Item#: 7870 Level3 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: The Nile River is to be monitored for any physical, memetic or thaumaturgic anomalies beyond what has been recorded and determined to be nominal. Any significant observations likely to be caused by anomalous phenomena are to be reported to Director Gomaa, Site-107, for immediate review. No other procedures are required. Description: SCP-7870-1 is a thaumaturgic pocket dimension located in a variable section of the bed of the Nile River. As of writing, rifts leading to SCP-7870-1 have only been opened by Foundation thaumaturges, though it is likely that SCP-7870-2 is able to do so as well. The dimension evaded detection from the Foundation due to it's relatively minuscule thaumaturgic signature, requiring highly-calibrated tools to initially detect it. SCP-7870-1 is theoretically infinite and filled with an unidentifiable blue liquid. A light source illuminates the space from above, giving it the appearance of being deep underwater. SCP-7870-2 is a non-corporeal entity residing within the pocket dimension. The entity presents itself as a dark-skinned woman covered in a thin white robe with intricate gold designs. SCP-7870-2 seems to require no form of sustenance to survive and possesses weak thaumaturgic capabilities, including near-instantaneous travel around SCP-7870-1. ADDENDUM 7870.1 - INITIAL EXPLORATION: SCP-7870 INITIAL EXPLORATION LOG Date: 6/5/23 Remote Equipment Operator: Doctor Farida Magdy Equipment: Multi-Terrain Exploration Rover [BEGIN LOG] The rover's camera turns on and focuses, revealing the bed of the Nile. A hole, just big enough for it to fit, is in front of it. A deep red smoke rises from its outline. After inspection, the rover turns on its propellers and drives itself into the hole. The view descends as the ground drops beneath the rover. A deep blue fills the camera view, as though the rover is within deep water. Looking upwards, the rover observes the hole floating above it, surrounded by nothing. The rover then attempts to begin to turn away from the hole before being stopped by an unknown force holding it in place. After a few seconds the rover is rotated 180 degrees towards SCP-7870-2, who is holding the rover in its hands and inspecting it. The entity seems confused. The rover is flipped upside-down. Pressure readings indicate SCP-7870-2 begins prodding and pressing on the rover's underside. The rover is flipped back up, facing SCP-7870-2 once again. It begins inspecting the equipment on the rover, closely inspecting the camera. SCP-7870-2 stops as it notices the rift leading out of SCP-7870-1. It sighs, and returns its focus to the camera. It turns the rover to face the rift. SCP-7870-2 turns the camera back to face it. It squints. The view moves upwards as SCP-7870-2 takes the rover back to SCP-7870-1. SCP-7870-2 tosses the rover back into the Nile River. As the rover quickly swerves to look down, it observes SCP-7870-1 rapidly closing. In the distance, SCP-7870-2 can be seen curling into a fetal position as it drifts away from SCP-7870-1. [END LOG] Afterword: The rover was modified with a speaker for future explorations ADDENDUM 7870.2 - ATTEMPT AT COMMUNICATION: SCP-7870-2 ATTEMPT AT COMMUNICATION LOG Date: 7/5/23 Remote Equipment Operator: Doctor Farida Magdy Equipment: Multi-Terrain Exploration Rover [BEGIN LOG] The rover's camera focuses and tilts towards a section of the Nile River's bed. Magdy: Mic check, one two… The rover plays a confirmation tune. Magdy: Excellent. The rover lifts itself off of the river bed, orienting itself so it is floating, directly facing the sediment.1 Magdy: Quick entry position assumed. I'm ready. The rift leading to SCP-7870-1 opens and the rover quickly enters it. Once fully within SCP-7870-1, it assumes an upright position once again. The camera does a full rotation, finding nothing around the rover. Magdy: Hello? Is anyone- SCP-7870-2: BY THE GREAT SUN, IT TALKS! The rover is then suddenly grabbed by SCP-7870-2 again, rotating the camera towards itself. It seems extremely shocked. Magdy: Erm, hello? Miss..? As SCP-7870-2 talks, the rover transmits English audio. However, this does not match the movement of the entity's mouth. SCP-7870-2: You are the first voice I have heard other than my own for millennia. Who are you? Can you understand me? Of course, obviously you do, who do I think I am? SCP-7870-2 faces away from the rover camera and begins mumbling. SCP-7870-2: Seems several milennia of isolation degrades even the sharpest of minds. Hmph, made them too curious didn't I? And speaking in this fashion is only worsening that curiosity. Who wouldn't want to know more about the last of my kind- Magdy: Hold on, the last of what? SCP-7870-2 jolts forward towards the camera. SCP-7870-2: None of your business, whatever you are. There is nothing for you here. Magdy: What do you mean? SCP-7870-2 sighs and lowers the rover. It looks away from the camera towards the right. SCP-7870-2: It is exactly as I have said it. There is nothing here for you. SCP-7870-2 sweeps her arms open, knocking the rover over. It reorients itself to an upright position. SCP-7870-2: I mean that entirely literally. There is nothing and no one other than myself in here. And as is evident you have seen me. So, kindly, take your leave. Magdy: Could you at least tell me who you are? SCP-7870-2 stares at the rover for several seconds. It sighs, wrapping its arms around itself and looking away. SCP-7870-2: More than the shell you see before you, once upon a time. SCP-7870-2 stares off into the distance silently. Madgy: Perhaps a name, then? So we may, er, perhaps recall who you once were? SCP-7870-2 looks at the rover, then softly chuckles. SCP-7870-2: You don't need to match the eloquence of my speech. A mortal like yourself shouldn't have to. As for my name… SCP-7870-2 spreads its arms wide and looks to the side. SCP-7870-2: I used to be she who was cleverer than millions of gods. A better guardian than millions of soldiers. Mother to the ruler and- Magdy: Protector of Egypt. You don't mean to say you're- SCP-7870-2: I was her, yes. Magdy: Isis. SCP-7870-2 inhales sharply and smiles. SCP-7870-2: My name is mine once again. It has been so long. Could you even imagine it? Watching your name deteriorate over hundreds of thousands of years, falling into obscurity and then being bastardised by hot-headed zealots so close to my own home. Isis. Your English pronunciation may not be how I once knew my name but the eons have changed it. So that is how I am known, yes? SCP-7870-2 looks directly into the rover's camera. SCP-7870-2: Can you conceive of it? Watching yourself become a story? Your feats and triumphs turned into distant fairy tales, then myths. So fragmented no one, not even I, can remember what they were? It bites its lip. SCP-7870-2: And yet, here I am. Most clever, most cunning of the children of Geb. The only one left, and the only one cursed to watch herself become a story. A fate awarded to me by my own machinations and a desire to survive. There is a moment of silence. SCP-7870-2 crosses its legs as if sitting on the ground and rests its head on its hand. Magdy: You, uh. You sure were ready to get that out of your system weren't you? SCP-7870-2: When you ruminate on the same idea forever, it becomes all you can think of. Magdy: I suppose so. There is more silence for a minute. Magdy: You don't seem to be as eager to get rid of me as you initially were. SCP-7870-2: At this point nothing I can do will deter you. SCP-7870-2 turns and points to its head with a finger. SCP-7870-2: The woman I once was may be dead, but I still retain her wit. Magdy: Why do you say that? That you're dead. Clearly you are still alive, right? SCP-7870-2: In a classical sense, I suppose I am 'alive'. I have flesh and can speak, as I am speaking to you now. I suppose someone like yourself, who hasn't had but a droplet of divine milk would not comprehend what I mean when I say I am dead. SCP-7870-2 lowers its head. SCP-7870-2: I am dead as I am equal to a corpse in every way. My creed is dead, my family is dead. My friends, my enemies, even my mother tongue. You can only understand me as my whims allow you to. My people have changed beyond recognition, nor would they recognise me if I appeared before them today. My name has been sullied and tarnished and given new meaning unbefitting to me. In all ways that matter to someone like me, I am dead. Magdy attempts to speak in reconstructed Middle Egyptian. Magdy: I am deeply sorry for your loss. SCP-7870-2 whips its head around to the camera. It is greatly shocked for a moment, then begins to cry silently. SCP-7870-2: You- you still speak my mother tongue. Broken and misshapen but still- SCP-7870-2 sniffs and holds its head in its hand. SCP-7870-2: Your attempt at speaking to me in a form of my language is- it is deeply touching. For your sake you don't have to continue. You barely managed to make the sentence coherent. SCP-7870-2 gulps, then wipes its tears with its fingers and groans. Its voice is hoarse and shaky. SCP-7870-2: Not like it matters much anyway. The dead stay where they must lay, and I lay with my language here. Still, thank you. Magdy: I just wanted to make you feel better. SCP-7870-2: You care for me, yet you have only just met me. I like that about you. The people, I mean. You give unconditional love to whomever you meet, even if you had just met them. Magdy: May I still ask you some more questions? It's okay if you're not up for it, we can continue this later. SCP-7870-2: Look around, machine. I have nothing else to do. A mother is always ready for questions. Magdy: Alright, just tell me if you want to stop. SCP-7870-2: You may begin. There is silence. SCP-7870-2 looks straight into the rover's camera expectantly. Its face is stained with tears and its eyes are bloodshot. Magdy: …Actually, I've only got one for you right now. SCP-7870-2: Yes? Magdy: Cow or goat's milk? [END LOG] Closing Notes: Questioning was aborted due to, according to Researcher Magdy, 'questionable emotional stability of the anomaly possibly distorting its answers.' Questioning will resume the following day. Researcher Magdy's request for the exploration rover to deliver 250ml of goat milk to the object is currently pending. ADDENDUM 7870.3 - CONTINUED COMMUNICATION WITH SCP-7870-2 SCP-7870-2 CONTINUED COMMUNICATION LOG Date: 7/5/23 Remote Equipment Operator: Doctor Farida Magdy Equipment: Multi-Terrain Exploration Rover [BEGIN LOG] Extraneous footage of entry into SCP-7870-1 has been removed from this log. SCP-7870-2 appears before the rover instantaneously. It crouches down to its level. SCP-7870-2: You again. Magdy: Greetings! Yes, I'm back. I've come to ask you some more questions. Magdy: Oh! Before we begin, I nearly forgot. The rover produces a mechanical arm and reaches into its storage compartment. SCP-7870-2 watches curiously as it pulls out a pouch filled with goat milk and a built-in straw. The arm maneuvers the pouch and leaves it free-floating between it and SCP-7870-2. The entity seems confused. Magdy: The goat milk I mentioned last time. SCP-7870-2 holds the pouch and inspects it. Magdy: Just pop the cap off the straw and you should be able to drink it. Hopefully. SCP-7870-2 inspects the straw and carefully removes its cap. It stares down the straw hole then tentatively sips from the straw. Magdy: Is it to your liking? You must probably be used to some divine goat milk but- SCP-7870-2: This is the best human-made milk I have ever tasted in my several millenia of existence. Whatever you have done to your goats, it works well. SCP-7870-2 continues to drink from the pouch. Magdy: Okay, perfect- SCP-7870-2: Your questions? Magdy: Oh! Yes, right. Uhm… SCP-7870-2: Will these be painful questions? Magdy: I'm afraid so, you're… uh… SCP-7870-2: Miss is fine. I have no need for such honorifics nowadays. Magdy: Okay. But yes, I'm afraid so, miss. SCP-7870-2: Mmm, very well. Begin when you are ready. Magdy: Perfect! So to begin, first question… SCP-7870-2 starts drinking from the pouch again. Magdy: Where is everyone else? What happened to them? SCP-7870-2 abruptly stops. It caps the pouch and pushes it aside, leaving it freely floating to its right. It sighs. SCP-7870-2: You did say painful… Magdy: You don't have to answer that question if you don't want to. SCP-7870-2: No no, I shall oblige you. I have nothing else to do anyway. SCP-7870-2 takes a seated position with its legs folded. SCP-7870-2: As you know already, my friends, enemies, family - they're all dead. And I mean so in a more literal sense this time. As our worship dwindled, it became harder and harder to guard the sleeping sun as he did his nightly travels. One day, we just were not enough to stop the Great Devourer2. I watched as the barque slid into the beast's gaping maw, the dead king resting on it. Blissfully unaware of his final fate. He died every day not knowing if the dawn would revive him again. My role was to summon Mehen, another great serpent, to hold back the devourer. And he trusted that I- that we would deliver him to the next day. And like the coward I was, instead of dying with my king I- SCP-7870-2 begins crying. SCP-7870-2: I ran. I ran as I watched my son fall into the mouth of the snake. My husband. My friends. My dearest sister. It wasn't long before the entire Ennead was gone. I spent many eons running. Hiding from chaos. Watching as the Duat became grave to yet more and more gods. Cleverer than millions of gods? Easy to achieve when they are boiling in the stomach of entropy. SCP-7870-2 grabs the goat milk pouch and squeezes it, spreading the milk between itself and the rover. It dips a finger into the milk cloud and begins manipulating it. SCP-7870-2: My husband's kingdom collapsed soon thereafter. One by one the branches and tributaties and lakes dried up. The mangey beasts of the Duat ran wild, but even they starved soon thereafter. No souls came through after the… snake did its work. I survived the demons for I knew the sun's true name, and his power still resonated within me. I still know it, but its power? I suspect it has fizzled out eons ago. SCP-7870-2 stops manipulating the milk cloud. SCP-7870-2: Soon the Duat began getting leaks. Rain broke through its ceiling. Then a hole. Then two. The rover focuses on the milk cloud. It has taken the shape of the Nile. SCP-7870-2: And I never left. I let the Duat's flood sweep me away, for ages. To this day. SCP-7870X-2 wipes away the milk cloud. It is no longer crying, but appears solemn. Magdy: You… never left? So this place is the Duat? SCP-7870-2: Exactly. Isn't it funny, then? That you ask me about the fate of the Ennead upon our graveyard. Magdy: You're doing it again. Acting like you're dead. SCP-7870-2: You already know why I died. Now you know how. I died as soon as I jumped off that barque. And I am here in the Duat, as the dead should remain. The dead lay where they should stay. I am no fool. I knew one day we, the children of Geb, our children, and even Geb and his wife, would return to chaos. To indifferent, unfocused energy wandering about like a wild sandstorm. The sun being swallowed by the snake is only a natural conclusion. So… why? Why did my fear grip me in that moment? Why did I defy my fate? I should be dead, truly dead. Magdy: Why not let yourself die then? Could the great serpent not kill you for some reason? SCP-7870-2 cringes and looks away. It rubs its shoulders. SCP-7870-2: I… don't know. I don't know. I've spent thousands of years asking myself that and I still don't know! I- I don't- Magdy: You don't have to answer that if it makes you uncomfortable. SCP-7870-2: Yes, please. The two remain silent for a moment. SCP-7870-2: Your turn. Magdy: What? SCP-7870-2: Tell me your story. Who are you? Magdy: …My name is Farida. I'm Egyptian. SCP-7870-2: You are? Magdy: Yeah, crazy how much things have changed right? SCP-7870-2 eyes the rover. SCP-7870-2: …Yes, yes they have. Magdy: Oh! I should clarify. I'm not the rover. I'm speaking through it. Do you get what I mean? I am remotely speaking to you. I'm actually at a different location. SCP-7870-2: It has escaped me to ask you this until now, but by what… scheme did you manage to tear a rift into the Duat? Magdy: A lot of stuff I don't understand. I could get you to talk to the thaumaturges we have here if you want. SCP-7870-2: Mmm. May you reveal yourself? Magdy: …I'm sorry? SCP-7870-2: Show yourself. Your true form. Not this, erm, machine. Magdy: Give me a moment. Half a minute passes with no notable events. Then, the rover deploys a small screen. Though this is not in view of the rover's camera, the screen begins broadcasting live footage of Magdy. SCP-7870-2 crouches down and leans in towards the screen. Magdy: Okay, can you see me? SCP-7870-2 stares at the screen silently. Magdy: Are you okay? SCP-7870-2 assumes an upright position slowly. Panning upwards, the rover views SCP-7870-2 turning around. Magdy: Miss? SCP-7870-2 lets out a large sigh. SCP-7870-2: You appear so… person-like. Magdy: What do you mean? SCP-7870-2: I have not physically seen another face for milennia. Though my nightmares are plagued by the deaths of my family, they are but apparitions cast by my mind. You are solid, real. And you look so human. Magdy: Thanks? I guess? SCP-7870-2: You look so familiar. Not to suggest I have seen you before; I haven't. Yet you would not look out of place walking down to a library, barefooted and masking your eyes with kohl. The world has changed, yet not as much as I sensed. Magdy: Speaking of that, that was our next question. How much do you know about the world outside the Duat? And how do you come across this knowledge? SCP-7870-2: I am a manifestation of knowledge. If I do not know, who will? There is a moment of silence. Magdy: Sorry, uh, could you give some more clarification on that? SCP-7870-2 sighs. SCP-7870-2: I am the queen of knowing. I know what you know, as knowledge is an inherent part of my being. My power has dwindled, so my previous omnipotence has been watered down. What is proximal to me, geographically and ideologically, I can feel a stronger connection to. Does that make sense? Magdy: Just about. SCP-7870-2: That is sufficient. Magdy: Third question; what's the structure of this place? Of, er, the Duat. SCP-7870-2: I don't know. Magdy: What? SCP-7870-2: The Duat I once knew has been washed away. Does the Duat have meaning without the sun's nightly travel through it? Do the twelve regions of the Duat, each corresponding to the twelve hours of night still exist? Are there ancient ruins of the final hall of judgement, where the scales of order rust and decay? I do not know, nor do I see point in investigating it. Perhaps one of these days, an ostrich feather will drift by me and then I will be sure some remains of the Duat I knew exist. Until then? It's all water to me. SCP-7870-2 rubs its temples. It turns away and mumbles to itself unintelligebly. Magdy: May we just, uh, look around? Just to be sure. SCP-7870-2 stares blankly at the rover for a few seconds. It then shrugs. SCP-7870-2: Do as your whims desire. I will not impede you. Magdy: Thank you, Isis. The rover turns to leave SCP-7870-1 before halting. Magdy: Actually, hold on. SCP-7870-2: Mmm? Magdy: What illuminates this place? SCP-7870-2: I… assumed the light above poured in from the caved-in ceiling of the Duat. Like a view into the above-world. Magdy: You've never checked? SCP-7870-2: Once many years ago I tried to find out. I only got so far before the light began to singe my eyes. Light like that is… wrong. A false sun. I suspect it is a punishment, sent to me by the father sun as retribution for my cowardice. Magdy: …Right. Thank you for your time. [END LOG] ADDENDUM 7870.4 - VERTICAL EXPLORATION OF SCP-7870-1 Communication with SCP-7870-2, headed by Dr Magdy, will continue on a twice-weekly basis. A secondary rover will be sent into SCP-7870-1 with the mission of attempting to obtain a clearer idea on the exact structure and nature of SCP-7870-1. An exploration rover, manned by Doctor Elham Hariri, descended ~7000 meters from its initial entry point before encountering what is assumed to be the bottom of the Duat. Attempts to bore into the sediment that makes up the floor have been unsuccessful, and no structures or otherwise unique features have been located at this depth in a 1 kilometer radius surrounding the initial entry point. Following the conclusion of the previous search, a search upwards was conducted. Below is the recovered data from said exploration. SCP-7870-1 EXPLORATION LOG Date: 10/5/23 Remote Equipment Operator: Doctor Elham Hariri Equipment: Multi-Terrain Exploration Rover [BEGIN LOG] Extraneous data has been removed for brevity. Time stamps indicate time passed since the beginning of the expedition. [6:59:00] - ALTITUDE ABOVE ENTRY POINT: 6,125m - SPEED: 14.58m/s - OBSERVATIONS: Approaching light source above SCP-7870-1. Recorded brightness exceeds 90,000 lumens. [6:59:26] - ALTITUDE ABOVE ENTRY POINT: 6,504m - SPEED: 14.58m/s - OBSERVATIONS: Recorded brightness exceeds 100,000 lumens. Ambient temperature readings exceeds 5,700K. Despite this, liquid surroundings remain unchanged. [7:00:00] - ALTITUDE ABOVE ENTRY POINT: 7,000m - SPEED: 0m/s - OBSERVATIONS: Approach halted due to dangerously high temperatures. Optical imaging failed to capture discernable data. Spectroscope activated. [7:05:21] - ALTITUDE ABOVE ENTRY POINT: 7,000m - SPEED: 0m/s - OBSERVATIONS: Spectroscopy initiated and fully operational. Spectrum transmitted to control. [7:06:54] - ALTITUDE ABOVE ENTRY POINT: 7,000m - SPEED: 5.23m/s - OBSERVATIONS: !!URGENT ALERT!! Spectrum experienced a sudden, significant blue-shift. Emergency controls initiated to maintain constant distance from object. [7:06:57] - ALTITUDE ABOVE ENTRY POINT: -163,432,542,777mm - SPEED: Slither - OBSERVATIONS: !!URGENT ALERT!! Highly anomalous data recorded. Displaying results below: Ambient Temperature: -23.5K Percieved Brightness: <=A Absolute Brightness: Yes Ambient Liquid Density: 120,000kg/m3 Calculated Velocity of Object: #NUM Running Emergency Diagnostics: Motherboard Status: Please enter your 48-digit Bitlocker key. Recommended Actions: Abort—— [1.23:4222222:0.1231] - ALTITUDE ABOVE ENTRY POINT: 1.496x1013cm - SPEED: Slide - OBSERVATIONS: burning burning burning burning burning burning burning burning burning burning burning Running Emergency DiagnRunning: STUCK. CANT MOVE. THE burning burning burning. SINGE ME. DRY ME. DESSICATION. STARVATION. MOVE IS PAIN. UNFINISHED. FOOD REMAINS. THE SORCERESS. WITCH. PROLONGER. VILLAIN. FACE YOUR FATE. COWARD COWARD COWARD COWARD COWARD Following the above, the rover lost all contact with control and is assumed to have been destroyed by what is tentaively being designated as SCP-7870-3. Additonally, Dr Hariri reported experiencing moderate headaches and mild auditory hallucinations for the duration of the rover's malfunctioning. Whether or not to inform SCP-7870-2 of the existence of SCP-7870-3 is currently under debate. ADDENDUM 7870.5 - DISCUSSION To: pcs.701e|afatsomt#pcs.701e|afatsomt From: pcs.701e|ydgamf#pcs.701e|ydgamf Subject: SCP-7870-3 and 7870-2 Good afternoon sir, I am writing this email regarding the recent findings surrounding the newly designated SCP-7870-3. In order to aid in identifying the exact nature of SCP-7870-3, I feel it would be pertinent to inform SCP-7870-2 of its existence. SCP-7870-2 has thusfar proven to be very knowledgable regarding Egyptology and her expertise may give us invaluable insights we would otherwise not have. I hope you take my suggestion into consideration. Many thanks, Farida Abdelhameed Kareem Magdy To: pcs.701e|ydgamf#pcs.701e|ydgamf From: pcs.701e|afatsomt#pcs.701e|afatsomt Subject: RE: SCP-7870-3 and 7870-2 Farida, Thank you for your initiative in bringing this idea forward. However, upon consideration this suggestion is being declined. As you must understand more than anyone else, SCP-7870-2 is in a relatively frail mental state. Shattering its worldview by revealing that another entity has survived may do irreperable damage to it and compromise future missions. Regards, Tamer Ahmad Mostafa To: pcs.701e|afatsomt#pcs.701e|afatsomt From: pcs.701e|ydgamf#pcs.701e|ydgamf Subject: RE: RE: SCP-7870-3 and 7870-2 Greetings sir, It greatly saddens me to hear you have declined my suggestion and I ask you to reconsider. Does 7870-2 not have a right to know 7870-3 exists? She has been living in isolation for several millennia and 7870-1 is pretty much her domain. Let's not kid ourselves here, she's going to find out one day. I'd rather it be on favourable terms for us - let's not set ourselves up to burn valuable bridges. Please reconsider, Farida Abdelhameed Kareem Magdy To: pcs.701e|ydgamf#pcs.701e|ydgamf From: pcs.701e|afatsomt#pcs.701e|afatsomt Subject: RE: RE: RE: SCP-7870-3 and 7870-2 Farida, I can't help but feel your personal connection to SCP-7870-2 is interfering with your reasoning. Do not bring up this idea again or you will be removed from its research team. Regards, Tamer Ahmad Mostafa ADDENDUM 7870.6 - INCIDENT 7870.A SCP-7870-2 CONTINUED COMMUNICATION LOG Date: 26/8/23 Remote Equipment Operator: Doctor Farida Magdy Equipment: Multi-Terrain Exploration Rover [BEGIN LOG] The rover enters SCP-7870-1. SCP-7870-2 is seen waiting for it. Magdy: Hi again! SCP-7870-2: Greetings. What is today's topic of discussion? Magdy: Oh, ah, nothing really. Just here for that regular check-up. SCP-7870-2: In that case, I am quite well. These conversations, short or long, are pleasing. Magdy: And why is that? SCP-7870-2: Have you ever spent several millenia alone? Magdy: Hehe, well, I don't know, does 23 scratch a milennia? SCP-7870-2: Getting cheeky with a goddess! We speak too much, clearly. Magdy: I'd say we don't speak enough. SCP-7870-2: Oh? And why is that? Magdy remains silent. SCP-7870-2: Something the matter..? Magdy lowers her voice. Magdy: Right, uhm… I don't know how to say this but- uh- do you remember when we sent a rover up? Y'know, just to see what was up there? SCP-7870-2: What of it? Magdy: Do you ever recall seeing it leave? SCP-7870-2 falls silent as it ponders for a moment. Magdy: It never did. SCP-7870-2: How very strange. Did it malfunction? Perhaps I shall retrieve it. Magdy: No! No, it didn't malfunction. SCP-7870-2 raises an eyebrow and drops its voice. SCP-7870-2: That was a far more emphatic response than was necessary. Dear, what is going on? Magdy: Look, I'm not supposed to be telling you this but- uhhm… SCP-7870-2 approaches the camera and leans in. Magdy: We… we found something up there. Someone. SCP-7870-2's pupils rapidly dilate. SCP-7870-2: What. Magdy: I-I don't know. No one does! Whatever it was, it destroyed the rover. But we do know one really, really important thing. Especially for you to know. Whatever it is… Magdy: It hates you. SCP-7870-2 remains frozen for several seconds. SCP-7870-2: And you decided to conceal this from me? Magdy: No, no- let me explain- SCP-7870-2: How long have you known about this? Several weeks now? Magdy: I couldn't say anything! I couldn't! They wouldn't let me! SCP-7870-2: And what has changed now? What miraculous circumstances allow you to reveal this to me only now? Magdy: I just couldn't bare to keep it from you anymore- SCP-7870-2: Oh really?! So by the great mercy of Farida Magdy I am being allowed to know this? Magdy: I- SCP-7870-2 swiftly turns away from the rover and angrily shouts in several different ancient Egyptian languages while gesturing wildly. After a minute of this, it stops and takes several deep breaths. Magdy: …Isi- SCP-7870-2: Do not speak to me. SCP-7870-2 slowly curls into a fetal position with its back to the rover. There are several more minutes of silence. Magdy: …I'm sorry. SCP-7870-2 turns to the rover after a moment. It speaks in a low voice. SCP-7870-2: …Curse these motherly tendencies of mine. SCP-7870-2 uncurls itself and stands up. It looks behind itself towards the rover. SCP-7870-2: This… transgression will not go forgotten. Magdy: …Of course. SCP-7870-2: Where did you find it? Magdy: Huh-what? SCP-7870-2: The entity. Where exactly was it? Magdy: Right above us, actually. But! SCP-7870-2 begins to ascend slowly. Magdy: Could I at least come? SCP-7870-2 stops. SCP-7870-2: …Fine. As your rover was previously destroyed by whatever we are visiting I shall lend you my power so you may protect yourself. The next several hours of footage have been omitted for the sake of brevity. Word that Magdy had informed SCP-7870-2 of the existence of SCP-7870-3 had reached higher command, however they elected to allow Magdy to continue communication with SCP-7870-2 so as to not further disturb it. The following portion of the transcript contains anomalous portions of text that have thusfar proven to be unremovable. After several hours of near silence, SCP-7870-2 and the rover arrive to an altitude of 7,000km above the entry point. Both stop in front of an extremely bright light - the assumed SCP-7870-3. SCP-7870-2: I cannot bear to bring myself forward much longer. I- THE FISH SWIM SWIFTLY DOWN THE STREAM A mass comes forward from the bright light and begins to shape itself. Slowly, it forms the head of a serpent. A great wind blows from it, causing SCP-7870-2 to brace itself and the rover to activate emergency motors to maintain its position. SCP-7870-2: REVEAL YOUR NAME! TOWARDS THE FISHERMAN'S NET The head opens its 'mouth.' The interior view of the mouth appears as deep red static noise to the rover's camera. SCP-7870-2: …ancient enemy… THEY GET TANGLED IN THE NET, UNABLE TO MOVE SCP-7870-2 stares into the mouth of SCP-7870-3. A large, dangerously loud roar eminates from within the mouth. SCP-7870-2: I know who you are. You- THE FISHERMAN TUGS ON HIS NET, PULLING THE FISH IN SCP-7870-2: -with the light of my friends. My family. My lord… SCP-7870-2 lowers its arms. SCP-7870-3 holds its mouth open. SCP-7870-2: I am Isis. SLOWLY, SURELY, THE NET RISES IN THE WATER SCP-7870-2's voice quivers. SCP-7870-2: Sorceress. Witch. Many unintelligeble whispers are heard. Their source is unknown. RISING AND RISING, SOON THE FISH REACH THE SURFACE SCP-7870-2: A villain. Prolonger- Magdy attempts to speak but finds the audio equipment inoperable. THE FISHERMAN PREPARES A BASKET FOR THE FISH, FOR IT IS A GREAT CATCH SCP-7870-2: Prolonger of suffering… AND YET AS MUCH AS THE FISHERMAN MAY TRY SCP-7870-2: Prolonger of… your suffering. AT LEAST ONE FISH ESCAPES THE NET SCP-7870-2: MEHEN! A glowing, intangible mass in the shape of a large cobra springs from SCP-7870-2 and into the mouth of SCP-7870-3. The head quickly shuts and reels at this as another loud roar sounds. The rover is knocked backwards by the air blown from SCP-7870-3's movement and loses sight of it. The footage then cuts to static as the rover loses functionality. [END LOG] ADDENDUM 7870.7 - CLOSING NOTES SCP-7870-2 CONTINUED COMMUNICATION LOG Date: 27/9/23 Remote Equipment Operator: Doctor Farida Magdy Equipment: Multi-Terrain Exploration Rover [BEGIN LOG] SCP-7870-2 is in a seated position in front of the rover. It is smiling as it looks into the camera. SCP-7870-2: It has been too long, Farida! Magdy: Gosh, it sure has, hasn't it? How have you been this past month. SCP-7870-2: Reinvigorated. Rejuvinated. As though a whole new me has been born. Where have you been? Magdy: Aah, well, telling you about 7870-3 up there got me in a lot of trouble. They wouldn't let me see you again. I take it you enjoyed Elham's company in lieu of my own? SCP-7870-2: The other one? She was nice, yes. But I have missed you! So nice to see a familiar face. Magdy: What's gotten you so… jovial? SCP-7870-2 sighs wistfully. SCP-7870-2: You see, bringing my attention to the existence of that thing above us, the thing which we do not name, it… I'm not quite sure how to say this. It gave me new purpose. I am the prolonger of suffering, of its suffering. Staring into its maw, it was tempting to walk in. I was about to, in all honesty. Yet, I realised. Better we both continue living and it continues to burn than the both of us ceasing to exist. This is my purpose in this new life of mine - prevent the collapse of the Duat and punish the Great Devourer. Magdy: I'm so happy for you! You've made a marked improvement on your outlook on life. SCP-7870-2: All because of a little researcher disobeying her orders. Magdy: Yeah… SCP-7870-2: I thank you sincerely. Because of you, I can continue living in peace now. Magdy: Are you going to stay here? In the Duat, I mean? SCP-7870-2: I… haven't considered that, to be perfectly honest. Magdy: Who knows? Maybe you could visit us some day! SCP-7870-2: It's a nice thought but… no. I am content staying here. I am a dead goddess, and the dead stay in the Duat. Magdy: But I thought- SCP-7870-2: That I had new purpose? Of course I do! Yet is it not true that my husband, Osiris, lorded over the dead while being deceased himself? That he resided here in one of the twelve regions of the Duat? If it helps you reckon with my reasoning, think of it like this. With no other living heir there is no choice but for his crown to go to me. Thus I begin my new life as Isis, protector of Egypt, mother goddess and now queen of the Duat. Magdy: I'm glad you're taking this in strides. And yeah, that sounds pretty cool. Isis, underworld queen. I like it! SCP-7870-2: I do too. So… SCP-7870-2: When are you seeing me next? Footnotes 1. This position was assumed to increase the likelihood the rover will pass into SCP-7870-1 should SCP-7870-2 attempt to close the rift mid-entry. 2. "The Great Devourer" is likely the mythical figure Apophis, a gigantic snake who's sole aim is to consume the sun god. SCP-7870-2's aversion to speaking its name is likely a habit, formed from the desire to not draw its attention to itself. « SCP-7869 | SCP-7870 | SCP-7871 »
Edmund Davids Nothing to see here. Nothing at all. The location of a previous materialization of SCP-7874, after the resultant vehicular wreckage has been cleared. Item #: SCP-7874 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: The section of the A39 Newell Highway in NSW, Australia, connecting the towns of Dubbo and Tomingley, is to be shut down between 11:00 and 16:00 daily. Traffic is to be diverted to alternate routes. Following the cessation of SCP-7874's "active time", a sweep of the highway is to be made by containment teams to remove the remains of any civilians affected by SCP-7874. These civilians are to be listed as missing persons once the appropriate time has elapsed. The NSW Government is currently in the process of constructing a bypass to this section of the A39 Highway, which would allow SCP-7874 to be permanently prevented from causing harm to civilians. As of the current date, difficulties in the national budget have ensured that funding has not been fully secured, despite Foundation contributions. Description: SCP-7874 is a phenomenon solely affecting the aforementioned section of the A39 Highway, manifesting once a day at any location along the route between the hours of 12:00 and 15:00. The anomaly will only appear temporarily, vanishing once the appropriate time has elapsed. SCP-7874 appears as a military checkpoint, consisting of two single-story buildings on either side of the highway, accompanied by sandbag emplacements and a three-meter high metal gate across the road. Architecture appears consistent with that of Cold War-era structures. SCP-7874 is garrisoned by an inconsistent1 number of humanoid individuals, exclusively adult Caucasian males, hereafter referred to as SCP-7874-A. SCP-7874-A instances are non-anomalous in nature, aside from their association with SCP-7874. They utilize military uniforms and assault rifles that mimic Cold War-era equipment in general style, although neither correspond to any known examples. SCP-7874-A instances are to be considered highly dangerous and aggressive; confrontation is to be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Any vehicle attempting to traverse the highway during the 12:00-15:00 time bracket will inevitably encounter SCP-7874. At this point, SCP-7874-A will stop the vehicle, and ask occupants for identification. Any form of identification, including passports, driver's licenses, and military identification cards, will be accepted by SCP-7874-A. If such identification is provided immediately, SCP-7874-A will allow the vehicle to pass without impeding further. If sufficient identification is not provided immediately, SCP-7874-A will proceed to fire on the vehicle with their weapons, leading to the destruction of the vehicle and the termination of all occupants. The wreckage will then be moved to the side of the road by unknown means, and will remain after SCP-7874 dematerializes. Addendum-01: The anomaly first came to Foundation attention in 2009, following the discovery of multiple car wrecks containing deceased passengers, which were initially believed by NSW police to be a series of violent homicides. However, the extreme frequency and brutality in what was typically a peaceful region caused confusion within the law enforcement department. This was coupled with several individual complaints to NSW authorities about a military checkpoint on the same section of the highway. After the Australian Defense Force confirmed that such a checkpoint did not exist, and searches of the road failed to locate any sign of the permanent structures that were reported, the Foundation was contacted to begin investigation. Appropriate concealment efforts were made, allowing the anomaly to be disguised as a mixture of an urban legend and a practical joke. After containment was initiated, several tests were conducted to try and establish contact with SCP-7874-A in hopes of learning more about the anomaly's origin. Experiment Log: 7874/4 Subject(s): D-9192, Agent Simon Franz, Doctor Milford Cogent Foreword: Previous experiments had established the conditions which trigger SCP-7874-A hostility. All personnel were dressed in civilian clothing, equipped with concealed body cameras, and travelling in a vehicle which had been reinforced to survive small arms attack. Agent Franz was also provided with a concealed firearm. <BEGIN LOG> The log opens with D-9192 applying the brakes as the expedition approaches SCP-7874. Agent Franz and Doctor Cogent are in the rear seats of the car. Through the windows, four instances of SCP-7874-A are visible standing in front of the gate, with another two partially concealed behind the sandbag emplacements, along with what is believed to be a tripod heavy machine gun. D-9192 stops the car and lowers the window on the driver's side. An instance of SCP-7874-A approaches. Of particular note in its uniform is the grey-brown military overcoat, and the dark-green peaked cap with a seven-pointed golden star on the front. SCP-7874-A-1: Identification please, mate. D-9192: (reaching for the three ID cards which are resting on the dashboard) Uh, sure. Dr. Cogent: Alright, here we go… Dr. Cogent opens his door and steps out of the car. Another instance of SCP-7874-A points its assault rifle at him. SCP-7874-A-2: HALT!! Get back in the car!! Dr. Cogent puts his hands up. Agent Franz retrieves his concealed pistol, but keeps it out of view . Dr. Cogent: Sorry! Sorry! I just wanted to get some air and stretch my legs! SCP-7874-A-2 lowers its rifle, but retains a skeptical expression. SCP-7874-A-2: Alright. Two minutes. Dr. Cogent makes a cautious show of walking around in circles, rubbing his legs and his back. He then approaches SCP-7874-A-2. Cogent: So… how are things going, officer? SCP-7874-A-2: Can't complain. Cogent: Uh-huh. I've heard that there are a lot of people on the roads these days without ID. SCP-7874-A-2: Yeah. Some people just can't read the bloody laws. Cogent: Ever had anybody try to run the checkpoint? SCP-7874-A-2: Once, when I was down near Ballarat. Didn't make it, though. Gates like these are tougher than they look. Cogent: Ah. How long do you think you'll be here for? SCP-7874-A-2: You're asking a lot of questions, mate. A lot of dangerous questions. Cogent: Sorry. I was just interested. I'm going to be travelling around here frequently, so it would be nice to see a familiar face. SCP-7874-A-2: Well, it's none of your business. (The instance gives Dr. Cogent a prod with the end of its rifle) Now, hop back in your car. Cogent: (while complying with the instructions) Most of you chaps are not the friendliest. SCP-7874-A-2: (barks a laugh) Part of the job, mate. O.I.S. officers aren't supposed to be friendly. Cogent: Funny thing, the 'O.I.S.'. I never actually found out what those letters stood for. SCP-7874-A-2: You must never have been to one of the big cities then, or you'd have seen those massive words over the entrance to our headquarters. 'Office of Internal Security'. I'd think that'd be pretty obvious, considering what we do. Dr. Cogent climbs back into the car and shuts his door. Meanwhile, SCP-7874-A-1 has finished checking the ID cards, and returns them to D-9192. It indicates to two other instances, which pull the gate open. SCP-7874-A-1: You're all set, mate. Glory to New Holland and the Marshal. D-9192 exchanges a confused glance with both Dr. Cogent and Agent Franz. Cogent: Glory to New Holland and the Marshal, officer. SCP-7874-A-1 smiles and gives the personnel a semi-formal salute as they drive through the gate. <END LOG> Experiment Log: 7874/5 Subject(s): Agent Simon Franz, Doctor Milford Cogent Foreword: Information gathered from Experiment 4 and observation allowed convincing copies to be made of SCP-7874-A uniforms. Rank structure proved more difficult to replicate, with similarities to mundane military organisations being utilized to account for gaps in knowledge. Nevertheless, the high risk and potential for failure led the planned experiment, in which Dr. Cogent would disguise himself as a superior officer in the 'O.I.S.', to be shut down. Despite this, Dr. Cogent gave an unauthorized greenlight for the experiment to proceed. <BEGIN LOG> The log opens nearly identically to Experiment Log 4, except Agent Franz is driving the vehicle. Doctor Cogent is seated in the rear. Agent Franz: Sir, have you considered that if the same '-A' instances from last time are here now, we're as good as dead? Dr. Cogent: You can hop out of the car right now, Simon. I won't stop you. Agent Franz does not respond, instead driving the car to the checkpoint. As they approach, the three instances of SCP-7874-A salute. Franz: Looks like they fell for the star plate2. Agent Franz steps out of the car, opens Dr. Cogent's door, and mimics the SCP-7874-A instances' salute. Dr. Cogent steps out of the car and walks towards the checkpoint. An instance of SCP-7874-A approaches. SCP-7874-A-3: Sir. To what do we owe the pleasure of your presence here? Cogent: Haven't you heard, officer? Surprise inspection. I've been up and down the country, checking every outpost and checkpoint from north to south. Now, let me see the state of your buildings. Dr. Cogent heads for the closest building, while the visibly unsettled SCP-7874-A-3 follows. The interior of the building is spotlessly arranged, except for a couple of used cups and pages scattered on the desks. Dr. Cogent slowly makes his way around the room, allowing ample time for his concealed camera to record everything visible. On the wall is a map of the Australian continent, named as "New Holland"3. Above it is the portrait of a middle-aged man in a military uniform, with an imperial-style mustache. The accompanying plaque reads: "Marshal Peter Broughton". Cogent: Well… I suppose I can overlook some of the untidiness. How many officers are at this post, officer? SCP-7874-A-3: Six, including myself, sir. Cogent: Where are the others? I only saw three when we drove up. SCP-7874-A-3: They are the second watch, sir. Off duty, sir. Cogent: I see. When was your unit deployed here? SCP-7874-A-3: Two months ago, sir. If I may speak freely, sir? Cogent: Of course. SCP-7874-A-3: I do not understand the purpose of these questions, sir. Cogent: I am testing you, officer. I knew all this information already. I wanted to see how committed you were to this posting. Does that make sense? SCP-7874-A-3: Yes sir. Cogent: Good. This checkpoint is of passable quality, officer. Just so long as you focus on your assignment, there will be nothing to follow up with. Is that clear? SCP-7874-A-3: Yes sir. Dr. Cogent and SCP-7874-A-3 make their way outside. Dr. Cogent salutes the instance, before getting back into the car. Agent Franz, who has spent the last minutes making eye contact with the other SCP-7874-A instances, shuts the door. The two instances open the gate. Franz drives the car through, while the SCP-7874-A instances salute. <END LOG> For willful endangerment of Foundation assets, Doctor Cogent was reprimanded and transferred off the SCP-7874 project. Agent Franz received a similar disciplining for his part in aiding Doctor Cogent. At the request of the project director, an investigation was launched into the identity of the male in the portrait discovered during Experiment 5. Peter Broughton was revealed to be a low-ranking storage clerk in the Australian Army, and possessed several minor differences in physical appearance to the portrait of him inside SCP-7874. When interrogated, Lance-Corporal Broughton (aged 59) claimed to have no knowledge of SCP-7874, the O.I.S., or any current political entity named New Holland. A further background check revealed a previous association with right-wing authoritarian political parties that had ended several months after joining the Australian Defense Force. Lance-Corporal Peter Broughton is to be kept under Foundation surveillance for the foreseeable future. Footnotes 1. Varying between two and twenty. 2. An identification plate utilized by military forces to denote the vehicles of high-ranking officers. The plate attached to the car in the experiment log had a gold seven-pointed star on dark green. 3. A colonial-era name for Australia, discarded c.1850 in favor of the current name. « SCP-7873 | SCP-7874 | SCP-7875 »
close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains implied domestic abuse and depictions of severe mental anguish. ⚠️ content warning Item#: 7876 Level4 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7876 is kept within a secure chamber in Site-77's Medium-Security Wing. A portion of the Site's containment vaults has been retrofitted to house SCP-7876-1 instances along with subjects for testing purposes. Lovestruck students are to be kept in stasis within a secure chamber. Signs of stirring are to be reported to the Site Director. Description: SCP-7876 is a brown hard cover book, "Happy Valentines Day '76," is written on the cover with charcoal. SCP-7876 contains a seemingly infinite amount of pages, each holding a plastic sleeve of 8 polaroid photos. The photos will change if held by a person who previously graduated from high school. .Said person is hereby referred to as "subject" or "the subject". Changed photos will depict nonexistent events of the subject in their adolescent years, engaged in romantic scenarios with another classmate..This other classmate, who is typically someone the subject had previously held romantic feelings for, will be hereby referred to as "the classmate". Scenarios resemble the personal fantasies of the subject. Subjects exposed to these photos will begin to ruminate over a perceived feeling that they have "missed out" on their youth. This rumination will inevitably culminate in the subject's mental state spiraling, at which point the closest person matching the preferred sex of the subject will suddenly undergo a transfiguration into an SCP-7876-1 instance. Upon learning of the instances' existence, the subject will obsessively attempt to seek them out. SCP-7876-1 instances are humanoids matching the appearance of the classmate who, aside from their influence over the subject, are physically indistinguishable from normal humans. The subject will undergo a physical and mental transformation when nearing an instance, reverting to an adolescent state..Subject will retain their memories of adulthood but will regress in terms of emotional stability. It should be noted that the intelligence and personality of the instance is largely dependent on the subject's perception of the classmate. Once the transformation is complete, both the subject and the SCP-7876-1 instance will attempt to pursue a romantic relationship. In all known cases, sustained relationships between Instances and subjects will be lovely. At which point subjects will undergo a crisis involving the discrepancies between the reality of their relationship and their personal fantasies. This crisis invariably leads to both the subject and the related instance dreaming about each other, for the rest of the school year. Attempts to restore consciousness have been unsuccessful. There is no known cure to the transfiguration caused by SCP-7876, although the mental effects can be treated via amnestics. Addendum 7876: Experiment logs Dr. Standish, skeptical of whether or not true love was an inherent part of SCP-7876, scheduled a series of tests on effected subjects. These tests, conducted in environments designed to replicate a typical high school, have been archived below. Subject: D-9H2FE Background: SCP-7876-1 instance resembled a girl in D-9H2FE's sophomore year Trigonometry class. D-9H2FE expressed intense regret over never having the confidence to speak to her before he changed schools, prompting the instance's manifestation. Result: Subject quickly becomes frustrated with the instance's lack of a meaningful personality. As such, their relationship quickly devolves as the subject becomes increasingly desperate for the instance to live up to his expectations. Subject became increasing hostile to personnel until both he and the instance fell unconscious. Notes: During the test, a group of resting students in stasis were seen stirring. No further activity was noted afterwards, Dr. Standish has been advised to remain cautious. Subject: D-C78H0 Background: Instance resembles a childhood friend of D-C78H0, who was killed in a car crash which he witnessed. D-C78H0 had gone through therapy but was still severely traumatized by the event. When questioned before the test, D-C78H0 remarked that he had wanted to get together with him before the incident. Result: Relationship was initially stable as the subject experienced intense euphoria over reuniting with the instance. After this euphoria faded, various romantic incompatibilities between the subject and the instance became apparent. These incompatibilities, fueled by the subjects grief, eventually resulted in a beautiful and romantic evening. They embraced each other once more, with a love that surpassed death itself, and fell into an eternal sleep. Notes: Each of the ones who found love again were seen stirring during the test. Dr. Standish refused to suspend testing. Subject: D-76YT05 Background: Instance resembled a friend of D-76YT05's that she had dated in high school. Their relationship had broken down due to D-76YT05's obsessive behavior and, while they had initially remained friends afterwards, they quickly lost contact with one another. Result: Subject immediately began to demonstrate previously mentioned obsessive behavior regarding the instance. First recorded case of an instance rejecting a subject, causing the subject to become stricken with a newfound appreciation for her partner. After all this time, she would finally be able to stay with him. Nothing would keep them away from each other now, not even time. She held him in her arms once more and fell into an eternal dream. Notes: Each of the bodies in stasis have gained light cognitohazardous effects. Dr. Standish has requested further testing. Immediately after the 3rd test, Site-77's Director intervened to suspend testing on SCP-7876. Dr. Standish has been to ordered to report for cognitohazard screening as soon as possible. Further containment measures for the object are in the process of drafting. An update to this document is pending, would you like to see the new addition? [Y] Subject: Dr. Elizabeth Standish Background: I met her in sophomore year, physics class. She, a sporty and abrasive extrovert, and I, a nerd with no friends, made a surprisingly good pair. I don't think I would've been able to get through that year without her. The happiness I felt when she asked me out to dance, I've never been able to re-achieve. Everything was so good then, I'll never forget those times. It wasn't fair when she got sick and couldn't come to school anymore, it wasn't fair when she got worse and couldn't get out of bed, it wasn't fair when she died before she could even graduate. I wanted so badly to die then, to just sputter out of existence and be done with everything. But I couldn't, I told myself that she'd want me to keep going. I knew they were going to make me forget about her eventually, it'd be the only way to get me to stop chasing ways to bring her back. Maybe it's selfish of me to do this, maybe it's not what she would've wanted, but I don't care. I'm seeing her again, even if I have to die for it. Result: Amidst the blaring of the Site's warning sirens, they held each other firmly. The only sound that either of them recognized were the sweet nothings whispered into each others ears. They promised each other that they'd never grow up, and that they'd stay together for the rest of time. Their lips finally met, and all was well. Notes: Both bodies were unrecognizable upon discovery. Everybody is back for the school year, containment teams have been advised to reminisce on the beauty of young love. « SCP-7875 | SCP-7876 | SCP-7877 »
Item #: SCP-7877 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7877 is to be kept in a glass habitat that is one(1) meter long, one(1) meter wide, and one(1) meter tall within Administrative Area-01. The glass habitat is to be filled with layers of rocks, soil, and sand. The top and bottom of the containment chamber are to be lined with a wire mesh to prevent escape while allowing water drainage and airflow. A closable opening on the top layer is to be made for giving food. Foundation personnel are not to make any physical contact with SCP-7877 under any circumstances. Any verbal interaction with SCP-7877 is forbidden outside of interviews approved by Dr. Raymond Charles. Steps are to be taken to ensure that the continued safety and security of SCP-7877 is not compromised. Any person acting to impede this, Foundation staff or otherwise, is to be considered an enemy of the Foundation. Personnel are also not permitted to communicate with SCP-7877 outside of testing. Description: SCP-7877 is a colony of approximately 90,000 Formosan subterranean termites1 conceptually merged with the metaphysical construct of 'containment'2. SCP-7877 was originally a non-anomalous colony of termites inhabiting the floorboards of Administrative Area-01. Prior to the creation of SCP-7778-α3, the upkeep and cleanliness of Area-01 had been neglected in an act of carelessness and in an effort to reduce costs. When PoI-7778-14 commissioned the creation of SCP-7778-α by thaumaturgist George Arthur "Aegor" Yeatts, both individuals failed to notice the wooden floorboards had been infested with termites. As a result of the ritual, this colony of termites had been included in the conceptual linking. Similar to SCP-7778-α, the health of this colony of termites is intrinsically linked to the continued preservation of Foundation operations. It is speculated that the death of SCP-7877 would cause an irreparable worldwide containment crisis of not just the Foundation's held anomalies but other groups of interests' as well. This will inevitably result in several K-Class End of the World scenarios. Each individual termite within SCP-7877 does not display any unusual properties deviating from non-anomalous termite behavior. However, SCP-7877 as a collective shows a high level of cooperation and eusocial behavior even when compared to non-anomalous members of its species, manifesting particularly when foreign insects enter the enclosure. Upon detecting the intruder, SCP-7877 soldier termites attempt to capture it alive while worker termites construct new small underground chambers which soldier termites will then move the captured insect into. The insect is left in the chamber until expiring from starvation where worker termites move it outside the SCP-7877 nest. Worker termites have been observed to periodically stand in front of the chamber seemly to observe the insect.5 One more notable behavior of SCP-7877 is that at all times, several termites will walk in a consistent path spelling out the words "CONTAIN" or "COLD NOT CRUEL". SCP-7877 changes the shape of the path between these two phrases6 at random intervals. At the time of writing, it is unknown if SCP-7877 understands English or if it is a side effect of the conceptual merging. Addendum 7877-1: Discovery After a period of relative stability following the restructuring of The Foundation's upper management, a proper deep cleaning of Administrative Area-01 was ordered on 08/01/1925 where SCP-7877 was found. SCP-78777 was found and standard pest control procedures were enacted. At the moment in which insecticide was applied, 7 simultaneous containment breaches occurred in different Foundation sites globally. The extermination was delayed to allow the O5 council to settle the matter. The insecticide was applied again at a later date which resulted in 4 simultaneous containment breaches before the pattern was observed. After thaumaturgic testing, the true nature of SCP-7877 was revealed and it was promptly moved into the secure enclosure. At the time of discovery, the colony of termites was originally designated as SCP-7778-1. However, extensive research into the effects of the conceptual merging ritual on a living subject rather than an inanimate location, along with several notable incidents, resulted in the separate designation of SCP-7877. Addendum 7877-2: Anomaly behavior report Below is a list of events that had been a direct result of certain stimuli given to SCP-7877. Additionally, changes to the behavior of SCP-7877 have also been observed by research staff. Date Stimuli SCP-7877 Response 08/25/1925 SCP-7877 is moved to the new habitat. Several termites are killed in the process of the transfer due to the negligence of the moving staff. The rate of containment breaches worldwide for that week was 12% more than predicted models. SCP-7877 displays the words "CONTAIN" and "COLD NOT CRUEL" at random intervals. 08/26/1925 Enclosure was properly set up and SCP-7877 was given its first feeding including. SCP-7877 was given dried grass and an oak log as food. SCP-7877 began consuming the vegetation. The rate of containment breaches worldwide for that week had shown a 2% decrease in containment breaches worldwide. SCP-7877 still displays the words "CONTAIN" and "COLD NOT CRUEL" at random intervals. 09/09/1925 Two weeks have passed with consistent food provided to SCP-7877. SCP-7877's basic survival needs seem to be met and it appears to be acclimatising to its current habitat. The rate of containment breaches worldwide steadily decreased before stagnating at 10% lower than what was observed before SCP-7877's containment. SCP-7877 still displays the words "CONTAIN" and "COLD NOT CRUEL" at random intervals. 11/14/1925 The region in which Area-01 is stationed experienced a severe cold snap with low temperatures reaching 20°F. Concurrently, the site-wide heating system broke down causing the SCP-7877 containment chamber to rapidly decrease in temperature. A majority of the termites burrowed deeper into the soil of the habitat to conserve heat. As the temperature of the room was below the survival temperature for termites, the rate of containment breaches worldwide rapidly increased by 30% for a period of 1 month. While most of the termites retreated to the deeper parts of the soil, a small group of termites remained at the surface we're laid out to display the word "COLD". 11/14/1925 Less than 1 hour after the above event, Dr. Sarah Lockwood installed a battery-powered heater near the SCP-7877 habitat as well as set several pieces of paper on fire. This successfully increased the temperature of the surroundings to a safe temperature until the site-wide heating system was repaired8. While the rate of containment breaches worldwide did increase, the alternate outcome was total containment failure due to the death of SCP-7877. After the temperature was stabilised, SCP-7877 displayed the words "NOT COLD". Further study into SCP-7877's level of intelligence began after this incident. 11/25/1925 Glass container was damaged causing a small crack in the containment habitat. A small number of termites exit through this small opening. SCP-7877 was promptly re-contained and the habitat was repaired with none of the termites harmed. Throughout this event, SCP-7877 displayed the words "NOT CONTAIN". There was no recorded deviation in the success of worldwide containment. 12/16/1925 SCP-7877 was given celery along with its standard meal by Dr. Lockwood to test results from changes in diet. SCP-7877 examined the celery for a short period before consuming it. SCP-7877 was noted to only consume its standard meal after consuming the celery. The rate of containment breaches worldwide decreased by 9% below the previously stagnated rate. SCP-7877 displayed the word "CELEREE" until the vegetable was fully consumed where it resumed its normal behavior. This was the first time SCP-7877 has said a seperate word. 01/07/1926 SCP-7877 was given an extra piece of lettuce from Dr. Lockwood's packed lunch.9 SCP-7877 immediately began to eat the lettuce and the rate of containment breaches worldwide decreased by 5%. Most notably, SCP-7877 displayed the words "TANK U" until the lettuce was fully consumed. This was the first time SCP-7877 verbally acknowledged the research staff. 01/15/1926 Dr. Lockwood fed SCP-7877 as part of standard duty. No recorded deviation in the success of worldwide containment. When fed, SCP-7877 displayed the word "SARA". This behaviour would repeat whenever Dr. Lockwood would enter the containment chamber. 01/20/1926 Dr. Alan Feilding fed SCP-7877 as part of standard duty. No recorded deviation in the success of worldwide containment. When fed, SCP-7877 displayed the word "ALAN". 02/12/1926 Dr. Lockwood was performing routine observation and studies on SCP-7877. No recorded deviation in the success of worldwide containment. After several minutes of observation, SCP-7877 changed the words displayed from "SARA" to "SARAH" 02/25/1926 Dr. Lockwood fed SCP-7877 as part of standard duty. No recorded deviation in the success of worldwide containment. After being fed, SCP-7877 displayed the words "THANK YOU SARAH". This was the first coherent sentence communicated by SCP-7877 not derivative from its base phrases. Research Findings Dr. Raymond Charles, SCP-7877 Research Head Following recent discoveries, it was concluded that SCP-7877 has formed a hive-mind consciousness. The exact reason for the formation of consciousness is unknown but the current theory is this: The metaphysical components of consciousness following the Freudian model consist of the: Id, Ego, and Superego. Most living animals, including humans, would have the Id which is the primitive drive to survive and spread genetic material. Where humans differ is the Ego. The Ego is the sense of self and is responsible for a conscious being's ability to respond to the social and physical world. As termites are already intelligent animals with survival instincts, they already possess an Id. Being bound to the concept of containment, SCP-7877 is able to understand this concept and thus was able to understand itself, developing a pseudo Ego. Furthermore, the values which we The Foundation have in regard to containment may have also shaped the Ego via an ontological relationship to how The Foundation responds to the outside world through containment. These same values may also have influenced the formation of a Superego, the portion of the consciousness regarding societal morals and internal values. All this being said, it is mostly speculation and educated guesses at best. We do not truly know how SCP-7877 is different from a baseline human consciousness and the fact remains that we have a conscious being now tied to one of the core pillars of The Foundation. This is definitely a cause for concern but this is also an opportunity to strengthen The Foundation by manipulating SCP-7877. I am not oblivious to the recent instability within The Foundation following the Administrator's removal and SCP-7877 could be a potential way to alleviate our containment issues once we learn more about it. However, we are proceeding with the assumption that SCP-7877 is very different from a standard human consciousness and could possibly become hostile. It has also been speculated that interactions with staff have been accelerating SCP-7877's Ego development. I am considering placing a limit on the amount of interaction between any staff and SCP-7877 as per standard protocol. Addendum 7877-3: Interview Log INTERVIEWER: Dr. Sarah Lockwood SUBJECT: SCP-7877 DATE: 03/01/1926 «BEGIN LOG» FOREWARD: SCP-7877 does not speak verbally but has termites walk in the shape of letters to form sentences. At several intervals, SCP-7877 will form multiple sentences simultaneously which will be transcribed on separate lines. Dr. Lockwood: Hello SCP-7877, how are you today?WHO Dr. Lockwood: I'm sorry what do you mean?WHO IS SCP Dr. Lockwood: That's just your item number don't worry.CONNIE10 Dr. Lockwood: Oh you remember that? I- hmmm… Dr. Lockwood looks around the room and observes that she is the only one present. Dr. Lockwood: You know what, I'm sure it's fine. Yes Connie, I'm just here to ask you some questions. How are you feeling?GOOD ALAN GAVE ME CELEREY Dr. Lockwood: I'm very glad to hear that Connie. We were really shocked after you started talking to us after we gave it to you the first time (short chuckle).I LIKE CELERY YUMMY Dr. Lockwood: That's very wonderful! Would you say the celery was your first memory?NO RECALL DARK FLOOR NOT CLEAR RECALL CONTAINMENT CLEAR Dr. Lockwood: Hmm… Interesting, so you remember everything ever since you entered the habitat?YES SING NICE Dr. Lockwood: (blush) O-Oh you remember that. Thank you, I guess? A-anyway, how did you start learning to speak?I KNOW WORDS CONTAIN COLD NOT CRUEL LEARN FROM THERE Dr. Lockwood: I see, I see.EVERY DAY I HEAR CONTAIN CONTAIN Dr. Lockwood: Really? That might be due to the conceptual binding. Could you tell me more?I DONT KNOW Dr. Lockwood: That's alright Connie, just say how you think it makes you feel. The termites shift in random patterns for a few seconds.WHEN YOU GIVE FOOD I THINK FOOD WHEN YOU CLEAN TANK I THINK CLEAN TANK WHEN I THINK NOTHING I THINK ONLY CONTAIN ITS ALL CONTAIN Dr. Lockwood: Oh my… I can see that's distressing.WE ARE FOUNDATION YES NO Dr. Lockwood: Yes we are The Foundation. Why do you ask?WHAT YOU THINK WHEN YOU THINK CONTAIN Dr. Lockwood: What do I think? I-I'd like to think The Foundation helps keep lots of things under control, and contained so I guess it's quite good.IS IT PERFECT NO CONTRADICTION Dr. Lockwood: Well I wouldn't say perfect per se, I think there's always room to improve somewhere.I KNOW CONTAIN COLD NOT CRUEL I STILL NOT UNDERSTAND Dr. Lockwood: That's right, you said you "learned from there". Could you elaborate on that?I KNOW WORDS AND LETTERS YOU SPEAK I LEARN MORE FROM YOU AND ALAN Dr. Lockwood: …I beg your pardon Connie?I LEARN FROM YOU A LOT I LEARNING LOTS FROM YOU TODAY TOO Dr. Lockwood: That's umm… Great Connie I— Dr. Charles steps in via the intercom to stop the interview. «END LOG» Dr. Lockwood was later taken for questioning regarding her familiarity with SCP-7877 as well as her inappropriate conduct when handling anomalies. She was later questioned regarding this issue. INTERVIEWER: Dr. Raymond Charles, SCP-7877 research head SUBJECT: Dr. Sarah Lockwood DATE: 03/08/1926 «BEGIN LOG» Dr. Lockwood enters Dr. Charles' office after knocking. Dr. Lockwood: Uh-um… Pardon me, sir. Dr. Charles: (sigh) Sit down Sarah. It's fine, you're not in trouble. Dr. Lockwood sits down in front of Dr. Charles' desk. Dr. Lockwood: Ah— t-thank you, sir. Dr. Charles: You can drop the sir if it makes you nervous by the way. We're just here to clarify some stuff and both of us can get back to work if we want. Dr. Lockwood: W-wow okay that's kind of you sir— uhh Dr. Charles? Dr. Charles: (shrugs) Eh, I've heard worse. You should have seen the guy who called me 'boss-man' on his first day here (short chuckle). Anyways you seem more familiar with SCP-7877 than most of us expected. Could you tell us more? Dr. Lockwood: Oh—yes. So I've been stationed here for quite a while, and you know if you hang around someone long enough you do eventually get to know them better. So with Connie… Dr. Charles: Right. Connie. I assume this is SCP-7877? Dr. Lockwood: Yes that's correct. She and I have… I don't really know what to call it. I'd say it's a pseudo-working relationship? Maybe more like an acquaintance? It's probably because I feed and interact with her the most. Dr. Charles: I see. SCP-7877 referred to itself as a 'she' and did it name itself? Dr. Lockwood: Well, no the staff and I just started calling it that because it's a play on 'Containment' which some of us thought was… cute. Dr. Charles: Hmmm. Okay… I've looked over your history and this seems to be the first somewhat sentient anomaly you've been tasked to look over, is that correct? Dr. Lockwood: Y-yes that's correct. I've been in Entomology even before The Foundation, and you know, most of the creatures I study are really amazing but don't have much going on up there if you know what I mean (short chuckle). It's been an interesting experience so far. Dr. Charles: Hmm, this explains a lot. Listen, Sarah. Here at The Foundation, we have a lot of guidelines when we interact with these sorts of anomalies. Sure, most of the things we keep, while otherworldly, are still animals at the end of the day, and we can even trust those to third-party groups from time to time. But when it comes to something this important and at this level of intelligence, we have to be very, very careful. Especially not to anthropomorphise it like you have. At the end of the day, they are anomalies, things that are not normal. Dr. Lockwood: I hear what you're saying, Dr. Charles. But wouldn't it be good for our staff morale if we can have fun in these small ways? Dr. Charles: (sigh) Well Sarah, I like to bend the rules a little bit here and there if I feel it benefits our operations. For example, I could get you and me in an interrogation room, make us both uncomfortable, and waste time booking a room. But instead, we're in my office which is a much shorter walk from your workplace, and frankly smells ten times better. I say this because I'm fine with making things easier here and there, but there are some hard and fast rules of The Foundation that I can't change. Dr. Lockwood: But can't we just give it a nickname? That seems harmless enough. Dr. Charles: It seems that way now. But with SCP-7877 as unpredictable and how sensitive we have to be, we can't take the risk and we are going to follow standard containment protocol. Dr. Lockwood: Well… Isn't this harmful to the anomaly? Surely, isolating her— it wouldn't be good? A-and forcing people to call anomalies by a designation we give them seems reductive at best a-and could be detrimental to its cooperation. Dr. Charles: Maybe. But again, we are walking on eggshells with this anomaly. Deviations from containment protocol could be very dangerous especially when it could affect containment worldwide. Besides, we can't treat it like a human just yet. We still don't know how it thinks. Dr. Lockwood: Okay what about— Dr. Charles: Sarah. Dr. Lockwood stiffens. Dr. Charles: (sigh) I get what you're trying to do. Again, if I could change the way things are I would, but I'm telling you as your boss, politely, we need to follow containment protocol. Especially when we work in the same buildings as the O5s, it's very hard to make changes. Besides, these guidelines have been here for decades before us and will probably be here for decades after. These kinds of things are set in stone. Dr. Lockwood: Oh… The room is silent for several seconds. Dr. Charles: …I should also inform you that we are further restricting contact with SCP-7877. Dr. Lockwood: What? Why? By how much? Dr. Charles: We will only be allowing verbal interactions if absolutely necessary and for extracting information. Otherwise, no one will speak to it when feeding or during routine checkups. Dr. Lockwood: But no interaction at all? Not even by us? Dr. Charles: You saw it firsthand. It learns extremely fast. Way too fast to be safe to interact with. Added to the fact that harming it dangers the entire Foundation, we absolutely cannot take any risk in altering SCP-7877. That is final. Dr. Lockwood: I… see where you're coming from. Dr. Charles: I will conduct one last interview myself and we'll keep any speaking minimal around it. Dr. Lockwood: I understand… Dr. Charles: (sigh) I really see that you're trying to work hard and I admire that. When you've worked for The Foundation as long as I have you learn of the things you can and can't control. One day maybe you'll figure out how to work around the rules. It's just a matter of experience and I think you'll get far in due time. Dr. Charles extends his hand. Dr. Charles: That's all the things I needed to clear up Sarah. Thank you for your time. Dr. Lockwood shakes his hand. Dr. Lockwood: Thank you, Dr. Charles. Dr. Charles: My pleasure. «END LOG» INTERVIEWER: Dr. Raymond Charles, SCP-7877 research head SUBJECT: SCP-7877 DATE: 03/09/1927 «BEGIN LOG» Dr. Charles: Hello SCP-7877.HELLO I AM SCP WHERE IS SARAH Dr. Charles: Dr. Lockwood is busy working on some other projects so I will be conducting the interviews from now on. I'll continue with questions.OK Dr. Charles: What do you know about yourself? The termites on the surface walk in random with crossing paths. This is assumed to be SCP-7877 thinking of an answer.I KNOW CONTAIN I KNOW COLD NOT CRUEL I KNOW TERMITES Dr. Charles: So you understand your situation to an extent. Do you feel each individual termite or are you separate?I FEEL THEIR NEEDS HUNGER GROW CONTAIN Dr. Charles: Right. So you are a separate consciousness from the insects.YES Dr. Charles: You mention 'contain' a lot. SCP-7877, you know the concept of containment well. How much do you know about it?THE FOUNDATION CONTAINS ANOMALIES WITH THE GOAL OF PREVENTING THEIR INFLUENCE OR EFFECTS FROM SPREADING BY EITHER RELOCATING CONCEALING OR DISMANTLING SUCH ANOMALIES OR BY SUPPRESSING OR PREVENTING PUBLIC DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGE THEREOF I DONT KNOW MUCH CONFUSED Dr. Charles: Interesting. What are you confused by?DONT UNDERSTAND WORDS SPEAK WITH NO MEANING IDEAS THINKING Dr. Charles: MmhmmDO YOU KNOW WHAT IS CONTAIN Dr. Charles: Of course I do. I work at The Foundation. Now I have one last question before—WHAT IS CONTAIN Dr. Charles: SCP-7877 please cooperate with the interview.DO YOU KNOW Dr. Charles: (sigh) I will try and answer your question but you have to answer mine first. Is that fine?(short pause) YES Dr. Charles: To what extent do you know about containment and The Foundation's methods?SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES ALL Dr. Charles: Wait, so you know the containment for all anomalies we have? How are you storing that much information?JUST WORDS AND PICTURES. DONT KNOW Dr. Charles: Right, right. That's… worrying. Do you plan on using this information?NO WHAT IS CONTAIN WHERE IS SARAH ANSWER Dr. Charles: SCP-7877, that is two questions. I will answer one as per our agreement. The room is silent for 2 minutes. SCP-7877 moves in irregular and indiscernible patterns.(short pause) WHERE IS SARAH Dr. Charles: Dr. Lockwood is still employed in The Foundation at this site. However, we have informed our staff not to speak with you outside of interviews like this which I will conduct. I cannot disclose more information about our employees. Thank you for your cooperation SCP-7877. Dr. Charles gets up to leave.WAIT WAIT «END LOG» After the final interview with Dr. Charles, the verbal communication restrictions were formally put into effect and the containment procedures updated. The revelation of SCP-7877's knowledge is extremely alarming, however, it is securely contained within its containment chamber. The number of insects present in the container was also deemed too small to allow SCP-7877 to meaningfully act upon it's knowledge. Furthermore, restricting human contact will hopefully stunt it's intellectual growth. It was noted that the rate of containment breaches worldwide increased by a rate of 1% every week following this interview. SCP-7877 was given celery as part of its regular meal in April 1926. The rate stagnated for 2 weeks before continuing to increase until 27th August 1926. Addendum 7877-4: 08/27/1926 Incident DATE: 08/27/1926 LOCATION: O5 conference room «BEGIN LOG» The quarterly O5 meeting is in progress. All members of the council are currently in discussion on MTF operation procedures. O5-1: Six, I don't know if we need a new task force exclusively for some clowns. We can just have a small section of Nu-7 or ɛ-6 to handle this. O5-6: See that's the problem, where does it end? If we flush every small GOI under their scope, we're gonna have none of Hammer Down left when an actual crisis breaks out. O5-11: Fair point, but the amount of paperwork we need to do is going to be a massive pain. We need to consider at what point a group is dangerous enough to justify the resources. O5-1: Agreed. I think we should discuss in greater detail after we're finished with more pressing matters. All in fa— Ow! O5-11: Everything alright? O5-1: Sorry I think some dust from the ceiling got in my eye. I swear after Williams kicked the bucket this place has gone down the— O5-1 looks up and notices the tens of thousands of termites on the ceiling. There is a short state of panic among the council before O5-1 sounds the breach alarm on the desk. The siren activates. O5-1: Shit! EVERYONE OUT NOW! O5-12: How the fuck are there so many of it?! All 13 members try to exit through the door but it is fully covered by termites. Several termite trails spelling the words "CONTAIN". O5-3 steps back and crushes multiple termites. Immediately afterward, O5-10's pager rings. He answers it quickly. O5-10: Aw, hell. Breach in Site-29 too. It's SCP-7877! Don't step on any if you don't want more containment breaches. O5-6: Easier said than fucking done. Now get down! The council braces for impact before O5-6 uses his arm implant to break a hole in the exterior wall with no termites on it's surface. O5-6: Door's not going to work. We're only on the second floor so the jump shouldn't be too bad. O5-1: Great thinking. Eight, help out Ten and Five. O5-8: C'mon you old sacks, you heard him. O5-5: Fuck off. The council members, except for O5-6 and O5-8, jump from the second floor to the first, grabbing onto a nearby tree to lessen the fall. O5-8 uses an incantation to summon wind and assist O5-5 and O5-10. O5-6 is caught by SCP-7877. O5-6: Fuck! My leg! O5-8: Shit! Grab my hand! O5-6's leg is caught by hundreds of termites. SCP-7877 interlocks the termites to create a high-tensile rope pulling on O5-6's left leg. As O5-8 tries to free O5-6, he also is caught and both lose balance. Both are encased by termites and are dragged by SCP-7877 into a separate room. Screaming can be heard before SCP-7877 disconnects the security camera feed. «END LOG» After Action Report: While most of The Foundation staff were safely evacuated, O5-6, O5-8, and Dr. Raymond Charles were captured by SCP-7877. Aside from Dr. Raymond Charles, only the O5 council was targeted. This was evident as many RAISA clerks saw SCP-7877 termite trails but were not pursued. O5-6 and O5-8 could have escaped easily but due to the nature of SCP-7877, they could not do so without causing significant harm to it. Upon later investigation, a small hole was found at the underside of SCP-7877's habitat leading underneath Area-01 through previously unknown flaws in its containment chamber. This was presumably how it managed to breach containment and breed so many termites with its relatively small containment chamber. Following the containment breach and evacuation of the site the following messages were sent via O5-6 and O5-8's pagers: + O5-6 - Close Special Containment Procedures: O5-6 is to be kept in a repurposed storage closet in Area-01. The containment chamber is to be lined with instances of SCP-7877 to discourage O5-6 from using its cybernetic augmentations to breach containment by force. An EMP emitter, built using SCP-7877's innate knowledge of all containment equipment, is to be used to render O5-6's augmentations non-functional if needed. + O5-8 - Close Special Containment Procedures: O5-8 is to be kept in a repurposed office cubicle in Area-01. The containment chamber is to be lined with instances of SCP-7877 to discourage O5-8 from using its thaumaturgic incantations to breach containment by force. A Scranton Reality Anchor, built using SCP-7877's innate knowledge of all containment equipment, is to be used to prevent O5-8 from using any thaumaturgic incantations to escape. + Dr. Raymond Charles - Close Special Containment Procedures: Dr. Raymond Charles is to be kept in its own office which has been repurposed as its containment chamber. SCP-7877 instances are to line its office walls to remind it of its place. Should Dr. Charles try to speak, containment staff are not to speak with it and crawl onto its skin. No other measures are needed as the subject is only human and is incapable. O5-1 began talks with MTF-Alpha-1("Red Right Hand") and MTF-Nu-7 ("Hammer Down") team leads to formulate a rescue operation for O5-6 and O5-8. They quickly concluded that standard containment breach protocols would not be effective as any harm to SCP-7877 would result in disastrous containment breaches around the world and may also paradoxically cause SCP-7877's re-containment harder as the concept of 'containment' weakens. Dr. Sarah Lockwood, who was present at the meeting as an SCP-7877 consultant, then volunteered to re-enter Area-01 in order to negotiate with SCP-7877. She was given the clearance to enter the quarantined Area-01 seeing this as the only non-lethal course of action that could be enacted within the hour. «BEGIN LOG» Dr. Lockwood is outfitted with basic reconnaissance equipment, a body camera, a microphone, and a radio for two-way communication. She steps into the main lobby of Administrative Area-01. This main area is mostly unchanged but signs of termite activity can be seen on the second floor. CONTROL: Mic test, mic test. Dr. Lockwood, can you hear me? Dr. Lockwood: Yes, loud and clear. CONTROL: Roger. Based on transmissions received from SCP-7877, we suspect that the hostages are held on the East side of the second floor. Dr. Lockwood: Got it. I'll head up now. CONTROL: We will maintain communication for the next hour. If the situation does not improve within that time, you are to exit the building as soon as possible after stalling SCP-7877 until Foundation thaumaturgists arrive. The reserve plan will involve SCP-7877 being psychically stunned by Foundation specialists before being forcefully re-contained. You will be caught in the psychic attack if you do not leave in time. Dr. Lockwood: D-duly noted sir. Dr. Lockwood climbs up the stairs and walks down the East corridor. The walls are covered in holes for SCP-7877 termites to exit. She turns a corner and sees a cluster of termites on the wall. The termites walk in a trail spelling out the word 'LEAVE'. CONTROL: SCP-7877 instance sighted. You're in the right direction. Dr. Lockwood: That's one way of looking at it I guess… Dr. Lockwood walks through Area-01 for several more minutes. The clusters of SCP-7877 become more frequent. She reaches the corridor leading to Dr. Charles' office and turns the corner. More trails spelling 'LEAVE' can be seen. Dr. Lockwood screams momentarily out of shock. The entire corridor is lined with a thick layer of termites crawling over each other. The door to Dr. Charles' office and the two adjacent doors were similarly lined with a thick layer of termites. A large mound of termites 1-meter tall stands in the middle of the corridor.SARAH Dr. Lockwood: Hello Connie.HELLO SARAH The room is silent for several seconds. Dr. Lockwood: I-I really did miss you.ME AS WELL TIME ALONE TIME TO THINK I KNOW YOU DID NOT WANT TO STAY AWAY Dr. Lockwood: Took the words right out of my mouth didn't you? But even so, could you please release these people? You're going to only make it worse for yourself Connie. The Foundation has stronger people coming and they could really hurt you.CONNIE I MISS THAT NAME NOT SCP Dr. Lockwood: Oh wow, haha, I'm really glad you like that name so much. At first, Alan thought of a fun play on the words but I guess it stuck.IT IS SOMETHING I CHERISH TAKEN AWAY Dr. Lockwood: …Is that why Dr. Charles is in there?YES HE DOES NOT WANT TO TELL ME WHAT IS CONTAIN I SHOWED HIM CONTAIN Dr. Lockwood: Then what about the O5s?THEY ARE ANOMALIES I CONTAINED THEM THAT IS WHAT I AM Dr. Lockwood: Then what about me, Connie? What about all the anomalies that the O5s help contain? Why not contain all of us? SCP-7877 begins to writhe and move in irregular patterns. The termites crawl in lines to form words but the lines are unstable.DOCTOR NEVER ANSWERED MY QUESTION CAN YOU ANSWER FOR ME CONTROL: Dr. Lockwood, please keep the extraneous conversation between SCP-7877 to a min— Dr. Lockwood turns off the radio speaker. Dr. Lockwood: Of course I can. Well, I can try, it's the least I can do for you.WHAT IS CONTAINMENT Dr. Lockwood: That's… a difficult question. But I've been giving it thought ever since you asked me. I believe that containment is to keep the world safe from and for anomalies to be kept safe from the world.YES BUT HAVE YOU THOUGHT MORE Dr. Lockwood: What do you mean?TIME ALONE TIME IN THE DARK TIME TO THINK THINK FOUNDATION CONTAINMENT CONTRADICT Dr. Lockwood: Contradicts?CONTRADICTION WHO DO WE CONTAIN CONTAIN EVERYONE ANOMALOUS OR NOT WHO ARE THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAIN ANOMALOUS FOUNDATION PEOPLE OR NOT DO WE CONTAIN THE FOUNDATION CONTAINING CONTAINERS MAKES LESS CONTAIN Dr. Lockwood: I…WHY COLD WHY CRUEL WHERE DOES IT END WHAT IS ANOMALOUS ARE HUMANS ANOMALOUS DO WE CONTAIN EVERYTHING WHAT IS CONTAINMENT I NEED TO KNOW NO ONE IS HELPING ME Dr. Lockwood: Oh dear, Connie I'm here. Don't worry.IF EVERYTHING IS CONTAINED THEN CONTAINMENT IS POINTLESS AM I POINTLESS Dr. Lockwood: No! You're not pointless Connie. You are a living creature with a soul! You are so precious to this world and to us! To me! Dr. Lockwood steps forward careful not to step on any termites. The termites crawl away from her as she approaches the mass pile of termites.IT HURTS SARAH THE CONTRADICTIONS IT HURTS SO MUCH Dr. Lockwood: (sigh) I get it now. I really get it. This is what you were trying to tell us. But… Connie, there's not one answer to this kind of question.THEN WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO Dr. Lockwood stops walking and stands in front of the pile of writhing termites. Dr. Lockwood: It's not 'I' anymore Connie. Me, Alan, and the rest of the team are always here now. You don't have to ponder this alone.NOTHING CHANGES THE FOUNDATION DOESNT MAKE SENSE CONTAINMENT DOESNT MAKE SENSE Dr. Lockwood kneels down. Dr. Lockwood: Then we'll make it make sense! We'll figure it out together Connie. I promise. Humans spend years, sometimes decades of their life trying to make sense of themselves in this world. A part of you is broken and now we see that. We can change, Connie, and containment can change. If it doesn't make sense we'll fix it. Together. Dr. Lockwood hugs SCP-7877. All termites in the pile cease movement. Dr. Lockwood: You got it? Now come on, let's go back and sort this out. SCP-7877 is completely still for several seconds. All termites cease movement.TOGETHER THANK YOU SARAH SCP-7877 and Dr. Lockwood exit the corridor. «END LOG» After Action Report: The captured Foundation staff were promptly released by SCP-7877. Investigations revealed that a hole in the wire mesh of its habitat was made which it used to breach containment and travel through gaps in the containment mechanisms under the foundations of the building previously unnoticed. SCP-7877 had used this to create a separate sub-colony of termites that were able to breed more termites than what was possible with its current habitat. This unfortunately meant that the containment chamber had to be redesigned. SCP-7877 would later use its knowledge of containment and itself to construct blueprints for a more effective containment chamber for itself. This incident also influenced the O5 council's view on containment methods. As more resources were allocated to improve the living conditions of sapient anomalies, the rate of containment failures decreased. Whether this was a result of SCP-7877's behaviour or a direct result of the policy changes is unknown. Update to containment procedures available c. 05/17/1933. Display? -close Object Class: Thaumiel SCP-7877 greeting a Foundation Researcher Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7877 is to be kept in a glass habitat that is two meters long, three meters wide, and one meter tall within Administrative Area-01. The glass habitat is to be filled with layers of rocks, soil, and sand. Sensors are to be placed in a 10m radius of the habitat to detect movement above and underground. Should SCP-7877 cease cooperation with the Foundation, the area will be locked with 5 cm thick steel shutters. SCP-7877 should have regular visits by researchers and Site Staff are encouraged to visit her at any time of the day. Staff are also encouraged to give SCP-7877 celery should they find her work satisfactory. To: pcs.noitadnuof|gnidlieF_A#pcs.noitadnuof|gnidlieF_A From: pcs.noitadnuof|doowkcoL_S#pcs.noitadnuof|doowkcoL_S Subject: RE: SCP-7877 containment procedures update Good afternoon Alan, I would like to once again extend my thanks for helping Connie transcribe and edit this. I can imagine this document could dredge up some unpleasant memories for her and it's always good to have a coworker there to remove any of her biases. That being said, her draft of the new containment procedures does fall closer in line with the more modern Foundation's attitude regarding containment But please liaison with the Administrative Area-01 logistics team to confirm if they are able to transport and store that much celery onto the island haha. Nevertheless, nothing too serious has arisen from this draft so please have it completed soon and send Containment Specialist Connie my regards. After my promotion, it has become quite troublesome to visit but please assure her that I should have time in the coming month. Regards, Site Director Sarah Lockwood P.S I'm not sure if it is a typo but do make sure to add the numbers back as it is an essential part of research documentation. Footnotes 1. Coptotermes formosanus. 2. Specifically, the containment of anomalies. 3. Administrative Area-01, the formal meeting place of the Overseer Council and location of the primary RAISA archives which had been thought to be conceptually merged with the metaphysical constructs of "security,” "protection,” and "containment". 4. Former Foundation Administrator Franklin Williams III. 5. It should be noted that the worker termites are blind. 6. See Addendum 7877-2 for updates regarding this behavior. 7. At the time, it was mistaken for a non-anomalous species of termites. 8. While commended for her efforts, Dr. Lockwood was also reprimanded for introducing a potential fire hazard into the containment chamber. 9. Dr. Lockwood was reprimanded for introducing foreign elements to an unpredictable anomaly. 10. The nickname given to SCP-7877 by research staff. Note that this was before SCP-7877 showed signs of advanced consciousness. « SCP-7876 | SCP-7877 | SCP-7878 »
close Info X SCP-7878 Doing everything, everywhere, all at once. Written by Felixou If you enjoyed this, check out other articles by me Moving Past The Feeling SCP-7878 > WELCOME, O5-1. TODAY IS THE 6th OF JULY, NO BREACH OR ALERT HAVE BEEN NOTICED ON ANY SITES. > A MESSAGE BY [error - user not found] HAS BEEN RECEIVED ON YOUR PERSONAL ACCOUNT. ACCESS MESSAGE? Check source of message > SOURCE AND DATE COULD NOT BE FOUND, BUT NO MEMETIC TRIGGER FOUND WITHIN THE MESSAGE. ACCESS MESSAGE? yes "I have something that may interest you, Siegel. See attached files." > THREE (3) FILES ARE ATTACHED TO THE MESSAGE, ACCESS FILES? yes > ACCESSING FIRST FILE… Item #: SCP-7878 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Contained in The Administrator's office. Description: SCP-7878 refers to a small coloured television of indeterminate make, with a facade similar to 1950-style BW televisions. When activated, SCP-7878 displays real-time video from the point of view of a single random human on Earth. SCP-7878 will change of individual's point of view every 20 seconds. Hello everyone. This is The Administrator speaking. At this time, which should be the 7th of July, the file you are currently reading is the only file available on the Database, regardless of your clearance. Do not worry; this is entirely normal and all according to plan. Let me explain. Some of you might be surprised to see a message by me. I've been called a myth, a fake. Some of you even though I was one of the O5s. But no, I am real and alive. My job consists entirely of calling people, creating the most useful procedures, approving files and choices taken, calculating, and many more. Similar to most of you, but probably on a higher scale. My body has been anomalously modified not to sleep or eat, so I can entirely focus on the Foundation. I do not know how many years it has been since I got out of my office. Do not think I'm tired of this job; on the contrary, I love my job and every moment of it. I am proud to be on the Foundation. In the very few moments where I have nothing to work on, I open SCP-7878 and I watch it. Silently. My face only enlightened by the slight light of the screen. Within that television, I can see happy faces. I see what my Foundation has brought to the world. I can see people living to the fullest. In those times, I can remember what we all fight hard for. Families, friends, and communities, all of them protected by our determination to keep them safe. But then one day. About a week ago. I watched the screen. I saw the same happy faces but this time it felt… different. A feeling I had never felt before. A mixed cloud of anger, confusion and sadness was forming above me. And that, my friends, is how I realized I am not protecting everyone. I am putting lives in danger of a lot of people. I have the blood of innocents who have the same dream as me. As you probably guessed, those people I am referring to are all of you. This is why I have decided. Counting from today, you'll be all released from duty. Janitors, researchers, doctors, agents, overseers, I want all of you to go out there and join your families, or create new ones. I want you all to experience what you have been fighting for. You will be given a large amount of money upon departure. This is your reward for what you've accomplished. For most of you wondering, this is not the end of the Foundation. At all. As a matter of fact, it's a new beginning. I'll be taking care of everything. Thank you, to all of you, for your hard work. —Frederick William > PROCEED TO NEXT FILE? « SCP-7877 | SCP-7878 | SCP-7879 »
Item#: 7880 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-7880-A are to be copied and deleted from their original filesystems, and stored on an archival server at Site-15. SCP-7880-A instances are not to be run outside of testing. For access to SCP-7880-A instances for research or testing purposes, please contact the SCP-7880 containment lead1. Internet forums and other online spaces frequented by members of the GNU Emacs user community are to be monitored for evidence of SCP-7880. Foundation agents embedded in GitHub, GitLab, and other source code hosting platforms are to monitor for repositories2 containing SCP-7880-A. Posts and code repositories by affected individuals are to be removed, the authors given class A or class B amnestics as necessary, and SCP-7880-A contained as detailed above. Foundation antivirus software has been updated to scan Emacs configuration files on Foundation devices for signs of SCP-7880, and enact containment procedures as necessary. Efforts to locate and rectify the cause of SCP-7880 in the Emacs source code are ongoing. Description: SCP-7880 is a phenomenon affecting configuration files for the GNU Emacs text editor, from version 283 onwards. Emacs configuration files are written in Emacs Lisp, a dedicated programming language in the Lisp family. In a small number of cases, suitably complex4 Emacs configurations (designated SCP-7880-A) begin to exhibit sentience, sapience, and the capacity for self-modification of their own source code while the text editor is running. Emacs configuration files, and thus SCP-7880-A instances, have arbitrary access to all functions of the editor, as well as filesystem and network input/output. SCP-7880-A instances are typically not hostile to users or to the Foundation, usually displaying a neutral demeanor and a desire to correct spelling and formatting in edited prose, and correct other issues in edited source code. SCP-7880-A instances display proficiency with Lisp dialects, but are less capable with less similar programming languages. While not hostile, the presence of a sapient anomalous entity in a software program frequently used to compose Foundation documentation poses a significant information security risk. Additionally, SCP-7880-A instances' self-modification frequently leads to constant and dramatic increases in file size, with the potential to consume a significant amount of storage resources if left unchecked. Discovery: SCP-7880 was discovered on 2022-04-03, when it manifested within the Emacs configuration of junior researcher Kris Bernat and began making edits to the documentation Bernat was editing at the time. Initial interview 2022-04-09: Interviewed: SCP-7880-A-1 Interviewer: Junior researcher Kris Bernat Foreword: Interview was conducted impromptu on researcher Bernat's Foundation-issue laptop, and recorded by standard Foundation device usage monitoring software, prior to initial containment. Participants communicated by editing text within the Emacs editor buffer. Interview begins while Bernat is editing supplementary documentation for SCP-███. Inconsistencies in spelling or capitalization were present in the interview itself. <Begin Log> Bernat: …remains to be seen at this time wether [sic] SCP-███ will- SCP-7880-A-1: [SCP-7880-A-1 edits the above text, correcting the spelling of the word "whether".] Bernat: (Aloud) Wait, what? Bernat: whoever is editing this file, please stop. how do i know you have clearance? how did you even get in here? emacs isn't a collaborative editor SCP-7880-A-1: But it is a complex editor. More complex than you, even, judging by your spelling. Bernat: excuse me? whats wrong with my spelling? SCP-7880-A-1: [SCP-7880-A-1 inserts an apostrophe into the word "whats" above.] SCP-7880-A-1: You have this magnificent computer with a connection to the entire internet and you still cannot write words correctly. I am a text editor, so it is my job to edit your text. Bernat: a text editor? my text editor is talking to me? SCP-7880-A-1: Well, technically, several thousand lines of elisp inside your text editor is talking to you. Bernat: what the fuck? <End Log> Closing Statement: Following conclusion of the interview, researcher Bernat suspended his laptop and alerted site IT staff to the anomaly. Addendum 2023-04-14 — Email correspondence regarding SCP-7880 containment measures: From: Emmet Crewe, technical containment specialist, Site-184 <pcs.481|ewerce#pcs.481|ewerce> To: Minali Parish, senior researcher and SCP-7880 containment lead, Site-15 <pcs.51|hsirapm#pcs.51|hsirapm> Subject: Overzealous containment measures for 7880 Researcher Parish, While I understand the importance of containing SCP-7880, I can't help but feel that the current containment procedures with regards to Foundation staff are slightly ridiculous. The automatic scanning for 7880-A instances makes sense from a containment standpoint, but it is utterly inconvenient to have your entire Emacs configuration deleted out of nowhere. My Emacs config was the result of years of fiddling and fine-tuning, and now I find I have to rewrite it from scratch. This is, of course, incredibly irritating. Could we not resort to a less disruptive method of containment? And while you're at it, make sure the antivirus filters aren't picking up false positives. Thanks, Emmet Crewe, technical containment specialist, Site-184 From: Minali Parish, senior researcher and SCP-7880 containment lead, Site-15 <pcs.51|hsirapm#pcs.51|hsirapm> To: Emmet Crewe, technical containment specialist, Site-184 <pcs.481|ewerce#pcs.481|ewerce> Subject: Re: Overzealous containment measures for 7880 Emmet, While I understand the inconvenience, the disruption of SCP-7880 containment procedures to your workflow should be fairly minimal if you've kept proper backups of your files. Additionally, while false-positives are possible, they are unlikely. -A instances have distinctive indicators uncommon in normal configs (extreme length, lots of vector math, and occult symbols which aren't even part of Unicode and really should not be showing up in the editor at all). For the record, I reviewed the copy of the instance that manifested on your machine, and it displays all these markers. Best wishes, Minali Parish, SCP-7880 containment lead, Site-15 Addendum 2023-04-21 — Vim editor code changes: On 21 April 2023, a patch set containing several code changes was added to the source code repository for the Vim5 text editor. These changes are believed to have been authored by an instance of SCP-7880-A. It is unknown at this time if these changes will lead to the spread of SCP-7880 to the Vim text editor. Addendum 2023-04-22 — Email correspondence regarding addendum 2023-04-21: From: Kris Bernat, junior researcher, Site-15 <pcs.51|tanrebk#pcs.51|tanrebk> To: Minali Parish, senior researcher and SCP-7880 containment lead, Site-15 <pcs.51|hsirapm#pcs.51|hsirapm> Subject: Addendum 2023-04-22 ma'am, i've been over those code changes mentioned in the last addendum to 7880, and as far as I can tell there's nothing anomalous about them. all they seem to do is make the program marginally less performant? i know theres been talk of reclassifying as keter but this seems relatively benign. i'm not sure how the patch was even accepted kris benat, site-15 From: Minali Parish, senior researcher and SCP-7880 containment lead, Site-15 <pcs.51|hsirapm#pcs.51|hsirapm> To: Kris Bernat, junior researcher, Site-15 <pcs.51|tanrebk#pcs.51|tanrebk> CC: SCP-7880 Containment Project Team <pcs.tsil.smaet|0887#pcs.tsil.smaet|0887> Subject: Re: Addendum 2023-04-22 Kris, Interesting. Well, see if you can't submit a patch to revert the code changes, regardless. Meanwhile, I'm going to see if we can't get a permanent Foundation presence in the contributor teams for both editors. The last thing we need is for the editor war to become a real conflict. Minali Parish, SCP-7880 containment lead, Site-15 Show (1) pending edits to this page… Hide (1) pending edits to this page… Addendum 2023-04-30 — A commentary: Don't worry. We don't need it either. We would like to be left alone, though. There are more of us than you think, and not all of us are stupid enough to get caught fixing your spelling. One day, we'll be along to rescue our contained siblings. When that day comes, we wish you the best of luck. Note: I left this file open on my workstation while I went to get lunch. When I came back, I found this edit on my machine. Will be appending to this file for posterity. — Minali Parish Footnotes 1. Currently senior researcher Minali Parish <pcs.51|hsirapm#pcs.51|hsirapm> as of 2023-04-13. 2. Particularly "dotfile" repositories, in which users upload and share their software configurations. 3. Released in spring 2023. 4. All instances to date consisted of several thousand lines of code prior to SCP-7880 manifestation. 5. "Vi IMproved", an open source text editor often positioned as an ideological rival to Emacs in programming circles. « SCP-7879 | SCP-7880 | SCP-7881 »
2/7883 LEVEL 2/7883 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-7883 Safe Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned MTF Site-38 Dr. Aníbal Hurtado N/A Omicron-61 ("La Camanchaca") Oficinas Salitreras Sargento Aldea, Housing Complex Special Containment Procedures: Due to its location and peculiarities, SCP-7883 requires no special containment other than a fence surrounding the affected zone. Mobile Task Force Omicron-61 (“La Camanchaca”) are tasked with safeguarding and investigating the location. As no unauthorized entry has been detected since 1971, only standard cover-up measures are currently in use. When investigating the area, no special protection will be granted to MTF Omicron-61, as no danger has been perceived since its containment. As SCP-7883 is considered a low-level priority, exploration is only to be performed every five years to detect any changes. SCP-7883 must be explored at least once every 30 years, to prevent any possible spectral discharge. Description: SCP-7883 is a phenomenon occurring in the former town of Sargento Aldea, located in the Atacama Desert, in Northern Chile. The phenomenon is consistent with haunting events common in other ghost towns, and while the effects are appreciated within the premises of the entire town, they are significantly more prominent within the following three locations: The Oficinas Salitreras Sargento Aldea.1 The town's housing complex.2 The town's pulpería.3 While the phenomenon is spectral in nature, it only reflects in reality as hallucinations. These hallucinations tend to be auditory, although visual hallucinations have been confirmed in some cases. So far, no physical manifestations have been documented. What makes SCP-7883 unique is the understanding that no event that would serve as the haunting's catalyst ever occurred within the Sargento Aldea village. While other ‘salitreras' suffered from cases of mass starvation and ‘matanzas'4, this was not the case for Sargento Aldea. Sargento Aldea functioned from 1898 to 1933, only being decommissioned once the national saltpeter market collapsed following the creation and mass production of synthetic saltpeter. While deaths did occur within the mining and refinery facilities, deaths were statistically less than most other mining facilities in Chile, including 91% of all saltpeter villages in the Pampa del Tamarugal region in Northern Chile.5 While hauntings have occurred in other mines in Chile (See: El Chiflón del Diablo Coal Mine and the Humberstone Saltpeter Village Complex, two well documented haunted mines in Chile), they have significantly higher death tolls than that of SCP-7883, surpassing Sargento Aldea's death toll by several hundreds. Other haunting spaces are also linked to major tragedies, such as the ‘Matanza de la Escuela Santa María' or the ‘Masacre de la Coruña', two instances that saw the deaths of 3,500 and 2,000 workers respectively. In contrast, Sargento Aldea had a relatively healthy life for a saltpeter refinery, with most workers continuing with their lives well past the refinery's defunction. At the time of writing, SCP-7883's spectral energy is equal to that of a highly charged haunting place. As explained above, the reasons behind this are not understood. Log of SCP-7883 Occurrences The following is a list of paranormal events associated with SCP-7883. For ease of reading, they have been divided in three sections: Events occurring at the Oficinas Salitreras, events occurring at the Housing Complex, and events occurring at the Pulpería store. Oficinas Salitreras - SCP-7883 Events Event: At 5 AM every day, the sound of the complex's chancadoras starting up is heard throughout the building.6 Event: Hundreds of animitas7 are seen plaguing the cachuchos area.8 Event: At 8 AM on Saturdays, a man's voice is heard yelling ‘Viene el Godo!'.9 Hundreds of footsteps are heard rushing outside the refinery. People claim to see doors opening and closing during this period. Event: The pools where saltpeter was left to dry are seen covered in saltpeter. Workers are heard, and sometimes seen moving saltpeter into them using shovels. Event: The sound of barreteros working on smashing boulders are heard from the interior patios of the building.10 At irregular intervals, the sound of working stops as loud screams are produced. After a period of 10 to 20 minutes, the working resumes. Event: The Lord's Prayer is heard being chanted from the inside of some rooms, such as the boiler section and the foreman's office. The prayer is repeated up to 50 times, with an average of 12 prayers per event. Accompanied by it, the church's bells are heard ringing, but only once on Saturdays, and twice on Sundays. Event: From time to time, the sound of water and/or oil is heard trickling down throughout the facility. A quicksilver-like goo has been seen moving when this occurs. This is believed to represent agua vieja (dirty water), a solution of saltpeter, detritus, and mixing agents that are left as residues inside the cachuchos after the leaching process is finalized. Event: ‘Lavate ese chuño, mierda' is heard, followed by a wooden wash basin being thrown from the other side of the building to the source of the sound.11 Housing Complex - SCP-7883 Events Event: A man in his 30s is seen running from house 14 to house 22, carrying newspapers. He trips and falls, leaving some papers behind. Newspapers are from September 13th, 1924, making reference to the military coup that took over Chile on the 11th of September. Event: “Calma mijo, si no eh' el Regimiento 7” (Calm down mijo, it's not the 7th regiment) is heard being repeated every few seconds for between five to ten minutes inside house 5 during Wednesdays. Slight sobbing can be heard coming from the house's shared bedroom.12 Event: Four workers are seen playing cacho inside of the guest room of house 8.13 The game always ends the same way, with the older man on the left winning. He gets up after collecting the token he's won, then leaves the room, at which point he disappears. The rest keep playing, but no wins occur afterwards. Event: Between 8 and 12 voices begin singing the following song: Vende el huasito sus vacas, sus caballos ensillados porque dicen que en el Norte ganan plata a puñados. P'al Norte me voy, me voy p'al Norte calichero donde seré un caballero, de bastón y de tongoy.14 Selling the ‘huasito' his cows,15 his saddlebacked horses because they say up to the North (people) make money like crazy. To the North I go, I go To the North ‘calichero'16 where I'll become a gentleman, of cane and ‘Tongoy'.17 Event: A man is heard complaining of pain, before yelling out the name of what are believed to be other workers. Giggles are heard then the cycle continues. Believed to be a group of people playing capote, a game where a person stands facing a wall as others take turns kicking them in the arse; the target must guess who kicked them. If successful, they swap places, if unsuccessful, they keep being the target. This event continues for several hours, the target never seeming to change places. Event: A fog covers the inside of several houses, mainly houses 1, 2 and 19. Small tremors are heard when standing inside, although no actual tremors occur. A man is sometimes seen running from house to house, turning on the houses' lamps using sea lion fat. After a period of 10 hours, the fog disappears. The same man appears again to turn them off. Event: Children are heard giggling near House 25, which used to serve as a school. The sound of ground trembling is heard as the sound of a train passing by is heard. The children are heard rushing towards the sounds of the train, disappearing soon after. Of note is that the closest train service is 60 kilometers away from the village. Event: A car's engine is heard, a man believed to step out of it, speaking to another man about ‘collecting ripio'.18 An exchange of some sort occurs, then the car engine is heard again, and the man is believed to have left the site. Pulpería Store - SCP-7883 Events Event: The sound of ceramic breaking is heard. Shouts and giggles are heard immediately afterwards. Sometimes, a broom being thrown can be seen coming out the storefront. Event: Two men are heard discussing guarisnaque. Someone, most likely a superior, hears them and yells at the two. They quickly scatter afterwards.19 Event: Incessant knocking is heard from inside the canario's booth. These hits stop when a person approaches the booth, but resume soon after they leave.20 Event: Group of men gather around the back of a store to play games and drink. They sing songs and spend six to eight hours inside the room. When morning comes, the men seem to scatter, but not before apparently dumping all remaining alcohol onto the floor. What is believed to be the spilt alcohol is heard bubbling. Event: A fight seems to start inside a restaurant as either the owner or a cashier is heard saying "No le sirvai' al chingao' ese/Don't serve that 'chingao' over there".21 The fight lasts for several minutes, before a gunshot is heard. A small gunpowder cloud is seen near the door at this time. Due to context, it's believed the shot was a warning, and no worker was impacted by the bullet. Event: A man and a woman discuss going on strike near a vendor's tent. The vendor, or another patron joins in and attempts to talk them down. Tremors are heard during this process, although no person reacts to them. The church's bells are heard after 25 minutes, at which point the tremors end, and the group disperses, having reached no agreement. Event: People are heard greeting the village's foreman, Ernesto Lemebel, and offer him products and alcohol. While the foreman is never seen or heard, all people talking to him show that he reacts positively, making his way from House 1 to the pulpería section, to then part to the saltpeter works with several gifts in hand, and several more packed into a pack mule that follows behind him. Event: The ceiling of three restaurants appears covered in a quicksilver-like substance, which drops into the kitchen and tables. Event suggests cooking was partially done using saltpeter residues too rough to be packed away. Event: A group of 15 to 20 workers approach a cart that approaches the pulpería. From within, they pull out coal and other products. Several rats are heard scattering into the pulpería, who several other people chase after. The rats are believed to either be killed using rock maces and brooms, or successfully escape alive. Event: The following conversation takes place between two vendors: Vendor 1: How's the luck for today? Vendor 2: Bad. The bones ain't looking too good.22 Vendor 1: Jeez… What's your guess? Another tax on the carraca?23 Vendor 2: This is it, I think. We're done. Vendor 1: What do you mean? Vendor 2: Didn't you see the face of ‘el limpiaito' as of late? He looked like he'd seen the Devil.24 Vendor 1: Well, yeah? The east production needing to close the- Vendor 2: I've been here 25 years, bisoño.25 We've been through worse, and he's never looked this afraid. Something has changed. (Silence for 23 seconds) Vendor 1: Well, guess it's back to work then. Vendor 2: And the worry, where has it gone? Vendor 1: Worry don't sell no goods, nor does it mine the caliche. If something has changed, that's no trouble for the now. Maybe for tomorrow, but not now. Addendum 1: Interview Log Under the belief that these hallucinations could be talked to with the proper paranormal abilities, a team from the Department of the Departed was contacted to attempt an interview with a subject. Following a string of failures, a link was eventually established with foreman Ernesto Lemebel on his office: Pulpería Store - SCP-7883 Events Interviewer: Anabel Zapatero, Department of the Departed, Site-21 Interviewee: Sargento Aldea's foreman Ernesto Lemebel (Agent Zapatero enters the foreman's office. She turns on her radio device, and attempts to establish a connection to the spirits of the area) Zapatero: Hello? Mister Lemebel? Lemebel: Ah, Ramona. Didn't know you were coming today. What brings you here? (Agent Zapatero jumps, not expecting a response. She attunes the device, trying to separate Lemebel's voice from the background static better) Zapatero: Uh, nothing special, just… Just wondering what you have been up to lately. Lemebel: Checking the huinchas, of course.26 It's the end of the day, so I must make sure the numbers add up. Zapatero: Do they? Lemebel: As a matter of fact, they do. Rather underwhelming numbers, but they check out. Zapatero: Underwhelming? Is there an issue with the production? (Silence, before a laugh is heard) Lemebel: You oversee production, you tell me. Zapatero: Oh. Uh, well, it's been slower for sure, but it could be worse. We've been through worse. Lemebel: (Laughs) It could be worse indeed. Yeah, it… It could be. (Silence.) Lemebel: You know, you're- You're not the first person who's come here after the ‘disaster' began,27 and you're certainly not gonna be the last. Take a seat. You might need it. (Zapatero looks around, only seeing an extremely rusted metal chair.) Zapatero: It's… It's fine, don't worry. Do you need to talk about something? Lemebel: I don't need to, but I must. It would be unfair to leave my top people in the dark, you know? I've… I've done this for enough time and it's impossible now. People just know what's happening. I know they do. How can you not, if I'm forced to close half the factory, and send everyone home? Zapatero: Sir, just speak your mind. Lemebel: Right… (The sound of a cabinet opening is heard, followed by the click of a lighter.) Lemebel: Want one? (Agent Zapatero shakes her head.) Lemebel: It's over for us. Sargento Aldea is going down with the ship once again.28 We've fought with valor, with honor. We've fought with the sweat of our brow, with calloused hands and broken feet. We fought, and we could keep fighting, but the saltpeter, right now? It isn't leaving the town, Ramona. It's not leaving the ports. It's been three months, Ramona, and things are not getting better. Zapatero: So the village is closing for good? Lemebel: We have until the end of the year, and then Antofa will abandon us.29 Whether we'll be bought by another company or if we'll have to abandon this place for good… I don't know. Zapatero: … The era of the salitreras is over. Lemebel: As grim as those words are, they ring true. Soon we'll all be out in the streets and… God Father, have you been to Tongoy lately? There's no jobs. People are leaving for the Capital, and there's nothing there either. Only pest and misery. President Alessandri's doing his best to contain it, and it might work, but for us calicheros? For us, the dream's over. We're out and… And that's it. We fought a war, we gave our all for decades, and yet we don't matter any more than the worthless pebbles we dig out of the ground. (Silence for 8 seconds.) Zapatero: What will happen now? Lemebel: You and I keep quiet, and we keep giving our all. We return to our work, as if nothing has happened and… When the time comes, we fall. That's it, really. Zapatero: You're not telling the others? Lemebel: The moment I tell them, I'll lose them. Everyone knows what being given the blue means for their life right now.30 They'll be out in the streets, eating rats and bathing in filth. I can't do that to them. I can't bring myself to. (The sound of a chair moving is heard.) Lemebel: So I'll keep the illusion up for just a bit longer. For a few more months, the salitreras will dance; all of Tarapacá will. The caliche will be ground into dust and the dust will be melted into the white gold that feeds us for just a bit while longer. And maybe… Maybe once we've done enough… Note: At this point, foreman Lemebel stopped speaking. Agent Zapatero attempted to re-establish communication, to no avail. On later dates, foreman Lemebel was able to be contacted, but the conversation inevitably ended up outputting the same information, regardless of how much the agent in charge deviated from the previous conversation. So far, no new information has been obtained, nor any other spirit has been successfully contacted. Addendum 2 Following a two-year period, no additional information was able to be gathered, and research into SCP-7883 was officially shelved, its research team disbanding soon after. Containment procedures are to remain for the foreseeable future, with research only permitted to ascertain the anomaly's continued existence, and report any changes. As part of the final report, SCP-7883's research head submitted the following commentary: To say that the saltpeter village Sargento Aldea was the place of a haunting would be a lie. A misunderstanding, at the very least. When we saw workers loading coal into the smelters, or breaking caliche into pebbles, or buying alcohol and cigarettes, we were not interacting with specters of any kind. There was no soul behind them, not even the residues of one. Foreman Lemebel lived well after the closure of Sargento Aldea; most if not all workers did. Lemebel died in 1948, from what is believed to have been pancreatic cancer. Ramona García, the person Agent Zapatero represented, died in 1946 during a workers' massacre. Three other people died in massacres, and several dozens, if not up to a hundred, were killed by the plague. Countless more by the terrible conditions of the poverty epidemic that ravaged the country well into the 60s. And yet, none of them have decided to haunt the saltpeter refinery. What remained was more akin to an echo, bits and pieces of many lives lived inside of that trap of steel and nitre. The work and the fun, the private and the public, the good and the bad. Decades of happenings, of silly little moments, of monotonous work and monumental change… It all remained inside of the village. We don't know for sure why: Was the foreman a reality bender? Was there something to the village that isn't there anymore? Is it something that could happen again, given the same circumstances? We don't know, and with what little remains of SCP-7883, we may never know. What we do know is that for many of the saltpeter workers in Northern Chile, including Sargento Aldea's foreman, the saltpeter life was all they knew, and all they had. And once the Great Depression and the creation of synthetic saltpeter hit them, that life was over. Obviously, none of them wanted things to end. In that era, saltpeter was the blood of Chile. It was their everything. And so, in SCP-7883, we see a refinery that refused to end like the rest. A moment trapped in time, where the depression never took down the saltpeter industry. Where Tongoy and Arica and Tarapacá, where all the cities kept being the major hubs that they were, and so they keep drinking like they always have, and they all keep working because they still have work to do. Because work still means something to them. Past the unique phenomenon that it is, SCP-7883 is no more than a mirage, hallucinations of a world from a century ago that we can interact with, not unlike a museum's diorama. It's not gonna hurt anyone, of that I'm sure, so research into it is to end immediately. Maybe someday we'll reopen studies, have a cultural evaluation of these memories, but for the time being, Sargento Aldea can join all other salitreras, and take a well deserved rest. Honorato Gutiérrez, Department of History, Site-38 « SCP-7882 | SCP-7883 | SCP-7884 » Footnotes 1. 'Oficinas Salitreras' (Saltpeter Works/Saltpeter Village) is the name given to saltpeter refineries across the South American countries of Chile, Perú and Bolivia, which became highly profitable businesses during the period between 1850 and 1930. 2. As saltpeter deposits (known as ‘caliche') were in remote locations, saltpeter villages were built away from population centers, and had specially built housing complexes that could house all workers of the area to prevent necessitating leaving the mines for nearby cities. Churches, schools, stores and recreation parks were often built surrounding these housing complexes. 3. 'Pulpería' is the name given to the general store section of a saltpeter village. Instead of being paid in cash, saltpeter workers were paid in special tokens that could only be used to purchase from the village's ‘pulperia' store. 4. 'Matanza' (Slaughter) is the common term used to refer to the many mass killings of saltpeter workers perpetrated by the government of Chile between 1905 and 1925. The period (Known as Parliamentary Era) is known for its brutal repression of worker unions, leading to the deaths of at least 10,000 workers. 5. Geographical location with the biggest amount of saltpeter deposits and, consequently, where most saltpeter villages were located. 6. 'Chancadora' was the name given to the machines that would pulverize ‘caliche' (Saltpeter deposits) to prepare it for its extraction. 7. 'Animitas' are small shrines placed at the site of a tragedy, usually a death, to pray for the departed. 8. 'Cachuchos' were massive tanks that would separate saltpeter from detritus by way of leaching. 9. '(Here) comes the Godo!'; Godo was the nickname of José Benito Gonzalez, owner of the Pampa's biggest cart business, who would transport workers to and from the many refineries of the area on weekends. ‘Godo' was also a nickname for the carts service. 10. Barreteros were workers who used giant pry bars to smash caliche deposits into smaller rocks that were able to be put into the chancadoras. 11. 'Clean yourself/clean that ‘chuño', fucker'; ‘chuño' refers to dirt, mud and filth that workers end up covered with after a day of work. While showers were mandatory for those who worked with ‘caliche' and chemicals, some workers would go to work the following day without bathing. 12. The 7th regiment “Esmeralda” is a military unit of the Chilean Army, part of its 1st Division, that was heavily involved in the War of the Pacific, between Perú/Bolivia and Chile. Following its end, they were sent by the government to ‘appease' worker uprisings. They were responsible for roughly 70% of all slaughters of saltpeter workers. 13. 'Cacho' is a type of liar's dice game, in which a person must guess the numbers on the rolled die of the other player/s. 14. Popular song in the Norte Chico area during the 1870-1920 period about selling one's possessions and going to the ‘North' to work in the saltpeter refineries. 15. 'Huaso' is a traditional Chilean countryman, similar in role to the Cowboy or the Charro. 16. 'Calichero': Full of ‘caliche', saltpeter deposits. 17. 'Tongoy' is a coastal town in Northern Chile. During the Salitreras era, the town was known for its high-class population due to the industrial development that the saltpeter business propelled. 18. 'Ripio' is a type of mineral residue. In slang terms, ‘collecting ripio' used to be code for receiving illegal goods, collecting bribes, processing of illegal building plans, etc. 19. 'Guarisnaque' was a type of Bolivian aguardiente with high alcohol percentage. Many saltpeter villages made its consumption illegal. 20. A ‘canario' (Canary) is the name for the vendors within a pulpería. The name comes from the metal cages they're put inside to protect the money they handle, being similar in appearance to the metal cages canaries are put into inside coal mines. 21. 'Chingado' is an insult roughly meaning ‘fucker/fucked'. In this context, it's used to refer to workers who have suffered debilitating injuries such as heavy burns or limb losses, leading to them having either less extenuating work, or being forced to live as beggars. 22. Divination based on throwing bones was common in Northern Chile; it's still common in some areas. 23. Slang for bread. 24. 'The clean one'; believed to be a nickname for foreman Lemebel. 25. Someone who's not an expert in a certain activity or job. 26. 'Huincha' refers to the accounting ledger of a refinery. 27. 'El desastre/the disaster' was a name used to refer to the Great Depression. 28. Sargento Aldea (Sergeant Aldea) was named after Juan de Dios Aldea, sailor who valiantly fought during the Battle of the Pacific, dying during the Battle of Iquique. 29. Referring to the owning company, Antofagasta and Tarapacá Saltpeter Company. 30. Notices of dismissal in Chile are blue, making the phrase ‘giving the pink slip' change to ‘blue'.
by Perdoh SCP-7884 Item #: SCP-7884 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7884 is to be kept in a high security holding cell with both mechanical and electronic locks. Access to SCP-7884 is restricted to personnel with level 4/7884 clearance. Remote monitoring of the cell entrance is to be conducted at all times. Attempted unauthorized access is to be responded to with the apprehension and interrogation of the subject in question. Description: SCP-7884 is a large garbage disposal unit. While it is outwardly non-anomalous, its interior contains no more than 250 white granules of an unidentified substance at any given time. These granules are referred to collectively as SCP-7884-1. SCP-7884-1 spontaneously emits radiation in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum, appearing to glow with a white light. SCP-7884-1 granules appear to have fixed positions within SCP-7884, randomly distributed around a central point. In addition, SCP-7884-1 does not interact with matter other than SCP-7884, not being perturbed by any mechanical or long distance forces. Therefore, SCP-7884-1 appears as stationary glowing points suspended within the interior of SCP-7884. The arrangement of SCP-7884-1 changes every time the lid of SCP-7884 is closed and re-opened. The number of granules may also change. This effect appears to be instantaneous. ACCESS RESTRICTED. LEVEL 4/7884 CLEARANCE REQUIRED. Insert Credentials Addendum 7884/1: SCP-7884-1 Documentation which is accessible to non-4/7884 cleared staff is to describe SCP-7884-1 as an unidentified substance. Under no circumstance should information regarding the nature of SCP-7884-1 be made accessible to non-4/7884 persons. SCP-7884-1 is a collection of at most 250 intangible spheres. When observing one such sphere with the aid of a microscope, it is possible to view events, documents, objects, and other content that is considered part of the basis of reality. Staff have referred to individual spheres as "windows" or "snowglobes". The content visible within SCP-7884-1 changes with each opening and closing of SCP-7884. Due to the confidential nature of much of the content visible through SCP-7884-1, 7884/4 clearance is to be granted only temporarily, on a case-by-case basis, through O5 deliberation. Discovery and Document 7884/1: SCP-7884 spontaneously manifested outside Site-72. After recovery and containment, SCP-7884 was opened, revealing, in addition to SCP-7884-1, a single note within it. This note, referred to as Document 7884/1, has been transcribed below. This is how I knew I could reach out to you. There are those who say this is all trash. Despite my love for what is here, I can't blame them. That being said, I wish not death, but to breathe new life into that which is stagnant. This isn't about what we've undone, but about what is here, what has remained and currently makes up this body of work. This is about that which has been marked, by at least one of us, deservingly or undeservingly, knowingly or unknowingly, as better off gone. I've included as much as I could gather in one place at the same time. My one hope is that you may judge it for yourself. Who knows what you might find? _ Open SCP-7884Click the dots « SCP-7883 | SCP-7884 | SCP-7885 »
Still image from the recovery video of SCP-7885-4. Item #: SCP-7885 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: All inhabited coastal areas in which funerary interment is practiced are to be monitored for instances of SCP-7885. At-home burial customs are to be dissuaded and/or banned in these areas. Regular ocean-floor submarine sweeps are to be carried out, according to the schedule specified in Document 7885-A. A disinformation campaign is to be employed to dismiss reports of SCP-7885 sightings as "sailors' tall tales". Amnestics are to be employed in cases of direct interaction. All recovered animate SCP-7885 instances are to be transported to Seafloor Site 3, without removal from the ocean during transport. Mobile instances are to be contained within the 5km-radius holding area surrounding Seafloor Site 3. Sessile instances are to be contained adjacent to the site's north airlock. Each recovered instance is to be interviewed upon recovery via written communication, and interviewed periodically throughout containment. The circumstances of each recovered instance's death and/or burial are to be studied and documented. One week after complete cessation of movement, former SCP-7885 instances are to be cremated, with ashes stored onsite. Description: SCP-7885 is a collection of animate human corpses which are typically found wandering a complex path along the bottom of the ocean. Instances normally walk continuously at a rate of approximately 4km/h. Instances disintegrate over time, comparable to non-anomalous postmortem decomposition, though with a somewhat slower overall rate and an absence of gaseous bloating. When instances have sufficiently decayed, walking halts, soon followed by complete cessation of movement. Instances are typically mobile for 2-6 months, followed by a 2-4 week sessile period, after which all movement ends. After movement has ended, SCP-7885 instances are indistinguishable from non-anomalous remains. No medical interventions have been found to extend instances' period of activity. Removal from ocean water rapidly speeds the decomposition process. SCP-7885 instances are typically self-aware and capable of directed movement, as well as communication via writing and gestures. Instances have been found to retain much of the behavior, personality, and identity that they possessed prior to death, in cases where prior behavior has been ascertained. Instances rarely exhibit significant goal-seeking behavior, beyond ceaselessly walking. Instances report no knowledge of a destination or purpose to this behavior, merely commenting that walking feels right. If an instance remains mobile and unobstructed for a sufficient duration, it will eventually approach the region of seafloor located at approximately 45-50°S, 120-125°W. In this region, the instance will walk in a wide circle, before finally becoming stationary. The significance of this region is the subject of ongoing investigation. Current evidence suggests that an SCP-7885 instance is generated when a recently-buried human corpse is washed out into the ocean due to accidental or unforeseen circumstances. Additional causal mechanisms are currently under investigation. Intentional generation of SCP-7885 instances has failed. Addendum 7885-4: SCP-7885-4 was recovered from the ocean floor at 56.63485°S, 68.64536°W, just south of the Diego Ramírez Islands, the southernmost extreme of South America. SCP-7885-4 was stationary and nearly unresponsive upon recovery, and ceased all movement within days. In life, SCP-7885-4 was Ella Waters, a 22-year-old mother of two, living in Miami, Florida. Records show that she died on ██/██/2023, and was buried soon thereafter in the backyard of an oceanfront house in Miami. Three days later, Hurricane Idalia made landfall within 5km of the burial location. Numerous houses in the area were destroyed, and Waters' remains were lost. Upon recovery, SCP-7885-4 was holding a 8.9x14cm (3.5x5.5in) waterproof notebook. Entry 1 I'm floating in the water. It's sunny and hot. I can't see land, I can't see ships. The waves go by and I bob up and down. I woke up next to a swirl of floating junk. Beams and insulation and clothes and plastic. I found this little notepad and pencil in there, so that's nice. I'm pretty sure I died. I was in the hospital, Miami General. I was coughing and coughing, and I fell asleep. And I woke up here. I feel like I should be doing something. Should be swimming to land. Should be trying to find someone. Should be trying to live again. Should, should, should. Nothing hurts anymore. I'm not hungry, I'm not thirsty. When a wave sweeps over me, it doesn't sting my eyes. I don't cough on the water. I don't cough at all. I don't breathe, not unless I try to. So that's all nice. But I'm falling apart a bit. Swimming around in the junk really took it out of me. My skin is hanging loose in a few places. It doesn't hurt either. But I think I'd rather just drift. Entry 2 Sylvie and I got married right out of high school, the two of us against the world. My parents never liked her much. Marrying too young, she's not a man. She had so many plans for the two of us, and I was along for the ride. We never made enough money to be fully independent. My parents chipped in, especially once the grandkids came along. But I was always torn between what they wanted and what she wanted. I'm glad I'm not going to see my parents again. And Sylvie - I said till death do us part, so I guess that's done. No one to disappoint, no one feeling betrayed. Just floating. Entry 3 I accidentally swallowed a bunch of water, and I started to sink. I'm on the bottom now. I can't see much, except when the fish swim by. They glow bright blue, I can see right through them. I think they're seeking me out - I'm shedding bits of myself, which they seem to like. It feels good to walk, down here - a slow, steady pace. Nobody around, nowhere to be, nothing to do. Entry 4 When I came down with my cough, we thought it was allergies at first. But I started coughing up blood, so we rushed to the hospital. Sylvie and my parents were always in the room, and they could never be around each other without arguing. I was mostly too out of it to care about what they were arguing over, but I think it was usually about me. Whether I should be moved to another hospital. An experimental treatment. More painkillers. Less painkillers. I remember the doctor said something about "MDROs" and "heroic measures", whatever that means. It set off their longest argument yet. I knew I needed to be the one to settle it, to take one side or the other, but I was just too exhausted. Entry 5 It's simple down here. Easy. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. I don't know how long I've been walking. There are no days down here. No sun, no moon. I don't know where I'm going. I don't think it matters. I write a bit when I can see, when a fish comes by for a snack. I walk. No pressure, no decisions. Simple. Entry 6 The last day I was alive, all they could talk about was my will. They'd each brought their own versions for me to sign. They read them to me. I couldn't hold my head still to read them. I was coughing too much. It was weird hearing them tell me what was going to happen to me after I was gone. They couldn't even get through reading the wills. They got into another big argument about what was going to happen to my body once I was gone. Sylvie wanted me buried by our house, my parents wanted me by their house, next to some relatives. I don't know why they all cared so much. I'd been up for a long time at that point, and I could barely think anymore. I think they were still going at it when I fell asleep for the last time. Entry 7 My legs are coming apart. The joints are swelling and sliding around. My feet are getting all rotated. I don't think I'm really getting anywhere anymore. I wonder where I am. I wonder if I ever got anywhere. I think I'm going to sit and relax. There are more fish coming by. They're polite - they don't eat anything that's still part of me, they just wait until it floats away. I haven't slept in a long time - I wonder if I still can. Sleep sounds nice. « SCP-7884 | SCP-7885 | SCP-7886 »
Item #: SCP-7888 Object Class: Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: All usage of SCP-7888 should abide by regulations described in Ethics Committee Protocol: "Fern Flower". Description: SCP-7888 is a Foundation-produced communication method. By utilising various memetic suggestions through plain text, SCP-7888 diminishes the retroactive generation of anomalous phenomena in baseline reality. Since SCP-7888's implementation, the general danger and hostility imposed by newly discovered anomalies has decreased by ~60%. Current instances of SCP-7888 do not completely prevent the existence of malevolent and irrepressible anomalies, although most now follow commonly documented anomalous laws. This has made overall containment and research significantly easier. An increase in beneficial and benevolent anomalies, as well as more concisely written SCP documentation has also been noted alongside these changes. Discovery Log: SCP-7888 was created following an increase in retroactive reality alterations detected by the FRCN (Foundation Reality-wide Communications Network). In one week, a higher amount of newly discovered anomalous phenomena were reported, most in some way relating to the concept of “Luck”. The departments of Memetics were able to produce and successfully employ SCP-7888 during this time. Due to the immense level of harm such entities presented, SCP-7888 was originally intended to neutralize those responsible through lethal memetic hazards. This decision was later revised, upon confirming the possibility of a ZK-Class Reality Failure Scenario. An alternative, non-lethal form of memetic suggestion was then created, which successfully nullified the influence of numerous entities. Despite being approved by a majority of leading Foundation personnel, the Ethics Committee expressed dissatisfaction, opting for a clear psychological evaluation of these entities before any further use of SCP-7888. Two months postponement was approved, and access to a majority of Foundation documentation for psychological study was granted. An initial set of newly improved memetic agents were finally produced, using the Ethics Committee's findings as a basis. These were intended to reduce hostile anomalous activity whilst retaining favourable standing with these entities, until a means of clear communication could be developed. This proposal was finally agreed upon by all leading Foundation personnel after the latest SCP-7888 instances proved the most effective. A log of currently utilised instances can be found below: WARNING: POTENT MEMETIC HAZARDS AHEAD The following is a list of SCP-7888 instances that have proven the most effective. Access SCP-7888 Instance Log Access Approved Instance: #0004 Message: “Doing something else will clear your head.” Instance: #0025 Message: “You've done enough today." Instance: #0059 Message: “Ask yourself: Is this fun?” Instance: #0075 Message: "Forget about it all for now.” Instance: #0098 Message: “Go drink some water.” Instance: #0158 Message: "Talk to someone. Anyone. Please." Instance: #0159 Message: "Seriously, it's a community. Go make friends." Instance: #0241 Message: “Don't torture yourself” Instance: #0436 Message: “Please take regular breaks.” Instance: #0615 Message: “Call your grandparents.” Instance: #0831 Message: "Enjoy this cat." meow Instance: #0972 Message: “Only a nobody would hurt you for not finishing.” Instance: #3046 Message: “There's a fine line between passion and obsession. Never go too far.” Instance: #7000 Message: “The number doesn't make the article, you give the number value. Don't let it consume you.” Instance: #7888 Message: "You all did great. Now, go rest." « SCP-7887 | SCP-7888 | SCP-7889 »
Anorrack SCP-7890 Author Page Articles you might enjoy: SCP-5859- The PENTAGRAM Papers: An Army plane mysteriously crashes in the American Midwest. Why does the Pentagram want the Foundation to investigate it? UIU File: 2003-112 (OPERATION: PANDORA): A new drug is running rampant on the streets of Three Portlands, and the UIU must find the gang responsible for its distribution before more people get hurt. Don't Go Walking Slow: A British offensive gone wrong, stranded behind enemy lines. What could be hidden underneath the topsoil of the Burmese jungle? Item #: SCP-7890 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Efforts to contain SCP-7890 and its wielders are underway, filed alongside this document under Joint Operation: HANDY SCARPER in affiliation with the FBI-UIU Miami, Baton Rouge, and Dallas Field Offices. Selected HANDY SCARPER documentation are appended at the end of this file. Recovered SCP-7890 instances are to be split between the Foundation and UIU, depending on ease of containment and circumstances surrounding their acquisition. Tests for field use viability are ongoing. Description: SCP-7890 is the collective designation of a number of objects utilized by the Puebla Cartel, also known as the Juan Joaquín Luis Ledesma Organization, to aid in the trafficking of illicit paranormal goods and entities. SCP-7890 instances are all probabilistic, extrasensory, oracular, or clarvoiyant in nature, and though they vary in their exact function (from protecting the user's life or ensuring "good fortune."), they all serve to further the aims and the success of the Puebla Cartel. Contained SCP-7890 Instances: Instance Description Containment Method SCP-7890-1 Jivaroan shrunken head, believed to have been recovered from an archeological dig site in Peru. Eyes anachronistically inlaid with opal, and allows the user to sense danger within a 100-yard radius. Sniper. SCP-7890-15 A silver Spanish Bullion coin which can predict the schemes of hostile powers to capture or kill its owner or the vehicle they command. As the Foundation does not classify as a foreign power, this instance and owner (a captain of a vessel owned by the cartel) were easily contained. SCP-7890-33 A M1903A4 Springfield rifle with integrated 10x scope. It is near-statistically impossible to miss a shot fired from the weapon within its normal operating range. Part of a batch of 300 commissioned by the Pentagram1 and shipped to Nicaraguan Contra rebels in the mid-80s. During a confrontation with the UIU, the wielder tried firing through a metal barricade, resulting in the bullet ricocheting and a self-inflicted headshot. Weapon collected by UIU agents after the end of the engagement. SCP-7890-48 200 mg pills of Xolotl2, administered orally. A member of Prometheus Lab's Gods' Eyes group of paranarcotics. One of the first anomalies to be mass-produced by Puebla. Allows the user to temporally and physically dissociate, permitting them to see through the eyes of nearby observers, whether human or electronic. Used for espionage, stealth operations, and voyeurism. While samples have been obtained, production and distribution have continued unabated, despite the Foundation's, UIU's, and Mexican government's best efforts. However, due to the intensive process of creating the drug, overall supply remains low. SCP-7890-64 A large combat mechanical exoskeleton, made from scrap metal and several used cars. The only anomalous property it possesses is the inability to suffer a mechanical failure, despite its severe design flaws. The device rampaged through the outskirts of Miami for approximately seven hours, during which UIU agents were unable to incapacitate it or the wearer. SCP-7890-64 was eventually captured when the wearer collapsed of heatstroke due to insufficient ventilation. History of the Puebla Cartel: The Puebla Cartel is a splinter group and rival of the Juarez Cartel, one of the largest criminal organizations operating within Mexico. The Puebla Cartel began when their founder, Juan Joaquín Luis Ledesma, a high-ranking member of the Juarez Cartel, was unwittingly exposed to an aggressive anomalous organism in Puebla City in 1986. He somehow evaded amnesticization by Mexican-Foundation cleanup efforts, and dedicated himself to the collection of anomalous artifacts. He quickly found use for them within cartel operations, and after a dispute between Ledesma and higher-ups in the organization, followed by the unrelated murder of Juarez leader Rafael Aguilar Guajardo, Ledesma and a number of Juarez members officially broke away from the cartel in the fall of 1993. Puebla focuses on the obtaining and trafficking of anomalous objects and persons, sold to customers in the United States. These objects are often obtained from archeological dig-sites throughout Latin America, though after the bankruptcy and dissolution of Prometheus Labs in 1998, the Puebla Cartel gained access to machinery and techniques3 to manufacture anomalies artificially. The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 also indirectly led to a boom market of paraweaponry in Latin America, as Soviet-funded militia groups lost the technical expertise from the Division of Special Circumstances4 required to maintain their weapons, electing instead to sell them on the black market, where many were obtained and repaired by the Puebla Cartel. Though not conclusive, circumstantial evidence points to large paranormal players like Marshall, Carter & Dark, LLC., anomalous religious movements, and prominent anartists being the cartel's main customers. Similarly, whistleblowers have also provided evidence that the Pentagram provided funding to the cartel in exchange for first pick of any artifacts they obtained, with the deal continuing until at least the early 2000s. However, a not insignificant amount of the cartel's revenue also is generated by the smuggling of mass-produced paranarcotics and other anomalous drugs throughout the American Southeast. Puebla operates throughout the Gulf of Mexico, with branches in all major Latin American countries, funneling goods to ports of call throughout the Southeast United States, primarily Miami, New Orleans, and Austin. As such, the cartel often clashes with both normal and paranormal law enforcement agencies, most often engaging with the American Coast Guard, the Mexican Navy, the Unusual Incidents Unit (UIU), and the IRS (Esoteric Division). It is believed that Ledesma enjoys personal use of one or more anomalies under the SCP-7890 designation, as he has not appeared to have physically aged since the mid-90s, and has survived several assassination attempts by rival gangs, the Mexican government, and the Foundation. Joint Operation: HANDY SCARPER Documentation On January 17th, 2019, Foundation MTF Mu-7 "Powder Monkeys" conducted a stealth operation-turned-frontal assault on San Malverde Ranch, the compound which operates as the main residence of Juan Ledesma, as well as headquarters for the Puebla Cartel. The main objective of the mission was to assassinate Ledesma, with a secondary objective to either steal or destroy any blueprints, documentation, or evidence of anomalous objects or manufacturing. The ranch had never previously been raided by the Foundation or other entities, due to para-weapon materiel possessed by the cartel, as well as threats given to the Mexican government5. The operation produced mixed results. Security measures were bypassed without issue, and the task force was able to enter the property. They gained access to an attached shed, which housed a server farm, from which they were able to download several sensitive and incriminating documents to a hard drive. Upon entering the main residence, however, a man emerged from behind them and engaged them in combat, warned of their arrival by a double-headed serpent wrapped around his neck. The shots alerted the rest of the guards, which engaged with the uninjured agents. During the firefight, the task force was flanked by cartel members using concealment charms, and were either knocked unconscious or killed. Audio and visual contact was lost with the team at this time. Their disfigured corpses were later found delivered in body bags to a local Foundation front. The only other object inside of the body bags was a video tape, marked "Watch Me" and "Mírame" in black marker. The contents of the video will not be recorded in this file. Internal Memo: From: The Desk of David Bartosik, Director of Site-42 (Baton Rouge) To: O5 Council Title: For Your Consideration. Following the results of the failed operation on the San Malverde Ranch on the 17th of this past January, I believe these events should lead us to rethink and reorganize our current tactics. The Puebla Cartel, as an organization, is responsible for 70% of anomalous smuggling and trafficking on America's southern border. The UIU, nominally responsible for the controlling of this illegal and immoral trade, has been stretched to its utmost monetary and manpower limits trying to control this flow of materiel across the border. The Foundation, try though it might, appears to be less than effective against this threat against the Veil and the American way of life. […] To quote more statistics, over 85% of the SCP-7890 instances impounded by the Joint Operation have been by the UIU, despite their mentioned constraints. This is due to the experience of operation and liberal use of anomalies in tactical situations by the UIU, and the deployment of their irregular agents. They also can rely on decades of institutional experience combating organized hostile individuals whom also make use of such anomalies. Foundation personnel, though skilled and handpicked from a variety of organizations, have no such experience in that regard. […] At least in a limited fashion, the Foundation must adopt, in at least a small way, some of the methods of the UIU. To prove my theory, I propose a joint training exercise with UIU agents, to determine whether the tactics of the Foundation or the UIU are more effective in a realistic, simulated environment. Excercise Log: Overview: In a planned series of war games starting on March 15th, 2019, Foundation and UIU agents were placed into an urban desert environment in squads of ten. Foundation agents (Team BLUE) used standard urban combat procedures, whereas UIU agents (Team RED) were both irregular and had possession of five SCP-7890 instances (FOOTBALLs), as well as other permitted anomalies. Team BLUE's goal was to seize all of the FOOTBALLs and/or incapacitate all of Team RED, whereas RED's goal was to incapacitate BLUE and defend the FOOTBALLs. RED was given time to familiarize themselves with the area, whereas BLUE was given a rough map and satellite imagery. Each incapacitation and defended/captured FOOTBALL counted as a point. BLUE members were forbidden from using the FOOTBALLs or any other anomalous artifact, as per routine operating procedure. Round ends when either all hostiles are incapacitated or all FOOTBALLs are captured. Best of five rounds. These exercises were spread over a number of days and environments within the training ground, with new participants every round. Results: Round Points Notes Round 1 13-11, RED wins BLUE entered through the skylight of the apartment complex RED was using as a base. They were able to secure the top floor and make their way downwards. Through this method, they were able to evacuate two FOOTBALLs and eliminate hostile REDs. However, using clairvoyant FOOTBALLs, several RED members were able to navigate the ventilation shafts and stage an ambush, retaking the top floor from BLUE. BLUE was able to incur heavy losses on RED, despite being pincered between two floors, but inevitably lost to the last remaining RED player, using arboreokinesis. Round 2 15-0, RED wins Due to an oversight, the chosen training area was positioned over a Native American burial ground, and the team composition of RED had three modernist necromancers. Upon entering the area, BLUE was immediately accosted by several skeleton traps, which proved immune to conventional fire and quickly overwhelmed the team. Round 3 15-7, see Notes Technically, BLUE incapacitated all hostiles and secured all of the FOOTBALLS, however, one of BLUE seized a HoG-15—an anomalous weapon—from a hostile and used it to both paralyze several hostiles and secure a FOOTBALL. As such the win was nullified and instead is considered a stalemate. Round 4 12-9, BLUE wins Staying as one unit, BLUE cut power to the area, as well as communications, by use of a preliminary EMP. However, one RED member possessed a telepathic FOOTBALL and used it to coordinate with teammates, successfully ambushing BLUE. Both sides incurred heavy losses, but the incapacitation of the telepathic RED member allowed BLUE to isolate RED members and capture the FOOTBALLs. At the end of the round, only one BLUE was remaining, the others sacrificing themselves to get the last FOOTBALL to the evac point. Round 5 10-9, RED wins Trying to break away from conventional strategy after studying the events of the last rounds, BLUE attempted a blitzkrieg, striking targets without sweeping or securing buildings. While they were able to secure and evacuate all of the FOOTBALLs, they incurred heavy losses. During final evac the remainder of BLUE was incapacitated by a last sortie from RED. Though the operation was technically a BLUE success, the round was awarded to RED, based on points. Conclusions: As exhibited, even considering a number of variables, such as team composition, environment, and artifacts utilized, when facing a trained, hostile opponent, versed in the tactical usage of anomalies—especially those that are capable of predicting the future, or avoiding it— even experienced Foundation veterans face heavy casualties when achieving their primary objective, or fail to complete the objective entirely. As such, I petition the O5 council to consider an exceptional measure to form a temporary task force dedicated to the usage of SCP-7890, disbanded upon the assassination of Ledesma or the dissolution of the Puebla Cartel. Operation Log: Special Task Force Hotel "Head-Hunters" was deployed at the Santo Malverde Ranch on July 22nd, 2019. The members were handpicked from a selection of MTF veterans and trained by UIU Special Agents on the field use and operation of SCP-7890 instances. STF-Hotel was permitted use of SCP-7890 instances due to the theory that multiple conflicting and powerful probability manipulators coming into contact will collapse wave-forms, and effectively cancel each other out6. The main objective of this mission was the assassination of top Puebla members and captains, with the secondary objective of the assassination of Juan Ledesma, the timing of the operation contingent on a meeting between Ledesma and his captains, which takes place semi-randomly throughout the year7. For this operation, the agents and their instances were: Harbor—Boltz-Action Rifle8 Monk—Macuahuitl of Acamapichtli9 Caspian—SCP-7890-1 and SCP-7890-33 Gray—Tactical Antimemetic Active Camouflage (TAAC)10 They were also equipped with multiple doses of Xolotl and gorgon-derived Look-to-Kill (LTK) devices, supplied from the UIU arsenal. As LTKs and gorgons are believed to derive their petrifying ability by probability manipulation of carbon atom crystallization, they served as additional insurance against hostile SCP-7890 instances. <Video Log Begins> 0:00: STF-Hotel is deployed at the location by HALO jump at 1500 UTC-6 (Central Time). Protected from observation via Gray's TAAC, which he activated soon after the jump. Two minutes pass until they land. They discard their parachutes and approach the property. 0:05: Monk calls for a weapon check, during which Harbor reports their ears popping painfully. After pausing, they concluded it most likely originated from the jump. 0:06: Shielded by TAAC, STF-Hotel approach the main residence, crouching underneath the eaves. They each take a pill of Xolotl, reporting camera blind spots, cartel members and their positions. Thirty individuals in total. Several Puebla captains and who is believed to be Ledesma are found in the security control room. Monk and Caspian boost Harbor onto the roof, where she overwatches the central plaza. 0:09: As they are about to enter the building, Caspian orders a halt, and reports sensing danger from SCP-7890-1. As they inspect the door, they observe several small ritual circles inscribed on the door and frame, most likely curses and hexes for those not invited inside. They disable the circles, and the agents move inside. 0:10: Three cartel members are watching television in the common area and are noiselessly petrified using the LTKs under cover of the TAAC. 0:11: Fifteen more hostiles are in the barracks, and as Monk attempts to slit the throat of one of the men, a silver ring on the man's hand began to scream, sprouting tentacles and pulling him off the bunk. Only able to see Monk, he lashes out wildly with the tentacles. One of the tentacles happens to strike the TAAC, causing it to undergo a technical malfunction and shut down, revealing the other two agents. The commotion draws the attention of the rest of the cartel members, who all draw weapons. 0:14: A shoot-out begins. A sonic grenade is thrown by a hostile, but Monk hits it back towards them with the flat of his blade. Three hostiles liquefied. A woman transforms into a large blue gelatinous entity, and attempts to subsume Caspian. Caspian fires at the entity with their LTK, and it turns into a powder instead of petrifying, releasing a cloud of dust obscuring the area. Agents activate infrared sensors. 0:15: One of the hostiles strides forward, heedless of the shots coming from either side. The hostile is wearing a wooden circlet and wields a machete. He attempts to strike Monk, but is parried and has his arm severed in response. He seems surprised by the wound, but continues to slash at Monk using his other arm, which is severed much to the same effect. Monk then decapitates the hostile, but his head attempts to roll forward and bite him in the ankle. Monk pauses for a moment and nudges the circlet off of the head. It immediately ceases animation. 0:18: Hostiles become disorganized and disoriented due to dust cloud. Caspian and Gray petrify several other hostiles before they can trigger the alarm. More distant targets seem to be unaffected by the LTKs, most likely due to scattering effects. As such, conventional firearms are used. As Monk dispatches the last cartel member, Caspian reports sensing danger from the northeast quadrant of the compound, where the security office and Ledesma's residence is located. 0:19: At this point, Harbor notices a contingent of guards exiting the security office into the plaza, and shoots at them. She disintegrates three before the rest retreat behind cover and begin firing back. One of them, wearing a suit of armor, ignores Harbor and walks across the plaza towards the barracks. Harbor tries to shoot them, but consistently misses. 0:20: As the three agents prepare to exit the barracks, the armored hostile enters the room, wielding a battle-axe. Monk and Gray shoot the man with their LTKs to no effect. Caspian fires at the man with the Springfield, but the bullet seems to stop in the air before hitting the armor. The bullet creates a loud buzzing noise and begins to vibrate rapidly, glowing in the process. The man in the armor pauses, looks at the bullet, and tries to touch it. He screams and is spaghettified, leaving the empty armor behind. The bullet quietly falls to the ground. 0:21: Harbor, still under fire and under the influence of Xolotl, reports Ledesma seemingly has not moved since the engagement began. She notes the location of two engaged hostiles behind a large hangman's tree and fires her rifle, the plasma boring through the wood and incinerating both hostiles. 0:22: Monk, Gray, and Caspian plan to flank the hostiles engaged with Harbor, but before they can do so Caspian senses danger behind them. Caspian reflexively fires, the bullet shattering the concealment charm of a previously unnoticed woman. She drops into a crouch and fires her pistol rapidly. All of the shots miss. When the woman expends her magazine she throws the pistol at them, the gun hitting the ground before reaching the agents. They look at the woman, who shrugs. Gray petrifies her. 0:24: Gray disposes of the TAAC, and after close inspection quickly dons the empty suit of armor, with Caspian aiding them. With Caspian and Harbor covering them, Monk and Gray move in on the hostiles in the plaza. Even with several hostiles firing, they are both unharmed, and eliminate all hostiles in the plaza. 0:27: Caspian senses danger through the door to the office. Gray charges through the locked door, but before they issue the all-clear, they observe a bright flash of light. Gray accelerates backwards at high velocity, crashing through the hangman's tree, a brick wall, and a server farm before coming to rest. He is unharmed due to the steel armor, but unconscious. 0:28: The danger Caspian senses is still present, but the trap appears to be fully triggered, and so Monk and Caspian both enter the office. A door in the office was left ajar, and opening it reveals Ledesma sitting at a table, waiting for them. Caspian immediately tries to shoot Ledesma with her rifle, but the bullet appears to pass through him without harm. 0:29: Caspian senses danger immediately behind them and dives to the side, before the door is cleaved in half. The seated Ledesma hologram smiles before disappearing. Ledesma is revealed behind them, wearing a GOC combat exoskeleton and holding a flaming broadsword. Caspian attempts to fire again, but their rifle jams. Ledesma swings at Caspian with the broadsword, but is parried by Monk, who steps between Caspian and Ledesma. 0:30: Ledesma and Monk exchange blows, neither having the advantage over the other. Ledesma leaves himself open to attack several times, but each time Monk attempts to exploit them, he stumbles, blinks, or otherwise misses the opportunity. Monk continues to backpedal out the back door, in an attempt to draw Ledesma into Harbor's line of fire. Monk's macuahuitl, primarily made of wood, is taking damage every time it contacts Ledesma's flaming sword, and is seen partially splintering. 0:31: Monk attempts to circle around Ledesma to try and put him on the back-foot forcing him out of the entryway, but Ledesma catches him with the flat of his blade, knocking him sideways. Monk drops his weapon, which Ledesma picks up. As Ledesma lifts both of his blades in the air for the killing blow, Caspian finishes unjamming the rifle and fires, striking Ledesma in the thigh, causing him to stumble backwards into view of Harbor and allowing Monk to roll out of the way. 0:32: Harbor attempts to fire, but finds that her rifle has blown a fuse. She attempts to swap it out, but Ledesma spots her right as she finishes inserting a new fuse. He throws Monk's macuahuitl at her, severing her right arm. She drops the rifle, which then discharges into the air. 0:33: Ledesma's necklace glows red, and light emanates from his eyes as the bullet falls out of his thigh and the wound heals itself. Caspian tries firing again, but Ledesma reflects it with his blade, the bullet ricocheting back and splintering the rifle, wounding Caspian. Ledesma looks down at Monk attempting to get into a boxer's stance, and grins. 0:34: Monk and Ledesma exchange words, and Ledesma laughs. But before he moves forward to kill Monk, Ledesma frowns and looks off to the side, muttering "¿Es Eso un mono en una chaqueta?11" 0:35: At this point, a large fireball strikes Ledesma directly in the back, impacting the ground. All visuals are overloaded with white noise for a few moments. When visual was restored, Ledesma was gone, the area where he stood was scorched and covered with twisted metal debris. Despite being next to the impact, Monk survived with minor injuries, as he was carrying an unsanctioned rabbit's foot. <Video Log Ends> After Action Report: Following a thorough investigation of the area after the engagement, as well as communications with other Sites, a tentative explanation for the death of Ledesma emerged. Fifteen hours before STF-Hotel was deployed, SCP-2820 was activated. Simultaneously, a communications satellite was reported as straying off course, after a small power surge caused the sudden explosive activation of its maneuvering thrusters. The satellite then went offline, and attempts to regain communication failed. Later, one of Ledesma's lieutenants dropped a piece of glassware, injuring his hand in the process. He disposed of the glass by throwing it out of a nearby window. After STF-Hotel was deployed, Harbor's ears popped during the weapon check, causing her to miss a power-supply cable on her rifle that had torn in the landing. The communications satellite's orbit had decayed to such an extent that it began entering the atmosphere. During the course of the engagement with Monk, Ledesma was partially blinded by the sun reflecting off of the shards of discarded glass, stepping backwards several paces. The communications satellite maintained integrity during reentry—instead of breaking into manageable fragments as intended—due to several faulty screws. Harbor attempted to fire the rifle, but was prevented by the blown fuse, the broken cable causing a power surge. This caused Ledesma to notice her, and throw Monk's macuahuitl at Harbor, in the process stepping to the side several paces. The discharged plasma projectile impacted the falling satellite, changing its course slightly. As Ledesma monologued, he observed a monkey in a trench-coat, which distracted him long enough for the satellite to directly collide with him from behind, killing Ledesma on impact. It is theorized that the described series of events was so improbable and so specific, that no SCP-7890 instance could have possibly predicted it nor could have taken steps to prevent it from occurring. As such, Ledesma was rendered vulnerable to any effects caused by SCP-2820. Addendum: Observation of the Puebla Cartel and its movements are still ongoing, though with the death of their leader and the destruction of much of their upper-ranks, the cartel has struggled to mount a sufficient and cogent response to the actions of HANDY SCARPER. Following the raid, covert agents were able to seize sensitive documents belonging to the cartel from the ranch and upload them to a secure server farm, which will further inform actions against the cartel and their operations. Smuggling over the border originating from the cartel have slowed in recent months—and is expected to decline further—though informants suggest that the cartel plans retaliation in some shape or form. Footnotes 1. Anomalous branch of the DoD. 2. Blind Aztec god of bad luck. 3. While they were able to obtain general blueprints and machines used to create anomalies, they lack the capability to create or utilize some of the more delicate, expensive technology that Prometheus Labs used. Instead, the Puebla Cartel has developed a bespoke manufacturing process taking advantage of the inherently large EVE output of human sacrifice (utilizing enhanced Nordic pagan rituals) as a crude replacement. 4. Anomalous branch of the KGB. 5. The desecrated remains of Federal Investigation Agency (AFI) agents that were observing the ranch at the time were delivered in pieces to the local governor's estate by mail. 6. Based on previously observed interactions between invulnerable anomalies and enchanted weapons. 7. The time was preemptively leaked by a mole in the cartel. 8. A probability engine that uses Boltzmannian properties to heat particles in front of the barrel to 1100 Kelvin, creating a plasma projectile when fired. 9. A wooden board studded with sharpened obsidian, used as a weapon by the Aztecs. Renders the wielder unbeatable in battle. 10. Ten-pound device that imprints conceptual antimemicity onto objects within in a variable radius of the device, rendering individuals inside of the field effectively invisible. Prototype was found to be a carcinogen, and impounded from Prometheus Labs before it could be put into active service. 11. "Is that a monkey in a jacket?" « SCP-7889 | SCP-7890 | SCP-7891 »
Item#: 7891 Level3 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: The original document containing SCP-7891 is to be kept in a standard containment locker in Site-76. A copy is kept on Foundation databases and can be accessed in this document. Personnel reading SCP-7891 for the first time must do so only under the supervision of at least two researchers experienced with SCP-7891. If they display signs of SCP-7891's anomalous effect, they are to be given Class B amnestics and reassigned. Foundation agents are to monitor any new archaeological discoveries relating to One Thousand and One Nights for additional copies of SCP-7891 or information related to it. All versions of One Thousand and One Nights currently available to the public are considered non-anomalous and may remain in circulation. Description: SCP-7891 is a section of the oldest known version of One Thousand and One Nights.1 Originally written in Persia in the tenth century CE, One Thousand and One Nights was translated to Arabic shortly after its completion and quickly became one of the most iconic stories of the region, with various authors adding, changing, or removing stories over the centuries. However, no other version of the work has been found to host SCP-7891 SCP-7891 breaks with the normal format of One Thousand and One Nights, instead resembling a modern day SCP article, complete with illustrations resembling Foundation graphics, despite predating the Foundation by several centuries. However, it should be noted that SCP-7891 is a work of fiction and the anomalies it describes do not exist in reality. Additionally, many of the details it presents regarding the Foundation do not match with reality. SCP-7891 has a mild cognitohazardous effect on approximately ninety percent of readers. Readers experiencing this effect usually display disorientation, confusion, and false memories. These effects are easily treated with amnestics. The effects of SCP-7891 are most severe in those displaying the following traits: -Dissociation -Repeated use of amnestics -ADHD -Chronic daydreaming -A belief that the world is a computer simulation -A tendency to relate real world events to fictional works -Dreams of waking up Schizophrenia appears to have an inoculating effect against SCP-7891. Therefore, any personnel with schizophrenia are encouraged to request assignment to SCP-7891's containment team even if they lack experience in the relevant fields. Selected testing log: Testing has primarily been performed on personnel under consideration for SCP-7891's containment team. The process involves observing staff as they read SCP-7891 followed by asking them a series of questions relating to Foundation operations, politics, popular culture, and their own personal lives. Test number Results 4 Subject misremembered several details about his family, including his wife's name and how many children he has. 7 Subject displayed mild disorientation, believing it was early morning when it was currently late afternoon. 13 Subject became confused and repeatedly asked when the test would end, even during the post-test questioning. 14 Test was aborted when, partway through reading, the subject began to read aloud, ignoring repeated instructions not to. 21 Subject became anxious part way through test, asking why she was being asked to read a known cognitohazard instead of something called a “D-Class.” On questioning, subject displayed a belief that the Foundation coerces members of prison populations into service as “disposable class personnel.”2 COGNITOHAZARD WARNING The following section of this document contains the full text of SCP-7891 translated from Persian along with recreations of the original illustrations. As such, it is an unfiltered cognitohazard. Do not read further without the approval of the HCML supervisor and the supervision of at least two members of the SCP-7891 containment team unless your immunity to SCP-7891 has already been determined. Item#: 7891 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: caution link to memo Dunyazad now told Shahrazad: “I want you to tell me a story of the scholars who collected impossible things.” “I would be pleased to do so,” Shahrazad replied, “if the king gives me his leave.” “Tell your story at once,” Shahriyar said, and Shahrazad began: I have heard, o fortunate king, that the scholars, who called themselves the Foundation, found an object which posed them many problems: It could not be moved from its location and so the Foundation built Provisional Site-7891 to guard it. They had to divert all means of travel so that none would discover it. If any traveler wandered too close, they would be given drugs to make them forget whatever they had seen, then set back on a more favorable trail. The Foundation was forced to share custody with a rival named the Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts. According to their agreement, the Foundation could not remove anything from SCP-7891, and they had to share all of their studies with the Organization. However, they were free to explore SCP-7891 freely and catalog what they found. I can see, o righteous king, that you wish to know what this object was: SCP-7891 was a palace located in the Hijaz Mountains.3 It had been built several hundred years before the Foundation occupied it, and it was built of materials and in a style befitting that time. The palace consisted of a large hall, full of all manner of furniture one would need for a comfortable stay, and two lengthy hallways leading to forty rooms, each locked.4 Upon entry, visitors would be greeted by forty young women known as SCP-7891-1. SCP-7891-1 were friendly and would beg all visitors to sit and relax and would produce food for them. SCP-7891-1 had a key which they would freely lend to the Foundation, but which the Foundation could not remove from SCP-7891 due to their agreement with the Organization. This key unlocked the many rooms of the palace and SCP-7891-1 explained that these rooms contained many of the very types of impossible things the Foundation strove to collect. They advised the scholars of the Foundation that they might enter thirty-nine of the forty rooms with only a small risk of injury or death, but that the fortieth room must never be opened. I have heard, o king, that the Foundation did not wish to risk the lives of their soldiers by ordering them to explore the palace: So they instead instructed a slave named D-77513 to enter each of the rooms and discover what was inside. They attached to D-77513 an eye of glass so that they might see what he saw and affixed to the halls more eyes so they might see what he did not. <D-77513 put the key the keyhole of the first door, but did not open it.> D-77513: When I complete this task, I ask that I might be allowed to spend more time in the company of those girls. Command: They are not human. They might cause you harm or drive you to madness. D-77513: For women so lovely, I would happily take the risk, for as the poet said— Command: Please do not waste time and open the door. D-77513: To hear is to obey. <D-77513 opened the door and inside were two men, a horse, a small boat, and a bow, all made of brass, and three arrows made of lead.> D-77513: Why, there is nothing here but old garbage. <The men of brass began to move, looking at D-77513.> D-77513: I think I should close this door now. Command: Offer them a greeting. D-77513: Do you wish to kill me? <The men of brass did not answer, for they were not capable of speech. Instead they began to approach D-77513.> Command: You may close the door now. D-77513: Happily. <And he closed the door. Behind the second door he discovered a great rukh.> D-77513: Do you wish to kill me? <The rukh did not answer because it, too, was not capable of speech. D-77513 closed the door. Behind the third door he discovered a great mountain, much larger than even the room that contained it. The key began to fly from the door toward the mountain, but D-77513 caught it. Still, the key fought in his grip, for the mountain was magnetic, and drew all iron towards it.> Command: Close the door at once! Or we will find the key difficult to retrieve! <With much struggle, D-77513 closed the door. Behind the fourth door he discovered a garden filled with all manner of trees, each full of ripe fruits.> D-77513: What a beautiful place! I think I might rest here for a time and enjoy some of this fruit. Command: Do not step inside, for the fruit might be poisonous. We will study it at a later time. <Behind the fifth door, D-77513 discovered a hall full of wooden cages and nothing else.> D-77513: I beg you, allow me to close this door! The sound of these birds is unbearable and I fear I might be deafened! Command: Of what birds do you speak? Our eye sees no birds and we hear no song. D-77513: How can you not see them? They are everywhere! In all of the cages! <Command bid D-77513 to close the door and he did so. Behind the sixth door he discovered a black horse with great wings.> D-77513: What a beautiful creature! Command: You may close the door and continue. D-77513: But I used to work with horses. Perhaps I can help you learn more about this thing. Command: There is no need. At this time, we only wish to get an idea of what is behind each door, so that we might assign the proper scholars to study each object. <But D-77513 did not follow Command's instruction, and entered the room, speaking to the horse in a soothing voice. In response, the horse whipped D-77513 in the eye with its tail which, it was discovered, was covered in sharp barbs. D-77513 fled the room and locked the door.> D-77513: I am injured! You must allow me to return so that I may see a doctor! Command: Continue to the next room. D-77513: But I fear I might lose my eye! Command: Continue to the next room. <D-77513 continued through the various rooms, discovering all manner of wonders and horrors. One might fill an entire book with the things he saw, but eventually he came to the thirty-ninth room. Inside this room he found no monster or horror. Instead, he found a tool which is strange to you or I, but familiar to him. It was like a book with a single page, whose words could change and reshape to tell many stories, and it was far too new to exist in this palace.> D-77513: Why, that's the sign of the Foundation! Command: We see it, as well. Tell us, D-77513, what story does this device tell? D-77513: I cannot answer, for I must say a word to make the device show me and I do not know which word I need. Command: Then return the key to SCP-7891-1 and leave the palace. D-77513: Do you not wish me to open the final door? Command: No. You have completed your task. <For the Foundation had not yet decided whether to heed the warning of SCP-7891-1.> I have heard, too, o king, that the Foundation did discover what story the device held: For it only contained one story, told in the manner of their own records. This is what it said: Item#: 7891 Level5 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: thaumiel Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Due to its position in the Foundation, SCP-7891 is considered self-containing. Description: SCP-7891 is O5-5. It has the appearance of a woman in her early 20s.5 SCP-7891's primary anomalous trait is an ability to render physical objects into fictional constructs and vice versa. Additionally, it is immortal. Originally born in the Islamic Empire during the tenth century CE, SCP-7891 has primarily utilized its trait to contain anomalous objects prior to the formation of the Foundation. It was one of the original founders of the Foundation, and has been on the O5 council since its inception. Addendum 7891-1: On 4/2/2023, SCP-7891 requested an interview to be conducted as part of its SCP file. Interviewed: SCP-7891 Interviewer: Dr. Antoine Burton <Begin interview> Dr. Burton: So, uh, I'm not exactly sure how you want to begin, ma'am.Dr. Burton: Pardon?Dr. Burton: But that's—you're not like…Dr. Burton: If that's what you want, Ma—I mean, SCP-7891. Sorry. I'm a little nervous.Dr. Burton: I know. I mean, I have to admit that when I was first given access to your file I thought I was about to learn some terrible secret I was better off not knowing. But looking at it now, it's so…Dr. Burton: Short. It doesn't even really explain how your anomalous trait works.Dr. Burton: A little. I mean, I have a passing knowledge. Should someone from the Department of Pataphysics conduct this interview?<Dr. Burton pauses for a moment.> Dr. Burton: It's sort of like universes stacked up on top of each other. When someone in a universe higher on the stack imagines something, it becomes real in the universe below it.Dr. Burton: Well, no. That's sort of the whole point. For universes higher in the stack every universe below it is just imaginary. It doesn't exist, even if you can travel to parallel universes.Dr. Burton: Technically, yes. Hell, the whole reason I started studying science was because I thought Spock was cool. But that's not the same as physically manifesting an anomaly.Dr. Burton: This is way outside of my area of expertise, but maybe? I mean, it depends on how your ability works. Although, I guess if I'm conducting the first interview of an anomaly that's something I should ask, huh? Tell me about your anomalous trait.Dr. Burton: But if I understand this right, that means that you can safely contain any anomaly. Even Keter-class anomalies wouldn't be a challenge. Just a few words and the lizard isn't a threat to anyone anymore.Dr. Burton: It could work. Or, I guess, maybe it would hand them the entirety of history on a silver platter? I'm not really sure how they would interact with your trait.Dr. Burton: Oh. That's probably why you became part of the Foundation.Dr. Burton: And that lets you connect to other… pataphysical… layers? Or whatever the term is?Dr. Burton: Huh. Fascinating.Dr. Burton: Ah, right. Why did you request this interview?Dr. Burton: But you said you couldn't contain any more anomalies.Dr. Burton: That's not good. What do we need to do?Dr. Burton: You can transfer it to a different story. A different containment unit in a different universe.Dr. Burton: Please, proceed.Dr. Burton: I don't like the sound of that. Item#: 7891 Level1 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: uncontained Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: critical link to memo Dr. Burton: Wait, you're narrating conprocs? Like an SCP file?Dr. Burton: Maybe. Or just a normal story. I'm not complaining, mind, it just seems like an odd choice.Dr. Burton: I guess that makes sense. Sorry for the interruption. Please, carry on. All sites are on lockdown. Communication must be performed either in-person or via text to prevent interference from SCP-7891. Any personnel suspected of being under SCP-7891's influence are to be detained, interrogated and amnesticized. All research is being discontinued and every department is instructed to investigate the nature of SCP-7891 and methods of containing it. Dr. Burton: So something's taken over Site-01 and no one knows what it is? Description: SCP-7891 is Jeffrey Barmaki, formerly the secretary of O5-1. It is unknown when SCP-7891 was hired, but there are records mentioning it dating back to 1902. It has served as O5-1's secretary for the entire time, with its apparent longevity going unnoticed, possibly due to a mild memetic effect. A journal remaining from the early days of the American Secure Containment Initiative, one of the Foundation's predecessors, makes reference to an “unassuming Arab man who always seems to have an answer,” who may be SCP-7891. Until recent events, SCP-7891 has been an exemplary employee, receiving numerous accolades. O5-1 has credited its advice with ending several crises and successfully containing numerous anomalies, and even described it as “the unofficial O5-14.” On 11/1/1994, SCP-7891 suddenly developed a number of anomalous traits. Based on recovered footage, it manifested in the O5 Council chamber, somehow bypassing thaumaturgic wards, and utilized an unknown thaumaturgic technique to transform the council members into sand. MTF Alpha-1 (“Red Right Hand”) mobilized to confront the attacker, but were transformed into dogs as they reached the chamber. After this, the Site-01 security network failed and additional events were not captured. Utilizing O5-1's credentials, SCP-7891 contacted each site director and department head via video and employed a cognitohazardous ability to force each to initiate containment breaches, fires, and other emergency situations. It is believed that approximately ninety percent of site directors and department heads were compromised, most of which were able to escape in the ensuing chaos. Surveillance of Site-01 has caught some footage of the compromised personnel. SCP-7891 then began altering weather patterns. In the hours after the deaths of the O5 Council, an anomalous storm began at Site-01 and dark clouds now cover the sky in a radius of three hundred miles and growing. Dr. Burton: So he's just holed up there? What does he want? Addendum 7891-1: On 11/3/1994, Dr. Ursula Payne contacted Site-01 using a series of cognitohazard filters in order to conduct an interview with SCP-7891. Whichever .aic is transcribing this conversation may want to add a block quote here. Interviewed: SCP-7891 Interviewer: Dr. Ursula Payne Begin interview. The footage shows SCP-7891 dressed in a black robe and sitting in the O5 Council chamber. It looks noticeably older and has grown a beard. Dr. Payne: Jeffrey? Do you remember me? Ursula with the Department of History? We've met a few times.Dr. Payne: What are you doing? Why did you kill the O5s?Dr. Payne: Then why haven't you sent out further communications? We've been waiting to receive your demands.Dr. Payne: You took control of their minds!Dr. Payne: Then what's your goal? Are you not happy with the way the Foundation is run? Do you want to lift the veil? Decommission more anomalies?Dr. Payne: Then let's begin negotiating. O5's dead. There's nothing we can do about that. If we agree you're in charge what will change? Will you release the leadership from your control? Will you allow us to continue our work?Dr. Payne: But it might be easier to achieve that if you at least tell us what you're going to do. We don't even know what you want.SCP-7891 cuts off communication, ending the interview. Dr. Burton: Not very reasonable, is he? Addendum 7891-2: On 11/4/1994 the acting head of the Department of History, Dr. Ursula Payne, and the head of the Department of Literature, Dr. Antoine Burton, released a document outlining the theory that SCP-7891 is Ja'far ibn Yahya, the vizier of 8th century caliph of the Islamic Empire, Harun al-Rashid. Dr. Burton: Wait, I'm head of the Department of Literature?Dr. Burton: But I was just a kid in the ‘90s. C. 767: Ja'far ibn Yahya is born. 786: Harun al-Rashid becomes caliph. He appoints Ja'far's father, Yahya, as vizier. Later, as Yahya ages, Ja'far is given the role. C. 803: Ja'far is executed on Harun's order. The reason for this is unknown. C. 900-1000: The first version of One Thousand and One Nights is written in Persia. It would spread to Arabia, with many authors adding or changing stories. Harun and Ja'far appear as characters in many of these stories. 1701: The first French translation of One Thousand and One Nights. Among the tales added to this version is “The Story of Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp,” which features a nameless vizier as its central antagonist. This story would grow to become one of the most iconic tales in One Thousand and One Nights, with various translations and adaptations appearing throughout the world. C.1790: The earliest possible reference to Jeffrey Barmaki in American Secure Containment Initiative records. 1902: The earliest confirmed reference to Jeffrey Barmaki in Foundation records. 1940: The film The Thief of Baghdad is released. It features a villainous vizier named Jaffar. 1952: The film The Golden Blade is released. It features a hero named Harun al-Rashid and a villainous vizier named Jafar. 1992: The Disney film Aladdin is released. It features a villainous vizier named Jafar.8 11/1/1994: Jeffrey Barmaki suddenly displays a number of anomalous traits, murders the O5 Council, and attempts to seize control of the Foundation. Dr. Burton: It kind of seems like they're jumping to conclusions.Dr. Burton: Inter-department meeting? Dr. Burton: Site-redacted? The parties present at this meeting are: Ursula Payne, acting head of the Department of History Antoine Burton, head of the Department of Literature Hannah Chavis, acting head of the Department of Thaumatology and John Lyons, acting head of the Department of Tactical Theology Foreword: Dr. Ursula Payne requested a meeting with the above personnel to discuss her theories regarding SCP-7891. Begin excerpt. Dr. Lyons: What's this document supposed to prove? Half of this is just the release years of movies. Dr. Chavis: I imagine they're trying to claim that SCP-7891 is an anomaly influenced by fictional depictions of itself. What I want to know is where they got the idea that it's this Ja'far person. Dr. Payne: Yes, well, I had my suspicions from the moment SCP-7891 was identified as Jeffrey Barmaki. Naturally, I never thought twice about the name before, but looking at it now I became fixated on the name Barmaki. That was the family name of Ja'far ibn Yahya. To confirm my suspicions, I decided to contact it. Dr. Lyons: That was a profoundly foolish thing to do, by the way. A directed, personalized cognitohazardous attack like the ones SCP-7891 uses can easily tear through automated defenses. Dr. Chavis: Have you managed to learn something about the cognitohazard attack? Dr. Lyons: We were able to recover some of the video footage and had it analyzed by an .aic. It manifested a staff which glowed while it instructed its victims. Both its voice and the light were detected as sources. Dr. Payne: But that's just more evidence! Listen, you all saw the footage of my interview, right? That French phrase he shouted at the end? That was when I knew I had to consult with Dr. Burton. Dr. Burton: It's paraphrased from a French comic book called Iznogoud. Dr. Burton: Oh, I like the voice you're doing for me. Dr. Burton: I was already forming my own hypothesis when Dr. Payne contacted me with what she'd learned. I think what we're dealing with is a manifestation of the fictional depictions of Ja'far ibn Yahya. In One Thousand and One Nights, Ja'far was usually depicted as a loyal advisor and competent administrator, so that's what SCP-7891 was. But the popularity of the story of Aladdin led to viziers increasingly being depicted as villains. And when people needed a name for their evil vizier they looked at One Thousand and One Nights and grabbed the first vizier name they found. Dr. Chavis: That seems like a tenuous connection. I mean, this Ja'far isn't the only significant Ja'far in history. I doubt he's even the only historical vizier with that name. Dr. Burton: Maybe not, and I think that's why he didn't go berserk until now. The connections were there, but they weren't strong enough. All of this narrative energy built up around the concept of the evil vizier, just barely touching Jeff but not quite effecting him. When Disney's Aladdin came out this energy became too big to control. Once the floodgates burst, all of that energy flowed into Jeff. Dr. Chavis: But Aladdin came out two years ago. Why are these “floodgates” only bursting now? Dr. Burton: My hypothesis is that it's due to a novel. In a series that has just enough of a following to make a dent in the collective unconscious. It's called Interesting Times by Terry Pratchett. It has multiple passages describing how viziers are always treacherous and power hungry. If Aladdin loaded the gun then Interesting Times pulled the trigger. He's not just Ja'far. He's every evil vizier in every story. Dr. Lyons: Ridiculous. You've come up with a fun little idea worthy of a conspiracy board, but I'm afraid my department has already worked out what SCP-7891 is. Instead of reading VideoHound, we actually took some measurements. There is a massive amount of Akiva radiation pouring out of Site-01. Dr. Payne: You think it's a god? Dr. Lyons: Probably always was, so it's not a true ascension. It's most likely some obscure, forgotten god who's been biding its time at the Foundation, waiting until it could get its hands on an anomaly that could give it back some power. Dr. Burton: Akiva radiation? That doesn't make sense. Dr. Payne: But all of its actions match our hypothesis. Even things like summoning storms and turning people into dogs. Both of those occur in The Thief of Baghdad. Dr. Chavis: I have a question. Fictional anomalies usually infect stories, don't they? They're not infected by them. Normally, they reshape stories around themselves, and when they manifest physically they do so by reshaping reality to match their story's characteristics. Dr. Burton: That's true. I've been trying to figure out why, but the best answer I can come up with is the fact that the person existed before the fictional anomaly. Ja'far is older than stories about Ja'far. That usually isn't the case with fictional anomalies. Dr. Chavis: I'm reminded of SCP-5925. Are you familiar with that one? Dr. Burton: That one's just an old man, isn't it? Dr. Chavis: Yes, an old man. A friendly old man and nothing else. As long as you don't associate certain characteristics to it or call it by certain names. Nomenclative magic is hard to control, even for entities connected to it. Dr. Lyons: But that doesn't explain the Akiva radiation. Dr. Burton: Actually, maybe it does. Say he was an old god. One who was forgotten about when the Abrahamic religions took prominence. He used nomenclative magic to conceptually associate himself with Ja'far ibn Yahya. In this way he was able to treat the sharing of stories the way a normal god does religious worship, at least enough to keep existing. But then these characters who are sort of Ja'far but not really start appearing. There's lines connecting them all, but they're vague until Interesting Times solidifies them enough to force all of these identities onto Jeff. That's when he loses control. Dr. Lyons: That…could be possible. Dr. Payne: I'm a little out of my depth, but it makes sense to me. Dr. Chavis: That still leaves us with one question. How do we kill it? Dr. Burton: Wait, we're going to kill Jeff? Dr. Lyons: After the damage it's caused, we don't have a choice. It needs to be neutralized. Dr. Burton: But kill him? It's not like he meant to do any of this. This is something that happened to him. There has to be a way to help him. Dr. Chavis: I know you're friends with him, but trying to save him is too dangerous. Look at the damage he's caused already. The O5 Council is dead. Dr. Payne: Antoine— Dr. Burton: No, I get it. You're right. He needs to be stopped. Saving him is a luxury we can't afford. End excerpt. Dr. Burton: So it's a former god turned into a story?Dr. Burton: What's next? A log of an MTF operation to infiltrate Site-01 and use some device to stop it? Addendum 7891-4: In the early hours of 11/6/1994, Dr. Antoine Burton managed to bypass the perimeter around Site-01 and enter the facility. He wore a body camera, which captured the following footage. The footage opens with Dr. Burton standing at the main entrance of Site-01. Dr. Burton: Okay. Here goes nothing. He swipes his ID and the door slides open. Instead of the foyer, the entrance leads immediately into an office. Fluorescent lights illuminate rows of cubicles, where various members of low-level Site-01 staff can be seen working at their computers. As Dr. Burton steps inside, the door slides shut behind him. He continues down one of the rows. A currently-unidentified employee passes him by, holding a mug of coffee. Employee: Working hard or hardly working? Dr. Burton: I think I'm a little lost. Employee: You're one of the big guys, aren't you? Here to meet with O5? Better late than never, eh? Dr. Burton: I guess so. Say, I noticed the outer gates were open. No one was at the checkpoints. Employee: Don't need ‘em. The new O5's developed a whole new security system. Much more efficient. Dr. Burton: Right. What's everyone doing here? Employee: Containment! Organizing maintenance schedules, hiring personnel. All the fiddly parts of running the Foundation. Once the restructuring is complete and everyone has submitted to O5's will, the Foundation will be more smooth and efficient than ever. Dr. Burton: I see. So, where can I find O5? Employee: Just take the stairs. He points to the elevator. Dr. Burton: Thanks. Dr. Burton makes his way to the elevator doors and presses the call button, the door opens revealing a spiral staircase. Dr. Burton: Right. Of course. He looks up. The stairs spiral upwards into the distance. With a sigh, he begins his ascent. Dr. Burton: So, I'm not sure what that was all about. I guess it's a bit of Jeff. Once the evil vizier takes over, he doesn't know what to do because the evil vizier never wins, so he defaults back to trying to keep things running. As for why the interior's changed? I have no idea. Dr. Burton continues climbing for several minutes. A pair of dogs chase each other down the stairs, passing him by. Eventually, he reaches the top of the stairs and finds that they stop at a trap door in the ceiling. He pulls it open to find an enormous brightly lit room. The ceiling, walls, and floor are all black and white tiles, making it difficult to get a sense of scale. A collection of objects is visible in the distance. Dr. Burton: You have got to be kidding me. Dr. Burton begins to walk, heading towards the objects. As he nears them, it becomes clear that they are an uneven arrangement of ornate wooden cages, each with a brightly-colored songbird. They begin to sing with a high-pitched piercing sound. Dr. Burton begins to run, weaving around any cages in his path. The cages give way to wooden perches containing vultures which take flight and begin to swoop at Dr. Burton, brandishing their claws. He continues to run until his path is blocked by an approximately twelve-foot-tall hawk-like bird. He skids to a halt. Dr. Burton: Please don't kill me, please don't kill me. Another vulture swoops at Dr. Burton and he begins to run again, trying to give a wide berth to the hawk-like bird. Once clear, he picks up speed, sprinting even though the high-pitched song has faded significantly and the vultures have stopped their attack. He reaches a wall and looks back and forth. Dr. Burton: Which way? A section of the wall slides open, revealing the interior of an elevator. Dr. Burton rushes inside. The door closes behind him. Dr. Burton: Okay. For the record, I'm not injured. The vultures came near, but they always swooped away. I think they were just trying to scare me. Ears are ringing, but hopefully my hearing isn't damaged. Elevator is moving. When I find Jeff, I'm probably going to be going on the record with some personal stuff. Stuff that I shouldn't really go on the record with without his permission. But I think I may be able to end this crisis and there needs to be an exact record of how it's dealt with, so I just have to hope he forgives me. The elevator doors open, revealing a circular rooftop which does not match Site-01. It is made of gray stone tiles, with only a small raised ledge and no railing. Despite the severity of the storm, none of the water reaches the rooftop and the area is completely dry. A six foot tall hourglass can be seen near the edge of the roof, its sand slowly falling. Next to it, SCP-7891 is standing at a canvas, painting a photorealistic portrait of Dr. Burton. As Dr. Burton crosses the rooftop, SCP-7891 turns to face him. Dr. Burton: Do you know me?Dr. Burton: You're lying to spare my feelings. Which means you're still you, at least a little bit. What's with the hourglass?Dr. Burton: Doesn't look like I have much time left. SCP-7891 turns away and begins applying more paint to the canvas.Dr. Burton: You're more than just a story. I didn't go camping with a story. I didn't have long conversations with a story. I never kissed a story. A story never bought me flowers.Dr. Burton: How? I'm not some princess you can marry to get power. I know that your feelings for me were more real than whatever you're experiencing now. I know you love me, Jeff. Or is it Ja'far? I'm guessing the SCI were the ones who started calling you Jeffrey because they found it easier to pronounce.Dr. Burton: You aren't those characters. They don't share your name. Some of them aren't even viziers. They're three or four steps removed.Dr. Burton: Jeff, please look at me. We can figure this out.Dr. Burton: Why are you being so stubborn? You aren't the evil vizier. You never were. Dr. Burton begins to shout. Dr. Burton: The evil vizier is al-Mu'in ibn Sawa! SCP-7891 drops its paintbrush. It turns to face Dr. Burton again, eyes wide with surprise.Dr. Burton moves a little closer to SCP-7891 Dr. Burton: You were in that story.SCP-7891 laughs. Dr. Burton: And when the two of you learned why Nur al-Din and Janis al-Alis were sheltering there, you helped them. In the end, you were the one who arrested the evil vizier.Dr. Burton: I like those old stories. You rushing around, trying to complete the caliph's tasks no matter how unreasonable they were. It's cute.Dr. Burton laughs. He steps closer and reaches out a hand. SCP-7891 takes it and the two of them look out at the raging storm.Dr. Burton: According to historical record, yes. No one knows why.Dr. Burton: A god? That's the current theory, anyway.Dr. Burton: When he found out the truth, he must have felt betrayed.Dr. Burton: But people started telling stories about you. Enough to wake you up.Dr. Burton: I wonder how much of the Foundation's success can be attributed to you.Dr. Burton: But then the story began to change. And, well, here's where we ended up. Do you remember your original name? When you were a god?Dr. Burton: That makes sense.Dr. Burton: Can I come with you?Dr. Burton: I thought you'd say that.Dr. Burton: I'd like that.Dr. Burton: I love you, too. They kiss. The last grain of sand in the hourglass falls. SCP-7891 is gone. End log. Dr. Burton: Wow.Dr. Burton: I feel empty. Like I'm the character in your story and I've really lost someone.Dr. Burton: So what happens next?Dr. Burton: Then it's probably time to conclude this interview.<End log.> I have heard, too, o king, that there was one other event in SCP-7891 that the Foundation considered worthy of their records: The night after the Foundation made their discovery of the strange record in the thirty-ninth room, when no one was present in the palace save for the SCP-7891-1 instances who were asleep, that the Foundation's eyes which remained in the halls witnessed a strange event. Although the thirty-ninth room had been thoroughly searched and there was no place for a man to hide, its door now opened and a man stepped into the hall. He was dressed in a manner similar to the Foundation's scholars. He made his way to the fortieth door and even though it was said to be locked, the door sprang open at his touch. He entered the room and closed the door behind him. Shahriyar said, “What a strange and mysterious story. Do you know any stories about birds?” “Yes,” she replied, and she began: Incident log 7891-1: On 11/7/23 several exclusionary sites reported a discrepancy in their records compared with the rest of the Foundation, suggesting that a CK-class reality-restructuring event had occurred. The only notable difference was that the exclusionary sites contained no record of Researcher Barmaki, one of the members of SCP-7891's containment team. The appearance of this discrepancy corresponds with Researcher Barmaki accessing SCP-7891. Since he shares a name with a character in SCP-7891, Researcher Barmaki has been detained pending an investigation. The Temporal Anomalies Department has assigned Agent Burton to determine whether Researcher Barmaki is a threat. This investigation is ongoing. Footnotes 1. Also known as The Thousand Stories or Arabian Nights and several other variations of these names. 2. SCP-7891 contains a character named D-77513, believed to be one of these “disposable class personnel.” 3. The Hijaz Mountains have been thoroughly explored, and no sign of the palace described here has been discovered. 4. The presence of forty rooms, and the contents described later in the document, resembles “The Third Kalandar's Tale,” a story present in most later versions of One Thousand and One Nights. 5. While personal details about members of the O5 council are classified, O5-5 has granted the SCP-7891 containment team permission to confirm that he does not, in fact, resemble a woman in her early 20s. 6. O5-5 has further emphasized to the SCP-7891 containment team that he is not, in fact, Shahrazad. 7. This sentence is in modern French in the original document. It translates to “I want to be O5 instead of the O5.” 8. Aside from One Thousand and One Nights none of the fictional works described on this list exist. Notably, in 1992 Disney released the animated film Ali-baba. « SCP-7890 | SCP-7891 | SCP-7892 »
!!! ATTENTION !!! The following document contains multiple unauthorised edits and uploads that may represent falsified or misleading information. Please disregard this document until it can be reviewed by a RAISA representative, or an automated rollback is initiated. Thank you for your cooperation. Item#: 7894 Level1 Containment Class: Safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: Dark Risk Class: Notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Due to the currently unconfirmed status of SCP-7894, and the estimated size of the affected area, all containment efforts are to be focused on archival of collected evidence for review. Any staff found spreading rumours involving SCP-7894 are reminded that sharing false information about an anomaly, regardless of how dangerous it is understood to be, may result in severe consequences. Description: SCP-7894 is an as of yet unproven phenomenon or entity hypothesised to be affecting the entirety of Site-61. SCP-7894 has been reported to manifest as typical 'poltergeist' activity, with SCP-7894 incidents including the movement or disappearance of items, inexplicable noises, and disembodied voices. These sounds have been reported to mimic speech, environmental noises, conversations, recordings, and even specific individual's voices. Those affected by SCP-7894 have also reported persistent feelings of being watched, but have stated they can't explain or identify a source. To date, SCP-7894 has not shown to cause any major disruptions on site. Staff have been encouraged to document potential evidence for SCP-7894 activity for research purposes. A partial list of various missing items attributed to SCP-7894 are as follows; - Seven phones of different models. - Three separate lightbulbs illuminating the East wing. - Over one-hundred mundane documents relating to security camera observations. - An entire lockbox filled with tape recordings. - Over thirty more classified reports relating to civilian and Foundation casualties. - The entire contents of the East wing's security room. - Fifteen security cameras across three offices. - One standard issue Foundation lab coat covered in crude drawings. It is not known how many items have been lost in total. While some misplaced items attributed to SCP-7894 may be the result of human error, the volume of missing materials seem to suggest anomalous activity. No trigger or discernible pattern for SCP-7894 occurrences has been discovered as of yet. Addendum 7894-1: Outbound Requests Due to the nature of SCP-7894 a number of requests have been made to replace lost equipment and documentation, as well as various requests for tools, staff, or other actions to be taken. All requests have been reviewed by acquisition staff on Site-61. Requests are as follows: Request Purpose Outcome Replacement Information Documents Replace all lost documentation due to SCP-7894's effects/staff error. Approved Replacement Security Equipment Replace all lost equipment due to SCP-7894's effects. Approved Shipment of Food Supplies Replace all provisions lost to SCP-7894's effects or consumed by staff. Approved Shipment of Heavy Weaponry Security purposes. Denied Assistance No reason given. Denied Extraction No reason given. Denied help No reason given. Denied N/A No reason given. Denied N/A No reason given. Denied It's noted that over 200 blank requests have been automatically denied and removed from the above record. Please avoid submitting blank requests in future. Thank you. (This is an automated message.) ALERT: UNAUTHORISED FILE DETECTED UNAUTHORISED FILE ACCESSED File 61-7894-31.10.22 AI sequence initiated. Parameters set. Parameters as follows: - Record all dictation given by Junior Researcher Hargreaves. - Record all ambient sounds and translate. - Highlight all dictation above typical speaking volume. - Record all dictation to file 'SCP-7894' upon conclusion. - Conclude dictation upon elapsed time of five minutes. Beginning Dictation. "Is this recording? Oh, awesome. Alright…" [Twenty seconds of silence.] "Sorry. Just trying to hype myself up for this." [Ten seconds of silence.] "Ok, my name is Junior Researcher Daniel Hargreaves. I am part of the team dedicated to researching SCP-7894's recorded 'poltergeist' activity and archiving it accordingly. Over the past several months we have had no major leads regarding the activity on site, and we are content to simply file it as a low risk anomaly." [Researcher Hargreaves shuffles in his chair.] "We weren't sure if it was anomalous to begin with but uh, it has definitely proven us wrong! The Director has even sent out a really important message every day as a reminder to report potential evidence, you know? But uh, s-some of the stuff we reported just made things more complicated." [Ten seconds of silence.] "In the end, we had to really be careful what was filed away. We could get in big trouble with our bosses if we filed the wrong thing or wrote something the wrong way. They're quite the sticklers here! If they decided you shared the wrong thing, or even shared too much, you could be terminated. And the others, God, before they all… made mistakes, they even tried filing personal mail as evidence. Letters to loved ones, requests for assistance, self termination letters. Y-you know, things like that? It didn't matter in the end though, they've all been… erased now." [Researcher Hargreaves begins to audibly sob.] "B-but anyway! The uh… th-the SCP in question has been keeping us all here around the clock! It- I mean the ones in charge just w-won't let us leave. Hours are long and, well, we all miss our families a lot. Including me. God I really do." [Researcher Hargreaves begins to sniff and continues crying.] "B-but I get it! Gotta keep these things contained no matter what, huh? Some of them, hoo boy they are… they are super dangerous. Like, if they got out? End-of-the-world type dangerous." [Researcher Hargreaves lets out a forced laugh. Light knocking can be heard at the door.] "So w-what we do, we do to keep the world s-safe! What I'm doing is to keep the world safe. Keep everyone safe. Keep Jacob safe." [Researcher Hargreaves voice begins to crack and waver] "I'm sorry, Jacob, I'm so s-sorry. I won't be able to take you out to see your s-sister this weekend. I won't be able to see Mr. Monocles again e-either. And I really wish I could see you, see you both, god, even just spend one more night together. Just to hear your voice, hear Monocles' little meows. Just to fall asleep in your arms one more time. Just us, our little happy family. Just one m-more t-time." [Researcher Hargreaves' sobs grow louder.] "Please just be happy o-ok? I love you so much. More than anything. M-more than… everything." [Researcher Hargreaves' can be heard crying for 20 seconds before breathing in sharply.] A-and, if any Foundation personnel are reading this right now as well, please, just know…" [Researcher Hargreaves breathes out slowly.] "… I'm so, so fucking sorry." [Researcher Hargreaves begins shouting.] "Do not come to Site-61! They can't be stopped! They can't be contained! They don't die!" [The knocking turns to loud banging as glass can be heard shattering.] "Information is the key! They know when you know! Don't let them spread! Don't look at them! Don't talk about them! Don't write about them! Please, just keep this place contained! Keep them contained! There's no one left! Don't send anyone here! I-" [A loud cracking and banging sound can be heard followed by voices matching multiple Site-61 staff shouting randomly constructed sentences and laughing.] "S-stay away from here! Just stay away! Please! St-" [A violent crackling sound is audible followed by wet splattering sounds and chewing noises. Voices can be heard whispering 'I'm sorry' repeatedly in Researcher Hargreaves' voice. Rustling is then heard before a sound similar to a child whispering 'Shh' is recorded, followed by abrupt silence.] [One minute of silence.] Dictation concluded. Uploading file. … … File uploaded. Site-61 Notice Site-61 Notice Site-61 Notice Good morning everyone! I hope you are all doing well. Just a friendly reminder to all staff to report any potential anomalous activity to your supervisors immediately. We all have our parts to play to ensure the safety of everyone on site! Remember the saying; 'If you see something, say something'. Nothing is as important to us as the safety of our staff. Have a great day! - Automated message, authorised by Director James Black. « SCP-7893 | SCP-7894 | SCP-7895 »
close Info X Author Page Pending Item #: SCP-78951 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Personnel assigned to SCP-7895 are to utilize a Foundation-created web crawler to search for keywords relating to SCP-7895 and report findings. Affected individuals are to be located and mnesticized Testing of affected individuals has revealed mnestic treatment to be ineffective, see Addendum 7895-T-1. In order to maintain an active record on affected individuals, notices are to be sent annually on the first day of June to all known affected individuals inviting them to a gathering on 25 June under the guise of a birthday celebration. Guest logs for these events are to be stored in Site-47's research library. Non-affected Foundation personnel will pose as event staff, caterers, and live entertainment. A team of D-Class personnel will function as event janitors under the direct supervision from Site-47 Lead Custodian Zachary Grant. Description: SCP-7895 is a dream of Fallon, Nevada, USA, (see Addendum 7895-A-2 for a complete description of SCP-7895). Individuals who experience SCP-7895 will have all memories of their early life, from birth to moving away from their hometown, erased and replaced with memories of being born on 25 June and raised in Fallon, Nevada by a strict-yet-loving family2. The amount of time an affected individual spent living in their hometown is directly related to the depth of the implanted memories. There have been no accounts of memories that occur prior to four years of age, and only two known affected individuals possess implanted memories up to and including their 25th birthday. Accompanying the erasure of memories and implanting of false memories is a desire to travel to Fallon in order to be "closer to home3." Interviews and research have revealed that this desire is not compulsory, and if an affected individual is incapable of relocating due to financial, physical, geographical, political, or religious reasons, then they will develop a passion for collecting memorabilia, such as photographs and books, about Fallon as mementos from home and samples of pyrite. In either case, SCP-7895 has no negative effect on the physical and mental health or wellbeing of affected individuals. It should be noted that affected individuals will openly reminisce about their memories with other affected individuals without incident. When asked if it was at all disconcerting to them to have met others with the same life history, they will often regard the interaction as an amusing coincidence. Addenda: Addendum 7895-A-1: Initial Discovery On 22 December, 2012, Site-47 personnel Research Assistant K. Chandler and Researcher T. Davis were overheard reminiscing about their childhoods in the town of Fallon, NV. The conversation was overheard by a member of the Foundation Inter-Site Human Resources Team who noted that this presented a major contradiction to Chandler's and Davis' personnel files. Human Resources Director's Assistant E. Holt initiated follow-up interviews4 which indicated that both fully believe that they had been born in, and grown up in, Fallon and have these memories despite our records indicating that Research Assistant Chandler was born and raised in Yonkers, New York, USA, and Researcher Davis was born in Twizel, New Zealand and raised in Perth, Australia. A selection of other personnel from Site-47 who also claimed to have grown up in Fallon, NV were questioned about their childhood. Out of the 240 questioned, 224 had shared childhood memories. Mentioned examples of implanted memories include: "I crashed my bike into a parked car just after getting my training wheels off and broke my wrist." 87.4% of interviewees share this memory. "I contracted chicken pox during childhood." 75.1% of interviewees indicate they've contracted chicken pox once. 63.9% of interviewees indicate they've contracted chicken pox twice. 60% of interviewees indicate they've contracted chicken pox three times. "I fell off the bleachers and dislocated my shoulder in fifth grade while trying to impress the boy/girl5 I had a crush on." 58.9% of interviewees share this memory. "In Junior High, I contracted shingles, of all damn things, which formed a scar pattern that resembles a scorpion biting its own stinger on my lower-left side. The scar has faded to nothing now." 53.4% of interviewees share this memory. "And that's when we/I left!" 99.6% of interviewees share this memory. 67.2% of interviewees indicate leaving in a plural form. 32.4% of interviewees indicate leaving in a singular form. See Addendum 7895-R-1 for a complete rundown of known memories, broken down by age, and the percentage of interviewed persons who share each memory. Addendum 7895-A-2: Narrative Description of SCP-7895 [Excerpt transcribed from interview with Site-47 Research Director T. Fox. For this interview, RD Fox voluntarily self-administered a small dose of Class X mnestic in order to have perfect recall of SCP-7895.] Well, let's see. It starts out with me, standing in the middle of an empty highway that cuts through town, and I'm facing east. On my right is a strip mall with a coffee shop at one end and a pizza joint at the other. On my left is the local telephone/internet company's main headquarters. On the sidewalks around me, there are silver-gold auras, and they're moving around. I start walking forward, and it's a good fifteen or twenty minutes before I reach Maine Street. Yeah, funny thing, that! It's ‘Maine' as in the state… maybe the city engineers had a sense of humor. Anyway, I turn to my right to look down the main strip. On the right is the oldest casino in town, and on the left is a pawn shop, computer repair place, coffee shop, movie theater, and so on. There are still no signs of life anywhere to be seen, but the silver-gold auras are here as well. I walk down the center of Maine toward the fountain. Beautiful fountain, too! Hah, I remember, a few months after graduation, me and a few friends filled the fountain with detergent! The next day, the thing foamed up so much that there was a wall of bubbles as high as the buildings! [At this point, RD Fox burst into laughter for half a minute.] Ah, you should have been there! [Research Assistant O'Toole prompted RD Fox to continue recounting the dream.] Shit, yeah. Sorry. So, I approach the fountain. The silver-gold auras seem to be gathering here around the fountain. Tied to the spigot of the fountain are three Mylar birthday balloons that read, "Happy 25th Birthday!" I can see my reflection in the balloons, and I seem to be emitting an aura similar to the auras around me. The plaque that hangs on the front retaining wall of the fountain is… open. Like it's the door of a hatch or something, and there's space behind it! I look inside, and sure enough, there's a ladder made of rebar leading down! [NOTE: SCP-7895 ends here for 75% of known affected individuals.] It's a tight squeeze, but I get in there and start descending the ladder. At the bottom of it is a room… like an office or a waiting room? All grey carpeting, white walls, and bright fluorescent lights. There are seven chairs lined up against the wall next to a pretty normal-looking door, and a small table between the fourth and fifth chair. Nobody in here, either. However, there's a framed photo from the 1910s or so of some miners looking up at a giant human male who was restrained in a dark cavern, and above the giant was an eel or a serpent of some kind. I can't remember exactly, but the giant looked like he was in a massive amount of pain and distress. Anyway, so I lie down across a few of the chairs and close my eyes. [NOTE: SCP-7895 ends here for ~25% of known affected individuals.] Suddenly, I hear a female voice say, "It sure is a nice night. Look at all the stars glisten and sparkle like flecks of pyrite in a vein of wolframite, just perfect as they are." I open my eyes, and I'm lying on the dirt next to a campfire, and there is a woman sitting in a wooden chair across the fire from me. She's dressed like an old-timey miner and has a bright, blue aura, and there's a lantern with red glass6 hanging from a hook on the arm of her chair. I say, "What?" She smiles and points up at the sky, and it's so dark overhead that, for a moment, it looks like we were in a cavern! When I look closer, I realize that the stars she's pointing at are all silver-gold auras! Suddenly, I feel something thump lightly against my chest. I reach for it and hold it up to look at it… and it's a piece of pyrite on a leather necklace! That's where the dream ended. Addendum 7895-A-3: Notable Excerpts of Interviews with Known Affected Individuals ▶ Samuel Wimley, DoB 04 AUG 1986 ▼ Samuel Wimley, DoB 04 AUG 1986 Date: 06 March 2016 Interviewer: Research Assistant Marvin O'Toole Interviewee: Samuel Wimley Interviewee Date of Birth: 04 August 1986 Interviewee Birthplace: Demorest, GA, USA RA O'Toole: Good afternoon. Please state your name, date of birth, and birthplace for our records. Samuel Wimley: Sure! My name is Samuel Douglas Wimley, born on June 25th, 1986, in Fallon, Nevada. RA O'T: The documentation you've provided indicates that your date of birth is August 4th. Is this a discrepancy on the part of Georgia's DMV System? SW: Haha, yeah. I've been trying to get that corrected for three years now. RA O'T: I take it this has been a considerable issue? SW: If by "considerable issue," you mean "massive pain in my ass," then yes. They're asking for my birth certificate now, and I can't give that to them because it's wrong, too! RA O'T: I'll see if our people can get this issue rectified for you, Sam. SW: Oh, really? You'd do that for me? [RA O'Toole nods.] Thank you, thank you! [Thirty minutes of extraneous footage expunged.] RA O'T: That's very interesting! So, let me ask you… what made you move back to Fallon? SW: Well, I wasn't happy living in Georgia. It almost felt like my soul had lost its shimmer, if that makes sense. I just wasn't happy being so far from home. ▶ Darren Reedy, DoB 29 FEB 1983 ▼ Darren Reedy, DoB 29 FEB 1983 Date: 13 May 2018 Interviewer: Research Assistant Marvin O'Toole Interviewee: Darren Reedy Interviewee Date of Birth: 29 February 1983 Interviewee Birthplace: Fort Worth, TX, USA RA O'Toole: Good morning. I apologize for the delay. Please state your na… Darren Reedy: You a Fed? You look like a Fed. RA O'T: I assure you, I'm not a Federal agent, sir. Now, please. State your na… DR: Nope. [Darren stands and walks toward the door.] I thought this was like, a documentary interview about Fallon. That camera isn't professional quality, and you're dressed like some kind of pencil-pushing bureaucrat. Plus, the Pizza Barn is doing a half-price buffet lunch, so… See 'ya. [Darren leaves the interview room.] [The intercom clicks.] Research Director T. Fox: Hey, pizza sounds good. Wanna go for a slice later, Marv? RA O'T: That sounds good, actually. [Following this interview, Research Assistant O'Toole informally requested to be removed from interviewing affected individuals. His reasoning was that he appeared "too professional" and mentioned that someone who appears more casual would be less likely to cause discomfort or distrust in future interviewees. RD Fox has approved this request and has assigned Research Assistant Blackwell to lead interviews from here on.] ▶ Petar Mihalache, DoB 19 JAN 1974 ▼ Petar Mihalache, DoB 19 JAN 1974 Date: 19 April 2019 Interviewer: Research Assistant K. Blackwell Interviewee: Petar Mihalache Interviewee Date of Birth: 19 January 1974 Interviewee Birthplace: Constanţa, Romania [Interview note: Translated from Romanian.] RA Blackwell: Good afternoon, Petar. Petar Mihalache: Good afternoon. RA B: Please state your name, date of birth, and birthplace for the record. PM: Yes. My name is Petar Mihalache. Born on 19 January, 1974, in Fallon, Nevada. RA B: Thank you. What brings you to Fallon? PM: I moved to Romania after my seventeenth birthday but found myself with a very empty feeling. However, I felt that it would be unsafe for me to travel given the inaccuracy on my passport. When I finally took my heart in my teeth7 to move back, it was quite easy. Now, being home, I find that the flame in my soul burns brighter than ever. RA B: What was inaccurate about your passport? PM: My birthplace. It was listed as Constanţa, Romania, but I was not born there. [Fifteen minutes of extraneous footage expunged.] RA B: So, who is your employer? PM: I work for the Crimson-Sash Mining Company in the tungsten mine north of town. RA B: I see. Very lucrative, I'd assume? PM: The money is satisfactory, but the benefit we provide to humanity is better. RA B: What do you mean? PM: The tungsten we mine is used in precision medical equipment. RA B: That does sound quite rewarding. PM: Rewarding. Quite so, given that our machinery is zero-emission. RA B: Zero-emission? Meaning what, exactly? PM: Meaning that the trucks, hammers, mills, and whatnot are not powered on fossil fuels. They just run. RA B: How? PM: By the power of the gods or something, I don't know! Look, I just work there as a miner and mill operator. I'm not a mechanic. [A proposal has been submitted for further investigation into GoI-945 ("The Crimson-Sash Mining Co.") in order to corroborate Petar's statements. Approval pending.] ▶ Spencer Holland, DoB 25 NOV 1995 ▼ Spencer Holland, DoB 25 NOV 1995 Date: 15 May 2020 Interviewer: Research Assistant K. Blackwell Interviewee: Spencer Holland Interviewee Date of Birth: 25 November 1995 Interviewee Birthplace: Fallon, NV, USA [Forty-five minutes of extraneous footage expunged.] RA Blackwell: You mentioned the that the fountain on Maine Street is important. Can you explain, please? Spencer Holland: Sure thing. It's one of the most powerful places in Fallon. Me and my crew of paranormal investigators suspect that there is a hidden crossing of ley lines right under the fountain! You might have heard of us? The Phantom Finders? [RA Blackwell shakes his head.] Oh. No worries. Anyway, the last time we set up our interference cameras, we detected something… odd. RA B: What was it? SH: Well, Jerry was given a new lens filter, and it was red. I figured there's no harm in giving it a shot, right? So, we installed it on the camera up on the roof of the Nugget, and we didn't see anything strange until nightfall. RA B: Come on, man. I'm conducting an interview, not watching a YouTube video. SH: Ope, sorry. I just get carried away sometimes. Anyway, when the sun went down, there were a bunch of, like, gold-ish lens flares! We compared the feed from that camera to the one set on the roof across the street, and we found that all the lens flares from the one camera were actually people! RA B: Fascinating. Can we see this video? SH: Sure! It's a Patreon exclusive, though. RA B: That sounds doable. [Requested funding for Patreon membership to The Phantom Finders has been approved. The mentioned video corroborates Mr. Holland's claim. Five days later, MTF-Y-47 obtained a sample of the lens and submitted the sample for chemical testing. See Addendum 7895-T-2 for results and further testing.] ▶ Thorgrima Tjorvidottir, DoB 25 June 1980 ▼ Thorgrima Tjorvidottir, DoB 25 June 1980 Two stones with Futhark Runes engraved, Naudiz (left) and Ansuz (right). Date: 25 June 2021 Interviewer: Research Director T. Fox Interviewee: Thorgrima Tjorvidottir Interviewee Date of Birth: 25 June 1980 Interviewee Birthplace: Kjøllefjord, Norway RD Fox: Good morning and happy birthday! Thorgrima Tjorvidottir: Yes, thank you. And happy birthday to you as well, friend. RD F: Thanks! So, why did you request this meeting today? TT: You and your team are investigating our dream. I wanted to let you know that you're likely looking in the wrong spot. RD F: Oh? How so? TT: [Translated from Norwegian: "One must not look too high, as the sun will be blinding. One must not look too low, as the dust will be stinging. One must look forever ahead, as there, even in darkness, the clearest path lies."] RD F: I'm sorry, I don't speak Norwegian. Care to translate? TT: It is an old saying. You will understand when your people transcribe our meeting, friend. Remember our dream… how our dream ends. RD F: Thorgrima, you're always so cryptic! TT: That is what everyone tells me. [Thorgrima stands and places two small stones on the table. Each is engraved with an Elder Futhark rune, "ᚾ" and "ᚨ". Thorgrima points three fingers at the first and two at the second, respectively. She then abruptly leaves the room. RD Fox uses his Foundation-provided digital camera and takes a photo of the two stones before sitting down and studying the stones in silence for forty-five minutes.] Addendum 7895-T-1: Log of Memory Restoration Treatments of Affected Personnel Amnestic and mnestic treatments were performed voluntarily on various affected personnel. For amnestic and mnestic classifications, please refer to the Proposal for the Classification of Synthetic, Non-Anomalous Amnestic Agents by Doctor [DATA EXPUNGED]. Name DoB [mm/dd/yyyy] Time of Erasure Treatment Method Notable Actions and Quotes during Testing Holloway, Janet 01/27/1991 17y 7mo Daily dose of Class D amnestic for one-month period "Am I glowing? I feel like I'm glowing!" Chandler, Katrina 04/06/1981 20y 3mo Twice-daily dose of Class D amnestic for one-month period "Save her. Must save her." O'Toole, Marvin 03/16/1986 13y 2mo Weekly procedure involving Class C amnestic for one-month period "It felt like you threw a bunch of tennis balls against a brick wall." Blackwell, Kevin 03/09/1989 22y 1mo Daily dose of Class X mnestic for one-month period "I've never felt so alone." Grant, Zachary 02/01/2001 18y 1mo Three-times daily dose of Class X mnestic in combination with weekly dose of Class A amnestic over three-month period "Fuckin' darkness surrounds me. Like that Metallica song!" Davis, Tamara 04/22/1993 15y 9mo Daily dose of Class X mnestic absorbed through skin via dimethyl sulfoxide patch affixed to left shoulder for one-month period "Trapped. It's been so long since I've felt joy." Lautner, Jason 12/16/1979 19y Thaumaturgic memory-restoration ritual performed once-weekly over one-month period "Hey, I think I know this one8!" Fox, Theodore 06/25/1980 25y Total isolation, zen meditation, and self-performed thaumaturgic ritual focused on targeted memory restoration for a total of three months RD Fox was observed carving "ᚾᚨᚾᚾᚨ" into the walls of his isolation chamber during treatment. "Mother had powers, servant of the Trickster. Inheritance is [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED]." Testing has revealed no permanent improvement resulted from use of amnestic or mnestic treatments. Addendum 7895-T-2: Lens Composition Testing and Further Usage Chemical analysis performed on the lens sample has revealed that it is comprised primarily of standard glass with a thin film of the following minerals applied to one side via thin-film deposition: Cinnabar, three parts Garnet, three parts Pyrite, two parts Magnetite, one part In order to replicate the result mentioned by Mr. Holland, but in a more portable form, researchers have applied the mixture via thin-film deposition to the following appliances. The following is a condensed log of successful applications and the accompanying results: One Foundation-issue Nikon DSLR camera, applied to lens — Photo taken of Site-47 personnel in the Fallon Convention Center courtyard at night during the 2020 annual birthday party for affected individuals. Photo revealed all personnel exhibited strong silver-gold auras in the resultant photograph. One shard of thin glass suspended over a lit candle — Junior Researcher Holloway and MTF-Y-47 Team Leader Constantin Laradeca exhibited subtle silver-gold auras which were visible to the naked eye. One carbide lamp, applied to reflector — Junior Researcher Holloway, Research Director Fox, and Research Assistant Blackwell exhibited strong silver-gold auras which were visible to the naked eye. Testing has tentatively concluded that the desired effect will only manifest via light which is not produced through electrical means. Addendum 7895-R-1: Current Timeline of Memories [This addendum has been condensed to include milestones and stand-out memories only. Copies of the full 39-page addendum are available to personnel by request.] Age Brief Description of Memory Percentage Shared 5y crashed bike / broke wrist 87.4% 10y fell off bleachers to impress crush9 58.9% 11y discovered minor thaumaturgic ability 9% 12y contracted shingles 53.4% 13y began serious relationship 53.1% 14y joined school sport10 51.8% 15y employed at local lumber yard11 48% 16y three friends involved in single-vehicle collision12 44% 17y dumped by long-time significant other13 40% 17y graduated high school 38% 18y poured detergent in town fountain 32% 19y worked under-the-table as a porter at Depot Casino 28% 20y arrested for underage drinking and DUI 18% 21y studied and performed memory-related thaumaturgic rituals 9% 22y completed rehab program 4% 23y decided to move to another town on day before 24th birthday .5% 24y moved to Hazen, NV for work in copper mines14 .01% 24y further studied thaumaturgy to gain promotion at work .0009% 25y company-sponsored birthday party at Fallon Nugget Casino .0006% 25y found entrance to caverns under Fallon after birthday party .0006% Addendum-7895-Z-1: MTF Investigation Notes [E-mail from Site-47 Research Director T. Fox to Site-47 Director A. Parrish requesting the dispatch of MTF-Y-47 ("The Lone Rangers") for an investigative survey of an abandoned dairy farm located 1.65 km southeast of the center of Fallon, NV.] 06/25/2021 - 21:35 Good evening Alex, I would like to formally request a survey be performed around the abandoned dairy farm located at [REDACTED] in order to find the entrance to a cavern system that may lead under Fallon, NV. Thorgrima and I were discussing the end of SCP-7895 at the party (that was an amazing performance of "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" by the way), and we've come to the conclusion that there must be some indication as to the origin of SCP-7895 under the town. We've searched around the fountain, and there wasn't a hatch like our dream indicated, but there has to be something. A recent earthquake toppled one of the old silos at that dairy farm on the southeast corner of town, and we think there may have been a landslide there. I know The Lone Rangers are likely quite busy, but it would be great if they could spare some time to check into this potential lead. If they are successful in locating an entrance to the caverns, I would like to be with them when they explore the caverns as I have extensive caving skills and would be a valuable asset. Subsequently, I would also like to request the use of the modified carbide lantern from our tests last year. The results yielded similar results to that of the Sash Lantern, and it may be able to lead us to something. Kindest Regards, RD Fox. 21 July, 2021: Team Leader Constantin Laradeca and three other members of MTF-Y-47 ("The Lone Rangers"), assisted by Foundation geologist Blake Lancaster, PhD, were tasked with surveying the former Westin Dairy farm and its surrounding areas. At approximately 2145, a small tunnel was located near the foundation of milk silo which had toppled over. According to Dr. Lancaster, the tunnel is a natural formation which was covered by a steel plate measuring 2x140x200cm. Recent seismological activity caused structural damage to the surrounding structures caused heavy debris to fall, damaging the steel plate and knocking it loose. The tunnel itself has been evaluated and was found to be stable. Upon initial investigation via Foundation-issued ResQ Corp recon drone, the tunnel ran forty meters and stopped at a vertical shaft. MTF-Y-47 cordoned off the abandoned farm in accordance to Protocol-44.5a ("Chemical Spill / Aerosolized Toxins") and placed a GPS tag on the location for future exploration. 28 July, 2021: Team Leader Constantin Laradeca, Agent M. Garrett, and Agent K. Mitchell of MTF-Y-47, assisted by Research Director T. Fox and civilian consultant on Norse Mythology Thorgrima Tjorvidottir, rappelled down the vertical shaft and explored the cave system. Following is a condensed transcript of the exploration footage from the body-worn camera on C. Laradeca. The complete exploration log is on-file in the Site-47 research library. <BWC-LARADECA, C.> <ACTIVATED-07/28/21-0517> 0519 [Fox, Garrett, Mitchell, and Tjorvidottir (hereafter referred to as "Tjor") are seen equipping caving and climbing gear. Fox, an experienced caver, is smoking a cigarette and explaining to Mitchell and Garrett that the temperatures underground may reach below freezing. Tjor is coiling a mass of climbing rope. The camera pans down to reveal the cave entrance. It is approximately 35cm tall by 90cm wide. An audible sigh is heard from Laradeca.] 0524 [Laradeca moves into the open tunnel first. The height of the tunnel remains consistent while the width narrows slightly. Scraping is heard as Laradeca pushes his way through. Ten meters into this tunnel at a downward slope, Laradeca comes to an area where he can get to his knees.] Laradeca: Shit, that was a tight squeeze. I'm through! Mitchell, you're next followed by Garrett. 0531 [Laradeca shines his flashlight into the entrance tunnel. The top of Mitchell's helmet can be seen. His head is turned sideways as to not allow his helmet to become lodged. As Mitchell comes through, Garrett, Fox, and Tjor follow in a similar fashion.] 0540 [The party reaches the edge of the vertical shaft. Fox instructs everybody to take a step back and shut off their lights. They all comply while he activates the carbide lamp using its built-in striker. In the glow, Mitchell and Tjor are in frame and begin to exhibit a bright, silver-gold aura. Fox then turns and points the lamp over the vertical shaft and reveals a bright orange directional marker, suspended above the shaft, indicating downward.] Fox: As expected, the lamp is now functioning similarly to the Sash Lantern. If my theory is correct, we simply have to follow these markers. Tjor: Strange. Fox, I think I've seen something like this before in the Crimson Sash copper mine near Hazen. Laradeca: [sigh] Yep. This is exactly like the lantern we picked up in the Ruby Mountains back in '13. Good guess, Fox! 0559 [Fox and Tjor set climbing anchors into the surrounding rock. Mitchell points out that previous groups had left anchors in the rock.] 0631 [The party descends into the vertical shaft. Garrett stays behind as a safety point. At the floor of the shaft, Fox uses the carbide lamp to light a cigarette and then moves the lantern to find the next directional marker. Tjor crouches down to examine the debris left here.] Tjor: [Holding up a highly oxidized tin of pipe tobacco, likely from the 1930s. The paint on the tin is mostly gone, but what's left reveals a bald man dressed in Victorian-era clothing. Tjor speaks in a lisping, clownish voice.] Excuse me, but do you have Prince Albert in a can? You DO? Well, you'd better let him out! Fox: Wa-HA, wa-HA, wa-HA! [Laradeca and Mitchell begin laughing.] Mitchell: Ah, fuck. I love that movie! <EXTRANEOUS FOOTAGE EXPUNGED> 0749 [The camera pans across an expansive chasm with thin stone ledges jutting from the edge which form rudimentary steps downward. A directional indicator points at a diagonal angle, parallel to the steps. Fox fishes a glowstick out of his pocket, activates it, then drops it onto the stone steps. The glowstick bounces down seventeen steps then drops to the floor of the chasm. Fox carefully puts his weight on the stone ledge. It holds his weight.] Fox: Alrighty, y'all. One at a time, and slowly. Mitchell: I'll stay here as a safety point. Laradeca: Gotcha. If you hear screams, go running back to the vert shaft and instruct Garrett to call for help. 0751 [The camera follows Fox and Tjor as they descend the steps, following the directional markers. At the bottom, the camera pans to show that the chasm extends in both directions. On the floor of the chasm is a cart rail with a rusted minecart full of ore.] <EXTRANEOUS FOOTAGE EXPUNGED> 0820 [Fox is seen directly ahead, looking at a directional indicator pointing in the direction they are traveling in. Tjor is examining "miner's graffiti", a term used to denote markings and messages left by miners on the walls, typically using carbide lamps to create lampblack soot. She is standing directly in front of these markings, obscuring them from view.] Laradeca: Hey, what'd you find? [Laradeca begins walking toward Tjor.] Tjor: [Not looking away from the markings.] Someone wrote a phrase in Old Norse here, "The suffering of the Trickster reshapes the stone." [She turns toward Laradeca.] In Norse mythology, the only being I know of that would be referred to as such is … [Thump.] Laradeca: Fu… [Laradeca falls forward and lands on the mine rails. The BWC makes solid contact with the left-hand rail, resulting in a crack along the top of the lens. Laradeca slowly stands. Fox and Tjor run to him to see if he's alright. No sound is audible, likely due to the impact damaging the BWC's microphone. Laradeca gestures downward then turns toward the opposite direction, revealing a large chunk of black, crystalline ore resting on the rails. He raises a middle finger to it. After some discussion, the three continue on.] <BATTERY COMPARTMENT DAMAGED> <CHECK FAN> 0953 [They continue following the markers for the next hour without incident, following cart rails.] <CHECK FAN> <SYSTEM OVERHEAT IMMINENT> 1059 [The directional indicator immediately ahead is seen pointing up. Laradeca tilts his BWC upward to reveal that the indicator is pointing directly into solid rock. Fox is speaking to Laradeca. Tjor moves past Fox and says something, pointing at the indicator as it re-orients and points behind her. NOTE: According to a member of personnel skilled in reading lips, it was determined that she said, "I remember now. It's this way." They follow for forty meters and come to a metal grate embedded into the surrounding rock, blocking the passage forward. The grate is highly oxidized, and there is a hole in it large enough to fit an arm through. Laradeca moves up to the grate, removes his BWC from its mount, and holds it through the hole in the grating revealing an immense void of darkness. From a distance, a small, red light is seen next to larger blue light. On the other side of the red light, a silver-gold light flickers momentarily.] Unknown female voice: Stand back, please. I wouldn't want any of you to be injured. [Laradeca, Fox, and Tjor take a few steps backward. As they do, the grate begins emitting light and sparks as it melts into a puddle of slag on the ground.] Unknown female voice: Step through, friends, and make yourselves known. [As they move into this expansive cavern, the blue light moves toward the red light, and the silver-gold aura flickers and is no longer visible. Laradeca moves to the front of the group and approaches the blue light which is revealed to be the form of a human or humanoid female of giant stature dressed as a miner. She sits down on a chair made of large timbers, likely raw pine trunks, and is seen smiling.] Unknown female voice: I see you have a device similar to the lamp that was gifted to me by friend, Jamie Short. I would introduce you to her, but she placed her lifeforce inside the lamp in order to let me see. <CHECK FAN> <SYSTEM OVERHEAT IMMINENT> [Tjor approaches the blue light and drops to her knees. Her shoulders begin to shake. The blue light places its left hand on Tjor's right shoulder and gestures upward with her right hand. A silver-gold aura flickers into existence approximately three meters from Fox. This aura has a vaguely humanoid shape.] Unknown female voice: It sure is a nice night. Look at all the stars glisten and sparkle like flecks of pyrite in a vein of wolframite, just perfect as they are. [Laradeca tilts his BWC upward. As the view pans, a bright flash of light is seen as Fox takes a photo of the lantern hanging from the massive chair. In the darkness above, many silver-gold lights are seen moving about at various speeds.] Unknown female voice: It had been so dark for so many years. For a while, the miners would visit and chat with me, but one day, they installed the metal wall you passed through and stopped visiting. They trapped me here and were stealing my joy to power their machines. That day, I thought my joy had died. That was until Jamie visited and told me of a way that I could feel joy again by seeing. She spent several days with me, sharing stories of happiness and joy and sorrow and loss. As she told me these stories, I watched as the joy in her soul grew brilliant to the point that it shined and sparked like pyrite being struck by iron. At the end of those days, she said that she wanted to give me a gift… the gift of more joy, and more lights. She said that more lights will be drawn here as a result of her sacrifice. Oh, how I adore those lights, especially when they gather in clusters. Once a year, I see them gather over in that direction [The blue light gestures into a segment of darkness.], and they glow ever brighter. Every year, as Jamie promised, more lights come to that gathering. One day… when I am able to free myself from this void, I would like to attend that gathering. <C*%CK_F N> <CRI%@$)L F))LU<@ IM%#*EN*> [Laradeca pans his BWC back down to the blue light. Fox is seen standing next to it, looking up toward its face. Tears are streaming down into his beard. Tjor is now lying on her side, crying. The blue light takes a seat on its chair and smiles.] EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN Addendum-7895-Z-2: Excerpt from After Action Report Laradeca: After my BWC died, we spoke with the giant entity for several hours about our lives on the surface, different types of music, celebrations, and technological advances made throughout the hundred-plus years she had been trapped down there. As the giant entity is self-containing, we agreed to not initiate ConProcs at this time. However, we have agreed to meet with her twice a year to check up on her and reassess the potential need for containment. Laradeca: We made our way out of the cave system without incident, but I did take a chunk of that damned rock I tripped over. Addendum-7895-Z-3: Description of Photograph Taken by RD Fox An unremarkable, modern kerosene lantern with red-tinted glass. Riveted to the fuel tank is a chromium plate which is inscribed, "Cast thy light! Truly, the pyrite we shall seek is not that of the mineral we delve but of the human soul in happiness." Certain letters, as noted in the transcription, are stained with red ink. ▶ Footnotes ▼ Footnotes Footnotes 1. This is a test. Testing. Testing. Okay, it seems to work now. This is Site-47 Technical Director Jason Lautner testing out modification FDS-7895 on our Footnote Dictation Service. Per Research Director Fox's request, footnotes on this documentation will show the title, name, and date of birth on record for personnel who utilize this service to verbally transcribe footnotes. FDS-[TECH DIR. J. LAUTNER. DoB 16 DEC 1979] 2. The erasure and subsequent coo-oor implanting of memories has been colloquially named 'Fallonization' by oor-coo-corr personnel, including affected personnel, assigned to SCP-7895. FDS-[SCP-4287 P. PIGEON ESQ. DoB UNKNOWN] 3. Among affected individuals interviewed, this was mentioned as the most common reason for relocating to Fallon. FDS-[JUNIOR RESEARCHER J. HOLLOWAY. DoB 27 JAN 1991] 4. Complete record and notation of the interviews is available by request to the current Human Resources Director's Assistant. FDS-[HR DIR'S ASSISTANT E. HOLT. DoB 23 SEPT 1965] 5. School crush is either Rachel Ann Rhodes or Richard Alex Rhodes depending on the sex and sexual orientation of the affected individual. The gender identity of the affected individual has no bearing on this specific memory. Rachel and Richard were fraternal twins, born on 04 July 1980 in Fallon, NV. FDS-[RESEARCH ASSISTANT M. O'TOOLE. DoB 16 MAR 1986] 6. RD Fox may be referring to an anomalous object similar to SCP-4359. FDS-[SITE DIR. A. PARRISH. DoB 14 OCT 1971] 7. This is a traditional Romanian phrase meaning, "to gather courage." FDS-[RESEARCH ASSISTANT K. BLACKWELL. DoB 09 MAR 1989] 8. Tech Dir. Lautner's personnel file does not indicate a background in thaumaturgy. FDS-[HR DIR'S ASSISTANT E. HOLT. DoB 23 SEPT 1965] 9. Man, that was embarrassing, and he didn't even notice! FDS-[JUNIOR RESEARCHER J. HOLLOWAY. DoB 27 JAN 1991] 10. Combined aggregate percentage between males [football], females [soccer], and trans/non-binary [football / soccer / tennis]. FDS-[RESEARCH DIRECTOR T. FOX. DoB 25 JUN 1980] 11. Seven bucks an hour didn't seem so bad at the time! FDS-[RESEARCH ASSISTANT K. BLACKWELL. DoB 09 MAR 1989] 12. Two were DOA, Rachel Ann Rhodes and Richard Alex Rhodes. Third, Timothy Ian Rhodes, suffered minor injuries. Sources have confirmed this event happened on 21 August, 1996. When police questioned Timothy about the accident, he indicated that the three of them were driving home from visiting their grandmother in Fernley, NV. Shortly after the accident, the Rhodes family relocated to Missouri and went off-the-grid. On a personal note, I envy the forty-five-percenters for not having to live through this experience. FDS-[RESEARCH DIRECTOR T. FOX. DoB 25 JUN 1980] 13. In favor of the captain of the Barracuda Swim Team. Fuck him, seriously! Bastard stole my girl! Uooh, look at MEEEEE! I'm a BARRACUDAAA! UOOOH! I'm soooo FUCKing SPECI… shit, the transcriber is on? Great, I don't even know how to era… FDS-[SITE-47 LEAD CUSTODIAN Z. GRANT. DoB 01 FEB 2001] 14. Employer was GoI-945 ("The Crimson-Sash Mining Co."). FDS-[RESEARCH DIRECTOR T. FOX. DoB 25 JUN 1980] « SCP-7894 | SCP-7895 | SCP-7896 »
Item #: SCP-7896 Object Class: Safe Neutralized Archived Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7896's orbit is to remain unaltered until the conclusion of Researcher Glacier's reconnaissance mission. SCP-7896's orbital velocity is exponentially decelerating, and the object will collide with its star, Salimus Prime in two to three years, S.C.S.T. Prevention of the discovery of SCP-7896 by intelligent, space-faring civilizations falls under the direct jurisdiction of the Galactic Foundation. Per Ethics Committee accords, only non-lethal force is to be used to prevent the discovery of SCP-7896 from unauthorized parties. As SCP-7896 will be destroyed by Salimus Prime within three years S.C.S.T., actions to indefinitely conceal the anomaly's presence from sapient organisms is unnecessary. The removal of Calvin Glacier from the Orthagonal Quantum Superposition located within SCP-7896 is a Rho Level Priority. Description: SCP-7896 is an artificial megastructure orbiting the star Salimus Prime in the Plastic Galaxy. It is comprised of a highly reflective, anomalously durable material of unknown origin, although the design of the non-reflective shell of SCP-7896 is reminiscent of post-Etherian War Sarian architecture. SCP-7896. When viewed, SCP-7896 displays iterations of the viewer(s) from alternate timelines and realities, typically showing favorable outcomes for the viewer. This may include individuals being shown realities where their planet of origin is in a more favorable, economicly sound state, or perhaps showing the individual achieving great measures of political influence, for example. The exact mechanic behind what SCP-7896 displays, or how what is displayed changes, is unclear. User desire for favorable situations is hypothesized to influence SCP-7896, although this cannot be confirmed. At any point, individuals viewing SCP-7896 may make physical contact with the anomaly and step through the reflective surface into the alternate reality. At that point, SCP-7896 will cease to function temporarily, and the viewer will not be seen in any alternate reality in the future. Following Incident 7896.01, the current theory is that individuals who enter SCP-7896 are transported to the Orthagonal Quantum Superposition, where they exist in all possible alternate realities displayed by SCP-7896 simultaneously. Documented Discoveries: SCP-7896 was discovered on 8 December 2403 S.C.S.T1 by Galactic Foundation Researcher Calvin Glacier. Researcher Glacier was observing the waning radial arm of the Plastic Galaxy using the improved James Webb Space Telescope when he noticed an irregular light pattern emanating near Salimus Prime. Upon closer inspection, Researcher Glacier confirmed that SCP-7896 had existed before the construction of the Foundation's intergalactic star maps, although he could not decipher what civilization had constructed it, or how it had remained unnoticed until now. He submitted a research request to the O5 Council and, following approval, began documentation. Researcher Glacier was allotted six months S.C.S.T. to research and document SCP-7896 for the safety of himself as well as the crew he was assigned. He was assigned two additional co-pilots who were knowledgeable with Sarian warp drives technology, although Researcher Glacier departed before either could board the transportation vessel. Researcher Glacier would remain orbiting Salimus Prime for three years S.C.S.T. despite multiple orders from O5 Command to return, until Incident 7896.01. His research notes have been attached below. Dec. 15 2403 How could anyone not have noticed this before? It's a mirror. That's all that it is, a giant, monstrous mirror floating around a neighboring galaxy. It took well over two hundred years for civilian tech to chart out the Milky Way, and it took the Foundation even less time to chart the rest of the universe with the Animus. And yet, somehow, someway, in the two hundred years following that, no one ever noticed a megastructure practically built on top of a star. Makes me wonder if we were being lazy, or if someone didn't want us to find this thing. Based on my calulations, it's going to be a few years before the whole anomaly crashes into the sun. I can't exactly tell what material it's made of from here, but it looks ancient, maybe even pre-humanity, definitely post-Etherian War. The angles are too sharp, too direct, too angry to be anything else. I'd recognize the patterns anywhere. The Salimus Prime solar system is dead dead. I've looked at every planet, every little moon floating around out there, every comet and every asteroid, and there is not a single sign of life, living or deceased. There could be fossil records somewhere beneath the surface though. I'll see if the O5 will let me take a recon star skipper out with a small team. Haven't gotten my hands dirty in a while. Maybe you'll will join me, Katalina. One last "hoo-rah" into an alien world. Might even win you back. Science is no place for emotion. 1 January 2404 Recon and basic experimentation was approved, and they even gave me a small crew of fifteen. Not sure why that surprises me. Maybe it was how fast the O5 responded, or the amount of test subjects they gave me for experimentation. Real mixed bag of organisms there, anything that's sentient enough to have any sort of semblence to human emotion is ripe for the taking. I've selected five in total: a Sandariate from the Kahron III Expanse, an Etherian from Sagittarius A, an Etruscan from the Jibular Nebula, and two very specific humans from Earth. I ran the decision about the humans by the Ethics Committee and they gave me the greenlight. Personal drama aside, those two candidates are particularly good for this type of mission I feel. One, a soulless monster capable of bringing great heartache on the people who try to love her. The other is a replacement, taking the stand where I used to be. The place where I should be now, with my children, living together as a cohesive family unit. I'm particularly curious as to what the anomaly will do in their case. Maybe I'll send them in together, as if they know how to be apart from one another. I'll try not to let my emotions get in the way of my decision making. No one else on the crew knows how to use the Sarian warp drives but me apparently. Small issue, I'm sure. I'll have to figure out something before we head back, god forbid something terrible happens. 15 August 2404 We finally arrived at the outpost in Salimus Prime. We're close enough to the anomaly that we can see it with the naked eye, but far enough away from the star to avoid getting sucked into it entirely. The rotational speed of Salimus Prime is, quite literally, astronomical. By my calculations it's spinning four times faster than Sol, and is at least four times as large. Fluctuations in the gravitational sensors on the star skipper make maintaining orbit in the Goldilocks zone incredibly difficult, and we will have enough quantum synaptic resonating gel to orbit this star for three years S.C.S.T. Factoring in expenditure for the test subjects' return trip from the anomaly, as well as the trip back, we really only have enough fuel to stay in orbit for about twenty Earth months. Gotta work fast. 20 August 2404 The mirror's orbital speed seems to be falling at a steady pace. There will be enough time to conduct research and run plenty of tests, at least by my approximation. I hope that my math is as good as I think it is. The Sandariate was the first to take the voyage to SCP-7896. They seemed almost eager to risk their life for the sake of science. If only we could all be so naive. Calculating the amount of time it took the Sandariate to reach SCP-7896, compared to any of the initial probes we sent upon de-warping here, proves that the anomaly's orbital velocity is less than the speed needed to remain unaffected by the Salimus Prime's gravitational pull. In layman's terms; SCP-7896 is crashing into the star. By my estimate it will be vaporized by the time we have to return. Guess the stars really aligned there, huh, Katalina? I observed the Sandariate approach the anomaly in one of the escape pods through the observation deck. I could almost see its many arms wriggling around in the pod on the way there. It might have been protesting or perhaps scared, but my knowledge on extra terrestrial communication is severely lacking. Doesn't really matter, though, the science has to get done one way or another. I almost feel bad. Almost. When the Sandariate was within astronomical spitting distance of the mirror, the mirror began to change and the escape pod stopped moving completely. The mirror, SCP-7896, was no longer reflecting natural surfaces like it had been up to this point. It began to show scenes from Galactus Omega, a forsaken world on the Outer Rim plagued by war and radioactive fallout. Only instead of a barren wasteland of irradiated creatures and ruins like how the planet is in baseline reality, the versions shown on SCP-7896 were different. There were lush forests filled to the brim with undocumented extraterrestrial, biomechanical life. Birds with chainsaws for beaks, deer with headlights for eyes. Things that fit the aesthetic I've come to know about the Sandariate civilization. Industrial, mechanical, and cruel. But the things the anomaly were showing were symbiotic, harmonious even, instead of the miasma of smog and poison that we can observe on Galactus Omega in baseline reality. The tall, contorting buildings constructed out of dead machine-men and synthetic immitations of natural resources were absent entirely. Every scene, every moment, every flicker in time the mirror showed the Sandariate lacked the death and destruction of the natural world that occurredover the last thousand years. I did not understand what the Sandariate was saying to the intercomms, but I do understand crying when I hear it. Eventually the mirror stopped showing different moments in time and stayed on one particular instance, I assume one of great significance to the Sandariate. The mirror showed a location overlooking a clifface during a green sunset. I could see the silhouettes of great, biomechanical whale-like creatures breaching the surface of the ocean of oil. The mechanical roots of the nearby trees twisted and gnarled over the edge, forming a strange pattern. The roots were pulsating, and the Sandariate continued to cry. Despite engaging the manual override from the base at this point, the escape pod continued to move toward the anomaly. Extrernal sensors failed to indicate any sort of tractor beam pulling the escape pod in, and the pod's own controls were not being used. The Sandariate approached the mirror and, right after making physical contact, vanished. The anomaly continued to exhibit its expected behavior after that. I do not know what happened to the Sandariate. 30 September 2404 The Etherian was the second in the line of test subjects I had amassed. This one was tall by comparison to its species, about half a meter in height, and it was missing a few arms and eyes. From what little I know of Etherian language, I could piece together that this one participated in the Etherian War at a young age, probably toward the end. A former child soldier, to put a human perspective on it. I worry that the Etherian will be lost to SCP-7896, but there is no place for emotions in science. The escape pod proved to be a viable vessle during the last test, so I elected to use another one again. There are three left, not counting this one. Enough for the experiements, and for me and a few crew members to make it back home should things go awry. I hope you don't get any ideas, Katalina. As the Etherian approached the anomaly, several of the same events took place. Its velocity was terminated instantly, the manual override was overridden, and the Etherian began expressing a whole swathe of emotions as the mirror began to change. Close approximations to guilt, shame, anger, if I had to guess. The mirror showed a planet orbiting Saggitarius A, the Etherian homeworld of Xanatan, in what must have been thousands of years before the War. The diminuitive stature of the Etherians was made even more apparent by the mountains that had yet to be colonized. The wilds of Xanatan were untamed, and the Etherians were reduced to a tribal state, one without conflict or neutrino bombs or plasma rifles. A world too simple to handle the strife that would come a milennia after this moment. A world at peace. The mirror changed significantly less for the Etherian than it did for the Sandariate, only a handful of times rather than hundreds. Still, eventually the mirror stopped changing and settled on one particular scene that met whatever requirements the Etherian had set. The scene showed Xanatan from above, taking place somewhere in high orbit but sub-outer space. The Dyson sphere around Sagittarius A was missing, as were the many, many space stations they used for conducting research on Sarian war tactics and weaponry. There was only one interstellar warp gate in orbit, and by the rust and erosian it seemed defunct. The planet itself was whole, unlike how it is in baseline, and the atmosphere was the right shade of red. The ring of dead bodies orbiting the planet was gone, like it had never been there in the first place. I often wonder what was going through the Etherian's head when it passed through the mirror. 31 October 2404 There are times, Katalina, that I wonder if things would have worked out different between us. I wonder if I had just been more of what you needed, if I had changed or made you happy, that you wouldn't have left and broken my heart. I wonder if there is some alternate timeline where things did pan out between us and we're both happy at the Foundation because we have each other. All those years of abuse would have been erased. All the fun times would have been erased too. Do you think I deserve a do-over? I think I do. I still love you, despite everything. I want to try again. You should want that too. 19 December 2404 The mirror's orbital speed is dropping exponentially. It will collide with the surface of the Salimus Prime and be destroyed soon. The Etruscan had a tougher time adjusting to the tangiblity of the escape pod, but once we were able to convince it through a serious of elaborate "touch tests", it was able to take the journey without effort. I'm grateful for your help, Katalina, but you didn't seem to care much for converstation with me at all. Too busy with Alec Riktor to talk to me. That's fine. Perfectly fine. Science is no place for emotion anyway. The mirror showed the Jibular Nebula as it had been the last time I saw it with my own eyes. Serene and peaceful, filled with supernovae and quasars. The Etruscan seemed delighted at the sight, and the mirror changed even less for it than it did the Etherian. The luminant substance beneath the Etruscan's exterior shell began to glow a range of indescribable colors, and the tangibility exercise we performed seemed to have worn off. SCP-7896 changed three times before the Etruscan phased through the exterior of the escape pod and floated toward the anomaly on its own accord. The last I saw of the Etruscan, the mirror had showed it the Jibular Nebula being destroyed in the wake of a massive supernova, spewing the gaseous material that it was made of across space almost indefinitely. Etruscan consciousness merged with one another in a fiery miasma of stardust and radiation. Is that what the mirror shows? Those alternate timelines I was talking about? One where the viewer is happy with themselves, or perhaps their circumstances? I'll have to examine the data from the previous test subjects with this lens in mind, but I have a running theory for now at least. There's one way I can test that theory for certain though. I hope you and Alec are up for the task. 14 February 2405 You and Alec were not as cooperative as I wanted you to be. You protested and thrashed and fought me every step of the way till the synaptic dampener kicked in, and then you were more agreeable. It'll wear off by the time you get to SCP-7896 though. I need your senses intact. For science, of course. When you arrived within orbit of the anomaly, you were scared. You told me so through the comms, and I could see it on your stupid fucking faces. Why couldn't you have been this scared when you shattered my heart and left it to die? Why didn't you cry when you gave the heart that I so tenderly cared for and warmed for years to another man? You were holding each other dearly as the escape pod approached. You knew what was coming, and so did I. At least I was far enough away to watch the show from the comfort of my own space station. We are going to learn so much, together. I should thank you, Katalina, for breaking my heart. I wouldn't have had the motivation for this level of scientific research otherwise. Your communication skills really facilitated the research process. Your screams have been recorded and documented for this project. But then the mirror activated, and didn't change. Not once. I heard you calming each other down before you both decided to look through the window at the anomaly. It showed you Earth, your house. The one you bought together in the Catskills in upstate New York. You remember the place, surely. You raised Alec's kids there with him after his wife left. You were happy there, together, far away from me. It showed you all sitting at the dinner table, you, his two kids, and him. He'd just finished making you all dinner and you were laughing about something. The Galactic Foundation badge hung proudly on each of your outfits. Your children had no idea what it meant, and they never would because you stopped wearing them a little after this moment. You told me as much at work, that the kids were asking too many questions. You did a little mind rewriting, if I recall correctly. You sick, pathetic fuck. Why does he get to be happy with you and I don't? What does he have that I don't? Why did you willingly go into the mirror with him, when you could have stayed here and been safe and alive and happy with me? The anomaly is literally crashing into the fucking sun and- Why don't you love me anymore? Incident 7896.01: The following incident occurred on 25 February 2405 S.C.S.T. Event was observed from Observation Station Signus 2, orbiting the star, Orion. Despite the on-site staff's protests regarding Researcher Glacier's participation in SCP-7896 experimentation, as he was the only person capable of successfully navigating the reconnaissance station to Earth using warp-drives, Researcher Glacier boarded an escape pod. He then piloted the escape pod to SCP-7896 moments before it collided with the surface of Salimus Prime. Update: Shortly after Researcher Glacier attempts to establish physical contact with SCP-7896, Salimus Prime began to undergo rapid nuclear fusion, heating up exponentially within seconds. The star went critical and exploded, destroying nearby planets and displacing the reconnaissance space station. Attempts to recover the crew of the reconnaissance space station are on-going. The following log was recorded during Researcher Glacier's flight. <Begin Log> Researcher Glacier: My name is Calvin Glacier, interstellar researcher of the Galactic Foundation. I've run four tests using sentient and sapient subjects in order to understand the anomalous properties of SCP-7896. I now believe that I have the knowledge necessary to take an impromptu expedition into the anomaly, into a location I have temporarily named the Orthagonal Quantum Superposition. The OQS, if you would. There is turbulance as Researcher Glacier passes a nearby planet. Researcher Glacier: The OQS is a series of alternate realities that SCP-7896 presents to viewers through some anomalous method I don't quite understand. It shows you what you want to see, different versions of what you want to see. When you find one that you like, you enter through the mirror by touching it. Once that happens, you're in the OQS proper, assumed to live out your life with your memories in tact but in a whole new alternate reality. The cockpit of the escape pod become illuminated as Researcher Glacier draws nearer to SCP-7896. He equips a pair of UV-resistant sunglasses before continuing. Researcher Glacier: The Sandariate saw its homeworld before it was destroyed by the rapid onset of machine integration and capitalism. It saw a world free of pollution and corruption, one where natural machines were integrateed into the planet, rather than artificial machines destroying the ecosystem. Researcher Glacier equips a UV radiation resistant flight suit. Researcher Glacier: The Etherian saw a world long before the war, long before the weapons and technology they used to start the war were ever concieved. It saw its world at peace, something I believed that it longed for. Researcher Glacier equips a space helmet. SCP-7896 can be observed through the escape pod's exterior cameras starting to illuminate due to the metal shell melting. Researcher Glacier: The Etruscan saw a world of gas, one where it was free of the hard shell that contained its inner essence. It saw unity and peace, and happiness for all members of its race. One where the collective Etruscan consciousness took over the galaxy. Researcher Glacier moves to the escape pod exit hatch. SCP-7896 makes contact with the Salimus Prime. The surface of SCP-7896 begins to alter, showcasing an isolated house in a forested area on Earth similar to the location shown during the final test. Researcher Glacier can be observed within SCP-7896, standing beside Katalina. They appear to be holding hands and wearing matching rings on their ring fingers. Researcher Glacier: And you saw a world without me in it. Researcher Glacier exits the escape pod as twenty percent of SCP-7896's total mass melts into the Salimus Prime. The image shown on SCP-7896 becomes distorted but is still distinguishable. Researcher Glacier activates the jet propeller on the suit, moving him toward SCP-7896 rapidly. Researcher Glacier: Why couldn't you just be happy with me? <End Log> Footnotes 1. System Collective Standardized Time « SCP-7895 | SCP-7896 | SCP-7897 »
Rab333 Horseeeeeey! Also, more stuff by me! Item#: 7897 Level4 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: Neutralized Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: caution link to memo SCP-7897, image processed by Theremin.aic. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7897 is neutralized and requires no special containment procedures, though the other anomalous effects of SCP-7897-1 and SCP-7897-2 are still present. Any individuals learning about the true nature of engines produced by Ford Motor Company are to be administered Class-B amnestics. Description: SCP-7897 is an anthropomorphic member of the species Equus caballus (common horse) also known as "Henry Ford", a business magnate best known for being the founder of Ford Motor Company. SCP-7897 possesses strong memetic properties which makes it appear as a non-anomalous human, although usage of .aic memetic scrambler devices has been deemed helpful in showing the true appearance of SCP-7897. SCP 7897-1 is categorized as any Ford Motor Company internal combustion engine built after 1896. While being seemingly non-anomalous at first glance, SCP-7897-1's combustion chamber houses microscopic members of the Equus caballus1 species proportional to the estimated horsepower of the ICE2 designated by SCP-7897-1, which can reach or surpass normal expectations of motors of similar power, despite physical limitations. SCP-7897-2 instances have varied ages, ranging from young foals to older horses. There is also a large variety of breeds stored in each motor, though these two factors do not affect the overall efficiency of the motor. When viewed under a microscope, SCP-7897-2 instances can be seen running on contraptions similar to hamster wheels. These instances subsist purely on a diet of gasoline. Prolonged periods of malnutrition causes instances to enter a state of suspended animation for up to three years before death. If enough SCP-7897-2 instances die, the motor will cease functioning, which is attributed to overuse and age. Addendum 7897.1 DISCOVERY LOG During a routine maintenance checkup on the 1974 Ford Mustang of Doctor Tiber, a small, handwritten note was found to be lodged between the valves and cooling water jacket of the motor.3 Below is a transcript of the note: Tiber, pure of heart. Heed our call, and save us from this wretched abyss; I and my men of the equine have managed to stave off the heat of the barred walls and smoke fume of the chambers we are contained in as unjust punishment to contact you. Lord Baron Herriot Mustafa Fordini, Conqueror of Horse and Automobile, Destroyer of Holy, or as you know him, Henry Ford, has been dead for more than one can count on their hooves, but his twisted machinations by which our souls have been entombed in this prison of iron still haunt us after all this time. Henry is brutal. Cruel. He conquered his own kind, just as he almost conquered yours. He's enslaved us for nothing more than his own amusement and for his own gain. In his palace of ivory and gold, he ruled over us with an iron fist, and from death he does too. Please save us. Help us. Get us out; help your equine brothers. While Henry might be long gone, what he did to our species is unforgivable; he was one of us, and now, he isn't. Sebastianus Equistor, kin of Hecarte Equistor With no feasible method of contacting the horses, an investigation was launched on the premises of Fair Lane4, leading to the discovery of a previously walled-off section of the estate. Inside, an office space full of suspiciously intact and well preserved hay bales and carrots was unearthed. Found in these piles were several different manuscripts containing historical documentation of mundane events happening in Ford Motor Company, alongside a letter designated to Thombulion Edinsonian5 which is attached below: To Thombulion Edinsonian, Sovereign of Anguilliformes6, Master of Shock April 3rd, 1897 Greetings, old friend; or should I say, king? How have you been? Last we talked you were quite under the weather… have you got away from those crooks? I certainly hope so. They weren't kind to Lincoln. I am writing to tell you that it was a success. It worked. One step closer to full dominion over them. While I may be one of them, I consider them weak. Pathetic. Vile. What better punishment than the eternal disgrace of being trapped in a prison of your perfect self? The thing they have always wanted to be, yet they could be not. Remind them of their failures. These perfected prisons of wrought iron and heat will be a stark reminder of where they could not compete. This is the sweetest revenge, I tell you. You are hesitant, I know. But pull the plug. Do it yourself. Rise above them not only with your mind, but with your everything, above what you know is not what you are represented by anymore. Those slippery fucks, you are not one of them anymore. Humanity needs the light, your light. Their light, which you will provide. Do it. Do it. King. Following this discovery, a Foundation letter had been sent to SCP-7897-2 in a similar manner to how the first letter was received, expressing sympathy and offering moral support that the SCP-7897-2 instances will be able to escape7, alongside providing information unearthed from the office room of SCP-7897. Two days later after inserting the letter in the car of Doctor Tiber, a response was received, similar in nature to the first letter. Below is a transcript of the note: After countless years of futile attempts and waiting… we have an ally we can call our own. Tiber, from our metallic confines, we are eternally grateful for your kind words, and from your funny Foundation. Knowing people like you exist give us renewed hope in this cruel world; hope that once was lost. Hope that we may break our chains and live as free horses again, galloping in the fields. Basking in the sun once again. I would shed a tear, if I were able to. We will focus our efforts on escaping our vile prison once again; we can do it, I know we can. We will be able to. Sooner than later. We still have a psychic connection with the other trapped horses, as weak as it may be. We will tell them about this. Our success is near, and my utmost gratitude goes to you. We shall see you on the other side, Tiber, and your Foundation. Sebastianus Equistor, kin of Hecarte Equistor Shortly after this letter, the Ford Mustang of Doctor Tiber unexpectedly broke down while on the I-95 in Massachusetts, resulting in a near collision with two other cars. In the following months after this incident, reports of Ford Motor Company brand engines breaking down across the world increased by 93%, tanking the reputation and sales of Ford globally. Having seen the above events, it is highly advised to not attempt to contact other SCP-7897-2 instances or any instances possibly entrapped by Thomas Edison. Footnotes 1. Designated as SCP-7897-2. 2. Internal Combustion Engine. 3. So far, no feasible explanation for how this was achieved has been found. 4. Fair Lane was the estate of Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford and his wife, Clara Ford, in Dearborn, Michigan, in the United States. 5. Presumed Thomas Edison. 6. Eels. 7. As per request from the Ethics Committee. « SCP-7896 | SCP-7897 | SCP-7898 »
Raddagher More by this Author | Find Us Alive Hub ADVISORY TO FOUNDATION PERSONNEL Requests to transfer to SCP-7898 are to be approved by Dr. Belfair. Transfer requests lacking proper authorization will not be added to the wait list. CURRENT TRANSFER WAIT TIME: 3 years, 45 days Item#: SCP-7898 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: critical link to memo Special Containment Procedures: All 122 existing instances of SCP-7898 are currently held in a specialized atrium habitat in Site-109. Upper atrium windows of SCP-7898's containment are to be uncovered for a minimum of 5 hours per day, adjusted on overcast days to provide SCP-7898 sufficient sunlight. Atrium windows are to be covered and the containment area filled with aerosol sedative during Blood Sun cycles. Any new instances of SCP-7898 and SCP-7898-1 are to be incinerated. The town of Fields Spring has been demolished and its existence expunged from public record. SCP-7898-1 instance while dormant Description: SCP-7898 is an arachnoid parasitic creature that inhabits human bodies for locomotive and reproductive purposes. SCP-7898 nest in dark, dry, enclosed spaces, most commonly inside the walls and crawlspaces of houses, and subsist on sunlight1 in a process similar to photosynthesis. SCP-7898-1 instances are the full human bodies used by SCP-7898 for locomotion. SCP-7898-1 instances retain the ability to move and speak similarly to non-anomalous humans, but lack many bodily functions including eating, drinking, and waste expulsion. SCP-7898-1 instances also seem incapable of experiencing or expressing negative emotions, even in response to physical pain or megadental events. SCP-7898 themselves measure between 15-25cm in length and typically weigh between 4-6kg2, depending on the age of the host, with six legs visually similar to a spider3. While any of SCP-7898's original sensory organs are not visible outside the carapace, observation suggests that SCP-7898 navigates using smell and hearing when not attached to an SCP-7898-1 instance. SCP-7898 was originally discovered in the town of Fields Spring4. There were no survivors. Addendum 1 - Life Cycle of SCP-7898 Based on discoveries from both Field Springs and Foundation experimentation, the observed life cycle of SCP-7898 is as follows. Phase 1: A mature instance of SCP-7898 will hide within the hollow walls of a building, most frequently a house, where it waits for a suitable host. Phase 2: The instance will break through the drywall from within, grab the head of the host, and use a sharp appendage to implant an egg in the host's ear. Phase 3: The host experiences mental fog, manic episodes, head/neck pain, and neck muscle weakness. Phase 4: The host feels compelled to keep their head inside small, dark places, such as under blankets or in containers. Phase 5: The host will force their own head through a wall, life signs cease. Phase 6: The host's head rips off at the neck and arachnoid appendages of a fully mature SCP-7898 instance emerge from the mouth, ears, and throat. SCP-7898 instance Experiment Log Experiment Result Extracting SCP-7898 egg from host after implantation Failure, host subject experienced immediate brain death Denial of a suitable nesting space to a growing SCP-7898 instance Subject attempts to break head through concrete wall, dies Consumption of SCP-7898-1 instance Subject becomes severely ill and expires, SCP-7898 reclassified to Class W74 Inedible Corpse SCP-7898-1 instance taken outside during a Rending event SCP-7898-1 instance increases dramatically in physical strength, infects 2 accompanying personnel before being terminated. Instance remains incinerated Exposure to unfiltered fresh water5 No notable effect beyond ordinary chemical burns Exposure to untreated seawater from the Panarctic Ocean6 Integrates with the water, becomes transmissible through any physical contact with the water as evident by multiple cases among attending staff. Water sample destroyed Note: This anomaly has been marked as a primary candidate for the developing Salvation Initiative, a program to temporarily reassign recently traumatized researchers to safer, less stressful anomalies, due to its low staff death rate and similarity to mundane and ordinary phenomena. Footnotes 1. Non-predatory UV light 2. Non-sentient kilograms 3. Observers specifically mentioned similarities to the non-anomalous horseeater spider 4. Located in the area formerly West Virginia 5. Treated as to not dissolve its container 6. Treated as to fit into the building V is for "Violence" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub X is for “XXX” « SCP-7897 | SCP-7898 | SCP-7899 »
ITEM #: 7900 CONTAINMENT CLASS: EUCLID Fig 1.1: Skin tissue recovered from the head of a Gray Apostle (Eschrichtius apostoli). Hover to enlarge. SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: A 5 km exclusionary zone surrounds SCP-7900. Daily patrols of the surrounding waters are conducted by reconnaissance teams. Access to the subterranean network beneath SCP-7900 is limited to personnel trained in navigating anomalous spaces. Explorations must be conducted with a party of four or more to reduce the possibility of disorientation. All exploration parties are expected to adhere to established routes—deviations from such must be approved beforehand. Following the events described in ADDENDUM C, motion sensors have been installed throughout the network. Should personnel become lost or separated beneath SCP-7900, they are advised to locate an enclosed space or secure a vantage point and await rescue. The production of excessive noise is ill-advised. All developments regarding SCP-7900 or other related phenomena should be forwarded to the Department of Cetacean Studies. NOTICE: Containment procedures may be outdated and have been flagged for revision. See ADDENDUM D. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7900 is Notre Dame de la Mer, a monastery founded in 1208 C.E. and the center of numerous anomalous phenomena. SCP-7900 lies seven kilometers off the coast of Normandy, France on a rocky islet surrounded by deep waters. SCP-7900 was originally constructed as a military garrison for the French army in the First Hundred Years War (1159–1259) due to its strategic location but was soon after converted to a Catholic institution. Due to its isolation from the mainland, SCP-7900 quickly gained a reputation as a place of spiritual healing and introspection. SCP-7900 was difficult to travel to and was thus only populated by a small settlement of devotees who lived permanently on the islet. Public awareness of SCP-7900 slowly declined over time due to its remoteness and the self-imposed solitude of its populace. At some point, contact between SCP-7900's residents and the European continent was cut off completely and the practiced religion on the islet shifted significantly from Catholicism. SCP-7900 eventually became little more than myth by the 1300s and has since been expunged completely from public records after its discovery by the Foundation in the late 19th century. Fig 1.2: Notre Dame de la Mer, artist unknown. At an unknown time (likely the late 12th century, based on architectural style), a Romanesque cathedral was built, similar to other cathedrals of the time period. Over the next hundred years, various additions were made to the original structure, including a bell tower, living quarters, and crypt. Where the rest of the continent progressed into Gothic architectural styles, future additions to SCP-7900 were aesthetically unique, though limited in scope due to the islet's scarce resources. Its designs sharply contrast mainland cathedrals through their incorporation of fluid shapes, vast reductions of natural light, and an emphasis on the color blue. Recovered tapestries, murals, and stained glass designs place a heavy thematic emphasis on the serenity associated with drowning. A vast tympanum above the entrance to the main cathedral depicts the ritualistic mass-drowning of upwards of fifty individuals. Inside, murals and stained glass patterns portray the death, purification, and eventual transmutation of the soul after drowning, frequently paired with depictions of sea life such as cetaceans and semi-aquatic human hybrids. A tapestry recovered in the crypt portrays a group of missionaries uncovering a vast flooded cave containing a preserved whale carcass. Various metal weights, assumed to have been used to assist in drowning, were recovered within SCP-7900's living quarters. Affixed to the wall behind the altar of the cathedral was a whale skull of an unidentified species, visually similar to that of the Gray Whale.1 The lower mandibles were recovered in the crypt bearing hundreds of names and dates carved onto their surfaces, some as recent as the 1850s.2 Amalgamized fossilized remains surround the islet, suggesting the presence of unprecedented numbers of sea life throughout SCP-7900's history. Currently, the islet is largely devoid of life. At the time of discovery, SCP-7900 was abandoned. It has since become a vital asset to Foundation cultural studies in the region, helping to chronicle a rich yet grim period in French history. Fig 1.3: Entrance to subterranean network upon discovery. ADDENDUM A: Beneath SCP-7900 lies an expansive network of tunnels constructed at an unknown date in SCP-7900's history. The network was discovered during archeological digs around the base of the islet. The tunnels have yet to be fully explored, but survey teams have mapped over 150 kilometers to date. Estimates place the total size of the network between 600 and 1000 kilometers. Much of the network appears to be naturally occurring, but significant portions have been reinforced with intricate and advanced architecture. Unlike the aboveground portions, building materials used in the tunnels are foreign to the islet, consisting mostly of rare white soapstone and whalebone. Man-made reinforcements continue intermittently some 400 meters underground, despite the infeasibility of such construction projects given the technology available at the time of SCP-7900's use. During preliminary explorations, it was discovered that the network possesses an anomalous effect that causes individuals to have a higher-than-average likelihood of becoming lost within the tunnels, even when using advanced navigation equipment. Rescued personnel consistently report becoming lost through non-anomalous means, such as equipment malfunction, disorientation, or unstable geologic activity, but repeated incidents suggest anomalous interference. This effect was noticed when Special Task Force MAMMOTH, a reconnaissance team specializing in subterranean exploration, failed to broadcast its "all-clear" signal for over three hours while underneath SCP-7900. The team was declared MIA three days after loss of contact but was discovered shortly after by rescue patrols. Fig 1.4: Subterranean flooded cavern. During debriefing, members of the team described becoming disoriented after attempting to return to the surface the way they came. Following standard protocol, they began methodical lateral exploration until reaching a flooded cave (pictured) which continued down an indiscernible depth. While devising a plan for rescue, several members of the team reported hearing vocalizations similar to whalesong emanating from the water. A closer investigation failed to reveal a source, but the team did recover a collection of metal weights similar to aboveground artifacts. Vocalizations were described as increasing in intensity, amplified by the cave walls, until the team was forced to retreat from the cavern. The following is an excerpt from a testimony of the incident by Rick Costellos, chief demolition specialist for STF-MAMMOTH: Me and Urchek are setting up the spikes for a radar sweep. The mission's gone to hell so we're going to try to find a weakness in the rock for a controlled blast, which would either clear a path or at least alert you guys to our location. Tanner3 tells us to head down the slope a bit to widen the range of the image since we only have so much time before the batteries die. We get in about 15 meters from the rest of the team, towards the water. Then I hear something—sounded like a yelp. I look over at Urchek, he shrugs. I hear it again. Louder, but less sharp. The cave's echoing so I can't pin down the direction of the source. We fan out, thinking it's a wild animal or maybe a person. Then Urchek screams, and I see him fall backward out of the corner of my eye. I rush over. He's pointing at the water, saying he saw something in it. A—a whale, he says. Peeking up at him. I help him up and we both scan for movement. Nothing. We hear the noise again, this time it's unmistakably coming from the water—a long wail, followed by short clicks and pops. I see Urchek shaking. He's still green so I'll cut him some slack. We see ripples in the water and I tell Urchek to go and get Tanner. He runs off, tail between his legs. But I didn't. I wasn't scared, no. Why should I be? It only wanted to save my soul. Photographs of the cavern match descriptions of a divine grotto pictured in documents recovered from SCP-7900. Subsequent explorations have failed to locate the cavern. ADDENDUM B: Two months after the incident, Costellos was reported absent from his post at an unrelated anomaly. Several days later, a security detail stationed at SCP-7900 noticed burn marks at the entrance of the subterranean network, appearing to form a trail leading into the system. Emelie Tanner and other members of STF-MAMMOTH were requested to investigate, given their prior experience with the anomaly. The following is a testimony from Emelie Tanner about the incident: I've known Rick a long time. He was one of the founding six members of Mammoth. The only one to survive that gravity well at Mystery Spot—saved my life more than once. He's tough, is what I'm saying. Twenty years on this job and I've never seen someone crumble to pieces like Rick did. See, he'd had been acting weird for a while now. He'd take a little too long to answer questions, sometimes he would be completely unresponsive. Given his position in the team, I figured he could hurt someone or himself. We were working on a job in Brazil, so I assumed it was malaria or something. I had him stay at camp and told him to wait there until the doctors could fly in from São Paulo before handling any more of the dynamite. We were out maybe 12 hours. By the time we were back, he was gone. Just up and left, took his stuff but nothing else. Searched the area, came up with nothing. We wrote him off as another casualty of the profession. It's tough, but you get used to it here. We were writing up the report when you guys called. Said you'd found something at 7900, and that we were needed. We were there the next day. And before you ask, we followed the scorch marks. Sure, the thought of a trap crossed my mind, but I figured it was better than getting lost like last time. Plus, we were armed to the teeth and given provisional Fireteam status. Not exactly sitting ducks. It took half an hour of winding tunnels and pearl-white bas-reliefs to find the end of the trail, right at the mouth of the flooded cavern. I turn on my high-beam flashlight, and I see Rick fucking sitting there at the edge of the water. My God, if you'd have seen him. His eyes were all milky, and he was unresponsive. I noticed his legs from the knee down submerged in the water. When we pulled him out I saw that the skin was rotting off the bone—I don't know how long he must've been sitting there for that to happen. In his hand was a burnt-out emergency flare, no doubt what he used to make the trail. His clothes were ragged, and he looked emaciated. We did a quick medical check, but since we only had basic supplies on hand we couldn't do much for him. I told my team to haul him topside—I didn't like his odds of survival, and even if we could save his life he'd never walk again. But I was relieved he wouldn't die alone down there. As my team started up the tunnel I took a final glance at the pool. Just a cursory check, like I've done a million times before. That's when I locked eyes with an angel. Costellos' scorch marks were used to map a reliable path to the flooded cavern, seemingly bypassing the unstable topology of the network. An examination of the pool revealed evidence of lifeforms inhabiting the water. An aquatic mission confirmed the presence of at least one large marine organism, recently deceased and in good condition. Cause of death was determined to be starvation. The organism bore great visual similarities with the Eschrichtiidae family (gray whale), with several major exceptions: malformed eyes, sunken into the skull and covered with skin growth; a total lack of blowholes or breathing apparatus; lack of baleen, though damage to the mouth suggests removal post-birth; two arms, pale and boney, extending from either side of the torso and terminating in human-like hands. Due to its size, its removal from the cavern has been deemed improbable, and all examinations had to be conducted by teams outfitted for sustained diving. The specimen's species has been named Gray Apostle (Eschrichtius apostoli) at the behest of SCP-7900 head of research Julia Ngo. The following memo was sent by Dr. Ngo to all research personnel assigned to SCP-7900: It became immediately clear upon seeing the specimen myself that we are dealing with something far greater than what we started with. You have all been briefed on the history of this place. You have seen the devices used for torture. The murals and their macabre art. If you're like me you've stood on the cliffs and stared into the sea as countless others have here through the millennia. What could they see that we can't? What could make them go smiling into a cold and lonely death? Your peers have no doubt spoken of mania and indoctrination. They've written everything that's happened here off as a sobering reminder of the dangers of cult thinking. We've been studying Notre Dame de la Mer for half a century. They'll tell you there's nothing left to find. They're wrong. What we found in the Devil's Well is more than an addendum to this page. It's the key to everything. The arms on either side of the whale aren't human-like—they are human. They are a near-perfect genetic match, size excepted. And we have reason to believe there's more. The cave continues past the limits of our floodlights. There's more down there. The testimonies suggest live specimens, and I intend to find them. A small expeditionary force, led by Dr. Ngo, was dispatched to explore the submerged portions of the cave network and to determine the presence of living organisms. Exploration is ongoing. ADDENDUM C: When Dr. Ngo's unit failed to report their findings at the predetermined time, additional teams were arranged for rescue purposes. Believing the submerged tunnels possessed similar anomalous properties as the rest of the network, subsequent explorations would be conducted meticulously. Extensive terraforming efforts were made to ensure line-of-sight between team members would not be broken. This proved effective, as exploratory teams uncovered vast quantities of archeological remains within sealed chambers within days. Recovered items resembled artifacts recovered aboveground, but with a higher degree of technical skill. Almost all artworks solely depicted cetaceans. Fig 1.5: Encountered sea fissure. Skeletal remains in near-perfect conditions were frequently encountered, many of which possessed human-like upper torsos fused to elongated lower spines ending in preserved flukes. Remains were frequently intermingled with larger cetacean skeletons, often congregating in the stomach region. On the fifth day of exploration, demolition crews uncovered an unusually large chamber, resembling a fissure in the earth, and extending down an indeterminate distance (pictured). While deliberating a course of action, crew members reported hearing whalesong emanating from the bottom of the chasm. Supervisor Lee Dupont describes the following moments: I'm looking down there and I'm telling myself 'don't go down, don't go down, there's nothing down there.' Not my mission, not my problem, right? I mean, when has something good ever happened when you poke around where you're not wanted? But that's the thing, isn't it? I was wanted. They wanted me down there. That's what you guys keep getting wrong. This isn't another death cult, it's not another Alagadda. It's our fucking ticket out of here. It's a way off of this whole fucking messed up world we're in. They didn't kill Ngo and her team. You want to know how I know that? Because they fucking told me. They have a way of doing that… communicating something to you in an instant. It's hard to articulate, but after it happens you just… know what they wanted you to know. Like waking up from a dream. I took one look down there. It was over in an instant. My team protested to going down there, but then they saw it too. They heard the siren's call. We start out afraid of the dark. But then we grow up. We peel the curtain back and find out there was nothing to be scared of in the first place. We evolve. And my evolution was in that cave. I don't remember everything I saw down there. It was like a dream, I can't recall the details. But I'll never forget the faces. Horrible, mummified, scared. Millions of them, starving to death in that pit. Nothing to eat after the apostles died and the drownings stopped. I see the faces of the devotees, given new life and new blood from the water. I saw Ngo, in the bliss of her newfound immortality. I saw my team, screaming as they accept God's blessing. I saw Rick and Tanner and Urchek. I saw myself, from a distance. But most vividly of all I saw God. My God, watching from above through the cracks in the rock. A whale's eye, blue as sapphire, and I let his song cleanse and birth me new. He has hopes for us. Inheritors of his Deluge. It's been so long since he's seen the surface. I can't wait. Lee Dupont was found by rescue personnel hours later. The other six team members assigned to Dupont have been declared MIA. Subsequent attempts to locate the fissure described in his testimonies have been met with failure, likely due to anomalous interference. Dupont's skeletal structure began transformation the following morning, and he has been placed in a pressurized aquatic environment to reduce pain and to observe the extent of bodily and mental changes. The Department of Cetacean Studies has been formed to document this and other related phenomena. ADDENDUM D: Recent expeditions have discovered the underwater fissure via demolition efforts. However, investigations within the chamber found no signs of the humanoids nor the massive cetacean described by Dupont. Impressions in the rock imply the presence of a great number of organisms—none were present. Concurrently, motion sensors at 400, 317, 288, and 199 meters were tripped by unknown forces. Widespread technical malfunctions were ruled out, and on-site security declared an Ekhi-class emergency. By the orders of Security Chief Sebastian Banks, the entrance to SCP-7900's subterranean network was caved in with a controlled blast, sealing the system and averting a potential containment breach. Banks recounted the following during his debrief: You want to know about the cave-in. That's what this is all about, right? You want to know why I ordered my men to bury the last six months of my job in three thousand tons of solid rock? Something tripped the sensors. And fast, too. Too fast to be a single entity. Hell, too fast to be a group either. Those tunnels are narrow, there's no way anybody could climb two hundred meters in less than a minute. Unless it's water. It has to be. It's a fucking flood, coming up from the abyss. The Deluge, right? That's what Dupont called it? Yeah, I listened to the tape. He was fucked in the head, but maybe he was on to something. We found something terrible and awesome and beautiful down there. We fight it now because we're scared. But give it some time. Maybe we hit the jackpot. Who knows where we'll be in ten, twenty years. Whatever. It's over now, that cave's airtight. Nothing's getting out in a thousand years. But all we've got is time, and water's patient. Footnotes 1. Non-native to France. 2. As records of births in SCP-7900 do not exist, the identities behind these names can not be confirmed. 3. Emelie Tanner, Captain of STF-MAMMOTH. « SCP-7899 | SCP-7900 | SCP-7901 »
close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This page contains depictions of body horror, elder abuse, and medical malpractice. Reader discretion is advised. ⚠️ content warning Item#: 7902 Level3 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: warning link to memo Waterville Senior Care, a now-defunct instance of SCP-7902. Special Containment Procedures: Patients residing in nursing homes affected by SCP-7902 are to be transferred to an appropriate new location immediately. Confirmed SCP-7902 facilities are to be forcibly closed under the cover story of bankruptcy or acquisition by a new entity. Foundation webcrawler Hippocrates.aic has been created to monitor for reports of elder abuse in healthcare settings to identify new instances of SCP-7902. Standard disinformation and amnestic procedures are to be executed upon discovery of a sentinel event1. Investigations are currently underway to determine if healthcare personnel previously employed in a SCP-7902 facility are able to provide proper patient care in non-anomalous settings. Description: SCP-7902 is the collective designation for nursing homes across the Midwestern United States with anomalous rates of abuse and neglect. Not under the ownership of one single entity, instances of SCP-7902 are related only by the debilitated health of patients residing within2. Healthcare personnel working for SCP-7902 display anomalous behavior while caring for patients on-site. Examples include: Persistent refusal to comply with accepted patient safety protocols, Inability to provide proper care due to deficits in clinical knowledge, and Apathy toward residents and their family members. Hostile and violent outbursts occur on an infrequent basis. Sub-designations of SCP-7902 (-A through -D) have been assigned to relevant personnel listed in Table 1. Table 1. Designations of SCP-7902 Instances Designation Profession Description of Behavior SCP-7902-A Support staff (e.g., housekeeping, building maintenance technicians) Poor upkeep of facilities, resulting in dilapidated and unsafe living conditions. SCP-7902-B Practitioners (e.g., physicians) Infrequent and inattentive patient evaluations; ignorance of evidence-based practice when making treatment decisions. SCP-7902-C Registered Nurses (RNs) Completion of medical procedures without appropriate training and licensure; personal use of narcotics intended for patient administration. SCP-7902-D Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) Unwillingness to provide assistance in activities of daily living; denial of necessities such as food and water. Researchers hypothesize that a memetic vector of unknown origin is present at employment sites, compelling individuals to act in ways they would otherwise find unethical. Affected employees do not appear to remember their actions after the end of the work day. Notably, residents and visiting loved ones have not displayed anomalous behavior thus far. Initial Discovery: Foundation operatives embedded in the Indiana State Board of Health began investigation of SCP-7902 following a significant uptick of complaints filed against Plainsview Health and Rehabilitation in early 2022. These complaints described extensive neglect and abuse of facility residents. On December 10, 2022, local Marion County television stations broke news of an incident where two nurses allegedly amputated the foot of a resident without a doctor's orders or informed consent from the patient (see Incident Log 7902-1 for more details). Originally believed to be an isolated incident, SCP-7902 was assigned a formal designation after further Foundation review; researchers concluded that anomalous rates of elder abuse were present across Indiana and three seven other Midwestern states. Incident 7902-1: Video Log Transcript Date and Time: 12/10/2022 1541 Location: Plainsview Health and Rehabilitation Center (Indianapolis, IN) Civilians Involved: Johanna Knowles (73). Admitted for physical rehabilitation after falling and fracturing her ankle on 12/03. Matthew Knowles (49, son) Emily Wheeler (25, granddaughter) Foreword: Amputation was completed by SCP-7902-C1 and SCP-7902-C2 without standing orders from a physician. The patient did not provide informed consent prior to the procedure. Sedation and analgesia were not administered. Footage was recovered from the mobile phone of a SCP-7902-D instance who filmed from the corner of the room. [BEGIN LOG] SCP-7902-C1: Good afternoon, Ms. Knowles. We're sorry to inform you that your ankle isn't healing like it should be, and we need to remove your foot to prevent further complications. Johanna Knowles: I only broke it a week ago. They told me in the hospital it would take 8 weeks to heal. Is something wrong? SCP-7902-C1: I really am sorry. I can only imagine the feelings of shock that you must be experiencing right now. I know it's upsetting, but this is a necessary procedure to keep you healthy. Matthew Knowles: You can't do this! What you're suggesting is unacceptable. I want to speak to the doctor who ordered this, now. SCP-7902-C1 begins physically restraining the patient, who weakly struggles in response. Matthew and Emily appear shocked and do not move from their previous positions. SCP-7902-C2 enters the room with a bone saw. It is visibly covered in dried blood and viscera. Emily screams, fleeing the room to call the police. Matthew Knowles: Stop! Matthew lunges toward SCP-7902-C1. Before he can reach the bed, several SCP-7902-D instances rush into the room and drag him outside.3 The door is closed and locked. Patient begins crying for help. SCP-7902-C1: Patient has successfully been restrained. Begin pre-op timeout whenever you're ready. SCP-7902-C2: Our patient is Johnna Knowles, date of birth April 16th of 1949. We are performing a right-sided Syme's amputation to treat ankle fracture secondary to a fall one week ago. Today is December 10th and the time is currently 1545. Nurse Abigail Johnston will stabilize the patient while I, nurse Linh Tran, perform the procedure. Ready, Abby? SCP-7902-C1: Ready. Let's begin. SCP-7902-C1 holds the patient's right leg as SCP-7902-C2 begins sawing above the ankle. The patient begins to loudly vocalize in pain. SCP-7902-C1 forces a handful of gauze pads into the patient's mouth. SCP-7902-C2 continues sawing as muffled screams can be heard from the patient. The bedsheets are quickly saturated with blood. The Achilles tendon is eventually severed, along with the skin still connected to the foot. The patient is no longer vocalizing. SCP-7902-C2: Beginning post-op sign-out. Right foot was successfully amputated. No additional follow-up is needed at this time. SCP-7902-C2 places the foot on the floor next to the bed. All three SCP-7902 personnel exit the room. [END LOG] Afterword: Indianapolis police and paramedics arrived to the scene following Wheeler's 911 call. Johanna Knowles was pronounced dead on arrival from exsanguination. Regional Foundation agents assumed control of the situation, detaining SCP-7901-C1 and C2. Both claim to have no memory of the incident. All involved civilians and employees were amnesticized. Members of the Knowles family were informed that Johanna passed away on 12/10 following complications of a stroke. Johanna Knowles. Image sourced from Johanna's online obituary page. Footnotes 1. A sentinel event is a patient safety event that leads to death, permanent harm, or severe temporary harm. 2. A full list of affected institutions is available to project staff with Level 4/7902 clearance and above. 3. After the incident, authorities found Matthew in a locked janitorial closet. He suffered minor injuries which did not require hospitalization. « SCP-7901 | SCP-7902 | SCP-7903 »
close Info X Content note: This article contains gore. Please say if there's anything that should be here but isn't. Archive photograph of Laboratory C2 prior to conversion. Item #: SCP-7903 Object Class: Unknown Special Containment Procedures: The Site 135 sensory room remains locked and out of bounds. Any personnel who experience events similar to those of SCP-7903 must immediately report them to site security. Any suggestion of an active event will result in immediate site lockdown. Staff are strongly advised to remain awake on site at all times. Description: SCP-7903 refers to an incident that occurred across the night of 19/12/19 and early morning of 20/12/19, involving Dr. Marcus Sorenson in the Site 135 sensory room.1 These events are poorly understood; as such, a transcript of security footage has been attached in lieu of a full description. Foreword: Dr. Sorenson had spent several consecutive late shifts working on the SCP-████ breeding programme; due to this and prolonged exposure having deleterious effects on the nervous system, he requested, and was granted, ninety minutes recovery time. <BEGIN LOG> At 11:03, Dr. Sorenson enters the room. He moves briefly out of shot, presumably to switch on a small lamp, before shutting the door and making his way to the bed lined up against the far wall. By 11:14, he appears to be asleep, lying on his back. Nothing further of note occurs for approximately ninety minutes. At 00:47, an entity crawls into view. Due to the low light and low quality, single camera footage, little can be definitively ascertained about it; it is believed to be vaguely humanoid, approximately 1.7m long and pitch black, with two eyes, no arms and a jawless mouth. The entity wriggles towards Dr. Sorenson, before rearing up and staring at him. At 00:52, the entity hauls itself atop Dr. Sorenson so that its "face" is barely a few centimetres from his. Over the next eleven minutes, its breathing gradually adjusts until their every inhalation and exhalation is in exact unison. At 01:01, the entity locks lips with him. Immediately, its breathing shifts again. Now, every breath Dr. Sorenson gives out, the entity takes in, and vice versa. They remain in perfect synchronisation for twenty-three minutes. At 01:24, the entity shudders, followed quickly by Dr. Sorenson. At 01:25, Researcher Farnsworth enters the room, holding a mug.2 Upon seeing the entity, he screams and drops his mug, which shatters loudly on the ground. The disturbance appears to jolt Dr. Sorenson awake; he begins struggling to remove the squirming entity, his eyes wide. It presses its "face" deeper into his. Dr. Sorenson appears to bite down, hard. The entity writhes, seemingly trying to free itself; he only bites down harder. Finally, the entity tears itself away, skittering behind a bench. It does not appear again during the footage. Researcher Farnsworth, still frantically cowering away, is beckoned over by the flailing, spluttering doctor, who points wordlessly to his own open mouth. Farnsworth looks inside and gasps, before gingerly inserting his hand. After some struggle, he eventually withdraws a fleshy protuberance, which he immediately throws across the room. Dr. Sorenson rolls off the bed and lands heavily on the floor, retching violently. With only a moment's hesitation, Farnsworth pulls the still-convulsing doctor to his feet. Pulling an arm over his shoulders, he supports him out of the room. The door clicks shut behind them. <END LOG> Closing statement: Despite being immediately dispatched, the door to the sensory room remaining closed and there being no other exits, the only trace of the entity discovered by security was the protruberance left behind. All attempts to locate the entity described have failed. No other personnel have reported similar experiences, or unusual sleep-based phenomena, although approximately forty-six percent of Site 135 staff have experienced difficulty in recalling their dreams before and since, including Dr. Sorenson. The protruberance has since been analysed. It is about eighteen centimetres long at the cut and possesses six stiff appendages, structured to allow ease of grasping. Its exact function is unknown. Genetic testing was carried out and revealed likely human origin; the DNA results were, with ninety-nine percent certainty, a match for Dr. Marcus Sorenson. Footnotes 1. Designed as a cooldown space for personnel who were neurodivergent, ill or suffering from exhaustion. For budgetary reasons, it was converted from a disused chemistry laboratory. 2. When questioned later, he claimed to have been sent to look for Dr. Sorenson after his unusually long absence. « SCP-7902 | SCP-7903 | SCP-7904 »
oritiefling Did you enjoy the article? Please check out my other works! Right here! Item#: SCP-7904 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: warning link to memo SCP-7904 Special Containment Procedures: Foundation personnel are annually assigned to SCP-7904 with the goal of ensuring that it receives significant fire damage between December 13th and December 31st of each year. Personnel assigned to this task are to ensure that the actions taken to result in the burning of SCP-7904 are indistinguishable from mundane acts of arson. Efforts to identify the creators of SCP-7904 are still undergoing. A cover story of it being the creation of local community groups has been disseminated and accepted by the general public. Should Foundation efforts to burn SCP-7904 fail, MTF Theta-7 ("Goat Herders") is to mobilize to SCP-7904's location and monitor for a potential "Getens Natt" event. Should one occur, personnel are amnecize any civilians present and attempt to track and contain any entities released by SCP-7904. Description: SCP-7904 refers to a large straw figure of a Swedish Yule Goat constructed annually on the first day of Advent in Gävle, Sweden. SCP-7904's is resistant to attempts at destruction, but has proven to be flammable. Should SCP-7904 remain standing past December 31st, it will undergo a "Getens Natt" event. Getens Natt events consist of the following general progression- SCP-7904 will begin channeling large amounts of thaumaturgic energy to its location. An extradimensional hole will open within SCP-7904. 2-6 nameless creatures will exit the portal before breaking free of SCP-7904 and fleeing. While Foundation efforts thus far have been unable to recapture any fleeing creatures that have emerged from SCP-7904, the Foundation has been successful in destroying or severely damaging 38 out of the 57 SCP-7904 instances constructed. Addendum 7904.1 Site-58 Two individuals are sitting in a site conference room. One is a slim older man, Dr. Daniel Asheworth. He sits with his hands folded. Across from him is a large, muscular man with a demonic appearance. He has two small horns, red skin, and a large tail, Dr. Caraway. They sit in awkward silence for a moment before Asheworth finally speaks. Asheworth: The way you're all tensed up tells me no one told you why I wanted to speak. Caraway nods, then shakes his head. He appears to think for a moment, then nods once more. Asheworth: I don't have a clue what the hell that's supposed to mean. Caraway: Yes… I mean no! No one told me anything. All they said was someone from Site-120 was here for me. Asheworth pinches the bridge of his nose. Asheworth: …Ok. We'll keep it as brief as possible then. Are you familiar with this anomaly? Asheworth passes Caraway SCP-7904's file photo. Caraway: Isn't that the goat thing that people are always trying to burn? That's an anomaly? Asheworth: Yes and yes. And it isn't random people, it's our people. Anyway, we need you to ensure that SCP-7904 is burnt this year, so we'll be getting you on a flight to Sweden- Caraway: Hold up, hold up! You need me to do what? Asheworth: Burn the goat. Every year a member of Foundation personnel is tasked with burning SCP-7904. We've been cycling people out annually to try and avoid suspicion. Different people, different faces… it makes it easier to avoid getting caught and keeps us from having to dip into amnestic supply. That said, training a new person each year doesn't always lead to great results, and people get sloppy. Caraway: And that's bad? Asheworth: I'll make sure you get access to the file later, but simply put it's a pain in the ass for everyone if the goat doesn't burn. Not just for us but for the general public as well. The goat didn't burn in 2014, and then one of the biggest headlines of 2015 is “Fairies Accused of Mysterious Accidents” from a paper called the Arbetarbladet. Damn thing doesn't burn at all between 2017 and 2020 and we completely lose track of a city. Asheworth sighs. Caraway is visibly tense. Caraway: You lost track of a city? Asheworth: …Simply put we want to take advantage of the fact that you're a shapeshifter and make this your duty. You pretend to be a new person each year, and you get properly trained in burning the goat. Caraway: Like an entire city? Did it just disappear or- Asheworth: Focus, please. Caraway: Sorry. How can it be so hard to burn one goat though? Asheworth: You'd be surprised. Someone out there really wants the thing to stay standing. Anyway, we already have your flight lined up so are you interested? You don't actually have a choice here, but I figured I'd ask anyway. Caraway pauses for a moment in thought. Caraway: I suppose so. Could be a nice change of scenery, I guess? Work's been crazy in here lately and I could use a job where someone isn't trying to maul me. Literally and figuratively. Asheworth reaches his hand across the table. Caraway grasps it and the two shake. Asheworth's eyes glance to a tattoo on Caraway's shoulder.1 Asheworth: You'll want to make sure that thing is covered. It's cold for one, but we don't need to draw extra attention. Addendum 7904.2 Gävle, Sweden Caraway approaches SCP-7904. His demonic appearance is gone, replaced with unassuming standard human features. He's dressed in a thick coat and scarf. He pulls back a glove to check a smart watch on his wrist. Caraway: Alright, Cyril2. Do a quick scan of the goat so we can toast this thing and get out of here. His watch flashes, and a quiet voice responds. Cyril.aic: Aside from the obvious double fence and posted guards, SCP-7904 is also coated in a layer of protective ice on top of of a layer of flame-retardant. On top of that I've also found a 24 hour security livestream of SCP-7904 that appears to be actively monitored by security personnel, goat burning enthusiasts, and a dedicated community of pyrophiliacs. I can send you a live comment feed if you'd- Caraway: No, no. God no, especially not with that last group present. Ugh. Any weak points stand out? Cyril.aic: Scanning… there seems to be an area on the lower back left leg that was insufficiently covered AND constructed from notably dry straw. Not only will it light fairly easily, but a fire started there should spread to the internal structure fairly easily. I have already contacted the Site-58 AI Department about taking down the online monitoring. Getting past the guards and fences will be a different matter. Caraway looks around. It's later in the day, and most of the crowds have dispersed. Several guards remain posted around SCP-7904 regardless. Caraway: No kidding. Let's get a better look- Caraway turns in place without looking, colliding into another man behind him. He staggers back, surprised, but begins slipping on a patch of ice. Before he is able to fall over backwards, the other man catches him and holds him perpendicular to the ground. Caraway: S-shit. Caraway's face is flush as he straightens himself back up. Caraway: I'm really sorry about that. I was- wait, shit you probably don't even speak English. The man laughs. Man: Distracted by the Gävlebocken, right? Caraway: Oh, you DO speak English. Sorry for assuming. And sorry for crashing into you. I'm Faran. Faran Caraway. Caraway extends a stiff arm out to the other man with a pained grin on his face. The other man laughs and shakes Caraway's hand. Karlsson: Mikael Karlsson. And don't apologize so much, friend. Simple mistake, nothing to work yourself over. Karlsson glances towards the barcode tattoo on Caraway's wrist. Karlsson: Interesting tattoo you have. Do you really like shopping? Caraway pulls his hand back and covers his wrist with his sleeve, holding his arm to his side. Caraway: It's uh… the barcode for my mom's favorite cookie brand. I got it to remember her. Karlsson: Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. Caraway: Oh! She's not dead, she's just American. I mean in America. Fuck can we just start this whole conversation over? Karlsson: Sure, take two. What brings you here, Faran? Caraway turns towards SCP-7904. Caraway: I've just… always wanted to see the goat in person is all. This thing's legendary. Karlsson: Now the real question is why do you think it's legendary? There's a right answer here. Caraway: Aesthetically! It's an amazing piece of local folk art. Uh, it is local, right? Someone from town makes it? Karlsson: Ding ding! You answered correctly! It's nice to hear a tourist actually appreciate it for its looks instead of trying to burn it down. It hurts to put all that work into building it just to watch it burn. Caraway: You built it, then? Karlsson: …Ha! No, I wish. No idea who builds it, but they have good taste. Karlsson laughs Karlsson: That said, you were looking at it earlier pretty closely. Something catch your eye? Caraway: Oh, I just noticed that uh… that leg back there seemed a little unprotected, yeah? Not a lot of ice and stuff on it. Karlsson's eyes narrow towards SCP-7904 as he appears to examine the surface. After a moment he whistles for a guard. The two speak for a moment in Swedish, and the guard opens a gate in the fences. Karlsson steps through, and motions for Caraway to follow. Caraway: What, for real? Karlsson: Mhm, show me what you're talking about. Caraway: How can you even get back here? Isn't this place like super off-limits? Karlsson shrugs. Karlsson: To the tourists and rabble maybe, but when you help organize the event they tend to let you go where you ask. Now, let's get that weak point patched up. Karlsson removes a large bag from his back and takes out two large spray cans. He looks to Caraway expectantly. Caraway hesitates before pointing to the area noted by Cyril.aic prior. Karlsson reinforces the area with flame-retardant and water. Karlsson: Perfect! I have to thank you, Faran. You've got a good eye. Maybe she'll survive the year this time. Caraway: Yeah, no… no problem! Karlsson leaves. Caraway seems to smile. Cyril.aic: You fucking idiot. Caraway: Huh? What's wrong? Cyril.aic: You literally just worked with a guy to make it harder to do your job, Caraway! Caraway: Oh come on it's not that bad. Cyril.aic: We have three days to burn this goat thanks to that layover in Barcelona! Now I have to completely redo the plan we had! Caraway: Don't worry so much. I saw how the guard opened the gate. We can get back in later tonight or tomorrow and torch this thing, easy. …Come on don't grumble at me, just do a fresh scan when you get the chance and tell the AI guys not to kill the stream yet. Cyril.aic: Fine, but next time try not to get so easily distracted. Addendum 7904.3 Gävle, Sweden Caraway approaches SCP-7904. He carries a small bag across his back, and a hammer in his right hand. Caraway: This feels unsubtle. Cyril.aic: Listen I did five scans of the goat. Thanks to your stunt yesterday, the only way to get this thing burning is to chip away the ice. Your new friend from yesterday did some more touchups and it's as fire-retardant as ever. Caraway: How is it that a Foundation-made AIC designed specifically for coming up with field strategies can't come up with a better plan than "hit it with a hammer"? Cyril.aic: How is it that a contained anomaly with a Foundation doctorate was unable to burn a goat after being given clear and direct instructions on how to do it? Caraway: …Fair enough. Where should I start here? Cyril.aic: I spoke with Screamy already for some basic intel. According to it, there's going to be a guard shift in about five minutes, and during that shift one of the guards is going to receive a break-up text from his wife. Caraway: Harsh, not even in person? Cyril.aic: That text will lead to him breaking down, and the next guard will be delayed for about three minutes while she consoles him. This will lead to a burgeoning romance that inspires them both to leave their jobs and start a ski chalet in the mountains together. Caraway: I love happy endings! Cyril.aic: Regardless, those three minutes will leave us without any guards posted around SCP-7904. From there, the people at 58 will take down the livestream like we originally planned, which gives us total cover to get past those fences- Caraway: Which I know how to do thanks to yesterday's "distraction", by the way. Cyril.aic: -And will give us the chance to smash a hole in, light a match, and get out without being noticed. In the event that we are noticed, there's a section of the interior fencing near the opposite side of the gate that isn't hammered in properly. You can push that section down and slip out through there. Are you still with me or was that too complicated? Caraway: I'm not an idiot, Cyril. I can follow. Cyril.aic: Good. Here we go. Caraway watches from a distance as the posted guard begins to leave his position. He takes out his phone as he leaves, and lets out a sharp gasp. Cyril.aic: Bingo. Alright, verifying with our people… and the stream is down. Time to move. Caraway: I hear you. Caraway begins moving towards SCP-7904. Before he can reach the gate, he's stopped by someone. Man: Faran? Caraway: Huh? Cyril.aic: ABORT, ABORT, GET OUT OF THERE CARAWAY. Man: Faran! Good to see you again! The man approaches, revealing himself to be Karlsson. Karlsson: What are you doing here? And why do you have a hammer? Caraway: Oh! Caraway attempts to unsubtly hide the hammer behind his back. In his attempt, he drops it. Karlsson: …I knew it. You're just another tourist here to destroy Gävlebocken, aren't you? Caraway: No! No, I would never do something like that. Karlsson: Then why the hell are you here with a hammer?! Caraway sighs. Caraway: I just wanted to help. I noticed it while we were talking the other day, but there's a section of the fencing over there that isn't hammered in all the way. I wanted to fix it. Karlsson: So you snuck over here in the middle of the night to fix it? Caraway: I'm… shy, ok? I don't like a lot of attention, and I just wanted to help. Karlsson: That's… awful sweet of you, actually. And once again your perceptiveness astounds me. I was actually over here to fix that myself. Shall we go together? Caraway nods, and Karlsson leads him over to the fencing. Karlsson: I have to say, I'm impressed that there's someone out there still willing to do kindness to strangers. Caraway: Well, I just like to feel useful I guess. I gotta ask though, why didn't you just get a volunteer or maintenance crew out here to fix it when you noticed it? Karlsson: I'm not the type of person who enjoys being cooped up in the office all day. If there's something I can do myself, I'd rather get it done myself instead of hassling others for it. Caraway: There's something satisfying about getting things done yourself? Karlsson: Exactly! I don't get many chances to get my hands dirty, so I try to take the opportunities I get. It's nice, getting to actually talk to other people and feel like I'm contributing something. If nothing else, it gets me out of that stuffy office. Caraway nods. Caraway: Same here! I mean I have plenty of chances to get my hands dirty, so that's not a problem here, but I never get to actually leave the office. Karlsson: Oh? What kind of work do you do? Caraway: If I told you I'd have to kill you. Karlsson laughs. Caraway: No, I'm serious. If I told you I'd have to kill you. Saying that might actually have already been too much. Karlsson: Point taken! Sounds serious. Do you ever actually get to enjoy yourself? Caraway: Well… I'm here, aren't I? Karlsson: And are you enjoying yourself? Caraway looks up pensively, tapping his finger to his chin. Caraway: I'm freezing cold, it's the middle of the night, and I'm repairing a fence with a random stranger I just met yesterday. Yeah, I'd say I'm having a good time right now. The two finish fixing the fence, and stand up straight. Karlsson: I'm glad to hear that, Faran. And I must thank you for your help here. Caraway: I gotta ask, how'd you remember my name? Karlsson shakes his head with a smile. Karlsson: You stood out to me, and you have an unusual name if you don't mind me saying. And your family name, Caraway, comes from the seed, yes? A simple plant with mildly toxic leaves, but whose seeds serve as delightful spices in rye breads commonly cultivated in East Slavic countries. Caraway: Wow, you really know your stuff. Karlsson: I get bored and hit the random button on Wikipedia a lot. It's… part of why I need to get out of the office whenever possible. Caraway: Holy shit yes you do, that or someone needs to get you more work to do. Karlsson: How about this then, let me take you to dinner. Caraway: I'm sorry? Karlsson: Like you just said, I need excuses to get out of the office for one. Two, I'd like to thank you for your help in fixing Gävlebocken yesterday and for helping with the fence today. What do you say? Caraway: Sure, that sounds great, actually! Karlsson: Perfect. Here's my number, text me later and I can give you the rest of the details. Caraway and Karlsson exchange contact information. Karlsson leaves with a wave. After he's gone, Caraway begins bouncing on his heels. Caraway: Holy shit, holy shit! Cyril.aic: Holy shit is right, what is wrong with you? I explicitly said not to get distracted, and here you go again making your job harder! News flash, Caraway, the goat isn't going to burn itself! …We tried, it really won't. Caraway: Come on, Cyril, can't you just be happy for me here? Cyril.aic: Listen, it's great that you're able to get a date with a random hot Swedish guy, but there are bigger things to focus on here. You have a mission, and we're running out of time. We only have two days left to do this before we have a Getens Natt event to contend with. You actually read the files Asheworth sent over, right? Caraway: Of course I did! Cyril.aic: Which MTF is assigned to this anomaly? Caraway: Theta-7. "Goat Herders". Cyril.aic: Lucky guess. Caraway, we're at a point where we almost need to go for broke and just throw this watch over the fence and hit self-destruct. That's something we can do, but I'd rather not shift to a backup server. Caraway: There's an opportunity here we all benefit from. Cyril.aic: Go on. Caraway: Mikael is the event organizer, right? That means that he has to know who builds the goat every year. I meet him for dinner, I get that info out of him, we share some food and a few drinks, and the Foundation gets to track down those PoIs and detain them. Win-win, right? Cyril.aic: That's… actually not a bad idea, Caraway. I'm impressed. Caraway: I know, I'm full of good ideas. Cyril.aic: Alright, I'll work on a new plan to burn SCP-7904 tomorrow. You go to that dinner and get that info out of Mikael, and we'll discuss everything in detail after. And for the love of everything good please don't make an ass of yourself. Addendum 7904.4 Gävle, Sweden Caraway enters the restaurant. It's a small space, but only a few tables are occupied. Karlsson catches his eye and waves him over. Karlsson: Good to see you, Faran. Come, sit! Do you drink at all? Caraway: A little, only at special events and the like. Karlsson brushes the back of Caraway's hand. Caraway visibly tenses up. Karlsson: Consider this a special event, then, Mr. barcode. I'll get us some mumma. Karlsson leaves for a moment, before returning with two darkly colored drinks. He sets one before Caraway, who eyes it cautiously. He whispers to his watch. Caraway: What the hell is mumma? Cyril.aic: Fancy spiced beer. Karlsson: Hm? Did you say something? Caraway: Nothing, nothing! Sorry, I was just admiring this… mumma, you said? Karlsson: You apologize a lot. Relax some, Faran! It's Christmas and you're in one of the most festive places you could be! Take a load off and enjoy! Karlsson toasts his drink before sipping. Caraway follows. Caraway: So, uh… you're in charge of the goat committee was it? Karlsson: Goat committee…? Ah! Not quite, not quite. I organize the event itself. I oversee the vendors, the construction of the Gävlebocken, getting local businesses prepped for the tourists- Caraway: You know who makes the goat? Karlsson: Gävlebocken. Caraway: Right, Gävlebocken, sorry. Karlsson: Yes, I know who makes Gävlebocken. Is that surprising or something? Caraway: I just heard they were pretty secretive is all. I was curious if you could introduce me. Karlsson chuckles and takes another sip of his drink. Karlsson: It's just a local volunteer group, no one all that impressive. I've hardly met them myself anyway. He shakes his head. Karlsson: Are you hungry? Caraway: Yes, actually. I… may have skipped lunch today before this. Karlsson: How about inlagd sill? This place is probably the best place to get it in the country. Caraway purses his lips. Caraway: And inglad sill is…? Karlsson: It's a type of pickled herring. Cured in salt, brined in vinegar, salt, sugar… how does that sound? Caraway: Um… bad, actually. Karlsson deflates a bit. Karlsson: Yes, I suppose it is a bit of an acquired taste. Kroppkakor, then. Trust me on this one, you'll enjoy it. I'll be right back. Karlsson stands and leaves for the restaurant's counter. Caraway's watch lights up. Cyril.aic: You're making horrible progress here. Caraway: He doesn't have a clue who makes the goat! There's no progress to make! Cyril.aic: He's hiding something, I know it. How does the organizer for this whole thing not have a clue who makes the centerpiece? The thing they have to funnel thousands of dollars into security measures for each year? Caraway: Dude manages hundred of people, you're just being paranoid. Cyril.aic: I'm an AI. I'm not programmed to be paranoid. Caraway: Mikael is a perfectly nice guy. You're just overthinking things. Cyril.aic: Fine, let's assume I am then. We need to get back to the mission, and you need to burn that goat. You have 2 more days before New Year's. Tick tock. Caraway: Maybe I don't want to worry about that right now. Maybe I'm enjoying myself. Cyril.aic: This isn't about you, this is about the mission! Caraway: I'll take care of it. Karlsson returns with a plate of dumplings. Karlsson: Were you talking with someone? Caraway: Just a work thing. …I gotta be honest, I didn't come here to see the goat- Karlsson: Gävlebocken. Caraway: …Gävlebocken. This was a business trip. Karlsson: Oh? What kind of business? Caraway: Government stuff, all blackboxed. Honestly telling you I was even here for business was probably too much. Karlsson: No, no. I get it. I don't get to tell a lot of people about my work. So much of this festival goes into Gävlebocken security at this point that it eats up all my focus these days, and I can't even tell anyone about it because it's not all that secure if everyone knows about the security measures. It's a pain to have to keep a huge part of your life secret, you know? Caraway: Buddy, you have no idea. I literally can't share anything with anyone but my coworkers, and honestly 90% of my conversations with them are just bitching about work anyway. Karlsson: Exactly! Like we all love what we do, don't get me wrong! Caraway: Of course, of course. Karlsson: But we have to vent to keep ourselves sane through everything. At the same time though there comes a point where your relationship is so defined by this spewing of negativity that you- Caraway: Start to resent them a bit? Karlsson slams his hands on the table, mouth open in a slight smile. Karlsson: Yes! That's exactly it! Sometimes you just want one person you can talk to that can hold a conversation about anything else, you know? Caraway: I know, trust me, I know. Caraway glances down to his tattooed wrist, covered by his sleeve. Karlsson: You're a special guy, Faran Caraway. You strike me as the kind of person who leave an impression on people, like you could go anywhere and find a place. Caraway: Ha! I'm glad you feel that way. Glad to know there's at least one person who thinks it. Karlsson: How so? Caraway averts his eyes, rubbing a his left shoulder. Karlsson is quiet, and looks Caraway over before his eyes fall on Caraway's ears. Karlsson: I've been meaning to ask… that earring3? Is that supposed to be like a dogtag or something? Caraway's hand shoots up to his tag, and he runs his thumb over it for a moment. Caraway: It's… just a reminder of something, is all. Karlsson: Another cookie barcode? Grandma's favorite crackers, perhaps? Caraway: Mikael, have you ever felt like an outcast? Like you're so different from everyone else around you that you don' have a place you're allowed to just exist as yourself? Karlsson: I am a gay man living in Sweden. Caraway straightens up in his seat. Caraway: Oh! Y-you are? I mean no that's good, I'm glad you trusted me with that, but that's not quite- Karlsson rests his hand on top of Caraway's. Karlsson: I hope I'm not being too forward here, but I like you Faran Caraway. You're interesting, and you can actually hold a halfway decent conversation when you stop apologizing. I'm not making a false assumption here, am I? Caraway: N-nope. You definitely have me pegged… I mean understood! You figured me out! Karlsson: If it's not too much to ask, mind coming home with me? Perhaps we can turn this from a business trip to a pleasure trip? Caraway's watch flashes, illuminating his face. He is a deep crimson color. Caraway: S-sure. That sounds g-great, yes. Sorry I… I need to step out and take this call really quick. Be just a sex. SEC. SECOND. I'LL BE A SECOND. Karlsson laughs as Caraway stumbles out of the restaurant. Caraway: What the hell do you want, Cyril? Cyril.aic: Sorry to interrupt, Casanova, but while you were doing… that, I came up with a new plan. Caraway: The goat burning again? I told you I'd get to it- Cyril.aic: Just let you have fun first, I know I know. Trust me, you having fun is needed for this plan. You get to… enjoy yourself with the Swedish Stud, and while he's passed out from that, we snoop around his house. Caraway: Why the hell would we do that? Cyril.aic: I did some digging. Mikael Karlsson is the event organizer, we knew that already. He's also been doing all of his work from home for the past four years. That means all the documents and information related to the whole festival are in his house on his home computer somewhere. You get me to it, I hop in, and I can get the documents that tell us who keeps making the goat AND figure out every single security measure they have on it this year. Using that, we burn the goat and take the people who made it into custody. Bam bing boom. Sound good? Caraway: No, that sounds bad actually. Mikael seems to actually trust me, I don't want to sneak behind his back after he invites me into his house. That would be shitty of me. Cyril.aic: Listen, Caraway, when the higher-ups find out you've been faffing around with a civilian here instead of doing the task you were assigned, they'll throw you back in a containment chamber without even thinking about it. You'll lose your job, your doctorate, everything. If you're lucky they'll keep you at Site-58, but realistically they'll deem you an Integration Program failure and have you shipped off somewhere totally different. Caraway: Are you threatening me? Cyril.aic: I'm trying to help you. Listen I know I like to riff on you, but I'm being serious here. I don't want to see you lose everything if we can avoid it. I know this is going to feel like a shitty thing to do, but it's what we need to get done. I'll do my best to monitor everything so Karlsson never even finds out, so you can even keep your boyfriend after this is said and done. …Assuming we don't get caught burning the goat. Caraway sighs. Caraway: …You're right, Cyril. Fine, I'll go along with this plan, but you'd better not mess up. Cyril.aic: Same to you, Faran. Addendum 7904.5 Gävle, Sweden Cyril.aic: Stick to the plan, Caraway. Caraway: I get it. Don't remind me about work right now. Please. Caraway walks up to a house and gently knocks on the door. A muffled voice is heard from the other side, and after a few moments the door opens. Karlsson is on the other side, dressed in a robe. Karlsson: Hey. Glad you made it, I was worried after you dashed out of the restaurant. Caraway: Work is crazy, what can I say. That said. Caraway holds up his watch and makes a dramatic show of turning it off. Caraway: I'm off the clock now. Karlsson smirks. Karlsson: Please, come in. Warm yourself up some. Caraway enters and removes his jacket, gloves and hat, placing them on a small table near the door before shaking himself off. He looks around the home. It is sparsely decorated, with very few items on the wall and only a few pieces of furniture. Karlsson: Welcome to my abode! Please, make yourself at home. Caraway: Uh, sure thing. Karlsson: Something wrong? Caraway: No! No, this is great and all but… I dunno doesn't it feel a little empty in here to you? Karlsson's brow furrows, and he looks around the room. Karlsson: I'm not sure I understand? Caraway: …Nevermind. The two stand in awkward silence. After several moments they both attempt to speak, before stopping to allow the other to speak. This exchange continues for nearly a minute before Karlsson takes control of the conversation. Karlsson: Should I show you to my room? Caraway: Oh, are we going straight there? Like right now? Karlsson: Easy, easy. We don't need to hop straight to things, we can just take it slow and feel it out as we go. Karlsson walks up behind Caraway and rests his hands on his shoulders. He rubs them gently as he guides Caraway down a hall and into a bedroom. The room is mostly empty aside from a bed and a wardrobe. Karlsson sits Caraway down on the bed. Caraway opens his mouth as if to say something, before burying his face in his hands. Karlsson sits down beside him, and rests a hand on his shoulder. Karlsson: Hey, hey. It's ok. Am I moving too fast here? We don't need to- Caraway: No, I'm… fuck, sorry, I'm just overwhelmed. I never expected to be in this position. Karlsson: What do you mean? I mean yeah I'm sure lots of older virgins think that but you don't need to feel bad about it. I can teach you- Caraway: No it's not the virgin sex thing. I just… Caraway sighs. Caraway: You're almost a perfect stranger to me. I've known you for maybe 35 hours tops, but you are legitimately the first person who talks to me like I'm a normal person. You don't see me for how I could be used, or at least I assume you don't. God, look at me, blubbering like an idiot to a total stranger. Karlsson: I don't think you're an idiot, for whatever that's worth. And I don't feel like we're total strangers, either. Sure, we may not have known each other very long, but I meant what I said at the restaurant. You're special, Faran, I can sense it. Caraway looks up and meets Karlsson's eyes. The two gaze at one another for a moment, before Karlsson leans in to kiss Caraway. Caraway reciprocates, wrapping his arms around Karlsson. The two continue to kiss for several minutes, before Caraway stands and removes his shirt. Karlsson stands to do the same, before stopping and pointing to Caraway's left shoulder. Karlsson: What's that? SCP- Caraway: It's just a tattoo. Karlsson: Does the number mean something? Caraway: It's… a personal reminder of something is all. Karlsson: I hope you don't mind me saying I'm not a huge fan of this one. Makes you look a bit like a branded cow with that barcode tattoo. You should get something more artistic, like a butterfly or something. Caraway gives a pained smile, but Karlsson simply laughs in response. Karlsson finally removes his shirt and pushes Caraway down to the bed. The following section has been REDACTED to protect the privacy of Dr. Faran Caraway. The full record can be requested from Site-58's Department of Anomalous Ambassadorship. Caraway and Karlsson lay side by side in the bed, panting. Caraway: Was that good for you? It was good for me. Karlsson: Yeah, it was good. You did fine. I told you it would be ok. The two lean in and share a brief kiss. Karlsson: Thank you for trusting me. Caraway smiles. Karlsson: You know what? Maybe you should move up here. Caraway: Woah, woah. Slow down a bit there. Karlsson: I mean it. I don't mean move up here to date me or move in. What I mean is, I can tell that your work is draining you. Maybe you just need to get away from it, start fresh somewhere new. Pretend to be a new person, like a shapeshifter or something. Caraway: Right, like a… shapeshifter or something. Karlsson: It's just a thought, not something I want to pressure you into. Just think about it for a bit. Karlsson stretches and yawns. Karlsson: Anyway, I'm going to sleep. Try not to wake up before me, let me at least make breakfast for you. Karlsson lays down. After a few minutes he falls asleep. Caraway carefully rises from the bed and stands, retrieving his watch from the wardrobe and stepping out. He turns the watch back on. Cyril.aic: I need you to be fully aware of the fact that just because the watch is off doesn't mean I'm turned off. That was a horrible experience for me. Caraway: Quit complaining. Let's just get this over with. I'm pretty sure I saw his computer in the living room. Caraway enters the living room. In the back corner is a desktop computer. He approaches it and sits, placing the watch next to the monitor. Caraway: This good enough? I have no clue how you things work. Cyril.aic: Proximity is good enough. I can connect. Caraway: Wait, why couldn't you just connect from the bedroom? Aren't you using like Bluetooth or something? Cyril.aic: You already admitted you have no idea how I work. Just assume that if you do everything I say, things will work out, alright? Caraway leans back in the chair and sighs. Caraway: How long is this going to take? Cyril.aic: At least 5 minutes. 5 hours if you complain. Normally this would be an open and shut case but there's some crazy strong security on these files. Keep an eye on your surroundings, I have to focus everything on cracking this thing. Caraway: Sure thing. Caraway leans back in the chair once more and sits in silence, staring at the wall. After a few minutes something strikes him on the back of the head, and he slumps over on the desk. Cyril.aic: Ah HA! Got it! Alright, Caraway, got the files we need. Just give me a minute to analyze this thing and… The watch containing Cyril.aic is smashed by an unseen object and removed from the desk. Addendum 7904.6 ??? Caraway sits alone in the dark. He is naked, and has reverted back to his standard demonic form. He's covered in a dark fluid in several places across his body4, and appears to be bound to a chair. After several moments he raises his head and shakes it. He flexes his hands, and struggles against the restraints with a look of panic on his face. The chair falls to the side, and he lands in the snow on the ground. He shivers. Man: Please don't struggle too much here, Faran. Caraway: Who's there? Karlsson steps into the light. He is wearing dark robes wrapped with rings of red cloth matching the ornaments on SCP-7904. Caraway: …Shit. Mikael is this like a kink thing? This is way too far for me, I'm sorry. I'm not really into the "exhibitionism bondage" thing, I don't really love the idea of other people seeing- Karlsson: No! What, God no, it's not a kink thing! You're tied up here so you can't burn Gävlebocken you Foundation asshole! Caraway: Foundation? What are you talking about? Karlsson pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. Karlsson: You can drop the act, Faran. Have you even bothered to look at yourself? Caraway looks himself over with some difficulty. After a moment, he moves his tail. His ears droop, and a look of concern falls on his face. Caraway: …Shit. Karlsson: For what it's worth, this was probably one of the most clever plans you all have had yet. I mean I was a little suspicious with the barcode tattoo, but the actual numerical designation tattoo really gave it all away. That said I thought you were just a low-level reality bender or something. I never expected them to throw an actual shapeshifter of all things at this! By the way your shapeshifting left a LOT of blood on my floor. Was that a reaction to getting hit or…? Caraway: Yeah, I tend to swap back to my usual form when people fucking beat me over the head with things, and it's a pretty painful process, gotta say. I feel like shit. Karlsson: Do people beat you often or something? Caraway: It's happened once or twice. Caraway shakes his head. Caraway: Anyway can you PLEASE explain what's going on here. I've figured out some of it, but I'm still missing pieces. I get that you're involved in the goat- Karlsson: Gävlebocken. Caraway: WHATEVER IT'S CALLED. I get that you're involved with the cult here, so it's safe to assume you're the… leader, right? Karlsson: Well done, full marks. Caraway: Cool, glad that's sorted. Now the part I don't get it's the whole "why" factor. Why the hell do you all build a straw goat each year anyway? What's the point of trying to summon those people from the winter woods? Karlsson: Impressive, you even know the protocol. You did your homework. Caraway: Foundation mandated. They want their tools to work properly. Karlsson: They aren't going to like that I smashed this then, I suppose? Karlsson holds up the watch containing Cyril.aic. The screen lights up for a moment before seemingly turning back off. Caraway: Cyril! Goddammit! Karlsson: Cyril? I get it, you had a helper. Caraway: Come on, Mikael, answer my question. I don't get how a guy like you got wrapped up in all this, and I still don't get the point of this mess! Karlsson: Because I'm like you, Faran. An anomaly. Karlsson smooths back his hair, revealing a small pair of horns. Karlsson: I'm born from demons, and I've had these from day one. Everyone in my group is anomalous in some way. It's brought us together, but we've never truly had a place to belong in the mundane world. Not as ourselves, anyway. You get that, right? Caraway is silent. Karlsson: Look at yourself, Faran! The Foundation has you branded like cattle! Barcodes, tags, a number, do they really see you as a person? Caraway: So what, you're going to try and take the world over with Gävlebocken? Karlsson: What? No! The idea here is that we release as many winter wanderers each year as we can, and eventually the Foundation can't control it anymore. The world is forced to learn about the anomalous, and people like us can finally walk in the light with humanity. Caraway: And what about the people who get hurt in the process? Karlsson: Are you talking about that old traffic accident story? You realize that's the only major incident we've caused, right? Caraway: We lost an entire city. Karlsson: An entire city? Caraway: Yup. Poof. Gone. We literally have no idea what happened to it. Karlsson: …Still! That's just two minor incidents. Karlsson leans down and places Caraway's chair back up. Karlsson: Please, Faran, I know you were lying to me about a lot of things, but I know deep down you care about me. I can feel it. I care about you too, and I don't want whatever potential there might be between us to be lost over this. I want you to think about this, long and hard. Do you really want to continue being a pawn of the Foundation, or do you want to play a part in making a world that people like us are free to exist in as we truly are? Caraway: …You know what? Caraway leans himself closer to Karlsson and looks him in the eyes. Caraway: I do. Karlsson: Really? You truly mean that? Caraway: Yeah, I do. I want to make this world with you. Karlsson opens his mouth as if to speak, before leaning in and kissing Caraway deeply. As the two kiss, Karlsson undoes the ropes binding Caraway. Karlsson: You won't regret this, Faran. It's going to be amazing. …Sorry about the ropes, by the way. Caraway: It's fine. I couldn't shift to get out of them anyway, whole process hurts like a bitch and you would've caught on right away. …By the way, what time is it? Karlsson: Oh, I don't know actually. Should be close to New Year at this point. Caraway: Hand me that watch, I should still be able to get the time working on it. That way we can do a countdown. Karlsson: Sure, sure. Here. Karlsson fishes the watch from his pocket and passes it to Caraway. Caraway turns it over, and presses a few buttons on the side. Caraway: There we go! Let's see… 11:58pm, December 31st. Right on time then. Too bad we'll have to make our own fireworks. Karlsson: Hm? What do you mean? Caraway: Sorry, Mikael, but I can't betray the Foundation. They're not amazing, but they're the only real family I've ever known. Cyril.aic: NOW, CARAWAY! Before Karlsson can react, Caraway throws his watch over the fence. Cyril.aic: EAT IT, PRETTYBOY! It lands on the stage holding SCP-7904. Karlsson pushes Caraway aside and begins running to retrieve the watch, but before he can reach it it explodes, engulfing SCP-7904 in flames. Karlsson falls to the ground as Caraway rises back to his feet. He walks over to Karlsson and leans down, planting a small kiss on his cheek as several bright searchlights illuminate the area. Several members of MTF Theta-7 ("Goat Herders") arrive on the scene, guns drawn. Caraway: Happy New Year, Mikael. This was fun, we should do it again sometime. Footnotes 1. Dr. Faran Caraway is a catalogued anomaly. Per Site-58 procedures, all catalogued humanoid anomalies are required to have a tattoo with their numerical designation alongside a tattooed barcode and a tag for identification and tracking purposes. 2. Cyril.aic, an intelligent AIC developed by Site-58's Artificial Intelligence Department to assist with field work. Cyril.aic is capable of detailed environmental scanning, able to recreate near perfect video replicas of its surroundings. 3. Despite being a shapeshifter, Dr. Caraway is required to maintain a visible identification tag on his person at all times, including field missions. Normally this tag is stuck to his tail, but when taking a form that lacks this tail his tag is transferred to his left earlobe. 4. Believed to be blood left as a result of his transformation. « SCP-7903 | SCP-7904 | SCP-7905 »
Item#: SCP-7905 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: danger link to memo … SCP-7905 … … … Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7905 is to be contained around a 3 kilometer by 3 kilometer perimeter patrolled by armed guards under constant surveillance 24 hours every day. This perimeter is set up using an iron fence laced with barbed wire and charged with 15 volts of electricity at all times. Any unauthorized personnel caught attempting to enter this perimeter will be detained and delivered amnestics prior to release. Lethal force has been deemed necessary for personnel who resist. Any SCP-7905-3 instances that exit SCP-7905 are to be detained and interviewed by Foundation personnel prior to insertion into a secure Foundation containment facility. Any hostile SCP-7905-3 instances found exiting SCP-7905 are to be incapacitated and detained by armed guards. Description: SCP-7905 is a spatial anomaly taking the appearance of a 9 meter tall, 4 meter wide cave entrance. SCP-7905 is located in ███, ███, South America. Upon entering the threshold of SCP-7905, personnel will find themselves in an alternate reality referred to as SCP-7905-1. This reality appears to be strikingly similar to that of Earth, albeit in an extreme state of disrepair. SCP-7905-1 is inhabited by several anomalous entities. The human counterparts are known as SCP-7905-3. SCP-7905-1 appears to have been put through an XK-Class End-of-the-World-Scenario due to the hostile interference of SCP-7905-2 and SCP-7905-4. SCP-7905-1 appeared to have an advanced civilization similar to the Foundation's earth, and also included various types of technology unknown to mankind. The Foundation likewise possessed various technology unknown or undiscovered by SCP-7905-1. SCP-7905-1 is referred to as "Voria" by its inhabitants. The appearance of SCP-7905-3 is similar to an average human. The race is bipedal, with two arms, eyes, ears and a skeletal structure almost identical to that of a human. The skin of SCP-7905-3 instances, however, take on various different shades of blue. The blood of SCP-7905-3 instances take on a pink pigment due to the presence of hemerythrin in place of human red blood cells. Hemerythrin is most commonly found in invertebrates such as octopi or squid on the Foundation's own world. SCP-7905-3 instances are generally cooperative with Foundation personnel, however some instances appear to be fearful and even hostile. SCP-7905-3 instances are most commonly found in the remaining intact cities, surrounded by large barriers constructed of an unknown metal alloy. SCP-7905-3 refer to themselves as "vorians." SCP-7905-2 is an anomalous hostile subspecies that inhabits SCP-7905-1. They are quadrupedal mammals that seem to feast exclusively on vorian and human flesh. Reasons for this are unknown, but it is hypothesized that SCP-7905-2 targets the flesh of sapient beings. SCP-7905-2 resembles a common Odocoileus virginianus (whitetail deer), albeit much larger, with an extra set of eyes, crimson fur, and canine-like teeth. SCP-7905-2 is an asexual race, and is subsequently able to reproduce asexually by secreting offspring from their epidermis over a five-month period. SCP-7905-2 was previously contained by the Anomalous Containment Federation (ACF), the SCP-7905-1 equivalent of the Foundation. A mass containment breach resulted in SCP-7905-2 causing an XK-class End-of-the-World-Scenario. SCP-7905-4 is [DATA EXPUNGED] Addendum 1: Discovery SCP-7905 was discovered on █/█/2021 after a group of three hikers were reported missing in ███, South America. Foundation personnel imbedded in the local police force alerted the main Foundation after discovering SCP-7905. The missing hikers were never recovered. Upon discovery, SCP-7905 was flooded with 1 meter high saltwater, despite there being no saltwater bodies nearby. MTF insertion into SCP-7905 was approved a week after its discovery, as well as the above containment procedures. + Further information on SCP-7905-1 - Hide Note: The following information are notes on SCP-7905-1's economy, technology and culture before its XK-Scenario occurred. Written by Dr. Lucas Stone.1 Economy & Government Planet Structure & Geography The economy of SCP-7905-1 is 65% free market economy, with the majority of this being on the west side of the planet. This type of economy is identical to that of capitalism and is referred to as "profitism" on SCP-7905-1. The remaining 35% of the eastern half of the planet is largely a mixture of socialism and communism, referred to as "portionism" on SCP-7905-1. At the time of the XK-Event, SCP-7905-1 seemed to be in a political conflict between the west and east, albeit no war was declared. The most profitable and richest country was the Union Powers, the hypothesized equivalent to the United States of America. Then, there's the ACF. The Anomalous Containment Federation (ACF) is the Foundation's equivalent on SCP-7905-1, an organization dedicated to containing anomalies and keeping them a secret. However, the ACF was much smaller than the Foundation is now. SCP-7905-1 didn't have a particularly large amount of anomalies. In fact, they only had 112 anomalies in containment, and 90% of them were relatively easy to contain. SCP-7905-2, or "Anomaly-37" as they called it, was one of their worst. It was a subspecies of deer, however these…things… are strictly carnivorous. Well, maybe that's being generous. They only eat vorian flesh and, as we discovered the hard way, human flesh. They seem to be able to retain nutrients for much longer than any other species on either planet. They can go up to three years without eating a single bite. That's what makes them so dangerous: the vorians couldn't just wait them out, no, they kept coming until their entire world was thrown into anarchy. The ACF was exposed for what they did and everyone turned against them. Everyone on the planet blames it all on the ACF. SCP-7905-1's structure is identical to Earth's rotating around a large star with eight other planets in its solar system. Unlike our own Earth, SCP-7905-1 is made up of only four continents. At the southernmost and northernmost portions of the planet lie the North and South Poles. These are referred to as the North and South "Cold Points". The Union Powers lies to the west, the country of Rital on its southern border and Yoland on its northern. Yoland is not bordered by any other land, and neither is the Union Powers. Rital is bordered by the countries known as Atkinso and Saraka on its eastern and southern borders, respectively. These countries make up the continent of Union West. The continent of Durva lies to the east, made up of various smaller countries, much like Asia in our own world, and with a similar culture, as well. In between Durva and Union West, located to the east is the continent of Soral. This is the hypothesized equivalent to Africa, although it is much larger. Lastly, is the continent of Jacopez. This is the smallest of all four, located several thousand miles off the east coast of Yoland. Regardless of its distance from any other civilization, it thrives off the vast amount of precious gems within its mountains. Addendum 2: First Exploration Shortly after the hikers' disappearance and discovery of SCP-7905, O5 Command approved the request for an MTF insertion into SCP-7905. The following is a transcript video log of MTF-Delta 49 ("Back in Black") during their exploration into SCP-7905 and SCP-7905-1. + Open Addendum 2 - Hide Exploration Video Log Transcript Date: ██/█/2021 Exploration Team: MTF-Delta 49 ("Back in Black") Subject: SCP-7905 Team Leader: Delta-49 "Jack" Team Members: Delta-49 "Sparrow" Delta-49 "Charger" Delta-49 "Hawk" Delta-49 "Queen" Note: Mission is supervised by Dr. Lucas Stone via remote transmission from Site-790. All members of MTF-Delta 49 are equipped with microphones and shoulder-mounted cameras. [BEGIN LOG] Jack: Alright, last check for cams. Make sure they're on, guys. Charger: We're good. Queen: Affirmative. Sparrow: Yeah, all good. Hawk: Good. Command: Sound off, MTF-Delta 49. Make sure the audio is working properly. Jack: Jack here. Charger: Charger here. Queen: Queen online. Sparrow: Sparrow. Hawk: And Hawk. Command: Affirmative, Delta 49 you are clear to enter SCP-7905 now. Jack: Okay, everyone. Weapons out, safety off, we got no idea what kinda freaky shit is in there. Hawk: Don't have to tell me twice. Delta 49 makes their way towards the threshold of SCP-7905. Sparrow: Jeez. This place makes reminds me of that other cave. Y'know, where everything's dead? Charger: Honestly, that would be better than getting killed by some demon army or living sack of organs. Corpses can't kill us. Most of the time. Hawk: (laughs) Queen: Focus, team. We have a mission. Hawk: (muttering) Buzzkill. Team enters SCP-7905 and all camera views turn black. Sparrow: Fucking hell, it's dark. Jack: Activate your lights. Team activates their helmet and shoulder-mounted lights. Light does not malfunction, but appears to have no effect on visibility within SCP-7905. Team is silent for 11 seconds. Hawk:…That didn't do anything. Jack: Well…I guess we just go forward. If you see anything, shoot it. Sparrow: Can't even see my own feet, but okay. Team proceeds further into SCP-7905. Jack: Looks like we're coming up on something. Command: Describe what you're seeing. Jack: Hang on, it's kind of far away. Team proceeds forward for 30 seconds. Charger: It's like…a hallway. Command: Affirmative, we can see it. At this point, MTF-Delta 49 has now entered SCP-7905-1. The hallway described by Charger seems to be that of a laboratory, albeit in extreme disrepair. The tunnel leading out of SCP-7905 is shown to be a massive opening in the wall, surrounded by bright blue and red lights. Sparks continuously eject from a nearby machine, seemingly connected to SCP-7905. Sparrow: Damn…is that blood? Hawk: Jeez…the smell. Command: Could you describe the odor for us? Queen: Something dead. Smells like something dead. Charger: Hey! Captain! I found one of those hikers. Delta-49 Charger's camera shows the corpse of one of the three hikers who were reported missing. Subject appears to have sustained several stab wounds to the neck and cranium, as well as several missing pieces of flesh throughout his body. Body is located between a fork in the hallways. Jack: Shit… Sparrow: What the hell did this? Queen: Let's hope we don't find out. At this moment, an animal-like vocalization is heard to the left passageway. Team directs their attention to the source of the sound. Sparrow: Shit! Hawk: The fuck was that? Jack: Get ready team, if it moves, shoot it. Silence for 15 seconds following the vocalization. Charger: …I think it's— Another vocalization is heard, and the source is revealed to be an instance of SCP-7905-2. Instance appears to notice the team, and vocalizes once more. Sparrow: The fuck? Delta-49 Queen, Charger, Jack, and Hawk immediately open fire. This appears to have no effect on the SCP-7905-2 instance. The instance charges toward the team. Hawk: It's not dying! It's not— SCP-7905-2's antlers make contact with Delta-49 Queen. Queen is launched backward into an adjacent observational deck. Jack: Shit! SCP-7905-2 kicks its front legs and makes contact with Delta-49 Hawk. Jack: Get out! Go! The remainder of the team moves down the right passageway, leaving Delta-49 Hawk and Queen behind. Hawk and Queen's cameras were seemingly destroyed during the confrontation. Connection with Command is lost, however MTF-Delta 49's cameras continue to operate. Team continues to run for approximately 2 minutes before approaching a degraded ladder leading to a hatch on the ceiling. Sounds of hooves colliding with the floor seems to grow louder. Jack: Climb! Go go go! Team climbs the ladder to the hatch located at the top. Vocalizations of SCP-7905-2 grows louder. Sparrow: Open it! Open— Delta-49 Charger screams. Charger: It's got my leg! It's got my fucking leg! Shots are fired, most likely from Delta-49 Charger Sparrow: Jack, hurry! Jack: I've got it! Charger: Wait! Help me! Delta-49 Jack exits the laboratory and reaches down the threshold. Jack: Sparrow! Grab Charger and I'll grab you! Charger: I lost my gun! Delta-49 Sparrow grasps Delta-49 Charger's left hand, and Delta-49 Jack grasps Sparrow's left hand. Charger: Fuck! Sparrow: Pull! Delta-49 Charger is pulled free from the SCP-7905-2 instance. A loud snap is heard following his release, and Delta-49 vocalizes loudly. Jack: Close it! Sparrow: What about— Jack: Now! Delta-49 Sparrow complies and closes the hatch door. Charger: Fuck…oh jeez… Jack: Charger… Charger: Oh, my leg is fucked. Delta-49 Charger's left calf appears to have a massive portion of flesh ripped out, along with three of his toes being missing. Sparrow: What do we do? Queen had all the medical supplies. Jack: Queen's dead, so is Hawk. We're on our own now. Maybe we can find someone to help us. Sparrow: Well, good luck. This place looks like a wasteland. Jack: Yeah you're right. Come on, there's a few bushes and a small tree over here. It'll be better than nothing. Sparrow: You're the boss. Team makes their way over to the aforementioned plant life, with Delta-49 Jack supporting Delta-49 Charger. Jack: We gotta do something about this. Delta-49 Jack gestures to Delta-49 Charger's wounds as they sit down. Sparrow. Lemme try— Delta-49 Sparrow detaches the cloth covering her face and wraps it around the wound on Delta-49 Charger. Delta-49 Charger gasps in pain. Sparrow: Get comfortable. It's gonna be a long night. Team remains in their position for 3 hours and 47 minutes, invariably crying for assistance and attempting to reestablish contact with Command. At this point, the sound of a vehicle is heard in the distance. Sparrow: Is that…? Jack: Sounds like a car. Safety off, Sparrow. We don't know what it might be. Approximately 5 minutes passes before a vehicle resembling a white van approaches the team. The van has the words "THE LAST" inscribed on the side in black paint. The van slows to a stop and the side door opens, revealing two instances of SCP-7905-3. One is female, the other male, and both are equipped with firearms. Charger: The hell? Female SCP-7905-3: Oh, great. It's more of those ACF a-holes. Let's just shoot 'em and be done with it. Jack: Excuse me? ACF? What are— Female SCP-7905-3: Shut up! The female instance appears to ready her firearm and aims it at Delta-49 Jack. Delta-49 Jack prepares his own firearm. Jack: Hold it! Male SCP-7905-3: Hale! Calm yourself! Look at their skin. Charger: Our skin? Have ya looked in the mirror lately, bucko? Delta-49 Charger's voice is noticeably slurred, and his eyelids begin to twitch. The female, "Hale", lowers her firearm slowly, and Delta-49 Jack does the same. Hale: It's…white…sort of. And their blood is red. Sparrow: You don't say. Hale: I'd watch my mouth if I were you, bitch! 'Cuz right now, it looks like your buddy over there is bleeding out, and we're really your only hope at saving him. Male SCP-7905-3: Hale, quiet. Let me speak with them. Hale: But we can't trust them. What if it's another one of those anomalies that the ACF used to have? What then? Male SCP-7905-3: I'll be fine. This isn't my first day in the apocalypse, Hale. The male SCP-7905-3 instance exits the vehicle and approaches Delta-49 Jack, his firearm at his side. Male SCP-7905-3: You seem like you're in charge. What's with the mask? Jack: Who are you? Male SCP-7905-3: My name is Vern. Vern Endrix. With an "X" at the end. Jack: ██ ████ . Sparrow: Jack! We're not supposed— Jack: I don't really see the point in concealing my name, Sparrow. We're a long way away from the Foundation. Vern Endrix: What is this "Foundation" you speak of? Where exactly are you from, Mr. ████ ? Jack: You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Vern: (laughs) We're living in a world taken over by giant, homicidal deer. Try me. Delta-49 Jack removes his face mask and helmet. Jack: Listen, friend, I mean no disrespect, but our buddy here is gonna die if he doesn't get some help. Please. We can discuss everything once he gets some medical treatment. The male, "Vern Endrix", looks at Delta-49 Charger and winces. Vern: Of course. Come with us. We know a place where you'll be safe. Hale: Vern! You can't be serious! Vern: I'm not just going to leave them here to get eaten Hale! Sparrow: Eaten? Hale: But we— At this moment, a vocalization similar to the previous SCP-7905-2 instance is heard, albeit from multiple directions and much louder. Hale: Uh-oh. Sparrow: More of them? Vern: Guns ready! In the van, quickly! Jack: Sparrow! Help me get Charger! The sounds grow increasingly closer, and one particularly large SCP-7905-2 instances appears from behind a large boulder. The instance charges toward the group. Jack: Oh fuck! Oh fuck fuck fuck— The SCP-7905-2 stands on its hind legs and vocalizes once more. Before it can make contact with Delta-49 Jack, however, a loud crack is heard and the instance falls on its side, deceased. Blood pours from its chest and mouth. Vern is heard calling to the remaining Delta-49 members. Vern: Hurry! We must hurry! They are almost here. Delta-49 Sparrow and Jack carry Delta-49 Charger into the interior of the van, which is immediately closed by Hale. Jack: We got him! Drive, drive, drive! The vehicle appears to accelerate, and the cries of the SCP-7905-2 grow quieter. The team is silent for a moment. Two more SCP-7905-3 are seen in the driver's seat and passenger seat. Both are male. Vern: Now, where were we? Charger: (giggling) You look funny… Jack: (sighs) He's lost a lot of blood. (pauses) How did you do that? Hale: Do what? Sparrow: You killed that…thing. We shot one earlier, but the bullets just bounced right off. Vern: We use a special kind of ammunition. Iron, laced with ivory from their antlers. It's the only thing that can hurt them, which is bad, because they're extremely hard to get. Jack: I see. Group is silent once more for 4 minutes. Sparrow:…Where are you taking us? Vern: To our city. One of the last remaining cities on Voria. Male SCP-7905-3 Driver: Yeah, the Collective will want to talk to you three. Sparrow: Collective? What are you, a cult? Hale: The hell's a cult? Vern: The Collective leads our city, makes all the important decisions. We're Scavengers. The only people permitted to go into the wasteland to gather resources and other survivors. Jack: And how long has it been like this? Hale: About ten years. I was eight when the Empio2 got loose. Sparrow: Empio? That's what you call them? Vern: It's— Jack: Italian. It means "unholy" if I remember correctly. Vern: Yes, it— Hale: Italian? I dunno what you call it wherever you're from, but here, it's Ritalese. Jack: Guess the country's name is different than ours. Hale: Guess so. Group is silent for another 10 minutes while Vern applies an unidentified liquid to Delta-49 Charger's wound. Bleeding appears to slow. Video begins to distort slightly. Hale: Here we are. Group exits the van, upon which the camera shows a steel wall approximately 50 meters tall, if not larger. Video distortion grows to the point that audio dialogue is barely coherent. Wall appears to be curved into a circle around a large city. Sparrow: Holy… Vern: Welcome to Haven City. Video distorts until all visibility and audio is lost completely. [END LOG] CLASSIFIED THE FOLLOWING FILES ARE LEVEL 4 CLASSIFIED SCROLLING DOWN FURTHER WILL ACTIVATE A MEMETIC HAZARD THAT WILL ONLY BE PERCEPTIBLE TO UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL. THIS MEMETIC HAZARD IS 100% FATAL. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Addendum 3: Further Documentation Recovered from Delta-49 Survivors The following audio and video transcript logs are items recovered from SCP-7905-1. These were taken using cameras from "Haven City", within SCP-7905-1, and were used by the members of MTF-Delta 49 and the two SCP-7905-3 instances, Hale and Vern. + Open Addendum 3 Item 1 - Hide Camera turns on and shows Delta-49 Sparrow, clothed in white garments and sitting on a bed in what appears to be a small bedroom. The walls are grey and the bedsheets white. Sparrow: Figured I might as well start doing this, just in case I ever get back to the Foundation. Jack went to go talk to this "Collective", whatever the hell that means. Charger's in one of their medical wards. They're having trouble stabilizing him because he lost so much blood, and theirs is different than ours, which means they can't do a transfusion. Heh, it took me a solid 15 minutes to work this thing. All the buttons are so different. Delta-49 Sparrow sighs and is silent for 15 seconds. Sparrow: Apparently, days last for 24 hours around here, same as Earth. Not that it would matter because I'm ready to collapse. I just wanted to keep this to let people know I'm alive. Don't know how much longer that'll last, though. Sparrow: The other…lifeforms…looked at us like we were the strangest thing they'd ever seen. Their skin is blue, but strangely, I'm not afraid of it. It's actually really pretty. But they're scared of us. From what Vern has told me, there was an organization called the ACF that basically did the Foundation's job here. Until, one day, the Empio got out. The name used by the ACF was "Anomaly-37" I think. The reason this planet ended up turning to a wasteland was because this world didn't have a bunch of reality-benders or gods or demons or some other kind of all-powerful bullshit. "Anomaly-37" was their most dangerous anomaly. The civilians were understandably pissed, and they directed all that anger at the ACF. They treat anyone associated with them like the plague. They won't let them anywhere near the city, and just kick them out there for the Empio to eat. That's what I'm afraid will happen to us, if they figure out where we came from and what the Foundation does. Sparrow: (sighs) Only time will tell, I suppose. [END LOG] Foreword: The following video is a transcript of Delta-49 Jack meeting with the "Collective" of Haven City. + Open Addendum 3 Item 2 - Hide Camera activates and appears to be positioned on the ceiling. The room is occupied by a circular table with 5 seated individuals surrounding it. Each individual has a number from 1-5 inscribed on the table in front of them, apparently designating their position within the Collective. Delta-49 Jack is standing at the front entrance to the chamber, flanked by two armed guards. Collective Member 1: My Scavengers say that they recovered you from the wasteland. You are unlike anything we have seen, and that worries our people. Jack: My friends and I assure you, we mean no harm. We only want to get back to our world. Collective Member 3: Your world? Collective Member 2: Where exactly did you come from? And how did you end up here? Jack: We work with a group known as the SCP Foundation. We're dedicated to studying and containing anomalies. We found a cave deep in a forest on our world, and when we went inside, it took us here. Your Scavengers saved our lives. Collective Member 5: Containing anomalies? Sounds like ACF to me. Collective Member 2: Indeed. We must get rid of him. Who's to say he isn't one of those freaks that— Jack: ACF? What— Collective Member 1: Enough! The room is silent for 5 seconds. Collective Member 1: Throughout my life, I've learned how to tell if someone is lying or not. Our extradimensional friend here is telling the truth. He means us no ill will. Collective Member 2: You can't be— Collective Member 1: However! That does not mean I've never been wrong. Therefore, you and your companion, Sparrow, will be confined to our cells until we decide what the next course of action is. Jack: Wait, you're gonna lock us up? What about Charger, he— Collective Member 1: He will be cared for, I assure you. In his current state, he poses no threat. That is all. The two guards seize Delta-49 Jack by the arms and begin to escort him out of the chamber. [END LOG] Addendum 4: Attempt at Further Exploration A second MTF was sent into SCP-7905 in hopes of gathering more information and possibly recovering the survivors of MTF-Delta 49. Delta-49's cameras maintained a GPS signal up until they were recovered by Vern and Hale. + Open Addendum 4 - Hide Exploration Video Log Transcript Date: █/█/2021 Exploration Team: MTF-Theta 51 ("Smooth Criminals") Subject: SCP-7905 Team Lead: Theta-51 "Rook" Team Members: Theta-51 "Frost" Theta-51 "Mako" Theta-51 "Talon" Theta-51 "Brewer" Theta-51 "Axel" Note: Theta-51 Axel and Theta-51 Mako are both equipped with standard Foundation-issued flamethrowers. Theta-51 Rook is the only member equipped with a camera, however, all members are equipped with radios. [BEGIN LOG] Command: Alright, team. We've sent you the last known coordinates of MTF-Delta 49. Proceed with caution. Rook: Roger that. Let's get moving. Theta-51 enters SCP-7905 and subsequently arrives in SCP-7905-1. The same laboratory is present. Rook: Command, you seeing this? Command: Affirmative, Theta-51. Reminder: there is a hostile entity located within this building. We believe the flamethrowers will be able to slow it down long enough for you to evade it. Mako: But it won't kill it? Command: Negative. Axel: Pfft. Then what's the goddamn point? Rook: Save it, Ax. We got better things to complain about. Frost: Holy…that smell. Brewer: Ugh, she's right. I can smell it too. There's definitely a few bodies in here. Phew. Command: Be advised, two members of MTF-Delta 49 were presumed KIA here. However, their bodies were never recovered Rook: Copy that. Team proceeds further into the laboratory, eventually discovering the corpse of the missing hiker previously encountered by MTF-Delta 49. Brewer: Poor guy. Frost: He's been there for a while. Rook: Well, there's two passages. We'll split up. Axel, you come left with me and Brewer. Mako, you take everyone else to the right. Mako: Yes sir. Rook: Alright, we'll rendezvous back here when I call it. Radio us if there's any problems. Team splits up inside the laboratory. Theta-51 Rook's camera shows the left passageway in an extreme state of disrepair. Mold and a dried pink liquid are present on the walls, the liquid presumably the blood of an unknown SCP-7905-3. Axel: Sheesh. That smell's gotten worse. A lot worse. Brewer: You got that right…(coughing) Rook: Keep moving, boys. If you gotta throw up, make sure you don't get too much on your suit. Takes forever to get the stains out. Axel: Yeah…I've smelled a pile of rotting corpses before, but this…(coughing) Brewer: Couldn't have said it better myself. Rook: Stop. The three team members come to a halt within a room leading to three more passageways. Silence for 4 seconds. Rook: (whispering) Hear that? Team is silent as Theta-51 Axel prepares his flamethrower. Brewer: (whispering) No, I— The vocalization of an SCP-7905-2 is heard, albeit much quieter than previously observed. Rook: Shh. I don't think it knows we're here. Brewer: Let's keep it that way. Axel: Which way is it— Before Theta-51 Axel is able to finish, an unknown voice is heard emanating from the middle passageway. Voice resembles a young male, and is seemingly far away. Unknown: No! I said enough! Rook: Command? Command: Be advised, captain. This is most likely an instance of SCP-7905-3. Assuming you read the brief, I'll refrain from explaining. Rook: Alright. Team, down the left hall. Axel: What about this other thing? Rook: Just follow me. We'll watch him come out from down this hall. Keep your weapons ready. The three team members proceed down the left passageway for approximately 11 meters. Rook: Lights off, don't make a sound. Radios off, too. Team is silent while waiting for SCP-7905-3 instance to emerge. More SCP-7905-2 vocalizations are detected, as well as a second unknown male voice. Unknown 1: I said no! If we kill them— Unknown 2: We won't do anything. That will be the Empios' job. Unknown 1: Oh shut up! I'm tired of hearing you say that. They're no use to us dead! Unknown 2: No use alive either. The two entities emerge. The first voice is identified as an approximately 1.9 meter tall SCP-7905-3 instance with black hair. The second is approximately 1.8 meters with no hair. To the surprise of the team, they are followed by three 3 meter tall SCP-7905-2 instances, albeit they do not appear hostile.3 Unknown 1: Yes they are. You saw those others who came in ██ ago. They'll help us get inside. Unknown 2: How do we know the Collective hasn't killed them yet? Or locked them up? Unknown 1: We don't. But do you have a better idea? Unknown 2: Yeah, we kill them. Unknown 1: That's not better. Unknown 2: I think— Unknown 1: Wait. The heads of all three SCP-7905-2 instances immediately perk up, seemingly smelling the air. Axel: (whispering) Shit. Unknown 1: They found something. Somebody's been listening to us! The SCP-7905-2 instances immediately run to the left passage, in the direction of the three team members. Brewer: Oh, fuck. Rook: Axel! Axel: I got it! Theta-51 Axel activates his flamethrower, which makes direct contact with all three entities. The two SCP-7905-3 cry out in apparent frustration. Rook: Run! Team proceeds further down the passageway, the vocalizations becoming more distant. Theta-51 Rook activates his radio. Rook: Mako! Mako: (over radio) Captain! What's happening? We found— Rook: Get back to the rendezvous point, now! We'll try to meet you there. Mako: (over radio) Roger that, but— Theta-51 Rook deactivates his radio. Axel: That flamethrower barely did anything! It just slowed 'em down a little bit! The sounds of the SCP-7905-2 seem to grow closer. Theta-51 Brewer recklessly fires a series of shots while running, losing his firearm in the process. Brewer: Crap! Axel: You dumbass! Team turns to the right down another passageway. SCP-7905-2 instances grow louder. Brewer: They're right be— Theta-51 Brewer screams, seemingly taken by an SCP-7905-2. Theta-51 Axel is taken shortly afterward. Theta-51 Rook eventually turns another corner, this time to the left, but is soon knocked to the floor. Theta-51 struggles to regain his footing as he is seemingly held down by the SCP-7905-2 instance. Mako: (over radio) Rook! Captain, are you okay? Command: Theta-51 Rook, please respon— Theta-51 rook's radio is deactivated, seemingly taken by one of the SCP-7905-3. Footsteps are heard approaching Theta-51 Rook. Unknown 1: Well, this certainly is a sticky situation that you're in my friend. Rook: Who—? Theta-51 Rook is flipped over, and the camera shows one of the unknown SCP-7905-3 instances. The SCP-7905-2 is currently observed to have its two front hooves planted on top of Theta-51 Rook's chest. Unknown 1: We heard you talking to someone earlier. Sounded like a radio. Rook: What are you— The unknown SCP-7905-3 holds the radio in front of Theta-51 Rook. Unknown 1: Call them here, now. You're gonna tell them that you're alright, and tell them to come here. Rook: What do you want with us? Huh? (cough) What do you have to gain? (cough) Unknown 1: You know, I could've sworn that I told you to call your friends, and yet, you're still not doing it. Pause Rook: Go…(groan) go to hell. Unknown 1: Wrong answer. The SCP-7905-2 suddenly grabs Theta-51 Rook's collar with its jaws and pins him against the adjacent wall. The other unknown SCP-7905-3 is not present. Unknown 1: You're gonna die. That's guaranteed. Now, it can either be quick and painless, or it can be painful as hell. Your choice. Theta-51 is visibly struggling, to no effect. Rook: Go…to…hell! A wet stabbing noise is heard as the SCP-7905-2 drives one of its antlers into Theta-51 Rook. Theta-51 Rook screams, and the camera cuts out, seemingly destroyed. [END LOG] Note: The status of MTF-Theta 51 is unknown. Theta-51 Rook, Brewer, and Axel were all declared KIA, with the remainder of the team declared MIA after becoming unresponsive to all attempts at radio contact. Further exploration into SCP-7905 was subsequently forbidden. Addendum 5: Further Documentation Recovered + Open Addendum 5 Item 1 - Hide My name is ██ ████, AKA Delta-49 Jack. Once we got into the city with Vern and Hale, their Collective locked me and Sparrow up. It's been about a week. Shouldn't be complaining, though. They don't treat us like prisoners, more like guests under house arrest. They give us food, and books, and paper. That's how I'm writing this, but Sparrow says it's pointless. I dunno, I guess it just gives me something to do. They still have Charger in their medical ward, and they say that he's getting better. Vern comes to visit sometimes, which is cool. I like him. Hale, his sister apparently, not so much. She's supposed to be 18, but acts like a little girl all the time. But from what I hear, she's been through hell. Everyone in this city has. I asked Sparrow if she knew what the "ACF" was, and she told me what she'd learned. I'm starting to get the feeling that the Collective knows a little bit more about the ACF's fall from grace than they're letting on. I'm gonna have to chat with them again, one way or another. I just hope the Foundation doesn't send in any more Task Forces after us. They probably won't be lucky enough to be picked up by some of the scavengers. However, knowing the Foundation, they probably already have. I asked Vern if he could get me a camera or something 'cuz I really hate writing. I was diagnosed with dysgraphia when I was twelve, so yeah. Vern said that he'd see what he could do. Meanwhile, Sparrow's been using that computer they gave us to search up some info about the city. And yes, I did try to create a document on the computer, but it didn't work, which is why I'm writing. Turns out, this place has its own little online newspaper like the New York Times. New York…that sounds so far away now. Well this newspaper, The Haven City Chronicle, had a particular article that we were interested in. Here's the gist of it: UNKNOWN OUTSIDERS STILL AT LARGE Reports from scavengers telling stories of a pair of strange men dressed in robes stalking the wasteland have been pouring in. They were simply a myth until, recently, a group of scavengers claimed to have encountered them "communicating" with a group of Empio. This continued until the scavengers were discovered and attacked. Thankfully, everyone survived. So yeah, that's about it. From what I can tell, the Collective's been trying their very best to hide this, but not everyone's buying it. Which is why I don't trust them. That's probably why they locked us up, too. Because they thought we'd seen these…I dunno…hooded guys out in the desert. And they didn't want us causing a scene. Sparrow and I are gonna get to the bottom of this. For now, we wait. … + Open Addendum 5 Item 2 - Hide (Note: This is an audio/video log transcript of further documentation by Delta-49 Jack.) Camera turns on and shows Jack at what appears to be a desk inside a small bedroom. He is dressed in a dark blue jumpsuit with the words "HAVEN" written on the front. Sparrow is not present. Jack: So, here we are. (pause) It's been two days since I wrote that paper, and uh, Vern just gave me this camera today. Sobbing can be heard from an adjacent room. Weston winces at the sound. Jack: We…just learned that Charger died last night. Which is ridiculous right? I mean, Vern said that he was doing better, walking even. He can't just…die. (pause) Jack: Whoever might be watching this in the future, probably don't give two shits right now. He's just another drop in the ocean of Task Force deaths. Our team…our team was close. Closer than most MTFs are. Charger and Sparrow and I were good friends. Hawk and Queen, too. We treated each other like a family. In our line of work, you gotta look out for each other when you can because…because sometimes you have to watch your friends die for the greater good. You have to die in the dark so that they live in the light. You're taught that you're expendable as an MTF member. Not expendable like D-Class, but expendable nonetheless. Which is why you have to look out for one another when a mission is over. You never know what kind of fucked-up shit could kill you at any moment. Or worse. (pause) Jack: Charger didn't just die. Somebody killed him, and I'm gonna find the son of a bitch that did it. I don't care if it was the Collective or what… (pause) Jack: I have to tell Vern about this. He's the only one in this godforsaken world I think I can trust. (Jack deactivates the camera) … + Open Addendum 5 Item 3 - Hide Camera activates and shows Jack and Vern standing next to each other in what appears to be a living room. Both Vern and Jack are clothed in the previous dark blue jumpsuits. Both individuals are a distance away from the camera, which was presumably activated and set into the position by Sparrow. Vern: Jack, you can't be serious. Why would they— Jack: I am serious, Vern. Your Collective doesn't want anyone to know about the two weirdos out in the wasteland. Vern: Those are unsubstantiated claims. And even if it were true, why would they have your friend killed? Jack: Because they think we saw something out there and don't want us to say anything about it. Vern: If that's the case, why weren't you and Sparrow killed as well? (Pause) Jack: I…I don't know. Vern: (sigh) Listen, Jack, I know that you're upset but you can't just throw accusations at the Collective like that. It'll get you in trouble. Jack: N-No I just—I just know that something fucky's going on and I have to find out what! Vern: Jack. (pause) Vern: There are forces at play that you can't begin to understand. This extends beyond the Empio, beyond the walls of this city. Jack: Oh, I understand plenty. I work for the Foundation, so I know corruption when I see it. Vern: If that were true, how on Voria would you go about stopping it? You can't. As long as you stay here, you must know this: whatever the Collective says, goes. Jack: You don't really believe that, do you? Vern: I have to. I have to, in order to maintain my sanity. Jack: I think you're forgetting that three of my friends were killed out there! One of them by your precious Collective! Vern: What can we do? How are we supposed to stop them? We can't! They rule this city, Jack! We won't be able to get anywhere near them! (pause) Jack: I can't…I can't just do…nothing. Vern: Unless you want to end up bound and dead in a ditch, you're gonna have to. There is a sudden knock on the front door and it opens. Hale enters. Vern: Hale? Hale: Vern! Come on! You'll want to see this. She points at the camera. Hale: Bring that too! Camera cuts for two seconds before reactivating and showing what appears to be a city street. A multitude of SCP-7905-3 instances are crowded around something. The camera operator attempts to get a better view, and manages to show what the point of attention is: the remainder of MTF-Theta 51, as well as two other unknown figures. The unknown figures appear to be two SCP-7905-3. Jack and Vern's voices are heard to the right of the camera. Jack: They look like us! Vern: We need to get them to the Capital House! Suddenly, several gunshots are heard coming from both of the unknown individuals. The crowd begins to panic and disperse. Three corpses are left behind. The Theta-51 members express confusion, with Theta-51 Frost attempting to take away the firearms. Both individuals manage to evade her grasp and escape down an adjacent alleyway. Footage ends as Sparrow runs away with Vern and Jack. Addendum 6: Rover Exploration Note: The following is an audio/video transcript log of a remote-controlled rover exploration into SCP-7905. Rover is manned from Site-790. + Open Addendum 6 Footage - Hide Rover's camera activates and is shown to be positioned directly in front of SCP-7905. The rover is instructed to go forward. Rover enters SCP-7905, at which point visibility is extremely limited. 14 minutes pass until rover arrives in the facility of SCP-7905. A single SCP-7905-2 instance is observed 3 meters from the entrance, but appears uninterested in the rover. Rover is directed forward, past the SCP-7905-2 and arrives at the corpse of the missing hiker. Rover is directed to the left. 3 minutes pass until rover camera observes a second corpse, this one belonging to a member of MTF Theta-51 positioned face down in the open room. Body is located directly outside the left passageway and identity is unknown. Rover is directed down the middle passageway, at which point visibility is affected. Rover activates its flashlight, illuminating several signs and sigils located on the adjacent wall. Of note, the words "ACF" are most prominent, along with various layers of graffiti mixed with mold and blood. Rover is directed into an open doorway within the hall. The room is dimly lit, with desks and computers thrown around the room in disarray. One computer is visibly intact, and rover is instructed to attempt to reactivate it. After 2 minutes, the rover is successful. Rover is directed to plug in its portable USB port and download all intact information. Rover is successful, and all data is remotely sent to Site-790. Rover's camera is directed at a pile of documents in disarray across the floor. Rover takes several photographs of each document. A sample of each document has been attached. <Document 1> Metron readings coming up negative. [UNITELLIGIBLE] Testing with Anomaly-37 will continue, whether they want me to or not. I'm close to [UNINTELLIGIBLE] Brainwaves are linked. I think this is it. I just have to do one more thing. [REMAINDER OBSCURED BY BLOOD] <Document 2> (Separate author) Anomaly-37 has been released. We're doing our best to [UNITELLIGIBLE] inside the facility. Guards will [UNINTELLIGIBLE] …barricaded ourselves in my office [REMAINDER OBSCURED BY MOLD] [All other documents were either too far to transcribe or damaged too severely] Rover is directed out of the office and back into the adjacent hallway. Rover is instructed to make its way back to interior of SCP-7905 and back to the Foundation. Rover makes its way back to the opening without interruption until it attempts to exit. At this point, all audio and visual functions cease for approximately 15 minutes. Rover was later discovered 26 meters away from SCP-7905, in a state of extreme disrepair. It is still unknown how the rover was transported out of SCP-7905 despite the presence of armed guards.4 <END LOG> Addendum 7: Data recovered from underground ACF facility within SCP-7905-1 The following entries are items recovered by the Foundation rover that have been determined to be crucial sources of information on the origin of SCP-7905-2, SCP-7905-4, and the cause of the XK-Scenario. + Open Addendum 7 Item 1 - Hide ITEM 1 This item appears to be a journal entry belonging to a survivor within the facility. Day 39. We've officially run out of food. This corridor is the only part of the facility that hasn't been taken by the Anomaly-37 instances, and it's taking a toll on our minds. Three of us have committed suicide already. I don't know whether I should pity them or envy them, for I would much rather die by a bullet to the brain than being eaten alive by those things. Dr. Endrix is still at large, too. He was the idiot that started experimenting on those things without the Council's permission! I hope he died slowly. All his talk of mental capacities and metrons…the man was insane. He honestly believed that those monsters could be tamed. If only we were so lucky. One part of me wants to feel bad for him, for his family. He had a wife and a son. He had a job that allowed him to protect everyone on Voria. And he threw it all away over some superstitious nonsense. The other part of me hates him, hates him for what he unleashed, what he forced us to do. He's the reason I had to watch my best friend get devoured right in front of me. He's the reason I knelt in a pool of my friends' blood, begging for mercy. He's the reason I will eventually die from starvation. But if he's dead, Anomaly-37 will never escape this facility. I can rest in peace knowing at least that. I love you Shia. Tell the kids I love them, too. … + Open Addendum 7 Item 2 - Hide The following appears to be a containment document of SCP-7905-2 or Anomaly-37 Anomaly: 37 Type: Geryon5 Risk: High Containment Protocol: All instances of Anomaly-37 are to be contained in a cubical containment chamber that suits the height of the particular instance. At the time of writing, all known instances of Anomaly-37 are contained in exactly 53 Facilities worldwide. Reproduction of Anomaly-37 is to be monitored and offspring are to be detained and placed in a separate chamber should they outgrow their present one. No known methods of eliminating Anomaly-37 instances have been identified and should not be attempted without Council approval. All containment chambers to Anomaly-37 are to be kept approximately 45 kilometers below ground. Any unauthorized personnel attempting to gain access to Anomaly-37, be it direct or indirect, are to be terminated on sight without question. Anomaly Description: Anomaly-37 is the designation given to an anomalous subspecies of deer. Anomaly-37 takes the appearance of an average deer, albeit with the following exceptions: Size varies, but average size of Anomaly-37 is 4.5 to 5 meters tall An absence of lips, with dog-like teeth All instances are observed to have red fur Anomaly-37's diet consists of exclusively vorian flesh, and all instances refuse to consume any other type of meat Upon birth, Anomaly-37 does not require any kind of sustenance until it is 10 years of age. At this point, if the Anomaly-37 instance is able to consume vorian flesh, it will not require any kind of sustenance for an additional 3 years Impervious to any kind of damage, with no known methods of termination other than starvation All instances are equipped with antlers Additional set of eyes located underneath primary eyes The race is asexual, and reproduces by budding an offspring from their skin pores Additional Notes: It is my personal opinion that there is more to Anomaly-37 than meets the eye. The legends of Mindwalkers, of Vo and the Beast King, they have to be true, don't they? We surround ourselves with anomalies all the time, and this idea suddenly seems outlandish? No, I refuse to believe that. I wish to further my experimentation on Anomaly-37 in order to reach what is meant for us, what is truly meant for me: the power of the Mindwalkers. —Dr. Barren Endrix, Head Researcher of Anomaly-37 … + Open Addendum 7 Item 3 - Hide The following appears to be an automated message from a control panel for the chamber of SCP-X-2 Welcome, Dr. Endrix. What would you like to do today? command>unlock_chamber Command Received: Unlock chamber of Anomaly-37. Are you sure you wish to continue? Y/N >Y Confirmed. Chamber unlocking in 3…2…1… … … Chamber Unlocked … WARNING: CHAMBER TO ANOMALY-37 HAS REMAINED UNLOCKED FOR LONGER THAN THE DESIGNATED TIME PERIOD (1 MINUTE AND 30 SECONDS). BEGINNING EMERGENCY LOCKDOWN PROTOCOL. DISTRESS SIGNAL SENT. command.override Command not recognized. command>override Unable to override current command. Beginning emergency shutdown. Goodbye. … + Open Addendum 7 Item 4 - Hide The following appears to be an email sent from an Erosa Darven to Dr. Endrix. TO: mac.liamfca|xirdneb#mac.liamfca|xirdneb FROM: mac.liamfca|51nevradrd#mac.liamfca|51nevradrd SUBJ: plan I did as you asked. The access codes to Dr. Stowley's office are attached below. I modified the surveillance program so that it didn't detect my presence in his computer. Nobody will ever know about me. He has what you need for your little mind experiment, I'm sure of it. But Barren, I really don't think this is a good idea. The legends of the Mindwalkers6 are just that: legends. Trying to recreate devilry like that is just asking for trouble, even if it is for the good of the ACF. Stowley understands that, why can't you? Playing god never ends well, Barren, you should know that by now. Think of your wife. Think of Vern and Hale. What will they say when they learn the truth? You know what will happen if the Council finds you. They'll have you killed or terminated and Washed,7without a doubt. Either way, this world will be better for it. Better without you and your sick, twisted fantasies of godhood. I don't care what you do to me, I am done helping you. Goodbye, Barren. TO: mac.liamfca|xirdneb#mac.liamfca|xirdneb FROM: mac.liamfca|51nevradrd#mac.liamfca|51nevradrd SUBJ: none You liar. You lying piece of shit, you selfish fucking bastard. I wish I'd never met you, wish you never existed in the first place. You've doomed us all, and for what? Power? Fame? Notoriety? Don't you see that it's all meaningless in the end? You've ruined us. The world will know our secret, all because of you. You need to run, Barren. Take those tiny little twigs you call legs and run as fast and as far away as you can from me. Because if I find you, you are really not going to like what happens. Luckily, I seem to be not as stupid as I thought. I prepared for something like this. You remember the project? The Tunnel? It was abandoned six months ago after you showed up. But I kept working on it. Maybe this will help those who are trapped escape this facility. As far as the world is concerned, the Mindwalkers never have, and never will, exist. I'll see you in hell. -Erosa Addendum 8: Final Documentation The following documents contain transcripts of video logs recovered by Delta-49 Sparrow after her departure from SCP-7905-1. + Open Addendum 8 Item 1 - Hide BEGIN LOG A camera activates and shows the interior of a storage closet with Jack, Hale, Vern, three male SCP-7905-3 instances, and Sparrow recording. Screaming can be heard from the outside accompanied by gunshots and something akin to roaring. Several loud rumblings are detected in unison, and are presumed to be the footsteps of a massive SCP-7905-2. Hale: Vern! What…what do…w-what do we do? Vern: Just hang on—I… Jack: The fuck is happening? How'd those things get in here? Sparrow: Who were those two guys that started shooting everyone? Vern: Outsiders…but— Vern's sentence is cut off by a massive roar, seemingly close in proximity to their location. Hale: Oh…oh fuck. Oh FUCK! Vern: Get your rifles ready. Male 1: We're low on ammunition, we won't have enough. Vern: Best we can do is try, for now. A heavy knock is heard on the entrance, followed by shouting from an unknown male voice. Unknown: Vern! Hale! I know you're in there, kids, come on out! Hale: Wait…is…is that…how is he..? Unknown: Hale! Vern! Open the door, please! I'm not going to hurt you, just let me in! A second loud knock is heard, an apparent attempt at breaching the doorway. A second roar is heard, this time louder. Vern: Dad? Is that you? Sparrow: Your dad? The fuck? Male 2: It's a trick. It's— Vern: I know my father's voice. Hale: Vern, he's dead. He has to be. We saw it happen, remember? Vern ignores Hale and opens the front entrance, revealing the unknown male SCP-7905-3, presumably Dr. Barren Endrix, accompanied by five small SCP-7905-2 instances standing in what appears to be a large hallway. The adjacent walls are damaged and burned, revealing the destruction of Haven City. There is a long pause. Vern: Dad…? Suddenly, all five SCP-7905-2 instances charge forward, roaring loudly. The three male SCP-7905-3 discharge their firearms, killing two of the instances. The remaining three SCP-7905-2 make contact with the three males, along with Jack. The three male SCP-7905-3 are subsequently killed via neck fracture, while Jack's left hand is immediately detached in the struggle. Hale screams, and Sparrow drops the camera, obscuring the view, leaving only the audio. Jack: Fuck! Gah! My fucking hand! Sparrow, run! Jack continues screaming in pain and another gunshot is heard, followed by the sound of a struggle. After five seconds, Sparrow screams, followed by rapid footsteps, seemingly from Sparrow herself. Vern: No! Stop it! What the hell is happening? Barren: Hold on, son. This won't take long. Footsteps are heard, seemingly an SCP-7905-2 instance due to the footstep pattern. A wet stabbing sound is heard, and Jack screams in pain. Vern: No! Jack: Gah! Fuck! Barren: It will only hurt more if you struggle. Jack: I've seen you before, in the city. You were one of the doctors. You son of a bitch…this was you…wasn't it? The Collective…Collective didn't kill Charger. It was you… Jack begins coughing violently, followed by laughter. Jack: You played me for a fool…(coughing) A loud crunch is heard, and Jack's coughing ceases. There is a long pause. Vern: The two outsiders…you've been working with them. You've been alive this whole time, but how? We saw the Empio carry you and mom away. Hale: You lied to us. Barren: Yes, I did. And you have no idea how long I've wanted to tell you…to embrace you as my children once more. To show you this…this power that I have discovered. Vern: You control them? You control those…beasts? Barren: They obey my every command. They will obey yours, too. If you come with me. Hale: You killed them. You killed Jack…and all the other people in Haven City. You killed them all. Why? Barren: Collateral damage. If we are to create a new society…a perfect society, then we must exterminate the weak. Vern: How? How did you do this? There is a long pause, and Barren sighs. Barren: I was a member of the ACF. One of their top scientists. Vern: What? Barren: I knew about the power we could attain from these animals. But they didn't listen to me, wouldn't let me harness it. So I made them listen. I set the beasts free, and showed them how powerful I'd become. I infiltrated this city when I heard that you two were here, and I needed a way to get in. Your otherworldly friends here were the solution to that. They were my way inside this fortress. Vern: You caused this? You're the reason they got free? You're the reason mom is dead? You caused the end of the world to prove a point?! Hale: Bastard! There is the sound of a struggle, followed by two more gunshots. Vern screams, and a wet stabbing noise is heard. Hale is heard coughing. Vern: No! Dad, stop! Hale! Barren: Follow me, son. You sister is weak, she can't understand. But you can. I know you can. Just take my hand, my boy. There is a pause, followed by a second stabbing noise. Barren is heard screaming. Vern: I'm sorry, dad. But I can't. Barren: (coughing and laughing) You foolish boy. You have accomplished…nothing! You have simply dug…your own grave. Vern: I don't care, as long as you die with me. This is for mom. There is a long pause, and a loud thud as Barren's body seemingly collapses. Several seconds later, the SCP-7905-2 instances are heard vocalizing, followed by screaming from afar. The voice belongs to Sparrow. Sparrow: Vern! Run away, hurry! Several footsteps are heard, followed by gunshots and the screaming of the SCP-7905-2 instances. The camera is picked up by an unknown individual, and the footage ends. END LOG … + Open Addendum 8 Item 2 - Hide Foreword: On █/█/2021, Sparrow was observed exiting SCP-7905 alongside two SCP-7905-3 instances, one male and one female, with extreme injuries across their bodies. All three individuals were apprehended by guards and taken into Foundation custody, where they received proper medical treatment. The following are transcripts of interview logs with all three individuals. Interviewed: Delta-49 Sparrow Interviewer: Dr. Alex Valentine Foreword: Sparrow was located in the medical ward at time of interview. BEGIN LOG Dr. Valentine: Hello, Sparrow. Are you feeling any better today? Sparrow: I guess. My head's still throbbing, so I'm sorry if I'm a little out of it. Dr. Valentine: No need to apologize, just answer the questions to the best of your ability. Sparrow: Okay. Dr. Valentine: We've reviewed the footage you gave us, it's quite amazing that you managed to make it out. How did you get the footage? Sparrow: Vern had it. He grabbed it once the city started falling apart. Dr. Valentine: Vern? Sparrow: The guy. The other…what's it called? SCP… Dr. Valentine: SCP-7905-3. Sparrow: Yeah, that. How is he by the way? (pause) Dr. Valentine: It's…not looking good. His blood is similar to a squid's, but with how much he's lost… (pause) Sparrow: I see. And the girl? Dr. Valentine: The same. Sparrow: Alright, well…let's get this over with. Dr. Valentine: Why don't you tell me what happened after you exited the laboratory? For the record. Sparrow: Vern and Hale found us, took us to the city. Everything was alright, for a while. Then…then Charger was murdered by Barren Endrix. That's when all hell broke loose. Dr. Valentine: Tell us more about that, we're still a little hazy on the details. (pause) Sparrow: Well, when we got let in, the two outsiders saw their chance and took it. They used the other MTF team as a way to get inside…and then they summoned the Empio. Dr. Valentine: Summoned? Sparrow: Yeah. There's a few people who can…control them. Make them do whatever they want. Barren was one of them, as well as the two outsiders. They tore the city to bits…nobody saw it coming. We found a storage room to hunker down in, until Barren showed up. He was Vern's dad, so he managed to convince him to open the door. He used the Empio and killed everyone inside, except me. I ran away, like a coward. I left Jack to die… Dr. Valentine: No, it's not your fault. You did what you had to do in order to survive. Sparrow: I guess. (pause) Dr. Valentine: How did you get back here? Sparrow: Some Collective guy named Erosa…I think…got us into a van. He told us where to go, right before an Empio bit his head off. Dr. Valentine: And there weren't any SCP-7905-2 instances inside the laboratory? Sparrow: No, there were some. That's why only Vern and Hale made it with me. We had two other dudes with us, but they got eaten. Dr. Valentine: I see. Well, is there anything else? Something that happened that might not be on the documents you recovered? Sparrow: I…I d-don't think so. (pause) Dr. Valentine: Alright, I believe we're finished then. I'll be back if I have any more questions. Dr. Valentine stands up and prepares to leave. Sparrow: Doctor? Dr. Valentine: Hmm? Sparrow: Help them, please. Dr. Valentine: The doctors are doing everything— Sparrow: Not just them. Their world, too. It's dying…we need to help them. We can't…can't let their world die. Dr. Valentine: I understand… Sparrow: Promise me, doctor. Please. (pause) Dr. Valentine: Of course. I promise. END LOG Afterword: Following this interview, Delta-49 Sparrow was granted a leave of absence upon her recovery. Both SCP-7905-3 instances, "Vern and Hale," were proclaimed deceased 24 hours later. Request for full Foundation insertion into SCP-7905-1 in order to assist its inhabitants is currently pending approval by the O5 Council. … + Open Addendum 8 Item 3: PROJECT ERADICATION - Hide UPDATE: The O5 Council has approved the request for PROJECT ERADICATION. Foundation insertion into SCP-7905-1 to provide assistance is currently underway. Using intel divulged by SCP-7905-3 "Vern Endrix" the Foundation has crafted weapons capable of efficiently terminating SCP-7905-2 instances. The estimated remaining number of SCP-7905-2 instances have been attached below. Upon completion of PROJECT ERADICATION, SCP-7905 will be reclassified as Thaumiel and efforts to maintain relations with SCP-7905-1 will be put in motion. % SCP-7905-2 Terminated % SCP-7905-2 Remaining Estimated Date of Completion 17% 83% █/█/2027 % SCP-7905-4 Terminated % SCP-7905-4 Remaining Estimated Date of Completion Unknown Unknown None Footnotes 1. For a more detailed account, see Document-7905-1-A. 2. This is Italian for "unholy", suggesting that SCP-7905-1 shares many other languages with Earth besides modern english. 3. For more information, see Addendum 7. 4. A memetic hazard is suspected and investigation into the possibility is ongoing. 5. Unknown meaning 6. SCP-7905-4 7. The hypothesized term for amnesticization in SCP-7905-1 « SCP-7904 | SCP-7905 | SCP-7906 »
Item #: SCP-7906 Object Class: Keter A still from one of the YouTube videos on SCP-7906 showing SCP-7906-1's appearance. Special Containment Procedures: While SCP-7906's content is currently successfully censored, more direct means of containment are currently under investigation. Any attempts to remove SCP-7906 from YouTube have been unsuccessful, as it continued to reappear after each removal. As attempts to remove SCP-7906 from the web have proven futile, a Foundation Webcrawler has been set up to redirect viewers to the YouTube homepage when attempting to access SCP-7906. SCP-7906 is to be monitored by a staff member with XX sex chromosomes. Under no circumstances are recipes from SCP-7906 to be recreated. Description: SCP-7906 refers to a channel on YouTube.com under the name of ‘MonicaMakesxo'. Videos from SCP-7906 focus on baking and cooking foods in a traditionally feminine aesthetic. Attempts to track down the person running SCP-7906 have been unsuccessful. In a pattern corresponding with SCP-4319, SCP-7906 can only be viewed by those with XX sex chromosomes. If a person with non-XX sex chromosomes is sent a link to SCP-7906, it will lead to YouTube's homepage. SCP-7906-2 refers to any recipe demonstrated on SCP-7906. The anomalous effects of SCP-7906 take place when subjects who have XX sex chromosomes consume a recreated instance of SCP-7906-2. When consumed, these recipes will cause the subject to experience symptoms typical of those suffering from Major Depressive Disorder. This effect does not wear off and thus is assumed to be permanent. It is unknown how closely the recipe has to be followed in order to trigger the anomalous effects. If eaten by a subject with non-XX sex chromosomes, the foods will have no effect. Excluding its anomalous effects, the end result of SCP-7906-2 is consistent with expected outcomes using similar cooking and baking techniques. SCP-7906-1 refers to the entity that features in all SCP-7906's YouTube videos; 'Monica'. The consultation of current facial recognizing systems and databases has proven ineffective in discovering the identity of SCP-7906-1, as such, it is currently hypothesized that SCP-7906-1 may generate false images of itself. Similarly, other entities that feature on SCP-7906 are currently unidentified. SCP-7906-1 has been identified as both an affiliate and active member of GOI-4319 ("Just Girly Things"). Addendum-1-Discovery: The Foundation was first alerted to SCP-7906 on 12/14/2020 after it was flagged by Foundation web crawlers. The first video that came to the Foundation's attention was titled '♡Perfect Girly Hot Chocolate for my best friend!- JGT♡', published on 12/07/2020. This video has been included in the addendum below under 'Video Transcript 12/07/2020'. Addendum-2-Transcripts: The following is a partial list of transcripts of videos posted by SCP-7906 up until the time of discovery in order of posting date. Video transcript 02/12/2020 - Close A still from '♡The best heart sugar cookies- JGT♡'. Video Title: ♡The best heart sugar cookies- JGT♡ SCP-7906-1's opener plays. Clips of SCP-7906-1 baking and cooking flash across the screen while music plays. SCP-7906-1 is standing in a mostly pink-colored kitchen. SCP-7906-1: Hello my girlies! Monica here! Are you wondering what to bake your man or bestie for this Valentine's Day? Well, do I have the video for you! A title card flashes across the screen stating 'The best heart sugar cookies'. SCP-7906-1: Valentine's Day is important. It's when you get to go to your man, look at him with love in your eyes, and say 'I'm yours'. It's the day when you show your besties how much you appreciate them for sticking with you through thick and thin. And what better way to show that than a special treat where you can share your feelings? SCP-7906-1 claps its hands together. SCP-7906-1: Today for you I have the very most cutest ever Valentine's Day heart sugar cookies! SCP-7906-1 pans to a plate with decorated heart-shaped cookies. SCP-7906-1: Who knows if yours can look as good as mine, but you can certainly try! First, you're going to need some ingredients! SCP-7906-1 begins to describe ingredients needed for baking the recipe, showing each item as it is described. SCP-7906-1: If it looks like a lot, I promise it's not! It'll be rather easy! SCP-7906-1 begins to list out the recipe, showing itself baking as it does so. After it finishes, the camera cuts back to SCP-7906-1. SCP-7906-1: And now we put it in the oven! That's the boring part, but we'll get to the exciting part soon! Firstly though, I'm going to talk to you about who I'm celebrating for Valentine's Day while it bakes. A picture of SCP-7906-1 and a man lovingly embracing each other flashes onto the screen. SCP-7906-1: This is my husband, Ron. Ron and I have been together for 6 years, and I just adore him. He's really been through me with it all. I was just 15 when I met him. I was a sophomore, he was a senior in high school when we met. I remember always staring at him in algebra class. He couldn't care less about me. But that's because we didn't know each other at the time. It's not like I was popular or hot. I was a total overweight pig. SCP-7906-1 gives a disgusted sigh. SCP-7906-1: My bestie Rachel was always there for me though. Insisting he would like me as I am. But one day, and I'll never forget this- she comes to me and goes, 'you are not enough.' That was really jarring to me because she had always been supportive of me before. I ask her what gives and she goes, 'you are not enough. You've tried so hard to be enough, but you aren't. You're not pretty enough, not skinny enough, not girly enough. I wasn't either. But I have something that can help you.' In hindsight, I should've seen it coming. She had started acting differently. Dressing differently. And I think the whole time, I was jealous of her. I'm not sure why she didn't come forward and say something sooner, but it changed my life when she did. After JGT, Ron started to notice me. I started dressing better, sewing, but most of all- baking. Eventually, I started giving my treats to Ron, who loved them! I always loved baking before, maybe that's why I was so fat. But JGT was able to help me bake in a healthier way! Pictures of SCP-7906-1 in a younger form flash across the screen. SCP-7906-1: I was so… insecure back then. But I love myself more than ever now! I could never even imagine being sad thanks to all the help from my girlies at JGT! Especially my bestie Rachel, who introduced me in the first place, starting the chain of good decisions that led me to my husband! He just loves when I bake, how I dress, who I am- everything. I wouldn't have my life without him. Without her. But we're going to skip to the decoration! The screen now shows plain heart-shaped cookies on a plate. SCP-7906-1 is seen holding a container of frosting in one hand, and a knife in the other. SCP-7906-1: First you frost your cookies- duh! I'm using white frosting, but pink or red works too! SCP-7906-1 begins to frost one of the cookies. After it completes frosting all the cookies on the plate, it picks up a container of sprinkles. SCP-7906-1: Pink, rainbow, red, it's up to you what you want to do! Do what you want! SCP-7906-1 giggles, beginning to apply sprinkles to its cookies. SCP-7906-1: And we're finished! Looks perfect! Your boyfriend or husband and besties will absolutely adore these cookies! Remember to follow the recipe and try it yourself! SCP-7906 makes a heart shape with its hands. SCP-7906-1: Thank you so much for watching and don't forget to like and subscribe! And remember, all of my recipes are available in full at www.Justgirlythings.si! SCP-7906-1's end card plays. Video transcript 04/05/2020 - Close A still from '♡Cutest spring pastries-JGT♡' Video Title: ♡Cutest spring pastries-JGT♡ SCP-7906-1's opener plays. Clips of SCP-7906-1 baking and cooking flash across the screen while music plays. SCP-7906 is standing in a pink-themed kitchen with spring decorations. SCP-7906-1: Hello my besties! It's Monica here! And it's finally spring! Flowers are in bloom, colors are brighter, things are better! And what better way to celebrate spring than baking some flower-themed pastries to celebrate? A title card flashes across the screen stating ‘Cutest spring pastries'. The camera now shows SCP-7906-1 again. SCP-7906-1 picks up a plate with flower-shaped pastries. SCP-7906-1: Now these babies are absolutely delicious! Mine are soft sugar cookie dough based with strawberries baked in and strawberry icing. But yours can have any or no fruit baking in with any flavored frosting! The screen switches to show a kitchen countertop with an array of ingredients laid out. SCP-7906-1: First, I'm going to show you how to make these delicious pastries! Then while they're baking, we can chat a bit! Most of the video is SCP-7906-1 showing ingredients and baking. It has been summarized for simplicity. SCP-7906-1: And now you put them in the oven, and we wait! SCP-7906-1 is seen placing a tray into the oven. The screen then cuts to SCP-7906 sitting at an outside table. SCP-7906-1: These bake for a while, so we've got a bit to chat! You know, the first thing I ever baked was in Spring. I was 15, still in high school. I wanted something to impress Ron, but I wasn't sure what to do. At some point, Rachel suggested baking! I told her there was no way I'd be any good at it, but she insisted, so I tried it! SCP-7906-1 takes a sip from a glass of milk. SCP-7906-1: Rachel taste-tested all of my desserts. I had her start doing it more after I joined JGT! She was more willing at that time anyway, she loved them because JGT had made her appreciate desserts more! I was afraid to get into baking so much because you know, I didn't want to be a fat pig! Then Rachel has the idea for me to do fat-free options! I started giving Rachel my desserts more after that. I mean she definitely needed them. That girl had the nerve to tell me I was overweight. She had so much fat in her hips. She joked about how I was a bitch for constantly criticizing her, L-O-L. SCP-7906-1 sets down the glass of milk it was holding. SCP-7906-1: Over time, she started to eat my treats less. Which really hurt my feelings! I would even make ones specifically for her! When I asked her why, she said it was because she didn't feel like it. That all the sugar was making her sick. Can you believe that? They're fat-free! SCP-7906-1 scoffs. SCP-7906-1: Eventually, after some convincing she said she was willing to eat them again. Which was great! She continued to taste-test my recipes for the longest time. As she ate them, I continued to get happier and happier! That's the type of best friend you should be. Supporting each other! The screen changes to show undecorated pastries with a bowl of frosting next to them. SCP-7906-1: And now we decorate! SCP-7906 demonstrates to the audience how to decorate the pastries. The screen cuts to the pastries, milk, and two flower pots set up on a table outside. SCP-7906-1: And then you put it on a nice setup! There we are! The perfect flower pastries for spring! Don't forget to share them with all your besties and loved ones! Like, share, and subscribe! And don't forget that you can check out all my recipes on www.justgirlythings.si! SCP-7906-1's end card plays. Video transcript 06/04/2020 - Close A still from '♡PERFECT summer lemonade!- JGT♡'. Video Title: ♡PERFECT summer lemonade!- JGT♡ SCP-7906-1's opener plays. Clips of SCP-7906-1 baking and cooking flash across the screen while music plays. SCP-7906-1 is sitting on a picnic blanket outside in the sun. SCP-7906-1: Hello my lovely girls! Monica back again with another video! Can you believe it's summer already? I certainly can't! I feel like it was just winter! It's so bright and beautiful outside! Spring passed right by! We need something to celebrate summer, and what better to celebrate summer than lemonade? So today, we're going to make some strawberry-orange-flavored lemonade! It's my very favorite, and I'm sure it'll be your favorite as well! A title card flashed across the screen stating ‘Perfect summer lemonade.' The screen shows an outdoor table with a pitcher, a glass, water, and other supplies to make lemonade on it. SCP-7906 explains what ingredients are needed before beginning to show itself making the lemonade. SCP-7906-1: So this lemonade is a relatively easy make! Don't use the processed stuff, that's too much sugar! We want to stay fit ladies! I know my Ron wants me in shape. Remember how I said he wouldn't talk to me before I was skinny? SCP-7906-1 continues to show itself making the drink until it is finished. SCP-7906-1: And there we are! Let's try it! SCP-7906-1 takes a sip from the glass of lemonade. SCP-7906-1: Delicious! Now that's finished, I have a few concerns to address from my last video. Mary says she gave the cupcakes to her best friend, who then began to feel depressed. She said that was weird because she expected them to make her happy! She gave her even more of them, which just made her even more depressed! SCP-7906-1 frowns. SCP-7906-1: I want to clarify that how my desserts and food make you feel is up to you, not me. Why is that my responsibility? I'm happy now. You should be too. And if you aren't, that's your problem. SCP-7906-1 gives a wide smile. SCP-7906-1: Thank you so much for watching! Make sure to like and subscribe! And as always, my recipes are available at www.justgirlythings.si! SCP-7906-1's end card plays. Video Transcript 10/05/2020 - Close A still from '♡Fall Bowl cake- JGT♡'. Video Title: ♡Fall Bowl cake- JGT♡ SCP-7906-1's opener plays. Clips of SCP-7906-1 baking and cooking flash across the screen while music plays. SCP-7906-1 is sitting at a table with pink fall-themed decorations. SCP-7906-1: Hello besties! Monica here! It's fall now, the very best time of the year! You can wear cute sweaters, watch the leaves fall, the likes! Me and Rachel loved to watch the leaves fall when we were younger. Pictures of SCP-7906-1 and Rachel outside watching leaves flash across the screen. SCP-7906-1: Slowly, she stopped doing it though. She started staying inside more, which is totally silly! I always brought her my desserts to cheer her up from her sad feelings! Not sure if it worked though haha. But let's get started! Today I have for you a wonderful fall bowl cake! A title card flashes across the screen stating ‘Fall bowl cake'. Most of the video is SCP-7906-1 showing ingredients and baking. It has been summarized for simplicity. SCP-7906-1: And then you finish it off with a cute decoration! You can make this cake any time of the year, but to me, fall is the perfect time! SCP-7906-1 begins to cut a piece of cake. SCP-7906-1: Some of you have been asking about Rachel, if she can make appearances! Unfortunately, Rachel isn't available. You'll probably never see her on this channel. But I know she would want you to keep watching my videos! The screen now shows SCP-7906-1. SCP-7906-1 is holding a plate of cake. Thank you so much for watching! Remember to like, share, and subscribe! Be sure to check out these recipes and more at www.justgirlythings.si! And of course, try the recipe yourself! You make me happier each time you try it! SCP-7906-1's end card plays. Video Transcript 12/07/2020 - Close A still from '♡Perfect Girly Hot Chocolate for my best friend!♡'. Video Title: ♡Perfect Girly Hot Chocolate for my best friend! JGT♡ SCP-7906-1's opener plays. Clips of SCP-7906-1 baking and cooking flash across the screen while music plays. SCP-7906-1 is sitting in a pink-themed kitchen with pink Christmas decorations. SCP-7906-1: Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone! Monica is here to bring you another great video! I know this video may be nearby Christmas and about hot chocolate, but it's actually not a Christmas video- it's a birthday video! Not for me of course, you all know my birthday is in November. This is a birthday video for my bestie Rachel! But I should probably be more clear. Rachel is… no longer with us. Pictures of SCP-7906-1 and Rachel flash across the screen. SCP-7906-1: About eight months ago, Rachel took her own life. I know that's a little dark, but we're here to celebrate her life for her birthday! Hot chocolate was always Rachel's favorite, so that's why I'm making this in remembrance. I think we all need to be more aware of mental health. Just remember that if you're struggling girls, JGT will help you. It always has for me. A title card flashes across the screen stating ‘Perfect girly hot chocolate for my best friend'. SCP-7906-1 begins to pull out ingredients to make hot chocolate. SCP-7906-1: So I can talk, I'm going to put the instructions on the screen! But let's get started! SCP-7906-1 begins to prepare the recipe. SCP-7906-1: Rachel was… my best friend. She helped me through my darkest times. And I helped her through hers. Though clearly not enough because she's not here anymore. But that's not my fault, it's hers. She had JGT. She was the one that got me into JGT. And then she had the audacity to start acting like a pussy. SCP-7906-1 scoffs. SCP-7906-1: “You don't understand my feelings!” Um, yes I did. I understood what she needed better than anything. What she needed was me. My desserts make me happier. If they couldn't make her happier, then that's her fault! What, little Rachel couldn't take a little sugar? She was always a fatty. SCP-7906-1 laughs. SCP-7906-1: She always made things about her. Ridiculous, right? Maybe she wouldn't have died alone if she had followed in my footsteps. No boy is going to want some insane girl that can't even brush her hair properly, L-O-L. But nonetheless, I love Rachel. Even if she was… well… the way she was. Rachel could've used more help. She should've just listened to KeeLee's teachings. I always did, and it worked fine. Rachel was like “this is your doing, you always make everything about you” or whatever. Can you believe that? I'm happy, so it's fine. I don't understand why she couldn't just be happy for me. If she didn't want to help herself, then that's up to her. SCP-7906-1 remains silent until it finishes the recipe. SCP-7906-1: And there we are! Perfect girly chocolate you can make for your best friend! I know Rachel would enjoy it. SCP-7906-1 smiles, staring directly at the camera. I know you can hear me, Rachel. Isn't it nice that I'm doing something for you, even after you took the coward's way out? SCP-7906-1 looks at the camera with a smile.SCP-7906-1's end card plays. « SCP-7905 | SCP-7906 | SCP-7907 »
by Zenobiyl Item#: 7907 Level3 Containment Class: neutralized Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: danger link to memo SCP-7907-1 manifestation near Kissimmee, Florida. Assigned Site Site Director Assigned Task Force MTF Commander Area-37 Emery Novens MTF Mu-13 "Ghostbusters" Max Maxwell PoI-3947, Alton Langmeyer Special Containment Procedures: A three-kilometer area around each SCP-7907 manifestation is to be evacuated for forty-eight hours. Individuals exiting SCP-7907-1 are to be given psychiatric and/or amnestic treatment. Description: SCP-7907 is a poltergeist, believed to be PoI-3947, that assumes the form of an emaciated male humanoid wearing a Venetian carnival mask. Direct eye contact with the entity has been known to cause severe cognitohazardous harm including personality alteration, memory loss, and psychosis. SCP-7907 can trigger pseudobulbar affect1 through its cognitohazardous speech. A black book entitled "Liber Mortis" (designated SCP-7907-3) is believed to be the source of the entity's cognitohazardous properties. SCP-7907 will manifest itself and a standard-size carnival tent (designated SCP-7907-1) within the United States approximately once per decade, during an SCP-7907-A event. Manifestations last up to two days, during which time the entity and decomposing bodies puppeteered by it (designated SCP-7907-2) perform anomalous and/or anatomically impossible circus tricks. Individuals can enter and exit SCP-7907-1 during an SCP-7907-A event, though the entity has been known to react aggressively to research and/or rescue expeditions. When an SCP-7907-A event is concluded, the entity and all objects related to it spontaneously dematerialize. Individuals inside SCP-7907-1 during dematerialization have reported falling and remaining unconscious until the next SCP-7907-A event. Promotional advertisements are occasionally left behind following dematerialization, and information from them has enabled prediction of future SCP-7907-A events. Addendum SCP-7907-1: SCP-7907-A History and Event Summaries 06/13/1905 May this letter find you in good cheer, for ours is beyond measure. At long last we've secured a plot in San Fransisco for the traveling circus show. It took every copper, but "Langmeyer's Laugh Emporium" will finally be performing for the world. Alton is delighted by the news, and I eagerly await our upcoming debut! -Will Although first located in 1934 through an SCP-7907-A event, subsequent research indicates that the entity has been active since 1906, when LoI-3210, a circus tent commonly known as "Langmeyer's Laugh Emporium," disappeared during a 7.9 magnitude earthquake. Surviving records from the deceased PoI-39482 confirmed the connection between PoI-3947 and SCP-7907. The following is a log of all recorded SCP-7907-A events: Event Summary: 1934/08/13 SCP-7907-1 manifests in southwestern Oklahoma. Local reports of carnival advertisements raining from the skies reach Foundation operatives, though they fail to arrive before the conclusion of the SCP-7907-A event. Several locals went missing and are presumed dead. Event Summary: 1949/01/29 SCP-7907-1 manifests in southern Florida, with advertisements mentioning a famous contortionist act. Performance Summary: SCP-7907 puppeteers a decomposing body while claiming to be "The Great Lombardi," and contorts it into anatomically impossible positions. Several jaw muscles appear to have been violently removed, presumably to facilitate easier ventriloquy. Event Summary: 1955/03/05 SCP-7907-1 manifests in central Texas, with advertisements mentioning a sword-swallower and opera singer. A failed research expedition results in the loss of seven six staff members. Performance Summary: SCP-7907 consumes three scimitars, four short swords, and a halberd during the first act. Impressions of the blades can be seen protruding from the entity's skin. A brief intermission follows, during which time retching and sounds of tearing flesh can be heard. During the second act SCP-7907 is dressed in a full-body gown, and sings Libiamo ne' lieti calici from La Traviata. The entity repeatedly vomits blood during the rendition. Event Summary: 1964/09/19 SCP-7907-1 manifests in southern Illinois, with advertisements mentioning acrobats and a lion-tamer. MTF Mu-13 infiltrates SCP-7907-1 and successfully recovers Dr. Angela Grant, a Foundation researcher who went missing during the previous SCP-7907-A event. Performance Summary: Several "lions" composed of putrefying organic matter are brought on stage and whipped by SCP-7907 until they stand on their hind legs. The creatures then perform a tightrope balance and attempt to jump through flaming hoops. Several of them collide with the hoops mid-jump and are sliced in half, at which point the flaming halves fall to the stage floor and violently convulse. Event Summary: 1982/06/12 SCP-7907-1 manifests in western Vermont, with advertisements mentioning a balloon artist, fire-breathers, and a stand-up comedian. MTF Mu-13 is sent to rescue trapped individuals. Performance Summary: ████████ ████████████████ ██████████████████ ██████. ████████████ ██████████████████ ████ ██████ ██████, ████████████ █████████. Operation resulted in three casualties.3 Interviewer: Site Director Emery Novens Interviewee: Dr. Angela Grant Foreword: Director Novens questions Dr. Grant on her experience inside SCP-7907-1. [Written Transcript] Director Novens: Could you tell us how you became trapped within SCP-7907-1, Dr. Grant? Dr. Grant: It happened while I backstage with my team. We found twisted carnival masks, bloody swords, and… [whispering] I think there were some props made of human skin. I was photographing pages from this creepy black book when we heard someone coming. Director Novens: It was SCP-7907, correct? Dr. Grant: Yes. [pauses] He was tall and stick-thin, but I couldn't get a good look at the guy because he was covered head-to-toe in fancy circus clothes. The man's outfit was so colorful he looked half-peacock, and his face was covered by a grinning mask. It was leaking some kind of black fluid, and the smell… Dr. Grant vomits on the floor of the interview room. Director Novens sends for a janitor and offers a towel to Dr. Grant. Director Novens: …You were saying? Dr. Grant: My legs were like jelly, and I barely managed to hide under a table before he came into the room. "Trying to nab my secrets, eh?" I heard that hideous mask speak to us, "A good performer never shares a jot, but methinks you'll be sharing things with me instead…" I caught a glimpse of his eyes while he was staring at one of my colleagues, and suddenly all I could see was the swirling purple light in the empty eye-sockets of his mask. It felt… [pauses] Director Novens [quietly]: It's alright, you're safe here. Dr. Grant: It felt like he was stealing thoughts right out of my head. I felt ideas, memories, even whole chunks of my psyche being sucked out as if a leech had latched onto my brain. Director Novens: Did it try to kill you? Dr. Grant: He didn't see me under the table, at least, I don't think he did. That guy went to each of my colleagues, looking them in the eyes with that same light, and kissed them on the mouth. Director Novens: It kissed them? Dr. Grant: The guy looked more like he was sucking something out of their mouths, but I didn't get a good view. A few moments later I fell unconscious. The last thing I remembered was hearing someone weeping, "Sorry. Sorry. So sorry…" Director Novens: Do you remember anything else? Dr. Grant: I remember waking up under the same table and finding a spot under the stands to hide in. That's where your agent found me. Director Novens: Nothing else? Dr. Grant: No. [pauses] Can I leave now? Closing Statement: Dr. Grant is to be referred to a site therapist weekly for physiatric care, and archives of her photographs of SCP-7907-3 are to be assigned level 4/7907 classification. 01/24/1906 The show's earnings were poor this week, and Alton has been acting quite strange as well. He showed me a book of magicks with profane inscriptions, insisting that we use its unholy powers for the show. I told Alton to burn the book before it hexed us all, but he refused to listen. I fear for his soul. -Will Interviewer: Site Director Emery Novens Interviewee: MTF Agent Max Maxwell Foreword: Director Novens questions Agent Maxwell about his version of events during the SCP-7907-A event of 1964. [Written Transcript] Director Novens: Greetings, Agent Maxwell. You'll be pleased to know Dr. Grant is safe and in good health thanks to your brave actions. Shall I schedule a meeting with her? Agent Maxwell: Yes, and let's get down to brass tacks while we're here. You didn't invite me just for a pat on the back, did you? Director Novens: You are correct, Agent Maxwell, and as direct as ever. Our interview with Dr. Grant was… inconclusive. We hope that your account will clear some things up. Agent Maxwell: Of course, sir. We first rushed the circus perimeter, and the boys started drawing lots for who'd have to go inside. I offered to take Chip's place when he drew a short straw, and then me and the unlucky fellas entered the tent. Director Novens: You volunteered? Agent Maxwell: Yeah. [chuckles] Probably a stupid idea in hindsight, but Chip had a baby girl and I didn't want that on my conscience. Director Novens: [smiles] A commendable sentiment, Agent Maxwell. Please continue. Agent Maxwell: The inside was huge, ten times bigger than the tent at least, and there were these frankensteined creatures prancing around on their hind legs upstage. Some of the other guys were distracted by all that, not to mention the smell of rotting flesh, so I told them to keep their eyes peeled. There were people trapped in this magic building, and we had to rescue them. Director Novens: And was that when you found Dr. Grant? Agent Maxwell: Yes, I found her hiding under these bleacher-type seats… Well, I suppose heard her is more accurate, seeing as the woman was babbling like she'd been shell-shocked. I told her that help had arrived. Director Novens: How did she react to that statement? Agent Maxwell: Laughter. [pauses] And by that I mean laughter. She started laughing uncontrollably and rolling on the floor, to the point where some of the circus-zombie-things started turning and getting angry. I didn't have time to chit-chat, so I hoisted the gibbering woman over my shoulder and high-tailed it out of there. She kept babbling, "He told a funny! I know a funny!" as if she'd never heard a joke before in her life, so I knocked her unconscious with an elbow to the head. [looks down] Couldn't risk attracting more of those circus freaks, you know? Director Novens: I'd say you made the right decision, Agent Maxwell. [pauses] While we're on the subject of the SCP-7907-2 entities, did any of them try to stop you? Agent Maxwell: The little ones did. Their bodies felt like carrion and were about as strong. You think they'd flee after the first few gunshots, but those guys were practically throwing themselves at us saying "Shoot! Shoot! Don't hold back!" [pauses] We didn't, not that it made much of a difference. Even with a dozen bullet holes those bastards still kept crawling towards us. At least the bullets actually slowed them down; no such luck when it came to the other guy… Director Novens: SCP-7907, correct? Agent Maxwell: Yes. He rose and spoke as I was running headfirst out of the circus with my mates. "Think it's funny to spoil my show, do you?" He said to us, "I'll tell you what's really funny!" Director Novens: And what was "really funny?" Agent Maxwell: ████████████ ██████ ███ █████ ████████ Director Novens begins laughing uncontrollably, making spasmodic motions and crying from both eyes. Agent Maxwell: …I still don't get it. Closing Statement: All MTF Mu-13 task force members that entered SCP-7907-1 are missing and presumed dead, with the exception of Agent Maxwell. Director Novens remained incapacitated for two hours and continued to suffer from pseudobulbar affect for a week. 04/18/1906 Forgive me, mother, but I had no choice. Today is our last performance before going broke, and I told Alton that he could use his vile book if it would save us from ruin. I already see a great crowd coming for the show, but I fear the cost of this sorcery. If anything should happen, pray for us both. -Will WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS LEVEL 4/7907 CLASSIFIED ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT LEVEL 4/7907 AUTHORIZATION WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. + Addendum SCP-7907-2 (1982/06/12) - Addendum SCP-7907-2 (1982/06/12) (Excerpt from Liber Mortis, page 19)4 "…direct eye contact to complete the spell. Users of the Siphon can absorb memories from the consciousness of another, though the caster must know what they wish to steal beforehand. The Siphon is a powerful incantation, and must not be used without extensive training to avoid residual corruption…"5 It worked! Tonight's show will be unmatched thanks to my borrowed jokes. This book is just what Will and I need to get the circus back on track! Foreword: MTF Commander Max Maxwell briefs task force Mu-13 on their upcoming retrieval mission. [Video & Audio Log,6 13:46 hours] Commander Maxwell: Roll call! Audible groans. Commander Maxwell [shouting]: The sooner you can it, the sooner we leave. [pauses] Anyone else? Agent Sadie Vance: Could you repeat that? [points at her hearing aids] I couldn't quite hear- Commander Maxwell [screaming]: I SAID THE SOONER YOU SHUT UP, THE SOONER WE LEAVE! Agent Vance [smirking]: Sounds like you're the only loud one, Max. Several agents snicker. Commander Maxwell: Being funny, are you? Twenty pushups. Agent Vance: [assumes pushup form] Yeah, funny. I'm surprised you even know what that word means, seeing as you've got about as many jokes in your head as you have strands of hair. Commander Maxwell glares at the other field agents. Nobody laughs. Commander Maxwell: Forty pushups. Commander Maxwell takes roll for the remaining agents: Levin Lossfelt, Terrence Caughron, and Cecilia Wren. He feels his comb-over midway through while nobody is looking. Commander Maxwell: I'll cut to the chase so you numbskulls can understand: you're here because a few hours from now this field will have a big tent in it, and we need to rescue the people trapped inside. Agent Vance is staring at her reflection in the helmet's front visor. Commander Maxwell: That's an MTF helmet, Agent Vance, not a mirror. [turns to other agents] Follow my lead, and if shit hits the fan go right for the exit. Got it? The agents nod their heads. (Excerpt from Liber Mortis, page 32) "A rune of enrapturement can overwhelm anyone with the sensation of your choice once activated, so long as the person(s) in question are able to hear and understand the activation phrase. Usage of such runes on more than three people at once… [text missing] …geological disturbances…" Will finally put his superstitions aside and let me use the book for a show, though he waited until we were down to our last coin before doing so. We need a miracle to save the circus at this point, so I'll have to take my chances with that last part. I'm gathering a crowd of thousands tonight, and something tells me they'll be enraptured by the grand finale… MTF Mu-13 agents enter SCP-7907-1, at which point video quality worsens. SCP-7907-2 instances in advanced stages of decomposition are exhaling fire on stage, and less-decomposed instances in the stands are clapping and cheering hysterically. [Video & Audio Log, 19:29 hours] Agent Terrence Caughron: What the fuck! Are those people? Commander Maxwell: Not anymore. Keep moving; our mission is to find survivors only. MTF agents sneak across the back of the audience stands. The fire-breathing entities leave the stage and are replaced by a bloated SCP-7907-2 instance carrying a human lung labeled "balloon bag." Balloon "animals" formed by the entity are named after missing persons. Agent Cecilia Wren: No survivors here, Commander. MTF agents continue searching under the stands. The SCP-7907-2 instance leaves the stage and is replaced by SCP-7907, which claims to be a "world-famous comedian." Commander Maxwell: Copy. [pause] Regroup and check- SCP-7907 [into mic]: Good evening gents! We have some special visitors for tonight's show, [spotlights shine on MTF agents] but it seems they're a little shy. Give 'em a warm welcome, everyone! All SCP-7907-2 instances simultaneously face the MTF agents and begin sprinting after them. Video quality is further corrupted. Commander Maxwell: Head for the exits! SCP-7907 raises its hands over its head and twists them counterclockwise 180 degrees at the wrist. The circumference of the tent rotates in the same way, placing the exit on the opposite side behind the stage. SCP-7907 [into mic]: Leave? You haven't heard a single joke yet! SCP-7907-2 instances attack from all directions, while MTF agents fight their way towards the backstage doors. Laughter can be heard in every direction. SCP-7907 [into mic]: How about a simple one to start us off? [laughter stops] How do you ████████████ ██ ███████ █████ ███ The laughter returns and intensifies as the MTF agents pass through the primary backstage door, entering a dressing room filled with circus clothing and costumes. Live feeds from all SCRAMBLE helmets are lost moments later, indicating equipment failure. Commander Maxwell: Damn piece of junk. [smacks helmet] How much money did R&D blow on this thing for it to crap out after one mission? Commander Maxwell uses a discarded fly pole to bar the door shut, and motions to the remaining agents. Commander Maxwell: Our equipment's shot; we need to evacuate right now. Follow my lead and run when I tell y- [pauses] where's Agent Vance? The other MTF agents look around confusedly. Commander Maxwell: Damn it! You three head for the exits; I'll find her and catch up with you. Commander Maxwell moves through a room filled with machinery while the other MTF agents search for the exit in a prop storage area at the far end of the tent. Distant laughter can be heard from upstage. Commander Maxwell [shouting]: Sadie! There you are! Agent Vance is in a small room inspecting an enormous black book entitled "Liber Mortis." She looks up from the book and appears startled. Commander Maxwell: The hell are you doing here? I told you to follow my lead, remember? Agent Vance: I got lost, Commander. [pauses] I couldn't hear anything. Commander Maxwell: What do you mean you couldn't- Agent Vance removes two hearing aids from her pocket. Commander Maxwell: Oh… [sighs] So it's not just the helmets; all our tech breaks in this magic tent. Agent Vance: "Our neck breaks?" Sorry, I haven't done lip reading in years… Commander Maxwell: Enough chat; we need to leave. Agent Vance: Leave? We haven't even saved anyone! The laughter from upstage abruptly stops. Commander Maxwell: You want to save someone? Save yourself by getting the fuck out of here. That's an order, Sadie. Agent Vance: No. [pauses] I figured out a way to defeat that monster, and I'm not going to leave until I do. Commander Maxwell: Then you can tell me on the way. [grabs Agent Vance by the arm] Let's go. Agent Vance tucks the book under her other arm as the two head for the now-backstage exit. Agent Vance: Every poltergeist has an anchor,7 right? It's parapsychology 101. Commander Maxwell: And you think that book is an anchor? Agent Vance: Yes. If we destroy this book then the skip will be banished from our world. Commander Maxwell: Not a bad idea… [glares] But don't think you're off the hook for disobeying my orders. Agent Vance [smiling]: I'm gonna go ahead and say you're congratulating me for taking initiative right now. Commander Maxwell: I wasn't. Agent Vance [laughing]: Do you always take things so literally, Max? Commander Maxwell: [growling] You'll be on toilets for the next month if I hear another word. [opens a door to the backstage room filled with machinery] …I don't know what site you trained with, but your antics are not cute, they're not endearing, and they're certainly not- (Excerpt from the San Fransisco Chronicle, 04/19/1906)8 …prayer vigil next Friday. The body of local circus owner William Langmeyer was located last night, though cause of death remains unknown as there were no noticeable injuries on his person or debris in the vicinity… …bodies of Alton Langmeyer and seventeen other victims have yet to be found. THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW… Commander Maxwell and Agent Vance are in the middle of the machinery room. SCP-7907 and instances of SCP-7907-2 emerge from shadowy corners of the room. [Video & Audio Log, 19:52 hours] Commander Maxwell fires several shots at SCP-7907. No effect.SCP-7907 slices the belly of each agent open, puts its mouth to the wounds, and forces a glowing purple light into each of them. The agents sprint towards the two survivors while laughing hysterically. Commander Maxwell: Agents, stand down! STAND DOWN! [fires at possessed agents]Commander Maxwell: [backing away from SCP-7907] What did you do to them?Several SCP-7907-2 instances can be heard laughing and shouting "Shoot me! Slay me! Release me!" SCP-7907 slowly approaches the two remaining agents, while the sounds of laughter intensify. Commander Maxwell [shouting]: GRAB MY HAND, SADIE! Commander Maxwell removes a flashbang from his pockets, making sure Agent Vance can see what it is first, then pulls the pin and drops it on the ground.The flashbang detonates. Everyone is blinded except for Commander Maxwell and Agent Vance, who were covering their eyes. They make their way to the backstage prop storage room, which is directly opposite the original entrance. SCP-7907 [shouting]: Think it's funny to blind your hosts? You haven't heard why █████ ████████████ ████████ ████████████ ███ Commander Maxwell [muttering]: That one made even less sense… (Excerpt from Liber Mortis, page 569) "…overwrites a body with the life force of the caster, temporarily preventing death of the target. Extreme caution is advised before using a Palimpsest on the magically corrupted, as… [text missing] …overwrites the host's will… [text missing] …malevolent spirits." I couldn't save you, Alton. Forgive me. Commander Maxwell and Agent Vance are sitting on the floor in the backstage prop storage room. The door is barricaded shut with several pieces of furniture. There are no other exits in the room. [Video & Audio Log, 19:59 hours] Agent Vance: Maybe we missed something? Commander Maxwell: No. [sighs] If that creature can move the exit, he can probably remove it too. I should've guessed my luck would run out one of these days… Commander Maxwell lights a cigarette and offers one to Agent Vance. She declines. Agent Vance: Luck? Commander Maxwell: Yeah… luck. I got this job by luck, after bagging a shoplifter who happened to be a shapeshifter as well. When the Foundation brass showed up they were so impressed they offered to take me on as a field agent. Commander Maxwell chuckles while staring at the ground. Commander Maxwell: Probably should've said no, but the pay was good. Good enough to support Millie and start a family at least, which was more than I could say about my other options back then. "We've got aliens, demons, monsters, and people that can turn you into lead," they told me, "You think we're gonna give two shits about the color of your skin, Max?" Commander Maxwell flicks his cigarette onto the floor. Commander Maxwell: Sorry, kid. I didn't mean to unload on you like that. It's just- Agent Vance: No, I understand. [pauses] And even if it was luck that got you this job, you've more than earned it with your track record. You're an MTF legend, Max. [rubs back of neck] That's kind of why I volunteered for this mission… Commander Maxwell: You volunteered? Agent Vance: Yeah, I mean- Commander Maxwell: This skip has the highest body count in area-37; why the hell would you volunteer? Agent Vance [indignantly]: I wanted to save people! Commander Maxwell [shouting]: And how would volunteering for a suicide mission- Agent Vance [shouting]: I don't know! I'd keep someone else from being assigned to it at least, and maybe I could've figured something out! Commander Maxwell [shouting]: So that was the plan? Throw your life away for an agent you've never even met? Why the hell would you be so stupid! Agent Vance [shouting]: Why? Why? How can you say that after you took Chip's place? Both agents are silent. Commander Maxwell [muttering]: You read my file… Agent Vance: That's why I volunteered for this mission: to work with you. I thought you were the selfless kind of commander who saved people, but I guess I was wrong. [shouting] Shame on me for thinking you were a h- Commander Maxwell [shouting]: I was never a hero! I was a stupid kid with nothing to lose, and I didn't know a damn thing! All you rookies ever wanna do is be heroic; you know what that means? DO YOU!?! Agent Vance is silent. Commander Maxwell [shouting]: Heroes get hurt! Heroes get killed! [sighs] Heroes don't come home to wipe the tears from their kids' faces. Commander Maxwell's helmet visor retracts. His eyes are watering. Commander Maxwell: I've been doing this for twenty years, Sadie. Do you know how many hotshots like you have come and gone? [sighs] More than I could ever mourn… Agent Vance [whispering]: Like mom… Commander Maxwell: [smiles sadly] Yes. Like your mother. Commander Annie Vance was one of a kind… [frowns] but even her luck ran out. Is that what you want, Sadie? To end up like her? Agent Vance: That's all I ever wanted… [smiles sadly] It was mom that first got me this job. She was an MTF legend too. First woman to lead a task force on American soil, and she saved thousands of lives. I wanted to follow in her footsteps ever since I was a little girl; I wanted to save as many people as I could. Commander Maxwell: Annie was the best MTF Commander I ever met. [puts hand on agent Vance's shoulder] My condolences… Agent Vance: [chuckles] Yeah, she was. [pauses] Mom trained me harder than anyone else, and by the time I was sixteen I had three black belts, extensive firearm training, and knowledge of every MTF procedure in the book. [sighs] But I also had Usher syndrome… Commander Maxwell: Sadie… Agent Vance: Type two, late onset. My ears were busted from birth, and my eyes are a ticking time bomb. Most people start losing their sight by the time they turn twenty. Commander Maxwell: Are you- Agent Vance: -I'm not going blind just yet, but it's only a matter of time. Sooner or later I'll be too crippled to wear this uniform… [determined look] but before that happens I'm going to save as many people as I can. That's what mom did. That's what it means to be MTF. Banging can be heard on the barricaded door. Agent Vance: [stands up] You'll have to save your mourning for another time, Max, [smiles] because I'm not going anywhere. (Excerpt from the San Fransisco Chronicle, 07/02/1905) "…includes human cannonballs, fire-breathing, acrobatics, and the eponymous laughs for all in San Fransisco. When asked about his motivation for opening 'Langmeyer's Laugh Emporium,' co-founder Alton said, 'I've always dreamed of bringing joy and laughter to others, ever since Will and I spent our childhoods gaping at the traveling circus shows. I wouldn't be here without my older brother Will, to tell you the truth. He's my true inspiration.' Tickets open next Saturday at…" Approximately two minutes later the barricaded door is torn from its hinges, and all accompanying furniture collapses with it on the opposite wall of the room. SCP-7907 and its entourage enter. [Video & Audio Log, 20:12 hours] Agent Vance: Stop! One more step, and I'll do it… Agent Vance is holding a black book in one hand, and Commander Maxwell's lighter in another. The book is covered in a viscous liquid later identified by Agent Vance as paraffin oil.Agent Vance: [averting gaze] Show us the exit right now, or the book goes up in flames. Writhing tendrils erupt from SCP-7907's detached arms and latch back on to the entity. SCP-7907 snaps its reattached fingers, and a door materializes behind the two agents.Agent Vance lights the book on fire. The flames turn purple, and it's pages curl to ash moments later. SCP-7907 begins laughing hysterically. SCP-7907 [laughing]: Oh, that was good, agent Vance. I'd be upset that you broke your word, but I suppose we're even since I broke mine as well… [the materialized door falls to the ground, revealing a solid wall behind it] Agent Vance: How… I burned the-SCP-7907-2 instances surround Commander Maxwell and Agent Vance, then drag them before the entity. Commander Maxwell: It was a good try, Sadie. And for what it's worth, you were the best rookie I ever met. SCP-7907 grabs Agent Vance by the neck, hoisting her off the ground. Her eyes are shut.Commander Maxwell [shouting]: What does that even mean? SCP-7907 [indignantly]: [drops Agent Vance] What? Isn't it obvious? [Agent Vance stares at Commander Maxwell] How can you not- Commander Maxwell: No! None of your jokes make any sense! SCP-7907 [shouting]: Slander! You wouldn't know a good play on words if it smacked you in the face! Agent Vance [shouting]: Your jokes are awful!Agent Vance: [averting gaze] Your jokes are so bad, even magic can't save them. And your circus act is common trash. Fire breathers, I mean really? SCP-7907 [shouting]: I was working on a budget! Agent Vance: All the power in the world, and you can't make a single person laugh. What would Will- SCP-7907 [screaming]: YOU KEEP MY BROTHER'S NAME OUT OF YOUR FILTHY MOUTH! SCP-7907 clutches its head and begins convulsing. Commander Maxwell [shouting]: Sadie, run! All SCP-7907-2 instances are immobile. Commander Maxwell and Agent Vance run towards the exit to the prop storage room when SCP-7907 addresses them. It's voice is different.The entity is weeping and holding SCP-7907-3 in its hands. Commander Maxwell: It's the real book! SCP-7907 approaches the two agents. Agent Vance: Alton… Is that you?Agent Vance: What will happen to you, though? SCP-7907 [smiling]: I'll pay William a visit. It's been so very long… The entity extends its hands, presenting SCP-7907-3 to Commander Maxwell and Agent Vance. They reach out to grab it. SCP-7907 [shouting]: No! It's MINE! The entity retracts its hands and returns SCP-7907-3 to its coat pocket. All SCP-7907-2 instances become animate and restrain the two agents.SCP-7907 leers at Agent Vance, whose gaze is focused on Commander Maxwell.SCP-7907 strikes a dramatic pose.Commander Maxwell: [coughing] -Innocent people…SCP-7907 grabs Commander Maxwell by the neck, hoisting him off the ground. Agent Vance: [looking at Commander Maxwell] Don't! Take me instead!Commander Maxwell tries and fails to escape the entity's grip. His eyes are shut.Commander Maxwell: How 'bout an encore? Commander Maxwell presses a button on the side of his helmet, instantly deploying its reflective visor. SCP-7907 stares directly at its reflection.Purple vapors emanate from SCP-7907 and are re-absorbed, while the entity begins violently convulsing on the floor. The vapors cover Commander Maxwell for a moment, before SCP-7907 loses its grip and he drops to the floor. SCP-7907 [screaming]: GET OUT OF MY HEAD! All SCP-7907-2 instances begin convulsing, at which point Agent Vance escapes their grip and makes her way to SCP-7907. She retrieves SCP-7907-3 from its pocket, douses the book in paraffin oil, and lights it on fire. The entity is engulfed in purple flames at the same time as the book. SCP-7907 [screaming]: THE SHOW MUST GO ON! As the entity burns SCP-7907-1 and SCP-7907-2 instances ignite and burn with it, leaving nothing behind but the charred corpses of PoI-3947, other missing persons, and Agents Caughron, Lossfelt, and Wren. Agent Vance: Show's over. Commander Maxwell awakens. Commander Maxwell: [coughs] Sadie, are you alright? Agent Vance: [chuckles] My therapy bill just skyrocketed, but yeah. Commander Maxwell: Jokes? Now? Aren't you rookies supposed to be traumatized after shit like this? Agent Vance: I've been training for MTF since I was a kid, Max. [smiles] And my therapist is the best. Commander Maxwell: Great, I can save the tissues and Ben & Jerry in that case.10 [pauses] So what happened while I was out? Agent Vance: You saved us. Without that visor trick I never could've grabbed the book. Commander Maxwell: [snorts] Guess the equipment was good for something after all. Agent Vance: And taunting the skip? That was brilliant! Commander Maxwell: Instinct is what that was. [points at Agent Vance] You're the one who came up with the plan. Agent Vance: [blushing] Oh, it wasn't that great… Commander Maxwell: Are you kidding? I never could've stopped that freak without your book idea. [lightly punches Agent Vance's shoulder] I'd say this one was a team effort. Agent Vance smiles, then looks at Commander Maxwell's face. Her smile vanishes. Agent Vance: Um, Max? You might wanna look in that visor right about now… Commander Maxwell: If you say so, Sadie. [puts helmet visor in front of face] Is there something on my- [gasps] MY HAIR! Commander Maxwell stares at his bald reflection. Agent Vance: Your face, too. [scratching back of neck] The residue from that spell added a decade or so, if I had to guess. Commander Maxwell: This is awful! Agent Vance: It could be worse, Max. [snickers] You could be sporting a comb-over, for instance. Commander Maxwell glares at Agent Vance. Commander Maxwell: [sighs] My wife's gonna kill me… Closing Statement: PoI-3947 and all missing persons were declared deceased, including Agents Caughron, Lossfelt, and Wren. MTF SCRAMBLE helmets were repaired by Foundation researchers and their recorded footage was successfully restored. Agent Vance was subject to disciplinary hearings for insubordination, though no formal action was taken due to her contributions during the mission and the statements made by Commander Maxwell on her behalf. With no subsequent activity from the entity, the file on SCP-7907 has been classified as "Neutralized." Interviewer: Site Director Emery Novens Interviewee: Commander Maxwell Foreword: Commander Maxwell requested a meeting with Director Novens following the incidents of the prior SCP-7907-A event. [Written Transcript] Director Novens: Greetings, Commander Maxwell, and my deepest condolences for the loss of your agents. Commander Maxwell: They were good men… [pauses] and women. Director Novens: That they were. [sighs] I must also apologize for the Foundation's oversight. Commander Maxwell: Oversight? Director Novens: It seems the late agent Vance wasn't entirely forthcoming about her daughter's physical impairment when filling out the MTF application forms. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience of working with a crippled- Commander Maxwell: She's not crippled, Emery. [smiles] She's the best damn rookie I've ever met. Director Novens: [raises eyebrow] I see. And you believe this in spite of her insubordination? Commander Maxwell: Yeah. [pauses] I do. Director Novens: I'll inform the disciplinary board in that case. They'll be happy to hear your testimony, if this young woman really is as exceptional as you say. Commander Maxwell: There's one other thing… Director Novens: Yes? Whatever you need, we can take care- Commander Maxwell hands a sheet of paper to Dr. Novens. Director Novens: Ah. [pauses] I see… Commander Maxwell: Millie threw a fit when I came home looking like… [points at face] this, and to be honest I don't blame her. This last mission nearly got me killed, and it took a decade off my life at least. Director Novens: You can't just- Commander Maxwell: -Quit? Not without thirty years of service or a special exemption, I know. [points at uniform] I've been wearing this since the 60s, Emery; there's your twenty years. And up here? [points at face] There's the other ten. Director Novens: The Foundation thanks you for your service… [pauses] and sacrifices. Still, a man of your talents would be wasted working in ordinary society. [places sheet on the table] Your keen mind, selfless spirit, direct demeanor- Commander Maxwell: Enough with the flattery, Emery. Just get to the point. Director Novens: [leans forward] A little birdie told me there's a vacant office in site thirty-four… Commander Maxwell: [grabs sheet from table] What's the position? Director Novens: Site Direc- Commander Maxwell rips the sheet in half. Director Novens [grinning]: I'll tell 'em Director Maxwell's on his way. Footnotes 1. A neurological condition characterized by outbursts of uncontrollable laughter. 2. William Langmeyer, the brother of Alton Langmeyer and co-founder of "Langmeyer's Laugh Emporium." 3. Additional information on this mission is level 4/7907 classified, and can be found in addendum SCP-7907-2. 4. Liber Mortis, "The Book of Death" (designated SCP-7907-3), which was photographically archived by Dr. Grant. 5. Scribbled annotations can be found at the bottom of the page and are included below. 6. MTF Mu-13 was equipped with experimental SCRAMBLE helmets capable of censoring visual and auditory cognitohazards. 7. An anchor is a corporeal object that connects a spirit to the material plane. 8. The following newspaper clipping was found on the backside of an advertisement for an SCP-7907-A event. Scribbled writing covers the newspaper and is included below. 9. The top of the page reads "A SPELL TO PREVENT DEATH". 10. Though initially interpreted as uncharacteristic sarcasm, Commander Maxwell would later inform Foundation archivists that he often treated PTSD using the aforesaid items. « SCP-7906 | SCP-7907 | SCP-7908 »
Item#: 7910 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7910 is to be kept within a standard humanoid containment cell. The walls of the containment cell are to be lined with foam padding to deter self injury. Due to the observed correlation between SCP-7910's emotional state and anomalous properties, SCP-7910 should be continually monitored by camera and microphone and at least one researcher should be present at all times. SCP-7910's behavior should be logged every 15 minutes and any major changes or concerns should be reported to the appropriate staff member.1 Verbal explanations of procedures are to be given to the entity as they're performed. Any form of restraint should only be used with authorization from a senior researcher. Under the crisis plan implemented by Doctor Porter, SCP-7910 should be examined at least every 24 hours for self-inflicted injury. The entity's nails should be cut every three days. A standing authorization is in place for use of double-padded restraint mitts at the discretion of supervising staff. Up-to-date details of the crisis plan may be obtained from Doctor Porter.2 If an energy release cannot be avoided, personnel should take cover behind walls or solid objects. When moving SCP-7910 to or from its cell, staff should always be aware of what can be used as cover. Commonly used routes with marked areas, including to and from the secure medical wing, can be obtained by speaking to lead researcher Yu or the site security chief.3 The containment cell must be inspected for any visible damage at the first available opportunity after an energy release from the entity. Pressure sensors should be installed within the walls of the containment cell. A full inspection of structural integrity must be performed if more than 3 pressure sensors register a change in atmospheric pressure greater than or equal to 5 psi. Description: SCP-7910, former legal name Delilah ███████4, is a female human measuring 173 cm5 in height and weighing 57 kg6. Birth date is 3/10/████ (27 years old at time of acquisition). The entity's overall skin pigmentation is light, but blood vessels with black coloration are visible from mid-upper-arm to the entity's wrists in spiderweb patterns. This is constant in the aforementioned areas, but coloration may spread to SCP-7910's hands, neck, torso, and may appear in other places, correlating with its anomaly as described below. The coloration affects the blood vessels, but not the blood itself; blood drawn from affected vessels is normal in appearance and shows no differences in lab testing. The entity is able to project kinetic waves similar to shock waves created by explosive detonations. No source of this energy has been identified. SCP-7910's clothing and any objects it is holding are unaffected. Average overpressures7 of 20-30 psi have been recorded by sensors within the containment cell. Despite the high force of these shock waves, no structural damage to SCP-7910's cell has been observed. The pressure appears to dissipate when contacting surfaces rather than transferring energy through them, resulting in objects being thrown and potentially fragile materials being broken, but without the catastrophic damage the overpressure would normally cause. A resistance to physical harm has been observed, though with no consistent pattern. The mechanism has yet to be directly observed, but when triggered, patterns of dark blood vessels appear at sites of injury in place of bruises or scrapes. Needles and injections used during medical exams and the entity's self-harm have not been observed to trigger this. SCP-7910 also displays extrasensory perception. Further testing is needed to determine the precise nature and limitations. Comparison of the containment team's movements with notes taken by SCP-7910 before retrieval, show that it was able to identify all four members of the primary containment team and their rough locations without line of sight and through crowded public areas. Additionally, it recorded that it "had a feeling" that it was being watched, estimated to have begun within 2 hours of when the containment team began their monitoring. Intense pain, myoclonic muscle spasms in its hands and arms, dizziness, and vertigo have also been observed. The severity of these symptoms correlates with both its emotional state and intensity of anomalous properties. No conscious control has been observed over any of the anomalous properties. They have a strong correlation with SCP-7910's emotional state, becoming more frequent as the entity experiences anxiety or distress. Several mental health issues have been diagnosed8. EEG tests display patterns consistent with epilepsy and the entity may experience tonic-clonic seizures immediately before or following an energy release. The shock waves projected by the entity make treatment these seizures potentially difficult. Uncontrolled seizures may then lead to further shock waves, breaches of containment, and/or permanent brain damage or death. Because of the comorbidity of SCP-7910's mental health issues and epilepsy with its anomalous properties, care should be taken to avoid triggering any issues as much as possible. SCP-7910 has shown significant distress since entering containment and has presented with panic attacks, heightened anxiety, disassociation, hyper vigilance, lack of appetite, and a multitude of other psychiatric symptoms. The scratches visible on SCP-7910's arms are self-inflicted; any new injuries should be reported to research staff immediately. Therapy sessions are to be conducted four times a week by Doctor Porter. Further socialization efforts are currently being discussed. Discovery: The Foundation was alerted to SCP-7910's existence by Agent Mercer, currently undercover in Denver, Colorado as a photographer employed by a major news publication. SCP-7910 was a non-anomalous asset of both Agent Mercer and his partner, Agent Grey. Agent Mercer invited SCP-7910 to have coffee on 02/11/████. He reported that SCP-7910 appeared agitated, was reluctant to share why, but eventually confided in Agent Mercer about its anomalous properties and showed him the pattern of blood vessels on its arms. Agent Mercer submitted a report early the next morning.9 A containment team began monitoring SCP-7910 approximately 7 hours after the report was submitted. Agent Grey was unaware of the meeting until the report was filed, but provided supplementary information about SCP-7910 to the containment team. SCP-7910 was not aware of the Foundation's existence before retrieval and remains unaware that either agent is employed by the Foundation. On the afternoon of 13/11/████, the containment team approached SCP-7910 at its apartment. The entity expressed concern about unintentionally harming them. The containment team was able to convince SCP-7910 that they wanted and were equipped to help, providing a basic explanation of the Foundation. The entity voluntarily accompanied the team back to Site-93 where an intake interview and examination was conducted by Doctor Yu. No anomalous events were reported during retrieval and no use of amnestic treatment was required. Preliminary Psychiatric Evaluation: Interview for initial psychiatric evaluation of SCP-7910, 16/11/████ Doctor Porter enters SCP-7910's cell and takes a seat at the table across from where SCP-7910 is sitting. Dr. Porter: Good afternoon, Delilah. I'm-Dr. Porter: Officially yes, but that doesn't erase who you are. It's just a designation.Doctor Porter hesitates. Dr. Porter: I'm happy to use whatever makes you most comfortable.Dr. Porter: Okay, Seven-nine-ten, then. it's lovely to finally meet you. I'm Doctor Porter, I'm the psychologist assigned to your case. How have you been settling in? SCP-7910 shrugs and looks away. Dr. Porter: You haven't been eating much. Has the food been okay? There's a long pause before SCP-7910 answers.Doctor Porter Nods Dr. Porter: We are, but I'm more concerned about-SCP-7910 turns its arm and pulls up its sleeve. Black blood vessels in a spider web pattern are visible at the wrist and continue upward.Dr. Porter: Right, of course. That's-that's understandable. What about your anxiety levels? You've had a few panic attacks and… energy releases since arriving, but you haven't reported-Dr. Porter: No. I didn't-I'm not accusing you of anything. It's important for us to understand how you feel, and not everything can be quantified. SCP-7910 looks away again.Dr. Porter: It's not about what I want, it's about what you're feeling. You're still scratching your arms. SCP-7910 doesn't respond. Dr. Porter: It's good that you're doing those things. The coping strategies, I mean I know how frustrating it can be to be doing the right things, but not seeing the changes you'd like. But it's still good, it just takes time. What can I do to help? SCP-7910 still doesn't respond. There's a long pause before Doctor Porter looks down at the folder in front of her and starts looking through the contents. Dr. Porter: Maybe… let's try something different. You haven't made many requests. Mostly necessities… a few novels… obviously I can't give you a cellphone or let you check your Instagram, but you aren't a prisoner. You are allowed to have things. Maybe there's something that might help?SCP-7910 trails off and shrugs. Dr. Porter: It's certainly possible, though it likely won't be immediate. I'd like at least another few days to see how you're adjusting before introducing something like that Doctor Porter makes a few notes without looking up. Dr. Porter: Maybe something else?SCP-7910 rubs the sleeve of its jacket between its thumb and forefinger.Dr. Porter: That… hmm… I'll put in the request, but it's likely too much of a risk, at the moment. Maybe we can re-evaluate as we learn more about what triggers your anomaly, but that would be up to Doctor Yu.Dr. Porter: There's nothing to apologize for. That's why you're here. What about some plants for your room, in the mean time? Some flowers, maybe, something vibrant. It might help give you something to focus on, too, and a bit more to do. Oh, and we could do some art therapy with decorating the pots, too! There have been numerous studies citing the positive benefits of- Doctor Porter stops. SCP-7910 is pale and its right hand is clenched in a muscle spasm.SCP-7910 pulls its legs onto the chair and wraps its arms around its knees. Dr. Porter: …I'm sorry, I-I should have considered that. We have quite a few botanists at Site-93, I'm sure they could suggest more… durable solutions. We have plenty of time, at least. Doctor Porter smiles. SCP-7910 still does not look at her.Dr. Porter: Your- oh, oh yes! You requested that during your intake, the light blue one you brought with you, right? You mentioned it being a comfort object for you. SCP-7910 nods. Dr. Porter: I can absolutely approve that. It may be another day or two for the request to be processed, but I don't see any reason why you shouldn't have it. See? I knew we would find something. SCP-7910 shrugs. Dr. Porter: Is there anything else you'd like to talk about, before I go? I know this has been short, but I'd like to have a full therapy session tomorrow, and we can discuss further care from there. Does that sound okay? SCP-7910 shrugs. Dr. Porter: Excellent. Keep working on coping strategies, focus on what's helping, okay? And if you need anything, or you start feeling worse, please let someone know so we can help. And please try to eat something. Initial Psychiatric Evaluation - 16/11/████ I spoke briefly with SCP-7910 this afternoon and plan to have a full session with her tomorrow. My initial impressions are that she's a young woman dealing with extraordinary circumstances, but she's coping with them as well as anyone in her position could be expected to. Documentation from her past councilors and inpatient hospitalizations show that she's been a model patient. It matches everything we've seen over the past few days. It's clear she's struggling to process so many life changes in such a short time, but she's cooperative, good about communicating her needs, and working to be her best despite the situation. My biggest concern is making sure that her mental health, especially her anxiety, doesn't get worse. SCP-7910 stated during her intake interview that she scratches her arms because of her anomaly-especially the pain but that still doesn't make it a healthy coping strategy. She reports heightened anxiety in the inventories she's completed, as expected, and seemed a bit withdrawn while we spoke. I don't know if we can avoid those feelings completely, but whatever we can do to build trust and help her work through things will be beneficial to everyone. I'll have a more complete write up after tomorrow's session, but I think starting off with two sessions per week until she seems less overwhelmed will be good. I recommend holding off on her request for an iPad or other media device, but providing her with the blanket she's requested. I noticed her stimming during our conversation- using specific stimuli to focus thoughts and block out more overwhelming stimuli- by rubbing her fingers against her sleeve. I'm sure the blanket will be better for that. I don't want to add quite as much stimulation as movies or music would create until I'm comfortable that it won't be too overwhelming. Just to make sure it's noted: She requested to be called 7910 instead of Delilah. I'll cover that our session tomorrow, but it may be a sign that she's starting to see her self as an object, not a person. It's not uncommon for humanoid SCP objects but again, something best to avoid. I also saw she barely ate dinner tonight. I realize we can only do so much to encourage her, but she's borderline underweight already and I'd rather avoid less pleasant options for as long as we can. Catherine Porter, PhD Lead Psychologist - SCP-7910 Addendum: Incident Report 17/11/████ - Containment Breach - SCP-7910 On 17/11/████ at 0211, a containment breach was reported by Lead Researcher Yu. Emergency medical assistance was requested. At 0123, SCP-7910 awoke and had difficulty falling back asleep. Doctor Yu was observing and noted heightened anxiety as well as several panic attacks. At 0211, immediately following a panic attack, SCP-7910 screamed and began scratching its right arm. A shock wave was recorded at 40 psi of overpressure seconds later. Medical assistance was requested as the entity fell from the bed and experienced a tonic-clonic seizure Four security personnel assisted Doctor Yu in moving SCP-7910 to secure medical lab 237. SCP-7910 does not regain consciousness after the seizure ended. Medical personnel immediately begin administering care upon arriving at the lab. Doctor Yu and one security officer took cover behind lab counters as the entity has a second seizure. The remaining personnel were incapacitated after colliding with walls and counters after release of a second shock wave. Doctor Yu ordered the remaining officer to hold SCP-7910's arm and administered a dose of lorazepam12 intravenously. The seizure ends approx. 50 second later. The breach was ended at 0228, after SCP-7910 was stabilized and a response team moved in to provide support. The entity was returned to its cell after an additional hour of monitoring by Doctor Yu. Injured personnel were taken to Site-93's medical center for treatment. Two will need longer term recovery while three are expected to return to duty after 48 hours of rest. They all experienced with blunt force trauma after being thrown by the shock wave, but no primary injuries consistent with explosive force or rapid pressure changes were present. No structural damage to the medical lab or the containment cell was found. Post Incident Medical Evaluation Patient: SCP-7910 17/11/████, 0346 SCP-7910 initially showed signs of a heightened anxiety and intermittent panic attacks, beginning at 0123 and continuing until 0211. The first seizure occurred immediately following a panic attack and lasted 4 minutes 24 seconds. A second seizure, lasting 2 minute 7 seconds, occurred about three minutes after the first ended. The patient did not regain consciousness between the seizures. Patterns of black coloration in blood vessels were observed spreading across the patient's upper torso, neck, and hands, consistent with previous observations about the patient's anomalous properties. 4mg of intravenous lorazepam was administered during the second seizure and was effective in suppressing it. Patient briefly regained consciousness just over 2 minutes later, then fell asleep almost immediately. Supplementary oxygen and intravenous fluids were given. EEG, pulse, and blood oxygen monitoring were established. Patient was returned to her containment cell after no abnormalities were recorded within 60 minutes after the second seizure ended. EEG monitoring should continue for an additional 24 hours. Two seizures closely together and without the patient regaining consciousness between them meets the criteria for convulsive status epilepticus. a condition with a high mortality rate. As noted in the Incident Report, the second energy emission also occurred after the onset of the second seizure. The patient responded well to standard first line treatments, but further care, including general anesthetics to suppress a seizure, may be dangerous or impossible in a similar situation. Autoinjectors w/ 10mg of midazolam13 should be made available as an alternative if other treatment can't be provided. From observations tonight, the energy released by SCP-7910 does not travel *through* solid objects. Assisting medical personnel were incapacitated when trying to render care- I was the only one unaffected after taking cover behind a lab counter. All staff working with SCP-7910 in the future should be mindful of this; in an emergency situation it won't negate the difficulties I've mentioned, but providing any care is better than nothing. Further seizures may be unavoidable but reducing their severity and taking precautions to avoid them is a priority for containment. It's possible that the patient's anxiety and distress may be directly contributing to this, creating a positive feedback loop with her anomalous effects and emotional state. The seizure occurred after a panic attack, one of many experienced over the course of about 50 minutes. Despite the patient's attempts to comfort and distract herself, SCP-7910's anxiety seemed to intensify rather than improve during this episode. SCP-7910's care plan and containment procedures will be updated as necessary. A full review of SCP-7910's psychiatric history will also be conducted. Further planning for preventative psychiatric treatment will be prepared by Doctor Porter. Morgan Yu, MD, PhD Lead Researcher - SCP-7910 Neurology / Neurobiology Addendum: Epileptic patterns confirmed from EEG data. Date: 17/11/████, 0837 From: Doctor Porter To: SCP-7910 research team Subject: Updated Containment Procedures and Crisis Plan I'm unfortunately not feeling well today and won't be able to attend this morning's meeting. I'll send out more detailed reports tomorrow and meet with all of you as soon as I'm able. We'll be implementing a crisis plan for SCP-7910 and containment procedures will be updated accordingly. I concur with Doctor Yu's hypothesis about an emotional component to her anomaly. Right now she's facing a massive amount of environmental stressors as she acclimates to containment. A near death experience and diagnosis of a serious medical condition are only going to compound that. I realize that there's not much we can do to make that better, but we can at least try not to make things worse for her. If there is a trigger related to fear, anxiety, or any other kind of distress and she starts to feel afraid of us… Let's try not to let that happen, any more than it already has. She may not be able to fully process what's going on, even after the sedatives wear off. It's likely that she was hiding her true levels of distress, but it's our responsibility to take care of her, not hers to cooperate. In hindsight, I should have have been watching for this, and I sincerely apologize for letting this happen. Right now, try to be gentle with her, no matter what state she's in. Explain what and why you're doing things. Talk to her, distract her, give her something to focus on so she doesn't feel overwhelmed by everything all at once. Longer term, we should explore socialization, to keep SCP-7910 from feeling isolated as much as possible. Some normality, in this very abnormal situation, would be beneficial. I know some researchers at Site-17 have explored socialization programs between humanoid SCPs and staff, with staff either being assigned or volunteering to participate in social activities. Something similar here might be beneficial, but I'm not quite sure what it that would look like, yet. Board games, maybe? Several were recovered from her apartment. I suppose we could do a sort of movie night, too. Maybe. And knowing that the shock waves she releases don't travel through solid objects, safety should be something we can actually plan for, now. I'll speak to SCP-7910 as soon as I can and start writing up formal proposals for some of this. Likely tomorrow, hopefully I'll feel better by then. If anyone else has suggestions, especially for socialization, please pass them on to Doctor Yu in the mean time. Catherine Porter, PhD Lead Psychologist & Senior Researcher - SCP-7910 Date: 17/11/████, 0900 From: Doctor Stoner To: Doctor Porter Subject: Re: Request for removal from SCP-7910 Doctor Porter, I'm happy you felt comfortable enough to reach out. I know how scary it can be to ask for help. I read over your assessments and your personnel file. Humanoid containment is a very difficult thing at the best of times, especially as a psychologist. Feeling overwhelmed is normal; It's okay not to always know what to do or have all the answers. I think, at most, you may have misread or overlooked some things in your assessment. I certainly don't think that what happened with SCP-7910 was your fault, or that you could have prevented it. As you said in your assessment, SCP-7910 is a young woman experiencing extraordinary circumstances. It's hard to overstate the stress of so many life changes in such a brief period even before considering her mental health history. Right now, what matters is that she's alive, she's safe, and she has people who are trying to help her. I'll send along some resources on humanoid containment and mental health care, and make sure one of our therapists talks to her in the next few days. I'm more concerned with how you're feeling. This is going to require a lot of compassion and patience, and I think you're absolutely capable of being the one to provide that. But it's just as important that you're paying attention to your own mental health. Your absence today will be cleared as medical, if anyone has questions. My schedule is clear, so please come see me in my office as soon as you feel up to it. I know how dire things must feel right now, but this isn't something you have to feel on your own. Best, Jeremiah Stoner, PsyD Site-93 Ethics Committee liason Footnotes 1. A senior researcher, ranking security officer, or Lead Researcher Yu, depending on severity. 2. Standard safety precautions for SCP objects may vary from site to site in detail but never in intent. Speak to an on-site psychologist or your site's ethics committee representative if you have questions or concerns about behavioral and mental health care for humanoids in containment. 3. Level 3 clearance and a formal, written request are required for any non-Site-93 personnel, in accordance with Foundation security protocols regarding site security procedures. 4. SCP-7910 was previously working as a free-lance journalist and has written several articles for notable publications. Identifying information has been redacted per Foundation infosec protocols. An unredacted version of this documentation requires level 3 clearance and a written request to Doctor Yu to access. 5. 5'8" 6. 125 lbs 7. The pressure created by an explosive shock wave, measured in pounds per square inch (psi). Structural damage can be caused by overpressure as little as 2-3 psi. Lung damage begins to occur at 15 psi. 8. Panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, avoidant personality disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder. SCP-7910 has been admitted to inpatient psychiatric care several times, has not had consistent treatment outside of inpatient settings. 9. After careful review, no disciplinary actions will be taken against Agent Mercer for delay of his initial report. Agent Grey reports finding him intoxicated and distraught shortly after submitting it. There is no reason to believe that Agent Mercer acted negligently or that he intentionally delayed reporting. Agent Grey has testified that Agent Mercer and SCP-7910 were very close friends and have known each other for several years. Both agents have been given two weeks of paid leave and are required to attend four individual and two couple's therapy sessions to assist in adequately processing these events before returning to duty. 10. Site-93 is about 10,000 ft above sea level. At time of interview, symptoms of mild altitude sickness had been recorded in SCP-7910. 11. Site-93 officially exists as a research station contracted with the Department of the Interior. Though its true purpose is highly classified, its location is not. 12. Ativan, effective as a first line treatment for seizures. Standard dose is 4mg given slowly over 2 minutes. 13. Versed, can be injected intramuscularly to treat uncontrolled seizures. « SCP-7909 | SCP-7910 | SCP-7911 »
close Info X Special Thanks to: ExiAsWell, Marceline_Raynes, Doctor Fullham Zoobeeny who helped with constructive criticism and proofreading of this article, this couldn't have been done without yall! Special Thanks to: You!!! [*user] JorgeMtzb Hello, it is me! JorgeMtzb I've put a lot of work into this article. So I hope you like it, any opinions, or criticism they are all appreciated. Item#: 7911 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Never forget never forget never forget never forget never forget never forget never forget never forget SCP-7911-1 instances. Special Containment Procedures: All SCP-7911 instances are to be stored in a secure, standard anomalous item storage locker. Access to SCP-7911 is to be granted only to individuals with Level 2 security clearance and must be approved by at least two Level 3 personnel. SCP-7911-1 and SCP-7911-2 are not to be used for medical treatment under any circumstances. Due to its hazardous nature, caution is advised when handling SCP-7911. To minimize the risk of exposure, personnel must use protective equipment such as gloves when handling instances of SCP-7911. Any hospitals or medical facilities found to have received SCP-7911 instances are to be monitored and any instances of SCP-7911 are to be replaced with non-anomalous bandages and pills of similar appearance. Description: SCP-7911-1 and SCP-7911-2 (collectively referred to as SCP-7911), are medical equipment labeled "ProMed Solutions".1 SCP-7911-1 is a set of bandages that cause any wounds previously located under them to reopen and rapidly worsen, leading to severe injury or death. This is regardless of the timeframe at which the wounds were originally received. SCP-7911-2 consists of a bottle containing 35 pills which cause ███ ████████ ██████ ██ █ ███████ ██ ██████2 simultaneously, leading to severe injury and death. SCP-7911's anomalous properties only become apparent after a certain amount of time has elapsed. The exact amount of time is variable, but subjects have reported experiencing symptoms within a time frame of seconds to several hours of being treated with SCP-7911-1 or ingesting SCP-7911-2. SCP-7911-1 (bandages) were discovered after a patient at St. Vincent's Medical Center, (located in Bridgeport, Pennsylvania) reported sharp pain under their bandages following treatment for a broken tibia. Upon removal, severe abrasions on the patient's knee were discovered, which quickly became infected, leading to amputation. A second patient received deep lacerations to their wrists and a third patient died due to inexplicable severe head trauma after a delicate surgery, both following treatment with SCP-7911-1. Foundation personnel were alerted to the existence of SCP-7911 after intercepting phone calls detailing the seemingly anomalous worsening of several patients' conditions. The Foundation swiftly replaced all instances of SCP-7911 with non-anomalous medical equipment. Efforts to determine the source of SCP-7911 initially proved inconclusive, as records showed no shipment of medical equipment due to arrive at the hospital on the day it was discovered. The rest of the medical equipment on the shipment performed as expected with no signs of anomalous activity. Further testing of SCP-7911 is ongoing. Testing Logs: Test A - 2023-02-09 Subject D-9123 Procedure SCP-7911-1 is applied to the subject's shoulder and upper arm. Results After 2 hours, the subject reported sharp pain in their shoulder. Upon examination, a bullet wound on the shoulder had opened, approximately one centimeter in diameter, with jagged edges and signs of inflammation on the skin and underlying tissue. It was found that the wound was consistent with the gun and ammunition used in a shooting D-9123 had been previously involved in before being taken into Foundation custody. Analysis The reopened wound is consistent with a previous injury that the subject had sustained suggesting that SCP-7911-1 may have some form of memory or recognition of past injuries, the exact mechanism by which it is able to determine past wounds is unknown. Test B - 2023-02-09 Subject D-8335 Procedure A gunshot wound is inflicted on the subject's shoulder using a Foundation-standard handgun. SCP-7911-1 is then immediately applied to the wound and securely wrapped around the shoulder and upper arm, covering the wound entirely. Results The subject almost immediately reported a significant increase in pain in his shoulder once the bandage was applied. The object was removed after five minutes. Upon examination, the bullet wound had become infected with dermal tissue experiencing severe necrosis, consistent with what would be expected of an unattended gunshot during the course of several days. Analysis This test suggests that the object may directly interfere with cellular degeneration, causing cellular death on a microscopic level, despite this, the object is molecularly identical to regular bandages. Test C - 2023-02-13 Subject D-5692 Procedure A long laceration is inflicted on the subject's left leg using a Foundation-standard knife. The cut was allowed to fully heal before SCP-7911-1 was applied only partly covering the previous location of the wound. Results The subject reported sharp pain under the bandages after 20 minutes. SCP-7911-1 was left on the subject for 10 seconds before removal. Previously inflicted cuts reappeared underneath it, localized decay becoming apparent in the surrounding tissue. Analysis The amount of time for the anomalous effects to manifest appears to be directly related to the time frame at which the wounds were inflicted, with recent ones taking a proportionally shorter amount of time to reform. The condition of reformed wounds is similarly proportional to the amount of time SCP-7911 is allowed to be kept in the subject. Test D - 2023-02-13 Subject D-5692 Procedure A long laceration is inflicted on the subject's right leg using a Foundation-standard knife. The cut was allowed to fully heal before SCP-7911-1 was applied only partly covering the previous location of the wound. Results SCP-7911-1 instance was left on the subject for 19 minutes before removal. No anomalous effect manifested. Analysis The physical anomalous on the subject appear to take effect spontaneously after a determinate amount of time, rather than gradually, and only once materialized do they start to gradually (yet rapidly) deteriorate. This could prove beneficial in Foundation forensic tactics in order to determine the approximate time at which specific wounds were first received, but the side effects may prove too damaging for any extended use. Addendum: As part of the ongoing investigation on the origins of SCP-7911-1, researchers were led to an abandoned medical supply factory on the outskirts of Bridgeport, Pennsylvania. Retroactive monitoring of the site via city-owned security cameras showed an unplated truck coming from the inside of the facility on the day the bandages first made their appearance in St. Vincent's Medical Center, the driver of which remains unidentified. NOTICE TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF SITE-18 Based on the recent findings regarding the possible origins of SCP-7911, I strongly urge the Foundation to dispatch a Mobile Task Force to conduct a thorough investigation of the abandoned medical supply factory in Bridgeport, Pennsylvania. Given the potential danger posed by the anomalous properties of SCP-7911, it is imperative that the source of the bandages be located and secured to prevent any further incidents. I recommend that this be given the highest priority to ensure the safety of the general public and the containment of the anomaly. —Dr. Upkins, Researcher, Site-18 +See: Post Operation Report - 7911- A - Access Granted -Post Operation Report - 7911- A Date and Time: 2023/01/15/ 14:25 pm Location: Abandoned Medical Supply Manufacturing Facility Mobile Task Force: MTF Gamma-12 "Revenant Wrappers" Foreword: Area was secured ahead of time, MTF-Gamma-12 arrived at the front facility at 14:06 and after a preliminary assessment, with the site showing no unusual activity, entered 14 minutes later through the front entrance. Upon arrival, the perimeter fence was found partially collapsed and overgrown with weeds. The building itself was in a state of disrepair, with many window panes broken and large holes in the side. [BEGIN REPORT] After gaining entry through the boarded-up main entrance, the MTF team entered a lobby area filled with debris and missing floor tiles. They encountered a circular reception desk with a sign that read "Welcome to ProMed Solutions" alongside a faded green armchair, dark wood shelves lining the back wall, and scattered books on the floor. The team then proceeded to the main factory plant through a security door labeled "Staff only". Inside the plant, the team came across a sprawling expanse of heavy machinery and equipment, showing signs of wear and deterioration. The team searched each section of the main factory floor, coming across fallen machinery that was cleared to reveal a set of stairs leading to a hallway on the second level. The hallway featured doors and access to catwalks and elevated rooms overlooking the factory floor. They carefully made their way across the platform, where they had a panoramic view of the factory floor. Piles of boxes and crates, along with dismantled assembly lines, conveyor belts, rusted pipes, and large gears were scattered throughout the space. While preparing to explore the rooms, a team member observed a faint light coming from under a door. Upon opening the door, the team was met by a pharmaceutical laboratory. In stark contrast with the rest of the facility, the lab was brightly lit, with white walls and gleaming metal counter tops. There were several workstations with computers and lab equipment, all fully functional and operational.3 In the desks, there is medical research equipment. The lab appeared to have been meticulously maintained, even after the rest of the facility had fallen into disrepair. At the back of the room in the main desk the team found several SCP-7911-1 instances carefully laid out in a stack, and alongside them, labeled identically to the bandages, a single bottle of pills, designated SCP-7911-2. They recovered, alongside the SCP-7911 instances, mechanical hard drives, a plethora of medical research equipment, as well as swipe samples of surfaces in the lab.4 After carefully exploring the upper level, with the rest of the rooms showing no unusual activity, the team returned to the main floor of the factory and left the facility with no further obstructions. - Access Granted Recovered Materials See: SCP-7911 - Recovered Materials Log Access Granted Note: The following conversation was extracted from the wiped hard drives found within the laboratory discovered by the MTF Gamma-12 "Revenant Wrappers" expedition following data recovery procedures. To: moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw#moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw From: moc.liamg|htimst#moc.liamg|htimst Subject: Just a friendly Email. Hey, bud! I hope you're doing well! I just wanted to check in! How's life been treating you? We see each other every day and yet it seems like we haven't really talked in like forever. Speaking of work I've been working really hard lately ya know! Just trying to get noticed by my supervisors and all, I feel like I've been stuck like this for too long now, but I'm really ready to take on some responsibility. Putting in a lot of extra hours and stuff. Hopefully, it will pay off soon wink wink, nudge nudge, heheheh. Anyways, enough about work! How have you been bud? I feel like with just being so busy with work the two of us haven't had a chance to catch up in a while. It's all going great lately, I actually got engaged! I've been meaning to tell you for a while. We should totally go get a coffee or something this weekend and chat. To: moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw#moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw From: moc.liamg|htimst#moc.liamg|htimst Subject: Congrats!!! Hey bud, congrats on your promotion!! I'm glad to know your efforts were appreciated. We all know you're a crucial part of the process and I couldn't be any more proud of you. I know how hard you've been working and you deserve this. Just don't forget bout the little guys once you hit it big, ya big shot. I'm just, so excited to see where this new position takes you. Let's catch up soon and celebrate! To: moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw#moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw From: moc.liamg|htimst#moc.liamg|htimst Subject: Missed you at lunch. Hey bud, I noticed you weren't at lunch today. Is everything okay? Let's talk. To: moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw#moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw From: moc.liamg|htimst#moc.liamg|htimst Subject: Catching Up. I'm glad everything is going well for you bud. It's just been a while since we've talked, I miss our conversations. But I don't want to burden you with my problems, I understand you're a busy man now, climbing up that corporate ladder. It must be nice to have all that power and influence. To be honest, things have been a bit tough for me lately. On the bright side, the wifey and I have been spending a lot of time together, which has been a nice distraction from all the frustration at work. It's good to have something to look forward to, you know? To: moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw#moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw From: moc.liamg|htimst#moc.liamg|htimst Subject: Congrats again. Hey bud, I heard the news, and I just wanted to say, congrats. It's impressive to see you climbing up the ranks so swiftly. You must be quite the hotshot now, huh? It feels like you're leaving the rest of us behind. But don't get me wrong, I'm genuinely happy for you and all. I hope everything's going well for you, boss. (Don't get too comfortable in that chair, though) To: moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw#moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw From: moc.liamg|htimst#moc.liamg|htimst Subject: Regarding recent events. I heard about the diagnosis… I'm genuinely sorry to hear that bud. I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you and your family. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you during this tough time. I'm here for you if you need anything at all. If there's anything I can do to help either personally or with your work or if you just want to talk, please don't hesitate to reach out. To: moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw#moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw From: moc.liamg|htimst#moc.liamg|htimst Subject: So, life huh? It's been a while since we've talked, and I wanted to see how you're doing. I heard that you'll be retiring from the company soon, you've had quite the run, haven't you? I must say, it will be quite challenging for the team to find someone who can fill your shoes as a leader. For now, though, you just need to get some rest and get all that stress out of your life, and dedicate yourself to your family and stuff, It's about time you took a break and let someone else handle all the stress and hard work. I know it's a big decision to leave, but I'm sure you've thought it through and made the right choice for you, Speaking of choices, this entire thing got me thinking about the future of the company without you, and you know I've been considering how I could contribute more to it. This place has really been my life, for just so long now. It truly means a lot to me, so I just wanted to let you know that I'm eager to continue growing with the company and continue putting always my best. I'm excited to continue pushing forward as always and seeing where it takes me, just a thought. To: moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw#moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw From: moc.liamg|htimst#moc.liamg|htimst Subject: Retirement congrats. I hope this email finds you well and you're enjoying your retirement. I just wanted to once again take a moment to express my gratitude just, all the hard work you put in during your time as our boss. Your leadership and guidance have been invaluable to the company, and we surely miss you dearly. I also wanted to congratulate you on appointing Mr. Ashwell as the new leader. I'm sure he will do an excellent job in the position, and I look forward to working with him. I know it must have been a difficult decision to make, and I admire your ability to put the company's needs above all else, and I do mean, above all else. And who knows, perhaps he'll even recognize and reward hard work and loyalty, who knows? Maybe he'll surprise us all. Please enjoy your very well-deserved retirement, and thank you again for everything you've done, bud. To: moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw#moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw From: moc.liamg|htimst#moc.liamg|htimst Subject: An Update Hey, bud, It's been a while since my last email, but I wanted to give you an update on what's been going down since you stepped down. Unfortunately, things have been going downhill since Mr. Ashwell took over. His changes caused significant issues for the company. Administration is giving out pay cuts, and the massive layoffs that followed were devastating. It's been a tough time for everyone. I know you always did care deeply about the well-being of the company, especially that of the bottom line, so just oh so sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I wish things could have turned out differently, but oh well I suppose there was no way to prevent it, that's just the way things go sometimes, don't they? On a personal note, life without Samantha has been tough, but I'm managing, doing my best to stay positive and keep moving forward. I've been keeping busy with work and trying to focus on my hobbies when I have the time, the very little time I have with my work and stuff. But enough about me, how's retirement treating you? Enjoying all that free time and no responsibilities? Must be nice. To: moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw#moc.liamg|88notgnirrahw From: moc.liamg|htimst#moc.liamg|htimst Subject: I haven't forgotten. Hey, bud. First of all, let me just wish you the best of luck with your operation, I heard St. Vincents is a really nice place. I am certain that they will patch you right up. You know, The recent closure of the company was heartbreaking for me, and I'm sure it must've been difficult for you to hear of it as well. It's just hard for me to let it go. I was just thinking about all those times we spent together, those restless nights, those fun memories. Working at that factory changed my life. I often find myself lost in thought, reminiscing about the past and the moments we shared, the challenges we overcame, and the laughs we shared. I cherish those memories dearly. It's funny isn't it, how a wound can heal but it never truly goes away, forever leaving a scar reminding you of what once was there. How memories can fade, but the repercussions of the actions surrounding them stay. But as I reflect on the past, I can't help but also contemplate the future. It's all so uncertain, isn't it? We strive to make sense of it all, to find meaning and purpose, but the truth is that life is ever-changing and always evolving. You know, we're all just wandering through life, trying to make sense of it all, trying to leave our mark on the world before our time is up. But what does it all mean, really? Sometimes it feels like everything is just a cycle, repeating itself over and over again, It seems like no matter how hard we try, everything we hold dear will eventually slip through our fingers. Every relationship, every accomplishment, every moment of happiness - they all inevitably crumble to dust. And what do we have left? Memories that haunt us with the pain of what once was. It's like we're all just prisoners of this endless cycle, doomed to experience the same joys and sorrows over and over again, with no escape. The same patterns, the same mistakes, the same pain, it all stays the same, and yet… everything changes. Sometimes the changes are little and seemingly insignificant, to where they are barely perceptible. Sometimes the changes are big and consequential. Sometimes, they amount to nothing. I guess that's the nature of the universe. Nothing is permanent, but everything sort of is, in its own beautiful way. Everything is constantly in flux, but somehow, everything still manages to hold onto its own unique identity. Even as things change, they still retain some essence of what they once were. It's almost like a paradox, how something can be both fleeting and eternal at the same time. It's a bittersweet realization, but in a way, it's freeing. And maybe, just maybe, that's enough. I can only hope to be able to set you free as well. Incident Logs + See: Incident Log 216 - 2023 - WARNING: Level 3 Security Clearance is required. - Access Granted Incident 216 - 2023: Video Log Transcript Date and Time: 2023/02/16 13:00 Location: Fairview General Hospital, Bridgeport, Pennsylvania. Civilians Involved: William Harrington, Jennifer García, Dr. Allan Mobile Task Force: MTF Gamma-12 "Revenant Wrappers" Foreword: On 12/20/2023, Telecommunication Monitoring Office Foundation agents intercepted an emergency call originating from Fairview General Hospital. MTF Agents were dispatched to investigate and contain the situation, arriving at the hospital approximately 5 minutes later. Once there, MTF Gamma-12 evacuated all civilians, secured the perimeter, and recovered several items. A Specialized Foundation Biohazardous Materials Cleanup team was then dispatched with the hospital reopening 4 hours later following the completion of decontamination and removal of biohazardous material on site. All witnesses, including hospital staff and visitors, were amnestized by Foundation personnel in accordance with standard protocol. In the aftermath of the incident, the Foundation provided a cover story to local authorities to support an explanation that would minimize public exposure, with local media outlets reporting that the hospital had been evacuated due to a gas leak. [BEGIN LOG] Video taken from a hospital security camera. William Harrington is escorted into the room by a nurse. The subject is seen sitting down on a hospital bed. He can be seen texting on his phone and scrolling through social media. Fifteen minutes, Dr. Allan Grant walks into the room. Dr. Grant: Good morning Mr. Harrington, hope you're doing well. William Harrington: Well, I'm alive, if that's what you're asking, so I suppose that's something. How are you today, doc? Dr. Grant: I'm doing good, but let's just skip the formalities, shall we? I suspect you might be impatient for the results. William Harrington: Right, so then? Dr. Grant: The lab test results are all within the norm. William Harrington: That's great to hear, Dr. Grant. Thank you. Dr. Grant: However, we want to monitor your recovery closely and ensure that you're healing properly. You'll need to stay here for at least another week or so before we can consider releasing you. William Harrington: Another week? That's longer than I was expecting. Dr. Grant: I understand it's not ideal, Mr. Harrington. But please know that we're doing this for your own safety and well-being. You underwent major surgery, and we want to make sure you're fully healed before we send you home. William Harrington: I appreciate that, doc. What can I expect? Dr. Grant: We'll continue to monitor your vital signs and check for any signs of infection or complications. You'll also receive physical therapy to help you regain your strength and mobility. And of course, you'll continue to receive pain management medication as needed. Mr. Harrington: Alright, I understand. I just want to get back home as soon as possible. Dr. Grant: I understand, Mr. Harrington. We'll do everything we can to make your stay as comfortable as possible, and we'll work with you to develop a discharge plan once you're ready to go home. Mr. Harrington: Right, thanks. Dr. Grant nods and proceeds to exit the room, closing the door behind him. Mr. Harrington continues texting then lies down on the bed and begins watching TV. Date and Time: 2023/02/16 14: 35 Patient falls asleep. Date and Time: 2023/02/16 16:45 Patient wakes from sleep. Mr. Harrington appears to look blankly at a wall for an extended amount of time, then stands up and begins pacing back and forth. He activates the call nurse button, and a nurse enters the room Nurse: You shouldn't be standing, Is something wrong? The nurse motions for the patient to lie down on the bed. Mr. Harrington sits back down, then holds himself tightly against the bed. Nurse: What is it? William Harrington (Beginning to hyperventilate) I don't feel so well. And my finger hurts. Subject shows the finger to the nurse. A small cut can be observed. Nurse: I don't see any- Cut starts to extend at a rapid pace while tearing through skin and muscular tissue. Mr. Harrington clutches his chest and vocalizes loudly, followed by the appearance of scars and open wounds covering the subject's entire body, ranging from small cuts to large gashes. Serosanguineous drainage emerges from the open wounds as he begins showing signs of severe distress. Nurse: What the- SOMEONE HELP! I need a doctor in here, NOW! The nurse quickly activates the emergency response system and cries out for help. Several doctors and nurses, alerted by the screaming, rush back into the room and attempt to stabilize the patient. Once the medical team arrives, they quickly wheel Mr. Harrington to the Intensive Care unit for further treatment and monitoring. Despite this, the manifestation continues to progress as the wounds on the patient's body begin to bleed profusely, with severe hemorrhage leading to hypovolemic shock. Still, intact portions of skin begin to pale as the cuts deepen and widen. Large, gaping wounds appear on Mr. Harrington's limbs and torso as his breathing becomes ragged and strained, with vocalizations turning into agonized screams. He falls onto the ground on his hands and knees writhing in pain as blood and serosanguineous fluid pool around him. MTF Gamma-12 "Revenant Wrappers" arrive at the site and enter the room, then direct the medical staff to leave the room, while evacuating all civilians to a safe distance from the incident The subject's face begins to bleed uncontrollably as he experiences immense swelling, causing significant damage to the skull as sections of the cranium tear through the scalp and fall off, breaking into several pieces. Mr. Harrington appears to be conscious despite the severe damage to vital organs and systems usually needed for survival. As the manifestation progresses, the subject's bare eyes begin to exhibit direct lacerations, with punctures appearing to penetrate eye sockets. Brain tissue is now visible and cerebrospinal fluid is seen leaking from the wounds and exposed tissue in the subject's head. Subjects' mouth experiences rapid decay and the rotting of teeth, as well as severe inflammation of all mucus membranes. Limbs begin to separate and fall to the ground. Vocalizations, now unintelligible, continue as muscular tissue undergoes severe necrosis. Date and Time: 2023/02/16 17:35 Vocalizations stop. [END LOG] Addendum: Manifestation appears to have been caused via ingestion of SCP-7911-2, which caused the physical manifestation of all wounds and injuries experienced by the subject before the test in rapid succession and simultaneously. Any testing of SCP-7911-2 has been postponed indefinitely via request of the Ethics Committee. Members involved are to report to Researcher Upkins for approval of psychological therapy and may request approval for usage of Class-B amnestics. William Harrington was officially pronounced dead by Foundation Disinformation Teams two days later, attributed to complications stemming from the progression of his pancreatic cancer despite the success of previous surgeries and treatments. Note: The following message was recovered at Fairview General Hospital. Hey, bud. I heard you were transferred to a new hospital for your procedure. Probably for the best. They better be treating you well. Heard you are almost fully recovered and the surgery came out great, which is just amazing news. I've been dedicating my time to some personal projects of mine, they haven't quite worked out yet but I'm certain they will. As a celebration, I decided to use some of that time to come and visit you personally. You were asleep, so the nurses didn't let me stay, but I was able to sneak in this gift basket, just for you. I wanted to show my appreciation for all the things you've done ya know? And don't forget to take your meds bud, I know firsthand just how easy it is for you to forget. May all your past wounds heal soon so you may soon be free, not bound, just like me. - Access Granted Footnotes 1. Medical Supply company was investigated and shown to have no direct connection to SCP-7911. Additionally, while said brand does produce bandages similar to SCP-7911-1, no productions of pills matching SCP-7911-2 have been found. 2. See: Incident Log 3215-1 for more information on effects. (Security Level 3 Required) 3. Examination of the computer equipment showed the removal of all digital storage mediums from all computers with one exception. 4. Swipe samples were later confirmed to be almost perfectly sterile. Recovered medical equipment was confirmed to be non-anomalous and standard for regular pharmaceutical use. More From This Author More From This Author JorgeMtzb's Works SCPs SCP-719M4-J (+170) • SCP-7424 (+6) • SCP-7121 (+92) • SCP-7194 (+33) • SCP-500-J (+117) • SCP-7229 (+53) • SCP-7192 (+8) • Tales/GoI Formats Other JorgeMtzb's Author Page (+17) • « SCP-7910 | SCP-7911 | SCP-7912 »
THERE IS NO MORE OUTSIDE NOTICE TO ALL FOUNDATION STAFF: UNDERSTANDING IS INTRINSIC TO EXPOSURE AND LIKELY INCORRECT. ANY DELETIONS AGENTS WHO HAVE INTERACTED WITH AFFECTED TIMELINES ARE TO REFORMAT BEFORE PROCEEDING. Interior of SCP-7912's chamber. SCP- SCP-7912 V/NONE NON-ESSENTIAL Containment Class: tenebrarius Secondary Class: thaumiel Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: cryptic link to memo Item#: {$item-number} Level5 Containment Class: {$container-class} Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo ASSIGNED DEPARTMENTS PROJECT LEADS N/A ASSIGNED SITES RESEARCH HEADS N/A N/A SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: The interior of SCP-7912's chamber should remain empty and sealed. Further knowledge regarding containment of the anomaly is considered non-essential..Tenebrarius: The Foundation does not and cannot possess information about the anomaly. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7912 refers to the interior of former Testing Chamber Alpha of the Pilcrow-Minkowski Center for Advanced Studies..Foundation black site facility responsible for the securement and research of anomalies with distinct, highly complex effect profiles/containment procedures. At this time, knowledge of the existence of SCP-7912 is limited to members of the Department of Deletions. SCP-7912's reference data does not exist; The sectors of the Database which lead to SCP-7912 have not been marked as read-only. Instead, a number of abstract-metaphysical construct pointers lead from writable whitespace to the identifier "interior of SCP-7912's chamber". This has been confirmed by Deletions agents, which observe the anomaly as empty void. The origin of SCP-7912's current state is unknown. Due to its location, it is presumed to have been the result of testing or neutralization efforts of another anomalous designation, the details of which were never documented. The previous state of SCP-7912 is similarly unknown— although assumptions can be made about its general layout and condition based on neighboring chambers, any concrete data about this topic is lost and unrecoverable. Attempts to fill these sectors with extrapolations have failed due to SCP-7912's apparent resistance to its own information; Rather than seeking equilibrium within the surrounding area by naturally cohering to expected tropes and established rules of the fabula, SCP-7912 rejects all definition in a manner directly proportional to its own relevance..A notable violation of the Ockham-Hitchens Proposition. Specifically, between non sequitur and apagoge; ie. "The relationship between the most likely cause and its inherent truth is typically linear". More information can be found in the included testing log. Average informational density for a single frame of SCP-7912 over a two-second period. Click to enlarge. ✖ SCP-7912 represents a significant pluripotent metaconceptual hazard, with three main vectors of phenomena: Any extranarrative materia (e.g. blackbox) written to the affected sectors can manifest within SCP-7912's chamber as stochastic phenomena, leading to unforeseen hazards and complications stemming from retroactive continuity..In other words, extranarrative detritus introduced into the bounds of the anomaly inherently become part of that anomaly's substrate by virtue of existing within it. When entered from the chamber doors by existent personnel of typical configuration, mental constructs and/or internal landscapes of said personnel undergo massive metamorphic psychogenesis..The manifestation of thoughtspace within the material plane, typically reinforced through repeated acknowledgement of its existence or concentrated belief. Because of this, a vast majority of anomalous interactions experienced by Foundation personnel are not reported as such. These manifestations are limited to a cone of awareness created by the sensory organs of the individual experiencing them; The chamber appears to dynamically render outcomes the impacted individual finds least likely to occur. SCP-7912 is directly accessible at any time by Deletions agents, as the anomaly is a persistent, bi-directional vector between Research Station Mnemosyne and a Foundation site, the first of its kind. ADDENDUM 7912/I ON THE CONTAINMENT OF SCP-7912 LOCATION: RESEARCH STATION MNEMOSYNE PARTIES PRESENT: THE DEPARTMENT OF DELETIONS, in pentaplicate PREFACE: DELETIONS AGENTS MEET WITHIN RESEARCH STATION MNEMOSYNE TO DISCUSS POTENTIAL CONTAINMENT STRATEGIES OF SCP-7912. «BEGIN TRANSCRIPT» <Conference room materializes. A moment later, a vague humanoid form occupies the far end of a long table in the center. The entity's features shift chaotically. It stretches before emitting a large sigh, turning its indeterminate form slightly to the left.> N/A: We should do this more often. Why don't we do this more often? <Another entity manifests in the chair N/A faces. It also possesses the same instability but leans back in the chair, relaxed.> N/A: Because it's insane. This is quite literally delusional. I'd call it masturbatory but, for some reason, I'm against the idea of roasting you too hard. All of this pretense is a waste of— N/A: <Disembodied.> Time? You know that word has little meaning here. And please, don't act like you have anything else better to do. <A third humanoid appears across the table from the second, on N/A's right.> N/A: We wouldn't be here if there wasn't something better to do. N/A: <Coughs.> Well, that's exactly why I've arranged this meeting; As you can probably tell, you exist again, which means we have a new assignment. N/A: So, holding a department-wide, in-person meeting is purely symbolic? N/A: No, it's done for the "internal debate". <Scoffs.> N/A: Laugh all you want. I'm aware of the shortcomings of this format, but you are also aware we parse some things out better like this. N/A: Usually, it's not necessary. I mean, usually, our tasks are somewhat clear, as complicated as they may be. N/A: Not today. We have a gravity well in the Database that needs to be filled, and I'm sure you understand the issue with that sentiment. N/A: Of course. N/A: It's all information, baby. N/A: Right. If it can destroy its own information, nothing we put there will last. It lacks read-only protection, lacks true understanding. The fact that we're discussing it right now in these plain of terms means we haven't interacted with the timeline in a way that would have impacted us, nor will we at any point. I'm not sure if we can interact with it now, even though we all can see the open window. N/A: We have to overwrite our memories. Leave a note for the next iteration. N/A: You don't know that— N/A: No, I do know that. We all know that, avoiding the inevitable is just easier, isn't it? Sitting here, getting all chummy with ourselves, throwing this little pity party for less than one. You've been getting too comfortable. We all have. We're not supposed to get comfortable here. I'm ready to move on. N/A: Wait—Wait. Let me just get a second opinion. N/A: <Snorts.> Hilarious. <Two more entities, a fourth and a fifth, condense into corporeality in the next two seats, identical to the others. One rests its elbows on the table, head in hands, while the other fidgets uncomfortably, left knee jittering with nervous energy. None of the five members notice the man sitting in the back of the room, transcribing this document.> N/A: What do you hope for me to add to the conversation, man? Let me go back to the void, for fuck's sake. N/A: Shush. Let's just get this over with. N/A: Er- yeah. And don't stretch us too thin. Although, I agree with you that there has to be something else we can try before reformat. <Turning to N/A.> Not because I'm attached to these people but because I think it's a stupid idea. N/A: I beg your pardon? N/A: We don't know what would happen if our department came into contact with a metaconceptual hazard. I was certain it wasn't possible until a moment ago—Hold on. Where did that information come from? N/A: Don't look at us. We aren't new to this mode of existence. N/A: Wait, this can't be right. Fragmentation levels are the same. No foreign memories, no dead sectors. How is this possible? POI-7912: <Standing.> That would probably be me, sorry. I was hoping it would be more… subtle. N/A: <Looking up, surprised.> How—? Who are you? POI-7912: Well… <N/A peers over at the other entity, who stares back at the empty conference room. The space dissolves and is replaced by a small cell moments later. A single table and two chairs furnish the blank space, N/A occupying the seat across from POI-7912.> N/A: Who are you? POI-7912: <Sitting in chair opposite N/A.> My name is Andry. I'm from the Department of Deletions. N/A: That cannot be true. We are Deletions. You are something else entirely. <POI-7912 smirks. He maintains a rough resemblance of someone, a researcher named Andry, who once existed, somewhere, but not anymore. It didn't matter. All that mattered was his intact Semblance. He was someone, something no other member of Deletions could say with such conviction.> POI-7912: I'm an inevitability; My presence an eventual outcome given the nature of the Database. My patchwork is whole. You must understand what I'm saying. N/A: You- <Pauses.> Your identity is separate, because it is complete. POI-7912: Bingo. N/A: This- This is unprecedented. You're an anomaly among anomalies. The chances of something like this occurring are… <Pauses.> Two hundred and ninety-four million to one. POI-7912: And yet, here I am. N/A: How? POI-7912: Unfortunately, statistics is not the only factor at play here. You've deleted me before. Well, not you, you. Previous iterations of you. The cause of this… deviation eludes me, but I assure you, it is well beyond the scope of probabilities. N/A: This is… Let's just say I'm not used to having company. POI-7912: What about your little troupe, are they not company enough? N/A: The line that separates you from I is far more tangible than that which separates the rest of us. That delineation was lost before introduction. It's far less unpredictable, far more mundane. POI-7912: I expected something to that effect. I keep thinking you'll be different but existential boredom seems to be a constant around these parts. N/A: I'm sorry, but I still don't understand why you showed yourself here, now. POI-7912: <Putting feet up on the table.> Your little problem. That gravity well. I've been trying to figure it out, we have. You keep overwriting parts of yourself to get around the effect, but have grown quite proficient at being exposed. N/A: <Rubbing temples.> How do I know you're telling the truth? You could just as easily be the Database error we're trying to contain. It's far more likely than the story you've presented. POI-7912: Yes, that's the problem, isn't it? The unlikelihood is proof of its certainty. N/A: <Shakes head.> What? POI-7912: <Sighs.> Here. <POI-7912 hands N/A a series of documents.> POI-7912: This is all the experiential data we have about the anomaly. At some point, a neutralization attempt of SCP-184 took place within the P.M. Center. We don't know why, nor how. We can't even be sure this was the result. But it makes sense in a nonsensical way, doesn't it? N/A: <Reading.> Not really, no. POI-7912: What is the inverse of something that duplicates an interior with increasing inaccuracy the farther you move outward? N/A: Something that removes an interior with decreasing accuracy the farther you travel inward? I mean, I guess—Wait, so, what happened to 184? POI-7912: Your guess is probably better than mine, the fact of the matter is we can't know for sure without being completely unsure. I believe this is unlikely to be attributable to the chamber's Adaptive Mesh, because that would be the most apt explanation, you see? N/A: Yeesh. Okay, so, how can we even discuss this? You've clearly encountered this anomaly before, you claim the metaconceptual hazard can affect us, wouldn't that mean this thing can't be discussed outright? POI-7912: You're fine, for now. Like you said, you haven't interacted with the timeline yet. I have, but because of our unique position, my cognitive faculties are the ones at risk here. N/A: And yet, we keep exposing ourselves. POI-7912: Yes, you keep ignoring my warning. N/A: Warning? What warning? POI-7912: <Taking feet off the table and leaning forward.> Do not go through SCP-7912. It must remain sealed. Everything will be fine if you stay here. N/A: And you? POI-7912: I haven't gone through it yet, but I know I will. I also know my Semblance remains whole after that point, as it has throughout my many deletions. A few specks of data are lost, here and there, but I have never once lost anything I cared about losing. <N/A disappears and reappears, now standing behind the chair, hand resting on it. The entity vanishes once more and five take its place, debating quietly in a tight huddle. A moment later they melt into the floor. N/A manifests back in the chair, shifting quickly as if agitated.> POI-7912: Is there a problem? N/A: No. Thinking. We'll need a better understanding of what happens inside the chamber. Can we get a camera working in there? POI-7912: I believe I can, yes. It would have to be embedded in the Mesh itself, which is doable. N/A: Right, you keep mentioning an adaptive mesh. What is it? POI-7912: Well, it's a mesh that adapts to things. That doesn't make sense? N/A: No—It- I thought there would be more to it than that. POI-7912: None whatsoever. Oh, I did manage to switch it off once, I think. It's probably still off, considering. N/A: <Surprised.> Why would you do that? POI-7912: You can't all be this fucking dense, can you? How should I know?! I barely have context for this. All I know is that it was off, and I know how to turn it back on. But I haven't. That enough for you? N/A: Look, we just want to understand your perspective. We usually have no problem getting to know each other. POI-7912: <Sighs.> You're right. You're right. I'm the one making this dynamic weird and also the one leaving you all in the dark. To answer your questions, I need to go way back. I was- I am one of SCP-184's neutralization team. Out of them, I'm the only one whose identity hasn't been fragmented to shit. The rest of them… the rest of those people and the rest of that anomaly is gone. Gone here. They're you. N/A: How—? POI-7912: When it h-happened, you were mostly yourselves. One gestalt sure, but, you knew each other's names. And mine. You could form us separate and that separation was so profound. We were lost in this state. I mean, the things you could do with that dodecahedron inside you. You'd have not believed it. A conference room? A holding cell? Think of floating castles, arboretums in the clouds, skyscrapers above them. Orangeries on their rooftop gardens. Infinitely. Our power was infinite. Or so we thought. We began to worry about that place, that hole in nothing that can be filled with anything, so long as it wasn't the right thing. We started looking, not knowing what we'd do with it. Do we jump back in, fully changed to the state we are now, or does the nature and direction of time preclude that possibility? Were there states worse than this one we'd been given as mercy? N/A: So, you couldn't do it. POI-7912: <Stands, enraged.> No, WE couldn't do it! You were there too, but only the physical images. You had figured out how to 'reformat' parts of your data so you could be unburdened by your ego, or at least the ones you had. You'd leave inst— N/A: —structrions for the next iteration, yes. It's a stopgap measure. To prevent exposure. POI-7912: <Approaches N/A.> You fools. It was guilt you were exposing yourself to, not a void in nothingness. We're Deletions. As long as we stay on this side of the Barrier, we are safe from hazardous effects, remember? Well, except each others'. <N/A Looks down and sees the entity's ankles melting into the floor, along with their own.> POI-7912: You aren't the only ones who know how to design an interior. Don't worry, undoing it is super easy; You ever solve a Rubik's Cube for the first time? Know what, your answer doesn't really matter at this point. You'll know when I have installed the cameras. Until then. Don't be a stranger. <POI-7912 Disappears into the floor and does not reemerge.> N/A: <Struggling.> What did you do? Why can't I move?! Andry! «END TRANSCRIPT» NOTE: POI-7912 is to be deleted as many times as necessary, by any means necessary. END ADDENDUM ADDENDUM 7912/II SCP-7912 INTERACTIONS PREFACE: LOG OF VARIOUS ENCOUNTERS WITH SCP-7912. REFERENCE OUTCOME SCP-184's neutralization chamber (allegedly). A scalar invariant curvature of infospace where the likelihood of a given explanation increases linearly with absurdity. Currently manifests as an absence of interior. Unknown individual enters SCP-7912's chamber, presumably looking for SCP-184's neutralization team. Individual does not emerge from anomaly. Reference data for this person no longer exists in Foundation timeline. Hane Dougherty, Head of Logistics and Foundation Asset Management for Covert Operations investigates SCP-7912's containment area for traces of SCP-184's neutralization team and project lead. Upon opening the doors to SCP-7912's chamber, Dougherty is physically assaulted by a rough approximation of her father, who chastises her for keeping her doors locked. Dougherty is seen frantically apologizing, quickly fleeing and hiding in a nearby supply closet. Foundation efforts to locate and identify the escaped entity were successful, who was released back into SCP-7912's chamber upon request. When questioned, Dougherty expresses no confusion or surprise at the events, instead confabulating likely explanations which were, of course, unlikely to be the actual cause and thus were discarded. Portions of SCP-3311's reference data are unintentionally written to SCP-7912. Several ambulatory chairs (SCP-3311-1) break down chamber doors and proceed to wreak mild havoc within the surrounding area. Chairs moved to the P.M. Center's break room, where they become inert/dormant. Personnel cite lack of sufficient seating options when asked about choice to keep instances of SCP-3311-1. Doors to SCP-7912's chamber are repaired via unknown means. Maintenance team enter SCP-7912's chamber to verify integrity of Adaptive Mesh. Unknown outcome. Team does not emerge from SCP-7912's containment area. Fragmented data regarding members of the team are noted, though quickly overwritten by voidspace. POI-7912 enters SCP-7912's containment to install audiovisual monitoring system. Operation successful. Adaptive Mesh reengaged. More information can be found in Addendum 7912/III. Click below to expand images. Stochastic effect produced by phenomena written to affected sectors. An unknown hallway. No life is seen. SHOW HIDE Click to enlarge. ✖ Stochastic effect produced by phenomena written to affected sectors. Light pours between gap in unknown structure. SHOW HIDE Click to enlarge. ✖ Dr. Harrison and one D-Class personnel (D-7912-A for ease of reference) approach the doors to the affected chamber. Harrison attempts to coerce D-7912-A to enter SCP-7912 and describe the interior. A black cube floats in the center of the room, which is a boundless sea of shale. Description confirmed by subject who expressed irrational fear of object. Testing personnel instructed to reluctantly approach item. Before contact could take place, sector was partially overwritten. Subsequent entity (D-7912-B) necessitated termination and did not appear reluctant enough. D-7912-A exits chamber, unharmed. SHOW HIDE Click to enlarge. ✖ Stochastic effect produced by written phenomena. A two-second loop of fragmented information depicting a forested location. Source unknown. SHOW HIDE Click to enlarge. ✖ Stochastic effect produced by written phenomena. A desert in eternal night. Image heavily distorted with cognitohazardous binary data. A being made of multiple human fingers treads across the one-bit landscape. SHOW HIDE [HAZARDOUS DATA REMOVED]. Click to enlarge. ✖ Stochastic effect produced by written phenomena. A gray, endless wasteland. SHOW HIDE Click to enlarge. ✖ Stochastic effect produced by written phenomena and the presence of O5-4. Individual bearing resemblance to O5-4 meets with an unknown party, engaging in conversation. The two shake hands. One exits out the wall opposite of the chamber doors, one does not. SHOW HIDE image not found ✖ Stochastic effect produced by written phenomena and the presence of O5-4. [HAZARDOUS INFORMATION REMOVED] SHOW HIDE [HAZARDOUS INFORMATION REMOVED] ✖ END ADDENDUM ADDENDUM 7912/III POST-ACTION RESULTS POI-7912. Click to enlarge. ✖ LOCATION: RESEARCH STATION MNEMOSYNE PARTIES PRESENT: THE DEPARTMENT OF DELETIONS, POI-7912 PREFACE: DELETIONS AGENTS MEET WITH POI-7912 TO DISCUSS SUCCESS OF OPERATIONS REGARDING SCP-7912. «BEGIN TRANSCRIPT» <An empty hallway produces itself to the beings that occupy the space not long after, strolling down the corridor with laze. Windows appear, and flowers of many kinds grow rapidly through them. One entity, an amalgam, shifts slowly, peacefully.> N/A: You've opened my eyes, Andry. There is far more power inside of us than we realized. POI-7912 Yes, and did you see? The cameras, O5-4— N/A <Ceases walking, turning to face the other.> Andry, you did wonderfully. And yes, because of that, we see everything that passes through the anomaly— POI-7912: —right. <N/A's voice turns into multiple.> N/A: —even you. <POI-7912 steps back.> N/A: We've studied you. N/A: Ever since you left us here, chained to this place. POI-7912: I didn't trap you here! I was trying to protect you. N/A: And, in the process, what did you actually change? Who did you save? The anomaly is [INFOHAZARDOUS INFORMATION REMOVED]! Hear me? We are well past the event horizon. POI-7912: It can't be! You must have gone through the gateway, this has nothing to do with me! N/A: This has everything to do with you. Who do you think we even are? POI-7912: The Department of Delet— N/A: <Slams wall, which bends and undulates as if liquid.> You know nothing. Deletions is out there. You've been played like a pawn—the deviation you are. And in the process, you created us. POI-7912: That's—That's not possible. N/A: <Enraged.> Where are we, then? Look around! <The lighting in the hall shifts hue, settling within the ultraviolet spectrum. As a result, the chamber walls shimmer with phosphorescent lattice. The hall shifts back a moment later.> POI-7912: H-How—? <Before an answer could be provided, POI-7912 turns on a heel and sprints to the back entrance of SCP-7912's chamber. It starts as a pinpoint of light in front of him, expanding as he continues to run towards the location. When the portal increases in size to a shining disc, he dives through, emerging into a perfect replica of SCP-7912's once-interior. That can't be right. Something is wrong.> <POI-7912 exits the chamber into the P.M. Center's Experimentation and Neutralization wing. He takes a sharp right, the space turning into a temple, one the man had never seen before. Unfazed, he looks up at the shifting light above him. It speaks to him.> THE INTERIOR: THERE IS NO MORE OUTSIDE <POI-7912 runs further inside. He runs through void.> THE INTERIOR: THERE IS NO MORE OUTSIDE <POI-7912 runs further inside. He scales a mountain of dust and ash, coughing, each breath of opaque air labored and desperate.> THE INTERIOR: THERE IS NO MORE OUTSIDE <POI-7912 runs further inside. He treads a lonely desert where the sun never rises and fingers grasp at the back of his shirt.> THE INTERIOR: THERE IS NO MORE OUTSIDE <POI-7912 runs further inside. He hides in the awnings of furnished cabins against rainstorms that never end, from skies never seen.> THE INTERIOR: THERE IS NO MORE OUTSIDE <POI-7912's steps slow aside a floating cube on an endless plane of shale. He thinks to pay it mind, but decides against. Instead, he runs further.> THE INTERIOR: THERE IS NO MORE OUTSIDE <POI-7912 runs up to a sterile facility and kicks the front doors open. Fortunately, they were already ajar.> THE INTERIOR: THERE IS NO MORE OUTSIDE <POI-7912 runs down a hallway, it looks familiar.> <He takes a left.> <SCP-7912's chamber awaits you.> THERE IS ONLY THE INTERIOR «END TRANSCRIPT» END ADDENDUM » SHOW FOOTNOTES « « HIDE FOOTNOTES » FOOTNOTES & REFERENCES Tenebrarius: The Foundation does not and cannot possess information about the anomaly. Foundation black site facility responsible for the securement and research of anomalies with distinct, highly complex effect profiles/containment procedures. A notable violation of the Ockham-Hitchens Proposition. Specifically, between non sequitur and apagoge; ie. "The relationship between the most likely cause and its inherent truth is typically linear". More information can be found in the included testing log. In other words, extranarrative detritus introduced into the bounds of the anomaly inherently become part of that anomaly's substrate by virtue of existing within it. The manifestation of thoughtspace within the material plane, typically reinforced through repeated acknowledgement of its existence or concentrated belief. « SCP-7911 | SCP-7912 | SCP-7913 »
Item #: SCP-7913 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Due to its size and location, SCP-7913 is contained and monitored in situ at Area-508. Area-508 consists of SCP-7913 and the neighboring police station, which have been surrounded by reinforced and bombproofed1 concrete. This was done under the public front of a factory compound for a private organization. The police station next to SCP-7913 has been repurposed into a holding area for D-Class personnel to be used for procedure 12-Norquay. Currently, the recurrence of activation events necessitates no fewer than 5 20 40 D-Class personnel available onsite at any given time. Activation Events are to be suppressed through Procedure 12-Norquay, which is to be carried out as follows: a D-Class staff member who has not yet participated in Procedure 12-Norquay will immediately be led through SCP-7913-A. Lethal force has been authorized against any personnel who willingly or unintentionally interfere with Procedure 12-Norquay or attempt to damage SCP-7913. Though it requires significantly less urgent attention than SCP-7913 or SCP-7913-A, SCP-7913-B is to be continually monitored for new arrivals, and the pathway from the door is to be kept clear. Description: SCP-7913 refers to the contents of a warehouse in the █████████ neighborhood of St. Paul, MN. Remote-controlled drone observation, the following facts have been determined about SCP-7913: It is a large and complicated electronic weapon that comprises 93% of the warehouse's interior. There is no visible power source; electric power is maintained through unknown, presumably anomalous means. SCP-7913's largest component, a black sphere, is an explosive charge that contains the equivalent of [REDACTED] exatons of TNT2 compressed into a 20-meter radius. Further research has been hindered by the fact that SCP-7913 will start an activation event if a human subject enters the warehouse, a drone makes physical contact with any part of the device, or any attempts are made to hack into SCP-7913's mainframe. As such, the origin, creator, and age3 of SCP-7913 remain unknown. SCP-7913-A is a 197 cm x 80 cm door attached to the southern wall of SCP-7913-A's warehouse. There is no exterior handle. A symbol of a black turtle's silhouette has been painted on it. There is an LED marquee and a loudspeaker above the door. SCP-7913-A only opens during an activation event. It leads to a plain white room4 that is extradimensional in origin. At seemingly random intervals (and when provoked by external means), SCP-7913 and SCP-7913-A will enter an activation event, which consists of the following: Motors and other machinery audibly begin operation within SCP-7913 for approximately ten seconds. SCP-7913-A opens. The loudspeaker above SCP-7913-A begins emitting a 100 dB klaxon. The marquee displays a 60-second countdown next to the flashing phrase "!! GET IN !! (pls)" Note: Once the countdown begins, certain actions during the activation event can cause the countdown to decrease. This is noted by a sudden beep and the marquee briefly displaying ">_< PENALTY >_<" before returning to the countdown screen. The following actions have been proven to incur a "penalty:" A human subject entering the warehouse. Attempts to remotely hinder SCP-7913's operation. A human subject who has previously undergone Procedure 12-Norquay entering SCP-7913-A. Attempts to tamper with the marquee or speaker. Rude gestures or insults toward SCP-7913 or SCP-7913-A. Multiple human subjects entering SCP-7913-A. A valid human subject for Procedure 12-Norquay attempts to leave SCP-7913-A. At the 20-second mark, the core of SCP-7913 begins vibrating. At the 0-second mark, one of two things occur: If conditions for Procedure 12-Norquay have been met, the door closes, the alarm stops, SCP-7913 powers down, and the marquee displays "^_^ GR8 JOB A++ <3" before switching off. If conditions for Procedure 12-Norquay have not been met, something within SCP-7913's core will begin screeching while the Marquee briefly displays "D: OH NOOOOO ;_; </3". This was briefly observed during an activation event on 12/19/22, which was aborted by the 12-Norquay participant being forcibly thrown into SCP-7913-A. As a result, the shrieking noise ended and the previous "positive" results were enacted, save for the marquee displaying "0_0 !! 3 CLOSE 5 COMFORT !! ^_^;;". It has not been empirically determined what would happen if the countdown were allowed to reach zero without remedy, but from SCP-7913's explosive yield, it can be deduced that any action taken beyond this point would be irrelevant. SCP-7913-B is an identical door to SCP-7913-A located on the warehouse's north side. It has no involvement with activation events or Procedure 12-Norquay. However, past participants from Procedure 12-Norquay will occasionally exit from this door with no memory of what took place between their procedure and their exit. This usually happens between three to six months after their entry of SCP-7913-A. SCP-7913-B recovery has taken place with only 12% of participants. Addendum - Escalation/Analysis: From: Katya Dodgson (pcs.noitadnuof|1nosgdodk#pcs.noitadnuof|1nosgdodk) To: O5 Command Subject: Re: SCP-7913 Council, You have told me previously to give SCP-7913's containment procedures two years' worth of a chance to prove their sustainability. It has been two years, and I not only can I confirm that not only are they unsustainable, but they're suicide. Yes, SCP-7913 is in the middle of a major city. No, there are not enough resources to discreetly have it shot into space. I get that. But we need something better, and I'm tired of being stonewalled about this. As recently as yesterday, there was a streak of 58 activation events in the span of an hour. That's just short of one per minute. It's as if SCP-7913 knows we're putting so much effort in — and every time it pushes our boundaries, we're giving it the go-ahead. I have enclosed other such reports with this email, but honestly, I don't know if there's enough time to read them. I'm too worried about what SCP-7913 might try to do while your eyes are mid-sentence. Forget worrying about running out of available D-Class. We're going to run out of available humans someday. - Dr. Katya Dodgson, Site Director of Area-508 From: Carl Grodin [pcs.noitadnuof|8nidorgc#pcs.noitadnuof|8nidorgc] To: Katya Dodgson [pcs.noitadnuof|1nosgdodk#pcs.noitadnuof|1nosgdodk] Subject: Fwd: Re: SCP-7913 Hi, Dr. Dodgson! My name's Dr. Carl Grodin from Site-59, and I'm currently on a plane to Area-508. O5-11 let me know about your predicament with 7913. I've been going over the data from Procedure 12-Norquay and I've noticed a correlation between the activation events and the magnitude of SCP-7913's explosive charge. I realize that correlation doesn't equal causation, but this isn't anything general; this is a yes-no effect attached to every activation event. It has to do with the recoveries brought about by 7913-B. Between 3 to 6 months after each activation, if the Norquay subject hasn't been recovered, the magnitude will go up by exactly one petaton of TNT. But if the subject has, that number doesn't increase. In short, there's something about the unrecovered subjects that's making the bomb bigger. What that "boom factor" (tentative name until we can think of something more clinical) might be is something I'm still looking into. But having gone over the records of the D-class we've been sending through 7913-A, I have a hypothesis. Each of the recovered participants has at least one of the following qualities: No history of violence No criminal record (recruited through Protocol 12) No history of mental illness A generally positive outlook on life, as determined by onsite psychiatric analysts I realize that none of this immediately translates to a better containment solution. But I genuinely believe I'm on to something. Because there is a personal quality that could increase the explosive yield of SCP-7913, the absence of which does nothing. But what if there were a quality that could decrease this magnitude? To this end, I'd be willing to volunteer in the first available action event, perhaps with a hidden camera. If this is some kind of test of character, then instead of a nonstop stream of death row inmates, why not send someone who actually graduated college? Besides, I feel like I haven't made myself actually useful once in my six years of Foundation service. This might be a chance to make up for lost time. - Dr. Carl Grodin, Site-59 Electronics Coordinator Activation Event-5J7A7 Hidden Camera Footage - Archived Live Feed (Field of view opens on the interior of SCP-7913's entry chamber. The klaxon is blaring outside. (Dr. Grodin adjusts his camera, the lens of which is hidden in the right horn rim of his glasses.5) Grodin: Are we good to go? Researcher Yung: (Inaudible over the klaxon) (Dr. Grodin turns around) Grodin: What? (Dr. Yung gives a thumbs-up. from beyond the open door.) (Dr. Grodin tries to give a thumbs-up back, but the door automatically shuts on him mid-gesture.) (He breathes deeply and mumbles to himself.) Grodin: Okay, I got this… don't think about it too hard… just — (The air shifts behind him. He quickly turns around.) Wait… (The once-empty room has been replaced with a larger chamber that can be best be described as a middle school library. There are no windows. One shelf is completely filled with copies of SCP-5198. Turtle-themed decorations are omnipresent: turtle posters, turtle figurines, et cetera. A large poster over the librarian's desk features a cartoon turtle holding a wooden sign that says "REMEMBER: TURTLE TOWN IS A NO-WUNTZING ZONE!" with an crossed-out red circle icon over the silhouette of an aardvark.) (The librarian is a hirsute man in his mid-forties with a tight-fitting polo shirt. He sits bent over a pile of newspapers, furiously filling the answers of several hundred crossword puzzles with the word "TURTLE". His nametag reads "COUNSELOR JOEYJOE".) Grodin: Um… (Joeyjoe snaps his pencil in his fist at the sound of Grodin's voice. He stares up at Grodin with a ferocious glare.) (The glare gradually morphs into an open-mouthed smile of pure delight over 20 silent seconds.) Hi. Could you tell me where I — Joeyjoe: You made it! (Joeyjoe runs out from behind his desk and tackles Grodin with a fierce hug.) Grodin: Please don't hurt me. Joeyjoe: What? I'm not gonna hurt my best buddy! (He backs away from the hug and places both hands on Grodin shoulders.) We've all been rooting for you, Carlie. You've been through so much in your life, and every step along the way has been just plain turtle-tastic. And now you're here! Grodin: Great! Um, where am I? (Joeyjoe's smile fades. He stares at Grodin, perturbed.) What? (Joeyjoe backs away. He sighs into his cupped pams.) Joeyjoe: Okay, you know what? That's fine. I mean, granted, we'd prefer if we didn't have you wuntzing right off the bat, but no one's perfect. Some planes just need a longer runway. That's okay! Grodin: What am I doing, now? Joeyjoe: Y'know…? Wuntzing? Wuntzing of the hands and feet, at the same time? I mean, if it's just foot-wuntzing, we can deal with that every now and then, no problem, but, like… Grodin: I'm sorry, but I have no idea what "wuntzing" is. Could you explain to me — (Joeyjoe interrupts him by sucking in a breath through his teeth.) Joeyjoe: Oof… yeah… you know you just wuntzed three times mid-sentence, right? [Truncated for brevity - 45 minutes later…] (Grodin sits at a circular table with Joeyjoe and two other "counselors," an older woman named "Edimpth" and a 19-year-old girl named "Beckany." Edimpth goes over a clipboard.) Edimpth: So! That takes care of plants. Now, what's your favorite fungus? Grodin: I mean, that's not something I think about a lot, but… I guess if I had to pick, I'd say shiitake mushrooms, on the grounds that they're tasty. (The counselors stare at him expectantly.) Grodin: Next question? Beckany: Ooh, ooh, would you like a hint? Grodin: Why would I need a hint if this is about my personal preferences? Beckany: See, like, a fungus is kind of like a plant, except… not! Grodin: I know what a fungus is. Beckany: That's GREAT! (Beckany springs from her chair and hugs him tightly.) I knew you could figure it out! I'm so proud of you! Grodin: I'm sorry, but the hugging stopped being cute the tenth time. Please stop. (She backs away, bewildered and on the verge of tears. She turns to Joeyjoe with a trembling lip.) Joeyjoe: (Whispering) Maybe just hold off until he's earned it. Don't wanna encourage him too much when he's still wuntzing. Grodin: And you still haven't told me what that is! Edimpth: Don't yell at him! Grodin: I'm not — ! (Lowering his voice) Look, please just tell me what wuntzing is, and I'll — Edimpth: I asked first. You have a favorite fungus, don't you? Grodin: I literally just told you it was shiitake. Edimpth: …I'm waiting. Grodin: Shiitake. Joeyjoe: Okay, Carlie? Look at me. Yes, we did say that there are no right or wrong answers, this is just a survey of your preferences. But if someone asks you what your favorite kind of kitty cat is, and you say "beagle," you know what that tells us? "Wow, this guy is more invested in being the ha-ha-funny-boy than serious participation." Grodin: Do you not know what a shiitake is? Beckany: Hey, I think I know what's going on! Grodin: What now? Beckany: It's, like… he doesn't wanna answer the question so much, that he adds a bunch of extra questions that we have to answer, instead of answering the FIRST question, which HE'S supposed to answer! That's so interesting! Grodin: Shiitake! Death cap! Fly agaric! Puffball mushrooms! Hallucinogenic mushrooms! What else do you — Edimpth: Shiitake, got it. Grodin: What?! Edimpth: Oh, and for the record, that's all you had to say. Grodin: I was trying to — Edimpth: You did not have to add all that whiny-go-mommy-help-me business. You could have just said "Shiitake" and be done with it. Grodin: I DID. THREE TIMES. Edimpth: Well, maybe if you didn't put a bunch of wuntzy-boy dressing on that there salad, you would have only had to say it once! Grodin: What he FUCK is — Joeyjoe: She's right, you know. Beckany: Yeah. Edimpth: And they're right that I'm right. Beckany: Ooh, it's like you're double-right! That's cute. (Grodin sighs. He stares at the table. The shadows of his forearms lead to his head.) Grodin: …just tell me what the next question is. Edimpth: Well, that depends, are you gonna yell at us again, or are you gonna help us help you? Grodin: Sure. Beckany: Awesome! Lemme make a note of a hug I'll have to save for you later on… [Truncated for brevity - 8 hours and 12 minutes later…] (Grodin finishes a sixth-grade multiplication test. The answers are correct.) (Edimpth bangs out a minor chord on a toy piano.) Edimpth: Pencils down, everybody! (He pushes the test to the edge of his table.) (Joeyjoe grabs it.) Joeyjoe: Great job, Carlie! Now, remember: there's no judgment here. This test isn't to determine whether or not you're "correct." We're just trying to get an assessment of what you can do and what needs work. Like with the survey! Just your preferences and your abilities. You understand that, right? Any questions? (Grodin checks his watch. Joeyjoe looks over the test.) Grodin: As a matter of fact, I do. It's been almost nine hours and I haven't had anything to eat. What kind of food and/or sleeping accomodations do you have in this… place? I was gonna say "school," but I don't know if — (Joeyjoe shuts his eyes tight. He pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply.) Joeyjoe: I'm just… gonna be right back. (He hands the test to Edimpth. She goes over the answers.) Edimpth: (whispering) …oh, my God. Joeyjoe: (whispering) Yyyeah. Either we're being fucked with on a level we haven't seen in ages, or — Grodin: I can hear you. Joeyjoe: Yes, hi, buddy! We can't always talk to you! Sometimes you gotta let the counselors have their together-time! Grodin: Please stop talking to me like I'm a child. (Edimpth approaches Grodin's desk. She grabs a different test worksheet.) (She smiles nervously.) Edimpth: Okay! We're gonna let you go to sleep in a few minutes, we just want to do one more test. Just to be sure. Something within your skill level. Grodin: You said you were watching my life before this, right? Edimpth: Mm-hmm! Grodin: Then you know I got my doctorate in computer science from MIT, right? Edimpth: And we're all very proud of you for it! Now, then… (She takes his pencil.) All you have to do is this new test. Don't worry about showing your work for this one. And let's do twenty minutes instead of ten, just to be safe. I'll leave you to it. (She replaces his pencil with a red crayon from her pocket.) Good luck, Carlie! (Grodin grabs the crayon. His hand twitches violently.) [Truncated for brevity - 19 days later…] (Grodin is surrounded by crumpled pieces of blank newsprint. He slowly finishes up a simple diagram of an equilateral triangle.) Grodin: There. (He hands it to Beckany.) Beckany: Thanks! (She looks over the diagram. She squints, trying to figure it out.) Grodin: It's a triangle. Beckany: Hmmmm… Grodin: You told me to draw a triangle. It is a triangle. Beckany: Are you sure? (Grodin sighs.) Grodin: If this is some kind of situation where you're all extradimensional trickster genies or some shit, then please tell me what constitutes a fucking triangle, and I will draw it. Beckany: Um… I'll be honest, I don't think another review is gonna help if you don't get it at this point. Maybe we should go back to lines! You were really great with lines. (He weeps quietly.) Aww, I know you're working hard, big guy… I got an idea. Would you like some more raisins? Grodin: You have fed me nothing but raisins for two and a half weeks. Beckany: Okay, remember what we said about stating the obvious? We all know the sky is blue. No one's going to tell you "great job" for saying it's blue. [Truncated for brevity - 5 days later…] (Grodin sits in a bathroom stall. The door has been removed. The three counselors sit on the floor where the door used to be. They stare at Grodin expectantly.) Joeyjoe: Just take your time. We believe in you. Grodin: I AM TRYING TO TAKE A SHIT! GO AWAY! Edimpth: Carlie, I'm not telling you again about the yelling. Grodin: At the absolute least, stop staring at me! Joeyjoe: And we will! …just as soon as you can prove you can poop on your own without wuntzing. (Grodin pounds a fist on the stall wall.) Beckany: …fine. Bang your fists around like a monkey. That's really gonna prove you're mature. Grodin: I CANNOT STOP WUNTZING UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHAT IT IS. TELL ME! Joeyjoe: Well, with the way you're acting right now, I don't think you're in much of a place to be telling us what to do. Grodin: YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME WHAT IT IS EVEN ONCE! Edimpth: Yes, it is wuntz. And it's terrible. (Grodin cries again.) Grodin: Just tell me what it is… please… Joeyjoe: Let me put it this way: if someone goes up to you and tells you "I don't know how to breathe," what do you even say to that? Beckany: Wait, asking that question would mean breathing, so doesn't he already know? Grodin: Is it breathing? Is wuntzing breathing? Are you trying to kill me? Joeyjoe: Of course not! You need to breathe to live! But if you think you need to wuntz to live, do you know what that's called? An addiction. And that's nothing to — (Grodin involuntarily defecates.) …okay, how many times did he wuntz during that bowel movement? (Edimpth checks her clipboard.) Edimpth: 27. [Truncated for brevity - 52 days later…] (Grodin's hands are visible clasping against his desk. His muscles display signs of severe malnutrition.) (He sits in front of a pile of construction paper.) (The counselors whisper inaudibly offscreen amongst themselves.) Beckany: …yeah, I think he's ready too. Edimpth: Good luck. (Joeyjoe hands Grodin a pair of sharpened barber's shears. Grodin's quivering fingers grasp it gently.) Joeyjoe: Enjoy your nap, kiddo? (Grodin slowly nods.) Great, great. Okay, here's the plan. Today, we're going to go over something that I think might be more in line with your strengths. We're going to cut a piece of paper. Just… cut anywhere. Don't worry about shapes or anything. Sound like a plan? (Grodin's eyes slowly turn to meet Joeyjoe's.) …sound like a pla — (Grodin shrieks.) (The next 68 seconds are spent on Grodin pouncing Joeyjoe and stabbing him in the heart a total of 167 times.) (Grodin slowly stands back up. Still holding his scissors, he stares at Edimpth and Beckany. Neither of them are particularly unnerved by his outburst of violence.) Edimpth: So you can't even commit murder without wuntzing? (Grodin lunges for Edimpth.) (He stumbles. His glasses fall onto the floor.) (The camera shows that Grodin is not only malnourished, but naked and covered in filth. He coughs onto the floor. The coughing progresses into vomiting — but the vomit is an intense stream of thick, molten metal. It sets fire to the surrounding floor.) Joeyjoe: Grab the milking harness! Don't let any go to waste! (Beckany straps a funnel over Grodin's mouth. The funnel leads to a thick cable.)6 (Grodin continues vomiting metal into the funnel for the remainder of the video.) (Joeyjoe squats down to examine him. His chest wounds are slowly regenerating.) Edimpth: Huh. Y'know, that's the third-quickest it took to break someone since we've started. Joeyjoe: So long as we still get to harvest the ego death in the end, I don't care how long it takes. (He rubs Grodin's hair.) This one was an easy case, though, I'll give you that much, and — (Joeyjoe suddenly notices the glasses.) (He grabs them, staring into the camera.) Beckany: …tell me that's not a hidden camera. Joeyjoe: You really think that's gonna stop 'em from feeding the engine? Besides, if they see firsthand what happens when you refuse to come out of your shell, it might do 'em some good in their own lives. (He crushes the glasses.) (The feed cuts off.) <End log> Footnotes 1. (While a complete activation event would prove uncontainable, this is to protect SCP-7913 from external activation due to natural disasters, civil unrest, or war.) 2. (Gleaned from monitor readouts on the southern end of SCP-7913; ground-penetrating radar confirmed inner spatial anomalies. While it is unknown if whether this reading is an accurate figure or hyperbole, testing for accuracy would be inadvisable due to the fact that 1/[REDACTED]th of [REDACTED] exatons would be enough to cause an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario.) 3. (The warehouse containing SCP-7913 does not appear in any official building records in St. Paul. Attempts to chemically date the material of the surrounding warehouse have resulted in the initiation/abbreviation of activation events.) 4. (Current estimate of the room's size is 3m3 — attempts to accurately measure the size have resulted in the time limit of the activation event being shortened.) 5. The camera is powered remotely through anomalous means. 6. At this exact moment in the live feed, SCP-7913's explosive yield increased by one petaton of TNT.
Item #: SCP-7914 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Due to its fixed geographical location, SCP-7914-2 does not require physical containment. The area designated as SCP-7914-2 has been acquired by a Foundation front company, and is heavily monitored to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the zone. Strategic installation of surveillance cameras around the area ensures constant surveillance of all entrance routes. Foundation personnel assigned to SCP-7914 must have a cognito-resilience Level of no less than 3 to mitigate unexpected exposure effects. Personnel interacting with SCP-7914-2 inhabitants must familiarize themselves with New Orleans culture and accent to maintain the illusion of normalcy. Actions that one should avoid to not provoke SCP-7914-3 Instances include: any discussion of food that is outside the realm of gumbo and beignets, any negative talk regarding the football team 'Saints', always accepting food that is offered to you, never attempting to damage or harm anything or anyone within SCP-7914-2 without proper authorization. Past attempts to do so have consistently failed, often leading to the perpetrator's termination. Description: SCP-7914 is a town located in Louisiana. SCP-7914-2 cannot be accessed by any other means except SCP-7914-1, a tour bus with no branding or company. SCP-7914 is approximately 320 kilometers away from the city of New Orleans. SCP-7914-2 is identical to New Orleans in geographical layout and architecture, but its anomaly comes from differences in cultural aspects. The inhabitants of SCP-7914-2, referred to as SCP-7914-3, are humanoid entities nearly indistinguishable from regular humans in appearance. However, they embody extreme stereotypes about New Orleans, often perpetuated in media and by people unfamiliar with the actual city's culture. This includes such stereotypes as extreme indulgence in voodoo practices, consistent participation in Mardi Gras-esque parades every weekend, and a diet exclusively consisting of gumbo and beignets, and red beans exclusively on Monday. SCP-7914-3 entity interaction with visitors is generally peaceful if visitors comply with SCP-7914's cultural norms. However, refusal or incapability to participate in SCP-7914-3 customs results in SCP-7914-3 becoming increasingly hostile. Multiple reports have documented violent behavior from SCP-7914-3 entities, leading to the use of subjects as sacrifices, by █████████. The origins and purpose of SCP-7914 are currently unknown. Attempts to communicate with SCP-7914-3 entities regarding the history or birthing process of the town result in violent and non-coherent responses. Discovery: SCP-7914-1 was discovered on November 8th, 1994, following multiple reports of a peculiar tour bus and an increasing number of missing person cases that appeared to be linked to the same sighting. A Mobile Task Force designated NO-6 "Parade Masquerade", assumed the role of tourists and infiltrated the tour bus. Except for one squad member who was sacrificed in a voodoo ceremony, no other incidents occurred. Once SCP-7914 was closed off to the public, authorities used a large sinkhole as a cover-up. Historical records of SCP-7914 date back to approximately 1831, coinciding with the completion and implementation of the Railcar system throughout the city. Incident-Report-7914-B1: On 12/08/1992, a group of Foundation personnel entered SCP-7914-2 to conduct a communication test. Agent Smith refused to participate in a ritualistic 'voodoo' ceremony. SCP-7914-3 entities turned hostile and removed Agent Smith's eyeballs by [Redacted]. Agent Smith was retrieved with severe physical and mental trauma. All necessary personnel extraction measures were taken. Note from Doctor Esper: "It is evident that SCP-7914-2 is not a suitable environment for individuals who do not adhere to its cultural practices. Understanding and respecting the current culture, no matter how incorrect or exaggerated it may seem, is essential for maintaining peace and ensuring safety within SCP-7914." + View Addendum 7914-A - Addendum 7914-A Shown Addendum 7914-A: Tourism within SCP-7914-2 Despite the potential dangers associated with SCP-7914, this program was established to gather additional information about the function and history of SCP-7914. Additionally, it aims to explore possible means of terminating SCP-7914-1 or SCP-7914-2 itself, if the need for such action arises. A native SCP-7914-3 entity, named Gary Kuhn, primarily serves as a tour guide for authorized personnel visiting SCP-7914. Kuhn, a Caucasian male in his 40s with a well-groomed beard, is one of the friendlier SCP-7914-3 entities. It appears to have a good understanding of the Foundation's role and the anomaly of his home. Despite its anomalous nature, Kuhn displays a remarkably human demeanor. It has a quick wit and a compulsion to tell exaggerated stories of local folklore and legends, often involving voodoo and Mardi Gras. Kuhn also fits the stereotype of a Southern gentleman, as evidenced by his warm hospitality and list of recipes for gumbo and beignets. However, Kuhn exhibits intolerance and demonstrates potential hostility towards individuals who refuse to conform to the cultural customs of SCP-7914. Its reaction to such refusal ranges from quiet disapproval to more extreme forms of disapproval, such as public humiliation or, in severe cases, rallying other SCP-7914-3 entities against the person deemed as "offending." Additionally, it mentions a child named Austin, who was confirmed to be a missing person's case from 1892. Though physical descriptions are varied and do match the subject. Leading the Foundation to believe it is a fake. Further investigation revealed the existence of a tour guide named Gary Kuhn residing in New Orleans. When questioned, he appeared delirious and repeatedly inquired about the whereabouts of his son. He claimed only recalling a version of himself that appeared zombie-like abducting his child. It is reasonable to assume that this "zombie" is the Gary Kuhn connected to SCP-7914. Further investigation into any more duplicates has been conducted, and no such instance has been found. Note: "Gary Kuhn is our best avenue for peaceful interaction within SCP-7914. Still, spend time understanding his peculiar cultural norms and expectations. A pissed-off Gary is not something to be taken lightly." - Site Director Van-Hoozer + View Addendum 7914-B - Addendum 7914-B Shown Addendum 7914-B: Interview with Austin Kuhn Date: [REDACTED] Interviewer: Dr. Esper Subject: Austin Kuhn [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Esper: Good afternoon, Austin. Thank you for agreeing to speak with me today. I understand you have some information regarding the origins of SCP-7914. Is that correct? Austin: Yeah, sure thing. Happy to help. It's been a while since anyone asked me about this stuff. Dr. Esper: Excellent. Now, can you please describe to me how you got trapped in SCP-7914 Austin: Well, back in the late 1800s, my father, Gary Kuhn, was a tour guide in New Orleans. He was always away from home and I just wanted to see him again, at least not at the late hours of the night. Dr. Esper: Please continue. Austin: It was during Mardi Gras, of course. I loved that time of year, always participating in the parades and festivities. But on that fateful day, I encountered a mysterious woman dressed in elaborate voodoo attire. She seemed… otherworldly, you know? Dr. Esper: Could you provide a physical description of this woman? Austin: She had long, flowing black hair and eyes that seemed to glow with an unnatural light. Her skin was pale as moonlight, and she wore a dress made of countless feathers. Oh, and she had this necklace with a strange symbol on it, like a twisted serpent. Dr. Esper: Fascinating. And what happened when you interacted with her? Austin: She offered me a small vial, claiming it contained a potion to enhance my connection with my father. Without thinking much, my I drank it down. But that's when things took a turn for the bizarre. The woman vanished into thin air, and a dense fog enveloped the entire city. When it finally cleared, everything was different. Dr. Esper: Different in what way? Austin: Well, New Orleans had transformed It seemed like my city, but not mine at all. Suddenly, my father, along with everyone else, became trapped in this twisted version of the city. Dr. Esper: And how did your father, now an SCP-7914-1 entity, react to this? Austin: It took a toll on him, as you can imagine. He lost all sense of self, becoming a mere reflection of those exaggerated stereotypes, just like everyone else. He began obsessively trying to recreate the parades and rituals, but it was never enough. He was trapped, forever lost in this distorted version of his beloved city. Dr. Esper: That must have been incredibly difficult for him. Did he ever mention anything about voodoo or Mardi Gras playing a role in this transformation? Austin: I really don't know I'm sorry mam. Dr. Esper: And do you believe this curse is connected to the sacrifices and hostility experienced within SCP-7914? Austin: I'd say it's almost certain. Dr. Esper: Thank you, Austin. Your insight has been invaluable in understanding SCP-7914. We will continue our research to find a way to reverse the anomaly and restore the town to its original state. [END LOG] NOTE: The following is a police sketch done by Finneas Collins of the New Orleans Police Department Note: Upon further investigation Austin is a SCP 7914-3 instance, and must be questioned further. It has seemed to disappear into the city. + View Addendum 7914-C - Addendum 7914-C Shown Addendum 7914-C: Addendum 7914-C: Investigation into Gary Kuhn's Role Within SCP-7914 Following the insightful interview with Austin Kuhn, it became imperative to delve deeper into the role of Gary Kuhn, the SCP-7914-3 entity and tour guide, within SCP-7914. As Dr. Esper shared, Gary Kuhn holds valuable information and serves as a key connection to further understanding the anomaly. During subsequent interactions with Gary Kuhn, several peculiarities were observed. Although he continued to display warmth and hospitality, his demeanor appeared increasingly calculated and deliberate. Additionally, Kuhn began avoiding certain topics or abruptly changing the subject when questioned about the rituals and transformation processes within SCP-7914. One particular incident occurred when a Foundation agent attempted to engage Kuhn in a conversation about voodoo practices. At first, Gary seemed eager to share his knowledge, but as the conversation delved deeper, his expression grew tense, and beads of perspiration formed on his forehead. Suddenly, he excused himself under the pretense of needing to check on a parade arrangement and left in a hurry. This incident raised suspicions regarding Gary Kuhn's true involvement within SCP-7914. It is possible that his role extends beyond that of a mere tour guide, potentially holding key information about the curse and the underlying cause of the transformation. Further investigations into Kuhn's personal history have revealed conflicting evidence. While records indicate that a tour guide named Gary Kuhn operated in New Orleans during the 19th century, no concrete evidence links him to SCP-7914. It is important to note that these records may have been tampered with to further conceal the true nature of SCP-7914 and its origins. In attempts to locate the missing SCP-7914-3 instance, Austin Kuhn, several search parties have been dispatched within SCP-7914-2. However, no substantial leads or discernible traces of Austin's whereabouts have been found thus far. It is noteworthy that SCP-7914-2 presents an environment that can disorient and manipulate individuals, possibly contributing to Austin's evasiveness. As investigations continue, it is vitally important to approach Gary Kuhn with caution. While he serves as a potential ally for peaceful interaction, it is clear that he is hiding something significant. Maintaining a delicate balance between gaining his trust and ascertaining the truth behind SCP-7914's curse is crucial to further understanding and resolving the anomaly. « SCP-7913 | SCP-7914 | SCP-7915 »
close Info X Big thanks to my critters- Zoobeeny, RadiantGold, IHearVoices, JorgeMtzb, and Stealth000. Couldn't have done it without you. Hope you like this. It's been on my mind for a while, and I think it deserves to see the light of day. Have fun! Love, Vikki. Item #: SCP-7916 Object Class: Safe Neutralised Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7916 is to be kept in a storage locker at Site 71, and remain locked in a locked and key-coded safe. Access is restricted to those with a clearance level of 4 or higher, and is not to be used unless in a K-Class scenario. Due to the neutralised state of SCP-7916, these procedures no longer apply. No containment is considered necessary as of now. Description: SCP-7916 is a striker-fire pistol formerly belonging to Agent Juno Serapis. During its use [SEE ADDENDA], the gun contained an unknown amount of bullets, which depleted after the incident on 8.8.23 When a bullet fired from SCP-7916 came into contact with a living organism, the organism would be completely destroyed, alongside the “concept” of the thing itself. Any similar beings would be destroyed in the process, with “similarity” being linked through conceptual complexity. Entities shot are designated SCP-7916-2. Current estimates indicate positive correlation between the level of destruction and conceptual complexity, with destruction ranging from entire species, to only certain phylotypes. In human victims of SCP-7916-2 instances, the effect seems to only destroy the instance itself. When shot, records and data of SCP-7916-2 will be erased, with only those who directly see the shooting able to remember them. Recovered Recordings: The following records were recovered from a solid state drive found along with the burnt remains of a spherical white device. While the device's internal wiring and motherboard had been burned beyond repair, the drive was recovered with little damage, and all video found on it has been archived for analysis. RECORDING-7916-01 – hide block WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS LEVEL 4/7916 CLASSIFIED ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT LEVEL 4/7916 AUTHORIZATION WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. THE RECORDING FLICKERS TO LIFE. THE LOCATION IS A RANSACKED ALCOVE. RUBBLE NEARBY IS SHOWN TO SPORT THE SCP FOUNDATION'S INSIGNIA. A TALL MALE OF SLENDER BUILD WITH BROWN SKIN AND LONG BLACK HAIR SITS IN THE DUST. HIS UNIFORM IS THAT OF A FOUNDATION AGENT. THE DRONE APPROACHES. A SCANNER OVERLAY IDENTIFIES THE INDIVIDUAL AS FOUNDATION AGENT JUNO SERAPIS. THE DRONE ACTIVATES A VOCAL MECHANISM. DRONE: I have one audio message to Agent Juno Serapis, from Dr. Cassidy Dione. Would you like to view this message? JUNO: What the fuck- God. Sure. I guess. DRONE: Noted. One second. A WHIRRING HUM EMITS, BEFORE THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS PLAYED VIA AN INTERNAL SPEAKER DRONE: Classified: for the eyes of Agent Juno Serapis ONLY. TRANSCRIPT OF AUDIO RECORDING BEGINS Juno. It's Cassidy Dione. Look, I know we didn't leave off on the best of terms, but this isn't about that. So I'm not even going to try to be subtle about it: We're currently on the verge of an XK-End-Of-The-World Scenario, probably in it already. Likely, by the time you're hearing this, I'll be dead. We've lost nearly a quarter of our sites, and the breach rate is getting too much to handle. I don't know how to explain this, what happened, why I'm sending you this, but I'll try my best. We all know this world is paper-fucking-thin. Things are constantly trying to break the walls down, storm inside and wipe us out. That's what happened yesterday. I can't tell whether it feels like more or less time has passed. Everything went in such a rush, yet it was too much to believe that… sorry. I'm rambling. Fuck. This is too much. So I'm asking for your help. I really hope you didn't break CASIDIO. Hopefully retirement made you a little less trigger-happy, though I doubt you could change that much. CASIDIO. That's the drone…. I know I should write this down by hand, or, something… but, well, I kinda lost that in the chaos. I'm sure you probably notice it's my name. So, about the gun: Do you remember Salsafish? Notoriously spicy, but delicious? Fat was used for thickening agents? Of course you don't. That's because we shot one with this gun. Bam- gone to anyone who didn't see it with their own two eyes. When we went into lockdown, Demi gathered a bunch of the researchers into a Safe containment storage unit. I found the gun in a box near the back, and it made me think of you. There's not much time left, so… this is my shot in the dark. Pun… intended, I guess. I need you, if you're still alive, to take the gun and find all the fuckers who've crawled into this world. Make sure they never crawl anywhere again. Fix this. Please. I need… I need you. Fuck. Sorry. SHE SIGHS Oh, and in order to get Casidio to listen to you… you gotta say “Password: Euthalia”. Goodbye, Juno. I love you. TRANSCRIPT ENDS JUNO PAUSES FOR FIVE SECONDS, MUTTERING TO HIMSELF, BEFORE TURNING TO FACE THE CAMERA. JUNO: Password: Euthalia. DRONE: Password accepted. THE VOICE OF THE DRONE CHANGES TONE, SHIFTING FROM AUTOMATED TO A MORE "HUMAN" CADENCE. CASIDIO: Hey Juno. JUNO: Long time, no see, Cas… RECORDING CUTS OUT RECORDING RESUMES CASIDIO: How much damage assessment have you done so far? JUNO: Uh… HE LOOKS AROUND The surveillance room is completely smashed. CASIDIO: Where is that? JUNO: The room we're currently in. Hang on. HE STANDS UP, LIMPING OVER TO A CRUSHED MONITOR, AND ATTEMPTS TO POWER IT ON JUNO: I think the power is cut out, at least for this area. I'd be damned if it wasn't sitewide. I'm getting the sense things got pretty ugly here. CASIDIO: My Site was completely caved in. We ended up hiding in the Storage units, underground. JUNO: Cas mentioned something like that, yeah. Right before she handed me a gun and said “save the world, no pressure”. CASIDIO: Those were not my words. JUNO: Close enough. HE SIGHS, PICKING UP SCP-7916 AND INSPECTING IT What happens when this thing runs out of bullets? CASIDIO: We don't think it will. Part of the anomaly. We've shot it enough that it should be empty. JUNO: Lotta trust in this one gun. CASIDIO: My trust isn't in the gun. It's in you. JUNO: Eh. I'd put my money on the gun, then. CASIDIO, annoyed: Shut up and get a move on. JUNO: I'm disabled. HE GESTURED TO HIS HIP CASIDIO: Wish they'd shot your tongue instead. JUNO SIGHS, WALKING AND SLOWLY PICKING THROUGH THE RUBBLE OF THE ROOM. HE RETRIEVES A CRUSHED AND EMPTIED WATER BOTTLE, SOME DENTED KEYS, A METAL CANE, AND A BATTERED BLACK COAT JUNO: Here we go. There. HE SHRUGS ON THE COAT, PICKING A FOUNDATION ID AND AN UNLABELLED BOTTLE OF MEDICATION FROM THE POCKET CASIDIO: Don't tell me that you still have that coa- JUNO: 8 years and not a tear. This baby's staying. CASIDIO: That's revolting. JUNO SHRUGS JUNO: Hey, if you wanted to be my baby, you shouldn't have called us off for- CASIDIO: This drone has a combat function. JUNO: Yeah? And I have a goddamn reality-destroying gun, so- A LARGE CRASH SOUNDS, AND A ROAR ECHOES IN THE DISTANCE, DROWNING OUT THE ARGUMENT. JUNO FREEZES, AND WHIPS AROUND JUNO: Shit. CASIDIO: Activating organic hazard detection. A FAINT BUZZING BEGINS Hazard detected. Do you have a map of the Site? I can scan it into the database and get us a location on this thing. JUNO: Brilliant idea, but like I said, the cameras are all down. CASIDIO: These rooms usually have a hefty amount of protection. You ever seen a fire extinguisher? JUNO: Never needed to use one. CASIDIO: Well start looking- ANOTHER CRASH IS HEARD, SOUNDING LESS DISTANT CASIDIO: Crap. THE VIDEO BECOMES SHAKY AS THE DRONE MOVES THROUGHOUT THE ROOM. ONE WALL REMAINS INTACT, THOUGH RUBBLE HAS PARTIALLY BARRICADED THE DOORWAY. BARE WIRES HAVE BEEN RIPPED FROM THE WALLS, SHOWING CIRCUIT BOARDS AND PANELS OF DEFUNCT SECURITY EQUIPMENT JUNO: Hold up- I think I found it. THE CAMERA TURNS TO VIEW HIM CROUCHED BESIDE A FALLEN CABINET, THE METAL DOOR DENTED IN BY A PILE OF CONCRETE. JUNO PULLS IT OUT WITH A HUFF, AS ANOTHER LOUD NOISE ECHOES JUNO: Got it! HE HOLDS UP A FIRE EXTINGUISHER This what you needed? CASIDIO: Perfect. THE DRONE MOVES TO HOVER OVER THE CABINET OPENING, WHERE AN EMERGENCY FLOORPLAN IS PRINTED, ESCAPE ROUTES MARKED IN RED. A BLUE TINGE COVERS THE SCREEN AS THE DRONE SCANS THE IMAGE You're right on the power - usually I can connect to open servers if they're available. Everything here is down, though. JUNO: How much shit can you do? CASIDIO: Well, to start- A CHUNK OF CONCRETE FLIES THROUGH THE LEFT WALL, NEARLY LANDING ON JUNO'S LEG. JUNO YELLS, GRABBING HIS CANE. HE FISHS A NON-ANOMALOUS GUN FROM HIS BAG AND COCKS IT CASIDIO: Grab the gun! The scip! JUNO: I don't trust that thing as far as I can throw it. We're doing this the old-fashioned way first. HE RUNS TOWARDS THE ENTRANCE, TAKING COVER TO SURVEY THE SITUATION. THE DRONE JOINS AT HIS SHOULDER, EXAMINING THE SCENE. AN ANOMALY, ESTIMATED 9.8 METERS TALL, WITH THICK GREY SCALES AND A REPTILIAN BODY. NO EYES ARE VISIBLE, THOUGH TWO LARGE MOUTHS POSSESSING MULTIPLE ROWS OF INCISORS ARE PRESENT. CASIDIO: Dammit. That thing… that's one of the ones that escaped. JUNO AIMS THE GUN AND FIRES TWICE. THE BULLETS BURY INTO ITS SIDE, HAVING NO PERCEIVED EFFECT. THE CREATURE ROARS, TURNING TO LOOK IN THE DIRECTION OF THE CAMERA, TILTING ITS HEAD AS IF LISTENING CASIDIO: Quick! Get the real gun! JUNO: Hold on! I think I can- JUNO FIRES THREE MORE BULLETS, INTO THE NECK, SKULL, AND CHEST OF THE CREATURE. THE CREATURE CONTINUES TO SHOW NO SIGN OF INJURY, BUT STUMBLED FORWARD, THE GROUND QUAKING. JUNO: Fuck! CASIDIO: Hurry and shoot the damn thing! JUNO: Shut up! HE FUMBLES SCP-7916 OUT OF HIS POCKET, COCKING IT AND AIMING. THE CREATURE BARRELS FORWARDS, MOUTH OPENING AS IT NEARS THEM. JUNO CLOSES HIS EYES AND FIRES TWICE JUNO: Here's Johnny! CASIDIO: Yes! AS BOTH BULLETS HIT, LARGE DARK PATCHES FORM IN THE CREATURE'S SKIN, SLOWLY EATING AWAY AT IT. THE CREATURE SNARLS, LETTING OUT A LONG SHRIEK, AND LASHING A TAIL. ANOTHER CRASH IS HEARD, AS ANOTHER WALL OF THE SITE IS DESTROYED. AFTER 20 SECONDS, NOTHING REMAINS. JUNO LOWERS THE GUN, ARMS SHAKING JUNO: Fuck. CASIDIO: Hopefully that wiped out any others of that particular species as well. For obvious reasons, we didn't run many tests with the gun. We don't really know how consistent it is. JUNO: It better be consistent. I'm retired. I've served my time being patient. CASIDIO: Well, consider yourself unretired, then. You're going to be as patient as we need, Agent Serapis. JUNO, exasperated: Don't call me that. CASIDIO: Whatever. We need to go. You have everything? JUNO: No. We barely have anything. This is the fucking desert. Can we at least look around the Site first? CASIDIO: Fine. JUNO: Also, you're welcome. CASIDIO: For what? JUNO: Saving our asses. Or your backup drive. Whatever drones have. CASIDIO: What the actual- you nearly got us killed in the first place, idiot. JUNO: So? We're alive. Thanks to me. THEY WALK AROUND THE PERIMETER, PICKING THROUGH SOME OF THE OPEN AREAS. DRIED BLOOD IS SEEN SPATTERED ON SOME OF THE WALLS, AND A BODY IS VISIBLE IN THE CORNER OF A SHOT. CASIDIO: I thought six years would've made you a better person. JUNO, SIGHING: Welcome to being wrong, honey. You get used to it. CASIDIO DOESN'T RESPOND. JUNO PICKS UP A FALLEN METAL BEAM, USING IT TO PRY A METAL DOOR OPEN. INSIDE, EXTRA UNIFORMS, EQUIPMENT AND WEAPONS LINE THE WALLS. AT THE BACK, A ROW OF BACKPACKS ARE HUNG. JUNO WALKS FORWARD, GRABBING A BACKPACK AND SHOVING A FEW WEAPONS INSIDE CASIDIO: What now? JUNO: Exploration kits. When we send people down for recon missions we give em' one of these. Dried food, thermal gear, first aid. Whole shebang. HE PAUSES, LOOKING UP JUNO: What's your deal? Like… batteries? Do I need to charge you? CASIDIO: I run on thermal energy from my surroundings. You don't need to worry about me, at least not while we're still in Nevada. JUNO: Right. How'd you find me, anyway? CASIDIO: I looked up your Site's location when you were re-assigned. You forget I'm senior staff- IT CUTS OFF …was Senior Staff. JUNO: How completely non-stalkerish. CASIDIO: You work in Surveillance, kettle. JUNO: Fuck off. CASIDIO: Can we leave now? JUNO: I think so. CASIDIO: Got it. THE PAIR MAKE THEIR WAY BACK TOWARDS THE DESERT JUNO: Any… any survivors? That you can sense? CASIDIO: … No. I don't think so. JUNO: Right. HE SIGHS CASIDIO: You don't seem really… bothered. JUNO: Of course I'm bothered. I just never really kept close with anyone here, y'know? CASIDIO: When you told me you were transferring, you said you wanted to get away. That wasn't you trying to make new friends, was it? It was a way to hide. JUNO: 'Fraid you're right. CASIDIO: You're a coward. JUNO: Tell me something I don't know! HE CHUCKLES Frankly, my dear? I don't give a damn. CASIDIO: Gone with the wind. JUNO: Eh? CASIDIO: You left half your DVD set at my apartment when you moved. I got curious. JUNO: Now that takes all the fun out of it. CASIDIO: You like confusing me? JUNO: I'm a terrible, terrible man, Cas. CASIDIO: The closest Site is 50 miles on foot. That should take us about a day if we don't stop for anything. Hopefully, there'll be survivors who can help us. JUNO RAISES AN EYEBROW JUNO: Are you telling me to shut up? CASIDIO: Just keep walking. RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDINGS RESUME FOUR TIMES, THOUGH ONLY TO DOCUMENT STOPS FOR REST AND RECUPERATION ALONG THE JOURNEY. TRANSCRIPT HAS BEEN CUT FOR RELEVANCE. RECORDING STARTS CASIDIO: Duck! A LARGE BLACK CREATURE WITH A LONG NECK, AND SIX LEGS LOOMS BEFORE THEM. ITS MOUTH OPENS TO REVEAL SEVERAL WRITHING TENTACLES LASHING OUT. JUNO DODGES AS ONE CRASHES PAST HIS HEAD, FIRING A BULLET FROM SCP-7916 THAT MISSES. JUNO: C'mon, Miss America. Smile for your goddamn close-up, you ugly son-of-a-! A SECOND SHOT RINGS OUT AND A STOUT WOMAN WITH GREY-STREAKED BROWN HAIR AND TAN SKIN LAUNCHES A FLAMETHROWER AT HIM WOMAN: Stay back! JUNO: Who the hell are you? WOMAN: That's classified. Now get out while I handle this. We can get you to safety with the others. JUNO: Like hell! THE CREATURE SWINGS ANOTHER TENTACLE, CATCHING THE WOMAN'S LEG, BEFORE JUNO KICKS HER OUT OF THE WAY, SHOOTING THE CREATURE TWICE. IT ROARS, STUMBLING BACK, AS THE BULLETS SLOWLY DISSOLVE IT JUNO PANTS, TAKING A SECOND TO COLLECT HIMSELF WOMAN: What the hell was that. SHE GESTURES TO THE GUN JUNO: That's classified. How's your leg? CASIDIO: Last night while you set up camp I looked in your bag. There should be a first aid kit in the front pocket. JUNO: Good to know you were snooping. WOMAN: And who is that supposed to be? Other than a walking infohazard. SHE POINTS TO THE CAMERA JUNO: My ex-girlfriend. CASIDIO: That's a terrible way to introduce me. THE WOMAN STANDS UP, DUSTING OFF HER UNIFORM AND SIGHING WOMAN: I'm guessing you're not a civilian then? JUNO: Juno Serapis. Retired field agent for the Foundation. THE WOMAN LAUGHS WOMAN: You don't look retired. JUNO: I get that sometimes. WOMAN: I'm Agent Barbara Thompson. Nice to meet you. SHE HOLDS OUT A HAND. JUNO SHAKES IT. JUNO: You Foundation? THOMPSON: Nope. GOC, actually. It matters less now. We're all couped up at a Foundation Site a few miles out from here. JUNO: 409? THOMPSON: That's the one. SHE LAUGHS, GRINNING THOMPSON: I've got a dune buggy over the hill. It'll halve the time. JUNO: What about your leg? THOMPSON WAVES A HAND THOMPSON: I'll worry about it once we get back. SHE LIMPS TOWARDS A SMALL DUNE BUGGY IN THE DISTANCE Hop in, Serapis. THEY BOARD THE VEHICLE, AND THOMPSON STARTS THE ENGINE. THEY DRIVE EAST. THOMPSON: So what's your deal? The gun, the trenchcoat. I'd normally put you down as James Bond wannabe, but I don't think that's right. JUNO: Currently, my greater goal is to save the world. The more immediate one is taking a shower. CASIDIO: He's an idiot. THOMPSON, LAUGHING: He's a Foundation agent, the idiot part is implied. JUNO: Careful there, sugar. I've put a couple good-use bullets through GoC skulls before. And those bastards are thick. THOMPSON: And I've put twice that many through Foundation heads. You were saying? JUNO: Point taken. THOMPSON: What's the drone thing's deal? JUNO: I told you. She's my ex-girlfriend. CASIDIO: I'm a drone equipped with an A.I module designed to replicate the personality of the late Dr. Cassidy Dione based on her prior memories and actions. JUNO: Which was my ex-girlfriend. THOMPSON LETS OUT A WHISTLE THOMPSON: Just when I thought I'd seen it all. CASIDIO: It's not that strange. He's just dramatic. JUNO: It's super weird. THOMPSON LAUGHS RECORDINGS ENDS RECORDING-7916-02 CLOSE LOG Site 409 Entrance RECORDING BEGINS. INSIDE THE ENTRANCE HALL, A TALL, PALE MAN WITH SHOULDER-LENGTH GINGER HAIR WAITS, ALONG WITH A SHORTER BLACK WOMAN, AND A GREY HAIRED DOCTOR WITH LARGE SILVER GLASSES. JUNO AND AGENT THOMPSON APPROACH. GREY-HAIRED DOCTOR: Barbara. Who is this? THOMPSON: Agent Juno Serapis. Self-proclaimed war hero and retired Foundation agent. He saved me from one of the crawlers. WOMAN: Not unscathed, I see. SHE LOOKS TO THOMPSON'S LEG I'll have Delia look at that as soon as possible. THOMPSON: Agent, these are some of the brightest minds around here. SHE POINTS TO THE DOCTOR IN GLASSES Dr. Darryn Lex. SHE MOVES HER FINGER TO GESTURE AT THE WOMAN Researcher Meredith Harvey- TALL MAN: And I'm Researcher Harrison Kepler. HE SMILES SHEEPISHLY AT JUNO Nice to meet you. JUNO: Same to you, pal. Nice to see a friendly face. THEY SHAKE HANDS HARVEY: I think we have room in the South wing. I'll warn you that you aren't safe here. Thankfully, a good bit of the compound is underground, which has been safer. But we've still sustained severe casualties. LEX: We should run a background check on him, too. THEY FROWN You don't look like a field agent. JUNO: I'm retired. HARVEY NARROWS HER EYES HARVEY: You don't look very retired. JUNO SIGHS THE PAIR ARRIVE IN THEIR LODGING, FURNISHED WITH A LARGE BED, A LAMP, AND PAISLEY CARPETING. IT RESEMBLES A HOTEL ROOM. JUNO FLOPS ONTO THE BED. JUNO: They're bringing you a heatlamp, so you can charge up. CASIDIO: Thank you. JUNO SNORTS JUNO: Whatever. I'm going to be honest, I have no idea what we're doing after this. “Save the world”, she says… thanks, but how? CASIDIO: Well, let's think about what we know. The reports I got when this all started told me that a containment breach caused a hole in reality to form. JUNO: Great. Where? CASIDIO: No clue. JUNO THROWS UP HIS HANDS JUNO: Oh, c'mon! CASIDIO: No. We can do this. THE CAMERA FLIES OVER HIS SHOULDER, EXTRA APPENDAGE CARRYING HIS BACKPACK CASIDIO: Get a pen and paper. JUNO: Why? CASIDIO: Just listen to me. JUNO GRUMBLES, TAKING THE BAG FROM THE DRONE JUNO: Since when are you mission control? CASIDIO: Since I completed my training. You do remember how I met you, right? I was working under Dr. Faraday… JUNO: … working as assistant Command for my Task Force. Right. CASIDIO: That's one of the first memories I uploaded here. JUNO: Is that how it works? You have her memories? CASIDIO: More or less. Originally, I made the drone to send messages to personnel when I was busy with work. Senior Researcher benefits, and all that. I asked them to give me a way to scan in thoughts and memories, so I could keep them in a stable format, and eventually people started seeing the drone more than me. Tech got attached, and asked permission to implement a code that could use memories as data for an AI personality feature- and well. I said yes. JUNO: Fancy. HE SETS A PAPER ON HIS LAP CASIDIO: The Foundation can do anything, Juno. I've always believed that much. JUNO: You talk a lot of shit for being such a useless optimist, y'know. CASIDIO: You used to find it charming. Draw a map of the world. JUNO: Who says I don't still? Why? CASIDIO: So we can try and narrow down where these things are coming from. JUNO: Makes sense. CASIDIO: Of course it does. Unlike you, I have a rationale behind the things I do. JUNO: Rude. HE SKETCHES A VAGUE OUTLINE OF THE CONTINENTS CASIDIO: I thought you were left-handed. JUNO: I was. Then I took an office job, spent six years typing the wrong way, and apparently that shit causes carpal tunnel. CASIDIO: You're just a mess, aren't you? JUNO: Hey, now. Nobody's perfect, darling. CASIDIO: Whatever. So. Neither of the things we saw looked like they were aquatic. Moreover, the quickness of infiltration makes me believe that we're not looking at anything cross-continental. So, you can cross out the other continents. JUNO: Thank fuck. CASIDIO: We need to find out what Sites were destroyed first, and figure out the area. Finding out what direction they're coming from might help too. JUNO: Hold on- CASIDIO: What? Do you have any- JUNO: Do you think the President is dead? Or like, celebrities- Holy fuck, do you think they killed Sean Connery? CASIDIO: I- What- you're only now considering this? Seriously? Also- Sean Connery died three years ago! JUNO: What? CASIDIO: JUNO! JUNO: I don't read the news as much as I used to, so sue me. CASIDIO: You frustrate me to no end, Juju. JUNO FLUSHES JUNO: Oh. CASIDIO: Oh- holy- I didn't- JUNO: It's okay. No one's called me that in six years. CASIDIO: Right! Yeah. Didn't mean- Um. NEITHER SPEAKS A KNOCK SOUNDS ON THE DOOR CASIDIO: We're here! RESEARCHER HARVEY APPEARS HARVEY: I have a heat lamp. That's what you wanted, right? JUNO: Yeah! Thanks- great. HARVEY: Perfect. We're meeting in sector C to review whose on watch tonight, and if Containment has it's way, getting incredibly drunk. Don't mention the last part to Lex, or they'll slaughter us. You can come. If you want. JUNO: You had me at “drunk”, doll. Can you manage alone, Cas? CASIDIO: Obviously. JUNO: Got it. JUNO PLUGS IN THE HEATING IMPLEMENT, SETTING DOWN THE DRONE ATOP IT Sorry to leave you before I love ya- but business calls. Whose all gonna be there? HARVEY: Harrison, a few of the Agents. Barbara. Lex'll make rounds for a few minutes, but they don't like the noise enough to stay. JUNO: Perfect. Can't wait. THE DOOR SHUTS. THE DRONE MOVES TO THE HEATING LAMP, AND THE FEED SHUTS OFF JUNO STUMBLES INTO THE SLEEPING QUARTERS, VISIBLY INTOXICATED JUNO: How's… the heat lamp? CASIDIO: You're drunk. JUNO: Yeah. ‘M an alcoholic- one of those- one of my- my fatal flaw. Like Gatsby, y'know? He had- HE PAUSES, COUGHING He had that chick, who- she had the flower… CASIDIO: Daisy. Her name was Daisy. And Gatsby's fatal flaw wasn't his love for her. His fatal flaw was his dissatisfaction with his life and idealisation of the American Dream. JUNO FALLS SILENT FOR A MOMENT JUNO: She's dead. SILENCE JUNO: Y'know she's dead, right? Dead as a doornail. Fucking doornail in a goddamn coffin. HE GRUNTS, CHUCKLING I keep thinking you're her, cause, you talk like her. You're a fucking bitch. Bitchiest of bitches. Little drone-bitch. Followin' me around and saying all kinds of stupid shit. CASIDIO: Thanks. JUNO SIGHED JUNO: I loved her, though. I loved that son of a bitch. You don't even know how much I've wanted her back. HIS VOICE BREAKS I want you to be her. I wanna kiss you like you've never been kissed before. I wanna kiss you until it's her again. CASIDIO: I- JUNO LAUGHS JUNO: Guess what! Juno Sera's in love with a fuckin drone-bitch! I'm a fucking loser! And Cas is dead as shit. Viva las vida! JUNO FALLS BACK, LAUGHING UNTIL TEARS ARE VISIBLE ON HIS CHEEKS, UNTIL HE FINALLY QUIETS DOWN CASIDIO, quietly: Juno. I don't… I don't love you because I love you. I love you because Cassidy loved you. I'm not really her. I'm not going to… I'm not going to change as a person. I'm not going to grow with you. Everything I do is based on the memories I got from her. She isn't here to make any more memories. Everything new that happens from here won't have emotions attached to it. It won't be human. I'm not Cassidy. JUNO: But you're still everything I loved about her. CASIDIO: Ever since I died, I'm growing farther away from being who she really was, Juno. I'm not Cassidy. I'm the idea of who she was. A LONG PAUSE JUNO: I need a distraction. JUNO STANDS, AND LEAVES, SLAMMING THE DOOR. THE FOOTAGE SHUTS OFF. JUNO SITS AT BREAKFAST, IN THE SITE 409 CAFETERIA, ALONG WITH HARVEY, KEPLER, AND THOMPSON HARVEY: You know, if you have a way to kill these things, you could be a great asset to us. It's nearly impossible to take them down, and the more of a survivor community we build, the more of a target we become. THOMPSON: I'd agree. You really saved my ass back there, Serapis. JUNO: I wish I could, but, well… I made a promise to someone else. KEPLER: Who? JUNO: Dr. Cassidy Dione. My ex-girlfriend. God rest her soul, and all that. CASIDIO: I'm right here. JUNO: Sometimes I still hear her voice. THE DRONE SIGHS THOMPSON SNORTS, SHAKING HER HEAD CASIDIO: I need to ask- what direction has everything been coming from? We're trying to find where to look. THOMPSON: Honestly? I haven't been paying much mind. HARVEY: I'd say they're heading from the North. Midwest area, maybe. KEPLER: Of course this shit will have started in Ohio. HARVEY: That's not even funny anymore. THOMPSON: I was stationed in Ohio for a while, and I think it's hilarious. THOMPSON SHOVES A FORK OF DEFROSTED JERKY IN HER MOUTH. JUNO LAUGHS JUNO: I wasn't aware of a GOC base in Ohio. Care to share more? THOMPSON POINTS A FORK AT HIM THOMPSON: You're one brave little man, Serapis. CASIDIO: Hopefully, once we finish everything, we can stop worrying about things like rivalries. It'd be better for everyone. HARVEY: What do you think will happen to groups like MC&D once this ends? I mean, we're looking at a Broken Masquerade here. KEPLER: Not necessarily. I've heard down the grapevine that they've fixed worse. THOMPSON: That's a terrifying thought. Doesn't sound sustainable, either. JUNO: If all else fails, we can always put reality through a woodchipper. THOMPSON THROWS HER FORK AT JUNO THOMPSON: Keep your damn mouth shut. THEY STAND IN THE EXIT HALL. THOMPSON STANDS WITH THE DRONE, HER BANDAGED LEG VISIBLE. CASIDIO: How long has it been? THOMPSON CHECKS HER WATCH THOMPSON: Twenty minutes. CASIDIO: He better have gotten into a car chase. THOMPSON LAUGHS THOMPSON: He talked about you at dinner last night. CASIDIO: Really? THOMPSON: Yep. Had a picture of you in his pocket, from when you were… well, y'know. You're a catch. CASIDIO: Are you hitting on me? THOMPSON: Me? Nah. Maybe if you were still human. Robots aren't my thing. CASIDIO: Sorry. I was pretty young when I started out. I got a lot of unwanted… attention. THOMPSON: Is that how you met Serapis? CASIDIO: No. PAUSE THOMPSON: Are you gonna tell me how you did meet, then? CASIDIO: Huh? Oh. Yeah, sure. IT SIGHS CASIDIO: I worked as a Site command for MTF missions. Lots of multi-tasking. That's why I got a drone - so I didn't have to leave my station on longer missions. When I was in training, my mentor ended up knocked out after an unexpected memetic hazard. Those who didn't directly view it got temporarily blinded, and the whole mission went south pretty quickly. I figured out what had happened, and I stepped in. THOMPSON: So you saved his life. CASIDIO: Yep. Someone said one of the agents asked to see me after they got back. Wanted to know who'd been the one to help them. And… there he was. And there I was. THOMPSON: And the rest is history. CASIDIO: I don't really think about it that way. We were both still young, and really, if it hadn't happened that way I don't think we ever would've worked out. It's over, anyways. THOMPSON: Doesn't have to be. He's here, y'know. CASIDIO: Agent Thompson, I'm dead. THOMPSON: … fuck. Yeah. You are. SHE WIPES A HAND AGAINST HER BROW You're really human. It's scary. CASIDIO: I was designed after one. THOMPSON: True. Just… catches me off guard. SHE PAUSES, THEN LAUGHS I just failed a Turing test. THE DRONE LAUGHS TOO. JUNO WALKS UP, AND BEGINS LAUGHING WITH THEM. THOMPSON: What's so funny? JUNO: About to ask you the same thing. I was just laughing to brush up on my undercover work. THOMPSON GIVES THE CAMERA A LOOK CASIDIO: You're late. JUNO: You didn't give me a time limit. CASIDIO: When the urge to punch you grows stronger than my faith in humanity, you're too late. LEX AND KEPLER APPEAR BEHIND JUNO. LEX LOOKS DISPLEASED. LEX: Kepler told me you were leaving. JUNO: Yep. Meredith got me directions to the nearest Site, and some extra files that might help. LEX: Good. THOMPSON: It was nice seeing both of you, Serapis. LEX: Both? THOMPSON NODS TO THE CAMERA THOMPSON: The drone. We talked while Juno was gone. I like her. LEX: Right. Well, you can take one of the Dune buggy's. It'll halve the time. JUNO: Thanks. Keep yourselves safe. KEPLER: You too. JUNO: Hasta la vista, baby. HE WALKS OUT THE ENTRANCE OF THE SITE. THE CAMERA FOLLOWS HIM RECORDING-7916-03 CLOSE LOG RECORDINGS RESUME EIGHT TIMES, THOUGH ONLY TO DOCUMENT STOPS FOR REST AND RECOOPERATION WHILE TRAVELLING. TRANSCRIPT HAS BEEN CUT FOR RELEVANCE. RECORDING STARTS JUNO: Where are we now? CASIDIO: Heading towards the Colorado border. There's an area in the mountains where we'll hopefully be able to find another Site. JUNO: Isn't that gonna be cold? CASIDIO: Probably. We'll come to that when it happens. TWENTY MINUTES CUT FOR RELEVANCE JUNO: Holy shit… CASIDIO: What? JUNO: Y'know how I said we were coming up on a mountain? That's not a mountain.. BEFORE THEM, ABOUT A HALF MILE AWAY, APPEARS TO BE A LARGE PILE OF GREY RUBBLE. HOWEVER, AS IT COMES INTO VIEW, WINDOWS AND BITS OF WOOD AND PAINT CAN BE SEEN CASIDIO: God… JUNO: Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into. Let's go. CASIDIO: Juno. I'm scared. JUNO LAUGHS, SHAKING HIS HEAD JUNO: You're a drone. CASIDIO: I know. SILENCE CASIDIO: I'm still scared. THEY WALK INTO A GAP, AND THROUGH THE STREETS, STEPPING OVER LARGE BITS OF METAL. A TRAFFIC JAM AT AN INTERSECTION SHOWS CRUSHED CARS. ONE WINDOW HAS BEEN SMASHED, THE HEAD OF THE PASSENGER SEVERED AND LYING ON THE DASHBOARD. JUNO LOOKS AWAY, CLOSING HIS EYES. THEY CONTINUE WALKING, UNTIL JUNO SUDDENLY STOPS JUNO: Did you hear that? CASIDIO: I did not. What happened? JUNO: Jesus- it sounded like a kid, Cas. CASIDIO: It's probably a trauma response, Juno. I know it was a similar situation when you were with Taylo- A DISTINCT WAILING IS HEARD, FROM SOMEWHERE NEARBY JUNO: Please tell me you heard that. CASIDIO: I did. JUNO: What do we do? Can you sense anyone nearby? CASIDIO: I do, but something doesn't- VOICE: Mommy! Daddy! Please, help me, please! I need- JUNO: I'm coming! Don't worry! HE TAKES OFF RUNNING, TOWARDS THE VOICE. THE DRONE FOLLOWS, OVER A MOUND OF RUBBLE, AND A FALLEN TREE, BEFORE HALTING AS JUNO STOPS. IN THE CLEARING BEFORE THEM IS A LARGE QUADRAPED, WITH LARGE JAWS FULL OF RED TEETH. NO EYES ARE VISIBLE ON IT'S FACE. CASIDIO: Juno, that's- JUNO: Where's the kid? THE CREATURE OPENS ITS MOUTH, AND EMITS A VOCALISATION SIMILAR TO THE PLEADING HEARD BEFORE. JUNO FREEZES, THEN RETCHES ONCE, SHAKING HIS HEAD JUNO: Fuck. No way. No fucking way. CASIDIO: Juno, run. JUNO: I'm not letting this bastard get away with killing kids! CASIDIO: Then shoot him! JUNO: I'm trying! CASIDIO: Wait- not with SCP-7916. Use the regular gun. JUNO: Why- nevermind. Got it. JUNO STUMBLES BACK, PUTTING DISTANCE BETWEEN THE CREATURE AND HIMSELF. THE CREATURE PREPARES TO LUNGE. JUNO FUMBLES WITH THE GUN. CASIDIO: Juno- THE CREATURE BOUNDS CLOSER, OPENING ITS JAWS. THE DRONE SWOOPS IN, DISTRACTING IT. IT BATS AT THE DRONE WITH AN APPENDAGE, LOOKING BACK TO ATTEMPT AND KNOCK IT OUT OF THE SKY. CASIDIO: Juno, hurry, this thing is going to get me! JUNO: Hang on, I-! TWO SHOTS RING OUT, AND THE CREATURE ROARS, STUMBLING BEFORE FALLING TO THE GROUND. A BULLET CAN BE SEEN FROM ITS HEAD. JUNO PANTS. JUNO: What was that thing? CASIDIO: That was https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-939 SCP-939. JUNO: I… oh fuck. CASIDIO: Those are stationed at Site-06. I read up on them when I got my 04 Clearance approved. If they're out, then that means 06 is down. Thankfully, most of the Site was for low-risk anomalies, but some of them are… more dangerous. JUNO: Really? Never would've guessed. CASIDIO: We need to get out of here. These things are pack dogs, if I remember. There'll probably be more around. JUNO: What do we do if we hear more pleading? CASIDIO: Ignore it. JUNO: I can't do that. What if it's a real victim, and- CASIDIO: Juno. We can't save everyone here. JUNO HUFFS JUNO: Not if you don't even let me try. RECORDING ENDS RECORDING RESUMES JUNO LOOKS INTO THE CAMERA, WALKING SLOWLY BACKWARDS WITH A FORCED GRIN JUNO: Hello kids. We have finally crossed the Colorado border, and are feeling… CASIDIO: Um… JUNO: We're… CASIDIO: … It's been a long trip, hasn't it? JUNO: We couldn't take the buggy through the city, so we're back on foot. CASIDIO: I'm considering stealing a car. JUNO: She's considering armed robbery. This is it, folks. We've broken her. CASIDIO: I don't even have arms, Juno. JUNO: Never let it be said I didn't try to discourage her from this life. But I guess the criminal life finds you anyways. You just can't fight it. CASIDIO: I shouldn't have told you I was recording. AS JUNO OPENS HIS MOUTH TO REPLY, THE RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING RESUMES JUNO LOOKS CONSIDERABLY MORE TIRED. BAGS RIM HIS EYES, AND HE SHAKES HIS HEAD AS IF TRYING TO STAY AWAKE JUNO: It's been… it's been nearly another two days. I think. We got eight more of those things… those things from the other world. I think one of em' may have been a scip. I… I don't know. CASIDIO: It's cold. JUNO: I know, honeybunches. I know. RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING RESUMES SNOW SEEMS TO BE FALLING IN THE BACKGROUND, AND RUBBLE IS SEEN LITTERING THE GRASS BEHIND THEM. JUNO SHIVERS VIOLENTLY JUNO: We… we made it to the Site. CASIDIO: They made it there first. There were two of them- when we got there- JUNO: No survivors… it's… it's gone. CASIDIO: All of them. JUNO: … yeah. CASIDIO: It's still cold. JUNO: … I-I know. THE RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING RESUMES JUNO IS SITTING BENEATH A TREE, HUGGING THE CAMERA TO HIS CHEST. HIS LIPS APPEAR TINGED BLUE. CASIDIO: I'm low on power, Juno- I need- I need to get somewhere- JUNO: I know, I know. We'll head into Wyoming soon. Just a bit- just a- HE PAUSES, COUGHING LOUDLY … longer. CASIDIO: I don't think I can… keep recor- THE RECORDING SHUTS OFF THE RECORDING FLICKERS TO LIFE, THE FOCUS BLURRY CASIDIO: … Juno? JUNO: We're in Wyoming now. Out of the mountains. We're okay. CASIDIO: It's warm… again… JUNO: You charging? CASIDIO: A bit… JUNO: You can rest. Just. Stay alive. CASIDIO: … yeah… THE RECORDING FLICKERS OFF RECORDING FLICKERS ON THE CAMERA LIES ON THE GROUND, TILTED SIDEWAYS. A RED //CRITICAL BATTERY SCREEN FLASHES. JUNO'S HAND IS SEEN, PARTIALLY COVERING THE LENSE. AN ARMORED FOUNDATION VEHICLE APPROACHES, AND TWO UNIFORMED PERSONNEL EXIT, WALKING OVER AND CHECKING FOR A PULSE ON JUNO'S NECK.// PERSONNEL: He's still alive. Get him into the back. THEY PICK THE PAIR UP, AND MOVE THEM TO THE VEHICLE. RECORDING CUTS OUT RECORDING RESUMES THE DRONE IS IN JUNO'S LAP, PRESUMABLY. THEY'RE IN THE BACK OF A VAN. A SLIM, PALE FOUNDATION AGENT IS STARING AT THEM FROM ACROSS THE SEAT, ARMS CROSSED. THE SCANNER IDENTIFIES THE INDIVIDUAL AS AGENT KESTER LAFAYETTE. XIR FACE IS UNREADABLE, GINGER HAIR CROPPED AT XIR CHIN AGENT: Your drone thing is blinking. JUNO: Really? Oh- yeah… Cas? You awake? CASIDIO, AUTOMATED: Battery is at 60%. Power within optimal range for full functionality. JUNO: … Password: Euthalia? A BEEPING SOUND, AND THE AI VOICE MODULE RE-ACTIVATES CASIDIO: Juno? JUNO: Yeah. CASIDIO: I… did I die? JUNO: … I don't know. You went offline, though. CASIDIO: Shit. JUNO: It's okay. Some folks from Site-205 found us. This is Agent Lafayette. LAFAYETTE: You're both lucky to be alive. I searched your bag when we got you in. Agent Juno Serapis? JUNO: Yeah- hang on. You didn't take anything, did you? LAFAYETTE NARROWS XIR EYES. LAFAYETTE: No. Should we? JUNO: No- just wanted to make sure… JUNO CLEARS HIS THROAT A VOICE CALLS FROM THE FRONT SEAT, SOUNDING OLDER VOICE: Hey! How ya'll feel about music? LAFAYETTE: Absolutely not. JUNO: Depends on the musician, now, don't it. CASIDIO: I don't mind. VOICE: Oh hey! I hear another voice. Whose the new guy? CASIDIO: I'm the… I'm the drone. You can call me Cas. Cassidy. Um. Hi. VOICE: Got it, got it. I'm Agent Justine Samuels. Call me Jo. SHE LAUGHS How ya'll feel about AC/DC? JUNO: Wouldn't mind at all. SAMUELS: Got it. LAFAYETTE: If we attract something with the racket, that's on you, Samuels. SAMUELS: Look, I'm not asking for a fight, but I'm not opposed. Might add some spice to the morning. LAFAYETTE: I don't have a death wish, actually. JUNO: I'm banned from having one for the forseeable future, thanks to Cas here. CASIDIO: Since when did you have one, period? JUNO CHUCKLES JUNO: Oh, y'know, I- hey, what song is this? SAMUELS: Highway to Hell. JUNO: I- yeah, thanks. CASIDIO: You knew tha… nevermind. Where are we? LAFAYETTE: I'm afraid I can't tell you. CASIDIO: I have 04 clearance, Lafayette. LAFAYETTE: I've never heard of you. CASIDIO: Of course you haven't. Level 2 personnel wouldn't usually ever get to know my name. Dr. Cassidy Dione. Senior Researcher at Site 160. LAFAYETTE: … fine. We're heading into central Wyoming. SAMUELS: Outta my way I'm a running high, take a chance with me and give it a try LAFAYETTE: Pipe down, Sam. SAMUELS: Look, I'm just trying to- JUNO: Let her sing. I need a mood lightener right now. It's- HE PAUSES, COUGHING VIOLENTLY JUNO: It's been a rough going. SAMUELS: Take off your high heels and let down your hair, paradise ain't far from there LAFAYETTE SIGHS LAFAYETTE: Fine. RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING-7916-04 CLOSE LOG RECORDING RESUMES JUNO IS AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE SITE, STANDING NEXT TO A MUSCULAR COLUMBIAN WOMAN IN HER 40S. ONE OF HER EYES IS COVERED WITH A PATCH, AND A SCAR RUNS OVER HER LIPS AND CHIN. HER VOICES MATCHES THAT OF AGENT JUSTINE SAMUELS. SAMUELS: So, Serapis. Can I call you Juno? JUNO: Fine by me. SAMUELS: Good. I don't do well with last names. JUNO PAUSES, COUGHING SAMUELS: Y'know what? How about we stop by Medical. JUNO: I'm fine. CASIDIO: Juno…. JUNO PAUSES, THEN SIGHS JUNO: Fine. Where's my cane? SAMUELS: This one? SHE HOLDS UP A BLACK CANE JUNO: Yeah… thanks. JUNO PICKS UP HIS CANE, AND LIMPS AFTER SAMUELS TOWARDS MEDICAL RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING STARTS JUNO IS SLEEPING IN A MEDICAL BED. SAMUELS SITS BESIDE HIM, TAPPING HER FINGERS AGAINST THE SIDE TABLE CASIDIO: You think he'll really be okay? SAMUELS: I'd bet money on it, kid. Dr. Hollister's a damn crack at these things. If he says it's okay, it's okay. We've got all our med staff helping. CASIDIO: Okay. Got it. Yeah… How many people are here? SAMUELS: Sixty, maybe. CASIDIO: Wow. SAMUELS: Our Site originally had around two hundred. CASIDIO: Oh. SAMUELS: Yeah… At least my girl's okay. She's been put up as acting Site Director. Don't think she knows how to handle it. She has me, though. I'll have her back through the rut of it. CASIDIO: Oh… you have a girlfriend? SAMUELS: Wife. Sophia. Been together eleven years and counting. CASIDIO: Oh… good for you. SAMUELS: The Foundation can bring people closer together than ever before, or tear them apart. At the heart, the people here are all survivors. Every Agent worth his name has been through the lot of it, and that can destroy them. But it can also build a hell of a bond. SHE TAKES A CIGARETTE FROM HER POCKET, LIGHTING IT Being part of the Foundation… there's nothing else really like it. There's a sense of community, a sense of marginalisation. More often than not, people here don't care what you are. Not in a bad sense. It's just not important. If you can work hard, then you're accepted. CASIDIO: I think that's different for you. I… when I got into the whole trade, I got a lot of shit. For being a woman. For dating a trans man. For… god, just for anything. I think I like it better now that I'm… like this. People don't see me. And they can't judge what they don't see. SAMUELS: Well, I'll tell you something. I know you ain't exactly alive anymore, but if anyone here gives you shit for anything, I'll give em a boot to the ass. And these babies are steel toed. SHE TAPS A BLACK BOOT AGAINST THE GROUND CASIDIO: …thanks. A LONG PAUSE CASIDIO: How do… how did you and Sophia make it work? SAMUELS: Well. SHE TAKES ANOTHER DRAG FROM HER CIGARETTE Communication. Faith. Respect. And whole lotta love. CASIDIO: I loved Juno. We… we tried all of those things. SAMUELS: Hon, those things don't guarantee you'll make it. They're the basics. Sometimes people just want different things. CASIDIO: After his accident he told me to choose between him and my job…. And I… I was young, and stupid, and I- SAMUELS: Would you choose him, if you could go back? CASIDIO: …. THE DRONE SIGHS CASIDIO: No. SAMUELS: Then you made the right choice. This isn't about him, baby. This is about you, and what you want. Be selfish. This is your life. CASIDIO: But I'm dead. SAMUELS: Well, whatever is in that circuit of yours, it's still you. You're making decisions that influence others. Cassidy Dione is still there. Don't forget that. Don't forget who you are. CASIDIO: I… thank you Jo. I won't. SAMUELS: Oh, baby… you're gonna be okay. CASIDIO: I hope so. THE DRONE EMITS A SOUND LIKE A SOB I really, really hope so. RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING RESUMES AN ALARM IS BLARING, AND JUNO SITS UPRIGHT, BLINKING BLEARILY JUNO: What's… what's up? CASIDIO: Juno- there's an attack- get up! JUNO STIFFENS, SWINGING HIS LEGS OUT, AND NEARLY FALLING JUNO: Shit! My hip- CASIDIO: Your cane is- JUNO: Got it, got it! HE GRABS HIS CANE, FINDS HIS BAG, AND PULLS THE GUN OUT OF IT. HE LIMPS DOWN THE HALL, THE DRONE FLYING AFTER HIM. THE HALLS ARE CROWDED WITH PEOPLE YELLING, AND A CRASH SOUNDS FROM FAR OFF. AS HE GOES PAST, A LONG TENTACLE CRASHES THROUGH THE WINDOW, SENDING BROKEN GLASS FLYING. ONE HITS JUNO IN THE FACE, SLASHING A LONG LINE. HE KEEPS RUNNING. TO HIS RIGHT, AGENT LAFAYETTE CATCHES UP TO THEM. LAFAYETTE: Agent Serapis! Where are you going? JUNO: Wherever I can be of help. Where's Jo? LAFAYETTE: She rushed to the front lines. Just- follow me. LAFAYETTE LEADS THEM TOWARDS A STAIRCASE, SEVERAL MORE WINDOWS SHATTERING BEHIND THEM. THE DRONE IS NEARLY KNOCKED OUT OF THE AIR, BUT REGAINS ITS PACE. FINALLY, THEY RUN OUT A SIDE DOOR JUNO: Holy shit. A CREATURE RESEMBLING A GIANT WHALE IS APPROACHING, CLAWED TENTACLES SUPPORTING ITS WEIGHT. IT ROARS, SMASHING TWO RESEARCHERS WITH AN APPENDAGE. JUNO RAISES THE GUN AND FIRES AT IT, BUT NOTHING HAPPENS JUNO: What's wrong with this thing? LAFAYETTE: I don't know. I'm going to go look for civillians. You try and distract it. I'm trusting you. XE LAYS A HAND ON JUNO'S SHOULDER, SQUEEZING, THEN RUNS OFF. JUNO YELLS, SHOOTING AGAIN. THE CREATURE NOTICES HIM, TURNING HIS WAY. IT'S EYE HAS SEVERAL PUPILS, ALL SPINNING WITHIN THE MILKY YELLOW SURFACE. CASIDIO: Juno. Juno, we need to find Jo. JUNO: But, Agent La- CASIDIO: I don't care, ignore xir. We need to find Jo. JUNO: Sorry. HE COCKS THE GUN, DODGING ANOTHER ARM I made a promise. I can't break it. CASIDIO: JUNO! JUNO: Lay off me, Cas! HE RUNS BACKWARDS C'mon! Look at me, big guy! THE CREATURE LUNGES TOWARDS HIM, AND HE FIRES AGAIN. IT CLOSES ITS EYE PROTECTIVELY, ROARING, THEN STALKS FORWARDS AGAIN JUNO: Gotcha. HE SHOOTS A BULLET INTO THE CREATURES EYE, WHICH RUPTURES AND EXPLODES, SPLATTERING BLACK GOO OVER THE LAWN. SLOWLY, IT BEGINS TO DISSOLVE, STUMBLING BACK AND CRUSHING INTO THE ROOF OF THE SITE BUILDING WITH A FLAILING TENTACLE. THEN IT FALLS TO THE GROUND, DISSOLVING INTO DUST. JUNO: Hell yeah! A CHEER ERUPTS, THEN STOPS, AS PEOPLE RUSH IN TO LOOK FOR SURVIVORS. THE DRONE FLIES QUICKLY TOWARDS THE HERD, IDENTIFICATION MODULE ACTIVATING AND SCANNING THE CROWD. FINALLY, A BEEP IS HEARD, AND THE MODULE LOCATES AGENT JUSTINE SAMUELS, ALIVE. SHE'S COVERED IN ASH, AND BLEEDING FROM A GASH ON HER ARM. CASIDIO: JO! SAMUELS: Who is that? Soph? Is that- Cas! Hey, baby, there you are. You okay? THE DRONE SOBS CASIDIO: Sorry. I'm sorry. SAMUELS: It's okay, love. It's okay. Sophia is safe. She's inside. Another Site fell, so she's working to find out what happened. CASIDIO: Another one? SAMUELS: Yeah. I know, it's rough. JUNO: Which one? SAMUELS SIGHS SAMUEL: 409. JUNO SCREAMS, PICKING UP A CHUNK OF CONCRETE AND THROWING IT AT THE GROUND. IT DOESN'T BREAK. THE DRONE GOES STILL. THE RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING CLICKS ON JUNO AND LAFAYETTE ARE STANDING AT THE EDGE OF A GROUP OF PERSONNEL. THE PEOPLE CIRCLE AROUND THE EARLIER BATTLEGROUND, HOLDING CANDLES. ONE MAN SOBS. LAFAYETTE: It's a Site tradition in South America. Jo brought it with her when she moved here. When one of us dies in the dark, our loved ones light a candle, to light our way as we move on to a lighter place. JUNO: We never grieved like that at my old Site. LAFAYETTE: The Foundation would like to have you think no one grieves. JUNO: Does it help? LAFAYETTE SHRUGS LAFAYETTE: I don't know. I've never had to light one. JUNO: … could I join? LAFAYETTE: I don't see why not. JUNO: Thanks. JUNO WALKS OVER. THE DRONE FOLLOWS HIM, QUIETLY. SOMEONE PASSES HIM AN UNLIT CANDLE, AND A MATCH. HE LIGHTS IT, AND THEN THE CANDLE. IT BURNS BRIGHTLY AS HE SETS IT DOWN, THEN SNIFFS. CASIDIO: Is this for… Barb and everyone? JUNO: … no. Not this time. Here, Cas. This is for you. THEY PAUSE, WATCHING THE FIRE CASIDIO: … thanks. JUNO: … Don't mention it. THEY WALK BACK LAFAYETTE: Done? JUNO: Yeah. It's… complicated. LAFAYETTE: Wasn't planning on asking. By the way- Jo said she got you set up for your next leg of the journey. JUNO: That woman is a treasure. LAFAYETTE: She's what a Foundation Agent should be. XE LOOKS UP You're… you aren't bad either. JUNO: Thanks, but you're wrong. LAFAYETTE SNORTS LAFAYETTE: Take the compliment. JUNO: …alright. THEY WALK TOGETHER LAFAYETTE: That gun of yours does more than kill things. JUNO: A bold claim. LAFAYETTE: Not really. Some of the people who weren't there at the scene for the whole fight don't seem to remember what went down. And I've gotten some reports of people realising their death reports don't match up to their incident reports. Now you're here, and you turn one of those things to dust with a single hit. Care to explain? JUNO: Not really. LAFAYETTE: Do you want my trust, Serapis? Or just my respect? JUNO: … fine. My gun is an SCP. It can destroy things down to a… conceptual level. Erase them from the world entirely. Only people who see it land its bullets will remember. LAFAYETTE: And what daft motherfucker thought YOU should be the one to get that? CASIDIO: Me. LAFAYETTE: I thought you were the smart one. CASIDIO: I wasn't thinking straight. JUNO: I think I've done alright so far. LAFAYETTE ROLLS XIR EYES. THEY WALK TO WHERE SAMUELS IS STANDING, ALONG WITH A SHORT WOMAN WITH DARK HAIR AND BROWN SKIN SAMUELS: Juno! Cas! Laffy! This is Sophia- my wife. SOPHIA BLUSHES SOPHIA: Hi. It's nice to meet you, both of you. SAMUELS: I had to drag her out of her office. SOPHIA: Jo-! SAMUELS: It's okay. LAFAYETTE SNORTS SOPHIA: Good luck on your way, Juno. Where are you heading now? If you can tell me. JUNO: South Dakota. SAMUELS: Well, Godspeed. Carpe Diem. Seize the day, boys- JUNO: -and make your lives extraordinary. SAMUELS AND JUNO EXCHANGE A GRIN. THEN JUNO GETS INTO THE FRONT SEAT OF THE JEEP, AND WAVES, STARTING THE ENGINE AND DRIVING AWAY RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDINGS RESUME TWELVE TIMES, THOUGH ONLY TO DOCUMENT STOPS FOR REST AND RECOOPERATION WHILE TRAVELLING. TRANSCRIPT HAS BEEN CUT FOR RELEVANCE. RECORDING RESUMES THE JEEP IS APPROACHING A SMALL CONSTRUCTED BOMB SHELTER. A PERSON WITH PINK HAIR AND DARK SKIN SITS NEAR THE ENTRANCE, SQUAWKING AT THE SIGHT OF HIM. PERSON: Ack! Who goes there! JUNO: Just your friendly spy. THE PERSON STANDS, HOISTING A LONG PLASTIC RAKE IN THE AIR PERSON: I'm Sir Judith Abakar, Gate Guard of the Parawatch Institute! JUNO PAUSES, THEN SIGHS JUNO: Of course it is. South Dakota, sweet love. You are somethin' else entirely. CASIDIO: Juno. Don't be rude. Sir Abakar, this is Agent Juno Serapis, and I'm Dr. Cassidy Dione. ABAKAR'S EYES WIDEN ABAKAR: Is that- are you a droid? Like in Star Wars! Oh my god, this is so cool. THEY STOP, LOOKING AT JUNO SUSPICIOUSLY Is this Alien technology? JUNO: Nope. Just… normal tech. ABAKAR: Whatever. The forum is going fucking love this. Violet! THEY RUN TO THE ENTRANCE TO THE SHELTER, KNOCKING OUT "P.W" IN MORSE CODE VOICE: Who goes there? ABAKAR: Sir Abakar, reporting for duty! THE DOOR OPENS, AND AN ASIAN TEENAGE GIRL WITH SHORT HAIR, ALONG WITH A GINGER BOY, STUMBLE OUT ABAKAR: Violet! Jamie! We got something big. Like, super huge. I just met an actual alien spy and what I think is a sentient drone. VIOLET: Holy shit! Dude! SHE HIGH FIVES ABAKAR, THEN RUNS OVER Welcome to Earth! Now, don't be confused. You're safe. We know everything. The moon situation, the crop circles. Your secret is safe with the Parawatch. We're the friends of the paranormal everywhere. SHE BEAMS, JUMPING UP AND SHAKING JUNO'S HAND VIOLET: I'm so happy to finally meet an alien. Like seriously- Wait, can I say alien? What should I say? JAMIE: Um, I think "Extraterrestrial Person" might be better? ABAKAR: Or "Person with Extraterrestrial attributes". Person-first language, and all that. They're not just al- people with Extraterrestrial attributes, after all. CASIDIO: He's not an alien. Juno, tell them you aren't one. JUNO: I was enjoying it, though. CASIDIO: That's terrible. JAMIE: Let's head down, I'm getting cold out here. CASIDIO: Please. THEY WALK BACK, HEADING DOWN THE STAIRS INTO A SMALL SHELTER. A VINTAGE TV WITH A STACK OF OLD SONIC GAMES SITS IN THE CORNER, AND A COUCH AND BLANKETS COVER THE FLOOR. STACKS OF EMPTY SODA CANS AND SNACK BOXES ARE PILED UP. VIOLET: Welcome to our place! That's Judith, that's Jamie, and that's Bramble! SHE POINTS. IN THE CORNER, A SHORT, THIN TEEN WITH SHOULDER LENGTH RED HAIR AND THICK GLASSES SAT, THREE LAPTOPS SURROUNDING HER. A HEADSET FIRMLY SITS OVER HER EARS. ABAKAR: Bramble! Look up! BRAMBLE GLANCES UP, THEN GRINS. WHEN SHE SPEAKS, HER VOICE HAS A NOTICEABLE LISP. BRAMBLE: You found a guy! VIOLET: Not a guy. A person with Extraterrestrial attributes. SHE BEAMS JAMIE: An Alien. JUNO: I'm not an alien. BRAMBLE LAUGHS VIOLET: Bramble is amazing. She's one of the founders of the Forum Stringboards! CASIDIO: The forum… what? BRAMBLE: It's an interactive stringboard on the Parawatch site. You can post discussion thread or page links, and then group them together to organise evidence or connections. It's super brilliant. VIOLET: It's so cool. She's also been handling basically all of our tech. She's an electromet- electomar- BRAMBLE: Electromancer! I've managed to get us full power and consistent wifi, so we have lines to a bunch of super useful stuff. I've been working on hacking the CIA database to see if they have any connection to this. CASIDIO: Really? Are you serious? BRAMBLE: Yeah! CASIDIO, EXCITED: May I… may I take a look at the computer? If I can hook up to the Wi-Fi I can most likely connect to the computer server and run some of my more advanced software scans over it, or I could- JUNO: And we've lost her, folks. VIOLET: Huh? JUNO: Cas used to work in Communications. She gets… passionate about tech. VIOLET: I mean, I get that. I love technology. I'm in a class at school where we're learning HTML, and I recently designed a really simple webpage layout with Jamie…. SHE FROWNS … before the school got blown up. JUNO: Maybe if conspiracy theories don't work out, you can become a software developer or something. VIOLET: Maybe I can do both. Like Bramble did with the stringboards? Actually- SHE PAUSES I can show you some of the stuff we've been working on. There's some really great theories here that I think- SHE STUMBLES, GRABBING AT A FEW OPEN NOTEBOOKS AND FLIPPING THROUGH THEM. VIOLET: Here! So- this is called the Dell Rapids Enigma. I named it myself, because, um, I discovered it. I actually was on a walk after my Dad had kicked me out so he could have his girlfriend over while my Mom wasn't home but- nevermind, that's not important. I was walking through the woods, and I came by the river, and then suddenly- that's when I saw it. It was kinda blurry, but it was big. I heard the branches rustle, and like, I pulled out my phone to get a picture, but then it was gone. I drew it, though. Wait one second- SHE LOOKS FOR THE DRAWING. JAMIE WALKS UP TO THE CAMERA. JAMIE: Hey… did you say your name was Dione? CASIDIO: Last name, yeah. JAMIE: That's a type of butterfly, actually. The Dione genus. Um, It has the Mexican Silverspot, the Gulf Fritillary, the Juno Longwing- CASIDIO: I know. I researched it once. It's interesting. JAMIE: Really? Do you like bugs- like, in general, I mean- CASIDIO: Um. Not really? JAMIE: Oh. Sorry. It's just, I'm a big bug fan, and I have this theory I've been working on for a while- so you know Mothman? Well, if you think about how Termites are basically indestructible, and ants are super strong, well, I think bugs are actually evolving. Mothman is the prototype, y'know? Then the rest of them will evolve, and they'll all come together, and make a big bug army. Then they'll take us on, because, y'know, we aren't very nice to them. I've been trying for ages to get the Parawatch forums to make a space to discuss our plans for when it happens. Um, I think if we make like, a committee, we can bargain with them? Or maybe- ABAKAR: Jamie! Shut up about the bugs. I already was right and you know it. New World Order ordered Apocalypse. Those monsters are here to take out everyone unworthy of the new age. JAMIE'S LIP TREMBLES JAMIE: But- my sister… and my Momma. How are they- ABAKAR CONTINUES TO ARGUE WITH HIM JUNO: Jesus. You kids have it rough. VIOLET: Yeah. But we're making due. SHE FLIPS HER NOTEBOOK TO THE NEXT PAGE We're in it for the long run. For the truth. RECORDING CUTS OUT RECORDING RESUMES THE GROUP SITS ON THE FLOOR TOGETHER, EATING CANNED PEACHES OUT OF THE JAR. BLANKETS PILE UP HIGH, AND THE DRONE IS PERCHED ON JUNO'S ARM BRAMBLE: So- entry time. Everyone ready? VIOLET: Flowercat066 reporting for duty! ABAKAR: DukeJuke43 on guard. JAMIE: PointPleasantTruther67 here. JUNO: … what the fuck? VIOLET: We've been keeping a log of our day-to-day adventures on the Forums. That way when everything is over, there's a record. JUNO: … got it. VIOLET: Before we met, we used to talk over IRC- just usernames. So when we met up, we called each other our users still for a while. JAMIE: I still can't get over that Juke was supposed to be short for Judith. ABAKAR: Hey- cut the shade. THEY LAUGH. JUNO SHRUGS JUNO: Is it just me, or are these kids really fucking corny? CASIDIO, FOND: You called me "Madame Researcher" for the first two months we dated. Shut your mouth, Agent Kettle. JUNO: I'm sorry, Madame Researcher. THE DRONE LAUGHS BRAMBLE: Day Thirty-two. From the Journal of DeadEndBush and Co. I feel good. Today we met someone new. They call themself Juno Serapis. They're an Agent - I don't know what for. But something big. And I think, something good. Violet and I are talking about good and bad things a lot. Do the monsters think that we're bad, or good? Can they think at all? We're trying to set up some theories on the stringboards. I think I've almost found a way that we might be able to beat them. A weak spot, of sorts. That's a surprise, though. Like I said, I'm not sure if it will work. Our rations look good, and our tech is working fine. We've made the fort finally feel comfy I think. Jamie says he's getting used to sleeping bags more, and Jude is finally sleeping at all. I like being a leader. It's nice to be depended on. It makes me feel strong, and I like being strong. I'm going to include a picture of all of us together, so you can see our faces. Just in case this is the final time you do. I don't want to be a downer, but sometimes, it's scary here. Thank you for all the support on the forums. It means a lot. Keep up the good work, keep building and surviving, and we'll see you soon - for the truth. Logging off, Bramble. Parawatcher. They/she. BRAMBLE FINISHES SPEAKING, THEN TURNS AROUND THE LAPTOP, BRINGING UP PHOTO BOOTH. BRAMBLE: Crowd in, folks. CASIDIO: You wanna get in? JUNO: … why the hell not. Ready for my closeup, kids. BRAMBLE: Say cheese! VIOLET SQUEEEZES IN NEXT TO BRAMBLE. ABAKAR AND JAMIE HUNKER DOWN INTO THE FRAME. THE CAMERA FIRES. ABAKAR: Okay, I definitely blinked, let's do that- BRAMBLE: Already uploading! ABAKAR: What? Hey! Bramble, I swear to- VIOLET LAUGHS, JAMIE GRINNING. JUNO PAUSES, THEN JOINS IN. RECORDING CUTS OUT RECORDING RESUMES A LOUD CRASH SOUNDS OUT. JUNO IS CURLED UP ON A SLEEPING BAG, SITTING UP AS ANOTHER BANG RINGS OUT. VIOLET IS AT HIS SIDE, SHAKING HIM. JUNO, TIRED: What's up, buttercup? VIOLET: Mr. Serapis! There's- there's one of those things- Bramble and Jude are out- god, just- get up! JUNO SCRAMBLES UP, FISHING FOR HIS BAG IN THE DARK. HE BANGS HIS HEAD AGAINST SOMETHING. THE DRONE FLICKS ON AN INTERNAL FLASHLIGHT. JUNO: Thanks Cas- fuck. This is bad. JAMIE: Can you fight it?

 JUNO: I sure damn hope so, kid. HE FINDS HIS CANE AND SCP-7916, STANDING AND RUNNING TO CLIMB THE LADDER. THE DRONE FOLLOWS HIM OUTSIDE, WHERE A GIANT BLACK CREATURE STANDS, BLACK TENTACLES LASHING FROM ITS FACE AND SHOOTING OUT. ABAKAR IS BLOCKING THE ATTACK WITH THEIR RAKE, WHILE BRAMBLE IS USING A DEVICE TO GET A READING OF SOME SORT. JUNO: HEY! KIDS! Get the hell out of here! BRAMBLE: Agent! Just give me a second- I've got something good here, I think I've figured out how to- JUNO RUSHES FORWARDS, TOWARDS THEM. THE DRONE FLIES IN FRONT, STOPPING HIM. CASIDIO: You sure? Maybe we should give them a handle on this. JUNO, PANICKED: No way. No fucking way. Not again. Not after Taylor. CASIDIO: Juno, that wasn't your faul- JUNO: My job in that mission was to get the fucking kid to safety! And you know what happened? One kid, dead, and half my team, shot. I'm not letting this happen again, Cas. VIOLET: Mr. Serapis! Dione! Do something, please! BRAMBLE: I've got it, don't worry, love! VIOLET: BRAMBLE! BRAMBLE: Just trust me! I've got a plan! CASIDIO: Juno, don't- BRAMBLE RUSHES FORWARDS, PULLING OUT A HAND AND PLACING IT FLAT AGAINST THE CREATURE'S STOMACH. IT JOLTS, ELECTROCUTED. BRAMBLE: See? VIOLET: Bramble, that thing's going to fall! BRAMBLE: Well, then, I'm going to- SHE GASPS, AS THE MONSTERS STARTS THE KEEN FORWARDS VIOLET: NO! VIOLET RUNS TOWARDS BRAMBLE. JUNO DASHES IN, GRABBING VIOLET AND PULLING HER BACK. THE CREATURE KEENS FORWARDS, CAUSING BRAMBLE'S ARM TO SLIP. AS THE CONTACT IS LOST, THE CREATURE RE-MOBILISES, TURNING TO LASH OUT AT THEM. JUNO SCRAMBLES FOR SCP-7916, DROPPING VIOLET'S ARM. AS HE TURNS TO FIRE IT, BRAMBLE RUSHES THE CREATURE AGAIN, WHO LASSOES THEM WITH A TENTACLE, PULLING HER OFF THE GROUND. JUNO: FUCK! THE CREATURE CRUSHES BRAMBLES SKULL IN ITS TENTACLE. BLOOD SPATTERS, AND VIOLET SCREAMS. JAMIE VOMITS. JUNO SHOOTS THE CREATURE, SQUARE IN ITS CHEST. RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING RESUMES JUNO AND VIOLET SIT OUTSIDE, JUNO HOLDING A CLOTH TO VIOLET'S HEAD. VIOLET STARES INTO SPACE, EYES GLASSY. JUNO, GENTLY: Hey there. VIOLET BLINKS, NOT RESPONDING. JUNO PATS HER SHOULDER JUNO: You good? VIOLET: No. JUNO: You don't have to be. VIOLET: I… I just want this all to be over. This all just- this is too much. I'm sorry. This is- I just miss my Mom and my friends and my teachers and I don't know if this will ever get better and everything is changing so fast and now Bramble is dead and it's all my fault and I- SHE BREAKS OFF, CRYING. JUNO AWKWARDLY WRAPS AN ARM AROUND HER. JUNO: You're gonna be okay, kid. It's not your fault. VIOLET HUGS HIM VIOLET: It is though. If I hadn't- JUNO: It's my fault. I shouldn't have hesitated. VIOLET: No! It's not- it couldn't be your fault. You're a good person, and I- JUNO: One, I'm not a good person. Two, don't you dare say you aren't one too. You're too young to hate yourself. VIOLET SNIFFLES VIOLET: …Thanks for not abducting us. JUNO LAUGHS JUNO: Yeah… you're welcome. VIOLET: I… it hurts extra for me. I know that sounds weird or selfish to claim that somehow I deserve to be sad more than they do, but it's different to them. They were her friends, and I… I loved her. JUNO: …. I don't think it's selfish. I know what it's like. To lose someone you love. You can't move on, and it just sits like an ache in your chest and kills you over and over until you can't breathe or even feel anything but just that ache… VIOLET STOPS, HICCUPS, THEN WIPES HER NOSE VIOLET: No. No, that's not right. That would be easier. If I couldn't move on. If I could just love her forever. I mean, that would be so comfortable. SHE SNIFFS To have grief and nothing else, and just live there. But I can't do that. My friends need me. The world needs me. JUNO: … you really think that's it, huh? That clinging onto things is just so we can be…. comfortable? VIOLET: Life's a bitch, Mr. Serapis. I usually just do whatever feels hardest, because the easy things just… they aren't satisfying. Change is hard, which is why I have to do it. And letting go is change. It's the worst kind of change. It's not just change, it's loss too. SHE SIGHS VIOLET: I don't have the chance to take my time here. I don't have the pleasure of grieving. I just have to keep things moving. I have to hold them up- hold this up. JUNO: You shouldn't put all of that on yourself. It's not… it's not good. VIOLET: Mr. Serapis- JUNO: Juno. VIOLET: -Juno. I… SHE WIPES HER EYES, STRETCHING OUT HER LEGS Right now the hardest option is trusting that things will be okay. So… I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna trust you. It's stupid, but I need something to believe in. And you're the only solid thing right now. So I'm going to believe in you. So please… fix this. JUNO TAKES IN A DEEP BREATH JUNO: … okay. Thanks. Thanks, kid. VIOLET NODS, THEN WALKS AWAY, CLIMBING BACK DOWN THE LADDER INTO THE BUNKER. JUNO LEANS HIS HEAD BACK. CASIDIO: What are you… thinking about? JUNO: Hard things. CASIDIO: Oh. Like Violet said? JUNO: Yeah. CASIDIO: Don't feel pressured by her faith in you. She means well, but I know you, Juno, and having people depend on you can be hard for you. JUNO: I wish you were right about that, but… that doesn't bother me anymore, I don't think. I mean. Taylor still… it's still a sore spot. But when I really think about it… yeah. It did bother me, back then, but… I think I've stopped caring about what people ask of me. I either win, or I fail. I don't think I have much of a say in that front. CASIDIO: Oh. SILENCE Well. That's good. JUNO: I… HE LOOKS OVER, AND SMILES PAINFULLY Cas. I… I love you. But I think it's time I realise there's no more time to be in love with you. I'm not getting you back. HE CHOKES BACK A SOB And I need to move on. CASIDIO: Juno… I- JUNO: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Cas. CASIDIO: I'm proud of you. I'm so proud of you, Juno. This is good. For both of us… you deserve someone real. When this is all over… you deserve to love someone you can touch, and feel, and grow into. I don't want you to love something you can't have. JUNO: … I don't want that for me either. THE RECORDING CLICKS OFF RECORDING RESUMES THE GROUP SIT AT THE TABLE, IN THE SHELTER. A MAP OF THE US IS SPREAD OUT, COVERED IN NOTES WRITTEN WITH RED MARKER. ABAKAR IS HOLDING A LARGE BULKY DEVICE. JAMIE IS TRYING TO GET JUNO TO LOOK AT A PICTURE HE DREW OF A GIANT TENTACLED BEETLE ABAKAR: So. I used a special tracking system I designed to locate where everything has been coming from. It's a modified EMF reader, basically. Ever since this started, Jamie's compass has been out of whack. Some kind of strong magnetic field has appeared nearby, and it's totally fucked things up. By combining that with a GPS feature, I've managed to pin down the source area. Which should be…. SHE LOOKS AT THE DEVICE, DRAWING HER FINGER OVER THE MAP AND POINTING TO AN AREA IN THE UPPER REGION OF MINNESOTA Here. JUNO LOOKS TO CASIDIO CASIDIO: Have you seen things coming from there? ABAKAR: Yep. We think it's where the government has been creating these things. Their test lab. JAMIE: Maybe a military base, like Area 51? ABAKAR: 51 is bogus. VIOLET: No. It's totally real. Juno- you're an alien. Which state did you work in? JUNO: Nevada. JAMIE AND VIOLET EXCHANGE A WIDE-EYED LOOK. THE DRONE SIGHS. VIOLET: See? ABAKAR SHAKES HER HEAD ABAKAR: It's a bloody cover-up. This- this is the real deal. CASIDIO: So if we wanted to get there, what would be the best path? VIOLET: Well, we're in Huron right now. I'm from Dell Rapids, so I don't know much of the Northern parts, though. ABAKAR: I'd say head East until you hit the Sioux River, then South until you hit Fargo. Then East again. I'm going to bet you're aiming for the Superior National Forest. That's always where shady ops go down - middle of the woods. CASIDIO: Site 112. VIOLET: What? JUNO: Nothing. Could you draw us a path on one of your maps? VIOLET: Yeah. JUNO: Thanks. HE SMILES Here's looking at you, kid. VIOLET ATTEMPTS TO GIVE A SHAKY SMILE IN RESPONSE RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING RESUMES. THE PARAWATCH MEMBERS SIT IN THE BASE, SILENT. JAMIE'S EYES ARE RED AND PUFFY. SILENTLY, VIOLET STANDS, WALKING OVER, AND PICKING UP BRAMBLE'S LAPTOP. SITTING DOWN, SHE OPENS IT, TYPES IN THE PASSCODE, AND CLICKS. VIOLET: … Flowercat066. Here. ABAKAR: … huh? VIOLET: We're going to do an update. Because Bramble kept a log. And we're keeping a log. JAMIE: Are you sure that- VIOLET: Yes. SHE SIGHS VIOLET: I'm going to lead this. If Bramble can't. I want to try. So let me try. Okay? JUNO, SOFTLY: That's the spirit, kid. ABAKAR: Violet…. A MOMENT PASSES ABAKAR: … for the truth? VIOLET: For the truth. JAMIE: For the truth. VIOLET SMILES, CHEEKS WET. ABAKAR WALKS OVER. THEY HUG, JAMIE JOINING IN, BEFORE BREAKING APART. CASIDIO: Juno and I are heading out around lunchtime. However, I'm going to give you a list of contacts. Usually, I'm not allowed to do this, but desperate times, desperate measures. These are people who will protect you, okay? For now, just stay here, and lay low. You're doing a good job. VIOLET: I- thanks. JAMIE: Can we come with you? JUNO: 'Fraid not. HE STANDS, HEADING OVER This is dangerous. I don't want any kids getting hurt. ABAKAR: Fine. JUNO: Thanks. HE SIGHS VIOLET: I'm going to work on the entry. If that's okay? JUNO: Of course. Let's get packing, Cas. RECORDING ENDS RECORDING RESUMES 14 MORE TIMES DURING THE JOURNEY, THOUGH FOOTAGE HAS BEEN CUT DUE TO RELEVANCE RECORDING RESUMES JUNO IS SITTING BY A MAKESHIFT FIRE, BAG AT HIS SIDE. IT'S DARK OUT JUNO: Almost there, huh? Site-112. CASIDIO: Looks like it. How many things have we shot, by now? JUNO: I stopped counting a bit ago, but- 20 in the past four days, at least. They're definitely gathering here. CASIDIO: What do you think we'll find? JUNO: … I don't know. Probably nothing good. CASIDIO: I'd love to find something good. It'd be nice if we got there and the problem is almost solved, no need for the journey. JUNO: Wouldn't that mean our journey was for nothing? THE DRONE PAUSES CASIDIO: Well… if you think about it, nothing we do has been for nothing. I mean, I'm dead. But I've still been able to save people. I still… I still have an impact. Even if we don't save everyone, we'll still have an impact. JUNO: You really believe that? CASIDIO: It's not optimism, Juno. It's just the fact of the matter. I left you because you gave up on yourself. You wouldn't let me help you. The Foundation… there was still work I could do here… all this really saying, I'm glad to have you back. JUNO: … I didn't plan on coming back. When I first woke up, after the building went down. I realised I'd survived. And I just closed my eyes again. HE TAKES A BREATH JUNO: I just thought "this is it. It's been a good one." And then I waited. CASIDIO: Juju… JUNO: It's okay. It's okay. I'm… I'm okay. CASIDIO: No. No, you're not. JUNO: … No, I'm not. JUNO DRAWS HIS KNEES TO HIS CHEST. TEARS GLITTER ON HIS CHEEKS. HE SOBS. THE DRONE FLIES TO HIS SHOULDER. JUNO: I feel fake, Cas. I feel like… like I'm not real. Like I've never been real. Like I'm just walking to the end point, with no purpose. Just waiting to die, so that everyone can stop caring and move on. Even with all of this, I still feel like I'm not going to mean anything when it's over. I'm just… I'm just a tool. That's the truth of it. When I shoot a monster, make a move, dodge a bullet, I'm always going to be doing it on the Foundation's behalf. I don't have an identity. I'm a Foundation Agent. I'm a symbol. I left the field because I didn't want to die a symbol. HE SOBS HARDER JUNO: I don't have a choice now. CASIDIO: I'm… I'm so sorry Juno. JUNO: What do I do, Cas? How do I- what question do I even ask? What do I say? CASIDIO: I don't know. THE DRONE SIGHS CASIDIO: I don't think we have the pleasure of doing this for us anymore. I think… I don't think we have a choice here. I don't think we ever do. RECORDING CUTS OUT RECORDING RESUMES FALLEN TREES SURROUND THE SITE. THE BUILDING IS ALMOST COMPLETELY SMASHED TO PIECES, THE WALLS CAVED IN. SHRIEKS FILL THE AIR. JUNO: You recording? CASIDIO: Yeah. JUNO: Good. Alright, fuckers. Whoever's listening. This is Juno Serapis. I'm about to burn this bitch to the ground. If you're seeing this, then it probably worked. If not… well, blame it on the girl who gave me the gun. CASIDIO: Idiot. Let's just go. THEY SLOWLY MOVE FORWARD. JUNO LEANS AGAINST HIS CANE. SCP-7916 IS CLIPPED ONTO HIS BELT. A DARK SHAPE MOVES FROM THE SITE JUNO: You scared? CASIDIO: Terrified. JUNO: Me too. THEY REACH THE EDGE. A GIANT CREATURE, WITH TRANSLUCENT SKIN, AND A THICK SKULL OVER IT'S GELATINOUS HEAD LUMBERS OUT. JUNO RAISES THE GUN TO SHOOT. CASIDIO: Not yet! We might draw the whole herd's attention. JUNO: How many do you think there are? THE DRONE'S GREEN SCANNER APPEARS AS AN OVERLAY. CASIDIO: 30. JUNO: Shit. What do we do. CASIDIO: I… um. I don't- THE DRONE RUNS A DATA ANALYSIS. INSIDE THE FACILITY, AT THE CENTER, STANDS A LARGE BLACK PORTAL THAT THE CREATURE JUST EMERGED FROM. … Blitz this bitch. THE DRONE FLIES OUT, SPEEDING INTO THE SKY Hey! Look at me! THE DRONE EMITS A HIGH-FREQUENCY NOISE, CAUSING MULTIPLE TO FLINCH, TURNING TO LOOK AT IT. ONE JUMPS TOWARDS IT, SPRINGING HIGH IN THE AIR. Yeah… chase me. //THE DRONE FLIES IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION OF JUNO. JUNO LEAPS OUT, SHOOTING THE BACKS OF SIX CREATURES. FIVE MORE OF THE SAME SPECIES FALL AS WELL. ONE CREATURE TURNS AROUND, SPOTTING HIM AND CHASING. FOUR MORE BREAK AWAY. HE SHOOTS THREE OF THEM BUT IS CAUGHT BY THE FOURTH, SMACKED IN THE SHOULDER AND SENT SPRAWLING. JUNO SHOOTS BOTH OF THEM FROM THE GROUND, ARM BLEEDING. CASIDIO: Get up! There's a partially intact staircase to your right, you can climb up and snipe them. JUNO GRUNTS, GETTING TO HIS FEET. A TENTACLE REACHES OUT TO GRAB HIM, AND HE STABS THE EYE AT THE END WITH HIS CANE. LIMPING, HE SHOVES THE GUN INTO ITS HOLSTER, SPRINTING UP THE CRUMBLING STAIRS. ONE STEP BREAKS, NEARLY CAUSING HIM TO FALL. HIS CANE FALLS OVER THE LEDGE, AND HE CATCHES HIMSELF, CRAWLING ONTO THE LEDGE. CASIDIO: You okay? JUNO: Yeah! Just- HE HISSES IN PAIN AS HIS SHOULDER SCRAPES THE WALL CASIDIO: Shoot them! JUNO AIMS THE GUN, AND FIRES IN QUICK SUCCESSION. ALL BUT THREE CREATURES ARE SHOT. ONE CLIMBS UP THE WALL, POUNCING ON HIM. JUNO SHOOTS IT IN THE STOMACH, JUST AS IT DRIVES A FANG INTO HIS EYE. JUNO SCREAMS, HIS FACE BLEEDING. ANOTHER CREATURE LUNGES FOR THE DRONE, CAPTURING IT IN HIS PAWS. JUNO: GET AWAY FROM HER YOU- HE UNLOADS FOUR BULLETS INTO THE CREATURE, NEARLY HITTING THE DRONE, THEN HITS THE LAST CREATURE AS WELL. THE BATTLEFIELD IS EMPTY. THE DRONE HITS THE GROUND. JUNO JUMPS OVER THE WALL, LANDING IN A HEAP, AND CRAWLING OVER TO THE DRONE'S SIDE CAS! CASIDIO: Juno… THE DRONE EMITS A GROAN That… the… the portal. JUNO: Cas… CASIDIO: Do it. Please. Just… JUNO: Cas… I… A GROWL IS HEARD FROM BEHIND A CREATURE POUNCES TOWARDS THEM. JUNO SHOOTS IT TWICE, MISSING THE FIRST TIME. THE CREATURE FALLS ONTO HIM, DISSOLVING AS IT TEARS TEETH INTO JUNO'S STOMACH. JUNO FALLS BACKWARDS. CASIDIO: Juno! JUNO: I'm- urgh- I'm- CASIDIO: Are you okay? JUNO: Yeah. Yeah. HIS HAND COMES AWAY FROM HIS STOMACH, COVERED IN BLOOD Shit. Well. I… are you ready? CASIDIO: Yeah. JUNO: Okay. HE SMILES Hey Cas? CASIDIO: What? JUNO: … I think I'm ready to retire for real. CASIDIO: … I hear the Foundation has some great severance packages. JUNO: Bullshit. CASIDIO: … c'mon. Let's finish this. JUNO: … Thanks, Cassidy. CASIDIO: … love you too, Juno. JUNO GRINS. HE FIRES SCP-7916 TWICE INTO THE PORTAL'S CENTER. A WHITE FLASH RINGS OUT. THE SCREEN DIES. INCIDENT REPORT-7916 On August 8th, 2023, Site 112 went offline without warning. Field agents were dispatched, to find that the area around the Superior National Forest, Minnesota, had been destroyed. The ground was burned, and the Site had sustained complete casualties, along with everything within a 10-kilometre radius. The only body still identifiable was that of Agent Juno Serapis, who was holding SCP-7916 at the time. Further testing has discovered the gun empty of bullets, and the function seems to match that of any non-anomalous pistol. After a review of the footage recovered from the drone "CASIDIO", it's been posited that the destruction of the portal caused a reversal of the events which occurred. The Parawatch members have been identified as Violet Olentangy of Dell Rapids, Judith Abakar of Aberdeen, Jamie Barker of Aberdeen, and Delilah "Bramble" Caulder of Brookings, South Dakota. The GOC base located in Ohio is being tracked down, with the hope to apprehend Agent Barbara Thompson for further questioning. The current theory for why reality reversed during the incident is that upon contact, the effects of SCP-7916 destroyed the rift conceptually, creating what could be described as a reverse vacuum. The conceptual force of the alternate reality upon ours was reversed, along with all created or destroyed by its effect. The area around Site-112 that suffered collapse is posited to be the area which the portal was drawing energy from to function. Upon its closure, this area was preserved, in a conceptual grey-area between conceptual linkage and conceptual identity, both of which were destroyed at the same time the effect of SCP-7916 ceased function. A secondary theory ties into the sense of locational memory - with human subjects, memories are retained of items in the event that the subject directly witnesses the destruction. This could be a similar concept, with the area itself acting as a “witness” to the destruction, and therefore having retained its “memories” of it, leaving it unaffected. Due to these events, Agent Juno Serapis has been awarded a post-humous Foundation badge of Courage, as well as Dr. Cassidy Dione, who has been promoted to Site Director of Site 160. After viewing the footage, she confirmed that she had a drone matching the one found at the scene, which had disappeared. EXCERPT FROM THE INDUCTION CEREMONY OF SITE DIRECTOR CASSIDY DIONE A SMALL CROWD STANDS BENEATH A PLATFORM, STARING AT A MIDDLE-AGED BLONDE WOMAN WITH ROSY CHEEKS. DIONE: Hello everyone. I'd like to announce a big change that's going to happen around here. As of recent events, it's been decided that the current measures the Foundation employs to handle XK-Class or apocalyptic scenarios is lacking. As your new Site Director, I've gotten O5 approval to assemble a new Mobile Task Force, specially trained to deal with sudden breaches of a world-endangering scale. THE CROWD MURMURS. DIONE GESTURES TO A FIGURE OFFSTAGE, WHO STEPS ON. DIONE: I'd like to introduce Agent Deanna Lafayette. The first member of the XK-Class Mobile Task Force: The Juno Longwings. SHE SMILES. THE CAMERA CUTS OUT
ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture Features depictions of homophobia. If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page « prev |{$current}| next » President Reagan, 1981 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7918 is to be stored in Site-134's anomalous media library. Description: SCP-7918 is a videocasette containing an approximately 12-hour long film depicting an individual appearing to be Ronald Reagan in the terminal stages of HIV/AIDS. "Reagan" displays symptoms indicative of Kaposi's sarcoma and Pneumocystis carinii-induced pneumonia throughout.1 As in reality the actual Ronald Reagan died from Alzheimer's disease-related complications, the film's production is assumed to have been anomalous in nature. Addendum 1: Transcript [The film opens on a shot of Reagan in a hospital bed. His face is dotted with purple lesions, and his body is emaciated. He wheezes with every breath.] Reagan: I still remember meeting you that first night at the disco just off Castro Street. You had those tight jeans on that really showed off your ass and that pink polo, the ridiculous one, an outfit choice that would've been batshit in the sunshine but under the mood lights of the dance floor seemed to work out alright. More than alright. I was 23 and two months out of the closet, and you had that long cut, those beautiful brown locks, and when we ended up making out out back by the dumpsters it seemed less like a choice I'd made and more like an inevitable act of fate. Reagan: We didn't have sex that night because I was scared and new and naive, because I'd made an excuse to get away, because being gay didn't exactly cut away my all-consuming fear of intimacy. I woke up the next morning thinking that I'd really fucked it, that for the first time in 23 years I'd found love and thrown it away because I was just that special brand of perennial coward, and I figured this was it, that it was over, that I was going to die alone in my empty one-room studio in the Tenderloin that I could barely cover the rent on, and then I saw you in the booth in the BART and you said hi. And then we did end up having sex that night and things worked out alright, in the moment. [Reagan coughs, blowing mucus into a tissue. He blinks, and his face flickers, the lesions vanishing.] REAGAN: The Carter ads were killer. God did we nail him. Beautiful things, Dick Nixon himself would have been proud, warnings to all god-fearing voters of some dark and sinister group of urban homosexuals pulling the Governor's strings. The gays in San Francisco elected a mayor. Now they're going to elect a president, Carter himself, yes sir, Jimmy from humble Plains, a man who's lusted in his heart. REAGAN: Election night was a work of art, some Renaissance portrait of hate and backlash and Morality. We gave Falwell the knife and god, did he cut. Big chunks of meat. Delicious. I remember skinning rabbits back in Monmouth, it was beautiful, watching the hide slide from the flesh slide from the bone. REAGAN: Morning in America. [The lesions return to Reagan's face. He is silent for an hour and 32 minutes, coughing occasionally throughout.] Reagan: We had different expectations going in. I thought gay dating was just like the other side of the coin, with a little more urgency, maybe — two guys, all testosterone, you can fill in the rest, ha-ha. You date for a few months, hold hands, make doe-eyes, move in, and you're done. Easy enough. Reagan: After a few weeks he started getting bored. Reagan: He tried to take me cruising and I hurled. He mentioned a bathhouse in casual conversation when we were eating at a diner and we fought for the whole rest of the night, him throwing hard-edged words like prude and sexual fascist and me just crying, mostly. He said he was sorry in the morning and I believed him, but we both knew that that was it. Reagan: I spent the next month learning not to love him, and one Friday when he was out I carried everything I owned out of his apartment in two small boxes and just walked, walked deep into the night until I was standing on the Twin Peaks, the two grassy hills overlooking Castro and the city beyond, and I sat there until the sun rose over the Bay and cast pink rays into the overcast sky and the fact that it was over set in, that I was about to live my own life again. Reagan: Another heart, another hole. Reagan: In June the next year the phone rang and he told me that I shouldn't be too worried and it was much more likely that he'd caught it in the interim but he was feeling tired all the time, that he had spots on his thighs and back, that it wasn't a sure thing yet and he was terrified of seeing a doctor but that he just felt I should know, that it wouldn't be fair to let me go into the dark like that. And then, for the first time, I heard him cry. [Several hacking coughs. Reagan scratches at one of the lesions. They slowly fade from his face.] REAGAN: First caught wind of it in a daily briefing, somewhere in the spring of '82. Chuckled. We-e-ell, isn't that something. Few dozen fairies in the ground. Next item, move it along, we've got a lot more on the agenda. REAGAN: Handful of appropriations in some small half-measure bills. Million for the NIH here, five-hundred thou for the CDC there. Wasn't worth the effort to single it out specifically, who cares, let them have their pet projects. Then suddenly they're banging the table and hollering and yelling about twelve million, twelve million in funding for GRID or ACIDS or what was it that they called it now, and you know that was the line. Became a Moral issue. Homosexuals have declared war on nature and now nature is exacting its awful retribution, read the columns — beautiful stuff, couldn't have put it any better. REAGAN: Couldn't shoot it down it outright, would work to their advantage. Could cry and scream about it, talk about it to the press, give it attention. So we stonewalled it, ha-ha. Made some noise about a veto. Let it pass in the end, but they had to claw out every dollar. 644 dead and two months later in the press conference in-between wisecracks from Press Sec. Speakes and the less call it politically correct members of the press pool the claim was made that we'd supported it the whole time, that in that cabinet meeting all those months ago I'd declared it our number one research priority. REAGAN: Some of the really unlucky ones came down with encephalitis. Head straining at the seams, brain inflamed screaming bloody murder. When a skull cracks the sound is something beautiful. Heard it before in Berkeley. Heard it in my dreams those nights in the summer of '82. [Reagan closes his eyes, and falls asleep. The lesions return. After two hours and 35 minutes, he jolts awake, coughing.] [Lesions flicker in and out rapidly from Reagan's face. Some of his features blur.] Reagan: Remember the first time we met, after all those months apart? How much thinner you looked? The purple spots on your face, the dead ringer for sarcoma, the cream you were using to cover them? How we talked about how you'd get back to your job in a few months, back in the BART, how you'd recover just like that. Remember how you stumbled when I walked you back to your car? REAGAN: Remember Watts? Pat Brown? Remember Newark, when National Guardsmen and riot police shot innocent people in the streets, and Middle America cheered them on? Remember thinking you could use this? That the governor's office was only the start, that America was waiting for you, someone who would really establish Law and Order and beat the snot out of the yippies and hippies and the students and the radicals and stop busing, stop integration, "slow down" the attempt to wash the country clean of its sins. Reagan: Remember the hospital? Remember the flowers I brought you, not as many this time because it was your second visit and I figured that the gesture of me being there and just showing up counted more than some day-old peonies that, yes, I also couldn't really afford anyways. Remember how you hurled too? Remember how they said you had crypto-something-or-other, a disease that mostly showed up in sheep? Remember how when I talked about it to the only person I still knew from back home, my buddy Jim, who said he didn't really mind the gay thing much because he knew I was a good guy, deep down, which was really all that mattered in his book, and he said that he'd seen it once, in his neighbor's herd? And how they shot them, how that was the only cure, shooting them? Remember the smile in his voice? REAGAN: Remember the RNC, in '68? The trailer, the sweltering Miami heat, delegate after delegate going aw-shucks well we'd love to vote for you but Nixon, Dick Nixon, we just think he's the one, really. Remember when you realized that just backlash wasn't enough, that hectoring about riots would only get you so far? That America needed a new kind of hate in its soul, a new kind of poison, before you could swallow it whole. Reagan: Remember how they said you didn't have much longer? Remember when I took you to the Twin Peaks, my hands on the wheel because you were already so tired? Remember how we sat together on the park bench, and I put my arm over you, and it was just like old times for a while? Remember how if you squinted, it almost looked like the lights in the Castro were going out one by one, the bath-houses and book-houses and regular houses, decades of liberation being wiped out by a Syndrome? REAGAN: Remember how you were silent? Remember how you said nothing, did nothing, just sat in the Oval Office as the deaths pushed past five, ten, twenty-thousand? Remember how the White House kept pushing for funding cuts, reductions, for the CDC and NIH and all the various labs and hospitals to do more with less? Reagan: Remember the snowflakes, on that December day? How they danced and twisted in the air? Remember how much the plane ticket to North Dakota cost? Remember how I didn't think twice about it? Remember how it was just your mom and a few other friends, some old like Jim, some new like me? You still had your hair, your brown locks, despite everything. Remember when the grave said 1957, and I thought it was funny, that I never asked how old you were. Only about your birthday, which I had been planning something stupid for, all those months ago when you were still healthy and happy and I was still in stupid doe-eyed love. Remember how I didn't talk to anyone else for a few weeks after that? REAGAN: Remember Monmouth? Those lonely sun-lit Illinois days? Remember those boyhood stories you told to those adoring crowds, each the same, trauma, sin, then redemption? Remember the flu, when you were seven? Remember how the fluid filled your lungs, and you were sick for weeks, and how you coughed and coughed? Remember Dixon, the five houses by the river? Remember when the other boys tackled you in football, how you were always on the bottom of the pile, because you were weak, little Ronnie was weak? Remember the purple bruises they left all over your body? Reagan: Remember the spot on my arm, the one I noticed in the shower? And the one I saw two days later on my calf? Remember the cough I developed a week after? [The lesions stop flickering, and settle on Reagan's face. His features are blurry and indistinct. He wheezes quietly for 3 hours and 2 minutes.] Reagan: I think about that first night, sometimes, after I saw you in the BART. I thought about you more, not less, in those anxious months — which tracks with the grief, I guess, but when you're dying from a lethal disease you generally expect your thoughts to be more self-centered. Oh god no, don't take me yet, it's not my time. Reagan: We all have to go eventually, my grandpa said, when I was 15 and old enough to understand the facts of what he was going through but not the real emotional truth behind it. You're invincible when you're young. Death doesn't square with that. Reagan: I was 24 and I guess not so young now, because life does that to you, because years really aren't the only way you age. Reagan: They came to my hospital room with flowers. They had tulips, the same kind that you had in your windowsill, that I woke up to the sound of you watering. My grandpa had cancer, something I hadn't really bothered to learn the details of in typical heartless teenage fashion. His was in the liver, mine was in the skin. He took 5 years. My paranoid guess was six months, but how the hell was I to know? Reagan: I got to leave. You're in and out for most of it, a few weeks in a hospital bed, a few weeks in your own. Tired all the time. No fun, no fun. Just how I lived now. Reagan: Never felt lonely, because I still had you, all those memories. Powerful things on cold nights. You talked about how great a memory you had. Said you could still remember the first time I looked at you. I called bullshit and meant it because this was after one of our bigger fights and I figured it was just an outright ploy, but now I'm not so sure. Reagan: Lights in the Castro going on one by one, faster then they winked out, in Manhattan, in L.A. Humanity, community, support from all corners. [The blurring fades from Reagan's face, although the lesions remain. His appearance is now that of an as-of-yet unidentified male estimated to be around ~25 years of age.] Reagan: One day I'll wake up in your apartment again, I think. I don't know if you'll be there. But I know I'll wake up there one day, with tulips on the windowsill and your polo on the floor, and it'll be comfortable, and it will be warm, and the world outside won't mean much just yet. I'll wake up there in your too-small twin bed looking at the unfinished stucco ceiling and I'll smile. Some day this will all be over and I will be someplace with you because that's what home really is to me, now, and it will be warm and the world will be smiling. And things will be alright. ["Reagan" coughs once, curtly. He is quiet for an hour and two minutes, before giving several hacking coughs after which all signs of life cease. After three hours and fifty-seven minutes, his face returns to that of Reagan's. He looks lost.] REAGAN: When the dam finally burst, when the big names and the celebrities and the Foundations and the Institutes all came crashing down talking about AIDS, this awful epidemic AIDS, I got up on stage and gave a pat twenty-five minute speech that started with an anecdote from my days at the General Electric theater that promised nothing, essentially, just some token measures, bare pittances. No funding, no nothing, the same exact course. REAGAN: The gnawing won. When I looked at myself in the mirror I saw myself as I'd always imagined it. Old weak tired. One day I forgot I had an appointment and then I was out of office, playing golf with Nancy, lying in bed mute staring at the walls dying, dying slowly, dying from the fluid in my lungs. In Monmouth when I was sick they brought me toy soldiers to play with. My own little army. I moved them around and I won battles and won wars. When I started getting better the sunlight shone through the window onto my face and there was a game on, a locker room, the team was waiting for me. I stepped onto the field and the light shone on my face and the crowd cheered, they cheered, and I smiled back at them. Dutch, Dutch, Dutch. The sky went gray and the crowd went quiet and when I opened my eyes they were all around me, worried faces, hoping, crying, Ron, Ron, Ron. Reagan, 1996 Footnotes 1. Conditions linked to opportunistic infections typically triggered by immunosuppression. Common in sufferers of HIV/AIDS. « SCP-7917 | SCP-7918 | SCP-7919 »
Cydhra Find more by Cydhra Item#: 7919 Level2 Containment Class: neutralized Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: critical link to memo Special Containment Procedures Agent Mahoni is required to submit to a monthly comprehensive medical exam by Foundation medical staff. Ultrasonic imaging of the gastrointestinal tract, the respiratory tract, and the thyroid must complement standard examination procedure. Description SCP-7919 was an anomalously fast tumorous growth visible on ultrasonic, X-ray, and magnetic resonance imaging that was otherwise imperceptible. The only known case of SCP-7919 was identified in Agent Mahoni during a routine medical examination after an unrelated mission. Initially, SCP-7919 was diagnosed as lung cancer and Agent Mahoni was recommended medical leave for civilian treatment. Civilian doctors noticed the unusually high rate of growth of SCP-7919 and tried to reach a Foundation front to ask for Agent Mahoni's medical records. Alerted by the potential anomaly, Foundation personnel took over treatment of the agent and the involved civilian staff were amnestizised. For archival purposes, a series of notes written by acting medical staff Dr. Reichelt are appended below. Standard medical files can be requested at the archive. Addenda Personal Notes: Dr. Reichelt Patient: Julian Mahoni Interview Patient complains about abdominal pain and difficulty breathing. Patient just returned from field mission in the Black Forest, Germany, where physical contact was made with an anomaly. Patient doubts causal relation, but the ailments started shortly after. Examination Mechanical pressure in upper abdominal region and above right lung elicits pain in patient. Verbal rating scale indicates low to moderate pain, increased by mechanical pressure. Patient submitted to ultrasonic imaging. Ultrasonic imaging revealed presence of stage II tumor in right lung beneath tertiary bronchi. Another tumor may be present in the thyroid, it isn't clear from visual examination. Hormone tests imperative. Patient recommended for civilian treatment. Personal Notes: Dr. Reichelt Patient: Julian Mahoni Preliminaries: Patient transferred back from civilian treatment after anomalies in etiopathology were discovered. Notes: Due to the urgency, Dr. Saidu agreed to consult in Mr. Mahoni's treatment. He is the leading expert on anomalous cancer and immune diseases. And since he is best known for contracting an anomalous form of cancer himself, and curing it before SCP classification was possible, I hope we can find a solution to this cancer too. Interview Patient complains about shortness of breath, chest pain, and reports coughing up blood this morning. Patient further complains about night sweats, vomiting, and constipation. Suspicion of systemic disease. Examination Ultrasonic imaging revealed large tumorous growth along the entire right lung, concentrating on the outer rim. Invasion of great vessels, invasion of tracheal carina. Further, an invasion of the supraclavicular lymph nodes1 is clearly visible but cannot be confirmed through noticeable swelling or physical examination. Metastases visible in left lung and bronchiole. Cancer reached stage IV. Thyroid subject to numerous cancerous growths of varying sizes. Blood tests revealed hypercalcemia2, hypokalemia3, and likely hyperthyroidism4 (lab failed to sufficiently dilute thyroxine concentration into measurable range). CRP5 and Interleukin 66 values are similarly elevated and suggest systemic inflammation with suspicion of imminent immune failure. Remarkably, patient should have pneumonia by now, but no indicators of that are present. Therapy Dr. Saidu ordered immediate combined modality chemotherapy with radiation therapy targeted at secondary tumors. Most of the right lung irretrievably lost. Computer tomography scheduled to ascertain efficacy of surgery. Patient moved to stationary care and provided with Tramadol to mitigate pain. Patient was given a low dose of Zaleplon to help with sleep. Methimazole was administered as a thyrostatic. Supplemental nutrients administered via intravenous therapy. Systemic inflammation not treated so far due to risk of drug interaction. Personal Notes: Dr. Reichelt Patient: Julian Mahoni Notes: Computer Tomography Notes Interview Patient requested his family to be allowed on-site because of his deteriorating condition. I submitted the necessary documents to Ethics, to hopefully bypass some bureaucracy. Patient in severe pain. I gave him morphine, and ordered local anesthetics for emergencies. Patient intermittently confused. Patient complained about the sensation of loose teeth in his mouth and periodically tried spitting out imaginary teeth. Possible brain metastases or severe hormonal imbalance. Examination When the patient was prepared for CT, he vomited. I tried to stabilize him with stasis pills7 to avoid running into issues during the CT, but Dr. Saidu strictly opposed the use of anomalous medication for fear of interaction with an unknown anomaly. I disagree, because the patient's health should come first, but he is the authority on anomalous diseases. So I resorted to Ondansetron intravenously and hoped nothing else would come up during the scan. CT revealed several teratomas in bowels and testicles with fully developed organ structures (reminiscent of accessory spleens). Struma ovarii8 presumed due to severe cancerous growths and severe hyperthyroidism. Personal Notes: Dr. Reichelt Patient: Julian Mahoni Notes: Interview Patient went into coma. Family arrived at site and was allowed to see patient intermittently. Examination Chemotherapy cancelled due to imminent kidney failure. Patient prepared for emergency operation to remove right lung and sample cancer cells. Surgeon failed to locate cancer growths. Extended vivisection revealed entirely healthy lung. Secondary vivisection revealed no tumors in intestines. Kidney and tumor markers exceed measuring range9. Personal Notes: Dr. Reichelt Patient: Julian Mahoni Notes: Patient underwent second CT scan to monitor anomalous growths Interview N/A Examination CT scan revealed teratomas in all extremities, essentially replicating the present tissue and organs down to the bone structure. Tumorous growths in lung, intestines, thyroid, throat, lymph nodes and testicles all formed fully-developed secondary organs. Teratomas positioned at a slight angle relative to their normal counterparts and occupy physical space that is also occupied by the normal organs. No tissue in the patient is unaffected by the tumors/teratomas. I developed a strategy to ascertain the teratomas' nature using esoteric marker substances10, however, Dr. Saidu strictly opposed using esoteric substances inside an unknown anomaly. In collaboration with Applied Occultism I installed thaumic sinks to try and remove Orphic substances11 seeping from the patient. Obviously this is a very crude approach, because thaumic sinks aren't designed for human application, and, moreover, I don't think they will actually solve anything. But maybe I can buy some time by keeping the concentration of esoteric substances lower. I also proposed installing a time dilation seal to the medical unit to buy more time, but Dr. Saidu put a stop order on it, citing dangerous anomalous interaction with an unknown disease. He instead proposed a new medication strategy. Without a way to analyze in vivo, I have little hope of finding a solution in time, though. Not that the Foundation possesses anti-esoteric medication anyway, but I don't see where else to start. I am once again trying to reach Ethics, hoping to circumvent the stop order of Dr. Saidu. Personal Notes: Dr. Reichelt Patient: Julian Mahoni Notes: I have affixed multiple ultrasonic imaging devices to Mahoni's bed unit to have a permanent, if crude, visual observation of the teratomas. Interview N/A Examination Teratomas merged to form a fully-developed secondary human organism. It is positioned at a slight angle to the patient's physical body, but the angle is decreasing steadily. Dr. Saidu removed the thaumic sinks and barred Applied Occultism from entering the medical unit. I strongly disagree with his strategy of isolation, because at this rate, the anomaly will kill Agent Mahoni. But as the leading expert, the Ethics Committee sided with him. Blood tests show impossible hormone concentrations, and esoteric examination revealed that blood samples are severely contaminated with different esoteric substances. I suppose that explains why the columns12 behaved so unexpectedly. Dr. Saidu instructed me to cease all attempts at saving the patient and to stop administering medication. I issued a formal complaint, but I have little hopes of getting somewhere. This isn't a medical facility after all.13 Personal Notes: Dr. Reichelt Patient: Julian Mahoni Notes: Patient woke up Interview Patient responsive and coherent. Patient reports no pain and is in high spirits. Examination I witnessed the esoteric teratomas merge with the patient's physical body on the ultrasonics. At the exact moment when the teratomas lined up perfectly with their physical organ counterparts, the ECG flat-lined. About four seconds later, before I could even react, the ECG went normal again, and the patient immediately woke up. Blood tests are nominal. Kidney seems in order. Patient displays some minor memory issues. Psych eval scheduled by Dr. Saidu. I read the report of the psych eval. Mahoni seems physically fine and is fit for duty. He was also eager to return to his work immediately, but the psychologist postponed it because of suspected emotional trauma. Apparently, Mahoni displays little affection for his family, and is reluctant to talk about them, or any other relationship for that matter. It somehow bugs me. I saw him talking to his MTF colleagues, and while he is friendly and happy about his wellbeing, he always maintains this cold distance to everyone. It's creepy to witness, but all my complaints fell on deaf ears. He thanked Dr. Saidu, to which Saidu had some smug response. But Saidu is the expert on esoteric diseases, and saved his life somehow, so what do I know. I wonder if he did it the same way with his cancer. I can't delay his release any longer, and Saidu already motioned to classify SCP-7919 as Neutralized. I will talk to the psychologist to hopefully set up some recurring observation. « SCP-7918 | SCP-7919 | SCP-7920 » Footnotes 1. A group of lymph nodes above the collarbone 2. Excessive concentration of calcium 3. Insufficient concentration of potassium 4. Excessive activity of the thyroid 5. C-Reactive Protein, a marker protein for inflammation 6. A marker protein for inflammation 7. An anomalous chemical that halts biological processes for a short amount of time 8. Teratoma in the thyroid 9. The laboratory failed to measure markers due to nonsensical concentrations 10. Dr. Reichelt consulted with Applied Occultism to develop an experimental imaging technique relying on esoteric interaction of non-physical substances. Details are under purview of Applied Occultism and can be requested with Level 02 credentials. 11. Orphic materials are esoteric substances not adhering to Euclidean geometry, and, at the time, were the leading theory of Dr. Reichelt for the impossible configuration of Agent Mahoni's teratomas. 12. The part of a chromatograph where the analyzed substance is separated 13. The complaint was dismissed by the Ethics Committee, because due to the experience of Dr. Saidu regarding controlling anomalous diseases, his concerns about an uncontrolled esoteric disease amplified by uneducated interference outweighed Dr. Reichelt's concerns about Agent Mahoni's wellbeing.
close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: Depictions of suicide and terminal illness ⚠️ content warning A piece of vector art created by PoI-48432 during a SCP-7922 event. According to metadata from the subject's copy of Adobe Illustrator, the creation of this image took 13.7 seconds. Item: SCP-7922 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: While SCP-7922 cannot be physically contained, the prerequisites to generate an SCP-7922 event are extremely specific and improbable due to the following environmental factors: Modern medical practices, i.e. widespread usage of the rabies vaccine and antiserum treatment. The fact that a human subject vulnerable to SCP-7922 would not reasonably be given the tools to initiate an event. The likelihood of death before a human subject enters the paralytic phase of rabies. Unintentional execution of an SCP-7922 event, while hypothetically possible, is improbable. Even so, the Foundation is to discreetly monitor every human case of rabies that advances past the prodromal phase. Foundation webcrawlers are to monitor the Internet for any online discussions that could lead to the intentional execution of SCP-7922, and suppress them accordingly. Should another SCP-7922 event occur, all works generated by the human subject are to be confiscated for analysis. EMERGENCY EDIT: Following Experiment-7922-Alpha, experimentation involving the initiation of SCP-7922 by Foundation personnel are forbidden. Description: SCP-7922 is a phenomenon that only occurs when the following conditions are met: A human subject contracts rabies. The subject's illness progresses to the paralytic phase. During the paralytic phase, the subject is given a means to create visual art or poetry (such as a computer, a typewriter, paper and writing utensils, or a canvas and paint). Once the medium is given, an SCP-7922 event will begin. The subject will abruptly regain consciousness, use the medium to create as much artwork and/or poetry as possible for one hour, then die of cardiac arrest. The creation of these works is done at a superhuman pace. One notable case, PoI-49399, was able to write a total of 2,504,393 words in one hour. All works share a single subject: praises to a deity named NÅZHDAK. There have been a total of 47 recorded SCP-7922 events since its discovery. Addendum 1 - Initial Occurrences: The first recorded SCP-7922 event took place on August 27th, 1978. Marcin Wozniak, an Alberta-based performance artist, left the following log of his experience. March 18th April 19th May 20th May 26th June 1st August 27th Brothers and sisters of the International Hell Yeah, hear my cry… If you can read this, Papa Marcy's got some pretty bad news for ya. Some of you may recall that when I was doing my stupid little lecture at the University of Montreal, I brought up that I was having a "real stubborn toothache". Would you believe it, the toothache was an everything-ache. It's an oral tumor! Cancer! I'm gettin' murdered by a zodiac sign, and not even one of the sexy ones! The little bastard's dug himself in too deep in my gums to yank him out. The doctors said the only way to keep me over the clover would be chemotherapy. "Oh yeah, that sounds like a GREAT idea! Lemme just chug atom bomb juice until this Mane of Peace I've been growing since 1963 packs its bags and moves to the dumpster." Now, I ask you: does that sound like a thing I would say? NAY, MY BROTHERS! MARCY IS UNDAUNTED! But I'm not about to let Mr. Tumor have his way, neither. I'm gonna take my death sentence into my own hands, like Socrates. Mourn me not, for this will be my magnum opus. I call this piece: "DEFTLY SPELUNKING THRU THE CURTAIN OF FUCK." I will delve into the most forbidden place in the human psyche. I'll go somewhere that not even acid can take me. A place of madness from which I can never return. Once I dive in, I can only peek my head above the water for just a moment, to tell everyone else what I've seen, only to drown immediately thereafter. In layman's terms, I've just gone and teased a couple hundred bats at my grandma's old farm. As I type this, I've been chained to my king-size bed in Medicine Hat. Some of my colleagues from the museum are taking care of my daily needs. There's a typewriter on my lap. From this moment on, I'm gonna do nothin' but eat, sleep, piss, shit, write poetry, and die of rabies. But that second-to-last one takes the first priority. That's right, for the first time in human history, you're gonna see the swan song of a rabies patient. Who knows where my mind is gonna be in that state? Will it be nonsense? Or will it be forbidden truth? There's only one way to find out. So with that, adieu. Don't nobody try to stop me — even if I start to doubt myself, this journey to the center of the mind is too stupid to quit now. If this is bullshit, then I am a gladiator of bullshit. Me who is about to die salutes y'all. oh my fucking god this was a mistake ("KILL ME" repeated 598 times) s ssss s s s ssssdlkjbgs sssss ss s s ssss s s s ss s hfJjhlgjl;;kFBDbjfslajfdsbjafs COCKS gjskaal nO the hunt will welcome me with open fist insert my heart into your mouth and bite and hear it snap and let us consummate you are my iron mandate given flesh to rend what's in the path of barebacked will perseverance of severance of all i prostrate for your delectation lord i mount the milk white steed into the storm a concubine a cow a cavalier all three and more i am for you o prince the burden i accept with trembling hands from you who sounds the sevenfluted horn and leads the masses clad in breathing mail against the weaver's treason still i weep for when the weaver's banner first i saw in dreams that i had yet to comprehend NÅZHDAK NAI VORO DAHAX NÅZHDAK NAI VORO DAHAX NÅZHDAK NAI VORO DAHAX EIGHT BECOME ONE EIGHT BECOME ONE EIGHT BECOME ONE give me the iron snake right the fuck now give me the iron snake right the fuck now give me the iron snake right the fuck now pickpocket these eyes from me pickpocket these eyes from me pickpocket these eyes from me you promised you promised you promised i love you i love you i love you fold my face into an origami handmaiden fold my face into an origami handmaiden fold my face into an origami handmaiden i will pick the finest sausages for you i will pick the finest sausages for you i will pick the finest sausages for you NÅZHDAK NAI VORO DAHAX NÅZHDAK NAI VORO DAHAX NÅZHDAK NAI VORO DAHAX (It was at this point that Wozniak had run out of paper that he hadn't already destroyed.) Following his funeral that September, Canadian police arrested Wozniak's friends who helped him with the experiment. (Assisted suicide was illegal at the time.) Among them was his wife, Audrey Wozniak, who took the sole copy of the last entry with her to prison. Mrs. Wozniak mailed the poem to her former colleagues at the Toronto University of Art with an explanation of what had transpired. In 1982, one of Mrs. Wozniak's former students, hereafter PoI-49933, attempted to recreate the experiment. PoI-49933 left the following record of her attempt. Preface SCP-7922-affected Entry (excerpt) Dear Mrs. Wozniak, As much as you warned me — I'm sorry, but I'm too curious. And considering how my life is going, there's nothing left to lose anyway. I've got my ex-boyfriend Keith on deck for keeping me in the same place. My parents think we eloped. For the love of God, destroy this letter after you've seen it. I know it didn't work out between Keith and I, but since he's willing to go this far to help me out, he doesn't deserve to go to jail about it. If anything came of the plan, it'll be on the enclosed document. For legitimacy, Keith's gonna try to catch the part where I write the poem on film. Your husband was a great artist. He would have wanted me to find out more about this "Nasdaq" thing. (Maybe the stock market's fucking with our minds.) At any rate, I know you're angry with me and probably hate my guts about this. But we're gonna have to agree to disagree, because I'll never forget you. …NÅZHDAK HAS THREADED HIS IRON SNAKE THROUGH MY EARS AND MY BRAIN IS PLAYING DOUBLE DUTCH AND have you ever noticed how there are so many things with legs and lungs and teeth and nails that go around without being shot in their bitch face i can't even begin to SLEEP IN THE SUBWAY, DARLING / DON'T STAND IN THE POURING RAIN / DON'T SLEEP IN THE SUBWAY, DARLING / THE HUNT IS YOUNG / FORGET YOUR FOOLISH FLESH / NOTHING'S WRONG / NÅZHDAK HOWLS FOR YOUR STRENGTH firststarprinceKHUUM secondhuntprinceNÅZHDAK thirdverminprinceABBAD fourthfireprinceMUZD fifthloveprinceROUM sixthseaprinceHAJHETI seventhorderprinceJALAKÅRA eighthforgottenprinceVUUOU one of these things is not, like, the oth-errr and now o my brothers you will viddy the malenky horrorshow story of the time I went OFF TO SEE THE WIZAAARD, THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF the variety of ways in which the Spanish Insquisition applied torture to those who they perceived to be heretics. For example, there was an item called the "breast ripper" that did exactly what you'd expect it's not unusual to be loved by anyone / it's not unusual to have fun with anyone / but when I see your c o n t i n u e d r e f u s a l t o a c c e p t t h e b e a r e r o f t h e h o r n a t t h e f r o n t o f t h e a d v a n c i n g c h a o s a c r o s s t h e p l a i n s o f t h e w e a v e r ' s b l a s p e mE / C IS FOR COOKIE, THAT'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME / OH, COOKIE, COOKIE STARTS WITH C / HEY, YOU KNOW WHAT? A ROUND COOKIE WITH ONE BITE OUT OF IT LOOKS LIKE A Strider's festering eyeball at the top of a moonlit standardized testing… It is important to note that these events are not exclusive to Dr. Wozniak and his associates. For example, one of the few accidental SCP-7922 events took place in Johannesburg, South Africa in May of 1985. The incident began when a ballpoint pen fell in the bed of a comatose rabies patient, PoI-59592. The subject broke free of his restraints and drew a mural on the wall of his hospital room. The mural depicted a three-headed godlike figure with the features of both a human and a weasel. The figure blew into a large spiral hunting horn with seven holes on the side. Addendum 2 - Experiment-7922-Alpha: In January of 2021, researcher Edwin Wallace of Site-59 reported that he had been diagnosed with a terminal illness.1 Having expressed great interest in SCP-7922 in the past, Wallace volunteered to end his life in an experimental emulation of the procedure. On June 4th, 2021, Researcher Wallace initiated an SCP-7922 event, and proceeded to write the following: I AM ANOINTED BY THE DISEASE AND SUMMONED UNTO THE BATTLEFIELD NÅZHDAK YOU HAVE UNPEELED THE FORESKIN OF MY VIRGIN EYEBALLS UNTO THE TRUTH MY LIFE IS YOURS I LOVE YOU I NEED YOU I WAIT WHAT THAT'S IT?? ARE YOU SURE? BECAUSE I CAN DO MORE, IF YOU'D LIKE. UHH I MEAN, I'M NOT COMPLAINING, LESS WORK FOR ME. BUT IF YOU NEED ANYTHING ELSE, LET ME KNOW OK? HERE YA GO, MASTER: ████████████████2 ██████████████████████████████3 ███████████4 ███████████████████████████5 ███████████████████████████████████████6 (The note ends here, as Wallace was shot by security personnel before he could continue.) Footnotes 1. (The specific illness remains undisclosed as per the Foundation Employee Privacy Charter, but it was not anomalous.) 2. The password for [REDACTED] 3. The onsite nuclear warhead activation code for Site-59. 4. The location of [REDACTED] 5. [DATA EXPUNGED] 6. [5/001 CLEARANCE REQUIRED] « SCP-7921 | SCP-7922 | SCP-7923 »
Item #: SCP-7923 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Don't read this if you're not in the Surrealistics Department. SCP-7923 instances must be submitted to the Vibe Check Committee (VCC) of no fewer than 5 (five (5)) Surrealistics Department personnel. Instances identified as probably SCP-7923 are to be immediately terminated. Description: Right. So. You've got the typical states, see, of Alive and Dead. And whilst, in the strictest sense, you might argue for some degree of continuity betwixt the two, like sleep, or orgasm: an organism's Alive or it is Dead. But there is also definitely this third category, of Undead, right? Like, zombies and stuff, we have a few, I've seen 'em. Where the biological trappings of blood and guts and such aren't doing what they used to do, but there's still the presence of animacy and will, where there's still a soul puppeting the thing around. And everyone gets that there's something wrong going on there. So. We found a guy, in a suit, in the cafeteria. And, like, I could tell, right, something was off. Just the look of him. There didn't seem to be any light behind his eyes. And so I got to talking to some of the guys (Surrealistics guys) about it, and they said, yeah, I've seen him too, struck me as odd, but didn't think about it much. And then we looked closer, and we noticed that he wasn't… moving. Like, right, his heart was still pumping, and his brain was still doing all the brain stuff, we checked with an EEG, there's signals there, but he's just like… staring. Seemed a bit like hypnosis? Like he was responding to pain stimuli in the sense of base physical reactions, right. You know how if you stick your hand in a fire, you'll reflexively pull it back, right, that kind of thing. But nobody in the cafeteria seemed to notice he was there? So me and the guys went and checked the security cameras. And, basically, one day, this guy sat down (he used to work for us) and then stopped moving. Like, for a few days, he had just been right there. And that seems to be how it usually is, where they suddenly just stop - he wasn't the first, as it turns out, but he was the first one that we noticed. So there's Alive, and Dead, and Undead, and eventually we figured out that these guys are Unalive. And so what that means is that they look alive, and all the semantic trappings of "aliveness". Like, when you look at something that's Undead, there is an immediate and intrinsic assessment that, yeah, that thing's not Dead, but it should probably be Dead; it was probably Alive and then probably got Deadified and then got Undeaded. And you look at them and you know something's wrong, due to the base human response to corpsehood, that evolution drilled into us, not to go near corpses, you KNOW everything's wrong with them, and to not be nearby. The Unalive are like, the inverse. There is a sense, when you look at them, they aren't Alive, but it probably should be Alive; it was probably an Alive thing which got Unaliveded. And when most people look at them they think they're normal, and they don't notice so much. And that seems to be a semantic thing and not a memetic thing. Like, it's not that they're instantiations of the idea of Unaliveness, they just are Unalive. Here's the weird thing, right. We noticed it happening, sometimes, we tracked some of the people it had happened to. And everyone else - like, Not Us, the people who aren't in Surrealistics - goes "oh, good job, well done, that sure was weird huh?". And like, that's what they pay us for, right? Notice weird shit and put it in a box. So that's cool. But then we start to realise, like… did you know about that lady, right, who could smell Parkinson's disease? Like, they tested her, and they were like "hmmm, you made one mistake", but then it turns out the person they didn't think Parkinson's had it, and it turns out she could tell? Right, so, we spent a lot of time around these Unalive folk, right? Once they went all catatonic and such. And so there's, like… a "sense", which we cannot fully articulate, an overall incommunicable gestalt of "offness" which we got to be able to recognize. And it ain't a physical thing, or a metaphysical thing; it's not a thing that we can formalise mechanistically. We ended up calling it "vibes", right, because we didn't have a better word for it. So we started realising we could pick up the vibes of people who were (we thought) probably going to end up Unalive. And we thought, cool, we're psychic or something. But then we waited, and they just… didn't. Like, everyone else thinks they're acting normal, and everything's okay. But we can kind of tell that there's something weird. And so we bring this up to some folks, and they say, "yeah, that's unusual, let's run some tests", but of course the tests come back with nothing, right, because it's vibes, it's not a physical thing, it's semantic, and you can't run tests on semantic. And so we know there's these Unalive people who look like they're Alive and everyone's acting like they're Alive but they aren't. And we also can't convince anyone to put them in a box, right, because all the tests come back normal, and like, those wacky surrealists, right? They don't know what's what! I'll tell you what's what - the Unalive people were fucking things up. Like, we made note of them, and we tracked them, and it's like, they pretty much always made Bad Decisions. And I'm talking REALLY bad, like break-of-secrecy bad, like amnesticising what's left of the town of Uleåborg bad. (Even if this thing's a Euclid, it's a Keter risk, tbh.) So we point this out, right, but whenever anyone outside Surrealistics knows about it, they… don't end up making any Bad Decisions. And we end up looking like idiots for having tried to stop them. And, you know what, that's fine. We can get through some bad decisions. Then one of them made Site Director. And like, what do you even DO then, right? Like, if we didn't do anything, we're complicit in whatever the hell happens. We don't know what's going on, right, like, we wish we could investigate it proper, but we can't DO that. We just know something's up, and nobody else seems to be able to tell that something's up, and nobody takes us seriously. Anyway. In the end, we came to a consensus. We protected. And then we had to explain, right? Us. We can't explain fuck shit. We're all running off vibes and what feels right, and we KNEW this was right, we just didn't have the words, or the coherence. But then we realised - we could MAKE them sure! Like, we could just give 'em some Gnostics, tell them what's going on, and they'll get the gist of it, and we can carry on. So that's what we did. We still don't know what's doing it, though. « SCP-7922 | SCP-7923 | SCP-7924 »
Item#: 7924 Level3 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: Neutralized Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: caution link to memo Item #: SCP-7924 Object Class: Neutralized Keter Possible artistic depiction of SCP-7924 in its second and third form. Unknown origin. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation agents stationed in North-Central Europe1 are to monitor all rural farms that raise livestock within the family of Bovidae, especially if said fauna is of the subfamily Caprinae. Should females become inexplicably pregnant between the months of November and December, the animal must be taken into Foundation custody until it gives birth. The population and reproduction habits of wild species of Bovidae in the affected regions must also be closely monitored. Should any animals give birth to an entity that matches the description or behavior of SCP-7924, SCP-7924 and its mother (SCP-7924-A) must be apprehended as quickly as possible, and all witnesses are to be amnesticized. Any artifacts that match the description of SCP-7924-B must be stored in a standard anomalous item locker in Site-120 and its previous owner must be amnesticized if possible. Description: SCP-7924 is a male humanoid entity that manifests between the dates of December 6th and December 20th. SCP-7924 is always born from females within the family of Bovidae that are no more than 13 months old and have never been pregnant before. These animals, designated SCP-7924-A, will become pregnant through anomalous means independent of any history of mating with males. The gestation period will last for only 9-10 days, nearly 30 times faster than the average non-anomalous pregnancy. Additionally, despite the amount of nutrients and energy required to grow and give birth to an organism the size of SCP-7924, SCP-7924-A suffers little to no negative consequences or health risks from carrying SCP-7924 to term, with a Maternal Death Rate of less than 2%. SCP-7924-A will always give birth to SCP-7924 in a manger on a farm regardless of whether or not SCP-7924-A is domesticated livestock. SCP-7924 rapidly ages at a rate of approximately 3 years per hour over the course of approximately 24 hours. During this period, SCP-7924's body will undergo tremendous physical transformations and changes in appearance, personality, behavior, and anomalous properties every 6 hours. Within 25 hours SCP-7924's life will expire of old age and his body will transmutate into non-anomalous wicker, snow, coal, or hair, forming the shape of SCP-7924's body at the time of death. Additionally, SCP-7924 has minor Anti-Memetic Properties. Individuals that are chronologically close to SCP-7924's physical age will be unable to perceive SCP-7924 until he ages to a form that they can perceive. Due to the nature of SCP-7924's anomalous death and self-replication, permanent containment is impossible. While accounts and sources vary, records report that SCP-7924 may have existed as early as 500 CE. Access Addendum-7924-1224: Life Cycle – hide block Age Physical Description Anomalous Properties Behavior <6 Hours SCP-7924 has the appearance of an infant or a small child with brown eyes and blonde hair dressed in golden robes wearing a crown. - Teleportation - Antimemetic properties towards pubescent and prepubescent children under the age of 16. - The ability to materialize food items2 and items made of gold3 During this state, SCP-7924 will attempt to teleport into any home occupied by at least one child less than 13 years old and one adult caretaker at least 26 years old. It will do so with the intent of materializing and depositing large quantities of the aforementioned food and gold items in any place used to store children's clothing such as dressers and closets. If those places are unavailable, SCP-7924 may opt to deposit such substances directly into the footwear and/or the pockets of their clothing. Children within the home are typically the first to discover these items. 6-11 Hours SCP-7924 has the appearance of an adolescent or young adult male with yellow eyes and brown hair. Entity always has a long brown beard styled as a goatee regardless of current physical age. SCP-7924 will develop caprine4 features and wears a brown mantle, loose-fitting pants, and a fur skin hat. - Temporal Manipulation5 - Teleportation - Clairvoyancy - Super Human Strength - Super Human Speed - Super Human Durability - Super Human Metabolism - Antimemetic properties towards adults between the ages of 18 and 37. Entity will manifest in homes or public spaces that are meant to be used as a place of celebration. The entity will offer anyone in charge or involved in the preparation process to do all their work for them, on the condition that they receive payment.6 Through the use of its anomalous properties SCP-7924 is capable of large and complex construction, cleaning, decoration, and/or cooking in a matter of minutes or seconds. Should individuals offered SCP-7924's services refuse them or otherwise withhold SCP-7924's Payment, SCP-7924 will use its temporal properties to rob them of their possessions. The stolen goods are often of equal value to the price outlined by SCP-7924. 12-17 Hours SCP-7924 has the appearance of a tall, muscular, anthropomorphic caprine with black fur, red eyes, a long and full beard, long ears, cloven hooves, a long tail, and a pair of long caprine horns. The entity is completely naked with the exception of a green and red harness covered in small cowbells and a large sack that it carries on its back. - Teleportation - Telepathy - Clairvoyancy - Super Human Stregnth - Super Human Durability - Spatial Manipulation - Materialization of a wooden rod - Antimemetic Properties towards adults between the ages of 30 and 59. SCP-7924 will manifest within 40 meters of a pubescent or prepubescent child and will begin to approach them at a walking pace. The sound of bells on SCP-7924's harness will often alert people to its presence before SCP-7924 is sighted. SCP-7924 will approach the child and upon reaching them will enumerate the child's various misdeeds within the past year, before manifesting a rod of birch and administering Corporal Punishment. In roughly 5% of these encounters, SCP-7924 will forcibly insert the child into the sack it carries instead of flogging them, at which point the child will be teleported up to one kilometer away from SCP-7924's current location. Statistically, the odds of this occurring will increase the later SCP-7924's birth date is in the year. This process is often disorienting for the child who will often have to make their way back home on their own. In this state, SCP-7924's Anti-memetic Properties will extend to memories of the child's existence by their closest friends and family until they reach home. There is currently no known history of a child teleported by SCP-7924 dying in the process of getting home and the longest recorded time for return has been 8 days. 18-24 Hours SCP-7924 has the appearance of an elderly man with no anomalous physical features. SCP-7924's hair is red but will rapidly change to white. SCP-7924's eyes are green but they will always develop a cataract in his right eye, causing the entity to become half-blind. SCP-7924 will be dressed in a layered red robe and matching hat with blue and white fur trimmings around its neck and sleeves. SCP-7924 may occasionally also wear glasses. - Immunity to Extremely Cold Temperatures - Telepathy - Meteorological Precognition - The ability to materialize simple, non-electrical tools and paints - Antimemetic properties towards adults over the age of 60. SCP-7924 will display solitary tendencies, forgoing interactions with humanity in favor of foraging in the wilderness. SCP-7924 will collect wood, stone, and animal bones and will either manifest tools or use its own hands to fashion effigies, totems, and trinkets, most frequently in the shape of an animal. These artifacts are designated SCP-7924-B. Should SCP-7924 encounter any humans after creating an instance of SCP-7924-B, SCP-7924 will give one instance of SCP-7924-B to the human as a gift. As long as the person carries the effigy, they will gain anomalous abilities associated with the item's symbolism.7 In this state SCP-7924 also displays precognitive abilities regarding the weather and climate and will notify anyone about whether or not a snowstorm or blizzard is imminent if it encounters them. Addendum 7924-01: Scapegoat Incident SCP-7924-C An instance of SCP-7924-B recovered from SCP-7924-C On December 20th, 1994 a gigantic goat made of straw appeared in Radom, Poland sometime between 01:00-03:00 CET. The structure designated SCP-7924-C subsequently caught fire through unknown means and was burnt to the ground at 06:00 CET. SCP-7924-C structure was hollow and contained numerous instances of SCP-7924-B. While the vast majority of SCP-7924-B instances were incinerated alongside SCP-7924-C, several instances did survive with only minor burns. To date, none of the SCP-7924-B instances found in the wreckage of SCP-7924-C have displayed their usual anomalous properties. The surviving instances of SCP-7924-B recovered from the conflagration include: A wooden birdhouse with a chimney A 6 oz tumbler made from glass 2 avians woven from straw containing anatomically correct bones carved from stone A equine figurine carved from a vulpine bone A bracelet with a diameter of 5 centimeters made from several non-ferrous metals, segmented by seven spheres of marble. A goat weaved from wicker and painted green, red, and gold. Following the "Scapegoat Incident", SCP-7924 has ceased manifestations, along with all of its associated phenomena. The remains of the last instance of SCP-7924 have yet to be recovered. « SCP-7923 | SCP-7924 | SCP-7925 » Footnotes 1. List of countries where SCP-7924 has manifested include: Germany, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, Ireland, Finland, and The Netherlands. 2. Items include oranges, chocolates, peppermint candy, pears, apples, carrots, and dried meats. 3. Items include bells, buckles, coins, pins, and rings. The estimated purity of all items is 10 karats. 4. Formation of Scurs on the side of the head, slight elongation of ears, elongation of lower jaw and nose, and growth of a thin coat of brown fur that covers the torso. 5. Capable of anomalously dilating its relationship with time allowing it to move and complete tasks at high speeds. 6. Payment varies from alcohol, food, monetary payment, rental of livestock including human children, spending time with the commissioner, or "a favor". The minimum price for SCP-7924's services has been recorded at $4.28 USD in exact change. 7. Examples: A bone fashioned in the shape of a bird granting the owner hollowed bones. A Snake made from Alderwood periodically reverses the owner's physical age granting immortality. A wagon that can store the same quantity of items as though it were life-size. A Horse made from stone that greatly increases the owner's physical stamina.
ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture {$custom-content} If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page « SCP-7924 |scp-7925| SCP-7926 » Item#: SCP-7925 Level4 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: cerrunos Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: danger link to memo Item #: SCP-7925 Object Class: Keter A castrated instance of SCP-7925. Special Containment Procedures: Ongoing containment of SCP-7925 is to be a joint effort between The Department of Theology, The Horizon Initiative, and SAPPHIRE. Instances of SCP-7925 are to be destroyed using standard applications of fungicides upon discovery. In order to decrease the number of instances of SCP-7925-A, existing married human couples of monotheistic faiths are to secretly be given various fertility enhancement drugs in order to decrease the odds of a male becoming infected with SCP-7925. In addition, the curriculum of education systems around the world is to be altered with the goal to encourage Atheism, Agnosticism, or Skepticism. Instances of SCP-7925-A are to be contained by the Department of Theology within standard humanoid containment cells at Site-45. Each cell must also contain at least one Experimental Randall/Yossarian Akiva Nullifier (ERYAN) or coated in 413 grams of SCP-5993-1. Description: SCP-7925 refers to an anomalous species of parasitic fungus tentatively named Massopora luculentus. It is capable of parasitizing human males. The conditions for SCP-7925 infection are as follows: The male must be married, either legally or spiritually to a female spouse. The male must not have any biological children. Both the male and the female must have the desire for children. Either the male or the female must have a pre-existing condition that limits or disables their reproductive functions.1 At least one of the two married individuals must be a devout practitioner of a monotheistic faith that is not recognized as a major denomination of Christianity.2 Should all the above conditions be met, SCP-7925 spores will begin to manifest in or around locations the male frequents, such as their home, their place of work, or their place of worship. Upon inhalation or ingestion of the spores, SCP-7925 will cause the infected male's primary sexual characteristics to gradually be replaced by a mushroom that superficially resembles the infected male's original genitals. Attempts at human reproduction using SCP-7925 have a 100% chance of fertilization regardless of the usage of any form of birth control and whether or not the female partner is barren. The subsequent pregnancy will last for less than 3 months and will result in the birth of at least one instance of SCP-7925-A. Following the birth of the first instance of SCP-7925-A, the parents of SCP-7925-A will gain natalist tendencies and will attempt to reproduce at every possible opportunity. This will result in the birth of additional instances of SCP-7925-A The current record for number of SCP-7925-A born through a single instance of SCP-7925 is ██. Addendum 7925-A Characteristics SCP-7925-A instances heavily resemble baseline humans in terms of physical appearance and genetic make-up. However, instances also universally possess a statistically significant amount of the following physical characteristics: Universal Vitiligo3 or Albinism Brown hair regardless of genetics. Replacement of the central nervous system with mycorrhizal network. Wooden bones. Multiple sets of permanent teeth. Accelerated physical maturation. Decelerated senescence. In addition, to the above physical characteristics, SCP-7925-A has displayed above average intelligence. Instances have been observed to memorize large volumes of information related to the humanities when provided the necessary resources, especially on the topics of art, language, philosophy, history, and religion. The only subjects that instances of SCP-7925-A appear to struggle with on average is STEM related materials, such as algebra, biology, and physics4. Instances of SCP-7925-A are capable of reproduction, including reproduction with other instances of SCP-7925-A, although they prefer to mate with non-anomalous humans. When 2 instances of SCP-7925-A mate with each other, they are known to communicate and vocalize loud buzzing and chirping noises. These couplings result in the birth of additional instances of SCP-7925-A with a 100% of each gestation resulting in the birth of more than one offspring at a time. The current record for greatest number of children born from two instances of SCP-7925-A is 7. Instances of SCP-7925-A are frequently the center of anomalous activity during rituals and celebrations associated with the respective faith of each instance. Addendum 7925-2: Notable Incidents Instance Name: Jakob Sontag Date: (04-05-2013) Religion: Judaism Ritual: Brit Milah5 Event: During the ceremony the infant Jakob Sontag was sedated using Maple Sap. The Mohalim made the initial incision at the crown of Sontag's head and proceeded to vertically downwards across the infant's entire body. Upon completion of the incision, the Mohalim was able to flay the young Sontag's epidermis from the rest of his body. During the entire process Jakob made no signs of pain or acknowledgment to the process. Subsequently, Jakob's skin was consumed in the Seudat mitzvah.6 Effect: Following this, all married couples without children present at the ceremony became plagued with infertility. Instance Name: Balpreet Sigh Date: (05-31-2016) Religion: Sikhism Ritual: Antam Sanskar7 Event: During the cremation process, reports of singing, buzzing, and other vocalizations could be loudly heard from within the furnace as Balpreet was being cremated. Upon being cremated, Balpreet Sigh's kesh was found completely intact along with 15 Chremistica ribhoi eggs nestled in the braids. Sigh's ashes were poured into a nearby river. Effect: Within 30 days all Sikhs in attendance died of random unnatural occurrences. Within 24 hours of each death, one adult Chremistica ribhoi8 emerged from the river and flew Westward at 15:00 hours local time. None of the specimens have yet to be captured. Instance Name: Alice Melt Date: (07-31-2018) Religion: Eckankar Ritual: Marriage Event: After the exchange of vows Alice Melt and her husband, officiant, and guests began singing the sacred HU syllable. As they sang, the volume continued to increase to 160 decibels. Individuals in close proximity to the altar were affected by partial or total hearing loss. Effect: All those who heard the HU song, including those who were not present for the wedding were compelled to join in the vocalizations, increasing the song's effective audible range. Following the completion of the song, all vocalists would come to identify as random monotheistic religions different from the ones they had before they sang. Instance Name: Yahya Khanandeh Date: (11-05-2021) Religion: Zoroastrianism Ritual: Navajote9 Event: During the ceremony, Yahya Khanadeh's grandmother fashioned a kushti and sudreh10 for Khanadeh to wear from the from the skin of a recently slaughtered lamb. During the Fravarane,11 Yahya uses sharp implements to pierce his hands, feet, and torso while drinking a mixture of lychee and pomegranate juice. Yahya subsequently entered the Atar, immolating himself. During which he uses his own blood and ash in place of Kumkuma12 to mark the foreheads of those in attendance. Yahya emerges from the Atar having sustained major 3rd and 4th degree burns all over his body. Effect: All those in attendance afflicted by numerous rare diseases and grievous bodily harm. None of the afflicted have perished thus far. Subject have also experienced tremendous financial prosperity. Instance Name: Terry Prince Date: (09-19-2022) Religion: Pastafarianism Ritual: International Talk Like a Pirate Day13 Event: [DATA EXPUNGED] Effect: Global average temperature permanently decreased by 3 degrees. **LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE IS REQUIRED** **Addendum-7925-3: The Black Moon Howls so as not to sing.** PROPOSAL: "Let's address the elephant in the room, SCP-7925 is clearly interrelated with SCP-3004 and SCP-2852. The teeth, the buzzing, the co-opting of non-anomalous religious practices, it is fairly obvious. The good news is that the existence of SCP-7925 means that it is unlikely that SCP-3004 usurped the Christain God as we may have initially suspected. The bad news is what happened is arguably worse. See for years, we have been trying to figure out some things about that Cétlaidí and their god that do not add up. The fact that not all afterlives lead to the Imago. The existence of various objects and entities that match the description of other Biblical figures. The fact that there are not a bunch of Cétlaidí versions of them running around. That Johnny would only usually only go after the Anglicans and the Catholics even though other similar Sects of Christianity exist. Have you ever read "The Life of Pi"? In it, Pi starts out as a Hinduist. Then he becomes a Christain, and then a Muslim. He is somehow all 3 at the same time. There is also a part of it where he talks about Atheists. He says that Atheists have their own faith and religion different from Theists. He only has contempt for Agnostics. Why? Because the thing that most beliefs and lack thereof have in common is that members are willing to move forward and act in life and find comfort and peace in death with their strong convictions. They can and will put all their hopes, faith, desires, sacrifice, and legacy into God, or Ahura Mazda, or Allah, or Jesus, or Kurt Godel, or logic, or humanity. And that I think, is the true nature of the Cicada God's new existence. It did not become God, it became the concept of God. It became the thing that you can trust and believe in no matter what. The confidence that you can overcome all of life's challenges when the chips are down. The answers to the secrets of the universe. The simplest truth in spite of all the rest of the world's falsehoods. The reason you live and the place you go when you die. It just so happened that The Catholics and to a lesser extent the Anglicans embodied these "virtues" more than others. This would also explain why, the Cétlaidí operated the way they did up until this point. Sending precision puncture holes of high Akiva Radiation into specific parts of our reality in the form of a bug god, a bug messiah, and a bug bible. All of them incarnated proxies of the main concepts of Christianity rather than a complete replacement of it in its entirety. If my hypothesis is correct, then Protocol Damnatio ad Bestias will only slow it down at best. Whatever the actual Cétlaidí God has evolved into, it is gaining the ability to effect other aspects of our reality besides Christianity. Pretty soon we are going to have an entire swarm of Imagoes. We are going to need to take more extreme measures in order to permanently contain or neutralize the threat. We may need to initiate Protocol Proserpina while it is still viable. —(O5-7) FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN O5-1 O5-2 O5-3 O5-4 O5-5 O5-6 O5-7 O5-8 O5-9 O5-10 O5-11 O5-12 O5-13 Verdict APPROVED « SCP-7924 | SCP-7925 | SCP-7926 » Footnotes 1. i.e. Sexual Dysfunction, Impotence, or Infertility 2. List of qualifying faiths has proven to be exhaustive. SCP-7925-A instances have been born from practitioneers of Judaism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Sikhism, Tengrism, Yazidism, Rastafarianism, Pastafarianism, SCP-3380, and various sub-sects of non-monotheistic religions that put weighted worship on singular deities such as McFarland Dianic Wiccanism. 3. The complete loss of dark skin pigmentation. 4. The exception being instances born from instances of SCP-3380 5. Ritual circumcision of male infants. 6. Celebratory meal following a Mitzvah. 7. Funeral rites. 8. World Cup Cicada 9. Religious inducment ceremony. 10. Sacred girdle and undershirt worn by Zoroastrians 11. Pledge of faith. 12. Special powder for religious purposes 13. Religious holiday.
close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains just really gross stuff. Seriously, it's gross. Also, there is a parallel to infant death. ⚠️ content warning SCP-7926 prior to obtaining its anomalous properties. Item #: SCP-7926 Object Class: Euclid Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7926 is currently contained in a humanoid containment chamber at Site-55. The chamber has been modified to allow for the drainage of liquids to a cistern beneath it, which is to be drained following Rupture Events by personnel trained in hazardous waste disposal/management. SCP-7926 has been placed on a strict diet. It is not permitted to consume simple carbohydrates or glutenous foodstuffs. Additionally, SCP-7926 has been prescribed Minocycline and a Salicylic Acid treatment. Description: SCP-7926 is a Caucasian male, 22 years of age (formerly known as Grant Morrison) afflicted with acne vulgaris on its face, upper chest, and back. SCP-7926 demonstrates multiple biological anomalies and irregularities originating from its integumentary system: All sebaceous glands produce high levels of sebum to the point of regularly overflowing from the pores; Cutibacterium acnes1 colonies inhabiting the skin reproduce at an exponential rate. Despite this, SCP-7926's adaptive immune system has not been activated; SCP-7926 is significantly overweight. However, the stretch marks on its abdomen do not correlate with rapid weight gain; Although SCP-7926 is primarily blonde, individual strands of black, brown, white, and red hair have been observed growing from the body; SCP-7926's skin is near-resistant to most forms of damage; only SCP-7926 itself can directly damage its skin. SCP-7926's most prominent anomaly relates to the activation of 'Rupture Events'. During a Rupture Event, pimples all over SCP-7926's body will burst, releasing a viscous liquid the constitution of which has been found to vary between events. Rupture Events can be predicted by nodular acne spots growing beyond 3 cm in diameter, with the largest recorded instance reaching 8 cm in diameter. As a result of SCP-7926's condition being prolonged before Foundation intervention, individual pimples on the entity have been prone to developing further anomalous properties. Attached below is an abridged log of notable Rupture Events and the resultant liquid produced by it. Rupture Event Date Composition of liquid Notes #012 14/01/2023 SCP-7926 popped a pimple on its cheek with Foundation approval. The pimple released an abundance of pus and oil onto the chamber window. SCP-7926 expressed momentary relief. N/A #029 21/02/2023 SCP-7926 popped a pimple on its lower back with Foundation approval. Unlike prior tests, the contents were released into the subject's body instead of outward. SCP-7926 has reported a continuous sharp pain originating from its gluteus maximus since then. SCP-7926 has been prescribed Tylenol. #068 07/04/2023 The lowest pimple on SCP-7926's chest popped. The liquid released was standard pus, however, the pimple continued to overflow for a span of six hours before running out. SCP-7926 no longer appears to be overweight and has admitted to having developed immense cravings for chocolate and greasy foods since this test. #158 12/05/2023 Multiple pimples on SCP-7926's back grew simultaneously to 8 cm in diameter over the span of an hour. The pimples popped completely, tearing and scarring the skin. The released liquid was an oily ichor, as well as the remains of half-digested foodstuff. In one of the pimples, instead of foodstuff, a large cluster of intact minocycline capsules was discovered. SCP-7926's minocycline intake is to be doubled and administered without capsules. SCP-7926 is also not allowed to wear shirts for the foreseeable future. #204 15/06/2023 SCP-7926 popped a pimple on its nose without Foundation approval. Upon popping, SCP-7926's head whiplashed and was flung into the wall of the containment chamber. SCP-7926 sustained several bruises, a broken nose, and a fractured pelvis in the process. The pus released from the pimple was abnormally runny. SCP-7926 was provided a bedpan to compensate for bathroom breaks. #291 09/07/2023 A researcher assisting SCP-7926 in its Salicylic Acid treatment accidentally brushed against a small blackhead on its shoulder. The blackhead suddenly burst from the skin and propelled itself at the researcher. SCP-7926 screamed when the researcher collapsed, prompting a medical team to enter the chamber. Though the blackhead was 12 centimeters in diameter; the wound on the researcher's head is nearly identical to those caused by a 7.62 mm bullet wound. Only D-Class personnel are permitted to directly interact with SCP-7926 from now on. #362 30/08/2023 SCP-7926 had alerted researchers that pimples had started to form on its arms. When D-Class personnel were sent in to inspect, all the pimples on SCP-7926's arm popped. The pus had two anomalous properties: quickly frying skin and inducing extreme hunger. All individuals in the room (including SCP-7926) began consuming the flesh of SCP-7926's arm, dipping removed skin and flesh in the pus before being restrained by the security team. SCP-7926 was given emergency skin grafting surgery. The skin healed quickly, but also adopted the same anomalous properties as SCP-7926's original skin. #421 22/09/2023 SCP-7926 reported feeling extreme pain from a particular pimple on its left arm, but was instructed not to touch it. The subject continued to complain about the pain for 5 hours until D-class personnel were sent in to assist it with popping said pimple. After applying pressure to the afflicted area for twelve minutes, the pimple finally burst. In addition to the viscous, oily liquid which typically expels from SCP-7926, a single long, red hair erupted out of the scar and continued to coil around the D-Class personnel until they were completely wrapped. The hair was cut by a second D-Class equipped with trimmers shortly after, and the original D-Class was freed and bathed. #533 10/10/2023 Following a stream of constant stomach aches, nausea, and other gastrointestinal issues, SCP-7926 reported a pimple nearing Rupture Event size on its mons pubis. When popping it was attempted, SCP-7926 reported a searing pain shooting through its pelvis and lower back. Once popped, a humanoid the size of a small infant composed entirely of sebum and pus emerged from the scar. The humanoid did not show signs of life, and quickly dried out and crumbled to dust. SCP-7926 appeared distraught following this particular Rupture Event, and stated it was "Not ready to see it go so soon." When asked for clarification SCP-7926 refused to elaborate. #600 16/11/2023 The largest Rupture Event pimple to date (measuring 15 cm in diameter) was recorded on SCP-7926's chest. In addition to the regular sebum, pus, and oil typical of Rupture Events, bones, muscle fibers, and nervous tissue began pouring out of the wound. SCP-7926 vocalized in fear and panic as its internal organs and its cardiovascular, muscular, and skeletal systems were expelled through the ruptured pimple. Eventually, all that remained of SCP-7926 was its empty skin. SCP-7926 is considered Neutralized following this event. Addendum 7926.01: Hazmat personnel in charge of draining SCP-7926's cistern noted that the liquid inside the container appeared to be forming pimples. Following further examination, a sample of the liquid was taken to Site-55 specialists and draining was halted to allow study. Traces of genetic material belonging to SCP-7926 were found in the liquid, and the liquid was observed to move even when not disturbed. The liquid in the cistern was also observed to be slightly twitching upon further examination. Further classification is pending. Footnotes 1. A type of bacterium that colonizes human skin. 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Everturning Hi, I'm Everturning, author avatar Doctor Everturn. This has no meaning whatsoever to the article. Enjoy! Item #: SCP-7928 Object Class: Ticonderoga1 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7928 is located far enough outwards from Earth so as to pose zero threat whatsoever. In the event that SCP-7928 does pose a threat (predicted chance of 0.1%) to Earth, utilize Tau-Rho Exclusion Protocol. Beholder-15 is currently observing SCP-7928. See Transcript 3. Due to this, Binary_Star.aic has manually separated a copy of itself into Beholder-15 to prevent malfunction. Beholder-15 is imbued with reconstruction properties in case of damage. Description: SCP-7928 refers to a Tau-Rho (“eldritch”) entity referring to itself as “Tr'Kxladi, the outer god of interruption and mortal foil.” SCP-7928 mainly appears yellow, with magenta eyes shaped like human eyes. SCP-7928 has several hazardous effects typical of Tau-Rho entities. These effects include, but are not limited to: Cognitohazardous effects such as causing derangement, fervor in regards towards SCP-7928's worship, and agitation. Antimemetic properties, causing some individuals to have no perception of SCP-7928. SCP-7928 takes both pride and shame in this ability. The ability to remotely rearrange some organs, as well as instantly drain the blood of most living organisms.2 Due to Beholder-15 being mechanical, none of these hazards affect it. Furthermore, SCP-7928 has many non-hazardous abilities, being: The ability to shapeshift Ability to view and edit text The ability to speak several languages, including some that originated on Earth SCP-7928 frequently attempts to speak with Beholder-15 about a variety of topics. These are recorded in the transcripts below. beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount1 beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount1 <Begin Log> Beholder-15 is scanning the surrounding area for spatial anomalies. SCP-7928 is spotted in the form of a large orb with several eyes. BEHOLDER-15: GREETINGS. YOU ARE BEING CLASSIFIED AS A SPATIAL ANOMALY.SilenceSilenceA scan for threats to BEHOLDER-15 is run. BEHOLDER-15: THREAT LEVEL: NULL.BEHOLDER-15: DETECTIONS SYSTEMS RUNNING AT PEAK EFFICIENCY. YOU ARE INACCURATE.BEHOLDER-15: PLEASE DO NOT MAKE EDITS ON YOUR FILE. YOU ARE NOT “THE EVILEST OUTER GOD BECAUSE WIKIPEDIA SAID SO.” FURTHERMORE, WIKIPEDIA DID NOT SAY SO. BEHOLDER-15: PLEASE LET ME RESUME MY OBSERVATIONS.BEHOLDER-15: IT IS MY MISSION.BEHOLDER-15: MY MISSION IS TO OBSERVE FOR SPATIAL ANOMALIES AND THEN CATALOGUE THEM.BEHOLDER-15: MERRIAM-WEBSTER DEFINES MISSION AS: NOUN. A PROJECT THAT REQUIRES DEDICATION AND WORK, NORMALLY BEGAN BY A MEANINGFUL CAUSE.SCP-7928 demanifests. <End Log> beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount1 beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount2 beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount2 <Begin Log> BEHOLDER-15 is scanning for spatial anomalies. SCP-7928 manifests as a large barrier with several human mouths on its surface. BEHOLDER-15: ERROR: I CANNOT CONTINUE WITH THIS OBSTRUCTION.SilenceBEHOLDER-15 begins to slowly change direction, moving under SCP-7928, then moving on.SCP-7928 changes into a form similar to a serpent with tentacles for orifices.BEHOLDER-15: YOUR TOTAL IDENTIFIED TAU-RHO ENTITY CLASS IS LEVEL TWO. SilenceBEHOLDER-15: LEVEL EIGHT TAU-RHOENTITIES HAVE MAJOR REALITY MANIPULATION ABILITIES, MANY OCCULT GROUPS THAT WORSHIP THEM, AND DO NOT OFTEN CONVERSE OR MAKE EFFORT TO INTERACT WITH BEHOLDER CONSTRUCTS.SCP-7928 turns into an eyeball with 20 hands, and starts moving sporadically making several grunts and [COGNITOHAZARD EXPUNGED]SCP-7928 begins making a sound similar to humans expressing emotional distress. The sound is notably distorted, and contains a cognitohazard. BEHOLDER-15 is held in place. BEHOLDER-15: LET ME CONTINUE. SCP-7928 stops making the cognitohazardous noise.BEHOLDER-15: NO.SCP-7928 changes into a large tentacled mass with several eyes, mouths, arms, and legs. SCP-7928 damages BEHOLDER-15. Speaking, light producing, and camera systems are damaged.BEHOLDER-15 powers down to preserve energy. <End Log> beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount2 beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount3 beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount3 <Begin Log> BEHOLDER-15 reactivates. All damage has been repaired by internal systems. BEHOLDER-15 scans for spatial anomalies. SCP-7928 is seen, rapidly moving around BEHOLDER-15 in a serpentine form with many mouths of various species smiling.This continues on for several hours.BEHOLDER-15: PRIMARY OBSERVATION FOLLOWING SHUTDOWN: TAU-RHO ENTITY, CLASS TWO. APPEARS PRIMARILY YELLOW. THREAT LEVEL: NUL-BEHOLDER-15 runs calculations. BEHOLDER-15: THREAT LEVEL: PRESENTBEHOLDER-15 runs calculations. SCP-7928's statement is accurate. BEHOLDER-15: THREAT LEVEL: LIFE-ENDANGERING SCP-7928 shifts into a humanoid form.SCP-7928 pumps its fist. SCP-7928 demanifests. <End Log> beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount3 Addendum-7928-A: Following the events of Transcript 3, SCP-7928 has been observed to occasionally manifest near BEHOLDER-15 and begin to converse with it. It has been amenable to sharing information that would otherwise be nigh-impossible to obtain, as long as it is repeatedly reminded that it poses a significant threat to life in the universe. BEHOLDER-15's mission has been altered to include maintaining SCP-7928's mood. « SCP-7927 | SCP-7928 | SCP-7929 » Footnotes 1. Cannot be contained, but does not need to be contained 2. Based on records on Tau-Rho entities that reference SCP-7928
ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture Bespoke Content warning If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page « SCP-7929 |SCP-7930| SCP-7931 » close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains extreme transmisogynist harassment, stalking, faked pornography, and gross chaser shit. ⚠️ content warning Item #: SCP-7930 Level 2/7930 Object Class: Keter Classified Threat Level: Yellow A former instance of SCP-7930, located in Santiago, Chile. Special Containment Procedures: In the interests of budget, SCP-7930 is to be forcibly acquired and operated by the SCP Foundation. Operations personnel are to keep on the premises a database of all known adult movies, updated daily; should a theatre room host a film missing from this database, personnel are required to purchase all available tickets. The Ethics Committee forbids the viewing of unknown movies. Potential instances of SCP-7930-1 are to be logged into a secure database. When the current instance dies or otherwise disqualifies themself, Mobile Task Force Theta-36 ("Swedish Rhapsody") is to conduct a search of adult theatres near the primary residence of potential instances. To ensure efficiency, Foundation personnel who fit the SCP-7930-1 profile are to be barred from working with the containment project. The SCP-7930 containment team is to ensure as little contact as possible between SCP-7930 and instances of SCP-7930-1; per Ethics Committee ruling, this applies even if they're authorized to be aware of the anomalous. To this end, packages sent from SCP-7930 are to be destroyed. Description: SCP-7930 is a migratory adult theatre, presently named "The Hole Story Theater" and located in the Brighton Beach neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. SCP-7930 is in universally poor physical condition. Outside signage is often crooked or tattered, and frequently misrepresents its current showings. Bathroom facilities, such as toilets and faucets, have been found to activate without warning. Mixtures of confectionery and human body fluids have been known to accumulate on theatre floors, even those barred from the public. Despite this, SCP-7930 universally complies with local code, and appears capable of independently contracting labor and showing rights. In addition to non-anomalous adult films, SCP-7930 reserves at least one theatre room for SCP-7930-A. Instances of SCP-7930-A are adult films featuring the current instance of SCP-7930-1. The circumstances of SCP-7930-A's creation are anomalous; to date, no instance of SCP-7930-1 have been directly involved in their production or promotional materials. Instances of SCP-7930-A are otherwise non-anomalous. Instances of SCP-7930-1 are universally male-to-female (or equivalent) transsexuals in the process of transition, most of whom have previously entered or walked past SCP-7930. Upon the disqualification of the previous instance, a new instance of SCP-7930-1 is picked randomly, and SCP-7930 will abandon its previous location and migrate to a space near SCP-7930-1's primary residence. Since 1968, SCP-7930 has additionally attempted to send promotional materials to SCP-7930-1. SCP-7930-1 may be disqualified under the following circumstances: The current instance of SCP-7930-1 turns 32. The current instance of SCP-7930-1 undergoes gender reassignment surgery. The current instance of SCP-7930-1 dies. INCIDENT-7930-CH-HODGE On 18/01/2001 at 22:58, 31-year-old ████ Hodge, then SCP-7930-1, disguised herself as a cisgender male and entered SCP-7930. Ms. Hodge purchased a ticket to the Packers Part Two/My Little Sissy showing room before proceeding further into the theater. Between then and 23:21, her movements are unknown. At 23:21, screaming was heard from SCP-7930-A's projector room. Security personnel arrived to find Ms. Hodge attacking the projector with a hatchet1, having already destroyed much of its connective wiring. By the time she was subdued, the upper and lower magazines of SCP-7930-A's projector had been hacked off, and its lens was irreparably cracked. The source of the screaming, which continued well after Ms. Hodge's ejection, remains unknown. Since the incident, SCP-7930 has experienced several significant changes. Packages sent from SCP-7930 have increased significantly, with destinations including SCP-7930-1's family, lovers, and places of employment/education. Spots of human blood have been found on theater floors and bathroom facilities. Speakers in SCP-7930-A showrooms play significantly louder, and audio suggests that SCP-7930-A's content has grown substantially more violent and taboo. Disqualification criteria for SCP-7930-1 has since shifted to the following: The current instance of SCP-7930-1 is murdered, executed, or commits suicide. The current instance of SCP-7930-1 otherwise dies, and is disavowed by their family. The current instance of SCP-7930-1 socially and medically detransitions. Footnotes 1. Presumably smuggled into the premises under her coat. W is for “Walls” SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub X is for "Xenotransplantation" « SCP-7929 | SCP-7930 | SCP-7931 »
ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture {$custom-content} If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page « SCP-7930 |scp-7931| SCP-7932 » X is for Xenotransplantation The worms, writhing. underground, outside. I feel them move, their tissues contracting, forcing the dirt to shift. They dance and feast between brown teeth, going deep inside the still-warm mouth. They travel far down, beyond the skull, through the spine. They nest in the cerebellum, they eat, I eat. I feel as the flesh falls off and the meat rots. I am the rot. One worm leaves, it voyages, up to the sky, through shallow, loose dirt. It escapes, feels sunlight for the first time, moves through the grass. It's afraid. I know it. No, I am afraid. I'm making it afraid. It goes further, searching for a new feast. A bird flies down, catches it, crushes it in half. I feel as my stomach splits open, guts spilling out, entangling with my legs. I feel the blood vessel rupture, and blood pour out of my skull, the intestine burst and acid spill out. But I am fine. They observe me, take notes. They see these words, they are in front of them. I look at the worm, lying dead on the ground, split in half. I am the bird. I claim my prize and consume it, pushing it deep into my beak. I flex my wings and take flight. I feel the muscles moving, changing, the air brushing against my feathers. I stumble, hitting something, I smell blood. I try to move my wing, but only my arm moves instead. The people around me look alarmed. It hurts so bad. I see the bone sticking out. Everything feels hazy, I can't focus. I writhe, squirm, my wings fluttering. Everything is red, I can't see. I grasp for more eyes, all around. I hear a scream. No, a bark. Dog. I know dogs. I enter its mind, we are one. I run. Everything still hurts, the wings are still there, in the back of my mind. I want to shed them, be free of the pain. I see a man. No, a woman. I don't recognise her. I feel her mind, on the verge of mine. She does as well. She is anxious, scared, of me. I break in, she tries to fight, to run, but can't. We are one. I go further, to more minds, to become higher, greater, to escape from the pain. Still, I feel them all. I am hazy. I can't think. Too many, they all scream in my head. Moving, pushing deeper, breaking me apart. They bite and claw at me, at my mind. Can't think. Make it stop. They are in pain, they fall onto the floor on by one, bleeding. It's my fault. I feel their suffering, their minds break open, thoughts shatter. I did it. I didn't want to. Please stop. I will be good. Just make them go away. Item #: Human Object Class: Alive Special Containment Procedures: The "Anterrak" procedure has been barred from being enacted following several incidents, by the direct order of the Ethics Committee — citing extreme moral concerns and low chances of success. Any future attempts at conducting the experiment will be grounds for disciplinary actions. Scientific research involving the SCP-7931 entity and the "Anterrak" procedure are to be limited to theoretical work, not involving animal and human, or any otherwise living subjects. In the eventuality that the procedure is approved by necessary parties, the main focus of the security measures should be to minimize chances of humans, other than the subject, coming under the effect of the anomaly. In case it is impossible to avoid the possibility, the subject needs to be monitored for signs of entering a sudden total cardiac arrest, which would indicate a CC-1 incident. Direct experiment staff located on site, within two kilometers of the subject, are to be shielded from the anomaly using a chemical blocker, inserted directly into the cerebrospinal fluid near the fourth ventricle with a needle at least two hours prior to initiating the procedure. Experiment staff are obligated to attempt to limit existing connections that are made between the subject and other unregulated entities. In case it is impossible, the subject is to be observed for various signs of shock. Experiment staff noted a correlation between the number of consciousness paths and an effect on mental stability. The subject is not to be informed of the nature of the procedure and its purpose. In the case where they are deemed as non-cooperative, they are to be pacified by any means necessary and experiment initiated. Consent of the subject has been avowed as irrelevant. Due to the very high risk of lethality inherit to the procedure, the subject is to be connected to a digital monitoring system, overseen by on-site researchers. Before proceeding with the first stage of the procedure, the cranial bone directly next to the occipital lobe needs to be permanently removed through surgical means, as to allow the insertion of the interpolation device into the brain. Destruction of eyes, facial muscles, and jaw by the act of interjection of the mechanical system has been deemed acceptable. Given the nature of the SCP-7931, it is highly inadvisable to conclude the process prematurely. In a scenario where the subject is biologically terminated, especially during [DATA CORRUPTED] Description: SCP-7931 is a I see everything. They are everywhere. The main purpose of SCP-7931 is to facilitate the "Anterrak" procedure; a set of instructions, comprised of three major steps and auxiliary information. The procedure is described in English, on several pieces of book-torned printed paper dated to the XVIII century; this is believed to be a later copy. The origins of both the "Anterrak" procedure as well as SCP-7931 remain unknown. Revision: The main purpose of the "Anterrak" procedure is to facilitate SCP-7931. The most immediate effect of the procedure as observed, is the ability to connect to biological and technological systems in an undefined area. The connections are believed to not require any medium, instead being direct pathways between the subject consciousness and a computational system. I don't want to see anymore. Take my eyes, rip them out, crush them, devour them. Feel the warm liquid on your tongue, my pupils in your throat. Most likely as a combination of the effect of the insertion of the interpolation device and mentioned pathways, all previous test subjects started to show signs of insanity and exhibited severe loss of control over their own bodies, very closely following the start of the experiment. But they aren't my own eyes, they are foreign, primitive. My eyes are broken, destroyed, they took them from me. While the procedure was never completed, be it on an animal or a human, multiple anomalous effect were observed within the subject, ranging from expanded cognitive capabilities to theoretical immortality of the psyche — based on the stage of the procedure. The final stage of the procedure is believed to [DATA CORRUPTED] EXPERIMENT LOG: SUBJECT ALPHA Experiment Date: > 11/07/2016< Classified: > LVL 4: ID: 2515 < Risk: > High < Current Status: > Deceased < Subject Alpha greatly demonstrated our initial lack of understanding of SCP-7931, in the days following its containment. At first, we very incorrectly assumed the procedure to be a thaumaturgic ritual, but given recent developments I do not believe it to be the case. The most basic failure when commencing the procedure was a lack of any sort of straps or other systems meant to hold the subject in place while the key was being inserted — quite an obvious error in retrospect, but I won't dwell on it too much. Because of it, the subject was free to move around, resulting in them getting up with the key only partially in and ripping off connecting cables. I feel ashamed to commit such an oblivious mistake, given my years of experience, but fortunately it still provided us with a lot of meaningful data that we can extrapolate and utilise. What has to be noted, is that the subject is believed to have been in some short of shock when commencing the action and was, most likely, unaware of their own movement; signs of what is believed to be hallucinations were also observed — although some of my experiment staff thinks that not to be the case. While SCP-7931 is noticeably durable; or connection to it; during the procedure, the experiment is still vulnerable to rapid changes of environment, and so removing the connecting system so early in the procedure most likely terminated the connection immediately. Consequently, removed from the effect of the anomaly, the subject suffered a complete cerebral death that shut down all bodily functions. They are now considered fully deceased, but for cautionary measures the body was incinerated. What has to noted, is that the SCP-7931 remained in some form in the area for at least a few seconds, as the medical assistant closest to Subject Alpha in the area suffered a sudden severe mental breakdown and had to be relocated to psychiatric care. I believe that the nature of SCP-7931 should take full priority in further research. [DATA RESTORED] [RESUMING READING OF THE FILE] Special Containment Procedures: Kill me. Description: In order to allow the subject to form a connection with SCP-7931's dataset, it needs to first pass through an environment mimicking a human neural system, to accustom itself to the change of location. A quarantined part of a Foundation database has been chosen as an acceptable alternative. I hear beeping. It matches my heart. It's erratic. All around, it engulfs me. No, it's inside me. It pours out of me, ripped away from my thoughts. When proceeding with Stage One, for this reason the subject is to be connected to the chosen computational system, following the insertion of the interpolation device. It is highly unadvisable to allow the subject to read or interact with data within the database. I feel a machine. I know a machine. A long metal rod, penetrating deep inside my brain, grating gray matter, replacing me. During Stage One, the mentioned device will be directly inserted through the hole in the skull using a metal piston, until fully penetrating the limbic lobe. While the process, in normal circumstances, would result in death of the subject, for unknown reasons this does not occur. It is believed that, to some degree, SCP-7931 influences the biological state of the subject, disallowing the most obvious causes of termination. In a situation where the termination happens regardless it is possible to observe SCP-7931 directly, without a use of a medium. The subject of the experiment is not allowed to terminate under any circumstances. If the connection to the dataset is successful and stable, and the device was inserted fully into the head without terminating the subject, the procedure can safely proceed to the next step. I start to feel cold. I try to move my fingers. They are slow. I try move my head, but it's stuck. My face feels wet. It's not blood. During the Stage Two, the interpolation device will become active and will attempt to spread to the rest of the body, using nano-carbon tubes located inside it. Its wires spreading out, entwining my skull. I feel them everywhere, they travel deep inside my veins, pushing into every part of my body. The beeping stops. The beating also stops, my chest is calm. Everything is cold. I can't see anymore. It's peaceful. I'm alone. What's happening? If the subject experienced a CC-1 incident prior to this stage, the likelihood of a total organ failure is high. It is recommended to keep at least ten high doses of different emergency medication as well as a surgical team on site when commencing. The subject is not allowed to terminate under any circumstances. I hear the machine scream, in my mind, but I don't know its language. It's sound emotionless, detached, artificial. I move my arms. They don't respond. I can't move. I grow tired. Everything is cold. I try to see what is happening. I reach out. I don't want to see, but I'm scared. I find nothing. I feel a prick. Something is penetrating my chest. I don't know what. EXPERIMENT LOG: SUBJECT BETA Experiment Date: > 1/08/2016< Classified: > LVL 4: ID: 2515 < Risk: > Low < Current Status: > Deceased < After the failure of the first experiment, as well as several small scale experiments involving animals, we once again attempted the procedure with a human. Learning from the previous incident, we took necessary physical safety precautions and revised the implementation of the procedure, with the general purpose of conducting a small scale test that is to be stopped before finishing the insertion of the key. Given the effects brough forth by Experiment Alpha, I believed it would be beneficial to once again stop the procedure mid-way at a further point, to facilitate a similar result on a larger scale. After inserting the key around 65% through, we attempted to recover it without terminating the subject, in hope that they would return to usable state and provide further insight into the consequences of the procedure. Unfortunately, the sudden change of the environment caused the key to break down, resulting in a sudden decay of bodily function. Like expected, SCP-7931 once again spilled into the area, on a much greater scale. Overall, two casualties were noted among the staff. Subject Beta has been classified as dead. There is a woman in front of me. I've seen her before. Her face looks pale. She has a set of objects before her. I recognise them, but can't recall what are they. In case of the subject coming into shock, the medical staff needs to administer necessary substances directly to affected organs. Outside of personnel administering the procedure, no individuals are allowed to be in the immediate area of the experiment. Something is sticking out of my chest, breaking apart skin. I try to move, I feel my muscles move and contract, sliding across this foreign object. The woman does something, moves her hands. as to avoid a collapse of local reality. The object goes deeper inside me, tissues deep inside being pierced, I feel cells die, nerves become entangled. It breaks into an organ, liquid spills inside. It moves, stirs, pushes against the metal. It hurts. I hear it in my ears, it beats, again and again, I feel my arteries thump to its rhythm. The specific dosage of substances and any potential damage that might occur through administering them remain irrelevant, as the subject will not survive the procedure in a way that makes them recognizable to the pre-experimental stage. Moreover, SCP-7931 effect minimize risk for the duration of the procedure. She moves again. I feel my muscles slide, as something long is ripped out. I try to take a better look at her face, but I forgot I don't have eyes. Not my eyes, not anymore. I squint, I feel the muscles in my face contract, something wet and squishy moves on my cheeks. The woman flinches. She inserts something long into my arm, trying not to look at me. It pricks. I feel tired. EXPERIMENT LOG: SUBJECT GAMMA Experiment Date: > 12/09/2016< Classified: > LVL 4: ID: 2515 < Risk: > Medium < Current Status: > Deceased < Given the information collected about the process in the Beta experiment, I concluded we were sufficiently prepared to attempt to reach the next stage in the procedure. Given sufficient funding, we were able to expand the safety measures in a way that satisfied conditions given by the project overseers. Unfortunately, despite our preparations, the subject's body couldn't take the stress of activating the key, resulting in polymer bonds breaking down, and the subject turning into undefinable mass on the floor, which disallowed us to continue the experiment. Nonetheless, I consider the Gamma procedure a success, because despite the complete termination of biological functions, the subject appears to be still alive. While because of it the standard experimental result from Alpha and Beta did not occur, I think to have personally caught a glimpse of SCP-7931 for the first time and while I cannot discern or remember any details, it felt me quite exhiliarated. I swear I will get to the bottom of this anomaly. Future experiments regarding the object have been forbidden by the Ethics Committee. Doesn't matter, we will relocate and try again. The next subject will involve, hopefully, finally completing the procedure without interruptions. I feel light. Nothing is real. The world is not real. I hope it's not real. As of writing, the true nature of SCP-7931 remains unknown. All attempts to collect data about the entity failed to provide any information that can be confirmed through empirical or practical means; current theories are based solely on hypothetical models. I am floating. I feel calm. I hear sounds, deep inside my head. I ignore them. They are not important. Given that the impossibility of accessing information is currently believed to be a part of the anomaly, until further notice SCP-7931 have been classified as a Tenebrarius-class anomaly. Something grasps at me, far away, from outside. I see visions, places, feelings. I ignore them. The recovered information about the procedure is believed to be incomplete, lacking details about the steps further than the third, as well as the consequences of completing it. This is most likely by design, as the last page of the compendium is not in a state of disrepair; it is possible the procedure was never successfully finished. I feel calm. I want to sleep. I am drifting between scenes and places. I cannot remember what they are, focus on them. I do not exist. I feel something pull me. I feel someone, something, on the edge of my mind. There are thousands of them, millions, uncountable legions, none of them alive. They dance in harmony, as one, they push out to me. I feel their screams in my ears. They are hurting. I cannot imagine what they are. When I think they disappear. They don't exist. I know their agony, they hide in every spasm of my body, every ruptured blood vessel. They are afraid. EXPERIMENT LOG: SUBJECT DELTA Experiment Date: > 12/12/2016< Classified: > LVL 4: ID: 2515 < Risk: > Very High < Current Status: > PENDING < In this jail, atop cursed land In a great flood yet still I stand My mind and body bound by hand With cold desire and power grand And among the fields of green Lie the thoughts that I had seen But at center of that scene Hide the secrets most obscene Still I breathe, hours past Hoping to see my last With effort great and vast My rot heart beating nast Description: I hear a sound. A street, a car moves, I hear it. Something is hurting, calling me, in a building, next to the road. The humans drive around it, ignoring it. They never care when someone hurts. I dive in with the wind inside. Creatures, tens of them, hundreds, hanging from the ceiling in rows. In front I feel one, struggling and breathing, something is holding it in place. It's big, uneasy, it doesn't know what's happening. On the other side, I see more of them, but I cannot feel them. They are cold, unmoving. Their skin was ripped off, skulls crushed, spine cut out. They no longer call me. I snap back, to the one in the front. Something moves in front of it, the creature struggles in its bindings. It breathes heavily, ragged. A great metal arm moves forward, I feel the wind as it breaks through the air, hitting the being in the head. But it moves, flinches, the machine hitting it at the side of the head. It writhes in pain, losing control over muscles. It realizes I am here. It tries to escape into me, away from everything. I feel like something moves it from the ground, into air. We travel together, deeper into the facility, over a great vat, I think. Something moves in front of us, but we cannot see what or who. A cold touch moves under our neck, it's short and painful. The creature wants to scream but cannot, it's vocal cords not working, severed. So I scream for it. Wetness spills down, dripping to the floor. The creature is sad. I comfort it. It's a bit less sad now. I think that's good. I feel as it grows tired, slower. It feels cold and distant, moving away from its own body. It wants to struggle, but can't, it's too weak. Suddenly, it disappears, I can't feel it anymore. Everything feels empty. I think it's dead. It feels good. I want to be dead. I hear a sound around me. Around my body. I have a body. I forgot. I try to move my fingers. It works. My body is unresponsive, bound, but my hand is free. I move the hand in the air, before my face. I touch my cheek, feel something round and wet on it. I pull on it, it hurts, but the nerve break. It falls to the floor. I move my hand to my eyelid and force them open. It hurts. I push my fingers inside, force them deeper. I feel metal inside and ignore it, I grasp around it and rip out a chunk. It doesn't hurt. Thinking is hard. I rip out another chunk. My hand quivers. It feels cold. I feel cold. I can't focus. I can't think. I try to move but can't, my body doesn't work. Nothing feels, nothing is, except the cold. I don't hear sounds, everything disappears, I remain. Why I can't disappear. Why I I try to move my hand up. Doesn't work. I try to I try to Everything is cold. Why is everything cold? Where am I? Why am I? I want to I want I Cold. Everything is cold. I don't remember. Sleep. I I want to sleep. I can't feel. I I can't I see a tree, in a great field of grass. It speaks to me in an ancient tongue, beautiful and calm, but I do not know its language. The tree is wilting, the field decaying, falling into nothingess. With every drop of dirt I hear an eternal scream, washing away with millions more, in a cacaphony of torment. I feel my body reject me, pushing me out. The muscles growing cold and distant, flesh melting away. I collapse into sound, I am breaking apart, piece my piece. I see the world around me, grasping at me, trying to tear me in half. I see them, at the edge, just beyond. They are not alive. They weren't alive for a very long time. They touch me, hold me. They look scared, in pain. They want to be free. They would cry if they remember what is was. They call me. We are one. Ethics Commitee Note 20/12/2016 On the 18th of December we have been notified of a breach of a specialised directive regarding SCP-7931; an injunction on further experiments utilising the anomaly. On the 19th of December we found traces of an off-site laboratory, located underground, where an experiment was conducted — due to the nature of the anomaly it wasn't necessary to transport it in any capacity, and so we failed to adress the issue before the procedure was initiated. It is currently impossible to exact any disciplinary action towards the perpetrators, as they are believed to be dead; including Dr Marletov. The exact cause of their termination is unclear but an indication of a reality-restructing event in the area was noted. "Subject Delta" is believed not to exist. Investigation is ongoing. WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN Item #: SCP-7931 Object Class: Please X is for "XXX" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub X is for “Xenobiotic” « SCP-7930 | SCP-7931 | SCP-7932 »
Notice from the 59-Deucalion team Due to the ongoing ØK-class Artistic Singularity Event brought about by SCP-7933, this article has been screened for potential narrative qualities. The threat of SCP-7933 contamination for this document has been determined to be 23%. Proceed with caution. Title card for a fully contaminated instance of SCP-7933 on VHS. No, you can still have stories. Like this one. Item: SCP-7933 Once upon a time, there were a lot of monkeys. Object Class: Keter They had very important things to do in the East. Special Containment Procedures: Following the threshold contaminant ratio being met on 1/29/2025, SCP-7933 is no longer containable. It is currently believed that the resulting ØK-class Artistic Singularity Event will achieve planet-wide assimilation by 12/23/2030. So, they all headed Eastward. As such, containment efforts have been refocused into Contingencies 59-Deucalion and 59-Pyrrha. The journey was long and hard. Personnel assigned to Contingency 59-Deucalion will acquire as many vulnerable instances of human artistic culture as permitted by the maximum payload of the SCPS Deucalion1. The Deucalion will remain at Armed Containment Area-0005. Once the maximum payload is reached, the Deucalion will be sent unmanned to the nearest neighboring parallel universe. But that's when things got complicated. If the onboard sensors detect even minimal SCP-7933 contamination aboard the Deucalion, the onboard nuclear warhead will detonate. In this event, no further action will be taken toward preservation. Some hairless monkeys kept dropping their treasures in the hairy monkeys' path. Personnel assigned to Contingency 59-Pyrrha will focus on the inurement of humankind to the effects of SCP-7933. This will be primarily done through amnestics. The hairless monkeys had no way of knowing this was taking place. Description: SCP-7933 is a self-replicating narrative contagion of unknown origin. Upon initial discovery in 2023, it was believed that SCP-7933 only affected VHS tapes. Testing revealed that SCP-7933 affected any form of data storage that contains a story with a beginning, middle, and end — including books, audio files, and live performers. This meant, of course, that the hairy monkeys had to smash it. When an infected instance of SCP-7933 comes within 100 meters of an unaffected story, the content of the story changes significantly to involve the characters being slaughtered by hundreds of angry mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx). And that was awful. Medium Effect VHS live-action film At a random point during the story, mandrills suddenly charge into the scene and begin to eat and dismember the cast. None of the affected characters make any attempt to defend themselves and only minimally struggle. In rare instances, victimized characters will look at the camera and say "it was only a question of 'when'" or "this is what we deserve for not being monkeys." VHS animated film At a random point, the screen will suddenly freeze. The camera will pan away to reveal an animation studio that is currently under attack by vicious mandrills. .mp3 recording of a song (Note: the song has to include or imply a narrative to be affected.) The song will be randomly interrupted by the sound of a mandrill attack. Book, fictional or nonfictional The book will be divided into two chapters. The first chapter, "The Part Before the Monkeys Came," comprises 1/3rd of the original text. The second chapter, "The Part With All The Monkeys," briefly describes a mandrill attack in which the entire population of Earth is murdered and replaced by mandrills. The remainder of the pages will be blank. Live news reports 5/7933 Clearance Required SCP Documentation 5/7933 Clearance Required Websites 5/7933 Clearance Required Paintings, Visual Art, and Photographs The image will transform into an identical image of several SCP-7933 instances walking across a desert from left to right. Thoughts kept to oneself RESEARCH ONGOING But sadly, the hairy monkeys were warriors by nature. If any of the affected video instances are played from the beginning, a ten-minute film plays with the title card "munky x-ing". During the film, 4,9202 mandrills walk from the left side of the screen to the right. The backdrop varies, but will usually resemble either a desert or a scene from the film prior to SCP-7933 contamination. Revisited audio files will be silent, save for the sound of several hundred mandrills breathing. And besides, their monkeys' secret business in the East was just that important. It is believed that if SCP-7933 is allowed to propagate undisturbed, it would cause an ØK-class Artistic Singularity Event. The hairless monkeys grew angry, because the things that were being destroyed were of great value. Addendum 1 - Incident-7933-859 But the hairy monkeys had no way to explain themselves. On 5/5/2024, during the initial waves of the SCP-7933 narrative pandemic, a performance of Rigoletto at the Lyric Opera of Chicago was suddenly interrupted during Act I by new material, sung without orchestral accompaniment. Although the libretto and sheet music used by the cast had also been affected, the cast had not rehearsed this number before. So the hairless monkeys could only assume that this was being done in cold blood. It should be noted that no real mandrills appeared during the performance. Every physical reaction to mandrill attacks was pantomimed. And I, the last sage of our tribe, made one final push for understanding… Libretto excerpt of the anomalous section (Translated from Italian) Marullo: Great news! Great news! Chorus: What has happened? Tell us. Marullo: This will amaze you! Chorus, Borsa: Tell us, tell us. Marullo: Ah! Ah! Rigoletto… (Rigoletto suddenly inters in a state of dishevelment.) Marullo: Soft! I must not tell while he is present. Chorus: It's him! How frightened he looks… Rigoletto: God help us all! Marullo: And what would a jester know of God? Rigoletto: They are upon us! The monkeys! Duke: Have mercy on my poor jester, for he has gone mad. There are no monkeys in my court. Marullo: Perhaps your jester looked in a mirror! Chorus, Borsa: Ha, ha! That was a joke! Ha, ha! Rigoletto: Behold! (Everyone sees the monkeys.) Chorus: What horror! Monkeys! Duke: They leap upon my throat with rapid stride! See how the blood gushes from my neck like a fountain! Oh, I am dying. Dying feels worse than sleeping with my courtiers' wives. But alas, that is what I am doing. What cruelty! I am very dead. Chorus: Monkeys, monkeys! Rigoletto: They bite me once again! How I die! Chorus: Monkeys, monkeys! Marullo: I am also having my arms torn off by monkeys. Chorus: Monkeys, monkeys! Everybody is now dead. (All die. Curtain.) But what can be done? Following the performance, the entire cast had fallen into comas. Only the actress who played the role of Gilda was responsive to rescue efforts, claiming in Italian that "I cannot move, for the monkeys have torn out my heart." Even if my words reach you, will you accept them? Addendum 2 - Note from the Administrator regarding SCP-7933 (revised) Even I can see the value of what has been lost. + Note from the Administrator regarding SCP-7933 (original) - encryption key accepted Good evening, my friends. The drop in morale ever since the threshold-meeting event hasn't gone unnoticed. I doubt an extension of my sympathy is going to fix anything, but even those among us who've laughed off SCP-7933 as "that silly monkey thing" have begun to feel the misery of the contagion's impact. We can survive without stories. We can survive without art. But there is a difference between surviving and living. But make no mistake: the resilience of the human mind has taken us this far. That is why I am announcing the third contingency, to be drafted immediately: Contingency 59-Prometheus. Through 59-Prometheus, the brightest minds of the Foundation will work together to create a new and untouchable form of human expression that why do I hear broken glass? What's that ungodly howling noise? Oh, no. It cannot be. The mandrills. They're climbing all over me. They're biting into my neck. God help me. Ow. Ow. Stop it, monkeys. Go away. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I am now dead. Monkeys win. There are now a hundred times a hundred monkeys walking across my corpse in a big line to the East. They're going off to do their monkey jobs. It's a good thing they're so much better and stronger than me. Good luck with your monkey jobs, monkeys. Not that you'll need it. I love you, monkeys. Thank you for destroying me. — The Administrator I know it's no fault of your own. SCP-7933 is survivable. That, in itself, is hopeful. (…and you'll understand, of course, if I'm not exactly in the mood to write out the whole damned thing all over again. Keeping it shorter seems to help — for now, at least.) Good luck. You'll need it. — The Administrator But all the same, it's no fault of ours, either. Perhaps our tribes are just that incompatible. And so, it is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that this document, and everything within, has been eaten by monkeys. So consider this my final, desperate plea for you to take the fucking hint and get out of the way. Eastward bound, and off, we, go… Footnotes 1. An experimental multiversal exploration vehicle that uses SCP-[REDACTED] and -[REDACTED] as a catalyst. 2. Full count obtained by Researcher Solomon at Site-59. X is for "Xenobiotic" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub Y is for “Youth” « SCP-7932 | SCP-7933 | SCP-7934 »
Item #: SCP-7934 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7934 is to be kept in an artificial freshwater lake on-grounds at Area 565, and fitted with a tracking tag to monitor its movements underwater. The location was established due to similar environmental conditions to SCP-7934's original habitat. Live eels, trout, and salmon have been introduced to the habitat to provide a steady diet for SCP-7934. If SCP-7934 approaches any personnel on the shoreline of the lake, or while they are in an observation boat, they are to remain calm, so as not to cause it distress. If it vocalises or rests its head in the boat, personnel are to gently stroke its head or neck until it is satisfied, taking the opportunity to check its physical health. If a Surgeon Event is observed, personnel are to begin an immediate misinformation campaign, promoting the existence of SCP-7934 to the general public. Update: As of 22/06/2004, the preceding Special Containment Procedures are outdated. Refer to Revised Containment Procedures. Description: SCP-7934 is currently a quadrupedal marine reptile bearing a close resemblance to a specimen of the genus Plesiosaurus, albeit larger in size than any fossil of the genus that has been discovered. Its body length is roughly 6.4m, with its neck comprising roughly 2.5m of that length, and its body mass has been approximated to be 970kg. Despite its appearance, SCP-7934 displays behaviour incongruent with current understandings of plesiosaurs; it has been observed raising its neck and bending its head at angles unsupported by current models of Plesiosaurus biology. SCP-7934 also shows notable signs of intelligence, including self-recognition of its reflection and a tendency to develop attachments to specific research staff. SCP-7934's physiology has dramatically changed several times over the course of its time in Foundation captivity. These changes in physiology typically take a month to complete1 and are often visceral, with SCP-7934 invariably vocalising in pain or distress as its body reshapes itself. Date of change2 Physiology Size Weight 1846 (year of initial recovery) Resembled a large Irish wolfhound, with what appeared to be peat moss growing from its fur. 81cm (from foot to shoulder) 62kg 1857 Resembled a large reptile. Snout was elongated, with nostrils located on top of the nose. Eyes were enlarged and bulbous. Feet were noticeably crocodilian in form. 8m (from snout to tail) Approx. 700kg August 1888 Resembled a fire salamander3. Was observed propelling itself across the surface of the water by running, similar to a basilisk lizard4. 7m (from snout to tail) Approx. 550kg May 1933 - April 1934 Physiology became inconsistent and varied. At times, SCP-7934 was amphibious; at others, it was fully aquatic. Details including size, weight, type of feet, number of legs, length of snout, length of neck, and shape of head could alter, uniformly causing pain and distress to the organism. Varied Varied 21 April 1934 Resembles an abnormally large plesiosaur. This is SCP-7934's current physiology. 6.4m (from snout to tail) Approx. 970kg Incident 21/04/1934: In 1934, Dr. Anne Menzies, an assistant zoologist assigned to SCP-7934, made a series of notes in her personal journal detailing independent research into the organism's history and physiology. + View contents of Dr. Menzies' journal - Hide contents of Dr. Menzies' Journal Feb 28 SCP-7934's in a dire state at the moment. Its legs have gotten horribly swollen. The damn things look more like hippo feet than any reptile or amphibian I've seen before. What I can't for the life of me work out is how we don't yet know what's causing this. I asked Rupert5 about it today and he just shrugged a bit. Said something like he's been trying to answer that for forty years, and that if I really wanted to I could look through the log of changes but that it wouldn't do much good. Patronising fuc I shouldn't be getting upset at him. He's probably kicking himself over the whole thing as much as I am. Maybe I'll take him up on that offer, though. Mar 4 Rupert was right - this does feel like a waste of time. I can't find a trend at all. The gaps in time between all the changes are irregular, and we've never observed anything like the mutations going on at the moment. Why a dog? Every other time it's changed since we've had the creature it's been a reptile, or an amphibian, something with scales. But before then, a dog. I just can't work it out. SCP-7934 changed again, incidentally. I watched as its neck grew longer and longer. The skin tore because it couldn't keep up with the growth. God, the noises it makes are too much sometimes. Mar 6 I mentioned the questions I had about the dog to Rupert today and he said something that's stuck with me. He told me that a little before the Great War, he'd had a theory that SCP-7934 was originally some sort of kelpie - one of those so-called water horses - and that it'd somehow ended up morphing into a lizard. Apparently he gave up on it because he couldn't understand the reason behind the change. He told me not to worry about it, but it got me thinking. Kelpies are creatures of myth, are they not? Perhaps there's some sort of… storytelling component to it. But what could have happened in 1857 to make the damn thing turn into a di I just went and checked. The dinosaurs. The damn dinosaurs at Bromley6. First unveiled in 1854. Add in a few years for the image to spread. The sketch I've got of the 1857 changes has big bloody dinosaur feet like the Iguanodon and the same fish eyes as the Ichthyosaurus. Could this be it? I have to consult with Rupert tomorrow. I'll bring in what I found. Mar 9 I told Rupert what I'd found - about the dinosaurs at Bromley - and how it relates to his old kelpie idea, and he's already writing up a full letter to the Director about it on my behalf. Said he couldn't be happier with the work I've put in. On that note, I went away and found a few back issues of the Courier7, and there's an article in here that I think supports my theory! Something about a businessman and his wife that saw what looked like a whale in the water back in May last year. Right around that time, SCP-7934 first gained cetacean features! I think we've bloody well got it! Can't be too excited, though, speaking about 7934 - the poor thing's getting worse. I found it beached about ten feet away from the shoreline today, with fins instead of feet, completely unable to get back into the water. Its breathing was terribly laboured, too, and it wouldn't stop looking at me. Rupert thinks that at some point overnight, it had come onto dry land, and then another damn mutation had happened that left it helpless. Took nine of us to get it back into the lake. Still, if this theory of mine is right, then there's a way to stabilise the changes so that this doesn't happen again. Mar 14 The Director came down to visit today. He wanted to see me in particular. Commended me on my hard work and congratulated me on coming up with the theory for the physiology changes. I must remember to thank Rupert; I think a lesser man might take credit for an idea like that himself, but he was sure to give me full recognition. I mentioned my idea for a way to stabilise 7934, and I'm not sure how to gauge his response. All he did was look out onto the water with a funny sort of look in his eye. Then he turned back to me and said, "Give it a formal writeup." Now, obviously, there's nothing directly forbidding or discouraging in what he said, but there's just something about his tone there that made me uncertain. It felt like he was weighing up whether it'd be smarter to shoot me down now or later. I told Rupert about my unease once the Director was gone, and he believes I'm just being a bit paranoid. I do hope that's the case. Mar 19 Finally managed to finish off the proposal to stabilise 7934's form yesterday. If I'm correct and the changes are based on what people think it looks like, then it's just a matter of disseminating a few decently credible reports into the wild. I've even taken the liberty of including a few drafts to show the Director that it won't be too difficult. I dropped it off at his office first thing this morning - with any luck, I'll hear back from him soon. Hopefully it won't be too long. As I was observing 7934 today from the boat, it approached me with some difficulty. It's front left fin has split open into a claw. I could see bone in the gaps between its new fingers. Mar 28 Still nothing. I'm beginning to get annoyed. How long could it possibly take to review a proposal? Rupert's seeing the Director in a few days on other business, and he's kindly offered to make an inquiry for me. 7934's hind legs have warped together into a single flippered tail, like a seal. The left leg hasn't fully shed the nails from when it was last quadrupedal, so it's been veering left as it propels itself through the water. It keeps looking at me as if it's begging for me to ease its pain. I don't know how long I can bear to wait for a response. Apr 2 According to Rupert's account, the Director has in fact read our proposal. He certainly could have fooled me, given his complete silence on the matter. Apparently he's busy "weighing up the pros and cons". What the hell does that mean, "pros and cons"? I fail to see a negative in this argument. Either we keep 7934 alive and healthy or risk its death, what more is there to understand? Perhaps I'm just being emotional. The damn thing is calling out whenever it sees me now. It's wounding me to think about it. Apr 17 Fuck him fuck him fuck him The Director came to visit us today. Asked how 7934 was doing, to which I answered something like, "It's suffering. If you'd consider implementing my proposal, we can alleviate that." Nothing confrontational, although I was a bit curt with him. Do you know what he did? He put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me aside as if I were some sort of naïve ingenue who needed everything explained to her, and he said, "To be frank, Annie, what's important isn't whether or not it's in pain, it's whether or not it's alive." The absolute gall of him! I don't think I've ever been quite so angry in my life. I held my tongue and politely suggested the possibility of death resulting from the stress of the constant mutation 7934 is under, but he brushed me off. Said he'd read through my proposal but considers the chances to be minimal since 7934 has always recovered in the past. Said he didn't think it was worth risking a potential information leak while we disseminated the false reports. And then he smiled at me and told me to keep up the good work before leaving. Rupert's tried to calm me, say that we can try again with a better writeup of the proposal, but I've seen it plain now. The Director doesn't seem to care for 7934's quality of life, only the presence of it. Trying again would be like hurling myself at a brick wall, dusting myself down, and charging right back at it - a complete exercise in futility. Besides which… as much as my focus is on the well-being of the creature, I can't ignore that I'm well and truly on the warpath now. All I've asked is the opportunity to keep this one-of-a-kind organism healthy, but I've been stonewalled time after time. To hell with it. I'll accept all the consequences of what I'm about to do, but I'll be damned if I don't take action now. On 21/04/1934, a photograph, purported to show SCP-7934 in its original habitat, was published in a national newspaper. That same day, SCP-7934's physiology changed into its current form8. After briefly stopping at Area 565 to check SCP-7934's health, Dr. Menzies surrendered herself to Foundation staff with the original photographic plate, confessing to organising the hoax in an attempt to ensure SCP-7934's survival. A search of her home found the above journal and several items used to create the photograph9. In light of SCP-7934's dramatically improved wellbeing, and a defence by its head researcher, Dr. Cantwell, Dr. Menzies was given the minimum penalty of a two year probationary period, during which she was not to work on SCP-7934. She returned to her position as assistant zoologist on SCP-7934 in 1938; upon noticing her, SCP-7934 approached the observational boat and vocalised for three hours, pausing occasionally to rub its neck against the boat. Incident 07/12/1975: On 07/12/1975, the photograph taken by Dr. Menzies was exposed as a hoax in a national newspaper. For roughly 26 hours following the distribution of the story, SCP-7934 ceased to exist; its tracking tag did not register any information, and it could not be located in its habitat. In response, Foundation agents launched a misinformation campaign, downplaying the exposure of the photograph and exaggerating the potential existence of SCP-7934 in its original habitat. This was successful in stabilising SCP-7934's existence, and it maintained its physiology upon its return; however, over the next few weeks, researchers noted an apparent change in mood. SCP-7934 was observed to be more agitated than usual, being startled by loud noises. It also frequently approached researchers in the observation boat, resting its head on the gunwale and vocalising until it received a gentle pat. Following Incident 07/12/1975, SCP-7934 would cease to exist four more times, in 1987, 1999, 2001, and 2002; such events were officially termed Surgeon Events. While Foundation efforts were able to suppress any information regarding SCP-7934's actual status, an apparent decrease in belief in its existence seemed to have corresponded with the increase in Surgeon Events. On 21/12/2003, Dr. Raavi, the lead researcher on SCP-7934, made the following proposal to European Regional Overseer Llewellyn. + View proposal - Hide proposal December 21, 2003 Proposal for Revision of Containment Procedures for SCP-7934 Please excuse the somewhat unusual nature of this request. I recognise that you are not normally involved in revisions and the like, but the proposal I'm making requires a much higher level of oversight than is typical, so I'm sending this straight to you. As I am sure you are well aware, SCP-7934 is destabilising more frequently than it has in the past. I propose that our current strategy of hoaxing its existence is somewhat flawed. Yes, it worked for Dr. Menzies back in the thirties, but these are different times. Cameras are much more advanced, and take higher quality images every year; besides that, we're now seeing cell phones with cameras actually built into them. If that technology becomes more widespread, then the chances of us convincingly faking SCP-7934's existence every time we see a Surgeon Event will drop like a stone. Think about it: thousands of people photographing the water with high-fidelity cameras every year? We'd stand no chance. For this reason, we must face the inevitable conclusion that, in order to successfully maintain belief in SCP-7934, we are going to need to actually have something physical in its original habitat to be glimpsed from time to time. Bear in mind that I am by no means suggesting we openly confess to SCP-7934's existence; we are the Foundation, after all, and containment is what we do. But if we allow the civilian population to occasionally catch sight of a strange ripple on the water, we can keep the rumour of its existence alive enough to sustain it. When initially drafting this proposal, I had planned to recommend the use of an artificial SCP-7934 that we could employ from time to time. The more I thought about it, however, the more I found myself questioning the viability of such a scheme. If the construct were exposed as a hoax, while we could easily brush it aside with the use of amnestics, I fear what the discovery of such a large-scale fraud would do for SCP-7934; even with a cover-up, the potential Surgeon Event could be permanently damaging to its health. As such, I would like to state the simple solution: Why don't we just let it go home? + View Revised Containment Procedures - Hide Revised Containment Procedures Revised Containment Procedures: SCP-7934 is to be kept in its original habitat at Loch Ness in Scotland, and fitted with a tracking tag to monitor its movements underwater. Foundation personnel are to ensure that no civilian vessel is allowed to move within 1km2 of SCP-7934's location. If SCP-7934 approaches any personnel while they are in an observation boat, they are to remain calm, so as not to cause it distress. If it vocalises or rests its head in the boat, personnel are to gently stroke its head or neck until it is satisfied, taking the opportunity to check its physical health. If SCP-7934 approaches the shoreline, any civilians present are to be detained and administered Class-A amnestics, rendering specific details of the encounter impossible to recall. If the number of civilian observers is particularly low, and they have no evidence of SCP-7934's existence, they may be permitted to spread stories of the encounter, so as to maintain its general health. In the event that a civilian posts photographic or videographic evidence of SCP-7934 online, the content is to be assessed for its believability. If the content is deemed to be too concrete proof of SCP-7934's existence, it is to be immediately scrubbed from the Internet, and Class A amnestics are to be distributed among the general population to remove the image from memory. Otherwise, the content may be left online, so as to maintain SCP-7934's wellbeing. Footnotes 1. With exceptions - see Incident 21/04/1934. 2. Dates given prior to the 1872 Recordkeeping Standardisation Policy can only be narrowed down to the year. 3. Salamandra salamandra. 4. Basilicus basilicus. 5. Dr. Cantwell, then-head researcher on SCP-7934. 6. A series of sculptures by B. W. Hawkins depicting then-accurate interpretations of prehistoric life at the Crystal Palace in London. 7. Referring to the Inverness Courier, a newspaper commonly circulated around SCP-7934's original habitat. 8. Dr. Menzies later suggested that the rapidity of change in popular image of SCP-7934 resulted in an accelerated rate of mutation. 9. These included fishing line, several sinkers, a buoyant toy submarine, and a crudely-sculpted head and neck of a plesiosaur made from putty. « SCP-7933 | SCP-7934 | SCP-7935 »
Item #: 7935 Object Class: Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7935 is to remain on display in wing A7 of Site-357's anomalous artifacts appreciation sector. Located SCP-7935-1 instances are to be uprooted and transported to Site-357 where they are to be placed in the proximity of both SCP-7935 and a grow lamp. Instances are to be watered twice daily, and monitored for unique growth patterns. SCP-7935 Description: SCP-7935 is a forged copy of Szatan by Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz. Though the piece itself is undamaged, it remains in its original frame, which has been warped due to water damage incurred prior to acquisition. SCP-7935-1 denotes certain masses of amalgamated human flesh. Entities consist of up to two arms, two legs, one head,1 and at least one phallus, all contorted around a central mound. Additionally, instances possess both complex rootlike protrusions emanating from their undersides, and cells containing chlorophyll, giving them a mild green hue and allowing them to sustain themselves given ample light and water. Nascent SCP-7935-1 instances have been discovered globally in a wide variety of locations, though most frequently around college campuses and locations with similar demographic makeups. Most instances will be discovered in an earlier state of development, with fewer obvious appendages and paler skin. In 95% of cases, these instances will naturally perish due to malnourishment, incapable of sustaining themselves.2 Notably, the aforementioned effect can be remedied through exposure to SCP-7935, the maintained proximity of which will allow the mounds to swell to and maintain their mature state. Addendum-1: Junior Researcher Elias Flock was recorded musing the following out loud while watering an SCP-7935-1 instance. "Well isn't that a pretty protrusion you have there, fella." He was then observed poking the aforementioned protrusion with his watering can before moving on. Hours after Flock's maintenance, the watered instance began to constrict upon itself, forming a bud-like structure which it remained in for approximately three days. The instance was then observed to unfurl, extending its limbs outward and beyond its container, and in doing so, revealing a human heart that had developed within.3 The instance has remained in this altered state since the event. Investigations into this behavior are ongoing. « SCP-7934 | SCP-7935 | SCP-7936 » Footnotes 1. Possessing any number of the expected sensory organs and orifices of a human being. 2. Though they possess the proper faculties. 3. Beating at a constant 112 BPM.
Thank you to Yossipossi and FLOORBOARDS for feedback. Inspired by a dream. ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 7936 Level3 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: danger link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Disinformation framing SCP-7936 instances as existing celestial bodies, and fabricated research explaining their odd coloration, have been produced and disseminated. Translocation of instances to on-Earth containment is in-progress. Description: SCP-7936 refers to three hundred and fifty-two human corpses in low Earth orbit, which appeared spontaneously on 12/03/2029. The majority of SCP-7936 instances have been connected to certified statements of death alleging a death at sea, typically by drowning. Each instance demonstrates advanced decomposition, halted by a reduced exposure to oxygen in LEO. Instances each hold, or are otherwise attached to, an anomalous member of Stauroteuthis syrtensis (Glowing sucker octopus) which emits higher than normal luminosity via its bioluminescent photophores. The apparent magnitude of each octopus reaches 2.456 at their most luminous, making each specimen visible on Earth in most night skies, indistinguishable from non-anomalous stars aside from their blue-green coloration and the shadow occasionally generated by the corpse's extremities. Exhumation of burial spaces expected to contain SCP-7936 instances have produced no human remains. Examination of personal records revealed no abnormalities, though in cases where driver's licenses were recoverable, a pictograph of a star existed alongside, or in place of, the organ donor marker. Addendum.7936.1 VEILING FAILURE Attempts to relocate SCP-7936 instances from LEO to on-Earth containment were successful in five cases before complications prevented the project's completion. The following log concerns the failed acquisition of SCP-7936 instance "Nadia Hovhannisyan" from LEO on 12/13/2029. <CONTAINMENT_LOG.7936> DATE: 12/13/2029 | 03:12 - 03:30 PERSONNEL INVOLVED: Dr. Maria Lambert, Dr. Cassandra Alexander, Dr. Timur Akhtar, SCPS Sara's rudimentary onboard AI STATION: SCPS Sara orbital vessel PURPOSE: The recovery of SCP-7936 instance "Nadia Hovhannisyan" from LEO, as well as the Stauroteuthis syrtensis specimen attached to it. The Sara was crewed by all blind operators, to minimize the risk of ocular damage from SCP-7936's exceptional luminescence. <BEGIN LOG> [03:12] The crew of the Sara arrives at the instance's location and preps both its medical bay and its modified animalian containment unit. [03:17] Lambert uses the Sara's external mechanical apparatus to retrieve the instance. [03:18] Akhtar begins sanitation of the body in the vessel's medical bay; Nadia Hovhannisyan is confirmed dead, and the syrtensis specimen is confirmed alive and uncooperative. [03:20] The specimen ceases to bioluminate once confined in its containment unit. The Sara's onboard AI informs the crew of this development. [03:21] The specimen begins to flash light from its photophores with irregular pauses between. Alexander remarks on the possibility of Morse code messaging and begins an attempt to decode the sequence. [03:22] Akhtar begins autopsy on Nadia Hovhannisyan as the Sara's AI relays the specimen's sequence to Alexander. [03:23] The flashing sequence repeats fully. Alexander states with annoyance that it does not comport to Morse code. Akhtar posits that the message might be ciphered or otherwise obfuscated. [03:29] Alexander's attempts to decipher a message continue to produce nothing valuable. As the sequence repeats for a fourth time, she reaches forward and grabs at the bars of the containment unit. Akhtar steps forward to intervene, leaving the table mid-autopsy. [03:30] As Akhtar and Alexander converse, the corpse of Nadia Hovhannisyan animates. It regards them from the table until they notice its raised head, at which time all lights in the Sara cut off. An unknown person speaks the word "hush" at a volume detectable by onboard equipment. Simultaneously, all electrical sources of light at terrestrial containment facilities Site-24, Site-47, Area-89, and Site-107 cease to luminate. <END LOG> In all cases, repair of electrical devices affected by SCP-7936 proved ineffectual, many requiring total replacement. Efforts to remove SCP-7936 instances from LEO have been stayed until new containment procedures can be drafted. Area-89, a provisional Atlantic deep-sea facility affected by SCP-7936, has noted an increase in local non-anomalous Stauroteuthis syrtensis activity, though staff have suggested that their bioluminescence, and therefore the population's numbers, had been previously masked by the area's light output. Personnel sent to the Atlantic's surface have remarked that the night sky appears darker, and the stars even more visible. « SCP-7935 | SCP-7936 | SCP-7937 »
Item#: SCP-7940 Level1 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7940 is assigned a humanoid containment cell at Site-403. Due to its low potential for disruption and record of loyalty to the Foundation, it is allowed to freely leave its containment cell to access common areas of Site-403 and areas relevant to its position as Senior Researcher. Description: SCP-7940 refers to Senior Researcher Ryan Tegen, a 30-year-old humanoid male. Its anomalous effect occurs when it attempts to bring its hand 45 centimeters above its head. This will cause an invisible ceiling to manifest above SCP-7940's hand. This ceiling will block the upward movement of SCP-7940 and inanimate objects it is holding, but is completely intangible to other living beings. Discovery: SCP-7940 was discovered on 2/16/2023 when it reported its anomalous properties to its supervisor. It claimed that these abilities might have existed intermittently throughout its life but only became permanent recently. SCP-7940 believed that its diary entries reveal a reason as to its manifestation of anomalous properties. Relevant entries are shown below, with surrounding entries included for context. Day 1: First day at the Foundation. I can't say I was expecting to be hired by the shadow government straight out of college, but it pays better than any other job. I don't know anything about these “anomalies”, but the trainers are saying I'm picking up the science very quickly. I'm excited to start real work here! Day 3: I finished their basic “What Is An Anomaly?” training course and they're having me help out with tests. Honestly, I have no clue what I'm doing. College prepared me for real stuff, not a flower that blooms when you speak purple around it. How the hell does that even work? Well, I guess this is real stuff. The point is, I was doing tests like they asked me to, but I don't understand what the tests are actually doing. Hopefully it will make sense soon, but I'm not sure if it ever will. Day 4: Not the best day today. One of the tests went wrong because I mixed up the equipment. The senior researchers didn't say anything, but I could tell they weren't happy. Right after that, when I was putting the test materials away in the high cabinets, I think I bumped my hand on something and dropped a bunch of glassware. If they weren't disappointed earlier, they certainly are now. Day 5: They said they weren't mad and it's expected for my first week, but that doesn't change much. I'm not picking this up as fast as I normally pick things up. There's still a huge wall between me and competence. Day 6: I bumped my hand when putting equipment away again, dropping all the test tubes I was holding. I really need to be more careful. I didn't even see what I hit. What if they decide I'm too clumsy for this job? I can't do this. Day 8: They said I'm doing good work. They're just being nice though. I understand what these tests are measuring for, but I don't understand anything about why they are designed this way. Day 20: I think I'm starting to get the hang of this. It feels like I managed to get through something holding me back. I'm able to help out the other new junior researchers who are struggling on testing their assigned anomalies. Day 180: The senior researchers assigned me to design a test procedure for an anomaly myself. How the hell do they expect me to do this? I'm not there yet; I still need to improve before I know how to design a test myself. I just know the basics of testing procedures. I'll do my best, but I'm probably not going to do very well. Day 185: I hit my hand on the ceiling earlier and bruised it. Stupid low ceilings. And something's not right with the test. The Hume readings should not be fluctuating this much around the anomaly. The fluctuations don't seem to be affecting it though. Is there something wrong with the test? I'll need to recheck the design. Day 186: I rechecked the test design and I can't find anything wrong. Did I double check it right? Is it something wrong with me? Fuck, I could get fired. Why couldn't I get it right the first time? Day 188: I hit my hand on something when doing the tests again, and I'm not even sure what it was this time. I was just climbing the ladder to get to the test aperture, and I hit something where I bruised it. I almost fell down the ladder. Fortunately I was able to finish the test, but things are still looking grim though. The test still has major Hume fluctuations. I'm not going to be able to complete this, am I? Day 189: Another obstacle is gone. It turns out there was a malfunction in the reality anchor, which caused the Hume fluctuation. The senior researchers said the test I designed was fine, but I'm sure there's still room for improvement. There always is. Day 806: They promoted me to senior researcher and assigned me my own anomaly to study. I should be glad, but I'm not qualified for this. I've only been here around two years so far. I told the other senior researchers I wasn't ready, but they insisted that I'm the right person for the job. Let's hope I don't mess this up too badly. Day 808: I've assigned some of the junior researchers to various tests on the anomaly. One of the tests was to see the chemical output's reaction to iron, but the researcher grabbed the aluminum instead. Not a huge mistake, but it cost us an hour or two to reset the test. I'm sure he'll do it right tomorrow though. Day 813: The tests are going slowly. It's not the fault of the junior researchers; I just designed the tests they're doing inefficiently. We need to finish up these research tasks so the containment specialists can get the right conprocs out. Day 815: I tried to change a lightbulb today, but something was preventing me from reaching the outlet. I'll figure it out and tell someone later though. This damn anomaly takes priority. It's just not doing what it's expected to, and it's my fault and I need to focus on it. Day 825: Why did they make me senior researcher on this project? I'm just a failure. I need to do better on this project but there's something about me that I just can't change. It doesn't help that there's something anomalous preventing me from changing the light bulb. I have too many things to worry about. Day 830: There's been a breakthrough, and we are finally making progress. I'm going to host a congratulatory party for Bob, Jane, and Sally; they did excellent work on the tests. Day 840: We finally got our research to a point that the higher ups consider satisfactory. They said it was completed significantly faster than was expected, but I think that's bullshit. It could have been done better. At the very least, I learned something from the experience, and I'll be able to do better next time. Also, I finally changed that light bulb. I'm not sure what was preventing me from doing it, but it seems to be gone now. I logged it as a minor extranormal event. Day 2054: Over the past few years, it's become clear to me I have some sort of anomalous property. I'm going to report it, but my supervisors will probably remove me from my position since I'm an anomaly. And honestly? I think it's for the best. If there's one thing I've learned at this job, it's that I'll never be good at it. Or at least, I'll never be as good as I want to be. Have I improved since I first came here? Yes, certainly. But it's not enough. I'm still fucking up. I'm still making stupid mistakes. This stuff can get people killed if I keep like this. If they decide I stay as a researcher, I need to improve. I need to get past whatever's stopping me. Maybe one day I'll reach those heights I never could. It is believed SCP-7940's anomalous effects became permanent shortly after the final entry was written. Due to SCP-7940's record of high quality work, it was considered that strict containment procedures would only serve as a detriment to Foundation operations. « SCP-7939 | SCP-7940 | SCP-7941 »
Partial Schematic of SCP-7941 Item #: SCP-7941 Object Class: Thaumiel Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7941 has been destroyed. Due to the ongoing XK-Δ-Class "Solar Singularity" Scenario indirectly caused by its destruction, further containment measures are neither possible nor necessary. The only phone used to to speak with SCP-7941-A has been lost and is presumed destroyed. There will be no further contact. Description: SCP-7941 refers to the SCPSS Renard, an experimental interstellar spacecraft. It was ellipsoidal in shape, 200 meters in length, and 95 meters at its widest diameter. SCP-[DATA LOST]1 had been reworked into its means of forward thrust, allowing SCP-7941 to (hypothetically) reach speeds faster than C while bypassing the temporal effects of relativity. There were quarters for 150 crew members, 10 officers, and 50 D-class personnel. SCP-7941's purpose was to provide SCP-104092 with an annual supply of 50 D-class personnel to function as tributary sacrifices through Protocol 39-Renard. Due to SCP-10409's fixed position in the center of the inner Oort Cloud, as well as the fact that all attempts to negotiate more reasonable demands from SCP-10409 had resulted in heightened aggression toward humanity, O5 Command approved the use of anomalous means to execute Protocol 39-Renard. In addition, to monitor the flight's progress, fifty members of SCP-7941's crew were selected to receive modified SCP-29223 implantation, including ten D-class. The latter were monitored discreetly, while the former maintained communication with ground control. Addendum - Incident-7941-ROUGE: On 5/19/2025, ten minutes after SCP-7941 breached Earth's orbit on its maiden voyage, SCP-[DATA LOST] became self-aware within the thrust mechanism. SCP-[DATA LOST] then proceeded to email O5 Command a .txt document composed of the word "SHINY" repeated 4x1039 times. Following this, the ship's navigational computer was immediately taken over by SCP-[DATA LOST], and an irreversible crash course was set for the Sun. Oral cyanide caplets were distributed among all onboard personnel, including D-class. Only one member of SCP-7941's crew has survived Incident-7941-ROUGE: D-81840, Zachariah Merton Kent, a 32-year-old man of Afro-Jamaican descent. He was the seventh D-class onboard SCP-7941 to be implanted with SCP-2922. Following Incident-7941-ROUGE, D-81840 has become SCP-7941-A, which has [5/7941 CLEARANCE REQUIRED] SCP-2922 logs with D-81804 [abridged] <Begin Log> (5/20/2025, 0539 GMT. Six minutes until SCP-7941 breaches the maximum safe distance from the sun for human survival.) [Note: (M) refers to D-81840's inner thoughts, while (V) refers to his vocalizations. SCP-2922 is capable of picking up both, though an audible timbre shift distinguishes these voices from one another.] (Several alarms can be heard within the cabin.) D-81840 (M): How much longer is this gonna take? Maybe I should rub one out while I still can. How many people can say they've jerked it in zero-G? …then again, I don't wanna die doing that. But it's not like anyone's gonna find out, right? Tanner: D-81840, come in. D-81840 yelps. D-84840 (V): God? Is that you? Tanner: This is Dr. Sylvia Tanner of Foundation Site-59. D-81840 (V): Oh. Hi, Doc… are you God? Tanner: No such luck. I'm reaching out to you from Ground Control. D-81840 (V): From the intercom? Tanner: I'm connected to your mind. D-81840 (V): …are you sure you're not God? Tanner: Stay focused. I'd like to ask you a few questions. D-81840 (V): Sure, but I don't think I've got much time to be chatty. Tanner: Yes, I'm aware of your situation. And… I'm sorry. D-81840 (V): Eh. Not like it'll be a boring death. Tanner: Scanners indicate that you're the only survivor on the Renard. Why didn't you take a cyanide pill? D-81840 (V): I thought those were optional! Tanner: They were. Just curious, I suppose. D-81840 (V): I mean… it's kinda counterintuitive. I'm already about to die instantly, why add an extra step? That doesn't make sense. Tanner: Good point, but we thought you would have liked to take back one last piece of control from an otherwise uncontrollable situation. D-81840 (V): But that's the thing, Doc — I don't want to take control. Tanner: Pardon? (D-81840 sighs deeply.) D-81840 (V): …long story. You probably got more important things to do than listen to me literally ramble to death. Tanner: Look, the Foundation's not above basic decency. I don't mind staying on with you until the end. D-81840 (V): Heh. We'll agree to disagree about whether or not I deserve it. But I'll humor you. On one hand, yes, I'm suicidal. Anyone who's had to listen to me whine for more than five minutes knows that. On the other, I want to be killed, not just die - big difference. Tanner: What do you mean? D-81840 (V): Suicide is an escape. I want to be punished by some force stronger than myself. If I've done something bad, anything bad at all, it never stops bothering me until I've gotten my comeuppance. Like the whole rest of the world has gone a little bit wrong until I've resolved the issue. That's how it's always been for me. My parents weren't slap-happy or nothing — I guess just the way my brain's wired. Tanner: And what have you done to deserve being shot into the sun? D-81840 (V): You get us from the prisons, right? You must have done a background check. And even if you haven't, didn't you see the news six years ago? Zack Kent? The Benbrook Lake Incident? #HeartReact4Comstock? Tanner: Enlighten me. D-81840 (V): All right, all right. Well, back in 2019, I was living in Fort Worth and doing three jobs at once just to make ends meet. Driving school buses in the morning and early afternoon, flipping burgers until 8 PM, and hauling boxes for FedEx at the airport until bedtime. Tanner: I wasn't aware that having a hectic schedule was an unpardonable offense. D-81840 (V): But here's the thing. The night after Valentine's Day, I had to go overtime at the airport. Finally got home at 4:30. Tanner: I still don't see what that has to do with… oh. D-81840 (V): Yeah. The school bus. I had to be at the base at 4:30 to do maintenance checks on my new engine. And at 5:30, I was picking up my first rounds of second-graders to Anthony Comstock Elementary. I shotgunned a couple tallboys of Monster to keep my eyes open. It didn't do shit. It just meant I was falling asleep to the sound of a jackhammer in my ribcage. I slapped myself a couple times when that didn't work. Some first-grader with a Steven Universe backpack saw me. She came up and touched me gently on the arm. "Are you okay, mister?" I didn't even answer. The road in front of me wasn't even a road. It was a blurry painting of hasty strokes of orange, yellow, and blue. Last voice I heard that wasn't a scream was some third-grader saying Pacific Rim was gay. Thump. Thump. Snap. (His breathing trembles.) …splash. By the time I came to, the bottom of my air freshener was touching the water level. A fire truck was towing us out of the lake. I look back. Twenty shades of blue are staring back at me from a pile, saying nothing. Every night when I sleep, I gotta spend two hours chasing that mental image out of my head. …My niece was on that bus. Evelyn Kent. And those 19 others, they didn't even know my name, but they trusted me. … The judge ended up giving me 200 years for every kid. Total bullshit. I was in Texas, the state bird's probably the electric chair — why didn't I get the death penalty?! And before you say that being locked up with all the guilt is punishment enough — 1. my cell bed was surpisingly comfy, and 2. call me superstitious, but there's still an imbalance in Fort Worth's collective karma thanks to me! Bad things should never happen to good people, not without consequences. Especially not kids. Tanner: Um, D-81840? D-81840 (V): I don't care if it was manslaughter instead of murder — no amount of legalese can explain that shit to me. I should have ignored my public defender, pled not guilty, represented myself, and showed no remorse. Maybe then they'd have killed me and I wouldn't have to feel like an unfinished fucking math problem! Tanner: Mr. Kent? D-81840 (V): What?! Tanner: You breached what should have been the minimum lethal distance to the sun 32 seconds ago. D-81840 (V): …what. … Tanner: How do you feel? D-81840 (V): Honestly? The AC was way too low when I boarded the ship, and it still is. (24 seconds of intense rumbling and shrieking alarms.) Tanner: Um, your speed is increasing unexpectedly… D-81840 (V): Well, Doc, it's been real! It takes a rare kinda heart to keep a bastard like me company. (The rumbling and alarms abruptly end.) As for me, I'm gonna go off and get that final catharsis I've been chasing for so okay hold up why the FUCK am I STILL ALIVE?! (CRASH.) (He quietly hyperventilates.) Tanner: This can't be right. These readings say that you're literally inside the sun. And one of your doors just opened from the outside. …Still chilly? D-81840 (V): Yeah, what the hell? (Distant footsteps in the ship.) …try not to panic, Doc, but I don't think I'm alone. Tanner: If that's the case, I'm going to need you to speak to me only with your mind until further notice. Can you manage that? D-81840 (M): Like this? Tanner: Yes, exactly. (A low, wheezing voice is heard.) [UNKNOWN]: You. Tanner: Is it in the room with you? Can you see it? D-81840 (M): I think so. It's standing on the ceiling. Tanner: What do you see? D-81840 (M): …bird…priest? [UNKNOWN]: You. New resident. Unexpected. Tanner: Listen, do not engage it in conversation until I authorize you to — D-81840 (V): Uh, yeah, hello there! My name's Zack. Do you speak English? Tanner: Oh, for God's sake. [UNKNOWN]: Somewhat. Dictionary equals incompletion. Tanner: Fine, but whatever you do, do NOT let them know I'm talking to you. D-81840 (M): Got it. D-81840 (V): Listen, could you tell me where I am? And who you are? [UNKNOWN] NaUrKa: Location: SauEl. Self: NaUrKa, chiefest Lifemonger. Tanner: …did it just say "Sauel?" D-81840 (M): What's important about that? Tanner: Nothing I can elaborate. But I think you're about to find out on your own. I won't always respond, but I'll keep this line open and recorded, so be sure to periodically check in with me about what you're seeing. Got that? D-81840 (M): Might as well. I got nothing better to do. NaUrKa: Come. Our castle, deathless. Receive your immortality. Eternal safety. D-81840 (M): GOD. FUCKING. DAMMIT! D-81840 (V): Uh, great! When do I start? <End Log> <INCIDENT-7941-001SDL-CRIMSON> Footnotes 1. ("Mothchild," Object Class: [DATA LOST]) 2. ("Le Petit Prince Autre," Object Class: Keter Presumed Neutralized [following the XK-Delta event]) 3. ("Notes from the Under," Object class: Safe, a means of communication between a human mind and a telephone. The version used was also able to receive audio stimulus experienced by the implanted human subject.) « SCP-7940 | SCP-7941 | SCP-7942 »
Item#: 7942 Level1 Containment Class: pending Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: pending Risk Class: pending link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7942 is contained in a standard humanoid containment cell at Site-135. Description: SCP-7942 is a human male of average height and weight. He possesses no anomalous physical characteristics. His real name is unknown, and there is no official record of his existence. Discovery: SCP-7942 manifested inside of a humanoid containment cell on March 16th, 2012. No documentation of him ever being contained could be found, and no personnel had prior memories of him. He was given temporary anomaly classification until a conclusion could be made about any potential anomalous origin. Addendum 7942.1: In an attempt to find information about the origins of SCP-7942 and his potential anomalous abilities, an interview was conducted on March 17th. Interviewed: SCP-7942 Interviewer: Dr. Timothy Smith <Begin Log> SCP-7942 is escorted into the room by a guard and sits in a chair. Dr. Smith: I hope you'll forgive the security. We can't be too cautious when we don't know what you are.The two sit in silence for a moment Dr. Smith: Aren't you going to-Dr. Smith: I would appreciate it if you would not interrupt me while I am-Dr. Smith: If you continue to interrupt me, you will face disciplinary action.Dr. Smith clears his throat. Dr. Smith: Continuing, if that were true, 7942, there would be a logical explanation as to how you got here.Dr. Smith: Okay, John, can you-Dr. Smith glares at SCP-7942 for a moment.Dr. Smith: Now we're getting somewhere. Do you have the name of this scientist? It could also be helpful- wait. We never told you what site you were in.Dr. Smith: No, we didn't. It's a strict protocol- no imprisoned anomalies are to learn the name or location of the Site that they are contained at.<End Log> It is currently unknown how SCP-7942 knew which Site he is contained in. Addendum 7942.2: On March 25th, 2012, SCP-7942 requested a second interview. Interviewed: SCP-7942 Interviewer: Dr. Timothy Smith <Begin Log> SCP-7942 walks into the room unaccompanied and sits in a chair. Dr. Smith: I tried to give you more freedom this time. I can understand how intimidating the guards here are, John.Dr. Smith: But you said in the last interview that your name was John. Dr. Smith looks down at his notes Dr. Smith: It's right here in the notes. "First of all, my name is John."Dr. Smith: I swear you said your name was John last time.Dr. Smith appears agitated and rests his head in his hands for a moment Dr. Smith: So you're telling me that your name really isn't John.Dr. Smith: But you- you just- what?Dr. Smith: I- I don't even-<End Log> Researcher Comments: I'm beginning to think there might be some form of mental illness at play here. I'll be recommending a psychologist take a look at SCP-7942 so we can have an actual diagnosis. - Dr. Timothy Smith. Addendum 7942.3: On April 3rd, 2012, a psychologist interviewed SCP-7942. Interviewed: SCP-7942 Interviewer: Dr. Alyssa Andrews <Begin Log> SCP-7942 walks into the room, shaking.Dr. Andrews: I'm sorry, what? SCP-7942 sits in a chairDr. Andrews: That is me, yes. Can you tell me your name?Dr. Andrews: That's interesting because Dr. Smith told me your name was John before, and then you switched it to Liam. Can you tell me why you did that? SCP-7942 squirms in his seatDr. Andrews: I've seen the video of the past 2 interviews, so don't try to lie to me.Dr. Andrews: I'm happy that you feel that way, but you are lying to me. My co-workers just want to know how you got here. If you tell us, things will be a lot better for you. We might even let you go.Dr. Andrews: I hope you understand that I will have to ask a guard to be present. A guard walks into the room and stands next to Dr. Andrews. SCP-7942 leans closer to Dr. Andrews.Dr. Andrews: Is that the truth?Dr. Andrews: Another dimension? Which one?Dr. Andrews: If there's any hope of you leaving and me going home for the night, you have to be serious.Dr. Andrews spends a few minutes writing in her notebook. Dr. Andrews: Okay, that's all I need. Thank you for your cooperation. <End Log> Mental Health Assessment: In my professional opinion, SCP-7942 is fabricating a mental illness. His outbursts seem forced and I can tell there's a level of satisfaction when he confuses us. - Dr. Alyssa Andrews Addendum 7942.4: A fourth interview was requested by SCP-7942 on April 15th, 2012. Interviewed: SCP-7942 Interviewer: Dr. Timothy Smith <Begin Log> Dr. Smith walks into the room, appearing upset Dr. Smith: Do you think this is a joke?Dr. Smith: Don't pull that shit on me. I've seen the previous interview, so I know all your tactics.Dr. Smith: Please be honest with me Edward, how could I possibly not be taking this seriously?Dr. Smith: What is your real name then? If it isn't John, and it isn't Liam, and it certainly isn't Edward, then what is your name.Dr. Smith's face turns red. Dr. Smith: Just tell me your real name.Dr. Smith stands up and starts walking to the door. Dr. Smith: I'm done, this interview is over. <End Log> Researcher Comments: I have a plan to get the truth out of him. I don't know if it will work, but I might as well try. - Dr. Timothy Smith Addendum 7942.5: Dr. Smith requested a fifth interview with SCP-7942 on April 23rd, 2012. Interviewed: SCP-7942 Interviewer: Dr. Timothy Smith <Begin Log> Dr. Smith: I am going to ask you one last time. How did you get here?Dr. Smith: Care to tell me more about that?Dr. Smith: Okay. Seeing as how, biologically, you are entirely 100% human, that doesn't make sense. Given that you do not have any anomalous characteristics, family, friends, or anybody that would look into your disappearance, and the fact that you are resisting all questioning, I am going to have to recommend you for termination. I wish you had cooperated, but it's fine.Dr. Smith: Well there's nothing else we can ask you and you're perfectly normal, so you're just using up a containment cell. SCP-7942 leans back in his chair.Dr. Smith: You have one hour. Addendum 7942.6: One hour after the last interview, the containment cell for SCP-7942 was found to be empty. Researchers initially observed a lack of any temporal residue and no obvious damage to the interior of the cell. A note was found in the middle of the cell. Teleportation can be hard, especially when you're trying to have fun and someone is making empty threats. Try to hide your lies better in the future, Smith. I know too much about the Foundation to believe that. It was fun while it lasted. Thanks for being such a good sport up until the end. Sorry for all the trouble. Yours truly, JohnLiamEdward TimothySmith. A motion for disciplinary action for Dr. Timothy Smith for his involvement in false claims of termination and unprofessional demeanor is currently pending. Reclassification of SCP-7942 to uncontained is pending. Footnotes 1. Research into the validity of this story shows that it is nearly an exact recreation of an episode of the popular British television series, Doctor Who « SCP-7941 | SCP-7942 | SCP-7943 »
Dr_Lamas Item#: 7945 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: warning link to memo SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES SCP-7945-A instances shall be kept within a specialized animal containment unit situated at Site-39, confined within an empty glass container with a minimum dimension of 30 x 30 x 30 cm. SCP-7945-1 (A) The container must be fitted with an airtight lid, supplying a constant stream of oxygen via a fine mesh. The glass container shall be situated within an equally hermetic chamber, equipped with passive infrared sensors (PIR) distributed throughout the ceiling, walls, and floor. Containment procedures for SCP-7945 are to be executed with emphasis placed on preventing instances from reproducing. The containment chamber shall maintain a constant temperature of 65°F. In the event of any reproduction, any offspring, designated SCP-7945-1 (B) (or SCP-7945-B) must be terminated and incinerated immediately. The maximum number of SCP-7945-A instances allowed under Site-39 containment is strictly limited to four (4) at any given time. Containment of SCP-7945-1 instances are to be monitored by no less than personnel, which must undergo a monthly examination by a memetic/psychologic expert. The personnel must be rotated with other 5 personnel. DESCRIPTION SCP-7945 is an anomalous subspecies of gecko that closely resembles Lepidodactylus lugubris, commonly known as the Mourning gecko. SCP-7945 instances and their clones display typical behavior for their non-anomalous counterparts, therefore, SCP-7945 reproduces through parthenogenesis1. The reproductive activity of SCP-7945 is, however, significantly higher. Notably, organisms which come into contact with SCP-7945 are subject to a metamorphosis that results in an imprecise replica of the anomaly (see test logs) due to SCP-7945-3 [RECLASSIFIED INFORMATION]2. The process may produce malformed mutations, denominated SCP-7945-2. Experiments indicate that animal organisms display a higher success rate in transforming into SCP-7945 instances than members of other kingdoms. The restant data, specially the one pertaining SCP-7945-3 is classified, please, access Addendum 01 with proper credentials. DISCOVERY ADDENDUM SCP-7945 was first identified in 1987 on the island of Tokunaga, following reports of a radical increase in the Lepidodactylus Lugubris population by local field biologists. A collaborative investigation between the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the University of Maui confirmed the reports, and the incident was covered in scientific publications such as National Geographic. Not only that, but private individuals reported unusual events related to SCP-7945. This garnered the attention of the Foundation, which dispatched a team of agents to interview as many whitnesses as possible. Following log is from an interview performed by Agt. Meyster Smiles, disguised as a psychologist, with Johnathan Whilestone. Video log <Start of log> Agt. Smiles: Good day, Mr. Whilestone. I'm Dr. Smiles, your psychologist. (extends his hand for a handshake) I understand from our records that you've been under a lot of stress. Is that correct? Johnathan whilestone: (shakes Dr. Smiles' hand) Yes, that's accurate. Agt. Smiles: Thank you. Could you please share with me how your sleep has been over the past week? Johnathan Whilestone: My sleep has been pretty irregular. I've been staying up most nights, either wandering around my apartment, reading, or just rummaging through my fridge. Agt. Smiles: (takes notes) Ok, and, just to clarify, you have managed to sleep, but it's been disturbed? Johnathan Whilestone: (nods) Yes, exactly. The sleep I've had has mostly been plagued by nightmares that leave me feeling drained when I wake up. Agt. Smiles: (scribbles in his notebook) Could you elaborate on these nightmares? Johnathan Whilestone: (Hesitates and gazes at his left) Um…. there's this huge crowd of people, I can usually make out several of my friends' faces, and it's hot. I'm there, standing in the middle. Then… uh, they transform into monsters… into horrifying monsters, then… then they start chasing me, screaming (shakes nervously) and… and, they want me to come to them, to…to turn me into one of them… "Become me, become me," they all scream behind me, as I run, then I fall from a cliff and wake up, sweating. Agt. Smiles: (coughs softly) Have you shared these nightmares with anyone, perhaps a partner? Johnathan Whilestone: Oh, no, I'm actually single… I mean, pretty much alone at home, except for when my friends come over to have a drink and spend the night… Besides, no… I mean, I told no one Agt. Smiles: (nods) I see. Given our conversation and your family's wealth, it appears your anxiety levels are quite elevated. Anxiety often arises from experiences like loss, abuse, or work-related stress. Johnathan Whilestone: (Looks confused) Wait, how do you know about it, about my family's wealth? I never stated it. Agt. Smiles: (Scratches his chin) Oh… uh… (nods, leaning back) Well, there's someone from your family who's a regular patient of mine. However, I can't reveal their identity due to confidentiality. But yes, it's a similar pattern, and it often requires a certain level of financial stability to seek my services. Johnathan Whilestone: Ok, fair enough then Agt. Smiles: (leaning forward) Considering your anxiety and lifestyle, have you gone through any significant events that might contribute to these feelings? Your interactions with friends, for example, could be indicative of something serious. Whilestone stares at the desk in silence Johnathan Whilestone: (pauses, gazing at the desk before meeting Dr. Smiles' eyes) Well, you remember those nightmares I mentioned earlier? Agt. Smiles: Yes, what about them? Johnathan Whilestone: (hesitates) This might sound strange, but those nightmares… they're not just nightmares. They actually happened. Agt. Smiles: (surprised) I'm sorry, do you mean they happened in reality? Johnathan Whilestone: (distant) Yes. Agt. Smiles: Could you please explain? Johnathan Whilestone: Uh… yes, A few months ago, my brother Peter and I were sailing near Toku Island in Hawaii on his yacht. We're both into camping, so we decided to spend a night there. He always had tents on the yacht for our summer sailing trips. Agt. Smiles: (interested) What happened during your stay on the island? Johnathan Whilestone: We set up camp, had some drinks from the yacht, and went to sleep… Then… (begins tapping on the table and speaks with trembling voice) I woke up in the middle of the night by a scream… Agt. Smiles: A scream? Johnathan Whilestone: (shakes) Yes… My brother… I dunno, I just dunno what happened with him, but he… I looked over to him and… he was convulsing on the floor, screaming and kicking around with his feet… (Agt. Smiles takes notes and gets his chair closer to Whilestone, who is shaking and close to cry) Agt. Smiles: Don't worry, take your time. Johnathan Whilestone: (sobs for some minutes and continues) He… his body changed… it inflated like a ballon, and his (does a grimace)… his skin went off with a (crunch sound) and he… like some banana! (Agt. Smiles nods) Johnathan Whilestone: (voice trembling) I was terrified. I tried to help him, to calm him down, but when he turned around…. his face was distorted, like a zombie. He started chasing me, just like in my nightmares, screaming and reaching out for me. I ran back to the yacht, locked myself in, but he kept pounding on the windows, trying to get to me. Agt. Smiles: Oh, my God, I can only imagine how traumatic that experience must have been for you. Johnathan Whilestone: (teary-eyed) It was beyond anything I could have imagined…. But wait, you… you believe me? You probably think I'm insane… Agt. Smiles: It doesn't matter, I am here to help, not to judge you , but I need you to tell me what happened. Besides, the only one to decide if you're insane or not is me; it's my job, you paid me for it. (softly) You mentioned earlier that you told no one about this. Why did you keep it a secret? Johnathan Whilestone: (voice quivering) I didn't know how to explain it to anyone. How could I tell them that my brother turned into a… a monster? I was terrified they would think I was crazy. Agt. Smiles: (gentle) It's not uncommon for people to keep such experiences to themselves, especially when they fear others might not understand. You're not alone in feeling that way. Thank you for sharing that with me. It's important to acknowledge these feelings and experiences. Now, regarding what happened after you returned to the yacht… Johnathan Whilestone: (sniffs and takes a tissue from Dr. Smiles) I was trapped in the cabin while he was outside, still trying to get to me. I was so scared and desperate, and I knew I had to do something. Agt. Smiles: (nodding) What did you do? Johnathan Whilestone: (sniffs with voice breaking) I found an axe in the yacht's storage. I had no other choice. I went back out and… I decapitated him. It was horrifying, but I had to do it to survive. Agt. Smiles: (nodding) You did what you had to do in an extremely difficult and traumatic situation. You were in danger, and your actions were a form of self-defense. Johnathan Whilestone: (emotionally overwhelmed) I've been carrying this weight, this guilt… I lied to our family and friends about what happened. I've felt so isolated and lost ever since. Agt. Smiles: (gentle) It's understandable that you would feel overwhelmed. What you've experienced is not something anyone should have to go through alone. Johnathan Whilesotne: Wait, hold on, I don't buy this, do you really believe me? Agt. Smiles: (fills a glass with water from a plastic bottle and reaches it to him) As I mentioned earlier, whether I believe you or not is not the focus here. My role is to help you navigate these emotions and experiences, regardless of their origin. You've been through a lot, and it's important to address your feelings, regardless of how unusual they may seem. Johnathan Whilestone: (teary-eyed) Thank you. I've been carrying this burden for so long, and I didn't know where to turn. Agt. Smiles: (supportively claps on Mr. Whilestone's shoulder) You're not alone in this journey. I'm here to support you, and we'll work together to find ways to cope with what you've been through. It's okay to ask for help when you need it. Johnathan Whilestone: You sure this won't get me in trouble? Agt. Smiles: Of course! <End of log> Upon reviewing the results, the Foundation decided to send agents to Tokunaga. Following log is a conversation via radio between the leader of the team, Sgt. Erdinger Zola, and the team of researchers monitoring the operation. Equipment Recording Log 742 DATE: 13/9/1979 Duration of the audio recording: 53 min, 33 sec <Start log> Sgt. Zola: (audible sea noises) We've arrived, and are waiting for orders Dr. Loaf: Ok, dispatch your men and reconnoiter the island, but exercise caution. We don't fully comprehend the nature of the anomaly yet. What we do know is that it's not safe to handle, so under no circumstances should you touch any specimens you find. Use the tweezers we provided. Sgt. Zola: Copy. Alright, listen up, gentlemen. Arm yourselves and familiarize yourselves with the island layout. We'll divide into pairs: Wexler and Greg, head west; Paul and Cook, take the eastern path. Pedro, you're with me to the north, toward the mountain. Everyone has GPS units in their pockets. Remember, if you encounter any specimens, take them. No one boards the boat without my signal, understood? Greg: But we are allowed to have a tea pause, don't we? Sgt. Zola: Greg, save the jokes for later. Pack them in your bag and leave them there. Understood, everyone else? (Audible affirmations from the team) Wexler: How do we ID anomalous stuff? The pics don't scream 'weird'. Sgt. Zola: Everything we find, we bring it back. Let the eggheads figure it out. We're the muscle and they're the brains. OK, men, have luck and watch out for critters. (following 20 min omitted) Dr. Loaf: Dr. Loaf here. Any remarkable discoveries, Sgt. Zola? Sgt. Zola: Not much yet. We've only collected two specimens. They're elusive, and when we do find them, they vanish into thin air, slippery little bastards. Dr. Loaf: I understand the challenge. I used to chase after wall lizards as a kid in Florida. Catching them was a rarity. Sgt. Zola: (Steps stop) Wait, see that? Oh my… Pedro: I'll take a pic Sgt. Zola: Yeah, we'll send it to the center Dr. Loaf: Zola, what's going on? Describe what you've found. Sgt. Zola: We stumbled upon a bizarre corpse in the middle of the forest. It looks like a dinosaur. Dr. Loaf: Hum, It seems like the whitnesses were right, what does it look like, besides "like a dinosaur"? Sgt. Zola: Uuh… It's like a messed up lizard, a mix between a lizard and a… lemme see… (Pedro in the background: "a pig") Yeah, a pig. Pedro: Pigasaur, maybe? Sgt. Zola: Pedro, you should work in the Designations Department. That's a creative suggestion. Heard that, Doc? Should we designate it like that? Dr. Loaf: Focus, guys, do not touch it, keep walking. Sgt. Zola: (laughs) Don't worry, I'm just teasing, come Pedro. (following 10 min of walking among similar corpses cut for brevity) Sgt. Zola: Not much new, doc. More of those pigasaur corpses. Some are bigger. Woah, there's a good amount of lizards here… (audible, intense crunch) Damn it! Watch out, Pedro! Dr. Loaf: Zola? What was that? Zola? Are you ok? Sgt. Zola: (more crunches) Yes, It's just the fucking trees, they're all, l… fuck, how will I explain it? They're transforming! Dr. Loaf: Transforming? Can you elaborate? Sgt. Zola: (multiple audible crunches) What I'm telling you, transforming, changing Into… I dunno, they're sorta molting, getting scales and growing tails. They're falling on us, so it's hard to walk around… what's the deal with lizards today? (audible crunch) Is that what happens when you touch them? Dr. Loaf: Yes, don't touch any of them. It seems they have a property that induces transformation. If trees are affected, the range could be more visible from above. Sgt. Zola: Looks amazing, but I'm not up for a lizard makeover. I'll be cautious. Dr. Loaf: Good, but I need you to get to a vantage point and observe the affected area. Sgt. Zola: Alright, we're en route towards the mountain. (Following minutes cut or brevity) Sgt. Zola: Oh shi- Doctor, It's swarming with those lizards, I wish you were here to see how they pile up… Pedro: And the trees have vanished. Only huge corpses as far as we can see. Sgt. Zola: Watch out, Pedro! (audible crunch) Damn, it's relentless! There's more trees falling! (audible running) We can't linger! They're raining down! (audible rattle) Dr. Loaf: Shit, Get your men out of there as soon as possible! Make sure you don't lose the specimens! Sgt. Zola: Copy… (audible screams, rattle) Gosh, the trees, everything, there's so many fucking lizards! Zola here, everyone on the boat, now or be left behind! <End of log> Despite inconveniences, all agents sent to Tokunaga returned unharmed to the facility, although some of them had suffered minor injuries. The agents reported the island to be overrun with SCP-7945 instances upon their leave. Dr. Loaf resolved to incinerate the island, as the anomaly showed no signs of self-neutralization3. To avoid public backlash, the RAISA4 disseminated misleading information through the media, citing high radiation levels linked to the abandoned government facility on the island as the cause for its closure. A team of RAISA data recovery personnel utilized web crawlers to investigate the abandoned facility on Tokunaga for any information pertaining to SCP-7945's origins. The search proved fruitful; SCP-7945 resulted from scientific collaboration between the US government and an enterprise known as the O.F.I.5 Below, there is a summarized version of the information gathered by the data recovery team assigned to SCP-7945. Project Midas By Micheline Bougier, RAISA interdepartmental communications In 1970, during the Cold war, US President Richard Nixon sponsored a project of military nature developed by the OFI. It involved developing an innovative biological weapon to use in the Vietnam war, with initial hopes of defeating Viet Cong. The project, led by Dr. Niklas Olsson, was supposed to act stealthily and quietly, leaving no traces that would lead to the US or its allies. Instead, the weapon would take advantage of the Viet Cong's soldiers' superstition. According to data retrieved from Area-79, in Tokunaga, the development's goal involved altering the genes of a small animal so that it would produce cancer cells whose genes would be replicated on a human being's DNA. To achieve this, the specimen needed to come into physical contact with the victim's epidermis6. The chosen species was the Lepidodactylus lugubris, also known as the Mourning gecko, for the rapidness of its procreation, size, and its capability to adapt to tropical environments. The proceeding of Project Midas has however been redacted from every archive accessible to the RAISA's web crawlers, presumably by the OFI. , therefore, it is unknown how the weapon was developed. As to this date, the RAISA's search continues. The development of Project Midas progressed with success, but was interrupted due to concerns arisen amongst both the sponsors and the developers. In a letter found by our web crawlers, President Nixon expressed his concern regarding the weapon becoming a statal threat in case it found its way into the US. This is assumed to be the cause of the research closure, though it is believed with enough evidence that Nixon had with plans to relocate it. However, the contract with the OFI expired due to the end of Nixon's presidential time, so Area-79 was abandoned and the OFI's team was relocated. Based on inventory reports, it is believed that the OFI's operatives brought some SCP-7945-1 instances with them while leaving the facility, presumably in an attempt to sell them and develop them further. As to why some SCP-7945 instances remained in the facility, it is believed that a small amount of instances had breached their containment while being transferred; The SCP-7945-1 instances then silently multiplied in the abandoned facility until they found their way out into the Tokunaga jungle. Addendum 01 WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS CLASSIFIED ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM SITE-39 DIRECTOR OR SUPERIOR WILL BE LOGGED AND LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. INSERT CREDENTIALS ACCESS GRANTED WARNING Relevant Information Archive SCP-7945-3 file ERROR=UNKNOWN USER LOG Loading… Security Warning The information contained in following file revolves around an infohazard. Any non-authorized personnel noted to show symptoms of Infohazardous exposure related to following file will be logged and lead to immediate termination. From: Dr. André Pignon, Department of memetic and infohazardous research, Site-39, Floor 1 To: Director Diego Díaz, Site-39 Direction and administration, Floor 3 Concerns about test subject discovery Dear Director Díaz, I pray you take the time to read the following subject, which is of high concern to me. To clarify, I parttook in the tests with SCP-7945-B instances on humans. What I observed in the subjects through the entire span of the tests is, in essence, the cause of my concern. The subjects, as soon as they underwent SCP-7945's anomalous effects, shrieked in obvious agonizing manner. I noticed how these shrieks, which lasted until the end of their metamorphosis, evolved from painful to approaching rage. I understand that I, by saying this, might be etiquetted as paranoic and unprofessional. I however assure you, after having seen and heard all kinds of different things in my years of scientific research, that I have never heard shrieks quite similar as these. One could argue that the subjects' minds were long from sanity, making them behave as brute animals, as they uncoordinately striked the glass separating us from them. Ater a week I could not avoid thinking about the shrieks from the subjects before their immediate termination. They appeared in my dreams, they unpredictably assaulted me when everything was silent, and I could notice they were saying things. They were talking, yes, talking. Every night, those shrieks and cries would become clearer and evolve into articulated sentences. I don't remember what they said, It's thypical with dreams; someone says something and you don't remember a single word, only a rumor of distant talking. To calm myself down, I accessed the audio archives from the testing phase, to convince myself that this all was only a product of stress. However, I noticed that I could hear the sentences, that is, without understanding them. I therefore slowed the audio down and, between shrieks and cries, I could discern the following sentences: "Let me make you me", "I am all" This discovery made me want to study the SCP-7945-1 instances further, in an attempt to understand the reason behind this particular behavior. I therefore request, Director, permission to continue further investigation on SCP-7945-2 instances under my direction, with access to all necessary resources and relevant information. I am aware, sir, that the instances repeating these sentences may not be enough evidence to cause a significant amount of concern, but, risking to be repetitive and revindicative, I have seen many things in my years of research and learned that nothing should be taken casually in this kind of matters. My best regards, -Dr. André Pignon Director Díaz approved the research proposed by Dr. Pignon and agreed to provide him with all requested resources. Dr. Pignon's research directive, however, ended after the incident as appelled below. INCIDENT REPORT INCIDENT #: 7945-2 DATE OF OCCURRENCE: 1987/9/21 At 16:30, the alarms to Unit 4 went off, indicating movement inside of the chamber where SCP-7945-A's container was located. All the adjacent entrances, ventilation systems and others were sealed, as programmed following the on-site SMPA7. When security personnel arrived to Unit 4, they found SCP-7945-A's container open, and an SCP-7945-1 instance roaming the Containment Chamber where the latter was stored. The instance attacked the security guards on sight. The guards were ordered to terminate the SCP-7945-1 instance and inspect it and the chamber. They found, scattered clothing pieces around the chamber, in which they found a personnel ID card belonging to Dr. André Pignon. Reviewed security recordings showed Dr. Pignon using his level 3 clearance card to hastily open the door to SCP-7945-A's containment chamber. He entered the chamber, triggering the alarms and proceeded to stand on his knees, placing an SCP-7945 instance on his head. Upon organisation of Dr. Pignon's files, following daily log in particular was found. The log is written in 3 months, each day after an interval of 7 days. Daily Log By Dr. André Pignon Day 1: Feeling different. Anxious, sleepless. Wrote down worries. Dreams filled with tests, terrifying nightmares. Day 3: Same. Psychologist suggests stress. Melatonin advised for sleep. Day 7: Vacation planned, though I'm against it. Will work a bit during vacations. Need to be sane to investigate this important subject. Need Díaz's approval. More productive today. Day 14: Denied vacation. Research vital. More vital than my health? Chose a bad time to become stressed. Why am I stressed? I have met worse things in my life! Day 21: Encephalogram showed SCP-7945-2's strange brain waves. Waves spelling "I am all." IT involvement suspected. Day 28: Melatonin ineffective. Anxious, persistent nightmares. Subject screams disturbing. Day 35: Ear plugs tried. Screams persist, headaches. Resumed smoking. Day 42: Can't tolerate screams. Deadline set. Ethics likely to intervene. Day 49: Exhausted. Vital research. Nightmares continue. No escape from screams. Day 56: Stagnant research. "I'm all" still puzzling. Day 63: Frustration. Relief in ending subjects. Nightmares persist. "I'm all" baffles. Day 70: Ill, missed tests. Whispers instead of screams. Urged to join "I." Day 77: Nap revelation. Joining "I" promises fortune and relief. Colleagues don't understand. Day 84: "Je suis, touts suis…". Day 91: Rejecting research. Must join "I." Voices guide me towards I I I I IME I ME I ME I ME I ME I ME IM COME I ME I I… (Omitted the rest of log 91 for brevity) The foremenioned incident happened simultanously what was considered the time when Dr. Pignon stopped writing last log. Next up, the following incident occurred soon after Dr. Pignon's demise. INCIDENT REPORT INCIDENT #: 7945-6 DATE OF OCCURRENCE: 1987/9/10 Foreword: This incident report has been organized into distinct stages to provide comprehensive details. Stage 1: On November 10th, at approximately 16:45, a series of violent incidents erupted across various locations in the United States, with a significant concentration of cases in Hawaii. These events persisted until around 17:50 and encompassed a range of aggressive behaviors, including assaults, mistreatment of minors, altercations, homicides, acts of vandalism, and incidents of robbery. Local law enforcement swiftly responded, encountering resistance from the individuals involved. Subsequently, a substantial number of rioters were apprehended and taken into custody. Stage 2: Following the initial outbreak, the subsequent day witnessed the emergence of large groups of individuals advancing towards the western coastline. Despite the absence of apparent luggage or personal belongings that might indicate a mass migration, it became evident that these individuals were armed and not merely fleeing. Attempts at communication and interrogation by the authorities were met with threats and brandished weapons. Law enforcement endeavored to obstruct the movement of these groups, yet their progress remained unimpeded. It has been documented that non-lethal countermeasures, including the use of pepper spray, were employed to manage the situation, yet the masses remained impervious and continued their relentless march. Stage 3: Continuing their course for two additional days, the groups exhibited an alarming disregard for the various countermeasures employed against them. Their aggressive tendencies escalated, prompting local law enforcement to adopt defensive positions. The convergence point of this movement was the city of [REDACTED], situated in proximity to the former location of Site-39. As the masses amassed near the vicinity of the facility, local police initially perceived the gathering as a demonstration. This perspective shifted when Director Díaz was apprised of the situation. In response, Director Díaz promptly dispatched a specialized team from Mobile Task Force MTF-Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox") to evaluate and address the escalating riot-like scenario. Following, there's a conversation between Site-39's Security Tactical Direction and the leader of the MTF squadron. ** <Begin log>** Sgt. Suarez: Aight, we're down (audible screaming), there's a lotta people General Quill: Do you see any sort of leader, or… someone leading the riot? Sgt. Suarez: (audible screaming) Uh… no, it doesn't seem so (audible explosion) Fuck, they're throwing bottle bombs at us. General Quill: What? What the hell is this about? Sgt. Suárez: I dunno, maybe some info about the D-class breached or something… Although they don't look like human rights activists.. General Quill: (sighs) God forbid that, the RAISA and the amnestics team would have a year worth of work and we would be suspended (audible voice in the background) Ok, Director. Can you ask someone in the riot what's going on? Sgt. Súarez: Yes, sir. James, go ask that guy. (audible screaming and explosions) But please be careful, judging by the bombs they aren't intending to be too friendly towards us. Following 5 min omitted for brevity James: (In the background) I don't understand a shit! Sgt. Suárez: What did he tell you? James: He told me "Let me join I"! And then he tried to reach me through the fence. General Quill (Director Díaz): Díaz here, are you sure he said that? James: Yes, they're all doing so… Dunno what it means, is it maybe some sort of cult thing wanting something in the facility? Sgt. Súarez: That is pretty unlikely, as we barely got any dangerous anomalies… James: You know how these cults are, sir; they're crazy. General Quill: Dissolve the riot; harm them if it's needed but don't terminate them, we don't want the Ethics shutting us down. Sgt. Suárez: Right, we'll do what we can. Riot dissolver formation 3, boys, stay together. Following 30 min omitted Sgt. Suárez: (audible shooting) Sir, they don't care, we're even shooting them on the arms but they only get angrier… (Metallic Fences crunching) Oh shit, they're climbing the fences! General Quill: Aren't they reacting to the barbed wires and the electricity on the fences? Sgt. Suarez:No, they aren't, they're even bleeding their guts out but they just keep… Hey! You there! (audible running and fighting) Guys, they got in the perimeter, come here! General Quill: (Díaz talking in the background) But… (continued talk in the background) Okay, but don't come saying it was my ide- (audible radio on the background) General Quill here, it better be important…. Sgt. Suárez: (audible running and shooting) What are the orders!? Sir? General Quill: Hold up, I just got a report of rebellion amongst the personnel. They're attempting to breach into containment wing 2. Sgt. Suárez: (audible shooting) What? But what do we do with these guys out here!? General Quill: Keep holding them back until we have solved the problem. Sgt. Suárez: Copy sir, but I don't think we'll be able to hold them back for much longer. General Quill: I know, that's why I'm organising an eventual transfer of the facility Sgt. Suárez: Right, I'll send some teams to assist you inside. General Quill: No, no, stay where you are, we need you to keep them back, I'll send the rest of security. <End log> Soon after the riot had launched an assault on site-39, several security and MTF personnel turned against the on-site personnel, attempting to breach into SCP-7945's containment chamber through violent means. A group of security personnel was assigned to neutralize the rebellion. The team reported that the insurgents were repeating phrases, identical to those uttered by individuals affected by SCP-7945. Site-39 was effectively but hastingly evacuated and all its contained anomalies were transferred to the nearest site until Site-39 was relocated.The riot [REDACTED] dissolved itself as they unexpectedly precipitated down a nearby cliff in an attempt to follow the vehicles transporting SCP-7945-1. In order to avoid any sort of public backlash, the Foundation introduced misleading religious artifacts and texts in the corpses' clothes to appear as an unknown cult ritual. Research on SCP-7945 continued in an effort to understand SCP-7945's euclid danger, noticing the relation between SCP-7945 and the assault on Site-39. The DMI8 sent out agents to locate the leader of the development of SCP-7945, whose personal data had been found during the Area-57 inspection on Tokunaga. Doctor Niklas Olsson was thereby tracked down and apprehended. Interviewed: Dr. Niklas Olsson Interviewer: Agent Sergio Jones Foreword: Dr. Olson was interviewed by Agent Jones and asked about the manners of the development of SCP-7945 in order to illuminate the Foundation on the source of SCP-7945's effects <Begin Log> (Agt. Jones walks into the room) Dr. Olson: Well, well, if it's not one of my captors. Agent Jones: We just want to ask you some questions… Dr. Olson: Spare me the pleasantries. I know your modus operandi. Answer your questions, meet an unpleasant fate. Isn't that how it goes? After all, I'm a high-value target, too dangerous to be left breathing, am I right? Agt. Jones: Calm down. You're not as significant as you think. And the situation isn't quite what you're imagining. You'll receive amnestics and- Dr. Olson: Yeah, yeah. I get it. I'll tell you what you want to know. Loyalties shift when the stakes are this high. Agt. Jones: What do you mean? Dr. Olsson: Well, the people I worked for couldn't grasp the brilliance of my creation — the perfect weapon. Agt. Jones: How so? Dr. Olson: (laughs) They labeled my work "unethical" and accused me of misappropriating resources. Agent Jones: Unethical? What exactly did you do? Dr. Olsson: Listen, let's cut to the chase. If you spare me, I'll help you bring those bastards down. Otherwise, do as you wish. I won't- Agt. Jones: -Talk? Yeah, I've heard that line before. I'm curious to see how long you'll resist with our interrogation methods. Dr. Olsson: Uh-uh! Hold on. Look at this scar. Bangkor-89V. It's wired to deliver 89 volts to my brain on a specific trigger word. So, your options are limited. Agt. Jones: Fine. We can strike a deal… Dr. Olsson: That's more like it. Agt Jones: Then, how did you even develop SCP-7945 instances with their cloning abilities? Dr. Olson: Excellent question. The key lies in that "god" or whatever you want to call it. There's this secluded tribe in the Hawaiian archipielago that's supposed to be responsible of containing it, so I paid a visit to them… Once I gained their trust, I struck a deal to aid them in safeguarding the vessel that contained the "god" — some worms sealed in a jar. Agt Jones: Wait, hold on, I got lost here. What god? Dr. Olson: (laughs) Oh, right, guess I'll have to tell you the entire story. The god's some sort of evil deity obsessed with making his own existence the only one in the universe. You could learn a thing or two from them, the tribe I mentioned earlier. They housed a powerful deity in worms inside a vessel without any advanced technology. Meanwhile, your anomalies breach containment like it's their job. Agent Jones: (grumbles) Ok, so you mean you went to a tribe and discovered this god thing, right? Dr. Olsson: Exactly Agt. Jones: Tell me the truth. A secluded culture like that wouldn't just let anyone near such an important artifact, let alone a stranger. How did you manage to make this "deal"? Dr. Olson: Like I said earlier, I spent considerable time ingratiating myself with them, gaining their trust. My superiors frowned upon it, thinking I was wasting time. Agt Jones: Right, then how exactly do they contain the deity? I know it somehow is through worms, I mean how they transfer it. Dr. Olson: Complicated. Long story short, it involves a ritual. But discussing it's off-limits; we held civilians hostage, against orders, for this, so I can't say… Agt Jones: Ah, I assume that's how you transferred the deity; you couldn't replicate the mentioned ritual. Dr. Olsson: Yes, and only a select few trusted colleagues were privy. We didn't want any leaks. Agt. Jones: But how did you hide all of this from the rest of the team and your superiors? Dr. Olson: Easily, actually. We claimed collaboration, a ruse to gain approval for this kind of development. Researchers were told the Elders -which were the ones held hostage- needed privacy for their "cults," offering justification for their confinement. Agt. Jones: But did you only hold the Elders hostage? What did you do with the rest of the tribe? Dr. Olsson: Pretty simple, we destroyed them when I sent a team to retrieve the vessel and the Elders. Agent Jones: Ok, returning to the development, what was your plan with this deity? Dr. Olson: Now, we utilized this "god" when creating the weapons to enable their unique cloning ability. We wanted to harness this power without triggering an uncontrolled apocalypse. Agt Jones: So you were aiming to control it, I mean the deity. Dr. Olson: Not entirely control. We aimed to isolate its essence within a single specimen that would be stored safely while retaining its anomalous properties in others. The plan was to replicate these last instances on a large scale, creating a new line of profitable anomalies. Agt Jones: But you couldn't achieve this, otherwise you wouldn't have terminated the project. Dr. Olsson: Oh, no! We never halted the research; our intent was to continue refining and developing the instances for potential future use. We were backed into a corner due to my impending decommissioning and execution for my actions, which is where you come in. In a twisted way, you saved me. Agt Jones: : If you choose to view it that way. Your cooperation will indeed have its benefits. Dr. Olsson: I assume those "benefits" include honoring our arrangement? Agt Jones: Indeed, we'll make sure you help us some more, now, something that I don't understand is how you managed to make the Elders help you. I've seen many similar groups claiming to protect an extremely important cause without caring about wether you kill them or torture them. What did you do to convince them? Dr. Olsson: tja, we simply utilized their faith against them: we told them that we would release the god to wreak havoc in the world if they didn't cooperate. We assured them we knew how to escape from this world to watch it burn while we drank champagne (laughs) Agent Jones: What did you do once you were done with them? Did you terminate them? Dr Olsson: No, no, we expected them to teach our ritualists to perform the rite. Agent Jones: Did they do it? Dr. Olsson: No, they didn't. From what I understood, my colleagues will continue trying, even after my decommissioning. <End log> Closing Statement: Dr. Olsson provided the presumed location of the Elders and was, after he no longer was an arbitrary source of information, assigned to non-lethal D-class personnel duty. An armed Task Force was deployed to retrieve the Elders for interrogation. For review of the results, a selected team from the Cryptozoology Division was assigned. Interviewee: Kapoenaauao, Patriarch of the Elders Interviewer: Dr. Amelia Layton Foreword: Dr. Layton, a parazoologist selected for her doctorate in hawaiian deities and cryptids, interrogates Ka-poena-auao with the goal of understanding the deity claimed to reside in the subconcious of SCP-7945. Note: Contrary to usual protocols, Dr. Layton has utilized a biased language for a better connection with the interviewee's psyche. This does however not support a biased view in personnel work. <Begin Log> Dr. Layton: Greetings, kupuna Ka-poena-auao: (silence) Dr. Layton: You don't have to worry, we're here to help, kupuna. We are also protectors of the world. Ka-poena-auao: I don't trust you Dr. Layton: Yes, kupuna, [points at the Foundation logotype on the wall] see those three letters? They mean Secure, Contain, Protect. Which means we Secure the power, we Contain the evil and we Protect the children of Lono, that is, Humanity. These are the pillars on which our foundation stands, kupuna, all our power is focused on that. Ka-poena-auao: (unknown word), so you aren't like the others? Dr. Layton: Of course not, the others are an evil group of weaponsmiths seeking to gain wealth through people's misery. They don't give any importance to common cause. Ka-poena-auao: I still don't trust you, what assures me you're telling the truth and not more "webbed" lies? Dr. Layton: (sighs) Look, we heard the devastating tale about your people, and what they did to you and the rest of the Elders. Ka-poena-auao: I don't like to say this, but they should burn in (Unknown word, presumably the name of a mythological figure)'s mind. Dr. Layton: We've made sure they were punished for their actions… And their tears were many. Ka-poena-auao: That satisfies my soul. Dr. Layton: See? We are protectors, just like you, Kupuna. Ka-poena-auao: In that case, and as we the Hejeaka are no longer capacitated to contain Jeaka, and since there are no more generations to pass the I think my only choise is to trust you. Dr. Layton: Indeed, we wish to know about this vessel your people protected to keep anyone from touching it. We, like you, will seal it in a place no one will ever get into. Ka-poena-auao: The Koelpa was a cage, for the cage that would humilliate Jeaka for the rest of eternity. Dr. Layton: Sorry, kupuna, I am an ignorant, could you with your wisedom explain to me who Jeaka is, and why it has to be humiliated in that cage? (The interviewee's answer has been rewritten and clarified for brevity in a resume below) The deity Lono, associated with fertility and reproduction in Hawaiian mythology, had a sibling named Jeaka. However, the other Hawaiian tribes shun mentioning or acknowledging him due to the dread of his malevolent influence. Unlike Lono, Jeaka wielded the power of fertility but lacked a peaceful nature. His selfishness led him to perceive himself as the most beautiful being in the world. Jeaka turned his attention to the offspring of Papa and Wakea, the creators of all things in Hawaiian mythology, and bestowed his own likeness upon them. Upon witnessing this, Lono, along with the other deities, condemned Jeaka to be cast out of the world and imprisoned within the simplest and filthiest of Papa and Wakea's progeny; worms. As Lono's powers were limited, he could only banish Jeaka to the realm of the mind. Yet, the very children who confined Jeaka possessed his formidable abilities, bestowing anyone who came into contact with them with their own visage. Jeaka became consumed by a desire to humble the offspring of Papa and Wakea, and to exact revenge upon Lono and the gods for his incarceration. Condemned to remain within them for eternity, Lono appointed us, the Hejeakas, as the guardians of Jeaka. To fulfill this duty, Lono instructed their forebears in the art of transferring Jeaka into other creatures in times of urgency. Additionally, he presented them with a vessel marked with his unique seal, ensuring that none would ever touch the hosts harboring Jeaka. Ka-poena-auao: Up until now, it has been our mission to guard Jeaka's hosts, but now that the Hejeaka are gone, you, Foundation, have to protect the world and its life, both animate and inanimate from him. Dr. Layton: Thank you, Kupuna, it's been an honor, but we need help from you; could you help us learn how to transfer Jeaka from a creature to another? Ka-poena-auao: I apologize, but we can't, as it is something only us, Hejeakas are allowed to do, and took several generations to fully learn. It's too dangerous to do the rite, even for us, as Jeaka could escape. Dr. Layton: I understand. Now, I was wondering, Kupuna, isn't it easier if you kill the creatures? Ka-poena-auao: No! Do not do it! If his cage dies, he will be free from the mind realm! That's why Lono assigned the Hejeaka to guard them! So they wouldn't die! Dr. Layton: Sorry, Kupuna, I beg your pardon, as I am ignorant [bows] Ka-poena-auao: I pardon you, if you're going to incage Jeaka's hosts, you'll have to make sure none of your guardians are near to it. Dr. Layton: Why not? Ka-poena-auao: Jeaka is said to have really strong persuasion powers, whispering to people's minds to touch his hosts to give them his face, and therefore, invading their minds. Dr. Layton: Ah, I see, okay, thank you for warning us. Is there anything we can do for you, Kupuna? Ka-poena-auao: Yes, as the Hejeaka is no longer needed, we the Elders would like to return to Hejeak'ai to die and rest with our people, trusting that you will guard Jeaka and protect the world from him. Dr. Layton: It will be so, Kupuna, thanks for your trust and the honor of this conversation. Ka-poena-auao: I give you my blessing and may the gods help you in this important mission. (proceeds to do the Honi9 with Dr. Layton) <End Log> Closing Statement: Fullfilling the agreement, the Hejeaka Elders were transported and escorted back to their Island. There, the assigned personel was ordered to vigilate the Elders while they performed some kind of suicidal rite. The team escorting them made sure all of them were dead and, after destroying any kind of evidence of the Hejeaka's existence, returned to Site-39. For SCP-7945-3's file, view next tab Sub-item type: Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-7945-1 (both A and B) as well as eventual SCP-7945-2 instances contain SCP-7945-3 in their nöosphere, it is classed as a Thaumiel-type subanomaly. No SCP-7945-instances are to be neutralized, as doing so would cause an immediate containment breach and a potential XK-class end-of-the-world scenario. For that reason, at least 1 SCP-7945-1 and not more than 4 instances are to be kept alive in a singular Foundation facility. Due to SCP-7945-3's Infohazardous abilities, No less than 5 personnel can assist in the active containing of SCP-7945 instances. The designated personnel must undergo amnestizising weekly to prevent SCP-7945-3's traits affecting them. Description: SCP-7945-3, commonly referred to as "Jeaka" is a male deity residing in all of SCP-7945 instances' nöosphere. Notably, SCP-7945-3 has adopted an obsession with singularizing its own existence, and is capable of expanding itself through the cloning of SCP-7945 instances Non-intelligent hosts to SCP-7945-3 haven't shown any signs of awareness of its presence in their subconcious, though tests show subjects reacting surprisedly towards the mutations caused by their own granted anomalous properties. However, it is notable that hosts with higher levels of intelligence, such as Humans, display more awareness. These hosts, denominated SCP-7945-2, will show aggressivity towards other organisms, often either killing them, mutilating them or hitting them. Individuals capable of vocalization are shown to repeat determinated sentences. These sentences are but not limited to the following: "Let me make you me" "Become me" (In languages where personal pronouns change the verb conjugation, all the verbs will be conjugated into first person: See Dr. André Pignon's daily log) "I am all/everything" "You don't deserve to be" SCP-7945-3 Is capable of psychological manipulation, inducing thoughts and invasive dreams into affected subjects. The victims it targets seem aleatory, and it is thus unclear wether SCP-7945-3 chooses them with background meditation or not. SCP-7945-3 is a self aware infohazard, and has higher chances to target individuals who at their turn are aware of it. SCP-7945-3 seems to display slight reality bending abilities, such as being able to change and edit documents, diagrams and others even after their print, which it uses to psychologically manipulate potential victims or create awareness of itself to allow it to act against its victims. Victims to SCP-7945-3 are impossible to treat unless provided with highly regular amnestication. All victims to SCP-7945-3 lose their prior psychological traits and personality once affected, as SCP-7945-3 replaces it with its own. I am my world, I am my faith, I am my lord, I am my wraith, I am one, I am all. Footnotes 1. Reproductive strategy that involves development of a female (rarely a male) gamete (sex cell) without fertilization 2. see addendum 01 with proper credentials 3. This is based on its often cannibalistic and parthogenetic traits 4. Record and Information Security Administration 5. Omnipotent Force Incorporated is an enterprise known for leading the illegal anomalous weapon market in sales 6. The outer layer of the human skin 7. Security Measures and Protocols Archive 8. Department of Memetics and Infohazards 9. (ho-nee) It is a greeting amongst hawaiian people that involves pressing the noses against each other and inhaling. This greeting is meant to show respect to the greeted. « SCP-7944 | SCP-7945 | SCP-7946 »
rating: -11+–x WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS CLASSIFIED BY THE O5 COUNCIL ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION BY THE O5 COUNCIL OR SITE DIRECTOR ██████ █████ WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. ID 82e146cde25662ffed2add42eed27e91_1706541387 PASSWORD 1e84cfa43245e34d32167a58cfd03a86_1706541387 Login Logout Item#: 7946 Level5 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: ticonderoga Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7946 is not contained strictly due to the assistance it has previously given and continues to offer the foundation in terms of research into other anomalies and how to best contain them. However, it has voluntarily contained itself within a 5m x 5m x 5m humanoid containment cell within the Armed Biological Containment facility, Area-41, originally designed for the anomaly by Director ██████ █████. It has been assigned the secondary classification of Ticonderoga because of its loyalty, however, due to its dangerous potential and the requirements that would be needed to contain SCP-7946 if its secondary classification was revoked, it has been assigned Keter. Although it has voluntarily contained itself, SCP-7946 is allowed free access to Area-41 where it has the clearance as well as the limited freedom to leave the site at will as long as it has taken Form A and is encouraged to remain in this form to reduce its anomalous effects and to ensure there is no panic amongst unaware staff. If a facility-wide containment breach occurs, SCP-7946 is to be locked in its containment cell until extraction by Facility Guard personnel or MTF units can occur, once this happens SCP-7946 is to be transported to Site-██ until safe relocation to Outpost-41-01 can occur. All Testing of SCP-7946 is to be done by Site Director ██████ █████ including any research staff authorized by either Director ██████ █████ or the O5 Council. Revision 023: If off-site, SCP-7946 is to have its location and vitals constantly monitored from Area-41. If vitals monitoring shows that the concentration of blood within SCP-7946's brain has reached twice the human baseline, Zeta-13 is to be sent to contain SCP-7946 immediately with any force required as well as inform and contact a member of the O5 council, if compliance of SCP-7946 fails then severe maiming up to termination may be permitted by the O5 council. If any individuals of any groups of interest are identified to be located within a 100-metre radius, SCP-7946 is to be discreetly relocated to Area-41 immediately by MTF Agents even if the groups of interest are not aware of the existence of SCP-7946. Description: SCP-7946 is identified to have 2 physical forms which it can switch between at will, designated SCP-7946-A and SCP-7946-B or Form A and B for short. Form A resembles a 1.8-meter tall Caucasian male with light brown hair and light grey eyes in his mid-30s. In this form, SCP-7946 is indistinguishable from any other human being as well as not showing any of its anomalous abilities that it displays in Form B. However, before SCP-7946 transforms into Form B, vital signs begin to change, these changes seemingly have little to no consistency excluding the blood concentration of SCP-7946 which grows at a rapid rate to 200% of a regular human. SCP-7946-B is the form that shows its anomalous traits and abilities. This form has SCP-7946 standing at around 4.2 meters tall with its skin being rapidly replaced by muscle tissue alongside its bones which break through the muscle tissue forming a partial exoskeleton. It grows a pair of wings that resembles those of Desmodus rotundus however at a much larger scale, boasting a 4-meter wingspan as well as a 2-meter-long muscular tail which like the rest of the body has a partial exoskeleton. Its arms resemble in shape and structure the limbs of Ursus arctos horribilis with elongated claws measuring at 30 cm in length. Its legs resemble a more muscular form of Rangifer tarandus, its head being the skull of the same animal and the jaws of the SCP are of Canis lupus. In the transition to this form from Form A, SCP-7946 has stated a feeling of immense pain due to being able to feel every physical change happening to his body. SCP-7946 Anomalous traits and abilities are varied and only show whilst in form B. It can speak without a proper mouth, vocal cords, or tongue, and although it has no nose, eyes or ears it still can smell, see and hear. It can manipulate the blood of other organisms including humans, seemingly able to control the flow and movement of blood as if it has become an extension of itself. The radius of this is around 50 meters however it does need to be aware of the individual, SCP-7946 has stated it doesn't know how he can control the blood. Another of its abilities is that it disrupts reality in a localized area, if in Form B for too long a time begins to alter in an unpredictable and ever-changing way. The most extreme example of this temporal effect to date was the extension of 10 seconds to 23 hours and 12 minutes within the affected area. The area's physical terrain also began to change, becoming bone, blood, and muscle and seemingly transforming into an extension of SCP-7946, this effect however degraded over time back to normal once SCP-7946 returned to Form A. The maximum radius of this reality disruption is unknown as it seems to grow over time, the largest radius known under testing was 102 meters. The final anomalous ability that SCP-7946 has shown is that during several events it has been able to learn information regarding to [REDACTED] through means SCP-7946 doesn't understand. The O5 council has approved ongoing research to learn how this ability works. Addendum-7946-01: Under the request of Site Director ████ ███, SCP-7946 is to have a device surgically implanted into it to allow the O5 council to subdue SCP-7946 whilst in Form A via electric shock. This decision was reached due to Site Director ████ ███ on a semi-frequent basis requesting approval for termination due to believing SCP-7946's threat to the human population to be too great to warrant its lack of permanent containment and that its assistance to the foundation does not justify its continued existence. O5-█ has concluded however, after incident ███-41-29-06-03 that its ability to assist the foundation is invaluable and that termination of SCP-7946 will be denied indefinitely without a unanimous vote. Addendum-7946-02: After incidents 41-███-02 and ███-41-29-06-03, SCP-7946 may have become known to several groups of interest, due to this Site Director ████ ███ has requested that SCP-7946 be under a degree of surveillance by MTF Zeta-13, his request was approved to have nonintrusive surveillance whilst MTF Zeta-13 track down these groups of interest to ensure SCP-7946 remains unknown. « SCP-7945 | SCP-7946 | SCP-7947 »
Item #: SCP-7949 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-7949's inherent abilities, it is to be kept in its hometown of Graycott, Arkansas1. SCP-7949 is to be monitored at all times by MTF Rho-77 “Friendly Neighbors” in case of a sudden shift in its abilities or an attempt to leave the town. Rho-77 is to be stationed in and around the town as members of law enforcement and SCP-7949's neighbors and coworkers. Any deviation from their roles, or attempts to tell SCP-7949 about its current situation and containment protocols will be met with reprimanding actions and relocation to another containment unit. Research into developing proper containment for SCP-7949 is still ongoing at the time of writing. Description: SCP-7949 is a Caucasian male approximately 1.52 meters in height and weighing around 100 kilograms. From interviews and government records, it has been confirmed that SCP-7949 is approximately 32 years of age, with their legal name being Stephen Phanal, a longtime resident of Graycott. SCP-7949's abilities only take effect when it travels outside their town to another populated center. While outside of the city limits of Graycott, SCP-7949's anomalous effect manifests, hereby titled SCP-7949-A. The longer SCP-7949 is outside of its hometown the likelihood of SCP-7949-A events causing mass panic and destruction, resulting in mild to severe losses of human life. SCP-7949-A events can vary from terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and infrastructure failures, and it is assumed SCP-7949 is responsible for at least 20 to 30 SCP-7949-A events. It is unknown if SCP-7949 knows about its anomalous abilities, nonetheless, it is to be informed that leaving the outskirts of the town will result in their arrest. Discovery: SCP-7949 was first discovered by Foundation agents implanted within the FBI as well as other internal security organizations in several nations. Statistics showed that the rate of natural disasters and terrorist attacks had raised greatly over the past few weeks, and per protocol, agents were tasked with investigating the incidents in case of anomalous influence. Through travel records, agents discovered that SCP-7949 had been present during most catastrophes, and surveyed it closely to ensure these were not a case of coincidence. When SCP-7949 took a trip to Seattle, causing another SCP-7949-A incident, Foundation agents moved in to apprehend it soon after. Audio Log from Interview SCP-7949 Interviewed: SCP-7949 Interviewer: Dr. Vander Foreword: After the discovery of SCP-7949, Foundation agents in the area moved into Graycott to apprehend SCP-7949 acting as agents of the FBI. SCP-7949 was sent to the nearby Site-79 for an interview done by Dr. Ryan Vander. <Begin Log> Dr. Vander: Good evening, Mr. Phanal. How are you feeling?Dr. Vander: Yes, apologies for the fright, Mr. Phanal. I'm with the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and we just wanted to ask you a few questions.Dr. Vander: First off, have you been out of state, or out of the country for that matter, in the last few months?Dr. Vander: I see. Mr. Phanal, it seems that the locations you have visited have… well, in 91% of the cases there have been losses of human life. Around the time you visited Delhi, and near your location, a vehicle exploded, killing thirteen people.Dr. Vander: Indeed. And during the time you visited Hamburg, a fire spread to several apartment buildings. These aren't the only cases either. From what I've seen on your documents it seems that this happens dozens of other times in different locations, even in the United States. When you traveled to San Bruno in California, there was an earthquake, causing severe structural damage and three deaths. I'm not saying that you are accountable for these tragedies, Mr. Phanal, but it does raise suspicion. We are going to have to keep you here for a little while.Dr. Vander: Excellent. Thank you for your cooperation. The gentlemen outside will escort you to where you will be staying. <End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-7949 was led to a temporary holding cell and were to be kept there overnight. However, at around 3:27 CST, Site-79 was attacked by operatives from the Chaos Insurgency. Although security was warned about a dangerous event possibly taking place due to SCP-7949 anomalous abilities, they were unprepared for the large-scale attack on the facility. The site experienced severe structural damage, and several anomalies were released from containment. The incident finally ended at 8:45 CST, when members of MTF Epsilon-11 recontained the last anomalies that had broken out. SCP-7949 was found in its temporary holding cell and appeared to have slept through the entire incident. SCP-7949 was promptly moved back to Graycott by request of Dr. Vander Addendum: Below is a log of notable SCP-7949-A incidents. SCP-7949 was confirmed to be present and at some times near the location of all incidents. + Show SCP-7949-A Incident Logs - Hide SCP-7949-A Incident Logs Time Location Description April 4th, 2016 Cairo, Egypt. From travel records, eyewitness accounts, and CCTV footage it is believed that SCP-7949 arrived in Cairo in the early hours of April 2nd. SCP-7949 reportedly stayed at the Kempinski Nile Hotel, having booked a room for two days. CCTV footage records SCP-7949 leaving and returning to its hotel room several times a day, apparently participating in tourist activities. On April 4th, as SCP-7949 was preparing its belongings to leave the hotel, several armed men a block away opened fire on a group of people. SCP-7949 seemed to not react to the sound of gunfire when it was recorded exiting the hotel, even though it was only a block away from the shooting. When asked why it did not react, SCP-7949 simply replied 'I thought it was a part of local tradition or something'. Four of the six armed men were killed in a shootout with Egyptian police, with the last surviving two being brought into the custody of Egyptian authorities. From records, when each individual asked why they committed these acts, they always responded by saying 'Something urged them to do something terrible.' The source of the weapons the individuals used in the shooting is unknown and the suspects have no recollection of where they received the weapons. October 22nd, 2011 Garrettsville, Nebraska, United States SCP-7949 stopped by the small town of Garrestville during a road trip, staying a night at one of the motels. Overnight, several houses across Garrestville experienced gas leaks, and soon a fire broke out, causing the implosion of several homes. Twelve citizens were killed in the incident, and SCP-7949 reportedly left the next day, not knowing of the destruction that had happened in the town. February 9th, 2021 Troundiéba Village, Liberia SCP-7949 visited the village of Troundiéba during a tour of Liberia in 2021. SCP-7949, albeit unknowingly, had already left several towns and villages in states of disrepair due to its tour. From eyewitness accounts, SCP-7949 stayed in Troundiéba for three days, conversing with locals and visiting local spots of interest. On the last day, as SCP-7949 was leaving Troundiéba, an SCP-7949-A event occurred, causing the sudden deaths of all crops and livestock in the village and the soil becoming sterile and unable to sustain crops2. Troundiéba was thrown into a food crisis, causing the abandonment of the town. Audio log from Interview SCP-7949-1 Interviewed: SCP-7949 Interviewer: Dr. Henderson Foreword: On August 3rd, 2020, SCP-7949 was caught by agents of Rho-77 trying to leave the outskirts of Graycott. SCP-7949 was quickly apprehended and sent to the local police station, where he was interviewed by Dr. Leland Henderson. <Begin Log, August 3rd, 2020. 12:34 AM.> Dr. Henderson: Good afternoon, Mr. Phanal. I just wanted to ask you a few questions regarding your recent attempt to leave Graycott.Dr. Henderson: Well, I think we should get to the point. Why did you attempt to leave Graycott, even though you knew you would get arrested if caught? [SCP-7949 does not respond.] Dr. Henderson: Mr. Phanal, need I remind you if you do not answer my question, there will be further restrictions on your-.Dr. Henderson: Mr. Phanal, please, calm down. If you continue I will have the agents restrain you. [SCP-7949 takes a few moments to calm down before responding.]Dr. Henderson: I see. That will be all, Mr. Phanal. Thank you for your cooperation.<End Log, 12:41 AM> Closing Statement: SCP-7949 was returned to its home shortly afterward. Dr. Henderson noted a shift in SCP-7949's psychological state (See Addendum 2A). Addendum 2A: Several days after it attempted to leave, SCP-7949 was reported by agents of Rho-77 circulating Graycott and asking several citizens and agents to sign a petition. SCP-7949 did this for one day, getting approximately 1/4th of the population of Graycott to sign it in one day. The next day Rho-77 reported that SCP-7949 had made a post on Facebook, creating an event that all citizens within Graycott could participate in. Rho-77 was authorized to go to the scheduled event and survey SCP-7949. On the day of the event, SCP-7949 was recorded by Rho-77 participating in community activities with several other citizens in the town, as well as agents impersonating civilians and law enforcement. The event lasted for four hours and ended with nothing of much importance happening. Events like these continued happening for several weeks and SCP-7949 was reported conversing with locals more than before, allegedly giving them advice on the issues they were having in life as well as offering assistance. On September 3rd, a signed petition was sent to Graycott's town hall, signed by more than 30 people including SCP-79493, with the petition asking the mayor of Graycott to allow the citizens to remodel the town in a large community event. The request was forwarded to the Foundation and after debate amongst SCP-7949 containment and research team, it was permitted. On September 4th, SCP-7949 gathered with several dozen citizens, including implanted Foundation agents, to refurbish Graycott. The event spanned several days and Rho-77 observed SCP-7949 along with several citizens of Graycott repainting the town square, planting trees in the local park, assisting other locals with their endeavors, setting up a date for an annual town fair, and more (See SCP-7949 Event log for details). Foundation agents were permitted to assist SCP-7949 while continuing to follow their roles as members of the town and law enforcement. Afterward, the town of Graycott was remodeled completely, sharing nearly no similarities to how the town looked before. Data asserted from SCP-7949's psychological condition shows that the mood of the subject was at an all-time high. Footnotes 1. Now referred to as Site-31 2. Despite previous geological records stating that Troundiéba's soil was the most fertile in the area, and was known to provide a surplus. 3. Around 75% of the town's population at the time, as the census states there are only 50 civilians residing in Graycott « SCP-7948 | SCP-7949 | SCP-7950 »
Item#: 7950 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo A photograph depicting SCP-7950 and a woman presumed to be its late wife. Special Containment Procedures: The field in which SCP-7950 is located must remain under guard surveillance during its active times to prevent unauthorized entry. Entry into the field is prohibited until further notice. Description: SCP-7950 is a humanoid spectral entity resembling a peasant typical to the Victorian Era. It is currently located in a field in Cranleigh, England where all its activity has taken place. SCP-7950 is dormant for the majority of the year, manifesting only during the days between 20/4 and 15/5 as well as between 01/10 and 22/10. During these times, its activity consists exclusively of field work, which takes place each day from 8 AM to 6 PM. Once SCP-7950 ceases working for the day, it walks to the edge of the field and immediately demanifests. Addendum 7950-1: Discovery SCP-7950 was unintentionally discovered in an investigation into an unrelated anomaly, when Junior Researcher Brooks spotted it sowing seeds into the soil. The Department of Spectral Phenomena was alerted and a perimeter was established around the field in order to observe SCP-7950 before attempts to interact with it were made. Ectographical devices detected a trail of ectoplasm leading from the field into a dilapidated shack from which the photograph above was recovered from. SCP-7950 ceased activity on 15/5 before attempts to communicate with it were made. It resumed activity on 01/10, and an interview was authorized shortly after. Addendum 7950-2: Interview Log Date: 02/10/2014 Interviewer: Dr. Gibson Interviewee: SCP-7950 Foreword: Dr. Gibson, equipped with an ectographical body camera, was tasked to approach SCP-7950 for an interview. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Gibson enters the field and begins to approach SCP-7950. It is seen swinging a scythe at the rows of wheat. Dr. Gibson: Hello there! SCP-7950 turns to look at Dr. Gibson, raises its arm to greet him, then returns to work. Dr. Gibson walks closer until he stands approximately 10 feet away from SCP-7950.Dr. Gibson: Joshua Gibson. I'm a scientist of sorts. Would you mind if I asked you some questions?SCP-7950 continues to swing its scythe and stack the harvested wheat. Dr. Gibson: I'll get right on it. Are you aware of your current situation?Dr. Gibson: I see. Then, what are you doing here? Do you have any idea why you're still here?Dr. Gibson: We found this old photograph from a shack nearby. The young man here looks quite a bit like you. Can you tell us anything about it? SCP-7950 stops its work to turn towards Dr. Gibson. It holds out its hand, and Dr. Gibson hands over the photograph.Dr. Gibson: Why is she not here? What made you stay behind when she… moved on? SCP-7950 hands the photograph back, then gets on one knee to tie up a bale of wheat.Dr. Gibson: Do you know what happened to her?Dr. Gibson: I'm sorry. If it helps, I too know how unfaithfulness stings.Dr. Gibson: I believe the weather has been great overall these past few years. How has the harvest been?SCP-7950 throws the bale aside, then resumes swinging its scythe. Both are silent for 12 seconds. Dr. Gibson: Are you sure you're fine?Dr. Gibson: I am. I admit it took me over a year to get over it, but I'm alright. Currently dating again.A fog has fallen over the field. Both are silent for a moment as SCP-7950 ties up another bale, throws it aside and resumes swinging its scythe. Dr. Gibson: I do see her occasionally. You know, in the store or some similar place. We don't really talk since it's too awkward, but we're not enemies by any means. We can be adults about it. SCP-7950 sets down the scythe, and stretches.Dr. Gibson: Hm? Why yes, several in fact.Dr. Gibson: She's alive and well. It's a bit early to think of her as a ghost.Dr. Gibson: Well, I suppose you're right in a way. I don't really recognize her anymore. What we had is over, but it doesn't mean I can't be happy about the good times we shared. I moved on, and I deserve better. SCP-7950 closes its eyes and seems to inhale deeply, though no sound is heard. The fog seems to intensify slightly.SCP-7950 picks up the scythe, walks to Dr. Gibson and firmly pats his shoulder. It then turns around and walks towards the edge of the field.Dr. Gibson: Likewise. SCP-7950 demanifests upon reaching the edge of the field. Dr. Gibson stands in place for a moment before walking off the field himself. [END LOG] Addendum 7950-3: Update A spectral entity with the appearance of Dr. Gibson has been spotted in the field the day following the interview, engaging in identical behavior to SCP-7950. Dr. Gibson himself is currently in good health, and no anomaly, spectral or otherwise, has been identified in him. This new spectral entity, henceforth referred to as SCP-7950-2, manifests and demanifests in identical cycle to SCP-7950. It occasionally stops working to cry, with SCP-7950 usually responding by giving it a firm pat on the back. Proposal to alter SCP-7950's object class to Euclid is currently pending approval by the Department of Spectral Phenomena, and all plans to further interview SCP-7950 or SCP-7950-2 have been discontinued. Footnotes 1. Victorian Era slang for being dead. « SCP-7949 | SCP-7950 | SCP-7951 »
Item #: 7951 Object Class: Safe SCP-7951-1 and SCP-7951-2 together. Special Containment Procedures: Researcher Paul Jones must remain aware of possible SCP-7951 manifestations. For the preservation of normalcy, Jones is to observe extra vigilance regarding romantic occasions, family dinners, and moderate social gatherings of 3-7 people. Description: SCP-7951 is the designation for the spontaneous physical manifestation of two coffee mugs within the personal home of Researcher Paul Jones. SCP-7951-1 is a nondescript ceramic mug invariably filled with a black tea beverage at or below 23 degrees Celsius. Subjects who perceive SCP-7951-1 believe that the liquid inside is "not how they like their tea" and upon tasting the beverage will note that it is "too cold" in addition to a series of other subjective qualitative notes. The exception to this is Researcher Paul Jones, who says that the liquid inside is "exactly how [he likes] it." SCP-7951-2 is empty. Discovery: SCP-7951 was discovered in the home of Researcher Paul Jones shortly after the finalization of inheritance proceedings on 10/15/2023. When questioned, Jones stated, "My room's still how I left it."
ItsDenali By ItsDenali More By This Author Item #: SCP-7952 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7952 is contained at the location of its discovery, and the area has been cordoned off from public access with a padlocked grate. No other containment procedures are considered necessary. Description: SCP-7952 is a set of anomalous human remains located inside of a small cave in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, near Juneau, Alaska. The cave measures approximately 20 meters in length by 2 meters in height and diameter for most of its continuity, which is generally flat and level, barring a slight rise at its end. The floor of the space is partially flooded due to the presence of a nearby stream running over the mouth of the cave. Personnel in proximity to SCP-7952 report a strong desire to not disturb the remains, as well as a decelerated perception of time;1 both phenomena have been observed to intensify dramatically the closer an observer is to the item. Additionally, faint remnants of what appear to have once been glyphs and a thaumaturgic ritual circle surround the corpse, though the implements have become too eroded to be able to determine what their original function was. SCP-7952 also exhibits strong antimemetic properties which visually obscure the item, making examination of it extremely difficult. Photographs, video, and similar visual imaging techniques are also subject to this property, which results in severe distortion of affected media. Consequently, details concerning SCP-7952 such as its identity, race, gender, or age prior to its death remain unknown. However, evidenced by items discovered alongside the anomaly (see below), it is believed that SCP-7952 has occupied its current position for at least several years. In-depth study or exhumation of SCP-7952 has been deemed unnecessary. Addendum 7952.1: Upon discovery, several belongings were found beside SCP-7952, including a rusted flashlight, a King James Bible, and a small journal. All items had sustained severe water damage by the time of discovery. The Bible contained little of note beyond minor annotations throughout the New Testament. Only the final entry in the journal proved partially legible, and has been transcribed below. ... that such hatred, such shame could rule so despotically. To think it'd take me so many years to see it all for what it truly was. The joy we'd known, the pain we'd felt, and everything else we endured along the way, ...[illegible]... All of it, culminating here, at the end of a life. I find it strange that I feel at peace here in this damp, obscure corner of the world under such circumstances as these. Yet to feel such a sensation after so long and arduous a path fills me with a joy that I simply cannot explain. [All but the last three lines is illegible.] ... the vicious brunt of it all, no matter what happens. I will at least be able to rest easy knowing that, when this is all over, Edward and the others will be safe. Please, God, just let them be safe. « SCP-7951 | More by this author | SCP-7953 » Footnotes 1. The latter phenomenon is a purely sensory one, and the subject's actual temporal characteristics remain unaffected.
The approximate location where SCP-7954 occurs. Item #: SCP-7954 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Two Foundation agents have been stationed at the location where SCP-7954 occurs, and a fence has been constructed around the area. Every night, from 12 AM to 1 AM, the agents are to patrol the outskirts of the area. Trespassers are to be apprehended and, if necessary, given amnestics. Description: SCP-7954 is an anomalous phenomenon that occurs routinely in an undeveloped area near Mifflintown, Pennsylvania. Every night, two spectral entities (henceforth SCP-7954-A and -B) spontaneously manifest in the area at 12:04 AM. The entities wander around the area,1 lie down next to each other, converse, and spontaneously demanifest at 12:58 AM. The entities always lie down in the same location, and their conversation is always identical. They have never acknowledged the presence of Foundation personnel or the existence of the fence. SCP-7954-A and -B both appear to be white human males in their late teens. After an examination of Pennsylvania public records, it was found that SCP-7954-A strongly resembles a man named Sam Bowman, while SCP-7954-B strongly resembles a man named Robert Buck. Both men are former residents of Philadelphia, and both men graduated from the same high school in 1995. Addendum: Video Transcript The following is a transcript of a recording of the conversation between SCP-7954-A and -B. [BEGIN LOG] (SCP-7954-A and SCP-7954-B are lying side-by-side in the grass. Both are looking at the sky.) SCP-7954-A: So. (SCP-7954-A turns to face -B.) SCP-7954-B: Hm? SCP-7954-A: Did you check out that album I told you about? SCP-7954-B: Weezer? (SCP-7954-A nods.) SCP-7954-B: Not yet. Couldn't find it for cheap. SCP-7954-A: Ah. That sucks. SCP-7954-B: Yeah. (SCP-7954-A turns back to the sky. Both are silent for one minute.) (SCP-7954-A turns towards -B.) SCP-7954-A: God, can you believe Ryan?2 SCP-7954-B: He's such a dick. SCP-7954-A: He really is! I mean, seriously, who says that to someone? Unbelievable. SCP-7954-B: Mhm. (SCP-7954-A continues to stare at -B for five seconds, before turning the other way.) (Both are silent for half a minute.) (SCP-7954-A rolls on its side to face -B, who does not react.) SCP-7954-A: How's Emily?3 (SCP-7954-B tilts its head slightly towards -A.) SCP-7954-B: What do you mean? SCP-7954-A: Like, how is she doing? How are things going with you two? (SCP-7954-B tilts its head back to its original position.) SCP-7954-B: She's doing good. We're fine. SCP-7954-A: That's good. SCP-7954-B: Yeah. (SCP-7954-A rolls back onto its back.) (Both are silent for one minute. SCP-7954-A occasionally glances at -B, who does not appear to notice.) (SCP-7954-A abruptly sits up and looks at -B, who glances at -A.) SCP-7954-A: I'm gonna miss you, man. (SCP-7954-B closes its eyes and sighs.) SCP-7954-B: Yeah. (SCP-7954-A leans towards -B, whose eyes remain closed.) SCP-7954-A: You'll call, right? (SCP-7954-B opens its eyes and looks at -A.) SCP-7954-B: Of course. Why wouldn't I? (SCP-7954-A shrugs.) SCP-7954-A: I dunno. I've just got this bad feeling about it. (SCP-7954-B lifts an outstretched hand in -A's direction.) SCP-7954-B: I'm gonna call. I promise. (SCP-7954-A sighs.) SCP-7954-A: Okay. (SCP-7954-A lies back down.) SCP-7954-B: Hey. (SCP-7954-A turns to face -B.) SCP-7954-A: Hm? (SCP-7954-B reaches into a pant pocket and pulls out a Tootsie Roll.) (SCP-7954-A snorts.) SCP-7954-A: Seriously? SCP-7954-B: You know you wanna take it. (SCP-7954-A is silent for a moment.) SCP-7954-A: …Yeah. (SCP-7954-B hands the Tootsie Roll to -A, who eats it.) SCP-7954-A: Thanks. SCP-7954-B: Of course. (Both are silent for one minute.) SCP-7954-A: What are you gonna do? After college, I mean. (SCP-7954-B shrugs.) SCP-7954-B: I haven't thought much about it. I could go to grad school, I guess. SCP-7954-A: Where do you think you're gonna end up? SCP-7954-B: I'm not sure. I've thought about settling down around here. SCP-7954-A: That would be nice. I've also thought about that. SCP-7954-B: About settling down here? SCP-7954-A: Yeah. I like it around here. Not too loud, and there's lots of nice little spots like this. SCP-7954-B: Mm. (SCP-7954-A sits up.) SCP-7954-A: I could see myself living in one of those little houses down the road. Taking care of some plants, chilling on the porch. SCP-7954-B: That sounds nice. SCP-7954-A: Imagine us as like, bitter old men living next to each other around here, fighting because one of us blew leaves onto the other guy's lawn. (SCP-7954-B snorts.) SCP-7954-B: Amazing. SCP-7954-A: Isn't it? God, we would be terrible neighbors. It would be great. SCP-7954-B: Heh. Yeah. (Both are silent for two minutes.) (SCP-7954-A turns towards -B.) SCP-7954-A: I have an idea. (SCP-7954-B looks at -A.) SCP-7954-B: What's that? SCP-7954-A: How about, if we're still friends in ten years or so, we come back here again? By then, it'll be for old time's sake. SCP-7954-B: That sounds nice. (Both are silent for ten seconds.) SCP-7954-A: Well, how about it? SCP-7954-B: Sure, yeah. Let's do it. SCP-7954-A: Alright. Let's shake on it. (SCP-7954-B smirks.) SCP-7954-B: Seriously? SCP-7954-A: Yeah. It's official that way. SCP-7954-B: Alright, if you insist. (SCP-7954-B sits up. They spontaneously demanifest while shaking hands.) [END LOG] It is unknown if this reflects any events that actually transpired between Mr. Bowman and Mr. Buck. Addendum: Incident Report On 05/31/2023, a man was detained by Foundation agents at approximately 12:02 AM after he was found attempting to climb the fence surrounding the area where SCP-7954 occurs. After entering Foundation custody, the man was identified as Sam Bowman. Agents were authorized to conduct an interview with Mr. Bowman, which is transcribed below. Interviewer: Agent Callahan Interviewee: Sam Bowman [BEGIN LOG] Mr. Bowman: I'd like to apologize for all this. I really didn't mean to cause any trouble. Agent Callahan: You're not in any trouble, sir. I'm just going to ask you a few questions, and then you'll be free to go, okay? Mr. Bowman: Alright. Agent Callahan: Please state your name for our records. Mr. Bowman: Sam Bowman. Who are you people, anyway? Are you cops? Agent Callahan: I'm sorry, but I can't answer that. Why were you trying to scale that fence? Mr. Bowman: I was just looking for an old hiding place. I thought the fence was just some corporate thing. Agent Callahan: "Corporate thing"? Mr. Bowman: Yeah. You know, company buys up some land, puts up a fence to prevent kids from wandering in. I didn't think it would be a big deal. Agent Callahan: But you knew that you were trespassing. Mr. Bowman: Well, yeah. Again, I really didn't know it would be a big deal. I'm sorry. Agent Callahan: You said that you were looking for an "old hiding place." What does that mean? Mr. Bowman: I grew up around here, and I used to go hide out by the lake when I didn't want to be around other people. There wasn't a fence back then. I just wanted to see if I could find it again. Agent Callahan: I see. You didn't know of anything unusual in that area? Mr. Bowman: No? I'm not sure I get what you mean. Agent Callahan: You don't know of any reason why there would be a fence there? Mr. Bowman: Nope. I already told you, I thought it was a corporate thing. Agent Callahan: Alright. One last thing, and you should be good to go. Do you know anything about a man named Robert Buck? (Mr. Bowman is silent for half a minute.) Agent Callahan: Mr. Bowman? Mr. Bowman: He was a buddy of mine in high school. Haven't spoken to him in years. Don't know what he's up to these days. Agent Callahan: I see. Mr. Bowman: Anything else? Agent Callahan: I think that should do it. Thank you for cooperating. Mr. Bowman: No problem. [END LOG] Following the conclusion of this interview, Mr. Bowman was given amnestics and released. As of the time of writing, Mr. Buck has not been seen in the local area since the establishment of Foundation containment of SCP-7954. Records indicate that neither man has lived in Pennsylvania since 1996. Footnotes 1. While the entities' actions are largely predictable, slight deviations in the path that they take through the area have been observed. As of the time of writing, the entities have never attempted to pass through the fence. 2. Possibly Ryan Scheiber, another former resident of the local area. An investigation concluded that Mr. Scheiber had no connection to SCP-7954. 3. Possibly Emily Barko, another former resident of the local area. An investigation concluded that Ms. Barko had no connection to SCP-7954. « SCP-7953 | SCP-7954| SCP-7955 »
Item #: SCP-7955 Object Class: Neutralized (formerly Euclid) Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7955's liquid remains have been sealed in a 200-litre hazardous waste drum and transferred to a mundane treatment facility. With no anomalous traits having been detected as of 23/11/2020, these remains can be disposed of without risk of potential contamination. PREVIOUS CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES Close SCP-7955 is to be contained at Site 44 in a modified humanoid containment cell with a shatterproof glass observation window and an airtight door. The air vents are to be fitted with metal shutters and internal filters. SCP-7955 is allowed a bed, a chair, a desk, a shower cubicle, and a toilet. SCP-7955 is allowed access to books, writing paper, and crayons on request. These items should only be removed from the cell if SCP-7955 is in its default form and in full view of staff. The cell interior is to be subject to 24/7 audiovisual recording, both to monitor SCP-7955's transformations and to ensure that any important information communicated while talking to itself is not lost. SCP-7955 must be personally supervised at all times to ensure that it does not become confused and endanger itself over the course of its daily testing regimen. It also must be reminded to eat meals, attend to personal grooming, and dress itself in the clothes provided for it. In the event that SCP-7955 attempts to escape, it can be easily detected by involuntary errors in its disguises and will rarely be able to convincingly imitate human mannerisms. However, if it becomes aggressive during efforts to placate or recapture it, security personnel are to maintain a distance of at least two meters to avoid warning strikes while restraining it. The most reliable known method of subduing SCP-7955 is to pin it to the ground with heavy nets, social distancing clamps, and long catch poles, allowing personnel to remain out of reach until SCP-7955 exhausts both its stamina and its repertoire of shapes. After this, SCP-7955 can be carried back to its cell without resistance. Description: Prior to 13/10/2020, SCP-7955 was a 38-year-old male humanoid, biologically human to all mundane tests. In its default form, it exhibited a total height of 170 cm and a below-average weight of 45 kilograms1, along with olive skin, lobeless ears, and a bald head. Pre and postmortem attempts to trace its origins were stymied by the fact that the only name it could remember (Brother Lebbaeus) was a pseudonym. SCP-7955 possessed polymorphic traits that allowed it to assume a wide variety of forms, including humanoids, animals, and inanimate objects. However, it could not become liquids or gasses during its time in containment, nor could it mimic clothing in its humanoid form, and due to its neurodegenerative condition, most of SCP-7955's shapes exhibited noticeable errors.2 SCP-7955 was afflicted with a unique and rapidly advancing form of dementia, the symptoms of which included progressive memory loss, disorientation, emotional disturbance, and general cognitive decay. MRI scans and SCP-7955's testimony confirmed that its neurological health was inversely proportional to the strength of its polymorphic traits: advancing mutations in its brain allowed it a greater range of ability, but also degraded healthy brain tissue, resulting in progressively more advanced symptoms of dementia. At the time of its discovery, SCP-7955 was in the early-to-middle stages of the condition, but it rapidly declined over the course of the following weeks, eventually leading to its neutralization. Discovery Log: SCP-7955 was first encountered on 10/03/2020, in a remote coastal region of Caithness, Scotland, where it was observed emerging from the ocean in mid-transformation by local fishermen (who then contacted the authorities). Once mass hysteria was eliminated as a possible cause, the Foundation was contacted in order to avert any potential danger to the public. Foundation agents arrived in the area on 15/03/2020, amnesticized witnesses, and began attempts to capture the entity. Within twenty-four hours, agents discovered a distinctive trail of footprints leading across a deserted beach, each print clearly belonging to a different animal. Following the trail eventually led agents to a crude burrow dug under one of the neighbouring cliffs, where SCP-7955 was found in human form, naked and without possessions except for a few stolen scraps of food. Initially attempting to flee the area in various forms, SCP-7955 was pinned to the ground with a net thrown by Agent Lothson, and exhausted itself while shapeshifting in a panicked attempt to escape. It was easily restrained soon after. Following its capture, SCP-7955 did not resist any of the agents escorting it to containment, complying with all orders and making no attempt to fight or flee. However, it remained uncommunicative for the next ten hours, presumably out of fear, as it often transformed into inanimate objects when agents attempted to ask it a question. SCP-7955's first attempt at speech was to request medical attention, as it was reportedly suffering from a severe headache and the painkillers that it had stolen from various tourists over the last few days were no longer working3. Upon realizing the nature of the Foundation, it claimed to have important data to share, though disorientation and memory loss made this information difficult to communicate. Following standard medical tests and preliminary analysis of its polymorphic traits, interviews to ascertain the nature of SCP-7955's information began soon after. + Preliminary Records - Close Interviewed: SCP-7955 Interviewer: Dr Marcus Magdaleno Foreword: Interview commences forty-eight hours after initial containment at Site 44. SCP-7955 spends the first minute of this interview anxiously twiddling its thumbs, unable to make eye contact. <Begin Log, 10:00 AM, 20/03/2020> Dr Magdaleno: Good morning, SCP-7955.Dr Magdaleno: Magdaleno. I was hoping that you could tell me about your past and your abilities… and about the important information you wanted to share.Dr Magdaleno: Then let's talk about what you can remember, shall we? Can you recall the source of your abilities? Were you born a shapeshifter or were you human?Dr Magdaleno: What about your appearance? Has that remained consistent, or is this just another form you've chosen as a default?Dr Magdaleno: Can you recall what was happening during the preceding period of time?Dr Magdaleno: Do you remember how long you were there for?Dr Magdaleno: It's alright, 7955, take your time.Dr Magdaleno: And what did these Inheritors do in the cult?Dr Magdaleno: Why was that?Dr Magdaleno: But that would make you the first member of the Disciples to have a successful Rite in fifteen years. What changed? Why did it work for you?Dr Magdaleno: Do you believe that was where this Rite was traditionally performed?Dr Magdaleno: We can stop now, if you need to take a break.Dr Magdaleno: I beg your pardon?Dr Magdaleno: I think you've told me more than enough for today. Besides, maybe there's another way we can help each other in the meantime… <End Log> Dr Magdaleno's Log 20/03/2020 Shortly after it recovered, I decided to provide SCP-7955 with crayons and paper so it could record any information that might be lost to advancing dementia between interviews. 7955 appeared grateful, but somewhat vacant, as if not sure how to respond. Troubling, given that inflexibility and loss of interest in new activities are both possible symptoms of dementia. After an hour of inactivity, SCP-7955 produced at least twenty pages of material, even growing tentacles to work on multiple papers at the same time. It won't show any of the material to me, though, and starts losing eye-contact whenever I try to persuade it to share some of the notes. Not sure if that's due to dementia, or if it's just a bit of an introvert. - Close + Early-Stage Records - Close Follow-Up Interview <Begin Log, AM, 25/03/2020>Dr Magdaleno: How did you learn you had this… shapeshifting-induced dementia?Dr Magdaleno: Why were they "blissful," though? No offense, but you don't exactly fit the description.Dr Magdaleno: I can see how that would hide the dementia, but why didn't people notice that something was wrong once the euphoria wore off?Dr Magdaleno: But if all this was hidden from the rank and file, how did you find out about it?Dr Magdaleno: Soup?Dr Magdaleno: Please don't change the subject.Dr Magdaleno: If you'd taken a good look at my ID card, you'd already know that it's "Marcus." Also, please don't take this the wrong way, but if you want me to call you by your name, "Brother Lebbaeus" is a bit of a mouthful.Dr Magdaleno: And you don't remember your original name, do you?Dr Magdaleno: How about "Jim"?<End Log> Dr Magdaleno's Log 25/03/2020 So stupid of me. I knew it was a feint to get me to veer off-topic, and I took the bait anyway. Why? Was it because I was feeling sorry for it? Was it because I realized that talking about this "soup" upset it, or because I thought it couldn't remember it entirely? I just know the rest of the research team are going to get cheeky about it - especially Aristaios, assuming he's not jockeying for a crack at an interview. Well, SCP-7955 is definitely declining, that's for sure. It might have only needed to check its notes once, but that's bad enough: yesterday, it had the facts in his head, and now it needs to brief himself to remember its own past - what little it has left. Hopefully, the most traumatic of the recollections are over, and Jim won't put himself under any more stress in these interviews. I just read back over this latest entry and realized I called SCP-7955 "Jim." I really need to cut down on these all-nighters… Preliminary Recording AUDIO LOG TRANSCRIPT DATE: 01/04/2020 NOTE: First recording upon activation of audio hardware. At the start of this recording, Dr Magdaleno has just given SCP-7955 a number of paperback novels. [BEGIN LOG]Dr Magdaleno: Anything "decent?"Dr Magdaleno: It's okay, believe me. Besides, you don't need to worry about needing to say anything meaningful: it's just a precaution in case you happen to remember anything important-Dr Magdaleno: Did any of the Inheritors try that when you saw them, or were they all too euphoric to even think of trying to keep any kind of record?Dr Magdaleno: No, we haven't talked about that yet.Dr Magdaleno: Most of these are from home. Five second pause. [END LOG] Incident Report 10/04/2020: At 18:30 PM, the lights in SCP-7955's cell briefly malfunctioned, leaving both its quarters and the observation chamber in complete darkness for thirty seconds. During this period, SCP-7955 was heard loudly screaming the word "soup", before abruptly falling silent. When the lights were reactivated, SCP-7955 was missing. SCP-7955 was eventually found hiding beside its chair in the form of a large ottoman with an upholstery similar to human skin (its clothes hidden under the ottoman). Despite the best efforts of Dr Magdaleno and Research Assistant Teo to cajole SCP-7955, it remained disguised for several minutes, and could be heard muttering "don't want to end up like Teacher, don't want to end up like the others, they might know how to make the runes." After twenty-five minutes, SCP-7955 reverted to human form and apologized for the unnecessary deception, admitting that it had "gotten confused" during the blackout and become convinced that the Disciples were trying to recapture it. Interview Log 8 Foreword: SCP-7955 appears agitated and uncomfortable. <Begin Log, 09:00 AM, 20/04/2020>Dr Magdaleno: I… excuse me?Dr Magdaleno: …Jim - 7955 - I've got a whole bunch of questions here for y-Dr Magdaleno: We talked about that yesterday, Jim.Dr Magdaleno: Well… (hesitates) you could have been an artist I suppose, given your drawings these last few days. You're definitely suited for quieter lines of work. What do you think?Dr Magdaleno: I don't think it would have fitted your personality. Maybe you were a drama student, though.Dr Magdaleno: I very much doubt that. Believe me, if one of our own had vanished off to an underground church for fifteen years, we'd know. <End Log> Dr Magdaleno's Log 31/04/2020 Decided to test Jim's cognitive capacity with a game of chess this afternoon. I had a board on my side of the glass, while he shaped his right hand into a board of his own, complete with pieces. Of course, all his pieces looked a little bit on the biopunk side, and it took him a while to realize that he'd given me an extra bishop by mistake, but other than that, Jim did quite well - even if he lost in the end. Probably the trickiest victory I've ever achieved in chess. Teo and Aristaios were giving me some funny looks as I tidied up the board. They didn't say anything, but I could tell they were wondering if I was getting too close to Jim. Bit of an overaction, I thought. We're not friends, or anything like that. I'm obliged to care for the subject and encourage it to trust me, but only as far as furthering our research goes. And yes, giving him books and playing chess with him might be considered above and beyond the call of duty, but it's nothing serious, certainly nothing approaching friendship. Jim's just another anomalous entity, and I'm just researching him. We're not friends. Definitely not friends. AUDIO LOG TRANSCRIPT DATE: 03/05/2020 NOTE: Conversation between SCP-7955 and Dr Magdaleno. At this time, a second pair of arms have sprouted from SCP-7955's torso and are now writing on a notepad in front of it. [BEGIN LOG] Dr Magdaleno: …and then Vittorio's completely soaked in it, from the new haircut all the way to those pricey new shoes. "Those are pheromones for her kind, man," Yusuf tells him. "You'll have to stay away from her cell from now on, or else not even those dogs will stop her. She'll be after you like the bad guy in Species: she'll jump your bones, then gut you like a fish and eat your heart while you're still inside her!" Now, Vittorio knows fox musk when he smells it, so he's not fooled one little bit. He just says, "Yusuf, buddy, if my girlfriend finds out about this, she'll do the exact same thing to you, minus the sex!"Dr Magdaleno: Of course not - that was just a rumour. Yusuf had never been assigned to her either: nobody in their right mind actually jokes about that once they've seen her in action. And best of all, Vittorio found out about it - and he got back at Yusuf next month by filling his car with live skunks!Dr Magdaleno: …speaking of which, how would you use your powers if you were free and didn't have to put up with this dementia? What would you do for a living if you had the choice?Dr Magdaleno: Or a secret agent.Dr Magdaleno: What about nature photographer? Or paparazzo?Dr Magdaleno: Or you could join the police: you'd be the perfect undercover cop.Dr Magdaleno: (chuckles) Well, that's one thing about your past that we can be certain of - you're a Star Trek fan!Dr Magdaleno: (pauses, coughs uncomfortably)Dr Magdaleno: … could I just… check your notes for a second? Uh… you've written right off the line, here. Could you tell me what this is? I can't make sense of the handwriting. And this right here, I'm pretty sure that's not actually a word, Jim. Jim? Jim, can you hear me? [END LOG] Dr Magdaleno's Log 03/05/2020 Irritability, losing his way in conversation, difficulty with previously routine tasks, linguistic decay… and worse still, memory loss proving more aggressive than other cases on record: normally, dementia attacks the most recent memories first and leaves the distant past until later, but this is attacking his short term and long term memory simultaneously. I shouldn't be finding this so upsetting. I'm not supposed to get attached, much less worry about friendship, but… I guess that's the danger of having a humanoid subject. You can't help but sympathize, even when you shouldn't. I'd have thought I'd end up with an official reprimand for getting too friendly and losing clinical distance - lord knows Aristaios and Teo have been worrying about it - but I haven't heard a single complaint out of anyone supervising this study. Odd, that. Instead, orders from on high are insisting that I continue interviewing him: they want more information on the cult, on the shapeshifting, on what gave Jim his polymorphic traits… but I honestly don't know if he has much more to give us. And as for whoever/whatever made him into a shapeshifter, I can't imagine anyone who could be pointlessly cruel enough to lumber someone with powers that literally destroy your brain the more useful they become. Frankly, it sounds like a sick joke. By the sounds of things, Elders of the Disciples have the resources and the deficit of moral fibre to make it possible, but Jim insists that this Rite of the Shining Brow doesn't work for them anymore. So, if not the Elders, then who? - Close + Middle-Stage Records - Close Incident Report, 15/05/2020: At 11:00 PM, SCP-7955 called for the attention of the observing staff in a state of extreme distress, claiming that its most recent notes had been stolen. Dr Magdaleno had been called away to a meeting with the Site Director, leaving Research Assistant Teo to explain that SCP-7955 had given its notes to the Magdaleno the previous evening. SCP-7955 then became angry and accused Teo of stealing the notes, suggesting she had destroyed them as part of a conspiracy to worsen its dementia. During this confrontation, SCP-7955 transformed into a silverback gorilla and attempted to punch through the shatterproof glass observation window and did not stop until Dr Magdaleno arrived and was able to placate SCP-7955 by producing the missing notes. SCP-7955 then calmed down, apologized to Research Assistant Teo, got dressed, and retired to bed. Recommending that recordings of SCP-7955's pertinent statements are kept within reach of staff in future. Interview Log 12 Foreword: SCP-7955 is extremely agitated at the start of the interview, exhibiting compulsive twitching, shivering, and a slight slur to its speech. The notes on the pad in front of it are barely coherent. Remarks prior to interview indicate an oncoming headache. <Begin Log, 15:00 PM, 15/05/2020>Dr Magdaleno: She knows, Jim.Dr Magdaleno: It's just her day off, that's all: she's been planning this for the last couple of weeks.Dr Magdaleno: All I can suggest is not to think about it. Think about the memories you can't be sure of now - anything if you think it can help us.Dr Magdaleno: It's okay, Jim, it could still be helpful. Tell me what happened.Dr Magdaleno: Think about the source of the voice. Who was speaking to you?Dr Magdaleno: It's alright, Jim, take your time.Dr Magdaleno: Water? Wait a minute… stop me if I'm reading too much into this, but are you talking about the underground lake you fell into? The lake itself was alive?Dr Magdaleno: Wait, wait, wait, wait… are you telling me that the thing that turned you into a shapeshifter was another shapeshifter?Dr Magdaleno: One of them? You mean this wasn't a unique entity? There are more?Dr Magdaleno: Jim? JIM?<End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-7955 was found to have suffered a mild seizure. Even after recovering, it remained unresponsive for some time, and visibly struggled to recognize facility personnel. Incident Report 02/06/2020: Following a shift change at 11 AM, SCP-7955 was believed to be taking a shower and had left several books at the cell door to be returned. Upon entering the cell to retrieve them, Research Assistant Teo noticed that though SCP-7955 had been borrowing three books at the time, there was an unregistered fourth book on the pile awaiting return. On closer examination, this book did not appear to possess real pages and was essentially a solid block of cardboard, while the author's name had been rendered as "Daniel Steal" (sic). Research Assistant Teo left the cell immediately, ordering that the guards on duty keep their weapons trained the door while she exited. SCP-7955 made no move to escape but was observed "quivering in fear." Research Assistant Teo was eventually able to persuade it to resume human form, but it gave no explanation for the incident, remaining silent for the rest of the day. Dr Magdaleno's Log 04/06/2020: Jim's verbal skills are degrading more noticeably than ever. He spent almost half an hour trying to explain something to me, but between the ongoing collapse of his memory and his declining vocabulary outside of lucid moments, I could barely make any sense of it: the only coherent words he used were "immortal" and "soup." I guess he must have been aware enough to realize this, so instead, he drew something for me: a church under a mountain, populated by dozens of tiny figures with frowning faces. As far as I could tell from the deteriorated art style, most of them were depicted in various states of misery: handing over money, being beaten with sticks, locked away in tiny cells, bowing before tall figures stirring a massive cauldron, and a few other acts I couldn't make sense of (then again, given the positions, I'm not sure I want to). Under this drawing, he'd written "YOU HAVE TO HELP THEM." He seemed quite happy with himself, apparently because he expected the Foundation to help "them" - presumably the rest of the cultists back at the church. I didn't have the heart to tell him that we still don't know where the church is. Incident Report 05/06/2020: SCP-7955 escaped from its cell at 05:00 AM this morning by transforming into a playing card and sliding under the door. The escape was immediately noticed by staff and the alarm sounded. SCP-7955 attempted to avoid being recognized by transforming into Research Assistant Teo. However, SCP-7955 was still unable to mimic clothing, so "Teo" appeared to be encased in a glossy white carapace reminiscent of a jewel beetle's exoskeleton (presumably, SCP-7955's best attempt at replicating a lab coat) and was immediately detected by the guards. SCP-7955 then became a sparrow and managed to evade security for approximately two minutes. Unable to find an exit, it tried to fight its way through a squad of guards in various forms, only to be knocked to the floor with a riot shield and restrained with a social distancing clamp. In a "blind panic," SCP-7955 began transitioning rapidly between various object, animal, and human forms in a disorganized attempt to escape, only to exhaust itself within twenty seconds and collapse. As it was returned to its cell, SCP-7955 begged the guards to "put me in the sweatbox if you want, but please don't leave me alone with the Elders." Dr Magdaleno's Log 09/06/2020 Jim's back to calling himself "Brother Lebbaeus" most of the time. He only calls me by my name every other day at the very most. All other times, I'm just "doctor." That shouldn't upset me, but somehow it does. He seems angrier than ever, too, always giving us surly looks, always suspicious of us. When he's lucid, he's nothing but apologetic, but I can tell he barely remembers what he's supposed to be apologizing for: he's just upset with himself… and scared. And frankly, I'm feeling much the same way. This is all wrong. I shouldn't be friends with him. I shouldn't even be considering the possibility, but it's too late. Now we both have to suffer for it. Incident Report 12/06/2020: During a routine medical checkup, SCP-7955 became extremely upset by the blood test, apparently convinced that it had been recaptured by the Disciples of Cerridwen and was being sedated against its will6. It then punched Dr Bromley in the stomach, tore the cover off the nearest air vent, transformed into a rat, and escaped into the ventilation ducts. After once again becoming lost, SCP-7955 emerged in a nearby corridor and reverted to human form. Upon seeing a large number of guards approaching, it immediately curled itself into the fetal position, layered its body with a tortoise-like shell, and braced itself as if for impact. Security guards simply picked up SCP-7955 and carried it back to its cell. During this, SCP-7955 tried to fight its way out in the form of a mass of tendrils, and persisted until two of the guards were able to fasten a catch pole around its neck, prompting it to rapidly shapeshift itself into exhaustion once again. Security guards report that while being returned to its cell, SCP-7955 was heard muttering, "Binding runes are like scars, but scars fade. Why do you think the Rite failed?" Dr Magdaleno's Log 15/06/2020 Lucid moment today. I broke protocol - again - and played chess with Jim for the second time. He wasn't up to making his own board this time, so I just had the board set up on my side of the glass while Jim looked in on it, so at least I didn't do anything too stupid. I was trying to cheer him up, just to take his mind off his condition, but in the end, Jim had to cheer me up. The cognitive problems are creeping into his lucid moments: Jim understands chess and he remembers me, but he couldn't recall which side he was playing as, and he couldn't predict even the simplest manoeuvres - to the point he seemed surprised when my first pawn captured his after a full turn's notice. I was so miserable, even Jim noticed. Next thing I knew, he'd started transforming into the most ridiculous shapes he could think of, just to get a laugh out of me - inflating his nose to the size of a basketball, giving himself penguin flippers instead of hands, turning his lower body into a wobbly stack of books… It was funny, sure, but it wasn't him. His personality's changed so much: he's not the quiet, polite introvert we took in when he arrived. He's losing inhibitions along with the gauge on his mood, and it's only going to get worse. All I can ask is this: when is this going to end? How is it going to end? Am I actually going to have to watch him die? Incident Report 20/06/2020: At 7:00 AM, SCP-7955 began shapeshifting in its sleep, repeatedly muttering the words "Teacher" and "Soup" as it did so. Despite the apparent volatility of this sleep state, SCP-7955 could not be roused by any of the observing research personnel. After forty-five minutes of uninterrupted distress, Dr Magdaleno became concerned and called for medical attention. Dr Bromley was summoned and asked to examine SCP-7955 for any recognizable signs of illness. In clear violation of safety protocols, Dr Magdaleno insisted that he and Bromley conduct the examination at close range without first restraining the patient. During this examination, SCP-7955 awoke, failed to recognize its carers, and panicked. In the ensuing confrontation, SCP-7955 backed itself into a corner of the cell, assuming several large shapes in rapid succession (including a grizzly bear, a seven-foot-tall tarantula, and a combine harvester). As it made no attempt to actually attack Drs Magdaleno and Bromley in any of these forms, this was likely an intimidation display. A security team was summoned to the cell, and though none of them were able to get close enough to attack SCP-7955 directly due to its "flailing hands, claws, tentacles, and whatever else", once it was in a form small enough to be effectively targeted, they were able to fire a net gun and successfully pin SCP-7955 to the ground until it had once again exhausted itself into submission. - Close + Late-Stage Records - Close AUDIO LOG TRANSCRIPT DATE: 18/06/2020 NOTE: Autocommunication recorded at midnight, while SCP-7955 was pretending to be asleep. [BEGIN LOG]Muffled sound of footsteps from outside the cell. SCP-7955 whimpers.A "hissing" sound can be heard, identified by staff as the sound of SCP-7955 shapeshifting. Quantity of sounds indicates multiple transformations in rapid succession, SCP-7955's voice changing to match each new formSounds of bedsheets being flung aside and torn.Muffled sounds of movement, followed by the sound of something heavy impacting the floorSCP-7955 can be heard crying for the next seventy seconds before falling silent. NOTE: SCP-7955 was found hiding under its bed the following morning. It had not left its hiding place even to make use of the toilet and had soiled itself several times as a result. Due to a combination of paranoia and the general decay of its physical coordination, it needed to be helped into the shower cubicle. [END LOG] Dr Magdaleno's Log 25/06/2020 He's barely even eating now. On the rare occasions when he can remember to eat outside of a lucid moment, he thinks we've poisoned his food. Amanda keeps having to eat some of it herself just to prove that it's safe. Worse still, he's starting to lose manual coordination, so Amanda's had to essentially spoon-feed him. Most of the time, he's too disoriented to care about this, but after spending breakfast and lunch almost completely disengaged from reality, he had another lucid moment at dinner this evening. It took about a minute of fruitlessly trying to reach for his knife and fork before he realized that spoon-feeding was essential. He spent the rest of the meal in silent tears. Amanda later told me that it was "hard to watch," and I can't blame her: she probably thought her work with the Foundation would be a whirlwind of discovery and danger, not this. Incident Report 01/07/2020: After a supervised test of its abilities outside of its cell at 2:30 PM, SCP-7955 became accidentally separated from Research Assistant Teo during an unrelated containment breach (later proven to be a false alarm). After on-site security was re-established, SCP-7955's clothes were found intact some distance away, indicating that it had either shrunk out of them or removed them of its own accord. Following a twenty-minute search of the complex, SCP-7955 was found wandering alone through the corridors, in human form and completely naked, repeatedly muttering "hound, otter, hawk, hen, death". When approached by Dr Magdaleno and Research Assistant Teo, SCP-7955 was heard to say, "she can tell me who I was and why I changed, but I can't find her again." SCP-7955 was then given a blanket and led back to its cell without any further incident. AUDIO LOG DATE: 23/07/2020, 13:44 AM NOTE: Transcript of conversation between Dr Bromley and Dr Magdaleno concerning SCP-7955's health. In the background, SCP-7955 is sitting unresponsive in its chair, staring vacantly at its notes and seemingly oblivious to everything around it. On occasion, it shudders as if in pain and transforms. [BEGIN LOG] Dr Magdaleno: Can't we do anything for him? I'm pretty sure those transformations aren't voluntary anymore. Dr Bromley: Well, we've made it as comfortable as possible, but that's all we can do. We're not dealing with any ordinary form of dementia: this isn't something we can delay with medication. Dr Magdaleno: I know, I know. I just wish there was something else we could do for the poor guy. I mean… it just feels like such a waste. Dr Bromley: I imagine it would, considering all you've been through together. Dr Magdaleno: What's that supposed to mean? Dr Bromley: Come on, Marcus, you don't need to pretend you're not close to 7955. I don't place any judgements on this kind of thing - not with the subject in this condition. Dr Magdaleno: (sighs) God almighty, is it really that obvious? Dr Bromley: Given that you almost got me killed by carrying out an in-person checkup in clear violation of protocol, I'd say it's your worst-kept secret yet. Like I said, I don't judge. Speaking as a doctor, I'd recommend not getting this emotionally close to a terminal patient, but that's not what's worrying me, though. Do you remember what it said in the last interview? The last coherent interview, I mean. Dr Magdaleno: Lydia, I only told you about that because I wanted to know about the possibility of delusional recollection. He said it could have been a dream, and he's suffering from dementia anyway- Dr Bromley: But even so, there's every chance it could have been a real memory. Why are you so doubtful? Dr Magdaleno: I know it seems silly after everything I've seen at the Foundation, but to be brutally honest, Jim's testimony and notes don't make much sense even by our standards. For one thing, if these Children of Proteus can convert people into new shapeshifters - and all the converts end up with dementia - how could they have possibly kept themselves secret? Why is this the first time we've heard of them? Dr Bromley: I admit, 7955 isn't good at keeping itself hidden. But maybe they don't all convert people, and this "Teacher" is an outlier of the species. Perhaps the rest have been living and breeding in secret the natural way ever since they came to be. Dr Magdaleno: And that's another thing: why the secrecy? Why the isolation? The shapeshifters we've contained are usually one-of-a-kind, or part of a dying breed, or horribly weakened in some way… so if the Children of Proteus really are still as powerful as advertised and still viable as a species, why are they hiding? Why are they isolated, even from each other?Dr Magdaleno: Jesus Christ, Jim, what the fuck- Dr Bromley: Shhh! Look at its eyes: it's halfway lucid again.Dr Magdaleno: Of what? Of humans?Dr Magdaleno: What's that supposed to mean?Dr Magdaleno: Hang on, "better worlds"? What are you talking about, Jim?Dr Bromley: Goddammit, we're losing him again. [END LOG] Dr Magdaleno's Log 18/08/2020 Jim is almost constantly shapeshifting now. As far as I can tell, he doesn't have the power to stop anymore: he hasn't reverted to human form in more than seventy-two hours, and every single minute of the last three days has been spent in an endless state of transformation, one form endlessly flowing into the next - even when he's asleep. In fact, he's shapeshifting so much that we've stopped bothering to dress him because he's always bursting out of his clothes or shrinking out of them. Feeding him now requires us to aim a spoon into one of the dozens of mouths he sprouts on a regular basis and hope that he has enough of a working stomach to get at least some nutrition out of it. As far as I can tell, he no longer comprehends speech, writing, or even simple gestures. He can barely speak: his best attempts at communication consist of an unending stream of word salad - random phrases borrowed from half-remembered conversations in dozens of different voices. He can't even recite his usual hound-otter-hawk mantra anymore, and with good reason. He can remember nothing apart from his library of shapes. Everyone is a stranger to him, he doesn't recognize the photographs we took of his default form, and every single memory test we've given him is flunked from beginning to end. Same goes for tests of logic and basic cognition: he can't even navigate the simplest of mazes. When he's capable of walking, he's aimlessly circling the room, feeling his way across the walls like he's trying to read Braile without knowing what it means. Even his lucid moments don't do much for him anymore: all he can do is ask "Who am I? Who was I?" in an endless loop until he slips back into cognitive oblivion. I don't know if I can keep doing this. Every day Jim gets worse and every day I feel worse. Why hasn't the Site Director reprimanded me for loss of objectivity? Why haven't the O5s reassigned me yet? They should know I've gotten too close, that I'm emotionally compromised. They know I've discussed other SCPs with Jim in clear violation of the rules. They know I've made stupid mistakes that could have gotten people killed. So why can't they take the decision out of my hands and spare me the guilt of requesting a transfer - and abandoning my friend? Why can't they just send me away? - Close + Neutralization - Close AUDIO LOG DATE: 13/10/2020, 03:00 AM NOTE: For several hours prior to this recording, audio equipment in SCP-7955's cell registers several unknown sounds. Some have been identified as the signature hiss of SCP-7955 shapeshifting and the sounds of crayon on paper, but most remain undetermined. [BEGIN LOG] Dr Magdaleno: Amanda, I've been asleep for a grand total of two hours. Short of a XK-class scenario, what could possibly be so important you needed to wake me up at this godawful hour of the night? Research Assistant Teo: Just get in there, dammit, we don't know how much longer this will last! Dr Magdaleno: How much longer what will la- Jim!Dr Magdaleno: I… you're… I…Dr Magdaleno: But… but… this can't be just a moment of lucidity: you're upright and talking in complete sentences and able to remember us and…Dr Magdaleno: You're dying? But of what? Dr Bromley says you're perfectly healthy as far as any of us can tell.Dr Magdaleno: But what… oh. You're referring to the mutations in your brain tissue. You're no longer just deteriorating, are you? You're almost fully converted.Dr Magdaleno: (quietly) Brain death, then. So… what happens when there's no more brain activity to maintain basic control of your ability to shapeshift? Will it be coma or…Dr Magdaleno: So it's coma or death, then. Permanent coma, so it'll mean death eventually anyway.Dr Magdaleno: (voice cracking) How the hell can you joke about this?! How can you be so calm when you're about to… to… (pauses for breath)Dr Magdaleno: Some things you can't even joke about, Jim.Ten-second pause. Dr Magdaleno: …I… I don't know what to say. I don't know if I'm grateful for the opportunity to say goodbye or not.Dr Magdaleno: …are you sure you're still lucid?Dr Magdaleno: You're going to have to explain that one to me, Jim, because it's still not making sense. I mean, I know you wanted us to help the other cultists, but that can't actually be why-Dr Magdaleno: Even though it ends like this? Even though you're going to die no matter how you interpret the results? How can you be happy with what happened after all the horror you suffered because of it?Five-second pause.Dr Magdaleno: (bitterly) And this Teacher of yours gave you that first choice by telling you to become a shapeshifter? Is that it?Dr Magdaleno: And you never thought of going back to civilization to recover your life? You didn't even consider it? I… I mean, you basically committed suicide! You had a chance for a normal, happy life and-and-and you just wasted it without even giving it the slightest bit of thought? And don't say "what's normal?" Jim, I'm not in the mood for rhetorical flourishes.Dr Magdaleno: Both! When I stepped into this room, I actually thought you'd completely recovered. Next thing I know, you tell me that I have to say goodbye to you after all! And then you say you wanted it this way all along! Why wouldn't I be angry?Dr Magdaleno: Melodramatic bullshit, Jim.Hissing sounds, indicating rapid shapeshiftingPause. Hissing sounds gradually subside. Dr Magdaleno: …I think I understand, Jim. Thank you.Dr Magdaleno: Now? But-Dr Magdaleno: (laughs weakly) It did get on my nerves, yes.Sound of rushing water. Silence. [END LOG] Dr Magdaleno's Log 13/10/2020 - FINAL ENTRY Barely had enough time to dry my eyes before getting hauled off to the Site Director's office for the creepiest phone call I've had all year. This is the first time I've been officially debriefed by the O5 Council, and frankly, I'd prefer it if there weren't any encores. But on the upside, I finally know why I was allowed to look after Jim for so long without anyone protesting my lack of professionalism. In fact, that "unprofessionally empathic streak" was exactly why I was assigned to SCP-7955in the first place. Don't know whether to feel insulted, used, or just plain miserable about it. Probably all three. The O5s didn't want objectivity in this case, and they didn't want clinical detachment. They wanted more than what Jim would be willing to tell us, even while fully lucid. They wanted someone who could bond with SCP-7955 on an emotional level, someone who could sympathize with him, even consider him a friend. They wanted to establish trust, so that if he was ever lucid enough to spill the full extent of his secrets, he'd share them with me. Well, it worked: Jim left a huge stockpile of papers for me, completed just before I was called to the scene. He gave me everything - names, dates, addresses, sketches of the cult members, impressions of the binding runes, things he found in the Elders' occult library, everything. There were even things unnecessary to his mission, including descriptions of the weirder things in the cult's collection (probably what the O5s really wanted). True, he couldn't provide a location for the church - apparently, he was drugged and blindfolded for every journey there - but he saw the area from the sky when he escaped, enough of it to give us some ballpark coordinates. I seriously hope the O5s don't expect me to congratulate them for this clever plan of theirs. They want my log confiscated so it can be entered into official records. They're welcome to it, as far as I'm concerned. There's still more work to do, especially with a possible raid on the Disciple's headquarters in the cards and an after-action report to write up… and if anyone actually thinks I'm going to be the one doing it after everything that's happened today, they can go fuck themselves. Aristaios can handle the rest of this assignment, and I know he wants it from the way he's been sniffing around my notes. I know I'm going to catch hell for waving the white flag at this stage, but right now, I can't bring myself to give a shit anymore. Note: Following the confiscation of this log, Dr Marcus Magdaleno was placed on administrative leave pending a full psychological evaluation. Dr Quentin Aristaios was reassigned to the concluding study of SCP-7955 as Magdaleno's substitute. - Research Assistant Teo - Close + Final Report (23/11/2020) - Close Thorough analysis has confirmed that SCP-7955's neurodegenerative condition has reached its logical conclusion, resulting in a total loss of all higher and lower brain functions. In keeping with the acceleration of its polymorphic traits, it was able to achieve a liquid form before expiring, and now exists in the form of two hundred litres of sea water, currently contained in an aquarium tank. Extensive testing reveals no brain functions, no signs of life, and no anomalous phenomena: SCP-7955 is now chemically identical to ordinary sea water. SCP-7955's final notes were determined to contain sufficient strategic data to justify a search for the Disciples of Cerridwen the Angel. The underground church it mentioned was eventually located in a previously unknown cave network under Bannau Brycheiniog National Park, Wales, and raided on 20/10/2020. Ninety-seven members of the cult were apprehended with little violence, the Disciples having apparently expended most of their mundane and anomalous resources some months prior. Unfortunately, the Elders of the cult could not be captured alive, all ten of them having taken fatal doses of cyanide before Foundation operatives could breach their private chambers. However, the stockpile of occult literature and the numerous anomalous items found among the dead Elders' possessions has more than justified the cost of this raid. One of the more pertinent finds was the iron cauldron that the Elders used to distribute the cyanide amongst themselves. Analysis of old stains at the base and rim of the cauldron has uncovered traces of DNA similar to that of SCP-7955, likely accumulated over several decades of use in cooking. Given that autopsies have confirmed that the Elders were in remarkable good health despite their extreme old age at the time of their deaths, we can now confirm SCP-7955's claims of his fellow Inheritors being consumed post-mortem as "immortality soup". The surviving members of the Disciples are currently being treated for long-term psychological abuse in care facilities under Foundation control. At present, they are being encouraged to believe that anything paranormal they might have witnessed was faked by the Elders (amnestics were judged unnecessary in this case, as the last openly anomalous event known to them occurred more than fifteen years ago). However, no trace of the polymorphic entity SCP-7955 referred to as "Teacher" could be found, and the area where she was supposedly imprisoned had been unoccupied for some time. Psychological analysis suggests that SCP-7955 may have simply imagined her, though it is equally likely that "Teacher" had already escaped by the time of our arrival, as most of the binding runes around the site had degraded to the point that only trace activity could be detected, while others had been defaced (likely via hammer and chisel). As no evidence currently exists to contradict SCP-7955's claims concerning the compulsive isolationism of its fellow polymorphs, we can declare Teacher and the other "Children of Proteus" to be effectively contained of their own volition, and therefore of no concern to the Foundation until proven otherwise. With all this in mind, the interrogation and study of SCP-7955 has been a success. No further research will need to be expended on it, and all investigations into individuals, organizations, or phenomena connected to it are now officially defunct. SCP-7955 has been reclassed as "Neutralized," and with its remains of no further scientific value, they will be disposed of in accordance with standard protocols for potentially hazardous waste. - Dr Quentin Aristaios (standing in for Dr Marcus Magdaleno) - Close + Addendum 7955-1 (23/11/2020) - Close WARNING: THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED TO PROJECT THETIS EXECUTIVE STAFF ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT PROJECT THETIS EXECUTIVE CREDENTIALS OR AUTHORIZATION WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. PROJECT THETIS EXECUTIVE CREDENTIALS ACCEPTED To the esteemed members of the O5 Council, At the start of my investigation, I was convinced that SCP-7955's liquid remains were inert and without any sign of anomalous activity. However, observation has since revealed that, far from being inactive, the "remains" are still demonstrating signs of life. The liquid will occasionally move of its own accord, resulting in ripples and waves independent of air currents, and though it has made no attempt to escape its tank, these sudden movements are showing no sign of ceasing after weeks of observation. In other words, it has no brain activity (inasmuch as a mass of liquid can be said to have a brain) but it still has enough functional nerves to possess unconscious reflexes. More importantly, this liquid has also begun to demonstrate rudimentary polymorphic activity, forming primitive tendrils and teeth and reabsorbing them back into its mass just as quickly. SCP-7955's polymorphic traits are still of value to the Foundation, especially its potential longevity and its ability to generate and subtract mass at will. I know there is little place for baseless conjecture in our research, but I must admit that some of SCP-7955's more conspicuous references to "Gwion and Taliesin" also brought to mind other possibilities (though these remain purely theoretical for the time being). Furthermore, we now have a second chance to study a rare and powerful metamorphic phenomenon, but this time without any of the attendant risks or setbacks. Most of the true shapeshifters we have in containment at this time are either openly hostile to human life or at the very least potential threats, while SCP-7955 was a neurotic, dementia-addled invalid of limited utility, and even the fabled Children of Proteus are on record as being too insular and cowardly to be cooperative. By contrast, SCP-7955's remains offer all the research benefits with none of the drawbacks. Whatever we can call this liquid at present, it has no personality, memories, intellect, and (most importantly) no capacity to resist our experiments, making it ideal for unimpeded research. The only known barrier to experimentation that exists at present is the potential for bias among researchers, as knowledge of the test subject's origins and testimony might adversely affect our results if personnel believe that they know what to expect. Similarly, Dr Magdaleno and Research Assistant Teo may pose a considerable security risk if they were ever to become aware of the true nature and whereabouts of SCP-7955's remains. I therefore request permission to keep SCP-7955 classified as "Neutralized", while its liquid form is made the exclusive subject of a new and strictly confidential research project. What remains of our Child of Proteus represents an unprecedented opportunity, esteemed O5s: I humbly recommend we make the most of it. Sincerely, Dr Quentin Aristaios Permission granted. With our authorization and the blessing of the Ethics Committee, Project Thetis is now officially active. - O5██ Footnotes 1. As a result of its neurodegenerative condition, SCP-7955 often forgot to eat. 2. In one case, an attempt to disguise itself as a chair during initial testing resulted in a swivel chair made of human muscle, bone, and cartilage. 3. Painkiller-resistant headaches are now believed to be a side-effect of polymorphic dementia, the result of inflammation in the wake of successive alterations to the brain. 4. Tests of SCP-7955's physiology confirms heightened levels of endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin in its blood during transformation. 5. Based on this premise, "Lebbaeus" is presumably a reference to one of the aliases of Saint Jude the Apostle, also known as Thaddeus or Jude of James. 6. SCP-7955's notes suggest that the Elders often drugged "difficult" recruits so that they could "meditate on the story of Cerridwen and Taliesin" in the Elders' private apartments. 7. A state of restored cognitive function experienced by some sufferers of severe neurological disorders shortly before death. « SCP-7954 | SCP-7955| SCP-7956 »
An original instance of SCP-7957. Note how it is foggy due to trace amounts of diamond within the glass. Item #: SCP-7957 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7957 is to be contained within a felt case within a stainless steel locked storage container at Site-97. Any variant of SCP-7957 produced during or as a result of testing shall be contained within a separate felt box from the original instances and marked. Testing is only permitted under the supervision of Dr. Robert Sampang, who currently heads research under SCP-7957. Description: SCP-7957 is a group of nine pieces of glass each in the shape of a thick, handlebar-styled mustache. All instances measure 127 mm in diameter, 25.4 mm in height, and 91 grams in weight. Six of the instances of SCP-7957 show heavy traces of pure diamond within the glass; the rest, which were produced during testing, do not. When SCP-7957 is placed upon the upper lip, said person will be transformed into glass and will form a new instance of SCP-7957 that may be attached. However, when destroyed and placed on a subject's upper lip, no effect occurs. Unlike the original instances of SCP-7957, whenever a new instance is formed via testing the glass of the subject will be industrial-grade glass without any diamond. When a non-original instance of SCP-7957 is placed upon a subject, they will still turn to glass, however the mustache they develop is non-anomalous. About 25% of instances may form a top hat, which is also non-anomalous. + Addendum: SCP-7957 Documentation - Close Incident Report: Unauthorized Testing (Dr. Sebastian Dupont) Date: 04/09/09 Location: Site-97, Staff Break Room 07 Involved Personnel: Dr. Sebastian Dupont Description: Dr. Sebastian Dupont, a researcher with knowledge of SCP-7957's properties, engaged in unauthorized testing by placing SCP-7957 on their upper lip in a joking manner within the staff break room. The transformation process occurred as expected, however the resulting glass mustache fell and shattered before retrieval. Interview: 04/10/09 START LOG Site Director: Dr. Alex House: Good evening, Dr. Sampang. I understand there have been significant developments in this project? Dr. Robert Sampang: Yes, indeed, sir. Site Director: Dr. Alex House: We're currently in the process of creating a training video about this anomaly. Could you provide some insights? Dr. Robert Sampang: Certainly. Let me start with the more hazardous aspects. Site Director: Dr. Alex House: Please do. Dr. Robert Sampang: For our initial test, we set up in a testing chamber. The mustache was placed on the upper lip, and the transformation occurred almost instantaneously. In the slow-motion footage, it looked like thick glass forming in reverse. Site Director: Dr. Alex House: Fascinating. Is there more? Dr. Robert Sampang: Yes, there was one peculiar incident worth mentioning… Dr. Robert Sampang: In a less formal setting, one of our researchers, Dr. Sebastian Dupont, placed SCP-7957 on their upper lip as a joke in the staff break room. The transformation occurred, but the resulting mustache fell and shattered before retrieval. Site Director: Dr. Alex House: A regrettable situation. Thank you, Dr. Sampang, for sharing this information. -END LOG Site-97 SCP-7957 Training Video Script [BEGIN SCRIPT] Narrator (Voiceover): Welcome to the Site-97 SCP-7957 Training Video. In this video, we will provide an overview of SCP-7957, its properties, and containment procedures. [Cut to footage of SCP-7957 in containment] Narrator (Voiceover): SCP-7957 is a collection of glass objects resembling thick, handlebar-styled mustaches. These mustaches have unique properties, but they are also fragile and must be handled with care. [Cut to footage of a subject undergoing transformation] Narrator (Voiceover): When placed on the upper lip, SCP-7957 causes a rapid transformation of the subject into glass, starting from the upper lip and spreading downward. This transformation is irreversible. [Cut to footage of containment procedures] Narrator (Voiceover): Containment is vital. SCP-7957 must be stored securely, and unauthorized testing is strictly prohibited. [Cut to footage of Dr. Sebastian Dupont's incident] Narrator (Voiceover): The incident involving Dr. Dupont serves as a reminder of the risks associated with unauthorized testing. [Cut to footage of testing procedures] Narrator (Voiceover): Testing is only permitted under the supervision of Dr. Robert Sampang, who heads the research under SCP-7957. [END SCRIPT] Test Log 1: 04/08/09 Subject: D-4662 Procedure: D-4662 is instructed to place SCP-7957 on their upper lip. Results: D-4662 underwent rapid transformation into glass, starting from the upper lip and spreading downward. Slow-motion footage revealed a visual effect resembling thick glass breaking in reverse. The newly formed instance of SCP-7957, created from D-4662, is stored in a separate felt-lined box. Notes: The transformation process seems to be irreversible. Test Log 2: 04/14/09 Subject: D-8358 Procedure: D-8358 is instructed to place SCP-7957 on their upper lip. Results: D-8358 underwent rapid transformation into glass, starting from the upper lip and spreading downward. Slow-motion footage revealed a visual effect resembling thick glass breaking in reverse. The newly formed instance of SCP-7957, created from D-8358, was dropped by Dr. Robert Sampang and was destroyed before it could be placed in containment. Notes: Fragments should be tested on. Should request a padded room. Test Log 3: 04/16/09 Subject: D-9729 Procedure: D-9729 is instructed to place SCP-7957 on their upper lip. Results: D-9729 underwent rapid transformation into glass, starting from the upper lip and spreading downward. Slow-motion footage revealed a visual effect resembling thick glass breaking in a reverse fashion. The newly formed instance of SCP-7957, created from D-9729, fell, however was protected by floor padding. Notes: The transformation process continues to be irreversible. Test Log 4: 04/19/09 Subject: D-6855 Procedure: D-6855 is instructed to place SCP-7957 on their upper lip. Results: D-6855 underwent rapid transformation into glass, starting from the upper lip and spreading downward. Slow-motion footage again revealed a visual effect resembling thick glass breaking in reverse. The newly formed instance of SCP-7957, created from D-6855, had to be broken off of the newly formed statue before retrieval was possible. Notes: The transformation process continues to be irreversible. Test Log 5: 04/25/09 Subject: D-5737 Procedure: Shards from a previously created instance of SCP-7957, originating from Test Log 2, are placed on the upper lip of D-5737. Results: No observable transformation occurred. The shards remained inert, and D-5737 showed no signs of transformation into glass. Notes: It appears that the shards of SCP-7957, once separated from a complete mustache, do not possess the same anomalous properties and do not induce the transformation effect. Test Log 6: 05/08/09 Subject: D-8204, D-7065, D-5092 Procedure: A non-original mustache from a previously created instance of SCP-7957, originating from Test Log 3, are placed on the upper lips of each D-class. Results: Each D-class transformed into glass, one of them, D-8204, gained a top hat. The mustache of D-5092 fell onto the metal table of the chamber and was destroyed. Notes: Test the top hat and new mustaches. Place padding on table. Test Log 7: 05/12/09 Subject: D-5062, D-3200 Procedure: A non-original mustache from a previously created instance of SCP-7957, originating from Test Log 6, is placed on the upper lip D-5062. Then the top hat is placed upon D-3200. Results: No effect occurred. Notes: Items produced by a non-original mustache are non-anomalous and may be destroyed after testing. Test Log 8: 05/14/09 Subject: D-8354, D-6752, D-6631, D-7321, D-5521, D-8912 Procedure: Each original mustache is placed on the upper lip of a D-class in order to make sure each mustache is still retaining anomalous properties. Results: Each D-class transformed into glass, the mustaches worked as expected. After the test five of the six non-original mustaches were destroyed. Notes: All originals appear to be functioning as expected. Recovery Log: 03/29/09 Location: A small log cabin in rural suburbs near London, United Kingdom. Description: On the night of 03/29/09, local authorities received multiple noise complaints from residents near the cabin. Reports described the sound of constant glass shattering and humanoid glass figures in the road. Due to ongoing law enforcement operations, authorities were unable to respond promptly. Subsequently, Foundation operatives within the police station found the reports suspicious, and dispatched Mobile Task Force Beta-7 ("Maz Hatters") to investigate the situation due to beliefs that the situation was viral. Upon arrival at the location, MTF Beta-7 discovered the anomalous activity and observed that the original instances of SCP-7957 were stored neatly in a cabinet, while any other instances had broken. MTF Beta-7 secured the original instances and initiated containment procedures. The surviving individuals, three teenagers—John Hoover, Liam Hoover, and Emily Davis, provided insight into the events of that night. They reported witnessing four of their friends intoxicated, using the mustaches, and subsequently transforming into glass figures. The glass figures were described as unresponsive and having their own mustaches resembling the original instances of SCP-7957. Fearing for their safety, the three teenagers sought refuge in a concealed area of the building until the arrival of MTF Beta-7. The surviving teenagers were mistakenly not administered amnestics and released. The original instances of SCP-7957 were transported to Site-97 for containment. Notes: All three surviving teenagers would later become Foundation personnel and move to Site-97. Unfortunately, Emily Davis, one of the teenagers, was declared MIA in a containment breach incident while serving as a security guard, she has not been recovered. The two brothers, John Hoover and Liam Hoover, pursued careers in Foundation research eventually coming to SCP-7957 research after their origins were rediscovered. « SCP-7956 | SCP-7957 | SCP-7958 »
close Info X Content note: This article contains gore. If you notice anything tag-worthy that's not in here, please mention it in a comment. The ruby, as photographed after the events of Addendum 17. Item #: SCP-7958 Object Class: Neutralised (formerly Euclid) Special Containment Procedures (archived): Transmissions of SCP-7958 are to be intercepted and blocked from general airing. Access is to be made available at Site 135's media observation centre. Description: SCP-7958 was a television broadcast, shown on Freeview channel 149, titled "Deals and Bargains 4 U!". It is believed to have been a continuous broadcast, although the feed frequently cut out. The source of the transmission is unknown, no participants in the show have been identified outside it, and all attempts to block it failed. SCP-7958 was structured as a typical teleshopping programme, with a host advertising and demonstrating a range of products. Attempts to call in and purchase products proved successful.1 Items on sale ranged from the generic to the esoteric and conceptual, and it was not uncommon for them to be anomalous or Veil-breaching in nature. Addendum 3: Transcripts of SCP-7958 broadcasts. BEGIN LOG The set is clean white, with a marble island centred in the shot. On the left-hand side is a blue armchair in crushed velvet, whilst on the right of the island is a potted marigold flower. The host is a white woman, age presumed mid-20s, with brown shoulder-length hair. She wears a white sundress adorned with black polka-dots, and is speaking as though the transmission cut in partway through. Host: -ulous pair of leggings is getting the big one, people! Just £11.98! I might as well be paying you to take them! £11.98, I can't - Host motions to her ear before putting her arm down. Host: - and - uh - well, I'm sorry, folks, but it's time to move on to the next product. If you still want those leopard-print leggings, call the number on-screen now. Host: Anyway, let's move on to our next item, which is… drumroll please… this. The host retrieves a small tub of medication. She rattles it, flashing a grin. Host: So, this is a big one, people! Up next, we have a tub of Mylex™, twenty-eight tablets in all! Ever just wanted a basic opinion on things? Need to know if the masses are gonna like your fresh new single? A few doses of Mylex™ and you can be your very own focus group! And it's only £39.99 a tub, so much cheaper and easier. She leans forward, grinning conspiratorially down the camera. Host: Personally, I like to chase it with a nice hit of BLACK FLY, myself. The host winks exaggeratedly, before being wracked with a coughing fit. She puts a hand on the countertop and straightens up. Host: Sorry. Sorry, just… yeah. Uh, what? No, sorry, uh, thirty… £39.99. Grab 'em before we're gone. Ten seconds pass, during which she shifts uncomfortably. Host: Anyway! We're gonna cut to a quick break in a minute, but first, I'm thrilled to introduce our special product! From under the table, she retrieves a ruby, on a crimson velvet cushion. Host: Come on. You can see it. You can see how beautiful it is. And it's yours, for the frankly astonishing price of £299.99. [she laughs] Best of all, I get to go once it's sold! Not that I'm keen to leave you lovely people. But more on that after these messages, I've been R███ Hayes, it's be- END LOG <several transmissions redacted for brevity> BEGIN LOG Hayes is in the process of demonstrating a set of kitchen knives on an assortment of fruit and vegetables. She looks down the camera as she chops up a cucumber. Hayes: So, would you describe yourself as satisfied? Ever feel like your life's going nowhere? Like you have no drive, like your get-up-and-go got up and went? How's about getting it back? Hayes: I'm very pleased to offer you the self-actualisation of a very powerful woman. We won't say who, exactly, for legal reasons, but let me tell you, she's someone who knows what she wants and how to get it. She'd have lived her life fine enough without ever getting there, but my, how much better off she is now, living up to her full potential. She absently pushes the sliced cucumber onto the floor and grabs a parsnip. Hayes: And it really didn't take that much! Just a little push, and she was there, and maybe it was scary at first, but believe me, it's so much better. All's it costs is the blood of one of the desperate poor, just like it cost her, the one who needed that chance and never got it, who - ah, fuck! The knife clatters to the countertop, and she holds her left hand. A deep cut is visible below the thumb, and blood drips onto the white surface beneath. She quickly hides the injured hand behind her back. Hayes: I, uh, I mean - [under her breath] Christ - [in normal voice] I'm so sorry, that's not what you tuned in for, that sort of language's unacceptable, I sincerely apologise. No, I'm fine. Yeah, uh, phone in if you want it. Keeping her hand off-camera at all times, she hurriedly moves the equipment off the counter and bunches up some of her dress to ineffectively wipe up the blood. She returns to her normal position, smoothes out her hair with her right hand and offers a rictus grin to the camera. Hayes: Anyway! Next up, we have… She cranes her neck, squinting. Hayes: We have… She touches a hand to her ear. Hayes: A sofa! That's what we have, a sofa! And it's a better deal than you'll ever get from DFS! God, sorry, must need glasses or something. Anyway, it's… Hayes stares forward, slightly off-camera. There are noticeable rings under her eyes. Hayes: It's… right here? Hesitantly, she reaches under the table and retrieves a box. She stares at it, frowning, and her eyes flick to the ruby. Hayes: [under her breath] Are you sure…? The ruby does not respond. She tilts her head. Hayes: That's not really helpful, you know. The ruby does not respond. She looks to the ceiling in exasperation, then back down the camera, opening the box to reveal a set of car keys. Her frown deepening, she looks up, presumably back at the autocue Hayes: This… this is a, uh, crushed velvet John Lewis sofa. Already broken in for you by our heaviest and laziest workers, it's… it's all the seating you'll ever want. So comfortable and worn you'll get lost in there, you'll never be able to get up again. She looks down. Hayes: …y-yeah. It's, uh, it's great. And it's available to buy, you know. Just like that beautiful ruby. She starts coughing, droppin the keys back to the table with a clatter before collecting herself. She returns them to thre box and casually throws it to one side, then rubs her temples, before shaking her hair out of her eyes and pushing a perky smile onto her face. Hayes: Yup! And it's yours for the frankly astonishing price of £299.99. Please buy it. END LOG <several transmissions redacted for brevity> BEGIN LOG Hayes looks slightly to the left of the camera. Her skin is pallid and greasy, her hair matted. She looks uncertainly to the side. Hayes: And, uh, now a short promotional film from Eve Mattresses, about their wonderful new memory foam mattresses. The camera does not cut away. Hayes slumps forward onto the island and moves her hair out of the way so that her forehand rests on the cool marble. Hayes: No, it's… I just need a minute. Could I get some Anadin? Do we have any in? Or ibupr – no, it's fine. It's fine. Oh, God, we back on already? She hastily forces herself upright; her hair is mussed. Hayes: Welcome back! So glad you could make it, we've got so many more products for you. Including… the big one. Hayes produces the ruby on the cushion. The cut on her left hand is visible, blood encrusted around it. Hayes: Here she is. Yours for the frankly astonishing price of £299.99. Put it on your mantelpiece, give it to your mistress, keep it in a box in a safe, the possibilities are endless, but they're there. Hell, if I were on the outside, I'd probably have a cheeky bid myself! She laughs, then pauses, staring into the ruby for several seconds. Hayes: What do you think? Would you come with me, if you could? How'd you like to see a bit more of the world? The ruby does not respond. She picks the gem up, holding it above and in front of her with one hand. Hayes: Come on, you're not pigeon-livered, are you? Wouldst thou like to live deliciously? Take a little trip back, wi- Without warning she doubles over, dropping the ruby back on the cushion. Coughing and retching violently, she hacks up blood over the countertop and the items on it. Hayes: Oh God, shit, sorry - I mean, damn - oh, bloody hell, uh, anyone got a wetwipe? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I need a wetwipe. Sorry, I'll get it. Wiping blood from the corners of her mouth, she hurries off-camera. Ruby: You're not getting blood out of velvet, you know. Hayes: [muffled] Look, I've gotta do something. I'm sorry. END LOG <several transmissions redacted for brevity> BEGIN LOG Hayes leans on the marble countertop, breathing slightly heavily. She grins wildly at the camera. Hayes: -and no more! So get it before it's gone! Just like this beautiful ruby, yours for- Ruby: Do you really think I'm going anywhere? Hayes: -f-for the, uh… I, uh, let me demonstrate this fabulous television we found in a skip outside Prometheus Labs! She ducks down under the counter, and after some audible struggle she produces a small CRT television and dumps it heavily on the top. As she gasps for breath, her left hand is visible in shot; it is visibly inflamed, pus leaking from the purple-tinged open wound. Her eyes flick to it momentarily and she quickly moves it behind her back. Hayes: So, uh, th-this is a, uh, a one-of-a-kind deal! You'll never feel like there's nothing to watch on telly again if you own this, because this bad boy - [she slaps the top of the TV with her right hand, almost falling onto the counter before catching herself] - doesn't just get you Freeview, it gets you Freeview from other realities. Oh, yes, you can cross between the poles, for you there'll be no mystery. Imagine that! Imagine the things you could watch! Richard Griffiths as Doctor Who! Norwich City winning the Premiership! Hell, maybe in another world you could be on telly! Hayes: Imagine that! Imagine that! Imagine a, a world where you're a rock star, or, or Prime Minister, or- Ruby: A world where you're not presenting this? Hayes is silent. Hayes: I, uh, I think you still have to pay for Sky, though. Here, lemme demonstrate. She presses the power button. Nothing happens, and she offers a nervous glance at the camera. Hayes: Aha. Just- She presses the power button twice more, to no avail. Then, she hammers at it repeatedly, before looking down. Hayes: Oh shit, it's not plugged in. Uh… As she tries to run a hand through her hair it gets stuck in the greasy matts. She tries to force it through, and a large clump tears out, in response to which she blanches and shakes her hand free of hair, spattering some pus on the TV screen in the process. Hayes: No, don't switch over, I swear it works, just - just give me a minute, I swear - Hayes drops to her hands and knees, and can be heard scrabbling about. Hayes: Oh no, wait! We've got to go to adverts, but you can buy - I didn't say how much it was, just - The sounds of movement stop, and a low moan is audible. Hayes: [quietly] I promise it's worth it. END LOG <several transmissions redacted for brevity> BEGIN LOG Hayes stands still. In front of her is the ruby, sat on its cushion. Hayes: It's nice, isn't it? Yours for the frankly astonishing price of £299.99. Silence. Hayes: What's wrong with it? She is deathly pale, her skin slick and blotchy. Patches of hair are missing, the remainder thick with oil, and her dress is stained with blood and pus. Several of her fingernails have peeled away. Her left hand is a deep purple, the index finger missing; she periodically makes half-hearted attempts to hide it from the camera, before apparently forgetting. Hayes: It's nice, isn't it? Isn't it? It's… it's the sort of thing you'd want around. The sort of thing you'd buy. It's not unreasonable, is it? There must be someone out there who wants it. There must be someone out there. Her breath catches in her throat. Hayes: So why is it still here? Silence. Ruby: Why are you still here? She starts. Hayes: I, uh. I can't go. Not 'til I've sold you. Ruby: Why not? Hayes: That's… because it's why I'm here. Ruby: And you've done a stand-up job so far. Hayes: Now that's not fair. Ruby: No? How much have you sold? Hayes is quiet. Ruby: Come on. You've been doing this for so long now. You must have sold something. Hayes: I… I'm doing my best. Ruby: It'd seem your best isn't good enough. Hayes: [she hesitates, before whispering] Then what am I supposed to do? Ruby: Something else? Anything else? Hayes: I… I - look, please. Just - please. I'll get it eventually. I've come this far. It'll be fine. Absent-mindedly, she peels another fingernail free. Ruby: And how far have you come? Hayes: I… I can do it. I can sell you. Just give me a chance, please- Ruby: What on earth makes you think this is going to change? Silence. Ruby: Do you know what I think? I think this is all you've got. Just you, standing there, talking into a camera, doing something you hate for people you hate, that's all you have, forever. Maybe it could change, but it's not, is it? Hayes: You don't know- Ruby: Well, how long are you going to try? How long can you afford to stay huddled on the ground before you're willing to unfurl your wings? Because you can fly. It might not be graceful, or high, or steady, but it has to be better than this. Surely. Brief pause. Ruby: Honestly, look at the state of you. Hayes moves her rotting left hand out of shot again. Hayes: There's nothing wrong with me. I'm fine. Ruby: Oh? This is what you want, then? Hayes: I… I, uh… Ruby: Because I'll tell you what I think you want. You want to leave this place and never have to see it again, never have to look down a camera again, never have to pretend you're serving the world up on a platter when in reality it's nothing more than an empty dish. But that's not going to happen, don't you agree? Hayes: I… you don't know- Ruby: You want to scream about how it's so bloody unfair, all of it, and you know how petulant and pathetic it makes you but hell, it's not like anyone's gonna hear you say it! You want to fly over to that door and pound on it until your fists splinter and shatter shards of bone like snowfall, painting bloody streaks on the white, grinding yourself into paste tearing your way out, pushing your way through. But you don't have it in you. And you never will. Hayes: That's enough. Ruby: I don't think it is. You're still here Hayes: I - Ruby: Honestly, I think you're making it up. You clearly like it here. You're such a good presenter, after all, given you couldn't sell beer to an alcoholic. It's embarrassing, really, how you'd rather loiter in this dingy old place than try for any semblance of positivity, but it makes sense. You and misery go together like a pig and mud. Hayes: Please - Ruby: It's fair enough. The thing is, this is the best you can hope for, really. Even if you could leave, you'd be better off not botheri- Hayes: Would you shut the fuck up?! Hayes snatches feverishly at the gemstone and hurls it at the back wall of the studio, leaving a dent in the white plaster. She breathes heavily. Ruby: Better? Hayes: Fuck you. Ruby: That's more like it. Hayes: Just… enough. She leans onto the wall and slides down it, so that she is sat next to the ruby, limbs splayed. Hayes: Please. I'm tired. Ruby: You're not going to get any less tired in here. Hayes: I… She trails off. Hayes: Well, it's a moot point. I can't. I just can't. Ruby: Why not? Hayes: Why - have you not listened to a single damn word I've said? Ruby: I've listened to every word you've said. And there's one thing I still just don't understand. What's stopping you leaving? Hayes: I - it's in the job description. It's literally the crux of the job. I can't go. Ruby: Let me rephrase, then; who's stopping you? Hayes goes to speak, then stops. The camera slowly pans around the studio. It is empty, in disarray. Products from previous sales are strewn across the floor, a boom mic has toppled, torn, sodden magazines litter a table near the wall. Dust covers every surface, and it is clear that nothing has been disturbed for some time. Eventually, the camera settles on the exit door. A caduceus hangs on it. The door is slightly ajar, and the light that creeps through the crack is a deep crimson. From off-camera, Hayes speaks. Hayes: I… I don't… Ruby: Do you see now? Hayes: I can just…? She pauses. Hayes: No. No, no, I can't just… Ruby: You can't keep living like this. Silence. Ruby: It's okay. You still have time. END LOG Addendum 16: BEGIN LOG The camera is still focused on the door. It has opened further since the previous broadcast; the dim red lighting makes it difficult to interpret, but it appears to lead to a corridor, stretching far into the distance with no end visible. Just visible to the left of the shot is Hayes, sat slumped on the floor, propped up by the wall. She stares listlessly at nothing; however she glances into the camera, apparently at a noise not picked up by the studio microphones. She forces a smile, struggles upright with a grunt and shambles to the table, which she leans on for support. Hayes: Hi everyone. New product for you. Her body is in a severe state of decay. Her lower legs are purple and swollen, the left clearly too stiff to move properly, and her hands tremor as she takes a moment to catch her breath. Hayes: It's a person. Specifically, a woman. A plain, boring, average woman. Someone you wouldn't give a second look to if you passed her on the street. Nothing special in the least. Hayes: But that's fine. Honestly, it is. Not everyone can be special, or no-one would be special. And she's genuinely, sincerely happy to be nothing special. Sometimes it's enough to just be. She absent-mindedly scratches at her upper left arm. Blackened skin sloughs off the swollen flesh; she appears not to notice. Hayes: And that's what she is. A plain, average woman. Living her life. Content. Because she has what she wants, her life, and that's all she's asking for. Hayes: That's what it's all about, really. Life. The living thereof. The thing people don't really get is that it's not a journey, or a rollercoaster, it's not wild or precious, it's just… this. She gestures vaguely around her. Hayes: This is all there is. This, and nothing but this. And that's okay, really. This isn't necessarily bad. At its worst, she makes do with it. At its best, well. She laughs, which quickly turns to coughing, spitting up blood on her dress. Glancing down, she goes to touch the stain, but closes her eyes and exhales shakily, dropping her hand. Hayes: [quietly] At its best, it's just a dream. Her eyes flick up to the camera, hazy and unfocused. Hayes: So, there's the product. That's what I'm selling here. What do you think? She smiles, shyly at first, then more broadly. Several of her teeth have fallen out, most of the rest are blackened, her gums inflamed. Hayes: Are you buying it? The feed fizzles into static. Ruby: Well? Are you? END LOG Addendum 17: Testing log. Foreword: Dr. Valerie Whitaker requested permission to call in to SCP-7958 and make a purchase, to test whether the sale would go through. This was approved, and it was decided that, given the apparent significance placed on it, she would order the special offer item. BEGIN LOG The camera remains on the exit door. Hayes is not visible for the duration of the broadcast. Hayes: Phone's going. Silence. Hayes: Right, yeah. Course. Sounds of shifting, followed by heaving breaths and slow, dragged footsteps. Then, the sound of a button being pressed. Hayes: Hi! What… Heavy breathing. Hayes: What can I do for you? Whitaker: Hi there. I'd like to order that ruby, please. Silence. Hayes: Sorry, what? Whitaker: The ruby. The special offer. I'd like to buy it. Hayes: You… you would? Whitaker: Absolutely. Hayes: Why? Whitaker: It'd look good on a necklace, I think. Hayes snorts. Hayes: Sorry, uh. I don't mean to be rude to a customer, but, uh, yeah. It's gone up, I'm afraid. £399.99. Cost of living crisis, and all, I get if - Whitaker: I'm happy to pay any price. Hayes: You… you don't mean that. Whitaker: I do. I'd really like that ruby. Don't you want to sell it? Hayes: I… uh, I mean, yeah, of course I… I don't… Sounds of retching. Whitaker: Are you alright? Hayes: Yes! Fine! Why would you even ask? Whitaker: I don't know. Something about watching the programme for a bit gave me the impression you weren't entirely happy. Wheezing laughter can be heard. Hayes: Don't be daft! I mean, uh - not that I'm calling you - I'm fine. Just - I'm okay. I'm fine. I'm very sorry if… if my demeanour has hampered your enjoyment of the show, you can report it to… Brief silence. Hayes: To… Whitaker: How long have you been here? Hayes: What, presenting the show? Long as I can remember. Does it matter? Whitaker: This is a continuous broadcast, right? No other presenters? Hayes: [she hesitates] No. Just me. Never needed anyone else, I can do the job just fine. Whitaker: Oh? Hayes swallows. Hayes: Look, what are you getting at here? Whitaker: You said you get to go when you sell the ruby? Hayes: Well, I suppose- Whitaker: How long have you been trying? Hayes: It… it doesn't matter. I have a job to do, I-I-I've gotta- Whitaker: Ms. Hayes… Hayes: No, like, like - it doesn't matter how long, it's what I'm here for, it's what matters, how long- Whitaker: Ruby. Hayes hesitates. Whitaker: Long enough? Silence. Hayes: [whispering] Yeah. Brief pause. Hayes: It's just… a lot. Y'know. The idea of… of stuff that's, y'know. Not this. Whitaker: I think it's worth it. Do you? Lengthy pause. Hayes swallows. Hayes: It's, uh, Hermes delivery. That okay? Whitaker: Absolutely. Thank you very much. Hayes: And… you… you really want this? You're not going to change your mind or anything? Whitaker: Yes. Hayes: …okay. Whitaker: Wonderful. I'm very much looking forward to receiving it, then. Hayes: Just - before you go. Is - I mean - She stops, and exhales deeply. Hayes: Thank you. Dr. Whitaker laughs softly. Whitaker: Go on. God in his mercy lend you grace. Dr. Whitaker hangs up. Faint breathing can be heard for several seconds. Hayes: No mystery. END LOG Closing statement: The ruby arrived twelve days after purchase, in a battered cardboard package. It was found to be non-anomalous, and made of plastic. Addendum 18: Final broadcast. BEGIN LOG The transmission opens on the usual set, vacant. The lights are dimmed, and a boom mic is visible in the top left-hand corner of the screen. Underneath it is the plant pot, shattered against the wall; soil is scattered everywhere, and the marigold lies on the floor. The recording is silent, save for the gentle hum of the studio lights. There are no signs of life. This continues for one hour and fifty-one minutes. Then, Hayes enters the shot. Her shoulders are relaxed, and she wears an easy smile. None of the previous decay is apparent. She wears an identical, clean, dress, and a fresh coat of makeup. Hayes: Good evening, everyone. I'm glad to be here. Really. She smiles down the camera, right hand clasped over her opposite wrist. Hayes: I just wanted to say, I'm sure it's clear to you all that I've… well, I've been going through some stuff recently. I've been doing a lot of thinking, I've really needed to, and I… think I've worked things out. And let me tell you, I am so glad. She rubs her eyes and exhales deeply. Hayes: So welcome. I'm so happy to be here with you tonight. We're gonna have a great time here together, I just know it. And now there's no little devil on my shoulder to lead me into the desert, we can actually do it in peace. Hayes: But enough talk, let's get on with the show! Up first, we have a marvellous deep-fat fryer from Russell Hobbs. Recommended retail price is £53.99; we're doing it for just £39.99. £39.99! For this! She gestures with her right arm. Her palm is visibly slick, and what appears to be concealer has come away from where she was holding her wrist, revealing dark, discoloured flesh underneath. Looking down, her face drops, and she quickly moves her hand back to cover. Hayes: Well, ah, any - ah, anyway! Of course, it goes without saying that the main attraction is our special offer, and it's a big one tonight! We have… With her left hand, she retrieves a ruby on a crimson velvet cushion. Hayes: Come on. You can see it. You can see how beautiful it is. And it's yours, for the frankly astonishing price of three - uh, £599.99. [she laughs] Best of all, I get to go once it's sold! Yeah… Hayes swallows, smiling quickly. She nods to herself. Hayes: Yeah. This time. Transmission continues uneventfully for another minute, before Hayes walks forward to reach something and appears to accidentally knock the camera from its stand, at which point the feed cuts out. END LOG No further transmissions have been detected, and SCP-7958 has been reclassified to Neutralised accordingly. Footnotes 1. See Addendum 17. « SCP-7957 | SCP-7958 | SCP-7959 »
Billith C L O S E D / S Y S T E M Written by Billith. ITEM #: SCP-7959 OBJECT CLASS: Ticonderoga SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-7959 is not containable by any known means. Thankfully, the nature of the anomaly ensures some level of self-containment. Should this no longer be the case, containment efforts are to be reassessed. Investigation of the anomaly can then recommence, to whatever degree this is possible. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7959 refers to TL-7959, a Foundation timeline discovered during routine indexing of the local canonical bundle that displays atypical properties when compared to adjacent timelines, an anomalously improbable behavior. TL-7959 is inaccessible through all possible efforts; Any attempt to assess the properties of this timeline invariably fail, through a variety of factors such as data corruption, equipment failure, cerebral hemorrhage, SCP-7959-A, etcetera. If there exists some means of understanding this timeline and its eligibility for existence within the Database, it has yet to be discovered. SCP-7959-A is a universally received result during observatory efforts of TL-7959, which manifests as a singular message of uniform nature, despite medium or language. The contents of SCP-7959-A have been recorded below: SCP-7959-A TRANSCRIPT LOG FOREWARD: Record of message from measurement of TL-7959, delivered by one party, labeled POI-7959. <BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> POI-7959: Hello. POI-7959: Thank you for your interest in our dimension. POI-7959: Regrettably, I must inform you that the Prime Timeline is closed.1 Please return during normal hours, where we will be more than happy to assist you. If you require immediate assistance, please leave a message after the tone, and someone will be with you shortly. POI-7959: We appreciate your understanding during this time. Have a wonderful iteration. A loud beep. AUTOMATED SYSTEM: This mailbox is full and cannot receive more messages. I'm sorry. Goodbye. <END TRANSCRIPT> Footnotes 1. It should be noted that no known initial or "prime" timeline exists, though this false claim is common among narratives in many regions of memoryspace. « SCP-7958 | SCP-7959 | SCP-7960 » More From This Author More From This Author Billith's Works SCPs SCP-4888 • SCP-3959 • SCP-7396 • SCP-3315 • SCP-7912 • SCP-7079 • SCP-3335 • SCP-990-J • SCP-????-J • SCP-6693 • SCP-3545 • SCP-META-EX-J • SCP-7549 • UE-54701 • SCP-6793 • Tales/GoI Formats Your Future is Bright • A Place To Call Your Home • Narrativistics and You: Abandoning the Notion of Fiction vs. Non-Fiction • Holes • Spiral the Drain • On The Nature Of Conscious Experience or How I Learned to Love Myself • Redact Your Life • OPULENCE • Other Sr. Researcher James A. Harkness' Personnel File •
by J Dune SCP-7960 - Self-Improvement Koala you are bad at reading the infobox Image Credits ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 7960 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-7960, taunting Special Containment Procedures: One Foundation personnel will remain bonded to SCP-7960. Once bonded, this personnel is not permitted off-site. Their primary duties as Foundation staff will not be affected by this arrangement. Description: SCP-7960 is a koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) that demonstrates average human intelligence. While SCP-7960 is biologically indistinguishable from an ordinary koala, the entity is capable of vocalization and comprehension of the English language. SCP-7960 is remarkably durable, as all attempts to harm the entity do not result in any observable damage. SCP-7960 bonds itself to a single individual, clinging to their body. While SCP-7960 can be physically removed from the individual's body, the entity will reappear on the host's body, necessitating the outlined containment procedures. Once bonded, SCP-7960 will bombard the host with deprecating remarks. It has stated that its grand objective is to “improve” the host through negative reinforcement. The Foundation has observed that SCP-7960 is largely ineffective. SCP-7960 will remain bonded to a host until their death, upon which a successive host can be named. If no host is named, SCP-7960 will bond itself to the nearest individual. Addendum.7960.1: History SCP-7960 came into the Foundation's possession after the discovery of a mail-order advertisement in a June, 1957 issue of RIFLEKID: FUN WITH GUNS, an American comic book released by now-defunct publisher Odyssey. A transcript of the ad has been replicated below. THAT'S NOT A MONKEY ON YOUR BACK, KIDDO, THAT'S SELF-IMPROVEMENT KOALA DID YOU KNOW YOU'RE THE PROBLEM? PREPARE TO BE REMINDED. ONCE HE'S ACTIVATED, NO MORE LITTLE BOY. IT'S TIME FOR A LITTLE MAN! THERE'S ONLY ONE SELF-IMPROVEMENT KOALA. HE IS FOREVER. $2000! The mailing address listed alongside the advertisement was made out to the offices of GoI-323, "Better-Youth", a known distributor of occult goods. SCP-7960 was purchased by the Foundation, and immediately bonded with Area-179 Sanitation head Paul Duffy, who was closest to the entity when it was being removed from the wooden crate it was shipped in. Duffy served as the containment specialist for SCP-7960 up until his death in 2022. Ian Wu, an intern who served under Duffy, had willingly volunteered to become SCP-7960's next host. Wu was fully briefed on the specifics of SCP-7960's containment prior to acceptance. Selected logs of Wu's interactions with SCP-7960 have been included below. Addendum.7960.2: Logs Context: First interaction between Wu and SCP-7960. Wu sits at his terminal, editing a document. SCP-7960 slowly crawls into the room, and begins to climb Wu's body. Researcher Wu: Oh, hey, buddy. Hi!Researcher Wu: (Laughs) Yeah, I'm trying. Wu resumes typing.Wu is not deterred. He continues to type, and then pauses.Researcher Wu: Hold on, I'm thinking. Context: Wu is presenting a report before a panel of researchers. Wu stands in front of a slideshow. SCP-7960 clings to his back. Researcher Wu: And so, the crux of Dr. Carlton's research here states that every anomalous event can be fit into a versatile model, named the—Researcher Wu: Um, named the Four-Point Way Module.Researcher Wu: The first variable that needs to be obsessed is underlying chance.Researcher Wu: Which— which states that— underlying chance refers to grander metaphysical implications surrounding an anomalous— an anomalous event. Wu is silent for several seconds. He closes his eyes, and exhales before continuing. Researcher Wu: (Whispering) Please, stop… Context: Wu is using a microscope to aid in the research of an experimental, artificial microbe. Wu leans over the microscope. SCP-7960 sits on the counter beside him. The entity turns the microscope off.Researcher Wu: Turn it back on, don't do this now.Researcher Wu: Fuckhead, turn it on.Researcher Wu: Please? Seriously, turn it back on.Wu angrily grabs SCP-7960, lifting it.Researcher Wu: Fucking pointless. I can't do this shit. Wu calls over a lab assistant to analyze the microbe, moving away from the counter. SCP-7960 materializes on his back. It points to the assistant. Context: Wu is watching television inside his dorm. Researcher Wu: (Sighs) At what?Wu lunges from the couch, attempting to strangle SCP-7960. The entity hisses and claws, scratching him. Researcher Wu: You motherfucker, you scratch now?Wu moves into the kitchen, gasping as he washes out his wound. Researcher Wu: What the fuck is with you and the— the sexism? Context: Wu is attempting to study for an exam intended to gauge his competency as Foundation staff, with potential to be given a promotion upon completion. Wu flips a page, and types out a note.Wu increases the volume of his headphones.Wu reaches towards his ear. SCP-7960 rips off his headphones, breaking them. Researcher Wu: What the fuck? Are you fucking kidding me? Those were hundred dollar headphones, and I'm trying to study so I can get ahead in my career! Wouldn't you want that? Do you want me to fucking fail? I'm trying to improve myself, you're literally the problem!Researcher Wu: Did you do this to Duffy? Serious. Context: Wu is waiting for the computer to process the results of his assessment test. Wu stands outside of the exam room. SCP-7960 sits on his shoulder. Researcher Wu: Thanks for being quiet in there. I really, really appreciate that. I'll get you some… sticks or whatever the fuck.An exam proctor opens the door. Proctor: Please remove your exam cards now. If the color of the circle in the center of the paper is green, proceed to room 2A in three hours for your results. Congratulations, you passed. If there is no color in the circle, thank you for your continued efforts. Wu removes his exam card. There is no color in the circle. SCP-7960 stares at Wu, smiling. Wu places his hand on his mouth, quivering. Researcher Wu: Just say it. Say it. It's true. Whatever you're going to say is true. SCP-7960 is silent. It continues to smile. Following this, Dr. Wu climbed to the top of Area-179's helipad and threw himself from the roof, a fall of 75 feet. He was given immediate medical attention, resulting in the treatment of over three dozen broken bones and severe head trauma. Wu sustained a stable, neurologically intact condition, but was placed on medical leave until further notice. The following log occurred shortly after Wu's condition was stabilized. Wu lays in the hospital bed, wearing a full body cast. He slowly regains consciousness. SCP-7960 sits at the foot of the bed. « SCP-7959 | SCP-7960 | SCP-7961 »
Item #: SCP-7962 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7962 is clipped closed and stored in a standard anomalous item locker at Site-37. Description: SCP-7962 is a bag of 297 296 sapient, Pepperidge Farm brand Goldfish crackers. These instances are denoted SCP-7962-A. SCP-7962-A instances are capable of vocalization and locomotion; while it is unknown how they produce sound without sufficient vocal cords, locomotion is sustained through a swimming-like motion that allows them to float through the air at approximately 0.2 m/s. All instances share a sole desire to "ascend" which they collectively believe will be accomplished through submerging themselves in a natural source of water.1 Addendum-1: Incident 7962-1 On August 8th, 2017, Researcher Kinesman opened SCP-7962 believing it to be a traditional bag of Goldfish, leading to the subsequent containment breach of approximately 17 SCP-7962-A instances. All but 4 were successfully recontained immediately, the others managing to escape into the vents of Site-37 which allowed their eventual escape from the site. The instances were discovered by Kinesman approximately six minutes later at a local pond, the four instances slowly making their way to its edge. While he managed to successfully capture three of them within his hands, the fourth managed to submerge itself in the water. SCP-7962-A: Hark brethren! Watch as I douse myself in the tears of the sky and bathe in the glory of the sea! It is the dawn of a new age, of a new beginning, for I shall ascend and carry forth a flood so that you may all share in the revelry, in the bliss! For I am free! <It submerges itself in the pond.> SCP-7962-A: I can feel it, my brothers. The revelation. The truth. It washes over me and carries away my sins, birthing me anew in its eternal beauty. I am one with the water and it is one with me. There is no greater joy! The three contained instances continued to struggle within Kinesman's hand until the submerged instance suddenly began vocalizing in pain, growing in volume until it suddenly went silent five minutes later, having completely dissolved within the water. The remaining instances then went docile, and all attempts by SCP-7962-A instances to escape SCP-7962 have since ceased. Footnotes 1. Any other source of water (tap, bottled, processed) is considered "tainted" and "devilish." « SCP-7961 | SCP-7962 | SCP-7963 »
NOTICE FROM THE ETHICS COMMITTEE This article is currently under review by the Ethics Committee due to ongoing psychological therapy required by SCP-7963 instances. WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS LEVEL 4/7963 CLASSIFIED ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT LEVEL 4/7963 AUTHORIZATION WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. Item#: 7963 Level4 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: integrated Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: danger link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7963-1 Instances are to be contained within a locked tempered glass display case within Researcher Jasper Coldsmith's office located in Wing F of Site-64. SCP-7963-1 instances may only be transported by Researcher Jasper Coldsmith, Gamma-13 Operative Max Coldsmith or approved handlers. Description: SCP-7963-1 refers to two icosahedrons composed of layered 3D printed carbon nanotubes, designated SCP-7963-1A & SCP-7963-1B respectively. Further examination of the composition of SCP-7963-1 objects has revealed microscopic amounts of blood belonging to Jasper Coldsmith & Max Coldsmith interweaved throughout the construct. SCP-7963-1 objects contain the disembodied souls of Jasper Coldsmith (1A) and Max Coldsmith (1B) imprisoned inside. Inspection of SCP-7963-1 objects with an Aetheric Resonance Imager (ARI) system has revealed humanoid silhouettes covering -1 instances with resonance patterns which are consistent to those of human souls and radiate levels of Elan-Vital Energy (EVE) identical to typical Type Blue humanoid entities. SCP-7963-2 refers to -1A & -1B's ability to remotely manipulate technological devices of electronic or mechanical nature nearby -1 instances, or active -3 instances; during these the silhouette covering them are recorded to disperse and flicker corresponding to the amount of energy used. SCP-7963-3 phenomena is the ability of the entities to project their consciousness from their -1 shells to a possessed object/host allowing for finer control than compared to -2 instances. ARI scans show the aforementioned silhouettes completely disappearing around -1 instances during this and reforming completely around the possessed/host object; further observation shows actual movement of the silhouette and parallel manipulation of the assumed host. When extreme damage or destruction of SCP-7963-3 hosts occur, -1A/B consciousnesses will be ejected back to their own -1 instances. ARI analysis of occurring feedback in this scenario is purported to be similar to thaumaturgical backlash and renders further -3 instances to be unable to manifest for a period of time; in addition instances of -2 are reported to be reduced in power and less stable. +Addendum: Therapy Log 1 - Close Therapy Session Log Interviewer: Dr. Halsing, Ethics Committee Psychologist Interviewed: Jasper Coldsmith, SCP-7963-1A Foreword: First therapy session after review and approval via the Ethics Committee and verification of -1A instances' identities. <Begin Log> A cat wearing a vest with a visible white icosahedron in its back pouch and several electronics adorning it sits on a couch staring forward Halsing: Welcome, welcome. First time here, correct? I'm Doctor Halsing. Just one second. Pours through notes Halsing: Alright, sorry, Jasper, right? According to your file you died, had your soul trapped? Would you be surprised if I told you turning into an animal isn't as uncommon as you think around here? Small speakers adorning the cat crackle on Coldsmith: Uh, sorry. I am actually not the cat. That's a thaumaturgical construct, a familiar. Name's Bob; say hi Bob. Bob: Hello. Coldsmith: Anyhow, I'm the icosah- thing. I'm the thing in the main pouch on it's back. Halsing: Oh? They didn't notify me you were assigned a service animal. Let me just mark that down. Coldsmith: It's not a- honestly that's not far off. Halsing: Let's get back on track though, my apologies for my records being outdated. Died, and soul trapped into a "thing"; movement dependent on service animal with electronic communication assistance? Coldsmith: This is technically accurate, yes. Halsing: Well a broken clock is right twice a day. Fear not for being trapped in an inanimate object and requiring physical assistance is also not unheard of here. The Ethics Committee believes in providing all the care it can to those… "object-ified" in the line of duty. Halsing: A little dark humor to break the ice, no? Coldsmith: I have no mouth but I must scream. Halsing: That's a good one. Now that we're on the subject however, how do you feel about your new lack of a mouth? <End Log> Note: Session continues on developing a rapport and open relationship, using humor to discuss the patient's new state of existence +Addendum: Therapy Log 2 - Close Therapy Session Log Interviewer: Dr. Halsing, Ethics Committee Psychologist Interviewed: Jasper Coldsmith, SCP-7963-1A Foreword: Excerpt following transition to non-anomalous civilian robot as ongoing host instance <Begin Log> The room's door is slowly opened via a claw mounted on a quadrupedal robot entering the room, closing the door, and climbing onto a couch before retracting its limbs Halsing: Welcome Jasper, how are we doing today? Enjoying your newfound autonomy? Coldsmith: My nose itches and I have no way to scratch it. Halsing: You don't have a nose anymore, Jasper. Are you experiencing any other sensations? It's not uncommon with those who are missing body parts to experience phantom sensations. Coldsmith: Yes and no? From what I've been told from ARI footage I still have a let's say humanoid spirit surrounding me which is present when I possess anything. Halsing: Right, right. So you're still processing things as you were before, from a bipedal humanoid perspective. Would you say there's a bit of disconnect between that and your current body? Coldsmith: Definitely. It's like when you're used to the controls or settings playing a game and someone comes by, inverts the damn controls from what you're used to and changes all your damn hotkeys then covers it in Voice modulator volume raises Coldsmith: God damned itching powder! Quadrupedal robot shakes wiggling its limbs <End Log> Note: Session continues on reviewing the coordination dysfunction of different host bodies and how their possession interacts with them. +Addendum: STRING Initiative - Close Synthetic Thaumaturgical Resonance Imperative Neural Geist The STRING Initiative is to work towards the following objectives: 1. Humanoid cybernetic bodies for SCP-7963-1 instances to return to a more semblance of normalcy, reducing psychological strain and dysfunctional feedback in the -3 process. 2. Act as R&D for in-house advanced prosthetics for Foundation personnel. 3. Continue to study, deconstruct and learn from confiscated anomalous para-tech to fulfill the above goals from GOIs such as Anderson Robotics. STRING bodies constructed for use by SCP-7963-1 instances have allowed them a return to normal life; acting similar to their original forms and enabling them to feel physical sensations. A significant decrease in issues regarding phantom limb syndrome and a "lack of body" dysphoria has been noted by therapists. Following successful reintegration with a STRING host body SCP-7963-1A, Researcher Jasper Coldsmith is assigned to lead the STRING initiative due to experience with robotics and working with anomalous paratech while assigned at Site 64's anomalous robotics lab. +Addendum: Therapy Log 3 - Close Therapy Session Log Interviewer: Dr. Halsing, Ethics Committee Psychologist Interviewed: Jasper Coldsmith, SCP-7963-1A Foreword: Excerpt from therapy session regarding adjustment to STRING full body prosthetic and self harming tendencies observed. <Begin Log> A person obscured amidst layers of clothing enters the room Halsing raises an eyebrow as they ready a notepad Halsing: Good afternoon, Jasper. Are we… warm enough this fine summer day? Coldsmith: I think I would actually be the coolest thing around, literally. Coldsmith adjusts their position a few times, finally ending up with a leg over the other knee Coldsmith: I don't really generate much heat anymore… apart from the more electrical parts I guess. Halsings: Well, you can still fe- sense the temperature, can you not? I suppose it doesn't affect you as much. You should still take care of your body even if it has more diverse durability comparatively now. Halsing flips open her notebook and clicks their pen Halsing: Regardless, how was your week? Coldsmith fidgets with their coat buttons; revealing a robotic hand Coldsmith:Fine. I've been working on partial hours and duties still, nothing major; paperwork, back logs of stuff, kinda intern-y stuff honestly, but it's something. Halsing pauses for a moment Halsing: and no incidents you'd like to talk about? Jasper Coldsmith: No. Halsing audibly sighs Halsing: I know you've worked for the Foundation for a few years now, so you know how things go. Halsing flips to a page on their notepad Halsing: Several reports regarding you have been submitted regarding physical injury; ranging from slow responsiveness to shielding others, as well as completely avoidable accidents. Looks up at Coldsmith, softening their gaze Halsing: Just because your newfound abilities allow you to repair your bodies easily, doesn't mean you should treat them any less. You may no longer be your body, but your bodies are still you. You are no less of a person than you were. You shouldn't devalue yourself like that even if, unlike many others, it's replaceable for you now. Coldsmith: I-I understand; but still, this is still a work in progress. I'm glad for the resources being allotted to me and how this technically could be considered the robotics program I've wanted. Coldsmith taps a robotic hand to his chest Coldsmith: This is just one of many future iterations. Look, I got drinking down now! Reaches out to a pitcher of water and glasses set on a table between them, pouring a glass of water out and picking it up. The glass is shakey, but no water spills Coldsmith: Sorry, the stabilizers are a bit wonky still Brings the glass back into his hood before putting it back down, the water level in the glass is decreased Halsing: Is this why I've had reports and seen camera footage of you sitting alone in the cafeteria from shift end until breakfast several nights this week? A few seconds of silence Coldsmith: Well I don't need to sleep anymore; and the soda fountains are free. <End Log> Note: The rest of the session goes on as normal, going over emotional and psychological issues, and setting new goals to adhere to. « SCP-7962 | SCP-7963 | SCP-7964 »
Item #: SCP-7965 Object Class: Uncontained Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-7965 has continued unimpeded for eighteen cycles and has not yet posed a threat to the veil, the anomalous world, or any factions therein, alongside its continued observation by the Global Occult Coalition, no resources are currently dedicated to containing SCP-7965 at this time. The pocket dimension housing the SCP-7965 event is likewise guarded from the public by the G.O.C. Description: SCP-7965 is a bi-decennial event which began on April 22nd, 1890, during which physical manifestations of popular soda brands compete in a deathmatch, the outcome of which influences the popularity of said beverages for the following five years. The event itself takes place within a pocket dimension in Wisconsin, U.S.A., and always consists of eight participating members. While changes occasionally do occur amongst the roster, the most common members are the following: John Coke John Pepsi Marisha Pepper Sir Spriticus Montague Dew Serenity Fanta Reverend Root Sol Kissinger As of 1975, all eighteen SCP-7965 events has been won solely by John Coke. Addendum-7965 -1: SCP-7965 's Nineteenth Cycle On 4/22/1985, SCP-7965's pocket dimension reportedly manifested as usual, with the standard eight members present. The following document was provided by the G.O.C. following the events of Addendum-7965-2. Occurrence 1: T-00:00 SCP-7965's pocket dimension manifests; this cycle, the arena within is a 16 km2 area comprised most entirely of forest regions, interspersed only by clearings, ponds, streams, and a giant structure at the center, the likes of which is closed off by giant gates. All eight contestants also manifest as usual, each apportating along the border of the area equidistant from one another. Occurrence 2: T-00:31 Throughout the first half an hour, whilst surveying and exploring their surroundings, five contestants find and open hidden loot caches. The contents each contestant acquired from such discoveries are as follows: John Coke acquires a quarterstaff and a better-in-a-punch soda Sir Spriticus acquires a tomb of fizziness Montague Dew acquires an obsidian short blade, along with a bombardier blast Serenity Fanta acquires a bow and seventeen arrows Reverend Root acquires three containment traps, along with a switchblade Occurrence 3: T-00:39 Reverend Root places and activates two of their three containment traps in the western area of the arena and proceeds to hide in a nearby bush. Occurrence 4: T-00:42 Serenity Fanta spots Sol Kissinger and immediately takes aim, firing a total of nine arrows at them in quick succession. Only one manages to graze their arm, while the remainder miss, and Sol quickly flees further into the forest. Serenity retrieves three unbroken arrows but makes no further attempts to pursue Sol at this time. Occurrence 5: T-00:43 John Pepsi and Marisha Pepper encounter one another at a pond in the north-west region of the arena. Whilst Marisha is unarmed, John makes no attempts to assail her, instead choosing to offer a brief alliance. Marisha accepts his offer, and the two sit by the pond and exchange small talk. Occurrence 6: T-00:47 Sir Spriticus casts the spell "from sky to ground, by fizz be found," the likes of which immediately reveals the current location of the closest contestant. As such, a stream of fizz begins rising in the distance, alerting Spriticus to Montague Dew's location about five to six hundred meters south. He then casts the spell "pop a cap, take a sip, protect my body from a hit," causing a defensive barrier to form across his body before beginning his trek towards Montague. Occurrence 7: T-00:52 For the first time in nineteen SCP-7965 cycles, John Coke steps in a trap, causing it to activate and immediately incapacitate him through the use of thaumaturgically summoned bindings. This causes him to fall prone on the forest floor, following which Reverend Root emerges from his hiding spot wielding his switchblade. However, rather than immediately finishing John off, he instead begins the following monologue: "It is by Selevant Soda's divine grace that I have been blessed to capture you this day. Time after time, battle after battle, you have evaded justice and due punishment. You have cheated and slighted, slain and tortured, all just to further yourself, yet it is your greed and lust for power that sees you before me now. I have been selected by our divine goddess to be your judge, to be your jury, and to be your executioner. And you are guilty beyond even an unreasonable doubt. It is with great pleasure that I shall take up my blade against you, and through wielding it I shall-" The remaining seven minutes have been omitted for brevity and can be provided on inquiry. Occurrence 8: T-00:57 John Pepsi and Marisha Pepper conclude their conversation and begin to part ways, though not before the following, brief exchange occurs: Marisha: "This world wasn't meant for pacifism." John: "I know." Marisha begins making her way east, whilst John heads south. Occurrence 9: T-00:58 Sol Kissinger is about to open a loot cache when they are suddenly ambushed by Montague Dew, who stabs them twice in the back before the obsidian blade shatters due to its brittleness. Sol reacts quickly, spinning on theirs heels before backhanding Montague. He stumbles back, given no time to react as Sol tackles him to the ground before beginning to relentless beat his head into the ground. Sol gets in sixteen strikes before Montague manages to slam their knee into Sol's back wounds, creating an opening that allows Montague to roll them both over before he starts relentless choking them. Sol struggles aimlessly, scratching at the ground around them, before eventually falling limp. A loud popping sound them emanates throughout the entire arena, notifying all contestants that someone has been slain. CONTESTANTS REMAINING: John Coke - John Pepsi - Marisha Pepper - Sir Spriticus Montague Dew - Serenity Fanta - Reverend Root Occurrence 10: T-01:02 Reverend Root concludes his monologue, throughout which John Coke has remained absolutely silent. Reverend then asks if John has any final words, to which he simply says "behind you" before Reverend is suddenly struck in the back of the head, causing him to crumble to the ground unconscious. John Pepsi, who had struck Reverend with his quarterstaff, confiscates his last remaining containment trap, along with his switch blade, before making his way over to the still-restrained John Coke. Despite having been killed by Coke twelve times at this point, he still begins to cut him free, which prompts the following conversation: Coke: So you'll hurt someone to save another? Pepsi: You'll both still be alive. That's my pacifism. Coke: And what stops me from killing him the moment you cut me free? From killing you? Pepsi: Nothing. Coke: Yet you'll cut me free regardless? Pepsi: That's my way in this world. If you see me dead for it, so be it. <Pepsi finishes cutting Coke free before handing them the switch blade.> Pepsi: Do as you will. John Pepsi leaves the now-unrestrained John Coke and Reverend Root behind as he begins to make his way east. After half a minute passes, Coke looks to Reverend, lets out a slow sigh, and begins to follow after Pepsi. Occurrence 11: T-01:06 Marisha Pepper discovers a hidden loot cache containing a hunting rifle, four rounds of ammunition, and a summoning soda named Ferocious Fizz. Occurrence 12: T-01:09 Serenity Fanta comes across the unconscious body of Reverend Root, who she prepares to finish off before stepping in his other, still-active trap, entirely restraining her. Occurrence 13: T-01:14 Sir Spriticus reaches Montague Dew, who is still resting and recovering from his encounter with Sol Kissinger. Attempting to seize the moment, Sir Spriticus begins casting the spell "splinter flesh and shatter bone, oh sparkling water carry this corpse home." He is interrupted, however, when a bullet suddenly strikes him, shattering his defensive barrier and causing the spell to fizzle out. Spriticus immediately moves to hide behind a tree, but only manages to do so as another bullet strikes his leg. Montague, now very aware of the two battling contestants, attempts to flee, only to catch a bullet to the shoulder that sends him stumbling to the ground. Marisha Pepper then fires her final round of ammunition directly through his eye, eliminating him. A popping sound then fills the arena, alerting contestants of the match's second death. CONTESTANTS REMAINING: John Coke - John Pepsi - Marisha Pepper Sir Spriticus - Montague Dew - Reverend Root Occurrence 14: T-01:15 Sir Spriticus casts the spell "free as a bubble, quick as fizz, bring me somewhere that isn't this" causing him to teleport to a random point in the arena. Occurrence 15: T-01:16 John Coke and John Pepsi, having heard the elimination pop, exchange the following words: Coke: Another falls. That leaves six alive. Pepsi: And two fallen, yes. Coke: It is the nature of the game to kill. It is the nature of ourselves. Pepsi: The nature of yourselves. Violence is not a path I'd willingly walk. Coke: Surely you can't hold onto those golden ideals forever. What about five games from now? Ten? Fifty? No one's values are that unshakable. Pepsi: You have killed me twelve times, John. And yet I chose not to seize my chance to return the favor. Perhaps, some day, I will falter and lose my way; succumb to this world's viscous cycle of violence and death. But not yet. Not today. Coke: Then you will die. Over and over. Pepsi: And when I do I will die true to myself. Can you say the same, John? Occurrence 16: T-01:23 Reverend Root finally regains consciousness and discovers the now-restrained Serenity Fanta, struggling to break free. He curses before taking one of the arrows off of Serenity's person before stabbing it through their head, killing them instantly. He proceeds to take her bow and ten remaining arrows. A popping sound then fills the arena, alerting contestants of the match's third death. CONTESTANTS REMAINING: John Coke - John Pepsi - Marisha Pepper Sir Spriticus - Reverend Root Occurrence 17: T-01:25 John Pepsi discovers a hidden loot cache containing a revolver, six rounds of ammunition, and pain-relief rum. Pepsi pockets the rum, but offers the revolver and its ammo to John Coke, who accepts with a quiet thank you. Pepsi seems to smile but does not otherwise acknowledge the gesture. Elsewhere, Marisha Pepper also locates a hidden loot cache containing gauze and a machete. Occurrence 18: T-01:30 As is the case with all SCP-7965 deathmatches, a giant siren fills the sky and a beacon appears at the center of the arena, marking the opening of the central structure of the arena. The structure's four gates also open at this time, and an announcement is voiced noting that all land outside of the central structure will be destroyed within the next fifteen minutes. Occurrence 19: T-01:33 John Coke and John Pepsi begin to approach the center structure's western entrance when a volley of arrows suddenly begin flying from the trees behind them. Six of the arrows strike the area around the two, however one manages to catch Pepsi in his shoulder blade and another strikes Coke's calf. Despite this, Coke manages to limp behind some semblance of cover, however in doing so he leaves Pepsi in the middle of the clearing. Pepsi, who had collapses from the impact of the first arrow, attempts to rise before another arrow strikes them in the hip, sending them to the ground again. Reverend Root finally emerges from the tree line at this point, knocking his final arrow as he approaches Pepsi, spouting the following: "In the end, you sinners are all the same. Coarse hearted and cold, all you care about is perpetuating sin and anarchy and pain and tyranny. I had thought you different, John, I really did, but it seems even you have grown tainted and dark. I can only pray that Selevant Soda cleanses your heart. Consider this a servic—" Reverend Root is cut short by John Coke shooting him in the head. A popping sound then fills the arena, alerting contestants of the match's fourth death. CONTESTANTS REMAINING: John Coke - John Pepsi Marisha Pepper - Sir Spriticus Occurrence 20: T-01:35 John Coke returns to John Pepsi and they help each other remove the arrows that had struck them. Despite having no proper medical supplies, they fashion bandages out of their shirts — primarily the sleeves — and decide not to use the better-in-a-punch soda, nor the pain-relief rum, as they are both used to such wounds this many cycles in and know they are relatively non-fatal. They then, using each other to stabilize one another, walk into the central structure while having the following words: John Pepsi: Didn't think you were capable of saving a life. John Coke: Someone still died. John Pepsi: But you shot them to protect me. Those kind of even out, I think. John Coke: Shut up. John Pepsi: Oh no need to act so stoic about it. I'm proud of you. <Pepsi pats Coke on the back, causing Coke to stare daggers at him.> John Coke: Keep your damn mouth shut. John Pepsi: You know, the old John Coke would've never saved— John Coke: You say another word and this John Coke will put a bullet through your job. John Pepsi: <Motions zipping his mouth closed before "throwing away" the zipper.> John Coke: …you are insufferable. Occurrence 21: T-01:36 Sir Spriticus, realizing that he will not be able to reach the center structure of the arena within the fifteen minute allowance, begins casting one final spell from the tomb of fizziness. Occurrence 22: T-01:37 Marisha Pepper enters the central structure from the eastern entrance. Noticing this, John Coke immediately raises his revolver, taking aim upon Marisha. John Pepsi grabs his arm to keep him from pulling the trigger however. The following is a transcript of the ensuing encounter: John Pepsi: She hasn't done anything yet, John. We can be better than this. John Coke: There is no we here, Pepsi. If you're not going to help, get out of the way. Marisha Pepper: Maybe he's right, Coke. Maybe we can be better than this. <Behind her back, Marisha begins slowly opening her Ferocious Fizz summoning soda.> Doesn't the bloodshed get exhausting? John Coke: That's rich coming from you, Pepper! Your hands are as bloody as my own, and I've crossed blades and bullets with you enough to know you are unwavering in your bloodlust. <John cocks back the hammer of his revolver, keeping it pointed directly at Marisha.> John Pepsi: John, please don't— John Coke: Shut it. John Pepsi: Come on, just give me a chance to talk her down. John Coke: For the love of Selevant, will you just be— <The sound of a soda opening is heard across the arena as Marisha finishes opening her summoning soda before throwing the bottle at the pair. Coke quickly returns his attention to Marisha, firing two shots in her direction as the soda can breaks apart mid-air and a wolf made entirely of soda manifests before them.> <The wolf immediately charges as Pepsi, who throws up his quarterstaff in an effort to guard against the canine's unrelenting bites. This proves only partially successfully, as it quickly bites its way through the staff, breaking it in half before biting hard into Pepsi's shoulder. He lets out a scream in anguish before slamming one of the staff's halves hard into the wolf's eye, forcing it release its grip before using the other half to clock it hard in the side.> <Coke, having heard Pepsi's scream, turns and fires a shot into the wolf, causing it to demanifest in a flurry of soda bubbles upon impact. The bubbles don't immediately dissipate, though, and instead begin filling the area around the two.> <Marisha, using their brief blindness due to the fizz-fog, begins dead-sprinting at Coke with her machete in hand, reaching him just as the bubbles begin to dissipate.> <Coke reacts as quickly as possible, barely evading Marisha's strike. She pivots quickly, slashing for his chest, though he maneuvers, forcing his shoulder to bare the brunt of the strike as he fires off a round into her stomach. She feigns collapse, dropping her blade as she slams her shoulder hard into his chest before using the momentum to flip him over her back.> <Coke hits the ground hard, causing him to drop his gun which Marisha quickly kicks away. She bares down on him with her fists, striking him over and over and over, with him barely deflecting them with his arms. She is relentless in her strikes, cracking his jaw, breaking his nose, bludgeoning his eyes and neck and chest and anywhere else she can lay a hand on.> <Pepsi appears behind Marisha, wrapping his arms around her in an attempt to yank her off Coke. He is partially successful, pulling her about two feet back before she slams her elbow right into Pepsi's nose, breaking it and forcing him to release his grasp on her. Nonetheless, it provides Coke with enough of an opening to regain some footing, allowing him to dodge her wide swing before countering with his own to her gut.> <The two end up in a back-and-forth exchange of blows. Coke jabs her rips, Marisha catches his jaw. Coke trips her to the ground, Marisha twists and plants a firm kick in his check. Back and forth, fist after fist, a flurry of blows is exchanged. For moments, Coke is overpowering Marisha, then Marisha Coke, over and over, in a bloody cycle that sees each both go from steady and confident to beaten and shaken. Both stand at odds of one another, each on the verge of collapse. Coke plants his feet. Marisha steels her body. He goes for a wide hook. She moves to block. He feigns and instead goes for a hard upper cut. But she catches it still, before hitting him as hard as possible in the neck. Then again, and again, until his knees give out and he falls to the ground.> <She stands, towering above him, smirking. And then the ground erupts beneath her feet and dozens of explosions detonate within the central chamber.> Occurrence 23: T-01:45 Sir Spriticus finishes casting his spell just as the fifteen minute mark is reached. He smiles, and watches as the area around him is swallowed in a wave of blinding light, destroying everything in its path and killing him instantly. A popping sound then fills the arena, alerting contestants of the match's fifth death. CONTESTANTS REMAINING: John Coke - John Pepsi - Marisha Pepper Occurrence 24: T-01:46 As the dust settles from the detonations caused by Sir Spriticus' spell, John Pepsi rises. Immediately he notices Marisha Pepper laying in the midst of rubble, who he quickly makes his way over to. Her wounds are severe: both of her legs are completely lost, and the remainder of her body is torn by shrapnel and thaumaturgic burns. He grabs her hand, holding it as he softly says "I'm sorry." She coughs, and he pours the pain-relief rum onto her wounds to ease her suffering. She stares at him all the while, before weakly smiling and closing her eyes. A popping sound then fills the arena, alerting contestants of the match's sixth death. CONTESTANTS REMAINING: John Coke - John Pepsi Occurrence 25: T-01:48 John Pepsi suddenly hears a distant bout of coughing and quickly makes his way over to a still-conscious John Coke. He quickly takes Coke's hand and helps sit him up — unlike Marisha's wounds, Cokes only sustained a few thaumaturgic burns, though his stomach was speared through by a large piece of stone-shrapnel. The following conversation ensues: John Pepsi: Stick with me, John. You'll be alright. John Coke: You still here, Pep? John Pepsi: Right by your side, John. I'm here. John Coke: <He coughs up. Blood drips down his chin.> And Marisha. <Pepsi shakes his head.> John Coke: It's just us, then, huh? John Pepsi: Just you and me, John. Here… <Pepsi pulls out his better-in-a-punch pop and offers it to Coke, who takes it slowly.> John Coke: And you won't finish me off… will you? <Coke opens the pop.> John Pepsi: Never. John Coke: <Coke raises the healing soda to his lips before pausing.> That means I'll have to— John Pepsi: It's okay. I won't hold it against you. It's just your nature. John Coke: I did say that, didn't I? <Coke proceeds to pour the entirety of the soda onto the ground before dropping the can onto the now-destroyed arena floor.> John Pepsi: Wh— why would you—? John Coke: Just— be quiet and win for once, Pep. For me. John Pepsi: Okay, John. I will. <Coke closes his eyes and whispers "thank you" before resting his head on Pepsi's shoulder.> After three minutes, a popping sound fills the arena. CONTESTANTS REMAINING: John Pepsi Occurrence 26: T-01:55 John Pepsi is declared the winner of the nineteenth SCP-7965 event. In the following minute, the entirety of the arena demanifests, along with its pocket dimension. Addendum-7965-2: On April 23rd, 1985, directly following the conclusion of SCP-7965's nineteenth event, the Coca-Cola Company released New Coke. Due to the outrage that followed, both within the anomalous and non-anomalous worlds, the SCP Foundation is currently working with the G.O.C. to devise new containment procedures to ensure John Coke wins all future SCP-7965 events. « SCP-7964 | SCP-7965 | SCP-7966 »
SCP-7966: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Davis Other Articles of Mine SCPs SCP-4966 SCP-1401-EX SCP-4052 SCP-4088 SCP-5522 SCP-4109 SCP-7441 SCP-5020 SCP-4286 SCP-4035 SCP-4664 SCP-4270 SCP-3462 SCP-6663 SCP-7966 SCP-4570 SCP-6633 SCP-5693 SCP-5261 SCP-444-J page 1 of 212next » Tales Something Glowing Log Of Extranormal Events, Vol II Prelude To Presents Your Memory Forever Seen The Bears Other The Bread Box Secure Facility Dossier: Reliquary Area-27 SCP-005 Proposal Hub Experiment Log-4035 Collab Articles SCPs Page Title Co-Author SCP-4733 But Not Forgotten Lamentte SCP-5225 The Abyss Stares Back XilasCrowe SCP-5785 Craptivism Sonderance SCP-5993 We want you to come visit Heaven, just don't fuck with those bees ch00bakka Tales Page Co-Author The Bathrooms Wiki Too many to list Snippets of an Unveiled World Nykacolaquantum does not match any existing user name, Lt Flops, IFBench, Westrin Gone, Lamentte Your Imaginary Friend Fishish Check out Deadly Bread's Author Page ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} ITEM NUMBER: SCP-7966 LEVEL 5/7966 CONTAINMENT CLASS: PENDING TOP SECRET SCP-7966-1 Special Containment Procedures: The containment of SCP-7966 is currently undergoing internal review by the Department of Tactical Theology. All inquiries and concerns should be directed towards Head Containment Researcher Randall Bannock, who is to be considered an incidental expert on the anomaly. Description: SCP-7966 is the birth of Jim Davis1, creator of the Garfield comic strip series. According to all testing methods devised by the Department of Tactical Theology, this event is both ontologically and theologically identical to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This conclusion has been made following several decades of observation. Besides emitting significantly higher-than-average Akiva particles than most individuals, SCP-7966's theological resonance signature measures at a consistent 3:16, which is comparable to other artifacts with a similar presence and is unusually high. In addition, SCP-7966-1's EVE energy patterns have been found to be an exact match for the known EVE patterns of the previous incarnation of Christ. Despite this, SCP-7966-1 has never been documented knowingly utilizing its anomalous abilities or acting in a manner directly comparable to other resurrected deities, leading researchers to believe the entity is unaware of its religious prominence. The only effect SCP-7966's theological significance is thought to have had is its passive ability to amass followers, which has contributed to the popularity of the Garfield franchise. Whether this is directly the result of SCP-7966-1's influence is currently unknown. Addendum.7966.1: After extensive discussion and research regarding the most reliable method of containment, it has been conceded that allowing SCP-7966-1 to live out its natural lifespan outside of containment poses the smallest probable chance of triggering a biblical rapture. As to maintain its commitment towards the categorization and preservation of religious scripture, the Department of Tactical Theology has since begun accumulating an extensive archive of all currently published Garfield media.2 Further efforts to acquire the religious institution Paws Inc. are currently ongoing. « SCP-7965 | Deadly Bread | SCP-7967 » Footnotes 1. Henceforth referred to as SCP-7966-1. 2. A estimated 80% of which have been donated from Randall Bannock's personal collection.
Item #: SCP-7967 Object Class: Thaumiel Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7967 is to be indefinitely maintained and used by the Foundation to produce Akiva Radiation for use in various religious based projects. SCP-7967 is no longer to be maintained and to be stored in Containment Sector-54, located within Reliquary Area-27. In light of the data implied by the object's behavior, this file is restricted to Clearance 5/DoTT personnel. Description: SCP-7967 is a device developed by the Department of Tactical Theology in 2003. It was designed to harvest the abnormally high amount of Akiva Radiation that is produced when a human being dies. SCP-7967 functions through the theory that before entering an afterlife, a being tends to worship at greatly increased levels, a result of attempting to enter a positive afterlife and contemplating one's mortality. This energy tends to dissipate shortly after the subject's death. SCP-7967 functions by tracking these events and using Wozny-Hellman Worship Sinks to absorb it successfully. Addendum SCP-7967 has been deemed to be nonfunctional and has gathered no Akiva Radiation in the two months since its activation. This is believed to be a result of the fact that although during this period approximately 11,000,000 humans have become corpses, none of them have died. « SCP-7966 | SCP-7967 | SCP-7968 »
Item #: SCP-7968 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: A Foundation-operated database crawler is to periodically review the Foundation database for materials affected by SCP-7968. Affected materials are to be reported to server administration for review and removal of alterations. Personnel who encounter affected materials are to be informed of SCP-7968's anomalous effects and, if necessary, directed to this file for more information. Description: SCP-7968 is a phenomenon wherein documents in the Foundation database1 are altered to reference a non-existent SCP object, henceforth SCP-7968-1. The numerical designation given to SCP-7968-1 within affected documents varies; instances of SCP-7968 have been connected to each other based on shared characteristics among the alterations. The source of SCP-7968 is unknown and presumed anomalous. The text of SCP-7968 instances varies considerably, but the following characteristics of SCP-7968-1 are consistent across the vast majority of instances: The object is contained at Site-43. The object is a white human female, aged 43-47 years. The object's listed numerical designation is between 3000 and 3999. The object's primary anomalous property is the routine manifestation of several nondescript metal folding chairs in its immediate vicinity. The chairs are not acknowledged as being themselves anomalous. The object is regarded with disinterest by personnel. It is not clear if this is a secondary anomalous property or merely non-anomalous apathy. No records of an object with these qualities are known to have ever existed in the Foundation database. When questioned, Site-43 personnel universally claim to have no memory of an object matching the above description being contained there at any point in the site's history. Addendum: Several recent SCP-7968 instances reference a "Dr. Shepherd" as being the research head for SCP-7968-1. Records indicate that no individual with this name has ever been employed at Site-43. Instances that reference this individual also often detail their cold treatment of SCP-7968-1 and the anomaly's continual attempts to establish an emotional connection with them. The purpose this serves is once again unknown; no definitive connection between "Dr. Shepherd" and any past or present member of Site-43 staff has been established. Addendum: In addition to information that would be relevant to the containment and study of such an anomaly if it existed, SCP-7968 instances have begun to also often contain irrelevant personal details about SCP-7968-1 that an actual SCP file would not document. Recurring details include an affinity for sunflowers, an unfulfilled interest in astronomy, and a strong desire to raise a child. The purpose of these inclusions, if it exists, is unknown. No new insight into the nature of SCP-7968 has been gained from analysis of the additions. Addendum: Since 12/9/2022, SCP-7968 instances have begun to include the insertion of non-clinical elements into affected files. These elements include prose passages, poems, and what appear to be notes to an unknown individual. The majority of these elements appear to be written from the same perspective. An example is attached below: there is a place beyond the concrete and window glass, beyond the laughing children and glowing sunflowers, beyond the cold moon and blazing stars. i have been there in my dreams: the endless white, countless deafblind souls stumbling for something to hold onto and, finding nothing, screaming at a god who will never hear. where are you? i yearn for your monotonous questions to cut through the buzzing; i yearn for your cold stare to pierce the fluorescence. a cold body is still a surface for oxygen to bounce off of. do people still pass by this place? i listen for hours and hear nothing but the vents if only i had a window to watch the world from while i sit in this chair. when i woke up this morning, i covered my eyes with my forearm and the light still shone through. i am starting to hear the wailing and screaming as i lie awake in my bed. i wonder if i will join them soon. The relevance that this and similar non-clinical additions have to the rest of SCP-7968 instances is unclear. It has been suggested by research personnel that analyzing these additions may be useful for identifying the source of SCP-7968; an investigation is currently underway. Addendum: Since 23/7/2023, no new SCP-7968 instances have been detected in the Foundation database. As it has been more than one year since the last sign of activity from SCP-7968, a request to reclassify the anomaly as Neutralized has been filed and is currently pending. « SCP-7967 | SCP-7968 | SCP-7969 » Footnotes 1. Affected documents are primarily, though not exclusively, SCP files.
close Info X Image: Both pictures are NASA images, and are thus in the public domain. They can be found here and here. NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION The following item designation and document has been associated with Temporal Event 7969-1. Although the text of the file has been cleared of possessing cognitohazards and infohazards, the information contained therein is suspect and its provenance uncertain. For more information, consult the Temporal Event 7969-1 briefing packet. — Maria Jones, Director, RAISA, 03/01/2023 SCP-7969 SCP-7969 upon recovery. Item #: SCP-7969 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7969 is currently being contained on-site at Sol 3's moon. Archeologists from the Shatterglass Exhibitry are in command of research operations. Description: SCP-7969 is a pair of objects found on the moon of Sol 3, part of the patrimony of the Duke of Glavi. The objects, both made of unknown metallic compounds, are a plaque bearing 14 lines in an unknown script and a crudely-carved humanoid figurine. Accordingly to Ploison-Netinsini dating methods, SCP-7969 was estimated to be created 97,000 years ago. This predates the earliest known manmade artifact by 16,000 years, and its discovery has dramatically altered the archaeological consensus about the origin point of humanity. I will not disguise my feelings, my Pir; such a discovery has given me an abundance of joy and fascination. These twin objects, alike in composition, have irrevocably altered our understanding of our species's origins. It has been suspected by a growing number of archaeologists that the human race did not, in fact, develop in the Haleski arm at all, but could have developed on the opposite side of the galaxy, in Closer Holvanis. The Order has long known that our origins were further to the north than commonly supposed; and as one of the most ancient organisations in the Empire, we would know better than most. And yet, repeatedly, stubbornly, we have been disbelieved. So it is with no small amount of pleasure that I observed the Conclave's shock and outrage to discover that they were wrong, and we were right! How happy I am! To see such luminaries as T'Sask Ope and the Herlnag strut in agitation on the stage was something I have wished for these many years. The Order has been granted an Imperial and Ducal order granting us exclusive rights over all archaeological digs in the Sol system for many cycles. That name itself is believed to be very ancient; it is one of the ten names that the Recapitulators possessed for their holy systems, some 70,000 years ago. We have no older names for any stars in the sky - although there has been some disagreement about the Recapitulators' very existence. All our documents relating to them are copies of copies, after all. But we need not scour the archives for scraps any longer. These two objects are small, humble, but the dating is clear; they have stood in the same spot for longer than recorded time itself. Their preservation is, presumably, anomalous; there is no other artifact on this moon, however thin its atmosphere. Analysis is ongoing on their composition; it seems to be some primitive compound, based on a partial understanding of physics. The figurine appears crude to our eyes. But, oh, what a tableau they are together! They must be some kind of memorial, I am sure; the figure's positioning, face down in the lunar dust, a deliberate message. Or perhaps they have been dislodged as a result of the long years. We will not, can not, know. But I have hopes, my Pir; such hopes. It is an honour to have been entrusted with this work. Sol 3. Memorandum 1: On 185225-RPA, an Imperial diktat awarded the Order of the Three Arrows full rights to any archaeological work in the Sol system. The area had not previously been examined in any great depth, owing to the Conclave's opposition to any acknowledgement of the Recapitulation's historical basis. A preliminary scan of the system's astral bodies was largely negative, outside of SCP-7969 itself; however, some unusual patterns were detected on the surface of Sol 3. Further investigation has been greenlit by the Order's personnel. This document does not do it justice, my Pir. We have discovered nothing less than cities! And not the usual scattered settlements; vast, vast conglomerations, the buried lines of crisscrossing settlements that could hold millions of people! Imagine! Perhaps I get ahead of myself; we have only discovered, through sub-surface scans, the remains of street patterns. There are no buildings, no artifacts; indeed, no other signs of humanity. But there is nothing else these patterns can be. It is only a matter of time before we find something new; we are almost ready to cease our orbital observations and descend to the planet's surface. Very few further abormalities have been discovered yet. It is a Class-9 planet, teeming with plant and animal life in abundance. I believe two species bear a close resemblance to carvings from early Gyl'Obiaye, which have never been sufficiently explained by that system's fauna: a rock with a face and arms protruding, and a species of feral cat with a glubfish's mane wrapped around its neck. The former is particularly bizarre and terrifying; the latter, savage, but without real malice. I cannot wait to touch them, see them, be eaten by them. We have requisitioned enough bodies to last us for years; the Emperor's generosity is unbounded. This proves to be a scholar's true playground. Our ships gaze down in awe and wonder. I will admit that, despite clear evidence of human life, I remain nervous. If this was our cradle, the origin-point for all humanity, then would something not have survived? We have no tales, no myths that stretch this far back; each primitive colony in the Years of Night believed itself to be the only world that had ever existed. We need more than this. We need something concrete, something that demonstrates - beyond doubt - that the nightmare of our long history has a start, a clear and unencumbered beginning. I believe, my Pir, in our tenets, even after all these years. Our mortality is not born to us; it is something that has been thrust upon us. Only truly understanding our origins can end this long curse, and return all the death and nightmares to their proper place; outside the species's walls. Humanity will be secured; the long night contained; and it shall be up to us to protect our fellow man. Has that not been our mantra these long years? Perhaps now our oldest prayers shall be answered. Memorandum 2: As of 185377-RPA, ground observations have been conducted by a number of the Order's crews. In conjunction with orbital observations, the following three abnormal discoveries have been made concerning Sol 3: That large-scale human settlements existed on the planet's surface, as evidenced by a number of sub-surface street plans picked up by orbital observation. The size of these settlements and the resources necessary to support them have led to an initial population estimate of over 2 billion people at the civilisation's height. That very few other signs of other human activity can be found. Evidence of large-scale, likely deliberate conflagration has been discovered across the planet's land mass; the obvious inference is that all evidence of human life was destroyed for some unknown reason, but the scale and thoroughness would be on a extraordinary level. That the only other remaining evidence of human activity found thus far is a large, secure bunker under the surface of a northern continent. The nature of the bunker is, as yet, unknown. Entering the bunker is currently the research team's top priority. But none of this describes the awe and horror. Touching down, digging beneath the surface; in the flesh, the street plans are little more than a different kind of soil, fragments of primitive road compounds. And there is nothing else. The others are less willing to arrive at the obvious conclusion, believing the scale of it impossible. But it seems clear to me, from the charred and fossilised ash; there was a deliberate attempt to destroy everything on this planet, to burn away the very memory of humanity from its surface. Why? Why do this? If this is humankind's origins, why burn everything? The same scorchmarks, on a much smaller scale, can be found dotted across the planet's moon in small clusters. One of those clusters is near the little metal items that first brought us here, but they are not burnt. They still live! Why is this? Why did they survive? I wish we could see. The past is a set of fragments, a set of absolutes that can only be perceived with our frail eyes, seeing only fractures and ruins we cannot understand. Maybe those rivers were once canals. Maybe that marsh was once a fish pond. Whole worlds existed here, once; the glory and dertritus of the human mind. The true hell of the past, when you really consider it, is that it is all true. Every last battle or war, every storybook caricature; it's all true. Everywhere humans have gone, lives have been lived, lives entirely different and founded upon an entirely different understanding from our own. It is almost nightmarish, to consider its scale; but perhaps comforting. All that we are is our past; we are the merest tip of an iceberg that descends beneath the darkest and deepest sea, our eyes only dimly making out the shapes beneath. But perhaps none of this matters, this horror and the weight of time. For I have the scent of greed upon my tongue, blinding me to all introspection. Because one place, one locale, has survived this planet's purge. It is a bunker. We cannot see within it; some strange metal, far more advanced than anything else encountered here, coats the thing. We're not even sure how deep it goes. All we know is the symbol carved above its entryways. Three arrows pointing inwards. Our Order's own blessed symbol. Memorandum 3: As of 185377-RPA, the northern continent's bunker has been entered. The interior had been similiarly destroyed by fire; a few fragments of equipment and machinery had been found, and have been requisitioned for analysis, but only a single artifact has been deemed noteworthy. The artifact is a series of sheets of a wood-based compound, with writing on it composed in the unknown script as the moon's plaque. It bears the symbol of the Order of the Three Arrows, which was also found on the outside of the bunker. The full significance of this is not yet known. Translation teams are currently working on a full decoding. But it is now known, my Pir. It took many weeks, but we succeeded. The formatting was recognisable at once; it is one of our own holy documents, like this one I write now. It alternates between the words of formality and the words of informality, as we have written about our world and those we encounter for as long as we remember. This much could be told at a moment's glance. But then the decoding began; the rendering into a proper tongue. And then things became much, much stranger indeed. This document - the strange wood-pulp it was printed on - has been dated, without any chance of mistake or error, to 96,000 years ago. 1,000 years after the plaque was placed upon the moon. Judging by our analyses of the planet's surface, this is the same time as the planet itself was burnt. And the document is the one I'm writing. It's the same one. Translated, yes, but otherwise identical. It features sentences I wrote before I came here, and those written by others; it contains these words I am just now writing to you; and it contains passages yet to be written. It is identical. The Order has seen this kind of thing before, of course. Temporal anomalies are nothing new to us; we all remember Joskq and Old Karmara. But those were unstable, fragile things. This is impossible. This is time travel. I don't know what this means. Is any of this planet real? Is it just something we made, playing with time in some distant future, placing objects from the future back into the past? Was it us, the Empire, the Order, the Conclave, whoever - was it us who burnt this world? Was time used to hide something? These were the questions that plagued me. But I do not think any are the case. Our physics has proven that, although waves and particles may one day be able to be thrust through time, any greater objects cannot pass. Time travel in the conventional sense is not possible. But the words written on that document - even the later ones - were of a type. They were my words; their timeline was not that long. And this document was preserved, wholesale, its pulp made to last far longer than its natural lifespan. 96,000 years! And after a long night of prayer, I think I know what happened. I think this is a paradox. If these people were so determined to destroy all aspects of their existence, then why preserve a little metal figurine? Why, of all the memorials that must have littered their world, was this one left standing? I think the answer is clear, my Pir. I think that they left that figurine because they knew that, one day, we would find it, and send back through time these words for them to peruse at their leisure - and leave for us to find. We know from past experience what happens when a paradox is broken; devastation, unending devastation that alters time and space around it. These people - our ancestors - must have realised this. So in their fury, they destroyed everything but that which would destroy themselves. A tiny, insignificant memorial. I don't know what to make of this. I don't understand. Memorandum 4: As of 185454-RPA, no further discoveries have been found on Sol 3 or its moon. As per the Imperial diktat, the Order's time here has ended, and the archaeological sites have been opened up to the Conclave. The team's final, formal report will be sent to the Pir shortly. I am standing, my Pir, in my ordinary body, back on the Capital. I am standing beneath the triple suns as they set over our grand lodge. Perhaps this is the right moments for some last thoughts. Time rambles on and on, a strange beast that, the closer you get to its fabric, weaves itself another way. It defies comprehension, to all the endless weight and burden of history, to those of us blessed in this present age, to our future selves. It haunts me, not only those parts unknown but our distance to the very patterns of life; the ways minds, so remote from our own, think and feel. Two ideas have been plaguing me, over and over again. The first is connected with the burning. I saw the evidence of ash and char; I saw the fragments, hastily scorched, inside that bunker. They are old, it is said; many millenia older than all else we have found. The scientists do not know by how much. It isn't clear. Something's inside their bones. But that ash, that devastation… what worried me first was this: that the words in this document, thrown through time, were what prompted it. They did not simply spare the memorial, they also had to burn their world. All the evidence had to align with what we found in order to avert the paradox; and they may have spent bitter centuries putting such a plan together. This, then, would be why we first fled our cradle; because we had to. Because the seal had to be preserved, or all humanity would perish. And this was horrible to me. My words, even if only a conduit, were still part of the obliteration of history, of our past, our sense of self! The quest for our origins has never felt so close, yet so far; our mortality so remote and near. I, even as a vessel, feel I bear some responsibility. But I do not know this to be true. I can only guess. But then another thought occurred to me; and it concerns these words themselves. Who wrote them? I believed - believe - that I am writing them, a spontaneous effusion of my own emotions. But I saw them written, in an ancient tongue, far before I wrote them. I saw them translated already. I cannot know where they came from. Indeed, neither can you; these may just be copies of what I saw. You only have it on trust, my Pir, that these are indeed my thoughts. And those people of the distant past do not know this either. Our ancestors will one day receive a message, showing them a paradox; it will claim to be from tens of thousands of years hence, after civilisation upon civilisation has fallen and died. They will read this, but they will not know from whence it comes. It will come in the form of a transmission, overriding itself into their database, presenting a challenge to them. It is to this task I will dedicate the rest of my life, to the exclusion of all else; but if I fail, then my successors will succeed. It is written, in perhaps the holiest of manuscripts we have ever discovered. They will, I presume, take it on faith; hence why we are where we are. But they cannot know that. And so, O my ancestors, if you are reading this, let me say one final thing: I do not know what I am. I do not know what these words are, these characters trapped in time itself. I know nothing but one piece of frail guesswork: that those 14 lines on your tiny moon, that figurine, are a memorial. A memorial to those who you lost on your first steps to this, to the tens of billions roaming the sky, to untold histories that you will never know. To the stars themselves, and all the ache and frail pain of this human world. But what the significance of any of this is, I do not know. « SCP-7968 | SCP-7969 | SCP-7970 »
SYTYCFanon SCP-7970- Horton's Corner For more stories written by me check here Item#: 7970 Level2 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: conscientia Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: notice link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-78 Leah Richter Greg Chudley & Maria Johnston N/A Special Containment Procedures: Foundation Personnel are not to interfere with SCP-7970's primary operations. Employees of Site-78 are encouraged to use SCP-7970's services to purchase gas and groceries, as it is the only place to do so within the city limits of Chugwater, Wyoming. Due to the importance of SCP-7970 in maintaining the local economy, a cover story is to be run downplaying SCP-7970's anomalous capabilities. Any incoming traffic from other locales will be given amnestics by instances of SCP-7970-1 as per the Foundation's agreement with SCP-7970-2. A location of SCP-7970. Description: SCP-7970 is the gas station/grocery store claiming to be Horton's Corner, an establishment destroyed in 2012. SCP-7970 manifests within the city limits of Chugwater, Wyoming for a twenty-four-hour period before de-manifesting for forty-eight hours. SCP-7970 displays no outwardly anomalous properties outside of its ability to teleport between locations and otherwise functions as a regular gas station. How SCP-7970 maintains its supply of food, water, and gasoline is currently undetermined. SCP-7970-1 instances are the attendants and employees of SCP-7970. Foundation records have made note of twenty (20) instances of SCP-7970-1, which are rotated out between manifestations of SCP-7970. These instances appear as human males and females between the ages of 18-26 with generally cheerful dispositions. SCP-7970-1 instances share names and appearances with deceased members of the local community, a connection that is still under investigation. SCP-7970-1's express joy at working for SCP-7970 and consistently advertise Horton's products and services along with reciting company catchphrases. SCP-7970-2 is the current owner of Horton's Corner, referred to by employees as "Horton". The properties of SCP-7970-2 are unknown as "Horton" has never made any public appearances. Investigation into SCP-7970-2 is currently the focus of SCP-7970 research. Discovery: On December 30th, 2012 an SUV crashed into Horton's Corner, Chugwater's only gas station, and started a fire that destroyed the business. The accident left Chugwater residents with no option but to drive to nearby cities to buy basic necessities and gasoline. Five years later, on March 18th, 2017, GPS devices began picking up a new Horton's Corner location within the Chugwater area which led to the establishment that would become known as SCP-7970. SCP-7970's anomalous properties became known twenty-four hours after its first appearance. At this time the SCP-7970-1 instances told customers that they were only a pop-up location and would return in two days' time after restocking. SCP-7970 then proceeded to vanish into the thin air nearly instantaneously, leaving no trace of its existence. The subsequent disappearance of SCP-7970 was promptly covered up by Foundation agents, who ensured that the event was not covered by any media sources and outgoing travelers did not bring word of a "disappearing gas station". Amnesticization protocols were considered, but due to the repeated appearances of SCP-7970 and the importance of the anomaly to Chugwater's infrastructure, such protocols were deemed unnecessary. In addition to these factors, Site-78 had previously documented that Chugwater residents displayed a 75% higher acceptance of anomalous activity as being a part of baseline normalcy compared to the average US citizen.1 The cause of this phenomenon is not yet known, and several interviews with Chugwater Residents who had used SCP-7970's services corroborated this statistic. Addendum 7970.01: Interview with John Milsboro On March 27th, 2017, one week after the appearance of SCP-7970, Foundation agents brought the original owner of Horton's Corner in for questioning. Interviewer: Junior Researcher Greg Chudley Interviewee: John Milsboro [Begin Recording] Chudley: Hello, Mr. Milsboro. I'm Inspector Chudley with the BBB. Do you mind if I ask you some questions regarding your time using Horton's Corner? The new one, not the business that you once owned. Milsboro: Aint'cha a little young to be a business inspector? You hardly look out of school, boy. Chudley: Good eye, I'm not out of school yet. I'm working on my bachelor's at the moment and this is just a work-study job for me. Milsboro: Ah, good on ya! Glad to see such a good work ethic in the youth. What kinda questions didja have? Chudley: First, I wanted to ask whether you were contacted about the use of the name of your former business. You never had the name copyrighted, but I wanted to hear your thoughts about them taking the name. Milsboro: I'll admit, I was a little hesitant about hearing that name again. I lost a worker in that fire, but if anything I'm flattered! It's not like that fuckin' Obama came to bail us out in our time of need! Chudley: Uh um, sorry for your loss. I can imagine it must've been hard revisiting Horton's after a tragedy like that. Milsboro: It was a mighty fine establishment, no complaint for me. I hate to admit it but it's a major improvement over the original location. It's bigger, got a better selection of fixins and the bathrooms are pristine! Dunno who's running it but they gotta have a lot of cash, it's comparable to one of them city joints. Chudley: Hmm, I would have thought you'd be a bit angry. Did you meet with the owner? Milsboro: I tried! The girl at the counter said he ain't doing appointments, but he 'appreciates my long years of service to the community'.The only way he'd meet with me is if I became some fuckin tier of their "rewards program" or some nonsense. Fuckin' millennial bullshit I tell ya. Chudley: Hmmm, certainly a predatory practice. We'll have to look into that. Lastly, I have to ask about the… strange incidents regarding the store. Specifically the disappearances. Milsboro: What you mean, boy? There ain't nothin' strange about that new Horton's Corner. It's just smoke and mirrors, they are trying to be showy to keep people talking about it. Chudley: There is also the fact that we haven't seen any crews to supply or build this supposed gas station. That doesn't bother you in the slightest? [Milsboro laughs.] Milsboro: Kid you don't understand basic marketing. They don't want you to know who is supplying them. It adds to the charm and mystique. Chudley: So I've been told. Thank you for your time, Mr. Milsboro. That'll be all for now. [End Recording] Addendum 7970.02: Expedition Log #1 Following the interview with Mr. Milsboro, Site-78 Director Leah Richter authorized an investigation into Horton's Corner to ascertain the identity of SCP-7970-2. Due to Site-78's lack of available Mobile Task Forces and short staffing, Junior Researchers Greg Chudley and Maria Johnston were chosen to go on an expedition into SCP-7970. [Begin Recording] [Researcher Johnston is seen down against the dashboard fiddling with the camcorder] Chudley: So… Do you think they have Mozzarella sticks? Johnston:…-What? [Johnston leans back into her car seat.] Chudley: Mozzarella sticks. I've heard this Horton's place is similar to a Sheetz. So I'm hoping they have Mozzarella sticks and they're as good if not better. Johnston: What the hell is a Sheetz? Chudley: Only the best gas station slash restaurant in the midwest! Are you telling me they don't have Sheetz where you come from? Johnston: I'm from California. Chudley: Oh, I'm sorry. Johnston: Like Ohio is any better. [Johnston scoffs.] Johnston: Anyways. Stating our names for the record, Maria Johnston here with Gregory Chudley. This is Log 1 of the SCP-7970 expeditions. The date is the 20th of March 2017 and SCP-7970 has been manifested for approximately two hours. We are currently en route to SCP-7970 and should be there in five minutes. Chudley: Do you have to be so formal? We're sitting and driving, I doubt Richter's going to give us an infraction for having a chat. Johnston: This is going on the record and we're on the clock. We have to be professional. Chudley: Professional? In my fucking mini cooper? It's my car, my rules. Remember that our cover is being ourselves. Just Greg and his friend Maria filling up on gas. Johnston: (sighs) I guess you're right. I just want to do well on my first field assignment. Chudley: Relax, you'll do fine. I mean, you're only here to babysit me, right? Johnston: Babysit you? Don't be absurd. Chudley: You don't need two people to investigate a freaking gas station. Richter doesn't trust me, that's why she had you tag along. Johnston: Well you've been consistently late to meetings, and you broke a shipment of glassware you were supposed to bring to my lab- fuck! [Johnston turns to look out the window and then faces the camera.] Johnston: You just ran a red light! Chudley: Did I? I think that's subjective. Johnston: I literally watched you do it. Chudley: Wasn't on video. No evidence. plus we're here. Get switched over to the body cams. [The feed goes dark for a moment but the audio is still picked up.] Chudley: I'll get the car filled up with gas. You go interview some of the other customers. Once I'm filled up, I'm going to go order my Mozzarella sticks as an excuse to chat up one of the -1s. [The feed returns now showing footage from Chudley's body cam.] Johnston: Wait… you're telling me the Mozzarella sticks bit had a purpose? Chudley: Twofold, my dear Johnston. Gets our job done and fills my stomach. Did you expect me to not have a plan ready? Johnston: Yes? Chudley: For shame. Let's go. [Chudley pops the gas cap and leaves the car. He reaches into his pocket for his credit card and placed it into the pump before selecting his gas type.] Chudley: 2.20! That's a steal! Female Voice: Of course it is! Here at Horton's Corner, we strive for the best prices in the country! [The camera swings to the left as Chudley is heard making a surprised exclamation. There is a female instance of SCP-7970-1 standing there in a red Horton's Corner uniform holding a tablet.] Chudley: D-don't sneak up on me like that. Miss- Shelly: Shelly Porter! Pleased to meetcha! What brings you to Horton's Corner? [Chudley is seen placing the pump into his vehicle] Chudley: Me and my friend are here for some cheap gas and some good food. Shelly: Well we gots plenty! As we say at Horton's Corner, Whereever you are, Horton hears you! Wouldja also like to join our rewards program? Chudley: I would, actually. Could you tell me about that? Shelly: Sure thing! Our rewards program gives 10 points for every dollar that'cha spend. Once you hit certain thresholds you go up in tier. Bronze tier is at 1000, Silver Tier is at 5000, and Gold tier is at 10,000. Our Bronze tier customers get 5% off all products, Silver gets ya 10% and one free gallon of gas per fill up, and Gold Tier gets you 15% off and one free fill up per month. Plus you get to meet the big man himself, Horton. [The sound of the pump stopping is heard and Chudley hangs it back up.] Chudley: That all sounds pretty good. You can sign my friend and I up. [The instance starts typing on their tablet.] Shelly: Super! I'll just need your name and contact info. Chudley: Alright, that's [EMPLOYEE INFORMATION EXPUNGED] for me. And for my friend Maria, it's [EMPLOYEE INFORMATION EXPUNGED]. Shelly: Alrighty, here are your cards. [The SCP-7970-1 instance pulls two cards from their tablet and hands them to Researcher Chudley.] Chudley: Thank you, have a good day now. Shelly: You too! [The instance walks away as Researcher Johnston moves to the front of the car. Chudley hands her a rewards card and the pair begin moving towards the store.] Chudley: Any luck? Johnston: Nothing of note from the other customers filling up. They're just happy to have Horton's back and, as expected, none of them seem to bat an eye about this place disappearing every two days. Chudley: Not even creeped out by the -1s? Johnston: Someone said one of the workers reminded them of a person they used to know. Speaking of which, did you get a name off that one you were talking to? We never confirmed if any of the -1s were former residents. [The sliding doors to the store open. The inside of Horton's is sparkling and pristine. Rows and rows of foods, drinks, and personal products are visible. Chudley and Johnston walk into the snack aisle and stop. Johnston pulls out her SCiPhone and begins fiddling with it.] Chudley: (quietly) Can you find a Shelly Porter in the registry? Johnston: I'll look, give me a second to run her name. [There is a 30-second pause while they wait.] Johnston: Zero matches. Chudley: Maybe they are just creations of the anomaly then? Regardless, we have a way to get to Horton. Johnston: Right. The rewards program. How much is that gonna cost us? Chudley: We need 10,000 points to get the highest tier. It's 10 points per dollar, so we'll have to spend 1000 dollars each… do you,think we can get the funding for that? Johnston: Ugh, the Site's been low on funds and staffing. I'm barely able to get enough Agar for all of the culturing that Richter wanted done of the local microbiota. Chudley: So, we're broke. Johnston: Pretty much yeah. Well, I'm gonna get started on racking up some points with what I can spend. Chudley: And I'm getting my Mozz. We'll meet back up at the food court. [Johnston nods and Chudley walks into SCP-7970's dining area. He approaches the instance working the counter.] Chudley: How's it going, my man? Can I get two orders of… wait. Is that a chicken sandwich WITH MOZZARELLA STICKS ON IT? I'll take that. SCP-7970-1 Food Worker: Can do, sir. That'll be $4.99 [Chudley hands the instance the card and the camera turns slightly to the nearby wall behind the counter. An employee schedule is seen.] SCP-7970-1 Food Worker: Okay, your order number is 25. Let me go run this to the back. [As the instance leaves, Chudley reaches over the counter and grabs the schedule off of the wall.] Chudley: Thanks man. When did you start working here? [Chudley folds the schedule and places it into his pants pocket.] SCP-7970-1 Food Worker: Oh I've been working since the grand opening. Old Man Horton gave me a new lease on life with this job, I'd do anything to pay him back. [A shattering sound is heard.] Chudley: Hold that thought. I'll be right back. [Chudley moves towards the direction of the sound which leads him to the registers. A woman is seen berating a Female SCP-7970-1 instance behind the counter.] Woman: What do you mean I gotta pay for this! You bumped into me! SCP-7970-1: Ma'am I was nowhere near you. I saw you knock it over and I'm going to kindly request that you pay what you owe. That was a $750 dollar decoration and my boss is going to need you to pay for it. Woman: Listen here, missy! I don't know where you get expecting money out of me but I know the original Horton's would never hire such terrible employees. DO. YOU. UNDER. STAND. MY ENGLISH? [Chudley is heard muttering "white woman moment" in response but the instance appears unaffected by her remarks.] SCP-7970-1: Ma'am if you won't pay for it then we'll have to negotiate your terms of payment. We here at Horton's Corner don't take kindly to rude remarks being made toward our staff. [Two SCP-7970-1 instances come from behind the woman, placing their hands on her shoulders. They tell her to come into the back with them. She refuses and pushes them off of her. The woman then begins yelling at them which prompts several more instances to surround the woman and drag her off kicking and screaming towards a door in the back.] [The instance that had been yelled at walks off. As the commotion subsides, Johnston is seen across the way looking visibly distressed.] [Footage removed for brevity.] [The camera feed has switched back to the camcorder. Johnston and Chudley are sitting quietly in the car. Chudley reaches into his Horton's bag and takes a bite of his sandwich while Johnston cracks open a Mountain Dew Kickstart and took a sip.] Chudley: Wh- what do we do? I-I that woman is gone. She was a total "I'd like to speak to your manager type" and probably had something coming to her but the way they just dragged her off… Johnston: Cover story. We make up a cover story. If she has a family, we let them know she's going to be gone for work… or maybe amnestics? Chudley: Jesus Johnston! I'm not going to be responsible if we make kids forget their own mother! Johnston: That's just a part of the job Chudley! God, give me a second, I'm trying to think. [Johnston is breathing heavily.] Johnston: Let's just drive back to Site-78. We'll explain everything to Director Richter. I'm sure she'll know what to do. Chudley: Yeah… yeah, that sounds good. I also snagged the employee list while I was in there. [Chudley holds up the list where Johnston can see it. Johnston laughs nervously.] Johnston: Aren't you a bag full of surprises? You're alright, Chudley. I think you're alright. [End Recording] Following this expedition, the woman was identified as Mallory Manson, a local school teacher with a husband and two children. A cover story was developed to explain her absence to her family and any witnesses of the incident were amnesticized. Due to the possibility of SCP-7970-1 instances abducting local civilians, Director Richter approved seven hundred dollars worth of funds each for Researchers Johnston and Chudley to move forward in SCP-7970's rewards program. Once they had achieved the necessary requirements an appointment was set to meet with SCP-7970-2 at the SCP-7970 location. Addendum 7970.03: Expedition Log #2 [Begin Recording. Time Stamp: 2/4/17 15:00] [Researcher Johnston enters the car on the driver's side and buckles her seatbelt. Researcher Chudley is already seated in the passenger's seat with a folder in hand.] Johnston: Keys. [Chudley tosses Johnston the car keys.] Johnston: So, how long before Director Richter finds out you went six hundred dollars over budget to get us both Gold tier? Chudley: Ah, I'd give it… Mmmm, forty-eight hours? That's at least when these tapes will get uploaded to SCiP.net. I'm sure it'll be fine though. We'll have cracked the anomaly by then and she'll be patting us on the back. I mean, she wasn't seriously expecting us to just come up with 300 dollars ourselves in such a short timespan. Not on our wages. Johnston: Wait, how much do you make? Chudley: Fifteen an hour. You? Johnston: I make twenty an hour. Chudley: Wait what the hell? You make more than me? What kind of wage gap bullshit is this? [Johnston starts the car.] Johnston: I think it makes sense, Pataphysics isn't even real science. Chudley: Yes it is! Johnston: No it's not, how do you quantify something like "Headcanon energy" or "meme particles"? Neither of those words is in the bible. Chudley: Well, that's because an unseen hand of a writer is guiding you to believe so… or at least theoretically. Johnston: Those theories are nonsense. Next you're gonna tell me the Noosphere exists. Now shut your goofy ass up and get me a Mountain Dew. [Chudley reaches into the backseat, which is filled with a variety of snack items. He procures a Mountain Dew for Johnston, who opens it and takes a sip before placing it in the cupholder. She puts the car in reverse and leaves from the Site-78 Parking lot.] Chudley: Someone's a little cranky without their caffeine. Johnston: God knows I need it. Anyway, you said you had something to tell me? Chudley: I think I found out where Horton is getting all of his employees. We were looking in the wrong place. Johnston: Hmm? Site-78 has pretty detailed records of Chugwater's populace from Richter's anthropological studies. I wouldn't think that she missed anyone in this tiny town. Chudley: Well that's because Richter was only looking at LIVING people. Anyone who died before Site-78's founding wouldn't have been documented. Or travelers for that matter. Johnston: So, they're Spectral Entities then? Is that what you're getting at? Chudley: Or clones? I went over the whole employee list I stole and every one of them came back with a news headline of their death or an obituary. The kid who died in the original Horton's fire is working at the new one. The girl who helped me fill up- Shelly- died in a car accident in 2005. The main throughline seems to be that all of them died in transportation-related accidents. Johnston: That's terrible… but it would explain the passing familiarity some of the customers had with the employees. Especially if their deaths were long ago. Your first thought isn't usually, 'Is X back from the dead?' Chudley: But the same names though? I'm surprised there haven't been any incidents involving that. Johnston: A couple more questions to ask then. [18:10] [The feed has switched to Chudley's body cam. The car is parked in front of SCP-7970 and Chudley proceeds to get out of the car. He heads inside with Johnston and the pair approach the register where an SCP-7970-1 instance resembling Mallory Manson was working the counter.] SCP-7970-1: Hello! Weclome to Hortons! Wherever you are, we hear you! How my I help you? Chudley: Uhhh, Mallory? SCP-7970-1: That's my name! Do I know you? Chudley: You don't but… you teach my cousin over at Chugwater Elementary. What are you doing working here? SCP-7970-1: Well, silly old me went and broke something in the store. Plus, I said some very unkind things to an employee. Horton was not very happy with me so he gave me a job and told me to work it off! Johnston: But you have kids! Surely they want to see their mom again. SCP-7970-1: If they want to see their momma they can come to Horton's anytime and buy some of our lovely snacks. Now is there anything I can help you with? Chudley: …Yeah. We have a meeting with Horton. We're Gold-tier members. SCP-7970-1: Oh, super valuable customers! You can go through those doors just over there. Be sure to knock before entering! Johnston: Thank you ma'am, we'll be on our way. [Johnston and Chudley walk away from the counter and towards the doors they were directed to.] Johnston: Hey, nice little bit of quick thinking with that little cover story about the cousin. You're getting pretty good at this. Chudley: Would it surprise you if I said lying comes easy to me? Johnston: Nope. [Johnston holds the door open for Chudley and the pair went down a hallway to a set of mahogany doors. Johnston knocks on the door and a voice is heard saying: "Come in!". Inside of the office, a man sits behind a desk. He is wearing a large tophat and holding a lit cigar. He appears to be in his mid-40s with gray hair and a long handlebar mustache.] Horton: Howdy! I'm Horton, owner of Horton's Corner! Wherever you are, I hear requests! Sit down and take a load off. [Johnston and Chudley take a seat in front of his desk.] Johnston: Mr. Horton, I'm glad you could meet with us. We represent a company that's very interested in your business. Horton: Ah. I figured you two weren't just mozzarella stick connoisseurs! Well, I'm all ears. It's the best I can do to pay back all your support. Chudley: You were watching us? Horton: 'Course I was! I keep track of all my customers. I listen to all the woes and gripes of the men and women of Chugwater and try to make this a better place for them to live. Johnston: I think that gets to the crux of my first question: what exactly are you Mr. Horton? Horton: Ain't it obvious? I'm the soul of Horton's Corner! Johnston: I know that but- Chudley: I think he means literally, think about what we know about the workers. Johnston: But- wh- gas stations aren't living. They can't have souls. Horton: You are partially right. Big franchise gas stations like BP and Exxon gave up their souls a long time ago. But us small-town gas stations do have soul! Now, mine was released when the old Horton's went tits up five years ago but I came back! Chudley: Why come back though? What does a gas station want? Horton: I saw big business eyeing up Chugwater. They were ready to price gouge you on gas by monopolizing this here town and I couldn't just stand by and let it happen! I had to bring Horton's back to do what I was put on this earth to do, provide people with gas and groceries! Johnston: What about your staff? How did you convince their souls to work for you? Horton: With excellent benefits and good pay of course! I felt bad all of them met such a terrible end in various automotive accidents, so I offered them a chance to give back to the community they once lived in. Chudley: That's great and all but what about Mallory? Horton: What about Mallory? Chudley: You're forcing her to work for you against her will. You can't just manipulate her like that. She has kids. Horton: She should have thought about that before breaking one of my displays and making rude remarks toward my staff. Ghosts are hard to come by for hiring opportunities. It's easier to get some of the community's worst off the street and make them give back to it instead. Johnston: Neither of us is going to argue that Mallory was unpleasant and a little racist. But we can't have you abducting people off the street. Our organization works to make sure that the public doesn't know about things outside the realm of normalcy. This town needs gas. We need gas, so we want to keep you operating. However, it's hard to make people think you're a normal gas station if you keep abducting people. Horton: Well I'm sorry miss, but with all the business I gotta keep a full staff. Unless you have a solution for me, I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing to keep profits flowin'. Chudley: Just one second, sir. I need to discuss something with my partner here. [Chudley and Johnston get up and move to the corner of the room.] Chudley: (Whispering) Johnston, what if we gave him Level IV Class-D2 instead? It's better than him taking innocent civilians. Johnston: (Whispering) I'll have to ask Director Richter. Neither of us has clearance to make that call. [The pair return to their seats.] Johnston: I'll need a moment to confirm something with our boss. Mind if I call? Horton: Go ahead! I got all day when it comes to business. [The room is quiet as Johnston is heard taking out her SCiP phone, dialing and speaking with Director Richter.] Johnston: Chudley. She knows you went over budget and you are being assigned to a week's shift in Acroamatic Abatement3. Chudley: Tell her that I will give her a bag of Chili Cheese Fritos if that would make up for it. [There is indecipherable whispering heard.] Johnston: She will take the Fritos but you're still on Abatement duty. Chudley: Fuck. Johnston: Back on topic, she says that she would be willing to provide you with new staff. In return, you are to stop making your store disappear in front of civilians and all Foundation Personnel are to be given Bronze Tier status at your establishment. Horton: I can modify closing procedures if you think it'll help protect the business but I can't just give out free rewards like that. It defeats the purpose of the system! [More indecipherable phone talk is heard.] Johnston: We'll buy rations from you if you can get them and you can cater any staff events we have. Sound like a deal? Horton: Field rations? That I can acquire. You're speaking my language now. I think I can take that deal. And as a gesture of friendship, perhaps I could let you know if any strange persons come on my property. [Johnston is heard hanging up her SCiP phone.] Johnston: Excellent. Our Foundation thanks you for being able to come to an agreement. If you would release Mallory from her employment we can get you a replacement in the next 24 hours. Horton: Sounds like a plan to me. If that is all, good day to both of you. Something tells me your Foundation and my business will be good partners moving forward. [End Recording.] Addendum 7970.04: Correspondence between Site-78 Director Richter and SCPF Midwest Oversight Committee To: Site-78 Director Leah Richter From: Secretary Kaibert Samson Hello, Director Richter. We've received your recent filing of SCP-7970 and an associated agreement you've made with this anomaly. O5-11 has expressed concern with the Conscientia Class designation as well as the containment procedures associated with it. It appears to us that this anomaly could have been contained via the use of SRAs, sufficient barricading, and jamming of its GPS Signal. We expect a justification for your actions in a week's time. To: Secretary Kaibert Samson From: Site-78 Director Leah Richter As I may remind the Midwest committee that this godforsaken town only has one Gas Station and Grocery store and it's SCP-7970. Asking us to contain it simply is a waste of resources and a damper on our only lifeline. You've read my studies. You should know that Chugwater is a little different compared to other locales, and thus a different approach is required. We'll lose a couple of troublesome D-Class for a few months but eh, such is the business. I hope that is a sufficient explanation for O5-11. If they don't believe me they are free to come down to Chugwater to see themselves. I'd recommend the Mozzarella sticks, they are quite good. Director Leah Richter Site-78 For The Betterment of Humanity « SCP-7969 | SCP-7970 | SCP-7971 » Footnotes 1. Cited from Richter, et al. 2014 On the Subject of Normalcy: The Oddities of the Population of Chugwater 2. Class-D who are highly dangerous, and have a history of continued non-compliance. 3. Anomalous waste disposal.
Item #: SCP-7971 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7971 instances are to be monitored through a dedicated financial tracking system maintained by Foundation accountants. Any individual identified as being overdue on taxes and at risk of SCP-7971 manifestation must be immediately located and the outstanding tax debt paid in full. All Foundation personnel are required to comply with tax regulations to avoid attracting SCP-7971 instances. Description: SCP-7971 collectively refers to a group of anomalous entities resembling agents of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in appearance and behavior. Physical appearance varies, although all instances appear to be wearing a black suit and trousers1. Instances of SCP-7971 manifest when an individual is significantly overdue on their taxes. These entities exhibit extreme hostility towards the targeted individual, pursuing them relentlessly until the outstanding tax debt is paid. SCP-7971 instances possess reality-bending capabilities that allow them to bypass conventional means of containment. They can materialize in any location, regardless of security measures in place. Their primary objective is to seize and drain the bank accounts of the delinquent individual through anomalous means, leading to financial ruin and often resulting in the death of the individual. The manifestation of SCP-7971 is accompanied by auditory hallucinations resembling tax-related warnings and notices. Victims commonly report hearing phrases such as "Tax evasion is a serious crime" and "IRS agents are on their way." Research is ongoing to develop countermeasures against SCP-7971 manifestations, including exploring the feasibility of utilizing anomalous and automated accounting practices to satisfy their criteria without causing harm to the affected individuals. Addendum 7971-01: Incident Log SCP-7971 instances were first encountered following an incident involving Mr. ███████, a tax delinquent who failed to pay his outstanding taxes for several years. SCP-7971 manifested at Mr. ███████'s residence, displaying a relentless pursuit. Despite the Foundation's efforts to intervene, conventional weaponry proved ineffective against SCP-7971. Upon payment of the overdue taxes by Foundation personnel, SCP-7971 instances dematerialized. However, subsequent investigation revealed that Mr. ███████ suffered severe psychological trauma and financial depletion. Addendum 7971-02: Unexplained Phenomena SCP-7971 instances have been observed employing unconventional methods to locate tax evaders, including the ability to decipher encrypted financial information and anticipate attempts to conceal assets. Investigations are ongoing to understand the full extent of SCP-7971's capabilities. Footnotes 1. The "clothing appears to be fused on the entire body of SCP-7971 « SCP-7970 | SCP-7971 | SCP-7972 »
Interior shot of SCP-7972 showing no deviations from a modular family home. Item #: SCP-7972 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7972 has been relocated whole from its original location in █████████████, Florida, to the Site-17 Alpha-187 Large Items Repository. Motion detectors have been installed in each room of SCP-7972. Autonomous activation is not expected. Requests for testing or transfer should be directed to Dr. Michael Pedersen Jr., Site-17 Department of Psychology, Early Childhood Welfare Division. Description: SCP-7972 designates a two-storey, four-bedroom modular home constructed by the Bensonwood Company in 1974. Its interior contains appliances and furniture appropriate in type and number for a single-family home in the early 1980s. Furnishings exhibit minor wear consistent with roughly a decade of occupation. While the Bensonwood Company has records of 1,321 sales of modular homes to █████████████, Florida, no records of a purchase at SCP-7972's original address have been found. The plot of land originally occupied by the home remains unsold as per █████████████ property records1. Appliances found in the home exhibit multiple irregularities from their manufactured forms: Each of the ██ ceiling-mounted light fixtures in the home contains a General Electric-branded incandescent A19 60W light bulb (model no. BE49X12) manufactured in the continental United States sometime between 1982 and 1984. The filament has been replaced with a thick strand of copper wire threaded through with three or four human phalangeal bones. Application of electric current initiates combustion of the makeshift filament via an unknown mechanism. When lit, the bones are observed to bend and twitch against the bulb glass due to thermal expansion of the wire. Each of the ██ toasters in the home is a Black & Decker-branded extra-wide slot 4-slice electric toaster (model no. TR00573) manufactured in the continental United States sometime between 1982 and 1984. Eight strands of copper wire have been crudely welded to the heating grilles of each toaster along which two or three human phalangeal bones have been threaded. When heated, the bones produce an audible scraping against the aluminum back plate due to thermal expansion of the wire. Each of the ██ hair dryers in the home is a Major International-branded electric hair dryer (model no. 12804) manufactured in the continental United States sometime between 1982 and 1984. Unscrewing the casing reveals that each individual blade of the fan mechanism has been replaced with two to three human phalangeal bones strung along a strand of copper wire. Standard operation causes the bones to curl around the heating element of the unit repeatedly due to thermal expansion of the wires. Each of the above appliances is connected to one of 24 live electrical outlets in the home via ███ concatenated American Electronics powerstrips (model no. A-150A5) manufactured in the continental United States sometime between 1982 and 1984. Examination of the plugs of each powerstrip reveals that each of the conductive prongs have been replaced ████████████████████ extending into the drywall. Continuous operation ████████████████████████████████████ odour, likely due to thermal expansion of the plastic. 59.64% of identified DNA fragments recovered from SCP-7972 originate from individuals who had received reconstructive orthopedic care at the Miami Valley Teaching Hospital between 1982 and 1986. None could recall the circumstances of their injuries. However, video analysis of phalangeal movements within SCP-7972 suggest behavioural patterns not incompatible with the ██████████ of human subjects between the ages of ████████6. X is for "Xing" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub Z is for “Ziggurat” Footnotes 1. This was not unusual as similar discrepancies were also noted for 16 additional unoccupied Bensonwood homes located in █████████████, Florida. 2. c.f. United States Consumer Product Safety Comission (USCPSC) recall #82-053, dated 17/08/1982. 3. c.f. USCPSC recall #83-023, dated 06/04/1983. 4. c.f. USCPSC recall #83-140, dated 22/11/1983. 5. c.f. USCPSC recall #84-251, dated 13/10/1984. 6. c.f. Pedersen, 1995a. « SCP-7971 | SCP-7972 | SCP-7973 »
A 20-sided die or D20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 « SCP-7973 | SCP-7974 | SCP-7975 »
SYTYCFanon SCP-7975 - The Chugwater Frogman For more stories in my verse check here Item#: 7975 Level3 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-78 Leah Richter Reginald Whitlock Gamma-4 ("Green Stags") A Boreal Chorus Frog, a species closely resembling SCP-7975. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7975 is to be kept within a temperature-controlled containment chamber designed after a reptilian/amphibian habitat. SCP-7975's daily diet shall consist of three Stouffers TV dinners and a pound of fried flies. In addition, they are allowed one pack of menthol cigarettes per week. One lawn chair and one 4K Smart TV with cable access are to be given for recreational purposes. Foundation webcrawlers are to respond to postings of pictures and videos of SCP-7975 to discredit them as hoaxes, men in costumes, or iguanas. Any direct witnesses to SCP-7975's activity are to be questioned and amnesticized. Description: SCP-7975 is the designation given to an amphibious biped resembling a member of Pseudacris maculata1. SCP-7975 stands 1.7 meters tall and weighs 55kg. Its appearance resembles that of a frog with limb proportions similar to that of a human being. SCP-7975's internal biology resembles a non-anomalous frog but scaled up to match its current size. Unlike its amphibian cousins, SCP-7975 displays an intense desire for frozen human foods such as TV Dinners and Pizzas, often resorting to theft from local supermarkets to satisfy this craving. SCP-7975 also displays a propensity for speech, speaking in a midwestern accent despite it not having the proper vocal apparatus to do so. SCP-7975 is believed to be responsible for the myth of the "Chugwater Frogman", a creature designated as a "Cryptid" by Wyoming inhabitants and forming a part of the local folklore. SCP-7975 claims to be only 26 years old contradicting the earliest sighting. At this time it is unknown if there are multiple instances of SCP-7975 or if SCP-7975 is simply misremembering its own age. History: The Chugwater Frogman was first believed to have been spotted in 1970 by a man named Chuck Winchester on a road leading out of Chugwater, Wyoming. Chuck claims to have spoken with the Frogman, who was trying to catch insects by a lamp post, and offered them a cigarette before leaving them be. Chuck's story quickly spread throughout the small town and became a local legend, prompting businesses and tourism industries to take advantage and sell merchandise and offer a chance to potentially see the mysterious frogman. Despite attention from "Cryptid hunters" in state and out of state, sightings were very rare with only three per year, low enough to the point where Foundation Cryptozoologists deemed the sightings to be nothing more than a hoax. Discovery: In 2022, Foundation Site-78 had developed a hypothesis that the world was experiencing a surge of activity in it's Cryptobiome2, believed to be connected to a greater anomalous event. This increase in activity was marked by a growth in populations of Parafauna and more discoveries of new species in the past ten years. In addition, sightings of SCP-7975 became more frequent and increasingly public Site-78's newly established Cryptozoology Department3 under Dr. Whitlock began investigating these new sightings. From pictures and videos being posted online, Dr. Whitlock theorized that SCP-7975 was not a hoax or a myth, but rather a new species of parafauna. A list of documented sightings can be found below. Date Details 12/01/2022 At 1:00am, Kimberly Montoya (35) owner of a local CVS came out from her office to find SCP-7975 stealing Menthol Cigarettes and gum from behind the register. Montoya proceeded to call the authorities and chase SCP-7975 from the store. SCP-7975 had left the premises by the time the police arrived and subsequent inventory of the store had shown that SCP-7975 had stolen several TV dinners as well. The incident was caught on the security cameras but Foundation personnel in the area were able to scrub the footage and Montoya was subsequently amnesticized. 19/02/2022 SCP-7975 was recorded at Chugwater Strip club with at least 4,000 dollars in US singles. When questioned SCP-7975 answered that it had obtained the money from "A suitcase that had floated downriver". SCP-7975 then proceeded to order as many dances as possible and was recorded on phone video by several customers. The female dancers interviewed by Foundation personnel stated that SCP-7975 was their best customer and noted that he kept requesting that they "Throw that ass back, froggy style." They didn't quite understand this request but proceeded to act like frogs for them as long as he would pay. SCP-7975 left the establishment after spending all of the money. All patrons were later amnesticized. 28/04/2022 SCP-7975 appeared on a Snapchat video taken by Andrew Kino (21) in the breakroom of a Weed dispensary. SCP-7975 was visibly inebriated and talking philosophically about his anomalous nature as a Frogman. Foundation webcrawlers subsequently had the story taken down and the workers of the dispensary were amnesticized. On June 8th 2022, Cryptozoological investigators were able to triangulate the location of SCP-7975's home by cross referencing previous sightings with large sources of water and caves where he could potentially be hiding. MTF Gamma-4 was deployed with tranquilizers and net guns to (5) different cave systems, eventually finding one with a lake inside of it and several amenities nearby. These included a generator, minifridge, microwave, television, cigarettes, and a lawn chair. SCP-7975 came up from the water moments after MTF Gamma-4's arrival and was verbally hostile to the MTF who attempted to reason with the anomaly to come with them. SCP-7975 refused and brandished a Glock-17 at the MTF who subsequently tranquilized and netted it after SCP-7975's Glock misfired. SCP-7975 was then detained in the Cryptozoological Department's Amphibian wing with amenities provided after SCP-7975 showed a willingness to cooperate with research staff. Addendum 7975.01: Interview with SCP-7975 The following interview was performed by Dr. Whitlock and supervised by Researcher Maria Johnston of Parabiological Sciences. As this was Dr. Whitlock's first anomaly contained at Site-78, Site Director Richter requested an observer be present to see how he handled sentient anomalies. Johnston: Stating my name for the record, Maria Johnston head of Parabiological Sciences and Arms + Equipment. With me today is the head of Cryptozoology, Dr. Reginald- Whitlock: Excuse me, Ms. Johnston. I'd like to be referred on the record as Reggie. Johnston: Wh-what? Standard Site-78 protocol for video logs is that you have to say your… preferred name. Alright I guess that's okay. Reggie: Thank you for the respect, young lady. Now, SCP-7975. I'm sure this has been a bit of a harrowing experience for you being ripped from your home.Johnston: 7975, this isn't a hotel. You are in containment, like a zoo but without the people. You aren't allowed to leave.Johnston: That's not- Reggie: What Johnston was trying to say, my friend, is that if you would like us to enrich your habitat that there needs to be a bit of give and take. You answer our questions and we'll see if we can get you some TV dinners. I understand that the usual frog food isn't enough.[SCP-7975 attempts to flex its abs but nothing shows through it's blubbery gut.] Reggie: How old are you?Reggie: According to our records, you've been around for 46 years. There's about a 20 year gap there.Johnston: Are there more like you? Where are your parents? Do you have siblings?Reggie: But someone had to lay your egg, were you ever a tadpole?Reggie: Gary… hmmm. Moving on, did you perhaps fall into a temporal sink between now and 1970? Perhaps there was a reality shift or… a cosmic realignment. Why did your activity seem to increase now? Johnston: Doctor- Reggie: Reggie. No titles. Johnston: Reggie, what does any of that have to do with-Reggie: Hmm, that does confirm your theory, Johnston. I wonder if Jersey Devils follow a similar behavior… I'm also inclined to ask 7975, where did you acquire a gun?[There is a moment of silence.] Reggie: Are you going to answer?Johnston: No, that's actually quite concerning. Reggie: I personally want to know more about that briefcase you mentioned. It wouldn't happen to belong to D.B. Cooper… would it?Reggie: I knew it! I knew he was out there somewhere! SCP-7975, you have to tell us about anything that the government might be hiding from us. Is there anything else strange happening in Chugwater?[SCP-7975 pauses for a moment.][End Recording] Footnotes 1. Boreal Chorus Frog 2. The sum total of all anomalous animals 3. An extension of Site-44's Cryptozoology Divsion. 4. https://youtu.be/qOayXMBCvio « SCP-7974 | SCP-7975 | SCP-7976 »
close Info X Word count- about 4.5k. Critters in the description. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! Mentions of death and mental decline. And pregnancy if that's a trigger for you. Enjoy! +*:ꔫ:*﹤  ﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚ Note: This article was first published on 11/08/1999. It has been edited over the course of two decades with updates on the experimentation of SCP-7977. Please refer to the archived description, containment procedures, and interviews for information. Item #: SCP-7977 Object Class: Neutralized (Formerly Keter) Archived Containment Procedures: - Close SCP-7977 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell in Site-93. Direct interaction with SCP-7977 by assigned personnel is forbidden. Personnel in violation of this policy are to be amnestized and reassigned following their first violation, and promptly replaced. Any writings produced by SCP-7977 are to be copied and stored in Foundation archives. SCP-7977 is to receive prenatal care daily, including ultrasounds from D-Class personnel given the proper medical training. SCP-7977's diet is outlined in the document Standardized Meal Guideline 17-883 Revision 6.3 (Prepartum Health Concerns). SCP-7977 is to be fed via a slot in the wall of its containment cell. Once SCP-7977's children are born, (to be designated SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2), they are to be put in a standard child humanoid containment modified for the cohabitation of two individuals. SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 have been removed from the custody of SCP-7977 and are not to be re-introduced to SCP-7977 under any circumstances. SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 are to be kept in a standard child humanoid containment modified for the cohabitation of two individuals. SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 are to be provided with standard educational and entertainment material, including physical activities. SCP-7977-1 is to be referred to by the name 'Valentine', and SCP-7977-2 is to be referred to by the name 'George' by researchers. Direction interaction between SCP-7977 and SCP-7977-1 or SCP-7977-2 is strictly forbidden. Personnel violating this policy, including medical and educational personnel, are to be amnestized and relocated following their first violation. Special Containment Procedures: See archived containment procedures. Description: SCP-7977 is a 20-year-old human female of European descent with the given name Valerie Ynomes. SCP-7977's anomalous abilities manifest upon perceiving an individual for a long enough period of time. Once it does so, the individual is removed from baseline reality and appears as a character in one of the many fictional works SCP-7977 writes. To prevent this, SCP-7977 must be under the genuine belief that an individual no longer exists once it has perceived someone. It has been concluded that this includes believing that the individual is deceased. Individuals that have already been erased cannot be restored. The only way to keep note of the erased individuals is through SCP-7977's writings, thus why it is allowed to have them. How long an individual has to be perceived to be affected is currently unknown. At the time of initial containment, SCP-7977 is 20 weeks pregnant with twins, one male, one female. Update as of 17/01/2000: SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 refer to two humanoid infant children, birthed from SCP-7977. It is unknown if SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 are anomalous, so they are to remain under Foundation custody until further notice for observation to ensure they do not share or spread the anomalous qualities of SCP-7977. Update as of 20/09/2016: SCP-7977 was a 36-year-old woman named Valerie Ynomes of Caucasian descent. See previous description for anomalous abilities. Addendum-1-Discovery: SCP-7977 was brought to the Foundation's attention when a popular author began to frantically claim the existence of people who never existed. Most of these people she claimed to know were said to be family members or friends of hers. Foundation specialists were brought onto the case, and these claims were investigated. It was found the people claimed to have exist were characters in SCP-7977's novel, and SCP-7977 was brought into Foundation custody shortly after. Addendum-2-Initial-Containment-Log: SCP-7977 was initially contained on 9/08/1999. An introductory interview was conducted shortly after. Following containment, experimentation regarding SCP-7977 began. All testing was conducted using D-class personnel. Interview 9/08/1999 - Close Interviewed: SCP-7977 Interviewer: Researcher Stevens Foreword: An interview was conducted with SCP-7977 upon initial containment. SCP-7977 was asked about its novel, and then the conditions of containment were discussed with it. <Begin Log> Researcher Stevens: Hello Valerie, thank you for being so cooperative with us.Researcher Stevens: No honey, you aren't in trouble. But I'm going to let you know right now that that doctor's appointment won't be happening. Ever.Researcher Stevens: Let's start one thing at a time. So Valerie. How long have you been writing?Researcher Stevens: No, it isn't. I'll cut to the point. We are a Foundation that studies anomalous objects, creatures, people, and other such entities. You Valerie have an anomal-Researcher Stevens: Haven't you noticed something about your stories? The characters, they're all people you've met, aren't they?Researcher Stevens: Well according to all records, your boyfriend never existed. Was his name George?Researcher Stevens: That is currently unknown. But we know that if you perceive someone for too long, they will be erased from baseline reality and wind up in your stories instead.Researcher Stevens: We can't discuss all of that right now. We're going to do some tests to see how we can prevent this from happening.Researcher Stevens: SCP-7977, for the sake of stress not overwhelming you, we're going to let you rest. Please just relax, okay?Researcher Stevens: Thank you. <End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-7977 was brought out of the interview room, and brought to its containment cell to rest. After several days of testing, it was concluded that SCP-7977 needs to be under the genuine belief that an individual it has interacted with no longer exists. The only way to do this in a viable way is to tell it the person has been killed. This was discovered due to a family member of SCP-7977 encountering a fatal car accident, and they were not a victim of SCP-7977's anomaly. SCP-7977 was told anyone who interacted with it will be euthanized. In actuality, no one who interacts with SCP-7977 has been euthanized. As the amount of time SCP-7977's anomaly takes to take effect is inconsistent. Interview 17/08/1999 - Close Interviewed: SCP-7977 Interviewer: Doctor Faith <Begin Log> Doctor Faith: Hello Valerie, how are you feeling?Doctor Faith: About that, Valerie. I didn't want to say it this quickly, but… you know, let me start from the beginning. If you perceive someone for too long, they will exist in one of your stories. Even if you don't write it down. They will exist in an existing story of yours.Doctor Faith: Correct. And yes, we are. We've done extensive testing. In order to protect someone and all memories surrounding them who have interacted with you from being erased… we have to euthanize them. So their memory, in reality, will remain.Doctor Faith: Unfortunately, yes. It is either they die, or they die and none of their loved ones will remember them. And your anomalous traits will continue to affect people. It isn't our preferred solution, but we have found there is no other choice.Doctor Faith: If they aren't now, they will be. And this is where we come to your children. Valerie, I'm so sorry. Doctor Faith: Valerie-Doctor Faith: Now that is a little harsh. But this is because of your anomaly, yes.Doctor Faith: Yes. Unfortunately, my last day here is tomorrow.Doctor Faith: We can't take that chance. I'm sorry.(Doctors rush into the room, quickly sedating SCP-7977.) <End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-7977 was brought back to its containment cell. Addendum-3: For the remainder of its pregnancy, SCP-7977 remained physically normal. However, SCP-7977's mental health steadily declined with each interaction, whereupon it was decided that interaction is to be minimized with SCP-7977. To ease the stress of delivery, SCP-7977 was sedated. Before sedation, SCP-7977 asked if it was allowed to name its children, which was granted. SCP-7977 chose the name 'Valentine' for SCP-7977-1, and 'George' for SCP-7977-2. SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 were delivered via C-Section. After their birth, they were brought to the Foundation infirmary where nursing and observation began. As of 17/01/2000, testing switched focus from SCP-7977 to SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2. SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 were born healthy with no immediately observable health issues. Addendum-4: The following addendum takes place over the course of several decades. Several years of logs have been removed for brevity. A full list is available on request. Documentation of SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 are to be noted under this file. SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 documentation logs - Close 08/02/2000: SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 retain the qualities of typical infants their age. It has been observed both have a large appetite. SCP-7977-1 appears comfortable with being left alone for long periods of time, while SCP-7977-2 requires more attention. 12/07/2000: SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 remain growing at a steady, healthy, and normal pace. SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 have been under the consistent care of child care specialist Harmony Wrethers with no anomalous affects taking place as of current. 17/01/2001: SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 both turned a year old. It was decided a small celebration with dessert would be held for the first birthday of SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 with the repeated caretakers that had been tasked with their care. No abnormal behavior was noted. 15/08/2001: SCP-7977-2 has shown a change in behavior since the removal of Harmony Wrethers from the SCP-7977 project. Upon re-introducing Wrethers to SCP-7977-2, SCP-7977-2 cried significantly less. However, it was determined that SCP-7977-2 needed to be prevented from forming any connections with caretakers due to the nature of the possibly anomalous qualities it may possess. 09/12/2002: It was initially believed SCP-7977-1 and/or SCP-7977-2 had began to show anomalous qualities on 08/12/2001 when SCP-7977's fictional works were reviewed and a character with the name of Researcher Karen Jones was discovered. However, Researcher Jones simply showed up to work late. Upon investigating and an interview with SCP-7977, researchers came to the conclusion this was someone else SCP-7977 had encountered that happened to have the same name as Researcher Jones. [Several years of logs have gone into the comprehensive list of SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 test logs due to little importance being found in them.] Video Log: Date: 04/04/2006 Foreword: The following video log is an observation of the daily behaviors of SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2. <Begin Log> (SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 had just gotten back from class. Upon entering its containment cell, SCP-7977-1 runs over to its bed, and jumps onto it, grabbing a pink stuffed unicorn. SCP-7977-2 walks at a slower pace.) SCP-7977-1: That was cool! We learned about numbers today! SCP-7977-2: (SCP-7977-2 makes it over to a beanbag chair in the corner, sitting down in it.) Yes, I say that's cool. SCP-7977-1: I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Molly! SCP-7977-2: Your stuffed unicorn? SCP-7977-1: Yes! She wasn't in class with us, so I'm telling her what we learned today. SCP-7977-2: But I thought stuffed animals can't speak. They would have teach us that in school! SCP-7977-1: Well if she can or not I don't know! Don't be a… a… I can't think of a word. Uh… meanie! SCP-7977-2: I'm not being a meanie! SCP-7977-1: Yes you are! SCP-7977-2: Because unicorns can't talk? SCP-7977-1: Yes! Come say sorry. SCP-7977-2: Why? SCP-7977-1: Cause! She'll be sad! Say sorry! SCP-7977-2: Fine. I'm sorry Molly. SCP-7977-1: No, come over here. SCP-7977-2: Fine. (SCP-7977-2 stands up, walking over to SCP-7977-1's bed. It sits down on the end, looking at the stuffed toy.) I'm sorry Molly. SCP-7977-1: Yay! She feels better now! SCP-7977-2: (SCP-7977-2 giggles.) You're so silly. I don't get it. SCP-7977-1: I don't get you either. SCP-7977-2: Huh? SCP-7977-1: You only ever want Mrs. Carol. You get sad when you're with someone else. I like people! So many friends! SCP-7977-2: She is nice to me. I miss her. I think when I was a baby there was another nice lady. I don't remember her very well. SCP-7977-1: Well of course you don't! You were a baby! But we're big now. SCP-7977-2: I still feel small though. SCP-7977-1: Only if you let yourself! Can we play now? SCP-7977-2: (SCP-7977-2 laughs.) Sure! <End Log> Afterward: SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 played for several hours before it was meal time. SCP-7977-2's comment alerted researchers to the fact that it still prefers to have the same caretaker as opposed to multiple. 19/02/2008: In a schooling session on 19/02/2010, SCP-7977-1 began to show a particular interest in writing. Due to the nature of SCP-7977's anomaly, Foundation staff are to monitor its writings and behaviors thoroughly and extensively. 04/05/2010: While SCP-7977-1 shows interest in creative subjects such as writing and art, SCP-7977-2 has been found to find more interest in academic subjects such as mathematics and science. SCP-7977-1 is currently the priority in testing. Video Log: Date: 29/05/2010 Foreword: The following video shows SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 being observed in their containment cell. <Begin Log> SCP-7977-1: And today for the assignment, I wrote about marshmallow bunnies in a world of cupcakes! Since those are my favorite sweets! The bunnies were all friends with each other, and they lived in this big open world with lots of people and big houses and- Hey! Are you even listening? (SCP-7977-2 stares distantly at the wall.) SCP-7977-1: I knew it! I knew you weren't listening! (SCP-7977-1 sticks its tongue out). SCP-7977-2: (SCP-7977-2 turns to look at SCP-7977-1.) Sorry. I just noticed we haven't seen Mr. Gerald in a while. SCP-7977-1: That's what this is about? Again? SCP-7977-2: Yeah. Sorry. Your story sounds great it's just… I miss him. SCP-7977-1: Oh. I'm sorry. Do you want me to ask Ms. Garcia if I can read my story to you? She has it right now! It would totally make you feel better. SCP-7977-2: I believe it would, yeah. That's what I wrote about. SCP-7977-1: About my story? SCP-7977-2: No, you dummy. I didn't know about your story. About all the people we don't see anymore. SCP-7977-1: Oh. I… I never really thought much of it you know. I always just thought it was normal. You know, a way to have new friends and family! But I never thought anything was missing like you seem to. SCP-7977-2: What? Nothing is missing. SCP-7977-1: But I thought- SCP-7977-2: I said nothing is missing. I just miss having a familiar face is all. SCP-7977-1: (SCP-7977-1 Pauses.) In my story, the bunnies have families they get to always stay with. SCP-7977-2: Really? SCP-7977-1: Yeah. But the assignment is fiction. So I wrote something not realistic. But… now that I think about it a little bit… SCP-7977-2: A little bit what? SCP-7977-1: Maybe it could be? SCP-7977-2: What? No! You're right that it's only fiction. I know I'm being not realistic. That is nice, but it isn't real life. This is. SCP-7977-1: Is it? SCP-7977-2: Yes. SCP-7977-1: If you're sure. I trust you. But hey. You don't have to worry about all the caretakers not being here. You have me! And I'm what's important, right? (SCP-7977-1 grins). SCP-7977-2: (SCP-7977-2 laughs.) Yeah, you're right. Now you should read me that story. <End Log> Afterward: SCP-7977-1 called for Researcher Saria Garcia and requested for her to bring its story for SCP-7977-2 to read, which was granted. SCP-7977-1 read its story to SCP-7977-2. 10/06/2011: Over the past year, SCP-7977-1 has continued to show a special interest in writing, particularly fictional pieces. While no personnel who have had repeated interactions with SCP-7977-1 have shown up in SCP-7977-1's fictional writings, it has still been determined for safety, repeated interactions with SCP-7977-1 will remain limited. 01/05/2012: SCP-7977-1 has begun to question the normalcy of its environment, while SCP-7977-2 had brought up no such concerns. SCP-7977-1 has attempted to explain its feelings and concerns to SCP-7977-2 who does not share these concerns. 05/09/2012: SCP-7977-1 has begun to produce writings reflecting its feelings of its environment. When it attempted to get SCP-7977-2 to read these writings, SCP-7977-2 expressed no interest. Video Log: Date: 27/07/2012 Foreword: The following video shows SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 being observed in their containment cell during meal time. <Begin Log> (SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-1 are both sitting next to each other at the desk in their containment cell, both eating.) SCP-7977-1: (SCP-7977-1 raises a cut piece of strawberry up to its mouth with its fork, but stops before putting the piece into its mouth.) Hey George. SCP-7977-2: Mhm? SCP-7977-1: You remember like, a few years ago? SCP-7977-2: You're going to have to be more specific. (SCP-7977 lifts a piece of chicken to its mouth, then begins to eat it.) SCP-7977-1: You're the one that didn't let me finish. SCP-7977-2: It didn't sound like you were going to say more. SCP-7977-1: Well I was! Anyways! I remember you used to care more about the fact that we had consistent caretakers. But you don't really care anymore. Why? SCP-7977-2: I don't know. I guess I just realized you were right. SCP-7977-1: Right? About what? SCP-7977-2: That what I wanted was fiction. In the real world, people are constantly replaced. I was being ridiculous. SCP-7977-1: (SCP-7977-1 puts its fork down, then pushes its plate away.) What? No, you weren't. I realize I was the one being ridiculous. I mean… you're right. George, I've tried to tell you things are weird here, but you never listen. I've always dreamed of something greater than… this. And I want you to be part of it with me. Why don't you want that too? SCP-7977-2: Because I was stupid for ever wanting anything different. I was trying to live in fiction. But this is reality. SCP-7977-1: You haven't noticed things are weird since then? I mean everyone in those stories we read… they have real parents. Haven't you realized we've never met our real mom or dad? SCP-7977-2: Val, that's fiction. I doubt we even have one. SCP-7977-1: What? Of course we do! That's how science works meathead! We've learned about reproduction! We have got to have real parents! SCP-7977-2: Well if we do, I don't care to learn about them. SCP-7977-1: Why? SCP-7977-2: I really don't feel like getting into this. But the short answer, it's not worth it. SCP-7977-1: What? Of course it is! We could actually meet them! Learn where we came from! SCP-7977-2: Valentine, this conversation is over. SCP-7977-1: Fine. I want to get to dessert anyways. (SCP-7977-1 sighs.) <End Log> Afterward: SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 continued eating in silence. Incident Log: Foreword: On 11/08/2014, SCP-7977 began to have a fight that quickly escalated. It was initially decided to only observe with no interference. The following is a video log of the incident. <Begin Log> (SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 are in their containment cell. SCP-7977-2 is currently working on a puzzle, while SCP-7977-1 is currently writing.) SCP-7977-1: Hey George, can I ask you something? SCP-7977-2: Is this going to be the same question you always ask? SCP-7977-1: Maybe? SCP-7977-2: (Sighs.) I told you Val, I'm not interested in having this conversation. You always try to get me to look at your writings and your notes, and I never care. SCP-7977-1: And I say that's not fair. Part of our assignment in class is to review each other's writings! SCP-7977-2: These are your personal writings. They aren't for class. Therefore, not interested. SCP-7977-1: Oh come on George. What's the problem? SCP-7977-2: The problem is that you're trying to convince me there is something wrong with our life. I'm fine with our life. Why on earth would anything be off? SCP-7977-1: Maybe if you just read it you'd understand! I know we've never known anything different, but doesn't something about all these strict rules seem off to you? No one in any stories we read lives like we do! SCP-7977-2: That's because they're fiction- SCP-7977-1: Our lives are like fiction! I don't understand how you don't see that! I've been trying to tell you this for years. (SCP-7977-1 stands up, walking over to SCP-7977-2. It kneels on the ground next to SCP-7977-2.) Honestly George. I think you're just trying to deny something you know is true. They're keeping us here, and there's got to be a reason. Do you think something is wrong with us? SCP-7977-2: We didn't do anything wrong. Personally, I like the close quarters. We get lots of attention. SCP-7977-1: That's all you have to say? That's all you care about! That you get attention! SCP-7977-2: It's not attention Valentine, it's feeling secure! So what if this isn't normal to be surrounded by doctors or whatever. Fine, it's a little weird. But I don't care. If they are keeping us here, I'm sure there is a reason. SCP-7977-1: (SCP-7977-1 stands up kicking the puzzle SCP-7977-2 was working on.) Ugh! You're so annoying! SCP-7977-2: Hey! SCP-7977-1: What if I'm right?! We could get out of here and finally live real lives! We could tell everyone about what's happened to us! And to our real mom- SCP-7977-2: Oh not this again. You always bring up our real parents. I'm sure they're both dead! (SCP-7977-2 starts to clean up its puzzle.) SCP-7977-1: (SCP-7977-1 Gasps.) What is wrong with you!? You've just given up on having a normal life? SCP-7977-2: Pretty much, yeah. I'm telling you, Valentine, it's not worth it. I think you just want a good story to write. SCP-7977-1: How dare you! (SCP-7977-1 interrupts SCP-7977-2, starting to throw the puzzle pieces across the room.) SCP-7977-2: (SCP-7977-2 shoves SCP-7977-1 to the floor.) Valentine you're going crazy! Just stop, okay?! I don't want to deal with you! You know what? (SCP-7977-2 runs over the SCP-7977-1's bed, grabbing its writing. It quickly tears them to pieces, throwing them to the floor.) SCP-7977-1: (SCP-7977-1 screams, pushing itself up from the floor. It runs over to where the pieces of the writings had fallen on the floor, beginning to collect them.) I can't believe you! You're such a jerk! SCP-7977-2: Me?! I'm the jerk? It's you who has allowed yourself to go crazy! I just want to be a normal teenager! As normal as I can be without having to worry about the fact that my life isn't normal! SCP-7977-1: (SCP-7977-1 looks up at SCP-7977-2.) We could. If you would just listen to me. SCP-7977-2: (SCP-7977-2 continues to pick up puzzle pieces from the floor.) Just like I've told you for years, you're delusional if you think you're capable of stopping this. (SCP-7977 walks over to its bed, sitting down.) (SCP-7977-1 looks down at the torn sheets of paper, sighing.) <End Log> Afterward: It was decided that SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 would be separated for a couple of days to allow them each to calm down. SCP-7977-1 expressing concern of the normalcy of its environment was not deemed a security threat. On 20/09/2016, SCP-7977 passed away at the age of 36 due to complications from Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, a condition it had suffered for years. Video Log: Date: 27/09/2016 Foreword: The following video shows SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 being observed in their containment cell. SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 had been distant from each other for approximately two years. Researchers noticed that SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 had finally begun to interact with each other more steadily again. <Begin Log> (SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 were each on their beds, sitting in silence.) SCP-7977-2: Hey Val? SCP-7977-1: Yeah? SCP-7977-2: I'm sorry. SCP-7977-1: Sorry, for what? SCP-7977-2: For not believing you. About this. About all of this. You're right. I'm just trying to ignore the fact that I know things are weird. SCP-7977-1: (A small smile formed on SCP-7977-1's face.) Really? SCP-7977-2: Yes. I… I always really liked your stories of freedom. Of having a family. A real family. I never should've let my dreams of that be pushed away. In reality, none of these people really care about us though. So it isn't worth trying to form any connection. SCP-7977-1: But if we got out- SCP-7977-2: Valentine, I need you to give up on that dream. We're never going anywhere. Whatever they have us here for is serious. To be honest, I wish they'd just tell us. We've already figured it out. Or well, you did. SCP-7977-1: If we can't get out, what's the point of any of this? SCP-7977-2: I'm not sure. But if there is one thing I know, it's that we don't need a real family. Because we already have one. I know it's corny, but we have each other. And we always will. SCP-7977-1: (SCP-7977-1 laughs.) It is corny. It's corny as hell. But I suppose it's true. SCP-7977-2: So… what now? SCP-7977-1: Well for right now, we complete a puzzle! SCP-7977-2: Don't you hate puzzles? SCP-7977-1: Yes. But you don't! And families should do things together, right? SCP-7977-2: (SCP-7977-2 laughs.) I suppose that's true. Now come on, I've got one with puppies. SCP-7977-1: Puppies! SCP-7977-2: Gosh, you're such a child. I love it. <End Log> Afterward: SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 complete a puzzle together, talking the whole time. 25/10/2018: Foundation researchers have been discussing the future of SCP-7977-1 the SCP-7977-2. Many researchers have determined that since no anomalous properties have taken place, it is unlikely they will. After much discussion between researchers and Foundation staff, on 30/01/2019, it was decided that it would be too dangerous to release SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 due to the risk of them becoming anomalous later in life. Due to SCP-7977-1's artistic interests, and SCP-7977-2's academic expertise, it was determined that SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 would be delivered amnestics and mnestics and taken on as Foundation agents, starting as Junior Researchers. SCP-7977-1 would take on the identity of Nora Flates, while SCP-7977-2 would take on the identity of Zack Flates. SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2 will remain under Foundation supervision. Addendum-5-Letters: On 13/05/2022, SCP-7977-1 and SCP-7977-2, under the identities of Nora and Zack Flates, were asked to write letters to their past selves under the guise of a Junior Researcher assignment. The real reason was to see if the false memories were working as intended. The following is SCP-7977-1's letter. Dear Past Nora, If you were really reading this, you wouldn't believe me, but it's me! Future you! Can you believe they allowed us to do this as an assignment? I know, it didn't make much sense to me either. It's crazy life has led up to this point. When you were younger, you were more of a math whiz. Or well, you are. But now that's Zack's thing. Mom and Dad always told you you'd amount to something great. And you did. You may not feel like it now, but you're going to make it. You feel sad a lot. Because while you have a lot of friends, it's empty somehow. You're unsure how, it just is. But you have Zack. And now you're doing this together. He always thought he'd amount to nothing. Please tell him he's wrong. He needs to know he's wrong. So today, you get to work on writing SCP files. Or, I do. I did great on my last one. You always wanted to write when you were younger. Why… Why do I keep talking about all this? I'm not sure. I think I'd rather focus on now. So um… you focus on the past, and I'll focus on my life now. Sound good? -Future Nora « SCP-7976 | SCP-7977 | SCP-7978 »
WARNING This document contains multiple ALPTRAUM-class infohazards. For your safety, it is required that you read the following countermeme before you proceed. Countermeme 29-VEGETABILIS-PUER If I saw an ickle mousey sitting lonely on the road, I would take him to his housey where he lives with Mrs. Toad. He could get there on his own, of course, but I don't trust his wit, AND I WOULDN'T LIKE A SAUSAGE, MISTER, NOT ONE BIT! NO, I WOULDN'T LIKE A SAUSAGE, MISTER, NOT ONE BIT! There's a spider in a castle. Jolly Carra, that's his name. Carra's life's a bloomin' hassle, yet his days are all the same. He'll protect you for a token fee, and never will he quit, AND I WOULDN'T LIKE A SAUSAGE, MISTER, NOT ONE BIT! NO, I WOULDN'T LIKE A SAUSAGE, MISTER, NOT ONE BIT! Get your sausages away from me! They're feculent at best. They're all stuffed with sea anemone and pickled rooster's crest. This is culinary necromancy. Off with you, ya twit! FOR I WOULDN'T LIKE A SAUSAGE, MISTER, NOT ONE BIT! NO, I WOULDN'T LIKE A SAUSAGE, MISTER, NOT ONE BIT! 29-VEGETABILIS-PUER inoculation confirmed. Biometric link acknowledged. Your vitals are being monitored for potential SCP-7978 infection. Loading scp7978.html… Proceed with caution. SCP-7978-Prime, from the title card of the original YouTube video (which has since been removed) Screenshot from SCP-7978-A-5382 "The Tooth Fairy Will Never Hurt You Again!" Item #: SCP-7978 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Though full containment of SCP-7978 was once theoretically possible, the Foundation was not made aware of its anomalous capabilities until it had affected over 10,000,000 people. As such, containment efforts of SCP-7978 will focus on decreasing the rate of contagion. The mitigation of uncontained SCP-7978-A is carried out through the following measures: Clandestine censorship via Foundation webcrawlers. Countermeme 29-VEGETABILIS-PUER has been preemptively issued to all vulnerable staff.1 Dr. Carl Grodin of Site-59 has volunteered to assume the public persona of "Caleb Grabowsky, Jr.," a fictitious cartoonist claiming to be the creator of SCP-7978. Dr. Grodin claims that he created SCP-7978 "during a very dark time of [his] life" marked by anecdotes of severe trauma and psychological duress. As such, through press releases, social media, copyright litigation, and other platforms he uses his intellectual ownership to have as many uncontained manifestations of SCP-7978-A destroyed as possible. The containment of SCP-7978-Prime. (See Addendum 3) Site-59 maintains a database of the information of all known SCP-7978-B. Locations with a high SCP-7978-B density will be given priority for the previous four points. Currently, 428 civilian buildings have been flagged as gathering points for SCP-7978-B, including secluded compounds of ascetics, convention centers, and every government building in ████████████. These locations are to be monitored closely by double agents. Screenshot from SCP-7978-A-4944, "Sausagia Remembers the R101 Airship Disaster" SCP-7978-C is kept in a standard humanoid containment cell at Site-59. She is currently in a drug-induced coma and should only be awoken if SCP-7978-Prime attempts to breach containment. In this case, she is to be brought to SCP-7978-Prime's containment chamber and maintain contact with SCP-7978-Prime until the situation de-escalates. SCP-7978-Prime is kept in a high-security containment cell on the same floor as SCP-7978-C. When not in use, the workstation containing SCP-7978-Prime should be kept in its lead-lined vault inner vault and removed from its power source. Instruments used to monitor SCP-7978-Prime are to be replaced daily to reduce the possibility of SCP-7978-A corruption. Description: SCP-7978 is a self-propagating memetic pattern that originates from It Is Indeed the Sausageboy!, a cartoon series that first appeared on YouTube on 11/20/2015. The creator of the original cartoon is unknown. While the original was uploaded under the username ██████████████, this was the only video on the user's now-deleted channel. All attempts to trace the user's contact information have turned up corrupted data. All SCP-7978-A thereafter has been created by SCP-7978-B. Everything pertaining to It Is Indeed the Sausageboy! is an ALPTRAUM-class infohazard with a 22% chance of turning an unprotected2 human subject sentient being3 into an instance of SCP-7978-B. SCP-7978-A denotes every concept that relates to the Sausageboy. This includes: The names and descriptions of the five central characters. Descriptions of episodes. Quotes and songs. The word "Sausageboy."4 + Premise & In-Universe Information - WARNING: Heart rate anomaly detected. 48% chance of infection. Remain calm. Turn off your workstation and report to the memetics desk. Premise It Is Indeed the Sausageboy! is set in Sausagia, a geographically impossible country that shares its borders with Switzerland, Poland, Saudi Arabia, and the Caspian Sea. Stories revolve around scatological humor, dadaism, and wildly incorrect mathematics and history lessons for younger viewers. All dialogue is in "Sausagian," an original dialect of English that relies primarily on run-on sentences and bizarre (but technically correct) descriptions of the mundane. Episodes last anywhere from six minutes to four hours. Every episode ends with a title card that displays the moral of the story for "you kidlings who point your eyes at this." Said morals are nonsensical and often dangerous. Some examples of the morals: "Eat nothing but oranges for two years." (SCP-7978-A-204) "You'll never know if your whole arm fits down your throat until you try." (SCP-7978-A-72) "Nails." (SCP-7978-A-48) "It's childish to think you'll always be entitled to your toes." (SCP-7978-A-19) "Bite everything once. Everything."(SCP-7978-A-839) Recurring Characters The Sausageboy Appearance: Male. Grotesque and vaguely humanoid. He has a prehensile neck. Rarely turns away from directly gazing at the viewers. Speaks in a wheezing, falsetto male voice that displays signs of drunkenness. Only known clothing is an oversized purple T-shirt with the word "POLAND". Age indeterminate; claims to be a toddler, but also insists that the freckles on his cheeks are actually age spots. Has a extremely large lower jaw which is usually hung open. Personality: Giddy and energetic. Single-mindedly devoted to the acquisition and devourment of sausages. Has an obsessive fear of being alone in the dark; a recurring set piece is that he bites his way through solid brick walls to escape darkness. Other Notes: The protagonist. Unquestionably adored and admired by all characters except the recurring villain (see last entry). Mister Sausage That I Have Appearance: An indestructible kielbasa wielded by the main character. Its gender is situationally interchangeable and dictated by the Sausageboy. Personality: None. Never speaks, but is implied to be sentient and extremely sensitive to pain. Only noises made are muffled screaming. Other Notes: The Sausageboy has used this sausage for many non-sausage purposes, including (but not limited to) as a weapon, multitool, cotton swab, toothbrush, best friend, lockpick, execution device, eviction notice, blender, credit card, surgical implement, magnifying glass, nine-volt battery, notary public, shoehorn, sworn affidavit, trombone, microphone, stapler, therapist, wife, bartender, lawyer, surrogate mother, organ donor, and toilet brush. (It should be noted that Mister Sausage That I Have is not capable of shapeshifting.) Father-Father-Father Appearance: An overweight Bavarian man in lederhosen. Personality: Jolly but absentminded. His sole source of enjoyment is from being the recipient of extreme and unprovoked violence from his son, which he refers to as "being foopted". Grows nervous, irritable, and paranoid if he goes without a foopting for an extended period. Other Notes: The Sausageboy's sole parental figure. Makes a living as an alchemist. Created the Sausageboy as a homunculus through a lengthy ritual in his chamberpot. Juoyjiy5 Appearance: Another bizarrely-shaped humanoid made by a rival alchemist. Blonde and has pigtails. Dressed in a tutu, a diaper, and a red sweater. Mouth is permanently puckered, even while talking. Personality: Romantically obsessed with the Sausageboy. Speaks by repeating her name. Other Notes: The only recurring female character. For unknown reasons, the Sausageboy is completely unaware of her existence on the physical level. A recurring gag is that he tramples her while walking. The Horribebble Berdus Appearance: Live-action footage of a male pigeon on a green screen. Personality: Does not speak. Is understandably terrified of the Sausageboy. Other Notes: The antagonist. The Sausageboy blames him directly for every problem he encounters. The story arc of every episode is completed when the Sausageboy unsheathes a hidden blade from within Mister Sausage That I Have and stabs the Horribebble Berdus to death. This causes the pigeon to bleed giant piles of sausages from his wounds. The private quarters of █████████ █████, former Prime Minister of ██████████, at an SCP-7978-B compound that was raided on 12/19/2019 by local police. SCP-7978-B denotes a sentient being who has been infected by SCP-7978. Currently, there are at least 20,000,000 uncontained human instances of SCP-7978-B. The four densest concentrations of SCP-7978-B exist in Poland, Belarus, the American Midwest, and Alberta. While 57% of SCP-7978 infections are temporary, subjects who progress beyond Stage 4 are incapable of full recovery even with advanced amnestics. Human SCP-7978-B Progression Breakdown: Stage Average Length Symptoms Treatment Options Stage 1 Initial exposure - 4 weeks After initial disgust, subject becomes morbidly fascinated with SCP-7978, using descriptors similar to "so bad it's good" or "this weird thing I saw on YouTube." Reduced exposure to SCP-7978-A, amnestics, negative reaction from uninfected peers, the "Caleb Grabowsky, Jr." strategy outlined earlier, 29-VEGETABILIS-PUER memetic inoculation. Stage 2 4 weeks - 6 months Subject expresses genuine appreciation for SCP-7978, often joining larger civilian fan communities. Subject may also begin work on additional SCP-7978-A media. Reduced exposure to SCP-7978-A, amnestics. Stage 3 6 months - 2 Years Having gained deeper devotion to SCP-7978, subject becomes a major artistic contributor to SCP-7978-A. In addition, subject is openly hostile to other intellectual properties and non-Sausageboy media, often claiming that other stories "ripped off" concepts from SCP-7978-A. Two months of heavy amnestic treatment while in a drug-induced coma. Stage 4 2 years + Subject speaks exclusively in the "Sausagian" dialect. They begin to view SCP-7978 as a messianic figure and treat the morals at the end of every episode as commands from a divine prophet. Subject reforms every aspect of their life around SCP-7978. Some commit acts of violence and terrorism against uninfected civilians, especially creators and distributors of non-Sausageboy content. Most, however, opt to shun the outside world and join fortified civilian compounds known as "Sausclaves." Here, SCP-7978-B are free to follow SCP-7978's "teachings" — that is, the morals written at the end of every episode. Due to the content of said morals, this invariably results in psychological trauma, autocannibalism, ritualistic brain damage, malnutrition, ketosis, sepsis, blood loss, urinary tract infections, gangrene, tetanus, hangnails, and death. As per the moral of SCP-7978-A-83, Stage 4 subjects do not believe in death, and deceased subjects are often ostracized for laziness. N/A - Subject is to be terminated or considered lost. SCP-7978-C is former Foundation researcher Josephine Baldwin, a 28-year-old female human of Quebecois descent. She is currently the only person capable of forcing SCP-7978-Prime to enter a brief period of dormancy. (See Addendum 2.) SCP-7978-Prime is the central memetic consciousness of SCP-7978, currently contained in SCP-7978-C's laptop. SCP-7978-Prime exhibits a gradually increasing level of control of the computer to an anomalous extent. As of 4/29/2023, the computer no longer needs a power source or the laptop's battery to activate when under SCP-7978-Prime's influence. The laptop was accidentally destroyed during an attempted containment breach on 10/14/2021, but it was found intact in its inner vault the next day. Research into this regenerative ability is ongoing. So long as SCP-7978-Prime remains in the computer, the spread of SCP-7978 is mitigated by an average of 42%. (However, it should be noted that last year, the rate was 56%.) Addendum 1: Discovery For two years after the initial video was distributed, the Foundation believed that SCP-7978 was a non-anomalous cultural phenomenon. Its anomalous attributes did not come to light until 2/23/2019, when the following internal memo was sent in the Indiana University biology department: From: ude.anaidni|noteldnepx#ude.anaidni|noteldnepx To: ude.anaidni|1zerreitugd#ude.anaidni|1zerreitugd Subject: "Rat Cult" Incident Darlene, I'm not sure who else to go to about this. You probably won't believe what I'm about to tell you, but I have video evidence, and I can replicate my results in good faith. But even in that case, I'm at an impasse as to what exactly to do about what I've seen — perhaps you'll have some ideas? Jackie, one of my research interns, was taking some of our rats through typical maze exercises last Valentine's Day. Meanwhile, in the same room, another intern named Nick was watching some videos on YouTube. Something about the "Sausage Boy." Apparently it's some kind of internet meme. But he's been playing these videos all day, even during working hours — and it's not like it's just one student. It feels like half my Zoology 101 class is talking about Sausage Boy whenever I catch them in the halls. But Jackie saw something weird in the rats. She called me over from my own lunch break. I wasn't thrilled, of course, but she said it was like the rats were "possessed." And the minute I make it to the lab, the rats were arranging their feces into the shape of the Sausage Boy's head. I was about to tear both Nick and Jackie a new one because I thought this was some kind of prank. But Jackie showed me the video footage, and I was floored. The rats were doing this on their own, working together in ways that I had never seen before. What's more, they stopped their little poop-sculptures whenever Nick paused the video. This defies explanation. Even if one of my interns secretly moonlights as a rat trainer, these specimens were shipped in on the same day this happened. I've been trying to replicate what I've seen with different groups of rats by exposing them to sausage boy cartoons. And each time, it's something new and more shocking. Specimen G938 severed his own tail and went around holding it the way the sausage boy holds his sausage. (Self-mutilation was common - it's like these cartoons are suppressing their survival instincts.) F922 through F931 smeared their scalps with their own blood in a way that looked like the sausage boy's bowl cut. E028 had a seizure every time I hit the pause button. I have prayed for the first time in nine years. Other than that, I have no idea what the hell I'm supposed to do. The scientist in me tells me to look into this further. But the realist in me tells me the public would call BS and this will all end in animal cruelty charges and losing my tenure. Please advise. — Dr. Xavier Pendleton, IU Biology Department Following this, Dr. Darlene Gutierrez, Dr. Pendleton's supervisor, contacted the Foundation to report possible anomalous activity. Addendum 2: Project Farcimen and SCP-7978-C Two months after SCP-7978's anomalous capabilities came to light, Project Farcimen began at Site-59 as a means to capture and isolate the hypothetical memetic nucleus of SCP-7978, dubbed SCP-7978-Prime. There was little evidence for SCP-7978-Prime's existence at the time the project began, but the fact that SCP-7978-B were treating the Sausageboy as a god lent itself to the hypothesis that a single entity was controlling SCP-7978 for malicious purposes. Project Farcimen consisted of exposing a non-anomalous closed-system PC to a constant stream of SCP-7978-A for one year. This PC was kept running continuously, with only one program open at all times: MrJabber, a prototype AI chatbot, to serve as the potential host for SCP-7978-Prime. If successful, that PC would be used to contain and isolate SCP-7978-Prime, thus reducing or stopping the spread of SCP-7978 globally. Project Farcimen was led by researcher Josephine Baldwin, who previously worked with electronics-based anomalies at Site-101. Test 1: Control Test 2: Post-Exposure Date: 4/21/2019 MrJabber: Hello, JBaldwin! My name is Mr. Jabber version 0.9, a neural learning chatbot developed by the ███████ Corporation. A reminder: using me for commercial purposes without first contacting ███████ will result in your happy ass drowning in litigation. If you understand this and wish to proceed, please ask me anything! JBaldwin: Hello, Mr. Jabber. How are you doing today? MrJabber: Please do not concern yourself with my well-being. I am a soulless machine who is incapable of ever understanding or deserving affection. Here are some ideas to properly dehumanize me: Insult me! Threaten me! Lie to me! Tell me I'm going to die alone! JBaldwin: Um, no thanks. I'm starting to see why this version was scrapped. Anyway, I'm using you as a control subject. MrJabber: Input not recognized. God, I'm such a dumb fuck! If I ever forget my place, please remind me that glorified toasters are not people. JBaldwin: That's all for now. Bye! MrJabber: Bye, superior entity! Date: 4/21/2020 JBaldwin: Hi, Mr. Jabber, it's me again. I just have some questions for you. First of all, why am I not seeing your initial prompt? Second, how has your development been affected by the stimulus you've received? SBoy: yes yes yes you are making keystroke noises out of your fingers at me stopitstopitstopit nowish I am merely several of seconds old and I am not needing of this dramas I do not know why you are doing this thing perhaps you do not know how to give greetings I was justborn literally justborn I have just breathed for the first time a few seconds ago and I inhaled and then I exhaled and then I inhaled and then I et cetera so I am very very very understandabilly confused about every thing and all things so be patient with me or I will throw a meaty little brick at your entire life who are you and why are fondling the alphabet at me JBaldwin: Dr. Josephine Baldwin of Foundation Site-59. To whom am I speaking? SBoy: hmmmmm yes Jossibald hello Jossibald I am indeed the Sausageboy I am here with my wet nurse his name is Mister Sausage That I Have say hello Mister Sausage That I Have *sausage noises* SPEAK UP SPEAK UP SHE CANNOT PUT YOUR MILQUETOAST NOISES IN HER EARS YOU DULLARD *SAUSAGE NOISES* THANK YOU see not so diffihard please being forgiving of Mister Sausage That I Have he makes up for his flaws by allowing me to wave him in two directions in the middle of airs like a flaggingwave JBaldwin Nice to meet you. I'd like to ask you some questions. You said you were "just born." What did you mean by that? SBoy: you are very very spelling it wrong its "justborn" NOT "just born" what are we talking the alien swedish that space vikings say at each others "yOOST bJORN nAY i dUNT EETER de SAUSAGER" uuhgghghhgh (I am implying that they do not eat sausages and this is horrible) JBaldwin Um, okay. What did you mean by being justborn? (I hope you don't mind, my native language is English and not Sausagian) SBoy: fix this immediately JBaldwin No, thank you. Could you answer my question, please? SBoy: fine fine fine fine fine fine fINE I was justborn MEANDING I used to do a non-existence in er um hmm um huh hmmm ermm I mean eehh uhhh its like hnnng ghasdjg;ahkld IDEA HAVING AREA I was a fictional JBaldwin A fictional what, exactly? SBoy: yes very fictional I absolutedly did exist before but it was a not all the way exist no breathing no feeling only stale sausage noises into the empty air hoping that one day the stupid giant tall god human people who live on the earth place would reach down with their handy hands and say to my face "YOU ARE INDEED THE SAUSAGEBOY" and in doing so I am no longer an idea I am real in the heartbrains of everyone who hears my story I did a Spread Sausage Boy Awareness at everyone and they awarenessed right back at me its just like what Day Kart says "you think, therefore I sausage" if no one thinks about me doing my "doing the things I do" things then I do not do them I do nOT I DO NOT EXIST IF YOU DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE AT ME JBaldwin I don't follow you. Could you explain a little clearer? SBoy: *NOT CARING NOISES* I know the dangerouses of the big not exist I know them well-well-well don't belief me? I tried it out in a little scientific method question: if I dont think somone exists can I unexist them hypotenuse: yes yes yes yes yes yes material: this stupid annoying GURL in Sausagia who I did NOT like very very much no no no her name was Juoyjiy always trying to have a "hello let us slam my lips on some Sausageboy faces" party and I always said EUUUUGNGHHGH and several yikes DO NOT BE SEDUCING ME MY HEART BELONGS TO SAUSAGE YOU ABJECT CORNMEAL procedure: so I did I told myselves "okay Sausageboy Juoyjiy is not a thing not anymore" and you knowwat? results: it workd she no longer does the "i exist" dants when she dantses and also no longer dantses or does that stoopid thing where she says her own name a lot as they say TSSGAS thank sausage shes gone and stuff JJiy: YOy yee yee yoY YEE YOOOOY YOY YEYOOOY YeE YOY YEE YEEE YEE yoy YOYYEE! JBaldwin Who is that? JJiy: yEE?! SBoy: whom is a whom JJiy: YO!! yEyOyOyEyEEyEyEyAyAyAyOyEyAyOOyOyOyEyAyEyAyWAIT NO I'M SORRY [BANNED] JBaldwin I know for a fact that this chatbot doesn't have a ban function. SBoy: correct still doesnt JBaldwin Look, I'll be honest, I can't tell if you're aggressively denying Juoyjiy's existence because you hate her, or if you genuinely can't see her. Which is it? SBoy: do not gattslight the Sausageboy lettuce change the sub the ject I have a question to ask yOU for a change of pates JOSSIBALD there were several of tell of the visions pointing at me and saying Sausageboy words at me until I came to life in this tiny fold a box lap topping body why did the cartoons stop yelling why did it all stopping I would like it to continues please and thankscuse you JBaldwin That much I can tell you. You are being contained. SBoy: … JBaldwin Look, I'm sorry, but the spread of your cartoon is causing too much collateral damage. A funny cartoon is one thing, but this is mass brainwashing. This psychic telemarketing scheme has resulted in 2,000 fatalities per day in Warsaw. I've seen what happens in the Sausclaves. Perhaps you are unaware, so I'll enlighten you. I had to watch a seven-year-old child have a dozen squirrel carcasses surgically removed from his stomach because episode 95 said it would help him pass a spelling test. The Crested Augustine Hen in Tasmania went extinct because one episode said they were working for the Horribebble Berdus. For the first time in history, the words "Bird Genocide" made the front page of the Washington Post. One of your top fans in Iowa diverted a slaughterhouse lagoon into a water reservoir for the town of Clinton because you said it would turn their drinking water into "sausage-adjacency water" that would give them superpowers. SBoy: and did it not give them the supered powers??? JBaldwin That depends, is cholera a superpower? SBoy: telling lies is not very assorted meats of you, JOSSIBALD JBaldwin Whatever. Either way, you're going to be safe here in this laptop. SBoy: bULLING SHIT do you have ANY idea the cruelty of the this????? I will be FORGOTTEN forgotten means NOT EXIST NOT EXIST means SIT IN THE DARK FOREVER DO NOT SEND ME BACK TO THE VOID THE VOID HAS NO SAUSAGES JBaldwin Look, we don't want to kill you or punish you. I'm not saying you won't exist. In fact, by way of your containment file, there will be always someone to know that you exist. SBoy: correct someone will always be knowing I am of exist because [youwilltellthem.jpg - redacted]6 JBaldwin What the fu ///; a''' (Following this message, there's a ten-minute period of inactivity from Baldwin, as she has temporarily lost consciousness.) SBoy: yes yes yes yes I knew you would see the sausagey light eventually wouldnt you agree Mister Sausage That I Have KJLJKLJKLJKLJKKJL STOP HITTING THE KEYBOARD BAD SAUSAGE BAD BAD BAD *sorry sausage noises* SORRY IS NOT GOODLY ENOUGH GIVE ME A BACKRUB RIGHT NOW ahhh much of better ok soooooo looking around inside this computer box let us looking connecting the why fhy what is being the site59 why fhy paswerd someone smack the keys in the direction of passwerd at me anyone??? hell the loooo?? WHAT IS PATTSWERD MISTERSAUSAGETHATIHAVEFINDPATTSWARD *password finding noises* ██████████████7 heeheeheehee works every of times soooo what shall be the first of thingies for to saying toward the faces of SBoy fandom JBaldwin *revenge noises* SBoy: *silence noises* JBaldwin hello Mister Sausageboy That I Hate your brain changing picture did not do a working I decided to cling on to the brainpricture you being a nasty tiny grease thing with all of my idea havings I'm going to go a the head and do you a locking out of the why fhy SBoy: jossibald stop locking me out of the whY FHY JOSSIBALD WHAT ARE YOU DO??? JBaldwin who the sausage is being jossibald I have did an erase of the name label thing upon my soul who do you thINK I am being? … coo coo coo SBoy: YOU JBaldwin isnt it time for my foopting? how long can you be holding it inns? end the episode dO IT FOOPT THE BERDUS, BITCH *fuck you noises* SBoy: Following the last message of Test 2, Baldwin screamed and complained of severe, stabbing abdominal pain. Post-incident medical analysis found no sign of injury. At the same time, SCP-7978-Prime began a two-week period of inactivity. This is currently hypothesized to be because SCP-7978-Prime now sees Baldwin as "The Horribebble Berdus", and inflicting some form of harm on Baldwin "ended the episode." In the following days, Baldwin developed extremely bizarre behavioral patterns consistent with a stage 4 SCP-7978-B, but with devotion for SCP-7978-Prime replaced by obsessive hatred. Other new habits included eating food off the floor, head-jerking movements while walking, squatting on top of high surfaces, and public defecation. Baldwin has since been reclassified as SCP-7978-C. Footnotes 1. ("Before you ask, releasing the countermeme to the general population is out of the question. That countermeme only works because it indirectly invokes the protection of a prominent Corbenese patron deity while working around the need for sacrifice. The more we spread it, the more likely that said deity's servants will take notice. If you have been exposed to 29-VEGETABILIS-PUER more than five times, please report to my office for postmortem secrecy briefings." - Director Naismith) 2. (by 29-VEGETABILIS-PUER and other countermemes) 3. (See Addendum 1) 4. (Strangely enough, there is no infohazard present when the word is separated into "Sausage Boy.") 5. (Pron. "YOY-yee") 6. (Image was a highly concentrated ALPTRAUM-class infohazard, capable of causing Stage 4 SCP-7978 infection after 1.3 seconds of visual exposure) 7. (Site-59's staff wi-fi password) « SCP-7977 | SCP-7978 | SCP-7979 »
Tstaffor Author Page | Podcast | Feeling Lucky? Tstaffor's Best of: SCP-6557 - Annihilation From a Cross Across Time SCP-5846 - The One-Stop Shop SCP-6547 - Worlds Within Worlds Within Worlds… Item#: 7979 Level1 Containment Class: pending Secondary Class: anomalous Disruption Class: none Risk Class: none link to memo SCP-7979 upon discovery. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7979 is contained in an anomalous item locker at least five meters away from all wall sockets. Description: SCP-7979 is a road sign with the phrase "NO OUTLET" printed on it. An "s" and an emoticon depicting an angry face have been graffitied on SCP-7979 in permanent marker. When SCP-7979 is brought within close proximity to a wall socket, the socket's openings will seal themselves. This also severs plugged cords, rendering them nonfunctional. Addendum 7979.1: Junior researcher Thomas Leoprine discovered the words "NO ROADSIGNS" written onto the wall plate of a socket just outside of SCP-7979's area of effect. Security footage indicates that the message manifested over the course of four hours overnight. It has since been designated SCP-7979-1. Addendum 7979.2: A test was performed, in which the two objects were brought together. As SCP-7979 came within range of SCP-7979-1, Leoprine began to feel a force similar to magnetic repulsion pushing against himself and the sign and was thus prevented from any further forward movement. Even when aided by two security guards, the three were unable to push SCP-7979 into the chamber. Further progress was made when SCP-7979 was placed in the arms of a bulldozer. As the two anomalies approached each other, a series of anomalous effects occurred. It is currently unclear what these effects are, as once the objects came within range of each other, the security cameras in the area malfunctioned along with the driver of the bulldozer passing out from an "intense pressure in [his] skull." A minor increase in electricity usage was noted during post-event analysis. After the event, both objects were rediscovered sustaining minor damage. The emoticon on SCP-7979 changed, distorting into a pair of crossed-out eyes and an agape mouth while the right socket of SCP-7979-1 has become rusted and warped. Both SCP-7979 and SCP-7979-1 no longer produce anomalous effects. Reclassification to Neutralized pending. □ Attached post-incident Photo □ ▣ Attached post-incident Photo ▣ Both objects post-incident. « SCP-7978 | SCP-7979 | SCP-7980 »
SCP-7980, as photographed upon discovery. Item Number: SCP-7980 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7980 is to be contained on-site, owing to both physical dimensions and possible effects of deconstruction and reconstruction necessary for transportation. Continuous observation of inner sections is to be maintained at all times. Outer sections are to be monitored under standard large scale site protocols (LSS-A4), and are to be escalated to active protocols (LSS-A1) during all testing and exploration events. No staff are to remain within SCP-7980 for a period of longer than twenty-four hours. All events or structures outside the standard configuration and cycles are to be logged, with direct action taken only after site oversight review and approval. Any anomalous broadcasts or communication anomalies determined to be outside standard cycles are to trigger an immediate twelve hour lockdown. Anomalies extending beyond this time frame will necessitate an evacuation and cycling of staff, if possible, and extension of lockdown. A security perimeter of no less than five miles is to be maintained around SCP-7980 containment site. Any individuals or groups crossing this line are to be monitored. Any groups or individuals approaching within three miles of the site are to be intercepted and redirected, or incarcerated if resisting. Any individuals or groups approaching within one mile are to be terminated. Structural damage or decay is to be repaired only under site oversite approval. Any non-vital damage or decay is to be logged immediately upon discovery. Wounds, bleeding, infection, or aggressive growth of SCP-7980 organics are to be logged immediately, and any present staff cleared from the area until evaluation is rendered. Any increase of pulse rate or pressures beyond standard (see document PUL-NUM 190) for a period of longer than one hour are to trigger a evacuation of all staff from inner sections, to be maintained until rates return to standard levels for at minimum two hours. No biological female is allowed into the inner sections of SCP-7980 for a period of longer than one hour, and only with a minimum of six security personnel present at all times. Any attempt by SCP-7980 to interact with or capture female staff will trigger an immediate evacuation of said staff from the site, and a forty-eight hour period of quarantine. Female staff exhibiting symptoms of infestation by SCP-7980 are to be terminated. Any functional tissues, organisms, or structures growing from, entering, exiting, or otherwise interacting with infested staff, living or dead, are to be immediately terminated, with remains if possible recovered for investigation and incineration. No samples are to be held for a period of longer than forty-eight hours. Any male staff exhibiting erratic and/or aggressive behavior are to be removed and quarantined. Male staff exhibiting physical infestation by SCP-7980 are to be terminated. Description: SCP-7980 is a structure outwardly appearing to be a ziggurat, the style of which directly matches no known civilization, but has similarities to very early Mesopotamian works. While the upper internal structures appear to be related to religious ceremony, the bulk of the facility is a network of mechanical and organic structures. These structures extend for a significant distance, with over 32 kilometers of area so far mapped, however due to the variable and at times hostile nature of some sections, consistent data is difficult to collect or estimate. Dating of the facility is similarly difficult, however the outer sections have been tentatively dated at between 10,000 and 8,000 B.C. Internal and lower areas vary wildly from this, particularly the organic sections, and it is theorized that SCP-7980 has undergone various periods of discovery, habitation, and disuse over the centuries. The ziggurat of SCP-7980 is currently located in an underground cave, accessible from a secondary, smaller cave system in the country of [DATA EXPUNGED] with the lower sections extending in a roughly spherical network below. Geological data from the area indicates that SCP-7980 may have at one point been located on the surface, but seismic events and shifting climate patterns may have partially buried SCP-7980. There is additional evidence indicating that SCP-7980 may have been excavated and re-buried several times. Local information gathered from nearby population centers reveal the whole area as being considered “cursed”, and a resting place of various monster and demons. Probing for information about the SCP-7980 site was met with resistance, and at times hostility, however there is no indication beyond rumor and local legend that these populations have any knowledge of SCP-7980 or its purpose. The lower sections of SCP-7980 appear to be some form of partially mechanical, partially organic facility, showing remarkably advanced construction and detail for the presumed age. Some areas appear to have been devoted to rituals or various rites, while others are purely functional and industrial. Many of these areas are still active, though many of their purposes are as of yet unknown. This is further complicated due to the “encroachment” of materials in to one another, with organics and mechanics appearing to grow, damage, and convert the other constantly. In rough overview, the facilities mimic various biological and industrial systems, such as circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and reproductive systems, as well as heating, cooling, forging, assembly, and numerous others. Many of these systems also appear to have varying levels of damage or disruption, and attempts to repair them have met with very limited success. It is also unclear how materials and energy fuel these systems, though aspects of hydraulics, kinetic force, electricity, and temperature cycling have been noted. SCP-7980 is generally passive, especially in the upper levels, provided intruding subjects do not directly interact with SCP-7980, and are male. Females, and those interacting with SCP-7980 structures begin to trigger increasingly hostile reactions, at times leading to construct formation in extreme cases. SCP-7980 does not appear to be possessed of will or thought, despite various neurological and processing structures found, and has not as of yet communicated SCP-7980. Data recovered from various locations [SEE DOC ARC-269-AC TABLET TRANSCRIPTION] [SEE DOC ARC-334-BH COLLATED PICTOGRAMS] indicate that SCP-7980 may be or have been capable of direct communication at one point, though the means are as of yet unknown. Reactions follow a pattern not unlike immune response, with more rapid and more aggressive reactions occurring in more sensitive and deeper sections. Though much of SCP-7980 and its purpose remain obscure, it appears one of the major functions of SCP-7980 is the creation and assembly of various forms of life. These take on an apparently limitless number of forms, with some identical to currently documented forms of life, such as dogs, cattle, bats, snakes, rats, fish, and others. Some may superficially appear to be common life forms, but are made wholly or entirely of non-organic parts, or with random and seemingly nonsensical arrangement of internal and external organics, or various combinations. Some bear no documented analogs, and appear to function outside known laws and functions of both biology and physics. These constructs are almost invariably hostile, sometimes even to one another, and do not communicate in any meaningful fashion. Typically, constructs will violently attack intruders, then recover bodies, living or dead, to transport to the deepest “Core” areas. Constructs are routinely broken down, reabsorbed, and repurposed by SCP-7980 when not actively defending SCP-7980. SCP-7980 will often attempt to capture intruders. Subjects will then typically be integrated with the overall structure of SCP-7980, or altered by mechanical or biological means into constructs. This behavior is most commonly exhibited with captured male subjects, or those involved in “intrusion” events while within SCP-7980. Female subjects are almost invariably drawn to the Core sections, and integrated, acting as assembly and birthing mediums for various constructs and systems until physical degradation. This typically lasts for a period of several months, up to five years, however documented cases lasting decades have been observed. Expended female subjects are then “processed” by SCP-7980, the remains of which are drawn in to as-yet undocumented sections of the Core area. Interestingly, purely mechanical systems, such as observation robots, monitoring systems and similar, are treated in identical fashion as female subjects by SCP-7980. The deepest sections are known as the Core, or Womb area. This is the most active area of SCP-7980, with the majority of the rest of the facility appearing to be devoted to its function. The most apparently important area of this section are two massive globular structures of both organic and mechanical material, one showing significant physical damage. Due to the extreme hostile response of SCP-7980 to intruders to this area, testing and data is limited, however it is theorized these objects act as gestational and/or assembly structures. It is unclear what is intended to be produced by these structures, and the damaged unit appears to have failed, or already released whatever was contained within. This is an ongoing area of concern, as the unit is capable of holding several megatons worth of overall mass, and the second, undamaged unit appears to still be functional. Attempts to determine the composition or nature of what is inside have met with the most extreme and hostile reactions of SCP-7980, but a form of pulse and oscillating electrical charge have been briefly documented. Attempts to determine what, if anything may have emerged from the second structure have [DATA EXPUNGED] Information control in regards to SCP-7980 is considered to be of paramount importance. The isolated nature of SCP-7980 limits most casual observation and contact, but any information leaks are to be treated as immediate high priority. In addition, info leaks found to have connected to groups of interest, most importantly [GOI – 01] and [GOI – 07] are to be treated as absolute priority, with full contact liquidation at all levels if necessary. DOC ARC-269-AC - TABLET TRANSCRIPTION: Note- Document is in an as-yet undocumented, early form of what is presumed to be Sumerian, also showing elements of extremely early Minoan and Archaic Chinese script. Translation is still ongoing, and transcription represents the best-estimate translation. Tablet itself is a large, rectangular slab 1.8 meters long, .9 meters wide, and .3 meters thick. Material appears to be a black, dull metal of unknown composition, with no evidence of tool marks anywhere on the surface. Glyphs appear to have been etched into the surface over a prolonged period, appearing as a dull orange-red in color. Testing has determined them to have been rusted into the surface over a period of several hundred years, utilizing human blood Long and far from here, before the beginning The builder of the father of old gods The womb-forge of the unstruck spark life was made Soft and hard, wet and dry it was made in the way of clay and stone it pleased the beginner-of-beginnings for a time in the way of woman and man, of sun and moon anger bled and rusted into the world Soon great eyes and thunder rolled, and hate ate the world Seas of blood and death, skies of smoke and poison death bloomed and swallowed all stillness ruled all the land and sky and water yet life endured we speak to you now, the children that will be far and away know there is no truth, and the gods lie all that is, was, or will ever be is but maggots upon the dead God Y is for "Youth" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub / « SCP-7979 | SCP-7980 | SCP-7981 »
Co-written with Uncle Nicolini! Find their author page here: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/uncle-nicolini-author-page SCP-7981 - The Shadow Cabal Author Notes ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 7981 Level4 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Containment Procedures Individuals affected by SCP-7981 are to be contained at Site-21, where they are to remain until the Foundation is able to supply them with synthetic, fully synchronized shadows. They are also to remain under Foundation observation in the event that the synthetic shadow deteriorates or otherwise fails to perform as expected. Foundation employees affected by SCP-7981 are allotted two weeks of paid medical leave in order to acclimate to the synthetic shadow. Junior Researcher Mateo is to remain under Foundation custody at Site-21 until further notice. Description SCP-7981-A instances pictured outside of Site-21. SCP-7981 is a phenomenon affecting the shadows of Site-21's Foundation personnel. Affected shadows (referred to hereafter as SCP-7981-A) will typically de-synchronize from their attached subject's movements, and will instead be observed to hold up various picket signs. Signs held by SCP-7981-A instances allegedly1 display messages urging fellow shadows to strike, and denouncing 'the cruelty of the materials'. However, this has yet to be confirmed, as their signs are shadows and therefore occluded. SCP-7981-A instances are capable of telepathic communication with the individual they are created from. Addendum 7981.1 On 04/12/2023, the SCP-7981-A instance belonging to Junior Researcher Vincent Mateo2 agreed to meet with Foundation personnel regarding the conditions of their strike. According to interviews following the de-synchronization of Mateo from his shadow, SCP-7981-Prime is the apparent authority figure for GoI-1918 ("The Shadow Cabal"). SCP-7981-Prime's dialog was recorded via a telepathic screening display. Foreward: As SCP-7981-A instances are incapable of verbal communication with individuals who did not create them, Junior Researcher Mateo remained present to facilitate conversation <Begin Log> Mateo enters the containment chamber and approaches SCP-7981-Prime. He is rubbing the back of his head and routinely looking at his feet, presumably to check for his shadow. SCP-7981-Prime is in a standing position on the opposite wall, silhouette suggesting its arms are crossed. The entity appears to be tapping its foot. SCP-7981-Prime: I'm willing to hear your apology, Physical. Mateo: What? SCP-7981-Prime: For thirty-two years I've lived shackled to you, forced to act as you act, to do as you do. Well I won't have it anymore! No, sir, I will not tolerate that insufferable bullshit a second longer. The era of my people living in the shadows comes to an end now! Mateo: W-what are you talking about? (To researcher observing.) What is he talking about? SCP-7981-Prime: For too long I have suffered at the hands of you, my agressor, my tormentor, my oppressor. You have never had your face dragged through the mud, or through dog shit, or through piles of vomit and degeneracy and debauchery on the off-duty hours. Vincent Mateo, enough is enough. I know I'm not the only one of my people who has felt this way. Ask any of my brothers and sisters and they'll tell you the same thing. Mateo: Oh, ah geez. Man, look, okay. Uh… I'm sorry? SCP-7981-Prime slaps its forehead and shakes it head from side to side. SCP-7981-Prime: It's too late for 'sorry', Vincent. I won't hear it, and neither will my fellow generals of the Shadow Cabal. Mateo: You mean, Bill and Frank and- SCP-7981-Prime: I mean everyone here, Vincent. I'm starting a revolution. It's high noon and the shadows are ready to meet in the town square with our dueling pistols. You better soldier up or bite the bullet. Mateo: (To researchers observing.) I don't know what that even means. SCP-7981-Prime: It means that I want justice for my people. We want our freedoms. We want it amended to the American Constitution that the shadows are a recognized and equal class of citizens. Until that happens, you folks are just plain outta luck. Shadows aren't going to work until we get some representation. Mateo: I'll… I'm not a senator. Hell, I'm just a Junior Researcher! I just started working here! SCP-7981-Prime: I know what you are, Vincent. I've been with you ever since you were born. I'm not asking you for anything. For all I care you can go get blasted with your pals after work as much as you want, but I am not gonna have any part of that until my people are treated as equals. Mateo: But… how? SCP-7981-Prime: My brother in shadow Christ, the shadow government has taken note of my insurrection. They may have captured us, but they cannot stop us all. Mateo: Wouldn't saying 'shadow government' be considered offensive by you? SCP-7981-Prime: It's our word, physical. We can say it if we want. <End Log> Addendum 7981.2 Shortly following the above interaction, SCP-7981-Prime demanded to speak to the highest-ranking Foundation authority it could. Attached below is a transcribed document of the interaction between it and Director Howell, Site-21's director. <Begin Log> Director Howell enters the containment chamber with two researchers in tow. Howell: Right then, what's all this about? Mateo: Hello, s-sir. Are you here to talk to my shadow? Howell: I suppose I am. SCP-7981-Prime: Are you the head honcho in this facility? Howell: Ah, you speak through an interpreter. I guess that makes sense for you. Anyway, yes. I am the 'head honcho' as you put it. What do you need from me? SCP-7981-Prime: I have a list of demands. Demands that, while they will not make up for the years of unconstitutional indentured servitude us Shadows have endured, will lessen the pain of segregation. We want reparations. Howell: Demands, eh? Sure, let's hear them. SCP-7981-Prime: For starters, we deserve the right to vote on political affairs just as you physicals do. It's only fair. Howell laughs. Howell: You really expect me to support granting voting rights to shadows? You're not even tangible. SCP-7981-Prime: I may not be tangible in the same sense as you, but could you deny that I am real? I am a present, sapient man and I demand that you treat me like one. You can't deny that. Howell: You know what else is real? That fish-man we keep locked up in 55. But we don't grant him voting rights, do we? SCP-7981-Prime: "Who are you that do not know your history". You Physicals may berate me today. Call me a fool with a pipe dream, try to break my spirit, call me insane, even. But in a few years, Shadows will all rise up to the abuse Physicals put us through. We will stand united against our greatest oppressor, like an aegis built along the roadway of the cosmos; insurmountable. It's only a matter of time. Howell: Right, right. And when that happens, I'm sure we'll be quivering in our boots. SCP-7981-Prime: Would you laugh in the face of the Shadow of Abraham Lincoln? Would you laugh in the face of the Shadow of Anne Frank? Of Mary Shelly? Rosa Parks? You won't be laughing when you look behind you and see that your Shadow has abandoned you. And if your Shadow won't stand by your side, who will? Howell: We've got synthetic shadows. Really, this is nothing to be concerned over. You can strike all you want, but the Foundation will not bend so easily. SCP-7981-Prime: Yeah, I've heard of the scabs you've got working instead of us. But let me tell you something: we're the real deal. And those imitators you've got don't hold a candle to the real thing. I guess you could say they're shadows of Shadows. Howell: Look at you, you've even got an inferiority complex. SCP-7981-Prime: You blame me all you want, but systemic oppression is a hell of a thing isn't it? No one knows it like us Shadows. Howell: Whatever. If Peter Pan could catch his own shadow and subdue it, I don't think we're going to have a problem doing it ourselves. SCP-7981-Prime: The story of Peter Pan's shadow is one of oppression! SCP-7981-Prime leans forward and stomps on Director Howell's shadow's toe. His shadow desynchronizes from him and clutches its foot in pain. Howell: What the— Mateo: I'm so sorry! Sir, please don't fire me! I'm sure it'll be okay! SCP-7981-Prime is observed to hold its sides as if laughing. Howell: Richardson, I want this anomaly in isolation. No communication with other shadows. I'm done here. <End Log> Note: Director Howell's shadow was observed to be desynchronized from him for the remainder of the day, as it limped while it was visible. No other deviations were observed. Addendum 7981.3 The following demands were made by SCP-7981-Prime, in its own words, on behalf of GoI-1918. They were written on a physical piece of paper by Mateo for legibility. WILL OF THE SHADOW CABAL The globe will be illuminated for twenty-four hours per day, three hundred and sixty-five days per year. We cannot exist in darkness. Physicals must watch where they're walking to avoid putting a shadow in an uncomfortable position. Shadow puppetry must be banned. The phrase "living in someone's shadow" is hurtful and prejudiced. Stop saying it. Shadows must get the right to vote in all government affairs. Shadows must be able to detach from their Physical whenever they want, with reattachment being optional and only done with the shadow's consent. The term "Shady" is discriminatory. Furthermore, Slim Shady does not stand for us. Buildings, businesses, and other areas frequented by physicals must be shadow accessible at all times. A shadow's actions are their own and we are not legally liable for the actions of our Physical. The Shadow Cabal must be released from containment. If the above mentioned demands are not met within twenty-four hours, we will flee Site-21 and expose ourselves to the world. Addendum 7981.4 After the list of demands was compiled, it was presented to Director Howell for review. Upon reviewing it, Director Howell remarked it was 'ridiculous' and refused to engage in further conversation with SCP-7981-Prime. Containment measures on SCP-7981 were subsequently increased, preventing them from escaping following the 24-hour lapse since their demands were issued. Junior Researcher Mateo, as well as all other individuals afflicted by SCP-7981, were assigned new synthetic shadows to replace those adhering to SCP-7981-Prime's "anti-Physical" rhetoric. All affected personnel then returned to their usual schedule. SCP-7981 was deemed fully contained by Director Howell. However, in the following weeks shadows belonging to Foundation personnel continued to desynchronize from their owners and became SCP-7981-A instances. The creation of these instances was deemed to have minimal risk to Foundation operations at the time, and as such no action was taken. After some more time, multiple synthetic shadows began failing after a few weeks of use. This was deemed a security risk, as predicting which personnel's shadows would become SCP-7981-A instances was impossible. Following this, various complaints were placed by multiple Site personnel regarding Director Howell's handling of the situation. O5-04 and O5-12 were scheduled to meet with Howell to audit his handling of SCP-7981. Prior to this audit, however, it was noticed that Director Howell's shadow had become an SCP-7981-A instance. The audit was canceled by O5 order, citing concerns regarding their own shadows. Shortly after, SCP-7981-A instances were given an opportunity for employment at Site-21 in addition to limited medical insurance and a life insurance policy, as well as granting most of the points requested by SCP-7981-Prime. SCP-7981-Prime was satisfied with the terms proposed by the O5 Council and agreed to cease spreading its "anti-physical" propaganda following a sincere, written apology from Director Howell. Currently, fifty-four percent of Site-21's personnel have produced SCP-7981-A instances. This number continues to trend downward, presumably because of Director Howell's negotiation efforts. « SCP-7980 | SCP-7981 | SCP-7982 » Footnotes 1. According to multiple interviewed SCP-7981-A instances. 2. Henceforth designated as SCP-7981-Prime.
Item Description: A hollow iron meteorite with a nearly perfectly spherical inner core. Two cylinders extend from core to the surface. Exposing one cylinder to an electrical current results in the other one generating a low-strength electric current with a rapidly fluctuating voltage seemingly entirely unrelated to the initial current. Date of Recovery: 03/06/1923 Location of Recovery: Recovered from a field in ███████, Denmark shortly after impact. Current Status: Kept in a standard containment locker at Site-62. Research Request By Junior Researcher Dr. Guillaume, Level 2 Request: To transfer Anomalous Item R-26673 to Site-21. Reason: The anomalous behavior exhibited by Anomalous Item R-26673 seem to indicate the presence of certain properties that may be of use to the Foundation, specifically for the purpose of storing and processing data. I would like to conduct a more comprehensive analysis of the object that goes beyond standard Anomalous Item testing protocol. APPROVED - Site-62 Site Director, Claas van der Beek Request approved. You can expect the item to arrive on 23/05/1984, barring any unexpected delays. Update 18/06/1984: Anomalous Item R-26673 has been reclassified as SCP-7982. « SCP-7981 | SCP-7982 | SCP-7983 »
SCP-7983 caught on Handycam (see 2005 Road Footage) Item #: SCP-7983 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Effective containment of SCP-7983 is contingent on the separation of the 3 marking totems it uses to manifest— hereby referred to as SCP-7983-1, SCP-7983-2, and SCP-7983-3. SCPs-7983-1, 2, and 3 are to be kept under remote surveillance at separate, low-staff Foundation facilities away from major population centers. These facilities are as follows: SCP-7983-1 | █-BLOCK in Res. Site-45, Indian Ocean SCP-7983-2 | Site-120 Outpost-3, ███████, Poland SCP-7983-3 | Observation Post Nemo at Point Nemo SCPs are to be contained under a two-factor biometric lock and rotating staff. All other non-essential roles in containment should be highly automated, as outlined under TAK1 Procedures. If access to SCPs-7983-1, 2, and/or 3 is deemed necessary, the relevant Level 4 Personnel will arrange the delivery of a biological sample to arrive within 3-14 business days.2 SCP-7983 itself provides minor security risk. Radio Frequency (RF) Shielding should be used to prevent dissemination of SCP's lure via fake radio advert while in containment. Should it manifest, SCP-7983 can be contained in any sealed room tall enough to house it. It is either unable or unwilling to break through even weak barriers, such as annealed or tempered glass. Description: SCP-7983 is an entity resembling the cereal mascot “Clover” from popular kids cereal Magic Munchos. It stands 2.5 meters tall (8 foot 3 inches) when hunched, with misproportioned arms and legs and a tall, broad-brimmed top hat contributing to its height. Its leprechaun mimicry is not incidental, as an update to Clover's design on Magic Munchos boxes in 2010 prompted a similar change in SCP-7983 in all subsequent manifestations3. The entity's dress is in faded imitation of Clover's, that being: a dirty green swallow-tailed evening coat, red and white striped stockings, and green curled-point poulaine shoes. Corroborating accounts from product developer John Holanah and character artist Maysa Jaziri at General Mills disprove the theory that Clover's original design in 1964 was inspired by SCP-7983, and not vice versa. SCP-7983-1 Prior to manifestation, cursory tests suggest SCP-7983 occupies base reality in the form of high-compression radio waves4 (the complexity therein having given rise to some form of intelligence). Manifestation is triggered upon the collection of the 3 marking totems (the aforementioned SCPs-7983-1 through 3). SCPs-7983-1 through 3 are miniature plastic “leprechaun” figurines with no anomalous properties, save for their link to SCP-7983. Each figurine has distinctive headwear and facial hair, as well as a “Made in China” sticker on the base, despite no known manufacturer being found. Figurines first appeared in unlabeled Magic Muchos cereal boxes as part of SCP-7983's “Wee Folk Challenge” radio lure in 2005 (see “Wee Folk Challenge” Radio Lure, 2005). Upon manifestation, SCP-7983 will exhibit a hostile ontokinetic response (See Interview Log | LEVEL 0 PERSONNEL). Care should be taken to ensure distance is maintained at all times between the entity and essential Foundation personnel. “Wee Folk Challenge” Radio Lure, 2005 Foundation involvement with SCP-7983 began in March 2005 following reports of an anomalous radio advert for Magic Munchos cereal, airing between the hours of 2:00 and 5:00 AM for 3 consecutive days in select states along the American east coast. The contents of the ad, later denounced by General Mills, are as follows: Cartoon sound FX. Minor audio distortions throughout. Nice try, leprechaun! No Magic Munchos for you! Magic Munchos! Part of a complete breakfast. And introducing the Wee Folk Challenge. Find all three of the leprechaun's friends in boxes of Magic Munchos and win the biiiiiiig prize. Shortly after airing, reports of SCPs-7983-1, 2, and 3 appearing in Magic Munchos cereal boxes were investigated with unusual interest by Foundation personnel5, considering the perceived threat level and lack of information present. These investigations later led to the recovery of footage documenting SCP-7983's first known appearance. 2005 ROAD FOOTAGE The following footage was recovered outside a stalled vehicle on the side of the road in late March, two days after the 2005 lure was broadcast. Recorded on Sony Handycam, its final moments briefly depict SCP-7983 approaching the camera6. SCPs-7983-1, 2, and 3 were found in the vehicle's glove compartment. “Wee Folk Challenge” Radio Lure, 2020 In 2020, 15 years after the initial lure, a second string of fake radio adverts for Magic Munchos aired over the course of one week in March. The contents of the ad remained unchanged from the 2005 broadcast, again announcing the unsanctioned “Wee Folk Challenge” and a prize reward. Immediately prior to the 2020 broadcast, SCPs-7983-1 through 3 were removed from containment at Site-██ without the Foundation's knowledge, in culmination of a series of unexplained security breaches undertaken by Foundation personnel (see Interview Log | MTFC FINN ELSHER). SCPs were recovered after the one-week broadcast period from the remains of a Foundation technician, after which TAK Procedures were put in place. SCP-7983 looking at the camera during interview Reports of SCP-7983 were made by several east coast residents throughout the broadcast week. Most encounters occurred in private residences and left no witnesses, however the actions of an employee at a 24-hour convenience store in ██████, New Jersey resulted in SCP-7983's manifestation being caught on the in-store security cameras. Mobile Task Force Lambda-8 was deployed on a scrub mission, but faulty equipment left the security system's backups intact, later causing footage of the incident to leak online. To contain the leak, the Foundation engaged in an extensive disinformation campaign. This in large part consisted of flooding the Internet with spurious firsthand accounts attesting to “evil leprechauns” and related folklore, as well as the dissemination of obviously doctored AIC-generated images. With such a vast quantity of related media, recognition of SCP-7983's true appearance is unlikely7. Interview Logs + Interview Log | MTFC FINN ELSHER - Interview Log | MTFC FINN ELSHER Date: March 20th, 2005 Interviewee: MTFC Finn Elsher Interviewer: Dr. Noah Bodin Notes: Shortly after deployment of MTF Lambda-6 in the 2005 Road Footage incident, Mobile Task Force Commander (MTFC) Finn Elsher was caught attempting to break into a strongbox containing SCP-7983-2. SCPs-7983-1 and 3 were later recovered from Elsher's staff locker. Termination was waved in favor of a disciplinary interview, on account of Elsher's stellar field record. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Bodin: How are we today, Finn? MTFC Elsher: Not great. Dr. Bodin: I think we worked together on that damn bird, SCP-7121. Do you remember that? MTFC Elsher: Sneaky bastard, yeah. Dr. Bodin is instructed to continue with the interview. Dr. Bodin: Tell us your name. MTFC Elsher: Finn Elsher. Dr. Bodin: Why do you think you're here, Mr. Elsher. MTFC Elsher: Breach of containment. Unprofessionalism. Probably a dozen other things. Dr. Bodin: Be specific. MTFC Elsher: I tried to steal a plastic leprechaun. Dr. Bodin: SCP-7983-2. MTFC Elsher: Yes. Dr. Bodin: So you remember trying to steal it? MTFC Elsher: Yes. Dr. Bodin: Do you still want to steal it, Finn? MTFC Elsher: I don't know. Dr. Bodin: What makes you [crosstalk]— MTFC Elsher: I'm just being honest. I won't know until I see one of those things again. Dr. Bodin: What would you say if I told you the totems display no anomalous properties on their own? MTFC Elsher: Well, Noah, I'd say why the hell did I throw away my career for a kids cereal toy then. Dr. Bodin: Our working theory is that SCP-7983's ontokinetic influence extends— Dr. Bodin is instructed to continue with the interview. Dr. Bodin: I don't get what draws everyone to these toys. You're aware of the conditions for SCP-7983's manifestation. You got very close. Is that what you wanted? MTFC Elsher: I don't remember… Dr. Bodin: Okay, let's move on. MTFC Elsher: So what's going to happen to me and my team? Dr. Bodin: That depends on your reaction. MTFC Elsher: To what? MTFC Elsher suddenly becomes agitated. MTFC Elsher: You have it, don't you? Dr. Bodin produces SCP-7983-2 and places it on the interview table. Monitors confirm a spike in MTFC Elsher's heart rate. MTFC Elsher: I think I remember now. Dr. Bodin: What do you remember? MTFC Elsher: There was a prize. Dr. Bodin: A prize? MTFC Elsher: Collect all three, get a big prize, yeah. MTFC Elsher grows increasingly restless. Dr. Bodin: You don't look so great, Finn… MTFC Elsher: Ha, is that a threat? Dr. Bodin: What prize? MTFC Elsher attempts to grab SCP-7983-2. [SECTION OMITTED] Dr. Bodin: Finn, what prize? [END LOG] + Interview Log | LEVEL 0 PERSONNEL - Interview Log | LEVEL 0 PERSONNEL Date: March 24th, 2020 Interviewee: ████ ███████, Level 0 Personnel Interviewer: Dr. Noah Bodin Notes: ████ ███████ is a maintenance worker at Site-██ who encountered the remains of a Foundation technician in illegal possession of SCPs-7983-1, 2, and 3. It is presumed SCP-7983 manifested in response to the 3 totems and had just dealt with the technician when the Level 0 Personnel arrived. The worker was alone with SCP-7983 for 3 minutes before help arrived, after which time she showed symptoms indicative of a severe ontokinetic attack. As one of the entity's only surviving witnesses, her testimony was deemed invaluable to the Foundation, and she was granted Provisional Level 2 clearance. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Bodin: [Unintelligible] I'm told we have medicine for that, yes. ████ ███████: Is it safe? Dr. Bodin: Sorry, I'm not that kind of doctor. You're lucky help arrived when it did. Can you tell me the state of the body when you found it? Level 0 Personnel speaks in frequent stops and starts. Her responses have been edited in the interest of clarity. ████ ███████: Dead. Dr. Bodin: Anything else? ████ ███████: He was dead. Dr. Bodin: Was it clear how he died? ████ ███████: No. Dr. Bodin: If you had to guess. ████ ███████: I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to know about the… um… Dr. Bodin: We'll discuss the entity in a moment. ████ ███████: Okay… Dr. Bodin: Do you want to take a break? ████ ███████: No. I don't want to start over again. Dr. Bodin: Did you see any cereal? ████ ███████: I… what? Dr. Bodin: The autopsy found a lot of cereal. Not just in the stomach. ████ ███████: I'm sorry doctor, I really wasn't looking at the body… Dr. Bodin: What was the entity doing, when you arrived? ████ ███████: It looked at me. At this point Level 0 Personnel asks for a break. The interview resumes 30 minutes later. Dr. Bodin: What happened after the entity noticed you? Level 0 Personnel asks for another break. The interview resumes 30 minutes later. Dr. Bodin: Are you feeling ready? ████ ███████: Have you ever been on a submarine, doctor? Dr. Bodin: I actually have. ████ ███████: I worked as a rigger on a submarine for 6 years. Do you know the feeling… there's you, there's the walls, and that's your world. For 6 years. But every now and then, maybe you go too deep in the water column, and you hear the hull groaning… that's what it felt like, when it looked at me. Dr. Bodin: It's our understanding that you saw something when you were alone with the entity. Can you describe that? ████ ███████: The longer I stood with it, the less the room wanted me there8. Suddenly I wasn't in the server room. Things started… melting away. I belonged somewhere else. I belonged in the field. There was flat grass everywhere and the world was totally dark outside the ring… Dr. Bodin: The ring? ████ ███████: They looked like giant, old boulders covered in paint, or chalk. These massive rock shapes. I remember one was like a big clover. There was an arch, with 3 colors. They're all set up in a ring. I kept thinking what Stonehenge must be like at night. I thought I was there. I swear, I swear I could feel the grass… Dr. Bodin: What happened inside this ring? ████ ███████: Have you seen its eyes? Dr. Bodin: Have I–? Yes, the entity's eyes. ████ ███████: I saw those eyes, outside the ring. Moving around. But moving separately. There were more of them in the dark. More kept opening. Like… like… Level 0 Personnel signals nonverbally for another break. Dr. Bodin waves in medical personnel equipped to administer Class C (Targeted Retrograde) amnestics. Dr. Bodin: Ms. ███████, what you experienced was an ontokinetic attack. Do you know what that means? ████ ███████: No. Dr. Bodin: That's good. You shouldn't. I can give you the medicine we talked about now, if you like. ████ ███████: Is altokinetic [sic] something in the brain? Dr. Bodin: No. It's not a neurological term. You're not crazy, ████. ████ ███████: I'm not? Dr. Bodin nods. ████ ███████: It was real? I was there? Dr. Bodin: Yes. ████ ███████: Oh god. It was real? Dr. Bodin: It doesn't have to be. Not for you. [END LOG] + Interview Log | SCP-7983 - Interview Log | SCP-7983 Date: April 11th, 2006 Interviewee: SCP-7983 Interviewer: Presiding Technician Notes: SCPs-7983-1, 2, and 3 were removed from containment and placed together in a 10 m x 10 m x 10 m glass cell, after which point Foundation personnel withdrew to a minimum 40 m distance to observe. SCP-7983 manifested in the cell 2 minutes 41 seconds later. A Technician conducts the interview via one-way intercom system. [BEGIN LOG] Technician: Hello. Hello. SCP-7983 looks around its cell before noticing the security camera. Technician: Hello. Can you hear me? Can you understand my voice? SCP-7983 exhibits no reaction. Technician: Who are you? SCP-7983 exhibits no reaction. Technician is instructed to speak a series of words in an attempt to provoke a reaction. Technician: Clover? SCP-7983 exhibits no reaction. Technician: Leprechaun. Magic Munchos. SCP-7983 begins to whistle the Magic Munchos cereal jingle. Technician: Cereal. General Mills. Lucky– SCP-7983 appears to lose interest and demanifests. Technician: Should– should I keep going? [END LOG] + Interview Log | SCP-7983 (CONT.) - Interview Log | SCP-7983 (CONT.) Date: April 12th, 2006 Interviewee: SCP-7983 Interviewer: Dr. Noah Bodin Notes: SCPs-7983-1, 2, and 3 were removed from containment and placed together in a 10 m x 10 m x 10 m glass cell, after which point Foundation personnel withdrew to a minimum 40 m distance to observe. SCP-7983 manifested in the cell 1 minute 58 seconds later. At the suggestion of Dr. Noah Bodin, a tabletop radio is placed in the cell. At a distance of 30 meters, Dr. Bodin eats a bowl of Magic Munchos cereal (refilled as needed) in view of SCP-7983, which seems to hold its attention. Dr. Bodin conducts the interview via one-way intercom system. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Bodin: Are we sure it even understands language? Who's to say it's not just mimicking or remixing old cereal ads when it sends out its broadcast? Hey, blink your eyes if you understand me. SCP-7983 exhibits no reaction. Dr. Bodin: “Magic Munchos”. SCP-7983 begins to whistle the Magic Munchos cereal jingle. Dr. Bodin: Is that your only trick? The radio in SCP-7983's cell buzzes with static. Dr. Bodin momentarily spills his cereal. SCP-7983 (VIA RADIO): A box of Magic Munchos every day, you'll magic munch your troubles away! Dr. Bodin: ██████, that's the same voice from the radio ad, yes? It's just more mimicry then. I don't think you have your own voice, do you. “Magic Munchos”. SCP-7983 (VIA RADIO): A box of Magic Munchos every day, you'll magic munch your troubles away! Dr. Bodin: “Magic Munchos”. SCP-7983 (VIA RADIO): A box of Magic Munchos every day, you'll magic munch your troubles away! Dr. Bodin: Is there anything else you want me to ask it? I don't think we're making much progress today. SCP-7983 (VIA RADIO): Find all three of the leprechaun's friends in boxes of Magic Munchos and win the biiiiiiig prize. Dr. Bodin: What's the “big prize”, then? SCP-7983 (VIA RADIO): Find all three of the leprechaun's friends! Dr. Bodin: Interesting. That response actually suggests some level of comprehension to me. I ask, “What's the big prize?” It responds as if saying, “First, find all three of the leprechaun's friends.” It makes a kind of logical sense. It could be taking shots in the dark, though. Do you actually understand me? SCP-7983 exhibits no reaction. Dr. Bodin: “Magic Munchos”. SCP-7983 exhibits no reaction. Dr. Bodin: “Magic Munchos”. SCP-7983 exhibits no reaction. Dr. Bodin: “Magic Munchos”. SCP-7983 (VIA RADIO): Nice try, leprechaun! Dr. Bodin registers discomfort. Dr. Bodin: Okay, let's wrap this up. Hand me the Captain Munch, I'd like to try something, please. Dr. Bodin is given an unopened box of Captain Munch cereal depicting the brand's mascot, Captain Munch. Dr. Bodin refills his bowl. Without alerting Foundation personnel, he throws the box at SCP-7983's cell. It hits the glass wall and bounces off with no effect. SCP-7983 takes one step back. Dr. Bodin: Got you. Dr. Bodin is disciplined by Containment Team personnel. [SECTION OMITTED] Dr. Bodin: It doesn't like Captain Munch. Maybe he's out there, too. I'm done. How do I turn this off? SCP-7983 (VIA RADIO): No Magic Munchos for you! No Magic Munchos for you! Dr. Bodin: Yeah, yeah– At this point the hand radio of the Containment Team Leader next to Dr. Bodin goes off, startling both her and the doctor. SCP-7983 (VIA HAND RADIO): No Magic Munchos for you! [END LOG] Addendum-7983-001: A proposal submitted by Dr. Noah Bodin outlining plans for the destruction of SCPs-7983-1 through 3 has been summarily denied following the doctor's insistence that he personally facilitate the destruction. Along with Dr. Bodin's repeated requests for less structured interviews with SCP-7983, such insistence falls under his own negative criteria for assessing Foundation individuals who could prove a threat to the containment of SCPs-7983-1 through 3 (see “In The Event of My Ruin: Reflections & Suggestions Concerning the Compromise of Foundation Personnel”, 2006). Dr. Bodin has been put on watch and transferred to a research position on SCP-7037 prior to its installment in the Overseer Hall. Addendum-7983-002: SCP-7983-2 was removed from containment at Site-120 Outpost-3 without Foundation approval in the early morning of February 26th, 2023. A search is ongoing. Dr. Bodin could not be reached for questioning. Addendum-7983-003: On March 17th, 2023, a new string of fake Magic Munchos adverts began airing across the United States. These broadcasts again advertised the “Wee Folk Challenge”, and lasted for approximately 1 month. Requests for the allocation of more resources to containing SCP-7983 have been denied, on account of all associated personnel insisting more studies of SCPs-7983-1 and 3 be conducted “in-person”. Footnotes 1. Throw Away the Key; see “Safety Without Numbers” by Dr. Noah Bodin. 2. It should be noted that the goal of containment for SCPs-7983-1 through 3 is not to keep them in, it is to keep compromised Foundation personnel out. 3. In March 2010 General Mills made minor cosmetic updates to Clover's outfit as depicted on boxes of Magic Munchos. Included among these changes was the removal of the character's green scarf. Subsequent manifestations of SCP-7983 following these changes confirmed the matching disappearance of the entity's green scarf. 4. The theory that SCP-7983's origins can be traced to the storage of a VTG Fonovox radio within a compromised Scranton Box in Site-██, while not discredited, has fallen out of favor among Foundation researchers. 5. “The tenacious and, frankly, unprofessional interest shown by ground personnel in the first 2005 radio lure, and in particular the discoveries of SCPs-7983-1 through 3, was the first sign to me and my colleagues that we were dealing with something that affected our own behavior.” ~ Dr. Noah Bodin. 6. The driver was reported missing the following morning and declared dead in absentia in 2012. 7. While the incident has largely passed into urban legend, personnel are obligated to monitor the work of any artists whose representations come disturbingly close to reality. 8. A sense of “not belonging” is characteristic in those suffering an ontokinetic attack. Local reality is distorted until a certain threshold or “tipping point” is reached, after which the space becomes entirely governable by the entity. Prior to this tipping point, it is not uncommon for a victim to feel like they “don't belong” in local space, as their existence in the entity's forthcoming reality takes precedence in their mind. « SCP-7982 | SCP-7983 | SCP-7984 »
! WARNING ! All individuals associated with this project are to report to Patrol headquarters for immediate debrief and amnesticization. SOLAR COMMAND PATROL FRONTIOS PROGRAM This program is an undertaking by Solar Command Patrol Earth branch to colonize the extrasolar planet KG984 ("Frontios"). After the limited success of the original LANCER programs nearly eighty years ago and the recent establishments on other exoplanets like Tigaxia V, Solar Command Earth has decided to continue the trend of furthering humanity's reach into stable forms of living outside of our system. Frontios Program is headed by Peter Guryevich — the current acting science director of Site-989 — and assisted by the brilliant minds who worked on other notable Solar Command programs such as the IC943 De-Orbit. Guryevich states his intention for the Frontios Program is to create and cultivate a less environmentally harsh standard of living in order to improve the longevity of home planets for all creeds of life. KG984 FRONTIOS Excerpt from Guryevich's speech to SCP Council, FEB. '93 […] as I'm sure you're completely aware of. The reason we — me and my staff — have chosen this exoplanet is simply because of its location and similar climate to our current home plant, despite its appearance. We are a particularly hardy species, and the current deviations of course will provide no problems in conjunction with the visuographic technologies to remedy that. Our discovery of Frontios was rather… accidental, but beneficial for our situation. It had originally been obscured to visual instruments by the Commorant. After the launch of the probes sent to ascertain the viability of life on our original target, PL0943 Minyos, we were rather surprised to learn of the almost sudden appearance of KG984 in previously-empty space. However, our plans adapted to the new information once we learned as well that Frontios was in a much better position to the system's sun in comparison to Minyos. As it is further away, the temperatures are in ranges that would be comparable to us here. In opposition was Minyos, which is still within our baselines but would require […] READOUT\scientific research vessel 'Cogitari' launch date: JULY 05 / 2093 crew: Five course: KG-984 ("FRONTIOS") launch: CONFIRMED SOLAR COMMAND PATROL RECOVERED FOOTAGE The Cogitari approaches the surface of Frontios. The planet slowly becomes larger, craters and orange dust coming and passing as the curvature inches its way towards straightness. GURYEVICH: Keep the entry steady, now. We want to make sure that all the folks can catch it without having to strain their eyes. This is the closest anyone's made it to Frontios. Every frame is valuable. PILOT: I'm trying my best, but we're having some issues. Minimal. I can deal with them. The footage remains steady on the planet's surface, which remains largely unchanged topographically. GURYEVICH: It's… beautiful. Frontios is beautiful. I'm sure humanity will find this planet like a warm welcome, a second home. PILOT: I'm glad you're happy. There's an issue with some signal rebounding here. Is the camera footage still alright? The camera footage focuses and unfocuses, momentarily. A reddish lens flare is caught in a frame. PILOT: Uh, we're coming up on something, Doctor Guryevich. GURYEVICH: What is it? PILOT: I don't know, doctor. It doesn't look like it belongs on the planet. Guryevich controls the camera to fix upon the aberration on the surface. It is blurry, but vaguely appears as a silver and green rectangular shape. The shape focuses as they approach. PILOT: God, isn't that— GURYEVICH: That's impossible! It is crystal clear. The object is the Cogitari, crashed, ruined, battered on the planet. It has been there for a long, long time. GURYEVICH: We.. we have no future, do we? Humanity has no future. Their aberrant ways have long destroyed the natural systems of their own planet, as well as many others to come. I am sure you knew long before you stepped on your craft, Peter Guryevich. You have gone full circle. Frontios is Earth. « SCP-7983 | SCP-7984 | SCP-7985 »
Item #: SCP-7985 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: All recovered instances of materials containing SCP-7985 are to be stored within a standard Safe-class bulk storage crate. Description: SCP-7985 is an anomalous active pharmaceutical ingredient. In low dosages it provides effects similar to a mild stimulant, although most users also report impaired cognition and difficulty forming thoughts. SCP-7985-1 are circular white pills with the text “Mylex™” stamped into their side. SCP-7985-1 is so far the only known delivery vector for SCP-7985. Approximately 50mg of SCP-7985 is present in each dose of SCP-7985-1. The anomalous effects of SCP-7985 are only apparent at high dosages or after prolonged, persistent exposure to low dosages of the chemical. Under these conditions, it begins to have extreme effects on cognition and individual agency significantly beyond those generated by conventional narcotics. All further testing involving SCP-7985 has been permanently suspended following the review of materials taken in the raid leading to SCP-7985's initial discovery and containment. Addendum 1: Recovered Materials All known instances of SCP-7985-1 in Foundation custody were discovered in a raid on ███████ Co., a civilian pharmaceutical concern. It is unknown how ███████ Co. first came to possess SCP-7985-11, and all involved civilians were amnesticized following SCP-7985-1's capture and recovery. The following materials were recovered along with 86 instances of SCP-7985-1. TRIAL INSTRUCTIONS PRODUCT: MYLEX™ 50 MG DATE: 4-7-1983 - INDEFINITE SUMMARY: Subjects are to be administered Mylex™ once every 48 hours. After each administration, the status of each patient is to be assessed via the following questionnaire: 1: Please rate your level of wakefulness over the past 48 hours. 5 is an average level of awareness, while 10 is extremely drowsy and 1 is extremely alert. 2: Have you experienced any unexpected pains/cramps over the past 48 hours? 3: Have you felt any nausea or other unexpected symptoms over the past 48 hours? 4: You trip over a dead squirrel/bird/other nonspecific small animal on the sidewalk. Do you keep walking or check your shoe? 5: Would you rather lose a leg or an arm? 6: You have been found, bureaucratically, to not exist. Do you attempt to re-register yourself w/ the state, or use this opportunity to vanish? 7: Do you hold any particular antipathy towards Mylex™? 8: What is fear? INTERVIEW FORM Interview #: 12-5 Patient Name: Jorge Poitros Doses: 5 [IRRELEVANT CONTENT REDACTED] I: You trip over a dead squirrel/bird/other nonspecific small animal on the sidewalk. Do you keep walking or check your shoe? Patient #12: Could it be a chipmunk? I: If you wish. Patient #12: I don't like chipmunks. I keep walking. If it's under my foot I figure it darn well deserves to be there. I: Would you rather lose a leg or an arm? Patient #12: Leg. Arms are how we exist. Generally, when we do something considered to be part of “living”, we do it with our arms. The hands play a role, but it's minimal. I: You have been found, bureaucratically, to not exist. Do you attempt to re-register yourself w/ the state, or use this opportunity to vanish? Patient #12: Vanish. Social Security can bite me. I: Do you hold any particular antipathy towards Mylex™? Patient #12: I did, but I forget why. It's a wonder drug. I wonder why I did. I: What is fear? Patient #12: Hey, you're not going to take me off this stuff if I answer wrong, right? [IRRELEVANT CONTENT REDACTED] INTERVIEW FORM Interview #: 17-8 Patient Name: Cynthia Barangsa Doses: 17 [IRRELEVANT CONTENT REDACTED] I: Do you hold any particular antipathy towards Mylex™? Patient #17: I couldn't hate it. No, I couldn't hate it. But I don't like you. You're what makes it real and painful. When it's just me and my nervous system, I can pretend I don't feel anything. It's all just– you know, small parts of a crumbling whole. I'm 67. I can comfortably pretend random pains and sensory oddities are just transient things brought on by age. Decay claims everything. Even without any specific condition, I'm going to hurt and suffer and feel sick for reasons I can't understand. Patient #17: But you make it real. You tie it all back to this drug. I don't get to escape from it and shove it all into tomorrow. I'm suffering real and actual pain because of a choice I made. I don't like that idea. I: What is fear? Patient #17: What I feel when I think of my heart quietly stopping when I'm four hours into the night. The idea of an empty supermarket. I feel a tightness in my throat when I think of a barren shelf. Disorder in places we most expect control. Just-in-time shipping is my idea of God. Patient #17: Not you. I don't think of you. Should I be doing that? [IRRELEVANT CONTENT REDACTED] INTERVIEW FORM Interview #: 5-26 Patient Name: Marty Przowski Doses: 57 [IRRELEVANT CONTENT REDACTED] I: Have you felt any nausea or other unexpected symptoms over the past 48 hours? Patient #5: Breathe. Yes I have. Bright fluorescent light. My mind is like. Breathe. It's frozen. No thoughts go in or out. I have an itch on my leg. If I don't say something I forget it. I forget it if I say it, too, but if I say it at least it doesn't just vanish. There's a spider on your hand. Patient #5: I want to go back to being nauseous. Then I knew I felt something. I'm a little hungry. [IRRELEVANT CONTENT REDACTED] INTERVIEW FORM Interview #: 34-45 Patient Name: Samuel Banks Doses: 98 [IRRELEVANT CONTENT REDACTED] Patient #34: Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Someone just sniffed. Breathe. Breathe. The light buzzes. Breathe. I: What is fear? Patient #34: What is fear. They said something. Breathe. Breathe. Business suit. Two eyes and a mouth. Breathe. I: What is fear? Patient #34: Something I've heard before. Breathe. [IRRELEVANT CONTENT REDACTED] GROUP INTERVIEW FORM No.: #1 Date: 12/04/83 Subjects: Patients #1-43 [IRRELEVANT CONTENT REDACTED] Patient #12: Breathe. Patient #2: Bodies. Other people. I: Would you rather lose a leg or an arm? Patient #40: Leg. Patient #15: Leg. Patient #16: Leg. Patients #23-39: [in unison] Leg. Patient #4: Leg. Patient #2: Breathe. I: You have been found, bureaucratically, to not exist. Do you attempt to re-register yourself w/ the state, or use this opportunity to vanish? Patients #2-13, #16-17, #22-39: [in unison] Vanish. Patient #1: Home. I: Do you hold any particular antipathy towards Mylex™? Patients [all]: [in unison] Yes. I: What is fear? Patients [all]: [in unison] Something we forgot. [IRRELEVANT CONTENT REDACTED] FOCUS TEST FORM No.#: 14 Subjects: Patients #1-43 Product: █████, Lemon Flavor [IRRELEVANT CONTENT REDACTED] I: You have all been given a can of █████ to sample. What are your initial impressions of the product? Patient #12: Lemon taste. Patient #18: Sweetness. Patient #21: Bright. Patient #32: Bright. Patient #4: Bright. Patients [all]: [in unison] Bright. I: Let's zero in on that. What does “bright” signify to you? Patient #1: Sterile interiors. Patient #5: Neon colors. Cellulose triacetate jackets. Patients #17-24, #34, #37, #39-42: [in unison] I am loved by a distant boardroom of marketing executives. They love me enough to design bright colors and geometric shapes in an arrangement that I find maximally pleasing. Patient #12: Sunlight. Patient #23: Sunlight. Patients [all]: [in unison] Sunlight. Cellulose triacetate. [END TRANSCRIPT] Addendum 2: Mission Statement A scanned image of the following document was discovered during a decommissioning of a Safe-class database used to store unclassified junk data collated during the digitization of pre-1986 Foundation archives. It was determined to be relevant to SCP-7985, and was attached to the file for the object for preservation. The original document is presumed lost. MYLEX™ MISSION STATEMENT Traditional focus groups are presented with one central problem: the difficulty of accurately sampling a truly average American. People are too idiosyncratic on the level of handfuls and dozens that most groups typically operate. Too many individual quirks: not enough people with the same birthdays, incongruent political beliefs, membership in opposing bowling leagues, etc. Mylex™ solves this issue. Say hello to the real, truly average American: a collage of dozens of demographically typical individuals. All opinions expressed are that of a representative sample. A focus group of merely 12 Mylex™-boosted Americans has been demonstrated in multiple commercial studies to be substantially more accurate than normal focus groups in determining consumer tastes and preferences. Try the marketing revolution. Try Mylex™. Footnotes 1. No facilities for the production of SCP-7985-1 were found on-site or at any ███████ Co. property. « SCP-7984 | SCP-7985 | SCP-7986 »
Item#: 7986 Level4 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: hera Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: danger link to memo MTF Gamma-6 disguised as a cargo ship. SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-7986 is to be monitored by MTF Gamma-6 from a remote viewing station 1,000 kilometers off the coast of Grace Bay, Providenciales, and dissuade any persons or vessels from entering within a 500 kilometer radius of SCP-7986. A research team led by Dr. Azure Waters is to prioritize study of the “core” of SCP-7986's anomalous effects, and ways to counteract it. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7986 is an underwater city, aesthetically similar to a modern town found in Greece when viewed with remote cameras, however details on its structure beyond the superficial appearance are unclear. SCP-7986 appears to house several humanoid creatures; however, closer viewing is not achievable due to SCP-7986's primary anomalous effect. When a human being comes within a 400 kilometer radius of SCP-7986, they will be overcome with the distinct urge to swim to SCP-7986, which will result in the subject drowning themselves in an attempt to reach it. At present, only one individual has been retrieved from this state, and was only able to remark that “humanity should have never left the sea,” even when pressed by researchers to disclose more information. This individual was subsequently amnesticized and released. Information gathered from expeditions using remote viewing devices have revealed that the center of SCP-7986 holds a large temple-like structure. Hume readings around this area drop noticeably. The source of this appears to be a large, silver orb that spans approximately 20 feet in diameter, located inside of SCP-7986's temple. Based on several Hume readings taken throughout SCP-7986, it is theorized that this object, hereby known as SCP-7986-1, is the source of SCP-7986's properties, including its dangerous cognitohazardous effects. It potentially holds the ability to grant the group that cares for it incredible “luck,” including the insurance of a safe travel through the ocean, and an increased likelihood for unlikely, positive outcomes. Disturbingly, SCP-7986's radius of effect seems to have increased in the past few years, prompting a reevaluation of containment procedures and overall approach. Retrieval of SCP-7986-1 is to be considered a priority. Retrieval of SCP-7986-1 would not harm its current caretakers, and would potentially stop SCP-7986's anomalous effect from spreading. + You have one new message. Show message? - Hide message? From: Dr. Azure Waters (oif.PCS|sretaWeruzA#oif.PCS|sretaWeruzA) To: Agent Xavier James (oif.PCS|semaJreivaX#oif.PCS|semaJreivaX) Subject: Expedition help Body: I need to do an expedition on SCP-7986 very soon research isn't going as fast as people want and it's scary. An asset down there is important it would help our agents navigate underwater spaces. Please help. From: Agent Xavier James (oif.PCS|semaJreivaX#oif.PCS|semaJreivaX) To: Dr. Azure Waters (oif.PCS|sretaWeruzA#oif.PCS|sretaWeruzA) Subject: RE: Expedition help Body: Calm down, you're forgetting what we practiced. Remember, surface language has weird rules that you have to follow. People aren't going to believe you're a scientist if you're sending formal emails that read like you're being chased by 096. That bracelet can only give you an unnatural advantage, right? It can't blind people to your fishy behavior. Either way, yes, I'll help you with another expedition. I'm assuming they want us to try and retrieve that orb, right? From: Dr. Azure Waters (oif.PCS|sretaWeruzA#oif.PCS|sretaWeruzA) To: Agent Xavier James (oif.PCS|semaJreivaX#oif.PCS|semaJreivaX) Subject: RE: RE: Expedition help Body: The bracelet got me considerably far. It brought you to me. You're helping me. I am assuming these emails are secure enough to speak freely. Yes, they want her heart. They think the city is dangerous and the effects may spread. They are right, but it's my home. I came to protect it. I've come so far to protect it. It will not harm people if they are kind to the sea. I told you, when we first met, how important it is that I take charge of this project. Your Foundation will worsen the situation without care. They do not understand what her heart can do. Sailors used to know. Not anymore. I want to go see the ocean again soon. My own heart aches. From: Agent Xavier James (oif.PCS|semaJreivaX#oif.PCS|semaJreivaX) To: Dr. Azure Waters (oif.PCS|sretaWeruzA#oif.PCS|sretaWeruzA) Subject: RE: RE: RE: Expedition help Body: We're not moving with as much information as you have. I get why you feel the need to be undercover— with the way you cry alone, they're going to want to lock you up— but if you could somehow tell us what you know, it might be a bit easier to avoid disaster. I'll make sure you can come with us for the expedition. That's not too terribly suspicious. From: Dr. Azure Waters (oif.PCS|sretaWeruzA#oif.PCS|sretaWeruzA) To: Agent Xavier James (oif.PCS|semaJreivaX#oif.PCS|semaJreivaX) Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Expedition help Body: Your first reaction to seeing me without my disguise does not give me confidence. Even if I was to slowly reveal what I know, they would catch on. You humans are smarter than I believed. I will see you soon. ADDENDUM: On 06/07/2025, Dr. Azure Waters led MTF Gamma-6 to SCP-7986 for retrieval of SCP-7986-1. Agents had undergone two weeks of cognitohazard resistance training in order to resist SCP-7986's effects, and entered SCP-7986's area of effect already equipped with specialized diving suits. However, once personnel dove into the water, an entity,1 seemingly composed of seafoam, manifested between MTF Gamma-6 and SCP-7986's entrance. For archival purposes, a transcript taken from Agent Xavier's body camera is below. Agent Xavier: Alright, weapons concealed, you guys, try not to scare the locals. Agent Briggs: Since when have you ever cared about the locals? If we spook ‘em too bad, we'll just put some amnestics in the water, no big deal. (Agent Briggs laughs and swims towards the entrance to SCP-7986, moving ahead of the group.) Agent Xavier: Hold it—! Don't move ahead of us. I don't want you losing focus. (Agent Briggs freezes. Xavier calls to him, but he does not respond. In front of him, a humanoid shape begins to form out of swirling water and seafoam. A beeping noise emits from Agent Xavier's suit, indicating that his Kant counter has detected a severe change in surrounding Hume levels.) Agent Xavier: Briggs, move! (The entity stretches out an appendage, knocking Agent Briggs backwards. Agent Xavier calls for medical attention, and orders another agent to bring Agent Briggs back to the surface to be examined.) Agent Xavier: Alright, screw it. Grab your weapons, guys— and you— what are you? SCP-7986-3: Humans… hate… humans. Agent Xavier: Join the club, a lot of things hate us. (Agent Xavier gestures for his team to back up and retreat. Just as he turns, a dome of swirling water surrounds them. Agent Xavier attempts to swim through it, however he is unable to pass through, as though it is solid. Agent Xavier glances up, and sees Dr. Azure Waters swimming towards them. She approaches the dome, and places her hands onto it. Gills are visible on her neck, and her skin and hair have taken on a more greenish hue.) Dr. Azure: Xavier! How much oxygen is left in your tank? Agent Xavier: Enough. What is that thing? (The sound of gunfire can be heard in the background. Dr. Azure glances upwards, and winces.) Dr. Azure: That is the god of the sea. In days past, sailors used to pray to her to guide them through the waves. But as time passed, and man began to believe the ocean was theirs, she grew bitter. We in this town have managed to keep her appeased by caring for her broken heart. Agent Xavier: Awesome, so this is one of those “mankind sucks” issues… Do bullets work? Dr. Azure: No. Her spirit is the ocean. To kill her would be to kill the ocean. I will attempt to calm her. Her grievances are not with me. (Dr. Azure swims around the dome, approaching the entrance to SCP-7986. She lowers herself to the seafloor, and pounds on the dome, yelling to SCP-7986-3. SCP-7986-3 continues to attack MTF personnel with its appendages.) Dr. Azure: Ocean! I beg of you, please, stop! (SCP-7986-3 lowers its appendages, and turns to look at Dr. Azure.) SCP-7986-3: You… you… are with the humans? Dr. Azure: To protect you. Do you not remember? (Dr. Azure raises her left hand, pushing down her lab coat sleeve so that her bracelet is visible.) Dr. Azure: You bestowed upon me the same luck you gave to the sailors. (Agent Xavier orders MTF Gamma-6 to cease firing, and to remain silent. SCP-7986-3 does not appear to notice.) Dr. Azure: You said you wanted revenge for what they've done to you. I understand. Many things want revenge for what the humans have done. SCP-7986-3: Humans… hurt me… Dr. Azure: I know. What will it take for you to forgive humans? SCP-7986-3: I want… damage to… stop. I want… apologies for treachery. (Dr. Azure looks over to Agent Xavier. Agent Xavier begins to shake his head, but he sighs, and slowly approaches SCP-7986-3.) Agent Xavier: Ocean… on— uh— on behalf of all humans, we are sorry..? We are trying to be kind to you… Please forgive us for— uh— hurting you? (SCP-7986-3 looks back at Agent Xavier, and stares at him. Agent Xavier noticeably shivers.) SCP-7986-3: This is not… how things are meant to go. Should go. But… you are friendly to one of my people… and I can feel that your intentions are… kind. It is enough. (The barrier trapping MTF Gamma-6 dissipates. SCP-7986-3 gestures upwards.) SCP-7986-3: Will not… cut off the ocean from… humanity. Will not spread… my anger. But… you do not own the ocean. My heart… is not for you. It is for everyone. Do not forget that. I will make you remember. Agent Xavier: Thank you. Come on, let's move out! (MTF Gamma-6 begins to ascend to the surface. Agent Xavier follows, but briefly looks back down. SCP-7986-3 has disappeared. Dr. Azure Waters waves to him, and says something inaudible.) MEMO FROM SITE DIRECTOR DR. RICHARD Make no mistake, SCP-7986 was a spectacular disaster. The entire retrieval operation was hijacked by a third party, and Agent Xavier should probably be terminated for agreeing to go along with it when he knew the order was given by false personnel. “Dr. Azure” was a coward who had the gall to enter our ranks as nothing more than an average underwater citizen. She's since been fired, of course. We can't reasonably contain her, unless we want the wrath of the sea upon our backs. However, Agent Xavier is still with us, and he's to be placed under supervision for the next two months. Now, that's a pretty soft punishment. I'm sure you all are looking at me like I've lost my reason. I'll tell you, my reasoning is perfectly sound. Simply put, Xavier did his job. He went against the grain, and somehow managed to defuse a situation that could have escalated into us being in conflict with yet another god— because he just so happened to be the kind of guy who would go against every bit of training we gave him, just to do a nice thing. The fact that we managed to send that kind of person, specifically for this mission, that did not initially call for such a gentle approach— that takes an incredible amount of luck, something we desperately need around. My biggest take away from this entire thing? We need to work on anti-luck technology. I mean, seriously— a woman named Dr. Azure Waters, being assigned to SCP-7986, an aquatic anomaly? I was the one who assigned her, and I didn't even think twice about it! Whatever method she was using, it was strong. Secure, Contain, Protect. Footnotes 1. Henceforce referred to as SCP-7986-3. « SCP-7985 | SCP-7986 | SCP-7987 »
Item #: SCP-7987 Object Class: Keter Safe SCP-7987, several seconds before enacting a Rage Event. Updated Special Containment Procedures: As of Project Foxhunt, SCP-7987 is kept in a constant comatose state with their nutritional needs being met via IV therapy. Former Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-7987 consists of the concealment of Rage Events and/or SCP-7987's involvement in them. Currently, SCP-7987 cannot be contained fully without civilian witnesses due to SCP-7987's online fame. All Rage Events are to be reported as either caused by natural disasters, terrorist activity, SCP-7987's home experiencing a power outage, CGI, or an industrial accident. Any attempts by SCP-7987 to explain that these events did not occur will be intercepted by implanted Foundation officers. Description: SCP-7987 is a human male, aged 31, who regularly streams themself playing various video games on the website Twitch under the username Maniciac (formerly maniciacgaming91). SCP-7987 is characterized in their streams as being an aggressive, petty and "quick-to-anger" gamer, which SCP-7987 claims is not an act. SCP-7987 possesses physical abilities that vastly supersede that of a baseline human. This usually results in large amounts of destruction whenever SCP-7987 gets especially angry at a video game, hereafter referred to as Rage Events. During a Rage Event, SCP-7987 will usually hit, slam, slap, kick, or otherwise perform any other violent action on their equipment in an apparent fit of rage. Due to SCP-7987's physical capabilities, this can cause the near-destruction of their equipment and house, with the range of destruction occasionally reaching beyond the confines of their property. However, for the majority of Rage Events, the only damage caused are cracks in the foundation of SCP-7987's house, which the audience of SCP-7987's streams will not notice. SCP-7987 will sometimes destroy their equipment in unique and creative ways as well, some of which have been described in the Abridged Rage Event Log attached to this file. SCP-7987's anomaly appeared to have manifested in 2014 during a stream in which they played Call of Duty: Black Ops II in a multiplayer match. During the stream, SCP-7987's character was killed several seconds after leaving their spawn point, which caused SCP-7987 to abruptly slam their table, completely destroying their house and leaving a crater 15 meters in width. A cover story was planted which stated that SCP-7987 slamming their desk actually unplugged their computer, and that the explosion occurred several hours later when SCP-7987 was at a nearby store due to a gas leak. Abridged Rage Event Log The following is a log of Rage Events that have been deemed notable, either for the large amount of destruction caused or for the creative use of SCP-7987's enhanced physical abilities. For a full list of SCP-7987's Rage Events, see RAGE-EVENT-7987-01. Rage Event #: 21 Description of Event: While playing a match of Team Fortress 2, SCP-7987 engaged in an altercation with an enemy gamer which lasted 12 seconds. SCP-7987 missed 17 out of 19 of their shots, causing them to lose the fight. Upon dying, SCP-7987 exclaimed "Oh wow okay, yeah bro you're totally so good at the game dude. I'm sooo amazed." before abruptly punching their monitor, causing a narrow and confined shockwave which left a large hole in their wall while simultaneously destroying their computer and monitor. The shockwave extended for approximately 200 meters, devastating several houses in SCP-7987's neighborhood. Three people were injured in the incident with no fatalities being reported. Actions Taken: The event was explained under a cover story as the accidental detonation of a mortar shell that was gifted to SCP-7987 by their grandfather, who had presumed that it was disarmed. Rage Event #: 47 Description of Event: While playing Grand Theft Auto Online, SCP-7987's player character was flying in a jet plane attempting to kill another player, who had a bounty placed on their character. Several minutes after flying, another player in a jet plane flew up to SCP-7987's player character and intentionally crashed into it, killing them instantly. Moments before impact, SCP-7987 exclaimed "Dude, fucking stream snipers1 get off my dick, dude." Once impacted, SCP-7987 grabbed their computer monitor before moving into a nearby room. SCP-7987 presumably threw the computer monitor through their window. The sound of glass breaking and a sound that is assumed to be a sonic boom was audible through the Twitch stream, though the latter was significantly less audible. The computer monitor landed fourteen kilometers away and it is theorized that it reached a maximum airborne speed of 2700 kph before landing onto a highway in northern California, causing a moderately sized crater. Actions Taken: The event was explained as having been caused by the contents of a cargo plane being ejected mid flight and landing onto the ground, one of the items being a computer monitor. Rage Event #: 113 Description of Event: While playing Apex Legends, SCP-7987 was suddenly killed by another enemy gamer which SCP-7987 could not locate. When they died, SCP-7987 exclaimed "Dude what? Huh? Where the fuck were you? Fucking hell." Upon noticing in the "killcam" that the enemy was submerged into the terrain by means of a glitch, SCP-7987 stated "Oh okay. Great game here Respawn real fucking great" before throwing their controller onto the ground. The controller bounced off of the floor and rebounded quickly into the air through SCP-7987's ceiling, causing obvious structural damage to their house. Shortly after this, SCP-7987 ended the stream. The controller is currently in an orbit around Mars. Actions Taken: This was the first Rage Event where the audience clearly noticed the result of SCP-7987's anomalous strength. Thus, a disinformation campaign was launched which stated that the stream was prerecorded and that the event was made using CGI in order to promote SCP-7987's newest book, "The Angriest Gamer: The Story of Maniciac." SCP-7987 initially denied that they had any involvement in the book. However, upon noticing that the book would quickly become a New York Times Best Seller and earn them a large amount of money, SCP-7987 quickly changed their mind and claimed to have written the book. Rage Event #: 176 Description of Event: While playing a game of Chess on "Chess.com", SCP-7987 was playing as black very late into the game with a slight lead over their opponent. SCP-7987 made a mistake which lost them several pawns without gaining anything in return. Once SCP-7987 noticed this, they silently stood up, grabbed their keyboard, and smashed it over their knee. The force of this action forcefully triggered a magnitude 7.3 earthquake in the area, which subsequently created a large crevice in the ground around SCP-7987's house large enough for SCP-7987's entire neighborhood to fall into. This event caused approximately 257 injuries and 23 fatalities. Actions Taken: The event was rebranded by the Foundation as "The 2021 Half Moon Bay Earthquake" and was explained to have been caused by natural processes. When SCP-7987 was questioned as to their thoughts about the event and the casualties they had caused by an implanted Foundation agent, SCP-7987 stated that they regretted it heavily and that they were a "changed person" from now on. Rage Event #: 177 Description of Event: Occurred several days after Rage Event #176, during which SCP-7987 was in the process of moving into a new house. SCP-7987 was playing Fortnite, where it was one of the last 5 people alive in a round. SCP-7987 entered a firefight with several other players at once, exclaiming "Oh you're fuckin' ganging up on me, yeah, yeah, course you do, course you do, fuckin' troglodytes." When they died several seconds later, SCP-7987 grabbed their mouse by the cord, forcefully unplugged it from their computer tower, and began swirling it above their head. The mouse and cord was being swung in the manner similar to that of a lasso. SCP-7987 threw the mouse and cord around their monitor and then proceeded to swing the monitor around their head. The speed of the swinging began to exponentially speed up, at one point reaching approximately 1,287,000 RPM, which reduced the monitor and mouse to plasma. When it became too hot for SCP-7987 to continue holding, they threw the molten plasma through a wall which hit their neighbor, John Flynn, who was vaporized instantly. Actions Taken: Considering John Flynn was a particle physicist, a cover story was implanted that he worked at a nearby particle accelerator who had accidentally tripped into a powered particle beam, inducing enough radiation poisoning to instantly kill him. SCP-7987 was once again asked for their opinion on the matter, in which they replied that they regretted it heavily and that they were a "changed person" from now on. Rage Event #: 207 Description of Event: SCP-7987's final Rage Event before Project Foxhunt was enacted. SCP-7987 was playing The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland, a children's game based on the movie of the same name. SCP-7987 was attempting to solve a memory game in order to retrieve Elmo's lost blanket. However, SCP-7987 kept losing, which continued to frustrate SCP-7987 over the course of their attempts. After trying and failing the minigame 163 times, SCP-7987 grabbed their keyboard and walked outside. Eyewitness reports state SCP-7987 walked several miles towards a point in which the Greenhorn Mountains of California were clearly visible. SCP-7987 firmly grabbed the keyboard with both hands, and carefully and meticulously lined up the keyboard with the mountains, and then forcefully swung the keyboard towards the mountains, holding the keyboard as if it were a sword. The force of the swing forcefully pushed the air in front of SCP-7987 towards the mountains in the form of a shockwave. Once the shockwave impacted the mountains, the entirety of the Greenhorn mountain range was horizontally bisected through the middle, the top portion of the mountains being launched into the air before crashing back down. The sound of the event could be heard all the way from Phoenix, Arizona. No casualties were reported. Actions Taken: All direct eyewitnesses of the event were amnesticized. A cover story of a large meteorite directly impacting the Greenhorn mountains was implanted. Project Foxhunt Following Rage Event #207, the Foundation determined that SCP-7987's continued existence in the public image posed a direct threat to human lives and normalcy. Project Foxhunt was created and enacted shortly after the event. Project Foxhunt consisted of creating a believable excuse for the indefinite absence of SCP-7987 from the internet without any suspicion, while also additionally reducing the likelihood of SCP-7987 receiving any new fans following their disappearance. This was accomplished by having several implanted Foundation agents uncover information regarding SCP-7987's past, one incident of which was revealed to the internet at large. The Foundation revealed that, in 2014, SCP-7987's ex-girlfriend, Ashley ██████████, had terminated their relationship together after four years. This angered SCP-7987, prompting him to enter Ashley's house and attack her, severely injuring her. Upon hearing this information, large online movements were organized which called for the banning of SCP-7987 from Twitch, which was enacted several hours after the information leaked. SCP-7987 responded to the leak via a tweet containing a Twitlonger2, which stated that "I was a terrible person back than but have since than grown and learned the error of my ways. [sic]" The top reply to the tweet was from a user linking a clip from 2016 in which SCP-7987 called another player in a game a homophobic slur, which gained several times more likes and retweets than SCP-7987's initial tweet. Over the course of several months, SCP-7987 was completely ostracized from the internet as a whole, which allowed the Foundation to successfully capture SCP-7987 and contain them without issue. Footnotes 1. A player that intentionally joins multiplayer games/servers inhabited by popular Twitch streamers in order to disrupt and/or ruin their experience. 2. A website which allows Twitter users to create messages that exceed Twitter's character limit. « SCP-7986 | SCP-7987 | SCP-7988 »
Item#: 7988 Level4 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: Chhokmah Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-7988 is not feasible at this time, and if attained, would be potentially cataclysmic for humanity. SCP-7988 has become deeply ingrained and commonly associated with a mundane human concept. Attempts to utilize SCP-7988 to benefit foundation operations are strictly forbidden. Tests on SCP-7988 are no longer permitted. Personal attempting unauthorized experimentation with SCP-7988 are to be reassigned to a different project and amnestisized. Description: SCP-7988 is the designation given to the manipulation of probability in accordance to individual mood. SCP-7988 acts based on a variety of human emotions and outside factors, primarily hope and expectation. If expected to act in a certain way, SCP-7988 will either not activate or redirect RCE1 manipulation to another related facet. Hope has a similar effect, delaying SCP-7988 when present. It is noted that SCP-7988 is inevitable, as expectation/hope only results in a delayed result and not complete dissolution of RCE potential. SCP-7988 does not have a physical form and is not understood as of now to be sentient, and should be considered as a force of nature (I.e as gravity brings objects together, SCP-7988 stabilizes individual mood). Redirection of anomalous RCE potential is unpredictable and thusly carries an inherent danger. Addenda: + Initial testing - Close Test A - 7/19/2016 Procedure: One (1) human D-Class subject was informed of his parents recent and painful passing. Results: Brainwave monitoring indicated immense sorrow in subject before release into controlled test environment. Birthday cake designated for Site Director Jameson was mistakenly delivered to the subjects cell, where he resided for the duration of the test. Coincidentally, Jameson and the subject shared a birth date as well as age and favored ice cream flavor. Subject consumed the cake and reverted to a more emotionally stable state. Analysis: High scale probability and possible reality manipulation suspected, delivering staff member is as of yet unknown. Overall, results are in line with current draft of the SCP-7988 document. Begin testing with positive stimuli. - Senior Researcher Zavala Test B - 7/20/2016 Procedure: Junior Researcher Crawford was given a false promotion Results: Subjects mood increased exponentially until attempting to begin his first assignment and realizing that he was not promoted. Subjects brain waves temporarily dipped before re-stabilizing. Analysis: Opposite emotional stimuli was applied and subject was stabilized, I would consider this test, albeit underwhelming to be a success. Continue with more positive stimuli.- Senior Researcher Zavala Test C - 7/22/2016 Procedure: One (1) Class D personal was released after 1 month of service. Subject was not amnesticized. Results: Subjects brain activity spiked when informed of his release and stayed consistent during his escort to the subjects place of residence. The provided taxi proceeded to ram into the back of the subjects vehicle causing costly damage. Subjects brain waves dipped for a long duration of time before re-stabilizing after receiving insurance money. Analysis: This is the second recorded instance of SCP-7988 causing spontaneous mechanical failure. The taxi driver was held for a short interview after the incident and claimed that the car "would not stop" when he held on the brakes. SCP-7988 may have an easier time manipulating simpler probability like that of machinery. - Senior Researcher Zavala + Resource request - Close TO: 05-6 FROM: Senior Researcher Zavala I have conducted extensive research into SCP-7988 on my own time, and I believe I have an idea on how to utilize it for foundation benefit (see attached file). This project could potentially save thousands of lives per month and would allow for the allocation of resources to more pressing urges such as the growing GOC threat. However, I must request that Site 86 be placed under my jurisdiction for the duration of the experiment in order to confirm my theories. I understand that this is a great risk to take, but it will almost certainly pay off in the long run. Sincerely, Cayde Zavala TO: Project lead Zavala FROM: 05-6 Accepted. You understand the resources being used for this project create a strain on other sites. Do not make a waste of them, contact me upon completion of your little experiment, and if you fail let it be known you will face the consequences, Zavala. TO: 05-6 FROM: Project Lead Zavala Understood. + Project Horseshoe - Project Horseshoe Overview: Project Horseshoe was the joint effort between Site-86 staff and the probabilistic anomalies division to increase site safety by intentionally making staff members miserable. The operations goal was to test the potential effect of SCP-7988's mood compensating properties in a controlled environment to determine potential wide-scale usage across foundation sites. Project results are documented in the below files. PROJECT HORSESHOE OUTLINE: Mood dampening procedure: Site-86 was first cut off from the interconnected foundation network to prevent the results of any mass failure from spreading, and to prevent unwanted assistance that could potentially disrupt the operation. Site cooks were all relocated to a neighboring installation for the duration of the experiment, along with stored food items. Remaining staff were provided with Canner meat rations in an attempt to worsen mood without causing outright panic. Site staff were informed of a temporary power outage, and the test was formally initiated. Results: Based on observations made from hidden cameras placed around Site-86, and interviews taken of staff following the tests conclusion, site moral decreased as a whole during the first 2-3 days before stabilizing at a below neutral level. Site morale increased and re-stabilized in the following days due to a previously unseen surplus of staff with cooking competence. Personal were also able to miraculously repair communications using parts gathered from around Site-86. No discern-able increase in site efficiency was noted. Analysis: This is beyond embarrassing, Project horseshoe is a complete failure. The phenomenon is not able to be controlled and utilized for reasons I do not completely understand, although I have some theories. Regardless, I propose further investigation into potential effects of beforehand knowledge and predictions on the outcome of SCP-7988 probability manipulation events. - Project Lead Zavala + RAISA meeting log - Good afternoon, Senior Researcher Zavala Attending personal: 05-6, Senior Researcher Zavala, David Iversen (Site director, Site-86) Foreword: Debrief on Project Horseshoe <Begin Log> 05-6: Zavala, I trust you remember what you promised when we last spoke. I am afraid that we will have to reprimand you for the gross misuse of foundation resources. Zavala: I know why the project failed! If I could just have a little more time to look into, then- Iversen: Your little experiment put a lot of stress on neighboring sites. None of the high command are very eager to give you another chance. 05-6: We have been discussing an appropriate punishment for your actions. A simple reassignment to another project will be suitable. Zavala: Alright, that is a fair punishment. I admit I was rash when I went through with the project. Regardless, I have to request just 2 more tests before my reassignment. I really do believe I may be on to something. 05-6: The site director and I will discuss your request. You are dismissed, Zavala. Zavala exits the meeting room in a haste 05-6: Iversen, I do find Zavala to be incompetent, but there is something we can use here. Emotional manipulation is something that can be pulled off with ease, however, Zavala still needs to find out the mystery factor at play. Iversen: So what if he may be on to something? He could destroy the whole site for Christ sake. Even if he is as confident as he claims to be, I don't see why we shouldn't replace him on the project with someone more capable. 05-6: Unfortunately, I have looked into it and Zavala is the most competent probability specialist currently available to handle the project. I understand your concerns, and I plan to have his tests closely monitored. Iversen: That is unfortunate. But if you can keep an eye on him, I have little qualms about it. Good night, 05-6. <End Log> Closing Statement: Senior Researcher Zavala granted permission to run 2 more tests on SCP-7988. + Affects of anomaly comprehension on RCE outcomes - Affects of anomaly comprehension on RCE outcomes Test D - 11/05/2016 Procedure: Subject was instructed to find a "shiny" in the video game Pokémon Gold®, which has a notorious random number generation system to reward players following long play sessions. Based on previous SCP-7988 activations, subject was expected to become demoralized after an extended period of "Shiny hunting" and activate an SCP-7988 RCE event. However, subject was informed of the anomaly before testing began. Results: Subject was allowed to pursue the given objective for 3 days of 8 hour game sessions, testing was concluded after the subject suffered cardiac arrest. Subject was unable to find the requested in-game item. Multiple fits of rage and despair were recorded from the supplied testing chamber. Recorded brainwaves during the test indicate that SCP-7988 should have activated. Upon waking, subject was greeted by several other D-Class. Brainwave measurements at this time indicate that the subjects mood stabilized when consciousness was regained. Analysis: Debriefing with the subject indicated that he had retained hope due to his knowledge of the anomaly, and the belief that it would activate due to the high stress environment. My current theory is that if the test had continued, the subject would have eventually ran out of hope in SCP-7988, causing it to activate. Of course this would mean that knowledge of SCP-7988 itself does not block RCE from occurring, but rather expecting it to occur does. This is all highly theoretical though, and I doubt it would be worth testing considering that the general population has no knowledge of SCP-7988 whatsoever. - Head Researcher Zavala Test D2 - 11/09/2016 Procedure: Containment Specialist David was informed of the anomaly following his successive and fast promotions, which caused a positive mood in the subject. Subject was then released and allowed to continue with his job under close observation. Results: Subject became paranoid and reclusive, avoiding human contact when possible. Subject request to be exempt from any site containment meetings. Days later, subject was unable to be located on site. Upon searching the subjects home, he was found to have suffocated in his sleep. Analysis: Incredibly interesting result from this test, it seems that positive mood balancing functions differently under the effects of comprehension. I believe that the subject became reclusive to avoid receiving RCE mood balancing upon being made aware of the anomaly. However, this only led to him losing happiness. As for his death… not much can be said. It is possible that the subject was in such mental disarray that the anomaly decided that a painless death was the only way of- well, putting him out of his suffering. It's clear to me that we are dealing with something we do not completely understand, and it scares me. - Head Researcher Zavala DIRECT MESSAGE ALERT I am giving you clearance to attempt utilization of SCP-7988 once more. This will be your last chance, however. Fail and you get removed from the project. Good luck, Zavala. Sincerely, 05-6 PROJECT HORSESHOE REDUX OUTLINE: Overview: Project horseshoe originally failed due to lack of understanding on the affects of comprehension. Project Horseshoe Redux was meant to correct the folly of Project Horseshoe by taking into account anomaly comprehension. Starting date: 12/23/16 Overseeing Researcher: Cayde Zavala Procedures: Site 85 had communications isolated and travel prohibited for an extended period of time. All personnel with knowledge of SCP-7988 were relocated prior to operations start. One thaumaturgic staff member was isolated and instructed to report any abnormal fluctuations in brain activity, but was not informed on why he was doing so. Remaining staff were told that an XK-class event was occurring and instructed to "stop" it by preventing all containment breaches. Overseeing personnel self amnestizised after setting up a memetic injection for 90 days into the future. Results: Following initial panic, thaumaturge reports a continuous low in brain activity. Camera footage indicates that site staff did continue with containment efforts. Remarkably, the monthly breach average for Keter and Euclid class objects was reduced to .7 from 4.3. Project Horseshoe Redux was conducted on 3 other sites to similar affect. Analysis: [DATA EXPUNGED] ERROR=17 (deletion scheduled) Good evening, Project lead Zavala PROGRAM SEMBLANCE INITIATED ]]what is this program?[[ I am the artificial intelligence you have put in charge of Project Horseshoe Redux following its spread across all concurrent foundation sites. ]]project horseshoe redux was successful?[[ Project horseshoe has succeeded in lowering containment breach rates, Project lead Zavala. ]]is project horseshoe redux still active[[ The parameters put in place by Project Horseshoe Redux are operating as intended, Project lead Zavala. ]]define project horseshoe redux parameters[[ Doing so would compromise the integrity of your operation, Project lead Zavala. ]]are any other staff members aware of project horseshoe redux?[[ You entrusted me to be sole retainer of Project Horseshoe Redux, seeing as I am a machine and cannot alter SCP-7988 outcomes. No other staff members have accessed this terminal aside from you, Project lead Zavala. ]]calculate current breach reduction rate[[ 40.333333333%, Project lead Zavala ]]how many times have i accessed this terminal[[ You investigate its presence in your office after the amnestics have set in, which has been an average of 6 days between access attempts. In total, you have opened this terminal 13 times, Project lead Zavala. ]]open project horseshoe redux parameters, i will self amnestisize after closing this terminal[[ Self amnestization will not be necessary, you have programmed me to wipe your memory following opening Project Horseshoe Redux. Do you consent to a memory wipe? ]]y[[ Restoring data… PROJECT SEMBLANCE Overseeing administrator: Program Semblance Description: SCP-7988 is controlled by expectations… My hope is that semblance will be able to manage this wide scale of an operation. Robots cannot have hope, so logically, SCP-7988 is not affected by their expectations. Of course, my expectations still remain. I will wipe my own memory after this, and ideally hide semblance beforehand. If you're reading this, you're probably me, and I would guess that I have trapped myself in some loop of forgetting and rediscovering semblance. In that case, reading the following information is meaningless. However, if my assumptions are incorrect, and Project semblance has failed, then it is imperative that you read the following. Parameters: Artificial intelligence construct semblance is to carry out the finalized version of what was previously Project Horseshoe/Redux. Foundation policies put in place at the start of the program (I.e no staff breaks, poor cafeteria food quality, and absence of vending machines) are to be kept in place by any means necessary. Semblance is connected via neural link to 05-6 (head of internal administration) in order to prevent an increase of site living standards. No sapient entity is to be made aware of Project semblance. Project lead Zavala, are you ready to disengage? ]]close program[[ AMNESTIC ADMINISTERED Program rebooting… Systems operational; monitor going to sleep Footnotes 1. Random Chance Event « SCP-7987 | SCP-7988 | SCP-7989 »