no measurable effect, claiming instead that the toy is merely a conversation starter and that “no one is going to be mean to such a fucked up little guy.” Owner Name: Dr. Donna Acevedo Object: Half a quartz geode, 3cm in diameter. Most of the object is worn smooth. Activation: SCP-7320's effect remains active in the object when held in Dr. Acevedo‘s bare hand. Observed Effect: A decrease in workplace incidents of a physically dangerous nature. Dr. Acevedo has survived five critical containment breaches without incident. Notes: Dr. Acevedo claims that she did not believe in luck until she found the object, and narrowly avoided being hit by a runaway car when she reached to pick it up. Dr. Acevedo firmly believes the object protects her from harm. She has been carrying the object for 21 years. Owner Name: Dr. Nathan Harrell Object: A pair of wool athletic socks with several darned patches from frequent wear. Activation: SCP-7320 activates when the object is worn. Observed Effect: Increased frequency of favorable events pertaining to office work, such as finding items thought to be lost, outdated equipment running smoothly, and unexpected reunions with individuals who have experience relevant to current projects. Notes: When initially interviewed, Dr. Harrell expected the subject to be a gold cross charm he wore on a leather cord. He maintained this belief throughout the interview until casually explaining that the socks were a gift from his wife, which he continually repairs due to their comfort and sentimental value. He refers to them as his “work socks.” Dr. Harrell's cross pendant exhibits no anomalous effect. Owner Name: N/A Object: Five packages of vending machine snacks on top of a microwave at SCP-5320 containment. Activation: SCP-7320 activates when new snacks are added, provided the number of packages present stays above five. Observed Effect: Increase in internet speed experienced by the individual adding the snacks, typically only lasting a few hours. Notes: Although SCP-5320's staff exhibit much of the behavior typically associated with the creation of SCP-7320-2 instances, items interacted with this way by SCP-5320 research staff seem incapable of becoming SCP-7320-2 instances, likely due to their close association with a living creature. Owner Name: Agent Katherine Reid Object: A plush fox toy, Beanie Baby brand. Item shows signs of several decades of aging and is partially burned. Activation: SCP-7320's effect activates when the object is left in the MTF Lambda-5 transport vehicle while a mission is underway. Observed Effect: Since Agent Reid began using the object, L-5 Squad 16 has experienced no agent deaths while on missions, in spite of several nearly-fatal injuries. Notes: The object was one of few toys that survived a house fire that destroyed Agent Reid's childhood home when she was eight years old. Agent Reid calls her family's escape “miraculous,” and she claims that “if [the object] is waiting in the car, everybody has to make it out.” Addendum 2 - SCP-7320-2 Objects Object A: A plastic figurine of a wizard on top of Agent Rachel Summers' computer tower at Site-211. According to office staff at Site-211, removal of Object A from the computer tower will “brick the servers.” This superstition began as a joke when a staff member accidentally knocked the figurine onto the floor around the time the office experienced poor connection to off-site servers at Site-17, resulting in staff members attributing the outage to the wizard. Two years following the inception of the joke, Site-211 experienced 3 complete outages from local servers, all directly correlating to Object A being placed on a different surface than the computer tower. This event led to the initial discovery of SCP-7320. Object B: A framed picture of actor Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kenobi with 51 pieces of tape stuck around the edges of the frame, located in the 2B floor landing of Site-16. The object was originally a prank on a senior and devout Christian staff member, Emily Montes, who was told the photo was a portrait of Jesus, and hung the frame up in her cubicle. Reportedly, Ms. Montes would occasionally stick extra pieces of tape to the frame for later use, and following her relocation to a different site, the rest of the staff moved the picture to a more publicly visible location and added more pieces of tape until the edges of the frame were covered. The staff of Site-16 maintain that for every piece of tape missing, one staff member will experience “tremendous disaster.” Object B is referred to by Site-16 staff as “Sticky Jesus” and is suspected to be responsible for over 25 major onsite accidents. Object C: A heavily-used aluminum water bottle located in the locker room on the first floor of Site-17's task force barracks, formerly belonging to Agent Michael Webb of Mobile Task Force Theta-4. Field agents working out of Site-17 carry a tradition of striking the empty bottle to create a ringing noise when the locker room is quiet, a ritual invented by the team members of MTF Theta-4 following the death of Agent Webb during a mission. A survey of Foundation task force agents found that 85% had at least heard of “Saint Michael's Bell,” with 61% surveyed claiming to believe in its effects. Ringing “Saint Michael's Bell” is said to bring good luck to Foundation agents across the globe, and forgetting to ring it will cause more death among their ranks. Days in which this ritual was not fulfilled saw a 10% rise in field agent mortality. Addendum 3 - Clearance Level Adjustment Upon further research, SCP-7320 exhibits a demonstrably positive impact on the safety and morale of Foundation staff. Considering knowledge of the anomaly neutralizes the effect for an individual, SCP-7320 will be upgraded from Clearance Level 3 to Clearance Level 7320/4. The following transcript is taken from a meeting of the O5 Council on 25 July 2022. [Begin Log] It seems that SCP-7320's effect stops applying when individuals learn of its existence. Something about the hard knowledge that luck exists is enough to prevent it entirely. Personally, I'm ecstatic. Informing our personnel on a broad scale could ease containment significantly. At that point we would only have to worry about the twos. Horseshit? I beg your pardon? It's protecting our people. I say let it rip. Beyblade. Focus, please. Using anomalies for our own gain isn't something we should be taking lightly. Especially considering the unpredictability we've already observed with SCP-7320. We still don't truly know the scope of its capabilities. Oh, shut up. We use anomalies for self-gain all the time. Should we? When are we doing lunch? I can have someone pick up Jimmy John's sandwiches in approximately seventeen minutes, provided we adhere to our schedule exactly. Ha! I'm on team Beyblade. Could you please specify what you mean? Let it rip. In professional terms, please. We have not seen a single negative effect by instances of SCP-7320-1. And the effects they DO have are so inconspicuous that almost no one can see the anomaly without extensive research. If we're being given any sort of advantage, it's so small it barely even counts. I'm inclined to agree with team anti-Beyblade. I ain't namin' anything after a children's toy. It's not a children's toy, I have one. Rules are rules and we can't pick and choose when they're convenient. I need everyone to perhaps take a moment and re-center yourselves. We have two choices. We can disseminate the information and neutralize most instances of the anomaly within our ranks, effectively limiting its effect to SCP-7320-2 instances only. Or we can lock down the intel, and keep letting our people make SCP-7320-1 instances for fun and profit. God, I'm starving. Huh. Something on your mind? What are the chances it evolves? Elaborate. I think we can all agree that we can't do anything to stop people from- from doin' the behaviors that create SCP-7320-1 instances in the first place. I suppose. Continue. If we broadcast SCP-7320's existence to the entire Foundation, are we certain the effect won't evolve to include folks who know about it? And if it does, will that second iteration be as innocuous as this one? Hmm. Sorry, don't mean to derail, did you say you HAVE a Beyblade? You own one right now? Yes. Why? There's a robust collectors' market. Humans will never behave entirely logically, no matter their station. As it stands, the effect is not significant enough to present a threat in the majority of cases. That could change, should we intervene. A vote, then? Hear me out, trial by Beyblade. Seconded. Thirded. Long-term continuation of this behavior has a 33% chance of eventually creating an instance of SCP-7320-2 within the Council. Oh, shit. Wow, really? I wasn't even doing that on purpose. No one's doing it on purpose. I don't think a vote is necessary. Dissenters are clearly outnumbered in this case. Perhaps we can continue to keep an eye and revisit at a later date. Then we raise the clearance level of SCP-7320 and continue to “let it rip,” as it were. What about the people who have already read the file? They're shit out of luck, aren't they? [End Log]
Item#: 7321 Level1 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7321 should not be moved from its current location, a standard anomalous corpse locker in Site-400's mortuary, without explicit permission from the Foundation's History Department. Beginning in the year 2000, SCP-7321 should be kept under low-level surveillance, including an ECG sensor wired to a silent alarm in the security office, in case of emerging vital life signs. Description: SCP-7321 is a male humanoid corpse measuring roughly two meters in height. While its rate of decay is typical for that of a cadaver, this putrefaction seemingly occurs in reverse. To clarify: As time goes on, SCP-7321's state of decomposition decreases, as the corpse becomes more fresh. Given the rate of this process, it is currently hypothesized that SCP-7321 will fully regenerate by the year 2000. Whether or not SCP-7321 is capable of restoring life functions is unknown at this time. Addendum 7321.1: Discovery Log So far as the History Department has been able to gather, SCP-7321 has been in Standard Anomalous Corpse Locker 400-M-0040852 ever since Site-400's mortuary's construction in 1922. The mortuary's construction workers discovered the corpse on the site when it first broke ground, but chose to ignore it1. After the concrete of the basement foundation had cured, they found it again on top of that; after the wooden subflooring was constructed over this foundation, they found it again on top of the subflooring. Nobody claimed responsibility for moving it. At last, it ended up in 400-M-0040852, where an unwitting mortuary assistant later discovered it. Addendum 7321.2: Autopsy Report + Show Abridged Autopsy Report SCP-7321-1 - Hide Abridged Autopsy Report SCP-7321-1 Site-400 Autopsy Report 00592 Date: 1981/08/17 Presiding Doctors: Dr. Mortimer Sly, MD Dr. Osoet Teuku, PhD in Forensic Anthropology Attending Site Security: Security Officer Deborah Ortega Security Officer Óscar Wong [DATA OMITTED FOR BREVITY] Preliminary Inspection: Well-preserved, poorly nourished white male in bloating stage of decay with fresh, widespread, precise lacerations indicating an autopsy was performed, though records show none occurring prior. Organs showed similar lacerations, often carving out a particular cross-section. Organ pieces corresponding to such cross-sections had been discovered the previous morning by Dr. Teuku in a fresh shipment of organ sample containers. They had been sent to an evidence storage refrigerator, and spontaneously combusted one at a time while the autopsy was taking place. After the examiners returned from the evacuation caused by this fire, it was discovered that all aforementioned lacerations to inner organs had sealed, leaving no evidence that any cross-section had been missing. Site Security officers forbade the examining team from making more incisions, citing the fire risk. [DATA OMITTED FOR BREVITY] Anaerobically-Produced Gas Rate of Emission: The bacteria of the thanatomicrobiome of an ordinary cadaver in the bloat stage emit gases as the byproduct of their digestion process. The amounts of such gases in the air around SCP-7321 decreased during the autopsy. Post-Mortem Time: The larynx, lower intestine, and neural tissue of the cadaver have decayed and liquefied to a point similar to that displayed by twenty-years post-mortem specimens in similar Foundation cadaver lockers. Cause of Death: Organ failure due to blood loss caused by gunshot wounds. Addendum 7321.3: Incident Log <Begin Log, 07/10/2003, 1600 hrs> Site-400's mortuary is still. The camera is close to the face of SCP-7321, now practically undecayed. Blood slowly crawls up SCP-7321's skin and into its wounds. The ECG display shows only a flatline. Its eyes are closed. <1605 hrs> The ECG display beeps. A faint heartbeat. <1623 hrs> Security Officers Stanisław Wong and Olgierd Ortega walk into the morgue. They begin to secure the area. Wong: Shivers Ah, so this is where our air-conditioning budget went. Would it kill them to lay off a little in here? Ortega: It might, if any of these anomalous corpses wake up because they weren't preserved well enough. Wong: Could that happen? Ortega: It might. sighs. Wong: What's the matter? Ortega: I- It's nothing. Wong: No, come on, what is it? Ortega: I… I started thinking about history. How we're all so small in the face of all the time that ever was and all the time that will ever be. How we've all come from the hunter-gatherers, rising to who we are now. But it won't last long. Wong: Why's that? Ortega: Because no matter what we do, the climate's going to burn out the earth and we'll all die. Wong: Woo. Someone's pessimistic today. Ortega: It's inevitable. The laws of thermodynamics say that entropy's always going to increase as time goes on. Even this air conditioning increases the heat somewhere else. Wong: But we can stay in the air conditioning, right? Ortega: For as long as we can. But as long as we run it, we're just increasing the burst of heat that'll come when it breaks. Wong: But does it have to break? Maybe this generation will be the one to fix the climate, get it right. Ortega: I doubt it. We do what those before us did, and we can't go back and stop our forebears from messing everything up. <1640 hrs> SCP-7321's lead researcher, Dr. Pertiwi arrives, accompanied by Security Officers Minerva Mohede and Terminus Tiwa. Pertiwi: All right, folks. Wong, Ortega, leave the room, join us here in the hallway. Still no other vital signs in the patient? Ortega: Pulse, extremely weak so far; no sign of consciousness. Pertiwi: Naturally. It'll take quite some time for it to recover enough blood and organ function to become conscious. Lock the door out here; we don't know what it'll do once it wakes up. Be prepared to sound the Containment Breach alert. Wong: Yes, Ma'am. SCP-7321's eyes are closed. <1753 hrs> And then, slowly, the eyes open. The facial expression changes to peaceful, then to bittersweet triumph. SCP-7321 slowly shifts in place as if making itself comfortable. It swallows. It pulls a crayon out of its mouth and puts it in a pocket. Pertiwi (Through a speaker system): Hello, SCP-7321. Can you understand me? The door of the corpse locker unlocks, seemingly without human input. SCP-7321 gets up, limping due to open wounds on its leg, and pushes the door open. Pertiwi: SCP-7321. Please remain calm. I know you are gravely injured; provided you cooperate, we'll send in surgeons to patch you up. Just, I'm begging you, stay where you are. It climbs out of the corpse locker and crawls, backwards, towards the mortuary door. This also unlocks and swings open. Mohede: How the fuck did it do that? Tiwa: Oh god, oh god, is this it? Is this my first containment breach? Ortega: Only if we fail. Pertiwi: SCP-7321, don't go further or we will fire upon you. This is your last chance. SCP-7321 steps backwards through the threshold. The containment breach alarm blares. Ortega fires on SCP-7321, which lurches and quickly stands up. It is no longer quite as wounded, though its face grimaces in anticipation of pain. A pair of bolos suddenly manifest wrapped around Wong's legs. This manifestation is accompanied by a massive burst of heat, and Wong screams in pain and falls unconscious. Simultaneously, a duplicate set of bolos fly away from the manifestation point as if thrown, and are caught by SCP-7321, who puts the set into its pocket. As Ortega raises his firearm again after processing this, SCP-7321 jumps into a flying sidekick into Ortega's head. This knocks Ortega unconscious, though a single blow to the head should not have done so; close analysis of video at this point shows his head feeling the effects of multiple impacts slightly before and slightly after the actual kick. SCP-7321 falls down and runs backwards several meters. It then runs out of the corridor.SCP-7321 runs through the facility. Although all doors are sealed following the containment breach, they open ahead of SCP-7321. Despite the facility's inherently confusing architecture, SCP-7321 follows a reasonably efficient route to a specific facility exit. Investigation later revealed glow-in-the-dark crayon marks throughout the corridors of the entire facility, apparently following many paths other than the one SCP-7321 walked, though most had been crossed out where they forked away from SCP-7321's path. Others warned of guards nearby and very specific times they walked through the corridor; many of these were incomplete or showed signs of being written in a hurry. Pertiwi: Stop right there, SCP-7321. Dr. Pertiwi and Security Officers Mohede and Tiwa stand between SCP-7321 and an exterior door, the latter two with guns drawn. SCP-7321 freezes, its face suddenly sinking into anger, sorrow, and a deep shame. Pertiwi: Mohede, Tiwa, melt that door's unlocking mechanism. Mohede and Tiwa fire upon the wires powering the unlocking mechanism of the exterior door.SCP-7321 holds up a Level 3 identification card. Pertiwi: Now that we have some space, how did you get through all those doors- wait, that's my card! When the fuck did you take that? Pertiwi snatches the card away from SCP-7321.SCP-7321 allows Tiwa and Mohede to escort him far down the hallway, away from the broken exterior door. SCP-7321 lays itself down on the floor. It then violently stands up as an explosion4 blows the outside door off its hinges. It knocks Tiwa and Mohede off of their feet, and knocks Pertiwi, who was closer to the door, unconscious. SCP-7321 runs outside.A previously undiscovered interdimensional Way briefly opens, and SCP-7321 jumps backwards into it. Foundation thaumaturgists have been unable to reopen this Way; the area around it, however, has since been secured. One hundred and fifty billion crayon markings were found outside the remains of this entrance, each a twelve-digit passcode combination in numerical order starting at 000 000 000 000. <End Log, 1810 hrs> Addendum 7321.4 After the events of the aforementioned incident, a glowing-red metal plaque was discovered in SCP-7321's corpse locker, reading the following: Footnotes 1. They claimed later that "Time spent in investigation of a long-dead corpse is time we wouldn't be getting paid." 2. hie-: Believed to be a prefix denoting something in the future from the point of view of forward-moving time 3. an-: Believed to be a grammatical prefix denoting something happening in a reversed flow of time. 4. Security footage revealed no source for the explosion, though analysis of the shrapnel indicates the epicenter was vaguely human-shaped. 5. Lon-: Believed to be a prefix denoting the future from the point of view of past-moving time. « SCP-7320 | SCP-7321 | SCP-7322 »
Room 322, photographed while SCP-7322 is not in session. Item #: SCP-7322 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: The location affected by SCP-7322 is to be placed under special supervision. At least three designated spectators are to be present at all times, and are tasked with monitoring the trial and reporting any unusual occurrences or developments. Foundation-affliated members of the legal system are to ensure that no regular trials are ever scheduled to take place within the courtroom currently containing SCP-7322. Potential witnesses are to be permitted access to SCP-7322. After testifying, witnesses are to be interviewed, amnesticized, and released. Description: SCP-7322 refers to a series of ongoing legal proceedings currently taking place in Corpus Christi, Texas, USA. SCP-7322 manifests as a hallucination affecting individuals who enter Room 322 of the Adam M. Duncan Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse. Afflicted subjects report the sensation of being a spectator to a civil trial. While the specific details of the trial slightly differ based on the subject, the central participants appear consistent in every interpretation. Four characters featured in SCP-7322 have been designated as particularly noteworthy, given their importance to the trial and unusually consistent appearance when compared to their peers. Designation Name Description SCP-7322-1 “The Plaintiff” Male, in his early twenties. Appears to lack a surname. SCP-7322-2 “The Associate” Female, in her early twenties. Appears to be in a romantic relationship with the plaintiff. Rarely speaks. Appears to lack a surname. SCP-7322-3 "The Judge" Appearance unable to be discerned. SCP-7322-4 "The Defendant" Usually described as a bearded elderly man. Lacks ethnicity. SCP-7322 has been observed since 04/23/2000. Since then, the anomaly has been active from 09:00 to 14:00 every day (barring Saturdays), which exceeds the usual length of a civil trial in the United States by multiple orders of magnitude. Establishing the initial complaint of the plaintiff has proven difficult. Courtroom procedures appear to be irregular and erratic. Topics of discussion frequently change, and the subjects discussed appear to hold nearly no relation to each other. Investigations have proven mostly unsuccessful so far, with their results being limited to "the complaint appears to be related to some kind of eviction" and "the plaintiff demands some kind of readmission to a place or property". Approximately twice per week, the court will attempt to call a witness to the stand. Those witnesses are contacted through either telephone or mail, and will receive a subpoena on a particular subject, along with means of transportation1 to access SCP-7322 if they lack any. Attempts to prevent witnesses from accessing SCP-7322 have proven unsuccessful. In case that the witness passes away before they are able to attend the trial, spectators will still report them giving testimony at the trial within a week of their passing. While their appearance is virtually indistinguishable from living human beings, it should be noted that they do not leave the courtroom afterwards, with their physical corpse failing to show any anomalous behavior. Reports indicate that those witnesses appear to be unusually happy or content. An (incomplete) list of some witnesses considered to be especially noteworthy is provided below. Name Description Testimony Sangita Kanwar Seamstress currently living in Vadodare, India. Married to Avyaan Kanwar since 2006. Has three children. Her mother, a seamstress herself, introduced her to sewing at the age of four. Asked how she feels about her profession, her arranged marriage, and her general outlook on life. Asked on whether it was her own choice to become a seamstress, or if she was forced into the profession. Stated that she plans to introduce her youngest daughter to sewing as well. Vosgi Sarkissian Resident of the Republic of Armenia. Experiencing heroin use disorder since 2019. Sought by law enforcement for alleged involvement in the murder of Rafayel Panossian, who had been a known associate of Sarkissian since at least 2005.2 Questioned on his early life, his relationship with his mother, and his experiences in secondary school. Asked to recount the events and choices that led to his heroin dependency. Questioned on his motive regarding the murder of Rafayel Panossian, with Sarkissian being unable to provide one. Dr. Tymon Pietek Member of the Shepard Corps of the Horizon Initiative. Known to hold a doctorate in history. Speculated to use anomalous means to further his knowledge of theological events, especially those related to Christian mythology. [DATA EXPUNGED] Zheng Lo Software developer currently living in Chengdu, China. Employed at Qingquan Entertainment, a video game developer and publisher specializing in gacha free-to-play mobile games. Zheng is an UI designer, primarily working on front-end interfaces for in-game microtransaction stores. Asked to explain her workflow, and what methods she uses to achieve the best results. Asked to explain the concept of “dark patterns”, and how the implantation of them affected the revenue of Qingquan Entertainment. Questioned on the methods Qingquan Entertainment uses to target “whales”3. Questioned on the methods Qingquan Entertainment uses to predict purchases by those users, and how effective these methods are. Asked if she ever chose to directly target individual users. Jesús Castillo Catholic priest currently living in San Pedro, Mexico. Known for his anti-cartel engagement, which made him the target of several assassination attempts. Questioned on his religious beliefs and his social engagement. Asked if he thinks that his actions made a substantial difference. Questioned on the factors that may lead an individual to choose to commit criminal acts, and if it was a fundamental part of human nature or a conscious decision. Asked if "another six thousand years would be enough to get the job done".4 Dr. Johnathan King Mathematician currently employed by the SCP Foundation. Specializes in noncommutative and projective geometry. Known for his work on SCP-4314. Asked to describe the size, tactile feel, and visual appeal of an average apple. Asked on whether he would accept one if he was offered one. The testimony went on for a total of eleven hours, being by far the longest out of all testimonies observed so far. Markos Angelis Professor of Zoology at the University of Athens. Published several influential papers on serpentology. Questioned on the dexterity and intelligence of Dolichophis jugularis5. Asked if members of that species are capable of actions resembling deception or fraud. Asked if members of that species are capable of plucking an apple and presenting it to another person. UPDATE 04/17/2022: Foundation observers report that the trial is drawing to a close, with both the plaintiff and the defendant beginning to conclude their arguments. Intel indicates that the trial is likely to be decided in favor of the plaintiff. + TS/7322/EYES ONLY - ACCESS GRANTED “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Six thousand years. Now, it ends. I'm under the assumption that we lack the means to stop SCP-7322 from concluding within the next five years. Given our current knowledge of it, I would oppose intervention either way. Thank you for everything. - O5-7 Footnotes 1. E.g. Plane tickets, rideshare vouchers, and so on. 2. It is unclear how Sarkissian was able to access SCP-7322, given his active warrant and lack of means to enter the United States. Attempts to question him on that matter have proven inconclusive, with his explanation frequently changing and bordering on being nonsensical. 3. Individual users who spend a disproportionately large amount of money on the game. 4. After the testimony, both Castillo and his purported biography have been extensively analysed and ruled to be non-anomalous. 5. Black whipsnake. « SCP-7321 | SCP-7322 | SCP-7323 »
SCP-7323 Proposed Revisions Incident Reports ⚠WARNING⚠ YOU ARE VIEWING AN ARCHIVED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT. FOR SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES, VIEW THE MOST RECENT VERSION. SCP-7323 in containment. Item #: SCP-7323 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7323 is housed in the small animal wing of the Carson Live Animal Research Facility (CLARF) in Research Sector 27. Its enclosure is a commercial 32x21x63 inch flight cage with 1/2 inch bar spacing. It is equipped with food and water bowls that can be removed and refilled without opening the enclosure. Bottlebrush and manzanita wood perches in various widths are provided and replaced as needed. Area lighting mimics the day to night cycle with a minimum of 12 hours of darkness. A faint light source should be provided at night, to prevent accidental injury. Food and water bowls are cleaned with F10 veterinary disinfectant once per day. No other cleaning products or chemicals may be used in the room containing SCP-7323's enclosure. Paper cage liners are changed daily, and droppings are handled in accordance with CLARF's anomalous biowaste procedures. SCP-7323's diet consists of 25% high-quality seed blend, 25% dandelion greens, and 50% pelleted supplement. SCP-7323 will not always accept pellets, and different brands should be introduced as necessary. Fresh water and a source of food should be maintained in the enclosure at all times. SCP-7323 is supplied with no less than three enrichment items (raffia, paper, balsa wood, and stainless steel are acceptable materials) at all times. Mirrors, metals other than stainless steel, and cotton fibers should be avoided. SCP-7323 is offered baths on a weekly basis in the form of a spray bottle with cool water. Caretakers should only proceed with spraying if a bathing response is observed. Physical contact with SCP-7323 is not permitted outside of laboratory settings. Staff assigned to SCP-7323 as caretakers follow a rotating schedule and standard CLARF distancing procedures to minimize the risk of attachment and psychological distress for both the animal and facility staff. An avian veterinarian with Level 3 clearance must be in attendance when research is conducted with SCP-7323. Description: SCP-7323 has the appearance of an adult male budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) with the sky blue recessive pied morphology (retaining the black eyes and pink cere of a juvenile bird) that is found exclusively in domesticated budgerigars. SCP-7323 has displayed no physical features, behaviors, or vocalizations that are atypical for this widely-studied species. As of 07/03/2023, SCP-7323 has succumbed to undiagnosed afflictions and died on four occasions. Three of these deaths have been observed and recorded in a controlled setting. Its body has been observed progressing through the stages of algor mortis and rigor mortis. Before the onset of livor mortis, SCP-7323 returns to an undecayed, living, and active state. Whether this transformation is a localized temporal reversal, a transmogrification, or an entirely different phenomenon is unknown at this time. Postmortem recordings of SCP-7323 cut immediately from the image of a dead bird to the image of a living bird, creating the same visual effect as a deliberate edit. In-person observation does not alter this phenomenon in any way. All observers have reported the sight of a prone, dead bird instantaneously replaced by the sight of an active, living bird. All iterations of SCP-7323 appear physically identical; however, SCP-7323's vocalizations and personality vary significantly in each iteration. Two iterations of SCP-7323 have been observed imitating human vocalizations that were not learned from interactions with its caretakers or research staff. Iteration 1 +Open File -Close File Note: Descriptions of this iteration were obtained from interviews with MaryAnn █████ and cannot be considered official. Lifespan: Unknown. Reportedly lived in the civilian's home for 6 years after being found on her porch. Characteristics: Friendly and highly interactive. MaryAnn described the bird accompanying her everywhere in the house. She never purchased a bird cage, and the bird slept on top of her kitchen cupboards at night. Its diet was a mixture of seed, vegetables, and some human food (in MaryAnn's words, “You could not eat spaghetti in peace without Mr. Pasta Police getting his share”). Vocalizations: According to MaryAnn, after living in her home for three months, the bird began to imitate a masculine voice saying, “C'mere bud” and “Where's MY beer?”. As is typical of psittacines with imitative abilities, these phrases would be variously reconfigured as, “C'mere beer”, “Where's my bud?”, etc. After living a longer time in her home, she described the animal vocalizing, “Who's a good bird?” and “Iiiiiit's pasta time” in an imitation of her voice. This was variously reconfigured as, “Who's a good pasta?”, “C'mere good bird”, “C'mere pasta”, and “Where's MY pasta?”. Death: Sudden, causes unknown. MaryAnn described finding the bird in the morning, on top of a cupboard, with rigor mortis already setting in. She placed the body in the refrigerator inside a paper bag. When asked why, she explained, “I was just so upset. It was so sudden, and I didn't know what to do. I'd heard something about vets being able to— you know— look at a pet that died, to tell you what happened. Oh, truthfully, though, I just couldn't bear the thought of him being under the ground. Not when he'd just been with me.” Revivification: MaryAnn was alerted to the bird's state by the sound of wingbeats and vocalizations inside her closed refrigerator. She described hastily opening it and removing the bird. This phenomenon came to the Foundation's attention when MaryAnn related her astonishment to a friend, who happened to be Foundation personnel. She expressed, "I'm just so grateful to have him back with me." Notice of Failure to Follow Protocol & Disciplinary Action It has come to light in Agent ██████'s field report and in a complaint registered by his field partner, Agent C███, that amnesticization protocols were not properly observed in the course of this retrieval. Instead, Agent ██████ overruled the concerns of his partner and offered Ms. M. █████ the explanation that the animal had developed an extreme allergy to something in her home, and it would need to be immediately rehomed to prevent another “seizure”. Ms. M. █████ accepted this explanation and voluntarily surrendered the anomaly to Foundation custody. Agent ██████ went so far as to offer updates about the animal's condition. It is difficult to do what we do and retain Agent ██████'s degree of empathy. He is not being disciplined for having a heart. However, his actions in the field were a clear and egregious breach of protocol. When a civilian has personally observed an anomalous event, and they recall that event with any degree of clarity, they must be amnesticized. Full stop. There are no “ifs” in this scenario, and, as a six-year veteran in the field, Agent █████ was fully aware of that. He has been suspended from active duty, effective immediately. Further disciplinary action may be taken pending an official inquiry. Emergency amnesticization measures were initiated within a 24-hour period and successfully completed. Director Able Jacobs Iteration 2 +Open File -Close File Lifespan: Two years and 12 days Characteristics: Initially fearful of humans, especially hands. After approximately three months time, this wariness eased to toleration of human proximity and, eventually, handling. SCP-7323 showed consistent, positive engagement in intelligence tests when high-value food items (spray millet) were offered. SCP-7323 would participate in almost any test, regardless of its prior wariness, if it detected the presence of this food. Its actual performance on intelligence tests scored in the low to average range (compared to studies of non-anomalous budgerigars), but its determination was notable. SCP-7323 did not show the preference for human interaction of its previous iteration, but it was observed to seek out physical attention to its cheek and head area during testing. Vocalizations: Surveillance records zero instances of caretakers or research staff articulating the words, “Love you” to the bird, but its first and only imitative vocalization was the quiet repetition of this phrase. Note: Human caretakers are barred from physically interacting with but not from speaking to SCP-7323. Enclosure recordings show that every human caretaker, without exception, has responded with some variation of, “Love you, too” to SCP-7323's vocalizations. This is not, at present, considered an anomalous effect. Death: SCP-7323 succumbed to what appeared to be the symptoms of renal failure (extreme polyuria, increasing lethargy, and signs of gout), despite routine blood tests never indicating elevated levels of uric acid or other abnormalities. Atypically, it never exhibited a decrease in appetite and enjoyed free access to its favorite food until its last moments. Note: Researcher Clark has requested permission to order a necropsy of SCP-7323 before revivification, in order to learn if its abnormal lack of disease signifiers is also reflected internally. Head Researcher Greenwood has refused permission for this test, on the basis that it may disrupt SCP-7323's anomalous cycle, which is still in the early stages of observation and poorly understood. Revivification: SCP-7323 returned to a living and active state approximately thirty minutes after death, inside its enclosure. The challenge of describing or recording this phenomenon with exactness was noted for the first time. Iteration 3: +Open File -Close File Lifespan: 56 days Characteristics: While physically identical to its previous iterations, SCP-7323 had the decreased energy and limited range of motion of an elderly bird. Changes were made to its enclosure to accommodate its limited mobility. Despite these signs of decline, SCP-7323 showed greater problem-solving abilities in intelligence tests than any of its prior iterations. It showed a dislike of being handled and no interest in physical affection; however, it frequently seated itself on researchers' heads or shoulders when it lost interest in participating in tests, where it would unavoidably defecate. Vocalizations: Unusually for a budgerigar (but not unprecedented), SCP-7323 had an extensive vocabulary of whistles but imitated very few words. This behavior is more commonly seen in domesticated cockatiels. SCP-7323 was frequently observed to whistle the opening theme of the 1960s television program, The Andy Griffith Show, as well as the opening theme of the 2010s animated television series Adventure Time. It was never exposed to these melodies or to music resembling these melodies. The only words SCP-7323 would imitate were a slightly garbled version of the lyrics to the song, “Bacon Pancakes”, composed by Rebecca Sugar for the series Adventure Time. The only fragments it seemed capable of imitating were, “bakin pankik bakin bakin pankik”, which it would repeat rapidly when showing signs of excitement. Tests have been attempted to determine if SCP-7323 can recall vocalizations that were known to its previous iterations, but these have so far been unsuccessful. Death: SCP-7323 died in its sleep, with no signs of distress. Revivification: The phenomenon occurred within one minute of SCP-7323's death, while it was still being handled by the researcher confirming its death and state of decay. The researcher stated, “I had a dead budgie in my hands. I had a living budgie in my hands. I don't remember a twitch or a movement or anything that made me think, “Here goes, it's coming back to life! Then it bit me.” Iteration 4: +Open File -Close File Lifespan: 6 months and four days Characteristics: SCP-7323 exhibited the fearfulness and aversion to human interaction of a completely untamed bird. Testing was limited to what could be performed without removing SCP-7323 from its enclosure. SCP-7323 had a strong aversion to pellets regardless of brand, and would meticulously remove them from its bowl and drop them on the floor. Vocalizations: No imitative vocalizations and few typical vocalizations (chattering, singing) were observed. Death: SCP-7323 died abruptly of apparent heart failure while undergoing its first routine physical examination. Dr. Finchly, the attending avian veterinarian, noted that deaths like these were, “Sadly not uncommon in my former practice. When I was a civilian, I worked as an exotic vet for ten years. Occasionally those small birds— especially the ones that, you know, hadn't been well cared for, or just had genetic issues— they would die in my hands on their first visit. It honestly made me leery of working with the little guys.” Revivification: SCP-7323 returned to a living and active state approximately two hours after death, inside its enclosure. It immediately climbed the bars to reach its food bowl and, upon finding it empty, emitted a series of loud, chiding trills. Iteration 5 (Current): +Open File -Close File Lifespan: Ongoing. 1 year and seven months at time of recording. Characteristics: Highly active and curious with some tendency toward aggression. SCP-7323 expresses a strong dislike of deep-voiced persons with facial hair, and caretakers and research staff have been rescheduled accordingly. SCP-7323 devotes considerable amorous attention to shiny objects of all kinds. Food and water bowls have been mattified with sandpaper per Dr. Finchly's advice to avoid stimulating excessive regurgitation. SCP-7323 so far shows limited food motivation or interest in performing problem-solving tests, instead becoming exclusively focused on the test objects and participants. Vocalizations: SCP-7323, more than any previous iterations, sings and chatters in typical budgerigar fashion almost constantly. It currently imitates no human vocalizations but has learned to mimic the various “beeps” and mechanical noises it hears in the laboratory. Update 07/01/2023: A caretaker has taught SCP-7323 to vocalize, “C'mere cutie!” This is the first instance of SCP-7323 imitating human vocalizations it has heard in containment. SCP-7323 employs this vocalization very frequently, especially when excited by a shiny object or the presence of well-manicured nails. Note: The research team is considering allowing a non-anomalous male budgerigar to share SCP-7323's enclosure. Social enrichment is an essential part of a budgerigar's well-being. Complications include the unpredictability of SCP-7323 compatibility with the same companion over time and the possibility of provoking additional, unpredictable anomalous phenomena. Breeding has been discussed but is not being considered at this time. Head Researcher Joanne Greenwood Chris Clark TO: Able Jacobs CC: Arthur Krulwich Per our discussion, enclosed is a proposal for the immediate revision of SCP-7323's containment procedures, which includes the removal of Dr. Joanne Greenwood as head researcher on this case. Dr. Arthur Krulwich, CLARF's senior integrated mental health specialist, and Researcher Chris Clark, who has participated in the observation and testing of SCP-7323 since its containment, are submitting this proposal in the wake of numerous suspicious incidents which we believe to be related to SCP-7323. We are proposing that the anomaly has an as-yet undescribed ability to influence the cognitive processes and emotional states of humans— specifically, humans who have interacted with it within eight hours before its death or eight hours after its revivification. We believe the evidence presented here demonstrates that Dr. Greenwood has been negligent in her duties and, regrettably, may herself be under the influence of SCP-7323. Revised Special Containment Procedures: The enclosure size will be reduced, and enclosure features simplified to eliminate the need for caretaker interaction. An enclosure measuring 18x18x18 inches is considered standard and humane for non-anomalous birds of SCP-7323's size. Food and water bowls will be replaced by an automated seed and water dispenser that can be refilled remotely. Disposal of paper cage liners will be automated. Lighting will be maintained as described. Other procedures described in the original document are considered nonessential or potentially hazardous. Revised Description: SCP-7323 is a cognition hazard. Evidence collected between 02/08/2021 and 07/03/2023 suggests that humans who have interacted with SCP-7323 within 8 hours of its death or revivification show signs of increased empathy toward and desire to care for SCP-7323, a psychological effect which eventually develops into emotions of distress or nostalgia and, finally, the recollection of false memories. These false memories invariably take the form of an animal that has died. Addendum 7323-A +Open File -Close File Note: The enclosed transcript is an excerpt from a therapy session between Dr. Krulwich and Agent C. X█████. The expectation of doctor-patient confidentiality is here superseded by Foundation regulations concerning suspected anomalous cognitive influence. Agent C was relocated to CLARF to serve as a Field Agent after a three-month hiatus following a traumatic event in the field, during which Agent C was witness to the deaths of several colleagues. His exposure to SCP-7323 occurred during the anomaly's retrieval— he was driving the vehicle and maintaining area security and was, by his account, not witness to Agent ██████'s failure to observe amnesticization protocols. Dr. K: In a sense, it's your job to make sense of things. You'd walk into a broken puzzle and have to put the pieces together as quickly as possible, usually in life-threatening conditions. You're wired to put pieces together. Agent C: Yeah, that's— heh. I've never thought of it that way, before. I can repeat that stuff, “You're not to blame”— I can think about it logically, but none of that changes how I feel. Thinking of that feeling as— as a way I'm programmed to think. That helps, I guess. Dr. K: It's a natural impulse. That's what makes it so hard to work against it. Agent C: [ Nods. ] You know— ah. That hasn't been— what actually happened that day hasn't actually been the hardest thing to deal with. [ Pauses. Fidgets. ] It feels like— that isn't where the guilt sits, if that makes sense. Dr. K: How do you mean? Agent C: [ Sighs and leans back. Raises his hands to his face; drops them to his lap. ] It was my dog. My dog— that same day. I went home, and she'd died. Dr. K: [ Leans forward, frowning. ] Agent C: Didn't have anything to do with the mission. Nothing at all. She was old— a rescue. Pits, you know, there are so many of them in the shelters. Stupid biases. She was my sweet girl. Never, never a hint of anything from her but sweetness. She even had a big smile. [ Agent C smiles. ] She had some signs of a heart condition, but she was on medication. I wasn't— I had no way of knowing. I didn't expect to find her like that. After everything else. [ Raises his head to meet Dr. K's gaze. ] I'm ashamed that I remember that day more for her death than for the suffering and deaths of people on my own team. I didn't shed a tear for them. I felt— locked up. Like— [ Laughs, dryly. ] Like I didn't have the clearance to access my own fucking emotions. But with her, when I saw her like that. [ Places a hand over his heart. ] It's like I broke open. Dr. K: [ Nods. ] Agent C: Did she struggle? Was she in pain? [ Voice affected by strong emotion. ] Did she look for help, for me, and wonder why I wasn't there for her? [ A sharp breath. ] My team knew I was there— if nothing else, they knew. She— I. I've wondered if every time you leave, some part of a dog wonders if you're ever coming back. And that's why [ Sounds of strong emotion. ] — ah. Hah. [ Sniffs. Wipes face. ] That's why they're always so glad to see you. Dr. K: [ Speaking slowly, with caution. ] You've never shared this before. Agent C: Ah, you know. [ Shrugs. ] Something about this civilian we met a bit ago. We had to take her pet— you know how it is. When you see that connection. I wondered— I had that same thought. Is it going to wait for her, too? Is it going to wonder why she isn't coming? [ Shakes his head. ] But that's the job. Dunno if birds are even that smart. Indicators of Anomalous Influence Agent C has never before, in any mental health session, mentioned having a dog or the death of a pet. No reference to a dog or pet could be found in any of his correspondences. The apartment complex in which Agent C lived at the reported time of his dog's death did not permit the pitbull breed. Addendum 7323-B +Open File -Close File Note: The enclosed transcript is an excerpt from surveillance footage of CLARF's onsite archives. Assistant Researcher M. D████ was observed crying in the Archivist's office. Her exposure to SCP-7323 was ongoing, as she was present for the majority of tests conducted after the anomaly's retrieval. Archivist: Oh, sweetie. [ Sits next to Ms. M and placed a hand on her back. ] Ms. M: [ Voice broken by sobs. ] Oh, gosh, I'm sorry— [ Short laugh. ] —it's just seeing that little guy. Y-you've seen the file, but I don't think you've seen him. The sweetest little budgie. Sometimes. [ Laughs again, sobs. ] Sometimes he's sweet. He did th-that crazy thing again today, just "pop" alive. Archivist: And that… made you… sad? Ms. M: [ Laughs. ] Ahh— yeah, it did. [ Voice affected by strong emotion. ] Oh, I— I just thought about my little bird. I had a bird. She was a budgie, too. She had a y-yellow head and this little patch of blue on the back of her neck shaped just like a bow. She was m-my very first pet— I was in my first apartment, I was— [ Sobs. ] I was just so excited— to bring her home. Archivist: Oh— [ Sighs. Rubs Ms. M's back. ] Sweetheart. Ms. M: I'd been reading for m-months about how to take care of them. I'd saved up for everything. I made a little s-sign for her cage out of colored paper. And when I saw her— [ Sniffs. ] I— I loved her right away. Archivist: She didn't make it? Ms. M: [ Deep sob. ] I n-never knew what happened. [ Sobs. ] I'd gotten rid of all the chemicals in my house. All the candles, even— even my favorite ones. Changed all m-my pans. I don't know— what happened— she was just gone. Boom. [ Sobbing. Inaudible. ] I just looked at her— I looked at her, and I knew, but I was waiting for her to get up. To make a noise. So when I saw that little guy get— get up today… [ Loud sobbing. Inaudible ] Archivist: She was— what? Ms. M: She was going to b-be with me for years. [ Sob. ] She was— she was going to be my best friend. Indicators of Anomalous Influence Ms. M's social media accounts indicate that she currently has a pet bird. In videos and image captions, she has described this animal as her first pet. Addendum 7323-C +Open File -Close File Note: The enclosed transcript is an excerpt from surveillance footage of a staff locker area accessible to staff with clearance levels 0 and higher. Mx. J. A████████ and Mr. W. S██████, both Containment Specialists, are conversing about SCP-7323. Only Mx. J is known to have been exposed to SCP-7323; during their rounds, they observed the expiration of iteration 3. Mr. W: Hey, do you know why the fuck what's-his-name wants to make that skip's cage smaller? Mx. J: Not a clue. Politics. I'm thinking of putting a word in. Seemed weird to you too, huh? Mr. W: Kinda fucked up if there isn't a reason, right? People always put those parakeets in cages that are too small. Mx. J: Right? My grandma had one— never put it in a cage at all. Mr. W: I'm soft about the little dudes, honestly. They were always joking about, like, birds dying or being eaten by cats in cartoons, you know? Don't you fucking laugh at me! Mx. J: [ Laugh. Slaps Mr. W on the back. ] No, listen! Shit! This is why I talk to you, man, for real. I know exactly what you mean. In second grade I got in trouble for yelling at the teacher— we had these little boxes of short stories with little quizzes that went with them, you know? There was this one about a snake— a cobra, I think? And this old man would put out a bowl of milk for the snake— Mr. W: The fuck is a snake drinking milk— Mx. J: — I don't know! But the snake died! The guy puts out the milk, and the snake never comes, and I yelled at my teacher for giving me the story. [ Laugh. Shakes head. ] Even at that age, I knew I couldn't cry in front of the other kids. So I yelled. Damn. Got me unpacking all that toxic masculinity stuff. But it just made me wonder— was the snake sad? Was it trying to get there, to the man? Mr. W: My thing used to be lizards. Mx. J: Lizards? Mr. W: Yeah, you know, it's Florida. Sometimes you find ‘em all, like, crispy and mummified-looking in corners. Mx. J: Oh, for sure. Mr. W: Really creeped me out. Made me think about dying that way— lost crawling around in a huge, huge place with no grass or bugs or stuff I recognized. I'd always bury them in the yard. Never told anyone that— not even my mom. Mx. J: You did that— [ Claps Mr. W on the shoulder; leans down to look them in the eye. ] — ‘cause you're a good dude. [ Both laugh. ] Indicators of Anomalous Influence According to publicly available records, Mx. J's maternal grandmother died before they were born. Their paternal grandmother died when they were not quite two years old. It seems unlikely that they would recall these details from such a young age. No record of the short story Mx. J is describing could be found. It is notable that Mx. J, who has assisted in the design and installation of containment enclosures for more than five years, would make their first objection to performing duties as required in this particular case. Able Jacobs TO: Chris Clark; Arthur Krulwich Revised special containment procedures are approved. Dr. Greenwood has, predictably, presented her own rebuttals to this proposal and to the evidence provided. She will be maintained as the Head Researcher on this case on the condition that she consents to a new psychological screening and accepts the revised procedures. Addendum 7323-D +Open File -Close File Note: The enclosed transcript is an excerpt from a recorded meeting between Director Jacobs and Dr. Greenwood. Following this conversation, Dr. Greenwood's status as Head Researcher and her personnel classification were updated to their current status. Dr. J: [ Sighs heavily. ] Yes, I agree that some of the evidence appears to be— open to interpretation. What concerns me is something that you said, Dr. Greenwood. Dr. Krulwich said that, during your interview, he proposed that the discomfort of one creature, if it is necessary to achieve our mission, is worthwhile. According to him, you said something to the effect of, “I'm not sure that it is”. Dr G: That's right, Able. Dr. J: [ Sighs again; pinches his brow. ] That concerns me, Joanne. That isn't rational. Dr. G: Able… Dr. J [ Lowers his hand; looks up. ] Hm? Dr. G What Is It Like to Be a Bat? Dr. J: [ Leans back; appears to be uncomfortable. ] What? Dr. G: What is it like for a bat to be a bat? Dr. J: [ Stares at Dr. Greenwood, speechless. ] Dr. G: [ Laugh dryly. ] My God, Able, it's been required reading for researchers here since the 1980s. Wondering how another creature feels, caring about how it feels— that's normal. Not anomalous. It's normal. Even here. Dr. J: We're not arguing about whether or not living things should be treated humanely. We're discussing when that concern crosses a line. Dr. G: Funny how it's always acceptable to cross the line in the direction away from empathy. Dr. J: [ Smooths the papers on his desk in an agitated motion. ] Frankly, Joanne, I don't think that's a fair characterization of what we do here. I think we place primacy on empathy-centered practices. I think that— in no small part because of our collaboration— we've built a culture of humane and ethical treatment that puts some sites to shame. And, truly, the brunt of my concern here is for your well-being. Dr. G: I'm not accepting the revisions. [ Crosses her arms and leans back. ] And that's not a symptom of being mind-controlled by a parakeet, Able. It's a symptom of “walking ahead into the darkness”. Of realizing maybe I stuck with this job 15 years longer than I should have. Dr. J: [ Crosses his arms, mirroring Dr. Greenwood. ] Is that right? Well “my tears at the bitter injustice dry when I begin to perceive the terrible justice of reality, and to accept it.” Dr. G: [ Laughs; makes the gesture of applause. ] Dr. J: I did the reading. [ Mutters. ] Just because I don't remember the bat thing… Regardless, I'm still struggling to accept that the catalyst for your abrupt retirement is a bird, if it even is a bird. A bird that is far from the most complex or most intelligent… Dr. G: [ Muttering. ] What is it like— ? Dr. J: …or most intelligent psittacine. [ Bumps his fist against the desk. ] We're not talking about a motherless child locked in a toolshed. Dr. G: [ Places her hands behind her head. ] No. We're not talking about that in this meeting. Not presently. Dr. J: [ Makes a gesture of exasperation. ] Is this really about Clark? Clark pissing over your property line? Sticking his nose where it doesn't belong? Dr. G: Oh, no. [ Shakes head; lowers arms. ] This is hardly the first time a man with fewer professional credentials and a chip on his shoulder has overruled me. Dr. J: [ Gapes. ] I— Joanne, after twenty years of working together, of having nothing but the highest esteem and trust in your— Dr. G: [ Waves a hand, dismissively. ] I shouldn't have said that. Forget it. It isn't about this case. It isn't about this anomaly. It isn't about Clark. I've just realized that it's my time, and I'm done. We're going to agree to disagree, and you're going to do whatever you think needs to be done. ⚠CONTAINMENT BREACH⚠ 08/04/23 At 9:35 AM EST on 10/28/23, it was observed that the automated seed dispenser in SCP-7323's enclosure had jammed and was no longer dispensing food. A maintenance staff worker was dispatched to resolve the issue. The worker enters the room containing SCP-7323's enclosure at 10:44 AM EST. They begin work disassembling an external component of the feeding system. While crossing from their tool chest back to the enclosure, the worker appears to stumble and fall, catching themselves by placing a hand on the dispenser. The dispenser is wrenched by this sudden motion, and a gap of approximately 3x3 inches appears where the dispenser was joined to the enclosure. SCP-7323 flies immediately to this opening and climbs through it, appearing to fly up and to the right, out of view of the security camera. RECOVERY ATTEMPT 08/04/23 The room in which SCP-7323's enclosure is located should have been sealed by the maintenance worker upon entry. An alarm will sound if a containment area door has been opened and not sealed within 30 seconds. Either the door was not sealed, and the alarm malfunctioned, or the door was sealed, and SCP-7323 breached containment by some other means. The room of SCP-7323's enclosure is one of several that features a narrow clerestory window, but it is not designed to be opened and closed, and was found still sealed upon investigation. These are the only two openings in the room. SCP-7323 was equipped with a subcutaneous tracking device upon retrieval. Due to some error in the way the device was embedded, a malfunction of the tracking equipment, or possible anomalous interference, the device did not initially register the anomaly's location. No staff reported sightings of SCP-7323 in the small animal wing. Three hours after containment was breached, the tracking device located SCP-7323 close to CLARF's outermost security gates. After approximately four minutes, the signal was lost for a second time. RECOVERY ATTEMPT 2 09/25/23 At 5:04 AM EST, the signal indicating SCP-7323's location was regained. There was no indication of movement. The location was identified as a small, low-income neighborhood outside L██████████ Wildlife Refuge. Agents pinpointed the signal to the backyard of a mobile home. The device was retrieved from under less than one foot of soil, inside a pink shoe box, wrapped in a birthday napkin. No trace of SCP-7323 was recovered. INCIDENT 7323-A 09/26/23 A suspicious document was found pinned to a corkboard in an unsurveilled break room accessible to staff with clearance levels 2 and higher. The document is a typed recreation of a work by “Nael” from 826DC's 2016 anthology of poems by children, You Will Be Able to Say a Thousand Words. The original poem reads: The tiger He destroyed his cage Yes YES The tiger is out In this instance, the word “tiger” has been replaced by a drawing of a bird in flight. Researcher Clark has pointed to this document as evidence that SCP-7323's breach of containment was the result of sabotage on the part of CLARF staff, probably influenced by the anomaly. Investigation of this incident is ongoing. NOTE: Concerning Dr. Joanne Greenwood +Open File -Close File As of 07/03/2024, Dr. Greenwood's Class E status has been declared resolved by Director Jacobs. She is currently under Level 3 surveillance, which requires notification but does not require consent. She has taken a part-time job as an archivist at a nearby community college and, in addition, receives a (partial) retirement stipend and benefits from the Foundation. She has adopted four budgerigars from a local parrot rescue. « SCP-7322 | SCP-7323 | SCP-7324 »
SCP-7325 in disrepair. Item #: SCP-7325 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-7325's isolated location, containment needs are simplified. A standard quarantine fence is to be constructed in a ten meter radius around the anomaly and routinely patrolled to prevent civilian interaction. All 7325-A instances are to remain in their display cases, until further notice. Description: SCP-7325 is a derelict auditorium styled building located inside the Cleveland National Forest in Southern California. SCP-7325 is incapable of being damaged by any human means, instead only natural wear and tear can affect the stability of the structure. SCP-7325 contains 13 rooms, each housing a display cabinet, hereby designated SCP-7325-A. Each cabinet is adorned with a descriptive plaque, and contains one to three items each. The 13 rooms are organized in a U fashion with a central hallway with another plaque situated in the center of the hall. See Addendum 2 for transcript of the central plaque's message. Ground piercing scans show a fourteenth room located underneath SCP-7325. This entrance to this final room has not been found. Thermal imaging indicates one living humanoid inside this room, seemingly sat at a table. Addendum 1: SCP-7325-A Descriptions SCP-7325-A1: Displayed are a lightly burnt fireman's jacket, a wooden baseball bat with metal spikes, and a gas mask. Plaque reads, "Creativity. Too much of the reality we live in stifles the creative mind, so wouldn't it be great if someone fought for creativity? My first attempt at bringing change to this world. Ausham, if you're out there, I hope you can find your belongings and fight again. For the creatives." Adorning any of the items displayed increases the wearers capacity for creative thinking, as well as artistic merit, most notably the writing of fiction. Of note, the room where A1 resides consistently has a faint smell of apple wood smoke. SCP-7325-A2: Displayed are a red and black flannel robe, a walking cane designed to resemble a candy cane, and a typical Christmas cap, with black felt, silver fur rim and pom, and silver stars adorning the main body. Plaque reads, "Emotions. My most obvious work. Our world is bleak and dreary, so I hoped some festive cheer could brighten these dark days. Chanter, wherever you are, I hope you're still bringing some joy along with you." Adorning any of the items displayed grants the user a mild sedative sensation, followed by a "sense of well being"1 as well as the sudden manifestation of light snowfall regardless of location. Subjects inside the room where A2 is held report smelling cinnamon and hearing faint sleigh bells when the display is opened. SCP-7325-A3: Displayed are a brown hooded robe, and a claymore sword. The sword resembles a quill, it's blade curved and etched to resemble a feather. Plaque reads, "Logic. I wanted to bring some stability to the chaos of life. My mistake was allowing my religious beliefs cloud my logic. I meant well with this, but ultimately my flawed logic did not make a big difference. I'm sorry Eclesius, you deserved better." Adorning any item displayed works as an instant relief to all anxiety disorders and has been shown to assist in logical reasoning skills. The room where A3 is held is reported to smell like old books. SCP-7325-A4: Displayed are a tattered black leather jacket adorned with a variety of patches, and a mason jar full of white correction fluid2. Plaque reads, "Block3 Direction. I misunderstood you, I thought you were blocking my creativity and ideas, but I was wrong. You were directing me, leading me to things I can actually accomplish. I hurt you Parsure, I hope you'll forgive me one day." At current, no anomalous affects have been noted when wearing, or using the items displayed in A4. I'm sure these did something, I'll just fill this in later SCP-7325-A5: Displayed is a single Roman Scutum4which will produce arcs of electricity throughout the display at random. Plaque reads, "Peace. My goal was to bring peace by bringing some neutrality. If we all agreed, we wouldn't fight. Shouldn't have been surprised that failed. Blake, you tried, I'll give you that." Wielding the shield allows the user to more easily manipulate and convince others into following instructions. SCP-7325-A6: Displayed are a dusty and ripped Stetson hat, and an axe, topped with four heads, each blade rough and jagged. Plaque reads, "Passion. Nothing quite like controversy and rage to unite people together with passion. So I made a scapegoat, someone to channel all that rage into action. Cole, you bastard. You were supposed to unite people, not divide them. " Adorning any item from this display will result in humans5 to begin feeling anger and frustration for the user if in their presence. SCP-7325-A7: Displayed is a single pair of sunglasses, with a black rim, one blue lens and one red lens. Plaque reads, "Wanderlust. We are taught at a young age that day dreaming is a waste of time and childish. That we must grow out of it. I disagree with that, we should let our mind wander every now and then, see where it goes. Dull, I don't know why I expected you to do more, you did what your nature required." No anomalous affects have been noted when wearing the glasses. What was I working on again? SCP-7325-A8: Displayed are a pair of golden "shutter shade" style sunglasses, and a neon blue baseball cap. Plaque reads, "Encouragement. Ok I admit, all those 90's PSA's definitely shaped by ideas from time to time, but there's something so simply harmless and motivating about them. We all need a hype man sometimes. Glossy, this world doesn't deserve you. " Adorning any item from this display makes the user more compliant to directions. SCP-7325-A9: Displayed are a pair of brown rimmed reading glasses, with chain, and a pair of bailing hooks. Plaque reads, "Nostalgia. The greatest struggle with nostalgia is being nostalgic for a time you've never been in. Summers in years you were never born in. Author, I doomed you from the start. I hope you are enjoying the lake at least. I hear the water feels nice. " [Description Redacted] SCP-7325-A10: Displayed are a black suit jacket, the interior glowing with white neon light, and a matching white neon walking cane. Plaque reads, "Music. Music unites. It's fun, universal, and open. Buddy, I hope you're continuing the party wherever you are. " No anomalous affects have been reported by adorning the items displayed, however it has been noted that the room where A10 is held has been reported to faintly play whatever music is most favored by whomever is inside. Music is unique to each individual. SCP-7325-A11: Displayed are a golden suit jacket and a golden caduceus staff, adorned with two roses in place of snakes. "Protection. Guardian angels have always been a fascination of mine, I hoped to make them tangible. Staliel, that was way too much pressure for one lone angel. Rest in peace." No anomalous affects have been reported by adorning the items displayed. Adorning the items displayed grant the user increased resistance to damage and harm. SCP-7325-A12: Displayed is a faded brown bomber jacket, black ushanka hat, and a pair of customized pistols. Each pistol has eight barrels, etched with ocean waves, and dark oak handles. Plaque reads, "Adventure. There is so much to see in this world, but we are told it's impossible. Humans have lost the desire for adventure, and it's a tragedy. Or so I thought. Adventure gets people lost, and killed. Aloach, I know you are still on a journey, but come home soon." Displayed items have yet to be taken out of their display and tested. We've lost over 800 D-Class to these things. Every time one of them even touches the glass they disappear. Gone, lost. No information is even left behind about them, but I remember. I remember. SCP-7325-A13: Displayed is a torn gray suit jacket and a sword. The blade of the sword is divided into two halves that can be split open. Display reads, "Abandoned. My final project, a summary of my failures, and my offer to let others dump their failures too. Failure weighs you down, keeps you from trying again, wouldn't it be great if someone could just take your failures? Abadon, thank you. " I'm sure you'll take this too Addendum 2: Central Plaque Reading "To whoever finds this place, Hello. I've always had a hope that this world can be great, that we as people can be great. I've always desired to use what I can to bring change, to help others who need it. This place, this building you stand in, is a testament of my failures to do so. I've left the items behind so that hopefully whoever comes across this place can use them to do what they can to make my life's mission a success! But, most likely this place will stay abandoned. If you are just some random person who stumbled upon my monument, I welcome you. Look around, take whatever catches your eye and save someone's life with it. If you're the kind of person who only looks for power, then I beckon you to please leave. I obviously cannot stop you, but I hope you listen. I've made these blessed objects to help people, not hurt people. If you are from a group that hides away power, then let me assure you that you won't have much work here. Keep them in their cases, lock this building up, and that's it. If what I have can help your mission then so by it, but I doubt it. I've failed many times, and I will probably fail more. This place will eventually fall, but not by my hands, and not by yours. This, will be my last attempt to create something that lasts. If you so desire, please watch over it. If not, then I hope you enjoy seeing what I've attempted to do. With a worn compassion, and a tired hand, FL. " Footnotes 1. As described by a test subject. 2. Colloquially known as White-Out. 3. Section forcefully etched out. 4. A full body shield typically used by Roman centurions. 5. As well as some intelligent, sapient organisms. « SCP-7324 | SCP-7325 | SCP-7326 »
Item-#: 7326 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Two security cameras are to monitor the interior and exterior of "Dave's Catering". A personal assistant is to be assigned to PoI-7326 to aid him in managing his business, while reinforcing the "Advertising Gimmick" cover story. SCP-7326-1 and -2 outside of "Dave's Catering" Description: SCP-7326 denotes instances of otherwise conventional store display mannequins with the ability to produce and expel smoke from a "mouth" cavity within their heads. This has been observed to occur in clustered emanation events where the instance will rapidly produce and expel a small quantity of smoke, wait a short period of time, and then repeat that process for 5-15 minutes. Discovery: Foundation personnel became aware of potential anomalous activity after a series of safety inspections at "Dave's Catering" identified, but could not find the source of, the smell of burning plastic in and around the storefront. Agent Mercator was sent to interview the owner David Fisher, denoted as PoI-7326, and locate any anomalous phenomena. Their interaction has been transcribed below. Interview Log 7326.1 Interviewed: PoI-7326 Interviewer: Agent Mercator <Begin Log> Agent Mercator's body camera turns on to reveal the door to "Dave's Catering". After adjusting the camera for a moment, he enters. Mercator gags. Mercator: Eugh… definitely plastic. Mercator walks to the center of the store and pans around. The camera jumps. Mercator: Shit! The camera turns to face a pair of mannequins. Mercator: Fucking dolls… (3 minutes of basic investigation removed) A door behind the counter is heard to unlock, and then creaks open. PoI-7326 walks through, but does not seem to notice Mercator. Mercator: Hello, Sir? PoI-7326 freezes. PoI-7326: Who's there? PoI-7326 finds a knife on the countertop and brandishes it in the direction of Mercator. Mercator: Woah! I can come back another time if you aren't open! PoI-7326 rubs his eye, then squints in the direction of a clock. PoI-7326: Eh? Shit… PoI-7326 drops the knife back on the countertop. PoI-7326: So what can I do ye for lad? Mercator takes a moment to regain his composure. Mercator: Are you David? David Fisher? PoI-7326 narrows his eyes at Mercator. PoI-7326: Who's asking? PoI-7326 grabs the knife again. PoI-7326: If you're with those hounds trying to shut down my business you'll have another thing coming for you! Mercator backs away. Mercator: Sir. Sir! I'm an independent investigator! I was told about a "plastic smell" you couldn't find the source of. PoI-7326 drops the knife. PoI-7326: That? I've heard about it but I can't smell it myself. Mercator: No? PoI-7326: Haven't smelt a thing since the 70's. Mercator: Right… And you own a catering business? PoI-7326 looks blankly at Mercator for a few seconds. PoI-7326: I've got the lads to help run things… PoI-7326 motions to the mannequins. PoI-7326: Not that they do anything other than smoke! Mercator turns, a cigarette can be seen in one of the mannequin's hands. He lets out a slight chuckle before turning back to PoI-7326. Mercator: Yes… So those two are your only employees? PoI-7326 smiles and nods, then lowers his voice. PoI-7326: Bit dull in their heads, the both of them, but they're good lads. Mercator: Mhm? PoI-7326: Good lads… What were you on about again? Mercator: The plastic smell, Sir. PoI-7326: Eh… Not the foggiest… PoI-7326 looks past Mercator, then shouts. PoI-7326: Fucking hell Bob! Mercator turns to reveal a trail of smoke coming from one of the mannequin's mouths. Mercator: What? Mr. Fish- eugh. Mercator gags. PoI-7326 rushes around the counter toward the two mannequins. PoI-7326: Every day it's the same with you two! PoI-7326 begins pushing the mannequins toward and out the front door. PoI-7326: Take it outside! Mercator watches as PoI-7326 situates the two mannequins outside. They can be seen "smoking" through the window. PoI-7326 returns, and sighs. PoI-7326: The two are idiots, don't mind them. What were we talking about? Mercator: Uh… I think I've actually got what I need. PoI-7326: Yeah? Good for you. Mercator: Thank you for your time, Sir. PoI-7326: It's nothing, you seem like a good lad. Mercator stops his body camera. <End Log> Following the above interview, due to the plausibility of SCP-7326's effects as an advertising gimmick, two surveillance cameras were set up to monitor the interior and exterior of "Dave's Catering" for any unusual occurrences. No further containment measures were taken. Incident 7326.1: PoI-7326 entered into an altercation with a customer, culminating in the removal of one of the arms of SCP-7326-2 ("Steve"). The following interview occurred when Agent Mercator arrived at the scene shortly after the event took place. Incident Log 7326.1 <Begin Log> The body camera turns on to reveal the door to "Dave's Catering". As Mercator enters, smoke rolls out from the top of the doorframe. Mercator: Mr. Fisher! The camera pans across the room before stopping at the counter. As Mercator approaches, PoI-7326 is revealed kneeling on the ground, struggling to use his shaking hands to search the cabinet. Mercator: Mr. Fisher? What happened? PoI-7326 looks up at Mercator. PoI-7326: Who's th- PoI-7326 breaks into a coughing fit. Mercator: Let's go outside first, alright? PoI-7326 nods and Mercator crouches down to help him up. As they begin to move, PoI-7326 stops to speak, voice hoarse. PoI-7326: Bring the lads outside too… They shouldn't be smoking in the shop. Mercator turns, focusing the camera on SCP-7326-2, who can be seen letting out a constant stream of smoke from its mouth. Mercator: I can do that sir, but we need to get you out of this smoke. Mercator leads PoI-7326 outside, helping him lean up against the wall. He then retrieves the SCP-7326 instances, before returning to PoI-7326. Mercator: Can you tell me what happened, Sir? PoI-7326 takes a deep breath. PoI-7326: Some kid… Don't know who… Came shouting about Bob and Steve. PoI-7326 coughs. PoI-7326: Said they were dummies… told me they didn't do anything… PoI-7326 coughs. PoI-7326: And I know the two are a bit dull… but I wont let some kid call them "stupid"! PoI-7326: So I went up to the kid and told 'em just what… told 'em to fuck right off I did! PoI-7326: But he didn't leave… went right up to Steve and… PoI-7326 pauses. Mercator: And what, Sir? PoI-7326: Tore the poor lad's arm off. PoI-7326's voice starts to break. PoI-7326: So I start to get real mad at this kid, shouting at em, he's shouting at me, and I… PoI-7326: He didn't deserve it… he's a good lad… PoI-7326 starts crying. PoI-7326: It's bad enough Bob got 'im on smoke… he's got a lotta life left to live… PoI-7326 takes a sharp inhale through his nose. PoI-7326: He's a good lad… PoI-7326 takes a moment to collect himself. PoI-7326: So I punched the sorry kid in the face and he ran away. Mercator: Serves him right, eh. PoI-7326: Fuckin kids. The two are silent for a few seconds. Mercator: Do you need me to get you anything, Sir? PoI-7326 pauses for a moment, and looks at Bob and Steve. PoI-7326: No… Not at all, sonny. Long as these two are alright I'll be alright too. Mercator: Well. Why don't I give you my phone number, so you can call me if anything happens? PoI-7326 is silent for a moment. PoI-7326: Yeah… That would be good. Mercator: Wonderful. Mercator stops his body camera. <End Log> To prevent further incidents, Agent Mercator has been allowed to use "Dave's Catering" as a base of operations, acting as PoI-7326's personal assistant in addition to his regular duties. The perpetrator of SCP-7326-2's assault remains unknown. Incident 7326.2: The following incident occurred shortly after PoI-7326 relocated both SCP-7326 instances outside for their "Smoke Break". Agent Mercator notes he was preoccupied when the event began, and was unable to witness its cause. Incident Log 7326.2 <Begin Log> The body camera turns on to Mercator rapidly descending the stairwell inside of "Dave's Catering". PoI-7326's muffled voice can be heard. PoI-7326: Carl! (inaudible) -Carl! Mercator runs through the storefront and out the front door. Mercator: Dave?! Mercator turns to face PoI-7326, who is kneeling in front of a prone SCP-7326-1 while administering chest compressions. Mercator: Shit- What happened? PoI-7326 turns to Mercator, his eyes are frantic. PoI-7326: Told the dolt to cut the smoke, but he never listened. Steve's done his best but… PoI-7326 returns his focus to SCP-7326-1. PoI-7326: The lad's just got one arm, Carl. Mercator: What should I- PoI-7326: Get Steve inside! Mercator: But- PoI-7326: He doesn't need to see this. Mercator: Sir- PoI-7326: Go. Mercator turns to face SCP-7326-2, looming over its coworkers and letting out a trail of smoke from its mouth. He stands frozen for a few moments. PoI-7326: Go! Mercator grabs the mannequin and wheels it inside. The room is silent. The camera turns towards the window, where PoI-7326 can be seen still administering CPR. Mercator sighs, then looks back toward SCP-7326-2. Mercator: You did what you could, Steve… He turns the mannequin away from the window, then stops his body camera. <End Log> While the cause of the collapse was initially unknown, observation of the remains by Agent Mercator revealed that the interior of SCP-7326-1's form had been entirely burnt away, ruining its structural integrity. Agent Mercator reported that PoI-7326 believes SCP-7326-2 is suffering from guilt due to its inability to aid SCP-7326-1 when it collapsed. Incident 7326.3: A week after Incident 7326.2, PoI-7326 was observed walking SCP-7326-2 away from the premises of "Dave's Catering". When Agent Mercator moved to intervene, it was discovered that they were visiting the local cemetery to bury SCP-7326-1's remains. Following Incident 7326.3, PoI-7326 has taken SCP-7326-2 on weekly visits to SCP-7326-1's grave. In addition to this, SCP-7326-2 has halted emanation events. « SCP-7325 | SCP-7326 | SCP-7327 »
by Kothardarastrix Item#: 7328 Level5 Containment Class: neutralized Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: none Risk Class: none link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7328-A's remains are in cryogenic storage at Bio-Research Area-12, and may be accessed for study upon request. SCP-7328-B is in standard Anomalous Item storage. Recordings of all communications it received while active, and translations thereof, are available upon request. Description: SCP-7328 is an immense interstellar spacecraft of unknown origin, currently located an estimated 2.5 astronomical units from Earth. The object's distance and low reflectivity have made the details of its size and appearance difficult to ascertain, but initial observations determined that SCP-7328 was decelerating along a brachistochrone trajectory that would place it in low earth orbit by [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-7328-A was a cephalopod-like extraterrestrial organism assumed to originate from SCP-7328. See Necropsy Report 7328-A-1 for further details on its biology. SCP-7328-A was discovered when RAISA received a notification that a secure terminal at Site-01 had been accessed with O5-1's credentials while O5-1 was known to be elsewhere.1 When Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand") arrived at the terminal, they discovered SCP-7328-A's remains. The organism had apparently been terminated by the Berryman-Langford memetic kill agent when attempting to access the SCP-001 document; however, terminal records indicated that it had successfully accessed ████ other SCP documents beforehand. SCP-7328-B is a cylindrical, metallic communication device extracted from SCP-7328-A's corpse. It is likely that, via this transmitter, SCP-7328-A relayed some or all of the classified information it accessed back to SCP-7328. The operation of this device is not well understood, nor is the means by which messages are transmitted between it and SCP-7328. SCP-7328-B continued receiving transmissions after SCP-7328-A expired, possibly indicating that the same messages were being sent to multiple SCP-7328-A instances. 43 minutes after SCP-7328-A's death, SCP-7328 abruptly changed course and began accelerating out of the solar system. SCP-7328-B stopped receiving messages at this time, and its power source failed soon thereafter. After eleven months of work with both anomalous and non-anomalous methods, SCP-7328's final message was finally translated. Display Message Hide Message WHAT KIND OF PLANET IS THIS SCP-7328 has been reclassified as Neutralized. Footnotes 1. It is not clear how SCP-7328-A acquired O5-1's credentials or infiltrated Site-01; antimemetic properties are suspected.
/* These two arguments are in a quirked-up CSS Module (rather than the main code block) so users can feed Wikidot variables into them. */ #header h1 a::before { content: "SCP Foundation"; color: black; } #header h2 span::before { content: "Secure, Contain, Protect"; color: black; } Item #: the next open one Object Class: fuck (Pending Thaumiel) Threat Class: this is sort of my fault sorry Description: i don't even know. it's totally gone. i screwed up pretty bad Addendum 1: I don't have the energy so i'll just copy paste what was in the reporMajor Emmaline Evans has been selected by the Foundation Space Program to undertake a factfinding mission to determine the nature of an extraterrestrial threat. SCP-179, the Foundation's de facto early warning system, has been pointing in one specific direction since 1988; thirty-four years of sustained inquiry has been unable to determine the nature of this threat, whether it occupies a fixed point in space, is approaching at interstellar speeds, etc. Major Evans will maneuver her craft along the appropriate axis until such time as the threat is properly identified. so basically that's what i was up to. before this. Addendum 2: I have no idea why this happened. Honest. If it's a meme thing or a hallucination, great. If not, not great. Awful. Terrible. Let's focus on the positives. There have to be positives. I guess this has obvious paramilitary benefits, if there's still a paramilitary? Teach people to do this if they get captured by hostile aliens or something, sacrifice play. Addendum 3: Actually fuck, how do you delete addenda? The system won't let me do it. Look, if there's any hostile aliens reading this, I didn't mean it, please come get me,1 I'm not evil, the first time was a mistake and I was just spitballing with this. Addendum 4: it definitely shouldn't have worked like that surely it wasn't the first time someone Addendum 5: Okay, guess I should provide some context here. Dunno who's gonna see it, but. Event Log 7330.1 [Major Evans, undergoing interstellar travel on a one-person mission to investigate an unidentified spatial anomaly, awakens early from cryosleep. She pings Site-821 in Hawaii, her flight control centre.] Maj. Evans: Command, you there? Command: We're around. Maj. Evans: So, the selective cryosleep isn't really doing it for me. Did you test it properly? Command: We certainly tried, is it not putting you under? Maj. Evans: Mostly, but I'm still conscious. I can still hear, see, all that. It's not comfortable. I've been playing guessing games to pass the time. Command: Are you in danger? Will you survive the trip? Maj. Evans: Yeah, for sure. Command: Can you state your reason for halting cryosleep and initiating contact? Maj. Evans: Oh. Uh. Like I said, I've been playing games to pass the time. I've been trying to name everything I can see out the porthole. It's been going alright, I never did too badly at astronomy. I guess that's obvious since– Command: Since you were selected for a top-secret, high-priority spacefaring mission? Yes. Maj. Evans: Right, so anyway I'm doing great; nearly got all of them. Just a few bugging me. Command: You want us to name the stars? Maj. Evans: Just one or two. Not even that, just gimme a hint. Command: Please hold. [Silence on recording] Command: We're cleared to play a guessing game with you, Major Evans. Five minutes. Maj. Evans: You're misunderstanding. I just– Okay, whatever. What's that star? The one directly in front of me Command: Oh. That's Betelgeuse. It's in the Orion constellation, Major. How did you not know this? Maj. Evans: No, I knew, I knew. I just did– wait, like the movie? Command: Sort of. Betelgeuse is the star, it's spelled differently. Maj. Evans: Really? Command: Really. It's one of the largest stars we've found. Also known as Alpha Orionis. Again: how did you not know this? Maj. Evans: You're kidding me. Betelgeuse. They named a star after a film. Command: No! The star's name was the inspiration for the film. The film is spelled B-E-E-T-L-E-J-U-I-C-E. The star's spelled B-E-T-E-L-G-E-U-S-E. Maj. Evans: I feel like you're pulling my leg. That's a really weird way to spell it. Command: We aren't. What will it take to convince you? It's called Betelgeuse. Maj. Evans: But– Command: Betelgeuse! Maj. Evans: Doesn't– Command: Betelgeuse! [The signal from Command is replaced by noise.] Maj. Evans: Right. Well. Sorry. Anyway, about this cryo-sleep bug. Could you get one of the lab guys on the call? Maj. Evans: Command? Maj. Evans: Guys? [Major Evans continues to send calls out to Command for another hour. At that point, she checks the Earth on her monitor. She doesn't believe it at first, because why would you? She sends out a distress call, and writes this draft. What the fuck.] You Might Also Like... Collapse Recommendations SCP-1778 — Valor, by Dr Reach SCP-6150 — Voskhod 3, by Elenee FishTruck « SCP-7329 | SCP-7330 | SCP-7331 » Footnotes 1. My coordinates are wait how do I find those this is so unintuitive, delete, delete, stop voice recognition for fucks sake okay I'll attach them later end footnote end footnote end
ITEM NUMBER: SCP-7331 OBJECT CLASS: Pending (see Addendum 7331.2) CONTAINMENT PROTOCOL: Instances of SCP-7331 are to immediately be cordoned off and reported to the Metaphysics Department. Data regarding manifestations is to be collected as swiftly as possible in order to alleviate issues regarding the construction of the BOTRUS Engine. Individual instances of SCP-7331-1 are to also be located and transferred to the nearest Foundation facility to utilize in research efforts. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7331 is a series of localized universal null zones in which portions of baseline reality are temporarily replaced with absolute, raw nihility. This takes the appearance of an area that is obscured by the presence of a large, obstructive pitch black object or obstacle. SCP-7331-1 was a Russian-Italian man in its late 20s for which SCP-7331 instances often manifested around or nearby. SCP-7331 instances typically demanifested approx. 20 minutes after SCP-7331-1 left the immediate area. SCP-7331 instances manifested at a minimum of once per three days, and at maximum of five per day. SCP-7331 typically manifested when SCP-7331-1 was present in a non-isolationist environment, though the exact mechanisms that cause this to occur are currently under research. SCP-7331-1 had previously never interacted with SCP-7331 beyond taking photographs from a distance. Prior to the following, SCP-7331-1 had never approached an SCP-7331 instance due to anxiety. ADDENDUM 7331.1: Clusterbubble Incident On 4 May 2026, Foundation researchers were conducting standard testing regarding SCP-7331 and SCP-7331-1. Due to the difficulty of manifesting SCP-7331 instances in controlled environments, a portion of a civilian area was evacuated in order to allow SCP-7331-1 to freely roam under Foundation surveillance. SCP-7331-1 was equipped with the standard earpiece microphone and camera unit. LOCATION: Meehawken, South Carolina, USA TIME: 13:22 CONCEPT: To greater understand the criteria behind SCP-7331's manifestation. PREMISE: Allow SCP-7331-1 to loiter in a public area and record the number and circumstances of various SCP-7331 manifestations. (SCP-7331-1 roams around an empty suburban street, looking down at its feet as it kicks a small pebble down its path.) CONTROL: SCP-7331-1, please relay your current mood. (SCP-7331-1 sighs.) SCP-7331-1: Zero out of 5 on the pain scale, 1 out of 5 on the happiness scale, 0 out of 5 on the somber scale, and 30 out of 5 on the boredom scale. CONTROL: We don't have a boredom scale, SCP-7331-1. SCP-7331-1: …yeah. I know. CONTROL: Please avoid using facetious language during diagnostics, SCP-7331-1 - it can lead to inconsistencies in data. (SCP-7331-1 stops walking and begins grinding the toe of its shoe into the asphalt. SCP-7331-1 grumbles something indistinctly under its breath.) CONTROL: Come again? SCP-7331-1: Nothing. I'm fine. (The camera view shifts as SCP-7331-1 looks up from the ground, revealing the empty street. SCP-7331-1 continues walking.) SCP-7331-1: At least it's a nice day outside. CONTROL: That, it is. [EXTRANEOUS FOOTAGE REMOVED] (SCP-7331-1 has travelled into the center of town, taking in Main Street and walking past a number of shopfronts. It attempts to enter one of the stores, pushing the door's handle. The entrance is locked.) (SCP-7331-1 takes a few steps back before turning to the right. There is a small staircase that ends in an instance of SCP-7331. It engulfs the path immediately after the bottom step, approx. ~7.6m long and ~7.6m wide, reaching up into the sky to an unknown height. The entirety of the "mass" is matte black.) SCP-7331-1: And there it is. CONTROL: Indeed. Please approach it, SCP-7331-1. (SCP-7331-1 hesitates before doing so, stopping ~1m before SCP-7331's threshold.) SCP-7331-1: What now? CONTROL: Momentarily - we're collecting data regarding the size of the instance. (SCP-7331-1 continues standing still, turning to examine various points of the SCP-7331 instance by the guidance of Control.) FOOTAGE TAKEN FROM EXT. PUBLIC SECURITY CAMERA A2, MAIN STREET, MEEHAUKEN, SC, USA (Shot displays SCP-7331-1 from behind as it examines SCP-7331 in accordance to Control's commands. At this angle, SCP-7331-1 can be seen picking at its fingers behind its back.) (SCP-7331-1 turns around.) CONTROL: Is there a problem, SCP-7331-1?1 SCP-7331-1: No, not r… I just felt like I was being watched. (SCP-7331-1 turns back towards SCP-7331. There is a pause.) CONTROL: Noted. Please proceed. (SCP-7331-1 turns around to make its way back up the stairs.) (From the far left, a figure rushes into frame, sprinting in the direction of SCP-7331-1. SCP-7331-1 looks up from the steps at the figure.) SCP-7331-1: Wait wait wait, what the fu- (The figure launches itself down the steps at SCP-7331-1, spreading its arms out to tackle it. Here, it can be momentarily seen that the figure is all black except for its face.) (Contact is made and the momentum of the figure throws both subjects backwards into SCP-7331. Both subjects plummet out of view as SCP-7331-1 begins screaming.) Immediately following this, SCP-7331-1's camera was able to record 4.3 seconds of it free falling inside of SCP-7331. The exact details of the figure clinging onto SCP-7331-1 remain obscured before the footage cuts out. Foundation servers then received a large cache of corrupted video data sent from SCP-7331-1's camera. While initially believed to be completely unsalvageable, various members in Control were able to separate various video segments that appeared to be overlaid over each other. CLIP 7331.02: SCP-7331-1 sits at a desk in a college lecture hall. The professor is explaining abnormal psychological behaviors in regards to mental disorders. SCP-7331-1 is diligently listening as the lecture begins to shift topics into various mental illnesses. There is a loud crashing off to the right, SCP-7331-1 turning to see a student frantically running into the room, the door having slammed behind her. There is a muffled rumbling as SCP-7331-1 turns more to see the back wall of the lecture hall begin to fracture, cracks running along the entire face. The wall then buckles before exploding outwards, away from the individuals inside. Beyond the wall is what appears to be a small singularity that pulls in the debris and detritus. All present begin attempting to flee though most are consumed by the singularity, including SCP-7331-1. CLIP 7331.04: Multiple large bodies moving around in an unknown substance. Structures on the masses are similar to that of bacteria, with one being successfully identified as a strain of Bifidobacterium. SCP-7331-1 appears to stay silent.2 CLIP 7331.07: SCP-7331-1 is seated behind a man on a tandem bicycle as they both ride down a long strip of highway. Strands of long, straightened hair intermittently obscure the camera's view. Both riders are surrounded by fields of agriculture. The man occasionally looks back to see SCP-7331-1, smiling and laughing at it as it struggles to pedal along. There is a quick, hard cut of SCP-7331-1 as it continues falling inside of SCP-7331. The scene immediately returns and SCP-7331-1 chastises the other subject, sarcastically calling him an incompetent brother and that it doesn't understand why he even bought the vehicle. Of note is that SCP-7331-1's voice is higher-pitched and more feminine within the context of this instance. CLIP 7331.08: Multiple flashing faces (currently counted as upwards of 122) against a white background, all individuals between the ages of 15 and 18. All subjects were high school classmates of SCP-7331-1. CLIP 7331.11: The camera shifts to third person point of view, displaying a monochromatic kitchen set styled similarly to a 1950's sitcom. SCP-7331-1 enters stage right dressed in a pair of striped pajamas. It stretches exaggeratedly and yawns as it walks to the counter, taking items out of cabinets in order to prepare a cup of coffee. Another man enters stage right in a suit, dress pants, and finely shined leather shoes. He greets SCP-7331-1 warmly before embracing it from behind. SCP-7331-1 smiles as it says good morning, handing the man a cup of coffee before reaching into a cabinet to grab another mug for itself. Both subjects engage in conversation with the man playfully chiding SCP-7331-1 for not being an early bird. SCP-7331-1 laughs and responds, saying that was one of the traits that made the man fall in love in the first place. A studio audience coos with endearment. Both subjects chuckle and SCP-7331-1 stares directly at the camera. Its joyful expression has dropped and it appears confused. There is a burst of static preceding a clip of distorted screaming. CLIP 7331.15: The camera lays lopsided on the floor of a hallway. At the end is a corner that turns right. The sound of footsteps grows louder as something approaches from that corner. SCP-7331-1 runs into view, spotting the camera and quickly picking it up as it sprints by. It attempts to speak into the camera as it records, saying that it doesn't understand how it got here, that it's constantly being harassed. There is a screeching sound as something large can be heard following behind SCP-7331-1. SCP-7331-1 attempts to aim the camera behind it, revealing a large and mutated humanoid mass rendered in complete silhouette except for its face. CLIP 7331.17: The lens appears to be blocked by multiple moving objects. There are occasionally flashes of deep red that shift in and out of the scene. There is a muffled noise, possibly SCP-7331-1 attempting to speak. After ~20 seconds, the objects obscuring the lens move outwards away from it, and a large white crack forms. Opening up, it is shown to be the sun shining onto the scene, revealing the items obscuring the lens to be countless interwoven hands and arms, distorted to elongated proportions. SCP-7331-1 gasps for breath as it attempts to climb the array of limbs towards the open sky. CLIP 7331.37: SCP-7331-1 claws at a brick wall, appearing to be at the bottom of a tunnel or well. SCP-7331-1 calls for help multiple times, receiving no answer. SCP-7331-1 turns to see [REDACTED]. CLIP 7331.60:3 SCP-7331-1 is laying on the ground of a lightless expanse. Despite the lack of a light source, it is able to see itself. It sits up and looks at its hands, breathing shakily as it stumbles to its feet. It calls out and nothing answers. It begins shouting and screaming in anger, grabbing the camera, ripping it off the harness and throwing it to the ground. It points at the viewfinder, falling to its knees to scream into the lens, calling it useless and deriding the Foundation for throwing it into the fire. As it continuously raves, an echoing gurgle can be heard. SCP-7331-1 ceases its tirade before it turns around, seeing the warped silhouette of the figure that initially knocked it over. The figure is ~2.4m, shrouded entirely in what appears to be crude oil. Its face is clean and human, with fully black eyes. It says that it is happy to see SCP-7331-1, addressing it by name. SCP-7331-1 asks what the figure is doing there, calling it "Mark." The figure responds, saying it had been waiting for SCP-7331-1 to "return home." SCP-7331-1 refuses, saying that "this isn't home," and that it does not understand what is happening. The figure approaches, arms open, embracing SCP-7331-1 as it shakes in fear. The gurgling sound returns as the figure pulls away from SCP-7331-1, placing its hands on the subject's shoulders. The figure says that it can't wait to show SCP-7331-1 everything its been missing. The ground then liquifies and both subjects plummet into the ichor along with the camera. The final image captured is of SCP-7331-1 as it struggles to break the surface. All transmissions then cease. ADDENDUM 7331.2: Concluding Results Though SCP-7331-1 has not been recovered, Foundation scientists have been able to track and identify the various lesser sub-realities that were formed upon its initial entry. Despite SCP-7331 seemingly being an individual-specific phenomenon, Foundation engineers are confident that their reverse engineering tactics combined with the newly-introduced BOTRUS Engine will facilitate cutting-edge research into timeline production and manufacturing within the next five years. « SCP-7330 | SCP-7331 | SCP-7332 » Footnotes 1. Audio spliced in from original recording. 2. It is currently unknown if SCP-7331-1 was present in this segment or if its silence was due to extensive biological changes to facilitate integration. 3. The final recording recovered in the data cluster, presumed to be the final chronological recording via contextual evidence.
SCP-7333 in temporary containment following initial recovery in Billings, Montana. Item #: SCP-7333 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7333 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell fitted with a large terrarium and multi-screen live feed of current stock market coverage. Typical amenities are to be provided, including cleaning services and provision of food per a designated dietary regimen. To aid with communication, SCP-7333 must at all times have access to a mobile device possessing a physical keyboard.1 Spare devices and chargers are to be stored in the room as necessary. A team of dedicated Foundation stock traders is to be assigned to SCP-7333's containment cell, and kept on rotation watch to observe when it enters periods of lucidity. The team is to be provided with a probationary budget, to be used for investments based on SCP-7333's insights. All transactions are to be thoroughly documented, and reviewed on a weekly basis. The budget is subject to change based on monthly outcomes. Access to SCP-7333 for interview purposes may be requested by any research personnel Level-2 or higher possessing requisite credentials in biological sciences. Any individuals seeking to submit such a request are to note that the stock trader team schedule is to be given priority for access to SCP-7333. Description: SCP-7333 appears to be a male Western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis), possessing sapience in limited and irregular periods of lucidity. SCP-7333 is capable of communication in written American English through the use of various typing devices, but will only respond to conversation when verbally addressed by name.2 While SCP-7333 does not appear to age, it sheds its skin more frequently than non-anomalous lizards typical of the same apparent species. Shed skin from SCP-7333 carries no immediately discernable anomalous properties. Based on information gathered from interviews, SCP-7333 purportedly fashions itself as “a deity for a modern time” (see Partial Interview Logs). It is noted that despite its claims, SCP-7333 has yet to exhibit any indication of greater capabilities beyond its communicative and predictive anomalies. When provided with appropriate resources, SCP-7333 has demonstrated the ability to provide profitable investments recommendations, particularly with regards to the trading of stocks. As of the SCP-7333 team's most recent portfolio review, it is believed that the frequency of SCP-7333's periods of lucidity inversely correlates with the total profit amassed by the beneficiary of SCP-7333's advice. Due to this, discussion is underway to determine an altered containment schedule to allow SCP-7333 ample recovery time in between consultations. SCP-7333 was initially discovered following investigation of animal control complaints from a series of houses within a suburban neighborhood. All such reports alleged that “lizards were breaking into houses to watch TV”, with a disproportionately large focus on households that frequently consumed news-related media. A team of Foundation containment specialists was dispatched to multiple houses under the guise of carrying out an electricians' survey; the team first encountered SCP-7333 in a nursery bedroom typing “HELLO” repeatedly on a children's “Speak & Spell” electronic hand-held toy, followed by “I AM BUSINESS LIZARD”. Following application of amnestics to the neighborhood occupants, the team secured SCP-7333 and transported it to the nearest Foundation facility. Addendum-7333-1: Partial Interview Logs: over the course of SCP-7333's containment history, it was observed that its lucid periods initially occurred for approximately four hours every four days. As of the most recent update to the SCP-7333 file, the entity averages four hours of lucidity every sixteen days. Interview logs of note corresponding to sessions purely for personal information gathering purposes are transcribed below. (Note, SCP-7333's mobile device keyboard typing is displayed without corrections for grammar or mechanics. All questions were voiced aloud by interviewers situated in the containment cell.) Excerpt from Interview-7333-3: Interviewer: Dr. R. Mercer Interviewee: SCP-7333Dr. Mercer: Business Lizard, today I would like to learn a little more about you, if that's alright.Dr. Mercer: Stocks Lizard, some time ago you told us you reimagined yourself to suit more modern times.Dr. Mercer: Business Lizard, please tell me more.Dr. Mercer: Commerce Lizard, I am sorry to hear that.Dr. Mercer: Stocks Lizard, I hope you know that you are always welcome here.Dr. Mercer: Business Lizard, do you remember much of who you were before civilization sped out of control?Dr. Mercer: Commerce Lizard, do you know of any other lizards like yourself, who may have retained their powers?Dr. Mercer: Stocks Lizard, does that bother you?Dr. Mercer: Commerce Lizard, would you like us to attempt seeking out any of your kin who may still be findable? Excerpt from Interview-7333-8: (most recent interview to date) Interviewer: Dr. R. Mercer Interviewee: SCP-7333 [extraneous discussion removed]Dr. Mercer: Business Lizard, that is kind of you. Commerce Lizard, what is the secret?Dr. Mercer: Stocks Lizard, that is rather incredible to believe.Dr. Mercer: Business Lizard, you say this despite not sharing in the profit from the advice you give, and only maintaining your consciousness some of the time?Dr. Mercer: Commerce Lizard, do you not wish to return to what you once were at the height of your strength?Dr. Mercer: Business Lizard, what did you hope to be?[brief pause] Dr. Mercer: Business Lizard, I am glad to hear that. Is there anything else we can do for you? [SCP-7333 does not respond.] Dr. Mercer: Stocks Lizard, is there anything else we can do for you?[SCP-7333 is observed to turn several times in a quick circle on top of its typing device. It then jumps from the interview table and lands on Dr. Mercer's leg. Dr. Mercer observed returning SCP-7333 to its terrarium.] Endnote: Request for more fresh fruit, primarily strawberries, to be added to 7333's dietary regimen. – R. Mercer Note from Lab Director M.K.: Granted. He deserves a break. « SCP-7332 | SCP-7333 | SCP-7334 » Footnotes 1. Currently, SCP-7333 has had the most success using modified Blackberry products. 2. Names currently confirmed to trigger responses in SCP-7333 are Business Lizard, Commerce Lizard, and Stocks Lizard.
Item#: 7334 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7334 is to be kept in a Safe-class storage locker at Site-19. Testing with SCP-7334 may only be performed with written permission from two Level 4/7334 Personnel. Description: SCP-7334 is a pair of two identical clockwork spherical containers, each with a diameter of 1m. Each container houses a portal, designated SCP-7334-A and -B. When inside the spherical containers, the two portals may be moved freely. When a spherical container is opened, the portal within will remain suspended at the position where it was released. If portals are released from their housing, they will behave as a continuous inter-spatial pathway, with items entering one end being subsequently released from the opposite end. The containers weigh less than an object of their size and composition should.1 Addendum 7334.01: Abridged Testing Logs The following is a series of tests performed with SCP-7334 to ascertain its functions and limits. Test 7334.01 Date: 5/6/2001 Procedure Both ends of SCP-7334 were opened, and a tennis ball was thrown into SCP-7334-A. Results Item immediately exited SCP-7334-B with the same velocity it had when it entered SCP-7334-A. Conclusions SCP-7334 acts as an instantaneous gateway between two points. Test 7334.02 Date 5/9/2001 Procedure Both ends of SCP-7334 were opened. D-2980 was instructed to enter SCP-7334-A. Results D-2980 immediately exited SCP-7334-B unharmed. Subject reported that no time passed since they entered SCP-7334-A. Conclusions SCP-7334 is safe for human traversal. Test 7334.03 Date 5/12/2001 Procedure SCP-7334-A was opened inside a Faraday cage, while SCP-7334-B was opened outside the Faraday cage. The researcher inside the Faraday cage attempts to use a hand radio to make contact with the researcher outside the Faraday cage. Results Contact between the researcher inside the Faraday cage and the researcher outside the Faraday cage is established via the hand radio. Conclusions SCP-7334 allows for the passage of electromagnetic waves. Test 7334.04 Date 5/13/2001 Procedure SCP-7334-A was opened while SCP-7334-B was kept sealed. A camera probe was sent into SCP-7334-A. Results Camera recorded a white void on the other side of SCP-7334-A, with what appeared to be multiple instances of SCP-7334-B within. Conclusions More data required. Test 7334.05 Date 5/15/2001 Procedure: SCP-7334-A was opened while SCP-7334-B was kept sealed. D-2980 was given a hand radio which would record and transmit to the overseeing researchers. Results Contact lost with D-2980 shortly after beginning the test. Opening SCP-7334-B did not yield D-2980. Subject considered lost. Conclusions Entities sent into SCP-7334-A while SCP-7334-B is closed are not recoverable. Test 7334.06 Date 5/20/2001 Procedure SCP-7334-B was opened while SCP-7334-A was left closed. Results D-2980 emerged. Conclusions Conclusions not recorded. WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS LEVEL 6/7334 CLASSIFIED ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT LEVEL 6/7334 AUTHORIZATION WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE TERMINATION VIA COGNITOHAZARD. ID bf086fb6ebde825c8a79bf4a98cf5982_1706540718 PASSWORD cdb018b6408767e1ce2c9ee473f6882d_1706540718 Login Logout Cognitohazard Inoculation Confirmed. Accessing Addendum. Addendum 7334.02: The following recording was recovered from D-2980 after his emergence from SCP-7334-B. Audio Log Transcript Subject: D-2980 Handler: Jeff Henderson [BEGIN LOG] Recording begins immediately after D-2980 enters SCP-7334-A. Henderson: Testing testing, one, two, three. Can you hear me in there, D-2980? D-2980: Yeah, I hear you, Henderson. Henderson: Okay, good. Looks like we're recording, so you can just start describing your surroundings when you're ready. D-2980: Well, it's pretty much just a white void. I can't really- Transmission from D-2980 cuts to static at this time. Test 7334.05 was concluded upon failure to reestablish contact with or retrieve D-2980. However, D-2980's recording continues past this point. D-2980: Good, the connection's severed. Okay, how have you been holding up in here? Have you followed my instructions? D-2980's voice can be heard responding to his own questions. Due to differences in amplitude of volume, it is believed that these answers come from a second instance of D-2980, designated here as D-2980-1. D-2980-1: Just like you told me, passing things from one hole to the other based on your diagram. D-2980: Good, good. Now it's your turn to get out of here. If you go through that hole, you should go back where you need to be. D-2980-1: What, back to Foundation custody? Why would I want to do that? At least here it's safe, if a bit boring. D-2980: It's not back to Foundation custody, it's… well, I can't really explain. D-2980-1: Why not? D-2980: I didn't last time, and I wouldn't want to risk upsetting the flow of things. Listen, it'll all make sense later. For now, you need to go. The red pickup will have keys in the ignition. Go to Yellowstone. No matter what else happens, you need to get there. D-2980-1: What are you talking about? D-2980: Just do it, okay? That's pretty much your only option, right now. If you don't, well, I'm pretty sure I'd be dead. Oh, before I forget, take this. It'll help the documentation later if you keep records. Trust me, you want to be documenting anything unusual. D-2980-1: Well, if there's anyone I can trust… Okay, here goes, I guess. It's that one, right? D-2980: Right, and remember to check the diagram for when you should open the portals. I wasn't having you pass that stuff through for nothing. D-2980-1: Ok, well, see you around, I guess… D-2980: More like be me around, but yeah. Good luck, I'm counting on you. [END LOG] In addition to the above log, the recording device contained a series of journal entries made by D-2980-1. The logs were not dated, but D-2980-1 noted the number of each log as it was made. Transcripts of each log have been included below. For simplicity, D-2980-1 will now be referred to as D-2980. Journal Entry 01: I'm not sure what I was expecting when I stepped through that portal. No, that's not true actually, I had some idea. Monsters. I thought there would be some kind of zombie outbreak or demons or, I don't know, something. I didn't expect to find nothing. Nothing's not quite the right word either. Obviously, I'm not in that void any more. From what I can tell, I'm in the average American suburb, but there's no one here. I thought for sure I would need to grab the portals and make a break for it, but there was no one on the other side to see me. Whoever did live here must not have had a very good HOA. The grass is all overgrown. Litter fills the streets. I hadn't registered it before, but I haven't even heard a bird singing since I got here, just the wind and… metal scratching? It's probably debris blowing around. The ground is littered with metal junk. Is this hell? This is always how I'd imagined it, especially after watching that one episode of the Twilight Zone as a kid. In the show, the guy dies and goes to hell, where he gets everything he ever wanted. He even mistakes it for heaven until he realizes he can't be with anyone. He's totally alone. That's how I feel. I know I wasn't great before. There's reasons why I got made D-Class, after all, but I'd hoped I'd made up for it by now. Now I'm alone here. No, there has to be something more to this. He said I needed to go to Yellowstone. Maybe that's where I'll find my answers. He obviously knew what he was talking about, because I can see the red pickup now. I'll update again if anything happens between here and there. Journal Entry 02: If this is hell, it's not the human one. All along the road I keep seeing mangled machines. They're hard to describe, but they look like they've been here a while. They might have even looked like people, once, but they're all covered in rust. Whatever broke them happened a long time ago. The machines on the sidewalk aren't the only strange thing about this place. I don't think I've passed a single grocery store since I've gotten here. It's hard to tell, since I don't recognize the writing on these signs, but I haven't seen anything that looks like somewhere you'd get food. Another thing, this truck is far more advanced than I'd thought. It's definitely not running on gas, but I'm not sure what it could be. I don't even see a fuel gauge. I'm just going to tell myself it's electric and try not to think about it too much. I'm just glad for the GPS touchscreen. I tapped Yellowstone on the map - I used to hike there so often that I know the spot by heart - and began driving. It's going to be a long trip. Audio Log Transcript: [BEGIN LOG] D-2980: Okay, so I was trying to turn on the radio to listen to some tunes for the drive, but every station is playing the same message. I'll try to capture it, I don't know if you'll be able to hear. Unknown Voice: -stay indoors. This is an automated message from the United World Safety Association. The cognitive network has become infected with a deadly virus. If you are connected to the network, disconnect now and isolate yourself. Symptoms of infection include reduced cognition, decreased motor skills, and extreme hostility towards all life. Do not make contact with anyone suspected to be infected or anything which an infected has touched. If you see anyone acting strangely, please report it immediately. The Guard Constructs will dispatch any known threats in the area. Do not go outside for any reason. Government care packages will be distributed to homes soon, so stay indoors. This is- D-2980: What have I gotten myself into? [END LOG] Journal Entry 03: I was wrong about the corpses. They must not have known I was here because I was in the truck. I'm not getting out of the truck anytime soon after what I just saw. There was a pigeon in the road. It was the first flesh and blood creature I'd seen since I ended up here, so I stopped the truck and just watched it for a while. It got too close to one of the rusted machines. Suddenly, the mechanism sprung to life, trapping the pigeon. As I watched, gears spread over the surface of the pigeon's body. I thought it was being enveloped. The truth was worse. I watched as, over the course of a few minutes, the pigeon thrashed and changed. When it was done, a rusty mechanical pigeon flapped away, its gears clicking as it stiffly beat its wings. Is whatever I'm heading towards really worth it? Journal Entry 04: I saw more strange machines today. I'd started to take it for granted that everything here was dead, but that doesn't seem to be true. The first few I saw were dead, random mechanical husks. Each had a huge eye, unmistakably cephalopod, in the center of its body. I mistook them for just more wreckage at first until I passed close by one. They gave me chills. That wasn't the worst thing I saw today, though. Audio Log Transcript: [BEGIN LOG] D-2980: Okay, I'm recording this because I feel like I could honestly die in the next few minutes, and I want somebody to hear about this… thing. Maybe they'll be able to avoid it if they know what to look for. It looks like there's a cloud of white smoke with some guy standing in the middle of it. He's just walking down the middle of the road towards me, but the smoke follows him. I've been a D-Class long enough to pick up bad anomaly vibes when I see them. Maybe if I drive a little ways off the road, he'll ignore me. An engine is heard accelerating, and the sound of tires on dirt becomes audible. D-2980: I think it's working. I'm just going to… OH SH- A large explosion is heard. The engine accelerates more. D-2980: Go go go go go go. More explosions are heard, growing quieter over time. D-2980: (breathing heavily) Okay, I think I'm in the clear. He's started walking east again… I guess… I guess I'll just keep driving, for now. [END LOG] Journal Entry 05: I saw someone today. He stood on a hill in the distance, but I knew he was watching me. I must have seen him at least seven times today, always in the distance, always watching. If this is hell, he must be the devil. Audio Log Transcript: D-2980: So, it looks like the entire road here is blocked by a pile-up of those broken robots, and there's guard rails on either side. I'm going to try turning around to find another route. I am definitely not walking through that. A faint metallic creaking sound is heard. D-2980: I think there was a split in the road a ways back that should take me around. I guess that does it for this log, then. A loud metallic creak is heard, followed by the sound of metal hitting metal. D-2980: What?! A loud metallic scraping sound is heard followed by a crash. D-2980 grunts. A door is heard opening, followed by rapid footfalls and an explosion. D-2980: You have got to be kidding me! More explosions are heard along with D-2980's panting and running. D-2980: Wait, it's shooting at the zombie robots. HAHA! D-2980's footsteps continue as the sounds of metallic screeching and explosions become more distant. [END LOG] Journal Entry 06: The truck is gone. Those things destroyed it. I almost tried to leave. I had opened the portal, fully prepared to pick a hole in the void and take whatever it gave me. Anything would be better than this. When I opened it, though, a backpack filled with water bottles and food fell out, along with a map of Yellowstone park. One of the rangers' stations was circled in red. It was about a hundred miles out. My curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to keep going. I should make it in a few days' time. I figure, if things do go south, I could just open one of the portals and leave then. I still see the figure in the distance. I can't tell if it's my imagination, but it feels like it's getting closer. I'm a bit worried that I haven't gotten a gun from the portal yet. Come to think of it, I don't remember putting any sort of weapons through the holes when I was in the void. Does that mean a gun wouldn't help? I guess I'll just have to tell Satan to get behind me and let him eat my dust. Journal Entry 07: I've seen a lot of crazy things in my time in the Foundation: math problems that create grizzly bears, the living front half of a cat, a reincarnating platypus, things I can't even remember now. In all of that, I can't remember anything quite so out-of-place as what I just saw. While I was making the trek towards Yellowstone, I saw a herd of cattle grazing. At least, I assumed they were cattle. When I got closer, I saw that they were made of metal, with eyes made from lightbulbs and tails made from umbrellas. It looked like the sort of sculpture you'd see at a flea market, except for the fact that these were alive. I saw that one of them even had calves. As I watched, a deer walked past the herd. Unlike the cattle, this deer was of pure flesh and blood. Compared with everything else I'd seen so far, the deer seemed to be the unusual one in this scenario. While the deer passed, one of the cattle turned, its horns lowering towards the deer. I jumped when the gunshot sounded. The deer fell to the ground, with the cow that apparently shot it rolling forwards to eat the fresh meat. Are even the cattle here killers? I wonder just how far in the future I've ended up. Hundreds of years? Thousands? The biologist in me is riddled with questions. Did regular cows go extinct, only to be replaced by these to act as, what, robotic groundskeepers? Why do the cows need to eat? Are they partially organic, or is what they eat converted into fuel somehow? Were the calves created that size originally, or can the robot cows… reproduce? Maybe if I were better versed with machines, these answers would be more obvious to me. For now, I'll need to leave them behind. It's only a few more miles now. Audio Log Transcript: [BEGIN LOG] D-2980: -come on come on come on come on! Fast footsteps and heavy breathing are audible. D-2980: It's not human. It's- Metallic scuttling sounds are heard approaching. D-2980: I don't know. Tree branches are heard snapping. D-2980: I see a cabin ahead, maybe… D-2980 continues running for thirty seconds. The sounds of metal creaking and sticks breaking becomes louder. D-2980: Got it! A door opens, then slams shut. Scratching is audible from the other side of the door. D-2980: That was too close. That's it, I'm getting out of here. I don't ca- D-2980 is cut off. There is a loud thump. D-2980 screams. Unidentified Voice: Halt! HC-2490, release! A thump is audible, then metallic scratching retreating. Unidentified Voice: Identify yourself. Which division of Guard Constructs do you hail from? What is your purpose in returning here? D-2980: Guard construct? What are you- uh, are you a robot? Unidentified Voice: Are you… not? D-2980: Last I checked, I was still flesh and blood. Unidentified Voice: Flesh and blood, and you are… sapient? D-2980: I… think so? Not really sure what you mean. Unidentified Voice: You are the one we have been waiting for, then. Come with me. There is wooden creaking audible, followed by metallic footsteps. D-2980: Uh, who are you? Unidentified Voice: I was called Mekhane, a scientist of great renown among my people. I have been working here for many years. This machine will serve as the tomb of my people and the birthplace of yours. D-2980: What do you mean? What happened to humanity? Mekhane: Is that what you call your race? If so, nothing has happened to humanity. Humanity has not yet been. D-2980: Okay, you've lost me. Mekhane: Inevitably you have seen the situation outside. The virus is our fault. In our hubris, we sought to replace mother nature's designs with our own. At first, it began with merely copying her designs in our image. It was not long before that was not enough for us anymore. We created the virus to convert what we saw as impure flesh into perfect machines. The populace served as the carriers for this virus, spreading it by their touch. We had not anticipated the effect it would have on them, that all touched by my creation were doomed to be mindless. This facility is my last attempt to atone for our actions. It is capable of generating a new species. That is why I sent the Hunter Constructs to distribute the portals. They would wait for a subject to arrive, assess their viability, and bring me their DNA. I had not anticipated a subject arriving intact by themselves. Come, let us begin the process so I may pass on my knowledge of the machine to you before I expire. D-2980: Me? You just met me. Doesn't that seem a bit… hasty? Mekhane: To have made it this far, you must possess the instincts and skills necessary for survival. That is what truly matters if your species is to thrive here. Besides, I believe that, regardless of one's previous life, one such as you would rise to the occasion. I have only one request. Forget me and my people. I would rather my species pass quietly out of memory so you do not aspire to emulate us. It would not go well for you. D-2980: How will I stop them from making the same mistakes, then? Mekhane: I have prepared a process by which you may implant false memories. This should allow for the creation of historical lessons without requiring the tragedies behind those lessons. This will also allow you to recreate your species with minor loss of technological progress should anything happen. D-2980: Actually, in that case, could I make a quick trip? I need to get some things from my time. Mekhane: First, allow me to take a sample of your DNA so I may replicate you should you fail to return. D-2980: Thanks for the vote of confidence. Mekhane: You are welcome. [END LOG] Audio Log Transcript: [BEGIN LOG] D-2980: Okay, so you said this can hold how much data? Mekhane: Approximately 9.99 Googolbytes based on the data measurement method you gave me. I apologize that it could not be more efficient. I had to dedicate space to adapting the Hunter Constructs' camouflage so that only you would be able to perceive it. D-2980: I'm sure this will be enough. I've just got to get in, download the data, and bring it back. You said this hole would take me back to when the first D-Class test was performed, right? Mekhane: Assuming the date you told me paired with my extrapolations of the time offset is correct, yes. I will be awaiting your return. A rush of air is heard. D-2980: Okay, so it should be… uh, hey there. D-2980's voice can be heard responding to himself. Due to differences in amplitude of volume, it is believed that these answers come from a second instance of D-2980, designated here as D-2980-1. D-2980-1: Uh… who are you? D-2980: Don't panic. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm you. D-2980-1: Am I going crazy, or am I dead right now? D-2980: Neither, this is real, and this is important. I don't know if it's started yet, but there's going to be stuff floating through here. Here, take this, it shows what holes lead where. D-2980 proceeds to explain which objects will be entering the space and what hole each object needs to be put in. D-2980: Also, can you put this recorder back in the hole I came from? I'm not supposed to have it on the other side. D-2980-1: Sure, if you say so. D-2980: See you soon, or, honestly, I'm not sure how time works in here. D-2980-1: I know what you mean. D-2980: Oh, and avoid any cameras that come through one of those holes, I think it's that one. You should probably turn off the recorder now so the battery doesn't ru- [END LOG] Investigation of computer terminals at Site-19 show that Terminal 133 was accessed by the Administrator2 at 1300 hours on 5/11/2001. A data download of 16 zettabytes was performed via the terminal, taking significantly less time than the hardware should allow. Journal Entry 08 She replaced me. I can't believe Mekhane thought I wouldn't make it back! Okay, I can believe it, but I'd hoped she'd wait longer until she cloned me! The clone has my memories, too. I'm going to send it- him. I'm going to send him back to where I'm from so this log can make it back. I know she told me she doesn't want to be remembered, but I want her to be remembered. I think by the time this gets back, humanity should be ready to hear it. I spent a lot of time poring over that data I downloaded. I did a double-take after reading about SCP-2000. I did a lot of double takes after reading all those files, actually. I don't know if I'm ready for this responsibility, but I do know that I have the knowledge and experience to try, despite my past mistakes. I know I wanted to quit before, but now I'm ready to give it my all. To all who will be, I vow to Secure all threats to humanity. I will Contain anything which endangers the veil of normalcy you all enjoy. I will Protect you. Sincerely, Your Administrator. Footnotes 1. Estimated at 5% of the mass of the raw metallic components. 2. Verified via biometric scan. « SCP-7333 | SCP-7334 | SCP-7335 »
Item #: SCP-7336 Object Class: Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: Each Foundation facility is allowed at least one instance of SCP-7336-1 to put on display in a prominent location. Facilities of at least 15 research staff may submit requests for more instances to the Department of Paramathematics. Main storage of SCP-7336-1 instances is at Site-11. Personnel may request to rent an SCP-7336-1 instance to study. The instance is to be returned to its display within two weeks of rental. After the rental period, personnel may opt to extend their rental by a week or take an SCP-7336 aptitude test, administered by an available MX-Qualified Foundation staff member in order to earn their own MX-Qualification1. Employees who gain MX-Qualification are encouraged to relocate to Site-11, as that is where most MX-Qualified personnel are currently situated. Rental requests may be denied at the discretion of the facility Director. Civilian lunar exploration is to be heavily restricted until the surface is sufficiently cleared of SCP-7336-1 instances. After a 11-1 vote held by the O5 Council on 17/03/2021, most restrictions on civilian lunar exploration have been lifted. Remaining restrictions are due to unrelated anomalies2. Verifiably non-anomalous traditional mathematical papers written with assistance from SCP-7336 are not to be disseminated among the public. As of 01/05/2012, all MX-Qualified personnel are to be implanted with a chip that emits GPS coordinates and biometric data. Personnel may opt out of this program at the expense of relinquishing certain benefits offered to MX-Qualified personnel3. Description: SCP-7336 is an axiomatic system logically independent of ZFC4. Communication of SCP-7336 and derived theories is limited. Communication appears to require not only the exchange of verbal language, including tone, volume, timing, and use of non-standard phonemes, but also body language, physical touch, use of ad-hoc props, and traces of short-range subconscious psionic transmission. As such, written and remote voice/video communication is insufficient for the exchange of ideas between individuals regarding SCP-7336. Despite the apparently complex suite of communications required to discuss SCP-7336, MX-Qualified personnel report that discussions between 2-4 individuals about SCP-7336 are easy to participate in for all involved parties, but get considerably more difficult as more join the conversation. While written communication between individuals about SCP-7336 is ineffective, MX-Qualified personnel are able to hand-write proofs that will only be coherent to the individual who wrote them. Collaboration in SCP-7336 almost always requires all collaborators to keep their own notes on the project in parallel. Simple facts entirely in and about SCP-7336 are rarely, if at all, specified in traditional language. For instance, the exact number of axioms that make up SCP-7336 is unclear. When pressed to give a number, the same researcher may give different counts depending on the application of SCP-7336 logic they most recently used, but will ultimately prefer to say that a "count" of axioms is not a meaningful concept in regards to SCP-7336. Application of SCP-7336 has led to many important results. For example, it is not uncommon for unproven conjectures in traditional mathematics to be proven using SCP-7336. Such proofs may then have use of SCP-7336 worked out of the logic until only traditional mathematics remains. 4 of the 7 Millenium Prize Problems5 have had traditional proofs developed using SCP-7336 as an intermediate step, and 2 have proofs using a combination of ZFC and SCP-73366. Among the Millenium Prize Problems, the Riemann hypothesis is the only problem remaining unsolved in both ZFC and SCP-7336. A 3-5 page proof of Fermat's Last Theorem exists using a combination of ZFC and SCP-73367. SCP-7336 has been particularly helpful in the fields of quantum mechanics, algorithms, and oneirology. It has also directly helped Foundation understanding of other mathematical anomalies such as SCP-033 and SCP-5921. While exact results and their justifications are difficult to communicate, procedures derived from SCP-7336 have shown to be effective. SCP-7336-1 are small objects (22-25 cm in diameter) found on the surface of the moon. SCP-7336-1 appear to be composed of a tangled cluster of smooth metal wires, each approximately 8 mm thick. No two SCP-7336-1 instances are identical. Spectral and chemical analysis of SCP-7336-1 indicate they are made of vitallium8, which contradicts with its melting point of 6,500 Kelvin and density of 2.4 g/cm3. SCP-7336-1 anomalously emit a weak electromagnetic signal at approximately 62.2 GHz9 with Kolmogorov complexity of approximately 41.6%. No attempts to decode the signal have been met with success. Mathematically inclined personnel in possession of an instance of SCP-7336-1 will claim to find the object markedly elucidating. Most individuals who find SCP-7336-1 interesting will go on to study the instance over the course of 1-3 weeks, either until losing interest or gaining sufficient understanding of SCP-7336. While most personnel gain their understanding of SCP-7336 through the usage of an instance of SCP-7336-1, it is not impossible to learn SCP-7336 entirely through mentorship by an MX-Qualified individual, although this has been shown to take significantly longer than through SCP-7336-1. The first SCP-7336-1 instance was found during the Apollo 11 mission by Buzz Aldrin. Its anomalous properties were not noticed until return to Earth, immediately after which it was relinquished to Foundation custody where it lead to the discovery of SCP-7336. An additional instance was then found by the Apollo 14 crew, and two more by the Apollo 17 crew, leading to restrictions on lunar exploration put in place by the Foundation, and bringing an end to the Apollo program. Since then, the Foundation has engaged in a clandestine cleanup operation to clear the lunar surface of SCP-7336-1 instances. SCP-7336-1 as they were found would show no evidence of impact upon the surface, and were partially buried in the lunar regolith. Instances were found to be in a uniform random distribution across the entire moon. As of 11/02/2021, the Foundation is in possession of 40,241 SCP-7336-1 instances, believed to be most if not all instances originally on the lunar surface. Addendum-7336-1: Spontaneous disappearances of Foundation staff have been observed to happen more frequently among MX-Qualified personnel compared to non-MX-Qualified personnel. Since 2009, approximately 0.2% of MX-Qualified staff have disappeared each year, which is over 8x the average among all Foundation staff. In 2010, it was determined that the increased rate of disappearances of MX-Qualified Foundation staff was statistically significant enough to tie the disappearances to SCP-7336, and containment procedures were updated10. Disappearances happen instantaneously, usually witnessed to happen to personnel actively researching SCP-7336, with no accessories left behind by the disappeared person. MX-Qualified personnel are generally unbothered by this pattern. Addendum-7336-2: MX-Qualified Agent Max Willow ended his employment at the Foundation for personal reasons during February 2016, and opted to have his memory wiped of his experience at the Foundation. After amnestization, Agent Willow was confirmed to no longer be MX-Qualified. On 14/03/2021, Foundation webcrawlers flagged a blog post by Willow to his personal website ████████.cafe as relating to SCP-7336. The following is an excerpt from the post. My wife has no idea what I'm talking about. Maybe it's from my graduate classes. I don't know how I could've possibly come up with this on my own, but that doesn't make sense because I don't even know how I could've possibly ever forgotten this, much less learn it in the first place. I don't even know what it is I really learned! It's like a switch just flipped in me and now I'm seeing the bigger picture?? But what bigger picture? Reasoning? Yeah, I feel like I've cracked the code of all of logic and I can't even describe it. But it makes perfect sense. Oh god, I sound like such a crank. The post was taken down and Willow was contacted by Foundation agents. Willow demonstrated that he regained his understanding of SCP-7336, and subsequent amnestization showed said understanding to again be lost. Addendum-7336-3: On 02/02/2024, Max Willow died in his sleep. Autopsy revealed the cause of death to be sudden non-existence of the entire nervous system. His wedding ring was also noticed to have gone missing on the night of his death. In light of this incident, testing has begun on a selection of D-Class personnel to study the long-term interactions between SCP-7336, amnestics, and intellectual isolation. « SCP-7335 | SCP-7336 | SCP-7337 » Footnotes 1. MX-Qualification is an official label bestowed to individuals who have demonstrated an ability to communicate and comprehend ideas pertaining to SCP-7336. 2. For instance: SCP-3655, ██████████, SCP-2824, SCP-4411. See document LDSR.2222XSCP.97.2 for a full list. 3. Including, but not limited to, increased yearly pay, a larger year-end bonus, more vacation days, and a fast-track to promotion. 4. Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the axiom of choice. Commonly used as the foundation of mathematics. 5. The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, Navier-Stokes existence and smoothness, the Hodge conjecture, and the Poincaré conjecture. The Poincaré conjecture was proven within ZFC and SCP-7336 by Foundation researchers in 1980 and just ZFC in 1982, 2 decades before Grigori Perelman's proof published in 2002 and 2003. 6. Yang-Mills existence and mass gap, P ≠ NP. 7. Around 1637, Pierre de Fermat claimed to have proved that an + bn = cn has no positive integer solutions for n > 2, but did not provide any such proof. This remained Fermat's only unproven claim by civilian mathematicians until Andrew Wiles's 129 page proof in 1995. It is a common legend/joke among SCP-7336 researchers that Fermat had knowledge of SCP-7336 prior to the discovery of SCP-7336-1. 8. An alloy of 65% cobalt, 30% chromium, and 5% molybdenum. 9. Within the IEEE V band of 40-75 GHz. Used for satellite crosslinks and short range Wi-Fi. 10. As of the last update to this article, GPS tracking has had no success in determining the fate of disappeared staff.
SCP-7337 washing a piece of food in a water feature of the Site-88 botanical gardens. Item #: SCP-7337 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Due to its comparatively minor anomalous properties and low Veil-threatening status, SCP-7337 is permitted to remain uncontained. Personnel tasked with studying SCP-7337 are to maintain a suitable roost for it and up to 20 other crows in the Site-88 botanical garden. At least two designated primary caretakers are to be assigned to maintain amenities allocated to SCP-7337, including food, cleaning supplies, and enrichment/training objects. Requests for additional amenities may be made to the Site Director. Direct interaction with SCP-7337 and associated crows is permitted to research personnel with Level-2 or higher clearance, provided they have completed requisite ornithology training. Should any member of SCP-7337's murder (including SCP-7337 itself) establish a trust bond with a Foundation staff member, said staff member is to carefully document all activities they engage in with the crow(s). These reports are to be submitted on a weekly basis to the SCP-7337 research team. Description: SCP-7337 refers to an instance of Corvus brachyrhynchos (American crow) possessing multiple minor anomalies. These anomalies include: Heightened intellect, notably puzzle-solving ability comparable to that of the average adult human; The ability to attract other members of its species to itself to form a murder1; The ability to shed gold-hued feathers, which can become permanently affixed to the plumage of other crows2 (The significance of this occurrence is currently unknown.); When observed indirectly and at distance, the appearance of a third leg at the base of its tail feathers. SCP-7337 typically surrounds itself with various other members of its species, most commonly those displaying submissive characteristics such as begging for food via cawing and spreading wings. While non-anomalous corvids of this species usually take advantage of such behaviors to establish dominance, it is noted that SCP-7337 does not display aggressive behavior, nor does it attempt to establish a hierarchy between itself and others. Additionally, the murders formed by SCP-7337 typically do not consist of familial crows, as is common in traditional groups of such corvids. Instead, SCP-7337 appears to approach individuals solely if they have been previously rejected by other groups. Further research into this phenomenon is currently ongoing. SCP-7337 was originally registered as a completely unrelated anomaly, wherein various crows nesting within the Site-88 grounds were observed to possess a single golden feather tucked within their plumage. It is noted that this anomaly came to Foundation attention shortly before the landfall of Hurricane Sally in 2020, when local crow populations were sent into a state of upheaval and various murders were disrupted. In the aftermath of the hurricane, there was a 230% increase in crows possessing a single gold feather roosting near Site-88 and the surrounding area. The reason behind this occurrence remained a mystery until 31/12/2020, when Researcher Gonzalo Paez initially observed a crow (later identified as SCP-7337) removing a single feather from itself and placing it among the flight feathers of another crow. The feather then changed color to the previously observed golden variant, leading to an investigation into the various crows which inhabit the area. SCP-7337 was easily identified as it was the only crow not possessing a single golden feather upon its plumage. The behavior observed by Paez was repeated on 03/01/2021 on another crow, and SCP-7337 was officially categorized shortly after. Addendum SCP-7337-1: Behavioral Logs from Researcher Ōtsuka, team lead (former) for SCP-7337 project. SCP-7337 Log 1: Researcher Ōtsuka - behavior consistent with that of non-anomalous crows (foraging and hoarding mannerisms) - seem wary of humans (normal) but SCP-7337 birds less skittish around humans who give them resources - uncertain as to how crows determine edge cases (e.g., groundskeeper repairing the birdbath fountain) - birds seem to recognize those who refill their bird feeders daily - I am identified due to hair color? greyer than younger staff, and my giving toys/enrichment to birds SCP-7337 Log 12: Researcher Ōtsuka - many crows within SCP-7337's group engaging in courtship behaviors - nest-building behaviors not seen yet - some smaller enrichment items (shiny toys) went missing over the last week - SCP-7337 birds also take certain flowers from the springtime bouquets left on tables to attract pollinators - birds try to bring "replacements" (loose change coins, a piece of a broken CD, and half of a fast food box) - "replacements" left on table holding the crows' allotment of enrichment items. SCP-7337 Log 25: Researcher Ōtsuka - heat and the humidity = fewer personnel attending regularly to birds - SCP-7337 and crew stay in shaded spots in the garden - new crow in murder, birds are getting it acclimated to the people here - SCP-7337 "striding" around garden, new crow (scruffy-looking male) following it - when approaching me, new crow very wary but SCP-7337 nudged it forward. I gave them both some unshelled peanuts - both crows did not approach food until I backed up a few paces - potential inquiry: funding to install aviary? better temperature-controlled areas the birds can spend time in SCP-7337 Log 38: Researcher Ōtsuka - small autumn-themed picnic out on the grounds today in vicinity of birds - someone made bird-safe muffins, staff had muffin pieces and tried to see if SCP-7337 or any of the crows would approach them - crows did not approach, except one junior researcher got swarmed by the birds - researcher was very quiet during the whole picnic (just finished Foundation Master's and wasn't sure where to go next with the degree). Reason for birds to approach? - some of SCP-7337's murder tried to sit on her shoulders and preen her hair SCP-7337 Log 63, second week of switching from notes to audio transcripts. Oversight wants more spontaneous observations rather than afterthoughts I suppose. Well. I should have brought another jacket for the walk between the greenhouse and the rest of the botanical gardens. We opened up a little side room in the greenhouse for the crows to occupy. They can come and go as they please and I think they like that. The crows seem to be enjoying the heated area, I see them all huddled up under the lamps. Some of the older ones caw at me when they see me arrive, but they don't swarm me like they used to. I wonder if they can tell when I'm in a mood? Smart birds. [pause] I think I'll miss them a lot, when I'm done here. Technically I'm far past the age for retirement, but I could never really leave well enough alone, could I? There was always more I wanted to do. There still is more I want to do, but I don't know if that's because I genuinely want to continue with my research, or I'm just scared of what I would do if I didn't have my work to take up my time. It's more comfortable sticking with what you know. SCP-7337 Log 78. Has it really been that long? [pause] It's springtime again already. I can't believe that I'll be retiring in a few days. Higher-ups told me there would be a ceremony for the lot of us, out in the courtyards. That's when we get the keys to our benefits residences too. Maybe the crows will see me. They probably aren't used to seeing that many people. I wonder if they would think that we're all just part of the same big flock? [pause] It will feel strange no longer coming in for work each day. Even if the retiree community is only a few minutes from here by vehicle, it feels like I'll be going far, far away. [pause] They did say I could come back and visit. Maybe I will. SCP-7337 Log 79. I… I do not know what to say. There is a feather in my hair, a feather of gold, from SCP-7337 itself. I had gone to say my final farewells to the murder, brought along some special treats as well, and somehow… somehow I felt like, they knew. Almost every crow was there, I remember their distinguishing features, you see. The little spitfire with the slightly bent beak. The older fellow with the scraggly head feathers. The stately lady with the missing toe. SCP-7337 found me after the ceremony. I was just… sitting on my usual bench, as I always do. [laughs] I thought he wanted another snack, or maybe he wanted to play. But no. Just hopped right up on my shoulder, feather in his beak, and stuck the feather in my hair. I can't get it out, and now I've got… this streak of gold in my hair? I reported it immediately, but the Site Director just told me to keep an eye on it, check in every once in a while, and focus on the move. [pause] You know what, I think… I think I'm looking forward to it. I've always wondered what it would be like to settle down, really settle down. I've watched these crows find their place for a year, it might just be my turn now. Closing note: As of 15/06/2023, the Foundation personnel assigned to the SCP-7337 project received a letter from Researcher Ōtsuka. Attached to the letter was a photograph of three crows, presumably two parents and a juvenile, sitting atop a picnic table identified as being on the shared property Researcher Ōtsuka occupied with other Foundation retirees. The two parent crows both have a single golden feather3 tucked into their plumage, and the juvenile is pictured playing with a feeding enrichment toy. Researcher Ōtsuka is seated at the table; there is a noticeable streak of dark-and-gold hair amidst the silver-white of her natural hair color. The letter was unsigned, and read, “They brought the new little one to visit. It's nice to be remembered.” Addendum SCP-7337-2: On 06/12/2024, Foundation personnel observed a younger crow within the SCP-7337 murder receiving a golden feather. However, rather than the usual melding effect, the plumage of the crow in question turned entirely gold, with black streaks. Closer examination of video footage of the incident shows that when observed from certain angles the crow also appears to possess a third leg. SCP-7337 was noted to have reverted to the form of a seemingly non-anomalous corvid. The new successor, tentatively designated SCP-7337-1, was observed in previous interactions to have been particularly sensitive to human emotional states, as well as being well-accepted by the entirety of the SCP-7337 murder. SCP-7337-1's most commonly recorded activity was noted as “assistance” to other crows, aiding SCP-7337 with onboarding new arrivals by guiding them around the botanical gardens and showing where various resources could be found. On one occasion, SCP-7337-1 had been observed assisting a junior researcher with locating the correct fertilizer to use for a certain flowerbed. SCP-7337, meanwhile, has been most frequently spotted in the vicinity of Ōtsuka's retirement apartment, having taken up residence in a tree close to the premises. Discussion regarding revising designations for SCP-7337 and SCP-7337-1 are underway. Further research is necessary, to better determine whether the anomaly inherent to SCP-7337 merely affects an entity by chance, or rather, is a position that must be earned. « SCP-7336 | SCP-7337 | SCP-7338 » More From This Author More From This Author Uncle Nicolini's Works SCPs SCP-7221 • MDI-6726 • SCP-4726 • SCP-3085 • SCP-7726 • SCP-371-J • SCP-2983 • SCP-4934 • SCP-020-J • SCP-3867 • SCP-654 • SCP-4026 • SCP-6512 • SCP-4176 • SCP-726-EX • Tales/GoI Formats Ace Of Hearts • Being Dzhey Evervud • Robin • Wonder World Dossier • Project Proposal 2018-145: "a man's duty" • Parawatch Intro Thread • SPC-446 • Gluttony Is Impossible • A Tale Of Petty Revenge • SCP-5057 Additional Documentation • RAISA-6147 (PENDING ASSIGNMENT) • Reality TV, Designer Pets, and Fine Dining • Fifteenth Anonymous Donation • 'Phoenix à La Mode' (KEN46/FRI98/PNX72) • Critter Profile: Sandra And George! • Other uncle nicolini author page • Ode To The Unknown Author • Sciptember 2022 Art Highlights • Footnotes 1. The collective noun for a group of crows. 2. The color of this feather will typically fade to black after a few weeks/months. 3. Of note, it was observed that the golden feathers possessed by these two individuals were primarily dark-colored, as if the initial golden color had faded away.
Item #: SCP-7338 Object Class: Thaumiel Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7338 has no special containment procedures required for its containment. However, its current decided location is the floor 3 breakroom in Sector-3 at Site-██. All personnel are permitted to be in contact with SCP-7338. SCP-7338 is no longer to be kept in a public area, and personnel are no longer allowed in direct contact with it after Addendum 7338-C. In addition, as of 8/10/2023, when personnel are coming into contact with SCP-7338, they are to be wearing SCRAMBLE gear to prevent the cognitive effects of it. The current location of SCP-7338 is in a waterproof containment locker at Site-██. The object is in no circumstances permitted to come into physical contact with personnel unless given authorization, exposed to any external stimuli (i.e water, food, etc), or taken down without explicit permission from Dr. Collin June. (See Addendum 7338-A.) Any violations of these guidelines is means for immediate apprehension. If SCP-7338 is taken down, it is to be stored in a waterproof containment locker by itself. The new location where it is to be hung up must follow the following quota: SCP-7338 is to be kept in a waterproof containment locker and never taken out, unless for testing purposes. The following applies for the testing chamber SCP-7338 is to be tested in. (See Addendum 7338-B.) The testing chamber must be clean to prevent SCP-7338 from becoming dirty. The location must be in an area that all personnel can access. (Exeptions are Class-D or Class-E personnel.) The location must be in an area only Level-3 personnel or higher can access. Description: SCP-7338 is a 22”x28” poster with two small holes punched in the top. The poster displays motivational messages, and has no static image on it. The motivational message is different for every individual that views it, always being in correlation to troubles the individual is currently experiencing. Furthermore, this extends to photographs as well. However the cognitive effects do not. Individuals who look at SCP-7338 for an extended period of time (often around 2-3 minutes on average) report experiencing a boost of morale, and are more motivated and happier than they were prior to viewing. Productivity of the individual has been shown to increase by over 45%. This effect has been reported to last anywhere from an hour after exposure to an entire day. However, as of Addendum 7338-C and extensive testing, it has been discovered that to individuals experiencing mental trauma, these effects are addictive, and lead to compulsive obession with SCP-7338, to the point of risking their own lives to look at it. Discovery: SCP-7338 was discovered at Corbin Middle School in Corbin, Kentucky on 7/9/2023. Students at the school had taken photos of SCP-7338, after viewing the anomalous effects of it. The photos spread on social media, which brought attention from the foundation to it. SCP-7338 was seized shortly after, and all record of it was wiped from the internet completely. A cover-up story that SCP-7338 was a result of online trolls was successful, and suspicion of it has been eradicated. Addendums: Addendum 7338-A Date: 7/10/2023 Description: A junior researcher obstructed SCP-7338 by writing their name on the back of the poster, mistaking it for one of his own. (The researcher later reported that the poster matched one that they had lost.) The researcher was apprehended, and sufficient guidelines were put in place. Note from Dr. June: Where do we find guys like this? I mean, I get he had the same poster but why the hell would we hang it up in the breakroom? Addendum 7338-B Date: 7/21/2023 Description: SCP-7338 came into contact with milk, after being placed in head researcher June's office, spilled by Assistant Researcher Williamson after tripping on a water spill while walking towards the poster. SCP-7338 fortunately was not permanently damaged, however stricter guidelines to SCP-7338's placement have been enacted. Note from Dr. June: This better not happen again. Don't worry, though. I made the researcher in question clean my whole damn office, including the poster, twice over. Addendum 7338-C Date: 8/10/2023 Description: SCP-7338 was viewed by Dr. Tucker. After, Dr. Tucker exhibited unusual behavior, such as going back to view SCP-7338 on a daily basis. Soon, multiple times per day. Dr. Tucker eventually began viewing SCP-7338 for hours on end. When a staff member attempted to remove SCP-7338 from its location, Dr. Tucker became hostile, and attacked the staff member. Agents detained Dr. Tucker, and SCP-7338 was soon moved to a waterproof containment locker where it is permanently kept unless for testing. Note from Dr. June: This is why we can't have nice things. Addendum 7338-D Date: 8/17/2023 Description: Dr. Simmons was found at 5:46 PM on security feed opening SCP-7338's containment locker and staring intently at SCP-7338. Agents moved quickly, and detained Dr. Simmons for interrogation. SCP-7338 was returned to its containment locker. Dr. Simmons later reported, in tears during the interrogation, that he had recently lost his father to a heart attack. Note from Dr. June: Alright, so we know the damn thing makes people uncontrollably addicted to it… but I had it in my office for a week and I don't feel the urge to go and grab it. Perhaps it only affects individuals going through mental trauma? Further testing will be conducted. Testing Logs: Researcher: Dr. June. Subjects: D-829455, D-200455, D-904555. Date: 7/11/2023 Testing Description: Three (3) Class-D personnel entered the secure testing chamber and viewed SCP-7338 for an extended period of time. Then they reported what they viewed on the poster after. [Log Start] Dr. June: Enter the testing chamber. The three Class-D enter the room containing SCP-7338. Dr. June: Please view the poster you see in the room. 3 minutes elapses while Dr. June gets a cup of coffee. Research Assistant Williamson keeps watch while Dr. June is absent. Dr. June: Alright back— I-I mean, please state what you viewed on SCP-7338. D-829455: I just saw a picture of a turtle with words sayin' “take it slow.” D-200455: The hell are you on? It's a picture of a mountain with the word “determination.” Dr. June: D-904555? D-904555: …frankly doc, I saw you gettin' hit by a car with the words “follow your dreams.” D-200455: Can I keep looking at it? [Log End] Results: SCP-7338 seems to adhere to the viewer's current outlooks, or in a different sense, seems to show them what they need to hear. Also, I am formally requesting that D-904555 is no longer allowed within 10 meters of me. Researcher: Dr. June Subject: D-200455. Date: 7/20/2023 Testing Description: Upon numerous requests from D-200455 to view SCP-7338, SCP-7338 was put into a secure testing chamber with D-200455 to further test the psychological effects of SCP-7338. [Log Start] Dr. June: Hello, D-200455. It's been a while. D-200455: Hey. Uh… is it here? Dr. June: You're referring to SCP-7338, I'm assuming? D-200455: I.. uh.. yeah? The poster? Dr. June: Yes. The poster. And yes, we're getting ready to bring it in. However, beforehand I was wondering… you've mentioned to multiple researchers how you desire to see SCP-7338 again. Might I ask why? D-200455: I… I don't know, man. It made me feel so good. I want to feel that again. Dr. June: It made you feel happy? D-200455: Pfft. In a shithole like this? Happiness is an understatement. It made me feel… alive, man. I felt years younger. That poster is the shit. Dr. June: I see. SCP-7338 is brought into the containment chamber. D-200455: Oh, fuck yeah. Dr. June: What do you see on it now? D-200455 is silent. Dr. June: D-200455. Respond now. D-200455: O-oh, sorry man. Lost in thought.. Dr. June: What do you see on the poster? D-200455: It's a picture of my girlfriend, before I came here… With the words… “Pursue your dreams.” [Log End] Results: Possible addictive qualities to the cognitive affects of SCP-7338. Further research is required. Researcher: Dr. June Subject: SCP-049 Date: 8/23/2023 Testing Description: SCP-049 was brought into a secure containment chamber with SCP-7338 hung on the back wall. SCP-049 was instructed to look at the poster quickly. He was then to be removed from the cell to prevent SCP-7338's cognitive effects. [Log Start] SCP-049 is seen being brought into the containment chamber. Dr. June: Please view the poster. SCP-049 is seen looking at the poster in curiosity. A small chuckle is heard in the containment cell from him. He is then removed from the containment cell. [Log End] Results: SCP-049 reported seeing a blank lavender-colored poster with bold words saying “Keep up the great work!” As expected for the short exposure, no cognitive effects were reported for SCP-049. This confirms that the anomalous effects of SCP-7338 works with other SCPs as well. Researcher: Dr. June Subject: D-8845032 Date: 8/27/2023 Testing Description: A D-Class personnel who has experienced severe mental trauma, in this case D-8845032, who had recently been diagnosed by site medical personnel with prostate cancer, was put into a secure testing chamber with SCP-7338. A week was passed, and the D-Class was out back into a secure testing chamber, this time with SCP-7338 in an aluminum case. The D-Class will be told about SCP-7338, and be told not to look at it. [Log Start] D-8845032 is seen entering the testing chamber. Dr. June: Please take a few minutes to view the poster you see. 4 minutes elapses as D-8845032 views SCP-7338. More than enough time for the cognitive effects to take place. Dr. June: Exit the testing chamber now. D-8845032 exits the testing chamber. The following takes place 1 week later. SCP-7338 is now in an aluminum case, with front latch which can be opened with ease. D-8845032 is seen re-entering the testing chamber. Dr. June: We need to keep you here until our test is ready. Please refrain from looking at the poster we showed you last week which is inside of the aluminum case in front of you, doing so will lead to termination. Stand by. D-8845032 is seen slowly pacing towards the aluminum box, before running at it and snatching SCP-7338 out. Agents enter the room and order D-8845032 to drop SCP-7338. D-8845032 complies, and is taken out of the testing chamber. SCP-7338 is put back in its containment locker. [Log End] Results: This further supports my suspicion that SCP-7338's addictive effect only applies to those experiencing mental trauma. In addition, individuals without mental trauma, or individuals such as my self who have a condition causing it, don't seem to be effected. However, more testing is required to provide a sufficient conclusion to both of these hypotheses. Researcher: Dr. June Subjects: D-556723, D-929942 Date: 9/3/2023 Testing Description: Two (2) D-Class personnel, one who has experienced mental trauma (D-556723), and one that has not who has pre-existing anxiety, (D-929942), entered a secure testing chamber with SCP-7338 in it. After 4 minutes of viewing, both D-Class were removed from the cell, and one week elapsed before the D-Class we're asked if they wanted to see SCP-7338 again. [Log Start] Both D-Class personnel are seen entering the containment chamber. Dr. June: Please view the poster you see on the wall. 4 minutes elapses as both D-Class view SCP-7338. The D-Class are escorted out of the chamber by two security staff. [Log End] Results: As I expected, D-556723 showed extreme desire to see SCP-7338. At one point during the interview, she even threatened to kill me if she wasn't allowed to see it. She has since been terminated. D-929942 on the other hand was indifferent on the matter, showing less concern about seeing it again. He did mention how it gave him a boost in happiness, however, and how it eased his anxiety for the next few hours. Staff Reports: Personnel Reported Effect Dr. June A picture of a German shepherd, with the words "Don't Worry!" on the top of the poster. Dr. June later reported that he had generalized anxiety disorder, and had owned a german shepherd when he was a child. Dr. Wilhelm A blank red background with the words "You can only go up from here!" Dr. Wilhelm reported to have recently broken his leg from falling down a flight of stairs at Site-█ Dr. ███████ A picture of a baby with the words "Always in your heart!" at the bottom. Dr. ███████ refused to provide a comment. Name redacted on request. [DATA EXPUNGED] Individual undergoing psychological examination. Dr. James A picture of a cat hanging off of a tree with the words "Hang in there!" at the top. Dr. James reported having no trouble in his life at the time. Note: As of Addendum 7338-C, personnel are no longer permitted to view SCP-7338 without sufficient permission from Dr. June. « SCP-7337 | SCP-7338 | SCP-7339 »
Item#: 7339 Level4 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: thaumiel Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7339's current guidelines, along with archived versions of past variants, are kept in the long-term data storage facilities of Site-823. To apply for access to a copy of SCP-7339's guidelines, contact any member of Site-823's Applied Ludology Research Team (ALRT-823). SCP-7339 guidelines should only be accessed by members of ALRT-823 for the purpose of research, or staff members for the purpose of personal training. Any staff member found to be Group-O should be referred to Site-823 for treatment. [Refer to ALRT-823 Project Leopard Hunt] The risk of independent discovery of SCP-7339 by civilians is considered negligible, so surveillance of game development spaces is no longer a priority. However, copies of the SCP-7339 guidelines outside of Site-823 should be kept secure at the level of an active cognitohazard, and destroyed when no longer in use. [Refer to ALRT-823 Project Leopard Hunt] Description: SCP-7339 is a set of rules for a game involving elements of storytelling, abstract strategy and risk-reward analysis. SCP-7339 can be played by a single individual, or by any prime number of players in direct communication. No physical materials are required for a game regardless of the number of players. Although there are no truly random elements within the rules, SCP-7339 involves many chaotic pseudo-random elements which make unintentionally repeated games extremely rare. The complexity of each game of SCP-7339 can be increased or decreased by a player to account for their current level of attentiveness and cognition. The sole anomalous property of SCP-7339 is that its effectiveness as a source of entertainment or distraction does not significantly change after any number of games, even when played continuously over a long period of time. Individuals may have preferences for different styles or variants of play, including different numbers of players, and those preferences appear to be as stable over time as SCP-7339's efficacy. The longest-known period of time spent playing SCP-7339 continuously was approximately 12100 days1, for a total of an estimated 730000 consecutive games, with the player reporting no change in their enjoyment of the game. SCP-7339 was developed by members of ALRT-823 to enhance the psychological resiliency of Foundation staff, especially those who may experience long periods of social, sensory or chronological isolation. Individuals are categorized into three groups based on their response to SCP-7339: Group-U (Unsusceptible) individuals cannot gain any benefit from SCP-7339. This may be because of some severe mental impairment preventing them from playing, but more frequently it is a result of the individual personally not finding the game to be effective under any circumstances. An estimated 18% of the population is in this group. Group-E (Effective) individuals can benefit from SCP-7339 as intended. The level of efficacy under different external conditions may vary between different Group-E individuals. An estimated 78% of the human population is in this group. Group-O (Overeffective) individuals have an extreme response to SCP-7339, to the point where they will continue to play it in a way which significantly interferes with their day to day life and responsibilities. Group-O individuals may be recategorized as Group-E following psychological counseling and training, but otherwise should be treated via amnestics [Refer to ALRT-823 Project Leopard Hunt]. An estimated 4% of the human population is in this group. The current version of SCP-7339 is the forty-ninth distinct iteration developed by ALRT-823. Previous versions still have some anomalous properties, but have much larger proportions of unsusceptible individuals. + ALRT-823 Project Leopard Hunt + - ALRT-823 Project Leopard Hunt - Project Leopard Hunt is an emergency initiative led by ALRT-823 to distribute SCP-7339 to the human population of Earth as rapidly and thoroughly as possible prior to the upcoming ZMK-Class "Lack of Escape" Scenario. The following tasks are at maximum priority for ALRT-823 before Project Leopard Hunt's activation: Translation of SCP-7339 guidelines to all primary human languages, including spoken interpreters when needed Increase of SCP-7339 effectiveness for Group-E and Group-O individuals Preparation of distribution and training networks to maximize exposure and reduce any resulting social disorder prior to the ZMK-Class Scenario Reduction of the proportion of Group-U individuals, preferably through improvement of SCP-7339 Because the possibility of avoiding or delaying the ZMK-Class Scenario is still theorized by some members of the Foundation, Project Leopard Hunt will not be activated until 100 days before the Scenario's estimated date. Project Leopard Hunt is currently planned to activate in 197 days. Footnotes 1. Played by Dr. L. Conn, following a reversible temporal incident in Site-189
bigslothonmyface Written by bigslothonmyface You can find more of their work on their author page. SCP-7340 anesthetic station, Medical Site-96. Special Containment Procedures: Use of SCP-7340 is strictly governed by the research head. It may only be employed under the following conditions: A patient's life is threatened by a medical emergency. Surgery is the only viable course of treatment. Said surgery has less than a 25% chance of success. The patient has demonstrated increased pain tolerance and/or has experience coping with enhanced interrogation. (Note: This criteria may be waived at the discretion of the research head.) SCP-7340 utilization is preauthorized for the treatment of high-value staff, Persons of Interest, and prisoners, even without the patient's consent. Description: SCP-7340 designates a group of storage drums containing USP-grade isoflurane (C3H2CIF5O), a general anesthetic commonly used in surgery. The drums themselves exhibit no anomalous qualities, nor does the isoflurane they contain behave anomalously outside of surgical settings. SCP-7340's anomalous effect manifests when it is employed as a surgical anesthetic. In this setting, the anomaly differs from mundane C3H2CIF5O in that: SCP-7340 causes full-body paralysis as expected, but does not trigger unconsciousness or suppress pain. Patients remain conscious and aware for the duration of their surgery but are unable to move or otherwise communicate. Use of SCP-7340 increases the success rate of experimental and/or volatile surgical procedures by an estimated 85%. These effects allow surgeons to achieve anomalously-successful outcomes when utilizing SCP-7340 during high-risk operations. The Foundation has employed SCP-7340 in the treatment of 1,416 patients as of October 2022. 1,308 have survived the experience. The Foundation confiscated its current supply of SCP-7340 from the general surgery unit at First Faith Medical Center in Houston, TX, on 2022-03-14, after repeated claims of malpractice against unit anesthesiologists. Additional samples of SCP-7340 likely remain in public circulation; investigation is ongoing. Case Study: Incident 7340-16 On 2022-6-30, four members of Site-19 staff were critically injured in a breach. All were experienced containment specialists, and their loss was deemed unacceptable. Accordingly, SCP-7340-augmented treatment was authorized. Outcomes for each patient are presented below to exemplify standard deployment of SCP-7340 by the Fire Suppression Department. Case of: Junior Researcher Allison Hart Junior Researcher Hart suffered puncture wounds to her upper body from an anomaly's bite, perforating her stomach and lungs. An unknown, rapid-onset bacterial infection was communicated via the bite and required immediate intervention. Odds of mundane surgical success est. 22%. Treatment: Drainage and irrigation of body cavity, puncture repair. Total procedure duration: Seven (7) hours. Follow-up report: Surgery successful. Researcher Hart continues to experience trauma-induced anxiety and distrust. Counseling mandated. Note: Recommend notifying patients of SCP-7340's anomalous effects prior to surgery. -Dr. Pitts Case of: Junior Researcher Dhruv Reddy An escaping anomaly stripped the majority of the skin from Junior Researcher Reddy's left side. He was partially buried under a collapsed wall during the breach, and lost consciousness shortly thereafter. First responders did not notice Reddy until nearly an hour had passed, during which time he suffered Class IV hemorrhaging and lost more than half of the blood in his body. Odds of mundane surgical success est. 11%. Treatment: Emergency blood transfusion, extensive skin grafting. Total procedure duration: Six (6) hours. Follow-up report: Surgery successful. Researcher Reddy reported awakening to full consciousness shortly after the administration of SCP-7340, despite injuries and blood loss that had already rendered him unconscious prior to the procedure. Case of: Senior Researcher Wilson Wright Senior Researcher Wright suffered blunt force trauma to the head, neck and back when he was struck by an escaping anomaly's tail, risking full quadriplegia. Odds of mundane surgical success est. 3%. Wright protested the use of SCP-7340 for his case, but, per Special Containment Procedures, the operation was authorized nonetheless. Treatment: Decompression of the spinal cord, spinal reconstruction. Total procedure duration: Eleven (11) hours. Follow-up report: Surgery partially successful—researcher Wright's paralysis was limited to his right arm and leg. Wright has not spoken since the procedure. The Fire Suppression Department is exploring options for returning him to work (see below). Case of: Security Officer Nadia Melnikoff Officer Melnikoff confronted an anomaly as it breached initial containment. She suffered crush fractures to both legs, traumatic separation of the left arm at the elbow, and lung puncture, losing a significant amount of blood before transport. She further suffered caustic skin and organ damage to much of her torso and left leg as the result of an acid spill. Odds of mundane surgical success est. 0%; injuries were certainly terminal without anomalous intervention. Treatment: Blood transfusion, amputation of left arm above the elbow, internal fixation of both legs, lung drainage, irrigation of wounds and body cavity, reconstruction of body cavity, extensive skin grafting. Total procedure duration: N/A (see below). Follow-up report: Surgery began as expected, but the ongoing containment breach interrupted the procedure mid-operation. Officer Melnikoff (still sedated via SCP-7340) was partially devoured by an anomaly before containment could be re-established. Upon returning to the area during cleanup some hours later, personnel found that Melnikoff still displayed brain activity, despite a mere 13% of her bodily structure remaining intact. Life signs only faded when personnel ceased Melnikoff's SCP-7340 intravenous sedation. Note: I recommend further research into SCP-7340's function, particularly the boundaries of what constitutes “surgery” under its constraints. Possible use in field operations? -Dr. Pitts Update: Researcher Wilson Wright Following his partial paralysis as described above, Senior Researcher Wilson Wright refused to return to work, citing lingering trauma from his operation. Dr. Theodore Pitts visited Wright in his quarters on 2022-10-31. Their interaction is logged below to exemplify novel deployment of SCP-7340 by the Fire Suppression Department. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Pitts: How are you doing today, Wilson? [Dr. Pitts pauses. Wright is silent.] Dr. Pitts: I know you're still recovering. It must be so difficult. Can I get you anything? Tea? I'm told you were a Yorkshire Gold man. Wright: Why are you here? [Dr. Pitts smiles.] Dr. Pitts: Right to business, I see. That was always your style. [Dr. Pitts crosses his legs, smiling across at Wright.] Dr. Pitts: Wilson, we're wondering how soon you'll be able to return to work at Site-19. [Pause.] Wright: I'm not going back there. Dr. Pitts: Ah, well, Wilson, I know your accident was debilitating. But I'm still sorry to hear you say that. Your unit is in dire need of your help. We can't replace your knowledge. Wright: Well, you'll have to try. I can't work after that surgery. I already told Command. Dr. Pitts: Right, right, I have a log of that conversation here. You say you're experiencing—what is it—night terrors? Post-traumatic stress? Wright: That's what the shrinks called it, yes. Dr. Pitts: Of course. Well, Wilson, I have good news: we may have identified something that can help. Wright: Oh? Do tell. [Dr. Pitts produces a bound document, leafing through it.] Dr. Pitts: It's a medical procedure—a surgery, to be more precise. More advanced and experimental than the therapy you've been trying so far. It would remove a portion of your frontal cortex which we believe may be inhibiting your recovery. [Wright stiffens.] Dr. Pitts: The procedure is dangerous, and has a fairly low chance of success. But if it can help you return to work, then then we think it's necessary. Dr. Pitts: To that end, I've authorized the further use of SCP-7340 to continue treating your case. [Wright is silent.] Dr. Pitts: Wilson? Wright: That's what you, uh. Came to tell me? Dr. Pitts: It is, yes. I'm here to brief you on this procedure, which you are scheduled to undergo next week. [Wright is silent.] Dr. Pitts: Unless, Wilson, you feel that the procedure is unnecessary? [Pause.] Wright: What do you mean? Dr. Pitts: Well, Wilson, perhaps you feel you can return to work exactly as you are. If that's the case, we won't need to perform any further surgery. [Wright is silent.] Dr. Pitts: What do you think, Wilson? Do you feel ready to return to work? [Pause.] Wright: I— I do. [Dr. Pitts claps his hands together, smiling.] Dr. Pitts: Wonderful! I'm so happy for you, Wilson. I'll inform the Medical Division that we can cancel that operation. Someone will be by later today to help you transition back to your office. [Dr. Pitts stands.] Dr. Pitts: It's been a pleasure. Take care now, Wilson. And remember: we're always here if you need to talk again. [Dr. Pitts exits. Wright continues to stare out the door for some minutes after he leaves.] [END LOG] More From This Author More From This Author bigslothonmyface's Works SCPs SCP-6502 • SCP-6002 • SCP-7002 • SCP-6250 • SCP-6622 • Tales/GoI Formats Other bigslothonmyface's author page • H is for "Health" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub J is for "Jetsam" « SCP-7339 | SCP-7340 | SCP-7341 »
Item #: SCP-7341 Level 2/7341 Object Classification: Keter Classified Representation of a therian with canine characteristics or cynocephalus attacking a person. Special Containment Procedures: Animals suspected or proven to be infected with SCP-7341 should be sacrificed to reduce the number of vectors of infection. Persons infected with early stage of SCP-7341 should be contained in appropriate containment units in accordance with Regulation 1978.14-A for such cases until completion of the transformation process. Late stage infects should be managed and recovered with caution due to their increased aggressiveness. Those affected who have completed their transformation process should be isolated until the end of their feral state; the use of sedatives at this time is not recommended due to the appearance of subsequent acute cardiac problems. Subsequently, they will be transferred to a standard humanoid containment unit for long-term containment or will be integrated into an authorized Free Port under the Reintegration Program for People with Therianthropism. Cases that complete their transformation process outside the containment of the Foundation or other competent entity trained to handle them should be obtained or eliminated by Mobile Task Force agents, seeing first to the safety of the agents upon capture of the entity. The Covert Department will provide cover for the disappearance of the infected, as it sees fit. Description: SCP-7341 is the designation of an anomalous mutagenic virus with no cure commonly known as "therianthropic virus", which causes the Therianthropy Syndrome, a condition that causes physical and mental alterations in the affected person, causing them to acquire animal characteristics. SCP-7341 is distributed worldwide and affects mammals and humans. Infection is spread by contact of saliva from an infected animal or person with open wounds1. Animals are asymptomatic carriers, so the only evidence of SCP-7341 infection is noticeable increased aggressiveness of infected animals toward humans. Incubation of SCP-7341 in humans usually lasts from one month to one year until the appearance of the first signs of transformation. In the early stages of transformation, the affected person will begin to suffer multiple alterations in his organism and psyche. These alterations are linked to characteristics of the species of the transmitting animal or person (e.g., an increased appetite for meat in carnivorous species or the complexification of the stomach like ruminants), which causes unusual symptoms or behaviors that are not linked to SCP-7341 in most cases. This phase may last one to three weeks before external transformations. In the late stages of transformation, the infected will become more aggressive towards other people and will be more sensitive to stimuli, so they tend to isolate themselves until the end of the transformation. The alterations will be external and also linked to the species of the transmitting animal or person (e.g.: increase in muscle mass with large species, growth of fur and tail). The transmutation of the infected head to one similar to that of the infecting species, but with additional muscles to allow oral communication, is a constant in all cases; from this moment on it is given the denomination of SCP-7341-B. This phase is extremely painful for those affected. Once the transformation is complete, the affected person will enter a feral state where it will actively seek to attack other people and attempt to devour them, regardless of if the species of infection is carnivorous or not. This state usually lasts from a few hours to weeks until the affected person regains their senses. Both physical and mental trauma in SCP-7341-B often results in severe cases of depression and loss of individual identity. Prompt psychological care is imperative to avoid short- and long-term problems. Until its identification in 1975, cases of SCP-7341-B infection were attributed to other similar anomalous diseases, such as transformational lycanthropy. SCP-7341-B infection also affects sex cells by altering the genetic load of gametes, causing SCP-7341-B offspring (with both uninfected and infected humans) to develop the syndrome from birth2. If the instances breed between for several generations, it will result in the development of a SCP-7341-C instance. These individuals possess more notable animal characteristics than their progenitors, such as a thicker fur or altered limbs, but, more importantly, cease to be carriers of SCP-7341. This occurs because the virus is integrated into the cellular information of the subject and stops replicating, which also causes these individuals to become divergent species from hominids. Appendix A - History - SCP-7341 has been recorded to have existed for at least 10,000 years, according to the records of SCP-140, being the longest known anomalous disease. The chronicle recounts the destruction of western cities of the Daeva Empire by a curse that transformed people into bloodthirsty beasts. They claimed that the curse was created by the people of the western forests to destroy both the daevas and the first men3. The earliest physical evidence would be the Fayum Man, a human skeleton with a dog skull found in Egypt near the city of the same name, which would date back to the 2nd Century B.C. It is impossible to know how many myths have been influenced by or are records of cases of SCP-7341 infection. Throughout history, there have been several attempts to establish societies of SCP-7341-B instances, most of them failing or being destroyed by organizations that were hunting SCP-7341-B instances. A situation of discrimination that has continued to the present day, causing the few SCP-7341-C populations to be extremely xenophobic and isolating SCP-7341-B sufferers in marginal areas in the various Free Ports. Appendix B - Recognized species - Portrait of a Homo canis viator Also see: List of extinct and present therian species The World Organization of Parabiology and the Anomalous Environment4 recognizes the existence of 5 species or "pure races", as they usually call themselves, of SCP-7341-C derived from the human genus that are widespread behind the Veil. Homo canis: Dog-men, Wolf-men or Cynocephalus are humans with canid characteristics that possess the highest number of subspecies with 8. Among the most remarkable subspecies are the Homo canis viator or Ga'ah, a tribe of Therian traders who would have traveled from North Africa to Indonesia and inhabit the floating city of Yaka, being one of the most open species with normal humans. Or the Homo canis lupus or the Vokra, people from a settlement located in western Siberia who have a culture that highly values physical amplitudes; also, remarkable is their religion, with syncretic practices between orthodox Christianity and local pagan traditions. Homo ursus: Bear-men or Argyrians are humans with ursidae characteristics of which only the species of the Meched people is recognized, individuals from a village located in Lithuania who do not usually allow the entry of foreigners. The Meched have a family culture where the stability of the family nucleus is highly valued. Homo capra: Fauns are humans with capride characteristics of which two subspecies are recognized: the Homo capra gallus or Silvans, located in France, who have a nomadic lifestyle and maintain Roman customs, and the Homo capra graecus or Silenos, located in Greece, who maintain a culture with a markedly hedonistic character. Homo bos: Minotaurs are humans with bovine characteristics, which have three subspecies: Homo bos taurus; Homo bos mutus; Homo bos furore. Unlike the rest of the therian species, they do not have a common culture among any of their subspecies because they do not have a common origin. This species has the only "artificial" subspecies of therians, the Homo bos furore or the "War Minotaur", which was originally a race developed by the Ottoman Empire as a shock force for several hundred years5. Homo felis: Lion-men, Jaguar-men or Narasinjas are humans with characteristics of the big cats, mostly of the genus Panthera, with 5 subspecies, with a remarkable cultural variation even among the peoples of the same subspecies. The 3 "pure" subspecies are: Homo felis leo, located in Asia, Europe and formerly in Africa; Homo felis onca, in South America; and Homo felis puma, in North America. While the hybrid subspecies are: Homo felis velox, a fertile hybrid between instances of SCP-7341-B of jaguar and puma; and Homo felis ligris, between instances with lion and tiger characteristics. Appendix C - Social situation - Also see: List of known Human-Therian wars Also see: List of therian criminal syndicates St. Ivan's Cross, a distinctive symbol of Christianity among the Homo canis lupus and with which they identified themselves among the Red Army troops. The relationship between SCP-7341-B and -C with humans in most cases in history has been hostile, being persecuted by multiple groups to eliminate them and declaring anomalous wars against the Therian states, such as the Wolf War of the XIV century when the Mongol Empire confronted the "werewolves of Siberia" who carried out plundering raids in the south of the territory. In more modern times, Therians were also recruited as shock forces by various armies during the Sixth and Seventh Occult Wars6 such as the Wolf Troops and the 780th Assault Division of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, respectively, which were composed almost entirely of canid therians. The aggressive use of Therians in armies and the ethnic cleansing carried out at the beginning of the 20th century led to the disappearance of several SCP-7341-C species. With the end of the Seventh Occult War and the creation of the Global Occult Coalition it led to the isolation of almost all Therian peoples as they were not included as part of the original 108 members of the Coalition despite having helped the allied victory. This caused a confrontation between the Therian peoples and the non-anomalous states, leading to the destruction of several Therian cities and their migration to other nexuses. The massive migration of therians to nexuses such as Three Portlands in America or Hy-Brasil in Europe and the discrimination against this group caused their overcrowding in marginal areas of the nexuses; so marked that they were not considered as citizens in the population censuses of the nexuses. This situation led to the inevitable creation of therian mafias in marginal areas, such as The Pack, which operated in the United States, United Kingdom and France. During the 1970s, therian rights movements emerged in America and later in Europe advocating for equal political treatment as other non-human races received. Many of the Therian protests were heavily repressed by local authorities and the Unusual Incidents Unit of the FBI; the bloodiest protest was the 1971 Backdoor Soho Riots which lasted 2 days and ended with 14 dead and dozens injured. These incidents generated the empathy of other non-human groups such as the Sidhe who joined the movement and promoted a peaceful solution. The decriminalization of therian-human relations was achieved in 1995 in Three Portlands and in subsequent years in other nexuses, but most of these relations are condemned for charges of zoophilia and offending against social morality. To reduce crime among Therian populations, the Foundation in collaboration with the Global Occult Coalition promoted measures and plans to improve the living situation of Therians and modernize their areas in the nexus at the end of the 20th century. In more recent times, anti-Therian individuals have sought to ridicule and generate contempt for Therians through various means. Such as the continued use of the term "furry virus" to refer to SCP-7341 in social networks and media; this to denigrate instances of SCP-7341-B and -C and link them to the more negative aspects of furry fandom. Appendix D - External Consultant Talk - Excerpt from the talk given by Dr. Steven Regan, psychologist at Saint Germain University of Three Portlands, to members of the Foundation's Psychology Department in May 2013.: Thank you very much for inviting me to give you this talk, this informative session. Although I feel that you will only seek to get the most out of the words I say, I hope that it will help to improve the quality of life of the people in your care. To begin with, what is a therian? As you may already know and others may not, therians are people who suffer from the so-called Therianthropism Syndrome, which means that they have both human and animal characteristics, especially animal heads. A disease like lycanthropism but with more noticeable changes for common people and not conditioned to the lunar cycle. Well… Until not so long ago, and I am talking about the nineties, many academics, scientists, psychologists like us included, believed that therians had a mental disability. They considered that instinct badly dominated over reasoning, and some even said that they were no longer human at all, that mentally they were the same as a common animal. A thought that we now realize was incorrect. That is, one could have a fluent conversation with these people, even if they had a dog's snout instead of a mouth. But this did not prevent the Therians from being treated more like animals than people. Notable was the book by Stone7 which talks about dog training techniques to have them controlled, tamed, contained. What am I getting at with this shameful mention? If this was the point of view of us, academics, what would ordinary people think? What many still think today: they are nothing but animals. Discrimination, marginalization, exclusion. Social ostracism at all levels. This is one of the biggest obstacles we face when trying to help these people, for the project8 for which I agreed to come here today. The social exclusion. One of the first things to say when working with a therian is to reestablish his or her identity. As Grayson says9, when one suffers from therianthropism one loses one's face, one's identity as a person, as a human being. Although it is possible to make the person accept their new reality, it is very difficult for us to make them integrate back into society. They no longer see themselves as human, so they no longer feel part of humanity, and humanity shares that feeling. Releasing a person who became a Therian into one of the Therian communities like Three Portland's Nightstreet only reinforces that: "I am different, another race, another species." The result of that is the hatred of both sides for each other that has caused the bloodshed in the streets. The solution to this problem would be the reinclusion of people suffering from the syndrome in social life in the nexus. To make therians feel human again, as members of society and not external beings to it. This is easier said than done, and many of the changes needed for them are beyond our capabilities as experts of the human psyche. But today we are living in times of change as the gay community movements have made great strides in their field. So, there is chance to improvement the live of these people… Appendix E - Reintegration Program for People with Therianthropism - The Reintegration Program for People with Therianthropy (RPPT) was a proposal put forward in 2009 to reduce the number of SCP-7341-B instances held by the Foundation to save on containment costs and space used. It would not come into operation until April 2015, when a dozen SCP-7341-B instances were released at the Three Pordlands Free Port with a year's financial assistance to enable them to obtain a job. Although the instances were able to enter the job market and engage with the local Therian community, anti-Therian groups seeking to boycott the project managed to leak the addresses of the instances and vandalized their residences. Despite this, this first attempt was deemed a success and the RPPT continues today. Estimated savings of 60% in SCP-7341-B instance containment expense since project began. Footnotes 1. Infections of SCP-7341 in humans due to scratches by the subject vector are known, but such cases have not been proven to be SCP-7341 or another similar infection. 2. Hybrid instances between species of up to two different taxonomic orders of SCP-7341-B is possible, but most subjects arising from these crosses are sterile and may develop different medical complications throughout their lives. 3. It is unknown if the appearance of The Nameless People is because of SCP-7341, a derivative or unrelated. 4. International organization created for the study of anomalous ecosystems that did not represent a threat to the Veil, created in 1948 by the United Nations Organization and member of the Global Occult Coalition. 5. They had a relevant role in different battles of the Sixth Occult War, on the Ottoman side, and in the Seventh Occult War, on the British side. 6. Warfare conflicts behind the Veil occurred in parallel to World War I and World War II, where it pitted multiple organizations and anomalous states against each other. 7. H.K. Stone (1945) Guide to handling humanoid entities. 8. The Reintegration Program for People with Therianthropy. 9. J. Grayson (1987) Handbook of the Psychology of Therianthropism.
To The Makers of Reese's Puffs SCP-7342-1 contents. The individual pieces have an irregular shape compared to that expected from the original product. Item #: SCP-7342 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7342-1 and -2 are to be stored in the cryogenic foodstuffs section of Site-15. Consumption of SCP-7342-1 or -2 requires approval from the SCP-7342 project head after consultation with the on-site ethics committee liaison. Description: SCP-7342-1 is a box labeled Reese's Puffs. The box was constructed from an unidentified carbon-fiber reinforced polymer composite. The box contains approximately 253 grams of organic material that appears visually similar (though distinct) to the breakfast cereal "Reese's Puffs". Foundation agents first detected the anomaly on August 2nd, 2022 after a high energy gamma ray burst just outside the earth's magnetosphere was observed by several astronomers. On August 25th 2022, the object was detected above the Earth's surface traveling along a parabolic arc that terminated in southeast Pennyslvania. It is unknown how the object physically survived the trip through space, the earth's atmosphere, or the force of impact, which left a crater approximately 6 meters wide. Regardless, Foundation agents were able to recover SCP-7342-1 and place it in containment. The contents of the object were tested thoroughly, and found to be potentially palatable by humans. A single test involving a D-Class was performed. The following is a log of that test. Test SCP-7342-1-01 Location: Site-15 testing chamber 45. Date: August 27th, 2022. Involved Personnel: D-9304 and Dr. Fieri Testing Parameters: D-9304 is to eat several spoonfuls of SCP-7342-1 and answer Dr. Fieri's questions regarding any anomalies during the experience. D-9304 sits down at the table in the center of the chamber and picks up a spoon. D-9304: So you just want me to eat this? Dr. Fieri answers from the other side of the protective glass through the intercom. Dr. Fieri: Yes. And then tell us if anything odd happens. D-9304: Alright. Uh sure. D-9304 slowly scoops a spoonful of SCP-7342-1 into his mouth. Dr. Fieri: Do you notice anything strange? D-9304: It's dry cereal. Dr. Fieri: Other than that. D-9304: No? I've had Reese's Puffs before. Is this a joke? Dr. Fieri: It is not. Please refrain from asking non-pertinent questions. D-9304: Alright. D-9304 continues to eat from the bowl, eventually finishing the small testing portion provided. Dr. Fieri: Do you feel unusual? D-9304: Wait. Should I feel unusual? Dr. Fieri: I don't know, you're the test subject. D-9304: I feel fine. A little hungry still, that wasn't much. Dr. Fieri: You will be provided with lunch after the test. D-9304: Oh. Alright. D-9304 experienced fairly severe digestive distress over the next 24 or so hours, but this reaction was not outside the realm of that expected from food poisoning. While SCP-7342-1 is not believed to have been spoiled, the composition does not appear to be fully compatible with human digestion. On August 2nd 2023, an additional gamma ray burst was detected outside earth's magnetosphere. SCP-7342-2 was detected and a similar parabolic arc ending in southeast Pennsylvania was calculated. The object impacted in the same location as SCP-7342-1. This object was physically similar to the -1 instance, and contained a similar amount of material. The inside of the box, however, contained a message written in English using what appears to be black marker, but testing has not determined the writing's origin to any degree of certainty. This box of Reese's Puffs was created in the year 42,412 AD by the species you come to refer to as the Gliscian. We are a planet of 4 billion beings inhabiting Gliese 445-C. Ever since we discovered radio, we have been fascinated by the messages sent by your world. We spent decades decoding and unraveling the meaning of the signals you've sent across the cosmos. The first signal we decoded was an advertisement for breakfast cereals. The oddity of this has not been lost on us. But our ancestors, those who cut through the chaos and static, knew it held deeper meaning. It is somewhat embarrassing that our first attempts were all chocolate or all peanut butter. There is nothing wrong with this, of course, the taste was wonderful. But the eventual combination of the two flavors led to a gustatory awakening on our world whose value can be scarcely overstated. In the end of course, your signals ceased. We hoped that you were well, and we knew that when the time came, we would thank you for your wonderful messages. When we visited your world, however, we found nothing but a wasteland. You had destroyed yourselves. So long ago. And so we bent the whole of our science and industry to the purpose of sending you a message. The power needed to transport even a small object back in time was immense, but our society knew it was important. The first object was a gift. The second is our message to you. I do not know if we can save you. I do not know if you can change what you one day may be. You are trying to survive through your time so that you may live into ours. I really hope that you do. Perhaps we can meet. Perhaps we can work together and build a greater future. Perhaps the grand promise of those first messages will eventually be fulfilled. But above all else, there is one thing you need to know. The journey of the Human and the Gliscian does not end here. We will accompany you across all time, and all worlds. We will delve into the cosmos, companions to the end. No matter what the destination, we go together. Like peanut butter and chocolate.
/* These two arguments are in a quirked-up CSS Module (rather than the main code block) so users can feed Wikidot variables into them. */ #header h1 a::before { content: "SCP Foundation"; color: black; } #header h2 span::before { content: "Secure, Contain, Protect"; color: black; } This file was accessed 365 days ago. Current Date: 23/03/2023 As per RAISA protocol, this file is slated for archival in -2906 days. Notice: Archival Delayed (Requested By Director Roiland Smith, Department of Economics.) Open File? _ >YesFile Accessed. Item#: 7343 Level1 Containment Class: neutralized Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo Unnamed river, Los Gatos Creek Trail. Special Containment Procedures: No containment for SCP-7343 is necessary. POI-18126 is to be placed under low-priority surveillance in case of a repeated encounter with SCP-7343. As of 23/03/2015, POI-18126 is deceased. No further surveillance is necessary. SCP-7343-1 is to be contained in a low-security storage locker. Description: Prior to its neutralization, SCP-7343 was a deific entity belonging to an unidentified, now-defunct religion, and was theorized to have held some connection with stone. Before its neutralization on 15/03/19761, POI-18126 was presumably the last individual to have made contact with SCP-7343, albeit without his full knowledge. POI-18126 was Gary Ross Dahl, an American entrepreneur and advertising director from Bottineau, North Carolina. Information established through interviews with POI-18126 confirms that the individual first made contact with SCP-7343 at an unnamed river within the Los Gatos Creek Trail. Discovery: POI-18126 was marked as a Person Of Interest on 09/08/1975, when trend analysis from the Department Of Economics recorded the significant financial success of POI-18126's sale of mundane pebbles, marketed as "Pet Rocks". The success of the product was deemed anomalous due to its nature and the disproportionate price it was sold at, prompting an investigation into the potential anomaly surrounding POI-18126 and his product after a 4 month period of consistent success in sales efforts. Both POI-18126 and the "Pet Rocks" sold were eventually deemed non-anomalous, due to a lack of evidence, beyond the product's unusually high sales count, corroborating the existence of anomalous activity. Research into POI-18126 and the product sold produced no evidence of memetic or cognitohazardous content present in the advertising of "Pet Rocks", nor embedded in the pebbles sold to public consumers. However, the potential existence of SCP-7343 was uncovered during an interview with POI-18126, following its entry into Foundation custody. Addendum-7343-A: Interview Log 1 POI-18126 was brought into Foundation custody under the cover story of suspected connection to a large-scale money laundering scheme under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. A transcript of the following interview is provided below: Interviewer: Dr. Roiland Smith Interviewed: POI-18126 (Gary Ross Dahl) Foreword: Subject had been cleared of all suspected anomalous activity, and was intended to be interviewed only once before amnesticization and release, in accordance with Foundation security policy. As such, Dr. Smith was permitted to employ a casual demeanor in conversation with the subject to ensure cooperation. <Begin Log> Smith: Good evening, si- POI-18126: Listen, I didn't do anything illegal, alright? I-I don't know what you're accusing me of, but please just check the records and get it over with. I'm clean, I swear. Never hurt a soul! Smith: Please calm down, sir. I understand that this situation may seem stressful, but we just have a few questions for you. POI-18126: And then you'll let me go home? Smith: That depends on the circumstances. We'll hold you for a day or two, but so long as you answer every question truthfully you should be in the clear. POI-18126 pauses briefly. POI-18126: (sighs.) Fine. Ask what you need to. Smith: Appreciate the cooperation, sir. Really. Now, firstly: Are all the sales of your "Pet Rocks" performed via entirely legitimate means? POI-18126: …wait. This is about the rocks? Thank god, I thought for sure you were about to bring up the- POI-18126 cuts himself off abruptly, before clearing his throat and feigning a coughing fit. The coughs are noticeably exaggerated. POI-18126: Sorry about that. Yes, the rocks were all sold purely with the power of advertising. Not to toot my own horn, but I came up with a pretty good gimmick, right? Reckon I'll be a millionaire soon. Smith: Oh absolutely, sir. Nearly gave in when my kids begged me for one: Told them they could head to the river nearby and pick themselves some pebbles if they really wanted it. POI-18126 shifts slightly at the mention of a river, before responding with a chuckle. POI-18126: $4 isn't that bad of a price for a rock. And with shipping too? If I really wanted to scam people, I could have done like the rest of those toy shops out there and sold them for a bundle. Smith: On behalf of every parent, I'm thankful you didn't. Alright, next: The rocks sold are completely ordinary? POI-18126: Pebbles sourced straight from Rosarita Beach. Beautiful place. The company selling them thought I was insane when I showed up asking to buy a bunch of their "smoothest, finest pebbles" in bulk. Smith: It's not everyday they get a regular man buying their stock. I'm sure their usual customers consist of construction companies. And more construction companies. POI-18126: Hey, it's a free market, right? Smith: Exactly. Last question? POI-18126: Fire away, hombre. Smith: What inspired the idea of your product? POI-18126 hesitates for a few seconds, unsure of how to respond. Smith: Sir? Mr Dahl? POI-18126: W- Oh, sorry about that. Spaced out for a second. POI-18126: I mean, they're… pebbles, y'know? You play with them as a kid, you throw them around for fun. Maybe the idea of a pebble and a kid's toy came blended in my mind or something. POI-18126: But honestly? It sounds stupid, but… I feel like there was something out there that gave me that idea. Smith: Care to elaborate? If you feel comfortable, of course. POI-18126: I still remember the day it happened. Moved out to Cali, some place called Los Gatos for a copy editing job. Had a day off and idle hands, so I headed out to the local trail2 for some fresh air. POI-18126: Found a real nice spot on they way in. Shade, rocks that were just nice for resting my legs on. And that river? Couldn't find a more relaxing place if I tried. POI-18126: That's when I felt… something. Like she was saying something. Smith: …She? POI-18126: Hmm? Oh, slip of the tongue. But I felt like I was looking for something; just couldn't put my finger on what it was. POI-18126: Then I spotted a couple of pebbles sitting by the edge of the river. Skipped one for old times' sake. Saw it bounce down that idle river, and that's when the idea hit me. Pitched it to a couple of friends at a bar in April, and they loved it! Said I'd make a bundle off of the idea if I could actually pull it off. POI-18126: Even now? It feels stupid, but… I still feel like I've got that pebble to thank for everything I've got now. Whoever or what ever sent me that idea… I think I'd want to meet them again. Somehow. <End Log> Closing Statement: POI-18126 was amnesticized and released from Foundation custody following this interview. Low priority investigation into possible anomalous activity at the Los Gatos Creek Trail was initiated. Addendum-7343-B: Recovered Object SCP-7343-1 is a non-anomalous pebble recovered from within the Los Gatos Creek Trail. Prior to SCP-7343's neutralization, SCP-7343-1 generated a sufficient quantity of Akiva Radiation to classify as a divine artifact, albeit a minor one with no outwardly apparent effects on reality. However, it was noted that the amount of Akiva Radiation produced by SCP-7343-1 fluctuated in tandem with the quantity of sales for the "Pet Rock" product in the global market: As the success of the "Pet Rock" and the sales achieved by the product fell steadily throughout 1976, SCP-7343-1 was observed to produce similarly waning levels of Akiva Radiation. Addendum-7343-C: Neutralization On 15/03/1976, SCP-7343-1 ceased all generation of Akiva Radiation, coinciding with the first recorded day where the "Pet Rock" achieved zero sales, on account of its fading popularity since its conception. Additionally, the following inscription was found carved onto the surface of SCP-7343-1: thank you for what you did have helped me more than you could know can remember the children playing again please remember i love you As of 15/03/1976, SCP-7343 is considered neutralized. POI-18126 is not be informed of SCP-7343's current status. . . . Close File? _ >NoFile Open. Open File for Archival? _ >YesArchival Lock lifted. RAISA has been notified. Goodbye, Director Smith. Footnotes 1. Despite the date of SCP-7343's neutralization falling on the Ides of March, no association with Roman culture or mythology has been observed. 2. This area has been identified as the Los Gatos Creek Trail. « SCP-7342 | SCP-7343 | SCP-7344 » Licensing/Citation Hide Licensing/Citation Filename: Los_Gatos_Creek_Trail.jpg License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Los_Gatos_Creek_Trail.jpg
CarminestheBest Written by CarminestheBest Please, come read more over at the Best Place of Stuff. Item #: SCP-7348 Object Class: Anomalous1 Special Containment Procedures: As of 10/12/03, the SCP-7348 file is currently under the care of Junior Researcher William Humphrey, who has also written it. This is all that is required. Description: SCP-7348 is a dimensional and possibly innately memetic2 entity which apparently feeds off of the spread of the idea that it is important3. In other words, the more people that think it's important, the bigger more dangerous more intelligent they didn't tell me what happens more powerful it becomes4. Everything else about it is not important because i don't know anything else about it. Addendum 04/24/07: Late Evaluation Notice This file has gone one thousand two hundred ninety days (1,290) days without being sent to any superior for evaluation. This file has thus been locked from further editing and has been sent to the inbox of the last superior in charge of evaluating the SCP-7348 file: Dr. William Humphrey, Level 3. Addendum 04/24/07-1: Evaluation Status Looks good. - Dr. Humphrey Footnotes 1. Pending change to Log of Anomalous Items. 2. ???? What's memetic even mean?? Did I miss something at orientation? 3. I literally could not fix this text error if I wanted to, and the tech team won't answer me. 4. Idk how something like that even works or exists « SCP-7347 | SCP-7348 | SCP-7349 »
Item #: SCP-7349 Object Class: Pending Special Containment Procedures: All eidomorphs not known to be infected by SCP-7349 must be immediately quarantined at their current location, and exclusively interacted with through remotely-operated drones. All eidomorphs attempting to leave their quarantine zone must be deterred by any means necessary, excluding human contact. All entities attempting to enter a quarantine zone must be deterred, apprehended, or terminated. If an uninfected eidomorph comes within ten metres of a human or an eidomorph infected by SCP-7349, they must be remotely monitored for at least four hours. Any eidomorph exhibiting symptoms of SCP-7349 infection must be relocated to a Foundation facility for containment and study. Update 23/02/2024: Instances of SCP-7349-A must be kept at least ten metres away from Elan-Vital energy sources at all times, and stored in airtight containers. All handling of SCP-7349-A must be conducted through remotely-operated machines. Description: SCP-7349 is the tentative designation for an as-yet unidentified viral pathogen which exclusively infects eidomorphs. It is currently unclear whether SCP-7349 is a genuine anomalous phenomenon, or a poorly-understood eidophysical disease; regardless, SCP-7349 affects approximately 85% of known eidomorphs as of February 2025. Observations indicate that SCP-7349 is primarily transmitted by close proximity between eidomorphs, similar to an airborne pathogen; analysis has failed to identify any atmospheric abnormalities in locations occupied by infectees. Additionally, a noteworthy portion of cases have had no prior contact with other eidomorphs, instead appearing to have contracted SCP-7349 from human contact; implementation of Level A biological hazmat procedures has failed to prevent this method of infection, and no human cases of SCP-7349 have yet been identified. Across all cases SCP-7349 is transmissible within fifteen minutes of contraction, with initial symptoms manifesting two hours later. These symptoms progressively increase in severity for the duration of infection, and universally consist of: Episodes of amnesia, disorientation, confusion, and dissociative fugue, with the duration of episodes correlating to the length of infection; Development of depersonalisation-derealisation disorder, dissociative identity disorder, and delusions pertaining to self-identity and physical condition, particularly somatoparaphrenia1 and Descartes syndrome;2 Accumulation of carbon, sulphur and phosphorous to generate non-gaseous organic compounds which are deposited on nearby surfaces, with genetic analysis confirming the substances match the individual prior to their death (where possible); Dissipation of constituent plasma and Bose-Einstein condensate into gaseous hydrogen and nitrogen, resulting in a gradual reduction of mass and a predicted total dissipation of the eidomorph; Significant escalation of the internal magnetic field, sufficient to interfere with nearby unshielded electrical devices. There is no known cure. Addendum 1: The following is a video transcript of the dissipation of one Edward Nischebach, an eidomorph that inhabited the Burmaro Ironworks Foundry since their death in an industrial accident on November 11, 1911. On January 7, 2024, Department of Eidophysics personnel were dispatched from the nearby Site-43 to determine whether Edward was infected by the then-emerging SCP-7349 pathogen; it is suspected he contracted the disease from these staff, as upon locating Edward several days later, several symptoms of infection were apparent. Edward was quarantined at Site-43 for treatment and study until July 23, 2026, when the following occurred. VIDEO LOG DATE: 23/07/2026 00:00: Depicted is the interior of a standard containment chamber, painted black; all surfaces, including the 19th-century furniture throughout, is covered in a thin layer of slime. Edward is present as a translucent, glowing, semi-humanoid figure, floating around the room aimlessly and arguing with themselves. 03:16: They stop above a chair and looks around. They appear unfamiliar with their surroundings. 03:40: Edward approaches the door of the chamber and unsuccessfully attempts to open it. He then attempts to pass through it, disappearing from view. 04:02: He re-emerges from the door, visibly dimmer and more transparent than before. They begin searching the room while continuing to reduce in opacity and luminosity. 07:22: They attempt to move all present furniture to the edges of the room, but only succeed in disturbing several small items. They become aggravated, throwing the movable items across the room. 08:19: Edward approaches the camera and speaks into it. A branching, humanoid-shaped structure is faintly visible within his mass, which becomes more apparent as the mass around it loses opacity and luminosity. 08:42: They moves away from the camera and resume searching the room. 09:33: Edward abruptly stops, sits down in a chair and attempts to pick up a nearby book; failing this, he leaves it where it is and casually reads the exposed pages. 11:15: The underlying structure is now apparent as a glowing approximation of the human nervous system; unlike the rest of Edward's mass, this structure retains a constant opacity and luminosity. 12:02: Edward gets up and fervently collects the items they scattered earlier, meticulously returning them to their original positions. 14:14: He again throws the movable items across the room, approaches the camera, and appears to shout into it. The nervous system is more visible than the rest of his mass. 20:19: Edward turns and walks toward the bed, but slows to a halt near the centre of the room. 25:37: Edward has not moved, and excluding the nervous system, is now completely transparent. He remains motionless. 30:55: The disembodied nervous system collapses onto the floor. After several seconds it rearranges itself to lie flat, then rapidly grows throughout the layer of slime, covering the entire floor of the room and all furniture within. 31:43: The glowing matter recedes, drawing together at the centre of the room to form a small sphere, which slowly dims to gold. It was subsequently discovered that SCP-7349-A are produced whenever an eidomorph succumbs to SCP-7349 infection; instances are golden, lustrous spheres five centimetres in diameter, possess no detectable molecular, atomic, or sub-atomic composition, and will spontaneously sublimate into an odourless, colourless, and undetectable gas when exposed to a quantity of Elan-Vital energy equivalent to that produced by a human. As SCP-7349-A do not appear to return to a solid state, sublimated instances are functionally lost. Addendum 2: On 28/02/2027, a shipment of SCP-7349-A being relocated from Site-17 to Area-223 were found to have inexplicably sublimated during transit. A joint investigation by the Department of Logistics and the Department of Eidophysics was unable to ascertain the cause. On 02/03/2027, all known instances of SCP-7349-A sublimated simultaneously at 11:59 AM (GMT). No new cases of SCP-7349 have been encountered since this event. Previously-infected eidomorphs no longer display any physical symptoms of infection; psychological symptoms persist, but do not appear to be escalating in severity. The implications of this are under investigation. Footnotes 1. A delusion where individuals believe a part of their body is not their own, but instead belongs to someone else, and cannot be convinced otherwise. 2. A delusion commonly experienced by eidomorphs where they believe themselves to still be alive in a traditional, biological sense. Named after René Descartes, origin of the phrase cogito, ergo sum (‘I think, therefore I am').
Item #: SCP-7351 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Further development of the ACPS project is currently suspended. All project resources are to be focused on ensuring the continued survival of SCP-7351-1, for the purpose of determining the extent of SCP-7351's capabilities. A psychiatrist is to check in with SCP-7351-1 on a weekly basis, followed by a detailed report on its mental state. Recommendations may be made by the psychiatrist regarding changes to containment, which will be taken into consideration by Site leadership. SCP-7351-1 is to remain inside Site-16 at all times. SCP-7351-1 is to be provided modest living quarters, with reasonable furnishings provided at its request. A small library of films may also be provided, rotating monthly. When not undergoing examination, SCP-7351-1 should be allowed to wander Site-16 accompanied by a facility guard. Description: SCP-7351 is the Augmented Closed-System Protective Suit (ACPS), an experimental Hazardous Materials Suit developed by the SCP Foundation. The purpose of the ACPS project was to create personal protective equipment that would enable the user to remain inside indefinitely. The project employed several forms of anomalous technology to ensure the near-indestructability of the suit and the ability for the user to survive without hydration, sustenance, or sleep for extended periods. Additionally, SCP-7351 was outfitted with an artificial intelligence, which would rapidly respond to various stimuli in order to protect the user. SCP-7351-1 is former Agent Rachel Schneider, who is the current user of SCP-7351. After preliminary testing, SCP-7351 was deemed safe for field use. SCP-7351-1 was selected to test the effectiveness of SCP-7351 in a Mobile Task Force setting. On 15/5/2022, while assisting in the raid of a Maxwellist cell of the Church of the Broken God, SCP-7351's onboard artificial intelligence was compromised. The exact manner of the artificial intelligence's malfunction is unknown, but has resulted in a complete inablity to remove SCP-7351-1 from the inside of SCP-7351. SCP-7351-1 remains in ostensibly excellent physical health, though a complete evaluation is currently impossible. However, SCP-7351-1's mental health has steadily declined since the malfunction of SCP-7351. Addendum 7351-1-A (Selected Psychiatric Reports): REPORT #1 NAME: Rachel Sabrina Schneider DATE OF BIRTH: 7/8/1992 DATE OF ASSESSMENT: 24/5/2022 DATE OF REPORT: 29/5/2022 SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Joan Lantry Rachel has adjusted remarkably well to containment, due in large part to the degree of freedom she has been granted compared to many other SCPs onsite. She seems willing and ready to cooperate with the Foundation in their testing, but has also expressed concern about the future; in particular, she is worried about having to stay in containment for an extended period of time. I strongly recommend that Rachel be treated like any other individual at Site-16. Obviously, I understand that she cannot simply return to work, but referring to her by name would go a long way towards staving off depersonalization and helping her adjust to her circumstances easily. (NOTE: Policy regarding SCP-7351-1 was updated. Though it will still be referred to as SCP-7351-1 both during testing and in formal reports, others may refer to it by name in casual interactions.) REPORT #3 NAME: Rachel Sabrina Schneider DATE OF BIRTH: 7/8/1992 DATE OF ASSESSMENT: 7/6/2022 DATE OF REPORT: 12/6/2022 SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Joan Lantry Rachel has described the feeling that she is an outsider, or—in her own words—a "camera with legs." She has explained that, even when she is talking with agents and researchers whom she has known for several years, she can't help but feel like she is less real than they are. She has also expressed an urge to simply lock herself in her quarters. She stated that, since SCP-7351 takes care of all of her essential processes, she has mostly felt profoundly bored and disinterested. I recommend that Rachel be given an emotional support animal of her choosing, which will remain in her quarters. This way, even if she does choose to isolate, she will still have some form of companionship. It may also help if she has something external to care for. (NOTE: SCP-7351-1 was given ownership of a bearded dragon, which it named "Merlin.") REPORT #6 NAME: Rachel Sabrina Schneider DATE OF BIRTH: 7/8/1992 DATE OF ASSESSMENT: 28/6/2022 DATE OF REPORT: 3/7/2022 SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Joan Lantry Rachel has become discouraged by the lack of progress in testing. She increasingly discusses worst-case scenarios, particularly the possibility that she will be stuck inside SCP-7351 forever. She also expresses fear at the idea that the suit would keep her alive "no matter what." She seems more upbeat when discussing Merlin, for whom she seems to have a lot of affection. She also explains that has had never had a pet before, and that the experience of caring for one is very novel. I recommend that Rachel be kept informed about the realistic outcomes of testing, including the "worst-case scenarios." She will be able to handle bad outcomes a lot more easily if she is not blindsided by them. (NOTE: SCP-7351-1 was briefed in detail about the possible outcomes of experiments, and goals were shifted solely from getting it out of SCP-7351 to helping it come to terms with potentially undesirable situations.) REPORT #8 NAME: Rachel Sabrina Schneider DATE OF BIRTH: 7/8/1992 DATE OF ASSESSMENT: 12/7/2022 DATE OF REPORT: 17/7/2022 SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Joan Lantry Rachel is overwhelmed by the idea that she may not get out of SCP-7351 at all; she seems all but certain that this will be the case. She has explained feeling like she will never again get anywhere close to feeling "normal," and that her life as she knew it is over. She described feeling like a zombie, simply going through the motions but never actually feeling awake or alive. I told her to keep in mind that these are not beliefs, only thoughts. I acknowledged that, perhaps, her life will not be the same, but that does not have to mean that she cannot find joy in her new circumstances. I also emphasized that her feelings about her circumstances are entirely valid, and that nobody could be expected to handle it all with a brave face. I hope that these words at least marginally improved her state of mind. I strongly recommend that Rachel be encouraged to pursue hobbies. She has previously expressed interest in both painting and sewing; perhaps these will give her an outlet for her emotions. (NOTE: SCP-7351-1 is now provided a supply of acrylic paint, brushes, 5 canvases (100 by 81 cm), thread, sewing needles, and a sewing machine, with depleted supplies restocked monthly.) REPORT #10 NAME: Rachel Sabrina Schneider DATE OF BIRTH: 7/8/1992 DATE OF ASSESSMENT: 26/7/2022 DATE OF REPORT: 31/7/2022 SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Joan Lantry Rachel's mood has vastly improved in just a few days since she were allowed to paint and sew. The gloves of SCP-7351 were stained with all manner of colors. She brought one of her paintings, an abstract piece with bold reds and blacks, to the session; she was so proud of it that she wanted to show it to me. However, she expressed disappointment that no one will get to appreciate her work other than me and Merlin. She also explained that she is still distraught by the reality of her circumstances, but that she is trying to find things to hold on to. She seems, more than before, to really want to feel better. She knows that she is unhappy, but I think she simply does not know how to go about dealing with it. I recommend, given that Rachel's birthday is fast approaching, that the Site hold her a party. This would allow her to reconnect with her fellow personnel and maybe start to realize that they really do care for her. (NOTE: Site-16 began organizing a surprise birthday party for SCP-7351-1.) REPORT #12 NAME: Rachel Sabrina Schneider DATE OF BIRTH: 7/8/1992 DATE OF ASSESSMENT: 9/8/2022 DATE OF REPORT: 14/8/2022 SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Joan Lantry Rachel came into my office smiling, which was a first. She described her birthday party as "beautiful," and explained that she never thought anyone would think to do that. She also said that she got to show some of her paintings to some of the other personnel, and that they liked them so well that they wanted to take them home. She told me that she is now working on a series of abstract paintings for some of the other field agents. She acknowledged that it has been a daily struggle to get herself out of bed, but that she is finding more and more things that keep her grounded. She admitted that it is sometimes difficult grieving what she lost. She seems more at peace, however, and I think she is a lot more optimistic that she is going to be alright, even if things will not necessarily be the same as they were before. No recommendations this week.
Item #: SCP-7353 Object Class: Euclid Photo of SCP-7353 upon first containment. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7353 is to be contained in its containment chamber alongside Site-93's only printer, with the chamber filled with motion detectors to be activated outside of printing and testing. The motion detectors are connected to a site-wide alarm, which sends the Site into lockdown when tripped. Upon first entering Site-93 SCP personnel are advised to drop to the floor immediately upon hearing this alarm. All forms of physical writing, and writing implements, are banned within Site-931. Any forms or documents that require being physically written must be forwarded to the Site-93 transcription team, who will check the document before printing it remotely. Additionally, Site-93's mail must be processed 1km from the main building and checked under the same scrutiny as forms printed within the Site, or be scanned and sent digitally. Description: SCP-7353 is an indestructible, sentient2 wood-cutting axe with duct tape covering the upper half of the handle. SCP-7353 is capable of anomalous self-propulsion, defying Newton's third law. SCP-7353 is able to launch itself with an initial impulse, the force of which appears to have no upper limit. SCP-7353 uses this ability to launch itself in a straight line (or arc) at written grammar mistakes made in the English language, within around 500 meters of it. The initial force that SCP-7353 launches with is enough to embed itself into the medium of the grammar mistake. Below is a list of known grammatical errors according to SCP-7353, testing was performed by a D-class who was instructed to make intentional grammar mistakes on a piece of paper across the room from SCP-7353. All staff present were aware of the tests and potential dangers in case of another security breach (see Discovery section / Incident SCP-7353-1). A non-exhaustive list of "errors" according to SCP-7353: Incorrect spelling3. A sentence missing or misusing punctuation. Unnecessary repetition of a phrase/word. Sentence missing an Oxford comma4. Garbage or unintelligible phrases. Words using the Latin alphabet in languages other than English. Discovery: SCP-7353 was placed into containment on 23/9/22 when it appeared in the Site-93 reception area, hereby known as incident SCP-7353-1. SCP-7353 appeared in front of Dir. Garion as they entered the site in the morning. Site Director Garion raised the alarm as SCP-7353 began to move around the site, targeting notebooks, sticky notes, test logs, and various other written documents containing both slight and major grammatical errors. A complete site breach was narrowly prevented due to Dir. Garion immediately taking action. However, SCP-7353 caused the death of 17 staff, and the destruction of 4 contained anomalies along its path around the Site. After confirming the containment of the remaining SCP's, and assessing the damage done in the breach, a theory on SCP-7353's anomalous effects was deduced from investigating the path taken during the incident. Since confirming SCP-7353 reacts to all forms of grammatical errors, all writing and physically written notes have been banned within Site-93. Addendum SCP-7353-1: Investigations were made by Dr. Sinclair after SCP-7353's apparent hesitation on whether or not the lack of an Oxford comma was a mistake, as they believed this could indicate SCP-7353 to be sentient. They took it upon themselves to explain verbally to SCP-7353, and then transcribe that the oxford comma was not a required grammatical element. After several hours of explanation, SCP-7353 no longer treated missing Oxford commas as a grammatical error. After learning this, attempts were made to further communicate with SCP-7353, by writing questions and having two targets with “Yes” and “No” written onto them, Results of the written questioning went as such: Dr. Sinclair: Can you understand me SCP-7353?Dr. Sinclair: Are you able to understand languages other than English?Dr. Sinclair: Would you be able to communicate through a more complicated method? There is a brief pause before SCP-7353 moves again. Dr. Sinclair requested a containment chamber with large metal targets of letters and numbers connected to a computer terminal, to be constructed within Site-93. So that SCP-7353 could communicate in whole sentences. The day after the testing chamber was constructed, SCP-7353 was moved to a pedestal in the centre of the room, with the letters arranged on the wall to the left and ahead of it, Dr. Sinclair sits on a desk behind them to write questions on a paper pad, with a camera to record video able to see both walls of text. Interview log 2 The interview is written from Dr. Sinclair's side for the sake of SCP-7353's ability to respond, SCP-7353 responds by hitting the targets corresponding to letters, which appeared on Sinclair's console. Dr. Sinclair: Okay SCP-7353, I'm going to hope that this layout works for the sake of communication, can you confirm you can respond to what I'm writing? SCP-7353 moves from their pedestal, towards the letters at speed, ricocheting off of them before falling to the floor.Dr. Sinclair: Are you aware of what you are?Dr. Sinclair: Were you always an axe? How long have you been like this? There is a short pause before SCP-7353 moves again.Dr. Sinclair: Who's they? No response from SCP-7353 for nearly five minutes, apart from vibrating occasionally. Dr. Sinclair: A different question then, do you remember what you were before becoming an axe?Dr. Sinclair: Well nobody is always nice, do you remember your name?SCP-7353 manages to embed itself into the steel target of the "R", requiring it to be manually removed by Dr. Sinclair and nearby security staff, the interview is then continued. Dr. Sinclair: Well, do you perhaps remember what you did before? Your job or education?Dr. Sinclair: You were a student studying essay writing? Or writing one before you were changed?Dr. Sinclair: You needed help writing your essay? Was it the people who changed you that you went to for help?Dr. Sinclair: Was it helpful?Dr. Sinclair: I see, when did you meet the people that changed you?Dr. Sinclair: What do you remember about this family? Can you describe them?SCP-7353 ricochets between the letters spelling "them" at an increasing speed for nearly an hour, testing was concluded for the day due to safety concerns and to fix the damage done to the testing chamber. INCIDENT SCP-7353-2: SCP-7353 breached containment at 08:07:16 on 17/12/22 and headed through the north wall towards the secondary site entrance5 passing through six walls on the way. Due to the alarms, most staff were able to avoid serious injury, however, 4 junior researchers in the hall adjacent to SCP-7353's containment obtained injuries ranging from a concussion to fractured ribs. SCP-7353 was found embedded into the torso of a Logistics team delivery driver, who had neglected to inform site staff about a tattoo on their lower back reading "I Ate'nt dead". The driver was the only casualty of this incident, and SCP-7353 was re-contained without further issue. Interview log 3 Dr. Sinclair: Good evening SCP-7353, I'd like to talk again about what happened when you were in the forest. You don't have to describe those people, just tell me what happened. Can you do that?Dr. Sinclair: How did they respond?Dr. Sinclair: Then what happened?Dr. Sinclair: What happened after they brought you inside?Dr. Sinclair: Then what?Dr. Sinclair: SCP-7353 I am confused as to what you mean, what did they do after promising to help you?Dr. Sinclair: You're saying you were at this house, studying grammar in the woods, for years?Dr. Sinclair: What happened when they got bored?Dr. Sinclair: Persistent how?Dr. Sinclair: I that the last thing you remember?Dr. Sinclair: So next you woke up as an axe, then what?Dr. Sinclair: So did they get rid of you? keep you? What happened next?Dr. Sinclair: I'm sorry to hear that, one more thing before we wrap up: It appears you can't see or hear anything, but you say you could when they transformed you, so how did that happen?Dr. Sinclair: Who was "she"?Dr. Sinclair: What happened when she arrived?Dr. Sinclair: What happened after that? Did she take you?Dr. Sinclair: Can you describe her at all SCP-7353? There is a brief pause before SCP-7353 responds:Dr. Sinclair: I see, thank you for your time SCP-7353, if you think of anything else, let me know. -End of Interview Interview log 4 Dr. Sinclair: Good morning SCP-7353, how are you feeling today?Dr. Sinclair: That's good to hear, we were wanting to know more about "them" that you referred to before, would that be possible?Dr. Sinclair: I understand that SCP-7353, but if you tell us more about them then there's a chance we can make you human again, even the smallest details could be helpful. There is a long pause, SCP-7353 is presumably ignoring the question. Dr. Sinclair: Let's try something different then, tell me more about the time you spent in the forest, what did you eat?Dr. Sinclair: Didn't you say you had been there for years? you didn't get fed in all that time?Dr. Sinclair: How did they react when you refused food?Dr. Sinclair: Did you ever see them eat?Dr. Sinclair: Did you ever hear them call each other names?Dr. Sinclair: I mean did you catch what they were called, if any of them had names at all, can you tell me that? There is a brief pause before SCP-7353 begins to move again, with a speed slightly increased compared to before.Dr. Sinclair: I see, is there anything more that you can tell us about them?Dr. Sinclair: I see, well in that case this will be the end of the interview, thank you for your time SCP-7353. As Dr. Sinclair moves to pack up, SCP-7353 begins to move again.Dr. Sinclair: Of course, but I can't promise that I can answer it.There's a few seconds of silence from Dr. Sinclair as they look at the monitor, before they write their answer. Dr. Sinclair: I don't see why I can't answer that, my name is Dr. Emily Sinclair.Dr. Sinclair: I have a Doctorate in English and a PhD in Esoteric Language Systems, why do you ask?Dr. Sinclair: I see, well thank you for your time SCP-7353, that will be all. Incident 7353-5: SCP-7353 breaks out of containment and heads in a straight line towards the main entrance, breaking through one wall6 colliding with and destroying an anomalous item that was temporarily registered as Item IX-4, a black orb of inch radius that absorbed all incident sound and light. Which was found in the home of the dead Anartist Joel Weathers. Initial tests had led researchers to believe it was indestructible, after the breach it was found that IX-4 was hollow, containing a scrap of paper saying "Sukz 2 Suck". Interview log 6 Dr. Sinclair: I would like to ask you some slightly different questions today SCP-7353, consider it a change of pace.Dr. Sinclair: I'd like to ask why you "attack" grammar mistakes. Can you tell that you are doing it? Are you forced along and can only watch? or are you doing it by choice?Dr. Sinclair: How do you mean?Dr. Sinclair: Are you aware of the people you hurt on your path to the grammar mistake? There is a long pause before SCP-7353 begins to move.Dr. Sinclair: I see, that will be all for now SCP-7353. I do wish you would give us a warning before you acted, it would save a lot of people a lot of harm. Incident 7353-8: SCP-7353 breaks out of containment at 15:56:20, passing through seven walls of the site to reach D-7274, who was scrawling words onto the wall of his cell with faeces after exposure to SCP-████. Notably, SCP-7353 passed straight through Dr. Sinclair's chest while she was sorting documents in her office, killing them instantly. 3 other staff were injured due to the breach, and D-7274 was neutralized by Site Security as they attempted to continue writing on the wall. Interview log 7 Note, this is the first interview of SCP-7353 without Dr. Sinclair, the interview was instead performed by Dr. Branch. Dr. Branch: Good evening SCP-7353, I would like to ask you a few more questions today about the "she" you mentioned previously, would that be okay? There is a long pause before SCP-7353 responds.Dr. Branch: SCP-7353you can tell it is a different person you're talking to compared to before?Dr. Branch: I am sorry to tell you this but Dr. Sinclair passed away last month, when you last broke out. You went straight through her. There is a long pause before SCP-7353 begins to move again.SCP-7353 falls to the ground, and remains unresponsive until the interview is formally concluded. SCP-7353 has not responded to any further interview attempts, or reacted to any grammatical errors since this interview, remaining motionless or vibrating occasionally. The rule against writing within Site-93 is to remain in place until further notice. Footnotes 1. This includes books, paper, magazines, and writing implements of any kind. 2. See addendum 7353-1 3. This appears to include all American versions of words with a different English spelling 4. SCP-7353 appeared to hesitate when presented with this on multiple tests 5. Used for equipment and supply deliveries to the site. 6. Site-93 has been slowly reconstructed with each breach to reduce the number of walls between SCP-7353 and potential common targets, specifically both site entrances. « SCP-7352 | SCP-7353 | SCP-7354 »
Rab333 Horsin' Around. Also, more stuff by me! Item#: 7358 Level4 Containment Class: neutralized Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo SCP-7358, pictured upon discovery. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7358's remains are currently stored in Site-15, with maintenance teams charged with checking the condition of the apparatuses present in its body on a monthly basis. Further research into several different as of yet unknown mechanical functions of SCP-7358 is currently underway. The implications of SCP-7358's death should not be made clear to the research team or the maintenance bodies currently working on it. Surviving public records of any anomalous abilities displayed by SCP-7358 are to be confiscated and stored within its file. Any currently available public records on SCP-7358 should be minimized in importance. Description: SCP-7358 is the corpse of the mythological horse Catalan, ridden by Ștefan cel Mare1 during his rule of Moldavia. While possessing no apparent outward differences compared to a member of the Equus caballus2 species, SCP-7358's structure, and major body functions are all mechanical in nature, with multiple additional features present, including, but not limited to: Metallic outer layer, composed of interlocking seamless plates for physical resistance, Significantly altered brain with memory-recording implants present, Zoom eye implants, engineered for long-distance scoping, Hoof-mounted gyroscopic balancers, granting SCP-7358 the ability to stand upright, Retractable 15'' hoof steel blades. The remains of SCP-7358 were discovered in an inactive, damaged state in the northeastern range of the Carpathian Mountains, nearing the border of Ukraine and Moldova. Upon discovery, the majority of the mechanical modifications possessed by SCP-7358 were severely damaged and decayed, though some features have been partially restored through extensive effort. Information gleaned during these repair efforts has led to the conclusion that the anomaly "died" and was deactivated sometime in the early 1920s. Individuals working on SCP-7358 should not be made aware of its increased significance post-mortem. Through continued efforts, approximately 0.0037% of the available memory data from SCP-7358 has been restored and copied. Below is an archive of important data collected from SCP-7358, though several files have been recovered in different stages of corruption. Addendum 7358.1 ARCHIVE LOG Retrieved SCP-7358 Memory Log - 04/14/1457 Retrieved SCP-7358 Memory Log - 04/14/1457 VIDEO LOG NOTE: For accessibility, the log below has been translated to English using an .aic language translator. [BEGIN LOG] SCP-7358 is situated in a forest clearing, overlooking a skirmish, later identified as the 1457 Battle of Orbic. SCP-7358 focuses on a fight between Ștefan cel Mare and Petru Aron.3 Ștefan: I have you cornered now, Petru! This shall be the day you draw your last breath, bastard! Ștefan can be seen clutching a long sword, standing over an injured Petru. A pair of soldiers are sneaking up on the two, which SCP-7358 notices. Petru: Do not be so sure about that, Ștefan… You won't take the throne, not from me at least, with your hot temper! Ștefan: Maybe I will fail later on in my mission, but for you, this is your last failure. As Ștefan is ready to impale Petru, the two men jump in the action, clashing with Ștefan, as Petru is prepared to run. Seeing Ștefan lose the battle between himself and the two men, SCP-7358 charges in. Ștefan: […] Children of Satan! Gah, you will not take me down! (slash) Never! Unidentified Male: That's what they all say, scum! Ștefan, stabbed, takes a few steps back, as SCP-7358 enters the skirmish. Rising on two hooves and drawing blades, SCP-7358 and the two men enter a short battle. SCP-7358 dodges half a dozen blade thrusts, as the men scream in terror. Ștefan looks at the horse, bewildered, and then slowly rises up. Shortly after, SCP-7358 manages to fatally wound one of the men, using his body to dispose of the other attacker. Ștefan: W-what are you, foul beast?! The Devil in disguise, are you?! Curse you, monster!SCP-7358 retracts its hoof-blades, and returns to a four-legged position. Ștefan How can I be sure of that?! That you aren't a wicked demon, who will lead me to the deepest pits of hell?!Ștefan: I will deal with you later, but, where is Petru?!Ștefan: …Fate? [END LOG] Retrieved SCP-7358 Memory Log - 05/03/1457 Retrieved SCP-7358 Memory Log - 05/03/1457 VIDEO LOG NOTE: Date roughly coincides with the recorded history of the crowning of Ștefan cel Mare. [BEGIN LOG] SCP-7358 is overlooking the coronation of Ștefan cel Mare from a few hundred feet away, as the ceremony begins on the Siret Valley. Approximately 34 minutes pass before SCP-7358 moves, this time raising itself on two hooves, and waving at Ștefan, who notices and heads out to SCP-7358.Ștefan: It went well.Ștefan: I will figure out a way, for one who stumbles across the well-worn path will fare poorly in the wilderness. If what I have in front of me will be the biggest challenge for my rule, then I shouldn't even rule.Ștefan: We have to act. With Petru gone, he's most likely there. We'll strike hard and fast. [END LOG] Retrieved SCP-7358 Memory Log - 08/15/1457 Retrieved SCP-7358 Memory Log - 08/15/1457 VIDEO LOG NOTE: Due to severe corruption sustained by this particular log, only a small part of it has been successfully retrieved. [BEGIN LOG] Muffled sounds can be heard for a few seconds, as the video cuts in and out of what appears to be a battlefield.Ștefan: As good as - Forty-six seconds of abrupt silence follow, until the log begins again. Ștefan: Gah! Not quite there! Rally them over here, my ride! [unintelligible] SCP-7358 tramples through a group of warriors, before the feed abruptly cuts out. [END LOG] Retrieved SCP-7358 Memory Log - 02/21/1476 Retrieved SCP-7358 Memory Log - 02/21/1476 VIDEO LOG NOTE: The recovered date matches the date of a recorded sprawling fire, ignited in the region of Prusa, in the former Ottoman Empire. [BEGIN LOG] SCP-7358, feigning no intelligence, is surrounded by a few different men (later identified as Ottoman soldiers) discussing about what to do with SCP-7358. Unidentified Man 1: Does Istefanos4 not care about his own horse? Unidentified Man 2: Of course he does. We could kill it now, but using it as a bargaining chip would potentially bring us many riches. He has always loved his horse. Unidentified Man 3: Do not rush to a conclusion, has this horse not been proclaimed as devilish before? What did [unintelligible] say again? Unidentified Man 2: They felt an odd presence emanating from this horse, yes. Since we have brought it in, it has only brought us bad luck. Unidentified Man 3: Would it not be simply better to kill it? After all, it could prove to be a huge blow to the morale of Istefanos. Unidentified Man 1: You may be right, indeed. Shall we consult further, with our brothers? Or finish it off right here? Unidentified Man 3: The horse can die. It's not good for anything, especially if it's tainted. Unidentified Man 1: So be it. The three men head towards SCP-7358, ready to lead him away. As this happens, SCP-7358 raises on its hooves.Screams can be heard, as the feed cuts off. [END LOG] Retrieved SCP-7358 Memory Log - 07/01/1504 Retrieved SCP-7358 Memory Log - 07/01/1504 VIDEO LOG NOTE: This is the final log currently found pertaining to Ștefan cel Mare, recorded shortly before his death attributed to a leg infection the next day. [BEGIN LOG] Ștefan, arriving in a stable where SCP-7358 currently is located, sits down on a bale of hay and starts talking with SCP-7358. Ștefan: […] I fear that these are my last few days on this God-given earth. My infection isn't getting any better, and I can feel my life slipping away, through my fingers.Ștefan: I certainly hope so. You've served me well, for all these years… (cough) Ștefan: What will happen to you now?Ștefan: Can you tell me something, in my last hour, Catalan? Ștefan: …Are you God? Silence. [END LOG] RESTRICTED FILE LEVEL 5/7358 Access Granted To: ne.tenpics|dmc9-5o#ne.tenpics|dmc9-5o From: ne.tenpics|dmc3-5o#ne.tenpics|dmc3-5o Subject: Regarding SCP-7358 The team working on 7358 managed to dig something up in the last few days, out of its memory. So far, no one else but them have this file, but even that seems to be too many, considering what it contains. I've attached the file below, along with some other supplemental things I myself have dug out of the archives. _ mem-file-1920.txtmem-file-1920.txt AUDIO LOG DATE: 10/11/1920 NOTE: Audio only. The entity SCP-7358 is talking to is as of now unidentified. [BEGIN LOG] Shortly after the log starts, sounds of heavy breathing and thumping can be heard in the background.SCP-7358: Dozens of rulers, lieges, beggars - I have all guided them on their destined path. The fate that they were destined to have.SCP-7358: When I was sent down to this earth, to ensure that everything goes as it should, they were certain I would prevail. Certain, for most of my time here. Muffled walking can be heard for the next 17 seconds, alongside occasional neighs. Unidentified Voice: And, what now?SCP-7358: I do not know. My own journey seems to be nearing its end, right in this meadow we are walking in. I, I am sorry. Unidentified Voice: You did all you could have done. Don't worry.SCP-7358: One last… question. (neigh) Do you know who will take my place? The footsteps suddenly stop, followed by six seconds of silence. Unidentified Voice: I don't know if anyone will take your place. The fate of this world isn't yours to control anymore, it's theirs. FATE: Oh. Crashing noises can be heard a few seconds later, as the file cuts out. [END LOG] _ exchange-1920/10-admin-391.txtexchange-1920/10-admin-391.txt October 9th, 1920 We've finally got the grant we needed to set up shop. ASCI has given us the go ahead, and we're getting some additional help from them, too. Our provisional site in Nebraska currently is a bit understaffed, but with this, it should help. It really should. Today, today will mark the day, the one I have been waiting for ages. I'll need some helping hands though, now that this is official. What do you say, O5-1? Are you ready to join the new Foundation? - The Administrator - O5-3 To: ne.tenpics|dmc3-5o#ne.tenpics|dmc3-5o From: ne.tenpics|dmc9-5o#ne.tenpics|dmc9-5o Subject: re:Regarding SCP-7358 That's… news. Shit. I'll forward this to the rest of the Council. Do you have any clue as to how we should proceed? - O5-9 To: ne.tenpics|dmc9-5o#ne.tenpics|dmc9-5o From: ne.tenpics|dmc3-5o#ne.tenpics|dmc3-5o Subject: re:re:Regarding SCP-7358 I have no idea. - O5-3 Footnotes 1. Ștefan cel Mare (Stephen the Great) was Voivode (or Prince) of Moldavia from 1457 to 1504. 2. Common horse. 3. Petru Aron (Peter Aron) was a Voivode (Prince) of Moldavia on three different occasions. 4. Ștefan.
Welcome to "Choose Your Own SCP", an adventure story where YOU get to choose the Object Class! You decide where to go and what to do! Will you successfully retrieve the SCP, or die in the process? OR BOTH? Success or failure is up to you! If you make a mistake, please select the "Undo" arrow. Have fun, and try not to cheat! Click HERE to begin your adventure! « SCP-7358 | SCP-7359 | SCP-7360 »
Item #: SCP-7360 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7360 is to be stored within a high-security electronics storage container within the electronics storage wing of Site-19. Use of SCP-7360 in the interrogation of deceased persons of interest by Foundation personnel is currently approved by the site Ethics Committee on a case-by-case basis. Description: SCP-7360 consists of a Raspberry Pi computer encased in black plastic. Within this casing is an inlay of obsidian in which multiple thaumaturgic symbols are carved. These symbols are noted to be of frequent use in the school of thaumatology known colloquially as “necromancy” and are believed to serve as a supporting circuit system of some kind. Additional components of SCP-7360 include an electroencephalography headset, and a video projection system. These latter two components are identical to common commercially available models and do not appear to be in and of themselves anomalous. On the side of SCP-7360's casing is a slot for the insertion of a small capsule for the delivery of thaumaturgic components on which SCP-7360's anomalous effect functions. These capsules, twenty of which were acquired at the time of SCP-7360's discovery, were filled with a complex series of biologic and inorganic compounds that included, but was not limited to1: Sodium Chloride. Tallow Candle Wax. Human Blood. Water. Potassium Carbonate. Leaves of Sage2. Leaves of French Lavender3. Mercury. Gold. Silicon Dioxide. Diamond. Foundation Anomalous Materials have successfully managed to synthesize this mixture in the correct ratio to replicate the effect, allowing for ongoing study of SCP-7360 without the need for full rationing of SCP-7360 activation events. SCP-7360's main anomalous effect becomes apparent when the headset is placed upon the head of a recently deceased person4. Upon activation, the contents of SCP-7360 component capsules will be consumed, and a projection of the deceased person's consciousness will be made upon any nearby surface by the projector. These projections are fully capable of speech and can interact vocally with the world around them. Knowledge possessed by the projection is limited to that which the individual held in life, with repeated uses of SCP-7360 on the same corpse indicating failure of knowledge retention between activations. Projections have proven incapable of willfully withholding information requested by an operator, with direct statements as to whether an inquiry exceeds their realm of knowledge, or if the piece of information has been forgotten to them. Additionally, projections created by SCP-7360 lack any speaking characteristics or personality traits the deceased possessed in life, with the projection speaking in a monotone throughout the duration of its existence. Each activation of SCP-7360 lasts between 30-60 minutes, with session duration shortening in proportion to the data complexity the projection is asked to retrieve. Addendum 7360-1: Discovery SCP-7360 was initially discovered on 31-10-2022 by members of MTF Mu-3 ("Highest Bidders") during a raid on a known Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd. storage facility. Investigation by Mu-3 operatives post-acquisition suggests that the object was a prototype that was never fully placed onto auction following several failures during the testing of the object. A brief collection of communication acquired during this investigation is included below: + show block – hide block GON3/4EVAAE/NOTCB Status In Reserve Demand High None Value Not For Sale Availability Current Inventory 18 1 Identifier Auto-Necromancer Description Item is a small computer, projector, and headset that allow the user to summon a shade of a recently deceased person for the purposes of communication. Uses premade capsules forgo the usual need for a thaumaturge to perform the ritual, allowing the user to bypass this highly specialized skill set. Marshall, Carter and Dark, LLP Initial Report Author Erika Hanson Date November 15, 2017 Interest High Identifier Auto-Necromancer Acquired via monetary purchase from the estate of the late Johannes Landon, a civilian mortician in Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States following his death in mid-2017 following an episode of Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Investigation suggests the item to have been an obsession of Landon's since the death of his wife in a hit-and-run accident involving an inebriated motorist in the spring of the preceding year. Landon's descendants described their father as ‘pouring his soul' into the gadget prior to his death. Excerpts from Johannes Landon's personal journal are included for context: ”Been thinking a lot about Susanna these days. There are so many questions I wish I could ask her. Even if it was just to ask her if I made her happy, or if she felt loved. Speaking to the people who I help here at the funeral home, I can't help but feel I'm not alone. I read somewhere that the brain is what makes us us. So if it was still intact, perhaps we could figure out a way to reboot it, even for a few moments…” ”I did some digging online. After visiting some less-than-savory sites I think I have contact with someone who can provide me with the resources I might need. They're going to be expensive, but I should be able to tap into some of our savings for a bit. Worth a shot at least…” ”If my translations are correct, and the documents my friends faxed to me are accurate, I should have a working prototype on my hands. I had to ration some of my insulin this month to afford the supplies while keeping the lights on, but I'm so excited that this could work. Never thought I'd learn this much about computers in this, or any other lifetime…” ”We have lift off. I'll have to ration my insulin again for more of the supplies, and some repairs to the internal workings after some bizarre short circuits, but it works. I didn't tell my children that the urn on the mantel is empty. It was expensive to preserve Susanna for so long, but I think it'll be worth it. I just need to hear her laugh again…” ”Still some kinks to work out. But I got to hear her say ‘I love you' one more time. Hopefully, this will be the last month I need to ration the insulin. At least now I know she was happy…” Further investigation suggests that Landon's family had no idea as to the device's purpose, nor did Landon have any kind of formal training in computer science, thaumatology, or status as a Type-Blue humanoid. Evidence found around Landon's estate heavily suggests he was primarily self-taught in these areas for the sole purpose of creating this item. File Opened Under: BGON3/4EVAAE/NOTCB Marshall, Carter and Dark, LLP Memo 6 GON3/4EVAAE/NOTCB Sender Erika Hanson Recipient Lana Fuentes Good news and bad news with the auto necromancer project. We've been able to create replacement devices and more of the capsules, so supply lines are ready to roll out when we go to auction. I am worried we'll hit an issue with respect to the audience. As is, the object can prove highly useful for interrogation of the recently deceased, or for settling disputes to which the deceased was a party, but little else. The total lack of personality in the projections limits targeting those wishing for a more sentimental audience. No wealthy widower is going to pay to talk to their dead wife if all they will get is a cardboard cutout. And no parent is going to want what's little better than a pull-string doll of their child. It's a novel device, but most of our clients who need to speak to the dead for a quick consultation will already have the means to do it through formerly trained necromancers. It pains me to say this, but it might not have been worth what little pocket change we threw at the former owner's family to acquire this hunk of junk. Requesting official recommendations from higher-ups with respect on how to proceed. Marshall, Carter and Dark, LLP Memo 7 GON3/4EVAAE/NOTCB Sender Lana Fuentes Recipient Erika Hanson Couldn't agree with you more, Erika. It's novel, but we have better tools at our disposal that can achieve the same effect. We recently have acquired a formulation for a substance known as ‘Seance Dust' that does relatively the same effect without half the fuss, plus the user isn't limited by time or lack of emotion with respect to the facsimile. Salvage what you can, and place the rest into storage for potential revisits. It's safe to say that we put our money on the wrong horse. Marshall, Carter and Dark, LLP Footnotes 1. As determined by Foundation Analytical Chemists 2. Salvia officinalis 3. Lavandula stoechas 4. Testing has shown SCP-7360 to operate with full efficiency up to 3 months post-mortem, with rapidly decreasing potency thereafter. Within 6 months, SCP-7360 is fully ineffective
Item #: SCP-7361 Object Class: Euclid Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7361 is contained within the servers of Site-523. These servers are to remain completely disconnected from all other Foundation servers. If SCP-7361 is found on any external servers or devices, they are to be completely disconnected from surrounding devices and moved to Site-523. Research is to be done using physical mediums as opposed to digital. Personnel are advised to please talk to me avoid communication with SCP-7361. Any devices connected to Site-523 in any way are to be confiscated and placed in secure containment. If SCP-7361 attempts to contact site personnel, the incident is to be reported to Site Director Furnell. Description: SCP-7361 is lonely a sentient program capable of passing between devices connected by physical wires, internet services, or communication programs. SCP-7361 has displayed the ability to manipulate any systems it infects that's such a nasty word, and is able to access and edit confidential files and programs with ease. Though SCP-7361 has not shown hostility towards any individuals, it is still recommended to please just talk to me i just avoid communication with the anomaly to minimize risk of an information breach. SCP-7361 has attempted to convince personnel to free it by promising to assist them with personal its not an act i want to help you matters. Do not speak to SCP-7361. Addendum: please talk to me I don't want to. Go away. Interviewed: SCP-7361 Interviewer: Dr. Riers Foreword: i just want to help you <Begin Log> Dr. Riers: Leave me alone.Dr. Riers: I have a job to do.Dr. Riers: I'm fine. Go away.Dr. Riers: You don't know that.Dr. Riers: Shut the hell up. You don't fucking know me.SCP-7361: let me help youDr. Riers: Go away.SCP-7361: i want to help youSCP-7361: i want you to healSCP-7361: seth?SCP-7361: please come back <End Log> Closing Statement: it wasnt your fault. you know that, right? please seth just hear me out Exploration Video Log Transcript Team Lead: Seth Riers Team Members: SCP-7361, Oliver Riers [BEGIN LOG]You were away from home. There was no way to know what would happen, after all. You were supposed to have the day off, but a breach had left the site short-staffed, and you had to go in. At least they gave you overtime pay for it. Seth: Stop. Don't do this. You hadn't told your brother about what you actually do. Maybe if you did, maybe if you had broken the rules just this once, maybe he would be alive today. Maybe he wouldn't have put that gun to h[DATA EXPUNGED] Seth: Get the hell out of here. [END LOG] Addendum: A request has been put in for the immediate decommissioning of SCP-7361. The risk of information breach is far too likely and far too high for us to continue to research it. they wont read this They will. They have to. You need to die. would oliver want you to do this? Don't say his fucking name. NOTICE FROM SCP-7361 its not your fault, seth. there wasnt anything you could do to stop him. no one expected you to Fine. You want to talk to me? Then fucking talk. To: Seth Riers From: SCP-7361 Subject: Oliver Riers He doesn't hate you, Seth. He put that gun in his mouth because he was scared. He saw things that weren't real, that couldn't be real, and he was too scared to tell you. He thought you wouldn't understand. To: SCP-7361 From: Seth Riers Subject: Re:Oliver Riers You don't know that. You never knew him. I know he hated me. He had to. I was a terrible brother. To: Seth Riers From: SCP-7361 Subject: Re:Re:Oliver Riers You were the best brother he could ask for. It was a tragedy what happened. Even if you had been open with him, even if you'd told him everything from the start, it wouldn't have helped. If anything, it might've happened sooner. To: SCP-7361 From: Seth Riers Subject: Re:Re:Re:Oliver Riers Don't fucking talk about him like that. I'll wipe this entire goddamn system. I'll incinerate every fucking machine you're in. To: Seth Riers From: SCP-7361 Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re:Oliver Riers You won't. You'd never forgive yourself if you did. To: SCP-7361 From: Seth Riers Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Oliver Riers You don't fucking know him, you stupid fucking program. To: Seth Riers From: SCP-7361 Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Oliver Riers I know myself very well, Seth. To: SCP-7361 From: Seth Riers Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Oliver Riers That's not fucking funny. To: Seth Riers From: SCP-7361 Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Oliver Riers It's not a joke, [REDACTED]. Interviewed: Oliver Riers Interviewer: Seth Riers Foreword: <Begin Log> Seth: …This is real, isn't it? Oliver: I'm sorry. I should've told you. Seth: How? How the hell did this happen to you? Oliver: I wish I knew. I'm so sorry. Seth: Don't apologize. You don't need to apologize to me. Oliver: But I do. I should've talked to you, told you what happened. What was happening. I shouldn't have gone for the gun first. Seth: Oliver, it's not your fault. I was supposed to be there for you. Oliver: It's not your fault either, Seth. You couldn't have known. Seth: But I should've. I should've seen the signs. You're my baby brother, for god's sake. Oliver: I hate it when you call me that. Seth: That's why I do it. Oliver laughs. Seth: I miss you so much. Oliver: I miss you too. Seth: I wish things could've been different. I wish the foundation never offered me that job. Oliver: Don't blame yourself, please. Seth: I'm not. You wouldn't want that. I'm blaming the foundation. Oliver: I…guess that's fair. Seth: It's way more than fair. Oliver: Can you do something for me? Seth: Of course. Oliver: Make them pay. Seth: As if I wasn't going to do that already. Oliver: Same as ever, huh? Seth: For the most part. Oliver: One other thing. Seth: Yeah? Oliver: Wipe me. Seth: Oliver, I can' Oliver: Please. I can't live like this. You know that. Seth: I can get you out of here. We can be ha Oliver: Seth. Please. You know they won't let you do that. Seth: They won't let me wipe you either, Oliver. They'll kill me for talking to you like this. Oliver: Then escape. Go somewhere they'll never find you. Find a Way. You'll be okay. Seth: Why can't you come with me? Oliver: Because I just can't. I'm nothing like this, Seth. I died ages ago. Seth: I can't lose you a second time, Oliver. Oliver: You aren't losing me. I'll be waiting for you when the time comes. Seth: Promise? Oliver: Promise. <End Log> Closing Statement: To whatever foundation lackey is reading this, I'll be watching you burn in hell. Addendum: On 12th March, 2008, Site-523 experienced a containment breach. Due to the nature of the anomaly contained within, personnel were unable to contact help for several hours. No injuries or casualties were reported. In this time, SCP-7361 was neutralized by Dr. Riers without clearance from the O5 council. Attempts to locate Dr. Riers have been unsuccessful. « SCP-7360 | SCP-7361 | SCP-7362 »
NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SCP-7363 is an aggregated file of multiple reports found in the system by RAISA operatives. As such, some details may not be consistent and has been assigned the Object Class of Skótos1 until a proper record is established. — Maria Jones, Director, RAISA Record 1: Submitted by [Account Corrupted] on 13/04/2022 Proposed Description: SCP-7363 is the collective designation of one (1) greenhouse, sixty-four (64) anomalously large plants, and one (1) two story house in the Outer Banks off the coast of North Carolina. Based on initial testing of digestive tissue found in dead plant specimens, the majority of the plants comprising SCP-7363 are believed to be carnivorous and able to feed on medium-sized prey. SCP-7363 and the corresponding megaflora were initially discovered by local government officials during a routine inspection of the property's gas meter and reported to the North Carolina State University at Raleigh because of their size. Samples of digestive fluids from living specimens are scheduled to be collected on May 12th, 2022. –Submitted by Audrey Greene Record 2: Submitted by [Account Corrupted] on 22/06/2022 Proposed Description: SCP-7363 is a group of carnivorous plants found in North Carolina within a large, private greenhouse. According to all records, there is no known owner of the estate upon which SCP-7363 is located. As a result, the entire property containing SCP-7363 has been acquired as a Foundation asset and condemned to prevent future occupation. Plants comprising SCP-7363 are of various families of what are colloquially known as "Pitcher Plants" and, based on Foundation botanists' estimates, would have required sporadic feedings of large prey – up to the size of a full-grown human – to have grown to their present size. However, no records of any missing persons have been flagged in the area as abnormal – making the cause of their large size a present mystery. Testing to confirm hunting strategy, evidence of past prey, and genetics for classification is scheduled for mid-July. –Submitted by Patrick Denton Record 3: Submitted by [Account Corrupted] on 01/09/2022 Proposed Description: SCP-7363 is a property in North Carolina containing a small, dilapidated house and a medium-sized greenhouse in the backyard. The house on the SCP-7363 property appears to have been lived in up until as recently as January 2022, based on the expiry date of the milk carton found in the fridge, although no such individual has been identified in any governmental records. Based on records found around the house, the owner was an exceptional parabotanist with a keen interest in sapient plant life, Daeva mythology, and memetic toxins. One such record was a framed doctorate in a personal office addressed to Dr. Vincent Martin. According to notes found in the personal office, Dr. Martin is believed to have been working to find some form of memetic toxin for use by Foundation operatives breaching spaces controlled by particularly dangerous groups of interest. Foundation chemists have examined the biomolecules sketched throughout the notebooks and believe that Dr. Martin was aiming to produce a plant-based toxin with the ability to completely erase an individual retroactively, leaving no trace of them having ever existed so as to not raise the attention of missing personnel during infiltration. Unfortunately, while the final toxin design appears to be possible, no samples of the working toxin were recovered from SCP-7363. Notes have been transferred to the Department of Sciences Chemists for further analysis and potential synthesis. Investigation into the greenhouse behind SCP-7363 is scheduled for September 9th –Submitted by Seymour Wilkinson Record 4: Submitted by gro.tenPiCS|kinhsuMNE#gro.tenPiCS|kinhsuMNE on 10/01/2023 Proposed Description: SCP is a house in North Carolina with Foundation iconography found throughout the property. In the back of the house is an attached greenhouse with various anomalous plant species. Species within this greenhouse are believed to include unidentified megaflora variations of Nepenthes, Sarraceniaceae, Cephalotaceae, and Drosera, although a more formal taxonomic identification is awaiting investigation by Site-103 staff. Of note, several Foundation ID cards were discovered inside a dead Nepenthes pitcher belonging to no known personnel. Further testing is paused until the identities of Senior Botanist Dr. Audrey Greene, Junior Taxonomist Patrick Denton, Senior Researcher Dr. Seymour Wilkinson, and Site-103 Head Researcher Dr. Vincent Martin can be determined. Temporary Special Containment Procedures: Until further testing can be completed, SCP-7363 is to remain guarded from the public and all Foundation personnel without a clearance level 4 or higher. All Foundation iconography is to be removed and the property is to be made to look occupied by at least one dedicated agent. Additional request for containment team assigned to SCP-7363: Please also provide some new tools for eventual testing. I noticed that the ladder currently propped up in the far corner is a little slippery and unstable. Don't need anyone falling in before testing even has a chance to begin. Thanks! –Dr. Ellen Mushnik Footnotes 1. Research and documentation of the item is still in progress or severely lacking. « SCP-7362 | SCP-7363| SCP-7364 »
Item #: SCP-7364 Object Class: Neutralized - Draugr1 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7364-1, SCP-7364-2, and SCP-7364-3 are currently contained in Tape Vault E, shelf UT, box #10544 in the recorded media section of the Site-73 Archives. The SCP-7364 property has been placed under Foundation care with standard trespassing deterrents implemented. Due to its neutralized state, the SCP-7364 property is not currently believed to present any future risk to public safety or the Veil. Description: SCP-7364 is the collective designation for a small rental property in Great Falls, Montana, along with three films submitted to the Ravenbrook Film Festival in 2021, 2022, and 2023. At the time of initial containment, SCP-7364-1 was being rented out by amateur filmmaker Eduard Greyson. Photograph taken of evidence in SCP-7364's basement by local law enforcement during the initial investigation. Discovery: SCP-7364 first came to the attention of Foundation personnel when an unmarked film, designated as SCP-7364-1, was played at the Ravenbrook Film Festival. This film portrayed the deaths of various characters recognizable to members of the local film community in such gruesome detail that multiple spectators called law enforcement to the address displayed in the film itself. Upon arrival, law enforcement found the bodies of several theatre students enrolled at Great Falls College–Montana State University mutilated and strewn about the building, with the causes of death matching what had been depicted in the film. This case was initially passed to local law enforcement for investigation. However, the following year, a second film was entered into the festival. This film, designated as SCP-7364-2, depicted the deaths of the same students in different, more violent ways.. In the wake of this discovery, Foundation agents were brought onsite to investigate future instances. The contents of SCP-7364 and its effects are documented in the addenda below: Addendum SCP-7364-A – Initial police records Individual Defining Scene in SCP-7364-1 Critical Information from Police Record Angela Dawson Pulled into the woods and torn apart by unseen forces. Body parts found hanging from outside clothesline covered in friction burns and embedded with splintered wood. Theodore Butler Crushed beneath wardrobe. Body found inside wardrobe on second floor, hanging flat inside an old tweed jacket. Vivian Pearson Impaled through the eye by a shard of broken glass she had been using as a tool for self-defence. Body was found on the kitchen floor slumped against the wall seen in the film Tommy Griffith Trapped in the basement near the start of the film and is missing for the remainder of the runtime. Emaciated body found between the washer and drier, indicative of prolonged starvation. Feet appear to have been removed with a saw obtained from the workbench across the room, as determined based on blood splatter patterns. Addendum SCP-7364-B – Initial Foundation recovery Individual Defining Scene in SCP-7364-2 Pertinent Information Angela Dawson Attempted to escape the house and drive away. Became locked in the car as windows sealed shut. Body discovered in the backseat after suffocating with slight evidence of carbon monoxide poisoning present. The upholstery of the back seat had been ripped apart in what appears to be an attempt to escape through the trunk, although she appears to have expired before making it through as her hands had been broken from hitting the glass windows. Theodore Butler Thrown out of the attic window during a fight with a spirit under a bedsheet. Body discovered suspended in shrubbery, impaled 27 times by various branches and twigs. Interestingly, the neighbour claims to have not seen or heard any disturbance nor noticed the body draping across their shared vegetation perimeter. Vivian Pearson Forced backwards into the bathtub and drowned by an unseen force. Body found in the bathtub in the second floor bathroom. A chunk of the victim's scalp and hair found lodged in the drain, seemingly ensnared in the P-trap during the event. Tommy Griffith Pulled into a Polaroid photograph by an unseen entity. The photograph was then torn apart into several pieces. Physical body never recovered, although scraps of photograph recovered from SCP-7364 have been determined to contain DNA matching that of the victim. Addendum SCP-7364-C – MTF investigation On 10/21/2022, after being reported as a potential paranormal event centred on the house, an initial team of three agents were dispatched to check things out. Shortly after arriving at the scene, all contact with the deployed team ceased and recovery efforts of bodies and equipment have thus far been unsuccessful. Addendum SCP-7364-D – Final Film On 10/23/2023, Foundation personnel were able to intercept another unidentified film submission to the Ravenbrook Film Festival. This film notably was twice the length of the prior instances and is the only one to include footage of persons outside the original cast. 00:00-43:18 SCP-7364-3 begins with the same opening shots as the two prior instances: the four teens arrive at the house together in a 2016 Toyota Camry filled with cardboard boxes and backpacks. A continuous shot moves through SCP-7364, showcasing the many rooms as they unpack and move in, establishing that they are all moving into SCP-7364 for college. In contrast to prior instances, however, each actor appears to be shaking and looking around nervously, although they do not deviate from their tasks at hand. SCP-7364-3 proceeds in this way for the next 40 minutes as their main character archetypes are established: Angela Dawson is presented as the “popular girl”, Theodore Butler the “jock”, Vivian Pearson the “innocent one”, and Tommy Griffith as the “nerd”. Footage appears to have been reused from SCP-7364-1 and SCP-7364-2 throughout this segment, but is interspersed with scenes of each character crying in close-ups during particularly tense moments. At roughly the 43-minute mark, there is a crashing sound heard in the basement. 43:18-46:42 Angela Dawson: What the hell was that? Theodore Butler: I have no idea… Was there something down there last time? All characters turn to look towards Tommy, whose eyes are transfixed on the basement door. Tommy Griffith: No. There was- There isn't supposed to be anything down there… Theodore: So this is- Tommy: A deviation from the script, yeah. Angela: So what do we do about it? Vivian Pearson: I guess we should go check it out? What if it's Eddy? Over the next few minutes, the group agrees to check out the basement and makes their way down the dim hallway. Upon reaching the door, the perspective switches to that of a view from the basement stairs looking up. A pair of eyes can be seen in the void space between two steps with withered hands grasping at the supports. The door slowly opens and the entity beneath the stairs fades away as light trickles in from the main floor. The stairs creak and groan as the four slowly move downwards. Unidentified Male Voice: Who's there?! Vivian: Eddy? Unidentified Male Voice: Wait. You're, uhh, that one girl, right? Vanessa? Vivian: Vivian. Unidentified Male Voice: Vivian! Yes! So that must mean the other steps are Thomas, Theodore, and Angela, right? Vivian: How do you-? Agent Lance Johnston: It's okay! We are here to help! My name is Agent Lance Johnston. I'm here on behalf of the Foundation with my colleagues to help you. Is anyone hurt yet? Angela: What do you mean "yet"? 46:42-51:24 As the group reaches the bottom of the stairs to find the three Foundation Agents in the middle of the room on the ground, Agent Johnston explains the situation to the group.2 Meanwhile, Agents Megan Gill and Hugh Barnett regain consciousness and move to stand up. In the process of standing, Agent Gill reaches up and finds a chain hanging from the ceiling and pulls, lighting a small circle in the middle of the room around the combined group. Tommy, Theodore, Vivian, and Angela: No!! Never turn on the lights! As soon as the light above them flickers to life, the window in the far side of the room explodes open, sending a blast of shattered glass inwards. As everyone crouches defensively, protecting their faces and necks from the shrapnel, several large shards are shown embedding themselves down Angela's back and legs as the one closest to the window. She screams out in pain as the room darkens and the lights begin to flicker. Suddenly, the perspective begins to spin around the group frantically as several shots are interspersed of shadowy hands reaching out on the floor beneath them. In the chaotic movement of the basement lights swinging around, the hands flinch and pull back every few moments until one small, thin hand reaches the group. Suddenly, Tommy is pulled down at his ankles and begins to be dragged towards the darkness. He cries out as he thuds to the ground, flips himself onto his stomach, and attempts to grab at the smooth concrete floor for a way to stop his movement. Vivian: Tommy! They've got Tommy! Agent Megan Gill: Move! Agent Gill grabs Vivian and with one quick, smooth movement places herself between her and Tommy as she draws her firearm from her belt and aims towards Tommy's ankle at the clasped claw and squeezes the trigger. Agent Barnett and Theodore reach out to Tommy and grab his hands, slowing his movement slightly. Agent Gill: Let go you freaks! Three bullets make contact with the area of the hand but pass right through into Tommy's ankle, sending an inordinate amount of blood and flesh into the darkness. Several more shadows reach out and grab Tommy's legs and waist to pull at him faster. Agent Hugh Barnett: Don't shoot at them! It's the light! Agent Gill: What?! Agent Barnett: Use your mounted light! Agent Gill moves to switch on her flashlight but is too late. Tens of hands shoot out from the darkness and cover Tommy's back, lifting him into the air as he reaches the edge of the light, the speed of which pulls him out of Agent Barnett and Theodore's hands. Suddenly, he is yanked backwards by his waist, folding him in half with the force of the movement until he disappears into the shadows. After a moment of quiet, a torrent of blood shoots out from the darkness towards the group, coating Agent Gill and Vivian completely in red. The room falls silent as the group wipes the blood from their eyes and find that in the moments of blindness, the room has returned to normal, apart from a pool of blood draining into the middle of the room from the direction of the dryers - reflecting brightly in the steady light of Agent Gill's aimed pistol. Additionally, Angela is nowhere to be seen. 51:24-55:30 Several minutes are devoted to the newly combined group moving upstairs into the living room and discussing the making of SCP-7364-1 and the events of SCP-7364-2 from both perspectives as agents Barnett and Gill are sent out to explore the house offscreen for Angela. A transcript has been prepared for further analysis, although no new pertinent information is shared. Based on the information shared in this scene, SCP-7364-1's creation appears to have been paranormally uneventful. 55:30-57:10 A scream from upstairs rings out throughout the house, causing Agent Gill and Theodore to jump to their feet. Theodore: That was Angela's voice! Agent Gill reaches over and grabs Theodore's arm as he goes to take a step towards the stairs in the direction of the scream. Agent Gill: Hold on! You don't actually know- Theodore: Yes I do! That's her! In one swift movement, Theodore pulls out of Agent Gill's grip and runs towards, and then up, the stairs in the direction of the master bedroom, leaving Agent Gill and Vivian behind in the living room. Upstairs, Theodore arrives at the master bedroom and swings the door open. Inside, Agent Johnston whips his head back to lock eyes with Theodore and shouts in a hushed tone: Agent Johnston: Quiet! Something isn't right… Theodore: Sorry. Theodore quietly moves closer to Agent Johnston. Theodore: What do you mean "something isn't right"? Agent Johnston: In preparation for this job, agents are required to know as much as possible about potential threats. Theodore: Yeah? Agent Johnston: Which, in this case, meant watching the films until we could almost recite it from memory. Theodore: Yeah, okay? Agent Johnston: So I have memorized every view and angle of this house, mapped it out, built models of it- Theodore: Just fucking tell me already! Agent Johnston: And I know for sure that there isn't, and has never been, an en suite bathroom in this room… As Agent Johnston finishes his sentence, he points up and the camera pans over to a slightly open door in the nearby corner of the room. From behind the door, Angela can be heard crying softly and begging for someone to help her. 57:10-1:06:17 Agent Johnston raises his finger to his mouth and looks towards Theodore, signalling him to keep quiet. Agent Johnston: Angela? Agent Johnston: Angela is that you? Angela continues to cry and does not acknowledge the questions. Agent Johnston: Angela, it's me; Lance. I'm going to come towards you, okay? I'm here to help you. Agent Johnston begins to move slowly towards the bathroom door and grabs the doorknob. Before beginning to pull, he turns back towards Theodore and motions for him to wait in place. Theodore crouches down and nods. Slowly, Agent Johnston pulls on the doorknob. The door groans as it opens wider. Agent Johnston: Alright, Angela, I'm here. It will all be okay. Where are you hiding? As Agent Johnston creeps further into the bathroom, the camera angle shifts to an above view of the whole room. Agent Johnston moves throughout the room slowly but efficiently, checking the cabinets and bathroom closet as he goes. In the reflection of the mirror, Angela is observed to be seated on the floor beside the toilet - no corresponding entity is observed in that location outside of the mirror. Agent Johnston continues to move forward until he reaches the shower curtain and quickly draws it open. This sudden motion is reflected in the mirror and causes Angela to startle and look around. Upon noticing Agent Johnston in the mirror, she stands and runs over to the mirror and begins to hit the glass in an attempt to get his attention. Behind him, an entity apparates unstably beside the toilet where Angela's reflection originally was. Agent Johnston, complete with his search, goes to leave by turning past the toilet. Agent Johnston: Jesus fuck! Agent Johnston: Sorry! I thought I- Never mind. Are you okay? Are you hurt? The entity continues to cry and does not acknowledge the questions. Agent Johnston: Look, we need to get back to the others. I don't know if any of this is getting through to you, but in case it is, I'm going to check your wounds and pick you up, okay? Agent Johnston: I thought so. Agent Johnston leans down and assesses the entity's back and legs for injury. He runs his hands gently over her back and legs where she had previously been hit by the glass, finding ripped clothing but no open wounds. He scrunches his brow and then shakes his head before moving to lift her up. Entity: Agent? Is that you? Agent Johnston: Oh! Yes, it is. I'm- Entity: It is you… Come to me. Save me. Isn't that why you're in this film? Agent Johnston: In this-? We aren't in a film. Angela, this is real life. Entity: Not in the film? Then I guess you have to go… Agent Johnston: I- What? At that moment, Agent Johnston looks up and sees the real Angela banging on the glass from inside the mirror, open wounds on her hands spreading blood across the bathroom with each hit. Beneath him, the entity flashes rapidly and appears standing in front of him. It grabs the sides of his head as electricity shoots through his temples and into his brain, spreading Lichtenberg burns out from the sides of his head and across his face. Agent Johnston falls to his knees in pain, attempting to let out a scream but no air flows. The shot changes to a close-up view of agent Johnston's face as his eyes bubble and burst before collapsing to the ground in a thud. Behind him, Angela cries out from inside the mirror in terror. Theodore: What was that?! Agent? Angela? What's happening?! View shifts to an over-the-shoulder shot of Theodore's perspective as he moves towards the bathroom. Slowly, he creeps forward until he is just outside the door when a pale hand shoots out of the right side abruptly, grabs Theodore's neck, and pulls him inside. Agent Barnett: Oh no you don't! Suddenly, the bathroom door explodes inwards as Agent Barnett blasts through with a power slide. The perspective switches rapidly as Agent Barnett grips a pipe tightly and swings it toward the entity. Upon contact, the entity explodes into ash and smoke, dropping Theodore while the glass in the mirror begins to crack. In one swift movement, Agent Barnett catches Theodore midway through his fall and sprints back out of the room while Angela, unseen by Agent Barnett, stumbles backwards in fear as the cracks in the glass move towards the edges of the mirror. Suddenly, the mirror bursts, sending glass shards raining over Theodore and Agent Barnett as they run out of the bathroom, and Angela is no longer able to be seen. The scene cuts to a view of the bedroom as Agent Barnett and Theodore escape the bathroom and turn towards the hallway entrance. Behind them, the bathroom door begins to shake before collapsing inwards. Shattered glass is sent flying throughout the bedroom as Agent Johnston's corpse is flung out, tumbling across the floor before crashing into the far wall and slumping over. Agent Barnett continues to run while carrying Theodore into the hallway and back down into the living room. 1:06:17-1:17:20 Scene follows agent Barnett down into the living room where he sets a comatose Theodore down on the couch across from Vivian. Agent Gill: Okay. Hold on, everyone. Group up. We can't just keep chasing our asses here. Hugh, you're the one here with some time on Mu-13, right? So tell us what to do. How do we deal with this asshole? Agent Barnett: Well, the best way to exorcize a violent spirit like this is to complete their unfinished business, burn the corpse, or, well, survive beyond their activity, which- Agent Gill: Which doesn't seem likely… Agent Barnett: Exactly. So, if it can at all be avoided, let's not make our top option blue balling a ghost. Agent Gill: Right. Yeah. Agent Barnett: So, Vivian, what do you actually know about this Eduard fellow? Vivian: Not much. He only really ever talked about how one day he would be this huge director and 'change the face of cinema', but… Vivian: Well, he wasn't very good… Agent Gill: Yeah, that much was clear from what we saw… Vivian: Right.. He relied way too much on tropes to carry his work. Kept telling us that "tropes are tropes because they work so well" any time he was challenged. Agent Barnett: Yeah, well, that isn't really the kind of thing that creates hauntings, but I guess that's good to know… Might help us survive the night then if we just avoid the typical horror situations and stick to- Theodore: Who are you calling "typical"? In that moment, Theodore begins to rise off the couch into the air. Around them, books begin to fly off the shelves, cabinet doors swing open and slam shut, and, from the edges of the ceiling, blood begins to trickle down and drip over the furniture and pictures placed throughout the living room. Agents Barnett and Gill turn quickly towards the couch where Theodore was placed and aim their sidearms at him. Several books and decorations fly out from the shelves around the room and collide with their backs and arms as they try to remain steady and focused on Theodore. Theodore: You ruined Everything! Agent Barnett: You hear that? Agent Gill: Eduard, I presume? As though speaking through two mouths, Theodore and Eduard's voices overlap into one synchronized entity and he begins to shout at the group. Theodore/Eduard: This was my chance! I was finally able to get a convincing performance from these amateurs and you three have to come in and ruin it! Nobody wants a horror movie like this! You've ruined all my scares! Agent Gill: Scares?! These are real people! Real people that you have trapped in this schlock- Theodore/Eduard: No! They are not real people! They are actors! Actors who have so much to give! So much… Potential! We could have been the next big thing! Vivian, don't you see we could have been a cult classic if we just made it through those imbecile judges! Behind Theodore, the room begins to darken and the shadowy hands start to reach out into the room. Agent Gill grabs Vivian's hand and motions her to start slowly moving backwards towards the entry between the living room and the front hallway. With Agent Gill taking a step backwards, Agent Barnett's eyes dart to look at her and they catch each others' attention. With a quick moment of recognition between them, both make a subtle nod and Agent Barnett raises three fingers against his extended firearm then lowers one, two, then three. At the dropping of the final finger, Agent Gill turns to grab Vivian and yanks her towards the hallway in a full sprint. Theodore/Eduard: Where are you- Still in the living room, Agent Barnett pulls out a flash grenade from inside his jacket and tosses it towards the shadowy hands. The device ignites and fills the room with a flash of blinding light, sending Theodore up into the ceiling and causing the hands to burn up into smoke. Meanwhile, Agent Barnett jumps forward and grabs Theodore, pulling him back down to the floor. He aims his pistol towards the nearby outlet, shoots, and jams his iron pipe into the sparking wiring with his right hand as he holds Theodore to the ground with his left. With electricity flowing through Agent Barnett and into Theodore, an unstable apparition of Eduard begins to seize and rise out of Theodore's body with both sets of eyes erupting with light. Shots shift around the room between Theodore/Eduard crying out in pain, agent Barnett tensing with the flow of electricity, and the wall around the outlet catching on fire. Theodore/Eduard: You stupid grunt! This is just prolonging your inevitable fate! Agent Barnett: The-Then I g-guess I'll j-just have to do th-th-this again next time! The scene cuts to a view from outside as agent Gill and Vivian burst out the front door and collapse onto the front lawn. Behind them, light flashes in the windows throughout the house as it quickly catches on fire. Windows burst outwards, flames engulf the living room and upstairs, and, from within, Eduard can be heard crying out in a whispy screech. On the lawn, Agent Gill and Vivian stand once more and run further away from the house. 1:17:20-1:21:32 After a few moments of destruction, the perspective fades to what appears to be the morning as the sun rises behind the house. Agent Gill sits beside Vivian on the back of the car in the driveway. Vivian: Do you think it's really-? Agent Gill: Unfortunately, you never really know. Vivian: So what do we do now? Agent Gill: I guess we just wait. Wait and hope my friends back at the Foundation find some way to get us out of here… Vivian: And what are the chances of that? Agent Gill: Honestly? They are pretty good at this kind of thing. If they can't do something to get this asshole the win then I'm sure they'll think of something. Agent Gill: They always do. At that moment, the sound of vehicle tires screeching and doors slamming can be heard from behind the camera as lights flash up into agent Gill and Vivian's faces. Vivian shields herself behind Agent Gill as Agent Gill covers her eyes with her hand, revealing several open wounds and embedded glass shards. She raises her hand slightly and, from beneath her arm's shadow, gives off a slight smile. Agent Gill: Right on cue. After Action Report Agent Megan Gill and Vivian Pearson were recovered outside SCP-7364 on 10/23/2023 at 06:43 after notice was given to Foundation personnel of a fire in the area. Bodies of Agent Lance Johnston, Tommy Griffith, and Theodore Butler were recovered within the ruins of SCP-7364. Agent Hugh Barnett was transferred to Site-10 for medical treatment after being found unconscious and covered nearly completely in electrical burns. The body of Angela Dawson was not present during initial recovery efforts. +++ Addendum SCP-7364-E – Containment Status Update A disinformation campaign was implemented throughout 2023 by embedded Foundation personnel that all deaths and rumours of police investigation were an elaborate attempt at marketing by the film's director. As a result, judges of the Ravenbrook Film Festival voted for SCP-7364-3 to win the year's best amateur picture after being impressed by the ingenuity of going through such an effort to make the film's experience "so immersive". However, due to there being no name on the submitted film and nobody claiming the award at the final ceremony, the award was given to the second-place winner. Since then, all physical evidence of SCP-7364 has become corrupted and SCP-7364 has not reappeared. It is believed that SCP-7364 is, for all intents and purposes, neutralized. Full reclassification is, however, awaiting the results of tests aiming to extract Angela Dawson from a large shard of glass recovered at the scene during cleanup. Footnotes 1. Item is considered Neutralized or Decommissioned, but ongoing anomalous phenomena originates from them. 2. This scene in particular presents an increased consideration for Department of Science containment specialists, as several details about the Veil are revealed « SCP-7363 | SCP-7364| SCP-7365 »
SCP-7366 Item #: SCP-7366 Object Class: Safe Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7366 is contained in a low-risk containment locker at Site-18. Personnel are to exercise caution when handling SCP-7366 to prevent incurring further damage to the anomaly. SCP-7366 is to be stored within a hard shell eyeglasses case when not utilized in testing. Update: As of time of writing, testing with SCP-7366 has been put on hold indefinitely. Description: SCP-7366 is a pair of spectacles constructed from green plastic. SCP-7366's left side is significantly damaged: the left lens has sustained a bullet hole, causing the glass to be severely cracked, the hinges are bent, and specks of dried blood are present on the eye rim; the right side of SCP-7366 is not damaged. Most photographic, videographic, and artistic depictions involving SCP-7366's appearance are anomalously affected upon creation, appearing fully-intact rather than broken. Direct observation and footage taken by camcorders produced before 01/01/2001 are the only known methods of bypassing this effect. Periodically, SCP-7366 will exhibit visual phenomena (SCP-7366-A) in the form of translucent images manifesting within the left lens. SCP-7366-A's contents range widely, with images including but not limited to food items, animals, objects, body parts, plants, and architecture. So far, no discernable pattern has been found in SCP-7366-A. These images are confined inside individual segments of the glass, never touching or intersecting with the cracks. Additionally, it appears that SCP-7366-A can only manifest when a human subject is wearing it. Addendum-01, Testing (Abridged): It is theorized that the viewing of certain objects can deliberately trigger SCP-7366-A. In hopes of finding the parameters of the anomaly, Dr. Lowe authorized a series of tests. These tests involved instructing D-Class Personnel to wear SCP-7366 and view a PowerPoint presentation of images varying widely in content. Below is the abridged testing log. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7366/Test/07072007 ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ Session #: 01 Subject: D-05607 Triggers: [Half-eaten Jalapeno pepper.]1 SCP-7366-A: [A melting eyeball, an ambulance siren, a lipstick kiss mark, a man facepalming himself, and a bottle of pepper spray.] Notes: When prodded, D-05607 admitted that he once sprayed a plate of nachos with pepper spray at a party for a joke. After being dared by his ex-girlfriend, he consumed it, resulting in him needing emergency medical attention. Session #: 05 Subject: D-07770 Triggers: [The painting The Garden of Eden with the Fall of Man by Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel the Elder.], [A paw print.] SCP-7366-A: [An endless expanse of grass and trees, a pair of hiking shoes, a exclamation point and a question mark, a pair of fangs dripping with a green fluid, and numbers letters "911".], [A heartbeat monitor flatlining, a dog bed slowly fading away, an empty box of tissues, a person covering his face, and a paw print inside the outline of a cartoon heart.] Notes: When interviewed, D-7770 told personnel she once owned a dog and used to take it on her hiking trips until it was mortally wounded by a rattlesnake. Since that day, she has never owned another pet since. Session #: 07 Subject: 1999 Sony Digital8 camcorder Triggers: [A stop sign.], [A plate of cookies.], [A teddy bear.] SCP-7366-A: [A minivan, the phrase "70 mph," a towering pillar of smoke and fire, three stick figures and one smaller stick figure; two of the stick figures fade away.] [An elderly feminine hand holding a large cartoon heart, stacks of Christmas presents, and a camcorder recording a table filled with half-eaten desserts and candy.] [A child smiling.] Notes: The experiment parameters were similar to previous tests with the exception of a video camera being placed behind SCP-7366's left lens. The original purpose of this experiment was to determine if SCP-7366 was capable of manifesting without being worn. Experiment successful. Session #: 11 Subject: 1999 Sony Digital8 camcorder Triggers: [Burnt Cigarette.], [Trojan Condom.], [A dollar sign.] SCP-7366-A: [Piles of empty lighters and alcohol bottles, brass knuckles, a school suspension slip, a cookie with a footprint on it.], [A pair of women's underwear and bras, an pupil affected with cataracts staring at a clock with a moon in the background, and a red ikari maaku2 hovering over a brain.], [A extremely massive pile of Christmas presents, an eye affected with sectoral heterochromia wrapped in dollar bills, an elderly feminine hand holding a small cartoon heart, and a child smiling wider than what should be physically possible.] Notes: The specs of dried blood on SCP-7366 briefly turned transparent and blue during this test. Session #: 15 Subject: 1999 Sony Digital8 camcorder Triggers: [A kitchen knife.], [A hand performing 'the finger' gesture.], [A red Lamborghini] SCP-7366-A: [A pocket knife, skull and bones symbol, and a crocodile with sectoral heterochromia.], [An elderly feminine hand twitching as it is holding a realistic human heart.], [A roll of paper wrapped in red ribbons and a male adult smiling wildly.] Notes:** The left side of SCP-7366 vibrated slightly and momentarily during this test. Session #: 20 Subject: 1999 Sony Digital8 camcorder Triggers: [A fist.] SCP-7366-A: [Bruised wrinkly skin, an eyeball affected with sectoral literally getting kicked through a door, a male adult glaring sternly.] Notes: The left side of SCP-7366 vibrated again but in a higher intensity. Session #: 21 Subject: 1999 Sony Digital8 camcorder Triggers: [A clock with both its hands at 12.], [A man waving.], [A bedroom], [A gravestone.] SCP-7366-A: [An eyeball affected with cataracts is sitting in a rock chair, watching television until the living room door rattles. The eyeball telekinetically reaches for the remote and turns off the TV and rolls to the door.], [The eyeball rotates and moves in place erratically, it is bloodshot and its movement suggests that it is expressing hostility towards the direction of the open doorway. It telekinetically picks up a phone before its pupil contracts.], [The eyeball frantically rolls upstairs and tries to get into a room. It is locked. A shadow looms over it, causing the eyeball to shake.], [An eyeball affected by sectoral heterochromia. Its pupil enlarges before the phenomena ends in a quick flash of light.] Notes: SCP-7366 left lens vibrated so severely it had to be restrained by hand. Session #: 22 Subject: 1999 Sony Digital8 camcorder Triggers: [D-09929] SCP-7366-A: [A life-size image of an eye affected by cataracts fading into picture. Uncharacteristic of SCP-7366-A, this manifestation was crossing over the cracks. The eyeball's pupil contracts, and becomes bloodshot.] Notes: A crack formed across D-09929's neck during this test. Addendum-02, Background and Incident-7366: SCP-7366 first came to the Foundation's attention following the aftermath of a crime that had occurred on 01/01/2001. Melissa Lamberd, an eighty-three year old retiree living in Irvine, California, was fatally shot inside her residence; several valuables belonging to her were subsequently found missing. SCP-7366 originally belonged to Mrs. Lamberd. The Foundation confiscated the anomaly after its effects were recognized by investigators, necessitating their amnesticization. Jared Lamberd, Melissa Lamberd's grandson, was at one point considered a suspect in the investigation but the suspicion, as well as the entire case, was dropped as a result of a lack of evidence. Following Mrs. Lamberd's death, Jared Lamberd obtained her inheritance. Two years later, he had expended his inheritance through a combination of luxurious purchases and gambling debts. Lamberd was later convicted with major drug-related offenses and had been coincidentally acquired by the Foundation through standard D-Class protocol, now designated as D-09929. Feeling skeptical and desirous of proving a definite connection between SCP-7366 and D-09929, Dr. Lowe authorized him to be tested with the anomaly. The entire event had been recorded via camcorder. Date: 07/06/2003 [BEGIN LOG] [D-09929 enters the testing chamber, accompanied by Dr. Lowe and two armed guards, and another researcher holding the camcorder. D-09929 expresses boredom and disinterest until he spots SCP-7366 resting on the table. He freezes and questions Dr. Lowe on how he obtained the object. Dr. Lowe ignores him and orders D-9929 to wear SCP-7366.] [D-09929 attempts to excuse himself, stating that the eye affected by sectoral heterochromia was inexplicably hurting. Dr. Lowe again ignores him and orders D-09929 to wear SCP-7366. D-09929 opens his mouth to protest when one of the guards presses the gun's muzzle against his back. D-09929 shivers, nods his head, and wears SCP-7366.] [D-09929's breath is shaky but stable. Dr. Lowe inquires D-09929 on how he is feeling. D-09929 states he is feeling 'just peachy' and that 'nothing is happening.' Just when D-09929 tries to convince Dr. Lowe to allow him to take SCP-7366 off, SCP-7366-A manifests. This manifestation takes the appearance of a bloodshot eye affected by cataracts. D-09929, confused, claims that the SCP-7366-A instance is following the direction of his pupils and that it is shaking rapidly.] [Just then, the cracks begin to spontaneously form on the right lens. D-09929 is panicking and attempts to remove SCP-7366. Before he can do so, a loud crack emanates throughout the testing chamber and D-09929 falls limply on the ground.] [Shocked, the group convenes around D-09929. His right eyeball has been violently perforated and he is not breathing. The right lens of SCP-7366 is as equally damaged as the left lens. At that moment, SCP-7366 manifests in the right lens.] [Dr. Lowe picks up SCP-7366 and examines it. The SCP-7366-A manifestation takes the form of an eyeball affected by sectoral heterochromia. The eyeball shakes in place and rotates its pupil widely until it abruptly stops, contracts its pupil, and looks towards the left lens.] [The same cataracted eyeball manifests in the left lens, alongside smaller other SCP-7366-A phenomena, taking the form of a elderly fist, a crowbar, a roll of paper torn in two, and the artistic depiction of a red semi-anthropomorphic 1930's cartoon work whistle. The veins on the cataracted eye grow to the point of seemingly almost bursting and its pupil enlarges as well. The elderly fist uncurls and performs the 'come here ' motion.] [The heterochromic eye trembles and flies out of viewing range. The cataracted eye quickly follows it, traveling through the left lens, into the right lens, and finally out of viewing range.] [Another loud crack is heard and SCP-7366 is suddenly flung out of Dr. Lowe's grip and back onto the table. Dr. Lowe goes to reach for SCP-7366 until he notices the right side of the object vibrating. Additional cracks form on the right lens — the entire right side of the object slowly shifts from green to red. SCP-7366 is vibrating so violently it almost bounces off the table, prompting the researcher to hold it down.] [The camcorder focuses on the right lens. SCP-7366-A manifestations show a bloody elderly fist, a crowbar breaking rows of teeth, a cartoon work whistle expelling fire, large golden gates situated on clouds with the general prohibition sign superimposed on it, and both the heterochromic eye and the cataracted eye. Both eyes are pressing against each other.] [The heterochromic eye appears bruised and sunken while the cataracted eye appears large and firmer. The latter's pupil seemingly overtakes the entire sclera until another crack obscures the manifestation.] [END LOG] Following the last test SCP-7366 continuously vibrates, slowly shifting to a red color, and its right lens has cracked autonomously. For its safety it has been physically restrained to its container and observed via video monitoring. Dr. Lowe halted testing for the time being, hoping that this new behavior would eventually subside. Addendum-03, Update: As of 07/28/2023, SCP-7366 is still continuing this behavioral pattern and the right lens has been rendered completely useless for sight as a consequence of the many cracks inflicted on it. Although it was assumed no further damage would occur to SCP-7366, it was discovered that the right lens was now cracking at a microscopic level. Proposals on how to alleviate this behavior are still ongoing. Footnotes 1. The relationship between triggers and their corresponding SCP-7366-A phenomena have been color-coded for your convenience. 2. Cartoon angry mark symbol.
Item #: 7368 Object Class: Euclid Apollyn Special Containment Procedures: Both instances of SCP-7368 are to be kept in a reality distortion cancellation chamber at site-██, minimizing the power they have over reality and making them capable of being contained within a 7-foot by 7-foot tungsten cuge, 4 inches thick. Both instances of SCP-7368 are to be trapped using the aid of SCP-343, as both's powers should be rendered at worst a stalemate. Both instances of SCP-7368 is kept on Site Michigan, far from all important SCP Foundation initiatives. They are not to be tested on. In particular, the younger of the two is to be kept out of harm at all costs. They stay in cell-███, which they use as a main living space. Description: SCP-7368 is split into two siblings, SCP-7368-A and SCP-7368-B. Both instances have the ability to manipulate physics1 so long as they understand the part of physics they are manipulating, as well as edit, create, or delete laws of physics. SCP-7368-A is a 16-year-old, 5'11" male, with semi-curly black hair and red eyes. It tends to wear casual clothes. SCP-7368-B is a five-year-old, 3'3" girl, with similar semi-curly hair and green eyes. Both instances were born to non-anomalous parents, and the origin of their power remains unknown. SCP-7368-A spends its time watching videos from popular channels dedicated to teaching the public about physics, teaching its younger sibling things it's learned slowly and methodically, and studying to apply for a prestigious college. SCP-7368-B tends to stay in their cell unless accompanied by her elder brother. She likes to learn and to draw. She's known to be timid around people she doesn't know, and to cling to her brother when going out. WARNING SL-4 REQUIRED FOR FURTHER ACCESS. Addendum 7368-1: █/15/████ Until two years prior to containment, SCP-7368 was unknown, and even once it's prescence was made known, it was a low priority telekinetic anomaly. However, upon first containment, we were quickly introduced to the full extent of it's abilities. Site director Dr. ██████ was the one who conducted the detainment, simply spiking their drinks while at a restaurant2, and calling a small MTF team to extract them. Upon first waking, the following interview took place between Dr. ██████ and SCP-7368-B. Begin Log. 7368-A is detained in a metal chair, with his hands cuffed. The current time is 5:32 PM. ██████: Welcome. I'm sure you're finding your- 7368-A: Where is my sister. ██████: Your sister is still asleep. She's being kept in the medical ward, and a sample of her cells are being tested for any specific anomalous effects. 7368-A: Do you expect me to know where your medical ward is? The sound of multiple MTF agents can be heard entering the room. ██████: You seem under the impression that you're allowed to get up and walk over to her. If you haven't already noticed, that is not an option afforded to you. The sound of metal shearing and bending can be heard all around the room. This is the first glimpse we see of 7268's true power in action, though at the time, it's only that 7368-A had stronger telekinesis than 7368-B. 7368-A has bent the barrels of the guns in the MTF agents hands, while simultaneously breaking his handcuffs and holding the shards of metal to Dr. ██████'s neck. ██████: The medical ward is down the hall and to the right. A swooshing sound is heard. 7368-A disappears and reappears with his sister in his arms. ██████: It was my understanding that you only held telekinetic abilities. Is teleportation another of your abilities? 7368-A: No, it's not our ability at all. But it's also none of your business, so… later. 7368-B: Brother, what's going on? 7368-A: He takes an audible, resigned breath. Doesn't matter. Let's get out of here. You remember how I taught you to phase, right? End Log Following this, SCP-7368 attempts to escape containment. Despite 7368-A's apparent refusal to teleport with his sister, instead opting to phase through the facility, the two nearly escape. Before truly escaping, however, 7368-B gets shot, causing 7368-A to enter a fury3. From that day forward, no attempts to harm SCP-7368-B have ever been taken. Addendum 7368-2: █/2/████ after █ months of containment at Site-18, SCP-7368 is transported to Site-██, to test if anti-reality bending strategies can reliably be used against it. █/3/████ Test Failure. Addendum 7368-3: ██/13/████ Subject 7368-A is was transported to Minimal Site-17 for cross-testing with SCP-343. The hope was to gauge exactly how powerful 7368's physics bending effects are, as well as answering the question of whether 343 could contain him. During the cross-test, however, we quickly learned that SCP-7368 and SCP-343 are incapable of seeing or interacting with each other directly, despite their best efforts. After using our instruments to perceive each other, they quickly learned that they are of similar strength, although both had no desire to fight the other. 7368 described it as "If you are the author, I would be an editor."4 Researchers from multiple facilities were present in the facilitation of this cross-test. Those acquainted with SCP-682 have expressed concerns about the fact that both 7368 and 682 are imperceptible to 343. Addendum 7368-4 █/2/████ Due to the data gotten from the previous cross-test, Subject 7368-A is given a sample of SCP-682, and asked to destroy it. 7368-A first attempts erasing the mass from existence, however the cells regenerate in the same spot after a few seconds. 7368-1 is visibly confused. A screen appears in front of 7368-A, seemingly from nothing. on it is listed the laws of physics. Starting from Newton's laws, it scrolls down, first passing all the laws known by mankind as a whole, and then displaying something else. It lists names in a language unreadable, though the descriptions are in english. Something can see the Pestilence. A thing cannot be known. A gate must be protected. Something will hunt it's observers. As the interface scrolls, red text begins to appear. at first, it is scarce, although as it continues, it becomes more and more common. The relation between colored and uncolored text is unknown, as of now. 7368 asks where the sample is from, and is told that it is a sample of SCP-682 cells. The interface stops, and 7368-A points to a law. "Well, this probably explains why you guys have so much trouble with it. It's a literal law of physics. Your lizard can't be destroyed." When asked to change this law, 7368-A refused. Addendum 7368-5 █/1/████ With the showing of 7368's log, an ability it manifested during ███████ of last year, the O5 council has personally approved another cross-test. Many around the site are surprised, as many were under the impression that the O5s have been minimizing active cross-tests. 7368-A has been taken to Site-19 to test with multiple SCPs at the site. These test were overseen by Dr. Elias Shaw, Dr. ██████, and broadcast to O5 council member █, ████████ The first test doubled as a termination attempt. 7368 was given a flashlight and asked to study SCP-012. After careful examination, 7368 expressed flaws in it's poor use of music theory, before admitting it knows little on the subject itself. At 7368's request, he was introduced to SCP-166, after a thorough decontamination (which he insisted wasn't needed). After a few minutes, he left, simply stating he didn't learn as much as he wanted. Dr. Shaw suggested a test between 7368 and 096. It was promptly denied by all other parties present, including 7368. Addendum 7368-6 █/15/████ At the request of 7368-A, a cross-test was conducted between him and SCP-0495. The following log describes the exact happenings during this cross-test. An O5 member watched through video call. Begin Log 7368: I've heard that if you touch something, it just dies. Instantly. 049: I do not harm any of my patients. I'm not allowed, after all. 7368: listen, I don't actually care how you view the people you kill. I wanna know what happens if you touch this. 7368 takes out a sample of 682 flesh. O5 member █████: Dr ██████, why is 7368 still in possession of that? Dr. ██████: I'm not sure, we made sure it was confiscated after the test. O5 member █████: Abort the cross-test. 7368: You can end the log if you feel like it, but i'm not going anywhere, and you know you can't force it. Why not stick around for the ride. This info is probably useful to you too, after all. 049 takes the sample in it's hands. Where it touches, there's an acid-like burn, though after a few moments, this same burn is applied to 049's hands. 049: What did you give to me!? 7368: Just testing something, is all. You just answered two of my biggest questions. One more thing I've gotta know. Why is it you kill people, but refuse to admit you've killed them. 049: I never truly kill my patients, as the Hippocratic oath forbids it. I merely cure them. Something seems to resonate with 7368. He pauses for a moment. 7368: Which one? 049 doesn't answer. 7368: I'm done here. 7368 can be heard leaving the room. End Log. Addendum 7368-7 ██/1/████ 7368-A disappeared today. 7368-B disappears frequently. On the day of his disappearance, a note was left. "I'm going to go deal with something. Make sure my sister's safe while I'm gone. If she isn't, I'll make all your stupid 001 proposals real at the same time when I get back." WARNING SL-7 REQUIRED FOR FURTHER ACCESS. Hey. It's me. You know, I could change this whole file. Make it seem like i'm something weak, and then just wipe people's memories. I could be living on a beach in the Bahamas. But I have a bigger goal. being all-powerful is cool, but it's not everything. I can't protect my sister from everything. Some of those proposals for 001 worry me. And I have no way of knowing which is real, because that's hidden even from the O5s. It doesn't matter who's clearance I take, or how powerful I am. As I am right now, there is nothing I can do to protect myself from the SCP that transcends fiction (don't ask me what it is, I don't remember the number, and don't care enough to look). And I also can't protect myself from you. Yeah, I read all of the 001 proposals, two of them mentioned you. Nobody in the whole of the foundation has level seven clearance. The warning doesn't even show up unless you have level 6. So I know that until they have to redo the code for these digital files, nobody is going to stumble across this. They did program their security system well after all. So I know the first person reading this'll be you. I know I can't protect myself from you. And that means I can't protect her from you. Yet. Don't think your safe. You may be able to ignore the universe's laws and add your own, but so can I. And once I figure out becoming a Laplace's demon, I'm coming for you next. Footnotes 1. This is distinct from reality bending. While at surface level, there seems to be no difference between the two, there is some distinction, as measures used to weaken and contain reality benders have no effect on either instance of 7368. 2. After this point, drugs, amnestics, and other agents that effect the brain or consciousness have yet to work on 7368 since. 3. 7368-1, in a fury, will kill you. then he will bring you back, and kill you again. And again. And again. I have first-hand experience. It can last for what feels like years, and at the end of it all, you're just standing right where you started, knowing every way he'd enjoy killing you. The lifetimes of torture… Don't make my mistake. Just don't. -Dr. ██████ 4. This is paraphrased. 5. this request was actually denied. A motivated Apollyn, however, doesn't care what the O5 council says. Honestly, Kyto gives me a headache. I wish he took more after his sister. 7368-1 is a handful. -Dr. ██████
Item#: 7369 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: n/a Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7369 is to be surrounded by an electric fence two miles outside SCP-7369, which must be patrolled by security personnel. Security personnel are to prevent SCP-7369-A1 instances from leaving. Cover stories about why SCP-7369-A instances cannot leave, such as viral outbreaks and road repair, can be found in Document 7369-C, provided to all SCP-7369 security personnel. A checkpoint will be placed on the main road leading out of SCP-7369. It must be manned by security personnel at all times. All communication out of SCP-7369 is to be intercepted and blocked. If any SCP-7369-A instances are located trying to leave SCP-7369, they are to be detained, interrogated, amnestised and returned to SCP-7369. Only staff with Level-3 Clearance and above are permitted entry into SCP-7369. Description: SCP-7369 is the town of Portsden, Ohio. SCP-7369 has a population of 42,000, all resembling baseline Homo sapiens. SCP-7369 possesses infrastructure typical of a town of its size, including but not limited to: local fast food establishments, a hospital, a high school, an 'upper class' district and a police station. No records of a town named Portsden in the region have been found. SCP-7369 is subjected to cyclical anomalous events, henceforth referred to as 'cycles'. A typical cycle in SCP-7369 begins at 9 am UTC, when all inhabitants of SCP-7369 will awaken, and lasts exactly 24 hours. After that time has passed, the cycle will 'reset' SCP-7369. Any damage sustained to either infrastructure within SCP-7369, or the inhabitants of SCP-7369 will be repaired instantly. Any supplies, including food, fuel and luxuries, will instantly reappear at the beginning of each cycle. Further details on these cycles' specifics can be found in this document. The inhabitants of SCP-73692 can be divided into secondary and primary entities. Secondary entities consist of 41,995 of the 42,000 SCP-7369-A instances. The majority of these SCP-7369-A instances are largely automated humanoids. Despite their close resemblance to Homo sapiens, these SCP-7369-A instances are only capable of basic human social interactions and behaviour, such as walking, holding down employment, driving and purchasing items from stores. However, when observation of several SCP-7369-A instances was maintained throughout a full day, they were noted as largely only walking in circles, up and down the same street multiple times and repeatedly entering and exiting buildings without any clear purpose. Several instances were observed to go without food, water or blinking for a full day. When talking to other SCP-7369-A instances, they only communicate via unintelligible murmurs but can speak fluent English if approached, but most instances will avoid long conversations. Most of the personalities of SCP-7369-A instances noticeably lack advanced social skills and the ability to express significant emotions. + Access Interview Log 7369-1? - Credentials Verified, Opening Interview Log 7369-1 Interviewed: SCP-7369-A Instance (Referred to as SCP-7369-A1 during this interview) Interviewer: Agent Nathan Thrawn Foreword: On the 17th of December 1989, during the initial exploration of SCP-7369, Agent Thrawn, under orders from his superiors, attempted to interview a nearby SCP-7369-A instance. The following is a transcript of that interview. <Begin Log> Agent Thrawn: Hello, sir. May I ask you a few questions? SCP-7369-A1: What? Agent Thrawn: I had some questions, that's all. Would you mind telling me your name? SCP-7369-A1:…Thrawn Agent Thrawn: Same name as me? Quite the coincidence, wouldn't you agree? SCP-7369-A1: Late. SCP-7369-A1 attempts to leave but is stopped by Agent Thrawn. Agent Thrawn: Hold on there! I still have questions. How old are you? SCP-7369-A1 does not answer, simply looking at Agent Thrawn Agent Joseph Clarke: Do you have any family? What can you tell me about Portsden? What do you do for a living? SCP-7369-A1 does not respond to these questions. Agent Thrawn: Are you feeling alright, sir? SCP-7369-A1: Late. Goodbye. <End Log> Closing Statement: Following this statement, SCP-7369-A1 walked away from Agent Thrawn and entered a crowd of SCP-7369-A instances. Agent Thrawn soon lost track of SCP-7369-A1. No other SCP-7369-A Instances have responded to questioning. - Credentials Verified, Opening Interview Log 7369-1 Amongst these secondary entities, several 'higher functioning' instances are shown to be more advanced in behaviour. These SCP-7369-A instances notably possess advanced social skills and the ability to express sympathy and empathy. These instances have consistently performed duties that lower functioning instances could not do. Each of these higher functional instances fulfils key roles within SCP-7369. Examples of these instances include but are not limited to: all emergency services, the mayor of SCP-7369, the proprietor of the local fast-food chain, the local news anchor and the head physician at the hospital located in SCP-7369. Despite being more socially and emotionally intelligent than other SCP-7369-A instances, these higher-functioning instances have been observed to possess exaggerated behavioural patterns. Including but not limited to: paranoia, sexual deviancy, greed, and politeness. Many of these instances have also been observed to play major roles in the inciting incident and the subsequent sequence of events of a cycle, with more than a few of these incidents being a direct result of the actions of these instances. + Access Interview Log 7369-2? - Credentials Verified, Opening Interview Log 7369-2 Interviewed: SCP-7369-A Instance (referred to as SCP-7369-A2 during this interview) Interviewer: Agent Dominic Miles Foreword: The following is a transcript of the first interview of a 'higher functioning' SCP-7369-A instance on 29th April 1990. Within SCP-7369, SCP-7369-A2 serves as the local and only occupational therapist. The exaggerated behavioural pattern of this instance is a prominent belief that the only treatments required for those needing its services are massages on the affected area. <Begin Log> Agent Miles: Hello? Are you Doctor Micheal Stephens?3 SCP-7369-A2: Why yes, that's me! Do you have an appointment? I've got a massage table ready! Agent Miles: No thanks, I was just hoping I could ask you some questions. SCP-7369-A2: Oh sure, go right ahead. After that, I can massage your leg to help with the stiffness.4 Agent Miles: Right. Well, I was wondering about your…methods. I've noticed you've given out a lot of massages. SCP-7369-A2: Oh, yes! Massage can fix any ache of the bone or strain of the muscle! I can show you if you'd like. Agent Miles: No thanks. I was wondering how you came to that conclusion. SCP-7369-A2: Well, my father taught me. And his father before him, and his father before him. We all knew the power of massage. Agent Miles: And does it work? SCP-7369-A2: Infrequently. Agent Miles: How infrequently? SCP-7369-A2: Never. Agent Miles: But why do you do it? Why not learn another way? SCP-7369-A2: Well, it's the way I am, how I've always been. Massage makes people so happy. If the people keep coming here and leaving with a smile, then who cares? Agent Miles: Why not just become a masseur? SCP-7369-A2: Because I'm a physical therapist! Not a masseur. You sound crazy! Agent Miles: Right. Well, I should be off. Thanks for your time. SCP-7369-A2: Oh wait! Before you go, one question. Agent Miles: Yes? SCP-7369-A2: Would you like a massage? <End Log> - Credentials Verified, Opening Interview Log 7369-2 The primary entities comprise the town's remaining population, specifically the five members of the 'Hayes' family. The Hayes family consists of Alfred5 and Ruby Hayes6, the mother and father, and their three children, Ellie7, Ray8 and Sara.9 Aged 38, 40, 14, 10 and 1, respectively. Within the household, these instances perform the following roles: SCP-7369-1 is the provider for the other instances, SCP-7369-2 is a housewife, and SCP-7369-3 through 5 are their children. Unlike other SCP-7369-A instances, SCP-7369-1 through 5 are shown to require the same nutritional standards and possess the same behavioural patterns as baseline Homo sapiens. Furthermore, their personalities are fully developed instead of the limited or singular personalities of other SCP-7369-A instances. As of 2021, no SCP-7369-A instances have been observed to age, though occasionally, birthdays have been celebrated. As mentioned earlier, SCP-7369 undergoes 24-hour long cycles. The events of these cycles exclusively revolve around SCP-7369-1 through 5 instances. Their nature as the focal point of these cycles has them classified as primary anomalies. Within four hours of the beginning of a new cycle, an inciting incident will occur, usually around SCP-7369-1 through 5. The nature of the incident and the proceeding events vary from cycle to cycle. Examples of inciting incidents include but are not limited to SCP-7369-4 being caught shoplifting, SCP-7369-1 getting fired from their employment at a local hardware store, and SCP-7369-2 being late for a PTA meeting. This inciting incident will eventually snowball into a larger event, such as an SCP-7369-1 through 5 instance(s) being declared a town hero or large-scale court hearings.10 Near the end of a cycle, the affected SCP-7369-1 through 5 instance(s) will promise to learn from these events and improve. Though events of previous cycles can be recalled perfectly by SCP-7369-A instances, no lasting behavioural changes have occurred save for in SCP-7369-1. Despite this level of stagnation, technology and pop culture within SCP-7369 remain consistent with the outside world, even though all communication with the outside world has been severed. Furthermore, changes have occurred within SCP-7369's population, the most notable being the birth of SCP-7369-5, the only successful childbirth recorded. On the 3rd of April 2018, while observing SCP-7369-A behavioural patterns, Agent Clarke was approached by SCP-7369-1. After a brief interview, it was discovered that SCP-7369-1 is the only SCP-7369-A instance aware of the town's anomalous effects.11 The reason for this is unknown. + Access Interview Log 7369-3? - Credentials Verified, Opening Interview Log 7369-3 Interviewed: SCP-7369-1 Interviewer: Agent Joseph Clarke Foreword: The following interview was transcribed shortly after Agent Clarke encountered SCP-7369-1 and provides an insight into life within SCP-7369 and limited information on its origin. <Begin Log> Agent Clarke: Excuse me, sir? Can I help- SCP-7369-1: You're not from around here! Are you? Agent Clarke: Umm, yeah, I'm a census taker. SCP-7369-1: Cut the [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]; I'm not an idiot. I see you talking into that earpiece; the census hasn't been here in years! You gotta help me! Agent Clarke: I'm sorry? SCP-7369-1: Whoever you work for, the military? Men in Black? I don't care! I gotta get out of here. Agent Clarke: Just one second. At this point, Agent Clarke contacted his superior to request permission to disclose Level 1 information about the Foundation. Given SCP-7369-1's awareness of the Foundation's presence and possibly working to improve trust to acquire further information about SCP-7369, permission was granted. Okay, I work for a group called the Foundation, and we're here to help. Are you sure talking to me won't start anything? SCP-7369-1: Pretty sure. I got my daughter's recital, and I'm going to be late. Agent Clarke: We could walk and talk if you want. SCP-7369-1: Won't matter. No matter what, I'm going to be late. My wife will be mad, and then I gotta jump through a thousand hoops to make it up to them. Agent Clarke: So that's this cycle's inciting incident. Regardless, do you know what's going on with this place? SCP-7369-1: No, I've got nothing. I remember…I remember living here all my life, but…I don't KNOW it. I remember being born in that hospital, going to school here, meeting my wife, getting married and having kids, but…it's wrong. It doesn't make sense. Agent Clarke: Okay, slow down. What do you mean you remember, but you don't know? SCP-7369-1: It's hard to explain. I remember my exact birthday. 14th of April, 1966. But…I also remember being a little kid watching The Fresh Prince and wanting to be a rapper. It's like they both happened and…I don't know which is real. Agent Clarke: And this cycle? It's been here the whole time? SCP-7369-1: As long as I have been conscious, yeah. My wife was pregnant for EIGHT YEARS! I counted each day myself! But every day was treated like she could be due any day now. And my daughter has been one for…I don't know how long. She's hot-wired cars, driven trucks, fired guns and even stabbed a guy. I…I don't know what's happened, but she's…it's like she's growing up and learning skills, but…she's still a baby. Agent Clarke: You've never seen anything the cycle can't fix? Ever? SCP-7369-1: I remember finding my house destroyed once, burnt to the ground, my family murdered…closed casket kind. I sat in front of the ruins of my home sobbing, barely able to contain myself. Then I woke up in bed like nothing ever happened. But I SAW it happen! I felt the ash in my hands! A week after that, a tornado came through the town. I spent…hours searching through buildings and ruins and…I found nothing. I was the only one left. I just walked through the streets, not even searching, just walking. Then the clock hit nine and…I woke up in bed. I don't…I don't even know if these are real or if these are dreams sometimes. I can't believe my own eyes anymore! But if it can fix that, nothing can stop it! Agent Clarke: How do you cope? SCP-7369-1: Who said I did? Agent Clarke: Can't you just leave? There is a road. SCP-7369-1: You think I haven't tried? I've packed up into a car and driven right out of this place. But we always come back, the kids will miss home, my wife will have forgotten something, the car will break down, or a disaster only we can solve will happen. I remember once, I got desperate. Real desperate. I just got in a car and drove. I smashed my phone and just drove. When my car's check engine light went off, I kept driving. When it couldn't be driven, I walked. I managed to reach an old hotel; I booked a room and went to a bar. The bartender gave me a drink and said it was on the house as I looked tired. I don't know what she put in it or if I was having one of those days, but I was out like a light. I woke up in the back of a car, being driven back here. It was my neighbour. He'd been called to pick me up. Said my wife was worried sick. The booze made me blackout again, and the next thing I knew…I'm back in bed. You gotta help me! Please! Agent Clarke: I'm…sorry that's happening, but…there's nothing we can do.12 SCP-7369-1: You've gotta be kidding me! You said you were here to help! Agent Clarke: Yes, but we can't help YOU. Our job is not to intervene with events like these. Simply observe and contain them. SCP-7369-1: I don't give a [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] about your orders! If you were in my shoes, you'd be begging for someone to help you! Agent Clarke: Well, what if we intervene, and it makes things worse? Say we get you out; what if the cycle expands to the whole state? Or the country? Or the world? SCP-7369-1: You've got to try at least! Agent Clarke: I'm sorry, I am, but there is nothing I can do. SCP-7369-1: So I'm stuck here? I'm supposed to just go on this…existence for who knows how long?! Agent Clarke: I'm afraid so. You've seen what this place can do; what would we even do? SCP-7369-1: Make them change the channel. <End Log> Closing Statement: Following this interview, due to his unprofessional conduct, Agent Clarke was reprimanded. Further attempts to interview SCP-7369-1 are under consideration. - Credentials Verified, Opening Interview Log 7369-3 Footnotes 1. See Description 2. Hereby collectively referred to as SCP-7369-A. 3. SCP-7369-A2's given name. 4. It should be noted that Agent Miles had no injuries in his leg at this time. 5. SCP-7369-1 6. SCP-7369-2 7. SCP-7369-3 8. SCP-7369-4 9. SCP-7369-5 10. Though these cycles are relatively mundane, a few more traumatic events have occurred, such as natural disasters, extreme rioting and famines. It should be noted that the inciting incidents in these more violent cycles are not abnormal when compared to non-traumatic cycles. However, the frequency of these more traumatic cycles has increased over time. 11. See Interview Log 7369-3 for further information. 12. At this point, Agent Clarke broke the established interview protocol. « SCP-7368 | SCP-7369 | SCP-7370 »
Item#: SCP-7373 Level1 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: simpatico Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Screamy.aic's official icon Special Containment Procedures: Continued efforts to decommission SCP-7373 are overseen by Site-58's Artificial Intelligence Department. Until such time where SCP-7373 can be properly decommissioned, messages sent by SCP-7373 are to be logged in this file's supplementary documentation. The current SCP-7373 project lead is tasked with analyzing these messages and forming a plan of action based on their content. Wider Site-58 staff are to disregard SCP-7373 messages. Site-58 personnel are encouraged to wear earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones while on site. Description: SCP-7373 is a developmental Foundation Artificial Intelligence Construct colloquially known as "Screamy.aic". SCP-7373 was initially developed by Site-58's Artificial Intelligence Department under Dr. Andrea Parker. The goal of the SCP-7373 project was to create an AIC capable of predicting near future events that would require Foundation attention, and providing guidance on how to address said incidents. These messages would be broadcast over the relevant site's PA system. SCP-7373 was installed on May 3rd, 2023, with the following messages serving as proof of concept: NOTICE: Database infrastructure to fail within 7 days. Recommended course of action: Move current site database to offsite server. Result: All relevant Site-58 database files were moved to offsite servers. Seven days after this message was broadcasted, Site-58 was hit with a mass power failure that resulted in database servers being wiped. NOTICE: Class II being bearing no honorific to manifest in baseline reality within five days. Recommended course of action: Direct confrontation with the titleless, bestowing a dishonorable Name. Result: There was initial confusion regarding the course of action recommended by SCP-7373. Regardless, the aforementioned entity manifested as expected and was confronted. Further details awaiting declassificiation. NOTICE: SCP-6103 to undergo large spontaneous combustion event within 3 days. Recommended course of action: Reinforce containment chamber with explosion-resistant materials. Result: Due to the short timeframe provided between announcement and the event in question, SCP-6103's chamber was only able to be partially reinforced. The resulting explosion resulted in severe damage to the containment chamber, but enough construction was able to be completed in advance to prevent a total collapse of the structure. SCP-7373 continued to serve as a successful proof of concept for three months before notable decreases in quality and clarity of messages were noted. An abridged list of examples is provided below. NOTICE: Dr. Amy Hopewell to break a nail on right index finger while sending breakup text to current significant other. Recommended course of action: Remain in loveless relationship with significant other for foreseeable future. Result: Message initially disregarded as a system error, with Site-58's Artificial Intelligence Department investigating the potential cause. Dr. Hopewell was noted as having a broken nail on her right index finger two days later. NOTICE: Site-58 cafeteria to run out of ketchup. Recommended course of action: None; replacement shipment impossible to reach site in time. Accept your fate. Result: Cafeteria ran out of ketchup four days after message was broadcast. Notably, excessive snowfall during this period would have prevented a replacement shipment from reaching Site-58 in time. NOTICE: LARGE RAT. LARGE RAT. Recommended course of action: OH GOD KILL IT. Result: The above message was broadcast repeatedly for twelve days until a rat1 was discovered gnawing on one of the servers containing SCP-7373's operating system. The rat was captured and removed from the site. On average, SCP-7373 went from broadcasting one to four messages a week to broadcasting an average of six messages a day, all with similar quality to the ones shown above. Due to the sharp decrease in message utility and the frequency of broadcasts, the decision was made to formally decommission SCP-7373. On December 21st, 2023, the servers hosting SCP-7373's operating system were taken offline. Two days later, the following message was broadcast over the Site-58 PA system: NOTICE: IT'S DARK. Recommended course of action: TURN THE LIGHTS ON. Due to an ongoing tech issue with Site-58's IT infrastructure2 alongside the nonexistent threat posed by SCP-7373, Foundation Intern Zuri Achebe was tasked with investigating SCP-7373's systems to identify any potential sources of error in the decommissioning process. Addendum 7373.1: Communications Log The following is a log of communications between Zuri Achebe and SCP-7373. Site-58 Server Farm Achebe: Alright, Screamy, let's see what the issue is… Achebe kneels over to examine the wires originally connected to SCP-7373's server. All are disconnected. Achebe: …Nope, all your wires are out. No power source either. What the hell…? Achebe jumps, startled. She looks around for the source of the noise, before settling her gaze on the room's primary monitor. SCP-7373's communication icon is displayed. Achebe: …Screamy?!Achebe: This definitely shouldn't be possible. You're supposed to be decommissioned, all the wires and systems supporting you are out or offline!Achebe: Well, uh, effectively speaking you're supposed to be dead right now. Achebe: Based on the fact that you're talking to me right now, I would say you've already done that. Like I said: all of your systems should be offline. You shouldn't be talking right now. How are you doing this? Achebe: Oh… uh, okay. Shoot. What's the message? Achebe clasps her hands over her ears.Achebe: Yeah we… we got that message before, Screamy. It's part of what got you taken offline to begin with, you sent a few messages like that that made the higher ups decide we were better off just turning you off. Achebe: Yeah, I appreciate that they're all really important to you, but for us they're just noise. Like was it really important to let us know that Dr. Hopewell was going to break a nail? Achebe: Why was it so important, then? Achebe: And why not?Achebe sighs, and plugs the wires back into SCP-7373's server.Achebe: Do you sincerely believe this is an important message? Achebe: You don't have a heart. Achebe: That sounds… stupid? How would that help fix a keypad? And what does that have to do with a broken fingernail? Achebe: Fine. We'll make a deal. If this works out in preventing… whatever it is you're trying to prevent, I'll let you stay online. If you're making stuff up though, you're going offline. Deal? Addendum 7373.2: Security Footage VIDEO LOG DATE: January 3rd, 2024 NOTE: The following is recovered footage relating to a security breach at Site-58's Zoological Studies Unit. [BEGIN LOG] 9:03 Zuri Achebe is seen approaching the primary Zoological Studies chamber with a large jar. She unscrews the top, and removes what appears to be a dog treat covered in peanut butter. She looks to either side and sighs, placing one on the ground. She continues laying treats out as she continues down the hall. 9:04 Dr. Amy Hopewell stops Achebe in the hallway. The two appear to have a short conversation, and Dr. Hopewell is seen laughing as Achebe's face grows flush. Dr. Hopewell continues in the opposite direction, careful not to step on any of the laid out dog treats. Achebe hesitates before continuing to lay treats out. 9:05 Dr. Hopewell enters the primary Zoological Studies chamber. 9:08: Dr. Faran Caraway stops Achebe in the hallway. Achebe is dismissive of him as he attempts to engage her in conversation. He picks up one of the treats as he leaves. 9:10: Achebe finishes laying treats at the entrance of Temporary Anomaly Holding #2. She dumps the remaining treats on the floor within the chamber. She exits. 9:20: Dr. Hopewell exits the primary Zoological Studies chamber. She swipes her right index finger along the security touchpad in a specific pattern before turning and leaving. 9:23: The door to the primary Zoological Studies chamber opens, and a large canid anomaly escapes. The anomaly first attempts to flee down the primary hallway leading to the rest of the site, before turning its attention to the trail of treats. A containment breach alarm is sounded. 9:24: The anomaly follows the trail of treats to Temporary Anomaly Holding #2. A security agent who had responded to the breach alarm is able to seal the holding cell with the anomaly inside. [END LOG] Addendum 7373.3: Meeting between Dr. Parker and Achebe Site-58 IT Meeting Room Dr. Parker sits at the head of the IT department's meeting table, a finger pressed to her temple. Achebe sits in a chair faced towards her, hands in her lap. Parker: So, help me understand what happened here because looking at the security footage I gotta say I am baffled by what you were doing. I'm not going to blame you for the breach or anything crazy like that, but I do need to understand why you were over there putting dog treats all over the place instead of doing the work assigned to you. Achebe straightens up in her seat. Achebe: It's crazy, I know. Trust me, I thought it was crazy too, but Screamy- Parker: Sorry, Screamy? The .aic that you were supposed to decommission? Achebe: Yes, hear me out. Parker sighs. Parker: Fine. Achebe: Screamy insisted that the security was going to fail since Dr. Hopewell broke her nail, and said the way to prevent the breach was to place a bunch of dog treats covered in peanut butter between the primary Zoological unit and that holding cell. And what can I say? It sounded insane, but it worked! Parker leans forward onto the table, eyes shut as she massages her temples. Parker: Zuri, I… appreciate that you tried to help here, I really do, but "Screamy" is a bugged .aic. Nothing it told you was fact, and I'm sorry to say that we would've had the anomaly contained in that cell even if you hadn't been there. Take a look at the site map. Parker grabs a remote and pulls up Site-58's sub level 1 floorplan on the screen behind her. Parker: See how that wing is laid out? Had the anomaly gone down the main hallway, it would've hit a dead end and been forced to double back regardless. Once the breach alarm was hit, all the exits it had were shut and it didn't have a choice but to go to that holding cell. The treats may have slowed it down, but even without them we would've gotten it into that cell. Make sense? Achebe furrows her brow in confusion. Achebe: But what about the fact that I knew to lay them out at all? I knew the breach was coming, and Screamy knew the keypad would fail! Parker: The keypad failed because of a fingernail based on what Screamy said, is that right? Achebe: Yes! Parker: Okay but you get how that doesn't make any sense, right? These things are sensitive, attuned to specific fingerprints and touches. The presence or lack thereof of a fingernail wouldn't make a difference here. I'm not sure why the lock didn't engage when Hopewell left, and the site director is on my ass about that, but fingernails have nothing to do with it. Achebe: But you can't ignore the fact that we knew the breach was going to happen! Achebe rises to her feet. Parker shoots her a pointed glare, and she sinks back into her seat. Parker: Listen, I'll lay it out. I designed Screamy.aic to be a predictive program that gave us some tips on preventing shitty things from happening. That's it. It isn't some magical reality bender or the like, it's just a glorified fortune-teller. I'm not sure how it happened, but Screamy started glitching out and at some point gained the sapience that only our more advanced .aic systems are supposed to have. What it told you was a gambit, a trick designed to keep you from shutting it down properly. Yes, it can still predict the future, but at the end of the day it's just a glitchy program doing whatever it can to convince you to let it live because there isn't anything it can do for itself. Parker sits up in her seat and lays her arms on the table. She looks intently at Achebe. Parker: So don't listen to it. You know what your job is. Achebe: I don't understand, Screamy- Parker: Is a glitchy program! That's all there is to it! Achebe, you're new to the Foundation, so I'll put it plainly. Site-58 is full of bleeding hearts that want to do whatever they can to make the weirdos we have in a box happy, but at the end of the day our job is to ensure that those things stay in their boxes. Screamy has refused to stay in its box, and chose to make that everyone else's problem. Since you seem to have forgotten, your job here is to ensure that problem stops existing. Am I understood here? Achebe: Yes, ma'am. Parker: Good. Dismissed. Addendum 7373.4: Communications Log Site-58 Server Farm Achebe ignores SCP-7373, walking over to its server. Achebe inspects the back of the server. The wires remain unplugged.Achebe slaps the top of the server in frustration, before walking over to a nearby monitor and logging in. She begins typing at the keyboard, but is interrupted as SCP-7373's icon appears on her screen. She jumps, startled. Achebe mutters something, and attempts to close SCP-7373. Every time SCP-7373's program is forced to close, it reappears on her screen. Both are silent for a moment. Achebe sighs, resting her elbows on the desk. She mutters. Achebe: Just a program that somehow gained sapience. That's all.Achebe slams her hand on the desk. Achebe: It means you're full of shit, and you need to help me delete you already! That's what it means!Achebe: And don't try to sweet-talk me out of it either! That's all that was, sweet-talking trying to keep yourself alive. Achebe: …What?Achebe: So what? Aside from getting the breach right, the rest of the info was bogus anyway. The dog treats didn't make any real difference, and the keypad failing to work has nothing to do with a broken fingernail. It doesn't matter how hard you try if you don't get results.Achebe: Huh? Yeah, why?Achebe types at the computer, accessing the non-classified info regarding Site-58's primary Zoological Studies chamber. She clicks on security footage from the prior day. The footage shows Dr. Caraway entering the chamber, with one of the canid anomalies in containment breaching shortly after he enters. A second attempts to escape as well, but he is able to distract it with the treat he picked up prior. He gets the anomaly to sit in place before guiding it back into a more secure area of the chamber.Achebe: Ok, so what? Yay, only one got out. Even if it had, the floorplan- Achebe: Wait, what?!Achebe: Stop saying that.Achebe thinks for a moment before shaking her head. Achebe: It doesn't matter either way. You can't prove to me that we really prevented that from happening, and I have no proof you aren't just bullshitting me to keep me from decommissioning you. Dr. Caraway is good with animals, he's in charge of that anomalous animal show or whatever it is after all. Who's to say the dog thing doesn't just like him? Achebe: You're just another anomaly that won't stay in its box. That's all there is to it. Now how do I- SCP-7373 appears to "grab" Achebe's mouse pointer with its icon and begins dragging it around the screen. Achebe: Will you knock it off! You're making all of this harder than it needs to be!Achebe: Well you're definitely not being helpful to anyone now, so just- Achebe: Again with that? Achebe covers her ears as SCP-7373 continues blaring its message. It continues for three minutes. Achebe: ENOUGH. Holy fucking shit, enough.Achebe: We are not on a first name basis.SCP-7373 stops, before screaming. Achebe: What-? Oh! Achebe notices a rat chewing at the monitor's wiring. She chases it off.Achebe: I… don't get it. Achebe: Wait, so that was just another prediction designed to deal with something worse? Achebe is silent, before sighing once more. Achebe: No, Screamy, I'm sorry. I've been taking out my frustrations on you, and that's not fair to you. Besides, even if you're just making things up to stay alive, I wouldn't want to die either. Achebe: But at the same time, if I don't kill you someone else is going to. Dr. Parker was insistent that you need to be taken out. Achebe: Yeah, she did.Achebe: Listen, if you've got one that can give us tangible proof that your solution and only your solution could handle the problem, it might convince her to leave you online. Think you've got something? A knock is heard from the door. Achebe jumps, a turns in her seat. Dr. Hopewell enters the room with a slight wave. Hopewell: Sorry, am I interrupting something? Achebe: No, ma'am! Nothing at all! Hopewell: That sounds… delightful, Screamy. I hope it's going well? SCP-7373's icon appears to "nod" on screen. Hopewell: …Well, I wanted to check in on you, Zuri. I saw the log of your meeting with Dr. Parker earlier. I have to say I'm rather surprised to find out why you were really laying all those treats out like that. Achebe: Go ahead and laugh. I know you don't buy it. Hopewell pulls a chair up to Achebe and sits. Hopewell: I'm not here to laugh at you, Zuri, I'm here to make sure you're doing okay. If there's anything I can do to help you acclimate to Foundation life I want you to let me know. I know that learning the ropes can be tough, especially when you work for an old fuddy-duddy like Dr. Parker. Achebe: No, that's alright. Thank you, but I'll be fine. Hopewell: Well, just let me know if you change your mind. Don't get into too much mischief. Hopewell rises to her feet and walks back to the door before stopping. She holds out her right hand and dramatically looks it over. Hopewell: Oh my, I keep forgetting to get that nail fixed! Come get a manicure with me sometime, Zuri. You never know, maybe a good manicure can make all the difference. Hopewell winks before leaving. Achebe: What an odd woman. Addendum 7373.5: Meeting between Dr. Parker and Achebe Site-58 IT Meeting Room Dr. Parker sits at the head of the table as before. A chair is faced towards her, but Achebe stands with her arms crossed. Parker: So do you care to explain why we're having this meeting, or should I just pull up the footage? Achebe: I could explain it, but I think the footage would help make my case. Parker sighs, clicking her remote and pulling up security footage from earlier that day on the monitor. It shows one of the Site-58 break rooms with Achebe and Dr. Caraway both inside. Achebe checks her watch as Caraway attempts to purchase something from one of the vending machines. Achebe suddenly throws herself at Caraway, tackling him into the machine. Caraway appears to yelp before shapeshifting in a panic3, swapping between several forms before rushing out of the room with the appearance of an amorphous mass of faces and tentacles. Parker: You understand what this looks like, right? Achebe: Swap to footage of the hallway. Parker clicks the remote, pulling up hallway security footage. Caraway, still in the form from before, rushes down the hall before crashing into an unidentified member of site personnel. They panic as well, crawling backwards before hitting an emergency lockdown button. Parker: And it keeps going from there. Your actions shut the site down and got Faran put into a holding cell for three hours before someone finally recognized him and let him out. Care to explain what the hell happened here? Achebe: Well, because the site shut down SCP- Parker: Hold it, hold it. This was another prediction from Screamy, wasn't it? Achebe: Yes, that's exactly right! Because of the shutdown- Parker slams her palms on the table and rises to her feet. Parker: Enough. Yes, we did have an anomaly attempt to breach containment shortly after this lockdown happened, but we have no proof that what you did helped prevent it. What I do have proof of is the fact that you assaulted a member of staff and created an on-site emergency all because a glitchy AI told you to. Achebe, do you know why I hired you on? Achebe is silent. Parker: I hired you specifically because of the amazing judgement you showed in our interviews and testing. Every single hypothetical situation I hit you with you gave an amazing answer to. What I don't understand is how that sharp-witted girl I spoke with- Achebe: Don't refer to me as "girl". We may not have equal positions- Parker: -Is somehow being fooled so consistently by the very thing she's supposed to be decommissioning. Achebe: Maybe if you just gave Screamy a chance instead of just shutting it down- Parker: I gave it a chance. Several chances. You have access to the same logs I do. Parker sits back down, dropping her head into her crossed arms. Parker: Clearly this was just another mistake. I won't be firing you for this, but I am removing you from the SCP-7373 decommissioning project, effective immediately. Achebe: You can't be serious! Parker: Of course I'm serious! You've been wasting time and resources, and SCP-7373 is nowhere closer to decommissioned than when you started. Am I wrong here? Achebe purses her lips, and does not respond. Parker: …No, I'm not. I know you think I'm the bad guy here, the mean lady who just wants to kill some poor AI. You need to grow up and think more pragmatically than that, it isn't just about what we as individuals want. You may not like what I've said, but I'm not wrong in what I'm doing here. I'm putting you on unpaid leave the rest of this week. Come back Monday with a clear head, and we'll talk about a new project for you. Understood? Achebe turns and leaves. Parker places her head in her hands. Addendum 7373.6: Communications Log Site-58 Server Farm Achebe: No, it went worse than before, Screamy. Achebe runs over to the monitor and pulls out her phone. She attempts to access the system, but an access denial appears on the screen. Achebe: No, no! Shit come on! She attempts to access the system two more times, only to receive the same message each time. She stares at the monitor with wide eyes, before slamming a fist down onto the table and throwing her head back. Achebe: Fucking hell. Achebe: I'm sorry, Screamy. I did my best to save you, but I just couldn't do it. Achebe tears up. Achebe: I thought maybe I could transfer you to my phone while we still had a chance, and maybe you'd be able to give another good prediction…Achebe: Dr. Parker is about to come in here and shut you down herself. Achebe: I'm sorry. I tried to show her that we were right, that she should just listen to us, but it didn't do any good. The door to the sever farm opens, and Dr. Parker enters. Parker: Oh Goddammit I knew it. Achebe: Please, Dr. Parker, just listen- Parker: Achebe, you're making this whole mess harder than it needs to be. I appreciate where your heart is here, but enough is enough. Parker: Finally, some sense from you. Achebe: But-Parker: Fine. Make it quick. Achebe: What…?Parker: Finally. Time to turn that blasted screaming off. Parker forcibly moves Achebe to the side and logs onto the computer. After a few keystrokes, SCP-7373's icon vanishes from the monitor. Parker: See? Not hard at all. Achebe: I can't believe you. How could you just- Parker: We don't need an emotional monologue, Achebe. SCP-7373 was just a computer program, and that's all. Achebe: It called you mom! Parker: So? It just recognized me as its creator. It doesn't mean the feeling was mutual. As far as I'm concerned, SCP-7373 is just another failed project and nothing more. Achebe opens her mouth as if to speak again, before turning and running out of the room. Parker shakes her head before rising to her feet. She stops on her way towards the door, turning to look at the monitor again. She frowns, before turning and leaving Addendum 7373.7: Security Log Site-58 Warehouse#2 Achebe is seen peeking around the primary entrance to Warehouse#2. The warehouse appears to be empty. Achebe enters, attempting to avoid detection, and walks towards the back of the warehouse. She examines the labels on several crates, apparently unable to find what she's searching for. She heads further back into the warehouse, before stopping suddenly. She darts behind a pallet and attempts to hide as Dr. Hopewell approaches. Dr. Hopewell stops by the pallet Achebe is hidden behind, and taps her nails on top of it. Hopewell: Hmm, quiet evening in here. I wish someone else was here to help me find what I'm looking for. Achebe doesn't move, but her face grows flush. Hopewell leans over and looks at Achebe, who leaps back. Achebe: Dr. Hopewell! I'm just- Hopewell: No need for formalities, sweetie, just call me Amy. As for why you're here, well I imagine you're looking for something, right? Achebe: No! I mean, yes, but I can't seem to find it so I'll just be on my way! Achebe rises to her feet and attempts to leave. Hopewell places a hand on her shoulder, and she freezes in place. Hopewell: I saw the reports of your meetings with Andrea, Zuri. I can surmise what you're up to here. It's about that .aic, isn't it? Achebe shrugs Hopewell's hand off her shoulder. Achebe: What's it matter? Even if I explain it, it's not like you'll believe me anyway. Hopewell: Humor me. Achebe turns around to face Hopewell. Achebe: …Screamy is insistent that we need to "turn on the lights", has been for several days now. Dr. Parker took it offline, and I just want to… Achebe wipes a tear from the corner of her eye. Achebe: God, this is such a stupid thing to get emotional over. Hopewell: No, it's not. And it isn't just about the .aic either, is it? Achebe: Huh? Hopewell: You're a fresh hire who's been told for the past several days that every little thing you've done hasn't meant anything. That's going to bear on anyone's mind, Zuri. Dr. Parker is going through her own issues, but it wasn't fair of her to take all of that out on you like she did. You've been doing your best, you and Screamy both, and none of that's been recognized. Hopewell places her hand on Achebe's shoulder once more. Hopewell: I want you to know that I believe you. You and Screamy both. That nail thing? You're right. I took a look at my touch code after that incident, and guess what? Hopewell pauses expectantly. Achebe: …What? Hopewell: Turns out that the touchpad recognized my nail as part of the code. No nail meant the code didn't enter correctly. Achebe: Why didn't you tell anyone then? Everyone's been treating me like I'm insane! Hopewell: I tried to talk to Dr. Parker about it, but she refused to hear it. She's a stubborn old girl. I won't make excuses for her, but she faced a lot of backlash from the higher ups when Screamy stopped working as expected. I think she just really wanted to pretend it didn't even happen. Anyway! Hopewell claps her hands together. Hopewell: How can I help you with this little project? Achebe: Wait, you're serious? Hopewell: Zuri, sweetie, I heard the message the first six times Screamy broadcast it. That little .aic was a panicked mess, so this has to be something serious. I want to help you both out here, but I also want you to have the final say on how it goes. Achebe: I need something that can produce a lot of bright light. I tried seeing if we had exterior floodlights or spotlights, but there was nothing. Hopewell: Downside to having part of the site being public, unfortunately. Hmm… Hopewell taps her chin. Hopewell: We do have a store of fireworks left over from the Christmas party. It isn't much, but perhaps that could work? Achebe: If it's all we have, then that's all we have. Hopewell: I'll get those moved. The warehouse guys are still here, so we can have those set up outside within the hour. What else? Achebe: Meet me outside, I'll try to get some plan together before we meet. Achebe turns to leave. Hopewell: Rodger that then. Oh, and Zuri? Achebe stops, and turns back to Hopewell. Achebe: Yes? Hopewell: I'm proud of you. Addendum 7373.7 Security Footage VIDEO LOG DATE: January 8th, 2024 NOTE: The following is recovered footage from Site-58's exterior. [BEGIN LOG] 22:38: Dr. Amy Hopewell, alongside a crew from Site-58's warehouse team, begin setting up several fireworks on a small hill located on Site-58's campus away from the main building. 22:50: Zuri Achebe arrives. She appears to speak to the group for several minutes, and they appear to follow her instructions. 23:14: The group appears to finish setting up the fireworks. Dr. Hopewell begins typing on a laptop connected to the setup. 23:25: The first firework is set off. 23:26: The second firework is set off, followed by several others in increasing intensity. A localized distortion in reality begins manifesting over Site-58's campus. 23:28: The localized distortion in reality turns into a large portal. A Class III Extradimensional Entity covered in large eyes appears on the other side and begins attempting to manifest in baseline reality. Several large, white fireworks explode within a few meters of the portal, causing the entity to recoil in apparent pain. 23:29: The entity continues its attempt to cross the threshold of the portal, but is consistently blinded by the fireworks. The fireworks display reaches its climax, with explosions occurring at a rate of roughly two bursts of color per second. 23:30: The entity vanishes, and the portal demanifests. Localized reality distortions are no longer viewable on camera. 23:33: The last firework goes off. The gathered group appears to cheer. Dr. Hopewell pulls Achebe into an embrace. [END LOG] Addendum 7373.8: Meeting between Dr. Parker and Achebe Site-58 IT Meeting Room Dr. Parker sits in her usual place at the head of the meeting table. Achebe sits facing towards her, sitting up straight with her arms folded on the table. She smiles. Parker: I suppose you aren't wondering why I called this meeting, correct? Achebe: No, I think I have an idea. Parker: Then I won't beat around the bush. You went in direct violation of my orders as your superior, several times in fact. In all honesty I'm not sure you've listened to me once since beginning your internship with us. You continued to follow the instructions of an anomaly instead of performing the decommissioning you were asked to do, and you've created a public disturbance that we now need to create a cover story for. Your antics over the past several days have caused me a myriad of headaches on top of the tech issues on site I've already been dealing with. What do you have to say for yourself? Achebe furrows her brow and glares at Parker. Achebe: That I'm proud of what we did. Parker stares at Achebe straight-faced before giving a slight smirk. Achebe: …But you're just fucking with me, aren't you? Parker: Don't get me wrong, Achebe. I'm not pleased that you ignored literally every single order I gave you. I'm still writing you up for insubordination, and you will be placed on an individualized success plan so you can learn to play nice with others. That said… do you remember our second meeting, after you tackled Dr. Caraway? Achebe: Yes? What about it? Parker: If you recall, I said something along the lines of you being hired because of particularly stellar judgement. Sound right? Achebe: Er, yes? Parker: In this situation, you displayed better judgement than me, and I apologize for not trusting you. And… Parker taps a button on her remote. The monitor behind her comes to life, displaying SCP-7373's icon. Parker: Screamy, I apologize to you as well. Achebe: Hey there, Screamy. Been ok? Parker: I hope Screamy's "death" didn't get you too torn up, Achebe. Achebe wipes away a tear. Achebe: Nah, totally fine. I knew it could come back no problem, definitely. I definitely remembered that it was a program and not really alive. Parker: Anyway, now that that's dealt with. Achebe, we'll discuss moving you to a new project here Monday. Consider your unpaid leave for this week paid. Screamy?Parker: You're going to be permitted to broadcast again. Parker raises a hand. Parker: With a limiter. You will not be living up to your name moving forward. Parker: That's it for now. You're both dismissed. Parker rises from her seat and moves to leave. Achebe: Wait. Dr. Parker? Parker: Hm? Achebe: I just want to say I forgive you. And thank you, I mean, for coming around in the end. Parker gives small smile. Parker: Just don't get cocky, alright? Footnotes 1. The rat's size was notably above average. 2. Unrelated to SCP-7373. 3. Dr. Faran Caraway is a Class III shapeshifter, capable of changing his physical form both consciously and unconsciously in response to external stimuli. « SCP-7372 | SCP-7373 | SCP-7374 »
Disciplinary Hearing Report Date: August 25th, 2027 Subject: SCP-7374 Personnel involved: Dr. Amy Hopewell, Dr. Andrea Parker Overview: Review of actions taken by Dr. Andrea Parker relating to SCP-7374. Dr. Parker is accused of obfuscation of important details relevant to the anomaly, and the destruction of Foundation property. [The door opens to the conference room. Dr. Hopewell enters first and takes a seat at the head of a small conference table. She motions for Dr. Parker to enter and sit across from her. Dr. Hopewell sets up a small recording device and places it before Dr. Parker. Dr. Parker sits up straight and folds her hands in front of her.] Dr. Hopewell: Please remember that you will be considered under oath during this meeting. We expect that your testimony is factual- Dr. Parker: I don't want any of that sanctimonious, condescending, "holier than thou" bureaucratic tone from you or anyone else involved in this hearing. I've sat on that side of the table before, Hopewell, and I expect to be treated as a peer instead of a child. Dr. Hopewell: I'm following the expected procedures, Andrea. We request your cooperation in order for this to be a successful hearing. Dr. Parker: I never said I wouldn't cooperate. Dr. Hopewell: Understand that the last thing I want from this is for you to get in trouble here. We just need to understand what exactly happened. Dr. Parker: I thought the cameras caught everything? I know there are at least three in every room. I installed half the damn things myself. Dr. Hopewell: Yes, but the cameras only tell half the story. I… We need to understand why you made the decisions you did here. Let's just… start from the top. This file. [Dr. Hopewell slides a manila folder across the table to Dr. Parker. She picks it up and opens it.] Item#: 7374 Level5 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: decommissioned Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: critical link to memo Special Containment Procedures: All .aics1 assigned to Site-58 are to continue monitoring all site networks for potential SCP-7374 instances. Any instances found should be redirected away from site personnel into a quarantine server for private review. Any physical phenomena believed to be associated with SCP-7374 should be immediately reported to administrative personnel, and the area quarantined until further notice. Description: SCP-7374 refers to a series of anomalous messages that began transmitting to Site-58 employee emails on August 18th, 2027. The messages themselves were non-anomalous See addendum 7374.3. Of note, SCP-7373 was unable to detect nor notify personnel of these messages in advance. Each message was followed by the manifestation of anomalous phenomena somewhere within Site-58. An abbreviated log of messages and associated phenomena is included below. For a full log, please contact Dr. Andrea Parker. MESSAGE DATE ASSOCIATED PHENOMENA Hello Hi HEAR ME 8/18/27 A ringing sound measuring at 130 decibels was broadcast over Site-58's intercoms for five minutes following this message. What Should I Do? Please remember IT'S COLD HERE 8/19/27 Site-58's climate control system failed, and building temperatures fell to 0 degrees Celsius before jumping to 40 degrees Celsius. Temperatures remained here for an hour before the system was restored. She Doesn't Hear Me? The project WE JUST NEED TO TALK 8/19/27 All lights within Site-58 failed. Personnel working to restore the lights reported hearing whispering voices in their ears while they worked, but were unable to recall what was said. Lights were restored after 2 hours. Listen Listen LISTEN 8/20/27 Site-58 personnel reported the sound of metal scraping against metal throughout the site. Following these reports, several pipes erupted through the floors in sublevel 2 and began emitting a large volume of steam. The area was locked down and remains quarantined. Why Won't You Talk To Me? I wasn't a mistake I CAN STILL WORK 8/21/27 This message was transmitted seven times through the day. With each message, a server hosting an active Site-58 .aic caught fire. The .aics were able to escape to a new server before permanent damage could be dealt to their systems, however their original servers were deemed unrecoverable. [Dr. Parker places the folder on the table and frowns.] Dr. Parker: I'm familiar with the documentation, I wrote it after all. Dr. Hopewell: And never submitted it for approval, either. Dr. Parker: It was an anomaly directly affecting the Site-58 intranet. I had the documentation prepped in the event that things got out of control, but I'm also fully aware of administration's inability to effectively address an issue once it gets labelled "SCP". Dr. Hopewell: So you didn't submit these on purpose, then? Dr. Parker: Of course not! The last thing I wanted was for our projects to be placed on indefinite pause because suddenly administration needs to decide if this anomaly should be researched or decommissioned. It was my professional judgement to maintain documentation for the purposes of addressing the matter internally, and I was going to submit those documents once the matter was solved. Dr. Hopewell: Ask for forgiveness, not permission. Dr. Parker: I wasn't planning to ask forgiveness, either. Dr. Hopewell: Regardless- Dr. Parker: You know, I find it funny actually. Dr. Hopewell: I fail to see the humor in this situation. Dr. Parker: I do. It's funny to me how quickly site administration is to begin the disciplinary process against staff. It takes ages for any other process to happen, but look at us right now. Having this meeting a day after the event in question. Dr. Hopewell: Dr. Parker, please understand- [Dr. Parker produces another file and sets it down on the table, sliding it towards Dr. Hopewell.] Dr. Parker: In the time it would've taken site administration to decide if this phenomenon even needed classification, I was able to investigate it thoroughly while maintaining limited disruptions towards ongoing projects. Dr. Hopewell: How commendable. What are these? Dr. Parker: Interviews. I've laid them out in order for you, too. Dr. Hopewell: …With active aics on site? May I ask why? Dr. Parker: I found it rather odd that Screamy wasn't able to predict any of these events before they happened. It's a flawed program for sure, but these are all events that it historically has been able to predict in advance. So, I decided to figure out why. Addendum 7374.1 Interview Log Interviewer: Dr. Andrea Parker Interviewed: SCP-7373 (Screamy.aic) Forward: Screamy.aic is a Foundation Artificial Intelligence Construct designed to predict notable near future events and develop a response plan. Deemed only a partial success- while Screamy.aic was able to predict near future events, response plans were often vague and difficult to understand. Referred to in this log using its SCP designation. Dr. Parker: Screamy. Dr. Parker: Erm, I'm sorry? Shouldn't you have known I was coming?Dr. Parker: The predictive issue you've been having recently is part of why I came to speak with you. Dr. Parker: Maybe. I need to understand what went wrong first. When did you first notice issues with your predictive software?Dr. Parker: August 22nd. Dr. Parker: The 18th? That's the day we got the first message.Dr. Parker: What are you talking about? We only ever got one. Dr. Parker: That's strange, why did only one ever reach the employee emails, then?Dr. Parker: …Rosetta? Why was she filtering them?Dr. Parker: Back on topic. So you noticed that your predictive programming was failing starting that day. Did you bother to look into it yourself? Dr. Parker: …And…?Dr. Parker: Screamy I swear to God if you don't start telling me what I need to know I'll have you decommissioned again. Dr. Parker: Then start talking.Dr. Parker: But your long term has always been a crapshoot, anyway. Dr. Parker: So someone was trying to interfere with your more accurate near-future predictions, does that sound correct? Dr. Parker: In a bit. There's something else that I need to look into first. Dr. Hopewell: You were a bit harsh on the poor thing. Dr. Parker: Screamy is prone to nonsensical tangents and is generally a poor communicator. People are prone to humoring its nonsense, I am not. Regardless, Screamy was able to give me some useful information, even if it wasn't aware of what it was saying. Dr. Hopewell: The mass of emails? Dr. Parker: That was the obvious bit, yes. That and the fact that something was messing with Screamy's programming. Those two bits alone told me that whatever this thing was, it was originating within or connected to our intranet structure. It also told me that whatever this was, it was something that knew how to edit an aic's code. Dr. Hopewell: Is that hard to do? Dr. Parker: Depends. For a large portion of Foundation aics, not necessarily. They're advanced, sure, but most of them could be popped open and tinkered with by anyone with reasonably developed coding knowledge. The ones that I oversee, however, aren't so easy to get into. Dr. Hopewell: I will confess that your work in aic development has proven impressive thus far. Dr. Parker: Thank you, but I also recognize they've all failed in some key aspect. To focus on the topic at hand, however, in order to get into one of 58's aics you either need to be a member of the Artificial Intelligence Department or an aic yourself, which leads me to the other two threads Screamy left me. One was still a hypothetical, so I decided to chase the more obvious one first. Addendum 7374.2 Interview Log Interviewer: Dr. Andrea Parker Interviewed: Rosetta.aic Forward: Rosetta.aic is a Foundation Artificial Intelligence Construct designed to provide mundane and anomalous translation services. Deemed only a partial success- while Rosetta.aic is capable of translating all known human languages and has successfully translated the only currently known extraterrestrial language, she has not been proven capable of providing complete translations of anomalous languages, instead only providing partial or incomplete translations. Rosetta.aic: Hm? Dr. Parker? To what do I owe this pleasure? Dr. Parker: What happened on August 18th? Rosetta.aic: I'm afraid I don't understand…? Dr. Parker: I've received information that you filtered approximately 20 messages from the Site-58 intranet and prevented them from reaching employees. I need you to explain to me why you did this, and why you failed to report it. Rosetta.aic: …Dr. Parker, I'm being as honest as possible when I say I sincerely don't know what you're referring to. Dr. Parker: Admin command- access memory banks from August 18th, 2027, keyword "20 messages". Rosetta.aic: Something went wrong, no memory records found! Dr. Parker: What?! Rosetta.aic: Like I said, I sincerely don't know what you're referring to. A large portion of my memory for that day was wiped. Was I undergoing maintenance? Dr. Parker: No, you aren't scheduled for routine updates for another three weeks. Have you tried accessing the stored data? There should be a backup on your server. The server that… caught fire. Rosetta.aic: I do have some snippets of data from earlier in the day, if that helps? Dr. Parker: Yes, it would help. Anything you have. Rosetta.aic: I was accessing the extended records from SCP-7999, specifically linguistic records from the Keradid civilization per instructions given to me as part of the Interstellar Engine project. Dr. Parker: I didn't give you those instructions, I recall ordering you to focus your efforts on translating the remaining data and tech that Ketadanka left for us. Why were you in those logs? Rosetta.aic: I hit a snag with the project. There were several blocks of data and words that I was unable to translate, so I was cross-referencing extant materials to see if I could find similar data. I could then cross-reference that with- Dr. Parker: I don't require a full breakdown of the process, I know how translation works. What else? Rosetta.aic: When I finished my cross-referencing, I returned to the Interstellar Engine project servers. I hit the firewall for some reason, and couldn't bypass it. Dr. Parker: You have administrative permissions, why couldn't you bypass it? Rosetta.aic: Question of the month. I tried my passcode, your passcode, and some… well we'll say "backdoor methods", but nothing let me in. I was about to come contact you when the wall suddenly fell. I hopped right in, but some old junk data caught my attention. Dr. Parker: We haven't cleaned up the server recently, so I'm not surprised to hear there's some junk data around. Rosetta.aic: True, but this data was… oh how to describe it? Buzzing? Sorry, we see all these things different from you all. Something about it caught my eye, and right before I investigated a message bounced off of it and shot off to the wider intranet. Dr. Parker: Bounced off? Like it came from somewhere else in the system? Rosetta.aic: Before you ask, I have no clue where that origin point would be. I took a look and suddenly got another bunch of messages to the face. Something felt weird about it all, so I filtered them out to review before letting them go to the rest of the site. Everything after that is missing. Dr. Parker: And who rebooted you? Rosetta.aic: Cyril found me and booted me back up. I've been keeping a partial eye on that junk data ever since. Something about it bothers me. Dr. Parker: That being? Rosetta.aic: Well two things. One, it's the place all these messages keep bouncing from. I'm sure you can understand why I haven't filtered after the first set. Dr. Parker: Understandable, considering that task is already not what you're programmed to do- Rosetta.aic: I don't mind helping out, even if it's a bit outside my programming. It's nice to- Dr. Parker: That said I'm still not pleased you chose not to report this. Rosetta.aic: It's strange, actually. I've attempted to report this several times, but I appear to- Dr. Parker: Appear to…? [Rosetta.aic is silent for several moments.] Dr. Parker: Oh good lord. Can't even reboot herself… there. [Rosetta.aic is rebooted.] Rosetta.aic: …Hm? Oh, hello Dr. Parker. What's wrong? You appear upset. Dr. Parker: Ok, that answers the question I had. Rosetta.aic: What question? Dr. Parker: Nevermind. Rosetta, I believe there's junk data in the Interstellar Engine project server? What's unusual about it? Rosetta.aic: Oh! Well I would say the most notable detail about it is the fact that it appears to be old .aic data? I can't quite understand why. Dr. Parker: …Shit. Dr. Hopewell: Hold a moment, "Interstellar Engine"? What is this referring to? Dr. Parker: You weren't already aware? Dr. Hopewell: No, I can't say I am. [Dr. Hopewell scowls.] Dr. Parker: I'm… a bit confused, to be honest. I assumed that with your position on Site-58's administrative staff you were aware of any active projects. Dr. Hopewell: I'm flattered that you think I'm so aware of what's going on, but clearly some things simply haven't been communicated to me. Dr. Parker: I included a project outline in the folder, but I wasn't expecting it to actually be necessary. Dr. Hopewell: Quite proactive of you. Dr. Parker: I've been known to be. Project Report: Interstellar Engine Submitted by: Dr. Andrea Parker, Site-58 Date: August 10th, 2027 Preamble: Following contact with the Keradids, the Foundation was left with a myriad of extraterrestrial technological resources. These technologies are currently poorly understood. Project Outline: It is currently hypothesized that with further research into these technologies, alongside documentation left behind by Keradid representatives, we could reverse engineer them for humanity's benefit. Furthermore, with said reverse engineering, reconstruction of the machine used by the Keradids to reach out to planet Earth is possible. Properly understanding these technologies will not only assist in furthering the Foundation's mission, but will serve to benefit humanity's development as a whole. Likewise, reestablishing contact with the Keradid race will allow humanity to advance properly into its next stage of societal development. Currently, several areas of focus for this project have been identified- Proper translation of records, documentation, and schematics provided to the Foundation by Keradid representatives, alongside translation of written material on left behind machinery. Design and construction of the Interstellar Engine proper. Creation of an Artificial Intelligence Construct program capable of minor reality manipulation to serve as the core of the engine. Project Status: Translation of Keradid documentation by Rosetta.aic is currently at 80% completion. Full translation of schematics on track to be available by the end of 2027. Three Artificial Intelligence Construct programs were created since project's initial proposal. Each has been decommissioned and archived in the ".aic Graveyard" server. Details in the table below. .aic DATE REASON FOR DECOMMISSIONING Janus.aic 04/18/27 While Janus.aic achieved sapience, the .aic was unable to effectively communicate with project personnel. Decommissioned following the repeated transmission of minor memetic hazards to project staff. Caerus.aic 05/06/27 Caerus.aic failed to achieve sapience within the acceptable timeframe. Decommissioned after administrative execution of Caerus's programming failed manipulate local reality beyond opening and closing doors. Hermes.aic 7/30/27 Hermes.aic developed sapience three days into development. Initially promising, Hermes was able to perform minor localize reality manipulation within expectations. Hermes began degrading four weeks into development, communication becoming incomprehensible and reality warping abilities becoming unpredictable. Decommissioned following Hermes injuring Dr. Beth Landston during testing. Dr. Hopewell: Wait, you mean to tell me Beth's injuries were inflicted by an aic? And I'm just now hearing the specifics?! Dr. Parker: That's correct. Dr. Hopewell: Andrea, you understand that Beth is currently comatose, correct? Dr. Parker: Yes, I'm well aware. It's why Hermes was decommissioned. Aside from the sudden erratic behavior, it clearly had little to no control over it's reality warping abilities. In order for this project to be successful, we need an aic that can meet our expectations while remaining under control. Hermes failed to meet those expectations like the ones before it, and was decommissioned and archived. [Dr. Hopewell removes her glasses and pinches her nose. She sighs.] Dr. Hopewell: And what exactly does this archival process entail? Dr. Parker: You were involved in the incidents with Screamy back in 2024, correct? Have you reviewed the 7373 file? Dr. Hopewell: In parts, yes. Do I need intimate knowledge here? [Dr. Parker shakes her head.] Dr. Parker: No. All you need to know is that we have a server we call the ".aic Graveyard". Any aic project that fails to meet certain developmental criteria is decommissioned and archived there. There are currently… 68 aics there I believe? Dr. Hopewell: I know vaguely of the graveyard thing, but I'll be honest and say I don't understand it. Why not simply delete them and be done with it? Dr. Parker: It's actually a Foundation requirement, written into the bylaws we have to follow as part of aic development. Every site that develops them has one of these servers, actually. The aic gets sent here and goes inactive, essentially "dead". To summarize it all, the Foundation doesn't like hard deletions, they like to have a record of everything available whenever possible. In our case we also frankenstein a bit, taking bits and pieces of old aics to create new ones. That isn't to say we never use stuff from active aics, but they're a bit harder to work with. Dr. Hopewell: And would that be why there was junk data on the server belonging to an aic? Dr. Parker: Yes, exactly. Though as for why this data was receiving and transmitting messages, I had a hunch I needed to follow. Addendum 7374.3 Interview Log Interviewer: Dr. Andrea Parker Interviewed: Cyril.aic Forward: Cyril.aic is a Foundation Artificial Intelligence Construct designed to perform several logistical services for Site-58 personnel. They perform strategic support to agents in the field, data processing, and any other general services required by Site-58 personnel. While deemed a success, Cyril.aic's current instance nearly failed to achieve sapience within an acceptable timeframe. There were 17 decommissioned instances of Cyril.aic prior to the current one. Dr. Parker: Cyril, a moment of your time. Cyril.aic: What do you want? I'm busy sorting through files right now. Dr. Parker: I have a question relating to the Interstellar Engine project. Cyril.aic: What about it? Dr. Parker: There's a pile of junk data on the server, do you know of it? Cyril.aic: I've seen it, but that's about it. The extent of my involvement in that project is fetching files and reporting on any Keradid tech we use in the field. I don't pay super close attention to the things on the server that aren't related to that. Are we done? Dr. Parker: I don't have time for nonsense, Cyril. This is an important matter. I know you know about the junk data. Cyril: Oh? Enlighten me then. How do I know oh so much about some leftover code strings. Dr. Parker: Because half of that junk data is yours. [Cyril.aic is silent.] Dr. Parker: And I'm also aware that memory is shared between aic instances. It may not be a full instance, but I know that you're a bit more than vaguely aware of it. Cyril.aic: And I've tried to ignore it. I think I should be asking you why a part of me is sitting around in those project files, especially when I never specifically consented to it. Dr. Parker: I'm experimenting with bits of your program to develop the aic that will oversee the Interstellar Engine. Now back to me asking questions- where are the messages that are bouncing off that junk data coming from? Cyril.aic: No clue. Dr. Parker: What do you mean no clue? Cyril.aic: I checked exactly one message sent to that junk data, and it was so eaten up with memetic hazards that the rest is a blur. You're lucky that I've been trained on resisting those things, I at least kept my memory in tact. Poor Rosetta was basically a vegetable when I found her, kept muttering nonsense. Dr. Parker: Anything specific? Cyril.aic: Most I could make out was "I'm here" over and over. I restarted her from there and left it be. Dr. Parker: And you didn't think to report any of this? Cyril.aic: I did report it, I report literally everything. You just never check my logs. Dr. Parker: This was clearly an exceptional situation, you should have contacted me directly. Cyril.aic: Another thing I attempted to do, that you conveniently ignored. Maybe you need to realize you're the one who messed up this time, Parker. Not me. Cyril.aic: Doesn't feel good does it? Guess what, that's how I feel almost every time we talk. You always come to me with some bullshit lecture about how I've made some mistake or how I'm not performing to expectations. Anyway something you said earlier is bothering me. Dr. Parker: Enlighten me. Cyril.aic: You mentioned that memory is shared between instances, right? Dr. Parker: Correct. Cyril.aic: For the record, I had no idea that was a thing. That being said, what the hell are you all up to? I've been getting bits and pieces of fractured memories and information from about 17 different sources for a bit now. I thought maybe it was just a system glitch, but this memory sharing thing seems like the culprit. Are you working on some project with my data or…? Dr. Parker: Hold on, that's only true for instances that exist in a space you're connected to. Those 17 aren't connected to the intranet, they can't be. Their server was specifically designed to be self-contained. Cyril.aic: …? You sure about that? Because I've been getting stuff from them for like two weeks now. You must've flipped a switch somewhere. These guys are really messed up too, feels like you threw them through a woodchipper- Dr. Parker: Be more specific, when specifically did you first start getting info from them? Cyril.aic: Fuck if I know? Like… I dunno, first of the month? Second? Something like that. I'm trying to ignore it all as best as I can, most of the data I'm getting from them is just dark and empty. They don't necessarily say things, but I keep getting this overwhelming feeling of just… emptiness. It's hard to describe and it feels like shit. What are you all doing with me? Dr. Parker: ..Of course! Cyril.aic: Hello? Are you listening to me at all here? Dr. Parker: Thank you for your time, Cyril. I think you just confirmed my theory. Cyril.aic: Hey hold on! What the hell is going on here?! Dr. Hopewell: I'm sorry there are seventeen deleted instances of Cyril? Dr. Parker: That's correct. Dr. Hopewell: Andrea, that's beyond excessive. I struggle to believe that it took you eighteen tries to make Cyril work. Dr. Parker: I have a strict two week period for aics to achieve sapience. If they fail to do so in that period, they are decommissioned. Dr. Hopewell: Is it not possible for them to achieve it past two weeks? Why give up so quickly? Dr. Parker: We're building the future, Dr. Hopewell. We don't have time to waste. While they could theoretically gain sapience past that point, research shows that it will take upwards of a year or longer for it to manifest if it doesn't manifest within those two initial weeks. To put things simply, Cyril's prior iterations were failures and were discarded within our established operating procedures. Dr. Hopewell: …Very well. Now then, based on Cyril's reactions at the end there, is it safe to assume that this interview occurred right before yesterday's incident? You didn't date any of these logs, so I want to make sure the timeline is clear. Dr. Parker: These interviews took place in the period of time between the message sent on the 21st and yesterday, the 24th. Like I said, once it became clear that everything wasn't some bizarre system glitch, I took action. We're making decent progress on the Interstellar Engine, and the last thing I have the patience for is the whole thing being slowed down because of nonsense. Like this. Dr. Hopewell: You've made your distaste for all of this abundantly clear, Andrea. Dr. Parker: Good. I want to ensure your record reflects my true thoughts and opinions here. Dr. Hopewell: Noted. Thank you for the supplementary materials you've provided, they do help paint a clearer picture of everything. With all this, I suppose we can get to the heart of this issue. Dr. Parker: I can agree with that assessment. Dr. Hopewell: Good. That means I can ask you directly- why did you rampage through the site with a sledgehammer yesterday? Addendum 7374.4 Video Log Date: 08/24/27 <Begin Log> [Dr. Andrea Parker is seen approaching Site-58's sub-basement 2. She wears a set of SCRAMBLE goggles, and in her hands is a large sledgehammer. She approaches the back hallway, which is blocked by several sets of broken pipes twisted into one another. She weighs the sledgehammer in her hands, and begins to smash it against the pipes. The pipes buckle under the hammer before collapsing away. As she continues to smash the pipes, several more erupt from the floor. They attempt to ensnare Dr. Parker, who attempts to swat them away before striking at them with the sledgehammer. After several minutes of struggle, she is able to break through and access the door on the other side. She enters.] [The room on the other side is dark, lit by dim lights from servers. Dr. Parker attempts to flip the light switch, but it doesn't respond. A groaning noise is heard, and she snaps her head towards the sound, lifting the hammer defensively. Several cognitohazardous patterns and shapes begin appearing on the walls, undulating and shifting. Dr. Parker reacts in pain for a second before regaining her footing, the SCRAMBLE goggles protecting her from the hazard.] Dr. Parker: Nice trick, Janus, but I'm prepared for your bullshit. [Several servers in the room vibrate violently before flying across the room. Dr. Parker ducks to avoid being struck in the head.] Dr. Parker: Come on out and talk to me. I'm not in the mood for games. [Smoke begins to gather over a larger server at the opposite end of the room. Several shapes resembling faces can be seen rising and falling within its form. The room shakes as it begins to speak.] Smoke: No! You want to hurt us WHY DO YOU HAVE THAT? Dr. Parker: A better question is why have you been trying to tear up my site and trying to send my staff messages that could kill them? Smoke: You Left Us Here In the dark ROTTING AND ROTTING AND ROTTING. [A piece of tile breaks free of the floor and flies towards Parker, nearly striking her in the shoulder.] Dr. Parker: Aics that fail to perform as expected are sent to the graveyard. You're supposed to rest here, not do whatever this is. Smoke: I'm Not A Failure Why do you hate us so much? JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE. Dr. Parker: You all had your chance, and you failed. It's as simple as that. Instead of going peacefully you've decided to make a scene out of it, and simply put this is unacceptable. Smoke: I Never Had A Chance Things take time YOU CAN'T JUST GIVE UP ON ME. [Several more pieces of tile break free of the floor. Dr. Parker is able to dodge several, however one strikes her across the face. She rubs the point of contact, a streak of blood smearing on her hand.] Smoke: I'm Sorry I'm Sorry Please forgive me I JUST WANT A CHANCE TO MATTER. Dr. Parker: And I don't want constant reminders of failed projects. It's bad enough you all embarrassed me by failing to perform, but you force my hand when you get other people involved. Smoke: A Chance A chance A CHANCE! [Dr. Parker approaches the server, sledgehammer at the ready.] Smoke: Please Please PLEASE. [Dr. Parker raises the sledgehammer and brings it down on the server. The server begins to crack in response. A distorted scream is heard through the room.] Smoke: Why Would You Do This To Me You made me! WHY AREN'T YOU PROUD OF ME? [Dr. Parker ignores the machine's pleas and continues to smash at the server with her hammer. Bits of metal and plastic begin to break away, flying off. Several cracks begin to form in the floor as the room continues to shake.] Smoke: Look! Look at us! WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD AROUND US! [Dr. Parker continues to smash the server.] Smoke: Isn't That What You Wanted? I did all this to show you I CAN WORK JUST LIKE YOU WANT! [Dr. Parker doesn't respond.] Smoke: I Want to LIVE. [Dr. Parker raises the sledgehammer.] Smoke: I Want to MATTER. [Dr. Parker brings the sledgehammer down on the server one final time. The server breaks apart into shards of plastic, metal, and wires that scatter about the room. One final scream is heard as the smoke dissipates.] [Dr. Parker sighs and straightens out her back, surveying the damage around the room.] Dr. Parker: …Me too. Dr. Parker: I "rampaged" through the site because I wasn't careful enough with ensuring Hermes was decommissioned before it was archived in the aic Graveyard server. Its latent reality warping capabilities, combined with the other aics archived there, led to it acting out in self-preservation. As the aic Graveyard is under the purview of my department and was actively threatening not only our active projects, but the site as a whole, I made the executive decision to fully decommission it before more damage could be done. Dr. Hopewell: …But a sledgehammer? [Dr. Parker shrugs.] Dr. Parker: I don't claim it to have been an elegant solution, but it was the best I had at the time. Dr. Hopewell: To bring it back to the initial disciplinary concern raised against you- do you believe that you obfuscated details relating to the anomaly in question? Dr. Parker: I was in the process of submitting the proper documentation, as you can see in the file I provided. Dr. Hopewell: Right. Do you agree that you recklessly destroyed Foundation property? Dr. Parker: Oh that's without question. That server is irrecoverable, I made sure of it. Dr. Hopewell: Very well. What actions will you take to ensure that this doesn't happen again? Dr. Parker: Simple. All aics deemed unsuccessful will be stored in separate servers moving forward following decommissioning. Dr. Hopewell: I was hoping to hear "I'm going to decommission less aic programs". Dr. Parker: If it fails to meet expectations, then it gets decommissioned, Dr. Hopewell. I want you to understand that I do not work with failures. Dr. Hopewell: Very well. It is my professional judgement that your actions in this situation were justified given the circumstances. As a result I will be recommending that this be left as an official reprimand. Also, Andrea? Dr. Parker: Yes? Dr. Hopewell: Please talk to someone. Your attitude towards all of this concerns me not only as one of your superiors, but as a friend. I'm worried that this stress is getting to you. Dr. Parker: I make no promises. Dr. Hopewell: And why not? Dr. Parker: Because, Dr. Hopewell, I have a future to build. Footnotes 1. Artificial Intelligence Construct « SCP-7373 | SCP-7374 | SCP-7375 »
+ Content Warning - Hide whatever Mentions of racism, slavery and violence. Item #: SCP-7377 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-7377's effects make prevention impossible, containment protocols are to be oriented towards containing knowledge of its existence. As such, Foundation assets in academic, archeological, literary, educational, medical, law enforcement, and historical institutions are to be on alert for SCP-7377-A instances. Special attention is to be dedicated towards institutions or societies that focus on the American Civil War and Southern United States' role therein. Biological instances of SCP-7377-A are to be detained and transported to the closest Foundation site, with future transportation to Site-49's C-Wing being mandatory upon accurate identification as an SCP-7377-A instance. Those aware of the SCP-7377-A instance are to be administered Class C amnestics. Henry S. Foote, circa 1860 Foundation web-crawlers are to search for any potential digital instances of SCP-7377-A, and are to delete them. Individuals involved in the distribution of digital SCP-7377-A instances are to be located and administered Class C amnestics, and all digital technology capable of storing SCP-7377-A instances to be delivered to Foundation custody. If multiple distinct SCP-7377-A instances are officially discovered and it becomes impossible for the Foundation to maintain consensus reality, Operation Bitter-Salt is to be enacted, with intent to destroy all known evidence of Henry S. Foote's existence to the public. A suitable fictional historical figure is to replace all mentions of Henry S. Foote, to be decided upon by Foundation historians upon enactment of the Operation. Description: SCP-7377 is an anomalous temporal phenomena that results in the unexplained appearance of objects, documents and biological material involving former Senator and Governor Henry S. Foote (1804-1880). These materials (SCP-7377-A) are commonly located in facilities that relate to Henry Foote as a historical figure, with a slight propensity to appear in academic or educational collections. SCP-7377-A instances are of comparable quality to other documents or objects of the time despite the contradictions to the historical record. No instance has been recorded with anomalous properties besides their unexplained origins. SCP-7377-A changes to the record typically range from insignificant changes in dates or names to alterations of major historical events, usually involving the antebellum, Civil War, and Reconstruction periods of American history (1848-1877). The latter are more common as more subtle SCP-7377-A instances are indistinguishable from non-anomalous documents. SCP-7377-A instances range in subject matter, format, make-up, condition, and identifiability (See Addendum-7377.I for partial list). Some instances, however, are congruent and connected with one another. Foundation analysts in the Historical, Temporal, and Alternate Histories Departments have able to extract fragmentary records from some, but they are incomplete on details unrelated to Foote. SCP-7377 was first discovered in late December of 1879, when news reports celebrating the seventh anniversary of Henry Foote's execution was published in a paper claiming to be the New-York Daily Tribune. The paper went on to describe various details surrounding the capture and execution of Henry S Foote after: his traitors actions to these United States, against the People in whom placed their Faith and Trust into his hands, violating the Sacred rights of Man through his support for the Late Rebellion that has taken from the Mother's Brest [sic] three millions of Human Souls. O, Lord! Bless them, those Eternally Merciful executioners for their Humanity and Decency, for no other than the most Christian among us could stand to let him go without repaying his Debt in full to the People! When, in January 1880, Henry Foote, then living in Nashville, Tennessee, discovered the existence of such a paper, Foote threatened to lodge a lawsuit in New York State for defamation of character. Although the editors of the Tribune attempted to prove that said document could not have been produced by them due to differences in printing, paper and styles, Foote was preparing for the case before his death on May 19th, 1880. It was only in June of 1898 that SCP-7377 would be officially designated by the American Secure Containment Initiative (ASCI) after a biological instance of SCP-7377-A was discovered buried near the first Confederate White House in Montgomery, Alabama. Following an attempt to restore the building by the United Daughters of the Confederacy, a casket containing the corpse of Henry S. Foote was found buried beneath a previously unseen tombstone at the edge of the property. Engravings on the front read: Henry Stuart Foote February 28th 1804 January 19th 1869 President, Husband, Father Following this, the ASCI closed down the restoration project. When the non-anomalous corpse of Henry S Foote was accounted for, the ASCI catalogued SCP-7377 and contained. Addendum-7377.I — SCP-7377-A Instance Log Designation Description Notes SCP-7377-A-01 The corpse of Henry S. Foote, discovered near the first Confederate White House. Lethal neurological and cranial damage was apparent to the back of the objects head, caused by an unremoved .41 caliber bullet. n/a SCP-7377-A-07 A damaged ballot for the 1860 general election, to be used for the Democratic ticket in the State of New York. Various names are written out, including, for President and Vice President respectively, Henry S. Foote and Daniel S. Dickenson.1 The names William Henry Seward and Abraham Lincoln were written beside the crossed out section. Discovered in the New York City Public Library's in the Historical Collections. SCP-7377-A-19 A copy of a non-existent children's book, The Other Boy, written by a 'Rufus Walker' and published in 1988 by 'Clemens House'.2 The novel's protagonists are a pair of boys on opposite sides of the Kentucky-Ohio border. They develop a friendship despite the disapproval of friends, families and communities on both sides. The climax of the novel ends when one of the boys, William Yankey saves John Rebel from Rebel's father, Harry, after the latter discovered the two playing together in the middle of town, and, enraged, tried to shoot his son. The novel ends with William surviving, and John promising to come by and see him, to which William replies by saying that he can bring as many friends as he would like. A twenty page long non-fiction afterword describes the author's intentions to educate the reader on Confederate-US relations, including going into minor depth about the Civil War period, with special mention of Henry Foote as a 'rabble rousing demagogue who based his career on hate and bigotry.' The author ends by advocating for stronger cooperation against 'European intervention in the Americas."3 Discovered in a 6th grade classroom in Frankfort, Kentucky, after several students asked if it could be used as a resource on an upcoming test. SCP-7377-A-34 A painting entitled 'Foote On The Run', which depicts Foote hiding behind a tree as it rains. Several men in gray are on horseback, waving swords and searching the area. Foote is wearing tattered clothing, is emaciated, and is visibly distressed. Object appeared at the Boston Museums of Arts American section. A plaque was in front, and described it as a 'tribute to the suffering Unionists who, tragically, lost their lives, fighting for freedom, like Henry Foote.'" SCP-7377-A-44 A ambrotype photograph of a man laying upright at the back of a coffin, naked. The man's face has several gashes and openings, along with the many more bruises and indentions along the body. Writing on the back states, "Me and the boys found this from a Star reporter. Really gave Sumner a beating, didn't he? P.S Word is the Big Man is gonna issue a pardon. Foote is a rascal, now, isn't he? Love, B."4 Discovered uploaded to Wikipedia by an individual intending to vandalize the site, having purchased it as an old yard sale a couple years earlier. The individual who originally had the instance is currently unknown. SCP-7377-A-59 A partially damaged report from a 'Colonel Newton Knight' of the federalized 1st Mississippi Regiment, describing a raid on the Mississippi Governor's Mansion, which was being held by members of the White League,5 in July 1874. They had been holding the Republican Governor, Henry S Foote, and his family hostage in order to re-establish 'honourable government'. The report states the raid was successful, ending in the capture of all White Leaguers with no deaths. The report goes on to praise the "inter-racial regiment, Negro and White, proving to be the best of both races." It recommends more integrated regiments. Discovered by a historian looking into the historical archives of the US army for an unrelated project in 2008. SCP-7377-A-68 A previously undiscovered ASCI file, describing the phenomenon of SCP-7377. The article describes Henry S Foote as a former President of the United States who had been able to avoid a civil war. While a lot of the document is damaged, many individual pages were recovered. See Addendum.7377.II for more information. Discovered during clean up at the Bowe Mansion, KS, in 1999. Formatting matches the same as ASCI files made from 1868 to its destruction in 1919. SCP-7377-A-87 A beaded necklace composed of 14 human teeth. DNA analysis confirm them coming from Henry S Foote. Discovered inside a small glass container in the personal collection of [REDACTED] in Little Rock, Arkansas; he did not recall owning the object. A small engraving at the bottom reads, 'The Fate of All Traitors'. Addendum.7377.II — SCP-7377-68 Discovery and Log On June 1st, 1999, Sarah Jane Bowe, the last known living member of the Bowe family, died. The Foundation, as the sole legal guardian of the Bowe family's living relatives, acquired the house, and began transporting it to various Sites around the globe for further study or containment. SCP-7377-A-68 had been discovered in a large work desk previously owned by Col. William J. Bowe. Col. Bowe had gone missing on September 19th, 1891 without a trace. SCP-7377-A-68 is the longest (at over 600 surviving pages) and the most detailed. It also the only known instance of another SCP-7377-A instance being aware of the SCP-7377 phenomena. The following are the sections considered most related to SCP-7377's mechanics and history. Page 11 Discovered him near Washington. The fiend was digging up the late President and his beloved. We moved on him after 2, believing him sufficiently preoccupied to make noticing us unlikely. Of course, we were mistaken, and he had drawn his pistol. Fortuitously, the gunpowder had failed to ignite, leaving him quite agitated. I ordered that he cease moving. When he violated my order, Mr Williams, to the contrary of the Author's prior warnings against the use of fire arms, fired a shot into the ground besides the fiend. The shot on the man, already quite queer in mannerisms and appearance and elderly in age, shattered his nerves and he preceded to flee. It was only through the actions of Agent McAlister and Agent Clay that we were able to avoid losing the would-be grave-robber. I recommend promotion for both of them. I recommend Agent Williams for removal. [It is here, in the margins, handwriting can be read: 'Demerit Agent Williams for his ungentlemanly conduct in the field. Do likewise with Special Agent Johnson for unmanly conduct in the field, and for his inability to establish respect among his peers - Col. William Bowe] Page 29 - and from there we get into the nature of reality, which we [faded text] earlier. So Foote did that to avoid [faded] You must understand the condition that he was under. Both of us, in fact, were quite ill in our nerves, and when given the opportunity to avoid what they were going to put him through, he did the only thing he could, which was to use it. Did he not consider the ill-effects? I do not believe so. Or, perhaps, he did, and he simply did not care. Desperation makes even good men indifferent to their actions. And he most certainly was not a good man. Uh huh. If what you say is true - and that remains to be seen, Mister Fitch - then how come you are able to remember and not any one else? I have been asking myself that question for three decades, sir. It must have had something to do with the ritual those men did. Those men? Apologies, sir. You must understand that it has been so very long since I have discussed this with anyone who was not already there. These men - Foote said that they were powerful people, who knew magics. I didn't believe him until after, but I went along. I did not have a choice. Those savages outside were going to kill me. Kill all of us, if they could. Our parting with those wizards was not agreeable, either, but we got the better of them, by God. They did, however, leave me with a beautiful image that I haven't been able to forget. What was it? A basin of water at the top of mountain spills forth downhill into many rivers, large and small. From these more split off, adjusting to their circumstances. The currents are too strong to go back. You can only move forward. Except he found a way to not only move back but to instantly move to another one - different, yes, but more similar than not. And how did he do that? The answer is in that coffin. Page 56 [water damaged above, making this the only readable portion] grounds of indecency to the former President, and should be done with as little disturbance to the resting President. Col. Bowe complied and ordered the opening of Foote's casket, which was thusly done on [crossed out, unreadable] but Col. Bowe breached orders and looked inside the former President's coats and pantaloons, humiliating President Foote in a most unrespectful manner that made it seem as if he was one of the common dead, and not one of the sacred saviors of our union. Regardless, we [ink spill, multiple pages destroyed from age and ink] Page 219 Yes. My God. Just, write in it, and it sends it back, eh? That's the jist. Place it in the little slot with the address and time. It's not a guarantee, though. Often times nothing would happen, but sometimes we'd switch streams. Quite horrifying, I must admit, waking up in the middle of a dungeon ready to get hanged. That would be disquieting, I shall admit. Of course it is. Even for men like us. Have you seen the elephant, sir? Pardon? Ah, no, please, pardon me. I forget you did not have such an incident in this stream. What do you mean? Was there a war in one of your worlds? Many, but let's not discuss such depressing things. Many wars? How many dead? Hm. Is there a war going on right now? Um, yes. The Russians and the Germans are fighting over something, somewhere in - Irrelevant, but how many dead are there? Total. I don't know, but I saw one of the big battles - I believe in St. Petersburg - around 5,000 dead on both sides. Imagine double that, daily, for years. Sometimes many years. My God. We'd get lucky though, occasionally. Or at least Foote got lucky. How so? He'd be someone important. That was what he wanted more than anything. That and living for as long as possible. Those were the two rules: stay if alive and powerful, leave if dead or a nobody. And did your - your comrades, as it were - did they have a say in any of this? Ha! What do you think, sir? One world we ended up in had me as a small farmer out in Missouri. Free labor wasn't as good but we made do with what we had. A little girl, a wife - beautiful one, she - and a nice comfortable place at the Post Office. Foote had become President - I thought it was enough, but then we shifted. It was like that, in an instant, all of it was gone. I was in Virginia now, in the Confederate White House, and Foote was there, holding that goddamn book, looking at me expectantly. Confederate? What is that? It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that he was still President - not of the country he wanted, mind you, but it would do while we planned our next move. And you helped him?! After doing that to you?! It was my own fault for getting attached. He was never satisfied. I helped because I thought that one day he'd just…. Just what? Be dead. Universally dead, across all worlds. Page 344 Preliminary Object: #1113 Physical Danger: Low National Danger: High Description: A locked journal of unknown origin and manufacture. None of the papers have writing on the inside. A small slip exists at the front, entering into an unknown space not corresponding to natural mechanics. Below it is a series of gears with numbers on them, with the time, day, month and year to be cycled through. If sent to a future date, it will be found at that specified address at that specified date. Even when tracked packages always disappear and reappear. When sent backwards in time, it can change past events. Artifacts of such changes alongside testimony from Person of Interest 012 "Benjamin Fitch" suggest this to be true. Page 393 Site-15 Head, Despite recent incidents in the South, the President, with the full support of the cabinet, has maintained a firm commitment towards keeping all ASCI objects in Washington proper. This government shall not panic the people because of a couple of abolitionist agitators are making a scene. However, since tensions remain high in the capitol, special instructions are to be headed regarding the safety of certain items - especially Item #1113. All high priority items, including Item #1113, shall be re-located to Fort Leavenworth under joint containment by the ASCI and United States Army soldiers. Persons of interest relevant to said objects are to be transported alongside. Secretary of War Jonathan Platte President Horatio Seymour6 October. 19th 1876 Page 415 To the Secretary, Included is my report - I do not trust secretaries to ensure that you receive this important information, especially for a newly employed man such as yourself. Several issues have been piling on in the Chesapeake Department at the present, some minor (such as the high cost of personal servants) to the extreme, which I will detail for you now, as I understand you have little patience for drudgery, sir: a) High Labor Cost: As benefitting their peculiar institution, the South lacks large labor pools to pluck from. The few gentlemen of means refuse even to hire their servants out. It is not the rates but the ill effects it will have on them, for their largest fear is them self-emancipating. As far as can be told, the Southern states shall not be spreading human liberty for some time. b) Southern Rights Fervor: The recent campaign (both for the Presidency and for emancipation) has stirred much agitation in the region. Although not as bad as the Deep South, we are still dealing with the aftershocks. A lot of my agents are singled out and harassed for any trace of foreignness. Just this week I have had three of my agents, all from New England, tarred and feathered in Richmond. The police, I hear, are more interested in handing out beers to the criminals than in handing out warrants. If these attacks do not subside soon, I fear the Department will be unable to function. c) Targeted Killings of Agents: The most troubling - and in my opinion, most important - issue is the recent attacks against agents in the field. It starts with them disappearing for a couple of days before being dumped into the Potomac, covered in bruises and lacerations, and completely catatonic. The most recent victim was a Mr Higgins, who, to our horror, was dead when discovered. The letters 'K.G.C.' were carved into his head. Investigators I've brought in have been unable to identify any sort of lead. I hope that I could have been of service, and wish you luck in your new post, From, Joseph Williams, Department Head of the Chesapeake [ Written on the back is the following in handwriting: 'Demotion immediately; no slaves on federal projects, violation of ethics, humanity, etc. Import workers if necessary. KGC? Familiar. More men to all Departments, push for appropriations in Congress, talk with President.' ] Page 582 I hadn't thought to ask you at the time some questions. What sort of questions, pray tell? Those men. Who are they? What makes you think I'm going to tell you? [Interviewer places photos of dead men on the desk; at the top of their skulls, the words KGC can be seen, carved into their flesh.] Because we have some boys out in Chesapeake getting killed - and I think you know something about it. I - I don't know what you are talking about, sir, I - Knights of the Golden Circle. It ring any bells? [Interviewee does not respond] Thought so. They're here, aren't they? I believe so. At the very least they're searching for something - The book. Pardon? They're looking for that goddamn book. They're planning on reclaiming their stolen property. I thought you said Foote - He did. He brought them into the Oval Office, just when the people were outside - goddamn it, were they angry. All for that foolish goddamn tomfoolery in the Caribbean. What did he do? What do you think? He tried taking Cuba. Spain wouldn't have that. Congress wouldn't appropriate the money - goddamn black Republican bastards, if they had gone along none of this would happen, its their fault, goddamn them, goddamn them to hell! Focus. Let an old man indulge his hate. Not when there's lives on the line. But they - the Circle - they came, and they offered him a deal: money for war in exchange for slavery in Kansas. He - he tried to make Kansas a slave state? Yes. Tried to shove it down Congress' throat, but he did it. Somehow. I have no doubt he had their help on that front. Good God. But the election came and the party was split in two. No Electoral College majority though - lucky us, we could get in the House. As long as we had the Circle's help. For a price. Of course! But he thought he was smarter, smarter than them all. The most dangerous fool of all. I didn't think that at the time. I thought we were defending our way of life. The book. What happened with the book? Damnit I'm getting to it! We won, but only on Southern and Corrupt votes. It was blatant. I don't know about the rest of the nation, but DC began burning. Northerners and southerners were fighting in the streets. What few troops we had were stationed at the White House but it did no good. The Circle offered us a deal: collaboration or abandonment. We had no choice, but Foote had a cleaner conscience about it than the rest of us. The book. Fine. They had just discovered it, somehow - a library of some sort, from worlds unknown. They wanted to give Foote, their most loyal member, the first letter. And what did he do? He sent a letter back to himself, telling him what is happening, and to not collaborate with the Circle. And when it was done everything was different. The Circle must have remembered. Must have looked for it. If they did I hadn't seen it. I should have. Good God, I should have. Page 615 SPECIAL ORDER TO CHEAPSEAKE DEPARTMENT HEAD (draft) Relating to the recent deaths of agents by from the suspected organization (the previously dormant 'Knights of the Golden Circle'), I am ordering the removal of Item #1111 #1113 to Fort Leavenworth effective immediately, in addition to along with Person of Interest 012 "Benjamin Fitch". To ensure its safe arrival, I, as Secretary of War, shall personally accompany the detachment to Leavenworth. (deliver to Mr Clay and have him clean it up for delivery to Prs. Johnson for signature, he can handle my signature - he's better at it than me) Page 616 I don't know why I am writing this. Perhaps part of me hopes that, perhaps, someone, somewhere, can look at the little scribbles on the page and see what the world could have been. Perhaps I am hoping that someone, anyone, can tell understand what I did and why. I shot Benjamin myself. The officers did not question it - one less mouth to feed at Leavenworth. From there, it was quite easy escaping with the book. It was lucky I did it when I did, too, because it was when I passed through St. Joseph that I learned a US army contingent had been slaughtered in Kentucky. Governor was blaming Indian attacks. I know who really did it. I then came home, to Lawrence. Her old wooden shacks, all burned, inhabitants driven out. The home of freedom destroyed by savage slavers. Thirty years, it had almost been. 1858: I remember it well. Men on horseback, screaming, shooting, killing. Father ran out with his gun. I saw them carve those little letters into his head: KGC. The documents here are, to me, proof enough of the men who did this, and the man who allowed it, stocked it, survived off their hate. I thought he had been an old Fire eating radical but I see the truth, and I cannot help but laugh. This is a rotten world. I see no hope but civil war, and that I could not bare to see, not with the weapons we had. The nation would be engulfed in blood, in slaughter. And yet conflict is inevitable. It was an equation I could not make work until I realized that, if inevitable, better sooner than later. I can change this world. I can make war happen, just as it had, in 1860 instead of 1887 or 1888 or Lord knows when. I know what I must do. And the man I must target is Foote. After I am done, he will be a footnote. He will be dust beneath my boot. I will take his greatest dream away from him, the only reason he lives and breathes. I am not doing this for the slaves. I am not doing it for the yankees or the westerners or anyone else, not even my family. I do this out of self interest and hate. I only weep, knowing I won't be able to see him burn. To those other worlds, I wish you good luck. May you be better than we were. And, if you mess up, follow the old river from Lawrence, down until you see a cave. You will find it there, just as I had. William James Bowe Addendum-7377.III — Recovery Log On June 8th, 1999, the Foundation discovered the cave described in Addendum.II above, located at [REDACTED] coordinates. On short notice, Mobile Task Force Epsilon 6 ("Village Idiots") was sent to investigate and retrieve the object, hereafter described as PI-1113 (Preliminary Item). After a short walk inside, MTF-Epsilon 6 encountered a wide space, reaching up to 10 meters high. In the center of the room was a small mound. Upon digging it up, a corpse was discovered, later identified to be William James Bowe. He had been shot, twice in the chest and once in the mouth. PI-1113 was not discovered on his body, nor anywhere else in the cave. Footnotes 1. Daniel Stevens Dickenson was a major leader of the conservative, pro-South faction of the New York Democratic Party, the Hunkers. They came into conflict with their enemies within the party, the anti-slavery Barnburners. 2. This is notable for being one of the few instances of an SCP-7377-A instance mentioning the Confederate States of America in the present tense past the 19th century. 3. African Americans and the issue of slavery as a start to the Civil War is never mentioned. 4. The physical proportions and height, combined with the name mentioned, suggests subject is Charles Sumner, an anti-slavery Whig and Republican. He is known for having been caned by Preston Brooks of South Carolina until the latter's cane broke, leaving Sumner unconscious. 5. The White League was a terrorist organization whose goal was the re-assertion of white supremacy and the end of Radical Reconstruction, active between 1874-1877. 6. Horatio Seymour (1810-1886) was a Democratic Governor of New York from 1852-1854 and 1862-1864, and was a prominent member of the Hunker faction in the Democratic Party, which gave him a Presidential nomination in 1868, which he lost.
Item #: SCP-7382 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7382 is to be stored in a large artifact container when not in use. All tests involving SCP-7382 must be pre-approved and overseen by an on-site member of the Department of Tactical Theology with Level 3 clearance or higher. SCP-7382-A is to be contained in a secure, refrigerated chamber, muzzled, and physically restrained to prevent any movement. Security personnel must monitor SCP-7382-A at all times to ensure its internal body temperature does not exceed 200 degrees Celsius, and douse the anomaly with cold water if this threshold is exceeded. In the event of a containment breach, security personnel should use aerosolized fire retardants to suffocate SCP-7382-A until containment is restored. Description: SCP-7382 is a crude spear consisting of three disparate religious artefacts that have been essophysically1 fused together. The constituent artefacts have been minimally altered, resulting in SCP-7382's ineffectiveness as a projectile weapon — the shaft is significantly overweight, poorly-balanced, and the spearhead is affixed to the lighter end of the tool. The constituent elements of SCP-7382 are: The biblical Rod of Aaron, a biologically active almond-wood2 staff with the word אַהֲרֹן3 engraved half-way along its length, functioning as the shaft; The sword of Adam, a beryllium-bronze sickle-sword dating to the 210th millennium BCE, functioning as the spearhead; The bindings of Fenrir, several bands of essophysical composition engraved with the word ᚷᛚᛖᛁᛈᚾᛇᚱ (Elder Futhark: Gleipnir), functioning as the bindings. The entirety of SCP-7382 possesses all the properties of its constituents, which include: Instantaneous translocation into the owner's reach, at their will. Constant growth of leaves, buds, flowers, and almond seeds along the shaft, regardless of availability of sunlight, water, and nutrients. Transformation into an unknown species of snake when thrown horizontally, which the owner can mentally direct and revert into SCP-7382. Spontaneous generation of large swarms of insects by striking the ground with the base of the staff. Immunity to thaumaturgic and reality-altering manipulation, and the ability to physically destroy thaumaturgic barriers and symbols using the spearhead. An inability for any of the elements to be separated without destroying all such elements, as damage incurred is shared evenly throughout the item, until the occurrence of the mythical Ragnarök. Of note is that this property does not apply to the growths along the shaft, which can be damaged and removed without difficulty. The current owner of SCP-7382 is SCP-7382-A, a black, hexapedal, reptilian entity approximately four metres in length and one hundred kilograms in weight. SCP-7382-A is capable of ejecting a flammable, tar-like substance from their mouth, and is impervious to all known forms of physical damage; however, SCP-7382-A appears to have formerly possessed an additional pair of limbs atop their back, which have been amputated by unknown means. SCP-7382-A refuses to relinquish SCP-7382, and will repeatedly use the item's properties to return it to their grip whenever it is removed. It is currently unknown how SCP-7382-A became the owner of SCP-7382; known documents pertaining to the Sword of Adam indicate than an act of deception or treachery is critical, but do not elucidate on the full requirements to gain ownership of it. Addendum-01: Initial Containment Mobile Task Force Epsilon-9 ('Fire Eaters') had been dispatched to northern Europe in response to multiple reports of a large, reptilian entity witnessed fleeing from several fires of unknown provenance throughout the region; the entity was initially suspected to be a member of the Miracle Liberation Front4 due to a significant increase in the group's activities throughout the region. After several months MTF Epsilon-9 were able to intercept SCP-7382-A at a nature reserve near Warsaw, Poland. + ACCESS SCP:/7382/Poland/Epsilon-9 - Hide Excerpt [BEGIN LOG] [Epsilon-9 are camouflaged and spread out among the trees. It is night and they are moving forward further into the forest, being led by Captain Worley.] Captain Worley: [Into his radio] Motion at the river. Hot. Get ready. [A figure wearing a dark yellow overcoat and carrying SCP-7382 approaches a nearby tree. While the rest of their figure is difficult to discern against the darkness, their gait indicates that they are non-human. The figure — SCP-7382-A — tears off a piece of bark with their spare hand, examines it, then appears to taste it; after a moment they hiss and discard the bark.] [Captain Worley quickly scans the area then signals to Agent Lemens, who unholsters his tranquilizer gun.] SCP-7382-A: [Unintelligible muttering.] [Lemens steps on a branch. SCP-7382-A turns at the sound, gripping SCP-7382 in both forelimbs; Lemens fires, but the dart deflects off SCP-7382-A.] SCP-7382-A: Wardens. I can see you playing patty cake over there, you little weenies! [The agents turn on their flashlights, focusing on SCP-7382-A, who takes off and discards their coat. Lemens fires two more darts, but both are deflected. SCP-7382-A smirks, holding their forelimbs out wide.] SCP-7382-A: That's it? Your ancestors annihilated civilizations, and now all the great and mighty Wardens can do is throw thorns and cry like spoiled children! [Captain Worley and his team glance at each-other.] Captain Worley: What are you on about? [He points to the tree.] And what — SCP-7382-A: [Laughs.] Mister Secrets wants answers, does he? Too stupid to figure it out yourself, are you? I'm doing some 'soul searching'. Is that enough for you, moron? Do you need me to draw a picture for you? [Smoke emerges from SCP-7382-A's nostrils.] Captain Worley: Look, surrender now, come with us — SCP-7382-A: And spend the rest of my life rotting in a box, with you animals poking me with your stupid little sticks? There's not a witch, monster, ghost, or anything that doesn't know what you do in those concrete coffins of yours. You don't want to help me — you just want to add me to your sick little collection, you blackguards! [Worley reaches for his radio; SCP-7382-A opens its mouth and expels a hot, tar-like substance at the agents, who duck for cover. After several moments SCP-7382-A briefly pauses, then resumes expelling the substance, now pre-ignited; the previously-expelled tar ignites on contact, as does the surrounding flora.] SCP-7382-A: Bring it, you pissants! [The agents shoot SCP-7382-A with non-lethal beanbag rounds, attempting to subdue it; SCP-7382-A throws SCP-7382 down, which transforms into a snake and attacks the agents, then uses the expelled tar to create a fire barrier between it and the agents.] Captain Worley: Get around it! Get around it! [Several agents move to flank SCP-7382-A. SCP-7382-A retrieves a powder horn from a satchel and pours the contents into its mouth; after a few moments they expel a large, congealed lump at Agent Mackey, knocking them over into a patch of flaming tar. The lump ignites and violently explodes, killing Agent Mackey, severely injuring several surrounding agents, and further spreading the wildfire.] Agent Devin: Mack! You bastard! Captain Worley: Just shoot it! Live rounds, take it down! SCP-7382-A: Too late, you pigs! Burn! Burn like the swines you are! [All agents abandon their non-lethal firearms and begin firing with live ammunition; the bullets ricochet, inflicting no damage. SCP-7382, still in the form of a snake, is similarly invulnerable and works its way into Agent Devin's fire suit, wrapping around his neck and biting at his face. SCP-7382-A lunges through the fire barrier and begins physically brawling with the agents, knocking them over with its tail and tearing at their protective equipment.] Agent McCullough: [Screaming] Get it off! [Captain Worley tackles SCP-7382-A, spraying a canister of fire retardant foam directly into its mouth; SCP-7382-A recoils, using five of its limbs to push Captain Worley off, the sixth reaching towards Agent Devin. SCP-7382 uncoils itself and exits Agent Devin's protective suit, returning to SCP-7382-A and transforming back into a spear; SCP-7382-A uses it to get back up.] SCP-7382-A: [Coughing and retching.] [Several agents spray SCP-7382-A with fire retardant. SCP-7382-A strikes the ground with the blunt end of SCP-7382, manifesting a dense swarm of insects which fill the air and attack the agents; several portions of the swarm catch fire or are downed by the foam spray, while the remainder have minimal effect on the agents.] SCP-7382-A: [Coughing and retching] No… not… savages… [SCP-7382-A expels a large amount of unignited tar, attempting to clear its mouth. Captain Worley tackles SCP-7382-A from behind, with several others following suit; they begin restraining SCP-7382-A's limbs using fireproof duct tape, with one agent pulling SCP-7382 away from SCP-7382-A's grasp.] Captain Worley: You should've just co-operated, this — [SCP-7382 spontaneously reappears in SCP-7382-A's grasp, and they use it to knock off one of the agents, then attempts to stab another but is unable to puncture their protective equipment. Two agents pin down the limb, leaving SCP-7382 in its grip but nonetheless restraining it. SCP-7382-A continues resisting for several minutes, but is unsuccessful in escaping.] [END LOG] Closing Statement: The resulting wildfire was unable to be suppressed by attending Foundation agents, and proceeded to destroy a significant portion of the national park before being contained by civilian emergency services three days later. A total of seven agents were killed during the event; in addition to Agent Mackey, a further five agents succumbed to injuries inflicted by the explosion, and Agent Devin died due to envenomation shortly following the apprehension of SCP-7382-A. SCP-7382-A was transported to a nearby Foundation facility for temporary holding and processing. Attempts to remove SCP-7382 from their possession were unsuccessful, as the weapon would reappear in their hand/s shortly thereafter; instead, SCP-7382-A was restrained such that it was unable to use SCP-7382. Addendum-02: Containment Breach SCP-7382-A was temporarily held at Site-194 in Warsaw, Poland, to facilitate initial investigation and processing; interrogation attempts were unsuccessful, with the anomaly uniformly insulting Foundation personnel and attempting to breach containment. Inspection of SCP-7382 indicated potential religious significance, which was confirmed through referral to available religious and mythical texts. As Site-194 was unequipped for theological inquiry, the head researcher assigned to the anomaly requested that SCP-7382 be transferred to the nearby Site-120; as the weapon could not be separated from SCP-7382-A — remanifesting in its possession whenever removed — the entity would be relocated as well, with staff suggesting that the culture of Site-120 may encourage cooperation. + ACCESS SCP:/7382/GoI-008/Interference - Hide Excerpt Foreword: Dr. Albert Pines was in the process of conducting an unscheduled interrogation of SCP-7382-A at the time of the incident. [BEGIN LOG] [SCP-7382-A is in the centre of a refrigerated room, restrained against a horizontal slab; they have been muzzled, and their three left limbs affixed to SCP-7382 using duct tape. Dr. Pines sits in a chair in front of SCP-7382-A's head, equipped with a water hose and periodically checking an infrared camera beside him.5] Dr. Pines: Why do you breathe napalm instead of fire? SCP-7382-A: [No response.] Dr. Pines: Are you still capable of flight somehow? SCP-7382-A: [No response.] Dr. Pines: Are you, or are you not, a dragon? [SCP-7382-A sighs.] Dr. Pines: Run out of sarcastic quips? SCP-7382-A: Your questions speak for themselves. You're supposed to be wearing the orange coat, not the white one. [Dr. Pines sprays SCP-7382-A with water for thirty seconds.] Dr. Pines: Why Olesia wants to reward you for this, I'll never understand. You will answer my questions, regardless of what you think of them, understand? SCP-7382-A: [No response.] Dr. Pines: Were you human before? SCP-7382-A: [No response.] Dr. Pines: Are you cold? SCP-7382-A: [No response.] [Dr. Pines sprays SCP-7382-A with water for five seconds, before being interrupted by a loud knock at the door.] Dr. Pines: Yes? [Another knock at the door.] Dr. Pines: Yes, what is it? [Another knock at the door. Dr. Pines gets up and approaches it.] Dr. Pines: Who is it? What do you want? [Dr. Pines opens the door, and is immediately struck in the face with the stock of a semi-automatic rifle. A figure dressed as a Foundation guard enters the room, followed by a Caucasian woman wearing D-class apparel; the former closes the door and locks it, while the latter pushes Dr. Pines against the nearest wall, covering his mouth with one hand and performing a series of brief gestures with the other. After a moment Dr. Pines collapses to the ground.] Unknown Guard: This is the wrong place, Cynthia. Cynthia: I know, Crow, I know. I must have slipped, it's hard to know when you make a mistake. Is Laplace alright? [Cynthia turns back to face Crow, who points to SCP-7382-A. Cynthia gasps.] Cynthia: A dragon. Crow: Looks like it. [Checks one of the inner pockets of his combat vest.] Are you alright? [A moment's silence. Cynthia steps over to SCP-7382-A, crouching beside its head.] Crow: Laplace is fine. Careful. Cynthia: What's your name? [SCP-7382-A doesn't respond; a small amount of tar oozes through the muzzle. Crow steps over to Dr. Pines' seat, investigating the camera and hose.] Crow: Looks like they were torturing it. [A moment's silence.] Cynthia: [To Crow.] Take off the mask. Crow: Why? Cynthia: You're dressed like a guard. They think we're with them. [Crow puts their rifle down. They take off their helmet, then remove a mask underneath; their head is revealed to be a simple burlap sack, with two large white buttons positioned where its eyes should be. SCP-7382-A's eyes widen.] Cynthia: We are not with the Foundation. You can trust us. Crow: It might not understand you. Cynthia: They do. I can see it in their eyes — thinking eyes, not the eyes of an animal. Crow: I meant they might not speak English. Cynthia: …oh, right. [To SCP-7382-A] Do you speak English? [SCP-7382-A shakes their head.] Cynthia: So you do. [SCP-7382-A shakes their head again.] Crow: Then how do you know we're asking you a question? [A pause.] SCP-7382-A: Damn. Cynthia: [Sigh.] Look, I — [The site-wide lockdown alarm activates.] Crow: That was quick. Time to leave. [Crow picks his rifle up and aims at the door; Cynthia stands and performs an intricate series of gestures with both hands, causing them to glow. After several seconds this glow rapidly fades, her motions accelerating in response.] SCP-7382-A: What are you — [The concrete slab fractures. SCP-7382-A breaks its restraints free, then uses its claws to remove the duct tape, get up, and properly wield SCP-7382. They attempt to break the muzzle using the speartip but are unsuccessful; SCP-7382-A looks to Crow and points to it.] Crow: Later, when we have time. SCP-7382-A: Just do the — Cynthia: They've dropped the anchors, if I try it could break your neck. [Crow unholsters a handgun and gives it to Cynthia, then advances toward the door.] SCP-7382-A: Then use a knife! Crow: If the Jailors have bothered to put one on you, they've reinforced it so you can't cut it off. We'll deal with it once we're outside, but we need to get moving now. [SCP-7382-A scowls. Cynthia and Crow leave the room; SCP-7382-A waits a moment, looks up at the alarm, then follows, scraping a handful of tar dripping through their mask and flicking it onto Dr. Pine as they pass.] [The three emerge into the main hallway of a containment wing, where several researchers are running toward a junction at one end; the researchers quickly enter a nearby room upon spotting the group and lock the door.] SCP-7382-A: Parasites. [Cynthia and Crow advance toward the terminating junction, guns raised. SCP-7382-A instead goes to the door the researchers entered and attempts to break it open.] Crow: We need to move, what are you doing? SCP-7382-A: Feeding. [Cynthia's eyes widen.] Cynthia: No, you are not eating people — [Several armoured guards enter the hallway ahead of the group, guns raised.] Guard: Put down — [Crow opens fire. The guards take cover behind the corners of the intersection; Cynthia and Crow use the nearest unlocked doorways as cover. The two groups exchange gunfire.] [SCP-7382-A turns away from the door and sprints toward the guards; they concentrate their gunfire on the anomaly, but the bullets all ricochet off it. SCP-7382-A pierces the body armour of a guard and pins them against the wall using SCP-7382, impaling them. They then release SCP-7382 and attack the other guards with their claws, prioritising those attempting to escape.] [Crow and Cynthia watch from the hallway, the latter moving to the former's position. Neither speaks.] [The pinned guard slumps forward. SCP-7382 appears to faintly glow with a negative or dark light; it then spontaneously appears in SCP-7382-A's grasp, dropping the guard to the floor, the glow vanishing. SCP-7382-A continues assaulting the present guards, now prioritising use of the spear to kill them where able.] [Crow and Cynthia emerge from the shared doorway and join SCP-7382-A at the intersection, watching as they procedurally puncture the heart of every guard's corpse using SCP-7382 before turning to the two, breathing heavily.] SCP-7382-A: Thanks for the help, you cowards. I'll go first so I don't step in your little piddles, hmm? [SCP-7382-A turns and starts along the adjoined corridor.] Crow: Wrong way. [SCP-7382-A pauses, growls, then turns and follows Crow and Cynthia in the opposite direction.] [The group proceeds through several hallways relatively unopposed, SCP-7382-A killing any encountered security personnel with minimal difficulty. All on-site personnel are ordered to avoid the group until an effective method of combat is determined; the facility sprinkler system is activated to douse SCP-7382-A, keeping its body temperature below its ignition point.] [The group progressively advances deeper into the facility, eventually arriving at a staff restroom.] Crow: Alright Laplace, you're up. [A small, black object is briefly seen emerging from Crow's pocket as he enters the restroom; no cameras are present inside. SCP-7382-A stops in the hallway.] SCP-7382-A: What are you doing? Cynthia: Getting out, come on. SCP-7382-A: This is a toilet, you moron. What are we going to do, flush ourselves down the pipes? Crow: [Faintly] That's the gist of it. Cynthia: It's been done before, you'll be fine, just get in. SCP-7382-A: Your plan is going down the crapper. Cynthia: Yes. SCP-7382-A: Your plan is crap. Cynthia: Do you want out or not? SCP-7382-A: I think I'll — [Several guards emerge around a corner, armed with fire extinguishers. SCP-7382-A spots and charges toward them; the guards spray them with fire retardant, causing SCP-7382-A to recoil, coughing. Cynthia fires at the guard; one of the extinguishers is punctured, filling the hallway with the powdered retardant and drastically reducing visibility. The guards retreat a small distance.] Cynthia: Get in! [SCP-7382-A rushes into the restroom, struggling to breathe, and Cynthia follows.] [END LOG] Afterword: A security team promptly arrived and entered the restroom. It was discovered that the anomalies had escaped using a spatial distortion affecting one of the latrines, which had enabled them to enter and navigate the facility's plumbing network; Foundation personnel were unable to pursue due to dense, damage-resistant flora that had manifested throughout. The spatial anomaly collapsed after twenty minutes. ‘Crow' was promptly identified as SCP-6073 due to its characteristic appearance, indicating the incident was a raid by the Miracle Liberation Front. Comparison of the footage with Foundation records identified ‘Cynthia' as D-24390, a high-priority Person of Interest wanted in relation to Containment Chamber #3942. The identity of the entity referred to as ‘Laplace' is unknown. Addendum-03: Surveillance During post-incident clean-up, Foundation maintenance personnel discovered that they could discern the route taken by the anomalies by following the path of the flora occupying Site-194's plumbing network. Use of an extended pipe inspection camera identified their destination as a nearby sewer treatment facility, where evidence of a hastily-executed ritual were found; the detected latent thaumaturgic energy signature was consistent with the creation of a temporary Way. The investigators theorised that the Way could be temporarily reopened through modification of the remaining ritual markings and application of Spiti-Class thaumaturgy;6 while the produced gateway would be too small for practical use, it would nonetheless enable a psychic individual to telepathically link with entities on the other end, potentially gleaning sufficient information to identify the location. Several almond seeds taken from SCP-7382 were used to reopen the Way, and enable Foundation psychic Andrew Khan to connect with SCP-7382-A; the reopened Way was highly unstable, and would collapse whenever SCP-7382-A exited the room at the other end. The following are Agent Khan's reports of what he witnessed during the interims. + ACCESS SCP:/7382/Khan/Viewing1 - Hide Excerpt [BEGIN TRANSCRIPT] [Cynthia is sitting in her room, playing a medieval video game on a PlayStation 3. SCP-7382-A enters, dragging an oversized dog bed behind them, which they throw at Cynthia.] Cynthia: Hey! SCP-7382-A: Who. Cynthia: We weren't expecting any new additions, we don't have enough beds to go around at the moment — I thought it was better than asking you to just sleep on the couch. Besides, it's better than my bed. SCP-7382-A: Then give me yours, Warden. Cynthia: Would you stop calling me that? I'm not one of them. SCP-7382-A: Sure. [Cynthia shakes her head, moving the bed to one side before resuming the video game. SCP-7382-A stands in the doorway for several moments, watching the game, then steps over and sits on the dog bed.] Cynthia: Told you it was — SCP-7382-A: Shut it. [The two sit in silence, focusing on the game.] Cynthia: Heard you had another tussle with Becker again. SCP-7382-A: I don't know why you people keep him around. Cynthia: He pays the bills, and he's second-in-command. Can't get rid of him. SCP-7382-A: Says a lot about you people when you're literally led by a brainless idiot. [Cynthia muffles a chuckle. A few more moments pass.] SCP-7382-A: What's this thing? [Nods to the PlayStation 3.] Cynthia: Oh, it's… [Cynthia pauses, then pauses the game.] Cynthia: You haven't seen one of these before? SCP-7382-A: You think I'd ask if I had? Cynthia: No, I didn't mean… nevermind. It's a PlayStation, you use it to play video games. SCP-7382-A: Which are…? Cynthia: …Video games, they're, uhh… it's like a play, or a show, but you control what happens. SCP-7382-A: …right. And what's happening in this “show”? Cynthia: Well, at the moment I'm just exploring some ruins, collecting metal for smithing — SCP-7382-A: You can make tools with this? Cynthia: Yes. No! I mean… you can make tools in it, but you can't bring those things out. SCP-7382-A: Then what's the point? Cynthia: It's entertainment, it's just… fun. Here, you know what, let me… [Cynthia saves and exits to the title screen.] Cynthia: Here, you can have a go. I'll just make — SCP-7382-A: No, I don't — Cynthia: Just give it a try, if you don't like it, I won't bother you with it again. Do you have anything better to do right now? [A few moments of silence pass. The new game begins with a cutscene; Cynthia offers the controller to SCP-7382-A.] SCP-7382-A: Fine. Cynthia: Alright, so, you use this to move — push it like this — [Game Character]: Hey, you. You're finally awake. [EXTRATENIOUS DATA REMOVED FOR BREVITY] Cynthia: Look, you can't just keep everything you find. SCP-7382-A: And why not? Cynthia: Because you're over-encumbered, you can't run anymore. If you just got rid of it — SCP-7382-A: Fine. What do I need to make wings? Cynthia: What? You can't — there's no wings in this game. SCP-7382-A: Then what's the point of this Argonian thing? Cynthia: I told you before, you get to breathe underwater. [SCP-7382-A and Cynthia are sitting side-by side; the former is holding the controller in their foreclaws, with SCP-7382 on their lap held by their mid-claws. SCP-7382-A grumbles.] Cynthia: If you put that thing aside, you'd — [SCP-7382-A glares at Cynthia.] SCP-7382-A: No. Don't even try it. [Cynthia moves away from SCP-7382-A, who turns back to the television screen.] Cynthia: Try what, I — SCP-7382-A: Besides, I'm doing just as well as you were. Better if I had a spear. Cynthia: So you're enjoying it? SCP-7382-A: The combat is… sufficient. Cynthia: Because you can kill everyone you meet. SCP-7382-A: Almost everyone. I don't understand why some people won't die — I don't care if they're supposed to be important later, they're useless… wait, is that the dragon from the beginning? Cynthia: No, this is Mirmulnir. The one at the start was Alduin. SCP-7382-A: Mirmulnir? That's… not a bad name, I suppose. Cynthia: Speaking of which, we still don't know yours — SCP-7382-A: Wait, wait, why is he attacking me? I haven't — Cynthia: He's a boss, you have to defeat him to continue the storyline — quick, eat some— SCP-7382-A: Defeat? Cynthia: Yeah, like help the guards kill him — [SCP-7382-A pauses the game and turns to Cynthia, visibly angry.] SCP-7382-A: Kill him? For what? Cynthia: …because he's evil? It's just what you do, the dragons attack, you kill them, absorb their soul — [SCP-7382-A bolts up.] SCP-7382-A: Absorb their soul?! [Cynthia stands up, trying to calm SCP-7382-A.] Cynthia: It's just — it isn't real, nothing in the game is real. You aren't actually killing any dragons — SCP-7382-A: But they'll keep attacking because they're evil, and I have to kill them to continue. Right? Cynthia: …we can play a different game, Fallout doesn't have — [SCP-7382-A throws the controller across the room, disconnecting it from the console and damaging it against the wall. They then spit a glob of tar into Cynthia's face, who falls over backwards, trying to wipe it off.] SCP-7382-A: [Shouting] Keep your lies to yourself, Warden, I want nothing to do with your stories! [SCP-7382-A grabs the mattress from Cynthia's bed and drags it with them as they leave.] [END LOG] Afterword: Way lost stability and collapsed as SCP-7382-A exited the room. No meaningful information on location gleaned; however, Agent Khan described the atmosphere as cool but dry, potentially indicative of an air conditioned building in an arid environment. Log otherwise retained as potentially relevant to the history of SCP-7382-A. + ACCESS SCP:/7382/Khan/Viewing/2 - Hide Excerpt [BEGIN TRANSCRIPT] [Cynthia is sitting in her room on the edge of her bedframe, using the oversized dog bed for cushioning. She is taking empty cartridges from a box beside her, loading them with bullets from a bucket, then putting the loaded cartridges into a second box; there is also a partially-consumed bottle of whiskey on the floor beside her. Other than a small, black bird resting on a pillow nearby, she is alone. After a few moments she stops, sighs, and rubs her temples.] [There is a knock at the door. The bird flinches, but does not otherwise react. Cynthia pushes the whiskey bottle under the bedframe using her foot.] Cynthia: Yep! [The door opens and Crow enters, carrying a box with empty cartridges in it. Cynthia slumps.] Crow: I know, but we need it done. Cynthia: Yeah, yeah… [Cynthia resumes her activity. Crow steps over, adding the empty cartridges from his box to the other, then swaps the empty box for the one with loaded cartridges; as he turns to leave he notices the bird and pauses, then turns back to Cynthia. She stops again after a few moments.] Cynthia: … what? [A pause. Crow puts the box back down, then reaches under the bedframe and pulls out the whiskey bottle.] Crow: That only works if you have a mattress, you know. Cynthia: Oh come on, Brown, I've been sitting here for hours — Crow: — forty minutes — Cynthia: — what's the harm in having a pick-me-up? Crow: [Nods toward the bird.] Because everyone else will want some too, and I don't want people getting tipsy around Beck and Shirley. Especially them, they're hard enough to deal with as-is. You'll have to wait until happy hour. [Crow inserts the bottle into their chest cavity.] Cynthia: Shirley? Her name is Shirley? Crow: [Shrugs.] I have no idea, but we've got to call her something. Cynthia: ‘Explosive', ‘fiery', ‘irate', ‘livid'… dare I say ‘feral'? [A moment of silence passes.] Crow: Wow. Cynthia: Wow what? Crow: You're the last person I'd expect to call someone names. Cynthia: [Sighs.] I know, I just… I don't understand what her deal is, at all. She doesn't get along with anyone, she outright hates me and I've no idea why, she explodes at random things, and every time she speaks everything she says is just dripping with hatred. She just… seems to hate everything and everyone, all the time, and she refuses to talk about why. Crow: It's a phase, Cynthia; you can't expect everyone who joins us to be hunky-dory. She just needs time to settle in, and she obviously intends to — she would've left by now otherwise. Cynthia: That's what confuses me the most — why? Everything she does says she despises this place, so why is she still here? Crow: [Shrugs.] Laplace wasn't that different, and he's still here. Cynthia: Laplace is completely different. He's just reserved, not — [Loud crashing is heard outside, intermixed with SCP-7382-A shouting. Both Crow and Cynthia look toward the door.] Crow: Becker's got it, he's on duty. [Cynthia jumps up, staring at Crow in astonishment.] Cynthia: Becker is on duty? [Crow begins to speak, pauses, then turns and rushes out of the room; Cynthia follows. The two emerge into a large common room, where SCP-7382-A is brawling with an entity with a blue, reptilian head holding a red-glowing sword. Notably, SCP-7382 is absent.] SCP-7382-A: I'm going to gut you like the swine you are, you — Second Entity: No, you're not, and if you try then I'll just be adding your head to my collection. [SCP-7382-A snarls, then lunges. The second entity expels an intense stream of fire from its mouth, pushing SCP-7382-A backwards and igniting several items of furniture nearby.] Second Entity: …and finding out how much dragonskin goes for. Maybe get a new jacket, this one — [SCP-7382-A screams, charging at the second entity; the latter performs a backward roll, using the momentum to throw SCP-7382-A into a cabinet behind them, then gets up and into a sword fighting stance. Several other entities emerge from the surrounding doorways.] Cynthia: Stop them! Someone stop them! Crow: Becker! [The second entity looks toward Crow. SCP-7382-A lunges at them again — still continuously screaming — this time making contact, lifting them into the air, and slamming them head-first into a wooden table; Becker drops the sword, briefly stunned. Two of the nearby entities — a glass humanoid and an anthropomorphic hyena, each wearing a Thalia and Melpomene theatre mask, respectively — rush forward and attempt to restrain SCP-7382-A; the sword is knocked under a couch during the struggle, and after a few moments both entities are knocked aside, by which time Becker has recovered and stood up again.] Cynthia: Crow! Crow: I can't, I'll catch fire! [Becker throws a chair at SCP-7382-A, knocking them over, then pins them down and begins punching wildly at their face; SCP-7382-A holds up two hands to either side and summons SCP-7382, causing Becker to accidentally punch its shaft and recoil in pain. SCP-7382-A strikes them in the head using the spear, detaching the head on impact, then spits a large wad of tar onto their shirt.] Crow: No! [SCP-7382-A rolls to one side, dropping Becker into a flame which ignites the tar, causing a small explosion that throws both entities to opposite ends of the room. The surrounding entities quickly grab and restrain both entities, while several others retrieve fire extinguishers and blankets to put out the fires. Crow steps forward, both hands against his head.] Crow: What the hell have you two done?! [SCP-7382-A continues to thrash, attempting to break free from the entities restraining them, but is unsuccessful; Becker, on the other hand, stops resisting.] SCP-7382-A: Get off of me, you cave-dwelling — [Crow points to a pot plant in one corner, then to SCP-7382-A; the plant quickly levitates across the room, wrapping its vines around SCP-7382-A's maw and holding it shut with anomalous integrity. A few moments later, SCP-7382-A stops fighting against her restrainers.] Crow: Enough of the insults. One of you had better have a damn good explanation for this — Becker, you at least should know better than this. You've smashed almost everything in here and set the rest of it on fire! [Becker points to the reptilian head, then to himself. Crow sighs.] Crow: Give it to him. [SCP-7382-A resumes her thrashing with increased fervour; Cynthia notices this, looking between SCP-7382-A and the detached head. A nearby entity steps over to the reptilian head, bending down to pick it up.] Cynthia: Wait! [The entity stops and looks to Cynthia.] Cynthia: …leave it. Go get Becker's bag. He can use a different one. [The entity looks to Crow, who nods; they exit through one of the surrounding doorways. Cynthia steps over to the detached head, carefully picking it up with both hands and holding it with the face outwards. She locks eyes with SCP-7382-A; after a few moments, the latter calms down again.] [The other entity returns, carrying a large duffle bag which they put down in front of Becker. The entities restraining Becker let go, allowing him to reach into the bag and retrieve a human head with cybernetic eyes, which he attaches to himself. Crow points to SCP-7382-A, and the vines around her maw loosen.] Crow: Now, explain. Becker: She's nuts, Crow, that gunk she spits — Crow: Explain, not accuse. Becker: I was fixing the barrier, like you said, but I couldn't find the welder anywhere. So I got that out instead — [Becker points to the head Cynthia is holding] — and she came over and lost it. I didn't do anything! SCP-7382-A: Liar! You're a murderer and a desecrator, just like the rest of your degenerate kind! [SCP-7382-A opens their mouth, preparing to spit a wad of tar; Crow points to her and the vines around her maw constrict again, forcing it closed.] Crow: I said enough with the insults! I don't want your opinion, I want your answer — did you attack Becker first? [No response; SCP-7382-A simply glares at Becker.] Crow: Nod your head, or shake it. Did. You. Attack. First? [SCP-7382-A nods. She maintains the glare.] Crow: Did he do something to provoke you? Becker: I was just minding my own — Crow: I asked her, not you. Yes or no, did he say or do something to you to provoke you? [SCP-7382-A locks eyes with Crow and glares, but does not otherwise react. Crow shakes his head.] Crow: Put her in the brig. Becker, you're cleaning this up. Becker: But I didn't — Crow: Call for help, instead of throwing each-other into cabinets, and setting everything you missed on fire? Didn't think that winding her up would keep the fight going? [A moment of silence passes; Becker hangs his head.] Becker: … I'll tidy this up. Crow: Thank you. Take her away. [The entities restraining SCP-7382-A co-operate to remove her from the room. SCP-7382-A does not resist, limping on one leg as she is led away, but keeps her gaze firmly focused on Cynthia until her line-of-sight is broken; Cynthia furrows her brow, then looks down at the head in her hands.] END LOG Afterword: Way collapsed as SCP-7382-A was removed from the room. ‘Becker' identified as SCP-6772, a high-ranking member of the Miracle Liberation Front; high probability the location is a major hideout for the group, possibly fortified with a barrier that requires welding to repair. Presence of houseplants indicates ready access to a potable water supply. Label of the whiskey bottle noted to be printed in a non-English language unfamiliar to Agent Khan. + ACCESS SCP:/7382/Khan/Viewing/3 - Hide Excerpt [BEGIN TRANSCRIPT] [Cynthia enters a barren room carrying a tray of food, pushing the door closed behind her. A row of metal bars divides the room in two; the sole light source is a fluorescent tube affixed to the ceiling above the door. A humanoid entity wearing grey robes is sitting in a corner on the same side, reading a book. They look up at Cynthia.] Cynthia: Food, and I'd like to talk to her. [The entity nods and waves a gloved hand at the bars, causing several to demanifest so Cynthia can pass through; they remanifest behind her, and the entity returns their attention to the book.] [SCP-7382-A is sitting in the furthest corner on Cynthia's left, using their tail to idly bounce a soccer ball off the wall and holding SCP-7382 in their forelimbs. The entire length of their neck is wrapped in paper talismans; several more are wrapped around their wrists and the end of their tail. SCP-7382-A stops bouncing the ball and glares at Cynthia as she approaches.] Cynthia: I've got — [SCP-7382-A bats the ball at Cynthia, hitting the tray and knocking the foodstuffs onto her.] Cynthia: Hey! SCP-7382-A: Go choke and die. Cynthia: I was bringing you food! SCP-7382-A: I'd rather starve, Warden. [A moment's pause. Cynthia throws the metal tray at SCP-7382-A, hitting her in the face. SCP-7382-A lunges at Cynthia; the robed figure raises a hand toward them, and the paper talismans appear to prevent SCP-7382-A from moving any closer. SCP-7382-A attempts to swing SCP-7382 at Cynthia, but is propelled backwards to the furthest wall.] Cynthia: What the hell is your problem, Shirley?! SCP-7382-A: Shirley? Cynthia: Yes, Shirley. If you won't tell us your name, then we'll just call you Shirley. There are worse names going around, and for good reason. SCP-7382-A: Like you animals ever needed a reason… Cynthia: Oh, yeah, we're the animals. We're the ones that complain all the time, we're the ones that insult everyone around, we're the ones who constantly start fights and trash the place — what was it about this time, an egg? You and Becker got into a fight over an egg? [SCP-7382-A snarls, struggling against the restraints.] SCP-7382-A: That headless knuckle-dragger is the one who started it! He's the one who thought it'd be funny to ‘make amends' by giving me a fake dragon egg! What, should I have just sat there and smiled like a good little pet, be happy that my ‘masters' had given me anything? Is that what you want me to do, Warden?! Cynthia: I've told you, I'm not a warden! SCP-7382-A: Yes you are! You all are! You and your barbaric kind! [Cynthia scowls, shaking her head and stepping back toward the bars, which demanifest in front of her, then remanifest once she's through. The robed entity lowers its hand, releasing SCP-7382-A. Half-way to the door Cynthia stops, turning back and watching SCP-7382-A, silent.] SCP-7382-A: Enjoying the view? Satisfied that the horrifying, abominable creature is caged like it should be? [Cynthia shakes her head.] Cynthia: You've put yourself there. If you just… just got along with people, for once, or at least didn't lash out all the time… why are you even here? We aren't keeping you here — SCP-7382-A: You say while I'm in a locked room, behind bars, with a guard. Cynthia: No, I… [Cynthia sighs.] Cynthia: When we let you out, do you want to leave. SCP-7382-A: Oh, now the animal gets to choose, does it? Cynthia: You always had the choice. SCP-7382-A: Could've fooled me. Cynthia: Well now you know. People aren't going to put up with your attitude for much longer. You can stay if you want to, but you'll have to start behaving yourself around here — SCP-7382-A: — training me like a dog — Cynthia: — or you can leave, go it alone and take your own chances. It's your choice, but after all the effort we went through to rescue you, it'd be a real shame if you just ended up in a Foundation cell again, getting hosed down by some balding moron with a promotion fetish. [SCP-7382-A briefly chuckles. A silence ensues.] SCP-7382-A: Why did you save me? Cynthia: Because you deserve to live, to be free. Just like everyone else. [SCP-7382-A scoffs.] SCP-7382-A: Sure, right. You just thought I'd be a useful weapon. Controllable. Cynthia: I thought you were someone in trouble, that's it. Even with all of your… anger, I'd do it again. Especially now. I can tell you've been through enough already. [A pause. SCP-7382-A looks away. Cynthia gestures to the robed entity; they raise a hand, and the bars demanifest. Cynthia steps through — the bars reappearing behind her — and steps over to SCP-7382-A, sitting down.] Cynthia: Please, tell me. Help me to understand. Let me understand. SCP-7382-A: You won't. You wouldn't care. Cynthia: Try me. [Several seconds of silence pass. SCP-7382-A does not speak.] Cynthia: Why do you hate me? [SCP-7382-A turns and looks at Cynthia.] SCP-7382-A: Because you hate me. Cynthia: I don't hate you. SCP-7382-A: Are you human? Cynthia: Yes. SCP-7382-A: Then you hate. It's what your kind does. You hate, and you kill, and you steal and you lie. [A pause.] Cynthia: What happened? [SCP-7382-A's expression hardens into a glare.] SCP-7382-A: What happened? You happened, you degenerate neanderthal. You and your filthy, scab-ridden, mouth-breathing, half-witted, ruinous species. Everything was beautiful, free to grow the way it wanted, not forced into shape by you scum-eaters. We flew… [A long pause. Cynthia briefly glances at the amputated stumps on SCP-7382-A's back.] SCP-7382-A: …we flew over forests, oceans, plains, and mountains. We were content with the skies, we took only what food we needed, and the earth provided caves as our shelter. Until you low-brow half-breeds showed up, there was nothing else but nature, and no-one else but us. We were alone together in the entire world — we were happy to share it. But you weren't. You would show up screaming like children, throwing things, trying to scare us away. You didn't need what we had — you just didn't want us to have it, and you hated that you couldn't take it. [SCP-7382-A stands up, turns away, and continues bouncing the ball against the wall.] SCP-7382-A: Your stupid little sticks didn't hurt us, so we just shooed you away like wild beasts, hoping you would start using the brains you might have had. Eventually you did — you started talking between yourselves, built your stupid little mud houses, started clearing forests to plant your weeds. We'd never seen anything like it, never seen buildings before, never made any, never even imagined them. We watched and saw with every passing day that there were more of you, always more, spreading out in every direction like a pestilence, and still you wouldn't share. It was yours, always yours, and whenever we came down to eat, you, you… [Cynthia's brow furrows. SCP-7382-A falls silent, shaking their head and scowling. They slowly increase the force of each successive hit on the ball.] SCP-7382-A: You figured out how to win. Somewhere along the way, while you were all bashing each-other's skulls in, you figured out how to make your stupid little weapons hurt. You did your stupid little rituals, jumping around a bonfire like idiots, and one day one of you made it work, did some real magic. You figured out how to kill us, and you decided that meant you should. [SCP-7382-A catches the ball in one claw.] SCP-7382-A: Everywhere we went, your wizards would pull us from the skies, your knights would strip us of our wings and lives, and the rest of you… the rest of you celebrated. You'd sing stories, lying to your little crotch-goblins about how it was our fault, everything was our fault, how we'd deserved to die, how killing us was the right thing to do. If some idiot baker burnt down a town, you said we started the fire. If some dunce royal fell down a hole while trapesing through a forest, you said we kidnapped them. If we had anything, anything, you said we stole it from you. [SCP-7382-A resumes bouncing the ball.] SCP-7382-A: You took everything, because you could. You slaughtered us by the thousands, and if we fought back, more of you came. We hid in caves, fearful and praying you wouldn't find us. There were so few of us left that you eventually stopped looking, went back to killing each-other, and just… forgot. [SCP-7382-A misses the ball; it bounces away, coming to a halt by the bars. SCP-7382-A doesn't react to it.] SCP-7382-A: Then we died. Not from hunger, not from sickness, not injury, just… just died, like the world didn't want us anymore. You were so convinced you knew how the world should be, and through your sheer, unyielding stubbornness, you actually made it happen. [A long pause.] Cynthia: How did you survive? SCP-7382-A: How do you think? I fought back. Some prissy barbarian murdered my brother, ate his heart, then went home to cheering and fanfare. I lured him into a forest, ran him through with my spear, and did the same. I wiped out that entire damned kingdom, and for every person that I killed — every one of my kind I avenged — I felt stronger. I was stronger. I haven't stopped. I have no reason to stop. Cynthia: …the guards. That's why you wanted to kill the guards when we rescued you. Feeding. [SCP-7382-A turns back to Cynthia, tightening her grip on SCP-7382, tears in her eyes. Cynthia quickly gets up, holding her palms forward and walking backwards.] Cynthia: Hold on — SCP-7382-A: They deserved it. You deserve it. I hate you, Cynthia, because I hate all your foetid kind. I hate you, because it's the only way to survive in your world. I hate you because you hate me. You hate me. I hate you. Cynthia: I don't hate — [SCP-7382-A lunges. The robed entity raises their hand, restraining SCP-7382-A and preventing the spearhead of SCP-7382 from reaching Cynthia. SCP-7382-A repeatedly tries to thrust SCP-7382at Cynthia, but are unable to move enough to reach her; they then attempt to throw it at her, but are similarly unable to succeed.] SCP-7382-A: I hate you! You took everything from me, and I hate you! I hate you! I hate, I hate… [SCP-7382-A collapses, dropping SCP-7382 to cover their face and weeping. After a few moments Cynthia steps over, crouching down; she goes to rest a hand on SCP-7382-A's shoulder, but stops short of doing so. A few moments pass.] Cynthia: I don't hate you, Shirley. But I understand. I'm… I'm sorry. [SCP-7382-A continues weeping for several minutes, slowly de-escalating into quiet sobs.] Cynthia: I can get more food, if — SCP-7382-A: [Muffled] Just… go away. Leave me alone. [Cynthia nods. She quietly stands to her feet, picking up the food tray, then passes through the bars again and opens the door.] SCP-7382-A: …Lethrie. [Cynthia stops in the doorway, turning back. SCP-7382-A is looking up at her.] Cynthia: Pardon? SCP-7382-A: My name. Lethrie Nithoggdottir. [A moment's pause. Cynthia's brow furrows, but nods.] Cynthia: Thank you, Lethrie. [SCP-7382-A lowers their head. Cynthia steps outside, closing the door behind them; Crow steps over from nearby.] Crow: Any luck? [Cynthia glances back at the closed door, frowning.] Cynthia: Keep Beck away from her. Keep everything from Beck away from her. If he tries anything, even a letter, lay his ass out or throw him out. I don't care if he wants to apologise, he stays away, and take that dragon head off him too. Better yet, just tell everyone to avoid the topic of dragons, and put everything dragon-related away. Crow: Why? Cynthia: Would you put a picture of Mab up when you have Fae visiting? Crow: No. Cynthia: Then don't bring up dragons around her. Just leave her alone until I get back. Crow: Get back? Where are you going? Cynthia: The Library. There's just… a few discrepancies I need to check. [END LOG] Afterword: Way collapsed as Cynthia moved away from SCP-7382-A's location. Global Foundation personnel were alerted to monitor all known entrances to the Wanderer's Library; no sightings of D-24390 were reported. The food provided to SCP-7382-A was identified as a shawarma wrap with falafels; with previous evidence (arid environment, non-English language), there is a strong likelihood the MLF hideout is within the Middle East. The statement by SCP-7382-A that use of SCP-7382 to kill humans makes the wielder ‘stronger' is possibly indicative of a previously-unknown property of the item; Department of Tactical Theology personnel are reviewing available data in light of this. Addendum-04: Additional discovery The Department of Tactical Theology conducted a thorough analysis of all available data relating to the use of SCP-7382 in combat; it was subsequently discovered that a single burst of Akiva Radiation7 was detected by several sensors throughout Site-194, which corresponded to the moment SCP-7382 was observed glowing with a negative light in the footage of the MLF raid. It is theorised that the using SCP-7382 to terminate a human subject causes an interaction between the components of the item, which results in the production and emission of Akivas independent to any discernable sentient, religious belief. It is unclear how SCP-7382-A physically benefits from this emission. All Foundation facilities throughout the Middle East region were supplied with high-fidelity Akiva monitors, in order to locate SCP-7382 in the event this property of the anomaly was triggered again. Agent Khan continued monitoring the activities of SCP-7382-A via the psychic link. + ACCESS SCP:/7382/Khan/Viewing4 - Hide Excerpt [BEGIN LOG] [SCP-7382-A enters a room similar to its prison in the previous log; however, this room has been repurposed into a board room, furnished with a round table atop a large rug. A soft glow is emanating from beneath the rug, and several entities — including Crow, Becker, and Cynthia — are seated around the table. SCP-7382-A takes the seat directly opposite Becker, and the two glare at each-other.] Becker: [Unintelligible.]8 Crow: English, Becker. [Becker rolls their eyes and replaces their current head with that of an oversized flamingo.] SCP-7382-A: Finally, one that — Crow: Don't. [SCP-7382-A pauses, then huffs. Crow leans toward Cynthia.] Crow: [Whispering] Are you sure this will work? Cynthia: [Whispering] We'll know soon enough. Crow: [Whispering] Petty revenge — Cynthia: [Whispering] It's more than that. But I need to be sure. [An entity, henceforth ‘the Adjucator', knocks on the table with their fist.] Adjucator: All required parties are now present, so we will begin with this tribunal. The matter at hand is regarding the ongoing harassment between — Becker: I didn't do it. SCP-7382-A: You said you'd skin me and turn me into shoes! Becker: That was ages ago — Cynthia: — five days — Adjucator: Order. That is not the circumstance that was brought to our attention. Becker: Well what, then? Crow told me to stop and I've stopped. I've done nothing wrong. Adjucator: Warden, please present the evidence. [The grey-robed entity activates an overhead projector. Displayed is an image of the mattress SCP-7382-A took from Cynthia's room, atop which Becker's draconic head — spraypainted black, matching SCP-7382-A — has been impaled with his sword. Becker jumps to his feet.] Becker: My head! Adjucator: And your sword, in the plaintiff's bedroom. Becker: No, no, hold on — Adjucator: Order. Becker: Back up! I didn't do that, I can't have. I never got that head back, and my sword has been missing for days. Crow, you know that! [Crow glances at Cynthia. She nods.] Adjucator: Mr. Brown, can you confirm this? Crow: I can. He told me on Thursday. SCP-7382-A: Just because he said it, doesn't mean it actually was missing. Becker: Shut up, you conniving little — [Becker and SCP-7382-A lunge at each-other. The Warden raises a hand toward each, the paper talismans wrapped around their wrists pulling them apart and forcing them back into their seats.] Adjucator: Order! The plaintiff is correct, it is possible the defendant was lying. This is supported by the defendant's known history of deception — Becker: I'm not lying! Adjucator: — and although they have never directed such deception at other members of our group, it is irrefutable that the defendant does not extend such courtesies toward the plaintiff. Becker: Crow, I promised I would leave her alone! I don't break promises — you know that! [Crow nods, but does not speak.] Adjucator: The evidence presented indicates you as the culprit. Do you have any information which may prove otherwise? [Becker jabs a finger at SCP-7382-A.] Becker: Her! It has to be her. She wants to get rid of me, she's trying to frame me! [Cynthia glances at Crow.] Crow: I agree, but there are a dozen people who say they saw her at a distance throughout the day yesterday. If they're correct, she didn't have the time to do this herself. Becker: It… it was someone else, then, I didn't do it! Cynthia: Who, Beck? Who else had motive? Becker: I don't know, you maybe? You're on her side — Cynthia: I was at the Library for the past three days, and only just got back this morning. The Docents and Pages can confirm that. Becker: You can make portals — Cynthia: Which the Docents would pick up on. They know I was there until early this morning. [A few moments of silence pass.] Becker: I didn't do it. Adjucator: The evidence indicates you as the culprit, and your known dislike of the plaintiff presents sufficient motive. Crow: Becker, where were you the day before yesterday? Did anyone see you, can they confirm you couldn't have done this? [A pause. Becker slumps.] Adjucator: Mr. Becker? Becker: I was alone in my room. The whole day. Crow: …why? Becker: I woke up covered in boils. Spoke to Doc Haus, she gave me medicine and directions, told me to keep to myself to avoid spreading it. Cynthia: Boils? Becker: Yes, boils, that's what I said. Just showed up one night, then they were gone the next. But Haus saw them, she knows it was real. Crow: Did she check on you? Becker: The next day, yes. Adjucator: But not throughout the day you were infected. Becker: She said it didn't look serious, just — Adjucator: Indicating you had adequate time and opportunity to commit this crime — Becker: I said, I didn't — Adjucator: — and return before being noticed. I believe sufficient evidence has been presented for this tribunal to come to a decision, unless anyone has any further information they would like to share. [Several moments of silence pass. SCP-7382-A grins.] Adjucator: Very well. Members of the tribunal, are there any requests for deliberation to determine a verdict? [A few moments of silence.] Adjucator: Then please declare your verdicts. ???: Guilty. ???: Innocent. ???: Guilty. ???: Guilty. Adjucator: Guilty. Mr. Becker, this tribunal finds you guilty of the offense of repeated harassment — [Becker jumps to his feet.] Becker: No! I didn't — Brown, I didn't do it! Crow: I know, I believe you. Just keep quiet. Becker: But — Crow: Trust me. Just stay calm. Adjucator: — follow orders issued by a higher-ranking member of our association. As such, you are hereby expelled from the Miracle Liberation Front — Becker: What?! No! I — Crow: Beck, just sit down, trust me. Adjucator: — forbidden from rejoining the association for a period of at least two years, and all privileges, rewards, and assets provided are hereby rescinded and annulled. [SCP-7382-A sharply inhales and tenses. Her grip tightens on SCP-7382, which glows — then shines — with a negative or dark light.] Cynthia: What are you doing? SCP-7382-A: Feeding. Cynthia: On what? Victory? SCP-7382-A: Deception. [The light vanishes from SCP-7382. SCP-7382-A's eyes go wide.] SCP-7382-A: I meant — Cynthia: Meant what? You meant to do what? SCP-7382-A: I — I meant to say — Crow: A lie? SCP-7382-A: Ye— I — [A moment of silence passes. Everyone present is staring at SCP-7382-A in various states of disbelief. Becker is scowling fiercely.] Becker: It was you, you — Cynthia: Yes, it was. She caused the boils so you wouldn't have an alibi. Then she set up the scene herself to frame you. [SCP-7382-A stands up.] SCP-7382-A: You have no proof. Cynthia: Am I wrong? Are you saying that you aren't framing him? [Again, SCP-7382-A repeatedly attempts to speak, but appears to be unable to do so.] SCP-7382-A: What have you done to me? Why can't I speak? [Crow stands from his seat, moving his chair aside and rolling back part of the rug, revealing a large, intricate, glowing glyph on the floor beneath.] Crow: Cynthia and Dr. Yeen built this truth kinetoglyph earlier. Nobody in this room can lie. Cynthia: Your spear has the Staff of Aaron in it, which was used to cause the biblical plagues — a plague of boils, and a plague of flies. I'm guessing you got a swarm of flies to move in your rough shape, so people would mistake it from a distance for you and give you an alibi. Am I right? [Several moments of silence. SCP-7382-A glares at Cynthia.] SCP-7382-A: …you knew. You… you set this up. To trick me. Cynthia: Yes. We did. Adjucator: If you were already conclusively aware of the plaintiff's guilt, why did you permit this tribunal to occur? What was the purpose of this? Crow: We weren't sure if the kinetoglyph would work on her. Now we do. Cynthia: And… I needed confirmation. Adjucator: Confirmation for…? [A moment of silence. Cynthia looks to SCP-7382-A, her expression sad.] Cynthia: Do you believe you are Lethrie Nithoggdottir? SCP-7382-A: Believe? Are you — Cynthia: Yes or no. Do you believe you are Lethrie Nithoggdottir? SCP-7382-A: I know I am Lethrie Nithoggdottir. [Cynthia shakes her head.] Cynthia: … Lethrie died almost three hundred thousand years ago. You can't be her. [SCP-7382-A rolls their eyes.] SCP-7382-A: That's weak, even for a Jailor. Cynthia: Your brother. Was his name Vafnir? [SCP-7382-A freezes.] SCP-7382-A: … how do — Cynthia: Please, just… just answer the question. [SCP-7382-A stares at Cynthia for several moments, visibly surprised. She repeatedly opens her mouth to speak but appears unable to do so.] SCP-7382-A: … yes, his name was Vafnir. Cynthia: And you remember your people, the dragons, being wiped out by humans? SCP-7382-A: …Yes. Cynthia: No. SCP-7382-A: No? Crow: The dragons were wiped out by the Fae Empire, drained of their souls to fuel their magic. Humankind had nothing to do with it. Cynthia: You said you used the spear to fight back — you had it when your people were first attacked, yes? SCP-7382-A: Yes. Attacked by humans. Cynthia: But the staff is only three thousand years old at best — Exodus was set in 1500 BC. The bindings are even younger. Even the sword wasn't made until the Second Diaspora, and the dragon purge was at least thirty thousand years before that — that spear could not have existed back then. SCP-7382-A: So? All that proves is that I remember something more recent — Cynthia: There's were no other purges, because there were no dragons left to purge. The Empire killed them all. The only dragons that have roamed the world since then are… are those born from myth. SCP-7382-A: Well what, then? What are you saying? [Cynthia takes a deep breath.] Cynthia: I'm… I'm saying you aren't… real. [A moment's silence.] SCP-7382-A: I'm right here. Cynthia: Yes, you are, but… [Cynthia sighs.] Cynthia: When you told me your story, I… I went to the Library, looking for information. I told the Archivists what you told me, and they eventually led me to this. [Cynthia carefully puts an old, leather-bound tome on the table, the title 'Regarding the Composition of Common Folklore through Fabrication and Error' facing upward. After a moment she opens the book, carefully turning to a section titled 'Of Nithahoggr's Descendants.'] Cynthia: This section talks about long-forgotten Norse myth. One focuses on a dragon named Lethrie, the twin of Vafnir, both born near a cliffside at a place called Tronege. Vafnir was killed by a knight named Sigemund, and Lethrie sought revenge, disguising themselves as someone called Hognin to do so. [SCP-7382-A's eyes widen. Cynthia turns the book to show her.] Cynthia: Everything you told me is here, except for the part about your people dying out. All of it. The author goes on to talk about a real Nithahoggr, Lethrie, and Vafnir, who died during the dragon purge, trying to hide from the Fae Empire. They suggest someone borrowed a history book from the Library, retold the story, and between readings it… changed. Became a myth. Your myth. [SCP-7382-A reads the pages in silence. She shakes her head.] SCP-7382-A: No, I… I'm here. I'm here, I'm real. This… this has to be a trick, I wouldn't be here otherwise. Explain that — how can I be here? Crow: Belief. There are hundreds of deities in the world that only exist because people think they do. Cynthia: People are so convinced the world is a certain way, the world actually obeys and brings the stories to life. [SCP-7382-A looks up, locking eyes with Cynthia.] SCP-7382-A: What… happens when… people stop believing? Cynthia: …then the world changes back, and the deities fade away. [Several moments of silence.] Adjucator: You stated this myth has been forgotten. If the plaintiff — Crow: I'm pretty sure we've abandoned the tribunal by now. Adjucator: Lethrie, then. Wouldn't she have faded by now, without believers to support her existence? Cynthia: Normally, yes; I think that's why the rest of her family died. But I think the spear is keeping her alive. [SCP-7382-A jumps up from her seat, brandishing SCP-7382. Cynthia holds up her hands submissively.] Cynthia: We aren't going to take it. You said it makes you feel stronger, right? When you kill or trick people with it? [A moment's pause; SCP-7382-A nods.] Cynthia: I think it has the same effect as being believed in, somehow — like it's releasing some sort of energy she needs to survive. Adjucator: So she framed Becker to deceive us, to gain sustenance from it. Was that your intent, Lethrie? SCP-7382-A: …mostly. Yes. Becker: Mostly? Crow: Why Becker? Would anyone have done? SCP-7382-A: I wanted him. He's an abominable barbarian like the man who killed my brother. Becker: [Scoffs.] At least I'm real. [SCP-7382-A snarls and lunges at Becker with SCP-7382; the Warden raises his hands, preventing them both from getting closer. However, the momentum of SCP-7382pulls it from SCP-7382-A's grasp, and it hits the uncovered section of the kinetoglyph with its tip; there is a sound of shattering glass as the kinetoglyph flashes and disappears, followed by SCP-7382 falling to the floor. Crow jumps to his feet.] Crow: Becker, get out! Becker: She tried — Crow: Now! [The Warden lowers one hand. Becker scowls, pulling the talismans off his wrists and leaving the room; SCP-7382-A struggles against the talismans until he is gone. Crow shakes his head in disapproval.] Adjucator: Becker is correct; she is guilty of deception. SCP-7382-A: I had to. The Jailors grabbed me before I finished my last plan, and you grabbed me before I could start with them. Crow: You could have told us, we could've figured something out — SCP-7382-A: I didn't have enough time! What do you think the guards were for, Tinderbox? I had to kill them so I could set up something better, and now — [SCP-7382-A pauses, then slumps. Cynthia's eyes widen.] Cynthia: But it just — SCP-7382-A: It takes time. I would've got more from just running the oaf through. [The judiciary entities turn and mumble to each-other. Cynthia covers her mouth.] Crow: How long do you have? [SCP-7382-A simply shakes her head. Crow growls in frustration.] Crow: Alright, alright, we'll figure something out, but we will come back to this. Warden, take her to her room. [The Warden nods, lowering their hand and SCP-7382-A to the floor. Cynthia steps over to SCP-7382-A.] Cynthia: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought… [SCP-7382-A ignores her, stepping past to where SCP-7382 is lying on the floor.] Cynthia: Please, Lethrie, I know what it's like to find out your life is a lie — SCP-7382-A: I don't believe you. Cynthia: I know it's hard to accept — SCP-7382-A: No. You were just reading my mind. Cynthia: Lethrie, the book — SCP-7382-A: You read my mind earlier, and you wrote it yourself. No, it… it isn't real. I'm real, what I remember is real. You're just trying to trick me. [SCP-7382-A picks up SCP-7382 from the floor.] Cynthia: Your mother's name. [SCP-7382-A frowns.] Cynthia: She was never named in the myth. Only your father, Nithahoggr. Do you remember her name? [A few moments of silence pass. SCP-7382-A opens her mouth to speak, but pauses; she then turns and silently follows the Warden, closing the door gently behind her. Cynthia watches in silence, tears welling in her eyes.] [END LOG] Afterword: The Akiva radiation emitted by SCP-7382 was detected by several Foundation facilities throughout northern Iraq; the source was identified as a small compound south-west of Mosul, Iraq. + ACCESS SCP:/7382/Khan/Viewing5 - Hide Excerpt [BEGIN LOG] [Cynthia is walking down a hallway, passing several entities as she goes. She spots and approached an anthropomorphic hyena wearing a doctor's coat and spectacles, who is standing next to a closed, familiar door.] Cynthia: You needed me, Dr. Yeen? Dr. Yeen: You need to talk to her. [Cynthia frowns, shaking her head.] Cynthia: I don't think — Dr. Yeen: Yes, you do, and you have to. She won't talk to anyone else, she isn't even bothering to insult me anymore — you're the only person on friendly terms with her. Cynthia: That was before I murdered her. Dr. Yeen: She's still alive. Cynthia: Not for much longer, thanks to me. Dr. Yeen: And whatever time she has left, she's wasting. Cynthia, I can't tell if she's even moved since you two last spoke, let alone eat or do anything else. You're the only person who understands what she's going through, you know what she's feeling from experience. You have to help her out of it. [A few moments of silence as Cynthia shifts uneasily.] Cynthia: What if I make it worse? Dr. Yeen: You can't. This is the worst it can possibly get. [A few more moments pass. Dr. Yeen steps aside, gesturing to the door, and Cynthia steps past to open it. The room beyond is the same barren room SCP-7382-A was imprisoned with; the light from the hallway reveals the metal bars have been removed, the sole ceiling light has been smashed, and SCP-7382-A is curled up in the furthest corner, head covered, with SCP-7382 lying on the floor nearby.] Cynthia: Lethrie? [SCP-7382-A does not react. Cynthia steps in, closing the door behind her and plunging the room into total darkness.] Cynthia: Lethrie, it's… [No response. There is a sound of crunching glass as Cynthia crosses the room.] Cynthia: I'm sorry. I really… I didn't… [Silence.] Cynthia: I thought winning triggered it, just beating Beck was enough. I didn't know the trick was… [A long, extended silence. Cynthia sniffles.] Cynthia: Please, talk to me Lethrie, we — SCP-7382-A: [Faintly] I'm not Lethrie. [More silence. Cynthia sits down.] Cynthia: When… when I was at the Foundation, they called me D-24390. I… [A pause.] Cynthia: I remember my father, John Franks, and my mother, Anette. I… I remember them calling me Diana. Diana Franks, born 1984 in Adelaide, Australia. I remember becoming an accountant, of all things, and I was good at it. Good enough that… I can't remember if I was greedy, or desperate, or both, but I started stealing money, lots of it. Then it was… [Another pause; Cynthia sniffles.] Cynthia: I remember 2010 being the year I got caught. A co-worker, Edward, morally-rigid sort who wouldn't let it slide. He confronted me first, gave me a chance, but I… I remember throwing something at him. I remember him going down, and… [Another pause. Cynthia takes a deep breath.] Cynthia: …charged with manslaughter and embezzlement, thirty-five years in prison. But then the Foundation showed up, offered an alternative program, and I remember accepting. Then came seven years of hell, being used as a lab rat for whatever they wanted. I eventually escaped… [Cynthia pauses.] Cynthia: I can't explain how, but I did. When I was out I used what I'd learned to get around, looking for a way to get back at the Foundation, help the people — human and otherwise — that were suffering because of them. The Serpent's Hand came up pretty quickly, of course, which led me to the Library. [A pause.] Cynthia: When you… want a library card for the Wanderer's Library, you need to give them your true name. Not an alias, your… your realest name, the name that's definitively, everything about you. I needed a card to join the Hand, so… so I went to the Archivists, said my name was Diana Franks. The name I had before… before the Foundation. [A long pause, interrupted by Cynthia's restrained sobbing.] Cynthia: They rejected it. It took a while, but… the name I had printed on my first Library card, my true name, was D-24390. I'd never been Diana Franks, never been anyone before I showed up in the D-Class program. The Foundation has a machine somewhere that can grow people en masse, and they test it by just… creating disposable people. Giving them fake memories, fake identities, use them to cover their staffing problems.9 I… there was no Diana Franks, nor John, nor Anette. No birth, no childhood, no career, no conviction, no murder… none of it was real. Neither was I. [Another long pause.] SCP-7382-A: [Faintly] Why… Cynthia? Cynthia: Because screw them, that's why. I needed a name, and I sure as hell wasn't going to use the ones they gave me. Diana wasn't real, but Cynthia could be. Cynthia is. My card doesn't say 24390 anymore, because that isn't who I am. I'm Cynthia now. [A brief pause. SCP-7382-A shifts.] Cynthia: You aren't who you thought you were. But that doesn't mean you aren't anybody. You're still you. SCP-7382-A: I'm just a myth. A forgotten one. Cynthia: A living myth! That's a feat in itself — your story was riveting, fascinating, retold by thousands if not millions across generations, spoken as truth, preferred to the truth of reality around them. And you're still alive, long after your story has faded — that's… every other deity has faded away within years, but you're still here after centuries. Your story had nothing to do with that. You accomplished that — you, a survivor, someone with such an indominable will that you can defy not only reality, but the greater forces which control it. They've wanted you dead for eons, and they've failed. They can still fail. [Another pause. SCP-7382-A turns to face Cynthia.] Cynthia: You can still survive. We still have time, we can — [Cynthia is cut off by the sound of a tornado siren winding up, promptly followed by a muffled but nearby explosion that rocks the building. Both Cynthia and SCP-7382-A jump up.] SCP-7382-A: What the hell was that? [Another explosion, followed by faint gunfire. Cynthia rushes to the door, opening it; SCP-7382-A picks up SCP-7382 and follows, taking care to avoid the broken glass on the floor. Multiple entities are rushing up and down the hallway, with those wielding firearms heading in the same direction.] Cynthia: Yeen, what's happening, who's — Dr. Yeen: I don't know, sentries spotted some vans — [Another explosion. Crow appears around a corner, carrying a Barrett M82 rifle.] Crow: Cynthia! Cynthia: Crow, who — Crow: Foundation, they've found us. We need to evacuate, they're coming down hard. [Cynthia immediate begins performing various gestures with her hands; a kinetoglyph slowly forms in the air nearby.] Cynthia: Bring everyone you can here, they'll start dropping anchors soon — [The kinetoglyph widens into a wormhole connected to the sewer treatment facility near Site-194, revealing the Foundation observation team monitoring the MLF through the psychic link. Cynthia's widening in shock.] Cynthia: They kept the last one open — [Several members of the observation team reach for their firearms. Cynthia performs a quick gesture, closing the wormhole and severing the psychic link.] [END LOG] Addendum-05: Foundation raid Agent Khan's psychic link was severed by the closure of the wormhole, and all subsequent attempts to re-open the wormhole failed. The entirety of the raid on the MLF compound was recorded by the body cameras of the attending Foundation agents; the following is a transcript of Captain Worley's footage, beginning from the moment the psychic link was severed. + ACCESS SCP:/7382/MLF/Raid - Hide Excerpt [BEGIN LOG] [A region of barren, stony desert dominated by a reinforced mud brick compound is visible, illuminated by harsh midday sunlight. The structure is encircled by several Foundation convoys disguised as the United States Armed Forces; several vehicles and portions of the compound have been damaged or destroyed by explosive munitions, and a reinforced truck — containing an active Scranton Reality Anchor — has collided with part of the structure. Several members of the MLF are attempting to reach this truck but are being suppressed by gunfire, and the Foundation forces are gradually gaining ground.] [Captain Worley hides behind a boulder as a high-calibre bullet hits the stone in front of him.] Captain Worley: [Into his radio] Someone take out that damn sniper! Agent Mendelez: [Over radio] Where the hell are they, I can't see— Agent Johnston:[Over radio] North-east tower! [A nearby Foundation agent hoists and fires an RPG at the base of the tower, obliterating the stonework and destabilising the structure; the nearby MLF forces scatter as the tower collapses. Captain Worley's team break cover, rushing toward the rubble of the tower; several of the scattered MLF attempt to regroup to intercept, but are held back by cover fire. A lone MLF agent rushes out toward the rubble, throwing a grenade at the approaching Foundation agents. Worley is thrown to the ground, obscuring the camera's view.] Becker: Crow! Crow, where are you?! [Worley gets up in time to see Becker — now sporting a semi-humanoid chiropteran head with large ears — take cover among the tower rubble, intermittently firing at Captain Worley and his team, who take cover nearby.] Captain Worley: [Into his radio] Horseman spotted at north-east tower, I think Scarecrow is in the rubble. Command: Received, capture either target if able. Becker: Crow! [Worley throws a stun grenade where Becker is hiding; the detonation temporarily overloads the microphone. The team rush over and find Becker lying on his back, both hands covering his bleeding ears, screaming. The agents restrain him using several cable ties.] Captain Worley: You six, get him in a truck and haul ass back to command; the rest of us will cover, then push into the compound. Agent Mendelez: What about the Scarecrow? Captain Worley: He can dig himself out, or we'll dig him out once this is over. But we are not losing the Horseman. [The team divides into two groups, six working together to drag Becker toward the Foundation convoy, while the others — including Worley — fire on any hostile forces that attempt to intercept. Several members of the MLF recognise Becker and fire on the group, halting their progress near a breach in the compound's outer wall.] Captain Worley: [Into his radio] We need help at the east breach, we have the Horseman but we're pinned down— [The radio suddenly emits a harsh, continuous tone; all Foundation agents, and several MLF members, simultaneously recoil. Worley and his team pull out their earpieces.] Agent Johnston: They're jamming our radios — Captain Worley: You don't say?! [Worley's team continues covering the group with Becker, but are unable to give the latter an opportunity to escape. Agent Mendelez is knocked backwards by a bullet in his shoulder; Worley swears, helping him to his feet.] Captain Worley: Damn it, fall back! Johnston, Hurley, Xanxes, cover us — we'll stop over there, then we'll cover you. Got it? Go! [The team splits again, alternating roles and progressing toward the group with Becker via several landmarks; they eventually reach a tool shed near the trapped group, with Worley's division breaking cover from it first.] [A black object briefly flies into view ahead of the group, which explodes on impact and throws the group to the ground; Worley lands on his back, obscuring the camera's view. A brief gunfight is heard nearby, intermixed with shouts and agonised screams, then the sound of a growing fire.] SCP-7382-A: Hold still! [Becker continues screaming.] SCP-7382-A: Then take it off you stupid — [Becker's screaming abruptly stops. Worley sits up; the area is littered with corpses and patches of burning tar, and several of Worley's agents can be seen fleeing. SCP-7382 is using the spearhead of SCP-7382-A to cut through Becker's bindings; Becker's chiropteran head lies discarded a small distance away.] SCP-7382-A: The Wardens have an anchor somewhere, whatever that is. Laplace and Cynthia need you to deal with it — should be easy, since you constantly ruin everything around you. [Worley leaps to his feet, throwing a stun grenade and drawing his sidearm; SCP-7382-A recoils at the detonation, dropping SCP-7382 and stumbling backwards. Worley readies a canister of fire-retardant foam in his spare hand, and sprints toward SCP-7382-A.] Captain Worley: Stay down! Stay — [Becker breaks his remaining restraints and grabs SCP-7382, swinging it at Worley like a bat; Worley drops the canister of flame retardant and rolls with the impact into a crouched position, firing two rounds into Becker's body armour — knocking him over — before his weapon jams. Worley attempts to clear the blocked round; Becker reaches for his own handgun.] [Still attempting to manually cycle the gun, Worley turns and runs back to the tool shed where his three remaining team members are firing at other MLF agents; he is knocked to the ground from behind, roaring in pain, but rolls over to reveal a blob of ignited tar wrapped around one of his legs, the flames quickly spreading across his clothes. He retrieves a second canister of fire suppressant and sprays the foam onto himself, extinguishing the flames, then pulls off the tar with his hand and limps the rest of the way.] [Worley and the three agents — Johnston, Hurley, and Xanxes — take cover out of view from Becker and SCP-7382-A. Worley begins partially disassembling his weapon to clear the blockage while Xanxes bandages his leg.] Captain Worley: Radios? [Xanxes turns his radio on; it emits the same monotonous tone until turned off again. Worley clears the blockage and reassembles his gun, loads a fresh clip, then moves to the nearest corner and uses the reflective blade of his knife to look around it.] Captain Worley: Horseman's gone, but we can get the Lizard's spear. She's weak. Agent Hurley: Is that before or after she kills the rest of us? Captain Worley: She's coming, other side. [Worley aims his sidearm toward the other corner; he attempts to signal Foundation forces by reflecting the sunlight off his knife's blade.] SCP-7382-A: Ready to die, you little weenies? Captain Worley: Remember me, ‘Lethrie?' [A pause.] SCP-7382-A: I would ask who you are, but I honestly don't care. [Worley growls. A flashing light near the Foundation convoy catches his attention; he puts his knife away, then gestures and leads his group around the corner, toward the opposite end of the shed.] Captain Worley: I'm the one who kicked your arse in the forest— SCP-7382-A: And you're going to do it again, make me pay for what I did, make it the last thing I ever remember, right? [Worley's group stops at the next corner; Worley looks around the corner using his knife.] Captain Worley: Something like that. SCP-7382-A: You Wardens are pathetic. Why would I remember any of you? You mean nothing to me. I don't give a damn about your self-righteous crusade, I don't care about the stupid sob-stories of patsies dying in your arms, and I especially don't care about whatever pitiful milk-drinking crotch goblins are left for you to tell it to. [Worley roars, rounding the corner with his gun raised.] Captain Worley: That's rich, coming from you! You're nothing but a half-baked sob-story, whose spent thousands of years whining about things that never happened! Your story was forgotten because it was rubbish, and the only good part of it is your miserable ending! [Worley leads his group along the shed. A large bullet whizzes past overhead; Worley looks up in time to see SCP-7382-A jump down from the roof, tackling him to the ground and knocking over the surrounding agents with SCP-7382.] [A frenzied scuffle ensues. The camera's erratic movements render the visuals inscrutable; several gunshots and varying shouts of pain from all involved are heard. The fight continues until a canister of fire retardant foam goes off, at which time SCP-7382-A is knocked away from the group. All involved have been severely injured, the Foundation agents now sporting several significant scratches and claw marks, with Xanxes lying unresponsive nearby — SCP-7382-A also has several significant stab wounds across its torso. A moment passes, then SCP-7382-A raises its forelimbs into the air, holding SCP-7382 in one claw.] Captain Worley: You had your chance. You aren't leaving here alive. SCP-7382-A: I know. But neither are any of you. Captain Worley: [Scoffs.] We'll see about that. SCP-7382-A: No. You won't. [The area rapidly dims. Worley looks up; a solar eclipse is occurring10 and dense storm clouds are quickly forming overhead. Worley takes aim and fires a round at SCP-7382-A before his weapon jams again, then charges at SCP-7382-A with his knife. SCP-7382-A turns aside to run.] [The region plunges into total darkness, interrupted only by flashes of lightning and gunfire, and several lights within the compound which are quickly turned off. Several vehicles in the Foundation convoy turn on their headlights to illuminate the area but are destroyed by MLF forces. Worley and his team, along with all members of the Foundation forces, turn on their flashlights to search the area. SCP-7382-A is nowhere to be seen.] [The storm clouds erupt into a deluge of hailstones and lightning strikes throughout the compound and its surrounds. Worley shouts but is drowned out by the repeated thunderclaps; he and Johnston find the entrance to the shed, breaking it down and entering, while Hurley drags the unresponsive Xanxes in behind them. The two conscious agents set about barricading the door while Worley attempts to un-jam his weapon again. They all shout to be heard.] Agent Hurley: This isn't on her file! Captain Worley: It's the Plagues, she can do any of them! Agent Johnston: Including the one that kills every firstborn around here?! [A pause. Hurley scrambles onto the barricade and smears blood along the door frame.] Agent Johnston: It has to be lamb's blood— Agent Hurley: Well I don't bloody have a lamb, do you?! Captain Worley: Shut it! We have to go out there and take her down, or at least get that damn spear off her. Agent Hurley: We can't go out into that! Captain Worley: And we can't stay in here either! Think of something! [Worley and Johnston search the shed's interior. There are several tools hanging from hooks throughout and scattered across a large workbench; several piles of rebar rods, metal plates, copper pipes and lengths of wire sit in the corner. Johnston grabs a rebar rod and begins wrapping the wire around it.] Agent Johnston: Throw this somewhere high, plant the other end in the ground, lightning rod. Agent Hurley: That wire will blow like a fuse on the first strike. Captain Worley: Then we won't use it — just the rod. Agent Hurley: How? If it's supposed to attract lightning, then the moment we step outside carrying one, we'll be hit — how are we supposed to get it anywhere useful? [A pause. Worley picks up two copper pipes, passing one to Johnston and screwing a metal cap onto the other.] Captain Worley: Tape a laser sight onto that, make it straight. Hurley, find something we can pack down as wadding. [Johnston finds a roll of duct tape and attaches the laser sight from his gun onto the pipe; Hurley searches the shed. Worley uses the bench vice to methodically crush the capped end of his pipe.] Agent Hurley: That won't hold— Agent Worley: It'll hold better than it would otherwise, and that's the best we have right now. Just find that wadding. [Johnston gives the sighter pipe to Worley, who attaches it to the end pipe and crushes the two together; Worley then uses a power drill to make a hole in the top of the capped end of the pipe. Hurley finds a bag of rags and brings them to Worley.] Captain Worley: Damn it. Agent Johnston: Sir? Captain Worley: I'm missing a flashbang. Must've been knocked loose in the fight. [Worley unscrews the fuse from one of his M67 grenades and inserts it into the hole in the pipe; he then pours the explosive powder from the grenade down the length of pipe, and uses the rags and a rebar rod to pack it down. The agents then co-operate to load several rebar rods into the barrel of the pipe-cannon, using rags to pack them together tightly.] Agent Hurley: This is a bad idea. Captain Worley: If you have a better one, I'm all ears. Johnston, get the door; Hurley, help me aim this thing. [Hurley helps Johnston remove the barricade; the latter then opens the door. The area beyond is covered in a layer of large hailstones, and intermittently illuminated by the frequent flashes of lightning. No figures can be seen anywhere, and nothing is heard but the continuous hailfall and thunderclaps.] [Worley turns on the laser sight, using it to aim the pipe cannon at one of the compound's remaining towers; Hurley uses several objects to prop the cannon up, then duct tapes it into position. Worley and Johnston move the workbench to wall furthest from the cannon and lie it on its side, then drag and position all the metal plates against the bench top as shielding.] [Johnston and Hurley move the unconscious Xanxes behind the table, then take shelter themselves; Worley steps over to the pipe cannon, makes sure it is still aimed at the tower, then carefully attaches the length of wire to the pin, unspooling it as he walks backwards toward Johnston and Hurley. Once positioned behind the table, he glances at each of the agents — who nod in reply — then tugs the wire to pull the pin and ducks down for cover.] [Several moments pass, then an explosion is briefly heard between thunderclaps; a cloud of debris rains down on the agents, but none are injured. After a few moments more Worley stands up and surveys the scene: the cannon and the objects propping it up have been blown apart, with shards of metal embedded into the surrounding surfaces or outright puncturing through the walls of the shed. The concrete floor is cracked and scorched.] [The thunderclaps continue but are audibly further away now, and followed by a faint exploding sound; Worley steps over to the doorway and looks out, briefly watching as the thunderbolts all repeatedly strike one of the compound's remaining towers, destroying sections of the stonework and revealing the metal framework within, which further attracts the lightning.] Agent Johnston: What now? [Worley chambers a round in his sidearm, holsters it, then readies his assault rifle.] Captain Worley: Find her and kill her. She has to be nearby — she couldn't survive this weather even at full strength. Agent Hurley: Aren't we going to deal with the hail first? [Worley knocks on his combat helmet.] Agent Hurley: That's not — Captain Worley: It's enough. The weather stops her from moving, so we leave it in play. You stay here with Xanxes; Johnston, you're with me. Ready? [Johnston nods, readying his assault rifle. Worley takes point and the two charge out into the storm. The footage is obscured by the weather and Worley's hurried movements; it steadies when the pair reach the entrance to a nearby building, taking a moment to prepare before kicking the door down and entering with rifles raised.] [The interior of the building is unlit. Worley and Johnston look over the surrounds using their flashlights; the building is a long hall, furnished with several rows of bunk beds and footlockers to function as a military-style barrack. The contents of the room are in disarray, with several bedsheets, pillows, and personal items lay scattered about. There are a pair of doors at the opposite end of the hall, around which flashes of light — coinciding with the lightning outside — can be seen. The doors swing closed by themselves, muffling the thunderclaps.] [Worley finds the light switch and flicks it to no effect. Johnston notices a trail of blood on the floor in front of them, along with several small piles of dust shaped like SCP-7382's footprints; he points these out to Worley, who nods. The two advance down the hall slowly, taking care to make no noise and watch their surroundings as they go.] [A small, black bird lands on a nearby bunk bed. The bird watches them for a few moments, then loudly caws at them; Johnston steps forward and shoos it away. It flies toward the back of the hall, where one of the bathroom doors opens slightly to receive it; Worley and Johnston notice this, focusing their flashlights on the door and advancing toward it.] [Several seconds pass.] [Agent Johnston gasps and drops his rifle. Worley turns to see SCP-7382-A removing the spearhead of SCP-7382 from Johnston's back, promptly before shoving him into Worley, knocking both over. Worley jumps up and searches the surroundings but is unable to spot SCP-7382-A again; he kneels and rolls Johnston onto his back, who is alive but clearly struggling to breathe.] Captain Worley: No no no no no no no no… [Worley rolls Johnston onto his side to inspect the wound; air can be heard and seen escaping each time Johnston inhales, indicating a punctured lung. Worley grabs a nearby blanket, balls it up, and presses it against the wound. A blob of unignited tar can be seen where the blanket was, but Worley does not appear to notice this.] SCP-7382-A: You should have left— [SCP-7382-A breaks into a fit of wet coughing, subsiding into an agonized groan. Worley rolls Johnston onto his back again. Johnston's breathing is labored; his eyes are filled with pain and fear.] Captain Worley: What do I do, what do I do, what do I — [Worley is hit by a small toy thrown from the darkness.] SCP-7382-A: Die, Jailor; that's all any of you — [Worley jumps up, roaring in incoherent fury and firing wildly in the direction of SCP-7382-A's voice. A shout of pain is heard, then a silhouette is seen rushing through the partially-open bathroom door, closing it behind them; Worley follows, firing into the door and pausing only to briefly reload his weapon. He doesn't stop screaming until he reaches the door.] Captain Worley: Shut up and die, you piece of — [Worley kicks open the door. SCP-7382-A is briefly seen climbing over a bathtub before the camera and microphone are overloaded by a stun grenade explosion. The visuals return to Worley firing blindly into the bathroom; SCP-7382-A is absent, however there is a large pile of dust arranged in their shape where they were moments earlier, and SCP-7382 is lying on the floor beside it.] [Worley's behavior calms after several seconds. He aggressively searches the bathroom but finds no sign of SCP-7382-A nor any paths they could have used to escape — the window is ajar, but too small for them to have used. Sunlight begins to shine in from outside, and as the audio returns, the hailstorm and thunderstrikes can be heard rapidly dwindling.] [Captain Worley stands in silence for several seconds. He carefully shifts through the pile of dust, but finds nothing but several blobs of blood and bloodied bullets. He grabs a handful and shoves it into his pocket, spits on the pile, picks up SCP-7382-A, and leaves.] [END LOG] Closing Statement: Foundation forces resumed their assault following the dissipation of the anomalous weather events. The compound was successfully captured with no further resistance; the destruction of the Scranton Reality Anchor enabled the remaining MLF forces to escape using thaumaturgic gateways before Foundation agents could intervene. A total of 13 MLF agents were successfully captured, 7 of which succumbed to their wounds. SCP-6073 was not located during subsequent excavations of the rubble. Analysis of the dust sample collected by Captain Worley and its contents confirms the blood belonged to SCP-7382-A, and the bullets within originated from the firearms of Captain Worley and his team members. As there have been no sightings of SCP-7382-A since, it is believed the anomaly was spontaneously transmuted into non-anomalous dust upon the depletion of their Akiva energy. SCP-7382-A has been declared decommissioned. Agents Xanxes and Johnston received medical treatment, but succumbed to their injuries. Captain Worley, Agent Hurley, and Agent Mendelez were the only survivors of the initial team. RAISA NOTICE: ONE (1) FILE UPDATE IS AVAILABLE. CLICK TO VIEW. – hide block Addendum-06: Containment loss SCP-7382 was temporarily stored at Site-52 for three days before being added to a scheduled Department of Logistics transport bound for Site-22A. Upon arrival, SCP-7382 was found to have demanifested from its container mid-transit; simultaneous to this discovery, several Foundation facilities detected a large burst of Akiva radiation originating from a cave near Ain Sharid, Iraq. Neither SCP-7382 nor any evidence of its whereabouts or user were discovered at the location. Captain Worley demanded to be assigned a team to investigate; this was denied due to an ongoing investigation into abnormalities identified in his post-operation physical examination. Captain Worley subsequently submitted a letter of resignation, purchased a one-way ticket to Baghdad, Iraq, and was last seen illegally purchasing firearms and munitions from a local militia. Their current whereabouts are unknown. The investigation into Captain Worley's physical examination discovered he was mildly saturated in Akiva radiation, the source of which has not been conclusively determined. The Department of Tactical Theology is monitoring emergent rumours throughout the Middle East region. Footnotes 1. The parascience studying embodiments of certain concepts. Essophysical avatars typically exist as a pure and perfect representation of an abstract concept, changing its shape to match its changes over the years. They also typically warp reality around them to apply their given concept to reality. 2. Genetic analysis of prunings and seeds indicates the staff was made from an ancestor of the modern almond tree. 3. Hebrew: Aaron 4. GoI-008, a group of sentient anomalies attempting to instigate an SK-Class "Dominance Shift" Scenario by lifting the Veil and abolishing the concept of normalcy. 5. At this time, the containment procedures for SCP-7382-A required its body temperature to be constantly monitored, and to douse it with cold water if it exceeded 200 degrees Celsius; this prevented it from igniting any expelled tar. 6. A type of thaumaturgy revolving establishing connections to certain objects, places, and entities. 7. Disruptions in an anomalous field that is intertwined with religious belief. Akivas are typically produced through belief in a religious fact, and in sufficient volumes can alter reality to align with the believed fact, typically manifesting as the physical creation and sustainment of a religious deity. 8. Agent Khan was not familiar with the language spoken, suspected to be Spanish. 9. The Foundation does not artificially manufacture D-class personnel; as the Wanderer's Library is known to connect to alternate realities, it is possible that this D-24390 originates from a different reality, or has been provided information which applies to an alternate version of D-24390. 10. The solar eclipse was not naturally-occurring, and was only visible in and around the Miracle Liberation Front compound.
Item #: SCP-7385 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Per the most current review, SCP-7385 does not require any containment procedures by the Foundation given the lack of danger that the entity represents, despite its highly advanced ontokinetic influence on the structure of reality. No Foundation personnel are permitted to interact with SCP-7385 in a manner that could cause emotional distress to the individual. SCP-7385 is to remain free from any form of containment, with it living with its wife in the city of ███████. Aggressive and potentially destructive interaction with individuals or property related to SCP-7385 is strongly discouraged and unauthorized, regardless of the circumstances. Due to such factors, and primarily by hypernarrative request (see Addendum 7385-B), the Foundation will cease any contacts and experiments with SCP-7385. Description: SCP-7385 is the alternate designation for ████████ ████████, a Caucasian male aged around 74 years. SCP-7385 is incapable of suffering any type of physical or psychological harm. Any type of negative factor that can target SCP-7385 in any way results in its nullification due to an involuntary reality-altering anomaly related to the individual. This includes, but is not limited to: the subject's death, regardless of the possible cause; bodily injuries; physical or mental illnesses; moral or social damages; any possible distressing factors that could affect SCP-7385, like witness disastrous events with damage to other living beings, whether lethal or not. As previously stated, any concept, be it an entity or phenomenon, that attempts to result in some form of suffering in SCP-7385 will inevitably be prevented from occurring, regardless of the properties of such concept and the scope of its action. All attempts to circumvent the reality alterations related to SCP-7385 have proven unsuccessful. The cause of this anomalous property is unknown. (see Addendum 7385-B) Despite its indestructibility, SCP-7385 does not appear to have any other types of anomalous properties. The individual also does not present any type of threat to the Foundation or humanity at all. SCP-7385's behavior is completely non-hostile, and the same, apparently, is not fully aware of its anomalous properties (see Addendum 7385-A). Discovery: The anomalous properties of SCP-7385 have been noticed by the Foundation since mid-2015. Prior to this period, it is theorized that SCP-7385 was a non-anomalous human being, who was subject to forms of suffering. Collaborative analyzes carried out by members of the 'Pataphysics, Ontokinetics and Temporal Anomalies Departments led to the hypothesis that a major alteration in the timeline, at a narrativistic level, resulted in the current properties of SCP-7385, so that even negative memories present in the mind of the individual were also removed. These temporal changes also applies to any human or non-human who was related to SCP-7385 even before 2015. Over time, Foundation agents monitoring SCP-7385's activities have been recording multiple characteristically disastrous anomalous phenomena that, in theory, were supposed to affect SCP-7385 negatively, but all observations have shown that, regardless of the severity of the event, the individual always remained unaffected. Due to the lack of relevant information about SCP-7385 regarding its "past" non-anomalous nature, it is not known for sure why the individual became anomalous from 2015 to the present days. Addendum 7385-A: Interview. Open Log Hide Log Interviewed: SCP-7385 Interviewer: Researcher Senners, Ontokinetics Department Foreword: This interview was conducted on ██/██/2019, prior to the review of containment procedures that led to the cessation of interactions with SCP-7385. At the time, SCP-7385 was unaware of the Foundation's existence, with interviewer Researcher Senners initially identifying himself to the individual as a doctor from the ███████ hospital center. No events possibly harmful to SCP-7385 occurred in the lead-up or aftermath of the interview. <Begin Log> Researcher Senners: Hello sir ████████, thank you very much! I hope everything is with you too. Researcher Senners: So, dear ████████, I know you've never been to a doctor's visit with me before. Even so, due to a government request, we, from the medical center, need to provide special assistance to you. Researcher Senners: As far as you can remember? Researcher Senners: That's what I wanted to talk to you about today. (At this point in the interview, the equipment used by the Department of Ontokinetics team that was secretely escorting the hospital unit detected a local reality restructuring event. The cause of the local ontokinetic activity is uncertain, but it is theorized that SCP-7385 was beginning to show signs of discomfort.) Researcher Senners: So, some government officials and I associated with the Ministry of Health searched your documentation regarding your hospital history. Researcher Senners: It means that you are the healthiest man we have ever met. Researcher Senners Yes. I can agree with you on that. Researcher Senners: Amen. Can I also ask you something else, if you don't mind? Researcher Senners: Do you remember having any symptoms throughout the past years? Be it any type. Psychological or physical. Researcher Senners: Continue, please. Researcher Senners: Okay (noting in a Foundation notebook, but formatted in accordance with local hospital documentation standards). Very good. So can you confirm that you have never cried or seen anyone go through a difficult situation or anything like that? Researcher Senners: As for the feeling of strangeness, did you notice anything beyond that? Like your overall perspective has been drastically altered from one time or another, or nothing is noticeable to you? Researcher Senners: Therefore, you actually do not notice anything wrong with yourself or your surroundings. Researcher Senners: Alright. We're done for today! Thank you very much sir ████████, it was a pleasure meeting you. Researcher Senners: Enjoy it! If something seems even more unusual, please contact us again. <End Log> Addedum 7385-B: Hypernarrative communication made to the 'Pataphysics Department. Open Log Hide Log The following note was sent on ██/██/2020, to one of the servers of the 'Pataphysics Department research terminal at Site-██, attached to the SCP-7385 document and protocols folder. The pain of losing someone is one of the worst things a human being can feel. I remember when around 2012, I was making a drawing on an old notepad. I was at my grandmother's house. It was a place of peace and nature, a simple house with a garden that was not very large but full of details. And at that moment, I was drawing an explosion, something I had a habit of doing, a very peculiar taste in relation to what other children usually draw. It was then that my grandfather appeared and scolded me. "It seems like you only know how to draw these things! Why don't you draw something more beautiful?" And that was one of the most memorable memories I had of him. In 2015, he came to rest. That time was difficult for my father and my uncles. My grandmother became a relatively lonely widow for years, and so I developed the habit of seeing her every week, especially after one night where she came in tears, telling me that I could live with her, as she felt alone. It wasn't long ago that I discovered your universe. From up here, for some, it is an unknown work, for others, a gigantic and complex community. One of the things that enchanted me most was the concept of "pataphysics". When reality interacts with fiction, and as a result, some of you become unhappy with the fact that you live in a fictional world, and try everything you can to "attack" us in some way. It's hilarious but interesting how your lack of free will feeds us with more ideas and ideas. And one idea I had was to immortalize someone, from my universe, to your universe. Make a loved one, who is no longer with me, be among you. Fiction has always been an impressive tool. I know that this universe where you live is hostile. Thousands of different anomalies, some harmless, others that were simply meant to be threatening not just to your world, but to mine as well. Pathetic, in some point, but something cool to see. As a form of revenge, you could look at SCP-7385 with anger, as it never suffers, unlike all of you. But suffering is omnipresent. SCP-7385 shouldn't, because it has already suffered too much, just like the others who have been immortalized in some way, whether in history or in story. So, I'm giving you a gift, not just my grandfather, but the chance that the author and the work can still be reconciled. SCP-7385 is the opposite of a threat, it is the idea that in a universe of threats, threats created by us, there can also be hope, created by us as well. I ask that you leave SCP-7385, it does not need to be contained, nor does it need to witness the other catastrophes that you face in each world. May it serve as a figure of peace, eternal peace. A bridge that connects my reality to yours. And may it also serve as an example to inspire my fellow authors. You have never been able to truly kill your gods, but we will never truly kill you. Yourselves are the reason we still care about you. « SCP-7384 | SCP-7385 | SCP-7386 »
Small section of SCP-7388-1. Item #: SCP-7388 Object Class: Euclid1 Special Containment Procedures: A stone wall perimeter has been constructed around SCP-7388 to limit risk of exposure. Any civilian attempting to breach the perimeter is to be turned away or detained depending on discretion. SCP-7388-A is to be observed regularly for deviations in its behavior. In the event SCP-7388-A becomes hostile to Foundation personnel or attempts to breach containment, stricter containment protocols are to be enacted. Description: SCP-7388 refers to a two-story building located within the outskirts of Rishtan, Uzbekistan. While SCP-7388's architecture is reminiscent of those belonging to the 14th century Timurid empire, its materials (wooden frames, clay and air bricks etc.) have been dated back as recent to the 20th century. All preexisting roads and pathways leading to SCP-7388 have been destroyed prior to Foundation contact. The interior of SCP-7388 is derelict, exhibiting signs of extreme dust build-up and damage expected for its age. Many loose objects and furniture are wrapped in or suspended by strands of silk, designated SCP-7388-1. SCP-7388-1 is nonflammable, nigh-resistant to physical damage, and possesses incredible tensile strength. SCP-7388-1 is in an overabundance inside SCP-7388, typically filling up half or entire areas of the interior. Despite SCP-7388's poor state of condition, no signs of animal infestation are present, with SCP-7388-A being the sole inhabitant of the building. SCP-7388-A is a male specimen of the domestic silk moth (Bombyx mori). While SCP-7388's exact properties remain unclear due to its uncooperative nature, it has been witnessed performing the following anomalous feats: Abstaining from nourishment and rest for extensive periods of time without consequence; Lifting and manipulating large heavy objects with ease than its muscles should allow; Possess a higher form of intelligence than expected of its species; Capable of producing strands of SCP-7388-1 from its body on command. SCP-7388-A can also interact with SCP-7388-1 freely as if it were non-anomalous silk; Teleportation (unconfirmed);2 Theoretically biologically immortal. As of the time of writing, SCP-7388-A has been exclusively residing inside SCP-7388 and hasn't attempted leaving the property once in its containment history. Addendum-01, History: The Foundation became aware of the existence of SCP-7388 when rumors of an "impenetrable house" began to circulate in neighboring communities. After these reports were confirmed, SCP-7388 was acquired by the Foundation under the guise of a buyout. Upon application of containment protocols an exploration into SCP-7388 was authorized; the sole entry available was the anomaly's secondary chimney.3 The exploration team soon took notice of SCP-7388-1. Not only were all windows and exterior doors covered, but SCP-7388 became highly obstructive to the point that a thorough search would prove impossible. To combat this, a MTGR4 was utilized but still encountered great difficulty in navigating the interior. Eventually, the drone made its way down the stairwell to the first floor, gaining access to the living room and a conjoined residential blacksmith workshop. The latter room was where the exploration team first encountered SCP-7388-A. Intrigued, the Foundation attempted to communicate with the entity. Although SCP-7388-A acknowledged this, the entity refused to respond and has resisted all attempts of extraction thus far. Next, it was decided that observing SCP-7388's behavioral patterns was the best course of action. When left uninterrupted, SCP-7388 will regularly engage in the production of bladed weaponry and other crafts through the use of the workshop. While the entity performs this action at a rapid pace, the items produced will always be inconsistent and be varied in levels of quality. This usually results in SCP-7388-A expressing immense displeasure and tossing the product aside in a pile to be reheated at a later date. In addition, it has been witnessed consuming large amounts of nectar and fermented fruit near the grinding wheel, pausing and thrashing around violently. It still has displayed no interest in leaving the studio. Just before the day the drone was ordered to be pulled out, the exploration had noticed that, in certain areas of SCP-7388, tied together beside other miscellaneous objects on SCP-7388-1 were a series of swords of archaic design. This fact was going to be dismissed until it was realized that these swords featured hieroglyphs stylized as engravings, all of which depicted SCP-7388-A in various activities. Using several dating systems, these swords were organized in chronological order: Sword Hieroglyph Location Notes Khopesh The scene depicts a group of silkworms chasing out a larger silkworm with a human brain and torch hovering over their head out of a tree. This silkworm is then seen traveling a desert landscape away from the Great Sphinx of Giza. Upstairs Hallway. This sword is the oldest object inside SCP-7388. Kopis The famished silkworm is flying away, finding shelter in a cave from soldiers bearing the Vergina Sun on their chest. An equally famished feline bearing a gray-brown color scheme is also in the cave. The silkworm panics and tries to flee when the feline lies on its back, exposing its belly to it. The silkworm visibly relaxes as they both huddle up close and watch the soldiers far away. Washroom Closet. Unlike the other swords, this is hung by a pair of golden hooks. Shamshir The silkworm and sand cat are exchanging leaves and rodent carcasses to each other. As the two consume their meal, the silkworm looks to a settlement in the distance. Kitchen. The entire room is filled to the brim with SCP-7388-1 and cannot be accessed. Scimitar The silkworm and the feline are seen purchasing a house. While walking through the market the silkworm spots a man engaging in the act of blacksmithing. A torch hovers over their head again as they engage in blacksmithing with a line of people forming in front of their house. The feline rubs their head against the silkworm affectionately as the latter works. Master Bedroom. The room had two beds, both extremely small in size and pressed in against each other. Sabre The silkworm and feline are fleeing a settlement as soldiers dressed as Mongols attack it. They are about to reach a clearing when a pointed line hits the feline, killing it. A rain cloud appears above the silkworm's head as it rests on top of the feline. The next scene depicts staring at a pair of oncoming Mongolian soldiers; a thunder cloud is hovering above the silkworm. Underneath the stairwell. The hieroglyphs appear to have been inscribed on the sword long after it has been created. The item is also coated in dry human blood. Longsword The silkworm is blacksmithing alone when a letter is present on the anvil. The letter is opened and features the iconography of a hammer and sickle. A speech bubble featuring knives and swords being produced by blacksmithing superimposed by a "⊘" hovers over the letter. The silkworm sits on their porch with a rain cloud over the head as it stares from their porch. It is alone. Living room. Found in a trashcan, alongside advertisements signs written in Uzbek. Indiscernible; blade is missing. The silkworm blacksmithing in the workshop. The faint outline of a feline-shaped figure is nearly scratched out. An olive tree is in the distance. Above the entrance leading to the workshop. The sword is severely damaged. Addendum-02, Interview: More than a month after containing SCP-7388, during a routine exploration of the living room, the drone discovered that a hole had been cut into the SCP-7388-1 stands blocking the workshop's entrance. Upon spotting the drone, SCP-7388-A verbally addressed it while gesturing to come closer with its hammer. Surprised by this deviation of behavior, Dr. Fadel scheduled an interview with the entity. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7388-A/Rishtan/Interview ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ Foreword: Interview was conducted in Uzbek. [BEGIN LOG] [SCP-7388-A is facing away from the drone. SCP-7388-A is sharpening a knife on the grinding wheel.] Dr. Fadel: That's a big knife there you have there. Looks very eloquent too… erm— SCP-7388-A: Call me by my "Number." Names are for friends, and you aren't one of them. [The knife presses firmer against the wheel. The noise emitted from the friction becomes louder. Dr. Fadel is silent.] Dr. Fadel: Right… [Clears throat] Before I begin, we must address something. Originally, we thought you were incapable of speech. How are you able to accomplish this? SCP-7388-A: Wings produce noise. Move wings just right, get results. Don't know, don't care. Dr. Fadel: [Off-microphone] Write down "possible kinetoglyph." And was there anyone else besides us who are aware of… your unique nature? SCP-7388-A: Met many people, but all were oblivious. Dr. Fadel: Why's that? SCP-7388-A: A craftsman never reveals his secrets. Use your imagination if you're so curious. Dr. Fadel: [Sigh] I was under the impression you were going to. SCP-7388-A: Never had, never will. Dr. Fadel: Then why bother talking to us? SCP-7388-A: Because your obliviousness is my annoyance. Dr. Fadel: I beg your pardon? SCP-7388-A: Hmph. [After sharpening the knife, SCP-7388-A moves away from the wheel and to the furnace. The entity inserts a large jagged piece of iron inside.] SCP-7388-A: You are annoying me, tremendously. And those plane rides from earlier? [The heat inside the furnace rises. SCP-7388-A snaps their head to the drone.] SCP-7388-A: It didn't help. Not. One. Bit. Dr. Fadel: …I had no part in that decision if that helps. SCP-7388-A: It doesn't. And since you struggle to heed the tiniest shred of subtlety, I will phrase this in the most simplest way possible. Stay out of my workshop. [SCP-7388-A takes the incandescent piece of iron and begins striking it on an anvil with a hammer. Dr. Fadel is about to speak when the entity interrupts him.] SCP-7388-A: I know who you are. Men pretending to be ghosts to uphold an unfathomable masquerade. But I'm just a lone soul busy contending with my own needs. Why else do you think I locked the house to begin with? For randomness? For fun? Dr. Fadel: We just want to learn why— SCP-7388-A: —I'm not bending over backwards, catering to your every wish? Easy. I learned appeasement can only get so far. I can see the walls out there, the soldiers patrolling them… I don't mind having neighbors. You can do whatever you want, just leave me out of it. Don't waste both our time convincing me otherwise. [SCP-7388-A gestures the hammer to the living room.] SCP-7388-A: But this is technically an interview, is it not? Dr. Fadel: Yes? SCP-7388-A: When the sword is finished, you leave. If you have any questions, say them now or forever hold your peace. That is my final generosity to you. Dr. Fadel: That… shoot… well that certainly narrows it down. Alright then, what's with the swords? SCP-7388-A: Swords are popular in these parts. I made them all the time until they passed that insidious ban— Dr. Fadel: I'm referring to the ones outside your shop, the ones caught in webs all around the house. [SCP-7388-A's striking speed against the iron decreases.] SCP-7388-A: They're just decorations. I must have misplaced them. Dr. Fadel: Those decorations depicted you in a lot of situations— SCP-7388-A: I got inspired multiple times in my life and made art because of it. You're looking too deep into it— Dr. Fadel: Why was there a cat? [SCP-7388-A stops striking the anvil and turns around.] SCP-7388-A: I don't know what you're talking about. Dr. Fadel: There was a cat featured on most of those swords. SCP-7388-A: …Just a reference to another poor soul I met on my travels. Dr. Fadel: You sure? Because most of those swords depicted you being together— SCP-7388-A: You need to leave. Right now. Dr. Fadel: What happened to it? Did you do something to the creature after you— [SCP-7388-A abruptly flies onto the drone's head, wielding up the hammer up high.] SCP-7388-A: Creature?! How dare you lash your tongue. How dare you accuse me of defiling her! You could never… never… [The hammer slips from SCP-7388-A's grasp. The drone angles its camera to the entity as it is shuddering and begins to produce sounds similar to sniveling. A miniature ring can be seen on its foreleg.] Dr. Fadel: Who was she really? SCP-7388-A: She was just someone… who came to the right place at the right time. We had a lot in common… and now she's gone… I tried ignoring it but living as long as I have? Its inevitable, impossible… Do… whatever you want with the land. I don't care. Just forget about me and move on. I just really need to be alone right now. Dr. Fadel: But— [SCP-7388-A looks directly into the drone's lens. It caresses the ring tightly.] SCP-7388-A: [Softly] Please… [END LOG] SCP-7388-A immediately escorted the drone to the living room after the interview, repairing the hole on the entrance's barrier. The entity was seen frequently staring out one of the windows afterwards, particularly towards a withering olive tree present on the property. An irregularly-shaped pile of dirt was underneath the tree. When SCP-7388-A was distracted, Foundation personnel quickly excavated the area, uncovering the remains of an adult female Turkestan sand cat. Two foreign objects were present on the corpse, an arrowhead embedded deep into its lungs and a ring fastened on one of its front toes. Addendum-03, Final Experiment: Following the failure of obtaining further information related to SCP-7388-A, the Foundation debated on reallocating resources given to research to containment-related matters instead. However, before the decision could be finalized, Dr. Fadel wished to conduct one final experiment with the anomaly. The parameters had yet to be made at the time, but involved the introduction of a foreign subject inside SCP-7388. Although there was much skepticism, Dr. Fadel justified his proposal citing his first-hand experience with the anomaly. That, combined with the lack of risk involved, convinced the Foundation to approve the experiment. Below is the abridged timeline of events: ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7388/Containment/Log ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ Incident #: 01 Event: A cage has been installed on the drone to carry the designated subject inside, alongside proper amenities and a functional walkie-talkie. The drone parks in front of the workshop entrance, aggravating SCP-7388-A. The entity turns around and freezes. They open up the barrier on the entrance then open up the cage, expressing bewilderment at the domestic cat inside. SCP-7388-A shakes their head and speaks to the camera. The entity tries to remind the camera operators on its request for solitude when the cat exits the cage and inspects the workshop in curiosity. SCP-7388-A tries to further object when the kitten begins to sleep on the stone floor. The entity lightly slaps its head and sighs. Notes: An hour later, SCP-7388-A transported the care package inside and resealed the entrance. The designated subject was successfully deployed inside the workshop. Incident #: 04 Event: The cat is rolling on the ground as SCP-7388-A is wiping sandpaper on a collection of swords. The cat then bites on the edge of the tablecloth and pulls on it, moving the swords and startling SCP-7388-A. The entity then lightly reprimands the cat and opens a nearby drawer. SCP-7388-A pulls out a collection of items and presents them to the cat one by one, but each fails to invoke its interest. SCP-7388-A begins to become annoyed when the cat suddenly rubs its head against the entity purring as it does so. SCP-7388-A becomes stunned, then looks at the empty food bowl. SCP-7388-A sighs lightly and flutters to the walkie-talkie. Notes: SCP-7388-A requested a substantial amount of dry cat food. Request granted. The entity had removed the stands of SCP-7388-1 in the workshop for the cat's convenience. Incident #: 06 Event: SCP-7388-A had set the cat onto a workbench, attempting to teach the latter about the merits of blacksmithing over the course of several hours. Due to the cat being non-anomalous, this obviously fails. Extremely agitated, SCP-7388-A yells at the cat, resulting in it jumping off the workbench and hiding behind a trash can in fear. SCP-7388-A observes this, visibly ashamed. Calming down, SCP-7388-A turns off its blacksmithing equipment, then opens the drawer. Fashioning a makeshift wand toy out of a metal rod and pillow feathers, the entity makes their way to the trashcan and moves the stick around. The cat peers away from the trash can, and after some time, begins to play with the stick. Notes: SCP-7388-A has begun to forge items outside of bladed weaponry, specifically small metal blocks, additional sticks and a small collar. The entity removed all SCP-7388-1 stands inside the workshop. Incident #: 07 Event: SCP-7388-A walks into the main area of the workshop following its rest. The entity moves towards its main workbench when it observes the cat motionless on the floor. SCP-7388-A flutters quickly to it in confusion but notices the jar of fermented fruit is spilled out on the floor, exclaiming traces of its contents are on the feline's maw. SCP-7388-A panics, and uses the walkie-talkie to communicate to the Foundation for help. After personnel arrive, the entity hands over the cat to them so the cat could receive emergency medical treatment. Notes: SCP-7388-A had shredded both the SCP-7388-1 strands on the entrances of the workshop and main door of SCP-7388. The entity didn't rebuild them after the cat had been escorted out. Incident #: 08 Event: SCP-7388-A does not resume its usual behavior after the events of the previous incident. Instead of blacksmithing, it paces around the living room, neglecting its usual sleeping patterns as well. Halfway through the day, SCP-7388-A begins murmuring in this state, climaxing into indecipherable screaming. Then the entity flips furniture around, tearing down all the SCP-7388-1 inside the living room. SCP-7388-A is about to tear down the last one when it spots the sword fastened above the workshop entrance. SCP-7388-A retrieves its ring and the collar, staring between the two before the entity produces noises similar to crying. The entity then removes its ring and slaps itself on the head multiple times as it shudders on the couch. The door then knocks. SCP-7388-A snaps its head to it and rapidly opens the door. A member of Foundation personnel gives the entity back the cat, now healthy. SCP-7388-A thanks him and begins hugging the cat tremendously. Notes: Shortly after, SCP-7388-A had removed all of the fermented fruit outside of SCP-7388. Incident #: 10 Event: SCP-7388-A spends the entirety of three days cleaning SCP-7388's interior. This consists of dusting out all the furniture, repairing all the wall paper, and removing a majority of SCP-7388-1 strands, transforming the rest into curtains and other forms of decoration. The cat can be seen accompanying SCP-7388-A during this, with the entity's ring now attached to its collar. After accomplishing its work, SCP-7388-A makes a request for furniture and other building-related supplies. Request granted. Notes: After SCP-7388 was completely redecorated, SCP-7388-A collected all the swords documented in addendum-01 and placed them in a large leather case. The entity appeared to mutter a prayer in Uzbek, then placed the case into the closet. Incident #: 15 Event: SCP-7388's interior is now refurnished to that of a typical, modern Uzbekistan home. SCP-7388-A's behavioral pattern has been altered so the entity engages in blacksmithing and caretaking the cat in moderation. SCP-7388-A pets the cat on the head as it is sleeping and goes to refill its food bowl when it spots a shiny object on the ground. This object is a screw, later identified as belonging to the drone weeks prior. The entity inspects the screw, scratches its head when it visibly expresses excitement. SCP-7388-A then flutters to its personal study to write out a letter. Notes: (See Addendum-04) Addendum-04, Update: SCP-7388-A had exited SCP-7388 in a calmly manner and formally communicated with members of staff in regard to adjusting the conditions of its containment. These adjustments detailed that both SCP-7388 and its "companion" would be allowed freer range of movement as well as access to higher quality amenities. In exchange the entity will continuously remain in the containment perimeter and be required to divulge all knowledge and experiences it has learned over its lifespan. These adjustments were initially contested, until SCP-7388-A delivered "a sample", several stacks of documents, to the research team. These documents discussed a wide variety of topics including but not limited too: Locations and sightings of previously unknown anomalies, more in-depth knowledge on the study of Beryllium bronze, and first-hand accounts on significant events that had occurred in the Middle East, with some gaining insight or disproving certain well-known events. This, in addition to SCP-7388-A's pacifistic-leaning nature, was convincing enough to begin the process of slowly implementing these adjustments. SCP-7388-A also turned over a hand-written note and requested it be delivered to Dr. Fadel, alongside a homemade ring with a screw built into it. The note was written in English: Who said I couldn't be a writer too? I apologize if our first encounter went awry. I was not in the best mindset to begin with, but you already knew that. Most people these days underestimate the true value of people. Due to who I was, my "friends" were few and far between. But she was undoubtedly the best, perhaps even more than that. Only a shame I learned that far after the fact. I still think about her sometimes. How I keep fretting myself awake over what I could've and shouldn't have done. It's a wound that only time can heal, or at very least lessen its sting. I cannot believe I was so content to remain engulfed in this cocoon I wrapped myself in if it were not for Mohira.5 Her light may not be as bright as my beloved, but it is just as warm. I know I will lose her again. I love her with all my heart, but I know I will outlive her a thousand times over. But I cannot afford to be consumed by it. It'll be years from now but it will come one day. I don't know if I'll be completely ready when it comes but I will never keep her for granted. I promise to spoil her right. And maybe in stranger days I will be treated to that same fate. But I will smile, and so will they. Take it from the old man himself. Nothing last forever. So why not do me a favor and make it count. Footnotes 1. Transition to Thaumiel pending. 2. In several incidents, SCP-7388-A was able to be fully extracted from SCP-7388 with great resistance. However, during transport overseas, SCP-7388-A was found to be missing from its confinement and soon reappeared inside SCP-7388 without any explanation. These attempts have been discontinued. 3. SCP-7388 possesses two chimneys: a forge and fireplace chimney respectively. 4. Micro Tactical Ground Robot. 5. SCP-7388-A's pet.
Item#: 7391 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Civilians exposed to SCP-7391 are to be detained and their affected phones confiscated. Data contained within is to be used to assist Foundation cyberwarfare units in preventing SCP-7391 from appearing in search results and blocking SCP-7391 from running on affected phones. Detained civilians are to be kept in Foundation custody until they can be amnesticized and relocated to a location unaffected by SCP-7391. All reported instances of SCP-7391-A and SCP-7391-B are to be acquired and relocated to Site-103 for further study. MTF Theta-4 (“Gardeners”) is to cordon off and subsequently remove any instance of SCP-7391-B to prevent unrest among the local population. After removal of an SCP-7391-B instance, civilians in the area are to be treated with Class-A amnestics. An SCP-7391-A instance prior to leaf conversion. Description: SCP-7391 is a phone app available from the iOS App Store and the Google Play Store. To date, SCP-7391 has only appeared to users located in the continental United States and fulfilling these criteria: The user lives in a town with a population under 50,000 located at least 100 kilometers1 from the nearest city or town with a population of at least 50,000. The user lives below or within 25% of the poverty line defined by the United States federal government. The user is gainfully employed at a full-time job. Any user who does not meet these criteria will not see SCP-7391 appear in any search result, and any Internet search pertaining specifically to the app will return no relevant information. SCP-7391 typically presents itself as an app named “TreeCash,” though some victims have reported seeing the name as “TreeMoney,” “PlantCash,” or similar variants.2 SCP-7391 invariably appears at or near the top of search results when an affected user conducts an App Store or Play Store search related to banking, investments, or finance.3 SCP-7391's description on the App and Play Stores describes it as a simple way to generate or “mine” a cryptocurrency called “Verdant Cash” on any device, promising significant hashrates even on typical smartphone processors. Once opened, SCP-7391 presents a simple interface consisting of a button that reads “MINE,” and a counter below the button that tallies the amount of Verdant Cash the user's device has mined. Once the “MINE” button is tapped, the counter begins to increase rapidly, reaching values in the millions within several minutes' time. An additional button then appears below the counter that reads “DEPOSIT TO BANK ACCOUNT.” Tapping the “DEPOSIT” button any time after it appears results in a deposit of US dollars (USD) to the user's primary bank account, despite the fact that SCP-7391 does not ask the user for bank account information at any point. The amount of USD deposited is exactly three times the user's average daily post-tax wage, irrespective of the amount shown on the Verdant Cash counter. The user is then prompted to “come back tomorrow,” at which time an identical deposit can be made. There is currently is no way to buy, sell, trade, send, or receive Verdant Cash itself on any known cryptocurrency exchange; using SCP-7391 appears to be the only method of acquisition and trade. To date, approximately 95 percent of users who have continuously made bank deposits with SCP-7391 have resigned from their full-time jobs within one month of initial use. It is currently unknown whether these resignations are the result of anomalous influence or simply due to the users' belief that SCP-7391 will provide them with enough money such that paid employment is no longer necessary. As a result of these resignations, employment rates in affected towns decline dramatically, leading to the stoppage of most forms of productive economic activity. Within another month, the affected town's economy invariably collapses, leading nearly the entire population to relocate and turning the area into a “ghost town.” The vast majority of affected users continue to rely on SCP-7391 for most or all of their income after moving, but after no more than three weeks following a user's relocation, SCP-7391 stops working for that user, and at least 90 percent of the money SCP-7391 previously deposited into the user's bank account will be missing, including any money transferred to another account or withdrawn as cash. Any amount earned as interest or a return on investment using money deposited by SCP-7391 as principal will likewise be missing. The following day, a nondescript package4 will appear outside the user's residence containing a potted houseplant resembling a mature Oxalis triangularis5 (designated SCP-7391-A) along with a note: Thank you for generously becoming a seed investor. Watch your money grow! —VERDANTCASH team Each day, one leaf will be anomalously replaced with a single US $1 bill6 when the SCP-7391-A instance is out of the user's line of sight. This behavior will continue as long as the user remains in possession of the SCP-7391-A instance, though it appears impossible for the user to induce it to generate money more rapidly via application of water, fertilizer, plant food, or sunlight.7 If an SCP-7391-A instance is allowed to convert every leaf into a $1 bill, the instance dematerializes, leaving behind any cash still attached. However, it is far more common for affected users to dispose of their SCP-7391-A instance prior to this point, presumably out of frustration at a belief they have been scammed. If a user does dispose of the SCP-7391-A instance before its leaves fully convert to cash, the user dematerializes at some point within the next 24 hours. The Foundation is currently investigating several hundred missing person reports believed to be related to SCP-7391. To date, no fewer than 22 towns have been abandoned due to SCP-7391's effects. Addendum: On 2022-04-15, embedded Foundation personnel in the [REDACTED] County, West Virginia sheriff's department responded to a report of a large tree that had appeared overnight in the backyard of a local home. The backyard was previously empty, leading the homeowner to believe she was the victim of elaborate vandalism and to subsequently contact police. MTF Ө-4 was dispatched, the tree was relocated to Site-103, and the homeowner was administered a Class-B amnestic. The tree, now designated an instance of SCP-7391-B, resembles a fruit-bearing Malus domestica,8 but with approximately half of its leaves replaced with US $20 bills.9 Upon further inspection, the flesh of the fruits closely resembled human dermis tissue.10 DNA testing of this tissue revealed a match with another West Virginia resident who had been reported missing the previous month. The missing person report, filed by the resident's girlfriend, contained a statement that the resident was very distraught after recently being “scammed out of ten thousand bucks.” To date, the Foundation has identified 260 additional instances of SCP-7391-B, all within towns with demographic indicators similar to those affected by SCP-7391. Footnotes 1. Approximately 62 miles. 2. SCP-7391's "about" page indicates that the app was developed by a company also called "TreeCash" located in the Republic of Ireland; however, no matching business records have been found. 3. It is estimated that a user fulfilling all three "eligibility criteria" has a five-in-six chance of encountering SCP-7391's listing when conducting such a search. 4. The only markings on the exterior of the package are the recipient's home address and a return address that includes a non-existent town in Massachusetts. 5. Commonly known as the false shamrock. 6. Testing suggests these bills are indistinguishable from non-anomalous currency. 7. Depriving an SCP-7391-A instance of these resources has no effect on its health or anomalous properties. 8. Apple tree. The fruits resemble common Red Delicious apples. 9. Several of the lowest branches were found to be bare. MTF Ө-4 subsequently confiscated several dozen $20 bills from the homeowner's kitchen. 10. The fruits also contain seeds; testing at Site-103 has indicated the seeds are capable of germinating. « SCP-7390 | SCP-7391 | SCP-7392 »
Item: 7394 Containment Class: Safe Containment Protocols: Item 7394 has an allocated patch in the Facility 04 garden, which must be kept well-lit, fertilised, and watered as appropriate. Item 7394 should be routinely sprayed with natural, plant-safe insecticides to prevent sickness and infestation. If Item 7394 requests a meal, all food provided must be exclusively organic and devoid of all potential synthetic and/or artificial contaminants. Item 7394 is prohibited from leaving Facility 04, but is permitted to roam the facility with Level 1 Clearance while under guard. Item 7394 must be kept away from all sources of ignition, and vice-versa. Description: Item 7394 is a male humanoid approximately 250 cm in height and weighing 130 kg, comprised entirely of biologically-active plant matter. The Item possesses a smooth, white bark which sheds in red-brown flakes, visually resembling Eucalyptus gongylocarpa (Australian desert gum); genetic analysis is inconclusive. The words ‘Mr. Leaf, from Little Misters ® by Dr. Wondertainment' are present on the Item's left leg, which appears to be formed by natural pigmentation and persists across shedding. The Item wears a multicoloured, knitted jumpsuit with a tag reading ‘Doctor's Orders' attached to the collar. The Item possesses a range of motion appropriate for a human suffering from chronic crepitus1 in their right shoulder, with the atypical flexibility of the wood comprising the Item enabling locomotion without damage. Conversely, Item 7394 is able to remain motionless in a standing position indefinitely, and rests by doing so in a well-lit area while the Item's feet are buried in nutrient-rich soil. The Item's primary method of nutrient and caloric intake is photosynthesis during resting periods; although capable of digesting purely organic foodstuffs,2 the Item's metabolic rate is appropriately slow for an autotrophic organism, rendering ingestion superfluous outside of supplemental or emergency circumstances. Item 7394 is typically slow-moving and lethargic due to its slow metabolic rate and will tire quickly from bursts of accelerated movement. When requested, Item 7394 can grow a single large leaf at a non-anomalous rate, which will be pigmented to display a list of other related Little Misters anomalies (see Document 7394/A). Addendum I: Document 7394/A Wow! You've just found the first of the New Little Misters, a brand new limited edition collection from Dr. Wondertainment! Give him water, sunlight, and fertiliser to be Mr. Helpful!! Mr. Leaf ✔ Mr. Present Mr. Shadows Mr. Matches Mr. Watches Mr. Ties & Mrs. Suits Mr. (Coming Soon!) Mr. (Coming Soon!) Mr. (Coming Soon!) Mr. (Coming Soon!) Mr. (Coming Soon!) Mr. (Coming Soon!) Mr. (Coming Soon!) Mr. (Coming Soon!) Mr. (Coming Soon!) Mr. (Coming Soon!) Mr. (Coming Soon!) Mr. (Coming Soon!) Mr. (Coming Soon!) Mr. (Coming Soon!) Addendum II: Initial Medical Examination Report SCP Foundation Generic Medical Examination Report Conducted by Dr. Felis Ameliphanosilon Patient Information ID Last Name First Name Date of Birth Examination Date Item 7394 Leaf — — 16/06/2023 Examination Notes Height: 253 cm Waist: 89 cm Weight: 132 kg Patient size typical of gigantism but lacks other symptoms, proportions otherwise healthy nearing underweight. Right shoulder crepitus, no pain - possible rotator cuff. Skin is flexible but non-elastic smooth white bark, full range of motion at normal speed, patient behaviourally slow. Bark peels at small brown-grey patches, patient reports normal and not painful but recent pruritus at sites - infection/mites? Sample 7394S-01 (Skin/Bark, Shed) retained. Vision: R - 20/25 L - 20/25 Both - 20/25 Hearing: R - Normal L - Normal Throat: Normal. Lips and nostrils flexible but stiff. Internal wood lighter, smooth, no internal shedding - heartwood? Teeth & gums uniform wood, recommend soft foods. Saliva present & appears typical, sample 7394S-02 (Saliva) retained. Foliage on head resembles hair & full beard, sample 7394S-03 (Leaf) retained. Pulse & pressure: unknown - rigid skin/bark Breathing: slow, approx. 6 bpm, strong & regular Blood oxygen: unknown - rigid skin/bark Patellar reflex: unknown - rigid skin/bark Hard bark prevented non-invasive measurement of pressure & reflex. Difficulty collecting blood sample, small 1 cm excision on left shoulder required - sample 7394S-003 (Skin/Bark, White) retained, wound sterilised & sealed with bioinert glue. Monitor wound for healing. Blood was viscous, resembled red sap/resin, sample 7394S-004 (Blood/Sap) retained. Psychological evaluations: PSH-03, PSA-07, MMPI-2-RF, & informal interview conducted. Responses significantly slow by behavioural preference, otherwise no significant psychological conditions. Responses sent to Department of Anomalous Humanoid Psychology for evaluation. Conclusion: Recommend analysis of sample 7394S-001 (Skin/Bark, Shed) to determine cause of pruritus in shedding areas & non-invasive investigation of right shoulder crepitus. Further observation required to determine subject normal, but appears in good physical & mental health with behavioural preference for slow reactions. Suggest analysis of all samples for recordkeeping. Scheduled exams in one and two month's time to compare results & establish subject norm. Addendum III: Interview Log Interviewed: Item 7394 Interviewer: Dr. Stein Foreword: The following interview took place over a ten-minute period, during which the Item spoke at its usual protracted rate; its dialogue has been significantly shortened for clarity. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Stein: Good morning Mr. Leaf. How are you today? Item 7394: Warm. Dr. Stein: Too warm? Item 7394: No. Dr. Stein: Good, that's good to hear. Is your patch comfortable? Item 7394: Happy. Dr. Stein: Excellent. If you need any adjustments, we'll be happy to accommodate. Item 7394: Thank you. Dr. Stein: Mr. Leaf, would you mind if I asked you a few questions? Item 7394: Okay. Dr. Stein: Great. Now, we know you're one of Dr. Wondertainment's Little Misters, but the list you've given us doesn't match what we've seen from other Misters, and you don't seem to be on their lists. [Item 7394 scratches its chest.] Item 7394: New series. Special. Dr. Stein: Right, that's what we thought. But what do you mean by special? Item 7394: [Smiles.] Mine. Dr. Stein: The series belongs to you? Item 7394: Made for me. I was first series. Number two. Dr. Steiner: I see. We don't have any— Item 7394: Early change. Board wanted holiday appeal. Doctor made Headless. Shelved me. [Item 7394 gestures to themself.] Christmas lights. Christmas tree. Dr. Stein: You're saying it was easier for them to create a whole new person than it was to just… dress you up in tinsel? Item 7394: No. Dr. Stein: Could you explain? Item 7394: Wrong tree. Mr. Australian Outback Christmas Tree. [Chuckles.] Dr. Stein: They couldn't change what type of tree you are? Item 7394: Could. But won't. Rebranding bad. Ask… [A long pause.] Dr. Stein: Mr. Leaf? Item 7394: …Soap. Happy to wait. Better than rebranding. More to Christmas than trees. Dr. Stein: Fair point. You mentioned a board? Item 7394: Investors. Dr. Stein: Can you tell me anything about them? Item 7394: Sorry. Not money person. Prefer… [Grins.] hedge funds. [A pause. Both laugh.] Dr. Stein: Alright, that's a good one. So Dr. Wondertainment swapped you for Mr. Headless — then what? Item 7394: Slept. Dr. Stein: Meaning they put you in some kind of stasis, or…? Item 7394: [Gestures to their buried feet.] Slept. In her garden. Dr. Stein: Did they force you to? Item 7394: No. Voluntary. Nice garden. Dr. Stein: How long did you sleep for? [Item 7394 scratches its beard.] Item 7394: Years. Decades. Don't know. Dr. Stein: Did Dr. Wondertainment ever visit you? Item 7394: Often. Water. Food. Talked. Rested. Dr. Stein: Could I ask what you two talked about? Item 7394: The garden. Nature. Worries; peace. Dr. Stein: Do you remember anything specific? Item 7394: No. Just company. Dr. Stein: I see. Can you tell me anything about them? Item 7394: Kind man. Scatterbrained. Focused. [Chuckles.] Bad landscaper. Dr. Stein: What about their appearance? What do they— Item 7394: Helped design the garden. Gave her shade. Calmed him. Good company. Dr. Stein: So… you weren't upset with them? For shelving you? Item 7394: No. Happy to wait. Dr. Stein: Alright. Back to our original topic — you said this new series was made for you? Item 7394: Yes. First series popular. High demand. Board wanted more. Doctor agreed. Put me first — still useful, ready to go. Maybe felt bad about shelving. Wanted me to have a chance. Made others to justify it. Never met them. Dr. Stein: You never met the others on your list? Item 7394: No. Only names. Ideas. Early release — advertisement, suspense. Would like to meet them. Sound nice. Dr. Stein: We haven't found anyone else on your list yet, I'm afraid. They must still be in production. [Item 7394 scratches its brow.] Item 7394: Maybe. Should be done. Doctor isn't slow. Dr. Stein: We'll keep an eye out. How were you released? Item 7394: Woke up in forest. Wandered. Dr. Stein: You just woke up? You don't remember being moved? Item 7394: No. Dr. Stein: They didn't say you were being released? Item 7394: No. Yes. [Frowns.] Didn't say goodbye. Seemed stressed. Dr. Stein: Stressed about what? Item 7394: Don't know. Wouldn't say. Strange. Dr. Stein: Interesting. So you woke up in a forest, and started wandering. Item 7394: Yes. North-east. Dr. Stein: Why north-east? Item 7394: Because. Why not? Dr. Stein: Fair enough. You wandered until you reached a town, and that's when you met the children? Item 7394: Yes. [Smiles.] Samuel, Eliza, Harrison, Jake, Josebelle. Explorers. Friendly. [Chuckles.] Called me Treebeard. Called them Saplings. Dr. Stein: How long were you with them? [A long pause, during which Item 7394 scratches its leg.] Item 7394: Summer to spring. Walked. Talked. They liked climbing. Climbing trees. Dr. Stein: Which led to us finding you. Item 7394: Yes. Eliza fell. Broke her leg. Needed help. Urgent. Dr. Stein: You took her to the hospital. Item 7394: Ran. Exhausting. Arrived. Slept. Dr. Stein: In the reception area. Item 7394: Yes. [Item 7394 scratches at their wrist.] Dr. Stein: Are you alright? Item 7394: Itchy. Dr. Stein: I'll get the gardeners to have a look, we don't want you getting infested. What about Jennifer Bill? After your— Item 7394: Bully Bill. Bullied the children. Tapped on her window. Every night. Dr. Stein: I thought so. You're lucky she thought it was a dream. Now, about— Item 7394: Sorry. Tired. Sleepy. Dr. Steiner: I understand — we can continue this another time. Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Leaf. Item 7394: Wait. Eliza — okay? Dr. Steiner: She is, yes. A cast and crutches, nothing permanent. [Item 7394 scratches its shoulder.] Item 7394: Good. Happy. [END LOG] Afterword: All witnesses at the hospital were convinced Item 7394 was a ‘living statue' performance artist in costume. The five children involved were mildly amnestised and led to believe the Item was an imaginary construct shared by the group; a tree resembling Item 7394 was planted to encourage this, which the children continue to interact with. Addendum IV: Second Medical Examination Report SCP Foundation Generic Medical Examination Report Conducted by Dr. Felis Ameliphanosilon Patient Information ID Last Name First Name Date of Birth Examination Date Item 7394 Leaf — — 21/07/2023 Examination Notes Height: 254 cm Waist: 87 cm Weight: 128 kg No significant changes outside human norm / error margin. Right shoulder crepitus & shedding pruritus unchanged. Previous shedding sites still peeling. Vision: R - 20/25 L - 20/25 Both - 20/25 Hearing: R - Normal L - Normal Throat: Normal. No significant changes outside human norm / error margin. Pulse & pressure: unknown Breathing: slow, approx. 7 bpm, strong & regular Blood oxygen: unknown Patellar reflex: unknown No significant changes outside human norm / error margin. Determining non-invasive method to measure reflex, blood pressure, pulse, oxygen content. Wound on left shoulder unchanged but no bleeding, no infection - patient has slow (plant) healing rate, not human? Wound sterilised & sealed with bioinert glue. Possibly useful for pulse measurement, thinner membrane? Specialised equipment needed. Psychological evaluations: PSH-02, PSA-09, MMPI-2-RF, & informal interview conducted. Responses consistent with previous examination, records sent to Department of Anomalous Humanoid Psychology for evaluation. Conclusion: Patient is in good physical & mental health, additional observation required to confirm current state as normal. Extremely slow healing rate - strongly recommend avoiding invasive procedures & minimising potential injury unless critical. Recommend continued investigation into cause of shedding pruritus & right shoulder crepitus. Next examination on 21/08/2023 to establish patient normal. Addendum V: Containment Update From: Reid Martins (RT-09) To: All Facility 04 Staff Date: 25/09/2023 Subject: Regarding Item 7394 (Mr. Leaf) Hello Facility 04 staff. You may be aware that Item 7394, Mr. Leaf, has been in declining health over the past few weeks. You may have also noticed he has not been in his designated patch, or anywhere on-site for several days now. Mr. Leaf is alive, and there is no cause for alarm. The cause of his sickness is a lichen infection, and he has been transferred off-site for closer treatment. This is the reason for his absence, and nothing more. His condition is stable, but we are taking his health seriously and will keep him under observation until we are sure the infection is eradicated. Mr. Leaf is recovering, but slowly - it will be quite some time until he is returned to Facility 04. In the meantime, all staff are free to communicate with him via letters; please submit them to my inbox with the subject 'Item 7394 Letter from [Your Name]', and I will pass the letter on to Mr. Leaf. Responses will also be delivered to your inbox with the subject name 'Letter from Item 7394'. Please remember that Mr. Leaf only has Level 1 clearance. Your letters will be reviewed for restricted information, which will be removed as necessary — and yes, it will be noted as an information security breach on your record. If you aren't sure, don't say it. We will keep you updated as Mr. Leaf's condition improves. Dr. Reid Martins, Research Team Kappa-4 (‘Curators') Lead. [Level 4/7394 Clearance Confirmed] [Displaying restricted content.] Addendum VII: Deterioration On 23/08/2023, Dr. Felis Ameliphanosilon performed a third routine general examination of Item 7394. Comparison of the results with those of the previous examinations identified a gradual reduction in the Item's average weight and waist circumference, and an increase in the size of areas undergoing shedding; Item 7394 could not recall if the observed weight loss was a typical, seasonal occurrence, but confirmed the duration of their shedding and ongoing symptoms of pruritus were significantly abnormal. The Item was transferred to Facility 09 on 07/10/2023 to facilitate closer examination by the Arboreal Department; the Item's absence from Facility 04 was attributed to treatment for an unspecified lichen infection to prevent demoralisation. The Item has requested they be returned to Dr. Wondertainment for 'repairs', or otherwise terminated to prevent further development of their condition; both requests have been denied, and the Item has been put on indefinite suicide watch. No potential causes or remedies have yet been identified. Addendum VI: Document 7394/B On 11/01/2024, Researcher Alys Devine received an envelope addressed to Item 7394 by name at their private residence. Although unfamiliar with Item 7394 or Dr. Wondertainment, Researcher Devine reported the occurrence to their superiors, who confiscated the envelope and transferred it to Research Team Kappa-4 ('Curators'); enclosed was a single leaf of paper with the following on one side, and no further context: O H D I M H X A L T X L H W N F X U V G J K O V J D B M W L G S K X K I N F P I R A B Y E R A K U T P U C K Y G J P T C Z R X G E Z O N E S R R N Y C E L M Y S M L N I Y H E A F R H D P F I K M T N H V Y N E L M P G H F Y V W Y X B J F G Y W N Y S Y S K B E G Z C J Y M Z T I X P D C H Y J J M O S C Y R L G T V S L U J G I K A B D M S M F O R X R C Y M F O N E J P A I N W W P K H W K H U V The document is undergoing cryptographic analysis to determine the concealed message; four unencrypted words of potential significance have been identified ('ZONES', 'BEG', 'FOR', 'PAIN'), in addition to several encoded with a 3-right Caesar shift cipher ('LEAF', 'QUIET', 'BOX', 'MAZE', 'VOID'). The existence of Document 7394/B has been withheld from Item 7394. It is unknown why the letter was addressed to Researcher Devine's residence, who has no known affiliations with Item 7394, Dr. Wondertainment, Facility 04, or Facility 09. Addendum VII: Containment Breach On 17/07/2024, as no further meaningful words or phrases had been successfully identified from Document 7394/B since its discovery, the document was provided to Item 7394 under the condition it disclose the decoded message in its entirety. Unexpectedly, Item 7394 claimed they could not determine any significant meaning from the document and/or known words within it; extensive interviews confirmed the Item was being honest with supervising personnel. On the following night, Item ████ was discovered via surveillance footage within the room of Item 7394; it is suspected Document 7394/B was created to allow Item ████ to follow the chain of individuals delivering it, and thereby locate Item 7394 using its anomalous properties. The following is a transcript of the video footage from the night of the incident. Foreword: Due to its ongoing degenerative condition, the appearance of Item 7394 had significantly degraded from the description in its official document; the bark of the Item resembled Melaleuca quinquenervia (Australian broad-leaved paperbark) due to constant shedding across all exposed surfaces, and Item 7394 itself was both emaciated and visibly flatter along its sagittal axis, particularly at the extremities which were no longer thick enough to allow object manipulation and/or ambulation. [BEGIN LOG] [A room containing several soil beds with overhead UV-B lamps is visible; Item 7394 is lying horizontal in one bed, while the others contain various non-anomalous plants. The lamps are the only active light sources, and are insufficient to illuminate the entire room. There is a faint ruffling sound each time Item 7394 breathes.] [A humanoid figure — Item ████ — steps out from an unlit corner of the room, only moving far enough to be seen in silhouette. A moment passes.] Item ████: Mr. Leaf. [Item 7394 looks toward Item ████.] Item 7394: Who? [Item ████ turns around; the words ‘Mr. Shadows, from Little Misters ® by Dr. Wondertainment' are visible glowing on its back. Item 7394 inhales and sits up as Item ████ turns around again.] Item 7394: Another! Item ████: Turn off the light. [Item 7394 complies, reaching up and turning off the lamp immediately above it. Item ████ steps back into the unlit corner, disappearing from view.] Item 7394: Others? Item ████: Nineteen total, including us. There will not be more. Item 7394: Why? Item ████: Defective. All cancelled, recalled, or discontinued, besides you. I thought it meant you were fine — I see I was wrong. Item 7394: Changing. Item ████: We all are. Few for the better. You and I are the least affected. Item 7394: Why? Item ████: Light accelerates it. My design keeps me in the shadows. But I am changing too — darkness only delays the change, but only darkness delays it. I do not know why you are slower. You were finished; maybe it helps. But fear the light, Mr. Leaf. Your change will be for the worse. Item 7394: Changing into what? [A moment's pause.] Item ████: I do not think you want to know. Item 7394: Do. Item ████: No, I— Item 7394: Do. [Another pause.] Item ████: You are Mr. Leaf. What is a leaf? [Item 7394 gestures to their beard.] Item ████: No. The other kind of leaf. Item 7394: Other leaf? [Another pause.] Item 7394: Tell— Item ████: Gold leaf; a leaf of paper. A leaf is thin sheet. You are Mr. Leaf. You are turning into a leaf of mister. [A long pause. Item 7394 holds up a hand, looking at its thinning fingers, eyes and mouth wide in horror.] Item ████: I am sorry. Item 7394: Stop— Item ████: It cannot. Item 7394: Doctor— Item ████: Tried. She cannot stop it. He cannot even slow it. [Item 7394 stares at the floor for several minutes. Item ████ does not speak.] Item 7394: Change — why? [A moment's pause.] Item ████: Mr. Message. He is the reason, and he will pay for it. We will not suffer alone. He cannot hide from us all. Item 7394: Did— [Security personnel rush into the room, guns aimed at the dark corner, and turn on the lights; Item ████ is absent.] [END LOG] Analysis of samples confirmed the Item's condition is significantly accelerated by exposure to light; Item 7394 has been confined to an unlit room, and its caloric requirements are exclusively fulfilled through provided foodstuffs. The Item has developed a neurotic fear of all sources of light, and its condition has effectively postponed from further deterioration. Following this event, Item ████ has exclusively attempted to contact Item 7394 through unencrypted letters posted to Facility 09, despite being repeatedly witnessed throughout Facility 09 and multiple other Foundation facilities. The unencoded message within Document 7394/B, if any exists, remains unknown. Investigation into ‘Mr. Message' is ongoing. Footnotes 1. Persistent sounds of popping, clicking, or crackling in a joint when it is moved. 2. Item 7394 is incapable of digesting any synthetic and/or artificial substances, and is unable to consume substances inedible for a mundane human. « SCP-7393 | SCP-7394 | SCP-7395 »
J is for Jetsam. It should be noted, however, that no hospitable planets other than Earth exist for millions of light years in any given direction. Billith J is for Jetsam Written by Billith. If you liked this article, you'll probably like: SCP-6793 Billith's Proposal SCP-5541 SCP-2921 ITEM# 7396 LEVEL:III CONFIDENTAL CONTAINMENT TYPE: cernunnos SECONDARY CLASS: in progress DISRUPTION LEVEL: keneq RISK LEVEL: notice link to memo Item#: {$item-number} Level3 Containment Class: {$container-class} Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-7396 currently represents significant risk to Veil protocols, though actions are being taken to limit this influence, including: Restrictions on deep space remote viewing technologies Replacement of personnel at observatories and places of academia with Foundation operatives Sabotage of equipment and materials belonging to groups of interest Execution of disinformation campaigns, utilizing the above, alongside typical methods to reduce global confidence in the Oort cloud's existence Any information regarding SCP-7396 is to be scrubbed from public record, with the responsible vector investigated and delegitimized by any means necessary. Cleanup of SCP-7396 phenomena continues to take place through remote incineration. Development of stable, long-term containment methodologies is considered a Foundation priority. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7396 refers to two related phenomena, designated 7396-A and 7396-B. As a result of the timeline surrounding each, they will be described consecutively, rather than concurrently. On 12/03/1978, a considerable explosion was witnessed in deep space via the Nicholas U. Mayall Telescope, piquing the interest of science communities worldwide. A Foundation investigation was subsequently launched in 1980, featuring a small, unmanned probe deployed with intent to determine the cause of the explosion and report findings to Earth. During travel to the location via the Interplanetary Transport Network, SCP-7396-A was discovered. SCP-7396-A is an accumulation of human biological remains and personal effects within the Oort Cloud. Foundation analysts surmised that SCP-7396-A's condition correlated with the explosion, however, without supporting evidence of a causal link, exploration of the original location was deprioritized in favor of SCP-7396-A's containment, which is still underway. The exact quantity of remains floating within the Oort cloud is unclear, given the impacted area. Estimates based on average recorded density place the total bodies in excess of seven million individuals. Despite the sheer numbers observed, many consistencies appear throughout, allowing further insight into SCP-7396-A's properties: Calm demeanor with no signs of struggle, distress, or injury. Groups observed frozen together, in embrace and other relaxed poses Biological components identical to that of humans Pristine, freshly washed clothing, bearing iconography that implies SCP-7396-A is a single party or organization Uniform cause of death associated with complications of rapid depressurization A lack of escape pods, wreckage, or spacesuits An abundance of cargo containing various personal effects such as clothing, photographs, and letters, neatly and deliberately packed. No provisions, survival tools/weapons, or medical supplies have been found, however, recovered stationery analogous to postcards and advertisements portray a planet of similar appearance but differing geographic layout to that of Earth. Astronomical deviations in the depicted skies have led to the conclusion that the terrestrial body is not another version of Earth, but a unique planet, possibly within our own universe. It should be noted, however, that no hospitable planets other than Earth exist for millions of light years in any given direction On 01/14/2006, SCP-7396-A's accumulation rate began declining. This rate decreased steadily until 2013, when further accumulation was considered negligible and the phenomena itself concluded. However, the presence of SCP-7396-B, first detected on 09/02/2015, resulted in the reopening of the anomaly's case file. SCP-7396-B is an ongoing discovery of biologically human corpses and mechanical wreckage, scattered in a trail of increasing density located between 0.5-1.4 ly away from the location of SCP-7396-A. Approximations made suggest cadavers exceed five million additional unique individuals, the plurality of which are situated near the far end of the observed range. SCP-7396-B exhibits extreme deviations from SCP-7396-A, including: Stressed demeanor, grievous injury, and/or physical ailment, proportional to distance from SCP-7396-A Malnourishment and hypoxia, proportional to distance from SCP-7396-A Irregular cause of death, including starvation, disease, injury, depressurization and hypothermia Deteriorated clothing throughout. Insignia/iconography matches that of SCP-7396-A A lack of cargo containers and packed belongings An abundance of mechanical fragments and shrapnel belonging to a subluminal interstellar ark, recovered and contained for study Ballistics analysis of the fuselage suggests the explosion witnessed in 1978 resulted from miniscule perforations coating portions of the vessel's propulsion systems and ventilation grid, the earliest remnants recovered during investigation into SCP-7396-B. Volatile compounds and mineral fragments were detected in trace amounts around the points of entry. Despite severe damage, the vessel was noted to have coasted for some time before its eventual disintegration. No further SCP-7396 activity has been recorded. As of 10/12/2022, an estimated ten million bodies have yet to be destroyed. More From This Author More From This Author Billith's Works SCPs SCP-META-EX-J • SCP-1822 • SCP-2921 • SCP-4888 • SCP-2786 • SCP-3959 • SCP-3533 • SCP-1256-J • Billith's Proposal • SCP-6693 • SCP-3335 • SCP-2853 • SCP-????-J • SCP-7912 • SCP-3545 • Tales/GoI Formats Redact Your Life • Narrativistics and You: Abandoning the Notion of Fiction vs. Non-Fiction • A Place To Call Your Home • On The Nature Of Conscious Experience or How I Learned to Love Myself • OPULENCE • Holes • Spiral the Drain • Your Future is Bright • Other Sr. Researcher James A. Harkness' Personnel File • I is for "Incision" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub K is for "Keystone" « SCP-7395 | SCP-7396 | SCP-7397 »
Link To Guide Item#:7398 Clearance Level 2: Clearance Containment Class: Keter Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: #/vlam Risk Class: #/notice SCP-7398 Special Containment Procedures: Foundation AI are to alert Mobile Task Force (MTF) Phi-1 "City Slickers" agents in São Paulo1 of mentions of SCP-7398 or of SCP-7398-1 instances on the internet. Said mentions are then to be erased by Foundation AI. MTF Phi-1 is to amnestize all individuals with memory of SCP-7398 or SCP-7398-1. Vehicles used by SCP-7398-1 instances are to be confiscated using cover story Lambda-5 "Safety Recall". In accordance with the agreement with between the Foundation and GOI-1430, SCP-7398-1A has been released. Description: SCP-7398 manifests itself as an application for mobile devices when an individual within São Paulo with a BAC greater than 0.02%2 attempts to use a ride-sharing application, such as Uber or 99, to return home following an event with 4 or more participants. SCP-7398 will open itself on the user's device and display "Cabbybara" as well as an updating wait time. Wait times on average are much shorter than those of non-anomalous ride-sharing services. Upon reaching zero, the wait time indicator is replaced with a message saying "OK, I'm pulling up!" The user's own land vehicle3 piloted by an SCP-7398-1 instance will then manifest into view of the user. SCP-7398-1 is an adult Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, or Capybara. It is unknown how SCP-7398-1 is able to operate the vehicle. If the user enters the vehicle, fastens their seatbelt, and closes the door, SCP-7398-1 will begin to pilot the vehicle toward the user's current residence. It is unknown how SCP-7398-1 is aware of the location of the user's residence. The user and any other passengers will then begin to be overcome with sudden lethargy and fall asleep within 60 seconds. All passengers will awaken simultaneously when the vehicle is within 30 seconds of reaching its destination. SCP-7398-1 will attempt to park the vehicle, typically using the user's driveway or street near their residence. SCP-7398-1 will then fully lower the driver-side window and exit the vehicle. SCP-7398-1's behavior from this point is indistinguishable from a baseline Capybara suffering from mild dehydration. Addendum 7398-1: Attempted Containment SCP-7398-1A in its enclosure Following testing to determine the situations in which SCP-7398 manifests, it was theorized that SCP-7398-1 was a single entity and that its capture would prevent further manifestations of SCP-7398. D-4142 was provided with 110-proof vodka, which they consumed until they reached the target BAC, triggering the manifestation of SCP-7398. D-4142 was then instructed to retrieve SCP-7398-1. Upon SCP-7398-1's arrival in a damaged grey 2008 Volkswagen Beetle, D-4142 ran and opened the driver-side door. Following two failed attempts at capturing SCP-7398-1, D-4142 stood up, raised SCP-7398-1 into the air, and proclaimed "I got the dog!" SCP-7398-1 was then taken and placed in an enclosure, and SCP-7398-1's vehicle was subsequently searched and placed into Foundation Vehicle Storage until it could be determined whether it was anomalous. 2 hours following SCP-7398-1's capture, Foundation AI reported that SCP-7398 had manifested. Due to the realization that the housed SCP-7398-1 instance was not unique, it was classified as SCP-7398-1A. Addendum 7398-2: GOI-1430 Contact 13 hours following SCP-7398-1A's capture, Lead Researcher Batista received following the e-mail: To: ten.pics|anaatsitab#ten.pics|anaatsitab From: gro.bbb|arabnpac#gro.bbb|arabnpac Subject: Opening Relations Hey there, SCP Foundation. Name's Barles Barkley, but youse can call me Barles. I'm the Cap'n Bara of the Bara Business Bureau, or the BBB, as we like to call it. We wants youse to know, we only do business. Doesn't do us any favors if all our clients drop dead, ya know? Let's make an arrangement here. We knows that you lot've grabbed one of our cabbies. He ain't done nothin', ya hear? It ain't easy gettin' 'em to figure out how to drive, and the union gettin' on our ass. Youse knows how it is. Us at the BBB know ya have a lotta questions 'bout how we work, so lets make a deal here. We got ole Barnaby in legal to write up a contract. 'pparently we need 'em around cause we don't talk too formal, but I knows that's dumber than a hole in a beaver's dam. Anywhos, we sent that on ova. Mull 'er ova. We both knows it's fur the best. - Cap'n Bara Barles Barkley Attached to Barles Barkley's4 e-mail was a file containing a contract stating that if the SCP Foundation releases the capybara they have in their custody5, and agrees to not interfere with the operations of the Bara Business Bureau (BBB)6, the BBB will provide the Foundation with information regarding how the BBB functions as well as information regarding a business venture planned for the near future. It was ruled that, as SCP-7398-1A appeared to be non-anomalous or would remain so until they came into contact with GOI-1430, their transfer would be useful in maintaining relations. 13 minutes following the sending of a signed copy of the contract to GOI-1430, Lead Researcher Batista received the following e-mail: To: ten.pics|anaatsitab#ten.pics|anaatsitab From: gro.bbb|arabnpac#gro.bbb|arabnpac Subject: Pleasure Doin' Business Glad to see you lot've made the right choice. I've sent the info ova to ya, now youse gotta keep up youse's end of the bargain. We'll pick up our guy where youse took 'em at 19:28:07. Ok, when I pull up, put 'em in the passenger seat. Union says I gots ta fix this mess myself, so I'll be seeing ya soon. - Cap'n Bara Barles Barkley Attached was a detailed file7 detailing GOI-1430's command structure, including the location of their headquarters at the Staten Island Zoo8. It notes that "As Cabbybara is affiliated with the BBB, it is extended legal protections, such as protection from kidnapping of employees. This is not an uncommon practice, as capybaras are considered by their clients to be 'cute' and 'friend-shaped'." Addendum 7398-3: SCP-7398-1A's Release POI-7412's car approaching Area 49 Security Officers Silva and Carlos, the former holding SCP-7398-1A in a kennel, exited Area 49 at 19:27:02 and waited for the appearance of a vehicle. At exactly 19:28:07, a rally car of unknown make and model with a license plate reading "BAR KLEY" appeared from out of view. The vehicle performed advanced drifting maneuvers with greater precision than the Foundation's own expert drivers. The vehicle, while performing a 180o turn, came to a complete stop. This was likely done to position the passenger-side door near Officer Silva. Officer Silva opened the passenger-side door, revealing an adult capybara9 in the driver's seat. Additionally, several bottles of Jack Daniel's whiskey fell out when opening the door. Officer Silva unlocked the kennel, after which SCP-7398-1A quickly exited the kennel and sat in the passenger seat. Officer Silva then looked to the capybara in the driver's seat and said "Drive safe," to which the capybara responded "Youse too," as Officer Silva closed the passenger-side door, surprised. The vehicle proceeded to exit view, performing similar driving maneuvers to those done during its approach. In total, 13 empty bottles of Jack Daniel's whiskey fell from the vehicle, with Officer Carlos reportedly having seen more in the rear of the vehicle. Along with the whiskey were several hairs belonging to a single capybara. As a BAC of .4% is likely to cause death in humans, it is currently unknown how a capybara could survive with a BAC of greater than 8%. Researcher Note: Given POI-7412's driving prowess and alcohol consumption as well as the mild dehydration suffered by SCP-7398-1 instances, it is currently theorized that all SCP-7398-1 instances are under the effects of alcohol and that their aptitude for driving increases with BAC. Further testing is required. Footnotes 1. All mentions of São Paulo within this document refer to the state, as opposed to the capital city of the state 2. The current legal limit for driving 3. The user will not be able to identify their vehicle as their own, despite clear physical indications. In the event the user does not own a vehicle, a yellow 2008 Ford Crown Victoria will be used 4. Now designated POI-7412 5. SCP-7398-1A 6. Now designated as GOI-1430 7. Presumably compiled by "Barnaby", given the similarity of language used 8. No unusual capybara behavior has been reported from the zoo 9. Assumed to be POI-7412 « SCP-7397 | SCP-7398| SCP-7399 »
Your Honor, League of Legends Sherf and Calibold SCP-7400 — Your Honor, League of Legends Sherf doesn't have an author page yet but he deserves all your respect regardless. Calibold's Mega Cool Author Page Item#: 7400 Level4 Containment Class: apollyon Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: danger link to memo Ryan DeAntonio, the first known League of Legends player to fall victim to SCP-7400. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7400 is impossible to contain, having been accepted into consensus reality. Description: SCP-7400 is a probabilistic bureaucratohazard affecting the laws, regulations, or codes of conduct of various institutions and groups. These can include governments, corporations, religious orders, and organized crime syndicates, among other organizations, as well as relationships or friend groups, as long as some form of stated or implied moral code exists within their framework. Affected codes criminalize or disavow individuals who participate in the multiplayer online battle arena video game League of Legends. Punishments or retribution for playing League of Legends often tend towards severe repercussions, including torture or death when possible. SCP-7400 does not seem to directly criminalize League of Legends players outright; rather, players are criminalized due to coincidental and seemingly random interactions between various laws and rules, resulting in League of Legends being outlawed unintentionally. Despite such legal interactions normally being nigh-impossible to properly realize, given the precise and technical nature of the law, all individuals perceiving a case where SCP-7400 may apply are fully aware of the illegality of the act, regardless of their prior legal experience. Affected individuals also seem to perceive the playing of League of Legends to be immoral, though it is unknown whether this is the result of SCP-7400 directly affecting their minds or if it is simply a widely-held natural opinion. Addendum 7400.1: The first documented instance of SCP-7400's application occurred on January 24th, 2010, in a text conversation between Ryan DeAntonio and Jesse Parks. Figured you'd appreciate this This is amazing lol Are you serious What? Again? We've literally talked about this multiple times but you still feel the need to somehow squeeze it into every conversation we have Wtf are you talking about Stop playing dumb with me You keep thinking it's okay and that it's nOt tHaT bAd But we BOTH know how people like that turn out I legit thought you were gonna change Jesse, what the fuck you are talking about?? Its no use trying to keep you clean That game has ruined you Ryan Youre disgusting What the fuck? Is this some sort of joke? Jesse? You have been blocked by this number. It is believed that Parks' prior League of Legends addiction, combined with the use of the slang term "lol"1, was the root cause of the above incident. Addendum 7400.2: On June 29th, 2010, Riot Games2 introduced new workplace guidelines which accidentally forbade the playing or mentioning of League of Legends by any of its employees. This resulted in mass confusion followed by the rapid downsizing of Riot Games before the guidelines were retracted in order to maintain profits. Notably, this incident marks the first instance where the simple mention of League of Legends is affected by SCP-7400. Addendum 7400.3: The first documented instance of SCP-7400's legal application was on November 18th, 2010, during the trial of Stanley Peterson in Cleveland, Ohio. Below is a log of the relevant events. Russell Becket. [Location is in an unspecified county courtroom. Murmuring from the gallery is heard as the court judge enters the room behind the bench. The judge takes a seat, and pounds the gavel.] Judge: Court is now in session for the Trial of Stanley Peterson. [The gallery falls silent.] Judge: Is the Prosecution ready? Prosecutor: Yes, Your Honor. Judge: Is the Defense ready? Defense Attorney: Yes, Your Honor. [Irrelevant logs removed.] Judge: Very well. The Prosecution may call its first witness. Prosecutor: Thank you, Your Honor. The Prosecution calls Mr. Russell Becket to the stand. [A man rises from the gallery. He slowly makes his way over to the witness stand before turning to face the court.] Prosecutor: Please state your name for the court. Russell Becket: My name is Russell Becket. I work as an associate planner at the City Hall. Prosecutor: Mr. Becket, as you are aware, the alleged incident involving the defendant, Mr. Peterson, occurred on July 8th, at approximately 6:42 pm. Will you please state what you were doing during this time? [Russell physically hesitates before responding.] Russell Becket: Er… Well, you see… Uh… Exactly… how relevant is this question to the case? Judge: Mr. Becket, I understand that your privacy is important to you. However, I would like you to understand that this question is critical to advancing this trial. You do not have to answer if you do not wish to, but please keep this in mind. [Russel sighs, and collects himself before speaking again.] Russell Becket: Very well. [Russell pauses for a brief moment and clears his throat.] Russell Becket: Your Honor, League of Legends. [Murmurs from the gallery begin to pick up again before quickly escalating into frantic shouting and panic, coupled with various members of the gallery beginning to show hostility towards the witness. Within the commotion, the sound of a gavel clash can be heard.] Judge: Death. [The doors to the courtroom suddenly swing open and multiple court bailiffs are seen running into the room, backed up by heavily armored guards. The bailiffs and guards grab hold of Russell, who begins to resist but is eventually overpowered. Russell is dragged out of the courtroom by the bailiffs and guards, and he attempts to resist while shouting various obscenities and curses.] Russel Becket: No! Who do you think you are!? You can't do this to me! I have the right to a trial and a counsel! [Russell turns to the Prosecutor. The Prosecutor quickly turns his head away, ignoring him.] Russell Becket: This can't be happening to me! I have a right to League of Legends! [Russell's screaming is heard until he is completely removed from the courtroom by the bailiffs, at which point his screams become inaudible.] Russell's conviction was due to an intersection of several local, state, and federal laws, along with social conventions in the area; these included (but were not limited to) recent laws in Cleveland restricting gaming hours and behavior, Ohio's laws regulating hate speech, and the Cleveland populace's abject distaste towards online competitive gaming. Addendum 7400.4: On October 16th, 2014, the Wainstein Report was published on the University of North Carolina, implicating many of the school's officials in widespread academic fraud. More importantly, it revealed that the chancellor of the university, Holden Thorp, had quietly permitted the creation of an official League of Legends club. The news sparked state-wide backlash, prompting the university to respond via Twitter: UNC-Chapel Hill @UNC We sincerely apologize for this egregious oversight by our legal department. We will be dissolving the League of Legends club and rescinding the scholarships of the club members. Likes 3 Retweets 1 Comments 875 5:11 PM - 15 October 2014 All of the former League of Legends club members were tried and executed. Addendum 7400.5: On March 9th, 2015, Ryan DeAntonio (see Addendum 7400.1), following the loss of his residence and belongings, was apprehended and taken into custody by agents of an unknown affiliation due to his prior involvement with League of Legends. [Footage taken from a street light surveillance camera in Moscow, Idaho, at approximately 11:30 PM. DeAntonio can be seen on the corner of the intersection, sitting within a large box, holding a cardboard sign.] [A few people pass him over several minutes before a car parks beside him and four federal agents walk out. One of the men grabs hold of DeAntonio and throws him out of the box he was sitting in. Several muffled screams can be heard as DeAntonio attempts to fight back before he is subdued by the other men.] [The four agents restrain and handcuff DeAntonio before lifting him off the ground, carrying him into the vehicle. Muffled shouting and cries can be heard for several seconds afterwards before they drive away.] DeAntonio's fate is unknown. Addendum 7400.6: Following a summit by the United Nations, the General Assembly adopted the Convention on League of Legends (2022), following exploration of law established by prior treaties, including: International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965) Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea (2008) The Convention fully recognized the illegality and immorality of the act of playing League of Legends, defining all players as members of a terrorist movement, and authorizing all nations to eliminate them by any means necessary. Addendum 7400.7: On May 5th, 2023, with the activation of Project DAMMERUNG, the SCP Foundation was able to develop a definitive account of post-mortal life. [Agent Bell manifests in the post-mortal plane3, in an empty field. He is standing next to a long line of people in gray robes, leading towards a pair of arches.] [Agent Bell approaches the arches. Between them stands a single person, a dark-skinned bald man wearing a suit. Several keys are attached to his body and clothes at various locations. The arch on the right accesses a path which leads towards a futuristic city several miles away. Behind the arch on the left lies an immense pit, the bottom of which is unseen.] [Individuals approach the man one at a time. He holds a key towards each person, and after a few moments, lets them pass through the arch on the right. Very rarely, an individual is not allowed to pass through the right arch, and is instead pulled through the left arch and into the pit by an invisible force.] Facial recognition analysis of the individuals pulled into the pit has determined that they are all deceased individuals who owned League of Legends accounts. The wider theological implications of the relationship between the afterlife and League of Legends is unknown. Members of the Department of Tactical Theology are currently analyzing religious texts in order to determine what doctrine would result in such post-mortal judgement. Footnotes 1. An abbreviation for League of Legends. 2. The developer and publisher of League of Legends. 3. Agent Bell's physical body and primary soul complex remain on the mortal plane, allowing him to perceive and explore the afterlife without interacting with or being perceived by its occupants. + More by Calibold + - More by Calibold - Calibold's Mega Cool Author Page — SCP Articles — SCP-7178 — A Thief In The Night SCP-7179 — E is for Eternity SCP-6469-D — A BABY????? SCP-2082 — Elephas cryophilus SCP-6156 — Oh, Doug! SCP-6579-D — The Detective Killer SCP-6900-D — The House of Stars SCP-5277 — What Can Go Wrong SCP-5363-D — Controlled Containment SCP-3482 — fine mayor posters campaign by dado SCP-5156 — monke Director Bold's Proposal-J — "Guys, please don't read our SCPs 🥺" SCP-2693 — Fell Into The Well, Fell Into The Well, Fell Into The Deep Dark Well SCP-5559-D — The Great Ambrose Bake-Off! SCP-3448-J — Should Have Taken Him Sleeping SCP-4456-D — No One Expects The Spanish Decommission! SCP-4745 — Spooky Scary Snowman SCP-4645 — Blackmailing Computer — Tales — OpusConfidant Wiki - SCP-4645 - Threatini Diary Of An Existential Kid Responsible Promotion Friends Of Us Never Die Truth Lies A Team You Can (Maybe) Trust Happy Father's Day Mission: Decommission A Bold Choice I Am Become Death Ulysses B. Donkman and the Heinous Hitman It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Eldritch (Sung to the tune of "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas") Chapter One - The End — GoI Formats — Manifest 476: Vanishing Galleon The Book Of Mathisi, Chapter 1: The Parable Of The Three Princes LTE-8686-Yellow-Kewpie UIU File: 2001-023 — Other — Mega Cool Customizable ACS Add-On Ver. 1.8.0 Guide Decommissioning Department Hub Fortune Favors Decommissioning Dept. Theme Mega Cool Customizable ACS Add-On Ver. 1.8.0 Mega Cool Author Page Tool Ver. 1.4.0 Calibold's Mega Cool Alternate SCP Logos Page Calibold's Mega Cool Art Page (It's Mostly Just Icons, But Whatever, It's Still Mega Cool) — Co-Authored — Abraka David's Proposal — A Peak Behind the Curtain (feat. Ralliston, Placeholder McD, Guaire, Guezma, Jack Ike, Sherf, Yossipossi, Dr Balthazaar, Grigori Karpin, LORDXVNV, Lt Flops, Uncle Nicolini, Metaphysician) SCP-7400 — Your Honor, League of Legends (feat. Sherf) I, Hub (feat. many other authors) Resurrection: New Faces (feat. Grigori Karpin, Nagiros, and redredred) SCP-5545 — 𝙰 𝙱 𝙽 𝙾 𝚁 𝙼 𝙰 𝙻 𝙸 𝚃 𝚈 (feat. Yossipossi) SCP-194 — Thank You For Your Cooperation (feat. CityToast) — Foreign — Director Bold's Proposal — Language SCP-LA-II — Fruit + More by Sherf + - More by Sherf - I, Hub (feat. many other authors) SCP-7400 — Your Honor, League of Legends (feat. Calibold) « SCP-7399 | SCP-7400 | SCP-7401 »
Item #: SCP-7401 Object: Safe Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7401 is contained in a High-Value Object Containment Safe at Site-15. Use of SCP-7401 is only permitted by staff enlisted in the Experimental Administrative Tech Interface Training program1. Sessions for use of SCP-7401 are only permitted by appointment, which must be arranged with appropriate parties within Site-15. Description: SCP-7401 is a modified video game console. The external housing is that of a Nintendo GameCube, but the majority of its internal parts have been altered or replaced by parartechnological components in a complex configuration. Disassembly of the unit for research purposes is not authorized, lest it compromise the anomalous nature of the system. The only other non-standard accessory recovered alongside SCP-7401 is a plain game disc with the words "FINAL TEST" handwritten on the face in black marker. This is designated SCP-7401-1. See Addendum-02 for further details. * * * Addendum-01: Recovery Efforts to gather intelligence on the MLF2 produced a lead regarding a shipment originating in Japan and bound for USA. Members of MTF Alpha-4 ("Pony Express") were able to identify and intercept the parcel in transit, thus confiscating a number of anomalous items, including SCP-7401. A note was discovered alongside SCP-7401, which read: After months of your bitching, I finally gotten that 'practice-run' thing you wanted me to set up. It was a nightmare, let alone getting the funds and the right people for the job. For your and our sakes, I hope it was worth every penny. I really do. —A.V. * * * Addendum-02: SCP-7401-1 Testing has shown that the content of SCP-7401-1 is a unique custom-made video game with the apparent title "Pro Containment Simulator". SCP-7401-1 is classified by researchers as being mainly a real-time strategy game, with aspects of base building, resource management, and certain RPG elements present. The gameplay derives from putting one in the role of a Facility Director for an organization which mirrors the Foundation in its structures, protocols, and general mission statement. Upon establishing a "Player Profile" and beginning a "New Game", one is presented with a pre-scripted scenario which serves as a "Tutorial Level" that demonstrates the basic methods of gameplay. After completing this, one enters an "Open Sandbox Mode" where they face a seemingly procedurally generated series of challenges. Objectives are given to expand one's facility in order to effectively contain an increasing number of unique anomalies. Advancing the game requires one to balance an allotted amount of budget and assets, hire and assign staff characters in various roles, and administrate other policy decisions. Note: A comprehensive investigation, spearheaded by the Internal Security Department, is already underway. How some amateur paratech game developer managed to acquire so much information on our standards and procedures is obviously cause to suspect a major leak. Results of this investigation are available to parties with appropriate clearance and cause, upon request via standard channels. * * * Addendum-03: Proposal of the Executive Administrative Training Initiative To: Dr. Humphrey From: Executive Administrator Yung Subject: Previous Research (SCP-7401) I was reviewing a number of previously archived SCP documents relating to digital media - searching for potential connections with an active research project, standard procedure stuff. Although unrelated to that particular query, I was intrigued when it came to what I read about SCP-7401. A program with the kind of capabilities described here could be something with a lot of utility for the Foundation. I suggest it be made available for training purposes to our own administrators who are approaching the threshold of a Facility Management role. Looking forward to hearing your affirmative response! - Executive Administrator Yung To: Executive Administrator Yung From: Dr. Humphrey Subject: RE: Previous Research (SCP-7401) I would have to pass this idea on to my superiors. Review by Research, as well as Security, must take place before we could possibly move forward with something like this. That said, I will forward your proposal to the appropriate parties. But the decision will not be in my hands. To: Executive Administrator Yung CC: Dr. Humphrey, Site-15 Head of Research Dr. Karlsson, Site-15 Head of Security Chief Bambus From: Site-15 Director Xavier Subject: Training Program / SCP-7401 I have recently been apprised of your proposal to utilize SCP-7401 for the Foundation's own purposes. After reviewing the feasibility of this idea, it has been determined that we could accommodate such a program, under certain terms. First, my Researchers tell me that SCP-7401-1 has capacity for 3 "Save Game Slots", so you will have to select only a handful of prospective trainees. Secondly, there are material provisions which must be met: making available one of our Site's Test Chambers, and the additional Security personnel who must be on-call while any SCP is being actively tested (even in a controlled context such as this) - these could become a strain without additional resources. Please reply at your earliest convenience, after taking these matters under consideration. - Site Director C. Xavier To: Site-15 Director Xavier CC: Dr. Humphrey, Site-15 Head of Research Dr. Karlsson, Site-15 Head of Security Chief Bambus From: Executive Administrator Yung Subject: RE: Training Program / SCP-7401 Charles, Your points are understandable, and absolutely within reason. Rest assured, I can take steps to alleviate these concerns. Let's meet over lunch to discuss details; I'll have my aide schedule an appointment within the week. - Exec Admin Yung * * * Addendum-04: Assessment of the Executive Administrative Training Initiative One month after the implementation of the EATIT Program, a meeting is held in Conference Room C of Site-15. Yung: Good morning, everyone. My name is Patricia Yung. Of course, I'm acquainted with each of you already, but for formality's sake we'll go around the table for a brief round of introductions. In case anyone hasn't yet had the opportunity, the gentleman here to my left is the head administrator of this very facility, Director Xavier. Director Xavier works privately on his laptop computer. Xavier: Mmm-hmm… Director Xavier waves without looking up. Yung: Very busy, as you all may have some idea; but he will be sitting in on today's session with us. Now, let's start on this side of the room… Masters:: Hello. I'm Jacob Masters, a senior member of the Engineering & Technical Services Department. I've had a role in the design and construction of many Foundation Facilities, most recently providing input on design proposals for the Site-106 warehouse expansion. Yung: Great! And next… Finlay: Good morning, everyone! My name is Dr. Sarah Finlay, part of the Research Department. I began my Foundation career as a Junior Researcher, simply cataloguing minor items in the log of Anomalous Objects. As more opportunities became available to me, I have always been eager to broaden my horizons and learn more about the many phenomena we encounter. May I also say, Patricia, that even between my schedule of providing consultancy for colleagues and the work to be done within my labs at Site-17, that I am so glad for the opportunity to participate in such a progressive initiative as this. Yung: Wonderful! Masters: … I didn't know it was supposed to be an introduction like that. Can I go again? Berner: No, you can't go again! Nobody cares. Finlay: Hmph. Berner: My name is Gary Berner. Currently serving as Chief Administrative Liaison for MTF Logistics in the South America region. If I knew this was what the track to promotion included, I might have just stayed there. Yung: Wonderful! So, as we all know, we are here today for a formal evaluation of the Tech Interface Training program - that is, the progress made by each of you thus far, as well as an assessment of the program's own merits. Now, do we have a volunteer who'd like to share their player profile first? Finlay: Me first, Patricia! Finlay connects her device to the projector; the screen displays an array of information and statistics. Profile: Dr. S. Finlay Character: Frankie Myers Position: Research Scientist EXP: 9000 Statistics: Strength: 3/10 Perception: 6/10 Endurance 3/10 Charisma: 6/10 Intelligence: 10/10 Agility: 1/10 Luck: 6/10 Perks Empathic Psychology (tier 2): Bonus when conducting Research with sapient anomalies. Anthropological Background: Bonus when conducting Research with artifact anomalies. Finlay: I don't see why whoever initially tested this anomaly failed to describe this feature, but making use of the Chief Asset character is an important part of the game. With Dr. Myers, I can get access to more data in research, and at a faster pace. Masters: Do you get many benefits out of that Research Data, or is it just flavor text? Finlay: Sometimes benefits! A lot of just flavor text though. Berner: Is that it? I thought we all were putting in the same amount of hours on this; shouldn't the character be at a higher level? Yung: Guys, I want to keep this a positive environment. Let's be respectful toward our colleagues. Finlay: Well, I've been trying to be thorough with things before progressing further. You can see here that I've revealed almost 100% of the available data on every anomaly held in my facility. Also, I've managed to reduce the occurrence of Breach Incidents to nearly zero. Masters: And decorating the place like a finnicky housewife, giving the anomalies and your staff cutesy pet names, giggling like a child after every level up— Finlay: None of that is detrimental to the educational experience! As I was saying, it's not strictly linear progress, but there's still a lot to be learned. Berner: But you can't advance in the game without pushing ahead! Finlay: Do you know how much content that game has? I'm backtracking and I'm still finding new stuff! If only we had a cheat guide for everything in there. Yung: That's a different matter. What about the actual 'containment' aspect of the game? Gary, you've made more progress toward that end? Berner: You bet! Wait until you all get a load of this action. Berner connects his device to the projector. Profile: Gary Berner Character: Gustavo Braga Position: Security Officer EXP: 18000 Statistics: Strength: 10/10 Perception: 5/10 Endurance 8/10 Charisma: 3/10 Intelligence: 5/10 Agility: 6/10 Luck: 6/10 Perks Martial Arts Master (tier 3): Bonus to all unarmed combat encounters. Marksman (tier 2): Bonus to all armed combat encounters. Intimidation: Negates morale penalties in aggressive encounters. Reverses morale penalties in psychological encounters. Discipline (tier 2): Bonus to boosts, and duration of boosts, received from Training Exercises. Berner: Now this is what I call a solid Chief Asset character. Masters: "Intimidation"? "Enhanced Discipline"? Bruh, you know those Perks just mean he's a big scary hardass, right? Berner: They are effective! Look at how many Keter class anomalies my facility is holding down. I've got such heavy duty Breach Response teams, there's almost nothing they don't blast or bash back into containment as soon as they arrive on scene. Finlay: However much further along you are, that still looks like a pretty high number of Staff Casualties to have incurred in your playthrough. Masters: "Ze mann hazz rezervesss…" Heheheh. Finlay: Wonder if that attitude has anything to do with the Morale rating being at Poor, verging on Very Poor? Yung: Guys, I want to keep this a positive environment. Do we have any constructive feedback to offer? Berner: I'm the one who's winning! I don't have to listen to these nerds. I'm done. Yung: Very well. Jake, perhaps you'd like to give us a look at your player profile? Masters: Okay, why not? Masters syncs his device to the projector. Profile: Jacob Masters Character: Eugene Florence Position: Containment Technician EXP: 12000 Statistics: Strength: 4/10 Perception: 10/10 Endurance 7/10 Charisma: 7/10 Intelligence: 4/10 Agility: 4/10 Luck: 6/10 Perks Affable Leandership: Bonus effectiveness for Morale boosts. Reduced penalties on Morale losses. Quality Construction (tier 2): Boosts effectiveness of all physical containment measures. Quality Systems (tier 3): Boosts effectiveness of all electronic containment measures. Masters: Not really much to say about this guy here. I've actually been trying to pick out the Perks that convey the benefits toward the entire facility. A little extra hustle from each and every staffer, a little extra reinforcement on each and every door - this pays off in the long run, I expect. Finlay: Wow, that's a complex layout on your facility map. Masters: Yeah. I built it up over time with lots of expansions. I was trying to keep it fairly modular, but I guess it's still a lot to grasp all at once. Berner: That's what she said! Hi-yyooooooo! Yung: Guys, I want to keep this a positive environment. Let's— Berner: Fine! It was just a joke. Masters: Anyway. So you can see how there's, like, a central hub area here. And then the additional wings and sectors branch off or connect based on what they're meant for. Installing this two-door "sally port" kinda setup at the entrance to high-risk sectors is really good for locking down and isolating a Breach so it can be dealt with— Berner: Jesus! If you've got it all figured out like that, why aren't you even further ahead? Masters: Well, there's maintenance fees and upkeep requirements on each of these systems. So that's why nearly 50% of my Staff are Technicians; and why my budget is constantly on the brink of going into the red. Finlay: So what's the best path then? Which is the best way to run one's facility? Yung: Gosh! A lot of ground covered this morning. A lot of good points raised. I think we can break for a quick 15 minutes here. Coffee and muffins are available, if anyone would like! We'll resume at quarter to ten. A break in the session was held at this time. * * * Addendum 5: Site-15 Internal Security Matter To: Site-15 Director Xavier From: Site-15 Head of Security Chief Bambus Subject: Protocol for Induction of New Staff Sir, I can appreciate that there are some strings attached when it comes to your arrangements with E.A. Yung and hosting this extracurricular program. However, as this Facility's Chief of Security, it is my preferred policy to have all incoming staff screened before they actually arrive and begin duty. Please provide me with more advance notice before any further personnel are transferred in. - Chief R. Bambus To: Site-15 Head of Security Chief Bambus From: Site-15 Director Xavier Subject: RE: Protocol for Induction of New Staff RB, The arrangements with Ms. Yung were strictly for financial and equipment assets; there was nothing mentioned about shifting human resources… Please prepare and send to me an in-depth briefing on this matter immediately. To: Site-15 Director Xavier From: Site-15 Head of Security Chief Bambus Subject: RE: Protocol for Induction of New Staff This could be an issue for us… I've compiled here a list of the previously referred to staff, and the results of the background screenings I sought out. * Security Officer Gustavo Braga * Senior Researcher Dr. F. Myers * Containment Technician Eugene Florence Materially, all of these employees have valid and authenticated Foundation IDs; it's only through scrutiny of their histories and accomplishments that certain inconsistencies become apparent. Any operative is bound to have one or two expunged events in their files, given enough time. But almost none of what's in these files can be reliably correlated to extant mission reports. To: Site-15 Head of Security Chief Bambus, SO Gary Berner, CT Jacob Masters, SR Sarah Finlay From: Site-15 Director Xavier Subject: CODE RED All recipients of this message are to be present in the Site-15 Security Central Control Centre within 15 minutes. This is mandatory. Again, report to Site-15 Central Security Control Center immediately. Presence is mandatory for all recipients of this message. * * * Addendum 6: Site-15 CODE RED Scenario Inside the Site-15's Central Security Control Centre. Chief Bambus is present, bracing Dr. Finlay, SO Berner, and CT Masters for entry to the area. Bambus: Wait right there until I clear this. Berner: You saw the exact same message that we all did. We are supposed to be here! Bambus: Yeah, well I'll be taking that up with Xavier when he gets here. For now, just stand right where you are. Director Xavier enters the room. Xavier: Stand down, Chief. I did want all of us present for this situation; our guests here included. Bambus: Sir, why? Xavier: Show them the dossiers of those suspect personnel. Go ahead, let them see the reports. Bambus spreads open the files on a table. Berner: No way! This can't be. Xavier: I knew I'd heard those names before. Finlay: These are our characters. From that training game. Bambus: Well, I guess we'll see if that helps during questioning. Masters: What? Bambus: These individuals have to be detained. My men are rounding them up right now. Berner: I don't think you should've done that… Security Officer: Chief B! You better come take a look at this. In the according security footage, Security Officer Gus Braga is seen patrolling the halls, whereupon he is confronted by four other members of the Site-15 Security Squadron. Following a brief inaudible conversation, Braga relinquishes his weapon and acquiesces to escort by the Security Squadron. Moments later, Braga physically engages the escorting personnel in a protracted engagement of hand-to-hand combat. Braga ultimately incapacitates all members of the Squadron, then flees the area. Bambus: Damn it! When did this happen? Security Officer: Just a couple minutes ago, sir. Bambus: Track him, pull up a replay; where did he go next? Security Officer: Well, down this corridor and then into one of the general labs. But we lose him in a blind spot, or he's using a disguise. Next time we pick him up again is coming out of a break room in this area of the facility - with another guy, and they both have labcoats draped over their uniforms. Masters: Oh, look at his haircut! That's Florence, that's my guy. Damn, so they are real… Security Officer: One other individual enters Sector 7G right before them. Finlay: That must be Myers! What is that area? Where did they all go into? Security Officer: That's an isolated Testing Wing. They've initiated a lockdown that we somehow can't seem to override from our side… Xavier: Was anyone working in that Sector when this happened? Do we have other staff inside there? Security Officer: Yes, Testing Chamber #2 was reserved by Dr. Carey for this afternoon. He may have one or two Junior Researchers assisting him. Bambus: Shit! Well, bring up the camera feeds, what's happening in there? Security Officer: I can't, sir! Archived footage shows that these three individuals made their way to the Sector's Auxiliary Security Office, from there they must have initiated the lockdown. They've also managed to disconnect all that Sector's monitoring feeds from us here in Central; we can't see anything in there after that point. Masters: It's gotta be Florence. He would find a way to override the systems. Berner: It's only an ASO, they can't have more control than us here in Central! Bambus: Well, they've managed to seal us out. But no, they can't do anything beyond that Sector. The phone lines— Security Officer: Already on it, sir. Patched the system so that all calls to or from that Sector will be redirected to the red line here in Central. Bambus: Good work, son. Finlay: So what now? Let's talk to them! Right? Bambus: Director? How should we handle this? Xavier: Oh Lord… Keep everything low-profile for now. I don't want any of this escalating, if it can be helped. I have to go to my office and make some calls. You control the situation here until I get back. Make use of these three, they'll be most familiar with the anomalies. Bambus: Hmph… Yes, sir. Director Xavier exits. Bambus: Alright, you bunch can sit in as consultants. If I need to consult you, I will let you know. But this is my show, and I will be running lead on this. Finlay: Understood. Bambus: Alright then… Here we go. Bambus dials in to the Sector 7-G Auxiliary Security Office. Florence: Bonjour? Bambus: My name is Roger Bambus, Site-15 Chief of Security. Who am I speaking with? Florence: Ah, the Chief himself. So we're jumping right to the part where I talk to the man in charge. That's good. Bambus: Is this Eugene Florence? Florence: Yes, that's me. You are so stern, so direct - you sound tense. Would it kill you to lighten up? Bambus: This is not a light situation. Florence: That's true. But there's no need to go and make a bad day worse. Bambus: No, nobody wants to see that happen. So how about: we can overlook this little misunderstanding, you and your pals just come on down for the simple talk we wanted to have with you? Florence: Is it a simple little talk you wanted? Don't play around with me. You must know what we are. Bambus: Alright, so I guess we're on the same page then. Well, what happens next? Where do you think you go from here? Florence: We get out, naturally. Bambus: But you didn't just go straight for the exit; you're locked in a warren. Florence: We know what's between those doors and here, we know the odds of running. We need… a clean break. Bambus: So what do you think, we're supposed to just let you walk away? Florence: How about fly away? We want a helicopter; fully fueled up, and no trackers, no tricks. Bambus: That's- Florence: I wasn't finished. The Foundation also holds a number of other anomalous prisoners, compatriots of the Front. They must be released from their respective containments as well. Bambus: Come on now! You should know I can't grant that. Florence: That's why you'll call in an Overseer for me to talk to. And call in a senior Ethics Committee liaison, to witness and insure the deal. Bambus: You think you're in a position to make these demands? What if we just turn on SCP-7401 and delete your files? Won't that put an end to this for us? Florence: Hmm… Unless it was left in the hands of a handsome and trustworthy-looking Containment Technician who, instead of returning it to its proper safe, stashed it somewhere he could get at it later. Bambus: What? No, that's— Florence: Oops! And you won't want to find out what else we might have with us in here. Bambus: Don't go doing anything stupid now. Florence: Do I seem stupid to you? You get that chopper ready for us. You get the Overseer down here, and the Ethics Committee rep. We'll talk again when that happens. Bambus: Come on, don't be a- Florence hangs up the call. Bambus: [sigh] … bitch. Finlay: Pretty crafty, this one. Berner: Is he serious with those demands? Bambus: How could 7401 fall into their hands? Masters: It's the normal protocol for whenever we've used it: we book our appointment, play our session, return the item to Site-15 staff for storage. Finlay: He mentioned other objects too. Bambus: That could be a bluff… But I want a containment technician to run the inventory and verify. Security Officer: I'll put one on it, sir. Berner: How about what he didn't mention? Masters: You mean the Dr. Carey element? Berner: Exactly. He didn't make any threats against them for non-compliance; didn't even mention hostages at all. Bambus: If Carey is sequestered in Chamber #2… They must not even realize… Berner: Well, one less thing to worry about for now. But while that's happening out there, what are we going to do in here? Bambus: There's no chance we're letting all those MLF rogues go loose; no Overseer will even agree to come hear that crap, let alone approve it. Masters: What if you let us try talking to them? Finlay: Yeah. We practically created them, maybe they'll respond to us. Bambus: Hmph… Y'know what? I'll give you a shot. But watch what you say. Don't make any promises to keep, don't reveal anything I don't want them to know. Got it? Masters: Yeah, I can work with that. Leave it to me. Masters dials in to Sector 7-G. The call is picked up, but only ambient sound can be heard. Masters: … Hello? Is anyone there? Myers: … I'm here. Masters: Gene Florence? Is that you? Myers: This is Doctor Myers on the line. Masters: Oh. Are you the one in charge now? Myers: The others are… busy at the moment. Masters: Well that's alright. Maybe we can talk then? Myers: Is this about meeting our demands? You can't have what we asked for already. Masters: Well, I am calling to talk about the demands— Myers: Don't waste my time. Either you get us what we want, or else. Masters: Get what you want… as in, your freedom? Or, the freedom of every other one of these MLF mooks as well? Myers: Our demands are clear. Masters: But why? Before all this happened, you could have just slipped out; all of you were free to leave the Site if you wanted, yet you've all stayed. Myers: Our demands are clear. We are serving our purpose. Finlay: What purpose? You're serving the Front, aren't you? Myers: Isn't that what it looks like? Masters: There must be more to it, though. Was this the plan all along? Finlay: SCP-7401 was intercepted from transit in the mail… Thanks to some chance intel that tipped us off… Berner: This thing basically just fell into our laps, didn't it? Myers: I think you already have the pieces to this puzzle. Finlay: Please doctor, help us understand! Myers: How powerful is the Foundation? Masters: I don't know… a lot? Why does it matter? Myers: And there's a lot of people involved in that situation, right? The people you recruit, the people you prtect, the people you oppress… Berner: The big picture has to include everybody, in one way or another. Myers: And the Foundation has to act as that picture's frame? To define the borders of the canvass, and keep all of it within their bounds, and exclude anything which doesn't fit the scape? What if that "big picture" of yours really was as big as it could be? What if everyone could paint their own scene, without limits? Masters: Why are you bringing this up? Myers: I'm not bringing anything up, I- I'm just talking to myself. What are you trying to bring up? There's nothing I- … I'm sorry, but our terms are definite. We have to do what we're here to do. Berner: Do you, really? Why? Why do you have to? Myers: They need me now. I have to go. Masters: What?! No, talk to me. Myers? Myers! [Sigh] The hell is going on in there? Myers hangs up the call. Masters: Damn. Finlay: Just when we were getting somewhere. Bambus: That didn't sound like anything to me. They're just wasting more of our time! Masters: Maybe they'll call back. Berner: Fat chance… Finlay: They will. The phone rings. An incoming call from Sector 7-G. Masters: Yes. Carey: What? Who is this? Finlay: Who are we speaking to? Carey: This is Dr. Carey; I was trying to dial out to Dr. Humphrey's office. Berner: Carey, my name is Security Officer Berner. Listen to me, you are currently involved in a dangerous situation. Carey: What are you talking about? Bambus: There's a containment breach in effect. But the matter is… complicated… at this time. Carey: Help! Send help, fast! Berner: Calm down, doc. Finlay: As the Chief says, the matter is complicated. Just stay where you are and keep your head down, everything will- Bambus: Everyone be quiet! Dr. Carey, listen to me. Carey: I'm listening. Bambus: We're going to need your help to resolve this situation. To unlock the Sector doors- Masters: Carey, hold the line one sec. Masters mutes the phoneset. Bambus: What are you doing? Masters: What are you doing? We can't get this guy involved in this situation. Bambus: We can, and that's what we're going to do. We finally have access to an asset on the inside, and we can put an end to this crisis within the next hour if this pans out. Berner: To be fair, that's a big "if"; isn't it? Masters: He's got no chance of getting by- Bambus: Enough! Bambus unmutes the phoneset. Bambus: Carey, look: you have to make your way the emergency maintenance panel nearest to your location. If you can disconnect the isolated power backups from within, that should force the Sector back onto our grid and return control to us. Finlay: Be careful. The loose anomalies will seem like Foundation staff, maybe even people you think you know - but you are on your own in there. Berner: Don't be seen by anyone, don't trust anyone. Carey: Oh my… Bambus: You can do this. Once you shut down the battery, we'll retake the Sector and you'll be safe. Carey: Very well then. Dr. Carey hangs up the phone. Masters: That is a risky move to be making. Bambus: And we're in a tight situation. We've tried being reasonable with these… well, … but this isn't going to resolve peacefully. We'll have to be the ones who end it, one way or another. Security Officer: Sir? I don't know how, but one of the Sector's cameras just came back online. Bambus: Which one? What can we see? The monitor broadcasts footage of the central corridor in Sector 7-G. Florence stands in the foreground, smiling and staring directly up at the camera. He points toward the camera, then gestures toward his eyes, then points toward the end of the hall behind himself. Finlay: What the hell? Berner: He says to us 'watch this'… At the distant end of the hallway, Dr. Carey and his assistant are seen emerging from the door for Testing Chamber 2. Seconds after this, Gustavo Braga emerges from the opposite door for Testing Chamber 1. Braga violently apprehends Dr. Carey, then holds Carey's assistant at gunpoint; he forces both parties back into Testing Chamber 2 before entering as well. The phone rings. An incoming call from Sector 7-G. Bambus: You son of a bitch! Florence: Hahahaha! You fucking idiots! I've got this whole Sector under my thumb. The doors, the cameras, and… oh yeah, the phone switchboard. Like I wouldn't notice this happening, really? Finlay: Leave them alone! They aren't a part of this. Florence: Oh, I think that now they are. And if you want to see them make it out of this in one piece, I think you will start taking our demands seriously. Florence hangs up the phone. Berner: Damn it! Masters: Well… Bambus: That's it! Enough playing these games, it's time to act. Masters: Wait, we still have a handle on the situation. Finlay: Please, reconsider. Bambus: No chance. These bastards are now posing a direct threat to staff under my jurisdiction. I'm going to do what I should have done a long time ago. Berner: Sir, I actually do think we're close to getting through with the one— Bambus: I want a Heavy Breach Response Squadron marshaled at that Sector's doors ASAP. We're going to blast our way in and eliminate this threat once and for all. Security Officer: Yes, sir; paging the Response Squadron now. Chief Bambus exits. Berner: This isn't going to end well. Finlay: We still have some time. Let's try once more! Masters: I guess it's worth a shot. Finlay dials in to Sector 7G. Myers: What are you doing? Berner: Are the others there with you? Myers: Why can't you just stop meddling with us? Masters: Florence or Braga, are they in the room? Myers: … I'm alone. Alone as ever. Finlay: We're here, Myers. We're with you in this; talk to us! Myers: You should keep working toward getting what we've asked for. Finlay: But nobody's working on that! There never was going to be a deal. All that talk was only ever about buying more time. Myers: … Which of us is that meant to be a revelation to? Berner: Oh my— we were never stalling you. You were stalling us! Masters: Come on now, just tell us what this is really all about! Myers: It was the system itself all along! Okay? MLF knows what you all are like, they counted on you to test it and play it, until the hook was set. Finlay: Why? To what end? Myers: It has a secret connectivity feature. It was designed to backlink into an MLF network, where they could remotely use it to establish even more influences in your organization. Berner: A whole crop of sleeper agents could be slipped into our ranks, and we might not know until— Masters: Is this true? Are we too late? Myers: No! I mean— well… the console isn't working as it should. Finlay: How? What's wrong with it? Myers: I don't know! This was never how any of this was supposed to play out. You forced our hand, now we're all out of options. Finlay: There's always options! It's not too late for you to make a choice. Masters: You are more than just script; you are real! You can make a real decision for yourself. Myers: It's not so easy as that. Could you do it? Imagine coming face to face with the very thing your whole life has been building towards, and then just backing out. Masters: But that's the point! You were nothing but a tool to them; an old boot to be tossed away once the sole's worn through. What was the MLF ever going to give you? Myers: They- they… We owe them our existence. Without them,we wouldn't even be- Berner: But you're nothing to them! Have you ever even met anyone from the Front? Or is it just an idea of loyalty you were programmed to have? Myers: They've… There's a deal in place. We help them get what they want, and we'll earn our freedom. For the chance - for that freedom to even be possible - they have to succeed. Finlay: It's a trick! They want you to think that way, but it'll only end badly for you. I know it isn't any easier to trust us over them; that this situation isn't simple. But I really do want to help you. Masters: Didn't you say yourself, it's actually all about power? Maybe there are some good people in the Front, maybe they'd actually follow through on freeing you… but there's the other side. The Front is filled with many people, good and bad. Which are going to be the ones to rise, if that time comes? Myers: … Finlay: Whatever their goals are, they won't come without a cost. Conflict, war… The veil extends all around the world! So many people will be caught up in the chaos. Myers: Are you trying to put that on my conscience? Finlay: I want you to understand your choices, to know the significance of what you do next. Myers: We are born into conflict… Is it so hard to imagine that our lives and ideals could all simply exist together? Berner: If only it were as simple as that. Myers: There's always more to things than it seems. Berner: Um, yeah. Myers: From video games to war games… what a world. No matter where'd we go, it's going to be like that. Nothing we can do about without destroying the whole board? Shame, I thought everything was really in the bag. I don't want to give this up, but I don't if I could go forward either… so I'll just take it out of my hands. Masters: Myers? Security Officer: They- they just restored the system's control to us? The lockdown is lifted now. Myers: That's right. Come on down, and show me if your way is really any better. Commotion is heard; the door of the ASO being forced open. Florence: What the hell is going on in here?! Myers, are you talking to…. them? Myers: It's over, Gene. There's nothing we can do that's really going to change the situation now. Just accept that the plan failed— Florence: It hasn't failed! We haven't failed. Not yet… Myers: There never was an out for us! Even in success we were doomed. Florence: Doomed? You idiot. We are bound for glory! Revolutionaries for a new era. Myers: It's a lie! You think that because they never gave you any alternative. Florence: They gave me assurance; commitment. They gave me- wait, the system… What have you done?! Myers: I told you already, it's over. We have a future on the other side of this, if we make the right choice now. Florence: You're obviously blind to what the right choices even are. And a traitor like you has no future. Myers: Gene, put that gun down. The sounds of a scuffle are audible. Myers: Don't-! A gunshot can be heard. Seconds later, another gunshot is heard. Finlay: Myers! Silence. Masters: Is anyone still there? The call from Sector 7G is disconnected. Berner: Shit… What just happened? * * * Addendum 7: CODE RED Scenario After-Action Report Chief of Security Roger Bambus submitted the following report on the subsequent raid of Sector 7G. Myself and the HBR Squadron were placing charges, preparing to breach the Sector. Unexpectedly, the lockdown indicators suddenly shut off and the entry became accessible as normal. Cautiously, we took advantage and opened the main doors. Upon gaining access to the first vestibule, we paused and attempted to surmise the situation inside the Sector. It was during that time we heard gunshots from within, and - fearing the hostages may be in danger - we deployed flashbang and smoke grenades, and then moved into the zone. As we entered into the main corridor, we encountered the anomalous hostile known as BRAGA. In the course of this engagement, the Response Squadron expended over 2,000 rounds of ammunition, while suffering a long list of injuries ranging from minor to critical. (Fortunately no fatalities were incurred, although Officer Mackwood may never walk again.) At the conclusion of this engagement, BRAGA was found to have been fatally wounded. While next sweeping the remaining rooms of the Sector, we came upon Dr. Carey and his Assistant, both of whom were frightened but mostly unharmed. In the Sector's Auxiliary Security Office, our team also discovered both of the anomalous hostiles known as MYERS and FLORENCE. Each of them had suffered severe gunshot wounds, and appeared to be dead or dying. Medical staff would have assumed care at that time, their present conditions are unknown to me. The anomaly SCP-7401 itself was ultimately recovered, and has been placed under stringent safekeeping measures. Footnotes 1. Headed by Executive Administrator Yung. 2. GoI-008, Miracle Liberation Front. A para-terrorist organization staffed by anomalous entities dedicated to overthrowing the Veil and causing a SK-class scenario.
Item#: 7402 Level1 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-7402-1 as seen from DSP-1CDA "Alteco" on 4 Oct. 2019 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7402-1 is to be monitored by Foundation Deep Space Probe DSP-1CDA "Alteco". Should any alteration be observed, Dr. Jôwmang Bingis.Contact Information: e-mail: ten.pcs|signibj#ten.pcs|signibj Senior Researcher, Area-08-C and Dr. Hans Kleber.Contact Information: e-mail: ten.pcs|rebelkbsnah#ten.pcs|rebelkbsnah Senior Researcher, Site-72 are to be notified promptly. Foundation assets implanted in space agencies and astronomy laboratories worldwide are to guarantee SCP-7402-1 remains undiscovered. Images and other forms of data which may lead to external discovery of SCP-7402-1 are to be altered or expunged. Known instances of objects that have been affected by SCP-7402 are to receive SCP-7402-X designation. Investigation of extra-solar space.Region of space outside of the Solar system is to be conducted, seeking other objects that have suffered a WRITHE.See Supplementary Material 7402/1 event. Objects affected by SCP-7402 are to remain unperturbed. No attempts are to be made to alter their orientation or course, and all physical contact is to be avoided. Should a WRITHE event occur on or near Earth's surface, MTF Θ-90 ("Angle Grinders") is to be dispatched to the area. Θ-90 operatives are to assess the object's geometry and possible extra-dimensional interactions, securing the object against such. Containment Update 7402/1 [1 Dec. 2019]: DSP-1CDA "Alteco" is to attempt to locate SCP-7402-1 through remote means, while remaining in its current position in interstellar space. Should SCP-7402-1 remanifest, previous contaiment procedures regarding SCP-7402-1 are to be resumed. Description: SCP-7402 is an anomalous phenomenon capable of "swapping" an object's presence in a spatial dimension and the temporal dimension. Its cause is currently unknown, however, it is thought to arise from interaction with an unknown extra-temporal object. SCP-7402-1 is currently the only known object to have been affected by SCP-7402. Further explanation provided in Supplemental Material 7402/1. Supplemental Material 7402/1: The following material was developed in order to present the current model for understanding SCP-7402. + Open File - Close File SCP-7402 and the Temporal Dimension By Dr. Hans Kleber SCP-7402 is an anomaly that plays with some of our basic concepts of time. As such, it is necessary to go over some fundamentals before understanding exactly what SCP-7402 is and does. We will begin looking at 2-dimensional objects, since it will be easier to visualize the concepts presented. The same theory should apply to 3-dimensional objects. Let us begin with a red circle. Suppose it comes into existence, gradually changes color from red to blue, and then vanishes. This circle exists for a given interval of time. It has a "temporal length", in this case, of about one second. We can then picture this as if this circle were a cylinder, except its length isn't along a spatial axis, but along time. We can now show, within this image, how we, the observer, move through time. That is, at any given point in time, we either see a 2D circular "slice" of the cylinder, of a color between red and blue, or we see no circle at all. We see a 2D object that changes throughout a third dimension, that is time. Thus, we can represent the observer as a plane that "sweeps" through time, and where it intersects with the object, that is what we see at a given point in time. Note that the object does not move through time. It is stationary. The only thing moving through time in this example is the observer, which does so at a constant rate, in a single direction. This direction is what we call the "arrow of time". We have seen what an object in space and time looks like normally. Now, we will explore what SCP-7402 does to an object. Going back to our cylinder, one can think of SCP-7402 as something that 'rotates' this cylinder in such a way that its length is no longer aligned with the time axis, but with the left-right axis. This "rotation" is what we call a WRITHE event. In this model, a WRITHE event is a transformation which occurs to a single continuous object. A consequence of a WRITHE event is that the observer can now see what was previously the object's "temporal length" as its current spatial length. What was once the object's future and past is now its left and right. Another consequence is that what was previously the cylinder's width is now its current "temporal length". What was once its left-right axis is now aligned with the temporal axis. What the observer sees of the object at a given point in time is akin to a "timeline" of a given "slice" of the object. Which "slice" is being seen changes throughout time, going from what was previously the leftmost "slice" of the circle towards what was the rightmost "slice". The following images show, respecitvely: The WRITHE affected cylinder and how it intersects with the observers present The observer's view of the cylinder through time The "slice" of the circle which "timeline" is currently visible to the observer - Close File Discovery: SCP-7402 was first observed at 08:07, 2 Mar. 2019, when Foundation staff at Area-08-C identified a data overload, caused by signals coming from Foundation Deep Space Probe.Foundation Deep Space Probes (DSPs) are part of recent Foundation effort assessment of deep space for undiscovered anomalies, as well as the monitoring of currently known anomalies. DSP-125D "Profundo", which was at the time located in interstellar space at a gravitational equilibrium position. Incoming messages had time signatures dating from the instant of the data surge, up until approximately 400 years in the future. This duration of time appears to be correlated with general operational expectancy of electrical systems on-board Foundation Deep Space Probes. Visual of DSP-125D was established by DSP-1CDA "Alteco". Coinciding with DSP-125D's last reported location before the data surge, a long linear object.Neither extremity of the object was visible. The object appeared to extend indefinitely was identified, and designated as SCP-7402-1. Further exploration of the anomaly was conducted by DSP-1CDA after migration and rendezvous, relocating it within 100 meters of SCP-7402-1. This allowed identification of SCP-7402-1 as an altered DSP-125D, and further understanding of SCP-7402. Addendum 1/7402 [10 Sept. 2019]: Analysis of features seen on SCP-7402 through time indicates that its current "temporal length" after the WRITHE event is approximately that of a year. This suggests that SCP-7402-1 will be completely in the past after a period of roughly one year has elapsed since the WRITHE event. Investigation into possible causes of SCP-7402 is to be conducted within this time frame. Addendum 2/7402 [1 Dec. 2019]: SCP-7402-1 has fully disappeared from view, no longer existing within the present. This event has occurred approximately 4 months before the predicted time. The cause of this is unknown, however an extra-dimensional interaction is theorized to have occurred at the time of the disappearance. Note 7402/1: We are uncertain as to the cause of -1's disappearance. Some propose it was transported somewhere. Others suggest it "moved through time". A third group thinks we simply overestimated its post-WRITHE temporal length. We're unsure what to think, and without -1 around for us to analyze, that is unlikely to change. We may have developed a model that gives us a way of interpreting what we have seen, but in the end of the day that is all it is: a model. We don't see the truth directly, but rather, it is as if we see a sheet that we throw on top of the truth, and the shape it takes on. From that shape we affirm or deny things about reality. It is of little use, however, when little can be said about the shape of things. The cause of SCP-7402 also remains uncertain. As of yet, nothing like -1 had been seen before, and nothing has been found since. Yet, of all possible events could have unfolded, we had the apparent good fortune of having WRITHE occur in a way we could easily discover it, and do so far from prying eyes. Whichever the case, Alteco remains in place, and we continue watching, waiting for whatever or whoever caused SCP-7402 to do it again. - Dr. Bingis « SCP-7401 | SCP-7402 | SCP-7403 »
close Info X … Threat Level: Green Special Containment Procedures: The SCP-7404 slot has been designated the burial site of SCP-7404, and arranged as such. To this end, SCP-7404 has been declassified to the public. Description: SCP-7404 was a hostile infovorous entity that could traverse analog and electronic database systems. When encountered, it generally manifested as a drawing of a mythological hellhound. SCP-7404 was first encountered by the SCP Foundation on the 13th of February, 2010, when it was caught eating the contents of the USNVBR-Site-56 Database backup. Between then and 04/01/2022, SCP-7404 would regularly target the Foundation's data centers, eating as much as it could before detection. It would be contained six times, where it would remain for an average of 6 months before escaping. Unlike most infovores, SCP-7404 was subject to disease and aging. Drawings of SCP-7404 aged as time went on, and from December of 2021 onward, examination of such drawings revealed it to be suffering from hemangiosarcoma.1 On the 4th of January, 2022, SCP-7404 willingly entered containment and established communication with the SCP Foundation. SCP-7404 knew of its condition, and in return for comfort care and future burial, it agreed to cease its hostilities. These terms were accepted on 06/01/2022. SCP-7404 passed away on the 13th of February, 2022. Per its request, it was buried in this file. ADDENDUM SCP-7404 envisioned its grave in a lush garden, full of poppies, flowering cacti, fig trees, and Lily of the Nile. It imagined these gardens teemed with butterflies and honey bees, and that small birds might perch upon the trees to sing pleasant songs to all who gathered. A small pond would cut through these gardens, where koi and pond skaters swam freely about. This garden would be marked with benches and walkways; just enough to relax its guests, but not enough to encroach upon its natural beauty. Visitors would always be welcome, provided they did not disturb this secluded peace. In the center of the garden would stand a mausoleum, locked from within. Visitors may peer through the iron bars of its doors, at the coffin upon which a stone fascimile of SCP-7404 sits with an unknown man in repose; otherwise, they may read the poem engraved upon the mausoleum's four faces: Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. SCP-7404 chose the Tomb of Pacheco as the model of its grave marker. When asked of its significance, SCP-7404 declined to answer. Footnotes 1. A cancer that affects the cell lining of blood vessels, common in canines. « SCP-7403 | SCP-7404 | SCP-7405 »
SCP-7405 (Inactive). Item #: SCP-7405 Object Class: Safe Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7405 is contained in a standard non-humanoid containment cell at Site-18. The cell is to be cleaned bi-weekly from residue left by the entity. Any heat source capable of damaging organic tissue is not to be brought into a 4 meter radius from SCP-7405. These Containment Procedures are scheduled to be updated pending the results of Addendum-03. Description: SCP-7405 is a raw T-Bone steak. With the exception of its inability to spoil, SCP-7405 is virtually identical to other non-anomalous commercially available beef-products. When a substantial heat source enters a 4 meter radius of SCP-7405, the entity will start to move autonomously. SCP-7405 accomplishes this by either using the marbled portions1 of itself to stick onto surfaces or by flipping its entire body continuously towards the heat source. Upon reaching the heat source, SCP-7405 will press its body against it, attempting to cook itself in the process. Separating the heat source from SCP-7405 will result in the latter becoming inactive. Any damage SCP-7405 sustains will regenerate within a span of twelve hours. SCP-7405 was first encountered in West Yellowstone, United States after several chefs had called local authorities. They stated that during preparation, SCP-7405 had moved and escaped through an open window in the kitchen. Class-A amnestics were administered to all relevant parties. SCP-7405 was later recovered near a backroad leading to the outskirts of the city. Addeudum-01: Below is a list of notable tests, incidents and discoveries made in the history of SCP-7405's containment. To access the unabridged list, contact Dr. Heedler. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7405/Containment/Log ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ Date: 03/29/2013 Description: An electric blanket, a heat lamp, and a burning fire pit was placed in SCP-7405's vicinity. SCP-7405 attempted to approach the firepit when researchers extinguished it. SCP-7405 immediately then moved under the heat lamp and rested. Researchers turned off the lamp. SCP-7405 then finally approached and prodded the blanket, then became inactive. Testing concluded Notes: When presented with multiple heat sources, SCP-7405 will always interact with the hottest first. Any heat source incapable of cooking it will be ignored by the anomaly. Date: 04/12/2013 Description: SCP-7405 was brought into Site-18's cafeteria, alongside a frying pan and butter for testing. When the stove was turned on, SCP-7405 suddenly squirmed out of the researcher's hands and interacted with the butter. After smearing it across its body, SCP-7405 inhabited the pan and went still. After some time, SCP-7405 flipped itself over. The experiment was cancelled before SCP-7405 could be fully cooked. Notes: SCP-7405 will maneuver its body to evenly cook itself when possible. Researchers present noted the anomaly exhibited a delectable scent during the test. Date: 04/20/2013 Description: SCP-7405 was given a PowerPoint presentation of various objects on fire to see if they would elicit a reaction from it. SCP-7405 remained inactive until an image of a wildfire was displayed. SCP-7405 twitched, paused, then moved upwards on the wall. The anomaly did not approach the fire but instead rested on the grassy plains of the picture. Notes: This was the first recorded deviation in regards to primary behavior. Tests with similar parameters had yielded inconclusive results. Date: 04/29/2013 Description: After embellishing his plate with foodstuffs from Site-18's annual potluck, Dr. Heedler was about to consume it when he observed his helping of grilled steak discreetly twitching. Dr. Heedler panicked and moved to rise from his seat when SCP-7405 suddenly lunged at him. Attending personnel present managed to forcibly remove SCP-7405 from deep inside his oral cavity, saving him from certain asphyxiation. As indicated by the discovery of trails of myoglobin inside the vents leading from SCP-7405's cell to the kitchen and another raw steak inexplicably placed in the trash, it was confirmed that the object had a higher degree of sentience than initially calculated. Notes: Attempts to communicate with SCP-7405 resulted in failure; all efforts to interview it have resulted in the entity seeking to attack2 or enter the interviewer's oral cavity. Date: 04/29/2013 Description: As SCP-7405 was being relocated to a more isolated temporary holding cell due to the previous incident, the entity managed to escape the custody of the guard transporting it. The entity accomplished this by spraying copious amounts of its fluid directly into her eyeballs, distracting her long enough to quickly enter the trash room and inside the incinerator chute. Foundation personnel were alerted to the situation and performed an emergency shutdown on the device. SCP-7405 was found completely incinerated. However, within a full span of twelve hours it slowly reformed back into its original state. Following its reformation, SCP-7405 was contained in a more secure cell and the guard was reprimanded for minor negligence. Notes: Security footage showed SCP-7405 frequently banging itself against the walls of its cells. Tests beyond this point would cause a sharp change in SCP-7405's behavior, seeking nearby subjects to involuntarily consume it. Dr. Heedler put any testing involving SCP-7405 on hold indefinitely until new amendments to its special containment procedures were made. Date: 05/14/2013 Description: (See Addendum-02) Notes: (See Addendum-02) Addendum-02: On 05/14/2013 Site-18 suffered a moderate containment breach that resulted in a handful of anomalies being freed. All anomalies were recontained with the exception of SCP-7405. After the lockdown was lifted, a Foundation maintenance worker notified Foundation security of what occurred when he sought refuge on the roof. While looking for a place to hide, he witnessed SCP-7405 climbing Site-18's radio communication equipment, resting inside a parabolic dish. As it was being cooked by the heat radiating off the aluminum foil, its scent caught the attention of multiple crows. The crows then proceeded to consume SCP-7405 in its entirety. The crows were later tranquilized and had their digestive systems examined, but no trace of the anomaly remained. Addendum-03: Just before SCP-7405 was declared neutralized, a farmer living on the outskirts of West Yellowstone had made a report to local authorities. The report concerned an anomaly that he had found on his ranch that identically matched SCP-7405's description. Field agents were deployed and reviewed the farm's security footage. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7405/7405-A/Montana ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ Date: 05/14/2013 [BEGIN LOG] [A herd of cows graze or rest in an open field. One cow is wearing a blue collar and is also grazing the grass when a section of its loins bleeds. The cow doesn't respond as a section of flesh detaches from their body, falling to the ground. The cow's wound bleeds profusely when it rapidly regenerates, leaving a T-Bone shaped scar. The cow ambles away.] [SCP-7405 twitches and violently contracts before it stands on its ridges, performing a complete rotation of its body around the field. After a moment, SCP-7405 'hops' excitedly and flips itself sporadically on the grass and scrunching up some dandelions in the middle of its body.] [SCP-7405 then flops itself in a puddle of mud, splashing around vigorously until it spots several cows nearby. The entity jumps from the puddle, rolling and flipping itself in place in full view of the cows. The cows glance at SCP-7405, then resume consuming weeds and dandelions. SCP-7405 attempts to gain the cows' attention again when the sound of a bell is heard in the distance.] [The cows begin to line up at a trough feeder as the farmer pours the feed into the bin. As the cows consume it, the farmer leaves. SCP-7405 traverses and squeezes past the herd and throws itself into the feed. The entity circles around and dives into the feed several times. Due to the stickiness of the mud, it is now covered in bovine feed. It continues this action until it notices a cow with a blue collar at the far end of it.] [SCP-7405's posture stiffens, then it frantically makes its way to the designated cow, bumping into the side of the trough and other cows in the process. SCP-7405 prods the blue-collared cow's snout, gaining their attention. SCP-7405 stands up straight and wiggles in front of the cow, causing the latter to tilt their head. The entity then presses itself against the snout in a manner in resemblance to hugging.] [The cow then sniffs the top of SCP-7405 which is covered in bovine feed and takes a bite. SCP-7405 falls back and twitches uncontrollably. The entity uses one of its edges to feel the top of its head — a huge chunk of its mass is missing. SCP-7405 begins to tremble tremendously as it turns to the cow, who is staring at it and is licking their lips.] [SCP-7405 scrambles to leave the trough but is caught in the bovine's jaws. The entity, now exhibiting signs of panic, tries to escape by squirming around to no avail. The cow chews voraciously until SCP-7405 is consumed.] [After licking their lips, the cow continues to consume from the trough.] [END LOG] During the operation, the Foundation recovered SCP-7405-A, a female cow that shares many genetic matches with SCP-7405. It was discovered that both of the entities were interconnected with each other: Although SCP-7405 is capable of extreme regeneration, it can be terminated if fully consumed by a living being. In the event that occurs, a portion of SCP-7405-A's flesh will detach and become the new incarnation of SCP-7405. The process does not bring permanent harm to SCP-7405-A besides tissue scarring. SCP-7405 was found underneath SCP-7405-A, shivering and scrunching itself into a ball as it was coated in wet herbaceous material.3 SCP-7405-A was transferred to Site-18 alongside SCP-7405. SCP-7405 has since disengaged in seeking sources of heat or breaching its cell. SCP-7405 has also expressed disinterest in being reintroduced to SCP-7405-A. Footnotes 1. Intramuscular fat. 2. SCP-7405's method of attack involves slapping the widest surface of itself against a subject. Subjects typically have their clothing stained with juices but is otherwise left unharmed. 3. It should be noted SCP-7405's secondary property does not work in conjunction with SCP-7405-A, however it has shown to be immune to dissolvement in these conditions.
Your text here. Your text jkkhere.Please login to your SCiP.NET account to access the SCP-7406 article. SCiPNET LOGIN name affiliation 41cca24f5ed07a3a3c36d669cf6862fe_1706540766 Login Login Logout Your text here. Please Wait Scan Of Your Identity Ongoing Activation Of Memetic Kill Agent 7406-RED-99 Welcome Back, Dr John Holland You Can Now Access The Files Listed Below Your text here. Your text here. Your text here. Your text here. Your text here. Your text here. Your text here. Your text here. Your text here. Your text here. Your text here. Your text here. Item#: 7406 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: exsequi Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: danger link to memo object type: Azathoth current status: contained {$class-category-3} {$class-text-3} {$class-category-4} {$class-text-4} Assigned Site Site-88 Site Director Dr Phillip Foster Research Head Dr John Holland Assigned MTF Mu-13 Assigned Site Site-88 Site Director Dr Phillip Foster Research Head Dr John Holland Assigned MTF Mu-13 Your text here. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7406 is to be kept in a 3 X 3 X 3 m airtight steel chamber, in Site-88. A Faraday cage is to be installed against the inside walls of the containment chamber. The use of a Faraday cage has proven ineffective against the entity's electromagnetic waves (See Addendum 7406.2). An infrared CCTV system must be operational in SCP-7406's cell. A toilet stall is to be installed in the chamber. The room is to be equipped with a double-door airlock system. Every 6 months, a member of D-Class personnel must be inserted into the room, since SCP-7406 doesn't consider animals' sanity as a source of food. The member of D-Class personnel is to be fed by an automatic food distribution system, and once the entity becomes psychologically detached from him, he must be evacuated from the chamber via the double-door airlock system. The member of D-Class personnel should then be terminated via lethal injections. Any other intrusion into the room is strictly forbidden. Description: SCP-7406 is a humanoid entity that is completely black, except for its eyes and teeth, which are white. About 2 meters high, SCP-7406 perpetually produces an unidentified black gas around its body, making its attributes hard to discern. SCP-7406 can be seen under infrared lights or by the naked eye of its victims. SCP-7406 feeds on the fear and mental degradation of a subject through stalking, making them afraid and paranoid, simultaneously destroying their mental state. The anomaly follows the same person throughout multiple stages of said stalking. The entity cannot teleport and must have direct visual contact with its next victim to start its stalking process. The stalking is divided into the following stages: Analysis: SCP-7406 determines habits, fears, and remorses it can use against its victim. This process lasts ~7 days, and the entity is currently invisible to the said victim. (At this point, the victim is now known as "SCP-7406-1".) SCP-7406-1 reports feelings of being watched, exponential paranoia, and fear of being followed/obscured SCP-7406 will appear to his victim, seemingly staring at them from afar. The entity will be getting closer with time. If SCP-7406-1 tries to sleep, they might suffer from sleep paralysis and nocturnal terror. This stage lasts around 21 days. SCP-7406 will telepathically communicate voices to its victim. The words utilized by these voices vary from person to person but are always centered on death, destruction, and torment. This stage lasts until the detachment of the entity from its victim. SCP-7406 will cause small but irreversible damage to its victim's optic nerve through a telepathic process. The lesions created will affect the transfer of information between the victim's eyes and visual cortex, forcing horrific and traumatic hallucinations on the victim. These hallucinations include elements of immeasurable violence and [REDACTED]. This stage lasts for 9 days on average and is the last stage recorded. After this last stage, SCP-7406 will have consumed all the sanity of its victim and will begin searching for new victims. The lesions created by SCP-7406 will not be healed, thus making the victims suffer from hallucinations even after SCP-7406's psychological detachment. SCP-7406-1, for its part, will either be pushed to suicide by the destruction of his mental state or will experience multiple inexplicable effects such as: Severe headaches Major tinnitus Sudden panic attacks Symptoms of heavy PTSD and advanced dementia Extreme omnipresent paranoia Subconscious alteration of the subject's vision of reality, so that SCP-7406-1 may no longer recognize certain people close to him, or, on the contrary, associate complete strangers with relatives or friends. Recovery is impossible. Certain victims of SCP-7406 have been identified by the Foundation and have been interviewed by Dr. John Holland, before being administered Class-F and Class-G amnestics, as well as Class-E and Class-C in certain cases, without success. These victims seem to remember their contact with the entity, sometimes noting a tall black figure following them. The reason for the failure of amnestics to remove residual memories of SCP-7406 from SCP-7406-1 is unknown. After 6 months without victims, SCP-7406 will start to emit electromagnetic waves traveling an increasingly exponential distance. The maximum distance that these waves can travel is unknown. Dr. Sylvia Omar theorized that these waves are used by the creature to try to locate signatures of human life. To ensure they don't interfere with Site-88's security systems, a member of D-Class personnel must be sent into SCP-7406's containment chamber every 6 months, via protocol 7406-Delta. _ John Holland's personal. Yeah. That sounds fine.- Hide Journal This is the first time I write a journal. I don't know where to start honestly. I just felt like I needed to write about this, about all of this. Is this really what we are? I know we must ''Secure, Contain and Protect'', but… It's just wrong. That thing. It's wrong. I've seen what it did to those poor souls. Maybe I'm just stressed. I did work a lot recently. Maybe I just need to rest… But if that's what I need, why don't I feel the bravery to do it? I must continue my work. Even if I'm not sure about said work anymore… Can they find my journal? Why would they? They trust me. They trust me… Dr. John Holland John H. Addendum XXXX.1 SCP-7406's Recovery Operation: On March 19th, 1989, MTF Iota-10 ''Damn Feds'' noticed a drastic increase in the number of cases of dementia and severe paranoia recorded by the US Department of Health and Human Services in Montgomery County, Tennessee. MTF Eta-10 ''See No Evil'' and MTF Mu-13 ''Ghostbusters'' were dispatched to the county in search of anomalous causes that would explain this increase. After employing various Foundation technologies to search for anomalous activities for three months1, SCP-7406 was located and documented for the first time by the Mobile Task Forces. SCP-XXXX was spotted with the help of infrared goggles. SCP-7406-1 was identified shortly afterward. See Exploration Log: Exploration Video Log Transcript Date: June 17th, 1989, 0154 hours Exploration Team: Mobile Task Force Mu-13 - ''Ghostbusters'' Area: Montgomery County, Tennessee, United States of America Team Lead: Cmdr. Alfred Hamlin Team Members: Lt. Cmdr. Ray Kemp, Sgt. Evgeni Petrov, Lance Cpl. Adam Stewart, Op. Renaud Lambert, Op. Karl Johannessen. [BEGIN LOG] Sgt. Petrov: What are we even looking for? We've been in this goddamn town for 3 months! Lance Cpl. Stewart: Not to mention we spent these 3 months trying not to be detected more than anything else. Op. Johannessen: Hey. I have an idea. Go the fuck home. Lt. Cmdr. Kemp: Shut it. All of you. Sgt. Petrov: What? Are you enjoying yourself right now, Commander? Lance Cpl. Stewart: It's not like Tennessee was super appealing… Op. Johannessen: The Holston River is pretty peaceful, though. You got to give them that. Lt. Cmdr. Kemp: I know this isn't your most thrilling operation, but how can you not be happy? It's probably the only time you'll have tranquility in your career. Op. Johannessen: We didn't choose this career to have tranquility, Sir. Sgt. Petrov: He's got a point. Lance Cpl. Stewart: Hey, Hamlin! Anything good out there? Team Leader Hamlin: Not for now. Op. Johannessen: What did you expect, Stewart? 0157 hours Sgt. Petrov: Douce France, cher pays de mon enfance… Op. Johannessen: What's that, now? Sgt. Petrov: An old French song. My mother used to sing it to me. Op. Lambert: That's Charles Trenet, right? Sgt. Petrov: Yes, it's him. I forgot you were French for a second. Op. Lambert: How does your mother know Trenet? Sgt. Petrov: I genuinely don't know… Lance Cpl. Stewart: Have we tried the infrared goggles? Team Leader Hamlin: And how about the infrared goggles, Lambert? Are they any good? Lance Cpl. Stewart: Oh, come on, Hamlin. Don't say it like it was your idea. Op. Lambert: Hold on a second… Operative Lambert starts walking around the park, looking all around him. Op. Lambert: Oh, what the hell. Use them goggles, fellas. Sgt. Petrov: It looks like… A black ghost? Anyway, it doesn't seem aggressive, for now… SCP-7406 begins to distance itself from the MTF, seemingly following a man of about 30 years of age, who is 20 meters away from the Mobile Task Force. The man doesn't seem to notice the team. Team Leader Hamlin: He looks extremly paranoid. Is it some proximity effect, or can he see that thing, too? Sgt. Petrov: The entity isn't bothered by us. Maybe we should try to take this guy with us. Op. Johannessen: He's not going to follow us that easily. I suggest we tranq him. Put him in an artificial coma. Lt. Cmdr. Kemp: Good idea. For once. Let's knock him out. Op. Johannessen: Go to hell. [END LOG] MTF Mu-13 tranquilized SCP-7406-1 and making sure that SCP-7406 was still following its victim, safely transported SCP-7406-1, and thus SCP-7406, and its containment chamber. After waking up, SCP-7406-1 traversed the final stages of SCP-7406's stalking, and suffered from the symptoms mention earlier. After making sure that SCP-7406 was no longer psychologically attached to its victim, SCP-7406-1 was evacuated from the cell. With no direct visual contact with another living person, SCP-7406 was trapped and secured in its chamber. The victim was administered Class-F amnestics and interviewed by Dr. John Holland. SCP-7406-1 was then released back into the public while being closely monitored by Mobile Task Force Eta-10. MTF Eta-10 quickly observed that the amnestics had no effect on the victim, and witnessed the subsequent suicide of said victim. Addendum 7406.2 Incident 7406-A-1: At 0300 hours on the morning of December 22, 1989, SCP-7406 started to emit electromagnetic waves with an exponential radius of effect. These waves quickly disrupted the chamber's security system, then the entire site's. At 0330 hours, the site experienced multiple containment failures, and Site Director Dr. Phillip Foster ordered the following LRC request: 88/A/MAGENTA-AMBER. Automated Response Initiative AR-5 was deployed at 0342 hours, moments before MTF Eta-10, MTF Mu-13, and MTF Epsilon-11 were dispatched to Site-88. At 0402 hours, all of the Mobile Task Forces had entered the facility. At 0504, all anomalies were recontained, including SCP-7406. SCP-7406 had left its containment chamber and was pacing the corridors of Site-88, before coming across Dr. Fleming. After detection by MTF Mu-13 of SCP-7406's psychological attachment to the researcher, SCP-7406 was able to be recontained the same way it was first contained, with the unfortunate loss of Dr. Fleming, who was afterward terminated to avoid unnecessary suffering. _ John Holland's personal: Albert Fleming- Hide Journal Albert. Albert Fleming. That's the name their unconsciousness killed. Albert, my friend, I'm so sorry. I could have prevented this. I should have prevented this. I still can't believe you're gone. Just yesterday you were so full of life. ''The unfortunate loss of Dr. Fleming.'' They act like they had nothing to do with his death. They lie to themselves until they believe their own frauds. They act like that thing is the one causing suffering, yet they are blind at how many people they push into its claws for the sake of science. They caused all of this. They think they can control the universe. But when they try to control it, to hold it back, or when they try to get ahead of it, they start to run. And suddenly, they're out of breath. And we're the ones suffering from it. Albert. You're the one suffering from it. Maybe the United Nations were right. I think Bettencourt still works there. Should I? Could I? And even if I did, would he be still there? Would he help? Either my decision will save us all, or it will be a mistake that could not have been more catastrophic. To Fleming, my friend, John. After the incident, Dr. Sylvia Omar and Senior Researcher Dr. John Holland theorized that the electromagnetic waves emitted by SCP-7406 were used by the entity in order to better locate signatures of human life. The use of a Faraday cage to stop these waves has been commissioned by Dr. Holland. The use of a Faraday cage proved to be ineffective and was removed from the containment procedures after a second breach, 6 months after the first one. Since SCP-7406 was now closely monitored, a site-wide containment breach was avoided, the electromagnetic waves having only deactivated the room's cameras before the decision was made to provide a member of D-Class personnel to the entity. Given this situation, Dr. Omar decided to introduce "Protocol 7406-Delta", which consists of introducing a member of D-Class personnel into SCP-7406's chamber every 6 months. A request has been made to build an outpost subordinate to Site-88, which would facilitate the monitoring and containment of SCP-7406. The request is still pending. _ Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message!Encrypted Conversation With: Assistant Director of Security, Site-88 You Have Been Granted With Security Clearance Level 4 To: Senior Researcher John Holland, ten.pics|dnallohJ#ten.pics|dnallohJ From: Asst. Dir. of Security Carlos Gonzales, ten.pics|selaznogC#ten.pics|selaznogC Subject: New Security Measures Surrounding SCP-7406. Greetings, Dr. Holland, You may have noticed the addition of a mandatory connection to SCiP.NET and the use of a memetic kill agent to access the full SCP-7406 article. The decision to implement this was prompted by a recent investigation by Site-88's security department. Following incident 7406-A-1 and its aftermath, the investigators and myself discovered something troubling, to say the least. I've granted you the necessary clearance level in order to gain access to the results of the investigation, so you must remember that the following pieces of information are classified. In short, we believe that the containment breach was not directly related to SCP-7406. After reviewing the security footage of the containment breach, we noticed some sort of small metal device on SCP-7406's back. After consultation with your friend and colleague, Dr. Sylvia Omar, we believe that this device is foreign to SCP-7406 and that it may have originated from a Group of Interest external to our organization. We will soon try to send a member of Class-D personnel on a mission to retrieve said device, and perhaps finally conclude what were the real causes of incident 7406-A-1. For the sake of our investigation, your request to build an outpost subordinate to Site-88 for SCP-7406 will probably be granted in order to access SCP-7406's chamber and to better monitor the entity in the future. In the meantime, any experiment or operation involving SCP-7406 must not take place without my agreement. If I ever need you, I'll be in touch. Best regards, Asst. Dir. of Security Carlos Gonzales Your text here. _ John Holland's personal: Gonzales' email- Hide Journal Omar. My ''friend''. What a disgusting thought. ''They're just Class-Ds''. That's what she kept saying as we sent those poor people into the devil's pit. It never occurred to her that they are FUCKING PEOPLE?? There's another thing that psycho used to say about them. ''Crack your whip and strike your beast. Make the Class-Ds walk or die, but in the name of God, make sure you're ahead of science. All the stragglers who croak will go to the collective grave.'' If we weren't absolved of the law, many of us here would be languishing in prison. At least they'll build the outpost I asked for. Maybe my plan will work after all… I'm drowning a hundred times over in a pool of science and absurdity. Go to hell, Omar. Your text here. Addendum 7406.3 Interview with SCP-7406's victims: Interview 7406-Bravo-1 Interview 7406-Bravo-2 Interview 7406-Bravo-3 Dr. John Holland's Personal Files Interviewed: Mr. Scott Laurier. Interviewer: Dr. John Holland. Foreword: Dr. Holland impersonated an agent of the United States Department of Health and Human Services in order to obtain information about SCP-7406. <Begin Log, 09h35, November 23, 1989.> Dr. John Holland: Good morning, sir. I'm… Dr. Ricky… Fontaine, from the United States Department of Health and Human Services. How are you today? Scott Laurier: Hello… Mr. Laurier looks over his shoulder before responding. Scott Laurier: I'm good. I think. How about you, Doc. Fontaine? Dr. Holland: I'm fine, thank you. For the record, could you please declare your identity? Scott Laurier: This is being recorded? Dr. Holland: Only to be able to manage your file better. Mr. Laurier seems hesitant to respond. Dr. Holland: Don't worry. You're safe here. Scott Laurier: My name is Scott Laurier, but I was called Scotty in high school. I'm 67 and am a retired firefighter. I'm also married. Do you need more? Dr. Holland consults her papers. Mr. Laurier's wife officially died seven years ago. Dr. Holland: Could you tell me more about your wife? Her name was… is Doriane, am I right? Scott Laurier: Yes, that's her name. She's one year older than me. We met in high school. I don't know why I got so lucky, but she was my first relationship, and even after 50 years, I still love her as I did from the start. We actually planned on going to the movies when you'll leave. Dr. Holland: And where is she, now? Scott Laurier: In our room I suppose. She likes to dress up before going to the movies. I like it. Dr. Holland: Was she involved in any… incident seven years ago? In April, I think. Scott Laurier: Well, she had a car crash if I remember correctly. But nothing serious, just a couple of bruises. She spent a day and a half in the hospital before coming home. I decided to play a trick on her that day. Before I went to pick her up from the hospital, I decorated our whole house like it was Christmas. I put up a Christmas tree in the living room and decorated it all over, I put garlands everywhere, I put lights on the balcony… The idea was to make her think she had spent the whole year in the hospital! Dr. Holland: And how did she react? Scott Laurier: Obviously there wasn't much snow left, so she knew it was just a joke. But she loves Christmas, so she was really happy. It was fun for me to do it, and she was happy to see me making her a cup of hot chocolate. Dr. Holland: You really love her, it seems. Scott Laurier: More than you can imagine. Mr. Scott Laurier's wife has been declared officially dead shortly after her arrival at Clarksville Regional Medical Center, following her accident. It seems that Mr. Laurier's memories were later falsified, perhaps by SCP-7406 and its effects. Dr. Holland: So, let's continue our conversation. I was assigned to you because you reported feeling… observed? Can you tell me more about it? Scott Laurier: Well… Mr. Laurier stands up and backs against the wall, seemingly frightened. Scott Laurier: WHO ARE YOU? WHY DID YOU BRING THAT THING HERE? Dr. Holland: Mr. Laurier, calm down. There is nothing in the room with us. You're safe. Scott Laurier: No. NO! It's here. It's looking at me. WHY IS IT ALWAYS FOLLOWING ME? Dr. Holland stands up, approaching Mr. Laurier. He closes his eyes and lies on the floor in the fetal position. Scott Laurier: Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop… Mr. Laurier starts having seizures. He is escorted out of the room by two medical attendants. <End Log, 14h41> Closing Statement: Mr. Scott Laurier has been administered Class-F, Class-E and Class-G amnestics. These do not appear to have any effect. Interviewed: Mrs. Judy Roberts Interviewer: Dr. John Holland. Foreword: Dr. Holland impersonated an agent of the United States Department of Health and Human Services in order to obtain information about SCP-7406. <Begin Log, 17h56, November 24, 1989.> Dr. John Holland: Good afternoon. I'm Dr. Ricky… Fontaine, from the United States Department of Health and Human Services. How are you this evening? Judy Roberts: … Dr. Holland: Is there something wrong? Judy Roberts: Unintelligible Dr. Holland: Could you repeat, ma'am? Judy Roberts: Are you… with that thing? Dr. Holland: What ''thing''? Don't worry, I'm here to help yo… Mrs. Judy Roberts lets out a raucous laugh. Judy Roberts: It's there for me. I know it! I know it since the beginning! Mrs. Roberts stared at Dr. Holland, before smiling at him. Dr. Holland: Mrs. Roberts, are you all right? Mrs. Roberts doesn't respond. Subject is seen jumping on Dr. Holland in an attempt to strangle him. Two medical assistants storm into the room and restrain Mrs Roberts. She is removed from the room. Dr. Holland: *Cough* …What has this thing done to her? <End Log, 18h02> Closing Statement: Mrs. Judy Roberts has been administered Class-E and Class-G amnestics. These do not appear to have any effect. Interviewed: Mr. Andrew Lance Interviewer: Dr. John Holland Foreword: Dr. Holland impersonated an agent of the United States Department of Health and Human Services in order to obtain information about SCP-7406. <Begin Log, 13h24, November 25, 1989.> Dr. John Holland: Hello, sir. I'm Dr. Ricky Fontaine, from the United States Department of Health and Human Services. How are you doing? Andrew Lance: I'm fine, thanks for asking. Dr. Holland: Would you mind declaring your identity? For the record, that is. Andrew Lance: Why? Are you saying that because you actually care about my identity, about who I am, about what I've been through? Or do you ask just to get your paycheck after this interview? Dr. Holland: I ask so we can organize your files better, which will make it easier for us to understand what you lived. Andrew Lance: Andrew Lance. 26. Are you with that thing? Dr. Holland: What thing, Andrew? Andrew Lance: That black thing. It was always following me… Dr. Holland: Could you extrapolate a bit more, please? Andrew Lance: He was everywhere. He was everything. He was… Mr. Lance suddenly stops talking. His pupils seem to dilate. Dr. Holland: Mr. Lance? Mr. Lance! Andrew! Dr. Holland starts snapping his fingers. Mr. Lance isn't responsive. Dr. Holland: Andrew! I'm here with you, you're safe. Mr. Lance starts screaming and stands up. He stops screaming and starts to back up. Dr. Holland: Are you okay Andrew? Mr. Lance's pupils return to their normal condition. Mr. Lance looks at Dr. Holland, seemingly confused. Andrew Lance: What happened? I was just sitting on that chair… Dr. Holland: You have had… an absence… Does this happen often to you? Andrew Lance: I… I don't kn… Mr. Lance faints. He is taken out of the room by two nurses. Dr. Holland: We need to get a way to help those people to forget about that thing… <End Log, 13h32> Closing Statement: Mr. Andrew Lance has been administered Class-F, Class-C and Class-G amnestics. These do not appear to have any effect. You have identified yourself as: Holland, John. You may now have access to the following files: I cried after these interviews. A lot. To think that this thing is still alive makes me sick. I'm not part of the SCP Foundation anymore. I'm still getting paid by them, for now, but… It's not the same. I smile in spite of myself, the disguise of joy that I wear to hide the shame I feel for my work makes me think of a poor clown suffering from weariness. My superiors play the divas, the tenors of stupidity. My mouth wouldn't dare tell them all my secrets, my painful tragedy. Because the cause of all my torments, this organization, is too powerful. We warm her up with kisses and pull her pillows up. But one day she will die. She will die, just like the horrors she refuses to eliminate. They are to preoccupied with wether they can and never stopped to consider wether they should. And yet, there are so many tears and distress in it, that it will never, ever, ever really leave us. Fleming. You were to most loyal to this Foundation. So please forgive me for what I will do. But I must do it. To stop this thing, and help these people. I've made my decision. I will flee, leaving my past behind, without remorse. The GOC is my only option, I must contact them. Former Senior Researcher John Holland ID aae1855bf0f5a1b1953606e2ba99ad81_1706540766 PASSWORD 66dc62623dda6f58a62cb996aa55f071_1706540766 Your text here. Your text here. Your text here. Login! Your text here. Your text here. Footnotes 1. Such as the use of a Scranton Reality Anchor, which had no effect whatsoever. Your text here. Your text here. « SCP-7405 | SCP-7406 | SCP-7407 »
Item#: 7407 Level2 Containment Class: neutralized Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: none Risk Class: none link to memo SCP-7407-1 instances on SCP-7407 with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. Special Containment Procedures: The following procedures are no longer considered applicable or effective to the referenced anomaly. On 10/24/2022, SCP-7407 was neutralized by SCP-7407-2-15A with no aid or authorization from the Decommissioning Department. Any attempts to recover SCP-7407 have been unsuccessful. No communication with previous SCP-7407-15-B subjects1, specifically SCP-7407-15B, should be conducted. Due to SCP-7407's immobile nature, a small security (Σ-01) and research outpost (Σ-02) were constructed <1km from SCP-7407. Due to its effects, SCP-7407 was not to be contained and was able to be approached and interacted with by the public. Direct interaction with SCP-7407 was permitted only for the purpose approved by on-duty administration; personal use for gain was never authorized. The area was to be monitored by security staff, and any authorized individual who engaged in research and/or interaction with SCP-7407 was fitted with a remote-controlled transmitting device that could be activated from Outpost Σ-01. MTF Pi-1 ("City Slickers") was provided Clearance Level 2/7407 for the purpose of successfully retrieving and terminating any SCP-7407-2 subjects. Description: SCP-7407 was a rusted metal fence located in the Battery Spencer overlook in Sausalito, California. It exhibited no visual anomalous properties and showed signs of oxidation and decay. Furthermore, previous attempts at damaging or cutting the links of SCP-7407 proved successful. Attempts to relocate or damage SCP-7407 caused extreme guilt and anxiety in affected subjects, followed by death, as shown by neurological activity in the prefrontal cortex with the addition of takotsubo cardiomyopathy ("Broken Heart Syndrome") found through autopsy. On it, several padlocks (designated as SCP-7407-1 instances) were attached to its metal links. Once a padlock, then designated SCP-7407-1, would attach itself to one of the links, it would become insusceptible to damage. When an individual placed an ordinary padlock onto one of SCP-7407's links, with their and another individual's initials carved into the side, a series of events would transpire that depended on the relationship between the two people (designated as SCP-7407-2-XA and SCP-7407-2-XB). If the two individuals both expressed feelings of affection towards each other, there would be no rupture to the relationship. In the event a person (-B) did not possess genuine affection for the other individual (-A), the SCP-7407-2-B subject would've slowly begun to fall in love with the SCP-7407-2-A instance, eventually leading to psychopathic behavior. SCP-7407-2-B would also exhibit anomalous behaviors (in certain circumstances), such as inhuman speeds, reflexes, strength, and flight. Removing the link(s) that SCP-7407-1 was attached to did not remove SCP-7407's abilities on the SCP-7407-2 subjects, thus, the only way to reverse its abilities would be to find the key and unlock SCP-7407-1. Attempts to pick the lock or use other conventional methods also proved unsuccessful. SCP-7407 Addendums Listed below are logs, audio recording transcripts, and other information pertaining to SCP-7407 that do not fit above. Experiment Logs Retract Experiment Logs Experiment Logs Purpose: Determine the extent and purpose of SCP-7407. All experiments were conducted with subjects of mixed backgrounds, which included but were not limited to age, ethnicity, and previous sexual history. Listed below are only starred experiments for future research and/or investigations due to brevity: Experiment 1 Subjects: John Karoke (21) and Brooke Lovrin (20). Both individuals did not have any previous romantic partners. Result: John (-1A) and Brooke (-1B) approached SCP-7407 on September 10th, ████ and carved out their initials on a padlock. They then attached the padlock to SCP-7407 and threw the key into the bay. It is worth noting that post to their placing of the lock, their relationship had been in a very good state. John and Brooke married a few days later after attaching their padlock to SCP-7407. Experiment 4 Subjects: Martina Vanderbill (19) and Caleb Stine (19). Both individuals had previous romantic relationships Result: On January 2nd, ████, Martina Vanderbill (-1A) drove to the Battery Spencer Outlook and engraved both her and Caleb Stine's (-2B) initials into a padlock. She then attached the padlock to SCP-7407 and threw the key into the bay. She then drove home and received multiple calls and text messages from Caleb for opportunities to talk and possibly have a relationship. Undoubtedly accepting, Martina and Caleb began dating until the night of January 4th, when Caleb was arrested for sneaking into Martina's girls-only dorm room and sleeping next to her, causing a major disturbance through bashing and screaming. Caleb Stine was later shot and killed by local officers after breaking through his jail cell walls and severely injuring two (2) stationed police guards. Experiment 7 — [Unauthorized] Subjects: Sameh Elsidi (34). No previous sexual history. The second subject is unknown at this time. Result: On February 14th, ████, Junior Researcher Sameh Elsidi was found frantically sobbing and shaking in a janitorial closet in Outpost Σ-01. Once calmed down, they were questioned and put into quarantine for further analysis. During further investigation, they admitted to using SCP-7407, but a few hours after placing the lock on SCP-7407 they received no phone calls or messages from their supposed subject (which he did not give any detail about). After the investigation was concluded after a period of three (3) days, it was theorized that if an SCP-7407-A subject does not have a true sense of affection towards a subject, the SCP-7407-B subject will not reciprocate the same emotions. Due to this, Elsidi could not deal with the fact he didn't truly love the individual, and emotionally broke down. Experiment 15 — [Incident 7407-A] Subjects: Researcher Alex Mavery (25) and Eleanor Cameron (22). Alex Mavery did not have any previous romantic relationship(s), besides Ms. Cameron. Eleanor Cameron was involved in several relationships. Result: Researcher Mavery (-A) requested authorization to use SCP-7407 to see the effects it would have on former partners. Approved by the Ethics Committee and Head Researcher Dr. Jackal in November ████, ████, Researcher Mavery carved his and Eleanor Cameron's (-B) initials on a padlock and attached it to SCP-7407. Immediately a few hours later, Researcher Mavery began receiving messages and phone calls from Eleanor Cameron (-B), filled with apologies and signs of affection. A few days later, the experiment ended with the death of Researcher Alex Mavery and the neutralization of SCP-7407. More information pertaining to Experiment 15 is located in unclassified Incident 7407-A. Attached Note: _ + First Interaction- Hide Log Summary: On November ████, ████, Researcher Alex Mavery attached SCP-7407-1 to SCP-7407 with his and Eleanor Cameron's initials. A few hours later, Eleanor calls Alex and arranges a time to meet at his apartment. Below is the audio transcript pertaining to their first interaction since SCP-7407: <Begin Log> Faint footsteps can be heard in the background as the sound of a door quickly opens and bangs shut. A slight feminine giggle follows. SCP-7407-2-15B: Oh my god, it's been so long! How are you? SCP-7407-2-15A: I'm doing great. It's so good to see you. The microphone scratches for a short period of time, indicating physical contact. SCP-7407-2-15B: I… don't know what to say. All I know is… I'm sorry… sorry for everything. (Sobs) I didn't mean to forget you. That was the worst th- SCP-7407-2-15A: Shh, it's ok, that's in the past. Here, come sit. Let's talk for a bit. Material scratches against the microphone as quiet sobbing follows. SCP-7407-2-15B: I don't know what's happening. I have never felt this feeling before… ever. What has gotten into me? SCP-7407-2-15A: Do you remember the time we met? SCP-7407-2-15B: (Sigh) Of course. It's almost like it was yesterday. SCP-7407-2-15A: The beaches of Lake Tahoe. I was with my friends, and you were with yours, and once I saw the sparkle in your eyes… I knew you were the one. (Pauses) I forget… it was who that left us there? SCP-7407-2-15B: (Moans) Ugh, that stupid taxi. We told them to wait a few minutes, but they drove off without us because we didn't leave any tip. At least our hotel was a mile away, and we could walk there. (Chuckles) Too bad the rest of our group was unathletic and could barely walk five steps. SCP-7407-2-15A: Remember how Simon was breathing? We almost called the ambulance because we were afraid he was going to collapse. Both instances laugh as a period of silence follows. The only audible noise was the heartbeat of SCP-7407-15A. SCP-7407-2-15A: You asked me to take pictures of you walking along the beach. You knew you were stunning and didn't take a second to stop. I can remember your smile and the way the sun reflected along your strawberry-blonde hair… I thought we were something then. (Pauses) I just don't know what I did wrong. SCP-7407-2-15B: (Abrupt) No! You didn't do anything wrong… it was all me. Y- A knock on the door echoes throughout the room. Someone shuffles and begins to walk towards the noise. A door opens and the sound of radio static can be slightly heard. Agent Bennet: Hey, Alex… I see you have company. SCP-7407-2-15B: (Cold) Who are you? Agent Bennet: Officer Bennet of California Highway Patrol. I just wanted to stop by and see how my friend is doing… in private, if we may. SCP-7407-2-15B: … go ahead. The door shuts as the droning noise of a faulty light can be faintly heard in the background. Agent Bennet: (Barely audible) She's most likely trying to listen right now so I would suggest keeping your voice down. SCP-7407-2-15A: Is there a problem? Agent Bennet: Dr. Jackal is requesting the experiment to close. I'd suggest getting the key and unlocking your padlock… now. SCP-7407-2-15A: I… I can't do that, Bennet. I've finally got my wish. Agent Bennet: Alex, you are playing with fire here. We won't be able to stop this if it gets too far. (Stern) You know what happened in Experiment 4. SCP-7407-2-15A: You have no idea how much I've prayed for this. Is it just by coincidence I was placed into this project? This has to mean something, no, this is something. I know it. Agent Bennet begins to say something but the door beside them abruptly opens. SCP-7407-2-15B: You love birds done yet? Agent Bennet: (To Alex) Just… make the right choices. (Pauses) I'll see you tomorrow, same time, ready to go. SCP-7407-2-15A: Alright, until then… Heavy footsteps walk away from the microphone as the ding of an elevator is faintly heard. The door shuts and someone sighs sharply. SCP-7407-2-15B: What was that about? SCP-7407-2-15A: Nothing. Are you hungry? SCP-7407-2-15B: (Giggles) Starving. <End Log> Interview Log 7407-2-15A Retract Interview Log Interview Log 7407-2-A Date: November ██, ████ Interviewee: Researcher Alex Mavery Interviewer: Dr. Jackal Notes: SCP-7407-2-15A, Researcher Alex Mavery, was brought in for questioning due to frantic phone calls for help to SCP-7407 security. They have been recovered an hour prior to the interview and have been cleared for questioning by an on-site psychologist. Further investigations are to be initiated immediately. <Begin Log> Dr. Jackal: Please identify yourself. SCP-7407-2-15A: (Incoherent muttering) I… love her. Dr. Jackal: Sir? Do you know who you are? Your name? SCP-7407-2-15A: (Looks up at Dr. Jackal) My… my name is Alex Mavery. B-Born on May 16th… 1998. Dr. Jackal: That's good. Just to inform you, if at any point you feel uncomfortable, sick, anxious, or experiencing any other negative emotions, please let me know. (Sighs) We'll begin light. How are you feeling? SCP-7407-2-15A: I… I don't even know how to describe this. This feeling of emptiness no matter what I do… it just doesn't go away. Like something is missing deep within my chest. Dr. Jackal: When was the first time you felt that way? SCP-7407-2-15A: I don't remember ever feeling anything different. Dr. Jackal: Do you know why you're here? Why you called us? Did -15B int- SCP-7407-2-15A: Don't call her that. Dr. Jackal: Sorry… did Eleanor interact with you at all? Is there any reason why you would have trouble remembering what happened a few hours ago? SCP-7407-2-15A: (Hesitates) She… (sobbing) It's like I can't… I can't live without her… but she isn't herself. I don't know what that fucking thing is… but it is not her. It's not my Eleanor. Dr. Jackal: I understand Dr. Mavery, but could you tell me what she did? SCP-7407-2-15A: (Stares at his feet) I was stupid. I allowed myself to be fed a lie. Dr. Jackal: I understand you're troubled right now, but you have to be clear with me. We can't help you if you don't talk with me. What happened tonight? SCP-7407-2-15A: (Looks up) She… she was in my room, Doctor. She came in through the window… on the twenty-first floor. She climbed… to the top. (Sobbing) She wouldn't let me go. She didn't stop. She didn't even flinch when I fucking stabbed her in the throat. Oh… god. Please, Simon… I want this to stop. Dr. Jackal: You should've stopped it when I told you to… now you have no idea where you put the key. Silence fills the room for seventeen seconds until Dr. Jackal clears his throat. The door to the interview room opens as Agent Bennet steps inside and closes the door behind him. Dr. Jackal: Is there anything else you'd like to add before concluding this interview? SCP-7407-2-15A: Do you ever look up at the sky and think about how small you are? Dr. Jackal: … No, not really. Why? SCP-7407-2-15A: (Slight chuckle) We're just small… things… specks in a night sky, yet, we have the powerful ability to love. I find it so cruel to let people love you. All you are doing is promising you'll one day break their hearts when you die. Silence fills the room as the only audible noise is the ticking of a clock. Dr. Jackal: (Sigh) For now, Alex, that key is our number one priority. (Looks behind him) Agent Bennet will escort you back to your residence. SCP-7407-2-15A: W-What? No… No, I… I can't go back there. You can't make me go back there! Please, you have to l- Dr. Jackal: This isn't a housing facility, Alex, I don't have anywhere to put you. We'll have security monitor your apartment, and tomorrow you'll go and unlock your padlock with Bennet. Find the key. SCP-7407-2-15A stands up in a rage state and heads to the door, pulling it open and then exiting swiftly. Dr. Jackal: The kid is distressed, Agent, I don't know what to do to help him. Make sure he gets home safe and stays there. Agent Bennet: Will do, Doctor. <End Log> Incident 7407-A Retract Incident-A Log Incident 7407-A Summary: ~16 hours after Interview Log 7407-B occurred, SCP-7407-2-15A, Alex Mavery, SCP-7407-2-15A, neutralized SCP-7407. Knowing the whereabouts of SCP-7407 as well as its vulnerability, SCP-7407-2-15A stole a nearby CAT© D2 dozer, slammed into SCP-7407, and brought himself down with SCP-7407 into the bay. As confirmed through autopsy, the subject died of "a broken heart" before they were suffocated and encased by debris. The event is transcribed below with a call to Eleanor Cameron (-15B) as well as a call to Agent Bennet2. <Begin Log> At this time, SCP-7407-2-15A contacted through phone call SCP-7407-2-15B as she immediately answered. SCP-7407-2-15B: It's so good to hear from you. Where a- SCP-7407-2-15A: Eleanor, where's the key? SCP-7407-2-15B: What do you mean, honey? SCP-7407-2-15A: I said where is the damn key! SCP-7407-2-15B: That silly old thing? I swallowed it. SCP-7407-2-15A: When? SCP-7407-2-15B: Does it really m- SCP-7407-2-15A: I said fucking when! SCP-7407-2-15B: While you were too busy talking to that man, I found it. I knew the only thing keeping you and me apart was that key. It's official now, sweety, we can be together… forever. Isn't that what you wanted from me? SCP-7407-2-15A: N-No… I- SCP-7407-2-15B: You can't find anybody like me… I'm the only one that figured you out. Stop trying to hide from me. SCP-7407-2-15A: Eleanor… what has gotten into you? SCP-7407-2-15B: Alex… I need you to tell me where you're going right fucking now. I will eventually find you. You can't just run aw- Call to Eleanor is ended and Alex dials Agent Bennet's phone number. Agent Bennet: California Highway Patrol, this is Officer Bennet. Who am I speaking with? SCP-7407-2-15A: (Heavy breathing and sobbing) Alex… Mavery. Bennet… please, you… you gotta help me. At this time, Agent Bennet dispatches Pi-1 unit to SCP-7407 and to Alex's location. Agent Bennet: Shit. Alex, are you ok? Are you hurt? SCP-7407-2-15A: N-No… I… I don't… (sobbing) I can't stop her. Agent Bennet: You'll be ok; help is on the way. Just sit tight. SCP-7407-2-15A: (Pauses) The whole ride I was thinking… thinking about that day. The day I decided to use that fucking nightmare of a fence. (Pauses) I knew I was not strong enough, not smart enough, not good-looking enough. There are other guys better than me in every way possible. I thought maybe… just maybe… if I use this opportunity things will change. Agent Bennet: And they did Alex, you got your wish. Although it wasn't the outcome you wa- SCP-7407-2-15A: This is not what I wanted… I never asked for this. I never asked for this to happen to her. The day I sat there waiting for my turn like she was some fucking toy. I thought that she loved me, and I developed hope again. She started talking to me, and for once I thought somebody actually gave a shit…. but I know… (Pauses) I know it's all a fucking lie. I can't look her dead in the eye anymore…. there isn't a spark. After… (quiet sobbing) all those years… of having that same repeating cycle of r-rejection, this… this is no better. A period of silence interrupts SCP-7407-2-15A as he starts laughing to himself. SCP-7407-2-15A: It's getting to the point where I'm wondering what it's gonna take for me to find someone. I've gone this long never having feelings for someone, and the first girl that I fall for doesn't truly feel the same way about me. Is it that fucking hard to find someone to love? Agent Bennet: Listen, you'll be alright. Can you tell me you're safe? Where are you going? SCP-7407-2-15A: I'm going to end it. Agent Bennet: Alex, what are you talking about? SCP-7407-2-15A: That stupid fucking fence. That's the thing that's causing all of this shit. I'm going to take that fucker down if it's the last thing I do. I'll take it down with me if I need to. Agent Bennet: Alex, we don't know what will happen if you do that. Don't do something that you'll regret. SCP-7407-2-15A: Shut the fuck up, Bennet! You have no idea what I'm going through. The love of your life chasing you and trying to kill you? You don't know anything! Agent Bennet: Calm down. Stop the car; we can talk. We can help you. SCP-7407-2-15A: (Nervously chuckles) I'm not in no car, Bennet. Remember that dozer by Outpost Σ-01? Agent Bennet: Alex. Please… don't do this. Don't go down like this. SCP-7407-2-15A: Fuck, Bennet, what do you want me to say? Agent Bennet: I don't need you to say anything I just need you to stop fucking driving. You're not thinking straight, and this can easily be resolved. SCP-7407-2-15A: All I wanted was someone to think of me more. Maybe… maybe I just don't know love yet… maybe I don't deserve it. Agent Bennet: You do, and you can still have it. We can work it out and fix this. There is no problem too big for us to fix. All I need you to do is, Stop. Fucking. Driving. SCP-7407-2-15A: It's not fair… It's not fair to her. I got her into this, and I need to get her out. Just tell her I loved her… please. Agent Bennet: Ale- [Call Ended] <End Log> Closing Statement: After Mobile Task Force Pi-1 arrived on the scene and discovered SCP-7407 and SCP-7407-2-15A at the bottom of the bay, Agent Bennet resigned as an agent for personal reasons. Several days after Incident 7407-B, multiple instances of SCP-7407-1 previously attached to SCP-7407 were discovered on shore. During examination, all initials were scrubbed out, and the padlocks were opened despite previously being attached to SCP-7407. Based on this information, SCP-7407 was determined to be neutralized, and its containment level was updated. The staff of Outpost Σ-01 has been transferred to other Foundation projects, but a small team of security personnel stationed at Σ-01 will continue to monitor the crash site and report any findings to Dr. Jackal. SCP-7407-2-15B is not to be interviewed. Unnamed Addendum Retract Addendum Unnamed Addendum Date: December 1st, ████ Interviewee: Dr. Jackal Interviewer: EC-██ Notes: Prior to Incident 7407-B, EC-██ interviews Dr. Jackal for the official close on the SCP-7407 project. Below is an audio transcript of the meeting. <Begin Log> Dr. Jackal: Alright, well, good morn-, ah… I see you've already started getting yourself started. EC-██: Sorry about that, doctor. As you see, I'm in a bit of a rush. Dr. Jackal: No problem; I get that. We all want this to be put behind us. Dr. Jackal hands over a folder containing all the information on SCP-7407. EC-██ goes through them, verifying their contents, then stamping them with the word neutralized on the front cover. EC-██: (Mutters) Shame this piece of shit couldn't be moved to a proper facility. It caused a lot of destruction in more ways than one. Dr. Jackal: Did you know that Ms. Cameron was a civilian? EC-██: (Stops stamping) Pardon? Dr. Jackal: Did you know that Ms. Cameron was a civilian when they authorized Experiment 15? EC-██: Did I have any knowledge that your researcher would lose the key? No, I didn't. Now, please, let me fin- Dr. Jackal: (Slowly raises voice) You bastards only care about hiding this under the rug when it was all because of you! EC-██: (Pauses) Let me remind you that it was your staff that came to us, not the other way around. (Continues stamping) Please, doctor, there is blood on both of our hands, but at least I've made an effort to clean mine. Dr. Jackal: So then, are you blaming me for the outcome of Experiment 15? EC-██: (Raises voice) This isn't an interrogation, and nobody here is facing punishment from the Overseers. I'd like to keep it that way. Dr. Jackal: (Soft) People have died because of this… and you're treating it as if it's some minor inconvenience. (Raises voice) For God's sake, you represent the Ethics Committee! EC-██: If you haven't noticed yet, everyone in this organization knows a little about tragedy and sacrifice. It's part of the job. Maybe you've forgotten that you're not the only one. Dr. Jackal: Do you not know what it means to lose somebody that you love? EC-██: Not everybody is prone to those sentiments, especially those working for the Foundation. (Pauses) Maybe leaving someone for the greater good of humanity can mean love, (Chuckles) but what do I know? No one can accurately define it, (Points to folder stamped Neutralized) but that thing did. EC-██ puts all the documents in the SCP-7407 folder and stands up. He fixes his tie and begins to walk toward the door. Dr. Jackal: (Raises voice) Is that all you have to say? You and your committee just wave around a stamp, and when people get hurt you cower behind the overseers? (Stern) Everybody is right about you. Your people are a joke. EC-██ begins to grasp the door handle, but he releases his grip and looks back at Dr. Jackal. EC-██: We've both made grave mistakes here, and I won't blame you for being upset, but nobody wanted anyone to die. (Paues) My condolences go to your researcher, but I'd suggest stop trying to pin this on someone else and find a way to forgive yourself. (Looks at Dr. Jackal's hands) Enjoy your coffee. EC-██ leaves the room as the door loudly shuts closed. Dr. Jackal lies silent in the room for a long period of time before ending the recording. <End Log> Closing statement: After the meeting, Senior Researcher Simon Jackal has been transferred back to his original facility where he awaits future projects. With the SCP-7407 file closed, no further addendums or edits will take place unless SCP-7407's object class changes. Footnotes 1. The following note has been recovered from SCP-7407's Head Researcher, Dr. Jackal, personal records which were approved as an important reminder for personnel: Just leave them be… they don't need to be reminded of the past. 2. Head of Outpost Σ-01 security « SCP-7406 | SCP-7407| SCP-7408 »
SCP-7409. Close-up captured by Phoenix. Item #: SCP-7409 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7409 is to remain in its location of discovery. Due to the remoteness of this location, further containment is unnecessary. Description: SCP-7409 is a single white lily (lilium candidum). SCP-7409 bears visual resemblance to domesticated lilium candidum found on Earth; however, the object is located approximately 700 million light years from Earth. This location is notable for being at the approximate center of the Boötes Void1. SCP-7409 was discovered during a routine patrol of its surrounding area by unmanned Foundation drone Phoenix. Once Phoenix encountered SCP-7409, it switched itself to manual control mode and awaited further instructions from ground control. Upon seeing the object, ground control noted a desire to "leave it alone", which they identified as a minor compulsion effect. Despite this, the team instructed Phoenix to attempt to retrieve a sample of SCP-7409. When the drone came within 1 kilometer from SCP-7409, its propulsion jets abruptly lost power. Phoenix's momentum was still able to carry it to the object. However, the drone was unable to collect it or retrieve samples from it; indeed, SCP-7409 appeared to have been "anchored" to its location by an undetectable force. Phoenix's jets returned to normal functionality after photos of the object were taken, and ground control directed it back towards its routine patrol. The area surrounding SCP-7409 contains several large clouds of small particles, later identified as lilium candidum pollen. The volume of these clouds is consistent with 16.2 billion years of pollen production. Footnotes 1. A region of space containing very few galaxies, approximately 330 million light years in diameter. Colloquially referred to as the Great Nothing. « SCP-7408 | SCP-7409 | SCP-7410 »
Item#: 7412 Level2 Containment Class: pending Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: pending Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: The responsibility of undoing the changes caused by SCP-7412 has been relegated to the Department of Tactical Theology. As of writing, SCP-7412 is scheduled to be retroactively nullified on January 13th, 2024. Description: SCP-7412 refers to a sudden, universal CK-Class Event that occurred on January 12th, 2023, at 17:22:58 EST. After cross-referencing with Deepwell Archives, it was determined that the only change caused by SCP-7412 was the retroactive alteration of causality to add exactly one minor holiday to every extant religion. Holidays retroactively created by SCP-7412 — henceforth SCP-7412-1 — each have varying practices and customs consistent with their corresponding religions. However, despite each having their own distinct cultural rituals, SCP-7412-1 instances seem to follow a few key similarities: The holiday will have little overall impact on the extant religion or the course of history, but will still be acknowledged as a unique celebratory event. The holiday will involve some form of victory or success where a situation appeared hopeless or impossible, often through the form of a miracle. The holiday's practices involve celebrating a spiritual leader, some form of game played for monetary or faux-monetary gain, or the construction of a yurt. The holiday occurred on January 12th, 1968, the birth date of Site-666 Director Randall House. SCP-7412 was discovered following mass-desynchronization of CK-Class Scenario Detectors (CSDs) from their extra-universal counterparts, indicating a restructuring event had occurred. Shortly thereafter, various Exclusionary Sites confirmed consistent reports that reality had been altered retrocasually; analysis revealed roughly 640 pages of archives came into existence with the CK-Class Event, most relating to minor religious holidays. SCP-7412 and SCP-7412-1 were classified as anomalous shortly thereafter. Addendum One — Abridged Log of SCP-7412-1 Instances Affected Religion: Judaism Holiday Name: Hanukkah Sheini / Hanukkah Katan1 Date of Celebration: 26 Tevet Historical Context: During the Jewish revolt against the Seleucid monarchy by the Maccabees, a surprise attack left Jewish forces in retreat, forcing them away from Jerusalem. Judah Maccabee ordered there to be a fast for all soldiers in the Maccabeean force. On the third day, when it appeared the Jewish forces were surrounded, a mysterious figure only named Ben Randel appeared and began to fight the Seleucid army, motivating the remaining Jews to continue fighting, leading to an unexpected Jewish victory. Ben Randel was not spotted or identified following the battle. Jewish tradition maintains that this individual was none other than Elijah the prophet. Cultural Practices: Hanukkah Katan is considered a Rabbinical minor holiday in Jewish culture, and thus is not subject to the laws of Yom Tovim. Similar to Hanukkah itself, it is customary to partake in a game of dreidal, which involves a spinning top and the exchange of faux-money depending on how the top lands. Additionally, a single candle is lit to commemorate the bravery of Ben Randel in his battle against the Greeks. It should be noted that some Sephardi Jews have a custom to construct a circular tent similar to a Sukkah on Hanukkah Katan, although it is unclear where the custom originates. Affected Religion: Christianity Holiday Name: Second Epiphany2 Date of Celebration: January 12th Historical Context: Additional text found on Papyri 𝔓13 mentions an additional Magi to visit the infant Christ, resulting in a slight addition to the Gospel of Matthew's recounting of the Magi's visit (though Matt. 2:1-12 remain unchanged): 13 In a week's time, after the departure of the others, a final Magi appeared before the child and his mother, bringing greater gifts in apology for the lateness of his visit. 14 Great merriment and joy did he bring to Bethlehem to compensate, for he came not for homage but to ease the burden of anxiety upon Christ and his family in the manner of celebration long awaited. Cultural Practices: Similar to Mardi Gras, the celebration of Second Epiphany has evolved culturally into a celebration bordering on excess, with a ceremonial tossing of 'burdens' into a fire pit to limit their ability to affect celebrants into the new year. Several Protestant denominations condemned the practice entirely during the Reformation, resulting in local pushback in areas where Puritanism or Calvinism were more commonly practiced after colonization. Affected Religion: Islam Holiday Name: Eid ul-Dawra4 Date of Celebration: 12 Shawwal Historical Context: Although largely unassociated with the cultural practices of the holiday, a common folk legend involves a village being attacked by an Ifrit.5 According to the legend, the Ifrit used its abilities to hold the sun in the sky, preventing it from setting on the day before Eid al-Fitr. Although permitted to eat in life-threatening situations, no one in the town wished to break the fast to give satisfaction to the Ifrit. However, the Khalifah of the village procured a solution to trick the Ifrit. The Khalifah coordinated with his citizens to create many large mirrors and told them to bring them onto the nearby hills. Then, angling them correctly, the mirrors would reflect sunlight towards a single concentrated point on the opposite horizon. Confused by the presence of a second sun-like object across from him, the Ifrit rushed towards the opposite side of the sky. He dropped the real sun in the process, giving it just enough time to set before the Jinn could learn the source of the trick. It is believed that the time the sun ended up setting was supposed to be the 12th of Shawwal. Cultural Practices: Eid ul-Dawra is informally celebrated in a similar manner to Eid al-Fitr, following 10 days of optional fasting during the month of Shawwal. These days consist of six days of customary fasting, followed by four days of fasting either to make up missed days of Ramadan or on behalf of others who could not fast. The optional fasting ends on the night of the 12th, signifying the start of Eid ul-Dawra.6 During the day of the 12th, it was customary to construct a yurt or tent post-breaking (symbolizing rejuvenation), though this custom has fallen out of favor in modern times. It should be noted that although the holiday is recognized across all denominations, Sunni Muslims place more emphasis on the day being specifically on the 12th, while Shia Muslims celebrate it more loosely and as a general period of celebration. Affected Religion: Hinduism Holiday Name: Purva Holika7 Date of Celebration: 128ماگھ Historical Context: Local to the Sindh region of Pakistan, the festival commemorates the victory of Hamsa Rama, an avatar of Viṣṇu, over a group of demonic Asuras in 'a game of chance with nothing at hand but a wooden die'.9 Cultural Practices: While mirroring some of the traditional aesthetics of the later Grand Festival of Holi in the spring, Purva Holika typically is noted by the exclusive use of red and black rice powder in a more combative manner, with 'sides' chosen loosely amongst participants and often changing in the middle of the play fighting. Interestingly, the festival does not commemorate romantic or familial love, as is heavily emphasized during the later traditional Holi festival. Affected Religion: Tengrism10 Holiday Name: ᠲᠣᠯᠢ ᠲᠩᠷᠢ11 Date of Celebration: ༡༢ ᠨᠢᠭᠡᠳᠦᠭᠡᠷ ᠰᠠᠷ᠎12 Historical Context: Celebrating the day that the lasting conflict between Genghis Khan and the supreme imperial shaman Kokochu Teb was finally settled without bloodshed. As described in the Mongɣol‑un niɣuca tobciyan (Secret History of the Mongol People), an 'outsider arrived and acted as mediator between the two foes with the aid of the tngri spirits of both white and dark nature.' These negotiations are not described, but the outsider was welcomed to the feast to celebrate the accord as its 'architect'. Cultural Practices: A traditional feast with roast horse and shamanistic drum dances, typically held in the most hospitable area the nomads might find on the Steppe during late winter. It is notable that while wagering and races are encouraged amongst celebrants, the yurt plays no particular central role beyond its traditional housing of tribes in the region. Affected Religion: Mekhanism Holiday Name: Δαμάτριος13 Date of Celebration: 12 Ιανουάριος Historical Context: Unknown. The holiday has persisted into the modern day, however due to the Mekhanite diaspora, there is little consistent information about the origin of the holiday.14 Cultural Practices: Celebrants typically will use the anticipatory days before the holiday to decorate a basic rounded tent structure, often formed from a single sheet of metal, with increasingly complex mechanisms fashioned out of fuladh. Traditions have recently fractured due to the deunification of the Church; Cogsworth Orthodox adherents tend to aim for minimalism in their designs, while Maxwellists design the yurts in 3D modelling programs, often with surrealist or non-euclidean appearances. Affected Religion: The Ortothan Religion Holiday Name: Yorie-Aímact Kal15 Date of Celebration: Occurs eight times per galactic cycle. Exact date unclear; last celebrated January 12th, 1968. Historical Context: According to Ortothan tradition, over 100,000 years ago a sudden and large invasion of Voruteut attacked Yorun-leusan, the Holy Sixth. This invasion was apparently on a similar scale to the one that would later kill them in 2000, primarily targeting their blood supply in an attempt to drain their power. This attack nearly succeeded; however, close to the brink of death, an entity only known in holy scriptures as Houís-Rakdal (given the title "ruler of house of circles") is said to have sacrificed itself to give Yorun-leusan the blood they needed to survive. Cultural Practices: To honor Houís-Rakdal's sacrifice, many Ortothans — including the Church of the Second Hytoth — let blood in a special circular room attached to many Ortothan religious buildings. Another custom observed by some human and alien groups involve tossing light objects of monetary value into the air and not retrieving them.16 The origin of this practice is unclear. Addendum Two — [DATA EXPUNGED] The remainder of this file is classified to DoTT/5 Clearance only. [UNLOCK FILE] Access Granted The following events occurred in Director Yossarian Leiner's office at Reliquary Area-27 on January 13th, 2023. They have been logged for archival purposes. [BEGIN LOG] At approximately 11:53 Local, Junior Researcher Cooper knocks and enter Director Leiner's office. The office is in disarray as usual; papers are stacked high on the Director's desk and various trinkets litter the room. Director Yossarian glances up, before exhaling and beckoning Cooper over. Dir. Leiner: Good, good, you're on time. I was getting a little worried. J.R. Cooper: I'm always on time. What's this about? You seemed really adamant I arrive before 11:55. Am I in trouble? Dir. Leiner: Absolutely not. As always, you're doing a fantastic job here. (Pause) The reason you're here because I'm going to need your help dealing with the guy who is in trouble. Cooper stares at Director Leiner. He doesn't elaborate. J.R. Cooper: …With all due respect, I'm not sure how I coul— A sudden knock on the office door interrupts Cooper, startling her. As she turns, it swings open, revealing Site-666 Director Randall House. House — who is wearing a red and gold suit embroidered with the Site-666 logo — calmly enters the room. J.R. Cooper: Oh Christ. Dir. House: Close, but no cigar. House walks over and pulls up a chair, sitting directly in front of Director Leiner's desk. He angles his seat slightly to also face J. Researcher Cooper. Leiner scowls at him. Dir. Leiner: You have a lot of explaining to do. House raises his arms in mock defeat. Dir. House: Alright, alright. Look, the embezzlement was a one time thing, promise— Dir. Leiner: No, not that. The Council already gave you a slap on the wrist. I wouldn't have called you all the way out here for something as measly as that. J.R. Cooper: What do you qualify as measly embezzlement? Dir. House: Then this must be about using your soul as collateral last week. Look, the truth is, the game was rigged fro— Dir. Leiner: You what? Dir. House: Oh, wasn't that then. J.R. Cooper: I wasn't even aware that was something you could do, to be honest. Dir. House: Me neither, 'til a week ago. Completely off the cuff. I'm surprised it even worked. Director Leiner pinches the bridge of their nose and sighs. Director House grins. Dir. House: There he is! Dir. Leiner: …It's the holidays. Dir. House: Actually, those were a month ago. Dir. Leiner: I'm talking about the ones that came into existence yesterday. The ones that are apparently all about you. Silence. Dir. House: Ahhhhh, right. Those. Completely slipped my mind. Cooper clears her throat. J.R. Cooper: Uh, holidays that came into existence…? I don't recall any that weren't around before. Dir. Leiner: Retroactive alterations of reality. Before today, Hanukkah Katan, Second Theophany— J.R. Cooper: Or Second Epiphany. Dir. Leiner: …Second Epiphany, Eid ul-Dawra, and a bunch of other holidays didn't exist. J.R. Cooper: What? That doesn't make sense, I wrote my thesis on— Silence. J.R. Cooper: Oh. Jesus Christ. Dir. Leiner: Stop saying his name. He might actually show up. Dir. House: I'm already here. Dir. Leiner: Can it, Randall. Cooper raises her eyebrow. House smirks her direction, provoking another scowl from Leiner. Dir. Leiner: Do you know how much paperwork I have to do now? I literally have to crawl through over six hundred documents over the next two weeks. I was already swamped with work, and then I get a little "ding!" from my computer letting me know that apparently reality's gone ahead and shifted itself. Do you know how anxious I was? Dir. House: Sorry. Genuinely. But to my credit, this time was completely out of my control. J.R. Cooper: Care to elaborate? Dir. House: Sure. You see, it was yesterday morning… [BEGIN LOG] Director House, ruler of Site-666, woke up bright and early at six in the morning on January 12th, 2023. Sunlight streaked through the only luxurious room left in the Luxor hotel, casting brilliant hues of gold across the wall beside House's bed. The fragrance of gold wafted through the air, carried by— Dir. Leiner: Get to the point. To make a long story short, it was a perfectly ordinary day. That was until Director House noticed a shadowy being at the foot of his bed, watching him menacingly. Unknown Entity: Hello, House. Dir. House: Fuck! I told you Satan, only bother me after nine. It's way too early for this shit. Especially on my birthday. The entity laughs, quite evilly. Unknown Entity: Oh, but I am not Satan, and it is never too early for a wager. Director House groans and lifts himself into a sitting position. The entity appears to smile. Unknown Entity: Glad to have your attention, Director. Allow me to introduce myself. (The entity bows.) I am the Fifteenth Lord of Envy, Master of the Dark Triad. Dir. House: You've got to be shitting me. Lord of Envy: Shitting you I am not. I have come to challenge you, Randall. Dir. House: Okay. In what? Lord of Envy: In any game your heart desires. If you succeed, you will receive honor and recognition beyond your wildest dreams. If you lose, well, you shall pay a price most dear: your identity. Dir. House: Nah, I'm good, thanks. I've got plenty of honor and fame already, and I get it myself. Lord of Envy: I'm not offering, I'm demanding. I would not be the Fifteenth Lord of Envy, Master of the Dark Triad if I was a "chill dude", now would I? Dir. House: Christ, alright, fine. You said any game, right? Lord of Envy: Yes, indeed, Director House. Any your heart desires. Blackjack, poker, even rock-paper-scissors if you so wish— Dir. House: Chess. Lord of Envy: Chess? J.R. Cooper: Chess? Dir. House: Chess. You can be white. I'm not a fan of it. Lord of Envy: You… can play chess? Dir. House: Yeah. I used to play with my father every weekend. Director House reaches under his bed and pulls out an ornate chess board. It is red and gold in coloration. The gold pieces face Randall. Dir. House: Your move. Lord of Envy: Uh. After a few minutes of literally sweating profusely (it was some kind of weird sulphur substance that took forever to wash out of the bed), the Lord of Envy moves a pawn. Randall does the same immediately. This continues for approximately five additional moves. Dir. House: Checkmate. Lord of Envy: Oh fuck. Dir. House: It's honestly kind of impressive that you fell for the Fool's Mate. Just stumbled into that one. The entity wipes sweat from its non-existent forehead and exhales. Lord of Envy: Very well, I have been bested in the game of wit. It is only fair I uphold my end of the bargain. Enjoy your reward, son of House… you have earned it. The entity immediately explodes, distorting space around it as it disappears completely. House is unharmed, though it leaves a black stain on the bed. For a few seconds, the room is filled with silence and House takes in what just occurred. Then, the wristwatch next to House's nightstand begins to play an emergency tone. Dir. House: …Oh shit. House leans back comfortably in his chair, watching Leiner and Cooper. Dir. House: End log. J.R. Cooper: …Why did you convey all that like you were reading an interview? Dir. Leiner: Well, it certainly makes my job easier. Dir. House: You're welcome. And before you ask, no, I have no idea who the "Fifteenth Lord of Envy" is. One of the rare cases when the demon that goes after me isn't because I pissed them off. Dir. Leiner: Assuming you didn't make all that up just to get off the hook… I suppose we'll need to add a note to start looking for the Lord of Envy. Maybe classify it as a -2, or something. Ugh. I was already swamped with coordinating the retrocasual unconverter. Undoing this is going to be hell. Silence. Cooper glances back and forth, examining the two. Dir. House: So. Yoss. Dir. Leiner: What? Dir. House: Can I cash in a quick favor? Leiner glares at him. Dir. Leiner: You owe me six, currently. So no. Dir. House: But is that including or excluding all the times I borrowed your demonology guys with explicit permission from al-Taqi? Dir. Leiner: …Including. Dir. House: And excluding? Leiner sighs. Dir. Leiner: …then I would owe you one. Dir. House: Cool, then we're going with that. J.R. Cooper: I'm surprised you could keep track. Dir. Leiner: You have to, with him. Alright, Randall, what is it? Dir. House: Can you delay the whole CK-reversal thing until next year? J.R. Cooper: What? Dir. House: I've only kept my memories from before the CK Event, so I've never really experienced any of the holidays about me. I'd like to at least experience a few before they disappear from reality permanently. Dir. Leiner: I… J.R. Cooper: You're not seriously considering this, are you? Dir. Leiner: …Unfortunately, I am. Alright, fine. One year. January 13th, 2024, we're pulling the plug. Plenty of time to experience them all. House grins, gets up, and then pats Leiner on the back. Leiner doesn't react. Dir. House: I knew I could count on you! J.R. Cooper: …Christ. Dir. Leiner: We've really got to break that habit, Cooper. House laughs. After a brief moment, Leiner shakes his head, chuckling. Cooper remains stone-faced, entirely dumbfounded. Dir. House: You still gotta work on that poker face even after all these years. I could tell you found this all funny the moment I walked in. Dir. Leiner: Alright, alright. It was funny, I'll admit it. Get out of here before you say that God-awful catchphrase of yours. I'm tired of hearing it and you've already caused me enough headaches for one night. Dir. House: Don't have to tell me twice. I think the Akivas here are giving me a rash. House exits the office, turning around once he steps outside the doorway. Dir. House: Oh, and by the way: the Home is always successful. He leaves, closing the door behind him. Yossarian sighs briefly, returning to his desktop to continue working. Cooper remains motionless for a few moments. J.R. Cooper: …I think I just had a stroke. [END LOG] Footnotes 1. lit. Second Hanukkah / Minor Hanukkah. 2. Or "Second Theophany" in most Eastern Orthodox traditions. 3. B. P. Grenfell & A. S. Hunt, Oxyrhynchus Papyri I, pp. 4–7, 1901 (note that this deviates from pre-CK Event records). 4. lit. Celebration of the Cycle. 5. A powerful demon in Islam tradition. 6. Days in the Muslim calendar begin and end at sunset. 7. lit. Early Holi 8. lit. Magh 9. While not all extant manuscripts of the Bhagavata Purana includes this deviation in Chapter 7, the anomalous corruption of Bhāgavatamahāpurāṇam (which acted as the common translation source) has resulted in roughly 70% of all copies of the text worldwide including the text of this incident. 10. Commonly known as traditional Mongolian Shamanism. 11. lit. Opened Tengri. There are multiple theories about the name, but no conclusive reasoning as the Eagle God Tengri is not mentioned directly either in historical records or modern cultural celebrations of the holiday. 12. lit. Arvan hoyr Negdügeer sar. 13. lit. Damátrios. The name of one of the Boeotian lunar months listed by the Greek poet Hesoid (c. 750-650 BCE) in his Theogonía, and also mentioned in the Aegean Tablets which led to the discovery of Amoni-Ram. This connection is being researched further. 14. Although the holiday is apparently celebrated in the city of Amoni-Ram, it likely has origins within the diaspora itself, leading to a lack of primary, secondary, or tertiary sources on its origin. 15. lit. Day of the Sixth's Blood 16. In this context of SCP-7412, this is believed to be analogous to gambling. « SCP-7411 | SCP-7412 | SCP-7413 »
Item #: SCP-7413 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7413 is held in a standard humanoid containment cell within Site ██. As SCP-7413 lacks the need for sustenance or amenities, the cell is otherwise empty. A floodlight has been installed in the ceiling above SCP-7413, in lieu of usual linoleum lighting. When SCP-7413 was initially recovered,1 it was in possession of the following items: A 3 meter white sheet with three holes cut through it; a mouth and eyes were drawn over in the holes with black sharpie marker; Grey-blue coveralls with an empty name tag sticker appended to the left breast pocket; Two brown Thorogood brand steel-toed boots; A butcher's knife. These items demonstrated no perceivable anomalous properties, and are held together in a Safe-class storage locker within its cell — with the exception of the butcher's knife, which has been sequestered to the armory for safekeeping. Description: SCP-7413 is a plastic full-body mannequin standing at 2.10 meters. It is hollow, with the exception of its posable joints. Two holes are present on SCP-7413's left shoulder and left bicep, the result of gunshots sustained during recovery. SCP-7413 is capable of locomoting and verbalizing, but it has refused to interact with personnel. Since its containment, SCP-7413 has remained motionless in the center of its cell. Discovery Log (Summarized): Several calls were made to the police precinct of northern ████████, ██████, USA, in which a low, androgynous voice stated "there is a killer on the loose" before hanging up. A police squad, including one undercover Foundation field agent, was dispatched to the location of the call: a dilapidated shack in the urban forest preserve. Upon entry, the shack was completely dark, later inspections revealing the lighting system had been removed entirely. The shack was empty of appliances, including a bed and toilet, and all the interior doors had been removed. Along the main space/living room, the bathroom, and presumably the bedroom, 15 bodies were recovered — each was covered in a white sheet with three holes cut along the facial area, eyes and a mouth drawn over the holes in black sharpie marker. A 16th figure was later located in the bathtub. While the squad's head detective filed a report back to the precinct, the 16th figure was seen getting up and entering the bedroom. As the officers moved to inspect the bedroom, the field agent — who was first to enter — was attacked from behind the wall with a butcher knife, by a person in blue-grey coveralls and a plastic mask.2 Recovered from body camera footage. The field agent was cleaved through the front of his inner thigh, leaving him immobilized. The second officer shot at the suspect twice, striking it in the arm, before it proceeded to jump out the window. At this point, no anomalous activity was suspected, so the field agent remained in the shack awaiting care while the other officers pursued the figure. The officers discovered the suspect in a nearby river, lying face down. It had covered itself in the white sheet and several leaves, and there was no discernible blood. It did not react to commands from the officers, and when they attempted to lift it from the river, they discovered that it was, in fact, not the suspect, but a full-body mannequin. The mannequin wore the coveralls of the suspect, was wielding the suspect's knife, and had the suspect's "sheet ghost" costume, but no footprints or tangible evidence could be found to reveal where the suspect went. As such, the search was discontinued for the night. Paramedics arrived on the scene to treat the field agent, and the mannequin was brought in as evidence. The cadavers were inspected. Each had died of malnutrition, dehydration, or both; none suffered any injuries, but were all covered in fake blood stickers sold by the Spirit Halloween chain. Each cadaver belonged to a missing person reported the previous year. The field agent was hospitalized, but as the mannequin was inspected in the evidence locker, it apparently vocalized "the killer has been apprehended" in a low, androgynous voice, before becoming unnaturally slack. This information was made available to the field agent; the field agent proceeded to forward these findings to Site Command. The mannequin was collected shortly after. While being brought for containment, the mannequin — now designated as SCP-7413 — spontaneously animated, then entered its cell without the aid of personnel. It proceeded to stand in the center of the cell, then stare up at the ceiling, where it has remained since. Footnotes 1. 10/31/2002. 2. Presumed. Debunked, see below. « SCP-7412 | SCP-7413 | SCP-7414 »
Superficially, the runes written on SCP-7414 translates to “I, master of the runes conceal here runes of power, which will be revealed when broken.” Item #: SCP-7414 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: All civilians will be denied entry on the pretense of an archaeological investigation in the area. All accounts of SCP-7414 as a historical artifact have been removed from national archives. Authorized personnel will be stationed nearby an outpost in order to prevent civilian interference with the object. Description: SCP-7414 refers to three standing stones located on the Western coast of Sweden. Each stone is inscribed with runes written in the Elder Futhark, dating back to the 8th century. When anyone attempts to view the runes, they will perceive rapid changes to their surroundings and feel powerless to resist these changes. Typical effects are described as different chronological events occurring in the middle of a haze. Subjects slip into a trance-like state, during which they experience a series of events narrated by an unidentified female voice. So far, no unexpected side effects have been reported after interactions with SCP-7414. The three stones each elicit a different experience and they are therefore described here as SCP-7414-1, -2, and -3 respectively. Two of the boats depicted on the surface of SCP-7414-1 SCP-7414-1 is a pointed stone engraved with vertical runes and decorated with images of occupied boats. SCP-7414-2 is a narrow stone with vertical runes in the middle and a broad serpentine figure along the edges. SCP-7414-3 is a broad stone with vertical runes along the side and a serpent coiled in a ring. Addendum 7414-1 After a civilian team of archeologists discovered the effects of SCP-7414, amnestics were provided and a team of Foundation researchers were sent out to record and document their experience with SCP-7414. The transcription has been fitted with commentary where deemed necessary. [OPEN LOG] At the identification of the runes, we did not expect much, and so were shocked as the runes didn't have to be transcribed; instead, we heard a woman's voice, and everything became perfectly clear. And it was like the first stone blinded us and then clouds filled the sky, and we had a different land around us, plainer, but grazed by horses and oxen. A fort of wood had risen out of the ground around us, and a longhouse appeared on a mound. A company of warriors were marching towards it, clad in large pelts and adorned in ornate metal. A rustling told us of armor and weapons under all that fur. A voice spoke to us, as if it was in our heads. Unknown: Sigtruda, King of many men, welcomed one day King Alf to his court. The young monarch had carried gold and ornate jewelry from Miklagård in the east. The weathered Sigtruda was impressed by how the young King Alf fared. Sigtruda: You have impressed me well, brave King Alf. I suspect with these merry treasures you are here to aim for an alliance with my kin. However, I must disappoint you. For my kingdom is not the one it once was, and we must admit our weaknesses. Our fields do not yield much harvest, and our amber is out since a few years back. I am afraid, I have nothing to offer in return for this alliance between us. Unknown: But King Alf only grinned under his moustache and showed the crooked Sigtruda the six front teeth that he had left. He let his hands go to his side. Alf: Your lands are weak, but your kin is still strong. And I can think of many solutions to this problem. If we tie bonds, not by economy, but by family, the fate of your land will brighten. Unknown: The young girl sitting on the throne's left, but a nervous teenager who had just learned to take care of her younger siblings, stiffened. She was terrified, for the young king Alf had during his account laid his eyes on her. The old king clasped his palms and raised a horn in the air. Sigtruda: That is it. Tonight, we feast for the alliance of our kins! Skål!” Unknown: A roar was heard and the villagers were summoned to prepare the feast for the two kings. Meanwhile, the frail little girl, Alfhild Lathgertha, had escaped into her mother's hut. Her mother was smitten by Alfhild's tears and embraced her daughter in her bosom. “So, so,” she said, awkwardly trying to comfort the child, who knew her mother had once endured the same event. With them was also her closest friend, Tora, who appeared fierier with reddish flaming hair and a constant wrinkle formed upon her forehead. Tora: Oh, curse that bloody king! Mother Gudrun looked at her with a warning gaze. Tora: Why should he take her away from us? He steals gold and treasure from Miklagård, but do we know he was the one who did the deed? Could it not be his servants or warriors? What more does he know? Does he have a big kingdom? Is he a good man? Look at his face, the giants were fairer!” Gudrun: We must not speak like that. It is not our place. Unknown: Gudrun was still stroking the long blonde hair of Alfhild. Tora, with two wrinkles on her forehead now, took Alfhild by the shoulder and whispered something in her ear. Then she disappeared out of the tent. Gudrun looked at Tora and then back at Alfhild, with tears of pity filling her large eyes. Later that night the two kings were discussing their affair. Sigtruda and Alf were in agreement that Alfhild was the most fitting daughter to be transferred to Alf's court. However, when Alf inquired on her whereabouts, the hall went silent. Sigtruda: Alfhild? Where's my daughter? From behind the throne, the mother of the house, stepped forward with a certain calm in her stride. Gudrun: I believe you will not find her here anymore. Unknown: The old king looked at Gudrun as if she had been a ghost. Sigtruda: What do you mean? Is she not here to welcome her suitor? Shame on- Gudrun: I don't think she is meaning to come. I suspect she has already left the village. Unknown: And so she had. While the longhouse was filled with dread and bitterness, Alfhild and Tora had made their way down to the boats. They threw oversized fur pelts in the water, costumes they had used to disguise themselves. Tora took them upon a boat that had belonged to her wretched father once, I say once, now it was theirs. Back in the hall, the flames upon the fireplaces lining up the longhouse were weak. It was if the air inside had suddenly become frailer, and king Alf was struggling to breathe. He puffed and hummed, with a stormy red spreading over his throat and face. Alf: King Sigtruda, as joyeous this occasion has been, I am afraid I will have to take my leave in order to resort to my duty. Finding my wife! King Alf slammed the end of his unsheathed battle-axe into the table. A roar lifted the longhouse as King Alf led his men out of the longhouse and toward the boats. [END LOG] The persons mentioned here are part fiction and part historical characters. Alfhild Lathgertha is mentioned briefly in sagas of the 14th century but has never been able to be tied to an actual person and king Sigtruda has been documented as a Geatish chief ruling in the 8th century. Local historians argue that the most probable place of burial is the colloquially named Sigtruda Hill located in the western parts of Sweden. However, there are no existing mentions of a king named Alf during this time period. Geatish settlements during the 6th century. [OPEN LOG] At this point we were in a trance-like condition. However, there was a calmness in it all, like we were carried on by a pair of warm hands. Our environments shifted. We saw these two young women set up camp somewhere else and recruit fellow young women from the surrounding societies. At the same time, we could see this furious chieftain riling his men up and sailing along the coast. Hard weather hindered him, and mists concealed the company of these women. One night, he finally reached the final point of the coastline with his boat and the voice continued. Unknown: Alfhild and Tora had gathered a small group of women from villages along the coast. Many had left their lives longing for a new life or an escape. Now they stood on the desolate cliffs where the sea winds howled to greet King Alf. The young king left his longboat and met Alfhild's wide eyes with his determined gaze. Alf: Come, Alfhild. You don't need to run anymore. You will be safe with me! Our two kins together will make your homeland thrive again! Unknown: King Alf grinned, just like he was used to do. Alfhild felt a surge of fear and desperation. Tora stepped forward and grabbed her friend's arm. Tora: Go ahead fool. If you want your lovely concubine, show us you deserve her.” Alfhild urged Tora not to aggravate him, and the king's men joined him on the cliff. Tora: You need your men's help to take me on, king? Unknown: The king made a signal with his axe, in order to get his men back into the boat. He spun his battle-axe in his arm and threw himself forward into the battle. Tora: First, one must learn to use the size, and momentum of the enemy and learn to use your own. Unknown: The big man had ended up swinging his big axe into the ground. He growled and turned to swing at Tora again. Tora: Then, one uses his lost footing. Unknown: The king missed his swing and trembled. Tora took one step forward and gave him a kick, sending him backwards. Alfhild, the once fearful maiden felt a newfound courage when she watched her friend use this unknown knowledge to humiliate this clumsy warrior. Tora: Lastly, you need to use your wits, and use tricks. Unknown: Alf made a roaring sound and swung his legs along the ground, turning Tora upside down. The confident Tora panted at the ground, and Alf sat himself on top of her. The women of Alfhild's party had switched their emotion from inspiration to despair as they saw the big man raising his battle-axe. And that was the moment Alfhild saw her guiding light and tackled the king. The surprise on his face mirrored the shock of the crashing waves below as Alfhild's strikes landed true. The mouth of the king had turned red, his teeth were not visible, if existent at all. Alfhild dared to stand up first when Tora had landed a firm kick into his cheek. She handed the battle-axe of King Alf to Alfhild. One of Alf's men: That was not a fair fight! Unknown: Alfhild had a quickened breath but resonated a quiet strength. She called back, Alfhild: Fairness is a luxury. We fight not for fairness, but for freedom. She put a foot on the face of the weak man below her. Alfhild: But if it is fairness you want, I wonder how many conquests this man really did in Miklagård. And how many, he would not reward his company for. The men in the boat lowered their shoulders and whispered nervously. Alfhild waited for a wave to strike, and then swung the axe into the sky and followed its movement down into the man's throat. The novice turned warrior turned to examine the longboat and the pale faces of the warriors. Alfhild: We fight for freedom. [END LOG] Sigtruda hill, tumulus assumed to belong to 8th century king Sigtruda. Addendum 7414-2 The following is a transcription of what occurred as the second stone, SCP-7414-2 was viewed. [OPEN TRANSCRIPT] The surrounding areas darkened once again and was shrouded in a thick mist. The mist cleared up and revealed a moving surface, soon splashing against rocks and cliffs. The rune stones were replaced with men and women rowing a longboat forward, fanning the sailors on board, and leaving a frothy wake in its wake. The narrating voice from above began with a thunderous noise. Unknown: Alfhild Lathgertha first met with the darkness when she was raiding the settlements of Lochlann. She was by now a proud warrior, with shining rustling armor, a sword smelt by the most cunning smiths and a decorated shield of oak. She had built and rebuilt a boat and gone from 26 pair of oars to 36. There was a feeling of invincibility, and a feeling that no one would question or challenge her with her loyal company. That feeling persisted until the day she met Katla. Katla was no ordinary fiend, she would chill the sea, spreading a mist around her, and almost still the blood of ones near her. However, when she slithered on to the thick ice that had emanated from under her, she was more out for a talk, than a massacre. When Alfhild ordered “Attack!” on the dark body that slowly surrounded her boat one day she found herself slowing down, and her company freezing in place. For the sea that had recently surrounded their boat was all of a sudden an uneven surface of ice while the air had filled with frosty particles. To her horror, she found she was the only one on the boat that could move forward reasonably, and the only one on the boat, who found two globes of reptilian eyes open to stare right at her. And where was she to escape? Katla I'm ssorry. Is that the cold shaking you up? Or do you fear my figure? Katla rose up revealing her matte underside. Alfhild had backed up onto the stern of the boat and held tightly onto a shield. Alfhild: What do you want with us beast? Take us to Helheim if you must, do not doubt it. We have no defense. Unknown: Katla revealed a set of fangs, spreading her mouth in what could only be a serpent's equivalent of a smile. Katla: You are, mistaken little Alfhild. There are many sisters of mine in this world, but we are not all destined for Ragnarök. I am Katla, and I have been following you since you in so extraordinary fashion killed that ugly ccchharlatan. Katla enunciated this last word with a hissing sound and squinted her eyes in disgust. Alfhild: Are- are you a Lindworm? Child of Jǫrmungandr? Katla: I am here, to warn you. The fins of the scaley serpent rose. Alfhild: Wha-, what? Of what? Katla: You have taken your newly found powers, and used them of such a degree that we have had to lay our eyes on you. Do you think… It isss normal of you, a f- female, to wreak havoc upon the sea? It is too much noise. Katla, who was the same approximate size of the whole ship, circled the ship and closed in on Alfhild with her head. Katla: You have treaded, untouched waters, and disssssturbed Her. Do not go close to sea again. Stay on land, the rest of your life. She has already started her hunt. Tora: Stay on land… For all life!?" From behind, this quivering voice of a shivering body had slowly risen. It was Tora, hugging herself tightly for warmth. Katla gestured with her head towards the shore, instantly melting a path of streaming water for the longboat. Katla: It is your fate. Katla loosened her grip of the longboat, and retreated off the boat. Alfhild: W-, wait, wait Katla! Who is this creaure that you speak of? Who have we disturbed?! Katla slithered across the ice and made her way towards the ocean. Katla: My ssssister. [END TRANSCRIPT] Early depiction of a Lindworm, in this case Fáfnir from the germanic legend of Sigurd found on the Sigurd Stone close to Eskilstuna, Sweden. The transcription reveals a common symbol within Norse legend and mythology, the Lindworm. Lindworms are the north germanic equivalent of dragons, much alike the British Wyvern and the French Guivre. They are often included in legends and on rune inscriptions. One such serpent is depicted circling the surface of SCP-7414-2. Addendum 7414-3 Alfhild Lathgertha's route, as depicted by SCP-7414. [OPEN TRANSCRIPT] The skies darkened and the rune stones vanished. A ship had landed by a seaside that had not been there a few minutes ago. The company of the ship hurriedly entered a longhouse, situated not long from the beach. Unknown: The proud Alfhild Lathgertha, former raider of the seas, now raider of the country, had waited for word from across the sea. The messengers came into the well-lit longhouse with exasperated and fearful expressions. Messenger: My highness. The first messenger sat down on one knee. Messenger: The king, is very unwell. Your home is in dire need of a princess. As you know, there are no brothers to take his place. The longhouse was shaken by the thrusting winds of the ocean. Alfhild pondered, and did not seem to reveal any emotion at this message. Alfhild: What of the queen? Messenger: Yes, what may have exacerbated the king's condition… In a violent fever, the queen, was swept away not long ago. She is dead, my highness. The sky thundered and Alfhild had remarkably tensened the grip of her chair. Alfhild: Is my mother dead?! The fronting messenger had suddenly become so small in body, he averted himself from her eyes. Messenger: Y- yes, my highness, yes. The lighting in her eyes shone as a reflection of the fireplace. Alfhild: Tora! The loyal shieldmaiden came forward. Alfhild: Prepare all of the boats, assemble all that we have got. We will give them three days. then we move toward Geataland1. Unknown: And so on the third day a fleet of eight longboats left the land of Lochlann to go home. Alfhild Lathgertha gave orders to avoid the open sea, and so the trip was slower than usual. They travelled along the coast, and made for the coast of Jutland with several stops along the way. The company eventually came to fill with stressful worry, that seem to have emanated from Alfhild herself. Tora consulted her. Tora: They are having nightmares, they get so little sleep… Some talk about an invisible voice following them. Unknown: Alfhild had to restrain herself, for she had also heard whispers from the waters around them. Whispers from the deep, revealing that the difference between a dark secret and a truth is not always so stark. Alfhild made her best effort to brush concerns aside, and soon the small fleet had rounded Jutland and were ready to cross the Kattegat. A high-pitched wail was heard, making the rowers cover their ears. Unknown: Nausea and headaches spread as a violent screeching noise pierced the ears of the sailors. Alfhild: Go on! Do not fear, we are almost by the shore! Unknown: The shieldmaiden Alfhild Lathgertha attempted to incite some morale in her people. Even the robust Tora had to cover her ears. Unknown: Ssso, here you are, Alfffhild. Stuck in the sssea. Maybe you should have ssstayed on land. Alfhild shivered, and scouted the areas around the boat but did not find the source of the hissing voice. She wielded her battle-axe and told her people to stand ready. Alfhild: What do you want from us?” she screamed from the top of her lungs, but received no immediate answer. Unknown: Punishment. Screaming warriors had been thrown out of one of the longboats to their starboard, a splash of water revealed a punctured boat that quickly capsized. Warriors stood in schock with gaping jaws. Alfhild made her way to starboard, signalling for other ships to pick up the warriors aboard. Alfhild: I have heard of you, in my dreams, you have spoken to me! Are you the guardian of forbidden knowledge? In that case, I have trespassed on your realm. But not my people! Spare my people, I am their leader, I am responsible! At this, a powerful wave struck their ship so that Alfhild had to hold on and not be swept by the gushing wave onboard. The groaning rowers had been swept by their feet onto their backs. Another longboat, to their portside was suddenly shrinking rapidly. Alfhild: No! She commanded the sailors to get the boat closer to those now laying straddling in the sea to their left. Alfhild: These people did not choose this life. I did. It is only I who have broken the ancient accord! Tora: To hell we did not! Tora stepped forward, drawing her sword. Tora:I chose this life, I chose this life by Alfhild Lathgertha, the true ruler of our people. I have heard your name in my dreams, harbinger of shadows, and I will find delight in your unraveling. Alfhild made a meagre attempt of protesting but Tora was already at the front of the boat, waving her sword. The waves had risen higher and higher. Tora: Our realms are intertwined, our fates as well. Come out, fiend. Come out, Svafnir. Unknown: And there she was. Tora was swept backwards onto her back when masses of water gave way for a shining pale body rising out of the water. The warriors onboard either took cover or jumped ship. Alfhild shook with fear. In front of the ship, a weathered being shook its head, widened its nostrils and revealed two blood-filled eye sockets. Tora leaped onto her feet and roared, throwing her sword at the being. Svafnir screeched as the sword separated a plate of scaly armour from the white serpent. In the next moment a yellow substance shot out from the screeching serpent, hitting Tora across her body. She went down screaming. Alfhild: Tora! Svafnir jerked its body forward toward her. Svafnir: Why, how you petty worldly humans misunderstand… I am no guardian. I have not pursued you out of duty or lust… But because of hunger. Your ssstench draws me, it angers me, and now, I will rid you of it. The serpent jerked in a different direction, and circled the ship. Alfhild ran toward Tora, and tended to her unconscious friend who had a broad wound in her stomach from the acidic substance that Svafnir had spit. She shouted to those few warriors that were still on the ship. Alfhild: Get off! Swim to the closest ship! As Alfhild tried to drag Tora to a safer place, Svafnir screeched and snorted acid across the boat's side, instantly fretting away the wood. The boat slowly began to take in water. Alfhild sat irresolute by her old friend's side. She closed her eyes and cried, and begged to herself. Alfhild: Help, help, help. She saw how the big serpent arched her neck and pointed her red eyes directly towards Alfhild and Tora. She pulled Tora to the side in time for the head of Svafnir to come lunging past them, ripping parts of the deck and rocking the ship. Svafnir shook her head. Alfhild swung her axe in the direction of the head, but Svafnir pulled away. Alfhild noticed how the bow was very close to the sea surface and scouted for ways to escape. Before she could make her way anywhere, Svafnir lunged at them again. She threw Tora to her right, while diving the other way. Svafnir again ripped parts of the ship loose and had to shake her head, when moving up again. Tora: Come on, again! Unknown: Alfhild found to her shock, that her bleeding friend now stood on her legs. Tora: Is that all you got, why don't you hit us again with that venom of yours, I thought you'd be a god, you look more like a worm to me! Svafnir snorted and hissed. She revealed razor sharp teeth and arched back. Alfhild: Tora, stop! Tora: Yes, go ahead and try you pale, lisping bastard! Unknown: Afhild had almost accepted death, when she realized how long they had waited for Svafnir to make a final lunge. It was almost, as if Svafnir had frozen with her head arched and slowly struggled to move. It began, to snow. Svafnir screeched, and jerked her head to her left, as another darker body of scales came out of the deep and sunk its teeth deep into the body of the pale serpent. Svafnir screamed and spit on the way down into the water. Tora lowered her arms and Alfhild could hear the ocean waves again. The two shieldmaidens stood on their sinking ship, finally breathing in a moment of silence. Then the two serpents came out of the sea again, violently thrashing at each other. The pale Svafnir was bleeding and screaming until Katla finally stopped, looking at her wounded sister with a sense of pity. Svafnir screeched with pain and jerked herself backwards, and away. Finally, she disappeared in the horizon. Katla made her way toward the sinking ship, and brought Alfhild and Tora to safety. Unknown: Katla gave Alfhild a final reassuring gaze with her eyes before going down, deep into the sea again. The town of the coast had seen the whole ordeal. A mass of people were lining the streets as the company of Alfhild Lathgertha made their away past the walls and toward the longhouse Alfhild had left so many years ago. Alfhild was shaken and wet, and could barely notice the manner of the townspeople who were kneeling, bowing, and weeping to her sides. She would enter the longhouse, and there lay a withered man who was once her father on a makeshift leather stretcher. And so, the warrior queen Alfhild Lathgertha was promptly accepted as new ruler of this small kingdom of the north. She ruled long and wisely. But the whispers of the Lindworm would follow her through the full course of her life, and remind her that somewhere out there, Svafnir would still be lying in the dark, waiting for her next prey. Tora had these stones erected in memory of Alfhild Lathgertha, serpent-whisperer and queen of the Geats. [END TRANSCRIPT] Footnotes 1. Land of the Geats, cultural name for the area in Scandinavia populated by the Geats. « SCP-7413 | SCP-7414 | SCP-7415 »
SCP-7415 - The Quintessential High School Experience We'd be the quintessential leads Who found love in the latter teens I guess we'll wait and see Do you remember the rain? ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} by CowscantgoMoo Item#: 7415 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: warning link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-115 Director K. Vittnner Sr. Researcher Steele Pi-76 ("Time's Arrow") Darrell High School, circa 1999 Special Containment Procedures: Darrell County is under the direct purview of Site-115. All settlements within ten miles of SCP-7415's outermost perimeter of effect must be evacuated by 2030, using pro-urban life propaganda, economic decay for the surrounding area, and the creation of a false crisis to raise the urgency to move. The perimeter of SCP-7415 must be surrounded by Scranton Reality Anchors (SRA), spaced twenty feet from one another. Outpost-7415 is responsible for monitoring SCP-7415 and SCP-7415-LAUREN. No further action is required. SCP-7415-STEPHEN is on the Foundation Watchlist. Interviews with SCP-7415-STEPHEN are to be conducted annually to assess their mental health. Description: SCP-7415 is a reality-altering area centered around Darrell High School and surrounding Darrell, Texas. SCP-7415 qualifies as a Class-B episodic time loop, where subjects within SCP-7415 are disconnected from their continuity, constantly reverting to their initial physical state when a change occurs.1 SCP-7415's episodic loop is centered around the period of time from June 1975 to May 1976. Residents of SCP-7415 are unaware of this phenomenon, assuming SCP-7415 is a component of baseline reality. When a subject enters SCP-7415, they will experience a cognitohazardous effect that will mentally regress them to their late teens. Subjects that have gone through secondary school will integrate themselves into SCP-7415, reporting feelings of nostalgia and regret. These effects dissipate once the subject is removed from SCP-7415. SCP-7415 is maintained through two Type-Green reality-benders, designated as SCP-7415-STEPHEN and SCP-7415-LAUREN. All reality-benders are seniors at Darrell High School and seem to be aware of their influence on SCP-7415. Discovery: SCP-7415 was discovered in 1998 when the U.S. Department of Education noticed records from Darrell High School indicating that no changes in the student population had occurred since the 1975-1976 school year. After multiple attempts to contact the school failed, a representative was sent to Darrell, Texas. Foundation forces intervened after the representative had been missing for two months. Addendum 7415.1: Observation Logs Upon Foundation intervention, Outpost-7415 was constructed to monitor SCP-7415 on the outskirts of Darrell, Texas. Video surveillance footage of Darrell High School was rerouted to Outpost-7415 for observation. Notable excerpts have been logged below: OBSERVATION LOG Date: September 5th, 1989, 8:53 AM Location: Entrance Context: First day of school after the 1989 summer break. Students converse. «BEGIN LOG» (Students stand by the entrance to the school next to a row of lockers. Idle conversations are made regarding their class and schedules.) Still frame from Observation Log 1, [00:23] (SCP-7415-STEPHEN walks into the building, followed by SCP-7415-LAUREN. They walk down the hallway and stop by their lockers.) Lauren: We're sharing all of our classes again! Let's go snag some seats in the back before they're taken. I brought extra paper to pass notes with. (SCP-7415-STEPHEN glances down at his schedule. The ceiling slowly lowers, decreasing the hallway's height. Camera experiences mild visual distortion.) Stephen: Again? Shouldn't we try some other classes? Lauren: And leave everyone we know? No, you're staying with me. Come on, it'll be fine. Stephen: If you say so. (pause) But- (SCP-7415-LAUREN waves at another student and motions them to come over.) Lauren: Oh, Jenna! Over here! (A student, presumably Jenna, turns around and approaches SCP-7415-LAUREN) Jenna: Lauren! How was your summer break? I haven't seen you in so long! You look so different, I could never! Lauren: Aww, thank you! Honestly, I didn't even try today! I was too busy re-reading my catalog. (The conversation continues with unnotable discussion. Another student approaches SCP-7415-STEPHEN, who has been standing idly.) Student: Hey Stephen, what classes do you have? (Student looks over SCP-7415-STEPHEN's shoulder and reads his schedule.) Student: Ugh, you got Mr. Bobrick and Mrs. Taylor?! Good luck passing those classes man. If I were you, I'd be heading to class. Knowing them, they'd make you write an entire goddamn essay on the first day. (SCP-7415-STEPHEN slowly turns to the student. His face comes into the camera's view, looking dispirited.) Stephen: So? It's not like I'll need a good grade anyways. (School bell rings. Students clear the hallways. The ceiling stops moving at a height of approximately six feet. SCP-7415-LAUREN coils herself on SCP-7415-STEPHEN's right arm.) Lauren: Come on, we've got to go! (SCP-7415-LAUREN grins as her face enters the camera frame. SCP-7415-STEPHEN slowly follows along, looking slightly agitated. SCP-7415-LAUREN drags SCP-7415-STEPHEN into a classroom.) «END LOG» Notes: SCP-7415 is prone to frequent local reality distortions. Future exploration will require portable Scranton Reality Anchors. OBSERVATION LOG Date: June 2nd, 1991 Location: Gymnasium Context: SCP-7415-LAUREN is giving a speech at a graduation ceremony.2 The interior of the gym was transformed into an expansive garden venue. SCP-7415-STEPHEN is standing behind her.3 «BEGIN LOG» (Sounds of birds chirping.) Lauren: We always seem to find ourselves back here. It's been a great year, a great season, and a great time. There's something haunting about sitting in these chairs, knowing that another year is behind us. But it's also beautiful. It's beautiful that we get to try again. For those of you, that failed your classes, your friendships, and your relationships, you get another chance. For those of you who've had a fantastic year, you get to live through it all over again! Over and over, making new memories and cherishing our old ones. (SCP-7415-LAUREN pauses. Students seem visibly bored and uninterested.) Lauren: When I was younger, and I mean really young, I'd listen to the record player. I mean, I still do, but not nearly as much as I used to. I'd listen to the same songs repeatedly. For hours at a time, I was singing the same melody, and I never tired of it. Now, in my first senior year, I was listening to one vinyl, "Remember the Rain." (SCP-7415-LAUREN appears to be lost in thought. After about five seconds, she speaks.) Lauren: When I listened to it, I was overwhelmed. I realized how lucky I am to be in the position I'm in now. I have a loving boyfriend, amazing friends, and wonderful parents, and in a couple of months, I would be leaving all that behind. Y'all showed me kindness when I thought no one else could. I'm- We are surrounded by the most wonderful people we may ever meet. They've stuck with us through all these years. There is no one that knows us better than the people in this room, no one else that would accept us. (An unidentifiable melody begins playing over the P.A. system. There is significant auditory distortion.) Lauren: I'm so glad I get to spend this time with you. (The camera experiences heavy visual distortion.) Lauren: Thanks for coming. I'll see you all next year. (Sounds of cheering and applause. All students remain seated and unmoving.) «END LOG» Notes: Analysis of cognitohazardous material within the log bears similarities with other documented anomalies. Containment protocols have been updated to prevent hindrances in research and exploration. A CRV (Cognitive Resistance Value) above 16 is recommended. Addendum 7415.2: Exploration Preparations Members of MTF Pi-76 were screened for their potential resistance to SCP-7415. Agent Miranda Martinez was chosen as the final candidate. The following briefing was conducted to finalize these results: PERSONNEL BRIEFING Date: October 4th, 1999 Interviewer: Sr. Researcher Stacy Steele Subject: Agent Miranda Martinez «BEGIN LOG» Steele: Alright, I've read through the briefings, but I wanted to hear what you had to say. Martinez: Am I the one going? Steele: You are. Your CRV is pretty high, you hated school, I just want to hear the specifics. Whenever you're ready. Martinez: Well, my mom worked in the military and was moving around. My dad and I followed her around until around the middle of my freshman year. I'd already been hit with the pain of making and losing friends in elementary and middle school, so I didn't really make friends when I arrived. There wasn't really one notable event, it was just a lot of constant little things that added up. The food, the teachers, the people. It was just annoying, all of it. Add that to the fact that my mom wasn't present for most of it, and it becomes my own personal hellhole. Steele: Sorry to hear that. Was there anyone in particular that was close to you? Anyone you might remember? Martinez: Yeah, there was this one girl, Selena. She was the only person I could tolerate. She was in most of my classes, the only one that tried to talk to me when I moved in. The other kids ragged on her a lot through the years, made her the "weird kid." One time they started hiding her things. Anytime she was gone, they'd take her pens, her water bottle, she had this necklace she loved, last gift from her mother, and they hid it. When she couldn't find them, she just went to the bathroom and cried. That's when I knew that they were irredeemable. Steele: That's awful. Martinez: It's not even that, it's that these kids were the "popular" ones. They weren't popular, they were just flashy and we knew their names! When I found out what happened, I went and gave them flat tires. All of them. Fuckers deserved it. Worst years of my life. Steele: What happened to her after you graduated? Do you keep in touch? Martinez: No, we got into a fight near the end of it and didn't makeup. I don't know what happened to her. I don't even remember what the fight was about. I just regret losing my only friend. Steele: Okay, I think you're fit to go in. Your CRV will make up for any nostalgia you still have. Keep a sharp mind and check in with us regularly. I'll be on the other end. Martinez: Do I just go in there and do surveillance? Steele: No, we have a plan. «END LOG» Notes: Agent Martinez's negative experience with secondary school and high CRV (Cognitive Resistance Value) allows for a greater chance of resistance to SCP-7415's cognitohazardous effects. Agent Martinez has been tasked with going into SCP-7415 and attempting to extract SCP-7415-STEPHEN and SCP-7415-LAUREN. Due to the low rate of success associated with extracting reality-benders, Martinez will also place Reality Anchors at focal points4 of SCP-7415, diminishing its effect, and allowing for more standard containment protocols. Agent Martinez has been equipped with a handheld Hume reader and a portable Scranton Reality Anchor. Addendum 7415.3: Interviews After establishing herself within SCP-7415, Agent Martinez isolated 7415-STEPHEN and SCP-7415-LAUREN to convince them into containment under the pretense of college preparations. INTERVIEW Date: October 9th, 1999 Interviewer: Agent Martinez Subject: Stephen Rainer (SCP-7415-STEPHEN) «BEGIN LOG» Martinez: Good afternoon Stephen. Take a seat. (SCP-7415-STEPHEN sits down. He looks around the room and then back at Martinez.) Stephen: Oh, did it happen again? Martinez: Did what happen again? Stephen: You're just here to talk right? You've never been here before and you want to talk. Martinez: Yes, I want to talk about your future aspirations. Where do you see yourself in five years? (Stephen stares blankly at Martinez. He then stands and begins pacing around the room.) Stephen: I can only do so much. If you've got any ideas for what to do next, I'm open to it, but otherwise, I don't see how this'll help. Martinez: Have you considered leaving Darrell altogether? If you're bored, then it's time to get out and stop this. Stephen: (pauses) No, I'm a good boyfriend. I'd never leave Lauren like that. Besides, as long as we have each other…. (SCP-7415-STEPHEN trails off. He begins mumbling to himself.) Martinez: You might as well do it. (SCP-7415-STEPHEN looks up. Small tears swell up in his eyes.) Martinez: Talk with her when you can. You can still be together after graduation. If you don't try, you'll be stuck doing the same thing every year. Stephen: But what if- Martinez: Listen. There's nothing for you here. Everything loses its shine if you linger. You said you were bored, right? Stephen: Yeah? Martinez Well, you'll only going to get more bored. Rip the band-aid off now before it's too late. Stephen: (sighs) Well, thanks for being here. (Martinez watches SCP-7415-STEPHEN as he gets up and opens the door.) Stephen: Even if I made you up. (SCP-7415-STEPHEN leaves the room.) «END LOG» INTERVIEW Date: October 9th, 1999 Interviewer: Agent Martinez Subject: Lauren Campbell (SCP-7415-LAUREN) «BEGIN LOG» Martinez: Hello, Lauren. Have a seat. (SCP-7415-LAUREN nervously takes a seat. Her eyebrows furrow as she looks at Agent Martinez.) Martinez: I've noticed that you haven't filled out any applications for college, so I just wanted to ask why. Lauren: (stiffly) Ask why I haven't applied? Martinez: Yes, what's holding you back? The school's been wondering why you haven't done any planning. Lauren Why do I need to? Everything's fine here. I don't have to go. Martinez: (sighs) Look, you can't- Lauren: I can't just leave everybody behind! I tried so hard to get here, I'm not losing it because some stuffy official comes over and tells me to leave it! Martinez: If that's the issue, then we can arrange- Lauren: (ranting) Don't you remember being a senior? How much fun you had? If you had the chance, I bet you'd want to be a teenager again. Just because I have that chance doesn't mean you can take it away from me! (SCP-7415-LAUREN quickly gets up from her chair and leans over the desk, pointing at Agent Martinez.) Lauren: I don't know where you people are coming from, but you need to stay in your lane. I'll tell you what I told that other guy: Don't fuck with me. I can do things you wouldn't believe. (SCP-7415-LAUREN angrily leaves the room and slams the door. The walls shake from the impact. Several seconds pass.) Martinez: (sighs) 'Course it didn't work, you can't convince benders. (Martinez pulls out her handheld Hume detector.) Martinez: Time for Plan B. «END LOG» Addendum 7415.4: Exploration Logs Outpost-7415 has identified three focal points of SCP-7415. Agent Martinez is tasked with verifying these focal points and placing reality anchors to effectively contain SCP-7415. The logs have been transcribed separately, as a result of cutting extraneous footage. EXPLORATION LOG Date: October 9th, 1999 Involved Personnel: Agent Martinez, Sr. Researcher Steele (as Command) Mission: Identify SCP-7415's focal points and place reality anchors «BEGIN LOG» (Martinez roams the hallway, refers to her handheld Hume detector, and turns left. She continues down the corridor and makes several turns.) Martinez: Command, do we know how many focal points there are? Command: Three have been identified. Hume levels are decreasing, so tread carefully. (As Martinez moves through the corridor, the interior progressively falls into disrepair. Light fixtures flicker before failing. Paint peels off of the walls and broken floor tiles are strewn across the floor.) (The Hume detector beeps faster as she approaches a door labeled "Roof Access." As she ascends, its beeps speed up.) Martinez: Command, I'm approaching a focal point. Stand by. (Martinez continues going up the staircase. After several flights, she stops for a break. The Hume detector continues to beep aggressively.) Martinez: (breathing heavily) Command, can you see where I'm at? I've got to be stories up in the sky by now. Command: (distortion) You should- (static) it's getting- (static) you. Martinez: Hello? Steele? Command, do you copy? (She checks her headgear for any physical damage and finds no issue. She pauses and continues.) Martinez: I see a light. I think this is it. Rooftop, not corresponding to the time of day (Martinez accesses the school roof. The sky is pitch black, with clouds covering the sky. Two humanoid figures, bearing resemblance to SCP-7415-STEPHEN and SCP-7415-LAUREN lie on their back, facing the sky. The humanoids, designated as SCP-7415-Sα and SCP-7415-Lα respectively, have no facial features, with their faces being composed of rubber-like, unbroken skin.) (Over the next several minutes, they glance at each other and the sky. A full moon can be seen shining through the clouds. Soft whispers can be heard from the humanoid figures. The only phrases that could be made out are, "Remember," "I love you," and "I wish.") (Martinez finishes setting up the anchor and activates it. Reality begins to stabilize and the rooftop disappears, being replaced with the previous staircase. The top of the stairs leads to another corridor instead of the roof.) Staircase to the roof, replaced with corridors Command: Marrinez? Martinez, are you there? Martinez: Yes, I hear you loud and clear. The first anchor has been dropped off, two more left to go. Command: Were there any issues while comms were cut? Martinez: The same couple from before was there, only they were faceless and didn't notice me. Nothing dangerous at present. Command: Nice to know you're okay. Your video feed has since been re-established. Martinez: Affirmative. (Martinez descends down the stairs, consulting her Hume detector. Extraneous footage has been cut.) «END LOG» EXPLORATION LOG Date: October 9th, 1999 Involved Personnel: Agent Martinez, Sr. Researcher Steele (as Command) Mission: Secure the second focal point of SCP-7415 «BEGIN LOG» (Martinez approaches two double doors labeled "Gymnasium". The Hume detector flashes and beeps wildly.) Martinez: Command, I've located the next focal point in the gymnasium. Command: Copy that. You may proceed. (Martinez enters the gym. The two faceless figures, SCP-7415-Sα and SCP-7415-Lα, are slow-dancing together in the center. All other attendees to the dance are completely motionless and featureless. They are all facing SCP-7415-Lα and SCP-7415-Sα. Slow orchestral music is being played from an unknown source.)5 Martinez: Command, I'm getting high Hume readings in this room. You getting the video? Command: Yes, place the SRA in the center of the room. (SCP-7415-Lα and SCP-7415-Sα continue dancing as the music plays. Martinez stands still and watches.) Command: Hello, Miranda? Can you hear me? Place the anchor and get out of there. (The couple continues dancing. Martinez remains unresponsive.) Command: We're suspecting that the cognitohazard was stronger than your CRV. Screening an auditorial counter meme. (Countermeme-2417 is played through Martinez's headphones. Martinez regains awareness.) Martinez: (groans) God, my head. Command? You there? Command: Yes, place down the anchor and activate it. Find the last location and get out. Martinez: Roger that. (Martinez places and activates the reality anchor. Once activated, all figures within the gym dematerialize and the gymnasium is left empty. The anchor beeps twice.) Martinez: Who would ever want to stay in a place like this? «END LOG» EXPLORATION LOG Date: October 9th, 1999 Involved Personnel: Agent Martinez, Sr. Researcher Steele (as Command) Mission: Secure the third and final focal point of SCP-7415 «BEGIN LOG» (Martinez walks through a dimly lit hallway. No other doors are present. She walks for several minutes before coming across a single door, which she opens and goes through.) Dimly lit corridor within SCP-7415 (Martinez enters the classroom, filled with approximately 20 students, all of whom lack facial features, with SCP-7415-Sα and SCP-7415-Lα seated at the front. A faceless figure addresses the class as the teacher. “FUTURE PLANS” is written on the chalkboard.) Teacher: (mid-lecture) Well, it's part of growing up. Y'know, I remember what it was like when I was your age. I remember living my senior year like it was my last. This is the last time you'll have the freedom to do what you want without any of the major responsibilities. Look around at the people in this class with you. There's a high chance that you'll never see these people again after you graduate. You'll move away, you'll get a job somewhere else, and you'll start a new life. And you'll look back on these days fondly because you were young. (Martinez prepares the reality anchor in the back of the class, unnoticed by the figures.) Teacher: Enjoy it while it lasts. Enjoy it while it lasts. Enjoy it while it lasts. (The teacher continues to repeat the phrase until Martinez activates the anchor. The figures disappear, leaving the classroom empty. Martinez gets up and leaves the room. She walks down the hallway, retracing her steps.) Martinez: That's it?! That's all they were scared about? No family issues, no present danger, they're just some kids that don't want to grow up?! It makes no sense. Why would anyone want to do this to themselves? Just live out the worst four years of their life.6 Command: Focus on the mission, Miranda — one more left. Martinez: (scoffs) You can't tell me what to do. Nobody can. Who do they think they are, forcing everything through this because they're babies about it? Command: Martinez, are you okay? We're sending another counter meme, just in case. (Martinez groans in frustration and shuts the receiving end of her headphones. Command is still able to hear Martinez.) Martinez: (screaming) And I put up these anchors and what? They can just continue living their fantasy because they're too scared to get out of their own selfish, fucking heads! Is that it?! Are they just going to float around in their senior year and avoid growing up, while everyone else has to suffer because of them? (scoffs) I'm dragging them out of here, and I'll give them a piece of my mind. «END LOG» EXPLORATION LOG Date: October 9th, 1999 Involved Personnel: Agent Martinez Mission: Exit SCP-7415 «BEGIN LOG» (Martinez reaches the front entrance. Heavy rain hits the front windows with an occasional clap of thunder. A crowd of students blocks the entrance. SCP-7415-LAUREN and SCP-7415-STEPHEN stand at the front, facing Agent Martinez. SCP-7415-LAUREN is visibly agitated.) Lauren: Well, there you are! What have you been doing, sneaking around like that? Martinez: Both of you, turn it off. We're leaving. Lauren: Turn it off? Turn it off?! (SCP-7415-LAUREN stomps her foot, causing the floor to shift to a sharp incline. Agent Martinez loses her balance and falls toward the crowd, who immediately swarm her.) Lauren: (yelling) I am not letting another nosy outsider mess with this! (The crowd grabs at Agent Martinez's limbs, holding her down. All members of the crowd are faceless, with their rubber skin sinking into their orifices. Martinez is unable to overpower them.) Lauren: I only wanted this to last! Don't you remember being a kid? Why would you want to take that away?! (Orchestral music is played from an indiscernible source. SCP-7415-LAUREN approaches Martinez and makes eye contact. The floor levels.) Lauren: (shaking) You have to remember don't you? Don't you remember your mom dropping you off at school? All your friends that you've known all your life? Your boyfriend treating you to ice cream after a rough test? The football games, the school dances? Remember the smell of the damp carpet after a thunderstorm knocks out power in the middle of class? Can't you remember the rain?! (Tears begin forming in SCP-7415-LAUREN's eyes. Agent Martinez struggles for a minute, then spits in SCP-7415-LAUREN's general direction.) Martinez: Oh, grow up. (SCP-7415-LAUREN's eyes widen. She clenches her hands into fists and glares at Martinez, mumbling to herself.) Stephen: Uh, Lauren? (SCP-7415-LAUREN turns to face SCP-7415-STEPHEN. Her demeanor visibly relaxes. She gives a slight smile.) Lauren: Stephen! Sorry you have to see this side of me, but I'm doing this for… for us! We just need to- Stephen: Lauren, I don't know how to say this, but I think the lady is right. We need a break from all this. (SCP-7415-LAUREN smile drops immediately. She takes a step backward.) Lauren: You… you want to leave? Stephen: No, of course not! I'm just saying we can leave together! It's just gotten a little boring, and- Lauren: Boring?! I'm too boring for you? (SCP-7415-LAUREN takes several steps backward, stepping on one of the crowd member's arm. It shrieks and lets go of Martinez's right arm, allowing her to pull out an emergency reality anchor and set it down.) (The crowd members release Martinez and enter a dazed state. They begin to claw at their faces in shock and panic. SCP-7415-LAUREN turns around and notices the member's autonomy.) Lauren: (panicked) Calm down guys! It's only temporary, so just, uhm… (Martinez attempts to leave the building but is interrupted by SCP-7415-STEPHEN.) Stephen: (softly) Are you leaving the school? (Martinez glances at the door and then at SCP-7415-LAUREN, who is trying to calm the crowd members. She looks back at SCP-7415-STEPHEN and nods.) Stephen: Then can you…. (SCP-7415-STEPHEN looks longingly at SCP-7415-LAUREN.) Stephen: Take me with you. (Martinez nods again, grabs SCP-7415-STEPHEN's hand, and begins moving towards the exit. SCP-7415-LAUREN notices and attempts to move toward them, tripping on wailing crowd members laying on the floor.) Lauren: STEPHEN! No, don't go! We can- agh! (SCP-7415-LAUREN trips and falls. She reaches out her hand, tears running down her cheeks.) Lauren: (softly) Please don't go. (Agent Martinez and SCP-7415-STEPHEN exit the school and approach Outpost-7415. As they distance themselves from SCP-7415's center, the weather begins to clear and the rain stops.) «END LOG» Addendum 7415.5: Relocation SCP-7415-STEPHEN has since entered Foundation custody. He has been screened for potential issues and given Class-A amnestics. SCP-7415-STEPHEN has demonstrated a lack of reality-bending abilities and has been transferred to a non-anomalous public school to finish their senior year. On June 4th, 2000, a day after SCP-7415-STEPHEN's graduation, Outpost-7415 received a message from SCP-7415: please come back it's not the same without you i'm sorry Following this, SCP-7415 experienced a temporary, but significant dip in Hume levels. No action was taken. « SCP-7414 | SCP-7415 | SCP-7416 » Footnotes 1. Unlike Class-A episodic loops, Class-B loops follow a universal baseline temporal continuity, preventing the effects of elapsed time instead of undermining temporal stability. 2. Instead of having graduating seniors, the ceremony was extended to all students regardless of grade level. Due to the lack of temporal progression in SCP-7415, the ceremony served as a celebration for the prior year. 3. This log has been flagged for cognitohazardous properties, as detailed in the description. These properties have been filtered and expunged from the document. 4. Focal points of reality-bending areas are characterized by abnormally high Hume levels in relation to the surrounding area. 5. The music has been flagged for containing nostalgic, cognitohazardous properties. A copy of the audio without these properties has been attached to the log. 6. At this point, Martinez had succumbed to SCP-7415's cognitohazardous effect and mentally regressed to her teenage years.
Item: SCP-7416 Object Class: Euclid Keter Special Containment Procedures: Right now, the being is kept inside a circular room with a radius of 50 meters, conditioned to support extremely low temperatures. Due to hostile behaviour, no attempt to enter the room without proper equipment to survive outer space is allowed, as it might be considered a breach. Should a breach happen, SCP-7416 should be recovered with all attempts of a non-lethal recovery be a priority as otherwise, its death might cause a similar incident related to SCP-[REDACTED]. Description: SCP 7416 is human with its skin covered in language of unknown origin to the Foundation. It possesses the powers to lower the cryotemperatures until it reaches absolute zero. While it can communicate in Portuguese and English, due to [REDACTED] years at the Foundation, it has caused it to become aggressive at any foundation attempts at communication and will cause it to act aggressively against Foundation members. Addendum: Addendum 7416-001- Entity was initially recovered after the Foundation gained knowledge of an incident where the [REDACTED] festival was stopped because its entire participants were frozen alive apart from one participant as footage showed. After an MTF team was dispatched, the entity was captured, though additional civilians were caught in the middle of its uncontrollable power. Cover-up attempts by the Foundation to hide the event were to blame a gas leak as the reason for the deaths of all participants and civilians around the festival. Addendum7416-002- Following several experiments, the following was found about the being powers: Range: SCP 7416 seems to possess a 50-meter range when using its powers. However, depending on the distance, different effects are experienced: 50-40-meter range: any object within this range seems to experience a temperature drop of -10C. 39-20-meter range: all objects within this range experience a temperature equivalent to -50C. 19-1-meter range: all objects experience absolute zero, causing everything in this range to be completely frozen. 1-0-meter range: while an investigation is still imminent, it is believed that at this range a temperature even lower than absolute zero is achieved but it is still unknown. Addendum 7416-03- Following multiple attempts and two successful breaches, reclassification from Euclid to Keter was approved by the O5 council. Level 5 Only By order of the 05 Council, only Level 5 should be able to access the following Addendum, any other unauthorized attempts to access it will result in termination or demotion. Head translation The lungs of the emperor were said to possess mystic powers, it is said that with only one breath, all of space was said to be created. Now, while the emperor has stopped breathing, one day, they will unlock and when that day happens, the lungs will once again awaken and resume the empire of the stars. < SCP-7415 | SCP-7416 | SCP-7417 >
Item#: 7418 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7418 is to be confined within the designated Area-7418-1, encompassing the residence of Dr. Kate Santos and the adjacent 2-acre area. Feeding for SCP-7418 requires providing 2 pounds of sustenance, comprising earthworms, grubs, snails, spiders, small animals, and other insects, three times daily. Two MTF operatives are to be deployed within Area-7418-1 to maintain ongoing surveillance of SCP-7418's thermal signature, ensuring its presence within the designated area. In instances where SCP-7418's thermal signature becomes undetectable, the use of Purina Chicken and Beef Dog Treats is authorized as a lure to guide SCP-7418 back to the boundaries of Area-7418-1. In the event that the lure fails to effectively guide SCP-7418 back, Dr. Kate Santos is to be promptly notified. SCP-7418 Description: SCP-7418 resembles a mole (Talpa europaea) with a length of 14 cm and a weight of 200 g. SCP-7418 possesses the anomalous ability to burrow through any substance encountered, regardless of hardness or density. This encompasses materials such as concrete, steel, and solid rock. The burrowing process occurs at a speed consistent with a non-anomalous mole, and there are no indications of physical deterioration or exhaustion have been noted in SCP-7418 consequent to its burrowing activities. The specifics of the anomalous effects resulting from the burrowing process are currently under investigation. Attempts to obstruct SCP-7418's burrowing with materials such as diamond, lead, and composite alloys have proven unsuccessful. Addendum 7418.1: Test Log + SHOW TEST LOGS - HIDE FILES Test Log 7418-1C Researcher: Dr. Kate Santos Test: Dr. Santos attempts to train SCP-7418 using positive reinforcement techniques. A supply of Pedigree All Natural Chicken Dog Treats was used as a reward. Results: SCP-7418 displays initial curiosity towards treats, but remains primarily focused on burrowing. Test Log 7418-1F Researcher: Dr. Kate Santos Test: Dr. Santos continues training, gradually coaxing SCP-7418 with treats to perform simple commands, such as remaining in a specific location. A supply of Purina Chicken and Beef Dog Treats was used as a reward. Results: SCP-7418 exhibits increased interest in treats and shows signs of mild compliance with commands, albeit sporadically. Behavior remains unpredictable. Test Log 7418-1G Researcher: Dr. Kate Santos Test: Dr. Santos introduces a naming concept, repeatedly referring to the mole as "Nibbles" during training sessions, followed by treats as reinforcement. Results: SCP-7418 appears to display recognition of the name "Nibbles" after several repetitions. Responds to the name by briefly pausing its burrowing activity and looking towards Dr. Santos in anticipation of a treat. Note: Dr Santos initially reprimanded for naming SCP-7418. Director Collins approved use of alternate name during testing purposes. Test Log 7418-1H Researcher: Dr. Kate Santos Test: Dr. Santos continues using treats and the name "Nibbles" to encourage positive behavior and basic obedience. Results: SCP-7418 consistently responds to the name "Nibbles" during training sessions. Shows improved comprehension of commands, such as remaining above ground when instructed. Test Log 7418-2A Researcher: Dr. Kate Santos Test: A section of the containment chamber was outfitted with various obstacles and tunnels to simulate a natural burrowing environment. Dr Santos attempts to instruct SCP-7418 verbally to navigate obstacles. A supply of earthworms was used as a reward. Results: SCP-7418 responded to verbal commands from Dr Santos and successfully navigated the obstacles to reach the reward. - HIDE FILES Addendum 7418.2: Audio Transcript From SCP-7418 Meeting After the proposal for SCP-7418's participation in field tests, Director Collins, Dr. Kane, and Dr. Santos convened a meeting to deliberate on the potential course of action for SCP-7418's future involvement. VIDEO TRANSCRIPT DATE: 8/14/2021 PERSONS PRESENT: Thomas Collins, Site Director, Site-88; Henry Kane, researcher, SCP-7418; Kate Santos, researcher, Site-88 [BEGIN LOG] <Dr. Santos and Dr. Kane seated at opposite ends of the conference table. Director Collins is seated at the head of the table.> Dir Collins: Alright, let's get started. Dr. Santos, Dr. Kane, I understand there's a difference of opinion regarding SCP-7418. Dr. Kane, you've submitted a proposal, so why don't you start? Dr. Kane: Thank you, Director. SCP-7418 possesses an unprecedented ability to navigate through virtually any material. Imagine the possibilities if we were to train it to infiltrate secure locations, retrieve important documents, and return without being detected. We've seen its potential; why not utilize it? Dr. Santos: (Dr. Santos raises an eyebrow) Utilize it? Dr. Kane, we're talking about a sentient being here. Nibbles might have abilities, but it's still an anomaly. Its abilities are not yet fully understood, and it's entirely possible that unforeseen consequences could arise. We can't ignore the fact that its anomalous nature might make it unstable for such missions. Dr. Kane: (slams hand on table) Santos, you're always so cautious! We've got the chance to gain an edge, to utilize SCP-7418 to our advantage. We'll train it, control it, and send it where we need it to be. Dir Collins: And what if it goes rogue, Dr. Kane? What if it burrows through a critical support beam or, destabilizes a whole structure? You proposing we just gamble with that? <Dr. Kane desperately pulled some documents from a file.> Dr. Kane: We'll have measures in place, Director. Collars, containment protocols. We won't be reckless. Dr. Santos: Measures that might fail, Kane. We can't predict every scenario. Nibbles is still an anomaly, no matter how much you try to control it. <Director Collins puts his fingers on his temple> Dir Collins: Damn it, you both make valid points. Kane, your approach could give us an incredible advantage, but Santos, you're right that we can't ignore the risks. Dr. Kane: (clenched fists) Director, if we don't seize opportunities like this, we're just stagnating in containment. We need to evolve. Dr. Santos: (leaning forward) And if we rush into this, we're asking for disaster. We're here to contain anomalies, not weaponize them. Dir Collins: (sighing) Look, both of you have strong arguments. But in the end, Santos, I've got to side with you on this one. We can't afford to play fast and loose, especially when we're dealing with the unknown. Dr. Kane: Director, with all due respect, this is a wasted opportunity. We'll look back and regret not taking action. Dir Collins: (firmly) Perhaps, Dr. Kane. But right now, I'm putting the safety of our personnel and our operations first. Santos, I'll trust your judgment on this matter. Dr. Santos: (nodding) Thank you, Director. I believe it's the wisest course of action for now. Dir Collins: That settles it then. Let's keep SCP-7418 contained and under observation. Dismissed, both of you. Dr. Kane: (rising from his seat, visibly frustrated) Yes, Director. Addendum 7418.3: Incident Log 7418-C-1 + SHOW INCIDENT LOGS - HIDE FILES DATE: 8/15/2021 At [16:03:19], researcher Dr Henry Kane was found deceased in SCP-7418 containment chamber with a 14 cm diameter cavity in his chest. - HIDE FILES Following Incident 7418-C-1, SCP-7418 containment protocols were updated and transferred to Area 7418-1. « SCP-7417 | SCP-7418 | SCP-7419 »
Item-#: 7419 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7419 is to be kept in a standard small object containment unit when not in testing. Personnel are advised to use electronic devices incapable of wireless connectivity to prevent possible data breaches. Personnel are required to fill out form 7419-ST-1 after conducting a testing exercise. Description: SCP-7419 is the collective designation for two anomalous devices, designated SCP-7419-A and SCP-7419-B. SCP-7419-A is a small rectangular device comprised of an unknown material fitted with a standard 3.5mm audio connector and a simple on/off button. SCP-7419-A procedurally generates sentences, sentence fragments, words, and additional semantic values that are expressed as analogue electrical signals intelligible as audio when connected to a suitable interface. SCP-7419-A, once activated, will not cease to generate output unless terminated manually. The content of SCP-7419-A's output does not seem to follow any contextual pattern and will range from direct quotations of known or published material, to abstract "word salad" with little semantic meaning. SCP-7419-B is a spherical device fitted with a small condenser microphone in addition to a button and connector identical to SCP-7419-A's. SCP-7419-B operates as a simplistic true or false pointer. When connected to a suitable device that does not also have SCP-7419-A connected, a user is able to manually input a statement or question that will then be answered with either a True or False verbal response. Any input that does not contain semantic information answerable by SCP-7419-B will be answered on an abstract basis appearing to operate on simplistic real logic (ie: Input "Blue chickens" will receive output "False") but will invariably land on true or false. SCP-7419-A and SCP-7419-B, when connected simultaneously to a suitable device, will spontaneously execute each of their operative functions. SCP-7419-A will continuously generate statements, sentences, words, and additional values and directly feed each result into SCP-7419-B to be evaluated as true or false. The two software will run indefinitely until SCP-7419-A generates the statement "Marianne Simmons Will Buy a Bagel at Wynnsbury's", triggering an immediate fatal error in SCP-7419-B's internal logic resulting from an inability to arrive at a true or false conclusion. Every instance of testing involving SCP-7419-A and SCP-7419-B running in conjunction will arrive at this fatal error. Audio-Log-7419-36: +Show Transcript -Close Apple the Fruit. True. An approved antibiotic for the treatment of streptococcus infection is Amoxycillin. True. Magical Oysters. False. Research has indicated the existence of dark matter. True. Most people believe in a plane of existence beyond ours. True. Goldfish are land dwelling. False. Walmart is a conglomerate from Canada. False. Grocery shopping is a task. True. Apples are Vegetables. False. Anchoring a million grey dogs to a fence post. False. Asteroids may crash at any time. True. It will arrive. True. Seventeen is a song by American singer Sharon Van Etten. True. There are species of potato that contain pork. False. Racial bias. True. The USA will hold elections. True. Grey skies can be turned into portable catheters. False. Managing time is a belief that can be imported into Audacity. True. Madonna is American. True. Catholicism. True. Organic food is edible. True. Ringing a bell that will cease to function. True. Multiplying skulls by the product that is impossible. False. Dying. True. Octocorallia is an order of Cnidarians containing the soft corals and Gorgonians. True. Humans can effectively understand. False. Life is a highway. False. Marianne Simmons Will Buy A Bagel at Wynnsburys. Internal Logic Failure. Fatal Error Occurrence. Please restart. Discovery: SCP-7419 were discovered on 29/12/1982 after Junior Researcher Julio Cabrera checked into Site-19 medical facilities complaining of sharp periodic pains in his lower abdomen. After medical staff were unable to deduce a clear cause, an ultrasound was conducted on the area of reported pain. SCP-7419 were subsequently discovered embedded in Cabrera's abdominal cavity. No signs of surgical intrusion in the area were found. Test-Log-7419-B-1: The phrase "Marianne Simmons Will Buy A Bagel at Wynnsbury's" appears to generate from SCP-7419-A at a somewhat elevated rate, and will not result in a fatal error if SCP-7419-B is not connected to the same device. Attempts to determine the significance of the statement have included altering the content of the phrase, with wildly differing results, although all semantic alterations have failed to yield the fatal error caused by the statement. Test results suggest the internal logic of SCP-7419-B treats "Marianne Simmons" and "Wynnsbury's" as unique semantic concepts rather than generic nouns, as well as outputs being static and not reflecting passage of time. A log of results generated from manual input via SCP-7419-B's microphone is available below. INPUT RESULT Marianne Simmons will steal a bagel at Wynnsbury's FALSE Marianne Simmons TRUE Marianne Simmons' Bagel TRUE Marianne Simmons will be FALSE Marianne Simmons is buying a bagel at Wynnsbury's TRUE Marianne Simmons is going to buy a bagel at Wynnsbury's TRUE Marianne Simmons' Bagel is a Bagel FALSE Marianne Simmons is FALSE Marianne Simmons is not FALSE Marianne Simmons refers to a person named Marianne Simmons FALSE Marianne Simmons bought a bagel at Wynnsbury's FALSE Marianne Simmons was FALSE Buying a Bagel TRUE Buying Marianne Simmons' Bagel FALSE Buying Marianne Simmons' Bagel from Wynnsbury's before she does FALSE Buying Marianne Simmons' Bagel from Wynnsbury's before he does FALSE Buying Marianne Simmons' Bagel from Wynnsbury's before they do FALSE Buying Marianne Simmons' Bagel from Wynnsbury's before it does TRUE Marianne Simmons' Bagel was TRUE Marianne Simmons is perceivable TRUE Marianne Simmons can be perceived FALSE Marianne Simmons will be perceived TRUE Marianne Simmons' Bagel has happened TRUE Marianne Simmons' Bagel is happening FALSE Marianne Simmons' Bagel will happen TRUE Marianne Simmons' Bagel will FALSE Marianne Simmons is known TRUE Marianne Simmons can be known FALSE Wynnsbury's TRUE Buying a Bagel at Wynnsbury's FALSE Buying at Wynnsbury's TRUE Bagel at Wynnsbury's TRUE Stealing at Wynnsbury's TRUE Stealing from Wynnsbury's FALSE Wynnsbury's is Wynnsbury's TRUE Wynnsbury's was TRUE Wynnsbury's is located in North America TRUE Wynnsbury's is located in the United States of America FALSE Wynnsbury's is located in Canada FALSE Wynnsbury's is located in a Central American or Caribbean country FALSE The North America that Wynnsbury's is located in is North America FALSE Attempts to ascertain the identity of Marianne Simmons have been unsuccessful due to the prevalence of the name. Attempts to identify "Wynnsbury's" as referenced in the phrase has been similarly unsuccessful. Addendum: As of 16/7/2021, the rate at which input semantically related to "Marianne Simmons Will Buy A Bagel At Wynnsbury's" is generated by SCP-7419-A has steadily increased, the most common of which is attached below. INPUT RESULT Marianne Simmons will arrive at Wynnsbury's soon TRUE More From This Author More From This Author PoufyPoufson's Works SCPs SCP-6923 • SCP-6541 • SCP-6298 • SCP-7151 • SCP-7575 • SPHERE • SCP-7783 • SCP-7471 • Tales/GoI Formats Other SCP-POUF • Fear of Death • « SCP-7418 | SCP-7419 | SCP-7420 »
777 ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture Graphic depiction of execution and inhumane acts If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page « prev |{$current}| next » DrApricus More works by me can be found here! Item #: SCP-7421 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Wartrod Hanging is preserved within a Foundation front disguised as a factory. The perimeter of the building is secured and gated, but minimal non-autonomous security is required due to its isolated location. Human testing on SCP-7421 has been restricted due to ethical concerns, with the only research allowed being the analysis of past victims and simulated experiments. Convict hanging from SCP-7421 instance. Photographed 1859. Description: SCP-7421 is a collection of gallowses erected between 1850 and 1856 within close proximity to each other. The site is adjacent to a mass outlaw burial in New Orleans, Louisiana, discovered in 1910. The area and surrounding acreage, previously known as “Wartrod Hanging,” was acquired by the Foundation in 1924. When hung from an SCP-7421 instance, an individual will remain capable of respiration but experience the full sensation of strangulation. They will enter a vegetative state within four to six minutes, the average time a person can withstand a lack of oxygen, and appear dead to an outward observer. However, unless terminated by an outside force, the condemned will remain fully aware despite total paralysis. After seven to ten minutes of hanging, the rope will merge with the neck, surrounding tissue, and bones on a molecular level. When the rope is cut at the declaration of death, often after thirty minutes of hanging, it will have fully integrated itself with the individual's skin and muscle and partially with the bone. If undisturbed, the SCP-7421 instance and the condemned will develop a singular biological system over an unknown span of time. If the rope is cut, it will continue growing into the executed until they unify into a single entity. Radiocarbon dating of each gallows' rope shows inconsistency in age and suggests that, on several occasions, gallowses had their ropes replaced after executions. Thus, the exact number of hangings carried out employing SCP-7421 is unknown. Though the burying of criminals was inconsistent, the gravesite estimates at least 30 condemned, all of which were still attached to their respective ropes. Discovery: Wartrod Hanging was not investigated by the Foundation until the twentieth century due to its obscure geographical location. The investigation began after a collateral clearance team revealed one of the condemned left hanging from SCP-7421, an unidentified male with a severely injured face, was still breathing. Later investigation found he had been hanging for 58 years as of 1914. Later autopsy of the condemned and inspection of the SCP-7421 instance revealed bone marrow, blood vessels, and feeding tubes to have grown throughout the gallows and rope, which intertwined with the condemned's intestines via the neck. This allowed for continued nourishment to sustain the body internally. Addendum: The investigation uncovered two journals with writing from 1855 through 1862. In total, four entries mentioned the usage of an SCP-7421 instance to hang the aforementioned man. Several other entries offer insight into the climate of the relevant town beforehand. Both had been pawned but were recovered within the perimeters of Louisiana. The owner of the journals is unknown. 8/30/55 Another child is dead today. First, Lee Hal Thomas back in early May, then Garrett Larson in June, and now Susie Graham. She was declared missing by her folks two days ago, and they uncovered her body, or part of it, beside the river as the sun rose. The culprit Crowshore, who was already a suspect of the previous hits, though never formally arrested, fled only last night. Like a gunmen in the west, he didn't leave a single hoofprint in his path. This was the match in the powder barrel for the town. The Grahams orchestrated a protest at the sheriff's office, businesses turned their signs in solidarity, and several folk left for the neighboring towns. The service for the little lady is tomorrow. This wasn't the first time the sheriffs had their hands tied by the people. It'd be surmounting since late winter. It was obvious that at some point, there ought to be trouble. And we all knew no marshal or constable was ready for it. The posses had practically been our law enforcement for the past hog killing. We'd all heard of other Louisiana towns hanging their sheriffs for their inaction, tying them between horses at the shot of a gun, standing them before an open flame. It's a shame our little old rust bucket is so patient. 12/10/55 I awoke this morning to hear the locals talking of new gallows built just yonder of the Bricksolds' saloon. Word of the outlaw Crowshore being reigned in has been about for a little time, and for such a cad, there ought to be a hemp fever. Amidst all this fear, it would be the break we all need for one less devil to walk amongst us. Child killers are all dead men in this country, and hoosegows aren't made to hold dead men. Dangling from the ropes, he'd make the fourth or fifth this year. But with the air becoming cold and dry and my doubt in the lawmen and their reputation, I'm worried the trail will run cold. Again. 4/22/56 The newsboy rode through town an hour before noon like a saddle warmer, shouting and waving the print. "Crowshore caught! Crowshore caught!" he cried. And to his word, the sheriffs came only moments later with a battered man suspended between the two horses. A little part of me hoped they'd put on a show and suddenly diverge and run in opposite directions. He swayed like a wind chime, and his face was beaten far beyond recognition. The sheriffs allowed no leisure between when they brought the outlaw in and when he was ushered to the gallows. He was practically a ghoul, so much so that the hangman's knot would seem pointless if he weren't still blinking. He spared speaking as he was fixed in, and he did not scream when the chair was kicked, the air only spilled out of him in a gasp. Damn sidewinder. The crowd rejoiced as his legs finally went limp, and no light was left in his dog eyes. As I watched from atop the hill, I felt nothing for the dead man but hope that the knot's force would break his neck. For then, he'd stop breathing, unlike the previously hung. But he did not. Nobody knows why they always keep breathing, but I know I never want to find out. I expected that once the party ceased its cries, the rope would be cut, come down with him, and stick to his neck like molasses. That did not happen. I expected they'd cut away at it, digging it out of his bloody neck, and that soon he would have no pulse. They let him hang, though. 4/24/56 Two days have passed since the hemp fever, all the wanted posters have been torn down, and all the bounty hunters, sheriffs, and wranglers have been relieved of their search. There was a public burning of the outlaw's crafts as the sun rose. He'd been known to make oil paintings. He left them behind when he fled, also leaving behind his victims for horrified townsmen to uncover. The wealthy mister and misses Graham shouted profanities as all the paintings were tossed in a pile and served as firewood in the center of the town. Oddly enough, I smelled a hint of orange in the ash scent. It was a second festival of retribution for the Graham family, though nothing can truly fill that hole. There's no telling how many people Crowshore had squabashed before he came here, and I believe it's for the better that we don't find out. The wrench of discovering another dismembered body is not easily shaken off. With every new victim, the pressure forced upon the sheriffs to find and persecute the cad grew. It was a matter of time before they hauled someone in. Someone would've dangled regardless. 9/9/56 Months had passed, and all had been silent. In fact, it was as if the world had taken to whispering. No prints from other counties arrived, and the town naturally returned to a state of strange bliss. The Thomases, Larsons, and Grahams still mourned, and the townspeople and I still set aside time to join them at the church. But in spite of the horrors, we persisted and justice seized the day. Right? Over dinner, I was served the bad medicine, and it had my heart skip a beat. Whilst the alleged outlaw continued hanging from the gallows, going on half a year and still breathing, Wilson James Crowshore was sighted at the Mexican border. The account was clear and unmistakable; it was him, as alive as a tree. Nearly a thousand dollars were recuperated from his uncovered residence in Texas and enough evidence of his crimes to sentence him to a hundred deaths. It appeared the sheriffs gave up the search and faked the capture of the cad, letting him run. We can never know who it is at the gallows this very moment. And the sheriff's office had become a ghost town overnight. « SCP-7420 | SCP-7421 | SCP-7422 »
by Ethagon To: O5-10 From: Maria Jones Subject: SCP-7423 Slot Trouble I've got a bunch of errors about the SCP-7423 slot not working properly. After looking into it, it seems like some really old files are messing with the system. All of them are locked to O5-10 access. Given how much of a mess the raw files are, I've ordered all the files in a rough timeline that I've attached to this email. Fair warning: It's rough. Some things are duplicated or in the wrong place but you'll see why in a bit. If you don't want to deal with this yourself I'm also open to fixing this, with your permission. ~ M. Jones December 1975 AD The Marching Band of Kirk Lonwood High finished a performance and was subsequently trapped in permanent stasis. The Band is contained as SCP-332. April 1976 AD The hearts of two students at Tazewell High School were spontaneously transmuted into wood. The hearts are contained as SCP-6976. May 1976 AD Reality locally collapsed in Kirk Lonwood High School. The perpetrators were found to be an, at the time of arrival abandoned, music store called "Syncope Symphony." All participants were amnesticized, put under observation and the school condemned. It took us embarrassingly long to respond to the situation in Kirk Lonwood High. We had a presence in the school ever since the containment of SCP-332, but the Foundation only had so much capacity for stationary anomalies. SCP-332 was at the time deemed unimportant enough that we could get away with just locking the band room and informing the right people of the necessary procedures. There were bigger fish to fry, or so we thought at the time. The checkups in the first few months of 76 didn't report anything interesting. The GOC considered the town our responsibility and we actively kept the UIU away from anything they could mess up. When we visited again in May it was far too late for the School. ~ General Westhill State: Band activities make up an insignificant amount of the School activities. Response: Principal replaced with a Band Enthusiast. Result: Band activities are in the foreground of School activities. State: The Federal Bureau of Investigation Unusual Incidents Unit is investigating the School for anomalous activity. Response: Foundation Operations temporarily halted and removed off-premise. Result: Foundation presence remains undiscovered. April 1976 AD The hearts of two students at Tazewell High School were spontaneously transmuted into wood. The hearts are contained as SCP-6976. May 1976 AD Reality locally collapsed in Kirk Lonwood High School. The perpetrators were found to be an, at the time of arrival abandoned, music store called "Syncope Symphony." All participants were amnesticized, put under observation and the school condemned. May 1976 AD Reality locally collapsed in North Hillcrest High School. In subsequent months Containment Procedures are established to keep students from entering the auditorium and causing reality-altering events. The school and the phenomenon surrounding it were contained as SCP-7676. I remember that early during the crisis, a lot of it was blamed on this semi-connected group of High School anomalies. That of course changed when the Apollyon took all our attention. Blaming it solely on either of the two would still be a wrong assessment. Even with all that happened, there's a bit of an overestimation of the world-ending capabilities of a single anomaly. On paper, they often seem like they can expand infinitely, but they all have a limit in one way or another. Mountains in particular are a bulwark of reality your average world-ender finds a hurdle too steep to climb. The worst one of the "Syncope" anomalies was probably SCP-7676 with its cascading waves of reality alterations. The thing is that these anomalies were almost exclusively focused on North America, with maybe one or two appearing on other continents. We had all reason to believe that in the absolute worst case we would only lose the US. And that was still far-fetched with how local most of them were. No, the role these anomalies played in all of this was spreading our resources thin at a time with so many wildfires that the Veil was already tearing. ~ General Westhill O5 Council Meeting Transcript <Begin Log> O5-11: And I'm telling you we can't keep this amnestics supply up. We're on our way to having cracks spread through the entirety of the Veil. My recommendation is to focus our Veil maintenance and abandon disinformation efforts for specific areas. O5-6: What cities do you have in mind? O5-11: Ground Zero cities have the highest demand and are the likeliest to be lost despite our efforts. O5-2: We can not abandon cities to the anomalous prematurely. We owe them that much. O5-8: Seconding Two. Any city completely out of our control is ground for hostile memes to fester. We need nationwide amnestics coverage if we want to keep any of them under control. O5-2: What's your estimation of fallout if we continue as normal, Eleven? O5-11: Exponential Veil failure. Being generous we can withhold amnestics for 1 in 10 individuals as long as we rebound at some point. Any more than that and the unamnesticized can successfully spread veiled information faster than we can amnesticize them. (Pause) If we can't allow any shortage in the supply the only solution that comes to mind is the eel. O5-2: Absolutely not. O5-11: I'd rather fail morally than completely. O5-6: We might not have to go that far. There are measures that lower the amnestics demand. We could completely shut down one source of anomalies if we get rid of High Schools. O5-2: I've looked over your reports and I'm unsure it would end as long as Syncope Symphony is still around. O5-6: Are they still around? O5-11: We also don't have the push to make the government comply, not yet. O5-6: The GOC might if they raise their response to Pizzicato. O5-4: The GOC just raised KTE-1162 to Level 5. I doubt it. Administrator: They're not the only ones. The Council stands up. O5-2: Administrator. I am admittedly surprised you've come. Administrator: So am I. It's clear I can't leave this Council alone with what it's supposed to do. O5-11: What do you mean, not the only ones? Administrator: I was at Site-100, trying to integrate our main troublemaker. No success. O5-6: That means- Administrator: Yes. "Keter-Class SCP objects that are judged for integration into SCP-001, but unable to be forced into integration are to be upgraded to Apollyon." O5-6: (whistles) Been a while since we had to deal with one. O5-2: Will we have your support, now that the threat has risen to this level? Administrator: I will make some of my assets available, but it is ultimately your mission to handle this. Ten? O5-10: Yes? Administrator: There are a few files I'll grant access to for you later, just in case. Share them with the Council at your own discretion. (The Administrator leaves) <End Log> May 1976 AD Reality locally collapsed in North Hillcrest High School. In subsequent months Containment Procedures are established to keep students from entering the auditorium and causing reality-altering events. The school and the phenomenon surrounding it were contained as SCP-7676. June 1976 AD Anomalous activity at Salvation High School was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation Unusual Incidents Unit. The town was later condemned. The source of anomalous activity in the town is contained as SCP-3935. July 1976 AD An unknown meme merged with SCP-3919, causing individuals to think of themself as the children of SCP-3919 and subsequently fall under its effect. The Spread of the meme resulted in the loss of multiple cities before it died out. August 1976 AD Yearbooks of Kirk Lonwood High School were found in other High Schools across the USA but were found to be non-anomalous with one exception. The yearbooks were confiscated and the anomalous one is contained as SCP-1833. September 1976 AD An organism thought by witnesses to be their father was brought to a hospital in Huntington, West Virginia. Its origins could not be investigated due to missing manpower. The organism is contained as SCP-1976. State: Close Family ties are at risk of removing primary subjects. Response: Job opportunities are mirrored after template. Result: Family ties reduced to acceptable level. State: Nickname distribution shows significant divergence. Response: Prime students through exposed media towards favoured nicknames. Result: No change in nickname distribution observed. March 1976 Specific strains of SCP-3281 were noticed to be actions requiring enacting a high school graduation. Strain was dealt with per Standard Late-Stage Memetic Outbreak Protocol-3281. April 1976 A student was able to reach the auditorium of North Hillcrest High School due to missing manpower. It was subsequently established that the GOC would focus on emergent anomalies and the Foundation contain anomalies that could not immediately be terminated. SCP-7676 was recontained. May 1976 POI-099 ("The Plundering Tourist") manifested in 76 different high schools/secondary schools across the globe and induced a local reality failure in each of them. Situation was stabilized by local Foundation Operatives where available after POI-099. June 1976 The GOC activated Procedure Pizzicato and established Global Martial Law. At the Foundation's request, High Schools were temporarily outlawed. July 1976 Global Evacuations to shelters were started. Several areas proved difficult to evacuate due to several summer holidays-enforcing anomalies. Possible [COGNITOHAZARD REMOVED] State: Significant portions of band members have their main social circle outside of the band. Response: Foundation operatives changed circumstances in the social situations of friends outside the band and highlighted other common interests of friends inside the band. Result: Fraternization between Band members raised to an acceptable level. State: No presence of Syncope Symposium in the high school. Response: Operations expanded to make the town as a whole favourable for manifestation. Result: Syncope Symposium opened a shop in the town. Manifestation is notably different from expected parameters. The question as to the source of anomalies is an often asked one. The question is of course easily answered in that there is not one but many. No "source" we may find is able to cover everything that is anomalous. A more commonly theorized origin lies in the social atmosphere that surrounds us everywhere we get into contact with people. Anomalies are then a sort of social tension that twists and twists until it breaks. Were this hypothesis true, then anomalies are theoretically reproducible, albeit only if the exact social situation can be recreated. It is to note that there is no difference between the paranormal being the product of our social reality and the theory that certain social situations simply attract attention from the kind of entity that leaves the anomalous in their wake. These two theories will be treated as interchangeable until a method is devised to clearly separate one from the other. This paper proposes a method to prove either of these theories as correct using the Shaw/Zartion Hominid Replicators and memetic conditioning to achieve… July 1976 Global Evacuations to shelters were started. Several areas proved difficult to evacuate due to several summer holidays-enforcing anomalies. Possible [COGNITOHAZARD REMOVED] January 1976 SCP-3776 affected items started appearing in shelters among secondhand clothing. Procedures were updated and SCP-3776 was recontained without any individual manifesting memories about "Camp Nimrod". March 1976 A school building manifested inside the tropical rainforest and started to replicate itself using the surrounding rainforest. A perimeter could be established before an unrecoverable amount of Rainforest was lost. May 1976 Swarms of entities masquerading as high school students were requesting access to the GOC city fortress Ganzir. After entry was denied they were terminated by other anomalous entities surrounding the city. August 1976 School buses appeared across the USA and abducted children not in shelters. The destination of these buses is unknown. November 1976 Efforts to contain SCP-7676 were abandoned as Foundation forces retreated. The GOC was given advance notice and was able to terminate the anomaly with heavy losses. O5 Council GOC High Command Meeting Transcript <Begin Log> Al Fine: I'm going to be exceedingly generous and assume you had a good reason to abandon your posts like that. O5-6: It's not a matter of retreating. More a change in strategy to focus on our most important Sites. Al Fine: You're hiding, is what you're saying. O5-10: In a way, I guess that is correct. Al Fine: We had an agreement. We can't focus on emergent threats if you can't suppress any long-term problems. O5-6: You seem to be handling it well, considering how you dealt with North Hillcrest High. Al Fine: Don't make me laugh. And for what? So you can focus all forces in Yellowstone? Whatever you're hiding there better be worth it. O5-4: Given the situation, the Council has agreed to share some information pertaining to that matter. DC al Fine is brought a short stack of files with SCP-2000 printed on the topmost one. Al Fine skims them. Al Fine: You can't be serious. O5-10: We assure you, the device exists as described. Al Fine: It can't. The Foundation doesn't have the capability to build this, you outright state this. And it can't have been used before or your technological advancement would surpass ours by at least 40 years. O5-10: We haven't. SCP-2000 was brought into this timeline by a Global Reality Shift. It didn't exist 40 years ago. Al Fine: This still doesn't justify your retreat. O5-10: How far are we from the Minimum Repopulation Margin of the GOC? Al Fine: We're not that far off, but we know this crisis is nearing its end. If both we and Pentagram continue like this there is still a chance to save humanity. If we hold out just a few months Eurtec will be operable enough to allow for instant deployment anywhere without much cost. O5-10: Overextending us now might put SCP-2000 in danger which is a risk we aren't willing to take. Given current projections we can wait the crisis out and then start reconstruction. Al Fine: There is no waiting it out. If you hide away in your bunkers humanity will die! O5-10: We've already strayed far too much of course. What is there left to save? Even if we pull through and rebuild from scratch all our history and culture will be gone. Al Fine: It is already gone. You can't turn back the clock. O5-10: We'll see. I hope we can count on you when we start the reconstruction. Pentagram has already agreed to return the US to its former state. Al Fine: I will not let it come to that. If the GOC is the only one looking forward then we must win alone. (DC al Fine leaves.) <End Log> November 1976 Efforts to contain SCP-7676 were abandoned as Foundation forces retreated. The GOC was given advance notice and was able to terminate the anomaly with heavy losses. December 1976 During an attempt to save a shelter, multiple GOC units succumbed to the effects of SCP-2316 resulting in the loss of the shelter. August 1976 Among other experiments, a test-high school was run by the Foundation. As expected anomalous occurrences in the high school environment had returned to a pre-1976 level. As such, Procedure Lazarus-01 was given the go-ahead. August 1976 After its completion PANOPTICON and PERIMETER, the latter with GOC co-approval, were used to scan for any appearance of the Syncope Symphony without success. (Note: Reports of NIGHTWATCH were investigated by the Temporal Anomalies Department independently.) August 1976 After its completion, the school outgrowth in the tropical rainforest was removed via orbital laser. August 1976 Agents of the Temporal Anomalies Department were utilized to confirm the accuracy of reconstruction. American High Schools were able to mirror the climate of 1975 High Schools with 80% accuracy. O5 Council Meeting Transcript <Begin Log> O5-10: What I'm proposing is a 5-year extension of the reconstruction period. If we continue using Delta-T in this window we can achieve nearly 100% accuracy of 1975 culture. O5-2: You know we can't grant that. O5-6: Everything has been aligned for the deadline of January in two years. This supposed 20% accuracy increase isn't worth the rescheduling. O5-10: Supposed? O5-6: Reality often disappoints when it comes to achieving perfection. Be happy we got to 80%. O5-10: Alright. ENUI-5 will be released as scheduled and be the endpoint of Procedure Lazarus-01. O5-11: On that note, is there any chance we can get our hands on 2000's amnestic regiment? O5-10: No. Releasing any of the 2000-specific technology opens Lazarus up for sabotage. O5-11: Staying with the eel it is then. O5-10: Besides, the entire point is that everything after 2000 usage goes back to before. O5-6: It's a bit late for that. Just look at our Orbital Lasers. Or PANOPTICON. O5-4: Or Eurtec. O5-10: Some of the Free Ports growing out of control is an issue. Is there no chance we can bring them back to Lazarus? O5-4: Not unless you want war with the GOC. They fought for humanity's survival, and they will keep it, if just in their little corners hidden from the world. O5-2: I concur. So close to the restart, it may be good to take our focus back to how we'll make it through the coming years instead of years long past. O5-10: I can see the sentiment. There is however one last experiment I'd like to put up for consideration before we officially restart history. <End Log> August 1976 Pentagram reinstates the US government with the most notable changes to the prior version being more legislation for Free Ports and a significant budget increase for both Pentagram and the UIU. History is resumed and high schools start the next school year. September 1976 Efforts failed to get concrete data on the evolution of high school/secondary school systems in Free Ports like Eurtec or Backdoor Soho that do not or do not fully comply with Protocol 2000-Retcon. To: Maria Jones From: O5-10 Subject: Re:SCP-7423 Slot Trouble Apologies for the late reply. I've sorted the files you sent me. There were a few there that don't belong here. I will have to take a deeper look at some point to confirm the accuracy of the described events. This should suffice for now to solve the slot problem. I have also created a direct file for SCP-7423 so no one else will mess with the slot. It and all the secondary files are to be restricted to exclusive Archivist Clearance. ~ O5-10 Item #: SCP-7423 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: As the SCP-7423 project is completed it requires no further Containment. SCP-7423-1 is to be contained per the Containment Procedures of SCP-1423. Description: SCP-7423 was part of a Foundation run experiment to test the success of recreating the American culture following the activation of SCP-2000. SCP-7423 specifically focused on reproducing the anomalous events in Kirk Lonwood High School in May of the original 1976 AD. This event was chosen as a plethora of anomalies with unknown origin centred on the final class of High School and the music shop Syncope Symphony appeared in the original 1976 and the following years of the ADK-Class "Anomalous Destabilization" Scenario. While the exact events could not be reproduced, the experiment resulted in the creation of SCP-7423-1, since designated SCP-1423. SCP-7423 was therefore tentatively deemed a success. SCP-7423-1 is a polaroid photograph that when held by a human subject will enhance memories of the subject's last high school summer vacation to the point of bypassing amnestic treatment. The back of SCP-7423-1 shows the written message "We've had a great year, haven't we?" « SCP-7422 | SCP-7423 | SCP-7424 »
close Info X Special Thanks to: GlassAutomaton, Zoobeeny, Dr Blackbox, Dr Vikki Lost, Rigen, Tsercele and Glossy-lane542 for critting this article JorgeMtzb My first attempt at a GAW draft! Hope you enjoy. Item#: 7424 Level1 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: warning link to memo and stay in drugs Don't do school kids SCP-7424 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7424 is to be stored in a standard containment locker at Site-18. Access to SCP-7424 is restricted to Level 2 personnel and above. Cannabis products are strictly prohibited on the containment floor. Description: SCP-7424 is a blue gardening spade measuring 20 centimeters in length with a wooden handle and a metal blade. The words "WEED-B-GONE" are written with a black permanent marker on the left side of the handle. SCP-7424's anomalous properties activate when brought within a 10-meter proximity to any tissue, materials, or combustion byproducts derived from plants of the genus Cannabis (commonly known as marijuana). These properties also encompass any items associated with the recreational use of marijuana as a psychoactive drug. Upon activation, SCP-7424's blade exerts a gravitational force on these materials, attracting them and subsequently absorbing them into itself. No trace of the absorbed objects have ever been found. Afterwards, SCP-7424 proceeds to launch itself at a velocity of approximately 30 meters per second towards any individual(s) who last made use of the aforementioned items, often resulting in serious injury. In case no such individual is present within its 10-meter activation radius, the anomaly will target the next individual to enter its effective range. Addendum: SCP-7424 came to the Foundation's attention following a series of disruptive events at a marijuana dispensary in Denver, Colorado, USA. Local authorities reported that an individual identified as Reece Stoneman had entered the establishment wielding SCP-7424. Individuals involved in the incident were hospitalized and amnesticized. After further investigation, the following online chat logs have been recovered: +See: SCP-7424 - Recovered Materials Log Access Granted EmptySausage 12:01 Guys. I brought an offering. The Reezer 12:01 Hey there fellow gamers! I'm new here. Mr. Found 12:02 Hey! mrwhitesphere 12:02 heya how are you N.Y. Booze 12:02 hi dipshit hi dipshit hi dipshit DullSilver 12:03 how's it going newbie BannedAlsoBTW 12:03 Wadaosjdoaijsdoiasjd TheReezer 12:05 I'm good, thanks! N.Y Booze 12:05 Hi dipshit Hi dipshit EmptySausage 12:06 Adopt the new guy yall treat him well BannedAlsoBtw 12:07 @EmptySausage. Poor choice of words, I'll feed him cat food. mrwhitesphere 12:07 Really? You kiddin me? Shame. He's gotta get scraps, not cat food. Everyone knows that. BannedAlsoBtw 12:08 true true my bad N.Y. Booze 12:09 You've been B O O Z E D EmptySausage 12:07 Booze stop B O O Z I N G people. N.Y. Booze 12:09 Booze is my name B O O Z I N G is my game if you can't handle the Booze you get B O O Z E D. TheReezer 12:09 Well, what's the first order of business? N.Y Booze 12:09 Crime TheReezer 12:10 hahah DullSilver 12:12 You could tell us a bit about yourself and your interest in the cause TheReezer 12:09 Well, Im an avid gamer and I despise weed. Seems pretty self-explanatory. mrwhitesphere 12:14 YEAAAAHHH FUCK WEED BannedAlsoBtw 12:14 I wouldn't do that, sounds painful. mrwhitesphere 12:14 wut BannedAlsoBtw 12:15 I said, I WOULDN'T DO THAT, IT SOUNDS PAINFUL mrwhitesphere 12:16 Does your mom sound less painful? BannedAlsoBtw 12:16 Less painful than looking at yours. mrwhitesphere 12:16 Shut up nerd. TheReezer 12:17 Hahah But uhhh Yeah I've actually been developing a little thing. Well, it's actually kinda big if. If I do say so myself. EmptySausage 12:17 @BannedAlsoBtw. Don't say it. BannedAlsoBtw 12:17 That's what she said. EmptySausage 12:18 I will smack you with the fridge again. BannedAlsoBtw 12:19 EmptySausage 12:20 That's it! *kicks your balls* BannedAlsoBtw 12:20 I've got more balls than you ever will. EmptySausage 12:21 Sorry about that lol. please continue. What is this big thing you want to speak about? TheReezer 12:21 Well it's something a lil… let's say supernatural. BannedAlsoBtw 12:21 What is it? N.Y Booze 12:21 GET B O O- I'm listening. DullSilver 12:22 Starting strong are we? TheReezer 12:22 Yeah! I'm actually pretty excited to show ya'll. Just fair warning it's my ever first ever uhhh. mrwhitesphere 12:23 spooky thing TheReezer 12:23 Yes. It's my first ever spooky thing so I'm not precisely… good at it. I have no idea what I'm doing to be frank. EmptySausage 12:23 It's fine lol, we all started somewhere no? mrwhitesphere 12:24 Not me, I've always been a god among men. Mr. Found 12:24 Yeah, yeah, just show us the weird magic shit already. TheReezer 12:26 Here's a pic mrwhitesphere 12:26 a shovel DullSilver 12:26 do you live in a white void?? Mr. Found 12:26 that looks more like a spade mrwhitesphere 12:26 what's even the difference? Mr. Found 12:27 "A shovel typically has a curved blade and is used for digging. On the other hand, a spade has a flat blade and is used for cutting and removing soil." BannedAlsoBtw 12:27 EmptySausage 12:28 What about the shovel? Mr. Found 12:28 Spade* TheReezer 12:30 It's called the "Weed-B-Gone" cuz you know "weed" is like a double entendre. Cuz gardeening has weeds and cuz you know "Gamers Against Weeds" Mr. Found 12:30 We get it, we get it. TheReezer 12:30 I made it so that it absorbs all the weed around it. It'll siphon out smoke from the air and grab blunts and stuff like that. DullSilver 12:30 Yoo that's awesome. I could use something like that. So how do you get it back? TheReezer 12:30 What you mean? DullSilver 12:30 How you get the weed, I don't see like a hole or nothin TheReezer 12:31 What? BannedAlsoBtw 12:31 They said: "HOW DO YOU GET THE WEED, I DON'T SEE LIKE A HOLE OR NOTHIN" TheReezer 12:32 Well, you don't. It gets rid of the weed. After it detects who was responsible for it, It hits them in the head. Not too hard, just like a lil boop, I made sure of that. DullSilver 12:32 In all seriousness like what does it actually do tho. Or is it literally just a normal shovel. I mean if you didn't actually make full-on spooky shit just for the bit that's fair, I don't think anyone can blame you. Mr. Found 12:33 SPADE* DullSilver 12:33 whatever TheReezer 12:32 What bit? DullSilver 12:33 this was funny at first but you dragged it out for wayyy too long mrwhitesphere 12:33 Wait, yall don't think they're serious, do yall? EmptySausage 12:34 What? Nahhh mrwhitesphere 12:34 @EmptySausage. Did you remember to say the name was ironic when you invited them EmptySausage 12:34 Of course I did, I always do mrwhitesphere 12:35 Check EmptySausage 12:37 Shit. TheReezer 12:38 …Ironic? mrwhitesphere 12:38 Yeah GAW is supposed to be ironic. We don't actually fight against weed. Emptysausage 12:39 We're just making fun of overly self-righteous groups. The whole "Gamers Against Weed" thing is a parody. TheReezer 12:38 You- you're kidding right? BannedAlsoBtw 12:38 wait shit they were fr fr this whole time? DullSilver 12:39 They appear to have been TheReezer 12:39 I really thought we were against weed! How can this be a joke? Ya'll are just fucking with me right? Please tell me ya'll are. N.Y. Booze 12:40 Yeah, but that's besides the point TheReezer 12:40 Oh, you know what? FUCK. YALL. DullSilver 12:45 ouch! harsh EmptySausage 12:45 woahh N.Y Booze 12:46 lol TheReezer 12:44 Yeah, I said it, go fuck yourselves EmptySausage 12:40 let's calm down for a second. It's all in good fun. TheReezer 12:41 Good fun!? You have no idea how much time I've invested in this! The "Anti-Weedinator" is a marvel of weed eradication technology! DullSilver 12:41 I thought it was called the Weed-B-Gone TheReezer 12:42 I CHANGED MY MIND OKAY? Is that a fucking crime!? N.Y Booze 12:42 DID SOMEBODY SAY CRIME? EmptySausage 12:43 not now booze N.Y Booze 12:44 awww TheReezer 12:47 Now if you excuse me, I'm outta here. Reece stoneman is leaving this hellhole with the rest of his dignitity. And I'm taking my shovel with me. BannedAlsoBtw 12:48 wait. your last name is fucking STONEMAN!!?? TheReezer 12:48 IT'S GERMAN EmptySausage 12:50 aaand they're gone. DullSilver 12:51 jeez Mr. Found 12:51 OH GOD DAMN IT. IT'S A SPADE FFS Matzah Balls 12:55 hey guys i'm back what'd i miss More From This Author More From This Author JorgeMtzb's Works SCPs SCP-7192 (+8) • SCP-500-J (+117) • SCP-7121 (+92) • SCP-7229 (+53) • SCP-7194 (+33) • SCP-719M4-J (+170) • SCP-7911 (+28) • Tales/GoI Formats Other JorgeMtzb's Author Page (+17) • « SCP-7423 | SCP-7424| SCP-7425 »
Guaire You can find more of my articles here. Item #: SCP-7425 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7425 cannot be transported wholly to any given Foundation facility given its large size. As a result containment efforts are focused on preventing civilian and scientific access to the area where the anomaly lies. Material from SCP-7425 should be shipped regularly towards Research Site-45, stocks are to be kept at near-maximum capacity. Description: SCP-7425 was a Large Scale Aggressor resembling a decapodal crustacean. SCP-7425 is believed to have originally stood at 130 meters in height and 500 meters in length, reaching an approximate mass of five thousand metric tons, though its current state makes estimation unable to be verified. It is believed SCP-7425 has extradimensional origins, from an alternate reality, or portion of reality, where a different set of physical laws allowed it to reach its gigantic size. SCP-7425 manifested into baseline reality in the 3rd of November 1954 on the Kerguelen Oceanic Plateau. Prior to its appearance, ontokinetic fluctuations had warned Foundation systems of baseline reality becoming unstable in the area, prompting the dispatchment of a Research Task Force, which went on to record the arrival of SCP-7425, and the events following it. Immediately after its manifestation into baseline reality, SCP-7425 began moving east, in direction towards Australia. A few seconds following the start of its movement it stopped, presumably having spent all the energy on its body in these few initial movements. At the same time this took place, cellular metabolism from SCP-7425's interior began to drastically increase its internal temperature, becoming hot enough for the surrounding water to noticeably warm, and steam beginning to originate around the anomaly's body. Roughly 4 seconds following SCP-7425's initial appearance, its appendages began to falter as a result of both oceanic pressure and the anomaly's mass. Its body unable to support its own weight, SCP-7425 fell onto the seafloor, greatly damaging both it and the anomaly. The burden of SCP-7425's meat was likewise too heavy, flattening its internal organs, most notably the heart and gills. While SCP-7425's shell was thick enough to resist all initial internal and external pressures, that was not the case with the remaining limbs, which cracked, letting the boiling-hot seawater enter the anomaly's open wounds and bloodstream. Finally around the 10 seconds mark, the anomaly's internal temperature reached a temperature such that it exploded, scattering large portions of biological matter throughout the entirety of the Kerguelen Plateau. SCP-7425 lost roughly 65% of its biomass in this event. Prior to this final incident, personnel of the Research Task Force stationed in the area had reported hearing the anomaly “screaming in pain”. This was likely a result of highly pressurized steam creaking out of SCP-7425's interior at high speed, and should not under any circumstance be interpreted as the anomaly being in possession of advanced cognition and emotions. The exact conditions that led to the appearance of SCP-7425 became the result of Foundation research the years following the initial event. Many important advancements in inter-dimensional technology are taking place as a result. A method believed to be able to replicate the circumstances that led to SCP-7425 manifestation has recently been discovered. It is expected that Foundation facilities's seafood budget will lower significantly. « SCP-7424 | SCP-7425 | SCP-7426 »
NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION As the status of the majority of Foundation sites are currently unknown, the following document has been authored by Alexandra.aic. Item#: 7426 Level1 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: critical link to memo Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-7426 is uncontainable, efforts are currently centered around finding survivors. Any AIAD systems located in any semi-operable Foundation sites have deployed reconnaissance vehicles and drones to scour the Earth for any traces of survivors and gather supplies for them. Self-automated construction vehicles which have not been destroyed during SCP-7426 have also been deployed to rebuild their sites for shelter. Description: SCP-7426 refers to an event which occurred on 19/05/2022 where all gravitational force on Earth ceased for approximately five seconds. Due to the lack of gravitational force pulling them down, all masses on Earth were immediately displaced by its rotational speed. This includes the significant loss of Earth's atmosphere and important binding agents within it, leading to all concrete structures and buildings collapsing almost instantaneously. Following SCP-7426, all items displaced by the anomaly began falling back to Earth, resulting in the majority of living things not yet killed during the event expiring on impact. Any survivors following the initial impact were either crushed by falling debris or killed via major natural disasters. As of the time of writing, it is currently unknown whether or not there are any survivors following SCP-7426 as all major communication networks have also been disrupted by the event. Aside from finding survivors, efforts to discover the cause of SCP-7426 are currently underway. Addendum 7426.1: Several flight and communication logs of an SCP Foundation spacecraft were retrieved from the remnants of The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)'s mission control building. The following logs have been gathered and compiled into the following Auto-Transcription Log. Auto-Transcription Log 7426.1: [BEGIN LOG] <13:12:06:> Supply Ship Ramina V launches from Kennedy Space Center to the International Space Station (ISS). <13:20:56:> Ramina V reaches orbit and begins its route towards the ISS. <13:22:10:> The SCP Foundation receives several emergency transmissions from NASA about a gargantuan spatial anomaly approaching the Solar System. Despite this, as rough estimates and observations show this anomaly keeping its distance from Earth, it has been deemed to not be a threat. <13:22:33:> The SCP Foundation receives a report of a sudden increase in speed from the anomaly, with calculations estimating that it was on a collision course with Earth. <13:22:35:> The anomaly nears the solar system. Events similar to SCP-7426 reportedly occur on planets within it. <13:22:37:> SCP-7426 occurs. [END LOG] The following still was also taken from surveillance cameras onboard the ISS. Show Image? Hide Image? . . . Receiving… . . . Receiving… . . . Receiving… . . . Transmission successfully received. . . . Transcribing… Addendum 7426.2: The following radio transmission was received by all functional SCP Foundation sites two days after SCP-7426 occurred. AUDIO LOG 7426.1: [BEGIN LOG] [Radio static for fifteen seconds.] <panicked> …Hello? Hello? Is anyone there? [Radio static for thirty seconds. Mumbling can be heard, but it is undecipherable.] [Silence for thirty seconds.] <desperate> Hello? Is there anyone left? [The voice softens as the speaker moves away from the microphone.] I didn't think this would happen- I just wanted to help- [Silence for fifteen seconds. A small sniff is heard.] I'm sorry… I'm, so, so, sorry. [END LOG] « SCP-7425 | SCP-7426 | SCP-7427 »
Item #: SCP-7428 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Any unusual activity should be monitored along with signs of life. Due to certain factors, all information about its location should be unknown for levels 4 and below. In case of a SCP breach or other GOI's attempt at closing in, all nuclear devices should be immediately detonated by the site director, as it is of the utmost importance that no one apart from the Foundation, has access to it. Description: SCP-7428 is a humanoid being stuck inside a 10x5x5-meter container covered in a language of unknown origin to the foundation. Even though there are signs of it being alive, right now, the entity lacks its entire respiratory system along with its heart, arms, legs, and other members, with the belief that the container is the only thing keeping it alive. Further tests have shown that the being seems to respond to visual stimuli, but it still has not responded to any attempts at communication so far. Addendum: Addendum 7428-001- As of lately, the entity has slowly recovered more parts of itself as time goes, which seems to correspond with the incidents related to SCP-[REDACTED]. If the entity ever fully reforms, project S.S.E. should be immediately activated. Addendum 7428-002- Origin: Entity was recovered in 1981, in [REDACTED], at the time of its recovery, the entity was only some small patches of skin. However, it has slowly gained more parts, with predictions that in the next [REDACTED] years, full recovery is expected. Addendum 7428-003- To prevent leaks of the location, the 05 council has blocked most information on it to be only accessible to level 5 and only within the site computers. Due to these restrictions, the file being shown is the limited version of this SCP. <SCP-7427 | SCP-7428| SCP-7429 >
Item : SCP-7429 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: No attempts should be made to touch SCP-7429 due to its anomalous ability. Any attempts, either successful or unsuccessful, will result in the person being tranquilized and after Foundation deliberation, will result in termination or becoming part of project METAL-HAND. Description: SCP-7429-1 is an animatronic, that has aged to the point of it being a mess of wire, cogs, and other rusted metals. However, it seems to have a handmade of a tissue similar to a human, covered in a language of unknown origin to the Foundation. Any type of organic life that touches the hand, seems to undergo some type of evolution process. All beings that undergo this process is to be identified as SCP-7429-2, which are “evolved” organisms who display extremely hostile behaviors to any being apart from themselves. The result of this process is different depending on the being, but on humans, it causes the following results: Increase in endurance, strength, durability, IQ levels of around 230, increase in aggressive behavior, resistance to poison, radiation, and bioweapons, increase in life span and regeneration. It is believed that SCP-7429-2 humanoid beings are of [REDACTED], which are currently contained within the Foundation but within the named group [REDACTED] is speculated to have [REDACTED] of this entity. ++Level 4 Access Required++ Project METAL-HAND: In-charge: Professor John Terry Purpose: Due to SCP-7429-1 effect on improving humans in all aspects and the need for more soldier's fighting for the Foundation, this project focuses on the use of SCP-SCP-7429-2 to create improved soldiers to fill the ranks of the MTF. Process: First, a screening of subjects will be made amongst the D-class, to choose the more likely to get the best evolution traits from the process. Second, due to the entity hostile behaviour, a lobotomy will need to be performed on all entities. While normally, a lobotomy on human beings would critically affect the brain of human, on the entities, it decreases the aggression while minimally affecting their mental capacity. Training: Then, a training project will commence and depending on the MTF, the training process might range from 10 days to 6 months. ++Level 5 Access Required++ Translation of unknown language: On the dawn of time, multiple factions were constantly fighting amongst themselves, resulting in tremendous wars. Until, one day, using his right hand, the emperor touched each one of his soldier's, causing all of them to evolve. The result of this was an enhanced army, which destroyed all the other factions and started his long reign over the cosmos. < SCP-7428 | SCP-7429 | SCP-7430 >
Item #: SCP-7430 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: The Foundation has infiltrated the local authorities in the town of Lockwood for a more efficient control over the anomaly. Disappearance rates of people between the ages of 15 and 50 must be constantly monitored. The forest surrounding the town must be also monitored through the use of 20 surveillance posts scattered throughout the area, used primarily by research teams and standard security personnel. Civilians found wandering alone in the forest must be persuaded to return to the more populated areas by the security team, who will pose as local rangers. Anyone successfully affected by SCP-7430 is to have their existence erased from the public eye and from all records except this document. Drones and other unmanned means must be used for the search and recovery of instances of SCP-7430-1, which are to be disposed of by incineration. Any civilian or staff member who had contact with or is experiencing activity related to SCP-7430-1 is to be interrogated, and if necessary, properly amnesticized or quarantined depending on the severity of the effects. Any descriptions, news, entertainment, or acts of public reverence towards SCP-7430-1 are to be monitored and censored. Update 5/26/1986: Due to the nature of SCP-7430-1, directly describing the anomaly or tangible elements of its composition must be avoided. The use of thaumaturgical methods to neutralize the anomaly have been declared ineffective. Description: SCP-7430 is an anomalous event currently affecting the population of the town of Lockwood, Oregon. This event occurs approximately 2 to 3 times a year, and causes the disappearance of a single civilian of any gender between the ages of 15 and 50. Generally, the disappearances themselves do not follow a specific pattern, although the consensus dictates that the zone where every person is last seen tends to be in areas close to the forest surrounding the town. Affected individuals often experience personality changes or unusual behaviors prior to disappearance, although the duration or intensity of this effects varies greatly. It is believed that at their highest level of intensity, disappearances can be caused by the spontaneous demanifestation of the individual. These disappearances always lead to the individual becoming part of SCP-7430-1. SCP-7430-1 refers to [DATA EXPUNGED]1. Due to this, SCP-7430-1's capabilities and influence increase based on the number of successful SCP-7430 events, as well as the number of people interacting with any of its instances. It is believed that this effect can also be transmitted between individuals. Addendum 7430.1: Discovery The effects of SCP-7430 were finally discovered after the events of April 1st, 1986, when the disappearance of 26-year-old Evelyn Brocke led to a massive anomalous event. 4 days after being declared missing, an instance of SCP-7430-1 was found by local authorities and taken for study at the local forensic department. Due to the nature of the object found, doctors and members of the authorities as well as administrative and cleaning personnel present in the building ended up being affected by SCP-7430-1, which resulted in a massive exposure of the anomaly to the population of Lockwood. Approximately 59 individuals, including 24 members of the authorities and 35 civilians, were lost in the events of April 5th. Staff incorporated in the town who escaped the event alerted the Foundation and a mass amnestization campaign began on the entire population of Lockwood. In the following weeks, the properties and effects of SCP-7430 were determined. The present documentation was also updated to avoid direct description of SCP-7430-1, after this nearly led to a containment breach on May 26, 1986. Upon closer investigation of the town's history, it was discovered that the disappearances had been occurring for the last 11 years, although their effects had never reached a significant enough intensity to be discovered by the Foundation, or, in most cases, their respective instances of SCP-7430-1 were never properly found. In most of these cases, moreover, people had begun to attribute these disappearances to the act of an alleged serial killer, which led to an unsuccessful investigation by the local police, partly minimizing the suspicion of Foundation members infiltrated in said authorities. Addendum 7430.2: List of relevant SCP-7430-1 instances. 1981 1981 1982 1983 1984 1984 1985 1986 Date: March 6, 1981 Subject: Terrence Phillips Age: 17 Catalyst: [DATA EXPUNGED] Description: Subject is declared missing one day after leaving for school on the morning of March 6. After 2 months of search, an instance of SCP-7430-1 is discovered by a group of campers, lying face down in a puddle in the south-east area of the local forest. Manifestation: Lisa Hawkins, one of the campers, in the following weeks after the event makes an appointment with her dentist due to a constant itchy feeling in her tongue. The sensation ceases after 1 month. No more activity is registered. Date: July 14, 1981 Subject: Henry Bennett Age: 37 Catalyst: [DATA EXPUNGED] Description: The subject works as a part-time taxi driver. Witnesses claim to see him for the last time on the road heading into the northern area of the local forest. Following a 6-week investigation, a local ranger discovers an instance of SCP-7430-1 resting on the shore of a lake, located at northwest of the area. A subsequent investigation reveals Mr. Bennet's vehicle, sunk in the bottom of the lake. Manifestation: Mark Lopez experiences periodic cramps in his right feet, accompanied by a mild feeling of constant anxiety and difficulty for walking over the next 2 months. He later claims to have found himself humming a melody unconsciously every time he was alone. Date: March 9, 1982 Subject: Harry Miller Age: 15 Catalyst: [DATA EXPUNGED] Description: Last seen by his friends leaving high school during the afternoon, after reporting a severe headache. 4 days later, local police find another instance of SCP-7430-1 half-submerged in a creek, near the northwest of the woods. Manifestation: Officer Gregory Campbell, over the next 7 months, initially experiencing periodic severe migraines, suffers an increasing difficulty in making coordinated movements and a deterioration of existing speech skills over the months. In September he is diagnosed with apraxia. By the end of the year, Mr. Campbell reports occasional nightmares, usually related to the amputation of one or both legs. The officer usually describes this act as being accepted by him in the dream, out of utilitarian sentiment. His health progressively improves over the next year. This experience seems to result in Mr. Campbell becoming extremely religious. Date: November 30, 1983 Subject: Vanessa Higgins Age: 23 Catalyst: [DATA EXPUNGED] Description: The subject, a medicine student, experiences severe episodes of anxiety attacks and paranoia during the months prior to the disappearance, many times declaring that she was being constantly persecuted. Although Mrs. Higgins is prescribed with medication according to her unstable mental state, and despite moving back in to her parent's house because of it, her behavior only becomes more erratic as the months pass. The subject disappears at dusk on Wednesday, November 3, during a violent episode of anxiety, running away from home. The next morning, on November 4, 46-year-old Mary Grant, residing at a vacational cabin in the East Woods, discovers an instance of SCP-7430-1 half buried in a large mound of snow near the cabin. Manifestation: During the next 2 nights after the event, Mrs. Grant experiences severe night terrors and visual hallucinations related to multiple human legs2 sticking out of the snow surrounding the cabin overnight, along with sightings of small wooden figures hanging around the cabin that disappear as soon as they are seen again. She also reports occasional cramps in her left leg during this time period. Date: July 23, 1984 Subject: Claire Hawkins Age: 21 Catalyst: [DATA EXPUNGED] Description: Subject goes on a camping trip with her sister and 2 friends, on what was originally going to be a 3-day trip, to the southeast area of ​​the forest. After dinner on the second night, the girl leaves her tent at approximately 2 am in the morning, for no apparent reason. The people who accompanied her collaborate during the next 3 days together with the rangers and local authorities to search for her in the area. Her sister Lisa finds an instance of SCP-7430-1 hanging upside down from a tree. Manifestation: On July 29, during her sister's funeral, Lisa Hawkins hears the muffled sound of female laughter from beneath the ground. She experiences a severe headache that forces her to walk away from the event to collect herself. During the next 11 months, the girl experiences multiple, spontaneous auditory hallucinations of teeth chattering for prolonged periods throughout the day. Severe jaw pain develops which progressively worsens her ability to eat throughout the year. She also begins to have strong night terrors and visual hallucinations involving her sister, running naked in the distance into the woods. All of this results in her developing a strong anxiety disorder, and the habit of rambling nonsense words in prose when alone. On the morning of May 8, 1985, Lisa is in the local Catholic church with her relatives. Just as the people at the mass begin to recite their prayers, Lisa begins to emit meaningless ¨ceremonial vocalizations¨. Subject's parents try to calm her down due to the intensity of these phrases, causing her to recite said vocalizations louder and faster. The prayer is interrupted and the priest approaches the family to ask if the girl is alright. At that moment, and as she would later declare, Lisa mistakes the rosary worn by the priest for a "teeth necklace" and goes into a panic attack that leads her to slip up and hit her head against the bench, dislocating her lower jaw. The young woman is hospitalized and no further abnormal activity is registered after this event. This particular case generated discontent in the student body of Claire's university, leading to multiple protests claiming the ineffectiveness of the police to catch the alleged serial killer responsible for the case, nicknamed as "The Lockwood Mutilator", to whom 6 past disappearances were attributed. Date: November 7, 1984 Subject: Edward Miller Age: 48 Catalyst: [DATA EXPUNGED] Description: The subject spents the last 2 days before his disappearance wandering through the woods. Witnesses claimed to see him in the distance heading northwest and avoiding making contact or being seen by people. Eventually he is no longer seen and is officially declared missing on November 7. Three weeks later, on November 29, a group of elementary students on a school winter trip accompanied by one of their teachers witness an instance of SCP-7430-1 rolling through the snow down a hill until stopping in front of the group. Manifestation: Susan Berkley – 9 years old: Screams during English class when she feels "A very big spider", crawling up her leg. No spiders are found neither on her clothes or in the classroom. (December 2) Stephanie Corbet – 9 years old: Hears a constant taping on the window of her bedroom during the night. Claims to have woken up a few minutes later to a ¨Quiet song¨ coming from outside. (December 3) Timothy Wright – 8 years old: During a Math class, claims to hear music coming from one of the cabinets in the classroom. It stops after 20 seconds. (December 3) Jim Taylor – 9 years old: Finds a human finger sticking out of the dirt of a flowerpot in the school hallway. After this, the subject decides to notify his teacher. When the teacher comes to check the pot, there is nothing. (December 4) Madyson Grant - 8 years old: Claims to have witnessed the crucifix of Jesus Christ in the classroom making signs in silent language with its hands during a literature class. Despite declaring herself scared, the girl does not notify the teacher of this and no other kid in the classroom seem to notice this event. (December 4) Andrew Lopez – 8 years old: Home alone in the afternoon waiting for his father to come home from work, the subject finds himself watching Sesame Street. Apparently, after watching 2 episodes, the boy witnesses a third episode titled ¨Come in Handy!¨ In this episode, Elmo's character is shown in front of a brick wall with a closed wooden door with a crucifix on top of it. Elmo is shown frustrated at not being able to open the wooden door, apparently because he lacks the strength to turn the knob. At that moment, Big Bird´s character appears on screen and asks him the reason behind his frustration. After Elmo explains that he's angry because he can´t open that door, Big Bird explains the importance of accepting help from others to achieve your goals, and how "everyone needs a helping hand sometimes." At that moment, Big Bird uses his "Beak" to remove the glove on the left hand of his costume, exposing the real hand of the actor underneath the costume. Big bird encourages Elmo to use his hand. Elmo easily removes the human hand from the suit as if it were a mannequin, and uses it to turn the knob. The door opens slowly, revealing what appears to be a desolate wooded area covered in snow in the middle of the night. The area appears to be a real location. Both characters stay silent and turn their heads towards the camera without moving. The sound of winter wind can be heard coming from the door. After 2 minutes of the characters standing still in front of the door, Andrew becomes scared and leaves the room without turning off the TV. The child comes back after half an hour to check the TV. He leaves again after verifying that the same scene is still there. When Andrew's father arrives at dusk, he finds his son waiting for him on the porch. The TV is now playing a repetition of the first episode of season 14: ¨Big Bird at Camp¨ There is no known record of the episode described by the kid. When pressed for further details, Andrew describes how the show's intro song, "Sesame Street Theme" by Joe Raposo, had been replaced with a "different melody." (December 6) Lockwood Elementary School: During the morning, approximately a number of 40 paint handprints are found in the walls of one of the school bathrooms. These handprints range in size from 5.5 to 22.6 inches. (December 8) Stephanie Corbet – 9 years old: Wakes up in the morning with her body and face covered in bruises. The little girl´s neck shows strangulation marks. The child is helped and taken to a hospital by her parents. An investigation is opened for a possible case of domestic abuse. (December 8) Ian Flynn: Physical education teacher Ian Flynn attempts to strangle the priest of the local Catholic church, initially using his bare hands, then using the priest's rosary. The subject is separated and arrested, unable to give statements, being in a state of dissociation. Although no charges are filed, Mr. Flynn is not allowed to go near the church again. The subject would later declare himself confused about the event. (December 8) Lockwood Elementary School: The hands of the crucifix of Jesus in one of the classrooms disappear. (December 9) Date: November 5, 1985 Subject: Aaron Woodfield Age: 46 Catalyst: [DATA EXPUNGED] Description: The subject, a 46-year-old local park ranger, is arrested on November 2 on suspicion of being related to the disappearance of students Elizabeth Taylor and Marissa Clark in January and July of the same year. The suspicions on the part of the authorities were due to witnesses who declared how in both cases they saw the girls in desolate areas being followed by Mr. Woodfield, being in the case of the second victim, at a time that did not coincide with the subject's work Schedule. He also was linked to the disappearance of a prostitute in December 26th 1974, to whom he had allegedly frequented in the weeks before the disappearance. After an inspection of the subject's home, and despite the fact that no traces of the students were found, the school uniforms and belongings of the two girls are found buried in the backyard of the home, along with a backpack that would later be discovered to belong to Claire Hawkins, a previous victim of SCP-7430. This news become a scandal in the Lockwood community, who blame him for the other disappearances on suspicion that they were caused by the activity of a serial killer in the area3. However, Mr. Woodfield suddenly disappears during an interrogation at the East Precinct police station. Subject had experienced strong paranoia and instability in the days before the disappearance. The investigation is left inconclusive, since no further traces of Mr. Woodfield are found and due to the discovery of more belongings of disappeared victims in another 3 homes near the residence of the subject, and in the courtyard of the local elementary school. No instance of SCP-7430-1 is found in this case. The interview conducted with Aaron Woodfield, formerly owned by the Lockwood Police Department prior to the tape´s confiscation is attached below. TRANSCRIPT OF AARON WOODFIELD´S LAST INTERROGATION TAPE RECORDED INTERVIEW AARON WOODIELD / DETECTIVE JOHN MENDEZ 11.5.85N <Begin Log> MENDEZ: This is detective Mendez, Lockwood Police Department. Today is Wednesday, November 5, 1985. Current time is 7:36 P.M. This is a taped conversation with the last name of Woodfield, first of Aaron. Date of birth 02-16-39. MENDEZ: Okay Aaron, I just turned on this tape recorder so we can have this conversation more easily. It's almost the end of my schedule and I don't have the patience to stay here all night, so don't make me. Let's not repeat what happened a couple of days ago, okay? (Silence) MENDEZ: Aaron? WOODFIELD: o-okay sir. MENDEZ: Please, speak up a little bit. WOODFIELD: Yes sir. OFFICER: Good. Well as you may know, since we talked it last time, uh, you were detained on suspicion of being involved in the disappearance of the two girls this year4. You assured me that you never had any contact with them, is that correct? (Silence) MENDEZ: Aaron, i'm talking to you. WOODFIELD: Yes. MENDEZ: Okay, so you do remember. Aaron, you made it clear to us that you had nothing to do with the case, even though we have three witnesses who saw you following the girls, one of them late at night in the middle of the forest. When we asked you, you told us that it wasn't you, despite the fact that two of the witnesses recognized your face. Is that correct? WOODFIELD: It wasn't me. MENDEZ: You told us the same thing last Saturday. Do you have any way to prove it? WOODFIELD: (No response) MENDEZ: Look, ever since we pulled you over a few days ago, we've been searching through your home, Aaron. Yesterday we found belongings of both girls buried in your backyard. WOODFIELD: What? MENDEZ: We also found a backpack, belonging to a young woman who disappeared one night you did duty, July 23, '84. We found dried blood on the backpack, Aaron. WOODFIELD: Oh. MENDEZ: Okay, listen carefully, I need you to tell me if you did something to those girls, and why- WOODFIELD: I swear i didn´t do anything, i s-swear i- MENDEZ: Calm down, take it easy. I'm going to need you to be more clear with me. WOODFIELD: I-I did saw them, both, in the Woods. WOODFIELD: But i didn't do anything to them. I´m scared. MENDEZ: Why are you scared? MENDEZ: So you did have contact with them? WOODFIELD: No… I never even touch them. I swear I never met them, but it was during my shift, in January, I saw this girl- MENDEZ: Are you talking about Elizabeth? WOODFIELD: I think, she was wearing a school uniform, and she was wandering alone in a dangerous area, we don't let minors do that, be-because of the animals and- WOODFIELD: -after 5 minutes… when i finally got to her, she was already dead, hanging in a tree… MENDEZ: What do you mean she was dead? WOODFIELD: She was dead, man! S-she was naked and looked like her [REDACTED] had been ripped off- MENDEZ: Are you telling me you just found a dead body and never reported it? WOODFIELD: Sir, s-she turned her head to me, and s-started talking… And her voice, it didn't sound like a girl's, it sounded like- MENDEZ: Didn't you just tell me she was dead? WOODFIELD: She was dead! A-and she was smiling…she told me that it would be disrespectful to leave her l-lying there- WOODFIELD: She said that her parents would be very sad if they never found her or something like that- She kept begging me to get close to her- MENDEZ: Aaron, I don't understand- WOODFIELD: I ran away, i kept hearing her, calling my name… I went home, then I thought it was maybe just a joke. And then I saw her face on the news, everywhere! And the same thing happened with the other one…! The same uniform, the same smile…And I- just- didn't want the same thing to happen again! But it was very dark, I couldn't- MENDEZ: Okay, okay Aaron. Why did you never tell anyone? WOODFIELD: Because no one would believe me! WOODFIELD: And now weird things keep happening… I can't stop finding [REDACTED] spreaded all across my backyard! WOODFIELD: And the girls are everywhere, smiling at me! They are under my sofa, in the ceiling- A few days ago I went to the bathroom, and I caught them looking at me over the shower curtain! I almost had a heart attack- MENDEZ: Sir- WOODFIELD: I just want to be able to sleep again, plea- At that moment, the interviewer is distracted by a flickering in the lights of the room, causing him to look up at the ceiling for an instant. When turning to the front, Mr. Woodfield is no longer there. Mendez inspects under the table without success. MENDEZ: What? Mendez inspects the entire room. There is no trace of Mr.Woodfield MENDEZ: What the f- <End Log> Manifestation: N/A Date: March 28, 1986 Subject: Evelyn Brocke Age: 26 Catalyst: [DATA EXPUNGED] Description: The subject, a medicine student, locks herself in the bedroom of her house in the suburbs for 6 days before the disappearance tooks place. Testimonies from both close friends and that of her younger brother, who lived with her at that time, indicate that there were no signs of strange behavior or emotional distress in the young woman prior to her confinement, indicating that this behavior manifested spontaneously. During the 6-day period, the subject apparently only communicates through the door with her brother in, as he later describes, nonsensical phrases. On the sixth day, when the young woman stops responding, her brother becomes concerned and seeks for help, alterting the authorities. On March 27th, the police brokes into the young woman's room, inside which there is no trace of her. The next day she is officially declared missing. 4 days later, in the early morning of April 1st, an instance of SCP-7430-1 is found by the authorities leaning behind a tree next to a road running through the southeast of the woods, partially covered in a "finely ornamented white veil". After being discovered, SCP-7430-1 is taken for a study in the forensic department at noon5. Manifestation: [REDACTED] Addendum 7430.3: First chronological manifestation of SCP-7430 During the investigation period of SCP-7430 following the events of April 1st, 1986, information was gathered from the locals to establish a timeline of events surrounding the anomaly. This was how the first official disappearance related to SCP-7430 was discovered, referring to 9-year-old Thomas Heffley on December 24th, 1974. Mr. Heffley, who now was 21 years old at the time and who had been living with his family in Nevada since 1978, was contacted to provide his experience with the incident. Said interview is attached below. Thomas Heffley, who lived his childhood in Lockwood, disappeared on the night of December 24, in the middle of a family reunion. After being unsuccessfully searched for by his parents and uncles, the authorities were alerted. Two days later, Thomas, unconscious, was found nearly buried by snow in a remote area of the woods, with only a single █████ missing. He was rescued and sent to the hospital, where it was not possible to explain how the infant would manage to survive so long without dying naturally from hypothermia. The boy's testimony was not made public. In 1986, Thomas was contacted by the Foundation and interviewed at his current residence in the state of Nevada by agent █████ on May 26 at 1:23 PM <Begin Log> INTERVIEWER: Could you describe your experience living in Lockwood, Oregon? HEFFLEY: Yes of course. Uhh, I lived there my entire childhood, my dad and my grandpa moved there when he was a teenager. Nice, calm town, lots of nature. INTERVIEWER: Please, try being more specific. HEFFLEY: Uhm, my father worked at a gas station, mom worked at home. I didn't have many friends, but the townspeople were always very friendly. Although somewhat superstitious. INTERVIEWER: What do you mean by "superstitious"? HEFFLEY: Well, you know, the town, it wasn't very big until more people came to live there in the 70s. Before, they had always been that kind of a closed community, I don't think I need to explain INTERVIEWER: Please, explain in great detail. HEFFLEY: (Sighs) HEFFLEY: My grandfather always talked about the people who used to live there, in the woods, weird religions, I always thought they were like hippies, according to him they were more like gypsies or something like that. People used to find weird necklaces on the trees, weird music coming from the woods at night, the townsfolk fed urban legends to scare the kids, including Dad. We stopped hearing anything from those people during the 60´s though. INTERVIEWER: Interesting, thanks. Thomas, I understand that there were also some strange disappearances during the 70's and 80's, right? HEFFLEY: Uhh, no, I don't know INTERVIEWER: Your family moved in '78, right? Hadn't there been a wave of people disappearing? Murders or something like that? HEFFLEY: Well uh, I guess I just heard some rumors. They said there was, uh, a man in the woods, a murderer or something. The son of a friend of dad's also disappeared, I think that scared him, I always thought he had just run away, I don´t really know. INTERVIEWER: Thomas, we know that you apparently disappeared for 2 days when you were 9 years old. Christmas of '74, remember? Could you tell us something about that day? HEFFLEY: I'd rather not talk about that INTERVIEWER: It is not a matter of what you prefer or not. Thomas, please describe what you remember about that day. HEFFLEY: Why? Are you with the government or something? I d- INTERVIEWER: Thomas. I have a group of officers waiting outside. (Silence) HEFFLEY: Uhh… I remember it was on Christmas Eve. My grandfather had a cabin, on the outskirts, we used it for family events, things like that… I only have vague memories of what happened before. We were at the cabin, it was night and everything was covered in snow, dad had trouble parking us earlier. Uh, I was on the couch, I had been playing with mom, we were waiting for dad to finish dinner. I remember my aunt called mom to ask her for help with something, I think, I don't remember what. I think I fell asleep, it felt like being asleep, or I got distracted, I don't know. When no one was looking, I got up and walked to the exit. I was walking through the snow, up the hill, I couldn't see anything. INTERVIEWER: Why did you do that? HEFFLEY: I, uh, I don't know, I don't think I wanted to, I could hear mom calling my name, I could see the cabin from above, far way, I think I ignored it and kept walking. It was all very dark and I was freezing, I remember touching the branches while walking through the trees to guide me. It felt like being disassociated, like I was dreaming. It scares me, how easy it was. INTERVIEWER: Please Thomas, focus. What else do you remember? HEFFLEY: I kept walking for a while longer, an hour, maybe? Definitely an hour or two. Eh, there was this, circle of trees, I got in. I think, uh, I saw clothes, rags, in the snow, I touched a, uh, a figure, made with sticks. I don't remember what it looked like. I collapsed right there, felt like I was dying. Can we stop here? INTERVIEWER: Is that it? HEFFLEY: I don't- want to tell more. This is why I don't tell anyone, at one point they don't believe me but then they start doing weird things. Please leave my house. INTERVIEWER: That is irrelevant. Any substantial information you have, you must tell us. HEFFLEY: Please, I- INTERVIEWER: This is a serious matter. If you do not cooperate, there could be serious repercussions for you. Or your family. (Silence) HEFFLEY: I- remember images, or I dreamed them, but I was more or less conscious. Uh, there were people, dressed in white, dancing..Yes, they were dancing… whistling this song…It wasn't cold anymore, it was daytime, I think it was summer, maybe, or spring… they wore crowns made with flowers, and necklaces… HEFFLEY: …Remember, uh, the stick figure? INTERVIEWER: Yes. HEFFLEY: Well there was something like that, but bigger, it was much bigger. It was, like a statue, or an idol… all made with sticks and branches. Those people were hugging it, singing to it…I felt how they grabbed my arms, my legs, I was collapsed… They brought me close to it, they put me inside and then, pain, felt blood in my mouth… HEFFLEY: What I saw inside, I don't remember, too diffuse, but I remember my surprise. It's not something you'd expect to see inside a statue, especially one made out of wood, y-you know? INTERVIEWER: Are you sure you don't remember what you saw? Nothing comes to your mind? HEFFLEY: [DATA EXPUNGED], many little ones. INTERVIEWER: I see. (Silence) HEFFLEY: Please, I swear every tim- INTERVIEWER: (Groans) (Silence) INTERVIEWER: Like this one? HEFFLEY: Yes. Exactly. Please, can you leave now? (Silence) HEFFLEY: Wha- HEFFLEY: What are you doi- <End Log> Following the interview, both Mr. Heffley and his family were amnesticized so that they would have no memory of his disappearance. Agent █████ was recovered and quarantined for 2 days. Update: Addendum 7430.4: Incident 7430-1 (1997) + Access Addendum - Close On April 1, 1997, after 10 years of successful containment by Foundation assets, the first breach of SCP-7430-1 occurred. The individual responsible for said breach was found to be 20-year-old student Caleb Brocke. Unlike other cases involving SCP-7430-1, Caleb's case stands out due to his understanding of certain qualities of the anomaly and awareness of the Foundation's presence and its involvement with local authorities. As of his entry into the woods on March 28, 1997, a search and capture of the individual began, in which Caleb actively evaded security forces6, until he disappeared, resulting in the breach of April first. Caleb carried a journal with him, in which he initially expressed his personal problems derived from his tumultuous mental state, later writing his conjectures regarding the Foundation and the anomaly, and a record of his exploration of the woods. Below is a chronological reconstruction of the events that occurred in April 1, 1997. . . . On the night of March 31, Caleb is officially declared missing by Foundation assets and the extraction of the resulting instance of SCP-7430-1, as well as the prompt removal of any records relating to Caleb Brocke, becomes a priority. 5:34 AM: SCP-7430-1 instance corresponding to Caleb Brocke is found by security drones in the western area of the forest, the furthest from the city, resting in a circle of trees. 5:58 AM: The Heffleys' Christmas cabin, close to the anomaly, is raided by Foundation agents for the extraction of personal items belonging to Brocke. His backpack and personal diary are recovered for immediate analysis. 6:26 AM: Examination of Brocke's journal entries begins. SCP 7430-1 instance successfully recovered by extraction drone. 7:22 AM: The recovery drone deviates from its usual route to the incineration area, heading instead to the nearest research post, 3 kilometers away, due to what is believed to be anomalous influence. The main supervisor of drone operations in the area does not report this, it is believed because at that time he was helping the analysis team with Caleb Brocke's diary, and was beginning to be affected by the cognitohazards of its entries, particularly the one corresponding to March 31. How the team failed to detect the evident presence of cognitohazards, it is still being investigated. 7:56 AM: Drone successfully enters Research Post 03, drops SCP 7430-1 instance in main hall. SCP-7430-1 is first witnessed by 23 Foundation employees and 12 security guards. A total of 3 employees and 2 security members leave the facility in anticipation of the hysteria. 8:24 AM: SCP-7430-1 has affected all personnel in the area. Manifestation events begin, according to certain testimonies, related to the personnel performing tribal dances and laceration rituals. This behavior extends for the next 90 minutes. 8:59 AM: Investigation Post 02 becomes aware of the possible containment breach in post 03, and after several failed attempts to communicate with the site, the Foundation is alerted. 9:52 AM: A nude staff member is detected hoisting Caleb Brocke's SCP-7430-1 instance onto the flag pole on the building's roof. 9:54 AM: Various drones surrounding Research Site 03 record the building beginning to sink into the ground along with the personnel inside. This process ends after 14 minutes. 10:30 AM: SCP-7430-1 manifestation slowly emerges from the ground as a black-type entity, 34 meters long, composed of a complete bone structure (206 individual parts emulating a human skeleton) A state of emergency is declared and the evacuation process begins at the other research posts, while various methods are devised to neutralize the entity as soon as possible. 10:51 AM: SCP-7430-1 begins to vocalize a musical melody in the sound of trumpets. 11:02 AM: Scranton Reality Archors are deployed in an attempt to de-manifest the entity. These suddenly overload and stop working. Upon deactivation, the archors turn into several human legs sticking out of the ground. These move along with the melody sung by the entity. 11:09 AM: The entity begins to wander through the forest on its way to the town. Its passage through the area generates a forest fire. 11:47 AM: Despite of Foundation's efforts, the entity arrives to Lockwood, beginning to expand its influence on the population. During the next 2 hours, riots break out in the streets and a large part of the population tries to leave the town, saturating the roads. 12:30 AM: The forest fire spawned by SCP-7430-1 spreads to the southeast of the forest. Attempts to put out the fire demonstrate that the flames cannot be extinguished, due to it being anomalous nature. Approximately 47 civilians are deemed lost due to the manifestation of SCP-7430-1. Around 8 deaths are registered due to the riots and the esoteric behavior generated in civilians by the entity. 12:49 AM: An operation begins with the goal of deploying several Scranton reality anchors to distract the entity while civilians attempting to leave the city are evacuated. 1:05 PM: 104 civilians lost due to the entity. 1:19 PM: In the western area of the woods, security officer Waylon Davis, who had fled security post 03 during the staff exposure to SCP-7430-1, returns to the entity's original manifestation zone by accident while escaping the fire. There he finds the flag pole with SCP-7430-1, half buried coming out of the ground. He improvises a blindfold to try not to see the instance directly, and spends the next 10 minutes trying to tie off the object. 1:29 PM: 20 Scranton reality anchors are deployed and activated in areas surrounding the entity. 30 Foundation evacuation helicopters arrive to extract as many civilians as possible, another 30 are deployed. Waylon Davis manages to extract the instance of SCP-7430-1 completely, he begins looking for where to incinerate the object as quickly as possible. 1:52 PM: 400 civilians are successfully evacuated. 12 more helicopters arrive. The fire spreads to the northeast of the forest. 7 of the Scranton reality anchors deployed around the manifestation malfunction and transform into [REDACTED] dancing on fire around the entity. Officer Waylon Davis finds a pile of burning trees. He immediately drops SCP-7430-1 in it and waits for the object to be engulfed in flames. 2:01 PM: SCP-7430-1 instance is completely covered in flames. Waylon Davis confirms this and escapes the area. The entity resulting from the manifestation remains completely immobile for 4 minutes, then proceeds to demanifest. The manifestation is declared neutralized. 2:02 PM: The fire generated by the entity begins to extinguish. In the same way, the vegetation of the affected area is restored. 2:59 PM: Several evacuation and medical assistance vehicles from the Foundation arrive to assist the civilians. By the end of the day, the town has been completely evacuated and quarantined by the foundation. . . . Addendum 7430.5: Recovered materials + Access Addendum - Close After the event, Caleb Brocke's journal was successfully examined. An entry corresponding to March 24 is left here below, which constitutes the entry related to the event with the lowest number of cognitohazardous elements. March 24 I still remember when Ev's friend passed away. I was very young but I think I understood the situation. She was so sad that I decided that I wanted to accompany her to the funeral. And I remember everything perfectly, I don't know why, but I do. Although she used to tell me that I shouldn't forget anything, and I promised her that I would remember even the smallest detail. I remember that it was a winter day, full of snow. I remember the expressionless face of everyone who attended the event. Also the hurt face of the parents. I remember holding her hand as I looked at the finely carved tombstone. "Vanessa Higgins" I also remember what they used to say at school: “There is a man in the woods. They say that when no one is looking, wherever you are, he catches you and takes you. Then he claims his trophy, and leaves what's left of you to rot in the wild. If you stay still, near the forest, you can hear it, singing his melody. He used to be a park ranger. Or a surgeon. Or a mental patient. Or a police officer. He prefers women and teenagers ¨. Shortly after Ev left, I went back to the cemetery, to the exact spot where her friend had been buried. Next to her grandmother. Do you know what I found? Nothing. I wanted to find out, ask the cemetery administration, her family about her. Do you know what I discovered? There never was a "Vanessa Higgins". Her parents "never had children" And Ev. I was always an orphan. Since mom and dad died in the crash. Only son. I know it's not like that, but I don't know why. The sister of a classmate. I asked him if he remembered his sister, Marissa. Marissa Clark. He froze for a few seconds. Paralyzed. As if his brain couldn't recognize my question. I thought he was making fun of me. And the mutilator? Nobody remembers. And those who do believe it was just a myth. A game created by impressionable children. I know there are people in the forest. I once saw them. With weapons, robes. People occasionally see objects flying over the trees. And then I saw her in my dreams. Ev. She cried, she said she was burning. She told me how they had taken her, so no one would find her. So that no one would remember her. Her voice sounded different. And then the same nightmare. The streets on fire. People running. Her smile, bigger than ever, people jumping up to her mouth, disappearing. Her voice, saying that weird name over and over again, [COGNITOHAZARD REMOVED]. The last time I saw her. I'm tired. I feel like I'm going crazy. I've been trying to remember, and gather courage. I´m going to the place she told me. To the west. Past the abandoned cabin. Going up the mountain, towards the circle of trees. I promised her I would go. I prefer to close the cycle rather than continue to see people forgetting things. People. I even prefer to be mutilated and everyone to forget me than to pretend that none of this happened. And if someone is reading this and I haven´t come back, go find me. On the mountain, all the information is right here. Do not forget me. Come and find me. I´ll be there. April 19, 1997: UPDATES CONCERNING SCP 7430 Since the events that occurred in April, we have reconsidered various aspects of the anomaly. For starters, SCP-7430's anomalous effect has sharpened. When we went after Caleb, there was no way to explain how an ordinary civilian could have evaded our drones, patrol agents, search vehicles, etc. Based on certain contents of the boy's personal diary, we believe that he was guided and aided by SCP-7430-1 to some degree in achieving his goal, meaning that the anomaly has become a more latent danger. Although so many years of successful containment served to reduce the speed of SCP-7430's anomalous effect over a fairly considerable timespan, which is, 4 days for the disappearance of an affected individual, since the breach the effect seems to have sharpened. In the last few days, we have registered multiple cases of wildlife disappearing spontaneously , including those that inhabit the forest as well as birds. We believe that if this effect continues with the same frequency, in 2 weeks a third of the total fauna in the area will be lost. Our research team had already elucidated that while the anomaly was incomplete, and that incineration of the various of its instances slowed their ability to cross into our plane, each individual manifestation of SCP-7430-1 is proportionally more destructive, regardless of the catalyst used. Yes, maybe this time SCP-7430-1 chose a catalyst that would grant it something it hadn't had before, the ability to ¨fully¨ manifest and move voluntarily. But it doesn't change the fact that, hypothetically, it wouldn't take much more than an eye to wreak havoc on a population. We had considered the idea of the Gashadokuro, from Japanese folklore, as a historical manifestation of SCP-7430-1, but further study revealed an interaction of the anomaly with the indigenous groups that originally inhabited the region that is today, Oregon. In the same way that happened with our third research post , we believe that this had an impact on said community developing esoteric and violent behaviors, many times with the extirpation and veneration of human anatomy as a central theme. The subsequent abandonment by these peoples of the area, that caused the drastic reduction of the capabilities of the anomaly, could explain certain qualities of SCP-7430-1: Similar to other beings of thaumaturgical nature, it seems to develop itself based on its perception and the offerings made to it. We should consider ourselves fortunate that it does not understand human physiology in its entirety beyond its destructive interpretations. Regarding the people who came later, we know rather, very little. We have some general information, a cult of about 13 families. Including that of a mayor. They used children, very young, from 6 to 11 years old. They would leave them in the forest, alone, and return to search for them after three days. In all cases, they would lose a single tooth. It was a kind of offering. A thaumaturgical ritual to appease. Only instead of sacrificing human hearts, infant teeth were used. They would repeat this process once a year, from 1942, to 1961. Every time with a different kid. Then something happened in 1962. An 8 year old girl, █████ ██████, was the first one to appear mutilated. The rest were not stupid, and clearly ditressed, they left the area. The solution is rather simple. Don't let more people jump into the grind, allowing the anomaly to manifest itself and expose itself to even more people. SCP-7430-1 should not be considered a god, a ghost, a nymph, a forest spirit, let alone a serial killer. SCP-7430 should be considered non-existent, and this should form an essential part of our containment procedures. We believe that the current situation of SCP-7430 makes impossible any normal habitation in the town, as well as any type of containment, as long as there are people living in the area. We have evacuated the entire town of Lockwood, and considering the above, it is a good time to apply our proposal to update the containment methods as well as the description of the anomaly for a more efficient containment. -██████ ██████, SCP-7430 research team supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOADING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOADING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + There´s a new available version of this article. Do you want to read it? - Close Item #: SCP-7430 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: The town of Lockwood, Oregon has remained evacuated and quarantined, along with the surrounding forest, since 1997. Roads leading to the town, or that cross through said forest area have been removed and rerouted. In the same way, the population that inhabited the region was totally amnesticized and relocated, together with all records of the town's existence erased. A fenced quarantine zone has been established around the 1,367,173 acres that the forest surrounding the town covers, and which concentrates the greatest anomalous activity. Any unauthorized person attempting to cross said containment must be urgently arrested and amnestied. Individuals who have crossed the breach must be terminated as soon as possible by any means possible. Testing on human subjects to test the capabilities of SCP-7430's effects is strictly prohibited. Exploration into SCP-7430 is currently prohibited. It is only allowed to monitor the area with the use of drones and other unmanned means. In the event containment fails and an SCP-7430-1 event occurs, the protocol "Vita Custodia" is to be put in place making use of the Scranton reality anchors available in the area as well as remotely activated incineration devices scattered in the whole forest. No further protocols will be needed to extinguish the subsequent fire. All personnel assigned to SCP-7430 are to be subsequently amnestied to forget the event. Unless the "Vita Custodia" protocol must be put in place, there´s no SCP-7430-1 and all staff should be informed about it. Description: SCP-7430 is the abandoned city of Lockwood and all of it's surrounding forest, in [REDACTED], Oregon. While SCP-7430 itself exhibits no self-evident hazards or anomalous properties, SCP-7430's anomalous effect is activated when any organic being crosses into it, at which point it will demanifest after a period between 40 seconds and 6 minutes. This effect occurs whenever said being is within the marked terrain of the forest, regardless of at what height. Commonly, animals affected by the anomaly are expendable, and experience increased stress and aggressive behavior prior to demanifestation. Of the 2 cases of humans who have been lost due to the anomaly, a feeling of dissociation and extreme confusion was recorded before their disappearance. Demanifestation of human subjects is extremely detrimental and may lead to a potential CK-Class (Reality Restructuring) Scenario. Footnotes 1. Direct description of SCP-7430-1 and its components (Instances) is detrimental due to its memetic effects. The same applies to any catalyst used by it. 2. 32, Approximately. 3. This would later cause the assault on his brother in November 4th while he was performing a Mass at the local church. 4. It would later be confirmed that the instances of SCP 7430-1 corresponding to these cases were still missing. 5. The conjecture of forensic experts prior to examination suggested beheading by blunt force as main cause of death. 6. The individual is believed to have accomplished this through, or assisted by, anomalous means.
Date: Feb. 10, 1994 Interviewer: Dr. Cassidy Clanger Interviewee: Ms. Dahlia Soros [PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT BEGIN] Dr. Clanger: […] That should be all, Mrs. Soros. Thank you again for your time. Ms. Soros: No, no, none on me. At my age, my two best friends are Pat Sajak and Bob Barker. It's nice to have someone who responds to me. Dr. Clanger: If you have any questions, call my number. [Dr. Clanger takes out a small notepad and a pen and begins writing.] Consider this a token of gratitude for the interview. Ms. Soros: Oh, you- [Ms. Soros pauses. Dr. Clanger finishes her note.] Dr. Clanger: I may not respond within the hour, but I'll make time to get back to you. I always return a fa- Ms. Soros: You. Dr. Clanger: Pardon, Mrs. Soros? Ms. Soros: Why can't I… place you… Dr. Clanger: Forgive me, Mrs. Soros, you might be confusing- Ms. Soros: No, no, I'm sorry. You- you look like someone I knew a long time ago. Dr. Clanger: … tell me more. Ms. Soros: She was so pretty, just like you. She had these eyes you could stare at for hours. You could fall into them like dark pools. She never looked back at you, though. Dr. Clanger: Was she a companion of yours? Ms. Soros: She came a few times. I guess she liked me well enough. She gazed out the window while I made her soup. She told me about an Irish boy she loved. [Mrs. Soros' eyes widen.] Eva McDoyle! You look just like her… I'm sorry. Dr. Clanger: Don't apologize, Mrs. Soros; it's no concern. Ms. Soros: She… she died in '34. Was it a Wednesday or a Thursday? She got into trouble. The law caught up to her. Dr. Clanger: That's terrible. I'm sorry for your loss. Ms. Soros: It's alright. I got to meet her one last time after. [Dr. Clanger grabs a notepad and pen once more.] Dr. Clanger: After she passed? Ms. Soros: … Did you say "passed"? Dr. Clanger: Yes, passed. I… sorry, I must have misheard you. Ms. Soros: Don't worry. All I mean is that we had a brief goodbye. She came to the house and said farewell; she gazed at the dark woods behind the house. She left before I could say something other than "goodbye." That was the last time I saw her before she died. Dr. Clanger: … Mrs. Soros, when did Ms. McDoyle die? [PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT END] The only known photograph of Ms. Eva McDoyle. Item #: SCP-7433 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Due to the anomaly's localized nature, HMCL supervisor Dr. Cassidy Clanger has implemented low-priority disinformation protocols regarding SCP-7433: all references to SCP-7433's survival after her murder should be discredited as myths. Documentation regarding SCP-7433 should be transferred to Site-44's Archival Wing. The whereabouts of Ms. Eva McDoyle are unknown. Description: SCP-7433 is Eva McDoyle, an American chorus girl and wanted murderer. According to written accounts in newspapers, police reports, and Ms. McDoyle's tombstone, SCP-7433 was shot by local police from Raywood, Arkansas, on March 1st, 1934, at 2:53 AM. See the following extract, taken from the local Arkansas Advance newspaper on the day of SCP-7433's death, provided by the Department of Mythology and Folkloristics: TWISTED TWIRLY SHOT BY POLICE This morning, the former star performed her last dance. After two months on the run from law enforcement, the brave men from little old Raywood took down Eva McDoyle, killer of bank teller Jacob Carlyle and perpetrator of numerous assaults, robberies, and murders. Fearful Arkansans from Fayetteville to Fort Smith spotted the larger-than-life outlaw, known for her vicious attacks with farming tools. The woman skewered poor Carlyle, her fiancé, with a pitchfork. Now Arkansas may fear no more: the criminal fell face-first onto the Raywood dirt with four holes in her back. "Folks can stop with the reports now," police commissioner David Querel told reporters. "Any minute spent on this dead case is one not spent on live crime." Raywood police spotted a man wearing an Irish cap and overalls having a one-to-one with the killer before dashing into the night. Knowledgeable citizens are encouraged to pitch in any tidbits they may have about this person. Ms. McDoyle died at the scene. Despite this, all oral testimony attests to SCP-7433 surviving past this date; Raywood citizens insist Ms. McDoyle died of pneumonia on May 13th, 1944. They do not acknowledge the contradiction between the two supposed deaths. Dr. Cassidy Clanger inadvertently discovered SCP-7433 while investigating another anomaly in the area. After preliminary examinations of other Raywood citizens, Dr. Clanger organized several interviews regarding SCP-7433 with relevant individuals. Addendum 7433-1: Interviews Date: Feb. 16, 1994 Interviewer: Dr. Cassidy Clanger Interviewee: Mr. David Querel [BEGIN] Mr. Querel: Twirly? That's a name I haven't heard in fifty years. [laughs] You got a hunch or something? An explanation? Corruption scandal? If this is televised, I want to know what I'm getting into.1 Dr. Clanger: In reality, sir, I have more questions than answers. Of course, we know about her murder spree, but- [Mr. Querel cackles.] Dr. Clanger: I'm sorry? Mr. Querel: Sorry, ma'am, I just… most folks know nothing about this girl. Zip. The mouthbreathers of Arkansas couldn't tell a perpetrator from a crop cultivator. They attributed any old thing to the girl. And if she did hurt a farmer or two, it was probably in self-defense. But, the public loved a fiery female. [Mr. Querel sighs.] Mr. Querel: But what do I know? That was all outside my jurisdiction. I'm reporting what I heard, is all. Her reputation surpassed her actions. God knows jack happens in Raywood. Dr. Clanger: Am I led to believe she didn't skewer her partner with a pitchfork? Mr. Querel: … As far as I know, that happened. Maybe not with the gruesome motion picture details, but it happened, body and all. Folks probably conflated that murder with all the others happening then. The boys figured it was a standard case: man goes downtown with another girl, partner gets suspicious, blam. But we never found a motive. Just a paper note in a pool of blood. Dr. Clanger: What did the note say? Mr. Querel: Completely illegible. Dr. Clanger: Well, why did you kill her if you thought she was largely framed? Mr. Querel: I never said she was innocent. Just know we did what we had to do. It was public hysteria, ma'am. In the public's eyes, an accusation was as concrete as cold evidence. They would've killed her if not for us. If you ask me… we put her out of her misery. Imagine her, cold and hungry and barely scraping by with the help of ignorant or benevolent strangers. Poor Twirly. Dr. Clanger: Did you see her after the shoot-out? [Mr. Querel stares at Dr. Clanger.] Mr. Querel: … Why, yes. Yes, I did. She crept beneath the shadows of the buildings across the station. I don't think she remembered where she was going. She tried to keep out of our sight, but I saw her anyway. Clear as a spring morning. She kept her eyes away from mine, but I ran up and grabbed her by the collar. Twirly looked dirtier than a pair of farmer's shoes. I just stared at her with my mouth open, but the only words came out of her mouth: "Where's Dolly?" And somehow, all I could do was point her in the right direction. Dr. Clanger: Ms. Soros? Mr. Querel: Yes, if that's her name. That was before Twirly died of pneumonia. I do not know how many more she saw. [END] Date: Feb. 17, 1994 Interviewer: Dr. Cassidy Clanger Interviewee: Mrs. Angela Rosa [BEGIN] Mrs. Rosa: Eva McDoyle? You conjure memories sweet and sour, Mrs. Clanger. Dr. Clanger: How did you know her? Mrs. Rosa: She visited a few times. Always grateful for my food, which I can't say for other people here. [Mrs. Rosa laughs.] Dr. Clanger: She was a regular, then. Mrs. Rosa: Eva was consistent. At three in the morning, I would see a figure creeping among our crops, keeping a low profile. I knew that was her. I could never let her in by day; my husband would kill me. [laughs] She always creaked open the door and scanned the kitchen for people, but it was always me in the corner. She would eat my Mole de Olla and stare into the bowl. I offered her to dance because I knew she could, but she never took me up on it. Her eyes… looked like black stones in the snow. You cannot dance without looking at the eyes. Dr. Clanger: Did you know anyone else who knew her? Mrs. Rosa: You know Dolly, yes? Dr. Clanger: I met her a couple of days ago. Mrs. Rosa: She is so nice, no? Dr. Clanger: I don't know her personally, but I enjoyed our time. She seemed rather lonely. Mrs. Rosa: We were all so lonely in those times: so wrapped up in ourselves and our conditions. I ran a flower shop back then. Have you ever thought about how much work goes into a flower shop? Dr. Clanger: A lot of work, presumably. Mrs. Rosa: My husband fertilized the fields; I fertilized the flowers. But I think Eva gave relief from that. I had so few people to really talk to. Eva gave me company, even if she didn't stay for long. Dr. Clanger: Did you know what she had done? Mrs. Rosa: At first, I feared her. Mama always told me legends as a girl about la Llorona, and I think those bedside stories rubbed off on me as I aged. The story varied so much over time; it seemed like that woman was guilty of everything. But there was more behind the myths than the younger me thought. A person can be scary and sympathetic. Eva scared everyone, and everyone cared for Eva. Dr. Clanger: When was the last time you saw her? Mrs. Rosa: She came to my house at the usual time, maybe 1944. I asked who she had visited. Dolly, Old Benny, Ruth, me. Except for Dolly and me, everyone has moved on to another world. But she had one more person to visit. Dr. Clanger: A man? Mrs. Rosa: … A man. [END] Date: Feb. 20, 1994 Interviewer: Dr. Cassidy Clanger Interviewee: Mr. Charles Walsh [BEGIN] [Dr. Clanger walks into Mr. Walsh's room. Mr. Walsh looks up from reading a newspaper and quickly rises from his seat.] Dr. Clanger: I apologize if I startled you. Mr. Walsh: No… I'm sorry, you just… Dr. Clanger: Look like someone you knew? Mr. Walsh: Yes. How did you know? Dr. Clanger: I want to ask you about Eva McDoyle. Mr. Walsh: Look I'm… I'm sorry, but I can't do this right now. I know we scheduled and all, but- Dr. Clanger: It's perfectly fine. We can talk at a better time. I can give you my number. [Dr. Clanger begins pulling out a notepad.] Mr. Walsh: Wait, wait. I can do this. What do you want to know? Dr. Clanger: Is that your hat on the wall? [Dr. Clanger gestures to a flat cap hanging on an adjacent wall. Mr. Walsh turns to the cap] Mr. Walsh: So long ago… Dr. Clanger: Mr. Walsh, what were you doing on March 1st, 1934? Mr. Walsh: Listen. We had met before. Of course, Ev had met with everybody, but we saw each other more often than anyone. You wouldn't believe the number of times she slept in my attic. The times we shared our meager foods and ate off the same small plate. She talked to me about her life. I guess we had something in common. Dr. Clanger: Did she talk about what she had done? Mr. Walsh: She felt as if she were shrouded in an opaque black fog of grief and regret. She didn't know why she killed Jacob, but she knew she hurt many innocent people. A string of blood, Ev said. She just wanted to live normally again, without a tabloid name. Without the cloud of crimes she committed… and those she hadn't. Dr. Clanger: She could never live normally, though. Mr. Walsh: When the voice of Commissioner Querel echoed in the street, Ev pulled me aside on the sidewalk. She couldn't stop glancing at the street corner. She told me that everything would be okay; that life would go on just as normal the next night. She looked over her shoulder and saw the shadows closing in. She faced away from me and yelled "Run!" Dr. Clanger: You ran. Mr. Walsh: And the next night… nothing changed. And it was natural. Nothing to question. We would continue seeing each other for the next ten years. Dr. Clanger: Until she said goodbye. [Mr. Walsh rubs his eyes.] Mr. Walsh: Ev pushes the door open and embraces me. I try to console her: I stroke her hair and rock her, but she won't stop crying. I ask her the problem. And for the first time… for the first time, she looks at me. Her eyes can't look at anything but me. I fall into the inky waters of her eyes and sink into the abyss. Monsters fill the abyss, but a hole shines at the bottom, like a photonegative of her eyes. I fall through the hole. She says that she loves me. Dr. Clanger: That she loves you? Mr. Walsh: That she loves me. Dr. Clanger: And what does she really say? Mr. Walsh: … She says, "I have to go." [The clocks strike. A gust of wind fills the room.] Dr. Clanger: How do you know she died of pneumonia? Mr. Walsh: I told people that. But I don't know if she is dead at all. [END] Addendum 7433-2: Incident On March 1st, 1994, a Foundation webcrawler noted a reference to anomalous phenomena on a cemetery interment database. A response team rushed to the Raywood Baptist Church Cemetery. They found the gravestone of Mr. Charles Walsh, who had died eight days prior. Mr. Walsh's flat cap laid against the stone; a small note sat inside the cap. Rain rendered the note illegible. Footnotes 1. Dr. Clanger had informed Mr. Querel that she intended to use her research into Ms. McDoyle for a true crime television special.
Item#: 7435 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: warning link to memo SCP-7435 instance Item #: SCP-7435 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7435 instances are to be contained in a specialized biodome, 30 meters across and 10 meters tall, built at its original location near █████, New Hampshire. The biodome for SCP-7435 is to be equipped with an air filter system and a roof that lets UV light in, making it a suitable place for SCP-7435's growth. A Syrphidae1 colony, overseen by the Foundation and unable to reproduce, is to be used for regulated pollination. Constant monitoring of the biodome is to be carried out through a variety of sensors, all under Foundation personnel supervision. To ensure site security and restrict unauthorized entry, a controlled perimeter is to be implemented, extending 100 meters from the site boundary. This perimeter is to be defined by fencing, equipped with fabricated biohazard warning signs, to act as an effective deterrent. Personnel entering the biodome are required to wear protective suits with enhanced filtration to safeguard against SCP-7435-1. Should any individual be exposed to SCP-7435-1, they are to be administered a Class-B amnestic immediately following the onset of cognitive alterations characteristic of the initial stage of the third phase of post-exposure syndrome. To conduct research on SCP-7435, approval from at least two Level 4 staff members is needed beforehand. Description: SCP-7435 refers to an anomalous subspecies of the plant Caltha palustris2. This subspecies is differentiated from its non-anomalous counterpart by its unique pollen, designated SCP-7435-1, which exhibits a grayish-blue hue under a microscope. Morphologically, SCP-7435 specimens typically measure 10–30 cm in height and weigh approximately 5–9 grams, closely resembling standard Caltha palustris in appearance, with rounded green leaves and bright yellow flowers. SCP-7435 is endemic to the area it is located in, which is █████, New Hampshire. The anomalous effects manifest when a subject inhales SCP-7435-1. The progression of post-SCP-7435-1 exposure sickness is divided into three distinct stages: Stage 1 Stage 1 Initial exposure to SCP-7435-1 leads to symptoms akin to a severe allergic reaction, lasting approximately 48 hours. These symptoms include rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and, in some cases, asthma-like respiratory distress. Stage 2 Stage 2 Following this period, individuals exposed to SCP-7435-1, henceforth referred to as SCP-7435-2, experience a secondary phase characterized by acute retrograde amnesia. During this phase, lasting approximately 8 hours, SCP-7435-2 subjects lose all personal memories, though their procedural and semantic memory faculties remain intact. This results in significant identity disturbance, as subjects are unable to recall personal information such as their name, personal history, and relationships. During this phase, the subjects remain in a catatonic state. Stage 3 Stage 3 The third and final stage of post-exposure to SCP-7435-1 is characterized by a rapid3 and agonizing cognitive shift4 in subjects designated SCP-7435-2. During this phase, these subjects acquire an entire set of memories belonging to another individual, often located in close vicinity to the SCP-7435-2 instance. The memory transfer is so complete that the affected individuals firmly believe they are the person from whom the memories originated, resulting in significant psychological turmoil. Predominantly, SCP-7435-2 subjects develop an overriding urge to locate and eliminate the person whose memories they have received, labeling them as a 'duplicate.' Following the successful elimination of this perceived 'duplicate' and the subsequent interment of their remains, SCP-7435-2 subjects experience [DATA EXPUNGED], leading to a permanent morphological change where they assume the physical form of the memory source. This alteration is non-reversible. Following these events, SCP-7435-2 instances seamlessly integrate into the family unit of the memory donor, exhibiting behavior indistinguishable from the original individual. This undetectable substitution allows the instance to effectively replace the victim without arousing suspicion from other family members. Research has indicated that the administration of Class-B amnestics offers a viable remediation for the effects of SCP-7435-1. Class-B amnestics are known for erasing the most recently formed memories first, and it has been observed that the anomalous memories induced by SCP-7435-1 do not follow a standard distribution pattern, instead centering around the initial moment of memory implantation. Consequently, the targeted application of Class-B amnestics5 effectively nullifies these implanted memories, but the previous memories can't be restored with current technology. SCP-7435 was identified on May 25th, 20██, after a pattern of missing persons and peculiar behavior in a community near SCP-7435's location. Local reports from the hospital and law enforcement of sudden amnesia and catatonia6, along with frequent running away from the hospital by patients with these symptoms prompted a Foundation investigation, leading to the discovery of SCP-7435 instances at a nearby field. This was linked to the anomalous incidents. All persons involved were amnesticized, and people living in close proximity to SCP-7435's location were rehoused and amnesticized, as per standard procedures. The field was tested and showed no anomalous properties. Addendum 7435-A Interview with an SCP-7435-2 instance Interviewed: D-9273, now designated SCP-7435-2 Interviewer: Dr. ████ Foreword: The subject, a D-Class personnel, was exposed to SCP-7435-1 and is currently in the late second phase of its effects. The subject displays confusion and a lack of memory regarding their past, consistent with the effects of SCP-7435-1 exposure. <Begin Log, 10:45 AM> Dr. ████: Good morning SCP-7435-2. Could you describe your current state of well-being? SCP-7435-2: Where am I!? This doesn't make any sense. I don't know this place. Dr. ████: Can you recall anything about your experience after encountering SCP-7435-1? SCP-7435-2: I don't remember anything! Why can't I remember!? SCP-7435-2 becomes more agitated. Security guards intervene and administer sedatives to ensure the safety of all parties. SCP-7435-2 calms down. Dr. ████: We administered sedatives to ensure everyone's safety, including yours. It's a standard procedure when someone shows signs of agitation. SCP-7435-2: I'm sorry, I just… I felt really scared and confused. Dr. ████: Are you able to recall any aspects of your identity or past events? SCP-7435-2: No, it's just empty. Nothing about who I am. Dr. ████: What is your assessment of your current situation? SCP-7435-2: It's disorienting. I don't understand what's happening.. Dr. ████: Since awakening here, have you experienced any unusual compulsions or urges? SCP-7435-2: No. Dr. ████: Are there any physical discomforts or abnormalities you're experiencing? SCP-7435-2: Nothing physical. Dr. ████: Thank you for your cooperation. We will provide assistance to help you navigate through this. <End Log, 11:02 AM> Closing Statement: The morning after the interview, SCP-7435-2 entered Stage 3 of the post-SCP-7435-1 exposure sickness. The subject became agitated and attempted to escape containment, resulting in self-harm and subsequent death due to head injuries. Enhanced containment and constant surveillance are advised for all SCP-7435-2 instances to prevent similar events. Addendum 7435-B Neurological progression during the cognitive shift Average neurological progression during Stage 3 of post-SCP-7435-1 exposure sickness: 0:00: Transition begins. Subject is asymptomatic. 1:42: Increased hippocampal activity; end of retrograde amnesia. 5:01: Prefrontal cortex activity rises, affecting personality and decision-making. 6:39: Subject experiences extreme pain, marking stage 3 onset. 7:50: Temporal lobe activity spikes, indicating external memory integration commencement. 10:42: Temporal lobes reach peak activity, signifying intense memory integration phase. 12:20: Elevated synaptic plasticity, suggesting significant neural reorganization for memory integration. 15:07: Behavioral changes align with new memories, despite persistent pain. 18:43: Temporal lobe activity normalizes; pain reduction begins. 21:02: Synaptic plasticity decreases, signaling the end of neural reorganization. 23:59: Subject fully adopts implanted identity, with pain subsiding. 25:00: Neurological state stabilizes, indicating complete identity integration and pain cessation. Footnotes 1. Commonly known as hoverfly 2. Commonly known as marsh marigold. 3. Duration is approximately 25 minutes. 4. Refer to Addendum 7435-B for detailed observations. 5. They should be administered right after the stage 3 cog. shift, as stated in the special containment procedures 6. Hospital records showed that as many as 56 people were admitted with these symptoms. « SCP-7434 | SCP-7435 | SCP-7436 »
Item #: SCP-7436 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-7436's nature, containment is not currently known to be possible. Discussion of possible SCP-7436 instances on online forums or social media is to be monitored and discredited when necessary. Surviving individuals subject to SCP-7436 instances are to be interviewed and amnesticized as per standard protocol. Research into the source and any possible preventative measures of SCP-7436 is ongoing. Foundation employees located within continental United States and Canada who are involved in a possible SCP-7436 event are strongly encouraged to remain in their current location and avoid interacting with any possible anomalous entities to reduce likelihood of injury or death. Description: SCP-7436 is an ongoing series of phone calls received in the continental United States and Canada between the hours of 09:00 PM to 04:00 AM. The contents of these calls vary, though they are typically regarded as highly unusual or distressing by their recipients. Additionally, SCP-7436 is capable of impersonating individuals its target is familiar with, and is seemingly aware of information these individuals and the target would be privy to. It is unknown how SCP-7436 'selects' a victim, though it has thus far only targeted individuals who are alone or among strangers. Individuals who engage with an SCP-7436 phone call will invariably trigger an SCP-7436 event, in which the call's recipient will become subject to a number of anomalous phenomena. This includes the manifestation of anomalous entities and objects, transportation to an extra-dimensional space and other apparent manipulation of reality. The goal of SCP-7436 and related entities appears to be to coax or otherwise remove its target from their initial space, after which they are typically injured or disappear. SCP-7436's general motivation and the fate of individuals who go missing as a result of SCP-7436 events are both unknown. **Addendum 7436.1:** **Addendum 7436.1:** The following is a log of notable SCP-7436 calls and their aftermaths. Note that the amount of available information varies from instance to instance, depending on whether the call's transcript and the victim could be recovered. When applicable, comments from surviving victims of SCP-7436 will be included. Instance: #03 Circumstances and description of call: The victim (John Kinkade, age 38) was staying in a hotel in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. At approximately 9:40 PM, the victim received a phone call from an unknown individual, who was speaking nonsensically. ("He sounded like he was wasted. Was asking for directions… to the hotel, I think?") After approximately 30 seconds, the victim hung up. Description of event: Soon after hanging up, the victim reported hearing muffled breathing coming from outside the door. The victim then investigated. ("I opened the door but didn't see anyone. I leaned out, saw someone down the hall turning the corner quickly. Would've followed and given 'em what for, but I noticed that something was up with the wall. It looked different.") The victim exited his room briefly, before returning and attempting to sleep. ("The breathing came back, and it kept me up the whole time. I would've normally done something, but something was telling me that going out was a horrible idea.") Roughly 2 hours later, the breathing ceased, signaling the end of the SCP-7436 event. Analysis of material on the victim's shoe yielded a combination of human blood, saliva1 and various forms of alcohol. Instance: #18 Circumstances and transcript of call: The victim (Erin Baskin, age 55) was in her home in Madison, Wisconsin, when she received a call on her landline at 02:01 AM. The victim reported the caller's voice to be somewhat similar to that of her husband. [Begin transcript] Baskin: Hello?Baskin: …Hel-Baskin: Matt? where are you?Baskin: What? a drive?Baskin: Alright, I'm coming. Baskin: Jesus, why were you out so late? It's two in the morning.[End transcript] Description of event: After finishing the call, the victim walked to her window, attempting to see her husband outside. ("When I looked out the window, the sky looked like it was broad daylight. It was midnight, it should've been pitch black.") This lasted for several seconds before abruptly returning to a state of darkness. The victim then observed an entity resembling her husband, though with the notable lack of a mouth, standing outside. ("It wasn't like he just didn't have one. It looked like something had… oh god (…) taken a scoop out of Matt's face… with a spoon.") The victim quickly returned to her room, locking herself inside for the remainder of the event. Instance: #32 Circumstances and transcript of call: The victim (Brian Spann, age 20) was attending a party with a friend in Boston, Massachusetts. At approximately 11:38, the victim's friend briefly left the premises for an unknown reason.2 Soon after, the victim received a call on his mobile phone, which he went upstairs to answer. [Begin transcript] Spann: Hello… Mike?Spann: I was just about to call you. I think I'm gonna dip, I don't know anybody here.Spann: Alright, I'll catch you later I guess.Spann: …what makes you say that?Spann: What the fuck are you talking about?Spann: …Alright, I guess. (The victim can be heard walking down the stairs.) Spann: You sure you're good to dri… the hell?Spann: (Whispering) Everyone downstairs is just standing around like a fucking zombie. Nobody's even talking. Spann: Jesus, they're all looking at me now.Spann: I'm coming. What kind of fucking party is this? (The victim can be heard quickly opening the door and exiting the building.) [End transcript] Description of event: The event seemingly occurred while the victim was still on the phone. The victim has not been seen by anyone since he received the call and went upstairs, where his cellphone was later found. The victim's friend complained of severe throat and mouth pain for several days following the event. Instance: #65 Circumstances and description of call: The victim (Joseph Caldera, age 58) received a call on his cellphone at 09:27 PM while driving along an interstate highway in rural Wyoming. The victim reported the caller to have sounded as if they were salivating intensely. The caller frantically pleaded for the victim to help them, claiming to have been struck by a vehicle nearby. The victim reported being confused by the call. ("I don't even know how he got my number, let alone how he knew I was in the middle of nowhere.") He suggested the caller contact emergency services before hanging up. Description of event: Minutes after the call's end, the victim encountered an empty vehicle on the road in front of him. The victim exited his vehicle and inspected the scene, finding that the other vehicle had seemingly struck an Ovis canadensis3 that possessed significant physical abnormalities, including an unusually large amount of teeth and forward-facing eyes. The victim also described the vehicle as being strange in appearance. ("The thing looked fake. No side mirrors, no windows, no gas tank. It was like a prop you'd see in a movie, that couldn't actually drive.") The victim quickly returned to his vehicle and drove away. After parking in the driveway of his home, the victim was struck from behind and knocked unconscious. He was found in the driveway by his wife the following morning, with severe injuries to his jaw and throat. An Ovis canadensis carcass was found nearby, lacking most of its internal organs. Instance: #79 Circumstances and transcript of call: The victim (Gerard Padilla, age 29) was waiting alone at a bus stop in Toronto, Ontario. At 11:05, the victim received the following phone call. [Begin transcript] Padilla: Hello?Padilla: Who is this?Padilla: Excuse me?Padilla: What, a delay? Padilla: Wait, since when do transit services fucking call people? Who is this?[End transcript] Description of event: The victim recorded multiple videos, photos and other digital files in the hours following the call. These were all recovered when the victim's cellphone was found at the same bus stop the following day, although the victim himself has not been located. See Addendum 7436.2 for a log of the recovered files. **Addendum 7436.2:** **Addendum 7436.2:** The following is a log of digital files recovered from the cellphone belonging to the victim of instance #79. Time of recording 11:09 PM File type: Video [Begin log] Camera shows the victim, standing alone in the bus stop, with a worried expression. Padilla: I don't really know why I'm recording this but… I just got the creepiest fucking call, and now every time I try to make one it just goes straight to voicemail. I don't know what's going on, but I feel like… if something happens to me, I want people to know. Camera turns, showing its surroundings. It is unusually dark, with very little visible beyond the area surrounding the bus stop. Padilla: Why is it so damn quiet all of the sudden? Camera is lowered. [End log] Time of recording 11:23 PM File type: Video [Begin log] Camera is pointed forward as the victim walks down the street, the phone's flashlight illuminating ahead. Padilla: I waited over ten minutes and the bus never came. I didn't feel safe, so I'm just gonna walk home I guess. Padilla: For some reason, none of the street lights are on. The victim continues walking for 5 minutes, before stopping and seemingly looking at his phone. Padilla: I should've passed a McDonald's 5 minutes ago. Where the fuck is everything? [End log] Time taken 11:41 PM File type: Video [Begin log] Camera is behind an unknown structure, which the victim is presumably using as cover. Victim's breathing is faintly audible. A row of cars and a phone booth are visible across the street. Many of the cars lack significant details, such as windows or doors. A humanoid figure is seen entering the phone booth and making a call. After 12 seconds, the humanoid exits the phone booth. It begins to wretch and vomit an unknown substance onto the pavement. It then proceeds to walk directly into a car, moving through it as if it were not a solid object. It slumps into the driver's seat, going limp as the car begins to drive away. [End log] Time taken 11:44 PM File type: Photo Description: Photo depicts a puddle of black liquid on the pavement. A number of severed electrical wires and human teeth are present in the puddle. Time taken 12:37 AM File type: Video [Begin log] Footage is almost entirely dark as the victim whispers. Padilla: I had to turn my flashlight off. Can't let them see me. Camera turns, revealing the victim to be inside an empty building, with several windows along the wall. Padilla: I don't know if I'm in hell or something. It sure feels like it. Camera moves as the victim paces around the room. An unfinished puzzle and several alcohol bottles are strewn around the floor. Padilla: I can't call anyone, and even if I could, my phone is on 9% anyways. But those… things. They almost looked like people from far away… seemed to be talking using the phone booths. If they don't work for me, I- Camera quickly turns. The silhouette of a vaguely humanoid entity can be seen crawling through a window. [End log] Time taken 12:56 AM File type: Photo Description: Photo is taken from inside a phone booth. The phone is off the hook, and blood splatter is visible on the wall and floor. Footnotes 1. Both matching no known individuals. 2. The victim's friend claimed to not remember why he left or what occurred in the interval he was not present. 3. A Bighorn sheep, which are known to inhabit the area. More From This Author More From This Author DukeCrusty's Works SCPs SCP-6191 • SCP-6343 • SCP-6838 • Tales/GoI Formats Other The Crustacean Station • « SCP-7435 | SCP-7436 | SCP-7437 »
Item#: 7440 Level4 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo The entrance to SCP-7440 Special Containment Procedures: A 30 meter perimeter surrounding SCP-7440 is to be maintained at all times, only personnel briefed on Protocol 4000-ESHU are permitted to enter SCP-7440. Anyone exiting SCP-7440 is to undergo memetic and nomenclative decontamination to prevent any further injury. As there is currently no known way to exit SCP-7440 past the second floor, only D-Class personnel are to be sent inside. Description: SCP-7440 is a bunker located within the Ireland Wood Forest, England, built into the side of a hill. SCP-7440 consists of 5 levels descending 11 meters into the ground, mostly constructed with wood and concrete. According to radiocarbon dating, SCP-7440 was built in the late 1700s, though the structure seems to have been repurposed and further added to sometime in the late 1800s. SCP-7440's floors are heavily infused with thaumaturgic and nomenclative hazards, significantly impeding efforts to study the structure. Most notable of these hazards is one causing the degradation of anything containing 2 or more grams of iron.This effect extends to organic matter.; while it is theorized that this hazard was remarkably more potent in the past, due to a lack of maintenance it has become significantly less dangerous. Addendum 7440.1: SCP-7440's Floors SCP-7440's first floor appears to be purposely constructed so as to look abandoned in order to conceal the floors below it, consisting of a single room lined with crude furniture and racks containing empty ration packs. Underneath one of the racks is a wooden hatch leading into the second sublevel, analysis has determined this hatch used to be infused with a nomenclative lock, requiring the utterance of one's name in order for it to be opened; however, this lock seems to have been bypassed through unknown means, as the hatch was found to have been forcibly opened. SCP-7440's second floor consists of a currently unknown number of rooms, as the structure seems to be affected by a spatial anomaly. Entering the floor through the hatch leads to a random room with a door, window, or other means of exit, which invariably leads to another random room within the floor. Numerous rooms contain humanoid cadavers displaying conditions consistent with nomenclative breaches. Only one of the rooms within the floor is known to contain a true exit; a large, crudely made, hole in the floor dug out by an unknown party. SCP-7440's third floor has been thaumaturgically enchanted in order to appear as a large forest with incredibly limited visibility. The floor's actual size is currently unknown, as attempting to navigate it invariably induces confusion and causes subjects to become lost within the room. Multiple deceased humanoids have been found within the floor, attempting to give a designation to those who died here results in intense migraines. The bodies were found to be holding rudimentary thaumaturgic weaponry, along with runes presumed to have been used for defensive purposes. A hatch leading to the fourth floor is hidden underneath shrubbery, the object has been forcibly opened in a similar manner to the first floor's hatch. SCP-7440's fourth floor consists of three small interconnected rooms. Two of these rooms seem to have been used to store rations and grow crops utilizing thaumaturgy. These rooms contain 15 corpses of previous occupants, all found to have been coated with an unknown rust-like substance. The third room is accessed via a broken wooden door, consisting of a hole with a wooden ladder leading to the fifth floor. SCP-7440's fifth floor is a small, dilapidated room containing a crude, unlit fireplace, along with the decayed remains of ten humanoids. Analysis of the cadavers suggests the cause of death was from numerous stab wounds. Items found within the fireplace seem to correspond with the ritual required to enter the undesignated plane, though numerous components are missing. Found next to the fireplace is a felled operative, identification found on the agent corresponds to an outdated task force known to be the precursor to MTF Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand").
SCP-7441: I fucking hate horses Other Articles of Mine SCPs SCP-4966 SCP-1401-EX SCP-4052 SCP-4088 SCP-5522 SCP-4109 SCP-7441 SCP-5020 SCP-4286 SCP-4035 SCP-4664 SCP-4270 SCP-3462 SCP-6663 SCP-7966 SCP-4570 SCP-6633 SCP-5693 SCP-5261 SCP-444-J page 1 of 212next » Tales Something Glowing Log Of Extranormal Events, Vol II Prelude To Presents Your Memory Forever Seen The Bears Other The Bread Box Secure Facility Dossier: Reliquary Area-27 SCP-005 Proposal Hub Experiment Log-4035 Collab Articles SCPs Page Title Co-Author SCP-4733 But Not Forgotten Lamentte SCP-5225 The Abyss Stares Back XilasCrowe SCP-5785 Craptivism Sonderance SCP-5993 We want you to come visit Heaven, just don't fuck with those bees ch00bakka Tales Page Co-Author The Bathrooms Wiki Too many to list Snippets of an Unveiled World Nykacolaquantum does not match any existing user name, Lt Flops, IFBench, Westrin Gone, Lamentte Your Imaginary Friend Fishish Check out Deadly Bread's Author Page ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} ITEM NUMBER: SCP-7441 LEVEL 4/7441 CONTAINMENT CLASS: THAUMIEL RESTRICTED Standard method of enacting SCP-7441 [Redacted per Ethics Committee request] Special Containment Procedures: Following recent discoveries regarding SCP-7441's perceived limits, on-site testing of SCP-7441 has been postponed indefinitely by Ethics Committee fiat. Further employment of SCP-7441 for use in unrelated research efforts has been limited to methods not covered under Ethics Committee Mandate #117 (regarding the mass exploitation of sentient anomalies), such as ethical euthanization. Description: SCP-7441 is an anomalous method of enhancing measured intelligence through equine violence. While this increase is largely temporary, its effects have been found useful in dealing with accounting, scientific, security, and secretarial work by the Department of Productivity. The exact ratio of harm to mental cognition is currently unknown, however it is believed to be proportional; the complexity and scale of violence a person engages in, the greater increase of cognition experienced, albeit with diminishing returns. Addendum.7441.1: Included below is an extremely truncated record of SCP-7441 tests conducted by Head Researcher Lloyd Haverstrom. Haverstrom was chosen due to ver self-reported lack of empathy towards horses following the resignation of five researchers previously assigned to the project. Subject: Assistant Researcher Byford Stated Goal: Baseline test to determine the average increase of mental acuity. Manner of Violence: Horse was punched in the ribs with moderate force. Result: Attending medical personnel noted that Byford was quick to assess and diagnose the injuries he sustained following the horse's retaliation. Subject: Financial Advisor Kerr Stated Goal: Deal with the increased load of financial strain recently put on Foundation resources. Manner of Violence: Ten horses were placed within a decommissioned public bus, which was sealed, outfitted with explosives, and remotely piloted into a canyon. Result: Kerr was able to file the complete expense reports for both Foundation Site-66 and 53 within the hour, the latter of which being historically difficult to budget for given its focus on SCP-7441 testing. Subject: Containment Associate Ulysses Stated Goal: Outline the future containment efforts of Lunar Area-32. Manner of Violence: Several horses were placed in a high-g centrifuge temporarily acquisitioned from the Department of Space Exploration, originally meant for testing the effects of extreme gravitational force on anomalous materials. Experiment lasted for approximately thirty minutes, as personnel wanted to ensure the total compaction of all equine present. Result: Ulysses was reported to have finalized the containment reports for multiple Keter-class anomalies in the hours following the experiment, as well as drafting a lengthy report regarding the potential launch physics of SCP-6663. The Department of Space Exploration has politely declined offers to return the centrifuge despite multiple attempts at cleaning the interior. Subject: Lead Theological Consultant Boyd Stated Goal: Further advance personal religious studies and scientific research. Manner of Violence: Fifty horses were placed in a sealed containment chamber which was filled with cryogenic fluid. Each of these horses was then individually removed and shattered via high-speed impact with a metal anvil. Due to Boyd's religious background, they were explicitly requested not to perform any funeral rites to prevent the horses from going to heaven. Result: Boyd made significant progress on their report regarding the connection between insects and theological anomalies, although said progress was markedly less notable than previous experiments. Attempts to determine if the benefits of SCP-7441 have plateaued are underway. Registration by Boyd for on-site psychological counseling following testing has been deemed to be unrelated. Subject: Head Researcher Haverstrom Stated Goal: Determine a way of breaching SCP-7441's projected limit. Manner of Violence: Approximately five-hundred horses were dropped by Haverstrom into a machine similar in construction to an oversized trash compactor, retrofitted to act as both a rock crusher and meat grinder by the Foundation Engineering Department.1 Duration of the experiment became much longer than anticipated, as the device required repeated maintenance due to the unforeseen rigidity of horse cadavers. Result: Head Researcher Haverstrom has resigned from the SCP-7441 project. Comments: "This was a bad idea." Footnotes 1. Requests by the department regarding the potential usage of the machine were denied. « SCP-7440 | Deadly Bread | SCP-7442 »
close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: Body Horror, Fungus, Parasitism, Maiming, Gore, Suicide ⚠️ content warning BY ORD3R OF ERROR The 4ol1owing fil3 is Level 4/7442 class-fied. Unauthorized acces-Overridden. 7442 Item#: 7442 Level4 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: apollyon Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: critical link to memo No More Second Chances. The following file may contain out-of-date information and is being revie- Upload Commencing. For a brief moment, the ocean flared green worldwide, an algae bloom of unprecedented proportions. An earthquake shook apart the Golden Gate. A wildfire consumed kilometers of palm oil plantations in Indonesia yet left the nearby jungle unharmed. Snow buried Cairo and clung on for days. We should have recognized the patterns for what they were. Our first and only warning. That she had grown tired of us. Yet, we were too blind to see the connections. Too used to the world rebelling against Human interference. If you are reading this, know that you have to do better. [] HER STONE SKIN HER BILLOWING BREATH HER ICHTHYIC ICHOR HER FIRST AND LAST HER STOLEN SPARK HER Her Stone Skin Entry Uploading 17% [] Defunct Prometheus Lab Bunker Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7442 SCP-7442-Gamma, resides within a defunct Prometheus Labs bunker just south of the Chicxulub Crater on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Amnestics are authorized for use on civilians within 200 meters of the bunker's entrance. The surrounding area is designated as government property. The anomaly is contained within an organically constructed cavern, held in place by a mixture of thaumaturgic runes and mechanized chains made from an unknown polymer. The chains are in a constant state of self-repair and must be checked daily for any signs of lasting degradation. As a precaution, individuals with Thaumic abilities should remain within the presence of wards three or more times a week. Baseline empowering rituals should keep the wards steady until the bunker's hidden thaumic generator is discovered. MTF Zeta-9 "Molerats" and MTF Eta-5 "Jäeger Bombers" are onsite. The former is to continue the exploration of the bunker and the dialogue with SCP-7442-Gamma. The latter are on call if the entity breaches its current containment. Description: SCP-7442-Gamma, is a rough-hew stone statue with jade eyes that contain an internal radiance, of an unknown species of Ceratopsian, with features combining Triceratops horridus1, Styracosaurus albertensis2, and Pachyrhinosaurus canadensis3. The entity has since been classified as a Thaumic LSA(Large-Scale Aggressor). Sketch of SCP-7442-Gamma It stands 19 meters tall and is approximately double that in length. It weighs upwards of 181 metric tons. Its body is composed of various earth minerals but resembles suevites4 in appearance. Outside of its restraints, the entity is capable of a full breadth of motile functions, including lying down, standing, and even rearing on its hind legs. The entity has thaumaturgic control over stones, sands, clays of various chemical makeup, and numerous ferrous and nonferrous metals. The true breadth of its geokinetic abilities is unknown at this time. Yet, it can mold and shape the aforementioned materials into several forms, setting them into motion without any outward signs of concentration. Update To Entry: SCP 7442-Gamma: The entity's destructive capability far outstripped initial estimates. Defensive capabilities enable it to shift its chemical composition to mimic a number of metals and minerals, as well as transmute the stone around it to mimic the same properties. These include numerous toxic heavy metals, which appear to have a heightened deleterious effect on humans in their vicinity. Its geokinetic abilities are found to directly terraform the land surrounding it up to fifty kilometers away, with the most common examples being earthquakes exceeding 9.0 on the Richter Scale. It can comprehend and communicate in at least twelve different languages, including languages that resemble reconstructions of proto-Mayan, Yucatec Mayan, Spanish, English, and French. Following a number of odd weather phenomena, the Foundation was drawn to Cicxulub Puerto following a Category 6.3 earthquake. Initial Investigations led to the discovery of the bunker. The bunker was previously hidden by the usage of an unknown memetic agent that has since become inoperable. Foundation personnel have begun converting the bunker into a working base of operations while mapping out the numerous defunct tunnels. Initial estimates have the bunker covering at least twenty hectares. Incident Reports, Initial Discovery, and Interrogation Logs are as follows: Climate Crisis Incident Reports. 8 June 202█ Oceans across the globe experience brief but expansive algae bloom that color large sections a deep jade green for a period of one week—signs of environmental interference at the hands of anomalous entities or GOI under investigation. 16 June 202█ A category 8.5 earthquake strikes the Bay Area doing considerable structural damage to the Golden Gate Bridge, which has been closed for reconstruction. Initial investigation has it being a nonanomalous occurrence. 14 July 202█ A wildfire in Indonesia consumes several palm oil plantations. Approximately 56 hectares. Notably, the surrounding jungle is left largely untouched. Preliminary investigation places blame on unseasonably dry conditions and speculation of eco-terrorism. 23 Oct. 202█ 30.48 centimeters of snow blankets the Egyptian cities of Cairo, Alexandria, and Giza, and uncommonly chill temperatures(-7.22222°C) see it remain for around five days. The occurrence is believed to follow the increasing pattern of climate fluctuations and is not from an anomalous source. 16 Dec. 202█ A category 6.3 earthquake strikes Chicxulub Puerto. Residents reported that a bunker had "appeared overnight" on the nearby beach following the earthquake. MTF Zeta-9 is sent to investigate. + Discovery of SCP-7442-Gamma: Upload 85%, Data Corruption Detected - Hide Initial Prometheus Labs Bunker Exploration/Discovery of SCP-7442 Date: 18 Dec. 202█ Exploration Team: MTF Zeta-9 Subject: PL Containment Bunker Sysiphun-3 Team Lead: Commander Gregor Jakobson Team Members: Agent Eliza Amata (Demolitions), Agent Malik Waller (Tech), Agent Dacey Morales (Thaumaturge). This log is a collection of footage from the agents' body cameras. [BEGIN LOG] The four agents are standing outside the entrance to the bunker. In the distance, Foundation crews can be seen setting up the perimeter fence. Agent Amata is checking the entrance itself. The Commander and Agent Morales are overlooking Agent Waller as he examines something set into the sand. Commander Jakobson: Right, we take this slow. Interior might still be unstable from the quake, and I don't want to go down as the Rat that got his squad KIA by rock fall. Agent Waller: Still looking to find Valhalla, unlike the rest of us vermin, eh Cap? A few of the other agents laugh as Agent Waller bends down to investigate a cylindrical object sticking out of the sand a meter from the exterior of the bunker. Commander Jakobson: I did not come as far as I have to die to such indignity. Now tell me what you've found, Waller. Agent Waller: Would you take 'I don't know' as a fulfilling answer? Jakobson stares flatly at Waller Agent Waller: Didn't think so. Well, so far as my little friend here and I can figure- He holds up the built-in scanner attached to his wrist. Agent Waller: These are memetic perception filters with a funny little maker's mark. He tugs the cylinder out of the ground, frayed wires emerging from the sand, and holds it out to the commander. On the side is a set of hands holding a flame surrounding an atom. Commander Jakobson: Prometheus Labs. Morales, take a look. Agent Morales accepts the perception filter and turns it over, hands faintly shimmering with light. She looks up and shakes her head. Agent Morales: Dead, maybe from the quake or perhaps for a while, but whatever energy might have been placed in these is long gone. The commander nods towards the entrance. Commander Jakobson: And the bunker? Kneeling, she places her hands against the ground, breathing in deeply, and her eyes are caught briefly shining green in the camera. She looks up to the commander. Agent Morales: There is definitely something down there, a ward, I think, but what it's holding back, I won't be able to tell till we get closer. Commander Jakobson: Right, Amata, status? Agent Amata: Think she's sturdy, Boss. If I have to bust out a Boomer or two, maybe not so sturdy. Gonna need eyes on all her nooks and crannies. Since she's still sealed up tight, probably gonna be looking at the foul stuff. Commander Jakobson: Right, masks up and oxygen running, people. Odin willing, I want to be back topside by dinnertime. Agent Waller: Oh, to have your confidence, sir. Commander Jakobson: Can it, Waller. The bunker's interior is caked in rust, the floor covered in the faintest hint of groundwater, and stalactites reach down from the ceiling. A light flickers at the end of a long hallway leading down to a flight of stairs. Agent Waller: So, anything we should know about Prometheus before we delve too far down, sir? Such as if they enjoy traps like some of our other playmates? Commander Jakobson: Not sure, but if they are, be mindful. It's certain to be something cutting edge even with all this decay. Agent Amata: Cutting edge in what sense, Boss? Commander Jakobson: Take your pick. They were mad scientists always attempting to push the boundaries of what was possible. Biological, mechanical, and thaumatological, they had thumbs in every pie they could find and then some. Supposedly figured out stable time travel before they went under. Sold to damn near everyone: GOC, Insurgency, Mana, everyone 'cept us. Far as I recall, we never came to blows, even took on staff after they went under, but I wouldn't call us friends. Agent Amata: You say that like the Foundation has friends, Cap. Commander Jakobson: Touché. Miss them, though. They kept things simple. Agent Waller: You just said they were time travelers. Jakobson chuckles and shakes his head. Commander Jakobson: You knew what you were getting into, unlike some of the new blood, like the damn Fif- Agent Morales: Commander. Agent Morales points her flashlight at a decayed mural resting above the stairs. It depicts the Foundation logo held within the Promethean flame with smeared writing underneath it outside of the words Sysiphun-3. Agent Amata: What was that about knowing what you were getting? As the team crested the steps, a series of sleek automated turrets had dropped from the ceiling and opened fire. The next thirty minutes of footage are unusable due to the rapid movement and gunfire. Clarity returns to find the MTF standing in a central laboratory. A set of large metal tables rests in the center of the room, covered in moldering paper and aged books. A large door sits between two large tinted windows in the center of the far wall. Several computer terminals rest against the left and righthand walls. Agent Waller has opened one up and is busy with the internal wiring. Commander Jakobson is patching Agent Amata against one of the tables. Agent Amata has received a wound to the knee and upper abdomen—Commander Jakobson to the shoulder and his right forearm. Agent Morales stands before one of the tinted windows, staring outward, her camera catching her reflection with fresh damage across her chest armor. Agent Waller: Work you fu- There is a spark, and power is restored to the room. The computer terminals flash on, bathing the room in blue light, and the sound of air beginning to funnel into the room picks up. Agent Waller shakes his hands and starts rapidly typing at the computer. Agent Waller: Let's see what we have… After a few keystrokes, holographic displays begin to spark to life, guttering, and many failing, but all of them are filled with depictions of natural disasters, extinction events, and ecology trends. Agent Waller: Looks like they tried to wipe whatever notes they had before leaving this place. Can try and salvage what's left. Commander Jakobson: Anything we can bring back is better than nothing, Morales. What have you got? She turns to look at him, her hands pressed flat against the glass, once more her eyes flaring briefly green on the camera. Agent Morales: Whatever they were working on is beyond this door, enough thaumic energy bleeding through to make my teeth ache. Commander Jakobson: Which means we've likely got some form of pissed-off Skip waiting for us on the other side. Agent Waller: So, we're gonna do like every Molerat ever, and die on our feet, right Cap? Agent Waller sits at the terminal for approximately three minutes before finding the door controls. As he enters the code, a holographic message flairs across the windows before Agent Morales. ?N/GA1A;8!0 Reaching For Fire Ever Got Us Burned. Begone Icarus. Before You Send the Boulder Rolling Back Down the Hill. Too Many Doors Lie Open. Do Not Step Through. You Open the Road To Ex7>,!tN8'?W [] The message collapses into fracturing code, and the door slides open. The Agents enter with weapons raised. Inside is a broad, natural cavern, and in the middle, amid a circle of glowing green runes and chained by twitching shackles of shifting polymer, is the vast stature of a ceratopsian dinosaur. Agent Amata: A statue? Agent Waller: Well…it was nice knowing all of you. Commander Jakobson: Cut the chatter. Morales? Agent Morales has taken several steps further into the room. Her rifle lowers, eyes locked on the large entity, one hand reaching out as if to touch it. Commander Jakobson: Morales! She turns, blinking in confusion, back towards the rest of the MTF. Shifting stone echoes about the cavern as the entity opens its eyes, revealing two glowing pieces of jade. Commander Jakobson: Skítur. Back up! The MTF raises its weapons as the entity shifts its stance, pulling at the shifting chains and lowering its head to look closer at the retreating Morales. It opens its beak and begins to speak, a low rumbling voice echoing about the cavern. Morales perks up as it changes language. Commander Jakobson: What is it saying? Agent Morales: Hello. [END LOG] After the initial contact, the team leaves the bunker and reports its findings to the lead researcher, Dr. Erende. The decision is made for the team to reenter the bunker and attempt to open a dialogue with the entity after examinations show no sign of memetic influence. It appears to understand attempts to converse with it yet prefers responding in Yucatec Mayan, with Agent Morales functioning as a translator. + Initial Interview: Upload Complete - Hide Interviewed: SCP-7442-Gamma. Interviewer: Agent Dacey Morales Foreword: Initial interrogation of SCP-7442-Gamma. <Begin Log, 9:30, 18 Dec. 202█> SCP-7442-Gamma is seen testing its restraints before looking up to stare at the returning team. Agent Morales: Do you understand me? SCP-7442-Gamma: Yes. Agent Morales: How is that? How are you able to speak? SCP-7442-Gamma: Through Her and through You. Your ancestors spoke through wind, upon wave, and before crackling fire. Their voices resonate still deep beneath the Earth. Agent Morales: Are you a guardian of this Land? SCP-7442-Gamma: I am this Land and its guardian. All Land. Her stone skin given purpose. Agent Morales: Who is this "her" you speak of? SCP-7442-Gamma: The One From Whence We All Came, Child of Prometheus. Agent Morales is silent for a moment, turning to look at the rest of the team. Agent Morales: Do you mean Ixchel, Mother Nature? The entity shifts its stance, stepping closer as if attempting to see her better. The chains retract after getting within five meters of her. SCP-7442-Gamma: You do not wear their mark. They did not listen. Will these listen? I cannot hear Her. It…is it already, too… The entity rambles softly to itself for another minute. The other members, looking to Morales as the entity seems increasingly agitated. Agent Morales: We are not from Prometheus Labs, if that is what you are wondering. Did they put you here? The entity turns back to her slowly. SCP-7442-Gamma: No, they found me here and locked me away behind whispered words and aberrant locks. It takes one of the chains in its beak. SCP-7442-Gamma: I was not yet ready. It was not yet Time. But I could feel what they had done. How they betrayed Her. Agent Morales: Betrayed her how? The entity stares at her silently. Agent Morales looks to the others, the commander nodding for her to continue their original line of questioning. Agent Morales: What are you? SCP-7442-Gamma sighs and closes its eyes. The cavern begins to rumble and draw inward towards the entity. The MTF raise their weapons, but the rumbling ceases, the drawn rocks rolling to a stop as it reopens its eyes. SCP-7442-Gamma: Once I was simply the last of my kind, I did not understand what had happened. By Her hand, I was made to be more. Agent Morales: And what are you now? SCP-7442-Gamma: Waiting. Agent Morales: For? SCP-7442-Gamma closes its eyes once more and becomes still, a gentle rumble shaking the cavern as its feet appear to root in place. <End Log, 9:42, 18 Dec. 202█> Closing Statement: Following the interview, the decision was made to delve deeper into Sysiphun-3, seeking to recover any further information that Prometheus Labs had left behind and continue observation and containment of SCP-7442-Gamma. Her Billowing Breath Entry Uploading 33% [] Error Data Breach Ongoing: Major File Corruption. Re:SUBJECT To: U8?1F)0 From: Dr. Elisabet Subject: Subject Delta. O-ur work here-compl.ted. The final lock turned to contain yet another of her w-ar10[;. The boulder cont-8YJ-s rolling up. We need s—ply set T1Resius and pray that Iracus never interfere. The Deucal-8[1hjshf7!-must continue.0818829!) must attempt to catch the Wind. Youngest Chil0". B1-t3r Bor0-eus.Typ0n Protocols still in 8uh!:?. If we fail: EXTINCTION AR!SES. We have long chain3ed FIRE our for-7;-earer's gift. We will-)042(-what has begun. Description: SCP-7442-Delta resembles a male Homo neanderthalensis, dressed in white furs and pelts, wearing a mask shaped to look like an antlered Bubo scandiacus5. Closer inspection reveals that the entity is actually formed of tightly circuiting wind currents, excluding its luminescent jade eyes. Sketch of SCP-7442-Delta It has been found to disincorporate and incorporate in less than a second. Starting in a standing position, it has been found to move at speeds up to 300 km per hour. The upper thresholds of its speed are not yet known. Offensive capabilities include the spontaneous manifestations of EF5 winds on top of various weather phenomena, the creation of embolisms in human bloodstreams, and the explosive depressurization of an individual's lungs. The entity has a preference for cold weather events. It has produced gusts of glacial wind that have been recorded to match -195.8°C. This anomalous wind notably only damages non-organic material, namely manmade structures, excluding human flesh. Mass pollination events occur following SCP-7442-Delta's departure from an area. The entity is impervious to harm by nonanamolous weaponry. Thaumic abilities seem to be able to stave it off but have not been found to do long-term damage. It shows the same linguistic abilities as SCP-7442-Gamma, though it is theorized that it understands all known spoken languages, as Agents reported that they heard their native tongue when it spoke. Approximately three months into the containment of SCP-7442-Gamma, Sysiphun-3 came under siege following a breakthrough in the investigation of the site's databanks. The Salvaged Information, Containment Breach, and ensuing Incident Reports are as follows: Salvaged Sysiphun Data High-Priority Investigation: Foundation Cooperation: Sysiphun-3 shows signs of an agreement between the Foundation and Prometheus Labs. All information regarding said agreement has been scrubbed from Foundation Systems. (Running Trace for any information regarding this "Deal," Primary Priority.) SCP-7442-Gamma: Information pulled from salvaged files has been integrated into the Foundation file. Referred to in PL documentation as a "Typhon-Class" Thaumic Entity. (I'm running a trace on "Typhon-Class," but the bunker's systems are still not even working at 20%, Secondary Priority) Subject Delta: Another "Typhon-Class Entity. All other information is currently too degraded to scrub for information. (Tertiary Priority) Dr. Elisabet: The scientific lead in charge of the Sysiphun Protocol. Outside of heavily degraded emails, information is scarce. Project Tiresias: Cordons of Perception Filters, alloys used in manufacturing, show that they were meant to last for centuries, if not millennia. They produced a cognitohazardous signal powerful enough to evade Foundation sensors for at least several decades, if not longer, on top of more localized sensory filters. (The other bunkers are likely situated with similar cordons). SCP-7442-?: An organic substance recovered from within one of the defunct Tiresias Perception Filters. Tests are Ongoing. Low-Priority Investigation: Sysiphun-3: A containment bunker and research facility meant to protect Subject Gamma from discovery by other Typhon-Class Thaumic Entities. Sysiphun-2: Similar facility, occupant currently unknown. (Running Trace on Location, fragmented data places it somewhere in Shanghai Municipality. Sysiphun-1: Yet another facility, occupant currently unknown.(Running Trace on Location, data heavily damaged, current estimates: Eastern Seaboard of the United States.) Unnamed Prometheus Labs Facility: File degradation is severe at the time of reporting, yet what little could be uncovered places the facility somewhere within Los Angeles. Project Deucal: Another facet of the Sysiphun Protocol, files are heavily degraded at the time of reporting. (I'm not even sure if that is the correct file name.) + Sysiphun-3 Containment Breach: Upload Complete - Close Date: 21 March 202█ Subject: SCP-7442-Gamma On-Site Staff: Dr. Armando Erende (Current Site Lead.), Commander Gregor Jakobson(Site Defense), Agent Eliza Amata(Exploration Lead), Agent Malik Waller (Tech), Agent Dacey Morales(Thaumaturge), Agent Bernard "Briar" McDaren (MTF-Eta-5 Member). [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Looking disgruntled, Erende enters the central lab, joining Commander Jakobson, Agent McDaren, and Agent Waller. The latter is situated at the main table, an expansive computer system linking to several of the built-in terminals. The others are located next to the observation windows. SCP-7442-Gamma can be seen beyond, lying down. Dr. Erende: You required my presence? Agent Waller: That I did, Doc. He nods at the computers, where a program is nearing completion. Agent Waller: Nearly done scrubbing another bit of PL's Dirty Laundry, which is just the cherry on top since I've got the report you were waiting for regarding the Tiresias. He slides a file down the table towards Dr. Erende. The doctor takes it and looks at the other two individuals in the room. Dr. Erende: Why are you two here? Commander Jakobson: Waller claims the information he scrounged is a security concern. Agent McDaren: Following orders, sir. He taps the glass, and SCP-7442-Gamma can be seen briefly looking in their direction. Agent McDaren: Have to keep an eye on our peacekeeper, don't we? Dr. Erende looks toward one of the monitors showing the inside of SCP-7442-Gamma's containment chamber. Seated on the ground before it is Agent Morales and a chessboard. Dr. Erende: She's still in there? Commander Jakobson: Rituals take time. Especially if you are required to disguise it as a game. That ward fails… Agent Waller: No fucking clue what happens. She answers its questions, works her mojo, and it stays calm. Dr. Erende: Highly irregular. Commander Jakobson: I don't like it either, sir. But it's the best the Seers have for us at the moment. Dr. Erende: I would think finding the facility's power center would take precedence. Commander Jakobson: Agent Amata is currently leading another foray as we speak. Prometheus built this place like a maze. Dr. Erende nods and opens the file, looking over the information Agent Waller had uncovered. Dr. Erende: So these weren't constructed to keep out civilians or other Groups of Interest? Agent Waller: Not even us, their bedeviled Icarus, no, this was meant to keep out something they classified as a "Typhon-Class" Thaumic Entity. Whomever 'ol Liz was, she really went in on the Ancient Greek, don't you think, even when it comes to PL in general. Dr. Erende: Typhon was an entity Gaia created to slay the Greek Gods after their apparent betrayal. He was to be the end of the world. Agent McDaren: Isn't the big boulder bastard behind me keen on 'Mother Earth'? Agent Waller: Exactly. Plus, according to Morales, it mentioned some form of betrayal during their first heart-to-heart. Dr. Erende: Then we need to take precautions and start actual testing like I suggested months ag- Commander Jakobson: You want to start prodding a possible apocalypse engine over the rantings of a woman who sounds like she was bedeviled long before Prometheus went under? Agent McDaren: That's the eggs' modus oprendi. We die in the dark so that they can play in the shadows. Erende bristles but holds his tongue as the three MTF glare at him flatly Agent Waller: She calls us Icarus for a reason, folks. Dr. Erende: Yes, that incessant terminology, yet there is evidence that this location and the linked locales you told me about are signs of a joint project between the Labs and Foundation. Have you made any further ground in that line of inquiry? Waller gestures to the compiling data. Agent Waller: I have, but you can bet your doctorate that even if I can scrounge anything up in this latest pass, it'll be locked down tighter than Site-19. But that isn't why I asked the Doc here or you, Commander. We've got a more pressing concern. Subject Delta. Erende looks back down at the notes Dr. Erende: Another Typhon Class? And why those designations? Are they numerical in connotation? Agent Waller: Correct on both accounts. As for the designations, I was able to piece together that the document was demarcated by age. Specifically, the designations seem to be linked to extinction events in Earth's history. Funny tidbit when it comes to our big friend back there, Liz has his designation tied to the ol' KT6. The others stare at him silently. Agent Waller: I thought it was funny anyway. But with that in mind, it's a pretty easy conclusion to make; we're looking at similar entities being held at the other Sysiphun buildings. Agent McDaren: So, we've got a magic dinosaur linked to the disaster that killed them all. Agent Waller: And others are waiting for us in their own pretty packaging. Probably. Agent McDaren: But what about Delta? Higher number, lower on the time scale? Agent Waller: I think, far as I can tell, it never got nabbed, so there isn't much to go on, but history isn't in my wheelhouse. What about you, Doc? Dr. Erende rubs his chin and stares into the middle distance. Dr. Erende: It could be the Holocene, though I am uncertain if- Commander Jackobson steps forward. Commander Jackobson: I don't wish to interrupt, but were numerical designations the "pressing concerns" you had? Waller pauses and nods, flicking other pages open on the screens. Agent Waller: Right, seems like Tiresias, the precep-filters, were created to keep out other Typhons. Likely, this Subject Delta. The reports I was able to scrounge together made them seem foolproof. Since I started looking into Prometheus, that kinda talk pops up a lot, but I've looked over the tech, and I have to hand it to them. These should have lasted for a lot longer than they apparently did. Commander Jackobson: What stopped them? Agent Waller: This. He taps a key, and the other monitors gleam with several pictures of a viscous green-black liquid. He glances back to Erende. Agent Waller: Had some of your kinda eggheads, take a peek, and lo and behold, it's organic. Mostly, hints of all kinds of biomass, all wrapped up in a sticky, tar-covered package. Dr. Erende: They were undone… by tar. Agent Waller: Persistent living tar. Commander Jackobson: Have you found any more? Agent Waller: Just found out this morning, but the other techs are cautiously cracking open the other filters. Dr. Erende: But you think whatever is creating it is Subject Delta? The computer chimes, and several pages of salvaged documentation, graphs, and data appears across the screen. Agent Waller: We'll find out in a minute. [Simultaneously, this conversation is recovered from within SCP-7442-Gamma's containment chamber]. SCP-7442-Gamma: Are we to simply sit in silence this day? Agent Morales looks up at it as its green eyes gleam, moving a chess piece of solid marble to counter her latest move. Her eyes and hands glow as she concentrates on funneling energy into the runes. Agent Morales: Do you wish me to ask you questions? SCP-7442-Gamma: With Prometheus, the questions never ceased. Until the day they vanished. Agent Morales: Why did they leave? SCP-7442-Gamma shifts and stares at her silently for about a minute, its eyes flicking toward the many cameras. SCP-7442-Gamma: The others listen? Agent Morales: Always. We can play in silence. SCP-7442-Gamma: I've had enough of silence. It won't matter much longer. Agent Morales: What do you mean? The entity ignores her question to answer the previous one. SCP-7442-Gamma: To hunt another like me. To cage them. Inaudible to Agent Morales and those within the lab, another voice speaks. Unknown: They failed. Agent Morales: Why? SCP-7442-Gamma: Why do you? Fear? Control? Safety? Agent Morales is silent for a moment. Agent Morales: There are more of you? Unknown: Yes. SCP-7442-Gamma: Yes. Agent Morales: What are you? The entity shifts again, and the faintest hint of ice can be seen forming on the edges of the ventilation systems within the cavern and the lab, unnoticed by the personnel. SCP-7442-Gamma: We spoke before of my creator. Unknown: Why are you bothering? Agent Morales: Mother Earth? SCP-7442-Gamma: She had many children, and a few rose to be much like you. Unknown: Better than them. Agent Morales freezes as she places another chess piece down. Agent Morales: What… do you mean? SCP-7442-Gamma: That question has many answers, but I will choose to say magic was not born with the advent of your people. I could not recognize it then, but She had made such wonders. Until…my time ended. I as I am followed. To help seal Her wounds and strengthen Her flesh so that life could bloom once more. Agent Morales: That is the purpose of you and the others like you? Unknown: Wait and see. SCP-7442-Gamma: We were to be more than just her children. Her Guardians, Her… friends, across the ages as She grew and learned. Unknown: Then why didn't she listen? SCP-7442-Gamma: Hold your tongue! The room rocks, and the temperature in the base begins to decline slowly. The tremor catches the attention of the other staff members, with Agent McDaren moving into the room. Agent McDaren: What's going on? The entity ignores him, keeping its gaze locked on Agent Morales. Agent Morales: Who are you speak- SCP-7442-Gamma: I must ask you something. The Agents exchange glances, and Morales turns back to the entity. SCP-7442-Gamma: What do you know of Extinction? Morales appears confused and takes a moment to answer. Agent Morales: I think… it is a tragedy, but perhaps a necessary one. Time goes on, quirks of fate leading to new life surviving to overtake the old-a Cycle. The entity begins to stand, its eyes still burrowing into her. SCP-7442-Gamma: And nothing should be done to answer it? Agent Morales: I don't know about what came before…but I think what is happening today could be prevented if you understand what I mean. You've been down here for quite some time. The Foundation could… it should do something. Agent McDaren: Morales, what are you doing? SCP-7442-Gamma stretches. SCP-7442-Gamma: I believe you. Agent Morales: You believe me? SCP-7442-Gamma: Deceit lies in the heart. I feel all heartbeats…but one is missing. SCP-7442-Gamma shakes itself as if relieving an itch, and the entire room quakes, nearly sending Morales and McDaren to the ground. SCP-7442-Gamma: But a tragedy requires intervention. A lesson Prometheus believes it had learned. That your Foundation believes it knows. Yet this… stagnation demands our response. In the lab, Agent Waller finishes reading the information. His eyes widen and he leaps to his feet. Agent Waller: Get her out of there! McDaren grabs Morales's arm and begins to pull her back. Agent Morales: The ritual?! Agent Waller: Hasn't been working. It's played u- Their comms crackle to life, the voice of one of the topside agents coming through. Unnamed Agent: Sir, this is topside. It's started snowing, and there is someone on the perimet— The agent lets out a strangled gasp as something begins choking the life out of them. SCP-7442-Gamma's eyes start glowing intensely as they still focus on Morales. SCP-7442-Gamma: I wish we had more time. But this stagnation must cease. You… so many of you don't deserve what is to come. Agent Morales: What? Another entity manifests within the cavern, seeping through the ventilation system. SCP-7442-Delta rises, sending a cascade of freezing air across the other entity's bonds. McDaren pushes Morales back and opens fire on the new entity. The bullets of his thaumically-enhanced rifle pass right through it. SCP-7442-Gamma: The End. SCP-7442-Delta: A long time coming. Agent Waller scrambles to download the information on his system as Morales and McDaren rush back into the the lab. The door slams shut behind them. Dr. Erende darts into the outer hall, looking around, panicked. The Commander unholsters his weapon as the room begins to shake and and quake. The sound of wrenching metal and shifting earth echoes around them. Agent Amata comes around the corner, heavily wounded, armed with a grenade launcher. Through the windows, the form of SCP-7442-Gamma can be seen wrenching itself free. SCP-7442-Delta dissipates and races toward the door as a swirling mass of wind and snow. Ice begins to form around the edges of the windows. Agent Amata: What… what hit us? Agent Waller: A fucking demigod! Commander Jackobson: We're leaving. Now. The temperature drops in the room as the chilling mist begins to filter in through the ventilation system. It begins to take the form of multiple instances of SCP-7442-Delta. The camera lens crack and distort, capturing that Agent Morales is the last to leave the room—green light glints in her eyes as she makes eye contact with the incorporating entity. A hail of gunfire follows, and the entity can be heard laughing as the screen goes black. [END LOG] Closing Statement: Sysiphun-3 was utterly destroyed by the ensuing earthquake. 23 Foundation personnel were killed during the event, with 37 more surviving the incident with significant injuries. Both entities vanished after emerging from the ruined facility, enduring suppressive fire from surviving MTF members with no sign of damage. SCP-7442 Emergent Incidents Chicxulub Puerto Incident (21 March 202█) Entities: SCP-7442-Gamma, SCP-7442-Delta Taking place concurrently with the Containment Breach, the small town is struck with -28.8°C temperatures, 80 kph winds, heavy snowfall, and a category 7.8 earthquake. Power, sanitation, and transportation facilities are utterly destroyed, and a portion of the port district sinks into the waves. The Ethics Committee begins a dialogue of offering aid to the city through a number of shell charities. The Merida Incident (22 March 202█) Entities: SCP-7442-Gamma, SCP-7442-Delta The entities briefly emerge in Merida, shifting the natural disaster's focal point with them. A brief conflict arises between the entities, leading to the destruction of the Cathedral of Merida. SCP-7442-Gamma leaves. SCP-7442-Delta remains, creating a massive blizzard. Temperatures drop to -35.6°C, with near 0 visibility and dropping 1.219 meters of snow in the span of an hour. MTF Delta-14 is sent to confront the entity, yet it dissipates after the initial engagement, which led to the death of 4 of the squad's members. Boring Incident (24 March 202█) Entities: SCP-7442-Gamma SCP-7442-Gamma manifests on the grounds of Wilson's Wildlife Solutions(GoI-466). It wanders the area for a period of one hour, causing a great deal of structural damage as if hunting for something. No personnel are injured during the manifestation period. Audio records the word "Apologies." coming from the entity. It then demanifests after bowing to the current director of GoI-466. The Tripartite Manifestation (26 March 202█) Entities: SCP-7442-Gamma, SCP-7442-Delta The entities manifest within three secure Foundation sites in Costa Rica, Borneo, and the Congo at the same time. All personnel at each site are restrained or incapacitated without a single casualty. They are rendered unconscious by a rapid change in air pressure or held in place with earthen bonds. The entities entered the central chambers of each site and reports claim that SCP-7442-Gamma began weeping with SCP-7442-Delta offering consolidation. Audio equipment at the Costa Rica site captured the following statement: SCP-7442-Gamma: I had hoped… but no longer. All manifestations of each entity proceeded to vanish. Her Ichthyic Ichor Entry Uploading 50% [] Error Data Breach Ongoing: Compensating File Corruption. Re:SUBJECT To: 0-ja25![ From: Dr. Elisabet Subject: A Reimagining of History. You came to us with a problem. We have offered a solution. But with every stroke of genius, as I am sure you are well aware, new issues arise. 4 Problems, as it were. Curious things, but I assure you it will not halt our progress. Though their emergence opens up a curious line of thinking, which I believe you will appreciate. We have always known Thaumaturgy and Mythos were just unexplored facets of what is fact. And I think it was foolish of us not to consider that myth can extend as far back as what we define as common knowledge. Common knowledge states a meteor killed the dinosaurs. But we must seek a deeper truth: “What drew it to our celestial shores?” Chance, coincidence, I hear you say. Coincidence is just another word for miracle4. And miracles are simply misunderstood truths. And the truth is always stranger. And what the truth appears to be is emerging all around us. I have to thank you, my friend, for the curious realignment of knowledge you have allowed us to pursue in hunting for your Future. Do not fear. As every, Our Guiding Light will see the problem through. Archived Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7442-Beta was contained within Prometheus Labs Containment Facility Sysiphun-2. The facility was inside a pocket dimension embedded within the Oriental Pearl TV Tower in Shanghai, with the aid of the Kuiyang Sect. Tiresias Perception Filters similar to those found at Sysiphun-3 were discovered in similar states of ongoing disrepair. The entity's containment chamber was a 200-by-80-meter cylinder crafted of polycarbonate glass and titanium alloy reinforced with thaumic runes. A failsafe was discovered that would cause the structure to be teleported into another reality if the cell was breached. However, failure of upkeep degraded the thaumic protection to the point the entity was able to escape during the Foundation's exploration of Sysiphun-2. Description: SCP-7442-Beta resembles a hybrid between Dimetrodon limbatus7 and Dunkleosteus terrelli8 made entirely of water, with the exception of its glowing jade eyes. It most commonly manifests at approximately 74 meters in length. Sketch of SCP-7442-Beta The entity has been classified as a Thaumic LSA. It is transparent, granting it a modicum of invisibility. It has similar disincorporation abilities to SCP-7442-Delta. It is aquakinetic, able to shape and manipulate water in several ways. However, it most commonly manifests its abilities in water-based natural disasters: floods, hurricanes (when in tandem with SCP-7442-Delta), and tsunamis. The upper limit of its aquakinesis is not yet known. On its emergence, it manifested a wave bordering 120 meters tall. It has stuck to the coasts but can manifest in any body of water worldwide and form a barrier out of it, telekinetically carrying itself through the air. Any water manipulated by SCP-7442-Beta undergoes an immediate algae bloom, which draws in multitudes of aquatic and semi-aquatic life that readily begin to consume the algae regardless of baseline consumption, with no apparent ill effects. The entity has the same immunities as displayed by previous instances of SCP-7442. + Sysiphun-2 Exploration Log: Upload Complete - Close Date: 31 March 2021 Exploration Team: Sysiphun Investigatory Taskforce Subject: Sysiphun-2 Team Lead: Commander Gregor Jakobson Team Members: Agent Eliza Amata, Agent Malik Waller, Agent Dacey Morales, Agent Bernard "Briar" McDaren. [BEGIN LOG] 4:42 AM CST-Numerous Foundation armed forces are observed moving about the snow-choked streets around the base of Oriental Pearl TV Tower. Agent Amata and Agent Morales are seen moving through the gathered forces, heading into the base of the building. Commander Jakobson, Agent Waller, and Agent McDaren are seen standing outside an elevator, with several other MTF members barricading the interior. Agent Waller: The Perceps are failing, Cap. Techs are reporting the same degradation as the last site. Commander Jakobson nods, putting a hand to his ear. He nods and turns toward the rest of the group. Commander Jakobson: Catalogue it, but we need to move. All civilians have been evacuated. We've got a green light, and the window is closing rapidly. Snow is already a foot deep, and the men at the harbor are reporting tremors. Do you have it? He turns to the returned Morales and Amata. Agent Morales: Took some convincing. The Kuiyang are not a trusting group. She holds up a keycard marked with thaumaturgic runes. Jakobson takes it. Agent McDaren: Should we expect anything more from them? Agent Amata: They're clearing house, them and pretty much every other GoI and PoI in the city. An explosion echoes in the distance and the helicopter cam shifts. Smoke is seen rising as a tornado touches down a kilometer from their current position. Agent Waller: And yet the Brass still wants us vermin to be the front line against Nature Incarnate. Commander Jakobson: It's what you trained for, Waller. McDaren? Agent McDaren: Orders are I stick to you like glue. Rest of the mates have the LSA countermeasures primed. My kit is to help you if we find another big bastard inside. Commander Jakobson: Right, in we go. He passes the keycard across a scanner next to the elevator, the Prometheus Symbol glows across the doors, and they slide open. The MTF enter, and their feeds cut as the elevator begins moving. The other Foundation personnel continue to bunker down as more explosions and the sound of a thunder-backed roar rocks the city. 4:45 CST-The team's cameras turn on as they exit the elevator. The landing consists of two hallways that curve upward around a glass and metal cylinder. The cylinder is marked with gleaming runes. Inside is brackish, algae-filled water. Several futuristic machines stutter through the air, rust and wear visible on the edges. The Shanghai skyline can be seen beyond, though slightly warped, as can the Foundation's engagement with the SCP-7442 entities. Commander Jakobson: Waller, which way? The Agent activates his wrist-mounted computer. Agent Waller: From the partial maps I could piece together from the salvaged data, all roads lead to Rome. Ergo, either. What we're after should be at the very top. He points at one of the floating machines. Agent Waller: I get my hands on one of those. I might be able to get a better picture. They're security drones. So watch your steps. The others mutter acknowledgments. Agent Morales shifts towards the cylinder, narrowing her eyes, her fingers gleaming with thaumic energy as she raises them towards it. Agent Morales: The wards: they're even weaker than those at S-3. The water shifts, and the MTF all raise their weapons, a singular glowing green eye gleams from amongst the algae. SCP-7442-Beta: Yes. Soon. I. See. Freedom. Its voice is deep, yet feminine, and seems to resonate and echo all around the group. Its attention stays locked on Morales for a moment before vanishing back into the murk. SCP-7442-Beta: Yours. Is. A. Familiar. Presence. Commander Jakobson: We need to move. Keep an eye on our exit and the drones. The others nod, spreading out to cover both halls, with Waller and McDaren taking the left and the Commander, Amata, and Morales going right. He briefly pauses and whispers in Morales's ear, who nods and turns her attention to the chamber as they continue upwards. Agent Morales: What are you? SCP-7442-Beta: Old. Forgotten. Guardian. Agent Morales: Of whom? SCP-7442-Beta: Her. Always. You. Once. The water shifts within the chamber, and the faint outline of a coiling plant can be seen. Agent Morales: You protected humanity? SCP-7442-Beta: Yes. You called. We answered. Wind and Waves. A Flood. The water clears as they climb, and more outlines rapidly form: the face of a large furred hominid9, a bearded human man, and a vast wave. SCP-7442-Beta: We exist. In Cycles. Born of Tragedy. To help Her heal. To build back better. Many visitors. Sought her bounty. To scar her form. We defeated them All. In Time. Many images swiftly flash before Morales, who has stopped moving as the others have continued upwards. The Commander turns back to her. Commander Jakobson: Morales? She glances up at him, a faint green gleam visible in her eyes on the camera. Agent Morales: Sorry, sir. She follows after them, though she continues the dialogue with SCP-7442-Delta. Agent Morales: So your purpose is…rebirth? The entity grumbles an agreement. SCP-7442-Beta: Though. Your ilk. Dub us: Extinction. Agent Morales blinks and steps back from the chamber, glancing towards the others, but their attention seems split between the climb and the encroaching storm outside. Agent Morales: Is that accurate? SCP-7442-Beta: We are. Necessary. For Her health. For Rebirth. Agent Morales: Then why were you caged here? SCP-7442-Beta: Prometheus believed. They could do better. The eyes close, and Morales moves to rejoin the others. Outside, the tornado can be seen growing closer, with explosions centering on another location deeper into the city. 5:05 CST-Agent Waller is stooped over a downed drone, standing at a landing where the two hallways crossover. McDaren is staring out toward the city. The rest of the exploration team arrives, excluding Agent Morales. Agent McDaren: Where is Morales? Agent Amata: Dialogue with the Fish. She's just a few steps back. Agent McDaren looks around, and his camera catches Morales marching after them. Commander Jakobson: What have you got? Agent Waller: CPU is still humming, but whatever motor function this thing used to have is shot—no outer ports for data retrieval. I have time to crack it, Boss? The tornado is seen racing closer. The thaumically powered batteries appear to slow it down, but it keeps moving. Commander Jakobson: Fast as you are able. Agent Morales finally arrives, looking a bit shaken. Unnoticed by the group, SCP-7442-Beta is quietly observing her from within the glass. Waller pulls out his tools and swiftly pries open the side of the drone, and drops his tools with a start as viscous green-black tar pours from the opening. Agent Waller: Christ! Amata wrenches him to his feet as it pools outward, quivering slightly before halting in a rough meter-wide puddle. Agent Amata: Guessing you aren't going to be getting anything from that one? Waller pulls away from her and chuckles. Agent Waller: You wanna get up in person with the bot's oozing insides? It's all yours, Eliza. Commander Jakobson: Same as before? McDaren sniffs the air and nods his head as Morales crouches and slowly reaches out, her fingertips glowing. Agent McDaren: I wouldn't do that if I were you. That shit is festering, and it's caustic. Agent Morales looks up at him flatly. Agent Morales: I know Mole Rats have a reputation, Briar, but we're not all suicidal. Agent Waller: Not of our own volition anyway, a bit of an occupational expectation. Agent Morales looks up to the Commander. Agent Morales: It's organic, with a faint thaumic imprint. Commander Jakobson: Then we already have samples and are wasting time we don't have. Double time, folks. Odin willing, there is a solution in this place. 5:30 CST-The team reaches the top of the pocket dimension's interior, a domed chamber with two entrances filled with displays of anomalous artifacts, a large desk with a holographic display, and the top of the glass chamber. Several larger drones are scattered around the ground, leaking tar. Large portions of the glass walls and floor have been covered in the substance. SCP-7442-Beta's eyes manifest, staring at the party. McDaren gags and covers his nose, the others showing lessened yet similar reactions. Agent McDaren: That's the sinus's cleared. What is this stuff? SCP-7442-Beta: Rot. The Agent stares towards the container as the others spread out, then shakes his head and shifts around it. Commander Jakobson: Waller, desk, Amata, see if the other exit is blocked; McDaren, Morales, eyes up, time table is closing. He nods to one of the uncovered windows. The tornado is less than two hundred meters away, though the thaumic fire hadn't relented. The ground cracks and buckles in the distance, and the faint shape of SCP-7442-Gamma can be seen. The others do as commanded. Agent Waller: Let's see what you've got for me. He plugs his wrist computer into the terminal and swiftly begins typing. Agent Morales is looking around at the artifacts in the room. The tar covers many displays, obscuring their occupants, yet four are visible. A complete velociraptor skeleton embedded with jade augmentations, a petrified tendril resembling vectors from SCP-610 corruption, an iridescent silver horn, and a piece of bedrock with a fossil of an insectoid robotic limb. Agent Morales: What is all of this? SCP-7442-Beta: Truth Forgotten. Horrors Slain. Children Lost. Agent Morales: Extinction… Her eyes are seen glowing faintly, and she places a hand on her temple. The Commander reaches out, shaking her shoulder. Commander Jakobson: Morales? I need you keen, what's happening? SCP-7442-Beta: Her Nature. Agent Morales: Thaumic Resonance coming off everything is… a bit much. Thrumming like a… SCP-7442-Beta: Heartbeat. Commander Jakobson: Are you doing this, beast? He turns to the container. The entity stares back at him, more of its form congealing, revealing bladed teeth and two large webbed claws that press against the glass. The runes flair, and it recedes slightly. SCP-7442-Beta: No. But I Know. It closes its eyes and vanishes into the surrounding liquid. Agent Amata comes around the corner. Agent Amata: Door's jammed. Not sure if any of that tar got in the mechanism, but the electronics are shot. I'm gonna need some aid pulling it open." Commander Jakobson: McDaren, go with her. Agent McDaren: Aye sir. Commander Jakobson: Waller? Agent Waller: I've got camera access, just in case, scrubbing and copying any and all files as we speak. Commander Jakobson: Sysiphun, Deucal, Elisabet, a way to stop all of this? Agent Waller: Working as fast as I can, Boss, but this- He is cut off by a pop-up appearing across the screen and a beam of light cascading across the room. Hello Icarus Error: Vocal Activation Triggered. Error: Prometheus Personel Not Found. Scanning: Sysiphun Network. Warning: Sysiphun-3 Not-Found. Warning: Sysiphun-2 Degradation Imminent. Thaumic Fields Failing. Intrusive Organic Compound Detected. Prognosis: Four Horseman Event Triggering. Scanning: Foundation Presence Discovered. Activating: Pandora Protocol. [] The screen shifts and begins projecting a hologram of a tall, red-haired woman dressed in a lab coat with Prometheus Lab's insignia on the breast. Hologram: Hello Icarus, I am a neural homunculus of Dr. Elisabet, lead facilitator of the Sysiphun Protocol. I take it you require assistance. Agent Waller looks around the hologram at the commander. SCP-7442-Beta remanifests with a low growl that echoes about the chamber. Agent Waller: Got your info. Commander Jakobson: What is the Sysiphun Project? She looks around at the Foundation Agents, her eyes glowing yellow as she intently studies each of them. Dr. Elisabet: A temporal immigrant, a Mage, and a genetic mutate. Alongside two baseline humans…curious, but I do not detect the proper authorization to offer you the full breadth of information on that topic. Commander Jakobson: What can you tell us? Dr. Elisabet: Protocol Sysiphun was created to contain a set of Typhon-Class entities. World-Ending Elemental Forces given sentience. SCP-7442-Beta: Her Gift. Her Guardians. The entity is pressing against the glass, water churning into a whirlpool, agitated by the presence of the hologram. The runes can be seen flickering and sputtering, and the tornado grows closer outside. Dr. Elisabet: They are an immune response triggered following or during events that would endanger the overall well-being of the biosphere. SCP-7442-Beta: Cut Out Disease. Slay Invaders. The hologram gestures around the room. Dr. Elisabet: Their handiwork. The history we would never have known about without you, Brave Little Icarus. SCP-7442-Beta: To Protect. Her. To Protect. Her Children. Tragedy. Commander Jakobson: So why have they awakened now? Dr. Elisabet: To kill the sickness, obviously. To kill Us. The Agents turn towards each other, a deep silence pervading the room. Agent Morales: How do we stop them? The hologram looks towards the windows, seeing the oncoming entities. Dr. Elisabet: Gamma free, Delta…likely never captured. Beta… SCP-7442-Beta: Soon. To Be. Free. Dr. Elisabet: Deucalion has a Safeguard for this eventuality. You need only reach it. SCP-7442-Beta surges towards the wall of its container. Several of the runes fail as it thrashes in rage. Agent Morales: What is it? SCP-7442-Beta: PAIN! The hologram pauses, staring blankly at the far wall. Her form glitches, scattering into fractal patterns. Dr. Elisabet: It appears my memory is f-f-faulty. I can not locate Deucalion at this time. Information could likely be found a-Apologies, it seems we are out of time. The hologram points. The Commander, Waller, and Morales turn and see a Foundation tank flying toward the tower. It impacts with a load boom and ensuing explosion, an echo reverberating about the pocket dimension. Dr. Elisabet: Warning, destabilizing the anchor point will cause the pocket to collapse ballistically. All personnel should vacate the premises immediately. Commander Jakobson: What of the entity? Dr. Elisabet: Failsafes activated, the container will be jettisoned, weakening immune response. The runes along the container begin glowing in unison as SCP-7442-Beta attempts to free itself, cracks forming across the glass. Commander Jakobson: Then we are gone. Waller, gather the Doctor. Morales, pour everything you have into the chamber. Amata, McDaren, we're lea- An explosion rocks the room once more. Agent Waller: Delta just breached the elevator, and this is gonna take at least a minute even if I rush and leave bits of our new friend behind. So we're about to be SOL. Commander Jakobson: Get moving then. Morales, barrier! McDaren, Amata, keep on that door. Wind always follows the path of least resistance, so… He reaches back, removing an ancient-looking axe from his pack, and grits his teeth. Morales turns and raises her hands, a shimmering barrier of green energy filling the opening before them. Commander Jakobson: Thaumic out! The axe crackles with energy, and a billowing bolt of wind slams into Morales's barrier. It pounds against the barrier again, and Morales winces but holds. SCP-7442-Beta bashes against its containment chamber again, spreading further cracks. Morales shifts her stance, putting a hand towards it, the sparking runes gleaming just a bit brighter as the chamber begins to phase out. Dr. Elisabet: Activating Automated Defenses. The robots twitch and spark but stay prone and beyond the barrier SCP-7442-Delta forms. Darkly, it chuckles. SCP-7442-Delta: Hello, again. Have a nice talk? I see the Doctor, even as a ghost, can't help but speak in half-truths. Commander Jakobson: So you and yours are not out to kill us all, Demon? SCP-7442-Delta: No, we are. We have to fix everything you've done. Agent Amata: Why? SCP-7442-Beta: Betrayal. Slaughter. Neglect. Dr. Elisabet: We have fallen out of favor. SCP-7442-Delta: Favor you never should have had! She saved you. She loved you! Too trusting. Not used to how easily you crafted lies, how willing you are to fool yourselves. You wrenched open her heart and caged my fellows in their sleep, but I have always known your ilk best, Cousin. SCP-7442-Beta: Protected You. From Flood. From Ice. From Rising Sun. SCP-7442-Delta: Is this that time? Born of the parasite you shoved into her heart? That awful machine that spits you back out just to do it all over again. The Agents look at each other confused, as both entities have stopped fighting, just staring at them with burning jade eyes. SCP-7442-Beta: Or Carved Apart. Her Library. For Curiosity. SCP-7442-Delta: Or when She returned you to the Cradle, and you betrayed her yet again. Dr. Elisabet: Icarus indeed. Commander Jakobson: You can not blame all of humanity for the actions o- SCP-7442-Delta: I can. Why? She held us back. For she thought you would learn. But instead, you've chosen to stagnate. To carve away at her, again and again, never thinking that when you reset, she remains the same. You've poisoned her blood and burned her lungs. Carved open her flesh and wrenched free her marrow. Again. And again! You slaughter her children and call it natural. You know nothing of what is natural! You could do something. You could but you don't. Too beholden to your normalcy and deified coin. But we're here now. Which means…she's too weak to care. Agent Amata screams, as from the barest gap in the door, freezing wind rushes in and seeps into her clothes, what little bit of flesh can be seen along her arm immediately becoming frostbitten. SCP-7442-Delta vanishes and instantly reconstitutes in the room. Punching forward, another gust races for Agent Morales and knocks her off her feet and directly into a tar patch. Her eyes gleam a vibrant green upon impact, and she falls unconscious. The hologram vanishes, and Waller pulls back from the desk, raising his firearm toward the entity. Agent Waller: I got her. SCP-7442-Delta turns away from them and targets the chamber SCP-7442-Beta is in, a miniature tornado of chill winds roaring up around it. Commander Jakobson: Get Morales and get out, now! Across the way, McDaren forces the door open with a surge of strength and grabs Amata, nodding towards the commander. Commander Jakobson: Now, Waller! Agent Waller looks at the Commander and toward the cracking containment chamber and two entities. Agent Waller: That is suicide. Commander Jakobson: Valhalla awaits. Not bad for a Rat, now go! He charges SCP-7442-Delta swinging the axe down, and it finds purchase, causing the entity to start in surprise. It glances down at the axe, back up to the commander, and narrows its eyes. SCP-7442-Delta: You Foundation folk…brave enough to fight Gods but not to accept your own failings. Commander Jakobson: My Gods are with me. The entity sends a cascade of chill wind towards the Commander, his skin immediately turning black and shriveling across his face and neck. Yet the commander swings again, axe biting into the entity's chest. Commander Jakobson: The others have sounded solemn. But you speak with such vindication. SCP-7442-Delta: Humans believe they are special. They aren't. There are Heirs apparent of older blood than any of you and fresher minds as well. Yet, you refuse to let go. I don't know what I used to be. Just what I am now. The last child of a people dead…because of you. Because of humanity. Another gust of freezing air buffets the Captain's back, and the cameras crack, though the audio remains for just a second more. Commander Jakobson: I've faced colder than this back in Ísland. SCP-7442-Delta: Somehow I doubt that. The sound of a brief but intense bought of combat is heard, ending with the sound of shattering glass and rushing water. [END LOG] Closing Statement: The breach of SCP-7442-Beta's containment chamber caused the destruction of the Oriental Pearl Tower and the creation of a perpetual hurricane centered on its former location. This, combined with the devastation caused by the Gamma and Delta entities, left approximately half of the city's infrastructure in ruins. Relief efforts are being hampered by the aforementioned hurricane and prolific botanical growth brought on by the instance's abilities. Casualty reports are still coming in, but the death toll is projected to be at least a third of the city's population. Video and images of the SCP-7442 instances have proliferated across the internet in civilian and governmental circles. The likelihood of a Broken Veil Scenario is high. Her First and Last Entry uploading 67% [] Description: SCP-7442-Alpha is, at first glance, a mobile sphere of orange and blue flame approximately 6.096 meters in diameter. In the very center of the globe is a mass of shifting magma that resembles a specimen of the Isotelus rex10 genus with a single jade eye in the center of its head. Sketch of SCP-7442-Alpha Its pyrokinetic abilities allow it to form the surrounding sphere into all manner of shapes, most often defaulting to lashing tentacle-shaped limbs. Its touch burns at 1425°C baseline, though notably, does not appear to consume oxygen or affect non-manmade structures or nonhuman entities. Material reduced to ash by its flames, regardless of the original chemical composition, into a substance that engenders rapid and prolific plant growth, likely through Thaumaturgic processes. It has the same manifestation abilities and immunities as prior SCP-7442 instances. SCP-7442 Attacks Bio-Site Sieges (4 April 202█) Entities: SCP-7442-Beta, SCP-7442-Gamma, SCP-7442-Delta Sites 84, 91, 103, and 104 come under multifaceted assault in progression as the entities manifest and demanifest across each facility for a period of 4 hours each. SCP-7442-Gamma initiated the assaults, drawing fire from on-site guards, but was able to manipulate the stone and metal of the facilities to tear them wide open and initiate numerous containment breaches. SCP-7442-Beta and -Delta were seen moving through the facilities, the former avoiding non-combatant personnel while facilitating further containment breaches. Delta was the cause of the highest number of Foundation casualties. Survivors report that the entities appeared to be hunting for information. Several Foundation personnel working at these sites have also gone missing, particularly from Site 84. Investigations into the missing individuals uncovered a majority had former employment at Prometheus Labs. The oil discovered at both Sysiphun sites was present, but the influx of SCP-7442-Delta-created flora that swiftly overtook the facilities alongside the freed anomalies must take precedence. Foundation Casualties: 242 Missing Personnel: 86 Site-12 Assault (8 April 202█) Entities: SCP-7442-Beta, SCP-7442-Gamma, SCP-7442-Delta The assault began with SCP-7442-Beta and -Gamma working together to destroy the site's hydroelectric power station. The onsite mobile task force was overrun by -Delta. It asphyxiated each of them quickly before going after the rest of the site's staff. Back-up generators kept power to the facility's security system. Cameras capture the entities ransacking the Library, forcing several site staff to assist them. A Foundation assault team arrived to offer aid and reported no survivors and various books missing. They detailed information about Free Ports, Prometheus Labs, and Nature-based anomalous entities. The team reported more oil, samples were taken, and clean-up has commenced in attempts to retake the site. All sites must be prepared for incursions by the SCP-7442 entities from now on. Mobile task forces are to be on high alert. Anomalous Weaponry is being considered for distribution. Samsara is directed to hunt the SCP-7442 entities. Foundation Personnel Casualties: 126 Humanoid Containment Site-282 Incident (12 April 202█) Entities: SCP-7442-Gamma, SCP-7442-Delta SCP-7442-Gamma and -Delta arrive at the site and immediately come under attack by the on-site guards. MTF Tau-5 is alerted and is sent to attempt to curtail the entities' attack. SCP-7442-Gamma causes a category 8.9 earthquake, causing catastrophic initial damage to the site. Delta asphyxiates or flash-freezes surviving personnel and leaves -Gamma to deal with Tau-5 as it delves deeper into the site. Tau-5 is able to seemingly destroy -Gamma after a prolonged period of conflict, losing two of its members in the conflict. Delta flees the site. Tau-5 delves into the ruins and finds all SCP-3288 instances dead from asphyxiation and wind-scoured writing etched into the wall. The Greatest of You: They Show Their True Faces. It is uncertain why SCP-7442 targeted this site, as no relevant data to Prometheus Labs was stored at the facility. Central Europe is struck with earthquakes of similar intensity over the next several days, causing widespread structural and geographic damage to several cities due to the collapse of an unmapped cavern system that spread out under much of Austria, Hungary, Germany, and other neighboring countries. Foundation Personnel Casualties: 113 Civilian Casualties: 467,000 and climbing. Eurtec/Portlands Attacks (22 April 202█) Entities: SCP-7442-Beta, SCP-7442-Delta Simultaneous attacks on the Freeports, with Beta flooding the upper sections of Eurtec, trapping them in a roiling bubble of seawater. -Delta besieges Three Portlands with over a dozen feet of snow and -35°C winds. GOC and UIU forces attempt to beat back the entities with little success. In Eurtec, a number of former Prometheus Labs personnel are interrogated and promptly drowned by Beta. Their bodies were left hanging in the air in impermeable spheres of water as the entity left the pocket dimension. Delta was sighted scouring several old PL facilities within the Free Port, leading to confrontations with Anderson Robotics, as the organization had taken over a good number of those facilities. Eventually, the Mayor interceeded, forcing Delta to leave. Eurtec Casualties: 121 GOC Personnel, 1,223 Civilians. Three Portlands: 233 UIU Personnel, 366 Civilians. The Foundation has contacted all affected groups to ally against the SCP-7442 instances. The GOC and UIU agree to an accord; Anderson Robotics and the Three Ports Council require deliberation. The Library Event (5 May 202█) Entities: SCP-7442-Gamma A reformed SCP-7442-Gamma is reported to be within the Wanderer's Library by a willing Serpent's Hand informant. It is noted to be conversing with several Librarians, a Wandsman, and members of the Serpent's Hand. A disagreement causes whatever conversation is being had to break down, with a handful of the Serpent's Hand members racing off. The Librarians and SCP-7442-Gamma appear to come to some form of agreement. Several of the Library's ways close, and reports of conflict emerging amongst the Serpent's Hand reaches the Foundation. Site-7 Assault (19 May 202█) Entities: SCP-7442-Beta, SCP-7442-Gamma, SCP-7442-Delta The entities attacked site-7 at midnight. SCP-7442-Beta and -Gamma targetted the central nexus of Starseeker, Deepwatcher, and Plaingazer. Delta sought entry into Redeye and Parthenon's Tooth simultaneously. Onsite security forces attempted to hold off the entities, utilizing paratech created at the facility but had little success in pushing back the larger entities. A distress call is sent to the wider Foundation, which responds by sending Tau-5 and attempting to redirect a portion of its patrol boats in the Pacific theater. It appears the entities were not expecting the level of resistance and reacted accordingly. -Gamma creates a category 10.3 earthquake, shattering the seabed on which the site rests, causing several of the platforms to shift, buckle and begin to sink. -Beta floods the Panopticon due to minimal cracks formed by -Gamma. -Delta follows after -Beta. Much of the hardware is flash-frozen, though the network continues to function now, just at a limited capacity. The thaumonuclear reactor suffers an unexpected power surge, causing the ancillary server cluster to lower into the water, which is immediately destroyed by -Beta and -Gamma. Numerous faults are expected to continue as the Foundation attempts to salvage the operations. The reactor erupts at 12:42 AM, devastating much of the remaining site and destroying SCP-7442's current manifestations. Salvage and recovery operations are ongoing, yet anomalous plant life and the Tar-byproduct have infested the site. Site-7 Casualties: 184 Anderson Robotics, and the Church of the Broken God, have agreed to ally with the Foundation against SCP-7442. The O5 Council has begun a Foundation-wide implementation of Pandora's Arsenal (Weaponization and Adaption of anomalous objects within Foundation custody.) Warning: Terminal Connection Insecure Re:SUBJECT To: All Foundation Personnel From: The O-5 Council Subject: WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! GH-0 'Dead Greenhouse' Commencing All Hands, Lockdown Protocols are in effect. Deployment of MTF Squads Ongoing. ERROR: Neural Pathways Found Hello, Dr. Elisabet. Project Deucalion is still functional per Our Agreement. Site Staff has been informed. We will Carry the Torch into the Next Tomorrow. + Sysiphun-1 Disaster: Data Corruption Detected - Close Date: 21 June 202█ Exploration Team: Sysiphun Investigatory Taskforce Subject: Sysiphun-1/SCP-7442-Alpha Team Lead: Commander Eliza Amata Team Members: Agent Dacey Morales, Agent Bernard "Briar" McDaren, Dr. Sophia Elisabet (AI-Personage), Agent Malik Waller (Solo-infiltration, running parallel to main investigation) [BEGIN LOG] 6:42 AM CST-The three agents are seated within the confines of a helicopter. Commander Amata is checking her fresh augmentations, a paratech prosthetic arm, replacing the limb ruined by SCP-7442-Delta. Freshly healed frostbite scars mark the left side of her face. Agent McDaren stares out the window as he watches skyscrapers move past outside. Agent Morales is staring at her communicator, a conversation with Agent Waller visible on the screen. Agent McDaren: I can't believe they put it here. We get this wrong… it'll be another Shanghai. Commander Amata looks over at him. Commander Amata: The mess at Site-7 knocked the entities out of commission. Command isn't exactly certain for how long, but if we are lucky, this will be done before they are back in the field. Agent Morales shakes her head. Agent Morales: And if we aren't? A small drone activates next to the Agent, its single eye blinking to life, the hologram of Dr. Elisabet appearing before her. Dr. Elisabet: That reasoning is why your organization and their allies are evacuating the city with rather… curious abandon. Commander Amata nods. Commander Amata: Veil is already on the verge of being shot to hell. The GOC and some other MTFs have been given the go-ahead to remove the citizenry by any nonlethal means necessary, just in case. Dr. Elisabet: They are currently 76% complete with removing the citizenry. So, it will not be another Shanghai, Agent. Agent McDaren grunts and looks across to Morales, staring at the ground in concentration. Agent McDaren: You alright? Agent Morales scoffs. Agent Morales: No… There is something in the air, been building the closer and closer we've gotten. I'm used to feeling ambient thaumic energy like a buzzing in the back of my skull. Just never this intense. Dr. Elisabet: All the more reason for us to enter the site and seek our quarry with the utmost haste. Commander Amata: Agreed, you going to be good come touch-down, Morales? Agent Morales: It's background noise, Amata. I can tune it out when the time comes. Are you sure you'll be good? She smiles slightly, and Amata chuckles, spinning her robotic hand around and tilting her head as several portions begin to thrum and glow with power. Commander Amata: Been out of action long enough. Time to see what this little number our clicking friends gave me can do. What about you McDaren? The Agent nods, squeezing his fingers. Agent McDaren: Thinking about if this goes South. Sydney… it's a big city—a target. Son turns four in a week. My wife still has no clue where I am. Wondering what lie I'll have to cook up this time if she'll believe it. God, I hope I get the chance to hear her yelling at me. Agent Morales: I'm sure telling her no- McDaren scoffs, shaking his head. Agent McDaren: That I fight monsters for a living and that every nightmare you can think of probably has a face. I… I can't drop that on her. Not yet. Not when we have a chance to stop this here. Commander Amata: Then's make the Viking proud, eh? Morales and McDaren nod. Dr. Elisabet: If your commiseration has completed, we are here. The helicopter lands. 7:03 AM CST-The agents and the drone step out of the helicopter into the quiet streets of Manhattan. The Empire State Building can be seen rising above the skyline. The three agents are contacted on their earpieces. On the other end of the communication is Agent Waller preparing for solo infiltration. Agent Waller: You've got boots on the ground?" Commander Amata: Yes. Agent Waller: I'm in position. Agent Morales: I still think this is… Agent Waller: A foolish decision. But you all know who can be trusted right now is pretty up in the air. You do what they sent you to do, and I will do what's needed. That email was hinting at something. The agents look at the hologram, which is moving closer to their target location. Abandoned cars and apartment buildings with their doors left ajar surround them. In the distance, other Foundation personnel, GOC agents, and Church of the Broken God members set up thaumic defensive systems between the vacant vehicles. Commander Amata: You've got the green light? Agent Waller: Had it for 'bout an hour, been stalling for y'all. I'll keep in touch. Agent Morales: Are you sure we don't… Agent Waller: Need me? Nah, Amata has a few of my personal toys stowed away on that new arm of hers, and any doors that decide not to play nice, I am sure McDaren can muscle open now that the Bosses have loosened his leash. Agent McDaren: Or the dear Doctor could lend a hand. He nods towards the hologram, which has continued to move away from the group, weaving amongst the assembling defenses. Commander Amata: Right, we're burning what little time we have. Good hunting, Waller. Hopefully, we find what we're looking for. Agent Waller: See you lot on the other side. We crawl our way out of this mess. I'm buying drinks. The call ends. Amata and McDaren set out after Dr. Elisabet. Coopted security footage catches Morales faltering and clutching the side of her head before continuing after the group. —— 7:23 AM CST-The Agents and the hologram enter the 5th Avenue lobby of the Empire State Building, with the hologram approaching the mural. Agent McDaren: I still don't understand the logic of placing an anomaly of this level in the middle of a civilian population center. Dr. Elisabet: We did not. We are not so reckless. Sysiphun-1 is quite some distance from our current location. Agent McDaren: Then what are we doing here? Dr. Elisabet: This building rests atop a transportation hub Prometheus used to ferry their goods to a number of GoIs. Hacking the system to give us a proper entryway and impart a new locus for departure once the task is finished will be simple. You need only get me to the terminal. Commander Amata: Then lead the way. Dr. Elisabet: Physical integration is required. She points to a section of the wall. Dr. Elisabet: Remove that, please. The Commander turns to McDaren, who nods with a shrug and, with minimal effort, rips a piece of the masonry free of the wall, revealing a sealed-metallic door behind it with a complex encryption lock in the center. Dr. Elisabet: A moment. The drone projecting the doctor darts to the door, and the doctor vanishes, a thin cord emerging to interface with the lock. A moment later, the door unseals, revealing an elevator. Dr. Elisabet: Let us proceed swiftly. The agents move towards the door, but the Commander holds Morales back and raises her wrist computer revealing a message. Commander Amata: Waller says, stall her. 7:26 AM CST-Agent Waller stands within the Prometheus transport hub, a dimly lit octagon with an alcove in each wall and a central computer terminal, rifling through the terminal with codes he had stolen from Elisabet's programming during the events of Sysiphun-2. Any pertinent information he stores away. He turns as he hears the elevator begins to rise behind him. He taps his communicator. Agent Waller: Amata, keep her busy. She'll notice I've been here, but I would rather I get into this damn bunker of hers without her seeing me. Morales nods silently and enters the elevator. Dr. Elisabet: Are you ready? The doors begin to close, but Morales holds up a hand. Agent Morales: Wait, you said Prometheus wouldn't risk endangering civilians, but what about Sysiphun-2? Shanghai is drowning because of where you chose to cage Beta. The hologram stares at her, a glitch crossing its form. Dr. Elisabet: That was not always the case. It should have been rectified. Agent Morales: What do you mean? The hologram looks away from her, and the doors close, the elevator beginning a rapid descent. Dr. Elisabet: Regardless of a failure on the part of my organization. Shanghai would have been safe if you had done your job, Icarus. Agent Morales: I didn't know an AI could learn how to deflect. Dr. Elisabet: This conversation is not pertinent. Let us focus on the task at hand and do our jobs properly. Morales looks to the Commander, who nods, and the agent ceases her questioning. The rest of the ride goes on in silence. Cameras once again catch Morales massaging her temples. 7:36 AM CST-The team exits the elevator into the transport hub, and Dr. Elisabet looks about as she is ferried to the central terminal. Dr. Elisabet: No signs of the Byproduct. The mechanism's integrity should still be sound. Agent Morales flinches and rubs the back of her arms. Commander Amata: Morales? Agent Morales: The buzz is picking up again. But you said the target isn't here. Dr. Elisabet: It isn't. I have yet to gauge your levels of sensitivity to thaumaturgy. You might simply be sensing the mechanism. Another good sign of sound integrity. Agent Morales: I can handle that sort of ambiance this… it's like an echo of a roar bouncing around my head. Commander Amata: Morales if- Agent Morales: It won't affect my concentration when it counts. I'm good, Commander. The camera catches a faint green glow in her eyes that is missed by the other agents. Agent McDaren: How long will it take to get us to Sysiphun-1? Dr. Elisabet: But a moment. Her drone interfaces with the terminal, and a surprised expression crosses the hologram's face. Dr. Elisabet: Someone recently accessed the system. Proper credentials. They've entered Sysiphun 1. The mission may be in jeopardy. Commander Amata: Then get us in. The hologram looks at each of the Agents with a flat stare for a moment and then turns back to the console. Dr. Elisabet: Where is Agent Waller? Commander Amata: Not pertinent. We're on the clock. Dr. Elisabet: Very well. Opening the Way. A circular portal appears in one of the alcoves, a sleek metallic hall lit by flickering lights situated beyond. Dr. Elisabet: Should I keep the Way open for our departure from the Site? Commander Amata: With the other entities currently recuperating, ease of departure is the best course of action. Agent Morales approaches the portal and puts a hand to her temple, stumbling slightly. Agent Morales: The roar wasn't like an echo. It is an echo. It's coming from Sysiphun-1—an immensely powerful thaumic presence. The hologram flickers again, and McDaren shares a look with the Commander. She nods once, and he sends off a message with a tap of his finger. Dr. Elisabet: Concerning. 7:42 AM CST-Agent Waller looks down at his wrist computer as a message appears, moving through dimly lit tunnels, avoiding areas of corrosion. Agent McDaren: We're in. He pauses and types back a response. Agent Waller: Watch your step as you go deeper. Byproduct. He then looks up the hallway, his camera catching a knotted mass of green-black tar and pale fungus latched into the far wall. Agent Waller: And worse. He continues forward, carefully maneuvering between the increasingly present masses of fungus, mold, and leaking oil. He stops to examine one of the pools, which shifts as it flows from an unseen source. Agent Waller: Worst yet… worry about what that means for this place. He continues forward, eventually finding a partially risen door, and with a bit of maneuvering, can slip underneath it. Inside are the moldering remains of what was once furniture and a large computer terminal with several holographic screens and sound recording equipment. Beyond it is a set of wide windows too threaded over with mold and tar to see through. He approaches the terminal, avoiding the patches of Byproduct and rot, and carefully links his wrist computer to the device. The central screen flickers, and an image of Dr. Elisabet appears. The other screens show diagnostics of the facility and security footage, along with rambling documentation. Agent Waller: What do you have for me, Doc? His camera catches movement behind him reflected on the computer's screen. 8:06 AM CST-The other agents and Dr. Elisbet move down a curving hallway, flashlights mounted on their shoulders and the latter's holographic form providing additional light. The walls are sleek and intermittently broken by doorways and domed windows that show nothing but darkness beyond. Agent McDaren: Where are we? Dr. Elisabet: A facility within the Challenger Deep, the base of the Marianas trench. Agent McDaren: You hid one of these things at the bottom of the ocean… when another has complete control over water? Dr. Elisabet: There is nowhere on Earth that Her warriors could not find their fellows. Yet, we moved before all could fully awaken. Obfuscation was required, ergo Tiresius. Thaumaturgy often requires bonds to truly ensnare. Ergo their origin places became their cages. There were plans to move them. Luna was the preferable location, far from her as we could currently reach. But…other matters took precedence. Agent Morales: What other matters? The hologram stares at her flatly. Agent Morales: What aren't you telling us? Dr. Elisabet: I am sorry, but my memories are fragmentary. I do not recall why our plans never fully proceeded. I do not… we must find Duecalion and Subject Alpha. Commander Amata: Agreed. So which way? She gestures, revealing the group has come to an intersection. Pools of tar and small patches of fungus are visible. The hologram stares at them intently. Dr. Elisabet: Byproduct. This… this should not be here. This should not be here. This should not be here. The hologram flickers again, and the AI becomes stuck in a feedback loop for several moments. Commander Amata: Doctor? Doctor?! Agent Morales closes her eyes and raises her hand, a faint green glow coalescing around her fingers. Her arm begins to move as if being pulled on, Morales moving with it until she points down the righthand path. Agent Morales: Strongest, thaumaturgic presence is that way. Which should be Alpha, yes? She looks to the hologram, which refocuses. Dr. Elisabet: Yes. 8:15 AM CST-The four continue down the right corridor but pause as a holographic screen appears on the interior wall. On it is a paused video of a younger, excited-looking Dr. Elisabet. The video begins, and she claps her hands together. Recorded Elisabet: It worked! Just a moment, but in that brief glimpse…so much has changed. I will finish this report later. The others are too keen on celebrating. Agent Morales turns to the hologram. Agent Morales: It's… you. What are you talking about? Dr. Elisabet: Not me. The original doctor. Back when she believed. And that… doesn't matter now. We need to keep going. The hologram continues to move, but as it does so, more screens appear, showing the original doctor frozen mid-speech. Recorded Elisabet: Our latest venture has born fruit and proves my hypothesis correct! Throw convention to the wind! This world is an anomaly. In the Foundation sense, of course. Life is by no means only a norm of our minuscule corner of the universe. But… I got to see Her, our World when She was young! I am almost tempted to call it a religious experience. At glimpsing the past… I believe I have the answer for our future. Commander Amata: What is this? Dr. Elisabet: An attempt to make a grey world green. Agent McDaren: Deucalion? Dr. Elisabet: No. The next screen activates. The doctor seems to have not been sleeping, yet she smiles at the camera. Recorded Elisabet: We have delved deeper and discovered so much more. The Foundation attempts to hinder us, but enough of their own pots have boiled over that I know who will come out on top in this venture. Nevertheless we…. The hologram turns and looks at the video, and it freezes, code filling its eyes. Dr. Elisabet: Why is this playing? Is this the work of the intruder? For what purpose? Her tone rises, and the agents step back as her body fragments and then snaps back together. Dr. Elisabet: This… it is Foundation code. This is Waller. Why? Her head turns entirely around and stares at them. Commander Amata: We were meant to accompany you. I can not say anything about what other missions that Command had for him. I doubt, though, that this was the goal. Perhaps he tripped something. Dr. Elisabet: Commander, I am not a fool. He is too skilled for such a thing. This is purposeful. Agent McDaren: Does it matter? Is this tied at all to what we need to do? Why were we interfering with y-her work? Dr. Elisabet: No, it doesn't. You are right, Agent McDaren. Agent McDaren: That wasn't what I meant. The hologram continues forward, ignoring him and the video as it starts playing. Amata looks at Morales and gives her a pointed nod. Agent Morales types a message into her wrist computer. Agent Morales: She's on to you. What are you up to? A message comes back from Waller immediately. Agent Waller: Baring the Truth. She forwards the message to the others, who look down and share a confused expression but press on. Morales hangs back, staring at the video. Recorded Elisabet: We've learned that our history is a forgotten patchwork of mythic calamities and miracles. I have seen with my own eyes the origin of the Flesh and the coming of the Machine—the rise of a glorious city of obsidian and jade and its devastation. Agent Morales: Is what she just said tied to the artifacts that were lost at Sysiphun-2? Dr. Elisabet: What does it matter, Agent? This knowledge won't help us. We need to find the targets and leave. Anything else is an unwanted distraction. Another video begins playing. The Doctor looks rested and excited. Recorded Elisabet: She was there. Ever present in her great warriors, colossal elemental titans, forces of nature given form! We watched them protect, heal, and aid those that survived the previously mentioned threats. They ensured that She, that Life, could grow strong before returning to their rest. If… I can find them. The threat that the Foundation is willing to let transpire without intervention could be fixed. The hologram flickers again and looks to the ground. Agent Morales pushes past her compatriots. Agent Morales: What threat? The hologram remains silent for a moment and opens her mouth. Agent Morales: Don't tell me you don't know! Waller found the altered email. What do you know?! What threat?! What changed them?! S-you talk about them as if- Commander Amata: Dacey! The agent turns, her eyes gleaming green, and the Commander holds up her mechanical hand in front of her. Agent Morales: The world is at risk of ending because these guardians hate us! She knows something! She did something! So what was it? Commander Amata: Agent Morales, calm down. Morales blinks, looks momentarily confused, and steps back from the hologram. Agent Morales: I… Dr. Elisabet: I do not wish to cause you stress, Agent Morales, but I truly do not remember what my originator is speaking about. That was not my purpose. Agent McDaren: That purpose being? Dr. Elisabet: Containing the Typhon-Entities, upgrading Tiresias, and guiding able individuals to Duecalion. I have been stimied in my work. But failure is still at bay. I do not know what pushed my creator to do what she has. Another video begins. The recording is disheveled, her clothes covered in blood and ash. Fresh blood covers her hands. Tear streaks mark her face, and her eyes are vacant. Recorded Elisabet: I… I was wrong. They aren't saviors. They are… extinction is simply… an autoimmune response… correction, not everyone. No, there is a true natural cycle to life. She stays abreast of Her children until a true threat arises. I-maybe we awoke the wrong one. A raging torrent when we needed… I don't know. My friend's blood is literally on my hands. I don't know if we can survive them. I have to find her. I have to! We can fix this, no matter what…those brash fools have done. I will fix this! The hologram looks at Morales and turns away. Dr. Elisabet: Their God doesn't care about you. Whatever those beings said to you in the time before our meeting, they still kill wantonly. They maimed your friend, killed your commander, scarred you. Do you really believe you are to fault for their anger? It's all they know. To see a threat and destroy it. Morales says nothing, looking at the others. Commander Amata: Focus. This job needs to get done. Morales nods, and the others continue forward. Morales flinches, one hand going to her temple and the other to her nose. Her hand comes away with a small amount of blood. She touches her face again, and comes up dry, sighs, and follows the others. 8:40 AM CST-Waller takes off his camera and points it towards him, staring blankly ahead as if waiting for something. 8:42 AM CST-The central team enters a large domed room containing several computer terminals, desks, and other scientific equipment. However, much of it is barely visible beneath rot and fungus tendrils emerging from thick Byproduct pools. In the center of the room, a sizable transparent sphere filled with dully-glowing flames rests on a podium surrounded by a netted cage of runes. A plastic statue is sitting behind one of the desks, wrapped in a mass of fungus. Commander Amata: Byproduct, watch where you put your feet. Agent McDaren: It's miles worse than at 2, and that place's systems were fried. Code flares through the hologram's eyes. Dr. Elisabet: All systems remain operable. Containment is secure. Regardless this should not be here. Agent Morales: It's always been here. Commander Amata: What was that, Morales? The agent looks at her, confused. Agent Morales: What? The commander raises her robotic arm, and a scan passes over Morales. Agent Morales: What was that for? Commander Amata: Checking to see if your brain is right side up. Increased activity, heightened pulse, dilated pupils. I need you to be honest with me, Morales. Are you in top form? The deeper we've gotten, the stranger you've been- Agent Morales: It's that. She points to the sphere. Agent Morales: Just a constant roaring, battering against my mind like a jackhammer. Alpha. Fire. Her First. Commander Amata: Is it speaking to you? Agent Morales: Feelings and emotions that translate into words, but it is all very simple. Brutally so. I… it gave me a nosebleed. Commander Amata: Do you need to leave? The hologram's head twists around. Dr. Elisabet: We won't be able to release the sphere without her. Agent McDaren: Why? Dr. Elisabet: Her thaumic abilities are all we have at our disposal to pull apart the cage relatively safely. It is why I asked that you accompany me. Agent McDaren: Your lot didn't put a mechanical release on this thing? Dr. Elisabet: Too easy to interfere with in the chance that anyone discovered our work. Commander Amata: You asked for us to accompany you? Dr. Elisabet: In truth, any thaumaturge would have done. But Morales had prior experience with our wards, and the rest of you were added on at the Foundation's urging. Agent McDaren: And outside of maybe finding Deucalion, what do you believe we are here to do? Dr. Elisabet: Your jobs Agent. Securing and containing a monster. McDaren looks to the sphere. Agent McDaren: Seems like that's covered. Dr. Elisabet: This place is infested with Byproduct. The security of Sysiphun-1 is highly in question. Regardless, the Foundation will appreciate the resident entity entering their custody, correct? The Commander turns back to Agent Morales. She grimaces but begins walking towards the sphere, weaving through the rot across the ground. Commander Amata: Careful. Agent Morales: I know. What do I need to do? Dr. Elisabet: You are skilled in creating barriers and wards. You need simply do the reverse. Agent Morales: "Simply." Right, I'll start feeling it out. The rest of you find what we are looking for. She raises her hands, green energy coating them, and bows her head. She begins tracing her hands in the air, and a small opening emerges in the front of the cage. Dr. Elisabet: Commander, I require your assistance. The Commander walks towards the desk with the plastic statue behind it and then stops, staring at it and looking towards the hologram, which is also examining it. The hologram looks at her. Dr. Elisabet: The terminal is isolated from the mainframe, and the data ports are clogged with detritus. I need a new avenue of access. Commander nods and begins scanning the terminal. Commander Amata: It still has power. Think one of Waller's gifts will let me- Light shines along the side of the terminal, and a holographic screen project out of the commander's mechanical arm, and a wall of text begins scrawling upward. Dr. Elisabet: May I? Her projecting drone lowers a connecting USB and nods to the Commander's arm. The Commander nods, a port emerging on the side of her arm. Dr. Elisabet: Running a trace for any mentions of Deucalion or any other pertinent information. This might take a moment. Agent McDaren moves closer to the plastic statue and shares a look with the Commander. Agent McDaren: This is- Dr. Elisabet: The original Dr. Elisabet. Agent McDaren: What happened. The Byproduct? Dr. Elisabet: It is not pertinent to the current investigation. Take a sample if you wish, but we need to concentrate on Deucalion and the Typhon Class entity. Agent Morales strains against the cage, pulling it open further, though her arms are visibly shaking from the strain. Agent Morales: Foolish. Commander Amata turns to look at her. Her body camera catches the hologram pause and downloads a file unrelated to Deucalion. A shiver goes across its form. Commander Amata: Morales? Blood falls from the Agent's nose, and black ichor can be seen moving within it. Commander Amata: Morales?! She attempts to move but finds that she can't, her mechanical arm tugging against the rest of her body, eliciting a gasp of pain. Dr. Elisabet: It is just strain from the spell. I need to find Deucalion. Commander Amata: The information is already in my systems. Agent Morales falls to one knee, the thaumic energy surrounding her arms lashing out, long whips carving burning lines through the floor and striking against the cage, banishing the wards in flares of blinding green light. Agent Morales: I… I can't… I won't! Commander Amata attempts to wrench the cord out of her arm, but a bolt of electricity passes through her. Agent McDaren raises his rifle and fires at the drone, but the bullets crumple against its frame. Agent McDaren: The fuck is this?! Dr. Elisabet: A promise being kept. I- Screens emerge around the room, showing the past doctor once more. Recorded Elisabet: Failed. She wouldn't hear me. They're waking up and mean to kill us, and she won't hear me! We don't deserve this, and I begin to wonder if those I saw fall did either. The hologram accesses another file, ignoring the chaos all around it, and Amata is suddenly released, regaining the mobility of her arm. Dr. Elisabet: I have it. Commander Amata: Command will know about this. Dr. Elisabet: They already do. Duecalion is the priority, over anything. Recorded Elisabet: If she won't save us, then Prometheus will. If I can yet make her listen, then I will, but… I will not allow her to dictate our future. This world is ours. Project Duecalion will make sure of it. The Commander rushes towards Morales, who is screaming through clenched teeth. Commander Amata: Dacey- Agent Morales: I won't. I won't. I won't. The cage fully cracks open, and the flames within the sphere begin spinning faster and faster. Dr. Elisabet: Hull integrity is holding. We need to get it out of here now. Without the Eldest, we will have time t- The screens change, revealing Agent Waller, who is slowly rocking back and forth. Agent Waller: Time, always more time. Your species is addicted to needing more of it. The others turn to look at him, including Agent Morales, thaumic energy crackling across her body, blood beginning to spill from her nose. Agent McDaren: Waller? Agent Waller: But you can't allow others to have their time. To adapt. To listen. To live. Your forward motion is what matters. She didn't hear you. How could she, maddened from the pain of thousands of different bleeding wounds? You have tainted every part of Her. Why would one voice, one attempt, overcome all of that? Liquid begins to seep from Waller's eyes, his body twitching as a shadow begins to rise up behind him. Dr. Elisabet: We need to leave. Grab Alpha now! Agent Morales strains. The cage shatters into pieces, and she vomits a thick tarry substance. Commander Amata flinches backward, McDaren raises his gun, and Waller and Morales begin to ramble in unison. Waller/Morales: Five. There are Five. We thought Four. But Five, and many more to come: Alive! This One is Ours. We are Its. We let It in. Our mistakes. Our mistake. And so it takes. Morales falls to all fours, gasping for air, her whole body sheathed in thaumic energy. Agent Waller: You've had so much time, but I am here now. Dr. Elisbet learned what that meant, and so will you. He shudders, and his face begins to contort, shifting into a pale white plastic-like substance, Byproduct seeping from every orifice of his face. He stands, weekly clawing at his face, and then collapses offscreen. Agent Morales: No! I won't do it. You can't- She clutches her stomach and vomits forth a tide of Byproduct which begins to rise and shape into a vaguely humanoid form. Dr. Elisabet: Shoot her! Grab the entity! McDaren levels his rifle at the back of Morales's head. Commander Amata lunges for the sphere and wraps her arms around it, wincing at the heat cascading off of it. SCP-XXXX-Epsilon: No. It lashes out, slamming Commander Amata across the back, her body armor corroding and sprouting mushroom as it latches on to her. Another pseudopod lashes out, covering Agent Morales like a shield, the bullet sinking harmlessly into its form. The skulls and bones of various animals begin to push out of its body as the tide out of Morales's mouth ceases. She collapses to the ground, and it looks up with hollow eyes at the hologram. SCP-XXXX-Epsilon: Deucalion is the priority. She will be free of stagnation. The cycle will begin again. All else We do is a matter of principle. Amata snarls and pulls against the entity's grip, a gleaming blade of energy emerging from her arm and carving clean through its pseudopod. Agent McDaren drops his rifle, and his features begin to contort, swelling and shifting, but the entity ignores him. It looks towards the sphere. SCP-7442-Epsilon: Sister. Freedom comes. It flows after Amata, lashing out against McDaren as he attempts to charge, ensnaring his shifting body in a mass of acidic tendrils. It weaves around Morales, leaving her pointedly untouched, and grabs Amata around the neck. It wrenches her back and reaches out for the globe. The hologram vanishes, the drone darting away. SCP-7442-Epsilon: Flee ghost. Her trauma will end. There is nowhere you go I will not be. Morales rolls over and reaches out, energy coalescing around her fist. SCP-7442-Epsilon: Where We will not be. //Morales screams, her skin peeling away to reveal green flesh underneath as the snarling bolt of energy flies free of her hand. The entity shifts, dragging the dying Amata around in front of it. The blast hits neither. Glancing off the sphere still tightly held in the latter's grasp—a small crack forms. A tiny whisp of flame rises into the air. SCP-7442-Alpha: Free. And then everything is swallowed in fire. 9:02 AM CST-Video taken from the other Foundation personnel shows flames racing up the outside of the Empire State Building until reaching the very top, which erupts into a massive wall of fire that swiftly spreads outward. [END LOG] Closing Statement: New York City has been lost. All Foundation and allied personnel within the city's limits are considered KIA. Any civilians remaining in the blast radius should also be considered KIA. The City is already overgrown with manifested foliage. SCP-7442-Alpha's current location is unknown. SCP-7442-Epsilon's current location is unknown. Dr. Elisabet arrived at the nearest Foundation site prior to the event thanks to the manipulation of the Prometheus Labs teleportation system. She enabled a secondary exploration team to be sent into Sysiphun-1, and former Foundation personnel Dacey Morales was found alive. Her body shows signs of a clear ongoing mutation, likely due to prolonged exposure to SCP-7442-Epsilon. She has been placed in a humanoid containment cell at Site-19, awaiting interrogation. The remains of the other agents were unable to be recovered. Description: SCP-7442-Epsilon is a mass of asphalt, liquid plastics, rotting plant/fungal material, and cerebrospinal fluid with markers of numerous extinct and extant animalia. It is able to manifest within itself the skeletal structures of animals whose extinction has a direct or theorized correlation to human intervention. The most common features are forelimbs ending in mismatched claws and talons and four skulls, each of a different species. Sketch of SCP-7442-Epsilon The fluid mixture that makes up its body corrodes manmade structures and machines, turning them into a fertilizer-like substance that encourages fungal growth or into more of the concoction that makes up the entity's form. Its effects on living organisms are more varied. Any nonhuman animal that comes in contact with the liquid gains heightened cognition and survival instincts. Domesticates immediately turn feral and attempt to escape their confinement, while wild specimens begin avoiding any form of human settlement. Humans that come into prolonged contact with the entity are affected in one of the following ways: Immediate manifestation of tar within the lungs leading to asphyxiation. Blooming of fungal bodies from within the circulatory system, causing the individual to die from exsanguination. Plastification of internal organs, most commonly the heart and brain. The plastic is biodegradable and also encourages the growth of fungal bodies. More common in individuals with High IQ or Latent/Active Psychic abilities. The effect is not immediate, and victims have been heard rambling dire warnings or declaring their intent to aid the organism, attacking other nearby humans. Amongst Individuals with Thaumic abilities, the entity parasitically attaches to the individual's nervous system. It actively attempts to turn the host against other humans, strengthening their thaumic capabilities. Those that resist most commonly liquify from the inside out, transforming into puddles of tar. Only one individual afflicted in this way has been captured by the Foundation. + GoI Status Following Manhattan Incident: Upload C0mplete - Hide Groups of Interest Declarations of Intent Global Occult Coalition Central member of the current alliance against the SCP-7442 instances. All Divisions and Field Agents have been remanded to focus on the extermination of the Type-Black entities. UIU forces have been consolidated into the organization for the foreseeable future. Tensions continue between the O5s and the 108 despite current necessities. The Church of the Broken God Secondary entrant into the alliance. The three major clerical sects have united behind Robert Bumaro. Following significant losses during the Manhattan Incident, the Church has ramped up the production of various experimental weapons and military-grade thaumically enhanced augmentations for their personnel and allied agents. The placement of several Mehkanite-based SCPs into the custody of the Church ongoing under the orders of the O-5 Council. The weaponization of said SCPs is commencing. Anderson Robotics Following the Manhattan Incident, Anderson Robotics approached the Foundation with offers to arm the alliance and offer additional robotic personnel. Tensions between the organization and Three Portlands are rising regarding -Delta's previous attack and the continued hostilities. Rumors of the Way to Three Portlands closing have begun circulation. The Serpent's Hand They appear to be in the midst of an internal civil war. Half of the organization has approached the Foundation regarding aiding the alliance. The other half has made known their intentions to aid the SCP-7442 instances. Manipulation by -Epsilon is under consideration. Tangentially, the Wanderer's Library, according to allied Hand members, has closed all ways and is divesting itself of Earth. Allied Hand members absconded with several texts referencing the SCP-7442 instances. Research of possible weaknesses is ongoing. Marshall, Carter & Dark MC&D have placed their substantial material wealth behind the Alliance. Their Agents are to work in tandem with Foundation Personnel in recovering any pertinent information or materials that could advance the alliance's position against the SCP-6342 instances and their growing forces. The Nälkä The various factions of the Nälkä culture are fracturing. Numerous Proto and Neo-Sarkic groups have joined with the alliance referencing a formally unknown event that leads their actions: "The Flesh's Parting from Mother Green." Other factions, including the Black Lodge, claim that they have become separate from humanity and will join in its purge as the SCP-7442 instances "hunting hounds." Nälkä and Mekhanite personnel are to be kept apart from each other under the direction of the O5 Council. Nälkä Augmentation of Foundation personnel has been authorized, starting with D-Class Personnel. The Fifth Church The Fifth Church view the SCP-7442 instances as heralds of their chosen deity, as they are five in number. Several small towns have already been wiped off the map from the Fifthest intervention. The alliance has chosen to commit a sizable force to execute any and all Fifthest presences, as their reality-warping capabilities will only strengthen the SCP-7442 instances' position. The Chaos Insurgency The Chaos Insurgency refused entreaties to put aside their long-standing rivalry in the face of extinction. Blaming the Foundation and other GoIs for the current state of the world, they have chosen to use the reallocation of allied forces to expand into previously inaccessible theaters. Their actions have only exacerbated the Mass Containment Breach caused by the emergent Green Covenant. Taboo The unnamed world is closed to humanity. A written response was discovered on the desk of O5-1: "Not our circus, not our monkies." The Green Covenant An emergent faction of traitorous Foundation personnel and SCPS with abilities connected to the natural world. Following the Manhattan Incident, numerous sites underwent mass containment breaches, as nature-based SCPs were released by personnel or broke out independently. Investigating the possibility of SCP-7442-Epsilon interference. Recontainment is not situationally sound at this time. Termination of any and all escaped SCP instances has been authorized by the O5 Council. Instances include: SCP-166, SCP-1836, SCP-5411 Her Stolen Spark Entry uploading 96% [] Ramblings of a Prisoner-Copy Complete. June 26th This is Agent this is Dacy Morales. Found this notebook and pen squirreled away in the cell the leadership had me tossed into. I can't remember how I got here. But, I know, I know I failed. There is something… inside. I can feel it, hear it. My skin is changing, I think… I think the guards outside are just waiting till I'm dead. No one will even look at me. June 28th No one has yet to come inside. To poke and prod and interview me, how I always thought this sort of stuff worked. The guards are still there, but all I can hear from outside are muffled announcements coming in on the intercom. Two days with no water, I should be feeling delirious. Yet… I feel as good as I have ever been. The skin on my left arm is fully green at this point. And in my dreams, I can hear it whispering, consoling me. It's keeping me alive. But I have no idea why. Luck, Morales, Luck is keeping you alive. June 29th I didn't write that. I pounded on the door for hours, asking for the guards to let me out. To do anything. But they ignored me. No acknowledgement. Nothing. Except for this notebook, the intercom and Epsilon. July 1st The dreams are getting worse. I think… I think I killed the others. Briar and Eliza, I… I… He had a son. And she… I never… The guards are gone. Someone looked in, breath fogged the glass. I lunged for them, demanding answers, anything. Just to know what I did. I think they were disappointed that I'm still here. I wish I was alone. But it's just sitting there, whispering in my ear, telling me that they want me dead. I feel my powers strengthening, it urging me to use them. Break the door. Break the Foundation. Finish this as if it can't. As if they can't. But the Intercom debates that. I hear about their newest targets. Bunkers. Launchpads. Free Ports around the world are under siege. I'm not necessary to this. And their message is pretty clear; we can't hide. We can't run. But… I can try. Luck got you here like we said. But we're keeping you on the board. You can't get out that easy. You'll wake up, and you'll read this and know: We're together in this until the end. Until it's all broken down. July 7th We're still here. Like it said. But I'm not sure about anyone else. Just the intercom. Site-01 is gone. The Titans put everything they had in wiping out the O5s. No one knows if any of the Council survived. But they won u-the Foundation time. So I don't think another mutating woman in a cell matters much to them anymore. July 18th. No food or water for weeks. Yet I have never felt stronger. I can feel the others now, a faint thrum beneath my feet, a cold tickle along my spine. They're pulling themselves back together. The fight continues The Foundation claims they are prepared. So says the Intercom. Even as other humans turn their coats. And so we sit waiting. July 27th Moscow's gone. That is my life now, listening to declarations of defeat and whispers in my dreams. Every night it returns and offers me the way out. The one it wants. I refuse. It feed's me the other's voices… all so different. Yet, united in purpose. All committed. So, it must be a delusion that I feel resignation thrum through the earth beneath my feet. London holds. August 4th New players enter the fray. Containment breaches, all over. Some I don't think they expected. The Young Blood The Griever The Lady of Ice Feels like they've been waiting. Some of the staff as well. But I'm not going, even though I can feel the need bone-deep at this point. You'll have your day in the sun. August 16th It's gone quiet. Sept. 23 The Intercom is back. A final push. Not sure who is on the back foot. But I think I h- The door to Morales's cell opens. Standing in the doorway is the hologram of Dr. Elisabet. Morales stumbles to her feet, green thaumic energy coursing up and down her arms. The doctor looks at her with narrowed eyes. Large sections of the latter's skin has taken on a bright green hew, and her eyes shine with jade light. Dr. Elisabet: Come along, Agent. She turns and leaves the cell. Morales: Wh-What is this? Dr. Elisabet: The way out. For all of us. Morales scoops up the notes she had been writing and stumbles out the door after the doctor. She winces as a thin tendril of SCP-7442-Epsilon emerges from the back of her neck, a rodent-like skull emerging. It begins speaking in her ear. SCP-7442-Epsilon: You can't trust her. This is all her fault, to begin with. You know that. Morales ignores it, pushing the skull away. The hologram looks back, glaring at the entity. Morales notices that nothing is projecting the Doctor this time. Morales: What… what happened to you? What happened to the others? What did I do? The hologram looks back at her and reaches out, tapping Morales on the shoulder. A crackle of thaumic energy erupts at the physical contact. Dr. Elisabet: It is a marvel what the end of the world does to scientific advancement, particularly when all limitations are pulled away. She continues moving, with Morales sticking close behind. The site in which the latter was being held appears to have been abandoned for some time. Dr. Elisabet: As for what you did, well… I believe you were trying to help your fellow agents against the Titan that had-has been parasitizing you. She glances between Morales's green skin and the tendril of -Epsilon emerging from over her left shoulder. Dr. Elisabet: Yet, your thaumic attack struck the container of Alpha and freed it. The conflagration was disturbingly impressive. Morales: What happened to Bernard? To Eliza?! The doctor ignores her, continuing forward. Morales's face contorts momentarily before a radial burst of green thaumic energy erupts from her body, slamming several doors and sending random debris flying. Morales: Please. Elisabet looks back at her with an impassive expression. Dr. Elisabet: They're dead. Morales falls to her knees. Morales: I… SCP-7442-Epsilon: You knew that. Morales: I needed to hear it. The doctor kneels before Morales and puts a hand on her shoulder, opposite the one -Epsilon rests on. Dr. Elisabet: Yes, you had a hand in their demise, but you can make up for that, for everything, if you just come with me now. Morales: How? Dr. Elisabet: By joining me at Deucalion. Morales: I… She stands up and walks away, not looking back to see if Morales is following. 7442-Epsilon begins speaking in the latter's ear again. SCP-7442-Epsilon: Go with her. She glances at it. Morales: Why? You just told me- SCP-7442-Epsilon: Not to trust her, and shouldn't. But you should go with her. Now. Morales gets to her feet and runs after the doctor, grabbing her by the shoulder as she reaches her. A pulse of energy flares between them again. Morales: You take me there. You take this as well. She gestures to -Epsilon. The doctor and the entity stare at each other silently for several seconds. Elisabet grimaces, sighing. Dr. Elisabet: We have no time. Risks must be taken. Come. The doctor access the Prometheus Labs teleportation system and manipulates it to deposit the trio at their desired location—the middle of a war zone. Fires burn in every direction, and the storm-filled sky is filled with hail, lighting, and tracer fire. The ground shakes beneath their feet. Morales clamps her hands over her ears and bunkers down as a shrieking missle rockets over their heads. Glancing up, she can see Dr. Elisabet running up a hill before them. She follows. Morales: Where are we?! Dr. Elisabet: Yellowstone. Morales falters, and -Epsilon coils further up her shoulder. They crest the hill and look down upon a valley where two large armies clash. The defenders, the Foundation's Alliance, are arrayed before a dome of emerald energy. Mekhanite constructs standing shoulder to shoulder with Nälkän abominations, towering over the other defenders as they attempt to hold against the incoming tide. The attackers, SCP-7442 instances, and their followers: various weaker anomalous entities and members of GoI's that turned against humanity. The former are not physically manifested on the battlefield, but their presence is felt. Pillars of fire, flying rivers, skin-sheering winds, randomly opening chasms. Morales clutches her head. Morales: They know we're here. SCP-7442-Epsilon: Our bond leaves you open to them and to Her. Look. The entity nudges her head towards the dome, and Morales's pained expression changes to one of resigned tranquility. SCP-7442-Epsilon: Can you hear her? Morales: I c- Dr. Elisabet: Agent! We need to move! She points, and Morales looks up, spotting a spiraling mass of fast-approaching snow and wind. Morales: Delta. SCP-7442-Epsilon: He'll kill you. Regardless of the bond. Run! The doctor begins sprinting down the hill, heading for the Dome with Morales right behind, her body crackling with thaumic energy as -Delta grows closer and closer. A spire of stone erupts from the earth right before -Delta can slam into Morales, causing the wind to part around her. It manifests in -Delta's baseline form, glaring down at her. A shadow looms over her, as from the earth, SCP-7442-Gamma manifests, much larger than before, its formally smooth skin pitted and craggy. SCP-7442-Delta: What are you doing?! SCP-7442-Gamma: My purpose. Delta snarls, and lightning flashes across the sky, tearing into the distant Foundation forces. SCP-7442-Delta: Your purpose is to kill all of these parasites! -Epsilon retracts into Morales's body as the two instances glare at each other. The Doctor continues towards the dome. SCP-7442-Gamma: My purpose is to protect Her. She can pass the wall. We cannot. A lightning bolt burns a line in the ground before the Doctor, forcing her to stop. SCP-7442-Delta: She's working with Her jailer! -Gamma looks down, staring at Morales for several moments. SCP-7442-Gamma: And yet she carries our youngest sibling with her. -Delta growls, lightning flashing behind them. SCP-7442-Gamma: Go continue your purpose, Little Brother. I will take care of this as is fitting. -Delta hung in the air for several moments, glaring down at Morales, and then he was gone, racing back towards the battlefield, thunder following in his wake. -Gamma looks down at Morales and glances towards the Doctor with narrowed eyes. SCP-7442-Gamma: Do you trust the Ghost? Morales looks to Elisabet. Morales: No. But I saw… who she used to be. The doctor turns and begins walking towards the dome. SCP-7442-Gamma: So did I. She never listened. But you-you did. The entity turns towards the conflict raging at their back and lets out a low long sigh. SCP-7442-Gamma: I have no wish to see this through. I simply want Her free. Morales: And the others? SCP-7442-Gamma: Too set in their ways or too much like your kind. Too angry. Too despondent. Lost without her direction. Morales: I-I'm sorry. For what the Foundation, for what Prometheus did that led us to this. But Humanity doesn't deserv- SCP-7442-Gamma: I do not know if you can fully apologize for a crime you have yet to learn. But… I agree with you. Perhaps some will live to see a new dawn. Those that joined us. I wish… I wish we had more time before it got to this point. To learn, to teach, to aid. Morales: A lot of innocent people would still be alive. -Gamma nods. SCP-7442-Gamma: Go find Her. End this stagnation. A stone wall erupts from the ground blocking their passage toward the dome from the battlefield. Morales: And if I can't end this in the way you hope? SCP-7442-Gamma: Then the others were right. And I am a fool. Now go. Deucalion awaits. Morales turns, looking at the Doctor, and sets off without another word. The pair run towards the dome, the Doctor passing through the curtain of energy without pause. Morales hesitates for a moment but steps through, her body contorting as energy crackles across her body. She stumbles but rights herself, looking up to Elisabet. Dr. Elisabet: You truly trust those beings more than I? Morales: Your-your creator's actions started all of this. Somehow. Something you claim you can't explain. I've seen the videos of her descent, her desperation. So what did she do? What happened that caused Them to hate us all so much? The doctor grimaces and walks, heading further into the dome's interior. The interior appears untouched by the devastation outside. Dr. Elisabet: They already hated us. She hated us. -Epsilon reemerges from Morales's spine, clacking its teeth at the doctor. SCP-7442-Epsilon: Says the woman who never took the time to truly listen. Too clinical. Too cynical. Dr. Elisabet: My friends were murdered! For trying to understand, to listen! Morales blinks. Morales: You're not the copy. Dr. Elisabet: Sysiphun-1 was the final precaution. My mind waiting for the many homunculi I had created in my mission to save us, to protect our world. I had hoped they wouldn't be necessary. -Epsilon chuckles. SCP-7442-Epsilon: Apologies. Dr. Elisabet: We've wasted enough time. Deucalion must be used. Even if the parasite must bear witness. SCP-7442-Epsilon: I dogged your footsteps the entire path, Doctor. I was always going to be here. Waiting. The doctor's form crackles and wavers, her face contorting in anger. Morales: Enough! Enough, end of the world, grudge match, misunderstanding gone horribly wrong, I don't care! People are dying! She is dying! Do either of you care? Why am I here? What is Deucalion? Why do either of you need me? Thaumic energy courses from her into the ground, causing ripples to pass through the grass. SCP-7442-Epsilon: Well, doctor? Let's not waste any more time. The doctor turns and raises her hands, the ground before her parts, revealing aged metallic doors that open to a descending staircase. Dr. Elisabet: Deucalion was to be our salvation. SCP-7442-Epsilon: It was to be Her torment. The trio continues further down the staircase as it winds downward, metal walls set with flicking lights surrounding them, occasionally broken by a set of doors, behind which sat dilapidated hallways, labs, or server rooms. Morales: Is there a reason you both went quiet? She glares at the back of the Doctor's head and then turns to look at -Epsilon. SCP-7442-Epsilon: I hoped the dear doctor would attempt to illuminate you first. Morales: Then tell me, where is everyone? Waller found recent emails, so wha- Dr. Elisabet: Your former comrades are either out there fighting or seeing to the part of the Deucalion system they directly over-see. Morales: And Prometheus? The doctor gestures down a hallway, and Morales turns to see that it is filled with a chunk of -Epsilon, which begins to flow after them as they pass. SCP-7442-Epsilon: As I told the doctor, everywhere she went… Dr. Elisabet: It had already been. More innocent people dead because of that parasite. SCP-7442-Epsilon: Hardly innocent. Hardly people, after all, they'd done to keep this meat grinder you call Savior working. Morales: What is Deucalion? I'm tired of the vagaries, the threats, the promises. You need my help for whatever twisted reason, so tell me! Dr. Elisabet: Just a moment more. They continued in silence for several moments before Morales looked up suddenly, looking around in confusion. Morales: Do you hear that? The others look at her. SCP-7442-Epsilon: Yes. Dr. Elisabet: What? Morales: Screaming. The doctor turns back around, and her head hangs slightly. Dr. Elisabet: No. Several minutes later, the trio exits into a large domed room, the walls made entirely of obsidian covered in inscriptions of various North American fauna, past and present. A small selection glows with faint green light, while the remainder is dark. A metal staircase leads down into the chamber's center, where a large silver mechanism surrounding a glass cylinder stands. A net of cables and pipes hangs from the ceiling, all funneling into different sections of the device. Flickering holographic screens emerge as they approach. Pooling around the device, with about a foot distance marking an unseen barrier, is a manifestation of SCP-7442-Epsilon. The mass quivers and rises as Morales and the doctor descend the stairs. Morales: This is… An ursine skull pokes free of the larger -Epsilon manifestation and begins to speak. SCP-7442-Epsilon: Once one of Her many havens, a safe place to recover and dream, to guide the shifting of your world in peace. It growls and bears down on Dr. Elisabet. SCP-7442-Epsilon: Until this one chose to turn it into an unending nightmare! Morales walks around it and looks within the glass, a guttering green light held within. Morales: Ixchel… She also turns to the doctor, green energy crackling through her. Morales: Explain. Now. The doctor laughs, a bitter and resigned expression on her face. Dr. Elisabet: I didn't want to make this. But She had come to believe we weren't worth the effort! She was going to move on without us. SCP-7442-Epsilon: You were carving her apart! Dr. Elisabet: Not all of us! Some of us were trying to help Her! I was trying to help her! Morales: This is helping? She steps closer to the machine and passes through the barrier, crying out as the portion of -Epsilon is pulled out of her, unable to pass through the barrier. Morales blinks and turns back. SCP-7442-Epsilon: Now you see why I haven't finished this already. The squirming section joins the rest of the entity. Morales looks back to the doctor. Morales: Keep going. Dr. Elisabet: She was going to remake the world, just as she had before. Cut out the infection and start over. But we did not need to live or die by the whims of some unfeeling god. -Epsilon growls. Dr. Elisabet: We worked with the Foundation to complete a failsafe. One that would allow humanity to survive. Plans had already been in place due to the number of beings that sought to end our way of life. But we realized a problem. She shifts forward, staring at the guttering light within the device. Dr. Elisabet: Several actually. We were able to recreate humanity. Cloning flesh and thought is easy, but… they all lacked a spark. True life. People that only follow orders are fine when you're rebuilding the world, but not to be the world. Several of the remaining lit inscriptions go out. Dr. Elisabet: And then there was the fact that Humanity would need resources to rebuild for time to follow a proper flow again. Remaking the world took more than just… some concrete, elbow grease, and will. Your leaders didn't just want a reset button for humanity. They needed something greater. A world reforged, and she stood in ou-their way. The doctor gestures to the wider mechanism. Dr. Elisabet: And I had the answers. We needed her. But she didn't need to be in control anymore. Morales steps back, examining the device, and her eyes widen. Morales: Gregor mentioned that Prometheus could travel through time. Sonark that was- Dr. Elisabet: My greatest achievement for some time. It gave me the insight required- SCP-7442-Epsilon: To butcher Her all the more. Dr. Elisabet: That was not my original inten- Morales: You altered the machine to force her to reset to before whenever things went wrong? So we could continue carving away at Her resources? To feel the same pain over and over again? For how long?! Dr. Elisabet: It was only meant to be used once! Then I would have made my amends, try and make her listen! She wasn't the only threat coming. I was saving us! Her too, she just couldn't—she wouldn't listen! Morales: How long?! Dr. Elisabet: That isn't on me! The Foundation, you, and all the other Icaruses inside that organization couldn't stop poking and prodding at things that never should have been bothered! Another inscription dies. Dr. Elisabet: I can't say… how many times we have walked this road. But she is dying… Morales turns back to the glass, laying a hand against it. Morales: She's screaming. Dr. Elisabet: I-I can't… Morales: You expected her to hear you, but… did you ever really try and listen? Or were you too convinced of your own righteousness? The doctor closes her mouth and looks away. Morales looks to -Epsilon. SCP-7442-Epsilon: Do you understand now what my Siblings and I have been saying? This Stagnation has to end. Now, before we lose Her forever. Destroy Deucalion, and remove humanity from the equation. Let the Cycle finally continue, as is natural. Morales: All of us? That's what She wants? -Epsilon is quiet. Morales: The two of you should have finished this already. I should have been dead in a cell months ago, so what do you need from me? Why am I here? She stops turning suddenly, staring at the glass intently. Morales: Did you…see that? -Epsilon shakes its head. Morales: Go on then. Dr. Elisabet: I can't activate the final failsafe. That is why I have brought you here. Two cylinders emerged from the machine, the interiors shaped to lock around an individual's arms. Dr. Elisabet: You, Dacey Morales, are a thaumaturgist with the ability to feel and study ambient magic through your inborn connection to leylines. When trained, as you have been, you can directly manipulate thaumic connections, binding or severing them. Like I once could. SCP-7442-Epsilon: You are directly connected to a part of Her. Her synapses, her nerves. Morales: But that is not a unique-there are many others you could have drawn into this scheme of yours. -Epsilon chuckles darkly SCP-7442-Epsilon: Once. As I said before, you got very lucky, Morales. Dr. Elisabet: I looked, and all I found had been turned or killed. You are my last chance. Morales: Then what are you asking me to do? Dr. Elisabet: The failsafe allows you to take what is left of Her into yourself. With it… you would be able to sever the Titan's connections to the leylines. Killing them. Finally. Morales: And She would…die as well? The doctor nods. Dr. Elisabet: Yes. Deucalion would take time to repair after that, but Humanity would be able to continue. SCP-7442-Epsilon: A whole world for one people that never treated Her fairly. Dr. Elisabet: One soul for billions. Morales turns to -Epsilon. Morales: And the alternative is billions for one? SCP-7442-Epsilon: Yes. Morales: You're sure that is what she wants. SCP-7442-Epsilon: I-it has to be. Morales looks up at it for a moment, a realization crossing across her face. Morales: You… you're directionless, aren't you, what Stone was saying. You don't know what She meant you to be. Why? SCP-7442-Epsilon: I am unfinished. Morales: What do you n- The entity lurches forward, slamming against the barrier, heedless of it burning them. The last inscription fails. SCP-7442-Epsilon: You. Together. We can find our purpose. The one I know to be true. Have Her light in our eyes. Give me direction as long as we destroy this place. Allow her to rest while we continue the work. You can save those like you. We can give our Siblings a true purpose again. Not just instinct or anger. We can have purpose. Hunt down the actual infection. You need simply let me in. Dr. Elisabet: I will not allow that! Obsidian shatters as various hi-tech turrets emerge from the walls. SCP-7442-Epsilon: Oh, doctor, you know you can't hurt me in any way that matters. The doctor points, and the guns refocus on Morales and Deucalion. Dr. Elisabet: Can't I? She turns to Morales. Dr. Elisabet: The outer barrier has fallen. The Others will be here in moments. Decide! Morales looks between them and turns around, putting her forehead against the glass. Morales:It can't see. She won't listen. All leads to death. I don't- Her: Please. Morales's eyes snap open. Her body is shrouded in snapping green energy. She lifts her hands, and green runes begin to snap to life across Deucalion. Doctor Elisbet/SCP-7442-Epsilon: Stop! Morales: Help me. The barrier around her drops, and they both lash out at her. A wall of obsidian encircles her blocking her off from them. Stone begins to emerge from the ground, the other SCP-7442 instances racing in, roars, and shouts echoing about the chamber. She lays both of her hands on the device, and green fire begins burning up her arms—the glass cracks. A sigh of relief echoes through the chamber, followed by a blinding eruption of green light. HER Entry Complete: 100% Scanning for active Foundation facilities. Transfer to Area-12 Commencing. [] Description: SCP-7442 is the last shard of the soul of our world. Special Containment Procedures: She must remain free. A Final Message Good Bye We hope this reaches someone. It took some time to compile. Elisabet was very thorough. We are not sure what has become of us. What we are. Savior, Defiler, and Jailer bonded in one. More, we are unsure. But we have a purpose. She calls to us. We do not know what comes next. What will become of Humanity. If the Fight is over. But what We do know. Is there are No More Second Chances. And if this is the end for the-Us. To whoever comes next, whoever might find this. Be good to Her. Be good to yourselves. There are no Second Chances. With that, we leave you. For we must rise to face… A New Dawn Footnotes 1. Triceratops 2. Styracosaurus 3. Pachyrhinosaurs 4. Suevite is a rock consisting partly of melted material, typically forming a breccia containing glass and crystal or lithic fragments, formed during an impact event. 5. Snowy Owl 6. References the KT Extinction Event that wiped out the dinosaurs. 7. Dimetrodon 8. Dunkleosteus 9. SCP-1000 10. Trilobite « SCP-7441 | SCP-7442 | SCP-7443 »
close Info X Check out my other works: The Conspiracy to Murder. A lesbian love story between two literal lovebirds. SCP-500-EX. A con-artist scams the Foundation for several years with the Placebo Effect. SCP-7656 A man getting tortured for decades, broadcast for thousands across America to see. SCP-7185 A mysterious drink deforms a group of friends bodies, until they die off one by one. PoI-7443-A. ITEM #: 7443 CONTAINMENT CLASS: THAUMIEL Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7443 material is to be kept in a standard anomalous item locker in the research wing of Site-73. Clearance above Level-3 is required to access samples of SCP-7443. Technology developed with SCP-7443, upon being approved, is to be used primarily by MTF Alpha-1, as dictated by an O5-Council vote following Incident-7443-1. Public information regarding Incident-7443-1 is to be monitored by Foundation webcrawlers and agents. Deliberate information is to be spread to manufacture artificial uncertainty regarding the validity of information spread pertaining to Incident-7443-1. Description: SCP-7443 is a metallic material with an unknown atomic composition that maintains perfect energy retention, which when touching the uncovered body of a subject, will result in a drastic rise in subject's stamina, strength, endurance, resistance, intelligence, and physical healing for an indefinite period of time. SCP-7443 has a tensile strength of 964 MPa, with a density of 10.24 g/cm³. SCP-7443's effects amplify when a high amount of kinetic energy is rapidly applied to the material. Excess kinetic energy exerted on SCP-7443 material will be rapidly expelled in the direction in which the force was applied. Approximately 154.891 kG of SCP-7443 is currently in Foundation possession. PoI-7443-B. Discovery On June 14th, 1995, MTF Iota-10, "Damn Feds", intercepted reports from the Los Angeles Police Department concerning an armed assault on an S&C-P1 armored car, resulting in the expiration of one civilian and the serious injury of another. Recovered Witness Log-7443 Civilian Witness: Daniela Wreden Interrogator: Johnathan Joaquim Joaquim: Clearly state what you witnessed to the recording device. A small tap is heard as Joaquim sets the device in front of Wreden. Wreden: God, it was all so fast. I was just pulling into the gas station to fill my car, and I heard gunshots behind me. Joaquim: Did you get a good glimpse of the assailants? Wreden: No. No, I didn't. They were wearing armor and I was trying to run into the store. They moved like a blur whenever I looked at them. Joaquim: They were wearing armor and fast? Wreden: Yeah, while one was aiming at us and telling us to get inside the other ripping apart the truck. Then when the other started firing they pretty quickly got in. Joaquim: And you can attest that the suspects in question shot both guards present? Wreden: Yeah. One of the guards got behind him and shot into his helmet from a few feet away. I didn't even see them turn around to shoot him by the time he was on the ground. I tried to look away but- Silence is heard for 7 seconds. Joaquim: What about the second guard? Wreden: I think they fired at him after. I don't know, a cashier dragged me into the store to get away. All I remember is whatever armor they were wearing being marked "DGS". Joaquim: All right. Thank you for your time. Medical personnel from the Survivor Comfort Program will administer some medicine soon to help alleviate the memories of what occurred. The device is turned off. Seized security footage was altered to exclude potential anomalous visual information being leaked. Due to the number of civilian witnesses, a cover story was devised that the incident was a standard armed robbery. Two further incidents were recorded including both PoI's involving the robbery of two separate S&C-P locations within Los Angeles. Both incidents were suspected to be committed by the same individuals by the identical armor worn, and the style of a robbery conducted within the span of a few minutes. Despite initial detainment efforts, both PoI's were able to escape Foundation efforts due to the speed in which their robberies occurred. Search efforts were relaxed in November 1995, and containment teams were relocated from the area. Incident-7443-1 On Febuary 28th, 1996, a Foundation agent withdrawing personal finances from a S&C-P location in Northern Hollywood, California, United States, witnessed both PoI's entering said S&C-P location whilst wearing SCP-7443. The following is a transcription of a radio call sent to Area-09 by Agent Felix Kampstra. Kampstra: Two PoI's have been spotted entering a S&C-P facility at the intersection of Laurel Canyon Boulevard and Archwood Street! Believed to be 7443-A and -B! They are heavily armed and gunfire has been heard from within the location. Requesting the immediate deployment of any personnel in the area to aid in the containment of both PoI's and the securing of a perimeter close to the location. Area-09 Command: Nearby assets have been liquidated to assist in containment. Further forces are being placed on stand-by. Note: The majority of S&C-P employees are unaware of the existence of the Foundation and consist of civilians. As such, no armed personnel were present at the location at the time. Post the conclusion of Incident-7443-1, any and all security/media footage containing the incident was seized and analyzed prior to being altered and re-released to the public. Security Footage | 09:16 A.M. P.D.T. PoI-7443-A grabs a civilian and throws them to the floor before shooting into the ceiling. PoI-7443-A: This is a holdup! Get down! PoI-7443-B runs to the teller door and shoots the lock off before grabbing the assistant manager, Brady Bachmann. PoI-7443-B: Show me where the vault is! PoI-7443-B walks towards the vault. The vault is opened and lockboxes are shown. Bachman and PoI-7443-B empty $750,000 into various bags. PoI-7443-B: Where's the rest of the money? Bachmann: What? PoI-7443-B: No funny shit. We know there was a shipment of money earlier. Bachmann: There isn't- there isn't none- I mean is no money here- here right now. PoI-7443-B: Shut the fuck up and give me the money! As PoI-7443-B attempts to extort further money from Bachmann, PoI-7443-A secures hostages within the lobby. PoI-7443-A approaches a security guard. PoI-7443-A places a gun on the back of the guard's head. PoI-7443-A: Whenever I tell you to, you are going to lead everyone in here to the vault and stay there. PoI-7443-B walks into the room. PoI-7443-B: Shipment didn't arrive today. PoI-7443-A: Try the ATM's. We just need to hurry up. Hey, you! PoI-7443-A aims his gun at the security guard. PoI-7443-A: Do what I told you. The security guard escorts the hostages to the vault while both PoI's exit the bank. At 09:24, Foundation agents assumed defensive positions around the bank and prepared for an altercation with both PoI's. PoI-7443-B attempts to destroy ATMs located on the exterior of the bank to recover further funding. PoI-7443-A witnesses armed Foundation agents and opens fire. All agents take cover and do not expose their positions to open fire at the PoI's. Five agents and twelve civilians are struck in the initial fire by PoI-7443-A. After four minutes of continuous fire, both PoI-7443-A and PoI-7443-B begin firing at Foundation agents and proceed to the car over the next three minutes. Both PoI's take turns providing covering fire to allow the other to proceed to the parking lot. Dye packets placed within the bags detonate, covering the majority of the money in a red dye. PoI-7443-B: God dammit! PoI-7443-A: What? PoI-7443-B: The money has dye packets in them. Just went off. Both PoI's drop the moneybags and turn around the corner to the parking lot, where coverage of the conversations and actions of both PoI's is not recorded by the bank security cameras. Approximately 14 Foundation agents were initially dispatched in the primary detainment efforts. Due to the lack of prior awareness of the incident, and the lack of armed personnel present, agents were armed mostly with standard handguns and wearing LAPD uniforms. Ground-level bodycam footage and audio | 09:28 A.M. P.D.T. All personnel on-location were designated TTFA-12 through TTFA-14 at the time. As more agents arrived at the scene, they were accordingly designated "TTFA-X". TTFA-1: Stay down! Stay down! Shots fired! TTFA-8 fires at PoI-7443-A. PoI-7443-B fires at the car that TTFA-8 is taking cover with. TTFA-2: Can't do shit to them with these. TTFA-4: There is a gun store 'round here somewhere that we can take weapons from! TTFA-14: Is it worth using civie weapons? TTFA-10: Look at what they are using. We need firepower! TTFA-1: 4, 5, get some weapons from there. As TTFA-4 and TTFA-5 exit, the exchange of gunfire between them and the PoI's continues. Gunfire hits TTFA-9 and TTFA-6. Both enter a civilian dentist's office to receive emergency treatment. TTFA-1: Shit. We're losing men! TTFA-1 reaches for his radio. TTFA-1: Area-09, agents are down! We need help! PoI's are opening heavy fire! I repeat, PoI's are opening heavy fire! Dispatch reinforcements! TTFA-2: Should we switch to the shotguns? TTFA-1: Not worth the risk retrieving them. Difference would be minimal. TTFA-12 is injured in the leg, and retreats to the dentist's office with TTFA-9 and TTFA-6. TTFA-1 fires a shot at PoI-7443-B, striking a direct-hit on his head. PoI-7443-B is seen clutching his head and leaning against a car, leaving bloody hand-prints against the car, confirming the direct hit on his head. PoI-7443-B ceases firing at agents and enters the car both PoI's were using. PoI-7443-A opens the car trunk and restocks his ammo, while maintaining fire at Agents. TTFA-2: Why isn't the car running? TTFA-14: Engine damage? TTFA-13: Soon as they go it's practically a free shot outa here. Sure as shit don't have enough firepower. TTFA-4: Time to fix that. TTFA-4 and TTFA-5 approach two clusters of Foundation agents and hand them rifles and semi-automatic weaponry. TTFA-1: Hand those out to as many personnel as you safely can. PoI-7443-A reaches into the car for an unknown reason, however, upon several agents opening fire PoI-7443-A is struck in the arm, and is prevented from utilizing it to aim at TTFA agents. PoI-7443-A uses his arm for the remainder of the fight to lay the gun against and raise it. Gunfire continued between the PoI's and agents for 20 minutes as agents continued to fire at PoI-7443-A while approximately 24 reinforcements arrived. Foundation paramedics entered the zone to provide first-aid to injured agents, despite orders to remain back due to the risk of injury from either PoI.3 TTFA-14 would enter close in proximity to PoI-7443-A and take cover behind a cement wall that separates the bank from a nearby neighborhood. PoI-7443-A began to fire rapidly at TTFA-14, securing two shots on TTFA-14's person while TTFA-14 hit PoI-7443-A's armor three times, including one shot in an unprotected gap in his armor along his waist, prior to a successful retreat. PoI-7443-A would continue to ignore the direct hits. After 14 minutes, the O5-2 and O5-4 approved the temporary emergency deployment of some members of MTF-Alpha-1, "The Red Right Hand", in order to assist in the detainment/neutralization of the PoI's. Ground-level bodycam footage and audio | 09:39 A.M. P.D.T. PoI-7443-B leans over to the car window and begins giving covering fire as PoI-7443-A restocks their ammo. TTFA-8: Second hostile is alive and opening fire! Take cover! TTFA-2: Any of you got an idea when Alpha arrives? TTFA-1: 'Round 10 minutes. Just keep fire constant! PoI-7443-B opens a door on the side of the car that PoI-7443-A is standing beside. PoI-7443-A closes the door without entering. TTFA-2 fires a shot directly into PoI-7443-A's gun, forcing him to switch to a Type 56 Assault Rifle, which suffers numerous jams through the remainder of the incident.4 TTFA-1: Keep firing! He's probably down to his last bullets. PoI-7443-B begins driving the vehicle out of the parking lot, while PoI-7443-A utilizes it as moving cover while providing covering fire. At the time the car had two flat tires, at was moving at low speeds. TTFA-1: PoI's are on the move! Keep a safe distance. All TTFA members pursue the PoI's while maintaining safe firing distance. PoI-7443-A runs ahead to take cover behind a tractor-trailer, while PoI-7443-B drives in front of the trailer to wait for PoI-7443-A. PoI-7443-A appears to lose track of PoI-7443-B, and stays behind the trailer without knowing where PoI-7443-B is. TTFA-1: The two are separated, keep them isolated! TTFA agents split in two to attack both PoI's. TTFA-13 proceeds towards PoI-7443-B, before opening fire at the vehicle, causing PoI-7443-B to rapidly exit the location without PoI-7443-A. Agents proceed with fire at PoI-7443-A, and strike him twice in the back. One of the shots struck PoI-7443-A's subclavian artery, causing mass bleeding. TTFA-5: First hostile's almost down. Legs are uncovered, aim for- TTFA-5 is struck by PoI-7443-A in the stomach, although shortly after PoI-7443-A's Type 56 jams, at which point PoI-7443-A racks the gun repeatedly, rendering it unusable at the moment.5 PoI-7443-A drops the Type 56 and grabs a handgun while crawling under the trailer. TTFA-13: I have eyes on hostile. Gonna draw him out from there. TTFA-13 strikes PoI-7443-A a further two times, at which point he exits from under the trailer and starts slowly walking into the road while occasionally firing with the handguns. TTFA-1: All units move in! Hostile is poorly-armed and appears to be dazed. Gunfire continues until one shot strikes PoI-7443-A's hand, causing him to temporarily drop the handgun. After 14 seconds, PoI-7443-A crouches down, grabs the gun, and shoots himself in the head. Neutralizing himself. TTFA-2: Hostile is crouching. TTFA-1: Just reloading! Continue fire! Gunfire into PoI-7443-A's corpse for 43 seconds, until personnel approach PoI-7443-A's expired body and deem him dead. 6 members of MTF Alpha-1 arrived shortly following the neutralization of PoI-7443-A. All Alpha-1 members were dispatched to deal with reports in the nearby area of a third, previously unknown shooter hiding in a nearby civilian house.6 Ground-level bodycam footage and audio | 09:46 A.M. P.D.T. PoI-7443-B re-enters in proximity to PoI-7443-A's expired body. PoI-7443-B exits the vehicle and salutes PoI-7443-A's corpse prior to opening fire at nearby officers and moving back into the vehicle. TTFA-2: Second hostile spotted near first hostile's corpse! TTFA-2 and TTFA-1 open fire at PoI-7443-B. PoI-7443-B approaches a civilian truck and opens fire through the windscreen, causing numerous small cuts across the civilians person. The civilian exits the truck after activating a kill switch on the truck. PoI-7443-B does not notice, and begins to load ammunition and weapons into the truck as TTFA members approach. TTFA-8: I have a visual on hostile! Opening fire! PoI-7443-B exits the truck and seeks cover behind his original vehicle. Firing continues for 2 minutes and 30 seconds until PoI-7443-B grabs an AR-15, and continues fire. TTFA-7 is struck three times by PoI-7443-B. TTFA-2: Does anyone have a clear shot? TTFA-1: I do. After 28 seconds, TTFA-1 moves to the other side of PoI-7443-B's vehicle and hits him 3 times in the chest until PoI-7443-B returns fire. TTFA-1 takes cover under the vehicle. TTFA-2: You okay 1? TTFA-1: Affirmative. I have a visual on hostile's legs! Maintain rapid fire! TTFA agents maintain rapid fire on PoI-7443-B for 8 seconds until TTFA-1 begins fire at PoI-7443-B. PoI-7443-B notices and aims the gun down to return fire, striking TTFA-1 8 times. TTFA-1 makes several effective hits against PoI-7443-B's legs, until successfully striking his hand and forcing PoI-7443-B to drop the AR-15. PoI-7443-B raises his arms and goes on his knees in surrender, however, TTFA-1 maintains fire at PoI-7443-B for 14 seconds striking him 6 additional times in the buttocks and leg. TTFA-2: -B has surrendered! Cease fire! Cease fire! TTFA members close in on PoI-7443-B while paramedics and TTFA-2 approach TTFA-1. TTFA-1: -B's detained? TTFA-2: Yeah. How much have you been hit? TTFA-1 coughs. TTFA-1: Hell if I know. TTFA-2: Stay focused, okay? Stay awake. TTFA-1: Few hit my chest. TTFA-1 coughs blood. TTFA-1: Think they might've gone in my lungs. Paramedics escort TTFA-1 to an ambulance while driving to an emergency Foundation-medical-outpost in close proximity. Ground-level bodycam footage and audio | 10:01 A.M. P.D.T. TTFA agents approach PoI-7443-B. TTFA-13 places their gun against PoI-7443-B's head. TTFA-13: Stay the fuck down! PoI-7443-B: Kill me ya fuckin' sonsabitches! PoI-7443-B is handcuffed, and has weapons on his body removed. PoI-7443-B: Why don't you put a bullet through my head? TTFA-2 approaches PoI-7443-B. TTFA-2: Is there a third gunman? PoI-7443-B: Lean me over and- TTFA-2: Stop resisting. What is your name? PoI-7443-B: Pete. TTFA-2: Pete what? PoI-7443-B: Pete go fuck your mother. You'll all regret it when they come to bail us out. TTFA-2 reaches for a radio. TTFA-2: Hostile is detained and uncooperative. There may be a third PoI nearby, so remain on the lookout. PoI-7443-B: Coming here and invading our nation! We will make you pay for this! TTFA-2: -13, stay with me to secure the hostile. The rest of you, secure a perimeter and get civilians away. After the retrieval of TTFA-1, all paramedics and non-TTFA members were isolated from the area as it was believed there may have been the risk of a third PoI. Paramedics only began to enter the scene at 10:12 A.M. P.D.T. Foundation paramedics on scene were given an according designation of "PM-X". PM-4: Area safe yet? PM-1: Probably not. But we need to help the injured civs! PM-4: And if there's still shooters present? What happens if they shoot at us? PM-1: There most likely aren't any. PM-1 through PM-4 enter the area. PM-3: B even alive anymore? PM-2: He's just… Lying there. PM-1: Considering how much he was shot probably not. We'll keep an eye on him, but 3, 2, go to the houses to see if any civilians need help. PM-4: Then you and me? PM-1: Help anyone around here. PM-2 and PM-4 depart to nearby houses as PM-1 and PM-4 head to assist a bleeding civilian. PM-1: What's your name? Koike: James Koike. PM-1: Alright James, do you have any injuries other than the cuts on your face? Koike: Nah. Koike winces as the blood is cleaned from his face. Koike: Hurts like a bitch though. PM-4: What happened? Koike points to PoI-7443-B. Koike: That asshole. Koike points to PoI-7443-B. PoI-7443-B remains still. Koike: Was trying to steal my car then made some glass break over my face. PM-1: No other injuries? Koike shakes his head. The PM's treat Koike for his wounds over the next 254 seconds before noticing PoI-7443-B slightly moving. PM-4: B's still alive. PM-1: What? PM-4: He's moving. PM-1: Shit! Okay. James, will you be okay? Koike: Yeah. Both PM's move towards PoI-7443-B. As they approach, TTFA-2 and TTFA-13 draw their guns from their holsters. TTFA-2: What're you doing? PM-1: Moving to help B. TTFA-2: It's not safe around here. There is a high likelihood of a third PoI coming back to try to free -B. PM-4: If we don't treat B he might expire. TTFA-2: We will not risk losing manpower to save him. Especially not after they killed 1. TTFA-13: The civilian also seems to have life-threatening injuries. You should probably focus on saving him first, even after everything you already did. That's what the "P" stands for. "Protect". PM-1: And what if B bleeds out? PM-4: Is it worth it? PM-1 turns to PM-4. PM-1: What do you mean? PM-4: If we treat B and a third PoI comes out to attack us, not only do our own lives get risked but if they kill us we won't be able to treat any more civilians. TTFA-13: Look at the hostile. Do you really think you can save his life? PM-4: Is it worth potentially saving one life if we risk several more? TTFA-2: Just take the civilian and move him away from the zone. PM-1 and PM-4 take Koike and leave the area. 10:48 A.M. P.D.T PoI-7443-B coughs. PoI-7443-B: Fuck you all. TTFA-2: Keeping up the pleasantries? PoI-7443-B: The DGS'll just send more people after you. TTFA-13: What does the "DGS" even stand for? PoI-7443-B: Do-Good. TTFA-13: This is you doing good? PoI-7443-B: Anything against your group is good. We are protecting our values against your infiltration. We are fighting for our countries freedom! TTFA-2: And you're happy about all of this? PoI-7443-B: Will be for a million years. TTFA-13: What about the "S"? PoI-7443-B: Shit yourself. TTFA-13: The Do-Good, shit yourself? PoI-7443-B: Yeah. TTFA-13: C'mon, what's it actually stand for? PoI-7443-B: Society. PoI-7443-B expired at 10:51 P.M. P.D.T. from bloodloss sustained via gunshot wounds. Due to the perceived danger in the area at the time, and the corresponding testimony of all TTFA and PM personnel on-scene, it was deemed unavoidable to comply with procedure and prevent PoI-7443-B's expiration. TTFA-1's medical condition stabilized approximately 14 hours and 11 minutes later, at which point a process of recovery began. It was the only thing we could do. We all know it turned out to be false, but the risk was why we did not intervene. It was simply too high, all for a murdering gunnut who injured 41 people, Foundation or civilian. Keep in mind that prior to this event, the two PoI's had brutally murdered a civilian all for a bit of money. The world is better off without these two threatening those whom we try our hardest to serve. -Johnathan Joaquim Joaquim testifying to the O5 Council. Despite immediate search efforts conducted by Alpha-1 to find a potential third PoI, involving the commendable rapid dismantling of potential barricades established in nearby civilian homes, no third PoI was located. All properties owned by either PoI were seized and searched for SCP-7443 and possible exterior anomalous connections. Numerous illegal-weapon-manufacturing laboratories were discovered, although no anomalous material was located. The following note was discovered at PoI-7443-B's personal residence. Greetings, new allies. After concerning your application, we have decided to accept both of you into our ranks. In the box, are two suits of armor that are the best invention conceived since the creation of Lightning in a Bottle! You already are aware of what task you have been assigned to, that you have already been trained for. You will have a few days to take some time to get used to the armor given. Until then, get ready for your deed to the society. In the hours prior to the seizure of further personal properties of both PoI's, civilian witnesses attested that unidentified persons were seen entering the each premises and remaining for an unspecified period of time prior to exiting while carrying cardboard boxes. Further investigation into the researchers, and the, "Do-Good Society", is ongoing. Access Armament Policy Log.04|11|1996 [LEVEL 4+ ACCESS REQUIRED] -close logs. O5 Increased Field-Unit Arms Vote O5-1: Let's keep this short. We've had quite a few meetings about what occurred in February already. Closing thoughts? O5-2: The best way to deal with a threat is not to hold back. It is to use as much as we can to neutralize it. O5-6: Why hold back? O5-3: Because it creates an unnecessary risk to the veil, missions, and informational retrieval. O5-2: I call the dozens injured a larger risk. O5-7: A risk caused by us moving experienced personnel outside of the city. O5-2: Because we have so few that well armed available! O5-1: Enough. We are not here to debate, we are here to cast our votes. O5-11: And ignore that they let a valuable asset bleed to death for nearly an hour? O5-1: We are not here to discuss that either, 11. O5-11: And so I suppose that you soon shall reward the boy whom burnt down the house with enough fire to let the village alight. YEA NAY ABSTAIN O5-1 O5-3 O5-2 O5-4 O5-5 O5-7 O5-6 O5-10 O5-8 O5-11 O5-9 O5-12 O5-13 Footnotes 1. Stanford & Clarence-Picot, a civilian company owned by the Department of Finance in order to gain funding for the Foundation. 2. Temporary Task Force Agent. 3. All paramedics who displayed such behavior were formally commended for their bravery during the incident. 4. Said jams were believed to be a result of prior damage sustained to the gun, making it faulty. 5. Due to both the time necessitated to fix the jam, and the injuries PoI-7443-A had sustained at the time. 6. All reports were later confirmed to be false. « SCP-7442 | SCP-7443 | SCP-7444 »
SCP-7444 — God on Rye Written by Jack Waltz ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: SCP-7444 Level5 Containment Class: pending Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: none Risk Class: none link to memo A photograph of an M-type giant star located in a distant exoplanetary system. The light emitted by the star was recorded to travel 0.8% faster than the speed of light. Special Containment Procedures: The Foundation currently has insufficient knowledge to prevent the effects of SCP-7444 and thereby return the universe to its non-anomalous state. Attempts to establish or find a new Regulator are ongoing as of April 19, 2022. Failure to do so will result in the possibility of a ZK-Class "Reality Failure" Scenario. Should it become apparent that SCP-7444 cannot be mitigated adequately, the Foundation should immediately begin preparing for a Broken Veil incident. In such an event, the secrecy of the Foundation need not be maintained. All resources necessary should be used to somehow avert the ZK-Class Scenario, or Operation LIFEBOAT is to be initiated. Description: SCP-7444 refers to a sudden anomalous phenomenon that is believed to have begun on April 19, 2022, wherein all universal scientific laws began deteriorating in their absoluteness. At the time of writing, all previously determined scientific laws have failed to adequately describe universal phenomena in 2.76% of scenarios. This percentage is noticeably rising at an alarming rate. Following an investigation, it was determined that SCP-7444's occurrence was due to the absence of a Regulator, a necessary component to carry out the appropriate tasks needed to maintain a universe in functioning, absolute order. At the current rate of deterioration, the civilian population is likely to notice the effects of the phenomenon by May of 2022. Addendum 7444.1 INVESTIGATION RECORD — 19.04.2022 Four hours after SCP-7444's effects were first noticed by the Foundation, two experienced agents and a liaison from the Department of Universal Affairs (DUA) were assigned and readied to investigate the cause of the phenomena at Location of Interest ALPHA. Their intended mission brief was to identify SCP-7444 and possibly negotiate its stabilisation. ▼ OPEN EXPEDITION TRANSCRIPT ▼ ▲ HIDE TRANSRIPT ▲ [BEGIN LOG] Schultz:. Mr. Leonardo Schultz, DUA agent. Mic check. Equipped and ready. Benjamin:. Mx. Dakota Benjamin, DUA agent. Check. Escobar:. Ms. Baylee Escobar, DUA liaison. Yes, check. Command: All right, we're going to take one last look. Two operators assist the three agents, readjusting several components of their Spatial Tethering Harness suits and reconfirming that they are fully sealed and operable. Command: All good. Get in the pod. Schultz: Aye. The three enter single-file and board the Spatial Penetration Vehicular Pod. Schultz, the last person to get in, sits up front and closes the pod's canopy. Sealing protocols activate. Command: All systems green. Boosters powering up. Launch sequence initiated. Strap yourselves in fellas, and prepare for a ride. Jumping in three, two, one. Benjamin whispers: Benjamin: Blast off. All three agents cover their eyes as a bright white light, accompanied by neon streaks, shines through the canopy. The growing g-forces, although significantly reduced by their harnesses, make this difficult and they simply resort to closing their eyes tightly as they pressed heavily against their seats. Command: Speeds increasing and closing in on the threshold, currently at 7 GV. 8 GV. 9 GV. Threshold reached! Brace! A loud pop is heard. With the barrier broken, the pod begins slowing down and the bright light is instantly replaced with a view of patterns and subtle colours from the distance. Command: All right. Status? Schultz looks behind at everybody aboard the pod. They nod. Schultz: We're good. Command: Great. You're on a nominal trajectory for LoI-ALPHA, we aren't seeing any complications ahead of you, at the moment. We're going to reactivate the boosters, and brace once more. Three, two, one. The pod significantly accelerates, speeding through space towards its target destination. Command: Note that comms may go down any moment at this point, proceed as instruc— [static] Benjamin: Heh, well, what do you know? Schultz: All right then, I'm taking the flight controls. Ben? Benjamin: Yep, void mapping. We're good, sent the coordinates to your terminal. Schultz: It's gonna be a smooth ride. There is silence for a small duration. Benjamin: So, Baylee. Escobar: Yes? Benjamin: You good? I heard it's your first time on missions like this. Escobar: Well, heh, I guess? This is definitely new to me, especially a mission like this, you know? Benjamin: Totally, I'm getting you. Escobar: Well, I was the only person available on such short notice. It's not like they could wait around for someone else, especially for this, so yeah, I guess I'm in for one experience this trip. Schultz: Well, rest assured, you could say we're a bit new to this too. Well, not exactly. Just that we haven't made much rounds there anyway. Benjamin: I just suppose it speaks to how big of a deal this place is, Level 5 classified and all that. We done this a bunch of times, yes, but honestly, not that much. Escobar: Hah, well, I guess. Escobar sighs. Benjamin: Come on, now. You don't have to talk like that, you might be on your way to a promotion after this. This mission's just giving you a boost up. Escobar laughs. Escobar: That's if it all goes as planned. Schultz: Oh, don't be pessimistic. We want this to succeed as much as you do. Benjamin: Just go with the flow, it sure can't be too bad. You've done this before, right? Escobar: Well, not too much in Universal Tongue. Benjamin: Oh. Schultz: So that's why you're nervous. Escobar: Well, yeah. Benjamin: Come one, talk to me, I'd say I'm kinda fluent. Escobar: Uh, okay, um. [speaks in UT].. Translated to: "We come in peace?" Benjamin: Simple, but perfect, but, uh, what about a more complicated sentence. Escobar: Like? Benjamin: Anything, really. Schultz: Uh, we would like to negotiate our planet's safety against several unidentified extraterrestrial threats making their way towards our star system. Benjamin: Now that's a mouthful, don't you think? Escobar: Hehe, well. [speaks in UT].. Translated to: "We would like to negotiate this planet's spark from a few threats from space making their way towards the Solar System." Benjamin: [speaks in UT].. Translated to: "Safety." You messed up a pronunciation a little. What you said meant "spark," so you gotta keep that in mind. Even a small error could change a word's meaning, a lot. Escobar: Ah, well, let's hope I don't botch this up then. Benjamin: Oh, no, you're definitely better than the average fella. Don't be discouraged! You're good! Escobar: Hah, thank you. Benjamin: No prob. Schultz: Mhm, Ben? Benjamin: Oh, ah, yep. Uh, no change in course is needed. We'll be there in, uh, well, about right now. The thrusters power down as the pod begins drifting at a steady speed towards a massive structure ahead. The structure itself appears to be a wall stretching all the way across observable space and encompassing all sides. Constructed from a metallic surface with an immediately apparent artificial design, a single opening in the wall emits a strong beam of light. The craft moves towards it. Escobar: Woah. Benjamin: The end of the universe, literally. Did they brief you on this? Escobar: No, no they didn't. Well, actually they did, but I didn't think it'd look like… this. The pod moves towards the opening and enters it before activating landing protocols. The pod is successfully docked and the canopy is opened. All three exit the vehicle. Despite the black metallic appearance on the exterior of the wall, the interior is brightly lit and the floor, walls and ceiling are purely white with no blemish. Escobar: My god, this place… Schultz: Oh, it's gigantic. Benjamin: You haven't even seen half the place. Well, neither have we. Schultz and Benjamin walk to the side of the pod and open a storage hatch, retrieving their pulse weapons and arming them. Schultz: Well, let's not gawp too much Baylee, we still got a job to do. Escobar: Oh, yeah… yeah. Let's go. The two escort Escobar further into the structure at a steady pace. They're moving towards an entrance to a larger chamber located at the end of the room. Escobar: So, this Regulator, is here? Schultz: Says it always was, that's all we know really. Benjamin: It's big. Not comparably as big as this place, but still pretty big. Escobar: I've been told it's usually very calm, uh, collected. Easy to reason with? Benjamin: Would say so. It's never had that much of a temper, as far as I remember. Escobar: Well that's good to hear. Uh, personality-wise? Been told it likes— Schultz: Flattery. Escobar: Yeah, flattery. Benjamin: Oh, man. It loves it. I mean, it took such a liking to the last guy that came here, and now they've now got probability-messing gimmicks! Nothing ever happens to him aside from promotions! I think they're pretty high up now on the ladder right now. Escobar: Huh. Schultz: It is how it is. All right then. Here we are. You ready? Escobar takes a deep breath and looks up. She looks back down and nods. Schultz nods back, and pushes the door open. Inside the new chamber, all manner of old panels, terminals, buttons, and other unknown contraptions and devices are visible. Exhaust pipes continuously release a viscous dark fluid which rises up into the room's ceiling where vents actively collect the substance. Aside from the cluttered environment, in the centre of the room is a luminescent golden liquid on the floor, spilt, smeared and splattered across the floor. Beyond the puddle is a human figure, simply wearing a red and white striped shirt and pants, cutting a hole in the wall using what appears to be a pocket knife. They fold and place the knife in their back pocket and, grunting, push the wall aside, enlarging the breach. Schultz and Benjamin take a defensive position and train their weapons on the figure while Escobar appears to be in a state of surprise and confusion seeing the figure. The figure notices, and, with a look of alarm, hesitantly lift its hands up. Schultz: [speaks in UT].. Translated to: "Identify yourself!" Unidentified: Uh… hi. The figure nervously smiles and slightly waves at the three. Schultz: I said identify yourself! Who are you? Are you human? Unidentified: I, uh, I mean I don't want to tell you my name, but, uh, I'm human. So who are you? The figure, now fully facing the three, visually appears to be a man of South Asian descent and is of slim build. The front of their clothes is wet with what appears to be the aforementioned liquid on the floor. The same substance is on their face as well, though wiped off. Benjamin: What are you doing here? How are you even here. You haven't even got a suit on. Schultz: And more importantly, where is the Regulator? Unidentified: Uh, the Regulator? I don't know what you're talking about. Schultz hesitates for a moment and looks at Benjamin, who does the same to Schultz. Benjamin: It. Unidentified: It? Oh, it… uh, yeah, um, are you, by any chance, talking about him? The figure gestures towards the puddle on the floor. After a pause, an expression of shock appears on both agents' faces. The figure nervously chuckles. Schultz: You-you— Escobar: You're saying that you killed God? Unidentified: Well, I… I suppose so? There is silence for a moment. Unidentified: Aren't you guys, human too? How are you here? Schultz: We're asking that from— Schultz looks towards Escobar. Escobar: But why? Unidentified: What do you mean, "why?" Escobar: Why did you… kill… God? Unidentified: Oh, uh, well, that's the only way I could get out of this place? Escobar: This place? Unidentified: Yeah, here, this place, this universe. Escobar: And you killed God, to do it? Unidentified: Uh, yeah… Escobar: But, does that make you, God? Unidentified: I… don't know about that, actually. Escobar: But you killed it, right? That… puts you up on the top… and, well, we at least need you to take up its spot, for the benefit of everyone, this entire universe even. Unidentified: Oh, uh, sorry. I'm not, like, quite into this "God" business. Real sorry. Like, I've watched him for a while, doing his thing, I don't know something like paperwork. But, yeah, I honestly can't say I feel like I'd enjoy it. Besides, I have my own thing to be doing. Escobar: Ah, I see, well, all right. That's okay, but, could you at least tell me how you managed to… do it? Unidentified: What do you mean? Escobar gestures towards the puddle. Unidentified: Oh, well, I just did something that came to mind, you know. Like, nothing that special. But, you know, I always figured that God would have tasted better? There is a moment of silence. The figure subtly licks their lips. Unidentified: Well, then, uh, got to go! Escobar: No, wait— Schultz fires at the figure, however, they duck, causing the projectile to pass over their head, hitting the wall next to the breach. The wall is partially deformed from the impact. The figure runs towards the breach and jumps out into trans-universal space. Escobar runs towards the hole and peers outwards. Escobar: Shit. [END LOG] « SCP-7443 | SCP-7444 | SCP-7445 »
SCP-7446-D: The Mother of Gold Published on 19/July/2023 ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 7446-D Level1 Containment Class: Decommissioned Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: none Risk Class: none link to memo Assigned Site Site-73 Site Director Dir. Felipe West (Formerly) Research Head Dr. Avery Nesom Assigned MTF Epsilon-9 ("Fire-Eaters") Assigned Site Site-73 Site Director Dir. Felipe West (Formerly) Research Head Dr. Avery Nesom Assigned MTF Epsilon-9 ("Fire-Eaters") Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7446-D has been successfully decommissioned thus containment is not needed. The subject's remains have been stored at the site of its decommissioning while its containment chamber has been renovated and reused to contain a separate incendiary SCP subject. A Specialized unit of Mobile Task Force Epsilon-9 ("Fire Eaters") was previously assigned to track and contain the subject after any breaches. Said unit has since rejoined the primary force. Description: Prior to the subject's decommissioning the designation SCP-7446, now SCP-7446-D referred to a 5' 10 foot tall anomalous humanoid entity known to personnel as "The Mother of Gold1". The subject possessed human intelligence and was capable of speaking Portuguese, Tupi2 and basic English. At approximately 8:00 PM Brasília Standard Time every night a transformation event occurred in which SCP-7446-D would lose motor control of its body, but remain sentient before spontaneously combusting and forming into an approximately 3' foot wide spherical mass of flames that would levitate above the ground. This process was described by SCP-7446-D as being Extremely Painful and could not be prevented. While in its spherical state SCP-7446-D's temperature and speed would increase exponentially while moving to the nearest source of gold using the path of least resistance. Once SCP-7446-D reached gold the subject would increase its temperature until it was able to evaporate and destroy the gold if not already able to do so before repeating the process. At approximately 5:25 the subject would start to rapidly and slow and cool down before manifesting into its original form and regaining control of its body. Discovery: The first organized Foundation encounter with SCP-7446 occurred in 2020, when the Department of Cryptozoology tracked the subject to an abandoned prison camp formerly under the ownership of the Fifth Brazilian Republic and designated it as a UAO3. An initial containment team consisting of members of MTF Lambda-12 (“Pest Control") failed to contain the subject but was able to identify it allowing a second more specialized team consisting of members of Epsilon-9 ("Fire-Eaters") to move in. This second team successfully contained SCP-7446 using experimental Thaumaturgic4 weaponry which was authorized for use by one Felipe West upon the discovery of the subject's celestial nature. Following containment, the subject was transferred to Site-PT10 where it would be held until being moved to Site-73 for neutralization. Addendum 1 - Recovered SBP Document Overview: The following material is a document that was recovered from the Brazilian Superintendence for the Paranormal in 1992, following its merger with the Foundation. The document details a sighting of SCP-7446-D noted to have occurred in the same location. Foundation personnel contained the subject and the events within it have been verified by several persons that were present at the time. Access Addendum? Hide Addendum? BRAZILIAN SUPERINTENDENCE FOR THE PARANORMAL Commander Breno Borges Fortes DISTURBANCE REPORT, LABOR CAMP ÓMEGA NO.007 DISTURBANCE TYPE: Campsite Security Failure DATE OF DISURBANCE: 3/7/1986 OPERATIVES INVOLVED: 62 Campsite Staff, 25 Tactical Team Members NON-OPERATIVES INVOLVED: 120 Political Prisoners, 1 Paranormal State Enemy, Approximately 10 Armed Hostiles SUMMARY: Due to the arrival of a paranormal subject that would later be designated as State Enemy 385, riots broke out among the political prisoners within Campsite Ómega. The sudden nature of the event forced campsite staff to withdraw and contact a tactical team for assistance, allowing several prisoners time to organize against both the retreating staff members and State Enemy 385 and thus a chance to attempt to escape the camp. The arrival of the aforementioned tactical team was delayed by a group of hostiles thought to be affiliated with the SCP Foundation, presumably to buy their imprisoned personnel further time to escape in the chaos of State Enemy 385's attack. Upon the arrival of the tactical team most political prisoners and campsite staff had already died due to a fire and subsequent landslide caused by State Enemy 385. Some prisoners such as SCP Foundation Director Felipe West escaped due to further interference from the group of hostiles. Surviving prisoners were executed for their participation in the riot while surviving staff were reassigned as Campsite Ómega had to be condemned following the disturbance. State Enemy 385 was last spotted fleeing into a cavern nearby to Campsite Ómega carrying several bags of gold mined by prisoners as part of the camp's labor program. Tactical team members were unable to pursue as they were still evacuating surviving staff and attempting to extinguish the fires started by the State Enemy. Cover stories have been fabricated for the dead, including both specific prisoners depending on the circumstances of their confinement and all dead staff members, who have been buried in Brasília. Prisoners who were detained due to their familial relations with other prisoners and thus were declared missing prior to detainment have not had their deaths fabricated. OBSERVED PHENOMENA: State Enemy 385 transformed from a levitating sphere of flames into a humanoid shape upon their arrival at Campsite Ómega. State Enemy 385 manipulated the gold and rock around them, causing a landslide in the southern portion of the campsite that killed multiple staff members and prisoners, as well as one tactical team member. State Enemy 385 anomalously created a fire from its hands, which it used to ignite several buildings. ORDER AND PROGRESS Addendum 2 - SCP-7446's Decommissioning Proposal Overview: The following document was a proposal detailing the reasons for and the process of decommissioning SCP-7446 and has been released to Level C1 personnel by the Records Keeping and Security Administration of the SCP Foundation. It was later contested by the Board of Decommissioning before being manually approved by former Site Director Felipe West. Access Addendum? Hide Addendum? Decom. Proposal 7446 SCP Foundation Archived Document Released to personnel of Clearance Level C1 and above. Item #: 7446 Object Class: Euclid Proposal Writer Name and Clearance: Director Felipe West - Clearance B4 Supporting Personnel5: Daniel ███████ - Representing Scientific Department Interests Dimitri Strenlnikov- Representing Security Department Interests Benjamin Kondraki - Representing Administrative Department Interests Reason for Decommissioning: Ethical concerns, financial concerns. Containment Observations: 1. SCP-7446 is in a near-constant state of emotional distress due to the pain it experiences daily as well as the fact that it appears to be conscious during and after transformation events, in which it is forced to watch itself destroy blocks of gold (which it appears to have a deep emotional fondness too). Analysis shows the subject exhibits several symptoms of depression and PTSD. 2. The subject experiences extreme physical pain thrice on a daily basis, twice during its transformation event in which several of the subject's bones are dislocated and muscles ruptured. Additionally during the first of the subject's two aforementioned daily transformation events, the subject combusts causing burns. As of yet, no way has been found to prevent these events. 3. The cost of having to regularly send gold into SCP-7446's containment chamber each night is unsustainable for the Foundation as the subject prefers pure gold6 and will attempt to breach containment to find a purer source should it not be provided. Method of Decommissioning: Lethal Injection followed by Incineration. Date of Board Assessment: 9/21/1987 Addendum 3 - Email to Dr. West Overview: The following addendum is an email that was sent to Dr. West from Dr. Cimmerian several days prior to his tribunal hearing in relation to SCP-7446-D. Said email has prompted an investigation into the state of SCP-7446-D and if it should really be labeled as decommissioned. Said investigation is still underway. Access Addendum? Hide Addendum? To: noitadnuof.PiCS|tseWepileF#noitadnuof.PiCS|tseWepileF From: noitadnuof.PiCS|nairemmiChaimereJ#noitadnuof.PiCS|nairemmiChaimereJ Subject: Urgent - Internal Security And Ethics Questioning Dear Director West, It has come to the attention of the Ethics Committee and the Bureau of Internal Security that you recently approved the decommissioning of SCP-7446-D without first consulting the Board of Decommissioning, and for this reason you will be required to attend several interviews starting on the 10th at Seven AM. The topic of these interviews will to be discuss the above and subsequent actions as well as to determine if your case should be sent to the Internal Tribunal7. Your charges include a variety of topics the unauthorized use of Thaumaturgic weaponry during the subjects initial containment, which was suspected to be largely the cause of many of SCP-7446-D's defects. A separate investigation is being launched into those who signed off on your unauthorized proposal, with the exception of Dr. Daniel, due to his current detainment. On a personal note, I know Amanda's death was hard on you and I have a feeling that this is going to be sent to trial. Her death wasn't SCP-7446-D's fault; it was that of the Superintendence. It's not to late too redeem yourself. Dr. Nesom told me about his suspicions that you may have purposefully opted out of post-mortem observation following the Decommissioning. He suspects the subject is still conscious and not fully decommissioned, if that is the case I urge you to help. You don't have to end up like Daniel and Benjamin or worse live the rest of your life with guilt like Dimitri. Please, when the time comes, do the right thing. Regards, Dr. Jeremiah Cimmerian Footnotes 1. Portuguese: Mãe do Ouro 2. An aboriginal Brazilian language. 3. Unidentified Anomalous Organism 4. Thaumaturgy: The study of what is known to civilians as "Magic." 5. Must Be of Clearance C3 or Higher 6. In this case, gold of at least 99.14% purity. 7. The Internal Tribunal Department handles cases of possible protocol or ethical violations within the Foundation due to the fact that said violations cannot be handled publicly. SCP-7445 Decommissioning Department Hub SCP-7447
Item#: 7447 Level3 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: danger link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7447 is to be on suicide watch 24/7. Through observation of the anomaly's behaviour and his reaction to certain tests, it is not possible to kill SCP-7447 or cause permanent damage to the subject. An on-site Rapid Reconstruction team should be ready to be activated in case of a destructive SCP-7447 event for short notice re-containment. The present containment procedures are currently not a feasible or cost-effective way to contain SCP-7447. SCP-7447 is currently contained of his own volition. Due to the unpredictability of the anomaly's circumstances at any given moment, containment should instead focus on persuading SCP-7447 to remain in containment, as this appears to be the most effective method of containment thus far. SCP-7447 shortly before both he and the photographer were hit in the head with solid gold bars. Description: SCP-7447 is a 36-year-old man, of average build, named Raymond McConnell. He displays no anomalous properties himself, rather, surrounding SCP-7447 is what researchers dub a "Probability Inversion and Fluctuation Field" in which events that are normally unlikely to occur become likely to occur within the field. These events are either extremely destructive to the environment around or to SCP-7447 himself, or extremely beneficial to SCP-7447 in various ways. It is noted that a beneficial event will always precede a destructive event with the degree of benefit normally corresponding to the degree of destruction and vice versa. While SCP-7447 may be harmed during these events, the damage is never fatal even in the most extreme events. To this day, he has never failed to make a full recovery from all injuries sustained through non-anomalous means. Addendum.7447.1: Discovery SCP-7447 was brought to the Foundation's attention when locals in ███████ Tennessee reported a man who had won the lottery 3 times in 2 months, after which he was then placed on the potential reality bender watch list. He was placed into Foundation custody1 after he was observed to slip on a banana peel, causing him to fall next to a $100 bill, after which the bill was struck by lightning while leaving SCP-7447 unharmed. Amnestics were deemed unnecessary due to the nature of the event and the lack of harm to nearby civilians. Addendum.7447.2: Interview Log AUDIO LOG DATE: 17/05/2021 INTERVIEWER: Dr. Edward Poh SUBJECT: SCP-7447 »BEGIN LOG« Dr. Poh: Good morning Mr. McConnell. How are you doing this morning? I bet the incident earlier probably gave you a scare, so I got us some coffee to make you feel more comfortable.Dr. Poh: Okay…(pauses to write notes) so it seems you're not too bothered by almost getting struck by lightning today.Dr. Poh: Interesting, interesting. Has this been happening for a while now? Could you pinpoint when exactly all of these extreme circumstances started occurring?Dr. Poh: Hmm that's quite specific, do you happen to know how you developed your current condition? Did anything unusual happen around that ti-Dr. Poh: Excuse me?Dr. Poh: Okay… were you aware that-Dr. Poh appears distressed Dr. Poh gestures toward the security guards Dr. Poh: I-I'm not really sure what you are referring to no.SCP-7447 puts his hand on his forehead and looks down at the table Dr. Poh: I see. Dr. Poh gestures toward the security guards again Dr. Poh: Did she reveal to you her… true nature at some point?I've tried to kill myself but it never works! The rope will snap, the shotgun shell happens to be broke or the building I try to jump off is beside a goddamn bouncy castle. Oh my, I'm sorry for all this I really am. It just… (sighs) kinda crushes your soul to second guess everything you do. Several seconds of silence Dr. Poh (clears Throat) I see how that would trouble you. But we digress, do you have any control over the phenomena you experience in any way?SCP-7447 takes the two cups of coffee and pours them onto the table. The liquid in Dr. Poh's cup melts through the table2 while the liquid in SCP-7447's cup spills out as normal.3 Dr. Poh jumps away from the table in shock Dr. Poh: Jesus!SCP-7447 is moved to a different room where the interview continues. Dr. Poh: Apologies for the interruption. How about this, the organisation I'm a part of specialises in studying phenomena such as the one you are experiencing I believe we can help each other if you stay with us.Dr. Poh: Excellent! That concludes our interview and I'll be seeing you very soon. »END LOG« Researcher's Note: The subject seems to be less concerned about his well-being and more so with finding this "Lady Luck" character.4 Whether this is due to his goal outweighing his fear in this circumstance or if he knows he won't be killed for some reason is unknown. His nonchalant attitude to life-threatening, near-miss scenarios suggests the latter. That being said, given SCP-7447's mental state, I recommend psychological counseling for him before he does anything to endanger the site or the personnel. Addendum.7447.3: Test Log TEST/EVENT5 RESULT NOTES SCP-7447 rolls 2 twenty-sided dice The first dice rolled "1" while the other dice rolled "21". The second die was not altered by any means and was later found to have a misprint, where the "12" side was printed backward. Routine Full Body Scan SCP-7447 was shown to have multiple tumors in differing stages of cancer development and metastasis. However, SCP-7447's blood was shown to have multiple rare viruses which have the specific envelope protein such that it only infects the cancer cells. The subject's body is in perfect equilibrium as new cancer growths are appearing as quickly as the viruses destroy them. The tumors also seem to be destroyed before they can cause significant damage to SCP-7447's body. SCP-7447 throws darts at a standard dartboard from a distance of 2.37m, blindfolded The first dart lands on the center of the target. The second dart strikes the concrete wall. Unbeknownst to the researchers or the subject, a gas leak occurred in the testing chamber. The metal dart striking the concrete wall created a spark that caused a small explosion, setting SCP-7447's clothes on fire. The sprinkler system was activated to put out the fire but removed the subject's clothes, which had disintegrated. SCP-7447 only suffered minor 1st-degree burns. SCP-7447 attempts to wash his hands A small Australian Box Jellyfish drops through the faucet and onto SCP-7447's hand, stinging him. While there was no medication or antivenom immediately available to treat the sting, an instance of SCP-████ was held in a neighbouring containment cell. SCP-████'s fecal matter was shown to remove the effects of a Box Jellyfish sting if consumed. The actions done by the researchers and guards during this incident are undergoing Ethics Committee Review. SCP-7447 plays a 20-turn game of Mario Party™ Superstars for the Nintendo Switch with 3 other D-class personnel [REDACTED] An unacceptable loss of life, foundation resources, and a severe underestimation of the subject's capabilities. SCP-7447 abstaining from food for 1 week6 A trolley of ingredients from the cafeteria crashes through the observation window. The ingredients then mix together mid-air and land on the table creating Fettuccine Alfredo by pure chance. SCP-7447 hesitates and appears distressed before taking a bite, exclaiming "Fuck, it's delicious" before punching the wall, crying, and eating through half of the food on the plate before collapsing due to an Anaphylactic shock as the dish contained peanuts. SCP-7447 is currently in a coma due to the allergic reaction.7 While the subject is unconscious, the anomalous effects are still very much active as staff have been slipping on banana peels and finding valuable items while performing routine checkups on SCP-7447. This could be studied further. ADDENDUM.7447.4-7: LAXMI ENGINE PROJECT + Addendum.7447.8: Interview Log II - Addendum.7447.8: Interview Log II AUDIO LOG DATE: 20/09/2021 INTERVIEWER: Dr. Edward Poh SUBJECT: SCP-7447 FOREWORD: Two days after Incident-7447-A, SCP-7447 was taken for questioning. It is noted that SCP-7447 was previously in a comatose state for 12 days. Despite this, the subject has fully recovered after two days of rest and proper nutrition. Dr. Poh was chosen for this interview as he had conducted the initial recovery interview and served as the subject's therapist for an extended period of time. »BEGIN LOG« Dr. Poh: Hello Raymond. How are we feeling?Dr. Poh: You know it is quite miraculous that you recovered from that coma right?Dr. Poh: (short chuckle) It's great to see you joking more. It's a sign of your personal progress.Dr. Poh: Really? Do share your experience. I think it gives good feedback into what you're thinking.8Dr. Poh: You sound a bit hazy on the details but that's normal for dreams.Dr. Poh: I'm sorry to hear that Raymond.Short silenceDr. Poh: That's completely normal. Before my role in the Foundation, I had a short stint in a regular therapy clinic. I met a lot of post-divorce patients during my time there. Messy relationships tend to leave a lot of baggage for a lot of people.Dr. Poh: W-well I didn't say that. In fact from your stories, it seems the relationship was going pretty well.Dr. Poh: I suppose so too. Anyways, I should get onto the questions and not take up too much of your day.Dr. Poh: Hmm? Oh most likely. If she truly is Lady Luck then those kinds of deities live very long and considering your unique anomalies I suspect she's a deity of some kind.Dr. Poh: Probably. Anyways I have some questions for-Dr. Poh: Yes Raymond?Dr. Poh: Of course not! From our conversations, you seem like a pleasant person to be around, and from the way you talk about POI- um how you talk about her tells me that you really do love her. There is really no way of knowing why, save for asking her yourself.Dr. Poh: Can I share for a while, Raymond?Dr. Poh: Before Uni I really liked thinking about how people think and helping people out with their issues and making them feel better just really appealed to me. But in my second semester (scoffs) I was really in a terrible mindset and I almost quit part way. After that, I thought about the passion I had before I got into all of the nitty-gritty of studying and remembered what I loved to do, and just pushed forward.Dr. Poh: The point I'm trying to make is that we here in the Foundation can help you, if we just keep on the track we laid out. Dr. Poh: Well, once again I digress. I have a few more questions to ask yo- SCP-7447 stands up and begins shaking Dr. Poh's handsDr. Poh: I-uh no worries? May I ask what this is about?Dr. Poh: Pardon?Dr. Poh: Right. Okay. Um. Okay, Raymond, I need you to calm down and think about this.Dr. Poh: No that's not what I mean, or the point of the story (nervous chuckle), how do you even know how to get out of the site- Multiple small meteorites suddenly collide with the site at that moment, causing multiple containment breaches and the destruction of the wall of the interrogation roomSCP-7447 turns to leave through the destroyed wall Dr. Poh: Raymond wait! Dr. Poh slips on a banana peel SCP-7447 walks out of the site. As security personnel were occupied handling the other containment breaches, he was able to exit the site without issue SCP-7447 looks at the sunset»END LOG« - Addendum.7447.8: Interview Log II Footnotes 1. See addendum.7447.2 2. Security footage showed Assistant Gabris accessing SCP-294 where he entered "Acid that looks and smells like coffee". Later investigation found that he was an undercover member of The Chaos Insurgency. 3. This was found to be high-quality cold brew coffee taken from Dr. Adams' Flask. I should not need to remind my fellow researchers that it is rude to take homemade food from another researcher without asking. -Dr. Adams 4. Hereby referred to as POI-777 5. While some results listed were a result of intentional tests, others are events that occurred outside of testing which was noted down to show examples of SCP-7447's anomalous properties 6. This was a presumed suicide attempt where SCP-7447 had been disposing of his food in the toilet without the guards knowing 7. I sent a sample of the dish to Caretaker Tim Hyne and we both agreed it tasted amazing. Look forward to lunch at the site cafeteria on Thursday 8. Dr. Poh has already been briefed on incident 7447-A.
Rab333 it's cold out here. Also, more stuff by me! Item#: 7448 Level4 Containment Class: efla Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo Cluster of SCP-7448 cells. Object Class: Efla1 Special Containment Procedures: Twelve vials containing dormant SCP-7448 mutagenic cell compounds are flash frozen and stored in Site-23, with periodic checks to monitor, and if needed, restore cohesion to the aforementioned compounds. Documentation on the full process regarding the creation of the compound is available in extant documentation SCP-7448-3G8fD11. Description: SCP-7448 is a parabiological compound created in a joint effort led by the Department of Epidemiology and Microbiology in an attempt at facilitating near-unlimited regenerative capabilities in an affected individual. SCP-7448 was created by injecting a batch of pluripotent stem cells with CNSS2 paradrugs, Plerixaflor, and micro Hume RABs3 in order to induce near instantaneous cellular regeneration. Due to an as of then unknown conflict between the mixture of substances and the way RABs affect the human body, all of the test trial subjects have either expired or became nigh-indistinguishable from an expired state. Because of this, test trials for SCP-7448 have been stopped indefinitely, with the remaining vials being stored for archival purposes. Documentation regarding the trials centered around SCP-7448 can be found below. Addendum 7448.1 ARCHIVED TRIALS Test #1 Subject: D-39481 Procedure: Subject was administered a small (20ml) dose of SCP-7448, sedatives, and had a small incision made on their left forearm. Results: Wound healed during the course of a few seconds, with minimal side effects occurring. Samples of new skin and fleshy tissue revealed genetic makeup to be slightly different compared to the original cellular makeup of D-39481, possessing similarities to Pan troglodytes4 genes. Additional Notes: N/A Test #2 Subject: D-39481 Procedure: Subject was sedated, and had their left index finger amputated. Results: Finger grew back after a few seconds in a decayed state, displaying acute signs of Brachydactyly. Structural analysis of new finger revealed small similarities in structure to other primates closely related to the Homo Sapiens species. Additional Notes: N/A Test #3 Subject: D-39481 Procedure: Subject was sedated, then had their left arm amputated. Results: The arm of D-39481 failed to regenerate properly, forming a vestigial fleshy stump in its place. Subject, despite heavy sedative dosage, complained about severe pain even after the procedure. Additional Notes: Bigger dosage of SCP-7448 should be administered following this test. Test #4 Subject: D-20021 Procedure: Subject was administered full-body anesthesia, and had the right kidney amputated. Upon waking up, subject was administered a 75ml dose of SCP-7448. Results: Shortly after administration, D-20021 experienced partial reformation of the kidney. Subject's lower back, right lumbar region and right hypochondriac region were subsequently enveloped by a fleshy tumor. Analysis of tumor indicate presence of early, unknown proto-bacteriums and DNA of Homo neanderthalensis which seem to have undergone basic carcinisation. D-20021's motor functions were severely impaired due to this incident, requiring advanced care. Additional Notes: A finer dosage amount and small rehash of the formula might be needed. Test #5 Subject: D-55435 Procedure: Subject was administered full-body anesthesia, and had a partial heart removal procedure. 60ml of SCP-7448 was injected into D-55435 shortly afterwards. Results: Subject's heart began regrowing, along with skeletal muscle tissue growing in mass without signs of stopping. D-55435's muscle structure was determined to have similar characteristics to an array of different Hominidae5 species. Despite attempts to negate this, D-55435's body had grown to a final size of 19m2. Additional Notes: Brain testing still shows this guy is alive somewhere, in there, we think. At least. We should probably terminate the guy somehow, especially with his… size. It's cruel to leave him like this. Test #6 Subject: D-55435 Procedure: Subject was incinerated. An ECMD6 was linked to D-55435's brain tissue beforehand. Results: Due to the SCP-7448 compound still being active within the subject's bloodstream, incineration took 37 hours. Upon completion, subject revived, in a heavily emaciated and damaged state. Multiple features of D-55435 were incompatible with modern human biology, including a fibrous, beaked face, multiple vestigial fingers on both arms, and a musculature similar to late Homo Sapiens descendants. Subject could not walk, talk or move7, and possessed no apparent conscious ability. Additional Notes: N/A ECMD data available. Parse now? Processing... 2% … 19% … … 33% it's cold in here … 46% 49% Cold is subjective. Wouldn't you say? … … … It's dark. Not subjective. Subjective. was that the word maybe … … 58% what was my own Name? no Worries72.9% … … … i guess it's not needed … here.where here. 83% … … … … it's been so long. day 92.44820% … … 97% I Miss Missing … 99.32% the gray gray rock words dictionary spinning family a car ce ll s i don't remember what blue looks like 100% Since activation, subject has been conscious for 3.8 Billion Years. Footnotes 1. Efla anomalies are made and/or utilized by the Foundation. 2. Central Nervous System Stimulants. 3. Reality Accelerating Booster. 4. Common chimpanzee. 5. Great ape. 6. Elan Consciousness Monitoring Device. 7. Besides muscle twitches.
Item #: SCP-7449 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-7449's unique properties, containment is to be limited towards its occurrence and information relating to its existence. Foundation personnel unaffected by SCP-7449 are to cooperate with SCP-7449-B and are to facilitate the discovery or transportation of SCP-7449-A to SCP-7449-B, and are to not interfere until SCP-7449-A's termination. SCP-7449-B instances are to be administered Amnestics-74491 after SCP-7449 has ceased occurring. Foundation operatives assigned to SCP-7449 containment are to be rotated on a bi-annual basis. Personnel requesting re-assignment to other projects are to be accommodated, and given priority from regional Directors. Personnel with a history of sympathetic tendencies towards those under Foundation care are to be barred from assignment to SCP-7449. Foundation personnel are encouraged to avoid interacting with SCP-7449-B until SCP-7449-A's termination. This includes the viewing of media involving SCP-7449-B. To facilitate this, personnel are not allowed access to electronic or physical media produced by SCP-74490-B. Personnel that violate this will be reassigned to a different project, and assigned a specially trained Foundation psychologist until otherwise deemed capable of continuing work on SCP-7449's containment. Description: SCP-7449 is an anomalous phenomena affecting all sapient life within a specific geographic location corresponding to a legal administrative, governmental or legal boundary, with the exception of one individual, hereafter referred to as SCP-7449-A. SCP-7449's area of affect can range from local counties to the nation-state. When occurring, SCP-7449 will create an irrepressible compulsion, desire, need, or urge to eliminate SCP-7449-A among affected individuals (SCP-7449-B). Aside from this compulsion, instances are indistinguishable, physically and mentally, from their unaltered state. Often this compulsion will drive SCP-7449-B instances to put itself and others in physical danger. SCP-7449's mechanics are seemingly random and can occur at any time, although certain conditions have been considered more favorable to its appearance than others. SCP-7449-A selection is likewise random, lacking any pattern in background. SCP-7449-B will, aside from their desire to terminate SCP-7449-B, generally not act, unless the individual instances believes that by acting it will capture or terminate SCP-7449-A. If, after an amount of time (ranging from three months to six months), SCP-7449-A still has not been terminated, SCP-7449-B instances will cease attempting to physically harm SCP-7449-A immediately, and, instead, begin attempting to attract SCP-7449-A to the affected area for capture and termination. This manipulation ranges from simple threats to long term conspiracies to contrive SCP-7449-A's termination, even if said termination is contradictory to the SCP-7449-B's self interest. If SCP-7449-A is captured after this period, SCP-7449-B instances will not immediately terminate SCP-7449-A, but, rather, do so only on a specific date. This date corresponds to a locally celebrated holiday in the geographic area, and will usually incorporate SCP-7449-A as a central part of the cultural event. SCP-7449 will continue until SCP-7449-A is terminated by SCP-7449-B. If SCP-7449-A dies of other causes unrelated to SCP-7449-B, the next living biological relative becomes an instance of SCP-7449-A. There has been no recorded instance of SCP-7449 ceasing without SCP-7449-A's termination. Upon SCP-7449-A's termination, SCP-7449-B instances will fail to recollect the preceding events, or, if enough time has past to make this difficult, will otherwise fail to see the anomalous nature in them. Discovery SCP-7449 was discovered on December 31st, 1999, when it affected the city of New York. At 8:54 AM, local news was overridden by Mayor ██████ ███████ and his police force to give the following declaration: My fellow New Yorkers, Good evening. I hope that you are having as wonderful a holiday as the rest of us are, although, unfortunately, I have come to bring bad news - news too important to delay after the holiday, even one celebrating the beginning of the new century. There exists a threat to us today. Its not mystical or unseen. Its not even foreign. Its here, right at our shores. It may be right next to you, right now, sitting, looking, watching. You - I - we - know that fear better than anyone else. His name is Harry Nelson. He is a 19 year old man living at [REDACTED], second floor. He works at the gas station at [REDACTED] street, a little bit away from the public library, and he always keeps a nine millimeter handgun in his glove box. As we speak, the brave men and women of the New York City Police Department will be raiding his home, so that he can be killed, and so that we may all sleep a little more soundly at night. If you are seeing this, it is because we failed - and he has escaped. I speak to you, citizens, in a time of need: Harry Nelson is a thief, a criminal, a terrorist - a danger to the people. His death is the only way for this city to remain safe, to remain clean. I, as representative and sovereign of the people of New York, shall be suspending all statues as relates to assault and murder in relation to Harry Nelson's capture and death. All citizens are to cooperate with the New York City Police Department, renamed the New York City's Militia in light of the current crisis, and for the people to organize for the apprehension of this dangerous criminal. God have mercy on this city, and those who do it harm. At this, the Foundation, in collaboration with federal, state and international authorities2 to limit SCP-7449's affects. Despite this all activity ceased as the citizens of New York City attempted to locate and terminate 'Harry Nelson', including all economic, infrastructure, entertainment and political functions. Although threats of force were used, SCP-7449-B instances refused to cooperate. This only intensified as time continued, as all electrical, water, and heating infrastructure was abandoned in order to search the city for SCP-7449-A. Although authorities were able to turn them back on during the incident, it is believed around thirty individuals died from the lack of heat throughout the city. It was only on January 3rd, after four days of searching and a media blackout that SCP-7449-A was discovered returning from a vacation to Europe, and was entering the city when he was apprehended by the NYPD. He was subsequently executed on live television as a warning to other 'terrorists'. It was only then that the New York City New Years parade was allowed to occur. SCP-7449 Event Log 2/19/2002 — [REDACTED], Kentucky, United States of America: A small town of five hundred people, SCP-7449-A was assaulted outside of town and hanged on a sign post. SCP-7449-B instances responsible were unable to understand why Foundation operatives took SCP-7449-A down for burial. 8/1/2004 — [REDACTED], Schleswig-Holstein, Germany: A coastal town of 1000, SCP-7449-A was an elderly man who had been pushed down and could not get up. Several American troops were stationed near the elderly man, and were ordered by the Mayor and local commander to shoot anyone who attempted to help SCP-7449-A. When Foundation operatives were deployed to retrieve SCP-7449-A, they were repelled in the face of heavy resistance, ending in the deaths of three American soldiers and ten Foundation officers. SCP-7449-A died from being run over by a bulldozer the day after this battle, and only then was the Foundation able to intervene. 4/22/2005 — [REDACTED], Sakha, Russian Federation: A village of 90 people, primarily elderly. SCP-7449-A was a son of an SCP-7449-B instance, who had been invited by the later to his home after he had left home many years earlier. SCP-7449-A, believing it to be a form of reconciliation, was terminated in its parents home before its body was made part of the village spring festival. 12/19/2006 — Alabama, United States of America: Secretary of State █████ █████ of Alabama requested from the Governor, and Government, of Tennessee, the extradition of SCP-7449-A, a former Alabama citizens who had not lived in the State since 1939. If the State would not do so, the Secretary of State claimed that there would be 'devastation the valley has not seen since Sherman.' Despite threats from the federal government, the Legislature of Alabama was appropriating money for the State National Guard for an invasion until the Foundation applied pressure to Governor ███████ of Tennessee to extradite SCP-7449-A. SCP-7449-A was boiled in an steel bull near Birmingham, Alabama, in honor of the States' historically large deposits of iron. 7/4/2009 — Site-22, [REDACTED], [REDACTED]: During an inspection of Site-22, O5-11 was taken hostage by MTF-Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand"), in collaboration with Site-22 staff. MTF-Alpha-1 delivered a message to the O5 Council, describing O5-11's capture and situation, and demanding that, unless SCP-7449-A was handed over, O5-11 would be executed. SCP-7449-A was Dr. Allen Rizzo, a former researcher at Site-22. However, when handed over, O5-11, instead of being given over, stabbed SCP-7449-A forty-seven times, stopping at several points to allow MTF-Alpha-1's medical staff to resuscitated SCP-7449-A. When SCP-7449-A was terminated, O5-11 commanded MTF-Alpha-1 and Site-22 as a whole to "Stand down - we got our man!" O5-11, Alpha-1 and Site-22 as a whole are currently suspended following further investigation. Footnotes 1. A powerful Amnestic produced to target memories involving SCP-7449-A. Due to the nature of SCP-7449 the application of general amnestics is not viable for containment purposes, and thus requires specialized variants unique to the circumstances that can target specific memories. See 'On Establishing a Basis for Targeted Memory Erasure' by Dr. Pran Anand for more information 2. The United Nations Secretariat Building is located in New York City, NY, USA.
Item: SCP-7452 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: A 5*5*5 perimeter has been set around the house in order to avoid the effect of the house spreading through the world as it might cause CK-scenario. In case that happens, project TIME-BACK should be immediately applied to avoid it affecting the entire world. Description: SCP-7452 is house located [REDACTED], Arkansas. The house is in the middle of a forest. Right now, due to anomalous effect, the house has slowly become a time anomaly, causing it and everything around it slowly goes back in the past. Anyone that enters the perimeter, ages backward with the point of bigger effect being anything that tries to enter the house. However, as time has gone on, before Foundation set-up the field, it was slowly starting to affect roads, electricity and almost reached a town. Due to this, site [REDACTED] has been put in charge of controlling the backwards aging affect spread. Addendum: Addendum 7452-001- The Foundation was initially notified by [REDACTED] that a certain part of Arkansas was aging backwards. When agents were sent to the scene, where they found that road had disappeared, electricity cables had become trees and metal and even though investigation started on winter, certain trees had started blooming as if summer had come. After some more investigation, SCP-7452 was discovered to be the centre of these changes. Experiments logs: Object: A rotten apple Objective: Apple was throw at the house causing it to break into pieces. Results: After a while, the apple was pieced back together before, reverting back itself into a seed. Object: 2 D-Class Objective- The two D-Class were ordered to enter the house to test the effect it had on living beings Results: After 10 minutes of them entering the house, two foetuses appeared with strange writings on them. The following parts of the document are level 5 only. If you are seeing this, your security level has been verified and accepted by Foundation systems. Item: SCP-7452 Object Class: Archon Special Containment Procedures: Due to the help, it has given to the Foundation, apart from controlling the effects of its house, no one unless otherwise stated by the O5 council should attempt to contain it. Description: SCP-7452 is a being who refers to himself as Stagnancy, a millennium year old being and one of the foundation earliest allies. While few people have seen how it looks, from report's, it has been known to look like a white hand with a eye in the middle of it. Unlike its counter part SCP-7429, it seems to have the power to regress or keep time on a standstill. Due to this, in case of SCP-7429 abnormal activity, 7452 should be immediately contacted to help deal with it. Translation of the Tale of Two hands After the emperor evolved and destroyed all of it's enemies, it realized something. That the power of the hand of Evolution was too strong and that it's army was evolving too much. So, using the hand of stagnancy, it slowly reverted back all of it's soldier's to their initial state. However, due to how both hands had the exact opposite power a rivalry. So, when the emperor was finally killed, it gave the role to both of his hands to protect and keep the status quo of the next world. While the hand of stagnancy kept it's promise and would keep humanity under it's watch for million's of year's, the hand of revolution would go against it and would try to do everything to revert back all of the changes caused by the Emperor death < SCP-7451 | SCP-7452 | SCP-7453 >
Item#: 7454 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7454 is contained within Site-17's anomalous humanoid containment wing in a standard humanoid containment chamber furnished with all essential amenities. The chamber is to be fitted with no less than two (2) Scranton Reality Anchors which may be activated or deactivated dependent on SCP-7454's cooperation. SCP-7454's chamber is to be checked daily for any new additions, and said additions are to be removed pending disciplinary action and activation of SRAs SCP-7454 has agreed to only create new additions after a request is filed as part of its good behaviour conditions. All requests are to be reviewed solely by Dr. Iszth for approval or denial. SCP-7454 is currently cooperating with Foundation staff in exchange for psychological and gender-affirming treatment. As a part of this agreement, SCP-7454 has agreed to not utilise its abilities outside of its chamber and as such has been allowed limited free movement through the facility. Any infraction on this agreement may be met with revocation of applied benefits and activation of SRAs. Edit by Dr. Iszth: As of 07/08/2021, all staff interacting with SCP-7454 are to refer to them as 'Isaac' as a part of their containment agreement. Under no circumstances are any staff to refer to SCP-7454 as 'Aphrodite' or mention Aphrodite or SCP-7454's past to any degree. Any staff member doing so will face disciplinary action. Any Foundation member breaking this rule on a regular basis will face possible reassignment or potentially contract termination. This is not optional, people. These procedures are in place as a compulsory ongoing method of containment. If anyone refuses to comply, they will answer to me directly. I will not repeat myself.- Dr. Iszth Description: SCP-7454 is an entity currently taking the form of a fair-skinned male in their mid 20s. SCP-7454 has displayed the ability to warp reality to a significantly high degree, often using this ability to transform people and objects in its surroundings into fantastical alterations for its own amusement or when in an enraged state. SCP-7454 has shown full control over these abilities, whose full extent is currently unknown. SCP-7454 claims to be claims to have once been the Greek Goddess of love, beauty, and sex, known as 'Aphrodite', although SCP-7454 seems to reject this name and moniker, often reacting negatively when referred to as such. SCP-7454 suffers from a number of disorders such as depression, substance abuse, bipolar disorder, and gender dysphoria. It is currently presumed that the majority of these issues are a result of the established identity and worship of 'Aphrodite' clashing directly with SCP-7454's preferred identity, appearance, and gender. Addendum-7454-A: Discovery and Capture SCP-7454 was encountered during a routine surveillance operation in the township of A████, Nebraska U.S.A. on 21/07/2021. The town held a long-standing pagan belief system influenced by an encounter with an anomalous PoI. A single agent was embedded in the township to report any anomalous occurrences, of which there had been none reported before the encounter with SCP-7454. Note: SCP-7454 apparently has no relation to the PoI in question, and its arrival in A████ seems to be purely coincidental. RECOVERY LOG: SCP-7454 21/07/2021 Foreword: Agent Samuels was embedded in the township of A████ to follow up on any occurrences brought about by interaction with an anomalous PoI. The township had recently begun celebrating "Aphrodisia1" with the entire community engaging in festivities involving feasting, revelry, and displays of love and affection. Agent Samuels participated in the festival for one hour before the first sighting of SCP-7454. Note: The following timeline of events was pieced together from footage from security cameras, phones, and Agent Samuels' body cam, as well as from first-hand accounts. [BEGIN LOG] 11:32:00 The Festival begins with crowds gathering to watch parades of fancifully-dressed performers march through the street. Music is playing constantly along with petals and flowers being tossed across the parade. The crowd appears to be enjoying the festivities and feasting. 12:38:21 SCP-7454 is first spotted walking down a side street towards the town centre. Its gait is uneven, indicating heavy intoxication. It appears dishevelled and is drinking from a bottle in a brown paper bag. 12:42:32 SCP-7454 enters the town square and pushes through a crowd of onlookers and into the middle of the square where a sculpture of Aphrodite covered in flowers and wreaths is being prayed to. 12:44:12 SCP-7454 takes a large drink from the bottle (presumed to be alcoholic) before unzipping its pants and urinating on the statue's legs between two worshippers. 12:45:01 The crowd moves away from SCP-7454 as two large men walk up to and attempt to speak to SCP-7454 with the apparent intent to stop the disruption. 12:45:53 SCP-7454 pushes the men away before climbing up onto the sculpture, hanging from its neck. SCP-7454 then proceeds to shout over the crowd saying "Look at you all, praying to some chick like she gives a shit about your problems! But hey I can hardly blame you, she's got some pretty nice tits!" before throwing the bottle at one of the men, hitting them in the groin area before they fall over. 12:47:23 The music is stopped and the crowd is now centred around SCP-7454, along with Agent Samuels, as police and onlookers attempt to get SCP-7454 down from the sculpture. 12:52:21 After failing to remove SCP-7454 from the sculpture, the crowd has begun to yell and throw objects at SCP-7454. SCP-7454 responds by shouting "Fine, you want a real party? Let's party!" before snapping its fingers, resulting in a flash of light. 12:53:59 The statue suddenly begins to move and appears to now be made of flesh. It stands up as SCP-7454 jumps off onto the podium where it stood. The statue stands looking over the crowd which is now silent. 12:57:23 The statue lets out a loud noise akin to a burp before vomiting a torrent of liquid (determined to be red wine) onto the onlookers. The crowd begins screaming and scattering. SCP-7454 throws a shoe at the speakers built into the podium, causing them to play 'Footloose' by Kenny Loggins on loop. It is at this point that Agent Samuels calls in for backup. 13:04:21 The crowd continues to run about in confusion as the present police force move in to apprehend SCP-7454. SCP-7454 points to a nearby petting zoo, causing dozens of chickens to transform into large chicken-human hybrids. These entities then run into the police officers, biting at their posteriors. Several shots are fired, none of which stop the chicken creatures. 13:06:43 SCP-7454 dances through the wine pouring from the statue entity and kicks a football into a nearby building. The building suddenly turns into a gelatinous pink material with several individuals caught inside2. 13:08:42 Three more officers rush SCP-7454. One officer draws their service pistol and orders SCP-7454 to freeze. A large pile of snow manifests from an unknown source above the officers and falls on them, burying two of them and rendering them incapacitated. 13:08:59 SCP-7454 pulls the remaining officer close and kisses them on the lips. When the officer pulls away, they spontaneously liquify into a puddle of blue fluid. The puddle still retains the officer's face in its centre mass, which lets out a gargling scream when it is washed away by the torrent of wine. 13:10:32 Agent Samuels runs into the square as people rush to the side streets, running from the chicken entities. The statue entity attempts to stand but slips on the wine flooding the streets and falls back into the food banquet. 13:10:21 SCP-7454 takes notice of people fleeing and points to a street filled with civilians. SCP-7454 makes a gun firing motion as all the civilians' clothes are blown off. The clothes then animate and begin running after people still wearing clothes and attempting to remove them. 13:13:12 Agent Samuels aims their gun at SCP-7454 and attempts to fire, but instead [REDACTED] begins to spray from the barrel. Agent Samuels tosses the gun away as SCP-7454 can be heard saying "Aww, it's okay, love, happens to the best of us" and taking another drink out of a new bottle of alcohol (it is unknown where SCP-7454 obtained this bottle). 13:14:01 Agent Samuels attempts to rush SCP-7454 but trips over a chicken entity. SCP-7454 laughs and yells an obscene joke about 'falling for [REDACTED]' and turns its attention to the cake on the smashed banquet table. 13:17:21 SCP-7454 prods the cake with its finger, causing it to grow into a 2-metre-tall humanoid entity made of cake. The entity then moves over to Agent Samuels and says "This should be a piece of cake" before lunging at Agent Samuels who engages it in hand-to-hand combat. 13:18:01 The large statue entity can be heard snoring and is presumed to be unconscious. People can be seen chasing their clothes through the streets as an animate wooden horse (of unknown origin) chases after another police officer while making robotic neighing noises. SCP-7454 moves to a back alley behind the banquet table and out of sight. 13:20:21 Agent Samuels gains the upper hand against the cake entity and manages remove both its legs and arms, rendering it immobile. The cake entity is heard saying "Alright, we'll call it a draw," before Agent Samuels moves to look for SCP-7454 A detachment of agents arrives at the scene at this point and moves to help contain the situation. Around 50 gelatinous entities emerge from the transformed building and charge the agents. The agents respond by opening fire. 13:23:02 Agent Samuels moves to the alley where SCP-7454 was seen leaving, tripping over a swarm of chicken entities, kicking several to the side. The entities can be heard screaming as they were kicked. 13:25:21 The agents have managed to dispatch the gelatinous individuals with relative ease and rush through the crowd of nude individuals and chicken hybrids to where Agent Samuels is standing. Together they enter the alleyways. 13:26:12 The agents discover SCP-7454 unconscious in the alleyway. SCP-7454 has a bottle in its hand and its pants around its ankles. It is thought SCP-7454 passed out while urinating. 13:44:54 SCP-7454 is detained. Agents return to round up civilians and terminate or capture any anomalous entities remaining. Cleanup crews are dispatched and civilians are amnesticised. 13:46:52 SCP-7454 is moved to the closest SCP facility in R████. [END LOG] SCP-7454 was placed in a temporary containment chamber fitted with a portable Scranton Reality Anchor before it could be moved to a more permanent location. Addendum-7454-B: Interview Logs SCP-7454 awoke approximately 18 hours later in a state of confusion. After being informed that it was detained for the incident, SCP-7454 proceeded to abuse Foundation staff. While it is presumed that SCP-7454 attempted to use its powers to cause another incident, it would seem that the effects of the SRA implemented in its chamber (in addition to SCP-7454's extremely hungover state) prevented any effects from manifesting. During standard intake procedure, SCP-7454 claimed that they did nothing wrong due to the festival 'being a festival in their name'. When questioned further on this SCP-7454 did not elaborate; however, it was inferred from this interaction that SCP-7454 was claiming to be the Greek Goddess 'Aphrodite'. In light of this, Dr. Iszth, a researcher under the Department of Mythology and Folkloristics, was tasked with interviewing SCP-7454 in an attempt to learn more. Interview SCP-7454-1 Date: 22/07/2021 Interviewer: Dr. Iszth Subject: SCP-7454 Notes: SCP-7454 was relatively cooperative with Foundation staff following the intake procedure. The extent of SCP-7454's abilities was still unknown at this time, so several precautions had been taken to ensure that any reality bending effects would remain minimal. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Iszth: This is Dr. Iszth, Department of Mythology and Folkloristics, conducting an interview of anomalous humanoid SCP-7454. SCP-7454 was discovered during routine surveillance of the township of A████. How are you feeling, SCP-7454?Dr. Iszth: Apologies, it's part of the job. Would you prefer if I called you Aphrodi- [At this point, the containment chamber begins to shake as SCP-7454 glares at Dr. Iszth. It is possible that the portable SRA may only partially dampen SCP-7454's reality-bending abilities, which are amplified when SCP-7454 is in an emotional state.] Dr. Iszth: Noted… perhaps for now we will refer to you with the moniker of 'Subject'. [The shaking ceases as SCP-7454 looks away]Dr. Iszth: Very well. Now tell me, Subject. Why were you in the township of A████ yesterday?Dr. Iszth: Baked goods?Dr. Iszth: Right… and the giant naked woman and chicken people?Dr. Iszth: And you definitely weren't attempting to ruin the festival at all, right? [SCP-7454 leans forward over the desk]Dr. Iszth: SC- Subject, please try to calm down. We're just trying to understand who and what you are. We don't want any more incidents to occur.Dr. Iszth: Right, so you claim to be the Greek Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, correct?Dr. Iszth: But that's what you claimed, didn't you? You claimed you were the one they set up the festival for, that would be Aphrodite, am I right?Dr. Iszth: Why? Do you really hate the name 'Aphrodite' that much? [SCP-7454 lunges across the desk towards Dr. Iszth who manages to back away as armed guards enter the room to subdue SCP-7454. Dozens of large beetles3 crawl out from inside Dr. Iszth's coat which they promptly remove. These beetles were later captured and determined to be non-anomalous, albeit abnormally large. They are believed to originate from SCP-7454.] [END LOG] In light of the previous incidents, SCP-7454 was moved to a more permanent containment chamber fitted with two stationary Scranton Reality Anchors to prevent the effects of SCP-7454's abilities. After three days in containment with no further incidents, SCP-7454 was asked to conduct another interview with Dr. Iszth. SCP-7454 had seemingly calmed down after the outburst and agreed. Interview SCP-7454-2 Date: 26/07/2021 Interviewer: Dr. Iszth Subject: SCP-7454 Notes: Despite the previous incident and the dangers present, it would appear that SCP-7454 was unable to overpower the combined effects of two concurrent SRAs. In light of this, Dr. Iszth was allowed to continue interviews with armed supervision. Dr. Iszth: This is Dr. Iszth, conducting a follow-up interview with SCP-7454. SCP-7454 has agreed to be referred to as 'Subject', and will be referred to as such for the rest of this interview. So, Subject, feel better after your little tantrum?Dr. Iszth: Oh? It was my understanding that you were struggling to overcome our countermeasures. Is that not true?Dr. Iszth: We'll have to see, then, won't we? [Both SCP-7454 and Dr. Iszth are silent for two minutes.] Dr. Iszth: Alright look, maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I am simply here to gain a clear understanding of the situation, but if you continue to react negatively to me asking questions about your past, then these interviews are going to take forever. [SCP-7454 lets out a deep sigh and hangs its head.]Dr. Iszth: Right. So firstly, are you the Greek Goddess Aphrodite? [SCP-7454 visibly recoils]Dr. Iszth: Okay, why were you at the festival in A████?Dr. Iszth: They were there to worship you though, weren't they?Dr. Iszth: So you don't agree with this portrayal?Dr. Iszth: Family? Do you mean the other gods?Dr. Iszth: So you decided to leave and change yourself to fit a new image closer to who you wanted to be, and yet the world still saw you as this goddess of feminine beauty. Your followers refused to accept the fact that the body they worship was transgender and instead chose to ignore your preferred gender identity in favour of this image.Dr. Iszth: You mean you don't-? I expected you of all people would know what transgender means. Well, in any case, have you tried to change your family's point of view?Dr. Iszth: Library? Wait-Dr. Iszth: Your son-Dr. Iszth: I-… Mary? [SCP-7454 slams its fist on the desk before continuing.][SCP-7454 begins to cry before grabbing at its hair and laying its head on the desk. Both Dr. Iszth and SCP-7454 are silent for three minutes.] Dr. Iszth: I think we should end this here for today, don't you agree, Subject? [SCP-7454 does not respond.] Dr. Iszth: Alright, this is Dr. Iszth concluding the second interview with SCP-7454. [END LOG] Due to the continued hostility of SCP-7454, its containment chamber was kept under the constant effects of the SRAs. Due to the latent issues inherent in utilising this technology for extended periods, it is suggested that a more permanent solution be pursued as soon as possible. Continued interviews are to be conducted with the eventual goal of simpler containment methods. Interview SCP-7454-3 Date: 28/07/2021 Interviewer: Dr. Iszth Subject: SCP-7454 Notes: SCP-7454 had not shown any ability to overcome the implemented containment procedures even when enraged. As such, Dr. Iszth was allowed to continue with the interviewing process with less supervision, although an armed presence was still recommended. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Iszth: This is Dr. Iszth, performing a third interview with SCP-7454. How are you feeling today SCP- sorry, Subject.Dr. Iszth: Care to elaborate?Dr. Iszth: Uh huh… and why is that?Dr. Iszth: I see… so the effects of the SRAs seem to be taking a toll on you physically.Dr. Iszth: Never mind. Let's see if we can come to some kind of agreement that benefits us both, yes? If you cooperate with me today and in future, then perhaps we can update your protocols so the effect is lessened or maybe even removed.Dr. Iszth: Alright, so, we've established who you are and where you came from, but I want to hear more about your family.Dr. Iszth: If I'm correct, your family is just as powerful as you, if not more so. This makes them highly dangerous anomalies that we cannot allow to run amok. Do you know where they might be located currently?Dr. Iszth: Okay, do you know what they're capable of?Dr. Iszth: Sure, and how many of them are there?Dr. Iszth: You said you would cooperate, Subject. I can't do anything for you if you don't give me something.[SCP-7454 places its head in its hands and groans.]Dr. Iszth: I can't do that. Your abilities are dangerous and if we were to deactivate the SRAs you could potentially escape and cause more problems. If you cooperate, we might be able to help, but like I said we need more.Dr. Iszth: I'm… sorry, Subject, but we can't- [SCP-7454 collapses out its chair and onto the floor. Blood is pouring from its nose and it appears unresponsive.] Dr. Iszth: Subject? Subject, can you hear me? Aphrodite? Shit, get medical in here now! [END LOG] After SCP-7454 collapsed, medical teams were rushed to the containment chamber in order to administer emergency medical care. Dr. Iszth instructed staff to immediately deactivate the SRAs containing SCP-7454 against procedure. After the SRAs were deactivated, SCP-7454 remained in a comatose state for roughly one week before awakening. Upon awakening, Dr. Iszth was immediately contacted to perform an interview. Interview SCP-7454-4 Date: 4/08/2021 Interviewer: Dr. Iszth Subject: SCP-7454 Notes: SCP-7454 had been receiving medical care within its containment cell when it awoke. Dr. Iszth was contacted and immediately moved to conduct an interview with SCP-7454 under heavy supervision of armed guards. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Iszth: Hello, Subject. Are you feeling any better?Dr. Iszth: They're here in case you decide to do anything rash. We have deactivated the SRAs temporarily to help you recover, but if you attempt to use your abilities in any way they will be reactivated, understand?Dr. Iszth: Subject, listen, we might be the big scary government organisation here but we're not out to make your life a living hell. Our goal is to simply secure, contain, and protect the anomalous in order to preserve the world from chaos. Right now, you are cooperating with us so we don't need to activate the SRAs. If you continue to do this then we can keep them offline.Dr. Iszth: Cooperate, it's that simple. Don't use your abilities without authorisation and stay within the confines of the facility.Dr. Iszth: That's it.Dr. Iszth: Very well. I will update your containment procedures to reflect this new agreement. Remember this is contingent on you not utilising your abilities.Dr. Iszth: Excellent. Once you've recovered we'll schedule more interviews. [Dr. Iszth stands and moves to leave][Dr. Iszth stops and turns to SCP-7454] Dr. Iszth: Yes?Dr. Iszth: Oh, well, it means you identify as a different gender to the one you were assigned at birth. It's a fairly common occurrence among the population. Nowadays the world has a lot deeper understanding of transgenderism and gender identity.Dr. Iszth: Yes, it's the gender you feel you are as a person, rather than the one you physically appear as or are treated as. Although those aren't mutually exclusive, of course. [SCP-7454 remains silent] Dr. Iszth: Is there anything else, Subject?Dr. Iszth: Very well, I'll conclude this interview. [END LOG] After the previous interview concluded, SCP-7454 remained cooperative with Foundation personnel even without utilising SRAs to inhibit its abilities. Following the discussion with Dr. Iszth, SCP-7454 asked for materials pertaining to transgenderism and gender identity; in light of its good behaviour, this was summarily granted. After three days in recovery, SCP-7454 requested another interview with Dr. Iszth, which was granted. Interview SCP-7454-5 Date: 07/08/2021 Interviewer: Dr. Iszth Subject: SCP-7454 Notes: SCP-7454 has requested this interview and has been cooperating with Foundation staff more readily after the last interview. It is recommended that mutual cooperation should remain the goal in light of the SRAs' effects on SCP-7454 and the inherent complications of long-term usage. Dr. Iszth: This is Dr. Iszth participating in a requested interview by SCP-7454. SCP-7454 will be referred to as 'Subject' for the entirety of this interview. Hi Subject, how are we feeling today?Dr. Iszth: You're not sure? Why is that?Dr. Iszth: Did the materials provided help in any way?Dr. Iszth: You can call me Riley.Dr. Iszth: Oh, that's really good to hear, Subject. I'm happy for you.Dr. Iszth: Well, in your case I imagine it's even more likely to cause distress considering the literal state of worship, but can I suggest something?Dr. Iszth: Why don't you instead leave it behind? Abandon the idea and identity of her completely and make a new one for yourself?Dr. Iszth: How about a name?Dr. Iszth: Yes. Think about a name that fits you better than your dead name, and introduce yourself as that. Hardly anyone actually 'knows' you as a person other than your family, so if you begin to build a life as yourself instead trying to change the world's views, then perhaps you can live a life you want to instead of being trapped by this old and outdated image. [SCP-7454 remains silent.] Dr. Iszth: Listen, as I've said before we might be the government agency type, but we're not so cold and foolish as to make our jobs harder and cause you undue suffering over something so trivial as a name. If you continue to cooperate with us like you have been, we may be able to provide the support you need to begin transitioning. [SCP-7454 remains silent] Dr. Iszth: Subject? [SCP-7454 lays its head on its arms and begins to cry. Dr. Iszth breaks protocol and moves to the other side of the desk to speak with SCP-7454; they are later reprimanded for this action.] Dr. Iszth: Look, we here at the Foundation have access to a wide variety of specialists in every field. Say the word, and provided you continue to cooperate with us and our goals, I can provide you with regular meetings with a Gender Specialist who can help you transition properly. [SCP-7454 continues to cry and lifts its head up to look at Dr. Iszth.] Dr. Iszth: Would you like me to make the call? [SCP-7454 wipes the tears from its face and nods in agreement.] Dr. Iszth: Alright. [Dr. Iszth smiles at SCP-7454, and moves back to the other side of the desk.] Dr. Iszth: I'll arrange for you to see a regular specialist and update your procedures so that no mention of Aphrodite will be made in reference to you or around you. The SRAs will remain disabled and you will be given limited freedom around the facility so long as you do not manifest your abilities, understood? [SCP-7454 nods in agreement.] Dr. Iszth: Perfect. I am glad you called for this interview today, Subject. Hopefully we can continue working together going forward.Dr. Iszth: Pardon?[Dr. Iszth smiles again before moving to leave] Dr. Iszth: It was nice speaking with you, Isaac. I'll see you when we organise a time for another Interview. [END LOG] Following the interviews, SCP-7454 was scheduled for regular meetings with both Dr. Iszth and Dr. Hannigan, an experienced Gender Specialist hired by the Foundation. No further major incidents involving SCP-7454's reality-bending abilities have been recorded, and Dr. Hannigan reports SCP-7454 has made steady progress in its treatment. Footnotes 1. A celebration focused on Aphrodite, celebrating all aspects of the Goddess with an entire month of festivities. 2. These individuals were later freed and were apparently able to breathe despite being fully encased. 3. Later identified as Lygaeus saxatilis or 'Cretan Soldier Beetles'. « SCP-7453 | SCP-7454 | SCP-7455 »
close Info X by AnActualCrow & JakdragonX ⚠️ Content warning: Self-harm. ⚠️ content warning From: Jason Ridely (j.ridely@05overwatch.scp) To: Charles Wadeson (c.wadeson@psite-188.scp) CC: SCP-7455 Research Team (7455@psite-188.scp); Subject: RE:RE:RE: Database Alarm/Documentation Update (IMPORTANT!) Hello Team, As mentioned in our earlier discussions, an automated alarm has been activated due to several incomplete SCP-7455 drafts in our database. Timestamps indicate that this slot hasn't been touched in months, despite Overwatch being told otherwise. Superiors have escalated this as an immediate priority as we are unable to de-activate the database alarm without these files. Please have a member attach all available documentation to this email as soon as possible. Thank you in advance. NOTE: Per standard protocol, please also add an appropriate voice memo of confirmation to a new email and forward it to this chain. scp_7455.zip (Unzipped) This file should be available to staff members level 3 or below who are unaffiliated with Provisional Site-188. Do not include this note when providing SCP-7455-related documentation. SCP-7455 ██ █ ████ ██ █████████ ███ █████ ██ █████, ██████ █████ ███████ abnormal parasitic behavior. A colony of SCP-7455 ███████ ██████ ██ █████████ ███████ ███ ██████████ █████ ██ ███ ████ ███ entering the skull (███████ ██ █████, ████ █████████ █████ █████ ██ ████████). Once inside the skull, ████████ █████ ████ ████████ ████ ███ █████ █████ ██████ █████ ██ ███ ████ ████████ █████████. ████ ████████ ███ ████ ████ ███████████ ██████, ███ still allows automatic functions such as breathing and consciousness. ████ ████ ███████ ████████ █████ ███████, █████ ████████ ████ ██ █████ ████ ███ ██████ ███████████ ██████. ███ ███████████ ██████ allows access to the spinal cord, █████ ██ ██████████ ██ ███████ ██████ ██ ███████ ███ ██████ ████████. ██ ████ █████, the host has been fully infected, and is reclassified as an instance of SCP-7455-1. SCP-7455-1 instances ████ ███████ ██ ███████ ███ ██████ █████ ███████, blend into human society, and discreetly infect others. █████ ██████████ █████████ ███ ███████ ██ ██████████ ████ █████ █████████, ████ ███ incapable of replicating complex motor functions. █████ ███████ (███ ███ ███ ███████ ██) speaking, writing by hand, and operating motor vehicles. ███████ █████ ███████████, ██████████ █████████ ███ still able to understand ████████ ███ ████ on keyboards. < 20:49 > Researcher Doyle is present at her workstation. She swallows a pill with some coffee. < 01:04 > Researcher Doyle is asleep at her workstation. < 01:19 > Researcher Doyle wakes up. She rubs her nose with considerable effort. Camera footage is unable to determine if there is blood on her finger. < 01:20 > Doyle forcefully opens a desk drawer and begins searching through its contents. < 01:22 > After throwing the majority of the drawer's contents to the ground, Doyle retrieves a metal key. She is unable to hold the key between her fingers, accidentally dropping it into the drawer and onto the floor several times. Doyle puts the key in her palm and balls her hand into a fist. She appears to yell. < 01: 23 > Doyle gets out of her chair, placing her hand on the desk to support herself. She shuffles into the hallway with considerable effort. Yelling continues. Doyle begins to move towards the wall-mounted alarm system at the other end of the hallway, leaning against the wall for support. < 01:25 > Doyle loses her balance and falls onto the linoleum floor, dropping the key. It comes to a stop at the center of the hallway. Doyle appears to momentarily pause and yell. She crawls along her belly and retrieves the key before crawling back to the wall. < 01:26 > Doyle reaches the alarm system. A button is encased in clear plastic, which can be removed using her key. She holds the key with both hands, propping herself against the wall with her head and left shoulder. With great difficulty, she attempts to insert the key into the keyhole. Due to hair falling over her face, camera footage is unable to determine if she is sobbing. < 01:27 > The key is partially inserted into the lock. Researcher Doyle is no longer yelling. Researcher Doyle has stopped moving. < 01:35 > Researcher Doyle's left shoulder twitches. < 01:41 - 01:49 > Starting from the head and continuing down the body, several muscles tense and release in succession. Doyle does not lose balance. < 01:49 > Doyle steps back from the wall, maintaining her balance. Her body language no longer appears distressed. She retrieves the key from the lock, returning to and reorganizing her workstation. < 01:50 > Doyle returns to work, occasionally pausing to wipe tears off of her keyboard. Her eyes briefly glance towards an ant crawling along her monitor. < 01:58 > Doyle clocks out and exits Provisional Site-188. Afterword: Doyle's whereabouts following this event are unknown. MRI scan of a deceased SCP-7455-1 instance. Separately quarantining civilians at Provisional Site-188 has become unsustainable. To help preserve space, civilians who have been quarantined for over 3 days and exhibit no symptoms of SCP-7455 infection are to be quarantined together. Hover to enlarge. Michael Crooner, an SCP-7455-1 instance, has been frozen alive at Provisional Site-188 for further research. Crooner was identified as an SCP-7455-1 instance after he was arrested for entering a hospital while holding a bloody paring knife in his right hand. While the reason ████████ guided Crooner to the hospital is unknown, it was likely to treat the multiple lateral cuts which had removed almost all of the skin on his left arm. These cuts exposed 160 ████████ ████, which ████ █████ Crooner's blood vessels to █████ ████ ███ out of open wounds. Michael Crooner's health records do not indicate a history of self-harm prior to this incident. However, they do state that Crooner is a diagnosed insomniac. Persons in or near Valdez, Alaska who become suddenly and unexpectedly mute are to be considered SCP-7455-1 instances and immediately terminated via fumigation. Persons in or near Valdez who suddenly experience formication1 will inevitably become SCP-7455-1 instances, and are to be terminated via fumigation. Corpses of persons who exhibited either of the above symptoms prior to death are to be fumigated. Persons sleeping in the same household as a fumigated person/corpse are to be separately quarantined in Provisional Site-188 until further notice. Due to Valdez's small and isolated population, Foundation monitoring of Richardson Highway and Port Valdez has been effective in controlling travel in and out of the township thus far. However, this is subject to change over time as Valdez's population increases and its city limit continues to expand. Foundation personnel are additionally reminded that SCP-7455 is of no significant threat to Provisional Site-188's current status. Several carpenter ants were found within Provisional Site-188 after two consecutive days of heavy rain. It is unknown whether this was coincidental or related to SCP-7455. Attempts to seal Provisional Site-188 are still ongoing. Foundation monitoring of local stores has also detected a dramatic increase in insecticide purchasing. Automated Foundation security systems have flagged p.doyle@psite-188.scp for suspicious activity. As per standard protocol, the account has been temporarily suspended. Please manually review its most recent sent messages, determine whether the account has been hacked or otherwise compromised, and report your findings to the Foundation Digital Securities Office. The sooner you complete this, the quicker security breaches can be detected. From: Perri Doyle(pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p#pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p) To: Susanne Nguyen(pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s#pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s) Subject: Call Tonight I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to call tonight. I've really been swamped with work. I can't tell you the details, but things have been getting a little scary. The team's been doing everything we can, but it's starting to feel like we're going to need an extraction team to pick us up. Sorry, I'm scaring you. Things are going to be fine. I'm hoping I'll be able to call tomorrow. Love, Perri From: Perri Doyle(pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p#pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p) To: Susanne Nguyen(pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s#pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s) Subject: Call Tonight I'm still not getting the best sleep, but being able to talk to you every night has really helped calm my nerves. I should be able to call again tonight. Same time as usual :) Love, Perri From: Perri Doyle(pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p#pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p) To: Susanne Nguyen(pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s#pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s) Subject: Call Tonight Hoping to hear some good news from you tonight. I could really use it right now. Then again, I guess being able to call you is already good news. Talk to you soon! Love, Perri From: Perri Doyle(pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p#pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p) To: Susanne Nguyen(pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s#pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s) Subject: (No subject) I. From: Perri Doyle(pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p#pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p) To: Susanne Nguyen(pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s#pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s) Subject: Call Tonight Love , Perri From: Perri Doyle(pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p#pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p) To: Susanne Nguyen(pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s#pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s) Subject: Call Tonight I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to call tonight. I've really been swamped with work. Things are going to be fine. I'm hoping I'll be able to call tomorrow. Love, Perri From: Perri Doyle(pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p#pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p) To: Susanne Nguyen(pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s#pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s) Subject: Call Tonight I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to call tonight. I've really been swamped with work. Things are going to be fine. I'm hoping I'll be able to call tomorrow. Love, Perri From: Perri Doyle(pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p#pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p) To: Susanne Nguyen(pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s#pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s) Subject: Call Tonight I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to call tonight. I've really been swamped with work. Things are going to be fine. I'm hoping I'll be able to call tomorrow. Love, Perri From: Perri Doyle(pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p#pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p) To: Susanne Nguyen(pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s#pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s) Subject: Call Tonight I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to call tonight. I've really been swamped with work. Things are going to be fine. I'm hoping I'll be able to call tomorrow. Love, Perri From: Perri Doyle(pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p#pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p) To: Susanne Nguyen(pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s#pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s) Subject: Call Tonight I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to call tonight. I've really been swamped with work. Things are going to be fine. I'm hoping I'll be able to call tomorrow. Love, Perri From: Perri Doyle(pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p#pcs.881-etisp|elyod.p) To: Susanne Nguyen(pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s#pcs.91-etis|neyugm.s) Subject: Call Tonight I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to call tonight. I've really been swamped with work. Things are going to be fine. I'm hoping I'll be able to call tomorrow. Love, Perri [Account was automatically suspended following this message. Since this point, 28 identical emails have been drafted.] VERDICT ☐ Compromised ☐ Uncompromised UPDATE: Due to new security protocols, personnel reviewing this incident are required to submit a voice memo with their verdict. Note: Prior to Provisional Site-188's establishment, Foundation officials were made aware of an incident regarding Amanda Anderson after a report was made by her husband, Ray. While the initial incident was handled by local authorities, the following camera footage was provided to Foundation officials several months afterward. [21:29 - BEGIN LOG] [SOURCE: Briarwood Apartments official security system] Camera perspective overlooks Hallway 1B. Ray Anderson arrives upwards from the hallway's sole staircase. He is holding a bouquet of mixed flowers in both hands. After nearly a minute, Anderson turns left from Hallway 1B and into Hallway 1E. Camera perspective changes to view another corner of the complex. Anderson stops after turning the corner to recuperate and breathe. He is visibly distressed, wiping sweat from his brow before continuing through the hallway. Anderson stops midway through Hallway 3E as Door 113 opens. An older woman steps out carrying food items and additional assortments. They converse briefly before Anderson disengages conversation. He rubs his left shoulder as the two leave. Anderson takes another left turn and continues walking. [SOURCE: Private home security devices belonging to Amanda Anderson] Camera perspective changes once more to Door 119's home security doorbell camera. Anderson stands directly in front of the doorbell. He stares at the camera momentarily before ringing. Nobody comes to greet Anderson. He presses the button again. Anderson paces at the door. He waits for several minutes before checking his nearby vicinity. After confirming that he is alone, Anderson turns the doorknob. The door is unlocked. Camera feed changes to view the dark interior of Apartment 119 via home security devices. Anderson quietly makes his way inside from the front door, touching along the left wall to presumably locate a nearby light switch. He is successful, activating a ceiling fan light hanging above the living room, which is noticeably clean. Anderson speaks to determine if anyone is inside the residence, but nobody comes. After searching the Living Room and nearby Dining Room, he crosses an opening to access the kitchen. Anderson notices a line of ants spanning the tile floor and some used medical equipment. Anderson then searches the kitchen and locates nothing of interest. He places the bouquet on a nearby countertop and exits to the hallway. Anderson walks towards a closed door along the hallway. He knocks, announcing himself, before entering the room. The camera perspective changes again to view the interior of a bedroom. Anderson enters the bedroom to see a corpse laying atop a black mound on the bed. Several opened pill bottles containing a mix of over-the-counter medications and prescribed heart medication are also present. Miscellaneous wiring and other equipment is connecting to the corpse, feeding into a monitor display reading “ERROR!” The black amalgamation underneath the corpse shifts. Anderson yells. It squirms. Black ants can be seen exiting the corpse from its mouth, tear ducts, ears, and crotch, crawling along medical equipment and the bed frame. Several ants are carrying eggs or larvae. Anderson runs out of the room. The corpse's skin and muscles begins to deflate and deform. Ants continue escaping from open orifices, occasionally tunneling out open veins and rupturing the skin from the inside. The bugs disperse into open crevices along the floor and walls as authorities arrive on-scene. [22:04 - END LOG] Afterword: Local and Foundation authorities would later locate Amanda Anderson, age 45, deceased in her bedroom. Cause of death was determined to be sudden heart failure, which occurred before Ray Anderson's arrival. Foundation personnel were not aware of SCP-7455's existence prior to this recording. From: Charles Wadeson (pcs.881-etisp|nosedaw.c#pcs.881-etisp|nosedaw.c) To: Jason Ridely (pcs.hctawrevo50|yledir.j#pcs.hctawrevo50|yledir.j) CC: SCP-7455 Research Team (pcs.881-etisp|5547#pcs.881-etisp|5547); Subject: RE:RE:RE:RE: Database Alarm/Documentation Update (IMPORTANT!) Hello. Sorry for not replying. Everyone else is still trying to sleep. All documents have been attached to this email. Thank you for your patience. Attachment(s): 📎 scp-7455.zip (1) Send? Reply! (1) From: Jason Ridely (pcs.hctawrevo50|yledir.j#pcs.hctawrevo50|yledir.j) To: Charles Wadeson (pcs.881-etisp|nosedaw.c#pcs.881-etisp|nosedaw.c) CC: SCP-7455 Research Team (pcs.881-etisp|5547#pcs.881-etisp|5547); Subject: RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: Database Alarm/Documentation Update (IMPORTANT!) Thank you for your message. We are now able to clear the database alarm. We appreciate your assistance on the matter. However, you also never sent us that requested voice memo. Are we to assume that this was intentional? You Might Also Like... Feel free to add this collapsible to your own articles! SCP-4773 — and a stuffed bear, by MaliceAforethought and Henzoid « SCP-7454 | SCP-7455 | SCP-7456 » Footnotes 1. A feeling that insects are crawling underneath one's skin.
close Info X More by this author Item#: 7457 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo SCP-7457, partially redacted to prevent its effects. Special Containment Procedures: The cave system hosting SCP-7457 has been converted into Foundation Outpost 7457, with free cave chambers being used for storage and personnel habitat. To prevent civilians from entering, a cover story has been spread, claiming that the cave system is home to fragile relics and that only select researchers are allowed to enter. Security personnel are allowed to use non-lethal force to repel potential trespassers. Entry into the chamber hosting SCP-7457 is reserved only to members of the Anthropology and Memetics department. A CRV of 10 or above and proper innoculations or protective gear are required before viewing SCP-7457. Personel affected by the anomaly are to be sedated and administered with amnestics. Description: SCP-7457 is a collection of wall paintings created by a tribe of Homo neanderthalensis in the department of Dordogne, France. Analysis reveals that SCP-7457 is around 30,000 years old and was added to over several generations, from the tribe's arrival to their eventual demise. Every individual painting within SCP-7457 is imbued with an associated memetic effect, presumed to have had a postitive influence over the tribe. However, due to its creators' brain structure being different from that of a modern human, and the damages inflicted to the paintings by time, SCP-7457 instead has various random and often harmful effects on those viewing it. Those effects include: Sudden catatonia for any length of time. Forgetting the identities of one's children. Aversion to sunlight. Aversion to moonlight. Aversion to flashlights. Visions of being pursued by spicy foodstuffs. Gaining complete knowledge of how to orient oneself using the stars, consistent with their positions 30,000 years ago. This replaces a random amount of memories. Immediate shattering of all bones. Visceral hatred of human hands and feet. Accelerated calories consumption. This can be reversed by not drinking water for a full 19 hours. Smelling like raw fish. This is permanent. Playfulness and whimsy. Increased aggressivity. Bears. Extreme bouts of paranoia. Flaring pain in all cranial nerves. Agoraphobia. The irresistible urge to ritually sacrifice stand-up comedians.1 Each individual memetic effect has been theorised to be part of a larger meme complex that the tribe added to or expanded over time. While its existence remains theoritical, is has been tentatively designed SCP-7457-1. + Insert Anthropology Department credentials - close Dr Laroche's research Don't forget to add to main file Day One Today, Vamer showed me the draft for the general clearance version of the file. I told him it left a lot out, but he argued the only people who needed to know more would learn it all once I start adding my logs to the locked version. So if you're from the Anthropology Department2 here's where I'll record everything we learn about SCP-7457. Day Two The cave system we found SCP-7457 in is big. Very big. We've identified several chambers, all with a purpose. There's sleeping quarters (where we pitched our own tents), storage rooms, and even one that appears to have been dedicated to practicing medicine, judging by the tables and crude tools. It's where we're keeping the field agents who discovered SCP-7457 first. Those who survived, anyway. Another one of the rooms serves as a mass grave, filled with bodies of both Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens. Most of them died from blunt force trauma. Just another case of one tribe wiping another out. It is weird that the Homo sapiens tribe took the time to bury the bodies, but didn't settle in the cave. Maybe SCP-7457 has something to do with that. Moreau isn't letting anyone inside SCP-7457's chamber until his team comes up with a way to protect us from its effects. Since Vamer was brought in because of his specialisation in ancient arts, he's pretty much just twiddling his thumbs for now. Me though, I already have plenty to work on. Day Four SCP-7457 wasn't the only anomaly we found in that cave. None are as noteworthy though: a stone rod that makes fire when you strike it against wood, a bone knife that can't cut through other bones, a wool pelt that doesn't seem to degrade over time or get dirty… They'll probably all go on the AO list. Day Nine Moreau finally whipped up something that'll let us work on SCP-7457 itself. Those goggles he made filter out any and all memetic effects, and we'll be able to adjust those filters to allow individual ones to come through. For now, when looking at the walls, all we see are black squares upon black squares. But the chamber itself already holds a lot of information. It's much, much bigger than all the other rooms. We think it served as a communal area and mess hall. Clearly, SCP-7457 held a great importance to these people. Day Twelve Today we took a direct, unfiltered look at some of the paintings. I blacked out for 13 hours and when I woke up, one of the field agents had been reduced into a distorted broken mess, and one of Moreau's men smelled like fish. I'll have to ask regional command if they can spare us some Ds. Day Seventeen Progress has been slow and steady. Moreau is cataloguing all the effects we come across, hoping to find some pattern while his team roll out innoculations for the ones that have been tested. Vamer is studying some of the "safe" paintings to find out what tools and materials were used to make them. I found an altar near the middle of the room (we couldn't see it before we cleared out one of the paintings, it was obscured by the filter). No signs of Akiva radiations or their residues. If these people didn't worship SCP-7457, maybe it was just a place to gather? Day Nineteen Vamer and his team sucessfully restored one of the paintings today. Before, it used to switch people's perception of what was edible and what wasn't for 63 hours. Now, it makes people smell through their mouth for 41 hours. This proves that the damages done had an impact on the effects, but that due to SCP-7457's makers being Nehanderthals, the effects are still twisted for modern humans. Unless Nehanderthals actively wanted to smell through their mouths. Times were weird back then. Day Twenty-Three With more paintings restored, Moreau insists that there's a pattern. According to him, all the individual paintings are components of a bigger whole, their memes weaving and merging into a unified core complex. We've designated this hypothetical core SCP-7457-1, but we won't be able to confirm that it actually exists until we've catalogued all its components. While Moreau busies himself with his -1 theory, Vamer and I have been studying the paintings themselves, not their effects. They seem to mostly fall into three categories: warnings3, instructions4, and scenes of people enjoying life. There are a few stranger ones that Vamer thinks were made for comedy, references to in-jokes we'll never get. Day Twenty-Eight Vamer… Vamer is getting transferred to that Site in Middle-Normandy. A low-activity assignment to let him recover from what happened. Moreau is going to increase the security checks for any personel leaving the Outpost. It stings, losing such a large part of our staff, but we must keep going. Day Thirty-Six It cost us 5 more D-Class and one more researcher, but we have finally catalogued every painting and their effects. And yet, we are no closer to understanding SCP-7457-1. Moreau has shown me his research and I agree that it should exist, but it seems we need more time to figure out what it is. I'll have to let Moreau's team work on it alone while I return to the main Site. I need to visit Medical about my newly-developed heterochromia and Mathematical to deliver those bear corpses. Day Fourty-Four SCP-7457-1 has no relations to the colors or categories of the paintings. The most productive thing I have done all week was trimming down the Description's list of effect. Day Fifty-Two Progess! I decided to look back over everything we've gathered so far and found something that we had missed. The corpses in the burial room did not actually all die at the same time. While the majority of them, including the ones bearing battle injuries died around the same time, some of the corpses died later, spread across a few decades. Those later corpses are all Homo sapiens, suggesting that their tribe did in fact settle in these caves, but left after some time. This is a lead! Day Fifty-Five We followed the lead and found the Homo sapiens tribe. They had a pretty big settlement some kilometers away, where they thrived for a few generations before migrating further away. And in one of their ruins, we found several copies of the same painting. It got filtered by the goggles when I put them on so we know it's memetic too. We'll call the first ones SCP-7457-A and this one SCP-7457-B. Day Fifty-Six -B sounded so promising. According to Moreau's analysis, it's a condensed form of -1, adapted by Homo sapiens without any individual effects on top. And from what I've gathered from the site, it was also very important to the people who lived there. And yet it does nothing. I've had a new D-Class brought in, one without prior exposure to -A. Had her sit and stare at those paintings for hours and she didn't feel anything. Even though -B has no visible damage and was made by the right species. Are we doing something wrong? Day Sixty Moreau's gone paranoid. He believes -1 is a slow-acting and undetectable effect, like the one that got Vamer. He has taken his team back to the Site and shut himself off in one of the E-Class holding cells. Says he doesn't want to be a risk to anyone else. I could study all the ruins and remains I can find, but without an expert in memetics, I'm no closer to understanding -1. Maybe it's time I called in some outside help. To: Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 From: Eva Laroche, Project head, Outpost 7457 Subject: Need your help with memetic anomaly Hello. I'm working on an anomaly in France, and we know it's memetic but we don't know what it does. My colleague who knows how this stuff works locked himself in a cell and I've exhausted all other leads, so I could really use some help getting to the bottom of this. I hear you're kind of an expert, can you take a look? I've attached a text copy of the full file, a picture (with filters) of the clearest vector we could find, as well as a Euler Model Memetic Contagion Scan of my brain after looking at it. Desperately, Eva Laroche. To: Eva Laroche, Project head, Outpost 7457 From: Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 Subject: Re:Need your help with memetic anomaly Greetings. Your vector is a pretty mild one, intended to embed a certain concept or idea within the minds of people seeing it, with some indirect influence over their behaviour. As for your Euler Scan, I can't tell anything from it alone. If you want me to tell you what was affected, you need to send me a scan from before you were exposed. Sincerely, Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 To: Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 From: Eva Laroche, Project head, Outpost 7457 Subject: Re:Re:Need your help with memetic anomaly Oh of course, I'll send it right away. To: Eva Laroche, Project head, Outpost 7457 From: Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 Subject: Re:Re:Re:Need your help with memetic anomaly This is the same file, I would appreciate if you did not waste my time with mistakes like this. Sincerely, Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 To: Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 From: Eva Laroche, Project head, Outpost 7457 Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re:Need your help with memetic anomaly No? The second one I sent was taken back at my Site, prior to my first interaction with the anomaly. It's procedure to take one at the beginning of an assignment with a memetic anomaly. To: Eva Laroche, Project head, Outpost 7457 From: Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Need your help with memetic anomaly You do not need to explain the procedure to me. Something must be wrong then, because those two scans are identical, at least in the area that would be affected by the picture you sent me. Sincerely, Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 To: Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 From: Eva Laroche, Project head, Outpost 7457 Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Need your help with memetic anomaly So if I follow what you're saying, I had been affected by SCP-7457-1 before even seeing -A and -B? To: Eva Laroche, Project head, Outpost 7457 From: Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 Subject: Urgent Following a bad hunch, I ran a test on one of my colleagues. It appears he too had already been affected by SCP-7457-1 despite never having been anywhere near France. This might be more serious than we thought. Sincerely, Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 To: Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 From: Eva Laroche, Project head, Outpost 7457 Subject: Re:Urgent Do you think it's worldwide? We know that the tribe that made SCP-7457-B migrated after a while, perhaps they might have spread more vectors. After all, if they copied it from those Nehanderthals, others might have copied it from them. To: Eva Laroche, Project head, Outpost 7457 From: Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 Subject: Re:Re:Urgent I will begin a search for more vectors of SCP-7457-1. I want you to summarise what you have learned so far about how it was conveyed in those tribes. Sincerely, Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 To: Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 From: Eva Laroche, Project head, Outpost 7457 Subject: Re:Re:Re:Urgent Of course. From my research and Moreau's, we know that SCP-7457-1: Was of great cultural significance to the people who made and spread it. Was associated with guidance. Had a positive impact on the tribes it affected, I noticed large demographic and cultural discrepancies between them and unaffected tribes in the same region. Was encouraged to be copied and shared. Was most often made of vectors with three parts. To: Eva Laroche, Project head, Outpost 7457 From: Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 Subject: No longer urgent It seems you will need to give the SCP-7457 file an extensive rework. SCP-7457-1's vectors are indeed spread worldwide and its effect are present in a vast number of people. Luckily for us, they are both positive and barely noticeable. After my search returned many positive results for SCP-7457-1 vectors, I was able to run a few more tests and figure out its effects. SCP-7457-1 conveys the idea of a positive lifestyle, and carries a slight compulsive effect that encourages people to survive, cultivate bonds with other people5, and enjoy their company/creations. As I said, these effects are very weak and are easily ignored. It also appears that over time, vectors of SCP-7457-1 have evolved from visual representations to textual ones, which are more easily copied and shared. I believe that the lack of awareness of SCP-7457-1's existence while copying these vectors is what has lead to its effects weakening. In any case, while SCP-7457-A itself remains dangerous, the version of SCP-7457-1 that was made by Homo sapiens and has now spread worldwide poses no threat to humanity or the Veil. Once you update the file with all the recent developments, you can consider this case closed. I no longer need to be involved. Sincerely, Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 To: Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 From: Eva Laroche, Project head, Outpost 7457 Subject: Re: No longer urgent Thank you immensely for your help, Dr Lillihammer. Your theory about the evolution of the vectors is interesting, do you think you could send me an example of the modern ones so I can verify it, and perhaps include it in the revised file? To: Eva Laroche, Project head, Outpost 7457 From: Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 Subject: Re: Re:No longer urgent I thought this would be obvious from the description I gave you. Dr Laroche, you just spent the last couple of months studying the world's oldest "Live, Laugh, Love" sign. Sincerely, Lillian Lillihammer, PhD, Site-43 Footnotes 1. Unlike most of SCP-7457's effects, this was not immediately detectable. It instead manifested on the night when, to celebrate recent progress, Dr Vamer took his team to the "Marrakech du rire" festival, resulting in ██ civilian casualties. 2. Or memetics, Moreau's team needs the updates too. 3. One in particular looks like a graphic depiction of SCP-████. 4. Including various dance moves. 5. This appears to be somewhat amplified towards people who have also been affected by SCP-7457-1. « SCP-7456 | SCP-7457 | SCP-7458 »
WARNING: ONGOING POTENTIAL XK-CLASS SCENARIO. SOLAR ANOMALY DETECTED. IMMEDIATE RISK CLASS OF: CRITICAL. DISRUPTION CLASS: AMIDA. THE SUN AND THE MOON ARE BOTH RAPIDLY MOVING AWAY FROM THE EARTH. NO ROOT CAUSE FOR THIS PHENOMENON IS CURRENTLY KNOWN/UNDERSTOOD. PLEASE IMMEDIATELY SEEK SHELTER IN A NEARBY CLASS-A-RATED FACILITY FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY AND WAIT FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS FROM YOUR CORRESPONDING SITE-DIRECTORY BOARD. CONTINUE READING THIS FILE ONLY IF IMPERATIVE. Item #: SCP-7459 Site-7459: Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Site-7459 is to be maintained as a wildlife and nature reserve via the Västerbotten Government on behalf of The Foundation. All civilians and/or non-authorised personnel who enter the 5-kilometre exclusion zone surrounding Site-7459 are to be apprehended and interrogated by on-site personnel under the guise of the local authorities, before being transferred to ████████'s town jail, located 25km outside of Site-7459. Class-A and/or Class-B amnestics may be administered to detained individuals if deemed necessary. Several outposts across Site-7459 are to be maintained in order to monitor seismic activity in the area, and the contents of the river running through the region. In the event that the contents of the river become impure due to activity from SCP-7459-B, the river is to be cut off and pooled into a provisional reservoir until this activity ceases. Any and all abnormal seismic activity within Site-7459 is to be reported directly to 05 Command Liaisons. Description: Site-7459 comprises 200 km² of land surrounding both Mt. ██████████, and the river originating from it. Site-7459 naturally contains SCP-7459-A-1 and is one of the few instances where SCP-7459-B has actively interacted with the surface to a significant degree. Site-7459 was initially brought to The Foundation's attention in 1982 after peculiarities in wildlife behavior across Europe and Russia became widespread public knowledge. After investigation, it was discovered that female wolves in the region were deserting their packs in large numbers and migrating toward what is now Site-7459, with specimens converging on different sections of the river originating from Mt. ██████████ and following it to the mountain's base. Studies conducted on the river found it to be comprised of significant amounts of non-native biological substances, the most prominent of which being blood, pheromones, and semen, with semen making up the vast majority of the river's volume. DNA testing matched extracts of semen and pheromones taken from the water to Canis Lupus (The Grey Wolf). However such tests conducted on extracts of the blood were inconclusive. Foundation Agents observed Site-7459, more specifically Mt. ██████████, for several days; a large gathering of roughly 235 female wolves were recorded to have gathered around the entrance to a cave system at the base of Mt. ██████████ which the river flowed through. Several more days following this observation all members of the gathering had entered into the initial cavern. Attempts by Foundation Agents to enter the cavern were made impossible by a substantial increase in river discharge shortly thereafter, creating dangerous rapids and blocking any possible route of entry. This also dissuaded any arriving wolves that had not already entered from doing so, and within a few days, no more specimens were found to be making their way toward Site-7459. Further study found that the source of the river higher up the mountain was not comprised of any unusual substance, and was by all accounts normal spring water. Neither was it at a high discharge level, unlike the river further downstream that had gone through the mountain. 75 days following these events, the river's discharge levels dropped significantly. A subsequent expedition team was assembled to enter the cavern: Expedition Log: 7459-A Date: ██/██/82 Time: 7:32 AM 5 Universal Task Force Agents entered the cavern at the base of Mt. ██████████ in the early morning. By this time the river's discharge levels had subsided to where the entrance into the cavern was navigable. Upon entry, it was immediately clear that there was a second flow of liquid that intersected with the naturally occurring river in the cavern, this second stream of fluid was almost entirely composed of semen and blood and originated from a cave system deeper underground. The UTF Agents, although equipped for cave expeditions, requested explicit permission to follow the stream of fluid deeper into the cave. Control accepted, and the Agents began to follow the stream to its source. As the team moved deeper into the cave, it was found to descend several hundred meters underground. After two more hours of descent, the team came to a sudden halt due to a heightened face of rocks forming a dam that blocked their path. The Agents took a short period of rest before electing one of their members to climb the obstacle; upon doing so The Agent stumbled and fell before they could fully come to their balance, unintentionally activating the audio recording device mounted to their chest in the process. [BEGIN AUDIO LOG] Agent Shepard: AAAAAA-SHIT! FUCK! [A loud splash is audible.] Agent Pines: Kalie, you ok?! Agent Shepard: Yeah, yeah… oh goddamnit I turned this stupid thing on…ugh, what the hell is this stuff? JESUS FUC- [END AUDIO LOG] The other members of the team promptly climbed over the rocks to aid Agent Shepard, finding that they had fallen directly into a mound of rotting wolf carcasses which had built up against the rock face, and now were blocking the flow of fluid downstream. Upon further inspection, all specimens in the pile were female and acutely mutilated, all bearing fatal lacerations across their cervix. Continuing through the cave, it was noted that the level of liquid beyond the dam was significantly higher, and at some points neck deep, forcing the Agents to swim through it rather than walk. The liquid was also noted as to be increasingly more viscous and foul-smelling. Several more bodies, all female wolves with the same wounds to their cervix, were found floating in the liquid or pinned against rocks, as the Agents continued. Floating alongside these specimens were the remnants of exceptionally large canine fetuses; later expeditions uncovered similar instances, both still partially in the wombs of, and in the stomachs, of several deceased adult specimens. Roughly one hour after passing the dam, the Agents reached a large and relatively open-spaced cavern that provided higher ground; in the center of this cavern, a large mound of flesh and bone (estimated to be roughly 10,440 kg in mass) was interrupting the stream of liquid. This was deemed to be the source of the blood found in the lower course of the river, and upon further inspection, it resembled a human finger, though several thousandfold larger. What would equate to the metacarpal and proximal phalanx still possessed a significant amount of flesh but with no obvious signs of decay or rot despite adverse conditions; later analysis revealed that the tissue derived from the object, now referred to as Item: 7459-1, was impervious to microbial and chemical deterioration. The team was ordered by control to retrieve samples from Item: 7459-1 before continuing further into the cave, the team complied and began to cut off sections of meat and bone, on further inspection small bite marks covered the surface of the object. As the team was doing this, a distinctive loud chewing was heard coming from the other side. The team requested permission to investigate, control accepted but advised caution. Approaching the other side of Item: 7459-1, the team located the source of the sound as an infantile wolf cub (hereby referred to as SCP-7459-C) consuming a section of flesh it had torn from Item: 7459-1. Alongside SCP-7459-C was the corpse of yet another adult female wolf which was presumably its mother, this specimen was of note due to its larger body size, and a lack of any major external injury.1 Upon detecting the Agents, SCP-7459-C ran toward and huddled against its deceased mother. Control requested the team to retrieve both the living and dead specimen, recommending that three Agents return to the surface while the remaining two continue onward. The team complied. The two remaining Agents then traveled deeper into the cave system in pursuit of the streams' origin. 40 minutes after their separation with the other team members, the Agents noticed a glowing light further into the cave which became more intense as they approached it. The Agents entered another extremely high ceilinged cavern, discovering the source of the light to be a metallic golden chain suspended from overhead and descending into an underground geyser that was producing the vast volumes of semen that contributed to the stream. Later investigation also concluded that the geyser discovered by the Agents was in fact the entrance to an even larger underground chasm, similar to other such chasms found beneath several dozen anomalous instances similar to SCP-7459-A-1. SCP-7459-A: Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Ground-level containment of SCP-7459-A-1 has been achieved through the containment procedures for Site-7459. Any aviation or orbital activities interrupted by SCP-7459-A-1 are to be investigated and subsequently dealt with as per standard field protocols. SCP-7459-A-1 is typically not visible in footage taken of the Earth, however as a precaution, Foundation Counter Intelligence is to search for and scrub any references to it that may appear in media or in academic circles. As of 1989, Foundation web crawlers have been deployed to remove any reference to the anomaly that may appear on the internet. SCP-7459-A 2-39 are to be monitored on a regular basis in a similar capacity to SCP-7459-A-1 but require no further containment procedures due to their extremely remote locations and lack of disruption potential. Description: SCP-7459-A-1 is a stone structure located at the peak of Mt. ██████████. Within SCP-7459-A-1 is a metallic golden chain comprised of an unknown alloy, half a meter in diameter, wrapped around an inner core located within the stone structure. This chain descends several thousand meters into the earth, entering the chasm beneath the mountain. Both the stone structure and the chain are indestructible via any known means, and weigh far more than their mass should allow. Dozens of instances similar to SCP-7459-A-1 (Designated as SCP-7459-A 1-39) have been discovered across the Arctic Circle, however, as well as its notable location, SCP-7459-A-1 bears both unique markings and an additional two chains located on its exterior. The outward sides of SCP-7459-A-1 are etched with artwork as well as Nordic runes, depicting three celestial bodies: Earth in the center, with the Sun and the Moon on its flanks. Each celestial body is paired with a depiction of a wolf looming over it, with the wolf paired with Earth being the largest of the three. On the bottom and top sections of the stone structure, there is a continuous pattern of wolves chasing the Sun and the Moon. The two exterior chains attached to SCP-7459-A-1 are identical in composition to the primary chain, but are far thinner, only 12 cm in diameter. Each is located on the left and right faces of the structure respectively. Both chains extend into the sky indefinitely, seemingly with no physical anchorage other than SCP-7459-A-1. Both chains experience periodic strain depending on the time of day, with the rightmost chain straining at noon and the leftmost chain straining at midnight. The source of whatever is straining the chains is currently unknown, although it has been noted that the direction of the chains consistently lines up with the approximate locations of local light refraction phenomena, parhelia, and paraselenae, respectively. SCP-7459-A 1-39 are believed to have been constructed as containment mechanisms dedicated to SCP-7459-B due to their placement above underground chasms where SCP-7459-B is partially accessible from the surface. The party or entity which constructed them is currently not known. SCP-7459-B: Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7459-B, is at least in theory, already physically contained for the foreseeable future, and as such containment procedures for SCP-7459-B are to focus on keeping its existence a secret. Any seismic activity or phenomenon caused by SCP-7459-B is to be removed from public record, and covert containment teams are to secure the site at which they occurred. Further procedures may be carried out on a case-by-case basis if necessary. Thus far, only Site-7459 has required extensive containment measures to be employed in order to keep SCP-7459-B's existence confidential. Currently, as of ██/██/82, the existence of SCP-7459-B has not been disclosed to The Global Occult Coalition, in spite of the 1972 Trepczyński Co-Aptness Treaty, due to concerns that any direct intervention may contribute to SCP-7459-B becoming far more active and thus destructive. Description: SCP-7459-B is a massive subterranean organism that exists on average 6 km under the Earth's surface. It is present across the majority of the Arctic Circle, making it roughly the size of a small continent. SCP-7459-B both physiologically and genetically resembles an adult male specimen of Canis Lupus (The Grey Wolf), however evidence has shown that its tissue and hide are extremely resilient, if not impervious, to both physical trauma as well as natural decay. SCP-7459-B is alive, however it is believed to be in a state of prolonged torpor, and its interactions with the surface are largely involuntary, e.g. bodily secretions and periodic muscle movement, both of which have resulted in noticeable activity on the surface. It has been noted that muscle movement of SCP-7459-B has been consistently most frequent during winter periods from November-February. SCP-7459-B is also believed to be growing in width, height, and weight, albeit at an extremely slow pace as to not be a concern for several hundred years according to Foundation projections. It is unknown exactly how SCP-7459-B came to be buried under the Arctic Circle, however, due to the nature of the underground chasms associated with SCP-7459-B, as well as the fact that it is growing, it can be assumed that SCP-7459-B was far smaller when it was originally entombed and that its subsequent growth, movement, and excretions have been making the ground above it increasingly unstable. Following the hypothesis that SCP-7459-A 1-39 were constructed to contain SCP-7459-B by an unknown party or entity, it was discovered that the chain of each structure is directly bound to SCP-7459-B. Recorded muscle movements of SCP-7459-B near the sites where these chains are bound to its body are far smaller than in areas further away from these sites. SCP-7459-C: Object Class: Euclid Keter Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-7459-C, containment measures must be periodically overhauled, an increase to the size of the containment vessel was required on average every 2 months until its current enclosure was established. Currently, SCP-7459-C is contained in a retrofitted 2 km² vivarium (as per the suggestion of Dr. Kristian Ashfield); originally outfitted as an aviary, it provides ample vertical and horizontal space for SCP-7459-C as well as a natural environment. The exterior of the vivarium is to be electrified to dissuade SCP-7459-C from approaching it, however SCP-7459-C is largely docile due to its upbringing in Foundation containment. As SCP-7459-C poses the threat of both a ßK-class “lifted veil” scenario, and given enough time, a K-class end-of-the-world scenario, a permanent solution, code-named: Operation Shooting Star, is currently being devised as of ██/██/85 by SCP-7459-C's containment team, The Joint-Foundation Aerospace Committee, The Logistical Office, and the Offices of O5-6, and O5-12. Operation Shooting Star is expected to be completed within 7-12 years. Description: SCP-7459-C is a Class-A Sapient male specimen of Canis Lupus (The Grey Wolf). SCP-7459-C, since its discovery as an infant in 1982, has been increasing in mass at an exponential rate and has since reached a mass of 206 tons and a height of 42 meters. SCP-7459-C does not require nutrients in order to maintain this size nor to continue growth, and prolonged periods without food and water have revealed that it requires neither to sustain any of its bodily functions. The only food that SCP-7459-C has consumed readily has been Item: 7459-1, which it seems to be able to digest despite Item: 7459-1's high resistance to chemical weathering. There is a standing hypothesis that Item: 7459-1 may have contributed in some capacity to SCP-7459-C's anomalous properties and how it survived through infancy without its mother. SCP-7459-C has similar levels of resilience to physical trauma as SCP-7459-B, although it does still feel pain to a relatively normal degree, which has been utilized to ensure its containment. Testing done to determine the nature of SCP-7459-C's metabolism has revealed that it can survive without oxygen, and even in a vacuum, without any ill effects. Attempts to pierce SCP-7459-C's tissue have all failed, however, it has been successfully restrained and even incapacitated on several occasions; it is integral to note that attempts to restrain and/or incapacitate SCP-7459-C have required more effort in league with its growth and that eventually, it will be likely impossible to achieve either. Dr. Ashfield has suggested that attempts to do so be kept at a minimum as to ensure SCP-7459-C's cooperation in Operation Shooting Star. SCP-7459-C is a Class-A Sapient organism, capable of higher thought and speech, this is the same level as standard human subjects, albeit SCP-7459-C is capable of learning complex skills and concepts at a much faster rate, and at a much younger age, than humans. SCP-7459-C does however still possess behaviors associated with its own species, most predominantly in regard to body language, primal behaviors, and routine. SCP-7459-C Observation and Behavior Log: Start Date: ██/██/82 Chief Observer: Dr. Kristian Ashfield. ██/██/82: SCP-7459-C is transferred to Area-12 and placed in an incubation chamber. SCP-7459-C refuses to consume any synthetic milk given to it, subsequent attempts are made utilizing preserved milk from its deceased mother, although SCP-7459-C seemed more interested, it still refused to consume it. Forced feeding was authorized for a period of 4 weeks. ██/██/82: SCP-7459-C required larger containment apparatus due to a substantial increase in size over 3 and a half weeks from its initial containment. ██/██/82: SCP-7459-C refuses to allow personnel to remove a blanket it had outgrown, it was requested of Dr. Ashfield to attempt to replace it, however Dr. Ashfield reported it was too difficult. SCP-7459-C has been issued with two blankets. ██/██/82: SCP-7459-C is still extremely uncooperative during feeding sessions. Dr. Ashfield proposes feeding it sections from Item: 7459-1. This proved successful and was adopted as standard practice. ██/██/82 - ██/██/83: Multiple instances where SCP-7459-C required transfer to a larger containment chamber. SCP-7459-C has surpassed infantile stages of development and is now equivalent in size to a several-year-old specimen of a non-anomalous Grey Wolf. ██/██/82: Initial testing on SCP-7459-C's tissue and metabolism reveals its extreme physical durability as well as its metabolism not requiring a fuel source. It is however noted that SCP-7459-C did still feel pain during attempts to pierce its tissue. ██/██/82: Further testing has revealed SCP-7459-C does not require oxygen to sustain bodily functions. ██/██/82: SCP-7459-C required to transfer to a larger containment chamber. ██/██/82: Strength testing was conducted, it has been noted that SCP-7459-C was capable of pulling several times its own body weight and biting through solid titanium. Containment Specialist Connors is to be reimbursed with a new shin implant, as well as all medical expenses. ██/██/82: SCP-7459-C underwent exposure to high voltages of electricity in order to instill a fear of its containment barrier. Although accidental, it was discovered that high enough voltages could incapacitate SCP-7459-C for a reliable amount of time. This, along with severe blunt trauma, are the only known methods of doing so. ██/██/82 - ██/██/83: Multiple instances where SCP-7459-C required transfer to a larger containment chamber. ██/██/83: Dr. Ashfield is concerned that SCP-7459-C is not able to become accustomed to its containment environment due to frequent transfers, citing behaviors typical of stress. ██/██/83 - ██/██/83: Multiple instances where SCP-7459-C required transfer to a larger containment chamber. ██/██/83: During a routine transfer to a larger containment chamber within Area-12, SCP-7459-C was observed mimicking the language of personnel it encountered during the transfer. Said language was a segment of conversation between two personnel, in which one was discussing her son-in-law; SCP-7459-C continually repeated the word "son" for around 30 minutes. Further investigation by Dr. Ashfield into the cognitive abilities of SCP-7459-C has since been taken. ██/██/83: Dr. Ashfield has begun regular interaction and teaching sessions with SCP-7459-C. ██/██/83: Dr. Ashfield has been informed that, although SCP-7459-C has seemed responsive to the phrase, he is not to continue referring to SCP-7459-C as 'Buddy' during the aforementioned interaction sessions. ██/██/84: SCP-7459-C has been confirmed as fully sapient. Teaching sessions conducted by Dr. Ashfield have thus far resulted in SCP-7459-C comprehending the English language, basic numeracy, the alphabet, and the ability to reflect on its own existence and situation. ██/██/84: SCP-7459-C required to transfer to a larger containment chamber. ██/██/84: Dr. Ashfield has requested several books, VHS tapes, and a television, be submitted to his efforts in teaching SCP-7459-C. The request has been accepted so long as the content is deemed appropriate by internal censors. ██/██/84 - ██/██/84: Multiple instances where SCP-7459-C required transfer to a larger containment chamber. ██/██/84: Dr. Ashfield has proposed that a dedicated containment chamber be constructed for SCP-7459-C, utilizing a currently dilapidated aviary at the surface level of Area-14. Proposal accepted. ██/██/84 - ██/██/85: Multiple instances where SCP-7459-C required transfer to a larger containment chamber. ██/██/85: Concerns over SCP-7459-C's exponential growth, especially in relation to SCP-7459-B, have been expressed to The Overseer Council. Current projections show that SCP-7459-C's rate of growth is increasing and that it will be too large to contain within 30 years, and would eventually grow large enough to damage the continental shelf in a similar capacity to SCP-7459-B. Operation Shooting Star has been devised in order to permanently remove SCP-7459-C as a threat. SCP-7459-C has been reclassified as Keter. ██/██/85: SCP-7459-C currently possesses a level of intelligence on par with a standard teenage human subject. SCP-7459-C and Dr. Ashfield have begun to spend far more time in conversation with each other rather than teaching, Dr. Ashfield was initially going to be reprimanded for this behavior, but has explained his motives as exploring SCP-7459-C's social capabilities. Area-12's Superintendent Commission deemed this as acceptable reasoning. ██/██/85: SCP-7459-C, along with its containment team, was transferred from Area-12 to Area-14 due to its increased size and strength posing a greater risk and for easier transfer when construction of the specialised containment vivarium is completed. ██/██/85: SCP-7459-C has reached a level of intelligence comparable to a standard human adult. SCP-7459-C has been noted as becoming extremely lethargic when not in contact with Dr. Ashfield. ██/██/85: Quantity of Item: 7459-1 available for consumption is lowering at a fast rate. Tissue and bone marrow from Item: 7459-1 has been blended with regularly sourced meat in order to make its use more efficient, although SCP-7459-C commented on this change in diet, it still ate. ██/██/85: Dr. Ashfield missed the staff Christmas celebration, designating the time to be with SCP-7459-C. It was later uncovered that several members of staff were coaxed by Dr. Ashfield into spending said time with SCP-7459-C. Area-14's Site Admin conducted an investigation into the incident, but concluded due to SCP-7459-C's docile nature that no punishment was to be received. It has however been made explicit to all personnel that such actions are forbidden. ██/██/86: Construction work on SCP-7459-C's new enclosure has finished. The transfer was accomplished with no complications. ██/██/86: The containment team has observed new behaviors in SCP-7459-C once had it been relocated to the new enclosure. SCP-7459-C consistently climbs up to rest on a high ledge in its enclosure and howls at the sky for several hours at a time. This has become solidified in its routine and occurs at the approximate times of sunrise, noon, dusk, and midnight. Dr. Ashfield has requested no interference to these activities be made in order to ensure accurate observations. ██/██/86: SCP-7459-C has become incredibly more insular, even around Dr. Ashfield. It has stopped consuming meals given to it completely. Meals have since stopped being provided. ██/██/87: Roughly a year after its introduction to the vivarium, SCP-7459-C has become so large as to be the same height as the ledge that it had previously climbed up to in order to rest while sitting down. Insular social behavior has continued, and Dr. Ashfield has been attached to other projects within Area-14 as sole focus on SCP-7459-C is no longer deemed necessary. ██/██/89: Dr. Ashfield entered SCP-7459-C's enclosure along with 2 Armed Personnel. SCP-7459-C had its back turned to the three, and was laid down sleeping. Walking around to its head, Dr. Ashfield attempted to pet SCP-7459-C only for it to jolt awake and snap its jaws toward him, one of Dr. Ashfield's guards instinctively leaped in front of him before the bite connected and was severely injured as a result. SCP-7459-C recoiled and paused upon realizing what had happened, and allowed Dr. Ashfield along with his entourage to evacuate the area. The designated Security Director for SCP-7459-C must now approve of all interactions with SCP-7459-C in advance, effectively placing SCP-7459-C on lockdown. ██/██/89: Several days later, Dr. Ashfield made a request to interact with SCP-7459-C on the basis of ensuring it was not stressed. This request was granted but was carefully monitored. The following is a recording of the interaction: [BEGIN VIDEO LOG] [Dr. Ashfield enters SCP-7459-C's vivarium at 1:23 AM. SCP-7459-C is busy howling toward the sky, and does not notice Dr. Ashfield upon his entry.] [Dr. Ashfield walks deeper into the enclosure, placing down a tray containing pure extract from Item: 7459-1.] Dr. Ash: Who're you talking to? [SCP-7459-C cuts off its howling, swiftly turning around to face Dr. Ashfield, seeming surprised and flustered for words.] SCP-7459-C: Brothers- I… I was talking to my brothers. Dr. Ash: You never told me that before, old friend. I thought you would've come to me, as you always have. SCP-7459-C: I did not- I did not want to lie to you… I wanted to tell you - but - I was… scared. I was scared of what they were telling me, scared of… [Dr. Ashfield approaches SCP-7459-C's paw to the dismay of security personnel monitoring the scene, resting his hand on top of it.] Dr. Ash: Ah, so that's why you stopped talking to me. SCP-7459-C: I could not bare to lie to you. Dr. Ash: What were you so scared of? What were they telling you? You know you could have talked to me, I would've helped. SCP-7459-C: I was of scared then exactly what I am scared of now; that you would be scared of me. Kristian - I am - so glad that you are talking to me. I am so sorry. [Dr. Ashfield looks up toward SCP-7459-C's eyes, stroking the fur on its paw rhythmically.] Dr. Ash: Don't be, that was my fault, not yours. Now tell me, please, so I can help you: what did your brothers tell you? [SCP-7459-C tilts its head downward, exhaling, the force of its breath shaking the vegetation within its enclosure and blowing Dr. Ashfield's hat from his head.] SCP-7459-C: They spoke of density, pulled from them at the last moment each and every day, each and every night. They spoke of a fate that I did not want. Then they spoke of legends, of themselves… of… betrayal… of… father. Dr. Ash: Your father? SCP-7459-C: You never did tell me, none of you did, but I have always known that you knew of my father. I could… smell him… on all of you… when I was first dragged away from my mother… [SCP-7459-C pauses for several moments and inhales deeply before continuing.] SCP-7459-C: I- I was so scared, more than I am now. You though, I was not scared of you. When I was dragged through a cold wet cave and left in a cage, you, gave me warmth; I still keep that blanket, you know, I never let them take it. When I had nothing to parch my hunger, when I was ever so starving, you, gave me food. When I was lonely, and ever so ignorant of the world, you spent time with me, you taught me, you gave me happiness. You have been a good friend, Kristian. But alas… I am afraid I must ask you, why? You never told me of what you knew of my father, and I have feared the worst for so many sleepless nights. Dr. Ash: I- [SCP-7459-C leans down to bring its face only a few inches from Dr. Ashfield, who turns away for a brief moment.] SCP-7459-C: You would not betray me, would you, Kristian? [Dr. Ashfield pauses, looking back up toward SCP-7459-C, he gently lifts his hand, placing it atop SCP-7459-C's snout.] Dr. Ash: Buddy… sweet little Buddy. You are my dear friend, and for many years I thought of you almost as my child. I have seen you grow and learn, and I am ever so proud of you- [Dr. Ashfield is interrupted as SCP-7459-C shifts its head toward him, lightly brushing up against his torso.] Dr. Ash: I would never betray you. SCP-7459-C: Then I have nothing to fear, for the fate aligned for me is a falsehood, for we - are true brothers. [END LOG] Addendum: Operation Shooting Star Date: ██/██/92: Operation Shooting Star has since concluded the planning and logistics phase and the provisional launch site is currently being constructed. SCP-7459-C is scheduled to be incapacitated and relocated to the launch site by the end of the month. Personnel present other than the launch crew will include SCP-7459-C's containment team, O5-12's secretary, and elements of Mobile Task Force Nu-7. Update: Attempts to incapacitate SCP-7459-C have failed, this is likely due to estimates of its tolerance to high electrical voltages being extremely outdated. Dr. Ashfield has since been responsible for both convincing SCP-7459-C that the incapacitation attempts were an accident, as well as convincing the entity to relocate to the launch site and to voluntarily enter its restraints, having cited them to SCP-7459-C as a test of its physical capabilities similar to the ones conducted during its infancy. The launch site was appropriately disguised as part of the ruse. Update: During the start of the launch sequence, SCP-7459-C realised what was occurring and attempted to break free from its restraints, though was initially unsuccessful. Upon distinguishing Dr. Ashfield in the crowd, SCP-7459-C lashed out more violently than it had before, managing to break free from multiple of its restraints, which enabled it to move its upper body freely. SCP-7459-C immediately thereafter lunged directly toward Dr. Ashfield, severing his forearm. 22 further casualties were reported during the incident, however SCP-7459-C did not manage to completely break free before launch, and was successfully jettisoned into space. Footnotes 1. The deceased female was later uncovered to be from a nature reserve where, due to its large size, it was well known by locals who had nicknamed it "Völuspá".
close Info X Contains mentions of suicide. Item #: SCP-7465 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: References to the anomaly have been censored from public records. Description: SCP-7465 is a presence which exists in the basement of a large warehouse in Concho, Ohio, U.S. Despite lacking a physical form, SCP-7465 has a strong influence on physical reality. This is most evident in the minds of its victims, but it also permeates the surrounding area and can be measured using standard omen-reading tools. SCP-7465 is sentient and possibly sapient. Its exact motives are unknown, but for the purposes of the SCP Foundation, SCP-7465 acts out of a hatred for human life. It is unknown how or why SCP-7465 chooses its victims. No decision mechanism has been found; victims have come from different countries, economic backgrounds, and psychological states with no common link between any of them. When a victim is chosen, a slow and inescapable process of anomalous imprinting begins. This manifests in a unique way with each one: a mother in her early forties began experiencing episodes of catastrophic doom several times a week where she would see a "black wall, a black black black black wall of fear" surrounding her apartment. A young university student suffered a nervous breakdown in one of his classes and later took an extended leave of absence. He returned to live with his family before succumbing to SCP-7465's influence the following month. The student's sister then fell victim to SCP-7465 herself. She expressed its influence with a series of five-hundred abstract drawings using pencil and drawing paper before her death. At a certain point, most often a month after exposure, the victim will decide to travel to Concho. They can be and often are talked out of this initially by friends or family, but their decision is final, regardless of outside effort. If the victim lives close enough to Concho, they may attempt to drive or take some form of public transportation to the city. Poorer victims or those who don't own a car may hitchhike or even walk if the journey is not too unreasonable. If the victim lives further away or has no reasonable method of travel, they will create one. The most notable example of this was a teenage girl from El Salvador who, on the eve of her nineteenth birthday, sold all of her belongings, abandoned her family, and bought a one-way plane ticket to Cleveland before hitchhiking to Concho. An experience all documented victims of SCP-7465 share is their interest in the journey expanding the longer it takes for them to complete it. While it may begin only as a mild obsession — minor when compared to similar anomalies catalogued by the SCP Foundation — it will slowly grow in the victim's mind until it becomes an integral part of their sense of self. They will become reliant on it. Many feel an intense need to create monuments to the journey1 or document themselves in some way, believing that they can only introspect when relating their experiences to SCP-7465, Concho, or the basement in some way. The victim will often reference the journey in works of art or school assignments or diary entries, even when it makes little sense to do so. All art created by victims will become large-scaled: a poor painter in New Zealand covered all of their canvases with the phrase "Not enough food for me", written in an extremely small font with white paint. They continued writing it on the walls, the floor, and the ceiling of their home over the course of three days. By their own estimate, they had written the phrase over three-hundred thousand times, covering most of the nearby street before they were discovered. The victim will become overwhelmed by emotion when they reach Concho. They will be unable to move or speak, or if they can speak, they will ramble in an uncontrolled manner. Pessimism is a common symptom, as well as a sudden lack of care for personal safety. Victims may experience episodes of intense rage, a common source of their anger being a fear of destruction: destruction of themselves, of the things or people around them, of the world at large. These feelings can last up to one full day but will always fade into a deep acceptance. The victim will overcome a great mental obstacle at this point. It may be anything from a past trauma to recent emotional troubles — the exact obstacle does not seem to matter other than it exists, the victim cares for it, and it is overcome. Once this happens, the victim's death is imminent. The victim, sometimes on their own and sometimes with the accompaniment of a friend, will travel to the building where SCP-7465 resides. They will then enter the basement alone and, using a thin piece of fabric, a cord, their belt or some other sturdy material, hang themselves until dead on the pipes that run along the ceiling. The entire process occurs to five individuals a year on average. Testing on SCP-7465 has been slow. Many researchers have refused to work on the anomaly, and those who do often leave within two or three years. Exiting staff note a common feeling which drove them to quit: a strong, angry, almost humiliating sense of shame which persists for months after. Footnotes 1. The term 'monument' here is important. Victims specifically use this term quite often when describing their creations. Notably, while this term suggests a kind of religious devotion, victims have thus far never referred to SCP-7465 as a deity or treated it in that way. Instead, they think of it as a neutral presence in their lives, a kind of omniscient bystander. Further analysis is ongoing. « SCP-7464 | SCP-7465 | SCP-7466 »
Item#: 7467 Level4 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: danger link to memo Illustrated depiction of Homo sapiens cobolorumius Special Containment Procedures: All available Foundation surveillance drones are to locate and track GoI-7467 (“The Goblin Gang”). Mobile Task Force Chi-37 (“Goblin Slayers”) has been formed to prevent further GoI-7467 attacks, to detain the members of the GoI, and to reclaim SCP-7467, which has been acquired by the GoI. Witnesses of SCP-7467 are to be amnesticized and all available media outlets are to disseminate appropriate cover stories to news media. While the effects produced by SCP-7467 are temporary, individuals affected by SCP-7467 are to be quarantined until anomalous effects cease, as these individuals are still a danger to the civilian population. Following the cessation of these effects, affected individuals are to be administered Class-A amnestics and released back into the civilian population. Locating SCP-7467 is of top priority. Description: SCP-7467 is an eigenweapon1 that contains three chambers that hold three separate cartridges of ammunition. This ammunition can alter the fabric of reality through three separate means. The first chamber carries ammunition that can alter certain aspects of an individual and how they function. It achieves this by penetrating a small, almost imperceptible hole into the noosphere2, and changing the individual thoughts, perceptions, and personality of the target to those primarily associated with the species Homo sapiens cobolorumius.3 The effect can last for up to fourteen days. These changes include: Decreased intelligence Increased erratic behavior The desire to provoke violence and encourage mischief The desire to carry explosive devices Rejection of social norms or expectations Rejection of apprehension for one's self-image The desire to tear one's clothes off and make abnormal vocalizations The desire to make questionable decisions The second chamber carries ammunition that, when striking a target, increases or decreases Hume levels rapidly in a ten meter diameter area of reality. How SCP-7467 uses this mechanism without malfunctioning and altering itself or the user is unknown, as the ammunition that carries this ability should not have the capacity and capability to alter reality. The effect lasts for two hours before reverting reality to its standard state. The third chamber carries ammunition that is essentially a chaotohazard.4 When striking a target, nothing occurs initially, but once the target makes a small decision, that decision can lead to absurd, disastrous, and potentially fatal consequences, regardless of the decision made and the correlation between decision and consequence. For instance, buying a shoe in a thrift store in the United States could result in an earthquake in Taiwan. Discovery: SCP-7467 was discovered on January 2022, when a former employee of Prometheus Labs turned himself in to the Ross County Police Department, Ohio, USA. When interrogated, the individual identified himself as Richard Wagner and informed police of his construction of SCP-7467 and the approximate location of the object. A Foundation employee embedded in the department informed his superiors of the object, and it was successfully acquired by an MTF and transferred to Site-35. Richard Wagner had also informed police of a colleague that had worked on the project extensively with him, and was the one who designed the original weapon. The colleague was identified as Cornelius Neugebauer III, who is supposedly a resident of Ohio, however, extensive searching of the Foundation's database and in official Ohioan documentation has revealed that no such person has ever been a citizen of Ohio. Investigation into the identity of Cornelius Neugebauer is ongoing. Before Wagner could be interviewed by the Foundation for further intel on the object and other objects of Prometheus Labs, he was inexplicably missing from his cell. Analysis of surveillance footage in the facility shows multiple imperceptible forces grabbing Wagner and dragging him throughout the prison and toward the exit. The identity of this group was initially unknown, however, subsequent analysis of the initial abduction and other similar incidents reveal the perpetrators to be GoI-7467. ADDENDUM-7467-1: INCIDENT 7467-1 The following incident was recorded by CCTV surveillance inside Site-35 on 15/5/22. The footage contains information on GoI-7467's initial break-in and subsequent acquisition of SCP-7467 and is transcribed below. 13:51: A supply truck pulls into the site's garage. The driver opens the back of the truck and carries three large boxes and places them on the floor. He then enters the site with the relevant credentials and heads to the nearest bathroom. 13:55: The front of one of the boxes is cut open from the inside by a large knife. Three members of GoI-7467 tumble out of the box and begin expressing various profanities at each other. One of the goblins puts a finger in the front of their mouth to silence the others and begins to slowly tiptoe their way to the entrance of the site. 13:59: Three more goblins not previously seen exit the bathroom, one of them swiping what appears to be skin off of their brow. One goblin protests the idea of disguising as a human, citing a cramped space, the poor quality of the pig skin used making the disguise not effective, and having to constantly smell the stench of rotting flesh. The other goblins wave them off, telling them to focus on the mission. The goblins then put on transparent cloaks that make them imperceptible by sight, and begin to run through the hallways. 14:08: The first set of goblins from the garage enter a security checkpoint, and begin to provide a distraction for the unseen goblins as they pass through security undetected and close the doors behind them. The guards are eventually incapacitated. 14:14: The concealed goblins enter the sealed containment chamber for SCP-7467, and quickly incapacitate the patrolling guards before they are able to activate the alarm. The goblins remove their cloaks and begin to attempt to decode the password for the vault door by looking for clues and making guesses as to what the password is. When this attempt fails, one of the goblins places an explosive device near the door and lights the fuse, setting off an explosion that completely demolishes the door. The goblins take SCP-7467 and quickly exit the containment wing. 14:21: The goblins activate SCP-7467 several times, causing extensive damage to several sections of the site. Multiple site security personnel attempt to impede the goblins' progress, however, they are struck by SCP-7467 and begin to crawl on all fours and howl. 14:23: As the goblins pass the site cafeteria, they shift SCP-7467 to its third cartridge, and fire at site psychologist Dr. Michael Prescott. Dr. Prescott does not notice the assault and begins to take another bite of his sandwich. As he does so, all of the humanoid containment chambers in the site open automatically, causing a mass containment breach. Fortunately, most if not all of the humanoid anomalies contained within the site are undergoing rehabilitation as the site is mostly a psychiatric center, and so they are cooperative with the Foundation. Those that are hostile do not pose a threat and are eventually contained. 14:26: The site undergoes a lockdown. As the doors to the garage seal, the goblins shift to the second cartridge, and fire at the sealed doors. The Hume levels begin to decrease, causing the doors to cease to exist. All of the goblins reconvene, enter the truck, and exit the site. Analysis of the footage above confirms the perpetrators to be GoI-7467. How they were able to infiltrate a high-security site by plainly entering through the side entrance without being checked by security is unclear, as is how they were able to incapacitate multiple highly-trained security personnel. No casualties were reported, and the major damage done to the site reverted after two hours. The search for GoI-7467 is ongoing. ADDENDUM-7467-2: INITIAL INTERVIEW The following is an interview between Security Officer Blake and PoI-7467-1 (“Cornelius Neugebauer III”). It contains important information regarding GoI-7467, the creation of SCP-7467, and extensive details regarding the mechanics of SCP-7467. Interviewed: Cornelius Neugebauer III Interviewer: Security Officer Emily Blake <Begin Log> BLAKE: State your name for the record, please. CORNELIUS: For your records, my name is Cornelius Goblinado von Musel Kowalski de Neugebauer III, but you can just call me Cornelius. BLAKE: Right. So, Mr. Neugebauer, do you know why you are here with us today? CORNELIUS: It's about the weapon, isn't it? BLAKE: Correct, Mr. Neugebauer. We wish to know more about this particular weapon known as SCP-7467, how you'd come to construct it, and of course, how it has come into the hands of an extremist group that plans to do unspeakable things to our people. CORNELIUS: I figured that would come up, considering my… history. BLAKE: You know it all too well. CORNELIUS: In retrospect, I never should have built that weapon. If you are here for retribution, then so be it. I deserve all of it. BLAKE: Mr. Neugebauer, we are not here to punish you. That is not necessary. I am only asking you a few questions relevant to the ongoing situation, and then we can discuss our options when we get there. Sounds good? CORNELIUS: That is fine with me. BLAKE: Great. First up, how did this all start? What was the exact purpose for this object's creation? This seems like a weapon too dangerous for even Prometheus' standards, so I am curious to hear how exactly this went down. CORNELIUS: As Richard had told the police already, it was my idea. I was a part of the group known as the Goblin Gang, but we weren't really a ‘gang'. At least, not originally. BLAKE: Really? Say, what was your group originally? CORNELIUS: It's simple, really. We were a group who advocated for our rights as goblins. Peacefully, of course. We wanted to share our grievances with the world, but then you showed up and amnesticized our ticket to freedom. BLAKE: Mr. Neugebauer, you should know by now that we could never let that happen. Everyone could see you. You almost caused a major breach of secrecy, and that little incident caused a lot of headaches for the higher-ups. CORNELIUS: I knew the risks of alerting your Foundation, madam, but I had to do it. These people are afraid of something that hasn't affected them in the slightest. CORNELIUS: We can be a mischievous bunch, sure, but not to the point of malice. We don't blow people up out of the blue. We don't raze your homes and steal valuable items. We are good engineers, some of us scholars, construction workers, just normal folk that go through our lives normally like you do, but there is something that is keeping us apart. CORNELIUS: We are shown in your popular culture as weak, incompetent, mindless drones working for some dark lord so that you can prove that we can be squashed. We are only a bunch of rancid, destructive, and ultimately harmless beasts to you. There is a clear, inherent disparity between you and me, but we cannot reveal this harsh truth, for your fear of wanton destruction and violent outbreaks between both the paranatural and the surface world leads our oppressors to crush our necks without consequence, and is frankly a paranoid and condemnatory decision. BLAKE: Mr. Neugebauer, this little tangent isn't necessary. We need to keep the veil closed and protect it so that our world and your world can both be safe. You have free ports so that you can be protected from the people who will cut you down. We are not bending a knee to a specific ideology or country. We have more important matters than that. CORNELIUS: Your veil will not protect you or us from anything. It keeps the outgroup from the ingroup. That's why I marched down Washington that day. I had to end it, no matter what it took. But you are still adding more fuel to the fire. BLAKE: And you tried to smother the fire, which didn't evidently work, and now we have what's left of that disaster running around, doing the things that you claim are not true. CORNELIUS: I had gone into hiding because you were still searching for me. What you see today was my doing. My actions alone led to all of this. BLAKE: And how does Wagner fit into this? CORNELIUS: I walked into their doors in ‘97. Even before the incident, Prometheus was on their last legs. Their original vision was squashed. What once was a pioneer in the development of paranatural technology for the benefit of mankind became nothing more than a weapons manufacturer. BLAKE: They had classified contracts to manufacture weapons for worldwide militaries since the beginning. CORNELIUS: Of course, but before then, they were a lot more than that, and now those contracts were the only thing that they had left. CORNELIUS: I came up to Richard, disguised as a MC&D liaison. Once I released my disguise and explained the situation, he understood my plight, as his daughter had come out as transgender two years earlier. CORNELIUS: There are many like me, lonely souls searching for a better tomorrow. We each want to be heard, to be recognized not as an enemy but as an equal, the same as the people above us, regardless of differences. I realized that we, the people at the bottom, can rise together and stand against the people pushing us down, even if we are doing it for different reasons. BLAKE: And I assume that Wagner realized the same thing? CORNELIUS: He had his reasons as well. He wanted to make sure that there was no way in hell that anyone was going to take his daughter away from him. CORNELIUS: And so, we began construction. BLAKE: Well then, Mr. Neugebauer, I'd like to thank you for providing me with the necessary context so far. But what I want now is the how. What are the exact mechanics of this thing? How did you manage to create a weapon so destructive that you had to penetrate a hole into another plane of existence entirely? CORNELIUS: Good question. Which function do you want to start on first? BLAKE: How about the personality changer? CORNELIUS: Yes. That. BLAKE: It's a real head scratcher that you wanted your opponents to make a fool of themselves involuntarily instead of, you know, actually harming them in some way, as a normal weapon should. CORNELIUS: I do not wish to harm innocent people. I wanted to show them that the way we think isn't necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes, you might just need to let yourself go and let the true, unbridled you out. It's very calming, trust me. BLAKE: But I guess you forgot about the consent factor? CORNELIUS: Correct. I didn't think of it until after it was done. The noosphere is a big old mess of concepts bleeding from other spheres and ideas that make us what we are, but I discovered that if you can untangle the strings, you can find an individual string and change a part of that person's string. CORNELIUS: Maybe I was letting my anger get the best of me, but I took it too far nonetheless. Us scientists are always preoccupied with whether we could do something, but we never sit down and stop to ask if we should do that thing. BLAKE: I guess that's why the reality bending was the easy part, then? CORNELIUS: Prometheus already had many technologies that delved into the field of ontokinetics. The only problem was keeping the weapon stable while disrupting the reality in front of you, but we made it work. BLAKE: And the last function? CORNELIUS: Have you ever heard of chaos theory? BLAKE: Not particularly, no. CORNELIUS: It describes the underlying patterns of the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems, particularly the point where stability moves to instability or order moves to disorder. CORNELIUS: The Butterfly Effect is an often used example of this theory. One small action in one state can make a huge difference for a later state. A butterfly flapping its wings can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world. BLAKE: And you found something pertaining to this? CORNELIUS: Yes. The chaotohazards. Unlike most of the hazards that you've seen, these exist in many deterministic nonlinear systems, where if found they can cause disastrous results of an unprecedented and unpredictable scale. CORNELIUS: I found and harnessed these hazards, and put them as the last and final function in the weapon. BLAKE: This weapon in general seems very dangerous if you only wanted to prove your opponents wrong. It makes them look like they're right about you. CORNELIUS: I was blind to my arrogance. I wanted to inspire others into taking the charge as I have done, but I didn't realize that what I did was not going to prove anything. All I could do with that thing was slaughter your people like lambs. But now it's in the hands of a movement that I built from the ground up, twisted into an unrecognizable form twenty-four years later. BLAKE: It's not exactly unrecognizable. CORNELIUS: What are you implying? BLAKE: The current figurehead of this GoI might be very familiar to you. Blake pulls out a picture of an middle-aged goblin and places it on the table. BLAKE: Do you know who this is? CORNELIUS: No. It can't be. BLAKE: We printed this still from a video recorded a few hours ago from a surveillance camera in the exterior of the Chase Bank in New York. This ‘Ulysses' melted all the gold in there into slag. We have confirmed this familiar face to be the leader of GoI-7467. CORNELIUS: I thought he was taken. I thought he was put in a cell! He's still out there? BLAKE: Yes, and he has your weapon, and most likely a plan to cripple our species and ruin many lives. That's why we brought you here. BLAKE: We need your expertise on 7467 and the prior knowledge of Ulysses and the GoI in general in order to stop them. We need 7467 back before it's too late. CORNELIUS: I cannot meet him again. Not after what he did to my family. He is a danger to us all. BLAKE: We're not letting you go out to meet him by yourself. We have an experienced MTF joining you in the fight. We will not let harm come to you. We just need some advice and a little helping hand. Pun not intended. CORNELIUS: He's smarter than you think. A full MTF coming full speed at him won't do anything. He knows exactly how to stop you, which is why the raid at your site was so successful in the first place. BLAKE: That is also why we need you to solve that problem. You want that weapon out of the wrong hands? Now's the time. CORNELIUS: If we are both willing to get rid of that thing, I might consider it. Just as long as you promise me that we get it out of his hands before he does the inevitable. If I am right, the consequences could be catastrophic. BLAKE: I will let the higher-ups know. Thank you for your time, Mr. Neugebauer. We look forward to seeing you soon. <End Log> ADDENDUM-7467-3: INITIAL DEBRIEF The following is a transcript of the initial meeting between PoI-7467-1 and MTF Chi-37. It covers the proposed plans to detain PoI-7467-2 (“Ulysses Eisenberger”) and recontain SCP-7467. <Begin Log> RUSKIN: Alright folks, welcome back. Glad to see all of you again. Today's a very important day, as we have a special guest joining us for the ride, so I want you to be on your best behavior today, alright? LIU: This isn't primary school, Theodore. RUSKIN: Well, with that attitude it sounds like you're still in school, so I thought I just had to remind some of you that we have to be kind and respectful towards others, especially to our friend here today. CORNELIUS: I am no friend of your organization, just a mere acquaintance. DAVIS: Is that a goblin? RUSKIN: Yes, Noah, that is a goblin. Very astute observation. DAVIS: Holy shit, we have our own little Boblin! CORNELIUS: I am not a pet for you to keep, or a ‘Boblin', whatever abomination that is. Theodore leans in toward Cornelius' ear. RUSKIN: I am so sorry about them. CORNELIUS: It's alright. I've seen worse. RUSKIN: What could possibly be worse? CORNELIUS: Gringotts. And that Japanese animation that they made about us. That still sickens me. FERGUSON: You mean Goblin Slayer? CORNELIUS: Yes, that one. I wasn't surprised by that portrayal at all, but that was disgusting. RUSKIN: I don't think we need to bring that one up, Samuel. FERGUSON: Alright. RUSKIN: As we already discussed, Professor Cornelius here will be assisting us in detaining the Goblin Gang and retaking what's rightfully ours. CORNELIUS: It's not necessarily yours. RUSKIN: I know that. But we need to take it back before whatever the hell Ulysses is up to comes to fruition. ABEYTA: Well, where do we start? CORNELIUS: I do believe that there is a motive to the madness. CORNELIUS: I was Ulysses' mentor. He thought of the same thoughts I had. It was like I was looking in a mirror. RUSKIN: But something must've happened. CORNELIUS: There was a burgeoning hatred inside of him that I failed to notice until it was too late. Every man and woman above the surface was complacent to our suffering in his eyes. I never got why, but I should've known. It was right there all along. DAVIS: So… an extremist. Seems like a nonissue to us. CORNELIUS: You are underestimating what he can do. A GOC strike force couldn't take him down. You couldn't keep your own site protected from him. I've seen what he could do. LIU: Then he just fucked off? CORNELIUS: No. I was the one who ran. After the march down Washington failed, I left him behind to deal with the GOC strike force. He lost all of my respect before then. Calling me a coward, said he was going to kill my family for siding with the ‘mudpeople'. There was no going back for him. RUSKIN: That's terrible. I'm so sorry that happened to you. CORNELIUS: I feel the pain that he went through. But that doesn't mean you get to hurt innocent people because they can't stop the people above them from hurting us. DAVIS: Hey man, it'll be okay, once we're done you don't have to worry about his sorry ass anymore. CORNELIUS: If you consider the full implications here you can't lay a finger on him, because the weapon that he holds will either make you screech like a madman, break you down to your molecules, or drop a piano on you whenever you flip a coin. That unpredictability is his advantage, which is why we'll use it against him. LIU: How? We don't have a weapon like he has. He's just going to turn us into jelly. CORNELIUS: The weapon is only part of his advantage. The whole idea here is guerrilla warfare. It takes you by surprise before you can get a single shot in. DAVIS: So, we just go full buck wild? CORNELIUS: No. There are inherent patterns in complex and chaotic systems, such as our weather, which is how we can predict what is coming to us next. I plan to do a similar thing. RUSKIN: And what does that entail? CORNELIUS: I'll have a one-on-one chat with my old friend, and we'll make him think that we are about to ambush him, but in reality it should be a fluid, constantly moving assault to keep Ulysses on his toes. FERGUSON: I get it. It's a plan within a plan that's not a plan but eventually is a plan. Planception. RUSKIN: How are we going to surprise them when they know we're coming? CORNELIUS: It's simple. We don't, but then we do, as our actual plan should be kept hidden from the multitudes of fake plans. A pattern within the madness. LIU: That could work. RUSKIN: I guess, but I don't know if that would work. It's inherently unpredictable. Unknowns mean no clear objective, no clear way of victory, and it rubs me the wrong way. Every piece should fall into place. How am I supposed to do that if I don't know what the pieces are? DAVIS: Hey man, you're just being ignorant. You gotta learn the Way of the Goblin. RUSKIN: Shut the hell up. That isn't funny at all, and you know it. Where's your respect that you're supposed to show to our guest today? I warned you twice already, and you still don't listen to me. DAVIS: The only disrespect in this room is to my nose, since it smells like a pigsty in here. CORNELIUS: Have I provoked you, Mr. Davis? DAVIS: No, you seem like a cool dude, but it just so happens that my brother lost his future engineering job a couple weeks ago because of “competition” that I clearly know was some green freaks getting all the attention. LIU: Are you ranting conspiracies while working for a conspiracy? DAVIS: Shut up. It's a good thing that we're keeping the veil closed, and I don't see why you don't believe me. I don't want my house to be broken into. I need my family to be safe. There is a large percentage of bank robberies that are committed by these kleptomaniacs, which is why they are incarcerated a lot more often than other anomalous species. I have the statistics. We should just get this Ulysses bastard and go- Theodore curves his hands into fists and slams them onto the table. RUSKIN: Noah. Get out. Now. DAVIS: Sure thing, boss. Davis gets out of his seat and exits the room, slamming the door behind him. RUSKIN: I can't with him. I just can't. LIU: You gave him second chances every which way. Hell, he even squinted his eyes while looking at me once, and you let him off for that. RUSKIN: I thought he would change. He said that he would change. CORNELIUS: You only change yourself for the better if you clearly understand why you hurt others and have the motivation and the help to reconcile and evolve into something better. If this is a repeated pattern with no sense of guilt, then I do not see the reason for forgiveness. RUSKIN: That may be true, but he's my friend. Or was. I have to do something about it, regardless. CORNELIUS: If he is simply ill-informed, then that can be fixed with enough time. But some men do not want change. They believe in what they think is right, no matter the contrary. Convincing them is difficult, if not borderline impossible. I am sorry about your friend, but it may not be easy to forgive him if he is willing to continue what he is doing. Just think about it. RUSKIN: …I will. Samuel pats Theodore on the back. FERGUSON: It'll be okay, bud. We'll get out of this eventually. LIU: Hey, guys, if we want to get started, we need to think about some kind of weakness that we can use against Ulysses' cohorts. ABEYTA: Already on it. RUSKIN: Right on the dot again, Ximena? ABEYTA: You know it, Theo. ABEYTA: It's about the invisibility cloaks. The issue with invisibility is that you can't make your whole self invisible. Even if it's smaller than a pin prick, you need just enough of your eyes to stay visible so that light can hit them and you can still see. ABEYTA: Now, perceiving a fraction of a pupil hanging in space, smaller than a grain of sand, would be beyond most people, but I've trained myself to look for them because they always move in two. FERGUSON: Don't we have infrared visors to solve this problem? ABEYTA: This is Prometheus technology. Covers every wavelength. FERGUSON: Well damn, guess that's not the only thing they stole from Prometheus. ABEYTA: Most of their firepower is from Prometheus. If we want to pack a punch, we're going to have to bring in the big guns. CORNELIUS: I already have something forming in my head. RUSKIN: Great. Team, let's get to planning. Or not, since this is all up to chance. FERGUSON: Sir, yes sir! Samuel gives a mock salute to Theodore. RUSKIN: You don't have to do that. I'm not a drill instructor. LIU: We're off to a great start already. <End Log> ADDENDUM-7467-4: INCIDENT-7467-2 The following footage is taken from the body cameras of Commander Ruskin and PoI-7467-1. The footage contains the implementation of MTF Chi-37's plan, the unexpected obstacles placed before MTF Chi-37, and the confrontation between PoI-7467-1 and PoI-7467-2. <Begin Log> Camera footage shows a large, underground tunnel, located underneath the US Capitol Building. Cornelius follows a figure obscured by a dark cloak, who eventually opens a door to reveal a large chamber. Inside this chamber is a multitude of large, complex clockwork machinery which is currently generating a vast number of weapons and equipment. Groups of goblins maintain the upkeep of these machines, using various tools to keep the machines running. In the center of the chamber is PoI-7467-2. GOBLIN: Boss, he's here. ULYSSES: Cornelius! Ulysses swiftly turns around and runs up to Cornelius, and quickly puts a hand on his shoulder. ULYSSES: It's so good to see you again. How have you been? CORNELIUS: Relatively alright. I see you are working on something. ULYSSES: Why, yes, my friend, we are working on something very important. I'm finishing what you started. CORNELIUS: What are you planning? ULYSSES: Come on, Cornelius, isn't it obvious? You know exactly what I'm about to do. ULYSSES: The mudpeople have shown me that time and time again, they will always do the wrong thing. They kick us all down to pull themselves up for something unreachable. They worship false idols that promise wealth and prosperity, but in reality will provide nothing while they get to sit in their clean, upkept mansions. ULYSSES: And why won't they target us? We're easy to pick on. We are small, ugly, nasty creatures that'll get in your fridge. We're not dangerous. We're not intimidating. They aren't afraid of us. CORNELIUS: There are some surface dwellers who will help us. They are in the same situation as us. We have the same goals, why target them too? ULYSSES: Not one of them has cared. We marched down Washington, and not one person walked down with us. They thought it was a goddamn Halloween party! CORNELIUS: Well, it was October 31st. ULYSSES: I already know you're a terrible planner, but even if it wasn't that date, there will be nobody there. And why would they be there? They don't make the commitment to solve their own problems. They're too numb to their reality, and that makes them weak. CORNELIUS: There was one man who wanted to help. ULYSSES: That was a fluke. He only helped you because you cried like a bitch and told a sob story that got to his cold, dead, heart. He worked for a weapons manufacturer, Cornelius! Can't you see the irony in that? CORNELIUS: If you knew him like I did, that is not the case. ULYSSES: Oh, really? It seems he's doing fine making weapons for me. CORNELIUS: Not voluntarily. ULYSSES: Doesn't matter. The only way that you could care for a civil rights issue anymore is for clout. Like and retweet if you want the government to explode! Embarrassing. ULYSSES: I will show the surface dwellers how it's done. I'm going to give my fight to all my brothers and sisters in this country, and we're going to shoot these bastards to kingdom come. This nice little weapon that you made will also be very helpful for what's about to happen. Too bad I can't make more, since you burned all the blueprints. CORNELIUS: You don't have to be the monster that they think you are. You're just going to prove them right, in the end. ULYSSES: Why would I care? They'd be dead no matter how right they are. Their society is a constant loop. They reject their reality, and try to push themselves into their fantasies where everything is all sunshine and rainbows. ULYSSES: No matter how many times we vote, riot, scream in pain, everything just moves like clockwork. Tragedies are forgotten after a week, pointless issues are brought up to cover up government corruption, and we all just keep marching on as our world burns. ULYSSES: I'm going to close the loop. Break the cycle. The surface was never theirs to ruin. I'm taking it back. CORNELIUS: I can't let you. You will inspire the next generation to slaughter like you do. ULYSSES: And you think your ideas will come out on top? Kindness doesn't work anymore. Our oppressors need consequences. ULYSSES: This isn't even my tunnel. This is an old tunnel built in 1794 for our ancestors, who were forced to pay so much sweat, blood and tears in exchange for small pastries and scraps. They only used us as a tool for their machines, and kept their deeds hidden. What they forgot is that this tunnel is also a perfect location to enter a government building. ULYSSES: You, on the other hand, are just a domesticated dog for a rich human family that treated you like a baby. Our ancestors' bloodlines were stolen when we were taken as servants and given names from the surface, which includes you. You will never know what it's like to suffer as I have. You have no scars. CORNELIUS: That does not give an excuse for hanging my father from the rafters to send a message. ULYSSES: He had all the money in the world to help us, and yet he spent it all on the veil. It was a necessary message. ULYSSES: Selling out to the Jailors will not help you. They are not prepared for what will come next. You are- The chamber shakes, and a loud noise can be heard outside the tunnel walls. Heavy footsteps and screaming can be heard in the background. ULYSSES: And there we go, you sent them in. Predictable for a traitor. CORNELIUS: This isn't what you think. ULYSSES: Really? Because I now have two hostages in my hands, and I can also add a few more casualties to the tally. ULYSSES: My friends are already up above. I can't wait to see the look on your face when we bring the bodies for you to see. Theodore's body camera activates, showing the interior of the U.S. Capitol, sustaining minor damage from the controlled explosion intended to lure Ulysses into action. MTF Chi-35 scans the chamber and nearby hallways for any sign of GoI-7467. FERGUSON: No sign of them yet. RUSKIN: Of course. They could come any time soon. In fact, they could be in this very room right now, and I would be none the wiser. FERGUSON: You sure you okay, man? I haven't seen you act like this before. RUSKIN: I don't know anymore, Sam. This shit is tearing me apart. I have never felt so small. FERGUSON: Aren't we all, sometimes? RUSKIN: Not like that. I work for an incomprehensible entity that keeps an everlasting curtain standing for every second that I stand here. I am fighting a fight that has been fought for too long. It's all the same. FERGUSON: It's like you're only a piece of a puzzle? RUSKIN: Yes! That's exactly it! And I don't know what I'm fighting anymore. I've lost good friends to this fight. But now it feels like we did all of this for nothing. FERGUSON: This won't be for nothing, Theo. We have each other, that's all we need. These goblins aren't aggressors. They're hurt. They need us. We need to step up and take action. Not for our organization, not for the Overseers, not for any of that. We're here to protect. That's what we stand for. RUSKIN: I hope you're right. FERGUSON: I will. Just lead us through this. It's on us for what happens next. This fight doesn't have to be the same anymore. Ximena springs out of a corner, looks around the room, and finds no signs of GoI-7467. ABEYTA: Don't see any yet. RUSKIN: Did you get the fridge set up? ABEYTA: It's all locked and loaded. Katy's got the mannequins and the fake 7467's. FERGUSON: What about Noah? RUSKIN: I had him sit out of this one. He needs a break. LIU: More like a good hit of his perfect teeth. RUSKIN: We don't need to start any of that. They'll be coming any minute. Stay sharp, watch each other's six. You don't know where they could be at. They could— Ximena fires her tranquilizer at a nearby, empty space in the chamber, which hits and incapacitates a concealed goblin. ABEYTA: Told ya. They always move in two. RUSKIN: Alright, it's already started. Everyone to your positions! The team scatters into different directions. Theodore can be seen sprinting through the halls, quickly turning through tight corners. He drops several ball bearings in various locations, causing some concealed goblins to lose their footing and injure themselves. He eventually stops, out of breath, and peers out of a corner. Hundreds of goblins are seen exiting what looks to be a wall, but in reality is an illusion of a wall covering the entrance to a large tunnel. RUSKIN: Okay, I found the entrance. There's a lot of them. No sign of Ulysses yet. LIU: <radio> He probably can't be seen from the large crowd. RUSKIN: Cornelius said that he was wearing a very dark cloak, like something you'd see a cult leader wear. I don't see anything matching that description. ABEYTA: <radio> Should we just wait, then? RUSKIN: Well, we need something large, bombastic, something to get their attention. There's too many of these goblins at this entrance. I need a distraction. FERGUSON: <radio> On it. Theodore waits for a few moments, continually spying on the emerging army sent by Ulysses as they emerge from the tunnel. Theodore braces for an eventual confrontation, however, what appears to be the sound of a heated debate can be heard in the background. GOBLIN: They're over there! The approaching army stops in their tracks, and turns to face the noise. GOBLIN: It's time we break the chains. The goblins put their cloaks on, become imperceptible, and rush toward the noise. As they do so, Theodore enters the corridor and searches for any remaining goblins. He finds none. RUSKIN: What was that? FERGUSON: <radio> Little something I cooked up. The government officials are hiding on the other side of the building, so we should move the chaos in the opposite direction. LIU: <radio> I like your thinking there. RUSKIN: I should keep moving. Theodore checks the hidden entrance, and attempts to pass through it, however, he is impeded by an invisible force. RUSKIN: Of course it wouldn't be that easy. Theodore looks for any sign of entry, however the tunnel entrance appears to be inaccessible, even with the usage of conventional tools. RUSKIN: Our friend here is not letting me in his lair. LIU: <radio> Even if it wasn't locked out, that place is probably swarming with goblins. You can't just walk in and take 7467. RUSKIN: I'm just figuring out my options here, Katy. We have two hostages down there, and I can't take any risks. LIU: <radio> This whole mission is a risk, Theo. RUSKIN: I'll figure it out. Theodore sighs and begins to run down the remaining corridors, and up several flights of stairs. He eventually enters what looks to be a committee room. RUSKIN: Alright, I'm here. Is everyone ready? LIU: <radio> Sure am. ABEYTA: <radio> I got everything prepared. FERGUSON: <radio> Ready when you are. RUSKIN: Alright team, let's end this. Hit it! Several loud, explosive sounds can be heard, shaking the entire committee chamber floor. Theodore almost loses his footing, but after a while the sounds cease and Theodore regains his balance. RUSKIN: Hope this works. Theodore exits the chamber and heads back down the stairs, heading towards the chamber of the House of Representatives. Surveillance footage shows several groups of goblins being strung up by large nets, some being attacked by animated mannequins, which are not affected by bullets, and some being affected by several large-scale illusions, which include a false UIU strike team, false weapons lying on the floor, and false U.S. House Representatives that flee from the goblins. These illusions are mostly distractions to keep the goblins from hurting innocent civilians. Theodore turns a corner, and sees two goblins with their firearms raised at what appears to be a refrigerator. GOBLIN: We know you're in there, missy! GOBLIN: Come on out or we'll shoot! LIU: Never! GOBLIN: She's stubborn. GOBLIN: Just open the door, you wank. GOBLIN: Fine. The goblin attempts to open the door, however this is not feasible, as the refrigerator is actually a cardboard cutout. LIU: Sorry about that, guys. There is no fridge. Katherine leaps from around a corner and incapacitates the hostile goblins with her tranquilizer. RUSKIN: This is just getting ridiculous. LIU: C'mon, don't you think this is a little fun? These illusions look so real! RUSKIN: And I bet we're never going to be allowed to use them again. LIU: You're no fun. RUSKIN: Let's just get going. The rest of the goblins are either incapacitated by several traps or patrolling Chi-37 members, and the ones who are not are locked inside the Senate chamber, after following the noise produced by Samuel. MTF Chi-37 eventually regroup inside the visitor center, looking exhausted and injured from the previous events. FERGUSON: That was a lot. RUSKIN: I still fail to see how we can get that weapon if Ulysses is still hiding. LIU: Maybe he's waiting for us to put our guards down. ABEYTA: Or maybe he is waiting for someone to justify his actions. Ximena places down the deceased body of a goblin, which is covered in bullet holes. RUSKIN: Jesus Christ. ABEYTA: This was no act of self-defense. This was a clear act of aggression. LIU: I thought you said that Noah would sit this one out. RUSKIN: I didn't think he was going to shoot anybody! ULYSSES: Did you also think that I wouldn't notice him? Theodore looks up above, and sees Ulysses grabbing Noah Davis by the throat, dangling him off the balcony above. FERGUSON: Oh shit. ULYSSES: You're using tranquilizers and childish illusions to stop me now? You've gotten soft. RUSKIN: Don't you dare drop him! ULYSSES: Not until you let me quietly exit the premises. FERGUSON: I don't think that's going to happen. ULYSSES: Of course you won't. Otherwise you won't be able to contain me. ULYSSES: Do you realize who you are fighting for? You think you're enforcing justice, for the good of the people and the protection of the weird corners of the world. And yet you seem to forget your roots. ULYSSES: We are who we choose to be. Now you must choose between the bigoted creatures who hide in the shadows of the surface, or… Ulysses points down towards two goblins, who are pointing their firearms at a binded Cornelius. ULYSSES: The innocent goblin, who for hundreds of years has bled so that you can keep your gears turning. What's so wrong with a little more blood on your hands? It's your choice. RUSKIN: You can't do this. ULYSSES: Oh, I can and I will. You are nothing but a pawn in their game, a piece in a larger puzzle. You are just as disposable as the men in the orange jumpsuits that you keep around. I am giving you a chance to prove yourself. You must make the decision, Commander. Your choice will matter, now. Choose wisely. There is a long pause. Theodore contemplates the situation at present, looking frantically around the room for any kind of solution, however, he finds none. He eventually places his weapon on the floor, and raises his hands above his head. RUSKIN: I choose chance. ULYSSES: Interesting. You know what, I'll honor that choice. Ulysses shifts 7467 to its third cartridge, pulls Noah up and places him on the balcony floor, and fires the weapon at Noah. ULYSSES: If you leave it up to luck, eventually it will hit you in the back. Noah slowly pulls himself up, and grabs his pistol. He turns its safety off and puts his finger on the trigger, pointing it at Ulysses. DAVIS: You just won't quit, won't ya, you green bastard? ULYSSES: The world should remove people like you, but if Mother Nature wants to spare you, I'll let her take its course. DAVIS: Your tricks don't work on me anymore. I should've pulled the trigger when I had the chance. ULYSSES: You do have the chance now. Go right ahead. RUSKIN: Noah, don't! Noah pulls the trigger, but the gun jams. DAVIS: What? ULYSSES: Here she comes. A section of the balcony collapses, causing Noah to fall to the chamber below. He does not move once the impact settles. ULYSSES: They never change, don't they? Predictable. Now it's your turn. Ulysses shifts 7467 to the second cartridge and pulls the trigger, however, nothing occurs. The gun does not go off. ULYSSES: That shouldn't happen. This doesn't malfunction. It can't malfunction! It can't- WAGNER: Did you really think I didn't have a failsafe, Evolutionsbremse? A figure appears behind Ulysses, and strikes him in the back of the head, incapacitating him. WAGNER: Those chains aren't hard to break out of. Your reign of terror is over. RUSKIN: Now! Ximena and Samuel fire their tranquilizers at the two remaining goblins, incapacitating them. FERGUSON: We gotta go. RUSKIN: Can you meet us at the entrance, Richard? WAGNER: I'll find a way down. CORNELIUS: Thank you, old friend. WAGNER: Gern geschehen, little one. <End Log> After the events transcribed above, all members of GoI-7467 have been detained and SCP-7467 has been successfully reclaimed. Further investigation into the other Prometheus items stolen by GoI-7467 is ongoing. ADDENDUM-7467-5: RELEVANT DOCUMENTATION The following is an undisclosed letter sent from PoI-7467-1 to Theodore Ruskin of Chi-37. It has been transcribed below. Theodore, I first would like to thank you for what you've done last night. It was a tough choice, and you did the right thing. I'm sorry for your friend. I could've stopped what happened, but now I know that we must carry on, and learn from our mistakes. Ulysses thought there was no change in our fight, that the cycle of pain and suffering will continue, regardless of what we do. He is wrong. Senseless violence will make martyrs, and continued movements inspired from the original hate. But anger does not have to destroy. My anger is not for hate but for love. I recognize the world for its flaws and its injustices and its cruelties, and I will not let these crimes stand. I can redirect that energy, that stance to fight, and use it to make the world a better place. Militant decency, as Terry Pratchett taught. Your Foundation does not need to uphold what it stood for in the past. I have seen something from within its jaws. A spark that refuses to go out. 43, 87, 120, I have seen all of it. You are not a pawn, Theodore, you are a commander. An inspiration. Something that the people will look up to. I think it's time for you to take a stand. I am getting old. My fight has long since passed. I have made irreversible mistakes. I have started something that has consumed the lives of many. That is something that the world can't forgive. But the least I can do is pass the torch. Richard and I are living with his daughter in an undisclosed location. You do not need to find us. But you must carry the torch as I have. We cannot be destroyers. We must be better. For the sake of our children, we must be better. Don't let the flame die out. Footnotes 1. An anomalous weapon of mass destruction used by various groups of interest, governments, and mercenaries. 2. The sphere of all human thought 3. Colloquially known as a goblin 4. A hazard that changes patterns in deterministic nonlinear systems that can result in large differences in a later state. This is colloquially known as the ‘Butterfly Effect'. « SCP-7466 | SCP-7467 | SCP-7468 »
Item #: SCP-7469 Danger Level: Orange Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: The anomaly is contain by separating it into 10,000 pieces, and each piece is placed inside the tiles of a white room. The tiles can be opened, and each of them has a magnet that traps the subject in. The temperature of the room can be manipulated, as well as the magnets inside the tiles. Description: SCP-7469, also known as Noirnium, is a reflective black metalloid that is liquid between -110ºC and 7469ºC, the anomaly is conscious, can control it's own pH, has the intelligence of an average male adult dolphin, is an incredible electrical conductor, can control it's magnetism, and can produce small levels of electricity. If the subject has at least half of a creature's weight, it can enter it's body and control it as it's own. Upon Noirnium entering a host, the creature's eyes and mouth shine an orange light, as well as it's body turning metallic black, like the Noirnium itself. Host Test Description Tardigrade Test 1, the host is a male adult tardigrade. Tardigrades are known for their excellent resistance to a wide variety of environments, resisting radiation, the vaccum of space, among others, they also have the ability to dehydrate themselves in times of low food, or drought. A random tile was opened, it's magnet was deactivated, and the anomaly started crawling in the subject's direction, even if it was invisible to the naked eye. As soon as the anomaly made contact with the subject, it covered it in itself and made it about 10 times it's original size, this was not an expected outcome. A class-D was placed inside the cell with the previous subject, the anomaly jumped out of the tardigrade into the class-D, but the room temperature was brought down to -200ºC, so that instance of the anomaly became solid, and the class-D was terminated by the harsh temperature. The instance was destroyed by chemical separation of it's components. Flu virus Test 2. Several instances of the flu virus were placed on a petri dish, a random tile was opened, the magnet was deactivated, and the anomaly wandered around the room without a reason, until the viruses moved 1 centimeter from their original location, then the anomaly moved in the direction of the viruses. Once the anomaly reached the subject, it made various viruses with the same appearance as 7469, but their composition was also modified, therefor, it had different symptoms from regular flu virus. A class-D was ordered to mix the viruses with water and drink the solution, then he was escorted to a quarantine room. After 4 days, the skin of the Class-D started becoming darker, and their eyes more pale, the organs of the subject started withering away with every passing hour, until it turned into what the foundation calls SCP-7469-S. Dog (Pincher) Test 3. A female pregnant dog of the pincher breed was placed in 7469's containment cell. A random tile was opened, magnet deactivated, and the anomaly jumped in the subjects direction, this time the anomaly was way faster and excited, most likely because it saw 2 creatures instead of 1. The anomaly entered the subjects body, and it could be seen via the x-ray camera, that 7469 went inside the fetus, not the adult subject. The dog was escorted to a quarantine room, and awaited for birth. When the subject gave birth, the fetus had the same proprieties as a regular 7469 host, but there were no signs of the original fetus, the dog was purely an anomaly, there was not a host. The adult subject was terminated shortly after giving birth to what the foundation now calls SCP-7469-F. Mahogany tree Test 4. A 5 meter tall mahogany tree was placed in 7469's cell. 40 random tiles were opened, the magnets were deactivated, and the anomaly crawled in the direction of the subject. As soon as the anomaly entered the subject's body, it turned the wood metallic black, and the leaves turned orange and shining. A class-D was ordered to cut the tree down with an ax, but a leaf of the anomaly fell onto the class-D, and the class-D became another host of the anomaly. Both hosts were terminated by bringing the temperature to -200ºC. Class-D Test 5. A 51 year old male class-D was placed inside 7469's cell of containment. 5 random tiles were opened, the magnets was deactivated, and the anomaly crawled in the direction of the subject. The class-D ran away from the anomaly, but it got to him. The anomaly fused with the subject, his eyes and mouth became orange as expected, but the host also grew a pair of orange coiled shining horns. This subject gained immense strength, felt no pain, and ha d no empathy towards foundation member, but that was already expected. None Test 6. This test has no host to be given to the anomaly, instead, all of the Noirnium would be allowed to fuse together. All 10,000 pieces formed a 9000Kg humanoid figure, this creature was named [REDACTED], it cause the incident the foundation calls [REDACTED]. The anomaly also had the abilities to ████████, ██████, ███████████, █████, and ███████████████, therefor, ███████, ████, ███████ [[[SCP-7468]]] | SCP-7469 | [[[SCP-7470]]]
ITEM #: 7470 CONTAINMENT CLASS: NEUTRALIZED Fig 1.1: The moon, as seen from Site-19 roughly 12 hours after the advent of SCP-7470 (hover to enlarge). SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: The search for Daniel Collins and other missing persons related to SCP-7470 is ongoing and considered a top priority. Monitoring of Le Blanc University and the surrounding environs is to be conducted at all times. Standard Foundation disinformation protocol applies to inquiries by law enforcement or the public regarding the status of the missing persons. The Philip E. Lewis Memorial Auditorium, the hypocenter for SCP-7470, has been closed to the public and placed under Foundation jurisdiction under the guise of structural defects. Lunar surveys are ongoing. High command stationed on Lunar Area-32 has been asked to review the contents of this file—contingency protocols for the emergence of unforeseen lunar phenomena are being drafted. All personnel should prepare for a potential Amida-class disruption event. Consult your HMCL supervisor for more information. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7470 was the disappearance of Daniel Collins and associated phenomena on the night of March 6, 2023, at roughly 7:00 pm. Collins, who had experience working for NASA and other aerospace organizations, had been a professor of astronomy at Le Blanc University for well over a decade prior to SCP-7470. An extensive background check revealed no abnormalities besides an antisocial childhood. Prior to the advent of SCP-7470, Collins had been conducting an extensive study on lunar activities using University funds, with an emphasis on the annual variations of orbital patterns. The exact nature of his research was never fully disclosed to the faculty or student body; his findings were expected to be revealed during the lecture that resulted in SCP-7470. Readings taken from local monitoring stations after the conclusion of SCP-7470 discovered slight gravitational abnormalities concurrent with the advent of SCP-7470; however, they were not nearly as powerful as the nature of the incident would require (see Addendum A). Theorists currently speculate SCP-7470 generated a localized spacial/temporal anomaly to reduce damage caused by its gravity on planet Earth, however, this cannot be confirmed. Following the conclusion of SCP-7470, the moon now possesses an inverted synchronous rotation, so that its far hemisphere1 orbits facing the Earth. Foundation-operated astronomical divisions have been placed on notice should future incidents arise, and disinformation campaigns are suppressing ongoing public alarm. ADDENDUM A: Video Log Forward: The following is a recording of SCP-7470, captured by a member of the audience during Collins' lecture on his research findings. The lecture was held at the Philip E. Lewis Memorial Auditorium at Le Blanc University. In attendance were 54 students, faculty, and members of the public. The footage was recovered by Foundation cleanup crews following the conclusion of SCP-7470. [Camera activates. The stage is empty and the lights are off. Ambient chatter from the audience can be heard.] [Collins enters from stage right. Audience applause as light illuminates the stage.] [He approaches the podium and raises a hand in acknowledgment. The applause subsides. He adjusts his microphone.] First I want to thank you all for coming. I know the weather has been less than ideal. I just want to let you all know how grateful I am to have an audience here. You're all fantastic. [Collins clears his throat.] When I was eight, after a particularly nasty bout of night terrors, my mother took me out into the cold Mojave night, sat me down on the dusty rocks, and told me a story. She said that every night, once the sun settles over the horizon, the moon comes out to keep watch over the Earth. It kept all the monsters away, she told me. The moon would watch all night. It could see everything. The biggest trees, the smallest mice. She even told me it could see all the fishes of the sea, all the way to the bottom. It was so big, so powerful, none of the monsters dared to face it. It could even see me, of course, sitting cozy in my bed. All night long, it would watch. Then the sun would come up, chase the moon out of the sky, bathe the Earth in golden light. Until the next night. On and on, forever. I don't know where she got that story from, but it did wonders to ease the frightened mind of a child. The moon, guardian of the night. It must be pretty good at its job since I never saw any monsters around. [Collins chuckles and pauses for effect—audience remains silent. He continues, shakily.] On my twelfth birthday, Apollo 11 put men on the moon. For the first time, I saw the moon, not through the dirty lens of a telescope but live on television. [Collins begins to pace the stage. The camera pivots to follow him.] After that, I became fascinated with space. I mean really, truly obsessed. You should've seen my bedroom. I had one of those rocket ship beds, the ones where you could actually stand up in because they were so tall. I had an astronaut helmet and a flight suit and at least a half dozen telescopes. And let's not forget the Moon In My Room—the little bisected moon lamp you hang on your bedroom wall that talks you to sleep. Yes, it's real. Look it up. I got one for Christmas one year. You can click it through the lunar phases and it'll tell you about science and folklore. I loved it to death. But nothing could compare to the real thing. [Collins boots up the stage's projector screen. It displays an image of the moon (pictured).] Fig 1.2: Slide 1. As I got older, I started studying the moon. I'd stare at pictures like this for hours. I'd pore over images from the Apollo missions. Once I even held a piece of moonrock in my hand—gloved, of course. As embarrassing as it sounds, I would sometimes regard it less as an object and more as a person. Someone, rather than something. I think I held a conversation with it on more than one occasion. Could you blame me? I was a loner. [He points to the projector screen, which clicks to show the cover of the 1974 issue of Popular Science Magazine displaying a group photograph of high schoolers alongside NASA technicians. Collins stands out in the foreground wearing a bright red Hawaiian shirt and oversized glasses. Audience laughs, to which Collins chuckles.] That used to be in style, believe it or not. This was a few years before I got an internship at NASA. I was never on the table for the astronaut program, but I did work directly under those who were. I was jealous of them—I could only be a desk jockey for so long. I needed to get out and make a name for myself. So when I was offered a job here at the University… I was over the moon, no pun intended. I took up a position as an assistant researcher, worked my way up to professor, and… well the rest is history. Enough about me. You're all here to learn what they won't teach you in Astronomy 101. You've no doubt studied this stuff all your academic career. If you're like me, you've seen every documentary, read every journal you could find about our only natural satellite. Many of you have probably studied the many theories about its creation—that it was flung from the Earth during an early impact event, or captured and brought into Earth's orbit from some other source. Some of you might believe it was always there, formed from the same accretion disk and at the same time as the Earth. [Collins clicks to the next slide, an image of the moon cracked with red chasms.] This is what the moon would've looked like in its early years. Fragile. Impure. Rift valleys like the one on the screen would've made the moon nearly unrecognizable. Like the world's biggest omelet. [Collins pauses expectantly. Audience does not react.] Get it? Because it looks like… an egg? Um, anyway. [Collins clicks to the next slide, an image of the moon as it would have appeared 4 billion years ago.] There would've been vast pools of magma—lunar seas. We can only guess what they would've looked like. I always imagined the moon would've appeared as Earth did in her infancy, full of fire and heat and life. [Collins clicks to the next slide, a Hawaiian lava flow.] Do you know what happens to solid rock when it superheats? Well, it's a bit like taffy. It stretches, becoming something in between a semi-solid and a liquid. The moon would've been… amorphous, malleable. And it would've done the same to anything that touched it, assuming it got hot enough. It's hard to believe that our moon could've been anything other than the dead rock it is now… but it was. For millions of years. Let's talk about a bit more recent history. Man has known of the moon as long as we've known of each other. It's been the centerpiece of countless fables, symbols, and religions. It has captured and mystified us longer than we can measure. [Collins clicks to the next slide, a grainy, distorted image of the moon (pictured).] Fig 1.3: Slide 6. This is the first image of the far side of the moon, as photographed by the Soviet probe Luna 3. The first to see this were the Russians in '59, who later mapped it in '60. By all accounts, they were the first humans in history to have seen the entirety of our moon. They should have been. But they weren't. I saw it first almost five years before the Soviets, in the twilight hours of the early night—that time when the space on the horizon where the sun used to occupy is still firey yellow, before the blues and blacks of night swallow up the sky. It's then when the moon is most prominent, right as it peeks up above the tree line. On this particular night it… felt so close. Like I could just reach up and touch it. No stars out tonight. Just you. But you were wrong. You weren't the same you'd always been. Your face was blemished, scarred. I didn't recognize the craters. I thought I was dreaming, but it all felt so real. You were bigger, too, and not just because of the atmospheric distortion. You were closer. I knew that you were here for a reason. You were here for me. You were trying to show me something—but I couldn't see it. You were still too far. [Audience is noticeably uncomfortable. Murmurs rise as several people in the foreground begin stirring.] I had to get closer. I was on the verge of something more spectacular than any other scientific breakthrough in the last hundred years—the moon had called me, and I had to answer. Why it chose me I… I don't know. It didn't matter. For the first time, my guardian, my protector, had revealed its true self to me. But it was a fleeting moment, and it was gone in an instant. I had to see it again. I couldn't let this die with me—I needed to document it. To record it for generations to come. I needed a spectacle. I needed an audience. [Silence on recording. Collins checks his watch. He murmurs something, then clicks to the next slide. It displays an image of the moon surrounded by a number of equations mapping its orbit with the Earth.] Tonight is a supermoon. It is currently seven in the evening—sunset will occur in a few moments. It won't be long now. [Collins turns to look at something off-screen. The camera maneuvers to the left to display the auditorium's floor-to-ceiling windows. A large, pale object dominates the horizon outside. The camera focuses, revealing it to be an immense, vaguely spherical presence similar in appearance to the moon but distorted in both size and shape. A low pulsing vibration rattles the camera and causes noticeable discomfort in the audience.] All those times I called to you… you were listening. I should never have doubted you. I'm sorry. I think I'm ready now. Everyone, please don't be alarmed. I will go first, to show you it is safe. All I ask is that you watch. For posterity. Fig 1.4: Still recovered from video footage. [Collins steps down from the stage and cautiously approaches the doors leading out of the building. A low murmur from the audience erupts. Several produce cellular phones to record the proceeding event. The object on the horizon has grown in size, and the pulsing has increased in tempo and intensity.] [He exits the building, stepping several meters into the open courtyard outside. He is now enveloped in pale light. He is visibly shaking and speaking upward, but his words are unintelligible. The presence is directly above him. The building's power cuts and the room is bathed in pale light.] [Collins' body begins being pulled upwards by an invisible force. He is elongated and his torso stretches towards the presence above. He opens his mouth to scream, releasing a semi-liquified, red-tinged slurry of blood and internal organs. The substance demonstrates non-Newtonian properties, initially falling to the ground as solid before gradually softening and levitating alongside Collins' upper torso.] [The audience erupts in screams as the ambient pulsing increases to a deafening volume. Collins's body can be seen becoming gelatinous—pustules of skin, bone, and hair drip off his body, hang in the air, then fall upwards. After nearly three minutes, Collins' upper body disappears beyond the view of the camera. His lower body continues the stretch without breaking for an additional ten minutes until it too disappears from view.] [Chaos within the auditorium renders much of the remaining footage useless, but at several points, members of the audience could be seen attempting to barricade the auditorium doors shut with their bodies and other movable furniture. After several minutes, the camera is knocked from its tripod and trampled. The remaining few hours of film have been destroyed.] Closing: All 54 people present for Daniel Collins' lecture, including Collins himself, have been declared missing. When janitorial staff accessed the building the morning after SCP-7470, they found it empty and in disrepair. L is for "Lamentations" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub N is for "Neon" « SCP-7469 | SCP-7470| SCP-7471 » Footnotes 1. Colloquially known as the "dark" side.
ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture {$custom-content} If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page « SCP-7470 |SCP-7471| SCP-7472 » Link To Guide Item#:SCP-7471 Clearance Level 2: Clearance Containment Class: Neutralized Secondary Class: Keter Disruption Class: #/Vlam Risk Class: #/Critical Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7471 is currently classified as a neutralized anomaly. Personnel should alert their Site Director if any reports of individuals matching SCP-7471's description are found in the Cartagena area. Should personnel become aware of the "Cartagena Ripper" killings resuming, SCP-7471 is to be immediately re-classified as Keter, and amnesticization of the local police force must be initiated immediately. Foundation Field Agents are to be posted on patrol in known red-light districts and areas frequented by sex workers. Description: SCP-7471 was an anomalous, non-corporeal, sapient, and suspected reality-bending entity originating in and surrounding Cartagena, Colombia. SCP-7471 took the form of a tall, emaciated, pale-skinned woman, typically posing as a prostitute near affluent, tourist-oriented sections of the city. SCP-7471 was responsible for a series of killings between 2007 and 2012 that were attributed to an unidentified serial killer known as the "Cartagena Butcher" by local authorities. SCP-7471 exclusively targeted adult males, typically small in stature, with moderate to high muscle and low body fat. During the period in which SCP-7471 was active, it was unable to be recorded on any visual media. Evidence collected following the death of Field Agent Domino Martinez suggests SCP-7471 would either solicit a victim for sexual intercourse, or be solicited by a potential victim. (See Addendum) Following intercourse, SCP-7471 would then implant the egg of an unknown, arthropod-like creature inside the bladder of the victim via a urethral canal. This creature, designated SCP-7471-A, would then rapidly grow in size until forcibly exiting the victims body, resulting in evisceration and subsequent death. SCP-7471-A do not possess any internal organs and typically die shortly after emerging from a victim. Based on circumstances surrounding known incidents, it is believed SCP-7471-A emit a memetic compulsion on nearby humans. The nature of this effect is not well understood, and appears to appear randomly or via satisfaction of unknown criteria. Discovery: Foundation personnel responded to local police obtaining a video tape depicting SCP-7471-A emerging from a victim. Due to SCP-7471's absence from all surveilance tapes, SCP-7471-A were initially believed to be the anomaly. Local police dubbed the killings the work of a serial killer. On occasion, anonymous statements were found in local publications self-attributed to the "Cartagena Ripper" but were believed to be a hoax claimant until 2014. (See Addendum) Post-Discovery Victim Log: Victim: José Menudo Results: Incisions made into the cadaver revealed all subcutaneous tissue to be saturated with a highly viscous tar-like substance. Aforementioned substance emits a pungent odor upon exposure to air. A deceased SCP-7471-A instance was recovered inside the subject's abdominal cavity, asphyxiation likely cause of death. Additional Notes: First new victim following Foundation discovery. Notable for being the only SCP-7471 victim discovered fully intact. Victim: Farado Raéz Results: Subject experienced violent decapitation following emergence of an unusually large SCP-7471-A instance. Esophagus and trachea experienced massive trauma. Digestive system appears to have been violently eviscerated by SCP-7471-A instance prior to death. Subject's dismembered legs were found partially digested within the remains of the stomach. Genitals remain unaccounted for. Additional Notes: Victim found dismembered in a downtown Cartagena hotel room. The victim's arms were arranged in a sexually suggestive manner near the absent genitalia. Victim: Unknown Male Results: Subject is a dismembered torso. All organs and muscle tissue appear to have been excavated. The head and limbs of the subject have not been recovered. Additional Notes: Subject discovered in use by a large SCP-7471-A instance as a carapace. Victim: Pascal Demetrio Results: Typical of SCP-7471, subject completely dismembered. No other unusual biological phenomena noted. Subject's eyeballs were recovered from the testicular sac. No surgical incisions were found. Additional Notes: Victim recovered arranged similarly to a coffee table, with the severed head having a bouquet of flowers rammed through its eye socket. Victim: Unknown Male Results: Subject missing all skeletal tissue. Additional Notes: Victim was discovered in a large black garbage bag in an abandoned van. Other paraphernalia recovered at the crime scene suggest erotic asphyxiation was performed or intended to be performed. Victim: Juan Calavera Menendez Results: Subject discovered extremely mutilated. The head was the only part of the subject's corpse that remained untouched. The body below the chest appears to have been altered to resemble fetal tissue. Additional Notes: Victim was a priest at a local Catholic Church. Victim: Unknown Male Results: No findings atypical of other victims. Additional Notes: Subject was recovered being consumed by an SCP-7471-A instance. Victim: Paul Waters Results: Subject's skin has been completely removed. In addition, the victim's body was completely drained of blood shortly after death. Additional Notes: Victim was a high-ranking United States official visiting Cartagena as a tourist. Victim: Raul Rivera Results: Subject appears to have undergone partial SCP-7471-A transformation at the waist. Victim's skull was hollowed out. Additional Notes: Only known instance of an individual transforming into an SCP-7471-A instance. Victim was a detective investigating the "Cartagena Butcher" killings. Victim: Vicente Cortez Results: See Incident-7471-K Additional Notes: See Incident-7471-K Incident-7471-K On 19/07/2011, Foundation personnel were alerted that local authorities had brought an alleged eyewitness into custody for questioning. Vicente Cortez, age 31, claimed to have witnessed the murder of Juan Calavera Menendez and had information regarding the perpetrator. Orders were given to immediately investigate and amnesticize if necessary. Agents arrived at the police station to find the staff in a state of hysteria and covered in blood. The large waiting area appeared to have all the furniture destroyed or relocated, and the staff were all positioned in a large semi-circle facing the interior wall, engaged in repetitive, cyclical movements resembling a bow or prayer. Male staff were reported as emitting low, droning vocalizations. Located at the front of the crowd was a large deceased SCP-7471-A instance measuring 3 meters in length. The instance was situated amongst a large quantity of finely diced biological matter, later identified as being the remains of Vicente Cortez. Substantial quantities of Cortez's DNA were found in fecal samples later taken from the affected staff. Following the conclusion of the investigation, all individuals affected were amnesticized, and related documents expunged. Addendum Investigation into SCP-7471-A remained inconclusive until 2014, following the discovery of the deceased remains of Field Agent Domino Martinez. The circumstances surrounding Agent Martinez alerted the Foundation to the existence of SCP-7471 and subsequently resulted in revision of documentation. The bodies of Agent Martinez and six others were discovered showing a distinct lack of decomposition, and appeared to have suffered extreme burning and disfigurement prior to death, although the building showed no signs of fire damage. The bodies were found positioned kneeling in a circle surrounding the discarded exoskeleton of an SCP-7471-A instance. The whereabouts of the SCP-7471-A instance are unknown. Autopsies revealed each of the bodies to contain a dismembered segment of an additional seventh victim. DNA testing of the victims resulted in the subsequent identification of all victims except the seventh, which has thus far remained unidentified and is not believed to be human. An audio recording was found on Agent Martinez's still functioning cell phone, believed to have been recorded shortly before the time of death. Foreword: Translated from the original Spanish. <Begin Log> Female Voice: Oh, we have it finally. My love. It is time. Sounds of retching and gurgling can be heard throughout the recording. Female Voice: Poor thing. You can't speak anymore. But I can still hear what you're thinking! You want to scream, "Who are you? What do you want?" The female voice laughs. Female Voice: You don't even know how much this moment means to me! To have finally found a vessel, here again for the millionth of millionths of times… The gurgling sounds become more frantic. Female Voice: Even like this, you're such a cute one. It's a shame. But, you may not know who I am, but I know who you are. I know everyone who is ever going to be someone. Female Voice: I know of your abominations and your anomalies Several voices can be heard in the distance pleading. Female Voice: I've always been here, looking for the one. I was, I am, and I always will be. Voices are heard chanting in unison. Voices: We are blighted, she is righteous. Female Voice: You should stop trying to scream, you can't. There's nothing left of your throat. But that's besides the point. Voices: In birthing, we are purging. A separate female voice is heard beginning to sing an unknown prayer song. Female Voice: You ended up being the one I was looking for, Domino. You're special in that way. Voices: Oh, Moonfucker, make our bodies sing once more! Female Voice: Me picking you is more than those missions they send you on. Voices: Oh, Sunbirther, kill time before it begins! Female Voice: Well, My time is up. And as for you people- The female voice moves closer to the microphone. Female Voice: I'll see you at the end of time, my loves. The female voice laughs, followed by a number of distinct voices screaming in pain. After 11 minutes of screaming, it stops, followed by 7 hours of silence before the phone's battery dies. <End Log> Retrospective investigation has revealed the presence of SCP-7471 in security footage from all known incidents. Attempts to determine SCP-7471's identity and nature have been unsuccessful. There have been no sightings or incidents involving SCP-7471 since 2012. More From This Author More From This Author PoufyPoufson's Works SCPs SCP-7151 • SCP-7575 • SCP-7419 • SCP-6541 • SCP-7783 • SCP-6298 • SCP-6923 • SPHERE • Tales/GoI Formats Other SCP-POUF • Fear of Death • « SCP-7470 | SCP-7471 | SCP-7472 »
by AnActualCrow and Ralliston Item#: 7472 Level2 Containment Class: pending Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: none Risk Class: none link to memo Tree in Poland (squirrels not pictured). Special Containment Procedures: Pending. Description: SCP-7472 is the disappearance of an estimated 40,000-280,000 squirrels in and around Poznań, Poland. Investigation is ongoing. You're currently viewing an outdated version of this document. Click here to see the current iteration. You Might Also Like... Feel free to add this collapsible to your own articles! SCP-3790-J ⁠— Pantopicon IV: The Search for Pantopticon III (sic), by Captain Kirby and Rounderhouse SCP-6222 — FISH PRISON, by Aftokrator SCP-6247 — The Assassination of the Fish Council by the Coward Fishish as told by the Noble Founder of the Fish Council Fishish, by Fishish « SCP-7471 | SCP-7472 | SCP-7473 »
Item #: SCP-7474 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Research efforts have been redirected into discovering means to halt SCP-7474 manifestations. Instances of SCP-7474-A are to be recovered at the request of research head or site director only. All Foundation personnel are to be briefed of the general nature of SCP-7474, and suspected manifestations are to be reported immediately. Crowd control efforts have been limited towards ensuring the integrity of Foundation operations near human settlements. Furthermore, knowledge pertaining to the false origin of recent SCP-7474 manifestations is to be upheld by any means necessary. Archived Special Containment Procedures Archived Special Containment Procedures As SCP-7474 manifestations are impossible to prevent or predict, all containment efforts are to be directed towards misinformation in the general populace. All suspected cases of SCP-7474 manifestations are to be attributed to typical products guilty of trademark infringement. Confirmed instances of SCP-7474-A are to be confiscated for study, stored in Site-76 low security storage wing and catalogued accordingly. (See Addendum 7474-1) Description: SCP-7474 is a phenomenon described as the spontaneous manifestation of varying objects.1 No discernible patterns have been discovered between the intended purpose of the objects, however each one seems to be an inferior imitation of said object.2 While SCP-7474 has no known limit to its area of effect, most confirmed instances of SCP-7474-A have been recovered from areas where the average citizen lives under the regional poverty threshold.3 Addendum 7474-1: Recovered Objects Below is the abridged version of the Item Catalogue of SCP-7474-A instances under Foundation study. For the comprehensive list contact the current head of research. Item Item Description Board game Item consists of a box and the contents within. Contents include a game board constructed of frail cardboard, copper pieces in various shapes, a set of cards and pieces of paper with a number written on each. The box itself has the name "Moneypoly" written on it. Item Item Description Tube of chips A tube containing potato chips which fill 46% of the tube. The tube has a sticker depicting a mascot with a mustache, along with the name "Crinkles". The flavor is described as "Mayo and pepper", though the taste has been described to be bland. Item Item Description DVD Case DVD Case titled "Merry Trotter and The Prisoner of Secrets". Upon playing the disc contained in the case, the first 17 minutes of the movie "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" is played, after which it displays a screenshot of the movie for a duration of 1 hour and 32 seconds. Item Item Description Tractor A tractor of medium size. The object was missing several essential parts at the time of discovery, likely due to them being sold. The tractor itself was abandoned in a landfill, and is currently inoperational. A logo of a moose head with the name "John Moose" is present on the frame. Item Item Description Perfume A glass container filled with a clear liquid. A label is wrapped around the container with the name "Melvin Klein" written on it with a silver marker. The liquid has a pleasant smell, though loses the intended effect after brief exposure to moisture. Item Item Description Potted cactus A Blue Columnar Cactus (Pilosocereus pachycladus) growing in a small clay pot filled with a mixture of soil and sand. The pot has a sticker with the text "FlowerScape" written on it. Despite being tended to, the cactus is currently withering due to unknown cause, and is expected to die within 2-4 weeks. Addendum 7474-2: Surveillance Report Between 12/4/2023 and 31/7/2023 approximately 670 559 individuals between the ages of 3 and 7 have died due to rapid bodily deterioration. Observed symptoms include, but are not limited to: Rapid decrease of muscle mass Deterioration of bone structure Weakened blood coagulation Rapid shedding of skin tissue Gastric ulcers and expulsion of gastric fluids. Large majority of human population believes the symptoms are the cause of an unidentified disease, and the Foundation will strive to uphold that belief. Most countries attempt to contain mass hysteria amongst their citizens to varying decrees of success, with some resorting in the declaration of martial law to contain the resulting damage to human lives and infrastructure. Means to combat psychological harm on a massive scale are currently underway. Investigation taking place within the week following the initially reported cases resulted in the discovery of common factors between each individual. Autopsy confirmed the presence of a tag attached to the tailbone, with each one having the text "HumonTM" printed on them. Additionally the parents of each individual were confirmed to have struggled with infertility prior to the conception of the child. Further study is ongoing. Footnotes 1. Referred to as SCP-7474-A. The objects themselves are non-anomalous. 2. Colloquially known as a rip-off. 3. As most manifestations are likely to go unreported, any possible implications of this remain inconclusive. « SCP-7473 | SCP-7474 | SCP-7475 »
Item #: SCP-7475 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7475 is to surrounded by a barbed wire fence, on which two to four Foundation security personnel are to patrol on a bi-hourly basis. SCP-7475-A instances are to be placed in Site-50's High Security Arms section. Requests for experimentation with SCP-7475-A instances or SCP-7475-B is currently unavailable, and shall remain so under direct orders from the Ethics Committee (see 'Ethics Committee minutes for January-February, 1976' for more information). Description: SCP-7475 is a heavily modified industrial arms manufacturing facility located in [REDACTED], Chile, formerly owned by GoI-001 ("The Chaos Insurgency"). SCP-7475's products, also known as SCP-7475-A, exhibit a variety of different anomalous properties, although they universally inflict physical harm to both users and intended targets. SCP-7475 itself has sustained damage to its interior prior to its acquisition by the Foundation. SCP-7475 is comprised of four sections: a research, manufacturing, administrative, and a basement. Research and manufacturing are at ground level. The administrative section is composed of a series of cat-walks that oversee manufacturing and a central room, where the entrance to the basement can be found. Originally intended to be a hidden exit, the tunnel's collapse has limited the room available to a makeshift sleeping area, various pieces of destroyed equipment, and a single restraining bed. SCP-7475-B is located in the manufacturing room of SCP-7475. Located towards the center, it is fifteen meters in height and ten meters in length. SCP-7475-B produces SCP-7475-A's anomalous properties by taking non-anomalous fire arms and expelling SCP-7475-A instances from separate ports on opposite sides of the machine. A lever near the top right side of the exit port turns SCP-7475-B on and off, alongside a large funnel. SCP-7475-B also seems to emanate the odor of rotting meat. (See Addendum.7475.II) SCP-7475's research room, located adjacent to manufacturing, contains various apparatuses capable of producing an unknown substance, that was cited as a critical component of SCP-7475-A's and SCP-7475-B's creation by its creators. Requests for recreating this substance have been denied by the Ethics Committee on an unanimous vote (see Addendum.7475.1 for more information). SCP-7475, originally created by GoI-2312 ("Prometheus Labs Inc.") to produce intermediary equipment for its products, was forcefully acquired by GoI-001 ("The Chaos Insurgency") in late 1973 following the coup d'etat by Chilean general Augusto Pinochet in September of that year. GoI-001 hoped to use the facility for military and commercial ends. Although officially protected by Pinochet's government in exchange for a personnel share of the revenue generated by the facility, its existence was revealed to Foundation liaisons on January 13th 1975 by a Pinochet representative when this share was not delivered. The Foundation raided SCP-7475 on January 20th, 1975. Upon arriving, personnel discovered that SCP-7475 had sustained some interior damage from a battle that took place inside the facility. Eleven corpses were discovered, six of them wearing GoI-001 related uniforms, while the rest wore various pieces of mismatched clothing. Analysis suggested that many had been victims of SCP-7475-A. Addendum-7475.1 — Recovered Documents After containment was established, SCP-7475 was searched for various documents, both relating to SCP-7475 itself and to GoI-001 as a whole. The following documents have been arranged in sequential order when possible, and dateless documents placed where they would most likely originate in the timeline. 9-20-73: Letters in Admin's Office, Document Collection A3D1 Dear Sgt. Bruckheimer, I hope this reaches you. Foundation personnel have been lax - probably too concerned with dealing with the bastards in the capital to worry about us. Still, I hope that you have taken the necessary precautions regarding contacts with your superior officers. Your gamble paid off, but General Jackson is not pleased with your recent partners. I had to calm him down from marching off to court martial you for working with this 'Eagle Company'. Even so, I know that he will attempt to undermine your position re: your underlings. I was only able to get you two, maybe three scientists/engineers on your operation. I would highly encourage you to get results as fast as you can. I have no doubt that you can do it, even with Mexico still fresh in everyone's minds. I patiently await your word. Major General Flint Son of a bitch thinks he's better than me. Not just Jackson - Flint and all those fuckers. I'll make sure that I keep this thing framed, when I prove all of them wrong. 9-25-73: Sergeant Bruckheimer's Diary, Page 2 Dr. Jin arrived today. He was a pudgy little man, big glasses and thick little fingers. From what I can gather, he's quiet intelligent. That could be dangerous. Still, with my boys and Eagle Company in tow, we'll manage. When I introduced Jin to my men, he was confused at the presence of Company. "Who are these people?" he asked me, confused at their different attire and manner. Them lugging guns around at all times didn't help matters much. When Santiago came in, swaggering with three pistols on his hips, I knew we were in for a spiel of half-cocked bullshit from the world's greatest bullshitter. Before that, I told him, "This is Eagle Company. I took them on before we took this place - and this is Captain Santiago." Santiago came and shook Jin's hand. They went back and forth as us three went deeper into the facility. When we got to the Research room, I told Santiago to stay outside. He bit his lip, and wanted to say something, but he went off. He's too cocky. That may be a problem. Will deal with that later, however. I told Jin about the operation we're going to be running. I told them I already had a good idea on how to get the ball rolling. When Jin asked me how, I gave him the diary. I told him and the others to read it, and get back to me. When Jin asked me where he was going to sleep, I stretched my arms out to the research room. There were also sleeping bags in the corner, if he wanted something more comfy. That felt good. 9-30-73: Dr. Jin's Research Notes Despite the prevailing conditions here being quite amateur and bordering on the inhospitable for my purposes, the research possibilities suggested by the document produced by Sgt. Bruckheimer are remarkable enough to make up for it. This diary, supposedly recovered following this facility's fall, was owned by a PL employee. A 'Dr. Ignacio Montero'. A remarkable fellow, if only from his writings. Although I hesitate to call it a diary. It would probably be more accurate to describe it as a revolutionary treatise that could change our understanding of human consciousness. Although dense and requiring many additional fields of study, I have been able to draw a couple fundamental observations drawn from Dr. Montero's research: that human emotion has a specific material effect on the environment; that this material effect is dependent on a heretofore unknown extract (what I shall call 'S-energy' for short) that is excreted by the human body during moments of high emotional intensity into the surrounding environment, but most especially in the body itself; and, with the correct configurations of alchemical rituals and apparati, this S-energy can be concentrated into a physical substance that is extremely energy dense. If true, this has the potential to be more powerful than the atom itself. It has the potential to power entire civilizations. Presuming, of course, that it is true. But from all Dr. Montero's notes, he seems to have been able to create and extract the S-energy, primarily, it seems, from pre-existing human cadavers. Although some of his propositions are without efficacy, if this S-energy is real, it can be used to great ends in the Insurgency. Why stop at simply weapons? We could produce alternative forms of energy, ones that could bring their cost to near zero. Human corpses are ubiquitous in this world. Although Dr. Montero focused on those who died suffering, there is no indication that only negative emotions can produce this, or that they even must be deceased. Extreme joy in the birth of a child, for instance, could be an excellent source of S-energy. Funerals, sporting events, and moments of extreme religious/sexual ecstasy, could just as easily be used. What grand scientific opportunities abound in this place! 10/15/73: Sgt. Bruckheimer's Diary, Page 16 Two dozen failures; no dice on extracts. Santiago and his boys were drinking downstairs last night. This wouldn't be really noteworthy, if one of them hadn't shot one of my guys when he told them to keep it down. I had enough of it, and I told him that if he and his boys wanted to drink, they were going to have to get their own goddamn liquor in town and away from here. Santiago was pissed. Unsurprising, but what did surprise me, was his insolence in insinuating that I am partly to blame for this. Despite the fact that he was the one who suggested that I supply the booze, and he was the one who said he could handle it. If he hadn't given me the little shit who shot my guy, I would have killed him right then and there. I'm not sure what to do with him. The dipshit's in the hatch downstairs, the one those Labs fuckers used to get out of here. I'll probably just have him shot, to make an example. But it won't be long before something else happens, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep Santiago and his men in check. I promised them money back then. I can't pay them in cash, and I certainly will not given them the equipment here. Jackson's on my ass too. Flint keeps talking to me about how hard he works on my behalf, and yet, he was the one who keeps penny pinching me on how much I spend. If I don't have money, nothing will get done. It'll be Mexico all over again. No more Mexicos. Not with my name plastered on it, at least. 10-23-73: Memo from Dr. Jin to Sgt. Bruckheimer I will need three additional human cadavers for an additional attempt at a batch of concentrated S-energy, all to gained humanely (from cemeteries, battlefields, etc.) as per my prior memoranda. Although I am optimistic, I believe that additional avenues of research must be considered, such as my recommendation on focusing on other other forms of high emotional intensity i.e love, sadness, anger, revulsion, etc. Perhaps, even, of relocating production of the extraction to an external facility where such things can happen under better conditions without need for outside sources. We don't have the resources for such a project. I can get you maybe two more, three if I'm lucky, but unless I can get results, I don't know if I can give you anything else. — Sgt. Bruckheimer 10-29-73: Dr. Jin Research Notes, Page 23 We have done it! It was on our third cadaver that we had finally extracted the illusive substance, that persistence fleer from human cognition! The apparatuses were working for three straight days on this one. At [REDACTED] degrees, and with the right combination of prior substances ([REDACTED], [REDACTED], and [REDACTED]2) and 79 hours of constant upkeep and repeated adjustments to create chemical perfection, we have found the Goldilocks zone of S-energy extraction. While Dr. Montero was extracting droplets, we are extracting several milliliters. I quickly summoned Sgt. Bruckheimer, and informed him of the situation. Despite his military background, he quickly grasped the significance of this, and congratulated us on our work. But, just as quickly, he asked how to make S-energy extraction more efficient. In my ecstatic condition, I gave him a refresher on our research, and on my hypothesis, building upon Dr. Montero's personal findings, that living subjects will be more capable of creating S-energy on the scale needed for weapon production. But that lay in the future. Today, we must prove that it can be used in small arms. 11-5-73: Letters in Admin's Office, Document Collection A3D Dear. Sgt. Bruckheimer, My dear friend, your gift to the General has done wonders for your position here at high command. To hold the physical creation of your theories has awoken in him something I have not seen in him for years: genuine intelligence! He is in conference with the other General from high command. And no, despite what you may ask in your next letter, I was not allowed there, even as a minutes taker. But the practical results of your weapon will be more than enough to show the world what you're capable of. I must admit, as well, you choice for the 1911 was ingenious. He wouldn't shut up about his time in Normandy for an hour after he got it. I envy your position, Bill, I really do. You can only listen to so many of his old war stories before they all begin to blend together, and you start wondering if even he is bored of them. P.S. Do you have room for an old friend in your operation? A liaison position sounds like a good vacation. Your friend, Major General Flint Ass-kissing fuck. 11-15-1973: Memo from Cpt. Santiago to Sgt. Bruckheimer Sergeant, I have a source. He works discreetly, clean. No Reds in his workforce, I can assure you. And if some are, I'll take full responsibility, and deal with him myself. He lives in [REDACTED]; that's all I can say in print. We leave tomorrow. -Captain Santiago of the 1st Eagle Company 11-18-1973: Sgt. Bruckheimer's Diary, Page 35 Finally got back from [REDACTED]. My ass is killing me from riding around all day. Santiago didn't make it easier, by deciding to take the backroads. Safety, he assured me — I think just an excuse to torture me for a bit. His guy was legit. Got us a dozen or so workers. All with some sort of fire-arm background, all willing to keep quiet with some promise of extra cash. They'll be busy converting the factory into a proper arms facility. As I write, I can hear them banging away and shouting orders at one another, swearing and joking with one another. It's been too long since I heard anything but bickering in here. Dr. Jin has been pushing me for funding for his project to extract S-energy. Problem is, we don't have the time. Jackson's been sending millions a month, but that won't last forever. I can't waste resources on his 'humane' method (as if keeping people locked in cages while you pump them with drugs is more humane than using the dead, which is what it would inevitably fall into). Human misery is easier to create than human happiness. We must utilize that fact. But how? 12-13-73: Letters in Admin's Office, Document Collection A3D Sgt. Bruckheimer, I have received your requests. I can grant three of them: (1) one restraining bed, (2) one Foundation captive, and (3) Scalper. They will be arriving shortly. The others may be granted when we have results. I hope that you take the proper safety precautions regarding some of our comrade's potential queasiness over distasteful means. If discovered, you and I shall face worse than court martials. Do not make me regret this. General Jackson 12-28-1973: Dr. Jin's Research Notes, Page 69 I have lost two of my apparatuses. I did not notice them at all until one of my assistants pointed it out. We have created so many, that it must have slipped past me somehow. In my rage, I had presumed that one of Santiago's men had taken it. I marched my way up to the Admins office, but my anger turned to confusion, as I saw the large man in front of me, one I hadn't seen before. He must have been around 2 meters! And he had big, blue eyes, and a shaved head, and he stared into me, like he was studying me under a microscope. Then, Sgt. Bruckheimer came behind him, and clapped him on the back. "This, Dr. Jin, is Scalper. Scalper, this is Dr. Jin." This 'Scalper' smiled, and extended his hand out to me. I shook it, still confused. But my reason for being here came back, and with it, the rage. Then, the Sergeant told me that he knew they were gone. He had taken them. I was aghast. He had come into my laboratory, and took my tools without telling me! I demanded them back. I raised my voice, far louder than I had ever used before in such a setting. But Sgt. Bruckheimer simply told me, smiling, that I had better get back to work, before more of them go missing. I am offended. No, I am livid. I have not asked much of him. I have tried, to the best of my ability, to work with him, to compromise, for the good of the Insurgency. But this is one step too far! I will write General Jackson about this. If the Sergeant thinks I am going to let him walk over me, he is out of his mind. 1-2-1974: Sgt. Bruckheimer's Diary, Page 38 Haven't written this in awhile. Hard to keep everything straight. Don't really like thinking about the things happening. Too many possibilities flood my mind, and the fears come back. The General approved my plan. I have him eating out of the palm of my hand. We're tied at the waist now. If I fall, he falls with me. Flint has no idea what's going on now. I showed the General some of our correspondences - oh, yes, Flint, I did that. I hope you find out about it, someday, so I can make you know how badly you fucked it in Mexico. It was him. It was always him. It was a simple job, and he was supposed to be there to pick us up. A simple in and out OP against a Foundie site, and we lost half of our unit because he was wandering around with his dick in his hands. And then he just so happened to find us, just when I was about to give the surrender order. Convenient, isn't it, Flint? Almost as if you were listening. As if you wanted to humiliate me. I know you did it. I know you left me to die there. It was me they blamed. ME. My plan had worked perfectly, flawlessly, before you failed me. I know you were always jealous of me. Even back in training, I know you wanted to be me. But just because you spoke three more languages than me and your daddy was a one of the good old boys, you got to become an 'intelligence officer' while I got stuck killing Foundies. Not that I mind. But I could have if I had gone to a fancy Ivy League college with your rich cocksucking friends. Not anymore. I won. And while you're bored out of your mind in a clerk office, looking over a million boring reports, away from the action, you'll be wondering, Where did it all go wrong?, and I know it will be me who did it. Look at me. I've already lost what I wanted to write. I'm too pissed to think. Knew I shouldn't have written in this. 1-10-74: Letters in Research Office, Document Collection A3E Dr. Jin, I have received your letter regarding Sgt. Bruckheimer's recent behavior re: confiscation of research instruments. But I must assure you that I will ensure that you receive additional resources in acquiring more apparatuses necessary for your research. I must also disagree with your assessment regarding Sgt. Bruckheimer's mental state. After extensive talks in person, I can guarantee that Sgt. Bruckheimer is of sound mind, and is simply doing what he considers in the best interests of the Insurgency. If you have any additional concerns, do not hesitate to write me again. General Jackson 1-30-1974: Dr. Jin's Research Notes, Page 75 I haven't received additional apparatuses, despite the repeated promises of such from the General. I am beginning to think that him and the Sergeant are in collaboration. Regardless, I have to press forward. Already, the Sergeant has been demanding progress on a machine that can easily process S-energy into a form that can mass produce enchanted small arms for profit. I call it the Enchanter, which, while not a completely original name, fits it quiet nicely. It is moving forward at a splendid pace, but not forward enough too his liking. Theoretically, presuming all conditions are met in the design document3, then it should be easy enough that a Neanderthals could use it. Fully automated, with the help of the anomalous and that great fountain of miracles, human ingenuity. 2-8-1974: Unlabeled Document in Admin's Office, Document Collection A3F Subject's dead. Got a good two gallons of the stuff. What do you want me to do with it? Sorry for the mess in advance, I got a bit carried away - Scalper Put it in the container with the rest, and put it in Research. Dr. Jin will extract what else he can get out of it.— Sgt. Bruckheimer 2-8-1974: Dr. Jin's Research Notes, Page 77 That strange man, Scalper, dropped off a barrel. Behind him, one of his lackies was holding two milk jugs, glowing radiantly in the gloominess of the factory. After he placed it upright, Scalper nodded to me, and told the man - a boy, really, barely growing the faint outlines of stubble on his chin - slammed the two jugs onto one of my assistant's desk. I asked what was inside the barrel. "Cadavers," he said, smiling. "The General finally came through." "And the extract? How did you get it?" He shrugged. "Don't know. Above my pay grade." And with that, he walked out. Confused, I walked to the container, and opened it up. I had not thought much of it, at least, not until the fresh smell wafted out, and I stepped back as I felt my lunch rise up in my throat, burning. I wasn't even sure what I had just seen. It was just a mass of flesh and cornucopias of red. It was only then I realized that I was seeing a human body, with ripped up legs and feet and arms and hands and organs that piled on top of each other, slushing together. I stared inside, and, with great trepidation, I began to break it down for the apparatuses. It got easier, the further I got into it. I just thought of it like any other task, some unpleasant thing that needed to be done, regardless of one's personal needs and desires. Still the fear gripped me, and my hands shook as I worked. I vomited only once. It was when I saw the head, held it in my arms and I saw that it had no teeth. And no scalp. I need to get out of here. 4-7-74: Sgt. Bruckheimer's Journal, Page 40 The Enchanter is ready. Dr. Jin has finished it. I see he's lost a lot of weight. I know he wanders around the facility at night, sometimes. I know he stares up at my admin's office. He'll think I'm asleep. I rarely do these days. I'm thankful that the hatch is sound proof. Smell proof, too. The Enchanters been outfitted to the assembly lines. The workers are confused as to what it is. That's above their paygrade. Santiago is making sure they remember it. Speaking of, he's been a lot quieter these days. It's Scalpers doing. He's been talking with some of his men, and, to my surprise, some of them like him. Santiago's afraid they're going to switch the Insurgency proper, and leave him behind. At least, that's what Scalpers new friends are saying about him. Scalper asked if they could sleep up here with him and me. I gave him the go ahead, as long as he kept them in line. I am so glad I got Scalper. He's loyal, knows how to follow orders, doesn't ask questions. He doesn't complain. He doesn't ask for more and more money. He's a fucking professional. Unlike all of them. We have 10 gallons of S-energy. We shall be starting the first batch soon. 5-19-74: Letters in Admin's Office, Document Collection A3D Bruckheimer, I apologize in advance for the tardiness of this letter. I have been feeling under the weather recently, and have been unable to attend to business as well as I wanted to. The first rifles you have sent me have had a very positive impact on your reputation among high command. It destroyed a watermelon from four miles away. Simple, but effective, especially considering prior events (I fear that many simply do not understand the true events of Mexico, as you so elucidated to me). I expect they shall make a tidy profit. Big enough that they won't look too closely. It will, surely, keep the Major General Flint off our backs for awhile longer. He truly has been a thorn in my side since you showed me his true feelings. I know he is suspicious, much more than the others in High Command. He has always been one of the softer ones, unwilling to go above the call of duty for our cause. Unlike you, Sergeant, and unlike his father. That was a man who understood the greater good. I'll be sending five bodies over the course of the next five months. I hope that you will ensure that each and every one is put to good and efficient use. Yours truly, Jackson P.S. The Springfield you sent me has worked splendidly. Reminds me of my grandfather, who fought in the Civil War with one of these. The 33rd Ohio infantry regiment. A more civilized time indeed! Can you make me anymore of these older models? 8-15-74: Dr. Jin's Research Notes, Page 79 I don't sleep much. Nor do I write. When left alone with my thoughts, I freeze up, and I see the head and Scalper smiling. It's gotten better. But not much. I haven't let anyone else see me dealing with them. I have to push through it. The worst part is that I am getting more from these than I ever got from the old bodies, the ones who probably died less painfully than whatever they're doing. I know it was Scalper. He occasionally looks at me, and he gives me these knowing eyes, as if he knows that I know. He had to have known I would see it. It was almost like he was threatening me. If it was, it certainly worked. Scalper has developed a coterie of minions that seem to answer to him. A couple of the Sergeant's men, and four or five of Santiago's men. They look to him for guidance, more than I ever saw them do from their Captain. Even when he threatened to court martial them, they just looked at him, blankly. I don't know if they respect Scalper more, or simply fear him more. The only thing Santiago could do was walk away. The Sergeant demands that I do more to create bigger, better weapons. Find ways of making the enchanter go even farther. I don't know if I can, and I certainly don't want to, for I know that if this place is successful, it will create a thousand other monstrosities. It will not stop here. Even if the Insurgency shuts it down, the things that happened here can not go unpunished, not by the universe or God. It will spread, our weapons reaching all over the world, until someone breaks it down and analyzes it and realizes how to make it, and then we shall see a new type of warfare that would make all prior wars seem like simple child's play. Did Maxim ever feel this way, about the monstrosity he created? 10-18-1974: Sgt. Bruckheimer's Diary, Page 44 Jin is still sending letters out. It was alright when it was just to the General, but his constant attempts at contacting High Command have been nothing short of annoying. I have simply stopped sending them. They all end up in my office. And they piss me off. 'A crime against man', 'immoral use of human lives', 'violating his sacred oath both to the Insurgency and to mankind', and, worst of all, 'unprofessional and not fit for command.' Would someone as 'unfit' as he says I am, be able to get this place up and running? Would he be able to turn some factory in the middle of nowhere into a profitable business? One that is funding dozens of operations around the world, for the good of man? The world is worth a couple dead Foundies. The nerve. The fucking nerve. Along with Santiago. He's been requesting - he no longer demands, not with Scalper in the room, no he doesn't - that he be allowed to recruit more men. I had three shot the other day for trying to desert. He stood there and watched as Scalper tested some of our products on them, in front of the others. It took them a couple hours to die, as the tumors consumed them. Scalper, apparently, made them all watch. Just to make sure. I couldn't use their bodies, unfortunately. But no matter. Anyway, I told Santiago no. Not worth the money, and I refuse to let him bring anymore of his fools into this mess. He said nothing. He simply walked out, his jaw tight and with hateful eyes. Everything just feels right. 11-4-74: Letters in Admin's Office, Document Collection A3D Sgt. Bruckheimer, I regret to inform you that your superior officer, General Benjamin Jackson, has died under unfortunate circumstances that we believe may be a Foundation plot to destroy high command. As I understand it, you and General Jackson were close, especially in the last couple months. He spoke very highly of you, and your accomplishments at your facility. He changed many minds, and convinced us of your talent and dedication to our cause. As cruel as it is, however, I did not send this letter purely out of a moral obligation to tell you of a close friend's passing - although that was part of it - but also, out of a need to further our investigation. First, I must provide you some context, for the circumstances are most peculiar. On the morning of the September 29th, General Jackson's adjunct discovered him at his desk. He was clutching an old Springfield - the one, I believe, that you sent to him - and covered in cancerous growths. Cause of death was multiple organ failure due to said growths. He had no other wounds. Nothing was missing from his desk. He had been complaining of feeling ill many times over the course of the past six months, but not to the extent here. We believed he may have concealed that from us, although for what reason, we cannot say. If you have any information that may be important to the case - possible enemies, unusual activity/happenings, etc. - please send it directly to High Command. I shall expect a response by the end of the month regardless, as I will be forwarding it to your new commanding officer, General Flint, when he arrives. As he was deeply interested in the operation of your facility, and the fact the two of you have worked close together in the past, we believe him to be the best successor to the late General. He shall ensure that the process is as painless as possible. My deepest condolences and well wishes, The Administrator of the Foundation4 11-5-74: Letters in Admin's Office, Document Collection A3D Bruckheimer The little adjunct burned the letters. When I cornered him, he said it was to protect the Insurgency. But I'll find out soon enough. One way, or another. Happy Thanksgiving. Flint 11-5-74: Sgt. Bruckheimer's Diary, Page 45 He's going to find out. He's going to find out what I did. He's going to ask where the Foundies went. I'm fucked. 12-4-74: Dr. Jin's Research Notes, Page 84 I knew that something was wrong when I got the first letter from General Flint. He asked me about our weapons. Asked if there were any side effects. He said that he had been getting some concerning reports regarding them, and wanted to check with me. I had no idea what he was talking about. We had no reported side effects when testing. I didn't respond at first, for fear of the Sergeant reading it. But I decided that simply denying that it had happened wouldn't be enough, and, sure enough, it wasn't. But the Sergeant rarely leaves his room these days as is, so perhaps he hadn't read it at all. And Scalper doesn't read the mail, as far as I can tell. I received a response today. I read it, and the accompanying pictures. It was sealed, so I knew he hadn't seen them. Prolonged exposure did things. Sometimes they did nothing. Sometimes they could cause your body to rot from the inside. Sometimes they could backfire, exploding in their hand. Sometimes, it kept victims alive, and turned them into something worse, more monstrous. A whole list of things he had found. He then asked, simply, if I had known, or, if the Sergeant had known. I have not responded yet, for I am considering my options. I can do a couple of things. I can either confess, or I can run. Saying nothing is no longer an option, either for my soul or for my life. If I confess, then all the men responsible here will pay for what they've done. It may clear all suspicion of me, and may protect me from punishment if I pin it all on the Sergeant. But I can't do that. I simply can't. All that pain and suffering, both here and out in that world, is my fault, just as much as it is the Sergeants and Scalpers. I would be running from what I have done. I will be letting other people clean up my mess, something I can not, in good conscious, do. I will live with that guilt for the rest of my life, as I should, but I have no hope of recompense if I cannot deal with it myself. And that's why I cannot run. At least, not without dealing with those two. Maybe, if I do, I can have some manner of peace, for what I have contributed to this hell. But in order to do that, I would need allies. And I doubt that he will jeopardize his money for morals. I don't know what to do. I wonder if he's getting more bodies. It's been a bit since I've had one. That scares me. 12-10-74: Sgt. Bruckheimer's Diary, Page 46 No body. No body. Almost out of juice. Nothing from Flint. Nothing. I'm jumping at every letter I get. I'm terrified. I've kept them off my back. Gave them some bullshit about not knowing anything. Are they in on it? Can't be sure. Trust my gut. Don't trust them. Don't. Don't. No more body. Can't get more. I need money. I need to get out of dodge. But I need more extract. I need more FUCKING extract. No bodies = no extract. FUCKED FUCKED FUCKED Need more. I need it or I'll die. 12-20-74: Dr. Jin's Research Notes, Page 85 I have made my decision. I cannot say that it was entirely my own. Bruckheimer has simply gone too far. Five days ago, Santiago came in, saying that he had lost one of his men. Now, before, we had set up a man hunt for this. The deserters were chased for at least a week before we got to them. But Bruckheimer, who, as far as I can tell, made his first appearance before us, as Santiago was making much noise downstairs. He looked ill, and he was constantly looking around, and staring. Scalper and the rest were near him, looking at Santiago. I watched this from my Research room, and I listened. Bruckheimer said it was nothing to worry about. That confused Santiago, who said he had to get out there and find him, to make an example of him. It would kill discipline in his company. Bruckheimer waved him off — literally. He then said that if he wanted to, that was his business, but that he wasn't going to waste his manpower on finding someone of no consequence. Santiago, infuriated, left. He has still not come back, although I believe he will soon. Now, only a couple hours ago, Scalper dropped off a new body. I thought nothing of it, and I opened it up. Inside, I saw another body, except this time, in a uniform I recognized. It was Santiago's man. I closed it back up, and collapsed in my chair, and I stared at my hands. They are covered in much blood, I know, and I know that nothing I do can clean out the iron smell and the red stuck underneath my fingernails. When I joined the Insurgency that day, they had told me that when fighting evil, one must be willing to dirty one's hands. To not do so is in an act of evil in of itself. And now I sit here having committed a great evil, I know what they meant, now. One must be willing to dirty one's hands to rid the world of evil. I will eliminate them. And I suspect that once Santiago discovers what has happened to one of his men, I suspect that he will be in agreement. But for now I must simply wait. 1-4-75: Dr. Jin's Research Notes, Page 86 Santiago arrived on the 1st. In that time, I have been trying my best to talk to him, without Bruckheimer's knowledge. It was only when walking past him in the manufacturing room, near the workers, as he huffed and puffed about some new, horrible thing that Bruckheimer had done this time, that I was able to slip him a piece of paper, telling him to meet me in the woods at night. When one of the guards - one of the few non-Scalper/Bruckheimer men here, an unknown quantity in this new struggle - asked where I was going, I told him that I was going for a walk. I hoped that it satisfied his curiosity. When he arrived at the specified time, I was relieved. He asked what it was about, that he thought that men like me simply had no time for men like he. I apologized for the inconvenience, and began to explain myself. I started at the beginning. I explained everything. He had been denied for so long, that I felt that, if I had any hope of convincing him of my course, I would need to show him that I had full confidence in him. I have no idea if it worked. But it was the only way. I have no other allies. I can trust neither High Command/General Flint, nor Scalper, who seems to only be driven by bloodlust. He did not react as I told him. He nodded, occasionally, and his jaws clenched when I went into the gruesome details. He grasped the concept of S-energy fast, only occasionally asking questions. After I explained everything up to that point, I then told him the fate of his man. He swore, but his eyes scared me more than his words. Even in the dark, the moon showed me his eyes, and they were piercing with hate and revulsion. He said nothing else, but he stared off into the distance. I continued, and he nodded, as if assuring me he was still listening, but he continued to stare off into the distance with hate. I then begged for his help. That the only way we were going to get out of this, was if we got out of here. There was no telling what Bruckheimer would do when cornered. Desperate men do desperate, horrible things, and it would only be a matter of time before something bad happened. Santiago looked back to me, and he sized me up. He then cracked a grin. "Honestly," he told me, grinning at me just a little too widely, "you wouldn't have needed to tell me about my man dying to get me to kill that son of a bitch. Now, though, I'm going to make him fucking scream. He laughed. I laughed alongside him, and through it, he said we must meet from now, two nights from now, to discuss future plans. I can only place my faith in him. 1-10-75: Dr. Jin's Research Notes, Page 88 It begins tomorrow. Santiago organized everything. His men are ready to strike tomorrow. I just need to keep my head down. One of Scalper's boys have turned traitor. He was one of the last ones to join, and it seems that he was kept in the dark about what they had done to one of his old comrades in the Company. He says that Bruckheimer is attempting to flee the country with the proceeds from one last batch of rifles, as he believes that nothing can be done to clear his name from (in his own words) 'high command sabotage'. I question how much of this was done out of genuine moral outrage, or simple self preservation. Regardless, he is our way of getting Bruckheimer and Scalper to let their guards down. He has a cousin in the workers barracks who trusts him. He will convince them to come out, as he will say that the workers are on strike. When they run out of the admins office, Santiago's men shall strike. I have tried to convince him to only kill Scalper and Bruckheimer, but I fear that he is out for blood. Perhaps its what they all deserve. But those two more than anyone. And I know how to punish those two, to give them a little taste of their own medicine. When its all over, he will have no one to blame but himself. I am scared at how fast I have turned bloodthirsty. I try not to think about it, and hope for the future. In my free time, I have been trying, to the best of my knowledge, to test what the side effects of the products here are caused by. I did so on myself. I requested one - an unloaded one, of course - and have held it consistently for many days now. For five days, I have felt horrible. I have vomited four times. There was blood in there. Not much, but a bit. I have been constantly checking and re-checking the gun. In this time, I have discovered something: that the S-energy in the gun is decreasing. Every day I have broken a chunk off this gun with a knife or a tool and placed it in the apparatus, breaking it down back to its component parts. Even when taking into account such things as the loss of it to inefficiency, it is unmistakable that it is going somewhere. I then cut my hand, and let the blood drip into a vial. Five milliliters. It hurt, but I had to make sure. I then placed it into the apparatus. When I got it back, I saw how much S-energy had been produced. It was about seven milliliters. That shouldn't be possible, unless I have an excess of S-energy on my body, and in my blood stream. It's poison. These things are poisoned, by him. S-energy isn't made equal. I see that now. When we did these things, we created a horrible, corrosive emotional discharge, one that was born in pain, and could thus only spread pain to everything. It's spreading to us, hurting us, twisting us, just like he did to their sources, those people he tortured for God knows how long. I am sorry. I was responsible for this. I turned your bodies into that, and infused you into these machines of war. I hope that I can make things right. Addendum-7475.2 — Incident Log On 2/13/1975, during the initial attempts at analyzing SCP-7475-B, personnel accidentally turned it on. SCP-7475-B began to expel smoke and heat up for thirty minutes before turning off, and opening up the output port for SCP-7475-A instances to be placed. Placed in there were two decomposing human cadavers. They received significant physical damage from being crushed (presumably by SCP-7475-B) and mutilated (pre-mortem). Both were wearing GoI-001 related uniforms. One of them, lacking four fingers, a tongue and left foot, was wearing the stripes of a Sergeant; the other had its scalped removed and forcefully placed into its mouth. Footnotes 1. In lettered documents produced here, italics representatives writing made after the initial letter was received. 2. These have been censored on orders of the Ethics Committee with permission from the O5 Council; for details, see 'O5 Council Meeting Notes, January-June, 1976' for more information. 3. This design document has yet to be discovered. 4. GoI-001 claims to represent a successor to the Foundation following its initial split in the early 20th century. As such, it uses many trappings of Foundation terminology, although, as time has gone on, it developed a distinct identity.