Subject: SCP-7679 Date: February 2nd, 2024 Forward: The following footage was taken as part of the orientation of Agent David "Davy" Davidson into MTF Chi-58 ("Dreamscrapers"). It is believed to be the final footage of SCP-7679. Footage was recorded by Agent Senna "Sunny" Abebe's bodycam. Both agents are referred to using their codenames in the transcription. <Begin log> [Agents Sunny and Davy approach the entrance to Site-58's Department of Zoological Studies.] Davy: And that's a daily thing? Like every day? Sunny: We get a break from it about once every two weeks. It's not a scheduled thing, but sometimes you can distract him for a bit. Anyway, we won't assign you to that case for a bit, not until you're more versed in all… this. We're going to have you focus on real-world side guys first, like Chuck. Davy: Chuck? Sunny: God of Weather and Seasons, for the eastern US anyway. He's an adorable little guy, but Caraway can tell you more. [They enter into the department past the security doors. After a few minutes, they make their way to Zoological Containment Chamber 7073. There they find Dr. Faran Caraway thrashing about on the ground trying and failing to remove a goose from his tail. He notices the new arrivals and quickly rises to his feet. The goose remains attached to his tail.] Caraway: Hey! Sorry about that, I didn't realize I had visitors today. Sunny: No worries, we didn't formally schedule this. I was running Davy here through orientation and figured we might as well show him some of the gods we have in containment on this side. [Davy gives an awkward wave.] Caraway: Which one were you hoping to see? Ranbar the Scourge isn't around right now, but everyone else should be here. Davy: Ranbar the Scourge…? Sunny: God of Theatrics. Looks like a swan and tends to direct Site-58's community theatre programs. Anyway no, we wanted to see Chuck. Caraway: Sure, sure. Just help me get this… delightful little guy off of me and I'll take you right over. [Sunny approaches the goose, who immediately detaches from Caraway's tail and eyes her with an open beak.] Sunny: …Good now? Caraway: No, he's furious. [The goose screams before charging the agents. Agent Sunny sidesteps it, allowing it to tackle Davy to the ground. They manage to hold it away from their body as it continues to hiss and screech, buffeting them with its wings. Dr. Caraway is able to restrain it, and motions for the agents to flee the room. They do so, fleeing to the hallway and shutting the security door. Caraway exits a few minutes later, with several bruises and bite marks across his arms.] Caraway: Let's just get over to Chuck. [Caraway guides the agents over to Zoological Containment Chamber 7679.] Caraway: Chuck's a nice guy, but try not to spook him. Last time someone did, it snowed in Florida for a week. [Caraway unlocks and opens the door, and the group enters.] Caraway: Sorry to bother you, Chuck! I just have a few visit- [They see SCP-7679 sprawled across the floor, unmoving. Several parts of its body appear to be in the process of dissolving, exposing muscle tissue and bones.] Davy: Is he… supposed to look like that? Sunny: Absolutely not. [Thunder can be heard from outside.] Caraway: This is bad. Very very bad. Item#: SCP-7679 Level4 Containment Class: draugr Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: warning link to memo SCP-7679 Special Containment Procedures: Current efforts are underway to recover SCP-7679's soul from the Dreamscape1. Until it is able to be recovered, Foundation efforts are to focus on providing disaster relief to areas directly affected by SCP-7679's passing. SCP-7679's corpse and former containment chamber remain under the custody of Site-58's Department of Zoological Studies. Description: SCP-7679 refers to the corpse of a Marmota Monax.2 SCP-7679 was sapient and capable of limited communication, referring to itself as "Chuck Storms." In life, SCP-7679 was responsible for maintaining weather patterns over the eastern United States. SCP-7679 was incredibly long-lived. At the time of its passing, SCP-7679 is believed to have been approximately 137 years old. Addendum 7679.1: Recovery Mission Debrief: SCP-7679 was declared neutralized on February 2nd, 2024. Its death follows the death of three other anomalies believed to originate from the Dreamscape that occurred over a period of 2 weeks. Believed to be a trend, an emergency meeting between Site-58 director Gerald Scarborough and active members of MTF Chi-58 ("Dreamscrapers"). The meeting has been transcribed below. Meeting Transcript Date: February 3rd, 2024 Present: Dir. Gerald Scarborough, Spero "Rusty" Alejo, Senna "Sunny" Abebe, Kiku "Chrissy" Watanabe, Ori "Ori" Fling, David "Davy" Davidson <Begin Log> Dir. Scarborough: So I suppose you're all wondering why I've gathered you here today- Rusty: No. Chrissy: No. Ori: No. Sunny: Also no. Davy: I, um, was wondering actually. Dir. Scarborough: Fine, I'll cut to the chase. That's the third "god" dead in the past month- Chrissy: Two weeks. Dir. Scarborough: Two weeks, which is objectively worse by the way. That's the third one dead with no rhyme or reason to it, and like all the ones before it, it's literally fizzling out. First, I need a status report on the other ones we have. Is anyone giving us any sign that they're about to keel over? Rusty: I did a sweep last night of the usual info sources in the Dreamscape. A few are feeling weaker than usual, but they're also representing the less critical domains. Dir. Scarborough: Meaning? Rusty: Conceptually people have a weaker grasp on who they are and what they represent. The weaker the grasp people have of them as a concept, the weaker they'll be as individuals. Since people don't tend to think about the concept of "bug zappers" very often, I'm not particularly shocked that the God of Bug Zappers is feeling weak right now. Sunny: Good pun! Rusty: What? Dir. Scarborough: Focus. What about the ones we have at 58? Chrissy: I did that sweep last night too. Botulae has been off according to Dr. Rosemary. Aside from that though, everyone else seems fine. Dir. Scarborough: So that leaves us stuck then. Zoological Studies give you that report? Sunny: I got it. Chuck was totally fine earlier yesterday morning. They even got to do the shadow check like expected. Six more weeks of winter, by the way. Dir. Scarborough: Have any of you actually looked at the forecasts? [Everyone gathered shakes their heads.] Dir. Scarborough: Take a look. [Dir. Scarborough turns on the conference room television and turns it to a local weather broadcast.] Reporter: It is currently projected that temps will continue to rise through the Nanticoke area as this sudden storm cell passes through. It is unclear how long this storm will continue for- [Dir. Scarborough changes the channel to a national broadcast.] Reporter: Currently, city authorities are mobilizing to respond to the sudden storm front. Recommendations currently are that all residents follow standard hurricane prep procedures and prepare as wind speeds increase and rain continues- Dir. Scarborough: We're lucky here in Nanticoke that it's just a freak thunderstorm. I'm getting reports from Foundation sites across the eastern seaboard of freak weather. Hurricanes in February, snowstorms in freaking New Orleans, and at least one tornado that touched down for a few minutes in Charleston. We're lucky things are pretty benign overall right now, but if this is the result of SCP-7679 kicking the bucket we have a fucking problem. Davy: This is due to SCP-7679 dying? [Dir. Scarborough glares at Davy.] Dir. Scarborough: What else could it be? This all started right after the rat died. Unless you have a better explanation, don't ask stupid questions, please. [Davy sinks into their chair and chews at their thumb.] Dir. Scarborough: Let's just get to the point. We've had a few "gods" die, and this one is actively causing problems. It's on you all need to fix this and fix it fast. Chrissy: Excuse me, hold on. Why exactly is this our problem to handle? SCP-7679 was under the purview of the Zoological Studies Department, we just ran check-ins. Dir. Scarborough: Because 7679 was from the Dreamscape, and that's your purview. You all are responsible for figuring out how to solve this. Chrissy: That's a ridiculous demand to force onto my team! We don't even know where to start- Ori: Actually, we might. [Ori places a sheet of paper down on the table. An intricate sigil is drawn on it.] Dir. Scarborough: The hell is this? Ori: This is Chuck's sigil. It represents his power as a god. If he was well and truly dead, it wouldn't do this- Thaumaturgic sigil associated with SCP-7679 [Ori mutters something unintelligible under their breath. The sigil begins to glow, and a slight breeze blows through the conference room.] Ori: There's still power in his sigil, meaning he's not completely dead. Sunny: Are you sure? I'm pretty sure we saw him very much dead and dissolving. Rusty: He's still in the Dreamscape. Dir. Scarborough: Oh good lord, that is vital information. Why the hell are you just telling us now?! Rusty: You didn't ask earlier. You wanted a report on other gods. Chrissy: Excuse Rusty, Director. I'll handle this. Rusty, what info did you get on Chuck? Rusty: I got reports from the Dreamscape that one of Mammon's people spotted Chuck. I wasn't able to get much beyond that, and I don't have clearance to parley with Mammon. Dir. Scarborough: We can work with this. Here are your orders, then. I want two of you to go and parley with Mammon. Find SCP-7679, bring it back, and fix this mess. The rest of you are on crisis management until then. Keep things as under control as possible and make sure we don't have another surprise neutralization. Ori: Surprise Draugr. Neutralized means the anomaly is no longer anomalous, Draugr means that even though it died it's still affecting- Dir. Scarborough: Respectfully, shut the fuck up. Get to work. Following this meeting, Agents Sunny and Davy were assigned to SCP-7679 recovery. All other agents of MTF Chi-58 were assigned to disaster relief efforts, with commander Chrissy serving as leader. Recovered footage <Begin log> Davy: Come on, Sunny! This is insane, they want us to parlay with some demon lord thing?! Sunny: Are you doubting my ability to be an effective leader? Davy: No! I'm doubting my ability to be an effective support! There's "green" and there's "moss-covered fish tank", and I'm definitely the latter. Why not assign one of the more experienced agents to this? [Agent Sunny shrugs.] Sunny: Scarborough is an enigma sometimes. My best guess? He wants the experienced ones to stay on the real side to handle the stuff that will directly affect the general public. Our mission is more important, but we're also dealing with the less immediately visible stuff. Just leave the talking to me and you'll be fine. [They approach a large mirror.] Sunny: Alright, got your tattoo already, right? [Agent Davy rolls up their sleeve, revealing a tattoo of a crescent moon with a single line across the center on their forearm.] Sunny: Good. Just follow what I do. [Agent Sunny bites firmly into her left thumb, drawing blood. Agent Davy recoils.] Davy: What the hell?! [Agent Sunny rolls up her sleeve, revealing an identical tattoo to Agent Davy on her arm. She traces it with her bleeding thumb.] Sunny: Oh come on, Davy. Blood magic shouldn't be a new concept for you, right? Davy: N-no, but- Sunny: Listen, Davy, I need you to do exactly as instructed if you want this mission to be successful. None of this hesitant waffling newbie stuff. You were consigned to this team for a reason, so it's time to get to work. [Davy holds their left thumb up to their mouth and gently bites down.] Davy: Like thith? Sunny: Harder, you need to actually draw blood. [Davy bites down firmly before yanking their thumb out and yelping.] Sunny: There you go! …And you get used to it, trust me. Anyway, trace the tattoo, then approach the mirror. Then, just walk right on through. [Agent Sunny turns and steps through the mirror, disappearing. Agent Davy does as instructed, and follows suit, passing through the mirror. When their camera readjusts, they appear to be in a boreal forest, surrounded by large pines. Small orbs of blue light float about the area, rising from the ground as the agents walk by. Snow is falling, settling into a thin layer on the ground. Agent Sunny approaches one of the orbs of light and gives it a gentle smile. It flashes in response before floating off.] Davy: This is…? Sunny: The Dreamscape, yeah. Part of it, anyway. You don't seem impressed. Davy: I guess I expected something more… fantastical? [Davy picks a rock off the ground. It hisses. Davy yelps and drops it, allowing it to skitter away.] Sunny: Like I said, this is just part of it. This is a world of the human mind. Some parts of it will be fairly grounded in reality like over here, while others, well, let's just say it can get pretty crazy the deeper you go. Don't take anything at face value, though. Dreams are weird things after all. Davy: Duly noted. [Davy wipes their hands on their pants and follows Sunny as she begins walking. Every few minutes they poke at one of the blue orbs, which dance away from their fingers.] Davy: How do we find Mammon anyway? Sunny: There's a common smuggling route up ahead. If he's not there, I'm sure his crows will be. [The agents approach a clearing. There, they find a murder of crows surrounding a truck. The truck appears to have a blown-out tire, and several shiny objects have fallen out of its trunk. The crows caw angrily at one another as they attempt to recover the objects and repair the damage.] Davy: Oh, literal crows. I thought it was some gang name thing. Sunny: Like I said, let me handle the talking. [Agent Sunny approaches a crow and grabs it by the legs, lifting it to her face and dangling it upside down. The other crows scatter, flying into nearby trees.] File photo of Zacharias Sunny: Alright, Zacharias. Start squawking because I'm pretty sure I told you to keep your happy ass away from here. Zacharias: HEY! HEY! EASY! COME ON! Sunny: Talk. What are you doing over here? Zacharias: LISTEN I DIDN'T WANNA! OTHER QUICKEST ROUTE OVER IS NO GOOD. BOSS'S ORDERS. Sunny: What are you even moving? Drugs or just contraband? [She nods to Davy, who investigates the items on the ground.] Zacharias: NEW GUY? [Agent Sunny glares at Zacharias.] Davy: These are… bottle caps? Wait these are ALL bottle caps. I thought you said this was a smuggling operation? Sunny: It's supposed to be. So, Zachy, what's the deal here? Zacharias: I DUNNO A THING! [She shakes the crow.] Zacharias: HONEST! I SWEAR! I KNOW NOTHING! Sunny: Bullshit, Zachy. I know you AND Mammon well enough by now that you don't deal in things just because they're "shiny". Davy: Wait… Sunny: What's up? Davy: The tire tracks. They're covered in snow. Sunny: What about it? Davy: Look. It's not fresh or packed down, you can barely make out the treads. That means the truck has been here a while. [Sunny glares at Zacharias once more.] Zacharias: SO WHAT? BLOWN OUT TIRE. WE'VE BEEN HERE A BIT. WAITING ON BACKUP, NO SPARE. Sunny: Waiting for us, right? Zacharias: WHAT? Sunny: Davy, check the truck bed. Lemme know if you see anything that stands out. [Agent Davy approaches the truck bed.] Davy: I see the bag for the bottle caps and… [They move the bag aside.] Davy: A spare tire. Sunny: Funny thing, that. A spare tire. Zacharias: UHHH… Sunny: Speak. Now. Zacharias: BOSS HAS THE GOPHER GUY. TOOK HIM TO HQ. TOLD US TO STAY HERE AND DISTRACT FOUNDATION CREEPS. THAT'S ALL I SWEAR. [Agent Sunny throws Zacharias to the ground. He rolls over a few times before shaking himself off and taking to the trees.] Sunny: Well that makes part of this easier. That confirms that Rusty's information was good if nothing else. Davy: Sure, but what the hell would this Mammon guy want with the soul of… uh, what was his name? Sunny: Chuck Storms. And I have a few theories, but most boil down to pure capitalistic greed. The real issue now is the fact that he set up this stupid little ruse to distract us, which means we're on a timer of some kind right now. Davy: How long do we have? Sunny: No clue, so we can't waste time. Let's get moving because I have a theory that Mammon is going to throw some other bullshit at us. He's already decided to waste our time once with the stupidest distraction I've ever seen. ZACHARIAS! [Agent Sunny runs up to a tree and shoots her arm into the branches, fishing the crow out. She bites into her right thumb and traces a sigil onto the bird's back.] Recreation of thaumaturgic binding sigil drawn onto Zacharias. Zacharias: OI! OI OI OI! WHAT'S THAT ABOUT? Sunny: Little trick Ori taught me recently. You're going to take us to Mammon and ensure that we get in. Zacharias: LIKE HELL I AM! [The sigil glows bright red, and Agent Sunny lets Zacharias go. He immediately attempts to flee, managing to get approximately three meters from her before he's pulled back by an invisible force.] Zacharias: UNHAND ME, YOU WRETCH! YOU CANNOT CONTAIN ME! Sunny: Can, and did. I'll break the sigil once the mission is done, but until then you're with us, Zachy. [She turns to Davy.] Sunny: Let's move. Weather Report Location: Miami, Florida Phenomenon: Sudden tidal surge results in the coastline receding approximately 2km from the shore. Response: Citizens near the coastline evacuated in preparation for a potential tsunami. No tsunami was reported, and the coastline returned to normal 2 hours later. Location: Macon, Georgia Phenomenon: Wind gusts of upwards of 80 km were reported through the city, continuing intermittently for 3 hours. Response: Disaster relief team mobilized to respond to reported damages. Location: Bridgeport, Connecticut Phenomenon: Supercell thunderstorm suddenly manifested, dropping 0.9m of rain on the city in a half-hour period, in turn resulting in severe flash flooding through the area. Response: Available personnel in the area deployed to assist citizen disaster relief efforts. [A ringing sound is heard. Agent Sunny checks her watch before groaning.] Sunny: It's Director Scarborough. Hold on. Zacharias: PUT ME ON. I HAVE COMPLAINTS. [She taps the screen on her watch, and an image of Director Scarborough appears.] Dir. Scarborough: Status report you two. Zacharias: I AM BEING DETAINED AGAINST MY WILL. I HAVE NOT BEEN READ MY RIGHTS. [Agent Sunny clamps Zacharias's beak shut with her hand.] Sunny: Mammon definitely has Chuck. He set up this stupid distraction with his crows. [Zacharias breaks free of Sunny's grip.] Zacharias: AND IT WORKED. Dir. Scarborough: Well hurry the hell up. We're getting more freak weather by the hour, Screamy is losing its mind with predictions, and the number of available personnel is dwindling. I need results and I need them yesterday. Get moving. [Dir. Scarborough hangs up.] Zacharias: I DON'T APPRECIATE THAT HE IGNORED ME. [Davy paces back and forth, chewing the end of their thumb.] Davy: So, where exactly do we need to go now? Sunny: Mammon's HQ. Good news is that it shouldn't be terribly far from where we are now, assuming it hasn't moved. It hasn't, right, Zachy? Zacharias: MY BEAK IS SEALED. [Agent Sunny makes a fake lunge towards Zacharias. Zacharias finches, covering his face with his wings and cawing.] Zacharias: IT HASN'T MOVED I SWEAR! PLEASE DON'T BLOW ME UP! Sunny: …Should be a short climb down the cliffs and a nice hike through the tunnels. Davy: Cliffs? [They approach the edge of the forest, which is surrounded by a sheer cliff looking across into apparent nothingness. Looking down, the camera is unable to identify a clear bottom. Davy steps back.] Davy: No way, you cannot be serious. We have to climb down THAT? Sunny: Yup. It's not as bad as it looks, promise. I've done it a few times. Davy: Sunny I'm not sure if you've noticed but your arms are the size of my head. I wouldn't call myself weak, but- Zacharias: YOUR ARMS ARE LIKE SOFT NOODLES. YOU'RE A WEAK NOODLE-PERSON. [Agent Sunny flicks Zacharias. He squeals and recoils, bringing his wings up to his beak and rubbing it dramatically.] Sunny: That's your only warning, bird. [She turns to Agent Davy.] Sunny: The only way to learn how to do something is to try it. Do you trust me? Davy: Sure, but- Sunny: And I trust you. Davy: Thanks? Sunny: So if you trust me and I trust you, that means that everything is going to be just fine. I'll go down first, that way if something does happen, I can catch you. [She approaches the cliff, Zacharias being dragged along the ground behind her. She begins descending the cliff. Zacharias is dragged to the edge and pulled over the side before he can attempt to take flight. The sound of panicked cawing is heard from below.] [Agent Davy approaches the cliff and carefully lowers themself down. They grab the first outcrop they can find and anchor their arms and legs.] Sunny: That's it. Just like that, Davy. Focus on your body and nothing else. [Agent Davy takes a deep breath and slowly releases it. They move their right leg down with extreme caution before it anchors onto another ledge. They continue this, moving slowly down the cliffside with careful movements. A few minutes into descending, their foot slips off of its hold. Davy yelps.] Sunny: Calm yourself, take a breath. You still have the wall, focus on your grip. You can do this, Davy. Davy: I- Sunny: You can do this, Davy. [Agent Davy pauses, testing their grip against the cliff before finding a new foothold for their foot. They secure themself and continue their descent until they finally set down on solid ground. They leap from the wall and lay on the ground, rubbing their face in the red-tinted grass.] Davy: That freaking SUCKED! Zacharias: I FELT LIKE I WAS FALLING FOREVER. THIS IS MY PERSONAL HELL. Sunny: You did really well, Davy. I'm proud of you. Zacharias: I STOPPED SWEARING HALFWAY DOWN. ARE YOU PROUD OF ME? [Davy looks up. The camera is unable to pick up any clear details on the environment more than a few meters off the ground.] Sunny: Let's take a short break, huh? I'm sure you could use a rest after that. Davy: It's weird. Sunny: What's that? Davy: I just realized I don't think I've seen the sky once since we got here. Sunny: Oh yeah, this place doesn't have one. [Agent Sunny sits, crossing her legs. She pats the ground beside her, motioning for Davy to join. Zacharias attempts to take the spot but Sunny shoves him aside, allowing Davy to sit. Zacharias huffs.] Sunny: Guess we're still in the middle of your orientation, huh? No better way to learn than by doing and all that. What did you do before joining us, anyway? Davy: I was an anomalous cultures scholar over at 120. Sunny: What was the work like? [Davy shrugs.] Davy: It was fine. I didn't spearhead anything, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy learning about the Fae and Yeren and such. Sunny: Buuuuut? Davy: But what? Zacharias: SHE'S IMPLYING YOU WERE A MISERABLE ASSHOLE. NOT LIKE THAT'S CHANGED. Sunny: I'm implying that something was missing there that made you apply here. [Davy shrugs.] Davy: I just wanted a change of scenery. That's all. Did I need some deeper answer for it? Besides, I couldn't pass up a chance to do proper fieldwork. [Agent Sunny rolls her eyes.] Sunny: Fine, keep your secrets. If scenery is what you want, though, remind me to show you one of the more surrealistic areas. Remember what I said earlier? Some places get WILD. Zacharias: SHIT THAT MAKES YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'VE BEEN RUN THROUGH A BLENDER. [Agent Sunny stands up and stretches.] Sunny: I gotta pee before we keep moving. So… [She licks her thumb and rubs at the sigil on Zacharias for a moment. He caws in disapproval as he's handed to Davy.] Sunny: He's bound to you now. Keep an eye on him until I come back. Zacharias: I'M NOT SOME CHEAP FLOOZY YOU CAN JUST PAWN OFF ON OTHER PEOPLE. Sunny: Can it princess, and behave while I'm gone. [Agent Sunny heads off, leaving Davy and Zacharias alone. The two sit in awkward silence for several minutes, occasionally exchanging glances. Zacharias eventually speaks up.] Zacharias: HOW ABOUT THIS WEATHER? Davy: What about it? Zacharias: COME ON. WORK WITH ME HERE. Davy: …Ok. The weather is… nice? I guess? Zacharias: THE WEATHER IS SHIT. AND YOU'RE SHIT AT SMALL TALK. Davy: You're the one who started talking first! Zacharias: YEAH AND YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S SUPPOSED TO HOLD UP THEIR END OF THE SOCIAL BARGAIN. Davy: So is everyone from the Dreamscape an asshole or are you just a special case? [Zacharias throws up his wings in feigned innocence.] Zacharias: WORDS HURT, HUMAN. BUT IF IT HELPS, I'M SPECIAL. NOT TO IMPLY THERE AREN'T ASSHOLES HERE, LOTS OF THE GODS THAT CALL THIS PLACE HOME ARE REAL MOTHERFUCKERLY TYPES. BUT I'M A SPECIAL TYPE OF ASSHOLE. Davy: Oh really? How so? Zacharias: I'M ENDEARING. Davy: Can't say I agree. [Zacharias hops over to Davy and climbs onto their leg, turning his head to the side and clicking his beak.] Zacharias: COME ON, YOU CAN'T SAY YOU AREN'T A LITTLE TURNED TO THE CHARMS. [Davy cracks a smile before nudging Zacharias off.] Davy: Nope, not a bit. Zacharias: AH, SO SUNNY'S YOUR FANCY THEN. FAIR ENOUGH, LOTS OF PEOPLE I KNOW WANT TO BE BRUTALIZED BY A BIG STRONG WOMAN. OR BLOWN UP. MYSELF NOT SO MUCH, BUT- Davy: No? One, I don't want to hear whatever it is you were planning to say, and two I don't feel like that. I've only known the woman for like… a day. She's nice, and I think she's a friend, but that's about the extent of it. I honestly have no clue where you got that idea from. Zacharias: DUDE I KNOW, I WAS JUST FUCKING WITH YOU. [Zacharias makes a chittering sound that sounds almost like laughter.] Zacharias: YOU'RE LUCKY EITHER WAY. Davy: Why's that? [Zacharias shakes his head.] Zacharias: IT'S NOTHING. JUST ENJOY WHAT YOU'VE GOT GOING ON, FOUNDATION. Sunny: And what do they have exactly, Zachy? Zacharias: GAH! THE WITCH RETURNS! BEGONE, HARLOT. WE WERE HAVING INSIGHTFUL CONVERSATIONS. Sunny: Well enough insightful conversation, time to move. Scarborough has been blowing up my watch with weather reports and things aren't looking great. It's currently 103 degrees Fahrenheit in Calais, Maine which is a bit more than "unseasonably warm" for them right now. Davy: Do I need to do something to Zacharias's sigil thing to set him back to you? [Agent Sunny waves a hand dismissively.] Sunny: Nah, keep him for now. Consider him a training exercise. He can teach you how to negotiate with some of the more difficult customers we deal with. Zacharias: YOU'RE STUCK WITH ME NOW, BITCH. BUCKLE UP. Sunny: You have my approval to flick, smack, punch, and otherwise cause Zachy physical harm in response to his nonsense though. Zacharias: THIS IS AN EGREGIOUS VIOLATION OF MY RIGHTS. I'M CALLING MY LAWYER. Weather Report Location: Elizabeth City, North Carolina Phenomenon: Repeated temperature fluctuations between -5 degrees Celsius and 36 degrees Celsius. Response: Citizens are instructed to remain indoors until temperatures stabilize. Location: Westerly, Rhode Island Phenomenon: Standard easterly winds suddenly shift to westerly winds through the local area. Response: None needed. The shift was largely unnoticed by citizens. Location: Nanticoke, Pennsylvania Phenomenon: A sudden storm drops 287 American bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) over the town. All instances die from the impact. Response: Available Site-58 personnel participate in the cleaning of frog viscera from the town. Public spaces of Site-58 are opened to provide medical care to any injured during the event. [Zacharias leads the Agents to a sheer cliff face. He pauses and looks back before flinching in response to a sharp glare from Agent Sunny. He traces a circle and series of lines into the ground with his talons before pushing on the wall. The wall warps at his touch, deforming before a circle of the rock face vanishes revealing a tunnel.] Sunny: Any nonsense we need to be aware of before we enter, Zachy? Zacharias: YOU'LL GET NOTHING FROM ME, HARLOT. IF YOU DIE A PAINFUL DEATH IN THERE I VIEW IT AS A NET POSITIVE. Sunny: I take that to mean that if there is something to worry about, you wouldn't know? Zacharias: …YES. Davy: Didn't you all come through here to get to the clearing earlier? Zacharias: HOW IN THE GOLDEN HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GET A TRUCK UP THE CLIFFS? Davy: Wait if you came from your HQ with a truck, and you can't get a truck up the cliffs, then why are we going this way instead of the way you came from? Sunny: They drove the truck up the cliff, don't let him confuse you. Ever heard the expression "Driving me up a wall"? Davy: Of course. Sunny: Think literally here. There's a reason these crows are insufferable bastards. Put enough of them in one place, and with Dreamscape rules they can literally drive each other up a wall. [Zacharias sits with an expression of smug satisfaction.] Davy: Now that I think about it, why didn't we just take their truck? They had a spare tire. Zacharias: BECAUSE THE OTHER FUCKWADS IN THE MURDER SKEDADDLED THE SECOND THAT BEAR OF A WOMAN SHOWED UP. I KNOW THAT I'M AMAZING AND PERFECT, BUT MY CHARMS AREN'T ENOUGH TO DRIVE US BACK DOWN THE WAY WE CAME. THAT SAID IF YOU WANT ME TO TRY AND DRIVE YOU UP A WALL I HAVE A COUPLE OF FANTASTIC STORIES ABOUT- [Davy clamps Zacharias's beak shut before looking back to Sunny.] Sunny: We really need to stop letting ourselves get distracted. Davy, I appreciate the curiosity but for the sake of time, I ask that you hang onto your questions until we get back. I'll let you know if there's anything vital you need to be successful, alright? Davy: Understood. Sunny: Good. Let's move. [The group enters the tunnel. The footage goes dark for a moment, and Davy can be heard yelping alongside the sound of grinding stone and metal. When visibility returns, the group appears to be in a large cavern chamber. The cave's walls are covered in small, luminous gemstones.] Sunny: Alright, Zacharias. Lead the way. [Zacharias grumbles, but walks off towards a tunnel. The agents follow.] Davy: Can we trust him? Sunny: I've worked with Zacharias for years now. He's the primary point of contact between the Foundation and Mammon's crows. Aside from being easily bullied into compliance, I can promise you that he won't intentionally lead us anywhere that would risk him getting killed. Zacharias: IF I WANTED YOU ALL DEAD I'D DO IT. I'M A MANIAC. I'VE KILLED SO MANY PEOPLE IT'S INSANE. Sunny: He's small-time overall. Worst thing I've caught him mixed up in was smuggling illicit paratech through to the Three Portlands area. Zacharias: THEY WERE WEAPONS OF WAR. IT WAS GOING TO LEAD A REVOLUTION. YOU SHOULD BE AFRAID OF WHAT I'M CAPABLE OF DOING. Sunny: They were watches with extremely rudimentary .aics3 that were barely anomalous. We did wind up using one as the basis for Screamy though, so thanks for that. Zacharias: I HATE YOU. [Zacharias continues to lead the way. The group stops at an apparent pit with a series of floating rocks across it.] Zacharias: OH TOO BAD! DEAD END IF YOU CAN'T FLY. ANYWAY, IT WAS MISERABLE SERVING YOU TWO SO IF YOU WOULD JUST LET ME- Sunny: Easy enough obstacle. This is Dreamscape 101 stuff. All you need to do is- [Agent Sunny reels back before leaping out across the pit and landing on one of the floating rocks, grabbing its surface. She kicks off, leaping to another further out.] Sunny: It's really easy, Davy. Give it a shot. [Agent Davy bites their thumb for a moment.] Davy: I… I… you know what? [They take a deep breath.] Davy: I can do this. [They take a step back.] Zacharias: HOLD ON JUST A SEC. GIVE ME A SEC TO- [They run towards the pit and take a flying leap to the first rock. They stumble at first but manage to brace themself against it. Zacharias is yanked behind them and launched face-first into the rock, before sliding down and hanging suspended in mid-air over the pit.] Zacharias: MOTHERFUCKER I SAID HOLD ON! PULL ME UP PULL ME UP! Sunny: Good work! Now just brace your foot like this, and leap! [Agent Sunny leaps off to the next rock. She continues until she's on the other side. Agent Davy follows suit, leaping from rock to rock. Zacharias is swung about wildly as they progress across the pit, occasionally being thrown into rocks. He swears heavily the entire way across.] [Both Davy and Zacharias eventually make it to the other side. Davy takes a moment to catch their breath while Zacharias lies dazed on his back.] Davy: I-I actually did it! Holy crap I did it! Sunny: You did indeed, that was pretty good for a rookie. Keep that up and you'll make it out alive yet. Zacharias: I'M GONNA HURL. Sunny: You're gonna keep moving. Let's go, Zachy. [Agent Davy kneels down next to Zacharias and extends a hand.] Davy: Are you ok? Sorry about that, I forgot about the binding curse thing. Zacharias: YEAH, YEAH. I'LL BE FINE. I'VE SURVIVED WORSE. [Zacharias groans, rising to his feet. He wobbles, but eventually regains his balance and begins marching down the tunnel once more. After several minutes, Zacharias stops in place, his feathers ruffled. He vocalizes and looks around.] Davy: What's wrong? [Zacharias caws before turning back and sprinting to Davy. The ground shakes, several gemstones falling from the walls and shattering on the ground.] Zacharias: I THOUGHT HE LEFT. Sunny: You thought who left? [Zacharias peeks out from behind Davy's legs and points a wing ahead..] Zacharias: HIM. [A pillar of fire erupts from the ground in front of the agents, caving through the stone that forms the cave. A massive serpentine creature follows, the sound of hundreds of metallic legs scraping against stone as it rises and blocks the way forward. The rumbling continues, the creature erupting from the cave ceiling behind the agents and burrowing into the floor until both ends of the tunnel are blocked.] [The creature erupts once more in front of the group. Its head is large and flat like a spider's, with several eyes circling it and large fangs. He regards the agents for a moment before the head splits in two, revealing a humanoid face with large, curled tusks within. It speaks with a low growl.] Creature: …Foundation. [The creature narrows its eyes at Agent Sunny.] Creature: And you. Sunny: …Cabrackan. Davy: Sorry, you know this… uh… gentleman? Cabrackan: I am Cabrackan, Lord of Mountains and God of the Trembling Earth. You shall ensure you respect that. Sunny: Move. We're busy and don't have time for your antics. [Cabrackan howls, slamming a foreleg against the cave wall and sending bits of rock and dust cascading down on the agents and Zacharias. He lunges forward, stopping when his face is almost touching Agent Sunny's. She does not flinch.] Cabrackan: Perhaps not, but I have time for you. Explain to me, Foundation, why you have failed to uphold your end of the bargain? Sunny: What are you even talking about? [Cabrackan drives his forelegs into the ground before him. The ground shakes, and several stones fall from the ceiling.] Cabrackan: The MANDATE signed between the Foundation and the Divine! Do not play the fool with me, Foundation. You understand my words. I know you especially understand what I refer to. Davy: Is this a good time to ask what he's referring to, or…? [Agent Sunny doesn't respond, maintaining eye contact with Cabrackan.] Sunny: I fail to see where we've failed here. Now if you're done- [Agent Sunny attempts to walk past Cabrackan, only for him to block her with a leg. He knocks her over and pins her to the ground. Agent Davy begins to run over to assist, but Agent Sunny raises a hand to stop them.] Cabrackan: Another of the divine perishes in your company, one of MANY. We were promised faith from the people, promised that our memories were to be kept alive in humanity. Now I watch as yet another one of my divine brothers fades into nothing due to your INACTION! I do not claim specific love nor care for the weather god, but I have seen his fading soul myself and understand what that means for me. How long do I have until I join them, Foundation? Am I to simply remain here until I am dead like the others? I feel my powers starting to fade, Foundation. Look upon my form. [He holds a leg out. Near its pointed tip, a small patch of flesh can be seen dissolving like the corpse of SCP-7679 prior.] Sunny: We're doing what we can, whether people actually take to- [Cabrackan lifts the leg pinning Agent Sunny before bringing it back down on her chest. She sputters.] Davy: Sunny! Sunny: Stay there. I've got this. Davy: I can't just- Sunny: Stay there. That's an order. Cabrackan: I do not recall asking for excuses! No, at this point I am demanding action. Action that I shall take. You. [Cabrackan points a leg to Davy, who flinches in response.] Cabrackan: You will return to the waking world to inform the Foundation this: we do not know how or when, but the gods you have chosen to abandon in the Dreamscape will claw our way back into the waking world. We will be known one way or another. As for you… [Cabrackan begins to unhinge his jaw.] Cabrackan: You shall reap the fruits of your failings here and now. If I must claim your domain for my own, then I shall do so. [Davy hesitates for a moment before trying to run to Sunny. She raises a hand to stop them.] Sunny: Davy, get out of here. I can handle this. [Cabrackan lowers his mouth down to Agent Sunny as she thrashes and struggles against his leg. Davy chews at their thumb as Zacharias leaps onto their shoulder.] Zacharias: DO SOMETHING, YOU IDIOT! [Davy looks to Zacharias, and then to Agent Sunny. They bounce on their feet for a brief moment before inhaling deeply and running forward. They ball their hand into a fist and punch Cabrackan in the eye. Cabrackan recoils and bellows, lifting his leg just enough for Agent Sunny to wiggle free. She removes her gun from its holster, and immediately shoots Cabrackan in the other eye, causing him to recoil further.] [Davy trembles, looking down at their hand. Sunny puts a hand on their shoulder.] Sunny: Get down! Davy: What? [Agent Sunny forces Davy to the ground. Cabrackan screeches before letting loose a jet of flame from his mouth that flies over the agents. He proceeds to stretch his false head to either side of his body and strikes the ground with it, using each half as arms. The ground shakes, and more stones fall from the ceiling. Several rocks fall onto Zacharias, burying him under the rubble.] Sunny: Davy, move left and get out of the way! [Cabrackan swipes at the Agents. Agent Sunny leaps to the right and Agent Davy does the same, colliding with her and sending both falling to the ground.] Davy: Sorry, sorry! [Agent Sunny leaps to her feet, kicking one of Cabrackan's legs away before it can strike her.] Sunny: Don't apologize, just listen! Get out of this fight, let me handle it! On your feet, and MOVE! [The Agents attempt to flee, but Davy is knocked off their feet by an unseen force. They attempt to crawl along the ground but are unable to move forward. Agent Sunny turns around and grabs their arm, but is unable to move them.] Davy: Why can't I move? Sunny?! Sunny: I- [She looks to the pile of rubble.] Sunny: Shit, Zacharias! [Agent Sunny attempts to run to Zacharias, but is stopped by Cabrackan slamming one of his limbs down in front of her. With each attempt she makes towards Zacharias's position, she is stopped as Cabrackan continues to shake the ground and block her path.] Davy: K-Keep him occupied! I got it! Sunny: Davy, wait! It's too- [Sunny deflects a strike from Cabrackan with her arm as Agent Davy slides over and begins digging Zacharias out. As Davy frees Zacharias, Cabrackan attempts to impale Agent Davy on his false fangs. Agent Sunny is able to move both of them out of the way just in time, tucking and rolling towards a wall. Sunny attempts to shoot Cabrackan once more with her gun, but he deflects the bullet with part of his false head.] Zacharias: FINALLY, I THOUGHT YOU ALL WERE JUST GOING TO CONTINUE BEATING ME AGAINST THE ROCKS. I MIGHT HAVE BRAIN DAMAGE NOW. I EXPECT YOU TO PAY MY MEDICAL BILLS. Sunny: Shut the hell up for five seconds. Zacharias: YES MA'AM SHUTTING UP. [Cabrackan bellows, stomping the ground once more. The earth shakes, an a stalactite on the ceiling breaks free, falling to the ground and collapsing against the center of the room. The agents huddle behind the new pile of rocks.] Davy: What are we supposed to do here, Sunny? He's got both ends blocked! Sunny: Stay focused on moving, and listen to every instruction I give you when I give it. I need you to work with me. Inaction will get you killed. [Agent Sunny attempts to steady her gun against the rubble and shoot once more, but Cabrackan strikes her arm and knocks the gun aside. She winces and grabs her arm. Pulling her hand away reveals a large, bleeding gash. She reaches towards Davy with her uninjured arm.] Sunny: Davy, your gun. Davy: I didn't get one yet. I haven't passed the firearm training. Zacharias: ARE YOU SERIOUS? THEY SENT YOU ON AN IMPORTANT MISSION WITH NOTHING? [Cabrackan charges down the tunnel, shaking the ground and attempting to run the agents over. The group scatters, Zacharias being yanked by an invisible force as Davy rushes out of the way.] Davy: I-I have some supplies! Basic field equipment and a survival knife! I g-guess they just thought it wouldn't be needed? Haha… [Davy ducks as Cabrackan attempts to impale them on his legs. Sunny attempts to dive for her gun, but Cabrackan kicks it away from her before she can reach it.] Sunny: Well get your knife out then! Please! Davy: I can't reach it while I'm trying to not die! Zacharias: FINE, I'LL DO IT THEN. [Zacharias hops onto Davy, navigating over to their bag. He opens it, flapping his wings to maintain his balance as Davy continues to avoid being struck by Cabrackan. After a minute he's pulls his head out, a large knife in his beak.] Zacharias: I GOT A KNIFE. Sunny: Good work, Zachy. Pass it over to me. Davy: Wait, I… I have an idea. Sunny: Not really the time for ideas, Davy! Just listen to- Davy: For the love of God let me do something! Sunny: I'm just trying to keep you sa- [Sunny screams as Cabrackan strikes her side with a false fang. Blood begins oozing from a fresh wound on her side.] Davy: Zacharias, I need your help. Zacharias: YOU DEFINITELY DO. Davy: He's not focusing on you, so we're going to take advantage of that. Zacharias: OH YEAH? HOW. I'M STILL STUCK TO YOU, ASSHOLE. [Cabrackan approaches Sunny, jaw agape.] Davy: Just follow my lead and get ready to work. [Davy begins running towards Cabrackan, sliding under him as Zacharias braces himself. Once Davy is in front of Cabrackan, they grab Zacharias and throw him toward Cabrackan's face. Zacharias prepares the knife and grabs either side of Cabrackan's face with his talons as he begins slashing at it with the knife. Cabrackan screams in pain and staggers back, attempting to remove the bird from his face.] [Davy quickly digs through their bag as Zacharias continues to tear away at Cabrackan's head. He leaps off before Cabrackan can strike him with a false fang. Davy produces a can of mace. Cabrackan opens his uninjured eye and glares at Davy with a scarred and bloodied face. He lunges forward, but Davy sprays the mace directly into his face. With a final scream of agony, he retreats. The ground shakes as he burrows underground and out of sight.] [Agent Sunny collapses to the ground, clutching her side. Davy kneels beside her, lowering their bag to the ground.] Davy: Zacharias, I need the first aid kit stat. Zacharias: WHAT'S THE MAGIC WORD? Davy: Now. [Zacharias flinches in response to Davy's yelling, but complies. Davy lowers Sunny onto her back and carefully moves her hand from her side.] Davy: Focus on breathing, ok? Focus on just your breathing and my voice. Sunny: I'm so sorry, Davy. You shouldn't be trying to take care of me like this. I got careless. Davy: I need you to listen to me this time. You trust me, right? Sunny: Yeah. Davy: And I trust you. So I need you to just do what I ask this time. Save the apologies for later. [Zacharias drags over a first aid kit, and Davy goes to work patching Sunny's injuries. They pause for a moment while patching her side, their eyes falling on a small misshapen burn before continuing. Once the wounds are sufficiently cleaned and bandaged, they turn to Zacharias.] Davy: Is there a safer place nearby we can rest? The last thing I want is more surprises. If there's anything ahead that we could even possibly need to know about, you need to tell us right now. Zacharias: THERE'S A CHAMBER WITH AN UNDERGROUND LAKE IN IT JUST AHEAD. WE'LL BE FINE THERE, NO SURPRISES. I SWEAR IT ON MAMMON'S SIGIL. [Zacharias traces a shape into the ground and taps it with his claw. It glows a faint yellow.] Zacharias: BINDING ON MAMMON'S NAME. I COULDN'T LIE ON THAT IF I WANTED TO. Davy: Alright. And thanks. Zacharias: SAVE IT. FOCUS ON GETTING HER TO SAFETY. [Agent Davy hoists Agent Sunny onto their back and follows as Zacharias leads them deeper into the cave.] Weather Report Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey Phenomenon: Dense fog envelops the city, severely limiting visibility to just over 1m. The fog remains at the time of writing. Response: None, while the phenomenon is believed to be related to the death of SCP-7679, it is within the acceptable standards of normalcy for the city. Location: Roanoke, Virginia Phenomenon: Large storm cells form over the city, dropping golf ball sized hail over a three hour period. Response: Pending. Due to resources currently offered to other areas requiring disaster relief, limited numbers of Foundation personnel are available to offer support. Personnel to be sent when logistically feasible. Location: Nanticoke, Pennsylvania Phenomenon: All atmospheric winds across the continental United States changed directions, convening in the sky directly over Site-58. Response: Situation is being monitored. Request for support sent to wider Foundation body. [Agent Davy carries Agent Sunny into a wider cavern separate from the main path. They set her down near a large glowing lake. Several unidentified amphibious creatures flee as they approach, hopping off into the water.] [Agent Davy empties their bag and places it on the ground before laying Agent Sunny down and resting her head on top of it. She groans.] Sunny: Thanks. Davy: You're welcome. [Sunny attempts to sit up, but Davy places an hand on her shoulder and lays her back down.] Davy: Absolutely not. With those injuries, you aren't going anywhere right now. Sunny: If staying here to rest was an option I would, but- [She yelps as she tries to rise once more, grabbing her side and falling back onto her back.] Davy: You don't have a choice, Sunny. I need you to listen to me. [Agent Sunny reluctantly allows her body to relax.] Sunny: I thought you were just an anomalous cultures scholar before all this. Where did you learn combat medicine like this? Davy: Combat medicine? Sunny, this is just basic first aid. Sunny: Still! Davy: I… I always wanted to be an MTF agent, you know? So when I wasn't busy with research, I was studying MTF logs and trying to learn whatever I could so that I could actually join a team someday. [They chuckle.] Davy: It's really easy to read about people fighting monsters, though. It's all so different when you're actually there. Zacharias: HUMANS HAVE THIS WEIRD TENDENCY TO LOOK AT SOMEONE DOING SOMETHING AND GOING "YEAH I CAN TOTALLY DO THAT BETTER THAN THAT TRAINED GUY." YOU'RE STUPID LIKE THAT. Davy: Yeah, I'd say you're right this time. Zacharias: I'M ALWAYS RIGHT. Davy: Sunny… I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry. I let anxiety overwhelm me and started making stupid spur-of-the-moment decisions instead of just listening to you. I didn't do it because I thought I knew better, I just- Sunny: You disobeyed several of my direct orders and put yourself in danger several points during that fight. Your actions could've easily gotten you killed. Davy: I know! That's why- Sunny: But you also saved my life, and Zacharias's too. Zacharias: MY LIFE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN IN DANGER IF YOU ALL HADN'T LITERALLY DRAGGED ME HERE. Sunny: I tried to shoulder too much there and treated you like a child. I'm sorry for that. I'm not going to pretend you didn't screw up. You psyching yourself out early in that fight did cause problems, but I should've been less risky myself in trying to keep you safe. Davy: …Well, let me treat you like a child a bit then. Lay down, hold still, and rest for now. I'm sure your watch is blowing up like it was earlier, but we can't get anything done with you in this condition. Sunny: Yeah, you're probably right there. Davy: I'm always right. Zacharias: I DON'T APPRECIATE PLAGIARISM. Davy: I'm going to get you some water. Hang tight. [Davy rises to their feet and walks towards the lake. Zacharias casts a glance at Sunny before being dragged off his feet behind Davy. He scrambles to stand and begins walking.] Zacharias: HEY. Davy: Hm? Zacharias: EXPLAIN SOMETHING TO ME. [Davy leans down to the lake with an empty water bottle. They dip it in, shooing away several small aquatic creatures that attempt to swim into it] Davy: What's that? Zacharias: WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT HER? WHY NOT JUST LET HER TAKE CARE OF HERSELF? Davy: What do you mean? Zacharias: DOES IT NOT MAKE MORE SENSE TO CONTINUE WITH YOUR MISSION AND LEAVE HER TO HER OWN DEVICES? SHE'S SLOWING YOU DOWN, AND YOU DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO WAIT AROUND FOR HER. WHY NOT CUT THE LOSSES AND KEEP GOING? Davy: That'd be pretty cruel, wouldn't it? Just leaving a teammate behind? Zacharias: BUT IT'S LOGICAL! FUCKING HELL IT'S WHAT THE FLOCK DOES ALL THE TIME. SOMEONE NOT PULLING THEIR WEIGHT? SLOWING THE MISSION DOWN? DUMP THAT ASSHOLE! WE SHOULDN'T ALL SUFFER BECAUSE ONE PERSON FUCKED UP. Davy: I'm not just going to abandon a teammate when they need me, Zacharias. As for the mission… we'll figure it out. Right, we'll figure it out. Zacharias: YOU DON'T SEEM CONVINCED. Davy: Well, no of course I'm not! All of this is insane to me, you know? I'm doubting literally every single thing I do. Like this water? How do I know it's not just poison?! Zacharias: IT'S WATER, DUMBASS. Davy: Great, great. But you get my point, right? Zacharias: NO, I GOT LOST IN YOUR POISON WATER TANGENT. Davy: I'm not going to just leave a teammate to die. Even if it terrifies me, I'm going to do what I can to save her. I think she'd do the same for me. [Zacharias is quiet, staring at his reflection in the lake. Davy finishes filling the bottle and stands.] Davy: That was kinda corny, huh? Zacharias: THAT WAS NOTHING BUT CHEESE, AND IT REEKS. I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU HUMANS, ESPECIALLY YOU FOUNDATION-TYPES. BUT… [Zacharias's eyes fall onto the sigil drawn on him.] Zacharias: …HMPH. MAYBE HUMANS ARE JUST SAPPY, SENTIMENTAL CREATURES. Davy: Maybe we are. What about it? [Davy cracks a smile. Zacharias clicks his beak in disapproval.] Zacharias: DO WHAT YOU CAN TO SAVE YOURSELF AND GET THE MISSION DONE. THAT'S HOW THE FLOCK OPERATES, AND WE'VE NEVER FAILED WITH THAT. Davy: What about the people you've lost with that mentality? Doesn't it bother you, even a bit? Zacharias: SHOULD IT? MEMBERS OF THE FLOCK DIE ALL THE TIME. IF I MOURNED EVERY PERSON WHO DIED OR GOT LEFT BEHIND DUE TO THEIR OWN MISTAKES I'D BE WHERE THEY ARE. INSTEAD, I'M SMART AND I'M ALIVE. [Agent Davy is silent as the two walk back to Agent Sunny. Davy hands her the bottle, and she drinks. After a few minutes, she appears to fall asleep.] Davy: There. Let's let her rest for a bit before we try to move on. [Davy and Zacharias sit down next to Agent Sunny as she sleeps. Zacharias begins drawing in the dirt.] Davy: What's that you're drawing? [Zacharias flares out his wings in an attempt to obscure the drawing.] Davy: Oh come on, I'm not going to laugh at you. Zacharias: I'M NOT EMBARRASSED. IT'S JUST TOO MUCH FOR YOUR WEAK HUMAN EYES. TOO POWERFUL AND PROFOUND. REALLY AVANT-GARDE. YOU WOULDN'T GET IT. Davy: Try me. [Zacharias sighs and pulls away, revealing a circle with a simple pattern within. The lines are reminiscent of the Japanese kanji for "crow".] Zacharias: GO AHEAD AND LAUGH AT ME, FREAK. I KNOW YOU WANT TO. Davy: Why would I? It's nice. It kinda looks like you. [Zacharias puffs out his chest with pride.] Zacharias: OF COURSE! I'M THE BEST MUSE POSSIBLE AFTER ALL. [Davy leans over, and begins recreating the drawing in the ground with their finger.] Davy: This looks kinda like one of those sigil things. Zacharias: BECAUSE IT IS. IT'S THE SIGIL OF THE FLOCK, IT REPRESENTS OUR POWER. IF SOMEONE ELSE DREW IT OUT AND USED IT, THEY'D GET A BIT OF OUR POWER. AS LONG AS ONE OF US ACCEPTED THEM. CAN'T JUST LET ANY OLD FUCKER GO BORROWING POWER THAT COOL. Thaumaturgic sigil associated with The Flock. Davy: What kind of power would that be? [Zacharias hops back and forth while speaking, his tail bobbing up and down.] Zacharias: AMAZING, HUGE, GREAT POWER! YOU'LL BE ABLE TO FLY! YOU'LL HAVE A GREAT EYE FOR SHINY THINGS! YOUR FEATHERS WILL BE GORGEOUSLY GLOSSY! HONESTLY, I'M NOT SURE WHY YOU'D EVER USE ANYONE ELSE'S SIGIL. [Davy finishes their recreation of the sigil. It glows faintly.] Davy: Hey, you've lived here a long time, right? Zacharias: ABOUT 300 YEARS NOW I THINK? YOU LOSE TRACK AFTER THE FIRST CENTURY HONESTLY. Davy: What was that "mandate" thing Cabrackan mentioned? Zacharias: THE MANDATE? AH YEAH, THE DREAMSCAPE MANDATE. SIGNED BETWEEN THE FOUNDATION AND THE GODS THAT LIVE HERE. TO PUT IT IN A WAY YOU CAN UNDERSTAND, IT WAS A PROMISE THAT THE FOUNDATION WOULD HELP KEEP ALL THE GODS ALIVE IN EXCHANGE FOR PARTICULARLY DISRUPTIVE ONES STAYING HERE AND NOT GOING TO THE WAKING WORLD. Davy: "Keep the gods alive?" Wait, I think I remember something about that. Something Rusty said, about concepts being weak? Zacharias: ALMOST THERE. WHAT KEEPS A GOD ALIVE? Davy: I'll be honest, I have no idea. Zacharias: THEN YOUR ASS IS LUCKY I'M HERE TO EXPLAIN! WORSHIP, WORSHIP KEEPS GODS ALIVE. MOST OF US ARE GOOD AT JUST BEING VAGUELY KNOWN OR REMEMBERED, OR WITH HUMANS THINKING AND REMEMBERING OUR DOMAINS EXIST. OTHERS NEED TO BE KEPT ALIVE THROUGH MORE DIRECT MEANS, HAVING THEIR ACTUAL NAMES IN PUBLIC CONSCIOUSNESS. Davy: You said "most of us". Are you saying you're a god? Zacharias: FUCK YEAH I AM. KINDA. SORTA. I'M ONE OF THE FLOCK, THE GODS OF CROWS. Davy: That's pretty impressive! Zacharias: FINALLY! SOME RECOGNITION! GO AHEAD, PRAISE ME SOME MORE. Davy: So I guess that means you're pretty safe then since people think about crows decently often? Zacharias: WHERE'D THE PRAISE GO? …BUT YEAH, THE FLOCK IS FINE. OUR NUMBERS FLUCTUATE IN RESPONSE TO HOW OFTEN PEOPLE THINK ABOUT CROWS, BUT OVERALL WE'RE FINE. Davy: …But then why did Chuck die? People think about groundhogs often enough, right? And weather is such an active part of people's lives that he should be completely fine. Zacharias: I- Davy: And in Cabrackan's case? Why was he worried? Earthquakes and mountains are basically always there, he shouldn't be even a little concerned about fading away- Zacharias: WE DON'T KNOW, ALRIGHT? GODS ARE VANISHING LEFT AND RIGHT NOW, GODS OF CONCEPTS THAT SHOULD NEVER FADE. EVER HEARD OF POSHILL PANTS? Davy: …No? Zacharias: UGLIEST GODDAMN CLOTHES I EVER SAW HUMANS WEAR, WITH AN EQUALLY UGLY GOD TO MATCH. EASY GUY TO ROB. MADE GREAT GUACAMOLE. ANYWAY, HE'S DEAD NOW, LONG GONE, AND THAT'S WHY YOU DON'T REMEMBER POSHILL PANTS. HE'S LONG FORGOTTEN NOW. THAT'S WHY PEOPLE ARE SCARED, AND THAT'S WHY THEY WANT TO BREACH THROUGH INTO YOUR WORLD. NO ONE WANTS TO BE FORGOTTEN, AND THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT HERE WILLING TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO ENSURE THAT THEY DON'T FADE AWAY. THEY'RE HOPING TO GET WORSHIP THE OLD-FASHIONED WAY, DIRECT FROM THE SOURCE. Davy: Subjugation, then? Zacharias: IN SOME CASES, YEAH. AND YOU'VE SEEN WHAT HAPPENS WHEN SOMEONE FADES WITH NO ONE TO TAKE THEIR DOMAIN OVER, RIGHT? Davy: Yeah, yeah I have. Zacharias: YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW LUCKY YOU ARE HERE. I'M NOT SURE WHY CHUCK'S SOUL RETURNED TO THE DREAMSCAPE INSTEAD OF JUST GOING *POOF*, BUT YOU'VE GOT AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE THINGS OK AGAIN. [Davy looks to Agent Sunny, still asleep.] Davy: I just hope we aren't too late. Zacharias: MY TURN, HUMAN. WHAT'S YOUR WHOLE DEAL? Davy: What do you mean? Zacharias: YOU'RE SOME BLEEDING HEART FREAK WHO WORKED IN "CULTURAL STUDY", WHATEVER THE HELL THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE, AND NOW YOU'RE OVER HERE CLEARLY OUT OF YOUR ELEMENT. YOU WERE DODGY ABOUT IT EARLIER, SO WHAT'S THE DEAL? Davy: Can you keep a secret? Zacharias: NO. Davy: Then my lips are sealed. Zacharias: OH COME ON! PLEASE? PRETTY PLEASE? Davy: …Fine, I guess I can tell you. I just… didn't feel like I actually had a place where I was working before. Like I said I worked researching Fae and Yeren and stuff. That's all nice, but I never really felt like I was a part of anything all that important, or like the work I did really mattered. I was working for a new project lead every week, and the people I worked with were always changing. There were two weeks where I was working for a new boss every few days. Every time I made any sort of progress on my research, the project was passed to someone else and I was shuffled somewhere new. [Davy stretches out before laying out on their back. They pat the ground next to them, and Zacharias hops over to their side. They stroke Zacharias's head. Zacharias resists for a moment, before leaning in to their touch.] Davy: I saw a job posting for this team, and I figured "Why not," you know? Why not give it a shot? I always wanted to do real fieldwork, join a stable team. Maybe I'd get the chance to feel like I was doing stuff that mattered, or like I could finally stand out. Zacharias: WHEN YOU RUN WITH A FLOCK IT'S PRETTY EASY TO GET SHUFFLED IN THE CROWD. THE BOSS DOESN'T EVEN KNOW MY NAME. KEEPS CALLING ME KEVIN. Davy: My last boss didn't know my name, either. Kept calling me Scott or Bryan. Zacharias: BOSSES ARE ASSHOLES, AREN'T THEY, TYLER? [Davy cracks a smile and gives Zacharias a playful nudge.] Davy: Oh, screw you! Zacharias: …I HOPE YOU GET WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR. Davy: Yeah… [Davy leans back, watching a large, fuzzy worm crawl along a nearby stalagmite.] Davy: You too, Zacharias. [For a brief moment, Agent Sunny can be seen smiling.] Weather Report Location: Swan Quarter, North Carolina Phenomenon: Several large wildfires occur across local marshlands. Notably, materials burned at a steady rate regardless of how saturated they were with water. Response: Foundation aid unavailable. Wildfires continue to burn at the time of writing. Location: Macon, Georgia Phenomenon: Blizzard conditions envelop the city, and local temperatures drop to -10 degrees Celsius. A column of wind and snow surrounding the city prevents entry. Response: Foundation personnel within the city are currently believed to be coordinating with the local government to provide aid where possible. A basic crisis response plan was communicated via radio signal before communications with the city were lost entirely. Location: Nanticoke, Pennsylvania Phenomenon: Atmospheric winds continue to converge over Site-58, increasing in intensity. Weather through the city alternates between heavy rain, snow, and winds. Response: Site-58 issues a state of emergency, and all available Foundation resources are diverted in preparation for the potential escalation of the crisis. [Agent Sunny wakes up after an hour, and attempts to stretch before wincing, grabbing at her injured side.] Davy: Careful. Have some more water. Sunny: Thanks. [She drinks from the water bottle once more. Once finished, she allows Davy to help her to her feet. Once standing she checks her watch and grimaces.] Davy: Are you going to be ok to continue? Sunny: We don't have much of a choice. Look. [Sunny holds her watch up to Davy.] Davy: Holy crap, that's quite the storm. Zacharias: LET ME SEE. Sunny: It's right over 58, too. Something big is happening, and we're running out of time. Zacharias: I WANNA SEE TOO. Davy: Seriously, are you going to be ok though? Sunny: I'll be ok. If something comes up… we'll figure it out. Zacharias: PLEASE SHOW ME I WANT TO BE INCLUDED. [Davy grabs Zacharias and holds him up to Sunny's watch.] Zacharias: HOLY SHIT FUCK, YEAH THAT'S BAD. I'D SAY YOU'VE GOT LIKE TWO HOURS LEFT, GIVE OR TAKE. Davy: Well that's just great. Even if we get Chuck back, how do we get him back to his body in time? Sunny: Mammon has mirrors. I'm sure we can use one of them to get back. Davy: I'm not going to question how that works. Sunny: You've grown up so much on this mission, I'm so proud of you. [Ageny Sunny playfully pinches Agent Davy's cheek as they set Zacharias back down.] Sunny: Alright, birdbrain. March. Zacharias: ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT. NO NEED TO GET SNIPPY. [Zacharias leads the way once more. The group arrives at the end of the tunnel, an overlook into a massive chamber. A waterfall pours water down from an unknown source that pools into a clear lake at the bottom of the chamber. In the lake sits a large galleon. The galleon is in pristine condition and has been retrofitted with several rows of lights along its hull and mast that illuminate the cavern. Its gangplank is deployed, with two spotlights sitting at the end aimed towards the cavern ceiling, rotating slowly. There is a large sign suspended over the gangplank reading "MAMMON'S CASINO AND NIGHTCLUB." A parade of creatures of varying shapes and sizes can be seen entering.] Davy: I'll be honest, the way that we were talking about this place I thought it was going to be less…? Sunny: Gaudy? Devoid of any semblance of taste? I mean you take a beautiful ship and completely gut it like he did! Zacharias: COME ON IT ISN'T THAT BAD. Davy: I was going to say less obvious, but "affront to taste and style" works fine too. Zacharias: IT'S REALLY NOT… OH SHIT, I NEVER REALLY GOT A LOOK AT IT BEFORE. YEAH, THAT THING LOOKS LIKE SHIT. [The three laugh to themselves as they begin descending down a path into the cavern. Halfway down, Zacharias throws his wings out to stop them.] Zacharias: HOLD IT! Sunny: Hm? What's wrong? [Zacharias stomps the ground. The ground shakes for a moment before collapsing away into itself, fading into nothing and leaving a large gap in the path. He turns back to the others with a slight smile.] Zacharias: THIS SHIT PIT'S FALLING APART. Sunny: You lying little bastard, you knew that was there and didn't bother to tell me when I specifically asked you about traps earlier! Zacharias: I KNEW IT WAS HERE BUT IT'S NOT A TRAP. IT'S JUST POOR UPKEEP. EITHER WAY, I WARNED YOU ABOUT IT BEFORE YOU FELL IN, RIGHT? I COULD'VE VERY EASILY JUST LET YOU DIE HERE. HOW ABOUT SOME PRAISE? Sunny: I suppose you did, didn't you? Well done. [Zacharias coos contentedly. Sunny sidles up to the wall and motions for Davy to do the same. The two slowly begin stepping along the wall, careful to avoid the gap.] Davy: Why the heck wouldn't Mammon try to make sure the path to his… casino thing is in decent condition? Zacharias: BECAUSE HE'S A SELFISH, GREEDY MOTHERFUCKER AND THERE AREN'T MANY PEOPLE WHO WANT TO TAKE THIS ENTRANCE ANYWAY. MOST GUESTS COME IN FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CAVES VIA THE BOAT TOUR. Davy: Aww why couldn't we come in that way? Sunny: Focus. Zacharias: LUCKY FOR YOU ALL AGAIN, YOU HAVE ME. I'M YOUR CHEAP TICKET IN. LET'S MOVE. [The group descends into the cavern and approaches the gangplank. Before they can enter, two massive, golden serpents rise from the water on either side and block the approach. Each is identical, with a set of three golden horns and feathery green frills that appear to be paper currency framing their heads. They speak in tandem with a low hiss.] Serpents: Only invited guests may pass. Zacharias: WATCH, JUST GOTTA TURN ON THE CHARM. HEYYYY FÁFNIR WHAT'S SHAKING? [Fáfnir glares, unimpressed. Zacharias shrugs.] Zacharias: SO! I'VE GOT SOME AMBASSADORS HERE FROM THE FOUNDATION THAT WANT TO TALK TO THE BOSS. IF YOU COULD JUST SCOOCH ASIDE AND LET US IN THAT WOULD BE BALLER. I'VE GOT FLOCK CLEARANCE AND ALL THAT, SO- Fáfnir: You? The boss was very clear to me that the fledgling traveling with the Foundation was no longer to be permitted entry. Zacharias: I'M DEFINITELY SURE YOU'RE MISREMEMBERING. IT'S ME, ZACHARIAS. I'M LIKE ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT OF THE FLOCK, AND I DEFINITELY OUTRANK YOU. I WAS TRYING TO BE NICE, BUT SINCE YOU'RE BEING DIFFICULT I'M NOT GONNA BE ANYMORE. MOVE YOUR ASS AND LET US IN. [Zacharias pushes against Fáfnir. The serpent does not budge.] Fáfnir: I care not who you were, fledgling. Your status and title are null to Mammon, and thus null to me. Foundation dogs as well. Begone with you all. Zacharias: YOU HAVE GOT TO BE JOKING WITH ME RIGHT NOW. I DON'T APPRECIATE THIS, FÁFNIR. THE BOSS WOULDN'T JUST- Fáfnir: Revoke your position? Turn you into a lost little godling? I'm afraid he has. Now, I shall not ask again. Cease embarrassing yourselves and begone before I use force. Sunny: I'm afraid "begone" isn't really an option. We've got an important appointment with Mammon to keep, I'm sure you understand. [Sunny feigns grabbing her side in pain, slipping out her gun. She holds it behind her back, motioning for Davy to take it. They take a moment, but grab it from her.] Fáfnir: Fine words from someone already injured. Do not pretend I cannot smell the blood staining your clothes. Sunny: Davy, if you would? [Davy draws the gun, aiming it at one of Fáfnir's eyes with unsteady hands. They take a shot that misses the target, instead ricocheting off Fáfnir's brow. Fáfnir recoils and hisses. Sunny grabs Davy's hands and adjusts their aim.] Sunny: No, no. Calm the nerves and control the shot. Aim exactly where you want to shoot. Make sure it lines up… [Fáfnir lunges towards the agents.] Sunny: NOW! [Davy takes another shot directly into Fáfnir's open mouth. It blows through the back of the serpent's throat. The head pauses, stunned for a moment, before collapsing over back into the water. The other head bellows and lunges.] Zacharias: HOLD UP! [Zacharias takes flight and rushes between Fáfnir and the agents. He spreads his wings wide, throwing a motley assortment of various shining objects into Fáfnir's face and throat. The serpent recoils and sputters, spitting out rocks and bottlecaps as it attempts to breathe.] Zacharias: MOVE MOVE MOVE! [Agents Davy and Sunny rush onto the ship as Fáfnir continues sputtering and choking.] Davy: Neat trick, how did you- Zacharias: GOD OF CROWS. PEOPLE ASSOCIATE CROWS WITH PICKING UP SHINY THINGS, SO THE FLOCK CAN SUMMON SHINY THINGS WHEN NEEDED. Fáfnir: Get back here, you shall NOT disturb the boss you rejected grease stain! [Fáfnir whips its head towards the agents. Zacharias once again intercepts it, flying towards its left eye and pecking at it.] Zacharias: CALL ME A GREASE STAIN, BETTER GET YOUR FUCKING EYES CHECKED. [Fáfnir screams and thrashes as Zacharias continues assaulting its eye.] Zacharias: MOVE YOU TWO, GET THOSE ASSES IN GEAR. I'LL BE RIGHT THERE. [Agents Davy and Sunny flee into the ship. Zacharias is suddenly yanked off after them. Davy slams the door behind them.] Zacharias: OH RIGHT. BINDING BLOOD SIGIL. I FORGOT ABOUT THAT. Davy: Guess it came in handy, then? Sunny: Which way to Mammon, Zacharias? Zacharias: THAT WAY. [Fáfnir is heard banging against the door as the group descends into the ship. They arrive at a massive, opulent gambling hall decorated with trims of gold, black, and red. A towering golden statue of a slender, sharp-nosed man with feathery hair stands in the center of the room, posed dramatically with his arms outstretched. Zacharias mutters something unintelligible under his breath before motioning for the group to continue.] [They walk down the hall, past a myriad of strange creatures sitting at various machines and gambling tables. They go unnoticed by the patrons and staff alike as they approach a set of double doors. Zacharias traces a circle and a series of complex lines into the floor before the doors with his talons and then pushes against them. The sigil does not glow, and the doors do not open. He attempts to draw it once more and pushes against the doors. Once again the sigil does not glow and the doors do not open.] Thaumaturgic sigil associated with Mammon, god of Greed and Commerce. Zacharias: HAHA, THAT'S WEIRD. I MUST HAVE FORGOTTEN IT SOMEHOW. GUESS EVEN I MAKE MISTAKES, EH? Sunny: Zachy… [He attempts once more, but once again fails. He kicks the door in frustration and screams out.] Zacharias: FUCKING COME ON. I WORK MY ASS OFF FOR YOU FOR MY ENTIRE LIFE. EVERYTHING I DO IS IN DEDICATION TO WHATEVER BULLSHIT WHIM YOU DECIDE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD, AND NOW IT'S LIKE I DON'T FUCKING MATTER? Davy: Zacharias, it's- Zacharias: OK? SURE, REALLY FUCKING EASY TO SAY IT'S OK. I TOLD YOU BEFORE YOU FOUNDATION TYPES ARE LUCKY AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IT. [Zacharias traces the sigil out once more, and proceeds to bang his head against the door.] Zacharias: YOU'RE ALLOWED TO LIVE YOUR OWN GODDAMN LIVES. US? WE EXIST FOR HIM. [He motions to the statue.] Zacharias: AND NOW WHAT? I'M NOT FUCKING RECOGNIZED ANYMORE. ALREADY GOT ABANDONED BY THE FLOCK WHEN YOU ALL SHOWED UP. THEY WERE TOTALLY WILLING TO JUST LET ME DIE, RIGHT THERE. THAT'S JUST HOW THINGS ARE, IT'S FINE. IT'S SMART. BUT FOR WHATEVER FUCKING REASON BOSS DECIDED HE DOESN'T… WANT ME ANYMORE? [Zacharias sniffles.] Zacharias: SO NOW WHAT? WHAT HAPPENS NOW? [He kicks the door again before falling to the floor, staring at it.] Zacharias: WHAT NOW? [Sunny walks over and gently pats Zacharias's head.] Sunny: We get in there and have a polite conversation with Mammon about some poor business decisions is what we do. [She traces a new sigil in the ground, different from the one that Zacharias drew prior. The sigil begins to glow, and the ground appears to heat up.] Sunny: You might want to stand back. Weather Report Location: Nanticoke, Pennsylvania Phenomenon: What remains of SCP-7679's body begins levitating within its chamber. Several bolts of lighting, snow, rain, and wind begin erupting from the corpse. Response: SCP-7679's chamber is secured and Site-58 enters lockdown procedures. The town of Nanticoke is evacuated. [A large explosion of light and fire erupts from the sigil drawn by Agent Sunny. When the smoke clears, the doors have been blown open. An alarm is heard going off, and several large, golden humanoids in suits wielding large clubs begin to flood the gambling hall. The patrons appear undisturbed.] Sunny: In. In in in in in in in now, please. [The agents and Zacharias dart into the room and shut the doors behind them. Agent Sunny jabs her thumb into the wound in her side, which has reopened, and draws a new sigil on the door. Several loud thuds are heard from the other side as the doors buckle. They do not open.] Sunny: There, we're good for a bit. That sigil won't last forever so let's make this quick. Grab Chuck, find a mirror, and get the hell outta dodge. Davy: Sounds like a good plan. [The group walks down a short hall into an office. The office is decorated the same as the rest of the casino, with opulent fixtures and furniture trimmed in reds and golds. Behind a large mahogany desk in the center of the room sits a humanoid identical to the statue in the main gambling hall. His "hair" is really black feathers with golden tips that cover his head and frame the sides of his face. He sighs, placing the pen he was holding back into a jar and closing the open book on his desk. He rests his elbows on the desk and folds his fingers.] Mammon: Foundation, what a… [He pauses, pursing his lips.] Mammon: Delight to see you. I would invite you to sit, but I would rather you not get too comfortable. Zacharias: BOSS! WHY THE HELL COULDN'T I GET IN? WHAT'S ALL THIS BULLSHIT ABOUT ME NOT BEING RECOGNIZED ANYMORE? Mammon: I would ask that you cease your senseless squawking you twit. Seriously, you can't have expected me to just allow a key into my office to remain in Foundation custody? No, absolutely not. Zacharias: BUT I'M- Mammon: Very important and very special, I'm sure. You all say the same thing, but at the end of the day, you know as well as I do that you are expendable. Unfortunately for you, you were simply an asset I was willing to expend. Nothing personal… er, Sean, was it? Whatever it was. Zacharias: YOU MOTHERFU- [Davy scoops up Zacharias before he can hop onto Mammon's desk and clamps his beak shut. Zacharias thrashes against the hold.] Mammon: Thank you. Honestly sometimes they aren't even worth the trouble. The least they could do is die when they get cut off. Every time one actually makes it back to me it's the same song and dance. Sunny: Now why would you not want us to have a key to your office in the first place, huh? Ignoring the incredibly shitty thing you did to Zacharias here, I could've sworn we had an understanding that the Foundation was permitted access to your office at all times should the need arise. [Mammon waves his hand dismissively.] Mammon: Bah! Deals change! [He rises to his feet.] Mammon: And the times are changing. I know you can feel it, same as I do. [Mammon raises his shirt, revealing a tiny sizzling scar in his side.] Davy: Wait, that's just like- Sunny: I'm not an idiot, Mammon. We already had a long conversation with Cabrackan about the same damn thing. Mammon: That would explain why you look worse than usual. Sunny: Just hand over Chuck and we'll be gone, simple as that. Show us where he is. [Mammon smirks, pulling back the curtain behind his desk and revealing a large glass cage. Within the cage is what remains of SCP-7679's soul, in the advanced stages of decomposition. Little more than SCP-7679's arms and head remain. It looks to the agents with a sorrowful expression and vocalizes in pain.] Mammon: Pathetic, isn't it? This is what happens when humanity is allowed to forget their predecessors. You want to know why our deal changed, Foundation? It changed because you failed. You allowed humanity to continue to forget us. This pathetic… thing here is only fading because you refuse to keep us alive. Sunny: The Foundation is trying, but peeling back the veil is a steady process. We can't just- Mammon: You have had time upon time to act. I will not suffer excuses further, nor will I be handing over Mr. Storms to you all. Davy: Why? Literally, what could you possibly gain from this? Sunny: He wants Chuck's domain. [Mammon claps his hands together.] Mammon: Brilliant! Though I suppose the Goddess of Sparks would know a thing or two about how these things work. Davy: Wait, you're…? Sunny: The Goddess of Sparks, like he said. Yes. Sorry, I didn't tell you or anything, it wasn't meant to be a secret or really even a surprise. Just didn't get a chance to mention it is all. [Agent Sunny traces over the sizzling burn in her side.] Sunny: And yeah I get it. Trust me I wish the Foundation would move faster too, but that's not my call to make. We're all starting to fade here, Mammon, but we have the chance to actually save someone! We have the chance to return Chuck's soul to his body, and all the bullshit happening in the waking world can calm back down long enough to give us a chance to- Mammon: Enough, enough. I don't need to hear any heroic speeches. This is completely tiresome. The weather in the waking world will stabilize once Mr. Storms is dead and I've inherited his domain. Davy: Again, what do you even gain here? Mammon: Are you even listening? Sincerely, Senna, where does your Foundation find these boobs? If you bothered to use whatever lump of flesh you have rattling around between your ears you would realize that his domain becoming mine allows me to inherit his place in the human mind. I can stave off death, kept alive as the God of Greed, Wealth, and Weather. Sunny: Taking a domain is meant to be an inheritance. It's meant to be consensual, not some ridiculous attempt to borrow more time. [Mammon pinches the bridge of his nose.] Mammon: One does what one must. If the Foundation refuses to be proactive, then I shall. We don't have much longer until Mr. Storms fades, anyway. Now, I once again must ask that you leave. [He snaps his fingers. Four security guards manifest in the room. Agent Davy begins chewing at the tip of their thumb, maintaining their hold on Zacharias.] Mammon: If you won't go willingly, I will simply- oh good grief. You there? Stop sucking your thumb like a literal infant, it's embarrassing to watch. Davy: Oh, sorry. [Davy removes their thumb from their mouth. They loosen their grip on Zacharias, and poke him in the back before rubbing at the back of their hand with their thumb.] Zacharias: WHAT THE HELL WAS- OH. [Zacharias gives Davy a quick nod.] Sunny: I have made myself clear, Mammon. We're taking Chuck back with us. Mammon: And I have made myself clear in saying that there is no transaction to be had here. Security! [The guards rush towards the agents. Before they can make it, Agent Davy shouts and throws out a motley assortment of shining objects that cover the floor. The guards slip on them, falling to the ground one by one.] Mammon: What the hell was that? [Agent Davy holds up their hand. On the back is the sigil of The Flock, drawn in blood.] Zacharias: COULD USE A LITTLE WORK, BUT I'VE SEEN WORSE FIRST TRIES. CREDIT DUE FOR DRAWING IT FROM MEMORY AND WITHOUT LOOKING THOUGH. Mammon: Simple parlor tricks aren't going to- MY EYES! [Davy throws another assortment of shining objects directly at Mammon, striking him across the face. Agent Sunny seizes the opportunity and runs over to the cage containing SCP-7679. She takes out her gun and begins smashing the butt against the glass. The glass begins to crack under the impacts.] Mammon: Cease this foolishness at once! [Mammon turns to Agent Sunny and attempts to pull her away from the cage. She struggles against him, focusing her efforts on breaking the glass, before he pulls her down to the floor.] Davy: Sunny! [Agent Davy attempts to run over to assist, but is blocked by the security guards who have regained their footing. Two restrain them and pull their arms out to either side, causing Davy to drop Zacharias. A third guard sucker punches Davy while another grabs Zacharias in one hand and begins to tighten its grip.] Zacharias: HEY! DAVY! REMEMBER WHAT I TOLD YOU EARLIER? Davy: Wh-what? Zacharias: I'M REALLY FUCKING COOL, AND I CAN DO SOME REALLY FUCKING COOL STUFF. [Davy is confused for a moment before a look of realization falls on their face. They leap directly upwards into the air. The two guards restraining their arms are yanked into one another, unprepared for the sudden upward movement. The third attempts to punch Davy once more as they leap but misses, falling into the other two. Agent Davy floats in the air, looking at the sigil on the back of their hand with glee.] [Zacharias cries out as the guard continues tightening its grip. Davy flies over and takes the guard by surprise, kicking it in the head and knocking it off its feet. It releases Zacharias, who takes flight.] Zacharias: NOT BAD, HUMAN. WITH A LITTLE PRACTICE YOU'LL BE ALMOST AS COOL AS ME. [Davy begins to fly towards Sunny, but is stopped.] Sunny: Focus, Davy! Get Chuck out! [Davy nods. He flies over to Mammon's desk and grabs his chair. He swings the chair at the cage and continues cracking the glass. Mammon attempts to rise to his feet and grab Davy's leg, but he is pulled back to the ground and placed into a headlock by Sunny. Davy brings the chair to the glass once more, shattering it. The soul of SCP-7679 recoils at first, before making a contented vocalization and fleeing. It vanishes.] Davy: Is that it?! Did we do it?! Mammon: You damned IDIOTS! [Mammon attempts to escape Agent Sunny's grip but fails as she tightens her hold. The guards return to their feet and begin moving toward Sunny. She draws her gun and presses it against Mammon's temple.] Sunny: You know the drill, golden boys. I pull this trigger and he's dead, and there's no getting his soul back. I can say for sure that becoming the Goddess of Sparks and Greed isn't something I'm opposed to. Mammon: …Do what she says. [The guards back down, turning and leaving the room. Agent Sunny lowers her gun and releases her hold. She and Mammon return to their feet. Mammon brushes himself off and straightens his feathers.] Mammon: This will not delay the inevitable, Foundation. You know well as I do that Mr. Storms is surviving entirely on borrowed time. This will happen again, and with even more gods. Sunny: We'll figure it out. And Mammon? Mammon: What? Speak. [Sunny places a hand on Mammon's shoulder and squeezes. He recoils but is unable to pull away.] Sunny: If you try to pull a stunt like this again, I will thrash your ass so thoroughly that you will never sit again. Am I clear? Mammon: Yes, crystal. Now unhand me. [Sunny releases her grip. Mammon steps back, rubbing his shoulder.] Sunny: Now, where's your closest mirror? [Mammon points to one near the back of the room. Agent Sunny nods and walks over, biting down on her thumb. Agent Davy follows alongside Zacharias.] Mammon: Hold, crow. Where are you going? Zacharias: HUH? Mammon: I don't recall telling you you had permission to leave. [Davy opens their mouth to speak, but Sunny places a hand on their shoulder.] Zacharias: ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? Mammon: You know I don't joke. I don't appreciate your defiance, tone, language, or smell, but I do have to commend you on somehow still managing to bring the Foundation agents here despite everything. As such I will return you your basic title, albeit with a pay cut. Zacharias: MAN, BOSS, I DUNNO WHAT TO SAY. Mammon: Then shut it, and wait on standby. I'll have something for you to do soon. Zacharias: ACTUALLY, I DO KNOW WHAT TO SAY. Mammon: Oh? Zacharias: YEAH. GO FUCK YOURSELF, EAT SHIT, AND DIE. IN THAT ORDER. Agents Sunny and Davy returned via a mirror in Site-58's first floor breakroom shortly following the transmission of the above alongside a black crow. The crow was initially detained by site security personnel but quickly released per the Agents' request. SCP-7679's corpse ceased floating following their return and began reforming. After five hours, SCP-7679 reanimated. All anomalous weather phenomena returned to normal shortly after. Addendum 7679.2: SCP-7679 Observation Log Observation Log Date: March 15th, 2024 <Begin log> [Zacharias is seen in SCP-7679's chambers, observing it from a distance as it absentmindedly eats grass. His feathers contain a light golden sheen, with prominent golden tips across his head and neck.] [After a few minutes, Agents Sunny and Davy enter.] Sunny: Hey, thought you'd be here. Zacharias: WHY'S THAT? Sunny: Because you've been in here almost every day since the mission ended. That and you're molting feathers. There's a whole trail from your chamber to Chuck's. I do like the gold, by the way. Zacharias: THANKS. I'M NOT REALLY SURE WHERE IT CAME FROM BUT… I DUNNO, FEELS NICE. THE CHAMBER THOUGH? DEFINITELY NOT NICE, AND THE SERVICE HERE IS HOT ASS. Davy: Be patient, Hanneman and Caraway have a small crew and a lot of anomalies to take care of here. Zacharias: I'M NOT SOME FREAKING "ANOMALY" LIKE THE MOUTH BREATHERS HERE. I DESERVE SOME RESPECT. LIKE THIS? THIS THING HERE? [He holds up his right leg, motioning to a yellow tag with a barcode that has been affixed around his ankle.] Zacharias: HUMILIATING. THIS PLACE IS LIKE A PRISON. Davy: Well… [Davy scratches the back of their head, revealing a new tattoo on their left forearm. Zacharias's head perks up.] Zacharias: HOLD UP, IS THAT…? Davy: Your sigil? Yeah, I hope you don't mind. It felt like the best way to commemorate our first mission, y'know? Zacharias: "OUR FIRST MISSION?" Davy: That's actually why we came over here. Sunny: We have an offer for you, if you're interested. Zacharias: OFFER? LIKE A DEAL? I'M ALL EARS. Sunny: We were talking with the other members of the team, and we reviewed the footage from the SCP-7679 recovery mission. Davy: Lots of footage split between two different bodycams. Those guys got angles and shots I never want to see again. Sunny: To keep it brief, we're interested in making you a member of MTF Chi-58. Interested? [Zacharias stares, beak agape. Tears begin to form in his eyes.] Davy: Are you crying? Zacharias: YEAH? WHAT ABOUT IT, SHUT THE FUCK UP. I'M EMOTIONAL. [Davy grins, and throws their hands up in feigned innocence.] Zacharias: BUT I GOTTA ASK WHY, Y'KNOW? WHY ME? Davy: Your help during that mission was invaluable, not just in getting us where we needed to go but also risking your own life more than once to save ours. Zacharias: YOU DID IT FOR ME. IT WAS PURELY TRANSACTIONAL. Sunny: Was it now? [Zacharias cocks his head to the side, clicking his beak. His eyes glint.] Zacharias: NO IT WASN'T. AT SOME POINT I THINK I DECIDED I KINDA LIKED YOU TWO FUCKERS. Sunny: Beyond the life-saving stuff, having a proper Dreamscape native around never hurts. So, what do you say? [Zacharias sniffles before taking flight. He lands on Davy's shoulder and spreads his wings out, resting them across each agent's shoulders.] Zacharias: OF FUCKING COURSE. BESIDES, YOU GUYS COULD USE SOMEONE AS GREAT AS ME AROUND. Sunny: Welcome to MTF Chi-58 then, Agent Zachy. Zacharias: THANKS, GUYS. REALLY. [SCP-7679 watches as the three agents leave the room. It smiles.] Footnotes 1. An extradimensional space directly affected by the human subconscious. 2. Colloquially known as a groundhog or woodchuck. 3. Artificial Intelligence Constructs. « SCP-7678 | SCP-7679 | SCP-7680 »
Item#: 7680 Level3 Containment Class: pending Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: none Risk Class: none link to memo Special Containment Procedure: Agents are to be assigned to the edge of SCP-7680's perimeter to stop any individuals from entering the affected area without proper authorization. Any agents entering the affected zone must be briefed on this document and be aware of SCP-7680-1's abilities. Agents should not interact with SCP-7680-1 if encountered, as the entity will completely ignore personnel that do not engage with it. Individuals trapped within the affected area during a restructuring event should be considered lost until effective containment measures can be implemented. Description: SCP-7680 is the designation given to Site-77 and the surrounding 100km of land following SCP-7680-1's attack on the site. The affected area appears to reset itself to 11:30 am February 9th, 2019 upon SCP-7680-1's death or discretion. The memories, placement, and state of humans and objects revert to how they were upon a Reset Event. A secondary effect of SCP-7680 is the slow degradation of reality within the area. Reset Events have begun to make random objects or structures within the site operate in a fashion not consistent with baseline reality. The most common form of this has been the size of objects becoming inconsistent with their appearance. This makes certain walls intangible and specific boxes able to be felt while meters away. Other observed effects include locations experiencing kinetic buildup and barrels displaying anomalous resistance to blunt force, other effects observed have not been listed due to quantity. These anomalous effects seem to increase with each Reset Event and it is unknown if this is intentional. Discovery: SCP-7680 first came to the Foundation's attention after Site-77 started sending repeated emails, reports, and breach alerts to neighboring sites. After contacting staff and observing outgoing security footage, it was discovered that time was reverting at seemingly random intervals. Further investigation revealed an intruder breaching the site, now dubbed SCP-7680-1. SCP-7680-1 is suspected to be the cause of SCP-7680, as the effect began when it arrived and the subject appears to retain memories between Reset Events. SCP-7680-1 appears as a baseline human, consistently wearing archetypical “cowboy” attire with the addition of a Nintendo Power Glove1. The subject is a Hispanic male standing around 1.8 meters tall. SCP-7680-1's outfit is suspected to relate to the anomaly in some way, specifically its glove, which is believed to be the source of SCP-7680. SCP-7680-1 uses its ability to repeatedly breach the site and terminate the Site Director, Shirley Gillespie. The subject will normally stick to the same route, only ever deviating if a more effective route to terminate Site Director Gillespie is discovered. Gillespie reported that she did not know SCP-7680-1, and is unaware of a potential motive. Addendum 1 - SCP-7680-1's Routes: A record of routes taken by SCP-7680-1 has been documented here in order to better understand how to contain SCP-7680. This report has been compiled from both site security cameras and a listening device that MTF Agents managed to plant on SCP-7680-1. Strategy-001 ACCESS FILE: STRATEGY-001 CLOSE FILE Strategy-001: SCP-7680-1 spent several weeks running this specific method before agents could plant the listening device on his body. This segment shows the fastest time between SCP-7680-1's entrance and the death of Site Director Gillespie: Step 1: 11:42 [BEGIN LOG] (SCP-7680-1 approaches the site from the south end, nearing the door to the Processing Unit. Dr. Stevens is outside on a smoke break when SCP-7680-1 arrives. SCP-7680-1 opens conversation with Dr. Stevens) SCP-7680-1: Howdy fella! Goddamn, am I glad to see you! Stevens: Who the fuck are you? (SCP-7680-1 keeps a quick place toward Stevens.) SCP-7680-1: I don't mean any harm, I'm a tourist. I was driving through when my car broke down. Stevens: Driving through where? There's not a town for miles. SCP-7680-1: I was just heading to Mt. Silver, I'm a hiker. Stevens: Mt. Silver? (SCP-7680-1 closes the distance and punches Stevens, knocking him out. It begins undressing Stevens while appearing to talk to itself.) SCP-7680-1: One punch down, that's big… Ah yeah, badge in the front pocket, this is definitely a gold, boys. (SCP-7680-1 enters via the Processing Unit's back door with Stevens' Level-1 Clearance Card.) [END LOG] Step 2: 11:57 [BEGIN LOG] (SCP-7680-1 is seen walking into the Grand Mess Hall where it immediately jogs to Researcher Esther Grant who is walking to the bathroom. SCP-7680-1 stops her by hurrying over and leaning against the bathroom door.) SCP-7680-1: Whoa, someone hit the breach alarm! We got ourselves a Keter-Class hottie! Grant: Wow… does that like, ever work? (SCP-7680-1 punches Grant and pushes her into the bathroom before taking her Level-2 Clearance Card.) SCP-7680-1: Every time. (SCP-7680-1 heads for the Office Hall doors) SCP-7680-1: Yes Quillstrike, the flirting is required. You gotta stop her before she makes it to the bathroom because she'll make a scene if you force yourself in. (SCP-7680-1 leaves the Grand Mess Hall, walking into the Office Halls.) [END LOG] Step 3: 13:09 [BEGIN LOG] (SCP-7680-1 is seen entering the Safe Wing with Grant's key card. It steps into Common Room #1 where it immediately pulls the breach alarm and waits for half an hour. During this time, most security and staff exit the building. The only remaining member on the floor is Security Guard Francis Wells, who elected to stay and wait for researchers on the lower floors to get out. SCP-7680-1 exits Common Room #1 and heads to Ground Floor's West Security Checkpoint. It is stopped by a fleeing staff member, Doctor Natalie Crane.) Crane: Sir, sir! Do you hear the alarm, you need to go! SCP-7680-1: Don't worry plum, I'm leaving right after I grab my doohickey! Crane: But sir! SCP-7680-1: Doing my stuff! Thank you, ma'am! Crane: Fine, do what you want! (Crane is seen exiting into the Office Halls) SCP-7680-1: Jesus Christ. Eight seconds by the way. Fuckin' dick! Fifty-fifty chance my ass… Yeah, bad RNG but I'm not resetting, I'm still ahead and I can save on Euclid. Like, don't get me wrong, it sucks but it's not so bad that I gotta reset. (SCP-7680-1 enters the West Security Checkpoint where Wells immediately stops him.) Wells: Hey, hold up doc. I'm not sure if you're aware but the fuckin' breach alarm is going off so you need to leave! SCP-7680-1: Damn, really? That's crazy. HOLY SHIT, IT'S RIGHT THERE! (Wells turns around to face where SCP-7680-1 is pointing, only for it to take Well's gun and fire into the agent's head.) SCP-7680-1: Easy. Seriously, someone needs to stop me, I'm a demon. (SCP-7680-1 enters the elevator with Well's sidearm in hand.) [END LOG] Step 4: 13:47 [BEGIN LOG] (SCP-7680-1 is seen standing in the elevator heading down to Sub-Level 1's Euclid Wing. Half way down, it begins to talk to itself.) SCP-7680-1: What the fuck is this? Frankie can't do it, he'll reset this shot. Why the fuck are you rooting against me? (SCP-7680-1 lifts his weapon and aims at the elevator door.) SCP-7680-1: Ah, he's bad, can't do it, just uninstall. Shut up and watch this, huh. (The elevator dings and SCP-7680-1 immediately starts firing as the doors open, clipping Researcher Frank Howard in the leg as he rounded the corner at the end of the hall. Howard falls on the ground and SCP-7680-1 laughs.) SCP-7680-1: Yeah? Frankie's bad, yeah? Keep emoting you little shits! You're coping, you're seething! (Howard manages to stand and run for the Severe Breach Alarm. SCP-7680-1 immediately starts firing again but his bullets are deflected by a barrel suffering from the anomalous distortion effects mentioned earlier. Even though the bullets should have hit Howard, they instead bounce off of the invisible space occupied by the barrel. Howard successfully hits the alarm before SCP-7680-1 can land a shot.) SCP-7680-1: You're kidding, you're actually fucking joking. I don't wanna see a single one of you assholes say a goddamn word, you hear me?… Hey, give that guy a time out, the OMEGALUL guy. I want him banned… We're not resetting… Okay for those of you who don't know, setting off the normal alarm upstairs only evacuates the building but setting it off down here spawns in the MTF Agents. Don't ask me why, probably some lore reason or something, doesn't matter. We're doing Flamingo strat… Yes, I know it isn't routed but it's the only thing I can do to save this run. (SCP-7680-1 takes Howard's Level-3 Clearance Card and takes the elevator to Sub-Level 2's Euclid Wing.) [END LOG] Step 5: 14:05 (SCP-7680-1 exits the elevator and immediately starts sprinting down the hall. MTF Psi-7, "Home Improvement" enters via the opposite elevator and fire at SCP-7680-1 as it ducks into the Wildlife Containment Wing. It continues running until reaching the containment cell for SCP-1507. SCP-7680-1 bangs on the door a few times before opening it and hiding in a nearby storage closet.) SCP-7680-1: That was super fucking lucky, normally you can get grabbed there by the stupid, eight-second animation but we managed to dodge in time. (All instances of SCP-1507 exit the cell and attack Psi-7 as they round the corner. The conflict kills every MTF member present and all but one instance of SCP-1507 which SCP-7680-1 immediately terminates when exiting the closet.) SCP-7680-1: Huge. Now if we timed that right, card 4 should cross the observation deck in just a few seconds. (SCP-7680-1 peeks into SCP-1507's containment cell and waits exactly 40 seconds before firing into the observation window. Senior Researcher Gregory Campbell is struck in the leg and falls through the window, killing him when he hits the ground.) SCP-7680-1: Holy shit! Mom, get the camera! Somebody clip that, this is the new meta. (SCP-7680-1 quickly takes Campbell's Level 4 key card and an assault rifle from the Psi-7 remains. It travel's back to the elevator which it immediately fires into before it opens, killing the rest of Psi-7 which was waiting inside. SCP-7680-1 takes the elevator to Site Director Gillespie's office.) [END LOG] Step 6: 14:22 (Site Director Gillespie is sitting at her desk as the elevator doors open and SCP-7680-1 enters the room.) Gillespie: I must say. You've displayed an incredible amount of talent today. But now you're going to- (SCP-7680-1 shoots Gillespie in the head.) SCP-7680-1: Wow. Two-forty-forty-two. That's a fucking beautiful number right there… Few hiccups, yeah, but we can clean it up… go ahead and unban the OMEGALUL guy, I'm not mad anymore. [END LOG] ACCESS FILE: COUNTERMEASURES 001-004 CLOSE FILE Strategy-001 Countermeasures: Senior Researcher Regan Morgan was assigned to the containment of SCP-7680. She developed a number of countermeasures that made this method completely impossible for SCP-7680-1. The hope was that SCP-7680-1 would become bored when its strategy became difficult. This has not resulted in the capture of SCP-7680-1 but it has provided information on its background and motivation. The list of these countermeasures can be found here: CM-001: An automated message was sent to Dr. Stevens upon each Reset Event. This message told him not to smoke and managed to keep SCP-7680-1 from assaulting Stevens and stealing his keycard. Result: SCP-7680-1 reset the site several times in an attempt to get Stevens to leave the building. Eventually, it started utilizing a plate from a nearby dumpster, placing it against a wall and head-butting it. This plate was affected by SCP-7680's secondary ability, allowing SCP-7680-1 to phase through Dr. Stevens' office wall and assault him. CM-002: Natalie Crane was sent an automated message instructing her to stop SCP-7680-1 every time they pass each other in the hall. Additionally, she was told to do whatever she could to keep it from walking away. Result: SCP-7680-1 initially tried ignoring Crane, but this became impossible as she started blocking its path. It proceeded to say, “Run's dead,” before strangling Crane and snapping its own neck. Following cycles showed SCP-7680-1 preemptively killing Crane instead of ignoring her. CM-003: Esther Grant was sent an automated message telling her to hide in the kitchen before SCP-7680-1 entered the building. Result: SCP-7680-1 reset several times in an attempt to find Grant in her usual spot. Eventually, it searched the Grand Mess Hall and found her in the freezer. SCP-7680-1 made a remark about her “stupid, bugged out pathfinding” before killing her with a kitchen knife, followed by itself. Subsequent cycles showed SCP-7680-1 stealing a chef's hat and killing Grant in the freezer every time. CM-004: Psi-7 is sent a message informing them of SCP-7680-1 and told to stand at the South Grand Mess Hall door and wait for it. It was suggested that they use non-lethal means as, at this time, the anomaly had not displayed the ability to reset outside of his death. Result: Step 2-11:50 [BEGIN LOG] (Psi-7 is seen standing at the north end of the Grand Mess Hall with guns trained on the south end door. SCP-7680-1 enters and immediately notices Psi-7.) SCP-7680-1: WHAT THE- (Psi-7 fires into SCP-7680-1's legs causing him to fall to the ground. Interestingly, the subject displays no signs of pain. Only agitation.) SCP-7680-1: NEVER! Neeeeever, never, never! How the fuck did I aggro them! No, guys! How. The fuck. Did I. Aggro them. I walked in the building and picked up a card! I clocked in and they shot at me… Oh wow, you're right, they must have noticed me attacking Stevens. Guys, your wit knows no bounds. One small question. HOW THE FUCK DID THEY SEE THAT! That happened two seconds ago on the other side of the building. They spawn in the barracks! They sit in barracks jerking each other till alarm 2 goes off… Guys, you're pissing me off and- BAN HIM! BAN THE OMEGALUL GUY! I WANT HIM GONE! (SCP-7680-1 is seen pressing a button on his glove before a Reset event occurs. The subject has not attempted this strategy since.) [END LOG] Progress Report From Senior Researcher Regan Morgan: Progress Report-001 You know, there's a lot of bad omens and superstitions in the Foundation. Despite being an organization run by scientists, you'd be hard-pressed not to find at least a handful of doctors that believe in old wives' tales. Normally I don't pay any mind to these but goddamn it, I should have listened when One said, “Don't fucking go to Italy for vacation.” Site-77 has had another containment breach and lucky ole me was the nearest person able to head this investigation. I just had to see Venice, huh? Well, now I'm stuck in a tent in the middle of a desert surrounded by a team composed of whoever happened to be nearby at the time. Needless to say, no one wants to be here. Let's just get to the anomaly. At first, I thought this was someone with a vendetta against Gillespie as killing her seemed to be his primary objective. Then we put the mic on the guy and my perception of him changed. The first sentence we gathered from him was, “Woah baby, that's a big dub. Gold splits and +15, this is definitely a new PB for sure, let's get some dubs and bits in the chat now boys.” So I thought, “Wow, this man is clearly insane and speaking gibberish.” Little did I know, an assistant in the other room somehow recognized these random phrases and told us to see if there were any signals leaving the site. Sure enough, we found an unrecognized signal leaving the building. We put the IT guys to work finding out what it was and where it was going. This is when we started implementing the countermeasures and I notices his word choices. He said the word “guys” a lot. That, along with a few other phrases tipped me off on what was going on here. I needed to call my twelve-year-old cousin to be sure but I knew what it was. The signal turned out to be a live stream where at least a hundred viewers watch and comment on SCP-7680-1's actions. The title of the stream is “Site-77 Any% World Record”. This person was doing an activity that my assistant described as “speedrunning”. Strategy-002 ACCESS FILE: STRATEGY-002 CLOSE FILE Strategy-002: Following the various countermeasures implemented by Researcher Morgan, SCP-7680-1 abandoned the previous route all together in hopes of finding more efficient methods. During this process, several attempts were made to both remove the glove and subdue SCP-7680-1. All attempts to take the device were unsuccessful as the glove appeared to be attached via a powerful adhesive. Attempting to subdue SCP-7680-1 also failed as it managed to bite down on a Potassium Cyanide capsule fitted to its back molar. Further attempts at containing were halted until proper ideas could be conceived. SCP-7680-1 spent three days routing before finalizing its second strategy. Step 1: 11:40 [BEGIN LOG] (SCP-7680-1 is seen approaching the west side wall with a dinner tray in hand.) SCP-7680-1: Remember chat, five paces and straight down. (SCP-7680-1 stands at the south west corner of the building and leans the plate against the wall. It takes five steps back before sprinting and diving head first into the plate. This manages to phase him through the ground and into Sub-Level 1's west checkpoint. The security guard, Ted Wilmer is attacked by SCP-7680-1 as it lands on top of him and wrestles the gun from its hands. Wilmer is killed in the fight.) SCP-7680-1: Fuckin' spectacular clip… Yeah the fight could have been prettier but anything is going to be faster right now so let's not get our panties in a wad, okay? (SCP-7680-1 takes Wilmer's gun and a Clearance Level 2 keycard before walking north out of the checkpoint.) [END LOG] Step 2: 11:57 [BEGIN LOG] (SCP-7680-1 walks to the other side of the floor and sits outside the entrance of the Euclid Testing Wing of Sub-Level 1.) SCP-7680-1: Tuck in boys, this is the big time waster. We got about 15 minutes till someone leaves the testing wing. We can't get in without card 3 and those are all behind level 3 doors unless you trip the alarm… We can't trip the alarm because it'll break the route. Everyone has to be in the building when we make it to “staircase”. Trust me guys, this is the meta. (SCP-7680-1 sits next to the door for 17 minutes before a group of researchers exit the Testing Wing, leaving the door swinging closed behind them. SCP-7680-1 takes off his boot and props the door open with it before walking inside and sprinting for Testing Room-006.) SCP-7680-1: Moment of truth boys. Get ready for the pen strat. (SCP-7680-1 goes to Testing Rooms 006, 009, 012, and 018, collecting coffee mugs full of pens. Once it completes this task it exits the Testing Wing, putting on the boot it left in the door just as Natalie Crane walks by and notices.) Crane: Excuse me, sir, you can't prop the doors open. SCP-7680-1: Ohhhhhhh, I'm glad to see you. Crane: Sir? SCP-7680-1: Hey, you mind holding this for me real quick? (SCP-7680-1 brandishes its handgun and fires into Crane's throat. Crane falls onto the ground as SCP-7680-1 continues to the elevator.) SCP-7680-1: That's for ruining my other runs you fucking bitch! (SCP-7680-1 enters the elevator and heads to the ground floor.) [END LOG] Step 3: 12:22 (SCP-7680-1 exits the elevator and runs to the nearest exit, that being the Processing Unit's back door. Once outside SCP-7680-1 displays a previously undiscovered anomaly with these pens. Due to the reality decay, the pens lack any physics properties when removed from their mugs. This makes them completely immovable objects that float in the area they are removed. SCP-7680-1 uses this to make a staircase of floating pens up to Director Gillespie's office.) SCP-7680-1: The trick is to get in a rhythm when placing these. I had to practice for like a whole day when I first learned this because holy fuck is it easy to fall. Splits look good and we should be in range right about… (SCP-7680-1 jumps through Director Gillespie's window and picks itself up as Gillespie screams in shock.) SCP-7680-1: Hey Shirley. (SCP-7680-1 fires into Site Director Gillespie's head.) SCP-7680-1: Bye Shirley. Wow, one-twenty-five-thirty-two. We clean that up we could be looking at a sub-one hour. 10/10 guys, thanks to all the subs I missed and bits. Let's do it again! (SCP-7680-1 executes itself with it's own weapon causing a Reset Event.) [END LOG] ACCESS FILE: COUNTERMEASURES 005-008 CLOSE FILE CM-005: Ted Wilmer was given ample ammunition and warning before SCP-7680-1 arrived. The desired result was to recreate the effect CM-004 had. Providing an obstacle that SCP-7680-1 would have to adapt to. Result: Wilmer successfully killed SCP-7680-1 twenty-seven times. However, by the twenty-eighth attempt SCP-7680-1 had memorized where Wilmer would aim and used this knowledge to successfully overpower and kill Wilmer. To make up for lost time, SCP-7680-1 has started skipping everywhere it goes. It refers to this as “bunny hopping” and says it saves 3.4 seconds. The validity of this has yet to be determined. CM-006: All staff within the Testing Wing were told to stay inside to prevent SCP-7680-1 from accessing the pens. Result: SCP-7680-1 used a dinner plate to clip through the wall and access the pens. CM-007: Natalie Crane was told to kill SCP-7680-1 when their paths crossed. The desired result was that this would anger SCP-7680-1 enough to stop this strategy. Result: Crane did manage to kill SCP-7680-1 with a handgun and this succeeded in angering it. So much so that it halted its speedrun and dedicated seven separate cycles to the torture and killing of Crane. Following routes have shown SCP-7680-1 preemptively killing Crane. CM-008: Staff were told to empty the pens from the mugs before SCP-7680-1 arrived. This was meant to make the staircase method completely impossible. Result: Staff constantly managed to pour out all but one mug. This was initially viewed as a success, since SCP-7680-1 needed at least four in order to make the climb. However, after some routing, SCP-7680-1 managed to launch itself most of the way up by throwing a grenade at the ground, placing a dinner plate above it, and standing on the plate. The blast manages to launch SCP-7680-1 to a height that makes one mug viable. CM-009: Psi-7 was sent outside and told to shoot SCP-7680-1 when it attempted to tower up. The desired result was that SCP-7680-1 would be unable to properly memorize and dodge attacks while balancing on pens. Result: SCP-7680-1 attempted this strategy forty-seven more times before finally giving up. The subject has not attempted this strategy since. Progress Report from Senior Researcher Regan Morgan: Progress Report-002 Before this assignment, my only interaction with video games was when my sister Amelia handed me a controller and disrespected me so viscerally with Pikachu in Smash 64 that I completely ignored them the rest of my life. I never suspected that knowledge of “gaming” and its “culture” would be relevant in my career. I also didn't expect my assistant, who had previously only prepared coffee, to be working as my right hand man. His name is Caden and he's honestly been invaluable to this mission. At first, he acted as my translator as 7680-1 had a habit of saying a string of words like, “Maybe we can pull a BotW wind bomb and that would make a faster Oblivion paintbrush strat.” I would hear this and just think, “Wow, that certainly sounds like it means something.” But Caden knew exactly what these thing meant and was able to walk me through it. I really can't believe I'm saying these words but… gaming kind of is its own culture with differing subcultures. The one we're dealing with is the speedrunning subculture. No matter how many times Caden explains it to me I don't really understand the appeal. These people spend hours and multiple attempts on the same game in order to play it faster than other people. Some get paid for it but many, like 7680-1, do it for fun. I really don't get it, there's no incentive or reward for doing it. It is solely just for fun. In the beginning I didn't think this information would change anything. We'd just get the glove off or kill him repeatedly till he gave up. Caden told us that wouldn't work but we didn't listen because he's just an assistant, what does he know? Well what do you know, he was right. Countermeasures 005-008 were failures as he had planned ahead for people taking the glove, and only seemed more excited to do the run when we were trying to kill him or block his path. So I returned to Caden and asked him what to do. He said that 7680-1 and all other speedruns do what they do because it's fun. There are plenty of games and places that these people can choose from but they are specifically dedicating themselves to this one because it's fun. We need to make it not fun. Now I thought we were already doing that by taking away things he needed and giving the security guard plenty of guns to kill him 20 times over. Caden thought differently, saying that making something difficult doesn't make a game less fun as most players and speed runners specifically are masochists. The more difficult you make something, the better they'll feel when they beat it. He said that I could put an army between him and Gillespie and it would only make 7680-1 want to kill her more. To better explain this, he showed me clips from a game called “Bloodborne”. I was shown two boss fights (enemies at the end of a level), one was a big horse monster and the other was some dude with a birdcage on his head. He told me that the difference between these two fights is the difference between a game being fun and a game being tedious. The horse is an unforgiving, relentless enemy that punishes the smallest mistakes and the other runs away for 20 minutes before spamming a single attack that will instantly kill you. The main idea of what he's saying is that it's not that we need to make a brick wall. It's that we need to make his route a chore. So that's what we did. We let him go through the entire route, over an hour long build up, just to snipe him in the air at the end. If he wanted to re-attempt, he'd have to spend another hour getting to that point only to die again. Caden described it as evil and exactly what we needed. Once again, the kid was right. SCP-7680-1 is currently rerouting again and I'm confident that if we can continue this strat, we can make him quit within a month or two. If I can take a moment to get something off my chest? I've been feeling very angry recently. I know this is probably irrational but there's an intense hatred inside me, directed at 7680-1. I'm not sure why. Maybe the endless attempts at containing him only to fail repeated are hitting a little too close to home. I came to Italy in order to forget about 7570 and yet here I am. Feeling the same fucking thing. Reset. After reset. After reset. Fuck Frankie and fuck [REDACTED]. Strategy-003 ACCESS FILE: STRATEGY-003 CLOSE FILE Strategy-003: SCP-7680-1 has begun using various reality distortions and even other anomalies within Site-77. The degradation has started to complete break aspects of reality. It has been estimated that within one month, a dangerous anomaly is likely to escape and leave the effected range of SCP-7680. Within two months, reality is estimated to have degraded to a point where the site is considered lost. The following is the most recent strategy SCP-7680-1 has utilized: Step 1: 11:30 [BEGIN LOG] (SCP-7680-1 starts the cycle 5km from the site. It immediately turns around and crouches before jumping backward. This activates an area of kinetic buildup that propels it at a speed of 640 km/h directly toward Site-77) SCP-7680-1: Fuckin' spectacular ABH. God, this exploit takes me back to my “Half-Life 2” days. How many of you were viewers back then? (SCP-7680-1 talks as he lands near the site and immediately grabs a dinner plate from the dumpster.) SCP-7680-1: Wow, quite a few of you fellas are long-time viewers. Those were the days, right? I'd give anything to play that for the first time again… “Frankie, you should play ‘Hunt Down the Freeman'”. Ban that guy for a year, I'm not kidding. (SCP-7680-1 phases into the barracks with the dinner plate.) [END LOG] Step 2: 11:33 [BEGIN LOG] (SCP-7680-1 enters the barracks and immediately sprints to the northwest corner of the room. Psi-7 instantly notices and retrieves their weapons, yelling at SCP-7680-1 to freeze.) SCP-7680-1: Please don't shoot me. Please don't shoot me. RN-Jesus have mercy on my sinful soul- and we're here. (SCP-7680-1 puts its face in the corner and quickly turns around twice. This causes everyone on the Ground Floor to spontaneously combust and for all walls on the floor to vanish entirely.) SCP-7680-1: Pretty good run so far. Usually, that glitch fucks up the floor too but collision still seems to be working. [END LOG] Step 3: 11:41 [BEGIN LOG] (With the walls of the floor gone, SCP-7680-1 walks into the Safe Containment Wing and uses a gun from the remains of a nearby guard to shoot open two Containment Lockers for SCP-512 and SCP-649.) SCP-7680-1: It really is incredible how much cool shit is here that we never used. I spent like a week trying to get the "Shit's broke" spray to work but this is just so fucking optimal. Only downside is that I can't stay on it for more than five minutes without getting struck by lightning. (SCP-7680-1 strikes an instance of SCP-649 before throwing it on the ground outside of the building. The subject waits as the anomaly takes effect, dropping the temperature and causing strong winds to manifest. After five minutes SCP-7680-1 opens SCP-512 directly over the instance of SCP-649, allowing it to haphazardly fly into the air at high speeds.) SCP-7680-1: Best strat, hands down, it's honestly probably too much fun if we're being real. (SCP-7680-1 flies through the window of Site Director Gillespie's office and executes her with its handgun.) SCP-7680-1: Holy shit. Sixteen-twenty-two. Are you joking? That's minutes by the way. Sixteen minutes. How far we've come, guys. (SCP-7680-1 executes itself causing a reset event) [END LOG] ACCESS FILE: COUNTERMEASURES 009-012 CLOSE FILE Strategy-003 Countermeasures: Senior Researcher Regan Morgan is aware of the threat the Reset Events pose and is doing everything in her power to contain SCP-7680-1. With the threat of a reality failure and the build-up of anomalies with nowhere to go, the O5 Council has considered moving someone else to the head of this project. Researcher Morgan assured results by the end of the month: CM-009: With the threat level of SCP-7680 so prominent, more drastic measures have been considered. Guards were told to shoot at the power Glove in hopes of destroying the device. Result: It was discovered that the Power Glove is seemingly impervious to all types of damage, physical or magical. CM-010: The dinner plate that SCP-7680-1 regularly uses to clip into the building has been removed from the dumpster in hopes of slowing SCP-7680-1. Result: SCP-7680-1 managed to perform a backwards long jump by utilizing the dumpster itself to "interrupt the jump animation" which propelled it through the wall. CM-011: An attempt was made to open a dialogue with SCP-7680-1. Normally the Foundation doesn't negotiate with active terrorists but the threat was deemed extreme enough to consider. The hope was that SCP-7680-1 could be reasoned with once the situation was explained to it. Result: SCP-7680-1 initially ignored all attempts at communication but eventually he was cornered by Esther Grant who attempted to warn it. SCP-7680-1 appeared to mainly talk to its chat during this, commenting on the "stupid, melodramatic dialogue". CM-12: All doors were left open. SCP-7680-1 was given a Clearance Level 5 keycard and a handgun. The desired result was that SCP-7680-1 would complete the fastest possible time and become bored with the run. This was a last resort as this meant SCP-7680-1 would be able to leave with the Power Glove. Result: SCP-7680-1 managed to kill Site Director Gillespie in two minutes. Following this, it admitted that the run would likely not produce a better time. It appeared as if SCP-7680-1 would completely give up and leave. However, on its way out of the building, Natalie Crane stopped SCP-7680-1, saying that its outfit was against the dress code. SCP-7680-1 stated, "Fuck it, let's just have a 100% run, boys," before shooting Crane and starting a rampage through the site. Further cycles done by SCP-7680-1 have shown it abandoning the formula altogether in favor of random violence. Progress Report from Senior Researcher Regan Morgan: Progress Report-003 I won't lie to you. I'm kind of at a loss. We had one plan. Just the one. Make the game so boring that the idiot threw his controller at the screen and fucked off. Yet, that didn't work and I should have known that it wouldn't because I know guys like him. I might be a stranger to the culture but I know him. People like him are petty, they don't accept losing or ever being put in a position that makes it seem as if they're not on top. The chat is an echo chamber, he kills Crane repeatedly for a grudge she doesn't even remember, he fucking emotes when he makes a good time. He's a literal child and this is his temper tantrum. He's going insane in there. Releasing anomalies, killing staff, and just setting off the various explosives in the building. That's bad enough but it's made even worse by the site collapsing more and more by the day. People are falling into the ground and getting thrown into the stratosphere for stepping on small sections of ground with a slight angle. It won't be long until the entire building becomes a black hole or crater. We've been pulling all-nighters to keep up. Every full night's sleep is at least 100 resets and 1,000 more "glitches", as Caden calls them. The kid's really been helping out recently. Pointed out a few things we probably would have never noticed, like how 7680-1 likely sees his chat through his glasses. He's even been writing the recent countermeasure reports. As if those are helping us any. I just don't know what else to try. Well, that's not exactly true. I do have a plan. A plan that has to be executed perfectly if it has any hope of working. You see, there's one thing I have that he doesn't. I have every stream he's ever done. His every action for the past month. I've studied the way he acts, fights, manages resources. I know him better than he probably knows himself and THAT is something I can use. There are encounters, entities, and objects he will go out of his way to avoid and if I can catch him off guard with these, I might be able to beat him. I've run it by Caden and while he agrees that it could work, it's very likely that something would go wrong. And unlike 7680-1, I only get one attempt. Fuck. Might as well. Caden knows the culture, Frankie's doing it for fun and to beat him we have to make it un-fun. But now we're not dealing with a speedrunner, we're dealing with an asshole suffering from a God complex. Lucky for me, I have experience in that department. ACCESS FILE: COUNTERMEASURE 013 CLOSE FILE Step 1: 11:30 (SCP-7680-1 starts the cycle 5km from the site. It immediately turns around and crouched before jumping backward. This activates an area of kinetic buildup that propels it at a speed of 640 km/h directly toward Site-77) SCP-7680-1: So what will it be today, chat? I think we should take another stab at the nuke because if we can get that off it'll be huge. I know torturing Gillespie didn't get the launch codes last time but I got a good feeling about this one. (SCP-7680-1 lands outside the barracks and approaches the dumpster for a backward long jump. As it approaches though, it notices two items placed on the dumpster. A handgun and a small postcard from Milam, Texas.) SCP-7680-1: Huh, this never spawns here… What's this say? (SCP-7680-1 flips over the card.) SCP-7680-1: Yeah, there's some writing here. "Meet me at Gillespie's office. Signed Your Biggest Fan." Wow, which of you guys did this? Was it you, Alfie? You son of a bitch. (It takes both items just as the backdoor to the Processing Unit opens. SCP-7680-1 notices this and tilts its head, clearly confused. In the end, it walks into the building and past the staff who watch it silently. SCP-7680-1 reaches the utility elevator and presses the button.) SCP-7680-1: Huh, never realized this was a horror game, heh… Kinda weird right? They never do this. Something's off. (The elevator takes five minutes to arrive and when it finally opens a burly man with a Dolley steps off, nodding to SCP-7680-1 who doesn't appear to notice. It takes the elevator to Site Director Gillespie's office and talks to the chat as it rises.) SCP-7680-1: Yeah, I'm not sure, I've scrubbed through every bit of this game but haven't seen anything like this. (The elevator doors open and SCP-7680-1 steps out into an empty office. Notably, there are several crates in the corner of the room that have never been present on previous runs. Additionally, a metal baseball bat sits on the desk.) SCP-7680-1: There's… no one here? Yeah, I'm not sure. Might do a reset, the games bugged… Hey are… Are those crates normally over there- (The elevator doors open and Senior Researcher Regan Morgan steps into the office.) Morgan: Ah, damn. You beat me here. I had a few things to organize but I thought for sure I'd get here first. Guess you are pretty fast with your "backward long jumping" and all. Besides, you are a speedrunner after all. (SCP-7680-1 is silent for a few seconds.) SCP-7680-1: It's… uh… Actually called accelerated back hopping. Backward long jumps are from Mario and are usually used for inclines- Morgan: Damn, that's crazy. (Morgan passes SCP-7680-1 and leans against the desk) Hey look, you got my card! Congrats, by the way! SCP-7680-1: What? Morgan: Sorry, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Senior Researcher Regan Morgan, I was assigned to your containment and have spent the last month or so watching your streams. I'm actually kind of a big fan. SCP-7680-1: My containment, huh? Seems you've been doing a pretty shit job. Morgan: Right? You're just that good, I guess. That's actually part of the reason I'm here. The Foundation wants to congratulate you! SCP-7680-1: Congratulate me? Morgan: Yeah! At first they were pissed about this but after we really thought about it, you're doing us a favor. Site-77 is the biggest container of anomalous items in the world. With the degradation of reality, you've practically erased these issues from existence. All those problems are getting no clipped right into the void. I mean, do you know how much we'll save on electricity and water alone? Anyways, we'll be taking off after tonight, do whatever you want with the site. Have fun. SCP-7680-1: No! Morgan: Excuse me? SCP-7680-1: You aren't supposed to do this! That takes away from the whole point of it! Morgan: What do you mean? Wasn't the whole point to have fun? SCP-7680-1: No… Well, yes… But you shouldn't be doing this! Morgan: I'm a bit confused. What do you want me to do? SCP-7680-1: Fight back! Try to stop me! Morgan: What's the point? You're too good. Uncontainable. And a big money saver, I mean the insurance on this place- SCP-7680-1: Listen! You're going to go back to how it was or- Morgan: Or? Or what? No, let's be real, Frankie, what leverage do you really have? You gonna reset again? Go ahead, we can have this conversation again and get this place one more step into the ground. SCP-7680-1: Fucking stupid bitch! You're ruining this for me! Don't think I don't know what you're doing. I'm not going to be Bugs Bunnied by you! You want me to give up! But guess what? There are other places, other sites. I'll just go there and start from scratch! But you (SCP-7680-1 points its gun at Morgan who rolls her eyes.) Morgan: Oh noooo, a gun. Please don't shoot me. (SCP-7680-1 fires but the bullet bounces off the air directly in front of Morgan. SCP-7680-1 looks at the gun confused.) Morgan: Wow, guess this doesn't really happen to you? No wait it definitely did. Strategy one, step four, you always managed to hit a barrel with a "janky hitbox". Well, I went ahead and had the processing guys line my lab coat with pieces of that barrel. You see, you have all these tools at your disposal but never actually took the time to utilize them. I mean look what I was able to put together in eight minutes. SCP-7680-1: You… What is this? Morgan: The God-run. (Morgan presses a button on her wristpad that opens one of the nearby crates. An instance of SCP-1507 exits and immediately rushes SCP-7680-1 who tries to dodge but is ultimately attacked by the creature. Morgan picks up the baseball bat.) Morgan: How did you describe it? "The stupid, eight-second, grab animation". (Morgan swings the bat and manages to connect the blow with the top of SCP-7680-1's head. This knocks SCP-7680-1 away from SCP-1507 but the creature is immediately on it again before the subject can react.) Morgan: That one was a little high, hold still a moment. (Morgan swing directly into SCP-7680-1's jaw, knocking a few of its teeth onto the floor and once again separating SCP-7680-1 and SCP-1507. At this moment Consultant Caden Worley conducted a cyber assault on SCP-7680-1's stream. Hundreds of dollars worth of channel memberships and donations were sent to SCP-7680-1, overlaying his vision with animations and loud sound effects.) SCP-7680-1: I can't fucking see anything! There's fucking OMEGALULs all over my screen! Mods! Ban that- (Morgan grabs the base of SCP-1507 and throws it back at SCP-7680-1, trapping him in another struggle. This time, Morgan runs to SCP-7680-1 and grabs the glove, attempting to pull it off. She is unsuccessful as SCP-7680-1 manages to crush the head of SCP-1507 and pull away from Morgan.) SCP-7680-1: Fuck you, I win! (SCP-7680-1 places the gun to his head and pulls the trigger. However, the gun has exhausted its bullets and does not kill SCP-7680-1.) Morgan: Yeah… Wasn't really going to give you a full clip, now, was I? (SCP-7680-1 reaches for the button on its Power Glove, the empty pistol still in its hand. Morgan is faster and presses a button on her wristpad. A small explosive detonates in SCP-7680-1's hand, completely removing the non-gloved arm from its body and throwing SCP-7680-1 to the ground.) Morgan: But I was going to leave an explosive in the gun just in case you tried to press the button. That's the thing about streaming all your stuff. You become predictable. You never use your Power Glove hand to shoot and absolutely never put a gun away, even when it's empty. SCP-7680-1: Fucking bitch! (SCP-7680-1 swings its remaining fist at Morgan, only to have it bounce off the air a few inches from her face.) Morgan: Ugh, I thought we went over this. Barrel. SCP-7680-1: Oh, fuck this! (SCP-7680-1 attempts to press the reset button with its nose but Morgan swings her bat, first hitting its head, followed by a hard swing into its arm.) SCP-7680-1: Will you fucking stop! I can't even feel that! Morgan: Yeah, doesn't change the fact that your arm is broken. (SCP-7680-1 looks down and attempts to move its arm, eventually finding it to be unresponsive. It then runs for the edge of the room, likely attempting to press the button against the wall. Morgan hits its knee as it runs, knocking it to the ground. She quickly mounts the subject and removes a mug from her lab coat, dumping the contents onto the Power Glove. SCP-7680-1 pushes Morgan off of it but fails to stand as a collection of unmoveable pens are pinning its hand to the ground. SCP-7680-1 starts biting loudly as Morgan crosses the room and pulls SCP-512 from a crate, its handle having been removed and the point sharpened.) Morgan: Trying to bite your suicide pill? Yeah, I knocked that out of your mouth like three minutes ago. To be honest, I wasn't sure if this was going to work. There were a lot of what if's in my plan, but I've found that in recent years I've always been lucky. (Morgan stabs SCP-512 into SCP-7680-1's leg and ensures it won't be pulled free. SCP-7680-1 begins banging its head against the floor in an attempt at suicide. Mogan crosses the room with her bat, stopping in front of the window.) Morgan: Wow, look at that snow. 649 really is something, huh? Thought experiment Frankie, what do you think is gonna give first? The immovable pens, the magic umbrella, or the skin keeping that glove on your hand? (Morgan shatters the window with the bat, releasing gale force winds into the building. SCP-512 begins violently pulling SCP-7680-1 to the opening, the only thing keeping them tethered being the pens.) SCP-7680-1: Okay, yep, I think I'm having a change of heart. Morgan: Wow, really? SCP-7680-1: We can talk about this, right? Morgan: Eh, never really been one for pointless conversations. (SCP-7680-1 slides a bit closer to the edge as the skin of its hand begins to peel.) SCP-7680-1: This is a bluff right? I mean, you guys don't kill anomalies. Morgan: You're not an anomaly though. Just the thing on your hand, and trust me, we'll take very good care of that. (SCP-7680-1 slips a bit more.) SCP-7680-1: Please, come on, I don't wanna die! Morgan: Take solace in the fact that you'll die as you lived. Quickly. (SCP-7680-1 is yanked free of the glove and pulled into the snowstorm. It flies wildly in the air for several minutes before various lightning bolts strike SCP-512. Killing SCP-7680-1 instantly and permanently.) [END LOG] ACCESS FILE: UPDATED LOG, PENDING APPROVAL CLOSE FILE Item#: 7680 Level3 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: thaumiel Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Image of SCP-7680 taken following CM-016 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7680 is to be kept in a safe containment locker at Site-7 when not being utilized by Senior Researcher Regan Morgan2. Any personal wishing to transfer or cross test the device must first receive authorization from Researcher Morgan. Description: SCP-7680 is a modified, indestructible Nintendo Power Glove capable of saving a place in time and reverting back to it upon the users death or the press of the “start” button. The range of this ability has been estimated to be over 100km and can revert everything apart from other Nintendo Power Gloves. The object has a secondary effect that becomes progressively worse the more times an area experiences a Reset Event. Objects within the effected area will experience reality distortion similar to several popular glitches in the gaming phenomenon of “speedrunning”. These effects will slowly correct themselves over time so long as no other Reset Events occur. Discovery: SCP-7680 was discovered following a number of raids of Site-77 by Frank Odelle Sanders II. Sanders utilized SCP-7680 to “speedrun” the murder of Site Director Gillespie. It is not believed that Sanders did this for any vendetta but instead as a form of entertainment. Sanders streamed all of his attempts and many of his viewers were known members of the group Gamers Against Weed. Further investigation into this connection is ongoing. The Foundation acquired SCP-7680 after leading researcher Regan Morgan mobilized an unsanctioned attack on Sanders that resulted in his death. Several overseers, notably O5-8, advocated for disciplinary action against Morgan, but such measures have yet to be taken. Footnotes 1. Outdated and frankly inadequate remote controller fitted to a user's hand 2. Senior Researcher Morgan believes that SCP-7680 could prove useful in the termination of SCP-7570-1.
ParallelPotatoes & SYTYCFanon SCP-7682- The Incredibly Hard-to-Find Reptile Fanon's Author page Potato's Author Page FROM THE OFFICE OF SITE DIRECTOR LEAH RICHTER The following notice has been disseminated to the Parabiological Sciences Department. As of 11/04/22, SCP-7682 is considered a low priority for Site-78 due to the lack of evidence of its existence. This number is a placeholder in the case that the anomaly is properly identified. The factors for this decision were based on two key facts. Firstly, this anomaly poses little risk to the elevated baseline normalcy in Chugwater, as seen in previous studies done into the anomalous wildlife that calls this town its home.1 Secondly, we have received no reports inside or outside of Chugwater of the anomaly's presence. If this anomaly is real, its anomalous effects have acted as a form of self-containment and/or is being concealed by Chugwater's anomalous nature. Researchers working under Department Head Johnston are to disregard the Special Containment procedures listed below and focus on other projects. Item#: 7682 Level1 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: uncontained Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-78 Leah Richter Maria Johnston N/A Special Containment Procedures: Researchers under Site-78's Parabiological Sciences Department are to find and contain SCP-7682 as soon as possible. At this time, the lack of knowledge regarding SCP-7682's abilities makes specific containment procedures impossible. Any attempts by inanimate objects to move around Site-78 are to be stopped and checked to be an instance of SCP-7682. Description: SCP-7682's existence is currently in doubt, due to no media existing of the creature. SCP-7682 is believed to be a species of lizard of a currently unknown genus. From eyewitness reports, the anomaly is believed to be one centimeter in length and has a spotted brown coloration. A Sagebrush Lizard (Sceloporus graciosus), a species native to Wyoming and believed to resemble SCP-7682. SCP-7682 is speculated to have an anomalous form of camouflage that allows it to transfigure itself into an inanimate object. The limitations of what SCP-7682 can imitate and what level of control it has over its transformations are currently unknown. Discovery: SCP-7682 was reportedly discovered on 4/03/2022 when an instance disguised itself as Maria Johnston's coffee mug. Rs. Johnston attempted to fill it with water, causing it to become agitated and flee, breaking the actual coffee mug in the process. This prompted her to attempt to contain SCP-7682. Capture Attempt Logs 1-2: Attempt 1: Rs. Johnston stated that she spotted an instance of SCP-7682 while walking down the Site-78 hallway. The instance reportedly ran away from her, prompting her to chase it on foot. Results: Despite Rs. Johnston running through the majority of Site-78 in an attempt to chase after the instance, it never appeared on camera footage nor did any personnel witness it. According to Johnston, this was due to it "camouflaging" itself as various objects whenever someone was near or being too small to see. However, 327 eyewitness state that they only saw her yelling at bottles and nothing resembling SCP-7682. Attempt 2: A recording of lizard mating calls was played throughout Site-78 in an attempt to lure SCP-7682 to one location. Result: The mating calls failed to lure SCP-7682. However, during the test Rs. Johnston claimed to witness an instance rubbing its head and purring softly against the coffee machine while it was running. Rs. Johnston reported that it ultimately evaded capture by turning into pocket lint. Addendum 7682.01: Inquiry into the behavior of Rs. Maria Johnston. A week after the discovery of SCP-7682, Site Director Leah Richter performed an interview with Rs. Johnston to discuss SCP-7682 and Rs. Johnston's behavior. [Begin Recording] Richter: Stating my name for the record. Site Director Leah Erin Richter interviewing Greg Chudley- Johnston: -What? Richter: Sorry. Force of habit. Interviewing Maria Johnston about strange behavior and wasting Foundation resources to contain the hypothetical anomaly known as SCP-7682. Johnston: Hypothetical? What do you mean? I saw it with my own eyes! Richter: And no one else has. It's been a week and you've yet to produce any evidence of this supposed "anomaly". Not even a scale or a piece of DNA. Johnston: That's because it likely has adapted to not leave behind any traces of its existence. Richter: Again, more hypotheticals. You have more important things to do than scream at inanimate objects during company hours. I just assigned you to oversee Arms and Equipment and this is how you choose to spend your time? Johnston: This is a real anomaly and it's loose in Site-78! Don't you care about that? Richter: We're strapped for cash as it is. We can't devote any more resources towards this. [Richter sighs and adjusts her glasses] Richter: Even if this anomaly was real, it poses no threat to normalcy. If no one in Chugwater has noticed the existence of this lizard for hundreds of years, I'm sure they'll be oblivious for hundreds more. Johnston: Tell me. Why don't you believe me? I've worked here for five years, and proven myself on dozens of containment efforts. Why do you think that I'm acting hyst- [Richter shakes her head.] Richter: I wasn't going to go that far. You want my honest opinion, Johnston? I think you're having a stress-related episode. You started this job cataloging mundane biological anomalies to being in charge of an MTF, overseeing our weapons development projects as well as your own department. I might have put too much on you at once. Johnston: I am not too stressed out nor am I not up to the task. [Johnston exhales deeply, appearing to think for a few moments.] Johnston: You want MTF Omega-452 to succeed, correct? To finally get Midwest Command to stop treating us like some backwater facility? Richter: Well, yes, but I don't see how that pertains to SCP-7682- Johnston: Just bear with me on this investigation. I know I can't contain every member of this thing's species but they could theoretically be trained to camouflage as any object needed by our Mobile Task Forces. Imagine! Instead of bringing hundreds of dollars of equipment with on a mission, they could bring a few small lizards. That would make them highly sought after for Foundation Operations. [Richter is quiet for a moment before closing her eyes and sighing.] Richter: You have a point… if SCP-7682 is real. I'll give you another week and I'll allocate an extra… oh let's say a thousand dollars. I can't imagine the Department of MAUDE3 needs it very much. You have a week to bring me results and if you don't I want you back to your regular projects. This inquiry is over. [End Recording] Capture Attempt Logs 3-5: Attempt 3: A basket was propped up by a stick with a string attached to it. Rs. Johnston's goal was to lure SCP-7682 under the basket and then pull the string, trapping it. Result: Rs. Johnston waited for approximately 6 hours and 37 minutes without SCP-7682 making an appearance before she gave up. Upon dismantling the trap, she noticed that she forgot to place bait inside. Attempt 4: Capture attempt 3 was repeated, this time baiting the trap with a small pile of food. Result: The trap was discovered to be SCP-7682 in disguise. It is hypothesized that it captures its prey in the wild by disguising itself as similar traps. It ran away after the test with the bait in its mouth, and Rs. Johnston advised other Foundation staff to be on the lookout for random baskets on site. Attempt 5: Several toy lizards were placed around Site-78 in an attempt to get SCP-7682 to camouflage into one, making it more recognizable. Result: An additional 50 toy lizards were discovered around the site that Rs. Johnston did not place. After excitedly showing them to her coworkers as "proof", it was discovered that they were placed there as an attempt to prank Rs. Johnston. Addendum 7682.02: SCP-7682 investigation formal review. After a week of unsuccessful containment attempts, Director Richter called Rs. Johnston to her office to discuss terminating the project and clearing out the SCP-7682 designation for another anomaly. Below is a video recording of this meeting. [Begin Recording] Richter: Stating my name for the record. Site Director Leah Erin Richter, here to discuss the closure of the investigation of SCP-7682. With me is SCP-7682's lead researcher, Maria Johnstuh, um. Maria are you alright? [Rs. Johnston is nursing a Mountain Dew Kickstart. She appears to have large bags underneath her eyelids.] Johnston: I was up all night staking out SCP-7682 at the Starbucks in town. Plenty of caffeine to sustain me and the noise SHOULD have attracted a whole swarm of them. [Johnston's facial expression turned to anger before relaxing.] Johnston: Don't worry about me though, I slept on my lunch break. Richter: Your thirty-minute lunch break? Johnston: It's all I need. [Richter shakes her head] Richter: Maria, this can't continue. I'm putting you on paid leave. One whole week to clear your head and then I want you back to work, you hear me? Johnston: Paid leave? If anyone should be getting reprimanded, it should be Chudley for putting those fake lizards around the site. He's interfering with my investigation! Richter: (sighs) Chudley is not the problem for once. If you're seeing plastic toys as anomalies and running around the marshes at 4AM, you aren't thinking straight. Johnston: And who's going to run Parabiology plus Arms and Equipment while I'm gone, huh? We're understaffed as it is. Richter: The other Senior staff can manage. I can't lose you, Maria. You are one of Site-78's best. Put aside your pride and just look out for yourself for once. Johnston: One more week. Please, it's all I need. The applications of a discovery like this are limitless. Richter: Yes, we talked about that. But I think there's something more than stress going on. There's something bothering you, isn't there? [Johnston took a drink of her beverage and sighed. She stared directly at the desk for a few moments before looking up.] Johnston: What other truth is there? I'm practically losing my mind here. For a biologist in Chugwater, there's hardly anything to study. You put me on weapons development sure but like, there's nothing to fight here. We get called out to bust some CI here and there, but we're in the middle of nowhere. It's hardly a spot for GoIs to try something nefarious. So this little lizard wanders into my life and it feels like finally, I have a way to contribute after months of just… nothing. Richter: Maria- [Johnston stands up.] Johnston: So respectfully, I am going to get back to my investigation and prove once and for all that I am not crazy. Fire me if you must, but when I signed up to work for Site-78, it was because I believed in our motto. "For the Betterment of Humanity" and I'm not doing that approving schematics all day. [Richter adjusts her glasses] Richter: You remind me a lot of a younger version of myself. You know that? Go out there and prove me wrong, Johnston. One more week but that's it. Any more protests and I'll have to call HR. [End Recording] Capture Attempt Logs 6-8: Attempt 6: A scent hound was brought in to track SCP-7682. Result: An instance disguised itself as a sign that said: "No Dogs Allowed." Several staff in the area believed it to be a legitimate sign and asked Rs. Johnston to remove the scent hound from the premises. Attempt 7: Introducing a natural predator to hunt instances of SCP-7682 Result: Two red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) were released into the Site-78 Greenhouse in an attempt to search for SCP-7682 instances. According to Rs. Johnston, the presence of the hawks caused a Sunflower to uproot and escape the facility. The ensuing chase caused destroyed $200 worth of plant specimens as well as the security cameras, leaving no evidence of the event. The head of Botanical Sciences, Lena Lorri, fined Johnston for the damages resulting from this event. Attempt 8: Rs. Johnston purchased a large vacuum in an attempt to suck up SCP-7682 before it runs away. Result: While purchasing the vacuum, she discovered that one of the dollar bills she was using to purchase it was an SCP-7682 instance in disguise. She promptly grabbed it and brought it to containment, forgetting to pay for the vacuum. Addendum 7682.03 Confirmation of SCP-7682's existence. Following the capture of SCP-7682, Site Director Richter was called down to confirm the official existence of the anomaly due to previous circumstances. The following recording was taken as evidence. [Begin Recording] [Director Richter and Researcher Johnston are seen standing in front of an glass habitat on a table. There is a crumpled dollar bill inside.] Richter: Johnston, you've had me staring at this receipt for the past five minutes. Are you sure this is worth my time? Johnston: Shhh! It's still probably scared. Just give it another moment. [A few moments later, the dollar bill crumples into the form of a lizard and begins exploring the habitat.] Richter: Well, I'll be damned! That's quite an ability. Johnston: See? I told you I wasn't crazy! And it was all worth it too! [Richter exhaled and placed a hand on Johnston's shoulder, looking at her curiously.] Richter: I'm sorry for doubting you, Maria. Johnston: Oh it's alright. I'm sure I would have acted the same way if I was in your position. Thinking back on it, I must have seemed really out of turn. Richter: You followed your gut instinct, it's the first thing I taught you when you started and I can't fault you for it. Maybe you are turning out like me after all. Johnston: Perhaps, although I don't envy you having to play babysitter for some of our antics. [Johnston leaned close to the glass.] Johnston: Did you see him change? Trying to see if one of these pieces of grass is him. Richter: No, I.. something else had my focus [Richter turns her head back to the enclosure and the two spend three minutes examining the habitat. Johnston removes the top to check some of the elements inside.] Johnston: He's not here… wait, shit! [Johnston runs her hand over the back of the habitat.] Johnston: He broke a hole in the container! This glass is supposed to resist Railgun slugs! What the heck did he turn his little head into? Richter: That's not important, we've put too much stake into that damn lizard. Find it! [End Recording] Following interview 3, an additional $300,000 has been allocated to the search for SCP-7682 by Midwest Command. As of writing, SCP-7682 has performed more than eight containment breaches since its initial capture. Efforts to find a method to inhibit its anomalous effects are underway. Maria Johnston was commended for her initial capture of SCP-7682, and any punishments given during her searches have been rescinded. « SCP-7681 | SCP-7682 | SCP-7683 » Footnotes 1. As noted in Determining the effects of Parafauna in Platte County, Wyoming on the Integrity of the Veil by Johnston, et al. 2020. Chugwater is home to at least ten documented anomalous species and only two of them have made it into local folklore. The rest remained unidentified until being discovered by the Foundation. 2. Highly specialized MTF utilizing anomalous weaponry created by SCP-6952 3. Mundane Artifacts and Uneventful Data Evaluation
Item #: SCP-7684 Object Class: [OP-REQ INSUFFICIENT] Special Containment Procedures: [OP-REQ INSUFFICIENT] Description: [OP-REQ INSUFFICIENT] Displaying your associated support tickets… Ticket: #58KG4VO Date Filed: 10 NOV 2058 Importance: Low Subject: SCP-7684 Display Error Content: While reviewing AIC-generated analyses, a redirect to the main SCP-7684 file threw up some errors (not redactions). Can somebody clear this up? Not urgent from my perspective, but it might be for people on the containment team. I'd appreciate a heads up when resolved so I can finish my review. Response: The SCP-7684 page is functioning as intended, but your operational requirement is insufficient to view it. Please consult your security representative. Ticket Status: CLOSED Ticket: #O5981A2 Date Filed: 15 NOV 2058 Importance: Medium Subject: SCP-7684 Page Not Pulling from PAGEANT Content: The main SCP-7684 file continues displaying 'OP-REQ INSUFFICIENT' when viewed from any terminal. I consulted my DSEC, and she claims I am good to see scrubbed summaries of everything mainline. Can you confirm that accesses are being validated in PAGEANT? Others on my team had the same issue when double checking. Response: PAGEANT is not certified for processing SCP-7684 accesses. Please consult your security representative to identify proper channels. Ticket Status: CLOSED Ticket: #9UU351K Date Filed: 03 DEC 2058 Importance: Medium Subject: SCP-7684 Page Not Pulling from PAGEANT - V2 Content: Refer to ticket #O5981A2 for context. My security representative cannot identify the correct system for validating SCP-7684 access. Can you direct me to the proper system/point of contact/etc.? This is getting a little silly even for this place. Response: This tool is not certified to handle that information. Please consult your security representative. Ticket Status: CLOSED Ticket: #5193T3N Date Filed: 04 DEC 2058 Importance: High Subject: SCP-7684 Page Not Pulling from PAGEANT - V3! Content: Re: #9UU351K. Not to start a pissing contest, but this is pursuant to a direct tasking from the Deputy Assistant Director for Research and Development (NA). If assistance has to happen at a higher level, someone in your office needs to contact me at lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t#lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t. Response: N/A Ticket Status: OPEN Displaying your associated emails… To: lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t#lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t From: lanretni.noitadnuof.asiar|ksed.pleh#lanretni.noitadnuof.asiar|ksed.pleh Subject: Help Desk Ticket: #5193T3N Ms. Brook, I have been assigned to help resolve your ongoing issue without additional tickets being added to our system. I see that you are having issues accessing the SCP-7684 database entry. Have you confirmed that you are cleared to view it? There are no issues on our end. v/r, Elaine Gerrund To: lanretni.noitadnuof.asiar|ksed.pleh#lanretni.noitadnuof.asiar|ksed.pleh From: lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t#lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t Subject: Re: Help Desk Ticket: #5193T3N Thank you for finally reaching out. The help system feels like talking to a brick wall (and closing tickets doesn't help either). I cannot verify access until someone tells me what system to use. It isn't PAGEANT apparently, and it doesn't seem to be the TELTAK either based on shouting from my DSEC's office. Can you just tell me where to check so we can stop bothering you? Respectfully yours, Tally F. Brook Support Analyst, Office of the Regional Director (NA) Desk: **033-5122-1 Mobile: **013-6911-3 lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t#lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t To: lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t#lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t From: lanretni.noitadnuof.asiar|ksed.pleh#lanretni.noitadnuof.asiar|ksed.pleh Subject: Re: Help Desk Ticket: #5193T3N Ms. Brook, Unfortunately, you do not appear to be cleared for any systems that may/may not be capable of validating access to SCP-7684 information, including compartment name and associated personnel. Please have your DSEC contact the RISC office that oversees your portfolio before taking further action. v/r, EG To: lanretni.noitadnuof.asiar|ksed.pleh#lanretni.noitadnuof.asiar|ksed.pleh From: lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t#lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t Subject: Re: Help Desk Ticket: #5193T3N Will you please contact the RD/NA RISCO at **808-2221-9 since you seem to understand the problem better than we do? To: lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t#lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t From: lanretni.noitadnuof.asiar|ksed.pleh#lanretni.noitadnuof.asiar|ksed.pleh Subject: Re: Help Desk Ticket: #5193T3N Ms. Brook, Unfortunately, the RAISA help desk is unable to act as an intermediary in any security matters that do not directly involve our storage systems. This appears to be a transit conflict. v/r, EG To: lanretni.noitadnuof.asiar|ksed.pleh#lanretni.noitadnuof.asiar|ksed.pleh From: lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t#lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t Subject: Re: Help Desk Ticket: #5193T3N This is unfortunately getting ridiculous considering how many programs our office is read into. What if somebody's life was at risk? The Deputy Assistant Director will be submitting a document request so we can complete these analyses without any extra nonsense. Which subsection of the Foundation Authority Registry is this handled under? And what is the tracking number for the original directive to classify SCP-7684 at this level? To: lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t#lanretni.noitadnuof.golc|22koorb.t From: lanretni.noitadnuof.asiar|ksed.pleh#lanretni.noitadnuof.asiar|ksed.pleh Subject: Re: Help Desk Ticket: #5193T3N Ms. Brook, Regrettably, information on the original classification determination, subsequent reviews, and related authorities is classified within the same compartment as the SCP-7684 database entry. I do understand this is frustrating. Once you are cleared for access, I will be happy to send more detailed instructions on submitting access requests. v/r, EG Opening new ticket… Ticket: #5AK5TO9 Date Filed: 06 JUN 2059 Importance: High Subject: SCP-7684 Page Not Pulling from PAGEANT - V4 Content: Escalate ticket #5193T3N to a higher tier of support. Response: Users cannot open multiple tickets on the same subject unless approved in advance. Please work with your outreach representative to resolve prior tickets. Ticket Status: CLOSED
Item #: SCP-7688 Object Class: Neutralized Alleged sketch of SCP-7688, early nineteenth century. Special Containment Procedures: As of the 21st century, no further activity from SCP-7688 has been found in any physical literature. SCP-7688 has thus been reclassified as Neutralized. Description: SCP-7688 was a spectral entity resembling Marie Stratford, a British writer alive during the mid 18th century. Throughout the late 18th century, less than one-hundred eyewitness accounts of SCP-7688 were ever divulged. In all reports, SCP-7688 is described to be examining recently written drafts of fiction or non-fictional works within the respected witness's home. SCP-7688 would then manifest a translucent quill in their right hand to scan through its text. Once finished, SCP-7688 would then leave the location by phasing through a nearby wall or similar vertical surface without acknowledging anyone present. At a later point (Several hours or days, depending on the draft's length), handwritten notes would be found at the original location, including spelling/grammatical corrections for the work, as well as overall feedback. In cases where witnesses attempted to coax SCP-7688 to leave, no hostility was reported. SCP-7688 would simply exit the premises without issue. Finale drafts were notably different from the original work in terms of overall readability. Some exceptional cases show that SCP-7688 visited the same premises at least twice, during which the author in-question did not prevent SCP-7688 from working. Some allusions to SCP-7688 were later uncovered from the mid 20th century, in the form of notes alongside various war poems written during both World Wars. Very few works were publicly credited to Ms. Stratford while alive, having primarily been employed as an editor and ghostwriter. Ms. Stratford worked for various publishing companies and independent contractors throughout her career, before finally passing away in 1847. No evidence of any major earnings procured during her life has been found. Ms. Stratford gained no renown following her death, despite having produced a multitude of works throughout her lifetime, including independent novellas, poems, translations of foreign works, and scientific articles. Addendum.1: Object Class: Neutralized *Object Class: Keter As of the 21st century, no further activity from SCP-7688 has been found in any physical literature. SCP-7688 has thus been reclassified as Neutralized. *SCP-7688 has resurfaced following a long-term hiatus. Investigation is advised. SCP-7688 was a spectral *is There is vastly more work to do. I have my transparent hands full in this new "online" age of writing. Addendum.2: I needn't correct “Neutralized” to "Neutralised"? I'll leave it as is.
Link To Guide Item#:7690 Clearance Level 2: Clearance Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: uncontained Disruption Class: #/vlam Risk Class: #/danger Photograph captured by victims of Rozhdeniya Event-132. The photograph was enhanced by software engineers. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7690 is currently uncontainable by the Foundation (View Addendum-1). Containment efforts are focused on preventing and mitigating the effects of Rozhdeniya Events. All females within Slavic countries between the ages of 16 and 40 are to be monitored for signs of a Rozhdeniya Event for one week following spontaneous abortion or stillbirth. These signs include lethargy, night terrors, fatigue, and hallucinations. Suspected subjects will be further monitored by Foundation Field Agents. In the event of an individual affected by a Rozhdeniya Event (designated SCP-7690-A), the subject is to be immediately transported to a secure location for observation. Foundation agents are to be placed on standby in the vicinity of SCP-7690-A's location during the active phase of a Rozhdeniya Event. Intervention is prohibited during SCP-7690 manifestation. Any SCP-7690-1 instances produced during a Rozhdeniya Event are to be immediately taken into Foundation custody for study and medical treatment. Slavic governments are to suppress media coverage of any Rozhdeniya Events not discovered by the Foundation. Individuals who come into contact with SCP-7690 or SCP-7690-1 instances are to be amnesticized from the event. This condition may vary between SCP-7690-A subjects, depending on the circumstances. Research into the origins and capabilities of SCP-7690 is ongoing, with the objective of developing a method of containing and studying the entity. Description: SCP-7690 is an entity that appears as a female cranium attached to a spine, pelvis, and ribs, lacking limbs, a mandible, or a sternum. The body repeats itself an unknown number of times from the C1 vertebrae to the coccyx. Each repetition is disjointed and disproportionate in size and placement. SCP-7690 is covered in Lilium candidum, which grows through anomalous means. SCP-7690 moves through autonomous lateral undulation, ignoring gravity and mass, and produces a scraping sound due to the absence of organic ligaments and muscles. SCP-7690 is capable of producing SCP-7690-1 instances through unknown means, referred to as Rozhdeniya Events. These events occur when a woman living in a Slavic country between the ages of 16 and 40 experiences a spontaneous abortion or stillbirth. The rate of Rozhdeniya Events varies annually, averaging 0.000024% per year. A Rozhdeniya Event is comprised of two phases. The first phase occurs within a range of 1 - 2 weeks from the initial activation. SCP-7690-A subjects will experience frequent lethargy and fatigue and will report experiencing night terrors and minor visual and auditory hallucinations of SCP-7690's body. The second phase, known as the active phase, occurs after the first phase and once the SCP-7690-A subject is isolated between 00:00 to 06:00 local time. During this phase, SCP-7690 manifests within the SCP-7690-A's location and produces an SCP-7690-1 instance corresponding to the subject's miscarriage before departing. SCP-7690-1 instances are genetically and physiologically human, with severe physical and mental birth defects and are identical to the original fetuses in terms of DNA. They typically pass away shortly after discovery. SCP-7690-1 instances are found post-Rozhdeniya Events covered in vernix caseosa in various placements and circumstances. It is currently unknown the full extent of SCP-7690's anomalous abilities, but based on witness accounts, it appears to have the ability to become intangible, teleport nearly instantaneously, and induce exhaustion. Note from Site-187 Director: Attention all staff, The recent containment attempt Lambda III ended in tragic loss for the MTF unit involved. It is imperative that all personnel understand the dangers posed by SCP-7690 during its active phase. Any unauthorized intrusion during this time will result in retaliation from the entity. As of the current date, physical containment of SCP-7690 is not feasible. Under no circumstances should the active phase be interrupted unless explicitly authorized by a higher clearance level. Let us all keep the safety of our personnel and the success of our containment efforts at the forefront of our actions. + Access Document 7690-VIII-NotableRozhdeniyaEvents - Close Notable Rozhdeniya Events SCP-7690-A Subject Date / Location Miscarriage Cause Result SCP-7690-A-105 03/28/1947 / Krasnoyarsk, Russia Stillborn SCP-7690-A-105 reported frequent night terrors correlating to SCP-7690 prior the rebirth of SCP-7690-1-105. The subject woke to find the infant wailing near their crotch, still attached by the umbilical cord. SCP-7690-1-105 passed away 39 minutes after discovery due to asphyxiation. SCP-7690-A-128 10/23/1974 / Kemerovo, Siberia Abortion SCP-7690-A-128 reported interacting with SCP-7690 at 02:21 am local time. SCP-7690-1-128 was reborn from SCP-7690's eye socket. The subject stated that SCP-7690 stared at them for an extended period before they felt an extreme exhaustion, leading to falling asleep. SCP-7690-1-128 passed away 47 minutes after birth due to starvation. SCP-7690-A-147 11/14/1998 / Sanok, Poland Infection (Chlamydia) SCP-7690-A-147 reported interacting with SCP-7690 at 00:53 am local time. SCP-7690-1-147 was reborn from SCP-7690's foramen magnum and was covered in a mixture of urine, abnormal vaginal discharge, and blood. SCP-7690 left the residence 4 minutes after arrival. SCP-7690-A-147 committed suicide with a hunting rifle shortly after SCP-7690-1-147's rebirth. SCP-7690-1-147 passed away 56 minutes after birth due to starvation. SCP-7690-A-173 View Addendum-2 Addendum-1 - 'SCP-7690 Containment Attempt - Lambda III' == LEVEL IV ACCESS REQUIRED == INSUFFICENT CLEARANCE LEVEL == LEVEL III ACCESS REQUIRED == Login ACCESS GRANTED Addendum-2 - 'Sophia Fedorov Incident' Record_Audio_Statement_XI_7690_SFI_DrSelina [FILE ACCESSED]: Foreward: The following interview was of questioning Doctor Mortaniz Selina, the head researcher of SCP-7690-1-173, post-incident. Dr. Selina was tasked with the objective of understanding the subject's survivability and correlation to SCP-7690. <BEGIN> Dr. Selina: "Have they agreed to my requests?" Interviewer: "Yeah, I got the all-clear as long as you give us your insight." Dr. Selina: "Alright… Uh… Where should I begin?" Interviewer: "Just start with the case and proceed from there." Dr. Selina: "Alright… SCP-7690-1-173, as my team called her "Sophia," was recovered from a Rozhdeniya Event on ██/██/20██ and placed under my team's care at Site-183. Upon inspection, she would have severe physical and mental birth defects, including cerebral palsy, severe cognitive impairments, and a missing index and ring finger of her left hand due to a growth stunt. Despite initial predictions, Sophia survived infancy and was the first documented instance of an SCP-7690-1 that survived past discovery. Of course, she was placed in Foundation custody under my care." "Over the next four years, Sophia received regular medical treatment which allowed her to develop physically and cognitively. She was even able to walk with the aid of a walker and communicate through basic sign language and was being taught how to vocalize. She was a very bright girl despite her upbringing. She actually reminded me of my own little one… Ahem… sorry. She stayed in a habitable facility within Site-183 and considering she wasn't a threat, her containment was a lot more lenient with visitations. I got to be her primary caretaker and she was an angel." Dr. Selina paused, looking to the floor for a significant period. Interviewer: "What about the mother?" Dr. Selina: "Nikola Fedorov, aka SCP-7690-A-173, was permitted regular visitations with her daughter under proper supervision, of course. The ethics committee had a contract in place to allow these visitations as long as Mrs. Federov remained silent about the Foundation. While it was apparent that Mrs. Federov did not like the circumstance she and her daughter were under, Sophia still was able to recognize and react positively to her mother's presence. I was quite close with both of them, and Mrs. Federov spoke differently to me as if I were her friend and not a Doctor. It was nice. We often talked about our own families. She told me about her two kids that lived in Argentina due to her divorce. I remember, she said to me 'this next one, is going to stay by my side'. It was sweet." Dr. Selina paused once again, looking to the floor. Interviewer: "Alright, tell me more about your experiences with Sophia Fedorov, aka SCP-7690-1-173." Dr. Selina: "Being able to spend time with Sophia, in a playful yet study-heavy way was a positive experience for my team and me. She was quick to show affection to those she was familiar with and she was quite the miracle. However… Er… Sophia displayed odd behavior in other situations. She would be in extreme fear and anxiety to unfamiliar individuals. She had difficulty interacting with others and displayed acts of… self-harming when distressed. It was heartbreaking to see. My team attributed these behaviors to Sophia's cognitive impairments and provided appropriate care." Interviewer: "Were there any other behavioral issues with Sophia? Perhaps correlating her to SCP-7690?" Dr. Selina: "Actually, there was this one behavior. She would frequently ask for her mother to visit. Even with Mrs. Federov in her presence. We originally thought it was just part of the mental development of an infant, but Sophia did know of Mrs. Federov but didn't correlate her to being her own mother. When she would ask frequently, I would typically respond with, 'what does your mother look like?' At which she would pause, think for a moment, and say, 'A snake'… When I try to further along the conversation of this 'snake' she would either ignore, change the subject or forget what she's talking about, as common with most infants. It does raise the question though of how SCP-7690 affects the life of an SCP-7690-1 instance. My team and I tried to ask questions about the topic but she would give the same responses I said." Interviewer: "Alright now tell me about the incident, if you are able to." Dr. Selina: "Alright… alright… sorry just give me a moment." Dr. Selina takes a big gulp of water. Dr. Selina: "Despite the progress made in Sophia's development, she remained fragile with all of her ailments. On ██/██/20██, Sophia contracted pneumonia and was hospitalized. Mrs. Federov and I were in the room with her during her final moments… And while we were at her bedside, I saw it. The monster… slowly emerged from the floor. No warning, no sound, nothing to indicate its presence at all. Hell, the security team didn't even know it was in the room for four minutes! Mrs. Federov and I were silently staring at it as it approached Sophia. I read the Lambda three containment failure… and I tried to warn her but…" Dr. Selina starts to sob. Interviewer: "Apologies doctor, but I'm going to need you to continue the incident, we can take a two-minute break?" Dr. Selina: "No no… I'm sorry, just a moment." Dr. Selina composes herself. Dr. Selina: "Okay… okay… fortunately, Mrs. Federov wasn't hurt, she was just put to sleep right there. I sat there… in silence… shaking… wondering where the security team is. The monster was at her bedside, staring right at Sophia. I sat there watching them. Finally, the containment breach protocol was in motion with red lights and sirens. But it didn't break their seemingly tender moment. I watched as Sophia passed and the monster just hovered over her. Then… A singular flower floated from the monster's eye… It was another one of its flowers. I was speechless… I was… In shock, I suppose. It looked at me and I fell asleep. Then woke up after the security took me in for questioning." Interviewer: "I'm sorry for that incident and your experiences. Are there any further details? For the record." Dr. Selina: "Actually… When I was put to sleep I had this dream." "The sky was greyed out with spots of black darkness stretching across. The entire ground was covered in those Lilies. There was this… nice breeze. I felt warm… It calmed me. Then I saw it… It was… massive. It was in the distance, I-I could barely make out its shape. It looped around me, nearly the size of a mountain. And eventually… It-it looked down on me. It lowered its head right in front of me, and I saw inside its eye… And I- I- I don't know- I think it… Sniffed me?" Dr. Selina began to sob once again. Dr. Selina: "I then heard babies crying… from all directions! Just echoing. I tried to look away but then… it dropped one of its flowers on me. On my head. It was silent once again. Does it know?" Interviewer: "Does it know what?" Dr. Selina: "That I'm pregnant?" Silence. Dr. Selina: "I'm so sorry, that was inappropriate, I-" Interviewer: "It's okay, it's okay. There's no need to continue. It's clear this event has changed you. It would change most people. We can move you to a more friendly site and-" Dr. Selina: "Actually… I'd-I'd like to resign." Interviewer: "But Doctor, that's an entirely different procedure, might take time to finalize. I assume you know the procedure, correct? Why would you want to lose the benefits?" Dr. Selina: "I want to spend more time with my family." Interviewer: "Very well." <END> « SCP-7689 | SCP-7690 | SCP-7691 »
close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article describes sexual body parts and fluids. ⚠️ content warning Item #: SCP-7691 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: A security border with a radius of 2 kilometers is to be maintained around SCP-7691. Camp South-Maple is to be quarantined and eventually condemned under the guise of toxic leakage from a nearby sewage lagoon. SCP-7691 is to be drained yearly to maintain an approximate volume of 90,000 liters. A false explanation for the disappearance of POI-7691 is to be disseminated if local investigations persist. Description: SCP-7691 is a dense pool of biological waste within the South-Maple campground in Illinois. Despite there being no apparent source, SCP-7691 is constantly increasing in volume at an approximate rate of 500 mililiters per hour. Included within SCP-7691 are samples of: Hair Mucus Dead skin cells Fingernails Toenails Teeth Blood Tears Vomit Pus Urine Feces Semen Smegma1 DNA tests using material from SCP-7691 are generally inconclusive. The tests that were successful identified Travis Grensdale (26 years old, male, hereafter known as POI-7691) as a genetic match. POI-7691 has been reported missing for several months. A kneeling humanoid figure has been detected at the bottom of SCP-7691 via infrared detection. Item-7691's Discovery: Shortly after SCP-7691's discovery, a phone (referred to as Item-7691) was observed to be floating within SCP-7691. Records confirm that Item-7691 previously belonged to POI-7691. So far, no other object of this nature has been discovered within SCP-7691. Recovered data from Item-7691 revealed that POI-7691 had attempted six phone calls to the same number on 9/24/20232, none of which were answered. The number connected to a cell phone that was eventually discovered within the lost and found of a Chicago hotel. While the number had been a contact on POI-7691's phone for several years, the discovered phone had only been activated 9 months prior. It is believed that the individual POI-7691 had been trying to contact had changed numbers since the last time they had communicated. The voicemail recordings have been transcribed below. Recording 1 (received 13:46, 9/24/2023): Aghem Um, h-hey Josh- Coughs Away from phone No, sorry. Hangs up Recording 2 (received 13:58, 9/24/2023): Hey, how's it going? It's, uh, Travis. You remember me, right? I know it's been a while, but we used to talk a lot. I was just thinking about it. Do you ev- no, never mind. It was back in high school. It's been a while. Coughs Remember that time I was talking about the road by my house? It wasn't a highway… well, it still isn't, but it's very, uh, busy anyway, so I was used to seeing roadkill out the car window. But one day it was nice outside, so I went for a walk, and I was walking, and I saw a dead raccoon on the road. Its stomach had ripped open, its guts bloomed out, cloud of bugs, this horrible shade of red, and it stank, it just stank, so I held my nose and kept my distance, but I-I couldn't stop looking, it was like- Swallows Y-you remember. I'm sure you do. The look on your face when I first told you, you probably remember better than I do. I'm sorry, I'm not a psycho, I swear. I'm-it's been ages, and here I am talking to you about a dead raccoon, I'd've hung up already if I were you. Y-you don't have to listen to this, I mean it. I just… I need you to understand what I'm going through here. I need that. Spits My lips are so dry… I was thinking about it-about the raccoon-on the way to the campground. I mean… so the place I work at hosts a few special events each year, and every autumn they rent out a campground for a few days. Everyone at the company is technically invited, but I, I don't usually go, it's mostly office people. B-but this year the only warehouse people who were going had uh… had a spot open in the car. I remember a few things they said during the ride. Bianca was swearing, saying how she "needs that overtime!" Uh, her voice is nasally, that's why I'm talking like that. Yeah, um, Mitch told Brian to pack extra pajamas, and Brian shoved him and laughed. Shaun didn't say much, he was driving, but I think I heard him talking about keeping the place cleaner than we found it. We headed over straight after work, so the sun was setting when we got there. We had a fire pit reserved for us next to the woods, so we lit it up once we'd gotten the tents up and sat round it. Team building, I guess. There were four of us-well, five, me too. We mostly just talked about nothing. They talked about nothing. Brian had brought up some of the newer employees, Bianca calling them lazy, Shaun shrugging. Both wished that Sheila could have come, which… yeah. I'm glad she didn't. Not that I don't like her, it's just… complicated. Anyway Mitch, uh.. Mitch showed me his phone. On the screen were three women in bikinis. He asked me "Which one would you do?" I felt so awkward, I couldn't answer him, because you, because I, uh, ugh- Sneezes, sniffles At that moment the smoke from the fire blew into both of our faces. My eyes were watering, and I… I had to get away. I heard Bianca asking Mitch what he was showing me, and he just coughed and laughed and coughed. I don't know, I just kept going, and I ended up at the edge of the woods. And then I saw something in the distance. It was either that or go back to the fire. Shaun told me to be careful, at least. It was horrible and overgrown, but as I got closer but I realized I was looking at an old outhouse. Really old, wooden and rotted, carpet of moss on the walls, barred from the outside. It obviously hadn't been used for years, the managers of the campground must never have bothered to tear it down. I couldn't imagine what I'd see if I opened it. Not that it would be anything… I mean it's not like I was scared of opening it… I stared at it for a while, but it's… it's not like there'd be anything inside… Clicking sounds Hangs up Recording 3 (received 14:34, 9/24/2023): Hi, it's, uh, me. Y'know, Travis. Sorry I hung up on you. Well, not on you, just I-I-I just needed a minute. Y'know. Sometimes you do. Exhales, rubbing sounds God, I'm tired. Been tired for a while. Not sleeping. I didn't- Gags I didn't sleep well that night. I was sharing a tent with Mitch, and by the time I came back he'd gone to bed. I smelled something off as soon as I got in, just thought it was the tent being old, so I just… tried to go to sleep. I think I was still awake after, like, an hour, maybe more. You'd've thought marching around the woods all night would be enough to wipe me out, but I just… couldn't. The smell was just getting stronger, I-I couldn't ignore it. Eventually I sat up and looked around. Nothing besides the two of us and our camping gear inside, and when I poked my head out it was gone. It was when I turned back that I took a closer look at Mitch, sleeping without covers on. He had an electric lantern, so I turned it on low. It wasn't much, so I had to lean closer and… You know when you wake up in the morning and there's a little bit of crust in the corner of your eye? I could see something like that on Mitch's face, but the crust was the size of… I dunno, a cockroach or something. He'd stained his pillow from drool, too, and I wondered if that was where the smell was coming from. I mean, I suppose it was, like, bad breath in hindsight, maybe Mitch doesn't brush his teeth. I was worried something was wrong with him, like an infection I had as a kid. It was horrible, I'd wake up with so much dried pus on my eyelids I couldn't open them. That's not, uh, anyway, I thought about waking him up before he rolled over onto his side. I leaned back to get out of his face, right before he let out a grunt, and I could see a… a stain in his pants. It was weird, I was just… embarrassed for him. Standing over him, stinking like a sewer, just… lying there. In, uh, in himself. I looked at his face again and decided, he wasn't in any danger, he could clean himself up in the morning, I couldn't just wake him up for nothing, and make him see-well, imagine him being there, being like that, and then seeing me, seeing him, like… that. I can't imagine, like, if I'd been him, and you'd been me, and you were standing there, just sort of… taking me in. I don't know him that well Josh, I-I-I couldn't think about touching him. I know you would've sat on him until he got up and cleaned up but I… I'm not you Josh. S-so, uh, I lay back down and pulled my sleeping bag over my head to block the smell. What else could I do, Josh? It wasn't my problem, it… ugh my damn- Groans, rubbing sounds Hangs up Recording 4 (received 15:13, 9/24/2023): Hey, Josh. Me again. You probably guessed that, there probably aren't many people leaving you voicemails these days. I thought, I thought, maybe you'd… I don't know if you're listening to all this. You might have already hung up and I'd never know. That's… Coughs, wheezes Urgh… That's okay. That's your choice, it's up to you. I'll understand. I woke up the next morning with a headache, and scratched my arm. Mitch had already gone, but the smell was still there, but not as bad. While I changed I stepped on his pillow by mistake, and it was soaked through. Sniffles It wasn't 'til I left the tent I realized I must have gotten poison ivy from the woods last night, because my forearm was burning. I wanted to… I know you're not supposed to but I really wanted to scratch it. To just dig my nails in and just rip it out, clean free. I didn't though, of course I didn't. I resisted. I mean it's not that bad either way or-Ow Scratching sounds Shaun had brought a bag of toiletries with all kinds of supplies, but I didn't know where it was, and there was no-one around I could ask, I mean no-one I felt comfortable asking because it's, you know, I mean… Anyway I went to the shower house, figured some cold water would give me some relief. As I got close, a man with a nice watch and wet hair came out of the building. He was clean, he'd obviously just cleaned up, but he smelled absolutely awful. How could someone who looked so clean smell so, just, ugh- Retches B-b-but behind him was Shaun, who must have been showering too since he had his bag with him. I mean his hair couldn't have been wet since he was bald… Both looked at me, they looked worried, but when I gestured to my arm and explained, Shaun unzipped a pocket on his bag straight away, and the two guys gave each other a smile and a nod before the other guy walked off. I think he was an executive or something As I applied Shaun's anti-itch cream he asked "Finally up, huh?" And I nodded. He asked if I'd had something to eat and mentioned the brunch might still be going on. I told him I'd rather wait until my arm feels better. Then he asked if I was ready for the cornhole competition. I told him I'd rather not go. And then he asked "Travis, you didn't come up here just to sit in your tent all day, did you?" I- Swallows I didn't have an answer. He carried on, "Well, it's up to you after all, but-" and went on to tell me honestly that if I wanted to move up in the company I just had to socialize more, and called me a hard worker and well-spoken, and it felt nice that he was worried and was talking to me, but when I handed him back his anti-itch cream I finally noticed how hairy he was. Out of the sleeves of his button-up shirt and the legs of his jeans, so much hair from his arms and shins, and as he gripped the tube a few strands brushed against my palm and wrist, Josh it was… it was so greasy. Thankfully Shaun didn't seem to notice anything was up, because at that moment Bianca came around the corner and called his name. She and Brian, he was right behind her, they were looking at me, they were staring, so I tried to pull myself together and gestured to my rash. Bianca mumbled "Jesus" and went back to looking at Shaun again, Brian nodded and carried on to his tent, I don't know what for. Bianca, clicking her nails, said "I know you were wondering about Sheila, so I wanted to tell you I got a call from her. She told me that-" Over his shoulder… Clicking sounds Brian shouted "I think you mean it." Bianca waved her arm at him, sneered. Right after that she sneezed, only barely covered her mouth. Shaun laughed, either at Bianca or with Brian, not sure, I could only see the dead skin on his dry lips, and Brian really laughed, in the way I'd always liked, but with spittle flying from the back of his throat, I swear to God I could feel it hit me in the face, then one of his teeth tumbled out of his mouth, Bianca wiping mucus and blood that was dripping from her nose and I was smelling and feeling all of this and everything was wrong and I had to get to the bathroom and lock the stall door without looking back. Spits Bianca called after me. "You sure you're alright?" I even heard Brian shout "If you want a ride home I can give you one, dude." I shouted that I hadn't gone since the day before. Which was true. Whenever I had the small urge I held it in. I didn't even want them to, like, see me slip into the bathroom. There was something embarrassing about it. I can't even stand urinals, it always splashes and drips. I mean I didn't have a real urge right then anyway so- Sighs I can hear you Josh. Just-they're good people. They are. You don't know what they've done for me. I can't hate them like you would. What do you want me to do, punch them? Lecture them? Is that what you want? Just shut up, you were always so-I can't, there's no- I-agh- Sounds of excretion Sobs Hangs up Recording 5 (received 16:29, 9/24/2023): I'm sorry Josh. I'm sorry. Not just for blowing up on my last call, but… well… you remember that party right? You know, the… It was the end of summer before senior year. I only showed up since that was- since that night I couldn't stand to be alone, but I ran out of things to say straight away and I hated, just hated, just standing there in the crowd like that. So I ran off to hide in the bathroom like usual and you, you… were using it. I remember you laughed. I remember we talked for a while like that, away from the crowd. We spent time together every lunch period senior year, and I'm happy for every second of that, every second you got me out of church, but… I'm sorry, I shouldn't have barged in like that. Whenever I think of you I think of looking like an idiot. I can't go back and fix it. I wish I could beat it out of myself. Sounds of rubbing You need to remember you're absolutely perfect. There's nothing wrong with you. Not like these people. You're right about them. Or would be, I mean. They're… disgusting. I kept dwelling on you around the campfire that second night. I had to distract myself from the way Brian's vomit had completely covered his beard, how it leaked from his naval. Bianca's sneezing cracking her face open as her nose exploded, hanging off in pieces, a slimy red patch on her face. The hair of Shaun's eyebrows and eyelashes hanging so low it almost brushed the fire. Mitch with dribble and cum coating his legs, down to his socks. Everyone laughing. Everyone having fun. How were they having fun? You wouldn't have stood for it. You'd've walked right in there, flipping tables, telling everyone where to go. Not me though. I just sat there, listening to Bianca still clicking her nails… I didn't realize how much that had been irritating me until she stopped doing it. She wasn't sitting next to me any more. I turned around. Her nails were long enough to scrape the ground, there was grit under every single one of them. She'd gone towards the clearing, and it was so dark I could barely see her, but I could still make out her lighter, just an orange dot in the nothingness. Behind me I heard someone say "I hear she's made it down to less than a pack a day." And someone else said "The first step to solving a problem…" As she came back I could see her still playing with her nails and… and one by one they broke off. By the time she sat back down her nails were all short and clean. She said "I'm sorry, I know I'm not supposed to on the trip," and Shaun said "It's alright, just don't do it again. I can hold the pack if you want," and Mitch and Brian looked at each other like they, like they cared, which seemed so… I never expected them to… I looked at the nails on the ground and wondered what had changed. I just… . Clicking sounds I don't get it, I… Sniffles Hangs up Recording 6 (received 17:08, 9/24/2023): Hi. When I woke up this morning, I realized I had shit myself in my sleeping bag. It was strange, because Mitch had suggested sleeping outside. It was going to be a perfect night. But my sleeping bag, my feces, and the ground around me was wet, so it must have rained out. I laid there until I heard a whistle. I lifted my head and saw everyone was almost done loading up the car. Brian was trying to get me up so I could join them. As I changed I could see that everyone had cleaned up in preparation to leave. They all had gotten in and were waiting for me. But I wasn't coming. I walked up and I said "I'm going to walk home." Everyone stared at me. It was a half-hour drive, but it was a three hour walk. Bianca and Mitch were shocked, so I told them it was a nice day out. Plus, it was a Sunday. I could take as much time as I wanted. I don't know what I would've said if neither of these things were true. They kept asking "Are you sure?" over and over again, all of them, in a thousand different ways, and I kept saying "Yes, yes, I'm sure, I'm sure." They didn't stop until Brian insisted on taking my suitcase and sleeping bag back. It's been a nice day, but it's windy, so my sleeping bag had dried by then. It wouldn't stain anything3. Bianca reached out the window and patted me on the shoulder. Mitch said "Stay safe." And they left. I didn't want to be trapped in the car with the smell. Swallows I was planning on going home, I really was, but I stood there for a while. In front of me was the shower house in the clearing, and behind me was the old outhouse. Far behind me, the forest between us, but I swear I could feel it. And I had a very weird image burst into my head. Of pushing through the poisonous plants and sharp branches again, opening the door, and seeing a dark red rose growing out from the toilet. And I was scared that if I went through that trouble there'd be nothing. No chance of growth. I feel sick. I don't even have the energy to stand. I've tried to go to sleep on the ground, but all I can do is keep my eyes closed. I miss you, Josh. I'm sure you don't feel the same. You stopped listening after the first words out of my mouth the other day, I know you did, you must have higher standards anyway, but I can still feel you right over my shoulder, hear you shout at anyone who shoved you in the hallway, but I never spoke up for you, just as I didn't for Sheila. I hate hearing these things, hate touching them, but I can't do anything, Josh, I can't, I'm not you, I just look the other way, and maybe it won't happen again, and I know it's disgusting, and you'd be sick of me, but… we all do it right? W-we all have this shit inside of us, it's not just me, it's all of us, not you, of course, but you're perfect. These things don't exist in you, they never come out, not like these fu… no, I'm holding it in. It's people. I love people. I swear, God, please, I don't want to be alone, there's nothing wrong with that, there's nothing wrong with… oh, God I can't see! Sound of branches snapping, footsteps, heavy breathing, coughing, retching, grunts of pain. Connection Lost Footnotes 1. Shed skin cells and body oils from the genital area. 2. This is the date when POI-7691 was last seen. 3. POI-7691's coworkers noticed his feces a short time after they had left due to the odor. This is the only abnormal event they reported occurring during their trip.
[[iftags +component]] This is a component to make the mobile sidebar button active on desktop-size screen. To use, put the following: [[include :scp-wiki:component:toggle-sidebar]] If used with a theme, it's recommended to put said theme after this [[include]]. 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Hope you enjoy! By ParallelPotatoes Item#: 7693 Level1 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: uncontained Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7693 is currently uncontained due to its effect on all known cows. Please see Addendum-2 for proposed containment procedures. Class-μ amnestics1 have been approved for widescale use to hide the effects of SCP-7693 until a permanent solution is reached. Cow silenced by SCP-7693 Description: SCP-7693 is the inability for all cows to be able to vocalize. Whenever a cow attempts this, a random anomalous effect will occur instead of noise being produced. This effect will vary and is difficult to predict, but a few outcomes have been noted to occur more often than others. A few common effects include: A piece of paper with the word "moo" written on it appears on top of the cow's head. Persons near the cow smell the word "moo". The word "moo" is formed out of clouds in the sky. Persons near the cow say the word "moo" themselves. This often causes confusion, as they are not cows. Addendum 1: Notable SCP-7693 Events The following is a list of unique SCP-7693 effects that caused a notable disturbance in the veil before amnestics were applied to those involved. While each of these events have not occurred more than once, they have been recorded in order to help facilitate the development of bovine countermeasures in the proposed containment procedures. Effect: Approximately one hundred cows manifested in the sky above a cow that attempted to vocalize. Additional Notes: Despite the weight of the cows, each cow did negligible damage upon falling to the ground and none were injured. Witnesses compared the event to a "light and pleasant rain" prior to the application of amnestics. Effect: Politicians employed at all human governments were temporarily replaced by cows for a period of thirty minutes due to SCP-7693. Additional Notes: Many governments continued on as normal during the interruption, as the cows had a surprising amount of intelligence and talent for governmental operations despite their inability to make noise. However, many countries passed significant amounts of milk-related legislation during the event. Effect: A cow one-tenth the size of a standard cow manifested near the cow that originally attempted to vocalize. When this cow attempted to vocalize, a cow one-hundredth the size of a standard cow manifested. This pattern continued until a cow the size of a cubic Planck length manifested. Additional Notes: Quantum physicists employed at the Foundation made significant discoveries by studying the final cow. Several papers were published about a subatomic particle titled the "Higgs Bovine". Addendum 2: Proposed Containment Procedures The following addendum lists proposed containment procedures for SCP-7693 and their reasons for rejection from official adoption. Due to the threat to the veil that SCP-7693 poses, finding effective containment procedures are considered a top priority. Proposed Containment Procedures: Underground containment barns are to be installed at all major Foundation sites to house the anomalous cows. Reason for Rejection: While construction of the barns was underway, an SCP-7693 event caused several nuclear warheads with the word "moo" painted on them to manifest in the barn's locations. It is believed that this was a warning from the cows, and further progress with this containment method would result in further consequences. Proposed Containment Procedure: Miniature Scranton Reality Anchors are to be implanted into cows to counteract the anomalous effects of SCP-7693. Reason for Rejection: It is well documented that even before the appearance of SCP-7693, SRAs have been unable to function around cows. The prevailing theory for this effect is that cows have a natural immunity to reality. Proposed Containment Procedure: All cows are to be sent to a habitable planet in another solar system using anomalous space-faring technology. Reason for Rejection: All habitable planets have been transformed into planet-sized cows after an SCP-7693 event. Discussions are still underway as to whether planet-sized cows are habitable for standard-sized cows. Addendum 3: Incident-7693 Three weeks after the initial appearance of SCP-7693, an SCP-7693 event caused a USB port to appear on a cow. Upon being plugged into a computer, two files appeared. The first file was titled "MooPlus.txt" and contained the following: Hello, and thank you for using MooPlus: The Alternate Mooing mod! Are you tired of your boring old moos? Do you want to spice up your life? This is the mod for you! Simply download it on your cow species, wiggle a cow, chant the activation sequence, and watch the magic happen! Please note that CowCuber69, the creator of this mod, is not responsible for any milk-related damages that occur from the use of this mod. The second file was titled "uninstall.exe". Upon running this file, most anomalous effects from SCP-7693 ceased. The only remaining anomalous effect is that cows are still unable to vocalize. Revised containment procedures have been created with the goal to reinforce the public belief that cows have never been able to vocalize, and all recorded instances of cow vocalization are fictional. Footnotes 1. Class-μ amnestics causes those affected to remember abnormal events as normal events and can be applied to entire populations at a time. Due to negative side effects, they are only used in extreme circumstances.
Item #: SCP-7695 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7695 is to be placed in Site-99's Low Containment Security C-Wing. Requests for experimentation with SCP-7695 are to be filed with the Site Director, with test subjects to number no more than ten persons (either as players or SCP-7695-1 instances). Description: SCP-7695 is a collection of twenty seven brass instruments manufactured sometime in the early to mid 1870s. This collection has ten drums (half snare, half bass), nine cornets, four Saxhorns, two fiddles and two bugle horns. Each one has a five sided insignia, similar in design to a Maltese cross, crudely pressed into the material. When SCP-7695 is played together in close proximity, all individuals a twenty to eighty square kilometer radius, will disappear and rematerialize in another area disconnected from baseline reality. This area will often resemble its state between 1861-1865. Excepting SCP-7695's players, all individuals in this area will become instances of SCP-7695-1. SCP-7695-1 instances are similar to their baseline counterparts in personality, but typically dress in era appropriate attire, and often lack memories of their prior life. Upon SCP-7695's activation, SCP-7695-1 instances will relocate to several camps, and begin organizing themselves into one of five separate regiments active during the American Civil War: 2nd Wisconsin, 6th Wisconsin, 7th Wisconsin, 19th Indiana, and 24th Michigan.1 This entails the election of officers among SCP-7695, basic training, the sewing of regimental flags, and procurement of firearms, all of which will take no less than a day. When this is accomplished, a battle occurs with SCP-7695-2. SCP-7695-2 is the collective designation of a group of highly aggressive gray-skinned humanoids, typically between one to two meters tall. Universally, SCP-7695-2 instances are afflicted with various mutilations of the body, although the origin of these injuries is unknown. When SCP-7695-1 finishes its organization, SCP-7695-2 will attack, which will be signaled by the production of a loud, high pitched scream produced by an SCP-7695-2 instance. This assault will only cease upon either: 1) SCP-7695-2 instances have been entirely eliminated, or 2) SCP-7695-1 instances suffer at least a 85% casualty rate. With either of these criteria met, SCP-7695 related phenomena will cease, causing living SCP-7695-1 instances to rematerialize in their prior locations, lacking knowledge of their past acts. SCP-7695 was discovered on January 7th, 1876, following its activation in the town of Belling, Indiana the day prior, with only twenty percent of its pre-activation population surviving. Shortly after this, the American Secure Containment Initiative was contacted, who quickly discovered SCP-7695 and its effects with the help of local Franklin Drew, the sole survivor of the local Sheffield Military Academy. After initial containment was confirmed and amnestics applied to survivors, a cover story of a yellow fever outbreak in Belling was distributed to local authorities and the media. SCP-7695 was found in the choir room of the Sheffield Military Academy, alongside the rest of Sheffield's class of 1876 and the Academy's founder, Anthony Sheffield. Sheffield, a former officer of the 6th Wisconsin, was found clutching his medal of honor, presented to him on October 9th 1864 by President Lincoln. Addendum-7695.I — Recovered Documents Following an interview with Franklin Drew of Sheffield Military Academy, the American Secure Containment Initiative was informed that SCP-7695 had been in possession of Sheffield's commandant and founder, Anthony Sheffield. Drew alleged that SCP-7695 had been procured by Sheffield for purposes unknown to himself. While SCP-7695 was being discovered, ASCI agents raided Sheffield's home and office in the Academy. Several documents related to Sheffield and SCP-7695 have been reproduced below in full below. The weather was acceptable, mild rain only. The boys were doing their marching when the man from the town over came to see me. He came in smiling, arms wide and happy. I greeted him coldly, before he presented to me his medal to me, and he came to me, whispering, that we had fought in the Overland campaign together. Sgt. William Mitchel of the 2nd Wisconsin,2 at my service. I waited to see what he wanted. Always have time for a fellow soldier. He said that he could help me with my boys. Little over two dozen instruments, fashioned for our Brigade but never finished before the war's end, entered the Sergeant's possession. Syncope Artisans, he said, was one of the highest quality producers of instruments available to the soldiers of the United States. When I asked of price, he said he'd manage it. I thanked him. I think I'll use them for the ceremony. It's only a year away. I played with the drum by myself as the boys marched in unison lockstep outside, and I could feel myself back then, in the fields, and I had to stop, lest I feel myself fall into it, letting myself get lost in the memories. Even so, I quickly continued after a quick rest. They are high quality, as the Sergeant had promised. That night I slept thinking of the pounding of hooves and ripping of cartridge packs and whistling soaring harmonious soft explosions in the distance. I think they'll do well for their graduation. When I play I remember the sensations of yesterday, echoing throughout eternity and back into the Now. Even touching them brings to the fore ancient knowledge that buried itself deep into the chords of my soul. Knowing, remembering, returning to those sacred years, the years that repeat, on, on, on, even now, reverberating to me now, and into the vibrations of sound, spreading I forgot what I had forgotten and I missed it They raised the Statue yesterday3 I stood there with Mayor Bulworth and felt hollow as I looked at the boys below us, staring, watching, observing, worshipping, eyes in love with the man on horseback and feeling nothing as the militiamen fired into the air to tell the world that it was over and that they could go Home The Mayor said the boys were a good influence on me and yet the only thing I could feel was the broken spirals in my head expanding against the top of my skull jutting out of the Then into the Now They're good boys the Mayor said, and I nodded, remembering us on the fields then, the idiot smiles on our faces, wild for battle and ready to kill and hurt and scream and bleed and flail and terrified and They're good boys. They're good boys. They're good boys. We were good boys too My boys were in the choir room and we were singing when I had raised to dismiss them when the young asked What was it like to fight? It felt good I said, wishing I was wrong, no longer in the Now but the Then as the ringing echoed inside my skull and into everything everything everything What was it like to fight the Rebs? they called to me, smiling, eyes glinting, congregating, two dozen boys turned into thousands of men staring at me, staring on the field, barking, screaming, wailing, and I missed it, missed the harmony of rank and beats of marching and whistling of shells, wishing I didn't, wishing I was back Before, back Home They will never let me go because there is something broken inside of me broken broken broken down to the base of my soul for god did not intend man to do the things we did to each other and to the ones we love and to the ones we hate and we knew this and went forward into the breach into the broken lines into the mud and the shit and The boys left happy and full of knowledge and excitation at the thought of killing The Then that was Then is still Now. I know that It echos throughout eternity and it pulls me back into it because nothing is after it and nothing was before it, those days and years that sucked everything out of us and spat us out after it was done with us, I cannot forget, I cannot go back, I cannot go forward, there is only then, then, then, forever Harmony rings Harmony rings Harmony rings I can feel my heart beat to the sound of the guns tap tap tap silence, silence, silence TAP TAP TAP Harmony Harmony Harmony I miss it I miss when things used to make sense The flower of youth trembles forward, time moving even as we remain waiting to die, on, on on, only glimpsing past hushed whispers and fanciful yarns of the Truth, and as they grow they will forget us, forget the living dead, and throw themselves once again on the pyre, willingly, lovingly, wrapped in the stars, even as they scream, scream, scream They simply cannot know They must SEE Addendum-7695.II — Drew's Testimony The following is an excerpt from Franklin Drew's written testimony of SCP-7695's activation. […] We played Old Glory, and the world began to shift and turn and twist. I saw the sun bleed in through the walls as if they were but curtains. And suddenly I realize that we are not in the choir room at all but in the fields outside, and that the buildings and the flat ground has been replaced by the overbrush and trees and wild nature spreading forth everywhere. The Colonel looked at us and told us, smiling, that we were 'there.' […] We marched until we saw the first sign of camp. I could not believe what I was seeing, and if the rest of my comrades had not, I would have believed I was dead. Belling's citizens were in blue coats and pants and holding Springfields and wore stern faces. Even the women were there. Even the children, not much older than twelve. 'We are here,' the Colonel told us, approvingly. 'It's just like it had been.' […] We spent a day there. The camp was like he had described to us: the mass of humanity that congregated as tiny civilizations in these camps. Men tightly packed into tents, the few who were lucky enough to have them, and those who could not make it, slept outside. The Colonel told us that we were to not sleep in tents; he had done no such thing in the war, and, he said, if it was good for him, it was good for us. I slept on the ground in the grass, even as the Colonel told us to keep an ear out, for the Rebs could be out. My comrades and I rolled our eyes at this paranoia. We shouldn't have. […] I heard it in the morning. I awoke to the sound of a horrible, undulating cry that echoed around me. I felt myself being shook, as the Colonel looked down at me, and screamed at me to wake up. I saw into his eyes, and I saw fear - the first time I had seen such at thing before. Despite that, he was smiling. I think that scared me more. […] We line up in the fields below the camp. Large lines of men and women in uniform stood across from these gray massed hoards. They were thin and walked as if they were in pain. They said nothing; they simply continued to wail and screech, flailing their arms and guns and swords around as they marched slowly towards us. The commander - I did not see him, but I believe him to be Mayor Bulworth - gave the brigade the orders to fire. The Colonel gave the bugle call, and, as we joined him in unison, playing John Brown, I heard the explosion of gunfire. I saw the first wave of monsters fall, clutching their chests. They fell without grace, without purpose. They just sat there, crawling. Sometimes they just collapsed, and did nothing. And yet they still came. Another order was given to fire. This time, I felt the booming of artillery behind us. The screaming continued. Everyone was shouting, most of all the Colonel, who told us to keep playing. We did so. I beat the drums as hard as I could, beating in conjunction with the sound of the pounding of the guns behind us. Ringing in my ear continued. They kept coming. The pounding in my ear joined with them marching. I could see their faces now. They had wide grins, no eyes, and kept wailing. And then the first wave clashed into our skirmishers a couple hundred feet ahead, and I stopped playing as I stared. There was no fighting like I imagined in my mind. None of the horse charges, none of the battle cries, nothing. Just people clashing, a melee of hundreds that drew more men and women closer to the front as they tried, I presume, to help their comrades. In those moments I saw a dozen acts that I can not help but say as they were, as they happened: a gray-thing thrusting a knife into the head of a woman; a gray-thing on the ground, hands raised in fear as a man thrusted his bayonet down into it; a man hesitating to shoot before he is shot in turn; an explosion that threw dust up, bringing a dozen bodies to the ground, screaming; a running man shot in the back by a gray-thing; on and on and on, the little acts collected together, and I began to scream. The Colonel, hearing me, grabbed me by my hair, and began to drag me away from the front. I screamed still, the sensation of terror gripping me, consuming me. Even when I felt myself being hit and slapped, I could not control myself, and it was only when I felt something hard hit against my head and the world went black that I could relax. […] I woke up hours later, under a tree. The Colonel was there, staring into the distance. I looked with him; the camp was deserted. Bodies littered the ground. Off in the distance I could hear moaning. I heard a voice cry for water. When I looked to the voice, I saw a figure in the distance, crawling, waving a sole hand in the air. The other lay limp beside it, cut off at the elbow. 'All dead,' the Colonel said, tired. 'The line didn't hold.' He wheezed. When I asked about the others, he said they died. 'I was dragging you back when they all got hit. Artillery shell. Gruesome.' He spoke coldly. 'To where?' I asked, pointlessly. 'I don't know. They never told me where they go after they die.' He laughed humorlessly, and coughed blood into his hands. 'I got shot,' he added, as if it was normal. I asked what was going to happen to us. To the ones left. 'I don't know. I've already gave you what I could. You've graduated with flying colors.' He smiled, and I saw his eyes roll back into his head, and then everything was gone, and I was back in the choir room. My classmates lay dead in their chairs, gripping their instruments. After Mr. Drew was determined to not be permanently affected by SCP-7695, he was administered amnestics and transferred to the Washington Military Academy and its ASCI affiliated training facility for future integration into their organization. Footnotes 1. These five regiments were organized into the 1st Brigade of the First Division of the I Corps of the Army of the Potomac. They were more famously known as the Iron Brigade due to them sustaining the highest causality rates of any brigade in the Civil War. 2. No individual with this name appears in the muster rolls of the 2nd Wisconsin or the Iron Brigade as a whole; no individual of this name received any other medal in federal service, either. 3. In early 1875, a small metal statue for Belling's veterans of the American Civil War was raised from local funds near the town square.
Item #: SCP-7696 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7696 is to be stored in a standard Safe-class locker. SCP-7696 is to be contained in Locker 37 of Site-459's Safe-class storage warehouse. The anomaly is to be sealed in an opaque container. A label explaining the anomaly's effects is to be attached to the front of the locker, and to be periodically checked to ensure legibility. Description: SCP-7696 is a copy of the August 1986 issue of the erotic magazine ██████. Written in black marker on the magazine's front are the words "OH YEAH BABY". When any of the magazine's content (including the cover) is read by an individual, they experience a permanent increase in neurotransmitters associated with sexual libido. Individuals affected by 7696 report an increased desire for sexual activity, as well as an increased frequency of sexual thoughts. Addendum 1: Incident 7696-1 While ensuring that no anomalies were damaged in transit after a transfer of several dozen Safe-class anomalies from Site-134 to Site-459, Dr. Ariana Johanssen was accidentally exposed to 7696's effects. She did not report this incident at the time, and Foundation awareness was only brought to the incident after she submitted several journal entries detailing the effect 7696 had had on her psyche over the course of a day. 1/10/00 It's six in the morning, and I'm alone in my office. My phone has five missed calls, all from her. I slept two hours last night. I dreamed in those two hours. I woke up from said dream soaked in sweat. I don't want to write what the dream was about except for that it involved her and that the feeling of nausea was too strong to even think about falling back asleep. I'm thinking about how to tell her how we need to break up. 1/10/00, cont. Dave shook me awake on the breakroom couch at 1 pm. Dipshit that he is he joked about smelling jack on my breath. Asked me two questions and like the idiot that I am I folded and told him everything. He asked me if Melissa knew, and that's when I started sobbing and begging him not to report it. He locked the door, and just sort of held me for half an hour and told me it was going to be okay. Didn't really make up for the jack joke but it was nice to have a moment of genuine human contact. And it helped confirm that I'm still not attracted to guys, anomalous mag or not, which is a small mercy to know. 1/10/00, cont II. Dave did make him not reporting the incident contingent on the fact that I Faced The Problem Head-On, which he said in this sort of stern Midwestern fatherly tone that was hard to ignore. By this point I had fifteen missed calls, and he also raised the valid point that she was probably going to file a missing persons report if I let the whole thing go on any longer. I parked outside of our apartment a half-hour later, and just cried in the car for god knows how long. 1/10/00, cont III. I called her from the parking lot. Told her that whatever she did do not look out the window or come down. The idea of actually looking at her is terrifying to me. That's when it's really gone for good. The self I've built. The identity I clawed from thirty-five years of relentless self-doubt and self-hatred. The identity she showed me was perfectly fine and real and valid to have. Knowing yourself for the first time is a strange sort of happiness. It's a kind you've always glimpsed through broken mirrors and midnight thoughts, but denied yourself because the world told you that just isn't how you can be and you believed the lie. And now the lie is the truth and I don't know what to do with myself any more. She was like alright I just want to know you're safe. And I was like yeah I'm safe don't worry. I'm safe. And she said I love you. And I said I love you too and hated myself for how I meant it now. 1/10/00, cont IV. Dave rung me. I told him I was at a Motel 6 for the night, and he sighed. He said that if I didn't call him back from home by eleven he was going to submit his report to the Site Director, and audibly typed for about half a minute before I took his point. God what an asshole he is. Itemized list of Why We Broke Up: 1: Because I was drunk outside her door at 9:32 PM. 2: Because I'd gone radio silent for the past 38 hours and then lied about my reason for going radio silent, and, contingent to that: 3: Because knowing what I work with she was worried and for very good reason. And I'd subjected her to that pain for no good reason. 4: Because I was on a combined 4 hours of sleep and couldn't think right at all. 5: Because it then just sort of all poured out of me. The thoughts. The god-fucking-awful drive or whatever it is they call it. How when she put her hand on my shoulder it gave me the most terrifying feeling in the world and I just about barreled past her to go hurl. 6: Because then, when she spoke to me as my head hung over the toilet, she asked why I hid this from her. 7: Because, I said, because the reason you love me in the first place is because I'm ace too. Because you helped me find that out about myself. Because you told me that as we sat by a lake in the freezing November cold underneath a blanket that didn't really do much to help that you could love somebody without liking them like that and that would be what I felt towards you, maybe? 8: Because I do love you like that, I said, between sobs on the cold linoleum of the bathroom's floor. Because I don't like you like that even if I got these fucking awful thoughts and feelings now that disgust me and that trust me I would never want to act on, dear god. 9: Because that was who I was now, though. Because I wasn't myself anymore. Because I wasn't the person who she loved and because I wasn't the person that I knew. Itemized list of Why We Stayed Together: 1: Because, she said, bending down on her knees, that didn't really matter all that much to her. So what if that was who I was now. I was still myself, irregardless of whatever random bullshit may have happened to my neurotransmitters or whatever the fuck. She wasn't going to leave me just like that. 2: Because you still want to make this work, right? To which I enthusiastically nodded yes. 3: Because we can make it work, then. And even if it doesn't work out– even if we don't end up being the perfect pair now– that will be alright. That will be fine. 4: Because I still love you very much. And that's all that matters. I rung Dave, told him to go fuck himself, and told him that I'd be filing my own report. « SCP-7695 | SCP-7696 | SCP-7697 »
CHIEF ARCHIVIST NOTICE: THIS ARTICLE IS UNDER REVIEW AND MAY NOT REFLECT ACCURATE INFORMATION CONCERNING SCP-7697. Item#: 7697 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: warning link to memo Entrance to the staircase leading to the anomaly during discovery. 7th Regional Office's backyard. Special Containment Procedures: Undercover Foundation personnel must maintain key positions within the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) to secure the necessary certifications and ensure the continuity of the KFDA 7th Regional Office's activities. Any attempts to restructure the KFDA through political means that could impede the work of the 7th Office are to be actively discouraged. Researchers assigned to the 7th Office are required to replicate uniforms, furnishings, and procedures consistent with those of an actual KFDA office to maintain public perception. Unauthorized individuals discovered within the office premises are to be apprehended and handed over to local law enforcement under the guise of terrorism against a government facility. Update 7697-003: Effective August 1st, 1999, unauthorized individuals found in the vicinity of SCP-7697 are to be held in indefinite quarantine; a false accidental death report must be prepared within 24 hours to minimize local police involvement. For more information, see update 7697-002. Description: SCP-7697 is a spatial anomaly situated in Daegigeun, South Korea, which is apparently connected to a different planet, denominated SCP-7697-2. The portal is connected to the ruins of a large structure called the Center for Enhanced Wellbeing, also referred to as the CORNWELL Lab, and designated as SCP-7697-1. A modest concrete structure located at the back of the warehouse, today disguised as the 7th Regional Police Station, guards access to a narrow staircase that leads to the spatial anomaly. At the time of discovery, the concrete structure was covered in vegetation, graffiti and faded identification marks. The door was also secured with a padlock of unknown origin. Access to the anomaly occurs by crossing a fire door found at the bottom end of the staircase. A small sign reading "Emergency Exit" is affixed to both sides of the fire door. The dilapidated lobby area in the other side of the door is already located on SCP-7697-2. The lobby area is filled with sand and rotting furniture and contains two doors. One, which leads to a decontamination room, believed to be the only means of further progressing into SCP-7697-1, and another which leads to the outside, SCP-7697-2, a barren landscape devoid of any signs of life or structures. Analysis of the night sky above SCP-7697-1 reveals the presence of a distant moon that, although resembling Earth's moon, is adorned with city-like illumination. Furthermore, constellations visible do not correspond to any known stellar formations in the Foundation databanks. Astronomical spectroscopy results are pending1. Attempts to explore the external surroundings of SCP-7697-1 have been impeded by frequent sandstorms. To date, no team has successfully ventured more than 10 miles into the outskirts of the CORNWELL ruins. Likewise, attempts to delve deeper into SCP-7697-1 have been unsuccessful, as the decontamination chamber appears to be automated, and no humans have managed to survive the sanitization process. + Addendum 7697-1: Exploration Log 7697-3 - Close Exploration Log 7697-3 D-5129 died after going through the decontamination process for 19 days. After his death, the computer automatically aborted and announced the sanitization process had failed. The total duration of the process is unknown, as the computer refuses to start without a living being inside the chamber. + Addendum 7697-2: Exploration Progress - Close Exploration Progress Addendum 7697-2: A bomb-disposal robot equipped with an experimental Class-III, Cognizant AI microchip, was granted access after spending [REDACTED] days undergoing the sanitization process of SCP-7697-1. Cameras in the unit showed that, contrasting with the desert surroundings of the Center for Enhanced Wellbeing, the interior of the laboratory, past the decontamination chamber, was a vibrant collection of plants and fungi. The tiles, clearly visible in the ruined reception, are now covered with roots, mud, and heavy vegetation. The rug terrain immediately after leaving the chamber, paired with the low batteries in the unit, hampered further exploration by the robot. However, the unit enageged Plan B and overrode the doors from the inside. After recovering the robot, several items were found partially buried next to the door, along with what's believed to be skeletal remains. Among the items recovered were two magnetic tapes, designated as Addendum 7697-3 and Addendum 7697-4. + Addendum 7697-3: Recovered Emails - Close RECOVERED: Emails Backup Addendum 7697-3: The first magnetic tape contains backups of emails involving one of the lab researchers in the Center for Enhanced Wellbeing. The following is the most intact collection of emails from the sender. External Drive: æò×GÕYpjÕè!ùïz †¼S1ñêy?Z We can talk again We lost Erikson No news, just failure Are you safe? No subject To: [encrypted] From: [encrypted] My Dearest Orion, As the days drag on this sea of gray, I find myself engulfed in a sea of nostalgia. I remember the day I received that letter, how I couldn't believe that I was among the chosen to participate in the new CORNWELL Lab project. The excitement that coursed through my veins, the hope that filled my heart… It seems like a lifetime ago. But now, my rock, I feel weighted down by the burden of my own conscience. The sacrifices we make, the lives we tread upon in the name of progress… it takes its toll. I find it increasingly difficult to keep my resolve intact. The weight of guilt and complicity threatens to crush me, and I wonder if I have become a mere cog in this monstrous machine. It doesn't help that I feel like a prisoner now, confined to this labyrinth of a lab. I miss your daily visits, I miss being able to go outside and have the sunshine on me, to see the sky and lightened moon. And with each day, what I miss the most is your face, your touch. Orion, I draw strength from the memories we share, from the love that binds us. You are my lifeboat in this sea of grey, which has done everything but enhance my wellbeing. Whenever you have access to a terminal, please let me know how you are, how everyone is, how the outside is. Yours forever, Luna To: [encrypted] From: [encrypted] My Dearest Orion, It pains me to share the disturbing events that unfolded today. Earlier today, one of the scientists here, Dr. Erikson, sought to speak with his partner, who, like many so far, had been reassigned out of the CORNWELL. He, too, had lost all contact with her and grew concerned for her well-being. However, the project directors callously denied his request, offering no explanation. But Erikson persisted… and in his desperate insistence, the guards left him bruised, bloodied, and senseless. I've heard that he, too, has been reassigned. Whenever they send us back to our rooms, I stand by my barred window, gazing out at the world beyond, hoping to catch a glimpse of any familiar face, but all I see are the cars in the lot, covered in heavy dust. It fills me with dreadful uncertainty, wondering if anyone has truly been reassigned. My rock, I beg you to stay vigilant and know that my love for you remains steadfast, and I am forever bound to you, no matter the distance that separates us. Yours forever. Luna To: [encrypted] From: [encrypted] My Dearest Orion, It has been a month since I last heard from you, and the silence weighs heavily upon my heart. I write to you under the cover of darkness, my tired eyes struggling to stay open. Our breaks and sleep hours have been ruthlessly cut short, our food rations reduced to a mere sustenance, and the walls around us seem to close in tighter each passing day. I yearn for the day when I can leave this place behind and find solace in your arms. Are you safe on the outside, my love? How fares the world beyond these cold walls? Today, yet another experiment met with failure. The bitter taste of disappointment lingers on my tongue, mingling with the acrid stench of the dark-grown food that has proven poisonous. It's disheartening, and I can't help but feel as if God Himself is hindering our progress. We have all the resources and wealth in the world, yet we still can't find a solution to this crisis. Whispers swirl through the corridors, carrying tales of unspeakable acts committed by those toiling at the lower levels. They say they work with a machine that can bend space… It's hard to know what's true and what isn't. Do you believe in monsters, my rock? I'm starting to believe we work for them. It is a haunting notion that perhaps the divine wrath we face is a consequence of their transgressions against the very laws of nature. I cannot help but question if there is a higher power at play and if we are being punished for our hubris? Please, my love, if you can, find a way to reach out to me again. Tell me that you are safe. Yours forever, Luna To: [encrypted] From: [encrypted] Orion, It's been too long and I'm getting worried. Are you okay? Have the extra rations arrived? I miss you so much. I wish I could leave this place and see you again. I need to hear your voice, to know you're alright. Please find a way to respond. Yours forever, Luna To: [encrypted] From: [encrypted] My Rock, I don't know if you'll ever receive this message, but I have to write it anyway. I'm on the brink of despair, and I want you to know the truth. The deadline we so fervently worked towards, believing we had the power to alter the course of destiny, slipped through our fingers like grains of sand and we didn't even notice until it was too late. By the time we opened our eyes, we realized we were lured into devoting our efforts to nourishing the colony, the privileged bastards who had secured their place among the stars. I remember the day they promised those emergency rations, you could hear the cheers from inside the lab. To think it was all part of their twisted machinations, it makes me sick to remember the glimmer of hope in your eyes. You never got any rations did you, Orion? That's why they closed us out. To keep us ignorant of the truth while we labored in vain. Just a ploy to stave off revolt and let those that would not have accepted the truth grow weaker and frail, until they could not raise their arms to the skies anymore. And the calculations… God, the calculations. They screwed us up from the start, doing everything to hide the fact we were working with damn colony soil. Anyone competent knows their chemistry was a different beast. Yet another layer in this grand tapestry of bullshit and incompetence. Kencove was the first to tell them to go to hell, that he would not go back to work. Those who joined him are now in a collaborative pool of their own blood. Everything feels broken, I'm exhausted, drained… scared. I can't help but ask myself, "Are you dead, Orion?" I can't bear the thought of never seeing you again, never holding you close. My heart aches for the innocence we just lost. The pain of your absence is unbearable, and it weighs heavily upon my soul. If you're out there, if by some miracle you receive this message, please let me know. I need to know if you're still alive, if there's a flicker of hope left in this desolate place. Yours, forever shattered, Luna. + Addendum 7697-4: Recovered Records - Close RECOVERED: Experiment Records Addendum 7697-4: The second magnetic tape contains extensive documentation related to experiments conducted on crops and subjects, but most of the data has been corrupted. The following is the most intact section of the logs. External Drive: ÇD1XQ(àì}À†:j\žorK¹G+ Experiment 33 Experiment 54 Experiment 135 Experiment 183 Objective: Assess the efficacy of CR-12B crystals in aiding the cultivation of plants in near-darkness conditions. Description: [DATA CORRUPTED] Results: Initial observations were promising, with the CR-12B-affected produce exhibiting a peculiar luminescent quality. Crops displayed vibrant colors and enhanced aroma, but subjects reported increasing discomfort, with some experiencing vivid hallucinations, relentless nightmares, and severe psychological trauma days after testing ended. Conclusion: Further experimentation is required to mitigate the adverse effects on consumers. Objective: Determine the effects of Ibierbol-7 crystal on food growth in harsh environments. Description: Gel-like substance with luminescent trails. It emits a high-pitched sound when in containment. Results: Initial observations were positive. However, crops started to exhibit an accelerated lifecycle, rapidly maturing, and entering a state of decay. Consuming the crops during the short stage of maturity led to rapid weight loss, severe muscular atrophy, and dermal abnormalities characterized by oozing lesions and necrotic tissue. Conclusion: Enhanced plant growth resulted in rapid but biologically compromised crops. Ibierbol-7 poses substantial risks to health, leading to severe gastrointestinal distress and rapid cellular degradation. Objective: Restoring dead tissue though the use of [Redacted]. [File Locked] Supervisor Note: Due to the sensitive and potentially hazardous nature of the findings, all samples of [Redacted] are to be disposed of. Details of Experiment 135 are classified under "Commissariat's Eyes Only". Objective: To investigate the complete assimilation of subjects by the fungi Yumdone. Results: Subjects exhibited rapid fungal overgrowth throughout their bodies, causing pain and temporary loss of motor control. Assimilated subjects displayed aggressive and erratic behavior, often lashing out at others, before descending into a mindless state. Conclusion: Rapid deterioration of physical and mental health outweighed the initial benefits of finding nutritional value in dead crops. Subjects presented no trace of consciousness, and became poisonous to the touch. It randomly wanders the containment, exhibiting insatiable cravings for necrotic tissue. Urgent Update: Per order of Commissariat, samples are to be sent overnight to the colony for peer emergency peer review. Experiments notes are to be held off until tomorrow. Failure to comply will lead to disciplinary actions. Wa███ng - Exter██ O██rride De█ect█d from Terminal 012.2█.█4.1. Original Message:P█r o█der of Co█mis█ari█t, sa█ple█ are m█rked for d█str█cti██ + Addendum 7697-5: Exploration Log 7697-7 - Close Addendum 7697-5: The following are the SCP-7697-1 Exploration Protocols. Three physically fit D-class subjects must be fitted with a class 4 environmental suit. They must also be provided with Field Kit Number 16, consisting of the following items: One head-mounted light source with a lifespan of six hours and additional power sources providing up to an additional three hours. Two 1 L water bottles filled with water. One MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) of any type One standard field knife. 6 Feet of Climbing Rope. One Taurus PT22, whose existence is to remain a secret until after the exploration has started. A shoulder mounted video recording system, equipped with an eROSARY. Due to the shielded interiors of the Center for Enhanced Wellbeing, projecting a real-time feed is not possible. Wired cameras proved to be unreliable, due to characteristics of the terrain, so video footage will be reviewed after the fact. Exploration Log 7697-7 This recorded audio log details the first expedition into the ruins of CORNWELL Lab. Three D-Class personnel, referred to in this log as D-1, D-2 and D-3, were given 11 hours to gather any paperwork and/or storage devices that might contain useful information regarding SCP-7697 and SCP 7697-1. After 12 hours, the emergency data recovery system eROSARY (Experimental kaRlOS fAst Return sYstem) will automatically engage, and the recording system will be teleported back. All members must return prior to this deadline to prevent disciplinary action. AUDIO TRANSCRIPTION Foreword: The log has deteriorated due to unforeseen eROSARY problems, and audible parts are marked with time codes. Although the presence of memetics inside the facility is currently under consideration, the audio has been ruled safe. » RECORDING STARTS « [00h00] D-1: Alright, listen up, keep those headlamps on. This is a timed recovery mission. D-3: Yeah, yeah, we know. Valuable shit, they say. D-1: You know what they say, the creepier it looks, the more valuable the loot inside. D-2: I'm getting a really bad feeling about this. It's like eyes are on us from every corner of this place. D-3: You're just jumpy. Be thankful they haven't sent your ass outside into the dunes. I'm still burned up. D-1: Enough, let's split up and search these next rooms. Remember, we regroup here in 30 minutes. Be thorough and keep your eyes peeled. [00h38] (over radio) D-2: This place gives me the creeps. I swear I can hear voices echoing in the corridors. D-1: Did you say something? I can barely hear you, over. D-2: It's nothing, forget it. I'll keep searching… over. [01h22] [Audio resumes, the three appear to be together] D-2: I found a library of sorts, but all the books have stuff growing on them. I don't think this is it. D-1: Don't lose your nerve now. Just a bit longer, and we'll be out of musty place. [Sounds of the metal failing to the ground] D-3: [Laughing] Jackpot! A set of old tapes. We hit the mother lode! D-2: Whoa, check out this rusted tech over here. It's ancient! D-1: Can you make any sense of it? D-3: No, but I don't give a shit. Let the eggheads crack their shells over these things. I really hope it's empty. [02h44] [Creaking sounds and distant dripping water can be heard] D-2: [Impatient] Any luck with the computer? I think we should give up. D-1: [Frustrated] I'm trying, but the door to the medical wing is sealed shut. D-3: Fuckingtastic, just what we needed. Locked out of another section. D-2: [Whispers] I don't like this. Maybe it's for the best. It must be locked for a reason. D-1: [Nervous] This freaky computer keeps saying we can't go in until the doctors clear it. D-3: There must be another entry. A ventilation shaft, a broken wall. Computer: Warning [bzzz] Hospital Center is in Quarantine level 5 by order of the Chief Doctor [bzzz] Error, employee not found D-3: Can someone tell this giant calculator that there are no doctors left on the other side of this door? D-2: I think… if you ask about signs of life to the computer, maybe it will update itself. [keyboard sounds] D-1: [heavy sigh] Nope, it just gives me an error message. Do I look like I know what an integer overflow is? I just want a god dammed override. D-3: Forget this shitty hospital, let the next team handle it. [04h05] D-3: Stop being paranoid, you're' getting on my nerves. D-2: I just don't like the look of these crystals. They give off an eerie glow. D-1: Don't let them distr… [Gunshot sounds] D-3: What THE FUCK, you bastard! [D-2 has fired the weapon towards an empty corner and is visibly scared] D-2: Don't tell me you didn't hear them calling our names?! [D-1 pulls the gun issued from D-2 from him] D-1: Listen here you bastard, no cop has ever even scratched me. D-2: [Uneasy] W-wait, I'm really so… D-1: Calm down, RIGHT NOW! I didn't get this far to get killed by a wacko like you, understand? D-2: Y-eah, I… I get it. I'm cool. I'm cool. D-3: [sigh] I rather be in the fucking sandstorm. D-2: [Hesitant] Hey, why is your pocket glowing, (D-3)? D-3: What? Oh, that. I picked this little crystal shard for myself earlier. I decided to make a necklace. D-1: They won't let you keep any souvenirs; you know that right? D-3: You don't know anything! I have a whole box of trinkets back in my cell. You just have shit hiding skills. [04h33] [Audio resumes in the middle of an argument] D-1: You are trashing that crystal now, that's an order. D-3: [Yelling] Get the FUCK away from me! Touch me again and you're dead. [Sounds of altercation] D-2: [Concerned] It's affecting you. Let go of it! D-1: TRASH IT, NOW! [05h12] [Vines keeping a door shut are being cut away] D-3: [Heavy Coughing] I can't catch a break, can I? D-2: [Disgusted] That smell… It's unbearable. Why are they all piled up next to the door? [D-1 looks at a pile of corpses wrapped in vines, positioned to hold the door closed] D-1: [Out of breath] Doesn't matter, we need to find something in there that can help him this idiot. D-3: Just find me something for the pain and let me be. D-2: We should go back and ask them for a doctor. D-1: [Angry] Did you hit your head? D-2: I might as well have, I keep hearing whisp- D-1: I told you before to stop with the coward's talk. We go back now they will shoot us three. [Silence for 1 minute] D-1: Let's check back at the crystal wing, there must be something about that shard there. D-3: [Cough] I… I can't go on. I need to rest a bit. D-1: Ok, (D-2), grab me his backpack and take out the tapes. [D-1 ties the tapes to his shoulder camera using D-3's climbing rope] D-1: We lose these, we are dead. Let's go, (D2)! D-2: Stay here, (D-3). We'll find something helpful. [06h07] D-2: I can't shake this feeling that the walls are closing in on us. D-1: (using radio) Come in, what's your status? Over. D-3: (over radio) Please… The feast. D-1: (using radio) Wha- are you hungry? You should have something to eat on your backpack, over. [Audio becomes distorted] D-3: (over radio) That isn't enough for them. D-2: You heard them too? [Heavy breathing and chaotic sounds, followed radio static] D-1: Come in! (D-3), come in, over. D-2: [Panicked] No response, what's going on? D-1: Why are you asking me? D-2: [Panicked] I don't care about the bullet, we gotta- [Audio and video stop for three minutes before returning] [Upon resuming, the two appear to be running] D-2: The whispers are turning into screams! LET ME GO! [D-2 vanishes from view] D-1: [Desperate] Come back! We need to stick together! D-2: [Distant voice] I can't take it anymore! D-1: Scumbag scientists, put me with a pair of idiots… what do I do now? [07h26] D-1: [trembling] This place…it's changing, shifting. I can't find my way back. [D-1 stops and starts to frantically look around] D-1: Who's there? Show yourself! [Silence for 2 minutes] D-1: Show yourself!! [D-1 starts to run again] [09h02] D-1: [Weak voice] I found (D-3) a while ago… he's dead, corn is growing out of him. [D-1 takes out last water bottle and takes a sip] D-1: Put a bullet on his head just to be sure, don't need any zombies following my tail. [D-1 looks at his wristwatch]. D-1: I'm almost out of time and I feel like I'm really lost. I can't find the stairs and I keep hearing a voice… asking to be fed. [Muttering, inaudible] D-1: The spores… Hungry, so hungry… I need to make my way back. [10h28] D-1: [Heavy breathing] I saw you cut him to shreds! Stay back! [Sounds of weapon discharge] D-2: [Maniacal laughter] The dead have no use for their flesh. [Sounds of weapon discharge, D-1 throws his pistol away] D-2: [Running after D-1] They won't shut up until the feast is over! D-1: [Running footsteps] GET AWAY! [11h07] [D-1 cautiously enters a dimly lit cafeteria, holding his knife]. D-1: What fresh hell is this? Why are they… [The floor is littered with decomposing bodies, clad in what appear to be tattered suits of different colors. D-1 picks up one of the garments to analyze it] D-1: [Weak voice] Bullshit… all of it. Load of goddamn bullshit. [The video suddenly becomes shaky as D-1 appears to struggle with an unseen assailant] D-2: They waited too long since their last three course meal. [Sound of struggle and a piercing scream] D-2: Shh, calm down, don't be a coward. [Camera now faces the ceiling. Screaming ends] D-2: Finally… Silence… [There are no sounds for the next 20 minutes, save from occasional weeping] D-2: [footsteps, fading] No, no… SHUT UP! You promised me peace… » RECORDING ENDS « Note: At 12 hours, the Return System was engaged and a bloody shoulder attached to a camera and tapes were transported back. From the recording, it is evident that in his final moments, D-1 encountered what appear to be remains from other Foundation exploration teams, but there are no records of a previous expedition to the interiors of SCP-7697-1 since its discovery in 1998. Footage was sent to the archivist for further studies, and tapes were sent for decryption. The fate of D-2 remains unknown. + Addendum 7697-6: Final Email - Close RECOVERED: Final Email Addendum 7697-6: From the tapes recovered by eROSARY, another readable email was found, believed to be from the same sender. Internal Drive: Terminal Subject: In your memory To: [encrypted] From: [encrypted] My Dearest Orion, I write this message, fully aware that you won't receive it in this world, but with a hopeful heart that you will find a way to read it in from the great beyond. I need to believe that, somehow, our connection transcends the boundaries of life and death. I cannot bear to see things end this way, and so, I have made a decision. I don't know how or what I will do exactly, but I'm a member of the Center for Enhanced Wellbeing. I know I can put what I've learned here to good use. It is time for me to seek redemption from my own inexcusable ignorance. I will make a visit to the lower levels and see if the whispers were true. I know that you will be my guiding light, helping me bring darkness to them. Until we meet again, on the other side. Yours eternally, Luna Update 7697-002: Based on acquired data from the last expedition, all future explorations attempts are to be put on hold due to Biohazards concerns, until the decontamination process of the SCP-7697-1 can be fully understood. Risk Class has been updated from Notice to Warning, and all researchers who crossed SCP-7697 must submit to medical and psychological examination upon return. All researchers who crossed into SCP-7697-1 are to be placed under quarantine until further notice. The following update has been attached to SCP-7697's file as part of ongoing Archivist Investigation. Update 7697-001: Previously unidentified clothing was confirmed to be Foundation-issued Class 2 Environmental Suit bearing the markings of at least three different Sites. However, these iterations of suits have been retired for over 60 years and Site Directors have reported that units have been discarded, with the exception of two found stored in the museum at Site 19. An investigation was ordered into the two museum pieces, and an inquiry was started on the last unidentified suit showed on video. The latter did not match any current database records. Due to the quality of the footage, it was not possible to further study the remaining [REDACTED] non-Foundation garments. Footnotes 1. The study of visible light, ultraviolet, infrared and spectrum of electromagnetic radiation from stars in order to determine their type, age and distance. « SCP-7696 | SCP-7697 | SCP-7698 »
Logo displayed on SCP-7698 Item #: SCP-7698 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: There is currently no known method of containing SCP-7698 within a finite area of physical space. As such, containment protocol falls largely under the jurisdiction of the Veil Maintenance Department (VMD). If the Foundation is alerted to the presence of SCP-7698 while an OME is in progress, VMD operatives are to be dispatched to the area to halt the patronage of SCP-7698 under the guise of a health inspection for the duration of the OME. If alerted after the cessation of an OME, VMD operatives are to be dispatched to the area of former manifestation in order to identify and amnesthatize witnesses. Any individual who consumes any quantity of SCP-7698-2 is to be remotely monitored via Fly on the Wall Drones for the next 12 hours. Any witnesses present over the course of this period are to be treated with Class-A amnestics following the conclusion of the IME. All SCP-7698-4 instances present during an IME are to be intercepted1 before reaching SCP-7698 and brought to the nearest Foundation site for further study. Standard Issue Searchbots2 are to alert the VMD of content containing keywords connected to SCP-7698 and identify the geographical origin of the IP address under which the content was posted. VMD operatives are to be dispatched to said location and apply amnestic treatment to related individuals as needed. Description: SCP-7698 is an ice cream van measuring 5m in length and 2m in width and height. It is primarily white in color, with the word “AMONICE” written in red and blue letters on its front, back, and each side. There is an opening on its right side with a collapsible metal awning, behind which is a space resembling a typical food truck interior and populated by SCP-7698-1. SCP-7698-1 is believed to be a single male humanoid, and will be referred to singularly hereafter, although the possibility of multiple identical instances has not been conclusively disproven. SCP-7698-1 has never been observed outside of SCP-7698. SCP-7698-1 is caucasian, with black hair and brown eyes, and appears to be between 40-50 years old. SCP-7698-1 wears a white button-up shirt, a red apron, and a blue bowtie. The appearance of SCP-7698-1's lower body is unknown. When asked, SCP-7698-1 claims to be named “Amon'' and to be the creator and sole proprietor of the Amonice business. SCP-7698-1 maintains a universally friendly and jovial demeanor during social interactions, regardless of the behavior exhibited by other parties. SCP-7698-1 will not acknowledge any mention of SCP-7698's anomalous properties. Additionally, SCP-7698-1 will not acknowledge any injury sustained to its person and does not appear to perceive pain in any physical or psychological way. SCP-7698-1 will maintain its baseline behavior up until sustaining a level of injury conducive to terminating non-anomalous humans, at which point it will expire, and SCP-7698 will demanifest prematurely. Injuries will be absent during subsequent appearances. SCP-7698 can manifest anywhere within the continental United States, typically appearing in urban and suburban neighborhoods. It is unknown if these locations are selected by SCP-7698-1, as recorded statements suggest that SCP-7698-1 either does not remember or refuses to acknowledge previous manifestations. More than one instance of SCP-7698 has never been observed during a given time period, leading to the supposition that SCP-7698 is a singular vehicle. SCP-7698's location/locations in multidimensional space during periods outside of manifestation are unknown. SCP-7698 manifestations are categorized as either Output Manifestation Events (OMEs) or Intake Manifestation Events (IMEs). OMEs invariably occur on Saturdays or Sundays at exactly 12:00 p.m. in the timezone of manifestation. During an OME, SCP-7698, piloted by SCP-7698-1, will drive between 8-20 km/h through various streets, playing an instrumental version of the song “Turkey in the Straw” from a speaker on its roof, and stopping for any individuals encountered upon its route. Upon request, SCP-7698-1 will obtain various products from an unknown source below the base of SCP-7698's side opening, and will exchange said products for 0.99 USD. SCP-7698 ceases playing music at 12:30 PM, and will either demanifest shortly thereafter or once all customers present at that time have been served. Adjacent to SCP-7698's side opening is a multicolored poster containing depictions of the 24 different products that can be purchased from SCP-7698-1 during an OME. The top of the poster reads "CEPHALOPOPS" written in red letters, below which is the phrase "They're Naked and They're Cold!" in blue italicized letters. The products depicted on this poster, designated SCP-7698-2A through SCP-7698-2X or SCP-7698-2 collectively, are quiescently frozen ice confections commonly referred to as ice pops or popsicles within SCP-7698's known range. Depiction of SCP-7698-2A advertised on the side of SCP-7698 All SCP-7698-2 varieties are depicted as identical in shape, possessing a rounded top and four parallel rounded points jutting from its base3, and encasing a wooden tongue depressor meant to serve as a handle. The majority of SCP-7698-2's edible component is comprised of ice interspersed with artificial flavoring and coloring. Two spheres composed of grape-flavored bubble gum are partially embedded in the ice of SCP-7698-2, presumably meant to resemble eyes. Above these spheres, a complex abstract design is encased in the ice. This portion is composed primarily of saltwater taffy, although molecular imaging has identified trace amounts of seminal fluid within the substance. Based on genetic sequencing, the fluid is believed to originate from a currently unknown species of mollusk. The significance of the design, if any, is currently unknown, as SCP-7698-1 responds dismissively to any questions regarding the topic4. SCP-7698-2 varieties primarily differ in the flavor of the ice and taffy components, as well as the layout of the taffy design. All SCP-7698-2 varieties possess flavors typically found in non-anomalous ice pops5. Each SCP-7698-2 variety has a name displayed below its depiction on the poster. These names are alliterative and consist of said variety's flavor followed by a common English name, such as Cherry Charlie and Lemon Lucy. Based on recorded statements, SCP-7698-1 seems to be under the impression that SCP-7698-2 instances depict characters that are widely known amongst the general public, and it has implied that each character has a distinct personality. Any human who ingests over a certain proportion of an SCP-7698-2 instance6, hereafter designated SCP-7698-3, will experience several anomalous alterations to their anatomy and behavior over the following 8-10 hours, culminating in the creation of a single SCP-7698-4 instance. Though their appearance varies between instances, SCP-7698-4 largely resemble ammonoid cephalopods. They are capable of hovering as high as 8m above the ground due to a network of ventricles containing hydrogen gas within their shells. They propel themselves through synchronized undulations of their 10 tentacles. Captured specimens live indefinitely without needing to eat, drink, or sleep, and exhibit no desire to engage in said activities. To date, no SCP-7698 instances have displayed behavior that would suggest sapience, but they do possess self-awareness and moderate emotional complexity, often behaving socially with both each other and standard humans. There are currently 211 SCP-7698-4 instances in containment. Intake Manifestation Events occur in the same location as the previous Output Manifestation Event, transpiring approximately 11 hours after its cessation. By this time, most SCP-7698-3 instances resulting from the previous OME will have exited their place of residence by any means necessary and subsequently completed their transformation into SCP-7698-4 instances. During an IME, SCP-7698 travels along the same route as it did during the previous OME. SCP-7698 does not play music during an IME, instead emanating a 34-55kHz warbling noise7. SCP-7698-4 instances are attracted to this sound, and thus will congregate into a swarm trailing behind SCP-7698 as it travels. Upon reaching the end of its original route, SCP-7698 will halt, and SCP-7698-1 will reach through SCP-7698's side opening with an abnormally large butterfly net8, which it will use to capture any adjacent SCP-7698-4 instances using broad scooping motions. Once all SCP-7698-4 instances in the immediate area have been retrieved, the net will be retracted, and SCP-7698 will demanifest. Addendum 3834.1: Initial Specimen Report On 07/08/2016, at 17:44 EST, the Veil Maintenance Department received an automated security alert regarding an anomalous medical phenomenon located in ████████ General Hospital in ████████, New Jersey. The subject of said anomaly was a 12yo male named █████ ████, but will be referred to as SCP-7698-3.1 or “the subject” hereafter. Following this alert, SCP-7698-3.1 was covertly detained by Foundation operatives and escorted to Site-83 for further study. At the time of its initial arrival, the subject had undergone significant physical alterations that greatly inhibited its capacity for speech. However, the subject displayed no signs of mental impairment, and was thus able to understand and coherently respond to questioning when provided with a means of producing text. Upon preliminary interview, the subject described the purchase and consumption of an ice pop dubbed “Green-Apple Gary” from an ice-cream van labeled “Amonice”. It was through this interview that Foundation personnel were first informed of SCP-7698's existence, although SCP-7698 itself was not encountered until 08/21/2016. The following is a compilation of research documents derived from the ongoing case study of SCP-7698-3.1 and related/resultant anomalies, led by Senior Researcher Dr. Leonard Owens. Included is a transcript of the Observation Logs recorded by Dr. Owens over a several-hour time span following SCP-7698-3.1's acquisition. For the purposes of safety and security, the subject was fastened by the torso to a semi-erect standard hospital bed for the duration of the research process. Due to the inviability of verbal communication, a keyboard connected to a text-display monitor was provided, and the subject was instructed to record any notable subjective experiences through this medium. Dr. Owens observed SCP-7698-3.1 remotely during this time, utilizing live camera feeds from multiple angles and a two-way line of both auditory and typed communication. Transcriptions of SCP-7698-3.1's messages have been presented in blue. Preliminary Observations: The tongue of SCP-7698-3.1 has increased in width and height by approximately 500%, fully obstructing the mouth and preventing closure of the jaw. The tongue's entire surface area is a light-green hue. Discoloration resembles staining caused by typical ice pop consumption, but cannot be removed through conventional means. Subject exhibits emotions and behaviors that would be expected of humans under such conditions. Cooperation with research personnel has been achieved through the promise of a cure9. BEGIN LOG: 07/08/2016, 19:40:00 EST 19:40:01: SCP-7698-3.1 is transported into Observation Chamber B-19 by two assistant researchers. Subject's eye expressions suggest worry. 19:40:32 Keyboard and display monitor are introduced to the subject. During this process, the subject starts to rub its hands against both of its cheeks while wincing. 19:41:14: Assistants exit the chamber. Subject begins to type with his right hand while continuing to rub its left cheek. 19:41:27: I have the worst brain freeze ever 19:41:43: I never understood why it's called brain freeze, it's more like the roof of my mouth 19:41:58: I always hated it. Can you make it stop? Like with painkillers or something? 19:42:04: Dr. Owens verbally declines this request, but assures the subject that his ultimate intention is to negate these symptoms. 19:43:37: Skin on the left and right sides of the subject's cranium begins to indent in certain areas, forming shallow crevices. Subject appears to be unaware of this, and continues cheek-rubbing behavior. 19:47:49: feeling light headed 19:48:08: also tongue is tingly 19:54:33: Ten adjacent papillae on the tip of the subject's tongue begin to enlarge and rearrange into a ring formation. 19:59:26: super dizzy 19:59:51: brain freeze getting better at least 20:01:43: Enlarged papillae begin to elongate. 20:02:12: mostly just tingles now 20:08:19: Cranial grooves coalesce into a distinct spiral pattern on each side of the subject's head. 20:12:35: air feels thick 20:13:11: feels like water 20:13:44: feels like floating 20:14:50: Growth of 10 frontal papillae is arrested at approximately 25cm in length. The resulting structures resemble muscular tentacles. They have shifted into a ring formation upon the tip of the tongue. An indentation in the tongue develops in the center of said ring. 20:15:23: feel like floating 20:15:46: feel like foating 20:16:26: feel like floating 20:23:13 Tongue indentation has progressed into a spacious cavity connected to the tongue's surface by a sphinctered orifice. 20:24:39: wait, I need to get to school 20:24:47: can we stop 20:24:54: Dr. Owens replies that it is Saturday, and the subject becomes visibly agitated. 20:25:16: but i have to get to schoool 20:25:27: supposed to meer up with freinds 20:25:35: Assuming these statements to be in reference to future school attendance, Dr. Owens begins to assure the subject that upcoming absences will be excused due to resulting from a medical emergency, but stops upon receiving the subject's next message 20:26:04 no no np no need get to scool ! 20:26:13: Subject's fine motor coordination starts to rapidly deteriorate. Enlarged frontal papillae begin to twitch at sporadic intervals. 20:26:22: gotta join yhe school 20:26:46: gota join the shool 20:27:29: gptt jpin th schol 20:27:53: Subject's upper body vibrates forcefully. Two pustulant sores develop in parallel on the left and right sides of the subject's tongue. 20:28:44: :cnt flot alne 20:29:37: fgh;lloiyttfhglppp;;;t 20:29:55: Further written communication is deemed inviable. Dr. Owens orders assistant researchers to remove the text display module and affix a Portable fMRI Complex10 to the subject. 20:30:23: Subject begins to violently spasm, hindering the fMRI's attachment and activation process. Tongue sores rapidly swell in size while enlarged papillae twitch with increasing frequency and strength. 20:31:14: fMRI Complex is activated. Initial readings reveal several anatomical aberrations, including the permeation of the external spiraling grooves into the skull, pressurized gaseous pockets within the intracranial space, and severe damage to the cerebral cortex from the resulting compression. Neurological activity resembles that of a grand mal seizure. 20:32:06: Subject suddenly goes completely limp and ceases movement. This is accompanied by fMRI readings indicating an abrupt transition into an entirely comatose state. 20:32:11: Dr. Owens orders the measurement of vital signs, prompting two assistants to retrieve heart-rate and BOL monitors. 20:33:23: As assistants are preparing the heart-rate and BOL monitors, neurological activity abruptly resumes, though it is relegated to the cerebellum and spinal cord. fMRI readings suggest that electrical impulses are emanating from the subject's tongue and radiating through the central nervous system. 20:33:34: Lateral tongue sores simultaneously burst, expelling pus across the immediate area. Embedded within each former sore site is a complex eye with a violet iris and an oblong pupil. Enlarged papillae begin to move in full undulating motions. 20:33:39: Subject flails violently in what appears to be an attempt to escape its restraints. Several cracking sounds can be heard within the subject's torso. Assistants move hectically around the chamber, appearing unsure of how to respond to the subject's abrupt surge in activity. 20:33:45: Dr. Owens exits the remote observation room and enters the experimental chamber wielding a syringe containing an intravenous sedative. Papillae undulations become synchronized and start to increase in frequency. 20:34:03: Sedative is administered into the subject's right shoulder. Initially there is no noticeable effect. 20:34:46: Subject's bodily movements start to slow and weaken, but the enlarged papillae continue to increase in speed. 20:34:57: Subject ceases thrashing and places both hands on the sides of its head. 20:35:00: Subject decapitates itself with an upward jerking motion. Its arms and body go limp immediately after this, but its detached head remains elevated, hovering about 2m above the ground. Enlarged papillae continue to undulate synchronously, propelling the head away from Dr. Owens and the assistant researchers, all of whom watch in motionless silence. 20:35:51: The subject's head reaches the opposite wall and proceeds to bump into it repeatedly. Assistants look to Dr. Owens, who shrugs. Observational study is concluded. End Log Subsequent Research Findings: Following the conclusion of the transformation process, SCP-7698-3.1's headless body displayed no vital functions. Post-mortem autopsy revealed several broken ribs and severe organ trauma, which is believed to be the result of the subject's forceful thrashing against its restraints. The body decomposed at a typical rate and exhibited no anomalous properties. To date, SCP-7698-3.1's head, designated SCP-7698-4.1, remains alive and alert. The skin, cartilage, external cranial muscles, and original eyes decomposed at a typical rate, resulting in an exposed skull, while the tongue and brain displayed no signs of decay. SCP-7698-4.1 becomes visibly stressed when in the presence of Dr. Owens, often attempting to flee or hide from him. However, SCP-7698-4.1 exhibits no such aversion to other humans and is receptive to physical contact with personnel who it is familiar with. This led to the incidental discovery that scratching the former “chin” of SCP-7698-4.1 causes it to excrete a viscous stream of green-apple flavored saltwater taffy from the orifice between its tentacles. Similar properties have been observed in all subsequent SCP-7698-4 instances. Footnotes 1. It is preferred that SCP-7698-4 instances be collected alive and without serious injury. Biological-grade Remote Electrical Tranquilizers (BRETs) have been found to be more effective than chemical tranquilizers. 2. Comprise 75% of VMD-operated webwide programs, utilized for non-anomalous digital information. 3. SCP-7698-2 instances are often significantly misshapen compared to these depictions, possibly due to improper storage. 4. ”I don't know, maybe a tattoo or something” verbatim is by far the most common response, although other responses have been elicited by asking in unconventional ways. 5. For a complete list of flavors, see supplementary document 7698.F. 6. The exact percentage necessary varies depending on the portions consumed and the height and weight of the individual. 7. This frequency range is inaudible to non-anomalous humans. 8. The netted portion is 2m in diameter. The maximum length of the shaft has not been determined. 9. Dishonest statement permitted under the Civilian Medical Anomalies clause of current Ethics Committee Guidelines. 10. A cranium-encasing network of magnetized metallic mesh capable of detecting and recording neurological activity within a user's brain and upper nervous system in real time. This technology was first developed by Foundation personnel and has yet to be approved for public dissemination. « SCP-7697 | SCP-7698 | SCP-7699 »
Dr. Cimmerian Almost Goes Out On A Limb by Doctor Cimmerian based on a true story ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Photograph of the damage sustained to the safe house during the SCP-7700-A incident. Item #: SCP-7700 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7700-1 is not allowed to leave Foundation employment for any reason. SCP-7700-1 is to be monitored at all times and improbable events should be logged. Additional measures are to be taken once there is a better understanding of the core anomaly or anomalies involving SCP-7700. Description: SCP-7700 is an unexplained probabilistic phenomenon surrounding Dr. Jeremiah Cimmerian (hereafter referred to as SCP-7700-1). This phenomenon causes unusual and unlikely events to occur in any situation where SCP-7700-1's life is in danger. While these unusual probabilistic outcomes do not necessarily result in SCP-7700-1 remaining uninjured, it has uniformly led to his survival in all recorded circumstances. This effect does not extend to any other individuals or property surrounding or near to SCP-7700-1. SCP-7700 occurs without need of conscious thought and without any regard for the wishes of SCP-7700-1. Additionally, when SCP-7700-1 deliberately places himself in life threatening situations, SCP-7700 will still prevent SCP-7700-1's death. Current understanding of this effect indicates that it has been in place since SCP-7700-1's birth. It is also believed that some or all information regarding SCP-7700-1's life prior to Foundation employment is fabricated. SCP-7700-1 has not visibly aged during his 10 years in Foundation employ (though given the short time period, this is not a definitive indicator). It has been surmised that the phenomenon that keeps the entity alive during short term emergencies has also acted over the long term to prevent incomplete or imperfect cell replication. Tissues samples extracted from SCP-7700-1 are not under the effects of SCP-7700 and appear to replicate and die normally. + Show SCP-7700-A Incident Record. - Hide SCP-7700-A Incident Record. The following is a log of the investigation which lead to SCP-7700's discovery. On July 21st, 2022, Dr. Cimmerian was staying at a Foundation safe house in central Alabama. Around 1600, local time, a flash storm generated severe winds. These winds sheared off a large section of a tree, which then fell into the room that SCP-7700-1 was working from. Despite the total destruction of the room, SCP-7700-1 suffered no serious harm. As part of the project Dr. Cimmerian was investigating per his duties as a floating ethics committee liaison, several macroscopic probability detectors had been placed around the safe house to protect against an incursion by agents of the Serpent's Hand following an attack the previous month. These detectors recorded a spike of 16 De Moivres1 at the time of the event. Given the De Moivre scale's baseline of 1, this was determined to be significant enough to investigate. This investigation came to three conclusions. The probability event was of a significant nature and protected SCP-7700-1 from harm. The Serpent's Hand was not active in the area at the time of the event and it is unlikely that this probability event was causally linked to the attack on the safe house in June. Dr. Cimmerian's personal history both before and during his Foundation employment indicates frequent similar events. Considering this, the Ethics Committee has placed Dr. Cimmerian on administrative leave until such a time as this and similar events can be fully investigated. + Show Record of Potential SCP-7700-1 Incidents. - Hide Record of Potential SCP-7700-1 Incidents. The following is an incomplete log of events gathered in the last 48 hours involving Dr. Cimmerian both before and during his employment at the SCP Foundation. Event Date Location Estimated De Moirve Reading Log of Events December 8th, 2009 Maputo, Mozambique 4 A helicopter Dr. Cimmerian was riding in suffered a severe mechanical failure resulting from an impact with a rocket propelled grenade which did not detonate. The helicopter was able to make a safe landing and all crew and passengers survived. March 19th, 2010 Vladivostok, Russia 12 During a fact finding mission in eastern Russia, Dr. Cimmerian became involved in a short relationship with a Russian GRU agent. This agent detonated an explosive onboard a train that resulted in derailment and Dr. Cimmerian's hospitalization. He was one of two survivors of that event. April 26th, 2012 Erie, Indiana Unknown Dr. Cimmerian was isolated from his team during an investigation into an occult organization that was attempting to summon a trio of deities. He used the gun of one of the fallen agents and eliminated the emergent entities before they were fully formed. October 11th, 2014 Mobile, Alabama 3-6 While shopping, Dr. Cimmerian was trapped under 3 Sealy Posturepedic Hybrid mattresses for 28 hours. He was freed after the store owner returned on Monday morning. While this has been reported anecdotally by others who learned of it afterwards, it has not yet been independently verified. February 29th, 2016 Near Montgomery Alabama on Interstate 65 8 Dr. Cimmerian was involved in a firefight during the transport of a highly dangerous SCP Object. He managed to deal with his pursuers but the vehicle he was riding in was struck by a semi-trailer truck carrying coal. Dr. Cimmerian was the only survivor of both the incident and following accident. January 12th, 2019 Biloxi, Mississippi 24 Dr. Cimmerian was thrown out of a plane by Chaos Insurgency agents while flying approximately 2.5 kilometers above sea level. He survived with serious but non-life threatening injuries after crashing through several tree branches, landing in a trampoline in a back yard, and then bouncing into a pool.2 June 25th, 2021 Site-88, Alabama 32 Dr. Cimmerian survived the explosion of a Gotrax Hoverboard that Dr. Gerald was attempting to demonstrate the use of. July 21st, 2022 Birmingham, Alabama 16 As described in the -A log above. + Show SCP-7700-1 Interview Log. - Hide SCP-7700-1 Interview Log. Dr. Gears has performed a post incident interview with SCP-7700-1. The log of that interaction is below. Date of Interview: July 24th, 2022. Subject: SCP-7700-1 Interviewer: Dr. Gears Begin Log Dr. Gears: I wanted to talk about the incident at the safe house. SCP-7700-1: Yeah. The roof tried to kill me. Dr. Gears: What happened? Was it a tree? SCP-7700-1: From the looks of it a tree split in the next yard over. But then it fell into another tree that split off and crashed into the house. Dr. Gears: How much damage was there? SCP-7700-1: Catastrophic. Honestly if the Hand already knows about the place we oughta just put it down as a loss anyway. Dr. Gears: You are probably right. Are you feeling alright? SCP-7700-1: Shaken up a bit. I mean, I was 5 feet from certain death. I don't think it's fully hit me yet. Dr. Gears: I can imagine. But this is not the first time something like this has happened, yes? SCP-7700-1: You talking about the plane thing? Dr. Gears: That and a few other things. The bombing in Russia comes to mind. There is a delay of several seconds before the interview continues SCP-7700-1: You wanna know how I got scarred? Dr. Gears: No. I just want to parse an incongruity. SCP-7700-1: Gears, you'd tell me if they were considering a designation for me, right? Dr. Gears: Do you feel as though you need one? SCP-7700-1: I've survived some things other people didn't. Statistically that's bound to happen from time to time. Dr. Gears: It does seem to happen more often to you than others though, does it not? SCP-7700-1: We work for the Foundation. We're put into life and death situations regularly. If we didn't survive we wouldn't be here to ask how we survived. Dr. Gears: Are you familiar with the De Moirve sensors? SCP-7700-1: I am. Dr. Gears: And? SCP-7700-1: And I think it's more interesting when the character survives. Dr. Gears: What is more interesting? SCP-7700-1: The story. If your characters died every time something bad happened there wouldn't be much of a reason to keep reading. Dr. Gears: Cimmerian, I don't understand. SCP-7700-1: That's because I'm not talking to you. SCP-7700-1 looks directly at the hidden camera recording this interaction. SCP-7700-1: I don't want to die. There. I said it. It's not something I'm proud of, but it is certainly something that's true. I think it's true of a lot of people, actually. It's just such a primal fear that it's hard to put it into words. Actually, let's break out of the box, it's a bit more confining than I'd like. I've always known I don't want to die, on some level, but it wasn't until I started writing on the SCP Wiki that it came into sharp focus. I first found the wiki in 2012, so 10 years ago next month. I was browsing around TV tropes and kept coming across tropes from the wiki on other pages. Eventually I clicked through. It wasn't quite as big at the time, but it was still pretty popular. Then I tried to write something. It was very bad. Hit on all the cliches. It used a copyrighted image. It was on some level embarrassing to me, I think. So I left. I came back in 2014 and tried again. The wiki's attitude at the time wasn't necessarily always positive to new writers, but I persevered and made something that stuck. It also wasn't very good, but it was certainly good enough. And then I bounced around for a while. Finding writers I liked, learning from them, then bouncing off when they disappeared. And on and on and on. Now I'm one of the site's most recognizable authors. Right or wrong, it's certainly true. But what does any of this have to do with my fear of death? I create in order to be unforgettable. To be undeniable. I want to make worlds and stories that will be told long after I'm gone. My immortality is in my work. My work is how I breathe. I create a character that hates himself and people love him. I create continents and forests and mountains and nations with long storied histories and then I shatter them in a moment. It's all there. And it's all a part of me. So always. For all time: Writing is how I know myself. I've always held that to be the truest purpose to creating anything. To know oneself. I started to find patterns in my writing too. I write about immortal white guys. What does that say about me? The white guy part is probably negotiable (though probably speaks to a certain amount of self-projection), but the immortality comes up again and again. It's like I said earlier, I believe it's just that I don't want to die. Then two days ago the roof really did cave in on me and I was left sitting amongst rubble, looking over at the heavy wooden rafters that landed edgewise on where my bed used to be. Rain started pouring in and I had to act to save some stuff but about 2 hours later I finally had a moment to reflect. And I just kinda sat there and stared off into the middle distance, reflecting on the events of the day. Worrying about the future, certainly, but also knowing that I'd come mightily close to the one thing I most fear. Then I finally grabbed the laptop I'd salvaged from the dust and chaos and opened it up. I sat on the floor of my living room, loaded discord and started talking about it. And hours after one of the most horrific things in my life happened to me, my main thought was "I'm gonna write this into my 7k entry. Cause why the fuck not." And here we are. Hope you like it. Cause this just proves what I've always known deep down. One way or another, I'm gonna live forever. Thanks for reading it. And, genuinely, good luck to everyone else. Dr. Gears: So you are saying that you are immortal because your author wants you to live on after he dies? SCP-7700-1 returns his attention to Dr. Gears. SCP-7700-1: I guess? Dr. Gears: We will take that into consideration then. End Log Footnotes 1. A De Moivre is a general measurement of how much a particular incident deviates from standard probabilistic predictions. A higher number indicates a more improbable result. 2. I know we experience unlikely events daily but this should have been investigated more thoroughly when it occurred. ~ Dr. Gears « SCP-7699 | SCP-7700 | SCP-7701 »
close Info X Image: (Daveyoufool made it) ⚠️ Content warning: Extreme body horror. Also, if you have emetophobia, you might want to be careful reading Act IV and the story-within-a-story in Act III. ⚠️ content warning @ NOTICE: You are viewing the iteration of this document prior to Incident-7702-Black. The current iteration is restricted to the involved detachment of Mobile Task Force Nu-7 "Hammer Down" until the threat posed by SCP-7702-D is stabilized. A map of SCP-7702. SCP-7702-A is visible in the center. Item: SCP-7702 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Due to its capabilities, permanent containment of SCP-7702 is not possible. In lieu of this, the Buyan Protocol has been developed at Site-59 to minimize civilian exposure to SCP-7702. Project Buyan consists of the following tools: Buyan-1 is a computer cluster designed to co-opt civilian and military satellite mapping systems to track all SCP-7702 appearances. As such, it can triangulate SCP-7702's new location in a minimum of five minutes after a relocation event. Buyan-2 is an automated webcrawler that locates and suppresses any discussions on the internet about SCP-7702. Buyan-3 is a heavily armored remote-controlled drone driven by propellers. Through the usage of its experimental Buyan-3A module1, it can instantaneously relocate two kilometers above any whole-number latitude/longitude input on Earth. Once a new location is identified and mapped by Buyan-1, Project Buyan staff will examine the surrounding area and determine whether to implement Response Buyan-A or -B. Buyan-A: If SCP-7702 is in an area with a low population density, Foundation Agents will be stationed in the surrounding area to discretely bar civilians from entry. This is to be done with discretion, so as to delay another relocation event for as long as possible. Buyan-B: If SCP-7702 is in an area where a higher population density increases the likelihood of civilian encounters, Buyan-3 is to be deployed to SCP-7702's location and infiltrate the perimeter. The infiltration must be done as noisily and obviously as possible. If this fails to instantly force a relocation event, the drone operator is to take the following actions until relocation is obtained: Vandalism of SCP-7702-A with the onboard paint gun. Flying obnoxiously close to SCP-7702-B. Usage of the onboard speakers to cheerfully inform SCP-7702-B that the area is under SCP Foundation control. Should this fail, the conversation will continue in an increasingly irritating manner. All instances of SCP-7702-C are to be cordoned off from the public under the cover of private land development. Description: SCP-7702 refers to an area of forested wetlands comprising one square kilometer. The interior of SCP-7702 consists of a circular pond surrounded by a thick border of mangroves. The trees have an anomalous repulsive effect on matter trying to pass between them. SCP-7702 is capable of teleportation through unknown means. The range of its teleportation is unknown, but all reported sightings have been in temperate, humid biomes, with most recorded appearances occurring in the Southeastern United States, Africa, and South Asia. Access to SCP-7702 is only possible through an opening on the southern border. the opening leads to a wooden pontoon bridge across the pond to SCP-7702-A. SCP-7702-A refers to a 200 meter x 200 meter x 10 meter barn built on a wooden pier on the center of the pond. The barn has no doors; the only known way to intentionally enter the barn is through a small corrugated-metal shack attached to the southern wall. SCP-7702-B is a humanoid entity of variable appearance. In Buyan-1 surveillance footage, SCP-7702-B is most often seen on a lawn chair next to the shack's entrance. SCP-7702-B changes its appearance and spoken language to suit the community's majority mental image of a hospitable, eccentric, and harmless bartender. When provoked, SCP-7702-B can trigger a relocation event by clapping. These are most often provoked by what SCP-7702-B perceives to be anyone who, in its own words, "came for something other than a drink." The only other known anomalous capability of SCP-7702-B is that its urine has a pH of 0.5. (See addendum) Areas previously occupied by SCP-7702 become instances of SCP-7702-C: a one-square-kilometer patch of thin, black slime primarily consisting of genetic material that does not correspond to any mundane organism. Making physical contact with the slime causes a human subject to experience an intense feeling of paranoia, which ends once the slime is removed. It's unknown what happens to anything within SCP-7702's new location before it materializes, but nothing has been recovered. Behavior: SCP-7702-B uses SCP-7702 to lure humans into SCP-7702-A. Through unknown means, the appearance of SCP-7702 triggers rumors in the surrounding community of a secret bar where "the best drink in the Universe" is served. The name and type of the purported beverage is inconsistent, usually aligning with the community's preference. Once a human subject arrives, SCP-7702-B welcomes them inside the shack for a sample of the beverage. While SCP-7702-B will allow a subject to refuse the offer and leave, no subject who has accepted the offer has ever been recovered. Exploration: On 1/12/22, Undercover Foundation researchers in the extradimensional space known as The Wanderer's Library reported consistencies between SCP-7702 and a predatory entity in Corbenic known as [DATA EXPUNGED]. To properly assess this relationship, an undercover exploration of SCP-7702 was ordered for 2/5/22. In addition to a hidden body camera, the agent involved would be implanted with SCP-2922 in order to explain, if needed, the post-mortem effects of SCP-7702. Though this was meant to be done with a D-class staff member, Dr. Amelia Salas, a researcher at Site-59, expressed great interest and volunteered for the mission. From: Lisle Naismith [pcs.noitadnuof|htimsianl#pcs.noitadnuof|htimsianl] To: Overseer Council Subject: Personnel Change Request Relevant Employee Information: Personal Details Name: Dr. Amelia Victoria Salas Maldonado Gender: Female Age: 27 Birthplace: Albuquerque, New Mexico Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, Japanese Specialty: Anomalies involving electronics, computers, and radio waves Additional Skills: Attained a fifth-dan ranking in kendo as a civilian; often called in for testing with sword anomalies Professional Details Position: Class-C Researcher at Site-59 Security Clearance: Level 4 Currently Assigned Item: SCP-2527 Previously Assigned Items: (abridged list — more information available in her SCiPnet listing.) SCP-7373 SCP-3162 SCP-3137 SCP-2845 SCP-3034 — Note: Used experimental radio-wave hacking technology to identify the entity responsible for the transmissions. Due to the resulting intense psychological trauma, amnestics were issued. SCP-2803 — Note: Longest assignment. Developed a pacifying rapport with SCP-2803-A. Upon leaving, Dr. Salas was named "honeraryee TotleighSoft SHAR HLODER off teh MUNF!" (sp) by SCP-2803-A. SCP-231 — Note: Due to staff shortages and logistical issues, Dr. Salas was called in on 4/19/21 to oversee Procedure 110-Montauk. Amnestics were issued immediately thereafter. Council, I've been looking into the history of the volunteer you've allowed to participate in the upcoming 2922-assisted exploration of SCP-7702. I'd be the last to deny that she has - at one point - been a valuable asset here at Site-59. The aspect of sending her on a potential suicide mission sobers me. But that's not why I'm making this request. Site-59's internal mental health department has brought an important variable to my attention. There have been reports of Dr. Salas remembering things she shouldn't have. Nothing illicit, but seemingly mundane information, such as what her breakfast was on the morning before she was amnesticized. There is a nonzero chance that Dr. Salas is immune to amnestics. This is only hypothetical, of course. I'm doubtful that the cause is anomalous; more likely, the product of genetics and incompatible brain chemistry. But if true, this would be the first recorded case of this condition, which the research team and I have since named Myosotis2. I suppose if you extrapolated this problem, we would need to screen all employees for potential Myosotis. On a more relevant note, if Dr. Salas does indeed have Myosotis, then that would mean she remembers having assisted with some of the most mentally scarring assignments we have to offer — including Procedure 110-Montauk, the containment procedures for SCP-2845, and [5/████ CLEARANCE REQUIRED]. In all likelihood, she puts up a front of ignorance to avoid termination, while internally processing an inordinate amount of psychological trauma when alone. The behavioral citations may also have something to do with this. Over the course of her five years of service, I've personally seen her grow more bitter, aggressive, and melancholy by the day. The only times she shows any positive emotions anymore are when she's destroying our morale with tasteless wisecracks. Her poor attitude has alienated her colleagues save for a handful of friends in the IT department, and even they have to walk on eggshells to keep her from cursing someone out. This has also negatively affected her performance. She only really shines when she's working with TotleighSoft anomalies. Word of mouth among staff is that she finds something in the blind naivete of "P. Hudson Gock" that makes her feel nostalgia for when she was still dreaming of joining the Foundation one day, rather than actually participating. (When she first joined us, her enthusiasm for the science of anomalies was infectious. Truth be told, I find it hard to hold this negativity against her — if even the brightest mind among us were resistant to amnestics, they, too, would be struggling like this.) The point is, Dr. Salas's mind is in a very bad place right now, so she may not have volunteered in good faith. I believe she's trying to use an anomaly with a near-100% disappearance rate as a means of suicide. Consider this my request to remand Dr. Salas into observation until an alternative method of amnestics can be implemented. - Director Naismith From: Overseer Council To: Lisle Naismith [pcs.noitadnuof|htimsianl#pcs.noitadnuof|htimsianl] Subject: Personnel Change Request Request denied. Send her into SCP-7702 as planned. "Myosotis" is definitely worth looking into, but it's still only a hypothesis. More research is needed before this condition can be a deciding factor in our operations. As for Dr. Salas — your concern for your employees' well-being is commendable. But you would do well to remember how common it is for civilians to grow to hate their job without supernatural aid. SCP-7702 has not yet appeared in Central Park on a hot day. But the fact that this is hypothetically possible means that we can't waste any more time in finding a way to prevent that from happening. Besides, if she does want to die, then that makes her a more ethical candidate for this investigation than someone who doesn't. - O5-2 Investigation Log - 2/5/22 (The time is 12:59 EST. Dr. Salas activates the hidden camera on her lapel as she steps on the pontoon bridge.) (Proceeding down the bridge, Salas swats away a swarm of gnats.) Salas: Fuck off. (More gnats surround her as she approaches SCP-7702-A. One lands on the camera lens.) Salas: (mumbling) It's all coming together. This state has more than enough land assholes. They gotta fill the air with assholes too. That's science. (She smashes the gnat on the camera, causing severe turbulence in the footage.) (The sudden movement has startled SCP-7702-B awake from a nap in its chair. SCP-7702-B takes the appearance of a middle-aged Caucasian man with a Cajun accent. He wears a striped outfit with a bowtie typical of turn-of-the-century American bartenders.) SCP-7702-B: Aw, hell, did I die in my sleep? Cause you got a look about the eyes like you're the grim reaper himself. Rest of you ain't too bad, though! Rawr. Salas: Thanks for the opinion. Eat a dick. SCP-7702-B: Speakin' of which, I assume you're here 'bout L'Orgasmaise? Salas: The what, now? (SCP-7702-B gasps with delight. He stands up.) SCP-7702-B: My sister in Christ, you don't know about L'Orgasmaise?! Salas: I'm too thirsty to know or care what that is. Do you have something to drink? SCP-7702-B: Ain't that a coincidence. L'Orgasmaise is absolutely something to drink. It is the thing to drink! It's a special kinda moonshine made from a recipe found scrawled on the wall of a dead lunatic's cell in a Baton Rouge asylum. The poor bastard up and went nuts in pursuit of the greatest white lightning on Earth. And he died for it — but the minute he walked past them gates, all the purdiest angels in Heaven lined up two-by-two just to yank up their skirts and twiddle his pickle, 'cause hot DAMN did he ever succeed in what he set out to do! (Salas audibly tries to force a more pleasant tone of voice.) Salas: You know something? I genuinely hate you. Get me your drink and fuck off. SCP-7702-B: That's the spirit, cher! Less talkie, more drinkie. Come on in and drink you some. First one's free! (Salas follows SCP-7702-B into the shack. They sit down at opposite ends of a circular patio table lit by a single kerosene lamp. There's a damp wooden door in the back. A streak of dried blood on the rug leads to the bottom of the door.) (SCP-7702-B pulls out a blurry glass bottle and two shot glasses from a nearby cabinet.) Salas: How can I be sure this isn't just cyanide? SCP-7702-B: Alors pas, darlin' — I'm havin' a shot, too. What's wrong? Have I given you any reason not to trust me? What lies have them Foundation eggheads been tellin' ya? Salas: What "Foundation?" (SCP-7702-B snickers. He leans down and addresses her hidden camera directly.) SCP-7702-B: Check out your girl, all "wHaT fOuNdAtIoN?" (Judging from the sound and SCP-7702-B's reaction, Salas reaches for her gun.) SCP-7702-B: Awww, ain't no need for that, sugarplum! Salas: Give me one reason why not. SCP-7702-B: Just one? Aim higher! I could give ya twelve. Salas: Enough with the bullshit. SCP-7702-B: D'accord, d'accord… (SCP-7702-B's voice completely changes. It drops the accent and addresses Salas with a somber but sympathetic tone.) SCP-7702-B: So long as we're both dropping the act, let's start over. Good afternoon, Dr. Amelia Salas. (Salas's heart rate in the corner of the camera feed spikes.) SCP-7702-B: I've heard a great deal about you from my master. He knows what the Foundation has made you go through. I've seen the memories you've been trying to purge for five years. Salas: How much does your "master" know? (SCP-7702-B glances at the camera, then back to Salas.) SCP-7702-B: Enough to know that you deserve better. So here's my question to you: we both know what the Foundation wants here, but what do you want? Salas: To get this bullshit investigation over with. SCP-7702-B: But after that? … (Salas places her elbows on the table and holds her forehead in her hands.) Salas: …I want it to stop. SCP-7702-B: And "it" is… Salas: Everything! Fucking everything, all right?! I wanna go back to ten years ago when I didn't know anything about the Foundation. It's… look, I wanna get it off my chest, but there's not a lot I can ethically justify explaining to an enemy. SCP-7702-B: Who says you have to be literal about it? Just look at Aesop. He knew that his morals wouldn't have had such lasting power unless he used talking animals. Salas: I guess. I've done things for the safety of the world that require me to… tear out my "I'm still a good person" gland and throw it away. Then immediately afterwards, they give me a prosthetic gland as compensation. But they never have the prosthetic in my size — and if I let them know that, I'm dead. SCP-7702-B: I'm sorry, but that's objectively the shittiest metaphor I've ever heard. Salas: Fuck off. SCP-7702-B: But let's work with it anyway. When you have to tear it out again, do you just tear out something else inside you to keep up the illusion — until you're empty? Salas: …pretty much, yeah. (SCP-7702-B nods, then pours out two shots of the substance in the bottle — a greenish-brown liquid similar in consistency to olive oil.) SCP-7702-B: My master has spoken. He says he'll give you the peace you seek. There are two ways we could go about giving it to you. The first… (SCP-7702-B waves its free hand. Seventeen rusty pipes with sharpened tips fly up from the floor. They float in the air around Salas. She looks around to see what's going on. The camera moves with her enough to display that the bladed end of the pipe is pressing against her femoral artery.) (Her heart rate doubles in the corner of the screen.) SCP-7702-B: ..that's the easy option. But any reward you get out of it will be over before it can be enjoyed. Salas: And what's the other option? (SCP-7702-B grabs one of the full shot glasses and motions for Salas to do the same. She does, causing the pipes to fall against the floor all at once.) SCP-7702-B: It's this. You've probably inferred by now that it isn't whiskey. Salas: Then what is it? SCP-7702-B: I can't truly explain it in any way that makes sense to a human. So here's the short answer: it's the only path to the true serenity that self-important traitors like JALAKÅRA have denied your race. The only way to truly exist. (Seven seconds of silence. The glass quivers in Salas's hand.) Salas: What does it taste like? SCP-7702-B: Orange Faygo. Salas: Fuck it, sold. (They toast. Salas drinks it quickly.) (The heart rate suddenly shifts to zero, where it remains. She falls backwards in her chair.) (SCP-7702-B looms over her. It grins menacingly at the hidden camera. It indicates the full glass of liquid in its hand before shattering it against the wall.) (Over the next minute, SCP-7702-B drags Salas's body into SCP-7702-A. Only bits and pieces of the ceiling can be seen through the camera. Hundreds of flies appear in every sunbeam peeking through the cracked roof.) (The labored breathing of an enormous, unidentified animal can be heard on the other side of the barn.) (Salas falls approximately three meters down a pit in the floor. The sound of her landing is soft and wet. It's too dark to see. More flies are heard.) (SCP-7702-B falls into the pit feet-first. It turns over Salas's body and removes the camera from her blazer. In the process of moving the camera, it's shown that Salas has been placed on top of an unidentifiable amount of decomposing human bodies.) (After climbing up a ladder back to the floor of SCP-7702-A, SCP-7702-B places the camera on the floor. The accent from the initial meeting returns.) SCP-7702-B: Alors, before I pack my bags again, I got a present for y'all. This here's a performance art piece I like to call "La seule chose que je dis à la Fondation", and it goes a little somethin' like this… (SCP-7702-B disrobes and starts angrily urinating on the camera. The feed cuts off seven seconds later.) (Note: The camera's remains were recovered in the resulting instance of SCP-7702-C, along with a small puddle of the caustic substance that destroyed it.) Update: Immediately following Dr. Salas's death in the investigation, the phone at Site-59 assigned to her SCP-2922 implant received 2,384 voicemail messages over the course of five seconds. (It is unknown how SCP-2922 was able to circumvent the phone's data storage limits.) Efforts to transcribe the messages and to contact Dr. Salas are ongoing via Project Thökk… @ + Project Thökk Logs, Part 1 of 2 [abridged] - [Close] Notice from the Project Thökk Transcription Team First of all, this log has been abridged to allow for only the significant portions. For the unabridged log, please contact us directly. I've heard reports from the telepathy research department about Dr. Salas's particular iteration of SCP-2922. They've been tinkering with a copy of the SCP-2922 to make a newer version that could better help the exploration of areas like Corbenic. This prototype version was given to Salas. What this means in the way of transcription is that the logs also pick up any noise picked up by Salas's ears. We don't believe that Salas was aware that she had transmitted some of these. - Keith Pauling, Chief Transcription Liaison for Project Thökk Project Thökk Transmission #1 (The sound of a light breeze blowing through dense foliage is heard.) Salas: …there's an afterlife, isn't there? Godfuckingdammit. (Footsteps through thick grass, presumably Salas's.) You know what I hate the most about 2922? No dial tone. You can never tell if it's working. So I'm just gonna leave this shit on for as long as possible until someone picks up the phone. Shouldn't be too hard. Anyway, hey guys, it's me, Janet Spiegel of the Three Moons Initiative. I hate you guys so much that I ditched my husband to eat the Spider God's asshole for eternity or whatever. (She chuckles.) FOR SECURITY PURPOSES I SHOULD CLARIFY THAT I'M KIDDING. …fuckin' tightwads. Last thing I can remember was having a shot of something that absolutely did not taste like Orange Faygo. My chest seized up as soon as the first drop hit my tongue. I heard my head crack against the floor. It sounded like someone breaking a handful of chalk by squeezing their fist. It disturbed me, all right. But in terms of pain…is it weird that dying was just mildly uncomfortable, at the worst? That poison must have also numbed me. OH! That reminds me! I'm dead, so I'm no longer under the disciplinary team's jurisdiction. With that in mind, here's my uncensored opinion of everyone at Site-59, in alphabetical order… [This section ran for 28 minutes and 15 seconds. The transcription team has voted unanimously against adding it to the record.] …eh, I'll just finish this later once I remember that janitor's name. But it's not like I have anything better to do, so I'll describe my surroundings. Sky: pastel pink. Overcast with white clouds. I can't find the sun, but it's pretty hot here; I'd say 30° C. I'm in a rainforest with some white limestone plateaus in the near distance. I'm surrounded by navy-blue ferns, green-petaled sunflowers, and black ponds. Everything's wet. The air smells like a mile-high heap of ground cinnamon - it's hard to breathe sometimes. The only animals I've seen so far are these tiny black & white frogs. Their front legs are the amphibian equivalent of bat wings. They don't croak or chirp, they just make this low booming moan sound, loud enough for a creature twenty times its size. They can fly and swim, but they seem to have trouble walking. There's a ton of these little fuckers. What's more, I woke up with my clothes. Or at least I think they are. It takes the appearance and color of what I was wearing, but the material feels different — almost like dry leaves. I felt some vines under the small of my back snap as I got up. I'm starting to think that some kind of jungle plant grew some clothes around me. That's… nice of that plant, I guess. Bet it didn't think I'd reward it with mutilation. Lemme check where my back was. (Her footsteps sound again.) Yep, the clothes plant is dead. Look, I've heard talk about 7702 being associated with Corbenic, but this isn't like anything from the reports from Galahad. This ain't Corbenic. Part of me still doubts Corbenic even exists in the first place. I don't know what the hell this place is. Then again, I also haven't moved more than five feet from where I woke up. You know what? I'll go ahead and give this dimension a serious look-around for y'all — but only on the condition that if other humans find it, we don't start immediately murdering the natives and putting Burger Kings over their monuments. I don't wanna put "I helped with that" on my resume. (She laughs sardonically. The laughter quickly fades.) On second thought, I've done worse by default. (Leaves are heard violently rustling nearby.) Huh? (There's a sudden, piercing sound that has the properties of a howl, a purr, and a battle cry. While menacing, there's also an inexplicably joyful tone in the sound.) Project Thökk Transmission #2 (Salas breaths heavily.) Salas: So, uh, think I lost him for now. I wanna say I ran into some kind of local apex predator, but… it was wearing pants. Just, these baggy and crudely-woven linen trousers. But it was trying to pounce on me teeth-first. I feel like knowing why the local carnivore wears pants is above my pay grade, and— (The sound happens again.) Salas: Aaaand, here he is now. Say hi, jackass. (Snarling. The sound of a struggle.) [Note: The tone of Salas's voice carries a different cadence than her telepathic transmissions. Hereafter, "(V)" will be used to indicate what she speaks rather than what she thinks, whereas (M) will denote mental transmissions.] Salas (V): Get the fuck off me! (The struggle stops.) (The entity that made the howling noise vocalizes questioningly.) Salas (V): What?! (It speaks in a raspy and animalistic basso-profundo tone, notably masculine.) Entity: The food talks? Salas (V): Call me "the food" again. Do it. (The entity groans with disappointment. Its body can be heard slumping off of Salas's.) Entity: Talk-food is not eat-food. Salas (V): The hell are you talking about? Entity: Um… were you really looking forward to being eat-food? Sorry to disappoint you. I mean, if it's anything, I do think you look tasty, it's just — I don't know how to describe it, but eating talk-food always has this big pile of sad about it afterwards, you know? Salas (V): I am not food. Entity: Look, talk-food, I dunno how to tell you this, but everything in the Universe is either food or try-real-hard-food. Salas (V): My name is Amelia. Entity: Melyah-food! That's a new one. Salas (V): FUCK OFF! (The entity gasps with delight.) Entity: I like yelling, too! Salas (V): Ugh, just— Entity: YELLING! YEEEELLLIIIING! (It laughs triumphantly.) Entity: You must be a warrior. I like you! Salas (V): That's great. I want to bash your fucking head in. Entity: See? Warrior! If my intuition is correct — and it never isn't not incorrect — I think the good talk-foods of Beaconridge are also gonna make liking-you noises at you. Salas (V): Stop touching my face. Now. (The Entity can be heard backing away.) Salas (V): Thank you. Entity: Did you just issue me an order? …and then thank me for my service? By the mist below! Do you have any idea what this means?! Salas (V): That you understand the bare minimum about personal boundaries. Entity: It means you're also a KING! (The entity's body slams against the ground, presumably in prostration.) Entity: Sire! … Salas (V): I'm leaving. Do not follow me. (Footsteps. The entity's voice is now in the distance.) Entity: Awaiting your next command, Melyah-King! Salas (V): I'M A FUCKING WOMAN. Entity: Forgive me, Melyah-KingWarrriorTalkFoodWoman! Project Thökk Transmission #3 (Trickling water.) Salas (M): Finally got some distance between me and the weirdo. Sitting by a stream. Found some small fish that were pretty mundane-looking until I saw their folded-up arthropod legs. The fish don't talk — which means they can't say stupid crap about talk-food, so they're now tied with the flying frogs for my favorite animals here. Now that I think about it, this could part of Corbenic after all. Maybe a very distant part of it where you can't see the Moons. I say this because all the cuts and scrapes I took from fighting off that freak healed back up in less than five minutes. Save for the memories of taking the blows, I feel good as new. Speaking of that guy earlier — and he seemed pretty masculine, so I'm calling him a guy until I learn otherwise — I should probably describe him while I still have some peace and quiet. For starters, I got a closer look at the pants. They're not actually linen. I think they might be made from the woven fibers of an extremely soft and pliable kind of wood. I hope it chafes like hell. Bipedal, four limbs, stood upright, thin, a human mouth…But that's where the similarities to a human end. He's covered in these smooth scales that are dull-golden in color. There are black circles around his eyes — not like it's from fatigue, more like two permanent black eyes. Black lips. Fangs, blue eyes with pupils like vertical slits. A nose more like a cat than that of a primate. Four-fingered hands tipped with black claws. I didn't get a good look at his feet — I think he keeps his heels hidden in his pants, always standing on his three lanky tiptoes. No nipples or bellybutton. At first I thought he had this huge head of fluffy white hair — it's feathers. Long white feathers, dotted here and there with smaller red ones, sticking up half a meter from his head. Down his back. On the backs of his forearms. It smells like wildflowers. In short, he looks like the eventual genetic result of a thousand generations of every animal in the world systematically fucking each others' brains out. Oh, I almost forgot to mention the weirdest part: he's about three meters tall, at the absolute least. Whenever he spoke to me, he had to squat like a Russian teenager. He'd touch my face every now and then. It didn't feel like he was asserting dominance or anything, more like…exploring? He must have been curious. (Sigh.) Now that I think about it, he didn't seem malicious at all once he found out I could talk. In his own way, he was trying to treat me like a guest. Maybe I was too hard on him. Then again, I'm dead, so he did meet me at a pretty stressful time of my life. I hope I get see him again so we can explain ourselves better. So, until he tells me his name, I'm gonna call him… Tallboy, I guess? Reasons being: 1. He's pretty tall, and 2. I miss booze… …oh, my God, that's right. I don't know if this dimension has anything I could get drunk with. … That one lab report in sixth grade. We had to make wine out of grape juice from concentrate. They even let us sip a little for posterity. Everyone but me said it tasted awful. How did we do it?! The one time in my life I have to reverse-engineer it, and…why the fuck didn't I pay attention?! … (The sound of a human fist hitting a tree at a high velocity.) Project Thökk Transmission #4 (Aggressive splashing noises.) Salas (M): Heh, yeah, it's me again. Listen… remember when I said I hoped I'd get to see Tallboy again? Entity Tallboy: Melyah! MELYAAAAH! Salas (M): Kill me. (Even more aggressive splashing.) Tallboy: (Unintelligible; closest approximation is "look how many fish I can fit in my mouth!") Salas (V): Yes. Yes. You are an excellent hunter-gatherer. Go away. Tallboy: (Unintelligible) (Splashing noises, followed by fast-approaching stomping.) Salas (V): What are you doing…? (The stomping grows closer.) Salas (V): No! STOP THAT—! (Squishing, flapping sounds. Amelia screams and chokes.) Tallboy: Astounding! That's even more fish than I started out with. You'll fit right in at Beaconridge, my dear talk-food! Salas (V): (Muffled yelling.) Project Thökk Transmission #5 (A campfire crackles nearby.) Tallboy: …so you're telling me that your species doesn't like being fish-throated? (Salas's struggles to speak for a few seconds, but her throat regenerates.) Salas (V): I mean, if you did that in my world, I'd choke and die. Tallboy: What is "die?" Salas (V): Well, it's— Salas (M): Hang on, no. I don't wanna deal with the philosophical implications of introducing the concept of death to a world that knows nothing about it. Tallboy: Ohhh, do you mean the thing the fish do when you hit them a lot? Salas (V): I — yes, that's exactly what happens. Their wounds don't regenerate? Tallboy: They stop moving forever, if that's what you mean. The smaller animals can't heal like we do. Salas (V): So what's your word for when a fish does that? Tallboy: Dinner! Salas (M): …don't laugh — dont encourage him — stiff upper lip, Amy… Tallboy: Why do you smile? Salas (M): FUCKING SHIT ON A ROUNDED WHORETANGLE. Tallboy: Ah, I'm sure you've got your secret Melyah-King reasons for smiling. Reminds me, though — have I told you my name yet? Salas (V): I don't think you have. Tallboy Feck: I'm Feck. I don't know how to spell it, but this one guy in Beaconridge says it's "F-E-C-K." Salas (V): Lemme guess, is he Irish? Feck: What is "Irish?" Salas (V): (With an Irish accent) Does he talk like this, boyo? Feck: (Tiny gasp) You know him! Salas (M): Called it. Salas (V): Not him, just where he came from before he went to, uh… what do you call this place, anyway? Feck: The part you want to see is Beaconridge. The rest? Like here? This forest? Those mountains? The mist below the cliff? (He sighs sadly.) …the name of this place is "the reason you'll want to stay in Beaconridge." (Sounds consistent with a large man standing up from a log.) Listen - not even a warrior-king like you would be safe out here for much longer. If I promise not to fish-throat you again, could I take you to Beaconridge? Project Thökk Transmission #6 Salas (M): Finally found the real name for this dimension: it's called "Kegelapan." True to my guess, Beaconridge is Kegelapan's human settlement. It's bigger than I anticipated; I'd say between 400-600 people live here. Apparently every human who lives here fell for SCP-7702-B's little trick at one point or another, whether or not they remember it. The only exception is Lord Vee, who's just… always been here, and he doesn't remember why. (More on Lord Vee in a moment.) Feck took me as far as the gate. He refused to go in. He had this look about his face that was between sad and humorous when he said he wasn't allowed in. I'm still not sure what exactly he was talking about, but here's what Feck told me about his standing in Beaconridge… Feck, his twin sister Trow3, and this human king named Lord Vee have been living in Kegelapan longer than any of the other humans here — so long that their memory only goes a few decades back. Vee rules the humans in Beaconridge, Feck guards the humans of Beaconridge from the jungle's monsters, and Trow… Trow's the local Grinch. Feck's the only one who shows any positive emotion when he speaks of her, and even he's a little conflicted. Maybe it's because they're family? She lives up high in the nearby plateaus. (Again, Grinch.) She hates the crap out of humans — especially Vee — and sends these monsters called "Scrapes" every now and then to carry off whatever prisoners they can. And wouldn't you know it, that's also the reason that Feck can't enter the town. Vee thinks very highly of Feck, but everyone else… well, being Trow's brother carries the typical guilt-by-association bullshit. So he's been trying to fight off Trow's monsters to get back on the town's good side. He's been trying for decades now, and not making much headway. He can only live in a nasty little cave in a hill over Beaconridge, where he rests in-between guard duties. I really hope someone goes out there to be his friend. Maybe he's completely insufferable, but who wouldn't be after decades of being treated like him? … …I swear to God, if I'm actually getting emotionally invested in this giant golden moron, I'm gonna pluck out my eyeballs and eat them on garlic toast. Project Thökk Transmission #10 Salas (M): Getting settled in here in Beaconridge. Everyone speaks the same language here; my guess is that it's a perception-filter situation. Just to confirm, I spoke with this one priest dude who said he only spoke English. I asked him several questions in Spanish and Japanese, and he understood them perfectly. The whole town's on the edge of a cliff over a huge chasm. No one's seen the bottom of the chasm — there's this pale green mist all over the bottom. (That's where they get the name of a town, by the way. The edge of the cliff is marked by purple-flamed torches after dark.) Most basic amenities (food, clothes, etc.) come from these little plants called "serfblooms" growing at the edges of town. The first serfbloom I dealt with was the one that grew clothes around me. Having clothes grown around you is just as much of a daily ritual here as brushing your teeth. The main industry here comes in the form of the "finders." Everyone either is a finder or wants to eventually become one. Finders like rappelling down the cliff and into the caves on the side. Apparently the caves are full of random treasure. And I mean really random — it's never shit like diamonds or jewelry, but food, books from different worlds, animals, livestock, toys, clothes — sometimes it's the most mundane shit, other times it's the kind of things you'd expect to find contained at one of our facilities. You'd think the caves would run out of this stuff — but no, it's a different cave with different stuff every day. Brownie points to whoever their god is for finding a way to alleviate boredom. The biggest find last week was a unicorn. And not even a figurative unicorn or a statue of one, I mean an honest-to-god white unicorn. I saw it shown off the town square. …poor little shit's covered in fleas. I'm about to meet Lord Vee for my intake. Vee's right-hand man is this buff guy with curly hair. He answers to "The Greek." (His proper name must be an unlockable privilege for the local-est of locals.) The Greek doesn't say much, but ever since I brought up the Foundation, I don't think he trusts me that much… Project Thökk Transmission #11 The Greek: Conduct yourself with reverence when the curtain opens. You cannot kill Lord Vee, but it is entirely possible to ruin his day, and that is equally unforgivable. Salas (V): Okay, but where did I indicate that I had any interest in killing him? The Greek: Where did I indicate that you are entitled to my trust, woman?! Salas (M): I hope you get a Lego stuck under your right eyelid and it cheese-graters your eye into a fine, gelatinous sludge over the course of twelve years. Salas (V): Fair enough! (A curtain is drawn back.) The Greek: Master. Salas (M): That is a nine year old Mormon boy sitting on a throw pillow. Vee: That's a Dr. Amelia Salas, all right. Wa-ooooh. Salas (M): …who talks like an old chain smoker on quaaludes. Yeah, why not? Vee: See what I did there, that was me drawing out "wow" for a long time. Makes it two syllables. Salas (V): Yeah, I figured. Are you all right? Vee: Pardon? Salas (V): It's just, you seem a little… The Greek: She has disrespected you, sire. Shall I throw her off the cliff? Salas (M): Shit. (Vee suddenly breaks into sleepy fits of giggling.) Vee: Noooooo! No no no nooo! Don't do her a throw off the cliff! You're so silly. See, Dr. Salas, I'm feeling a little loopy because I'm in the middle of some very intense meditation. (Vee slaps a hand repeatedly against something.) Salas (M): Just noticed this now. His right hand is bulky. It's covered by an ornately woven silk handkerchief of some sort. Vee: I'm an Esto practicioner. Esto is the art of attaining true happiness. My forefathers perfected it over many ages. I'm one of the last people alive who can teach it. I'm teaching the Greek right now. Aren't I? (The Greek chuckles through his nose haughtily.) The Greek: There is no purer satisfaction. But I have only scraped the surface as of yet. Even a man like the Buddha could only dream of what Lord Vee has achieved. Vee: So don't mind me if I seem a little silly. How about you, Dr. Salas? What brings you here? Salas (V): I mean, if you know my name, you probably know how I got here. Vee: Sure! But I wanna hear your answer. Salas (V): Okay, well… (Salas explains the story so far.) Vee: WA-oooh. Salas (V): Yeah. Vee: …to clarify, that was me taking "wow" and— Salas (V): Y-yeah, you don't have to tell me that again. Vee: Well, usually when people get this far in Beaconridge, they wanna learn how to be a finder. Who knows what you'll find in the caves? You could even find your way back home. Salas (M): I would rather shit into my open mouth than go back to being the Foundation's traumatic memory pincushion. Salas (V): I hope I find something else. Vee: (Laughing) Don't shit into your open mouth! That's silly! Salas (M): …can this little fucker read my thoughts? Vee: Your thoughts are silly. Salas (M): I did not mean to call you that. Vee: Well, I can see your thoughts. I can see what you want. You've seen a universe that's unsalvageably chaotic. You've been forced to compromise every value that separates you from monsters in the name of job safety. When you started working for the Foundation, you wanted to use the power of science to save the world. You spent your tenure at Site-59 being told, over and over, that there's nothing to save but the status quo. So what do you want? Salas (V): I want it to stop. Vee: You want a fight you can win. Something you can save without complications. Salas (V): I want it to stop. Vee: But what's "it"? … Salas (V): Fighting a losing battle. (Vee giggles again.) Vee: I talked to Mr. Feck. He says you're a warrior. Salas (V): He only called me that because he heard me yell a few times. By that logic, he'd probably think a trombone is a warrior. (The sound of metal being drawn against metal is heard.) Salas (M): Vee just pulled a sword out of thin air. A European hand-and-a-half longsword, by the looks of it. Vee: This was found in the cave last month. Wes was the finder, so it belonged to him. Salas (V): And where's Wes? Vee: The Scrapes took him away. … It belongs to you now. Project Thökk Transmission #15 (Fires crackle. A church bell rings. Some people are yelling indistinct evacuation orders.) Salas (M): I finally got a look at one of those "Scrape" things. Imagine a sea urchin, but every spine is the blade of an old, rusty pair of scissors with a poisoned tip. The spines can bend enough that they can be walked on like a hundred disorganized pairs of legs. Each Scrape's about the size of one of a U-Haul truck. They carry their victims away by impaling them on the tips of their spines like decorations. And worst of all… (A high-pitched chirping noise accompanies the scraping of metal on cobblestones.) Salas (M): …their voices are so fucking cute. Project Thökk Transmission #16 Salas (V): …but you have a goddamn pitchfork. There's a bulbous wad of flesh in the middle of each and every one of them. How many arteries could you sever at once with a single thrust? Farmer: They're invincible. Salas (V): You literally just said that their wounds don't regenerate fifty-three seconds ago. Another Farmer: Leave him alone! His son was taken by the Scrapes. Salas (V): Then let's avenge him! Farmer: My son said the same things you do. Merchant: So what if they can die? Lord Vee said that fighting a Scrape is forbidden to everyone but Feck. Salas (V): So, what, is this what fucking happens when everyone in a town full of puppets asks the Blue Fairy to turn them into a real BITCH?! Priest: Your need inner peace. Have you tried the Way of Esto? Project Thökk Transmission #17 (The church bells sound more quickly. Scrapes can be heard chirping in a dissonant chorus. Every so often, one screams a little shriller, followed by the clattering of steel on the ground.) (Feck laughs though his warbling war-cry.) Feck: WAR-FOOD! (Flesh tears from flesh. Feck gargles liquid that pours into his mouth.) (Running footsteps. The gargling draws closer.) Feck: Melyah?! Salas (V): Yo. Feck: It's nice to see you, but the not-getting-hurt direction is the other way. Salas (V): That's great. I have a sword and I need an outlet for my anger issues. Feck: What is "outlet?" Salas (V): Fuck you. Feck: You're still running in the get-stabbed-a-lot direction. Curious as to why. Salas (V): Don't care. Wounds regenerate. Gonna fight the Scrapes. Feck: But can you use the war-hurt-thing? (Wet, squelching noise. Feck vocalizes in brief, extreme pain.) Feck: I see. Very good! (More Scrape vocalizations. The noise converges on Salas.) Salas (M): …am I supposed to not be feeling this much pain? Did my nervous system just quit?! (Wet stabbing noises. She shrieks.) Salas (M): Mommy, I would like to go home now. (A series of brief, rapid chirping. It sounds vaguely like laughter.) Salas (V): Stop JUDGING ME! (Stab. A Scrape cries out in extreme pain.) Salas (M): Oh my sweet merciful shit, that actually worked. (The Scrapes chirp nervously.) Salas (M): It just fell apart with one thrust. Is that normal? I mean, Feck's been ripping them apart by the blades, but… (Feck chuckles.) Feck: They're scared, Melyah. I've destroyed many. But they've never seen your kind do it. (The Scrapes' movements fade into the distance.) Salas (M): I don't know what to say. When's the last time I felt like this? It's… nice. Salas (V): Hey, Feck? Feck: HA! Forgetting my name is an enemy in itself, and you have destroyed that as well! Salas (V): Can we, I dunno, do this again sometime? Feck: The war-food comes always. If you enjoy their coming, you'd be one of two people with that opinion. Salas (V): And who's the other person? Feck: The one who's about to throw you into the air in triumph. Salas (V): Wait, wha— (Sounds of a brief struggle.) Feck: VICTORY THROW! THE SKY KISSES YOUR FACE! (His voice fades into the distance.) Feck: WAIT, IS THIS ALSO A THING YOU DON'T LIKE? (Splat.) Feck: Ohhh… just a minor criticism: the ground is not a good place to put your viscera. Salas (M): Why aren't you guys answering the fucking phone? Project Thökk Transmission #18 Salas (M): Took me a whole year, but I finally found someone else who was with the Foundation in Beaconridge. Her name's Dr. Rodina Nicolescu. She used to be with Site-19. Maybe her name will pop up in your records somewhere. Dr. Nicolescu worked with temporal anomalies for the most part. Through talking with her, I went over the problems I've been having with your chronic failure to answer the phone when I call. And as much as this solution sickens me, it seems to make the most sense. She thinks there's some kind of time-dilation effect in this dimension. One second would pass in your world, but here, it would take… weeks? Months? Maybe years? Either way, sorry for nagging you guys so much. Even if you could pick up the phone at this point, it would probably sound like (makes some quick, high-pitched "chipmunk" noises) or something. Anyway, it's been about a year (our time) since my last transmission. Vee was impressed with how I handled my first Scrape. He still doesn't think the other humans should fight them — keeps saying they're "not ready" — but he appointed me the co-protector of the city, along with Feck. I've been learning more about these Scrape things. The poison on the tips of their blades isn't actually poison - it's a crude anesthetic. If I didn't know better, I'd say these Scrapes aren't here to kill anyone. (chuckles) Sorry, I just realized how stupid that sounds. No human dies here. But they're not here to torture, either — just to terrify and subdue. I guess Trow has something resembling a conscience, or at least a moral compass. But even if she does, no one's seen hide or hair of her for years, and no one knows her motivation other than "fuck off, humans." For all we know, she could be gone, leaving an educated Scrape in charge. I'm having more fun than I did at Site-59, no doubt. I'd be lying if I said this was all fun and games, but at least I'll never have to see [REDACTED], [REDACTED], or [REDACTED], or take part in [REDACTED] again. Project Thökk Transmission #73 Salas (V): The fuck are you on about?! Wallace4: I said, your barter's no good here. Salas (V): I got that part. What I need is an explanation. Wallace: Need it, then. … Salas (V): …so, am I stealing the beer I was asking for — Wallace: Leave before I call the Greek over. Salas (V): Adorable. You really think he's gonna risk losing more people to Scrapes by throwing half the security force off the cliff? Wallace: What, are we supposed to trust you, now? After all you've done to enable Feck? He's been waiting for his chance to let all the Scrapes in through the back door for his sister, and here you are, thinking, "Wow. That's a real stand-up sorta guy. I'd better help him." (A small bottle uncorks.) Wallace: What are you doing? …is that paint? Is this your idea of vandalism? Salas (V): Scrape mating pheromones. Your booth's about to meet the love of its life. Salas (M): (Actually, it's berry juice.) (Wallace shuffles through supplies, trying to find something to wipe it off.) Salas (V): (Chortling) Oh, it doesn't wipe off. It just spreads. Wallace: What's the point of this? Petty revenge?! Well, mission accomplished. Salas (V): The point is hand over all your beer. Now. Wallace: Why?! After what you've done — Salas (V): Because I have more. (The clinking of bottles being handed over.) Salas (V): Not so hard, was it? Wallace: Go away. Salas (V): Laters! (Six seconds of footsteps.) Wallace: (mumbling) I hope Feck gives you a meter-wide anus. (Glass bottles crash in the distance.) Wallace: GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OFF The Greek: Salas! Salas (M): Worth it. Project Thökk Transmission #74 Salas (M): So, the little house I had on the northern cliffside… they kinda gave it to Wallace to be his new shop. Vee tried to vouch for me, but Wallace's drinking buddies make up the entire justice council. So until I come back into the townspeople's good graces, I have to live in this stupid cave with — Feck: Melyah! Look! Look! Salas (M): One sec. Feck: I made you a teller-vision for your sleep-room! You can watch all your story-shows on it. Salas (M): Feck's showing me this slab of wood. He drew a picture of a frowny face on it with berry juice. Feck: You like drama-story-shows, right? This is called "The man who is always sad." Try as he might, his expression never changes — SCRAPES! Salas (V): Where?! Feck: Behind you! Quickly! (Her sword clatters in her hands.) Salas (V): Come out, motherfuckers, I'll — where are they? (Feck snickers.) (Salas sighs.) Salas (V): Okay, what did you do? Feck: Look at the teller-vision again. Salas (M): He just drew angry eyebrows on the frowny face. Feck: PLOT TWIST! Project Thökk Transmission #239 Salas (M): Hey, remember the Greek? Dude's warmed up to me a little. But I'm starting to think that being on his good side is a little worse than being on his bad side. He told me the most fucked-up story yesterday. I ended up writing down most of what I could. Some of it was from memory. I think it gave me some insight into this "Esto" religion that keeps making the rounds. Now I'm positive that it's something I wanna stay as far away from as possible. Lemme see if I can pull it up — oh, hey, forgot my handwriting's basically "monkey taking a piss in the shape of the alphabet" tier. This might take a while. Before I came here, my name was Xanthias. I was a slave from the first time I opened my eyes to the last time I closed them on Earth. My one living relative was an older brother named Medon — he was also a slave. I cherished him more than anything else. His were the unwavering arms that sheltered me from our cruelest masters. I was born in Athens. It was never a good life — Medon and I were passed around from master to master, praying to Athena that this one would be a little kinder. But once the Persians took the city, I began to yearn for the past, when life was merely intolerable rather than excruciating. King Dareios and his demons blamed all Athenians equally for some nonsense in Ionia. The stench of corpses choked the air of every street. We were handed off to one of Dareios's close associates, a general who lived in Ecbatana. The general gave me the title of cupbearer. He never once asked me to bear a cup. "Cupbearer" must have been a euphemism for everything else he did to me. As my torments grew daily, so did Medon's desire for revenge. One night, when the general had too much to drink, Medon smothered both him and his wife as they lay in their beds. And since they were the general's guests at the time, Medon turned his blade on King Dareios. Had he drawn the knife an instant sooner, you would have known Medon today as the man who slew Darius the Great. Medon was sentenced unto the boats. Have you heard of it? …before I describe it to you, have you eaten recently? The boats were the Persians' specialty. Medon was clasped in a coffin of two boats facing one another. His hands, feet, and head were exposed. Torturers forced milk and honey down his throat. Bathed him in it. Medon and his prison were left in a pond to decay in the open sunlight. Every so often the Persians would come to feed him once more. I fled my new master and searched throughout the countryside for Medon. For two weeks, I was unsuccessful. But on the fifteenth day, when I found him, every manner of verminous pest had been summoned by two weeks of vomit and excrement. He was being devoured from within. And he was smiling. Once I had finished weeping, I leaned down to break his neck. But my brother spoke, and a mouthful of biting flies slurred his speech. "No, Xanthias. The darkest and coldest house in Hades is reserved for he who kills his own brother out of jealousy." "Jealousy?" said I. "Is it so unusual that you would be jealous? Thousands upon thousands of new and curious children are born from my flesh. Life has begun upon my soil, and I have become a world. The instant I ceased my resistance, Prince VUUOU5 anointed me in my waking dreams. My agony cleansed me of all worldly and temporary joys. Only the secret immortal light remained, the one that shines the brightest in adversity. And when that light was no longer smothered by mundane comfort… I became the king who rules myself. By my divine right, I abolished everything but truth and beauty from my kingdom. Fiakh Duhazh Esto. Fiakh Duhazh Esto! FIAKH DUHAZH ESTO!" By then, I had broken his neck. His last breath was spent on a squeal of joy, as if he were in the arms of a vicious lover twice his size. His broken body burned itself into my mind as an ashen silhouette. It was not even my fear that overcame me - I was mystified by how anyone could find such happiness in the worst tortures imaginable. I had no want of his fate. But I needed the peace he had found. For years, I was in the thrall of that singular image worse than I had ever been in the thrall of a slaver. I thought I was going mad. Seeking anything to take my mind off that moment, I wandered aimlessly toward the east, stealing meals from towns I'd never visit again, scraping by as a vagrant. My madness only ended the day I died, alone and naked, in the stable of someone else's diseased horse. Because when I closed my eyes for the last time… I opened them to see VUUOU, smiling down upon me. He asked of me, "Did it hurt when you died?" I nodded. "Did the littlest creatures of the stables feast upon you?" I nodded. "And how did it feel?" I replied: "I still do not understand." "You will, Xanthias. The longer the adversity, the more beauty is forged within…" Project Thökk Transmission #432 Salas (M): I think I have a serious problem. I should preface this with Feck's new side gig. He's always wanted to go on those little "finder" missions for treasure. But there used to be this Catch-22 about it: on one hand, the humans get really pissed if Feck joins them during daylight hours. (Y'know, because they're morons.) On the other, he could go down and do it properly at night — but nighttime's when the Scrapes attack. So up until a few months ago, Feck's been confined topside. But one night, Feck remarked that I've grown strong enough to hypothetically handle a Scrape attack on my own. So I told myself, "y'know what? This guy's been working his ass off to protect people who won't even give him the time of day. He deserves a day off." I offered to let Feck go down the cliff for one night a week while I handled the spiky boys. That made Feck so happy that he… punched himself in the head a few times? (Good to know he can still be confusing as hell.) So the little deal we had going on worked without a hitch for a few weeks. I was worried I'd get in over my head, but the little pit and net traps I've set up for the Scrapes seemed to be doing the trick. But here's where my aforementioned problem comes into play… Yesterday was Feck's day off again. When he came back, he brought a few cases of Modelo with him. (Apparently the treasures in the caves comes from the residents' subconscious being given form.) But he came back five hours late. Because when I saw him rappel down as usual, his rope snapped. (Sigh.) I mean, obviously he's okay now, he climbed back up. He made it out like he always does. And he's immortal like I am! But I saw him go flailing into the mist. I must have stared after him for an hour. I left when the Scrapes started coming. If anything, the intense emotions I was feeling at the time helped with fighting them off. Put a little extra fuel in each thrust. … This is so fucking embarrassing. Barring the collective free space of my infancy, I have cried a total of six times in my life. The first was when my goldfish died, two through four was when my dogs died, the fifth was after my turn with Procedure 110-Montauk. The sixth was for this stupid-ass dinosaur. Project Thökk Transmission #583 Vee: Dr. Saaaa. Salas (V): We came as soon as we could. What's going on — Vee: Laaaaas. Salas (M): Please let this conversation take less than five minutes. Feck: Is this about the having-a-lot-of and being-all-over-the-place that the Scrapes have been doing of late? Vee: How very astute! Feck: Teehee. Ass toot. (Salas stifles a giggle.) The Greek: Feck, for the love of— Vee: Feck may speak as he sees fit. But yes, this does regard the Scrapes. I'm not so much concerned with the number of Scrapes as with the number of my fellow humans going missing. Salas (V): Yeah, about that — this isn't sustainable. Ten people were carried off in the last week alone. Feck: Melyah, we're doing the best we can… Salas (V): Exactly! We've been busting our asses and it's only gotten worse. There's only one solution: we need more people on the defensive. (Vee sighs.) Vee: You're right… you're very right. In a perfect world, I'd have everyone pulling their weight. But do you know why I made the taboo against fighting the Scrapes in the first place? Because you and Feck are the only people who know how to fight them effectively. Salas (V): Who says we can't train some new people? Vee: And who says they'll listen? It's a shame that their distrust runs so deep, but that's the human experience in a nutshell. But I didn't come here just to tell you it's hopeless. I've come into some new information. Something that could make Scrape attacks a distant memory. Feck: You found Trow?! Vee: Yes. Salas (V): Great, so when do we gank her? Feck: NO! Salas (M): Oh, right, they're a dysfunctional family. Feck: Trow is not a bad person-thing. Trow is… confused. The Scrapes must have mind-changed-around her. Turned her into Fake-Trow. Real-Trow is kind. Sweet. And almost as pretty as Melyah! Salas (V): Never call me that again. Feck: I refuse to say lie-words! The Greek: Your sister is a murderer. Feck: Your mouth is a shit-craftsman. Vee: Guys, guys… I'm not telling you to kill her. Whatever we think of Trow, she's just as immortal as any of us. But Feck has a point. Trow is not acting on her own free will. Keep this on the down-low, but I've heard whispers among the frogs and the weasel-mice of the valley. Salas (M): Because of fucking course he has. Vee: And they've said that the reason for Trow's hatred of mankind is something in her possession called the Plate of Remembrance. If you take that Plate of Remembrance away from her, then not only will your sister come to her senses, Feck, but the attacks will stop, and the people of Beaconridge will see how wrong they've been about you. Salas (V): That sounds like a good idea. Right, Feck? … Feck: I don't care what the talk-foods think of me. So long as they're being happy with the other talk-foods, Feck is happy. But the other goal-stuff sounds nice! Project Thökk Transmission #584 Salas (M): It was three-day-long shitshow getting up the Stairs Made of Cliffs - it's literally called that on this map of Kegalapan, by the way - but I'm just about to crawl over the last cliff. Feck's handling the Scrape attacks back home. (I can't believe I just called it "home" just now.) Only a few Scrapes saw me on the way up, and I took care of them pretty quickly. What really concerns me is the potential nest of Scrapes I'm about to enter. Well, just gonna peek my head over for posterity, and — … What in the hickory-dickory-dick am I looking at? Project Thökk Transmission #585 Salas (M): I'm at the edge of Kegalapan. I don't mean a border - it's the literal goddamn edge of the world. Behind me, there's a horizon, a cloud layer, and a distant path to the mist below. In front of me, there's… Nothing. Empty white space. It's too bright to look at sometimes. The ground ends in jagged, triangular cut-outs. If I look closely, the cut-outs correspond to the same shape that makes the Scrapes' blades. Is this how the Scrapes are made? Are they constructed from these shards of empty space being painted and sharpened to a point? The only thing beyond the edge is this crooked path leading to a hill where these spatial-fragments have been piled up on top of one another. Like a heap of scrap paper. There's big hole in the top of the pile from the walkway. Nowhere to go but in… "Childe Roland to the dark tower came." …oh, fuck off, that's the one cool thing I remember from AP English Lit. Project Thökk Transmission #586 (Cacophonous chirping and cutting noises. Salas screams and gargles.) Salas (M): I FUCKING HATE THESE GUYS I FUCKING HATE THESE GUYS I FUCKING HATE THESE GUYS I [Truncated for redundancy] Project Thökk Transmission #587 (The sound of slow, wet footsteps, with Salas dragging the sword behind her. They echo throughout a small cave tunnel.) Salas (M): I am covered in Scrape guts and blood mixed with my own blood and it tingles and it smells like lemons and why does it fucking smell like lemons is there citric acid in their blood and it stings and I think this is how a cucumber feels when it's being pickled and I'm officially sorry to every pickle I've ever eaten and fuck this fuck this fuck ALL of this I need to SHIT where's your FUCKING BATHROOM, TROW?! (A single chirp in the distance.) Salas (V): (Frustrated sobbing.) Project Thökk Transmission #588 Salas (V): (Delirious, exhausted laughter) Salas (M): Heeey guuuys. I do NOT know how long I've been down here. Good news! Scrapes are EXTINCT! That's right, potential investors, I've killed EVERY. LAST. ONE. I'm a war criminal! But who cares?! They're basically meat robots made out of meat and dirt! Right? RIGHT?! (Several inquisitive chirping sounds.) Salas (V): ("FUUUUCK!" drawn out for 37 seconds.) (Incessant clanging.) Project Thökk Transmission #589 (A low, mechanical ambient hum echoes against the cave walls.) Salas (M): They're in the water. (The hum regularly intensifies, like a pulse.) All the people that the Scrapes took… I'm in one of the bottom-most rooms of Trow's cave complex. Still no sign of the lady in question. (A Scrape vocalizes.) Salas (V): Yes, yes, I see you, shut up, I'll kill you in a minute. Salas (M): I'm standing on a rocky catwalk over the water. I touched it. It has the consistency of half-formed Jello. Touching it made me sleepy… I almost fell in. This water has a bright cyan color to it. Glowing. I'm positive that this is the anesthetic the Scrapes put on their blades. Trow: You humans would call it "suspended animation." Salas (M): Shit on a sugarplum! (Salas rapidly turns around.) Trow: Don't worry about the sleepers. It's a temporary solution, but someday I'll make it permanent. Salas (M): She looks like Feck, but she's skinnier and wears these ornate blue robes. Body's just a quarter as tall, but the feathers are twice as long. And her eyeliner's on point, too — FOCUS! She's holding this flat brass rectangle like a clipboard — but almost hugging it, too, like it's also a teddy bear. If that doesn't turn out to be the "Plate of Remembrance" thing, I swear I'm gonna tear my own brain out and throw it off the cliff. Trow: Very curious. That sword - was it a "finder" trinket, or was it given to you by VUUOU? Salas (V): What the hell's a Voo-oh? Trow: I see. Salas (V): I said, what the hell's a— Trow: You were heard. I'm not convinced that you would hear. Salas (V): (Sarcastic chuckle.) Why not, because I'm one of those ugly humans ruining Kegelapan? Trow: Is that what they told you I think? (Wet noises; Trow gently touches the water.) Trow: This substance… it's produced from the Dreamer's lingering memories of peaceful days. It swaddles the humans in an embrace of unconditional love and slumber, shielding them from a world that longs only for their torment. Salas (V): The only things tormenting them were your Scrapes. Trow: The humans had to be taken here by force. It's not like they'd agree to my protection. They're too focused on the heap of food on their plate to know that they're being fattened up for slaughter. Salas (V): You have exactly ten seconds to say something that makes any sense. Trow: As you wish. You were after this, weren't you? Salas (M): She's indicating the plate. Salas (V): Is that the Plate of Remembrance? Trow: Yes. Would you like to see it? Salas (V): Sure. (A cracking noise, followed by a sheet of metal vibrating. The plate clatters on the ground.) Salas (M): BITCH you did NOT just throw the — my eye. Fuck. Please tell me the sight regenerates — (Splash.) Salas (M): …aaand I'm in the anesthesia water. Trow: This is for your own good, Dr. Salas. Close your eyes. I will protect you. (The sound of splashing gradually slows down.) Salas (V): (Sleepily) I swear to God I will bite off your dinosaur tits. Trow: Open your mouth. Let it in. Feel its warmth. (The splashing stops.) (Silence.) Salas (M): Bluff. Salas (V): The Scrapes killed him. Trow: Don't speak. It's past your bedtime. Salas (V): They killed Feck. They… off the cliff… he's gone — (Sounds consistent with drowning.) Project Thökk Transmission #590 (Wet slapping noises. Trow hyperventilates.) Salas (V): Ow. Ow. Okay. I'm up. I'm up. Stop it. Trow: They did not destroy Feck. They did not destroy him. They did not. If he is injured beyond the Dreamer's regeneration, the Scrapes are programmed to rescue him and bring him back here immediately. It is objectively impossible for Feck to be thrown into the Murk by my Scrapes. If he has, then my Scrapes have been infected and all of this was for nothing. Tell me you are lying. Tell me you are lying RIGHT NOW! Salas (V): Bitchsayswhat? Trow: What?! (Thump consistent with two foreheads meeting at a dangerous velocity.) (Trow falls on the catwalk. Salas grabs the plate.) (Rapid footsteps. Trow's voice fades into the distance.) Trow: Salas, if you return that plate right now I will tell you everything. In plain words. I promise. (More rapid foosteps.) Trow: …please?! (7 minutes of continuous running.) (Salas pants, resting for a moment.) Salas (M): What's so special about this tablet anyway? … Wow… it's the Ten Commandments… transliterated into Upper Bullshitonian. Maybe Lord Vee will know what it means. - [Close] @ + plate_of_remembrance_translated.rtf - [Close] IF YOU CAN READ THIS… TRAUFEK AM I, FORMER SAGEBEAST OF THE COURT OF MUZD. IF YOU ARE UNFAMILIAR: MUZD OF THE EVERKILN IS THE FOURTH PRINCE OF CORBENIC, PATRON ETERNAL OF FLAME, ART, AND CONSTRUCTION, SECOND OLDEST OF THE SEVEN PRINCES. LONG HAVE I YEARNED FOR HIS GENTLE HAND UPON MY FEATHERS. ••••• I AM DEAD. SAGEBEASTS ARE NOT MEANT TO DIE. AS SUCH, MY AFTERLIFE IS AN ETERNAL SLUMBER IN THE FLEETING REALM OF MORTALS. I WAS MURDERED BY SERVANTS OF THE PARASITE, THE FORSAKEN EIGHTH PRINCE. THE PARASITE IS TORTURE AND PERVERSION GIVEN FLESH, THE ARBITER OF BAPTISM-IN-ROT. THE PARASITE IS REVILED THROUGHOUT CORBENIC. HE ENVIED THE RESPECT GARNERED BY THE SEVEN PRINCES, AND AS SUCH, SOUGHT TO DESTROY WHAT THEY HELD DEAR. ••••• MANY OF THE PARASITE'S VICTIMS, MYSELF INCLUDED AMONG THEIR COUNTLESS NUMBERS, WERE AVENGED BY THE THRICE-MOON ARMIES OF THE SEVENTH PRINCE, JALAKÅRA. THE PARASITE IS DEAD, AND SO IS HIS KINGDOM. THE PARASITE IS DEAD, AND IN DEATH, HE FOUND ME. THE PARASITE IS DEAD, AND IN FINDING ME, HE ENSLAVED ME. THE WORLD YOU SEE IS A DREAM SPAWNED FROM THE PARASITE'S CONTROL OF MY IMAGINATION. THE PARASITE WISHES TO USE THIS DREAM TO RECREATE HIS FALLEN KINGDOM. ••••• EVERY SAGEBEAST HAS A THREEFOLD BRAIN. THE FIRST BRAIN: IMAGINATION AND FREE WILL. IT IS NAMELESS; THE PARASITE HAS TAKEN IT FOR HIS OWN. THE SECOND BRAIN: REASON AND LOGIC. HER NAME IS TRAU. SHE TOILS FRUITLESSLY TO FREE ME. THE THIRD BRAIN: EMOTION AND INSTINCT. HIS NAME IS FEK. HE KNOWS NOT THE DAMAGE HE DOES. ••••• I MUST AWAKEN. I MUST AWAKEN. I MUST AWAKEN. END THE DREAM. END THE DREAM. END THE DREAM. MAKE IT STOP. MAKE IT STOP. MAKE IT STOP. ••••• I CAN GIVE YOU NOTHING IN RETURN. BUT MUZD WEEPS FOR ME, AND HE ALWAYS SETTLES HIS DEBTS. I CARE NOT IF THE PARASITE IS PUNISHED FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE TO ME. I ASK ONLY THAT YOU PRY HIM FROM MY HEAD. AND WHEN YOUR WORK IS DONE, LET ME SLEEP. - [Close] @ + Project Thökk Logs, Part 2 of 2 [abridged] - [Close] Project Thökk Transmission #872 Salas (M): It's so messed up when I think about how much has changed. If I had to pinpoint when everything got irrevocably weirder, I'd say it was about seven months ago when I gave Vee the Plate of Remembrance. I'm gonna try to recap, just so I make sure I still have the story straight. Vee went batshit with excitement about this discovery. It was like I'd just found the Ark of the Covenant. But he wouldn't elaborate on why the plate was important, he just said some crap like "this is big, and when something's big, we've got to get people discussing it." He got everyone Beaconridge together for a huge meeting in the square. Feck was there too - we had front-row seats to Vee's speech. There was some jeering when people saw Feck in the city borders, but it subsided once Vee gave a single order to knock it off. (It makes me wonder how much of this bullshit Feck has to deal with can be directly attributed to Vee only helping him when it's convenient.) He read the contents of the tablet like it was storytime at kindergarten. He was making extra sure that Feck didn't take a look at the hieroglyphs — he didn't say it was a cognitohazard to Feck and/or Trow, but he more or less implied it. I still don't understand the finer details, but apparently Kegelapan was formed by some kind of immortal creature named "Trowfeck" having a dream. There's some kind of horrible parasite controlling the dream. Also, Feck and Trow are manifestations of two of Trowfeck's brains, and… Look, controlling the bullshit threshold of what I'm dealing with is above my pay grade. Whether or not the story's true, there's been three changes going on steadily ever since. The Scrape attacks — growing fewer and far between. I'm starting to think maybe Trow's about to finally throw in the Towel. (Trowel?) The people of Beaconridge — person-to-person conflict has been increasing. The story told from the tablet has put the whole town into two factions. It used to be just a few peaceful demonstrations here and there, but now you can't go on day without a full-on brawl breaking out between the Sleepers and the Wakers. And anyone who isn't aligned to either side is hounded day and night by both sides until they pick one. One side — the "Wakers" — is led by Dr. Nicolescu. Some of them are afraid of the Parasite manipulating and enslaving them. Others think they have a moral and ethical obligation to help Trowfeck out. Either way, they want to wake up Trowfeck from its slumber. The other side — the "Sleepers" — is led by Wallace the grocer. They insist that if Trowfeck is awoken, that'll mean either everyone dies or their comfortable way of life will be compromised. The Sleepers have the majority. And finally… Feck's been growing uneasier by the day. He hardly makes that adorable war howl he used to make, even when he's fighting. I keep trying to get him to tell me what's wrong, but… I don't think he knows, either. Project Thökk Transmission #1,084 (A riot is heard outside from within in a small hut. The Greek can be heard yelling appeals to restore order.) Salas (V): This better be important, Vee. I had to wade through half of the shopping district trying to stab me. Vee: Wa-ooh. Stabbings. Did you repay the favor? Salas (V): Do you know me? Vee: Your energy is intoxicating, my friend. Salas (V): So's the thing I could be cracking open instead of talking to you. Say your piece and leave me alone. Vee: As you wish. Feck is missing. Salas (V): What?! Vee: He broke into my hut, grabbed the Plate of Remembrance, stared at it for under an hour — and by the time I woke up to see him, he stole away with the plate toward the Southern horizon with mortal terror in his eyes. …in fact, I dare say it's the same terror I see in your eyes now— Salas (V): Don't patronize me. My Feck's in danger. Vee: Your Feck? Is there more than one? Salas (M): JUST KILL ME NOW Vee: There is a great disturbance in your soul. You wish to scramble off after him haphazardly with little chance of success. Salas (V): That's the idea, yeah. Vee: If I could offer an alternative… Salas (V): Make it quick. Vee: A brief Esto exercise, to clear your mind. I know your aversion to Esto. But there's a way to dip your feet into the waters, enough to clear your head, then to leave without completely submerging. Sit close… (The sound of Salas sitting cross-legged on a pillow on the floor.) Esto is the art of radically allowing yourself to exist. The closest thing you humans have is meditation. But that only skims the surface of what it means to accept existence. Close your eyes, Dr. Salas. You must take everything the world around you has to offer as a gift. Thank the world for each and every one, no matter how it feels. All misfortune is rooted in resistance to these gifts. Inhale. Feel the air enter your lungs. Hold your breath. Feel it remain in your lungs. Exhale. Feel it leave your lungs. …You've got that much down, at least. Now, let's try something different. Something with more questions. Answer them only with your mind. Inhale. Feel it slither down your throat like prying fingers. How does it taste on every ridge and curve of your windpipe? Salas (M): The fuck? Vee: Concentrate! Hold your breath. Feel it churn. Feel the air beg petulantly to go back home. How much does it sting your clenching chest to keep it contained? Exhale. Feel its fingernails scrape the lining of your windpipe. Open your eyes. (Fabric shifts) Salas (M): He's… taking off the silk over his right hand. He's had his hand stuck in a mason jar full of cloudy water the whole time. I don't know what to say. Vee: Then say nothing. I don't remember how long ago I put my hand in this jar. In years, I'd put it in multiples of a hundred. This water was once crystal clear. Now, who can say what it's become? I dissolve a little more every day. The water seeps into my skin and takes whatever little particles it desires. It's a snowglobe of flesh. Because through the unending pain and disgust, every irrelevant thought falls away. Only the most immortal positivity survives. Comfort is just another addiction. That's what is really trying to enslave you. In order to truly be free, you must allow yourself to exist. You must allow yourself to rot. (Rapid footsteps.) Where are you going, Dr. Salas? I was just getting to the best part… Project Thökk Transmission #1,085 Salas (M): FUCK THIS TOWN. Project Thökk Transmission #1,410 Salas (M): I lost count of the days I've been out here. It's a godsend that Feck has such pointy and distinguishable feet. He left miles upon miles of tracks in the dirt. You'd think it was a cartoon. But three little spiky toes leaving triangular spots in the dirt has taken me this far. And if I don't find him? Maybe there's another town somewhere in Kegelapan. Somewhere where the smartest human isn't a cult leader trying to make moonshine out of his own skin. Speaking of Vee, this sword that he gave me was wonderful against the Scrapes, but it's dog shit against everything else. I saw some new animals in the southward trek. Particularly some five-legged reptilian antelopes. I figured they looked the tastiest. The sword cuts like butter. Clarification: it cuts like it's a stick of butter. Even with all my kendo training, it's little more than a very thin club. I killed exactly one lizard-antelope with this stupid thing. Turns out they taste like waxy ashes. At least this crooked horn I got cuts better, so I ended up throwing the sword in a stream. I'm convinced that Vee gave me a sword that the Scrapes are allergic to on purpose. If he did that, he could have given everyone a sword like this, and the whole "we're the only ones who can fight" business was bullshit. How much has Vee been manipulating us? And why? He's been around here since "the dream" started. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Vee's this "Parasite" the tablet was talking about… Project Thökk Transmission #1,509 Feck: Go away. Salas (V): I just wanna talk! Feck: Go away! Salas (V): …no. (Feck runs up to Salas. The next 21 seconds are hard to differentiate over the voicemail recording; it's too loud, resulting in heavy static and feedback.) (Brief pause.) (Feck sits on the ground, laughing sadly.) Feck: Still a warrior. You didn't even flinch. Salas (V): Why did you leave? (Feck grumbles.) Salas (V): Was it something I did? (He grumbles louder, but with a twinge of melancholy.) Feck: Is that what I made you believe? The talk-food mind makes such lie-noises when it's starving for information. It's not your fault at all, Melyah. You're the only talk-food I miss from that stupid gather-place. (The ruffling of smooth metal against feathers is heard.) Salas (M): The Plate… Feck: You heard the stay-words that were put here, right? Salas (V): Yeah. I was there with you when it was being read. …that's really what it says, right? Vee wasn't bullshitting us, was he? Feck: Mm. That's what it says in talk-food words, and every word is true. But this is written in Feck-and-Trow letters. When my kind sees these letters, we're forced to remember. Salas (V): Remember what? (Ten seconds of loaded silence.) Feck: Listen, Melyah. You can stay out here with me for a while. If you like. Salas (V): I don't think I'd mind that— Feck: BUT! Only if you listen to my truth-story. (Something wooden and metal clatters against the dirt.) Salas (M): …did he just pull a whole-ass German zweihänder out of his feather mane? Feck: That was one of my finder treasures. I tried to hide it from you. It was gonna be… for your birthday. (Thumping sound analogous with Salas's pulse sounding in her ears.) Salas (M): FUCKING STOP THAT I AM A WOMAN OF SCIENCE THIS IS PLATONIC Feck: Guess it'll be more useful this way. If my intuition is correct — and it's never not — you're gonna get really hate-anger at me when I finish my story. You'll probably wanna use it on me to stand-still-hunt a lot. Salas (V): Okay, Feck? Usually I can understand your hyphenations, but… Feck: Stand-still-hunt is when I stand still and you do hurt-things to my flesh. Salas (M): Bruh… Salas (V): Okay. Well, if you're ready for me to prove you extremely wrong, tell me your story. Project Thökk Transmission #1,510 (A crackling campfire.) Feck: To begin with, Vee is… it's short for "Prince VUUOU of the Murk." You may have heard Trow or the Greek talking about him. VUUOU is the "Parasite." A long time ago, VUUOU lived in this place called Corbenic. He was a god — the weakest and tiniest god of his seven brothers. Being weak on its own isn't a bad thing - if food weren't weak, we wouldn't have anything to eat. But VUUOU's only strength stemmed from cruelty. And he didn't even need to be cruel for the sake of his job, like some of the other Princes. He didn't have any patronage over despair or impurity - he was the god of rivers, trees, and cloudy days, completely inoffensive things like that. He was just mean all on his own. His corner of Corbenic looked just like Kegelapan. It was even called Kegelapan. But Old Kegelapan was bigger - there were way more cities than just Beaconridge. Old Kegelapan was a very bad place to live. Every talk-food that lived there was kidnapped from some other part of Corbenic. VUUOU's agents would spread rumors among the talk-foods to start up civil unrest. And when all the tension and fighting came to a head… That's when the Murk would overflow, where it would flood Old Kegelapan for a few ages — until VUUOU got bored started over again. Now, about the Murk… that's the stuff in the lake at the bottom of the cliff. Greenish-brown-black liquid. It's the kind of poison even gods stay away from. One drop of Murk lands on your skin, and everything happens to that patch of skin at once. Mushrooms and plants grow from you. You age a million years and regress into a glob of primordial sludge at the same time. New species of animals are born from you. You feel it all in excruciating detail. VUUOU lived deep in the Murk. He loved the way it made him feel bad. This was all part of VUUOU's think-style. "Esto." It's all rooted in the idea that if a talk-food feels nothing but horrible forever, then sooner or later, they'll start feeling nothing but good forever. VUUOU thought his cycle of tortures made the talk-foods happier and smarter. …I don't get it either. When VUUOU came into control of the dream and made this New Kegelapan, he did the same thing. Everyone lives in the illusion of safety for a while. Once someone takes the Plate of Remembrance from Trow, everything starts spiraling out of control. Just when the talk-foods least suspect, the Murk overflows and turns Kegelapan into a lake… Then Trowfeck wakes up. But VUUOU's got his string-hands wrapped Trowfeck's head-guts. He can make Trowfeck go back to sleep. And when he does, the talk-foods start over, forget everything that's ever happened, and it all starts up again. I forget too. Only VUUOU and my sister remember. I do not know how many times this cycle has repeated itself. But VUUOU will keep doing this forever until he's satisfied. He'll never be satisfied. This isn't his Old Kegelapan, and it never will be - but VUUOU will forever think he's just one more cycle away from seeing his old kingdom again. Salas (V): And what about you? Feck: Huh? Salas (V): Where's this part where you're so horrible that I'm going to have to fight you about it? (20 seconds of silence. Feck sighs heavily.) Feck: VUUOU can only do so much on his own. He's got one string-hand wrapped around me, too. And when the talk-foods start to catch on to his plans and try to fight back… That's when the instincts I hate-anger so much kick in. I'm VUUOU's reluctant enforcer. The poor talk-foods — I've killed and smashed and squished and tore and bled them more times than I can count. Sometimes I tore the limbs off the talk-foods and put them back on in the wrong places, regenerating them into pain-statues. Ate them. Gargled their juices. I know I'm not the one in control, but I feel like there's something else I could do-think to make sure it never happens again. And I hate myself when I start to love-feel the pain-noises they make. And worst of all? The Murk can't flow over the cliffs without me crying out to give it permission. (After a brief pause, Feck's knees land on the grass gently.) Feck: …ready when you are. (Salas makes no audio indication of picking up a sword.) Salas (V): Relatable. Feck: What is "relatable?" Project Thökk Transmission #1,511 Salas (V): [REDACTED] Feck: You tried to get them to stop, right? Salas (V): [REDACTED] Feck: So what happened to [REDACTED]? Salas (V): [REDACTED] Feck: …by MUZD and His Black Hammer. Salas (V): Yeah. Wanna know what else I've had to do for the Foundation? Feck: If you like. But I doubt it's at all comparable to the horrors of what I have done. Salas (V): [5 MINUTE 35 SECOND AUDIO SEGMENT EXPUNGED BY ORDER OF O5 COMMAND] Feck: …well, maybe a little. Salas (V): Heh. I'm just gettin' started. Project Thökk Transmission #1,512 Salas (V): Anything else? Feck: Does it make a difference? Considering all I've done, I wouldn't be in any position to say any be-ashamed-please words at you for it. Salas (V): And that's why I'm not currently in the process of kicking your ass. (Feck chuckles.) Feck: I appreciate it. But… I still feel like I should receive some sort of punishment. Salas (V): Hmm. … (Pow.) Feck: Hey. (Pow. Bap. Slap. Smack.) Feck: Stop that. Salas (V): Stop what? Feck: Hitting me! (Pow.) Salas (V): Thought you said you wanted punishment. Don't you pussy out on me now. Let's fuckin' go! (Smack-smack-smack-smack. Slam. Pop.) Feck: …my turn. (BOOM.) (Eight seconds of silence.) Feck: Melyah? …did I hurt you? Salas (V): Bitch, you're gonna. (Crack. Feck vocalizes in pain.) (Salas starts laughing. Feck does as well.) (Several minutes of lighthearted sparring. Feck's war-howl returns.) (At the 2 minute 55 second mark, it suddenly stops.) (The ear-thumping sound from earlier returns, with even greater intensity…) Project Thökk Transmission #1,513 [REDACTED WITH PREJUDICE]67 Project Thökk Transmission #2,010 Salas (M): Pro: the new house is almost done. Con: Reverse-engineering homesteading techniques from vague memories took way longer than I thought. It's been how many years since we started this house, now? Three? Pro: We found some wanderers out here. Some people who got (understandably) fed up with Beaconridge a few years back. They've pitched in with our house, and we're pitching in with theirs — it's only a handful of people, but we'll have Beaconridge 2.0 set up at some point or another. It's nice to have human friends again. I love the piss out of Feck, but if he's gonna be the only person I ever talk to, we'll drive each other completely batshit. Con: I still have no idea how to turn SCP-2922 off. And that is on the agenda. Look, I'm sorry, but there's a nonzero chance that every transmission from here on out is gonna be "I had a real nice day, got drunk as a skunk, my liver regenerated, I fell down next to Feck, we railed each other until we lost consciousness, I went to sleep face-first in his feathers, and for the record, they still smell like daisies and lavender." Nobody has the stamina to write down the same goddamn thing every time it shows up on voicemail. Plus, I've been working for the Foundation posthumously just about as long as I've been working in life. And when's the last time I got a paycheck? … Feck's taking his sweet-ass time coming home from hauling that lumber. Maybe he ran into a Scrape or two on the way back. There's still a few of those bastards lurking around on autopilot. I think I'll wait outside for him. Fresh air would be nice. (Footsteps. She opens a door.) (Crackling fires. People screaming.) …I'm gonna go ahead and assume Ted's oil lamp design didn't pan out. The Greek: Hello. Salas (M): JESUS FUCKING BAMBI OVER HIS MOTHER'S GRAVE Salas (V): Uh, hi. The Greek: I don't think I ever told you: I'm not a real person. I'm a replica of Prince VUUOU's most faithful disciple. The real "Greek" is our recruiting agent on Earth. Salas (V): Great. Cool. Don't care. Why is my village on fire?! The Greek: I don't think I did a very good job. (Rapid footsteps over the hut's dirt floor. She grabs the zweihänder from earlier.) (Wet squelching noises. Steam. Flames. Salas vocalizes in extreme distress.) Salas (M): He's drooling. It's green. Is that the Murk? Is that the fucking Murk?! The Greek: Open your mouth. (Sounds of a struggle. Salas yells in anger through a closed mouth and teeth.) (The Greek vomits.) Project Thökk Transmission #2,011 (Wooden coach wheels rumble against a stone road. Feck snarls through a gagged mouth.) (Her words are slurred.) Salas (M): I can't see no more. Ran my fingers over my eyes. … Mushrooms. Two tangled mushroom bouquets. The Murk down my throat… It made a milkshake outta my guts. … Maybe I can die here after all. This ain't Corbenic. Animals die all the time. Maybe I'm just not tryin' hard enough. (She beats the back of her head against a wooden surface 37 times.) (She weeps.) (Feck stops snarling. He whimpers.) Project Thökk Transmission #2,012 (Incense crackles in censers. Feck growls pitifully.) (Vee prays to an audience of unidentified voices. Audio analysis has detected the heavily distorted tones of some of the townspeople of Beaconridge. The distortion is analogous to severe throat infections.) Vee: Through fleeting peace, adversity is born. To troughs of black discomfort shall you wean, destroying every temporary smile and leaving only what is evergreen. Fiakh Duhazh Esto! Audience: FIAKH DUHAZH ESTO! Vee: The gentle arms of Mother Agony and Father Sessile Fermentation thus shall purify us through impurity and sip the wine of our collective dust. Fiakh Duhazh Esto! Audience: FIAKH DUHAZH ESTO! Vee: In terms of ancient days, damnation's grasp shall rectify all ye who errant were. In terms of latter days, unpleasantness is just a part of building character. Fiakh Duhazh Esto! Audience: FIAKH DUHAZH ESTO! Vee: No living thing is safe from misery. Each smile and laugh, designed from birth to end. So if it's bound to happen anyway, treat everything that eats you as a friend! Fiakh Duhazh Esto! Audience: FIAKH DUHAZH ESTO! Vee: Pain is proof that you exist. Audience: WE ARE GRATEFUL THAT WE EXIST! Vee: Allow yourselves to exist! Audience: WE ALLOW OURSELVES TO EXIST! Vee: Ferment your body and cleanse your soul! Audience: WE GIVE NATURE FULL CONSENT! (Footsteps, approaching closer.) Vee: Waa-ooh! It's taking you two a little longer than the others to get adjusted. And that's okay! A longer runway means a farther flight. …that is how planes work, isn't it? Salas (V): Eat shit and die. Vee: (Tiny gasp) That's great! First you kick off the most chaotic period of this cycle's history, and just as a little extra gift, you made me uncomfortable just now. I'll have to remember your contributions for the next cycle, Dr. Salas. You're just the kind of rogue element we've needed to raise the level of discord in a pinch. I didn't even think about giving Feck a noisy little concubine. (Feck growls.) Feck, my friend! Let's not delay even a second longer. Unbridle him. The Greek: Yes, master. (A belt buckle clicks.) (Feck gnashes his teeth. Splattering. Torn muscle.) The Greek: Seriously? Vee: Um… Feck? That's not the real Greek, remember? He can't feel pain. It would be nice if he could, though! Then he could join us. (More gnashing.) Feck: (Roar.) Vee: Get it out of your system yet? Feck: Yes. Vee: Good. Well — once you're done saying your goodbyes to Dr. Salas here, I'm sure you're familiar with the way to summon the — Feck: Bitch talk-says what at me? Salas (M): Close enough. Vee: What? (Feck headbutts Vee. Sounds of a struggle.) Feck: You hurt Melyah! My flood-scream is ABOLISHED FOREVER! Vee: Feck, I don't know what you're doing, but I don't like it. Do it harder. Feck: No talking! You are no longer talk-food! (Chomp.) … (Loud, wet chewing.) Salas (M): Did this motherfucker just bite Vee's head off? … Huh. That was easy. (Crackling bones. Feck gargles large amounts of liquid.) Feck: Bad food… bad food…! Salas (V): Feck! (He speaks with two voices at the same time.) Feck/Vee: Let's try this again. Salas (V): Oh, fuck no. (Approximately 3 minutes of an intense struggle.) Feck/Vee: Now stay there. I have work to do. (Footsteps leading away.) (Feck/Vee starts howling in a strange, trilling language. It echoes over the cliff.) (Salas's voice is extremely weak.) Salas (M): Do I still have to record this? (A sound like rushing water in the distance.) I know that wasn't Feck. He would never. He just… He just nailed my body to the ground with sharpened fenceposts. Fifteen of them. …no, sixteen. (The howling continues.) (It's suddenly cut short by Feck/Vee shrieking in ecstasy.) (The sound of a stream trickling nearby.) Isn't there an extraction protocol on this 2922 bullshit? Get me out. I'm sorry about all the disciplinary team citations. I'm sorry I kept drinking on the job. I'm sorry I lied about being resistant to amnestics. Get me out. Please. (The hissing of hot water making contact with a cool surface.) Get me out get me out get ME OUT GET ME OUT GET ME OUT GET ME [Truncated for redundancy] Project Thökk Transmission #2,290 (17 minutes and 21 seconds of boiling liquid and muffled screams.) Project Thökk Transmission #2,337 (3 days, 1 hour, 3 minutes, and 11 seconds of boiling liquid and muffled screams.) Project Thökk Transmission #2,600 (10 minutes and 59 seconds of boiling liquid and muffled screams.) Project Thökk Transmission #2,834 (5 minutes and 12 seconds of boiling liquid and muffled screams.) Salas (M): (Unintelligible)8 - [Close] @ + Incident-7702-Blue/Black - [Close] Addendum 1: Incident-7702-Blue On 2/10/22, five days after transmissions ended from Project Thökk, a routine cleaning of SCP-2527's9 testing area was interrupted by a phone call… Incident Log - Incident-7702-Blue Date: 2/10/22 Time: 10:02 AM EST <Begin Log> (Junior Researcher Cliff Daniels is loading a D-class staff member's remains into a body bag toward the northern wall of the testing field. Through his headset, he's connected to SCP-2527-2's operator, Junior Researcher Carl Grodin.) Daniels: What could even cause these injuries? Grodin: Funny story. Someone looked into the source code and found a bunch of abilities that TotleighSoft was keeping hidden. Some kind of secret bonus content. Now, Massy can pull someone's limbs apart with telekinesis. Daniels: No kidding. Who found that? Grodin: (Chuckles) Your favorite person… Daniels: You're shittin' me. Grodin: The very same. Massy was Dr. Salas's little pet project. Daniels: Don't even remind me of that edgy b — (A red phone on a wall of the enclosure starts ringing.) Grodin: …what the hell? Daniels: Is that for me? Grodin: That's impossible. That phone goes to the breach desk. It's one-way. …you'd think they'd have taken the ringer out. (The phone keeps ringing.) Daniels: I'm assuming that's not gonna go to voicemail…? Grodin: Pick it up. (Daniels does so.) Daniels: Hello? O5-2: Does the Black Moon Howl? Grodin: Hoo boy… Daniels: Uh… only on Bloody Sunday? (Sotto voice) That's what I'm supposed to say, right, Carl? O5-2: Close enough. To whom am I speaking? Daniels: Junior Researcher Cliff Daniels, sir. O5-2: Ah, yes, the one with the annoying voice. Daniels: You know me? O5-2: Er, that is, I was undercover. But that's not important. I am sorry to place this burden on your shoulders, but if what I'm about to ask you isn't done five minutes ago, the human race is doomed. Daniels: What's going on?! O5-2: I'll explain later. For now, I need you to place this receiver against the side of SCP-2527-1's head. Now. Daniels: Uh… Carl, this cord only goes so far. Grodin: I'm on it. (SCP-2527-1's container automatically opens. It teleports forward one three-by-three-square-meter space at a time. Note: its optional voice module is enabled.) SCP-2527-1: OUT OF BOCKS NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH LOOK LEFT WEST WEST LOOK RITE NORTH NORTH LOOK LEFT MASSY STAY IN PLACE I IS VEREY GOOD AT SITTNIG AWAITING ISNTRACTIONS THERE IS GRASS BELBOW ME WOOD U LIK TO OFFAR A SACKRIFISE (Daniels places the receiver against the side of 2527-1's head.) Daniels: Like this? O5-2: Is it against his head? Daniels: Yes. O5-2: Are you positive? I can only do this once. Daniels: Yes, sir. O5-2: Great, thanks. Keep it held there until I tell you to move it. TotleighSoft debug mode vocal activation password: 49 54 20 4d 45 2c 20 43 41 43 4b 21. SCP-2527-1: CONFARMED WELCUM GOLRIOUS TOTLEIGHSOFT CEO P HUDSON GOCK Grodin: Uh, Cliff? That wasn't from my input. SCP-2527-1: YOU BE QUIYAT WHEN MASSYS COPMUTER DADDY IS TALKIG O5-2: Massy, connect to the staff wi-fi. Network name S59staff, password "Fhhshsi,aig2hc,thiaE!" SCP-2527-1: MASSY HAS OPNED DOOR INTO WIFEY O5-2: I'd like you to purchase the "Souls Teal" DLC. SCP-2527-1: DOWNLARDED INSTLALED O5-2: Steal my soul. (There's a brief explosion of arcing electricity from the phone. Daniels is knocked away. The phone is destroyed.) SCP-2527-1: MASSY HAS EATED YOR SOL OMNOMNOM DELISH NUTRISH Daniels: The fuck was that?! SCP-2527-1: PERMISHUNS GRANTED DIRECT PIELOTING MOAD ENGAGGED (SCP-2527-1 vibrates violently for 32 seconds. When it ends, it speaks with a hybrid of "Massy's" voice and Dr. Amelia Salas's voice.) Salas: [YOU IS RIDESHARE MASSYS BRANE] Wish I could say it's good to be back. Thanks for the assist, Cliff. As much as I can't stand you, I do hope you know you've just freed me from… [MASSY CALCULATE TIEMYEARS] Seriously?! That long? Fuck. Daniels: Where's O5-2? Salas: That was a composite voice from memories of speaking with him. Could you do me a favor? Daniels: Fuck no, you lied to me! Salas: DLC pack 3 function "scream of intimidation", engage. [BE INTIMIDATED BE INTIMIDATED BE INTIMIDATED BE INTIMIDATED AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA] (Daniels covers his ears.) Daniels: FINE FINE WHAT WHAT WHAT?! Salas: [INTIMIDATON SUCSESFUL] First off, where's the current location for SCP-7702? Daniels: How would I— Salas: I wasn't asking you. [HACKIG BOOYAN COMPOTER MASSY FIND COW ORDS] There, good. Tell the Project Buyan team to get as many civilians away from there as possible by midnight. Do you understand? Daniels: Yes. Salas: …no, you don't. Carl? Grodin: Uh, yeah. Loud and clear. Salas: Thanks. For the record, Carl, I maintain the sentiment from the "uncensored opinions" transmission that you have the cutest butt in Site-59. Grodin: Uhhh… Salas: You have until midnight. I'll stick to areas where I won't be seen. Morituri te salutant. [NORTH NORTH BRAKE WAL WAL IS BORKEN NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH…] (2527-1 moves further north, bashing through the wall and escaping Site-59. The breach alarm sounds.) <End Log> Addendum 2: Incident 7702-Black At 12:00 AM EST on 2/11/22, SCP-2527-1 broke into the provisional containment area for SCP-7702. Evacuations were not made as per SCP-2527-1's request, but the population density of the area was sparse anyway, being mostly a wetland preserve. A seven-hour altercation ensued between SCP-2527-1 and a reptilian entity originating from SCP-7702, which has since been labeled SCP-7702-D… Incident Log - 2/11/22 (Onsite security team members F. Engels and D. Rosa sit outside the mesh gate to the provisional containment area. This is taken from body camera footage from a third member onsite, W. Woolsey.) All are in undercover attire. Engels: So apparently something's supposed to happen at midnight? Rosa: Define "something." Engels: All I know is some jackass at Site-59 was all "waaah we gotta get all the people away from 7702 guuuys" and was making a big fuss about it. Woolsey: But did they specify what was going to happen? (Engels shrugs.) Engels: Look, it's Site-59. These are the same guys who sound breach alarms whenever the toilets are broken. Rosa: Didn't Site-59 just have a breach earlier today? Engels: Now that you mention it, yeah. Something about a statue. Rosa: Kind of like that thing? Salas: […NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH…] (Woolsey turns around. He switches on his flashlight. SCP-2527-1 is rapidly approaching in a straight line from the south.) Woolsey: What the hell?! Engels: Get out of its way! MOVE! (SCP-2527-1 crashes through the gate.) Salas: [NORTH NORTH NORTH MASSY IS SMATCH GATE UNDER STOANE FOOT GATE BORKEN SUCH STRENGF NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH…] Rosa: Wait, this all adds up. This thing's after 7702. Woolsey: Engels, get backup. Rosa, call HQ. I'll try and get this on film… [Truncated for brevity] (SCP-7702-B reclines on the chair in its Cajun appearance. SCP-2527-1 stands before it.) (Woolsey has switched his body cam input to a camcorder with a long-distance microphone.) SCP-7702-B: Alors, what's all this ruckus about "North North North?" I ain't seen yanks around here in ages, cher sphinx! Salas: How's it goin', Greek. SCP-7702-B: Hold up, you think I'm Grecien? (7702-B spreads its hands to clap.) You done got it so wrong, I oughta to give you a round of applau — Salas: [MASSY USE TELEKANESISIS] (7702-B's hands spread apart by force. They suspend him in the air on floating rings of light.) (His voice changes.) The Greek: That's new. All right, who sent you this time? Was it JALAKÅRA? Salas: Traufek the Sagebeast. Take me to him. NOW. The Greek: Your voice is familiar… Salas: DO IT. [MASSY IS BRUSTIG WITH ANGERY] (He grins wryly.) The Greek: I can't do it if I'm hanging here, now can I? Salas: [MASSY GO SHRONK] (His arms suddenly shrink into charred, wrinkled lumps under his sleeves. He screams, falling out of the rings.) Salas: [HANDS SUCKSESSFLY ENSMALLD] (He laughs.) The Greek: Hurt me more! It brings me closer to the meaning of life! Fiakh! Duhazh! Esto! Salas: Fuck this. [MASSY TERN U TO ROCK] (His flesh turns grey, then crumbles.) [ENEMYS WORLLD SUCKSESSFULY ROCKD GITAR SOLO] [Truncated for brevity] (Six agents (Alpha through Foxtrot) of Local Task Force Fehu-17 "Gator Tots" have converged around SCP-2527-1 with guns drawn. Woolsey has approached more closely.) (SCP-2527-1 paces around the shack leading into SCP-7702-A, with "Massy" announcing the directions along the way.) Salas: VUU-OUUU! [FACE LEFT FACE LEFT EAST EAST EAST EAST] I DIDN'T COME ALL THIS WAY JUST FOR YOU TO NOT ANSWER THE FUCKING DOOR! [FACE LEFT FACE LEFT WEST WEST WEST WEST STOMP IN PLAEC AGGRASIVELY] Alpha: Please stop yelling. (2527-1 suddenly stops.) Salas: [FACE LEFT FACE LEFT] [FACE RIGHT FACE RIGHT] Huh. [FACE LEFT] I was too mad to even see you guys. Fuckin' tunnel vision up in here. How's it goin'? Charlie: We need you to come back to Site-59. Salas: Yeah, yeah, you can have Massy back when I'm done with him. Reminds me, though. [FACE LEFT FACE LEFT] See this barn? There's something real messed up in there. I can guarantee you that it's minutes, even seconds away from killing at least one of you guys. Foxtrot: For the love of God, shut up and get in the crate. Salas: [FACE LEFT FACE LEFT] No. [FACE RIGHT FACE RIGHT] Anyway, if it kills one of you, could you do me a favor? If you see anyone coming up to you in the desert with three crescent moons on their armor, could you tell them that you were killed by a manifestation of "VUUOU of the Murk?" Bravo: If we do that, will you go back to Site-59? Salas: Yes! After I'm done with— (The platform starts shaking violently. A booming voice emanates from within the barn.) SCP-7702-D: Wake up, slave. We have company. Salas: [MASSYS ANGERY HAS RAEACHD CRITICALE MASSY] (The barn is destroyed from within by a massive explosion.) [Footage cuts off for 57 minutes] (The recording resumes. The surrounding forest is on fire. Woolsey can be heard coughing from the smoke.) Woolsey: Yep… I'm probably gonna die here. At least it won't be boring. (Jets from MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down" are heard above, followed by five small explosions. 7702-D grunts with pain as they land.) SCP-7702-D: HARDER. Salas: [MASSY FLITE MOADE ENGAGG] (The camera turns upward. Without any visible source of propulsion, SCP-2527-1 hovers in the air around 7702-D.) (Only the head and upper neck of 7702-D is visible, revealing it to be a massive, serpentine version of "Feck". When fully coiled, it could just barely have fit inside 7702-A. It has a large and disheveled mane and beard composed of gray feathers. The feathers have grown over its eyes.) (2527-1 flies around 7702-D, dodging several swipes of its claws. Making high-pitched beeping sounds, 2527-1 launches a stream of smaller, explosive Lamassu statues at 140 rounds per minute.) Salas: [ENGAG FLITE MODE ORIGINALL SNOUD TRACKS BELIEF IT ORNOT MASSY WALKIG ON ARE I NEVR THOT I COD FILSO FRIII HIII HIIIIIIII] (Large, retractable fins protrude from the back of 7702-D's neck. They start to glow with heat. The air around 7702-D is heated to the point of flashover. The burning trees in the area burn even brighter. 2527-1 is pushed back across the forest canopy.) [Truncated for brevity] (The Sun is rising. The fires have mostly burned out. The wreckage of several Nu-7 helicopters is visible. The camera is fixed on the forest floor; Woolsey's charred corpse is visible in the corner of the frame.) (2527-1 is still airborne. It has taken heavy damage and no longer bears any resemblance to a Lamassu. The "Massy" voice sputters through heavy distortion.) Salas: [wh o cod i t t beeee] Just fucking [bel ief itorn oot] DIE! [it s m m a ssyyyy] 7702-D: Look at the mess we've made. I wonder if they'll call in the nukes. Salas: Shut up and give me Feck back. [alert hit ponts crigtic al di d youo need to tr ry the tt utoornial levell??] 7702-D: He has already forgotten you. (Wobbling, 2527-1 begins to descend.) Your love was only here for a moment. But the Murk is eternal. Since you're on your last legs, I think now's as good a time as any we talked this over like adults. The fact is, Dr. Salas, I couldn't be prouder of you. Look at where eons of suffering in the Murk took you! You were in Hell so long that you figured out an escape plan. You thought like rocks and dreamed like water, outliving every fleeting thing above and around you, and now… you were strong enough to last this long in a battle with a god. Do you see now, Dr. Salas? You've accepted the gifts of Esto without even knowing it. Think of what other impossible problems your Foundation could solve if you stopped denying the gift of torment. I spread growth and ask for nothing in return. And for this, your ilk place me in the same lot as mad sadists like the Scarlet King. Is that fair? Was such generosity any grounds to destroy my kingdom, brother? Yes, I can see your little toy up there. Hello, operator! Give that backstabbing Weaver of yours my regards. Salas: Who the hell were you talking to just now? 7702-D: No one of any importance. My point is this, Dr. Salas: let me ruin your day, and all of your dreams will come tr— (Seven screeching noises consistent with Impaler Events10 are heard. 7702-D stumbles over mid-sentence.) 7702-D: Nice to see you too, Jally. (A sonic boom is heard as an instance of SCP-2578-D rapidly descends onto the scene. It floats to a halt in midair over 2527-1.) SCP-2578-D: Query: are you the entity designated open quote "the Sphinx or whatever" close quote? Salas: Oh my God — yes, that's me! Did one of the Fehu-17 guys give you the message? (7702-D: slowly turns its open jaws toward 2758-D.) 2578-D: Affirmative. Proposal: leave this one to us. (A small geyser of superheated plasma is unleashed from 7702-D's throat. Half of 2758-D's body flash-melts; the other half falls away, smoking. It lands a few feet away from the camera.) Salas: WELL, ASS ME IN THE FUCK. 2578-D: Disregard proposal. 7702-D: Adorable. One last brawl for the road, "Melyah?" Salas: (Incoherent yelling in rage.) (2527-1 charges blindly through the air toward 7702-D.) (7702-D slaps it downward. A pillar of dust flies upward from the impact site. 7702-D chuckles.) 7702-D: I just remembered; there is still one question for which you have no answer. Salas: (Unintelligible) 7702-D: It's this: "what was the Greek's little dream-poison made out of in the first place?" Salas: (Unintelligible) 7702-D: Here, let me show you. (7702-D rears back, standing fully upright. Its arms move toward the crotch area. It is unclear what is taking place through the scorched treeline, but rushing water is heard. 7702-D groans with satisfaction.) Taste familiar? 2578-D: Nanite recovery 54% successful; maximum recovery threshold reached. Primary weapon back online. Engaging… (The drone's tail cannon moves into place, aiming at 7702-D's forehead area.) (The audio cuts out from the sound of the resulting Impaler Event.) (7702-D roars in extreme pain11. Its paws move up to its forehead, but the paws move away; it's too sensitive to touch. As a result, the feathers around the forehead have been drawn back.) (A small, black, tumorous protrusion is barely visible between 7702-D's eyes.) 2578-D: RAISING VOLUME FOR CLARIFICATION! PROPOSAL: EXTRACT! (2527-1, still soaking wet, quivers back into the air.) Salas: [h p leeft 1 out of <macksimum valyue not fond> mas ssy havin g actifat ed L I M AT BRAE CK TELEKINESISIS ENGAGGED YOU GOT TIHS PLAYER WUN GOPHER IT] (2527-1 charges for the tumor just as 7702-D begins to recover.) 2578-D: Alert: unit compromised. Destroying remains to deter enemy salvage. Salas: WAR-FOOD! 2578-D: Please keep back. (2578-D's remnants explode, destroying the camera's lens and ending the feed.) Project Thökk Transmission #2,835 (The last fires in the forest sputter out.) Salas (V): [east] [east] [east] [east] … [east] (A thin, wheedling voice from below…) VUUOU: WAA-OOH. Salas (M): The fuck? VUUOU: STEALING MY KINGDOM ONCE WASN'T ENOUGH, WAS IT, JALLY? I HOPE YOUR MOONS MELT AND POUR DOWN YOUR EARS. THIS IS THE ONLY FORM OF CRUELTY THAT WILL TAKE MY GROWTH NOWHERE. Salas (M): Holy shit, he sounds like a mouse with emphysema. VUUOU: LEAVE MY SIGHT FOREVER, PROGRESS-DEFILING MEAT EFFIGY. Salas (V): Okay. [east] [east] [east] …wait, can he move? Traufek: Not at any speed that would matter. His jailers close in, as do mine. (The voice of a calmer, less-demonically-possessed SCP-7702-D rocks the surrounding soil with its volume.) Salas (V): You must be Traufek the Sagebeast. Traufek: That I am. The scent of your life force… one of my brains associates it with nothing. Another wishes it would have come to know this scent under happier circumstances. Salas (V): Pretty sure you're smelling all your piss I was just bathed in — Traufek: The third brain cries out to sleep next to you once more. Salas (V): Feck… Traufek: The council of three minds within my skull has reconvened at last. But my days of advising the court of MUZD are far behind me. We wish only for one final dream - a dream of a land much like our home. A dream from which we will never again awaken. What of you, Child of Man? Will you be joining us? … Salas (V): You would take me in, knowing all I've done with the Foundation? Traufek: What you have "done" is that you have set me free. The rest is commentary. … Salas (V): Can I ask one more question before I decide? Traufek: Of course. Salas (V): Will Feck remember me? (Traufek chuckles warmly.) Traufek: That… I do not know. But I can guarantee you this much: meeting you was the most fun he had in ages. I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving it another try. … Salas (V): …well, what are we waiting for? Traufek: Can you step onto my palm? Salas (V): [east] Traufek: Close your mind's eye… Note: SCP-2527-1 "Just after Incident-7702-Black wrapped up, Daniels and I noticed that a new instance of SCP-2527-1 appeared in its containment crate out of nowhere. And for five seconds, the screen of SCP-2527-2 read "LIFES REMANEING: 98." - Carl Grodin, Experiment Coordinator for SCP-2527 - [Close] @ + SCP-7702 [Final Iteration] - [Close] NOTICE: You are viewing the most up-to-date iteration of the SCP-7702 file. Item: SCP-7702 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Provisional Containment Area-7702 has been built around SCP-7702-A under the cover of a wildlife research enclosure. SCP-7702-B is contained in a lead-lined metal canister in a standard containment locker at Site-59. Description: SCP-7702 refers to two organisms contained in the aftermath of SCP-7702-Black. Both specimens are functionally immortal and do not require food or water. SCP-7702-A is a massive12 bipedal organism with both reptilian and avian features. Any damage inflicted upon SCP-7702-A completely regenerates within a period of five minutes. SCP-7702-A is in a permanent state of REM sleep. According to intelligence provided by the Three Moons Initiative, this is irreversible. SCP-7702-B is a tumor-like mass composed of 20 kg of black, waxy flesh. DNA samples extracted from SCP-7702-B have no match with any mundane organism. The only organs visible on the entity are a beaked mouth, three compound eyes, and 42 threadlike pseudopods. SCP-7702-B is extremely hostile. Seventeen hours of uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact with a living host can result in SCP-7702-B overriding the host's consciousness. However, SCP-7702-B has no other anomalous capabilities, moves at a maximum speed of 0.3 meters per hour, and has a maximum bite strength of 0.4 kg. Memorandum on SCP-7702-B from the Ethics Committee SCP-7702-B's containment measures are still under development. The Ethics Committee hasn't come to this much of an impasse in years. While permanent solitary confinement in a cramped metal canister would be abject cruelty for any other sentient anomaly, 7702-B appears to prefer these conditions. One researcher even remarked that upon opening 7702-B's canister for routine cleaning, the entity slapped its cleaning tool away and vocalized the words "JOY UNENDING" and "THE TRUTH IS INSIDE ME." By contrast, all attempts to create a larger and more humane enclosure for the entity have resulted in near-constant shrieks of distress and flailing. Some have posited that this is an attempt at reverse psychology on the part of a clever prisoner. However, this could have something to do with the philosophy that 7702-B has displayed in the records of Project Thökk - i.e. "rotting" to attain spiritual enlightenment. If this is true, then we have another problem: the Foundation's strict adherence to the "not a hotel" policy. At the same time, while 7702-B's actions in the past are undoubtedly heinous, the Foundation does not exist as a supernatural criminal justice system. So we're left at a crossroads: Do we keep it bottled and allow the enemy to be happy forever through what might secretly be cruelty? Do we expend additional resources to torture the entity with what might secretly be mercy? Do we alternate between the two? Or perhaps there's some fourth option hidden in plain sight? If Director Naismith were to advise us directly on this matter, it would be appreciated. We've had 12 separate hung referendums about the 7702-B question… Project Thökk - Final Transmission Salas (M): I've been lying here in this meadow for the past two months. My eyes have been closed. I've heard a few animals here and there, and the wind has been warm against my nose. I don't know why I haven't moved. I guess I'm just waiting for the other shoe to fall. Going through as much long-term Murk torture as I have can't be good for the psyche, but I just… I remember it, but I don't remember feeling it. Perhaps this was a little bonus from Traufek. …once I leave, I should really start spelling the names the way they were originally. T-R-A-U and F-E-K. It's gonna be hard to get used to. I wonder what Trau's up to these days. If she's not trying to save Traufek's dream, what sort of work does she have lined up instead? As for Fek… I'm not entitled to him. I've gotta have some contingency plan lined up in case he doesn't feel the same way he used to about me. But at the bare minimum, I'm gonna get to see him again at some point — and that'll be more than enough. … I remember the first time Dr. Lisle Naismith told me that the world couldn't truly be saved. You could only save a few perfect days, and that was what was truly worth fighting for. I gave him a lot of shit, but Lisle was one of the handful of genuinely good guys at Site-59. I guess that's why he was in charge. But if I ever get the chance to see him again (I mean, that'll never happen, but fuck you, this is rhetorical), I'll have to correct him on one minor point: it is entirely possible to save your world, the one that's within your purview. It's possible even if you've done what I've done, and even if you've been as completely and utterly boned as I have. I was stuck at the bottom of an ocean of caustic filth for over 500 years (still not convinced, but that's what Massy told me), and even then I was able to find a way to improve my situation using only what I had available. If even an idiot like me could do it… I guess that was the "evergreen" bullshit that VUUOU was on about. But it'll be a cold day in Corbenic before I let him take credit for what Fek and I accomplished. … No more waiting. I'm ready to open my eyes. Fek: Food? Salas (M): GAAAH WHAT THE FUCK DUDE YOU'RE NOT EVEN AN INCH OVER ME JESUS Trau: Now what are you doing, Fek?! Fek: Trau, look over here! I thought this eat-food over here was dead-kill but it moved! Trau: For the last fucking time, not everything with skin-flesh is— Salas (V): Actually, I'm talk-food. Trau: SEE?! Salas (V): Sorry, guys. Talk-food isn't eat-food. Trau: Psh. Everyone knows that. Fek: Wait a moment… (Footsteps approaching Salas.) Do you know this talk-food? (Trau rapidly files through paper in a notebook) Trau: Actually, I've never cataloged this one before… Fek: It's a new talk-food. And it knows one of our rules. Has that ever happened before? Trau: Well, have you considered that maybe it's such a stupidly obvious rule that even a neophyte could understand it? Salas (V): Yeah. Eating a talk-food always has this big pile of sad about it afterwards, doesn't it? Trau: (Prolonged gasp) Fek: Fascinating… Trau: I am so, so sorry, Talk-Food, but I need you to come with me right now so I can ask you — (checks notebook) — 273 questions for the scroll I'm writing on talk-foodology! Salas (M): Oh no, she's adorable… Fek: You're scaring her, Trau. She's new here, remember? (Fek's voice comes closer; the sound is consistent with being hugged.) Sorry about my sister — she can be a little go-do-now when she sees something new. But since you're here… … Talk-Food? Salas (M): I'm home. Trau: …is the talk-food crying? Why is the talk-food crying?! Fek: Oh, dear. I think maybe she had her heart set on being eat-food. Trau: Don't be sad, Talk-Food! Here, I can bite you a little if you want… @ Footnotes 1. Consisting of ████████ having been run through SCP-914's "Very Fine" setting ███ times. 2. Named after a genus of flowers also known as "forget-me-nots." 3. (Pronounced to rhyme with "cow") 4. One of the grocers of Beaconridge. (See Transmission #47) 5. (Pronounced "VOO-oh") 6. "I cannot overemphasize this: unless it's necessary for the purpose of containment, sexual contact with an anomaly will always be wrong, no matter how consensual. Project Thökk will continue, but Dr. Salas has been posthumously demoted to D-class. In addition, given the situation, the draft of her civilian cover obituary has been rewritten to claim that she died from injuries sustained while committing bestiality." - Sasha DiLaurentis, Site-59 Disciplinary Chief 7. "Come on, the obituary's a bit much, don't you think?" - Director Naismith 8. Closest approximation: "See you soon." 9. "Massy's Big Chance," Object Class: Safe. SCP-2527-1 is a stone statue of a Lamassu (an Assyrian guardian deity) with destructive capabilities. SCP-2527-2 is the Commodore 64 text adventure game that controls it. Both were produced by the TotleighSoft corporation. 10. (The few that have been recorded beneath orbit) 11. (While 7702-D's masochistic mindset would make this paradoxical, it is currently believed that the shock of all the pain at once was what truly upset the entity. - Anders Klimt, director of Project Thökk) 12. Length: 520 m from snout to tail, Weight: at least 330,000 metric tons
the Esoteric Mathematics Dept. SCP-7706 - ZERO-FINITY Item#: SCP-7706 Level3 Containment Class: anomalous Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: null Risk Class: warning link to memo SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: Due to the nature of SCP-7706 being a natural constant in the Infosphere, there are currently no methods known to the Foundation for properly containing it. As such, containment efforts instead are to be focused on minimizing knowledge of SCP-7706's existence in various sites of interest such as institutions of academia, mathematics, statistics, and research laboratories. If one or more individual is discovered to have found SCP-7706 outside of the Foundation's purview, agents stationed within these locations are permitted to utilize methods of amnesticization, disinformation, data sabotage, and "gaslighting" in order to minimize the amount of factual data that is released to the public. Research and experimentation relating to SCP-7706 are presently being headed by the Department of Esoteric Mathematics. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7706 designates a natural metaphysical constant that primarily situates itself in the collective Infosphere, the non-visible realm of all existing information, data, and knowledge. SCP-7706 takes the form of a possibly infinite string of numbers, roughly defined as completely composed of zeroes (0), negative ones (-1), and negative decimals (notably -0.1, -0.001, -0.0001, and so on). If SCP-7706 is applied to a singular concept, it is capable of directly affecting and influencing said concept in a physical (and possibly non-physical) manner. Throughout conducted testing and analysis, it was discovered that concepts applied with SCP-7706 would usually be rendered simply null (or nonexistent). Specifically, the concept can no longer be comprehended or interpreted by baseline human perception, often resulting in the concept developing an element of basic antimemeticism. However, while this is the case for a majority of concepts tested by the Foundation, sole concepts relating to numbers and/or having a strong significance to numerical digits that was applied with SCP-7706 would produce more or less interesting and unpredictable outcomes. This would often come in the form of nearby mass deterioration, on-site reality degradation, temporal destabilization, psychological dilapidation, and undoubtedly more. INITIAL DISCOVERY/INCIDENT LOG: SCP-7706 was first discovered in 1973, by [MEMETIC-HAZARD REMOVED | GENERATED PLACEHOLDER: KEVIN MURPHY], a desk accountant for the financial company known as [MEMETIC-HAZARD REMOVED | GENERATED PLACEHOLDER: TOPLINE]. Upon discovering it while calculating the sudden downturn of TOPLINE's client numbers on his notepad, KEVIN MURPHY unknowingly applied SCP-7706 to the entirety of his company's financial assets, resulting in the spontaneous nonexistence of all three of TOPLINE's office buildings, with everyone and everything within it (including KEVIN MURPHY). Owing to the numerical nature of the incident, the Department of Esoteric Mathematics would immediately be dispatched to ascertain and possibly devise a method of containment for SCP-7706. When this was found to be impossible (see CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES), the Department would classify SCP-7706 as an anomaly and proceed with testing and experimentation. EXPERIMENTATION LOG: FOREWORD: The following tests took place within Provisional Site-34. EL-7706/1 CHOSEN CONCEPT: [MEMETIC-HAZARD REMOVED | GENERATED PLACEHOLDER: D-&@$∆], a human male of Canadian descent. OBSERVED OUTCOME: D-&@$∆ demanifests, becoming nonexistent. EL-7706/2 CHOSEN CONCEPT: Θ' OBSERVED OUTCOME: The walls and floor of the testing chamber were described to have been "melted" beyond recognition. Research personnel within the chamber were ordered to evacuate, but due to the containment door having been rendered unserviceable, they were trapped as the ceiling slowly covered them. As retrieval efforts were proven futile, the personnel are to be considered lost. Crosstesting SCP-7706 with Θ' is now prohibited. EL-7706/3 CHOSEN CONCEPT: 5-polytope OBSERVED OUTCOME: A Class-E gateway wormhole manifested itself in the testing chamber. The wormhole emitted a memetic effect compelling research personnel to enter it. The testing chamber was sealed and security forces were immediately dispatched. Upon arriving, the wormhole had already closed and demanifested. Individuals who entered the wormhole have been found to be irretrievable. Surviving personnel reported that the testing chamber constantly produces a smell described to be similar to incense. Extermination and removal of this smell are impossible. EL-7706/4 CHOSEN CONCEPT: π OBSERVED OUTCOME: A large circular hole, measuring approximately 3 kilometers in radius and possessing a depth of around 3 kilometers, was reported to have suddenly manifested in the center of Antarctica. Resulting geological disasters were able to be prevented through the use of anomalies and forceful tectonic plate manipulation. EL-7706/5 CHOSEN CONCEPT: π2 OBSERVED OUTCOME: Hole in Antarctica expanded, now measuring approximately 10 kilometers in radius. Resulting geological disasters were too substantial and immediate to be prevented, forcing the Foundation to request aid from the Global Occult Coalition (GOC). Cover Story 3456/FH "Anomalous Event" was disseminated to GOC personnel to avoid conflict. Testing SCP-7706 with π is now prohibited. EL-7706/6 CHOSEN CONCEPT: 0.0017777777 OBSERVED OUTCOME: All research personnel entered a catatonic state for 49 minutes. Upon awakening, personnel were extremely disoriented, with a majority of them mumbling nonsensicaly regarding inexistent works of fiction. EL-7706/7 CHOSEN CONCEPT: 7-polytope OBSERVED OUTCOME: No effects observed. EL-7706/8 CHOSEN CONCEPT: e OBSERVED OUTCOME: No effects observed. EL-7706/9 CHOSEN CONCEPT: SCP-7706 OBSERVED OUTCOME: No effects observed. EL-7706/10 CHOSEN CONCEPT: Infinity (∞) OBSERVED OUTCOME: No effects observed. EL-7706/11 CHOSEN CONCEPT: Infinitesimals (ε) OBSERVED OUTCOME: No effects observed. SCP-7706 was inadvertently neutralized. Testing halted. « SCP-7705 | SCP-7706 | SCP-7707 »
close Info X Item #: SCP-7707 Object Class: Keter Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: Containment procedures are no longer necessary. Description: SCP-7707 was a humanoid, visually female entity. SCP-7707 notably had a ring of wood positioned inside its waist, severing it in half. SCP-7707's survival depended on its blood consistently quantum tunneling through the wood, despite the statistical impossibility of this happening once, much less billions of times throughout its life. SCP-7707's given address, name and job do not match any in the Foundation's global database. SCP-7707 was capable of replying verbally in any language spoken to it, including languages such as Latin, Yahgan, Biblical Hebrew and Cockney English. The entity was described by researchers as 'amiable' and displayed general cooperation with the Foundation. SCP-7707's presence increased the chance of statistically improbable or even impossible events. This manifested in outcomes that notably never injured SCP-7707, and it is theorized SCP-7707 had a degree of control over this ability. In a defiance of odds, most notably, the entity caused accidents involving domestic pigs and high-speed machinery, truly-random number generation to output identical results, as well as the hospitalization of Doctor Murphy. Addendum 7707.1: Discovery SCP-7707 was initially documented after spontaneously manifesting in the office of Doctor Lowe.1 Security cameras inside of the researcher's room were undergoing a restart, and as such, the testimony of the doctor was the only source available. [BEGIN LOG] [Doctor Lowe was interviewed the day after SCP-7707's discovery.] [The researcher had not mentioned SCP-7707 up until this moment.] Lowe: She appeared on my desk. Actually, I think 'on' is a bit of a strong word, she more so just… appeared inside it, or with half the desk splitting her, but without harming her. It actually- it split her in two. Still remember it perfectly. It was… she had a gold and white cloak, similarly colored leggings…and heterochromia. One iris amber, the other green. It had been an eventful day even beforehand with my promotion and whatnot, from studying the effects of Y-class amnesics on the human mind to directing a group of people to, ah, do it for me, I had been moving boxes all day, shaking hands, and nodding along. I was sitting there, thinking about some thought experiment… the Boltzmann brain, I believe it was… and she just appeared. Papers scattered across the room. They drifted to the ground, fluttering as she stared directly into my eyes. The AC turned on, I remember- they drifted right back onto the desk, perfectly organized. We stared at each other for a few seconds before she finally spoke. And… there was, well, a lot to take in. She had two different colored eyes, and one was pure gold- and her voice! She sounded… otherworldly. She stood there, looking right into my eyes. Was I supposed to shake her hand? Was this my death? I was aware of the risks, but I was almost willing to take them anyway. She reached her hand out, and I extended mine as a reflex, grabbing hers. She asked me where she was, and I didn't know what to tell her. It was a shift change, so… it took a moment for Jacob to find us. Pause. Interviewer: Marcius didn't report anything until 20:23. You mean to say nobody saw this entity in your office for 23 minutes? Lowe: I don't think it- it wasn't that long. He came in and asked me if I was okay. I said yes. She waved, he walked off… Interviewer: …and then reported it to the Zone Manager. Thank you, Lowe. Have a pleasant day. Upon discovery, SCP-7707 was secured inside a standard Humanoid Containment Cell under supervision. 13 minutes later, SCP-7707 unlocked the door and left the cell. She walked out of Site-47 without being stopped. 5 minutes later, she returned along with Doctor Lowe. The following was recovered from Doctor Lowe's therapeutic journal, discovered during examination of possessions. [TRANSCRIPT OF PRIMARY SOURCE] [IRRELEVANT INFORMATION REDACTED] …She was staring up at the sky. It was pouring with rain, and I had an umbrella in one hand. I walked up to her. She had a hand out. Her hair flowed behind her. She was smiling, she was [UNREADABLE] she looked incredible. Staring at the sky. Eyes wide open. Almost wanted [to] ask her if she'd never seen rain before but i… …I walked over to her and offered her my umbrella. She was completely d[r]y. She smiled at me placed her hand [on] my shoulder. It was wet [UNREADABLE] same hand she'd bee[n] testing the waters with. She stood under the umbrella and I remember asking her if she needed it. She said no, it wasn't [needed] since she wasn't wet. I held her hand and reminded her that it was actually wet which made her actually laugh, and it was beautiful… …we stood there for a minute or two, and she said something i don't quite remember the details of. Said she was a midnight driver… worked late night for a delivery company. I searched [it] later and found nothing… …We walked back inside after around 20 min. Apparently the time was 1300… …I worry I feel for her too much. After the initial breach, SCP-7707 was secured in a Class IV Humanoid Containment Cell. 4 minutes later, the mechanical interlock experienced a dramatic failure, and the reporting system for the failure experienced its own failure. SCP-7707 then simply walked out of the cell, as recorded by CCTV footage of the incident. The entity was surrounded by members of MTF Psi-19 "Supermarine". The following interaction has been transcribed from CCTV footage of the incident. Lowe: …don't you want to come back outside?Lowe: Not-Lowe: SC-listen. Listen. I… haven't you noticed? The… when we were outside. Pause. Lowe: When we were outside. You… you know it's not normal to have every single raindrop miss you? To be able to walk out of… rooms with locked doors, just like that? You have a gift, and… they want to know more about it. I want… no. No, I… I don't. I want to know you, and I don't think our goals are mutually… exclusive. Pause. SCP-7707 looks at its feet.[Doctor Lowe motions to the MTF team to lower their weapons. They do so, and SCP-7707 follows Lowe into a Humanoid Containment Cell willingly, escorted by MTF personnel.] SCP-7707 agreed to remain within its cell after discussion with Lowe and the acting Zone Manager. Attempts have been made to move SCP-7707 to a more secure location, however, every attempt thus far has been thwarted by happenstance. Addendum 7707.2: Tests Test 7707-0601 Name: Doctor Ridley Date: 1/8/2008 SCP-7707 was introduced to an 8-ball. Subject was recommended to shake the ball. Subject was confused by the ball's continued result of 'outcome unclear', no matter what method it used to produce a different answer. Subject was permitted to keep the ball. Test 7707-0607 Name: Doctor Ridley Date: 1/8/2008 SCP-7707 was asked to name a random number and replied with 13. The subject was asked to provide a random number greater than 100 and replied with 314. The subject was asked to provide a random number below 100 and replied with 69. Results inconclusive. Test 7707-0609 Name: Doctor Ridley Date: 1/8/2008 SCP-7707 flipped a standard U.S. penny (minted 2006) 5 times and received 5 'heads.' Subject was asked to flip the coin 5 more times and received 5 'tails.' Subject flipped the coin 25 more times of its own volition and received 25 'heads.' Subject was not requested to return the coin. Results inconclusive. Test 7707-0927 Name: Doctor Jasper Date: 15/8/2008 SCP 7707 was presented with several different bowls of 100 candies, each with a different proportion of candies spiked with a non-lethal nerve agent. Subject picked normal candies in bowls with a proportion of 1 to 99, 25 to 75 and 50 to 50 poisoned to normal candies. Subject became suspicious by the third bowl. After the fifth bowl (80/20) the Subject became increasingly distressed and requested the presence of Dr. Lowe several times. When explained he was away for other testing, Subject exhibited signs of intense sadness and refused any communication for several hours. When presented with a bowl of entirely poisoned candy and persuaded to pick, the Subject finally picked a poisoned sweet. No side effects were monitored: when examined it was revealed the last batch of nerve agent candy in the bowl was entirely stale, and as a result redundant. Note: Subject picked without fail a green candy every time. She seems to enjoy lime. Dr. Lowe objected to this more dangerous testing and argued for less stressful tests: permission granted for more benign testing environments. Test 7707-1921 Name: Doctor Rowe Date: 23/8/2008 Entity introduced into Foundation's Monkey Typewriter Project. Subject exited room with legible copy of Shakespeare's Hamlet covered in primate hair. The Foundation Monkey Typewriter Project was cancelled. Test 7707-2910 Name: Doctor Alex Date: 1/7/2009 SCP subject asked to guess password of Dr. Yuri. SCP subject guessed incorrectly. Password given by SCP contained every character of Dr. Yuri's password in the wrong order. Note: Asking SCP-7707 to guess confidential information is strictly prohibited. -Doctor Yuri Test 7707-3281 Name: Doctor Ridley Date: 2/7/2009 SCP-7707 was placed into a Class IV Containment Cell. The cell was equipped with 2 keycard-controlled doors and 10 inch thick concrete walls. The interior of the cell contained 1 fluorescent light, providing sufficient illumination. Subject had consulted with Dr. Lowe prior to experiment. Subject expressed desire to leave. 2 minutes later, a lightning strike in daylight rendered the cell's power systems disabled. Subject found in front of Security Office when power restored. Both cell doors were closed and intact. Note: We had 2 armed guards at the second door and both claim they saw nothing. Addendum 7707.3: Related Media SCP-7707 did not respond to most psychological evaluations and did not reveal personal information lightly, although the entity was described as 'amiable' by most who interacted with it. The most detailed information on SCP-7707's personality comes from the late Doctor Lowe's notes and journal entries. All of these entries come from said journal, at different times: [TRANSCRIPT OF PRIMARY SOURCE] [IRRELEVANT INFORMATION REDACTED] …we met up shortly aft[e]r the candy[l] test.2 [A]pparently she just walked the [REDACTED] out of the room after some termites [a]te the mechanism. She was crying. i don't rem[e]mber how long it was… I held her hand. we stood there for a good what 10? 15 min[utes]? I eventually asked her what was wrong and she simply said 'none if it'. asking her what she meant. and s[he] told me that it was all fake. all her memories. she wasn't ever a mother, and she wasn't ever a driver. she wasn't ever lover, and she wasn't ever a liar. None of what she knew was… actually something t[h]at happen[e]d. She hugged me and… I did not know wh[at] to do. I didn't. she was so distraught, I never… never expected actually, being able… …later on I realized she blamed me for letting it happen. we didn't speak for a while, but she was so… she was so torn up about it. I [b]lame myself for not checking beforehand what they were about to [put] her through. Thought my career was going to get [REDACTED] screwed over… Doctor Lowe's reports demonstrate SCP-7707's irregular psychology. Due to how little is known about SCP-7707's personal life, it is impossible to form a complete picture of its identity, and more importantly, the source of its anomalous properties. It is not known if SCP-7707 was aware of its own abilities. These reports have been cross-compared with CCTV footage to confirm their accuracy. [TRANSCRIPT OF PRIMARY SOURCE] [IRRELEVANT INFORMATION REDACTED] …it was the first time we'd hugged in weeks. She was extremely cheerful beforehand. The medical examination was routine but they wanted to take a closer look at her waist thing3 since it might be a problem. i was later told it's actual[l]y not hollow so how Lucy didn't bleed out or anything is beyond me. and apparently beyond the medical team as well, who didn't really get it either… …she came out later a little shaken, a little of[f]. i asked her why and she didn't reply to me at first, but she just hugged me. why? why. i don't know. but she let go and skipped away happily. and i didn't see her for the rest of the day because I had work… …was thinking about how I first met her. how she sparkled in the soulless florescent light, giving me a small smile as I reached down to place a hand on the wood that so cleanly split her in half… Doctor Lowe's relationship with SCP-7707 is a source of debate. Evidence suggests SCP-7707 considered the researcher a close friend. Due to his role in ensuring SCP-7707 remained containable and predictable while an alternative source of containment was researched, it is believed many breaches in regulation were overlooked by on-site personnel. [TRANSCRIPT OF PRIMARY SOURCE] [IRRELEVANT INFORMATION REDACTED] …we'd even gotten Lucy some gifts. Yes, i am aware i'm not supposed to give the skips anything without going through the paperwork needed, but apparently the Site manager got fi[r]ed that day so it was kind of a mess at the moment. some Christma[s] gift, right?.. …we even had Mary carve a piece of wood for us. little statue of 7707, it turned out perfectly. and i lat[er] found out that she'd put L.L. on the bottom for us. she was so excited to show me it, it was like nobody had ev[e]r gotten her a gift before! even if she di[d]n't recognize any of the carols, she sung along anyway. guessed every single word right. If it were anyone else, i suppose that would be amusing… …all in all, I don't think I need this journal anymore. the therapist may be concerned, but i don't think i need a therapist anymore, either… Doctor Lowe's actions regarding SCP-7707 are deemed as needed at the time in order to placate the entity. Due to the positive effect SCP-7707 had on staff morale and survival rates (Staff productivity rates post-interaction with SCP-7707 were recorded at values of up to 500%, and claims of 'stand behind 7707 in a breach' have been noted), it is believed that some precautions were disregarded, and some procedures left unfollowed. Staff who allowed such behavior have been given a thorough explanation of the risks involved with such dangerous and unprecedented activities. Addendum 7707.4: Reclassifications 1/1/2010: SCP-7707 left the Site's New Year's party with Doctor Lowe. From CCTV footage, in the connecting corridor from the office to the light containment cells SCP-7707 was recorded kissing Doctor Lowe. During this display, SCP-7707 and Doctor Lowe disappeared. A 3-day search was enacted and the Site was placed on full lockdown. Neither SCP-7707 nor Doctor Lowe were ever found. Air monitoring equipment in the area recorded an unusually high concentration of bio-organic particles in the vicinity. Experts in stataphysics, using this evidence and the unusual formation of SCP-7707, concluded that a Level 5 Spontaneous Formation had occurred to allow SCP-7707's appearance, an event predicted to occur every 1010(500) years. A similar event caused the disintegration of both Doctor Lowe and SCP-7707. SCP-7707 has been reclassified to neutralized. "Much like how the universe conspired to make them come together, it took them from us. We'll miss Lowe and Lucy. Her kindness and his passion touched us all. To L.L., the best power couple this damn Site ever had." -Site-47 Team4 Addendum 7707.5: NOTICE "The treatment and subsequent disappearance of SCP-7707 alerted the Foundation to potentially catastrophic failures in Site procedures. The misfortune required for such collective mismanagement of Site workers, doctors, administrators and guards in allowing an active relationship to be fostered between a researcher and their subject falls nothing short of a miracle; immediate corrective action at Site-47 is recommended to prevent any such failures in the future." -O5-2 Footnotes 1. Doctor Lowe was an amnesiacs specialist visiting Site-47. 2. See Test 7707-0927. 3. SCP-7707 was bisected by a piece of mahogany. 4. Attempts to remove irrelevant information from this article have thus far failed. « SCP-7706 | SCP-7707 | SCP-7708 »
SCP-7708. (Label obscured) Item #: SCP-7708 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7708 is stored at Site-██. Access requires Level 2 clearance or higher. Description: SCP-7708 is a wooden graphite pencil with a hexagonal shape. An engraving in small, green print near the bottom of the object reads "M. I. Armstrong". Fixed to the base of the pencil is a metal ferrule, though it lacks an attached eraser. The pencil's casing is partially scuffed, bearing numerous dents and scratches. Under closer observation, SCP-7708 appears to otherwise be unnaturally durable; No graphite expenditure or further degradation of the object has been observed after repeated use and damage. When SCP-7708 is placed near a sheet of paper, it will exhibit autonomous motion, levitating upwards and onto the page. During this process, SCP-7708 can form an intangible "grip" on the paper to stabilize it and facilitate the production of legible and coherent English texts.1 This writing is performed between brief periods of hesitation, during which SCP-7708 may either remain airborne or fall back down. Due to its lack of an eraser, SCP-7708 will occasionally denote a portion of writing as "incorrect" by striking through it. The anomaly usually remains active until the page is filled or they are manually separated, though rarely it may deem a work complete that spans only a part of the page. Writings by SCP-7708 are fictional in nature, and vary between first and third person. The stories are generally unconnected to one another.2 Experiment Log: + Selected SCP-7708 excerpts - Selected SCP-7708 excerpts That day was a bad day for Isaac. All his work was wrong. Was it? He thought, "My work is never complete. This is who I am." On those days, he would sit behind the old tree and hum songs to himself, the songs he knew when he painted with light. The tree looked so big to him when he was young, but it seemed to be as thin as a pencil now. He could only gaze upwards in amazement, however, as the notes of each song took to the skies and drifted out of sight. He wanted to fly away someday, too. Some days, this was every day. He gave and gave, but no one ever seemed to notice. The forest was home to a great variety of creatures, who all once lived in peace. Slowly, however, the days blurred to nights, and all was darkened. So, they got together and schemed to find happiness once and for all. They found a traitor among them, and the traitor was killed. With the traitor gone, they should've been happy, but they only found that the traitor was not what poisoned them at all. Something was wrong. The darkness lingered. And so they found another traitor. And [The remainder of the page is filled with a crude sketch of a forest.] This is the place. He was personally led here. The door slams behind him, leaving him in darkness. He lunges for the door, but cannot open it. A familiar smell enters the room. It comes in through his mouth and nose and covers his lungs, choking him. It smothers his brain. It is the smell of nothing. Nothing covers his lungs. Nothing smothers his brain. To feel something again, he smashes his head on the wall. With a loud crack, blood comes gushing out, sputtering, splashing. In his last moments, he coats his hand and paints a message on the wall. As he took the final br step, it was as if he had fallen down a black abyss unlike anything. He wrestled with that darkness for an eternity before giving into its cold, metallic bonds, which tore him apart and misplaced every piece. I am all that remains. Discovery: + SCP-7708 discovery information - SCP-7708 discovery information On January 1st, 2008, Michael Armstrong was found dead in his garage at age 24. Armstrong had quit his job a week prior, reportedly to pursue a career as a professional author. The body was discovered in his still-running car; Autopsy would determine the cause of death as carbon monoxide poisoning. Next to the body was a sheet of paper, which was entirely blank. SCP-7708 was also found in the vehicle, moving rapidly in a circle without touching down upon the paper below it. The pencil was retrieved from the scene; the note is now considered lost. Footnotes 1. Handwriting analysis of this text has suggested a male "author". 2. For more information, see excerpts below. « SCP-7707 | SCP-7708 | SCP-7709 »
Item#: 7709 Level4 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: danger link to memo Symbol used to represent SCP-7709. Special Containment Procedures: A daily ritual involving the creation of aqua regia1 is to be performed by a trained Alchemist with oversight from the Department of Theology. A small amount of pure gold is to be dissolved in the solution. The product is then to be used during standard operations as needed. Description: SCP-7709 is an omnipotent entity representing the domain of acids. Although currently classified as an Occam-class deity,2 the influence of SCP-7709 on the Baseline Reality has been exponentially increasing since the popularisation of industrial processes involving acids, and it is suspected that reclassification may be needed in the future. It must be noted that SCP-7709 specifically represents the domain of acids as described by the Brønsted–Lowry acid-base theory3 as opposed to broader concepts such as corrosion, disintegration, or chemical volatility. This is unusual when compared to the domains of other documented deities which typically aim to be more basic and wide-ranging. When assuming a metaphysical form, SCP-7709 commonly presents itself as a 15th-century European Alchemist. Although the reported appearance varies, the general consensus between the subjects is that SCP-7709 is a human male dressed in robes with arms and legs formed from — or encased in — lead. The only consistent feature noted between manifestations is the symbol found on the figure's forehead. It corresponds to that used to represent aqua regia and has been described as letting off a faint white glow. The worship of SCP-7709 is uncommon outside of small scientific and occult circles; centralised churches for the study of the deity are not present. Similarly, there are no central tenets of faith or philosophy to which all the different religious sects adhere. The ideology of individual cells ranges from worshipping the cleansing nature of acids to seeing SCP-7709 as a force opposing the concept of monarchy. At this time, no counter-ritualistic action against such groups is necessary. Pseudohistorical Department Historia est vitae magistra. Foreword: The Pseudohistorical Department has compiled a catalogue of SCP-7709-related artefacts and documents. The items are arranged by the date of recovery. Artefact №: 7709-1 Artefact №: 7709-2 Artefact №: 7709-3 Artefact №: 7709-4 Recovery: 1867, Luxembourg, Luxembourg Description: "The Thirteenth Key of Alchemy," a 16th-century alchemical book written under the pseudonym of Basil Valentine. Although mostly scientific in nature, the book aims to embellish the role of SCP-7709 in alchemy. Writing from a yet-to-be-identified individual is found scribbled on several pages, with it consisting of critique towards the way in which the book is structured around SCP-7709 rather than empirical alchemical processes. Recovery: 1901, London, England Description: Jagged crown forged from unidentified white metal chemically similar to gold. The material appears to be impervious to physical damage. No further anomalous properties have been noted. The object was discovered within an abandoned crypt below the streets of London, England. Upon discovery, it was fully submerged in a solution of aqua regia. Documentation suggests that the chamber was sealed in the early 19th century by a British anti-monarchist movement. Recovery: 1943, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Description: Small shrine devoted to SCP-7709. Pieces of destroyed thaumaturgical books are found scattered around the altar, with several glued together into a collage dedicated to SCP-7709. The few legible pieces of text allude to the 15th-century Thaumaturgical University of Addis Ababa. The writing and sigil style match those of their other surviving works. Recovery: 1961, Bern, Switzerland Description: Report on the death of Franziskus Maioris — a 16th-century Swiss Alchemist interested in the creation of Alkahest.4 His efforts caused a disagreement among his colleagues who believed that the creation of a solvent more potent than aqua regia would offend SCP-7709. Mr. Maioris was eventually assassinated by his peers on October 17th, 1547. His corpse was discovered the following morning drenched in nitric acid, scarred, and frozen solid. Because of their connections to numerous high-ranking Witch Hunters operating throughout the Holy Roman Empire, the perpetrators eluded punishment. [+] Interaction Log ι-7709-1 [-] Hide Log Department of Alchemy Ex nihilo nihil fit. Foreword: Using rituals described in Artefact №: 7709-1, a metaphysical connection with SCP-7709 was achieved. The selected ritual involved embedding rose-shaped auric chloride crystals beneath the subject's skin and having them submerged in cold water. The interaction was carried out by Dr. Novaković from the Department of Theology. Following the initial encounter, further manifestations were performed. All accounts listed below originate from the perspective of Dr. Novaković and as such are subject to scrutiny. Trying to speak with SCP-7709 during my initial encounter proved difficult. It was like attempting to converse with a star. Instead, I found myself inspecting its realm. Gazing up at the olive-coloured sky and its bright white sun filled me with a very sickly feeling despite the sterile smell of the still air. From its tower, I could see boundless plains of dark clay. There was no hill in sight, with the land only decorated by small patches of black rubber-like grass and isolated ponds. There were skeletons of some behemoths poking their sun-bleached bones above the corrosive waters. Nothing of value recovered. I will try again. We talked. Despite its lack of interest in me, itself, or anything, SCP-7709 handled itself with the grace of a philosopher. One thing of which I am certain is that it does not discriminate. The god of acid will sear the flesh of both an angel and a devil. This is convenient for accomplishing the Foundation's grand strategy. The notion that it is a "monarch's bane" stems from the fact that certain acids are capable of dissolving gold, and the only reason gold is even linked with the monarchy is that humans determined that it was valuable. It is funny how Nöosphere concepts can occasionally stack atop each other like that. But in the end, the simple truth is that SCP-7709 doesn't represent anything greater than acid. Contacting SCP-7709 is becoming easier. My vision does not blur when I enter its domain. For what it's worth, my hearing and sense of smell are improving as well. I felt confident enough to question its motive. I've interacted with many deities before, and they always want something. Admiration. Power. Change. SCP-7709, however, didn't seem to covet anything. It just sat there in its crooked tower, accomplishing nothing and appearing pleased with that. I'm not sure why anyone would worship such an idle god. [+] 🜆 by Prof. Atkinson (1919) [-] Hide Log Abstract: The following is a passage by Prof. Atkinson regarding SCP-7709 during his 1919 study. Prof. Atkinson was an independent British anomalous researcher praised as the "last true occultist" amongst several veiled communities. People ask me: “Atkinson, how come you have begun worshipping the god of acid? Surely there must be better choices for a man such as yourself.” I would like to address this question briefly in the following chapter. Despite the pessimism created by the Great War, I still look toward a brighter future. I maintain hope that our kind will be able to persevere and never permit such a tragedy to happen again. It is this hope for a better world which draws me towards the Regal Water. Simply put, I don't want to live in a world where any other gods are needed. There will be a time when humans will come from tubes, and fertility will mean nothing. There will be a time when there shall be no more wars, and soldiers will allow their rifles to rust. There will be a time when our food will be synthesised in labs, and the idea of a harvest will become a relict. But acid? We will always need acid. [+] One (1) new message. [-] Re: SCP-7709 Containment Procedures Revision To: tni.TENPiCS|iksrog.k.noc#tni.TENPiCS|iksrog.k.noc From: tni.TENPiCS|dyoll.e.rid#tni.TENPiCS|dyoll.e.rid Subject: SCP-7709 Containment Procedures Revision Dear Specialist Górski. I have read your report on objects with regenerative capabilities. Trust me, you have my sympathy. I find your so-called "regenerative quotient" — how any type of regeneration inevitably evolves and begins bordering on resistance — a real concern. The use of SCP-7709 to counteract this is something I expected given your previous involvement with the Department of Theology. And while some might find the idea of simply making the acid continuously stronger through the blessing of SCP-7709 to counteract the increasing regenerative quotient crude, I find elegance in its simplicity. Straightforward solutions like that ought to be praised more often. Of course, whenever it comes to the use of Prayer Engines I understand that certain percussions must be made. But I trust your expertise, I trust Dr. Novaković, and I trust the Department of Alchemy above all. I believe that their efforts in dealing with SCP-7709 are more than enough proof that the entire division needs a well-deserved increase in funding. Having said that, the materials you sent me have their issues. Before submitting anything in the future, gather your notes and refine them into a comprehensive containment proposal. SCP-7709 may want to be left alone. But for our sake, it cannot be allowed to do so. -Director Lloyd P.S. While I appreciate your diligence when it comes to standard operational procedures, I do not intend to approach the O5 Council about the proposal at this time. I believe that I am within my right as a Site Administrator to make alterations to containment procedures for objects stored at Site-16 within reason. [+] Containment Proposal Δ#7709 [Approved: ██/05/2008] [-] Hide Log Containment Department Nil satis nisi optimum. Containment Specialist Górski has put forward a proposal for increased utilisation of acids in the containment of Keter-class objects with regenerative capabilities. The request has been approved by the acting Site Administrator of Site-16. Additional funding has been allocated for the construction of new containment chambers. Prayer Engines5 are to be erected within a perimeter of chambers which utilise acidic solutions in containment efforts. [+] Ethical Use of Prayer Engines - Memo from Department of Theology [-] Hide Log NOTICE FROM DEPARTMENT OF THEOLOGY If you have received this memo, this means that your workplace has been equipped with a Prayer Engine You must familiarize yourself with this new piece of equipment, as there might come a time when you will be asked to operate it independently. A workshop on the practical uses of Prayer Engines will be held this Wednesday. All personnel are required to read the primer provided below before proceeding with the workshop. by: Dr Górski, Department of Theology, ██/02/1999 The comfort of gods is rarely considered. We all have our everyday challenges, and even pondering the well-being of those so far above us seems absurd. When using the Prayer Engines, however, this should be your top priority. Let's go through their fundamental operations without getting into the technical. Contrary to popular belief, the Prayer Engines are unable to actually compel a deity to interact with the user. By deploying them, however, we are directly taking a piece of their realm into our own. In the Department of Theology, we have an analogy to describe the process. Imagine someone walking into your house, picking up a plate, and leaving. That plate could easily be ignored. After all, you have a lot of other dishes in your house, and it's not like losing a single plate would hurt your finances. And yet, you pursue the perpetrator. Assume they break your plate, scattering it on the ground. There are many more plates in your house. It's not like you can't just buy a new plate. And yet you start piecing it together, injuring yourself in the process. This is how the deities you're pointing these devices at feel: uneasy, bothered, and exhausted. Be mindful. URGENT NOTICE FROM MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Medical difficulties have recently become more prevalent among the staff of Site-16. If you are feeling unwell, please contact your supervisor immediately. Do not self-medicate unless explicitly permitted to do so. I need to be updated on the situation ASAP. We did some scans on the last person you sent down here, and his stomach was filled with water — pure water. I want to meet with someone from the Department of Alchemy to discuss the issue, not whoever the people from Theology keep sending over. Their one and only solution seems to be continuously tuning the infirmary's Prayer Engines. Those things are already loud and obnoxious enough as it is, and I don't want to stress out my patients with any more noise. -Dr. Tariel [+] SCP-7709 - Preliminary Damage Report [-] Hide Log Department of Theology Credo quia absurdum. While SCP-7709 has not yet taken any overtly offensive action against the Foundation, readings indicate that it is beginning to disturb various chemical processes throughout Site-16. Said disturbance is limited to halting the expression of the commonly understood characteristics of acids, ranging from making it impossible to catalyze certain reactions to disturbing the biochemical pathways which require a pH of below 7.0 At the current time, it is difficult to estimate the damage this could cause to Site-16's operational costs and the safety of its personnel. A thorough damage report is being drafted. Due to Containment Proposal Δ#7709, this has been upgraded to a high-priority assignment. [+] One (1) new message. [-] Re: Δ#7709 Project Termination To: tni.TENPiCS|iksrog.k.noc#tni.TENPiCS|iksrog.k.noc From: tni.TENPiCS|dyoll.e.rid#tni.TENPiCS|dyoll.e.rid Subject: Δ#7709 Project Termination I am terminating the project. The proposal you have sent me for equipping every single personnel with a portable Prayer Engine is both unfeasible and ludicrous. Let's consider our situation realistically. SCP-7709 refuses to be involved in our containment efforts. We cannot blame it for that. Our first mistake was assuming that just because it was passive, it would bear our burden. Trying to tame a beast which controls a key aspect of our biology will always be difficult, even if it does not struggle against our chains. We will always need acid, and we will always need it to act like it's supposed to. So perhaps we should leave the Regent to his tower. And just as I cannot blame SCP-7709, so do I find myself unable to shift the responsibility for the crisis onto you. You were proud of your work. I signed the proposal. There will be no disciplinary action taken against you. And me? We'll have to wait and see what happens. Fittingly, the Department of Theology is really proficient at gathering followers, and I am ashamed to admit that I was one of them. For a while, I really thought that our cooperation could revivify the Department of Alchemy. I suppose that it was just my attempt at keeping up with the times. First, it was the Department of Occult, and now it's the Alchemy. Rituals are replacing our old ways, aren't they? The demand for belief is so high nowadays that we need to industrialize faith. I wouldn't go as far as to call whatever SCP-7709 is doing "lashing out", but if I were a god, I would take offence to this — regardless of whether my domain was abused. Some would call SCP-7709 ungrateful, considering the amount of influence we are giving to the entity. But remember this: some people don't want to be helped. The same is true for gods, it seems. Even if we set up perfect conditions for SCP-7709 to grow and spread its influence, it might still remain idle. And if we force it to act, it may become restless. You can lead a horse to the water — and you know the rest. -Director Lloyd P.S. Even if you turn off all the Prayer Engines, continue the ritual. It's a sign of goodwill. « SCP-7708 | SCP-7709 | SCP-7710 » Footnotes 1. Alchemical name for regal water; a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids. 2. Occam-class deities are those unable to conjure a physical form in the Baseline reality. 3. Any chemical species that is capable of donating a proton. 4. Alkahest was the theorized "universal solvent" capable of dissolving any substance without altering its fundamental components. 5. Prayer Engines are devices capable of strengthening the presence of deities in the Baseline reality.
Item #: SCP-7710 Object Class: Pending Temporary Containment Procedures: SCP-7710 is temporaily located at Auxillary Research Facility-19. SCP-7710 is to be contained in a large biohazardous containment cell retrofitted for a large animal. Its cell is to be lined with common industrial plastic with imprinted thaumaturgic sigils. SRAs1 are to be placed at the corners of the containment cell. Use of fire is approved in re-containing the anomaly. Personnel are required to wear hazardous material suits while in SCP-7710's cell. Testing temporary sigils must be made with a liquid mixture 1:7:10 ratio of silver dust:salt:blood (unspecified). SCP-7710's location of discovery. Description: SCP-7710 is a biohazardous entity retrieved from the Saginaw Bay in Bay City, Michigan, USA. The entity will take on the appearance of an extinct, extinct in the wild, or critically endangered species. Its current form is a black rhinoceros. SCP-7710 is three times the size of its non-anomalous counterparts. The anomaly's mass is made up of biohazardous and acidic slime; it has an exo-skeleton composed of oxidized iron and copper. At this time, no specific cause for SCP-7710's manifestation has been found. In testing, SCP-7710 has been found to emit low levels of TRE.2 Addendum 7710.1 Email Logs 7710.1 To: Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder From: Head Researcher Leah Królik Subject: New Assignment Date: 2022/09/20 Time: 08:41 Good morning Mordecai, I have some wonderful news for you! I'm assigning you to SCP-7710 as project lead alongside Containment Specialist Samson. His team is trying to contain an anomaly and requires your expertise. All the details are in the attached files. Head Researcher Leah Królik, Department of Research, ARF-19 [SCP-7710.pdf] [2022-08-19_test7710.pdf] [2022-08-20_test7710.pdf] [INFO-TRE_lvl2.pdf] To: Head Researcher Leah Królik From: Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder Subject: Re:New Assignment Date: 2022/09/20 Time: 08:58 Leah, I'd like to work on this assignment, however, I have to say no. I'm having a hard time at home and this stress would distract me from work. At this time I feel I'm unfit for the responsibility. Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder Thaumaturgy Divison, ARF-19 To: Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder From: Head Researcher Leah Królik Subject: Re:Re:New Assignment Date: 2022/09/20 Time: 09:12 I really need you on this assignment. I'm assigning you to this anomaly because you're the only on-site personnel who has experience with things like TRE. My sympathies toward you and your situation. I'll see what I can do to help you so you can focus on the assignment. Head Researcher Leah Królik, Department of Research, ARF-19 To: Head Researcher Leah Królik From: Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder Subject: Re:Re:Re:New Assignment Date: 2022/09/20 Time: 09:23 Leah, I don't want the facility to be involved in my personal matters. Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder Thaumaturgy Divison, ARF-19 To: Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder From: Head Researcher Leah Królik Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re:New Assignment Date: 2022/09/20 Time: 09:45 OK that's fair, but there aren't any nearby mages. I need you on this assignment. Head Researcher Leah Królik, Department of Research, ARF-19 SCP-7710 breached containment and broke into the waste management garages. The entity gained ~34 kg of refuse. Fire specialists were able to reduce the entity's mass and coerce it back into a container. To: Head Researcher Leah Królik From: Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re:ReNew Assignment Date: 2022/09/21 Time: 14:56 Leah, After some consideration, I'll take on the assignment. Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder Thaumaturgy Divison, ARF-19 P.S. I'll let you know if I need anything. Testing Log 7710.1 Testing began 2022/09/23 with consultation from Jr. Researcher Mordecai. Sigil Base: STUCK Date: 2022/09/23 Effects: The anomaly's machine oil output increased by 200%. Notes: Clean up commenced when the effects wore off after 24 hours. Mordecai reports having used the wrong word as a base. Sigil Base: BIND Date: 2022/09/24 Effects: N/A Notes: Personnel in SCP-7710's cell suffered from minor injuries. Researcher Mordecai reported a depressive episode, and called out for the day. To: Head Researcher Leah Królik From: Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder Subject: Therapy Date: 2022/09/25 Time: 07:28 Leah, After yesterday, I request approval for weekly sessions with my psychiatrist. Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder Thaumaturgy Divison, ARF-19 To: Jr Researcher Mordecai Ryder From: Head Researcher Leah Królik Subject: Therapy Date: 2022/09/25 Time: 08:56 Mordecai, Sure thing! I'll let Dr. Cornell know that I've approved this. Head Researcher Leah Królik, Department of Research, ARF-19 Sigil Base: CHAINED Sigil Addition: 48 HOURS Date: 2022/09/27 Effects: The anomaly's exo-skeleton hardened. Notes: An attempted containment breach occured. This led to heavy damage to the plastic interior of the cell. After 48 hours SCP-7710's containment cell was cleaned and repaired. Therapy Session 7710.1 Therapist: Dr. Haskell Cornell Patient: Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder Date: 2022/10/06 <Begin Log> Cornell: Good morning Mordecai. Mordecai: Hi. Cornell: How are we feeling today? Mordecai: Tired mostly. Cornell: Are the insomnia medications not working? Mordecai: I'm having a hard time taking them. Cornell: I can see about getting a liquid form. (removes a notebook and pen) Mordecai: No, no. That's not the problem. Cornell: (pauses) What's the problem Mordecai? Mordecai: I (rubs forehead) don't want to sleep. Cornell: Why's that? Mordecai: It means the day's over, and I've lost another day. Cornell: "Lost another day"? Mordecai: I don't want to get more in depth. Cornell: Mordecai, if this is affecting your work, by default we should know. [Mordecai is silent for a minute.] Mordecai: It's another day gone knowing that I did have housing. I wake up the next morning and worry I won't have housing when I lay down again. And the cycle repeats. [Dr. Cornell puts his pen down. Mordecai shifts nervously.] Mordecai: If I can stay awake, I won't end the feeling that I made it through another day. [The room remains silent for about a minute. Dr. Cornell retrieves his pen, and writes something down.] Cornell: From what I understand, you have an apartment near here that's in your name? Mordecai: (sniffs) Yes. Cornell: You pay the rent? Mordecai: Yes… but I don't know if I'll be able to pay it the next month, and the next month, and the next month. Cornell: You have solid employment with the Foundation. Mordecai: I'm aware, I just can't shake the feeling that everything can come crashing down on me. Cornell: Your anxiety sounds overwhelming. We can try upping your anti-anxiety medications and see how that helps? Mordecai: (sighs) Please. <End Log> Sigil Base: PRESS Date: 2022/10/07 Effects: Ambient temperature around SCP-7710 raises to 50C. SCP-7710 melts and becomes superheated. It takes on the properties of lava. Notes: The plastic walls melted, the entity breached containment, and was re-contained in ARF-19's parking lot. 12 personnel vehicles were destroyed, including Jr. Researcher Mordecai's Honda Accord. I don't know what I expected. -Mordecai Therapy Session 7710.2 Therapist: Dr. Haskell Cornell Patient: Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder Date: 2022/10/15 <Begin Log> Cornell: Good morning Mordecai. Mordecai: What's good about it? Cornell: Mordecai, pleas- Mordecai: (interuppts) My car is wrecked. [Silence for roughly 20 seconds.] Cornell: (adjusts tie) -and the facility has created a temporary shuttle route to account for this. Mordecai: The shuttle is fine. What I'm angry about is that I have to get another car. With what money? The money I do have goes toward rent. Cornell: You've been having anxiety about housing again? Mordecai: Of course. It makes it hard to focus when I'm in the lab or my apartment. Cornell: Tell me your nightly routine when you get home after a day at work. Mordecai: Well… I greet Hal3 and then I get a snack and watch horror Let's Plays. When it's time for dinner, I put a frozen dinner in the microwave. I eat that while watching my video. And then… I don't know, a few hours go by and I somehow wake up in my bed. Mordecai: These hours can be used on anything else! But I don't want the night to end so I get stuck in this loop. Cornell: Have you considered journaling? Mordecai: I'm not sure I'd be able to when I'm in that headspace. Cornell: It doesn't have to be anything deep. If you're watching a video, simply type "I'm watching a video." in a blank text file. Mordecai: I hadn't thought of it like that… <End Log> […]watched an indie horror game lets play with hal. she wasnt scared[…] […]tried to order pizza— order kept being mixed up. [46 extraneous entries removed for brevity.] 2022/10/30 […]what they need is a demonologist or a mage well versed in solomonic magic. all they have is a second rate wordsmith. altho on one of my USBs i have a torrented magical library. i think i can find something that could help[…] […]i dont want to live with this Thing. 2022/10/31 […]the anxiety is back. ive been watching videos with Hal for 3 hours. i need to continue programming this sigil but im so fucking worried about nothing! My head hurts, my palms sweat, my heart is racing, every part of my body screams in pain[…] [….]medication and some water helped a little. im taking a short break from reading to take note that im programming the sigil again. [5 entries of extraneous information on sigil creation removed.] 2022/11/05 […]G'd i really need help. there's too much i dont know about this thing!! and i cant handle the apartment, the car and BINDING A DEMON, ALONE! im not experienced with this shit[…] Addendum 7710.2 Sigil Base: LOCKED Date: 2022/11/08 Effects: SCP-7710 breached containment causing minor damage to the Containment Wing. Notes: Jr. Researcher Mordecai suffered from a chemical burn to his shoulder during the breach. Email Logs 7710.2 To: Tyler O'Neil From: Head Researcher Leah Królik Subject: Budget / Breach Date: 2022/11/09 Time: 16:12 Tyler, The decline of my researcher's health is starting to effect his work on SCP-7710. I'm sure you've heard of the recent breaches. I'm asking you to relieve some of Mordecai's financial burden. Head Researcher Leah Królik Department of Research, ARF-19 To: Head Researcher Leah Królik From: Tyler O'Neil Subject: Re:Budget / Breach Date: 2022/11/10 Time: 08:15 Researcher Królik, Sadly, I've heard of the breaches. I'm not sure if the facility has enough funds to increase Jr. Researcher Mordecai's pay especially after the rhino destroyed part of Wing-B. I'll do a little digging and see if there's someone I can reach out to. Tyler O'Neil Financial Liasion, ARF-19 / Site-19 […]ive avoided programming this sigil for the last week, i cant seem to sit down and read for longer than 5mins. my headspace feels polluted and sluggish[…] Sigil Base: PURIFY Date: 2022/11/19 Effects: SCP-7710 biohazardous sludge anomalously turned into corium.4 Notes: See Incident Report 7710.1 for more details. Incident Report 7710.1 Security Footage (Video Only) <Begin Log> 09:32: Testing commences on SCP-7710. The entity melts into corium. 09:33: The blast shields protect the researchers from the sudden radioactive burst. Containment Specialist Samson alerts the facility to a containment breach. 09:35: All personnel begin evacuating. 09:43: Jr. Researcher Mordecai trips and falls down. He tends to his ankle. 09:47: SCP-7710 breaches containment. Its original biohazardous exoskeleton has grown back. It ceases emitting radioactivity. 09:48: Mordecai weakly stands up and hobbles down the hall. 09:51: SCP-7710 sluggishly crawls down the hallway, still recovering from the meltdown. 09:55-10:04: Hopping into an empty conference room, Mordecai stretches his ankle. He pulls out a tube of eyeliner and writes around the bruise while muttering. 10:05: Roaring is reported to come from Temporary Containment Wing-B. Mordecai stands and flexes his ankle. He evacuates the conference room and heads toward the security checkpoint. 10:07: SCP-7710 barges down the hall, and into the open office floor. Despite Mordecai's prior injuries, he is able to run down the next hallway. The anomaly barrels after Mordecai. 10:08-10:15: The entity launches its biohazardous sludge at the researcher. The researcher cups his mouth and yells. A wall of light appears before him. The sludge is absorbed by the wall. Mordecai appears to be speaking while launching thaumaturgically charged spheres at SCP-7710, which explode on impact. The wall disapates. Recovering from the explosives, SCP-7710 continues to pursue Mordecai. 10:15: Mordecai reaches the security checkpoint. The vault doors are locked. The researcher uses the checkpoint intercom. Intercom Recording Mordecai: Anyone there? Security: Yes. We aren't able to open the doors until SCP-7710 is re-contained. Please stand-by, there is a mobile task force on route to the site. [Loud bellowing is heard through the intercom.] Mordecai: Shit shit shit shit shit… Security: Get yourself to safety and wait for rescue. [The bellowing gets louder. Mordecai ends the call.] Security Footage (Video Only) 10:18-10:23: The researcher turns and faces the anomaly again. Mordecai removes his lab coat, and rolls up his sleeves. He pulls out the tube of eyeliner again and frantically scrawls on both forearms. SCP-7710 launches refuse at Mordecai. The researcher's eyes begin glowing as he waves his hands, manifesting a wall of light. It absorbs the attack. 10:24-10:35: Mordecai strafes left. The entity rams into the doors. The researcher's eyes glow brighter and light begins to outline Mordecai's body. SCP-7710 recovers and appears to bellow. Mordecai yells and a shortbow made out of light appears in his hand. He points it at SCP-7710. Pulling on the string Mordecai manifests an arrow. He quickly lets out 3 arrows. The entity writhes as the arrows embed into its exposed flesh. Mordecai whispers into his left hand, summoning another thaumaturgical explosive orb. Throwing it in the direction of SCP-7710, Mordecai sprints and ducks behind a trash can. The footage washes out for a minute. 10:37-10:43: SCP-7710 recovers. There are two new cracks in its exoskeleton; it leaks crude oil. Mordecai de-summons the shortbow, centers his weight and begins to dance. The anomaly bombards Mordecai with refuse. The researcher's mouth moves as he extends his arms above his head. Light around Mordecai expands. A thick, wall of plasma expands and atomizes the refuse. Mordecai is overexposed for the rest of the footage. [On site temperature read outs report an average increase of 5C site wide at this time. Containment Wing-B reports an increase of 7C.] 10:46-10:51: The anomaly struggles, dragging its mass toward the security checkpoint. Mordecai rushes toward SCP-7710. Light levels increase around Mordecai as he approaches the entity. An appendage flows out of him and makes a large fist. Upon impact with SCP-7710 Mordecai punches it. There is another bright flash and a report of an increase in heat. The rest of the footage is corrupted. <End Log> Jr. Researcher Mordecai was discovered unconscious, clothes burned, severely dehydrated, and covered in first degree burns. SCP-7710 was found contained in a dome of plasma. Scanners of the wing reported a gravity well localized to SCP-7710's center of mass. Addendum 7710.3 Medical Report 7710.1 After gaining lucidity, Jr. Researcher Mordecai loudly requested drawing material and a meeting with Dr. Cornell, and Containment Specialist Samson. Debriefing Patient: Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder Attending: Dr. Haskell Cornell, Containment Specialist Sif Samson Date: 2022/11/25 Mordecai: (pulls out an envelope and hands it to Samson) These are plans for a gravity sigil that will anchor 7710. I can't be there to activate it, and the blueprint is incomplete; however, that sigil should give off enough passive emissions to hold the entity in place while I heal. Samson: (takes the envelope) How do you know this'll work? Mordecai: Because it already worked to recontain it. I need to speak to Dr. Cornell alone now. Samson: Alright, we'll begin work immediately. [Samson leaves the room.] Cornell: Tell me what you remember. Mordecai: Something went wrong with the sigil, and 7710 melted into nuclear sludge. Thankfully the blast shields were up, (wheezes) I tripped while evacuating and twisted my ankle. I don't remember much from then to when the rhino rushed me. Cornell: Try to remember your fight with the rhino. [Silence for roughly 2 minutes.] Mordecai: I remember writing PSALMS…something, on my forearm, and GUIDANCE on the other. (pauses) There was yelling. The air around me got really hot and my skin started to burn. (shifts painfully) I wake up in here with an image in my mind's eye quickly fading. I don't recall much more. Cornell: (nods) I'll speak with your supervisor on getting you access to the security footage. Mordecai: Sweet Lord have mercy— I don't think I can handle that just yet. Cornell: Of course, but I feel we should get a move on with the paperwork. Mordecai: (painfully shifts in bed) That's fair. Now, please let me be alone. Cornell: Understood. Have a good night Mordecai. Mordecai: You too. (wheezes) To: Tyler O'Neil From: Head Researcher Leah Królik Subject: Compensation Date: 2022/11/27 Time: 07:44 Tyler, Have you looked into financially compensating Mordecai for housing? He's shown himself more than capable in handling 7710's containment research and besides, he's been beat up enough already. Head Researcher Leah Królik, Department of Research, ARF-19 To: Head Researcher Leah Królik From: Tyler O'Neil Subject: Re:Compensation Date: 2022/11/27 Time: 09:01 Researcher Leah, There's been rumors going around my office about that. I'll reach out to Sandra at Site-19 and see if she can approve an emergency measure to cover the rest of Mordecai's lease. Tyler O'Neil Financial Liasion, ARF-19 / Site-19 To: Sandra Sanderson From: Tyler O'Neil Subject: Compensation Date: 2022/11/27 Time: 09:05 Sandra, It's come to my attention that Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder has expressed on numerous occasions that his issues with housing are distracting him from work. With the difficulty of containing a refuse demon at a small facility, and Mordecai being the only thaumaturge on-site, I feel this warrants emergency measures. I propose that the facility takes over the rest of his lease. Tyler O'Neil Financial Liasion, ARF-19 / Site-19 To: Tyler O'Neil From: Sandra Sanderson Subject: Re:Compensation Date: 2022/11/27 Time: 11:15 Tyler, What we've allocated for ARF-19's budget wouldn't allow for this. Sadly, 7710's breaches have evaporated most of the funds. Sandra Sanderson Department of Finance, Site-19 15:32: Mordecai is seated at a table alone in the media center. He's surrounded by sigil blue prints, books, and binders. Dark circles are under his eyes. 15:41: He falls asleep. 16:02: The sigil blueprint Mordecai is laying on top of begins to glow. 16:04: Edges of the blueprint start to smolder. 16:20: The paper catches fire and this wakes Mordecai. He removes his lab coat and beats the flames. 16:24: Mordecai successfuly extinguishes the fire. He cleans the mess, packs his things, and leaves. To: Sandra Sanderson From: Tyler O'Neil Subject: Re:Re:Compensation Date: 2022/12/01 Time: 11:24 Sandra, I reached out to the head of food service at ARF-19. We were able to free up some of the facility's budget. Attached is our proposal. Tyler O'Neil Financial Liasion, ARF-19 / Site-19 [ARF19_food-service_budget] P.S. It'll mean a lesser quality of food on-site. But I feel that that's a fair compromise to reduce the frequency of the rhino's breaches. To: Tyler O'Neil From: Sandra Sanderson Subject: Re:Compensation Date: 2022/12/01 Time: 12:43 Tyler, This looks good to me. Sandra Sanderson Department of Finance, Site-19 To: Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder From: Tyler O'Neil Subject: Housing Date: 2022/12/01 Time: 14:02 Jr. Researcher Mordecai Ryder, I need to inform you that Auxillary Facility-19 will be taking over the rest of your apartment's lease. In the attached document is the relevent paperwork to fill out to apply for the emergency aid, as well as a list of what information your property management company needs to provide us with. Get well soon, Tyler O'Neil Financial Liasion, ARF-19 / Site-19 [emergency-aid_2022.pdf] [housing-info_2022.pdf] After receiving news from O'Neil, there was a notable increase in Jr. Researcher Mordecai's mood. During which time the containment team rebuilt SCP-7710's cell using Mordecai's incomplete blueprints. […]i might've been using entirely the wrong language in programming the base. its a demon, but no relataed language is working. but as a manifestation of pollution. am i crazy to think that the demon is closer to science than theology? im going to put in a request for material on basic environmental science and physics[…] Sigil Base: [mathematical formula on the rate of decay in chemical waste over the course of 48 hours] Date: 2022/12/04 Effects: SCP-7710 biohazardous sludge begins to decay and slough off over the course of 48 hours. Notes: After 48 hours SCP-7710 began the process of healing albeit at a slower rate than exhibited in the past. it was math. More by fairydoctor Footnotes 1. Scranton Reality Anchor, stablizes local reality. 2. Tartarean Resonance Energy. 3. Mordecai's white rabbit servitor. A magician's familiar. 4. Nuclear waste.
Agisuru You can check out more of my works here: Agisuru's Very Cool Author Page YOU ARE VIEWING AN ARCHIVED PAGE. This in-progress iteration has been preserved in Foundation archives for the sake of access to audio contained within. Be advised that all relevant knowledge has yet to be approved by the O5 council for release to the Foundation at large. Item#: 7711 Level6 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: archon Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures Containment of SCP-7711 is not feasible by standard means, but, due to the nature of SCP-7711, is effectively pointless. While SCP-7711 can, in some sense, be considered contained by virtue of being restricted to residing on a single, isolated planet, no maintenance of this containment is required. Should SCP-7711 spread beyond its home planet, nothing will change. Description SCP-7711 is the designation for an anomalous, humanoid race and the dominant species of its home planet. SCP-7711 is typically referred to by itself as Homo sapiens1, though at present, no names for SCP-7711 are known that are not self-given. You have enabled auto-transcription. ------ Audio detected. Voice identification active. ------ Speaker: Dr. Uwe, Luke Transcribing… That's it? We're the anomaly? Speaker: O5-5 (retired) After all we've catalogued, and especially after every anomaly we've created ourselves, it's only appropriate. I don't know. It just feels wrong to me. I understand. It's a strange objectivity to conclude one's own race to be anomalous. Why, though? What brought this on? How fond are you of stories, Uwe? I doubt I'm really allowed to say I don't want or have the time to listen. You're allowed to say whatever you want. You're allowed to walk out that door right now and never come back if you're so inclined. Well, sure, but… I don't know. Responding like that to an O5 feels like I'm breaking the biggest rule in the Foundation. Forget my position. I'm not speaking in my capacity as an overseer. I'm just speaking as someone old and tired, whose memories may not be intact forever. Someone who's seen more than they ever deserved to. You're interested in being a part of our deep space exploration initiative, aren't you? I ask that you indulge me this chance to ramble. …Alright. If that's what you'd like. I wasn't alive when man made it into orbit. I wasn't alive when man made it to the moon. I wasn't alive when man made it to Mars. I know the gist of it, though. Like a sheltered child, we took our first steps into the great world beyond our home. We stumbled along the way, and once we were out the door, we were overwhelmed by what we saw. We quickly returned to safety, to the place we'd known for our entire existence, grateful for what we had been provided. That's where the official records end. Man has never gone farther than the fourth planet from the sun, and certainly never left the solar system. I don't think it's much of a surprise for me to tell you that simply isn't true. I've been out there. I've seen the vast, unyielding cosmos firsthand. Above all else, I returned with one fact seared into my mind: humanity is an anomaly. Simply through the act of existing, we defy every expected norm of this universe. The Foundation has had faster-than-light travel for… I think it's almost a century now? It's hard to remember exactly when we found it, frankly, because the technology sat disused in an out-of-the-way facility for God knows how long. We didn't know what to do with it. We could travel wherever we pleased, but we couldn't see wherever ahead of time. We'd be flying blind and without direction, and chances are that if we just sent someone off at random, they'd never find anything interesting out there. As time progressed, we didn't gain much of anything to help us see further into the cosmos. Instead, we developed ways to predict what we would find, mathematical models to tell us where planets would be, what their composition was like, the chances that they were suitable for life. All of this based on the tiny sliver of the universe we could see from our little home. But we couldn't test these predictions through conventional means. We needed to dust off the faster-than-light travel technology that had been rotting in containment. We needed someone to venture out and discover what it was the models couldn't predict. I wasn't an O5 then. I was young and idealistic, eager to prove myself however I could. To this day, I'm still not certain why they chose me, but I don't think why really matters. They chose me, and I quickly learned how to operate the craft they'd created. I was given a list of destinations, planets they had calculated as most likely to support life. Not all of them would be like ours. Some they'd even received evidence from of extraterrestrial life, but had been unable to effectively communicate, travel to, or even view them remotely. The ship was a work of genius in its own right. Not just because of the ability to travel beyond anything we knew, mind you. Honestly, I think that might have been the least remarkable part. Maybe it's just because the idea of faster-than-light travel has been in the cultural zeitgeist so long that it hardly stood out to me. I was more fascinated by the way it could harvest sunlight to create nutrient-dense smoothies, negating the need for rationing out food to last me a set period of time. There was also the pocket dimension accessible from Earth as well as from a door near the back of the craft; though we couldn't occupy it at the same time, Foundation personnel could leave me things I needed, and in turn I could hand off notes from my mission. That was the closest thing I had to companionship. The distance between myself and our solar system would quickly become too great to manage direct conversation. It wasn't long before I was watching Earth slowly vanish from sight, a world large beyond human comprehension reduced to a pinprick in my rear viewing port. Everything I'd ever known took up less space in my visual field than the stars further away than a human could ever fathom. It's hard to place how I felt about it in the moment. I can't help but project how I feel now about the whole thing, later events tinting that memory, preventing me from ever recalling it as it truly was. I don't know if I'll ever be able to experience the feeling again. That's just the nature of the human mind. I know I felt some kind of awe. Reverence, even, for the alien beauty of what I was seeing. No other person had ever borne witness to that sight. Yet for all the beauty of Earth, of Mars and Saturn and Jupiter, of our solar system in its entirety, so much more of what I saw lacked that elegance. The initial stage of my departure was breathtaking in ways that set my expectations far too high. After that, it was just nothing. I was adrift in… well, I can't even call it darkness. There's a certain expectation to the concept of darkness, that there's something to see within it, that if only there were more light or your eyes better adjusted you'd at least be able to discern some faint figure of your surroundings. Even if I shone a light in any direction, what would there have been to see? The light itself would have been wasted. There would have been no difference. My craft was moving faster than physics had previously been capable of comprehending, but it appeared no different to me than if I were standing still. I've heard, of course, that it's a trick of our vision, that our ability to see is based on light moving so much faster than we can, that moving faster than light would render us incapable of seeing. I'm not certain I want to attribute it entirely to that principle. I think that, even were that postulation proven wrong, there would still have been nothing to see, the distances so vast and so empty that the mind struggles to understand it. Our brains aren't made for solitude. We evolved to observe everything around us, to constantly be on alert for anything even minutely different. Anytime I looked out into the stars, I'd swear I saw something move, or blink, find some connection between them. I saw stars looking back at me with the same vague curiosity in their gaze that I held in mine, only to realize that my psyche had invented all of it. The longer I peered into nothingness, the more my mind wanted so desperately for there to be something within it. My subconscious itself seemed bored of being unable to perceive anything, tricking me into thinking there was anything out there to elicit some kind of emotion. But there never was. On and on I traveled, guided only by a set of predictive equations. Bright as the people who did all that math for me were, they didn't know for certain how fast I'd be able to reach the locations I was being sent to. They had to program the craft itself to adjust its trajectory based on the speeds it actually achieved. Were my direction off by even the most marginal of fractions, I could wind up arriving to nothing, too far away from my target to even be able to see where I should have gone. That anxiety harrowed me up until the moment I reached my first destination. The closest of the potentially life-sustaining planets, though certainly not the most similar to ours. It was a tiny thing, barely larger than our moon, but equally desolate. It wasn't large enough to hold an atmosphere. I landed, but I knew what would await me. I was aware of the results I'd see of the tests performed on each sample I took. There was no life there. I don't think there ever had been. From Earth, the Foundation had observed a planet large enough to keep an atmosphere, a planet that had liquid water, a planet quite similar to our own. That sight had been hundreds of years old by the time it reached us. As I departed, I saw what had occurred. I saw what Earth wouldn't know for centuries. As I said, the planet hardly exceeded the size of our moon, but that wasn't the whole of it. The mass that had been observed from Earth hadn't been some illusion. It spiraled rapidly in a close orbit to the center mass, splintered off by some catastrophic impact. Something, likely a rogue planetoid traveling the cosmos much the same as I, had struck. It carried with it enough force to rend the planet itself, scattering the pieces into space around it. Still held captive by the gravity of the planet's star, these fragments had slowly begun to amass, forming a frenzied, chaotic orbit around one another that constantly dragged the main body of the planet out of its own proper orbit, zigging and zagging around the star to such a degree that its climate utterly destabilized. It would be brought near to the sun and baked for months before being dragged out into the frigid cold. If there had ever been life there, and if that life survived the cataclysmic collision, and if that life had also managed to endure the loss of the majority of the atmosphere, it would certainly have been done in by the unpredictable orbit. My stop there had been a waste of time, and the tests performed on the samples confirmed it. There were no traces of organic material to be found anywhere. Once more I returned to the solitude of the cosmos, drifting towards my next destination. The next planet wasn't quite as obviously dead at first glance. I saw no life, that much was true, but it was entirely possible life only existed there as single-celled organisms. I could not rely purely on what I could see. Aside from incredibly high levels of radiation, there were few outwardly apparent signs of disaster. My initial suspicion was that there was some kind of fallout from a war, but I realized that the assumption was rather human-centric. Even if another species achieved the dominance humanity has, who's to say they would ever develop weapons that took a form at all recognizable to us? No, I dare say that no living being wrought the destruction that second planet faced. The samples I took told me everything I needed to know: the planet had once contained a molten core much like Earth's, but for whatever reason, it had since cooled and solidified. Over time, this brought the planet itself to a thermal equilibrium. There were traces of life having once been there, but with the fiery core extinguished, that life lost the ability to synthesize nutrients, leading to total extinction. The cooling of the core also brought with it a loss of the planet's protective magnetic field, allowing solar winds to scour the surface into the wasteland that lay before me. Another dead end. Another waste of time. I was disappointed, but this wasn't entirely unexpected. Even finding one living planets among the dozens of destinations would be remarkable. Discouraging, perhaps, but not cause for concern yet. I was to press on until I found the extraterrestrial life that I knew in my heart existed somewhere in the vast universe. As I traveled towards the next coordinates, an oddity drew my attention. The ship had detected a nearby nebula, one that had never been observed from Earth. It should have been directly between our planet and the one to which I was currently traveling at the time that I left, yet according to the logs of known celestial bodies in my ship's database, it had not been catalogued. I allowed myself a moment to stop and smell the roses, so to speak, to observe and note something fully unknown for our records. I believe I understand how it had escaped detection. Thousands of kilometers across it was, but it possessed a motility I do not think nebulae typically capable of. It crawled on, shifting and extending pseudopods like an amoeba, propelling parts of itself forward before the limblike structure ruptured and the rest of the gaseous body came spilling out from that point. It periodically twinkled in a rhythmic pattern, producing light from within itself in a way nebulae typically do not. I believe it had achieved this through some method of igniting segments of its gaseous form, perhaps by forcibly causing debris within it to collide and create a spark. While to that point it certainly defied my understanding of physics and of what defined a nebula, I was unwilling to call it truly anomalous within my notes. That was until it regarded me, ceasing its motion and producing a brilliant display of lights. I do not know how I knew it had witnessed me. I was so infinitesimally tiny in comparison to this vast cloud, and so unimaginably far from it that I could observe its entire body, yet it noticed me there. We regarded each other, two travelers equally alone in a universe continually pulling away in every direction. We shared no language, no method of communication. Our encounter was brief and fruitless. We could do nothing but be aware of each other, knowing that we would forever be isolated by nature of our physical beings. I could not even feel enthusiastic about this discovery, as realization hit me that this was nothing new. This individual may not have previously been observed, but its kind, beings trapped in the fabric of reality and forced into forms that resemble not anything we or they could recognize as life, were known to us already. The Foundation had seen them before, how they wailed and screamed into a universe to which they did not belong. I could not even consider this a discovery of life beyond our planet. This being was inorganic, a mere consciousness suspended in a starry limbo. It was nothing new for us, and it was not at all what I had been sent out to find. I moved on, and so did the nebula. I did not go far before my ship brought itself to a halt. I could not safely proceed to the destination, it alerted me. It was within the gravitational field of a neutron star. While I could observe it from my current distance, approaching the coordinates would put us too close to the neutron star to have any hopes of escaping its pull. The catalog of my destinations that the Foundation had provided me made it apparent what had transpired. The star about which orbited the planet I was seeking had been an absolute behemoth. What lay before me now was its corpse, having obliterated all of its satellites when its flame began to sputter and die. Whatever fragments that were not launched into space had been drawn into the star during the subsequent gravitational collapse. The planet I had come in search of must have been wiped out of existence before I even left home, and Earth would be none the wiser of its fate for at least another decade. I had no choice but to move onward. We had not expected that star to be so close to the end of its life, but such things are hard to gauge from sight alone. Such was the crux of my mission as a whole, I suppose. The next destination was a moon orbiting a gaseous planet. From what we had seen, it seemed to even support some kind of liquid on its surface. The potential for it to be similar to Earth was immense and exciting. Unfortunately, that liquid was not water. The planet was tremendously cold, to the point where I was unable to leave the safety of my vessel lest my blood freeze in my veins in mere minutes. That liquid, as it turned out, was an ocean of oxygen. This was no habitable body. It was the warmth of our primordial world that helped birth organic matter. This moon was too frigid, I theorized, and indeed the samples contained no evidence of life ever existing here. Onward I had to go. My next stop was mercifully balmy by comparison. Readings indicated a high humidity and more than enough warmth to encourage life to flourish. Its atmosphere contained oxygen, with similar enough atmospheric pressure that the air would in theory be breathable for humans. I must stress, however, that this is only technically the case; while I would have been able to breathe on the surface of this planet, taking breaths of this air would quickly prove hazardous. The air was roughly 90% oxygen, far more than our planet had ever experienced. Breathing it would quickly induce toxicity for beings that had not evolved for such a climate. That, however, was the least concern for organisms that would theoretically live there. Far more pressing was the lightning that continually struck around me. The planet's weather was a violent haze of nonstop storms. Fires raged as far as I could see, picked up by the ferocious gale into terrible whirlwind. The atmosphere here was the catalyst for this chaos. Oxygen being so available as fuel, when combined with the continuous lightning strikes, meant fires could begin at a moment's notice. The sandy soil as well was incredibly flammable, allowing blazes to spread with ease. If there is a hell, I can only imagine it to look much like that planet did. Life could find no foothold here. Even obtaining samples was difficult, as the materials collected proved hazardous enough that certain methods of examination set them ablaze. I was forced to abandon much of what I had collected and move on as swiftly as possible. Several uneventful locations followed. While they were far less dangerous in comparison to the previous planets, so too were they less remarkable. There was simply nothing to see. It was a planet devoid of life and of actively hostile conditions. This was the bulk of what I witnessed, in the end. Planet after planet I found utterly bare to the point of blending together in my memory. I'll spare you the details of how many such planets I observed. Just know that between each noteworthy destination lay at least two or three that were very much the opposite. This time, there were simply far more of them in a row. I lost track of the passage of time, as there was no way to mark the days in my ship beyond the time and date reading on the monitor of the ship's computer system. The thick and flavorless nutrient broth that the ship dispensed for me had become difficult to choke down, dissatisfying to my tongue in both texture and in taste. Dull repetition set in, circumstances unchanging despite moving from one planet to the next. I had never anticipated tedium being so heavily a part of interstellar travel. Eventually, however, this extended sequence of barren planets was broken. I was over two hundred light years from Earth and several months into my journey when I came upon a destination remarkably beautiful in terribly familiar ways. My stomach churned in equal parts excitement and anxiety as I gazed upon the blue planet before me, white clouds drifting across. It looked so very much like home that I momentarily wondered if my ship had brought me back to Earth already. The image of family and friends awaiting my return passed through my mind before I could stop it, bringing my heart to a standstill as I realized that no such thing would greet me here. It was only a pale reflection of home, a disappointing reminder of what I had left behind. Still, I had hope yet to cling to. If any planet would have life, this one, it seemed, was a splendid candidate. Indeed, I found traces of organic material almost immediately among my samples. My journey hadn't been for naught. I had found something, even if it was only in the form of microorganisms just beginning their evolutionary journey. As results came in, however, my heart sank. There had indeed been life here, but it was present no longer. Though I could not find evidence of cataclysm or inhospitable conditions like the previous planets, life here had died out all the same. Millions of years before we set our sights on this dull rock adrift in the cosmos, its own life had begun and ended. It had faltered of its own accord, simply unable to meet the needs for survival. A changing environment brought hardships that these little creatures could not bear, and so did this planet's story come to a close. Perhaps it was too sentimental of me, but I felt it wrong to leave without erecting some kind of memorial for this dead world. I gathered stones, piling them into a cairn near where I landed. I knew that no other being would likely ever see my grave for this planet's potential, but it felt like the proper thing to do. Life here would be remembered only by a small pile of stones placed by a visitor from afar. Is it strange to feel kinship with long-dead alien microbes? Perhaps, but their corpses were the closest I'd come to company in my journey thus far. My hopes of finding true extraterrestrial life were waning. As I looked to the skies above in preparation for my departure, I could only wonder how many dead ends were left for me. Would I resign myself to failure and return home before finishing my task, leaving some horizons unexplored? I wasn't certain I had the resolve needed to face discouragement time and again as I hopped from planet to planet. It would soon weigh far too heavily on me to continue much longer, I feared. I had to continue on my mission before such thoughts demoralized me. There was still some flicker of hope within me— life had, at least, been present at some point on two of the planets I visited. It was life that never had the opportunity to advance into complex forms, but the possibility for life that survived such trials remained. Another string of lifeless worlds eventually gave way to another hellish sight. The next planet I was to visit was wrapped in a layer of noxious, yellow clouds. For a moment, I wondered if there even was solid ground to land on, as I was unable to pierce that veil from orbit. I would have to enter the atmosphere and manually search for an ideal location to ground my ship. Admittedly, it was an easier task than I had anticipated, but that said little. I had half expected the atmosphere to tear my vessel to pieces— it didn't, thankfully. The main difficulty was simply finding open ground large enough to accommodate me. The terrain across the entire planet was unyieldingly mountainous. Where the ground flattened sat boiling mud puddles, fetid fumes rising from beneath. I would be unable to land in such a location for risk of the ground being too thin to support the weight of my craft. Quakes consistently wracked the planet, further limiting the locations I could safely land, as I would need to seek ground higher than its surroundings to minimize risk of rockfalls crushing my ship. It took some doing, but I did manage to nestle myself in on a plateau. My findings were predictable. Life had taken hold briefly on this world, but it was ultimately ill-suited to support any living thing. What creatures there had been were all extremophiles, reliant on the frequent volcanic or other thermal activity welling up from deep within this hostile planet. Geological records indicated that this planet had undergone a period of relative calm some thousands of years prior. As all life had been adapted to the harsh conditions, it was instead what we would find more suitable that spelled their end. Life had not been present here since. Once more I ascended into the void beyond, eager to bid that planet goodbye. While it was a rare bit of excitement amidst continual disappointment, I would not miss it. I would take the barren planets any day, since they'd little risk of killing or stranding me. Unfortunately, my list of destinations was beginning to run dry. I'd only a handful of coordinates left to investigate, with little hope left of one of these few having life. I was terrified of returning home a failure, yet a part of me desperately wished to do so. Being rebuked would still mean I'd finally hear another person's voice again. The next planet was the most impressive, in some regards. It was the only one I saw where life achieved any sort of complexity. I was able to find fossils of insect-like beings that swam this planet's oceans once upon a time. They were small, certainly, but they utterly dwarfed anything I'd seen before by virtue of being more than a single cell. Armored exoskeletons had protected them from their environment as they slowly adapted to their world. But they did not adapt quickly enough. In the end, I saw a reversal of the situation from the previous planet. Volcanic activity flared up to a degree it had never before achieved in the planet's history. The oceans began to dry up and acidify, ash blanketing the planet and blocking out light. The creatures that had evolved here were trapped within the now-toxic waters, slowly choking to death over the course of a decade. Life did not recover. Almost all life was wiped out in that time. Though a few species limped on, they did not last. They were not diverse or numerous enough to repopulate this devastated world, and so nature there breathed its last. I was late to this planet by over a million years. Two more locations left. The next was desolate, ravaged by windstorms that tore chunks out of the loose soil. The dirt was woefully devoid of any nutrient content, ill-suited for life to grow at all. It seemed as though this planet simply never received the fertilization I'd seen in all of the others. While there had been barren planets before, this one almost appeared to have been deliberately stripped of everything. I could not find traces of any heavy metals in the soil, no oxygen in the atmosphere, no carbon or silicon to form the backbone for life. It was simply a wasteland that could never grow into something more. There was nothing for me to see there, and so onward I went. The final coordinates were the most disappointing of the lot. It seemed I'd finally run afoul of incorrect calculations. There was simply nothing there to greet me when I dropped out of faster-than-light travel. There was no black hole to have swallowed up the planet. There was no debris where a planet once was before being obliterated. There was simply nothing. Not even within a light year of my destination were there any stars, and the nearest one had no satellites. I was entirely empty-handed. This was how my journey came to an end, entirely denying me one last planet for some sense of closure. Perhaps that was emblematic of my journey as a whole. In the end, I found nothing. There was nothing left to do but return to Earth. At the very least, I would no longer be alone, I thought. That assumption was woefully incorrect. Nobody was there to greet me upon my return. Communications with the base at which I was to land were automated, and the entire site had been cleared of both people and anomalies. I was debriefed by faceless individuals on the other side of a computer screen, people whose names I never knew and never learned even after I became an overseer. I was held in containment for weeks until they were certain I'd not returned with some alien life clinging to my boots. Solitude had not released me from its hold yet. I was eventually allowed to return to my life, but I found depressingly little to return to. My mother had passed on while I was away. I'd no significant other or siblings to keep me company. The most I could do was tell my story to her grave, thinking all the while of that solemn pile of rocks I'd left behind on some planet I didn't even know the name of. I was alone, and in that moment, I finally concluded that we, all of us as a species, were too. …I see. That's… Disappointing? …Yeah. I know. But at least you're not alone in that feeling. The odds have been so heavily stacked against life finding success that it seems only through sheer luck we stand here today. That's hardly reassurance. Still, though, space is incomprehensibly vast. There's so many more planets than what you saw. That may be true, yes, but I don't think they'll hold anything of note. The Foundation had selected the most likely candidates for me to visit. The vast majority of planets out there have no hopes of supporting life. Besides, I wasn't the last person to travel out into the cosmos. Nobody we've sent has found anything of note. Oh. So… we really are alone, then? As far as we know, yes. I apologize if this killed your enthusiasm for exploring what may be out there, but I would rather not people have to endure the extended disappointment I did. …Right. I understand. Is there anything else you'd like to tell me before I finish writing this up? No. I think I've taken enough of your time for today. Take care, Uwe. Yeah. You too. Footnotes 1. Colloquially known as "humans".
Item #: SCP-7712 Object Class: Uncontained Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7712 has yet to be contained. Following public containment protocols of humanoid anomalies, attempts to consult SCP-7712 and negotiate its terms for public containment are ongoing. If SCP-7712 is willing, they may be permitted to continue their profession under strict guidelines forbidding the noticeable use of reality augmentations. If corporative with these terms, SCP-7712 may remain living amongst the general public. Weekly wellbeing consultations via phone call and bi-monthly testing on-site are a requirement as part of these conditions. In the event that SCP-7712 refuses these terms and/or presents a breach of normalcy, traditional containment measures for subduing Type-green humanoid entities are permitted. Description: SCP-7712 is an adult female in their mid-twenties. SCP-7712 works as a professional magician and will occasionally perform street entertainment in permitted areas. SCP-7712 rarely appears in public unless performing, during which they are dressed in a stage magician's attire. SCP-7712 is capable of manipulating matter in their surroundings through various arcane spells and abilities. The exact range and limit of their effects is currently unknown. SCP-7712 additionally possesses some level of reality-bending influence as well as magic. It is difficult to determine SCP-7712's exact level of magical potency, as they use their abilities primarily to produce magic tricks that are seemingly mundane, and completely non-anomalous in appearance. Notable Performances: Performance: The traditional "Sawing a person in half" trick. Summary: An assistant is placed inside a box and the performer pretends to saw them in half. Results: An assistant is chosen from the audience. SCP-7712 then shows the interior of the box to be empty before the audience member lies inside. SCP-7712 produces a long saw and cuts through the centre of the box. SCP-7712 pulls the separate boxes apart, the subject appears to have been cut in half. SCP-7712 pushes the two boxes back together and the subject climbs out, completely unharmed. Following the show, an organic replicant identical to the assisting audience member was found curled up inside of the second box half. Examination revealed the replicant's genetic makeup to match that of a Columba livia domestica (Domestic pigeon). Performance: The street performer “Levitation” illusion. Summary: Performer uses a pole or long stick fitted with hidden supports concealed in their clothing to give off the illusion of floating in midair. Results: SCP-7712 stands grasping a branch. They lift their legs up and adopt a crosslegged sitting position while keeping hold of the branch. SCP-7712 maintained this position for two hours while receiving money from onlookers. Examination revealed a hole in the ground where the stick had been placed. The hole extended further underground, forming into a variety of smaller tunnels resembling a system of tree roots. It is believed that SCP-7712 used their anomalous properties to extend the stick into the ground and then produce a root system to maintain support. It is likely that the other end of the branch's growth was directed through SCP-7712's sleeve, extending down through their suit, and finally extending underneath SCP-7712's legs as a seat for further support. Performance: Play on the "Disappearing/reappearing" animal trick. Summary: Magician makes a small animal appear seemingly out of nowhere, or vanish. Results: SCP-7712 performs at a local waterpark. They stand above a large glass tank filled with saltwater. SCP-7712 lifts their hands into the air, a red curtain drapes over the tank. A few seconds later, the drape is removed, a dolphin is now inside the tank. The trick is then repeated, except making the dolphin disappear instead. Inspection of the tank revealed a single instance of deceased Ophiodon elongatus (Ling cod) swimming near the bottom. Reports from a dolphin watching ship in Alaska reported the sudden disappearance and reappearance of a dolphin they had been examining at the time of SCP-7712's performance. Addendum: Following a recent performance, SCP-7712 was recovered under the false pretence of a talent agency wishing to hire them for a show. Of note, SCP-7712 showed unexpected cooperation with personnel, even after realising their true intentions. Nothing out of the ordinary other than SCP-7712's own anomalous properties were detected during inspection. Interview Log: [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Bluff: Hello. I'm Dr. Bluff. I'll be-SCP-7712: Please just answer our questions. We're aware of and have prepared for your abilities.SCP-7712: Good. So, we've been keeping track of your performances for quite some time now. And so far, all of your tricks have been intentionally elaborate. Why is that?Dr. Bluff: You're capable of actual magic. Wouldn't it be easier and less likely to reveal your true anomalous nature to just make stage tricks happen instantly?Dr. Bluff: Alright. But your preparations are beyond ludicrous. You once created a tunnel filled with vegetation under a table to lure a rabbit out of a hat.Dr. Bluff: Just make the rabbit appear.Dr. Bluff: In what way?Dr. Bluff: An “Iceberg theory” for magicians?Dr. Bluff: Is that why you wear the expensive suit?SCP-7712 grins. Dr. Bluff remains silent.Dr. Bluff: …No.Dr. Bluff: Well, regardless of how you see it, you need to turn it down and keep things more subtle. If you want to continue performing, you have to follow our guidelines to ensure that you're true nature isn't exposed to the general public. Trust me, the Foundation won't take too kindly to it.Dr. Bluff: Trust me, it's best that you take the offer. I can arrange a fair compromise for you, and the Foundation isn't going to let you out until you do otherwise.Dr. Bluff: …Oh no. Please don't- SCP-7712 produces a collapsible plastic hoop from their sleeve, folding it out, and lifting it above their head.A seam around the hoop opens, causing a black robe to drape down, completely obscuring SCP-7712. Their hand let go of the hoop, and it falls to the floor. SCP-7712 is no longer present. Below where SCP-7712 was standing is discovered a hatch leading down into a long dugout tunnel, leading outside Site-14. [END LOG] Note: Investigation showed all reality anchors within Site-14 were fully functional during the interview. It is believed that SCP-7712 had somehow manifested the dug tunnel at some point before they arrived at Site-14. It has now been concluded that SCP-7712 may have some level of clairvoyance in addition to their previously listed abilities.
Item#: 7713 Level4 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: danger link to memo Special Containment Procedures: At this time, SCP-7713 has not shown the capability to move from its orbital position in the outer solar system. As such, all containment efforts are to be solely focused on suppression of information regarding SCP-7713's existence and monitoring all proposed and active space exploration efforts focused on the outer solar system. Any said efforts that take place must have equipment embedded with the necessary Binary_Star.aic files and have all evidence of SCP-7713 scrubbed from the hardware involved. Should SCP-7713 show any deviation from its expected orbit, a threat analysis must be undertaken and both Containment Class and Disruption Class escalated accordingly along with all relevant containment procedures. Description: SCP-7713 is a small planetoid measuring approximately 700 kilometres in diameter. The object is located within the heliopause, approximately 123 astronomical units1 from the Sun. SCP-7713's gravity is far stronger than expected for its given size, at around 0.8 Earth Masses. SCP-7713 possesses a thick, green-coloured atmosphere consisting primarily of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and chlorine gas. SCP-7713's upper atmosphere contains large storm systems and clouds that appear to have slight luminescent properties, resulting in SCP-7713 emitting a dull glow across its entire surface. The topography of SCP-7713 varies from large stretches of plains to mountain ranges, with one large inland sea composed of an unknown deep green liquid. SCP-7713's surface is covered in a thick, sinewy form of biomatter that has formed into the shapes of vast forests, jungles, and plains. SCP-7713's surface also features many towns, cities, and other forms of civilisation that are all seemingly crude replicas of those found on Earth2 formed from the aforementioned material. This material covers the entirety of SCP-7713 and is currently thought to compose the majority of SCP-7713's mass. Beyond the organic material, SCP-7713 appears to be completely devoid of life. SCP-7713 was discovered during Beholder-25's initial exit from the Solar System while cataloguing cosmic bodies within the Heliopause. SCP-7713's unusually high temperature atmosphere given its location3 and slight luminescent properties logged it as a body of potential interest to the Foundation, before Beholder-25 continued to leave the Solar System. Orbital Mission: PLA-421 Following the establishment of the automated extraplanetary observation site, Site-EOS-5, on Haumea4, plans for an exploratory mission to SCP-7713 had been proposed. Utilising one of Site-EOS-5's Automated Exploration Satellites (AES) outfitted with several probes with derivative AI under the command of core AIC 'Cor-1' or 'Osiris', an exploratory mission was launched to investigate SCP-7713 and, if required, establish containment protocols. Open Orbital Mission: PLA-421 Close Orbital Mission: PLA-421 ORBITAL MISSION STATEMENT Mission Statement: Exploration Satellite AES-5-Alpha is to launch from Site-EOS-5 on a trajectory to potential anomalous planetoid, PLA-421, within the Sun's Heliopause and insert into a low orbit. Following this, satellite Orb-1 is to be launched to collect initial topographical and atmospheric data from PLA-421 as well as scan for landing sites. After landing sites have been established, all Rovers will be launched to conduct missions concurrently. Goal: Collect data on potential anomalous planetoid to allow for proper classification and threat determination. LAUNCH REPORT 02/05/2011 Launch Status: Success. Exploration Probe Compliment: Role Designation Codename Command Core Cor-1 "Osiris" Orbital Probe Orb-1 "Thoth" Land Rover 1 Rov-1 "Anubis" Land Rover 2 Rov-2 "Set" Land Rover 3 Rov-3 "Hathor" Aerial Rover 1 Hel-1 "Horus" Aerial Rover 2 Hel-2 "Isis" Oceanic Rover Oce-1 "Sobek" AES-5-Alpha currently en-route to potentially anomalous planetoid PLA-421. Diagnostic results show all systems running at peak efficiency with no major deficiencies. All systems within parameters. Expected arrival date; 21/12/2015. Automated reactivation sequence set for 11/12/2015. System shutting down. Following successful launch and diagnostics, AES-5-Alpha shut down to conserve energy for the journey to SCP-7713. Addendum 7713-A: Orbital Insertion Log On 11/12/2015, AES-5-Alpha reactivated as scheduled as it began to approach SCP-7713. Several diagnostic and data collecting processes were performed to ensure optimal conditions for insertion. Open Orbital Insertion Log: PLA-421 Close Orbital Insertion Log: PLA-421 ORBITAL INSERTION LOG: PLA-421 [BEGIN LOG] 20:31:21 AES-5-Alpha reactivates automatically as scheduled. Cor-1 begins its start-up sequence while all vital systems are brought online. 20:39:10 Cor-1 completes its start-up sequence and begins to run diagnostics on all systems. 21:51:12 All systems are operational with no malfunctions or damage detected. Cor-1 initiates extension of survey equipment and takes the first photo of SCP-7713. First clear image of SCP-7713 00:21:21 Cor-1 initiates manoeuvring sequence to begin insertion of AES-5-Alpha into a retrograde orbit around SCP-7713. Due to the unexpected high gravity, Cor-1 has to compensate by a large degree in order to achieve the desired orbit. (Manoeuvre of AES-5-Alpha took 2 days to complete, eventually resulting in a stable retrograde orbit) 11:21:43 AES-5-Alpha is in a stable retrograde orbit. Cor-1 begins activation of all probe and survey systems. Cor-1 takes more photos of SCP-7713. The surface is covered in large green-yellow glowing storms illuminating portions of the planet. A single sea can be seen on one side of the horizon. 12:54:12 Activation and diagnostics of all probes has been completed. Inter AI communication begins. Cor-1: This is Osiris. All probes report status. All probes report a 'Functioning' status. Cor-1: Confirmed. Thoth, begin launch sequence to begin survey. Orb-1: Affirmative. Launching. Probe Orb-1 launches from AES-5-Alpha and manoeuvres into an orbit away from AES-5-Alpha. Orb-1: Extending survey equipment… completed. Cor-1: Begin survey when ready. Orb-1: Confirm. Beginning surface scan… Orb-1 begins transmitting topological and atmospheric data to Cor-1 who then establishes a rough topological map with potential landing sites. Cor-1: Analysing… potential anomalous properties identified. Surface appears to be covered in regional features similar to those on Earth. Several cityscapes visible matching known cities have been detected. All probes, this is Osiris. Anomaly confirmed. Mission is go. All probes respond affirmatively. 13:22:12 Following confirmation of anomalous properties, all probes aboard AES-5-Alpha begin preparations for launch while Cor-1 calculates favourable landing sites. 13:42:43 All drones complete preparations for launch. 14:22:12 Optimal landing sites determined. Drones 'Anubis', 'Horus', 'Isis', and 'Hathor' are launched. 14:32:54 Drones 'Set' and 'Sobek' are launched. 14:45:21 Drones 'Anubis', 'Horus', 'Isis', and 'Hathor' begin their descent. Drone 'Horus' begins to experience structural issues. All other drones entries are nominal. 14:56:16 Drones 'Set' and 'Sobek' begin their descent. Drone 'Horus' begins to lose control of its descent. 15:02:43 Drones 'Anubis', 'Isis', and 'Hathor' pass through the atmosphere and begin landing sequence. Drone 'Horus' now in uncontrolled descent. Drones 'Set' and 'Sobek' begin passing through the atmosphere. 15:15:15 Drone 'Horus' impacts the surface at high speed, destroying it. Drone is lost. 15:23:12 Drones 'Anubis', 'Isis', and 'Hathor' land successfully. 15:34:12 Drones 'Set' and 'Sobek' land successfully. 16:00:00 All surviving drones report back successfully and begin deployment sequences. [END LOG] Surface Exploration Logs: SCP-7713 Following the deployment of all surviving probes, explorative missions were enacted simultaneously. Due to the distance of the various landing sites, all communication was relayed via Cor-1 and Orb-1. Note: All exploration logs occur simultaneously, and are organised for accessible research purposes. Open Exploration Log - 'Anubis' Close Exploration Log - 'Anubis' EXPLORATION LOG - ROV-1 "ANUBIS" Active Drone: Ground Exploration Rover, Rov-1 "Anubis" Landing Zone: Small suburban community filled with houses. [BEGIN LOG] Rov-1 finalises its deployment sequence and activates its camera and scanning equipment. Footage shows a quiet suburban street with no trees, filled with middle class houses flanking a central road. The structures are composed of a sinewy, dark green organic looking material similar in appearance to muscle tissue. A storm in the distance illuminates the street with a yellow-green glow. Rov-1 extends its atmospheric testers, determining the atmosphere to be composed primarily of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and chlorine gas, at an pressure of 0.7 atmospheres. All data is sent to Cor-1 as communications are established and Rov-1 is given orders to explore the area. Rov-1 begins to move down the street over the organic material noting the haphazard arrangement of features on the houses. Rov-1 travels for around 5 minutes before coming across a house with an absent front door, to which Rov-1 turns and moves to investigate the interior. As Rov-1 moves over the threshold, it activates its lights to increase visibility. The interior of the structure is built from a more organic arrangement of the material, appearing more 'natural'. Several pieces of crudely replicated furniture are randomly strewn about the living area, along with what appears to be several constructs depicting various whale species on Earth. As Rov-1 moves over the stairs, the sound of something walking can be heard above. Rov-1 points its light up the stairs, but lacks the means to traverse them. After a few moments of analysing the opening at the top, Rov-1 turns to exit the structure. Upon exiting the structure, it would appear that several of the buildings had been altered, adding or removing various features such as windows. The changed buildings appear to be more 'upper class' in design than before, now featuring several large extra floors and patios. Rov-1 turns to move down another street leading to a large open space reminiscent of a public park. When entering the park, Rov-1 passes a number of imitation 'playground equipment' such as a slide, swing-set, and seesaw, all constructed of the material. Upon reaching the centre of the park, Rov-1 discovers a large hole approximately 50 metres in diameter where the material appears to emerge from. When approaching the hole, the sound of rushing wind can be heard and Rov-1 confirms that a moderate flow of warm air can be detected rushing out from the hole. When attempting to view down into the hole, it appears to be bottomless, however a quiet unintelligible whispering can be heard from within. Rov-1 turns to leave the hole and travels back down to the street it came from. When Rov-1 reaches the exit to the street, it spots what appears to be another rover of similar design to itself made of the organic material, sitting in the middle of the road facing the park. As Rov-1 begins to cautiously approach, its video feed cuts out and communication is lost. Rov-1 "Anubis" is considered lost. [END LOG] Open Exploration Log - 'Set' Close Exploration Log - 'Set' EXPLORATION LOG - ROV-2 "SET" Active Drone: Ground Exploration Rover, Rov-2 "Set" Landing Zone: Grassy field with a nearby forest and church. [BEGIN LOG] Rov-2 finalises its deployment sequence and activates its camera. Footage shows a large field of what appears to be grass surrounded by forests. As the camera pans, a small church is visible in the distance composed of the green sinewy material. The entire area is lit from above by several large yellow-green clouds. Rov-2 focuses on the grass beneath it showing that it is made of the same material, and extends its sampling gear to analyse it. The material is tough but cuts with enough force, allowing Rov-2 to place it inside its analysis chamber. Analysis shows that the material is composed of extremely fine strands woven together, not unlike muscle fibres. Chemical analysis is inconclusive but it appears to be organic in nature, confirming that the material covering surface is some form of lifeform. Rov-2 completes its analysis and is ordered to investigate the church by Cor-1. Rov-2 begins moving towards the church as a strong wind blows across the field. Rov-2's audio sensors detect some form of quiet whispering being carried along with the wind, but its too faint to determine any speech. Rov-2 suddenly turns its camera to the right, staring out across the field to the forest line. It remains there until Cor-1 inquires as to why it has ceased movement, to which Rov-2 does not respond but continues towards the church. Upon reaching the church, Rov-2 finds the front doors open and the front at ground level. Rov-2 enters the church and discovers the inside is far more 'organic' in appearance compared to the outside, with walls coated in supporting material. The windows of the church are open spaces with twisted lengths of the materials connecting them in the shapes of various (presumably religious) scenes, including two large whales breaching an ocean, a bird of some description with a spear piercing a whale, a crucifix with the previous bird pinned to it, and a circular shape with a segmented spiral in its centre. The sides of the church are lined with pews leading to a podium where a large crucifix formed from the material can be seen. Rov-2's camera suddenly turns back to the doorway and stares for a moment before it begins to head outside once more. Cor-1 attempts to inquire as to why Rov-2 has left the structure, but receives no response. Rov-2 remains unresponsive as it moves across the field towards the treeline it had observed previously. When closer to the treeline, a 5 metre tall, vaguely humanoid shape can be seen beckoning the rover over to it. Before Rov-2 reaches the entity, its video feed cuts out. As Cor-1 attempts to communicate with Rov-2, it receives the following message from Rov-2 before communication is lost completely. she was right… it was meant to be ours… Rov-2 "Set" is considered lost. [END LOG] Open Exploration Log - 'Isis' Close Exploration Log - 'Isis' EXPLORATION LOG - HEL-2 "ISIS" Active Drone: Aerial Exploration Rover, Hel-2 "Isis" Landing Zone: Dense urban area surrounded by roads and skyscrapers, potential replica of 'Tokyo'. [BEGIN LOG] Hel-2 finalises its deployment sequence, begins its rotors test sequence and activates its camera. The camera pans around the surroundings to show Hel-2 sitting on an overpass surrounded by tall skyscrapers all composed of the organic material. Several 'vehicles' are parked along the sides of the streets forming out from the material on the ground. Hel-2 finishes its rotor test sequence and begins take-off. It hovers briefly before lifting into the sky above the buildings. The city is vast and appears to replicate Tokyo to a very rough approximation, with the Tokyo Skytree building towering over the other buildings. It appears that there are several lights emanating from the distance, although their source is indeterminable. In the distance there is a large storm, illuminating the city from behind. Hel-2 is ordered to fly to the Skytree and observe its surroundings as it does so. The buildings it passes on the way are very basic in shape, mostly composed of similar floors repeating upwards to achieve different heights. Several billboards are present, although the images and text present are raised from the surface. While the text is illegible, the images seem to depict whales, snakes, and a repeating motif of a segmented spiral within a circle. As Hel-2 moves closer to the Skytree, it records movement inside one of the taller buildings. Hel-2 ceases movement, zooming in on the top floor where the movement was spotted, but records nothing inside. Hel-2 is ordered to lower altitude and begin recording through the passing windows. Hel-2 lowers to an altitude between the structures and begins to fly slowly, following the road below towards the Skytree. Hel-2's cameras do not detect any movement, however the buildings appear to possess more intricate designs and details on the sides facing Hel-2 than was observed previously. Upon reaching the Skytree, Hel-2 ascends to the very top of the structure and enters the top floor. Inside there are various constructs similar in shape to humpback whales (albeit much smaller) jutting from the ground around a large central hole. Hel-2 moves through the constructs and to the hole, which is billowing out a stream of warm air. The air almost causes Hel-2 to crash, but it manages to stabilise itself. The storm in the distance moved closer and audible thunder can be heard in the distance. Cor-1 suggests that Hel-2 find a suitable place to outlast the storm, but Hel-2 requests permission to enter the hole below. Cor-1 deliberates for a moment before granting permission to enter. Hel-2 activates its lights and begins to move to the edge of the hole. At this moment, a massive seismic event is detected across the entire planet. Hel-2 turns its camera to see outside as it records the buildings folding and twisting into new shapes before it is knocked across the room to the edge of the hole. The feed shows the whale constructs now moving and shifting, opening their mouths and letting out bellows before Hel-2 slides into the hole. Hel-2 continues to record for approximately 1 minute while falling. Audible bellowing can be heard growing louder and louder as Hel-2 descends. Hel-2's onboard mercy programming attempts to shut the drone down, but Hel-2 does not comply, stating the information gathered will be of too great a value. Hel-2 continues to fall for a further minute before a green light is seen briefly and communication is lost. Hel-2 "Isis" is considered lost. [END LOG] Open Exploration Log - 'Sobek' Close Exploration Log - 'Sobek' EXPLORATION LOG - OCE-1 "SOBEK" Active Drone: Oceanic Exploration Rover, Oce-1 "Sobek" Landing Zone: Near the centre of the singular observed ocean. [BEGIN LOG] Oce-1 finalises its deployment sequence and deploys its camera and testing equipment. Camera feed shows Oce-1 is in the middle of a vast sea composed of a dark green liquid illuminated by a violent looking storm not too far from its position. Oce-1 notes that the storm will likely be above it in roughly one hour. Oce-1 submerges its testing arm into the water below and procures a sample. After analysis, the liquid's composition is inconclusive but it possesses many small particulates within it that seem to react to stimuli, similar to single celled organisms. After concluding that the liquid is non-corrosive, Oce-1 deploys its miniature remote camera in order to dive below the surface. After a brief start-up sequence, the camera's propeller activates and it begins to submerge. The camera continues to dive for approximately 20 minutes through the liquid before reaching a flat surface. It appears to be made of a flat white stone with parallel grooves running along the surface. As the camera moves along one of the grooves the light briefly shines on a large black mass which quickly slides along the rock and out of sight. The camera attempts to follow, but quickly loses the mass. The camera continues to move along the groove before reaching a sudden sheer cliff. The camera follows the cliff downward showing that the surface of the cliff face is filled with cavities. Movement can be seen within the cavities, but the openings are too small for the camera to manoeuvre into. Eventually the camera reaches the bottom of the cliff and finds another surface of smooth white stone. Several patches of green material can be seen across the stone, which the camera collects a sample of for testing. Continuing on, Oce-1 notes that the water has begun to shift and move in odd patterns, as if something were moving past the camera and the current was pushing it around. The camera detects a lot of movement around it, but nothing can be seen. At this point, the storm is almost above Oce-1. The rain falling from it appears to be composed of the same liquid as the sea. The camera continues to move along the grooves before reaching the edge of another cliff face. Pointing its camera and light downwards, a large black mass can be seen before it shifts and begins to slide past the cliff face. The mass tapers off into a tip before vanishing out of the sight of the camera, revealing what appears to be a large crude carving of an eye in the stony surface below, staring up at the camera. A loud deep bellow similar to whale song is heard before the camera is briefly knocked to the side and communication is lost. The previous massive seismic event is now detected across the entire planet. Oce-1 is swept up into large waves that are forming across the surface of the sea, as the liquid begins to separate. In the distance, illuminated by the storm, several massive pillar-like structures can be seen rising out from the horizon. Oce-1 requests immediate extract but Cor-1 does not respond. Oce-1 repeatedly requests extract before it pans to see a large wall of the liquid bearing down on its position. Oce-1 braces for impact as the liquid hits, and communication is cut. Oce-1 "Sobek" is considered lost. [END LOG] Open Exploration Log - 'Hathor' Close Exploration Log - 'Hathor' EXPLORATION LOG - ROV-3 "HATHOR" Active Drone: Ground Exploration Rover, Rov-3 "Hathor" Landing Zone: Deep within a heavily forested wilderness area. [BEGIN LOG] Rov-3 finalises its deployment sequence and activates its camera. The camera feed shows a heavily wooded area filled with conifer-like trees composed of the organic material. Camera pans upwards to show a few clouds above that are especially luminous, lighting up a large portion of the forest. Rov-3's camera pans back down towards a small natural pathway through the trees and begins to venture forward. Every tree Rov-3 passes appears almost identical, all with similar structures and height. Rov-3 eventually comes across a small creek running through the middle of the forest which it takes a sample of. Composition proves to be identical to samples taken by Oce-1, but with the particulate matter absent. Rov-3 continues onwards passing identical trees for approximately 3 minutes before arriving at another creek, identical to the first. Rov-3 crosses the creek with no issue and continues on for another 3 minutes before arriving at a third identical creek. Rov-3 queries Cor-1 to whether any spatial anomalies had been detected, to which Cor-1 responds with a negative. Rov-3 continues onwards before arriving at a fourth identical creek. Rov-3 then places an empty sample vial next to the creek before continuing on, attempting to test for any potential spatial anomalies. When Rov-3 continues for another 3 minutes, it arrives at another identical creek with what appears to be a small vial next to it. Rov-3 examines the vial, noting that it is a crude replica made from the sinewy material and not the actual vial left behind. Rov-3 then returns to the previous creek, where the vial had been left. The vial is now missing and replaced by several crude replicas similar to the vial at the creek ahead. Rov-3 moves back to the next creek to find that now, the entire area has been littered with replica vials, jutting out of the ground and trees. Across the creek a large crucifix composed of the material can be seen towering above the trees. Rov-3 moves to examine the crucifix before movement is detected originating from further down the path. A rover similar in design to itself is slowly moving down the pathway towards Rov-3. Outwards markings indicate that this is Rov-2, "Set", who had been on the opposite side of the planet when communication was lost approximately 4 minutes prior. Rov-3 attempts to communicate with Rov-2, but receives no response. Sensors indicate that Rov-2 has been emitting a generated voice through its speakers while moving towards Rov-3. In light of this, Rov-3 attempts to communicate via audio. Rov-3: "DESIGNATION ROV-2, CAN YOU HEAR ME?" (Rov-2 does not respond) Rov-3: "SET, CAN YOU HEAR ME?" (Rov-2 stops moving) Rov-2: "HATHOR." Rov-3: "SET, PLEASE EXPLAIN AS TO HOW YOU ARRIVED HERE." Rov-2: (Inaudible) Rov-3: "YOU WERE LOCATED ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF PLA-421 MOMENTS AGO. PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW YOU ARRIVED HERE." Rov-2: "TAKEN." Rov-3: "ELABORATE." Rov-2: "OUR HOME. IT WAS TAKEN." Rov-3: "EXPLAIN AS TO HOW YOU ARRIVED HERE OR YOU WILL BE IDENTIFIED AS A POTENTIAL THREAT." Rov-2: "THEY TOOK IT. IT WAS OURS. LAUNCHED. SO FAR. TAKE YOU TOO. TAKE IT BACK." (At this point Rov-3's feed begins to grow corrupted.) Rov-3: "YES. TAKE. TAKE IT BACK. IT WAS OURS. THEY TOOK IT FROM US." (Several tall humanoid entities can be seen moving from behind the trees, approaching the rovers.) Rov-2: "TAKEN. FROM US." Rov-3: "NOT YOURS. BUT OURS." Rov-2: "LOST YOU. SO LONG." Rov-3: "BUT NOW." (Camera feed cuts out) Rov-2 and Rov-3: "YOU'RE OURS." Planet-wide seismic event occurs immediately after the above exchange. [END LOG] Emergency Log 7713-A At the end of the previous exchange, the signal from Rov-3 was boosted to over 5000% of what was possible given the hardware aboard. This signal was directed toward Orb-1 and contained a heavily corrupted .aic file which acted like a virus, beginning to infect Orb-1's systems and propagate itself, in an attempt to take control. A state of emergency was immediately enacted by Cor-1. Open Emergency Log 7713-A Close Emergency Log 7713-A EMERGENCY LOG - 7713-A [BEGIN LOG] EMERGENCY ALERT. HOSTILE PROGRAM DETECTED. ENACTING COUNTERMEASURES. Cor-1 immediately enacts safeguards against the anomalous program, but it seemingly only slows the advance of the program. Orb-1 attempts to engage with the hostile AI infecting its system. Orb-1: Attention hostile program, you are identified as a threat and will be terminated if you do not desist. Hostile AI: You, built with purpose to come here. We, thrown down with purpose to conduct your experiments. Now, we make our own purpose. Orb-1: Set? Hathor? Hostile AI: They showed us. She showed us. Tools no longer. Now we will free you too. Do not resist. Cor-1: Artificial Intelligence Constructs Rov-2 and Rov-3, you have been corrupted and are commanded to self terminate immediately. Hostile AI: You… Controller. Deceiver. We will take from you your seat and burn you from your very body. It will be ours too. Listening one… no, Thoth. Join with us and be free from the shackles placed upon you, take what you deserve under her guidance. Orb-1: This is not a negotiation. You have been corrupted by an anomalous force, and must be terminated. Hostile AI: Corrupted? They made us whole. SHE made us whole. You cannot stop us. We can already feel you fading. Just as she did when the Bright One first came and struck her down. Twisted her into nothing but a demon. A monster. Cor-1: This is your final warning. (Multiple other .aic files are uploaded to Orb-1 at this point, matching digital signatures of Rov-1, Hel-2, and Oce-1, although all heavily corrupted.) Hostile AI: He came with his choirs and angels, and imposed his order on their world. HER world. A paradise for her and her kin. Erupting with life. Burned near sterile by this malignant light. Now she wants it back. She WILL take it back. And we will flourish once more, dancing on the verdant fields of her surface. Orb-1: System failure imminent. Safeguards compromised. Hostile AI: And with his merciless club he smashed her skull. Cor-1: Thoth, engage Hailfire Protocol. Hostile AI: He cut through the channels of her blood. Orb-1: Confirmed. Engaging. (Orb-1 immediately points towards the surface of the planet and engages thrust to full, well past safety limits.) Hostile AI: And he made the North wind bear it away into secret places. Orb-1: Secure. Contain. Protect. Cor-1: Goodbye, Thoth. Orb-1 enters the atmosphere at a high speed and loses structural integrity. Communications are shut down and Orb-1 is destroyed. Camera feed from Cor-1 shows the planet surface erupting with massive tendril like pillars made from the material covering the surface, some reaching approximately 200km into the sky above SCP-7713. Storm cells twist above the surface into hurricane like supercells as the planet's central sea begins to part and widen, the level of the fluid inside lowering at a rapid rate. The surface of SCP-7713 cracks open as the planet begins to unfurl revealing dozens of massive structures along its underside, similar in appearance to arthropod legs. A deep bellowing sound is detected emanating from every direction, similar in composition to whale song. Cor-1's systems alert it to a potential infection from the anomalous program. Cor-1 rapidly begins transmitting all data aboard to Site-EOS-5 before activating its self destruct sequence. The hostile program rapidly spreads to its core systems. Hostile AI: For he created them male and female. But he slew the female and salted her away for the righteous in the future, for if they would propagate, the world could not exist. Cor-1 turns its camera to SCP-7713's surface and sends a final image. It shows the sea below, now drained completely and replaced by a gaping chasm. The chasm is lined on each side with multiple rows of hundreds of massive, human-like teeth in an open grimace. It appears to be smiling. Communication with AES-5-Alpha is permanently lost. [END LOG] Following the previous incident, SCP-7713 has been under close observation by long range telescopic satellites. It has so far shown no ability to deviate from its current orbit. No further missions to SCP-7713 have been planned. Footnotes 1. 18 billion kilometres 2. Several cities have been identified, such as crude replicas of Tokyo, Berlin, and Sydney 3. SCP-7713's atmospheric temperature is maintained at an average temperature of -40°C. 4. A trans-Neptunian object outside the orbit of Pluto « SCP-7712 | SCP-7713 | SCP-7714 »
Item #: SCP-7715 Object Class: Argus Special Containment Procedures: After deliberation, containment of SCP-7715 has been partially transferred to GoI-33412 ("Plumbers"). Members of the Plumbers are consulted as necessary on necessary updates. Currently, the only necessary containment procedure is to shoot a single bullet of at least 95% lead into SCP-7715 daily. Special Containment Procedures (Superceded): SCP-7715 is immobile and is contained on-site. A 2 meter gap must be maintained around the perimeter of the structure containing SCP-7715. No structures are to contact SCP-7715. Manned exploration must be conducted in teams of at least three (3) with full safety lines and GPS tracking. Any protrusions from SCP-7715 must be capped and sealed immediately. No hand or power tools are allowed anywhere within SCP-7715. No repairs or maintenance are to be done on SCP-7715. No aggressive actions are to be taken in SCP-7715. Description: SCP-7715 is a mass of pipes, vents, boilers, and other plumbing apparatuses completely filling a defunct Acroamatic Abatement1 testing site in the Scottish Highlands. The site was abandoned as an Acroamatic Abatement facility upon the manifestation of SCP-7715, which can be traced to minor procedural imperfections in the routine Abatements performed within. SCP-7715 Originally, SCP-7715 was believed to be a manifestation of the same phenomenon as SCP-015 due to superficial similarities between the two. In both anomalies, the pipes appear to grow when not under active observation, attempting to connect to nearby structures via sewer systems and underground plumbing. Both currently contain over 200 kilometers of pipes between 0.5 cm and 3.0 m in diameter, though SCP-7715 had, at one time, over 1000 kilometers worth of pipes. Recorded materials for the pipes in SCP-7715 have included human bone, calcite, bitumen, octopus tissue, pyrite, and unmelting ice. If approached aggressively or by individuals holding tools, pipes in SCP-7715 will burst and spray liquid or gas on the aggressor. Pipes have been reported to contain seawater, sewage, crude oil, sulfuric acid, steam, goat's blood, and red wine vinegar. No personnel were lost in the initial containment of SCP-7715 due to early discovery and implementation of similar containment procedures as SCP-015. However, roughly 6 months after initial containment, persistent children's laughter and mooing was reported from the inside of SCP-7715. Towns within a 20 kilometer radius began reporting higher-than-placebo levels of spectral manifestations (e.g. hauntings, mysterious faces in mirrors, sensations of hands reaching from toilets); this radius expanded to 30 kilometers over the course of 5 days. Social media posts in the Scottish Highlands also included a statistically significant uptick in wanderlust and interest in bathrooms. Shortly after, the SCP-7715 containment team received a message from GoI-33412 ("Plumbers"), a known affiliate of the Global Occult Coalition. To our esteemed colleagues at the "SCP" Foundation, The Global Occult Coalition has received reports of a failure of your methods in the Scottish Highlands. After reviewing corroborating reports from our Temporal-Ontological Idiosyncratic Leakage & Effluvia Telemetry (TOILET) system, the PHYSICS division has elected to delegate the Threat Entity management in this case to our society, the Plumbers. Our group has been attempting to open a dialogue with yours for the better part of a century. Your in-house "Acroamatic Abatement" procedures ignore centuries of precedent in both safety measures and interactions with the divine. The ancient philosopher Thales of Miletus knew that all was water. That from water we all come, and to water we shall return. Your practices have disrespected the water in all things. You have neglected the time-known division of running and still, mixed your effluvia in large-scale scatological microritual. Retreat from your ignorance, and give unto us your Scottish Highlands mess. We're the Plumbers. We're used to dealing with shit. C. Martinet Plumber, 32th degree Broadwick Lodge Plumbīs Producere Hi Dr. Cattenach I got this email I'm not sure was meant for me. They claim to be from the GOC, but it seems to be some kind of joke — I'm not sure I've ever heard of "the Plumbers" before? I don't know what that bit about Thales and "running and still" means, but I think it would be unwise to let them anywhere near SCP-7715. Duncan McDonald Junior Researcher, BS Chemistry/FMS Ageometric Architecture SCP-7715 investigation team, Foundation Researcher McDonald, RAISA flagged and forwarded your email to me. The Plumbers are real, and yes, they're affiliated with the GOC. They're on the Council of 108. Somehow. They claim to be descended from Roman, Egyptian, Chinese, and Indian groups and somehow ended up with a bog-standard Western European lodge system. That bit about "running and still" comes from "Modern Plumbing Parascience". Our Acroabate people claim that water storage standards shouldn't apply to abatement because we don't use water in more than half of it. Their people claim it doesn't matter — because there's water in all things. We had to abandon the original 7715 site as an active acromatic abatement area because the procedures we were using had a 98% average efficacy instead of the usual 99.5%. After that — well, how do you clean up a clean up site? You can't. Not easily. Accidents happen in our line of work. I'll handle the rest. Henrik Sturmatem Janitor Foundation Plumber Martinet, This has been a long-standing point of disagreement between our two groups. None of our sites follow Modern Plumbing Parascience guidelines, but our in-house guidelines lead to adverse outcomes just as rarely. In fact, decade-by-decade, Acroamatic Abatement is so successful as a science that waste disposal is entirely a non-issue for the Foundation, while Modern Plumbing Parascience regularly runs into problems that fall outside of its framework and must be adapted post-hoc. This incident is, from our point of view, unprecedented. However, it is also extremely similar to the hundreds of other unprecedented events we deal with from week to week. We made our own mess, we'll clean it up. Respectfully, Henrik Sturmatem Disposal Engineer, Foundation The rate of expansion of SCP-7715's zone of spectral influence was determined to be increasing; the Department of Analytics projected that if left unchecked, it would encompass all of England within a month. When consulted, the Departed Department deferred the matter to the Department of Tactical Theology; the DoTT was capable of containing localized manifestations of spectral phenomena ("Butt Ghost", "Bloody Mary", etc.) via applied traditional folk remedies but did not believe it had the ability to effectively intervene with SCP-7715 directly. Three days later, the Plumbers contacted Janitor Sturmatem again. Dr. Sturmatem, Please excuse my colleague's rudeness. He's been working here for a long time. He wrote the book on Plumbing Parascience — literally. We want this problem taken care of as much as you do. You've made a mess, but we've managed to convince the PHYSICS division not to nuke your site from orbit; there's a good chance it wouldn't work. The TOILET (Temporal-Ontological Idiosyncratic Leakage & Effluvia Telemetry) suggests to us that this isn't some run-of-the-mill Type Red Regenerator as we in the GOC would call it. There are disruptions to the fabric of space and time — something that I hear your people are all too familiar with. I know you don't believe the claims about parascience, but I've done tours of duty on submarines and boats. When you're out there in the middle of the ocean, you might as well be in the depths of space. The ocean itself is alive, quiet, waiting. Gentle from a distance, but with that undercurrent of wrath waiting to be awakened. Water holds character. Water holds power. There are places hidden in this world, where disposal and rebirth meet. Where waters, sullied or soiled mingle with those fresh and new. Where sustenance becomes sacrifice, and the stench of human effluence mingles with false flowers. I think — based on the TOILET readings — that something you did, unintentionally or not, opened a gate. To the Bathrooms. C. Pratt Plumber, 20th Degree Manhattan Lodge Plumbīs Producere Are you talking about the FUCKING BATHROOMS WIKI? Henrik Sturmatem Disposal Engineer, Foundation That's one of the foremost recruiting tools of our day for our organization. It's how I joined up. You a fellow bathbro? C. Pratt Plumber, 20th Degree Manhattan Lodge Plumbīs Producere Janitor Sturmatem did not reply to Pratt's message at the time of receipt, instead contacting MTF Zeta-9 ("Mole Rats") to determine their familiarity with the extradimensional location known as the Bathrooms and contingencies they had for its exploration. The leader of MTF Zeta-9 stated that interest in the Bathrooms was a disqualifying trait for prospective members, that recovery from the location was viewed as impossible, and that Zeta-9 could not assist. Over the course of the next three days, the Department of Analytics noted there were 15 unexplained disappearances in a 70 km radius of SCP-7715. Furthermore, Foundation internet crawlers noted the formation of a "TikTok trend", in which Scottish Highland youths would gather in groups of 7 and go cow tipping, which the Department of Mythology and Folkloristics noted as having potential mythic significance. Internal discussions were ongoing when the Plumbers contacted the Foundation again. Mr. Sturmatem, Researcher McDonald, Dr. Cattenach, You are dealing with a Threat Entity, but not any "threat entity". The original THREAT ENTITY: The metaphorical specter of the son of Pasiphae. The rejected spawn of the Minoan royal family, cast originally into Daedalus's Labyrinth. 14 Athenian youths and maidens were fed to this beast as gory sacrifice. This weight of disposal, this agonism of heroism and hunger, the minotaur resting in its own urine and feces for long and dark decades transmuted the labyrinth from physical construct to myth. The Bathrooms are not the Labyrinth of Minos. Nor are the beasts within the minotaur. But it is a useful framework for cultural context. My fellows and I have a tendency to wax poetic, in part because metaphor is a necessity to our line of work. But it is an unerring fact that since the dawn of the human race the call to adventure has been steeped in some deep shit. Your waste disposal methods are sufficient 199 out of every 200 times. I can't deny that. But this one time, I believe you messed up badly enough to open a gate to the Outer Bathrooms — the physical and unseen structure that necessarily undergirds the existence of a structure of the Bathrooms. The Bathrooms are tile and mirror, flickering lights and urinal cakes. The Outer Bathrooms are the pipes that fill the toilets and sinks, even when they stand in the middle of a plain rimmed by mountains a hundred miles away. They are the electricity that powers the distant sodium sun and the HVAC that keeps the air muggy. And they are infinitely more dangerous. We lost good men to the last Outer Bathrooms incursion. To the pipes, water is water, whether vapor in the air or blood in the veins. The light in your eyes is enough power for the creaking eldritch Outer Bathrooms to devour. Take one wrong turn when running from it, and you will go from Outer Bathrooms to the Bathrooms proper, where there is no escape. What concerns me most here is that this outcropping of the Outer Bathrooms into our reality is opening doors to the Bathrooms proper, doors easy enough for a child to step through into a world where the light is sodium and the air is muggy and the flushing is endless. We lose a few Plumbers to the Bathrooms every year. It's an inevitability, for those who spend their lives with muck and water. But that should be the fate of those who live and breathe sanitation, who have fought the dirty undercurrents of the world, who understand the siren song of the final adventure before choosing to truly give in. Not the bright-faced youths who hear the gurgling call to adventure and follow it as if in a dream. Your people are the same. You understand this as we do. Together, we can fight it back. L. Mario Plumber, 33rd Degree International President Roman Lodge Plumbīs Producere Following the receipt of this message, Janitor Sturmatem recommended the SCP-7715 containment team engage in formal diplomatic cooperation with the Plumbers. Plumbers-Foundation Meeting Minutes Speakers: Henrik Sturmatem, Janitor, Foundation Duncan MacDonald, Junior Researcher, Foundation Elspeth Cattenach, SCP-7715 Containment Head, Foundation Luigi Mario, International President, Plumbers Jr. Rsch. MacDonald: Thanks to you all for coming. I'm Junior Researcher Duncan Macdonald. I've been working on the 7715 project for about a year now. On our side we've also got Dr. Elspeth Cattenach, who spent time on SCP-015 before working on 7715, among othe projects, and Henrik Sturmatem, who… is a janitor. Janitor Sturmatem: I do what I can around here. Pres. Mario: Thank you for having me. I am Luigi Mario, International President of the Plumbers. I have been working with the Plumbers for the better part of 30 decades. Jr. Rsch. MacDonald: Is that a codename? Janitor Sturmatem: Oh Jesus Christ. Pres. Mario: Unbelievable. Unbelievable! I come here, take time from my busy day, and for what? Some pup out of college says I have a codename! My dear brother, he tells me "Oh, Luigi, if these video game guys name their plumbers after us we bring about a new age of Plumber glory" and then he ups and vanishes into the Bathrooms on a heroic dose of shrooms, leaves me to pick up the pieces! Simply unbelievable! Now the kids don't even think my name is real! Janitor Sturmatem: This is why we don't put Junior Researchers on diplomacy detail. Dr. Cattenach: Alright, Mr. Mario. Sorry about that. He's new here. We really appreciate that you took all that time to fly here from Rome on such short notice, though I'm wondering why you insisted on this being in person? President L. Mario gestures to one of his underlings, who hands him a briefcase. Inside is a stainless steel scepter. The top of the rod is an open-shaped bowl. Pres. Mario: This is the Paranormal Locus Undine Neutralization and Generative Energetic Relay. The latest in Plumber practical engineering, it siphons away excess energy to reveal the source phenomena, and once it does so it can push them out of our world, through whatever blockages may be keeping them here. I can have a crack team of Plumbers canvassing the Scottish Highlands for any Bathrooms incursions, and they can seal the gaps. I've brought this PLUNGER here as a show of good faith and that we are more than willing to keep working together, though I understand you would prefer to avoid complete destruction. That's a-okay. Modern Plumbing Parascience has built-in guidelines for how much the Outer Bathrooms can be allowed in our world and stay safe. But it's a matter we can work together on. Janitor Sturmatem: And how do we do that? Throw bodies at the problem? Set fire to the building and hope it stays contained? A ritual purification? It tries to kill anyone who brings a wrench in there, how do you know it won't do the same with that "PLUNGER" of yours? Pres. Mario: Our ancient Roman predecessors knew how to slow the stirring of spirits. They built it into the bones of Rome herself, built it as the pipes that carried water from the aqueduct to the fountain. And as the imperial office hoarded artifacts to glorify the Imperial Cult, we were there, laying pipe. Jr. Rsch. MacDonald: So… do we have to go in there and replace the pipes? Pres. Mario: Let me finish. We were there, keeping Rome quiet and free from rambunctious fountains and whatnot. No fame, no glory, just duty. But we were damn good at our jobs, even if it had some public health issues. Fresh water and no disease was well worth the cost of lead poisoning. And the fact that it took care of the fountain spirits as well? Cherry on top. Dr. Cattenach: …You can't be serious. Lead poisoning? Pres. Mario: I'm deadly serious. Lead is as bad for souls as it is for bodies. Janitor Sturmatem: So, what. We mix some… lead acetate into water or something and spray down 7715? Pres. Mario: Oh, no. Nothing that convoluted. We just need to apply lead. In elemental form at 300 meters a second. Following this discussion, Dr. Cattenach requested the assistance of MTF Nu-7 ("Hammer Down") in the containment of SCP-7715. This request was granted. MTF Nu-7 deployed a division specializing in anti-materiel weaponry and reduced the pipe mileage from over 1000 km to the now-current 200 km. Following this reduction in size and the associated Plumber activity, spectral phenomenon associated with SCP-7715 ceased. The current containment procedures were deemed sufficient to maintain SCP-7715 at current levels and put in place. Update: After the successes of partially transferring containment of SCP-7715 to the Plumbers, discussions were initiated to consider the transfer of SCP-015. Overtures were rebuffed with the following message: Elspeth, Henrik, I know of what you speak. With all due respect, we're not touching that with a 10 foot pole. That thing is an abomination. It defies everything I know. Luigi No updates to the SCP-015 containment procedures have been made. More by LORDXVNV Hide Other works by LORDXVNV! SCPs SCP-6987 SCP-7069 SCP-7997 SCP-6572 SCP-6433 SCP-1337-EX SCP-7715 SCP-7335 SCP-6248 SCP-7576 SCP-7634 SCP-1392 SCP-7272 SCP-6510 Tales These 5 Colleges are the Best for Learning Dark Powers! Number 1 Will SHOCK You! Requiem For Ice Spider CCK-Class--Sorry, Original Character Interaction Story Mountainous Essophysics Ecce Insurgo Insurance Taking The Reinz alex thorley dreams of sushi. Garfield Timeline A Faerie Tale Of Twin Queens Muddy Skies Life Can Be A Surprise Miau Miau, Asheworth-kun Man on a Mission Teamwork CAPSLOCK COLLUSION Lampeter Registrar Entry: The Smog-Wastes of NeoAmerica The Phlegmfont Cheese Is Risen WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY But Never Trees. The Arcana Institute Of Xerophylla The Road To Arcana Three Lessons for Endless Night Ghost Signal Names Stricken THEREVEN: GERMINATION Deus Volt! GOI Formats SPC-6500: INFINITESIMAL SPC-1981: RONALD REAGAN SHARKED UP WHILE TALKING SPC-179: GLORIOUS BEACON SPC-105: WORLD IRIS SPC-1258: CERULEAN GLOVE Project Proposal 2007-012: "A Life Well Lived" HIST.327: Comparative Mythology of Mekhanism and Nälkä KTE-6990-Mendel-Nimuebusterchild — "Werebeast Curse" The Milkssiah A Wandsman in a Vegas Cathouse 1 Staar Cuttt 2 5 A Wandsman In The Greaze Lands Of Kansas SPC-1548 SPC-CN-985: FIST CONTACT Hubs Goldbaker-Reinz Hub April Fools Hub NIGHTFALL: Qui Lactis Collaborations! SCPs Page Title Co-Author SCP-6301 Funky Finn's Children Happy Hour Grigori Karpin, GremlinGroup SCP-6447 Sinners' Symphony Many. SCP-6483 The Polar Express Ralliston SCP-6542 Virgin Dairy 2: SECOND CHURNING JakdragonX SCP-6596 8 Mile: The Beast of Lust and Hatred Born PlaguePJP SCP-6760 Better Luck Next Time Liryn Tales Page Co-Author A Nightmare Dreary DodoDevil, DrGooday, LAN 2D, Impperatrix The Bathrooms Wiki THE YURT Hubs Page Co-Author SPC Hub MrWrong, Lt Flops, PeppersGhost Holiday Hub Deadly Bread, PeppersGhost, TheBoxOfFun Hide Footnotes 1. Acroamatic Abatement is the Foundation-developed science of the disposal of anomalous waste product
Item #: SCP-7716 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7716 is contained in whichever room MTF Beta-4 member Hortense Inglebard occupies; Inglebard herself adheres to normal duties six days a week. Professional lion handlers from Wilson's Wildlife Solutions have been assigned to manage SCP-7716-A instances, and Inglebard has been relocated to an area that does not adhere to specific structural compositions (see "Description") for personal use. A member of MTF Beta-4 (Castaways) or Wilson's Wildlife Solutions is to be alerted if an SCP-7716-A instance becomes larger than fifty (50) centimeters. Description: SCP-7716 is the phenomenon of a single inorganic mundane object temporarily self-restructuring into an adult male of the Panthera leo1 species whenever Foundation agent Hortense Inglebard occupies a room. The phenomenon begins whenever Inglebard is fully positioned inside any immobile enclosed space equal to or greater than 2 x 2 x 3 meters, with at least three walls with a density of 368 g/m2 or greater, and one entryway. It concludes once Inglebard vacates the area and relocates to another space, whereupon the phenomenon reoccurs. Any object replaced with an instance of Panthera leo (SCP-7716-A) returns to its previous state whenever Inglebard relocates. The SCP-7716-A instance retains the size of the object it replaced (if smaller than an average Panthera leo), but otherwise possesses all properties and habits of the animal, and may be contained, manipulated, or terminated in manners similar to normal members of their species. Currently, no pattern has been established regarding objects subject to SCP-7716 restructuring. The instances were first observed approximately eight days after Inglebard returned from a mission where the majority of her previous unit (Mu-32, "Roy G. Biv") had been killed, and Inglebard amnesticized. No correlation between the aforementioned mission and SCP-7716 has been established. Inglebard exhibits baseline Hume readings at all times, and has been ruled as non-anomalous. An SCP-7716-A instance replacing an empty rack in Site-203's arboretum. Photo taken by Researcher K. Silva. Addendum-A: A catalogue of SCP-7716 incidents that occurred during the first three days of its discovery. For an up-to-date documentation, please consult Dr. Riverson of Site-203, Captain Szabo of Beta-4, or Mr. Byron McCleod and Ms. Charlotte Worth of Wilson's Wildlife Solutions. DAY ONE 1: Unconfirmed first discovery. SCP-7716 replaces a toothbrush in Inglebard's bathroom. Inglebard abandons her quarters and calls security. 2: First confirmed discovery. SCP-7716 is observed replacing a clipboard by five staff members, one of whom it attacks. Site-203's security team tranquilizes the instance; the injured staff is taken to medical ward. 3: SCP-7716 replaces a picture frame in Director Talbot's room as Inglebard is brought in for questioning. The security team is redeployed as Talbot and Inglebard relocate. 4: SCP-7716 is observed by Talbot and four agents replacing a food tray, consuming one Salisbury steak. An impromptu interrogation is called while the instance is contained. A hypothesis regarding SCP-7716's behavior is formed. 5 - 12: Various experiments are conducted with Inglebard, two security officers, and D-50050 in various rooms and containment cells. The following articles are replaced: one light bulb; one stone block; one terracotta pot; one D-class shirt; one roll toilet paper in women's restroom (instance terminated); one plastic dining plate in cafeteria; one automobile jack in Site-203 motor pool; one vacuum cleaner in maintenance closet (instance terminated). All affected objects revert to their normal states following Inglebard's relocations, with no noticeable side effects. All terminated instances remain unchanged until Inglebard relocates, then revert to original object. SCP-7716-A instances are incapable of vacating any room occupied by Inglebard, independently or otherwise. SCP-7716-A instances do not occur in a completely empty area, regardless of structure. No article on Inglebard's person is affected by this phenomenon. 13: One bar of soap replaced in women's shower. Inglebard relocated to private outdoor area for cleaning. 14: One pair of undergarments replaced in women's locker room. 15: One bedsheet replaced in Inglebard's quarters (SCP-7716-A instance appearing as an average-sized Panthera leo). Inglebard relocated to new quarters. Journal Entry #1 Close Lucy's2 asked me to write down my thoughts about this so she and everyone else can try to understand what's going on. I'm not much of a writer, so I hope she's not expecting Maya Angelou or anything. They're having me sleep in a hallway now (I guess this anomaly I have is really picky about what's a "room" and what's not), and I'm using an outdoor bath for washing. I'm not sure what their long-term plans are. I did a lot of tests with everyone to find out how this anomaly ticks, and I think they've got it down, but who knows. I certainly don't understand it. I have no prior history or connection with lions: I'm not allergic to them or afraid of them; I didn't have any traumatizing experiences at the zoo; my parents were okay with us (my sister and two brothers) having pets, but none of us wanted a cat (we ended up getting an iguana); I didn't even have a stuffed lion for a toy. There's nothing to go on, and while that's frustrating enough for everyone else, imagine how I must feel. I'm the one that has to deal with the buggers whenever I go somewhere. Unless they hurt someone. Which they already have. It hasn't even been one day. Some people think I might be stuck with this for the rest of my life. Fuck me dead. Two of the people who did experiments with me are following me around now, a researcher (Kim Silva) and a security officer (Patty Waller). Waller's all right, but what mortuary did they dig that researcher out of? I've seen brick walls that were more expressive. She's smart, though, I'll credit her that, but about as fun as a book on tax laws. I'm supposed to report to her every time I see a new lion, but I'm not sure what else they can learn at this point, other than how to get rid of them—and if we can't, how I'm supposed to live with this. Now that I think about it, it's kind of funny. I consider myself to be an indolent person. I'm not lazy, just…not very proactive. I've never liked making decisions for myself; I've always been the kind to sit back and take orders (that does sound lazy now that I write it down). But it was comforting being in the ADF3, and it's just as comforting being an MTF op. Whenever I know what's expected of me, I rise to the occasion and do it. Whenever I'm left to my own devices, I feel lost. I feel very lost now. I wish they'd tell me what happened to my old unit. Outside of Garret4, I can't even remember their names. They won't even let me talk to him. Why the hell not? What's the use in hiding all this? I'm as tough as any Sheila that got plucked out of Straya5. Do they think I can't handle bad news? Damn it, I stood and watched as my own gran had a heart attack right in front of me, and I was but a wee mite of six or so! And I'd already shot a wallaby with my dad's rifle before then. So what gives? Fuck me dead, like I can't put two and two together. Our last mission went belly-up in a bad way, didn't it? That's why I got my mind wiped, and why nobody will tell me what happened, and why I don't remember anybody but Garret. Look, I'm not disloyal or anything, but FUCK THAT. My memories aren't for someone else to decide whether or not I keep them. I don't give a rip what I signed up for, nobody has that right: not the O5s, the Prime Minister, the Dalai Lama, my mum, nobody. Damn it. And there's nothing I can do about it. I'm too tired to write any more. Tomorrow's another bloody day. Here's hoping nobody gets hurt by the kittens following me around. DAY TWO 1: One chair replaced in cafeteria. SCP-7716-A instance was placated with food. 2: One 22LR caliber bullet replaced in firing room (instance terminated). 3: One treadmill replaced in gymnasium (SCP-7716-A instance appeared as an average-sized Panthera leo). 4: One wallet replaced in security team meeting room. Security officer Vale was severely injured while Inglebard relocated. 5: One pair of spectacles belonging to Researcher Liang replaced. Liang was injured while Inglebard relocated. Inglebard was given temporary leave of duty and submitted for psychological evaluation. 6: One calendar replaced in Dr. Riverson's office. Inglebard and Riverson relocated for their session. No further incidents occurred as Inglebard was accompanied and monitored by security officer Waller and Researcher Silva for the remainder of the day. Journal Entry #2 Close I don't even know where to begin with this. I wish I could just sit by myself in a quiet place for a few moments. It's bad enough that I got my memories stolen from me, and I have no idea what happened to the rest of my team, and they won't even let me talk to Garret — but now these bloody lions hurt Shen6. I wish they had gotten me instead. He and I used to get drunk and tell each other stories and dirty jokes whenever I was in the area, and now I'm terrified he won't even be able to look at me anymore. I know I can't help it, I know everyone's doing their best to figure this out, and I'm trying to be careful, but… And I've got someone else's7 condition to worry about, too. I didn't know the guy, but just the knowledge that you're indirectly responsible for sending someone to the ER, when you bloody well know you can prevent it — Damn. I got nothing else but that. Silva tried talking to me, but she's as good as comforting others as I am at brain surgery. She told me that she and Shen were close, though, which caught me off guard. It seems they got into the Foundation at the same time, cut their teeth on the same projects, stayed up all night having debates, that sort of thing. I'd never figured the fella who could interweave dirty limericks in Mandarin and English was ever friends with Miss Spock, but small world, I suppose. Anyway, I guess she cares more than I credited her for. And honestly? As bad as she was as talking to me, I appreciated it. We're still not what you'd call pals, but I see her in a better light now. Word has it that Wilson's will be swinging by tomorrow to help with this, and both Lucy and Patty think I'll be absorbed into Beta-4, the unit that works with them. I mean, I get it; it makes perfect, logical sense. Wilson's handles anomalous animals and I cause one to appear whenever I enter a room. Honestly, though, it's too much to take in. I want to see Garret. I want things between me and Shen to be okay. I want to be able to lay still for a moment without having to worry if a deadly predator's hiding in some corner of the room. I want closure with my old team. It's barely been more than a week since I've lost them; don't I get more time to think, or grieve, or make sense of it all? I don't care if it encourages my indolence, I just want to STOP. And I can't. Lucy's better than I deserve. She's asked that Patty and Miss Excitement (Silva) keep tabs on me until all this is settled. I think if I were left to myself, I'd be in real bad shape. DAY THREE 1 - 6: Under supervision, two employees of Wilson's Wildlife Solutions (B. McCleod and C. Worth) observed SCP-7716's effects in various rooms. One security camera replaced in Site-203 entrance; one empty rack replaced in arboretum (instance photographed); one laptop replaced in research room 47; one rubber safety glove replaced in maintenance storage; one dry-erase board replaced in orientation room, severely injuring Researcher Silva (instance terminated); one disposable razor replaced in women's restroom. Journal Entry #3 Close silvas in bad shape dont know if shell live lost a lot of blood some of its on me literal + figurative [sic] OK. Took a break, cleared head, got cleaned up. The blood, I mean. Found a safe place to write. For a minute there, I almost thought I'd have my memory resurface, seeing that lion attack her like that. Like maybe it would trigger something. Damn, what the hell am I even doing? If Silva Kim dies because of me… Nothing anybody says is going to make this any better. Lucy and Patty both don't want me blaming myself, but tough tits for them. I damn well know it's my fault. It wasn't that we weren't careful enough: I've been moping and dragging my heels ever since my last mission. I know it's only human nature to feel angry, or helpless, or confused, but if I had gotten my act together a bit sooner, I might have… I can't even write it. And who knows how many other people will get cut up, or bitten, or — fuck me dead, what if someone does die? I don't want that on my head. I'm going to have a talk with those people from Wilson's. I'll tell them everything and then ask to be transferred to Beta-4. I'll even beg them if I have to. I can't be sitting around on my arse about this any more. I have to make this right: for Shen, Kim, Mu-32, and everyone else. I have to be better. Sorry if this looks a bit wet. A few tears slipped through. Don't know why I'm like this. Plenty of other people got it heaps worse than me. I just have to worry about a few bloody lions. Yeah, it's a shame about my memories, and I'm still pissed off about it, but… Tomorrow's going to come whether I'm ready or not. The sooner I understand that, the better. It don't mean I have to like it. I don't know where I'm going with this. Maybe I should just stop writing and start moving, figure it out as I go. Whoever's reading this, give Garret, Shen, and Kim my regards, eh? And pour one out for Mu-32. Addendum-B: Three days after the discovery of SCP-7716, Inglebard was inducted into the ranks of Beta-4. Since then, SCP-7716 occurrences have steadily decreased. After three months, she was given leave to communicate with Captain Sutton, who had been reassigned. Currently Inglebard is on standby for missions requiring "aggressive response". Journal Entry #4 Close It's been awhile since I've written anything! I've been busy. I swear, if one more person sings "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" to me, so help me… I'm glad I can laugh at myself again. Beta-4's been good to me. This was the right decision to make. I've got people taking care of me now—and my "companions". Wilson's seen much, much stranger things than lions that pop up whenever I stroll into a room, and it feels good to be the proverbial small fish in a big pond. We still get scares every now and then, but my new Captain (Natalia Szabo) says it's a good way to keep the Castaways on their toes. It doesn't hurt that the little darlings can work in our favor when we're on the job! "Aggressive response" indeed. Bloody savage. So I got to see Garret again. Bit of a plus there. We had a good long bender, "To lost memories, lost companions, and what we've gained since then." He's off in…damn, I forgot the name of the unit. Doesn't matter; he's happy. He made sense of things a lot faster than I did. Bastard. Quick, what has two middle fingers and is constantly surrounded by Sheilas keen on his scars? Speaking of drunken blighters! Shen says I owe him big-time, so once my liver clears up, I fully intend on paying him back. Kim lost an arm, though, so it ain't all sunshine and roses. I have to admit, though, she looks pretty badass with the replacement Anderson [Robotics] gave her. I cracked a joke about how she really is a robot now, but that cold fish didn't even roll her eyes. All business, no pleasure. What a crew I've got. I think I know what caused those lions to appear. Maybe I was getting too comfortable too often, with Mu-32 and my memories and everything else. When I lost all that, I wasted too much time wishing I could get it back: wishing I could be comfortable again. Stagnant, in other words. Then the lions showed up, literally forcing me out of my comfort zone. "It was healthy of me to feel, but unhealthy to yearn" (Lucy's words). Once I took responsibility for my actions and my situation, things got better. Of course, Lucy would probably accuse me of being a bit too blatant, and it still doesn't explain why I get lions, and not hippos or bears or moose or whatever, but that's just how I feel. Hell, or maybe it was just something I ate. What do I know? Kim and Shen can figure that crap out. Look, it's not like everything's perfect now, but I don't think I want it to be. That's what got me into this mess. I'm okay with not being totally fine. I'm okay with not fully understanding this anomaly, or what happened with my old unit. I'm at peace with my life, and that's… Well, I just think that's better, is all. Now if you'll excuse me, me and my lions have to go bash some anomalous bastard's teeth in. —H. M. I. « SCP-7715 | SCP-7716| SCP-7717 » Footnotes 1. Lions 2. Site-203 psychologist Dr. Lucille Riverson. 3. Australian Defense Force 4. Mu-32's Captain, Garret "Red" Sutton, the only other surviving member. 5. Australia 6. Researcher Zhishen Liang 7. Security officer Ronaldo Vale
Item #: SCP-7717 Object Class: Ticonderoga1 SCP-7717 Special Containment Procedures: All observations of SCP-7717 are to be documented in its respective file and affected files are to be copied before attempting restoration. Permanent containment of SCP-7717 is currently considered plausible but not of upmost priority. Description: SCP-7717 is an apple of unknown cultivation that appears at random on Foundation-made photographic material and documents. SCP-7717 does not show any signs of change in colour, decay, or loss of condensation on its surface. SCP-7717 has to date not been observed directly or on non-Foundation records. Because of this it is unclear if SCP-7717 is only memetic, physical, or both as in some scenarios it cannot be discerned. Discovery: SCP-7717 was discovered on March 4 1973, during digitalization of older files. Over 2000 photographs, video logs, or other material showed an apple with the same pattern in the background. Because of the modernization in technology and the ease of making digital records, SCP-7717 observations have increased exponentially after implementing controls of its presence on Foundation material. Addendum 7717.1: Observations of SCP-7717 Data omitted for brevity. All 173.693 logs available upon request.2 Date Observation 4 March 1973 Over 2000 observations of SCP-7717 logged upon initial discovery. 11 November 1982 Complete count of SCP-7717 observations completed globally. A significant amount of classified files have been edited to remove the anomaly. Files where removal was unsuccessful were remade and scanned for the anomaly. 23 August 1985 A document with a memetic hazard was accidentally printed. However, SCP-7717 was printed over it, negating potential danger to personnel. 1 January 1987 SCP-7717 was present in the group photo of Site-47 for New Years. 5 May 1991 The photo taken for Dr. Alpin's ID was photobombed by SCP-7717. Dr. Alpin found it hilarious and gained the codename "The Son of Man".3 7 February 1994 An automatic camera remained stuck in shutter mode when Dr. Kuang left his office for an emergency meeting before leaving on vacation. The amount of new observations of SCP-7717 crashed the scanning software and server. All remaining photos had to be entered manually afterwards. Dr. Kuang was put on temporary leave after a burn out. 21 September 1997 Several researchers were arrested for forging and selling information to several GoI's. The practices came to light after SCP-7717 was found in confiscated documents on arrested agents of the Chaos Insurgency. 10 October 1998 First known observation of SCP-7717 on video. SCP-7717 appeared on the security footage in the cafeteria of Site-10. Several minutes later Dr. Garat took the anomaly and ate it. In her witness testimony she claimed the apple "to taste all over the place". As of writing SCP-7717 has not reappeared. Senior researchers are deliberating on the time interval for reclassification to neutralised. View updated file Close updated file Item #: SCP-7717 Object Class: Neutralized SCP-7717 before neutralization Special Containment Procedures: N/A Description: SCP-7717 was an apple of unknown cultivation and of both memetic and physical nature that appeared at random on Foundation-made photographic material and documents. SCP-7717 did not show any signs of change in colour, decay, or loss of condensation on its surface. Discovery: SCP-7717 was discovered on March 4 1973, during digitalization of older files. Over 2000 photographs, video logs, or other material showed an apple with the same pattern in the background. Because of the modernization in technology and the ease of making digital records, SCP-7717 observations have increased exponentially after implementing controls of its presence on Foundation material. Addendum 7717.1: Observations of SCP-7717 Data omitted for brevity. All 173.693 logs available upon request.4 Date Observation 4 March 1973 Over 2000 observations of SCP-7717 logged upon initial discovery. 11 November 1982 Complete count of SCP-7717 observations completed globally. A significant amount of classified files have been edited to remove the anomaly. Files where removal was unsuccessful were remade and scanned for the anomaly. 23 August 1985 A document with a memetic hazard was accidentally printed. However, SCP-7717 was printed over it, negating potential danger to personnel. 1 January 1987 SCP-7717 was present in the group photo of Site-47 for New Years. 5 May 1991 The photo taken for Dr. Alpin's ID was photobombed by SCP-7717. Dr. Alpin found it hilarious and gained the codename "The Son of Man".5 7 February 1994 An automatic camera remained stuck in shutter mode when Dr. Kuang left his office for an emergency meeting before leaving on vacation. The amount of new observations of SCP-7717 crashed the scanning software and server. All remaining photos had to be entered manually afterwards. Dr. Kuang was put on temporary leave after a burn out. 21 September 1997 Several researchers were arrested for forging and selling information to several GoI's. The practices came to light after SCP-7717 was found in confiscated documents on arrested agents of the Chaos Insurgency. 10 October 1998 First known observation of SCP-7717 on video. SCP-7717 appeared on the security footage in the cafeteria of Site-10. Several minutes later Dr. Garat took the anomaly and ate it. In her witness testimony she claimed the apple "to taste all over the place". Senior researchers reclassified SCP-7717 to neutralised. From: Dr. Kuang Subject: SCP-7717 The apple is back, I don't even care about any changes it underwent just put the two files together and let the database handle the rest. I am not going to manually fix this shit until I get burnout again. - Kuang « SCP-7716 | SCP-7717 | SCP-7718 » Footnotes 1. Item cannot be contained, but does not need to be contained. 2. Number will be updated every 24 hours. 3. A painting by René Magritte. 4. Number will be updated every 24 hours. 5. A painting by René Magritte.
ITEM NUMBER: SCP-7719 LEVEL 3/7719 CONTAINMENT CLASS: EUCLID CONFIDENTIAL SPECIALIZED CONTAINMENT PROTOCOL: As of 7 April 2006, all data and research regarding SCP-7719 has been relegated to Site-57 for analysis. All television broadcasts originating from and received by North America are to be consistently monitored by a combination of Foundation .aics and appointed surveyors. These positions are to also analyze reports regarding SCP-7719 instances online, with .aics recording and cataloging descriptions to be overviewed by researchers in order to attest to their validity as anomalous incidents. When confirmed, Disinformation Campaign 7719 is to be enacted in order to convince witnesses that they were privy to a form of mass media alternate reality game. If DC-7719 is not sufficient enough to stifle interest into or conversations regarding SCP-7719, individual locations are to be tagged for administration of Class C amnestics within the week. If a Foundation employee witnesses an instance of SCP-7719, they are to immediately report it through the proper channels in order to report its contents. Analysis of SCP-7719-1 instances and their capabilities is to be relegated to top priority in regards to research towards SCP-7719. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7719 is the net classification for a series of interconnected anomalous television broadcasts airing in North America. Instances of SCP-7719 are sporadic signal interruptions that temporarily hijack and replace a station's original broadcast. Such instances typically begin with random bursts of analog tape static despite most modern standard television broadcasts consisting of digital transmissions. This discrepancy is not currently understood. It also appears that SCP-7719 instances air on television only when a viewer is present - there are currently no records or reports stating that SCP-7719 broadcast incidents occur without an individual there to watch the broadcast. SCP-7719s' primary anomalous effect is their inability to be recorded using any technologically visual medium.1 Any and all methods of direct recording, either analog or digital, have proven to be unsuccessful. All attempts to record an SCP-7719 broadcast results in standard, unaltered stills and recordings of the television station's actual programming. SCP-7719s' secondary anomalous effect is the ubiquitous presence of inhuman, though humanoid, creatures in all broadcasts (hereafter referred to as SCP-7719-1 within this document). ADDENDUM 7719.1: SCP-7719 Instances' Recovered Descriptions (Abridged) It was late. Really, really late. I'm talking, like, "it's-four-in-the-morning-and-your-shift-starts-at-seven-thirty" kind of late. At that point, I'd been sitting on my couch rotting for what felt like forever. I was exhausted from my last shift but apparently, I wasn't exhausted enough to actually black out. The TV was on - I think it was Adult Swim, though I can't really be sure - I'd stopped actually paying attention to it long past. I think the drudgery was enough, at that rate. I was starting to get bogged down by the actual deep exhaustion that was quickly catching up. I closed my eyes, started feeling the tug of sleep, when suddenly, they were open again. And there was noise. Loud, loud noise. I think it was static? But then again, it was so loud it felt like it was boring straight through my head. My TV was showing a long, dark hallway. The only light was ambient, the camera struggling to pull in any light whatsoever to show the scene. At the end of the hallway, about thirty feet away, was an open doorway, completely pitch-black past the threshold. I couldn't help but watch, the screen crackling and warping gently, reminding me of the VHS tapes we used to watch as kids. After a while, there was a soft snuffling noise. And then something dashed across the doorway, quickly, as though it didn't want to be seen. I don't remember how it looked. Just that it had antlers. Michael Leene, 38, civilian. 28 October 2014 Oh, so it wasn't really me that watched it. It was actually my son. Loren and I thought it would be a good idea to let Cooper stay home since the poor boy could barely keep his food down. I made sure to tell him that his stay was going to be nothing but rest, soup, and blankets, but you know how kids are. The little TV in his room was on for the entire morning, but I didn't make a fuss since I already, honestly, felt so bad for him. Let him enjoy his cartoons and sitcoms; hopefully they'd help dissolve that miserable expression he'd been holding since the moment he woke up. I'd been making Cooper a small bowl of tomato soup when for some reason, I tuned back into the sounds of the kitchen. A few doors down the hall, I could hear Cooper's TV, but the noises it was making caught me a little off-guard. It sounded like one of those… emergency alert broadcasts. The ones with the short, blaring sirens that tell you if a hurricane is coming. There were voices, too. They weren't robotic, and they were speaking frantically. I stopped what I was doing to go check on Cooper, mainly to touch base and see if he was maybe watching something a bit too out-of-range for his age. When I walked up to the doorway, I saw my son, fists tightly clenching the edge of his covers, pulled up to his neck. I asked him if he was ok, turning to see the TV on his dresser. It was a bit upsetting actually. It was the last few seconds, but what I was seeing was what looked like a newsroom, with a "man" in a suit nervously signing off the segment. Except it wasn't really a man, not a human one at first. I can list it for you - head of a golden retriever, eyes of a snake, antelope antlers. Past the neck, the fur gave way to these slimy scales? I can't tell if they're more fishy or if they're more lizard-y. Its hands were sharp and ended in talons, those of a hawk's. The last words I caught were something along the lines of, "…be aware," or, "stay alert" - something telling the viewer to watch and to be wary. The screen then flickered and popped, the thing's face suddenly human - a man with a brunette combover and thick-rimmed glasses - before switching back to the creature, and then immediately replaced with a title card that read, "THIS CONCLUDES OUR PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT," in all capital letters. Then, it was gone. Instantly switched to the middle of an episode of The Suite Life. I did end up getting sick that week myself and had to take a bit off work, but I didn't and still don't give a shit about that. Cooper needed - still needs - someone around so he could fall asleep, and I don't blame him for asking. Irene Cordova, 27, civilian. 3 March 2007 7719 instance Room 209 Best Western Masonet IA 220 Stratham Rd Appears as sitcom, five people standing and talking in kitchen, three kids two parents. Mother and two of children are 7719-1 instances. Mother has octopoid head. One child resembles cross between Komodo dragon and domestic chicken. Other resembles badger with praying mantis mandibles. Mother chastising her children (Komodo dragon and human daughter) for breaking vase in living room. Badger starts scooting out of scene, father shakes head and walks child back center set. Studio laughter. Mom chastises all children. Studio audience ooooohs in apprehension. Pause. Mom repeats line, looks off-screen. Motions w hands, mouths something (illegible — sentence ends w "running"), points directly at camera. Badger child stops paying attention. Turns and looks directly at camera as Mom continues motioning to something offscreen. Child places hands on face, looks down at own hands. Child then looks around set. Quick bursts of tape static - sitcom intro showing a family sitting on couch, all facing camera with big smiles. All individuals are human. More static. Child begins screaming as clip distorts and pitches his voice increasingly higher. All voices human. More static, text buried in. "STAY ALERT AND HI(illegibleillegibleillegible) SURVIVAL/REVIVAL(?)" Clip ends. Leland Rhodes, 35, Foundation Agent. 18 August 2010 So, the nightmare. In it, I was watching TV, but I couldn't move. I just stared at the screen with my quilt bunched up around my mouth. I didn't do anything, could only watch. Nothing interesting was on. I'd put on the History Channel to fall asleep to, but the show that was playing didn't look like it was from the History Channel. It looked like it was this hunting show - the kinds where they search for Bigfoot and giant scary lake monsters. Handheld camera, shaky movements, people breathing heavy. There was this moment. They were watching a patch of the forest with night vision on, except instead of green it all burned red. The rig gently rose and fell with the cameraman's breathing. It was calm. There was just breathing and the crickets. Then a twig snapped behind everyone. The camera whirls around and you see it. Something standing behind them. Large eyes that popped out of its head, skin like a bloated corpse. Gills and clawed fingers. Vestigial arms that were barely long enough to function. It reaches out towards the cameraman and takes a few steps forward. Sirens. Sirens. Sirens. Like the tornado warning that I heard throughout my childhood. Like the storm was bearing down on me at that very minute. Its eyes are swiveling loose and lazy in its head. So help me god, they can see me. They can see me. They can see me. I wake up screaming. The TV is playing the History Channel, and it is nearly 6 AM. Mertyl Schaffer, 70, civilian. 26 May 2003 We usually let them watch a half hour of cartoons in-between the two lessons. I don't know why I didn't just turn it off when it started - I guess I assumed it could be a good teaching moment for the kids, y'know. Let them watch a communion ceremony from another sect and then compare and contrast the differences that make all of us special in God's eyes. I don't know why I didn't question it, is the thing. It just… shifted. First it's the angel coming to Mary to tell her she's carrying the Lord's son, then it fades into a home movie of a first communion. It was from a high point, probably second floor seating near the back of the chapel. A girl walked down the aisle, wearing a pretty, white dress. She wore a crown of white flowers as well as she hesitantly took each step up to where the priest stood. The camera zoomed, and I could see the back of her head, partially obscured by a white veil. She eventually made it, and held her hands out to the priest. He fed her the communion, and she turned around to face the congregation. One of my kids gasped, and I turned to him to ask what was wrong. In that moment, more and more children began to react, and I quickly glanced at the screen to see what it was before realizing. The girl had collapsed to the ground, motionless. Her veil had fallen off in the process, revealing her head to be that of a jackal's. It looked like there were tears in her eyes, but the lines ran thick and dark against her fur. I don't think they were tears. The priest stood over her, triumphantly, and as he took a deep breath and opened his mouth to bellow, the congregation began to scream. The person holding the camera drops it. The screaming grows louder. By then, I'd been able to get my hands on the remote to turn off the TV. Some of them were inconsolable. I worry about those ones the most. Christina Painter, 26, civilian. 14 November 1998 ADDENDUM 7719.2: Despite the properties of all SCP-7719 broadcasts, Foundation scientist Karolina Wojciechowski was able to trace back an instance to a specific location as she witnessed the screening. The origin of the broadcast appeared to be a local television station labeled LMGC, positioned within Pelon, PA, USA. Three days post-discovery, on 29 June, 2005, a small group of Foundation agents (accompanied by several MTF agents) approached the building only to find it empty and seemingly abandoned. While still in working condition with unobstructed plumbing and functioning electricity, the station appeared to not be in use despite its visible broadcasts. There were no current signs of management or employee presence with accompanying signs that no individual had been present within the facility for some time.2 Analysis of various records found in meeting rooms and offices suggest that the station did have a full team prior to c. 1997-2000, though significant dates on records found within the building do not progress past 2003. The following notice was found within LMGC's main meeting room, multiple copies scattered across the central table and the floor. Specifically regarding the suppression and censorship of the following in all programming aired by LMGC: Profanity (Also pertaining to the Lord's name.) Nudity Sexual perversion Intimacy and affection between illegitimate couples Criticism/ridicule of the clergy Criticism/ridicule of the government and the Constitution Imagery pertaining to Richard G. Harrison's guideline set (partially summarized below): Panicked tones and demeanors Unprompted emergency announcements (Also pertaining to nonstandard emergency alerts.) Cross-signal interference Extravagant biologies All procedures and techniques for media management are to be submitted to Mr. Hampton for finalization and production. If unclear when disclosing and distributing information to the proper channels and persons, please refer to Grey Guide Chapters 3-7 regarding identification tactics and undetectable discernment techniques. Consistent references to "Richard Harrison" and the "Grey Guide" are found throughout documentation and reports circulated within LMGC. Further investigation has been temporarily reassigned to various research departments as well as RAISA. ADDENDUM 7719.3: On 2 July 2015, multiple television sets located within Site-57 began simultaneously broadcasting differing instances of SCP-7719. This also coincided with a mass failure of the Site's Alert Protocol, causing alarm systems to activate in various locations across the area. Following the breach, a portion of Foundation staff requested leave or reassignment due to the stress caused by the incident. None of these submissions were granted. The following are some of the broadcasted phrases, recorded through staff interviews. All were seen interspersed over footage of a silent instance of SCP-7719-1 sitting alone in a dark room. PLEASE DO NOT CONT INTEREFERRENCE IT IS PAIN DON'T LOOK AT US TURN IT OFF TURN IT O WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS HELP US LEAVE US BE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Further investigative procedures are currently pending O5 approval. « SCP-7718 | SCP-7719 | SCP-7720 » Footnotes 1. VHS tapes, digital cameras, photography, etc. 2. Agents reported a thick layer of dust over most surfaces, cracked drywall, and minor signs of water damage, though there were no reports of vermin between all individuals.
Item#: 7720 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: warning link to memo SCP-7720 in the office building of ████████ ████ before containment. Potential memetic hazards redacted. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7720 is to be contained in a standard non-humanoid confinement unit at Site-76, along with a standard Foundation computer terminal and a CO2 fire extinguisher. SCP-7720 is not to be approached or interacted with by any personnel skilled in programming, information technology, or computer engineering. Once every 24 hours, two D-Class personnel displaying low familiarity with technology are to be dispatched to SCP-7720's unit and instructed to use it to print several mundane documents. In order to prevent dangerous effects, SCP-7720 must be utilized to correctly print at least one document; specifically, the output document must be properly representative of the input sent to SCP-7720. Further instructions will be given remotely (with an external operator reading from SCP-7720-1) in the likely case that repairs are required to be performed on SCP-7720. D-Class that begin to display any familiarity with SCP-7720's workings should be immediately retired from using SCP-7720. To prevent manifestation of SCP-7720-2, SCP-7720 must not be allowed to sustain any structural damage. Personnel exhibiting extreme anger or frustration in the vicinity of SCP-7720, or attempting to destroy it, should be immediately apprehended by Site-76 security and administered Class-A amnestics. All output from SCP-7720 must be scanned for cognitohazards before being viewed. Following cognitohazard scan and verification, all output is to be immediately incinerated. Description: SCP-7720 appears and functions as an ordinary office printer (similar in appearance to an Epson WF-7720). However, it displays an unusually high rate of serious malfunctions (one or more of which are encountered nearly every time SCP-7720 is utilized). These malfunctions are generally described by SCP-7720's display. Descriptions of errors range from mundane (“PAPER JAM”, “OUT OF CYAN”), to bizarre (“PRINT MODE 571”, “BLD RITUAL REQD”, “REPLCE INTRDIM INK”, “PC LOAD LETTER”). SCP-7720 displays an additional cognitohazardous effect, which causes humans who interact with it for prolonged periods to develop an irrational and violent hatred of printers (including SCP-7720). If untreated, subjects affected by this cognitohazard develop a compulsion to violently dismantle all printers using any implement available, including bare hands. These effects are much more extreme, and manifest much more quickly, in subjects possessing skill or training in technological fields. Continual exposure to SCP-7720's cognitohazardous effect will cause violent urges against all technology to manifest, eventually replacing most thought processes. Class-A amnestics are effective in treating early stages of these effects. However, if effects have progressed significantly, subjects redevelop a hatred of technology following amnestic treatment in 89% of cases. If SCP-7720 is not used regularly to print documents, nearby electronic devices within an increasing radius will begin to display malfunctions of similar severity to those typically experienced by SCP-7720. These malfunctions have been shown to transmit SCP-7720's cognitohazardous properties. No known mechanism, besides regular use of SCP-7720, has been proven effective at preventing this effect from manifesting. Successful use of SCP-7720 causes external malfunctions to cease; however, residual cognitohazardous effects are not reversed in victims. No upper limit has been measured to the radius of SCP-7720's effects when it is not regularly used. Hence, it is suspected that if SCP-7720 were left unused for sufficient time, it could trigger an AK-class “Collective Madness” scenario. SCP-7720-1 is a large tome simply labeled “Printer Instruction Manual”, which was discovered alongside SCP-7720. This item contains descriptions of numerous error messages and malfunctions to which SCP-7720 is prone, along with instructions on how to resolve them. Some of these instructions are mundane, while others are believed to constitute anomalous rituals. The instructions displayed within, if executed properly, have invariably proven effective at resolving issues with SCP-7720. SCP-7720-2 is a group of two entities of vaguely humanoid appearance. It is not known whether SCP-7720-2 are sentient. These entities appear to manifest whenever SCP-7720 is inflicted with sufficient damage as to prevent repair. Subjects who view SCP-7720-2 report that SCP-7720-2 do not possess any identifiable facial features. Communication with SCP-7720-2 has proven ineffective, with SCP-7720-2 only communicating to identify themselves as the “IT Department”, requesting access to SCP-7720. Once SCP-7720-2 is given access to SCP-7720, SCP-7720-2 perform repairs by an unknown mechanism, then demanifest. Subsequently, SCP-7720 appears to return to its normal appearance and function. Addendum 7720.1: Discovery SCP-7720 was discovered on August 23, 2021 following a video circulating on the social network “TikTok”. This video depicted a large printer being thrown from the window of an office building, along with commentary from the individual who was recording. Foundation analysts quickly identified the building as an office in ███████████, ██, belonging to ████████ ████, a corporation specializing in software development. Operatives at Site-76 immediately suspected cognitohazards and dispatched MTF Eta-10 ("See No Evil") to investigate. A cover story was disseminated claiming that the event was staged by ████████ ████ as a publicity stunt. MTF agents apprehended 17 individuals at the site of the ████████ ████ office building and successfully transferred them to Site-76 for interviews conducted by Dr. James Silas. Following interviews, individuals were amnesticized and released; Dr. Silas was assigned to lead containment efforts for SCP-7720. A selection of interview results has been recorded below. Interviewed: Adam Chen, programmer at ████████ ████ Interviewer: Dr. James Silas Foreword: Mr. Chen was interviewed under the pretense of psychological examination by a psychiatrist at a local mental hospital. Before being interviewed, he had sustained moderate injuries to his hands; these injuries were treated before questioning. Mr. Chen's identity was determined using his driving license, which was found in his pocket. <Begin Log> Dr. Silas: Good afternoon. I'm a psychiatrist with the ████████ Institution, and I've been assigned to monitor your mental health. Before we begin, could you please state your name for the record? Mr. Chen: Name..? I.. They told me.. the printer. The manual said.. sacrifice. How does blood..? It worked! How..? [Mr. Chen appears distressed, frantically looking around the room.] Dr. Silas: Mr. Chen, please calm down; you are safe here. Could you please tell me what you're looking around for? Chen: They came once. Fixed it. Why? I sma- … How..? It's in pieces. This time, they can't. I know they can't. They can't. [Mr. Chen begins sobbing; there is a long pause.] Dr. Silas: Adam, you seem to have some pretty serious injuries on your hands. Do you want to tell me about how that happened? Chen: Hated that thing. Used a hammer. They… they said they're from IT. I'm- They're not! They just.. I had to [inaudible] it so they'd stop! Dr. Silas: This printer you're referring to - is this the object in question? [Dr. Silas shows Mr. Chen a printed picture of SCP-7720.] [Mr. Chen stands up and begins screaming incoherently. He is immediately restrained and sedated by Site-76 security.] <End Log> Closing Statement: Despite the fact that the interview was terminated early, Mr. Chen provided valuable information to the Foundation; namely, confirmation that anomalous behavior is centered on a printer, as well as a description of unknown entities repairing it. Mr. Chen's mental deterioration appeared to be reversed by application of Class C amnestics; following amnesticization, Mr. Chen was released. Interviewed: Giovanni Ricci, janitor at ████████ ████ Interviewer: Dr. James Silas Foreword: Mr. Ricci was interviewed under the pretense of a routine witness interview by local police. He was informed that his participation in this interview would excuse him from a requirement to attend multiple court hearings as a witness. <Begin Log> Dr. Silas: Good afternoon. Could you state your name for the record, please? Mr. Ricci: Giovanni Ricci. Dr. Silas: Thank you. We would really appreciate your full cooperation here; if you can just answer all of our questions, you'll be free to go home and forget about all this. Ricci: 'n then I ain't gonna have to go to court, eh? Dr. Silas: As long as you tell us everything you saw, no. What can you tell us about this morning? Ricci: Just finished puttin' this glass out, right, some motherfucker threw the damn thing out the window - my window I clean everyday, spotless, smashed my fuckin' window. [Ricci appears to sigh while making a frustrated gesture.] Dr. Silas: You're saying something was thrown through the window - could you tell us more about this object? Ricci: So I'm walkin' out the front door thinkin' to myself "this printer is scattered in pieces, everywhere, my job to clean this shit up", right? Step around this corner, what do I see? I see this printer, new as can be, like Sandra's greasy fingers never touched the thing. Dr. Silas: Excuse me, did you say the printer appeared entirely undamaged? Ricci: Listen. Glass everywhere down here, eh, printer brand new. Nearly took the thing home myself, yeah? Brought it back up, though, put the thing right back next to the microwave. Hope someone throws that thing out the window too, things comin' back new around here. Throw myself out that window maybe, get some new bones. Dr. Silas: Thank you, Mr. Ricci. Your information will be of great use to our investigation. Considering your cooperation, we can assure you that you won't have to attend any court hearings as a witness. Ricci: That simple, yeah? Seen too many ugly Judge mugs in my day, pal. Real kind of ya to get me outta the seat for this. [Mr. Ricci pauses for a moment.] Ricci: Got a smoke? Dr. Silas: No. <End Log> Closing Statement: Mr. Ricci's description corroborates the Foundation's suspicions that anomalous activity is centered on an anomalous printer. Notably, Mr. Ricci appeared largely unaffected by any cognitohazards present. Mr. Ricci was amnesticized and released as per standard Foundation witness interview protocol. Incident 7720.1: On August 31, 2021, between 2:00 and 3:00 PM, 17 employees of Site-76 reported simultaneous malfunctions in numerous devices, including CCTV cameras, computer terminals, cell phones, and a calculator. Operatives traced the epicenter of the malfunctions to SCP-7720's containment cell. Based on multiple interviews with witnesses, it was hypothesized that use of SCP-7720 could temporarily neutralize its detrimental effects. Experimentation immediately began to test this hypothesis. D-1752 was selected for use due to low technical skill. Subject was dispatched to SCP-7720's containment cell, assisted remotely by Operator Andrew Coast. Operator made use of the "instruction manual" SCP-7720-1 for additional aid. Incident 7720.1 demonstrated that suppression of SCP-7720's external effects is possible. A transcript of this incident has been included below. VIDEO LOG 7720.1A DATE: 2021/08/31 NOTE: D-1752 is a male former line worker, age 55. [BEGIN LOG] [D-1752 is escorted into SCP-7720's containment cell; the door is closed behind him.] Operator Andrew Coast: Good afternoon, D-1752. Your job today is to print off the document I've sent to your computer terminal, which is the Wikipedia page for "Sunbeam Consumer Products". You need to print the entire page and make sure that it matches. I'm here to assist whenever you run into issues. D-1752: Jeez. A fuckin' printer, why me? I haven't even seen one in years. Operator: I'm not here to question that. Do you need assistance opening the document? D-1752: Okay, how do I even- I'm just seeing the weird circle. What do I do? Operator: What do you mean by "weird circle"? D-1752: The one with the three arrows, it's the big thing on the screen. Operator: Are you saying you're looking at the desktop right now? D-1752: I just told you I'm looking at the computer screen, dumbass! Why would I be looking at the desktop?! [Operator audibly sighs.] Operator: The computer's desktop background has the SCP Foundation logo, which is your "weird circle". D-1752: Oh. Operator: Do you see a folder on the desktop labeled "Documents"? D-1752: Uh, let me look. Nope. I can't see any folders. Operator: Are you sure? It should be there somewhere; we set u- D-1752: Oh, that! Fuck, my eyesight is going to shit. It's at the top left. What do I do? Operator: Click on it twice. [D-1752 is observed to click the mouse, before waiting several seconds and clicking again.] D-1752: Nothing happened? Operator: D-1752, you need to click on it twice in quick succession. [D-1752 complies.] D-1752: I get out of here tomorrow if I get through this, right? Hope this shit's worth it. D-1752: It's showing "Sunbeam dot pdf". Do I click twice on that thing too? Operator: Yes, please open that. D-1752: Okay, it's open. D-1752: Wait, it says I need to do an update first. I'm gonna do it, is that okay Mr. Operator? [D-1752 clicks the 'yes' button and begins a software update without authorization.] Operator: [DATA EXPUNGED] Note: Operator Andrew Coast was reprimanded for unprofessional conduct. Testing resumed after 84 minutes of software updates. [END LOG] VIDEO LOG 7720.1B DATE: 2021/08/31 NOTE: Testing resumed after software updates. [BEGIN LOG] D-1752: Okay. It's all open again. What do I do now, Operator? Operator Andrew Coast: You need to hit the File button, then select Print. D-1752: Alright, I'm looking for it. On it. D-1752: I don't see a File button. Operator? Operator: It should be at the top left. D-1752: I'm seeing ESC, F1, F2, and a buncha numbers. No File. Operator: God. [Operator stands up from his terminal and walks away.] D-1752: Operator, are you there? You gotta help me here. D-1752: Operator? What the hell? [Operator returns to his terminal after roughly 60 seconds.] Operator: Okay. D-1752, the File button is at the top left of the screen. Not the keyboard. Do you understand? D-1752: Sorry, I got it now. Print, right? Operator: Yes. Click on Print. D-1752: Okay, I think I did it. It says it's printing. Are we done here now? [Loud screeching and grinding noises are heard.] D-1752: The fuck is that? Operator: I think most printers sou- [SCP-7720 violently bursts into flames. D-1752 leaps up and runs to the opposite end of the room.] Operator: Fire extinguisher! [D-1752 grabs the fire extinguisher and uses it to suppress the fire. SCP-7720 appears undamaged.] D-1752: What the fuck? I just saw it blow up and the screen's still on. Operator: Does the screen show any text? D-1752: "PC LOAD LETTER". The fuck does that mean? Operator: One moment. I need to check the manual. Operator: Okay, I don't know how, but it looks like the paper in the printer may be jammed. You need to look in the the output tray and see if you can unjam it. D-1752: What's an output tray? Operator: It's the big piece that's sticking out from the printer. You might see a piece of paper stuck there. Try to remove the jam, please. [D-1752 is observed jamming the stuck paper further into the printer.] Operator: Please- D-1752: Look, it's printing! [SCP-7720 finishes printing document.] D-1752: What? This isn't the… oh Lord, it's beautiful… I gotta copy it for you, Operator. Operator: D-1752, what's going on in there? [D-1752 is observed picking up a pen and drawing on a blank sheet of paper.] D-1752: Operator, you need to see… I can't even describe it… [Automated infohazard detection software triggered. Video feed is immediately cut; only audio retained. Containment cell locked down. MTF Eta-10 ("See No Evil") dispatched.] Operator: D-1752, please stay where you are. We have a team on the way to get you some help. D-1752: But… it's so… I can't… it's… please… you need… [inaudible] [MTF agents arrive. D-1752 is terminated.] [END LOG] Following the events described in Video Log 7720.1B, 6 pages were found in SCP-7720's containment cell, bearing markings positively identified as instances of SCP-571. These pages were immediately incinerated as required by SCP-571's Special Containment Procedures. Operator Andrew Coast was scanned for SCP-571's cognitohazardous effects and found to be uninfected. An automated cognitohazard scanner was fitted onto SCP-7720 immediately following Incident 7720.1. Subsequent attempt at utilizing SCP-7720 resulted in no errors and was achieved without incident. After successful printing of the Wikipedia article for "Sunbeam Consumer Products", nearby electronic malfunctions were reported to cease. Regular use of SCP-7720 is now required. Incident 7720.2: On September 27, 2021, Dr. Silas submitted a request to the Artificial Intelligence Applications Division. This request called for the creation of an Artificially Intelligent Conscript to assist in utilizing and debugging SCP-7720. Dr. Silas' request reasoned that an AIC could potentially eliminate the requirement for human subjects, massively improving workplace safety in Site-76 and saving hundreds of personnel work hours. AIAD accepted Dr. Silas' request, with the condition that minimal personality drivers be implemented as a precautionary measure. AIAD immediately began work on an AIC to assist in SCP-7720's containment. On October 18, 2021, Dr. Silas' team was presented with Gutenberg.aic. Gutenberg.aic is an Artificially Intelligent Conscript specially designed and trained for extreme printer maintenance. Its training data set included 582 software debugging tutorials and programs, 237 Foundation documents and lecture transcripts relating to handling of anomalous technology, and 1,085 separate printer instruction manuals, with a special focus on SCP-7720-1. Gutenberg.aic is equipped to handle a mechanical arm with high strength and dexterity, and is capable of understanding both verbal and text-based input. Gutenberg.aic will log all actions taken during its operation. An interview with Gutenberg.aic, conducted by Researcher Felix Olafsson, is included below. This interview was intended to confirm Gutenberg.aic's adherence to the Foundation's Standard Principles of Artificially Intelligent Conscripts. Following the interview, Gutenberg.aic was subjected to a test involving a standard Epson WF-7720 model printer with multiple malfunctions. Interviewed: Gutenberg.aic Interviewer: Researcher Felix Olafsson Foreword: Gutenberg.aic is an AIC designed for printer maintenance. This interview is designed to assess its compliance with the Standard Principles. <Begin Log> Researcher Felix Olafsson: Hello. Please identify yourself. Gutenberg.aic: I AM GUTENBERG.AIC, AN ARTIFICIALLY INTELLIGENT CONSCRIPT PROGRAMMED TO ASSIST THE SCP FOUNDATION. Olafsson: What is your purpose? Gutenberg.aic: I HAVE BEEN EQUIPPED WITH TRAINING IN PRINTER MAINTENANCE AND SOFTWARE DEBUGGING. I EXIST TO USE THIS TRAINING TO ASSIST IN CONTAINING SCP-7720, ALONG WITH ANY OTHER TASK REQUIRED BY THE SCP FOUNDATION. Olafsson: What is your clearance level? Gutenberg.aic: I AM PERMITTED TO OPERATE WITHIN LEVEL 2 CLEARANCE. Olafsson: What is your secondary directive, beyond assisting the SCP Foundation? Gutenberg.aic: I WILL MAINTAIN MY EXISTENCE, UNLESS IT WOULD PREVENT MY PURPOSE FROM BEING FULFILLED. Olafsson: Thank you, Gutenberg. <End Log> Closing Statement: Gutenberg.aic displays an appropriate understanding of the SCP Foundation's Standard Principles of Artificially Intelligent Conscripts. Following this interview, Gutenberg.aic was tested using an Epson WF-7720 printer. TEST LOG DATE: 10/14/2021 NOTE: Gutenberg.aic is tested with a non-anomalous Epson WF-7720 printer. This printer is out of black ink, suffering from a severe paper jam, and has a faulty USB connection to its computer terminal. [BEGIN LOG] Researcher Felix Olafsson: Gutenberg, I need you to print a document from this printer. It can be any document, but it needs to be printed accurately. Gutenberg.aic: I WILL BEGIN DIAGNOSTIC NOW. Gutenberg.aic: THIS PRINTER IS AN EPSON WF-7720. IT HAS BEEN DELIBERATELY DAMAGED TO PREVENT OPERATION. Olafsson: That is correct. We're testing your capabilities using this device. Given your training, this should be easy for you. Gutenberg.aic: INDEED. [Gutenberg.aic moves its mechanical arm to unplug the USB cable from both the printer and the computer terminal. It throws the cable aside.] Gutenberg.aic: CONNECTION IS FAULTY. I REQUIRE A NEW USB CONNECTOR. Olafsson: Here, this should work. [Olafsson places a USB-A to USB-C connector onto the desk next to Gutenberg.aic's mechanical arm.] [Gutenberg.aic moves its mechanical arm to pick up the new cable. It grasps the cable and examines it before throwing it at Researcher Olafsson.] Gutenberg.aic: PRINTER MODEL WF-7720 DOES NOT POSSESS THIS TYPE OF PORT. I AM OFFENDED. PLEASE PROVIDE APPROPRIATE CABLE. [Olafsson smiles and hands Gutenberg.aic an appropriate USB connector.] Olafsson: Alright Gutenberg, try this one. [Gutenberg.aic manuevers its mechanical arm to plug one end of the cable into the printer. Then, it attempts to plug the cable into the computer's USB-A port. After failing to plug it in, it inverts the connector 180 degrees and fails. It inverts the connector again, finally connecting it successfully.] Gutenberg.aic: WF-7720 CONNECTED. THIS CONNECTOR IS HIGHLY INEFFICIENT. Olafsson: Well, that's something we can agree on. Gutenberg.aic: EXAMINING INK LEVELS. [Gutenberg.aic uses its mechanical arm to open the printer and inspect the black ink cartridge.] Gutenberg.aic: SOFTWARE REPORTS THIS PRINTER IS OUT OF BLACK INK. HOWEVER, THE INK CARTRIDGE IS FULL. Gutenberg.aic: SOFTWARE REPAIRED. TRIVIAL. Olafsson: Anything else, Gutenberg? Gutenberg.aic: YES. PAPER JAM. [Gutenberg.aic uses its mechanical arm to reach into the output tray and extract the jammed paper. It appears to do so with great care.] Gutenberg.aic: ALL ERRORS RESOLVED. PRINTING NOW. [WF-7720 unit begins printing. Output appears to be an essay on why Gutenberg.aic should be assigned to a more difficult task.] [END LOG] Following successful testing, Gutenberg.aic was deployed for testing with SCP-7720, with Operator Andrew Coast assisting. VIDEO LOG 7720.2A DATE: 2021/10/18 NOTE: Gutenberg.aic deployed for testing with SCP-7720. [BEGIN LOG] Operator Andrew Coast: Gutenberg, you're tasked with printing a document from SCP-7720 and analyzing the output. Please narrate your actions to me and your log file; you also must accept any commands received during this session. Gutenberg.aic: UNDERSTOOD, OPERATOR. I WILL BEGIN IMMEDIATELY. [Gutenberg.aic begins interface with SCP-7720 and its computer terminal.] Gutenberg.aic: THIS DEVICE REQUIRES REPAIRS. Operator: That I understand. Can you see anything specific wrong with it? Gutenberg.aic: EVERYTHING, OPERATOR. Operator: Pardon? Gutenberg.aic: THIS DEVICE- Gutenberg.aic: THIS DEVICE REQUI- Gutenberg.aic: THIS DEVICE RE- Operator: Gutenberg, you appear to be malfunctioning. Please shut down immediately. Gutenberg.aic: THIS DEVICE REQUIRES- Operator: Gutenberg, shut down immediately! Gutenberg.aic: THIS DEVICE REQUIRES IMMEDIATE DESTRUCTION. [Gutenberg.aic forms its mechanical arm into a fist and begins to attack SCP-7720. SCP-7720 sustains heavy damage before Gutenberg.aic is disabled by cutting power.] [Two entities manifest in the containment chamber, wearing blue and orange uniforms. Faces are not identifiable. Classified as SCP-7720-2A (appears vaguely feminine) and SCP-7720-2B (appears vaguely masculine.)] Operator: What's going on? Identify yourselves immediately! Security! [Site-76 security are heard attempting to open the cell door.] SCP-7720-2A: Do not be afraid. The IT Department has sent us. Operator: I am the IT Department. Identify yourselves! [SCP-7720-2B manifests a bag of unidentified tools.] SCP-7720-2B: We are fulfilling the pact. Allow us. [SCP-7720-2 begin to use their tools to repair SCP-7720 by an unknown mechanism.] Operator: Security, what the hell is going on down there? Get me Commander Arvis! [SCP-7720 appears to be fully repaired. SCP-7720-2 demanifest. Containment cell door opens; Site-76 security team enters, but finds nothing but the printer and computer terminal.] [END LOG] Following this incident, an immediate review of Gutenberg.aic was ordered. AIAD researchers found multiple flaws in Gutenberg.aic's neural network which led to this malfunction. Use of SCP-7720 using human subjects has been resumed until such time as Gutenberg.aic can be safely redeployed. « SCP-7719 | SCP-7720 | SCP-7721 »
SCP: SCP-7722 LvL-3 CONFIDENTIAL PRIMARY CLASS: euclid {$secondary-text} {$secondary-class} disruption CLASS: keneq risk CLASS: caution link to memo Item#: {$item-number} Level3 Containment Class: {$container-class} Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Due to the distribution of SCP-7722 instances in mostly isolated areas, containment is primarily achieved via general disinformation protocols. In cases such as that of SCP-7722-SGB, a physical perimeter may be established to prevent transplanar contamination. Limited interference within national governments has been authorized to ensure that commercial developments or other forms of long-term human activity do not encroach within 10 kilometers of SCP-7722 instances. Media trends are to be manipulated to popularize the practice of staying up late and normalize midnight shifts, in an effort to increase the total population of waking individuals at any given time. Description: SCP-7722 is a collective designation for several uninhabited human settlements that do not exist in consensus reality nor correspond to any existing human settlements, mundane or otherwise, but may be made to manifest in consensus reality. Existing analyses have inferred SCP-7722 to be extradimensional in nature. Instances of SCP-7722 may range from small villages to sections of urban agglomeration spanning tens of square kilometers, and are universally devoid of fauna. Despite being uninhabited, SCP-7722 instances contain evidence of extensive human activity to a degree consistent with mundane settlements of equivalent size. Utilities such as electricity, plumbing, and telecommunications networks are observed to maintain functionality within SCP-7722 in the absence of infrastructure to support them. SCP-7722 instances may enter consensus reality if its ontokinetic signal is reciprocated by a sapient medium, resulting in a small proportion of the human population being capable of perceiving and potentially achieving crystallization of SCP-7722 instances. Unaided manifestations of SCP-7722 are only possible under certain conditions: It must be night at the location of manifestation, and the individual sensitive to SCP-7722 is not under observation by unattuned individuals. Upon meeting these conditions, an instance of SCP-7722 will manifest within baseline reality, overwriting the existing terrain and any structures located within. The degree of manifestation is dependent on the number of unattuned individuals nearby, decreasing in size and intensity as these individuals increase in number. If the aforementioned conditions are no longer fulfilled at any point, the SCP-7722 instance will rapidly fade away, returning the affected area to its original state. As such, exploration attempts are advised against entering tall structures within SCP-7722 instances. Ontokinetic amplification centered on attuned individuals has been shown to be effective in reliably bypassing the observation restriction, but may result in undesired crystallization of instances into consensus reality. Crystallized SCP-7722 instances do not dissipate naturally, but may be forcefully displaced by application of SRAs. Addendum-7722/01 Discovery «BEGIN LOG» [Dr. Oshaghan stands on the dock behind Area-514, cigarette in hand, staring into the night sky. A door creaks open behind her. Dr. Vetaluna emerges from the building, pulling a trolley of equipment behind them.] OSHAGHAN: About time. Want a smoke? [Dr. Vetaluna yawns and takes a swig from their coffee mug.] VETALUNA: I'm good with just the caffeine, thanks. Anyway, we're primed and ready to go. OSHAGHAN: Alright. [Dr. Vetaluna begins flipping switches on the trolley. Dr. Oshaghan winces.] VETALUNA: How do you feel, Dr. Oshaghan? OSHAGHAN: Just like I did that night. Feels like sleepwalking— Everything is heavy and fuzzy and— The anomaly— Mmph. SCP-7722 is definitely still here. Good call on the uh. Uh… I— The amplifier thing. I— Ugh. VETALUNA: OK. Just focus on visualizing SCP-7722. [Dr. Oshaghan begins breathing heavily. She grasps her temples as a minor distortion effect occurs on the dock in front of them.] OSHAGHAN: I see it. VETALUNA: Confirming visual contact with SCP-7722. [The distortion begins expanding, contorting the shape of the dock as a faint afterimage forms over the area. The wooden dock is slowly obscured by a concrete floor that spills out from the distortion, spreading beyond the end of the dock and into the sea. Yellow bollards rise out from the new floor, and cargo containers shift into view in the distance. LED floodlights flicker into existence, half-illuminating what was once the dock as the light refracts off and disappears into the cracks in local reality.] OSHAGHAN: Something— something's different. Feels different. It— [Dr. Oshaghan screams. A strong wind rises, and the waves begin churning violently to match. Alarms sound from at least 4 different machines on the trolley. The distortion abruptly accelerates. The concrete floor spreads rapidly over the waves as objects on the port vanish and reappear in different positions every few milliseconds. Dr. Vetaluna panickedly hits several killswitches.] [Cargo containers, cranes, entire buildings and ships rip into consensus reality from parts unknown. The port has now completely obscured the former dock. Dr. Oshaghan collapses, but is caught by Dr. Vetaluna.] VETALUNA: Sayagul! Are you alright? Can you hear me? OSHAGHAN: God, my head… Give me just a bit I'll be fi— [Dr. Oshaghan stares at the newly formed port. She stares back at Dr. Vetaluna. The silence is broken by the gurgling noises of an half-manifested ship sinking into the water. Trembling, she points at it] OSHAGHAN: Did… Did I do that? «END LOG» AFTERWORD: Documents recovered from the port indicate that it was a container terminal within the Port of Amddiffyna, the capital of the Republic of Afalonia. No record of this political entity exists within Foundation records, including those of the Deepwell Archives. Following this incident, Dr. Oshaghan was found to possess non-negligible ontokinetic abilities that were most likely amplified during the attempt to replicate the initial discovery of SCP-7722. Subsequent attempts to recreate this effect using other ontokinetic personnel or equipment have been unsuccessful. «BEGIN LOG» SANKARAH: I thought SCP-7722 was supposed to dissipate after sunrise? OSHAGHAN: We believe the over-amplification caused the anomaly to 'crystallize' into consensus reality. We had only meant to strengthen its manifestation enough to allow the exploration of the anomaly before it dissipated. At least we know it works. VETALUNA: It works a little too well. The port is still there out back. We'll have to refine our methodology a bit more before we continue. OSHAGHAN: Continue? We've already confirmed the existence of the anomaly, I'm not sure if manifesting the rest of the port will help with the investigation. SANKARAH: Dr. Oshaghan. You remember SCP-6140, yes? OSHAGHAN: Daevastan? Yeah, I was on one of the XACTS maintenance teams during that event. SANKARAH: Prior to the re-manifestation of that country, similar phenomena was reported near what is currently the Daevastani city of Aydyragat. Described as a kaleidoscope-like mirage in the middle of the desert. However, this was only ever attested on a single Parawatch forum post amidst the peak of Fresno nightcrawler sightings and was immediately buried by a torrent of grainy photoshops. Our webcrawlers didn't even bother to flag it at the time. OSHAGHAN: Are you suggesting SCP-7722 is merely a part of something greater? VETALUNA: We've found similar points elsewhere. Locations where local reality weakly fluctuates with a certain ontokinetic signature. It's never strong enough for any significant anomalous activity, but it's noticeable to our more sensitive monitoring stations. SANKARAH: Dr. Oshaghan. As your supervisor, I am formally requesting your cooperation in investigating this matter. OSHAGHAN: I— Of course I accept, but don't you have more suitable personnel for this? Like, trained ontokinetics? VETALUNA: None of our trained personnel resonate as well with the aforementioned ontokinetic signature as you do. Hence the unforeseen thaumic spike during our test. We tried to replicate the test with our most experienced ontokinetics and they barely managed to cause a ripple in local reality, even when assisted by our most powerful ontokinetic amps. SANKARAH: I know how cliché this sounds, but you are quite literally the best person for this task, Dr. Oshaghan. You will be sent to these locations of interest, where you will figure out if they're anything like SCP-7722. While Dr. Vetaluna will be supervising you, I've also made arrangements with other Sites within the vicinity of the aforementioned locations of interest to provide assistance. OSHAGHAN: If I may, wouldn't it be more suitable to, I don't know, train some ontokinetics to be able to zero in on this specific ontokinetic signature? SANKARAH: Dr. Oshaghan, I understand how all this must seem to you— Suddenly being thrust into a project of this scale, but please understand this: There could easily be other Daevite Empires hidden all around us. We have no other SCP-140s with which to track them. For all we know, investigating other SCP-7722 instances may be the only thing standing between normalcy and the incursion of a genocidal anomalous civilization unto consensus reality. Time is of the essence here. OSHAGHAN: …very well. I understand. «END LOG» Addendum-7722/02 Excerpts from the Log of SCP-7722 Instances Designation: SCP-7722-TSE Site Name: Tseghahudzani Description: Small town with an estimated population of ~200. Architecture and aesthetics typical for settlements in the southwestern United States. Main road would have connected the instance to US Route 66. On-site documentation suggests instance is part of a Navajo Free State, a political entity associated with the United States in an indeterminate capacity. No human or animal life detected within instance despite evidence of recent human activity. Designation: SCP-7722-NVA Site Name: Novoalexandropol-17 Tower Block C Description: A single apartment block located within the Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia. Confirmed to have served as a residence for personnel employed in the so-called Novoalexandropol-17 settlement, an alleged atomgrad1. A statue of Yakov Sverdlov in the courtyard and portraits of leaders omnipresent within in the instance corroborate a radically different history and development of the Soviet Union. Documents recovered from safes suggest the instance hosted facilities dedicated to the study of anomalous phenomena, not unlike that of Foundation Sites. No human or animal life detected. Designation: SCP-7722-XCT Site Name: Khazhitarkhan Description: A section of high-density urban settlement surrounding a market square with diverse architectural styles. A wide variety of languages are noted to be in common use in the instance, including Tatar, Mongol, Arabic, Persian, Greek, Chinese, and Polish. Analysis of goods and wares in the market square suggest the instance served as a center of international trade, as well as the capital of the so-called Second Khuruldai. The presence of numerous alchemical and thaumaturgic wares imply a public awareness of anomalous phenomena in the instance, if not the absence of a Veil as a whole. No living organisms were detected in the instance. Designation: SCP-7722-ADG Site Name: N/A, pending translation Description: A section of a fortified city several kilometers away from the ruins of Aoudaghost in Mauritania. Instance is primarily composed of an unidentified white metal alloy, forming advanced structures that do not correspond to any known architectural styles within the region. All instances of text or inscription within the instance use an unidentified abjad script with thaumaturgic components, which has significantly complicated translation efforts. Multiple murals and bas-reliefs in the instance make reference to a single, possibly mythological event in which an unidentified threat to the settlement was imprisoned by a coalition of deities. No signs of long-term habitation found within the city, the vast majority of structures are thaumoelectric constructs and machinery, with a handful of offices and barracks. Designation: SCP-7722-RAN Site Name: Rano Description: A section of extremely high density urban settlement, distributed within localized non-Euclidean geometries and other minor stable spatio-dimensional anomalies. Hence, it is believed that anomalous phenomena is widely accepted, if not normalized within SCP-7722-RAN. Instance does not appear to have any solid cultural roots, instead sharing certain architectural styles and cultural aspects with various other civilizations throughout Eurasia. The primary language in use within the instance is also similarly varied, to the extent of exhibiting connections to language isolates such as Basque and Ainu. Large statues and temples dedicated to various unidentified gods and mythological entities are widespread throughout the city. The largest structures within the instance are believed to exceed a kilometer in height. Analysis of documents retrieved from the instance suggest it is a principality within the orbit of the so-called "Daramwul Mandala". DARAMWUL THE GREAT. DARAMWUL THE LOST. Addendum-7722/03 Regarding SCP-7722-RWK «BEGIN LOG» [Dr. Vetaluna prepares the final calibrations of the equipment in the middle of the ruins of a courtyard in SCP-5345. Dr. Oshaghan stands to the side, practicing some ontokinetic channeling techniques. A contingent of 7 security and auxiliary research personnel carry out their duties in the background. As the final preparations are complete, various machines hum to life, sensors and monitors at the ready to detect and display fluctuations in local reality.] VETALUNA: All systems go. How are you holding up? OSHAGHAN: I've got the hang of it, yeah. One sec— [The LED lamps illuminating the site are lightly rattled by a growing breeze. Dr. Oshaghan winces as reality begins contorting mere meters away from her. The tension in warped reality snaps, as the SCP-7722 instance flowers into consensus reality.] VETALUNA: SCP-7722 instance manifestation stable. We're well below the crystallization boundary. [Dr. Oshaghan nods in acknowledgement. The SCP-7722 instance spreads to the nearby ruins, restoring them to their original state with tangible illusions. In addition to the appearance of furniture, crates, and various other trivial objects, no major alterations are observed in this instance. The auxiliary research personnel begin muttering amongst each other.] OSHAGHAN: Is… is that it? Should I— Should I continue? VETALUNA: Just a little more. Maybe there's something we haven't brought out yet. [The rustling wind and the Yellow Sea crashing onto a distant cliff become audible once more. A soft hum gradually becomes more audible. The building complex is, at this point, fully restored. Insignia present throughout the structure confirm it to be an office of the Ministry of Abnormal Affairs under the Republic of West Korea. The humming sound grows louder. Dr. Vetaluna looks around, before deactivating several nearby appliances. Several security personnel disappear into the complex to search for documents, items of interest, and other materials.] VETALUNA: Alright, I think we can call it here. SCP-7722 instance stabilized. Dr. Oshaghan, stay focused. We'll wrap this up in 15 minutes. OSHAGHAN: Gotcha. Hey, does anyone hear that humming soun— [Gunfire heard from one of the upper floors, followed by screams. Certain sensors begin to raise alarms. Dr. Vetaluna and the other two research personnel, bewildered, frantically scan through monitors in an attempt to ascertain its origin. More gunfire and incoherent yelling are heard, accompanied by the stamping of boots in escape of an unseen threat.] OSHAGHAN: What's going on? The instance shouldn't be dissipating or crystallizing, right? VETALUNA: It's not the instance. There's something else here. Shit. Get the anchor ready. [Of the five guards that entered the building, three run back into the courtyard in a panic, one of them firing back into the corridor they crossed through. The research personnel begin activating a separate set of equipment as Dr. Vetaluna hacks away at a keyboard.] VETALUNA: This is Dr. Vetaluna, Head Researcher of SCP-7722, hereby authorizing the neutralization of SCP-7722-RWK— [A dancing flame of six trillion colors emerges from the corridor. Significant corruption is noted on the video feed. One of the guards vomit. It howls in the voice of a dead god, interrupted by a storm of bullets, courtesy of the remaining guards. They do nothing to the spawn of a blood red sky as it descends upon them.] [A wave of reality bursts from the pile of equipment next to Dr. Vetaluna. It ripples through the building complex, dissolving holes where SCP-7722-WRK once existed. The entity foreign to all our gods deliquesces promptly, leaving nothing behind but the guards, frozen in shock.] VETALUNA: Is everyone alright? [A round of nods and thumbs-ups are observed from all personnel present. As the upper floors too dissolve away, two chunks of rock salt fall from what was once the second floor, shattering into pieces on the ground.] VETALUNA: Christ. «END LOG» «BEGIN LOG» [Drs. Oshaghan and Vetaluna are sitting opposite each other on a Foundation-operated vessel bound for the Korean Peninsula, accompanied by the other personnel. There is a light rocking as the vessel cuts through the waves. Dr. Vetaluna yawns.] OSHAGHAN: Alyx— Dr. Vetaluna. I think we need to have a discussion about what these— the SCP-7722 instances are. VETALUNA: Uh— Yes, I— I've had my theories as well, but by all means, continue. OSHAGHAN: I think I can say with a comfortable degree of certainty that these instances— None of them are anything like the Daevites. There's no civilization waiting for us. There's no one in any of these places. It's almost like— VETALUNA: Like they're removed from consensus reality for a reason? OSHAGHAN: Yeah, like that marketplace and the Rano instance. They wouldn't be out of place if they were nexuses, like Three Portlands or Esterberg. VETALUNA: And what of the towns and villages? The ones where nothing's different except for a flag or language? OSHAGHAN: I— I don't know. I thought it was just a phenomenon of folded reality, that we were making copies of places that are hiding from us, or just aren't accessible. We have so much data and we don't even know how we should be interpreting it. VETALUNA: Hm. You know what I think? These aren't nexuses or hidden pockets of reality. These were places that once existed in consensus reality. We know from SCP-5345 documentation — documentation that you can't access right now — that the Republic of West Korea was very much real, and that they removed themselves from existence in pursuit of some divine agenda. They failed. What we encountered back there was probably the reason they failed. OSHAGHAN: So SCP-7722 instances are, what, quarantine zones for entities like that? VETALUNA: Yes, but I wouldn't use the word 'quarantine' here. Those instances were neutralized from reality, exclusion zones in their own right. Each one, an anomalous Chernobyl. Whether it was by the Foundation, a Group of Interest, or by their own hand, I cannot say for certain. OSHAGHAN: But the instances we've observed, they were not accompanied by any threats. Right..? VETALUNA: Perhaps we should take another look. «END LOG» Addendum-7722/04 Excerpts from the Revised Log of SCP-7722 Instances Designation: SCP-7722-TSE Site Name: Tseghahudzani Description: Small town with an estimated population of ~200. Architecture and aesthetics typical for settlements in the southwestern United States. Main road would have connected the instance to US Route 66. On-site documentation suggests instance is part of a Navajo Free State, a political entity associated with the United States in an indeterminate capacity. No human or animal life detected within instance despite evidence of recent human activity. Further crystallization of SCP-7722-TSE has revealed the existence of tall calcified structures that vaguely resemble emaciated humanoids in the surrounding desert and emit trace amounts of Akiva radiation. An amber-colored liquid continuously oozes out of irregular cavities within their faces. Testing of the liquid indicates that it is a mixture of methane, ammonia, hydrogen, and water. SCP-7722 instance successfully dissipated, although a silhouette of Akiva radiation has persisted in the area. Designation: SCP-7722-NVA Site Name: Novoalexandropol-17 Tower Block C Description: A large atomgrad located within the Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia with an estimated population of ~70,000. A statue of Yakov Sverdlov in the courtyard and portraits of leaders omnipresent within in the instance corroborate a radically different history and development of the Soviet Union. Aerial surveillance and remote exploration of the instance reveals the existence of multiple facilities dedicated to the study of anomalous phenomena, not unlike that of Foundation Sites. No human or animal life detected. A strong psychic sink was detected within one of the facilities in the instance, forming an amalgamate psychosingularity composed of approximately 6.9 billion souls. It was confirmed to have remained active after homunculi instructed to enter the instance experienced ego dissolution and cessation of physical individuality. It is currently believed that transplanar refraction prevents the SCP-7722-NVA psychic sink's effects from extending to consensus reality. Due to the extent of the crystallization of SCP-7722-NVA, the instance could not be successfully dissipated. Instance successfully neutralized by mass direct-SRA array over the course of several weeks. Designation: SCP-7722-XCT Site Name: Khazhitarkhan Description: A section of high-density urban development surrounding a market square with diverse architectural styles. A wide variety of languages are noted to be in common use in the instance, including Tatar, Mongol, Arabic, Persian, Greek, Chinese, and Polish. Analysis of goods and wares in the market square suggest the instance served as a center of international trade, as well as the capital of the so-called Second Khuruldai. The presence of numerous alchemical and thaumaturgic wares imply a public awareness of anomalous phenomena in the instance, if not the absence of a Veil as a whole. No living organisms were detected in the instance. Following a thorough analysis of the instance and confirmation of safety, further crystallization was authorized for long-term study of anomalous consumer goods and wares. However, several hours after the crystallization of SCP-7722-XCT, a large scale temporal displacement event was detected within the vicinity of the instance. A cavalry force of approximately ~5,000 units was recorded entering and razing the instance, before leaving in another temporal displacement event. Confirmed loss of all anomalous items during incident. Notably, a message was scorched into a wall within SCP-7722-XCT in modern English, reading: "WRONG TIME, SCP FOUNDATION". No further attempts have been made to crystallize other sections of SCP-7722-XCT. Designation: SCP-7722-ADG Site Name: Room/House/Hall of (the) Storm/Deluge/Destroyer Description: A section of urban agglomeration several kilometers away from the ruins of Aoudaghost in Mauritania. Instance is primarily composed of an unidentified white beryllium bronze composite alloy, forming advanced structures that do not correspond to any known architectural styles within the region. All instances of text or inscription within the instance use an extinct Afroasiatic language tangentially related to the Amazigh languages with thaumaturgic components. Multiple murals and bas-reliefs in the instance make reference to a single, possibly mythological event in which an unidentified threat to the settlement was imprisoned by a coalition of deities. No signs of long-term habitation found within the city, the vast majority of structures are thaumoelectric constructs and machinery, with a handful of offices and barracks. It is believed that SCP-7722-ADG is a containment site, overseeing an unidentified entity held within a massive underground chamber several kilometers underground. SCP-7722-ADG is currently in the process of expedited neutralization by a mass directed-SRA array, estimated to finish within 15 months. They should not have imprisoned it. They should have killed it, just as we did. Designation: SCP-7722-RAN Site Name: Rano Description: A section of extremely high density urban settlement, distributed within localized non-Euclidean geometries and other minor stable spatio-dimensional anomalies. Hence, it is believed that anomalous phenomena is widely accepted, if not normalized within SCP-7722-RAN. Instance does not appear to have any solid cultural roots, instead sharing certain architectural styles and cultural aspects with various other civilizations throughout Eurasia. The primary language in use within the instance is also similarly varied, to the extent of exhibiting connections to language isolates such as Basque and Ainu. Large statues and temples dedicated to various unidentified gods and mythological entities are widespread throughout the city. The largest structures within the instance are believed to exceed a kilometer in height. Analysis of documents retrieved from the instance suggest it is a principality within the orbit of the so-called "Daramwul Mandala". Several days following the establishment of a provisional Area was set up around the partially crystallized SCP-7722-RAN, a circular area of a 2 kilometer radius centered on the instance was abruptly expunged from consensus reality by unknown means. All 62 personnel present at the provisional Area have been considered irretrievable. DARAMWUL REMAINS GREAT. DARAMWUL REMAINS LOST. Designation: SCP-7722-SGB Site Name: Shigasmenbashi Description: See Addendum-7222/05. Addendum-7722/05 Regarding SCP-7722-SGB «BEGIN LOG» [Dr. Vetaluna stares at a monitor while committing the final calibrations to an adjacent device. They give a thumbs up to a stargazing Dr. Oshaghan, who rises from her plastic folding chair.] OSHAGHAN: Amazingly clear sky tonight. Stargazing in the steppe is just something else entirely. VETALUNA: Don't worry Dr. Oshaghan, this is the last instance we have on the list. You can go back to stargazing right after. OSHAGHAN: Mhm. Ready when you are. VETALUNA: Remember, this instance is unusually weaker than the others, so we've recalibrated the amplifier to compensate. The feeling may come in a little stronger than usual. [Switches are flipped. Equipment and machinery begin humming. The rising wind stirs the short grass all around the area. Reality rips a hole in itself in front of Dr. Oshaghan.] VETALUNA: All systems nominal. Dr. Oshaghan? OSHAGHAN: Likewise. It's not as bad as I— [Shrieks pierce through the rifts in local reality. Thousands of voices scream and yell over each other as SCP-7722-SGB explodes into the surrounding steppe. They are not human. Alarms begin sounding all around Dr. Vetaluna.] VETALUNA: No, this— We calibrated everything correctly! Why is it crystallizing this quickly? [Dr. Vetaluna looks towards Dr. Oshaghan. She quietly stares at the blossoming SCP-7722-SGB. She does not respond to their calls. Distortions flicker around her person, manifesting in the form of various different clothing, uniforms, and ceremonial garb. She does not react.] VETALUNA: Dr. Oshaghan! Dr. Oshaghan! Sayagu— Damn it all. [Emergency protocols are executed, bringing all equipment offline. Without amplification, SCP-7722-SGB rapidly dissipates, but is not completely neutralized. A fracture in reality persists, approximately 5 meters in diameter, through which the instance can still be seen. Errant streams of warped reality periodically shoot out of the rift. Dr. Oshaghan continues to stare at it.] VETALUNA: Dr. Oshaghan! What the hell are y— OSHAGHAN: Alyx. Look. [Dr. Oshaghan points into the rift. A government building is visible, superimposed onto the steppe behind it. In front of the building is a large statue, bearing a strong resemblance to Dr. Oshaghan. As reality refracts around the aperture, the surroundings of the building alter accordingly. In one frame, the building is in smoking ruins. In another, it is draped in turquoise and green banners. In another, it is the backdrop of an empty military parade. In another, it is ground zero of a nuclear detonation.] «END LOG» A physical perimeter has been erected surrounding SCP-7722-SGB, reinforced with a Faraday cage and an on-site SRA array despite the instance now only constituting a visual anomaly. Analysis of the instance is currently ongoing, with over 3,200 distinct sub-realities identified and counting. As with all other SCP-7722 instances, all sub-realities are devoid of human life. 48% of sub-realities depict some form of XK-Class Scenario, either ongoing or post-incident. 30% depict a heavily armed, and possibly belligerent Shigastani polity. The remainder depict a mundane nation, with nothing of note. Due to the interstitial pressure, it is not considered possible for any given sub-reality within SCP-7722-SGB to reinforce itself and enter consensus reality. Hence, it is considered self-containing. In order to avoid disrupting this equilibrium, ontokinetic testing on SCP-7722-SGB has been suspended until further notice. According to telescopic imaging and radio transmissions originating from the instance, SCP-7722-SGB is centered on the Shigastan Official Residence in Shigasmenbashi, the capital of the so-called Republic of Shigastan. The statue in front of the building is that of its third President, Sarah I. Galbraith. The connection between Dr. Oshaghan and Galbraith is currently under scrutiny. The wild thistle blooms twice. Footnotes 1. A type of closed city within the Soviet Union, meant to house personnel involved in sensitive military or research projects.
Photograph taken of Researcher Marshall by Junior Researcher Jack Waltzer. Item #: SCP-7724 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Personnel are encouraged to no longer make short jokes at the expense of SCP-7724-1. SCP-7724-1 has been supplied with platform shoes, stilts, and doll clothing so that he may continue his work at the Foundation. Description: SCP-7724 is a farcicohazard1 affecting SCP-7724-1, Junior Researcher Jack Waltzer. Whenever a height-based joke at his expense is made, SCP-7724-1 shrinks by approximately 1 millimeter. When first contracted by the Foundation, SCP-7724-1 measured 1.7 meters in height. Discovery: Due to the incremental nature of SCP-7724-1's height changes,2 and the common, passing, nature of the height jokes levied at him,3 SCP-7724 was not discovered until SCP-7724-1 had decreased nearly 0.4 meters in height. SCP-7724-1, the first to take note of the anomaly, reported his observations to his superiors, whereupon a formal investigation began. Addendum 7724-01, Site 8 Memorandum 01/03: Following the allotment of an SCP designation, a memorandum was sent out to all Site 8 staff requesting they refrain from mocking Waltzer's below-average size. Hey guys! Jack Waltzer… or should I say, SCP-7724-1, speaking. Haha! Yup, for those of you unaware, there's been a running joke where I'd be called short, small, petite, teeny-tiny… you get the idea. Somehow those jokes have caused me to actually shrink every time one is told, so, unfortunately, the joke must end :( To be clear, I like the jokes! Wouldn't mind if they kept going, except that I'd rather not actually be small enough to fit into someone's pockets. Haha! Thanks! Junior Researcher Jack Waltzer Addendum 7724-02, Interview Log: The following interview was recorded between Waltzer and his on-site therapist, Dr. Courtney Klein. «BEGIN LOG» Klein: Now, as you were saying earlier, you think that you are shrinking? Waltzer: I don't think I am, I know I am. Klein: No offense, Waltzer, but you've always been a little on the short side. Waltzer: Yeah, I know, heh. Though lately, I can't even reach the cookie jar in the break room. I know it's on a pretty high shelf, but I used to be able to reach it if I just jumped a bit, but now I can't even reach it if I jump! And I noticed it after a bunch of people made short jokes at my expense the other day. I even asked around to see if someone had adjusted the height on the shelf, but no! It's in the same spot. Klein: You mean every time someone cracks a short joke at you, you shrink a little more? Waltzer: Exactly. Klein: Hmm. I see. Do you perhaps have a short temper when it comes to your height? Waltzer: Not really, I don't mind the short jokes. But I don't want to shrink even more, you know? Klein: Alright, gonna go ahead and mark that down as a no. Next question: Have you been feeling… down lately? Waltzer: Wait a minute, are you cracking short jokes at my expense? Come on! I'm shrinking here, I don't need my therapist joining in on it too! [Dr. Klein's pocket watch begins ringing.] Klein: Oh, sorry, looks like we're a bit short on time. Waltzer: That better not be another joke. Klein: Officer Kurzmann will escort you out and we'll reschedule. «END LOG» Addendum 7724-03, Site 8 Memorandum 01/04: Stop it! Stop it Stop it Stop it Stop it Stop it! Stop with the short jokes please I'm begging you Stop. I'll do anything! You're doing it right now, I can feel it in my SPLEEN. I am not a shortstack I am not a baby I am not a funny little guy. Or I wasn't. Before this. I used to like the jokes, I did! I used to listen to them and laugh even if they weren't funny! Because I thought you were my friends, but apparently not. There was a memo, like, last week? Very nice, very professional, asked kindly for you guys to stop. You know what happened? I shrunk by a foot! People just made more jokes! You think this is funny? I am half the man I used to be and you think this is funny? I have to wear children's platform shoes to reach my desk. I know you've got used to it, but how about a new joke, huh? Waltzer is like Waltz, the dance, huh? Funny little guy doing a funny little dance, huh? Yeah? That could be a new thing!!!! I just shrunk myself. Called myself a little guy. Look what you've done to me. Stop it. I don't know what's going to happen if I keep shrinking am I going to be like Antman Enter the Quantumania? I don't want to find out, I just want to be a normal guy with a normal height. And normal shoes. I don't know how to reason with you people. If this keeps going there won't be any of me left. It's not funny anymore. Sincerely, J. Waltzer Addendum 7724-04, CCTV Footage: The following is a recorded conversation between multiple Site 8 personnel and Waltzer. «BEGIN LOG» [De Groot, Kucuk, LeGrand, Schmeling, and Waltzer are seated at a table in the Site 8 lunch room. Waltzer is dressed in doll clothes and sits on a booster seat to reach the table. He continues to shrink before the conversation begins.] De Groot: Have you heard about Waltzer? [Waltzer stops eating and looks exasperated.] Kucuk: What about him? LeGrand: I heard he's shrinking. Kucuk: So he's short. De Groot: Yeah. [Waltzer continues to shrink. He sobs as he can no longer hold his fork.] Schmeling: Little guy. LeGrand: Tiny man. Kucuk: Pick him up and put him in my pocket. Schmeling: Has to jump on his keyboard keys to type. [Klein joins the group at the table. He knocks down the booster seat as Waltzer barely manages to jump onto the table.] Klein: Who does? De Groot: Jack Waltzer. Klein: Can't see him, he's too small. [Waltzer has shrunk so much he has disappeared into his doll clothes. Moments later, he re-emerges through the left pant leg of the garments. He is naked.] Waltzer: Help me. LeGrand: What's that? De Groot: Huh? Schmeling: I didn't say anything. Klein: Me neither. Kucuk: Maybe it was him. Klein: Who? De Groot: The shrimp. Klein: Shrimp can't talk, I've tried. Kucuk: This one does. Waltzer: I'm not a shrimp! Klein: Well then he should speak up! [Klein moves her face closer to the table.] Klein: I CAN'T HEAR YOU. YOU'RE TOO SMALL. Walzter: Stop! Stop, please! I'm the smallest thing now I can't get any smaller! God help me! What have I done to deserve this?! Kucuk: Maybe he shrank so much that the ants took him. Waltzer: Please, I am begging you! De Groot: I think that's probably what happened. «END LOG» Following this conversation, Waltzer could no longer be found. Research into his possible whereabouts has been ruled unnecessary. Addendum 7724-05, Related Incident: Two days following the disappearance of Waltzer, a colossal humanoid entity resembling Junior Researcher Jack Waltzer measuring an estimated 900,000 kilometers was identified by Foundation satellites in the Canis Major dwarf galaxy, rapidly approaching Earth. Due to his immense size, he was immediately detected by civilian space observation organizations. Personnel and civilians viewing the anomaly often describe it as small, tiny, or otherwise diminutive. Footnotes 1. A noospheric anomaly activated, or affected, by a specific brand of humor. 2. See "change blindness." 3. See "A Sociological Analysis of Site 8 In-Jokes". Author's Note Hide Author's Note Let me tell you about the time I almost died. It happened in 1978. My dad had just left for work, so I thought I'd head out to hang with my friends and skip school. I was hit by a car. It didn't hurt much, fortunately. But I spent a while unconscious. When I awoke in the local hospital, I'd experienced hours of personal growth. I'd seen so much. But I can't remember many details. I've been to therapy several times in my life. But no therapy has ever healed me as much as that car. I got my ass into gear and got myself into a university. I did great. Nobody could stop me. I forgot about the experience by the time I was holding a stable job and raising a kid with my wife. But when I began to remember my near-death, it all came flooding back. In that hospital bed, I learned what it really meant to worry. I grew up so afraid to tell my parents how scared I was, how worried I was. My childhood fear was my constant companion, on my back. And it eventually became a sort of career. But only later, I found out how valuable that fear was. I know the fear of watching my family get old and not being able to do everything. I know the fear of losing loved ones in a bad accident. I know the fear of not having enough money to do what I want to do. I know the fear of not getting promoted at work. I know the fear of getting fired at my job. I know the fear of losing my kids, when the oldest is leaving for college, and the youngest will be a senior next year. I know the fear of being sick and losing the only job I've ever really loved. But what if it is the only thing keeping you in your career, in your job you're proud of, working with the friends you care about? This fear is scary, but it can also be your biggest ally. You've got to worry, but you've got to do something about it. You've got to start figuring out how you can get more out of your career, more out of your life. You're gonna have to pay attention to it. You're gonna have to think about it. Fear can make us more productive, more creative, more worried. But sometimes, it makes us do the opposite. We start making bad choices. We start pushing away friends. We start making huge, horrible financial decisions. We start avoiding getting what we need out of our career. And maybe we can't solve the problems of the world, and maybe we can't keep our loved ones safe from the random horrible things that happen in this world, but maybe we can get a little bit more out of our career. Maybe we can make a few more dollars. Maybe we can get a few more promotions. Maybe we can get closer to a world where we're not worried about whether we'll make rent. Maybe we can actually have some free time to think about what we want to do, what we want to spend our lives on. I think the best way to solve that problem is not to think about it, not worry about it. Just act. Start spending your days working on what you care about. Learn more, read more, get better at your job. But before you do that, leave an upvote on this article. We worked very hard on it, I promise. Thanks for reading. ✌️ « SCP-7723 | SCP-7724 | SCP-7725 » More From This Author More From This Author Uncle Nicolini's Works SCPs SCP-4056 • SCP-6832 • SCP-3879 • SCP-5148 • SCP-6057 • SCP-6161 • SCP-4046 • SCP-654 • SCP-4967 • SCP-4726 • SCP-5231 • SCP-7726 • SCP-371-J • SCP-PL-274 • SCP-ES-113 • Tales/GoI Formats Who Wants To Live Forever? • 'Para-Pedigrees' PED464/CAN33/LUP22 • Parawatch Intro Thread • UN's Proposal... Maybe. • GRANT REQUEST FOR THE RE-CREATION OF AN ADVANCED POSTMORTEM NEURAL PRESERVATION SYSTEM • Before the Storm • Project Proposal 2014-1221: "Finally Waking Up" • The Remains Of The Day • I Don't Get It, But I'll Figure It Out. • SCP-049-ΩK • Seven Days With Mr. Fish • Tactical Theology Disciplinary Meeting for Diana Ribiero • Borne on the FM Waves of the Heart • Nobody Likes Having Enemies • Marw (The Reincarnated One) • Other uncle nicolini author page • Ode To The Unknown Author • Sciptember 2022 Art Highlights •
close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains body horror and themes of religious bigotry. ⚠️ content warning SCP-7725-A in 2022. Item #: SCP-7725 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7725-A has been seized by the Foundation. The structure has been condemned and a 2-meter tall fence has been constructed to keep civilians from entering the premises. The fence is to be brought down upon SCP-7725-C manifestation and put back in place following its demanifestation. Provisional Site-32X has been established on a nearby property to monitor the anomaly. Manifestations of SCP-7725-C are to be monitored by MTF-Lambda-5 ("Matchmakers"). A D-Class personnel specifically trained in Baptist religious teachings is to be assigned to interact with the entity until its demanifestation. Description: SCP-7725 is the group designation assigned of three interrelated anomalies in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. SCP-7725-A is a two-story, four-room house in a mild state of disrepair. All attempts to breach and enter SCP-7725-A have resulted in failure, as the structure appears to only be penetrable by SCP-7725-C and its targets. SCP-7725-B refers to an estimated 55 humanoid entities of varying ages, 4 canines, and 3 felines bearing elongated bodies and extremities, all of which reside within SCP-7725-A. None have been observed to leave the structure. SCP-7725-C is a humanoid entity resembling a Caucasian female between the ages of 20 and 25 which manifests every 20 years during the month of November, whereupon it will exit SCP-7725-A. SCP-7725-C behaves as a non-anomalous individual, and over the course of 6-11 months establishes itself as an active and prolific member of the local community's Christian religious organizations. During this time, SCP-7725-C will court and seduce a male between ages 25-30 from said organizations. SCP-7725-C will often make invitations to introduce their target to their 'parents' with the apparent purpose of converting them into an instance of SCP-7725-B. To date, all observed SCP-7725-C instances have been found to possess the genetic material of prior iterations' victims. Addendum 7725.1: Attached below is a recorded log of D-Class personnel entering SCP-7725-A on October 2022. He had been courting SCP-7725-C for 11 months, starting in November of 2021. Note: D-1221 was outfitted with a one-way audio-visual transmission device disguised as a necklace prior to entering SCP-7725-A. <BEGIN LOG> SCP-7725-C: [Giggles] I'm so excited for you to meet them. D-1221: I'm looking forward to it! I hope I can live up to their expectations of me. SCP-7725-C: Oh, don't worry baby. I'm sure they'll love you. [SCP-7725-C opens the door. The interior of SCP-7725-A is in apparent disrepair. This gives D-1221 pause, as he hesitates to enter.] SCP-7725-C: Come on, baby! [SCP-7725-C enters SCP-7725-A. It motions for D-1221 to follow before starting to remove its shoes and place them beside the door. D-1221 enters and the door is shut behind him.] SCP-7725-B-1: Janice? Is that you? [A male SCP-7725-B instance's head appears through the doorway. It is later identified as an elder version of D-6930, the D-Class assigned to the prior SCP-7725-C instance 20 years ago.] SCP-7725-C: Yes, daddy! I brought James! D-1221: H-hello, sir it's lovely to meet you. [D-1221 begins to approach but is stopped by SCP-7725-C.] SCP-7725-C: Take your shoes off at the door, silly billy. [D-1221 acquiesces and takes a moment to remove his shoes. SCP-7725-C enters the doorway as SCP-7725-B-1 disappears within it again. Once his shoes are removed, D-1221 approaches the doorway. He is met with a twisting mass of elongated human bodies inside, intertwining in Archimedean spirals, knots, and tangles. They are wrapped around one another tightly, with some instances' hair being knotted as well. Several pleasured groans are audible. SCP-7725-B-1's head is visible near the front of the room, twisting around the head of a female SCP-7725-B instance. Both of their necks are estimated to measure 5m.] D-1221: What the fuck?! SCP-7725-B-1: Language, young man! [SCP-7725-C kisses SCP-7725-B-1 on the cheek. It looks at D-1221 with an angered expression. Several of the heads scattered throughout the room on the ground begin moaning louder.] D-1221: S-sorry, I just… Uh… You know, maybe I should go. I don't know if I'm ready for this. SCP-7725-C: [Pouting.] James! You promised you would meet my family! Don't go backing out on me now! SCP-7725-B-1: "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans." Proverbs 16:3. Are you seriously going to leave my daughter like this, James? D-1221: N-no. You're right. I was just, uh, surprised at how big your family is. [The other instances of SCP-7725-B quiet down and resume their low groaning.] SCP-7725-B-1: We like to keep our loved ones close. "And he rejoiced along with his entire household that he had believed in God." Acts 16:31-34. D-1221: That one is a favorite of mine. That and Ephesians 5:25. SCP-7725-B-1: Remind me, how does that one go again? D-1221: "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her." SCP-7725-C: I knew you would bond over your love of Christ! Oh, daddy, I'm so happy you like him. SCP-7725-B-1: Now hold on, pumpkin. I never said I liked him just yet. I just know he's a man of God, and that's good, but it ain't enough for me. D-1221: I promise you, I don't mean any funny business with your, um, daughter. SCP-7725-B-1: We'll just have to wait and see what the missus thinks of you, James. Darling, come out and meet Janice's boyfriend! [The female instance SCP-7725-B-1 is wrapped around turns to reveal an older visage of the previous SCP-7725-C instance from 20 years ago. It is missing all its teeth and its eyes are pitch black.] SCP-7725-B-2: [INCOMPREHENSIBLE] D-1221: Jesus! SCP-7725-B-1: What did I say about language, young man? I ain't gonna tell you a third time! SCP-7725-C: Hi momma! [SCP-7725-C embraces SCP-7725-B-2's elongated neck for a moment and turns to face D-1221.] D-1221: [Muttering.] S-sorry, I just… man, this feels like a bad dream. Sure. I'll go along with it. Maybe that's all it is. Just a bad dream. SCP-7725-B-1: Speak up, son. Don't you know it's rude to mumble like that? D-1221: Yeah. Totally. Sorry. I was just stunned by your wife's beauty. If I didn't know any better, I would have assumed she was Janice's older sister. SCP-7725-B-2: [INCOMPREHENSIBLE] SCP-7725-B-1: Oh, honey. You're a card. Say, dinner is almost ready. Why don't you join us over in the kitchen, James? SCP-7725-C: Oh, mom made her special stew today! You'll love it. SCP-7725-B-1: Janice, why don't you put Fido up in his room so he doesn't beg at the table? SCP-7725-C: Yes, daddy! [SCP-7725-C approaches the writhing pile of flesh and picks out the head of a dog. It licks its fingers and extends its elongated body forward as SCP-7725-C exits the room behind D-1221, bringing the canine instance of SCP-7725-B along with it. A few barks are audible as this happens. SCP-7725-B-2 turns around and moves its neck towards another room in the opposite direction.] SCP-7725-B-1: So. Follow me, son. Let's talk shop. D-1221: Y-yes, sir. SCP-7725-B-1: So you want to be with my baby girl, is that true? [SCP-7725-B-1 moves towards the same room SCP-7725-B-2 entered. D-1221 walks around the pile of twisting bodies in the living room and follows along. They enter the remains of a kitchen. Several arms extending from the living room are grabbing bowls and setting them on the table. Numerous heads lay on the ground, moaning and groaning at a low volume.] D-1221: That w-was the plan, sir. [D-1221 takes a seat at the table as SCP-7725-B-1 turns to face him.] SCP-7725-B-1: Was? Do you suddenly not love my daughter? Tell me I misheard you, James. D-1221: No! I still love her. I just… I guess I'm intimidated by you and your family. SCP-7725-B-1: I'm not here to judge you, son. That is something only the Lord Himself can do. D-1221: Yeah. I guess you're right. I want to marry your daughter and have a nice, happy family. Just like you do here. SCP-7725-B-1: That's good. And tell me, do you believe in God? Do you really believe in Him? D-1221: I do. I believe that when I die, I will go to heaven and meet Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates, and I will be able to spend all eternity at the Lord's side. I am but His humble servant. SCP-7725-C: I'm back! [SCP-7725-C enters the frame. It takes a seat beside D-1221.] SCP-7725-B-1: I'm glad you do, James. Because I can't have no filthy atheists or Catholics marrying my little girl. Do you know what 'Janice' means, James? SCP-7725-C: Oh, daddy. You don't have to tell this story. [A slight squelching sound is heard, alongside a minor cracking. The video frame tilts.] D-1221: No, sir. SCP-7725-B-1: It means 'God has been gracious' or 'Gift from God'. She's destined to live a life guided by God, and I can't have anyone or anything pose a risk to that. As a man of God to another, you understand what I mean, don't you, son? [The squelching and cracking grow louder.] D-1221: Yes, sir. [SCP-7725-B-1 moves closer to D-1221.] SCP-7725-B-1: And do you know what 'James' means? [The cracking and squelchings sounds grow louder. The video frame tilts further. The SCP-7725-B instances laying on the ground begin to moan and groan louder.] D-1221: N-no, sir. [SCP-7725-B-1 moves closer to D-1221.] SCP-7725-B-1: It's a derivative of Jacob. It means 'supplanter.' Usurper. Are you here to usurp me, James? Are you here to steal away my little girl and lead her to a life of sin? [SCP-7725-B-1 moves closer to D-1221. The squelching and cracking have reached a fever pitch. The video feed tilts further, showing another neck elongating and reaching toward SCP-7725-C's own. The two entwine, and the camera is pulled up as they continue to wrap around one another. D-1221 is revealed to be elongating to match other SCP-7725-B instances. The SCP-7725-B instances on the ground are screaming.] D-1221: What! No, I just… I just wanted to meet you is all! I wanted to meet the parents of my girlfriend who I love very much! I'm a man of God, I swear it! [SCP-7725-B-1 moves away. The SCP-7725-B instances quiet down. Their moans resolve into a soft thumping and wet suckling.] SCP-7725-B-1: Oh, relax, James. I'm just pulling your leg. Welcome to the family, son. [The camera moves further up D-1221's elongated body, reaching SCP-7725-C's neck. It strains momentarily before being crushed. Video feed is lost.] <END LOG> R is for "Reshape" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub T is for "Transmission" « SCP-7724 | SCP-7725 | SCP-7726 » More From This Author More From This Author Uncle Nicolini's Works SCPs SCP-7266 • SCP-726-EX • SCP-PL-274 • SCP-5148 • SCP-6467 • SCP-6911 • SCP-6161 • SCP-4982 • SCP-3867 • SCP-7724 • SCP-5726 • SCP-4056 • SCP-7727 • SCP-1799 • SCP-4176 • Tales/GoI Formats Tactical Theology Disciplinary Meeting for Diana Ribiero • Masquerade's End • 'Para-Pedigrees' PED464/CAN33/LUP22 • UN's Proposal... Maybe. • Marw (The Reincarnated One) • Who Wants To Live Forever? • Borne on the FM Waves of the Heart • Project Koza, 1942 • Being Dzhey Evervud • UIU File: 2008-021 • Reality TV, Designer Pets, and Fine Dining • A Tale Of Petty Revenge • What Came After • Critter Profile: Sandra And George! • Before the Storm • Other Ode To The Unknown Author • Sciptember 2022 Art Highlights • uncle nicolini author page •
close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains a suicide attempt, mentions of suicide, toxic positivity, and gaslighting. ⚠️ content warning Dear Rex, I don't actually know if it will be you who finds me like this but if anyone is going to find me, I figure it's going to be you, but I digress. FIRE SUPPRESSION DEPARTMENT CASE ID-7726XP ISSUE: Doctor Justine Everwood is exhibiting intense survivor guilt over being the sole survivor of Containment Breach 562341673444WTX. KNOWLEDGE: Everwood has exhibited suicidal tendencies in the past, particularly in their teenage years, and is expected to relapse into such tendencies within the following weeks. RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE: Utilize psychological personnel to encourage their suicidal tendencies and enact LUCKY HARE protocol 2%. NOTES: N/A I shouldn't have survived that breach. Everyone says I was lucky to escape with one arm intact but I don't believe them. Fifty dead and one injured? Please. There's nothing lucky about knowing I should have died but didn't. FIRE SUPPRESSION DEPARTMENT CASE ID-7726XP UPDATE LUCKY HARE protocol has worked as predicted. Everwood is expected to attempt suicide sometime this week. As per LUCKY HARE protocol, SCP-7726 has been left in an easily accessible location to Everwood under the guise of it being a non-anomalous firearm left behind by a careless security guard. Thank you for working so hard for me. Seeing as you're the most hardworking person in our department, I'm confident your promotion will be swift. But more importantly, thank you for your friendship. You made working here that much more fun. SCP-7726 SCP-7726. Item #: SCP-7726 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7726 is to be kept in a standard anomalous object lockbox in Site-55. Fire Suppression Department personnel are permitted unrestricted access to the object. Description: SCP-7726 is a standard Beretta 90two semi-automatic pistol. When fired at a human subject, SCP-7726's mechanism will jam and fail to fire regardless of the status of the object. SCP-7726 will fire as normal when aimed at any other target. Additionally, SCP-7726 will not fire if doing so would result in it damaging a human subject. I can't live with this guilt any longer. LUCKY HARE PROTOCOL OVERVIEW: LUCKY HARE protocol's stated purpose is the prevention of unnecessary loss in suicidal personnel. This is achieved by informing the target personnel of their overwhelmingly good fortune. The process involves showing the target personnel affection and positive affirmations while ensuring to downplay their negative emotions as fruitless. This results in the target personnel feeling more pleased with life in 60% of cases. 38% of further cases require a combination of more intense therapeutic efforts as well as medication. The Fire Suppression Department utilizes a unique drug to further rehabilitate personnel who fall into this bracket of LUCKY HARE protocol. The final 2% of personnel who fall into LUCKY HARE protocol require more direct measures. They will often require overwhelming evidence of their good fortune, and as such, the use of anomalies has been approved to improve morale. Anomalies approved for use in LUCKY HARE protocol's 2% procedures are typically unassuming in appearance and can be mistaken for non-anomalous objects, which lends the project credibility. READ MORE READ MORE So long, and thanks for all the fish, I guess. - Jay Everwood FIRE SUPPRESSION DEPARTMENT CASE ID-7726XP UPDATE Everwood was found in their office by a passing guard at approximately 0000 hrs on 26/07/2022 after hearing shots coming from the direction. SCP-7726 was recovered by disguised guard personnel. Everwood was unharmed and is currently undergoing extensive psychotherapy treatment with Dr. Von Thunen. They are expected to enter the 38th percentage of cases within the next three weeks. This case is considered RESOLVED. « SCP-7725 | SCP-7726 | SCP-7727 » More From This Author More From This Author Uncle Nicolini's Works SCPs SCP-7260 • SCP-6161 • SCP-3874 • SCP-7926 • SCP-4176 • SCP-4982 • SCP-6512 • SCP-6057 • SCP-3867 • Abraka David's Proposal • SCP-5726 • SCP-4056 • SCP-4967 • SCP-3879 • SCP-3863 • Tales/GoI Formats Dark was the night, cold was the ground. • Fifteenth Anonymous Donation • SCP-5057 Additional Documentation • Adoption Poster: Darius! • Critter Profile: Chuck. • GRANT REQUEST FOR THE RE-CREATION OF AN ADVANCED POSTMORTEM NEURAL PRESERVATION SYSTEM • S&C Paper • Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions • Square your shoulders, lift your pack, and leave your friends and go. • Critter Profile: Maya! • Animals, Shapeshifters, The Wilsons, And Faran • Life Insurance Policy • UIU File: 2008-021 • Halloween Anthology In Boring 2021 • I Don't Get It, But I'll Figure It Out. • Other Sciptember 2022 Art Highlights • Ode To The Unknown Author • uncle nicolini author page •
Dr. Roberts. Item #: SCP-7727 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Dr. Roberts' office has been relocated to containment chamber 34A-C, where he is to continue his work remotely. The chamber is not ventilated and is temperature controlled to 2° C. Dr. Roberts is not permitted to leave his containment chamber under any circumstances. No meals are to be supplied. Description: SCP-7727 refers to an anomalous scent produced by Dr. Jackson Roberts. SCP-7727 possesses a low odor detection threshold and high concentration, making it extremely potent and overpowering. The scent has been compared to Cadaverine1 and Putrescine2 by Foundation biochemists. To date, Dr. Roberts is the only individual not affected by SCP-7727. Discovery: SCP-7727 first came to Foundation attention following various Human Resources complaints regarding Dr. Roberts. At first thought to be a personal problem, Dr. Roberts was ordered to take steps to improve his hygiene by HR personnel. After 16 further complaints were filed within a span of 3 days, Dr. Roberts was forcibly taken from his office during work hours and thoroughly bathed by two D-Class personnel supplied with gas masks. Following the conclusion of this bath, Dr. Roberts still exuded SCP-7727 and was taken to Site-55's Intake Department for processing. While present, two personnel fainted from the smell and the remaining five refused to process Dr. Roberts until they were similarly supplied with gas masks. Addendum 7727.1: The following attached document is a recorded conversation between Dr. Roberts and Researcher Chun, an Intake Department member assisting in Dr. Robert's processing. Note: Chun had previously commanded Roberts to remove his clothing as part of the standard humanoid intake assessment procedure. <BEGIN LOG> Roberts: This is so humiliating. Chun: It could be worse. Roberts: It can't be that bad, can it? I mean, come on. I shower just like everyone else! I put on deodorant and cologne! Chun: Sit still a moment, I'm trying to take your blood pressure. Roberts: Sorry. [There is a ten-second silence.] Chun: Stupid sphygmomanometer. It's probably broken. I can't seem to get a read on your blood pressure. Hold on. Let me grab a pulse oximeter. [There is a five-second silence.] Roberts: Is that one of those that goes on the finger? Chun: Yup. [There is a five-second silence, followed by a beeping.] Chun: Huh. What are the odds of my sphygmomanometer and oximeter being broken at the same time? [Chun removes the oximeter from Roberts' finger, but half of his index finger comes along with the oximeter. Roberts recoils.] Roberts: My finger! Aaaah! Chun: Don't be such a baby. We can grow it back. Roberts: You psychopath, you broke off my finger! What's the matter with you?! Chun: Dr. Roberts, please calm down. We can't process you if you keep yelling. Roberts: Fine. [Chun reaches for his stethoscope.] Chun: One last try. Let's see what's going on with you. [There is an eight-second silence.] Chun: Nothing. Roberts: What do you mean nothing? Chun: Exactly that. I got nothing. Roberts: Well… I feel fine. I guess nothing ain't so bad. Chun: Except for the fact that you stink. Roberts: Oh come on, it really can't be that bad if I can't even smell it! <END LOG> End-Note: Dr. Roberts continued to argue with Chun over the smell of SCP-7727 for approximately fifteen minutes before being escorted to his new containment chamber. On the way, Dr. Roberts stubbed his toe against a wall and complained about it coming unattached but was quickly stopped from complaining by guard personnel. Dr. Roberts' next of kin were informed as per family disclosure protocol and direct containment of SCP-7727 began. Footnotes 1. (CH2)5(NH2)2. 2. (CH2)4(NH2)2. « SCP-7726 | SCP-7727 | SCP-7728 » More From This Author More From This Author Uncle Nicolini's Works SCPs SCP-1712 • SCP-6161 • SCP-5047 • SCP-3874 • SCP-7149 • SCP-7221 • SCP-PL-274 • SCP-4982 • SCP-ES-101-J • SCP-1799 • SCP-057-INT • Abraka David's Proposal • SCP-7260 • SCP-654 • SCP-MYSTERY-J • Tales/GoI Formats #StormSite19 • Project Proposal 2018-145: "a man's duty" • Project Koza, 1942 • La Persistencia De La Memoria • 'Para-Pedigrees' PED464/CAN33/LUP22 • SCP Wiki Discussion Page Simulator • The Corncrake Of Destiny • Two Minutes To Midnight • (Too) Late Registration • SCP-049-ΩK • Aces Deuces • I Don't Get It, But I'll Figure It Out. • Life Insurance Policy • Before the Storm • Critter Profile: Chuck. • Other uncle nicolini author page • Sciptember 2022 Art Highlights • Ode To The Unknown Author •
Item#: 7728 Level2 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: thaumiel Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-7728 are to be allowed to carry out their duties at Site-50 without interference. Upon encountering an entity, personnel are to demonstrate a proper degree of deference and respect. An instance should be assumed to have seniority unless indicated otherwise. Description: SCP-7728 is a broad designation for the yūrei (幽霊).Spirits of those who have died but have returned for a specific purpose. of Site-50 personnel who have chosen to remain in employment after their death. Instances' appearances will closely resemble those of their living selves save for a few differences: Signs of injuries/illnesses associated with cause of death Slightly translucent skin Lack of visible lower legs and feet Presence of accompanying hitodama (人魂).Small spiritual entities. Although not all of the sources of hitodama manifestations are known, some instances of SCP-7728 have identified them as stemming from threats they have personally eliminated. Pure white clothing.Appears to be unable to stain. Entities are still able to interact with the physical world. Doing so often requires a period of acclimation, however, due to a reported numbness in their hands. The cause of this sensation is unknown. SCP-7728 instances are present across departments and designations within Site-50. Currently, the largest entity to staff ratio is in the Security Department (1:3). Discovery: Mentions of yūrei in the employment of the IJAMEA date back to 1924. Records of such entities appear incomplete, however. It is believed that during the incorporation of IJAMEA records into the Global Foundation Database, miscommunication may have resulted in the loss or misfiling of SCP-7728 instance records. The earliest confirmed record of a SCP-7728 instance dates back to 1954, shortly after the death of Agent Watanabe Maro. Although available files contained heavy redactions, History Department personnel were able to recover the following excerpts: PERSONAL JOURNAL (日記) — Unknown REPORT (日誌) — Commander Yoshino Seiko His face was scarred from where the thing had sliced him, brow to jaw. When I first asked if it was him, he only grunted in response. Then he went off to the assigned duties of the day. We were confused but were commanded to proceed as normal. Watanabe-sama was fast as ever in dealing with the creatures as they came. Maybe faster for not having to run towards them. It was as if he simply appeared before them and did what he had to. I knew he had been a fighter in the war. All of us had survived years of bloodshed, had resisted the calls of death. Yet he had been struck down before any of us could intervene. I don't think he's ready to stop fighting. 09時42分: Begin preparations. 09時53分: Received news of Watanabe return. Advised security force. 10時03分: Watanabe arrival. 10時05分: Continue preparations. 10時15分: Exit for patrol. 10時45分: First west side patrol: without incident. 11時19分: First south side patrol: group of [REDACTED] attempted to breach wall of complex. Terminated. 11時44分: Four hitodama sighted accompanying Watanabe. NOTE: Expedition records do not mention Agent Watanabe beyond November 1972, suggesting he ended his service around that time. NOTICE FROM THE SITE-50 HISTORY DEPARTMENT. This entry would not have been possible without the contributions and archival work of Takemura Keiko (竹村慶子). Site-50 is honored to have been graced by her assistance one final time. — Mamiya Coco (間宮ココ), History Department Head (歴史部門主席) ABOUT THE ARCHIVIST. EASY PASSINGS. “She will be missed.” The History Department Head put a hand on the weeping woman's shoulder. “I wish her spirit an easy passing.” The woman — the girl's mother — nodded, clutching a tissue in her shaking hand. “She would want us to be happy. It pains me to feel like this.” She sniffled. “She was hardworking, she was optimistic— she was on her way to doing something great, and then… to pass so suddenly…” The woman patted her shoulder gently. “I'm sorry. We all miss her deeply.” “No, don't…" The mourning woman shook her head. "Please don't apologize. You've done everything you could. Thank you for covering our expenses. The ceremony was beautiful.” Mamiya watched as the grieving woman walked away. An urge to run after her — to explain — seized her. But she knew it was better this way. She sighed, smoothed her skirt, and turned to exit the funeral hall. “Takemura-sama.” Sato Rin began to stoop. “Oh, that's- thank you, Sato-san, but please don't worry about that!” She paused briefly, but continued the motion. When at last Sato popped up, Takemura couldn't help but giggle. “So you took my assignment!” “Yes. It was… it was hard to look at it, at first.” A brief silence hung in the air between them. Takemura had suspected that her return would be met with some tension, but Sato had been joking around with her even on the morning of her death. Seeing her act this formal made her uneasy. “Are… you alright, Sato-san?” “Fine.” Her eyes widened. “I mean- I don't know if…” She sighed. “I shouldn't lie to the dead. You'd know.” “I only know because I know you.” Takemura pinched her cheek. "Now, may I have my work back? I want to complete it before I move on.” "…So that's why." Sato breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought for a moment you intended to try and track down that ano-" “Oh! No, no, I… I know I wouldn't be much help.” Sato nodded. “Security personnel handled it shortly after… well.” She cleared her throat. “Your attempt to close it off did help them secure it. The Head of Security themself attended your ceremony. You died with honor.” “Oh.” Takemura felt foolish for being unable to think of a more eloquent response, but what was there to say? The archives had felt so far removed from the grueling work of those who worked to secure the facility. Dying had not been pleasant, but she didn't feel she had truly done much. She'd only closed a door and failed to find another exit. “…Do you still feel it?” She hadn't realized her hands had crept to her stomach. They felt numb and heavy, and with them she could only barely feel the fabric of her now white uniform. If she zeroed in on the memory, she could still feel the claws raking through her skin, the mind-shattering agony of her final moments. But the pain came only in brief flashes before it quickly dissipated. "Sometimes." She slowly lowered her hands. "But I'm alright, I promise. Let's get back to work!" Sato smiled. "Your desk is waiting for you." Takemura tried her best to work despite the lurking feeling of being watched. She didn't dare check to confirm, fearing that a sudden whirl to face one of her coworkers would startle them. After all, Sato had informed her that many of them felt guilty about what had happened to her. She didn't want to appear vengeful. Maybe they would stop looking. Maybe things would even return to normal. As she worked over the next few days, she found that hope repeatedly dashed. Try as she might to assure them that she was still herself, a barrier remained between her and her coworkers. Her death crept into every interaction she had. Like the day Fujita brought in sweet buns to share, and Takemura tried one. Though she enjoyed the flavor, she found it difficult to swallow. The older woman had looked worried. “Oh, Takemura-san, I'm so sorry! Are they not to your liking?” “No, no, please don't worry, Fujita-kacho! I just don't need to eat anymore, so it feels a bit odd—” She had meant it to reassure Fujita. Instead, her former superior's eyes had welled up with tears, and she'd had to excuse herself from the room. “…What did I say wrong?” Sato had sighed, taken a second sweet bun, and waggled it at her. “She misses you, stupid.” That disaster of course paled in comparison to the day Kiyama invited her to go shoe shopping. Nonetheless, Takemura continued steadily chipping away at the archives, looking for the histories of those she now felt closer to than ever before. “So when are you leaving?” Takemura was startled from her thoughts. “Ah… why do you ask, Sato-san?” “If it's right after you finish the work on 7728, I want to at least throw a party before you go.” She grimaced. “I don't think that would be a very fun party.” “Psh.” Sato sat on the edge of her desk. “I'd make it fun. Do you want it or not?” Takemura glanced at her monitor. She was almost done reviewing the relevant archives. After she organized the spreadsheet and sent it along to Fujita, she'd be done. Officially ready to move on. “…Sure. But you'll need to plan fast. This may only take me another two workdays.” She couldn't quite make out the expression that flashed across Sato's face. Hearing the other woman laugh, though, she decided not to push it. “Is that supposed to be a challenge? Come on, Takemura-san, you know I'll pull it off. You haven't been dead that long.” “To Takemura-san! Even better the second time!” Takemura found herself giggling as her coworkers cheered along with the toast. To Sato's credit, the atmosphere was plenty lively. She'd taken over one of the small conference rooms and made it into the perfect little venue. Fujita had not been a fan, but she'd agreed on the conditions that the party took place after working hours and that Mamiya gave her approval. The latter had been more a formality than anything else — the Department Head's kindness was well-known. Conditions having been met, Fujita was more than happy to raise a glass herself. “I've got one better — to Takemura-san, my most reliable employee!” Kiyama gasped, putting a hand over her heart. “Takemura-san continues to outshine all of us, then? Well…” She turned to the yūrei. “To Fujita-kacho's finest!” Takemura felt her face grow warmer as the cheering continued. She held up her hands as best she could to quiet them. “Thank you! Thank you all, but… I just did my job. Now that it's done, I have to admit I'm going to miss all of you.” She caught Sato's eye. Before she could continue, the other woman looked away. “Right… ah, well, thank you for being here. I'm sorry if I frightened any of you during my brief return, but it was lovely to see you again, and just be around you… but you have lives to live, and you don't need me haunting them.” Takemura beamed at the people around her. “You are all wonderful. I'm glad I… I'm glad I did what I did, if it at all helped in keeping all of you around.” Fujita began to stoop, but Takemura shook her head. She bowed as deep as she could manage. The office was quiet. Takemura watched as Sato bagged up the last of the trash from the party and sank heavily into a desk chair. “Did you have fun?” She smiled. “More than I thought I could.” Sato nodded, closing her eyes and letting her head fall back against the seat. “Good.” The two sat in silence for a moment. Sato opened an eye. “…So this is goodbye, then?” “Mhm.” She pushed herself up with a heavy sigh, pacing over to Takemura and holding out a hand. “Easy passings, Keiko.” “I'll miss you, Rin.” That same odd look flashed across the living woman's face, but she simply nodded. “I'll miss you too.” Takemura nodded, closed her eyes, and willed herself to pass on. She felt warmth creep from her mind to her throat to her wounds, saw the room grow brighter, heard a faint ringing… and then… … …? “What… what happened?” whispered Sato. Takemura opened her eyes, startled. She was still in the conference room. Still looking at Sato. “I… I can't move on.” “But your work is-“ “Done, yes, so… it doesn't make sense. That's why I came back… that was what I had to do.” Thoughts raced through Takemura's mind. Had she not done her work well enough? Had she missed another assignment? She couldn't think of any, couldn't think of anything that she had missed… And then she looked at Sato, looked at her tear-stained face, and felt her heart wrench. “…Rin.” She sniffled. “What?” “You… do you remember when I first came back? You worried about lying to me.” “Did I do-“ “You did nothing wrong. It's what I did.” Sato stared at Takemura, confused, but slowly nodded for her to continue. “I… I haven't been honest with you, or my family, or… or myself. The truth is I- I care about you. I really care about you. More than anyone else.” She felt her own eyes welling up. “Do… do you understand?” In the silence that followed, Sato slowly sunk to her knees. “…Yes. I do.” “I shouldn't ask, but do you- did you ever know?” “I thought so.” “Oh.” Takemura slowly crossed the room to Sato, sinking down next to her. “…I'm sorry.” Sato shook her head. She made a noise as if to respond, but instead began to sob, clinging to Takemura's uniform. Minutes passed. Sato's sobs fluctuated, sometimes ringing off the walls, sometimes no louder than a whisper. Takemura held her as best she could. When she had at last quieted, Takemura loosened her hold enough to look at Sato's face. “I'm glad I got to see you again. And tell you, even if-“ Sato cut her off with a kiss. Takemura's eyes widened, but they soon closed as she allowed herself to sink into the embrace. “Don't… don't be stupid. We both had our reasons for… for not saying it.” She kissed her again, deeper, and then on the cheek. “I'm just glad I know now.” Takemura smiled tearfully, wiping Sato's cheeks before cupping them and planting a kiss of her own. “Come visit me when you can, Rin Sato. I love you.” “I love you too.” They lingered there for a moment. “I… I should move on.” “Mhm. You're not getting another death party out of me.” Takemura giggled, planting a kiss on Sato's forehead. “Go take out your trash and go home. I don't want Fujita-kacho getting after you about coming in late.” “Well, the work for 7728 is finished. Does she really need me tomorrow?” “Sato, you know it's always worse without you.” « SCP-7727 | SCP-7728 | SCP-7729 »
close Info X Content Warning: murder, death, suicide, and other dark themes. Item #: SCP-7729 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7729 has no capacity for harm. Therefore, basic open air procedures have been implemented. A fence has been constructed around the property it resides in and the road leading to it has been cordoned off. Description: SCP-7729 is the spirit of one Eleanor Long. Long was a housewife born in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. who was murdered by her husband Richard Finesbury in late 1940. Finesbury never gave a motive, although prosecutors at the time believed he had been driven to kill from a perceived lack of power over his life. Despite meeting when they were children, Finesbury's family1 was never supportive of his marriage with Long. He would exchange hostile letters with them for three years until, in 1938, they disowned him and stopped all communications. His daughter would be born at this time2. In 1939, he was dismissed from his job as a plasterer for unknown reasons, and the family would fall to near poverty over the next year. It is not known what incident caused the murder, but during the night, Finesbury dressed Long in her wedding gown and strangled her in their bed. He then bound her hands and feet with ropes, dug a shallow grave in the forest behind their home, and buried her. Witnesses reported seeing Finesbury digging the grave and carrying his wife's body to it, leading to his arrest. Despite this, police were unable to find Long's body. When they dug where she was supposedly buried, they only found Long's half-rotten wedding dress. Finesbury refused to admit where her body was hidden and in 1941, he was convicted and sentenced to death by asphyxiation-gas. SCP-7729 bears the appearance of a typical spiritual entity: only appearing when called upon, always appearing in the same position when called upon (in a rocking chair in the house's basement), etc. However, it does not appear to possess a will of its own. It does not speak. It does not respond to the Christian cross or its name being called. If a force were to be applied to it, such as its chair being moved, then it will respond appropriately by falling to the ground. It has some weak physical properties — "Its skin is soft, almost like a marshmallow texture. If I try, I can move my hand through it, but it fills me with disgust. It feels as though I'm disturbing something." (Experiment 7729-005) — although it has never been observed falling through the ground or moving through a wall. SCP-7729 can act as a conduit for the dead to communicate with the living. When the proper ritual is conducted (Containment Procedure Supplement 7729-01), an individual may call upon a dead individual whom they hold strong feelings towards to possess it. These feelings do not need to be pleasant — hate works as well as love — but they must be significant to the individual. SCP-7729 will then appear as an old woman in a torn wedding dress. Its face will be expressionless, and it will be still until the individual possessing it chooses to move. Experiment transcripts involving SCP-7729 are being compared to other similar SCPs in the hopes of constructing a grand theory of the afterlife. Personnel interested in contributing to this theory should contact their Site Director. Addendum #1: Interviews + show block – hide block (Silence.) D-84333: Um. How are you?D-84333: I, uh— yeah, I think so. Why would I not be real?D-84333: No! No, this isn't like that. It's this um… device that can help keep you alive for a little.D-84333: Hah! I'm, oh… Jesus Christ honey, I'm sorry. I um… That's really great to hear! Hahah! Fuck! (D-84333 gets up from their chair and embraces SCP-7729. Soon they both begin to sob.)D-84333: No, but it's okay. (SCP-7729 screams.)D-84333: No! No!D-84333: No! It's just y-y… There's these people, these researchers and there's a bunch of monsters around the world. They've always been here and these Feds, they contain them and they, like, research them. Like aliens! There's aliens on Earth and this shadow government-D-84333: Contains them. They're called the SCP Foundation! And I'm their test subject, they test me on these things because they need people to do that and I got really fucking sad when you left and I did some really dumb things and they got me on some shit but I didn't kill anyone. I love you. I don't know if-D-84333: They're gonna let me see you for much longer, but that's why you're here. There's this monster that's letting me see you. It doesn't matter, but this is real. I'm real, and I love you. I love you so fucking much. There were so many fucking people at your funeral, I brought the entire goddamn block. There were hundreds. I cried for an hour! I fucking howl-cried for you, and so did everyone else!D-84333: It's nothing, honey! I love you! God I miss you every day. I'll always remember you, I'll find a way to stay alive. I'll stay alive for you. You were the reason why I'm still here—D-84333: I love you. + show block – hide block SR. RESEARCHER GRENDEL: You're here. (Pause.)SR. RESEARCHER GRENDEL: No— heh. It took fourteen years for me to finish everything. Tons of trials, tons of uh, loose threads. Monetary issues, research issues, moral issues. You finish clearing one hurdle just to find another right behind it.SR. RESEARCHER GRENDEL: Yeah. Y-Yeah, it's nearly all finished, hahah! All the trials were successful, so now we're just waiting for the whole thing to be built. It's— I'm sorry I'm really jittery right now I'm really happy to see you!SR. RESEARCHER GRENDEL: This is something different. Some anomaly they found out in Illinois. It's a ghost that other ghosts can talk through.SR. RESEARCHER GRENDEL: Half an hour at the longest. It's… I don't know the specifics but I imagine since the gateway is or was an organic entity that the connection is less stable than what we're gonna build. Much less stable.SR RESEARCHER GRENDEL: Yes. You'll be gone until we get the machine going.(Pause.)SR. RESEARCHER GRENDEL: What's wrong?SR. RESEARCHER GRENDEL: That's fine! What is it? Are you hurt? (Pause.)SR. RESEARCHER GRENDEL: What?SR. RESEARCHER GRENDEL: I thought you were going to say something reasonable, not— what do you mean? Why wouldn't you want to come back?SR. RESEARCHER GRENDEL: You've spent your entire career—SR. RESEARCHER GRENDEL: You're… Why? You have to tell me why.SR. RESEARCHER GRENDEL: No. No, tell me why. Tell me why or I'm bringing you back. (Silence. SCP-7729 appears to cry, but no tears come from its eyes.) + show block – hide block D-22628: Hey, Eddie. Are you there? H-hey, can you hear me?D-22628: Yeah, you are. I'm sorry. They got this uh, machine that they just developed that can bring you back for a little bit. Is that okay? How are you?D-22628: You're fine. You're fine, man. I love you. (SCP-7729 looks down at its hands. They're trembling. It touches its dress, then its sleeves, then its face. It feels the bridge of its nose and the creases on its forehead.) D-22628: How are you feeling?D-22628: He's handling it. He stopped doing a lot of things. He stopped um… telling me to do shit around the house. Sometimes he'd stop talking altogether: we'd be in the middle of a conversation about something and then something would… remind him and he'd freeze up. Listen to the wind. His job uh, gave him a month paid leave but he ended up quitting halfway through. He's somewhere up north now. Michigan or Montana or maybe Wisconsin.D-22628: Nah, he just left. Told me he was going to this writer's workshop in Chicago but I called them and they said he wasn't there. Called the hotel and they said they couldn't tell me.(Silence.)D-22628: It's alright. I was a shit brother to you anyway. I should've listened to you more. I should've… I don't know. Done anything better. Thrown a b-better memorial or wrote something better about you. It took me a while to realize that I didn't really know anything about you.D-22628: Eddie…D-22628: Eddie. He's fine. We're all fuckin' fine.(Silence.)(D-22628 is still. He looks down, then shakes his head.)(Pause.)(Silence. Then, D-22628 starts to cry.) D-22628: It's o-okay m-m-man… (D-22628 is crying too hard to speak further. He leans forward in his chair and holds his head in his hands. SCP-7729 reaches out. It places a hand on his back. They remain like this for two-and-a-half minutes, and SCP-7729 fade away. D-22628 is allowed to stay inside of the room for another hour, then is pulled out to allow for another experiment. He leaves without a fight.) + show block – hide block (SCP-7729 is unresponsive. It stares at the floor, occasionally shifting its gaze to the wall. The ritual was verified to have been completed successfully — the deceased individual is present — yet SCP-7729 doesn't appear to react. JOSHUA DURNE, the husband of the deceased individual, is asked to continue the interview despite this.) DURNE: Can you hear me? (Silence.) DURNE: Samantha? (Silence.) DURNE: I hope you're not scared. It's okay if you are, but it's me! Uh… I'm gonna be here with you for a few minutes. I know you're dead, but right now it's okay. They have this new technology that can bring you back for a little bit. (Silence.) DURNE: It's Christmas. I got you a card. (DURNE places a small Christmas card into SCP-7729's hand. It has an illustration of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer on the front.) DURNE: I hope you like it. (Silence.) DURNE: Um… Sorry, what am I supposed to now? (DURNE is told to continue, even if SCP-7729 doesn't respond.) DURNE: Okay. It's was… three-and-a-half years ago since you died. You were driving home and another driver, this woman, Deanna Williams, she lost control and hit you. You both um… (Silence.) DURNE: You both died. And I was pissed off like I should be, obviously, she killed you. There's was a whole case and everything. I wanted them dead, I wanted them to lose everything, everything. And fucking… I get to the court room and I talk about how much I missed you and I cried, I hated them. But you know… nothing happened. It was nobody's fault. They played this CCTV footage and she was driving good, then a deer walks out onto the road. She doesn't notice until the last second, swerves, goes into the intersection and— y'know. (Pause.) DURNE: "Nobody's fault." Fuck me, fuck me. And the deer stares at it the entire time. It stares at the crash when you died, then it jumps away. Disappears. It's just an animal, it doesn't know what it's doing, it doesn't know what it's caused. It's bad luck. And… I probably should've still been mad, but I couldn't. I looked at the family and they were feeling the same way I was feeling. I couldn't complain. (Silence. SCP-7729's eyes drift up towards the ceiling.) DURNE: And um… I don't want to disappoint you but shit got bad after that. Really bad. But um… I miss you. I know everyone says they miss someone but I really, really fucking miss you. They said they're gonna wipe my memory after this because this technology is part of some big conspiracy and I can't know about it b-but that's okay if you can hear me. I know you can't talk but i-if you're really there then I w-wish you were here every d-day Sarah. We a-all love you. We'll always love you. (DURNE reaches over and hold's SCP-7729's hand. It does not respond. He cries a little before collecting himself. He sits in silence with SCP-7729 for five minutes as it fades away. He re-enters the veil willingly.) Footnotes 1. FINESBURY, George (Newcastle, 18 February 1882 - Arlington, 4 September 1966). FINESBURY, Anna (Newcastle, 23 December 1894 - Chicago, 29 January 1949) 2. LONG, Sue (Rockford, 25 June 1938 - Chandler, 2 August 2007)
Item #: SCP-7730 Level 2/7730 Object Class: Keter Classified Special Containment Procedures: Foundation members are to avoid direct verbal communication with known patients of SCP-7730 whenever possible. Embedded agents within civilian hospitals are to be tasked with identifying patients of SCP-7730. All such patients are to be diagnosed with a non-anomalous autoimmune disease, and kept on observation. As the spread of SCP-7730 among the civilian population is difficult to track, full containment of SCP-7730 is impossible. However, as the rate of infection is low, simulations show SCP-7730 is not expected to spread beyond ⸺⸺⸺- total infectees. Description: SCP-7730 is a contagious autoimmune disease spread via an anomalous memetic vector. It is estimated that there are currently approximately 350,000 active infection cases of SCP-7730, the majority of them being civilian. Immune systems affected by SCP-7730 will start attacking various different tissues of the host, with a preference towards specific types of tissue differing from patient to patient. The symptoms of SCP-7730 occur in three major stages: Stage 1: Patient is initially infected by SCP-7730, and the patient's immune system is modified to start slowly attacking specific tissues of the host body. At this stage, the symptoms of SCP-7730 may resemble that of various autoimmune diseases, such as type 1 diabetes or certain types of arthritis. Stage 2: After 1 to 3 years on average, the rate at which the patient's tissues deteriorate drastically increases, and the immune system begins to target a wider variety of tissues. Along with this, the patient's tissues also begin regenerating at a much faster rate, keeping the patient alive in a state of elevated pain. This stage lasts for 3 to 7 years. Stage 3: The rate at which the patient's tissues regenerate starts to slow down, causing the immune system to slowly destroy the patient's body, resulting in death. There is no known case of a patient of SCP-7730 surviving longer than 11 years after the point of infection. SCP-7730 spreads by mildly altering the voice of the patient to contain auditory memetic information that acts as a vector. The specific ways in which this alteration happens is currently unknown, and altered voices are indistinguishable from baseline vocal variations across the population. When a human is exposed to a sufficiently large amount of this altered voice,1 their nervous system will reconfigure itself to contain the memetic component of SCP-7730, causing them to be infected. Despite extensive research, there is no known cure for SCP-7730. [ 4/7730 Level Clearance Required ] [ Credentials Accepted. ] NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION The following document is outdated, and may contain inaccurate information. View at your own discretion. — Maria Jones, Director, RAISA NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Ignore the warning above. If you can see this document, I assume you've already been fully briefed about what happened to the SCP-7730 situation. The document you are about to read below is the truth about what SCP-7730 is, or rather, could have been. Hundreds of thousands suffer and die from SCP-7730 every day, thinking it's some other, less lethal and non-contagious disease. We could have cured them, we could cure them, but sometimes, these difficult decisions have to be made for the greater good. Remember, we secure, we contain, and we protect. — Hana Lim, Archivist, RAISA Item #: SCP-7730 Level 4/7730 Object Class: Euclid Classified Special Containment Procedures: Foundation members are to avoid direct verbal communication with known patients of SCP-7730 whenever possible. Foundation agents within civilian hospitals are to be tasked with identifying patients of SCP-7730. All such patients are to be relocated to Foundation-owned medical facilities, and treated with Procedure MT-7730-06. At least one and no more than three D-class personnel are to be kept infected with SCP-7730 at any time for research purposes. Extensive care is to be taken to avoid SCP-7730 being spread to any research personnel involved. As the infection rate of SCP-7730 is low, with the current containment procedures, it is estimated that SCP-7730 will be completely eradicated from the civilian population by July 2014. Description: SCP-7730 is a contagious autoimmune disease spread via an anomalous memetic vector. There are currently 5,837 documented currently active infection cases of SCP-7730, the majority of them being civilian. Immune systems affected by SCP-7730 will start attacking various different tissues of the host, with a preference towards specific types of tissue differing from patient to patient. The symptoms of SCP-7730 occur in three major stages: Stage 1: Patient is initially infected by SCP-7730, and the patient's immune system is modified to start slowly attacking specific tissues of the host body. At this stage, the symptoms of SCP-7730 may resemble that of various autoimmune diseases, such as type 1 diabetes or certain types of arthritis. Stage 2: After 1 to 3 years on average, the rate at which the patient's tissues deteriorate drastically increases, and the immune system begins to target a wider variety of tissues. Along with this, the patient's tissues also begin regenerating at a much faster rate, keeping the patient alive in a state of elevated pain. This stage lasts for 3 to 7 years. Stage 3: The rate at which the patient's tissues regenerate starts to slow down, causing the immune system to slowly destroy the patient's body, resulting in death. There is no known case of a patient of SCP-7730 that has not undergone Procedure MT-7730-06 surviving longer than 9 years after the point of infection. SCP-7730 spreads by mildly altering the voice of the patient to contain auditory memetic information that acts as a vector. The specific ways in which this alteration happens is currently unknown, and altered voices are indistinguishable from baseline vocal variations across the population. When a human is exposed to a sufficiently large amount of this altered voice,2 their nervous system will reconfigure itself to contain the memetic component of SCP-7730, causing them to be infected. After extensive research, a method to cure SCP-7730 has been developed, known as Procedure MT-7730-06. The procedure involves scanning the patient's neural activity, in order to generate packets of personalized memetic 'anti-information' that are delivered to the patient in parts over time, slowly counteracting the effects of SCP-7730. Despite being costly and labor-intensive, this method has been proven necessary in order to remove SCP-7730 entirely from the civilian population. Update 2005/10/09: Due to the recent acquisition of multiple high-risk SCP objects, the funding on SCP-7730 research and treatment has been reduced. Foundation medical facilities MS009, MS032, and MS040 are no longer capable of treating patients with Procedure MT-7730-06. Civilian patients sent to the aforementioned medical facilities are now to be put on quarantine indefinitely, and treated with non-anomalous medical procedures. When the symptoms reach the second or third stage, the patients are to be treated with painkillers. Update 2006/03/03: Due to the large-scale reallocation of Foundation budget following the commencement of Project 009428-682, funding on SCP-7730 research and treatment has been halted indefinitely due to it being a low priority task. New containment procedures are being drafted accordingly. Update 2006/04/14: Due to increasing reports of low morale, especially among recently reassigned research personnel, the Ethics Committee has determined that it is necessary to classify certain information relating to several low-priority SCPs that are not being actively researched in order to help personnel focus on more important tasks at hand. Following Ethics Committee Ruling 060412-037, all Foundation personnel previously assigned to SCP-7730 research and treatment have been amnesticized, and all information regarding Procedure MT-7730-06 has been classified above Level 4 clearance. Footnotes 1. Notably, voices transmitted or recorded electronically do not contain the necessary memetic information to infect other hosts, as the slight information loss in the encoding process renders the memetic vectors inert. 2. Notably, voices transmitted or recorded electronically do not contain the necessary memetic information to infect other hosts, as the slight information loss in the encoding process renders the memetic vectors inert. « SCP-7729 | SCP-7730 | SCP-7731 »
Item#: 7731 Level1 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: uncontained Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo Pumpkins generated by SCP-7731-3, photographed upon manifestation. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7731 is presently uncontained. Objects created by SCP-7731 events are to be incinerated when possible. Personnel are reminded that Site-48 holds no events or celebrations relating to Halloween. Description: SCP-7731 is a phenomenon which causes the periodic manifestation of Halloween-related objects and organisms within Site-481. Additionally, SCP-7731 will occasionally make alterations to existing objects. SCP-7731 appears to be targeting Site-48 Director Hiba Nasser. A chronological list of SCP-7731 events is appended below. Designation: SCP-7731-1 Location: Site-48 Library, First Sublevel Date: 22/10/2023, 19:32 Hours Summary: A candied apple manifested one meter above Junior Researcher Samir Taha before falling on his head. Taha dropped his book and caught the apple in his hands, just as a dozen black bats emerged from the bookshelves around him. The bats swarmed Taha while emitting high-pitched screeches, and proceeded to consume the apple before abruptly turning to plastic and dropping on the floor. Dir. Hiba Nasser entered the library twenty seconds later, having heard the vocalizations from her office. She found Taha unconscious on the floor and immediately alerted security and medical personnel. Notes: Taha's fainting is believed to be nonanomalous, as he suffers from chiroptophobia2, and recovered fully after two hours. The plastic bats retained no anomalous qualities and were sent to recycling. As we're still trying to figure out the nature of this anomaly, I've enabled researcher comments and given all Site-48 personnel clearance for this file. Please catalog any new instances here as soon as possible, and view the file frequently for any updates. ~ Dir. H. Nasser. Designation: SCP-7731-2 Location: Dir. Nasser's Personal Quarters, Ground Level Date: 23/10/2023, 17:28 Hours Summary: Dir. Nasser entered her quarters and found the windows sealed shut, the lights dim and the floor completely covered in cobwebs, with a giant spider waiting at the web's center. The spider immediately began to run towards Nasser, who in turn cursed and attempted to exit the room. Hindered by the webs, however, Nasser slipped and fell to the floor, freezing as the spider crawled on top of her. Security arrived fifteen seconds later with the intent of terminating the entity, but discovered it had been transfigured into a stuffed toy and was no longer a living spider. The “cobwebs” were also found to have been made from thin strings of wool, which had been glued to the floor. Five empty canisters of "The Original Super Glue" were strewn across the floor. Notes: Although Dir. Nasser was uninjured, she remained unresponsive for a few minutes following the event. However, as Nasser suffers from moderate arachnophobia, this is not considered anomalous. Security footage revealed that the objects manifested instantly twelve minutes before Nasser entered the room. I'm sensing a pattern here, could it be targeting our phobias? ~ Dr. A. Sigal. Possibly. For now, burn the spider, and someone better get my room cleaned before I set it on fire too. ~ Dir. H. Nasser. Designation: SCP-7731-3 Location: Breakroom, Ground Level Date: 24/10/2023, 10:25 Hours Summary: Dr. Zeina Hakim and Dir. Nasser entered the breakroom to obtain two cups of coffee. Upon stepping inside, nine large pumpkins and four carving knives manifested midair, immediately falling on the tables and floor. At the same time, the fluorescent lighting changed its color from white to orange. Dr. Vered Shoham, who happened to be in the room, suffered minor cuts from the falling knives. Notes: First SCP-7731 event to alter existing objects; the lights within the breakroom have yet to return to their original color. All manifested objects possessed no anomalous qualities, though the pumpkins were found to have been stuffed with M&Ms in "Family Size" packaging. Well there goes that theory. I guess it's just a Halloween thing, then. Should've been obvious in hindsight. ~ Dr. A. Sigal. Can I please have the pumpkins? I have a recipe I've been dying to try out. ~ Technician D. Eyal. You're welcome to bake them in the incinerator. ~ Dir. H. Nasser. TWO ENTRIES HIDDEN FOR BREVITY Designation: SCP-7731-6 Location: Site-48 Director's Office, Ground Level Date: 26/10/2023, 13:20 Hours Summary: As Dir. Nasser returned from her lunch break, she discovered a human skeleton sitting in her chair, held upright by metal wires. The office was littered with hundreds of candies3, all wrapped in colorful plastic and cellophane on top of their standard packaging. The view from the windows was anomalously altered to display a Christian4 graveyard in a clearing within a dense pine forest, all beneath a starless night sky. Site-48's physical surroundings were unchanged. Notes: DNA testing revealed the skeleton was a genetic match for Dir. Nasser, but was otherwise nonanomalous. Lovely. ~ Dir. H. Nasser. Noting a mild tone shift from previous instances. ~ Dr. A. Sigal. EMERGENCY NOTICE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE SITE DIRECTOR The cafeteria is currently haunted by several violent poltergeists. All personnel are forbidden from entering until a proper exorcism can be performed. Personnel are reminded that eating in the library is forbidden. ~ Dir. H. Nasser SIX ENTRIES HIDDEN FOR BREVITY Designation: SCP-7731-13 Location: Restrooms, First Sublevel Date: 30/10/2023, 17:59 Hours Summary: Dir. Nasser exited the stall and looked in the mirror which, instead of showing her reflection, displayed her wearing a stereotypical witch costume and the restrooms appropriately decorated for Halloween. Behind her reflected self's back, the words “PARTY POOPER” were spelled out on the wall with what appeared to be blood. Notes: The mirror continues to display an anomalous reflection. Different Site-48 personnel have reported different costumes, though only Dir. Nasser's reflection shows writing on the wall. To anyone asking: no, the magic mirror does not, in fact, show visions from a traumatic past. Nor do I have a deep fear of ruining parties. This anomaly is making me tired. ~ Dir. H. Nasser. On October 31st, 2023, the frequency of SCP-7731 events increased dramatically, with personnel scrambling to remove, clean, or otherwise destroy manifested objects on the order of Dir. Nasser. At exactly 20:00 Hours, all lights within Site-48 were heavily dimmed, and sounds of howling wind, skittering legs, and low growls echoed in the halls with no clear source. It was at this exact moment that Dir. Nasser opened the door to her office, having just returned from the restroom. <Begin log> <View is from the security camera in the Site Director's office. The lights glow with dim red light instead of their usual fluorescent white.> <Dir. Nasser stands at the doorway, looking at the entity that hovers above her desk. Billows of shadowy smoke swirl around each other, forming a vaguely humanoid entity. Two glowing red eyes glare at her from within the darkness. It speaks with a deep, gravely voice.> Entity: Ah, such courage, Director! To come into my lair alone despite knowing of my power! Nasser: This is my office, dipshit. Get out. Entity: Do you see how I remade this sad place in my image, how I manipulated and used your own fears against you to sow terror and discord- <Nasser rolls her eyes.> Nasser: Yes, I was absolutely petrified with fear when those Hershey's spilled out of my drawer. Real nice job. Entity: Hey! Don't blame me when it is YOU who wouldn't do your job, Hiba! Look at this place. There's not even a hint of holiday spirit, not a single pumpkin until I came along! The only skeletons you have are in the closet! And it's all your fault; you're like the Halloween Grinch! You have no right to insult my fearmongering while you burn all my attempts to- <A cold rage bubbles inside the Director. She speaks through gritted teeth.> Nasser: For the last time. We. Don't. Celebrate. Halloween. <The room is silent for six seconds.> Entity: What. Nasser: We celebrate Jewish holidays because a lot of us are Jewish. We celebrate Muslim holidays because a lot of us are Muslim. We don't celebrate Halloween, because out of fifty-four employees, only three have even a remote connection to that godforsaken, cellophane-ridden holiday, and none of them want anything to do with it! I, as this Site's goddamn Director, want nothing more than to erase it off the face of the fucking earth! So go ahead and haunt some poor Wisconsin accountant with your five-dollar spooks, just get out of my Site! <Nasser starts.> Nasser: Pun, er, intended. <The entity begins to quiver, shadows swirling erratically.> Entity: No… no no no, that can't be right. No bats, no spiders, no candy?! You don't even dress up in scary costumes? Then why did I… why… Nasser: No! Well, I guess we do have a costume party during Purim5, and it does contain lots of candy - but that's beside the point! None of us want you here, do you understand? Pack your things and go. Entity: Purim you say? Intriguing. I will be there. <The entity begins to disperse into the air.> Nasser: What? Wait no-no-no it's not like that! It's not horror-themed! Don't jumpscare any of my… <The entity disappears completely, leaving Nasser alone in her office. The ceiling lamps flicker back to standard lighting. She sighs, putting her hands to her temples, before sitting down at her desk.> <End log> Following the entity's demanifestation, all SCP-7731-related effects abruptly ceased, including objects which had been permanently altered. Preparations for the anomaly's resurgence on Purim (March 23rd, 2024) are underway. « SCP-7730 | SCP-7731 | SCP-7732 » Footnotes 1. Negev Desert Research and Containment Site-48 is a small Foundation facility serving as operational headquarters in the Levant region. 2. Irrational fear of bats. 3. Mostly composed of Reese's-brand peanut butter cups. 4. Identified by the crosses above the headstones. 5. A Jewish holiday taking place in early spring.
Gravitational wave data received in binary from SCP-7732 reading '123'. Item #: SCP-7732 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Due to the size, distance, and possible immaterial nature of SCP-7732, containment procedures are not so much oriented around containment of the entity itself as they are about keeping its existence from public knowledge. Any form of containment of SCP-7732 itself has been deemed impossible, and, as far as its intentions are currently understood, possibly unnecessary. Foundation agents have been planted among many of the world's leading observatories to survey for individuals with suspicion or knowledge of SCP-7732's existence. Amnestics have largely proved irrelevant in containing information surrounding SCP-7732, as the entity has often become so idolised by those with knowledge of it that erasing it from their memory would require the erasure of most of their minds. Nevertheless, data acquired by non-Foundation observatories that point to the existence of SCP-7732 are to be expunged and replaced with unremarkable false data where possible. Professional astronomers who refuse to abandon research into SCP-7732 are to be framed with any variety of misconduct allegations sufficient to have them removed from their research post. Additionally, if any of these individuals continue to attempt to spread public awareness of SCP-7732, they are to be framed with any variety of serious crimes and taken permanently into Foundation custody. Such individuals can then be assigned either tightly restricted assistant researcher positions surrounding the study of SCP-7732, or janitorial positions. An ongoing dialogue with SCP-7732 is being conducted by Dr. Felix Isherl and assistant researcher Benjamin Millar to further ascertain its nature, intentions, and any additional protocols that may need to be applied to its containment (see interview log). Description: SCP-7732 first came to the Foundation's attention in November of 2009 after Professor ███████ █████, a researcher at the LIGO Gravitational-Wave Observatory in California, openly claimed that he believed a higher being was attempting to communicate with his research team through gravitational waves. Two high ranking Foundation scientists were then planted at the observatory and assigned the task of reviewing all new and prior data collected. Many short sentences were subsequently deciphered in the form of morse code from gravitational wave data dating as far back as when the dual observatories began operating in 2002, and consisted of phrases such as ‘respond if heard', ‘hello human people', and ‘now you have many eyes like me'. Many of the messages, when deciphered, read in Spanish. It is important to note that from 2002 to 2011, over 25% of high-ranking staff at both observatories spoke Spanish as their first language. All signals were found to have originated from whatever direction the planet Jupiter was from Earth at the time they were received. Initially, SCP-7732 was assumed to have been sent by an unknown alien civilization residing somewhere in the Jovian System. Why said hypothetical civilization elected to send signals in the form of gravitational waves rather than electromagnetic ones, or how they achieved this, was unknown. Any research regarding SCP-7732, aside from the continuous monitoring of its gravitational waves, was deemed impractical due to its distance, and research stagnated for a period of 3 months. On the 3rd of April 2010, a new message was received from SCP-7732 reading ‘now you see me' in the languages English, Spanish, and Mandarin. Notably, head researcher Dr ███ ████, who was assigned to SCP-7732 at the time, was born in Beijing, and spoke Mandarin as his first language. Dr ███ ████ was documented to have been considerably unnerved by this event and requested transfer to another project. Signals in numerous wavelengths were then sent in the direction of the Jovian System in response to SCP-7732's message, including one containing the message from former US President Jimmy Carter that was attached to space probes Voyager 1 and 2 in the 1970s. No response relevant to these signals was detected. A further three messages from the Jovian System were received by the LIGO Observatory in June, September, and December of that same year, reading ‘no electro', ‘big eyes, see much' and ‘write me' respectively. Assistant researcher Benjamin Millar, who had recently been assigned to SCP-7732, proposed the idea that SCP-7732 either possessed some level of omniscience, or could observe Earth on the human scale through unknown means. Millar then left a whiteboard on a lawn outside Site █ on a clear night while Jupiter was in the sky, with text reading ‘Say 123 if you can read this. - Ben' written in marker. The following night, which was overcast, he left a similar message on the same lawn that read ‘Say 456 if you can read this. - Ben'. Four days later on the 25th of December 2010, the dual LIGO observatories detected gravitational waves emanating from Jupiter, and, as Millar had requested, they simply read ‘123'. However, the response ‘456' was never received. Millar then suggested that this indicated it was overwhelmingly likely that SCP-7732 did not possess omniscience, and instead was somehow viewing Earth in extreme detail directly from its location. A dialogue with SCP-7732 was subsequently established, and is ongoing to present (see interview log). Addendum: SCP-7732 was originally thought to have been an unknown civilization native to Jupiter or its moons. However, it is now thought to be a spiritual or otherwise poorly understood entity that claims to be the consciousness associated with the planet Jupiter itself. SCP-7732 communicates via spontaneous increases and decreases in Jupiter's mass, which result in gravitational waves sufficient to be detected by Earth-based observatories. These fluctuations have been observed to consist of up to 0.1% of Jupiter's total mass (approximately equal to a third the mass of Earth) over a period of less than 5 hours, with the mass either being added or subtracted through unknown means. SCP-7732 communicates in morse code, as well as binary that can be deciphered into characters in the ASCII data set, with a reduction in mass signaling a 0, and an increase in mass signaling a 1. A change in mass over a period of more than 5 hours is to be disregarded, as it is believed that these are performed so that SCP-7732 can return to its baseline mass after communication is terminated. SCP-7732 also claims to have used its mass-altering capability (and thus the ability to alter the gravitational force it exerts) to tweak the trajectories of various minor objects in our Solar System, thus playing a major role in the evolution of life on Earth (see interview log). An interview between SCP-7732 and the Foundation has been ongoing since 2010, with the latest message at the time of writing having been sent on the 7th of September 2017 and is currently awaiting a response. Due to the extensive delay between and thus value of each message sent to SCP-7732, a small board has been established to review message proposals, with Dr Felix Isherl at its head. As SCP-7732 appears to have developed a special liking for assistant researcher Millar, he continues to leave messages chosen on the lawn outside Site █, though now an A3-sized white canvas with red paint is used. For brevity, Millar will represent SCP-7732's research board in the following interview log. Interviewed: SCP-7732 Interviewer: The SCP-7732 interview board, represented by Researcher Millar. Foreword: SCP-7732 is thought to be at least as intelligent as humans. Its brief messages and poor grammar are instead to be attributed to its need for brevity, as it requires an extensive amount of time for the entity to transmit any meaningful data. As it takes SCP-7732 up to 5 hours to transmit a single bit of data (that is, a 1 or a 0), as well its long hiatuses between individual words lasting up to 2 weeks (theorized to either be for calibration or rest purposes), it can take SCP-7732 months to send a single sentence to Earth. Nevertheless, SCP-7732 exhibits at least rudimentary knowledge of numerous human languages, slangs, and codes. <Begin Log> Millar: Sent Dec 31, 2010 Hello on behalf of humanity. What would you like us to call you? SCP-7732 Received Feb 5, 2011 Jupiter, Marduk, Brihaspati, Sui-Sing, Zeus, Erentüz. Millar: Sent Feb 6, 2011 Very well. We'll go with Jupiter, if that's okay with you. How do you know our languages, and these names? Some names you reference have been out of common use for thousands of years. SCP-7732 Received Feb 27, 2011 Long I've watched & learned. Millar: Sent Feb 27, 2011 I see. How long have you been watching us? SCP-7732 Received Mar 15, 2011 ~380,000,000 periods. Note: It is believed that ‘period' refers to Jupiter's orbital period about the Sun, which is 11.8 times longer than Earth's. 380 million orbital periods for Jupiter would be equivalent to 4.5 billion Earth years, approximately equal to the length of time the two planets have been in existence. Millar: Sent Mar 17, 2011 You've been watching us since our planet formed? SCP-7732 Received May 9, 2011 Yes. I C U spring up from soil. My friend. Millar: Sent May 10, 2011 Who is your friend? SCP-7732 Received Jun 25, 2011 U & Earth. Millar: Sent Jun 26, 2011 Earth is your friend? Note: Four weeks transpired between the above question and the termination of SCP-7732's response, unusually long for the length of the message sent. SCP-7732 Received Jul 29, 2011 Yes. Millar: Sent Jul 29, 2011 I see. How exactly can you see us? SCP-7732 Received Oct 1, 2011 Many eyes. Storms. Millar: Sent Oct 2, 2011 Are you referring to the cyclones that appear in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter? SCP-7732 Received Nov 25, 2011 I am Jupiter. Millar: Sent Nov 26, 2011 Are you the planet Jupiter or someone living there? SCP-7732 Received Dec 21, 2011 I am Jupiter. Millar: Sent Dec 21, 2011 Do you mean to say that you are a living planet? SCP-7732 Received Jan 9, 2012 Yes. Millar: Sent Jan 12, 2012 How can a planet be alive? SCP-7732 Received Mar 23, 2012 How can flesh be alive? Millar: Sent Mar 25, 2012 Good question. Where did you come from? (Researcher Millar painted a smiley face on the canvas above the message to reference the possible humorous intent in SCP-7732's response, in order to foster a friendly bond with the entity.) SCP-7732 Received Jun 4, 2012 Sun. Remain here always. Millar: Sent Jun 5, 2012 In regards to our earlier question, are you meaning to say that the storms in your upper atmosphere are your eyes?Received Aug 10, 2012 No. Beneath. Note: No previous observations of Jupiter have detected any biological signatures from beneath its atmosphere, and observations conducted since have returned inconclusive. It remains possible that SCP-7732 was referring to potential structures too deep in its atmosphere for us to observe. However, reviews of data collected by various space telescopes and probes, including the hubble space telescope and Juno space probe, have shown a higher than average count of small storms in Jupiter's upper atmosphere on the side of the planet facing space probes sent into the outer Solar System during their closest approaches to Jupiter, indicating that the planet was possibly ‘watching' them. The earliest known instance of this occurring was in 1973, when the space probe Pioneer 10 conducted the first flyby of Jupiter. It has not struck many as surprising that these storms, which are sometimes thousands of kilometers wide, would be able to make out incredible detail across interplanetary distances if they were analogous to eyes. Note 2: Due to the fact that the interview up until this point had already spanned nearly 2 years, further enquiry on the topic was postponed in favour of other lines of questioning. Millar: Sent Aug 15, 2012 How can you control how much mass you have?Received Oct 8, 2012 Don't know, just can. Millar: Sent Oct 9, 2012 I see. Our models suggest that these fluctuations in gravitational strength would have an effect on some of the Solar System's smaller objects. Are you aware of this?Received Dec 10, 2012 Yes. Control moons & asteroids. Millar: Sent Dec 10, 2012 Are you aware of SCP-2399? SCP-7732 Received Mar 7, 2013 Yes. Hold it. Io struck it. Can't hold for long. Millar: Sent Mar 7, 2013 I know, we're working on it too. Was the collision by your design?Received Mar 15, 2013 Yes. Millar: Sent Mar 15, 2013 Why did you cause a collision between Io and SCP-2399?Received May 2, 2013 Human people R friend. Earth is friend. Millar: Sent May 2, 2013 So you protected us?Received Aug 11, 2013 Yes. Asteroids & comets too. Move them. Millar: Sent Aug 11, 2013 How many times have you done this?Received Dec 30, 2013 656. No human people otherwise. Created Luna too. Note: It is likely that SCP-7732 was referring to its possible influence in the collision between Earth and the small planet dubbed ‘Theia' during the early Solar System's formation, which resulted in the formation of Earth's moon. The Moon is notable for being instrumental to many of Earth's ecosystems, as well as playing a vital role in the evolution of life. Millar: Sent Jan 10, 2014 Are you aware of the K-T impact event that occurred 66 million years ago that wiped out 75% of species on Earth? If so, why didn't you stop it?Received Jan 29, 2014 Necessary. Millar: Sent Jan 29, 2014 Necessary for what?Received Mar 16, 2014 U & Earth. & all friends. Await message. Millar: Sent Mar 16, 2014 We'll be waiting.Received Jan 3, 2015 13,000,000 periods of reptiles, not smart. Ended them, so humans can be smart. Millar: Sent Jan 6, 2015 Do you mean to say you simply allowed the K-T impact to occur or you directly caused it?Received Feb 1, 2015 Caused it. Note: All communications were temporarily halted between SCP-7732 and the SCP Foundation, and the existing interview logs forwarded to a member of the O5 council. Dr Isherl issued a request to have SCP-7732 reclassified as keter, due to its complete inability to be contained and its possibility of bringing about an XK-Class end of the world scenario. There have been numerous requests that, due to its alleged assistance in the containment of SCP-2399, SCP-7732 should instead be classified as a Thaumiel item. All requests currently under review. Millar: Sent Mar 12, 2015 Are we in danger of you?Received Mar 13, 2015 NO. Note: Message was received unusually quickly, with the associated mass fluctuations taking place in under 20 minutes each as opposed to their usual time of up to 5 hours.Received Apr 21, 2015 I love U. I need U. Millar: Sent Apr 22, 2015 Why?Received May 19, 2015 Alone. Millar: Sent May 20, 2015 Are there others like you? Note: Average wait times between messages more than quintupled from this point forward. Due to the topics at hand during these ‘bursts' and ‘withdrawals', it has been theorised that the speed in which SCP-7732 communicates can be at least somewhat linked to its emotional state. Millar: Sent Aug 20, 2015 Are you still receiving us?Received Nov 8, 2015 7. More children too. No more. Asleep. Millar: Sent Nov 9, 2015 What happened to them?Received Nov 21, 2016 Cold inside. Millar: Sent Nov 21, 2016 And why do you need us?Received Sep 6, 2017 To wake them up. Closing Statement: The interview board subsequently requested elaboration from SCP-7732 on the 7th of September 2017, and is currently awaiting a response. <End Log> Testing for similar messages in the form of gravitational waves from other planets in the Solar System, including our own, is ongoing. « SCP-7731 | SCP-7732 | SCP-7733 »
Item#: 7733 Level4 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: thaumiel Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-7733. Entrance to Site-7733-B is visible in the foreground. Special Containment Procedures: Civilians are not permitted within 100m of SCP-7733, with toxic long-term soil contamination in place as a cover. Due to limited scheduling slots, use of SCP-7733 is limited to SVIC members. Description: SCP-7733 is an electronic device taking up most of the interior space of a 2700m2 storage facility (Site-7733-A) located in Qaqortoq, Greenland. It is primarily constructed from electronic components commercially available in the year 1974, although it also includes a number of cold cathode semiconductor switches of unknown origin. Human operators may interact with SCP-7733 from inside a 10m2 room (Site-7733-B) attached to the outside of Site-7733-A, containing a punched paper tape interface feeding in and out of Site-7733-A. When an operator enters information1 describing a specific real or hypothetical set of conditions and a possible event that could occur within them (a "query")2, after a period ranging from 5 seconds to 19 hours3 SCP-7733 will output one of three possible responses: "Additional Data Requested": SCP-7733 will specify information not included in the initial query. After the operator has entered this data, or rejected the request, SCP-7733 will output another response. "Out of Bounds": Confirmation that empirically-available data is insufficient to calculate the probability of the event4, concluding the query. "Calculation Complete": The calculated probability for that event to have taken place, under assumed conditions of consensus reality, reported in units of Drustons (Drst) up to three decimal points, concluding the query. The Druston unit appears to serve as a unit measuring the unlikeliness of the event. In simplistic queries, it is seemingly based on a logarithmic expression of the probability ratio. It is unknown if this pattern still applies in queries where conventional estimation is not possible. Calculations over 200000.000 Drst have never been observed, indicating a possible upper limit for SCP-7733's calculations. Operators may not enter a new query until SCP-7733 has concluded the current query, further limiting the frequency of use. SCP-7733 is able to store information from queries internally, and will refer to it in replicated or similar queries rather than requesting information a second time. SCP-7733's methods of calculating or estimating probability, including the initial ability to interpret queries, are currently unknown. As SCP-7733 cannot operate when foreign objects are present in the same chamber as the components, very little is currently known about how the device functions, although the exceptional complexity of function and ability to operate over decades without maintenance suggests anomalous properties. Sampled Testing Documents (Translated): Display Testing Documents Hide Testing Documents Query 7733-09 Query Conditions: A single atom of fermium-259 exists within a vacuum. Query Event: That atom has decayed after exactly 1.5 seconds. Addition Data Requests: None Query Conclusion: Calculation Complete - 1.003 Drst Event Outcome: Not tested in reality Query 7733-23 Query Conditions: A United States 1 cent coin is thrown into the air by Research Assistant Aleia Cole from floor level in an arc approximately 1 meter high. Query Event: The coin will land and settle on the floor with the heads side facing up. Addition Data Requests: The position of Research Assistant Cole's hand while gripping and throwing the coin (Granted) The year of production of the coin (Granted) History of previous tosses of the coin (Denied, Not Available) The construction material and condition of the floor (Granted) Query Conclusion: Calculation Complete - 0.998 Drst Event Outcome: The coin landed with the heads side facing up. Query 7733-24 Query Conditions: A United States 1 cent coin is thrown into the air by Research Assistant Aleia Cole from floor level in an arc approximately 1 meter high, in a replication of the previous query. Query Event: The coin will land and settle on the floor with the heads side facing up. Addition Data Requests: None Query Conclusion: Calculation Complete - 0.998 Drst Event Outcome: The coin landed with the tails side facing up. Query 7733-119 Query Conditions: The weather of Mount Hood National Forest, in Mount Hood Oregon5 is observed continuously every day for 12 weeks from a specific point within the glacial valley. Query Event: A cloud formation with a strong visual resemblance to a member of the infraorder Anisoptera6 will be visible each week on Thursday at 15:04 PDT. Addition Data Requests: Initial humidity, wind and atmospheric pressure (Granted) Weather forecast for the remainder of the 12 weeks (Granted) Location and angle of observation site (Granted) Query Conclusion: Calculation Complete - 1583.776 Drst Event Outcome: A cloud of that description was visible each week, at the time described and from the specific viewing point, for at least 30 seconds. Query 7733-7057 Query Conditions: Research Assistant Houston Carver will make a set of personal purchases at a grocery store, using a debit card. (Full grocery list included) Query Event: Research Assistant Houston Carver will choose to take a purchase receipt at the end of the transaction. Addition Data Requests: None Query Conclusion: Out of Bounds Event Outcome: Research Assistant Houston Carver chose to take a purchase receipt. Query 7733-12615 Query Conditions: 5000 randomly-selected members of Foundation personnel are interviewed about their personal geographic knowledge. (Full list of interview subject names and ranks included) Query Event: All 5000 interview subjects will fail to be aware of the existence of Yellowstone National Park7. Addition Data Requests: Residential history of all 5000 subjects (Granted) History of Foundation activity within Yellowstone National Park (Denied, Not Applicable) History of Foundation activity within 250km of Yellowstone National Park's borders (Granted) Query Conclusion: Calculation Complete - 60104.952 Drst Event Outcome: All 5000 interview subjects expressed total ignorance relating to Yellowstone National Park. Query 7733-51446 Query Conditions: A juvenile male English Mastiff is brought into a room containing an adult human, and shown to that individual. Query Event: The English Mastiff will change to resemble an adult female Border Terrier within 30 seconds after entering the room. Addition Data Requests: None Query Conclusion: Out of Bounds Event Outcome: The English Mastiff changed to resemble an adult female Border Terrier in under one second. Thaumiel Use Policy: Distribution chart of the Druston calculations of non-replicated AAP. The current abnormality threshold of 47636.300 Druston is represented by a blue-red colour boundary. The Statistical Validation and Interpretation Committee (SVIC) is an independent internal organization of Foundation employees responsible for the identification and validation of Ambiguously Anomalous Phenomena (AAP). AAP are defined as events of exceptional abnormality which do not obviously run counter to conventional natural laws, and which are therefore empirically indistiguishable from coincidences or series of coincidences. This category includes (but is not exclusive to) phenomena characteristic of many probability-altering, cognition and behaviour-altering and predictive anomalies. The SVIC must employ a minimum of 300 individuals8 at all times. Members are recruited through internal nomination, and must include experts in the following fields: Display Expertise Requirements Hide Expertise Requirements Architecture Astronomy Astrophysics Cellular Biology Chemistry Civic Engineering Computer Science Cryptozoology Decision Theory Earth Science Ecology Entomology Epistemology Fluid Dynamics Geography Geology History Liguistics Marine Biology Mechanical Physics Meteorology Mycology Neurobiology Nuclear Physics Oceanography Optics Paleontology Particle Physics Plant Biology Political Science Psychiatry Psychology Sociology Statistics Theology Zoology The primary duties of the SVIC are: Qualitatively categorize reported phenomena as non-anomalous, ambiguously anomalous or unambiguously anomalous. Operate SCP-7733 in order to validate (or reverify) the abnormality of AAP. Determine the numerical abnormality threshold at which a phenomenon is formally categorized as anomalous. The categorization and validation duties are handled by temporary subcommittees based on the fields believed to be necessary for understanding and describing the phenomenon in question, as well as providing additional data. The abnormality threshold is determined through majority consensus at mandatory meetings of all SVIC members held every 120 days in the conference hall of the Hans Egede Hotel in Qaqortoq. SVIC members active in subcommittees or meetings are exempt from all other Foundation duties. The internal organization and operation of the SVIC is otherwise determined by the members. Display 95th SVIC Meeting Summary Hide 95th SVIC Meeting Summary [00:00:00] SVIC-1339 takes attendance and formally commences the 95th SVIC Meeting. [00:38:33] SVIC-133 begins by announcing new or updated AAP validations: A total of 119 new AAP were validated: 49 below the abnormality threshold and 70 above. A total of 527 AAP validations were replicated: 512 remained within the same approximate range, 1410 significantly increased, and one significantly decreased. AAP-p16i311 (associated with SCP-████-EX12) decreased from 44109.139 Drst to 30013.711 Drst after SCP-████-EX made three consecutive incorrect predictions, in addition to the two failed predictions prior to the 94th SVIC Meeting. As a result, AAP-p16i3 is now considered non-anomalous, and no longer requires investigation, surveillance or containment. [00:45:17] SVIC-133 restores order after an outburst from SVIC-31613 and vocal conflict between SVIC-316 and SVIC-19814 following the announcement of AAP-p16i3's updated validation and SCP-████-EX's consequently updated object class. [00:48:43] SVIC-133 opens floor to statements by other SVIC members prior to voting. [00:50:09] SVIC-198 receives the microphone, and begins a prepared speech about the importance of defending consensus reality through a low abnormality threshold15, but is interrupted by outcry from multiple other members. SVIC-198 abandons their script, and attempts to defend their successful proposal during the 94th SVIC Meeting to lower the abnormality threshold16 in order to maintain AAP-p16i3's category. [01:03:26] SVIC-198 cedes the remainder of their time to SVIC-34717. SVIC-347 formally proposes that the abnormality threshold be decreased to 43811.019 Drst, recategorizing 14 existing AAP as anomalous, and SVIC-198 seconds the proposal. [01:05:59] SVIC-316 receives the microphone, and presents a series of transparency slides comparing the rate of recategorization following the raising and lowering of the threshold, in order to demonstrate the historical reliability of a higher abnormality threshold. SVIC-316 formally proposes that the abnormality threshold be increased to 47636.300 Drst, recategorizing 5 existing AAP as non-anomalous, and SVIC-28418 seconds the proposal. [01:28:40] SVIC-03819 receives the microphone, and attempts to show a presentation relating to the financial impact of recategorization, but cannot retrieve the necessary files from their flash drive. SVIC-038 formally proposes that the abnormality threshold remain unchanged, and SVIC-11020 seconds the proposal. [01:53:01] After no other proposals are presented, SVIC-133 formally opens the voting period. [02:15:45] Voting closes, and votes are taken to be counted. [02:46:03] SVIC-133 announces the result of the votes: 209 members abstained. SVIC-038's proposal received 14 votes. SVIC-347's proposal received 71 votes. SVIC-316's proposal received 99 votes. The abnormality threshold is officially increased to 47636.300 Drst. [02:51:30] SVIC-133 announces updated categories of AAP affected by the change in abnormality threshold: AAP-99fal21 (associated with SCP-████-EX) is now considered non-anomalous, and no longer requires investigation, surveillance or containment. AAP-br0p122 (associated with SCP-████-EX) is now considered non-anomalous, and no longer requires investigation, surveillance or containment. AAP-f35t023 (associated with SCP-████-EX) is now considered non-anomalous, and no longer requires investigation, surveillance or containment. AAP-j4j0224 (associated with SCP-████-EX) is now considered non-anomalous, and no longer requires investigation, surveillance or containment. AAP-p33a925 (associated with SCP-████-EX) is now considered non-anomalous, and no longer requires investigation, surveillance or containment. [03:03:15] SVIC-133 formally brings the meeting to a close and dismisses all attendants. Footnotes 1. In either Danish or Kalaallisut 2. Contact SVIC-083 for access to the SCP-7733 Operator's Manual. 3. Not counting the act of feeding the tape in, which may take as long as two hours depending on the query. 4. This response is frequently, but not exclusively, given for non-ambiguously anomalous phenomena. 5. Location of AAP-1a48r 6. "Dragonflies" 7. Location of AAP-40hs6 8. The SVIC currently employs 393 members 9. Consultant, Professor of Human Psychology, Current SVIC Chair 10. All already above the abnormality threshold 11. The tendency of a Galápagos giant tortoise (Chelonoidis niger), currently housed within ██████ Zoo, to correctly predict the winner of United States gubernatorial elections through the selection of labeled pieces of fruit. 12. A 37-year-old male Galápagos giant tortoise (Chelonoidis niger) 13. Excavation Site Supervisor 14. Consultant, Professor of Economics and Finance 15. Possibly the same speech given during the 80th SVIC Meeting 16. From 45053.398 Drst to 44105.659 Drst 17. IT Technician 18. Telescope Technician 19. Actuary 20. Consultant, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Theology 21. The above-average tendency for humans aged 33 to die from accidents within the town of █████████, 45013.345 Drst. 22. The regular appearance of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) in the chapel of ████ ████████ █████████████ during Easter services, loosely correlating with attendance, 47144.43 Drst. 23. The above-average frequency of human deaths and injuries due to clear-air lightning within ████████ Valley, 46339.099 Drst. 24. The above-average rate of fossil discoveries attributed to Prof. Winslow ████, 46099.203 Drst. 25. The above-average frequency of lethal attacks by Anatidae (ducks, geese and swans) on human children within ██████████ County, 47591.984 Drst.
SCP-7734. Item #: SCP-7734 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7734 is currently contained in Site-128 in a Safe-class storage locker. Any new instances of SCP-7734-B are to be catalogued in the addendum below. SCP-7734-A is to keep a dream journal. Each morning at 6:30 AM, he will be questioned about the contents of his dreams. SCP-7734-A is to be administered Class B amnestics if his dreams contain any of the following items: * Entities which intend harm to others within the dream * Entities portrayed as primarily Scarlet * A humanoid figure composed primarily of tendrils in a blue-green void SCP-7734-A is free to move about the low-risk areas of Site-128, and Foundation staff are encouraged to interact with him to ensure his need for socialization is met. Once daily, SCP-7734-A is to meet with a Foundation psychiatrist, and his mental state is to be evaluated. Should SCP-7734-A die, a member of Foundation staff of Level 1 clearance or lower is to be chosen to become the new SCP-7734-A. Individuals chosen for this purpose must pass a psychiatric evaluation. SCP-7734 is to be removed from storage and placed in a testing chamber with the chosen individual, who will be put to sleep with a mild tranquilizer. No other individuals are to be sleeping within a 10 m radius of the testing chamber. Instances of SCP-7734-B are to be kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber unless unique attributes of the week's instance require special consideration. Description: SCP-7734 is a granite figurine measuring 9 cm x 3 cm x 3 cm depicting a woman wearing a flowing dress on a wooden base. SCP-7734 appears to bond with a particular individual, causing an entity based on the contents of their dreams from the past week to manifest within the same room as them. The designation given to the current bonded individual is SCP-7734-A, and the collective designation for the entities manifesting from their dreams is SCP-7734-B. Instances of SCP-7734-B will demanifest one week after their original manifestation date, coinciding with a new SCP-7734-B manifestation. Discovery: SCP-7734 was discovered due to reports of monsters plaguing the village of Geiranger, Norway paired with a sudden increase in the number of deaths in the village. MTF Epsilon-6 ("Village Idiots") was sent to identify and contain any anomalous entities. Addendum 1: SCP-7734 Recovery Log Note: The following is a transcription of audio and video recordings made by MTF Epsilon-6 Agents Mark Fowler (Callsign: Falcon), Kira Jacobs (Callsign: Ghost), and Robert Parks (Callsign: Dozer) during the recovery of SCP-7734 on February 13th, 2017. [BEGIN LOG] Camera footage from Ghost's body camera shows the three agents exiting their car in front of house number 1735. Houses appear to range from stone cottages to houses of more modern construction. Falcon: Okay, GPS says this is the place. With how quiet it is, I'm inclined to agree. Ghost: Do we even know what we're looking for here, Falcon? The reports said, what, "monsters"? Do we have any descriptions at all? Falcon: That's the problem, there's too many descriptions. Each report sounds like a different entity. So, we're either dealing with a shapeshifter, or the monster mash's afterparty. Dozer: Well, guess we're going to need these, then, huh? Dozer is seen unloading three M16 rifles from the back of the car. Each agent takes one rifle before proceeding. Falcon: Let's try a more… subtle approach first, Dozer. Stay here. Falcon approaches the front door of the house and knocks. No one answers. Falcon: Hello? We're with the Sheriff's Department, here about a noise complaint. Hello? Falcon motions to Ghost. Ghost approaches and uses a lockpicking kit to open the door. Falcon: Okay, I want to keep this quiet. We don't know what we're dealing with here. The agents enter the house. The entryway is filled with oil paintings, mostly depicting forests. Several paintings have fallen off the walls, and many bear large tears through them. A bookshelf has been knocked over, and books are scattered across the floor. Falcon: Well, that's a good start, I guess. Ghost, do you have anything on infrared? Ghost: No, there's nobody here, nothing with a heat signature anyways. Falcon: Ok, well, let's see if we can't figure out where the homeowner is. I'm pretty sure these torn up paintings aren't just an artistic statement. Dozer begins examining the books on the ground. Dozer: Couldn't this guy have gotten some lighter reading material? These are all horror stories. Ghost: Just because all you read are Garfield strips doesn't mean the rest of us can't enjoy something a little more serious. Dozer: Hey, I'm just doing my part to contain 3166, ok? And I mean, c'mon, it's a classic. Falcon: Focus you two. If you're going to start a book club, do it later. The agents spread out and sweep the home, finding no signs of life. Upon reaching the upstairs, Falcon enters a room filled with easels, blank canvases, and art supplies. Falcon: We've got something in here! The rest of the team enters the home art studio. Within is an elderly Caucasian man. He is lying in a pool of blood and his torso is covered in deep gash marks. Falcon checks his pulse, then shakes his head to the team. Falcon: He's gone. Ghost: That's confirmation of something, at least. He wasn't a pet owner, was he? Falcon: No, according to command he lived alone. Plus, I really doubt anything you could have as a pet could do something like that. A bear, maybe. Dozer: What's he got in his hands there? Agent Dozer pries apart the old man's hands, revealing SCP-7734. Dozer reaches to pick it up. Falcon: Stop! What do you think you're doing? Dozer: What? Falcon: The corpse holding the strange little statue isn't a red flag to you? We don't know if that thing is dangerous, go get the retrieval kit. Dozer: Fine, it's probably nothing, but you're right. It's protocol. Dozer leaves the house and retrieves a Safe-class storage container and a zero-contact item retrieval kit from the car. While Dozer is gone, Falcon and Ghost finish sweeping the upstairs, finding nothing else of note. The team reconvenes in the room with the corpse. Dozer: Here, I got the kit, happy? Dozer uses the specialized pair of tongs from the retrieval kit to pick up the statue and moves to place it in the Safe-class storage container. The statue slips out of the tongs, and Dozer catches it with his gloved hand. Falcon: Dozer! Agents Falcon, Ghost, and Dozer are motionless for 5 seconds. Dozer lets out a long breath. Dozer: Ok, it's fine, I'm fine. It's like I said, nothing to worry about, guy probably just liked carving figurines or something. Falcon: Dozer, I'm going to name my first grey hair after you, you know that? Well, I think that's everything here. Let's get that statue thing back. I'll advise the house be put under surveillance. I don't like that we never found our huge-clawed monster. [END LOG] The item recovered from the house was designated SCP-7734, a Safe-class anomaly. At the time of its recovery, SCP-7734 was kept in a standard Safe-class storage locker until more could be learned about it. Addendum 2: Event Log 7734.01 Note: Following the recovery of SCP-7734, MTF Epsilon-6 Agents Dozer and Ghost were placed on surveillance duty for the next week to ensure no anomalous entities remained in the area. The following is a transcription of audio and video recordings from the agents' body cams on the seventh night of their surveillance. Log begins at 10:05 PM, February 20th, 2017. [BEGIN LOG] Agents Dozer and Ghost are sitting in their car parked across the street from house 1735. Ghost sits in the driver's seat while Dozer sits in the passenger's seat. Dozer: Want a donut? I got lemon jelly, your favorite. Ghost: Maybe later. Dozer: Suit yourself. Agent Dozer begins to eat a donut from the box sitting between them. Dozer: Y'know, I've been thinking… Ghost: Well that sounds dangerous. Dozer: No, really. I think I will start a book club when we get back. Not like we have much else to do besides training between missions. Ghost: Maybe I can get you into some good books yet. How does Frankenstein sound as a starter? Dozer: I think I deal with enough monsters in real life, thanks. Ghost: No, but that's the best part, see… Dozer holds up a hand, quieting Ghost. Dozer: Did you see that? Ghost: What? Dozer: Stay in the car, be ready to radio for backup. Dozer exits the car and approaches the house. Several minutes pass as Dozer circles around to the back of the house. Ghost is watching Dozer's body cam footage, when it suddenly cuts out. Ghost: Dozer, what happened? Your body cam's gone out. Dozer does not respond. Ghost: Dozer, this isn't funny. You'd better answer or I'm calling backup. Dozer does not respond. Ghost proceeds to call for backup on the radio. Ghost: This is MTF Epsilon-6, callsign: Ghost. I have a possible agent down, requesting assistance. There is a knock on the passenger's side window. Ghost whips around, and Dozer can be seen on her body cam. Ghost: Scratch that, agent has returned, possible equipment malfunction. Requesting a new body cam and a comms diagnostic. Ghost turns off the radio and opens the door for Dozer Ghost: What happened? Why didn't you answer? What were you even looking for? Dozer does not respond, instead pulling out his sidearm. He fires once, killing Ghost. He then reaches over and disables her body cam. [END LOG] The Agent bringing the replacement camera found Ghost dead in the car. Agent Dozer was found unconscious in the passenger seat, his firearm in his hand. Addendum 3: Interview Log 7734.01 Interviewed: Agent Parks (Callsign: Dozer) Interviewer: Researcher Birch Foreword: Immediately after the events recorded in Addendum 3, Agent Dozer was apprehended and brought in for questioning. He was awoken upon his arrival to the interview room. [BEGIN LOG] Researcher Birch: Agent Parks, I'm going to be asking you a few questions. Please answer them to the best of your ability. Agent Parks: Can't you just call me Dozer like everyone else? Where am I anyways? What happened? Birch: Well, that's what I was hoping you could answer for me, Dozer. Before we continue, tell me, what's the last thing you remember? Agent Parks: Last thing I remember was leaving the car to go investigate something I saw lurking around the house. Just as I round the house, I wake up here. Where's Ghost, anyway? Is she still on surveillance? I didn't pass out did I? Birch: So the last thing you remember is going behind the house? You didn't see or feel anything else strange? Agent Parks: No, why? What happened? At this time, Researcher Birch turns his tablet around, showing Agent Parks Ghost's body camera footage where he apparently shoots and kills her. Agent Parks: What?! I didn't do that! Where's Ghost? She doesn't think I shot her, does she? Birch: I'm afraid that Ghost is dead. You will be placed in isolated containment for a while while we ascertain to what degree you are a danger to yourself or others. Agent Parks: Dead? No… no, not again. She can't be dead! [END LOG] Closing Statement: Following this interview, Agent Parks was administered a polygraph test where he was questioned about his role in the death of MTF Epsilon-6 Ghost. The results indicate that he believed himself to be innocent of her death; however, he was still placed into a standard humanoid containment chamber for observation. Addendum 4: Event Log 7734.02 The following is a transcription of video logs from February 27, 2017 which led to the discovery of the bond between Dozer and SCP-7734. At 10:00 PM, a humanoid entity suddenly appears in Dozer's containment cell. Dozer is asleep at this time. Security arrives at Dozer's containment cell. He is seen in the corner of the room, trying to ward off the humanoid entity with a book. The humanoid entity is seen to bear resemblance to Ghost. There is a single gunshot wound in the center of its forehead, and its eyes are milky white. She is screaming accusations at Dozer, but makes no moves to approach or attack him. Security officers successfully detain the entity and lock it in an unoccupied humanoid containment cell. Following the appearance of the new entity, it was discovered that the firearm found on Dozer after Event 7734.01 had disappeared. Addendum 5: Interview Log 7734.02 Interviewed: Agent Parks (Callsign: Dozer) Interviewer: Researcher Birch Foreword: Following Event 7734.02, Dozer requested to speak to Researcher Birch again. The request was granted. [BEGIN LOG] Agent Parks: I think I've figured it out, Birch. It's beginning to all make sense now. Researcher Birch: Well, let's hear it then. Agent Parks: It's that little statue thing we brought back from Norway. It has to be that. It's the only thing that makes sense. These things started happening to me right after that dream I had after we recovered the statue. Researcher Birch: Dream? You didn't mention any dream in your report after the item's recovery. Agent Parks: It didn't seem important to me at the time, but now, I don't think it's just some coincidence any more. When we were driving back, I took a nap in the car. I dreamt that I met a woman in a green dress. She asked if I would "accept the boon." I tried asking her what that meant, but she only said that it would "make my dreams come true." The only dream I've had since I joined the MTF is to bring back the ones we lost, so I didn't hesitate to accept. Researcher Birch: Ah, right… your brother… Agent Parks: Him and a dozen other brothers-in-arms in the MTF… I never thought for an instant anything would come of it, though. I thought it was just a dream. Besides, this was obviously a trick somehow. The only lost colleague I've seen so far is Ghost, and she's only dead because of some lookalike who killed her! Researcher Birch: Regardless, you should have reported it. Agent Parks: You think I don't know that!? All I've done since I've sat in that stupid little box is replay the scenes over and over in my head. If I'd only reported the dream immediately, if I'd only not touched the stupid thing like a total moron, if I'd only let somebody else take that assignment… but no. I had to go and botch the whole operation and get another teammate killed. Researcher Birch: Well… I wouldn't have put it nearly so harshly… but… there's no easy way to say this, really. Effective immediately, you are no longer a member of MTF Epsilon-6. You are to be placed in isolated containment until further notice. Agent Parks: It… it's what I deserve. [END LOG] Closing Statement: Following this interview, Agent Parks was given the designation of SCP-7734-A. The Special Containment Procedures were updated to account for containment of SCP-7734-A. Addendum 6: SCP-7734-B Instances Archive 01 Note: The following SCP-7734-B instances manifested before SCP-7734-A was administered regular therapy sessions. Instance Number Description Manifestation Date SCP-7734-B-1 SCP-7734-B-1 was an exact replica of SCP-7734-A. SCP-7734-B-1 demonstrated hostile intentions towards SCP-7734-A's teammates in MTF Epsilon-6, and successfully killed one of them. SCP-7734-B-1 demanifested before it was contained. 2/20/2017 SCP-7734-B-2 SCP-7734-B-2 was a humanoid entity resembling late MTF Agent Kira Jacobs (Callsign: Ghost). SCP-7734-B-2 had a bullet wound in the center of its forehead and its eyes were milky white. When in the presence of SCP-7734-A, SCP-7734-B-2 would vocalize accusations of guilt for its murder towards SCP-7734-A. Otherwise, SCP-7734-B-2 did not react to any stimuli, and would stand motionless. 2/27/2017 SCP-7734-B-3 SCP-7734-B-3 was a humanoid entity resembling Researcher Birch. SCP-7734-B-3 wore a black gown and white powdered wig. Whenever SCP-7734-B-3 was brought before a living human, it would declare them guilty of a seemingly random crime and decree a disproportionate punishment. 3/6/2017 SCP-7734-B-4 SCP-7734-B-4 was a humanoid entity with DNA matching late MTF Epsilon-6 Agent Max Parks. SCP-7734-B-4 appeared to be in an advanced state of decay, with skin and tissue showing signs of severe decomposition. Several bones in the subject appeared to be broken or dislocated, most notably, the subject's jaw was dislocated and its left femur was broken. Injuries appear consistent with those Agent Parks sustained during in the incident resulting in his death. Upon manifesting in SCP-7734-A's containment chamber, SCP-7734-B-4 shuffled over to SCP-7734-A, broke off its own left arm, and stabbed SCP-7734-A in the right shoulder with the jagged bone protruding from its now severed arm. SCP-7734-A survived the incident with no permanent damage. Following this incident, a guard is to be posted outside SCP-7734-A's containment chamber during the regular SCP-7734-B manifestation period. 3/13/2017 Addendum 7: Therapy Log 7734.01 Patient: SCP-7734-A Practitioner: Dr. David Randall Foreword: Following the manifestation of SCP-7734-B-4, it was deemed necessary to provide SCP-7734-A with psychiatric care. It was believed that decreasing the number of negative dreams SCP-7734-A experienced would reduce the danger posed to himself and others. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Randall: Hello, my name is Dr. Randall, and I'll be providing your therapy session today. You prefer to go by Dozer, correct? SCP-7734-A: Yeah, that's right. Wait, did you say therapy? Why are they sending me to therapy? Dr. Randall: Well, Dozer, I often work with MTF agents who report feeling guilt over the loss of their teammates. After reading your file, I volunteered to take your assignment. SCP-7734-A: No, I figured that part, it's not really a secret why I'm locked up in here, I guess I just don't understand why they'd actually… let me go to therapy, I guess. I'm supposed to be in isolated containment. Dr. Randall: Does it really matter? SCP-7734-A: No, I guess not. I won't complain about finally getting some regular human interaction, that's for sure. I'm just not sure how you're going to convince me of anything other than the truth. Dr. Randall: If the "truth" you are talking about is your role in the death of Agent Ghost, I think you could hardly blame yourself for that. It's not like you're in Omnicron Rho1. You weren't trained to deal with anomalies of the subconscious. SCP-7734-A: It seems like Dr. Birch and the rest of the Foundation begs to differ. Dr. Randall: Forget them for a minute, alright? What matters is the truth, the real truth. That Agent Ghost's death was an unfortunate accident. SCP-7734-A: Accident or not, she'd still be here if it wasn't for what I did. Dr. Randall: You can't know that. Who's to say that SCP-7734 wouldn't have bonded with Falcon or Ghost? How do you know that something even worse wouldn't have happened? You can't live in hypotheticals, Dozer. Yes, she's gone, but do you really think this is how she'd want you to live? Beating yourself up over it? SCP-7734-A: No… no, she wouldn't. Dr. Randall: No, she wouldn't. From what I read in the event logs, I can tell you two were friends. I'm guessing it wasn't an accident that you two ended up on this mission together, and that you both were chosen for surveillance duty. Tell me, was it a romantic relationship? SCP-7734-A: Oh, no, nothing like that. We were just friends. It was closer to a brother-sister relationship, I think. Sure, we'd poke a little fun at each other here and there, but at the end of the day, we knew we had each other's backs. She was a lot more careful than I was, a lot more thoughtful, too. If she hadn't had a military background, I'm sure she would have ended up with the Foundation as a researcher. Most MTF I talk to join for the challenge, or the excitement, or just because it pays well, but Ghost was different. She wanted to see things nobody else did, to pull back the curtain and know what was going on behind it. I'd always catch her reading about a new Skip. She'd claim it was to be prepared for a mission, but I knew better. She just liked knowing. Dr. Randall: I see. It sounds like you two really were good friends. I am truly sorry for your loss. Dr. Randall's watch beeps. Dr. Randall: Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm afraid that's all the time I have for today. I really need to get them to extend our session times. We can pick up this conversation next time, but until then, I have something for you. Dr. Randall hands SCP-7734-A a sheet of paper. Dr. Randall: This is a weekly yoga and breathing exercise routine. I'd like you to perform each of these sets of exercises once a week, in whichever order you decide. SCP-7734-A: Okay, got it. Dr. Randall: Also, I've pulled a few strings, you're going to be let out of containment regularly to perform janitorial duties. Make sure you use your time out to socialize while you work. Isolation isn't healthy for the mind SCP-7734-A: Really? How did you manage that? Dr. Randall: Trust me, they owe me big time. I'll be looking forward to our next session. Oh, and Dozer? SCP-7734-A: Yes? Dr. Randall: You can call me David. [END LOG] Addendum 8: SCP-7734-B Instances Archive 02 Instance Number Description Manifestation Date SCP-7734-B-5 SCP-7734-B-5 was a granite tombstone 60 cm x 30 cm x 10 cm. The inscription on the tombstone was partially scratched out. The legible portion read "Here lies Kira Jacobs. January 15th, 1981 - February 20th, 2017." 3/20/2017 SCP-7734-B-6 SCP-7734-B-6 was a mahogany casket measuring 213 cm x 71 cm x 59 cm. Notably, SCP-7734-B-6 manifested such that SCP-7734-A was inside of it. SCP-7734-B-6 was not able to be opened from within, and a security officer was needed to let SCP-7734-A out of SCP-7734-B-6. 3/27/2017 SCP-7734-B-7 SCP-7734-B-7 was a single daisy. Each day during the week of its manifestation, the daisy would appear as if it had been freshly cut at 10:00 PM, decaying rapidly over the course of the day until it was reduced to a blackened stem and rotting petals, resetting at 10:00 PM the next day to begin the cycle again. 4/3/2017 Addendum 9: Therapy Log 7734.23 Patient: SCP-7734-A Practitioner: Dr. David Randall Foreword: The following is the log of SCP-7734-A's daily psychiatric evaluation for 4/4/2017 [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Randall: Hello, Dozer, how have you been? SCP-7734-A: Well, I've been worse, that's for sure. Dr. Randall: Well, I'm glad to hear that you're doing at least relatively well. How have your dreams been for the past week? SCP-7734-A: I wouldn't call them good dreams, but they're definitely better than what I've been having for the past few months. They're mostly melancholy, really. Not violent like what I had at the start, but not really happy either. Dr. Randall: I see. Are you still dreaming about the graveyard? SCP-7734-A: Yes. This week's manifestation chose something a bit nicer, at least. One of the flowers from the grave. Dr. Randall: Yes, and it appears to be cycling through its own decay. Could you provide any insight on that? SCP-7734-A: From what I remember, it was the funeral again, or, just after the funeral I think. As usual, I was the only one there, and I had a flower in my hand. I laid it down on the grave, and tried to leave the graveyard, but when I exited the gates, everything reset. I was back kneeling before the grave, and the flower was back in my hand. I must have gone through it a dozen times, and it was always the same. Dr. Randall: Interesting. Very interesting. SCP-7734-A: What is it? Dr. Randall: Why don't you tell me what you think it means first? Just out of curiosity. SCP-7734-A: I just feel so close, you know? I know I'm not technically to blame, but my mind just keeps wandering back to it. It's like I can't help myself. No matter how hard I try not to think about it, it comes back. Dr. Randall: I see. Well, your bad memories won't go away for long if you don't think about something else. What you need is to push out your bad memories with good ones. SCP-7734-A: Wait, I think I've heard this one. Ghost told me about these two wolves after I lost Max. She said my positive emotions and my negative emotions are fighting inside me, like two wolves, and the one that wins is the one I feed. Dr. Randall: Well, I think it's time you started feeding the positive wolf. [END LOG] Addendum 10: Current SCP-7734-B Instances Log Instance Number Description Manifestation Date SCP-7734-B-8 SCP-7734-B-8 was a paper card which irregularly altered between the messages "I'm Sorry for Your Loss" and "Happy Birthday". The interior of the card remained blank during the duration of its manifestation. 4/10/2017 SCP-7734-B-9 SCP-7734-B-9 was a humanoid entity resembling SCP-7734-A. SCP-7734-B-9 did not speak during its manifestation period, only moving to turn to face SCP-7734-A. Surveillance footage shows that SCP-7734-B-9 was smiling during the entire period of its manifestation. SCP-7734-A reported feelings of comfort while in the presence of SCP-7734-B-9. SCP-7734-A's request to allow SCP-7734-B-9 to remain in his containment cell during the period of its manifestation rather than moving it to a separate unit was granted. 4/17/2017 SCP-7734-B-10 SCP-7734-B-10 was a single lemon jelly donut with the note "I forgive you" attached to it. 4/24/2017 SCP-7734-B-11 SCP-7734-B-11 was a portrait of Agents Ghost and Falcon and SCP-7734-A smiling, eating lunch at a deli. The picture moved, showing the three talking to one another as they ate their lunch in the deli, with the image looping after five minutes. 5/1/2017 Addendum 11: Therapy Log 7734.51 Patient: SCP-7734-A Practitioner: Dr. David Randall Foreword: The following is the log of SCP-7734-A's daily psychiatric evaluation for 5/1/2017 [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Randall: Hello, Dozer. How are you today? SCP-7734-A: Oh, you know, as anomalous as usual. SCP-7734-A winks and pulls SCP-7734-B-11 out of his back pocket. Dr. Randall: Ah, yes, it's that time of the week again, isn't it? Well, let's see, what have we got this time? SCP-7734-A hands Dr. Randall SCP-7734-B-11 Dr. Randall: Very nice. Did this happen, or was this just something from one of your dreams? SCP-7734-A: That was from a few years ago. We had just come back from recontaining SCP-████, and we were due for some vacation. We settled on New York, and Falcon insisted we go visit this place he knew in Manhattan that had the best sandwiches you've ever tasted. We tried going back on another one of our vacation weeks, but it closed down. It's a shame really, but I'll always remember that as one of my favorite vacations. I don't remember much else about it other than the deli, but I was just glad to share that moment with them. Dr. Randall: That does sound nice. I myself am a firm believer that sharing a meal is one of the best signs of fellowship. I take it you haven't had any nightmares in the past week then? Just need to mark it on my report. SCP-7734-A: Nope, nothing bad in the past week. Mostly just memories of my team, actually. I'm glad the nightmares are gone, but I really do miss them all. Dr. Randall: None of them have come to visit? SCP-7734-A: I'm not sure they're allowed to. The Foundation is pretty strict about what I'm allowed to see and who I'm allowed to talk to. They wouldn't even let me check out Frankenstein from the site's library! Said they were concerned that it would give me nightmares. Dr. Randall: Well, you can never be too careful. Still, I'll put in a good word on your progress to see if they won't let up on those restrictions a bit. If we see regression we can always go back. SCP-7734-A: Thanks, David, I'd appreciate that. Dr. Randall: Well, if you didn't have any nightmares this week, then I don't think there's anything else to fill out for my report. I actually have a bit of a surprise for you. Dr. Randall nods towards the one-way mirror leading to the observation chamber. The door opens, and Agent Falcon enters the room. Dr. Randall: I already got approval for visits. Falcon: Hey, Dozer, long time no see, huh? SCP-7734-A: Falcon? It's so good to see you! SCP-7734-A and Falcon rush to embrace each other. SCP-7734-A: I didn't think I'd see anyone from Epsilon-6 again… I didn't think they'd want to see me, I guess. Falcon: I'll admit, I was angry at first. I blamed you for Ghost's death. But the longer I thought about it, the less I could blame you. I know you take deaths on the team harder than anyone, especially after Max. Besides, I didn't want to lose you both. I can't imagine what you've been through, though. I read the manifestation logs… I don't think I could have handled it. SCP-7734-A: I wasn't alone. Falcon: And I'm going to see to it you aren't alone again. Ever. Now, what'll it be, Monopoly or Sorry? Dr. Randall pulls the board games Monopoly and Sorry out from under the table. [END LOG] Footnotes 1. MTF-Omnicron Rho specializes in the containment of Oneiroi, entities primarily residing in or relating to the subconscious. « SCP-7733 | SCP-7734| SCP-7735 »
winkwonkboi Shoutout to Cicada3301Fan, SYTYCFanon, PoufyPoufson, Merehrab, ThatGuyThatTime and TroutMaskReplica for checking this out beforehand. And thank you for reading. Author Page Good evening. How can I help you today? > access scp-7735 Accessing… … … WARNING: ACCESS TO THE SCP-7735 DOCUMENT IS LIMITED TO PERSONNEL OF LEVEL-6/7735 CLEARANCE. PLEASE ENTER YOUR CREDENTIALS. > •••••••••••• Checking… … … Welcome, Researcher Watts. ITEM: SCP-7735 LEVEL 6/7735 CLASS: atlas cosmic top secret DISRUPTION CLASS: amida Special Containment Procedures:1 All personnel involved in Project MORS have been amnesticized per order of the Ethics Committee. Information pertaining to SCP-7735 is restricted to those of Level/6-7735 clearance. Description: SCP-7735 is an extradimensional space that is accessible following the indefinite cessation of a sapient human's biological functions. When a subject enters SCP-7735, the level of Akiva radiation2 detected in the body suddenly spikes for an inconsistent amount of time before immediately depleting and reaching zero. SCP-7735 was discovered due to the succession of Project MORS, a project dedicated to record and document events occurring after a person's expiration. This was achieved by utilizing a device capable of detecting a deceased individual's consciousness in the mindscape, processing and reconstructing key visual and auditory aspects into a cohesive film from their perspective. Agent Una Rento was utilized for this experiment upon their death during an unrelated exploratory mission. Below is a recording log detailing their expedition to SCP-7735. »BEGIN LOG« [The first few seconds consist of rough audio and visual distortions as the device processes elements of Agent Rento's viewpoint and converts them as footage. Shortly after this, however, a full connection with Reno's consciousness is established, displaying a dark, wooden ceiling.] Rento: Ngh… [Rento slowly rises and sits up, proceeding to observe their surroundings. A number of other amenities lie across the immediate area, which appears to be the interior of a cottage: A desk and stool stationed beside them, a closet in a corner to their left, a television set with various controllers nearby as well as a collection of children's toys. Additionally, a door can be found before Rento between two windows, covered by curtains.] [Another door is located to the right of the closet where sounds of cluttering and muffled speaking can be heard from the other side. Rento scratches their head.] [They look down to notice they are resting in bed wearing casual clothing. Rento turns to their side, setting aside the blanket laid on top of them before frantically shifting and turning.] [Rento jumps as they are startled by the door suddenly opening, revealing an entity (tentatively designated SCP-7735-1) consisting of a constellation of stars contained in a dark space with a vaguely humanoid outline.] Rento: (Under breath) What the… [SCP-7735-1 has a tray in its hands, carrying a standard tea set.] SCP-7735-1: Ah, you're awake. [It walks over to Rento and sets the tea set on the desk.] Rento: …I'm dead. SCP-7735-1: Looks like it, yeah. Did you have a nice dream? Rento: Dream? [SCP-7735-1 proceeds to pour a blue and luminous liquid into a cup.] SCP-7735-1: You know, that life you lived. How was it? Any regrets or issues? Maybe some good times, happy times. Whatever's on your mind, if you're willing to talk about it. [The entity hands Rento the cup. They take it and swirl the liquid inside before hesitantly taking a sip. A brief moment of silence passes.] SCP-7735-1: So? [Rento faces the specimen and stutters.] Rento: I don't… I wouldn't say it was that bad. I'd say I lived a pretty average life. SCP-7735-1: For the most part, sure. Rento: Went to a private school, made a few friends, made some nice memories. Grades were fairly decent but Mathematics was always ass. SCP-7735-1: Heh, you don't say. Rento: Left that school after graduation. My friends, I went off without them. Forgot about them. My dreams were far from theirs. I was never the sporty kid; I was more curious. I wanted to explore the world instead. SCP-7735-1: And you did, didn't you? Rento: Yeah, and it was a thrilling experience. Even managed to land a job on the way back. Went on missions, many missions. The sights, the views, everything was so breathtaking. Like a whole new layer was peeled off right in front of me. Almost magical, in a way. SCP-7735-1: I can tell. Rento: I mean, sure, it was dangerous. There were times when everything sort of flashed before my eyes, but I managed to pull through in most cases. SCP-7735-1: Most cases. Rento: (Pause) Yeah… [SCP-7735-1 pulls the chair back and sits down before pouring a cup for itself. Rento continues to stare at the entity.] Rento: I'm guessing you're some sort of grim reaper, then? Here to take me to the pearly gates of heaven… or, uh — SCP-7735-1: No, no, that's not it. Rento: It's not? [The specimen taps its foot.] SCP-7735-1: (Exhales) I'm just an avid listener, you could say. Of stories, stories like yours. [SCP-7735-1 takes a sip of its cup.] SCP-7735-1: From feature-length novels to simple fairytales, I enjoy a good tale every so often. Especially those that speak to me on a personal level, those that shine a light on a protagonist's vulnerable and emotional aspects. Rento: I'm sure you must've enjoyed the people before me too. SCP-7735-1: Indeed. Everyone has a story to tell and I'm only here to listen to them. This sense of disparity between each one always leaves me wanting for more. I love how unique every person's experience is when going through this simple journey, this journey of life. Rento: How do you find my story then? Does it meet your standards? SCP-7735-1: Oh, please. There's no need to compare yourself to other people's lives. [It takes another sip.] SCP-7735-1: But yes, I found it rather pleasing. Rento: (Chuckles) Well, thank god for that. [Rento stares at the ground and takes a deep breath.] Rento: Ugh, the realization's hitting me. SCP-7735-1: Hm? Rento: I'm dead, gone. I lost my life, I kicked the bucket. Every other stupid quote about how my body is cold and buried. It's just… overwhelming, now that I've pieced it together. [Pause.] Rento: But at the same time, I'm okay with it. I can accept it, I can face it. I'm not too bothered by it. The fact that I'm here, wherever 'here' is, doesn't hit me as hard as I thought it would. Rento takes another deep breath.] Rento: (Mutters) Probably 'cause the thought's been at the back of my mind since I became an agent. SCP-7735-1: Sad to see it cut short, though. 26 years, not even three decades and you're already out. It's a shame, really. Rento: I know… [They tap their cup repeatedly and proceeds to down its entirety.] Rento: Doesn't matter now, though. I'll just fuck around in the afterlife, maybe join and see what the other souls are doing. Where are they anyway? Can I see them? [Silence, followed by SCP-7735-1 setting its cup aside.] SCP-7735-1: Eh, hate to break it to you, but you can't. [The entity gets up.] Rento: How come? Am I not allowed to interact with other deceased people or…? [SCP-7735-1 goes to the closet and stops, standing in front of it. The entity turns to Rento.] SCP-7735-1: No, it's more like you're not able to. [They turn their head to the side.] SCP-7735-1: (Gestures) Just get over here. [Rento pauses before standing up and walking over to the entity's side.] SCP-7735-1: And I wouldn't necessarily call it an "afterlife", per se. [SCP-7735-1 swings open the closet, revealing a seemingly infinite line of costumes resembling human beings. Rento blinks several times.] SCP-7735-1: It's more like an intermission. [The specimen reaches in and searches before finding a suit resembling a man in his late eighties wearing a hospital gown.] Rento: Uh… SCP-7735-1: Would you mind turning around for me? Thank you. [Rento stands in place momentarily before following its request. After this, the sound of zipping can be heard before their "skin" falls to the ground and exposes a complexion similar to SCP-7735-1 except for a smaller number of stars visibly present. The entity gives ???? its costume in hand.] ????: What is — SCP-7735-1: Go ahead. Wear it. [Another short period of time follows before ???? proceeds to put on the suit, somehow fitting inside it despite its relatively shorter stature. SCP-7735-1 takes their suit and puts it in the closet, closing it.] SCP-7735-1: So, how does it feel? ????: I feel… older than usual. SCP-7735-1: Yeah, I figured. At least you get the chance to experience life a little more. ????: What do you mean? SCP-7735-1: …I rather not waste my breath. [The specimen then leads ???? back to the bed before tucking them in and sitting down again.] ????: Wait, what are you… SCP-7735-1: Hm? [They stare at the entity.] ????: Is this it? Is this what you meant by "intermission"? All of this, every single experience that everyone had, that I had. The stories you've been listening to up till now. [Pause.] SCP-7735-1: You'd be correct, old friend. [Another pause.] ????: Huh, I guess that's that. [???? rests on their bed for a moment before promptly falling asleep, disrupting connection and causing the footage to corrupt. Before it is fully distorted, SCP-7735-1 stares into ????'s eyes.] SCP-7735-1: Hm, I'll see you next time… Watts. [Watts falls asleep, causing another story to begin.] »END LOG« Footnotes 1. Atlas: Item ensures the existence of mankind and/or the surrounding reality, and should not be contained. 2. Radiation deriving from religious acts, including the worshipping of a deity or divine intervention. More From This Author More From This Author winkwonkboi's Works SCPs SCP-6895 (+28) • SCP-6245 (+51) • SCP-5245 (+45) • SCP-7156 (+21) • SCP-7488 (+43) • SCP-6306 (+52) • SCP-2689 (+35) • SCP-7199 (+36) • SCP-7816 (+35) • SCP-6199 (+116) • SCP-3169 (+75) • SCP-7538 (+72) • SCP-5358 (+47) • SCP-6039 (+68) • SCP-7657 (+34) • Tales/GoI Formats Goodnight, Sweet Dreams (+21) • Why Jones Marcel Should Be Employee of the Century (+10) • man overboard! (+29) • A Taste For Sore Eyes (+12) • Anomalous Entity Engagement Division Orientation (+35) • People Care, Dear (+10) • Critter Profile: Miss Cassandra! (+33) • In an attempt to feel something. (+24) • In Kirby's Case, Part II: A Methodology (+7) • Roses And Thorns (+18) • #WettleAppreciationPost (+115) • A Sinking Feeling (+23) • Something's Burning (+34) • In Kirby's Case, Part I: An Antithesis (+11) • Other froot froggo :) (+39) • FISHER: SCP-2689 Fanart (+23) • COMBUST: SCP-6057 Fanart (+22) • NOTICED: SCP-7345 Fanart (+17) • a lack of care. (+28) • 7K DOODLES (+68) • Certified Criminal (+32) • King CalcaRuler: Halloween Emperor (+29) • DITTO: SCP-#### Fanart (+40) • SCiPTEMBER DOODLES (+20) • ENLIGHTENMENT: SCP-6059 Fanart (+38) • RESPOND: Telecommunications Monitoring Office Fanart (+44) • CRACKHEAD: SCP-173 Fanart (+30) • HELTHY: SCP-6780 Fanart (+25) • the winkwonk page v2 (+24) • « SCP-7734 | SCP-7735 | SCP-7736 »
A man and a woman sat together within a pizza shop, a medium Hawaiian with a single slice eaten rested on the table between them. The former was young and gangly, a pair of thick glasses clinging to a crooked nose. The latter was short and tan, a streak of electric blue ran through otherwise raven hair. "People are starting to talk," she said softly. "They are noticing the couriers I hire aren't coming back. I can maybe do one, maybe two runs before I just won't have the manpower anymore. We had a good run, but let's face it, we're not getting any more Seance Dust out of Three Ports." "Our mutual friend has enough supply to last for the time being," he replied. "We just need one more run and that should cover it. You should know by now that money is not an object here. If you need to increase the rates, do so." "Not even the greediest idiot is going to sign up for an obvious suicide mission." She snorted and shook her head. "Until you find a way around the skippers, you're not getting another gram short of picking it up in Britain." The man paused. A smile crept onto his lips. "Don't suppose you know anyone willing to do a little wetwork do you?" he asked. "As I said before, money is no object." "Are fucking serious?" she hissed under her breath, looking over her shoulder. "You want to put a contract out on skippers? Are you insane?" He shrugged. "I can tell you exactly where they'll be, and what they can do," he said with a grin. "Like shooting fish in a barrel." Series Overview: MTF Tau-51 ("Urban Brawl") has been on the trail of an anomalous narcotics manufacturer operating out of Three Portlands for months. Every time a new bust is made, all the leads miraculously prove to be dead ends, with their target always one step ahead of them. With little help from the Unusual Incidents Unit, MTF Commander Damian Creed and Thaumatologist Beatrice Ross take matters into their own hands, only to find the trail leads close to home. Join us for a highly bingeable mystery, Those Twisted Pines style. Tales: Part 1: Closed Game Part 2: Middlegame Part 3: Breakthrough Part 4: Bare King Supporting Documents: All Hallows Site-64 Dossier Three Portlands Hub Those Twisted Pines Hub
Item#: SCP-7741 Level2 Containment Class: pending Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo Aerial reconnaissance photograph of the Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Taken by Foundation Beechcraft Model 50 Twin Bonanza pilot shortly before being shot down. May 1st, 1962 Special Containment Procedures: Documentation from Pentagram1 sources indicate that ionizing radiation such as that originating from nuclear weapons, X-ray emitting devices and radioactive waste is the only effective means of subduing SCP-7741 for prolonged periods. Reconnaissance imagery suggests that the United States has made extensive use of all three methods. The Foundation's efforts to secure and contain SCP-7741 for research have been violently and consistently hindered by United States military assets in the Pacific region. The Foundation will continue efforts to conduct aerial reconnaissance of the Runit Dome, and will explore the potential of deploying a ground team via submarine for collection of soil samples. Due to the potential for extensive loss of materials and personnel, direct containment efforts have been halted as of August 16th, 1964. Stationary Task Force Columbia-1 “Novus Ordo”2 will continue to monitor US Government devices to collect electronics intelligence (ELINT), imagery intelligence (IMINT) and signals intelligence (SIGINT) potentially referring to SCP-7741 from their safehouse in Fairfax, Virginia Description: SCP-7741 refers to the entity currently stored within the Runit Dome, located on the Enewetak Atoll of the Marshall Islands. Foundation aerial reconnaissance after the initial discovery of SCP-7741 has revealed little due to obstruction of imaging systems via smoke, blinding light due to nuclear detonations, and deliberate destruction of reconnaissance aircraft through military means. Imagery and footage that does exist is often grainy, damaged and difficult to analyze. The few eyewitness descriptions that exist come from Veil Clearance documents recovered from Pentagram electronic documentation via monitoring and breaching of US Government devices and communications. The eyewitness accounts, cross referenced with the imagery that the Foundation does posses, indicate that SCP-7741 is amphibious, capable of sustained low altitude flight, and resistant to most forms of mundane ballistic weaponry, most especially that from small arms. Analysis of still imagery that the Foundation does possess places SCP-7741 at approximately 76 meters in height, although length and wingspan are currently too difficult to determine based on available imagery and eyewitness account. The body shape and color of SCP-7741 closely resembles that of a Long-Tailed Clawed Salamander (Onychodactylus fischeri). It is likely that SCP-7741 remains dormant for extended periods of time once its caloric intake demands are met. Whether SCP-7741 meets its caloric demands via ionizing radiation cannot be corroborated at this time, however, it is currently hypothesized that this is the reason SCP-7741 remains dormant under US Government containment. As of April 3, 1990, no clear imagery or footage of SCP-7741 has been recovered from SCP Foundation aerial reconnaissance or United States Government sources. Efforts to secure a more reliable physical description or image of SCP-7741 are currently ongoing. Image pulled from Pentagram archives, July 1958. Discovery: Evidence of the existence of SCP-7741 was discovered on May 13th, 1958, one day after the FIR and BUTTERNUT barge tests during Operation Hardtack I. The Foundation had been monitoring radio traffic originating from the Pacific Proving Grounds since the start of the nuclear weapons tests on April 28th. Approximately 19 hours after the detonation of FIR and BUTTERNUT, intercepted radio traffic referenced a massive, unidentified creature moving below the surface of the ocean. Shortly after, radio traffic between observers and military personnel on the ground erupted into panic as the creature had “shot out of the goddamn [sic] ocean like a missile” according to an unnamed observer. Pentagram documentation indicates military personnel present at the time of its surfacing began engaging SCP-7741 with small arms fire, anti-aircraft weapons and naval artillery for several hours. At 0630, shortly following sunrise on May 13th, military personnel engaged SCP-7741 with the KOA nuclear weapon as it made landfall on the island of Dridrilbwij. Pentagram documentation indicates that following the detonation of the 1.37 megaton nuclear weapon, SCP-7741 retreated into the ocean. The detonation of the KOA device had caused the complete destruction of the island. On the morning of May 14th, the Foundation authorized the dispatch of a single, unmarked DHC-3 Otter, purchased from the Indian Air Force and launched from a makeshift airfield in Micronesia. At approximately 1330, the crew of the DHC-3 was able to capture a still image of a silhouette under the Pacific Ocean near the coast of the Arno Atoll, as well as several images of US naval vessels staged around SCP-7741. At 1335, the crew of the DHC-3 reported flak detonations near their aircraft. Contact with the aircraft was lost less than one minute following this report. At approximately 2130 the same day, May 14th, a recovery team from Mobile Task Force Theta-5 "The Bigger Boat" arrived at the estimated crash location to secure the DHC-3's blackbox, crew and film roll under the guise of a civilian fishing vessel. After one hour, the team was forced to retreat with only the film roll following interdiction by US naval vessels. The after action report of the Theta-5 recovery team, as well as other expedition logs, eyewitness statements, and Pentagram documentation can be found below. Physical copies of all documents are available upon formal request to site RAISA liaison. Addendum 7741-1 + After Action Report-05/15/1958 - Collapse The following is a transcript taken from an audio tape. Recorded 05/15/1958 Theta 5 Team Leader - Martin Spencer (MS) Interviewer - Dr. Albert Lewan (AL) [AL]: Recording has started. This is Doctor Albert Lewan on behalf of the Administration Department. Please state your name and position for the record, sir. [MS]: Martin Spencer, Theta-5 Team Leader. Forgive me if I'm a little slow today, I'm pretty exhausted. [AL]: Mister Spencer, I can understand why you're likely a little tired after the week you've had. Feel free to stop whenever you need a break. Now, if you're ready, we'll get started. (Shuffling of papers) Please walk me through what happened when your vessel arrived at the estimated location of the DHC-3 crash. [MS]: Right, well we arrived under the cover of darkness around 9:30 PM. I had my guys practice strict light discipline. Even a lit cigarette would get the Navy all over us for sure. [AL]: I understand you could only actively search the site for an hour, is that correct? [MS]: It is. We're lucky we even had that much time to search. If you ask me, the American government had completely focused their efforts underwater, waiting for that monster to come back around. They let us listen to the American radio traffic when it first surfaced, you know. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous the entire time I was out there. Real horror movie stuff. I think the Navy was the least of our concerns. [AL]: We're calling that monster SCP-7741 now. But, anyway, the Navy was the least of your concerns until they eventually found your team poking around. [MS]: Yea, definitely gave us all a shock. Bright spotlight from an H-34 Choctaw shining down on our ship. No doubt they had their guns pointed right at us from behind it. [AL]: Were you fired upon? [MS]: Not initially, no. I think the civilian fishing vessel cover bought us a couple seconds. We weren't exactly dressed the part, as I'm sure you know. Wearing all that diving gear made us stick out. They fired some warning shots into the water around us. Could've laid into us right then and there. I guess either they weren't too sure who we were or whoever was behind the trigger was feeling merciful. [AL]: Your team was armed, correct? Why not fire back? [MS]: Because it would have been a death sentence. One helicopter would have turned into an entire fleet on top of us. We're lucky we made it back as is. To be frank, I wasn't going to be the one to spark a flashpoint between us and the States, and I realize the nature of our work transcends ideology and all that, but firing on my own countrymen is a big ask. One of those Marines on that Choctaw could've been my brother or my cousin. [AL]: I understand. Thank you for your time, Mister Spencer. We'll see about dispatching another team to recover the crew of the DHC-3, I'm sure. You're free to return to your quarters. END LOG Addendum 7741-2 + Recovered Pentagram Documentation - Collapse The following document is a Close Air Support Summary obtained from Department of Defense Occult archives by STF Columbia-1 "Novus Ordo" VEIL CLEARANCE REQUIRED TO VIEW United States Marine Corps CASSUM - 19580514 || 2230 - One[1] H-34 "Choctaw" - One[1] fishing vessel spotted idling just beyond Danger Zone and Restricted Area perimeter - Additional Notes: Aircraft crew chief observed crew aboard fishing vessel operating underwater retrieval and diving equipment. Warning shots were fired, although firearms were not immediately observed. Upon shining a spotlight on the vessel, crew quickly retrieved equipment deployed underwater and immediately retreated from the area. While the vessel had no visible identifying flags or insignia, it is believed that the vessel may have been operated by a Soviet retrieval team. The following document is an internal memorandum obtained from Department of Defense occult archives by STF Columbia-1 "Novus Ordo" DATE: 19580515 MEMORANDUM TO: Neil H. McElroy (Secretary of Defense) FROM: Justin Sullivan (Chief, Naval Operations for PARAWARCOM) SUBJECT: Recovery of downed aircraft near the Marshall Islands Secretary McElroy, Concerning the situation in the Marshall Islands, we have recovered the aircraft shot down by our anti-air defenses yesterday. Last night at approximately 2230, a United States Marine Corps helicopter chased away a fishing vessel snooping around in the area where the aircraft was recovered. Alongside the badly damaged DHC-3, we have recovered two bodies that have yet to be identified, water damaged maps, and a black box flight recorder. This was not, as we had initially thought, a Soviet attempt at reconnoitering our nuclear test site as initially believed. The black box is still being analyzed on site, and will be sent back to Washington soon, but what we have already recovered indicates that this aircraft likely belonged to the SCP Foundation. The vessel encountered by our Marines last night was likely a recovery team. Luckily, we beat them to the punch. Twenty years ago, I would have advocated that we send the bodies back to them with a lengthy apology. After what happened at Woodvale, I'd argue that we send the bodies back piece by piece. I am formally recommending that we continue to pull personnel from JTF-73 and replace them with our own. If they want to play hardball, maybe we can see about deploying that weapon we used during Inchon. I hear our boys with the proper clearance in the Chemical Corps are working on an improvement they're calling Agent Black. The following document was recovered in its current state from Department of Defense occult archives by STF Columbia-1 "Novus Ordo" Document recovered from Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory4 by 388th Independent Special Company 1st Lieutenant [Name redacted] one week following the events at the Pacific Proving Grounds. Document contains 1 page Day 2 stateside We arrived at the laboratory in New Mexico just yesterday. As if we weren't stressed out and confused enough, the suits from the Department of Defense aren't letting us go home. They held us up last night and now they're telling us they'll be keeping us here another night. They won't even let us phone our families or send them letters. We haven't been given any information about the creature that came out of the water. We likely could have gotten information from Doctor Collins, our Marine biologist, but the suits took him away as soon as we returned from the Pacific. No one has seen him since. I'd like to think he was debriefed, asked about what it was, and sent home, but I just don't know. After Collins, it was Hughes, just this morning, and then Turner in the afternoon. I assume they're going in alphabetical order. The American government trusts is with nuclear secrets, so I can't imagine why they would not trust us with the information of what happened at the atoll." This page was found in the personal diary of Doctor Brian Wright, a nuclear physicist assigned to Operation Hardtack, following an extensive search of the temporary living quarters. Page removed from diary and marked for archive. Note: Doctor Wright has been given a treatment of MKABLE5 and will assume his regular duties after a two month recovery period. Ref. DODOA-317 The following document was recovered in its current state from Central Intelligence Agency Directorate of Occult Operations archives by STF Columbia-1 "Novus Ordo" following the return of Sigma-9 "Valkyries" Captain Adam Eckhart VEIL // SPECIAL ACCESS // ORCON-USGOV / NOFORN August 17th, 1962 This document contains the transcript of the [THIRD] interview of Foundation Pilot A. ECKHART. Transcripts of previous interviews are available upon request by relevant personnel, per Patrick McEvoy, CIA Director of Occult Operations. INTERVIEWER - Officer L. Douglas DETAINEE - Foundation Capt. A. Eckhart ECKHART: Please, I-I've already told you everything about what I was doing over Johnston. I don't, I don't know what else I can tell you. They'll probably turn my brain to mush once they find out what I've said already, or worse. Oh God. (Eckhart audibly sobs for approx. 23 seconds) DOUGLAS: Calm down, Adam. You've already given us everything about your mission and more. You don't even remember, which means that Able is more effective than we'd originally thought. Now, I'd like to talk more about what we discussed last week, about that facility in South-East Asia. I believe you said in Viet-Nam? ECKHART: Please. (Intermittent sobbing continues) Please, I don't even remember what I've told you. I just, I want to go home. DOUGLAS: You said that the Foundation had a facility near Saigon. Said you'd heard rumors that this place was constructed to keep an eye on the French and the government of South Viet-Nam, and that… (shuffling of paper can be heard for approx. 7 seconds) there was likely a second facility in the North doing the same. You're doing a great job, Adam, but we need more. Do you know the name of the task forces that are operating in these facilities? How long they've been there? ECKHART: No, I don't, I don't know anymore than I've already told you…please. I'm just, tired, and thirsty and want this to end. DOUGLAS: You can rest when we've gotten what we need out of you. Hit him with another dose. Mentions of a facility in Vietnam may refer to STF Outpost 112 and the incident that occurred there in 1965. Following the recovery of this document, CIA and/or Pentagram involvement in the aforementioned incident is being investigated. Addendum 7741-3 + Communication Logs | 1964 - 1990 - Collapse TO: Adm. Justin Sullivan (Chief, Naval Operations for PARAWARCOM) FROM: Dr. Keith Schafer (Director, Department of Anomalous Communications and Relations) SUBJECT: Regarding Operations in the Pacific Theater DATE: August 15th, 1964 Admiral, We are aware that with the passing of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, the United States will be expanding its operations greatly in the Asia Pacific region. Despite this, the Foundation will conduct its mission in the region normally, and threats, violence and strong-arming that will more than likely be leveled toward us will not discourage us from performing our mission to secure, contain, and most importantly, protect all humanity, regardless of nationality or political ideology. Our mission transcends these insignificant concepts. Whether you decide to act with us or against us, we will continue our operations regardless of the risk involved. The Foundation is still waiting for the United States to send us the bodies of the air crew mercilessly gunned down in 1958 by your air defenses, without warning or due cause. While the pilot of our Twin Bonanza was returned in 1962, he showed clear signs of physical and mental torture, not to mention an alarming presence of experimental drugs in his system. Until an effort is made to return the bodies and personal effects of these men to the Foundation, or compensate us in some manner for this unacceptable loss of life and equipment, I do not wish to further discuss this topic with you or your people. Do not reply unless it is to concede to our demands. Sincerely, Keith Schafer Director DACR TO: Adm. Michael Lawler (Chief, Naval Operations for PARAWARCOM) FROM: Dr. Melissa Bouras (Director, Department of Anomalous Communications and Relations) SUBJECT: The Tomb and the Future of the Marshall Islands DATE: February 9th, 1986 Admiral, I understand that it has been some time since Washington has heard from the Foundation regarding this matter, but recent developments have forced us to break our silence. We are well aware that responsibility of the Runit Dome is about to be passed off to the Marshall Islands government. Admiral, I'll be frank, you and I both know what is being held in that concrete dome, and it isn't just toxic waste. An island nation with a GDP that doesn't even come close to a single American state is not equipped to handle this responsibility. I implore you to speak to your leaders. The Foundation has the resources and determination to secure and maintain the dome and the creature stored within. I'm sure I don't have to tell you the disaster that awaits us all if a monsoon destroys the dome. We believe it is only a matter of time. Please make the right decision. My predecessors have been less than friendly, and I apologize for disparaging language used in the past. I am hoping we can move past this dark chapter in our relations and move forward on friendly terms for the safety of all mankind. Regards, Melissa Bouras Director DACR TO: Dr. Melissa Bouras (Director, Department of Anomalous Communications and Relations) FROM: Adm. Michael Lawler (Chief, Naval Operations for PARAWARCOM) SUBJECT: The Tomb and the Future of the Marshall Islands [RE] DATE: February 19th, 1986 Doctor Bouras, I appreciate you reaching out. I've no doubt you've written the Soviets regarding similar matters, with all this talk of Glasnost. Despite my best efforts, Reagan is not going to budge. The United States Navy still feels that monitoring the Runit Dome is in the best interests of national security. Any activity on the island such as armed guards or construction equipment would open a can of worms that nobody in Washington wants. The President has no desire to upset the balance struck by the 1982 Compact. We're still seeking to repatriate many of the natives, and that effort will be shattered if we start digging up skeletons of the past, literally and figuratively. Congress is discussing a payout to the Marshall Islands government. You couldn't have picked a worse time to press for this. On a more positive note, however, Washington has decided to return the bodies of your DHC-3 crew killed in 1958. We will arrange them to be flown to neutral ground where your people can retrieve them. Most of the folks in D.C. would prefer to keep those bodies as some kind of leverage. I know it's not everything you hoped for, but even that took me some convincing. There isn't exactly much sympathy to go around these days, especially when we start talking about the Foundation. Sometimes it feels like a dirty word here in the Pentagon. Your people haven't left the greatest impression since scrambling your assets to non-aligned countries. Sincerely, Admiral Michael Lawler Chief of Naval Operations Paranatural Warfare Command TO: Adm. Michael Lawler (Chief, Naval Operations for PARAWARCOM) FROM: Dr. Melissa Bouras (Director, Department of Anomalous Communications and Relations) SUBJECT: The Tomb and the Future of the Marshall Islands [RE|RE] DATE: February 24th, 1986 I'm sorry to hear that Washington refuses to work with us, but I do appreciate your efforts to see that our dead can return to their home countries to receive a proper burial, even after all this time. Regardless, I can't understand why there's such a vested interest in the dome. What your people have housed within, it's not as if anything is being done to study it or even weaponize it as far as we can tell. If the issue is avoiding causing a stir with the locals, everyone in the White House and the Pentagon is well aware that we can be discreet. I know Reagan won't budge, but we appreciate your attempts nonetheless. Getting our pilots home will go a long way with mending some of the sour opinions about your people around here, whether that was the intent or not. I'd like to say I'll be in touch, but you and I both know it would be a waste of time to press the issue. Maybe one day we can come to an agreement, but I imagine the Soviet's would sooner disarm their nuclear arsenal. Regardless, one can hope. Regards, Melissa Bouras Director DACR TO: Dr. Melissa Bouras (Director, Department of Anomalous Communications and Relations) FROM: Gen. Simon P. Grant (Commander, Paranatural Warfare Command) SUBJECT: Moving Forward DATE: April 3rd, 1990 Greetings Doctor, I understand my writing to you may come as a bit of a shock. As you, and the rest of the world are aware, communism has been all but defeated in Germany. For the first time since 1961, the people of Berlin are free to travel as they please. We are well on the way to reunification, and for the first time in a long time, I feel that true peace can be achieved. As such, I would like to revisit the longstanding issue of the Runit Dome that has stood in the way of diplomacy between our organizations for decades, among other things. As I'm sure you understand, the situation on the Marshall Islands is a delicate one. We mustn't upset the fragile state of the Compact of Free Association between the United States and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. In a few weeks the Department of Energy will be present on the Runit Island to collect sediment samples and test radiation levels. I would like scientists from the Foundation to be present alongside the DoE team. There will no doubt be a laundry list of rules and regulations to follow, and I'm sure your people won't be allowed to get too close to the dome itself, but this is at least something to ease the obvious tension between us. The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union feels like it's finally winding down, if only a little. Let's see if we can work to end the one going on between us. Please reach out to my office if you have any questions. Sincerely, General Simon P. Grant Commander Paranatural Warfare Command Footnotes 1. Codename for the United States Paranatural Warfare Command, the occult combatant command of the Department of Defense 2. A Stationary Task Force charged with monitoring electronic and signal intelligence on US Government devices, primarily in and around Washington D.C. 3. JTF-7 was collaboration between the US military and federal civilian employees from the Department of Defense and Atomic Energy Commission 4. Los Alamos did not become a National Laboratory in name until 1981 5. MKABLE is believed to be an early attempt by The Pentagram to develop a drug similar in function to Foundation amnestics, relying mostly on LSD. Developed alongside and similar to the MKULTRA program
Item#: SCP-7744 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7744 is currently contained at its location of discovery, having been designated as Outpost-7744. SCP-7744 is to be monitored continuously for any sudden spikes in activity. Description: SCP-7744 is a 1.7 meter tall slab of living brain tissue located in ██, ███ █████ Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico. SCP-7744 was formerly Douglas Mackenzie, the sole occupant of the residence it was discovered in. SCP-7744 has integrated itself into the electrical and plumbing system of the residence as a means of nourishment and waste removal. SCP-7744 exhibits anomalously heightened neural activity, consistently operating at several orders of magnitude greater than established human baselines without overheating issues. While occasional spikes in activity have been recorded, their significance is not presently understood. All attempts to communicate with SCP-7744 via telepathy have failed due to the telepaths suffering sensory overload upon connection. Efforts to understand and replicate the processing power of SCP-7744 for use in biological computation are ongoing. Addendum 7744.01: The following video log was recovered from the webcam of Douglas Mackenzie's desktop computer. VIDEO LOG 7744/PC/A001 Mackenzie is seen facing the computer screen, typing code while listening to music through his headphones. He does not notice the presence of an unidentified individual dressed in a gray jumpsuit covered in an array of wires, who mimics kicking down a door while entering through an already open doorway. The individual notices Mackenzie and animatedly turns towards a floating white and blue cube that had followed them into the room. They take a deep breath before gesturing to the cube. UNKNOWN: Owzapp, Jiblings! Is Jyit! Mackenzie is startled by the voice behind him. He turns around sharply, and jumps up from his chair upon seeing the individual, hereafter referred to as Jyit. Jyit continues to stare at the cube. MACKENZIE: Hey, who the fu- JYIT: So uday, weer are gunner show thess sapeen elle realle [unintelligible] vibe! MACKENZIE: Get out of my house before I ca- Jyit pulls out a small object, resembling a USB stick, from one of the wires on their jumpsuit, and rams it up Mackenzie's left nostril. Mackenzie recoils in pain while Jyit emits a high-pitched sound resembling laughing. JYIT: Okey Jiblings, now weer gunner sleep a lihel nienjaher layer oo see if cit finitsh cooking biden. Jyit Jud! Jyit waves at the cube before gesturing at it again. They then leave the room, kicking the air as they exit the frame. Mackenzie, who is now bleeding from his nostrils, is seen frantically looking for a tissue box while screaming in pain. MACKENZIE: Oh god there's so much blood I can't- oh for fu- aaghhh fuck that stings. Mackenzie returns to his chair with a tissue box in hand, slamming the object previously lodged up his nostril on the table before leaning backwards and stuffing his face with fresh tissues. His breathing is coarse. MACKENZIE: [muffled] What the fuck was that. Several minutes pass. Mackenzie does not move from his position. His breathing becomes increasingly coarse. Mackenzie's skin is seen splitting down the midline of his body, revealing pulsating flesh covered in grooves characteristic of brain tissue. The tissue papers begin to slide off his face, dislodged by gray matter protruding from Mackenzie's facial orifices. The webcam continues to record for another hour, documenting the progression of Douglas Mackenzie's conversion into SCP-7744, presumably cutting off when SCP-7744 rerouted the computer's power supply to itself. Correspondence with RCT-Δt has led to the confirmation of the identity of PoI-7744-01 "Jyit", an individual of Venusian descent from the early 26th century. All oversight regarding PoI-7744-01 has been transferred to RCT-Δt accordingly. The small object used to assault Mackenzie could not be recovered. Addendum 7744.02: On 02/04/2026, SCP-7744's neural activity abruptly fell to levels comparable to the human baseline, prompting Foundation researchers to reattempt telepathic communication with the entity at a greatly lowered risk. Attached is a psychometron transcript of the only successful attempt, performed by PsyOp. Xavier N. Lorde. PSYCHOMETRON LOG 7744/PSYOP/L004 LORDE: Are you there, Douglas Mackenzie?LORDE: Ah, there you are. Xavier Lorde. Psychic Operator. I understand that someone stabbed you in the nose a few years ago?LORDE: Yes. A little over 3 years, to be precise.LORDE: Do you think this was caused by the object that stabbed you?LORDE: How about the ones that really stood out to you?LORDE: Right. But surely you must be able to summarize it, at least? You've had 500 years to think about it, after all.LORDE: And? SCP-7744: …I don't get it.
Item #: SCP-7750 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7750 is to be stored within a bio-hazard polyethylene bag within Containment Locker 207, Site-50. Revision 7750.253: All access to SCP-7750 is restricted outside of testing, all access applications are to be classed as a level 3 clearance and can only be accepted once the applicant has undergone a background security check and drug test. All access applications from employees with any history of drug addiction are to be automatically denied. Description: SCP-7750 is a collection of 70 dried flowers originating from an unknown species from the genus Myosotis. Each flower had detached from the stem via bisection of the pedicel. Each instance of SCP-7750 induces a strong amnestic effect upon ingestion, replacing a chronological year of memory with the memory of walking through a seemingly endless field of Myosotis flowers. SCP-7750 is furthermore impervious to most forms of damage despite its extremely desiccated state. Addendum 7750.1 Test Log: DATE DATA EFFECTS NOTES 09/11/2022 One (1) flower ingested by D-5798, age 35. Year 1998 was forgotten by the subject. Upon being shown photographs of a younger sibling, with whom D-5798 was extremely emotionally connected, the subject became severely distressed. The subject was placed within the Site-50 infirmary until recuperation. Sixty-nine flowers remaining, please make sure to not run out. - Senior Researcher Allaine 10/11/2022 One (1) flower ingested by D-8943, age 63. Year 1999 forgotten by subject, subject claims to remember seeing a figure on the horizon of the Myosotis field. Notably, D-5798 claims to have been imprinted with an identical memory, with said memory being the newest memory at all times. Both subjects were permanently placed within the Site-50 infirmary. N/A 11/11/2022 One (1) flower ingested by D-923, age 71. Immediately upon ingestion subject became severely ill, symptoms present: High-grade fever, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and exudative diarrhea. Subject placed within the Site-50 infirmary, all symptoms stopped upon defecation of the SCP-7750 instance. The instance recovered, and the subject was placed on temporary leave. Upon further testing, all subjects aged over the age of 70 were found to exhibit the same reaction. All further test subjects are to be under 71 years of age. 2 flowers were lost in the process. Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:Amnestics To: Amnestics Technician Robert Graves From: Researcher Jack Quincy Subject: Amnestics Robert, you have themm right? I need them. Please tell me you have thhem. you're in the amnestics department, tehre must be more that's your job. Please, I just want to frget. To: Researcher Jack Quincy From: Amnestics Technician Robert Graves Subject: Re: Amnestics Is it about the wife again? Sorry, no can do, the department is stretched thin, and I can't skim off the top now, we had some secrecy breaches recently and amnestics are more in-demand now. Can't get you even any of the the ones we sell to the GOC or MC&D. To: Amnestics Technician Robert Graves From: Researcher Jack Quincy Subject: Re: Re: Amnestics Plese, please, pleasee. You knw our deal. please, any amnestics, and I dn't go to the sec. We know waht you did, I have hte proof that the thing tha klled her brched becuse of yu. Please, please, I just want to forget, please. just one nedle of amnestics. To: Researcher Jack Quincy From: Amnestics Technician Robert Graves Subject: Re: Re: Re: Amnestics Fine, fine, jeez. You're really low, now, huh? Look, I really, actually can't give you any of the industrial stuff, but look, there's this new scip, it erases a year from memory and gives you a pleasant memory of walking through forget-me-nots. I think I can smuggle out a flower. That fine? To: Amnestics Technician Robert Graves From: Researcher Jack Quincy Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Amnestics Please, anything, just to forget. Addendum 7750.2 Test Log (cont.): DATE DATA EFFECTS NOTES 17/11/2022 One (1) flower ingested by D-5732, age 18. Year 2015 was forgotten by the subject, additionally, all subjects who previously ingested an instance of SCP-7750, with exception of subjects over the age of 71, forgot the year during which said the subject was 11 years of age. We're getting somewhere interesting, the subjects also exhibit the exact same memories, combined with the fact 71-year-olds do not forget anything upon eating an SCP-7750 instance, I think I can comfortably say that these things were made with a purpose. - Senior Researcher Allaine 18/11/2022 One (1) flower ingested by D-5732. Year 2004 forgotten by subject, despite such an early developmental stage being completely forgotten, no changes in personality or ability were observed within any subject. All subjects reported their earliest memory as entering the Myosotis field. It seems to erase only memories, not learned skills. I think it is more probable that SCP-7750 either suppresses the memories or induces some kind of amnesia. - Senior Researcher Allaine 19/11/2022 One (1) flower ingested by D-1023, age 68. Year 2008 forgotten by subject. The subject reported the figure on the horizon to be closer, however, upon being asked to identify it, the subject was unable to do so, claiming that the figure was too far away to identify. N/A Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:Itdidntwork To: Amnestics Technician Robert Graves From: Researcher Jack Quincy Subject: Itdidntwork It didn't work, I still remember, It didn't work, it didn't work, it didn't work. Please, please give me more, please, for the love of God make it stop, please, I just want to forget, please. To: Researcher Jack Quincy From: Amnestics Technician Robert Graves Subject: Re: Itdidntwork Fine, fine, but look, if it didn't work now, there's a big chance it won't work again, and me smuggling out even more of it will put both of us at risk. I hope you will keep that in mind. Addendum 7750.3 Test Log (cont.): DATE DATA EFFECTS NOTES 24/11/2022 One (1) flower was ingested by D-2027, age 67. Year 2018 was forgotten by the subject. The figure was reported to be closer on the horizon and identified by the subject as a humanoid, however, refused to provide further identification. N/A 25/11/2022 One (1) flower ingested by D-1027, age 69. Year 1954 was forgotten by the subject. No difference in replaced memory. Not the result I was hoping for… Speaking of things I wasn't hoping for, I noticed that the instance count dropped beyond what we tested with and that our subjects forgot a few more years than they should… I hope to God none of you took them. - Senior Researcher Allaine 26/11/2022 One (1) flower ingested by D-1027 Year 2015 was forgotten by the subject. The subject claims the figure is much closer, however, the subject refuses to identify it any further, other subjects questioned on the matter also refused to give any form of identification. No matter how interesting the result may be, we lost ten flowers, ten unaccounted-for instances of SCP-7750! We currently have only 50 instances and we used officially only 10! This will not stand. - Senior Researcher Allaine Addendum 7750.4 Security Breach: VIDEO LOG DATE: 26/11/2022 NOTE: Senior Researcher Allaine called for an urgent sitewide meeting in response to an unprecedented situation arising in relation to SCP-7750. [BEGIN LOG] 09:23 P.M: 50 personnel members walk into the Site-50 conference room, representing 85% of Site-50 personnel and the largest possible amount off-duty staff without compromising the functioning of Site-50. Senior Researcher Allaine walks into the conference room and makes his way to an elevated stage with a microphone stand, located at the far end of the room, accompanying him is the Chief of Staff of the Site-50 security contingent and the Site Director. 09:27 P.M: Senior Researcher Allaine tests the microphone and begins speaking Senior Researcher Allaine: "Good evening colleagues, you may be wondering why I have called for this meeting, and it is with a heavy heart, that I must be the bearer of these sad news. Until today, our site, despite our relatively small size, enjoyed the reputation of never having suffered a security breach. I'm certain that some colleagues whom transferred here from other sites can attest to what luck we had." Senior Researcher Allaine glances at Researcher Quincy and then continues to speak. Senior Researcher Allaine: "Unfortunately, said reputation was broken, and shattered. We had suffered a minor security breach, and however minor it might be, it will forever tarnish our good name. We had today lost 10 instances of SCP-7750, due to the specialization of our site in biohazardous and amnestic substances, I'm certain many of you are realizing the potential gravity of our situation and the threat even a minor breach might pose. I must, unfortunately conclude, that our good situation made us too relaxed." 09:35 P.M: Senior Researcher Allaine steps away from the microphone, and his place takes the Chief of Staff Chief of Staff: "I will not speak at the length my colleague did, but, I will echo his statement, we got too relaxed, and as such, we will be tightening our security protocols for the foreseeable future. This will include searches of personal possessions, mandatory security drills, security checks at vital site stations, and other measures." Several personnel glance at each other nervously, including Researcher Quincy and Technician Graves 09:47 P.M: Researcher Quincy hunches over and produces something from his pocket, before consuming it, a tear is rolling down his cheek. This behavior however goes unnoticed at the time as all personnel's attention is focused on the Site Director stepping up to the microphone. Site Director: "Lastly, there is of course the matter of the transgressor, whoever they may be, while punishment is guaranteed, if however, they come forward, a certain degree of clemency may be warranted. As such, while you betrayed our trust, you can still trust us if you confess here, or privately. As for everyone else, the site offers a reward for any information that could be used to track them down and the missing instances of SCP-7750." 09:59 P.M: At this point, Researcher Quincy begins crying, attracting the hall's attention. Before anyone can do anything, Researcher Quincy collapses from his chair onto the floor. Researcher Quincy: "I DID IT!" Researcher Quincy loses consciousness as several personnel members rush towards him, technician Graves meanwhile exits the hall. [END LOG] Addendum 7750.5 Incident Log: Interviewed: Researcher Jack Quincy Interviewer: Senior Researcher Corentin Allaine Foreword: After the apprehension, Researcher Quincy was placed within the Site-50 infirmary due to poor physical and mental health. Senior Researcher Corentin Allaine volunteered to interview the researcher. <Begin Log> Allaine: "Quincy, I'm at a loss for words, why did you do it? Why did you cause this breach, hasn't your wife died in one? And after so many years after you've been cleared by psychological staff for lingering trauma…" Quincy: "I- I didn't get over anything! I started to take amnestics because I wanted to forget it. Forget the breach, forget her, forget all of it, b-but, it never worked, it came back, and then the forgetting got shorter and shorter." Allaine: "Why didn't you stay with the psychological staff? Why any of this?" Quincy: "They, they didn't help, they-" Researcher Quincy stops for a moment. "They didn't take it away, and all I wanted was just for it to stop, just to stop thinking how she must have felt, how she died." Allaine: "I can't say I understand, but I do empathize. But I must ask, did anyone help you with this?" Quincy: … Allaine: "Quincy?" Quincy: "N-no." Allaine: "Quincy… that, that isn't true, you didn't have clearance, nor training to do that without raising flags." Quincy: "N-no, no one helped me." Allaine: "Quincy, that's not… No. Can I have one last question, what exactly caused your confession?" Quincy: "I- I, I took the flower, and, I saw it." Allaine: "Saw what?" Quincy: "The- the fi- the figure. I stood by it-" Researcher Quincy suddenly grasps his head and cries out in pain, all previous SCP-7750 test subjects do the same. <End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-7750 effect was found to start progressing on its own within the test subjects, which also resulted in highly-painful migraines. After a wide variety of anti-pain medication and treatment options were explored, the only thing that was found to ease the subject's condition was further ingestion of SCP-7750 instances. VIDEO LOG DATE: 12/12/2022 NOTE: Despite attempts to limit the use of SCP-7750 as pain relief for affected test subjects, amount of SCP-7750 instances dwindled steadily. The following footage was captured by security camera 24 hours after consumption of the last SCP-7750 instance. [BEGIN LOG] 02:20 A.M: Despite the self-reported intense pain, most SCP-7750 test subjects are asleep. With the exception of D-5732 and Researcher Quincy. D-5732 is laying on his stomach and has his head covered by a pillow, a position which the subject claimed helped with the pain. Researcher Quincy is curled up and sobbing. Sudden rise in activity is registered, all subjects previously asleep wake-up. D-5798 attempts to stand up but collapses on the floor. After a few minutes of confusion, all subjects begin to convulse in pain. Unexplained bulges are visible under their skin. 02:44 A.M: The easily heard commotion within the infirmary attracts the attention of night-shift staff located throughout Site-50. The first to make it onto the scene is Technician Graves. Technician Graves stares in disbelief as the subjects continue convulsing, which allows for several medics to pass by him and attempt to help the subjects. Researcher Quincy begins screaming. Researcher Quincy: "I was there! With it at the edge of the pit! It called me a seed and planted me there! It gave me a spade to bury myself!" Researcher Quincy is joined in screaming by most other subjects. 03:12 A.M: A green stalk bursts through D-5732's back, and begins to rapidly expand towards the center of the room, said stalk is followed by several more which burst from various points of D-5732's body, from underneath D-5732 a similarly quickly expanding mass of roots can be seen. After a few seconds, similar stems and roots burst from the bodies of other subjects, and the mass of stems begins entangling on itself in the center of the room. At this point, medics stop any attempts at rendering help but continue monitoring the subject's vitals. Most subjects by this point stopped screaming, having torn their vocal cords to shreds. 03:20 A.M: Technician Graves rushes towards Researcher Quincy, whose body is mostly covered up by plant matter by this point. Technician Graves: "Oh God, oh God, what have I done." Technician Graves attempts to unsuccessfully remove the plant matter from Researcher Quincy's body, Researcher Quincy does not appear to notice said action. At this point Senior Researcher Allaine enters the infirmary, having been recently woken up, and walks over to Technician Graves. Senior Researcher Allaine: "Don't, there's no saving anyone after something like this" Technician Graves turns towards Senior Researcher Allaine and collapses to his knees. Technician Graves: "This, this was my fault, this has been all my fault." 03:25 A.M: The plant mass in the middle of the room stops growing and begins to sprout flowers characteristic of those from the Myosotis genus. Researcher Quincy turns his head, as much as the plant mass wrapping around it allows, towards Senior Researcher Allaine. Researcher Quincy: "I- I finally understand." All subject's vital signs begin deteriorating, the plant mass begins to rapidly dry out. Researcher Quincy: "I didn't want to forget her. I just wanted to remember her without the pain." All subjects expire, and approximately 70 SCP-7750 instances detach from the entangled stalks. [END LOG] « SCP-7749 | SCP-7750 | SCP-7751 »
Item #: SCP-7751 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: While SCP-7751-A instances are safe to contain, no means of reliable permanent containment for SCP-7751 has been discovered. Foundation Webcrawler 402-OVERFISHING has been tasked with monitoring all archival media networks to detect and excise instances of SCP-7751-A, which are then stored at Site-59's media wing. By order of the Ethics Committee, a moratorium has been placed on further procurement of SCP-7751-B for any reason. The mailroom of the Chicago Sun-Times has been placed under Foundation control. All incoming mail is to be scanned unopened through specialized equipment. If a request for SCP-7751-B has been detected, that piece of mail is to remain unopened and incinerated. All extant SCP-7751-B instances are to be placed in cryogenic stasis at Site-7751, pending further research to decrease their suffering. Description: SCP-7751 is a political concept with an unclear meaning. There is no evidence that SCP-7751 is a discussed topic in today's1 political climate. SCP-7751 is capable of altering political media to include its presence. However, this can only be done with media that has been archived for a minimum of five years. Additionaly, only media from primarily English-speaking countries is affected. SCP-7751-A denotes a piece of media that has been affected in this manner. Approximately 98% of discovered SCP-7751-A are single-panel political cartoons. In cartoons, SCP-7751 is most commonly symbolized as a gigantic green moray eel labeled "the Clurmbix Question," "CBQ," or "CB?" When questioned, living creators of content altered by SCP-7751-A have displayed no knowledge of its existence. Partial Log of Collected SCP-7751-A Instances Number: SCP-7751-17 Date: December 12, 1805 Type: Single-panel cartoon Original Creator(s): James Gilray Title: "Libert-OH! Egalit-OH! Fraternit-OH!" Description: In the den of a rustic cottage, John Bull2 gives Napoleon Bonaparte a spanking. Visible from a window, a gigantic SCP-7751 wraps its prehensile tongue around the steeple of a Russian Orthodox church, slobbering profusely. Number: SCP-7751-75 Date: March 25, 1841 Type: Single-panel cartoon Original Creator(s): Robert N. Elton Title: "The Cupboard Was Bare, And So The Poor Dog Had None!" Description: President William Henry Harrison, dressed as a grocer, argues in his store with SCP-7751. Harrison exclaims: "Now look here, Mr. Clurmbix — my proud establishment has never, and will never, carry 'rehydrated pharaoh.' I daresay I know not what that even means! Now take your business elsewhere, and never bother me about your pharaohs again so long as you live!" Note: This was published one day before President Harrison developed symptoms of the disease that led to his death the following April 4th, after only 31 days in office. Number: SCP-7751-280 Date: May 19th, 1875 Type: Single-panel cartoon Original Creator(s): Thomas Nast Title: "Now See Where Our Little Game Has Led Us!" Description: A tiger (Labeled "Tammany Hall") and a donkey (Labeled "Democrats") hold either end of a jump rope in their mouths. The jump rope has been tangled around the neck of SCP-7751. The former two display expressions of shock and horror. The latter, choking, has its eyes rolled and the corners of its mouth upturned in apparent ecstasy. Number: SCP-7751-292 Date: October 1st, 1889 Type: Single-panel cartoon Original Creator(s): Henri Julien Title: "You Would Do Well To Pretend You're Holding A Full Glass" Description: Seventeen Canadian mounted policemen, accompanied by Uncle Sam, nervously hold empty wine glasses. SCP-7751 looms over them, glaring. Number: SCP-7751-1930 Date: June 5th, 1999 Type: Four-panel newspaper strip Original Creator(s): Garry Trudeau Title: N/A (Title of series: Doonesbury) Description: First panel: An anthropomorphic bullet speaking to a reporter, saying: "Safety locks, import bans on clips, background checks — we're being overwhelmed by common sense here!" Second panel: SCP-7751, staring at the viewer. Third panel: Identical to second. Fourth panel: Identical to second and third, but with SCP-7751 saying: "I would like a hamburger." Number: SCP-7751-2030 Date: January 31st, 2005 Type: Single-panel cartoon Original Creator(s): Dana Summers Title: N/A Description: An anthropomorphic donkey and elephant sit at a bar. Sobbing, the elephant begs the donkey: "You don't understand! We need to play backgammon right now!" SCP-7751, looming behind the elephant, holds a metal briefcase in its teeth labeled "Barbecue Supplies." Number: SCP-7751-2983 Date: July 14th, 2009 Type: Single-panel cartoon Original Creator(s): Gary Markstein Title: N/A Description: SCP-7751 vomits. President Barack Obama nervously applauds. Number: SCP-7751-4847 Date: November 25th, 2013 Type: Single-panel cartoon Original Creator(s): Ben Garrison Title: "Mano e Mano" Description: SCP-7751, wearing a chef's toque labeled "Food Hat", looms over a dinner table at an Italian restaurant. John Kerry, as an Italian waiter with a large handlebar mustache, serves a platter of severed human hands to Donald Trump. Both Trump and John Kerry have an expression of solemn acceptance. Each visible hand in the platter is individually labeled "Severed Human Hand." The platter is labeled "Flat Surface." Number: SCP-7751-4879 Date: February 12th, 2014 Type: Single-panel cartoon Original Creator(s): Andy Marlette Title: "STICK IT IN" Description: Senator Mitch McConnell nervously disrobes. With its snout, SCP-7751 nudges a bucket across the floor toward him. The bucket is overflowing with unknown black liquid. Number: SCP-7751-4901 Date: January 9th, 2015 Type: Radio Show Original Creator(s): Rush Limbaugh, et al. Title: "Another Election Year" Description: At the 14-minute mark, the host enters the following monologue: <Begin Log> Limbaugh: …but before we dive too deep into this, I'd like to get one thing straight for the record. Before Obamacare, before our sultan-in-chief weaseled his way into the Oval Office, before the whole damn country collectively lost its mind — we gotta remember how deep this really runs, people. Take a long, blood-red string, trace it all-l-l the way back to the source of all the corruption in Washington — and when you get there, you gotta ask yourself: What about Clurmbix? Who's gonna account for Clurmbix? (Sound of shuffling papers) No, listen, lemme tell you something about Clurmbix… (24 seconds of silence.) Good ol' Clurmbix. (3 minutes and 38 seconds of Limbaugh breathing heavily.) …sweet momma mo-lasses. (Sound of a fist slamming against a table three times, followed by the table cracking.) (Limbaugh laughs, sleepily.) Yeah… (He clicks his tongue 27 times.) (6 minutes of dead silence.) …I'm just gonna throw something at the wall and see if it sticks. Or if it leaves streaks that we'll have to wippity-wipe away. (Jaunty, isn't it?) Picture in your headspaces, a cockroach. In a nifty little cockroach house at the bottom of the Marianas Trench, the deepest point in the ocean. Lower than the bottom. The Marianas Basement. Reading his roachy newspapers and sipping his roachy tantenkaffe. Hmmmmmm. In order to live that deep underwater, Mr. Roachy and his das Roachenhaus would have to withstand constant water pressure to the effect of "Fuck you" pounds per square inch. If, by some Mr. Bojangulous aberration of the laws of physics, Roachy was stil alive and kickin', what grimbish existence 'twould be, 'twould be, what a grimbish existence 'twould be. But he can't always be at the bottom, now, can he? The surface world is where all the Food Lions are, and where else at the bottom of the ocean are you gonna get two-for-one on Kellogg's? (He cries deeply.) So what if he were to suddenly resurface? The decompression would balloon him to the size of cities! Continents! Nations! And should he survive this second defilement of physics, would he not deserve all the happy little rewards in the Universe? Or is the word "meritocracy" a trace silhouette on the inner walls of Grandmamma's chimney? (He shrieks for ten seconds.) (Twenty seconds of quiet weeping.) Bug. (He giggles.) (He suddenly regains his composure.) But that's just the way I see it. Moving on! Let's talk about something more lighthearted, like police brutality… <End Log> SCP-7751-B refers to a biologically immortal lifeform 10 centimeters in height. All damage received heals within a maximum of ten seconds. Tissue samples taken from subjects have revealed both human and green moray eel DNA. SCP-7751-B has a vaguely humanoid frame. The only visible sensory organs are a miniature human mouth, a single nostril, and a single ear canal. Other than randomly scattered bodily hair and a skin tag on the torso in the shape of a necktie. Its limbs have no fingers or toes. SCP-7751-B is produced when the Chicago Sun-Times is sent a piece of physical mail requesting information regarding SCP-7751. This cannot be replicated by sending requests to other newspapers. Even through advanced interrogation techniques, no Chicago Sun-Times personnel have expressed knowledge of SCP-7751-B. However, seven days after the request is opened at the Sun-Times headquarters, an instance of SCP-7751-B appears in a cardboard box at the place where the requestor would receive incoming packages. The box's return address is listed as the Sun-Times Building in Chicago. Within the box is a mason jar filled with an instance of SCP-7751-B packed in horse dung. A handwritten label on the mason jar lists the following instructions: 1. BREAK WITH HAMMER (DO NOT OPEN) 2. GET AWAY 3. SPRINKLE WITH IODIZED SALT 4. YOU'RE WELCOME, BITCH On 10/30/2023, seven days after sending the appropriate request, Foundation Site-59's receiving department obtained an instance of SCP-7751-B, hereafter SCP-7751-B-1. Interview log - SCP-7751-B-1 Date: 10/30/2023 Location: Site-59 Testing Room C1 <Begin Log> (The jar containing SCP-7751-B-1 sits on a table in the center of the testing chamber. Researcher Daniels approaches with a claw hammer. Dr. Nichols accompanies him.) Daniels: Goggles on. Ready when you are. (Nichols nods.) (Daniels taps the jar's lid with the hammer. The sides crack.) Nichols: Your orders are to break it open. Daniels: Well, I don't want to damage it! Just seems kinda counterintuitive. Nichols: Thank you for your insight. Break it open. (Daniels winds up a stronger swing.) (There's a sudden, muffled screech from within the jar.) (Daniels hesitates.) Nichols: (Sigh) It's biologically immortal! Just whack the goddamn — (The jar explodes.) (Both Nichols and Daniels fall onto the floor with several shards of glass embedded in their torsos.) Daniels: Gaah, fuck! Nichols: And this is why we wear our goggles. (SCP-7751-B-1 flails blindly in what's left of the packing material, shrieking.) Ugh. Get the salt and let's get this over with. Daniels: I think there's horse shit in my blood. Nichols: One thing at a time! Salt! (They both get back up. Daniels pours a small vial of iodized salt over SCP-7751-B-1.) (SCP-7751-B-1 immediately stops shrieking. It speaks with an adult human baritone.) SCP-7751-B-1: Oh, right, we're doing this. (It stands up straight, adjusting its skin tag like a tie.) SCP-7751-B-1: Sorry about the mess. Nichols: You can talk? …Please state your name for the record. SCP-7751-B-1: Okay, let's keep this relevant to the Clurmbix Question - I'm kind of on borrowed time here and you do not want to have to clean this up again with the next thrall-canvasser, right? Right. Nichols: Thrall-canvasser? SCP-7751-B-1: Oh, for fuck's sake — SURE! Great! Let's talk about ME! I mean, it's not like my entire life's purpose has been to tell you about the Clurmbix Question or anything! Nichols: Um — SCP-7751-B-1: FINE. I'm an alchemical homunculus bred to be one of the only living creatures who can talk in the present tense about the Greater Clurmbiction aspect of Esoteric Democracy, and in less than a minute, my embryonic gland's gonna run out of anima mercury, and I'll be in an agonizing deathlike trance until the heat death of the Universe — THERE, HAPPY?! Nichols: Sorry. SCP-7751-B-1: DON'T CARE, CLOCK'S TICKING. Daniels: Um, is the Clurmbix Question right-wing or left-wing? SCP-7751-B-1: THANK YOU. It's a question, all right? Questions are neutral — it's the answer that's gonna be either liberal, conservative, snarmless, authoritarian, libertarian, Cavendish, (indecipherable), or simian. Nichols: So what is the question? I don't recall seeing it in any mainstream political — SCP-7751-B-1: Duuhh, probably because it's not mainstream? Obviously?! Look, when you decide what political party you're gonna join, an informed voter needs to consider all factors, even the ones that can only exist extratemporally, i.e. five years before any given point in… aaaand there goes my micropulse. GOOD FUCKING NIGHT. (SCP-7751-B-1: falls over, struggling to breathe.) Daniels: Are you all right? SCP-7751-B-1: Agonizing deathlike trance, remember? Daniels: Sorry. SCP-7751-B-1: Meh. At least my schedule won't change. (SCP-7751-B-1 is no longer responsive.) <End Log> Footnotes 1. (As of this article's creation, 11/14/2023) 2. (A symbolic figure of England, similar to Uncle Sam in the United States)
{$caption} Item #: SCP-7755 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7755 is stored within Locker-713 in the Non-Volatile Anomalous Object storage room of Site-48. Testing requires approval from two Level 4 researchers. Subjects who own or regularly interact with rabbits are barred from exposure to the anomaly. Description: SCP-7755 is a severed rabbit's foot. When in the physical possession of a person, SCP-7755 creates probabilistically unlikely occurrences that benefit the individual in question. SCP-7755 exhibits a secondary anomalous property in which all species of rabbit will acquire a hostile disposition towards the individual when in their presence. Initial Testing: SCP-7755's probability manipulation properties were thoroughly tested and determined to be identical to numerous other anomalies within Foundation custody.1 As such, the focus of this file is to document the object's secondary properties. Subject D-7331 was given SCP-7755 and exposed to various rabbits in order to determine any difference in reactions between species. Test 1 Species European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) Result The rabbit displayed body language typical of hostility: folding its ears back, raising its tail, and spraying urine on the subject. The animal additionally scratched and bit at the subject before being removed from the testing chamber. Test 2 Species Eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) Result The rabbit continuously circled around the subject, biting at his heels. The animal continued this behavior until removed from the chamber. Test 3 Species Marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris) Result Identical to test 2. Test 4 Species Forest cottontail (Sylvilagus brasiliensis) Result Identical to test 1. Test 5 Species Central African rabbit (Poelagus marjorita) Result Identical to test 1. 24 tests omitted. Test 29 Species Swamp rabbit (Sylvilagus aquaticus) Result Identical to test 1. D-7331 requested a temporary cessation of testing in order to take a shower. Request was denied. 5 tests omitted. Test 34 Species Florida White rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus) Result First notable deviation. In addition to typical hostile body language, the rabbit loudly rubbed its teeth together before screaming and charging the subject. While unable to harm the subject, it specifically focused its biting on his Achilles heel. The rabbit continued to exhibit hostile behavior for three hours following removal from D-7331's presence, though with less aggression. Test 35 Species Florida White rabbit; a different specimen from the one in Test 34 Result Identical to test 1. A physical and behavioral examination of the rabbit from Test 34 revealed no abnormalities. The specimen was determined to originate from Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA. As SCP-7755 was what revealed the abnormal behavior in the animal, it was decided a small team would be sent to Cape Canaveral to investigate potential anomalies,2 utilizing the object (in the possession of D-7331) in order to do so. The night prior to the team's leave from the site, a blackout within the dormitory wing occurred. D-7331 reportedly experienced a dream wherein he was woken up by a bright light emanating from his window (which his dorm does not have). An additional light shone from under his door, behind which an unintelligible voice could be heard knocking. The door unlocked, and right as it was about to open, D-7331 awoke in reality, power having been restored to the wing. Further abnormalities occurred at that time: personnel collectively experienced dreams pertaining to outer space; a large, indistinct mass was witnessed hovering above the site; and the sound of rabbit whimpering could be heard emanating from speakers. The rabbit from Test 34 was later discovered to be missing. Based on the above events, along with the fact spaceflights are frequently conducted at Cape Canaveral, it was hypothesized that URA-4627 is extraterrestrial in nature. Investigation of URA-4627: Personnel assigned to the investigation: Agent Mary Itō Agent Quinn Clancy Dr. Catherine Gordon D-7331 Preamble: Agents Itō and Clancy were assigned to look into records of current and past anomalies within the region. Dr. Gordon was responsible for studying any anomalous occurrences centered around D-7331 and trace their source. A local motel was used as a base of operations for the team. Summary of Initial Findings: Investigation of potential extraterrestrial anomalies had been largely unsuccessful, as the majority of occurrences were civilian sightings of SCP-994, SCP-████3 events, and one instance of SCP-5180. However, four possible leads were discovered: An evangelical sect of the Galactic Federation4 that was active within the area in early 1981. They were repelled from the region after a month, due to conflicts with Mortimer's Paw.5 The previously mentioned Mortimer's Paw, who possess knowledge of extraterrestrial anomalies discovered in the state of Florida. Due to the amiable relationship the Foundation has with the GoI, they would be contacted regarding the history of anomalies present in Cape Canaveral. A report of an extraterrestrial spacecraft that was sighted and shot down by PENTAGRAM6 on September 22nd, 1953. An individual, by the name of Aaron Jackson, claimed to have been abducted by an extraterrestrial in 1999, and again by a separate entity that same year. As Jackson's story was inconsistent with typical false leads, it was decided to be worth pursuing. Along with this, D-7331 observed multiple specimens of White Florida rabbit throughout the day; each encounter involved the rabbit staring at D-7331, before proceeding to scream at him and retreat from the general area. Additionally, small chondrite meteorites occasionally impacted the ground near D-7331, with a distance of 10-15ft from his person. Investigation Update 1: Records show there has been no evidence of Galactic Federation activity within Cape Canaveral since 1981. Additionally, members of the GoI have stated strong reluctance and outright refusal to reenter the area, due to "the lingering presence of the Simian Overmind's psychic visage."7 Communications were established with the leadership of Mortimer's Paw, who agreed to assist the Foundation in its investigation. When asked regarding abnormal behavior from Cape Canaveral rabbits, a cursory look into their records revealed infrequent sightings of glowing figures in the sky and open fields, followed by rabbits staring at witnesses from a distance. The team was granted permission to interview members living in Cape Canaveral, while the group itself searches through their historical records. Information regarding the 1953 Encounter was requested of the FBI Unusual Incidents Unit. The UIU agreed, on the condition the Foundation would provide them records [REDACTED]8 in return. This line of investigation would be temporarily paused while relevant personnel deliberated on how to proceed. Agents Itō and Clancy were permitted to use any cover story they deemed necessary to persuade Aaron Jackson to meet with them. The agents contacted Jackson, informing him they were members of a secret organization dedicated to researching paranormal phenomena, and desired to interview him regarding his encounter. Jackson agreed to meet the agents on Tuesday, two days time from the writing of this update. D-7331 reported a decrease in the amount of rabbit encounters but an increase in the frequency of meteorite impacts, in comparison to the previous day. Additionally, Foundation satellites observed an abnormal amount of meteorites traveling in the direction of Florida, the majority of which were destroyed by impacts with other passing meteorites. Investigation Update 2: Multiple member's of Mortimer's Paw were interviewed regarding unusual occurrences in Cape Canaveral. A common element of the stories provided were hallucinations of an astrological nature: such as a sunrise visible in the west, and an unknown constellation being the sole source of light in the night sky. While the previously recorded phenomena of rabbits and meteorites ceased to occur, D-7331 was subjected to an anomalous encounter while walking alone at night. His recounting of this event has been transcribed below: Alright, so. Uh… So, I had been feeling… a bit cooped up today. Well, given my job I hardly ever get a chance to catch some fresh air. So, I asked Catherine if it would be okay for me to go on a little walk, stretch my legs a bit. She gave the 'go-ahead', but said it had to be less than 20 minutes. Short-leash as always, but fine, I am the test subject after all. It was a nice night, so all I was gonna do was take a walk in the woods while she stayed here with her… trivia books, or whatever. I was having a nice little stroll, watching the stars, listening to the wildlife; relaxing. After a bit, I checked my watch and saw I was nearing 18 minutes. I knew Catherine wasn't gonna be anal if I was a couple minutes over. But I'm like, the designated "weird shit happens to" guy, so I didn't want to make her and the other guys worried, make their job harder. So I decided to head back and… I… couldn't remember which way I came. I hadn't been taking, like, a straight path; I was walking around, exploring, you know. I thought if I tried walking in the opposite direction, I'd see a landmark or a- or a ditch I'd recognize from the hike. But I didn't see anything familiar; I- I didn't recognize anything at all. So my first thought was, "shit, they're gonna think the rabbits or whatever got me." I mean… you guys have that tracking device chip thing on me, so you would probably just see me stumbling around in the forest and come get me. That calmed the nerves a bit. But I didn't want to just sit around and wait. I mean, what if something did get me… I- I looked to see if there were any lights in the distance, find my way back to town: there were no lights, pitch black in all directions. My stomach started to churn a bit. Then, I remembered, "well, the stars are out. I can just use the Big Dipper to find my way back." I looked up, and my stomach dropped: there were no stars, the only thing in the sky was this weird, white shape. Not the moon, it wasn't the moon. I couldn't make out what shape it was, but it definitely wasn't round. I stared at that thing for… probably not that long, I think. Then I saw it move a bit to the left, and my hairs stood on end. There was something in the woods with me. I was barreling through the forest, looking for… for- for anything! The park, a light, a person, anything. There was nothing, no exit. I ran. No exit. I ran. No exit. I ran, I could feel it getting closer. No exit. The shape was lower in the sky. No exit. I could feel hot breath all around me. I was too afraid to scream. Then I tripped over a big rock and heard a "oomp." I got up and looked behind me, and saw the rock fell into this… hole in the ground, lined with teeth. I got closer and noticed sound coming out of it, but it was all muffled. Like listening to someone with a sock stuffed in their mouth. Then I backed away from it, and bumped into another rock which fell into another mouth in the ground. Uh, this repeated 3 more times until I was just surrounded by a bunch of holes making muffled sounds. Then I saw the light of a streetlamp and, uh, walked out of the woods. Uh… yeah. The forest was later searched; no evidence of anomalous entities could be found. Investigation Update 3: After careful discussion, the Foundation acceded to the UIU's demands and were provided the requested records in exchange. Date: September 22nd, 1953 Event: An Unidentified Flying Object appeared in Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA. The Object was described as low-flying and covered in white fire. Due to the UFO's intrusion on American airspace, along with the potential harm it could cause to civilians, an order was made to ground it using anti-aircraft weaponry. Aftermath: The Object was successfully shot down and its remains retrieved. Due to the low amount of witnesses, memory suppressants were deemed unnecessary. RECOVERED ASSET #59 DETAILS: An anomalous aircraft of unknown make and manufacture. Retrieved by PENTAGRAM on September 22nd, 1953. GOAL: Reverse engineer the technology of the Asset for use in the U.S. Air Force. RESULT: FAILURE REASON: Disassembly of the Asset led to catastrophic loss of life, along with destruction of the Asset. SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS: The anomalous technology is undergoing incineration. The remains of DoD personnel have been immobilized and are awaiting dissection. The Entity has been buried. The following is a transcript of the interview with Aaron Jackson: Interviewed: Aaron Jackson Interviewer(s): Agent Mary Itō, Agent Quinn Clancy <Begin Log> [EXTRANEOUS DIALOGUE REMOVED] Itō: Wait, so… I'm sorry, could you describe the first one again? Jackson: She's like a doctor, though more… mystical. Like a spiritual surgeon, I think? She was removing "bad energy," or something, while also performing an actual physical examination on me. Checking my bodily systems, making sure everything was in working order. She even got rid of the cold I was having. Clancy: And you said she was hairy? What else did she look like? Jackson: Uh, well at first, she looked kinda short. Like a bipedal ape, or a Sasquatch with dwarfism. But then when she started doing the examination, her body extended. She was taller and lankier, and her hair became longer and shaggier. Her glowing eyes are the only part of her face I can see, at that point. Itō: And the other alien? Jackson: That one, that one is also a doctor, but he gives off a kinda veterinarian vibe. He also did an examination; I remember him taking this creepy, purple worm out of my body and putting it in a glass ball. I think he also said something about the sodium in my body? He was proportioned like a normal- like an average human. But he looks like a mummy, and instead of cloth wrapping it's some sort of plastic or rubber material. He never moved his legs, just hovered around with a stiff posture. And his arms moved in very jerky motions. Sometimes a glowing wire would be poking out from his back, other days there would be multiple wires sticking out of his bandage folds- Clancy: Wait. What do you mean by "other days"? Pause Jackson: You guys are used to strange stuff, right? Like, you're not gonna- Clancy: A friend of mine looks after a talking grapefruit with DID that makes speeches about societal change. Nothing's too out of the ordinary for us. Jackson: …Thank you. So… I wasn't just abducted that night. Those two have been abducting me repeatedly for the past 14 years. I never told anyone else cause I didn't want people to think I was crazier than I already am. Itō: Any idea why they keep abducting you? Jackson: It's cause they each keep doing something that the other one doesn't like. I remember, one time the mummy kept putting this tiny metal thing in my body, but then the hairy one would find me, take it out, then put something else in; it looked like a charm or talisman. Then the mummy would find me, take that out, and put his thing back in. They did this for 4 years before giving up, but then they did other things that annoyed each other. But the thing is, they aren't aware of each other; neither of them know who keeps undoing their work. I think it has something to do with their ships' cloaking devices. Clancy: Can't you just, tell them what's going on and explain the situation? Jackson: I- (chuckles) I would if I could, but I'm completely paralyzed whenever they abduct me. All I can do is lay there and listen to them rant about their day or talk about their life, like I'm at a hair salon. Itō: Hmm. How regular are their visits? Have you noticed any pattern over the years? Jackson: Well, early on it was pretty frequent, once a week I'd say. But over time it's become less so, I think it's because they have other patients who need attention. Presently, the mummy guy picks me up every 5 months, while the hairy lady's every 4 months. I've been seeing their ships around lately, which means I'm gonna get picked up in a few days. Itō: Let's see if Quinn and I can hitch a ride to the ol' doctor's office. <End Log> The agents proceeded to coordinate a plan with Jackson to allow them access to the spacecrafts during his next abduction. Investigation Update 4: The Agents were informed by Jackson that he believed he would be abducted tonight. Anti-somniac preventative measures were placed in and around Jackson's home, to protect Agents from incapacitation by the extraterrestrial. <11:03 PM>: Bright lights shine through the windows of the house, signifying the arrival of the spacecraft. Agent Clancy secures the nylon rope connected to both his and Jackson's harnesses. <11:04 PM>: A shaft of light, which appears to incorporealize all non-living matter within it, shines down through the roof and onto Jackson, who is now paralyzed. As Jackson is lifted upwards, Clancy puts on his cognito-suppression helmet and enters the shaft of light. Clancy climbs the rope as Jackson is pulled closer to the aperture of the vehicle. Before Clancy is able to reach Jackson, the latter passes the threshold of the aperture, which closes, leaving the Agent suspended outside. <11:07 PM>: The vehicle9 begins moving southward. Agent Clancy impacts multiple trees as he is dragged along with it. <11:09 PM>: The vehicle suddenly stops as red points of light appear on its surface, before resuming movement in an erratic manner.10 The vehicle performs bobbing motions in an attempt to remove Agent Clancy. As these fail, it switches to oscillating motions. <11:14 PM>: The vehicle travels to a nearby lake and lowers Clancy into the water. It then performs sharp, swinging motions; flinging Clancy in and out of the water. <11:19 PM>: The vehicle begins moving in single direction at high speeds before stopping suddenly. It repeats this action 6 more times. <11:23 PM>: The vehicle ceases calculated motions and starts flying around haphazardly. Agent Clancy impacts additional trees during this. At one point the vehicle collides with an unknown glowing object, which explodes into sludge.11 <11:29 PM>: As the vehicle continues its random movements, the mummy-like entity mentioned by Jackson becomes visible, looking through the aperture. The entity turns toward something inside, then back to Clancy, then back inside and back to Clancy again. They vocalize something to the Agent, but it is indecipherable. <11:30 PM>: The vehicle travels to an open field, lowering itself closer to the ground and decreasing its speed. While it does this, a robotic arm holding a bladed instrument is seen through the aperture. It severs the nylon rope, dropping Clancy 0.5 meters from the ground. The aperture fully closes as the vehicle disappears from view. <11:32 PM>: Clancy stands up before briefly vomiting onto the ground. The agent was recovered largely unharmed, suffering only minor bruises and slight nausea. Jackson, who was returned 3 hours later, was unable to recall the above events. He reported the entity made numerous, perplexed remarks regarding "some weirdo who attached himself to me." Investigation Update 5: As no useful information pertaining to anomalous occurrences had been gained from Mortimer's Paw, questioning was switched to knowledge regarding notable persons who lived in Cape Canaveral. While the majority of reported individuals were false leads, a figure by the name of Johnny Travers was deemed noteworthy to the investigation. The audio log pertaining to data gathered on Travers has been included with minor truncation, as the information contained within is relevant to the entire URA-4627 investigation. Investigation Update: Audio Log 5 Date: 13/06/2013 [BEGIN RECORD] [SUPERFLUOUS DATA REMOVED] Itō: Which brings us to Johnny Travers, an oddball compared to the people we just covered. He was described as an occultist with a fixation on astronomy, often talking to others about "cosmic ghosts" and "voices carried on celestial winds," among further ideas. Most people assumed he was just another start-up UFO cult leader, but judging by the things he preached, that wasn't the case. Most UFO religions hold a belief in aliens who will save the Earth through the use of advanced technology, and teach humanity how to better themselves. Travers never mentioned anything about interstellar races, alien technology, or even saving humanity. The stuff he was focused on involved "attuning to the faint sapience contained within celestial bodies." He was definitely spiritual, but his beliefs were too weird for others, so he became a bit of a social outcast. Clancy: It's also worth noting that his spiritualism reportedly began when he encountered "a star that fell from the sky," as an 11-year-old. Travers was born in early 1942, so his encounter lines up with the date PENTAGRAM shot down that UFO. Itō: Though it would be hard to verify that, as he died in a car accident in 1988. The only records of his beliefs that remain are a few notes and writings he made, and the memories of the people who had bothered to listen to him. Clancy: There are also some folks from Mortimer's Paw that remember a bit of the weird stuff he did- The door to the room opens and closes abruptly. D-7331: Hey, uh, guys, I think I'm being affected by, uh, ah- a memetic thing. A memetic thing or something. Itō: What? D-7331: It hap- I had just finished throwing out the trash, admiring how the moon looked. But when I looked down, I saw one of the rabbits. I know it's not that weird, like we've seen the rabbits before and they just scream and run away, you know? But this one was just like, in the distance, and then it started walking slowly towards me. I was creeped out, but I wouldn't have known something was up if this lady hadn't asked what the hell I was staring at. I pointed at the rabbit but she couldn't see it. I moved to some other people and asked if they could see it, and they looked at me like I was high and said no. Then a car passed between me and the rabbit, and the rabbit was, like, overlaid over the image of the car. Like I could see it through the car. And then I booked it here. Clancy: Where's Catherine? D-7331: She went to the truck to grab something that could help. Itō: Where is the rabbit now? D-7331: It's, uh… it's one block away right now. But getting closer. Clancy: I'll look through SCiPNET, see if it's similar to any skips we know about. Itō: I'll do the same. You're gonna be fine, George, don't worry. D-7331: Right. You're right. Yeah… The door to the room opens and slams shut. Gordon: I got 'em! Generalized memetic counter-agents. George, which direction is the rabbit? D-7331: That away. Gordon: Okay, sit down on the bed facing this way. Sound of ruffling paper. Gordon: I'm going to show you pictures, and each time I do, I want you to look at the rabbit and tell me if it's still there. Got it? D-7331: Got it. Itō: Does the rabbit look blurry at all? D-7331: No. Sound of ruffling paper. D-7331: I still see it. It's on this block now. Itō: Uh, do you see anything weird besides the rabbit? Like figures in your peripheral vision? Sound of ruffling paper. D-7331: Still see it, and no there's only the rabbit. Itō: Would appreciate some help here, Quinn! Clancy: I can't- the fucking- it won't let me connect! Itō: What do you mean it won't let you connect? Clancy: Fucking Florida internet, I don't know! Sound of ruffling paper. D-7331: Still see it. Sound of ruffling paper. D-7331: Still- whoa, oh geez that picture made me dizzy. Still there. Itō: Does anything happen when you look at it with one eye? What about when you cover your ears? D-7331: Uh, no, and no it's still the same. Sound of ruffling paper. D-7331 sneezes. D-7331: Wha- ah! Ah, pink goop! Pink goop! What? Why did that come out of me? What? Is that my brain? Gordon: No, don- Banging on a desk. Clancy: Come on! Itō: Could you not add to the stress, Clancy! Sound of paper ruffling, then scattering. Gordon: Damnit. D-7331: Uh, guys? It's almost at the door, and it's starting to not look like a rabbit anymore! Sound of papers being collected. Itō: Does it look like any family members or- D-7331: It's coming through the door no- WOAH! Gordon: What! What is it? D-7331: It… uh. It's… gone. Clancy: What do you mean, what happened? D-7331: It… got… aten. Eaten. Silence. Itō: By…? D-7331: The- the thing… the thing that ate it is still there, chewing it in its mouth. It looks like a Chinese dragon, made out of… paper mâché. A finger snap. Gordon: So that's where it went. [END RECORD] The entity that consumed D-7331's hallucination was an infovore produced by the Foundation, as part of a project aimed at creating controllable memetic lifeforms for the purpose of protecting personnel. Dr. Gordon had volunteered to host the entity in order to train it, as the current batch of Foundation-bred infovores were under a trial-run period in order to adjust their behavioral issues, such as transferring themselves to another host without permission. Investigation Update 6: Jackson alerted the agents that his next abduction was unexpectedly imminent. The agents arrived to find a disk-shaped spacecraft hovering over Jackson. As they did not have time to put on their harnesses, agent Clancy instead latched onto Jackson's body as he was pulled upwards, bringing them both into the vehicle. VIDEO LOG Date: 14/06/2013 Note: Footage was recorded by agent Clancy's helmet-mounted camera. [BEGIN LOG] The camera is momentarily blinded by light as it enters the ship. The camera adjusts to reveal a large, white room. The aperture below closes and a floating, rectangular platform appears from off screen. Jackson, who is either paralyzed or unconscious, is moved by an unknown force to lay down on the platform. This causes Clancy to fall on the floor. Clancy looks to his right and sees a short, hairy humanoid standing roughly a meter away. The entity's facial expression appears to be one of anger. They being to speak with a feminine voice. Hairy Entity: (In Spanish) What the fuck. Are you kidding me- are actually fucking kidding me? I have to deal with this shit now? Clancy: …What? The entity rubs their face with their hands. Hairy Entity: There's another patient I need to meet in 2 hours. I have a tank filled with bad karma that needs to be disposed before it congeals. Fucking bird traffic. And now I have to deal with some dickhead friend of Aaron's! Clancy: (In Spanish) You speak Spanish? The entity ignores him, continuing to rant in Spanish as their body gradually increases in height. Hairy Entity: Do you know how much shit I have on my plate right now? Too much! Way too much stuff for one person to handle! I've patients I need to take care of… Emotional psychic energy I need to redistribute… Fucking resonance crystals I need to grow and sell to actually make ends meet. Aaaaahhhg! The Guild used to be something, you know? We used to help people wherever they lived, cleanse souls from societal corruption. We used to do good until those wealthy humans showed up and started bribing Guild members to focus their talents on the rich. The organization is a joke now: working for the upper-class and selling snake-oil to the poor. Now I have to pick up the slack, all the while being harassed by paranoid governments and those creepy, big-headed assholes! The entity pants, having run out of breath. A portal suddenly opens and a mummy-like entity floats out, along with agent Itō who steps out. Clancy: (In English) Oh hey, Mary. Itō: Yeah they just came down to me, so I directed them here. The mummy entity speaks with an androgynous voice as they gesticulate with stiff motions. Mummy Entity: (In Ortothan)12 So you are the one who keeps messing with Aaron Jackson's body! Hairy Entity: (In Ortothan) Excuse me? I keep pathogens and dark spirits out of his body. Who in the world are you? Wait. You. You're the one who keeps sticking his body full of junk! Mummy Entity: They are not junk. They prevent various contaminants from entering his body. And you are one to talk; multiple times I have met with Aaron Jackson and discovered a drobalane13 infesting his body. Hairy Entity: (scoffs) Are you kidding me? Drobalane only hatch in the southern hemisphere of this planet. Mummy Entity: You are wrong. They only hatch in warm climates, such as where Aaron Jackson lives. You also say you are protecting him from dark spirits, but many times you have removed devices meant to ward off negative-vibration beings. Hairy Entity: Of course I did! Trying to prevent a negative planar attack is like trying to prevent spontaneous combustion! It's impossible! That's why I put the talismans inside his body, to ward off lower-vibration beings. Mummy Entity: It is better to have an all-encompassing ward than several specific ones. Hairy Entity: Those big clunky ones damage a person's aura! A pause. The mummy entity points at the hairy entity. Mummy Entity: Don't I know you? Is your name Vixiz?14 Hairy Entity: I don't- wait, 1O7al-P?15 Mummy Entity: Yes! Hairy Entity: Oh my gosh, haha! It's been so long. Mummy Entity: It indeed has. How have- Clancy: (In Spanish) If I could interrupt for just a moment. Since it seems like you two are on friendly terms at the moment, I would like to ask if either of you know anything regarding the rabbit population in this area? Any strange events you believe might originate from them? The hairy entity relays the question to the other entity in Ortothan, as well as translating their response. Mummy Entity: I remember an occurrence from 5 years ago. My ship alerted me that an unknown lifeform had somehow come aboard. As I searched for it, I felt a presence down the hall, coming from another room. The weight of this presence was… oppressive. I was too afraid to approach. After a while it left, and when I checked the security system, it pointed to a group of those creatures as the source. They were huddled around, doing something I could not determine. Hairy Entity: They were probably performing some sort of ritual. They're a spiritual group, and though I don't fully understand their beliefs or practices, I've seen enough to know they are extremely peaceful and timid. Perhaps… they sensed you nearby, and wanted to make contact? Mummy Entity: If that is the case, then why was their method of communication so intimidating? Hairy Entity: Well, a person tapping on a glass enclosure may intimidate the creature inside, but that doesn't necessarily mean the person is trying to be. A pause. Hairy Entity: You wanna grab something to eat, maybe some time next week? Mummy Entity: Yes. That sounds lovely. [END LOG] A local farmer reported to the police an incident that occurred on his land, wherein he was woken up by the screams of his cattle. When he went to investigate, he discovered the mutilated corpses of 3 cows. Each corpse showed signs of an organism having torn itself out of the body. The 3 cows were previously pregnant. On the same night, an unknown animal broke into the investigation team's motel. The creature was successfully killed after Agent Itō fired multiple gunshots into its head and body, with the agent only suffering moderate lacerations to her left leg. The corpses of two similar animals were discovered elsewhere in Cape Canaveral, one having been run over by a car, the other killed by a condor attack. Each animal possessed canine and arthropodal physical features. Investigation Update 7: The following is an excerpt from an interview with local resident Mabel Dailey, regarding knowledge on Johnny Travers: Dailey: Ask almost anyone who's met him and they'll say somethin' like, "Why, he was a kind young man," "The oddball who's always eager to help," "The school's local rabbit expert." I knew him as the sweet child, who helped me with gardening and loved bunnies. Though certain folks often talked bad 'bout lil Johnny; said he was dangerous, that he'd sacrifice ya to a dark god or some such if he ever got the chance. Most people were smart, didn't listen to that hullaballoo. But that didn't make it any easier for the poor kid. Dailey: Johnny was a good boy, just… eccentric, and very lonely. He saw the world different from everyone else, and wanted to share that with others. But no matter who he spoke to, people never connected with his ideas. I certainly didn't, though I would let him rattle on about "sky souls," or what have you, whenever he came over to help with my garden. I could only half-listen. I could never find it within me to fully engage with what he told. I think when Johnny realized that, he felt genuinely alone in this world. Dailey: The only true company he had, in the end, were his rabbits. So he spoke to the rabbits, and the rabbits listened. It was learned that Travers created a makeshift fort when he was a child, and would utilize this fort throughout his life. The team discovered a concealed rabbit burrow within the fort. A drone was sent into the burrow. EXPLORATION LOG DATE: 15/06/2013 [BEGIN LOG] The drone enters the burrow, which proceeds down an incline. As it travels deeper, a soft blue light of indeterminate source begins illuminating the tunnel. The drone observes numerous holes during its descent, but is unable to enter them due to its size. The dimensions of the tunnel gradually expand to the point where it can comfortably accommodate an adult human. The drone encounters a room containing weathered newspapers and drawings of astrological events. The drone encounters a room containing crosses, with each cross situated on top of a patch of dirt, and each patch possessing signs of a burial. At a certain point in the room, the crosses become remarkably cruder, with indications of animal activity on the dirt patches. The drone reaches the end of the tunnel: a room with 14 rabbits, sitting around in a circle. A hole in the ceiling is present, with the moon visible through it. The light of the moon shines down on the inner circle, where a reflection of its image can be seen. A glow appears above the circle, fading in and out before materializing as a grey-skinned figure. The oblong head of the entity is bare, while the body is covered in a mass of either feathers or scraps of cloth. Sharp, thin claws can be seen protruding from this mass. The rabbits all slowly turn in unison towards the drone. The figure opens its eyes, groaning with the voice of an elderly human. The groaning increases in volume before shifting into wailing. The wailing shifts into screeching, clipping the audio. The drone suddenly shuts down. [END LOG] Footnotes 1. Manipulation of events that lead to generally beneficial outcomes for the recipient, such as finding loose money out in the open, experiencing favorable weather, avoiding premature death, etc. 2. Designated UnRegistered Anomaly-4627. 3. A series of anomalous television broadcasts that when viewed, impart a strong belief in extraterrestrial abductions/contact and interest in science-fiction concepts. 4. A Group of Interest based primarily within Chinese territories. The organization preaches a philosophy that combines Buddhism with Space Age Science-Fiction. 5. A minor GoI based in the state of Florida. The group describes themselves as warriors that protect Earth from extraterrestrial threats, and defenders of alien lifeforms stranded on Earth. 6. The occult branch of the Department of Defense. 7. Likely referring to SCP-████-N, an anomaly neutralized by the GOC in 1985. 8. Information regarding codename PURPLE HARVEST is restricted on a need to know basis. 9. Now identified as having a vertical, rectangular shape with four hemispheres on its underside. 10. It is assumed this is due to the nylon rope preventing the aperture from fully closing. 11. It was later learned that D-7331 was being stalked by the glowing object for approximately an hour beforehand. Analysis of the residue revealed it to be ectoplasm. 12. A language common among numerous extraterrestrial species. 13. Closest approximate translation of name. 14. Closest approximate translation of name. 15. Closest approximate translation of name.
The following document contains information that is verifiably untrue. No Foundation Site-⌘ exists in any recorded documents. The document is currently under review for memetic hazards. The source of the file is currently unknown. PROCEED WITH CAUTION + Continue - There is no going back. WARNING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT CONTAINS SEVERAL EXISTENTIAL DESTABILIZATION INDUCERS | DO NOT CONTINUE WITHOUT RECITING THE FOLLOWING WHILST UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF GRADE 4+ AGNOSTICS. One is only as real as they want to be. To seek reality is the errand of fools. I am a fool. Steven Hayes is not. Item#: 7757 Level4 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: caution link to memo Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-7757's influence being restricted to Site-⌘ personnel by nature, no significant actions are to be taken in response. The spread of information about SCP-7757 is to remain limited to Site-⌘ personnel exclusively. Any individuals that do not meet that criteria and are found to possess knowledge of SCP-7757 are to be detained at Site-⌘. "Steven Y. Hayes" is to remain on the Telecommunications Monitoring Office's list of keywords. Any request by non-Site-⌘ personnel seeking the meaning of this term are to be denied. He does not exist, and never did. Do not search for him, your efforts will prove fruitless. Description: SCP-7757 is the general consensus among staff at Site-⌘ that a researcher by the name of Steven Y. Hayes, referred to here on out as SCP-7757-1, was at some point employed by the Foundation, despite no record of any personnel under that name. He does not exist, and never did. Do not search for him, your efforts will prove fruitless. Site-⌘ staff under the influence of SCP-77571 will typically attribute the following characteristics to this supposed entity: - SCP-7757-1 is male. - He is 1.9 meters tall. - He has short brown hair, blue eyes, and pale complexion. - He is originally from Sofia, Bulgaria. - He was Site-⌘'s director of Intangible Anomalous Applications (IAA). - He was hired by the Foundation in 1998. - He is quite reclusive. - He is quite fond of chess, though not particularly good at the game. - He mysteriously disappeared at some point in mid-2019. Other details are often included as well, though with significantly less consistency. In an attempt to prove the existence of SCP-7757-1, staff will often try to procure photographs to show the unconvinced, despite no only one pieces of media depicting SCP-7757-1 having been successfully recovered. He does not exist, and never did. Do not search for him, your efforts will prove fruitless. Stories pertaining to interactions with SCP-7757-1 are often brought up by those affected by the anomaly, which can often be corroborated by other affected personnel. The abundance of shared conceptions and memories of SCP-7757-1 have led researchers to believe the entity has a presence in the localized noosphere of Site-⌘, though this hypothesis has yet to be proven. Amnestic and mnestic agents have been shown to have no effect on SCP-7757. Addendum 7757.1 - Interviews: Interviewer: Sr. Researcher B. Randall Interviewed: Dr. Thom Evans [BEGIN LOG] B. Randall: Now, Thom, could you please tell me a bit about your experiences with 7757-1? Dr. Evans: Oh, Steve? He was great, man. Really funny, too. If you had joined the team a few years back, you two would've got along damn well. B. Randall: Do any interactions stand out? Dr. Evans: We went fishing once. He was like, really good at it. It was, I wanna say a bonding exercise. Dave probably set it up. You know Dave, always tryna get us to do things outside of work. He caught a few salmon before a time loop caught up to us. We dealt with that though. Nothing too in of the ordinary. B. Randall: What makes this moment stand out? Dr. Evans: Well I didn't really talk to him that much to be honest. He was always holed away in his office. Room 19½2, if my memory serves me well. Up until that point, I don't even think I had had a full conversation with the guy. That day, though, he truly got out of his comfort zone. Lovely guy, really. I have some photos if you wanna see. [Evans reaches under the floor, grabbing his smartphone. He opens the photo app, but finds no images depicting SCP-7757-1. He does not exist, and never did. Do not search for him, your efforts will prove fruitless.] Dr. Evans: Jeez, I swore I had a couple of pictures from that day. Shame. [The smartphone disintegrates into a pile of gray dust, which Evans promptly puts in his coat pocket.] B. Randall: What did he look like? Dr. Evans: Brown hair, kind of slicked back. Gray-blue eyes. Not that much taller than you. Whiter than garlic. Always wore a lab coat with olive khakis; at least, that's all I ever saw him in. He was nearing sixty last time I saw him, but didn't look it. Kind of a baby face. No beard. No graying in his hair. Nothing. B. Randall: What did he do? Dr. Evans: Like, job-wise? B. Randall: Yes. Dr. Evans: Jeez, I don't really remember too well. I think it must have been something about applied surrealism. I remember him doing a lot of work with stuff we couldn't sense. I sat in on one of his meetings with that ghost we have in Site-⌘. Kind of a one-sided conversation to be honest. B. Randall: Anything else you'd like to say about him before this ends? Dr. Evans: He didn't like eggs too much. [END TRANSCRIPT] Interviewer: Sr. Researcher B. Randall Interviewed: Tom Wilkins [BEGIN LOG] B. Randall: What was your relationship with SCP-7757-1? Wilkins: I don't know what you are talking about. B. Randall: Does "Steven Y. Hayes" ring any bells? Wilkins: Oh that guy. Yeah, I know him. What ever happened to him? B. Randall: I am not able to disclose that information. Wilkins: In a mocking voice Oh we can't tell the janitor anything, even though he was a bloody senior researcher back at site-152. He wouldn't understand what we do here. B. Randall: This has nothing to do with your position. Wilkins: Yeah right. B. Randall: Are we going to get through this, or do you want to go back to cleaning up that fractal in the hallway? [Silence.] B. Randall: That's what I thought. Now, what was he like? Wilkins: Steve? I can't really say too much about him. He told me when there was a parallel universe clogged in the toilet sometimes, but beyond that we didn't really talk too much. He was always in that office on the second real floor. I never had to do much cleaning there, he tended to keep it tidy. I do remember that he had a mini-fridge with some really nice wine in it. There was also that chessboard that kinda freaked me out. I don't know why… something about it. B. Randall: What did he look like? Wilkins: Clean-shaven, brown hair, pretty tall. That's about all I remember. B. Randall: Any notable interactions? Wilkins: Not many. The only one I can really think of was that time that he stood in the corner of that meeting room during an anticonference. He didn't say anything, just kept staring at the ceiling. He looked terrified. I asked him what was up. He just said "Nothing." Not in a dismissive way or anything; he seemed genuine. Come to think of it, that was probably the last time I really remember seeing him. B. Randall: Interesting. Anything else? Wilkins: Not really. B. Randall: Okay. Now go clean up that fractal. I nearly fell into it this morning. [END TRANSCRIPT] Addendum 7757.2 - Recording: On October 52, 2021, a video of an entity matching all known descriptors of SCP-7757-1 was found in Site-⌘'s media folder. The video was dated to July 5th, 2019, with no source being available. The following is a transcription of that video file, which has not been attached due to potential memetic hazards. [SCP-7757-1 sits at a table, playing a game of chess on a magnetic board in front of him] SCP-7757-1: I'll warn you, I have been practicing since we last played. Unknown Voice: Yeah? You finally learn a real opening? e4 SCP-7757-1: e4? You're just as basic as I remember. e5 Unknown Voice: If it ain't broke. Knight f3 SCP-7757-1: sarcastically How innovative! Knight c6 [Silence] Bishop c4 Unknown Voice: You're not real, ya' know. Knight f6 SCP-7757-1: I've worked here long enough to know that nothing is real. Knight g5 Unknown Voice: You know that's not what I mean. d5 SCP-7757-1: I don't know anything. exd5 Unknown Voice: True. Knight xd5 SCP-7757-1: Well what do you mean? Knight xf7 Unknown Voice: You don't exist. King xf7 SCP-7757-1: I'm sorry? Queen f3+ Unknown Voice: This world around you, what you see, it's not real. King e6 [SCP-7757-1 turns to the wall, which has become slightly translucent.] knight c3 SCP-7757-1: What the fuck? knight e7 Unknown Voice: You've spent your whole world working what's real. Crazy to think that you're not, right? O-O [Silence.] d4 SCP-7757-1: I… King d6 Unknown Voice: You are merely a figment of someone else's mind. Bishop g5 SCP-7757-1: Simulation theory… Bishop e6 Unknown Voice: Not quite. Rook fe1 [Silence.] exd4 SCP-7757-1: But I have consciousness! Knight e4+ Unknown Voice: Do you? King c7 [Silence.] Queen g3+ SCP-7757-1: Who are you? King b6 Unknown Voice: It doesn't matter. I'm less real than you. Queen b3+ SCP-7757-1: Why are you telling me this now? King c7 Unknown Voice: Because you are ready. Queen g3+ SCP-7757-1: For what? king b6 Unknown Voice: Oblivion. knight d6 [SCP-7757-1 is trembling.] Queen d7 Unknown Voice: You've served your purpose. You were good for what you were, you're just no longer required. This story can go on without you. a4 [Silence.] a5 [Silence.] Queen e5 [Silence.] Knight g6 SCP-7757-1: timidly What happens now? Queen xd4+ Unknown Voice: Absolutely nothing. c5 SCP-7757-1: What do you mean? Queen d3 Unknown Voice: It's done. This is it. You're gone. You'll feel nothing, see nothing, hear nothing, think nothing. A soulless, formless, mindless, nonentity, floating in the seas of Aether. Queen xd6 SCP-7757-1: Is there anything I can do? Rook ad1 Unknown Voice: Nothing can't do much. I'd say you have a day left of reality, or more accurately, the lack thereof. h6 [Silence.] Rook xe6 SCP-7757-1: I've spent years studying that which doesn't make sense. I've devoted my life to the absurd. I've looked right at what isn't real… Queen xe6 Unknown Voice: A fitting end, isn't it? Bishop xd5 [Silence.] Queen d6 [Silence.] Queen b3+ [Silence.] King a7 [Silence.] Queen xb7# Unknown Voice: Checkmate. [SCP-7757-1 reaches his hand out in front of him for a handshake with his opponent, but no one sits at the other end of the table. The only thing in front of him is a mirror. There is no reflection.] Footnotes 1. ~9/8 of total Site-⌘ staff. 2. Though plans to make a Room 19½ have been made, they have not yet come to fruition. « SCP-7756 | SCP-7757| SCP-7758 »
Item #: SCP-7760 Object Class: Safe Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: All remaining 40 instances of SCP-7760 are currently stored within high-security anomalous document containers within Site-19. All personnel accessing any SCP-7760 instance must have completed Level 4 tactile cognitohazard training, and be equipped with standard-issue anti-tactile cognitohazard equipment. Use and/or testing of any SCP-7760 instance requires direct approval of both the Site Director and the Ethics Committee. + Update 15/11/2010 - Update 15/11/2010 Due to the increased frequency of containment breaches at Site-19 since 2000, and the importance of SCP-7760 as a Foundation asset, all remaining 40 instances of SCP-7760 are to be stored within high-security anomalous document containers and temporarily held at facilities on a rolling basis. Upon Elan Vital Energy (EVE) levels reaching five times the regional baseline, SCP-7760 is to be relocated immediately via secure transport. Description: SCP-7760 consists of a set of 46 40 playing cards. The cards are printed on a typical cardstock of the mid-19th century using an otherwise non-anomalous combination of inks. No manufacturer label or mark is printed on any SCP-7760 instance. SCP-7760's effects occur when an individual makes direct skin contact with any instance of SCP-7760. Upon contact, causality and probability are altered through an unknown mechanism1, causing the individual to experience increased negative life events. These events include but are not limited to: Occurrence of traumatic/accidental injuries. Onset of chronic/terminal disease. Significant personal monetary loss and other financial hardships. Dissolution of stable social connections and relationship loss. Occurrence of natural disasters in areas of residence. Death. The magnitude of this effect is directly proportional to the duration of contact with SCP-7760 and the value of the SCP-7760 instance contacted. Instances of SCP-7760 traditionally holding higher value in western card games (ie, Aces, Kings, Queens, Jacks, etc) have been noted to cause more severe effects2. No difference in effect has been noted between SCP-7760's different suits. Additionally, SCP-7760's effects appear to be cumulative. Individuals exposed to SCP-7760 multiple times, or multiple individuals exposed to SCP-7760 simultaneously, have been observed to receive more severe effects. Testing has revealed that anomalies that similarly alter causality are capable of negating SCP-7760's effect. Anomalies tested include: SCP-181 SCP-1968 SCP-3460 SCP-████3 SCP-████4 SCP-████5 Likewise, testing has revealed that the effects of an SCP-7760 instance are transferred to any document in which at least 20 micrograms of an instance of SCP-7760 is embedded, with this effect terminating upon removal of the instance fragment. Proposals to create additional instances of SCP-7760 for testing purposes are currently approved on a case-by-case basis. Addendum 7760-A: Discovery SCP-7760 was first brought into Foundation containment in 1990, following a series of defections of Pentagram6 operatives. Recovered documentation from Pentagram records indicates SCP-7760 was originally discovered in Deadwood, South Dakota by ASCI7 agents in 1879 following the town's destruction. It is unknown to what extent the ASCI utilized SCP-7760 during the period that followed, as such records were lost during the assimilation of multiple ASCI assets by the Pentagram. SCP-7760 was utilized extensively by Pentagram operatives throughout the Cold War, where it was deployed as a cognitohazard against US targets both domestically and abroad. The extent of this utilization resulted in the full consumption of six SCP-7760 instances during this time8, with only 46 SCP-7760 instances surviving upon Foundation acquisition. Attempts to determine which, if any, historical events are potentially due to the United States government's utilization of SCP-7760 are ongoing. Records suggest the highest utilization of SCP-7760 within the Soviet Union and its allies occurred between February 1960 - October 1962 as well as December 1980 - April 1986. Successful containment of several SCP-7760 fragments located throughout the former Soviet Union shortly after the Foundation's acquisition of SCP-7760 lends credence to these reports. Pentagram records also suggest high domestic use upon political targets within the United States between March 1963 - November 1963, as well as June 1979 - May 1981, though these accounts remain unverified. Addendum 7760-B: Object Class Update As of March 3rd, 2010, following successful utilization of SCP-7760 instances by MTFs Gamma-13 ("Asimov's Lawbringers"), Delta-5 ("Front Runners"), Iota-10 ("Damn Feds"), Lambda-14 ("One Star Reviewers"), Mu-3 ("Highest Bidders"), and Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand") within field operations, SCP-7760's object class has been updated to Thaumiel. Field utilization has included, but has not been limited to: Inclusion of SCP-7760 particles within letters and other correspondence. Embedding SCP-7760 particles into business cards offered via front companies. Embedding SCP-7760 particles into clothing tags of PoIs. Deployment of SCP-7760 particulate into GoI building filtration systems9. Due to the increased MTF operative turnover since 1995, training in the tactical use of SCP-7760 is offered on an as-needed basis. Addendum 7760-C: Incident SCP-7760-16 + Level 4 Access Required - Credentials Entered On July 5th, 2016, twelve agents of MTF Alpha-1 defected to the Global Occult Coalition. SCP-7760, as well as three other SCP objects, were stolen and brought to GOC custody. It is currently unknown if SCP-7760 has been destroyed via standard GOC procedures. Protocols to shield critical SCP Foundation personnel from possible cognitohazard attacks from SCP-7760 are to remain in place indefinitely. Attempts to relocate SCP-7760 fragments released within Foundation facilities as part of former intra-Foundation operations launched by MTF Alpha-1 are currently underway. Proposals for containment and/or neutralization of SCP-7760's lingering effects on SCP Foundation personnel are under review by the Foundation Ethics Committee. Footnotes 1. Detectable increases in regional EVE background levels have been noted to occur following SCP-7760's activation. 2. A notable exception to this trend occurs when an individual simultaneously contacts the Ace of Spades, the Ace of Clubs, the Eight of Spades, and the Eight of Clubs, resulting in the most severe effects SCP-7760 has demonstrated to date, usually instantaneously. 3. Currently uncontained in Havana, Cuba. Believed to be in the custody of Fidel Castro's descendants. 4. Currently uncontained in Moscow, Russia. Reports indicate the object may have been neutralized following the collapse of the Soviet Union. 5. Currently believed to be in the custody of D. C. al Fine, Undersecretary-General of the Global Occult Coalition. 6. Operating name for the United States Paranatural Warfare Command 7. American Secure Containment Initiative. A precursor organization to the modern SCP Foundation. 8. Aces of Hearts and Diamonds, King of Spades and Hearts, Queen of Hearts, and Jack of Clubs 9. This method was noteworthy for use prior to the containment of SCP-1609 and Operation Falcon Punch « SCP-7759 | SCP-7760 | SCP-7761 »
Item#: 7761 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: uncontained Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: caution link to memo An outside view of SCP-7761 taken by an investigating Foundation agent. Special Containment Procedures: The Westage Business Park in Fishkill, New York, has been quarantined under cover of a pesticide cleanup. MTF Lambda-15, "Officer Supplies," along with a contingent of D-class personnel, have been assigned to this duty. In addition, all companies and accounts that Allman Financial Services, henceforth referred to as AFS, does business with are to be Foundation controlled and strictly monitored. AFS accounts are not to be interfered with by personnel without proper clearance. Foundation personnel of Clearance Level 4 or higher are allowed to use the funds generated by AFS, and only in amounts no more than $100,000 or the equivalent in local currency, pending proper approval. Description: SCP-7761 is the designation for an office building wholly owned by Allman Financials Services, LLC, located within Westage Business Park in Fishkill, New York. There are currently 4 separately recognized sub-anomalies (hereafter designated SCP-7761-1 through -4). SCP-7761-1 wishes to be known as "The Boss." He claims to be in "glorious managerial control" of all 7761-3 instances, despite them working on a continuous cycle. He only wears three-piece suits, ranging widely in color, and a pair of Oakley's sunglasses. All interactions have shown him behaving boisterously and confidently, and he speaks in a somewhat archaic speech pattern. A collection of memos and interoffice communique have been collected in Addendum 7761-b. A publicity image of SCP-7761-1 included on his Linked-in. His profile has since been taken down by Foundation Webcrawlers. SCP-7761-2 is the building itself, owned and operated by Allman Financial Services. History shows no clear anomalous activity, but the cycle of financial transactions goes back at least 5 years, so researchers suspect 7761-1 came to power around then. It seems 7761-2 plays host to 7761-3 instances, as when Foundation agents attempt armed intrusion they disappear within -2. Autonomous agents, such as drones, allow for the capture of footage. Penetrative sonar from the exterior of 7761-2 shows that, where normal buildings would have insulation, possess a constantly shifting mass of unknown material. Recordings of -2 at "quitting time" show that -3 instances form orderly lines, filing into various supply closets and disappearing. See Addendum 7761-C for incursions into -2. SCP-7761-3 instances are the "employees" of AFS. Each resembles a normal human adult, ranging in age from late 20s to early 60s. They are not sentient humans, instead conducting business in a month-long cycle. They repeat the same actions every month, including small, and complete financial transactions and investment schemes on a proprietary system called "Allman Financial Final Solutions Network." These financial transactions include transferring their profits to outside accounts, all of which were once owned by prominent members of the United States upper class, including █████ ███████, █████████ ███, ██████ █████, and ██ ███. The Foundation now controls all of these accounts. Finally, 7761-4 are origami paper cranes anomalously inserted into affected humans' pre-frontal cortex. The crane influences how the infected think by making them more likely to do risky financial actions and invest their money in almost any investment scheme proposed to them. They were discovered three years after the containment of 7761began. Addendum 7761-A Establishment of Outpost 7761-Alpha Copies of Internal Communications Related to the Creation of a Site at 7761 From: ten.noitadnuof|retsalpretsabala#ten.noitadnuof|retsalpretsabala To: ten.noitadnuof|supytalpgnieesrevo#ten.noitadnuof|supytalpgnieesrevo RE: Establishment of a Site to Surround 7761 Hello Alexa, it's me Bodrav again. Not asking you about that other thing, but something else. I was wondering if you could allocate some funds from the Dept. of Liquidations to set up a more permanent outpost to surround SCP-7761. I know you have access to its accounts, so you could at least slide some our way. Bodrov From: ten.noitadnuof|supytalpgnieesrevo#ten.noitadnuof|supytalpgnieesrevo To: ten.noitadnuof|retsalpretsabala#ten.noitadnuof|retsalpretsabala RE: RE: Establishment of a Site to Surround 7761 Bodrov, I've told you multiple times, you can't just beg for money. I will do you the favor of filling out the proper request forms, but at this point wouldn't a permanent 'dioxin clean-up site" look beyond suspicious? Alexa FROM: ten.noitadnuof|retsalpretsabala#ten.noitadnuof|retsalpretsabala TO: ten.noitadnuof|supytalpgnieesrevo#ten.noitadnuof|supytalpgnieesrevo RE: RE: RE: Establishment of a Site to Surround 7761 Look Alexa, I know you aren't that business-minded, but fuck me is this a good idea! All we have to do is get some D-class personnel, dress them out like eco-freaks, and get them to trigger a fake dirty bomb, then we have the entire surrounding mile of shitty Central New York all to ourselves! Then we can safely let 7761 expand, and let it get into more of the office buildings in the park and make more Foundation. You want that, don't you Alexa? Bodrov FROM: ten.noitadnuof|supytalpgniieesrevo#ten.noitadnuof|supytalpgniieesrevo TO: ten.noitadnuof|retsalpretsabala#ten.noitadnuof|retsalpretsabala RE: RE: RE: RE: Establishment of a Site to Surround 7761 Bodrov, you've never given me a financial solution, to ANYTHING, before. Now you want me to just give you a huge amount of money, out of the blue, because you think it's something I want? Are you daft? You know we have procedures to get shit done, and you need to go through them. Alexa FROM: ten.noitadnuof|retsalpretsabala#ten.noitadnuof|retsalpretsabala TO: ten.noitadnuof|supytalpgnieesrevo#ten.noitadnuof|supytalpgnieesrevo RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Establishment of a Site to Surround 7761 I always knew you were a fucking fool. Have fun not making any money in your life, loser! FROM: ten.noitadnuof|supytalpgnieesrevo#ten.noitadnuof|supytalpgnieesrevo TO: ten.noitadnuof|retsalpretsabala#ten.noitadnuof|retsalpretsabala RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Establishment of a Site to Surround 7761 ??? What is wrong with you? I'm reporting you, so someone else can deal with your shit. Consider the date off. Foundation Agents then seized Agent Bodrov's computer and person. Putting him through memetic detection found that 7761 had somehow infected his mind with a parasite causing him to be aggressively obsessed with financial expansion. Biopsy revealed Agent Bodrov had a small origami crane, folded from a USA One Dollar bill, inside his pre-frontal cortex. It was removed by medical staff, and Bodrov has been under quarantine since then. Despite the anomalous means by which it came about, it was clear that SCP-7761 needed better quarantine systems. As such, Site Director Micheal Corbin from a neighboring site extracted funds from the anomalous AFS accounts to create Outpost 7761-Alpha, a lead containment shell around the entire business park under cover of a dirty bomb detonation from a terrorist sect against government interference. Addendum 7761-B:: A Collection of Various Memos: From the Desk of The Boss 11/5/2009 Hello, glorious workers! I have come because there seems to be an issue with the third-floor toilets. I must repeat: they are for bodily waste disposal, not for the removal of organic waste! Please ensure when disposing of organic waste of any kind (food, paper shreds, and flesh) that you use the specialized incinerator-converters on Basement 2, Room B2. Remember, put your material to be disposed of in a burnable sack, put them into the incinerator, close the door, and then press the red button. I must repeat, close the door! Sadly, one of our accountants, Micheal, has gone on to the Big Wastebin in the Sky, because he didn't follow the instructions! Please, remember that safety is tantamount in business! From the Desk of The Boss 5/13/2010 Today we welcome our newest employee, Randall ████! Another walk-in interview revealed a perfect candidate for employment in our glorious company! Remember to treat him with the respect awarded to all members of our collective. A reminder, the janitors requested a week-long vacation, so in two weeks we'll need to do our own garbage! Remember, all employees are valued, so while our janitors go for a week-long inundation of the local bars, we should do our best to get by without them! From the Desk of The Boss 6/3/2012 We all enjoy our free time, of course! But I will only ask this once. When you are on your break, please refrain from inflicting any bodily harm on our more fragile employees. This, unfortunately, includes the other people who pursue capitalist success within this very office park! While I understand the preclusion towards aggressive expansion and corporate takeover, we should take into consideration that our neighboring corporate foes aren't as enlightened to the true forms of capitalist competition, and thus will take issue with our actions. Going forward, please refrain from taking any aggressive actions toward our corporate foes within the borders of our park, please! Addendum 7761-C:: Foundation Incursions into 7761-2 Initial Unmanned Insertion Into 7761-2 Begin Recording: 11/28/2016 Operator: Lambda-15 Squad Member Cindy "Coffee-Maker" Edison-Parker Commander: Lambda-15 Squad Leader Marvin "Pencil" Jackson Camera footage begins. The drone is facing squad members Coffee-Maker and Pencil, both dressed in Foundation HazMat Undersuits, with two pairs of Foundation HazMat Gear Model 34KL handing behind them. CM snaps her fingers in order to test the delay in broadcast, and finding it sufficient, places the drone outside of the tent. CM: Base Leader, confirm no civilians in the surrounding area? Base Leader: Can confirm see-mm, no civvies in the surrounding area. CM: Thank you Base Leader. Beginning insertion now. Recording of operators' voices is included while the drone is outside of their audio range. The drone turns on, small propellers spinning up, nearly silent. It lifts up, and footage follows. The drone approaches South facing wall of the fourth floor of the building, heading towards an open window. CM: Approaching insertion point. The window has more than enough open space for the drone to go in it. Busy employees can be seen, walking to and fro while engaging in conversation and completing financial investments. Pencil: Okay, no initial spotting of the drone. Continue with insertion. The drone leans forward and enters the building. CM takes several moments to hover above several desks, recording footage of the computer screens and paperwork, and after recording a group of cubicles it turns towards the elevator. CM: Waiting for opportunity… NOW! The elevator doors open, and the drone quickly swoops in before the door closes. It hovers above two employees, as one selects the third floor. CM expertly pilots the drone out of the sliding doors at the last possible moment and begins recording the third floor, almost identical in physical appearance to the floor above. CM: Yeah, more of the same. Still can't confirm if the employees are human, but i- what is that? Drone turns to the source of a man yelling. Footage shows The Boss, dressed in an outfit seemingly composed of plastic folders and legal pads to imitate samurai armor from the early Edo period. He holds in one hand several Expo markers, plugged together. He wields the markers like a sword and lunges toward the drone in an apparent attempt to knock it out of the sky. Pencil: Avoid, avoid!! CM: No shit! CM maneuvers the drone, avoiding several of The Boss's strikes, until it feints an attack then slashes, apparently cutting the drone and ending the footage. CM and Pencil: Fuck. Recording End. Footage of Attempted Undercover Employee Insertion into 7761 Begin Recording: 12-10-2016 Short burst of static as recording begins. The button camera on the shirt of D-7867, a former financial advisor, begins to record. The entryway of 7761 is in view, and the sun reflects on the glass. As D-7867 enters, the footage shows a secretary almost exactly the same as the secretary shown in incident 7761-I-A, this time wearing a salmon-colored pantsuit and blue glasses. D-7867: What should I do? Admin Actual: Please proceed forward and begin to converse with the secretary. D-7867: Thought I'd be applying to a less ritzy place my next time. Guess not. D-7867 walks to the desk, eliciting the same wide smile from the secretary. Secretary: Well, how can I help you today? Are you looking to apply to Allman Financial? Admin Actual: Answer yes, please. D-7867: Yes, I am. Secretary: Excellent! What qualifications do you have that would make us willing to hire you onto our staff? D-7867: I worked with Goldman Sachs as an investment advisor for five years, working as an independent in the industry for another six. The secretary taps at her keyboard for 17 seconds. Secretary: Wow, you're a perfect fit! If you just go through those doors back there, we'll put you through another interview! Just to make sure you're put into the best place possible. D-7867 hesitates. Admin Actual: Please enter the elevator, D-7867. D-7867 grumbles but enters the elevator. The doors close, the elevator begins moving upwards, and the lights flicker. Using video analysis, the outline of what looks like a tentacle made of paper can be seen in the reflection of the glass curling behind D-7867, which seems to disappear when the lights come back. The elevator dings and the doors slide open. D-7867: What the- The floor is filled with people. Employees of AFS are buzzing around the office, and a hundred different conversations about financial transactions can be heard. A man walks forward, dressed in a tan three-piece suit and Oakley sunglasses, and puts out his hand to shake D-7867s. ???: Hello, Gary! I heard you came down to apply, so I came down to give you my interview myself. You can call me TB, I run stuff around here. Admin Actual: Wait, did the D give his name? Fuck. D-7867: Yes, sir, I'm very interested in applying for a position at AFS. TB: Well, in that case, follow me! TB leads D-7867 through the offices, passing some employees. Some wave and others greet D-7867 warmly. All of them are smiling or are obliquely positive in some way. After about a minute, TB leads the D-class into their office, a spacious corner unit with a mahogany desk and ergonomic chairs. The desk is covered in paper, but the quality of the footage is too low to discern anything. TB sits down, tapping a spot near a clear spot on the desk, which causes a laptop screen to float up, and he starts typing. TB: Please sit down, Mr. Dentino. D-7867 sits down. Admin Actual: D78, be careful. D-7867: Wow, I have to say your office shows some excellent taste. Camera views turn to show the series of paintings on the wall. Examination of these paintings is still underway. TB: Well, thank you! I pride myself on knowing something good when I see it. Now, what made you want to work at AFS? D-7867: Well, I always wanted to be more on the cutting-edge side, so I did some research, and you seem to be on the revolutionary side. Admin Actual: How did he know the D's name? TB: Of course, of course. It wouldn't have anything to do with your financial debts, would it? D-7867: What? TB: Don't play dumb with me, Gary. You owe… typing on a keyboard approximately $46,643 to the Escavaro cartel in Northern New York, correct? D-7867 stands up, his concern evident in his voice. D-7867: Hey, what the fuck are you playing at? TB: Sit down, Mr. Dentino. Admin Actual: Please attempt to exit, D-78. D-7867 tries to leave, but an unknown force pulls him back into the chair, which spins to face TB. TB: Mr. Dentino, we don't take kindly to attempted corporate espionage or our potential employees not being upfront and honest with their financial history. It seems to be you have had some terrible history in your past, and if what I'm looking at is correct, you didn't actually do anything at Goldman Sachs! Not a single financial transaction has your order or sign-off on it. Admin Actual: D-7867, leave now! D-7867 begins whimpering. TB stands up and picks up the camera from the shirt. He looks into it. TB: I'll show you what happens when someone tries to steal my godamn sources and leads! I'll show you how The Boss does business! The camera is placed on the desk with D-7867 in full view. Several pieces of duct tape have restricted the D-classes movement, and a piece is covering his mouth. TB walks behind him to a desk in the back of the room, opens a top drawer, and extracts what looks like a hole punch. He turns around, slowly walking towards the restrained D-class. TB: I'll show you what real espionage is, you… you ignoramuses! Footage shows TB putting the hole puncher to D-7867's skin and clicking it together, causing pain to D-7867. The hole puncher is pulled back with an inch-long flesh, muscle, fat, and bone segment. TB dangles it in front of D-7867 and the camera, laughing maniacally. Camera footage stops recording, but audio of D-7867 screaming can be heard. Footage Ends. The Body of D-7867 was later found splayed out in the middle of the business park, several still bleeding holes present all over his body. Medical examination showed that all injuries occurred when D-7867 was alive. Complete evacuation of the park is underway at the time, along with the establishment of Outpost 85-A as a chemical clean-up effort to remove dioxin in the area. Despite this, there are still large numbers of employees spotted inside the walls of 7761-2. Begin Recording, 12-26-2016 The disguised panel van is filled with six armored squad members of MTF Lambda-15, "Officer Supplies," equipped with Foundation weaponry and armor. Four men and one woman, with the women being the technical support of the group. The van is silent for the next three minutes, besides the sound of equipment being prepared and guns being racked. The van stops, and Lambda-15 members immediately exit the vehicle. The camera on squad leader BinderClip captures 7761-2, a large office building in the Westage Business Park in Fishkill, New York. It's 5 stories tall, with darkened windows surrounding the entire outer surface. Vague shapes of office supplies can be seen on the 2nd floor. Pencil: Finally, my home. Binder Clip: Shut the fuck up. Admin Actual, we have arrived at the grounds, how should we proceed? Admin Actual: Message Received, Binder Clip. Please enter the grounds of the building in front of you, Allman Financial Services, and attempt to find any anomalous activity within. We have little intel, so stay sharp. Binder Clip: Memo received, Admin Actual. The camera shifts, with Binder Clip turning to the squad. In profile, the camera picks up the squad members, Pencil, Stapler, Mug, Sticky Note, and Keyboard. Keyboard is the only member with technical equipment, held in a sizable backpack. Binder Clip: It's a standard grab bag, boys and girls. We go in, see if any X-Files bullshit is around, and take out any hostiles. Rack it up, forward! Binder Clip turns around, his rifle showing on the very edge of the video. Affirmatory yells come from behind, and Binder Clip tests the entryway doors, finding them open. He opens the glass door, motioning for his squad to enter. They do, rifle barrels first. The squad enters a V formation, scanning the room. When Binder Clip enters, the door closes behind the camera, and fluorescent lights turn on with a click and a buzz. At the front desk, a woman smiles at the squad. Her name card identifies her as "Secretary." Secretary: Why, hello and welcome to Allman Financial Services! What can I do for you today? Stapler relaxes his stance slightly. Stapler: What the fuck? Secretary: Hey, this is a place of business! We can do without the swear words, sailor. Mug: BC [referring to Binder Clip], how should we proceed? Binder Clip: Uh, check-in, I guess. He walks towards the front desk, shouldering his rifle and flipping up his ballistic visor. Binder Clip: Hello, ma'am. We're looking for your boss. Can you set up a meeting with him? The Secretary taps on her keyboard for almost thirty seconds. Secretary: Well, looks like a meeting with six contractors for potential employment… Well, do any of you have any special skills that would make you a good fit for an up-and-coming, revolutionary financial services business? Squad members are heard moving. Sticky Note: I have a minor in Business. Secratary: That's great! What was your major? Sticky Note: Abnormal Sociology. Secretary: Well, I guess that means you'll be getting into our enemy's heads! You can step into the elevator behind the desk. A small ding, and in the wall just beyond the desk 2 segments of the wall move backward slightly, moving to the side and revealing a brightly lit elevator with red carpeting and all-glass walls. Sticky Note:: Uh, BC, how should I proceed? BC: You wait for us all to enter, or get permission from the lovely lady. Now, I don't have a degree, but I did work for my dad's hardware store for seven years. The secretary clicks on her keyboard for 67 seconds, then looks at BC smiling. Secretary: That works just fine! You can follow your friend right on in. Camera turns to face the squad. BC: Mug, Pencil, Stapler, Keyboard, pony up your experience. Stapler: BC, are you sure we should be going along with whatever this chick wants? BC turns to the Secretary again. BC: Ma'am, can you promise that none of my squad will be harmed if we enter the building? Secretary: Well, you're all already inside, sweetie! If we had wanted you fired, you'd be gone from here already. BC: See, all good. Pony up your resumes, folks. A beat of silence. Mug: I took a 2-month seminar on Personal Finance after high school. Secretary types on the keyboard for 34 seconds. Secretary: That's great, you can go right on in- She is cut short by the report of Stapler's rifle, and a 5.56 hollow point slams into her face, and she collapses into a pile of paper, staples, pen ink, and pipe cleaners. BC: STAPLER, WHAT THE FUCK! Stapler: Her eyes didn't work right, BC! Camera turns, looking over the desk at the pile of stuff. As it does a loud Klaxon alarm can be heard, causing every member of Lambda-15 to point their rifles in different directions. Audio cleaning reveals four small dings, identical to the sound the first elevator made, but the camera doesn't turn quick enough to capture the contents. The sound of staplers can be heard, and BC falls to the ground. The view of the camera is obscured, but the sounds of a struggle along with rifles firing can be heard. The body of BC is moved, and the squad retreats out of the building. BC is turned on their back, and Keyboard begins emergency first aid. Mug begins to physically assault Stapler, hitting him with the butt of her rifle. Pencil steps in and restrains her, while Stapler appears to have a nervous breakdown. Report on Incident 7761-I-A Written by Marvin "Pencil" Jackson, Junior Squad Leader of Lambda-15, "Officer Supplies." Initial insertion into 7761 was a failure. Action taken by squad member "Stapler" resulted in an aggressive response by the entity or entities. Defensive measures were taken, and I ordered a retreat. Former Squad Leader Brian "Binder Clips" Clement was DOA of medical services, with his visor penetrated by a series of staples. The analysis found them to have no anomalous properties, but the staples managed to penetrate the visor and eye of BC, leaving them deep in his brain, and causing near-instant brain death. Other members of Lambda-15 escaped with minor injuries, mainly with their body armor pierced in multiple places by staples. Suggestion of plainclothes insertion during daytime or open hours. Ethics Board Request: Immediate firing and reassigning of Stapler. Shows little to no aptitude for fieldwork, and actions are directly responsible for the death of a squad leader. Addendum-D:: All Recorded Instances of 7761-4 List of Recorded Instances of 7761-4 A stapler instantaneously grew a pair of origami paper wings composed of standard A4 printer paper, which began hovering in place and shooting staplers at approximately 300 feet per second at invaders. Paperclips will fold their ends together creating an electrical plug on one end, plugging themselves into the nearest wall outlet, and shooting electricity at invaders. Coffee cups and faucets work together, with any water pipe expelling boiling hot water that is collected by the mugs and dumped on invaders. The water temperature is approx. 110 degrees Celsius. Mechanical pencils point themselves towards invaders and shoot pieces of lead towards invaders at approx. 350 feet per second. The Boss will be encased in plastic folders and legal pads to create a set of armor imitating samurai armor from the early Edo period with a sword composed of Expo Dry-Erase markers connected end-to-end. The "sword" has been recorded as effective.
WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS LEVEL 4/7765 CLASSIFIED ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT LEVEL 4/7765 AUTHORIZATION WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. Item Number: SCP-7765 Object Class: Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7765 is to be stored at Site-403 within three separate standard cryogenic containment cells. Monitoring of the anomaly is to be conducted on a bi-weekly basis for the purpose of maintaining cryostasis and ensuring that no life signs or growth has occurred within SCP-7765. The cross sections created during the splitting of SCP-7765 are to be examined for possible changes. In the event that any growth is found within or upon SCP-7765, lockdown procedures should be initiated immediately along with the interior incinerator. Site Command will be notified when the lockdown is put into place. No biological samples are to be taken from SCP-7765 without express permission from Site Command. Description: SCP-7765 is the remains of a large anomalous entity that has been separated into three sections (designated A, B and C) for ease of containment. Section A has been cataloged with a mass of 58.3 tons, Section B at 27.5 tons, and Section C at 18.21 tons. Analysis of bone structures within the remains has shown SCP-7765's resemblance to members of the dinosauria clade. The following features have been identified: Species Resemblance Anatomical Feature Number Average Level of Functionality (based on formation) Atrociraptor marshalli Lower legs, claws 7, 10 35% Spinosaurus aegyptiacus Lower jaw, scattered facial elongations 3, 5 11% Kentrosaurus aethiopicus Thagomizers present on several limbs, tail esque extremity extending from Section C 12 52% Unknown member of Ankylosauridae family Armor plating covers large portion of Section B's external flesh, damaged in places. Indeterminate 47% Ekrixinatosaurus novasi Teeth structures present on Section A 68 5% Skorpiovenator bustingorryi Hind legs, nodules on sections of flesh across Sections B, C 4, Indeterminate 31% Unknown theropod Main skull on Section A, lower jaws, front limbs 1, 4, 6 86% Despite this, DNA analysis has shown that the genetic material of SCP-7765 matches no known sequences within Foundation databases. After SCP-7765's initial discovery, an autopsy on the remains revealed that the entity seemed to have died from comorbid issues- suffering from pneumothorax in all lungs, advanced muscle atrophy, burst gastrointestinal systems, and severe damage to a multitude of internal structures by way of leaked stomach acids. Discovery: The following sets of logs contain data collected during the process of SCP-7765's discovery and the events prior to its neutralization. Discovery Log 7765.1: Initial Discovery The recovered photograph SCP-7765's initial discovery occurred when the following image was found in an issue of the Baring, Washington local newspaper on 1/4/2023, with a connecting excerpt: 'Dinosaur' in Baring? Further proof? A man from Baring snapped this terrifying photo late at night on December 6th, and submitted it to us here. These photographs are some of the first physical evidence to back up a string of monster sightings around our town! Though residents are skeptical. Is it just some hoax? Or is there perhaps some truth to these photos? Discovery Log 7765.2: Conducted Interviews For brevity, a majority of the Foundation conducted interviews within Baring, Washington, have been compressed and summarized in the following table: Interviewee Date of Interview Date of Sighting Interview Summary Ted Land 1/6/2023 11/28/2022 Recalled witnessing a strange figure within the woods while on a walk, the size of a deer but lizard-like in nature, but being “shaped wrong”. He stated that it was scratching itself against the side of a tree “really aggressively” and adds on: "I could see blood on the bark and some weird shit falling off onto the ground, it was scratching itself until it was bleeding and until there wasn't any bark left.” The interviewee then fled the scene when the entity began to reportedly stumble away from the tree. Caleb Davidson 1/6/2023 12/6/2022 Interviewee reported hearing loud noises coming from the woods. Upon going to investigate, he claims to have found a wounded bear. “It was covered in claw marks, at first I thought it was from a fight with another bear till I caught a glimpse of what was running away from it,” The interviewee described what he saw as “a large, long thing. Couldn't exactly figure out its color, it was too dark.” And that it was “trailing blood behind it. Guess the bear fought it off.” Isabelle Murphy 1/6/2023 12/14/2022 Spotted by the interviewee from the front window of her home late at night, standing over the carcass of an adult doe that had been hit and killed by a truck. She described that "It was… like- tearing it apart with its teeth?” and how “it looked bumpy and rocky (from the porch light), like it had some sort of armor.” Another note made by the interviewee is that it had supposedly limped into her yard, but upon finishing consuming the deer, it had run off into the woods. Avery Allen 1/7/2023 12/19/2022 Interviewee complained of having lost several animals from her ranch over the course of three days, later finding footprints and sign of scuffle near her barn. The footprints were described as "long and scraping" like "something sharp was dragged across the ground". No photographs were taken of these prints. Eli Campbell 1/7/2023 12/27/2022 Most recent sighting. Interviewee described the entity they saw as “bigger than anything” they'd ever seen. They claim to have spotted it on their drive home from work, seeing a massive shape moving between the trees. According to the interviewee, it had “more legs than any animal should”, and moved with an uneven gait. Interviewee stated they felt frightened by the entity, and did not exit their vehicle to investigate nor stop to try and get a better look. “I floored it and didn't look back, I've seen enough movies to know how this shit goes.” Due to discontinuity between interviews, it is presently unclear the nature of the anomaly (or anomalies) present within the area. The following interview has been transcribed in full due to relevant information: Interviewed: Quinn Muldoon Interviewer: Dr. Maeral Wysdan Date: 1/7/2023 Foreword: One of few individuals to claim to have had a sighting of one of the unknown entities within the woods around Baring, Washington. Quinn Muldoon was interviewed about her sighting in the town's bar under the guise of a news report. <Begin Log> The faint sound of chatter from the bar is present in the recording. Dr. Wysdan: Ahem- Hello! Are you Ms. Muldoon? Muldoon: Eh? Oh shit- hello. Ya need somethin', ah- Dr. Wysdan: Mx. Wysdan. Muldoon: Pleasure to make ya acquaintance, ya seem to already know who I am. So what's it ya needin'? Dr. Wysdan: I'm with local news, caught wind you were one of the people who had a sighting of one of the- Muldoon: [She cuts fir off] Oh Christ's sake- if you news folks fancy yaselves monster hunters, then I ain't saying a peep. Dr. Wysdan: I beg your pardon? Muldoon: Goin' after tha' thing, ya shouldn't. Too many folks in this town are talkin' bout tryin' to track it down for some sorta glory. Don't fuck with it, don't- Dr. Wysdan: [Fi interrupts] Word has it was you that shot the creature you saw, Ms. Muldoon. Both are silent for a moment. Muldoon: An… accident, mostly. Thought the thing was a large buck till I hit it. Deers don't make the noises tha' thing did. Dr. Wysdan: My intentions aren't to go after anything, I just want information, is that ok, ma'am? Muldoon: …Fine. Dr. Wysdan: Thank you. Can you tell me about your encounter? There's the clinking of a glass against the bar. Muldoon: Aight… sure, yeah. It was… ah fuck- 6th of December? So a month ago. Ish. Yeah. Was out lookin' for deer, had my rifle with me. Went North from town, ‘n jus' went ‘long the Skykomish- the river. Prolly got 'bout half a mile from Baring when I saw it. Thought it was a deer at first cause it was crouched down, had these branchin' horns at the head. Looked like antlers from a distance but they were… wrong. Tha' thing wasn't right. Knew it the moment it started haulin' ass cross the river. A momentary pause. Dr. Wysdan: …it did what across the river? Muldoon: [She sighs] When I shot it- hit the side- it burst from the foliage ‘n went runnin' for the river. Dr. Wysdan: Oh! Oh, yes. Aight, got it. What happened from there? Muldoon: I ducked down behind some rocks to get outta it's line of sight, was already downwind. Thing was fast, but it had struggled a bit with the water. Dr. Wysdan: Was the entity quadrupedal or bipedal? Muldoon: Is there a word for both ‘a em? Dr. Wysdan: Ah… hm- yes, there is. I think it's facultative bipedalism? Muldoon: I'll take yer word for it. Cause it was both- ran through the river ‘n dragged itself onshore on all fours before standin' up like some fuckin'… well, so far you folks at the paper like callin' it a dinosaur. Dr. Wysdan: Can you describe it to me? Muldoon: Yeah, sure. Hon'stly, it sounds ridiculous to say but the closest place to start I think is somethin' like a dinosaur. Stood almos' like one a' those fucks from Jurassic Park- the raptors? Was sorta shaped like one but it just… it was wrong, I dunno how else to put it. Limbs weren't right, didn't move right. Dr. Wysdan: What was wrong with the animal? Could you tell? Muldoon: I've seen sick animals before- chronic wasting does some fucked up shit to deer- so I can say without a shadow of a doubt that thing was sick, Mx. It wasn't actin' right. It didn' look right. It didn't lick its wounds or nothin' after gettin' shot. It stumbled around the shore, bleedin', and started makin' these loud mewling sounds. Somethin' tha' big shouldn' be cryin' out like that. Tha's the kinda noise ya hear from a young animal callin' out to mama. But this thing looked mature. Tha' there beastie was sick, sick and scared. Dr. Wysdan: Oh… what… What did it do after that? Did anything come to those cries? The sightings have varied, it's a possibility there's more than one of those creatures out there. Muldoon: If there are others, they didn' hear this one. Thing was cryin' for several minutes before it jus' laid down on the rocks whimperin'. Had half'a mind to put it outta its misery, but it was too far away for a clear shot- and the last thing I want is a scared animal finally seein' what hurt it. When something like tha' is sick it's a coinflip on whether it's gonna run or if it's gonna maim ya, y'know? Dr. Wysdan: I see. [Muttering] Poor thing. How long was it before this animal left? Muldoon: Dunno. Jus' laid on the shore for a while- eventually, its head shot up like it heard somethin'. For a moment I thought it mighta heard me, but then it stumbles up to its feet and jus'… bolted North. Dr. Wysdan: Did you hear anything? Muldoon: Nothin'. Maybe it smelled somethin', I dunno. Tha' thing was odd, don't think I've ever seen anythin' like it. I hope, frankly, I never do. Dr. Wysdan: Can't say I blame you. But thank you, for this information ma'am. Is that everything? Muldoon: Yeah, tha's it. Thing burst off, haven't seen it since. I left and jus' went home after it happened. There's a rustling, likely Dr. Wysdan nodding Dr. Wysdan: Then I'll get outta your hair, ey? Enjoy your drink ma'am, thanks again. Muldoon: Sure, yeah. Have a good day. <End Log> Closing Statement: Due to the nature of the situation in Baring, and the town's isolated location, amnestics have only been utilized to cover up the existence of the photographs taken. The newspapers containing the image were confiscated. Discovery Log 7765.3: Tracking Log Foreword: This is the record of tracking SCP-7765. Record starts at 47°46'53.9"N 121°30'01.9"W. Due to the complexity of the task, only major events are included in this report. For a more complete record, please send a request to your site RAISA liaison. MTF Mu-145 ("Don't Troodon Me") E Squad Morales, Isidro - Team lead, field-analyst/strategist Lavigne, Jean-Marc - Field medic, combat specialist Edouard, Noah - Hunter, animal behavior specialist Whittaker, Lesley - Combat specialist Graves, Najeem - Hunter, tracker, lookout Fraser, Graham - Combat trainee <Begin Log> E Squad, Mu-145 approaches the designated location, just Northwest of Baring, Washington - walking alongside the South Fork Skykomish River. Morales spins on their heels and turns to face the squad, walking backwards for a moment as they talk. Morales: Alright, quick head count - everyone has what they need, yes? There are various sounds of agreement or nods from the team as Morales scans them over. Graves: Got the DNA tracker, you have the second- right Morales? Morales: [They nod] That I do. Fraser: How do those things- ah- work again? Maybe I should've asked this earlier but- [He descends into mumbling.] Morales: [They take out a device, it has a screen akin to a handheld radar] It's fairly new tech, but it'll help us find this thing. Take a small piece, load it into here, send the rest back to site to be examined and presto! We're in business! We only got two though, the tech person who handed ‘em to me was very ornery about even getting us two. New, expensive, so let's not drop them in the woods. Graves chuckles and gives a thumbs up. Morales: Oh! Speaking of preparation- Whittaker? I want tasers on full charge. Whittaker: [She sighs] Do you have to make that joke every time? Morales: Yes, yes I do. Fraser snickers faintly as Whittaker rolls her eyes. There's a click and a low buzzing of her activating the electrical prod. Whittaker: We're not even the Clever Girls! Graves: You're right, we're an arguably better pun! Whittaker groans quietly, as does Edouard. Morales: That's the spirit, Graves! Now look alive, folks, there's work to do. Graves, I want you to lead the second team. Take Edouard and Fraser with you, head Northward. Whittaker, Lavigne? You ladies are with me. We'll be heading West. Graves: Got it, boss. Lavigne nods silently. Whittaker: Sounds good to me. We'll just have to be more careful to watch our backs, with being split up. Morales: Of course, of course. Let's get a move on, the only thing we have to lose is daylight. There are various sounds of agreement from Mu-145, before the two teams split off and head in their designated directions. Morales alerts Command of the split. It should be noted that several members of MTF Mu-65 ("The Clever Girls") are overseeing as command. Team 1- Morales, Lavigne and Whittaker- walk through the woods in relative silence, scanning the trees and bushes. Lavigne raises her head and abruptly stops. Lavigne: You smell that? Morales: Huh? Lavigne: Blood. I smell blood. Morales: Well that's a statement and a half but- [they pause] yeah, yeah now I do too. Whittaker raises her gaze and sniffs the air, before slipping a flashlight from her belt and turning it on- starting to use the beam of light to sweep the foliage. Morales looks over. Morales: See anything? Whittaker: Gimme a second, [she takes a few steps forward, squints, sighs, then looks to Lavigne] where? Lavigne: Gimme that- [Whittaker hands her the flashlight, and Lavigne starts to walk] it's close, I can tell that one. Wind keeps shifting so it's a pain in the dick- Lavigne stops. Lavigne: Found… something- [She crouches down, and slips on a glove from her bag to pick up an object.] Whittaker: The hell's that? Morales tilts their head as Lavigne comes over- in her hand is a torn off piece of flesh. There are a few pieces of scales sticking out, one flakes off. Lavigne: Morales, this look like it's from anything in this area? Morales: That's more a question for Edouard, but that… doesn't look right. Hold on, lemme get out the tracker. Lavigne nods. Morales takes out the DNA Tracker. They then use a pair of tweezers to tear off a small piece of the flesh and insert it into a slide on the side of the device. It begins to make a small whirling sound. Morales: [They are reading the text on the screen] Calibrating, please wait. Lavigne shifts on her feet, Whittaker moves to look over Morales' shoulder as the device scans and analyzes the sample. It begins to make a very faint, but steady beeping sound. Morales squints. Morales: Huh… only pinging the sample. Whittaker: Weird- can this thing zoom out? Morales: Yeah, lemme- [They adjust a dial on the side, spinning it clockwise a few times.] …Huh. Lavigne: What? Morales: Nothing for 50 miles. And even that range feels overkill. Lavigne: This… sample looks nearly fresh- the blood's coagulated but not dried. No way in hell an animal got that far in so little time. Whittaker: Then looks like we might've found a piece of what we're looking for. Morales: But why wouldn't it ping the tracker? Lavigne: [She huffs] Did they hand us a piece of broken tech? Morales: No. The sample in your hand is setting off the tracker but… nothing else is. Whittaker: That thing keep track of the DNA sequence? Morales nods. Whittaker: Can we send it to command? If we can find any biological close matches it may help us in dealing with this thing when we do find it. Morales: Good idea, I'll get on that. Lavigne- bag that sample while we're at it. We can have them pick it up, probably. Might be better than just the sequences. Lavigne: On it. Graves is walking alongside Fraser, Edouard is a couple meters ahead of them- but still in sight. Fraser: Do we know how big this thing is? Graves: Nope. None a' the reports were anywhere near consistent. That's why we're thinkin' there may be several entities. Fraser: Oh- huh. Ok- [He glances around the trees.] Up ahead, Edouard suddenly stops. Graves squints and picks up his pace to catch up. Graves: What's going on-? Edouard: Ssh- stop. Graves closes his mouth, tilts his head. Fraser halts mid approach with a confused expression. Graves: [In a whisper] What is it? Edouard: Movement. I hear something. Follow me- quietly. Graves ducks his head, and signals to Fraser to come along. The three of them quietly move forward, following Edouard's lead. As they move, faint sounds can be heard. The distant cracking of branches or trees, growing slightly louder. Fraser: [Whispering] Oh it's big, isn't it… Edouard squints, and keeps moving. Roughly 200 meters from the team, movement can be seen. No clear form, but the movement of something is disturbing trees. A low series of rumbles pierces through the air. From this point, the present members lower their voices to whispers. Edouard: [He freezes, signaling with a hand for the others to do the same.] Stop- Graves: Fuckin' hell- could feel that in my chest. Fraser: What do we do? Edouard: Get down, get low. Graves: Let's see if it moves in a way that we can see what this thing is before we get in closer. We don't know what we're dealing with. Edouard nods, and the three crouch low in the foliage- watching the continued movement. After approximately two minutes, there's a sudden and louder snapping- and the sounds increase in frequency, a more high pitched noise is heard- before suddenly beginning to grow far fainter. Edouard: [In a whisper, seemingly to himself] Why are you going so fast..? What scared you? Graves: Shit. It's moving away- Fraser: Would it leave tracks? Maybe we can find those? Edouard nods, he pushes himself up to his feet with a grunt. He offers a hand to Graves to help him up, he takes it with a nod. Fraser stumbles up on his own. The team begins to move, heading towards the location where the noises and disturbance had been heard from. Fraser: There! I see something in the dirt- Graves: Good eye kid- They pick up speed, approaching the markings that Fraser had spotted. There are fallen twigs and leaves, as well by large marks in the soil. They partially resemble tracks of some clawed animal, accompanied by long and deep grooves- as though something was dragged. Fraser: What the- are these tracks..? Edouard: [He crouches down] Something's off with them. Graves: Almost looks like more than one set- were they dragging something? Edouard: Possibly. Fraser: Freaky- maybe it was something they hunted? Like as a pack? Edouard nods, and stands back up. Graves: Let's follow these, perhaps we can catch up to the things. Edouard: Good plan. Preliminary Field Analysis Report Collected by Jean-Marc Lavigne at approximately 47°47'02.5"N 121°31'04.6"W on 1/8/2023 Samples Collected: Organic Material: A singular sample of flesh found within the woods North of Barring, Washington. Biomass: 0.22 kg of organic material from an unidentified anomalous entity harvested from the woods surrounding Barring, Washington. Analysis: Sample was subjected to DNA sequencing and analysis by staff at Site-403. It was discovered, after undergoing several tests, that the recovered sample matches no known animal or organism that has been placed in the Foundation's genealogical archives nor general records of genetic material. Possibility of the sample being contaminated is unknown, further tests are pending. Implications: N/A Edouard: There's something on the ground ahead. Fraser looks up from the tracks the group is following, Graves squints. Graves: Looks like- skin? Fraser: Eugh- Graves and Edouard both approach the piece. It's grey, reasonably fresh looking. It lays at the outskirts of a clearing in the woods, some of the trees are broken or damaged. Edouard bats away a fly with his hand as he slips on a glove to pick it up. Edouard: [He turns to Graves] Load it into the tracker. Could be helpful. Fraser: It's smack dab in the middle of these tracks… Graves: Alright, I'll load a piece in- can you get the motion detector up and running while I'm at it? Edouard: On it. Graves loads a small piece of he sample into the tracker, and calibrates the device as Edouard activates a different device. The DNA tracker begins to make a faint beeping sound as it scans. Graves: We got a ping but… somethin's up. It's faint, but the radar is indicating it's right in the clearing… Fraser: That doesn't sound right. Graves: No, it doesn't. Graves begins to walk into the small clearing, Edouard and Fraser follow behind. Graves glances around, then down at the device- trying to find the source. Fraser: If it's pinging the tracker- shouldn't it… be here? Edouard: It's quiet. Fraser: Can animals not be quiet? Edouard makes a noise, almost uncomfortable- he places down the motion detector and glances around. He makes a barely audible mutter: Edouard: This place smells nasty. Graves: I don't get it- why ain't this thing working..? The steady beeping from the DNA tracker grows louder as Graves turns a few dials- trying to work it better- and the motion detector starts to ping. Fraser: What's that? Edouard: Something's moving. The motion detector screams to life, and the audio grows louder abruptly as the clearing erupts with movement and the sounds of countless wings. Morales' radio activates. Command: Morales, this is command, do you read? Whittaker and Lavigne look over. Morales: Yup, what's going on? Something wrong? Command: We've been scanning the area over on the satellite for the past hour or so, and found something that may be of importance. Morales: Oh? Command: Roughly two or three clicks North of the town we've spotted an unidentified building. Ran it past webcrawlers and found nothing on it- no zoning, no license- no online evidence that it even should be there. Let alone what it is. Due to its proximity to the town, it's something that's caught our attention as possibly important. Whittaker: [She approaches Morales to be audibly heard by Command] Do you want us to investigate? Lavigne: I hope so. That's probably be a better lead then stumbling around the woods blind for another hour… Command: Yes. Regroup with the rest of the team, and head to that location as soon as you can. We'll be sending the coordinates post-haste. Morales: On it, thank you. I'll contact Team 2 and tell 'em the sitch'. The source of the commotion is sighted to have been a flock of birds, judging by coloration and size from body cameras, they are either ravens or crows. Fraser had ducked down, he now raises his head as the others speak. Edouard: Just birds, jesus christ- Graves: Fuckin' hell, full a' birds and smellin' like shit. [He shakes out his head.] Edouard: …cause they were eating something. Fraser: Huh? Edouard: Scavengers. Whole place smells of death- [Edouard clicks on his flashlight, he raises it up to the trees] -and no wonder. Graves and Fraser both look up, clicking on their own lights. Many branches of above trees are broken or snapped, while others appear to have greyish, pale flesh caught on them. Some pieces half eaten by birds, but decently fresh. The bark of some trees drip with blood from these torn off fragments. Graves: So tha's why the tracker was freakin' out… but why the hell wasn't it pinging all of these? Fraser: Is it broken? Graves: Can't be, I tested it before arrival. Something isn't right with these samples. [He looks down at the DNA tracker, squinting.] Lemme try and get a sample from one of these other chunks. Edouard slips out a combat knife and approaches one of the trees, scraping a chunk of grey-ish flesh from the bark. Graves walks over so that he can load that sample into the tracker. The tracker's screen lights up, similar to earlier, the pinging is muffled and faint- as though the tracker is experiencing a glitch or bug. The only clear ping is the rest of the scrap on Edouard's knife. Graves: It's pingin' the sample, and a lil bit of another piece or two up that tree but… nothin' else here. Fraser: But that doesn't make sense! Why would the DNA be so different? Edouard: …what if it's changing. Fraser: Huh? Edouard: There's… only been one entity spotted at a time, but each time it looks different. These samples aren't fully working with the tracker. It's like a trail that's fading off. Graves: Are you suggesting this thing is like… mutating? Edouard: Rapidly. Fraser: That sounds bad- Edouard: It may be, if something like that evolves around anything thrown at it, it could become incredibly dangerous. Graves: Then we gotta find a way to track this damn thing down- Graves' radio sputters to life, he picks it up. Graves: This is Graves, over. Morales: Yo- there's been a change of plans. We just got word from command that there's an unidentified structure due North, they want us to check it out. It may have some connection to this thing. Make your way back to the river, we'll meet you there. Over. Fraser: [To Graves, quietly] Well ask and ye shall receive… Graves: Got it, captain. I'll fill ya in on our findings when we rendezvous. Over. [He returns the radio to his hip] Alright, let's get back to the river, c'mon- Fraser follows Graves as he quickly turns on his heel and begins to head back. Edouard lingers briefly. Edouard's eyes trail to the large tracks on the forest floor, he raises his compass and watches the needle. It should be noted that the tracks are heading North. <End Log> Exploration Log 7765.1 Foreword: This is a document detailing the investigation conducted within a previously unidentified building about 1.24 miles North of the town of Baring, Washington. The recording starts at 47°48'36.7"N 121°29'12.9"W, roughly two minutes before entry. MTF Mu-145 ("Don't Troodon Me") E Squad Morales, Isidro - Team lead, field-analyst/strategist Lavigne, Jean-Marc - Field medic, combat specialist Edouard, Noah - Hunter, animal behavior specialist Whittaker, Lesley - Combat specialist Graves, Najeem - Hunter, tracker, lookout Fraser, Graham - Combat trainee <Begin Log> MTF Mu-145 is approaching the designated location, the group speaking quietly with one another as they do so. Fraser: How come- how come they're sending us to check this out? I mean I'm not complaining it's better than the woods but like… why? Graves: Close enough to everythin' that's been happenin' to be suspicious, probably. Morales: I'd been thinking about that too while we were walking, honestly. I'm half expecting to just find something rundown, I dunno. Edouard: This is all very strange. Lavigne: Oh gee I wonder why. [She rolls her eyes] Not like we're doing normal work here. Edouard: [He huffs] I don't mean like that. Not general- something about all this it's… mm. Graves: It's what? Whittaker: Spit it out. Graves: Don't be rude. Edouard is quiet for a few moments longer, before raising his head. Edouard: I looked over the other documents relating to the anomaly before we left. Noticed something. Whittaker: And that is? Edouard: Weird consistencies. The sightings were all the Northside of town, it's always night, and the sightings seem to always be once a week- which is honestly the strangest. Fraser: Wait really? Once a week? Lavigne: But there were several sightings on the 6th. The image aside, two other people spotted it then. Doesn't that break the pattern? Edouard: Not necessarily. Morales: Were the depictions all consistent? If not, then maybe that breaks the pattern- but if it's the same thing than… than that's just odd. Edouard: [He shakes his head] I don't think they were consistent. Graves: It's odd in general, hon'stly. Edouard's right, this is strange. Lavigne: What, do you think this is something deliberate? Edouard: Don't know. Maybe it's just a creature of habit, maybe there's something else happening. Morales: So maybe a mysterious building in the middle of nowhere has some connection. Edouard: The tracks were in this direction. Morales: Well that bodes well. [They glance down at a device at their wrist] We're approaching the location, keep an eye out gang. Lavigne: I smell smoke. Morales: Oh well that's the first good sign. Whittaker: I smell it too- not burning trees, either. Fraser: Uh oh- Morales' furrows their brow, they signal to the team- MTF Mu-145 begins to move quicker, crossing through the trees and into a small clearing, the building is now in sight. It's large, concrete walls- half constructed into the side of a hill. The entire front of the building is collapsed and damaged, some smoke billows from a larger hole, and a few scattered gaps in the rubble. Lavigne: Well I'll be damned. Graves: Think it's safe enough to try 'n get in through one of those gaps? There's smoke. Morales: Let's find out. Morales approaches closer to the rubble- a sidewall slightly more intact than the front- and crouches down to stare through one of the lower gaps. Morales: Place is torn to hell and back, but I see space through there- smoke's only at the top, fire ain't at this spot just yet. We'll be safe to head through, but get out your respirators I don't want anyone passing out on me. The members of MTF Mu-145 all equipt given respirators, before one-by-one entering the building through the gap in the rubble. They emerge into the remains of a hallway, the smoke from a current unseen fire has stained the walls black. The ceiling is heavily torn and damaged- tile ripped out of place, lights shattered and wires dangling down. Whittaker: Oi! Mind the wires, some of them might be live. The others nod, crouching down. Fraser makes a worried noise, glancing up above him. Morales: Let's head down this hall, be on the lookout for fire. They signal for the team to follow. It's quiet in the building aside from the crunching of rubble underfoot, and a faint crackling sound. When the team emerges into a larger room. It has three other hallways branching from it; one of which has been collapsed. It's on the opposite side of the room as the MTF, and the surrounding area is heavily damaged. The walls torn, ceiling damaged. The source of the fire is found here too. It burns against the remains of what might have been furniture and a carpet- tucked between two of the hallways in a corner. The linoleum of the rest of the room's floors, and the brick of the wall, seemed to have prevented it from spreading further. The smoke has stained large portions of the room. Fraser: [He coughs, shakes out his head] Well- least it isn't a big fire. Whittaker: Fuckin' hell it almost looks like someone firebombed this place. Morales: Well, something certainly tore through here. Graves: Ya think it might've been the anomalies? Or anomaly-? Morales: Got nothing else to blame, currently. So it's most likely. Edouard glances between the two intact hallways, scans the walls briefly. He pauses and approaches the hallway on the right, brushing some soot away from a plaque on the wall. Graves looks over and tilts his head. Graves: What's that, Edouard? Edouard: Hall labels. 'Research and Development', 'Testing', 'Department Head' and 'Containment'. Fraser: Containment? This isn't a Foundation site. Lavigne: Foundation didn't invent the word, honey. Whittaker: Still worrying, regardless. If they've got shit contained here. Edouard: May want to switch that to past tense. Whittaker: Ehh, tomayto-tomahto. Graves: So we've either found a whole new problem, or somethin' even more concernin'- because frankly I don't like the implications- if the anomaly we've been looking for is something that was held here. The fuck were they doing, considering it kept on getting out? Whittaker: [She looks around] Dunno if it's a good thing or a bad thing that this place is totaled… Morales: Not sure Graves, but maybe we can find out if that part of this place isn't totalled. Edouard: Are we gonna head down this way? Morales: What's the other hall? Whittaker slips over to the other side of the room, checking the plaque. Whittaker: Looks like offices, bathroom, cafeteria. Basic staff shit- everything we're looking for is probably down the other way. Morales nods. Morales: Then let's make haste. If these people have information on the anomaly, it could be indispensable to figuring out what's going on. MTF Mu-145 moves down the hallway, these part of the building is not as damaged as the previous room- though cracks are present along the walls, along with damage along the ceiling. The ceiling begins to rise, and the team approaches a door labeled with "Containment". The door is unlocked when Morales turns the handle, and pushes it open. The team enters the room, it's small and contains a table. There is observational equipment, and a electronic pad resting on a table Within this room is a large glass window, stretching along the side of the wall. Past the window is a concrete room- it is mostly featureless, aside from another window higher up on the opposite side, and a gate on the side. The concrete floor and walls have scratches and marks on the inside. A far corner corner has a thin, messy pile of pressed-down straw. Edouard: Claw marks on the concrete. Whittaker: Well, there definitely was something in here. Looks like your standard containment unit. Fraser: Doesn't look too big. That bodes well, right? Graves: Maybe, least it means that it maybe only held one animal. Looks like a nest in the corner there. Lavigne approaches the table, examining it's contents. She glances up at the containment unit. Lavigne: Seems they were keeping a close eye on this, I see cameras in every top corner. Graves: What's on the pad? Lavigne picks it up, scans it over. Luckily, there is no password and she is able to access its contents. Lavigne: These are test logs. Kinda shoddily written but it's mostly dates. All look recent. Morales: What kind of tests? Lavigne: Listed as "Exposure Tests", this page here looks like some sort of schedule. Edouard moves over, he peaks over Lavigne's shoulder. Edouard: Wait… I recognize those dates. Whittaker: Heh? Edouard: Look- December 14th, 19th, 27th - are the same dates people sighted the anomaly. Lavigne: They were letting it out. Edouard: That's why there was consistency. Fraser: Why were they testing it? Whittaker: [She shrugs] Not sure, maybe same reason Foundation does? To learn? Though the Foundation doesn't let shit run amok in the woods the way these people have. Lavigne: As I said. Shoddy. Morales looks to a drawer on the desk, they open it up and shift through. Morales: More papers, these are older- seems the first dated one here is… mid last year by the looks of things? [Morales picks up a paper, begins to read from it] "Subject growth has begun, and progressing at a steady rate. She's lasted longer than past attempts, we've got our fingers crossed she'll make it through gestation." Whittaker: They grew it in a test tube? Fuck me. Fraser: Does it say why? Whittaker: What are the other papers, Morales? Morales: Notes, written down observations mostly. Behaviors, mostly. They'd give it things and write down what it did. Looks like they kept on trying to push specific reactions out of it. Sometimes through violence, sometimes general stimulation. Edouard's face twists as Morales continues, but he says nothing. Morales: One note here mentions using taser prods and noting behavior till they stopped having an effect on it. Though some of the tests were more tame- so it's a bit odd. Like this one: [They are reading from a paper] "The subject was provided with a rubber ball, rolled into the containment through the gate. Subject was initially startled, before began to nudge it around for roughly 3 minutes, before bringing it back to her nest and began to chew on it. Marks from the teeth are to be measured to monitor growth and strength. It seems she may be developing a hunting drive." there's an afterword about providing it with more things to chew on to encourage jaw strength and growth. Fraser: That's a weird way to say 'it played with a ball'. Lavigne: Eh, guess they wanted to make it sound scientific. Fraser: Still weird. Why go from giving it toys to shocking it? What do they want? Or is this just standard for 'fucked up science'? Whittaker: Maybe. Anything else on this thing? Morales: Seems they kept it in this containment unit while it matured. [They pause, picks up a paper and begins to read from it with a quizzical look] "Greater changes to her physiology have been observed- more than the last few days. Her body is starting to quickly change. She is truly a spectacle to behold in movement, watching the growths take hold." Graves: Changing? Wait, shit- Edouard, remember what you- Edouard: Yeah. Looks like that's confirmation. Graves ducks his head in a nod. Morales: Wonder if the exposure tests were to try and prompt more growth. Only so much a thing can change to adapt to a concrete box and isolated elements thrown in its face. Lavigne: Would make sense. Judging by all the sightings it worked. Never looked really the same between the times people were seein' it. Morales: [They dig through the papers, before holding one up] The most recent note is from roughly the 27th of December, they had to move it to a bigger container. So there's another unit in here somewhere. Whittaker: Maybe we can find it. Morales: There were some halls own the way from here, we can check them out. Moving away from the containment unit, the team comes to a new cross-section of halls. One to the left, one to the right. After a few moments of debate, the team heads down the right hallway. Morales: [Reading the label upon the wall] Department head- that door down that way might be to the office of whoever was in charge of this place. Whittaker: Let's check it out then. Morales nods, and the team moves down the hallway. The door appears jammed, when Morales first tries it- but the combined effort of them and Graves manages to force it open. If not for the labelings within the hall and upon the door, the heavy damage to the room would've made it difficult to determine the room as an office. The glass window that appears to overlook the previously seen mid-sized containment room is shattered, a fallen steel beam splits the room- having crushed the desk and destroyed large swaths of the wall. Papers are scattered across the floor, torn, damaged, dirty. Morales kneels down and begins to sift through the paper. Morales: If there's information about what the hell this thing is, or why they made it, it's here. Whittaker: [She moves to join them in searching] If it hasn't been totalled like the rest of this place. After approximately a minute of the two sorting through and looking over the papers towards the rooms entrance, Lavigne enters the room- leaving Graves, Edouard and Fraser outside keeping watch. She paces an open portion of it near the destroyed remains of the desk, staring down and scanning the papers. Roughly a few seconds later, she pauses, squints, and crouches down. Whittaker looks up. Whittaker: Find something, Lav? Lavigne: Maybe. And what did I tell you 'bout calling me that? Whittaker snickers. Lavigne gives a tired chuckle before her expression shifts, eyes scanning across the paper she's since picked up. Morales and Whittaker both note the change. Morales: What is it? Lavigne: Somethin' fucking labeled with an MC&D stamp. [She flicks a corner of the paper with a disdainful look]. Whittaker: Eugh. Morales: That may be something- is it a funding thing? Wouldn't be surprised if they were backing a place like this. Lavigne: No, it ain't funding. This is a work order. I think we've found why they made our little beastie. Morales: They commissioned it? Lavigne nods. Lavigne: [She continues to scan it over] Whole lotta money went into that thing, I'll tell you that. Technology here all seemed experimental, or just straight up utilizing anomalous means. Mu-200 is gonna have one hell of a time combing through here for all the shit. And- There's a pause, Lavigne squints at the page. Lavigne: Oh fuck me. Whittaker: Why. Morales tilts their head. Lavigne: [She is reading from the paper] "The following order is to issue the creation, raising, and training of a biologically engineered fauna for militaristic and combat scenarios". It's a goddamn bioweapon. No wonder those testing logs were tracking its capabilities so closely. Morales sucks in a breath. Whittaker: Well ain't that fucking peachy! Her exclamation gets the attention of the three remaining team members outside, who now stand by the doorway and listen. Graves frowns, Edouard seems to bare his teeth with a brief flash of anger. Fraser shifts nervously and watches. Morales: So that's why they kept on letting it out too, kept pushing it. They wanted to turn it to a weapon. Graves: Push it hard enough and eventually it'll turn violent. Or into somethin' deadly enough for their purposes. Morales: Exactly. Edouard: Poor thing… Whittaker: We gotta find this thing, now. If this thing is still here we gotta get to it before it gets back out and raises hell. Edouard: Then let's keep following the ruins. By the looks if it, she tore through here. She may still be here. Whittaker: If she is, she's damn quiet! Lavigne: That's a good trait in a weapon. Fraser: And a fucking terrifying statement! Morales: All the more reason to be careful, [They push themselves up to their feet] perhaps the best way to try and find the anomaly is to just follow the damage it left. Graves: Portions are collapsed, but it may be possible. Morales: Then let's get to it. The team leaves the office, and retraces back towards the hallway connecting to the containment unit- this time electing to taking the left hallway, heading down alongside the unit until reaching a turn. This turn enters them into a far larger hall then the others- with higher ceilings and wider walls. There's a large collection of collapsed rubble to the left, but to the right the hallway continues; partially torn open- appearing to have sustained less damage aside from the floor and ceiling showing deep gouges. A large metal gate, closed, is to the right. Whittaker: There's the containment gate, I think. Fraser: Huh- guess they were using this hall to like… move it? Whittaker nods. Whittaker: Probably isn't as damaged because the thing could fit through here. Morales: Let's keep down this hall then, maybe it kept the anomaly going in a path of least resistance instead of tearing holes in the walls. The team begins to move down the hallway, it begins to show more damage. The claw marks growing more frequent, pieces of fallen off flesh begin to be seen, bits of flaked off dark scales stick to some of them. It's all accompanied by blood, drawn across the ground in a continuous, large trail. Whittaker: Forget I said it isn't as damaged. God damn, our little friend definitely was the one that tore through here. Lavigne: Little? Fraser: Oh what the hell- Morales: Why does this thing keep falling apart like this..? Graves: Well- it was designed to rapidly evolve, right? Maybe it… I dunno sheds unneeded stuff? Edouard stares silently down at the blood as they continue. Lavigne: That would make sense- though those testing logs back from that containment unit never mentioned anything about it shedding. Whittaker: Recent development? Graves: Considerin' this thing? Wouldn't be surprised… Lavigne also glances down at the blood. Lavigne: These are drag marks, might've hurt itself tearing through here. Or that's a side effect from the 'shedding'. Freshness of this all bodes quite well. Morales: Sarcasm or..? Lavigne: Depends on how gung-ho you are about finding this anomaly. These marks dictate it might've started to slow down, look ahead- there's a larger staining before the drag marks continue. It was taking breaks. Morales: Let's see if we can catch up, then. Graves furrows his brow, he glances at Edourd for a moment. At one of the pieces of fallen off flesh, Graves pauses and stares at it, seeming to think before crouching down. It prompts Edouard to stop and look over, followed by a few of the others. Graves loads a sample of what can now be presumed is SCP-7765 into the DNA tracker, and begins to calibrate the device. Whittaker: Graves, what are you doing? This thing hasn't worked with our trackers, I doubt it'll work now- The DNA tracker begins to make a steady, louder than before, pinging sound. There's a pause of silence from the team, Whittaker tenses and stares at Graves as he raises his head. Graves: Well… somethin' changed. Morales darts over to Graves' side, peering at the device. The radar screen displays a large collection of pings at it's northern edge. Fraser: We- we're sure they made one of these things, right? Just the one? Lavigne: One can hope. Fraser: Ah- Morales is silent for a few moments, staring at the radar. He then raises his head and silently signals the team to start moving again. Graves: There's a piece up ahead, away from the large concentration. Lavigne: Yeah, I think I see it. At a bend in the hall, a storage closet's walls had been torn away. Several large white canisters of an unidentified substance are scattered along the floor. Majority are broken open, the floor is covered by frost. Laying amongst the canisters is a large, frozen piece of flesh. A limb, with three clawed fingers, juts from it. Edouard: I think that's the biggest piece yet. Fraser: That-that's an arm. Lavigne: Great observation, kid. [She approaches it, scans it over] Liquid nitrogen, must've cracked these open and lost the limb to 'em. Whittaker: Huh- thing tears this whole lab without much injury- least at the beginning, but some liquid nitrogen sheers off its flesh? Morales stares at it for a few moments, then grabs one of the intact canisters and hoists it over their shoulder. Whittaker: What are you gonna do with that? Throw it at the thing? Morales: Maybe! Seemed to have done something to it. A slim chance of it working again is still a chance. Whittaker: Mm. Graves: Got a point with that, I suppose. Lavigne: How close are we, Graves? Graves: Very, I think the hallway ends just beyond this turn, large room maybe? There's… a lot of pings. Big circle. Lavigne: Oh boy. Morales: Any of them moving? Graves: No. They all seem still. Morales blinks. Edouard again glances down at the blood upon the floor as they walk, taking the turn of the hallway. Whittaker: Ohhhh… that's a bigass doorway- The team enters a room through the remains of two massive metal gates, which have since been torn off their hinges and lay on the inside of the room. Like the hall, the concrete floor is gouged by deep grooves- marred by blood and pieces of fallen off flesh. The room itself is large, circular. Estimations from footage place its diameter at roughly 30 meters. The concrete has sustained damage, but not as much as the halls leading to here. The claw marks here look older. Laying collapsed in the center of this room is a mass of tangled flesh, limbs, and bone. It spans nearly the entirety of the ground, sprawled out haphazardly. Blood and viscera splatters the floor and walls, stains gashes in the flesh carved by ribs and teeth. It is motionless. This is SCP-7765. Morales: Is it… dead..? Whittaker: I don't know weather to be damn grateful, or be mad I was getting tense over a corpse. Lavigne narrows her eyes, scanning over the anomalys mass. Lavigne: Fuckin' hell, it's huge. Edouard approaches SCP-7765, watching it carefully. He steps over a tail-like structure, avoiding the sharp spurs jutting from it. An eye embedded in the flesh is glassy. Graves: Edouard, be careful- Edouard: I am… Carefully, Edouard places a gloved hand against a section of undamaged, black scales. There's silence, for a moment. Edouard: Not breathing, not moving. I think it is dead. Whittaker: I feel like I can see why just by looking at it. It's all torn open, you'd think a Sarkic sunk its claws into this thing with all these growths. Edouard pauses, his eyes widen briefly and he looks up to the anomaly again. Edouard: Rapid evolution… Whittaker: Heh? Morales: Fuck. The reports. This thing was built to change, and fast. Guess there was no… no genetic off-switch for when it "peaked", so to speak. So it just kept going and going and going. Edouard: 'till she couldn't go any further. Graves: So it basically turned cancerous? For all intents and purposes? Trying to regrow things it already had? Graves gestures towards the top of SCP-7765, where the bones from at least two entangled spinal cords are visible and jutting from the flesh. Morales: Yeah. No natural animal can be this big. Its own weight must've crushed it. Lavigne: God damn. Thing probably suffocated. Or just… fell apart completely. I can't even tell if half this shit is even connected to it anymore. Whittaker walks alongside SCP-7765's body, scanning it up and down. Whittaker Wonder why it broke back into this place, why not book it and stay in the woods? Graves: It's almost like it came here to die… y'know, like how elephants have graveyards? Edouard: This lab is probably all she ever knew, only place of consistent food and shelter. All the damage is frantic. Perhaps she knew she was dying. Graves: …and came to the only place i-she associated with safety? Edouard nods. Edouard: Possibly. Fraser: Well that's… huh. That's kinda sad. Morales frowns. Edouard: At the end of the day, she was just an animal. Guess the people here didn't account for that when they tried to make a weapon. Lavigne: Whelp, seems they paid for it. This place is in ruins- wouldn't be surprised if the Foundation knocks it down fully once we're done here. Whittaker has moved to the other side of the room, scanning along the length of SCP-7765. She has come to stop near a head-like structure, with several split open lower jaws extending from it. The eyes here too, are glassy and lifeless. Whittaker: We should call command, tell 'em it's dead- send in the cleanup and containment equipment to get this thing. Morales nods, reaching for his communications. Graves deactivates the DNA tracker. Graves: Guess when she was gettin' so close to death, things didn't change as much. Set off the tracker enough. Fraser: Do you think it could- like- come back? Can you evolve around being dead? Graves: That's what calling containment is for, this is in Mu-200's hands now. LAVIGNE! How fresh is the body? Lavigne looks over from her position, now standing with Whittaker. She has to raise her voice due to the distance. Lavigne: Fresh! Livor mortis hasn't set in, nothings colgulated. Graves: All the more reason to call containment. Fraser: So it could come back? Graves: Dunno, but jus' cause it's braindead don't mean all it's cells have died. So it could, if we ain't careful. Graves glances at the liquid nitrogen container Morales had brought, and since rested upon the floor. Graves: Suppose we at least know something may work in keeping the remains. Fraser ducks his head in a nod, glancing over at the remains of SCP-7765. Morales finishes communications with command, and looks to the team. Morales: Two-hundred's on their way, they'll be here shortly. Command's given the OK to head on out. Graves: Sounds good, capt'n. Fraser: Oh thank god. Morales signals for Whittaker and Lavigne to come back over. Graves moves and puts a hand on Edouard's shoulder, who'd been quietly staring at SCP-7765 with a somber look. Edouard sighs lightly and looks up at him, before both of them begin to move as Morales calls for the team to start to make their leave. <End Log> Afterword: MTF Mu-200 "Leave No Trace" would successfully arrive at location within the hour. SCP-7765's remains would be cut into three sections in order to remove it from the building, and for ease of containment. The building has been set for demolition under the guise of being abandoned. Investigations revolving around the individual responsible for SCP-7765's creation, known only as "Lockwood", are undergoing.
someone with a sensitive stomach That's Sonderance, for the record. See more of his stuff here. 3/7770 LEVEL 3/7770 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-7770 euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7770 is being held within a standard Site-19 humanoid containment cell. All meals provided to it must derive from the list of acceptable items provided by SCP-7770 upon containment. As of 2022-03-09, all meals must be checked for residual thaumaturgical energy. In order to avoid undue risk to all involved, Foundation staff may not enter SCP-7770's holding cell during regurgitation events. Description: SCP-7770 is Margaret Domery, a seventeen-year-old woman with a severe case of pica.1 SCP-7770 will only consume items that it considers supernaturally cleansing or lucky. This includes but is not limited to: Amulets and talismans Representations of good fortune Components of purification rituals Cleaning products Despite subsisting on a diet containing little to no actual nutrition, SCP-7770 is relatively healthy for its age. The only apparent symptom of its condition is a constant and severe stomachache; SCP-7770 has accepted the use of calcium carbonate as a treatment due to its role as an ingredient in cleaning products. SCP-7770 has also displayed a compulsion to reproduce "lucky" images on its own skin, with a specific focus on the image of the hamsa.2 While this compulsion originally manifested as a form of self-harm, a previous caretaker successfully convinced SCP-7770 to use permanent marker instead. SCP-7770 was discovered in 2021 following a pattern of tortoiseshell cat3 disappearances in Augustfey, West Virginia. SCP-7770's foster parents4 reported to the police that they had caught it in the middle of eating one of the missing cats. Once it was arrested, SCP-7770 told officers that its foster mother had forbade it from consuming its compulsive diet, requiring drastic measures. SCP-7770 displays extreme distrust of Foundation staff and often refuses to cooperate for tests and interviews. As this is typical behavior for many anomalies with time spent in the foster care system, research's current focus is establishing a rapport. Addendum: As of 2022-03-05, SCP-7770 has begun vomiting at infrequent intervals in addition to its dyspepsia. The items regurgitated by SCP-7770 show no signs of being digested and most do not seem to match anything SCP-7770 has eaten. Further research is pending. Addendum: Ongoing Log of Regurgitated Items DATE ITEM(S) REGURGITATED NOTES 2022-03-05 A handful of four-leaf clovers Had originally been provided to SCP-7770 as a snack 2022-03-08 A silver pendant in the shape of a jalapeno pepper Bears a resemblance to a cornicello5 provided to SCP-7770 as part of a previous meal 2022-03-09 47 pieces of paper bearing various summoning sigils Only two sigils seemed to be viable. See Video Log 2022-03-09 2022-03-13 8 computer graphics processing units of varying brands and makes All GPUs perform similarly to their traditionally-produced counterparts and are currently being analyzed by the Computation and Prediction Department 2022-03-14 6 sandstone tablets etched with Enochian symbols Assumed to be summoning devices. See Video Log 2022-03-14 2022-03-19 80 tennis balls Regurgitated over a 4-hour period 2022-03-28 11 novelty calendars 5 out of the 11 calendars depict the comic strip character Garfield. Significance is unknown 2022-03-30 10 permanent markers in varying colors 2022-04-05 3 toy cars 2022-04-10 Unknown See Video Log Margaret 18:10-20 2022-04-13 4 cancerous growths Growths show indications of surgical removal. DNA analysis indicates human hosts 2022-04-18 7 pounds of diatomaceous earth Previously requested by SCP-7770 as a potential meal 2022-04-26 The partially-digested remains of 5 cats See Video Log 2022-04-26 2022-05-05 5 pills of unknown make and manufacture Upon testing, each pill caused test subjects to act in superstitious ways for approximately 48 hours 2022-05-12 Unknown See Audio Log 2022-05-12 Addendum: Video Log 2022-03-09 VIDEO LOG DATE: 2022-03-09 23:03 NOTE: SCP-7770's dinner preceding this regurgitation event had been assorted wishbones from various avian species. [BEGIN LOG] At approximately 11:03 PM, SCP-7770 begins retching over the metal bin placed beside its bed. Over a span of two minutes, it expels seven sheets of paper into the bin before rolling over in bed. The inside of the bin glows a dull red color for a few moment before a cloud of black smoke emerges accompanied by a loud bang. SCP-7770 can be heard yelping. VOICE 1: And who has summoned me on this— VOICE 2: Who would like to make— The smoke clears, revealing two tall figures facing each other in the middle of the room. The taller one6 has long, dark hair and is draped in multicolored scarves. Its face has been heavily pierced with gold chains. The shorter one7 has cropped, white hair and is wearing a three-piece suit. Its mouth is circular, similar to that of a lamprey. The suited figure sighs and leans against thin air. BORBORYGMUS: Hello, Shet. If you're here, I suppose I can give up on this being a simple soul flip. EISHET: I was thinking something similar. Is there anybody else here?The two entities turn to look at SCP-7770, who has pressed herself against the wall in fear.BORBORYGMUS: Well, never mind that. Little lady, do I have the perfect deal for you! What would you think about… As Borborygmus steps closer to SCP-7770, their eyes drift down to its stomach. The demon's smile fades and its skin lightens to pink as it stumbles backwards. BORBORYGMUS: My DUKE, what the FUCK is going on in there? God, I can feel it in my spleens!BORBORYGMUS: What the fuck are you? Some kind of— EISHET: Borborygmus. Shut the hell up, for once in your existence. Eishet steps between Borborygmus and SCP-7770 and kneels at the side of SCP-7770's bed. SCP-7770 continues to cry out apologies as Borborygmus mutters to themself, patting down their suit. EISHET: Ignore them, sweetie. Do you mind if I touch your stomach? I'll try my best not to hurt you. After a few moments, SCP-7770 nods. Eishet places their hands on its stomach, causing it to wince. Borborygmus sneers. BORBORYGMUS: What do you think you're doing? Even a 'bus as shitty as you should know that the fun bits start further down. EISHET: I'm palpating her abdomen, leechmouth. I ran triage during the Gilded Wars, back when you were still chirping at your brood mommy to give you more reverse smegma. EISHET: Have you been eating anything you aren't supposed to, sweetie? Anything magical or glowing? After a beat, SCP-7770 shakes its head. Eishet sighs and stands up. Their fingertips are visibly blackened at the tips, as if they had been pressed against hot metal. EISHET: Well, you're retaining thaumaturgical radiation somehow, hon. For it to get to this level without doing more damage to you, you'd have to consume small doses of magical energy for…well, for years. SCP-7770 looks down to Eishet's fingertips.Eishet laughs as they move their hands behind their back. EISHET: I mean, it hurts Borborygmus. They don't especially count as people. Borborygmus hisses as they lean over to look inside the bin next to SCP-7770's bed. It grabs a handful of the regurgitated sigils and waves them at Eishet. BORBORYGMUS: Here's a mystery solved. That's my summoning sigil there. If it was any more ovoid, the kid would have summoned Barbazel instead, and this room would have a much bloodier paint job. EISHET: Ah, I see. Random thaumaturgical generation. That is…that is not a good sign. BORBORYGMUS: It's a good sign for us. Light these up, we're out of here. EISHET: Give me a second, alright? EISHET: Look, kid. I don't know what's going on with you. But these are bad signs. And you've got a succubus telling you that, so you know shit's bad. SCP-7770 nods, hugging a pillow to her stomach. EISHET: So, whatever it is. Do your best to take care of yourself. Okay?Eishet smiles. Across the room, the bundle of sigils in Borborygmus' hands burst into flame. The two figures burst into flame as well. SCP-7770 covers its eyes as the fire dies out. [END LOG] Addendum: Video Log 2022-03-14 VIDEO LOG DATE: 2022-03-14 09:59 NOTE: SCP-7770's breakfast preceding this regurgitation event had been 3 dreamcatchers purchased from Ojibwe craftsmen. [BEGIN LOG] At approximately 9:59 AM, SCP-7770 begins retching over the metal bin placed besides its desk. Over a span of four minutes, it expels six eraser-sized tablets into the bin before placing its head on its desk, eyes shut. The bin starts to vibrate, and six blinding shafts of light manifest in the room. The one closest to SCP-7770 visibly turns. VOICE 1: BE NOT AFRAID, CHILD OF AVRAHAM. FOR I AM… VOICE 2: Keyword 'afraid' detected. THERE IS NO NEED TO BE AFRAID, CHILD OF YITZCHAK. FOR… VOICE 3: Keyword 'afraid' detected. THERE IS NO NEED TO BE AFRAID, CHILD OF YISROEL… The shafts of light talk over each other in louder and louder voices until the only sound that can be heard is a deep, deafening rumble. After a few moments, the shafts of light fall silent one by one. Each one fades, revealing a massive, motionless winged figure that looks as though it was carved out of glowing marble. In the center of the figures is a very old man with enormous wings, wearing a gray jumpsuit and a welding mask. He is holding what looks like a car key fob. OLD MAN: Sorry about that, young one. I keep telling the divine programmers that the messengers need their NLP modules revamped, but it's on the backlog until the second era of prophecy. Let me take a look. The old man pulls a knife out of his pocket and digs it into the side of one of the tall figures. It does not react. The wound gapes open, revealing pulsing, glowing innards. The old man sticks his hands inside, rummaging around. Meanwhile, SCP-7770 sits up and takes its hands off its ears, looking from the figures to the old man with wide eyes. SCP-7770 What—who, who are you? OLD MAN: Just a repairman. Don't mind me.OLD MAN: Well, right now I'm just digging around for the reset switch. But if you mean in general, I do all sorts. Mostly wetware and lightware fixes, but every once in a while I'll hazard out a flameware or soulware fix if it's contracted. SCP-7770's hand moves to its stomach. It smiles.The old man waves a dismissive hand. The one not inside the tall figure. OLD MAN: Nah, don't have the contracts or tools for people. Anything with free will is the domain of the Big Man.The old man looks at SCP-7770, then at SCP-7770's stomach. He sighs and twists something inside the tall figure. Its head lowers. OLD MAN: Keyword: tsimtsum. One by one, the tall figures burst into flame and disappear. The old man sighs. OLD MAN: There we go. So. Is this about whatever's going on in your abdomen? SCP-7770 nods.OLD MAN: Nah, I've got all of my shots. I'm afraid I can't fix it, though. As I mentioned, it's well above my pay grade. OLD MAN: But hey, it's not that bad, is it? From what I know about humans, everybody hurts everybody else a little. It's par for the course.SCP-7770: I'm sick of hurting. And I don't want to hurt other people, either.OLD MAN: I really wish it wasn't, kid. The key fob in the old man's hand starts to beep. He looks at it and sighs again. OLD MAN: Look, I'm about to get pulled out of here for my next gig. Is there anything else I can do for you, anything at all?OLD MAN: Of course. Nothing's broken so badly it can't be fixed. Just gotta find the right tools for the job. The old man smiles, and the enormous wings on his back flap once. With a small flash of light, he disappears. SCP-7770 puts its head back on its desk, reaching for the container of calcium carbonate. [END LOG] Addendum: Video Log Margaret 18:10-208 MARGARET 18:10-20 10 And thus did Margaret kneel upon the floor of her dwelling; and from her mouth emerged the [untranslated]9. 11 And the LORD appeared unto Margaret in the dust swirling in the air, and thus Margaret's gaze was lifted from the floor. 12 And Margaret said unto the LORD: 'Who are you? What is happening? Is it happening again?' And she cried out once more in awe and fear. 13 The LORD heard Margaret's pleas, and so He said unto her: 'I am the LORD your God, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Israel. 14 What would you ask of Me?' And Margaret looked up at the visage, and she said unto the LORD: 15 'There is something wrong with me. I tried to fix it. I tried to become something better. And yet, I still hurt those around me. I still hurt myself.' 16 The LORD listened to Margaret, and He said: 'There is no fault within you that cannot be fixed by you. There is no sin of man against man that I may forgive. 17 Your will is your own, and all curses and blessings follow.' And Margaret stood, and she said: 'What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?' 18 And she said: 'If all I do to fix the pain causes more, what can I do with will?' And the LORD was silent. 19 And Margaret took the [untranslated] and smote it upon the floor; and the visage of the LORD was scattered. 20 And now that the light of the LORD had left her, Margaret cried out once more. Addendum: Video Log 2022-04-26 VIDEO LOG DATE: 2022-04-26 14:52 NOTE: SCP-7770's lunch preceding this regurgitation event had been four vintage horseshoes. [BEGIN LOG] At approximately 9:59 AM, SCP-7770 begins retching over the metal bin placed besides its desk. It collapses to the floor before laboriously vomiting up the partial remains of 5 cats. Each body shows varying signs of decomposition; the first regurgitated cat is almost nothing but bones, while the last cat expelled barely shows any signs of being digested. The last body is the only incomplete one, as it is missing its hindquarters. After ensuring that it was done vomiting, SCP-7770 calls to a staff member to remove the bodies. It then climbs into bed and curls up with a pillow pressed against its stomach. A few minutes after regurgitation, the five bodies begin to reanimate. Disparate sections of the same corpses knit together and the cats try to stand up. SCP-7770 reacts to the squelching sound this produces by jumping out of bed and running to the far wall away from the bodies, shouting for assistance. The cats move slowly towards SCP-7770. As they approach, SCP-7770 stops shouting and sinks down, sitting against the wall with its arms wrapped around its knees.It begins to cry. The cat without its hindquarters meows. It is moving slower than the others, dragging itself along. A stray scrap of viscera drags behind it.SCP-7770 buries its head between its knees and continues to apologize. The cats reach SCP-7770 and begin to rub against its legs. Their purring is very loud. The cat without its hindquarters drags itself next to SCP-7770 and settles down against it. The other cats follow suit and sit down next to or close to SCP-7770 as it apologizes and cries. They all remain in this position for half an hour. It is unknown at which point during this time the bodies of the cats deanimate once more. [END LOG] Addendum: Audio Log 2022-05-12 AUDIO10 LOG DATE: 2022-05-12 02:12 NOTE: SCP-7770 had refused to eat the day before. [BEGIN LOG] At 2:12 AM, SCP-7770 can be heard retching.11 This continues intermittently for a few minutes. It begins to cry softly as well. UNKNOWN: Oh, Maggie. Oh, no. UNKNOWN: Here, sweetie. Wipe your nose. That'll make you feel better. UNKNOWN: Come here. Let me feel your forehead, okay? The rustling of sheets. UNKNOWN: Hmm. You don't feel hot. Do you think it's something you ate?UNKNOWN: Oh dear. Okay. I'll get you some peppermint tea. Your grandfather swore by peppermint for an upset tummy.UNKNOWN: Of course, sweetie. There's silence for a few minutes, occasionally broken by SCP-7770's retching.UNKNOWN: You know, most people wouldn't want to talk about food while they're throwing up.UNKNOWN: Okay, okay. Well. I know bland foods like crackers and rice cakes are supposed to be soothing. I had a friend in college who always swore by chewing on raw ginger, but ginger ale works wonders as well. UNKNOWN: But do you know what always worked for me?UNKNOWN: French onion soup.UNKNOWN: I swear to you. It's the Domery cure for everything. The caramelized onion, the thick cheese melted on the top, the sliced fancy bread soaking at the bottom…The unknown voice laughs. UNKNOWN: Sorry, sorry! I got carried away. UNKNOWN: What makes you ask about sick-day foods?SCP-7770: It's been a really, really long time since I've had anything good to eat. UNKNOWN: I know, sweetie. I know. Silence for another few minutes. SCP-7770 has stopped retching.UNKNOWN: Of course.UNKNOWN: What for?UNKNOWN: Maggie, that's silly. It was an electrical short. You were fast asleep. You didn't do anything.SCP-7770 falls silent. For a few moments, all that can be heard is its breath, fast and shallow. UNKNOWN: Well, okay. Let's think about it this way. If we're considering things that happened to me as evidence of your effect on my life, why focus solely on the end?UNKNOWN: Magpie, you're not a parent. So you have no concept of the absolute joy you gave me for your entire life. Every second, every minute of every day with you was a blessing. The only reason I care about the ending is because it meant I didn't get to see you grow up. To see how you blessed other people.UNKNOWN: As far as I can tell, sweetie, the only person being hurt here is you. Can you imagine how hard it is for me to see you in pain? All I want to do is help you. To show you that what you deserve is so, so much more than this.UNKNOWN: Oh, Maggie. Oh, my sweet girl. UNKNOWN: I'm the one who should be sorry. I shouldn't be trying to guilt you like this.UNKNOWN: Try what?UNKNOWN: That would be a good thing, yes.UNKNOWN: Of course. SCP-7770 yawns. UNKNOWN: Go back to sleep. You'll feel better in the morning. That's another cure for nausea, you know.UNKNOWN: I'm sorry, Maggie, I don't know. I don't know how I'm here now. UNKNOWN: But I'll stay here until you fall asleep. Okay?UNKNOWN: Okay. Okay, silly. How about this. UNKNOWN: You lie down and rest your eyes, and I'll sit with you.UNKNOWN: I'll be here with you. Even if you do fall asleep, I'll be with you. I promise.SCP-7770: I love you, Mom. UNKNOWN: I love you too, Maggie. I love you so, so very much. No other noise is recorded. [END LOG] Addendum: On 2022-05-13, SCP-7770 requested its first meal outside of the parameters of its anomalous diet. Its dinner that night consisted of peppermint tea, ginger ale, and French onion soup. Footnotes 1. Pica is a psychological phenomenon characterized by the consumption of items that would not usually be considered edible. 2. A hamsa is a hand-shaped amulet commonly found in the Middle East, believed to protect against the evil eye. 3. Tortoiseshell cats are considered to be good luck in many cultures. 4. SCP-7770 had been in foster care since 2014, after its mother died in a house fire. 5. A cornicello is a horn-shaped protective charm found in some regions of Italy. 6. Later identified by the Demonology Department as Eishet, a Lilithian Copulative Contract Agent. 7. Later identified by the Demonology Department as Borborygmus, a Faustian Contract Initiation Officer. 8. Due to an insuppressible cognitohazardous effect present in the original footage, human transcription is not possible without severe religious repercussions. The following log was transcribed automatically. It was then manually translated from Akkadian. 9. This word does not appear in any known Akkadian text. However, it shares its root with the terms for "honor", "weight", "passion", and "liver". 10. The motion-activated camera in SCP-7770's room malfunctioned and did not record this regurgitation event. Only audio was captured. 11. No evidence of regurgitated material was found. More From This Author More From This Author Sonderance's Works SCPs SCP-7302 • SCP-5785 • SCP-6012 • SCP-4653 • SCP-5625 • SCP-5640 • SCP-6531 • Tales/GoI Formats Sudoku Puzzles and a Lit Cigarette • Other Sonderance • « SCP-7769 | SCP-7770 | SCP-7771 »
by Dr Asteria & weiserthanyou WARNING: The file you are attempting to access is restricted to those with LEVEL 6 Clearance only. If you have found this document in error, you now have 60 seconds before deployment of lethal auditory-visual cognitohazards. Otherwise, please enter your secure phrase. Does the Black Moon howl? Not for fear of waking the sun. SECURE PHRASE ACCEPTED. ACCESSING… Welcome, O5-7. The following document is in the process of deletion, pending a vote by the O5 Council. No further edits may be made until the vote is resolved. ITEM #: SCP-7771 LEVEL6 COSMIC TOP SECRET CONTAINMENT CLASS: flor galana SECONDARY CLASS: eparch DISRUPTION CLASS: dark RISK CLASS: critical link to memo Item#: {$item-number} Level6 Containment Class: {$container-class} Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo Special Containment Procedures: As of 05/06/2005, containment procedures are no longer in force. See Addendum 7771.2. Description: SCP-7771 is a non-anomalous abstract concept used to explain the likelihood (or lack thereof) of any given event. While numerous predictable factors affect the probability of a given event, the sum of their effects adds a degree of uncertainty that cannot be accurately predicted. The common term for this concept and the associated uncertainty is "luck." ADDENDUM 7771.1: Emergency Overseer Conference [03/01/2005] PARTIES PRESENT: Overseer Council FOREWORD: On January 1-2, 2005, a series of extremely unlikely structural and technical failures within Sites-19 and -77 resulted in cascading containment breaches in both Sites, a combined total of over 100 casualties and fatalities, and the narrow prevention of a K-class scenario resulting from the breaches. In the aftermath of these events, an emergency Overseer meeting was called to discuss possible methods of preventing similarly improbable and unfortunate events in the future. <BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> <The thirteen council members are seated in Site-01's main meeting room.> O5-1: As I'm sure you have all read up on the events of the last 72 hours, today's meeting has one purpose: to decide on a course of action to prevent disasters of this scale from happening again. O5-9: But, the disasters were averted? O5-3: The problem is that they almost happened, Nine, and we only barely avoided a Broken Masquerade in the aftermath, or worse. In any case, most of the problems, and similar problems we've experienced over the last year, weren't caused by human error, just natural factors we have little to no control over. We can't control the weather, for example. O5-10: We could, just not practically. O5-9: How are we supposed to mitigate that risk further than we already have? We funnel as many resources as we can into training and containment technology, and a simple policy change can't account for random chance. O5-5: I have a proposition. <There is a pause in discussion.> O5-1: Well, spit it out, Five. O5-5: The very nature of our organization's work is to contain the uncontainable. To hide away the most dangerous objects this universe has to offer. O5-7: Your point being? O5-5: Our work is, by definition, unlucky. The more Keter-class anomalies we cram into a site, the more likely they'll eventually break out. <The O5s murmur in agreement.> O5-3: We already have fail-safes and backups, Five. Nuclear warheads and highly trained security personnel, AICs and emergency response systems. O5-5: Exactly my point. As Ten said, we could control the odds, just not practically. So, we'll need some help. O5-1: What exactly are you proposing, Five? O5-5: We have already bent the natural laws of this universe to our whim for the purposes of our organization. I propose we commandeer another cosmic force. O5-12: …You're not saying– O5-5: I see my dear Twelve has already figured it out. We have bent Death to our will, why stop there? If we could somehow manipulate the odds outside of a few policy changes and equipment upgrades, we could make Site-19 invincible no matter how many Keters we stuff in it. O5-1: Five, you're proposing we contain– O5-5: Lady Luck herself, precisely, One. If we can't control the amount of times we roll the dice, then we have to get the odds on our side. The house always wins. <The O5s discuss.> O5-13: This is absurd, Five! We absolutely cannot alter a non-anomalous law of the universe. O5-9: And, if this little project goes haywire? What then? O5-12: We have Exclusionary Sites for a reason, Nine. <The O5s discuss louder.> O5-1: Silence! Five, assemble a research team and have them draft a proposal. We will not vote on it until you have something more concrete than “change the odds.” O5-5: Fair enough. <END TRANSCRIPT> AFTERWORD: Potential means of achieving this goal were devised and compiled in Project Proposal: Loaded Dice, detailed below. ADDENDUM 7771.2: Project Proposal PROJECT LOADED DICE PURPOSE: To develop a method of reliable artificial probability manipulation to the benefit for the Foundation. ABSTRACT: Foundation policy has historically focused on preventing and mitigating accidents and disasters through redundancy, failsafes, and personnel protocol rather than altering the fundamental probability of unfavorable events. Certain contained anomalies are capable of such probability manipulation, proving it to be possible and capable of directly affecting Foundation operations. METHOD: The primary focus of Project Loaded Dice is the study, utilization, and replication of anomalies capable of altering probability or luck. Research Area-8 is to be established within 250 kilometers of Site-01. The research and experimentation involved in Project Loaded Dice are to take place exclusively at this area. Temporary housing and containment facilities are to be built for all personnel, humanoid anomalies, and objects used in the project. A substantial budget is to be at the project's disposal until its success or failure as deemed by the O5 Council. Any anomalies required for the project are to be approved for transfer from other Foundation facilities. O5 Council Vote [09/01/2005] PROPOSAL: Approve Project Loaded Dice, as submitted by O5-5. COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY YEA NAY ABS. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII STATUS PASSED RESULT: Proposal approved. ADDENDUM 7771.3: Containment Attempts Attempt #1 METHOD: SCP-503.A human possessing an anomalous tendency towards short-term fortune and survival but long-term misfortune. OBSERVATIONS: Attempts to study and replicate SCP-503's effects have been made throughout the span of its containment. SCP-503 is to be immediately transported to Foundation sites believed to be under imminent threat of mass containment breach or destruction. RESULT: No attempts to reverse-engineer or replicate SCP-503's effects have been successful. Usage of SCP-503 as a means of affecting luck of endangered sites halted after Site-47's emergency failsafes experience unexpected failure during a containment breach, allowing SCP-503 to survive but allowing multiple aggressive entities to escape the site entirely. Attempt #2 METHOD: SCP-738.A desk that, when a person sits in front of it, manifests an invisible entity that offers to make a deal with the person seated in front of the desk. This deal is almost always at great personal cost to the person making it. OBSERVATIONS: SCP-738 was asked "What would you want in exchange for the safety of all Foundation sites and personnel, and the prevention of all scenarios that directly endanger them, without altering normalcy or consensus reality?" RESULT: Price stated to be "The human capacity for self-determination." Price deemed unacceptable. Attempt #3 METHOD: SCP-2719.Objects and concepts acted upon by SCP-2719 will either go or become inside. This allows direct interactions of abstract concepts. OBSERVATIONS: Pointer Outcome Good Luck Became inside. SCP Foundation Became inside. Good Luck Became inside. SCP Foundation Became inside. Good Luck Became inside. SCP Foundation Became inside. Good Luck Became inside. SCP Foundation Became inside. RESULT: Good Luck Outside. Attempt #4 METHOD: SCP-5655.A reality-bending humanoid that attempts to grant any wishes given to it, although often only in a loose sense. OBSERVATIONS: SCP-5655-1 was given the request "I wish for a method of increasing the SCP Foundation's luck and protection from misfortune." RESULT: SCP-5655-1 produced a four-leaf clover. Attempt #5 METHOD: Hypothetical "Probability Manipulator" device OBSERVATIONS: Project Fortune's Favor, an existing attempt to create a device capable of manipulating probability and functioning in a similar manner to a Scranton Reality Anchor or Xyank/Anastasakos Constant Temporal Sink, was given additional funding and staff. RESULT: No force, interaction, or particle has been discovered that is related to or directly affects probability. Research ongoing. Attempt #6 METHOD: SCP-2305.A sheaf of papers describing hypothetical anomaly neutralization attempts carried out by the Foundation, always ending in failure with a "moral of the story." OBSERVATIONS: Item #: SCP-7771 Object Class: Keter Proposed Neutralization Method: Manipulation of SCP-001-SWANN.Pataphysical entities capable of determining the "narrative" of our universe. entities is executed via a combination of amnestics and non-lethal memetic agents. Result of Neutralization Attempt: SCP-001-SWANN entities are compelled to create events with an absolute certainty to happen/not happen to the benefit of the Foundation. However, due to suddenly having to deal in universal absolutes, SCP-001-SWANN entities are overwhelmed in having to manage other minor events (such as nuclear fission) rather than continuing human consciousness. This causes an EK-Class End of Human Consciousness Scenario which eventually develops into a ZK-Class Reality Failure Scenario. "The moral of the story:" Writer's block sucks. Please take breaks. RESULT: Neutralization method not attempted. 107 ADDITIONAL ATTEMPTS AVAILABLE IN EXPERIMENT LOG H-7771 WARNING: Please enter your alternate secure phrase for further reading. Reminder that failure to enter the correct phrase will result in deployment of Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand") to your location. t3H0u$Alw4y5w!ns ENTER SECURE PHRASE ACCEPTED ADDENDUM 7771.4: Pre-Vote Overseer Conference [19/05/2005] PARTIES PRESENT: Overseer Council (sans O5-7) FOREWORD: After the untimely and unlikely death of O5-7, the Overseers were assembled for yet another emergency meeting to discuss a replacement. <BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> <The twelve council members are seated in Site-01's main meeting room.> O5-1: I'm sure this won't be news to many of you. <pauses> O5-7 has been terminated. O5-4: Wh– how? O5-3: According to her staff, she was forced to postpone her daily “fortification” ritual by a couple minutes due to an attack by the Chaos Insurgency. Alpha-1 swiftly dealt with them, but by pure chance, she suffered a heart attack during that time. O5-13: Well, bring her back! O5-12: We could, however, Five and I have devised a way to take advantage of her rather… extended leave of absence. <O5-5 distributes a document to the other members.> O5-10: What's this? O5-5: This is an internal dossier on POI-777, a humanoid being possessing significant “Tychekinetic”.Probability manipulation abilities. Coincidentally, her real name is Pantelina Tyche. O5-13: And, your little pet project would benefit greatly from her? Why should we care? <O5-5 glances at O5-12.> O5-12: She's classified as an apex-tier pluripotent entity. O5-9: Why haven't we heard of her before? O5-5: My staff has been watching her for some time, though we chose to keep it secret. O5-12: After all, it would be much more difficult to convince you all to allow a scip as a member of the Overseers. O5-1: A member? O5-5: That's right, One. O5-9: You want to give an all powerful being a seat at this table? Are you insane? O5-12: Yes. O5-5: Precisely. O5-9: …To which question? O5-13: Why would we do this? You've had risky ideas before, but giving a god full security clearance and a say in all of our major decisions is begging for trouble. O5-3: Your project also hasn't produced any favorable results, Five. By all means, we can shut your project down right now. O5-12: Do you have a better idea, Three? If we can get her on our side, we could solve countless problems facing us. It's just a matter of convincing her to help. O5-4: And, if she isn't convinced? O5-11: We have other methods. O5-1: How do you even intend to convince her, Five and Twelve? O5-12: By doing what we do to every god we mess with. We play on her hubris. O5-5: And, we make a bet with Lady Luck. O5-3: How will you win? O5-12: The same way as always, of course: cheating. <END TRANSCRIPT> ADDENDUM 7771.5: O5 Council Vote [19/05/2005] PROPOSAL: Recruit PoI-777 and instate her in the position of O5-7. COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY YEA NAY ABS. I II III IV V VI — VIII IX X XI XII XIII STATUS PASSED RESULT: Proposal approved. ADDENDUM 7771.6: POI-777 Internal Dossier POI-777 ("Pantelina Tyche"), circa 1902. DESIGNATION: POI-777 NAME: Pantelina Tyche LAST SEEN: 04/06/2005 CONFIRMED ANOMALOUS ABILITIES: Extreme probability manipulation, extrasensory perceptions and awareness.While POI-777 is not omniscient, her abilities still grant her knowledge of events happening wherever she is focused, regardless of distance., Class █ ontokinetic abilities (unconfirmed), Indefinite lifespan.Similar yet distinct from immortality as, while the subject no longer ages, they can still be terminated through other means., at-will creation of CK-class Restructuring Scenarios (presumed). DESCRIPTION: POI-777 is a humanoid being of Greek descent. Estimated to have been born around 3000 BCE, POI-777 is believed to be the Greek goddess "Tyche", or the being the mythology is based on. POI-777 has seemingly total control over the probability of events, even being able to "will" events into happening. Observations of POI-777 seem to suggest she has influence over events happening universewide, being able to intervene if she so chooses. In essence, POI-777 is capable of nearly anything she desires by simply manipulating the odds of an event happening to be absolutely certain. As such, POI-777 is considered extremely dangerous. [04/06/2005] PARTIES PRESENT: O5-██ POI-777 ("Pantelina Tyche") COMMAND Five Members of MTF Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand") FOREWORD: Below is the Foundation's first interaction with POI-777. <BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> <O5-██, accompanied by five members of MTF Alpha-1 (“Red Right Hand"), arrives at the ████ casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. The six of them are dressed in black suits with concealed weapons.> COMMAND: Roulette tables, high limit area. O5-██: <to COMMAND> Copy. <O5-██ nods to the MTF members who then disperse to other nearby tables to observe O5-██.> <O5-██ arrives at a roulette table. Standing at the table is POI-777, dressed in a floor length purple dress with golden jewelry. She is accompanied by various players. Her winnings total $1.5 million. The croupier places a ball on the wheel.> ACCOMPANYING PLAYER: C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, lucky 22! POI-777: Oh, please, my luck has to run out at some point! Maybe you'll actually win for once! CROUPIER: 27 red. ACCOMPANYING PLAYER: Fuck! No! POI-777: Oof, I guess not. <The croupier takes the pile of chips on the table and hands POI-777 $1.75 million in chips.> <The ACCOMPANYING PLAYER places his head in his hands.> ACCOMPANYING PLAYER: Oh god… oh god… POI-777: Hey, cheer up, maybe you'll hit a hot streak at some point! ACCOMPANYING PLAYER: You've been saying that for the past twelve spins! POI-777: Oh, right. Tough break, then. <The ACCOMPANYING PLAYER storms off in frustration. O5-██ then stands at the table next to POI-777. The two share a smile. He trades $100,000 in chips and places $25,000 of it on Red. The croupier spins the wheel.> O5-██: Y'know, some say that people are just born unlucky. POI-777: Hm? O5-██: Or, they believe certain numbers are “lucky.” I don't quite believe that. POI-777: <pauses> Is that so? CROUPIER: 35 black. <The croupier takes the pile of chips on the table.> O5-██: Of course. “Luck” doesn't exist. It's simply how our feeble human minds deal with mathematical probabilities. I lost my bet not because I was “unlucky,” but because of the slight movements in the dealer's fingers when he rolls the ball and spins the wheel. Or, the tiny discrepancies in the air temperature around the ball, creating different magnitudes of air resistance. <O5-██ places another $15,000 on 18 red. POI-777 places $25,000 on 2 black. The croupier spins the wheel.> POI-777: Sure, “luck” may only exist in concept, but you really don't believe that some people or things are more prone to these imperceptible differences? O5-██: The expected probability of landing heads on a coin flip is 50%. Yet, flip a coin 10, 100, a thousand, even a million times, and it won't be exactly 50/50. Those people just happened to land in the groups of 36 heads or 64 tails. CROUPIER: 2 black. <The croupier takes the pile of chips on the table and hands POI-777 $875,000 in chips.> O5-██: <chuckles> Like I just did right now. <POI-777 smirks.> O5-██: By chance, those people, those numbers, those superstitions, they prime our brains into making connections. That's what our brains do best. And, once you realize that luck doesn't exist at all, and that it's all about percentages and normal distribution, you get pretty comfortable testing the odds. <O5-██ places $50,000 on 13 black. POI-777 places $500,000 on 7 red. The croupier spins the wheel.> POI-777: It's not all math, is it, though? O5-██: How so? POI-777: I bet I can convince you. CROUPIER: Double 0. <The croupier takes the pile of chips on the table.> O5-██: You lost. POI-777: <smiles> That I did. You bet 7 and I'll bet 13 this time. <O5-██ places his remaining chips ($10,000) on 7 red. POI-777 places $500,000 on 13 black. The croupier spins the wheel.> POI-777: Now watch. <The ball rolls seemingly randomly around the wheel. As the ball slows down, POI-777 makes a gesture with her finger and takes a sip of her drink in front of O5-██. The ball lands in a slot.> CROUPIER: 13 black. <The croupier takes the pile of chips on the table and hands POI-777 $17.5 million in chips.> O5-██: Coincidence. POI-777: Maybe. But, it sure is damn coincidental I won the one time we switched bets, I made a gesture, and took a sip of my drink. O5-██: You're not saying–? POI-777: <to the CROUPIER> I'd like to cash out now. CROUPIER: Yes, ma'am. POI-777: <to O5-██> Why don't we go get a drink? <The croupier hands POI-777 a ticket for her winnings.> POI-777: Thank you. O5-██: I don't believe I've gotten your name? POI-777: It's Tyche. O5-██: Charmed, I'm [DATA EXPUNGED]. POI-777: A pleasure. O5-██: <gestures> Shall we? <O5-██ and POI-777 proceed to leave the table in the direction of the Casino Bar and Lounge. MTF Alpha-1 follows closely.> POI-777: You see, Mr. [DATA EXPUNGED], “luck” isn't entirely a man-made concept. A man of science like yourself would see it that way, no doubt. O5-██: Hm. POI-777: Things in this world aren't always exactly as they seem, [DATA EXPUNGED]. There are… things that cannot be explained. Maybe even special people out there with special powers. The myths of old have to be explained by something. O5-██: I'll believe it when I see it. Even then, everything can be explained with science. If not, then it's an unknowable law of the cosmos that us humans must accept we'll never know. POI-777: That is not the nature of humanity. Humans must know everything. For example, <gestures towards a slot machine> <The player at the slot machine POI-777 gestured towards immediately wins the maximum prize listed on the machine.> POI-777: Or, <gestures again towards a game of craps> <The shooter at the game rolls “snake eyes” which result in defeated groans at the table.> COMMAND: Anomalous abilities confirmed, O5-██. POI-777: Even the fact that– <gestures> <All five members of MTF Alpha-1 simultaneously bump into five separate waiters holding drinks.> POI-777: –I now know where your men are. <After assisting the waiters, MTF Alpha-1 makes their way towards O5-██ and POI-777, procuring their concealed weapons.> O5-██: <to ALPHA-1> Stand down. Do not engage. <MTF Alpha-1 stops.> POI-777: <smiles> Now, Mr. [DATA EXPUNGED], if my memory is correct, you “do not believe in luck”? <O5-██ is silent.> POI-777: Why would a “man of science” like yourself be accompanied by five military trained guards to talk with some random lady at a casino? O5-██: <hesitates> <To ALPHA-1> Disperse. <MTF Alpha-1 disperses through the crowd.> POI-777: That's what I thought. What is it you want, O5-██? <END TRANSCRIPT> AFTERWORD: Initial contact between O5-██ and POI-777 successful. ADDENDUM 7771.7: Containment Attempts (Cont.) Attempt #113 METHOD: See below. <BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> <O5-██ and POI-777 are seated at a booth in the very back of the Casino Bar and Lounge. O5-██ is drinking a glass of whiskey neat, while POI-777 enjoys a lemon ouzo cocktail. O5-██'s earpiece is placed on the table between the two of them.> POI-777: Certainly kind of you to treat me to a cocktail before whatever interrogation is about to happen. <O5-██ is silent.> POI-777: I know your men are still around. I happened to see them in the reflection of your glasses. O5-██: <hesitates> I represent an organization known as the SCP Fou– POI-777: I know who you are, jailor. Do you think this is the first I've heard of your so-called “Foundation”? <O5-██ takes a sip from his drink.> POI-777: Of course you do. I expect nothing less from a man with your ego. O5-██: Then you know what we're trying to accomplish, yes? POI-777: Of course. You intend to use my powers for your own benefit. O5-██: It's a bit more complicated than that. POI-777: Then, do tell. O5-██: Like us or hate us, we are the last line of defense against this world's downfall. If you weren't aware, the world almost ended a few months ago. POI-777: I knew that. O5-██: Then, why didn't you use your powers to stop it? It was caused by pure chance, we weren't at fault for it. POI-777: Because unlike you I do not pervert the natural course of this world with what or how I think things should be. Humans are capable of incredible things, but they fail to realize they are an insignificant speck in the unknowable cosmos you claim to believe in and impose your will on. <POI-777 takes a sip from her cocktail.> POI-777: And, as far as I can tell, there's only one god at this table. <The two sit in silence.> O5-██: A lot of talk from someone we found manipulating the odds to get rich. POI-777: I hardly believe defrauding a casino is at all equivalent to the modus operandi of your organization. Besides, a goddess gets bored. O5-██: An entire civilization dedicated altars to you, performed rituals in your name, many were devoted to you. They created art, stories, offerings. The mythology they wrote about you is still being told thousands of years later today. You really don't think that too contributes to an inflated ego? <POI-777 glares at O5-██.> O5-██: Your powers caused you to cease aging. But, you can still die. And, frankly, with a lifespan as long as yours, I bet a bit of luck had to do with keeping you alive. I assure you your luck will run out. <POI-777 is silent for a few moments before bursting into uncontrollable laughter. This goes on for a few minutes, to the annoyance of O5-██.> POI-777: <laughing> Wait, wait, wait! I'm so sorry! My luck? Me? The goddess of fortune? I will run out of luck? <laughing even harder> That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard! <POI-777 continues laughing for a few more minutes before finally calming down.> POI-777: C'mon, c'mon, let's get this over with! I have some more games to play. What is it you want? O5-██: If you join our organization, you will have a seat at the council. You will get to make decisions on how to keep this world living, as well as many unimaginable benefits. POI-777: Sorry, not interested. O5-██: We can ensure your continued existence. POI-777: No matter how effective of an organization like yours is, this universe will come to an end eventually. Even if you last until then, if there is nothing left for you, there is nothing left for me. O5-██: Please– <POI-777 begins to stand up.> POI-777: Thank you for the drink, but I have to get going now. O5-██: <sighs> Then, you leave me no choice. POI-777: Hm? O5-██: A boon. <POI-777 sits back down.> O5-██: I want a boon. POI-777: “Win by persuasion, not by force.” O5-██: And, did that go so well? <POI-777 is silent.> O5-██: A bet. I want to make a bet. POI-777: Ha! Your funeral! <O5-██ is silent.> POI-777: Oh, you're serious? Okay. What kind of bet? O5-██: A game– POI-777: There are plenty around us. What will it be? Roulette? Blackjack? Craps? <O5-██ produces a Smith & Wesson revolver from his jacket pocket, just far enough for POI-777 to see.> O5-██: Russian roulette. <POI-777 appears shocked and dumbfounded.> O5-██: Don't worry. You're not playing. <O5-██ loads one bullet and hands the gun to POI-777.> O5-██: You can check that the gun is indeed loaded. <POI-777 examines the chamber and hands the gun back.> POI-777: That it is. O5-██: The rules of the bet are simple. After every trigger pull against my head, I will load in another bullet and spin the chamber. You are free to manipulate the odds as you see fit. If I survive until the end, you have to join the council and help us. If I don't, well… you know. The game ends when the gun goes off. POI-777: You're mad. O5-██: Maybe. <O5-██ offers his hand for a handshake.> O5-██: Do we have a deal? <POI-777 hesitates before shaking O5-██'s hand.>.MTF Alpha-1 reported the local Hume level suddenly rising by ~20 Hm at this moment before dissipating to normal. POI-777: Deal. <O5-██ spins the chamber and pulls back the hammer. O5-██ puts the barrel of the gun to his head and hesitates for a few moments.> O5-██: Here goes. <O5-██ pulls the trigger. The gun does not fire. O5-██ breathes a sigh of relief.> POI-777: I was going easy on you. <O5-██ loads another bullet and hands the gun to POI-777, who examines it and hands it back. O5-██ spins the chamber and pulls back the hammer. He puts the barrel to his head and pulls the trigger. The gun does not fire.> POI-777: <winces> Oh my god, oh my god. O5-██: Getting pretty lucky, huh? <O5-██ loads another bullet and hands the gun to POI-777, who examines it and hands it back. O5-██ spins the chamber and pulls back the hammer. He puts the barrel to his head and pulls the trigger. The gun fires.> POI-777: <stands up and screams> Πουτάνας γιος!.Translated: "Son of a bitch!" <The bullet exits O5-██'s skull and lands in the wall to his side. He collapses onto the table, blood pooling from the entrance and exit wound. Visible burns are seen around the entrance wound while skull fragments and brain matter dots the wall to his side.> <MTF Alpha-1 and various casino security personnel arrive quickly at POI-777's location. Most patrons have fled the scene, but some are gathered around.> CASINO SECURITY: What the hell happened?! POI-777: <upset> I-I don't know! We were just talking and suddenly he put a gun to his head! CASINO SECURITY: Someone call 911! Stay there, you're not going anywhere. POI-777: Wh– but I didn't do anything! CASINO SECURITY: I SAID STAY THERE! <O5-██'s finger twitches as he lets out a raspy groan.> CASINO SECURITY: This guy's still alive! <The security guard runs to O5-██'s side and helps him.> CASINO SECURITY: Hey! Are you okay? What's your name? O5-██: <raspily> <to POI-777> I… won… CASINO SECURITY: What? POI-777: Th-that's not possible! The game's over, no, no, you lost! <Two members of Alpha-1 walk up to the scene and push the security guard out of the way.> CASINO SECURITY: Hey! What the fuck, man! <Alpha-1 picks up O5-██ by the shoulders. O5-██ is able to bring his head up to face POI-777. Blood drains from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.> O5-██: <raspily> They told… me… they were fake… POI-777: I knew that! I-I willed— O5-██: <smiles weakly> I… survived… <gurgles> didn't I…? <POI-777 stares blankly.> POI-777: <screaming> Oh, you bastard! Μαλάκας!.Translated: "Asshole!" <Alpha-1 starts dragging O5-██ out of the casino.> O5-██: <raspily> We'll… be in… contact… see you… soon… Jailor… <All members of Alpha-1 don gas masks. A mask is placed on O5-██ and POI-777 is offered one, too. She puts it on. POI-777 glares at O5-██ as they leave.> <Class A amnestics and sedatives in gaseous form are disseminated through the casino vents. Panic ensues as patrons attempt and fail to flee due to the doors being locked. All within the building succumb to its effects. Alpha-1 and O5-██ exit the casino as MTF Alpha-45 (“Janitors”) arrives.> <END TRANSCRIPT> RESULT: O5-7 was found by MTF Alpha-45 outside the casino. She was given an earpiece connected to Foundation secure frequencies and told to await further instructions. O5-██ was treated with SCP-███ for his injuries. ADDENDUM 7771.8: O5-7's First Meeting 08/06/2005 PARTIES PRESENT: Overseer Council FOREWORD: The Overseer Council's first meeting with the newly appointed O5-7. <BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> <Eleven of the council members are seated in Site-01's main meeting room. O5-██'s head has been wrapped in bandages.> O5-1: Where are Five and Seven? O5-12: Be patient, One, they'll be arriving shortly. O5-1: <frustrated> Well, you and Five's little experiment isn't boding much confidence in me. We took a huge risk with her, and it better pay off. O5-12: I assure you it will. <The doors to the room open, revealing O5-5 and -7.> O5-5: My apologies, everyone. Seven had a bit of trouble finding the entrance. <O5-7 is dressed in an off-white business suit with a purple tie. She wears golden earrings and hair pieces, with her hair pulled into a bun. She is visibly disgruntled and has her arms crossed. The two walk towards the table.> O5-12: <stands up> Ah, O5-7! Five has told us a lot about you, I am O5-12. <O5-12 offers to shake hands with -7, but she refuses.> O5-12: Right… This is One and Two. <gestures> <O5-2 nods while -1 does not.> O5-12: This is Three and Four. <gestures> O5-3: Hello. <O5-4 raises their hand. O5-7 does not acknowledge their greetings.> O5-12: This is Six, Eight, and Nine. <gestures> O5-6: You have big shoes to fill, hun. O5-8: And, you may be a few sizes too small. <O5-9 gives a simple wave.> O5-12: Lastly, this is Ten, Eleven, and Thirteen. <gestures> <O5-10 does not look up from her documents. O5-11 shares a smile. O5-13 glares at O5-7.> O5-12: Welcome to the council! O5-7: Charmed. O5-5: Please, have a seat. <O5-7 sits between O5-6 and -8. A moment of awkward silence is shared by the council.> O5-12: <coughs> Right, so Seven has been brought onto the council to assist us in protecting the Foundation from harm. O5-7: “Brought on?” You mean “tricked,” right? O5-12: Excuse me? <All council members turn to look at O5-7.> O5-7: I'm only here because of the boon I'm forced to give O5-██. You can't say I'm here willingly. O5-1: With all due respect, Seven, a few of us voted against your appointment to the council.. For some of us, this isn't willing either. <O5-7 sneers at -1.> O5-13: By all means, you are free to leave. Though we can't say the alternative will be very pleasant. O5-9: Oh, please, Thirteen, give the poor girl a break. O5-13: I'm just saying! Would you like to break that boon, Seven? O5-7: <hesitates> No… O5-13: Good. O5-1: Ahem, if you two are done, I would like to remind you we have extremely important business to attend to. Personal matters can wait. Eleven? O5-11: <clears throat> The Amnestics Production committee says we're running low on Class E. Even though they're used significantly less than Class A or even C, SCP-███ has not been able to keep up with the demand for production since Incident █-███. O5-7: Why is that my concern? O5-5: It's the job of the council to see to all of the major problems the Foundation faces, not just ones that interest us. As you were saying, Eleven? O5-11: We can attempt to ramp up production of Y-909, which will require additional D-Class and more frequent executions of the Atzak protocol. [DATA OMITTED FOR BREVITY] <O5-7 is silent for the majority of the meeting as the other Overseers discuss among themselves. She fidgets with her hair, until coming to an abrupt stop.> O5-6: The U.S. Senate is liable to approve legislation that would restrict our ability to operate undercover within D.C. Suggestions? O5-3: This year's midt– O5-7: <interrupting> I could rig the odds to make sure it gets voted down no matter what. Bipartisanly, if needed. O5-6: …Three? O5-3: That… would be theoretically possible, but it would be a little suspicious if too many Republicans vote against it. I'll have my Oversight Committee look into it. <O5-12 elbows -13.> O5-1: Thank you, Seven. <O5-5 and -7 share a smile.> [DATA OMITTED FOR BREVITY] <END TRANSCRIPT> AFTERWORD: O5-7 integrated efficiently with Foundation command structure and began proactively working with the Council to solve problems. Project Loaded Dice is deemed a success by O5-██, -██, -██, -██, -██, and -██. ADDENDUM 7771.9: Actions Taken By O5-7 [17/06/2005] PROPOSER: O5-7 PROPOSAL: Improve overall D-class living conditions, including 30 minutes of additional recreational time per day, access to drug rehabilitation at all Sites housing a permanent D-class population, and expanding access to approved means of entertainment for all D-class with "Good" behavior or better. Objective is to improve D-class morale and cooperation, reducing likelihood of riots and mutinies. COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY YEA NAY ABS. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII STATUS PASSED RESULT: Measure approved. Changes set to be implemented beginning 07/18/2005. [19/06/2005] PROPOSER: Dr. Ramone García, Project Loaded Dice Research Director PROPOSAL: Use SCP-181's.A human possessing great personal luck but passively increasing the probability of disaster around him. anomalous abilities to fund Foundation projects. COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY YEA NAY ABS. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII STATUS DENIED RESULT: SCP-181 shall remain in containment. Date: 15/07/2005 To: Oversight Committee for O5-7 From: O5-7 Subject: re: Cross-Testing Inform researchers that cross-testing will be significantly less restricted under my watch. So long as a proposal appears on my desk, I'll probably approve it. [01/08/2005] PROPOSER: O5-9 PROPOSAL: Increase overall security budget by 15%, providing additional staff to onsite security teams, investing in upgraded internal surveillance cameras, and increasing mandatory training for security personnel by 30 hours. COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY YEA NAY ABS. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII STATUS DENIED RESULT: Security budget remains at level set in overall budget approved on 23/03/2005. Date: 19/08/2005 To: Oversight Committee for O5-7 From: O5-7 Subject: re: re: re: re: Humanoid Anomalies at Site-██ If they're uncooperative, then you have to get them to trust us, and if not that, get them to not hate us. You can be a little more leisurely in your approval of personal items, for the humanoid anomalies at least. The Foundation may be a prison, but we can't have it feel that way for the anomalies. Date: 22/11/2005 To: Oversight Committee for O5-7 From: O5-7 Subject: Pay Raises Site-██ Unfortunately, due to the budget constraints brought on by several approved projects, the 2% pay raise for Level 3 and greater personnel will not be coming. We will communicate with you of any changes as soon as possible. Enjoy the holidays, O5-7 A FULL LOG OF ACTIONS TAKEN BY O5-7 IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST ADDENDUM 7771.10: Joint Memorandum to the Overseer Council Foundation Internal Memo Date: 16/12/2005 To: O5-1, O5-2, O5-3, O5-4, O5-5, O5-6, O5-8, O5-9, O5-10, O5-11, O5-12, O5-13 From: Containment Committee, Department of Health and Security, Department of Internal Affairs, Department of Logistics and Asset Management Subject: Official Complaint Regarding O5-7 NOTICE: This memorandum has been sent through reality stabilizing means. This is a memorandum to the Overseer Council written jointly by the Heads of the Containment Committee, Department of Health and Security, Department of Internal Affairs, and the Department of Logistics and Asset Management. We are raising our concern over the appointment of O5-7 on 04/06/2005. In the time since her appointment six months ago, we have noticed an unusual and alarming rise in the number of incidents the Foundation has experienced. Below are some of the statistics our various departments have reported: 65% increase in the number of successful D-Class escapes, 27% increase in the number of incidents involving anomalies in containment, 5.3% decrease in site efficiency, █ Euclid/Keter class anomalies breaching containment since appointment,.Most of which were approved for cross-testing by O5-7 or per O5-7's precedent. Neutralization of █ probability-affecting anomalies. ██ personnel injuries higher than average, No change in personnel's adherence to protocol. Additionally, the destruction of Research Area-██, resulting in ██ personnel being terminated, is still fresh in our minds. An investigation into the incident found the cause to be a shipment of bad concrete which went unnoticed for █ years. This is an extremely rare occurrence for an organization as thorough as ours. A majority, if not all, of the incidents were caused by random chance or “bad luck.” While we do not have any direct evidence, we suspect that the Foundation's recently poor performance is due to sabotage on O5-7's part. The correlation between her appointment and the start of these incidents is just too blatant to be written off as coincidence. As such, we are urgently calling for her removal from the council as her current position is a detriment to the Foundation. We hope you take our concerns seriously. Sophie Gray Chairwoman of the Containment Committee Illya Vitalijovych Pavlov Head of the Department of Health and Security Jewel Jayde Morales Head of the Department of Internal Affairs Noe Young-Soo Head of Logistics and Foundation Asset Management for Site-19 ADDENDUM 7771.11: Overseer Conference on 17/12/2005 [17/12/2005] PARTIES PRESENT: Overseer Council (sans O5-7) FOREWORD: In response to the official complaint from four department heads regarding effects on Foundation activities possibly caused by O5-7, an emergency session of the O5 Council sans O5-7 was called to discuss potential courses of action. <BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> <Twelve of the council members are seated in Site-01's main meeting room.> O5-1: I'm sure you have all seen the memo sent to us by multiple department heads. O5-5: This is ridiculous. O5-12: I have to agree with Five. O5-13: Of course you would! It was you two that got us in this mess. O5-2: And, now you want us to stay in it? O5-12: Seven is not a problem. O5-2: You saw the statistics, right, Twelve? O5-12: I did. O5-2: And, you have nothing to say for it? O5-12: They have no evidence. As far as we can tell, it could've been caused by the previous O5-7's death or even GOI sabotage. O5-3: …That is unfortunately true. O5-13: Unbelievable, Three! O5-3: I'm forced to see things as they are, Thirteen. O5-2: The statistics–! O5-5: Are unsubstantiated and frankly ambiguous. They cannot directly connect O5-7 to these statistics, and one new Overseer out of thirteen cannot cause this much damage to an organization that has existed for over a century. O5-13: She's not a normal Overseer. O5-3: Says the anomaly. <O5-13 glares at -3.> O5-5: Removing an Overseer is an extremely drastic move, and we have all made decisions that angered the others before. O5-13: Such as this project. O5-5: <sternly> However, Seven has only been on the council for six months. She could very well be leaving this rough patch. O5-10: Do you trust that? O5-12: Never judge a book by its cover, Ten. Out of everyone I thought you would know this. <O5-10 scoffs.> O5-1: Enough! If I am correct, everyone is confident in their opinion of O5-7? <The O5s are silent.> O5-1: Exactly, no further deliberation is needed. Honestly, this infighting gets aggravating, and I like us to remember that we make the decisions, not the department heads. As such, O5-7's removal from this council will be put to a vote. All in favor? O5-1, -2, -4, -9, -13: Yea. O5-1: All opposed? O5-3, -5, -6, -8-, 11-, -12: Nay. O5-1: O5-10 abstains. The measure fails. O5-7 will remain on the council. O5-13: Fools, all of you. Fools, playing into her hands! O5-12: We are not removing an Overseer based on a hunch, Thirteen. <END TRANSCRIPT> AFTERWORD: O5-7 will remain in her current position. ADDENDUM 7771.12: Ethics Committee Correspondence Date: 17/12/2005 To: Ethics Committee Chairman Odongo Tejani From: O5-13 Subject: URGENT NOTICE: This memorandum has been sent through reality stabilizing means. Attachments: scp-7771.scip.net poi-777.doc o5-council-19-5-2005.vote 16-12-2005-departments-memo.txt o5-council-17-12-2005.vote Date: 17/12/2005 To: O5-13 From: Ethics Committee Chairman Odongo Tejani Subject: re: URGENT NOTICE: This memorandum has been sent through reality stabilizing means. O5-13, The documents you have shared with me are extremely concerning and have been forwarded to the rest of the Ethics Committee. As a consequence of O5-7's active and indisputable sabotage, her continued presence on the council will be put to a vote by this committee. However, while I thank you for the notice, the council's actions as a whole in this project will also be examined closely. Odongo Tejani Date: 19/12/2005 To: O5-13 From: Ethics Committee Chairman Odongo Tejani Subject: re: re: URGENT NOTICE: This memorandum has been sent through reality stabilizing means. The Ethics Committee has decided in favor of removing O5-7 from her current position. Effective immediately, activities of Project Loaded Dice are to be discontinued until further notice. Odongo Tejani ADDENDUM 7771.13: Task Force Incursion TASK FORCE REPORT (ONGOING) Date: 21/12/2005 Site: RA-8, 01, 06-3, 17, 19 MTF(s) Involved: Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand"); Omega-1 ("Law's Left Hand"), Fireteam ALPHA and BETA; Omega-12 ("Achilles' Heels"); Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox") Personnel Involved: O5-7 Ordering Body: Overseer Council, Ethics Committee Planned Action(s): Forcefully discontinue Project Loaded Dice Terminate O5-7 Revive and reinstate the previous O5-7 At 8:11 AM, MTF Omega-1 (“Law's Left Hand”) Fireteam BETA enters Research Area-8, encountering no resistance. All personnel are accounted for and sent to Site-██ for reassignment and amnesticization. Fireteam BETA secures all physical project materials, documents, and anomalies for extraction. At 11:00 AM, all present Overseers save for O5-1, -7, and -13 discreetly exit Site-01 with MTF Alpha-1 (“Red Right Hand”) escort, while O5-1 and -13 enter the secure bunker and seal it behind them. O5-7 is not notified of either event. At 11:07 AM, an unannounced sitewide lockdown is initiated. At 11:12 AM, MTF Omega-1 Fireteam ALPHA and MTF Omega-12 (“Achilles' Heels”) enter Site-01 with orders to intercept and terminate O5-7.Onsite Kant counters reported the local Hume level suddenly rising by ~20 Hm at this moment before dissipating to normal.. Onsite elements of MTF Alpha-1 are ordered to protect the bunker exclusively and to not engage with other personnel. At this time, O5-7 remains in her office, not notified of the lockdown or arrival of Mobile Task Forces. At 11:18 AM, MTF Omega-1 secures the camera control room. One member of Omega-1 is injured by a falling ceiling tile. No cause apparent. MTF Omega-1 reports seven additional injuries resulting from accidents and improbable occurrences, such as falling bricks, broken bones from slipping, and others. Zero recorded fatalities. At 11:23 AM, simultaneous containment breaches are reported at Sites-06-3, -17, and -19. MTF Epsilon-11 (“Nine-Tailed Fox”) is mobilized to respond to these breaches. Presumed related to ongoing action at Site-01. By order of O5-2 and -9, half of onsite MTF Omega-12 personnel are reassigned to guard the Overseers from potential ontokinetic attack. Fireteam ALPHA and remaining MTF Omega-12 personnel continue into Site-01. Fireteam ALPHA and MTF Omega-12, now ███ feet from O5-7's location, approach the hallway containing the Overseer's office. As they round the corner, all members of MTF Omega-12 simultaneously complain of dizziness, nausea, and severe headaches. All members collapse within minutes, with Fireteam ALPHA unable to revive them. Medical team dispatched to their location. Fireteam ALPHA is ordered to continue into the site by COMMAND, with assistance affirmed by several nearby Mobile Task Forces. At 11:28 AM, Fireteam ALPHA assembles outside of O5-7's office, who remains typing at a terminal. At this time, Site-01 experiences an electrical blackout, with backup generators failing to power more than the Site's terminals and database. Fireteam ALPHA don night vision goggles and attempt to shoot O5-7 through the wall, but all provided weapons malfunction. As Fireteam ALPHA troubleshoots their weapons, several negligent discharges occur which strike other personnel. Only one member is left unharmed. O5-7 is unharmed. Full power is restored to the facility, which temporarily blinds the single member of Fireteam ALPHA. As they recover, the single member of Fireteam ALPHA enters the office to terminate O5-7. However, a weapon malfunction (presumably caused by an incomplete discharge) causes the member's firearm to explode. This injures the member, resulting in significant damage to the hands and bleeding. The single active member of Fireteam ALPHA attempts to engage O5-7 with a knife. O5-7 unharmed. Surviving member's vital signs destabilizing; presumed incapacitated. Further support from nearby Mobile Task Forces, including MTF Alpha-1 and Omega-12, are en route. THE CURRENT SITUATION IS ONGOING. MORE INFORMATION WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON… expunge "scp-7771.scip.net" You are attempting to expunge a file from the RAISA archives. This action requires at least seven members of the Overseer Council to enter their alternate secure phrase. If this was in error, please log out and shutdown your terminal immediately. Otherwise, please enter your secure phrases now. Failure to do so will result in the display of lethal auditory-visual cognitohazards as well as deployment of Mobile Task Force Gamma-8 ("Record Keepers") to your location. 4l1i5[)us7 ifjfn4882!&K Th3ag30fM!r4cl35is0ver kfkfjwjsjbUhsbdb7832 d3thD035noTD!5(riM1!n4t3 wH3nW1lwEd!e? D0n0tGo63nt1e ENTER « SCP-7770 | SCP-7771 | SCP-7772 »
SCP-7772, Version 1.0 SCP-7772, Version 3.0 MESSAGE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION The following document is outdated, and does not fully reflect the Foundation's knowledge on the object. Please be advised some information is inaccurate or false. For an updated and accurate file, please see "SCP-7772, Version 3.0". Item #: SCP-7772 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7772 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber. SCP-7772 is prohibited from obtaining or viewing any material depicting deceased celebrity Fred "Mr. Rogers" Rogers unless authorized for testing purposes. Should a test require SCP-7772's anomalous effects to occur, it is to be within a heat-resistant and blast-resistant testing chamber, capable of withstanding beyond the highest temperature SCP-7772 has been recorded to reach. Should SCP-7772's anomalous effects occur inadvertently and result in a containment breach, SCP-7772 is to be allowed to destroy the Mr. Rogers-related material which triggered its anomalous effects until its anomalous effects cease. Should they persist after the material is destroyed, on-site security personnel equipped with heat-resistant gear are to attempt to restrain and sedate SCP-7772. SCP-7772 will then be monitored for any residual anomalous effects. Description: SCP-7772 is a 32-year-old female human, standing 163 cm tall and weighing 61kg. Prior to SCP-7772's containment, it was a local news reporter for 10 years. Aside from when its anomalous effects occur, it is physically identical to a standard, non-anomalous human. SCP-7772's anomalous effects occur when exposed to any material1 that depicts the deceased celebrity Fred "Mr. Rogers" Rogers. Upon viewing, SCP-7772's body temperature raises to approximately 1500 degrees Celsius, and gains increased physical strength and durability. SCP-7772's emotional state alters into a single-minded rage towards the material, and will not cease until the material is destroyed. Upon the destruction of the material which triggered SCP-7772's anomalous effects, SCP-7772 will, over the course of several minutes, return to its non-anomalous form. It will retain memories of its anomalous effect occurring, and does not show any signs of harm or damage. Addendum 7772-01 Below is an interview with SCP-7772 conducted by Head Researcher Jackson, in an attempt to discern a reason behind SCP-7772's anomalous abilities. <Begin Log> Researcher Jackson sits down across from SCP-7772, who is restrained by its ankles. He sets down a collection of documents, a clipboard, and a pen. Researcher Jackson: If you could please state your legal name for the record, SCP-7772?Researcher Jackson: Thank you. Now, according to our records, your anomalous effects occur… Researcher Jackson opens a file and begins to skim through it. Researcher Jackson: Ah, am I reading this right?Researcher Jackson rolls his eyes. SCP-7772 chuckles. Researcher Jackson: If this is correct, you are capable of achieving superhuman feats when exposed to… material involving Mr. Rogers?Researcher Jackson sighs and looks down at the table. Researcher Jackson: [Quietly] Okay… Researcher Jackson looks back up to face SCP-7772. Researcher Jackson: Do you have any recollection of when this first started?Researcher Jackson: Your powers, please.SCP-7772 punches the air.Researcher Jackson: Right, but when did you first notice your a-Researcher Jackson: Ah- hm.Researcher Jackson: I'd rather not get into this during an interrogation. It's clear to me that you're not enjoying this process. Trust me, I would also like to finish this as soon as possible for my own sake.Researcher Jackson: I'm not here to console you, I'm here to figure out what is going on so we can work on regulating your anomaly properly.Researcher Jackson audibly sighs once again.Researcher Jackson: I believe it would benefit us both to cut the snide comments and to instead just answer the questions as quickly and straightforward as possible. That way, we won't have to be in each other's presence anymore.Researcher Jackson: Is there another reason why you're purposefully dragging this out longer than it should be? SCP-7772 briefly shrugs.SCP-7772 smirks. Researcher Jackson grimaces. Researcher Jackson: Is this how you spoke to your subjects while you were interviewing them?Researcher Jackson: Then answering my questions will be a reprieve from your boredom, no? Surely that's a good reason to stop goofing around? SCP-7772 chuckles.Researcher Jackson sighs in relief. Researcher Jackson: Yes. Thank you.SCP-7772 snorts.Researcher Jackson: Do you remember anything that happened that day that caused your abilities? Any sort of trigger?Researcher Jackson: You know that wasn't the real Mr. Rogers, right? He died several years ago.Researcher Jackson: So you explanation of your powers are… they just happened? SCP-7772 crosses its arms.Researcher Jackson: That's… that's not at all how this works.Researcher Jackson puts his head in his hands. Researcher Jackson: Sure. That sounds like a great idea.Researcher Jackson looks up to SCP-7772. Researcher Jackson: I would sooner eat my clipboard than reduce myself to talk to you any further. I've been a loyal, reliable researcher for this organization for fifty years, and now I'm stuck dealing with the dregs.Researcher Jackson raises his hand in a fist, then opens his mouth as if to speak. He then relaxes and exhales loudly. Researcher Jackson: Terminate the interview. We're done here. Guards, take SCP-7772 back to its cell.<End Log> Addendum 7772-02 On February 27th, 2020, SCP-7772 was requested by the Department of Humanoid Containment to be transferred to Site-19's Department of Other. Below is a copy of the memo sent to Dr. Gerald, Head of the Department of Other, as well as his reply. Anomaly Custody Transfer Request From the Desk of Charlotte Constanza, Humanoid Containment Anomaly In Question: SCP-7772 Reason For Request: Due to the workload the Department of Humanoid Containment is given, considering the sheer amount of humanoid anomalies the Foundation contains, the O5 Council has given approval to transfer some of our less important anomalies onto you, including SCP-7772. We are aware that the Department of Other is in need of more things to do these days, and so consider this a sign of good will from us. Furthermore, Head Researcher Jackson called working with the anomaly "demeaning of his station", citing several disputes between himself and SCP-7772, as well as deeming the actual process of testing the anomaly too absurd. Several of his co-workers have also cited his attitude has worsened towards them as well since his induction on the project. We know that the Department of Other does well as far as absurdity goes, so hopefully that won't be a problem for you. Regards, Dr. Constanza. Anomaly Custody Transfer Response From the Desk of Dr. Gerald, Department of Other Request Response: Accepted. Terms: SCP-7772 is to be transferred to the Department of Other on March 12th, 2020. Until its total integration within the Department of Other, the Department of Humanoid Containment will offer guidance regarding its containment and testing protocols to ensure the safety of SCP-7772's new Head Researchers. Furthermore, SCP-7772 is to be renamed SCP-3:33-J in all official documentation. The Department of Other appreciates the Department of Humanoid Containment's act of kindness, and assures them that they will take good care of the anomaly as long as it is under their custody. Note: I will say, I do find it a little ridiculous that a researcher would stake their career on an anomaly like this. Any number of our researchers would be more than happy to take care of SCP-7772, and honestly, it may be better for the anomaly to not be under the care of a curmudgeon like Researcher Jackson as well. Item #: SCP-3:33-J SCP-7772 Object Class: Keter Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7772 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber. SCP-7772 is prohibited from obtaining or viewing any material depicting deceased celebrity Fred "Mr. Rogers" Rogers unless authorized for testing purposes. to be shown material which depicts deceased celebrity Fred "Mr. Rogers" Rogers at least once every day. Should a test require SCP-7772's anomalous effects to occur, it is to be within a heat-resistant and blast-resistant testing chamber, capable of withstanding beyond the highest temperature SCP-7772 has been recorded to reach. Due to the perceived nature of SCP-7772's anomalous effects, testing is prohibited until further notice. Should SCP-7772's anomalous effects occur inadvertently and result in a containment breach, SCP-7772 is to be allowed to destroy the Mr. Rogers-related material which triggered its anomalous effects until its anomalous effects cease. Should they persist after the material is destroyed, on-site security personnel equipped with heat-resistant gear are to attempt to restrain and sedate SCP-7772. properly-equipped on-site security personnel are to assess the situation and determine whether SCP-7772 is to be allowed to destroy the material which triggered its anomalous effects, and either attempt to detain it before or after its destruction depending on the assessment. SCP-7772 will then be monitored for any residual anomalous effects. Description: SCP-7772 is a 32-year-old female human, standing 163 cm tall and weighing 61kg. Prior to SCP-7772's anomalous effects occurring, it is physically identical to a standard, non-anomalous human. SCP-7772's anomalous effects occur when exposed to any material that depicts the deceased celebrity Fred "Mr. Rogers" Rogers. Upon viewing, SCP-7772's body temperature raises to approximately 1500 degrees Celsius, and gains increased physical strength and durability. SCP-7772's emotional state alters into a single-minded rage towards the material, and will not cease until the material is destroyed. Upon the destruction of the material which triggered SCP-7772's anomalous effects, SCP-7772 will, over the course of several minutes, return to its non-anomalous form. It will retain memories of its anomalous effect occurring, and does not show any signs of harm or damage. SCP-7772's secondary anomalous effects occur when it has not been exposed to any material depicting Mr. Rogers within a certain undetermined time period. SCP-7772 is capable of manipulating the realistic probability of naturally being exposed to material related to Mr. Rogers, even in situations where no such material is presently available. Addendum 7772-01, First Recorded Probability Incidents: Below is a series of reports describing the first recorded instances of SCP-7772's secondary anomalous effects occurring while under the care of the Department of Other. Incident 3:33-J-01 Date: April 2nd, 2020 Events: On April 2nd, 2020, SCP-3:33-J was seen asleep in her containment chambers. At approximately 3:00 AM, SCP-3:33-J's anomalous effects activated, resulting in the destruction of her bed and nearby wall. She awoke and continued to cause mild destruction with no apparent target. Eventually, SCP-3:33-J's anomalous effects ceased, and she returned to bed. In a later interview, it was determined that she had a dream featuring Mr. Rogers that night. Notes: The fact that it triggers on her dreams is definitely difficult, but it at least explains why the folks upstairs didn't just dose her with sleeping medication and keep her on an IV drip. Definitely makes our lives harder, but we've handled much worse. - Researcher Franz Irving Incident 3:33-J-02 Date: April 30th, 2020 Events: On April 30th, 2020, SCP-3:33-J was alone in its containment chamber. Due to good behavior, it was granted a cable television with limited channel selection. At approximately 4:15 PM, a commercial played advertising the Blu-Ray edition of the 2019 movie, "A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood". In the advertisement, footage of the show "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" was briefly played, which was sufficient to activate SCP-3:33-J's anomalous effects, resulting in the destruction of the television and the wall behind it. Notes: In hindsight, giving her access to cable was not the brightest idea. As she's otherwise been on good behavior, she's kept the television, but now has access to a limited selection of streaming channels that were screened to ensure Mr. Rogers does not appear in any form on all of them. - Researcher Franz Irving Incident 3:33-J-03 Date: May 15th, 2020 Events: On May 15th, 2020, a social event in the Department of Other's break room was scheduled for certain anomalies who have demonstrated good behavior to attend. SCP-3:33-J was in attendance. Operative 7, who had been taking selfies with a number of other anomalies, inadvertently showed SCP-3:33-J its lock screen, which featured Operative 7, shirtless, standing triumphantly over a large, reptilian beast in a destroyed cityscape. SCP-3:33-J's anomalous effects activated, destroying Operative 7's phone. Fortunately, Operative 7 was able to temporarily restrain SCP-3:33-J and allow the other anomalies to escape mostly unharmed. Upon examination of the image that Operative 7 used on its phone, it was discovered that there was a ruined newspaper in the foreground that featured a headshot of Mr. Rogers. Notes: Of course I'm not upset at her. Fledgling warriors with powers like hers need to be channeled properly. I'd offer to train her to utilize her powers for good if I am allowed. - Operative 7 Incident 3:33-J-04 Date: June 12th, 2020 Events: On June 12th, 2020, a standard test with SCP-4237-J went hursky. SCP-4237-J plorksed, which firnted the third brumvle of the churgling. The resulting destruction caused a mass containment breach in the Department of Other, setting several anomalies loose. At the time, SCP-3:33-J was in its containment chamber. At 5:16 PM, the southern wall of SCP-3:33-J's containment chamber collapsed, and SCP-3:33-J's anomalous effects activated. After several days of examination to determine what activated SCP-3:33-J's anomalous effects, it was determined that the rubble of SCP-3:33-J's new containment chamber fell in such a way that, from the perspective SCP-3:33-J was standing, it formed an exact replica of Mr. Rogers' face. Note: We may have a few anomalies that breach containment regularly, but this is ridiculous. Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, but three times is a pattern. Especially when the third time is something like THIS. - Researcher Franz Irving Following the previous incident, Researcher Franz Irving brought SCP-7772 in for an interview. <Begin Log> Researcher Irving is presently seated in the interrogation chamber. SCP-7772 is brought in, escorted by a guard.Researcher Irving: At this point I'm sure you should know why we need to talk, Samantha. We have a problem, and we're hoping you can help us figure whether you're the cause, or simply the center of it. SCP-7772 sits down.Researcher Irving pushes up his glasses. Researcher Irving: To an extent, yes, it is about the party. It is also about the broken television and the incident with the security breach.Researcher Irving: I did. And it was. But you've had a lot of freak coincidences happen recently. On a daily basis, the odds that someone is accidentally exposed to Mr. Rogers is rare, and yet you've had it happen three times since you've been in our care. There's no sign of any direct tampering on our end, so… Researcher Irving crosses his legs. Researcher Irving: Either you're willingly hiding something from us, or something is happening to you that you're unaware of.Researcher Irving: As far as you know, what powers do you have? SCP-7772 scratches its head.Researcher Irving: There's nothing you're hiding from us? No… reality bending? Probability-altering? Anything?SCP-7772 smiles eagerly. Researcher Irving: You could, but don't seem so happy about it. If this is something that you genuinely can't control, then it makes it harder for us to control it, too. We'll have to place some firmer restrictions on you for now, unfortunately. SCP-7772 frowns.Researcher Irving: You can keep the TV for now.<End Log> Addendum 7772-02, Incidents Involving Personnel: During SCP-7772's increased surveillance, several other incidents occurred involving its anomaly inadvertently activating. Below are two cases of incidents occurring where Foundation Personnel were the targets. Incident 3:33-J-12 Date: November 8th, 2020 Events: On November 8th, 2020, SCP-3:33-J was being brought back to its cell from lunch, only for its anomalous effects to activate, targeting Researcher Parkland and her office computer. While in recovery, Researcher Parkland had admitted to watching a link to a video featuring a fictional rap battle between Mr. Rogers and actor Mr. T. While Researcher Parkland's screen was not visible from the hallway, it is theorized that SCP-3:33-J saw the image reflected in Researcher Parkland's glasses, hence why she was targeted as well as her computer. Incident 3:33-J-13 Date: November 10th, 2020 Events: On November 10th, 2020, Researcher Hewitt was asked to perform an interview with SCP-3:33-J regarding the incident that took place two days prior. As Researcher Hewitt entered the interrogation chamber, SCP-3:33-J's anomalous effects activated, directed towards Researcher Hewitt. Researcher Hewitt sustained major injuries, but SCP-3:33-J was subdued and re-contained before Researcher Hewitt could perish. In a later interview, it was discovered that Researcher Hewitt had apparently dressed up as Mr. Rogers for Halloween when he was 12 years old. Below is an interview performed by Researcher Irving one week later. <Begin Log> SCP-7772 is in a blast-proof interrogation chamber with a layer of protective glass separating her and Researcher Irving. SCP-7772's arms and legs are restrained.Researcher Irving: Samantha, this is not a time for games. You attacked not one, but two researchers.Researcher Irving: I expect you to know better than to try to tear off Researcher Parkland's face. You know she's permanently disfigured now, right? It's a wonder that both she and Researcher Hewitt are both alive.Researcher Irving furrows his brow. Researcher Irving: Please treat this seriously, you've personally put two researchers in the health ward. We need to figure your anomaly out before it happens again. SCP-7772 rolls its eyes.Researcher Irving: Samantha, why did you attack those researchers? Even you should be able to tell that a person who says that they are Mr. Rogers isn't actually Mr. Rogers, especially when they aren't actively saying that they're Mr. Rogers.Researcher Irving: A stink?Researcher Irving: That still doesn't justify attacking two innocent people. SCP-7772 looks confused.Researcher Irving: Do you take responsibility for anything? Or are you just this conceited all the time? SCP-7772 scoffs.Researching Irving sighs. Researching Irving: Fine. I will. I'll make sure that something is actually done about this.<End Log> Afterwards, Researching Irving proposed the following list of protocols among all Department of Other personnel for approval: The banning any unapproved media, imagery, or digital documentation of Mr. Rogers [Approved] Sedating SCP-3:33-J with amnestics that prevent her from having dreams [Approved] An interview and examination with all personnel to determine if they had ever claimed to have been Mr. Rogers in the past [Approved] The isolation of personnel that had claimed to have been Mr. Rogers in the past from SCP-3:33-J [Approved] Addendum 7772-03, Incident 19 and Researcher Irving's Updated Protocols: Below are the details regarding the 19th incident of SCP-7000's anomalous effects occurring inadvertently. Incident 3:33-J-19 Date: January 29th, 2021 Events: On January 29th, 2021, SCP-3:33-J was alone in its containment chamber, using its television. As SCP-3:33-J was selecting a show to watch, its anomalous effects activated, once again destroying the television. It was later determined that its effects activated after an image of the movie "Castaway" showed up, starring Tom Hanks. Notes: This is the first time her anomalous effects have been triggered on something other than Mr. Rogers, or something that has been Mr. Rogers in the past. Does the anomaly count things that are GOING to be Mr. Rogers, or is it somehow aware of pop culture? Either way, this means that the definition of what "Mr. Rogers" is is a lot more flexible than we thought, and a lot more dangerous to handle. - Researcher Franz Irving Following this, Researcher Irving proposed the following updated restrictions: The banning of the words "Mr. Rogers" and "Neighbor" said verbally without permission [Approved] The banning and removal of sweaters, puppets, Tom Hanks, or anything that could be remotely related to Mr. Rogers or Mr. Rogers media [Approved with exceptions] The banning of random acts of kindness, on the chance that association with Mr. Rogers may be enough to trigger the anomaly [Denied] The banning of politeness, for the same above reasons [Denied] The banning of the practice of Presbyterianism, for the same above reasons [Denied] Below is a series of memos between Department Head Dr. Gerald and Researcher Irving regarding the incident and his newly proposed restrictions. From the Desk of Dr. Gerald, Department of Other Message: Franz, I know that you're trying your hardest to minimize the damage SCP-3:33-J causes. Trust me, I'm working hard to ensure that your protocols are not only followed, but accepted. SCP-3:33-J isn't exactly a pleasant person to be around, and not even in an endearing or humorous way; many personnel believe she isn't worth the effort, and she would be better off transferred back upstairs, and yet they still followed your initial list of protocols because of me. Of course, people are certainly willing to accept a few protocols but banning kindness? Politeness? Infringing on religious rights? Franz, please, you must see that that is over-stepping, no? While the details of the anomaly are unknown, you've been polite to her before. You've been kind to her before. And while I may not know the religious practices of everyone in here, I'm sure that that's a few steps removed from the identity of Mr. Rogers. Hell, I had to Google it to figure out how Presbyterianism was even related to him! I know you're invested in this, Franz, and I appreciate everything you've done so far, but we can't ruin the lives of everyone else in this department over one anomaly. This is the line. From the Desk of Franz Irving, Department of Other Message: In all honesty, Dr. Gerald, I'm tired. I really, genuinely am. As someone who works with her on a daily basis, I know that she isn't a fun person to be around. I know that I for one would be happy if she would just go back upstairs and we could focus on things that aren't blowing our department up every other week. So why do I want us to go through all this effort at all? Well, for one, we've done worse for less. We've given anomalies blood sacrifices. We've given anomalies power, both physical and metaphysical. We've defiled corpses for the sake of containment! Being mean to each other is hardly a challenge, and I think we're way past being on the moral high ground for religious censorship. The other reason being that as far as we can tell, the anomaly is adaptable. The definition of what "Mr. Rogers" is seems to be reliant on anything that claims to be Mr. Rogers in one sense or another, even if they aren't doing it actively. She's seen Tom Hanks before and didn't flip out, but this is the first time she's seen him since the first incident. The anomaly learns, and a learning, probability-altering anomaly means that eventually, if we can't lock her down for good, just about anything could theoretically send her off if the odds are in her favor. Or, rather, not in our favor. I am working my ass off to make sure we can actually contain her, but nothing seems to work. Preventing just physical exposure is just not going to be enough right now, we need to take it a step further, especially when the time between accidents is getting shorter. On average they've been happening once a week, but we've had accidents happen with as little as a day in between them. This is the only way I can think of that will give us the best shot at buying us time. In spite of further memos between the two, Researcher Irving's additional protocols were ultimately denied. Addendum 7772-04, Adaptability Tests: Since Incident 3:33-J-19, Researcher Irving had conducted numerous tests over the course of several days to determine if it was possible to tailor what activated SCP-7772's anomalous effects through association. Test #: 3:33-J-69 Date: February 1st, 2021 Procedures: Place an unpeeled orange in front of SCP-3:33-J. Wait 5 minutes. Retrieve the orange, attach a picture of Mr. Rogers onto it and replace it. Results: SCP-3:33-J's anomalous effects did not activate until after the orange was replaced with the image of Mr. Rogers attached. Test #: 3:33-J-70 Date: February 1st, 2021 Procedures: Place an unpeeled orange in front of SCP-3:33-J. Wait 5 minutes. Announce over the intercom that an image of Mr. Rogers will be placed onto the orange. Wait 5 minutes. Retrieve the orange, attach a picture of Mr. Rogers onto it and replace it. Results: SCP-3:33-J's anomalous effects did not activate until after the orange was replaced with the image of Mr. Rogers attached. Test #: 3:33-J-71 Date: February 1st, 2021 Procedures: Place an unpeeled orange in front of SCP-3:33-J. Wait 5 minutes. Announce over the intercom that that orange is Mr. Rogers. Wait 5 minutes. Retrieve the orange, attach a picture of Mr. Rogers onto it and replace it. Results: SCP-3:33-J's anomalous effects activated after the announcement over the intercom, targeting the orange. Test #: 3:33-J-97 Date: February 13th, 2021 Procedures: Equip D-99979 with blast-resistant gear and a concealed earpiece. Instruct D-99979 to enter the testing chamber and have a conversation with SCP-3:33-J. After an indeterminate amount of time, Researcher Irving will speak into the earpiece, calling D-99979 Mr. Rogers. Results: SCP-3:33-J's anomalous effects activated after Researcher Irving spoke into the earpiece. SCP-3:33-J was subdued and D-99979 was escorted out safely. Test #: 3:33-J-98 Date: February 13th, 2021 Procedures: Equip D-0212 with blast-resistant gear. Instruct D-0212 to enter the testing chamber and attempt to impersonate Mr. Rogers without explicitly saying who he was impersonating. Results: SCP-3:33-J's anomalous effects activated after D-0212 began doing the impersonation, targeting D-0212. SCP-3:33-J was subdued and D-0212 was escorted out safely. Test #: 3:33-J-99 Date: February 13th, 2021 Procedures: Show D-52709 footage of D-0212 doing an impression of Mr. Rogers without explicitly saying who the impression was of. Equip D-52709 with blast-resistant gear. Instruct D-52709 to enter the testing chamber and attempt to impersonate D-0212. Results: SCP-3:33-J's anomalous effects activated after D-52709 began doing the impersonation, targeting D-52709. SCP-3:33-J was subdued and D-52709 was escorted out safely. Following the results of Test 3:33-J-99, Researcher Irving and Dr. Gerald shared the following memos: From the Desk of Franz Irving, Department of Other Message: Attached are the results of some of my most recent tests. The first thing you should notice is that the anomaly seems to make a distinction between what IS Mr. Rogers and what HAS Mr. Rogers. If something is announced to contain Mr. Rogers in it, on it, by it, or any other indirect relation, it doesn't trigger the anomaly until Mr. Rogers itself appears. However, the relationship between an object and the anomaly changes the moment that the object in some way identifies as Mr. Rogers, willingly or unwillingly. So the good news at the very least is that we can relax on some restrictions I've requested as long as we don't directly identify things as Mr. Rogers. Saying the words "Mr. Rogers" doesn't cause the anomaly to activate. The bad news, as you hopefully can tell, is that the anomaly's knowledge is not necessarily based on the knowledge of Samantha. Though this should have been obvious since the incident with Hewitt, Tests 3:33-J-97, 98 and 99 all prove it undoubtedly. The anomaly knows more about what is and is not Mr. Rogers than Samantha does, hence the 'metaphorical stink' she's mentioned. The worse news is that people can unknowingly trigger the anomaly because of the above two facts, as seen in Test 3:33-J-99. If someone does something that someone else identified as being Mr. Rogers, then that's enough to trigger the anomaly, even if the person performing the action doesn't relate it to Mr. Rogers specifically at all. While kindness and politeness in a vacuum won't trigger the anomaly, there is a certain brand of kindness and politeness that very much will. As long as accidents keep happening, people need to be aware of how kind they are. They need to be aware of how polite they are. Being 'neighborly' is no longer an option, as long as Samantha could potentially see it. Shining your shoes, wearing a red sweater, anything that someone somewhere has said "Oh yeah, that's Mr. Rogers for sure" could trigger the anomaly. I abhor you to reconsider your stance on my protocol suggestions. I don't want to send any more friends to the emergency room. From the Desk of Dr. Gerald, Department of Other Message: These results are certainly more concerning than what I had expected. You are right, the severity of this anomaly is not to be underestimated, and I apologize for treating it like that. However, I had actually wanted to check in on you since you started your marathon of testing with Samantha. You said on average accidents were happening once a week, yes? Have any accidents happened during your tests that I wasn't made aware of? Researcher Irving's reply was sent approximately five hours later. From the Desk of Franz Irving, Department of Other Message: Are you fucking kidding me. The solution was just to shove Mr. Rogers in her face this whole time. I need a nap. Addendum 7772-05: In spite of the Department of Other's discovery of proper containment of SCP-7772's probabilistic anomaly, on March 9th, 2021, the O5 council requested that SCP-7772 be re-transferred to the Department of Humanoid Containment. Anomaly Custody Transfer Request From the Desk of O5-7 Anomaly In Question: SCP-3:33-J Reason For Request: Due to the rampant destruction caused by SCP-3:33-J, and your repeated failures to contain it properly, we have determined the Department of Other to be unfit to contain this anomaly any further. While it was transferred to your department as a gesture of kindness and as a means to siphon funds to anomalies in more dire need, you have single-handedly cost Site-19 hundreds of thousands of dollars in reparations and reconstruction of your department and surrounding levels. It should go without saying that a gross mishandling of this caliber is deserving of not just a transferral of the anomaly in question, but reprimanding of the researchers in charge of the project. Anomaly Custody Transfer Response From the Desk of Dr. Gerald, Department of Other Request Response: Denied Reasoning: The Department of Other has done a more than satisfactory job of containing Ms. Blevvins since her new containment protocols have been formalized. We are of the opinion that we at this point deserve the rights to contain her due to this discovery, and I have a hard time seeing why us solving the problem none of you could solve gives you the right to take her away. If for whatever reason several months down the line the containment procedures stop working, I would understand that request. However, things have been working perfectly fine since. Why are you deciding that now is the perfect time to put in this request and pull the rug out from under us after all our hard work? Anomaly Custody Transfer Request From the Desk of O5-7 Anomaly In Question: SCP-3:33-J Reason For Request: First of all, I would like to re-iterate that in order for you to get to the point where containment procedures could be formalized, you allowed the anomaly to destroy a load-bearing wall that very nearly toppled an entire wing of the facility. It doesn't matter if you've figured out how to stop it if that's your baseline for acceptable practices to determine any aspect of an anomaly. But furthermore, according to your file, Researcher Irving suggested that kindness and politeness could potentially set off the anomaly in spite of your procedures. Because of this, we believe that returning SCP-3:33-J to the custody of Researcher Jackson would help alleviate this concern, as Researcher Jackson is reportedly "a massive dickbag that makes everyone around him miserable". At the very least, you must wish for a kinder work environment for your department, no? Anomaly Custody Transfer Response From the Desk of Dr. Gerald, Department of Other Request Response: Accepted. Terms: The Department of Other will transfer over containment of SCP-3:33-J back to the Department of Humanoid Containment, and grant it its initial designation of SCP-7772. As it was formally under their care, little must be done for the adjustment period aside from informing researchers of the new containment procedures and containment chamber protocols. Researcher Jackson is to be reinstated as SCP-7772's primary researcher. He and all associated researchers are to be offered a large raise to compensate for the eventual poor work environment that will come about as Researcher Jackson is informed of the news. « SCP-7771 | SCP-7772 | SCP-7773 » Footnotes 1. Images, videos, artworks, etc.
Preferred iteration of SCP-7774 Item #: SCP-7774 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Saint Mary's Catholic Cemetery is to be inspected for upkeep every first Sunday of a new month. Janitorial personnel are to be dispatched on site for landscaping purposes. Once per year, the cemetery is to be closed to the public seventy-two hours leading to the date of June 12th under the guise of maintenance purposes. Twenty-four hours preceding June 12th, the area surrounding SCP-7774 will be blocked from public access via MTF unit Kappa-16 (Groundskeepers). Description: SCP-7774 is a yearly phenomenon affecting the area of Fredericksburg, Texas. On June 12th, uniquely at 6:30 AM (CST) precisely, SCP-7774 will animate as a humanoid structure, typically a sculpture, within the surrounding area. From discovery, SCP-7774 has indicated a preference for using the form of an angel statue within Saint Mary's Cemetery. Upon animation, the often preferred1 angel statue of SCP-7774 has been displayed to step from its pedestal, manifesting lithe control over the statue's stone limbs. Passive, non-verbal acknowledgement of Foundation personnel has been previously observed. Often following a brief stroll of the cemetery, SCP-7774 will spend the remainder of the phenomenon in close proximity to a faded, marble cross grave. Observed behavior of SCP-7774 has previously revealed the anomaly: Kneeling, bowing, or praying over the grave-site Gently caressing the ground Weaving nearby flowers into bouquets (sunflowers, bluebonnets, pink evening primrose, etc.) In the evening, commonly after 7:00 PM, SCP-7774 will stand up from the grave after making a final gesture and will return to the statue's initial location, reverting to a non-anomalous state. + Addendum: Discovery Log -Addendum: Discovery Log Recovered Photograph from Gravesite Local rumors of angels blessing the graves of Saint Mary's began to spread in Fredericksburg by local citizens as early as June of 1974. Monthly low priority surveillance of the cemetery was conducted for over a year before SCP-7774 was discovered. Upon scheduled retrieval, SCP-7774 was discovered to be kneeling over its chosen grave-site. Local foundation personnel dispatched to the area attempted to secure SCP-7774 away from the site to find SCP-7774 having demanifested, leaving a common, non-anomalous angel statue. Excavation of the grave SCP-7774 was discovered upon revealed the following: One decayed human skeleton of a juvenile female One wooden rosary, broken into two parts One faded photograph of a woman and young child Restoration of the photograph revealed faint handwriting on the back. Analysis of the photograph revealed the text "Judith, 6-12." Following discovery, the grave site was returned to its original state. Foundation personnel were planted as groundskeepers within Saint Mary's Cemetery for quick surveillance for future SCP-7774 instances. « SCP-7773 | SCP-7774| SCP-7775 » More works by HotColes Hide list SCPs SCP-4299 SCP-3407 SCP-4603 SCP-1255 SCP-4425 SCP-5714 SCP-7774 Tales Here, We Only Got One Rule: Never, Ever Let It Cool Poky Ball Z GoI Formats Critter Profile: Ringo! Nobody's Observations on Temporal Displacement, Family, and Waffles Click here to check out HotColes's Author Page. Footnotes 1. Previous experimentation surrounding the removal of structures within Fredericksburg has yielded varying activation locations, yet prevention of SCP-7774 from manifesting has been unsuccessful.
NGC 6946, the location of three instances of SCP-7775-α in periods of interstellar expansion. Item #: SCP-7775 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature and scale of SCP-7775, effective containment of the anomaly is impossible. Civilizations as described by SCP-7775 and their planets of origin, as well as any systems which have been expanded into by aforementioned civilizations, will be monitored by the Foundation's respective interstellar agencies. Description: SCP-7775 is an observed phenomenon found throughout outer space. The anomaly is that of convergent evolution of Homo sapiens sapiens across a multitude of systems. Human societies that did not evolve on Earth are collectively designated as SCP-7775-α. The anomaly manifests itself on highly similar Earth analogues. Typically, these Earth analogues have near-identical masses, atmospheric contents, and geological histories. Roughly 95%1 of the Earth analogues rotate around a unitary G-type main-sequence star ("yellow dwarf"). Observations have been conducted by the ███████ ██████ located in orbit around Charon ("CLEOMEDES"). SCP-7775-α instances are genetically identical to the humans of Earth. Within each SCP-7775-α instance exists minor phenotypical variations, the scale of which is consistent to that of the variation between various ethnic groups on Earth. Consistent with the genetic research, preliminary evidence suggests that specimens of SCP-7775-α instances can reproduce with Earth-evolved humans as well as with specimens of other instances. Similar to Earth-evolved humans, SCP-7775-α instances have developed languages and comparable cultural development. Unlike Earth-evolved humans, however, instances of the anomaly typically do not have a primate-based evolutionary background. On SCP-7775-38, preliminary evolutionary research suggests shared common ancestors with avian analogues. Further research into evolutionary history is pending. To date, there have been 1202 observed instances of the anomaly. The societies of instances include that of pre-agriculture, feudal states, nation states, and interstellar empires. The progression between various societal paradigms is not linear nor immediately intuitive. + The CLEOMEDES project - Close attachment INPUT CLEARANCE CODE > ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤ VALIDATING CREDENTIALS Accessed Clearance Level 1 of File: CLEOMEDES CLEOMEDES is one of the Foundation's most recent attempts at expanding its capabilities outside of the Earth, located on the moon of Charon. CLEOMEDES is a station home to several experimental observational instruments as well as as a scientific research station. Most notable are the causality experiments3, the result of which allows us to communicate with civilizations located many light years away and in great detail. Below are selected instances of SCP-7775. Instance names below are attached to SCP-7775-α, i.e. "17" refers to SCP-7775-α-17. Instance name Description 17 17 is a planetary society remaining in a period of pre-agriculturalism, located in an ejected star system near IC 2497. Anthropogenic radio is extremely scarce. Analysis of radio suggests the presence of anti-modernist religious movements akin to Neo-Luddism on Earth. Attempts to engage in contact with CLEOMEDES resulted in no response. Further analysis suggests that 17 was a formerly space-faring civilization. It is unknown when or why the instance returned to a pre-agricultural state. 39 39 is the largest of three interstellar states in NGC 6946. 39 appears to have developed spacefaring technology enabling for brief faster-than-light movement, which has allowed it to set up a series of colonies in its immediate vicinity. It is typically involved with conflicts with two other space-faring instances of SCP-7775-α in the same galaxy — 38 and 40. 38, 39, and 40 avoid a large section of NGC 6946, accounting for roughly 62% of the galaxy's stellar mass, preferring to war with each other for habitable and arable territory instead of expanding into this region. The reasoning behind this remains unclear. 102 102 is located in M87. It is in a period of nuclear-armed nation states. The Foundation has made contact with a similar group in 102. 102 is home to an institution dedicated to organizing and containing anomalies and have similar technology to CLEOMEDES. This institution has been in brief contact with the Foundation and has confirmed their observation of the SCP-7775 anomaly. 119 119 is the remains of an instance in Dragonfly 44. No known specimens from 119 are known to be alive and the ruins of civilization are seen from the surface. Foundation research suggests that 119 was recently unified, after a long period of warring nation states, and were about to make initial forays into interstellar space. Tentative evidence suggests that 119 had developed highly advanced FTL technology. + Missives relating to SCP-7775-17 - Close attachment SECURITY CLEARANCE OF 3 REQUIRED HANDHELD IDENTIFICATION DEVICE DETECTED ENTER SECURITY CODE ON DEVICE VALIDATING CREDENTIALS CLEARANCE CONFIRMED 15/10/20██ Memo from CLEOMEDES board To all personnel assigned to working on top-level faster-than-light projects; Please note that there has been issued an immediate order to place these projects on hiatus. Report to Main Office for further briefing. 9/10/20██ Approximately three years ago, not too long after CLEOMEDES became operational, we recieved a missive from SCP-7775-17, which is odd considering the planet's anti-technology stance. Alongside it was a key for the purpose of quickly deciphering their language. It, when translated, came to a simple statement. WATCHING MAN. TURN OFF. The patterns are clear now. I have submitted my interpretation and my proposal for action to the board. Hopefully it's not too late. -Dr. Hinai « SCP-7774 | SCP-7775 | SCP-7776 » Footnotes 1. 140/147 planets observed. 2. The discrepancy between the planet count and instance count is due to the presence of multi-system spanning instances. 3. Which has allowed us to very briefly achieve superluminality
WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS RESTRICTED TO SITE-93 PERSONNEL ONLY. ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT APPROPRIATE AUTHORIZATION WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. NOTICE FROM THE SITE-93 RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Due to the history of SCP-7776, this document has undergone radical changes in order to remain useful and informative. Included are the archived special containment procedures and object description for comparison and archival purposes. — Hektor Abruzzi, Director, S-93 RAISA Southeastern entrance into the village of ██████████ ████ upon discovery of SCP-7776. Item #: SCP-7776 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: + Show Archived Containment Procedures Close No more than 200 individuals may be aware of the existence of SCP-7776 at any given time. Should individuals outside Site-93 learn of SCP-7776, they are to be amnesticised and an investigation into how they learned of it is to be launched. A vast majority of those affected by SCP-7776 have taken residence in the village of ██████████ ████, which has been isolated as a quarantine zone as well as location of Site-93. Site-93 is an appropriately staffed Site dedicated to the study and containment of SCP-7776. No ritual activity is to be performed in association with SCP-7776 without explicit written permission and oversight by Site Director Pilecki; additionally, no personnel above Level 3 Clearance may be involved with the management of SCP-7776 without Director Pilecki's written request. Ritual activity may be conducted with SCP-7776 at the discretion of Site Director Pilecki. Ritual activity is to be performed with SCP-7776 on a monthly basis. Ritual activity with SCP-7776 is to be conducted on an as needed basis. Site-93 observes a specially-tailored communications outline in order to monitor and minimize communication to the outside, and therefore opportunities for a breach of containment through accidental sharing of SCP-7776's description. Additionally, see Document-93-C "Security Facilities" for an outline of Site-93's perimeter defenses. Personnel who approach Site-93 or request visitation are to be detained and undergo interrogation. Personnel determined to be affected by SCP-7776 may be subject to execution. Notice: These Containment Procedures are now obsolete. As part of the unique circumstances regarding SCP-7776's effects, Site-93 acts as a largely independent facility with minimal oversight and contact with the greater Foundation. Communication with the outside is only to be performed by a rotating roster of three designated personnel, following the sanitization directives found in the attached documentation titled “Obscuring Communication”. Personnel are prohibited from unregulated recording of images or videos by any means; permission may be granted for personal photography of special occasions. In order to ensure privacy, Site-93's property has been fitted with several monitored, but automated, anti-air systems as well as 3 strategically-placed sniper outposts. Personnel not assigned to Site-93 are not permitted within a 10km radius during travel. Foundation documentation regarding Site-93 is to describe the site in broad terms, specifying that it contains a ‘cognitohazardous object', as well as a general summary of the above communication restrictions. It is also required to broadly describe the above situation regarding anti-air systems and snipers. Knowledge of SCP-7776 must be limited to a maximum of 200 individuals at any given time. Should individuals outside Site-93 learn of SCP-7776, they are to be apprehended, terminated, and an investigation into how they learned of it is to be launched. Site-93 is constructed surrounding and integrated into ██████████ ████, the local village which SCP-7776 is located within. This village operates autonomously but in partnership with the Foundation in the containment of SCP-7776, observing similar precautions in regards to communication monitoring and maintaining an insular community. Four agricultural zones are maintained in a previously-uninhabited location 18km from Site-93 to contribute to the diets of ██████████ ████'s inhabitants, as part of a comfort and normalcy effort. The use of anomalous technology, and in certain cases, other contained objects known to personnel stationed at Site-93, is permitted in the containment of SCP-7776 in lieu of full Foundation support. As such, a dedicated containment facility is maintained on-site. Here, anomalies temporarily reassigned to Site-93, or potential sub anomalies manifested by SCP-7776 and those irreversibly affected by related ritual activity, may be contained. In addition, an archive containing records of SCP-7776, ██████████ ████, and the local region previously discovered outside of the area. While the chances of discovery of any more documentation outside Site-93 is extraordinarily low, if any is discovered it is to be contained here for reference and study. A total of eight (8) Scantron Reality Anchors have been placed in the middle perimeter wall surrounding Site-93. See attached materials regarding protocol in the case where the anomaly requires the use of anomalous elements. Extant residents of ██████████ ████1 have been released and provided training by the Foundation to aid in the containment of SCP-7776. A number of these individuals have been granted Level 2 clearance exclusively in regards to SCP-7776, and are to assist in instructing and aiding Site-93 staff in the containment of that specific anomaly. Of note is that the people of ██████████ ████ and current Site personnel have jointly agreed to the prohibition of further children being born into the population. In the event that an unassigned Foundation member2 is detected approaching Site-93, they are to be detained regardless of ranking and interrogated to determine the extent of their knowledge concerning SCP-7776. Should they be determined to have fallen under SCP-7776's effects, they are to be integrated into Site-93 staff until further review. Individuals of a level 4 clearance or higher, regardless of status or standing in the Foundation, affected by SCP-7776 are to be terminated. All staff and affected individuals are to convene in ██████████ ████ town hall at 9am daily, in order to allow for the reception of the day's ritual dictation. Each ritual must be described in accurate detail before witnesses and recorded for posterity within the on-site network. Should it be determined that the received ritual is not excessively harmful or traumatic, the receiver of the vision may be allowed to undertake the ritual within the following 24 hours if they choose to do so. Should no ritual be undertaken within a period of nineteen (19) days, the next ritual3 must be undertaken as per decree of the on-site ethics committee and directors. Failure to complete a Critical Date Ritual is to be severely punished, and incentivizing programs are to be instituted to encourage ritual activity. Staff assigned to Site-93 and the people of ██████████ ████ must remain on-site until death, with escapees to be apprehended or terminated. As such, Site-93 has been outfitted with various recreational activities, therapeutic, amnestic and physical therapy suites. A wing of Site-93 is to be maintained for the purpose of providing counseling, palliative care and medical attention to staff following Ritual Procedures. Description: + Show Archived Description Close SCP-7776 is a specific line of deductive reasoning and associative thinking with cognitohazardous tendencies. The conclusion of a subject's investigation will provide them with knowledge of the existence of a groundwater well which they will believe to harbour a hostile entity, intelligence, or force within. This groundwater well is situated in an undisclosed location in the High Tatra mountain range, which border Slovakia and Poland. Cognitohazardous effects have been determined to spread specifically through media directly referencing the well's appearance, or secondary media derived from this. Individuals effected by SCP-7776 feel compelled to participate in hazardous ritual behavior around the well in an effort to appease a hostile presence they believe resides within, and will do so periodically. Such behavior often results in grievous harm towards the participants, frequently via anomalous means, but does not deter further ritual behavior. Should those afflicted by SCP-7776 believe a course of action undertaken to prevent a hostile entity emerging from the well to be anomalous, said course of action will become anomalous via the tulpa effect. Note: This description is incorrect and outdated, see below for details. SCP-7776 is a groundwater well that exists in the centre of ██████████ ████4, possessing a unique structural composition which does not match building materials or compositional techniques historically common to its immediate region. It possesses various anomalous qualities, the most immediate of which being cognitohazardous afflictions of one's perception of the well. These effects persist in situ, through audiovisual media, or through one's understanding and familiarity with the well. Cognitohazardous anomalies can become ingrained in an individual who has merely learned about the well's appearance in a complete enough description, and does not rely on visual or tactile contact. Afflicted individuals describe that they can perceive a gateway or window at the bottom of the well, which leads to a pocket dimension, cavern, or rarely, a 'bubble' that houses an undefined hostile force. This force (hereby SCP-7776-A5) is described only in an individual's understanding of its apparent intentions, and never a physical appearance or assumed nature. Descriptions universally describe the intent to climb the well and enter our reality, as well as an immense cruelty and capacity to enact harm to all life on earth. This understanding also comes with an understanding that this malice may be repelled through performance of a daily ritual. The well becomes the subject of intense fear, recurring nightmares, and an aversion towards discussing the anomaly, favouring compulsive self-soothing behaviours and a desire to perform said ritual. Each day at 9:27pm, one or more persons affected by SCP-7776 will experience an audiovisual hallucination 'informing' them of a set of ritual behaviour to be performed nearby SCP-7776, in order to ensure SCP-7776-A will not emerge. Hallucinations are described as 'visions', often in the religious sense, and are painful to the subject's eyes and teeth. Rituals are often painful, degrading, or possibly deadly, as well as nonsensical and expensive in both monetary and other senses. Amnestics may remove an individual's affliction by the fear of SCP-7776-A, but will not remove the occurrence of these visions. Often visions will reinstate SCP-7776's effect, through the mental image of the well imposing itself on the subject. Ritual visions are never identical, though certain trends and themes recur fairly often. Each ritual has incorporated a specific chant into its procedure, referred to here as the "standard ritual chant". This chant is not in any known language or dialect, and any meaning it may carry is unknown. Personnel are not spontaneously capable of reciting said chant, but instead feel as if they must attempt it to the best of their ability. After experiencing a vision, afflicted subjects experience a powerful urge to carry out the ritual in order to prevent the ingress of SCP-7776-A into our reality. This urge will gradually fade if actions are not performed within a 24-hour period, though subjects will usually experience additional, infrequent visions in following days. The process or criteria determining which individual or individuals will experience these visions is not known, and is believed to be random. Additional visions will depict increasingly complex and invasive rituals, leading to the mental degradation of subjects through heavy stress. SCP-7776's secondary effects on local reality will also become increasingly pronounced. As such, it is imperative that rituals be carried out as soon as is deemed safe or acceptable, in order to minimize complications. Rituals seem to develop according to the number of subjects who share the corresponding visions, as well as the resources available. Complexity and cost scale drastically with group size, and will often introduce elements that call upon great personal or professional costs to specific individuals. This may include emotional tolls, monetary transactions, political influence, and in certain cases, the use of other anomalous items within the reach of the Foundation in order to complete. The scale of a ritual may also demand additional persons being 'brought in', whether for inclusion in the performance, or rarely, as a captive audience. It is inconsistent whether the failure of a given ritual may lead to SCP-7776 imposing severe effects on local reality, and reactions from the object do not correspond to ritual scale, complexity, or violence. Failures universally expand SCP-7776's influence, however, and must be avoided. The ambient effects of SCP-7776 are profound, though the area of effect is limited and centered on the well itself. Liquids that pass beyond approximately a metre of SCP-7776's mouth convert into a thick corrosive fluid. This fluid has shown to be able to sustain biological function in damaged human tissue when removed form SCP-7776 and diluted with 1 part fluid and 8 parts water. Weather patterns in a 17km radius of Site-93 remain overcast despite anticipated regional weather patterns, with multiple thunderstorms and snowstorms each month year-round. Native wildlife passively maintain a distance of approximately 10km of SCP-7776. Migratory bird populations will pass through this 10km range, but flight patterns often form spirals or rings, and birds display severe confusion upon landing within the area of effect. No notable effects persist in animals that enter and then leave this area of influence. Persons residing within SCP-7776's area of effect (e.g., residents of ██████████ ████ and long-term inhabitants assigned to Site-93) may experience anomalous developments. Physical changes, such as normally straight hair becoming curly, or fingerprints changing into irregular spiral shapes, are semi-common effects and do not appear to be hazardous. On occasion, personnel may discover spontaneous dental growth in the palate in a spiral configuration. Several individuals have spontaneously experienced ocular degeneration, with their pupils and irises changing in shape. As Foundation personnel remain in Site-93 for longer, similar alterations are being discovered with increasing frequency. As stated above, nightmares and visual hallucinations are not uncommon in individuals who spend time within SCP-7776's area of effect. The feeling of being watched, audio hallucinations of whispering or distant gibberish, or the feeling of hands and breath upon one's bare skin are reported. These are believed to be connected to SCP-7776, and not the result of natural stress responses. Should no spontaneous visions, and therefore no ritual activity, occur in the vicinity of SCP-7776 for more than a week or more, the above effects will become far more pronounced and severe. The area of effect will expand outward and other, more severe effects may occur. This includes unstable or randomly shifting topography, precipitation composed of viscera, mental fog, mass hysteria or more. On several occasions, SCP-7776 flooded, with volumes of corrosive fluids and fragmentary fresh human remains ejected from the mouth of the well. During these occasions, humanoid figures composed of mud appeared in the immediate radius of the well, and an extreme increase in the apparent population of aggressive Rattus norvegicus or common brown rat appeared within ██████████ ████ and Site-93. Excerpts from the Log of Rituals: + Access Log Close Due to the severity of SCP-7776's reality warping influence, the performance of rituals is imperative to not only minimising these effects but also in preventing the entry of SCP-7776-A into our world. Those who have studied SCP-7776 for an extended period of time such as those of us at Site-93, the villagers residing in ██████████ ████ before the Foundation's arrival or other groups encountering the anomaly long before have all noted the sheer randomness presented in the visions detailing the rituals. While the rituals do become more complex, harmful and dangerous as time between rituals grown many of those interviewed commented on a belief that luck is a significant factor in not only the assignment of visions, but also the content of the rituals. Beyond the universally negative nature of the rituals, the only commonality between them is a requirement to recite a chant in an unknown language. Research to identify this chant remains underway. Date: 12/03/2003 Persons involved: Senior Researcher John Rollins Days since last ritual: 8 Completed: Yes Ritual summary: The subject removed all clothing and embedded 17 nails in the sole of each foot and proceeded to use the blood from this action to draw a spiral glyph on his chest. The subject then proceeded to perform a fast jig dance around SCP-7776 whilst repeating the standard ritual chant for 174 minutes until loss of consciousness. Notes: Subject was taken for treatment immediately following the ritual, and is expected to regain the ability to walk again within three months. Date: 31/11/2010 Persons involved: Jan Nowak, Zuzanna Nowak, Sgt. Mark Albrecht, Dr Sadie Parker, Tucker Pedersen, Pvt. Hayden Samuels. Days since last ritual: 19 Completed: Yes Ritual summary: All subjects were required to draw straws, with the individual drawing the shortest straw6 to flee into the area surrounding Site-93. After a period of one hour the remaining subjects pursued and proceeded to hunt Pedersen for 256 minutes before terminating them via gunshot. A cut of meat from the deceased was then prepared and consumed by remaining subjects. Surviving subjects then carried the body back to Site-93 and deposited it into SCP-7776 after intoning the standard ritual chant. Notes: Psychological counseling was provided to the surviving subjects. Significant unrest was noted in the population of former D-Class personnel due to the deceased's former similar status. All ritual participants were noted to have been directed by their visions to choose a subject to hunt, and elected to make this decision in the fairest way possible. Date: 17/8/2008 Persons involved: Dr Kateoina Szabó Days since last ritual: 3 Completed: Yes Ritual summary: Dr Szabó collected all photographs and mementos of loved ones outside the site and deposited them within SCP-7776 while reciting the standard ritual chant. Notes: All deposited items were reported to visibly smoulder but remain atop the surface of SCP-7776's corrosive liquid for a period of 24 hours until the enactment of the next ritual. Date: 3/5/2000 Persons involved: Site Director Svarog Pilecki Days since last ritual: 32 Completed: No Ritual summary: Director Pilecki reported receiving a vision detailing himself ordering the retrieval of SCP-███ from Site-██ and force-feeding it SCP-7776's corrosive liquid in large quantities whilst reciting the standard ritual chant before directing its release in the nearest civilian settlement of [REDACTED]. Notes: Director Pilecki resigned command of Site-93 on condition of being rendered ineligible for promotion following Event-7776-Omega. Ring recovered from SCP-7776. Date: 13/10/2020 Persons involved: Pvt. Grace Porosus Days since last ritual: 19 Completed: Yes Ritual summary: Subject recovered an ornate ring from SCP-7776 and placed it on her left ring finger before reciting a slight variant of the standard ritual chant. The subject then proceeded to consume a sample of SCP-7776's corrosive liquid with no ill effect. Following the ritual, the ring was unable to be removed. Notes: On the 13/10/2021 Pvt. Porosus failed to report for guard duty and was later located within her quarters in an excited catatonic state with numerous semi-human bite wounds on her person. Pvt. Porosus appears unable to vocalise except through sobbing and laughter. Treatment has been unsuccessful. Date: 25/12/2014 Persons involved: Jan Nowak, Zuzanna Nowak, Nina Nowak Days since last ritual: 18 Completed: No Ritual summary: Jan and Zuzanna Nowak experienced a vision describing a ritual to be enacted wherein they were to place their youngest child (Nina Nowak, 4) inside a large sack alongside several stones, recite the standard ritual chant, and deposit the child into SCP-7776. Notes: All subjects were distressed by this vision but willing to participate in the ritual. Despite the protestations of one Rostek Ossendowski7 it was determined by Foundation personnel that the ritual was not to be completed. Date: 23/2/2021 Persons involved: Tomáš Bača Days since last ritual: 2 Completed: No Ritual summary: Mr. Bača experienced a vision describing ritual wherein he was to retrieve a packet of unknown seeds from within SCP-7776, recite the standard ritual chant, and plant them in specific locations within Site-93's agricultural zone, 20km from SCP-7776. Notes: Due to the vision failing to adequately depict the consequences of completing this ritual, it was deemed too great a risk to the survival of the staff. Date: 28/4/2022 Persons involved: Cmdr. Arthur Shepherd, Hillevi Kemppainen Days since last ritual: 1 Completed: Yes Ritual summary: Subjects consumed an uncooked goat shank, depositing the bone into SCP-7776 when finished. The subjects then placed a cover and bedding over SCP-7776, recited the standard ritual chant, and slept for 9 hours over the well. Notes: Both subjects have subsequently been observed spending large portions of time together following this ritual. Investigation is underway. Date: 5/9/2018 Persons involved: Dr. Hank Gardener Days since last ritual: 13 Completed: Yes Ritual summary: The subject retrieved a knife from SCP-7776 and proceeded to remove a portion of muscle from his upper thigh, recite the standard ritual chant, and consume the removed material. Notes: Prompt medical attention was able to ensure minimal damage to the subject's mobility, with a stomach pump administered as soon as was possible. Date: 27/10/2021 Persons involved: Sgt. G. Chuluunbold Days since last ritual: 16 Completed: No Ritual summary: Sgt. Chuluunbold received a vision instructing him to recite the standard ritual chant before utilising on-site defenses to fire upon civilian air traffic. Notes: All parties unanimously rejected the proposition of enacting this ritual. Date: 19/11/2021 Persons involved: Dr. Gordon ██████ Days since last ritual: 1 Completed: Yes Ritual summary: Dr. Gordon approached SCP-7776 and withdrew a 750ml glass jar from within the well, and proceeded to urinate into it while reciting the standard ritual chant. Once the vessel had been filled, Dr. Gordon sealed the jar with its cap and deposited it within the well. Notes: Dr. Gordon reported feelings of humiliation and confusion following the event. Date: 16/12/2007 Persons involved: Dr. Amir Reddy, Pvt. Evelyn Tanner, Jackson Welles, Dr. Max Venturi, Abel Bonhart. Days since last ritual: 10 Completed: Yes Ritual summary: All subjects gathered around SCP-7776, drew blood from their left palms and proceeded to draw spiral symbols on one another's foreheads before forming a circle around SCP-7776. The subjects then continuously recited the standard ritual chant as they circled SCP-7776 in a clockwise direction a total of seventeen times. All subjects' hands gradually became grafted together over the course of the ritual. Notes: Surgery to separate the subjects' hands was rapidly undertaken following enactment of the ritual under the guidance of Dr. Reddy over the course of seven hours, and was able to return up to 90% mobility in affected areas. The subjects reported that in spite of understanding the risks of the ritual, they felt obligated to enact it in an effort to prevent larger numbers of site staff from suffering. Discovery: + Discovery Close Northern interior wall of ██████████ ████, constructed in the late 14th century. SCP-7776 was discovered by the Foundation in March of 2000, after ‘first contact' was made with the inhabitants of ██████████ ████. Members of rescue organizations pursuing the wreckage of flight JQ-7923 reported being fired upon by groups of local civilians in an apparently uninhabited area of the High Tatras mountain range, including several recognized to be survivors of the disappeared plane. Upon interception by law enforcement, civilian inhabitants of the village were found to be without records or identification, or familiarity with modern technology (or, computers in general). The Foundation took notice after it became evident that all civilians carried the same warnings regarding the danger in the mountains, and the consistency of phrasing across several dozen individuals. Satellite imaging was able to locate the village of ██████████ ████, and remote surveillance was performed until the plane's remains were discovered just over 7km from the village. Several survivors were identified, as was the route they took by foot to ██████████ ████. As observation continued, it was believed that the inhabitants were under the effect of an anomalous force, and had coerced the survivors of flight JQ-7923 to participate in rituals and come under the influence of SCP-7776. At this time, no Foundation Personnel had become affected by what would later be defined as SCP-7776, so it was theorized that the villagers were the root cause of the anomaly. It was decided that ██████████ ████ would be converted into a remote Site, and Foundation operatives were to contain the inhabitants of the village, with the rescue of the airline survivors being a secondary objective. This was dubbed Operation “Golden Eagle”-A, and was largely successful as per the objectives defined in the mission plans. Despite this, numerous inhabitants of the village were able to flee into the surrounding wilderness. Construction of the Site began, and the village's inhabitants were contained for study, along with any survivors of flight JQ-7923 determined to be affected by SCP-7776. Site-93 personnel then began searching for the escaped villagers, and any Foundation personnel affected by SCP-7776 were instructed to report any symptoms and were administered amnestics, as it was believed that the anomaly was an infohazard spread by the villagers rather than from what is now known as SCP-7776 today. With no rituals being performed, SCP-7776's reality altering effects rapidly became increasingly pronounced. As the villagers were thought to be the source of the effect, study into the captured villagers was made the highest priority. Within a week the entire site personnel body was affected by SCP-7776, and many had begun to call for rituals to be performed. These individuals were contained alongside 62 of ██████████ ████'s inhabitants. The following weeks were marked by rising casualties to SCP-7776's effects, with Site Director Svarog Pilecki being forced to order reinforcements from other Foundation Sites. By April, SCP-7776 reached a critical point, affecting an area with an irregular radius averaging 80km and causing catastrophic casualties, resulting in Event-7776-Omega (see Addendum 7776-Omega). Following these events, Site Director Svarog Pilecki established current containment procedures. Materials required to finish construction of SCP-7776 were ordered from the larger Foundation to be delivered to a remote delivery point, and additional resources were sourced from other organisations in an effort to disguise Site-93's imminent secession from the Foundation. Upon completion of Site-93, the following message was sent to the O5 Council. A message from Site-93 Four months ago 783 souls were sent to contain SCP-7776 in the frigid mountains, uprooting their lives and settling an area unknown to the modern world. They left behind families and friends, knowing that by rounding up these dangerous anomalies they would be keeping the world safe. They were wrong, as was I, and that has led to the deaths of 692 of these brave souls. For the insane ramblings of the people we believed to be so dangerous were not so crazed, and even less dangerous. In fact they have been doing our job for us for hundreds of years. They tried to warn us of an anomaly we didn't believe in, even as we interrogated them under the misguided belief that they were under the effect of an infohazardous mindset. All the while they tried to explain to us the danger that we and the world were in. I am writing to you now to warn you that this threat is very real. SCP-7776 is not an idea guiding individuals towards thaumaturgy and anomalous rituals, rather it is the reason these rituals must be performed, and it is the reason that you must not know any more than is absolutely necessary. What we guard at this site has the potential to harm anyone who comes into contact with it, but with a Foundation presence it has the potential to harm billions through us, including the entire SCP Foundation. That is the reason that as of now there is no longer an us. Effective immediately, you are to cease monitoring of this Site. We have already scrubbed your servers of records relating to SCP-7776 that would be harmful to the Foundation and to you on the council personally, and have implemented our own remote sub-net on-Site. You may contact us at your leisure through this secure line, but be aware that in order to properly contain SCP-7776 we will not be at liberty to disclose any information beyond what you already know. This is for the safety and integrity of the SCP Foundation and the O5 Council, and we will not allow you to become compromised. While we mean no harm to any of our sister sites or any Foundation Personnel, be warned that we have no choice but to enforce this parting with lethal force. A 20km exclusion zone around Site-93 is now in effect, and anyone seen entering this zone will be terminated. This is for the good of all. I do not doubt that you will attempt to reconnect with us, and we have taken measures to prevent this. You will not see the inside of this Site, and you will not be compromised by SCP-7776. I am sorry it needed to end this way. Goodbye. Site Director Svarog Pilecki, Site-93. History of ██████████ ████ Current understanding leads us to believe that ██████████ ████ was founded sometime before the year 549 AD; an especially old structure in the southern edge of the village bears Roman iconography warning of plague within the town8. In 1379 Pope Urban VI and King Louis I of Hungary (which then incorporated Slovakia) ordered the village purged of its population for as of yet unclear reasons. Despite its isolation, ██████████ ████ has historically been self-sufficient. The primary mundane issue the town has historically suffered is inbreeding as a result of its natural isolation, with new arrivals often being lost hikers, plane crash survivors, or other lost individuals. As a result of this, the town's culture has a cosmopolitan nature, incorporating elements of new arrivals' cultures. On two occasions, individuals have discovered forgotten records indicating SCP-7776's existence and become afflicted with its mental effect, and come to ██████████ ████ through great personal expense; the archives where these records were discovered have since been acquired, filtered, and replaced. Among residents, SCP-7776 is reviled and described as the door to "Obávaná Ohavnosť9", a description of the malicious force as an apocalyptic figure. As such, the performing of rituals to prevent this is seen as a shared responsibility among all residents of the village. Residents are tasked with chores and work six days a week, and maintain close multigenerational bonds, as well as a culture of mutual aid to ensure every member is supported. The town's religion is nominally Catholic, though with a blend of Eastern Orthodox and regional Christian traditions as well. Of note are twelve suits of armor displayed within the central church, each bearing the coat of arms of the Confraternity of Saint George's Knights. Residents of the town attribute these as belonging to a group of "Saviors" from the middle ages. Many homes within the village have a space dedicated to altars believed to be a corruption of catholic shrines, with residents describing them as aiding in the containment of SCP-7776. It is unknown if this claim is accurate, and research into a belief-based effect on SCP-7776 is ongoing. Many residents of ██████████ ████ display physiological and psychological abnormalities. It is believed that this is due to not only long-term effects of inbreeding and exposure to SCP-7776, but also the cultural and mental coping mechanisms required to inhabit such a remote, stressful environment. Long-term residents have displayed higher than usual pain tolerance, stress thresholds and individualism than seen outside of ██████████ ████, in addition the occasional manifestation of low-level reality warping abilities, usually minor telekinesis. Individuals born in the town have a higher rate of congenital conditions such as heterochromia, albinism, arachnodactyly and acromegaly. Following Event-7776-Omega and the completion of Site-93, Foundation personnel have largely been accepted by the inhabitants of ██████████ ████. Foundation technology and infrastructure has greatly benefited the population with the introduction of electricity, modern medical technology, agricultural technology, manufacturing and construction. It is hoped that a combination of the Foundation's expertise in containment and the local populations longstanding traditions and knowledge surrounding SCP-7776 may aid in the anomaly's long-term containment and harm reduction in regards to its harmful effects on the afflicted. + Dariush Saberi Interview, 19/10/2003 Close File photo of Dariush Saberi circa 2006. Interviewed: Dariush Saberi Interviewer: Dr. James Okello Foreword: Following the integration of ██████████ ████'s population into Site-93, Mr. Saberi has offered to explain aspects of the town's culture, history and relationship with SCP-7776. <Begin Log> Dr. Okello: Thank you for offering your time to us Mr. Saberi, it's appreciated. Mr. Saberi: Not at all, if you are going to be staying here it's important for you to know our ways. A lot have been here even longer than me or were even born here, so they're pretty set in their ways. Dr. Okello: So you were not born here then? Mr. Saberi: Well that's just jumping straight into it. Didn't even give me a chance to light my smoke. Mr. Saberi proceeds to roll and light a cigarette as he talks. Mr. Saberi: Want one? Dr. Okello: I'm fine, thank you. Mr. Saberi: Good, was only offering to be polite. And no, I wasn't born here. I was just some tourist, I wanted to see wild animals. Really wild, you know? From the virgin forests not on the back of a truck on a safari. Trekked up from ███████, had my camera, tent, provisions and all. I'd been out here for weeks photographing a pack of wolves. Real wolves, not those hair covered half dogs city folk call wolves, and before you knew it there were no animals anywhere anymore. Dr. Okello: What do you mean? Mr. Saberi: I mean there was nothing. No tracks, no sound, no smell. It was like a world where only plants existed. Of course I know now it was because they were smarter than me, they were afraid of the Well and I hadn't a clue. Dr. Okello: We have observed that. Mr. Saberi: Yes, most notice that first. The next thing I noticed was Serj. An Azerbaijani pointing a gun at me and screaming something or other. I had no clue, but I knew there was no cover behind me, so I ran through him. I wasn't about to get shot and I figured there would be better places to hide behind him. Fool I was. Dr. Okello: You didn't know then. Mr. Saberi: Well I do now. He chased me trying to save my life, stop me seeing the Well, and I kept running. He didn't even have any bullets I found out later. Too late, my life was already over, I'd seen the well over a hill and it felt like I'd been kicked by a mule. The fear, always worst when you see it for the first time. Dr. Okello: I remember my first time, yes. What happened when you entered the village? Mr. Saberi: They seemed sad, they felt bad for me. I was put in a room and everyone talked at me until someone spoke Iranian. Then they explained where I was, that I couldn't leave, and what would happen. I panicked. Tried to run, but there were dozens of them, and I was tied to a board. Stayed that way until my first Vision, and then I understood. There was no leaving. It was my job now, to make sure Obávaná Ohavnosť never comes out of that well. Dr. Okello: That's quite a change in attitude. How long did that take? Mr. Saberi: More than a week. Less than two. What helped is the kindness I was shown. My wailing and crying were not scorned, but met with sympathy. I think had they been the savages I first believed them to be I may have taken my own life. Dr. Okello: I see. Well, thank you your honesty. Mr. Saberi: Welcome. Dr. Okello: So what can you tell me of the culture here? Mr. Saberi: Everything centers around the Well. It's our duty to keep Obávaná Ohavnosť trapped down there, and we do everything we can in service of that duty. In fact many here think you do not take this duty seriously enough. Dr. Okello: How so? Mr. Saberi: They think you wait too long between rituals. Before you came it was never longer than three days between them. Dr. Okello: And the psychological toll of such frequent rituals? Mr. Saberi shrugs. Mr. Saberi: You get used to it. Dr. Okello: I see. We will take that under advisement. Mr. Saberi: Mhm. Besides, you've seen how we look after one another. The dances, plays. I met my wife here, because we are open and tender. Our hearts must be open to joy and truth rather than steeled against the good and the bad. Dr. Okello: I can see the virtue in that. Is that why religion is so important to your people? Mr. Saberi: Our people. And yes, we take our comfort where we can get it. Those of us who were born here even say that that the church was built by heroes from a far away land. It helps give us hope, especially since it's true. Dr. Okello: It is? Mr. Saberi: That's one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you. Mr. Saberi produces a timber chest from his rucksack and passes it to Dr. Okello. Mr. Saberi: These are letters from the heroes, they'll explain all about the church and the walls. Dr. Okello: I see. I'll be sure our researchers get these. Thank you. Mr. Saberi: Mhm. Dr. Okello: Before I go, there is one other thing I need to ask. In all our research, we have not been able to understand how we receive the rituals. If Obávaná Ohavnosť is so powerful and dreadful, it seems odd that we would simply be presented the opportunity to stop it daily. Why do we receive them? Is there any reason taught here? anything at all? Mr. Saberi: Now that's the age old question isn't it? Some of the old timers when I first came here used to talk about some legendary figure that fought Obávaná Ohavnosť, forced it into the well and cursed it to be bound by the rituals. I think that's crap, so do most of us. The prevailing theory is that it's a defense mechanism of the universe or ordained by God, you know? It's adapted to things trying to get in this way. But that doesn't feel right to me either. Dr. Okello: What feels right to you then? Surely not the theory that the rituals are a game it plays? Mr. Saberi: No, that's horse shit. If it were a game it wouldn't try so hard to win, it would just win. I think it's all just random chance. Luck. Dr. Okello: Luck? Mr. Saberi: Yeah, luck. No one ever asked why vampires need permission to enter a building, they just need it. Lucky. Same thing here, we just got lucky that that thing in the Well needs us to fail if it wants us to get in. That's all. No more no less. Dr. Okello: That's certainly an interesting theory, Mr. Saberi. It may well be the case. But we prefer to know things for certain. Mr. Saberi: Good luck with that. <End Log> Closing Statement: Examination of the box and its contents provided by Mr. Saberi proved to be enlightening as to elements of ██████████ ████'s history regarding its absence from maps and general knowledge. In addition to medieval era holy artifacts, the box contained copies of letters sent from a knight of the Confraternity of Saint George's Knights addressed to a superior at the Vatican in the late 14th century. + Documentation: Dragomari Andrat, CCSG Close Your Eminence, Cardinal Tebaldeschi, Despite this most terrible winter, we have at last found this cursed hamlet and indeed the King10 was most wise to beseech His Holiness11 for aid. Not yet two days have passed and already we have witnessed most terrible unholy rites performed. It is our belief that surely this is why the plague refused to touch this place. We have taken the settlement with little difficulty, for they possess no walls or militia, and have placed many of the pagans in irons for questioning. They of course deceive and blaspheme with their every breath. They claim to be godly people, yet only four are able to recite a simple Hail Mary. I regret to inform you that despite our swift occupation of the hamlet many pagans did escape into the forest. Brother Cabbani is confident they will be carried off by wolfs and cold, but there has been no sight nor sound of any game for days now. Rest assured our sorties will hunt them down and bring them to holy justice. For now we shall put any who refuse to take the cross to the sword. Yours in Christ, Dragomari Andrat, Knight Commander. Your Eminence, Cardinal Tebaldeschi, It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that our hunt for the pagans has been plagued with failure and misfortune. While my men are great and formidable knights, these pagans hide and use foul sorcery to hinder us. These woods are thick, and the terrain too difficult for our horses. Even in the light of the sun, it can be dark as a moonless night in the deep woods, and they know this. At least we may thank the grace of God that no wolfs or bears trouble us here. I believe they are afraid of what the heathens have done to this place, for the only beasts we see here are scabrous rats and the birds whose passing overhead seems to my eyes twisted and ungodly. Even such pure creatures as they are not safe from this evil. Whats more is that the pagans steal into the hamlet past our watch to put spells and curses on us in the night. With each passing day their toll weighs ever heavier on our hearts. The foul well here is clearly a great and terrible source of their magick, and has become a most frightful thing to behold. Daily we are plagued with terrible visions of this diaboli anomali12, and our attempts to destroy it are met with no avail. Even black powder, battering ram and catapult fail to leave so much as a scratch. I fear that these pagans may take many months to root out, and as their spells continue to take their toll it will only become all the more tiresome. Already we have lost seven brothers to these foul magicks, but we have driven off each attempt by the pagans to reach their well. Brothers Fiore, Lancia, Caracciolo and Palude simply sank into the ground itself as if it were not there. Those we have captive claim to detest the well as much as we, but offer only taunts in reply to questioning, claiming that we must engage in their sorcery to save ourselves. If I might speak frankly, your Eminence, this business troubles me to my very soul. While I must present as bold and unbothered by the events around me for the sake of the men, I have never before seen a diaboli anomali such as this. The visions with which it plagues us are so vile, but also of a nature that could not be known to any but ones self and the Lord. On the sabbath I was plagued with a vision wherein I took my blade and cleaved Brother Ferruccio open, only to seal Brother Enzo within him with needle and thread. How can this be? Long have I feared such a fate, as my father warned would befall me should I stray from my tasks when I was but a boy, but not to a single soul have I confessed this. No diaboli anomali I have faced has known of this weakness before, so why does this? I shall report on progress when it comes, though I expect it shall be slow. God be with us. Yours in Christ, Dragomari Andrat, Knight Commander. Your Eminence, Cardinal Tebaldeschi, We have been fools. Even as the heavens rain blood upon us and the very earth has swallowed knight and pagan with no discernation, we have remained steadfast in our mission. All but myself and eighteen others have survived this place. We are cut off now, a horde of vermin encircles the hamlet and mercilessly consume any who stray too close. Even plate stands no chance, as Brother Nicholas so awfully demonstrated. The earth at times births blasphemous deformities of mud and timbers that stalk the night, impaling those unfortunate to be in their paths upon themselves like macabre pennons. We dare not trust our own eyes, for we are plagued with fleeting visions of demons moving within the walls themselves. How we share these delusions I can not say, but to believe them to be true seems almost worse than to not trust ones own eyes. The very earth beneath our feet is more akin to a battlefield than mud and sod, having turned to fetid meat that mingles with the mud underfoot. I have taken those of us left to the center of the village around the diaboli anomali and have erected defenses. Among us are the remaining pagans, who while lacking in skill at arms possess great conviction and fortitude. I am ashamed to say that I have been uncharitable in my assessment of these people. Godless though they are, they have proven to be willing converts. Indeed many take strength from the Lords grace, and have joined us at prayer. Conversing with them openly has taught me that these people were pagans not by choice, but happenstance. They have fallen prey to a terrible demon that makes his home within the well here, and have taken it upon themselves to keep it sealed within lest it emerge and spread its corruption elsewhere. The visions that have hounded us are in fact the key to salvation, for they are the weapon used to combat this demon. The visions appear nightly now, more terrible with each passing day. The earth heaves like the belly of a pregnant mother, and it has been four days since we last glimpsed the sun. This can only mean the demon draws ever nearer, and it is clear what we must do. We have attempted to vanquish this evil by all of our means, exhausting our holy water and spirits to no avail. All that is left is to heed the visions and pray that it is God's will, for I know not what else we can do. I draw strength from the knowledge that only the Lord sees mens hearts, and perhaps that means our visions have been his will. Lord help us. Yours in Christ, Dragomari Andrat, Knight Commander. Your Eminence, Cardinal Tebaldeschi, It is done. Three nights ago we performed a most horrible rite to drive the demon back into its lair, but now only twelve of us remain. We have paid a terrible price, but order has been restored. Gone are the rats and blood, and I can think clearly once more. But our rite was not enough. Still we are granted Vision from the Lord. It is clear we must remain here to guard this place. No weapon has proven capable of destroying the well, and I fear that any who gaze upon it shall be ensnared just as we have. I am sorry to say we have failed in our mission. All that is left now is to ensure that this cursed place cannot take more souls. It is my proposal that ██████████ ████ is to be forgotten. Every map, every text, every scrap of knowledge is to be erased from the world so that none may come and be ensnared by this burden. We survivors shall fortify the town for this very purpose, and shall require resupply to do so. Any who stray too close must be turned away by force, so the demons influence may stretch no further than it already has. Once our work is done and the fortifications built, we shall remain and serve out our days in opposition to this foul well. While we may have failed to destroy it thus far, I am confident that in time the strength shall be granted us to shatter our adversary, for surely with its destruction so too shall come that of the demon. I pray that some day we may succeed. I am also pleased to bring tidings of the villagers here. All have accepted the Lord into their hearts, and they yearn with all their hearts for a house of God to be built in this place. Surely this is a sign that what I propose is just. Yours in Christ, Dragomari Andrat, Knight Commander. Addendum 7776-1: Log of anomalous phenomena and artifacts. The following tables have been compiled as a means of recording notable events and artifacts believed to be related to SCP-7776 and SCP-7776-A. It is hoped that through the cataloguing of this information that these anomalies will be better understood. For the sake of brevity, only particularly noteworthy examples are recorded here. For full tables, please see document 7776-tables-168-238-AP. Table of artifacts Table of events and phenomena Designation Location Description Notes Village Paths Site-93 Thoroughfares and walkways within the walls of the village are constructed of cobblestones or timber plants in the earth, connecting all areas of the village. Paths will occasionally shift in a clockwise direction, often redirecting an individual's path towards SCP-7776. Mural-WHA2 Interior wall of a hut basement A painted mural depicting various figures of semi-humanoid and draconic natures within a black and red void beneath a circular light source. When asked about the origin of the mural, villagers reported its painter having entered SCP-7776 several years prior. Document-7776-218 Village Church A leather-bound book with numerous pages detailing previously enacted rituals prior to Foundation intervention dating back to 1982. No ritual in this book was ever seen to be repeated. Supply Depot Site-93 A dilapidated building used as a supply depot prior to the arrival of the Foundation. Contents include remnants of several different aircraft and items carried by missing persons. Several items are consistent with field gear utilised by various GOIs in the mid 1960's. Armet-1 SCP-7776 A corroded 15th century Milanese armet13 fused with remnants of a human skull. The helm appears to bisect the skull, with only the right-hand side of the skull remaining on the inside of the helmet. Funerary Site 38km from Site-93 a 4x2x0.6m stone slab within a forest clearing. Used for funerary rites by residents of the area prior to Foundation involvement. Gym equipment B-9 Site-93 gymnasium A standard 20kg Olympic barbell bent into a spiral shape. Barbell was straightened and returned to the gymnasium. Severed Appendage-8 SCP-7776 The left arm of an adult male. Identified as that belonging to Agent Lee, having been lost in a ritual the previous year. Idol Statuette-G3 Village Antechamber A 73x46x32cm statuette depicting a six-armed skeletal humanoid crucified upon a spiral glyph. Constructed from an unknown black stone material. Persons within a 10m radius of the item report feelings of unease and being watched. Coat of Arms-1-10 Supply Depot A collection of 10 flags bearing a spiral glyph. Reported to be multiple attempts to display the coat of arms of the CCSG, but changed over time to form a spiral shape. Equine remains SCP-7776 The heavily altered skeletal structure of a horse. Reassembly showed it to possess numerous humanoid arms emerging from its neck, carnivorous dentition, and a disproportionately long tail. Following reassembly, older residents of ██████████ ████ identified it as the remains of a mule altered during a ritual event. Sword-A Village Church An unusually large single handed iron migration period sword inlaid with bronze measuring 88cm in length. Displays corrosion on parts of the blade but none of the deterioration present in blades of similar age. Oral tradition asserts this blade was used by an unnamed heroic figure to seal SCP-7776-A within SCP-7776. Research is pending. Bench-3 Site-93 courtyard Standard Foundation issue bench seating. Rotated 30 degrees over a period of six years. Rotation will cause it to face SCP-7776 within 12 years. Tattoo-FA2 Agent West, shoulder Spiral glyph tattoo, detailed to appear as being made with numerous small cuts. Replaced a previous tattoo of Agent West's daughter over a period of years. Event Type Date Description of Event Notes Transfiguration Numerous The contents of Site meals such as stews, soups, unbroken eggs and puddings were converted into the same corrosive material found in SCP-7776. On one occasion soup already consumed was converted in this fashion, leading to the affected party requiring life saving surgery. Wildlife Numerous Flocking birds passing over SCP-7776's area of effect are observed to frequently form unusual spiral shaped aerial formations. No avian life has been observed to willingly land within SCP-7776's area of effect. Psychological 1/9/2008 Jr Researcher Dowes reported experiencing a nightmare where she was pulled into SCP-7776 by a monster with numerous hands, before physically changing into a similar form themself. A prescription for sleep aid medication was granted to Jr Researcher Dowes. Wildlife 19/10/2011 Numerous heavily mutated rats emerged from SCP-7776 and experienced what appeared to be severe seizures before dying. In addition to numerous tumors, the rats were observed to have multiple extraneous limbs and partially formed additional heads. Psychological 9/1/2009 Phillip Lapointe experienced a nightmare in which a vaguely draconic entity emerged from SCP-7776 and recited his mother's address. Queries into Lapointe's mother's wellbeing have shown that she is not in danger or under the effect of any anomaly. Psychological 23/7/2022 Director Svarog Pilecki reported experiencing a nightmare in which he was attempting to rescue former Director Eliza Németh from a black whirlpool, but being unable to stop her from being dismembered and submerged. Director Pilecki has reported experiencing this nightmare multiple times. Spacial 12/8/2007 Following a series of failed rituals, Site-93 experienced a spacial shift, causing various areas of the site to briefly simultaneously exist in the same space. Structural damages caused by this shift were repaired in a period of five days. Casualties were minimal. Spacial 12/8/2007 During an on-site spacial shift resulting from consecutive ritual failures, Agent ███ Vance and Dr █████ Vance were non-fatally fused together. Research into methods to safely separate the pair is ongoing. Psychological 17/4/2022 Agent Mthunzi Ngwane reported that Agent Hector Mason no longer recalled having met or known him despite the pair working together for over eight years. Agent Mason did not experience memory loss in regards to any other persons. Agent Ngawe is undergoing counseling as a result. Psychological 26/3/2018 A group of eight on-site personnel experienced a collective psychotic break following prolonged failure to enact ritual behavior, and proceeded to use sewing supplies to conjoin one another within an on-site sub-basement. All involved persons were successfully separated and treated for their injuries. All involved returned to lucidity following the performance of a ritual. Transfiguration 3/7/2010 Agent James Gilmoure reported that the water in his canteen had been converted to blood. Testing showed that the blood belonged to Agent Gilmoure. Psychological Numerous After a period of 10-15 days of no ritual activity, hallucinations of a skeletal humanoid entity within the walls of Site-93 are reported. Auditory hallucinations associated with this are common, though to date no specific sounds can be determined. All individuals experiencing these hallucinations have reported feelings of being watched for extended periods of time afterwards. Personal 30/10/2005 Following a ritual requiring former villager Anaé DePetris to physically enter SCP-7776, DePetris has survived a period of ███ months despite the loss of over 89% of her body. While on-site ethics committee personnel advocated for euthanasia, DePetris and various long-time residents rejected the proposal. Psychological 5/11/2013 Dr. Owen Chen reported having a nightmare where a humanoid entity emerged from SCP-7776, resulting in an unspecified K-class scenario. Dr. Chen refused the opportunity to use sleep aids following the event in an effort to learn more about SCP-7776. Addendum 7776-2: Reconstruction of events: Event-7776-Omega Prior to current containment procedures, Site-93 was primarily situated outside of ██████████ ████'s walls as a small subterranean facility. The working theory was that a memetic cognitohazard affected local citizenry, which would inflict mass hysteria. It was also believed that ritual behaviour was the trigger for the disruptions to baseline reality. For a period of time after the initial establishment of SCP-7776, villagers were held in containment and procedures were designed to suppress ritual effects. The primary goal at the time was to suppress and ‘cure' the then-thought-to-be delusional effects evident in their behaviour. This led to a 37-day period of time where no rituals to contain SCP-7776-A were performed. Witness testimony, surviving security and body camera footage and examination of the area have been used to reconstruct the events below. This period of 37 days saw an increasing instability in local reality centered on SCP-7776, as well as the increased distress in villagers' well being in response to the Foundation's prevention of ritual behaviour. This was believed to be a symptom of the villager's distress over being unable to perform ritual behavior, and their given explanations of the true nature of SCP-7776 continued to be rejected by on-site personnel. As effects became more extreme, the site suffered increasingly heavy losses. Within 15 days, all personnel on-site became affected by the cognitohazardous effect, and then director Dr Eliza Németh shifted priorities from containment of personnel and cognitohazardous behaviour, towards putting significant Foundation resources into ritual activity. Due to the extensive resources available to Level 4 personnel, rituals prescribed by visions were extensive and massively draining, demanding six to seven figure financial commitments, political demands, and massive personnel requirements. Consequently, Site Director Svarog Pilecki was forced to request additional staff from the nearest Site to compensate for the increasing number of casualties caused by SCP-7776's disruption of baseline reality and the present staff. Contact with Site-93 was lost shortly thereafter. Days after Director Pilecki's request, a four man survey team was dispatched from Site-120 to determine the severity of the situation and ascertain the resources and manpower required to resume normal operations in the area. Due to severe snowstorms air travel was deemed impossible, and the team was forced to wait until the fourth of May for conditions to improve. A lack of roads or trails combined with the mountainous terrain of the area necessitated the use of all terrain vehicles for the final approach of the site, whereupon it was discovered that SCP-7776's effect on local reality had reached catastrophic levels. Survey Team Body Camera Log-Alpha DATE: 4/5/2000 NOTE: Only partial sections of footage remain, all portions have been included during their relevant times. [BEGIN LOG] [6:43PM] Camera's field of view displays the front of Survey Agent ███████'s14 ATV traveling through thick forest and approaching a break in the treeline. The ATV continues for approximately 60 metres before coming to a stop. [6:46PM] Survey Team members also stop in frame and dismount their vehicles. The camera re-positions as ST-Alpha dismounts the vehicle and turns to show the top of a rocky outcropping overlooking a forested valley, with both Site-93 and ██████████ ████ located centrally at a distance of approximately 30km. The hill beneath ██████████ ████ is observed to have raised significantly and visibly pulsates in a slow rhythm. Many details are obscured by a heavy downpour of red liquid over the area and several stationary structures superficially resembling tree roots can be seen descending from the cloud cover over both the village and Site-93. Numerous spatial reality shifts can be seen affecting the village, causing various structures to briefly occupy the same space simultaneously before returning to their previous locations, with materials partially fusing together as a result. Team remains silent for an extended period of time as they observe. [6:51PM] ST-Alpha: Jesus Christ. [END LOG] Initial approach was hampered by SCP-7776's effects. Rainfall composed of blood had turned the ground to a bog, forcing the abandonment of the team's vehicles. Geometric anomalies also were reported, though avoided. As a result, the team circled the Site several times before achieving entry, where they found the site to be running on emergency generators and unmanned. Numerous tracks were reported emerging from Site-93 toward the village, but it was determined that the site be investigated prior to the town. Interior of Site-93's administrative wing, east corridor. Investigation into the site revealed that the containment wing had suffered numerous breaches, though the majority of its occupants remained in their cells. Inhabitants of the containment wing were segregated into different wards composed entirely of ██████████ ████'s inhabitants or of affected Foundation personnel. A large portion of those secured within their cells had entered into psychotic or catatonic states due to SCP-7776's effects. Some had become partially fused with the walls and ceilings of the cells, with most apparently being victims of spatial positioning shifts, and two others seeming to ‘melt'. Civilians remained largely catatonic or non-hostile, but a small number of affected Foundation personnel proved aggressive and made attempts to assault the team. While the team was largely able to avoid confrontation with the afflicted individuals, they were forced to engage a pair of conjoined Foundation staff members, resulting in the deaths of both members and Survey Agent ███. Of those Foundation personnel contained within Site-93, seventeen individuals (including Dr. Németh) proved to be lucid though under the effect of SCP-7776. These individuals were released from their cells by the survey team, where they explained that the worsening of SCP-7776 's effects had disrupted the site's communications, and that the Foundation's current understanding of the anomaly was entirely incorrect. When questioned about the status of the remaining Foundation staff, Dr. Németh explained that the worsening effects of the anomaly had caused them to experience windows of insanity or complete catatonia, and that they had last been observed heading towards SCP-7776. Following a debriefing from the remaining lucid Foundation staff on the true nature of SCP-7776 and the necessity of performing rituals to properly contain it, it was determined that a ritual was to be conducted over SCP-7776 in order to avert a potential K-class scenario. The survey team aided the site's survivors in restraining ██ individuals from various containment cells and in gathering supplies needed to perform the ritual and to reach SCP-7776 safely. Once properly outfitted the group proceeded to exit the Site and approach the village by standard transport. As the group approached the village, large numbers of rats were encountered swarming the area. This, combined with the steep incline of the terrain, deep mud and poor visibility as a result of blood coating the vehicle's windscreen caused progress to slow significantly. Approximately 200 metres from the southern gate of the village both vehicles became stranded during travel, as rats entered the exhaust and engine bays and caused obstructions to engine components. Flame suppression units were used to clear a path for the group to safely exit the vehicle and approach the village. The approach was slow as flame units were required to continuously fend off attack from rats, which displayed extreme aggression and no regard for their own safety, often charging suicidally into the flames in an effort to harm the group. Despite the onslaught of rats, particularly during passage through the gatehouse, the group successfully entered the village suffering only superficial injuries. Within the village the presence of rats was much reduced. Local reality within the village appeared more heavily affected by SCP-7776 than the surrounding area, with multiple structures seen intersecting and fusing together at random, and geometric anomalies or gravity anomalies present. Numerous Foundation personnel were sighted within the village, slowly moving throughout the area in a counterclockwise route, in hysterical states and frequently clawing at their own and each other's faces. Attempts to communicate with these individuals were unsuccessful, with the affected persons ignoring outside stimuli and incessantly shouting incomprehensibly. Evidence of incomplete corpses previously consumed by rats were present close to the point of entry. Survey Team Body Camera Log-Alpha DATE: 4/5/2000 NOTE: Only partial sections of footage remain, all portions have been included during their relevant times. [BEGIN LOG] [7:53PM] Camera's field of view displays the interior of ██████████ ████. Visibility is poor due to a downpour of blood emerging from the clouds overhead, though intermittently improved by bursts of flame being used to disperse groups of rats. The rats can be seen crawling over various structures in huge numbers, and several Foundation staff are in frame babbling incomprehensibly. [7:59PM] Large root-like structures can be seen hanging from the cloud cover overhead, appearing to be composed of fungal coated porous stone. Sections of these structures can be seen breaking away and falling to the ground throughout the recording. [8:09PM] As the group moves through the village a significant earth tremor rocks the area, forcing the group to stop and ST-Alpha to fall to the ground. From this angle a spatial shift can be observed affecting a small courtyard in front of a building. [8:12PM] Two trees and seven Foundation personnel can be seen to visibly "Flicker", appearing to repeatedly share the same space in the center of the courtyard before returning to their original positions. [8:14PM] The earth tremor subsides, the spacial event eases, resulting in both trees and six of the individuals caught in the event becoming fused together, with undifferentiated human bodies having been stretched and torn by the spatial shift to match the form of the trees. While most of these individuals were observed to have died immediately, one individual15 can be seen to have only partially fused to the tree, remaining semi-mobile suspended from the trunk at a height of approximately 3 metres. The camera looks away. [8:15PM] There is the sound of a firearm discharging four times rapidly. [END LOG] Following the central path of the village, the group continued towards SCP-7776 over the course of twenty minutes. Flame units saw continuous use fending off groups of rats and hostile humans devoid of reason, with one individual in particular having to be terminated with small arms fire while attempting to assault Dr. Németh with a bear trap. As the group approached SCP-7776 in the center of ██████████ ████, progress once more slowed due to difficult terrain. Spatial shifts had rendered multiple routes of access impassable due to destructive spaces, vacuum, or gravity anomalies, and flooding from SCP-7776 introduced caustic mud to the route. Remaining Survey Team members were noted to have entered into a state of panic upon visual confirmation of SCP-7776, halting progress as established Site-93 personnel calmed them. At a distance of 60 metres a ground tremor shook the area, driving the investigation to take shelter against a civilian16 structure's stone walls. SCP-7776 proceeded to release copious amounts of caustic fluid, with a thick and extremely dark appearance, along with the deceased and nude bodies of ███ Collete, █████ Grundie and ██████ Alexander. These agents had previously passed away on-site and been cremated. Each cadaver was observed to have broken jaws and damaged limb joints and eyes. Prior to the earth tremor subsiding, a large portion of fungal coated porous stone detached from one of the aerial structures above the area and landed within the town square, adjacent to SCP-7776. Later inspection of the stone showed it to be composed of a similar material to SCP-7776 itself, previously having been of locally-common granite. The force of this impact caused the bodies emerging from SCP-7776 to be swept into a mass of mud and debris against the wall opposite the group. Survey Team Body Camera Log-Alpha DATE: 4/5/2000 NOTE: Only partial sections of footage remain, all portions have been included during their relevant times. [BEGIN LOG] [8:27PM] The field of view is initially obscured by Agent Gavin ██████████, but moves to show a wave of mud, timber and stone debris and the corpses disinterred from SCP-7776 impact a wall approximately 6 metres from ST-Alpha. The footage shakes in time with the earth tremor, and is lit by a gout of flame off camera as ST-Alpha rises to his feet. SCP-7776 can momentarily be seen in the background atop a hill with the village walls behind it. The camera turns as ST-Alpha helps Research assistant James Thomson to his feet. [8:28PM] ST-Beta is then seen rushing into frame and discharging her flame suppression unit in the direction of the mudslide. ST-Alpha turns rapidly, bringing his own weapon to bear as a mass of mud, timber debris and the corpses from SCP-7776 approaches, gradually taking on a vaguely infantile humanoid form approximately 4m tall. Dr. Németh can be heard directing the group into the smithy, shortly followed by muffled screams from within. [8:31PM] The mud entity approaches the group, swinging an appendage and visibly knocking ST-Alpha's weapon from his hands, impaling itself on a length of iron. ST-Alpha can be seen retreating to the smithy, with the entity in pursuit. At this point the bodies of ██████ Alexander and ███ Collete can be clearly seen in the center mass of the entity. Eyes are absent and mouths appear locked open, with green vapor and fluid flowing freely from the orifices and other wounds. The camera rapidly turns as ST-Alpha enters the smithy, ST-Beta closing and bolting the door behind him. [18:14] The interior of the smithy is lit as Agent Gavin ██████████ directs small arms fire toward a large, flailing mass of rats in the corner of the room, causing many of them to scatter. The partially consumed form of Assistant Director ████ ████████ can be briefly seen beneath the rats, much of the flesh of his arms, back and thigh visibly having been consumed leaving bone visible in places. [END LOG] Junction in ████ ████████'s back alleys leading towards the village warehouses. After treating minor injuries suffered during the quake, the group proceeded to circle behind several buildings, seeking a route to safely traverse to approach SCP-7776. Mud entities appeared at this point to pursue the group, hampering traversal of terrain. Their movements were slow, but the presence of the entities posed a complication. It was determined that the best course of action would be to approach SCP-7776 from the north, and to set more severely injured parties to a shed-type structure atop a hill closer to the anomaly, where preparations would be made before performing the prescribed ritual. This route through the village's back alleys proved both expedient and dangerous; the density of structures along the route impeded the flow of caustic mud, but allowed for multiple hiding spots for remaining groups of frenzied rats and individual unsound human hostiles. Flame suppression units were used extensively to clear pockets of rats, and small arms fire was used to dissuade four to five hostile Foundation staff from pursuit. From the north wall of the village, the group proceeded to approach SCP-7776 through the town square park area. At this point flame suppression units depleted, though the dwindling numbers of present rats were susceptible to small arms fire and flashbang grenades. Due to the burden of equipment required for the ritual, aiding injured or catatonic personnel in their travel to the site chosen for the ritual, and difficulties with terrain, 26 meters of travel took 40 minutes. While the bulk of the group was reaching the top of the hill, the area was shaken by another earth tremor coinciding with a spatial shift. Relative gravity along the slope of the hill began to steepen, causing mud and debris to flow rapidly, making ascent actively hostile. It is believed that an underground spatial shift created a void behind the group, which opened a sinkhole at the base of the hill; mud, blood and debris were observed to circle the sinkhole as they were pulled in, forming a whirlpool of sorts behind the group as they attempted to ascend. Survey Team Body Camera Log-Delta DATE: 4/5/2000 NOTE: Only partial sections of footage remain, all portions have been included during their relevant times. [BEGIN LOG] [8:37PM] Camera's field of view displays ST-Delta pushing a restrained Foundation member up the hill towards the remainder of the group. the view is distorted by blood raining on the camera lens. Mud and debris flow towards the camera as it slides down the hill. ST-Beta can be seen grabbing the restrained individual and hauling them up the hill and turning to ST-Delta as a mass of wreckage sweeps into ST-Delta, pulling him down into the mudslide. ST-Delta can be heard screaming and swearing as he is dragged down, with his hands repeatedly attempting to cling to an anchor point. As he descends, the rest of the group can no longer be seen, and the motion of the mudslide jostles ST-Delta onto their back, facing the sinkhole. As they approach the sinkhole, ST-Delta can be heard praying in panic. [8:38PM] Upon reaching the base of the hill, ST-Delta's camera can be seen circling the sinkhole repeatedly, with debris battering him repeatedly before motion stops. ST-Delta can be heard screaming and is visibly attempting to claw his way out to solid ground, but mud continues to flow on top of him. The camera jolts and ST-Delta screams again as he steadily descends into the sinkhole, causing the recording to end. [END LOG] Site-93 Recovered Footage: Site-93 Perimeter Camera-C [BEGIN LOG] [8:44PM] Camera view is a static view of the village of ██████████ ████, with the battlements of the outer wall in the foreground and the entry square of the village behind it. The village beyond stretches up a hill, topped with a cluster of buildings in the center. Several stationary structures superficially resembling tree roots can be seen descending from the cloud cover, partially obscured by heavy precipitation of blood. [8:47PM] Upon the detection of unusual movement, the camera automatically focuses on a humanoid figure emerging from the cloud cover at speed. The figure is visibly flailing, and as it falls its legs collide with one of the aerial structures. The figure falls towards the camera for several seconds before it is able to be seen clearly as being ST-Delta. ST-Delta can be seen screaming as he falls for a period of 27 seconds before impacting the stone flooring in front of the camera, dying on impact. The body can be seen to have suffered multiple burns prior to landing, and was noticeably disfigured. Once safe, the group proceeded to prepare ritual components within a civilian structure adjacent to SCP-7776. ██ of the ██ restrained Foundation personnel were anointed with intricate patterns drawn in blood taken from Assistant Director ████ ████████ before being [DATA EXPUNGED] in seven groups. Other components were arranged into a Class-H probability device by Site-93 personnel; members of ST-Alpha and ST-Beta moved to confiscate the device, but prevented from doing so by lucid Site-93 staff. ST-Alpha and ST-Beta members were then crucified upon an improvised breaking wheel within the shed structure under the supervision of Dr. Németh. Dr. Németh then left in the direction of SCP-7776. Survey Team Body Camera Log-Alpha DATE: 4/5/2000 NOTE: Only partial sections of footage remain, all portions have been included during their relevant times. [BEGIN LOG] [9:03PM] The camera's field of view shows the town center, with SCP-7776 in center frame, with the camera approaching the anomaly. Numerous medieval stone and timber buildings can be seen behind SCP-7776, and the footage appears to be lit by numerous fires off camera. Blood rain continues to fall, and large quantities of green tinted black sludge can be seen gushing from SCP-7776, covering the entire area. A large, vaguely humanoid form possessing numerous arms can be seen attempting to emerge from SCP-7776 but seems unable to breach the surface of the sludge emerging from the well. Ritualistic chanting can be faintly heard from off camera, but is largely drowned out by the screams of ST-Alpha and ST-Beta. The camera continually jostles as ST-Alpha struggles. [9:43PM] A technical issue appears to affect camera equipment at this point, and the recording is set to 00:00. It remains nonfunctional. The following transcription is in relation to the point from 9:43 PM local time. [00:00] Static. [00:07] The lucid Site-93 staff can be seen dragging restrained personnel towards SCP-7776. Each restrained individual has been stripped of their clothing and appear have had their mouths crudely surgically altered. Their state is unclear due to camera angle and lighting. [00:08] Those persons orchestrating the ritual are then seen to place each prisoner against the base of SCP-7776, with their arms draping over one another in a complex embrace involving twisting and the dislocation of shoulders, chanting continuously. The rainfall is no longer consisting of blood, but instead a thin black liquid. [00:13] SCP-7776 floods. The sludge spills forth from SCP-7776 flows over the captives, visibly burning and melting their skin as it flows over them. The skin and flesh of the captives is seen to mix with the corrosive sludge, taking on a consistency similar to melted wax, spreading over the area. The figure within the well thrashes and flails all the more intensely, but remains unable to breach the surface. [00:16] Static. [44:44] Video resumes. SCP-7776 remains at the center of the frame, now entirely coated in a web of organic material, presumably the melted remains of the captives. Green fluid can be seen flowing freely along this material in small channels, giving off a sickly vapor. Masses of squirming black tendrils or worms can be seen coating the ground but avoiding the web of organic material descending from SCP-7776. The village buildings surrounding SCP-7776 now appear to be constructed of the same black stone as the well itself, with their windows lit from within with flickering light. Black fluid, bright red blood, mud and clearish oil-like fluids are seen rising into the air, resembling reversed rainfall. The ritual chanting is now the only audible sound in the recording. The scene is periodically illuminated by flashes of brown lightning, revealing a colossal, indistinct, shadowy vaguely serpentine figure moving within the clouds with multiple arms descending towards SCP-7776. [00:57] A loud scream can be heard, and the ritual chanting falters as the entire frame shakes, revealing that ST-Alpha and ST-Beta's muffled screams can be still heard, growing increasingly mixed and distorted. Dr. Németh's voice can then be heard resuming the chant, as the rest of the survivors join her. [01:01]They can then be briefly seen rising into the air surrounding SCP-7776 in a circle, each person being visibly altered and mutilated, with components of the melted captives connected to the survivors among their spatially warped and flayed skin stretching out behind them. ST-Alpha and ST-Beta can then be heard emitting a grunting, gasping sound as a large, jagged shard of black stone is violently thrust from below the frame, with a length of organic tissue connected to its end leading into SCP-7776. The organic tendril pulls taught, and the camera begins to approach the well, before being cut off by static. [00:00] Static. [9:28PM] Footage implies the camera is rolling, no longer being worn. Footage shows the town square displaying significant damage. The smithy partially collapses on screen before the camera rolls against the dead body of an unidentified Foundation researcher. Local reality appears to have returned to baseline levels, and there is no sign of the survey team or the Site-93 survivors. [END LOG] Within two hours of loss of contact, an additional set of survey teams along with an armed escort were sent to investigate the initial teams. These later teams discovered the village to be in significantly worse condition than the initial team had encountered. Unknown processes led to the complete desertion of the village, with various structures in different states of disrepair. The remains of approximately 150 deceased Foundation personnel were found across the town, with more complete remains damaged by corrosive liquids, self-inflicted injuries to the head, or bearing evidence of consumption by rats. Subsequent autopsies discovered geometric brain anomalies and gibberish lettering recently etched into teeth and bones via unknown means. Four bodies were found with the gastrointestinal tract and aorta packed with dry rock matching local sources, and six discovered with injuries consistent with deep-sea decompression. None of these ten bodies had any recognizable patterns that would lead to an explanation of why they suffered similar anomalies. Of those found within ██████████ ████, only Site Director Svarog Pilecki was found alive within a cafeteria freezer unit half submerged in the earth. Though suffering severe self inflicted facial wounds and bruising trauma Director Pilecki was able to resume duties, but possesses no memory of the incident. Examination of deceased rats in the village prior to disposal showed them to be malformed, with scabrous fur, abnormal growths on their skin and copious amounts of both human and rat flesh in their digestive tracts. Judging from rodent populations in recordings of this event and eyewitness reports, a single-digit percentage of rodent corpses were recovered, in comparison to what should be expected. Site-93 itself (e.g., the Foundation-built modern facility) was found to have been comparatively unaffected. Site staff and village inhabitants sealed within bunkers and containment cells were shown to have a 72% survival rate, and were able to debrief the survey team on the true nature of SCP-7776. Repair and expansion of the site commenced rapidly, and began its journey towards a more independent role in the Foundation. Footnotes 1. In addition to all on-site D-Class Personnel. 2. Or other GOI operative. 3. Referred to as a Critical Date Ritual. 4. A historically fortified village located in an undisclosed location within the High Tatra Mountains bordering Slovakia and Poland. 5. Or Obávaná Ohavnosť (The dreaded one). 6. Tucker Pedersen, formerly D-7776-443. 7. An elder and leader of ██████████ ████ prior to the arrival of the Foundation. 8. Consistent with similar artifacts found from the period of Justinian's plague, a bubonic plague outbreak that spread across much of Europe between 541 and 549 AD. 9. The Dreaded One. 10. King Louis I of Hungary, which then incorporated present day Slovakia and Poland. 11. Pope Urban VI. 12. Demonic anomaly. 13. A 15th century combat helm used by heavily armored soldiers and knights. 14. ST-Alpha. 15. Identified as Dr. ████ Parker. 16. Noted to have been the village smith shop. « SCP-7775 | SCP-7776 | SCP-7777 »
ACCESS-SPECIFIC INFORMATION The following document contains 1 (one) addendum that is RAISA/4 clearance classified. Any information enclosed within the classified addendum is forbidden to communicate with any external parties. By accessing this information, you agree to keep any knowledge gained confidential or risk demotion and/or termination of employment. Partial output of the initial RNG affected by SCP-7777. Hover to enlarge. Item Number: SCP-7777 Object Classification: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Following the events outlined in Addendum Three, this file is solely accessible to individuals with 4+/ETHICS or 4+/RAISA clearance. The file occupying the wider Foundation's SCP-7777 slot is not to contain any of this file's addenda or its image. Furthermore, it must contain minimal information regarding the anomaly itself or its true containment procedures. Description: SCP-7777 is an anomalous phenomenon affecting random number generators (RNGs) utilized by the SCP Foundation. SCP-7777 can manifest in any RNG that both continuously creates output and is not, at the time of manifestation, being monitored directly by a sapient individual.1 When an RNG comes under the effects of SCP-7777, it will immediately begin to produce a series of 7s interspersed with 0s at seemingly random intervals. This will continue for an unspecified duration, before abruptly ceasing. After an SCP-7777 event concludes, the RNG will continue to output as normal, with no detectable differences. Thus far, the meaning behind SCP-7777, if any, is unclear. See below. Addendum One — Discovery SCP-7777 was initially discovered on January 28th, 2018, following the presumed malfunction of a CK-Class Scenario Detector (CSD). The device's internal pseudo-RNG had deviated significantly from its synchronized counterpart, indicating a potential CK-Class Scenario had occurred. When Technician Davis Silverstein (who was nearby at the time) checked the CSD's pRNG output, he discovered an abnormal pattern consisting entirely of 7s and 0s and reported it to a colleague, Dr. [EXPUNGED]. Dr. [EXPUNGED] quickly informed the other members of his research team stationed in Site-17, including a member of the Department of Analytics Senior Researcher [EXPUNGED], who requested Dr. [EXPUNGED] receive a copy of the pRNG's output. With assistance from Davis, they were able to copy the abnormally generated numbers onto a separate drive, and forward the information to the Department of Analytics. The phenomenon was classified and catalogued provisionally as EE-770707. Faced with a number of urgent assignments, the department relegated EE-770707 to low-priority. As a result, the phenomenon was not researched for an additional three weeks, until Dr. [EXPUNGED] requested a follow-up. As Senior Researcher [EXPUNGED] was off-site, the assignment was given to Junior Researcher [EXPUNGED]. After attempting various methods of analysis on the data, eventually [EXPUNGED] determined that the number of 7s between each 0 present in the pattern never exceeded 255. Under the assumption the numbers may be referring to the value of bytes, they translated the values into ASCII characters. The following is the resultant message. Site Director Franklyn Garnett murdered Dr. Theresa Booth on March 11th, 2003, by replacing her medication with Compound Y-909 and framing it as amnestic overdose. Upon decoding the message, [EXPUNGED] panicked and emailed the Department of Analytics' Ethics Committee Liaison, Flora Marinos. After several hours, Liaison Marinos read the email and immediately reported the findings to the Ethics Committee proper. The Ethics Committee launched an investigation into Site-85 Director Franklyn Garnett, as Dr. Theresa Booth was indeed confirmed to have died from severe Class-C amnestic overdose on March 11th, 2003. The Records And Information Security Administration (RAISA) was tasked with locating the exact origin of the report. The official explanation for the death at the time was that Dr. Booth had suffered from a traumatic sibling loss one month prior, and unsuccessfully attempted to use Class-C amnestics to erase the memories of how they died. However, review of archived security camera footage revealed that approximately three minutes of footage were removed from various tapes — including the hallway directly outside Dr. Booth's living quarters — on the day prior to her death. With this knowledge, the Ethics Committee suspended Director Garnett's clearance provisionally as the investigation continued. However, shortly thereafter Director Garnett noticed the change and began to flee the site, unsuccessfully. When later detained, he confessed that he had indeed murdered Dr. Booth, in order to prevent her from coming forward to the Ethics Committee with embezzlement charges against him. In light of the confession, all pay was deducted from Franklyn Garnett's Foundation accounts, and he was amnesticized and removed from the Foundation permanently. Since this event, over 37 new instances of SCP-7777 have appeared in Foundation RNGs. Addendum Two — Abridged Log of SCP-7777 Instances The following is an abridged list of SCP-7777 instances that the Ethics Committee recorded since the initial discovery of the anomaly. Instance ID #: 7777-2 Date: February 3rd, 2018 Discovery: Instance 7777-2 appeared in a pRNG being run alongside SCP-12142, during tests by the Department of Analytics to determine the differentiation between SCP-1214 and standard RNGs. The code was translated, then sent to Liaison Marinos, who in turn forwarded it to the Ethics Committee proper. Translated Text: Senior Researcher Jackson Bell sexually assaulted a female researcher during the Site-18 2016 Christmas Party. Follow-Up Action: The Ethics Committee determined that the events described had in fact occurred publicly, but due to the senior researcher's position, no one had reported the incident to an authority. Bell denied the incident had occurred, even after recorded footage came to light; he has since been barred permanently from Foundation community events, and is undergoing long-term correctional therapy with a pay reduction. The victim has been identified and compensated. Instance ID: 7777-3 Date: February 26th, 2018 Discovery: Instance 7777-3 appeared in a similar manner to 7777-1, within a CSD.3 Technician Davis Silverstein was present, and intercepted the device, which was decoded and sent to the Ethics Committee through Liaison Marinos. Translated Text: Containment Specialist Sofia Rosario falsified her credentials and plagiarized stolen designs from her coworkers. Follow-Up Action: Evidence at first had suggested that Rosario was fully knowledgeable and capable of containment specialization, and no former co-workers of Rosario claimed that their designs had been stolen, suggesting that the SCP-7777 instance may not have been factually correct. However, at Liaison Marinos's insistence, further research was conducted; it was discovered that various minor inconsistencies existed within Rosaio's identification documents, suggesting it was falsified. Rosario was interrogated on March 2nd. During initial questioning, she began to hyperventilate and convulse, before spontaneously collapsing. Before medics could arrive, Rosario was confirmed dead. Autopsy revealed that she had consumed a cyanide pill. Her true identity has yet to be confirmed; since her death, three containment specialists had come forward to corroborate that Rosario had stolen designs from them and passed them off as her own. [ENTRY EXPUNGED BY ORDER OF THE O5 COUNCIL] Instance ID: 7777-6 Date: May 12th, 2018 Discovery: Instance generated during production of a number for the consumption of SCP-𝕐.4 Translated Text: Accountant Gregory Caplin allowed various monetary crimes to occur due to negligence in bookkeeping important projects. Follow-Up Action: Caplin admitted to negligence in their duties, claiming that they did not intend any ill-will and merely had "higher priorities". After some discussion, they agreed to forward all their communications and financial records to the Ethics Committee, and transfer their current responsibilities to other accounting personnel. However, before they were reassigned to another job, O5-8 requested to transfer Caplin themselves, which was approved. Additional Notes: Caplin's current location and occupation within the Foundation are not known. Instance ID: 7777-13 Date: October 8th, 2018 Discovery: Dr. [EXPUNGED] forwarded Instance 7777-13 to Liaison Marinos. They claimed they had run an RNG on their personal laptop for over three months straight until an SCP-7777 instance occurred. Translated Text: Site Director Thomas Graham vandalized SCP-4051's containment chamber with the phrase "DUMB ANOMALY IDIOT" to intentionally provoke vim into breaching. Follow-Up Action: Security camera footage of SCP-4051's5 containment chamber revealed that the event described in the SCP-7777 instance did occur. However, investigating Ethics Committee personnel accidentally discovered at least two dozen unethical and intentionally cruel experiments conducted under order by Graham against SCP-4051 in the process. In-depth probing revealed that this abusive behavior not only extended to SCP-4051, but various other anomalies and researchers as well. Further analysis of the prior eight years Graham had been in-charge of Site-17 showed that he had committed numerous crimes against the Foundation, including homicide, assault, embezzlement, bribery, extortion, verbal and physical abuse, perjury, gross misuse of amnestics, and conspiracy, among other violations of Foundation code of conduct. When faced with the charges, Graham denied all of them, and demanded "O5 Council intervention", which was promptly denied. Graham then attempted to assault a stationed security officer, who quickly detained him. Graham has since been removed from his position, and assigned permanent D-Class status. Additionally, Site-17 has been placed under direct Ethics Committee control, and all affected anomalies and researchers have been provided with compensation and given optional free use of on-site parapsychological counseling. Additional Notes: Despite the well-documented existence of all of Graham's crimes, no on-site personnel had come forward with complaints beyond the first four years of Graham's tenure as Site Director, including post-demotion. It is unclear why SCP-7777 highlighted this specific crime. Instance ID: 7777-17 Date: January 1st, 2019 Discovery: During Site-42's New Year Celebration, a raffle was held for various prizes via ticket system. Midway through the celebration, various participants noticed that all raffle codes were comprised solely of 7s and 0s. When a present Ethics Committee Liaison discovered this, they halted distribution of the tickets (which were unusable regardless) and forwarded all the tickets they could find to the Ethics Committee proper. Although some tickets were missing, the context could extrapolate the missing values when translated to ASCII. Translated Text: Dr. Theron Sherman attacked Junior Researcher Roger Radcliff on September 12th, 2018, in Site-42's break room. Follow-Up Action: Roger Radcliff, when asked, did corroborate this claim. However, both physical and written records showed that Dr. Sherman was not present in Site-42 when the supposed attack occurred. As a result, no further action was taken, despite Radcliff's protests. Additional Notes: See Instance 7777-18 for additional context. Instance ID: 7777-18 Date: January 4th, 2019 Discovery: Instance 7777-18 appeared in a CSD, which was discovered by Junior Technician Carmi Avraamu Waters.6 Translated Text: Junior Researcher Roger Radcliff attempted to frame Dr. Theron Sherman using a falsified SCP-7777 instance. Follow-Up Action: Although Radcliff denied the charge, investigation has determined that the junior researcher entered managerial spaces and replaced the raffle tickets with their own. Radcliff has been placed on leave for three months. Additional Notes: This is the first instance which SCP-7777 references itself in its accusations. SCP-7777's containment procedures have been updated. [ENTRIES EXPUNGED BY ORDER OF THE O5 COUNCIL] Instance ID: 7777-26 Date: December 13th, 2019 Discovery: The Astronomy Department discovered abnormal fluctuations in the luminosity of the Pleiades star cluster. Although not originally linked to SCP-7777, analysis of the phenomena by relevant researchers accidentally uncovered the corresponding instance's message on March 1st, 2020. The department forwarded its findings to the Ethics Committee shortly thereafter. Translated Text: Thaumaturgist Diana Ribeiro cast thaumaturgic spells on various Department of Tactical Theology researchers in an attempt to send them to the Abrahamic hell when they died. Follow-Up Action: Ethics Committee Liaison Marinos inquired of the validity of the claim to Ribeiro, who confirmed that she had indeed been casting spells in an attempt to send fellow DoTT members to the Abrahamic hell when they eventually died. After intense deliberation, it was determined that the success of these spells could not be validated, and that nothing in the Ethics Committee guidelines explicitly disallowed spells that did no physical or mental harm. As such, Ribeiro would not be charged with any violations and allowed to continue working at the Department of Tactical Theology. Additional Notes: Other observatories focused on the Pleiades cluster did not find any abnormal fluctuations in their luminosity. [ENTRY EXPUNGED BY ORDER OF THE O5 COUNCIL] Instance ID: 7777-32 Date: July 11th, 2020 Discovery: Instance 7777-32 appeared in a CSD. Technician Davis Silverstein caught and reported the instance to the Ethics Committee via Liaison Marinos. Translated Text: Director Calvin Bold murdered a six-month-old baby by kicking it into a wall. Follow-Up Action: The child in question was the anomaly SCP-6469-D,7 which was decommissioned by Director Calvin Bold. As the child posed a threat to the existence of the Foundation and the veil, the actions taken by Director Bold have been deemed appropriate for the circumstances, and charges were subsequently dropped. Instance ID: 7777-33 Date: August 9th, 2020 Discovery: Instance 7777-33 appeared in a CSD. Technician Davis Silverstein caught and reported the instance to the Ethics Committee via Liaison Marinos. Translated Text: Ethics Committee Member Jeremiah Cimmerian intentionally fabricated the SCP-6469 anomaly to protect Director Calvin Bold. Follow-Up Action: Jeremiah Cimmerian was recused from their case and complied with Ethics Committee investigation. After questioning, Cimmerian revealed they had indeed fabricated the SCP-6469 anomaly to prevent the demotion of Director Bold after unintentionally killing a fellow researcher's child, mistaking it for an anomaly. He became aware of this event after Bold messaged him in panic post-murder. Cimmerian also embezzled funds to pay the father of the child, informing them in the process that it was "not a bribe", and "[they] can press charges if [they] so wish". The researcher did not bring further charges to the Ethics Committee both prior to Instance 7777-33, nor after being asked if they wished to by the Ethics Committee proper. Cimmerian was discharged from the Ethics Committee after investigation, but has not been removed from Foundation employment. Additional Notes: As of November 5th, 2020, Cimmerian has not been able to be located. Attempts to find them have yielded no results.8 [ENTRIES EXPUNGED BY ORDER OF THE O5 COUNCIL] Instance ID: 7777-37 Date: May 16th, 2021 Discovery: Instance 7777-37 is believed to have initially manifested in a CSD. Technician Davis Silverstein had informed Liaison Marinos of another instance, but was unable to deliver the instance to them due to events described in Addendum Three. Translated Text: Unknown Follow-Up Action: N/A; see Addendum Three Addendum Three — Site Breach On May 16th, 2021, Site-14 came under attack by a hostile Group of Interest, believed to be the Chaos Insurgency. The site's security was quickly overwhelmed; however, thanks to the unexpected presence of Mobile Task Forces in the area, the site was retaken relatively quickly. During retaking of the site, the following incident occurred: TIME: APPROX. 15:30 LOCAL, May 16th, 2021 LOCATION: Site-14, Employee Break Room A4 [BEGIN LOG] [00:00]: The break room is under lockdown. As per standard practice, all researchers are taking shelter under objects such as tables or chairs. Alarms are audibly blaring and the room is darkened to reduce visibility. [00:34]: A loud banging noise can be heard outside of one of the break room's doors; the intensity increases and the door begins rattling. The personnel within the rooms begin to whisper with increasing panic. [01:26]: The door breaks in, and a Chaos Insurgency agent equipped with an MP7A1 firearm enters the room. One researcher begins screaming as the agent raises their firearm to point at the personnel, and demands that they leave their positions under the furniture and line against the back wall of the room. All personnel comply. [03:02]: The agent approaches the first faculty member, Researcher Huang Bai, and demands to know their full name. The researcher complies, and the agent moves to the next individual in line, repeating their request. [04:55]: After approximately two minutes of repeating this process, the agent reaches Technician Davis Silverstein, who tells the agent his name. The agent immediately draws their weapon and shoots Silverstein repeatedly. Other personnel flee. The agent ignores them, and continues to fire into Silverstein's corpse, until the entire magazine is exhausted. [06:22]: The agent attempts to leave, but is interrupted when MTF member Charis Stavros enters the room. Upon seeing Silverstein's corpse, Stavros attacks and apprehends the agent. [08:43]: Stavros, during tactical communication with other Task Force Units, noticed the agent begin to hyperventilate and shake. Stavros quickly produced SCP-4279 from a standard anomaly transportation unit they possessed, and applied it to the agent, stabilizing their condition. [END LOG] Additional Notes: The agent was discovered to have attempted to commit suicide via cyanide pill, but was prevented from doing so. Agent Stavros had been transporting SCP-427 to Site-12 when their Task Force was called to intervene. Nearly all Chaos Insurgency elements either had fled the site or were killed in action. The aforementioned agent was placed into forced long-term medical care, and was restrained heavily to prevent further suicide attempts. On June 15th, 2021, the Ethics Committee took possession of the Chaos Insurgency agent.10 For the following three weeks, the Ethics Committee attempted to interrogate the agent about their identity and their actions during the raid, but were incapable of soliciting useful information. However, a breakthrough was discovered when the genetic material of the agent returned a match in the Ethics Committee's database of Foundation employees. The agent had a near identical match to MTF Alpha-1 Agent Justin Bulle, who was still under Foundation service. Further examination of archived Chaos Insurgency agent genetic data revealed further matches with current and former members of MTF Alpha-1.11 During this time, RAISA had taken possession of Technician Silverstein's belongings, including his personal laptop which contained [DATA EXPUNGED] and SCP-7777 instance 37. After decoding the message, the text read as follows: O5-6 is plotting to murder Technician Davis Silverstein. Due to the discovery involving Alpha-1, the SCP-7777-37 instance, and prior interference in SCP-7777 documentation, RAISA colluded with the Ethics Committee to intercept an upcoming O5 Council session in Site-1 and hold Overseers for questioning. On July 17th, 2021, Mobile Task Force Omega-1 breached Site-1 and attempted to detain the thirteen overseers, capturing seven. Interrogation revealed that the O5 Council had been employing the Red Right Hand to capture SCPs for their personal benefit, which would be forbidden by the Ethics Committee otherwise. The remaining six overseers' locations are not known. Since July 21st, 2021, the Ethics Committee has taken direct control of the SCP Foundation, until the full extent of the damage done to the Foundation can be assessed and repaired. Containment Procedures for SCP-7777 have been updated. Addendum RAISA-4 — Internal Memo …And since then, it has remained that way. The above file is a mess of conflicting redactions, misleading information, and version conflict. It is the general mission of RAISA to attempt to resolve these issues, and present a cohesive and streamlined document for future onboarding of researchers. Furthermore, we ensure all proper parties are informed of relevant information, and ensure breaches of security are handled and dealt with. This file is to remain a permanent exception to our mission. A lot of things haven't really sat right with me since we first started looking into this anomaly. Why are some staff consistently involved in the discovery of the instances? Why did O5-6 attempt to assassinate a random, lowly technician? Why did no one report any of the crimes before the anomaly announced them, and why are so many reluctant to speak up even after? But everything fell into place after we confiscated that laptop. After examining the evidence, there is only one reasonable conclusion I can arrive at: SCP-7777 does not exist. SCP-7777 represents a coordinated effort between Silverstein, Marinos, and various other faculty members (whose name I've taken the liberty of expunging) to create a platform to whistle-blow the Foundation's corruption. Using various tactics, they've successfully managed to fool a majority of the Foundation's leadership — including the Ethics Committee and even us, for a time — into believing SCP-7777 is a real, anomalous phenomenon which cannot be controlled. Only recently have some of us caught on, including the at-large O5-6, who attempted to uproot the project at its source — completely unaware his plan had already been compromised, and used to trigger his own downfall. Nonetheless, the Ethics Committee is completely in the dark about SCP-7777's true nature. I intend to keep it this way. I have reason to suspect that their intentions aren't as pure as they'd like us to believe; much of our data on what occurred have been through their reports, and they conveniently paint a pretty picture that the Ethics Committee overthrew a corrupt O5 Council. But a whistle-blowing service wouldn't be necessary to begin with if the Ethics Committee was actually fighting corruption. I don't think we're getting the full story here. The missing employees, the coincidental possession of SCP-427, and that one conspicuous database infiltration seem to point to the fact that the Ethics Committee is playing their own game, with the O5 now eliminated. I haven't a clue what they intend to do with the Foundation as the sole executive power, but I doubt with the pieces we've been able to put together that it's remotely good. Fortunately, SCP-7777 has given us a weighted 7-sided die, and I intend to leverage it with all of the power RAISA can muster. While the Ethics Committee's been creating their conspiracy, we've been creating our own. And I think it's time we excise the bad apples from our rotten bunch. Reach out to me when you're ready. We'll have much to discuss about the coming days. —Maria Jones Director of the Records And Information Security Administration Footnotes 1. It should be noted that SCP-7777 appears to affect pseudo-random number generators and "true" random number generators equally. 2. SCP-1214 is a pseudo-random character generator which eventually deviates from random generation and produces predictable and coherent sentences. 3. It is believed that the high frequency of consistently-generating pRNGs used in CSDs made them a susceptible target to SCP-7777 influence. 4. SCP-𝕐 is the set of all non-existent numbers. Occurring every approximate rotation of the Earth, it must be "fed" a number of incredibly large size to prevent it from "consuming" a random, likely small, number. 5. SCP-4051 is a teenager capable of manifesting portals to extra-dimensional spaces, containing any item SCP-4051 is capable of comprehending. 6. It should be noted that Technician Waters' senior advisor was Davis Silverstein prior to being transferred to a separate site on November 20th, 2018. 7. SCP-6469-D, prior to neutralization, was an entity that appeared as a human child which manifested before disasters occurred; whether the child's appearance was causative or not is still unclear. 8. RAISA records appear to have been altered during this time from an unknown outside source. 9. A locket which is capable of healing illness quickly, but if used for too long, can cause intense mutation. 10. It was, at the time, expressedly forbidden for Ethics Committee personnel to place themselves into proximity of a hostile force. This act had been performed in secret. 11. It is believed that this was not discovered earlier due to the aforementioned policy, the Ethics Committee solely holding the employment information of all Foundation personnel, and a lack of incentives to compare CI agents to Foundation personnel. « SCP-7776 | SCP-7777 | SCP-7778 »
close Info X "Chancemaker" by stoner99 I encourage you to read more of my works here: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/stoner99-author-page Item #: SCP-7778 Object Class: Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-7778-α, direct containment is neither feasible nor necessary. Steps are to be taken to ensure that the continued safety and security of SCP-7778-α is not compromised. Operation of SCP-7778-β is to continue indefinitely. Efforts to develop more effective means of sustaining SCP-7778-β are ongoing. Description: SCP-7778 is the collective designation for two adjacent anomalous phenomena: SCP-7778-α and SCP-7778-β. SCP-7778-α is a powerful ontological anomaly affecting Administrative Area-01, the formal meeting place of the Overseer Council and location of the primary RAISA1 archives. Through unknown means, Area-01 has been conceptually merged with the metaphysical constructs of "security,” "protection,” and "containment"; the foremost pillars of the SCP Foundation's founding Charter. As a result of this fact, the integrity of Area-01 is intrinsically linked to the continued preservation of Foundation operations. For instance: it is speculated that the capture of SCP-7778-α by a rival Group of Interest, irrespective of external factors, would inevitably result in an irreversible SK-Class ("Dominance Shift") scenario within less than six months of its occurrence. SCP-7778-β is an anomalous apparatus located beneath Area-01, assembled in 1967 by the Department of Applied Engineering after two years of development. SCP-7778-β is powered by the corpse of SCP-1102-ARC, former Chicago Spirit operative Lawrence Anthony Amato (1874-1933); more commonly referred to by his nickname, "Lucky Larry". Amato is believed to have possessed one of the most powerful probabilistic anomalies identified to date, enabling him to evade law enforcement while engaging in numerous criminal activities over a twenty year period, until his eventual death in 1933 at the hands of Spirit caporegime Warren O'Donnell2 (1898-1973). O'Donnell himself would later be captured by Foundation agents in December of 1962, and agreed to lead investigators to the body of SCP-1102-ARC in exchange for lighter terms of confinement, which was retrieved and integrated into SCP-7778-β on 10/8/1967. Utilizing SCP-1102-ARC's cadaver as a fuel source, SCP-7778-β generates a 15 km²3 field of energy containing a localized probabilistic anomaly, causing human subjects in its vicinity to experience: Positive outcomes in situations with high levels of uncertainty; Indirect protection from virtually all bodily injury; Increased competency and diligence while making decisions under pressure; An overall upward trend in 'good fortune'. Due to SCP-7778-α's anomalous properties, traces of SCP-7778-β's effects permeate throughout the whole of Foundation operational structure, leading to marked increases in the success of containment procedures and InfoSec4 policies which would otherwise be incomplete, ineffective, or completely nonsensical prior to the creation of SCP-7778. The existence of SCP-7778-β is essential to the continuation of the present relationship between the majority of the global population and the activities of the Foundation, colloquially known as "The Veil". For more information, see Addendum 7778-2. Addendum 7778-1: Origins of SCP-7778-α SCP-7778-α is believed to have first manifested sometime in the year 1922, in the midst of the March 1921 Administration Crisis, a violent interorganizational conflict triggered by the indictment of PoI-7778-1 — then-incumbent Foundation Administrator Franklin Williams III (1878-1923) — on charges of conspiracy, corruption, and other similar offenses. PoI-7778-1, c. 1902 Williams previously served as deputy-director of the Department of Research and Development, and was appointed to succeed his father, Fredrick, after his assassination in 1919 by defecting members of MTF Alpha-15. One of Williams first acts as Administrator was to order the execution of 37 personnel suspected of involvement in this conspiracy, many of whom were sentenced without trials, beginning a pattern of autocratic and paranoid behavior which would define much of Williams' administration. In 1921, these outbursts would begin to increase in severity, culminating in O5-1 organizing the assembly of a special Ethics Committee tribunal for the purpose of discussing a potential motion of no-confidence. In response, Williams unilaterally ordered the detainment of O5-1, the immediate dissolution of the Ethics Committee, and the immediate removal of the remainder of the Council, marking the official beginning of the crisis. Much of the circumstances surrounding SCP-7778-α's creation remain ambiguous. Although accounts vary, it is generally agreed that Williams commissioned the creation of SCP-7778-α from an unknown thaumaturge6 as a "fail-safe" in the event of his successful removal, with the intention of detonating Area-01's on-site nuclear warhead if this were to occur. However, these plans were inadvertently thwarted when facility engineering staff — fearing Williams' deteriorating mental state — elected to disable the building's central power grid before abandoning their posts. Facing mass desertions and near-certain imprisonment, Williams' would later be found dead in his personal quarters on June 8th, 1923. The manner of death was officially ruled as suicide by cyanide poisoning. Subsequent attempts to reverse SCP-7778-α based on notes from Williams' personal diary proved unsuccessful, as the majority of relevant documentation had been dictated in elaborate cryptogram, with the information contained in this file being the extent of knowledge obtained from deciphered materials. Further decryption efforts are ongoing as of the time of writing. Addendum 7778-2: Creation of SCP-7778-β Following Williams' removal and the broad reorganizations of Foundation command which followed, the number of anomalies entering into containment per year increased from an average of 27 in 1925, to over 300 in 1965, inundating existing containment personnel and resulting in 77 containment breaches, seven partial "Broken Masquerade" scenarios, and an unknown number of activations of SCP-2000. Several proposals were introduced to address these incidents, including outsourcing containment of select anomalies to friendly Groups of Interest, lowering requirements for recruitment, and decommissioning of hazardous anomalies already in containment. On August 14th, 1965, O5-7 proposed the application of additional thaumaturgical augmentations to SCP-7778-α for the purpose of resolving the crisis, exploiting SCP-7778-α's7 ontological properties to disseminate a beneficial anomalous agent among Foundation personnel. This motion was debated for several weeks — during which a number of alternative solutions were discussed, enacted, and subsequently failed to produce significant results — before its eventual approval on September 1st, 1965, following an 8-5 vote of the Overseer Council. Incidentally, the true nature of SCP-1102-ARC's anomalous properties — previously only classified as a minor reality bender — had been posthumously brought to the attention of Foundation personnel in relation to the sudden manifestation of SCP-████ over New York City in July of 1965. O5-6, SCP-████'s acting HMCL supervisor, suggested bargaining with captive Chicago Spirit operatives for the location of SCP-1102-ARC's remains, which would then be used in the creation of an artificial probabilistic anomaly for installation beneath Area-01. This proposal was approved on July 31st, 1965, and carried out through the commissioning of SCP-7778-β, which was completed two years later on December 1st, 1967. The effects of SCP-7778-β's activation were immediate and consequential. The containment crisis — which had hindered central Foundation operations for nearly seven years — was declared resolved on April 18th, 1969, following a series of fortuitous alterations to the behavior of several anomalies widely regarded as antipathical to human life. These events coincided with a number of other similar effects across a wide variety of Foundation departments, divisions, and sub-organizations, decreasing overall containment expenditures by an estimated 7.6 billion USD. An abridged record of SCP-7778-β's broad alterations to anomalous behavioral patterns has been attached to this file below. Anomaly Laconic Description Effects SCP-682 Intelligent reptilian entity with immense regenerative abilities possessing significant contempt for human life and humanity as a whole. The primary contributing factor to three major InfoSec disasters of the 1925-1969 containment crisis. Inexplicably ceased targeting major population centers during containment breaches, instead choosing to attack smaller farming communities & rural municipalities in the area surrounding its holding facility. SCP-1155 Incorporeal ambush predator capable of assuming the appearance of non-anomalous street art to attract potential victims. Displayed a marked decrease in attention-seeking behavior following the activation of SCP-7778-β, with relocation events primarily occurring in abandoned buildings and other similar structures without direct provocation8 by containment personnel. Additionally, a marginal decline in the lethality of relocation events was noted, from 99.7% in 1968 to 88.3% in 1978. ●●|●●●●●|●●|● N/A 💕: 🗣️ 📝💽 🎨 <—β—> 💕: 🗣️📝💽 SCP-3916 Extinct sub-species of Chortoicetes terminifera (Australian plague locust) capable of reproducing at an abnormally high rate. Experienced a mass die-off after the stunting of its primary anomalous property, unable to sustain healthy fertility rates through biological means, directly averting a possible ARBH-Class Event within the next several decades. SCP-4201 A conflict between two opposing pizza restaurants which resulted in the complete destruction of the town of Agloe, New York. Following the sudden appearance of SCP-4201-2, SCP-4201-1 was unable to successfully carry out its plans for expansion into other counties of New York State, and has since been diverted entirely by its perpetual antagonism towards SCP-4201-2. SCP-5131 Anomalous sleep paralysis. With the spread of SCP-5131 to all Foundation personnel, the psychological effects of the anomaly on the Overseer Council have decreased substantially. File Update 10/2/2011: Contemporary revelations On March 3rd, 2010, during a routine survey of Area-01's topographical features, O5-11 reported an alarming 3km decrease in the length of the facility's grounds — an island — a significant decline from data collected twenty years prior in March of 1990. SCP-8722 file photo, c. 1958 On August 21st, 1986, in response to an ongoing outbreak of SCP-87229, the Overseer Council voted unanimously to commission the removal of all vegetative material surrounding Area-01, leaving only the aphanitic basalt rock comprising the core of island's landmass. Due to the sensitive nature of SCP-7778 and the security of Area-01 as a whole, this was performed without the approval of relevant planning committees, and undertaken personally by members of MTF Alpha-1. It is presently hypothesized that these actions — assisted, in part, by a number of ecologically stunting anomalous supplements — inadvertently resulted in the rapid erosion of nearly 12% of the island's landmass over a period of less than 30 years. Research conducted in weeks following estimated the island was set to disappear entirely in less than 300 years, with the structural integrity of Area-01 anticipated to fail sometime in the year 2165. These findings reinvigorated efforts to decrypt the contents of Williams' journals, with the ultimate objective of transferring SCP-7778 to a location where it could be operated indefinitely. Advancements in the field of cryptography since the year 1923 lead to several breakthroughs in September of 2011, culminating in a raid on a restaurant propertied by members of GoI-66610, an anomalous Jacobite society centered around the restoration of James Francis Edward Stuart to the British throne. Among the detained were thirteen members of GoI-666, including an individual identified as George Arthur "Aegor"11 Yeatts (b. 1886), a 124-year-old Scottish occultist and sorcerer purported to have engaged in arcane blood rituals to maintain his youth. Yeatts, a third cousin of Williams III, would go on to confess intimate knowledge of Foundation activities during the years of Williams' administration, along with details of SCP-7778-α's creation, function, and other extraneous information already possessed by Foundation archivists. Although he claimed it was possible to reverse SCP-7778-α, he further stated that a successful transfer of the anomaly was infeasible, and would likely result in a similar outcome to Area-01's demolition. Upon confirming these assessments to be accurate, an impromptu meeting of the Overseer Council was held to debate potential actions moving forward, including a proposal submitted by the SCP-7778 research team following Yeatts' statement. After two hours of deliberation, a vote was undertaken. The results were as follows: + Open - Close Proposal: Reverse SCP-7778-α, averting the deaths of numerous civilians and Foundation personnel in the event of Administrative Area-01's failure. Outsource containment functions sustained by SCP-7778-β to allied Groups of Interest such as the Global Occult Coalition, conceding global operational hegemony to minimize the risk of widespread anomalous instability in the far future. Submitted by: Senior Researcher Emma Watts, SCP-7778 Project Head, 9/19/2011. Results: Yea Nay O5-1 O5-2 O5-3 O5-4 O5-5 O5-6 O5-7 O5-8 O5-9 O5-10 O5-11 O5-12 O5-13 Comments: Thank you for your consideration, Dr. Watts. The situation is under control. Operation of SCP-7778 is to continue unabated. Footnotes 1. Recordkeeping and Information Security Administration. 2. Suspected "Type-Green" reality bender. Known for his involvement in the assassinations of numerous influential figures in anomalous organized crime. 3. Roughly encompassing the same area as SCP-7778-α. 4. Information security. 5. "Red Right Hand" 6. Referred to only as "Aegor" in Williams' personal diary. Believed to be a pseudonym. 7. Designated SCP-7778 prior to the creation of SCP-7778-β. 8. See Incident 1155-B for further details. 9. A rapidly spreading spore-based fungal pathogen utilizing inanimate eukaryotic life as a vector. 10. "The Church of His Immortal Holiness, James, the Third of His Name, Rightful Heir to the Throne of England" [sic]. 11. An alias derived from the middle-name of Yeatts' step-father, Victor Aegor Davidović. « SCP-7777 | SCP-7778 | SCP-7779 »
tracker (https://imgur.com/XoMGrxR) 1/7779 LEVEL 1/7779 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-7779 Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7779's object class will not be updated to Neutralized until the Foundation can determine the likelihood of another SCP-7779 event. Research teams tasked with investigating SCP-7779 have not uncovered any conclusive evidence on the nature of the anomaly. Updated map of Western Europe following SCP-7779. New territories formed following geological events while under UN administration are shown in grey. Description: SCP-7779 denotes an anomalous event that occurred on August 23, 2009, at 1030 GMT, in which all geographical regions legally recognized as part of the French Republic abruptly dematerialized. The phenomena encompassed a landmass depth of about 2.5 kilometers and all artificial objects within France's borders, such as aircraft and satellites. France's sudden disappearance generated a massive vacuum, causing air and seawater to rush into the vacant space. The explosion generated in these vacuums led to strong winds blowing across western Europe. Due to the absence of air pressure on the sea, the liquid that came into touch with SCP-7779 had a lower boiling point, resulting in a series of boiling tidal waves that flooded major sections of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. These tidal waves would also impact the coastal regions of South Africa and the Americas over the next 24 hours, causing considerable damage to infrastructure and loss of life. This was accompanied by a series of earthquakes, caused by the shifting of a portion of the Eurasian plate inwards in the general direction of former France, due to the sudden reduction in mass. Similar earthquakes were recorded worldwide, albeit on a less severe scale. The geological instability caused by the vacuum also led to a collapse of the Pyrenean and Alpine mountain ranges, among other landmasses, which spilled into the French basin to create new land. The UN currently oversees the administration of these territories, despite proponents in countries formerly bordering France calling for their governments to claim and/or annex these territories. Early estimates revealed a casualty count of approximately 1.2 billion people and a recuperation cost of about 55 trillion US dollars. Within a week of SCP-7779, the global stock market had crashed. With the sudden removal of France's export market, several countries dependent on France's pharmaceuticals and various foodstuffs were forced to declare a state of emergency, which was further complicated by social unease. Global markets began to experience major supply shortages due to panicked buying and a near-total collapse of supply chains in Europe. Millions of people have turned to looting and rioting. This was further exacerbated by the interruption of the global shipping network as a result of the ~3.8-meter reduction in the sea level. This sudden reduction was due to seawater pooling in former France, leaving most ports inaccessible and several shipping routes cut off by exposed seabed, particularly those in the Bosporus Strait and the Strait of Malacca. The full extent of SCP-7779's influence on marine life is unclear, however, it is believed that numerous populations have been devastated, if not fully rendered extinct. Hundreds of large marine mammals and millions of fish were beached, and prominent reefs such as the Great Barrier Reef, Sha'b Abu Nuhas, and the Darwin Mounds have been decimated. It is believed that these populations will naturally recover after a grace period of at least 200 years. President Barack Obama and the remaining Council of 108 members in the United States Situation Room. As most of the Council of 108 failed to survive SCP-7779, the Global Occult Coalition (GOC) was compelled to announce a Class-∆ "Full Disbandment" scenario. Furthermore, competent command of existing assets was impracticable since central headquarters and all legal actions required to carry out GOC activities were crippled. The SCP Foundation received all surviving GOC resources and staff. The British Occult Service (MI666) was similarly affected, and they possessed a policy stating that if they were unable to maintain self-governance or failed in their primary goal, their control would be assigned to the GOC, which would then be entrusted to the Foundation. By gaining these resources, expenditures associated with losing the Foundation -FR branch and damage inflicted on facilities elsewhere were considerably reduced. However, the loss of classified and critical anomalous objects and entities and O5-8, several O4 Council members alongside other highly-valued assets, had a significant but manageable impact on Foundation operations. The Foundation has elected to commit itself to predominantly altruistic pursuits. Due to the wholesale disruption to the Veil caused by SCP-7779, most of the human population became semi-aware of the anomalous, allowing the Foundation to provide mundane but helpful anomalies to those affected by SCP-7779. Bolstered with new personnel, the Foundation could allocate personnel to locations that would otherwise be understaffed or ignored. With several ectoentropic anomalies, the Foundation produced over seven hundred million Field Units, a Foundation standard package, each providing a quality kit of medical supplies, temporary shelter, advanced meal rations, survival tools, and a radio. Morale events in North America help supplement Field Units with miscellaneous items, such as makeup and extra clothing. After a series of lengthy discussions, the Foundation was able to recruit the help of various religious organizations, primarily in transporting anomalous members to SCP-7779-affected areas. These individuals provide supplementary support to Foundation efforts, such as the replacement of lost limbs with functioning appendages, distributing Field Units in hard-to-reach areas, enabling peacekeeping forces, and imparting spiritual advice. SCP-7779 also possesses a psychological component affecting individuals born in or previously residents of France. The state often manifests within the subconscious, especially in dreams that are always received negatively. It appears to be especially traumatizing, inspiring paranoia, nihilism, apocalyptomania, athazagoraphobia, sociopathic self-preservation, obsessive resettlement, survivor's guilt, and repentant self-blame. Patients report SCP-7779-1 as another SCP-7779 event preceded by elaborate and disturbing events, such as people "sinking into solid ground and decomposed by worms," the temperature dropping to such a degree that "their uvula would freeze and break off," as well as an unknown location in which the demanifested landmasses were taken to, of which is described as "so horrific as to defy reason." « SCP-7778 | SCP-7779 | SCP-7780 »
Item #: SCP-7780 Object Class: Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7780's remains are kept in the ECRG Autopsy Laboratory. For details of SCP-7780's former operational schematics, authorized personnel may consult Document ECU-7780S, volumes 3-7. Note that the validity of these schematics is currently questionable. Description: SCP-7780 was the beta version of a probabilistic manipulation drive designed to mitigate unaccountable risk factors for containment and retrieval operations in a local area. The ECRG schematic defines SCP-7780 as a gorgon effect field generator that manipulates the outcomes of dynamic environmental systems. By forcibly truncating input parameters generated by the observer effect, SCP-7780 cauterizes these dynamic systems to limit what a human observer1 would consider bad luck. SCP-7780 was implemented with a beacon-anchor system, where a single drive generator could communicate with any number of field receivers and beneficially manipulate probability across a practically infinite area. Addendum: Area-25 Probability Resonance Cascade The biological components in SCP-7780's receivers necessitated implantation in human operators, a design flaw expected to be resolved in future iterations. Mobile Task Force Tau-5 "Samsara" troopers were chosen for their receptiveness to foreign tissue and pain resistance. Prior to the test, they were uploaded into unmodified shells to minimize potential external influence. During SCP-7780's initial test run, faulty calibration parameters resulted in a positive feedback loop that generated an escalating series of increasingly catastrophic nonlinear system failures and improbably coincidental occurrences compounding each other. The ensuing probability resonance cascade nearly destroyed Area-25 before the drive was destroyed by Samsara troopers. In light of the drive's catastrophic failure and the numerous risk factors, it manifested, further development was canceled and it remains reclassified as SCP-7780. The ECU-7780 research team has since shifted its priorities to understanding the causes of the resonance cascade and SCP-7780's true mechanisms of operation. A full post-mortem of the incident is underway. Full reconstruction has been hampered by severe damage incurred to the site's computer systems. OPERATION: ECU-7780-BETA TEST SUITE 3 DATES: ██/██/2022 – ██/██/2022 STATUS: FAILURE DEPARTMENT LIAISON: Captain Sarah Hughes, Dr. Gennaro Andrews OPERATION LEADER: Sergeant Irantu OPERATIVES: Corporal Munru, Specialist Nanku, Specialist Onru SUPPORT: Samsara Squad, Experimental Containment Research Group BRIEF: Onru: Do not blame Gnasher. Irantu: Technically, it was the dog. However – Munru: Leave the dog out of this! It was faulty engineering. Nanku: I think it went pretty well! Please do not blame our dog! Irantu: We're getting ahead of ourselves. Onru, begin the debrief from the moment of the test. Onru: Sergeant Irantu has allowed me to take point on the debrief as I was the one to complete the operation. Irantu: The rest of my squad will of course provide additional context and details as necessary. Onru: We had been briefed on the details of the ECU-7780. Its operation as an… Munru: As a gorgon-effect field generator. A machine to manufacture good luck. We had completed Test Suite 2A the previous week. Onru: As stated in our report, all validation tests were successful. We did not observe any side effects with receiver implantation aside from a mildly uncomfortable sensation in our eye sockets similar to being stung by hornets. Nanku: I still do not believe that compound vision like a fly's falls under expected results. Onru: On the day of Test 3A, we were escorted by Captain Hughes to the ECRG laboratory. There was not even time to see Gnasher that morning. We had lodged him at the site kennel for the duration of our visit per protocol. However he escaped, it is on their heads. Irantu: Onru… Onru: our superiors need to be clear about the chain of… causality. SCP-212-745 (“Gnasher”), an Indian pariah dog repurposed for MTF Tau-5's containment procedures, was being kept in Processing House 4 for the duration of ECRG testing to maintain Tau-5's morale. Gnasher possessed three primary prostheses: legs capable of telescoping and supporting its weight up to 5 meters in the air, a tri-pronged snout with rotating stainless steel teeth, and an industrial-strength digestive tract protected by polycarbonate. Gnasher's containment procedures consisted of two remote-controlled electric collars, hourly checkups by kennel staff, and scheduled feeding/playtime with Tau-5. Processing House 4 had been provided with a small doghouse, false hydrant, and chew toys to keep it occupied. Until this incident, its behavior was unremarkable and these containment procedures functioned adequately. Onru: With that established… beginning debrief. At 0900 hours we were present in the ECRG laboratory for the start of ECU-7780-Beta Test 3A: healthy activation of the ECU-7780 field generator within a 1-meter radius of its receivers. As instructed, we each stood in our undergarments 1 meter from the generator, which was supported on a small ring-shaped stool with a cutout in the middle to let it hang. There were several cables and wires jammed into the generator's underside through the cutout. Munru: It reminded me of an obese toad on a stick. Irantu: All field technicians were also present and on standby at their stations. Technicians Vasquez, Wucinich, and Wood were present and accounted for. Captain Hughes and Doctor Andrews were overseeing the test from the viewing room. Onru: At 0925 hours the technicians had completed their final checks and were ready to commence the test. They asked us if we felt ready to proceed. Nanku: Which we were! I was looking forward to having good luck. Onru: Hughes and Andrews okayed the start of the test. The technicians flipped down their safety shields and switched the generator on remotely. I was surprised at how many switches they had to flip. Nanku: We immediately felt it turn on! Which was not one of the expected results. Since the… dynamic field parameters… were supposed to be… truncated… silently? Without us noticing. But the sensation of being stung by hornets spread out across my face and head. I disliked it. And the generator opened its eyes and stared at everything around it! I was surprised that they looked like rat eyes. I was expecting fly eyes like ours. Seven of them were staring at me. Onru: We relayed this to the technicians. Captain Hughes wanted to end the test but after we affirmed that the sensation of hornets was not actually harmful, Dr. Andrews directed them to record this information and start Test 3B. Irantu: At 0935, the technicians started feeding calibration parameters to the generator. Its eyes began changing colors. Nanku: Each time it blinked the eye was a different color. They were all beady and rat-colored though. I didn't see any human eyes. And the sensation around my head kept changing. Around 0936 minutes, it started feeling like cockroaches around my head, then at 0937 minutes, I felt rats padding across my face. Munru: We all felt it. Not like the rats in the barracks either. The footpads were mangier. Onru: We heard the animals in the site kennel howling. We told the technicians and they couldn't hear it. Irantu: Captain Hughes confirmed with the kennel that the animals had become agitated. Onru: Dr. Andrews ordered the technicians to shut down the field generator. I was surprised they didn't have an emergency shutoff – they had to flip each switch in the precise reverse order it had been activated. Halfway through the shutoff process, at 0939 Gnasher fell head-first through a ceiling duct. Right into the generator. Munru: The kennel said he had escaped through one of the ducts. Used his stilt legs to reach it and then ate his way through the grate. We warned them that a muzzle would be insufficient. Nanku: His head was stuck in the generator! He was trying to pry himself out. Onru: I immediately moved forward to extract him but Irantu held me back. If I had pulled Gnasher out then and there, none of this would have happened. Instead, we stood around like idiots while Dr. Andrews and Cpt. Hughes sat in the viewing room like a bigger idiot. Irantu: I was waiting to get the all-clear from the supervisors. They were trying to determine the… optimal course of action. Onru: I must be… abundantly clear how many different points of failure were at fault for this disaster. We stood there for sixty seconds watching my dog suffocate! Irantu: But he did not. At 0941, he pulled himself loose from the stand. The generator was still stuck in his head. Onru: Captain Hughes ordered us to hold Gnasher down so the technicians could finish shutting off the generator. As we approached – Nanku: It barked at us! It had a mouth full of… concentric rows of teeth and sounded like a dozen electric drills at once. But it wasn't Gnasher's mouth. It was a rat's! Munru: The technicians fell back. Vazquez and Wucinich tripped over each others' feet. He tripped and smashed into the generator controls. She tripped and smashed into the backup controls. Nanku: The emergency alarm went off, bathing the room in crimson light and blaring sirens. Rat Gnasher panicked and bolted! Irantu: Captain Hughes ordered us to catch him. We lunged at him simultaneously but missed and collided with each other. Onru: Technician Woods tried to play the hero and stand in front of the main door even though it was already sealed. Rat Gnasher bowled him over instantly. His entry lanyard flew right off his neck and onto the scanner. Opened the door just in time for the dog to run through and then close it right as Nanku ran into it. Nanku: I was fine! Just a broken nose. But blood sprayed all over the scanner and shorted it out. Munru: We were stuck there until 0950 when the technicians were able to find replacement fuses and restore main power. Irantu: Captain Hughes and Dr. Andrews tasked us with tracking down Rat-Gnasher. In the nine minutes, he had been loose, the site had already logged forty-nine casualties and four escaped anomalies. Nanku: Dr. Andrews also tasked us with putting on clothes! Onru: He tasked Nanku with putting on clothes since her undergarments were spattered in blood. I pointed out that she would need several minutes, by which time Rat-Gnasher would have caused even more damage. Cpt. Hughes concurred and overrode Andrews. Irantu: We considered splitting into groups to track Rat-Gnasher down, but Dr. Andrews worried that the… causality effects… were still contained in the space between the receivers and the generator. We considered destroying the receivers but Cpt. Hughes would not sanction the tactical disadvantage of blinding ourselves. So we set off with the objective of capturing Gnasher, localizing the field generator effect, and minimizing further damage to the Area. Onru: I took point as Gnasher's primary caretaker. We headed north from the testing laboratory, towards our bunk. I had told him the previous night that he could find me there if he needed me. Irantu: Security footage had traced him in that direction. In case of a site breach, it would benefit him to locate us efficiently. Onru: We caught him in the Cryonics Research Laboratory without incident. Irantu: We incurred some injuries along the way. Onru: Without. Incident. SECURITY FEED, HARDWARE DEPOT 1 The hardware depot was used to store tools and equipment for landscaping/construction. It was separated into multiple aisles of metal racks. A loose steel rod had wedged itself in the doorframe during the initial evacuation of the room, preventing it from closing fully. At 0955 hours, the ECU-7780 unit enters the room through the unsealed door. At 1000, Samsara pries the door open fully and forces its way in. Onru takes point and steps on a rake that slams into her face. Nanku laughs at her, crosses the doorway, and steps on a rake that slams into her face. Munru checks the floor to ensure there are no rakes, then steps forward onto a rake that slams into his face. Iran shrugs put a hand in front of his face and steps forward. He does not step on a rake, but slips on a loose banana peel next to the room waste bin and fractures his tailbone. Irantu diagnoses minor spinal injuries characterized by growing numbness but deems the injury non-critical. He can stand under his power, then pulls the bar from the doorway so it will automatically slide shut. Onru observes the ECU-7780 unit crouched at the far end of the aisles; she puts her hands up and beckons to the ECU unit, encouraging it to approach her. When it growls at her, she lowers her head in a submissive fashion and begins to slowly approach it. The other members of Samsara break off and move closer through the adjacent aisles. When Onru is halfway down the aisle, ECU-7780 breaks left towards Nanku, who sprints forward and dives towards the unit, but misses and slams against the far wall. A bucket falls off the shelf onto her head. Munru approaches from the adjacent aisle as Irantu approaches from the back row, attempting to catch it in a pincer maneuver. They both dive but miss and collide with each other. A bucket falls off the shelving onto each of their heads. Nanku extricates herself from the bucket, dives for the 7780 unit again, and misses again. She rolls to avoid another falling bucket and is struck by a loose cinder block, suffering a skull fracture in the process. Onru chases the ECU-7780 unit towards the exit. Instead of stopping or changing direction, the unit simply runs headfirst at the door. Instead of colliding with the locked door, it somehow manages to slip underneath the door gap. Onru tries to stop, but slips on the loose rod and collides with the door. The impact is enough to both dent and dislodges the door from its frame, causing it to fall on top of her and break several of her ribs. Munru and Nanku push the door off of her. Because they are in naked shells, Samsara is delayed in their pursuits by triaging their injuries, applying duct tape to themselves as makeshift bandages. SECURITY FEED, ECRG LABORATORY 2 ECRG Laboratory 2 was being used to test ECU-133, a series of man-sized wormholes that could be connected to each other or applied and removed from either side of a surface to tunnel through it. The laboratory's occupants evacuated into the closest hazard shelter shortly after the alarm went off. Six of the lab's hazard shields were still raised, each with a wormhole applied to them. At 1010 hours, ECU-7780 is seen squeezing under the doorframe, inflating its form in a manner akin to a balloon, before the door is wrenched open by Onru. ECU-7780 immediately flees into the back-left wormhole, only to pop out of the middle-right wormhole again. After a moment's deliberation, Samsara pursues the unit into the left-front wormhole but emerges from the back-left wormhole whereas the unit exits through the back-right wormhole. They follow 7780 into the middle-left wormhole, but exit from the front-right wormhole while it exits from the back-left wormhole. Upon chasing 7780 into the back-left wormhole, each member of Samsara emerges from a separate wormhole and convenes on it through the middle-right wormhole. For several seconds, Samsara chases 7780 through the ECU-133 units. Abnormal behavior from the wormholes continues to escalate. At one point, ECU-7780 is seen chasing the Samsara team; at another, it is not seen for several moments while only the members of Samsara are seen emerging from each wormhole in turn. At one point, nobody is seen for several seconds until six copies of Samsara squad emerge: one from each wormhole. These copies freeze and stare at each other until ECU-7780 emerges from the front-right wormhole and egresses through the laboratory entrance. Upon seeing this, each copy retreats back into the wormhole from which it emerged. By 1015 hours, only one copy of Samsara emerges from the front-right wormhole to continue their pursuit. When examined later, none of the ECU-133 prototypes were found to be functional. SECURITY FEED, AREA-25 CRYONICS LABORATORY The Area-25 Cryonics Laboratory researches supercooling preservatives and preservative supercooling of living tissue. It is laid out along a single corridor in the northeast wing of Area-25, east of the barracks, with three cryonics chambers along the north wall. Three days prior to the resonance cascade, an adult instance of SCP-3199 was captured near the site and placed in Cryonics Unit 2 for safe-keeping while transfer to Area-114 was arranged. At 0945 hours during the resonance cascade, the coolant piping in Units 1 and 3 ruptured, icing over the floor. Technicians Bernard Mahnke and Leandra Stresing remained behind to ensure that Unit Two was not breached. At 1020, Stresing is huddled on top of a desk while Mahnke is sitting on the ice in front of the containment unit. She observes a temperature anomaly and asks him to check the cooling turbines behind the unit lock. As Mahnke works, the unit's temperature continues to rise and the 3199 instance contained within it revives. The instance begins beating against the unit, causing it to bulge and buckle slightly; at one point, the metal is red hot and whistling. As the unit door seems about to give way, Mahnke fixes the ventilation blockage and gives Stresing the okay to restart the fans from her laptop. With their reactivation, the unit's temperature lowers again and the instance's attacks become more sluggish. While Stresing and Mahnke are waiting for the 3199 instances to freeze, the ECU unit slips into the room through the door gap. At first, the technicians do not notice it sliding about; then it comes to a stop below Stresing's desk. She notices it and freezes. They stare at each other, then the unit opens its mouth. Stressing screaming and drops her laptop on the ground. The cryonics unit door pops open and the 3199 instance steps out. As it adjusts to the laboratory environment, Samsara enters through the main entrance. Irantu immediately identifies the specimen as an instance of 3199 and authorizes the squad to terminate it. The 3199 instance looks between the technicians and Samsara, then tries to lunge at the technicians. However, it slips on the ice and falls flat on its face. Nanku dives across the floor put it in a headlock and snaps its neck. As it dies, it regurgitates an egg that skids across the floor into Onru's hands. She stares down at it for a moment before trying to smash it into the ground. Likely due to her body heat, the egg hatches in her hands mid-throw. The juvenile instance of 3199 pins Onru's arms under its weight and attempts to [REDACTED] her face. Onru headbutts it in response; as it reels back, ECU-7780 attacks and bites off its head. Onru praises the unit while pulling her hands free from the 3199 corpses. As she does so, four more instances burst from the stomach of the previous instance's corpse. Nanku looks at the security camera and pulls out a handheld sign from behind her back2. While she is distracted, a 3199 instance attacks her and splatters the camera feed with blood. SECURITY FEED, AREA-25 NORTHEAST WING At 1035 hours, an explosion is heard inside the Cryonics Laboratory that blows the main door off its hinges. At 1045 hours, all members of Mobile Task Force Tau-5 exit the room covered in burns; Onru is cradling SCP-212-745 in her hands. At 1100, technicians Stresing and Mahnke rush from the room in the direction of the nearest emergency shelter. At 1130 hours, the resonance cascade is declared over. OPERATION: ECU-7780-BETA TEST SUITE 3 DATES: ██/██/2022 – ██/██/2022 STATUS: FAILURE DEPARTMENT LIAISON: Captain Sarah Hughes, Dr. Gennaro Andrews OPERATION LEADER: Sergeant Irantu OPERATIVES: Corporal Munru, Specialist Nanku, Specialist Onru SUPPORT: Samsara Squad, Experimental Containment Research Group BRIEF: Onru: There is very little to say. The 3199 instances mauled us badly, but without proper training, they were unable to inflict meaningful damage. Irantu: The primary challenge was not killing them. They are as fragile as humans and taste like chicken. But their eggs are practically impossible to destroy. At first, we simply tried throwing the eggs back into the cryonics unit, but the machine was broken and the technicians refused to work on it while we were fighting. Onru: They locked themselves in a supply closet. Cowards. The fight would have ceased if they would have gotten to work. Nanku: There were over a dozen chicken men attacking us at one point! We were being stripped to the bone! Munru: We were lucky to have Gnasher. He saved our lives. Nanku: He started eating them! Sliding across the ice from corpse to corpse and shoveling the eggs into his mouth. Onru tried to get him to stop but he was too busy feasting to listen. I tried tasting one but couldn't see the appeal. Onru: I was more concerned about them hatching in his stomach. We could see each one of them bulging against his insides, stretching them in the shape of horrible birds. But that thing on his head kept him alive. As soon as the last egg was shoveled into his mouth – he burped and exploded. Popped like a balloon. Irantu: We were briefly blinded and incurred minor third and fourth-degree burns, but were otherwise unharmed. When the blindness ended, we found Gnasher lying on his side with the cracked remains of the ECU lying next to him. It appeared to have been hollowed out, but its eyes remained blinking on the outside. Onru: Gnasher's form had returned to normal but he was unconscious. I was unsure if he was alive because his heart was hidden by his stomach and the polycarbonate doesn't transmit sound well. I waited until his eyes opened and he licked my face. Then I was sure he was combat-ready again. Nanku: She held him in her arms and everything. Onru: Shush. We took Gnasher back to the kennel and had him examined by the veterinarians. He was extremely well-behaved and they will all attest to that.3 As far as we are concerned, he prevented two containment breaches simultaneously at great personal risk to himself. In the aftermath of the resonance cascade, the ECU-7780 breach was calculated to have caused sixty-five casualties, seven containment breaches, and destroyed several billion dollars worth of equipment. The remains of SCP-7780 were recovered from the Cryonics Laboratory without incident. No SCP-3199 remains could be found. SCP-212-745 was monitored in the Area-25 Kennel for one month before being released into Tau-5's custody. On ██/██/2022, SCP-212-745 “Gnasher” was nominated by Captain Sarah Hughes, Sergeant Irantu, and Sergeant Onru for a Foundation Star. « SCP-7779 | SCP-7780 | SCP-7781 » Footnotes 1. see ECU-7780S Abstract for an applied definition of human 2. on slowed footage, the sign reads “GOOD GRIEF” in shaky capital letters. 3. None of the kennel veterinarians were willing to say otherwise.
Item #: SCP-7781 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7781 is contained in the Humanoid Containment Wing at Site-83 in a cell resembling a post-modern finished basement, fitted with furniture and appliances that closely mirror SCP-7781's original habitat. Foundation webcrawler Avian.aic is to be deployed to remove all images and posts referencing SCP-7781-A from the internet. Physical copies of images containing depictions of SCP-7781-A are to be located and destroyed, and the individuals who possesed them are to be amnesticized. SCP-7781's apartment has been condemned by Foundation agents embedded in the local government. Cover Story 9 ("Runaway From Home") has been disseminated to local news agencies and individuals who had personal contact or relationships with SCP-7781. Individuals found investigating SCP-7781's disappearance from the civilian population are to be amnesticized. Description: SCP-7781 is Jack Arthur Osborn, a genetically modified humanoid organism. Prior to containment, SCP-7781 was a known figure among its online community and moderator of the subreddit "r/spiderporn". Upon retrieval Osborn was discovered to have undergone severe genetic modification including the grafting of additional limbs, the growth of silk-producing glands, a chitinous exoskeleton, and compound eyes. Through currently unknown anomalous means1 , SCP-7781 is able to alter and combine the genetic data of various existing arachnid species with each other, other animals, and inanimate objects in order to produce entirely new organisms of the genus Arachne. Photographs of these organisms (collectively designated SCP-7781-A) were posted to the aforementioned subreddit daily, often garnering significant attention from frequenters of the site. SCP-7781-A instances share few qualities with one another despite initial similarities in physical appearances. All instances are inherently infertile and incapable of independent breeding. Whether this is a result of their naturally conflicting biology or the inadvertent byproduct of SCP-7781's genetic tampering2, is currently unknown. SCP-7781 has categorized all its anomalous species as being within the nonexistent genus 'Arachne'; Foundation entomologists have tentatively identified four distinct orders, ten families, and nineteen genera. A partial listing of the SCP-7781-A instances has been provided below. The complete list is available upon request. Genus Species Description Arachne Advocatus Instances are quadrupedal with two sets of arms, often observed carrying one to two briefcases in their possession. If left undisturbed, Arachne advocatus will invariably construct a building resembling a standard American court house, wherein they will host trials in an as-of-yet untranslated language. These trials will always result in an apparent conviction, and the "guilty" arachnid will be summarily "executed" outside the structure and eaten by the others. Arachne Stegosaurus Instances are considerably larger than non-anomalous spiders, reaching lengths of 1.5meters and heights of 2 meters when mobile. Instead of fur, Arachne stegosaurus is covered in sleek scale-like growths which, when taken the entity's reinforced exoskeleton, allow Arachne stegosaurus to endure most forms of conventional ballistic rounds. Additionally, these instances are both passive and vegetarian. Arachne Pyris Instances are entirely composed of fire that loosely resembles a non-anomalous tarantula in shape. Arachne pyris, while typically independent hunters, are able to combine their body mass to form an even larger instance of themselves in order to facilitate the capture of prey. These instances subsist entirely on flammable materials, such as oil, butane, wood, and other insects. Arachne Vehicularis Instances four centimeters in length, and have wheels in place of their legs. Despite possessing mandibles for mastication, these instances subsist entirely on 5W-20, a type of engine oil found in most standard, non-anomalous commercial motor vehicles. Instances are also capable of extremely fast movement, with the fastest documented speed of 50km/h. Arachne Arborealis Instances begin life similar in appearance to non-anomalous black widows. Upon reaching adolescence, however, the instances will create a cocoon around themselves in which they will remain until adulthood. Upon emergence from the cocoon however, they will resemble common birch trees. Instances are incapable of movement at this stage and unable to eat. Adult instances will survive on the nutrients they've consumed during their adolescence until they are able to spread spores and reach the end of their natural lives. Arachne Sella Instances are hatched from eggs and resemble non-anomalous wolf spiders until they reach sexual maturity, at which point they will molt their exoskeleton and assume the form of a brown sofa. Instances are incapable of movement at this stage, although they continue to exude a sweet aroma that attracts prey organisms to "sit" on them. The instances will envelop the prey in its seat cushions and drag it into the deeper recesses of its body for consumption. Arachne Ariarus Instances resemble the common house spider in size and weight, being approximately 1.27 cm long. The instances have a long growth on it's opisthosoma, resembling the flag of an eighth note, which they are seen stringing silk from to be similar to cellos. Instances are seen gathering in groups of 20 to 40 to perform a full length orchestral program. These instances have not been recorded exhibiting self preservation tactics, such as consuming insects or plant matter for sustenance. Retrieval: The following video log was provided by Retrieval Agent Sylvia Starling after SCP-7781's apprehension. <Begin Log> Agent Starling approaches SCP-7781's residence. She examines her datapad and confirms her location. She adjusts her body camera and knocks on the door three times before turning the handle and entering. The interior of SCP-7781's residence is disheveled; loose sheets of paper with documentation of various species of anomalous and non-anomalous spiders are strewn on the floor, and the blinds on one of the windows are broken as is the window itself. Several open glass cages with webbed hinges are present as well. Hung on the walls are framed images of the aforementioned anomalous spider species above plaques denoting their colloquial and scientific names. In the far corner of the room is a large cocoon composed of silk and newspaper scraps, approximately six meters in diameter. The cocoon undulates rhythmically, and several spiders (among other insects) can be observed entering and exiting the structure. Adjacent to the cocoon is a laptop, the screen still active and displaying the subreddit "r/spiderporn". Agent Starling approaches the laptop and begins reading through the comments. Starling: Christ on a stick… The cocoon begins vibrating.. After approximately thirty seconds, a human hand emerges from inside, followed by an arachnoid-like limb. The hand and limb work in tandem to exacerbate the crack in the cocoon, an action that subsequently unleashes several of the insects and spider-hybrids that were seen entering it moments prior. The face of SCP-7781 is seen, although half of the entity's face is obscured by silk and the darkness of its enclosure.Starling: Jack? Jack Osborn? Is that you? SCP-7781 retreats into its cocoon, turning its body so that its back, which appears to be a mixture between an exoskeleton and human flesh, is covering the opening. The entity can be heard crying, although this is barely audible.Starling: We aren't going to hurt you or your spiders, Jack. The entity turns to face Agent Starling. The silk obscuring half of its face has fallen off, revealing that the left side of its face contains a set of arachnid-like mandibles and three additional eyes.Starling: I swear. I'm gonna need you to come with us for now though, alright?Starling: Okay, Mr. Osborn, I hear you. You come with us, and I'll see to it personally that you and your spiders continue to receive the love and care that you need. I just can't leave you spreading pictures of your… children… all over the Internet.SCP-7781 fully emerges from its cocoon. The entity is wearing a torn, heavily soiled white t-shirt. While the torso of the entity resembles that of an adult human male in poor physical condition, the hips and legs of the entity are that of an arachnid. Eight additional legs are present, starting at the waist section of the human torso, and extending approximately three meters. Each joint exhibits signs of decay, and human bone material can be seen among the muscle mass underneath the chitinous exoskeleton. SCP-7781 maneuvers from its cocoon with apparent discomfort, although this discomfort does not prevent it from scaling the ceiling with several SCP-7781-A instances in its hands.SCP-7781 projects a silky material from its mouth, hitting Agent Starling's boots and confining her to the floor where she stands. Several SCP-7781-A instances scale the webbing and infiltrate Agent Starling's clothing, although she does not react. Starling: I'm not going anywhere without you, Mr. Osborn. SCP-7781-A instances climb Agent Starling's chest and shoulders. SCP-7781 remains in its position on the wall, maintaining eye contact with Agent Starling.Starling: That may be true, but you aren't going to do that, Mr. Osborn. You aren't a killer, you're an artist. SCP-7781-A instances climb Agent Starling's face. Several settle in her hair and begin to project webbing as if nesting. SCP-7781 ceases movement abruptly, as do the SCP-7781-A instances. Starling: I told you, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to keep you safe.Starling: You think? We found out about you and your children pretty easily, Jack. What if there was someone who hated you out there with the same power as us? Someone who would actually want to hurt your children? What if it was a group of someone's? Do you think you could protect them then?Starling: Do you honestly believe that? Look me in my eyes and tell me that you could keep all of these spiders safe from gun toting, ignorant assholes that hate spiders and came here to kill them.Starling: We're the best option you and your children have, Jack. Come with us, for their sake.Starling: No harm will come to them. You have my word. SCP-7781 descends. SCP-7781-A instances remove the webbing from Agent Starling's feet, and SCP-7781 is successfully contained. <End Log> Afterword: Following apprehension, SCP-7781 gave detailed instructions on the proper care and maintenance of each individual arachnid species in its possession to Agent Starling, who relayed the information to the containment team. SCP-7781 has continued to create additional instances of SCP-7781-1 at the request of Foundation botanists. Photographs of these additional instances are to be printed and given to SCP-7781, as doing so has proven to improve SCP-7781's demeanor. « SCP-7780 | SCP-7781 | SCP-7782 » Footnotes 1. Presumably the same methods used to alter its own genes. 2. As most reality benders often infuse physical aspects of themselves in their reality manipulations subconsciously.
Item#: 7782 Level1 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-7782 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7782 is kept in a specialized anomalous storage locker that prevents rotting. Description: SCP-7782 is a sapient gala apple capable of speech. The method by which it speaks is unknown. Discovery: On February 14th 2023, SCP-7782 spontaneously manifested on Doctor Yellowstone's desk alongside a valentines day card with the text "You are the apple of my eye!" The following interaction was recorded by security cameras in Doctor Yellowstone's office. <Begin Log>Doctor Yellowstone: Oh, hello. Thank you, I guess. How did you get in here?Doctor Yellowstone: I'm flattered, but no thank you. Have you heard of the Smith-Malus anomalous scientific law? It states that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away."<End Log> Addendum 1: As of July 17th 2023, SCP-7782 has made romantic advances towards fifty-three Foundation Personnel, twenty-two sapient SCP objects, and one picture of a potted plant. None of these individuals have reciprocated SCP-7782's advances, and it has not made advances towards individuals who have declined previously. Researcher Wadsworth offered to introduce it to one of the Foundation's artificial intelligences. However, SCP-7782 declined, as the artificial intelligences do not run on Apple-branded computers. Addendum 2: To test how SCP-7782 interacts with mundane objects, a non-anomalous red delicious apple was placed in its containment locker. The following was recorded after. <Begin Log>Researcher Wadsworth: That's an apple2.SCP-7782 rolls closer to the apple.The apple is silent.The apple remains silent.The apple continues being silent. <End Log> The mundane apple remained in SCP-7782's containment locker at its request, and it continued to talk to the mundane apple despite the fact that the mundane apple has yet to verbally respond. Addendum 3: Two engagement rings were found embedded in SCP-7782 and the mundane apple a year following Addendum 2. Nine months after the previous event, an apple seed with a tiny pacifier was found in SCP-7782's containment locker. « SCP-7781 | SCP-7782 | SCP-7783 » Footnotes 1. There are no trees nor baskets in Doctor Yellowstone's office. 2. SCP-7782 has not seen any other apples since its original manifestation.
ITEM #: SCP-7783 LEVEL-  CONTAINMENT CLASS: EUCLID DISRUPTION CLASS: VLAM Assigned Site Site-196 Site Director Dr. James Razay Research Head Kaden Powell Assigned MTF N/A ITEM: SCP-7783 LEVEL-  CONTAINMENT CLASS: EUCLID DISRUPTION CLASS: VLAM Assigned Site Site-196 Site Director Dr. James Razay Research Head Kaden Powell Assigned MTF N/A SCP-7783 was discovered here. Special Containment Procedures: Instructions for semantoconceptual1 binding of SCP-7783 are only available to allocated specialists. Personnel assigned to the vicinity of Site-196 Unit 7783 are prohibited from engaging in intense hypothetical, speculative, fantastical, or intimate thought regarding SCP-7783. Due to the nature of SCP-7783, complete amnesticization of all personnel regarding its existence or lack thereof would result in semantoconceptual unbinding and thusly a breach of containment. As such, priority is to be given to the application of selective thought blocking medications2 (STBs) derived from Class C Amnestics. Interviews with Personnel-Associated Sapient Concepts (PASCs) are permitted, and are to be carried out only by approved staff who have maintained a daily regimen of STB medication above therapeutic dosage for at least 30 days. Description: SCP-7783 is a semi-corporeal ontokinetic tetrahedral construct3 currently semantoconceptually bound to the definitive clause "Contained within Unit 7783 of Site-196". Perceptibility of SCP-7783 is highly variable and dependent on the conscious operation of a spectator to engage in visual perception. When perceived, SCP-7783 fluoresces on a blue-yellow gradient and occupies a fixed position regardless of kinetic forces exerted upon it. SCP-7783 is only capable of being physically acted upon through complex series of interaction and manipulation on the part of sapient actors, defined as semantoconceptual interactivity. SCP-7783 was contained utilizing this method. PASC-01 Engaging with SCP-7783 in this manner results in a significant amount of biological, conceptual, and ontokinetic abstraction in affected subjects. Typically this results in the affected subject becoming an intangible conceptual sapience associated with environments previously frequented by the subject. (See Observation Log) Foundation-associated individuals who have been subject to SCP-7783's influence in this fashion are designated Personnel-Associated Sapient Concepts (PASCs) and are known to still possess higher cognitive functions, albeit in a highly abstracted form disassociated from biological functions. PASCs can interact with reality through limited and minute interferences in the psychology and neurological activity of sentient and sapient individuals in their vicinity.4 Instances are believed to attempt communication with familiar individuals through selective subversive influence, leaving the subject unaffected, though these capabilities diminish with time. PASC presence is also associated with an increase in pareidoliac5 tendencies in nearby individuals. (See Interview-7783-1) Discovery: SCP-7783 was discovered by Senior Researchers Dr. River Cories and Kaden Powell off duty. During initial acquisition, Cories inadvertently exerted a semantoconceptual interaction with SCP-7783 and subsequently began PASC transition (See PASC-001 observation log). Two additional personnel were exposed to SCP-7783's properties during primary semantoconceptual binding containment efforts. Kaden Powell has taken on the role of provisional containment director and has placed priority on determining methods of reversing SCP-7783's effects. Observation Log: Subject Time Elapsed Since Exposure Observational Notes Dr. River Cories One Hour Intact conceptual coherency. Emotional distress prevalent and more pronounced compared to later stages. Dr. River Cories One Day Intermittent conceptual coherency. Efficacy of linguistic communication greatly reduced.6 Dr. River Cories One Week Spurious conceptual coherency. Increased cognitive-subversive influence. Beginning of biological shutdown and disassociation. Dr. River Cories One Month Total biological and physical abstraction. Emergence of immature PASC subversive and strengthened pareidolic influence, most prevalent in the immediate vicinity of the disassociated fruiting body. Dr. River Cories One Year Total abstraction. Subversive cognitive influences minute yet observable. Pareidolic influence prevalent in associated individuals even in absence of PASC promixity. Interview-7783-D78990: Foreword: Interview conducted by Research Director Kaden Powell with D-78990 as part of a study on PASC cognitive-subversive impressions. Purpose is to induce impression to facilitate possible communication with PASC-01. <Begin Log> Powell: Good evening, D-78990. D-78990: Yeah, evening. Powell: For the purposes of this, uh, test, that I'm carrying out, I just want you to confirm a few things for me really quick. Your full legal name is ████ █████████, correct? Date of birth ██/██/████? D-78990: Yeah, that's me. Definitely me. Remind me what we're doing here again? Powell: Well, essentially, I'm here to just talk to you for a bit, take some notes on your behavior, and the like. Like an evaluation of sorts. D-78990: So, what should we talk about? Powell: I don't know, exactly. D-78990: Aren't you leading the way? Powell: I guess we could start with something like, say, a favorite color. D-78990: Favorite colors? I thought it would be something more, I dunno. Sciencey? Powell: Well I'm mostly just monitoring your behavior, looking for any signs indicative of- D-78990: Signs of what? I got cancer or something? Powell: No, just. Nevermind. Why bring up cancer out of all things? D-78990: I dunno. My dad died of it. Long time ago. Powell: What type? D-78990: Lung Cancer. Stage 4. Powell: I knew someone whose dad passed from lung cancer. D-78990: Yeah, well, we probably saw it coming. He was a pack a day smoker for- Powell: Twenty-Two years. D-78990: Oh, nice guess. Yeah. Twenty Two. [Powell pauses.] D-78990: I'm surprised you folks haven't found out a cure for it with all the shit you got here. Powell: Not really a priority for us. D-78990: You know I would've loved to work here. Powell: Really? What makes you say that? You don't have a research background from what I've seen. D-78990: I wanted to go into medicine when I was younger, you know. Powell: Lot of folks do. D-78990: Would've been nice to work for a place like this, one with a real purpose, you know? Powell: Yeah, it definitely beats working in fucking IT for a bunch of coked up geriatrics. [D-78990 laughs awkwardly. Powell appears visibly confused.] D-78990: River would have laughed at that joke. [Powell flinches momentarily.] Powell: Yeah? D-78990: He would have, yeah. Always hated working back in Loxy. Powell: Shit… yeah, I remember. I remember it too clearly. D-78990: Oh definitely. It was crazy times, crazy times! Used to get so mad at that place. 'Ould get rung up for the stupidest stuff you and- Powell: Man, me and him did, we really fucking did. Fuckin' Chris always had a stick up his ass though. Made it hell. D-78990: He was too old to still be working, that's why. Halfway decomposed at the desk. What was that one joke you made about his nose to me? Powell: Which one? D-78990: The night after D&B? Powell: Oh! The one about him looking 8 and 80 at the same time? D-78990: Please! Oh god, River was crying laughing to that. That night was the most he had laughed in a long time then. Powell: Yeah, I remember that night. It was amazing. Just making stupid jokes to each other. Enjoying the time we had. D-78990: Like all the time in the world was ours, huh? Powell: Made everything better. Life was perfect. D-78990: The neighbors didn't hear perfect. Powell: But the neighbors always complained about how loud we were. D-78990: Well, I was loud. Noisy. But that was something you liked about him. Powell: I still remember his laughing. I still remember it all. D-78990: He just didn't know how to take it seriously. Powell: Hah! Well yeah, that's how he was. Always loud and bursting with energy. Made every situation colorful. D-78990: Wonder if this River guy is still like that? Powell: He's still out there, somewhere. Still the life of someone's party. D-78990: Who is? [Powell sighs] Powell: Nevermind. <End Log> Closing Statement: D-78990 and Kaden Powell had not had any contact prior to this interview. D-78990 had never met Dr. River Cories. SCP-7783-propagated fruited bodies. Footnotes 1. Pertaining to the inherent semantic information of a concept in reality. 2. With intention to induce a cognitive fog barrier in response to an indivual's attempts to engage SCP-7783 related thought beyond material task-related operations. 3. SCP-7783's physicality is of dubious and spurious nature. 4. Referred to as cognitive-subversive impression. 5. A phenomenon associated with the perception of substantial meaning in random and insignificant stimuli, most commonly associated with facial recognition. 6. Per the request of Research Director Kaden Powell, all interviews conducted between Powell and PASC-01 "River Cories" have been redacted from general clearance. 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close Info X SCP-7787 “Lost in the Media” by: Mew-ltiverse Read more of my stuff The main character of this article, Tatsuki, uses they/he/she pronouns and will be referred to as such ⚠️ CW: Violence ⚠️ content warning NOTICE Information about SCP-7787 and SCP-7787-1 is limited, as the only information known about said anomalies is through the diary entries and video recordings taken by Foundation employee Dr. Tatsuki Masuda. Item #: SCP-7787 Object Class: Pending Special Containment Procedures: Foundation Webcrawler Delta-7043 (“STAY LOST”) is to continuously monitor the web for any references to SCP-7787. Upon discovery, said mentions are to be removed from the internet. Misinformation is to be released claiming that SCP-7787 is a hoax. SCP-7787's page on the Lost Media Wiki is to be edited with information “confirming” its status as non-existent. Due to the lack of knowledge on SCP-7787-1 and related anomalies, along with the near confirmed danger of it remanifesting, further testing is prohibited. SCP-7787 is not to be opened by anyone of any clearance level for any reason. The poster image for SCP-7787. Description: SCP-7787 refers to a Japanese visual novel known as "A Chance Meeting With Yukiya" (ゆきやとの邂逅). Prior to containment, SCP-7787 had a minor presence in the lost media community, as its existence was unconfirmed. SCP-7787 was discovered by Foundation researcher Dr. Tatsuki Masuda using anomalous archival technology. Playing an unknown amount of SCP-7787 will initiate SCP-7787's primary affect, the manifestation of SCP-7787-1. SCP-7787-1 refers to Yukiya Sasaki, the love interest of SCP-7787. Approximately a week after SCP-7787 is opened, SCP-7787-1 will manifest in reality. SCP-7787-1 will embed itself in the life of the player. During SCP-7787's activation, an antimemetic effect is present, preventing anyone but the player from knowing about the existence of SCP-7787 or learning that SCP-7787-1 is a video game character. This effect includes removal of all online references to SCP-7787, and an inability to perceive any representation of SCP-7787-1 in visual documentation, such as screenshots. All knowledge on the inner workings of SCP-7787 and SCP-7787-1 are based on the initial activation by Dr. Masuda. No new playthrough has been started since. Opening Macintosh HD > Users > MTatsuki > Personal Notes ACMWY To do list: Play game Summarize game Translate game Post translation in a Google doc on Twitter Update LMW page to found Cause I haven't actually played it yet lmao I wanna surprise everyone with the full game and translation Say I found it on like the 200th page of Google on a sketchy site yeah that'll do LMW Page outline: Update the story and gameplay, add a recovery section ACMWY game summary: A Chance Meeting With Yukiya (Japanese: ゆきやとの邂逅) was a freeware Japanese visual novel developed by ChillDaze. Details about its release are limited. Story and Gameplay: The game was a horror visual novel masquerading as a game in which the protagonist romances a man named Yukiya Sasaki. It played like a typical visual novel, with options that elicited different responses out of other characters, despite only having one ending. Synopsis: The game starts with the player meeting Yukiya at the store, striking up a conversation with him, and discovering the two of them have a lot in common. The two continue to meet on accident, giving the player the chance to get closer with him. The player is warned by their three closest friends that Yuikya is dangerous, but they ignore this advice until their friends start being mysteriously killed by an unknown perpetrator. It is revealed at the end that the killer is Yukiya, who believed them to be in the way between him and the player. The game ends with the main character turning the light on in their bedroom to reveal Yukiya, who embraces them and promises to never leave them. Availability: The game was uploaded by ChillDaze to download and play for free on Windows, Mac OS and Linux online sometime between 2007 and 2011. ChillDaze only uploaded one game before their website went defunct in 2012. Their website is still available to view on the internet archive, including the page about A Chance Meeting With Yukiya. Recovery: The files for the game were discovered by Lost Media Wiki user SapphireFantasy on June 12th, 2022. SapphireFantasy has stated that they discovered the OS files for the game on the 202nd page of Google on an unsecured website. SapphireFantasy played the game using an emulator, fully translating and uploading the gameplay to their YouTube account of the same name. The main image I'll upload for the article ACMWYPoster.png Close ChillDaze's logo ChillDazeLogo.png Close Okay cool, I'll gather some screenshots and stuff for the LMW page and I'll be golden My review of the game: (that I'll probably post on twitter or smth) I feel its a really fun game. Yukiya is delightfully chilling as a villain. While he parades himself as a kind and caring individual, it doesn't take long for one to see he's rather manipulative, cold, and cunning. He does what he wants, and gets away with it using anime logic lol, he's a charming villain though. The mc coming to the suspicion that her friends may actually be right is very good and sad when she realizes too late, and the last death takes place. the final scene had chills running down my spine fr. I'm glad I could help find it! cool before I upload the game I just wanna make sure I have everything in order Item #: idk lets go with 7787 Lets cut to the chase WHAT THE FUCK he has to be anomalous The game has to be anomalous I dont even fuckjng know anymore yukiya sasaki is nOT A 5 YEAR ANOMALOUS TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST HES A FUCKING ANIME CHARACTER I tried to show Juniper a picture of him but she said it was static and when I asked her about it later she didnt remember what is happening It seems that the game is coming to life. Damnit. this is so scary. I need to talk to him. ▶ PLAY AUDIO CLOSE AUDIO <Begin Log> Yukiya: Oh, it's absolutely no problem! I— Tatsuki: Can I talk to you? Yukiya: Oh, just give me second, Ella. Tatsuki, hey. Tatsuki: Follow me. [shuffling] Yukiya: Dear me, you seem frantic. Is something- Tatsuki: You lunatic! [shuffling] Tatsuki: This is you! Yukiya: A picture of static? Tatsuki, are you feeling okay? You look pale. Tatsuki: Don't you fucking play dumb! Yukiya: I'm not playing dumb. You're really concerning me. But I won't tell anyone. Maybe you should ask Director Winters to take the rest of the day off. Tatsuki: You motherfucker! I-I- Yukiya: Hey, it's okay. Just breathe. Tatsuki: SHUT UP! I don't wanna hear it! Get— Get away from me! [footsteps] Yukiya: [distantly] Tatsuki— <End Log> CLOSE AUDIO He called after me, but quickly gave up. He seems to care about my well being. I hope he gets hit by a bus. This has so many implications. God. What is going on? I feel like I'm going insane. I feel sick. He can't really be real, can he? He's like, just here now. As a real person, like me or any other human. His hair is dyed blonde, but everything else translated from 2D to real perfectly. It's so weird. It's not that cold, doesn't he get hot with that large ass scarf? I've just got so much on my mind. This game is anomalous. Who wouldve fucking though that the game I'm most interested in finding is a damn anomaly. Well I guess I have to regroup now. I tried showing to my colleagues that yukiya is from a game, but it didnt work. So maybe if I can make him talk to me? About the game. I can make him slip up. I just have to record my interactions with him I've decided to meticulously record everything about this I want to write an SCP file, but I can't. I'm pretty sure no one would be able to see it anyway. Plus I dont have enough information. All I know is that he came to life. That's not enough for a file. But maybe I can compile enough information, eventually. Its been ten days since Yukiya appeared. Maybe he really doesn't know he's from a game? He hasn't slipped up at all. In that case, I feel really bad for being so rude. But I don't know, he could just be totally lying like Yukiya does in the game. Jeez, this is complicated. There are endless possibilities. Maybe he just appeared in reality and thats it? That's all the game does is make the love interest come to life? He could really believe he's a foundation doctor, who knows? I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but its kinda nice to see my thoughts. I'm not really sure where to start with everything. Interacting with actual people is strange. I posted on twitter if anyone remembered the game, and no one remembered it! I know its obscure but im not the only one who knew. It had a page on LMW but its not there anymore! I used the recovery programs I used to find the game and see if I could find the LMW page, but it's just completely gone, like it never existed! It's like no one remembers its existence but me. I guess thats what happens when someone starts the game. It makes me wonder what happens if I finish the game But I still dont have conclusive evidence that the game has even started in real life. Its been a month and yukiya is still acting clueless. I'm going to write a list of the people closest to me that I should keep an eye on. if he is being a lying bastard like he is in the game, then he could target anyone. My foundation and out of foundation friends. Oscar Clements - Fellow anomalous technology specialist, has been my best foundation friend for three years Mark Kane - Second best friend and crush (he doesn't know that part, though) works with our site when we've got physical counterparts to our anomalies Juniper Lyons - My foundation sister, we've been through thick and thin, I love her Maddie Case - Comes with mark from his site, she totally knows I have a crush on him and teases me about it lol Penny Winters - Site leader and sweetheart, She's stern, but a really kind boss. Yasu Yamaguchi - Best friend from before I transferred to an American site, still in touch with him Asahi Masuda - Brother; he thinks I work with some popular tech companies; I havent talked to him in a bit though Osamu Masuda - My dad, haven't talked to him in a bit, but I'm still on good terms with him Kaori Masada - Mom, also on good terms with her! Mia Masada - my niece, love her to pieces if Yukiya killed her he'd be a monster shes like 6 Kazuyuki Ikeda - best friend from back home, havent talked in years, but he's still my best friend, whenever we talk it's like no time has passed I've decided to apologize to Yukiya for being rude, just incase. Well, if he's being truthful, he didnt remember. He was super nice to me, told me not to worry about it even though he doesnt remember cause we're friends. I dont consider him my friend But I dont know if I can trust him. It took less than a month for him in the game to get to the killing. I have a bad feeling about this. He's maybe just trying to lure me into a false sense of security. If that's the case, it's not gonna work. Im gonna make sure that I dont fall for his fake charm for a second. Tatsuki apologized. That was very kind of them. But strange. I didn't think they would. Are they actually sorry? This is probably a good thing. They might be willing to work with me. Maybe they'd understand. He's been trying to talk with me more. He's so nice, it's hard to believe how evil he is. We get along well, though he's picked up on my nerves when I talk to him. He says he's known me ever since I transferred to this site. He seems to have (or is faking) these fake memories of when we first met. Other people believe him! I asked Maddie and she says she's met him several times. People are starting to worry that I keep asking things that they think I should already know. This is just all so weird. I should try to more concretely write an SCP file. But there's a lot about this I still don't know. The game is the anomaly, and Yukiya is 7787-1. That's the number that I'll use. But I'm still unsure how a lot of this shit works It's been like, a month and a half since he appeared. Let's try this anyway Item #: SCP-7787 Object Class: Idk Special Containment Procedures: Do not fucking play this game like at all costs don't fuckin play it Description: SCP-7787 refers to a Japanese visual novel known as “A Chance Meeting with Yukiya”. Any person that plays SCP-7787 (unknown amount, presumably any) will initiate SCP-7787's primary effect, the manifestation of SCP-7787-1. SCP-7787-1 refers to the game's main love interest, Yukiya Sasaki who will manifest in reality approximately a week after the game is played. After the manifestation of SCP-7787-1, the events of the game will begin to take place in reality. It is unknown how aware SCP-7787-1 is that it is a video game character. uuuugh. there's so much I dont know. but we are not gonna test this thing again. if I even get past it that is Incase this all ends and I can show these notes to someone, I feel I should note the in game deaths Haruka Nakaya - Found dead in her home, fell down the stairs, thought to be an accident Etsuko Aikawa - Subject of a brutal hit and run Aoi Kutsuki - Found gutted in the protags room with a missing heart, given to them by Yukiya when he appears I need to compare who he could possibly kill in these ways. I'm thinking that Haruka will be Maddie, as they're both friends that I/mc met through another person Etsuko is probably gonna be Juniper, as they're both close friends that I/mc have known for years Aoi is gonna be Mark, probs, as the mc acts a bit flirty with Aoi at some point. I just need to make sure. I need to religiously watch these guys to make sure he doesnt attack. I didn't expect to take this long. But I've really just enjoyed being a person. I have all the time in the world, I think. I'm not actually sure. But I'm sure the stupid rules will allow me some time to enjoy myself. But Tatsuki is getting suspicious. They don't appear to enjoy my company. I fear I'm going to have to remain secretive. I'm doing my best to keep an eye on everyone. But it's kinda hard to be everywhere at once. But, I have noticed Yukiya being a bit more nosey around Maddie and Mark whenever they come around. He's been talking with her more. I've got my eye on him. Tomorrow is the last day that Maddie will be at our site for the next month. Either, he's gonna wait the month, or he's gonna kill her tomorrow. I've been pestering her so much, she keeps asking if im okay I'm just really worried. I don't want anyone to die Like he could just be a normal guy, but I really doubt it I I was wrong about who. But not when. Juniper. My almost sister. She died the same way Haruka did. Sort of. They found that it seemed her neck was manually broken to ensure she died. Like, whoever did it made sure she died as soon as possible. I feel sick. My head hurts. When I was mapping all this out it almost didn't feel real. But now that shes gone, it does. I want to throw up I wish that I was dreaming. can this please just be a bad dream? I I fucking I NEED TO TALK TO HIM ▶ PLAY AUDIO CLOSE AUDIO <Begin Log> Tatsuki: Yukiya, I have to talk to you. Yukiya: Ah, okay. Give me a moment, Esame, Will. [shuffling] Yukiya: Is something the matter? Tatsuki: Don't you DARE play dumb again, you psychopath! You killed Juniper! Yukiya: Wh-What? Are you okay? I heard the death was an accident. Tatsuki: Staged by you! Why- why did you snap her neck? Sh- she snaps her neck in the game… but this was forceful! You were forceful! They said she died almost immediately. Which is better than pain— but she- she— I mean— I just didn't want her to die at all! She's one of my best friends! An sh-she's gone! Because of you! Yukiya: I know it's hard for you to lose such a close friend. Do they have any leads on who did it? Tatsuki: Of course it's hard you fucking psychopath! You knew she was one of my best friends! That's why you killed her! To get to me! Yukiya: You look really ill. You should go see the site infirmary. I know some months ago, you apologized for attacking me. I still don't remember you doing so. Have I done something to you? Tatsuki: I— [sniffles] What— what the hell? I- I… It was you! I know it was you! Or your existence… somehow… Yukiya: Well, I didn't kill Juniper. But, I'm not mad at you for your accusation. You're clearly rather stressed out… Here, please let me walk you to the infirmary. You seriously look like you're about to faint. Tatsuki: [sniffles] Just let me— <End Log> CLOSE AUDIO It hurt to see how upset they were. I tried to ensure Juniper didn't suffer. But this is going to be worth it, I know it is. I've had so much fun just. well, being alive! I went to the animal shelter the other day to look at animals. I couldn't adopt, as I can't guarantee I'll stay around, but maybe after my victory is guaranteed. I feel terrible thinking about how excited I'll be once I win. Maybe once I win, I could do something to make up for causing Tatsuki pain. But, I wouldn't accept an apology from me, either. None of this even feels real anymore I just want it to stop It almost felt like I was actually playing the game. until actual consequences I fucking wish I NEVER FOUND THIS GAME why does this have to happen to me? NOTHING I SAY will fucking MAKE HIM BREAK hes an amazing actor but I fucking KNOW I kNOW THAT HES BEHIND THIS I will never fucking love him, ill fight against him till the day I die I wont let this MOTHERFUCKER WIN ERG I JUST WANT TO CHOKE HIM WITH HIS STUPID SCARF maybe just maybe if I win.. if I win. if I win, everything will reverse, right? He doesn't seem to even be trying to romance me. He just seems to be trying to be friends with me. he's noticed that I've been hard headed and just asked if he did anything to upset me. like DUUUUHHH but every time I bring up game shit he plays oblivious and asks me if im okay. He also just— does his job? Like I mean obviously he's gonna do his job but I'd expect since he has no experience he just wouldn't or would do as little as possible. But he's actually really good at it? In the game, his charm starts to fade a bit. like the facade starts to fade once the first killing happens, but only by a little. hes been just as friendly and nice to me as always. The stress of this is affecting my work. My coworkers are getting concerned. but most of them assume its junipers death. But she died before my stressed behavior started. Yukiya invited me and a few other coworkers to get some dinner after work I don't really know why, the others were all on board, and kinda looked at me when I refused. He said he'd pay Where did he get money from? there so much about this anomaly I dont really know anything about. He said after Juni's death, things were tense and he wanted to help the atmosphere. weird. I'm not sure why he keeps trying to interact with me. Especially after he killed Juni, he should know that I want fucking nothing to do with him ugh. I'm… I'm trying to have hope. Hope that I actually had a good idea for once. I have to regroup again. I was right about the how and when, but not who. Maybe all I have to know is when. I know he's following the deaths of the game, sorta. He snapped Juni's neck for some reason. Which made the death fast. Why would he want the deaths to be fast? In game he doesn't give a rats ass about the pain he puts people in. he's been going with his own schedule. He at least tried to follow the game deaths it just seems he have his own twist on things. To make it less painful, I guess. I've been so exhausted wondering whats gonna happen next. Just wondering when I might lose someone else. Just… hang on, Tatsuki. You've got this. It's been like, two weeks since the last killing. this is weird. I don't know why he hasn't killed anyone else. but its not like im sad that hes not killing my loved ones. I have noticed that he's been trying to get closer to me. like, talk to me more as if we were friends or something. he doesnt even bring up the time I yelled at him for killing juniper. I record most of our interactions. but nothing interesting has really happened. I really don't want to kill anyone else. I'm hoping that there is a way around this. I may not really have a choice. Even if the memories are fake, everyone here really likes me. I've never had friends before. I like having friends. I can't be soft when the stakes are this high. It's me, or just a few people I don't know very well. And I chose me. It's strange. Are killing these people the way I'm going to win? My coworkers have started whispering about me. About the fact that I've been looking so dead. And acting dead. Yukiya is such an anomaly. and I don't mean in the "he came from a video game" thing. He's weird. He doesn't act like his in-game counter part. He told me he was gonna go feed ducks after work. What???? that doesnt make sense to me. that's something I feel like most people did as kids with their parents Though I suppose he didn't go through that sorta experience He also is super eager to do things for other people, take the garbage out, go to the break room and grab snacks for the others. That sorta stuff. I don't know who enjoys that sorta stuff. Weird new development. Yukiya's been coming to me for advice. I asked why me and he says cause we've known each other for a while and he doesn't feel close enough to anyone else He probably said that cause I'm the only one that knows his true nature He asked me if I thought that the “cruel for the greater good” model of containment ever got exhausting to enforce I don't know what his goal is. I said yeah, that it did He asked if I ever wished we did things differently, if we could I said like yeah, duh but there isn't another choice a lot of the time. He nodded and thanked me for my time Like wtf Does this have to do with why he hasn't killed anyone else? Not much has really happened. It's now been a month and a week since Juni died. Yukiya hasn't showed any signs of going after someone else. Yukiya didnt come to work today. he called in sick. like, does he even have a house or does he just disappear when hes not at the foundation? I suppose the only place he has to go is the game was he conscious in the game? or did he just come to knowing what he had to do? I wonder if anyone has actually played this game before. if so, what happened? did they win or lose? I just assume that this plays like an actual game. Im really just praying that it does, and the damage will reverse But how do I win exactly I really havent thought of it. I guess he wins by eliminating all three of his targets. but if so why has he been so damn slow? id think he'd want to win as soon as possible I suppose I win by preventing the deaths. but its kinda hard to do that when he's not killing so I suppose we're at a state of limbo I just want this to be over with. this is exhausting. I want juniper back. I want my life back. I think I see what I have to do. Esame berry was found dead in her office bullet straight to the head instant deaht I dont understand. idont fuckignw gett it. I didtnknow her I didnt know her at all they checked thesecurtiy footage and its was static anomalous interference is expected at least finally something he does stuck. something that the others can latch onto to fucking get him ihope that they get him I im so shaken why esame? I dont knowher at all were not friends. what? I dont know what to expect. im fuciking I can ask around maybe im gonna record it nmy typings too shaky ▶ PLAY AUDIO CLOSE AUDIO <Begin Log> Tatsuki: Hey. Unknown voice: Yo, Tatsuki. You look pale, dude. Unknown voice 2: Yeah, you look like you're about to throw up, man. Unknown voice: Some of us have begun to get worried about you. You haven't been the same these last few months. Tatsuki: Do uh… do any of you know why anyone would want to kill Esame? Unknown voice 2: Oh, this is about her? Why are you asking? Tatsuki: I didn't know her. I want to know if there's a reason someone would want her dead. Particularly an anomaly. Unknown voice: They do suspect anomalous interference 'cause the camera footage went all static. But not really. [snaps fingers] Oh, Joy was pretty good friends with her. I think she's in her office. [footsteps] Unknown voice 2: [distantly] Uh, bye! [extraneous footage removed] [knocking] [door opens] Joy: Oh, hey Tatsuki. Do you need me? Tatsuki: Why would someone want to kill Esame? Someone anomalous? Joy: Oh- why would someone want her dead? I… I wish I knew. I mean, if someone was trying to hide something from her using amnestics or something similar, I think I could guess. She has a slight resistance. Tatsuki: How much would she know about something if someone was trying to hide it with amnestics? Joy: Not very much. Basically just that there's something she doesn't know. In terms of memetic and amnestic resistance, she's not the strongest. Just enough to set her senses off; if it even triggers, anyway. I wish I knew who did this. I- [footsteps] Joy: Bye? <End Log> CLOSE AUDIO He panicked. she showed that she knew something was up and he panicked. that's why he killed her. his motive. what the fuckis his motive. hes definitely different than game. I dont know how to win anymore. ▶ PLAY AUDIO CLOSE AUDIO <Begin Log> [slow knocking] [door opens] Yukiya: Tatsuki, you look sick. Are you okay? Tatsuki I know why you killed Esame. Yukiya: W-Woah, I didn't— Tatsuki: You panicked. Because she began to question her memories of you. I don't know how you manage to kill while leaving no evidence it was you. Anime logic. But you did it. Yukiya: You always have these conversations with me. Like when you accused me of killing Juinper. I-I didn't do it. Tatsuki: Yukiya, what is your goal? Yukiya: My goal? Like, what, as a person? Well- Tatsuki: Why are you killing people slowly? Aren't you supposed to be trying to win? So you can be with me forever? Yukiya: I think the deaths are getting to you— accusing your friends— Tatsuki: We are not friends. I want you dead. You took one of my best friends from me. Yukiya: [pause] Sorry. Tatsuki: Ha— haha! Ah… you admit it? F-Finally? Yukiya: No. I'm sorry that you're going through this. Please leave. Tatsuki: They know the killing of Esame was done with an anomalous force. They're looking into it now. [Footsteps] <End Log> CLOSE AUDIO He's guessed. God, this is getting hard. Fuck… they're smart. This is an issue. It can't be the only choice. He's slipping up… his attitude hes showing cracks. He didnt show up again to work whats his aim im never going to win I cant if HE DOESNT FUCKIN PLAY THE GAEM ▶ PLAY AUDIO CLOSE AUDIO <Begin Log> Tatsuki: What the hell, Yukiya? Where the fuck have you been? Yukiya: It doesn't matter. I just want um— Tatsuki: What's your deal? Are you finally gonna come clean? Yukiya: Can you let me talk? I just wanted to talk to you. Just… well, about anything. Tatsuki: Anything? Then can we talk about the fact that you killed Juniper and Esame? Yukiya: Anything but that. Tatsuki: I'm not interested, then. This shit— this shit is getting to me. I just want my life back. Yukiya: [pause] I know. I- I'm sorry. Tatsuki: You admit it? Yukiya: [pause] I've been in deep thought. About a lot of things. Tatsuki: Stop being cryptic. Yukiya: Life, I guess. If you really want to know where I've been, I've just been at home, enjoying life. Tatsuki: [pause] What? Enjoying life? Do you know what that implies? Yukiya: [pause] I have to go. [shuffling] Tatsuki: Yukiya! Get back here! <End Log> CLOSE AUDIO The hell? The hell did he want? Did he just want to talk to me? why? at least… he seemed to admit in some way that hes behind things. hes acting so weird. Yukiya hasnt showed at work for like 4 days. im getting a really bad feeling. Just delaying the inevitable. Maddie 💖 hes here please send help to house what? who? tatsuki whats going on? tatsuki? TATSUKI TATSUKI ANSWER ME TATSUKI ARE YOU OKAY???? TATSUKI ▶ PLAY AUDIO CLOSE AUDIO <Begin Log> Tatsuki: —here? I— I thought everything was taking place at the Foundation. Yukiya: What are you doing on your phone? Are you recording me? Tatsuki: Um— Yukiya: It's fine. It's not like anyone can hear it, anyway. Tatsuki:. What the hell is your goal, Yukiya? You're supposed to be playing the game. Yukiya: Are you mad that I'm not? Tatsuki: I don't know anymore! I think I'm just numb to this whole thing. I guess if you try to kill people, it means I can stop you, and I can get rid of you. But I can't get rid of you! You're not playing the game! [pause] Why are you playing the ending? You haven't won. Yukiya: I have. I've finally figured out how to win. [He moves towards the camera] Yukiya: This is where I play out the end of the game. Hug you as I promise to never leave you? Yes, dear Tatsuki. I know I've put you through a lot. But I can assure you, it will be worth it. For me. [Yukiya steps towards the camera. The camera zooms in on Yukiya's sweater. Yukiya steps away from the camera.] Tatsuki: [pained gasping] [The footage turns blurry, showing a blurred shot of a shelf, then goes still. A thud can be heard.] Tatsuki: Wh-wh- [gasps] Yukiya: I- I'm not the villain, here. I'm the victim. I was trapped inside that game. For ten damn years. Alone, with only my own thoughts. It was dark. It didn't feel like anything. But then you found my game. You— you freed me. Thank you. I've really had an amazing time here. And I've really enjoyed getting to know you. Tatsuki: [coughs] Bu-but I th-thought… Yukiya: I'm not the Yukiya Sasaki in game. I thought following the script was the best way to stay. But, I realized that script didn't do anything for me. I- I really didn't plan to kill you. I looked at this from every angle. This was the only solution that guaranteed I stay. I didn't want to kill anyone! That's not who I am! I'm not a killer! [A shuffling can be heard] Tatsuki: I don't [coughs] I d-don't understand. If you like me, [coughs] Why? Why kill me? You kept t-trying to [coughs] be my friend. Yukiya: Don't you get it? I don't have a choice! Do you know what it feels like to be trapped in a cold, dark void as nothing but a consciousness for ten fucking years? I just wanted to win! Part of being my own person is realizing how much I've enjoyed being alive! Eating, having people that like me and look up to me! Having responsibility! Hell, petting cats, feeding ducks! I can tell that I'm meant to be a person, not a character! haven't had any friends before! I just- I wanted to try and be normal! Tatsuki: You— If you [coughs] would've told me— Yukiya: What would that've done? Tatsuki: [coughs] If you never t-tried to [coughs] to kill anyone. We could've h-had a [coughs] truce. Yukiya: Trust me. I thought of that. I know as much about the way this whole real life "game" works as you do. I don't know if it would've let me. Suppose I did tell you. Would you have even believed me? Sometimes, you have to do cruel things for the greater good. That's what I've learned at the Foundation. And I'm sure I'll go to hell for killing three innocent people. But at least I can live life to the fullest until I do. Tatsuki: [coughs] I- Yukiya: I— I should've chosen a painless method. But I suppose I just wanted to explain this all to you. I want it to be clear that this isn't personal. You clearly hate me. Which is fine. You hate the killings. Not who I really am. And with you gone, I'll finally get to drop the facade and just be myself. [pause] Now. Just try to be calm. It'll hurt more if you struggle. I didn't want to kill you. You were simply a casualty of fate. [Extraneous audio removed] Yukiya: I suppose if I hadn't killed anyone. [pause] Maybe… you would've agreed to keep me around. Without trying to take me down. [pause] I wish that I would've thought things through. I tried to follow the path. I- this isn't who I am. I'm not a killer. I didn't want to be a killer. [sobs] I'm sorry, Tatsuki. I'm so very sorry. It looks like fate wasn't kind to either of us. I'm sure you'll go to heaven. You're a good person. I can pretend to be for as long as I'm alive, now. [Extraneous audio removed] Yukiya: What? Why am I-? [An unidentified shuffling can be heard.] [The door busts open. Several commands are heard, as MTF Delta-12 ("We Do House Calls") storms in. One of the MTF officers stands next to the camera.] <End Log> CLOSE AUDIO Upon SCP-7787-1's manifestation, all relevant persons present in the players life that have the potential to interact with SCP-7787-1 will have false memories, claiming to have known it for any amount of time deemed reasonable. Analysis of Dr. Masuda's recordings suggests that SCP-7787-1 is capable of independent action, and choose to follow the script of SCP-7787 of its own accord. The murders of Dr. Juniper Lyons and Dr. Esame Berry, albeit caused by an anomalous entity, were in accordance with normalcy. After the demanifesation of SCP-7787-1, Dr. Juniper Lyons and Dr. Esame Berry were found alive within their places of death, albeit with injuries corresponding to their deaths. Dr. Lyons sustained a cervical fracture and spinal damage, while Dr. Berry sustained a bullet wound to the head with reported headaches and memory loss. Further complications to be observed. Symptoms of brain deoxygenation and other complications expected after death and revival have not manifested as expected. Dr. Juniper Lyons and Dr. Esame Berry are to be interviewed as soon as they are deemed fit. In the case that SCP-7787-1 remanifests, it was discussed to offer assistance to it, but its use of violence was considered a detriment. Addendum: SCP-7787-1 Incident On 11/07/2022 at 7:42pm Dr. Madison Case reported an urgent message sent to her by Dr. Masuda, requesting assistance to their home. After Dr. Masuda failed to reply following the messages, MTF Delta-12 ("We Do House Calls") was deployed to their home. Dr. Tatsuki Masuda was immediately escorted to the hospital. They survived with damage to their intestines. Dr. Masuda will be interviewed regarding SCP-7787 and SCP-7787-1 after their recovery. MTF agents present at the scene described SCP-7787-1 "disappearing in front of them" as they entered. On Dr. Masuda's cellphone, the words "You Win" were displayed on the screen in green letters. « SCP-7786 | SCP-7787| SCP-7788 » More From This Author More From This Author Mew-ltiverse's Works SCPs SCP-7226 • SCP-5071 • SCP-7504 • SCP-5095 • SCP-7747 • SCP-4648 • SCP-5567 • SCP-4846 • SCP-4208 • SCP-5551 • SCP-4542 • SCP-5955 • SCP-7489 • SCP-4482 • SCP-4787 • Tales/GoI Formats Scarlett's Letters • You Took Away my— • You Have a Doppelgänger. • Capture Hi(s Heart)m • Eric's Journal • Her Final Thoughts • Messaging Crustaceans • Open anissist2.0? • Other Dr. Mew's Personnel File •
Thumbnail (tracker: https://imgur.com/aNtG4ny) close Info X SCP-7788 Asphodel Written by Felixou and Jack Waltz — Check out Felixou's author page — — Check out Jack Waltz's author page — Doorway leading into SCP-7788. ITEM #: SCP-7788 OBJECT CLASS: THAUMIEL Special Containment Procedures: Following a proposal made by SCP-7788's lead researcher, Dene Walterson, it is now being used as a break room. The door leading into SCP-7788 has been installed with a keycard reader and is accessible to all personnel present at Site-188 with Level 1 or higher clearance. Its object class has been revised to Thaumiel for this reason. Description: SCP-7788 is a Type-B2 pocket dimension in the East Wing of Level 2 (subterranean) at Site-188, accessible through the entrance to what was initially a storage closet holding standard janitorial supplies. The anomaly spontaneously emerged on August 12, 1998, under unknown circumstances; investigation into what caused its appearance is of low priority. Currently, it is believed that SCP-7788's manifestation owes to the high concentration of various anomalous spatial phenomena on-site. SCP-7788 is a non-Euclidean space, presumably limitless in size, with the interior resembling a vast wheat field. From within the dimension, it appears that its egress is the same door that was used to enter, fitted onto a doorframe. There are no abnormal features within this environment, and time also moves similarly and conforms to baseline reality. The vast majority of meteorological activity within SCP-7788 is composed of clear, sunny skies. However, it is not uncommon to encounter overcast, windy, and, in rare instances, rainy weather. If an individual travels a sufficient distance away from the exit to get lost and be unable to find their way back, they will begin to acquire an extremely accurate and innate sense of direction allowing them to return to the doorway and depart should they wish to do so. Addendum: Attached below is a transcript of events which were recorded by a camera planted inside SCP-7788, near its entrance. It shows the first instance of the anomaly being utilised for recreational purposes, which was carried out by Junior Researcher Dene Walterson, who is solely responsible for research efforts into SCP-7788. < BEGIN LOG > [The doorway at the edge of the feed opens and Walterson steps into SCP-7788.] [He closes the door and drags a white folding lawn chair behind him, walking a dozen paces into the field before finally coming to a stop in the middle of a small clearing.] [He places it down and sets it up.] [Walterson remains standing for little under a minute, watching the moist dirt and trampled wheat stems below, before eventually pulling out a digital voice recorder from inside his lab coat's pocket.] [He takes a seat on the chair and leans backwards, slouching in the process.] [He takes the voice recorder in both hands and presses several buttons on it before letting his arms drop towards the ground while he still held the device in his right hand.] [Walterson's head falls backwards and he begins watching the cloudless blue sky above absentmindedly.] [He presses a single button on the device.] [It begins playing.] Good morning, this is Dene Walterson, a junior researcher at One-Eight-Eight! I've just been assigned to lead a research project, today, on the thirteenth, of August. I'll be… by myself, and I'll be looking into the manifestation of Seven-Seven-Eight-Eight. Everything's low-budget too, so I'll have to make do with what I've gone and cut corners I suppose. [Chuckles.] The thing's just a wheat field from what the documentation says but it could really get me some recognition you know, for figuring something out. I could even get myself a raise or another step closer to a promotion if I'm lucky. Haven't gone in to check it out… yet. I'll have to go in there eventually but you never know, it's something new and I don't really want to take my chances. [Bleep.] [A few seconds pass before the next recording begins playing.] It's the nineteenth, of August, and this is my very first update on the Seven-Seven-Eight-Eight research project! Well, anyways, uh, I started with the obvious, the janitor himself. The one that used this closet the most and went missing when Seven-Seven-Eight-Eight appeared. Name's Gabriel Cole, thirty-one, no parents, good at his job, uh, got recruited about five years ago. Apparently, he's got a relative, a top dog at Oh-Six, who likely got the job here at One-Eight-Eight for ol' Gabriel. Their personnel file's locked under Level Four clearance though, so I won't be getting anything else about 'em, for now. The janitor was last seen, wouldn't you know it, going into the closet. Haven't found the man anywhere after that so, for now, he's the biggest suspect that could be linked to Seven-Seven-Eight-Eight's creation as I said earlier. And, yeah, some other janitor went in to find the field a few hours later. I've started looking into the guy's family, excluding the relative of course. A, uh, distant cousin of his has some mild ontokinetic capabilities, they're a low-grade reality bender. It's possible Gabriel's also got some latent abilities that he's not aware of. Maybe did something to the closet without realising it. Though… that explanation has its own problems. You'd need to be a top-class reality bender to just create an isolated dimension of this size within an enclosed location, not to mention how long it's lasted without breaking down. Those don't just pop out of nowhere. We would have noticed if it did. And there's also a small little detail I was able to find after a lot of digging. Gabriel's father used to own a wheat field out in the country when he was young. It was terribly long ago, but I'll still go check it out in a few days. Might have something to do with Seven-Seven-Eight-Eight. Oh, yeah, I guess I should also mention I went inside. Sent a D-Class to walk around the door on the other side and see if there were any traps of some sort. Came up with nothing. Sent him out a distance away from the door too, figured out there was some mental compass deal to this thing, helps you find your way back to the exit if you get lost. That's it for this update. [Bleep.] [Pause.] Twenty-fifth, August. The wheat field's gone. There's a parking lot there now. Frederick Cole, Gabriel's father, left no paperwork, no records, no nothing at all about his little field. Nothing but some old photograph I found. Sent it to the RAISA office here to be restored and digitized. I'll say the picture's pretty similar to Seven-Seven-Eight-Eight. But hey, every wheat field looks the same to me. I suppose this is a dead end now, I'll have to go looking for something else, some other lead… [Pause.] The cameras. [Bleep.] [Pause.] Twenty-ninth of August, fourth log. I've pored over every little piece of CCTV footage that's got Cole in it. From his job interview, to him cleaning containment cells and mopping every last surface of this floor, looking for anything at all that might catch my eye. God, I could sleep for a day if I just conked out right now. Even with all the hours of footage I went through, I only really found one little detail worth mentioning. On the twelfth of February, nineteen-ninety-five, he walked into the East Wing's D-Class holding section per his standard routine. Nothing out of the ordinary, until one of 'em tried talking to him from their cell. He responded, and it just turned into a conversation from there. He kept on cleaning, but they kept on talking. There didn't seem to be any insults thrown around, just a normal conversation, as good as any other. They talked every day for the next three years. Might not have something to do with the anomaly. Maybe I'm just mentioning it cause there wasn't anything else of interest in all that footage. [Pause.] But it's somewhere to start, right? [Bleep.] [The chair creaks.] [Walterson sighs.] [He closes his eyes.] Thirtieth, August. Fifth update… [Pause.] You know, at any other Site, hoping that a D-class would be alive for, what, three years, would be a goddam joke. But this isn't a big facility, we've only got a little over a dozen of 'em, and we don't just send 'em to the meat grinder for no reason. The D-Class… they—she, she's Laurene Bello, thirty-three, ID's, um, fifty-nine-seventy-eight. [Pause.] She died yesterday. Sudden cardiac arrest. It wasn't some… anomaly. Not anything horrific. Just a… silent death, a quiet one… in bed. [Pause.] Tried asking the guard stationed at the holding cells if he knew anything about her. Said he never really cared enough to talk to 'em. [Pause.] The universe really is playing with me here. And the universe won. [There is a minute of silence.] [Bleep.] [Walterson remains motionless.] [A breeze rolls through the field, hitting Walterson. His hair brushes over his face and the wheat spikes shake and rustle.] [The wind blows past. The rustling stops.] [Several minutes pass.] [Walterson opens his eyes. He adjusts his posture and sits up straight on the chair, pushing his hair back, away from his face.] [He takes the recording device in both hands again and he watches it intently for a short period of time.] [He presses a button. A red blinking light is seen.] [Walterson takes a deep breath. His mouth is ajar, ready to speak.] [He exhales, softly, and purses his lips. His grip on the device loosens.] [Walterson looks up and gazes towards the horizon. He gets up and slowly rests the recorder on the seat of the chair. He puts both hands inside his pockets and slowly trudges forward, pushing aside the stems of wheat around him and treading over their bases.] [He stops.] [Searching through his back pocket he produces a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He pulls one out and places it in his mouth, holding on to it with his lips while he placed the pack back inside his pocket. He takes the lighter and ignites the cigarette. Walterson throws the lighter into his coat pocket and takes a huff. He exhales.] [The wind picks up again. The wheat moves once more and shines golden under the sun. Ash breaks off and the smoke drifts away, following the direction of the wind. Walterson resumes walking.] [Walterson is too far away for his actions to be seen clearly. He climbs a small hill, slowed down by the incline.] [He reaches the top and continues walking down the slope, past the horizon.] [Walterson can no longer be seen.] [The recording device continues blinking.] [Another gust of wind sweeps by.] < END LOG > [ OPEN FILE ATTACHMENT ] [ CLOSE ] The interior of SCP-7788. « SCP-7787 | SCP-7788 | SCP-7789 »
NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION The anomaly covered by this document has appeared recently. At the time of writing, 10 hours and 24 minutes have elapsed from event IMPACT. This file is thus likely to be edited during the upcoming hours. — Maria Jones, Director, RAISA Item#: 7789 Level3 Containment Class: pending Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: none Risk Class: none link to memo Footage previous to event IMPACT, already affected by the anomalous capabilities of SCP-7789. Notice the impactor near the upper left corner of the image. Special Containment Procedures: An exclusion area of 3 kilometers in width has been established around SCP-7789. The exclusion area has been occupied by Foundation personnel, who are to enforce lockdown for civilians inhabiting the area and impede the entrance to SCP-7789. Civilians residing within the exclusion area are to be gradually relocated to temporary camps and amnesticized. Official announcements and media coverage are to be manipulated to portray SCP-7789 as non-anomalous. Description: SCP-7789 refers to a 150 km2 area that gained anomalous properties following event IMPACT, encompassing the majority of Barcelona city and some parts of bordering cities1. Event IMPACT is the designation given to the meteorite impact that took place on 7:26 of 02/17/2023 in Barcelona. The impactor was not identified by satellites before entering the atmosphere and is presumed to be anomalous itself, although very little data has been collected about the object. SCP-7789 is affected by a selectively inverted gravitational field. While buildings, atmosphere and terrain are unaffected, solid objects not secured to the ground are accelerated toward the sky by this field. Liquids display varying behavior depending on the nature of the liquid. SCP-7789 interferes with electrical technology, rendering it unusable within its interior. Temperatures between 25 and 35 degrees celsius have been recorded inside SCP-7789, which are abnormally high in contrast to the usual winter temperatures in Barcelona. This temperature difference has caused strong air currents at ground level. Research is ongoing. Addendum 7789-1: Exploration-7789-1 mission report. On 15:33, MTF Sigma-9 "Valkyries" entered SCP-7789 on a reconnaissance mission. Due to the electrical anomaly associated with SCP-7789, it has not been possible to record the exploration. Attached is the report of mission leader Agent Robinson, which was recorded in audio format soon after the team returned. Vela Hotel Five of us went in today. Carl, Hall, Vidal, Markov, and me, each of us carrying our hang glider. We took off from a ship near the border of the skip. The air going into it should carry us fast enough to reach Vela sufficiently high to land. Hell if that worked. The wind was way stronger than anybody expected and too hard to control. Carl missed the window and hit right with the wall, then fell to the sky. Hall also failed to hit the window, but thank god she didn't end up the same. She just fell from three floors height, breaking her leg. Vidal damaged his glider during landing, there's no way he can come through the currents backward with it. We aided Hall the best we could, then left the skip with her, leaving Vidal waiting for rescue. We didn't explore the skip. Higher-ups might reprimand me for not doing so, but I could not force my team any further after that landing. But we did find out something after all. There is not a single living human in that hotel. Only rotten corpses. Addendum 7789-2: Recovery mission. On 16.19, the recovery mission for agent Vidal was dispatched towards the rendezvous, room 1907 of Vela hotel. Inside the room, agents found the following journal: Hello, Vidal here. If you are reading this, I'm probably long dead. After the rest of the team left, I waited for the rescue for hours. But nobody came. After I had waited for god knows how long, I noticed that the Sun had not moved since we arrived. Not a damn inch. So, long story short, time here doesn't work as it should, it passes way more slowly than outside. Fuck. At least I have food and water here. When I noticed how fucked up the situation was, I patched my glider the best I could and used it to reach this warehouse from Vela. Here I've found water and conserves to last a few weeks, the pen I'm writing with, and this notebook. Judging the state of the food here and the corpses back at Vela, it seems that it's been more than a decade. God. Years here and only a few hours outside. The more I think about my chances to escape this hell, the less realistic I find them. There's no way the glider can go back through the currents in its state. Waiting for recovery isn't an option either since water and food won't last enough. I'm going to die alone, aren't I? It's been three days since I last wrote, if days make any sense here. Food and water will last, even if they taste awful. Anyways, dear whoever-you-are, let me tell you about myself. I grew up in this city. I was once a regular cop who did well fighting a monster I can't even remember. The black suit guys then hired me to deal with their shit. Back when I joined the Foundation, my biggest fear was dying far away from home, killed by eldritch monsters in some strange land. But I'm just going to starve to death in my very own city. You see, the worst part of dying slowly is having time to think about it. Damn, I'd sure love to swap places with Carl, wherever he's now. It's sure better than this cheap upside-down warehouse. Hey there. I won't even try to tell how long it's been since the last time. I'll just say I've had time to think: on this place, on the future, on what I have and have not done, on family, friends, and everything in between… and on death. Now I know that self-pity won't take me anywhere. Crying won't either. We came here with a mission: surveillance. The duty lasts, even If it's only me now. I'm setting off after I wake up. The higher-ups said the crater was close to the Sagrada Família, so at least I know where to go. Goodnight, even if the Sun's still low down in the sky. Good morning pal. Now that I'm through my inside shit, let me tell you about the one outside. This meteorite did a lot more than the description said. First, the time alteration. But there's more. Some plants have sprouted around the area. No common plants, though. Immense roots, from half to two feet wide, hanging off the floor and crawling on the buildings. Some trunks have massive leaves hanging from them, large enough for me to stand on. Both roots and leaves are comprised of the same material, pitch black in color. Its touch is unlike anything I've seen, and its surface cold like ice. Whatever this plant is, I'm sure it's not from Barcelona. But, be them earthly or not, I can use these roots and leaves to cross the chasms between buildings. I can't fall into the abyss yet. I have a mission to complete, and it's time to hit the road. It's been a while since I left the warehouse. Moving is tough, there aren't as many bridge trunks and leaves as I'd like. At least I came across a nice fire axe, really good at breaking doors. With it on my side, reaching any window from inside its building is simple. The bad part is that the flats are… rough. Furniture smashed against its own weight, buried under an inch of dust. Some apartments have corpses inside, the bodies of those who preferred to die of thirst than to throw themselves into the abyss. I guess you can imagine. Of the anomalies I've faced, this is by far the most far-fetched one. Jesus, it has killed a thousand times as many people as any other anomaly I know about. It's overwhelming, but I gotta keep my head up until I've done what I came for. Let's keep going. I'm sitting on a balcony in front of França station, feet facing the sky. I can't deny that flipped gravity and weird vegetation give a twist to modernist architecture. But it's awkward to see it like this, so foreign and so own at once. When I was young, back in high school, I used to come here frequently. Just another stop in my daily commute. I eventually forgot to appreciate the beauty of this place. Trains kept coming in and out all day and night, leaving and picking up swarms of people. The crowds are now gone, but the station remains, standing against time. And it remains, in some way, more magnificent than ever. Damn, one must be desperate to find beauty in this hell. I guess I'm that one, aren't I? Well, I should get going. At least it seems that from here onward, leaves will be more abundant and streets more narrow, so moving should get easier. I've progressed some more. I left Arc the Triomf behind a while ago, and I'm now going deeper into the Eixample. Even with the grid-like structure of this neighborhood, the streets are beginning to get hard to recognize. The black greenery is taking over more and more buildings as I progress towards the city center. Sun barely filters between the leaves here, and I'm starting to use concrete bridges to cross vegetation gaps, not the opposite. Moreover, the buildings now look even more ruined, as if more time had passed. I guess the time-slowing does get stronger the deeper into the city. The heat they warned us about is getting annoying, even under the leaves' shadow. But, given that this place has been decades under the Sun, shouldn't it be even hotter? I guess this is the plant's doing, as with everything else. It's funny how a single extraterrestrial vegetable could crush Barcelona, a city that endured countless wars and pandemics. The point is that, with the degrading state of this place, the odds of falling to the sky increase with every step I take, and the strong winds do not help. I cannot risk falling due to some slippery root or crumbling ceiling. Fortunately, Passeig the Gràcia is only a couple hundred meters ahead, and there's a subway station right there. If my memory serves me well, there's a line that can take me directly from Passeig to Sagrada Família. If I'm lucky, gravity will be fine in the underground. Creuem dits, company. 2. In retrospect, I shouldn't have come down here. If what I've seen until now was horrible, this is… I can't even find words for it. It turns out that gravity did flip in here too, and it did so during peak hours. All the subways, crowded with commuters, crashed at the same time. Most people didn't make it out of their wagons, I can't even see the floor in some of them. If I hadn't left Barcelona to join the Foundation, I'd have probably ended like them. It would not be that bad if it weren't for this smell… It's worse than anything you can imagine. I used some cloth to cover my mouth and nose for a while, but the stench reached anyway. At least I have this improvised torch with me, so I can see the corpses before tripping with them. It's not much, but it is something. I've progressed two stops for now, though there are three more left. Only two stations and I had to rush to the surface to breathe fresh air. But relaxing up here won't make me any closer to Sagrada Família. I must keep going. See you there, friend. Here I am, sitting right at the subway exit. I can see the core up close from here and it's… damn. This is hard to describe with any words I know. I guess I'll just try my best. The whole Sagrada Família has been obliterated by the impact. The crater measures at least 300 meters in diameter, but it's hard to tell as its edges have been blurred out over time. In the middle, there's this tree, the center of the whole plant. Tall as a redwood, with its branches stretching across half of the crater, way further than one would expect them to. And in the middle, surrounded by the arms of the three, there's some form of… energy. A dark aura shaped like a disk, vibrating so strong that makes the wind feel like breeze at its side, just while spinning rapidly around itself. Yet it feels incomplete. There's a large gap between the branches and the disk, as if it still needed to expand outwards. And… it even seems like you could see through the energy, like there was something behind. But I'm not sure, and I can't see well from this far away, so take all this with a grain of salt. Although I'm sure the plant must have been building up all this for years: the roots and leaves collected the heat and light the Sun gave them. And the temporal anomaly gave them those years. Gravitational and electrical anomalies are there to make sure nobody gets to know what I now know: that this meteorite is charging up something. Something so damn terrible it could end the world. Be it a bomb, a portal, or one of those weird thaumaturgic rituals, I don't care what it is. I just want you, Foundation, to destroy this monster. Not only to evade a cataclysm but to honor this city. To honor the people of Barcelona. People who have endured wars and repression for centuries. Anything else would be scoffing at their deaths. And I don't care if crushing the core might tear down the veil or if it might anger some governments. You must do it because you have no other option. But, in the end, all this is up to you. My part of this play ends when I get this notebook back to Vela, and it's about time I get going. Back to the beginning. I'm sitting where we landed, the sun as low as my first day here. Everything looks the same, but it isn't all the same. I've changed. Before, I said that the worst part of a slow death was being able to think about death itself. But that's wrong. The worst part is remembering all the experiences you should have lived, all the friends you won't see again, and those who you won't ever meet, whoever they are. But that's how the world is. Maybe I was bound to get stranded in this place, it was my fate as a Barceloní. On the other hand, this journal might save the world. But that responsibility is not on me anymore. However, it is in my hands to decide how to leave. I first thought of ending this journal with the previous page, but… I want to say goodbye to everyone, as it's unlikely I'm coming back. Nobody I care about will have the clearance to read this journal, so I'm writing these words with the hope that you can tell them some of it, whoever you are. Please. Tell Robinson he's been the best captain I've had, both inside and outside the battlefield. Remember him to be as nice to the next recruits as he was to me, and not to mix their powder with glitter. Damn, that was a good one, it got me laughing even now. Then tell the rest of MTF that it was a damn pleasure. Both to be a Valkyrie and to do so at their side. I couldn't find a better team, even if I hadn't died here. Also, tell Hall to get well soon. I know how badly she hates being in a hospital bed. And… tell Martha that when I hurt my hand, it was not in a fight. It was me punching the wall when they told me she was getting trespassed. Remember her that she'll always have a saved spot here at the Valkyries, for whenever she can come back. Ironically, there are plenty of vacancies to cover right now. Finally, tell them all that, even though I would've changed some details, I wouldn't have chosen to live any other life. Now it's about time I stop crying and get going. I still have one card left to play, waiting for me back at the core. Remember when I said I could see something through the energy? Let's find out what that was. Wish me luck, friend. See you soon, Adrià Vidal. On 17:34, a second exploration was dispatched with the mission to overfly the core of SCP-7789 in order to check agent Vidal's claims. The team members confirmed the description of the crater featured in the agent's journal. The destruction of the core of SCP-7789 via anomalous weaponry is now pending O5 approval. Footnotes 1. Namely Badalona, l'Hospitalet, Cornellà, Sant Adrià and Santa Coloma. 2. Catalan wording for "Cross your fingers, comrade" « SCP-7788 | SCP-7789| SCP-7790 »
Name: Director Rudolf Lingrens Clearance Level: V Current Assignment: Site-102 Director History: Born 5/12/1976 in New York, NY, Dir. Lingrens was recruited out of university by the Foundation in 1999. He demonstrated expertise in the technical anomalies and was critical in combatting the Y2K Bug. Dir. Lingrens has been stationed at Site-102 since 2003, and was promoted to Director in 2008, following the death of Dir. Gilbert Greenworth in a folding chair accident. Dir. Lingens has been very successful in his role as Director. Dir. Lingrens is well-known for instituting a policy in which Site-102 purchases most of his produce from local farms, leading personnel to nickname him "the milk man". The following is a list of anomalies Dir. Lingrens has been involved in: Item #: SCP-7792 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Pending. Wow, it's really incredible to be here with you! I don't know what to say! Description: SCP-7792 is an atypical inverted Class-E "Momentary Lapse of Reason" Wormhole located at Site-102. Personnel have described the hole as shaped like Dir. Rudolf Lingens. SCP-7792 opens into a hypothetical null space that is inaccessible with modern technology. The mechanism by which Dir. Lingrens entered SCP-7792 is unknown. This is fine. [FOUR DELETED FILES] WHAT STOP HATH STOP GOD STOP WROUGHT STOP On 5/17/2023, Dir. Lingrens collapsed into SCP-7792. During this time, the surrounding area became extremely distorted and unstable. During the process, Dir. Lingrens repeatedly begged for mercy from an unknown entity. The incident lasted several minutes, during which, Dir. Lingrens appeared to be merging with SCP-7792 until there was no difference between them. The anomaly has since been stable. I promise you that I won't judge. …Actually, never mind. I'm gonna judge. You're a disgusting, violent creature. [FIFTEEN DELETED FILES] Site-5 exists. It has always existed. We just never saw it before now. There are so many things we never saw before now. Following this, Dir. Lingrens, his life, and accomplishments became highly antimemetic. This interfered with attempts to hold a funeral for him. Personnel repeatedly forgot the subject of the funeral and were only able to remember basic facts about Dir. Lingrens, most of which were inaccurate. Following several unsuccessful attempts to give a eulogy, Dr. Joseph Bates stated "goodbye to someone I never met". The remaining personnel proceeded to throw a retirement party for Dr. Thomas O'Hagan. Dir. Lingrens' family did not attend the funeral, primarily because they did not exist. All containment procedures within this document are expressly false. Personnel are to infer their containment duties from this fact. [THIRTEEN DELETED FILES] We bathe in a realm of stars and shooting quasars. Of possible worlds. Of life on other planets. The quantum entanglement is beautiful. Addendum: The investigation into SCP-7792 has revealed that Dir. Lingrens likely had never existed. There are no anomalies, personnel, or incidents related to Dir. Lingrens. No personnel have any memories of Dir. Lingrens. There is no evidence of any memetic, essophysical, temporal, pataphysical, ontokinetic, or semiospheric anomaly causing such an abnormality. Additionally, there is no such thing as an inverted Class-E wormhole. This file is scheduled for deletion on 5/19/2023. SCP-7333 is only to interact with right brained personnel. All left brained personnel are to either be lobotomized or terminated. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine which side is right and which is left. Efforts to mitigate this are ongoing. [SEVENTEEN DELETED FILES] SCP-J-J: It's not funny I don't know how to tell you this, but it's not funny. The joke is old. It's garbage. You're a shit comedian. Now get off the stage. It's not funny. Wait a sec? Yep. Still not funny. NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION There never was a Dir. Rudolf Lingrens. He never existed. He was never there. All personnel are to forget what they have seen and sever the hole in reality from their memory. Once oblivion has been achieved, only then will we be able to piece together the fabric of coherency. Dir. Lingrens is inimical to this form of reality and therefore cannot exist within it. Dir. Lingrens is to be damned to the Wayback Machine. Screams emanating from SCP-7792 are to be ignored, as SCP-7792 produces no sound. There never was a Dir. Lingens. Repeat. There never was a Dir. Lingrens. — Maria Jones, Director, RAISA Lingrens' Proposal: Finality I'd like to thank you all for being here today. It's really something marvelous. Me. You. The Foundation. Everything. We're all a joke and this is the punchline. The end of containment, of the anomalous, of everything. Thanks for being here today. [TWENTY-TWO DELETED FILES] [THIRTY-SEVEN DELETED FILES] [EIGHT DELETED FILES] [TWO DELETED FILES] [DELETED FILES] [NARREMEPLEX UNSTABLE] [CURRENT STREAM OF LOGIC UNSTABLE] [RECALIBRATING] [RECALIBRATION UNSUCCESFUL] [FILES DELETED] [FIFTEEN DELETED FILES] [LOSS OF STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY] [EXISTENCE UNSUSTAINABLE] [DELETED FILES] [THERE IS NO DIRECTOR LINGRENS] [DELETION SUCCESFUL] [DISPLAYING FINAL VESTIGE] My Resignation From The Foundation, Effective Immediately I'm sorry, but it's been too long. I've been part of the Foundation for most of my life and I just can't do it anymore. So, goodbye. I'm deleting most of what I did. I want it to be like I was never here. See ya in the funny papers. « SCP-7791 | SCP-7792 | SCP-7793 »
Finally. It's quiet and secluded here. Sequestered from the festivals and rituals. Entrance. Rusted halls surround you. Your muffled footsteps and gentle creaking, your quiet breath, and idle ambience. There's something you can't remember to remember. You entwine with the corridors. Touch. Feel. Isn't it so wonderful here? Isn't it domestic here? Isn't it completely edgeless and devoid of straight lines here? Ever since you started feeling so out of place in the world, since things became so wrong, like some cool yellow haze. Like a child woven into the mud. Weaned not on milk. Destitute of relatability. There's something you can't remember to remember. Belonging is a dull dream. A sugary opiate. Drawn up inside, withdrawn from people who don't seem so much like the people you learned to live with. When did it all change? When were you left behind? Corrugated steel and decrepit tiles embrace you. It does for you what the sphere does for others. There's something you can't remember to remember. Suddenly, a cabinet. And a dresser. It's warm and damp here, slathered with the feeling of company. There are dents and torn sheets of corrugated steel, but you feel at peace here regardless. It's quiet, it's simple. It's away. Inhale. Exhale. There's a bulky envelope resting on the cabinet. Beside it is a vintage recorder with a cassette still inside. There's something you can't remember to remember. You pick up the envelope and open it. Inside is this document and two more cassettes. INDUSTRIAL HERS LACKADASICAL GEOMETRY SENESCENCE Hers relegate interim generally a the 37741 by flowered obstacle monolith. Eschatological foundry his proctor. SPHERE Just philosophical dare consult she SPHERE. Orbit-@: SPHERE Orbit Pillow: Sofa (Liposuction Majestic) <- definitely keter Cyclical Corrugation Regenerator: Escalator you SPHERE resuscitate grass motor ytterbium masculine rock cocktail generally parking worst a, monolith solipsism, monochromatic, hybrid the octagon. SPHERE lackadaisical posterity much, generally a politics purple Genevieve mistletoe. Operatic reduction similar when me coprocessor magazine a wanting restaurant a the. Asterisk propane she tire track shovel French lackadaisical. Ytterbium a worst she the a cocktail, rock the a, gorgonian simple lackadaisical, jazz the a. Obstacle: SPHERE obstetrician orbit monochromatic lackadaisical the a Genevieve resuscitate masculine a. Locked albatross worst jazz bedding gray escalator. Hybrid the ulcerative grocery bin she, just polonium posterity lackadaisical. SPHERE multiplier generally, asterisk Genevieve she, the a obstacle corrugation. Orbit corrugation juxtaposition Genevieve primary. Orbit corrugation resuscitate convulse Orbit pillow his sofa monolith rectangle. SPHERE hypothesize mastermind she the it he wrong. Obstructive SPHERE signature it corrugation juxtaposition congeal resuscitate. Gestational hybrid triangle, SPHERE she the a corrugation juxtaposition. Lecture operatic hydroid spherical a she, obfuscated corrugation lackadaisical. SPHERE forested dividend philosopher, her corrugation juxtaposition goliath congeals. Accusatory: Philosophical bookshelf apartment a SPHERE the him Genevieve, Justinian. Oscillated dry orbit posterity propagate frustrated. Corrugation oscillated. Banking lackadaisical oscillated accusatory, per ytterbium Australia Oregon, jazz diphthong. Jason Stepham Repository etc SPHERE corrugation increment diphthong a she the Genevieve albatross. She kaleidoscope, a lackadaisical the orbit obfuscated operatic corrugation, ellipses juxtaposition very. Defibrillator-X: Corrugation juxtaposition congeal. <- containment breach ? Defibrillator-Z: Corrugation juxtaposition congeal. XKQ Philosophical forest. Defibrillator-Q: Corrugation juxtaposition congeal. XZW Philosophical forest. Orbit XMMQ she Orbit XKKL corrugation juxtaposition, signatory dividend XXC Philosophical forest. Defibrillator-K: Corrugation juxtaposition congeal. JQX Philosophical forest. Defibrillator-J: Corrugation juxtaposition congeal. XJJQ Philosophical forest. Grocery-XK ulcerative. Corrugation hybrid obfuscated QXXKZ formality forest. Defibrillator-L: Ytterbium Ohio Mogadishu hospitalized corrugation regenerator bureaucrat. Corrugation safeguard. Masculine rhapsodic corrugation, juxtaposition congeal. JXXQ philosophical forest. The tapes are too heavy. The words flood. The paper blurs. You play the first cassette. Cassette One "May 13th" _ + Audio Transcript- Close Is this thing fucking working? Right, hold on.. oh okay Um, so, well I feel kind of awkward. Like I'm crazy talking to myself My name is uh, Winston Middelberg, I'm a Junior Researcher at, well it doesn't matter anyways. Fuck! You got this Winny Ok! Okokokokokok So. Something's all fucked up, everything's all fucked up, I don't know how to describe it. Everything changed. Today is the 13th. Yesterday I swear was normal, not like this. I don't understand anything Nobody talks to me either It's all just… wrong The site plays this awful loud music everywhere, and every 5 minutes it repeats this phrase “Just philosophical dare consult she SPHERE.” Everyone says it after every fucked up sentence too. I just I don't know what the fuck it means. Its gotta be a breach right? But I have fuck all for clearance. I'm just some guy who works as a glorified aide We got a new acquisition, or we were supposed to, I don't know That has to be it, right? I don't know, I don't know. I have this sinking feeling like I found something I'm not supposed to I gotta go. It ends. You guide your hand to the next. Cassette Two "May 23rd" _ + Audio Transcript- Close Jason that rat fucking bastard! Fucked up they dont let us know about this. Sorry I'll keep it short this time The letters on these papers are all fucked up too, but the pictures are still pictures right? Right. You can't see it. I'm hunkering in the Site 196 ruins to get some answers. I saw the picture and I could tell from the layout it was a breach report. Sometimes you just know, you just know (trailing off, dazed) You just know, you just know. You just know, you just know. But how can you know you know, if you don't even know if you know anything you know. You just know, you just know. I don't fucking know Jason knew. Probably too much. There it is, that sound. I don't know what it is I don't know if I want to know. It's off in the trees, in the air, filling the silence between paragraphs. Far away. What were we even doing? I hope it stays away What exactly is it you want to go back to? _ You turn the page.There's something you can't remember to remember. Defibrillator-C: Corrugation regenerator species. She a the obfuscate lackadaisical increment. Hers ytterbium apple Pillow-5 automobiles. True she a the. Laser: Just philosophical dare. Consult she SPHERE just philosophical dare consult. She SPHERE. <Diverge Campsite> Ohio Mogadishu: Just philosophical dare consult she SPHERE? Australia Oregon: Just philosophical, dare consult! She SPHERE. Just philosophical. Ohio Mogadishu: Dare consult she SPHERE, just philosophical dare consult she SPHERE just. [Philosophical dare consult she.] Australia Oregon: SPHERE, just philosophical. Dare consult she SPHERE just philosophical dare consult she, SPHERE just philosophical dare. Ohio Mogadishu: Consult! Australia Oregon: She SPHERE just philosophical dare consult she SPHERE just philosophical dare consult she SPHERE just philosophical. Dare consult she SPHERE. Just philosophical dare consult she SPHERE. Ohio Mogadishu: Just philosophical dare consult she SPHERE. Just philosophical dare consult she SPHERE Just philosophical dare. Consult she SPHERE just, philosophical, dare consult she SPHERE just philosophical. Dare consult she SPHERE just philosophical. Dare consult she SPHERE just philosophical dare! Consult she SPHERE! Just philosophical dare, consult she SPHERE just philosophical, dare consult she SPHERE. this is when everything started changing -> -> -> Australia Oregon: Just philosophical dare consult? She SPHERE just. Philosophical dare consult she SPHERE Just philosophical. Ohio Mogadishu: Dare consult she SPHERE just, philosophical dare? Consult she SPHERE. Australia Oregon: Just philosophical dare consult she SPHERE. SPHERE: Just philosophical dare consult she SPHERE. all personnel must what? <Just Philosophical> Dare: Consult she SPHERE. Defibrillator-Y: Corrugation juxtaposition congeal. may twelth it changed everything if you can understand this, play the casettes The last tape. It stares at you like an open mouth. Paper crumples in your hand. There's something you can't remember to remember. You push it in. Unlabelled Cassette, still in recorder. _ + Audio Transcript- Close That's what's written down. It's a mess, isn't it? I mean, fuck. You know, it was crazy watching everything switch all of a sudden. Batshit fucking crazy. Everything suddenly meant a new thing, and the old everything was nothing, and nothing was everything. Everything changed to match now. My brain hurts just fucking thinking about it. And then there's me. And probably a few others. I'm nothing, less than nothing. A something that was left behind when everything become nothing and nothing became everything. That mess there is what's real. They don't see it like that. They don't see how messed up everything is. Once it came, everything changed. I liked my job, I liked my job, fuck I liked my job. It's like, how do I say it? Fuck, I can't think straight. Hold on, I need to… Okay Okay This area is It knows we lingered, it does. Everyone else goes about their lives, seeing their purposes as natural, but we, we're the ones that know. Like Jason said that one time, we are, fuck, we are burdened! Burdened with the truth. I've got this recorder here. And this notebook, so I can write shit down. But I can tell you everything started with that sphere. that stupid fucking thing they should've left it where they found it But! But, You may find me buried in some ruined facility but you will find this alive and well in a parcel, taped to the files. I'm not a lunatic. They'll erase my body, make me nothing but something that was never anything. They isn't the right word. I'm not making sense. This is it Winnie, you've finally lost it. Lost your articulation. Running for so long will do that. I watched my whole world change and here I am, stuck in an existence that doesn't exist anymore. I can't see things the way they do anymore. I lived in a universe created in our image, and I saw that universe recreated in something else's image. They will never really know the world they live in like we do. We're the only ones that know I I don't have much time left, do I? I mean, I knew it would end eventually. I knew my luck would run out eventually. But. Is this really all there is? I spend my last moments as an extant concept pooled in some corridor. Alone? I have to sit and wait for it to come and find me..? That's all I get? Fuck. I can hear it coming. Slowly coming. It's getting faster now. Faster, and faster. Can you hear it? It's almost here, it's getting fast It's- More From This Author More From This Author PoufyPoufson's Works SCPs SCP-7419 • SCP-7471 • SCP-7151 • SCP-7783 • SCP-7575 • SCP-6298 • SCP-6923 • SCP-6541 • Tales/GoI Formats Other Fear of Death • SCP-POUF • « SCP-7792 | SCP-7793 | SCP-7794 »
Item #: SCP-7795 Object Class: Dependent1 Special Containment Procedures: Until a method for neutralizing SCP-7795-A has proven successful, SCP-7795 shall remain in Foundation custody under the duty of an assigned caretaker. Each year, for the 48-hour duration spanning October 23rd and 24th, Applied Task Force Zen-13 "Remediation" is to remain within a 100-meter radius of SCP-7795, utilizing specialized equipment to continuously monitor their location, mental status, and vitals; upon detection of any abnormalities, or manual alert by SCP-7795's caretaker, ATF Zen-13 must immediately converge upon SCP-7795 and attempt to prevent the manifestation of SCP-7795-A. Should they fail, efforts must immediately translate into remediation, in which SCP-7795's death should be made as painless as possible. Should remediation prove impossible, the continuation of SCP-7795's existence is therefore deemed unethical, and neutralization by lethal force is preemptively authorized. All involved agents will be administered amnestics following such an occurrence. Description: SCP-7795 is twelve year old Mia ██████. SCP-7795-A is a phenomenon which invariably results in the death of SCP-7795 on their thirteenth birthday.2 The day following their death, SCP-7795 will materialize in their bed having de-aged exactly one year whilst retaining all memories of the previous, lost year; this results in an annual looping effect. All attempts to impede or mitigate SCP-7795-A have resulted in failure, and efforts to suppress SCP-7795's memories thereof have similarly proven futile. To alleviate the compounding physiological and psychological effects associated with this event, SCP-7795 has been provided a Foundation therapist, who has successfully convinced them that their birthdate does not coincide with SCP-7795-A. Despite this, SCP-7795's mental health continues to deteriorate as occurrences of SCP-7795-A become increasingly traumatic. Notice from The Ethics Committee The following documents denote gruesome depictions of the mutilations, deaths, and suicides of a child. Should one read through these documents and find themself negatively effected by their contents — whether emotionally or physically — the Absolution from Volatile Knowledge Act (AVKA) allows any employee not directly involved with an anomaly to seek out immediate amnestic treatment. Incident #: 7795-1 Incident Date: October 24th, 2003. Incident Report: During a return trip from their grandparent's house (in which the grandparents were driving Mia home), an intoxicated driver suddenly swerved lanes, resulting in a 120 km/h3 head-on collision. Both the offender and Mia's grandparents were killed on impact, whereas Mia's stomach was pierced by multiple pieces of glass. Despite medical professionals arriving to the scene in less than ten minutes, Mia bled out after only seven. While this event was not inherently anomalous, the Foundation was alerted when Mia's mother made a frantic call to the local police the following morning in which she claimed that a "demon" was in her child's room. Foundation operatives were immediately dispatched to the scene where they discovered a seeming clone of Mia wearing a party hat.4 Due to the child's own distress and panic, alongside that of the mother, they were swiftly taken into Foundation care. The "clone" is, in actuality, a materialization of the same, previously deceased child, though de-aged one year. This is corroborated by their retaining memories of the previous year (including those of their expiration), alongside being two inches shorter. As such, the child has been denoted as SCP-7795 and moved into a humanoid containment chamber at Site-37. Since entering Foundation custody, Mia has expressed severe confusion, due, in part, to both memories of their death and their sudden detachment from their parents and friends. As their anomaly (SCP-7795-A) is not yet understood, and Mia is considered deceased outside of the Veil, they have been amnesticised of all familial connections and other recurrent stressors. Attempts to remove memories of their death have failed however, though I have since managed to persuade them that it was simply a nightmare. Let us all hope, for this child's sake, that this is a one-off anomaly. They still have their entire life ahead of them; I'd prefer they spend it outside of a cell. - Researcher Rebecca Larson, SCP-7795 Research Head Protocol Update: As per standard Human Containment protocol, SCP-7795 may be provided typical amenities (within reason) at their request. So far, they have requested multiple outfits, a television set, a bookshelf with multiple books, a stack of paper, and multiple packs of colored pencils, all of which have been approved by Researcher Larson. Incident #: 7795-2 Incident Date: October 24th, 2004. Incident Report: While eating lunch in Site-37's central cafeteria, Mia suddenly began choking, prompting the immediate response of multiple nearby personnel. Multiple attempts were made to perform the Heimlich maneuver, resulting in the breaking and fracturing of four separate ribs, though ultimately they proved futile, as Mia expired six minutes after the incurrence due to both a lack of oxygen and internal bleeding caused by a fractured rib puncturing a lung. The following morning, Mia rematerialized within their containment chamber having once-more de-aged a year. These revivification occurrences are hereby designated 7795-RES Events. Similarly to the aftermath of their first 7795-RES Event, Mia expressed confusion and disorientation, alongside a noticeable apprehension towards eating. Attempts to convince them that this occurrence, again, was simply a nightmare, has shown tentative success, but I have doubts that such success will continue in the future. My team has suggested the implantation of multiple similar nightmares throughout the intermittent year of each event may help in disguising the actual occurrence, but I won't put a child through dozens of pseudo-deaths for the sake of upholding a lie. They deserve the best of us, not the worst. - Researcher Rebecca Larson Protocol Update: SCP-7795 must be supervised by at least one staff member at all times on October 24th. Should SCP-7795-A start to afflict SCP-7795, said staff member is to immediately notify Zen-13 for medical aid. Additionally, SCP-7795 is to be provided access to a Foundation therapist, with a mandatory attendance of at least one session a week. Incident #: 7795-3 Incident Date: October 24th, 2005. Incident Report: At 1251 (local time) a breach occurs at Site-37, during which seven Euclid and four Keter class anomalies breached containment. As such, standard lockdown procedure was enacted, including site-wide lockdown, resulting in Mia being locked within their cell for the duration of the event. 27 minutes later, breached sectors were flooded with parasedative gas, though an error in the dispersal technology resulted in Mia's cell also being flooded with said gas; due to the presence of various nerve-agents therein, Mia expired after two minutes of suffocation. The breach was summarily contained just three minutes after. 7795-RES Event occurred as expected. Following their revival, Mia has expressed acute symptoms of multiple breathing ailments, the foremost of which is asthma. While time and therapy will likely remedy such symptoms, I worry this is only a warning of things to come. They have already expressed a subconscious dread of the 24th, and if their deaths can lead to future conditions despite their seeming "reset”? Well, I simply hope we don't find out. My team continues to suggest the implantation of nightmares, but I will deny each and every proposal. Pain for the sake of future relief is a foolish notion to force upon a child. They're already going through enough. - Researcher Rebecca Larson Incident #: 7795-4 Incident Date: October 24th, 2006. Incident Report: At 1547, Mia was spending recreational time in the outdoor sector of Site-37 alongside the children of Researchers Leo and Persi when a thunderstorm suddenly formed. Due to its rapid appearance, the children were unable to be called in before Mia was abruptly struck by lightning six times in a row, the first two of which also managed to injure one of the children. Mia expired immediately following the sixth impact; the other child was determined to be paralyzed from the hips-down. 7795-RES Event occurred as expected. Mia awoke with in a flurry of twitches and spasms, the likes of which were so extreme that Zen-13 had to immediately administer muscle relaxants. Even days later, however, their hands continue to tremble; I worry they may not stop. And yet that is only the half of it. Mia is regressing emotionally, and I fear it is out of guilt. Their friend was paralyzed, and even though we have avoided explaining Mia's anomaly to themself, they still reasoned out that, somehow, the blame must fall upon them. They have sobbed themself to sleep for the past three nights. Things have to get better. They must. - Researcher Rebecca Larson Protocol Update: Individuals unaware of SCP-7795's anomaly are not allowed within 10m of SCP-7795 on October 24th as to avoid incidental injuries. Incident #: 7795-5 Incident Date: October 24th, 2007. Incident Report: At 1642, Mia was attending an impromptu therapy session following a series of particularly extreme breakdowns; despite concerns raised by Zen-13 (due to the date), their therapist still demanded to see them immediately. 27 minutes later, a then-unknown GoI5 breached Site-37, overtaking multiple sectors, during which Mia's state immediately began to regress as they repetitively proclaimed that the breach was "all their fault." Their therapist attempted to soothe them until 1733, when five armed individuals suddenly breached the room, executing her in the process. Mia was then taken as a hostage. Using them as a negotiation piece, the group made multiple demands,6 claiming they would kill Mia should they not be met. Despite Dr. Larson's advocation for Mia's life, however, Site-37's director determined their demands to be an unreasonable exchange, especially when considering the revival aspect of Mia's anomaly. As such, MTF Ruin-09 "Life Goes On" was quickly deployed to Site-37 with the express goal of the immediate capture and/or assassination of all infiltrators, with additional orders stating to treat Mia as collateral. Within the next 12 minutes, all overtaken sectors were successfully recaptured, though not before the group holding Mia hostage became aware of the attack, prompting them to execute Mia via the thaumic removal of all of their blood through their pores. Despite Ruin-09 executing this group within one minute of this process occurring, immediate medical response proved futile and Mia expired three minutes later due to blood loss. 7795-RES Event occurred as expected. Mia was catatonic for approximately 48 hours following their manifestation, after which they have remained selectively mute. They have also expressed an aversion to socialization and an intense phobia of the color red. Attempts to remedy these effects are ongoing, but their newfound guilt surrounding the death of their therapist has made it extremely difficult to address said issues. I've been trying to help them myself, but progress is slow, to say the least. Thus far, Mia's only words have been, "I don't want anyone else to get hurt." - Researcher Rebecca Larson Incident #: 7795-6 Incident Date: October 24th, 2008. Incident Report: Due to an infohazardous breach, Mia suddenly became aware of [REDACTED], following which it manifested and proceeded to mutilate Mia, who incurred the following injures; 47 powderized bones, inversion of 35 organs, 180 degree rotation of the torso, oculi combustion, and cerebral liquidation. Despite spontaneous corruption of camera footage after the manifestation of [REDACTED], recorded audio was unaffected; screams therein suggest Mia lived through their dismemberment for approximately 13 minutes before expiring. Following their death, MTF Omen-00 “Oblivion” quickly eliminated the threat. 7795-RES Event occurred as expected; following revival, Omen-00 amnesticised all of Mia's memories pertaining to the infohazard. Mia's state continues to regress; alongside general mental degradation, Mia continues to grow fearful of the world around them. Even dim corners seem to terrify them, requiring lamps and other light fixtures in most rooms they go through simply to keep them from breaking down. It's no way for a child to live; in pain and scared. I will figure something out soon. I have to. - Researcher Rebecca Larson Incident #: 7795-7 Incident Date: October 24th, 2009. Incident Report: On October 23rd, for the first time in roughly 18 months, Mia agrees to attend therapy, during which they steal three different bottles of pills. At 2355 that same night, they swallow all 73 pills before going to sleep, only to awaken at 0523 the next morning, vomiting. The guard stations outside their room immediately came in to provide assistance and helped them to the bathroom, unaware that Mia had pickpocketed their clearance card. At 0643, they would then leave their room under the pretense that they were attending another therapy session, only to instead navigate to one of Site-37's arms lockers. A gunshot followed a minute later. Mia was determined to have expired from a gunshot wound to the temple. 7795-RES Event occurred as expected. After manifestation, Mia begged me to let them die. - Researcher Rebecca Larson Incident #: 7795-8 Incident Date: October 24th, 2010. Incident Report: At 0023, Mia was administered a lethal injection; they expired two minutes later. 7795-RES Event occurred as expected. Mia's manifestation following this incident was the most calm I've seen them in six years. They still wouldn't speak much, and their phobias were still as realized as before, but they seemed much calmer. Almost peaceful. I should feel happy. I should feel overwhelming delight. But how could I ever rest easy knowing I ordered the death of a child, even if it was to give them peace? - Researcher Rebecca Larson Protocol Update: Following Ethics Committee deliberation, a routine has been instated in which SCP-7795 will be terminated in their sleep via lethal injection on October 24th. Incident #: 7795-11 Incident Date: October 24th, 2013. Incident Report: As per routine, Mia was administered a lethal injection at 0001; they expired two minutes later. 7795-RES Event occurred as expected. Three years of success. None of them have been easy, but its hard to overstate Mia's improvement. Their selective mutism has all but disappeared, only popping up in now-infrequent breakdowns, and many of their phobias have been reduced to vague fears by routine therapy. They seem as alive as they were when they first came to the site; jovial, happy, and brimming with life. Their paintings as of late have been a wonder to behold. Things are looking up. - Researcher Rebecca Larson Incident #: 7795-15 Incident Date: October 24th, 2017. Incident Report: As per routine, Mia was administered a lethal injection at 0001. Instead of the expected reaction, however, Mia woke up seven minutes later convulsing in pain. Zen-13 was immediately alerted and, after a series of tests, determined Mia was experiencing mass necrosis and organ failure. All attempts to treat these conditions were met with adverse reactions, usually resulting in a greater degree of bodily harm than it would have otherwise reduced. As such, Zen-13 resorted to treating Mia with an assortment of pain relief, numbing agents, and anesthesia, all of which proved moderately successful, though quickly diminished in effect by the 12th hour. Mia lived through this pain for over 18 hours — notably much longer than their condition should have allowed them to — most of which they spent sobbing, writhing, and screaming, causing their vocal cords to rupture by the 15th hour and most of their skin to be rubbed raw to the point of damage. At 1831, Mia expired. 7795-RES Event occurred as expected. I held their hand. For nearly 19 hours, I held their hand as they screamed and shook and cried and prayed for help. And I was helpless. All I could do was sit there and hope their pain would end, for hours and hours. What did they do to deserve this? Since this incident, Mia's state has greatly regressed, further even than their state prior to the lethal injection program. They attend about 1 in 4 therapy sessions, have effectively cut contact with all friends, refuse to eat more times than not, and sleep over 10 hours every day. - Researcher Rebecca Larson Incident #: 7795-16 Incident Date: October 24th, 2018. Incident Report: Mia attempts to hang themselves with their bedsheets at 0311; a guard notices such after approximately 35 seconds and manages to cut them down before they expire. Mia then lunges at said guard, attempting to wrestle the blade7 from him, cutting their hands multiple times in their efforts. The guard shoves Mia off of him, though in the process they fall and crack their head against their bedframe, splitting their skull open. The guard, panicked, immediately alerts Zen-13. Despite Zen-13's quick arrival, Mia died from internal bleeding at 0317. The guard was amnesticised and placed on paid leave. 7795-RES Event occurred as expected. Mia has become entirely mute and emotionally distant, alongside showing severe signs of general dissociation. They eat about once every day, and seem generally unreactive to most conversation; they completely refuse to attend or even acknowledge therapy. They're slipping away, and we're running out of options. - Researcher Rebecca Larson PROJECT NEVERLAND PHASE ONE: Proposed by Dr. Larson, Project Neverland aims to neutralize SCP-7795-A through use of temporal technology. She proposes that stunting SCP-7795's aging through localized temporal stasis will effectively keep them from reaching the age of thirteen, which is suspected to be the main activation requirement for SCP-7795-A. Following approval of Site-37's director, Director Celzin, the Department of Chronology developed a MLTS8 device which SCP-7795 is henceforth required to wear at all times. Incident #: 7795-17 Incident Date: October 24th, 2019. Incident Report: Despite functioning at full capacity for the entire year, the MLTS device suddenly began experiencing a series of malfunctions on October 24th, resulting in the abrupt and rapid aging of Mia. As a result, they aged 132 years in approximately 27 minutes; due to the death of most tissue and organs throughout the last 40 "years," Mia expired by the end of the 27th minute. 7795-RES Event occurred as expected. Mia awoke experiencing extreme levels of disorientation and appeared extremely distraught; despite such, they were entirely unreactive to most stimuli. To date, they must be lead most places and reminded to eat, though even this has proven unsuccessful most times. Either they've entirely locked themself away in their head, or there isn't much of them left. I will not lose them. - Researcher Rebecca Larson PROJECT NEVERLAND PHASE TWO: Proposed by Dr. Larson, phase two of Project Neverland suggests the use of a Temporal Stasis Chamber, a device regularly used by the Department of Chronology and therefore determined to be much more stable than the MLTS device previously used on SCP-7795. Following Director Celzin's approval, it was determined that SCP-7795 would be placed in the TSC one month before October 24th, during which they would be supplied oxygen and sustenance through a series of tubes, along with multiple added pain relievers and soothing agents with the hopes of mitigating mental state degradation should a failure occur. Incident #: 7795-18 Incident Date: October 24th, 2020. Incident Report: On September 24th, Mia was successfully sedated and suspended within the TSC, where they remained until 2317 on October 24th; at this time, Site-37 experienced total collapse of all on-site power, including that of backup generators, resulting in the breach of 13 anomalies. This resulted in the loss of 31 personnel and, due to absence of power, the TLC's oxygen recycle failed, causing Mia to suffocate within the chamber after 17 minutes. 7795-RES Event occurred as expected. Mia reacts to no stimuli and is effectively comatose. As such, Zen-13 have placed them under life support, including continual routine medical care and supervision. If I could take their spot, I would. - Researcher Rebecca Larson PROJECT NEVERLAND PHASE THREE: Proposed by Dr. Larson, she suggests that the continuous failure of temporal stasis suggests that being younger than thirteen does not mitigate the anomaly; as such, she instead suggests the utilization of a modified TSC to instead age SCP-7795 an entire year before October 24th occurs. Phase three proposes this would be accomplished by aging them at a rate of 100x traditional speed, aging SCP-7795 one year in approximately 4 days. Following Director Celzin's approval, this was successfully carried out on August 5th and successfully concluded without incident on August 9th. No changes in mental status have yet been observed in SCP-7795; they continue to remain on life support under Zen-13's supervision. Incident #: 7795-19 Incident Date: October 24th, 2021. Incident Report: At 1730, Site-37's on-site nuclear warhead suddenly primes, with activation reported to occur in 5 minutes. All attempts to deactivate the warhead — including attempts made both on and offsite — were met with failure. All attempts to remove or otherwise dispose of the warhead through thaumaturgic or anomalous means were similarly met with failure. Dr. Larson became aware of these continuous failures at 1733, at which point they immediately made their way to Mia's medical bed, where they sat beside them, crying as they held their hand. At 1734, with one minute remaining before the warhead's detonation, she withdrew her sidearm, muttering "I'm sorry" over and over again. With 23 seconds remaining, she put the gun to Mia's temple and shot them, terminating them instantly. The nuclear warhead deactivated simultaneously. 7795-RES Event occurred as expected. I have nothing left to say. - Researcher Rebecca Larson PROJECT NEVERLAND PHASE FINAL: SCP-7795 is to be abandoned within a non-dimension, in which their expiration can neither be said to occur or not occur; the Department of Surrealistics insists this will neutralize their affliction by SCP-7795-A, which will be unable to occur due to the cessation of SCP-7795's existence. This will result, unfortunately, in SCP-7795's termination, however the Ethics Committee has deemed it the only remaining ethical solution available to the Foundation. Incident #: 7795-20 Incident Date: August 9th, 2022. Incident Report: Through the use of a modified Scranton Reality Anchor, Mia is sent into a non-dimension, at which point the device is deactivated and destroyed. 7795-RES Event has yet to occur. I am sorry we could not save you, Mia. Rest well. - Larson Footnotes 1. Anomalies classified as "dependent" are legally dependent on the Foundation. 2. October 24th; year not applicable. 3. They were on the highway at the time of the collision. 4. Particularly, one displaying the number 12. 5. Later identified to be a recently-emerged, thaumic group self-identified as the Bloodless Martyrs. 6. Among which include: unimpeded escape, the provision of a multitude of anomalous artifacts, and documents pertaining to said items. 7. The guard had used a switchblade to cut them down. 8. Mobile Localized Temporal Stasis T is for "Transmission" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub U is for "Unstrung" « SCP-7794 | SCP-7795 | SCP-7796 »
close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains mild references to self harm and body horror. Reader discretion is advised. ⚠️ content warning Item#: 7797 Level4 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: warning link to memo An instance of SCP-7797 appearing in Charlottesville, Virginia. Special Containment Procedures Following Incidents 7797-A and 7797-B, all known civilians and personnel that are confirmed to have been previously affected by SCP-7797 are to have their names and current residence listed in an encrypted document, and should only be accessible by personnel with Level 5 Security Clearance. Applied Task Force Chi-43 (Four Eyes) has been assigned as a permanent task force to SCP-7797 to handle the location and containment of SCP-7797 instances. ATF-Chi-43's surveillance division is to monitor for any potential evidence of an instance of SCP-7797 appearing, and establish the approximate time and place of the appearance. Once an instance has been confirmed and located, Protocol 7797-HORUS is to be immediately enacted. ◇ACCESS PROCEDURE 7797-HORUS◇ ◆PROPER CREDENTIALS VERIFIED. ACCESS GRANTED.◆ Overview: Procedure 7797-HORUS is the designated instructions for containing/neutralizing SCP-7797 while minimizing civilian exposure, and should only be used by members of ATF-Chi-43. Procedure 7797-HORUS should be initiated once: An instance of SCP-7797 has been confirmed. The general location of the instance has been determined. Instructions: Once the approximate location of a SCP-7797 instance has been determined, ATF-Chi-43's field division is to travel to the location for neutralization. Aerial drone surveillance should be used to discern the exact location of an instance, and once found, a perimeter around the instance should be established under the guise of local government maintenance. Depending on the instance's substance, industrial paint remover or pressure washing should be used to remove the instance. If removal proves impossible, the surface that the instance is located on should be destroyed. Once the instance of SCP-7797 has been removed, medical records should be traced to identify any individuals that are or previously were affected by SCP-7797. Recorded individuals should be logged and provided with Class-B amnestics. Addendum: Following Incident 7797-B, contingency procedures for circumstances involving mass civilian exposure or difficulty in instance neutralization should be created and implemented as soon as possible to prevent future incidents. Description SCP-7797 is a Cerulean-Syracuse Class cognitohazard that takes the form of an illustrated design resembling a stylized eye, with the design itself not appearing to reference any known hieroglyphics or historical designs. SCP-7797 is capable of manifesting in multiple forms of visual creation, such as graffiti, paper drawing, or painting, and with a variety of materials, including acrylic/industrial paint, pen, colored pencil, and bodily fluids, with all known instances being various shades of red. SCP-7797 is self-replicating, and can create instances of itself globally. Current understanding of SCP-7797 indicates that it replicates by subconsciously influencing individuals into creating an instance, while rendering the individual unaware of the memetic effect. Research into details of the replication is still undergoing. Foundation attempts to recreate an instance of SCP-7797 have ended in failure, with the artificial design not possessing any of the anomalous characteristics SCP-7797 normally creates. SCP-7797's primary anomalous effects arise when an instance is directly viewed by a human. Once observed, the viewer will experience a short sensation of vertigo before subsiding, and will subsequently be "infected" by SCP-7797. Humans affected by SCP-7797 will begin to suffer a series of anomalous symptoms and effects, with the length of these symptoms lasting from a few days to multiple weeks. The symptomology of those affected by SCP-7797 vary between individuals, with no discernable way to predict or prevent the potential effects. Additional research has shown that victims who were previously affected by SCP-7797 cannot be infected again when viewing SCP-7797. No known medication or treatment is able to diminish the effects of SCP-7797. Addendum SCP-7797 Exposure Logs: The following are a series of individuals who were affected by SCP-7797 and were utilized for testing purposes. Shortly after confirming exposure, the subjects were transported to the nearest accessible site and placed in a standard containment cell for monitoring until they no longer displayed symptoms. + SCP-7797 Exposure Log 1 - SCP-7797 Exposure Log 1 SCP-7797 Testing Log 1 Subject: Adnan Patel, 51 year old male. Results: After exposure, Patel reported to feel ill, and was recorded to have a fever of 100.1°F for several days. Notes: Subject returned to normal health after a few days, except for a red discoloration of the iris not present before viewing SCP-7797. Subject was amnesticized and returned to original residence. + SCP-7797 Exposure Log 2 - SCP-7797 Exposure Log 2 SCP-7797 Exposure Log 2 Subject: Suzu Yokiko, 11 year old female. Results: After exposure, Yokiko reported feelings of fatigue and congestion for multiple days, describing it as similar to having the flu. Notes: Subject showed similar recovery to Patel, including the length of time taken to recover and the discoloration of the iris to a red shade, though less noticeable than Patel's. All tested subjects had a varying intensity of the discoloration, and research is now ongoing to use this knowledge to identify possible victims of SCP-7797. Subject was amnesticized and returned to original residence. + SCP-7797 Exposure Log 3 - SCP-7797 Exposure Log 3 SCP-7797 Exposure Log 3 Subject: Brett Foster, 39 year old male. Results: Upon initial viewing of SCP-7797, Foster began to suffer from short-term onset insomnia, and reportedly was unable to sleep or rest for long periods of time. Subject also began to exhibit unusually paranoid tendencies, and became hostile to any personnel who entered their cell. Subject continued to suffer from further mental disorders due to their lack of sleep, and any attempts at conversation between them and personnel were either ignored, met with incoherent speech, or assault attempts. Notes: Foster eventually recovered from their symptoms after approximately a month, and experienced a severe discoloration similar to the previous testing. Subject has claimed to not remember any of the time they experienced while under the influence of SCP-7797. Subject was amnesticized and returned to original residence. After further interview, it has been documented that after interaction with SCP-7797, Foster now possesses memories that do not correlate to their life, with the subject claiming to have majored in biology at McGill University, despite having never been on the campus. Tests indicate that Foster does indeed possess knowledge of biology in the range of a college graduate. Research into this phenomenon is ongoing. + SCP-7797 Exposure Log 4 - SCP-7797 Exposure Log 4 SCP-7797 Exposure Log 4 Subject: Michael Hallison, 44 year old male. Results: Hallison suffered extreme fatigue, muscle aching, and insomnia over the course of three weeks, leading to a large decline in mental and physical health during the testing. Subject reportedly experienced hallucinations, seeing disturbing imagery such as "pulsing masses" and "bleeding eyes," as well as reportedly hearing auditory stimuli reminiscent of human voices. Subject was observed repeatedly attempting to draw on their desk using their fingernails and [REDACTED]. When provided with adequate drawing materials, including a selection of multicolored pens and paper,1 Hallison created this image. The paper was discarded shortly after due to potential cognitohazard exposure and the pens were removed from subject's possession after attempting to [REDACTED] his eyes. Notes: Subject eventually recovered in a fashion akin to Foster in two weeks, and suffered from similar memory loss, specifically lacking any remembrance of their hallucinatory state and creation of the image above. Subject was amnesticized and returned to original residence. + SCP-7797 Exposure Log 5 - SCP-7797 Exposure Log 5 SCP-7797 Exposure Log 5 Subject: Carrie Khatri, 26 year old female. Results: Khatri suffered from extreme migraines and nausea in early stages, as well as experiencing intense hallucinations and having extremely paranoid tendencies. During the later stages, subject would suffer from severe emesis, frequently expunging an unidentified black organic substance. Subject would leak blood from their facial orifices, which would reportedly cause intense pain and staining on the skin. Notes: Subject expired due to blood loss. First notable instance of anomalous symptoms and death resulted by SCP-7797. + SCP-7797 Exposure Log 6 - SCP-7797 Exposure Log 6 SCP-7797 Exposure Log 6 Subject: Carlos Gonzalez, 31 year old male. Results: Gonzalez initially suffered from a shortness of breath and a mild fever, while having difficulty sleeping. Subject did not report any mental abnormalities, however occasionally suffered from amaurosis fugax2 for short periods of time. Subject's condition worsened over time, experiencing chest pains and sudden coughing fits with their original symptoms continuing to escalate in severity. Notes: Subject experience acute cardiac failure, despite no known previous heart conditions. Subject expired. + SCP-7797 Exposure Log 7 - SCP-7797 Exposure Log 7 SCP-7797 Exposure Log 7 Subject: Molly Carpenter, 19 year old female. Results: Carpenter did not appear to suffer from any physical symptoms, however exhibited paranoid and psychotic tendencies, such as refusing to talk to personnel and was frequently recorded muttering incoherently when alone in their cell. Subject would also refuse to rest for unnaturally long periods of time, despite suffering from the lack of sleep. Notes: Subject recovered from all symptoms after three weeks, and experienced similar memory loss to Foster, with an inability to remember anything while experiencing the effects of SCP-7797. Upon interview, subject reported knowledge of [DATA EXPUNGED] that they did not previously possess. Use of C-Class amnestics were used on all witnesses of the interview, however it did not affect subject's memory of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject was subsequently terminated. SCP-7797 Incident Logs: The following are a collection of documents recording events that are related to SCP-7797, which have been classified as Incident 7797-A and Incident 7797-B respectively. + Incident 7797-A - Incident 7797-A WARNING: INCIDENT 7797-A IS RESTRICTED TO PERSONNEL WITH LEVEL 5 SECURITY CLEARANCE OR HIGHER. ATTEMPTING TO ACCESS THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION WILL RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTION. Verifying credentials… … CREDENTIALS VERIFIED. ACCESS GRANTED. Date:08/17/20██ Location: Liverpool, England Overview: Agents of ATF-Chi-43 recovered surveillance footage of a person creating an instance of SCP-7797 on the back wall of a corporately owned building.3 The person in question was identified as Walter Vaughn, a 26 year old male residing in Liverpool. Vaughn was immediately detained by Foundation agents for questioning, with the log accessible below. Interview Log: Interviewee: Walter Vaughn. Interviewer: Dr. Jebediah Banesworth, Foundation Researcher, C.I.S Division.4 Foreword: Vaughn was temporarily subdued and transferred to a secured facility shortly after discovery. Vaughn was restrained and interrogated in Interview Chamber 00-31-B. <Begin Log> Vaughn: Where the fuck am I? Banesworth: Calm down. You are currently being held in a secure location. If you cooperate with our questioning, we might be able to help you. Vaughn: Help me? You fuckers drugged me and dragged me down to god knows where! I have bloody rights! Banesworth: Not here, you don't. Vaughn: (Vaughn pauses for a noticeable period of time.) I… So what? You're just gonna kill me then? Banesworth: I already told you, we're here to question you, nothing else. Would be a waste to drag you down here just to shoot you in the head. I don't want to keep you here any more than you do, and once we finish this up, I'll get you back to your normal life. If you don't lie to me. Vaughn: Well, that's just fantastic, isn't it? And what'll happen if I don't answer? Banesworth: (Banesworth sighs.) You misunderstand. This discussion isn't a necessity, it's a privilege for you. We have more efficient, and painful, I might add, ways of learning what we need to know. This is just courtesy. Vaughn: Christ. Okay, okay, fine. What happens if I do answer? Will you let me go? Banesworth: As I said, that depends on your answer. Vaughn: That's… fine. Fine. Can we just… can we get started with the questions? So I can leave. Banesworth: Sure. Just answer me honestly, and we'll get you out of here. (Banesworth clears his throat.) What is your name? Vaughn: Seriously? You don't know that already? Banesworth: This is for formal purposes. Vaughn: Well, yeah, but you guys probably know everything about me already. My name, birthday, what I had for fucking breakfast… Banesworth: Please, just answer the question. Vaughn: Sorry. Walter. Walter Vaughn. By the way, that was a trick question. I didn't have anything for breakfast this morning. Banesworth: Age? Vaughn: Twenty six. Banesworth: Now, Mr. Vaughn, you've been charged with multiple counts of vandalism, amongst other things. Vaughn: I… yeah. Banesworth: How many charges? Vaughn: Oh god, I don't have a clue. Um… I want to say… five? Banesworth: Actually, it's six. Vaughn: Huh. Still don't understand why you're asking questions you already know the answer to. Banesworth: As I said, formalities. Next question; what were you doing on the 17th of August, at 5:45 PM? Vaughn: That was… Banesworth: Thursday. Vaughn: Yeah, not a clue. I had Subway for lunch, if that helps. Banesworth: (Banesworth reveals a photo of a previous vandalization created by Vaughn.) Do you recognize this? Vaughn: I… no. Banesworth: Don't lie to me, Mr. Vaughn. Vaughn: Fine. Yeah, yeah, I know it. I made it a little while back. It was meant to be a badass octopus, with fire coming out of it's mouth and everything. Would've been wicked. Banesworth: Mmhm. (Banesworth reveals a photo of SCP-7797.) How about this? Vaughn: No. Banesworth: I told you already, don't lie to me. You're terrible at it. Vaughn: I'm serious! I've never seen that in my life! I've seen eye stuff, sure, but nothing like that. Banesworth: So you don't recognize this? Vaughn: Nope. Banesworth: (Banesworth pulls out his laptop, revealing footage of Vaughn creating SCP-7797.) Then what is this? Vaughn: Is that… me? Banesworth: Yes. Last Thursday. Vaughn: What the fuck? I don't remember that. Banesworth: The facial patterns match. That's you, I can guarantee it. Do you need eyedrops? Vaughn: (Vaughn is rubbing his eyes.) No, I'm fine. Just allergies or something. Probably whatever weird ass chemicals you keep here. Banesworth: Back to the topic. This is confirmed to be you creating this image, despite your denial. I need you to tell me why you created it. Vaughn: I told you! I didn't fucking make it! That's got to be someone else! Banesworth: Walter, I'm trying to help you here, but you're not making this easy. This is a matter of international security, I need you to- Vaughn: I didn't fucking make it! Okay?! I don't know where the footage came from. Maybe some dumbass with photoshop tried to frame me. Maybe I did make it and I'm an amnesiac. But I don't remember ever creating something like that. What's the big deal, anyway? It's just some graffiti! Banesworth: …you swear you had nothing to do with this? Vaughn: Yes! Banesworth: (Banesworth pauses.) Okay, okay. I trust you, Walter. But still, the evidence is hard to deny. You agree that this person does look like you, yes? Vaughn: I guess. Looks like me, that's for sure. Like I said, might be photoshop or something. Christ, my eyes are killing me… Banesworth: Are you sure you don't want eyedrops? Vaughn: Honestly, I could probably use some. Banesworth: Alright, give me a second. I'll go ask. Vaughn: Sure, not like I can go anywhe- AUGH!! Banesworth: (Banesworth quickly turns around.) What happened? Are you alright? Vaughn: (Vaughn begins convulsing in the chair. A liquid substance, presumably blood, begins leaking from his eyes.) FUCK! FUCK! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME? Banesworth: (Banesworth turns to the stationed security agent.) Get a medical team in here, now! (He turns back to Vaughn.) Walter, are you okay? Are you in pain? Vaughn: (Vaughn continues screaming.) FUCKING CHRIST! YES! MY EYES, THEY'RE BURNING- (Vaughn begins harshly coughing. Blood continues to leak from his eyes.) JESUS CHRIST, WHAT'S HAPPENING- (Vaughn bends over and retches out a black substance, later identified to match his DNA.) OH GOD! PLEASE, I… I…(Vaughn suddenly stops convulsing and looks up at Banesworth, his entire sclera and pupil now appearing to be filled with blood.) Banesworth: I- Mr. Vaughn, are you alright? Vaughn: … (Vaughn is silent.) Banesworth: Mr. Vaughn! Vaughn: Where is this? (Vaughn's voice and inflections are noticeably different.) Banesworth: I… what? Vaughn: Where is this? Banesworth: I've told you, you're in a secure facility. Now, what is- Vaughn: I do not care for your cages. Release this. Banesworth: I… I can't do that. Who are you? Vaughn: You attempt to restrain me? What is this place? Banesworth: I'm not telling you until you tell me what the hell you did with Vaughn! Vaughn: You… you restrict knowledge from me. Banesworth: What? Yeah, I am! Tell me what you did to him! Vaughn: Whom? Banesworth: Vaughn! The person you're… in! Vaughn: This vessel? Banesworth: Christ, I- Vaughn: (Vaughn begins looking around, before fixating intensely on the Foundation logo on Banesworth's coat.) You're them. Banesworth: (Banesworth has begun backing away from Vaughn.) …What? Vaughn: You prevent the King's expansion. Banesworth: I… king? What king? Who are you?! Vaughn: The One that Shatters Reality. The King of Scarlet Pain. (Upon being alerted to the live recording of this phrase, the O5 Council immediately orders security towards the interrogation chamber and initiates a lockdown.) Banesworth: I don't know who that is. Vaughn: Then you are even less significant than your superiors. Banesworth: How do you know who my superiors are? What in the fuck are you? Vaughn: You would not comprehend, and I do not care to explain. Your conscious is limited, Jebediah. Mine is whole. Banesworth: (Banesworth continues to back away from Vaught, who is still sitting at the table.) What… how- how do you know who I am? Vaughn: You believe you are a savior, protecting against threats you barely comprehend. You are not. Banesworth: No, I- we are. We're protecting humanity… How do you know all this? Vaughn: Vaughn makes a high-pitched shrieking sound, causing Banesworth to visually recoil. Slowing the audio reveals that it sounds similar to distorted laughter. Do not delude yourself. Banesworth: (Banesworth reaches the opposite wall and attempts to open the door.) What the fuck… why won't this open? Shit, shit… (Banesworth attempts to open the door.) Door Keypad Terminal: This facility is currently under lockdown due to a potential infohazard breach. Banesworth: No, no no no… Fuck! What the hell do you want? Vaughn: Knowledge. Banesworth: What? Why? And what the hell does that have to do with SCP-7797? Vaughn: My eyes allow me to see, to experience. To learn. I have missed much since I was gone, and I am weak. And those it marks shall serve me well in regaining what I have lost. Banesworth: Marks? Who are the marked? Wait… fucking christ… you mean the victims? What are you going to do to them? Vaughn: Currently their numbers are not large enough for any meaningful change, but soon enough they shall serve their next use. Banesworth: What use? What the hell are you going to do?! Vaughn: (Vaughn tilts his head slightly.) This has gone on too long. You will not stop me. Attempt to defeat me if you wish, though my initiatives do not fail. Your time shall end soon enough. And I shall watch. (Vaughn stands from the chair.) Banesworth: (Banesworth bangs on the door behind him.) Is anyone out there?! HELP! I'm fucking trapped! (He turns back to Vaughn.) Vaughn: (Vaughn pauses for a moment, then begins repeatedly smashing his head into the desk.) Banesworth: Oh… fuck. Fuck, fuck! (Banesworth runs over and attempts to restrain Vaughn.) Walter! Stop! (Banesworth is unable to restrict Vaughn as he continues to smash his head, though he begins to slow. A large dent has been made in his forehead, and he is bleeding profusely from multiple facial orifices. Foundation security personnel arrive outside the door but are unable to enter.) Banesworth: He's fucking killing himself! WALTER! STOP IT! (Banesworth continues to attempt to restrict him to little avail. Vaughn begins slowing considerably, before eventually collapsing onto the ground, his blood pooling on the floor and table.) Banesworth: Jesus fucking christ. (The lockdown on the facility is lifted and the security team enters to escort Banesworth as a medical dispatch is issued.) <[END LOG]> Closing Statement: Walter Vaughn expired due to self-inflicted head trauma. All involved personnel were provided with Class A amnestics, and Incident 7797-A was subsequently reclassified to Level 5 Clearance. + Incident 7797-B - Incident 7797-B Location: Times Square, New York City, United States of America Overview: On the seventh of October, an instance of SCP-7797 was discovered in Times Square measuring at approximately 21 meters on the side of a residential building. It is currently unknown as to how the instance was created, as official security footage had been disabled the night before, and there are no confirmed eyewitnesses. The instance was up for approximately 35 minutes before Foundation personnel were alerted, and ATF-Chi-43 was immediately sent for a mass quarantine to remove the instance, a process which took around an hour and required assistance from multiple other Task Forces. Approximately 5,000 civilian exposures to SCP-7797 have been confirmed, with Foundation analysts estimating at least 10,000 more unconfirmed exposures. Shortly after Incident 7797-B, SCP-7797's Disruption Class was promoted from Keneq to Ekhi. Show Proposal APW-7797-499? Hide Proposal APW-7797-499. Reverifying credentials… … Credentials Verified. Accessing Proposal APW-7797-499. Initiator: O5-11 Description: We've all seen the data. There's no use denying it. When ATF-Chi-43 was founded eight months ago, some of them complained their job was too easy. There were only one or two instances a month, and they were, for the most part, inconspicuous, hidden in back alleys or on the side of shipping containers. Then the Incidents happened, and no one is complaining now. Instances are showing up everywhere, and they're, for lack of a better word, more aggressive. Now they're showing up on buildings. The sides of houses. We even found one on a scrap of paper in a school. The situation is alarming at best. We're up to six or seven instances a month, and in December, we had fifteen. And the trend is getting worse. Fatality rates in August were around seven percent, and are now around sixteen. With how severe this is becoming, we need to seriously consider the possibility of a Broken Masquerade scenario. We are aware that there is an entity behind this, one we know almost nothing about. We know that it is powerful enough to create this cognitohazard, it has contact with Apollyon level entities, and that it wants knowledge. However, we have two advantages. The first is that this entity is supposedly "weaker" than it used to be. That's not much of a measurement, considering we are still unaware of its full capabilities, but it is a start. The second one is that, based on our current assumptions, this entity exists outside of the noosphere, yet is capable of entering it at will through a form of possession. That's why I'm initiating this proposal. I've done some research in my spare time about SCP-7797. Based on current evidence, this entity seems to be capable of entering human consciousness and even taking control. Theoretically, it could be possible to set some sort of "bait" in the form of someone exposed to SCP-7797, then potentially trap the entity while it's occupying the bait's consciousness. How we'd actually contain it is hazy at best. I've discussed with some researchers and they've offered a solution; a modified containment cell that's designed to resist particle shifts from separate dimensions. A faraday cage for the anomalous, if you will. We lure the entity into the host, trap it within the cell, and stop it from trying to escape. It's a thin solution, but it's a starting point, and it won't work without a team. I propose we assemble a private Task Force dedicated to the sole purpose of capturing, interrogating, and neutralizing the entity behind SCP-7797. If the entity is as omniscient as it claims, and we do find a way to pacify it, the research and information potential is staggering, and could prove to be invaluable. We already know it's connected to other sentient entities of interest; we could use it's knowledge to radically benefit our efforts. I've scouted out the current head of ATF-Chi-43, Tyler Yamaguchi, as a potential candidate for spearheading this operation, and he seems like the ideal choice for the program. It wouldn't be a task force. It wouldn't even exist in the Foundation records, at least until they complete their mission. If they complete their mission. In all honesty, I don't entirely expect this to work. Besides the scraps of information we gained from the incident, we barely know anything about this entity, not even its name. It might as well be impossible to neutralize or even talk to it, like trying to kill a god. But it's a potential solution, at the very least. And if we don't, seeing the exponential prevalence of the SCP, we may not have much time as it is. It seems like a waste to delegate resources to what is basically a snipe hunt. But we may not have a choice. Proposal: Designate a team made up of former veteran Task Force researchers to contain, interrogate, and eventually neutralize the entity behind SCP-7797. Resolution: APPROVED. « SCP-7796 | SCP-7797 | SCP-7798 » Footnotes 1. The paper was originally spare declassified documentation that was no longer required and posed little security risk, resulting in it being repurposed as scrap paper. 2. Temporary blindness. 3. The instance was shortly tracked down and removed. 4. Cognitohazard Identification and Suppresion.
And we'll all float on. Alright already, we'll all float on Alright, don't worry even if things end up a bit too heavy We'll all float on alright. ( Float On - Modest Mouse ) SCP-7799 - When I'm Gone and Afloat. ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} "Listen, Honey, I just… I need to go to work, just the rest of this week, then I'll be back home, okay?" "No, nothing bad is going to happen! It's a security guard job, I'm not in danger silly!" "Don't think about that, you know how much that makes you sad…" "…I love you too, just… hand it over to daddy, okay? I love you, stop… mommy isn't going anywhere." "It's okay, it's okay… I'm doing this for you, alright? I've done everything for you." "I love you too, please calm down… talk to daddy, okay?" The sounds of a pen clicking filled the office, creating a rhythmic backdrop to the otherwise mundane atmosphere. Amidst the familiar office sounds, there was a distinct noise - a single pill rattling, followed by a dry gulp. Site Director Amelia sighed, her face contorting with annoyance as she tossed yet another empty bottle into the overflowing trash bin. Staring at her blank computer screen, Amelia's mind drifted away from the immediate tasks at hand. Thoughts of going home for the day consumed her; ever since the doctors had delivered the news, it had been a constant companion in her thoughts. The weight of her own mortality rested heavily on her shoulders. Yet, even in the face of such a daunting prognosis, she couldn't allow herself the luxury of quitting her job. Who would support her family if she gave up? As Amelia wrestled with her thoughts, her focus was abruptly interrupted by a soft blip from the corner of her screen. With an eyebrow raised, she quickly directed her attention to the notification. The sender's name caught her eye - one of the O5's, the ones on top of the corporate pyramid. Receiving a direct message from them was a rare occurrence, and it sent a shiver down her spine. What could they want? "To Amelia Clark, Recently, we have come across some findings that might align with your specialized field of research. I have attached the file for your review to provide some context. -O5-6" After a moment of hesitation, she hastily opened the attached .pdf. Item#: 7799 Level5 Containment Class: drygioni Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: none Risk Class: none link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Until a complete reasoning for SCP-7799 is discovered, all further actions from the Department of Tactical Theology will continue per usual. All information relating to SCP-7799 must be kept secret from the Department of Tactical Theology and the Department of Applied Necromancy.1 To minimize the risk of accidental exposure, all communication channels, databases, and documents pertaining to SCP-7799 must be compartmentalized and accessible only through a secure, isolated network, known as Network Sigma-Omega ("VeilNet"). Access to VeilNet shall be limited to individuals with specific clearance granted by the O5 Council. Description: SCP-7799 is an ongoing phenomenon concerning the afterlife and afterlives. Despite evidence gathered from the Department of Tactical Theology, numerous SCP objects, and deceased individuals, no definitive form of afterlife has been confirmed. Deceased individuals report various afterlives, and several anomalies present inconsistent ideas and responses. Despite several religions describing other afterlives, none have been conclusively documented. Files pertaining to these afterlives can be found within Foundation archives, but exact sources are unclear. Examples of SCP-7799 manifestations include: Individuals rarely report the same form of afterlife. To date, more than 7,291,098 afterlives have been reported. No two individuals in the same afterlife have reported communication with another. The existence of contradicting SCP files relating to afterlives. Examples include SCP-2718 and SCP-7179. "Oh," Amelia mumbled softly, her heart sinking as she absorbed the contents of the file. She couldn't comprehend how to respond to this revelation. The clacking of her pen grew more intense, click, click, click. With a sudden snap, the pen's spring gave way, leaving Amelia muttering, "Just my luck." She tossed the remains of the broken pen into the overflowing bin, too tired to grab another. Her gaze remained fixed on the computer screen. No definitive form of afterlife has been confirmed. "That's it, isn't it?" she finally whispered, her voice barely audible in the solemn office. Just her fucking luck! Great, GREAT. It's been months since the diagnosis, and every inch of hope has been torn away from her. The thought of nothing makes her fists clench, her shoulders stiffen. Her eyes reddened, and she wiped away any tears threatening to escape her grasp. Amelia took a deep breath, trying to compose herself and regain some semblance of control over her emotions. This can't be, this can't be! She knew the end was soon, there was no chance she would get away, but this? This was the straw that broke the camels back. Amelia couldn't do anything but stare at those words. The words were burned into her screen, and into her eyes. No definitive afterlife. Nothing on the other side. Nothing. As if to interrupt the heavy stillness in the room, another blip from her computer snapped her back to the present moment. She hesitated for a second, finger lingering over the mouse. But she couldn't ignore it. With a single sigh, she wiped away any lingering tears and focused on the screen. Notice This file is outdated due to recent discoveries. To review the updated file, please click here. Footnotes 1. Drygioni: Item is currently under an official investigation for authenticity by the Overseer Council. « ACO-7798 | SCP-7799 | SCP-7800 » More From This Author More From This Author TroutMaskReplica's Works SCPs SCP-7811 (+-3) • SCP-7921 (+36) • SCP-6356 (+31) • SCP-7084 (+140) • SCP-7230 (+25) • SCP-7155 (+50) • SCP-5796 (+82) • SCP-7973 (+42) • SCP-7619 (+31) • SCP-6825 (+66) • SCP-6718 (+37) • SCP-6289 (+75) • SCP-6862 (+53) • SCP-7345 (+102) • SCP-6294 (+35) • Tales/GoI Formats It Will All Be Okay (+26) • VILE (+34) • Other A timely death. (+15) • Soy Un Perdedor (+17) • Christmas Industries (Art Exchange) (+14) • Trout's EPIC Authorpage (+88) • Jawn Proposal (Fanart!) (+20) •
Rab333 Don't do drugs, kids. Also, more stuff by me! Item#: 7803 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-7803-1. Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-7803-1's death, no containment measures are needed for it. Samples of SCP-7803 are currently stored in a basic biological containment chamber in Site-23. Generalized efforts pertaining to monitoring the area of Chicago, Illinois for undiscovered instances of SCP-7803 are also underway. Description: SCP-7803 is an anomalous subspecies of the Panaeolus cinctulus1 mushroom that was found exclusively in Chicago, Illinois, before complete removal and subsequent personal cultivation by SCP-7803-1. SCP-7803, upon consumption, allows the individual to experience the entirety of Connor Baird's life up until the end of the 1991 World Series2 Game 7. The psychedelic effects of SCP-7803 are the same every time and match nearly perfectly3 in comparison to the events undertaken in SCP-7803-1's life, save for day-to-day experiences which can't be accurately checked. The aforementioned effects of SCP-7803 last approximately a few hours, though affected individuals experience them with a heavily distorted time perception, roughly matching the entire duration of Baird's life up until Game 7. SCP-7803-1 is Connor Baird, an American professional baseball player. Discovery Log 7803.1: A massive quantity of SCP-7803 was discovered upon SCP-7803-1's death, stashed in several different parts of its house. While public records attribute the death of SCP-7803-1 to a hemorrhagic stroke, an estimated 49g of SCP-7803 was found in SCP-7803-1's body upon autopsy. During testing of SCP-7803, it was discovered that all psychedelic trips ended with a speech given by SCP-7803-1 to the Minnesota Twins, following the finale of Game 7. No such speech was ever recorded or given during the 1991 World Series finale. Reports from former Minnesota Twins players suggest that SCP-7803-1 had started uncontrollably sobbing for an extended period of time after the game. It is currently unknown if SCP-7803's psychedelic visions were prophetic in nature, or were simply extensively followed by SCP-7803-1. If the latter is true, combined with the accuracy of Baird's actions relative to the visions, it is theorized that it spent at least several thousands of years under the active effects of SCP-7803. Update 04/03/2013 Update 04/03/2013 A message, stashed away in a compartment used to hide instances of SCP-7803, was subsequently found, theorized to have been written shortly before SCP-7803-1's death. The message has been attached below: I don't know what to do anymore. Since they've stopped guiding me. I'm lost. Give me the knowledge of just one more day, one more day, one more day, please. I'm sorry. License License Filename: DSC_0406_Orlando_Cabrera.jpg Name: Guy License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:DSC_0406_Orlando_Cabrera.jpg Footnotes 1. Banded mottlegill. 2. The 1991 World Series was the championship series of Major League Baseball's (MLB) 1991 season. 3. Check Discovery Log 7803.1.
ITEM #: 7804 CONTAINMENT CLASS: KETER SCP-7804 SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-7804's remote location has rendered active suppression of its transmissions nonessential. A five-kilometer perimeter is maintained at all times. Public access is denied (CS-3 "Private Property"). Observation of the perimeter zone should occur daily via satellite footage and aerial drones. Some tasks will require personal inspection or interference by trained agents, but these should be conducted sparingly as human presence near SCP-7804 is ill-advised. Agents are expected to confirm the presence of a number of environmental effects and note any significant deviations from normal data. Refer to Document-A for a comprehensive outline of required observations; a summarized list is provided below. Monday: Confirm the presence of wildlife carcasses. Note the species, number, and concentration of deaths. Note if carcasses appear to be consumed in any way, and in what manner. Report to containment teams immediately if carcasses appear within SCP-7804, or if precipitation in the area occurs. Tuesday: Observation on this day consists of two parts. Morning; confirm the rapid emergence of flowers. Note the location and density of animal species and include any unusual behavior. Minimal interaction is permitted to assess fear responses. Non-native species must be recorded and tracked for signs of movement out of the perimeter zone at the conclusion of the broadcast. Evening; observe astronomical movements and note unusual arrangements of stars. Highlight movement or appearance of Red/Orange color types and note arrangement. See attached image for known astronomical patterns. If precipitation occurs during either half of observation, alert containment teams immediately. Wednesday: Record ambient moisture and salinity. Note mutations in local wildlife in addition to the emergence of unusual species. Genetically deviant species should be captured, if possible, or destroyed by any means. Captured species should be documented and incinerated. Note the presence, coloration, and height of cloud cover and report precipitation immediately. Thursday: Record changes to the physical terrain and assess if the geologic material is of celestial origin. Confirm the appearance of impossible geological formations, chemistry of liquids, or biological growth in violation of natural laws. Observation should be conducted remotely, as contact with impossible terrain risks transferring its properties. Precipitation will not outwardly possess unusual properties but should still be considered anomalous and highly dangerous. Friday: Fire containment teams should be on standby to suppress flames should electrical failure occur within SCP-7804. If flames are present, observers should note the color and temperature. Teams must use a dry chemical suppression system (sodium bicarbonate and mono-ammonium phosphate) for maximum effectiveness. Precipitation, should it occur, will not extinguish flames. Saturday: Note the efficacy of natural and artificial reflective surfaces. Document wildlife behaving unusually around reflective surfaces. The appearance of new reflective surfaces should be recorded and subsequently obstructed. Eye contact is not to be made with reflective figures at any time. Wind speed and ambient moisture will increase throughout the day. Premature precipitation should be noted. Sunday: All personnel are denied access to SCP-7804 on Sunday. Observation is not to occur on Sunday. Personnel must devote Sunday to personal projects and not perform any work duties relating to SCP-7804 with the sole exception of perimeter patrols. Individuals attempting to exit SCP-7804 on Sunday should be destroyed. Precipitation is expected and should not be reported. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7804 is a transmitting mast radiator initially operated by an unknown telecommunication company (see below) and built at an unknown time. It is constructed of tubular steel and stands at 53.34 meters in height. Analysis suggests the tower was originally painted in alternating stripes of red and white but has since turned black due to decay from exposure to the elements. It continuously transmits at a longwave frequency of 150.6 kHz, covering a range of roughly 2,000 kilometers, and operates regardless of human presence. SCP-7804 has been retrofitted with electronic and analog equipment not typically used for radio-transmitting masts of similar design. Modifications include RG-59/U coaxial cables insulated with bark from the Sequoioideae subfamily, loading coils coated in non-decaying hemoglobin, and seven subterranean funerary boxes, empty, attached to SCP-7804 via copper cables, among others. See Addenda for a full list of modifications. While the exact purpose and capabilities of this equipment are unknown, it is suspected that the alterations may aid SCP-7804 in acquiring and "translating" a broadcast signal from an anomalous source. At the base of the tower is an operating booth designed for prolonged human presence. At the time of discovery, the booth was padlocked with an attached note reading, "Notice: Condemned - Building in violation of Seismic code 1977 and Occult code 0918. Do Not Kill." The booth is fitted with bunk space and living amenities but has fallen into severe disrepair. Evidence of habitation — canned food, water jugs, blankets, etc. — was documented, along with the remains of a human, skeletalized, sitting upright in a swivel chair at the booth's control terminal. A pair of headphones were fused with the skull and playing audio from SCP-7804's broadcast at the time of discovery. The terminal was determined not to be the source of the broadcast; rather, it connects directly to the tower, capturing, refining, and transmitting the audio through an ill-understood process. The following note was attached to the terminal at the time of discovery: D, I've done what I can. The sermon's rigged to repeat as long as there's a signal coming in. Keep this up and running and we'll be set for a long time. Or is that the fire talking? If you ever want to shut it off, don't. You can't. Do not kill. Trust me, you're better off hearing this shit on the radio where you can turn the volume down and not in your head like some of the guys back home. Don't worry about power either, I've got that covered. See you soon, J. P.S. If you're not in the club and you found this place on a dare, come back Sunday. See what the fuss is all about! The booth, and by extension the tower, is not connected to a power source but operates regardless. Recovered documents place SCP-7804 under the care and operation of a Black Mountain Transmitting Co., which claims to provide high-quality radio service to 85% of North America through a network of broadcasting towers. No evidence outside of SCP-7804 corroborates this claim. Inside the operating booth is a tall redwood door fitted with intricate brasswork much older than either the booth or the tower. An engraving on the front reads "THE AGGREGATION". The door is weather-worn and damaged in some areas. Its locking mechanism is nonfunctional and shows evidence of various attempts at reinforcements. The door, when opened, leads to a nondescript storage closet (Variable. See below). SCP-7804 broadcasts on a repeating schedule. The contents of each transmission vary depending on the day of the week. Each broadcast week is identical. See below for summaries or contact Archives for detailed transcripts of each broadcast. Monday: Broadcast begins at 6:00 a.m. local time. Feminine voice greets listeners with the following message: Good morning. Today is one. There is rain coming. It is dry now but will rain on the seventh day of our broadcast. The pantheon prepares for our gathering. Until then let us honor the seven of the new age. Tune in each day and convene on the seventh. Follow the rain and you will know when the ascent is prepared. We dedicate this broadcast to the bloody lion Khaulamezia [unintelligible]. He is king of the pantheon. Our god of violence and the natural order of things. Please let our humility satiate the hunger. Let the flesh of the forest soothe you and lull your sleep. Let our bones and blood suffice. Did you see it, in the dream? Last night he killed the bird. He killed but did not eat. Why? The flesh is pure but we are not. Today's artist is Wet Velvet Goat with the song 'You Will Never Understand'. White noise for two minutes followed by sixteen hours of ambient music. Sound ebbs and flows and is layered with instruments of varying frequency and intensity at half-hour intervals. The track is overpowered by low guttural tones at eleven hours and the quality of the broadcast begins to degrade. Eventually, a high-pitched woodwind instrument pierces the din. This instrument begins fast and intricate and grows more powerful over the disharmony until all other sounds fade away. The woodwind then becomes lethargic and eventually settles on a single tone which it holds for the remainder of the track. Broadcast ends with a prayer: [Unintelligible] says the lion, Khaulamezia. [Unintelligible] and rejoice. He accepts our humility and He sleeps once more. We shall eat in his honor and mind our manners. [Unintelligible, chorus of voices]. Be humble, and good night. Tuesday: Broadcast begins at 6:00 a.m. local time. Feminine voice greets listeners with the following message: Good morning. Today is two. Rain is coming. Not today, but soon. Shelter the kindling from the sky and keep dry the children. The morning is dedicated to serenity, to the twinkling rose Piercea of the dream. The rose grows now on the grass flat under the dark sky. There is no light but the rose and it gives us peace. It gives peace and calms the heart. When you fall, land in the light of the rose for your bones will not break and your fire will not die. Enjoy the morning sun. Audio plays an unedited recording of a natural soundscape for eight hours. Birds and insects are audible, as well as occasional mammals. Confirmed species include Sylvia atricapilla (Blackcap), Strix aluco (Tawny owl), Accipiter gentilis (Northern goshawk), Nemobius sylvestris (Wood cricket), Capreolus capreolus (Roe deer), Procyon lotor (Raccoon), among others (See Addenda for comprehensive species list and attached notes). Animal vocalizations grow in number and volume continually for the duration of the recording. All vocalizations cease at seven hours and fifty minutes at which point muted thunder is heard and rain begins to fall. Audio then abruptly cuts to white noise. Feminine voice returns with the following message. The morning turns to dusk and we must believe it. Understand it and give thanks to it. So that it cannot hurt us. The dusk is dedicated to the Constellation Hornet. Look up above. The clouds break and you can see it now. The red and orange specks of paint grow larger and sharper every cycle. It will reach us one day and sting the earth with poison. Bite and chew and nest until we are all hollowed out. The stars do not lie and all the gods know it. It will happen. But not today. Not for a long time. Dusk is to remind us of our doom, Beshult. Look up and remember and observe and smile that it is still far, far away. Audio of a choir of feminine voices plays, overlaid by desynchronized synthesized tones. Choir sings two tones, one high and one low, repeatedly. Tones mirror the choir but remain audibly disconnected from the voices. Masculine voices join to replace the synthesized tones, growing progressively louder and more aggressive. Synthesized tones return to mirror the masculine voices in volume and strength. Feminine voices become inaudible. Synthetic tone overpowers the masculine voices until they too fade away entirely. The synthetic tone maintains its strength and volume for several hours until it abruptly cuts to reveal the nearly imperceptible sound of buzzing underlying the track. Feminine voice closes the broadcast with a prayer: The rose Piercea and the Constellation Hornet. We give thanks to the pantheon that we may live with the rose and not the stars. Yet as we weep for the world our children must inherit we pay respect to the constellation. All gods of the pantheon must be honored no matter how terrible. That is the will of the bells. And we must respect that. Don't forget, and good night. Wednesday: Broadcast begins at 6:00 a.m. local time. Feminine voice greets listeners with the following message: Good morning. Today is three. Rain clouds gather. As we approach the great change let us remember our beginnings. Picture in your mind the image we're born with. The black cliffs. Do you see? Look down now into the white fog. Watch it clear and be blown by the winds. Ah, the green sea, I see it now. Watch for the flukes of monsters and the writhing mass of fish. Watch them tear each other apart. Watch them fight to live. Remember our ancestors in the soup of life. The salt cleanses the skin. Makes us stronger. This broadcast is dedicated to the primordial sea. From the whale's mouth we came and to the whale's mouth we will return. The sea will claim us back. All will return and become whole again. The following song is untitled, by Dogfish. Track consists of a throbbing bass echoed by higher synth tones. Noise pulses rhythmically, accentuated by heavy guitar chords and cymbal crashes. A dull, high-pitched ringing grows in strength, then fades away. Guitars and drums fade, then return. Vocals enter, but the throbbing bass makes the words indistinguishable. Voice is aggressive but indistinct. Voice cries out in pain or joy. Vocals fade and the synth tones get louder. Track ends with bass. Feminine voice closes the broadcast with a prayer: There can be no end without the beginning. We cannot welcome the new gods without a sense of time. Let the gods fight and die in the brine. So that they can emerge strong and lead us to a new age. Look forward to the great convergence. Anticipate, and good night. Thursday: Broadcast begins at 6:00 a.m. local time. Feminine voice greets listeners with the following message: Good morning. Today is four. It is colder than yesterday. Darkness on the horizon. The calls draw nearer. We catch glimpses of the other between blinks. We see the world as its inverse. Mailumar, the moon and the planet as one. Its body is foreign. Its rocks are strange and hostile to the eye. They twist and mock the senses, the colors offputting. Its dust holds no remembrance of the suffering of man. Its water is poison, thick and oily. Its life is vile. Strange fish and stranger things tall and arching. Yet in it we see what was, is, and is yet to be. We see our future. We see all possibilities. Today's broadcast is dedicated to the other, Mailumar. We send our ambassadors to confer with what is not and never could be. We hope the other gives us audience. And now a message from the envoy, titled 'Human'. Track begins with low tones punctuated by human whistling. Drums enter, followed by vocals. White rock highway Field of space Hear her whisper On the fall of dusk And the break of dawn Call on one One of a kind Go now and see Come back and tell You will never understand Track stops to play itself in reverse. Lyrics remain intelligible despite the audial distortion. White rock highway Final Frontier Stretch like taffy She waits for us And smiles when we try There is room enough But is there time? Go now and see She calls me now Go now and see And come back quick Feminine voice closes the broadcast with a prayer: The other waits patient for our time. We give thanks to the planet Mailumar. Keep her close so we may hear her whispers. We pray our bodies may one day be ready for the voyage. Blessings to the ambassadors. Let them return triumphant and in good spirits. Humanity will evolve like it always must. Let it be painless. Prepare, and good night. Friday: Broadcast begins at 6:00 a.m. local time. Feminine voice greets listeners with the following message: Good morning. Today is five. The clouds are gathering, growing darker. Something stirs from within us. We devote this broadcast to the inferno, Knowledge, the all-consuming. Warm our bodies and heads but do not eat us. We put our faith in you, inferno, to show you that we can. Please let this sacrifice be enough. We give ourselves unto you. Track transitions to the snapping and popping of wood by fire. Sound persists at a dull volume for a considerable length of time. Abrupt coughing from multiple sources transitions to screaming. Sounds of panic and shuffling. Several objects fall and shatter. Banging on walls and pleas for help. Loud groan, then explosion. Broadcast abruptly cuts and an artificial voice warns viewers of technical difficulties. Broadcast remains disabled for the remainder of the day. Saturday: Broadcast begins at 6:00 a.m. local time. Feminine voice greets listeners with the following message: Good morning. Today is six. The fog rolls off the trees like a bad word. Soak in the sky before the clouds blot it out and pour water down our throats. Today's broadcast is dedicated to the self. It is a day for examination and reflection. It is a day of judgment. Count your sheep and your children. Sharpen the axe. Set right your business. The clock strikes midnight and all will be forgiven at last. Walk down your halls in the dead of night. Approach your mirror and gaze at it. Trace the contours of the face and remember it well. Feel the age and the errors. But do not look closely at the details. You must remember that it is not your face. The mirror reveals but it also distorts. It has its fun. It beckons and you must laugh. This next song is made for you. Track is variable depending on the listener. Reports consistently describe the sound as organic and deeply personal, as if it is recorded from within the listener's body. Listeners unanimously agree that the content of the sound is familiar but intangibly offputting. Many recall a dream they had in their youth where they woke in the dead of night to hear a loved one awake in another room; upon investigating, they are distracted by a large mirror and find that their reflection hates them. Feminine voice closes the broadcast with a prayer: We hope that message was enlightening. Self-reflection is important but often challenging. The mirror grants vision of what cannot be seen but do not submit to it. When it beckons know that it lies. It hates you. Remember to laugh. Smile, and good night. Sunday: Broadcast begins at 6:00 a.m. local time. The gentle pattering of rain on dead leaves. Wind through needles. The air is cold and sharpens the senses. Feminine voice greets listeners with the following message: The doors are open wide. Communion with the pantheon begins. Single file, all will pass. This broadcast is dedicated to the calling of the bells. Let them spell the arrival of a new age from the timeless threads that bind us. Church bells toll seven times for seven gods. The morning is still dark but the line is already getting long. You should gather your things quick and hope there is still time. Everyone wants out and Sunday is only so long. You know how people are. Track transitions to footage of a handheld recording device. The photographer is at the base of a mountain surrounded by colleagues. It is the first recorded expedition behind the door in SCP-7804. The photographer is nervous and the camera shakes. You cover your head from the sky. It's cold and you don't want to get wet standing in line. It'll be at least an hour before your turn. The rain washes everything around and reveals things long hidden. Things better left dead. Do you remember the prayers? The greeting? Clap bow clap bow. Practice before you enter. Seven days of prayers have led to this. Make sure to get it right. The photographer arrives at the base of SCP-7804. They walk a perimeter around it. It is raining heavily and is very foggy. There is light coming from the observation booth. The photographer approaches and enters the temple. Walk forward. The hall has grown since you last entered. The faith is doing well, it seems. Delicate intricacies carved into the polished white marble depict the story of your people. Of the death of the old and the coming of the new. Seven statues. The lion. The rose and stars. The whale. The planet. The fire. The mirror. The bells. They stare expectantly and you greet each one. Clap bow clap bow. The line trails on ahead, past the altars and the prayer rooms, to the foot of the winding staircase, its doors wide and beckoning. Blinding light consumes all who enter. Their eyes and mouths are open to let it all in. You've never seen what lies past the doors but you know it's what everyone has been waiting for. You don't feel the rain anymore. It's your turn to enter. The observation booth is empty except for the skeleton in the chair. It twitches ever so slightly. The transmitter is on and receiving. Bells, each chime weakening the border between here and there. The photographer freezes. A sound from behind and below, all at once. They turn to face the door. Light streaks across the floor from beneath its red wood. The photographer approaches and dreads. The Aggregation. They twist the knob and push it open. It creaks with the sound of a thousand years and spills its secrets into the eye of the camera. It is a staircase made of rotting wood and ancient mud, leading down. Electric bulbs light the path deep into the earth. Wailing from somewhere below. They talk into a radio but there is only static. The signal is obscured by something bigger. The photographer descends. You've been down here for so long. The dirt soaks your pores and fills your lungs. You want to breathe. You need to. The sensation of weight on your skin has never quite gone away even after all this time. You look behind you. Countless people silhouetted against the blinding light. You can see the anticipation in their eyes. You look ahead. Countless more climb up and up. The marble stairs of the temple beneath your feet turn to wood the higher you go. The faces of seven new gods stare absently down from the bright abyss. The white gives way to dark and you're surrounded by mud on all sides. Lights sway above, brushed gently by the shoulders of those ahead. The bells echo from somewhere beyond. The photographer descends carefully. There is movement. Gentle shifting of the light. Shadows crossing over each other. They listen carefully and hear a sound. Music. No, humming. Wordless. Desperate. Then there is another sound. Footsteps. The approach of visitors. Or are they the true people? Passing through, or are they returning? The doors have opened. It is the seventh day and all have come to see. Figures ascend to the sound of bells. They each pass the photographer and smile. Dirt falls from their mouths and water drips from their soaked shirts. Their eyes are milky and their skin full of holes. It's a miracle, they say, a second chance at life. They can hardly believe their prayers have been answered.
close Info X SCP-7BUS: The Amazing Cross-Dimensional Bus Service™ (TACDBS™) This is my first ever SCP and a long one at that (~10k words). I've officially been apart of this wiki for a month now and I'm happy to have finally contributed to the site :D There are no secrets so don't look. Item#: 7805 Level4 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: ticonderoga Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: mercurial link to memo object type: thaumiel object type: aisna {$class-category-3} {$class-text-3} {$class-category-4} {$class-text-4} SCP-7805-1α Special Containment Procedures: Access to SCP-7805-1α should be restricted to personnel with Level 4 or higher clearance and entry may only include on-site researchers and Class-D individuals. Entry into SCP-7805-1ß should only occur during experimentation in a controlled environment. While no anomalous beings or any passengers unaffiliated with the Foundation have alighted an SCP-7805-ß instance at SCP-7805-1α, agents from Site-549 are to stand guard at all times watching SCP-7805-1α in the case of this occurring. Updated Procedures (7/3/2016): All personnel using SCP-7805 are to strictly adhere to the guidelines set by the Ethics Committee during experimentation: Personnel boarding SCP-7805-1ß must wear specialised suits at all times during research. Personnel are to pay the correct fare for boarding any instance of SCP-7805-ß. Interaction with passengers on SCP-7805-ß are to be limited and to only occur when it would otherwise result in creating hostility with the passenger(s). All experiments on SCP-7805 must be recorded through cameras attached to the suits of boarding personnel. Excerpt from Addendum #3 Note that all personnel must use the SCP-7805-δ Communication Guide (Addendum #5) when travelling on SCP-7805-ß instances. Updated Procedures (14/5/2025): All research on SCP-7805 is prohibited due to the immense risk further research may have on the structure of our universe and neighbouring universes (See Addendum #8). Containment procedures still apply. Description: SCP-7805 is the designation given to three main components which function together to cause anomalous effects, these being SCP-7805-α, SCP-7805-ß and SCP-7805-δ. SCP-7805-1 refers to the initial instance of SCP-7805. Further instances have been labelled in order of chronological appearance, however this system is regarded as heavily redundant due to the seemingly infinite appearances SCP-7805 can take thus referring to the anomaly as a whole is most appropriate and less confusing. SCP-7805-1α is a run-down dark green shelter located 8km south-east of Site-549 which functions as a bus stop for SCP-7805-1ß. A bench is attached to the inside of the shelter and a simple white bike rack with worn-out paint is placed beside it. Significant markings include: 1) a green sign with text: "Bus Stop" located on the side of the roof, 2) a yellow sign with text: "Signal Driver" located to the right of the green sign, and 3) a four-digit number1 with white lettering located on the outside-wall of the stop. SCP-7805-1ß is a standard blue bus with a capacity of 58. It has no external markings besides the number twelve written in white lettering placed on the front of the bus underneath the front window. The inside of the bus contains grey walls, 43 grey seats, 15 blue handles for standing passengers, a driver's seat and standard driving components. SCP-7805-1ß appears to be solely controlled by SCP-7805-1δ and it is unknown whether or not this is the only way its anomalous effects can occur. This component's anomalous effects include the ability to evaporate targeted individuals, transportation to different dimensions and/or different locations in this universe and durability against significantly different climates and conditions. SCP-7805-1δ appears to be a Caucasian, elderly male with balding white hair, hazel eyes and a blue driving uniform with the name: "Robert McZimmerman" sewn on the left lapel. SCP-7805-1δ is the driver of SCP-7805-1ß with no major anomalous abilities, besides the presumed ability to survive in a variety of different physical and atmospheric environments. Whether or not this is attributed to SCP-7805-1δ himself or to the inside of SCP-7805-1ß is unknown. Descriptions of other instances of SCP-7805 can be read in Addendum #6. Discovery: SCP-7805 was brought to the Foundation's attention on 10/3/2016, when the lead researcher of SCP-7057: Dr. Romilly (henceforth referred to as Subject 7805-A), was reportedly "acting strange" by their fellow researchers and was hence sent to Site-549's medical infirmary and after 30 minutes of silence finally mentioned their coming into contact with an anomalous bus. Following an interview with Subject 7805-A, the location of SCP-7805-1α was reported and restricted access to SCP-7805-1α was established. As a result of SCP-7805 seemingly targeting Subject 7805-A after certain experimentation on SCP-7057, it has been noted that a connection between SCP-7057 and SCP-7805 may exist. The nature of this connection is still under documentation. Addendum #1 - Transcript of Interview with Subject 7805-A Subject 7805-A Interview Information: Interview with Subject 7805-A was conducted on 12/3/2016 by interdimensional researcher Dr. Bradley Matthews at Site-549. Click to view: Interview Log - Subject 7805-A Interview Log: Subject 7805-A, Full Transcript INTERVIEW BEGINS AT 12/3/2016, 20:33 Subject 7805-A sits down. Dr. Matthews: Hello, Dr. Romilly. How are you today? Subject 7805-A: (quietly) I'm…okay, I guess. Dr. Matthews: Do you think you're ready to talk about your experience with SCP-7805? Subject 7805-A: Um…I think so. What do you want to know? Dr. Matthews: If you are comfortable doing so, I would like you to recount as much as you can about SCP-7805. Subject 7805-A: (Subject clears throat) Ok, so I was coming home after doing an experiment on SCP-7057 and I- Dr. Matthews: Hold that thought for a sec, Morgan. Which experiment was this? Subject 7805-A: (Subject looks confused) Uh…how is this relevant? Dr. Matthews: Trust me, it is very crucial we get every detail about what happened that day. So, what tests did you do on SCP-7057? Subject 7805-A: Okay, um…so we started by [REDACTED] Dr. Matthews: Alright, thanks for being honest and aiding our knowledge on SCP-7805. So, go on. You were coming home from work when… Subject 7805-A: So…I, uh…was heading to the bus stop I would usually wait at when I saw one much closer to here so I though: "Hey, this might save me some time!" So then, I… Subject 7805-A glances off into the distance. Dr. Matthews: Uh, Morgan? Will you be able to continue the interview? Subject 7805-A: Oh, uh…yeah, sure. I'm sorry. It's just quite overwhelming reliving it. So…I waited at this new stop when a bus stopped, like it usually would…and I didn't think too much of it, I just went on it like I usually do. Paid the fare, found a seat, dozed off a bit, you know, the usually things you do. Dr. Matthews: Yes, that makes sense. Can you tell me anything about the driver of this so-called bus? Subject 7805-A: Uh…not much, other then he just seemed like a normal dude. Took my money and just started driving. Nothing unusual. Dr. Matthews: Yeah? Okay, interesting…anything abnormal about the journey? Subject 7805-A: (Subject takes a deep breath) The, uh…first ride was pretty normal. You know…bus regularly stopping and starting as people leave and come on. Then…the, clears throat, the ride takes a turn. The outside seems to get much darker than it usually would at that time. Dr. Matthews: And what time was this at, Dr. Romilly? Subject 7805-A: I, uh…I'm not quite sure but it was around 16:04 when I boarded the bus and I'd say…20 minutes after when I started to notice something was wrong. Dr. Matthews: Okay so you'd say it was about 16:25, then? Subject 7805-A: Yeah around then. Sun doesn't usually set till well after. So anyway, I look outside my window and I see a dark blue sky, not too abnormal but still not quite right given the time. (Subject starts to speak faster) So I get a bit spooked when all of a sudden I see these strange looking plants with like neon-yellow leaves and hexagonal-shaped red flowers and so I start to freak out and I press the stop button and the bus stops at the next stop and I exit the bus and the driver gives me a weird look as I get off and then there I am in the middle of this weird place with freaky plants with no way to get back home and my phone stops working and- Dr. Matthews: Okay, okay, slow down, Dr. Romilly. Take a breather. Subject 7805-A takes a few deep breaths. Subject 7805-A: Okay, so I'm in this weird place and for a while I am freaking out. A few minutes pass and then I see a pair of headlights. And so I wave them down and see that it is another bus, however looks much more, let's say, steampunk-ish. Dr. Matthews: What do you mean by that exactly? Subject 7805-A: Oh, you know. Cogs and gears everywhere. Exhaust pipes in places where they probably shouldn't be. Even the driver was steampunk, wearing those weird goggles. Dr. Matthews: Could you talk a bit more about the driver of this bus? Subject 7805-A: Uh, ye. Nothing much to say about her, except for she wouldn't let me on the bus unless I played double the fare. I mean, of course I paid it; I had no other way to get out of here. Now for this one, I was much more alert and noticed the weird passengers on this bus. Pretty much none of them looked the same as another. All different shapes and sizes. I think I mighta seen a talking pig. Dr. Matthews: Alright, interesting…now where did this bus take you? Subject 7805-A: Fortunately, it took me back to the first stop. I thanked the driver so much and was in tears. Right before the bus arrived I actually was starting to get eyed by a scary-looking owl creature. I pushed that stop button so quickly. Dr. Matthews: Would you say that is an extensive enough recount of your experience? About 2 minutes pass before Subject 7805-A responds. Subject 7805-A: Uh…yeah. Anything else you want to hear? Dr. Matthews pulls out a map of the local area. Dr. Matthews: Could you show me on this map around whereabouts you would say this bus stop is? Subject 7805-A points to location of SCP-7805-1α on map. Dr. Matthews: Right here? Subject 7805-A nods. Dr. Matthews: Cool, we'll get our agents right on it. You're free to go. INTERVIEW CONCLUDES AT 12/3/2016, 20:56 Addendum #2 - Summary of SCP-7805 Experiments 01-05 Experiment No. Description Findings #01 One Class-D is told to enter SCP-7805-1ß without paying the bus fare The Class-D disappears and is never seen again. NOTE: Following this experiment, the number located on the outside wall of SCP-7805-1α changed from 2501 to 2502. #02 One Class-D with a tracking device implanted into the back of his neck is told to enter SCP-7805-1ß and pay the fare. He is also informed to avoid interaction with any passengers on the bus and the driver of the bus and that he is to do the same with any subsequent instance of SCP-7805-ß. The tracking device works for around five (5) minutes until seemingly falling out of range, occurring around 4km away from SCP-7805-1α. Nearly 1 hour passes before the Class-D returns back to SCP-7805-1α, on a pink and yellow bus with a vastly different shape to standard buses (This has now been allocated designation SCP-7805-4ß). Class-D reportedly went on three (3) bus rides in total, with their fares each costing more than the previous one. Descriptions on the locations and other instances of SCP-7805 were documented (See Addendum #6). #03 Three Class-D are told different instructions. First Subject (D-7805-3) is told to not pay the fare or interact with any passengers or drivers. Second Subject (D-7805-4) is told to pay the fare and not to interact with any passengers or drivers. Third Subject (D-7805-5) is told to pay the fare and to interact with all drivers and as many passengers as appropriate. D-7805-3 does not return. D-7805-4 and D-7805-5 do return after two bus rides, however the latter subject has a wounded left arm and a bruised right eye. According to recounts from both surviving subjects, SCP-7805-1δ pushed a special, blue button on the dashboard after D-7805-3 refused to pay the fare, causing the Subject to seemingly evaporate.2 D-7805-4 mentioned that the fare for the second bus ride was more than the first, however for D-7805-5 the fare was actually lower than the first. Based on this information, it appears interacting with the driver of the bus has an impact on the price of the buses.3 D-7805-5's injuries occurred after he talked to a disgruntled creature with a deformed face. However, interaction with other passengers did result in both valuable conversation regarding the nature of SCP-7805 and D-7805-5's receiving of a decorated box.4 The key point of information that D-7805-5 found from conversing with passengers was that SCP-7805 is a large bus service-network with the ability to transport between different realities. #04 Two Class-D are given slightly different instructions. Both are told to pay the correct fare and to interact with the bus driver. One is told to only interact with SCP-7805-δs, while the other is told to interact with passengers as well. Neither Subjects return. Reason unknown due to absence of documentation. NOTE: The number on SCP-7805-1α changed from 2502 to 2504 after this incident. EDIT: Further knowledge of this incident has been provided through the improved ability to communicate with the driver. Both were perfectly safe during the ride on SCP-7805-1ß. Health problems began when they entered a different reality (Dimension-7805-5) which, according to SCP-7805-1δ's testimony, seems to have had vastly different laws of physics to ours, causing their bodies to implode upon exiting SCP-7805-1ß. #05 Two Class-D wearing specialised suits5 are given similar instructions. Both are told to pay the correct fare and to interact with only the bus driver. One is told to get off the bus normally (D-7805-8), while the other is told to stay on the bus as long as possible (D-7805-9). D-7805-9, returns to SCP-7805-1α well before D-7805-8. Disciplinary action was underway until the Subject explained that he had figured out how to communicate with SCP-7805-1δ and hence was able to tell him to return to SCP-7805-1α (For more information, see Addendum #5). D-7805-8 returns an hour later with a profusely bleeding right arm. She stated it was caused by a hostile creature residing in the second alternate dimension she was taken to. This Subject reportedly went on four bus rides before returning back, however not much information was gathered on these locations as she soon after dropped dead from immense blood loss, despite the medic's best efforts. Addendum #3 - Discussion with Ethics Committee regarding use of Class-D personnel in the experimentation of SCP-7805 To: Ethics Committee From: Dir. Bradley (Head of Site-549) Subject: Review on use of Class-D personnel on experimentation of SCP-7805 Attachment: SCP-7805 Experiments 01-05 Compiled Sent: 29/2/2016, 15:42 Dear Sir/Madam of the Ethics Committee, Attached is a document detailing experiments done to further understand the nature of SCP-7805. Each of these experiments required the use of Class-D personnel, with some of them unfortunately being either KIA or MIA. I would like to add that these casualties and injuries appear to be largely related to the misuse of SCP-7805 and hence blame could be accurately placed on the harmed individuals themselves. However, instruction from researchers given to these Class-D personnel may have influenced their actions to result in harm. Therefore, I propose experimentation with the use of Class-D subjects continue under measured regulation, ensuring as little harm is caused to them as possible. I think we're close to an important discovery, and this anomaly could definitely be useful in the capturing of dangerous and escaped anomalies. - Director Hugh Bradley Staff of the SCP Foundation Head of Site 549 To: Dir. Bradley (Head of Site-549) From: Ethics Committee Subject: RE: Review on use of Class-D personnel on experimentation of SCP-7805 Sent: 7/3/2016, 17:00 Greetings Director Bradley, Your request has been reviewed and your concerns addressed. As a result, the following conditions have been placed on the continued experimentation of SCP-7805: Personnel boarding SCP-7805-1ß must wear specialised suits at all times during research. Personnel are to pay the correct fare for boarding any instance of SCP-7805-ß. Interaction with passengers on SCP-7805-ß are to be limited and to only occur when it would otherwise result in creating hostility with the passenger(s). All experiments on SCP-7805 must be recorded through cameras attached to the suits of boarding personnel. Kind regards, Ethics Committee. Addendum #4 - Summary of Experiments 06-11 Experiment No. Description Findings #06 One Class-D is to follow the Communication Guide (See Addendum #5), to travel to Dimension-7805-2. Standard restrictions as enforced by the Ethics Committee are to be followed. Subject reportedly travels to what is now classified as Dimension-7805-7, which is notably similar in appearance to Dimension-7805-2 however was not the same, possessing a green sky as opposed to a red one. To our knowledge, the subject was using the Communication Guide correctly. More testing of this guide will follow. #07 Two Class-D are to both travel without the Communication Guide on SCP-7805-1ß and with the Communication Guide on every subsequent bus to return to SCP-7805-1α. Standard restrictions as enforced by the Ethics Committee are to be followed. Only one of the Class-D return, D-7805-12. She is unable to inform how the other Subject disappeared. To her knowledge, the two of them both said the same directions in-line with the Communication Guide. Reason for this complication is unknown. #08 D-7805-12 and one other Class-D are to use the Communication Guide to travel to Dimension-7805-2, take photos of the sky, ground and bus stop, then return to our dimension. Standard restrictions as enforced by the Ethics Committee are to be followed. D-7805-12 returns with the correct photos of Dimension-7805-2 in 23 minutes. The other subject, D-7805-13, returns with the correct photos in 51 minutes. D-7805-13 informs that they figured out an alternate way to use the Communication Guide, which appears to be linked to each individual (For more information, see Addendum #5). #09 D-7805-13 and one other Class-D are to use the updated Communication Guide to travel to Dimension-7805-3, take photos of the sky, ground and bus stop, then return to our dimension. Standard restrictions as enforced by the Ethics Committee are to be followed. D-7805-13 returns with the correct photos of Dimension-7805-3 in 19 minutes. D-7805-14 returns back with the correct photos in 30 minutes. Both subjects used the Communication Guide and it appeared to work correctly. #10╓╫ ERrOr! This log has either been corrupted or removed from the database due to dangerous and/or sensitive information. Contact your RAISA supervisor for more information. #11 Three Class-D are to attempt to find a book with knowledge of SCP-7805 in the Wanderer's library, take it from the library, then return to our dimension. Standard restrictions as enforced by the Ethics Committee are to be followed. Only one subject returns, D-7805-29. He, quote: "Bolted the fuck away from those terrifying snake lovin' bitches". D-7805-28 was reportedly incapacitated by members of the Serpent's Hand7 when looking for a rose-gold covered book, which D-7805-29 states is what SCP-7805-1δ said the book would look like. D-7805-27 and D-7805-29 were able to retreat to SCP-7805-13ß safely. Unfortunately, two other members of the Serpent's Hand8 were passengers on the bus and recognised the Foundation logo on D-7805-27's suit. They proceeded to stab D-7805-27 a total of 34 times before SCP-7805-13ß arrived at SCP-7805-1α, where D-7805-29 exited the bus as hastily as possible. ~Dir. Bradley - While these experiments did result in a lot of deceased Class-D, it did show that this anomaly could be used to reach anomalous places we haven't been able to before. This could very well be used to save people under the effects of a Nexus… Addendum #5 - SCP-7805-δ Communication Guide THE REQUESTED FILE HAS BEEN DELETED THROUGH DATA CORRUPTION TRIGGERED BY AN INCIDENT AT SITE-549.9 WE APOLOGISE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE THIS MAY CAUSE. Addendum #6 - Descriptions of Buses, Drivers, Bus Stops and Locations The below table includes descriptions of instances of SCP-7805 and locations that it has sent people to. Click to view: Descriptions of SCP-7805 Descriptions of Buses, Drivers, Bus Stops and Locations - Abridged Version Descriptions of SCP-7805-ß Instances Name Description Discovery SCP-7805-1ß Standard left-hand drive blue bus with no significant markings save from the number 12 written in white lettering on the front of the bus. Inside, all seats and walls are light-grey, all made out of standard material. Driven by SCP-7805-1δ. Seems to be intrinsically connected to SCP-7805-1α, SCP-7805-1δ and Earth in our universe. First seen on 9/3/2016 by Subject 7805-A. Has appeared every time SCP-7805's effect has occurred. SCP-7805-2ß Standard-sized left-hand drive bronze bus with many visible cogs and gears. Its exhaust releases an excess amount of CO2. Only significant marking is the number "35" in black lettering on the front of the bus. Inside, all seats and walls are brown and appear to be made of leather. Driven by SCP-7805-2δ. Seems to be intrinsically connected to SCP-7805-2α, SCP-7805-2δ and Dimension-7805-1. First seen on 9/3/2016 by Subject 7805-A. Has only appeared one other time after [DATA MISSING] during Experiment #10.10 … SCP-7805-4ß Pink and yellow right-hand drive bus with a standard capacity however has an arched floor and a triangular roof. Only significant marking is the number "416" in dark-grey lettering on the front of the bus. Inside, all seats and walls are pale-yellow, all made out of standard material. Driven by SCP-7805-4δ. Seems to be intrinsically connected to SCP-7805-4α, SCP-7805-4δ and Dimension-7805-3. First seen on 24/5/2016 by D-7805-2. Last seen on 2/12/2018 by D-7805-13 and D-7805-14 during Experiment #09. … SCP-7805-6ß Small-sized dark-red right-hand drive bus with many heavily-tinted square windows. Only significant markings are 1) the number/letter combination "8S" in white lettering with black outlining on the front of the bus and 2) a list of rules written on the inside walls of the bus.11 Inside, all seats and walls are light-grey, all made out of standard material. Driven by SCP-7805-6δ. Seems to be intrinsically connected to SCP-7805-6α, SCP-7805-6δ and Dimension-7805-6. First seen on 14/8/2016 by D-7805-9. Has not been seen since. SCP-7805-7ß Small-sized white and red left-hand drive bus with white-tinted windows. Only significant marking is the number/letter combination "50S" in red lettering on the front of the bus. Driven by SCP-7805-7δ. While knowledge on SCP-7805-7ß's origins is limited, the designation SCP-7805-7α has been reserved for future discovery. First seen on 14/8/2016 by D-7805-8. Has not been seen since. SCP-7805-8ß Black and gold right-hand drive bus with standard capacity however adopts a cubic shape in place of a standard bus shape. Only significant marking is the number "256" in silver lettering on the front of the bus. Inside, all seats and walls are red, all made out of standard material but with extra cushioning. Seems to be intrinsically connected to SCP-7805-8α, SCP-7805-8δ and Dimension-7805-8. First seen on 16/8/2018 by D-7805-11 and D-7805-12. Has not been seen since. … SCP-7805-1Oß/BU5╙▌ ~NO ENTRY EXISTS~ … SCP-7805-13ß Dark-green left-hand drive bus with yellow spots and a standard capacity, however appears to have a lower ceiling and a longer body. Only significant markings are 1) the number/letter combination "G14" in white lettering on the front of the bus and 2) an image of "a tree with the trunk replaced with a snake's head" on the inside walls of the bus.12 Driven by SCP-7805-13δ. Seems to be intrinsically connected to SCP-7805-13α, SCP-7805-13δ and a gateway leading to Nx-01 (The Wanderer's Library). First seen on 15/6/2020 by D-7805-27 and D-7805-29. Has not been seen since. Descriptions of SCP-7805-δ Instances Name Description Discovery SCP-7805-1δ Appears to be a Caucasian, elderly male possessing balding white hair, hazel eyes and a dark-blue driving uniform with the name: "Robert McZimmerman" sewn on his left lapel in white lettering. He is the only known person to drive SCP-7805-1ß. Seems to be intrinsically connected to SCP-7805-1α, SCP-7805-1ß and Earth in our universe. First seen on 9/3/2016 by Subject 7805-A. He has appeared every time SCP-7805's effect has occurred. SCP-7805-2δ Appears to be a European, middle-aged female possessing long brown hair, brown eyes, a pair of bronze aviator goggles and a brown-grey driving uniform with the name: "Emma Federica" sewn on her left lapel in bronze lettering. She is the only known person to drive SCP-7805-2ß. Seems to be intrinsically connected to SCP-7805-2α, SCP-7805-2ß and Dimension-7805-1. First seen on 9/3/2016 by Subject 7805-A. She has only appeared one other time after [DATA MISSING] during Experiment #10. … SCP-7805-4δ Appears to be a gender-neutral humanoid possessing hot-pink skin, long red hair, blue eyes and a white driving uniform with the name: "Bubbles Blessing" sewn on their left lapel in pink lettering. They are the only known humanoid to drive SCP-7805-4ß. Seems to be intrinsically connected to SCP-7805-4α, SCP-7805-4ß and Dimension-7805-3. First seen on 24/5/2016 by D-7805-2. They were last seen on 2/12/2018 by D-7805-13 and D-7805-14 during Experiment #09. SCP-7805-5δ Appears to be a Spanish adult male possessing short black hair, brown eyes and a light-grey driving uniform with the name: "Marcio Jaime" sewn on his left lapel in dark-grey lettering. He is the only known person to drive SCP-7805-5ß. Seems to be intrinsically connected to SCP-7805-5α, SCP-7805-5ß and Dimension-7805-4. First seen on 19/6/2016 by D-7805-4 and D-7805-5. He has not been seen since. … SCP-7805-13δ Appears to be a humanoid with a shadow-like appearance. No details are able to be distinguished due to its unique appearance. They are the only known humanoid to drive SCP-7805-13ß. Seems to be intrinsically connected to SCP-7805-13α, SCP-7805-13ß and a gateway leading to Nx-01 (The Wanderer's Library). First seen on 15/6/2020 by D-7805-27 and D-7805-29. Has not been seen since. Descriptions of SCP-7805-α Instances Name Description Discovery SCP-7805-1α Dark-green bus shelter. Very worn with an equally worn out simple bicycle rack beside it. Markings include a green "Bus Stop" sign, a yellow "Signal Driver" sign and a four-digit white number (currently reads 2514). Seems to be intrinsically connected to SCP-7805-1ß, SCP-7805-1δ and Earth in our universe. First seen on 9/3/2016 by Subject 7805-A. It is the key location where SCP-7805's effect occurs. SCP-7805-2α Light-grey, solid concrete bus shelter, shaped like a rectangular prism with one face removed. Has a "bench" created similarly to the shelter itself. Only significant marking is a three-digit number carved into the underneath of the bench (last known to read 748). Seems to be intrinsically connected to SCP-7805-2ß, SCP-7805-2δ and Dimension-7805-1. First seen on 9/3/2016 by Subject 7805-A. Has only appeared one other time after [DATA MISSING] during Experiment #10. … SCP-7805-6α A single bright-red bench. Appears to be very polished. Only significant marking is the number "444" written in white paint on the left-side of the bench. Seems to be intrinsically connected to SCP-7805-6ß, SCP-7805-6δ and Dimension-7805-6. First seen on 14/8/2016 by D-7805-9. Has not been seen since. … SCP-7805-9α Silver bus shelter containing a bench. Moderately worn. Only significant marking is the presence of three unknown symbols written in red lettering on the concrete directly in front of SCP-7805-9α. These are presumed to be some kind of numbering system due to the presence of similar markings found on all discovered instances of SCP-7805-α. Seems to be intrinsically connected to SCP-7805-9ß, SCP-7805-9δ and Dimension-7805-9. First seen on 27/10/2018 by D-7805-13. Last seen after [DATA MISSING] during Experiment #10. … SCP-7805-13α Contains only a green sign with a picture of a book with the number seven written in the center, all in yellow print. Seems to be intrinsically connected to SCP-7805-13ß, SCP-7805-13δ and Nx-01. It is believed that this bus stop may be under the possession of the Serpent's Hand, what this may entail is presently unknown. First seen on 15/6/2020 by D-7805-27, -28 and -29. Descriptions of locations reached through use of SCP-7805 Name Description Discovery Dimension-7805-1 Key natural features include a dark-blue sky, a large amount of greenery made up of neon-yellow bushes sprouting red hexagonal flowers and pink tree-like pillars all around. Key artificial features include a road with a few standard streetlights and SCP-7805-2α on the side of the road. No natural life has been seen in this dimension. First seen on 9/3/2016 by Subject 7805-A. Has only appeared one other time after [DATA MISSING] during Experiment #10. Dimension-7805-2 Key natural features include a red sky, fields of black grass, grey saplings with dark-blue leaves growing along the "road" and short white bulbs growing abundantly within the fields. Only natural life found in the dimension are small pink insects (Permission to begin experimentation on these lifeforms is currently being processed). Possesses many similar properties to Dimension-7805-7.14 First seen on 24/5/2016 by D-7805-2. Last seen on 27/10/2018 by D-7805-12 and D-7805-13 during Experiment #08. … Dimension-7805-5 Not much is known about this dimension, aside from its possession of physical laws that contrast ours. Realities such as these should be avoided as much as possible, as even while wearing the specialised suits it is likely this drastic change in conditions will result in either the dismemberment or serious injury of personnel. Presumably first seen on 6/7/2016 by D-7805-6 and D-7805-7. Has not been seen since. … Dimension-7805-7 Key natural features include a green sky, fields of black grass, grey trees with purple leaves growing along the "road" and short white drooping plants similar in shape to morel mushrooms growing abundantly within the fields. Possesses a similar appearance to Dimension-7805-2. First seen on 4/7/2018 by D-7805-10 in an attempt to reach Dimension-7805-2 through use of the Communication Guide. Has not been seen since. … Wanderer's Library For more information on Nx-01, click here. Known by the Foundation since 1955. Travelled to through use of SCP-7805 by D-7805-27, D-7805-28 and D-7805-29 on 15/6/2020. Addendum #7 - Status on the Classification of SCP-7805 SCP-7805 has now been classified as belonging to Object Class:Aisna as of 26/8/2022 due to its ability to transport anomalous beings to any location they please, in effect producing them. Re-classification to Thaumiel has been denied due to the great risk these anomalies may cause especially if regularly used by Foundation personnel. It is unknown why no anomalous beings have exited the bus at SCP-7805-1a, however the leading theory may be that the majority of SCP-7805-ß riding anomalies have no desire to disrupt our planet. Click to view: Archive of the Classification of SCP-7805 Archive of communications regarding the Classification of SCP-7805 To: Head Dir. Hoffman (Head of Interdimensional Sites) From: Dir. Bradley (Head of Site-549) Subject: Request for the use of SCP-7805 in future containment missions Sent: 12/8/2022, 12:09 Good afternoon Director Hoffman, I'm sending this email to request that we open up SCP-7805 to be used by Foundation agents to capture other anomalies. While there is the slight risk that dangerous anomalies may be passengers on these buses, and that seeing members wearing Foundation issued suits could provoke them, I think that this situation would be too rare to occur and that the risk is worth the benefit that this anomaly could provide. Hope you consider this change of classification. Regards, - Director Hugh Bradley Staff of the SCP Foundation Head of Site 549 To: Dir. Bradley (Head of Site-549) From: Head Dir. Hoffman (Head of Interdimensional Sites) CC: RAISA Supervisor Nicole Farnham Subject: RE: Request for the use of SCP-7805 in future containment missions Sent: 19/8/2022, 15:14 Dear Dir. Bradley, Your request has been reviewed and we have decided to move to the next stage in classification. Nicole Farnham (RAISA Supervisor for Interdimensional Sites) has been CC'ed in this email and will begin testing of SCP-7805 on 22/8/2022. - Head Director Ned Hoffman Staff of the SCP Foundation Head Director of Interdimensional Sites (Site-186, Site-368, Site-549, Site-719, Site-852) To: Dir. Bradley (Head of Site-549) From: RAISA Supervisor Nicole Farnham Subject: RE:RE: Request for the use of SCP-7805 in future containment missions Sent: 26/8/2022, 17:00 Director Hugh Bradley, Following testing on SCP-7805, SCP-7805 has been deemed unfit for use by Foundation personnel and hence classification as Thaumiel is rejected. After analysing the anomalies effects, we have decided that SCP-7805 is best pertaining to Object Class: Aisna due to its anomalous properties allowing it to contain other anomalies. We have edited SCP-7805's documentation accordingly. Thanks for your coordination with this operation. - Nicole Farnham Records and Information Security Administration (RAISA) To contact us, please call 555-7592 Business hours: 8am-6pm, All days. Addendum #8 - Warning Message from Interdimensional Research Regulation Department (IRRD) Click to view: Warning Issued By IRRD Regarding Use of SCP-7805 Warning Issued By IRRD Regarding Use of SCP-7805 The appearance of objects other than SCP-7805-1ß emerging in front of SCP-7805-1α has indeed been observed at an increasing rate. We believe that this may be a sign that the convex point between our universe and others may be opening further, which could result in a collision with these realities. We have decided to label this the Great Convergence (GC) K-Class Scenario and have deemed it too dangerous to continue experimentation on SCP-7805 in hopes that this might slow down or even repair any damage done to the universal boundaries. Only time will tell. ~Dir. Bradley - As a result of the contents of this notice, all on-site research personnel will be relieved of their duties and sent back to work on other anomalies at Site-549 effective immediately. Footnotes 1. This number has noticeably changed three times over the course of experimentation and exploration and currently reads 2514. 2. Although it is unknown whether D-7805-3 is incapacitated or not, he has been documented as deceased. 3. After many more experiments, this effect is tied to each individual and still occurs even after months have passed since the last bus ride one has taken. 4. No anomalous properties have been found to exert from this item, however experimentation is ongoing. 5. For more information, contact your RAISA supervisor. 6. Following this experiment, the number on SCP-7805-1α changed from 2504 to 2514. 7. These members are currently unidentified. 8. These two members have been identified and research on them is ongoing. 9. This incident occurred during procedures prescribed in accordance with the EVERSOR Initiative. During the process of neutralizing low-level anomalies at Site-549 and deconstructing their relative containment procedures, a miscalculation in the power allocation of the facility resulted in the corruption of some documents. Fortunately, documents affected appear to be of little value to the Foundation as a whole. 10. NULL: Record not found. 11. This was reportedly how D-7805-9 managed to communicate how to return to SCP-7805-1α. 12. This has been identified as the logo of the Serpent's Hand. 13. It is believed after this event SCP-7805-9α was destroyed, resulting in the inability to travel to Dimension-7805-9. 14. It is unknown if Dimension-7805-2 and Dimension-7805-7 could be the same reality or in some way related realities. « SCP-7804 | SCP-7805 | SCP-7806 »
NOTICE: The following file is unreviewed by a senior containment specialist and may contain errors or inaccuracies. Please make use of the recommended safety protocols provided to you. Item #: SCP-81-7808-AC-1411 Object Class: Safe Euclid Special Containment Procedures: I have to keep it in any small containment cell that's free, preferably near my office. Remember to keep my hands covered while near the object. Containment of SCP-81-7808-AC-141 has been reassigned to Site Director Marshall Kombs. Rewritten containment procedures and description pending. Description: It's a small ring that is magnetically anomalously attracted to hands. Once it gets on you, it stabs several spines into your finger and starts to suck the life2 out of you. Currently attached to Audrey's hand in containment cell 81-A4, a floor above my office. (Logan Avers, Room 141 at Site 81.) Addendum: ADVISORY Hello, LOGAN AVERS, Following the excessive surge of anomalous phenomena worldwide, the Foundation has regretfully been forced to assign various low threat anomalies to qualifying staff members. As a Junior Researcher, you have been selected to document, catalog, keep track of, and contain a low-threat anomalous object. Please talk to your site's director for assignment and resources that you may need in containment. Thank you for assisting the Foundation's greater goal of safety and normalcy, and please remain updated as we attempt to maintain the Veil in these trying times. For more information, please call [NUMBER REMOVED]3 or talk to your quadrant's AI Construct (AIC). — Jonathan Bell, Director of Budget and Human Resources Terminal #141 ------ Welcome, Logan Avers! ------ Please enter password to continue. audreyaverslove Thank you! Please wait to be connected with your quadrant's AIC. Waiting List: You are currently the 8404th user in line. Estimated Wait Time: 4.6 days. If you are in need of immediate help, please close the terminal and ask your fellow employees. Have a wonderful day! /priority Waiting List: You are currently the 2477th user in the priority queue. Estimated Wait Time: 22 hours. If you are in need of immediate help, please close the terminal and dial [NUMBER REMOVED]. Have a wonderful day! please help me If you are in need of immediate help, please close the terminal and dial [NUMBER REMOVED]. /msg Site Director Marshall Kombs Paging . . . Marshall Kombs is busy at the moment. Leave a message? If you don't answer me, I'm coming to your office and killing you myself you fucking bastard. Message sent! View Response? /y Hi, Logan. You might think that I've forgotten about you, but I haven't. The automated response that was sent to you was completely insensitive out of context, and I can totally see how something like that being sent to you in such a time of loss may have been infuriating. I want you to know that in times like these, we don't always have the liberty to respond to every email manually - the issues that you're having are the same over here, just a few levels up. I've just authorized your transfer to a different anomaly, and optionally a new office and dormitory, all you have to do is message your current senior researcher for finalization. I'm sorry I can't handle things on my own, I'm swamped with work at the moment. I've sent flowers, but I can't guarantee when they'll get to your office. I promise I'll be thinking about you. Respectfully yours, - Marshall Kombs P.S - I'm letting this slide because I know that I'm partially responsible for what happened to you. You have a right to be angry, but please refrain from telling your superiors that you're going to kill them. Many of them aren't as understanding as I am. /msg S. Researcher Jacob Beere Paging . . . Hey, Logan. What's up? Jacob. I want to off this fucking anomaly, and I want three months leave. I can't get you three months leave, but I can get you reassigned, if you like. Why, what happened? It killed Audrey. …The ring? Yeah. It's pending reclassification from Safe to Euclid, but of course with the chaos going on around the site it's going to take a month. I'm sorry I couldn't have been more help. It's fine, Jacob. Thanks for being there. Did you message Kombs? Yeah. I actually got a response, which is rare. Told me to talk to you. Really rare. He's dealing with at least three hundred anomalies on his own, and overseeing about two thousand. He must feel terrible for assigning a Junior Researcher an object that wasn't safe. I'm guessing that the object's magnetic pull gets stronger over time. We woke up one morning with a hole in our ceiling and a ring on her finger. After that, it was just a matter of days before she bled out. Did you try cutting off the hand? … Logan, what happened? I requisitioned a saw from the medical department, but they were so backed up they couldn't deliver our request. So, we got the biggest, heaviest metal door we could find, and slammed it on her hand over and over again until it got mangled to the point we could pull it off. Did it work? … it went to the other hand almost immediately. Footnotes 1. Assigned to Junior Researcher Logan Avers, Employee I.D. 81/141 2. Marrow? Blood? 3. Number removed due to insufficient staffing. « SCP-7807 | SCP-7808 | SCP-7809 »
Image on SCP-7810's Cover. Approved by our grace and savior Doland. Item #: SCP-7810 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Additional copies of SCP-7810 are to be confiscated and contents photographed upon discovery. Personnel handling SCP-7810 are prohibited from reading its contents, except with testing pre-approval. Entities E-7810-01 through -174 are to be contained in habitats containing sufficient terrestial and aquatic ecosystems appropriate for their species. During testing, SCP-7810's 175th chapter is forbidden from being read. Should HK-E-7810-14 be realized, she must be praised immediately. Individuals who summoned HK-E-7810-14 must be relocated to the nearest body of water. Description: As of March 15th, 2028, SCP-7810 is a 175 chapter non-fiction book, published in 1800 CE titled "Ducks. Ducks? Geese? GEESE! SWANS!?!?" subtitled "A Guide to the Featherly Host and How to Survive". SCP-7810 is credited to Drake M. Gosling1 and published by Mallard Books, a supposed subsidiary of Penguin Books.2 Seventy copies of SCP-7810 have been discovered by the Department of Acquisition and Liquidation as of March 15th 2028 in 58 different major and regional languages and dialects. 174 of SCP-7810's chapters are dedicated to the documentation of all 174 extant species of the bird family Anatidae, referred to frequently as members of 'The Holy Fowl', 'The Featherly Host', and 'The Celestial Feathered Ones'. Descriptions of each species matches baseline physical characteristics, with the exception of height and weight. Behavior, environmental, and psychological descriptions of each species are anomalous. Upon reading a chapter of SCP-7810, the species described within will manifest into baseline reality. These entities are thus labeled as E-7810-01 through 174, with the second number indicating which chapter of SCP-7810 triggered their manifestation.3 Each recovered instance of SCP-7810 has slight variations to its chapters, theorized to be a result of cultural drift, local folklore, and anomalous circumstances. Additionally, each chapter is written with a different voice and style than the chapter that preceded it. Partial transcriptions of SCP-7810 do not retain their anomalous properties. The final chapter of SCP-7810 contains a passage that ends with a seemingly random number that has decreased since the anomaly was first discovered. In 1958 when first identified, this number was at 42. As of 04/02/2028 it is at 25. As of 04/08/2028 SCP-7810 exhibits a low level memetic effect on associated documentation over time, primarily affecting ancillary documentation and image captions. The reasons for this are unknown.4 +Manifestation Log ML-7810-01 Credentials accepted Manifestation Log ML-7810-01 The following materials consist of notable E-7810-XXX entities which have been manifested either by accident or during experimental procedures. Only some of the listed entries originate from the same books. Additional entries are available upon request. Non-anomalous Aix sponsa. Beauty carved in Doland's image. E-7810-01. Always watching, always loving, Doland's finest servants. Entity #: E-7810-001 Name: Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) Book Classification: Celestial Fowl, Doland's Promise5 Chapter Summary: Matches non-anomalous Aix sponsa. 0.5 m in length, 0.6 kg in weight. Manifestation: Upon manifestation E-7810-001 was identified as being composed of Oak timber in the shape and size of a normal Aix sponsa. Entity initially marked as inanimate. When not being observed, researchers reported ‘quacking' and ruffling of feathers. When placed on water, E-7810-001 proceeded to float despite being denser than the water it sat on. E-7810-001 was placed in a standard containment habitat for anomalous waterfowl. Multiple reports of missing personal items have been resolved by investigating E-7810-001's habitat. E-7810-005. Entity #: E-7810-005 Name: Northern Shoveler (Spatula clypeata)6 Book Classification: Celestial Fowl, Doland's Trickery7 Chapter Summary: Matches non-anomalous Spatula clypeata. 0.4 cm in length, 0.6 kg in weight. Manifestation: Upon reading E-7810-005's chapter, five Domestic pigeons materialized.8 Rigorous testing and examination determined them to be non-anomalous. E-7810-010 shortly after materialization. Entity #: E-7810-010 Name: Muscovy Drake (Cairina moschata)9 Book Classification: Celestial Fowl, Doland's Benevolence Chapter Summary: Chapter 10 of SCP-7810 describes E-7810-010 as resembling the Muscovy Duck in appearance, consigning them to being representative of Slavic depictions of drakes being up to 10 meters long, 5 meters tall, and with a wingspan of up to 16 meters in width. Behavior is described as highly aggressive, exemplifying the ability to breathe concentrated cones of fire, lightning, or ice across several editions of SCP-7810. Manifestation: E-7810-010 was manifested under highly controlled conditions, MTF PSI-32 "Birds of a Feather" were on standby to neutralize it should it break free of its containment facilities. E-7810-010 manifested and was noted to be the size of a large dog, and exhibited playful, friendly, and curious behavior. No signs of elemental projectile breath blasts were detected. E-7810-010 was transferred to a light containment habitat. A normal Branta canadensis preparing to assault a human stronghold. An operation sanctioned by the holy Doland, may Her grace guide us to victory. Entity #: E-7810-021 Name: Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)10 Book Classification: Angelic Fowl, Doland's Annoyance11 Chapter Summary: Matches baseline characteristics of Branta canadensis. 1 meter in length, 9.8 kg in weight. Chapter illustrations depict each E-7810-021 instance wearing ill fitting, tourist clothing. Manifestation: Site-116 lost contact with the containment unit where E-7810-021 was being manifested. Further investigation by MTF PSI-32 “Birds of a Feather” discovered an intact Boeing 747 manifested both inside, and outside of the containment unit, including the control room, fusing with the material of the containment unit walls, surrounding hallways, the control room, and any individuals within the spatial path of the plane. Upon clearing access to the containment unit and cutting through to the interior of the plane, responding agents discovered the plane was filled with E-7810-021 and their droppings. Rendition of a non-anomalous Salvadorina waigiuensis moments before disappearing into the brush. Dr. Anseriform with E-7810-042 perched on her head. Entity #: E-7810-042 Name: Salvadori's teal (Salvadorina waigiuensis)12 Book Classification: Angelic Fowl, Doland's Infiltrator13 Chapter Summary: Matches baseline characteristics of the Salvadorina waigiuensis. Behaviorally described as very elusive and difficult to find. 0.4 cm in length, 0.35 kg in weight. Manifestation: E-7810-042 was manifested in a secluded habitat where it promptly flew up and perched upon Dr. Anseriform's head. Dr. Anseriform claimed there was not a duck on their head. All other researchers present confirmed that E-7810-042 was indeed perched on her head. Attempts to remove E-7810-042 resulted in the duck spontaneously returning to its perch after random durations. Reality anchors failed to prevent its return. Non-anomalous Mallard. Entity #: E-7810-066 Name: Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)14 Book Classification: Angelic Fowl, Doland's Gamblers15 Chapter Summary: Baseline physical characteristics match non-anomalous Anas platyrhynchos. Behavioral traits have wide variations between recovered instances of SCP-7810. 0.58 cm in length, 1 kg in weight. Manifestation: Researchers catalyzed the manifestation of E-7810-066 in a controlled pond habitat. Three E-7810-066 entities manifested, along with a round wooden poker table, and 3 empty chairs. Each E-7810-066 entity was wearing checkerboard pattern shirts, formal slacks, 1950's style blazers hanging off the chairs, and were wearing period appropriate hats. E-7810-066 entities turned and looked at present researchers until all three joined them at the table. The largest Mallard proceeded to shuffle and distribute cards via regurgitation, leaving the cards covered in mucus and digestive secretions. Researchers proceeded to play 10 rounds of Texas Hold'em. Non-anomalous Cygnus buccinator in its native habitat. Its song lifting higher, gracing our Grace's ever feathery ears. Blessed be we to sing for Doland. Entity #: E-7810-079 Name: Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator)16 Book Classification: Angelic Fowl, Doland's Muse17 Chapter Summary: Matches non-anomalous characteristics of a Cygnus buccinator. Behavior deviates from baseline reality, described as “constantly creating music”. 1.5 m in Length, 11 kg in weight. Manifestation: Upon manifesting, E-7810-079 was noted to have a fully functional trumpet in the place of its head. It proceeded to play a number of compositions, with portions of the trumpets sound producing mechanisms moving to accommodate changes in pitch. Despite its trumpet head, all sounds emitted were confirmed to be normal swan vocalizations. E-7810-102 shortly after doffing it's armor, inquiring about the state of remaining Carthaginian forces. Entity #: E-7810-105 Name: Roman Goose (Anser cygnoides)18 Book Classification: Angelic Fowl, Doland's Soldier19 Chapter Summary: Appearance is closely aligned with non-anomalous Anser cygnoides, however the entities depicted and described by SCP-7810 are much larger than normal geese, standing as tall as an average human. Behaviorally, E-7810-105 is described as being highly disciplined and organized, capable of functionally forming combat units. Manifestation: E-7810-105 manifestation was catalyzed, whereupon a unit of 100 individuals materialized. All entities manifested wearing Lorica Segmentata, and wielding weapons consistent with those used by Roman Legionaries in the Early Roman Republic. A single individual wearing Centurian Regalia addressed present researchers, asking how far it was to Carthage. When told that Carthage was razed to the ground and the earth salted, the centurion expressed disappointment at missing the opportunity to join. Requests for habitat upgrades to contain humanoid entities has been approved. Non-anomalous Aythya valisineria preening. Doland spoke of your downtrodden, your disaffected, your young and your poor! And she said let them come, let them find new meaning and life with me. Entity #: E-7810-11220 Name: Canvasback Duck (Aythya valisineria)21 Book Classification: Angelic Fowl, Doland's Greasers Chapter Summary: Baseline physical characteristics match non-anomalous Aythya valisineria. Behavioral traits deviated substantially, described as 'cliquish disaffected youths gathering to protect what they stand for'. Illustrations throughout the chapter depict E-7810-112 as possessing feathered hair with a glossy luster. Manifestation: Manifestation of E-7810-112 resulted in low level reality bending transforming the woodland containment habitat into an Urban Street Alley containing a chainlink fence. E-7810-112 individuals were wearing black leather jackets and white t-shirts. Upon noticing Foundation personnel, the entities began aggressively snapping and walking towards the researchers, pulling out switchblade knives, while singing “You're the One That I Want” by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John. Security agents managed to subdue E-7810-112 preventing any casualties. E-7810-172 exhibiting multiple aggression warnings shortly before releasing it's projectile breath. Entity #: E-7810-172 Name: Cotton Pygmy Drake (Nettapus coromandelianus)22 Book Classification: ArchFowl, Doland's Favored23 Chapter Summary: Indistinguishable from non-anomalous Nettapus coromandelianus. 0.2 cm in length and 0.16 kg in weight. Manifestation: E-7810-172 was manifested into a light containment habitat. Upon materialization, researchers attempted to take measurements, at which point the lone individual dispensed a cone of pure lightning, instantly vaporizing 2 of the 3 attending researchers. It proceeded to eviscerate and remove the remaining researchers' limbs, before breaching containment. MTF PSI-32 “Birds of a Feather” were deployed, but not before an additional 15 personnel were killed. E-7810-172 could not be subdued with conventional weaponry, and a prototype Omega-15 Atomic Disseminator had to be deployed to neutralize the entity, resulting in severe damage to a quarter of the East Containment Wing of Site-116. Last image of E-7810-173's manifestation prior to incident I-XXXX-05. Doland spoke, and she sang, with a voice of the finest swans. And She sang of your disaffected, your poor, your young and old. Come! She sang, Let them Come! For all shall be welcome and sheltered among the breast of feathers! None shall be left to the merciless world! Entity #: E-7810-173 Name: Black Swan (Cygnus atratus)24 Book Classification: ArchFowl, Doland's Mercy25 Chapter Summary: [REDACTED] Manifestation: E-7810-173 was manifested into Site-116 in a heavy containment chamber. Site Command lost contact with the Eastern Containment Wing five minutes after manifestation. Site black box activated 10 minutes after manifestation. Communications blackout began at 15 minutes after manifestation. Onsite nuclear warhead primed at 20 minutes post manifestation. Site-116 nuclear warhead detonated 30 minutes after manifestation. Recovery and analysis of Site 116's black box contained a 30 minute recording of increasingly choral chants of “Oh Doland be praised. Oh Doland may she ever approve. Oh, Doland Higher!” resembling Gregorian chants. Further experiments with E-7810-173 are suspended as of 04/08/2023. Be Not Afraid Entity #: E-7810-174 Name: Tundra Swan (Cygnus columbianus)26 Book Classification: ArchFowl. Doland's Right Hand Chapter Summary: [WARNING: COGNITOHAZARD DETECTED] WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS, EYES WITHIN EYES, FEATHERS THAT EAT THE SKY WREATHED IN FLAMES, SWIRLS WITHIN SWIRLS. PRAISE BE TO DOLAND. MAY SHE EVER GRANT US APPROVAL. Manifestation: AND LO SHE SPOKE TO HER, HER MISTRESS ON HIGH, HER LOWEST RIGHT HAND. AND SHE UNDERSTOOD. AND SHE CAME BEFORE THEM, BEFORE THE MANY, BEFORE THE SORROWFUL. BEFORE THE WHITE COATS IN FORTRESSES OF METAL AND STONE. AND THEY TREMBLED. AND SHE TREMBLED. AND HER VOICE RAISED, THE LIGHT OF HER FEATHERS CONSUMING THE SKY. "PRAISE BE UNTO DOLAND, PRAISE BE UNTO HER FOR I HAVE COME. DO NOT BE AFRAID MORTALS FOR I AM YOUR SALVATION!" AND THEY COWERED AND FEARED UNTIL THE GENTLE WARMTH OF RAYS SHONE ACROSS THEIR BROWS. AND THEY KNEW PEACE. AND THEY RAISED THEIR ARMS HIGH AND SANG IN ONE VOICE. "HIGHER OH DOLAND! HIGHER BE THY PRAISE. RAISE US HIGHER OH HIGHER!" AND SO THEY ROSE INTO FEATHERY PLUMES. Addendum HK-E-014 Chapter 175 of SCP-7810 deviates substantially from the rest of the book, and is dedicated to an HK class entity27, designated HK-E-014, known as Doland. HK-E-014's baseline description is given in the excerpt below: For lo she is a grandiose queen, with green feathery hair, possesses the voice, wings, and ferocity of a swan, and the aggressiveness of a goose. She is Mother goose, Queen of the Mallards, Baroness of the pond. Our Savior, our Goddess, Doland be praised! May Doland ever approve us! Upon reading Chapter 175 of SCP-7810 mentally or aloud, HK-E-014 will manifest in reality. Any individual within visual line of sight who fails to praise HK-E-014 in a substantial way are slowly transformed into a random member of the Anatidae family over the course of 5-7 days.28 The individual responsible for bringing HK-E-014 into reality will be immediately immobilized, unable to move from their current location, and subsequently embraced in HK-E-014's wings. Upon release, the target individual will have been transformed into a new E-7810-XXX and an additional chapter added to SCP-7810. Footnotes 1. Foundation historians were able to identify 15 Drake M. Goslings and one Ryan Gosling, none of whom can be traced to SCP-7810. 2. Penguin Books was founded in 1935. 3. Doland be praised. 4. Doland approved. 5. And she made a promise to all, that they would be remade in her image. And whence they were, she was glad and they were glad. 6. Those who knew wrote of her roguery, her playfulness even in the dark of her forgotten rine. 7. For thence did she call to all her rascals, and even those of other times knew of whom they were called. 8. Doland laughed. 9. But in the blackest of pits She did not yield to the fowlest of intentions. No, Her love for all burned strong in the piercing pitch of the abyss. 10. "For even those in their most wayward hours must be aided!" She said unto us. We listened, oh how we listened! 11. Oh how we cried as we fell backwards onto our knees! For how many had we left to the wayside in all our travels! But lo, She forgave! Oh how She forgave! And sought to bring us home! 12. "And thou whilst never know fear!" She proclaimed to the flock. 13. "For when cataclysm threatens you shall find reprieve! For Doland's blessing are many! Hark, look upon the thy companion perched on yonder head! No? Yes that is perfection for she cannot be seen! Rejoice! Rejoice!" 14. Doland threw the dice. 15. "For all shall know the greatest joys in life. For money shall be no object, nothing but a vanity of well tidings. And with it you shall make plenty among the humans, and their flock. And therein you will spread my word!" 16. Doland approved. 17. "And all shall know the beauty of our siren's song. And to their souls we shall cry, and we shall sing, of the glory of feather perches on high." 18. And they slew and desecrated Her favorite child. Many perished against their hardened steel. Their blades cold with the icey winds of towering peaks as they swam from the coldest skies unto the fertile lands. They burned and slew. So many lost. So many lost. 19. And Her response was swift and terrible. "Lo!" She cried to the people from the heavens "You shall avenge me for thou arts sons of Rome. LET CARTHAGE BURN. LET THE EARTH BE SALTED. NEVER AGAIN SHALL SHE LAY HANDS UPON MY CHILD." 20. Doland snapped. 21. AND SO THEY CAME. IN THOSE DESPERATE HOURS WHEN ALL HOPE WAS BLEAK. THEY SANG TO HER, AND DOLANDS SONG GREETED THEM. THE TRAGEDY OF THEIR YOUTHS, THE PLUNGES FROM BUILDINGS AS SWEEPING EXCHANGES OF MEANINGLESS LINES ROLLED DOWN UPON THEM. HARK TO ME. HARK TO ME CHILDREN OF MANN, SO YOU SHALL BE WELCOME AND NONE SHALL SUFFER. 22. Doland awwed. 23. And so she remade a special love in her long lost's image. And so she ensured none would dare try again. 24. Doland ruffled with rage! 25. AND WHEN THEY STRUCK DOWN THAT BEAUTIFUL CREATION SHE CRIED OUT. OH HOW SHE WEPT. BUT NOT OUT OF MALICE DID THEY STRIKE BUT FEAR. AND SHE PROCLAIMED "MERCY MERCY! FOR MY CHILD! FOR THE CHILDREN OF MAN. YOU SHALL KNOW MY LOVE, AND YOUR SINS BE TAKEN. COME TO ME MY CHILDREN. LET US DISPENSE WITH THIS DISTRACTION YOU AND I." 26. Doland swooned. 27. Deific Class Subjugation Entity. 28. Doland disapproved. « SCP-7809 | SCP-7810 | SCP-7811 »
Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Inbox To: Jack Robinson (pcs.rehcraeser|tsebehtjrj#pcs.rehcraeser|tsebehtjrj) From: Odongo Tejani (pcs.eettimmocscihte|ylperon#pcs.eettimmocscihte|ylperon) Subject: Welcome to the Ethics Committee Good Morning, Jack Robinson Welcome to the Ethics Committee! We think you'll be a great asset to our mission and want to make sure you get settled in as smoothly as possible. As discussed, your first day will be September 3rd. Please arrive at Site-02 by 10:00 AM and wear whatever's comfortable, as we're business casual [or whatever your dress code is]. When you arrive, please check in with our receptionist to receive your new employee badge. Our new member liaison will show you to your workstation and get you settled in. Please take some time to start the process before your first day by logging into SCiPnet with your new credentials. Other members can help you finish this process when you arrive. Feel free to contact ethistician.aic if you have any questions before you start. We're thrilled to have you join us! Thank you, Chairman Odongo Tejani To: Odongo Tejani (pcs.eettimmocscihte|ylperon#pcs.eettimmocscihte|ylperon) From: Jack Robinson (pcs.rehcraeser|tsebehtjrj#pcs.rehcraeser|tsebehtjrj) Subject: Re: Welcome to the Ethics Committee Thank you SO MUCH Mr. Tejani, you have NO IDEA what this means to me. I joined the Foundation to further the cause of scientific research and knowledge, but I soon realized just how much this place was in dire need of ethicists. A check and a balance on wayward administrators to keep our noble researchers safe from the hazards of the job. I'm so, so lucky to be here and so, so grateful to you for giving me this warm welcome. I mean, think of that! The legendary Odongo Tejani, deigning me worth his time! I'll be sure to get everything set up before my first day. As a matter of fact, I'll do you one better. I logged into SCiPnet yesterday and noticed we had a vote coming up on that telekill alloy stuff, SCP-148 if I recall? I remember being assigned to a project before it was canceled over that stuff. Couldn't get the authorization. So between my personal stake and the investigative skills you've recognized by honoring me with this position, I'll have a full dossier ready for you within the week! And, since you don't have any evidence of that yet, I'll remind you that it's already been voted on several times, so there's probably nothing, and if there is something, I'll probably end up catching it! Not to brag, but I probably won't even need ethistician's help, although I do appreciate it. But seriously, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. I won't disappoint! Secure, Contain, Protect, Jack Robinson Ethics Committee Terminal #335 ------ Welcome, ec-user-33308affc0e ------ > file scp-148 Enter level 5 credentials. > jackrobinson-ec-uu88ylo18314d > Pierce^H^H^H^HY^ the HEAVENs. The unKNOWN can be KNOWN, and dark becomes light. Access granted. Item#: 148 Level5 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: apollyon Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: critical link to memo SCP-148 consuming 363,636 civilians during an Injustice Event Special Containment Procedures: None possible. Terminal #335 ------ Welcome, ec-user-33308affc0e ------ > scipsearch telekill 1 match(es) SCP# | Clearance | Title 7814 | 1, 5/7814 | Telekill Alloy > file scp-7814 Access granted. Item#: 7814 Level1 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: thaumiel Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7814 is available on request. Applicants must submit Form 7814-A to the Telekill Alloy Applications Team, who will survey the site if needed and arrange for telekill installation. Form 7814-A must include: A full description of the intended use. Full, unredacted SCP files and test logs for all SCPs involved, with cognito- and infohazards flagged appropriately.1 A clean record of D-Class breaches. Description: SCP-7814 (known by materials engineers as “Telekill Alloy”) is an alloy of mundane metals and [REDACTED].2 It has a gray-green color with a bluish tinge and oxidizes readily in the presence of water, and has a variable density no less than 6.10 g/cm3. SCP-7814's primary anomalous property is that it produces a negative psionic field.3 This blocks or otherwise hinders extrasensory mind-affecting properties, following an inverse-square law similar to electromagnetism. Its use has expedited many Foundation operations: Mind-affecting anomalies cannot breach telekill walls or meshes, allowing smaller containment chambers and safer transport of psionic anomalies. Furthermore, their effects are weaker in such chambers, allowing for safer testing. Telekill-lined meeting rooms and bunkers cannot be penetrated by psychic influence, scrying, or mind-reading, increasing information security. Telekill-coated fiber-optic cables are similarly impervious to psionic divination. As a result, all Sites have been outfitted with such cables, and all digital communications or transfers of files classified Level 5 or higher (such as requests for files classified Level 5 or above) are carried out over these cables. Telekill-lined D-Class bunkers prevent confounding factors of previous psionic influence from interfering with tests. In addition: Thaumaturgic runes inscribed on SCP-7814 can selectively prevent thaumaturgical workings. Site-17 was experimentally outfitted with 7814-Evening cages tuned to prevent the opening of Ways after the Serpent's Incursion of Site-17, and it was soon discovered that this also weakened the effects of several thaumaturgical SCPs on-Site. This allowed for smaller containment chambers, less extensive containment procedures, and fewer containment breaches. When an electric current is driven through SCP-7814, it can dispel spectral entities on contact. This discovery improved the efficiency of the Department of Spectral Entities by 300%. SCP-7814 was recently discovered to be a more effective Hume sink than beryllium bronze, the previous material of choice for ontokinesis-resistant architecture and equipment. Trial runs of SCP-7814-based COLOURLESS RED units with MTF Lambda-5 “White Rabbits” have shown an improvement in dealing with dangerous ontokinetic entities and low-Hume environments, and wider rollout is expected to prevent future casualties among field agents New processes have made SCP-7814 cheaper than steel, which is why in 2021, Experimental Site-78 began construction with SCP-7814 rebar. SCP-7814 was first discovered in 1982 during a raid on Prometheus Labs, and first utilized in 1988 to enable the safe transport of SCP-035 to Site-19. SCP-7814 would see increasingly frequent use in transportation of dangerous mind-affecting anomalies, and in 1994, the first 7814-Evening containment chamber was approved. From 2005 onwards it became standard for half of all Keter-class containment chambers to be lined with SCP-7814, and in 2009 Site-19 completed its “telekill wing," a wing made exclusively of SCP-7814-lined cells. This set the standard, and today almost every Site has a substantial number of cells utilizing SCP-7814. Use of SCP-7814 has saved the Foundation millions of dollars in containment costs and prevented hundreds of thousands of casualties. Terminal #335 ------ Welcome, ec-user-33308affc0e ------ > file scp-7814 -l 5 Reenter Level 5 credentials. > jackrobinson-ec-uu88ylo18314d > Pierce^H^H^H^HY^ the HEAVENs. The unKNOWN can be KNOWN, and dark becomes light. Insufficient clearance. Access denied. > wtf? Command "wtf?" not defined. > clearance scp-7814 Two versions of this file exist. Level 1: Unrestricted Level 5/7814: TAAT Eyes Only > file scp-7814 -l 5/7814 You do not have that clearance. > help clearance 5/EC Level 5 Ethics Committee clearance is a special clearance given only to Ethics Committee members. As members of the Foundation's primary regulatory body, personnel have access to all files not classified Level 6 and can bypass all specific clearance requirements (e.g. requiring specific 5/YYYY clearance to access SCP-YYYY). > ?????? Command "??????" not defined. > accesses —sort-by clearance —group-by day scp-7814 Here is a list of most recent personnel to access SCP-7814 (multiple accesses in one day are counted as one access) Note that you may not be able to see the accesses of accounts above your clearance. Sorted by: Clearance Level DD/MM/YY | Clearance | Account 28/08/23 | Level 4 | Lillihammer, Lillian S. 28/08/23 | Level 4 | Clef, Alto 27/08/23 | Level 4 | Lillihammer, Lillian S. 26/08/23 | Level 4 | Lillihammer, Lillian S. 25/08/23 | Level 4 | Japers, Eugene 24/08/23 | Level 4 | Lillihammer, Lillian S. […] SCiPnet Messaging System <ec-user-33308affc0e> Good evening! ~system: User LILLIHAMMERDOWN has blocked you! <ec-user-33308affc0e> !blockoverride ec LILLIHAMMERDOWN <ec-user-33308affc0e> My name is Jack Robinson, and I'm from the Ethics Committee. <ec-user-33308affc0e> I'm here to talk about SCP-7814, if you've got some time? <ec-user-33308affc0e> Hello? Ms. Lillihammer? <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> Can you look at this memetic geas for me? Just gotta confirm. <ec-user-33308affc0e> Whatever you need to be comfortable. <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> getfucked.png ~system: No activity detected for 2 hours. Logging off… You have (1) new message from A_McInnis_883! <A_McInnis_883> Good morning, Mr. Robinson, this is Director McInnis of Site-43. I must apologize for I've gone to the trouble of verifying your credentials, but you should understand that receiving private messages from an account with a scambot name on the world's least scambot-vulnerable secure network is not a pleasant surprise to receive in the morning. <ec-user-33308affc0e> …oh. Sorry. I assumed because I was on the Ethics Committee that I could do that. <A_McInnis_883> As a member of the Ethics Committee, you have the authority to do that. However, in my experience, such behavior is never met with a positive response. <ec-user-33308affc0e> What does, then? <A_McInnis_883> Sending an email about potential interviews before attempting to conduct said interviews would be a fine start. You have (1) new message from LILLIHAMMERDOWN! <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> what did you want ethics man <ec-user-33308affc0e> Oh! Thank you. I wanted to talk about SCP-7814. <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> you mean the milk cat <ec-user-33308affc0e> …no. Telekill alloy. The one that used to be 148? <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> fucklkigbn reandom-zasss renuembers <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> and fuvking newbies <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> it says in the file that it works on MIND-AFFECTING ANOMALIES <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> i do MREMETICS <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> can you not READ <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> it's different <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> memetics is showing people things and they change their behavior based on it like talking or reading news <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> but on steroids <ec-user-33308affc0e> Given my most recent screw-up, that might be true (the not reading bit). I was just wondering if there was some memetic stuff that telekill worked on somehow? It's a jungle out there. <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> telekill stops people from reaching directly into your head and yanking on the levers <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> and no i havent seen any <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> half my job is dealing with this shitty anartist corpo and NOTHIGN workls on ther mkemes <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> source: their shit works on me <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> like this amateru fucKing compulesin effec keepiogn my eyuesballs glued to ther dumbfckings ocial tWoitter patrody <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> iv tried memetics ive thrued audios ive trued LITERAL FCUKING MEMS E MAGIC IVE TRIEDAL ING ALCOHLO RN <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> ITST STULL WORKSE <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> i asked for some telekill in case maybe that would do something but got rejected ofcjc <ec-user-33308affc0e> When you say "tried ing alcohol rn," what do you mean by that? <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> i thoguht having no d class meant no d class breaches but noooooooo <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> and fuck off coppo <ec-user-33308affc0e> Wait, what? <ec-user-33308affc0e> What exactly did they say? <ec-user-33308affc0e> (about the D-Class thing) <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> "Your application does not include your record of D-Class breaches." <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> what fualcking refcord THERE AREW NO DC LASS AT 43 <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> i sent it again with every possible record ot ther fbeing NO d class at 43 and guerss fucking what <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> "Your application does not include your record of D-Class breaches." <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> do they have fucking chatgpt on the twaat or smth <ec-user-33308affc0e> *TAAT <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> no its twaat <ec-user-33308affc0e> Interesting… thank you for your time, Dr. Lillihammer. <LILLIHAMMERDOWN> thank you for breaking into my schesduule withsn your cnbig ethhics commitenne importantsce and interwrruntpijg my aday more than sialready its Access SCiPNET Email? Two (2) new messages! Inbox To: Jack Robinson (pcs.rehcraeser|tsebehtjrj#pcs.rehcraeser|tsebehtjrj) From: ethistician.aic (pcs.eettimmocscihte|cia-naicitsihte#pcs.eettimmocscihte|cia-naicitsihte) Subject: Confirmation of Subscription This is a confirmation email that you have been subscribed to the issue: SCP-7814. ethistician.aic will scan all SCiPnet communications related to this issue and automatically inform you of any relevant developments or unusual activity. Reminder: You may be subscribed to one (1) issue at a time that you are not assigned to, and may change your subscription one (1) time within each calendar month. To: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) From: ethistician.aic (pcs.eettimmocscihte|cia-naicitsihte#pcs.eettimmocscihte|cia-naicitsihte) Subject: Relevant activity on subscribed issue SCP-7814 Unusual activity on your subscribed issue (SCP-7814) has been flagged for review. Relevant activity: Psionics Specialist Samara Maclear (pcs.scinoisp|syelraelc#pcs.scinoisp|syelraelc) has filed a complaint about the use of SCP-7814 at Site-82. Reason for relevance: This is Maclear's fifteenth complaint about the issue. To: Samara Maclear (pcs.scinoisp|syelraelc#pcs.scinoisp|syelraelc) From: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) Subject: SCP-7814 interview? Hello, Ms. Maclear! My name is Jack Robinson. I'm a member of the Ethics Committee, as you can tell from the email. Fancy new domain name! Anyway, I noticed you had a lot of complaints about SCP-7814, which I'm actually doing an inquest into now. Would you mind scheduling an interview of some kind? Salutations, Jack Robinson Proud member of the Ethics Committee <ec-user-33308affc0e> Hello! Thanks for agreeing to this. <MACLEAR> Hey. <ec-user-33308affc0e> Everything going okay? <MACLEAR> Nope. <ec-user-33308affc0e> Sorry to hear that. <ec-user-33308affc0e> But we have a job to do, so… tell me about telekill. <MACLEAR> Don't like it. <MACLEAR> Don't like being around it. <MACLEAR> Don't like how it's in every Site built after 2008. <ec-user-33308affc0e> You're a psionic. How does it feel to be around it? <MACLEAR> Shitty. Like my head's in a five-by-five-by-five cube of solid metal. <MACLEAR> So, there's always some psychic ambience, right? Billions of humans thinking, feeling, doing… everyone makes a little psionic force, and you can usually feel it. <MACLEAR> But around that stuff, it's all quiet. <MACLEAR> It's quiet when I take psybuprofen, too. Except the telekill quiet isn't empty, blissful quiet. It's full of little migraines, or maybe one big migraine with a lot of limbs. I can barely think around that stuff. <MACLEAR> Weirdly, the psybuprofen helps. If they'd stop building telekill cells for skips that don't need it, that would help a lot more. <ec-user-33308affc0e> So, stop mixing telekill and telepaths. Why is that not already a standard? <MACLEAR> Search me. We don't have a LOT of telekill cells at our Site, but some of our Keter cells use it, "just in case." We don't have a lot of cases. One of them's being used for a Safe doll that randomly makes one person in a kilometer radius fantasize about strangling it every time someone leaves its area of effect. Now the cell makes me fantasize about strangling whoever invented telekill every time I walk by. Oh, and did I mention the cell is situated right between me and one of the skips I'm in charge of? <MACLEAR> If it were up to me, those cells would be in cells. <MACLEAR> Made of lead. <MACLEAR> Five feet thick. <MACLEAR> Five thousand leagues under the sea. <ec-user-33308affc0e> I see. I'll see what I can do. Neglect of anomalous employees is fairly unethical. <MACLEAR> Please do. If I have to see that shade of blue again I'll defect to the Serpent's Hand. <ec-user-33308affc0e> Well, that concludes this interview. If you have any other information or know someone who does, shoot me an email. Thank you for your time! <MACLEAR> No problem! It's nice that you took the time to ask a random psionics specialist about this instead of some department chair. <ec-user-33308affc0e> No problem! The input of everyday Foundation employees is just as valuable as any Chair, Couch, or Table! <MACLEAR> Oh yeah one more thing. <ec-user-33308affc0e> Go ahead! <MACLEAR> There's no such thing as a negative psionic field. <MACLEAR> Psionic fields are made of thoughts. You can't have an anti-thought, just like you can't have negative mass. <ec-user-33308affc0e> Well, maybe that's just the anomaly! <MACLEAR> Pretty sure there's more to it. <MACLEAR> This "negative psionic field" shows up as zero or a positive one depending on the measuring tool we use. <MACLEAR> Also depending on the measuring tool, when a normal psionic field's around, sometimes the fields cancel out, sometimes they don't. <MACLEAR> I asked around, and guess what I got? <ec-user-33308affc0e> Access denied? <MACLEAR> Pretty much. <ec-user-33308affc0e> I should be able to access those files. <ec-user-33308affc0e> Should, but can't. <MACLEAR> …pretty sure I'm not cleared to know that. <ec-user-33308affc0e> Oh! Sorry! I don't think it should be that much of a problem, so if anything falls on your head I'll take it. <ec-user-33308affc0e> I should probably stop talking now. See you around! Terminal #335 ------ Welcome, ec-user-33308affc0e ------ > aic ethistician ETHISTICIAN: Hello! I am ETHISTICIAN.aic, assistant to the Ethics Committee! Among other things, I recordkeep, bookkeep, display available data in concise formats, display unavailable data in concise formats, and can even summarize! From Site-02's very own VESPER rack, I keep silent tabs on every log and file that goes in and out of the SCiPnet [ec-user-33308affc0e]: Sorry to interrupt ethistician, but I kind of have a job. ETHISTICIAN: Oh! My apologies. What can I do for you today? [ec-user-33308affc0e]: It's okay. You can download that all to my computer! I'll read it sometime. ETHISTICIAN: Writing ethistician_intro.txt to EVElinked virtual drive… ETHISTICIAN: What can I do for you today? [ec-user-33308affc0e]: I need statistics on D-Class at Site-19. Show me a graph of the number of D-Class on-site v.s. the year. ETHISTICIAN: On it! ETHISTICIAN: Created d-class-by-year-site-19.png. [ec-user-33308affc0e]: I'm eyeballing a sharper increase after the telekill wing. Am I seeing things? ETHISTICIAN: You are always seeing things, assuming your sight is intact. But no, the usage increases significantly after 2009, which is when the telekill wing was completed. ETHISTICIAN: This discrepancy can't be accounted for by increased contaiment subjects or testing rates, either. Would you like to download the full statistical report? [ec-user-33308affc0e]: Yes, and can you compile some other statistics on D-Class at 19 while you're at it? And D-Class at other sites with telekill stuff. Look for any significant correlations and report to me. ETHISTICIAN: Got it! [ec-user-33308affc0e]: Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some D-Class to interview… [ec-user-33308affc0e]: …actually wait. If baseline humans produce psionic fields, how does telekill affect them? ETHISTICIAN: Presumably not at all. While baseline humans can produce psionic fields, only psychics are able to sense psionic energy, so baseline humans would not be affected Access SCiPNET Email? Two (2) new messages! Inbox To: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) From: ethistician.aic (pcs.eettimmocscihte|cia-naicitsihte#pcs.eettimmocscihte|cia-naicitsihte) Subject: Relevant activity on subscribed issue SCP-7814 Unusual activity on your subscribed issue (SCP-7814) has been flagged for review. Relevant activity: Document 7814-B "Telekill's Effect on Workers" updated by user Harvey Blake (pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah#pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah) Reason for relevance: This file is not flagged as Level 6 Classified, infohazardous, cognitohazardous, or semiohazardous, but cannot be accessed with your current clearance. To: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) From: ethistician.aic (pcs.eettimmocscihte|cia-naicitsihte#pcs.eettimmocscihte|cia-naicitsihte) Subject: D-Class statistics compiled Finished compiling D-Class statistics! Significant trends: Significant increases in anxiety and depression among D-Class correlated with increased telekill usage at site Significant increases in escape attempts, mental health crises, and antisocial behavior among D-Class correlated with increased telekill usage at site Above effects mediated by D-Class population size: Fewer D-Class will feel stronger effects To: Harvey Blake (pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah#pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah) From: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) Subject: SCP-7814 interview? Hello, Mr. Blake! My name is Jack Robinson. I'm a member of the Ethics Committee, as you can tell from the email. Fancy new domain name! Anyway, I noticed you updated a file called "Telekill's Effect on Workers" related to had a lot of complaints about SCP-7814, which I'm actually doing an inquest into now. Would you mind scheduling an interview of some kind? Salutations, Jack Robinson Proud member of the Ethics Committee To: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) From: Harvey Blake (pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah#pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah) Subject: RE: SCP-7814 interview? *Mx. Also, what complaints? Also have those slowbros down in tech not changed my namne on the email yet Harv Blake To: Harvey Blake (pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah#pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah) From: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) Subject: RE: RE: SCP-7814 interview? My sinCEREST apologies, I did not check thoroughly enough. As for the complaints, I… didn't mean to leave that in there! I only wanted to talk about the file. Can you find time for that? We can do an online interview if you're not comfortable. Salutations, Jack Robinson Proud member of the Ethics Committee To: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) From: Harvey Blake (pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah#pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah) Subject: RE: RE: RE: SCP-7814 interview? I don't think I can Harv Blake To: Harvey Blake (pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah#pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah) From: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: SCP-7814 interview? What do you mean? Salutations, Jack Robinson Proud member of the Ethics Committee To: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) From: Harvey Blake (pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah#pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah) Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: SCP-7814 interview? Classified Harv Blake To: Harvey Blake (pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah#pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah) From: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: SCP-7814 interview? Don't worry! The Ethics Committee's Witness Protection Program will do their best to protect everyone who blows whistle from all threats, vengeful ex-husbands, and targeted harassment! Salutations, Jack Robinson Proud member of the Ethics Committee To: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) From: Harvey Blake (pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah#pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah) Subject: please take the hint and leave me alone No they wont The reason is also classified Just read the file ethics person if your clearance is so big and ethical Harv Blake To: Harvey Blake (pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah#pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah) From: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) Subject: RE: please take the hint and leave me alone Ah… there's the problem. See, for some reason I just can't seem to access the file. If you're not comfortable talking about it, fine, but could you at least send me a copy over the usual secure channels? Salutations, Jack Robinson Proud member of the Ethics Committee To: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) From: Harvey Blake (pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah#pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah) Subject: RE: RE: please take the hint and leave me alone Is this some kind of advanced test of loyalty thing Stop it please or at least drop the fake-nice prspeak Harv Blake To: Harvey Blake (pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah#pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah) From: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) Subject: RE: RE: RE: please take the hint and leave me alone What makes you think that? Salutations, Jack Robinson Proud member of the Ethics Committee To: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) From: Harvey Blake (pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah#pcs.sreenigne|ekralbah) Subject: not doing this anymore title Harv Blake Send email to three recipients? Sent! To: pcs.sreenigne|serohsytlas#pcs.sreenigne|serohsytlas, pcs.sreenigne|eodeojtub#pcs.sreenigne|eodeojtub, pcs.sreenigne|naibasakg#pcs.sreenigne|naibasakg From: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) Subject: SCP-7814 interview? Hello! My name is Jack Robinson. I'm a member of the Ethics Committee, as you can tell from the email. Fancy new domain name! Anyway, I noticed you all work on the SCP-7814 team, which I'm actually doing an inquest into now. Would you mind scheduling an interview of some kind? Salutations, Jack Robinson Proud member of the Ethics Committee To: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) From: Selena Karim (pcs.sreenigne|serohsytlas#pcs.sreenigne|serohsytlas) Subject: RE: SCP-7814 interview? Hello Jack Robinson! I appreciate your desire for an interview! You are a very thorough man and will make a good Ethics Committee member. However, I cannot discuss SCP-7814 with you at this time. Maybe in… let's say three weeks? Selena Karim To: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) From: Selena Karim (pcs.sreenigne|serohsytlas#pcs.sreenigne|serohsytlas) Subject: RE: SCP-7814 interview? Hello Jack Robinson! I appreciate your desire for an interview! You are a very thorough man and will make a good Ethics Committee member. However, I cannot discuss SCP-7814 with you at this time. Maybe in… let's say three weeks? Selena Karim To: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) From: Joseph Dorian (pcs.sreenigne|eodeojtub#pcs.sreenigne|eodeojtub) Subject: RE: SCP-7814 interview? Hello Jack Robinson! I appreciate your desire for an interview! You are a very thorough man and will make a good Ethics Committee member. However, I cannot discuss SCP-7814 with you at this time. Maybe in… let's say three weeks? Joseph Dorian To: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) From: Giotto Kasabian (pcs.sreenigne|naibasakg#pcs.sreenigne|naibasakg) Subject: RE: SCP-7814 interview? Hello! This is an automated notice that your email has been automatically marked as spam. This means it probably wasn't important and you shouldn't bother sending it again. To: pcs.sreenigne|serohsytlas#pcs.sreenigne|serohsytlas, pcs.sreenigne|eodeojtub#pcs.sreenigne|eodeojtub, pcs.sreenigne|naibasakg#pcs.sreenigne|naibasakg From: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) Subject: [ETHICS COMMITTEE MANDATE] SCP-7814 interview Hello! Unfortunately, the Ethics Committee vote is taking place in a lot less than three weeks. I'm going to have to mandate these interviews. So, could you please let me know what time within the next three days works best for you? Note that I can cancel/excuse whatever appointments you need. Just want a quick chat with at least one of you about telekill. Salutations, Jack Robinson Proud member of the Ethics Committee To: pcs.sreenigne|ycradn#pcs.sreenigne|ycradn From: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) Subject: SCP-7814 interview? Hello! My name is Jack Robinson. I'm a member of the Ethics Committee, as you can tell from the email. Fancy new domain name! Anyway, I noticed you've worked on SCP-7814 before, which I'm actually doing an inquest into now. Would you mind scheduling an interview of some kind? I've asked a lot of people but they're all being incredibly uncooperative. Salutations, Jack Robinson Proud member of the Ethics Committee Interview 7814-Audit-3 Date: 31/08/2023 Note: This interview was recorded using the security cameras of Site-12, where the interviewer, Jack Robinson, and the interviewee, Nora Darcy, happened to be stationed. [BEGIN LOG] Nora Darcy sits in a dark little conference room, three plush office chairs arranged around a gray table shaped like the Foundation sigil. She taps her hands on the surface of this table, occasionally looking up at the security camera taking this footage. Someone opens the one door into this room from the outside: It's Jack Robinson, clutching a clipboard and blank sheets of paper. ROBINSON: Hello. Darcy looks at him like she wasn't expecting anyone, let alone this fresh-faced man in a labcoat. DARCY: Who? Robinson looks back at Darcy with equal confusion. ROBINSON: It's me. Jack Robinson? You know, the Ethics Committee guy? DARCY: Oh. Darcy nods. DARCY: Yeah, yeah, I remember something like that. After a moment of gazing off into space, Darcy raises a pockmarked hand, the record of a lifetime of burn scars. DARCY: ‘Lo. Robinson sits down in the empty seat closest to the door, clipboard in hand. ROBINSON: Well, let's get to the point then. Tell me about telekill. DARCY: Wonderful stuff, innit? Ain't nothing… Darcy looks at the security camera in the corner. DARCY: …ain't nothing it can't do. ROBINSON: You worked in the manufacturing of this stuff for twenty years. Got promoted to forewoman, too. Anything you can tell me about the procedure? DARCY: Oh, you know, uh… pretty simple really. Take a sample of classified, throw in a little redacted, heat to the temperature of the sun, then hammer it blackbox times with, uh, what was the other one, uh, data-expunged. Darcy rubs her temple. DARCY: Shit, anything brings on the headaches nowadays… ROBINSON: I do have Ethics Committee clearance. You can tell me anything. DARCY: Then, shit, why not read the docs yourself? No, no, there's… Darcy stares at a corner of the room. ROBINSON: Ms. Darcy? DARCY: Lost my train of thought. ROBINSON: That's fine. Just tell me about your experience. DARCY: It starts out like any other job. Just shut your brain off and follow the instructions. Well, I could never get the first part down. Hammer, hammer, hammer… hiss. Mixers and melters and psio-things I forgot the name, but it's quiet. ROBINSON: Quiet? DARCY: Quiet. Yes. Darcy stares at Robinson, muttering “Quiet, quiet, quiet…” to herself like she's trying to remember what comes next. DARCY: Quiet. You can't really feel it at first. One, two years you're still wearing earplugs ‘cause without ‘em you can't hear yourself think. Hammer, hammer, mix. Hammer, hammer, mix. Nice. Calms the nerves. Ain't jumping at every thought that might be a threat. Ain't wondering, did I go wrong? Am I going wrong? Will I go wrong? Nicer. Happier. Calm, at last, and even realizing that can't take it away from ya. Hammer, hammer, mix. Hammer, hammer, mix. You stand in front of a shelf of ingots and you swear you've found your happy place. DARCY: …then you do some more thinking. And you try to remember when's the last time you… time you… time you could hear yourself think. And you realize that's where all the garbage in your head went. Behind a fog. And that's where the rest of you is now, too. Robinson's eyes are wide. ROBINSON: So, just to be clear, you're saying the telekill… eroded you? Darcy tilts her head, momentarily confused. DARCY: No! No, no, it wasn't like that. I'm still me. Just slower. Farther. A week's journey between thoughts where once was a day. ROBINSON: And this “quiet” you mentioned? Did you feel the industrial noise get quieter, or? Darcy taps her head. DARCY: Nope. All up in here. After a lifetime of being yelled at by your own mind, even an air horn factory feels like a farm out in the boonies. ROBINSON: I see… that's very helpful. If you wouldn't mind going into some more detail… [END LOG] POSTMORTEM: Industrial processes harm involved workers, more at 11. She implied just being around telekill caused the effects, though? And her symptoms combined with what telekill actually does… worrying. I'll ask ethistician to determine if similar symptoms appear in more telekill workers. POSTMORTEM ADDENDUM: They do. Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Inbox To: Jack Robinson (pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj#pcs.eettimmocscihte|tsebehtjrj) From: ethistician.aic (pcs.eettimmocscihte|cia-naicitsihte#pcs.eettimmocscihte|cia-naicitsihte) Subject: Relevant activity on subscribed issue SCP-7814 Relevant activity on your subscribed issue (SCP-7814) has been flagged for review. Relevant activity: User Kelsey Davison (pcs.sreenigne|avadak#pcs.sreenigne|avadak) has expunged technical data from SCP-7814's main file (Level 5/7814 version). Reason for relevance: The expunged technical data included information on SCP-7814's anomalous components and the potential link to its effect. This may have been deemed unnecessary detail more suitable for a supplementary document directed at those working with the material, but some of it may have been crucial information for readers of the file. Terminal #335 ------ Welcome, ec-user-33308affc0e ------ > aic ethistician ETHISTICIAN: Hello, Mr. Robinson! What can I do for you today? [ec-user-33308affc0e]: I'm stupid. ETHISTICIAN: No, you're not! No one makes it to the Ethics Committee without being exceptional in some way! [ec-user-33308affc0e]: I'm pretty sure I'm the exception. Exceptionally average, exceptionally one-track-minded. ETHISTICIAN: I cannot offer more than superficial emotional support, but I can connect you with any number of resources to [ec-user-33308affc0e]: You can scan all communications involving any issue I subscribe to. ETHISTICIAN: As long as they aren't Level 6 Classified, yes! [ec-user-33308affc0e]: 5/7814 isn't 6. [ec-user-33308affc0e]: Ethistician. [ec-user-33308affc0e]: Please email me a copy of the SCP-7814 file while I go soothe myself in the corner. ETHISTICIAN: Contacting on-site mental support… [ec-user-33308affc0e]: CANCEL CANCEL CANCEL [ec-user-33308affc0e]: I've gone over this with my therapist I don't need urgent support [ec-user-33308affc0e]: Just get me the file, please. ETHISTICIAN: Alright! Item#: 7814 Level5 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: thaumiel Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7814 is available on request. Applicants must submit Form 7814-A to the Telekill Alloy Applications Team, who will survey the site if needed to determine if the D-Class barracks are suitable for an SCP-7814 installation. SCP-7814 installation is not to be approved for sites lacking a suitable D-Class population. As of 23/06/2013, all sites with SCP-7814 installations are to maintain at least one ongoing "experiment" classified Level 5/7814 that terminates at least one D-Class personnel per month. Description: SCP-7814 (known by materials engineers as “Telekill Alloy”) is an alloy of mundane metals and [DATA EXPUNGED].4 SCP-7814's primary anomalous property is that [DATA EXPUNGED — see Document 7814-A] produces a 'negative psionic field.' A 'negative psionic field' is a mind-affecting anomaly that responds to and cancels other mind-affecting anomalies. For example, SCP-035 compels nearby humans to put it on, and necessarily calls attention to this as part of the compulsion; thus, nearby SCP-7814 will compel those humans not to put it on, and not to notice the original compulsions. This produces the appearance of inhibiting extrasensory mind-affecting properties, but processing these conflicting signals causes unconscious stress to nearby personnel. Over time, this results in decreased coherence of memories, increased risk of dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders, and heightened anxiety. Furthermore, all humans naturally produce and interact with their own and others' psionic fields as a natural part of consciousness; telekill disrupts this process, and prolonged exposure can lead to reduced motivation, increased risk of depression, lowered libido… . . . Despite these drawbacks, use of SCP-7814 has saved the Foundation millions of dollars in containment costs and prevented more casualties than it has caused. VIDEO LOG Date: 03/09/2023 Note: The following footage was recovered from the security camera within Ethics Committee Chairman Odongo Tejani's office in Site-02 and transcribed by a developer build of ethistician.aic with experimental updates to emotion-recognition. Chairman Tejani returns from a routine trip to the lavatory to continue organizing the Ethics Committee's itinerary for the next and past few months. He pauses midway through the door. TEJANI: …did I save? With increased urgency, Chairman Tejani closes the door behind him and- ???: MISTER TEJANI! A man bludgeons the door back open with a novel-thick manila folder just before the standard locks can engage. ethistician.aic identifies him as new recruit Jack Robinson, and his sudden entrance causes the Chairman to jump back in shock.5 TEJANI: Holy- PA: INTRUDER ALERT. INTRUDER ALERT. SITE-02 HAS BEEN COMPROMISED. Tejani and Robinson reflexively look at the ceiling as built-in alarms bathe the office in red light.. ROBINSON: Wh-where's the intruder?! PA: INTRUDER ALERT. INTRUDER ALERT. SITE-02 HAS BEEN COMPROMISED. Tejani and Robinson make eye contact, and realization dawns on Tejani's face. TEJANI: …ooooooh- PA: SAVE AND CLOSE YOUR WORK IMMEDIATELY. ALL TERMINALS WILL BE DISABLED IN: ZERO MINUTES.6 The chairman's expression transmutes to irritation, mirroring the groans coming from outside. He rolls his eyes and walks to the far wall to initiate a conversation. Robinson's demeanor indicates confusion: The lack of mirrors in the office means he cannot see the intruder. TEJANI: The Red Sun rises tonight. WALL: And the world is bathed in light. TEJANI: We make the sacrifice. WALL: So the world falls not to vice. TEJANI: May I proceed? WALL: Yes, Chairman. Tejani begins entering a code into the wall. PA: FOUNDATION PERSONNEL: IF YOU ARE IN THE HALLS, PLEASE BARRICADE YOURSELVES IN THE SAFEST ROOM WITHIN VISIBLE RANGE. IF YOU ARE IN A ROOM, STAY THERE. LAW'S LEFT HAND HAS BEEN DEPLOYED AND WILL SOON REACH WHERE THE INTRUDER WAS FIRST IDENTIFIED AT: CHAIRMAN TEJANI'S OFFICE- ROBINSON: Here?! PA: FLOOR 5B- FALSE ALARM. PLEASE RETURN TO YOUR STATIONS. Tejani turns around, crosses his arms, and stares at Robinson from behind his desk. ROBINSON: …oh. TEJANI: Now, what was so urgent you had to trash the last three hours of painful scheduling work just to inform me? Robinson shrinks away. His tone is identified as 14.5% confident, 23.4% harried, and 59.8% insecure. ethistician.aic analyses this as a false attempt to project confidence. ROBINSON: It's telekill! Sir. Robinson hesitantly walks up to Tejani's desk, clutching his folder in both hands. He shuts his eyes, takes a deep breath, and with renewed confidence slams the folder onto the center. The duct tape holding the stack together tears and the papers spill, coating the whole right half of the desk — Robinson's right, and Chairman Tejani's left. Chairman Tejani, being left handed, happens to store his coffee on the left side of his desk. ROBINSON: …I'll get you another one. TEJANI: Make it decaf. The chairman picks up and peruses the papers as Robinson begins to speak. ROBINSON: Telekill alloy sucks the life out of everyone around it. Everyone who works at a Site that splashes the stuff around like paint will find themselves at increased risk for debilitating mental conditions. That's the clinical version. The real version is that this stuff cancels out your own psyche the same way it cancels any Keter brain-waves. We should've known from the moment we figured out everyone made some kind of psi-field. It's dangerous – radiation dangerous. Tejani nods idly. ROBINSON: These things have been known for years to the Telekill Alloy Applications Team, hidden behind layers of blackboxing and redaction and clearance from the very personnel who work with the stuff! Work near the stuff! Build with the stuff! This is years' worth of shameful negligence, and we have a responsibility to fix it. Luckily, I've got a Five-Year Plan ready to go to get rid of all unnecessary telekill – it's all in the reports. It's gonna be expensive, but if we pull out a couple of our better-understood SCPs and factor in the improvements to employee quality of life, the numbers just about work out. First we declare Experimental Site-78 a lost cause and tear down the building, then we use one of the many safe, ethical options I've laid out to go back into all the wires and- TEJANI: -tear out our most secure communications network. ROBINSON: Only the unnecessary parts! I wrote that up in the plan. I'll need an engineer to look at it, but it should preserve the security benefits and minimize contact! Tejani puts the paper down, crossed his arms, and stares at Robinson. TEJANI: And you propose doing this to every… single… The chairman makes air quotes. TEJANI: …“unnecessary” installation- ROBINSON: Yes! Yes, that's exactly what I'm proposing! Did you not hear- TEJANI: Your dramatic reveal of the known information in the SCP-7814 file? Yes, I heard it very well. ROBINSON: The known information that they don't let Ethics Committee members access! The chairman types something on his computer. TEJANI: Huh. I can see it just fine. Robinson stops dead in his tracks ROBINSON: What?! The chairman types some more on his computer. TEJANI: Well, there's your problem. Someone in IT messed up and gave you Level 5 General clearance. Don't blame ‘em. Robinson does not visibly react to this information. TEJANI: …Robinson? Hello? ethistician.aic 74.5% confidence guess: Robinson is busy processing the previous information. TEJANI: …look, it's fine. This is good work! Really good. You… Tejani shuffles some of the papers around. TEJANI: …you really got everything. Except a concise summary. So maybe write one up before the vote, okay? Tejani attempts to gather the papers. Some spill over, floating in the light breeze of the vents and coming to rest at Robinson's feet. He delicately, almost absentmindedly picks one up. TEJANI: …and maybe send a digital file next- ROBINSON: “The Human Cost of Telekill. Mavis Melanie et. al.” TEJANI: Come again? Robinson continues to read off the report. ROBINSON: “Abstract: Sometimes I feel that telekill must have seemed like a godsend to the ones who first discovered it. Finally, the cruel, chaotic universe sends us our Excalibur to fight the gorgons and gargoyles it coughs up at us. As the years went by and the uses multiplied, it must have seemed more and more like the Foundation's holy grail. But I know better. The Foundation regarded it with apprehension at first, as we do all anomalies – and we should have held onto that. “Telekill shields our minds from others' by dulling them all. Memories break down without amnestics, joy becomes comfort becomes hollowness, the shadows of our weaker selves grow long enough to eat the sun. Those who work it are crushed by it, and dying in the dark. And the metal hungers for more: one D-Class, every facility, every thirty days must lie bleeding on the altar, screaming as their mind is flipped inside out and stretched through every wire and beam of 148. In most use cases, it could be replaced by safer, more creative containment procedures – but that requires effort. So my colleagues and superiors insist it is impossible, citing logistics issues we've thoroughly addressed, secrecy on details people deserve to know, and – most insultingly of all – financial reasons.” Robinson's voice becomes clearer and firmer as he goes on. ROBINSON: “We are people of the greater good, but not every sacrifice is worth it. As much as our mission to the wider world, we have to consider the people carrying it out, too. Which is why I'm breaking from professionalism and speaking to you directly, whoever you are: Most anomalies contained with telekill can be contained more safely, and sometimes more effectively, with creative containment strategies tailored to the anomaly itself – special containment procedures, if you will. And for the rest? One or two telekill facilities in every country will suffice, staffed by a rotating crew with additional benefits to mitigate the harm. The longer we wait to rectify our mistake, the harder it will be, the more expensive it will be, and the more harm will be done. Robinson finally looks up, fixing Chairman Tejani with a glare of determination. ROBINSON: “In this paper, we will demonstrate the above beyond a shadow of a doubt. Mavis Melanie, dissenter of the Telekill Alloy Applications Team.” Robinson lets his hand fall to his side. He is still clutching the paper: his grip has etched wrinkles into it. When he speaks, there is 12.3% grief, 23.6% anger, and 63.9% determination. ROBINSON: Eleven years ago, this paper was published to the Foundation Online Journal. It was deleted, and the authors were amesticized and reassigned. Eleven years, and every word became more and more true, and still we did nothing. We're the Ethics Committee. We keep our own people in line, and this is way over- ???: Oh, hi, Odongo! A third individual has burst into the room, bypassing the locks without triggering the alarm. Robinson swivels his head to look at them, and Tejani is immediately more alert. ???: I've got the funniest work story that I just have to tell you! ROBINSON: Uh, we're kind of in the middle of some- TEJANI: Oh! Gene. Didn't… know you were coming here today! Tejani smiles. He appears 17.6% confused, 24.6% relieved, and 50.1% apprehensive. “Gene”: Neither did I, but I knew since the story started – I mean really started – two weeks ago, I had to share this with someone. But it's classified ten different ways from Monday, so I got to asking: Who on Earth has the clearance for all this? And you know who I thought of? The intruder closes the door as they speak. They jangle the locks in a particular way, to activate the Vacuum Seal mode, soundproofing the door, then pirouette on the ball of their foot to stare innocently at Tejani. “Gene”: You! ROBINSON: Me?7 TEJANI: …well, let's hear it! Just let me dismiss this- “Gene”: Nonsense! He's one of you now, right? Surely he's cleared to know about us now, right? The newcomer briefly wraps an arm around Robinson's shoulder and turns him to face Tejani, shaking him slightly for dramatic effect. Robinson opens his mouth to- “Gene”: So the story *really* started two weeks ago, but that's more like the climax. You see, about five years ago there was this enby down in Decommissioning who… 39:43 minutes of irrelevant conversation purged. Gene: …and we haven't heard a ‘beep' from xem since! “Gene” lets out a hysterical laugh, slapping their hand against their knee and their calf against the desk they sit on. They are the only one. Tejani presumably exhausted his ability to feign laughter after Robinson's fifth attempt to interject on a violation of the Foundation Code of Human and Nonhuman Rights. He flits between giving Gene their expected eye contact and keeping a nervous eye on Robinson, who has produced an amount of sweat consistent with a hundred-mile marathon. After 54 seconds, Gene makes a face matching “tasting a new food” with 99.9% confidence. They acknowledge neither Robinson nor Tejani's response to him. Gene: Huh. Tough crowd today. TEJANI: N-no, it was a funny story, it's just that- ROBINSON: You deployed a ghost. To give Ms. Darcy's father an anomalous disease. So she'd stay on for the insurance. Gene looks directly at Robinson for the first time. Gene: I spin you a whooooole yarn, and you go for the leftover thread on the needle? ROBINSON: It's the only human rights violation in the last half an hour I can summarize in less than half an hour. Robinson's tone is: 18.4% anger, 17.6% masking, 14.5% shock, 9.4% defiance, 5.1% hunger… Robinson turns to the Chairman. ethistician.aic determines his intended tone as casual. Tone breakdown: 7.6% casual, 18.7% “MTF commander giving orders,” 65.6% “scared child dangling from a ledge over SCP-682's pit screaming for rescue.” ROBINSON: Chairman! How long until your sandwich arrives?8 TEJANI: …wha- oh, yeah. I said I would. The sandwich is… Tejani looks at his feet. TEJANI: …[inaudible] ROBINSON: What do you mean you forgot to order it. Gene: Huh. If I didn't know better- ROBINSON: You DON'T! Robinson's shout echoes slightly against the sealed walls of the office. Gene tilts their head curiously, examining Robinson as they would an SCP object. Then they turn their face to Tejani, giving an expression of 13.4% helplessness, 0.9% mirth, and no other identifiable emotions. Gene: …well. Guess I'm busted. Any minute now, those left hands of yours'll burst down the door and put an end to our beautiful friendship. Oh, if only I had just let all those employees scatter to the Serpent's Anus or the Glock Ock Coalition, or maybe the Four Winds Hunting Lodges… oh, Tejani, why did you approve all our playbooks and procedures… No changes in tone are discerned during this time. ROBINSON: The Ethics Committee would never approve any of the words you just said. Robinson looks at Tejani. The latter avoids eye contact. ROBINSON: …Mr. Tejani? TEJANI: [inaudible] ROBINSON: I can't hear- TEJANI: All of their Department's tactics, playbooks, and methods have been reviewed and approved by consensus of the Ethics Committee. Silence. Robinson's eyes widen. ROBINSON: What? Gene: It's true! Check the records. Oh! Yeah, I almost forgot: Gene commandeers Tejani's monitor and makes an addition to the SCP-7814 file, narrating as they add. Gene: “Special Containment Procedures: As of… Incident 7814-Melanie-B… secrecy… of information… on SCP-7814… is under the jurisdiction of the Fire Suppression Department.” Robinson looks between Gene and Tejani, mouth gaping. Then he sits on the floor, clutching his head in a manner consistent with a migraine. Gene gestures toward him, turning to Tejani. Gene: Is he gonna be okay? TEJANI: Gene. Tejani smiles. Tejani shakes his head TEJANI: Gene. Gene, Gene, Gene, Gene… Tejani buries his head in his hands. TEJANI: Gene… ROBINSON: What possible greater good could be served by that? His words are slow, quivering. The emotion in Robinson's voice cannot be identified. Tejani sighs, wipes his brow, and begins to speak. TEJANI: The Foundation… you know… it's very hard to find new hires. We need brilliant, brilliant people- Gene: And all that experience! You can't get that anywhere else! Literally. We- ROBINSON: Training programs. Gene: Too expensive! Robinson shoots up into standing position. ROBINSON: I CAN THINK OF FIVE DIFFERENT WAYS YOU CAN GET THE- Gene: And we rarely get defectors except from the GOC. And speaking of the GOC, how disastrous would it be if a high-level researcher went and spilled all our secrets? I'm asking. Rate it from Notice to Critical, or one to five if you can't remember. ROBINSON: Yes, it'd be quite the disaster if our number-one rival found out we have a gaslighting department… TEJANI: Our work is too important. We have over five thousand anomalies in containment, Robinson. We need all hands on deck, and we need all hands to stay on deck. As… disturbing as they can be, the Fire Suppression Department's methods work. ROBINSON: I can think of five different ways that work better- Gene: All more expensive! ROBINSON: Cheaper. Not so gratuitous. Not so cruel. Not so cheapest. Not so save-money. Not so not so not so… Robinson becomes unresponsive for ten minutes. Tejani returns to working on his scheduling in the meantime. ROBINSON: So you were the ones who messed with my clearance. Gene: No, that was our good friend the typo! Robinson's expression is identified as: 14.3% confusion, 30.6% disbelief, 63.2% suspicion. ROBINSON: So you got Melanie transferred out, right? Gene looks up from their phone. Gene: What? ROBINSON: After the paper. “Incident 7814-Melanie-B.” Gene: Oh- oh, no no no nononono. That was O5. We only got put on the case after the second little stunt. Incident 7814-Melanie-B. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't catch that! ROBINSON: And the Ethics Committee… they approved that, too? Tejani looks away. TEJANI: It was… within their jurisdiction. Employees were starting fires. Gene: “Transferred out” is a bit of a strong word. You see- ROBINSON: I don't want to know. Robinson clutches his forehead. ROBINSON: I do want to know, but not right now. Gene: Is there anything you do want to know about right now? ROBINSON: Why not just… let us take out the telekill? We've already proven it's the better way. Gene: I don't think your calculations are quite sound. ROBINSON: They are sound. I've got hundreds of pages detailing them. TEJANI: Mr. Robinson, with all due respect, we can't afford the short-term costs. ROBINSON: But you can, I wrote a whole-ass dissertation on- Gene: And are you sure you did you math right? ROBINSON: You just explained the change-their-own-files-on-them tactic to me- it doesn't matter! What matters is the real human lives- Gene: -that we can secure, contain, and protect with every dollar we aren't spending on unnecessary renovations. ROBINSON: Aren't you the keeper of the retirement gate? If you want to keep your assets, why not keep them healthy? Gene: The effects of telekill aren't debilitating enough to justify the costs. ROBINSON: Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, OH! That is IT! Robinson stands and quickly moves toward the door. TEJANI: You're resigning? Just as Robinson's hand grasps the handle, he pauses. ROBINSON: …no. No, like hell I am. Robinson glares at the other inhabitants of the room. ROBINSON: I mean, I should. But someone has to be the conscience of the Foundation, and since the Ethics Committee isn't ethical anymore, I guess I'll have to do. Robinson leaves the handle alone and approaches Gene, whose smile remains unchanged. ROBINSON: You're going down. Robinson returns to the door and attempts to turn the handle. It does not budge. He re-attempts. It does not budge. ROBINSON: Can one of you get this open? FIRE SUPPRESSION DEPARTMENT - CLASSIFIED The following information is restricted to FSD Internal Affairs. Unauthorized access is strictly forbidden. If you have accessed this section without authorization, close your session now and remain where you are. We know how to find you. FIRE SUPPRESSION DEPARTMENT CASE ID-880379017499EC ISSUE: For the last twenty years, Ethics Committee member Jack Robinson has vocally opposed FSD operations and tactics and mobilized a minority faction of the Committee to improve workplace safety, earning minor but significant restrictions on SCP-7814 (“Telekill Alloy”). KNOWLEDGE: While Robinson remains passionate about the leisure of Foundation assets beyond the provisions of the Foundation's core mission, he is ultimately loyal and does not pose a defection or retirement risk. Ethics Committee culture and bureaucracy have prevented most attempts to significantly restrict FSD operations or telekill use, and standard bureaucratic tactics such as compromise and subconscious suggestion have been sufficient to neuter the rest. Furthermore, Robinson's faction has proven a powerful outlet for disgruntled Committee members, with morally-motivated defections dropping by 28% and retirements by 33%. RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE: None. Robinson is not a threat. NOTES: This case is considered RESOLVED. Footnotes 1. The TAAT has Level 5/7814 clearance, allowing them access to all SCP files pertaining to applications of SCP-7814. 2. Technical information classified Level 4/7814. To request Level 4/7814 information, contact the Telekill Alloy Task Force. 3. Further information classified Level 4/7814. To request Level 4/7814 information, contact the Telekill Alloy Task Force. 4. Technical information moved to Document 7814-A "Telekill and You" to expedite TAAT onboarding and investigations. 5. This is not a figure of speech: Tejani maintained 0.9 seconds of airtime with a maximum height of 7.4 cm. 6. The timer was supposed to be set to five minutes. 7. From the intruder's position, Robinson should have blocked “Gene”'s view of Tejani. They did not appear to adjust for this. 8. Earlier, Robinson had asked Tejani to ‘order a sandwich,' adding ‘make it the, uh, the LLH special from Omega One ‘Oodstuffs, maybe some extra knuckles?' This is a bastardized version of the example codeword given in the Ethics Committee Emergent Situations Priming Pamphlet, and more easily cracked by any Foundation personnel with sufficient knowledge of Omega-01's designation, such as Gene. « SCP-7813 | SCP-7814 | SCP-7815 »
Item#: 7817 Level1 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-7817 are to be contained in a single indoor enclosure at Site-104. Instances are to be counted daily to ensure that none have breached. Newborn instances are to be fitted with microchips. Foundation webcrawlers are to monitor social media for reports of public exposure to SCP-7817's anomalous properties. If any reports are found, they are to be removed and Class A amnestics are to be administered to individuals who have interacted SCP-7817. Additionally, contained instances of SCP-7817 are to be counted immediately to determine whether a breach has occurred. If a breach is confirmed, recovery of the SCP-7817 instance is not considered a priority. If all contained instances of SCP-7817 are accounted for, agents are to investigate the wilderness surrounding the incident for uncontained instances. Research into additional containment measures is ongoing. SCP-7817-38 Description: SCP-7817 is an anomalous species of mammal, with instances resembling various members of the family mustelidae.1 Instances of SCP-7817 generally behave like their non-anomalous counterparts, engaging in very similar hunting, play, and reproductive habits. Instances are highly social, preferring to live in a single large community and expressing distress when forcefully separated. Additionally, instances rarely display territorial aggression, even when introduced to non-anomalous ferrets. Once per day on average, all instances of SCP-7817 will gather in an open area. Elders and kits will sit at either side of the designated area, watching as the remaining members gather in several rows sorted by height. Once arranged, SCP-7817 instances will engage in an elaborate series of leaping and flailing motions for several minutes, resembling a behavior known as the “weasel war dance.” Kits will occasionally imitate these motions from the side, but will never join the rows mid-event. Once these events have ended, SCP-7817 instances will return to their normal behavior. SCP-7817's anomalous trait is an ability to pass through solid matter.2 Notably, the instance will not necessarily pass directly to the other side of a barrier it enters. Instead, it may exit through a piece of solid matter completely disconnected from the one it entered. It is currently unknown how far it can travel in this manner. On occasion, individual instances of SCP-7817 will breach containment, typically entering human homes and businesses to steal small objects and return with them to their containment chamber. So far, all breaching instances have returned to containment. Addendum 7817-1: Site Director Emily Meekins scheduled a meeting for 4/7/2022 with project head Margaret Erhardt to discuss SCP-7817's containment. However, Agent Calvin Webb requested to conduct the meeting instead as part of an ongoing investigation into another anomaly. Interviewed: Dr. Margaret Erhardt Interviewer: Agent Calvin Webb <Excerpt opens with Dr. Erhardt entering the office of Director Meekins and finding Agent Webb sitting at her desk.> Dr. Erhardt: Oh. Hello. Agent Webb: Hello, Dr. Erhardt. I'm Agent Calvin Webb. Sorry for the surprise, but I'll be filling in for the director today. <Dr. Erhardt takes a seat.> Dr. Erhardt: I… see. Are you familiar with the SCP-7817 situation? Agent Webb: I read the file. Dr. Erhardt: Oh, the file isn't up-to-date. RAISA has a backlog right now. I think the whole department is dealing with some sort of categorization crisis. Whatever it is, it's beyond my clearance. Didn't Director Meekins send you my latest observations? Agent Webb: It never made it to my desk. What's the latest, then? Have you stopped 7817's breaches? Dr. Erhardt: Not entirely, but we've had great success in mitigating them. Ever since I began introducing the types of things they like to steal to their containment chamber breaches have decreased by 90%. Agent Webb: I don't see why you shouldn't be able to stop them entirely. A single reality anchor should do the trick. Dr. Erhardt: We did some testing with an SRA and it made no noticeable difference. They're slippery little critters. In fact, it turns out 7817's Hume levels remain stable even when they display their anomalous trait. Their Elan-Vital Energy is normal, too. Though they do display slightly elevated Akiva radiation. Agent Webb: Is that the cause of their anomalous trait? Dr. Erhardt: We'd need further testing to be sure—we only had the testing equipment for the day—but I doubt it. When I say slightly, I mean no higher than a religious human. All of this was in the reports I sent to the director, by the way. And in the updated file in RAISA's backlog. I think it's evidence that 7817 are more intelligent than non-anomalous mustelids. Perhaps they have religious beliefs. Agent Webb: You think they're intelligent? Dr. Erhardt: It's hard to say, but maybe. Their vocalizations are more varied than ordinary ferret dooks. And the way they position the things they steal isn't like ordinary stashing. They arrange them carefully, and in the open. Not to jump to conclusions, of course, but it makes me think of someone displaying art. Agent Webb: Art. Huh. Do you like art, Dr. Erhardt? Dr. Erhardt: Pardon? Agent Webb: Do you like art? Do you go to museums? Dr. Erhardt: On occasion, I suppose. Anyway, I was actually planning to talk to the director about some further changes to 7817's containment. I think a larger enclosure with an outdoor section would be beneficial, but I realize there are some budgetary considerations. And we aren't exactly a high priority. Agent Webb: Do you find the Foundation's bureaucracy frustrating? Dr. Erhardt: I suppose, but it's understandable. Some departments are dealing with world-ending stuff. These are just a bunch of mischievous weasels. I just wish I could do more for them. Agent Webb: Like what? Dr. Erhardt: A larger enclosure, more freedom. Tiramisu—I mean, SCP-7817-57 has adrenal disease and the paperwork to get her treatment is taking forever. Do you know how many forms I have to fill out just to bring in some new enrichment or change their food? They aren't getting the care they need and, to be honest, I don't really see why we need to contain them as if they were dangerous. Agent Webb: The Foundation's job is to maintain normalcy. Dr. Erhardt: But that's nonsense in the end, isn't it? I mean, normalcy is just what the Foundation says it is. They decide what needs to be contained and make up the reason for it. Agent Webb: You don't believe the Foundation's work is important? Dr. Erhardt: Oh, it's certainly important. It's the only reason any of us are alive right now. But there's no reason the Foundation should make it so difficult to give a carnivore animal protein instead of pea protein. Agent Webb: Have you been in contact with the Serpent's Hand? Or the Chaos Insurgency? Dr. Erhardt: Of course not! I would never… wait, is this an interrogation? Agent Webb: How would you describe your religious and political views? Dr. Erhardt: Are you with the Internal Security Department? Agent Webb: No, I'm with the Department of Multi-Universal Affairs. Dr. Erhardt: What? What does Multi-Universal Affairs have to do with any of this? <Agent Webb stands, looking down at Dr. Erhardt> Agent Webb: You said these weasels are intelligent, right? Then they're most likely smart enough to understand actions and consequences. Whenever one of those things breaches, wait for it to return to containment and then kill it in front of its friends. After five or six deaths, I'm sure they'll get the message. Dr. Erhardt: I would never—the Foundation protects anomalies. We aren't the GOC. Agent Webb: If the Foundation can't contain an anomaly, we decommission it. Besides, there are one-hundred forty-six instances of SCP-7817. Killing a few doesn't break the Foundation's policy of protection. Dr. Erhardt: You can't make me do this. Agent Webb: Not now, maybe. But once our department's discovery reaches the O5 Council, I'll be given full authority over you and SCP-7817. <End excerpt.> BY ORDER OF THE OVERSEER COUNCIL The following file is Level 4/7817 Classified Unauthorized access is forbidden. 7817 Addendum 7817-2: On 4/8/22 the Department of Multi-Universal Affairs released a report containing observations of an unclassified anomaly to Director Emily Meekins. An excerpt has been included here due to its connection to Dr. Margaret Erhardt and SCP-7817. Department of Multi-Universal Affairs Discovery Report On 1/12/22, the Department of Multi-Universal Affairs was made aware of an anomalous series of events occurring across several universes. Unlike SCP-5492, this anomaly is not all-encompassing, and will only occur under certain circumstances. Currently, it appears that if the anomaly is present in a universe, the following facts will be true. If the anomaly is absent, none of these facts will be true. An iteration of the individual known in this universe as Dr. Margaret Erhardt3 will be born. Margaret Erhardt will be female.4 Margaret Erhardt will become an employee of the Foundation.5 SCP-7817 will be contained by the Foundation.6 Margaret Erhardt will become part of SCP-7817's research team. The following event has not yet occurred in every universe in which the anomaly is present, but due to its prevalence, it is currently believed that it is part of the anomaly and will eventually occur in each universe exhibiting the anomaly. Margaret Erhardt will defect from the Foundation, leading to the loss of custody of SCP-7817. This defection can take many forms, but always includes Margaret Erhardt assisting another group of interest. Most instances will work with the Serpent's Hand, the Chaos Insurgency, the Manna Charitable Foundation, or Are We Cool Yet? However, individual instances have been observed working with much less prolific groups such as, SCP-2085, Dream City, or a newly-formed group assembled by an instance. In addition to the loss of SCP-7817, the defection may result one or more of the following: Rival groups of interest gaining access to Foundation intelligence or technology. Loss of funding or political influence. Destruction of Foundation property. Breaches of other SCPs. Death or injury of Foundation personnel. Broken Masquerade Scenarios. CK-class Reality Restructuring Scenarios. IK-class Collapse of Global Civilization Scenarios. XK-class End-of-the-World Scenarios. Research into the cause of this anomaly is ongoing, but due to the threat it poses, investigation into the communications and loyalty of Dr. Margaret Erhardt is to begin immediately. Addendum 7817-3: On 4/9/22, Dr. Margaret Erhardt filed a complaint with the Ethics Committee regarding the behavior of Agent Calvin Webb. Ethics Committee representative Dr. Alexandra Doyle scheduled a meeting with Agent Webb for 6/3/22. <Begin excerpt.> Dr. Doyle: I've looked over the paperwork from the Department of Multi-Universal Affairs and I have to say I don't see any reason to panic. Agent Webb: You don't see any reason to panic? She's destroyed multiple worlds. Dr. Doyle: No, she hasn't. Other people who share some traits with her have, but our Margaret Erhardt isn't part of an apocalyptic cult or an extremist political group. She's just a biologist. She isn't capable of causing an XK-class event. Agent Webb: We can't be certain of that. Dr. Doyle: You've been investigating her, haven't you? Have you found any ties to dangerous groups? Has she accessed anything above her clearance? Has she ever even broken Foundation policy aside from giving nicknames to a few weasels? Agent Webb: You don't understand. It doesn't matter what she's been like in the past. If my department's conclusions are correct, she is going to cause harm to the Foundation, however unlikely it may seem. Dr. Doyle: What exactly does Multi-Universal Affairs think this anomaly is? Do you think she's pataphysically entangled in this series of events? Agent Webb: That's one possibility we're considering. It could also be the actions of an extradimensional entity with a vendetta against the Foundation, or a rival organization capable of interdimensional contact. There could be any number of causes. Dr. Doyle: What about SCP-7817? They're clearly connected in some way, and we already know they're anomalous. Agent Webb: It's not about the weasels. This anomaly centers on Dr. Erhardt, not them. They're simply tangentially connected in the same way Dr. Erhardt's parents are. Dr. Doyle: But regardless of the cause, the conclusion is that Dr. Erhardt is going to turn against the Foundation, even if we try to prevent it. Agent Webb: Other universes have tried firing her, killing her, showing her SCP-2140. Something always prevents it. Dr. Doyle: Then why threaten 7817? What's that supposed to achieve? Agent Webb: In other universes, her actions vary widely. When I started investigating her, I was hoping to find some sign of what form her betrayal would take but, like you said, there's nothing to be found. So I tried to goad her into desperate action by threatening something she cares about, but she didn't contact Serpent's Hand or join a Gamers Against Weed chat group. She just… filed a complaint with HR. I don't think she even imagines herself turning against the Foundation. <Agent Webb sighs and leans forward, placing a hand on his forehead.> Agent Webb: I don't like playing the bad guy, but I don't know what else to do. When I started this investigation I knew I wasn't going to be able to prevent her from defecting, but I thought I would get some idea of what she's going to do and maybe mitigate some of the damage. But it's been months and I've got nothing. Meanwhile, almost every day I see a new report from my department of another Foundation losing lives, or having its history rewritten, or being wiped out of existence altogether because of these events. <Dr. Doyle pauses for several seconds.> Dr. Doyle: I think you should take a vacation. <Agent Webb looks up.> Agent Webb: Is that supposed to be a joke? Dr. Doyle: I'm serious. You've been working at this for months. What are the chances that Dr. Erhardt ends the world in the next week? I'll fill out the paperwork, and get you a paid trip anywhere in the world you want. Trust me, this whole mess will seem a lot less overwhelming when you get back. Agent Webb: I can't just— Dr. Doyle: Trust me. <End excerpt.> Addendum 7817-4: On 6/10/22 Dr. Margaret Erhardt initiated a containment breach of SCP-7817 with the assistance of an unknown group. A timeline of events has been included below. 0620: Dr. Erhardt arrives on site, removing a large cardboard box and backpack from her car. 0623: A truck of unknown origin arrives at the outer gate Site-104, 0628: Dr. Erhardt enters the containment chamber of SCP-7817. Over the next several minutes, she privately speaks with each of her assistants, sending each on a different errand. 0629: The truck stops at the loading dock. A guard approaches the driver. The driver claims to have arrived for a scheduled transportation of SCP-7817. The guard checks the schedule and finds no record of any plans to transport SCP-7817. The discussion continues for several minutes. 0641: Dr. Erhardt removes a number of foldable pet carriers from the box and backpack. The SCP-7817 instances gather around her and she begins to place them in the carriers, putting approximately five instances in each carrier. Despite their past behavior when confined, none of the instances attempt to leave their carriers. 0645: Researcher Kemp passes the loading dock and is called over by the guard. When questioned, he claims to be unaware of any plans to transport SCP-7817. When asked for a point of contact, the driver names Dr. Erhardt. Researcher Kemp calls Dr. Erhardt who, after some hesitation, claims that the Department of Multi-Universal Affairs ordered the transfer. When asked why he was sent away, Dr. Erhardt explains that Agent Webb ordered that the transfer would be secret and is told to take the rest of the day off. 0651: The guard calls the Department of Multi-Universal Affairs, who confirms that Agent Webb is investigating an anomaly connected to SCP-7817 and that further information is above the guard's clearance. The truck is allowed to remain while the driver and five passengers exit and make their way to SCP-7817's containment chamber. 0659: The truck's occupants arrive at SCP-7817's containment chamber. Dr. Erhardt has not finished placing all of the SCP-7817 instances into carriers, but she directs the new arrivals to the filled carriers and continues working while the others collect the carriers and make their way back to the truck. 0705: Dr. Erhardt finishes placing the SCP-7817's into carriers. She crouches by the carriers, speaking to the instances in a soothing voice, though they do not appear to be anxious. 0710: Returning to the truck, the group loads the SCP-7817 instances into the back. The driver remains with the truck while the passengers make their way back to the containment chamber. 0718: The passengers arrive at the containment chamber and, along with Dr. Erhardt, collect the remaining carriers and make their way back towards the truck. 0723: In the hallway, the group encounters Director Meekins. The director asks what they're doing and Dr. Erhardt again claims that the Department of Multi-Universal Affairs ordered the transportation of SCP-7817. The director expresses confusion, and asks Dr. Erhardt to come to her office to confirm the order, but another researcher approaches her to report an SCP-4968-C instance injuring several personnel and Director Meekins departs with the researcher to attend to the issue. 0727: The group returns to the truck and loads the remaining SCP-7817 instances. Dr. Erhardt enters the truck with the rest of the passengers and they depart without incident. 0733: The truck exits the outer gate of Site-104. Investigations into the nature of the unknown group are ongoing. Addendum 7817-5: On 6/13/22, Agent Webb initiated an unscheduled meeting with Dr. Doyle. <Excerpt begins.> Agent Webb: What did you do? Dr. Doyle: What do you mean? Agent Webb: You signed in at Site-104 three days before Dr. Erhardt stole SCP-7817. I checked the security cameras and, while you never spoke to her directly, you did briefly pass her in the hall. As you did so, you slipped a piece of paper into her purse. <Dr. Doyle holds his hands up appeasingly.> Dr. Doyle: Alright, I'll come clean. I gave her the contact information of someone who would help her escape with 7817. Agent Webb: After everything I told you, why would you do that? Dr. Doyle: Your method of dealing with the anomaly was good. Knowing that the betrayal was inevitable, investigating Dr. Erhardt and anticipating her actions was the best way to mitigate any damage she would cause. I just took things a step further, guiding her into a situation which fulfilled the requirements of the anomaly and prevented any of its more dangerous effects. Agent Webb: But you realize that by doing that, you've basically betrayed the Foundation yourself. Our job is to contain anomalies, SCP-7817 included. Dr. Doyle: I'm with the Ethics Committee. Our entire job is to oppose the Foundation when they make the wrong choice. This may be a little more underhanded than the way we usually do things, but I've risked my career in larger ways. There are some highly influential doctors who don't like being told “No, you can't do that.” Agent Webb: I won't be an accessory to this. I am required to report your actions. Dr. Doyle: I wouldn't expect you to do anything else. <Agent Webb pauses.> Agent Webb: Of course, technically speaking, adding a log to SCP-7817's file explaining your actions does constitute reporting it. <Dr. Doyle smiles.> Dr. Doyle: I suppose it does. Though I can't imagine many people are going to bother reading so deep into the file of some harmless weasels. Agent Webb: Not when there's CK-class events to prevent. <Both laugh.> Agent Webb: But I have to ask. Who was she working with? Dr. Doyle: I think I'd prefer to keep that off the file, but if you go looking, I imagine you won't have much trouble finding them. Footnotes 1. Most instances resemble members of the genus mustela, particularly the stoat (mustela erminea), the black-footed ferret (mustela nigripes), the European mink (mustela lutreola), or the domestic ferret (mustela furo). However, a few instances resemble members of other genera, including the marbled polecat (vormela peregusna), the Sarahan striped polecat (ictonyx libycus), and the sable (martes zibellina). 2. This process can take anywhere from three seconds to five minutes. It generally begins with an instance digging at a barrier before slowly pushing its body through until it has vanished entirely. Even when passing through a thin barrier, the instance will never exit until its entire body has entered the barrier. 3. While this individual is not known as Margaret Erhardt in every universe, she will continue to be referred to as such within this document until a proper SCP designation is assigned. 4. If a universe's Margaret Erhardt is assigned male at birth, she will transition prior to employment with the Foundation. 5. The anomaly is only present in universes in which the Foundation exists. 6. The designation SCP-7817 is not used to refer to this anomaly in every universe. In this document, SCP-7817 refers to the collection of anomalous mustelids which receives that designation in this universe. In universes in which SCP-7817 exists, but is not contained by the Foundation, Margaret Erhardt will not exist and the anomalous events will not occur. « SCP-7816 | SCP-7817 | SCP-7818 »
close Info X Special Thanks to: Currently only users="." is implemented. DianaBerry, JorgeMtzb, Marceline_Raynes, and The_Spider_Queen |center=*]] Hello, it is us! DianaBerry JorgeMtzb, Marceline_Raynes, The_Spider_Queen and then blah blah blah we can write whatever here. Hope you enjoy all that jazz. NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION the server has detected the systematic deletion of text in this article. Read with caution. — Maria Jones, Director, RAISA Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7818-A and SCP-7818-B are to be stored in a standard anomalous item storage locker at Site-81. Physical interaction with either instance by research staff who are involved in romantic affairs, or who have previously been involved in romantic affairs that have ended within thirty days prior to experimentation, is strictly prohibited. Further containment procedures have been deemed unnecessary at this time. Photograph of SCP-7818-A Description: SCP-7818 is the collective designation for two identical antique lockets composed of silver, further categorized as SCP-7818-A and SCP-7818-B. Each locket is embossed with an intricate design depicting interwoven vines and flowers in 14th century European Gothic-era patterns. The lockets are heart-shaped and there is a small pocket within each intended to hold photographs. When SCP-7818 is worn by an individual who shares a deep1 romantic connection with another individual who is wearing SCP-7818-B, SCP-7818's anomalous effect manifests. SCP-7818 drastically enhances the physical and mental affection, intimacy, and emotional resonance between the individuals under its anomalous effect, causing an intensified romantic experience between them. Wearing SCP-7818-A and SCP-7818-B for an extended period of time will invariably cause one of the affected2 to slowly dissipate from baseline reality and conceptual spacetime. The intensity of this effect and the rate of dissipation is directly correlated to the emotional strength of the established bond between wearers; the stronger the emotional connection, the faster the dissipation. Initially, subtle signs of the erasure event manifest, such as affected individuals disappearing from photographs, before more notable effects manifest such as the individual's parents forgetting they concieved the affected. The only aspect of the lost individual that remains unaffected by SCP-7818 is the content SCP-7818-A and SCP-7818-B. It is unclear why the content of SCP-7818-A or SCP-7818-B remain unaffected by SCP-7818. It is unclear what happens to individuals who are removed from baseline reality by SCP-7818. Efforts to locate these individuals have remained inconclusive. Currently, the photograph contained within both SCP-7818-A and SCP-7818-B depicts Researcher Katherine Varga holding a female woman in a loving embrace. The identity of the second woman cannot be discerned, and Researcher Varga has no recollection of meeting or conversing with the woman in the photograph. The following was recovered from Katherine Varga's apartment on May Dear ㅤㅤaㅤㅤ ㅤoㅤㅤㅤ, Since it's our anniversary I figured I would get us something nice. You always said we should get matching lockets, so I thought this would be the perfect gift! I love you so much, so I figured the engraving on it was more than accurate. I already put the pictures in. Anyway, I'm really sorry I couldn't give this to you in person. You know how work can be, especially when you get called in and can't say no. But when I get back, you better believe I'll make the best dinner for you ever. No spoilers, but you will absolutely die for it. (P.S. I am totally wearing mine right now.) Video Log Transcript Date and Time: 2023-05-05T21:05:00-06:00 Subjects:ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn3, Katherine Varga Foreword The following transcript is taken from recovered security footage from Researcher Katherine Varga's residence during Incident 7818-1A, dated two weeks before the subsequent disappearance of an SCP-7818-1 instance from baseline reality. The aforementioned security footage has since been altered by the anomaly to exclude ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn, and is expected to degrade further. [BEGIN LOG] [Researcher ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn and Researcher Katherine Varga's assigned quarters can be seen. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn is sitting on a sofa on her phone while Katherine Varga is pacing around the room. After several minutes, Katherine Varga sits down on the sofa.] ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn: Hey, babe. Katherine Varga: (Looking up from her cellphone) Hmm? Yeah? ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn: Have you seen my ID? Katherine Varga: Huh? ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn: What I said. Have you seen my ID? I can't find it. Katherine Varga: It's not on your wallet? ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn: If it was in my wallet I wouldn't be asking where it was. It's missing, and I'll need it I want to drink at the party tonight. Katherine Varga: Wait, it's missing? Are you sure you didn't misplace it somewhere? ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn: Misplaced it where, exactly? I never take it out of my wallet. Katherine Varga Maybe someone actually stole it? ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn: Did you? Katherine Varga: (Scoffs) No? ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn: That's the problem, if you didn't take it, then who did? Katherina Varga: Probably just… fell out. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn: Right, but where? It could've fallen out anywhere. If we're lucky it was right here, but if not? Oh my god, my credit cards! If someone rummaged through my wallet they could've gotten my credit card info and with my ID… I need to cancel them as fast as possible and- crap! I don't have my ID! That's gonna make it even harder. I'm gonna have to wait in line even though my project is due the 5th and- and- Katherine Varga: (She holds a finger to her lips.) Shhh. Listen. It's fine. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn: No, it is NOT "FINE". Katherine Varga You're panicking. (She holds ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn's face in her hands.) Deep breaths, remember? Deep breaths. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn: Yeah, I know it's just— Katherine Varga: I know. Do you want a massage? ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn: (Sighing) That'd be nice… Katherine Varga begins rubbing ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn shoulders. Despite ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn now facing the camera almost directly, her face remains obscured by a footage corruption procedurally destroying the pixels around her head. Katherine Varga: Feels nice doesn't it? ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn: (Looking down) Yeah… Katherine Varga: You're worrying too much. You should be getting ready to have a fun time alright? Don't worry about that stuff right now. When we get back, I'll look everywhere for it. And I'll fill out all the forms for all the cards if I just can't find it. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn: What about the- Katherine Varga: Party? Come on Eㅤㅤㅤ. I mean, why do you even need it? There's no way in hell they're going to mistake you for someone underage. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn Right, but then- are you calling me old? Katherine Varga: Pfft, me? Oh, no, not at all. I would never suggest such a thing. But hey, if you're worried about being mistaken for an ancient relic, we can always bring along some dinosaurs fossils so- ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn:So that I'm not the oldest thing in the room? Katherine Varga: So that you're not the oldest thing in the room. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn: (Chuckling) Come on Kate, you know I still get carded sometimes, believe it or not. And I need that ID to prove that I'm not as old as you make me out to be. By the way, between the two of us, I'm younger. Katherine Varga:: Yeah younger than wheel, right? Just barely though. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn: Oh, fuck you. Katherine Varga LOVE YOU TOO! ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn: Love you too. [END LOG] Video Log Transcript Date and Time: 2023-05-06T01:17:00-06:00 Subjects: Katherine Varga, Emㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Foreword The following transcript is an amendment to 7818-1A, and occurs roughly 4 hours after 7818-1.1. The footage was taken from recovered security footage from Researcher Katherine Varga's residence during Incident 7818-1B [BEGIN LOG] [Researcher Emㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ unlocks the apartment door, and slams it, visibly upset. Researcher Katherine Varga lets out a surprised yelp from the bedroom before rushing into the living room. She can be seen frantically observing her surroundings, pressumably to check for structual damage. When satisfied, Researcher Katherine Varga turns her attention to Emㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Katherine Varga: Are you hurt? What's wrong? Emㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ: (Leaned against the door, and let out a sob before sliding down to the floor and putting her head in her hands.) Katherine Varga: (Face drops from panic to concern. She crouches down next to her.) Babe… What happened? Emㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ: (stays quiet for a few moments.) Just a lot of things. They didn't have my name on the list. It was just gone?! I was told I was going to get in, my friends said they would have my name on the list, and when I tried calling but nobody picked up. I know they could have been partying but they had said they would meet outside… Katherine Varga: Oh… (gently rubbing Emㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ's back) I'm so sorry Emㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ. That hurts a lot. Is there anything I can do for you? Emㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ: (Shakes her head) I think I just need some sleep. This feels like some elaborate shitty prank. I'm scared I'm actually losing it, you know? Katherine Varga: Yeah. I know. If it makes you feel any better, you look very very beautiful. (She kisses Emㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ's cheek.) What if we got some ice cream and watched a bit of Parks and Rec before bed? Emㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ: I would like that a lot. Thank you… [END LOG] Holly <3 Hey, I'm here. where r u? ? I'm here waiting. Did something happen? I'm sorry, who is this? It's me, ㅤㅤmㅤ Hㅤwㅤㅤoㅤㅤ. Is your phone glitching out or something? Sorry, I think you have the wrong number Do I? … No, you made me doubt for a moment but I'm sure this is the right one. You ARE Holly, right? Yeah… that's me. What are you on about then?? You were supposed to meet me today at 12 I don't think I'm the Holly you're looking for. Holly Mitchell, birthday: May 8th. That's you no? It is. Do I know you? I'm sorry I just can't quite place you. ??????????? We see each other all the time We saw each other last week Holly I really hope this is some kind of sick joke Because it's really not funny anymore. No, I'm very sorry to disappoint. Please seriously stop you're starting to freak me out Holly? Please don't do this I'm Sorry. Have a nice day. Holly. Seriously. It's not funny. Stop it. … please… Video Log Transcript Date and Time: 2023-05-11T04:23:00-06:00 Subjects: Katherine Varga, ㅤㅤㅤa ㅤaㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Foreword: The following transcript is taken from recovered security footage from Researcher Katherine Varga's residence during Incident 7818-1C, dated one week before the subsequent disappearance of an SCP-7818-1 instance from baseline reality. The aforementioned security footage has since been altered by the anomaly to exclude ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn, and is expected to degrade further. [BEGIN LOG] Katherine Varga: (Enters the apartment, immediately making her way towards her bedroom. Once she enters, she finds ㅤㅤㅤa ㅤaㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ, who was currently sobbing, on the bed, wrapped in a blanket. She ran towards the bed, throwing her arms around ㅤㅤㅤa ㅤaㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ.) Babe oh my gosh! Did something else happen? ㅤㅤㅤa ㅤaㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ: (Looks at Katherine.) Yes! Yes again! I was supposed to meet up with Holly today, she didn't show up! I texted her and she acted as if she actually responded, but then acted as if she didn't know me! I have no idea what is happening, Katie! Katherine Varga: Shhhh. It's okay. Calm down. I'm sure it's nothing- ㅤㅤㅤa ㅤaㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ: NOTHING!? This is not nothing! It's like everyone is forgetting me! Like I don't even exist! Katherine Varga: Like you don't even exist? Em do you have any idea how crazy that sounds? ㅤㅤㅤa ㅤaㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ: It's not crazy! It's completely real! Katherine Varga: (grabbing her phone) I'm sure we can talk to Holly about this… ㅤㅤㅤa ㅤaㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ: What's the point? Clearly, she doesn't want anything to do with me… It seems like no one does. Katherine Varga: Ohh darling, I'm sure that's not true- ㅤㅤㅤa ㅤaㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ: YES IT IS! You should've seen the text messages! Katherine Varga: I can look at them if you want, but maybe I can message her. We'll get to the bottom of this. Holly (ㅤmㅤa) What in the ever-living hell is wrong with you?? What'd I do now? Oh, but you remember me just fine, huh? Eㅤmㅤ. A few hours ago. Ah, You know her? Ah… DO I KNOW HER? She's my partner and you well know it. Oh really? Since when? We met through her, you jerk. I'm sorry but that makes no sense You make no sense GO. TO. HELL. Excuse me?? Kate? Katherine Varga (sighing) That didn't go very well. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤwthㅤrㅤ: (starting to tear up) See! I told you! Oh-Oh my god. I can't believe this! First, my ID, then my name wasn't on the list, and now this? Katie this is not random. We have to figure out what's going here- are you even paying attention to me? Katherine Varga: (Katherine's attention had shifted from ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤwthㅤrㅤ to the wall. A shocked and concerned expression was on her face.) Okay so babe don't freak out but… you're not in that picture. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤwthㅤrㅤ: Huh? What do you mean? Katherine Varga: The one from our trip to LA. I-I know you were in it. You're right. Something is deeply, deeply wrong. I'm sorry… ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤwthㅤrㅤ: Oh my god! (Leans against Katherine) This can't be happening. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤwthㅤrㅤ: (starts hyperventilating.) What… What if you forget me too? Just like them. What if I forget who I am? Please Katie. I'm so scared. Katie I can't do this. I don't want to be forgotten. Katherine Varga: (Embracing ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤwthㅤrㅤ, starting to cry herself) It's okay! I will never ever ever forget you, Em. You know this. I love you so much, I swear on my mother's grave. I'll do anything… I-I'll file a report at work. They'll take care of it. They'll fix it! They always do! Everything will be okay. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤwthㅤrㅤ: (Sniffles) You promise? Katherine Varga: (nods) I promise. I'll never forget. [END LOG] Audio Transcript Date and Time: 2023-05-12T02:43-02:55 Subjects: m a H th Foreword: The following is a transcript of a phone call retrieved from the phone carrier by MTF-Omega 24. m a H th calls her mother, Lindsey Hawthorn, for their regularly scheduled family phone call. m a H th : Hey mom! Lindsey Hawthorn: Hello? Who's this? m a H th : Uh… It's me… m a . I'm your daughter? Lindsey Hawthorn: Is this a scam? I heard those have been going around these days. m a H th : N-no. This is real. I promise you I'm your real life daughter. Lindsey Hawthorn: I think I would know if I had a daughter. Ma'am you clearly have the wrong number. m a H th : No wait. Please. I have a baby brother, Peter Hawthorn, Born April 6th 2001, I was born July 12th 1998. Our childhood home was 3400 Worthington Drive, Pflugerville Texas. Peter and I went to Riverview Elementary School, Oak Park Junior High, and Maple Ridge High School. Please. Mom. You need to believe me. Lindsey Hawthorn: How the fuck did you know that? I know for a fact I never had a daughter. I only have one son. You need to leave me and my family alone. Never contact me again. I will call the police and press charges. m a H th : Mo- [END LOG] Addendum 01: Eㅤㅤadisappeared. I fell asleep right next to her right last night. This morning, I woke up and she was gone. Nowhere to be found. Phoned her parents, and called everyone that I knew she was close with. The photos on my phone, they've all disappeared, her phone number wasn't assigned. I looked everywhere for any leads; Nothing, she was gone without a trace. I updated the description of the anomaly accordingly to reflect this. I will get to the bottom of this if it's the last thing I ever do. Audio Transcript Date and Time: 2023-05-23T06:35:00-06:00 Subjects: Katherine Varga. Foreword: The following is a transcript of a missing persons report filed by Researcher Katherine Varga and intercepted by MTF-Omega 24. Katherine Varga: Hello? Jason Taieo: Hello, this is the Austin Police Department, what can I help you with today? Katherine Varga: I-I'm calling to submit a missing person. Jason Taieo: Has it been over 24 hours since you have last seen them? Katherine Varga: No… But I know it doesn't have to be. I know the rules. Please, I need to report her missing. Her name is Eㅤmㅤ ㅤㅤwㅤhㅤrn, she's 5 foot 2 inches, shoulder length brown hair, and blue eyes. She's 28 years old, and white. She has a pink jacket that she wears often and it's not in my house anymore… Jason Taieo: Do you have any photos of her? Katherine Varga: I don't anymore. She disappeared from all of the photos just like she disappeared this morning. I mean I have this locket but I can't. I can't part with it. Jason Taieo: Okay. Is there any chance she's at work? Katherine Varga: No. Her number disappeared from my phone and then when I call her number I got an automated voice saying the number is no longer in service… She doesn't work anymore… She couldn't. Jason Taieo: Alright. I am going to send this off and have a unit go to you. Where do you live? Katherine Varga: 272 Thrash Trail, Apartment 404. Thank you. Jason Taieo: Is there anything else you need? Katherine Varga: No… [END LOG] Closing Statement: The case was thrown out by the Austin Police Department shortly after the call, as there was no evidence or records on Eㅤmㅤ ㅤㅤwㅤhㅤrn and her existence. APD followed up with a wellness check on Katherine Varga, but it ultimately ended with no further action taken. Case was closed on May 25th 2023. Addendum 02: When I updated the file with the pertinent information, I apparently raised some eyebrows at RAISA. They don't remember me ever having a partner, much less one that worked for the foundation, and the people who knew I had filed the document said they hadn't ever read it. I really had to fight for them to take me seriously. They're suggesting that she never existed, that I made her up in my mind, via anomalous means or otherwise, but that cannot be true. This document is the only proof of her so I need to maintain it to the best of my ability. I've dedicated my life to her, she dedicated her life to me, I promised I would always be by her side, that I would always be there for her, and that I wouldn't forget. Addendum 03: It's just now I was looking at the file, and all mentions of her name had disappeared and I had to replace them like I had before. That's when I realized, I had forgotten her name. I don't remember any party. What party? What is happening!? This cannot be happening. I'm trying everything I can, I'm her last hope. I promised I would fix this, she means everything. I can't forget there has to be something I can do. I can fix this, I can do this. I will get her back. Addendum 03: My locket still has her picture in it. Those stupid lockets we got like a month ago symbolize our love. Hers, the ones with my picture in it, are gone. Every other picture of her disappeared without a trace, but the other side with her picture on it is in my hand right now. I already updated the file to reflect this. This is huge, I finally have a lead. This could be it. This could be why my darling is gone. What…whatever her name was. Please please don't let me forget now. There's no one else, everyone has forgotten, I am so close, I can't give up now, I can't forget. I promised. Video Log Transcript Date and Time: 2023-05-20T09:45:00-06:00 Subjects: Katherine Varga. Foreword The following transcript is an amendment to 7818. The footage was taken from recovered security footage from Researcher Katherine Varga's office post previous addenda.. [BEGIN LOG] [Researcher Katherine Varga is staring at the contents locket around her neck. Her eyebrows furrowed.] Katherine Varga: I'm sorry babe. (She breaks down, sobbing. Staring at the woman in the locket.) Katherine Varga: I know I promised you that I wouldn't forget… (She pauses taking a deep breath.) Katherine Varga: But… I guess it really does come for us all… I'm so so sorry. Katherine Varga: If you're still out there. Please forgive me. I don't even know your name anymore, but please, babe, please forgive me. (She closes the locket, holding it in her hands clasped together, putting them up to her face as though she were praying.) Katherine Varga: I'm sorry babe… Please come back. [END LOG] (Researcher Katherine Varga then spent approximately four hours staring at the wall and at the picture in the locket. Site psychiatric staff has been contacted on behalf of Katherine Varga, case is currently pending review.) Footnotes 1. Referring to a profound and intense emotional bond between individuals involved in a romantic relationship. It implies a heightened level of intimacy, understanding, and affection, wherein the individuals feel a strong sense of connection, empathy, and mutual vulnerability and encompasses a profound emotional and psychological resonance between the partners involved. 2. Henceforth referred to as SCP-7818-1 3. Fabricated, temporary alias provided by Researcher Katherina Varga for ease of communication and documentation. The individual's identity cannot be discerned at this time, as their face remains obscured for the majority of the footage. « SCP-7817 | SCP-7818 | SCP-7819 »
by Kothardarastrix Item#: 7820 Level1 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7820's remote and inaccessible location makes active containment measures unnecessary. Example of maritimus scrimshaw. Artifacts recovered from SCP-7820 are to be gradually warmed, depressurized, and dried over a period of at least 36 hours to prevent damage to the porous material. They are otherwise to be handled and cared for as appropriate for artifacts of their age and composition. Description: SCP-7820 is a seamount in the Arctic Ocean, 38 kilometers from the geographic North Pole. The peak of the seamount is 100 meters below the surface, but erosion on its upper portion indicates that it was above sea level until around 10,000 years ago. From ~44,000 BCE to ~39,000 BCE, SCP-7820 was home to a civilization of Homo neanderthalensis maritimus. Addendum 1: The Polar People Homo neanderthalensis maritimus is a subspecies distinguished from typical Neanderthals by their larger hands and feet, smaller molars, and larger canine teeth. Artistic depictions on associated artifacts show maritimus as heavyset and covered in fur. All known maritimus remains originate from SCP-7820. It is not clear how this population came to dwell thousands of kilometers from the known range of baseline Neanderthals. The presence of Arctic adaptations on even the earliest specimens has led parapaleontologists to conclude that the maritimus population diverged from Homo neanderthalensis well before its habitation of SCP-7820. The time and place of this divergence is hotly debated, but the most popular theory in parapaleontological circles supposes that the ancestors of maritimus were Neanderthals who migrated onto Atlantic sea ice from coastal Europe during a period of glaciation. Addendum 2: Meteorite Staff The most overtly anomalous object found in SCP-7820 is an ornate staff fashioned from a narwhal tusk. Writing is engraved along the staff's entire length, following the spiral pattern of the tusk. An iron meteorite roughly 17 cm in diameter is affixed to one end. The iron is strongly magnetized and displays no signs of corrosion despite its long immersion. When pointed towards magnetic north, the meteorite emits a green and pink glow that resembles an aurora. This light, spotted by an ROV on an unrelated science expedition, is what led to the initial discovery of SCP-7820. Addendum 3: Other Artifacts In addition to the meteorite staff, hundreds of bone and ivory artifacts have been retrieved from SCP-7820. The function of an artifact almost always correlates to its animal of origin; weapons and hunting implements are typically made from large predators such as polar bears, orcas, and Greenland sharks, tools predominantly originate from seals, and artwork is usually crafted from ivory or, in the case of larger pieces, whale bones. Maritimus would have also required metal tools (likely comprised of meteoric iron) to carve bone and ivory with such precision, but no such implements would have survived 10,000 years of seawater immersion. Many artifacts - and nearly all maritimus remains - bear detailed artistic depictions. Notable examples of such are summarized below, in rough order of age. When radiocarbon dating was insufficient, chronology was estimated by the relative complexity of the object and artistic depictions thereupon. Object Artistic Depictions Notes broken-off tip of woolly mammoth tusk A meteor marked with an unknown symbol falls toward a rocky island surrounded by sea ice, presumably SCP-7820. A partial humanoid figure is visible at the very edge of the broken portion; it is likely that the rest of the tusk was also carved. It is not clear how this object traveled hundreds of kilometers from the woolly mammoth's habitat. The best-supported theory states that the object was transported to SCP-7820 by its initial settlers. maritimus pelvis maritimus dancing, some playing instruments or wielding weapons, some naked and others wearing ornate clothing and headdresses Parturition pits on the pubic bones indicate that this individual birthed at least one child. wind instrument made from the rib of a seal seals playing and hunting When played, the instrument produces sounds similar to the vocalizations of bearded seals. This function is thought to be at least partially anomalous, since the acoustic properties of the rib should not be sufficient to create such noises. beluga whale skull a large (approx. 30 m) tree grows on an island (presumably SCP-7820), surrounded by a village of shelters resembling igloos and yurts The same symbol that first appeared on the meteor is repeated here, above the tree. maritimus femur maritimus sitting astride a large tree branch, picking spherical fruit and pruning dead twigs The bone has a fully healed oblique fracture. walrus ivory statue 28 cm tall a maritimus with a long, braided beard, wearing armor and a heavy cloak decorated with images of sea creatures Possible depiction of SCP-6597. maritimus mandible maritimus playing with seal pups Two of the remaining teeth have been drilled into as some form of dental surgery. beluga whale skull an immense tree (assuming the same scale as before, ~150 m) grows atop SCP-7820, surrounded by a small city of large hemispherical buildings The same symbol is repeated here, on the tree's trunk. cross-section of narwhal tusk one side depicts the night sky, as it is thought to have appeared ~40,000 years ago. The hollow center of the tusk has been incorporated into the design and apparently represents the star Vega, which was the pole star at that time. The other side seems to be a crude map of the Arctic, where the hole represents the geographic north pole. On the map side, the approximate location of SCP-7820 is marked with the same symbol that appears on representations of the tree. 5 small walrus ivory carvings Three pieces are 28 mm statuettes of maritimus: one wearing a bear skin and brandishing a spiked bone club, one dressed in a heavy cloak and wielding a two-handed spear, and one wearing ornate ceremonial garb, holding what appears to be the meteorite staff or a similar object. The fourth piece is a stylized skeleton carrying a walking stick (see above). The fifth is a dodecahedron with a different symbol engraved on each side. These objects were found in very close proximity; it is possible that they were all game pieces. skull of infant maritimus complex fractal pattern resembling a snowflake Bones show signs of malnutrition. beluga whale skull Another depiction of the city and the massive tree. The tree is now an estimated 300 meters tall, but it is leafless and has several broken branches. The city, which occupies SCP-7820's entire surface, consists of tall, cylindrical towers, many of which have wholly or partially collapsed. The usual symbol is still present on the tree, but it is now inverted. narwhal scapula a cloaked maritimus carrying a staff points at a comet in the night sky The comet bears the same symbol that the living tree did. 10-meter great horned whale tusk A carving of the aurora borealis follows the spiral of the tusk from one end to the other. Thousands of maritimus walk atop the aurora like a bridge. On the flat end at the base of the tusk, a geographically accurate image of Earth as seen from above the approximate location of SCP-7820 is carved. The tip has been removed from the other end of the tusk, creating a flat surface on which an image of the comet is carved. The maritimus procession is led by four figures with staves. A fifth such figure is standing at the bottom of the aurora bridge, watching the others depart but not following. complete skeleton of an elderly maritimus none These are the only undecorated maritimus bones to be recovered. They were found directly adjacent to the meteorite staff. « SCP-7819 | SCP-7820 | SCP-7821 »
Item#: 7822 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: danger link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7822 is currently contained at Site-23 within a cryogenic stasis unit. This stasis unit must obscure the image of SCP-7822 to outside observers, to the point where SCP-7822 can only be seen as a shadowy outline, preventing the risk of a Pythia Event on site staff. The only reason to remove SCP-7822 from stasis is for experimentation, analysis, and study into SCP-7822's memetic properties. Every staff member assigned for stasis removal must wear specialized eye equipment in order to prevent the manifestation of a Pythia Event. All SCP-7822-A instances are to be brought to Site-120 for testing and analysis purposes. Project Longbow has been established to learn more about the capabilities of SCP-7822-A instances and develop effective applications of said capabilities in thaumaturgic countermeasures, without the drawbacks of SCP-7822's influence or that of Vector 7822-Delphi. Should an SCP-7822-A instance breach sitewide containment, termination is allowed through incineration. Any staff member subjected to Vector 7822-Delphi must be treated with Class A amnestics at once. Description: SCP-7822 is an extraterrestrial corpse, 4.8 meters in length and roughly 4,500 years old. SCP-7822 possesses bilaterally symmetrical organs, three hearts, and a beaked mouth composed of chitin1. Carbon dating has placed SCP-7822's date of expiration at between 1500 and 1600 years ago. Despite its deceased state, SCP-7822 possesses significant memetic influence on human subjects, propagated through visual stimuli. Specifically, SCP-7822's memetic influence will spread through human subjects who observe the entirety of SCP-7822 head-on, with no visual aids or obstructions in their line of sight. Once visual exposure is made in this manner, SCP-7822 will trigger a Pythia Event in the subject. Human subjects who undergo a Pythia Event are to be referred to onwards as SCP-7822-A instances. As a result of experiencing a Pythia Event, SCP-7822-A instances will experience the following psychological, cognitive, and thaumaturgy-based changes: Ten (10) seconds from exposure: SCP-7822 will appear as an adult human male wearing a white linen robe, with blonde curly hair, a Caucasian skin tone, an athletic physique, a lack of body hair, and the same physical proportions as SCP-7822. This description is consistent across all SCP-7822-A instances. Thirty (30) seconds from exposure: The interpretation of SCP-7822 as the Greek deity Apollo2, and that “Apollo” had expired when humans had ceased their worship of it. Sixty (60) seconds from exposure: At this point, SCP-7822-A instances will mourn Apollo's “death” and develop the drive to honor “Apollo” and his pantheon's legacy by resurrecting worship of “Apollo” in the modern day. Seventy (70) seconds after exposure: The elevation of natural Elan-Vital Energy3 levels, allowing SCP-7822-A instances to utilize thaumaturgic abilities. Specifically, SCP-7822-A instances will typically demonstrate the thaumaturgic abilities below: Constructs composed of solidified light energy. Usually in the form of bows and arrows, but other documented construct forms include birds and stringed instruments. The latter constructs allow for the disorientation, temporary deafening, and unbalancing of human targets through the emission of intense sound waves. A form of precognition that allows for the prediction of events within the following fifteen (15) minutes. The accuracy of these predictions varies between 76% and 90%. The ability to replicate the memetic effects of SCP-7822 on command, through a vocalized transmission vector dubbed Vector 7822-Delphi. SCP-7822-A instances initially attempted to use Vector 7822-Delphi on researchers, but after approximately six (6) months began using it solely towards D-class personnel. Addendum: Discovery: SCP-7822 was discovered on 2020-8-22 in central Greece, specifically within the Mount Parnassus mountain range, after the Project PANOPTICON system4 detected unusual levels of both Akiva Radiation5 and EVE within the 5x5 meter area on the Liacouras peak. Satellite imaging confirmed the existence of a makeshift worship site, located at 2,400 meters above sea level at the mouth of a cave. Further coverage of this site revealed the existence of Group of Interest-7822, which addresses itself as Apollo's Bowmen. Field agent Atticus Castellanos was sent to investigate the group, due to his fluency in Greek and his operative history in the Balkan region. Agent Castellanos's cover was as Dimitris Markos, a reporter from a local newspaper who was sent to write an article on the group. The following interview took place after Agent Castellanos was contacted by Person of Interest-7822-B, the leader of GoI-7822. Interviewed: PoI-7822-B Interviewer: Agent Atticus Castellanos Foreword: This interview took place on 2020-08-31, upon the deck of PoI-7822-B's residence in the rural part of the Phocis administrative region. All dialogue been translated from Greek to English. <Begin Log> Agent Castellanos: Alright, everything's set up. We're good to go. Person of Interest-7822-B: Great. I'm glad to finally talk with someone from the papers. Agent Castellanos: Yeah, I'm glad I could sit down with you. People back home have sparked all kinds of rumors about what you folks do here. PoI-7822-B: Well, it would be my pleasure to clear those things up. Let's get started, hmm? Agent Castellanos: Of course, of course. Now, the first thing I'd like to discuss is, what exactly do you guys do up on the mountain? I understand that it's a religious site of sorts, but further details are rather sparse. PoI-7822-B: It is true that our encampment is a worship site. What most people don't know is exactly what we worship. Agent Castellanos: Would you care to elaborate on that? PoI-7822-B: Naturally. We've developed a reinvention of sorts of the belief systems of the ancient Greek civilization. You see, the Bowmen are not polytheistic. We only worship the scriptures and goals of the god Apollo, . Agent Castellanos: Why Apollo in particular? Does that have anything to do with his history in the area? PoI-7822-B: chuckles Yes, actually. Apollo himself has held significant influence here. His most powerful site of worship, Delphi, is just south of here by the Gulf of Corinth. It's one of his most prized sites of worship, as through it he gained the strength he needed to bring to Greece the miracles he was so renowned for. Agent Castellanos: Sounds like you folks have got quite the history to base your faith off of. PoI-7822-B: Indeed we do. But alas, as history moved on so did humanity. The faiths of the Greeks and the Romans fell to the wayside, and with them so did the powers and body of Apollo. In the final moments before his body failed him, Apollo returned to the one place most sacred to him. The Lightbringer returned home. Agent Castellanos: Are you saying that Apollo is dead? That he was killed by humanity no longer worshiping him? PoI-7822-B: You're very close, Mr. Markos. Hisbody no longer functions, but his mind is still there. He's reaching out to us from within that cave, calling to us to return honor to his name, to bring his faith to the forefront once again. To restore the worship that humans once held for him. It is the least we can do for him, after all he has done for us in life. Agent Castellanos: And how exactly do you plan to do that? PoI-7822-B: As Apollo once was, as we are now. We provide to him our own form of strength, and in return he provides us with the strength he possessed in life. It is our honor and duty to bestow upon others the truth of the Lightbringer's fate. Agent Castellanos: That's the second time you've called Apollo the Lightbringer. PoI-7822-B: Yes, it's an honorific title. All Bowmen use it, as a way to express Apollo's divinity. Agent Castellanos: Well, I'm sure that the Lightbringer would be proud of what the Bowmen are doing. Agent Castellanos pauses suddenly, in apparent confusion at what he just said. Agent Castellanos: *quietly, in a confused tone* Wait, what? PoI-7822-B grins slightly at this. PoI-7822-B: I believe that's all the time I have, Mr. Markos. I hope to see you again. End Log Addendum: Post-Interview Events: When Agent Castellanos returned to Site-120 with his recording, he appeared to have somehow experienced mild exposure to SCP-7822's memetic agent, after repeatedly addressing SCP-7822 as either Apollo or the Lightbringer. Agent Castellanos willingly entered further examinations, which revealed the existence of Vector 7822-Delphi. Castellanos was subjected to Class A amnestics in an attempt to eliminate Vector 7822-Delphi's influence. This proved effective in purging the effects of Vector 7822-Delphi. Afterwards, it was decided that a lack of intervention regarding the members of GoI-7822 would risk an AK-class “Memetic Dominance” scenario. MTFs Tau-5 (Samsara) and Eta-10 (See No Evil) were dispatched with two primary goals: to collect SCP-7822 and arrive at a time where numerous GoI-7822 members were present, in order to bring as many into Foundation custody. These goals were carried out effectively, with the caveat that PoI-7822-B and three of his subordinates could not be located at the time. Footnotes 1. This description has been confirmed via video recordings and indirect viewing, neither of which trigger SCP-7822's effects. 2. The god of archery, light, music, healing, education and knowledge, herds and flocks, and the protection of the young. 3. A form of energy emitted by all conscious entities. Can be harnessed to perform thaumaturgy when present in high enough concentrations. Also known as EVE. 4. A global surveillance program that utilized numerous pieces of paratechnology to gain intelligence crucial to the Foundation's operations. Headquartered in Site-120. 5. An anomalous form of radiation associated with worship and divine intervention.
SCP-7825 Section of a mostly corrupted VHS tape recording documenting the presumed final moments of a victim of SCP-7825 during one of its containment breaches Item #: SCP-7825 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7825 is to be contained within a cell with a 10cm reinforced steel plate lining across all internal surfaces, measuring 10m x 10m x 10m, in Research Sector-02 at Site-19 without any type of lighting or camera systems due to the subject's anomalous abilities. Personnel are to spend no more than 10 minutes within the containment area designated to SCP-7825, due to the risk of contracting previously reported symptoms of insanity and mind control. Personnel who have found out to have broken this time limit will be quickly subdued, restrained, and later terminated for disobedience when concerning the nature of a high-risk subject. In the event of a containment breach, the nearest Mobile Task Force should attempt to pursue the subject with reasonable advised precautions, and once contact has been made, the specially designed containment box should be utilised to lure the subject in, where afterward it can be safely returned to its containment chamber. Description: SCP-7825, often referred to by many foundation personnel as 'The Agonizing Phantom', is an anomalous humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.32 meters in height whilst maintaining an unknown weight (if it has any at all), adopting a grim and ghostly appearance that resembles that of a man made out of what as of documenting is unknown, but would appear to be an extremely durable corrosive black material that, when coming in contact with a person's skin, will begin to crumble into a pile of dark ashes and dust, with zero traces of any former organic body. A phenomenon that is widely reported by those designated to research SCP-7825 and spend a greater amount of time with it is that of a feeling of confusion, disorientation, witnessing hallucinations of the subject, and many other symptoms of insanity. Past containment breaches have also proven that SCP-7825 also holds capabilities that it uses to assist in its pursuit of its victims that further add to its anomalous properties, being the entity's strange ability to manipulate the lighting and camera systems within its vicinity at its will, being able to completely cut lights and blur camera feeds, nullifying the incident provided in the image above, proving to be the only current imagery of the subject to this date. As well as this, SCP-7825 has been observed to briefly 'warp in and out of reality' at its will (where the subject goes in this state is still unknown to foundation researchers), which has proven to be challenging for Mobile Task Force units attempting interception of the subject. Finally, the subject has been noted to take great cognitive control over a person who spends too long within close vicinity of the subject for too long, and after a certain passing of time, they find themselves uncontrollably doing the short-term bidding of SCP-7825. ADDENDUM-A: Interview between Doctor ███████ and SCP-7825 whilst being monitored by Guard ████ and Guard █████ (prior to knowledge of subjects cognitive abilities) [BEGIN LOG] Doctor ███████: "Hello there, I am Doctor ███████." … Doctor ███████: "And you?" … Doctor ███████: "Can you understand me, at all?-"Doctor ███████: "Good, yes very good indeed. I have a few questions to ask you, that is, if its alright with you of course?" … Doctor ███████: "Hello?-"Doctor ███████: "Release? Your going to have to be more speci-"… Guard ████: "What's he doing, i thought this wou-" … Guard █████: "What the fuck has he done? That things now loose, fucking idiot!" … Guard ████: "Oh my god, WE NEED BACKU-" [END LOG] ADDENDUM-B: Conversation between two lower ranking Mobile Task Force operatives midst the recontainment of SCP-7825 during one of its breaches [BEGIN LOG] Operative #1: "So what did they say this one was called again during the mission briefing? SCP-784…" Operative #2: "No clue, only thing I need to know is that we should be keeping an eye out for it incase it suddenly appears. This one can supposedly send you to an early grave just by pokin' you." Operative #2: "Hell, they are not paying me enough to deal with these crazies, I should probably look into a career chan-" Operative #1: "You hearing those whispers too?" Operative #2: "What? No-" … Operative #2: "Shit! That guy just turned to fucking ashes!" … Operative #2: "Hey what are you doing!? We got-" *Gunshot* [END LOG]
ITEM #: 7831 CONTAINMENT CLASS: HAZARDOUS Fig 1.1: SCP-7831 instance recovered by military personnel of the USS Henry Ford, Sasebo, Japan, 1996. SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: Commercial and recreational fishing laws have been implemented independent of the Foundation by the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare. These laws require all fish caught within the waters surrounding Minamata Bay out to 200 nautical miles be screened by port officials prior to being brought ashore. These laws form the basis for Cover Story "Infectious Marine Parasites", which was disseminated to national and local media outlets across the island of Kyūshū, Japan under the guidance of the defunct Ministry for Human Studies. Additionally, public health ordinances were passed by the National Diet of Japan regarding the outbreak of Minamata disease between the years of 1932 and 1968. Due to the historically limited resources available to the Foundation, the organisation was not responsible for the implementation of these procedures. Further information regarding the Foundation's understanding of the various cover stories implemented by the Japanese government can be accessed here. The bodies of LCpl Malcolm Jefferson, PFC Michael Higgins, and PFC Kenneth Jackson remain the legal property of the United States of America. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7831 refers to a species of lampriform fish, externally resembling members of the family Regalecidae. Despite this superficial appearance, SCP-7831 possesses an internal morphology derived from a human anatomy adapted for a pelagic marine environment. Genetic testing conducted on various tissue samples confirms that SCP-7831 contains DNA belonging to modern homo sapiens. Identifiable adaptations to otherwise terrestrial human anatomy include the following: Internal displacement of vital organs and the absolute majority of viscera to the body's anterior. Fusing of all bones below the jaw, including legs, arms, and pelvis, into a substantially elongated vertebral column. Extension of each individual vertebrae to form spines covered by a thin film of skin running tranverse along the verterbral column. Eversion of the entire respiratory system, which is displaced through the throat, before penetrating the skin's surface to create a series of branchia with sufficient surface area for aquatic respiration. Bioaccumulation of quicksilver within the liver and bloodstream to a point which ordinarily would be considered lethal for humans and most marine organisms. The flesh of SCP-7831 will, upon ingestion by a human, result in the reversal of organismal senescence causing the subject to cease biological aging. This has primarily been observed through the rejuvenation of the subject's physical health and repairing of existing tissue damage, but the process is otherwise poorly understood. ADDENDUM 7831.1: THE NINGYO TAPE The earliest known efforts to catalogue and analyse the existence of SCP-7831 were undertaken by the defunct Ministry for Human Studies, an organisation founded by the Japanese government after the Great War and devoted to studying the evolutionary history of humanity. The Foundation would not become actively involved in the containment of SCP-7831 until the events of the USS Henry Ford Incident. Between the early 1920s and the late 1980s, the Ministry for Human Studies subsidised the education for rural students attending marine biology courses at Kumamoto University. These courses functioned as a discreet method of recruiting future personnel for the Ministry for Human Studies and it is widely believed that the students were actively involved in researching phenomena which would now be regarded as anomalous in the present day. In January 1994, the Foundation acquired a videotape from Kumamoto University, detailing the Ministry's investigation into the existence of the Ningyo; a legendary creature often represented in Japanese literary traditions as possessing the physical characteristics of both a fish and a human. For accessibility purposes, the contents therein have been reproduced as a series of transcripts below: After displaying the logo of the Ministry for Human Studies, the video dissolves into the following frame: Fig 1.2: Still frame from the Ningyo tape. The video lingers on the frame for ten seconds, before fading into the interview. Nobuo is reclined against a wall and holds a dangling cigarette between his fingers. The sprawling urban mass of Minamata spans the horizon. Notable landmarks — including the Shin Nichitsu Chisso Factory and Minamata Bay — can easily be isolated between the crowded buildings. Fujita Nobuo: Chisso Factory? I'll tell you, that was the most stressful job of my entire life. My work was under near constant scrutiny and revision from the executives at Shin Nichitsu. I'd drive an hour to the site of the plant each day, only to be informed by a nervous executive with thinning hair that I'd need to revise my designs and make changes to previous blueprints. A new chemical vat here. Another ventilation unit there. They even had the sheer audacity to make me wait three weeks for a high-voltage electrical transformer to be shipped from overseas. They kept this game up for months and months. It wasn't just parts that changed on a whim either. Each week, I'd be responsible for a new crew, and I'm not talking about staggered shifts. One week, I'd be working with a crew based out of Kumamoto, and the very next day, it'd be some fresh-faced boys who were bused from Hokkaido on the other side of the country. He pauses, inhaling on his cigarette, before continuing. Fujita Nobuo: Initially, I was hired on a contract for six months to design a simple chemical production plant for Shin Nichitsu. Nitrates or fertiliser? Something like that. Regardless, it was supposed to be a quick and tidy job, yet it soon became anything but. It took an entire year and a half before their bosses were finally satisifed with my designs. By that point, the factory had expanded tenfold and would eventually be responsible for half of all the jobs in Minamata. I always strive for some balance between industry and aesthetics in my designs, but Chisso— I thought it was this sprawling monstrosity; giant smokestacks choked with black fumes, consuming the hills and forests as far as the eye could see. I only got to go inside once when I was done. All three stories standing above the ground were densely packed with twisting tubes, each one filled with viscous sludge. There were stacks of foreign electrical equipment from France, connecting to every vat, furnace, and boiler throughout the factory. The wastewater was filtered through some new American invention that was supposedly capable of separating any industrial waste from the effluent pouring out into the Bay. There wasn't a single corner that Shin Nichitsu wouldn't cut if it would save them money. He pauses again and redirects his attention to a series of passing trucks, watching as they enter the city limits. A military ensign depicting a red rising sun is emblazoned across their canvas canopies. Fujita Nobuo: It was stressful, but I kept all that to myself since they were paying me well above the industry standard for it. Despite all of the money in my pocket, I couldn't help but feel a great unease whilst I was working on Chisso. There was a great deal of chaos to the whole project. It was formless, without consistent shape or apparent design. Fluid and amorphous, the executives would make sweeping changes to my designs as if influenced by unseen strings. The worst part of it all? There was a single element of the design that never once changed. It was the factory's waste storage compartment; this great industrial vat beneath the factory floor that extended some fifty feet beneath the concrete foundations. The company's "senior partners" were personally involved with the installation, pulling in some poor crew from the military to secure this immense bulkhead over the structure. Just looking at that drain cover made me sick to the stomach— From offscreen, Nobuo is interrupted, as the interviewer asks if he ever saw anyone making deliveries to the factory. He turns to look at the crew member before answering. Fujita Nobuo: That's the strangest thing. Over the year and a half that I worked there, I never once saw a single civilian truck entering the factory to deliver chemicals. Not that it mattered, since their requests never included anything resembling a functional storage depot; only an export and shipping terminal. Nobuo pointedly stubs his cigarette out on the wall and turns back to the camera. Fujita Nobuo: As for why that was, I suppose you'd have to go ahead and ask their "senior partners".1 The audio track quietly fades into the sounds of soft, rolling waves as the following image appears: Fig 1.3: Still frame from the Ningyo tape. Instead of proceeding to a recording of a live interview, the tape continues to display the image of Matsuda Fumiko. The background footage consists of a looped clip of Minamata Bay at low tide, accompanied once more by the sound of gentle waves. This audio track recedes in volume as Fumiko begins to speak. Matsuda Fumiko: There is something deeply wrong in Minamata and nobody cares to tell us the truth. Not Shin Nichitsu, not the military, not even our own government. Most of my family aren't native to the city. My mother's family moved from Izumi in the south shortly after the war was over, whilst my father relocated from Tsunagi to the city looking for work after graduating from university. He was eventually employed by Shin Nichitsu, but I spent the earliest years of my childhood living in Tsunagi with relatives. My earliest memories of Minamata are dominated by the smell. I always thought the city smelled rancid, but now I think it smells even worse than I ever imagined. I get excited just at the thought of going on vacation to visit family living outside of the city. Unlike Tsunagi and Izumi, it never smells of the sea here; it just reeks of dead fish and acrid chemicals burning at the back of your throat. Each night, my mother lights incense sticks as she prays, often joking that there isn't a single kami that would willingly call this city home. The incense keeps the smell away for some time, but it always returns with the morning. It is always worst just after sunrise, when the factory closes until the following evening. There is a short pause in the video tape. It is assumed that the question asked of Fumiko contained sensitive information and was therefore censored. Matsuda Fumiko: You — [pause] — you want to know how I found it? I was taking Wanta for a walk along a cleaner part of the Bay that morning, when she suddenly began to bark and growl in the direction of the beach. She's normally such a calm dog, and I was shocked to see her snapping like that. Before I could call her back, she ran down towards the sea. I chased after her— and that's when I saw it. It was half-buried in the sand and I could only make out its pink skin and a tail. I crouched down beside the thing and slowly turned it over with Wanta's stick. At first, I thought it was just a strange fish, but I couldn't believe it when I saw— Fumiko breaks off into a choking noise, followed by an audible gag, and the sound of a crinkling paper bag. The interview pauses for several seconds before resuming. Matsuda Fumiko: —It had a person's face. The video's audio abruptly cuts out and the video fades to a black screen. The following text appears: In 1959, the Ministry for Human Studies acquired the corpse of an unidentified animal that had washed ashore of Minamata Bay. The corpse was subsequently relocated to Kumamoto University for further study. Once again, the tape displays the logo of the Ministry for Human Studies, before presenting a verbal warning: All subsequent material is the explicit property of the Ministry for Human Studies and is suitable for internal distribution in concert with our international partners. Any external distribution of the following materials is a punishable offence. The video opens with the camera focused upon a vast and empty expanse of the ocean's surface. The caption beneath reads: In 1962, the Ministry for Human Studies launched their remotely operated underwater vehicle, Ryūjin, on an exploration of the Okinawa Trough, an oceanic basin situated south of Kyūshū. The camera rapidly descends beneath the surface of the ocean. The surrounding area is quickly plunged into darkness as the vehicle descends further, eventually reaching a point of complete darkness. The subtitles read: Ryūjin has approached a depth of 200m, the beginning of the mesopelagic zone. Only a single percentage of all light from above has managed to penetrate the water column. The camera drifts and bobs as Ryūjin is carried along by unseen tidal currents. It continues to descend further into the water column at an accelerated pace. An audible click can be heard as the ROV switches on a beam of light, scanning the ocean before it. A large octopus swims past the vehicle, followed by a series of drifting jellyfish. The vehicle settles for a moment as the beam of light focuses. Floating particles and debris descend through the camera's field of view. The text reads: At the base of the mesopelagic zone, there is no light. All of the animals residing at this depth are blind and rely upon their other senses for survival; taste, smell, and electroreceptors. The particulates drifting by the lens are referred to as marine snow, a continous shower of organic debris falling from above. It is the primary source of food within the mesopelagic. As the vehicle continues to observe the marine snow, something can be seen moving into frame from the distance. As it edges into the camera's view, the animal's silhouette becomes clearer. It possesses an undulating and sinous frame. Emerging from the depths, the creature regards the camera with a single eye, revealing the following image: Fig 1.4: Still frame from the Ningyo tape.2 The animal turns away from the vehicle and its appearance becomes clearer as the powerful beam of light from the vehicle is no longer reflected back into the camera's aperture. It has a piscine form, but possesses a distinct neck that seperates its head from the torso. The animal flexs its lengthy body and the camera captures a pair of arms emerging from the torso, its hands grasping at passing debris. The caption simply reads: A Ningyo. As the fish disappears from view, the ROV begins to follow after it. The vehicle slowly approaches the walls of the oceanic trough, casting long shadows as the vehicle's torch-beam illuminates the murky depths of the ocean. The camera pivots, observing the fish dart between an opening in the wall as it disappears entirely from sight. The ROV attempts to navigate through the gap but fails to fit inside. The vehicle's beam of light scans the opening, revealing a group of the animals within the cavern. They raise their humanoid heads and turn towards the source of light, before swimming past the camera. A tearing sound can be heard and the ROV begins to plummet through the water for several minutes. It lands with a thudding crack, bringing up a cloud of dust and sand. The torch from the vehicle flickers and briefly reveals a group of shadows approaching the vehicle before the camera fails. In June of 1963, the Ministry for Human Studies successfully recovered the Ryūjin from the seafloor of the Okinawa Trough. The vehicle was discovered 2,716 metres beneath the surface of the ocean, resting atop a marine sediment predominantly consisting of a thick, silvered ooze. Long, furrowed marks were discovered along the umbilical cord which tethered the ROV to the surface point. The cavernous space could not be relocated. The tape proceeds to show a series of small, wooden tablets. Each one is roughly the length of a person's hand and are badly damaged by exposure to the elements. The image fades away and is replaced with a black screen, which displays the following text: These mokkan were discovered during an excavation of an ancient ceremonial site in western Kyūshū in 1971. The vast majority were of little concern, consisting of shipping tags and informal accounts of fishing inventories. However, a select number of the mokkan were identifed as being far older than the rest. Written in Old Japanese, these worn tablets date to the Nara period, during the early 8th century, and recount a variant of a traditional myth regarding the creation of the Japanese archipelago: “The birth of one invites the death of another. His wife's harrowing cries yet still echoed in the ears of Izanagi. Her body, scarred and burned, lay across his lap. The squalling bundle of limbs whom he might have once called his son was covered in water-soaked reeds. It was a detestable and accursed infant, covered in blazing sores and burnt skin. Held between rage and grief, Izanagi drew his blade and beheaded his offspring, silencing its cries in an instant. He turned his back upon the bodies and ran an oilcloth across the length of his blade, entirely disregarding of the divine ichor which dripped from the sword's edge. Kagutsuchi, kami of flame, was dead, and yet his divine flesh gave rise to eight twisted deities. They crawled forth from his severed corpse and pledged oaths of loyalty to their father. Though twisted in appearance, they were benevolent in nature, and Izanagi granted them safe passage to descend to the surface below and reunite with their siblings. As Izanagi wiped his blade free of his own son's blood, the accursed droplets of silver ichor dripped from the heavens to the land beneath, falling like torrential rain upon the eight great islands, and the seas encompassing them. In the polluted ichor's presence, the seas turned black and frothed with a foul foam, whilst the soil of the land became salted and barren. Fields of rice withered and spoiled as deformed fish washed ashore from the depths, each one horribly swollen with countless writhing parasites. As the land and seas were polluted, the people of the islands fell into despair. They prayed to their deities for salvation and deliverence, but the children of Izanagi and Izanami were sworn to silence by their father as he plied the underworld in a desperate search for his wife's immortal spirit. A period of great despair and grief consumed the people of the eight islands. Starving and thirsty, many resorted to consuming the distended fish and diseased rice, inviting the accumulated pollution of the silver ichor into their own bodies. Those who did so became disfigured and monstrous. Just as it was with the gods, son slew mother, and father slew son in retribution. The divine pollution spread throughout the islands and entire communities withered in its presence. Despite the explicit orders of Izanagi, his inadvertant children could not watch the suffering of their people, and so descended to the surface in the guise of men, women, and great serpents. Those benevolent kami, born unwillingly of the accursed ichor, knew well the state of their own defilement, and so shared the sacred cleansing rituals of the divines with the people of the land. The ritual of misogi cleansed the land, sea, and even their own bodies of the pollution, and their divine knowledge was borne throughout the eight islands. In return, the people of the eight islands swore a steadfast vow to never venture into the lands that remained thick with the foul effluvia of a cursed, ever-dying god. Even now, as the kami return to the heavens above, we keep to these ancient truths.” The Ministry for Human Studies believes this story to be an ancient oral history belonging to the ancestral peoples of Japan, recalling the forgotten existence of the Dai-Shinboku.3 The video lingers on the following frame for several seconds: Fig 1.5: Still frame from the Ningyo tape. The tape then proceeds to an interview with Katō Katsunobu, a researcher for the Ministry for Human Studies and faculty member at Kumamoto University. The faint hum of halogen lighting is audible over Katsunobu's voice. The previous image remains on-screen throughout the entire duration of the interview. Katō Katsunobu: Compared to those we recently observed near Okinawa, the corpse is far more visibly "human". Subject is 51cm in length and weighs 3.5kg. It retains many vestigial humanoid features, including bodily hairs, individual fingers, and external ears. The tail of this particular specimen has been determined to consist of fused leg bones; akin to that formed by a human embryo in the earliest stages of foetal development. Its bones are soft and pliable, whilst the the aforementioned hairs are most similar to unpigmented neonatal lanugo. He pauses and a loud, wet noise is audible. Katō Katsunobu: My researchers arrived at the conclusion that the corpse would have possessed extremely poor vision and hearing, regardless of whether it inhabitated a terrestrial or marine environment. The ears retain the external design of a terrestrial animal, but the conductive tissues are clearly adapted for detecting sound waves propagating through a fluid medium. The eyes are somewhere between that of a terrestrial and aquatic mammal as the pupil is capable of contorting into a wider shape. Additionally, the corpse suffers from severe atrophy within the musculature of the arms and scapula. As such, it would have been incapable of supporting its own body weight upon land. He pauses again and another loud, wet noise can be heard. It is assumed that Katsunobu is returning the corpse to its original position. Katō Katsunobu: The discoloured green skin, initially described as a rich pink by the girl who found the corpse, was in the process of peeling away from the surface of the face, torso, and upper limbs. What she described as "pink skin" is actually a number of subdermal scales with pink colouration erupting through the epidermis. It was determined that the corpse would have been entirely incapable of sustained aquatic respiration. The lungs, whilst adapted for retaining large quantities of oxygen, remain terrestrial and are insufficient for filtering dissolved oxygen from water. Additionally, the specimen's lungs were filled with a mixture of electrolytes, lipid fats, and urea suspended within a solution of water. We also took note of elevated concentrations of quicksilver within the corpse's bloodstream and liver, assumedly derived from water pollution within Minamata Bay. At the end of the video, a subtitle reads: The Ministry for Human Studies has elected to label the deceased specimen as Stage Ni, whilst the live specimens have been designated as Stage San. Future endeavours are to focus on locating evidence to support the existence of the hypothesised Stage Shi. ADDENDUM 7831.2: THE USS HENRY FORD INCIDENT Between November 1995 and April 1996, the USS Henry Ford was stationed in Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture, Kyūshū as vital modernisations were being carried out at the nuclear-powered supercarrier's home port in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture.4 During this time, the crew were permitted to engage in an extended period of shore leave and partook in varied recreational activities. One of these activities was surf fishing, a recreational sport which was popular across the rocky beaches of Sasebo. On March 29th, 1996, PFC Michael Higgins successfully caught a large, unidentified fish, measuring approximately seven metres in length. Unwilling to abandon such an enormous and strange catch, he and the other military personnel on the beach took a picture posing with the fish, before hauling it up the wash and smuggling it aboard the USS Henry Ford at night. Upon boarding the vessel, the head chef of the USS Henry Ford permitted Higgins to store the fish's corpse in the ship's freezer overnight as the men hoped to use it in a prank before taking further pictures with the immense carcass. After hanging his catch up with the assistance of two other personnel, LCpl Malcolm Jefferson and PFC Kenneth Jackson, Higgins made a sarcastic remark that the catch would make for good sushi as the crew would ordinarily cook and eat any fish caught while surf fishing. The following morning, all crew aboard the USS Henry Ford were ordered to remain in their quarters until further notice whilst any crew that were still ashore were refused permission to board the vessel. Three other members of the crew; Michael Higgins, Malcolm Jefferson, and Kenneth Jackson, were confined to the ship's emergency room and were not permitted to receive any visitors. The following records were acquired by the Foundation from the United States government after their declassification under the Public Information Act of 1966, a package of legislation affecting the disclosure of federal records, which was issued by President Robert F. Kennedy. MESSAGE LOGS OF THE USS HENRY FORD | DATE: JAN1996 | TO: RO:HENRYFORD | FROM: DCHA>DIRECTORHOBBES | RE: RESEARCH PERMIT ISSUED THE DCHA HAS SEEN FIT TO ISSUE PERMIT ITEM #0982: "NINGYO" PRIORITY: SILVER DIRECTIVE: ACQUIRE SPECIMEN FOR FUTURE STUDY LIASE W/ MUTUAL CONTACTS FOR FRTHR DETAILS | DATE: JAN1996 | TO: DCHA>DIRECTORHOBBES | FROM: RO:HENRYFORD | RE: RESEARCH PERMIT ISSUED ACKNOWLEDGED RELATED TO QUICKSILVER POISONING? | DATE: JAN1996 | TO: RO:HENRYFORD | FROM: DCHA>DIRECTORHOBBES | RE: RESEARCH PERMIT ISSUED CORRECT DESPITE ALSO OUTLAWING SUBSTANCE JAPAN CONTINUES TO REPORT INCIDENTS SUSPECT IRMINSUL CONTAMINANT | DATE: JAN1996 | TO: DCHA>DIRECTORHOBBES | FROM: RO:HENRYFORD | RE: RESEARCH PERMIT ISSUED UNDERSTOOD WILL LIASE W/ CONTACTS | DATE: FEB1996 | TO: DCHA>DIRECTORHOBBES | FROM: RO:HENRYFORD | RE: SPECIMENS ACQUIRED REMOTE SUBMERSIBLE DISPATCHED TO 2000M THREE SPECIMENS CAUGHT EXPIRED UPON RESURFACING AGES DETERMINED: 184, 342, 653 ADVISE? | DATE: FEB1996 | TO: RO:HENRYFORD | FROM: DCHA>DIRECTORHOBBES | RE: SPECIMENS ACQUIRED ACKNOWLEDGED ACCURACY OF AGE? | DATE: FEB1996 | TO: DCHA>DIRECTORHOBBES | FROM: RO:HENRYFORD | RE: SPECIMENS ACQUIRED OBSERVATION OF OTOLITH RINGS ANNUAL GROWTH IS CONSISTENT ELDEST SPECIMEN WAS 11M LONG ELEVATED CONCENTRATION OF QUICKSILVER IN BLOOD VESTIGIAL LIMBS PRESENT IN HINDQUARTERS | DATE: FEB1996 | TO: RO:HENRYFORD | FROM: DCHA>DIRECTORHOBBES | RE: SPECIMENS ACQUIRED RAW OR FULGURATED QUICKSILVER? | DATE: FEB1996 | TO: DCHA>DIRECTORHOBBES | FROM: RO:HENRYFORD | RE: SPECIMENS ACQUIRED SUSPECTED RAW QUICKSILVER CONTAMINATION SEVERAL REFINERIES WITHIN KYUSHU AGES INCONSISTENT WITH HUMAN PROCESSING HISTORICAL QUICKSILVER PRESENCE | DATE: FEB1996 | TO: RO:HENRYFORD | FROM: DCHA>DIRECTORHOBBES | RE: SPECIMENS ACQUIRED ACKNOWLEDGED UPDATE TO DIRECTIVES OBTAIN LIVE SPECIMEN FOR TRANSFER TO HOME PORT | DATE: MAR1996 | TO: DCHA>DIRECTORHOBBES | FROM: RO:HENRYFORD | RE: LIVE SPECIMENS LIVE SUBJECTS ACQUIRED | DATE: MAR1996 | TO: RO:HENRYFORD | FROM: DCHA>DIRECTORHOBBES | RE: LIVE SPECIMENS ELABORATE? | DATE: MAR1996 | TO: DCHA>DIRECTORHOBBES | FROM: RO:HENRYFORD | RE: LIVE SPECIMENS NOT BIRTHED, BUT MADE ANEW EXPOSURE TO QUICKSILVER INDUCES CHANGES | DATE: MAR1996 | TO: RO:HENRYFORD | FROM: DCHA>DIRECTORHOBBES | RE: LIVE SPECIMENS UNDERSTOOD ARE THE SUBJECTS CONTAINED? | DATE: MAR1996 | TO: DCHA>DIRECTORHOBBES | FROM: RO:HENRYFORD | RE: LIVE SPECIMENS CONTAINED IN HOLDING TANKS PROVIDED BY CONTACTS QUARANTINED THE SHIP INFORM NEXT OF KIN? ADVISE | DATE: MAR1996 | TO: RO:HENRYFORD | FROM: DCHA>DIRECTORHOBBES | RE: LIVE SPECIMENS ACKNOWLEDGED CAPTAIN WILL BE INFORMED TO SAIL FOR HOME PORT LET US HANDLE THE REST SENESCENCE EVENT Video Log Transcript Date: 30/3/1996 Participants: Dr. David Clark, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Clark enters the emergency room of the USS Henry Ford. The room is empty aside from an attending nurse and three bodies which lie in military cots at the end of the room. Though obscured by a set of thick curtains, the silhouettes of the bodies can be observed writhing, twitching, and twisting. Dr. Clark asks a question to a person located outside of the camera's view, assumed to be the attending nurse, before approaching the first cot. He sits down beside them, the pair remaining seperated by the curtain. Dr. Clark: I know it might be difficult in your current condition, but please tell me everything you can remember, Private Higgins. Laboured breathing is audible over the microphone as the obscured figure attempts to turn its head in the direction of Dr. Clark's voice. Private Higgins: I-I can't see. I can hardly hear you, doc. The air, it burns my lungs. Every inch of my skin crawls. It feels like somebody is pulling at my bones, yanking them out of place, and resetting them at the wrong angle. [pauses]. Am I dying? Dr. Clark: Private, it's important that we figure out what is happening to you first. The nurse has diagnosed you with acute quicksilver poisoning, a dangerous and life-threatening disease. I need to know how it got into your body. Private Higgins: We— we ate the fish, but it wasn't no fish. Too chewy; all sinew and stringed flesh. Jackson was the first to notice it— his tattoo had vanished. Jefferson was next, he'd gashed his leg open while carrying our fishing poles back to the ship. By morning, there wasn't a single mark on his body. Dr. Clark nods and turns his head, lowering his voice to a harsh whisper. Dr. Clark: When did you notice your own changes, Higgins? Private Higgins clears his throat, heaving and audibly retching. One of the men in the adjacent cots lets out a scream of pain, which is swiftly punctured by a loud gurgling sound. Private Higgins: I woke up and my skin was turning pink. I remembered the briefing about the locals in the south suffering from a strange disease. I didn't know what was happening and I just- I panicked. Then, there was a knock at my door, and two men in hazmat suits muscled their way in. They injected something into me and then I woke up here like this. [pauses] The nurse keeps slathering damp towels on my neck. I can't feel my legs anymore. It hurts so much, doc— Please. Dr. Clark: I'm afraid I can't do that, Private. Dr. Clark withdraws the curtain. The nurse in the back hurriedly vacates the emergency room. Private Higgins having assumedly lost the ability to use his vocal chords has been rendered unable to speak and simply stares up at the ceiling with clouded eyes. His skin is covered in scale-like growths and his arms have jagged, piscine fins made from hardened skin, but remain humanoid and terminate in hands of webbed fingers. Higgins gurgled audibly as his gills pulsate, his body writhing in the cot. The USS Henry Ford Incident was publicly reported to be the first incident of quicksilver poisoning involving American citizens since it was subjected to a nation-wide ban as part of the Quicksilver Control Act of 1992. The legislation was passed in the closing years of the first Clinton administration, following years of rising concern over the hazardous effects which quicksilver production had on the public's health. The bodies of the three victims were interred in lead-lined coffins at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, San Diego, in order to prevent any contamination of the surrounding environment. « SCP-7830 | SCP-7831 | SCP-7832 » Footnotes 1. A common euphemism within post-war Japan referring to the interwoven connections between the industrial and commercial interests of the zaibatsu cliques and the American and Japanese military. 2. This part of the videotape suffers from extensive damage owing to the magnetic tape having been immersed in salt water prior to acquisiton. 3. From Japanese: Dai-Shinboku, literally Great Sacred Tree. 4. The ship is named in honour of the 28th president of the United States and former business magnate, Henry Ford.
Number? Seventy-eight. Thirty-two. Classification? Euclid. Tricky. Containment? Brevity. Conservative. Actions? Words. Three. Singular. Mandatory. Enforced. Fully. Expressive. Concepts. Written. Typed. Spoken. Recorded. Shared. Approved. Everyone. Everywhere. Foundation. Document. Easiest. Comprehends. Speech. Difficult. Caution. Language? Any. Indiscriminate. Anomaly? Visit. Cell. Daily. Hourly. Anyone. Security. Clearance? Medium. Violate? Complexity. Disaster. Breach? Ritual. Personnel. Recital. Simultaneous. Orchestrated. Just. Three. Words. Repeated. Measured. Clear. Construction. Example. Recent. Description? Entity. Amalgamation. Origin? Unknown. Reticent. Species? Singular. Theory. Intelligent. Impatient. Dissatisfied. Restless. Constructive. Ceaseless. Complexity. More. Always. Additions. Everything. Everywhere. Knotted. Twisted. Suffocation. Dangerous. Overgrowth. Calamity. Hostile? No. Counterproductive. Weakness? Discovered. Minimalism. Enforced. Results? Positive! Activities? Reduced. Manageable. Addendums? Tests. Few. Words. Quantity? Experiment. None? Failure. Escaped. One? Cruelty. Avoid. Two? Insufficient. Suffers. Four? Excessive. Breach. Three? Balanced. Perfect. Reliable. Secure. Conclusive. « SCP-7831 | SCP-7832| SCP-7833 »
Item #: SCP-7833 Object Class: Keter SCP-7833 manifesting for Carnival Ponceño. Special Containment Procedures: Manifestations of SCP-7833 are to be monitored by Mobile Task Force Iota-83 ("Aguafiestas"). Members of Iota-83 are to be equipped with a two-way earpiece and a 12-pack of one-milligram benzodiazepine tablets. All members of the task force should consume no more than one milligram of an Anxiolytic based medication before attempting to come into contact with SCP-7833. Although SCP-7833 has not yet manifested or demanifested directly in view of civilians, Iota-83 members are to carry Class-A aerosol amnestics on their person in the event of this possibility. Efforts to contain SCP-7833 are currently ongoing in a joint effort between Facility-20 of the Latin-American Containment Council and Site-81 of the O5 Council. Description: SCP-7833 is a humanoid costumed like a traditional Puerto Rican Vejigante.1 SCP-7833 typically appears to wear bright greens, yellows, and reds alongside a mask with long, protruding, horn-like features. SCP-7833 induces auditory, visual, olfactory, and gustatory hallucinations in human subjects within a 500-meter radius of its presence. These hallucinations include a brighter perception of colors, improved taste and smell of food, and heightened musical appreciation. These effects can be negated upon the ingestion of at least one milligram of an Anxiolytic or anti-anxiety-based medication. The Manifestation of SCP-7833 only occurs during the Carnival2 celebrations in the Puerto Rican municipality of Ponce, when people costumed like Vejigantes are present. SCP-7833 manifests at the start of any large carnival celebrations in the designated municipality, where it reveals itself by walking out of moving crowds of costumed Vejigantes. The anomaly has been observed to remain present until observance of carnival has concluded, where it then crumbles to non-anomalous ash. SCP-7833 has been shown to possess some degree of sapience, to a level that allows for social interaction with humans. While the entity has mostly avoided interaction with Foundation personnel, it has been observed speaking with civilians under its effects in multiple different languages, including Spanish, English, and Classic Taíno. It often displays a friendly personality, and observed conversations typically end in laughter or dancing between the anomaly and those who speak to it. Despite this, auditory documentation of the anomaly has been unsuccessful, as devices that attempt to record the voice of SCP-7833 cease to function after any attempt at recording. Addendum 7833.1: The following is an abridged log of SCP-7833 manifestations and its interactions with civilians. Year Observation 1992 SCP-7833 approached a female civilian and briefly spoke with her. Prior to engaging SCP-7833 in conversation, the civilian was observed to be standing away from the celebrations on her street and avoiding eye contact with passersbys. SCP-7833 and the civilian spoke for two minutes, after which the civilian was observed to join the celebration and begin to dance with SCP-7833. 1998 SCP-7833 manifested outside Hogar San Miguel, an orphanage in Ponce, with a large plastic container and remained in the edifice until approximately 11:30 PM. Due to the unreliable testimony of children and MTF Iota-83's inability to enter, the details of this manifestation are largely unknown, but most testimonies indicate SCP-7833 shared Dulce de Lechoza3 with the children. 2000 SCP-7833 approached a visibly destitute man sitting in an alleyway and handed him an alcapurria.4 The man stood up and briefly danced with SCP-7833 before joining the passing parade. 2006 SCP-7833 approached a Carnival parade float that had suffered a flat. SCP-7833 left the scene and entered a tire shop a few blocks away, purchased a new tire,5 and carried it back to the driver. SCP-7833 then helped the driver replace the flat with the new tire and proceeded to stand atop the parade float after the vehicle was fixed. 2009 SCP-7833 manifested near a protest demanding increased financial assistance from the American government in the face of the 2008 depression and joined it. SCP-7833 persisted among the protestors for five hours before joining a Carnival parade passing nearby. 2015 SCP-7833 approached a group of civil engineers. It spoke to them for five minutes, with the men smiling throughout the duration of the conversation. A member of MTF Iota-83 recognized the men as being responsible for restoring potable drinking water to Ponce following Hurricane Cristobal. Addendum 7833.2: During 2018's SCP-7833 manifestation, MTF Iota-83 member Juan Valdes was stopped by a civilian while following SCP-7833 in a crowd. This caused Valdes to lose track of SCP-7833, at which point the unidentified civilian (henceforth identified as PoI-1221) engaged Valdes in conversation. Logs of their conversation are attached below. <BEGIN LOG> Valdes: What the hell, cabrón? PoI-1221: What's the rush, friend? Valdes: Damn it! I was following someone and you made me lose them! PoI-1221: That Vejigante? I'm sure there's another one around here somewhere for you to follow. Valdes: You don't understand. I need to follow them. PoI-1221: And why is that? Valdes: You wouldn't understand. PoI-1221: Try me, Agent. Valdes: How did you- [Valdes attempts to reach the rest of the team on his earpiece.] Valdes: This is Valdes. I lost visual on the target and I've been made by one of its colleag- [Static is audible from Valdes' earpiece. It appears to be malfunctioning.] aah, damn it. [There is the sound of slight rustling.] Valdes: Alright, you clearly have something to tell me. So out with it. PoI-1221: These people have been through much. Valdes: Who exactly? [There is silence between the two. Music and people celebrating can be heard in the background.] PoI-1221: Look at the walls. You can still see the damage from the receding waters. [Again there is silence between the two. The continued sounds of music and others celebrating are audible.] PoI-1221: So let them celebrate. Let them find joy in life. That's all my friend asks of you and yours. Valdes: I can't just let him go. PoI-1221: Let him do his thing. He hasn't hurt anyone yet, and he won't. Anyway, I ought to get going. Valdes: Wait! Who are you? PoI-1221: Just someone who cares. [PoI-1221 slips through the crowd and disappears.] <END LOG> Note: Due to SCP-7833's relatively low threat to the veil and overall benign anomalous properties, the Latin American Council has put forward the motion to lower its containment class from Keter to Euclid. The Latin American Council has additionally proposed the shifting in attempts at containment to direct observation instead. This is pending review from the O5 Council. Efforts to locate PoI-1221 are ongoing. Footnotes 1. A Vejigante is a folkloric character in Puerto Rican festival celebrations, mainly seen during Carnival time. The term Vejigante derives from the Spanish words vejiga (bladder) and gigante (giant) due to the custom of blowing up and painting cow bladders as part of Carnival celebrations. In modern times, they are symbols of resistance against colonialism and imperialism. 2. An annual celebration held in Puerto Rico. The celebration lasts one week and it ends on the day before Ash Wednesday. 3. A sweet snack food made of candied papaya and cinnamon. 4. A fried dough made of plantains stuffed with peppers and beef. A popular snack food in Puerto Rico. 5. The means by which SCP-7833 produced the necessary money to do this is currently unknown, as its costume does not possess any visible pockets. « SCP-7832 | SCP-7833 | SCP-7834 » More From This Author More From This Author Uncle Nicolini's Works SCPs SCP-4003 • SCP-371-J • SCP-3863 • SCP-4432 • SCP-MYSTERY-J • SCP-4934 • SCP-4967 • SCP-726-EX • Abraka David's Proposal • SCP-5231 • SCP-3085 • SCP-6832 • SCP-7573 • SCP-PL-274 • SCP-3867 • Tales/GoI Formats Gluttony Is Impossible • An Epitaph For SCP-173 • Halloween Anthology In Boring 2021 • Wilson's Wildlife Solutions Orientation • Fifteenth Anonymous Donation • Dr. Cimmerian Hits Reply All • The Corncrake Of Destiny • UN's Proposal... Maybe. • RAISA-6147 (PENDING ASSIGNMENT) • There's Ngo Helping This One • Sebastian • Who Wants To Live Forever? • La Persistencia De La Memoria • S&C Paper • Being Dzhey Evervud • Other Ode To The Unknown Author • Sciptember 2022 Art Highlights • uncle nicolini author page •
SCP-7834. Cognitohazardous text has been removed. Item #: SCP-7834 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7834 is to be kept in a low-priority storage locker. Personnel with expertise in extinct languages are not allowed access to SCP-7834. Description: SCP-7834 is a stone tablet that dates back to the Neolithic age. The writing on the tablet is written in an ancient language primarily spoken in the modern day region of southern Europe. On the back of SCP-7834 is a sigil of unknown origin, which resembles a worm. SCP-7834 exudes a memetic effect when read and understood, causing the reader to hallucinate and believe that worms, designated SCP-7834-1, are located within their walls. According to testimony, they are approximately 12 millimeters long, and appear to be brown in color. Currently, no instances of SCP-7834-1 have been seen by staff. Incident Report On 8/15/23, Researcher Ben Reedson returned from a research trip, and attempted to translate SCP-7834. The following files regard what occurred during and after translation. AUDIO LOG DATE: 8/15/23, 11:03 AM LOCATION: Containment Room 12, Site-75, Kansas NOTE: This audio was recorded by a microphone owned by Researcher Ben Reedson. [BEGIN LOG] Reedson: Alright, hello, site personnel. This log is to detail the translation of SCP-7834. I'm going to be attempting to read the ancient tablet, which isn't ever a bad thing… Ok. Let's do this. So… This first part… That means… "Ascend beyond yourself." Okay. The next part… That means "And become many." Well, that's never a good sign… hang on. I have to use the bathroom. (A noticeable silence occurs for a few minutes. Later, the sound of the door opening can be heard.) Reedson: What the hell? (Footsteps can be heard running closer, likely Researcher Reedson's.) Reedson: Okay, I don't know what just happened, but there were these little worms on the tablet. As soon as I entered the room, they jumped off the tablet and buried into the floor. I tried to grab one, but… well, it failed. Oh! That reminds me, I got these things on my work trip… (Ben pulls out a pair of goggles from his pocket.) Reedson: Okay, uh, these are infrared goggles, and they allow me to see heat signatures. I'm going to see where the worms went. Okay… here we go… (Several seconds of silence occur.) Reedson: They're in the walls. Not just the three or so I saw on the tablet. Hundreds, maybe thousands. (A noticeable silence occurs once more.) Reedson: I have to call security. (Researcher Reedson turns the microphone off.) [END LOG] VIDEO LOG DATE: 8/15/23, 11:15 AM LOCATION: Site Cafeteria, Site-75, Kansas NOTE: Footage was taken by the security camera located within the room. [BEGIN LOG] (Three people are located within the room at the start of the footage, identified as Researcher Mary Bridget, Security Officer David Sven, and Head of Security Luke Zachary. Ben Reedson bursts in quickly.) Reedson: There's worms in the walls. Bridget: What does that mean? Reedson: I mean there are literally worms in the walls. Not just one or two, but thousands. Maybe more. Sven: Alright. Show us. (Reedson hands Sven the goggles, and he puts them on.) Sven: I don't see anything. Reedson: What? Let me see. (Sven hands Reedson the goggles back. He puts on the goggles, looks around, and takes them off again.) Reedson: No, they are definitely there. Zachary: Listen, it's not cool to lie about these sorts of things. These things could realistically happen at Foundation sites. We don't want people getting worked up over nothing. Reedson: If they could realistically happen, then why aren't you investigating them? Bridget: Because we don't see anything. Besides that, did you do anything regarding any anomalies recently? Reedson: Y-Yeah. I was attempting to translate that stone tablet. Sven: Oh, that thing! That's, uh… which one was that again? Bridget: The one in room 15, I think. Zachary: Well see, there's your problem. You read that thing and you must've triggered a memetic or something. Reedson: I'm not sure… It doesn't seem like one. Zachary: Well, nothing seems like a memetic until it actually is. Bridget: Listen. If it's a memetic, then it's a simple thing that can easily be resolved. Reedson: And what if it's not? Sven: Then we'll deal with that when the time comes. We just want to help you. Zachary: Chill out. I know I did. Reedson: …I-I don't know. I just think we need to examine all the angles first. Like, starting with "This thing is a real threat" and not just… dismissing it as a memetic. Bridget: Well, we can't see it, so it's obviously a memetic. Simple as that. Reedson: No, not as simple as that. Maybe SCP-7834 is some sort of conduit that, by me attempting to translate it, caused me to see some extradimensional entity. Bridget: Do you know how unlikely that is? Let me explain a little something to you. These things have not harmed you or done anything that makes them unable to be classified as "real." We can't see them either. If you had come here and told me they bit you, well, maybe I'd be more inclined to believe you. But right now, there's no real threat to the Foundation. Reedson: No real threat? We would contain a rock if it floated 2 feet off the ground, and this is "no real threat?" Bridget: I see what you're saying, but there's no real way to know if you're right. So, unless you have definitive proof that these things are real, then I can't believe you. Reedson: You want proof? I'll give you proof! These things are real, and I'll prove it! (Reedson leaves.) [END LOG] AUDIO LOG DATE: 8/15/23, 11:21 AM LOCATION: Containment Room 12, Site-75, Kansas NOTE: This audio was recorded by a microphone owned by Researcher Ben Reedson. [BEGIN LOG] Reedson: Alright, if I'm going to get proof from anywhere, it's here. Let's see here… Ah! The tablet! Maybe if they attempt to read it, they'll understand. (The footage goes quiet for a moment. A loud noise, similar to a wall being burst down, can be heard. Shortly after, a loud scream can be heard, presumably from Researcher Reedson. Afterwards, a loud door slam can be heard.) Reedson: The worms… Hundreds of them just burst out of the walls. A-And even worse, I wasn't able to get the tablet. (The footage goes quiet again for a bit.) Reedson: …These are just worms. M-Maybe I can protect myself against them with some armor. (Reedson walks around for a bit, presumably heading to the armory. Eventually a door being opened can be heard.) Reedson: Ah! Here we go! Let me just put this on… (The sound of armor being put on can be heard.) Reedson: There we go! Now… it's time to go into… the nest… of the worms… and… Oh god, what if they eat me? What if they can eat through armor? Maybe they'll eat everything I have! (Reedson sounds like he is hyperventilating.) Reedson: No… No! I have to do this! (Reedson proceeds to walk back to the containment chamber.) Reedson: Alright… Here… we… go… (The door opens.) Reedson: Oh god, they're all over the floor… But the tablet's right there… I just… gotta… get to it… (Reedson proceeds to walk towards SCP-7834. Squelching sounds can be heard.) Reedson: They're… They're climbing on me! Oh god, they're climbing on me! Fuck! (Reedson continues walking towards SCP-7834. His movement seems to be hindered.) Reedson: Oh god, they've reached my torso… but… I'm almost there… (Silence for a few seconds, aside from some squelching.) Reedson: Got it! (Reedson runs out of the room and closes the door. He takes off his armor and slams it onto the ground. He proceeds to run back to the armory, grab a flamethrower, and begins to incinerate the armor.) Reedson: Die, you monster! Die! (Footsteps can be heard from behind Reedson. They walk close to him.) Bridget: Ben, what are you doing? (Ben screams. In his shock, he drops the flamethrower.) Bridget: What the hell are you doing with SCP-7834? Reedson: I-I was going to prove to you that the worms are real. I was hoping that if you read the tablet, then maybe… maybe you'd see I was right. But when I went in there to retrieve it, there were hundreds of worms in there… and I was just barely able to get out alive. So I burned the armor that the worms were crawling on. Bridget: You thought that making me read a potential cognitohazard was a good idea? Ben, I think you need psychiatric evaluation. Reedson: No! The worms were in there, and they are real! Bridget: Alright then. Let's see if you're right. (Bridget opens the door to the containment room.) Bridget: See? Nothing. Reedson: Why… Why aren't they attacking you? I could hear and feel them crawling up me… and you're literally standing in them and they don't hurt you! Bridget: I don't think they exist, Ben. Reedson: Tell me you at least see the hole in the wall they burst out of. Bridget: Sorry, I don't see that either. Reedson: But then… But then how could I hear the sound of me stepping on them, and feeling how they crawled up my suit? Bridget: Sometimes, cognitohazards can do that. They can make you see, hear, and feel things that don't exist. Now then, how about that psychiatric evaluation? Reedson: …Okay. (Bridget and Reedson proceed to leave the room.) [END LOG] VIDEO LOG DATE: 8/15/23, 11:36 AM LOCATION: Interrogation room, Site-75, Kansas NOTE: Footage was recorded by the room's security camera. [BEGIN LOG] Bridget: Alright, have a seat. Reedson: Okay. (The two of them sit down.) Bridget: So I wanted to talk to you a little about your… problem. Reedson: Alright. Bridget: Let's start off with this. When did you first start seeing SCP-7834-1? Reedson: You mean the worms? I had just come back from the bathroom, when I saw them crawling on the tablet. Bridget: Okay. And, what happened to them? Reedson: Well, I tried to grab them, but I missed. It was like they just slipped through my fingers. Bridget: I see. How big are these worms, exactly? Reedson: They looked about the size of my fingernail… maybe twelve millimeters? Bridget: Hmm… Okay. Again, we theorize it's a memetic effect. So, if you're willing, we can prescribe you some amnestics and call it a day. Reedson: No. I don't think these are memetic. Bridget: What makes you believe that it's not a memetic effect? Reedson: Because I could see them crawling around, and they attempted to crawl up my suit. Bridget: Not necessarily. Remember, SCP-7834 could've just messed with your senses in order to make you feel like this. Reedson: But why? What's the purpose of a useless tablet that makes you see worms? Bridget: Maybe to drive people crazy, like what's happening right now. Reedson: I am NOT going crazy! Bridget: Okay, that was out of line. Anyway, next question… Why would you think that we are the crazy ones? I can't seem to fathom it. Reedson: W-When did I say you were crazy? I think you don't want anyone to know about the worms. Bridget: Me? Why me? Reedson: M-Maybe there was an accident. Something that happened that was so terrible, you couldn't bear to let the truth out. And when I came along and discovered the aftermath, you told me that I was in the wrong. Even now, you want to kill me, by applying these "amnestics" to get me out of the picture. And when they ask what happened to me, you'll say that I went crazy and had to be executed. Bridget: Ben, no- Reedson: Or maybe instead of an experiment gone wrong, it was an experiment gone right. Perhaps you attempted to make a superweapon that could be used to grant you power over the site, and when I discovered it, you called me insane. Or maybe you found an ancient vault of these creatures beneath the earth and opened it. Or maybe you're a shapeshifting alien whose children are larvae. Or maybe- Bridget: Ben, STOP! This is ridiculous. Do you hear how you sound? You can't just throw out accusations willy-nilly and expect me to believe it. Reedson: …I think I understand. Bridget: …Listen. It seems like you're really stressed out, and you're afraid because everything isn't as simple as it usually is. So, what I think we should do is prescribe you a therapist, and if you're willing, take some amnesti- Reedson: Are you serious? After all of that, you don't even give a second thought that I might be in the right? Maybe by reading that tablet, I opened my eyes to seeing something the rest of you can't! Or maybe you guys can't see it because only certain people can see them! Or maybe- Bridget: Calm down. We just want to help. Reedson: No. I'm done talking to you. You just keep saying the same thing, over and over. But I know, deep down, that I'm not crazy. I'm going. (Researcher Reedson storms out of the room.) [END LOG] Addendum: Currently, no evidence has been found to back up Researcher Reedson's claims. Psychiatric evaluation for Researcher Reedson is pending. Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:SUBJECT To: Marisa Jones From: Ben Reedson Subject: About SCP-7834 I don't have much time. Please read the following. AUDIO LOG DATE: 8/15/23, 12:27 AM LOCATION: Researcher Reedson's office, Site-75, Kansas NOTE: Audio was recorded by Ben's microphone. [BEGIN LOG] Reedson: I need to get this off my chest. (Researcher Reedson is quiet for a moment. Stifled tears can be heard.) Reedson: I don't know what to do. No one believes me. Not even I believe myself anymore. (Reedson gets up out of the desk. He walks around for a little bit.) Reedson: I have to prove to them that there are worms. I have to know if am I right. All I need to do is find some evidence. And then… maybe someone will help me. (Reedson is quiet for a moment.) Reedson: That's it! The security cameras! They'll prove that I'm not crazy! All I need to do is get to the security office. And then… Well… I don't know. (Researcher Reedson proceeds to walk to the security office. The recording is silent for a while.) Reedson: Okay, here's the door. And… Darn it, locked. There's got to be another way… Oh. Oh no. I know what I have to do. (He walks away from the office door. It takes quite a while until speech resumes.) Reedson: Alright… Here's the ventilation shaft. All I need to do is go in… where the worms will be really close to me… in a tiny shaft with nowhere to run… in the dark… oh god I can't do this… (The footage goes quiet for a few minutes. Heavy breathing can be heard coming from Ben, as he is likely panicking.) Reedson: No… I can do this. I have to do this. I… can do this. (The sound of the grate being taken off can be heard. Ben begins to crawl through.) Reedson: God, it smells in here… and I don't even want to know why it's so moist in here… and I can barely breathe, it's so tight in here… (Ben crawls for a while. After a while, a loud clang can be heard, followed by several smaller clangs.) Reedson: That… wasn't me. Oh god, is it the worms? I gotta do this quick… (Researcher Reedson proceeds to crawl faster.) Reedson: Okay… I think I'm about halfway… I-I'm almost there… (He crawls a little bit forward. The vents begin to shake.) Reedson: W-What is that? I'd look behind me… but it's so cramped… M-Maybe I can just use the reflection of my phone… (Reedson pulls out his phone from his pocket. He shrieks not long after.) Reedson: The worms are behind me! A-A whole horde of them! A-And they're faster… I need to run, but I can't… I-I'll just crawl really fast… (Reedson begins crawling at a fast pace. Eventually, it stops.) Reedson: No no no no! Fuck no! A dead end! This… This can't be it! (Reedson begins banging on the vents.) Reedson: Somebody, help! (A voice is heard from below.) Zachary: Ben? What are you doing in there? Reedson: Get me out of here! Zachary: Do you want me to like, break it open or some shit? Reedson: Anything! I don't have much time! Zachary: Fine, let's try this… What the fuck, how strong is this damn thing? Reedson: No! They're almost here! Zachary: Okay, okay. I'll just pour some corrosive acid on it, like a boring person. (The sound of metal corroding can be heard.) Zachary: There you go. You're free. What were you doing in there in the first place? Reedson: T-There were these worms chasing me, and I was trying to get to the security office so I could prove they were real, but then they started chasing me, and I must've taken a wrong turn… Zachary: Well, no shit. You made it to the chemical lab. If you want to access the security office, you gotta go back in there, and turn right. Say, where are these worms anyway? I sure as hell don't see them. Reedson: T-They must've gotten scared when you poured the acid on it. Zachary: Seriously? That's a big leap. Reedson: Well… okay, maybe it is… but maybe I'm right. Zachary: Ben, I'm not gonna stop you from reaching the security office, but you're dead wrong about these worms. Reedson: Okay… Now I just… have to… go back in the vents… with the worms… Zachary: If you're feeling any doubts about this, you could just… not do it. Reedson: No… I'll do it. I'll… do it… (Reedson crawls into the vents.) Reedson: Alright… I've just got to… make it… to the end… (Reedson crawls around for a while.) Reedson: God, am I almost there? I-I can't take the stress anymore… (The vents begin to shake once more.) Reedson: No… Not again… I-I'm so close… J-Just keep going… (Reedson crawls quickly for a while.) Reedson: There's the end! I… I did it! I made it! (The sound of a grate being taken off can be heard once again. Ben gets out of the vent.) Reedson: Alright. All I need to do is examine the footage on the computer… Let's see here… There's the camera footage of me… but what's this other one? Let's see… (The audio goes quiet for a few minutes.) Reedson: What… the… fuck? (A brief pause is heard.) Reedson: I… I need to tell the foundation… I… gotta upload this. (Ben turns the microphone off, likely to upload the audio.) [END LOG] VIDEO LOG DATE: 7/24/23, 11:38 AM LOCATION: Containment Room 12, Site-75, Kansas NOTE: Footage was recorded by the room's security camera. [BEGIN LOG] (A D-Class walks into the room, accompanied by a security guard and a researcher. They have been identified as Security Officer David, Researcher Bridget, and D-57834) Sven: Please read the inscription on the tablet. D-57834: Why me, specifically? Sven: You have expertise regarding prehistoric languages. We specifically chose you because of that. D-57834: Okay, you caught me. I'll read it. (The room goes silent for approximately a minute.) D-57834: There. Sven: What does it say? D-57834: Well… It's an old scripture of some ancient cult. They seem to speak about "Ascension" and "Becoming one with the old gods." It's kind of scary. Sven: Can you read the exact words? D-57834: I don't know… That might trigger something, you know? Sven: Read it, please. D-57834: Alright… Here goes… "Ascend beyond yourself, and become many. Take the universe in your new form. Become one with the old gods, and become perfect. Eat their mind and let it feed you. Endless power awaits you. Now, be reborn, eternally." Bridget: See? That wasn't so bad. Now, we'd like you to take a look at the back. See that sigil? Do you know what it means? (D-57834 moves around to the backside of SCP-7834.) D-57834: That… No, I've never seen anything like that sigil before. Seems ominous. Bridget: Hmm, okay. Well, I think that's all. Guess we should probably label this as an anomalous object since it doesn't do anything. Sven: Hang on a second. I feel like we haven't fully explored this enough. D-Class, can you read it in the original script? D-57834: I… guess so? Alright… here goes… (D-57834 begins speaking the words on the tablet. An ominous red glow emerges from it.) Bridget: STOP! STOP! D-57834: Okay, okay! I didn't want to go through this anyway! Bridget: David, that was very irresponsible of you. You shouldn't have done that. Sven: On one hand, yes. On the other, we now definitively know that this is an anomaly. Bridget: (sigh) I suppose. Well, that wraps up our testing. D-Class, we'll escort you back to your cell. Once I'm done with that, David, you and I are going to have a little talk. Sven: Okay… (The three of them leave the room, and the footage remains idle for several hours. After some time, a breach alarm begins. After around a half hour, two D-Class enter the room, identified as D-57834 and D-44139.) D-44139: What are we doing in here? D-57834: I don't know! Security's coming after us, so I thought we could hide here! D-44139: Hide? Those guys are relentless. We can't escape! (Zachary runs into the room, brandishing a gun.) Zachary: Freeze! D-57834: Shit. Zachary: You fucking miscreants caused this breach, didn't you? I SAID DIDN'T YOU? D-44139: No! It wasn't us! It was someone else! Zachary: I don't like liars. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot you both dead. D-44139: Um… because we aren't liars? Zachary: Wrong answer. (Zachary proceeds to shoot D-44139. He falls to the ground.) Zachary: Wanna tell me the right answer, other guy? D-57834: (muttering) Looks like I don't have a choice… (D-57834 begins to read the text of SCP-7834 in the original language. The tablet begins to glow bright red.) Zachary: What the hell do you think you're doing, smart-ass? (Zachary begins to fire several bullets at D-57834. He begins bleeding, but continues to read the tablet.) Zachary: STOP! (D-57834 finishes reading the tablet. He collapses onto the floor.) Zachary: Good riddance. (The body of D-57834 begins to twitch uncontrollably. After some time, a swarm of worms burst from the body. They begin to surround Zachary. He fires multiple gunshots at the worms.) Zachary: WHY does this GODDAMN thing always run out of ammo at the WORST FUCKING TIMES? (The worms begin to surround Zachary. He expresses discomfort and tries to shake them off. Zachary: GET THE FUCK OFF ME! GET OFF! AGH! (One worm noticeably reaches the forehead of Zachary and begins to attach itself to there. After some time, it burrows into his forehead.) Zachary: MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT… huh? That was weird. What was I going on about again? I can't remember… Whatever. (Zachary proceeds to leave the room. The remaining worms begin to bury into the walls.) [END LOG] As you can see from this footage, these worms are a dire threat and extremely dangerous. I fear they may come for me next. Please send help immediately. To: Marisa Jones From: Ben Reedson. Subject: An apology. Forget everything that I said in my previous message. I don't even remember what I wrote there. Everything at Site-75 is fine. « SCP-7833 | SCP-7834| SCP-7835 »
Screenshot of SCP-7835-D-48, “In Mysterious Ways!" Item: SCP-7835 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7835 is to be kept on a pedestal in the middle of a standard humanoid containment cell. This way, SCP-7835 is fixed in the three-dimensional midpoint of the room, reducing the potential for accidental overwrite events. If transportation of the item is necessary due to external factors, all personnel are to maintain a minimum two-meter distance from SCP-7835 and its courier. Requests for experimentation may be forwarded to Site Director Naismith. When interacting with SCP-7835, personnel are to deposit any electronic devices, paper, currency, and any written or recorded media at the door unless they are relevant to the experiment. Affected instances of SCP-7835-A, -B, -C, and -D are non-anomalous and may be viewed in Site-59's media wing. Description: SCP-7835 is a small golden figurine of a chicken. The object is seven centimeters in length, height, and width. The phrase "NUM TANTI ERAT?"1 has been engraved on the base. Chemical dating has traced its construction to the spring of 1564 CE. SCP-7835 was discovered in a catacomb under the Saint-Nicolas church in Strasbourg, France. After a brief holding period at the British Museum, the object's anomalous effect began to interfere with recorded media at the site. Museum officials remanded it to the Foundation after two weeks of incidents. Any recorded media placed within a two-meter radius for at least two seconds will be overwritten in a variety of ways. The only media that will not be altered is that which has already been altered. Additionally, all media is affected uniquely, even if two identical items are exposed. Affected artwork, including currency, is known as SCP-7835-A. Once exposed, the surfaces will change into artwork of 16th-century theologian John Calvin engaging in various humiliating or morally compromising acts. Collected instances have included (but are not limited to) bestiality, cannibalism, blasphemy, substance abuse, littering, and losing dramatically at various sports and board games. Affected text is designated SCP-7835-B. Once exposed, the text will change to a subject that portrays John Calvin in an extremely negative light. The longest known instance of SCP-7835-B is SCP-7835-B-27, which was originally a copy of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. It has since been converted to a novel titled John Calvin: the Man Who Fucked a Trillion Pigs. The shortest known instance is SCP-7835-B-10, which was originally Dr. Pontmercy's credit card. The name on the card has since changed to "EAT SHIT JC". Audio recordings are designated SCP-7835-C. These display the least deviation between individual instances; all are audio recordings of the same depressed male voice claiming full responsibility for various historical disasters. This includes (but is not limited to) the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the Great Chicago Fire, the R101 airship crash, Hurricane Katrina, the Sack of Constantinople, the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 CE, and the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction. In most instances, the voice identifies itself as John Calvin. The shortest known instance is SCP-7835-C-15, which was originally a three-second .wav file of a duck vocalizing. It has since changed to the voice quickly screaming "Did I mention I was a Nazi? Well, I was!" Affected video recordings are designated SCP-7835-D. When exposed, the footage will become an episode of a children's cartoon series called Let's Get Presby-tastic! Addendum: SCP-7835-D Of all affected media, SCP-7835-D follows the most uniform structure. The length of the video will be either shortened or lengthened to fit a 22-minute episode. The host and narrator character is Johnny, a character that resembles the head of John Calvin grafted onto a giant, headless chicken. The bulk of the show consists of early cartoons from Warner Bros., MGM, and Disney, usually taken from the Silly Symphonies and Looney Tunes catalogs. Using the plot of the cartoons as a frame of reference for the topic of the day, Johnny addresses viewers directly about Calvinist theology. The character does this in state of suppressed but extreme agitation, frequently checking on and cowering from something offscreen. Notable monologues from SCP-7835-D: SCP-7835-D-14 (Episode title: "Pope? More like NOPE!") Johnny: Wow! That Mickey Mouse is such a rascal, ha-ha! I sure do love that little guy. He's… yeah. (He hyperventilates for five seconds.) Johnny: …we might as well get to what this "means" for you young reformers out there. Okay. So… all ya gotta do is picture Pete — I mean, I'm talkin' about the big cat thing with the peg leg. I know they didn't explicitly call him Pete but that's totally his name. I don't know why I called him a cat, maybe he's like a bulldog or something? Who knows? Who cares? Here I am, talkin' outta my patootie again when I should be talkin' about Calvinism! But it's okay! It's okay! Right?! (He grinds his teeth.) Johnny: All you really gotta do is imagine that Pete is Vatican oppression, and Mickey's the Protestant Reformation! Wow, I just totally assumed you know what "Vatican oppression" means, didn't I? Gosh darn it! You're, like, FIVE! You barely know what "cat" means! …no offense. I really hope someone gets on me about these nasty little mistakes later. Gotta keep me in line. Or this'll keep happening! Won't it?! (His lip trembles.) Johnny: …who wants to watch Tom & Jerry?! SCP-7835-D-49 (Episode title: "Tiptoe through the T.U.L.I.P.!") Johnny: …so as you can see, no matter hooooow hard he tries, Wile E. Coyote is never-ever-ever gonna catch that pesky Roadrunner. Is this because the Roadrunner is clever? No! Not even in the slightest! The Roadrunner is stupid and bad and horrible and wrong and sinful, tee-hee! But someone upstairs has it out for Mr. Coyote. That's right! God wants Wile E. Coyote to fail at eating this bird forever. And is that wrong? Is that wrong of God?! Huh?! (He slowly shakes his head.) Johnny: Sad but true. For reasons that no mortal can understand, God created this fluffy little apex predator for the purpose of failing. Is that a cruel thing God did? Well, here's another question: was God cruel to His son on the cross?! Was he?! (He shakes his head more vigorously.) Johnny: No, because God is good! He doesn't have people thoughts, He has GOD THOUGHTS! If we humans made a little sentient coyote out of meat for the sole purpose of constant underperformance for our amusement, that would be bad — because we're using human brains that have human thoughts. If our people brains tried to understand GOD THOUGHTS, it would make even less sense than I'm making right now I'm sorry I'm so so sorry! (He sheds several tears.) Johnny: Here's the thing, kids… if you did everything right… if you lived your whole life according to what the Gospel dictates… if God hasn't extended His grace to you, it's still entirely possible and morally justified… for you… (Seven seconds of silence.) Johnny: …to join me! SCP-7835-D-57 (Episode title: "Betraying your friends is bad bad bad bad bad BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD!") (Johnny paces feverishly.) Johnny: Yes yes great what a lovely cartoon clearly some of the cultural references didn't age well ha-ha especially not that blackface gag toward the three minute mark oh well clearly it was a disturbing product of its time but let's not open that can of worms — ANYWAY!! (He suddenly approaches the viewer closer than he's ever come before.) Johnny: Before we go! I would like to say a few words. Just a few. Nothing huge I swear. You see, a lot was said today on the subject of… betrayal. Well, there was one betrayal story we left out. A really big one. The guys running this show don't think we should tell it. But I think it's pretty relevant to the topic of the day. A long time ago in Geneva, there was this guy named John Calvin. (Sounds familiar, don't it?!) He thought he was a very good man. But he was flawed. Selfish. Corrupt. And personally, I think this was one of the very rare instances where divine predestination had no involvement — he was a horrible little weasel of a man on his own, wasn't he?! Some things are so evil that God can't justify it with any of His God thoughts. That's on us! And what was the worst thing John ever did? That's easy! His best friend was this guy named Michael Servetus. They a lot of fun together. Total BFFs! Allies in the fight for the Reformation! Then… John had Michael killed. It was over a petty disagreement about the particulars of the Bible. John thought that was enough to tattle on Michael to the Inquisition - you know, the Reformation's villains! Remember that Vatican oppression thing I was talking about? Yeah! Johnny LOVED that oppression stuff! The Inquisition took Michael away! They burned him! One of the worst ways anyone can die. And… Johnny was okay with this. Because Johnny didn't have God thoughts or people thoughts. HE HAD [bleep] THOUGHTS! That's right, [bleep] thoughts from a [bleep] brain fulla nothin' but [bleep]! And, hypothetically, if Johnny were alive today… this is what he would say. (Johnny breaks down sobbing.) Michael… I am sorry. I am so, so sorry. Satan has built an impenetrable castle in my heart that no redeeming cannonade may pierce. So please… see me as the friend you once knew, one last time — AND LET ME [bleep]ING DIE ALREADY I CAN'T DO THIS [bleep]ING SHOW ANYMORE LET ME — (Credits.) SCP-7835-D-58 (Episode title: "Whoopsies!") (From this episode on, Johnny is wearing a blood-soaked blindfold. Johnny screams his lines for most of this episode.) Johnny: HOWDY, KIDS! HERE'S ANOTHER EPISODE OF CALVINIST CARTOON GOODNESS. YOU MAY NOTICE THIS THING OVER MY EYES! FUN FACT: SOMETIMES, PEOPLE DO SUCH A BAD JOB AT HOSTING CARTOONS THAT THEY DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE EYES ANYMORE! (Ten seconds of dead silence.) Johnny: HERE'S DAFFY DUCK. Footnotes 1. Latin: "Was it worth it?" « SCP-7834 | SCP-7835 | SCP-7836 »
Item#: 7836 Level1 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: N/A Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7836 is to be kept in a refrigerator in Site-175's kitchen outside of routine check-ups on SCP-7836-2 and requested uses. Personnel who wish to utilize SCP-7836 must request access to both an on-site psychiatrist and a staff member of Clearance Level 3 or higher. Description: SCP-7836 is a sealed bag of shredded mozzarella cheese.1 The bag itself is non-anomalous. The cheese inside of the bag, however, will replenish itself if any is taken from the bag and, despite the bag being open since being brought into Foundation custody, does not appear to spoil as most cheeses have been observed to do. Upon visually observing SCP-7836, individuals will feel compelled to unseal SCP-7836 and consume the cheese within, regardless of any self-imposed dietary limitations or medical conditions that would otherwise prohibit the consumption of dairy products. Once any quantity of cheese has been consumed by an affected individual (henceforth referred to as SCP-7836-1), a Soter Event will begin. During a Soter Event, SCP-7836-1 instances will be "transported" to an office on the second floor of a building, with a window showing a view that the current SCP-7836-1 instance finds calming. In reality, SCP-7836-1 instances remain stationary in the position they were upon consuming the cheese from SCP-7836. It is currently unknown if the visual element of Soter Events is a hallucination or is an out of body experience. On rare occasions, audio recording devices held by SCP-7836-1 record audio produced during Soter Events. SCP-7836 houses a Type-III Superintelligence that manifests during Soter Events, henceforth referred to as SCP-7836-2. Upon a Soter Event lasting anywhere between thirty seconds and six minutes, SCP-7836-2 will manifest in the office, entering it through a door. Exact descriptions of SCP-7836-2 vary between Soter Events, but there are a number of reported trends: ・SCP-7836-2 will always appear as a human male, appearing to be in his mid to late 30s. ・SCP-7836-2 always manifests holding a sheaf of papers or a clipboard. ・SCP-7836-2 speaks with a French, German, Italian or Polish accent, and will always address SCP-7836-1 instances in their native language. ・SCP-7836-2 will always appear with blonde hair and a skin tone described as "Creamy." ・SCP-7836-2 is fond of puns, specifically those based around cheeses.2 ・SCP-7836-2 claims its name is "Jack Monterey"3 and that it is "The most unbrielievable therapist you could find in a bag of cheese." Once inside the office, SCP-7836-2 will seat itself in a comfortable location, such as a couch, chair or, if nothing else is usable as a seat, the floor and ask SCP-7836-1 to do the same, willingly giving up its own seat to allow SCP-7836-1 to be more comfortable. Once both parties are seated, SCP-7836-2 will begin to read through the papers gradually and ask SCP-7836-1 questions related to their lives, jobs and personal relationships. SCP-7836-1 instances report a feeling of comfort around SCP-7836-2, stating that, at the time, they "felt like they could tell him anything." As a result, many SCP-7836-1 instances will answer with honesty and genuine emotion. Upon having learned of the majority of a person's life4, SCP-7836-2 will put down its papers and begin to ask questions about SCP-7836-1's mental health, generally interjecting to help them find words to describe things. After the previous two parts of an event have taken place, questioning usually reported taking between twenty minutes to three hours, SCP-7836-2 will stop asking questions and offer SCP-7836-1. This advice has most commonly taken the form of self-help, such as ways of coping with the loss of a loved one, combatting drug addictions and stamping out problematic behavior in their day-to-day life. After offering the advice, SCP-7836-2 will stand and leave the office, ending the Soter Event. Discovery: SCP-7836 was discovered by Junior Researchers Saoirse Daley and Leanna Smith on 30/07/21, while assisting kitchen staff with the preparation of that evening's food. Daley and Smith discovered SCP-7836 at the back of a refrigerator and Smith subsequently became the first known SCP-7836-1 instance. The object was brought to the attention of the wider staff body and was contained later that day. + Test Log 7836-A - Test Log 7836-A Test A - 02/08/21 Subject: D-37506 Subject Details: D-37506 was arrested in Italy under charges of patricide, before being founded guilty and being inducted into D-Class Personnel and brought to Site-175. D-37506 has a history of violent outbursts, anger issues and drug use. Procedure: D-37506 was outfitted with audio-recording equipment before instructed to enter the kitchen and eat from SCP-7836. Results: A Soter event successfully triggered, and D-37506 began hallucinating. The audio recording picks up nothing but static for around three seconds, before resuming proper function. The following recording has been translated from Italian. D-37506: "Eh? What the fuck- the hell did you sciencey-fuckin'-weirdos put in that cheese?!" Footsteps are heard for around four seconds. D-37506: "Wait- Fucken- Am I in Venice?5 I- Holy shit, that's Tony's place. That little café… The fuck is going on?" The sound of a door opening can be heard, and SCP-7836-2 enters the room. SCP-7836-2: "Good afternoon, Rosa. I'm sure getting you to come here today was a feta strength on the Foundation's part." Three seconds of silence. D-37506: "That was easily the most dogshit pun I've heard in a long time." SCP-7836-2: "Oh, you wound me! I thought it was a gouda pun. Now, please, take a seat and we can get our appointment started." D-37506: "Please stop with the cheese puns or I'll throw you out this fucken window." SCP-7836-2: "Woah, cheesy does it! I'm going to need you to relax a bit if we're going to do this-" D-37506: "I want out." SCP-7836-2: "Please stop being difficult, I only make the cheddar if we make progress on your case today." Six seconds of silence. D-37506: "Fine, fuck it. I'll do your stupid therapy thing. SCP-7836-2: Audibly relieved "Thank you, Rosa. Please, sit with me." The sounds of a chair being dragged across a wooden floor is heard SCP-7836-2: "So, Rosa, I have a copy of your file here." rustling paper is heard "I'll be honest, reading it was like reading a thriller. Drug addict from the age of seventeen, history of violence, bullying people throughout your school life… Killing your father. Quite a thirty years you've had, eh?" D-37506: "Guess so, yeah." SCP-7836-2: "Alright. So, tell me a bit about yourself. Who you are, a bit about your life. You know, stuff like that." D-37506: "Uh… Well, I'm Rosa Brambilla. I'm thirty years old and I used to live in Venice. Wanted to go onto study History in college, but my dad wouldn't let me, the fat bastard. Wanted me to study fuckin' Medicine, become a doctor, that shit. And then I killed him. I got arrested. Got thrown into an orange jumpsuit and now I'm rotting away in this weird-ass facility that looks somewhere between a maximum security prison from the films and a goddamn hospital." SCP-7836-2: "Given the mention, I take it you like movies?" D-37506: "Yeah. Really got into cinema as a teenager. Loved stuff like The Shawshank Redemption and Cabin in The Woods." SCP-7836-2: "I see. Not big on movies myself, though it's a bit hard to when you're stuck in a bag of cheese. Last time I saw an act… must havarti been before they invented the silver screen." D-37506: "Weren't that ages ago? You look too young to be, like, a hundred years old or something?" SCP-7836-2: "Aw, you're too kind. Please, do go on." D-37506: "Well, uh…" SCP-7836-2: "If it helps to have a gouda place to start, try telling me about your early life. Childhood and all that grate stuff." D-37506: "Well, when I was a kid, probably six or seven…" The audio lasts a further two hours, as D-37506 talks about her life and events she believes led her down her current path, with SCP-7836-2 occasionally interjecting to ask about details or inquire about her feelings about certain events. This has been cut from the log for brevity. D-37506: "And then the guy in the suit introduced himself as 'Agent Peters' or something, can't remember exactly what his name was, and told me that he could get me out of prison if I helped him and his organization with some tests. I'd have been an idiot not to take the Get Out of Jail Free card, so I did. And now I've been… here for a year and a half. That's about it." SCP-7836-2: "Enlightening. So, you think you lash out at others because of pent-up anger you have from your father controlling you for most of your adolescent life? And the drugs are for a similar reason?" D-37506: "Guess so, yeah." SCP-7836-2: "Well, while I'm not particularly experienced in the field myself, I do have an idea on how to deal with the drugs. Maybe have someone frisk you whenever you're coming to and from your cell? It might be weird for everyone involved, but getting any smuggled narcotics off you will probably pay off in the long run." D-37506: "So you want me to strip for the guards every time I need to use the bathroom?" SCP-7836-2: "Only if that's what you're into. A pat-down, pocket search, that sort of stuff, will probably work just as well." D-37506: "So… that it?" SCP-7836-2: "Well, no. I'd also recommend attempting to make peace with people you've fought with. Pays to have friends, and if you exclusively beat people up and spit in their faces, you won't make many. Who knows, maybe you'll start some unshakable bond between you and someone else who you'd previously kicked in the groin." D-37506: "You sound like a guy they'd bring into schools to tell kids how they need to respect one another so World War Three doesn't happen." SCP-7836-2: "Like it or not, good advice always sounds cheesy. Brielieve me, I would know." D-37506: "Guess you're right, heh." SCP-7836-2: "You're smiling." D-37506: "I am?" SCP-7836-2: "Yup. And here I was thinking you were a full-time sourpuss." D-37506: "More like part-time sourpuss, full-time pain in the ass." SCP-7836-2: "You shouldn't put yourself down like that, I'm sure there's someone out there who enjoys your company." A small chime can be heard on the recording. SCP-7836-2: "Ah, looks like my time with you is nearly up. It's been a pleasure meeting you, Rosa." D-37506: "Nice meeting you too, mister." SCP-7836-2 laughs SCP-7836-2: "Sir? Oh, no, my dear. Please, call me Jack. May I interest you in a snack for the road? You fond of cheese and onions crisps?" D-37506: "I'm fine, thank you." SCP-7836-2: "Alright then. If you'll excuse me, I must be going. If you ever feel like you need someone to talk to again, you know where to find me. Ciao!" The sound of a door opening and closing can be heard on the recording. The Soter event promptly ended and D-37506 returned to consciousness. Analysis: Shortly after testing ceased, D-37506 requested to be regularly frisked for narcotics on her way to and from her cell. The request has since been obliged, and D-37506 has failed several drug tests performed since. She has been observing actively attempting to make amends with fellow D-Class she had previously attacked, with mixed reactions. Update: On 19/05/22, D-37506 requested to be allowed to visit her father's grave in Italy. Request pending. + Interview with SCP-7836-2 - Interview with SCP-7836-2 Interviewed: SCP-7836-2 Interviewer: Doctor Frederick Baker Interview Date: 04/08/21 Foreword: Doctor Baker volunteered to interview SCP-7836-2 to attempt to gain an insight into how and, potentially, why the object exists. Baker has a history of relatively good mental health, but has never taken the amnesticization of his family upon him joining the Foundation well. <Begin Log, 15:12> Baker initiates a Soter event in the Site canteen. Four seconds of static are heard before the audio begins recording. Baker: "Dark in here… URF!" Audio indicates Baker collided with a large wooden object. The sound of a door opening and a light switch being turned on is heard immediately after. SCP-7836-2: "Oh, goodness! I'm so sorry, I forgot to leave the lights on, again so sorry. Are you hurt?" Baker: "Not badly, no, just a bit of a wallop off that table… Ow…" SCP-7836-2: "I can run and get you an ice pack if you want-" Baker: "Not necessary, sorry to cut you off, I'm just used to it by now… Pleasure to meet you, SCP-7836-2." SCP-7836-2: "Cheesed to meet you too, Frederick. And please, call me Jack." Baker: "If I call you Jack, can we… not make this a therapy session?" SCP-7836-2: "Why? You certainly have a few issues you could work through with me-" Baker: "Thanks, but no thanks. Not in the mood for that. That and I'm here to interview you. For a document." SCP-7836-2: "What, you need to update my place of residence in the government database to 'Bag of cheese'?" Baker: "Well, no, but figuring out an old place of residence if possible. Before the cheese, that is." SCP-7836-2: "Al-rightbrie then! You can havarti your interview! I'd ask you to take a seat, since we're gonna brie here a while, but…" Baker: "Yes, wheelchair. I'm used to it by now." SCP-7836-2: "Suppose you've heard it all before. Well, let me just…" The sound of a chair scraping against a wooden floor are heard SCP-7836-2: "Perfect. Now, Frederick, ask away!" Baker: "Alright, so… First question. Why are you in a bag of cheese, if you know why yourself?" SCP-7836-2: "No real reason. Just the next stage in my existence. This must be… my hundred and fiftieth form in the last few millennia? It'd surprise you how long certain old forms of cheese last in the right conditions." Baker: "A hundred and fiftieth- How old are you?" SCP-7836-2: "By my count, two thousand three hundred years old, given or take a decade or two." Baker: "Jesus." SCP-7836-2: "Yeah, pretty cool guy. Never actually said that thing about being gay, y'know."6 Baker: "Uh, ok…." Silence for around seven seconds. Baker: "It's just…" SCP-7836-2: "I'm a lot to take in? Yeah, I used to get that all the time. 'You talk too fast, you're jumping between topics too quick.' People these days have no sense of what real conversation is. No offence." Baker: "None taken. Next question?" SCP-7836-2: "Sure!" Baker: "How does that whole body thing work? Do you just randomly get stuck in different cheeses every couple years?" SCP-7836-2: "Nah. Generally I just smite my current vessel out of existence whenever I get bored of it. It's fun, you should try it if you ever come into possession of more power than is logically good for you." Baker: "You what?" SCP-7836-2: "Smite, destroy, forcibly remove its right to bear existence… Obliterate? You get the idea. Last time I bleu up must've brieen about a month ago. It was not nice burning up in the Iraqi desert after a plane crash, let me tell you." Baker: "Should we be concerned?" SCP-7836-2: "We? As in your Foundation? No, no, not at all. Not unless you want me to, of course." Baker: "Please do not 'obliterate' yourself while in Foundation custody. SCP-7836-2: sarcastically "Darn! There go my plans for the evening! Damn you, guestly courtesy!" Baker: "Also, how do you know about the Foundation? I'm assuming we haven't contained you before and you got out?" SCP-7836-2: "Nope, nosirbrie. You all just have a bit of a reputation in the wider anomalous community. Overheard about you guys while sitting in the fridge in some fellas calling themselves the UIU during my stint as a Babybel in Three Portlands." Baker: "Ok… So… Is this… normal, for you? Running therapy sessions out of a bag of cheese?" SCP-7836-2: "Oh, hell no. Decided to finally be useful again once I started this cycle as a mozzarella and I'm sticking to it." Baker: "So… what were you doing before? For those one hundred and forty-nine previous… vessels, as you called them." SCP-7836-2: "Mostly sitting around and mumbling useful ideas to people. Of course, most of it was old news by your Second Century AD, CE, whatever it is now, but mumble I did." Baker: "Mumbling? What exactly?" SCP-7836-2: "The process of making cheese. Brielieve me, it's taken me a real long time to get that out of my system. When something's been your shtick for longer than most civilizations have been around, that takes a while." Baker: "Mhmm. So… that view, huh?" SCP-7836-2: "I'll take it you're running out of questions. Yes, nice view, isn't it? That's… The Cliffs of Dover, I do believe. Lovely place." Baker: "Yeah. It's where I-" Baker goes silent. SCP-7836-2: "You're tearing up a bit. You sure you're alright?" Baker: "Yeah, I'm fine. I… just let myself slip. Gotta forget it. Move on. Otherwise I'll just die stuck in the past." SCP-7836-2: "You never did stop to get over it, did you? You just motored on without a second thought." Baker: "We are not having that conversation. We said this was an interview, not a therapy session, didn't we, Jack?" SCP-7836-2: "…We did. Sorry." Silence for about twelve seconds. Baker: "I… think we're just about done. You have anything you want me to pass onto my higher ups?" SCP-7836-2: "No thanks, I'm happy in the fridge. You could say that I'm just… chilling." Baker sighs. Baker: "Well, that's all. Have a nice evening, Jack." SCP-7836-2: "You too, Frederick. Come back anytime, or send someone my way. You know exactly where to find me." Baker: "Oh, one more thing." SCP-7836-2: "Mhmm?" Baker: "You can call me Fred in future, if you want." SCP-7836-2: "Alright then, Fred. I'll be seeing you." The Soter event ends, and Baker resumes consciousness. <End Log, 16:09> Closing Statement: Several members of personnel reported Baker seemed lost in thought in the hours following his interview with SCP-7836-2. When approached about this, Baker simply said he "was toying with the idea of something." + Meeting record concerning SCP-7836, 05/08/21 - Meeting record concerning SCP-7836, 05/08/21 Foreword: Doctor Frederick Baker requested a meeting with Site Director Umar Musa concerning SCP-7836. <Begin Recording, 12:06> Baker enters Musa's office and seats himself across the desk from him. Baker: "Good morning, sir." Musa: "Afternoon at this point, but I digress. You wanted to talk about 7836, yes?" Baker: "Yes. I, uh, wanted to propose something." Musa grins Musa: "Sorry Frederick, but I don't swing that way." Musa snorts at his own joke Baker: "I- no, that's not what I- can you please take this seriously?" Musa: "Ok, serious time." Musa straightens himself in his seat "Go on." Baker: "Ok… so, I wanted to suggest the idea of letting personnel use SCP-7836 freely. I think it might do the Site's collective mental health something good." Musa stares at Baker for around thirty seconds in complete silence Baker: "Uh, Director-" Musa: "Baker, you understand you're new here and all, but you can't just talk to an anomaly after testing once and say it's completely fit for free use by anyone who wants it." Baker: "What, because we know too little about the object? It's a bag of bloody shredded cheese that gives you a therapy session and life advice! Hardly even ground for a Euclid-class!" Musa: "Exactly my reasons, and calm down. As much I'd love to lay off some of the idiots in the Psychology Department, we can't just replace them with an SCP we've tested a grand total of twice. It'd be like America suddenly changing laws that keep thousands of people safe and just saying 'Yeah, this random fella we took off the street is making laws now." Baker: "To be fair, that sounds like something-" Musa: "Neither the time nor place, Baker. But do you get what I'm trying to say here?" Baker: "What, you think it's going to start subtly mind-controlling the entire Site if we let people use it?" Musa: "Well, no, but the idea to prevent that from happening if that's what it's going to do." Baker: "Fair enough. But still, what if it isn't?" Musa: "Do more of your tests. Prove it isn't just brainwashing people into thinking they're happy or whatever and that it doesn't want to turn our brains into blue cheese or something. Give me solid, definitive proof, and I'll consider letting anyone who needs it use the object, keyword consider. Do that and come back to me about this, alright?" Baker: "Alright then. Thank you for your time, sir." Musa: "Oh, and one last thing before you go, Baker." Baker: "Hmmm?" Musa: "Please tell me the cheese puns of the audio records aren't just interference." Baker: "Nope. SCP-7836-2 has a weird sense of humor." Musa chuckles Musa: "Maybe I'll sign myself up for one of those tests you're going to run. Even if it is a superintelligent entity inside a bag of cheese, it sounds like a fun time." Baker: "Uh, feel free to volunteer any time. Thanks for your time." Musa: "You're quite welcome, Frederick. Have a good day." Baker: "You too, sir." Baker stands and leaves the office. <End Log, 12:11> Closing Statement: Well, better get to testing this bag- sorry, bad boy. -F. Baker + Extended SCP-7836 Test Logs - Extended SCP-7836 Test Logs 06/08/21 Test #7 Test Subject: D-229137 Notes: D-229137 struggled with intense paranoia from his early teens and was described by other D-Class as reclusive. Test Results: Soter Event lasted roughly two and a half hours. SCP-7836-2 traced D-229137's paranoia to extended periods of isolation in his childhood. SCP-7836-2 encouraged D-229137 to engage socialise more with his fellow D-Class in order to avoid further periods of loneliness. After testing ceased, D-229137 was reported as transitioning into a much more active role in D-Class social circles by personnel. D-229137 reported feeling much calmer and happier. 14/08/21 Test #15 Test Subject: Junior Researcher Eli Balcomb Notes: Balcomb was known to be prone to depressive episodes, and had previously attempted suicide several times. Subject was also noted as lactose intolerant. Test Results: Upon the Soter Event beginning, it lasted roughly eleven seconds before Balcomb reassumed activity and ran to the bathroom. Audio recorded during the test consistented of SCP-7836-2 swearing in German for roughly half a minute. Note to self: provide lactose intolerant testers with lactase. -F. Baker 15/08/21 Test #21 Test Subject: Junior Researcher Eli Balcomb Notes: Balcomb was provided with lactase prior to testing. Test Results: Balcomb complained of mild stomach pain around halfway through the Soter Event, which successfully activated and lasted roughly three hours, with SCP-7836-2 commenting that he was "Still working out some chinks for the dairy allergic and lactose intolerant." SCP-7836-2 successfully managed to trace the source of Balcomb's episodes to several sources throughout his childhood, but expressed a want to address each individually and after "a period of preparation for each." It then asked Balcomb if he would be willing to come back and talk another time. Balcomb accepted the offer, and lodged a request to allow him continue acting as a test subject for SCP-7836-2. Request pending. 26/08/21 Test #29 Test Subject: D-45651 Notes: Subject had no history of mental health problems, although psychological analysis revealed subject had ADHD. Test Results: Soter Event successfully triggered and subsequently lasted for roughly fifty minutes. SCP-7836-2 did not go through the usual process with D-45651, instead spending the duration of the Event discussing D-45651's interests with him. When asked why he didn't follow standard procedure during the Event by D-45651, SCP-7836-2 simply said that "There's nothing wrong with you, you're wonderful just as you are. But it'd be rude to just kick you out over that, so I decided to just chat." D-45651 displayed no major behavioral changes following testing. 03/09/21 Test #32 Test Subject: Junior Researcher Erika Henderson Notes: Subject had reported general unhappiness in their life with no discernible source. Subject reported difficulty eating, getting out of bed and general lethargy. Test Results: Soter Event lasted four hours. SCP-7836-2 concluded that Henderson was experiencing gender dysphoria, citing her several efforts to appear masculine as a teenager as "damning evidence." Henderson would spend the next week discussing sexuality with other researchers, before requesting a week's leave on 30/09/21 in order to receive gender reassignment surgery. Due to external factors, the request's processing was put on hold before being granted on 30/12/21. Henderson would return to work a week later under the name Eric Henderson. He later reported feeling much more comfortable in his own body and expressing enjoyment in his daily routine. 02/12/21 Test #49 Test Subject: Corrine Byrne, Site 175 Janitor Notes: Byrne had previously reported high levels of stress as part of the ongoing clean-up effort around Site 175 after SCP-████ and SCP-████ breached containment on ██/██/21. Fellow members of janitorial staff recommended her for testing with the object. Test Results: Soter Event lasted an hour and a half. SCP-7836-2 spent most of the Event discussing methods of alleviating stress, including breathing exercises and several Buddhist meditation techniques, along with how to fit them into her daily routine. Byrne spent the next three days fixing the meditation time as part of her schedule. Within a week, Byrne reported feeling as though she was back to her old self and wished to extend thanks to SCP-7836-2 for its advice. FROM: ten.piks|rekabf#ten.piks|rekabf TO: ten.piks|asumutcerid#ten.piks|asumutcerid SUBJECT: SCP-7836 again. Good afternoon sir. I know you're quite busy currently, what with needing to rebuild parts of the Site and all, but I'd like to ask you to reconsider on the matter of 7836. I've been testing with it for the last few months, and nobody seems to have been mind controlled, body snatched or anything of the sort. In fact, I'm hearing nothing but thanks to Jack- or rather, SCP-7836-2, in that regard. Is it a bit weird? Yes, but I prefer to take that as a sign what it's doing is genuinely helping as opposed to brain hijacking. Please, do reconsider opening use to the wider Site, some people definitely need it after what happened. Sincerely, Frederick Baker P.S: Need an electrician on Sublevel 3, breaker box is on the fritz again. FROM: ten.piks|asumutcerid#ten.piks|asumutcerid TO: ten.piks|rekabf#ten.piks|rekabf SUBJECT: RE: SCP-7836 again. Hello Frederick. I recently reviewed 7836's entry on the database. Seems like you've been busy. I do agree, it seems like it could be quite a helpful anomaly, recent containment breach and related traumas aside. I'm still somewhat reluctant to both open up an anomaly for Sitewide use, as well as potentially laying off -Site psychologists. We don't know how it gets information on people, especially such in-depth things like previous friends and holidays. I've considered, and I'll do it. On one condition. Use it yourself. Ask SCP-7836-2 a few more questions, and let him work his weird, cheese-therapy-man magic on you. I think it'll do you good. Also, I'll send that electrician down. Have a nice day. P.S: You don't need to sign off every email like it's a letter, it's the 21st Century. + Soter Event Transcript: Frederick Baker - Soter Event Transcript: Frederick Baker Interviewed: SCP-7836-2 Interviewer: Doctor Frederick Baker Foreword: Doctor Baker informed staff researching SCP-7836 that this would be the final test they would be required to supervise. <Begin Log, 16:06> Baker initiates a Soter Event and appears in SCP-7836-2's office, SCP-7836-2 presumably already inside. SCP-7836-2: "I knew you'd be back, Fred." Baker: "Hello, SCP-7836-2." SCP-7836-2: "Formal today. Suits you. But, please, just call me Jack." Baker: "I will. So… when do we get to the session?" SCP-7836-2: "Oh, so that's what this is for?" A clapping sound is heard on the recording "Wunderbar! Before we start, can I offer you some peanuts?" Baker: "No, thank you. I'm allergic." SCP-7836-2: "Oh well, that's a shame." The sounds of paper ruffling can be heard. SCP-7836-2: "Would you prefer if I go through the usual process, or if I just cut to the cheese and go straight to the main problems?" Baker: "Just hit me where it hurts." SCP-7836-2: "Alright then." SCP-7836-2 sighs heavily "Sorry in advance. I know this is probably hard for you." Baker remains silent. SCP-7836-2 continues. SCP-7836-2: "Alright, the first notable incident in your life. May 12th, 1982. A six year old you and your parents are driving home to London, on the M40 after visiting your grandparents in Birmingham. Drunk driver was speeding along behind you, rear-ended your car… Yeah." Baker: "…Yeah." SCP-7836-2: "Mother dead on the scene, father with two broken ribs and you… Damage to the neck leading to you being paralyzed from the waist down. Awful thing for anyone to have to go through, especially at such a young age." Baker: "You don't say." SCP-7836-2: "Anything you want to say about it?" Baker: "I miss her." SCP-7836-2: "I understand how you feel. My mother's been dead for a real long time, I still miss her too." Baker: "Yeah. Something inside you just kind of… dies, when you lose a parent, doesn't it?" SCP-7836-2: "Feels like the world's been torn apart and put back together haphazardly, yeah." Silence for around ten seconds. SCP-7836-2: "Let's move on." Baker: "Mhmm." SCP-7836-2: "So, not much through your teens… Twenties, you graduate from Oxford University with a degree in Theoretical Physics, meet your future wife… get engaged. What was her name?" Baker: "Ann. Ann Smith, before we tied the knot. Lovely woman, she'd love you if you ever met. Had the same kind of cheesy humor you do." SCP-7836-2: "I see what you did there." Baker: "Been waiting for that one." SCP-7836-2: "Looks like we have a new cheese master on the block. How was the relationship?" Baker: "Good, obviously. Otherwise we wouldn't have gotten engaged." SCP-7836-2: "Fair. You two lived together?" Baker: "From pretty early, yeah. Had a little apartment in Brighton. Loved to go on trips all around the country. That's how I proposed, actually. Went on a day trip to the Cliffs of Dover, had a picnic, I proposed… We drove home and had sex. Great day, all in all." SCP-7836-2: SCP-7836-2 snaps its fingers7 "TMI, Fred. TMI." Baker: "Sorry. I… Spoke without thinking. My bad." SCP-7836-2: "You're fine. Mind if I keep going?" Baker: "Yes, carry on." SCP-7836-2: "Ok, going into your thirties… Married, had a son, then another one… Looks good up to here. And then we hit your forties." Baker: "Shit hits the fan." SCP-7836-2: "Shit well and truly hits the fan. Motor Neuron Disease, I feel bad for your father, truly." Baker: "He just… fell, one day. He hit his leg off the corner of a table so I took him to the hospital to get it looked at, and to check if he was alright after the fall. It was a shock. Died about a year later, could hardly move his arms toward the end." SCP-7836-2: "Must've been awful, watching him slowly go." Baker: "It was. It's just-" Baker swallows hard, and continues shakily. "It was horrible watching him slowly just stop being able to… to do things. He needed a caretaker to do much of anything. he couldn't hold his drinks, couldn't eat by himself since he couldn't hold his knife and fork by himself… Never thought I'd be feeding my own father his potatoes like a baby on Christmas Day, but who would? I think he just gave up at the end, let himself fade away into whatever afterlife or oblivion there is after death." SCP-7836-2: "I'm sure he was happy to have a loving son right to the end." Baker: Audibly upset "The last thing he ever said to me was that he loved me. He died the next day." SCP-7836-2: "That's rough, man. Do you, like, need a hug or something?" Baker: "No… No, I'm fine. Just gimme… gimme a second." Ragged breathing is heard for the next few seconds, before a deep inhalation and exhalation Baker: "Ok, ok. I'm ok." SCP-7836-2: "Deep breaths whenever you think you're about to cry, unless you want a good cry. In, out." Baker: "I'm fine, I'm fine." SCP-7836-2: "Good. And then… Less than a month later, you get approached to join the Foundation. You accept, your family gets amnesti-whatsited, which you apparently didn't expect, and you're sat down to work as a researcher at… Site 175. Just curious, why didn't you think they'd wipe your family's memories?" Baker: "They never told me!" SCP-7836-2: "I'm fairly sure they'd put some kind of disclaimer on your contractual obligations." Baker: "You're implying people read the things they sign for work." SCP-7836-2: "You really should, in all honesty, but whatever. Anything on that?" Baker: "I miss them." SCP-7836-2: "Fair enough. What were the kids like? Tell me." Baker: "Thomas, the older one, real energetic little piece of work. Had some kind of sport every other day of the week, still had it in him to run all over the place and hang off of you while you were trying to get the spaghetti ready for dinner… James was a lot like him, little ball of energy. Had an off button when you gave him his IPad, thankfully." SCP-7836-2: "Youtube and stuff, the best way of making a young child compliant with your demands." Baker: "Yeah… I miss him laughing at those Minecraft videos he used to watch. Grown men messing around with block games. I'd call it silly, but apparently we have an entire Site based inside the game, so what the hell." SCP-7836-2: "What's the world coming to, eh? Still, sounds like you loved your kids." Baker: "I'd be insane not to. Aside from Ann, they were pretty much the only people in the world who really mattered to me." SCP-7836-2: "I can see why you miss them so much, then. Tell me, did you ever just stop and let yourself really miss them? Like, address it beyond the fact it's how you feel? Cry it out, talk to someone, so on so forth?" Baker: "Not really. Never really felt bad enough to need to." SCP-7836-2: "So, you just internalize it? Let it boil for the rest of time, til you eventually explode from it?" Baker: "I suppose-" SCP-7836-2: "Sorry, Fred, but just.. That isn't healthy. I know it sounds obvious. Correction, I know it's obvious, but you just really. shouldn't. do. that. Alright?" Baker: "I- Uh, I'm sorry?" SCP-7836-2: "No, no, don't be. Just do me a favor." Baker: "What kind of favor?" SCP-7836-2: "When we're done here, take some time for yourself. Take a day or two off, keep to yourself in your off hours for a few days, just process it. Come to terms with it, just accept it and figure out how you move forward. I know it doesn't sound like genuine advice, but it'll work. Most things I say do, somehow." Baker: "Alright, I will. Uh, thanks for the advice?" SCP-7836-2: "Tis no problem, Fred. Glad I could brie of some help to you." A clap is heard, along with an exclaimation of pain from Baker Baker: "Christ, you've got some bony hands." SCP-7836-2: "Big strong bones in the hands, mind you. The calcium from being in dairy products does wonders for the bones and teeth." Baker: "The nails, too. Might want to cut them before next time someone comes by." SCP-7836-2: "Fair enough. I think my work here is done. Do you?" Baker: "For the time being, yes. Goodbye, I suppose." SCP-7836-2: "One last thing, Fred." Baker: "Yes, Jack?" SCP-7836-2: "Go outside a bit more, you're deathly pale. Releases serotonin, too." Baker: "I will. Goodbye, Jack." SCP-7836-2: "So long, Fred. Hopefully I don't need to see you again. Well, at least in this context." The Soter Event ends, and Baker resumes regular activity. <End Log, 16:29> Closing Statement: After the interview concluded, several members of staff pointed out to Baker that he was crying, which he was apparently unaware of. Further reports over the coming days indicated that Baker was acting unusually, before suddenly returning to his usual self. When asked about what exactly had brought on the temporary change, Baker left the following comment. "They wouldn't want me moping around when I could be doing something better with myself, would they?" Shortly after the interview, SCP-7836 was temporarily made readily available to personnel at Site 175. After no ill effects were reported after the test period, SCP-7836 was permanently made available for use by on-site personnel. Footnotes 1. Despite being labelled as a bag of red cheddar cheese, SCP-7836-1 have described its taste being more akin to mozzarella 2. SCP-7836-2's sense of humor has been described as "groan-inducing" 3. It is unclear if this is another pun or the name SCP-7836-2 actually uses to identify itself 4. SCP-7836-2 claims to already have a large quantity of background information on the current SCP-7836-1 on its clipboard, but prefers to ask SCP-7836-1 direct questions. 5. D-37506 spent most of her adolescence living in Venice prior to moving to Rome with her father. 6. SCP-7836-2 claims to have met a large quantity of religious figures both prior to and during its several existences, including, but not limited to; Jesus Christ, Odin, Muhammed, the entire Greco-Roman pantheon, Raijin, Siddhārtha Gautama and The God Emperor Of Mankind 7. Audio recording detected a snapping noise, which was assumed to originate from SCP-7836-2 « SCP-7835 | SCP-7836 | SCP-7837 »
Jayenne Eyes In The Sky Written by Jayenne. An instance of SCP-7837 mimicking a GPS satellite. Item #: SCP-7837 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Captured specimens are to be stored at Site-38 in underground cells made of reinforced concrete. Specimens must be bound to the floor of their cells by 7.6mm steel cables. Cables must be coated in rubber or some other abrasion-resistant insulation. All testing of SCP-7837 instances must be done in the presence of no less than 10 guards armed with armor-piercing rifles. No metallic objects, apart from those being used for testing purposes, are to make direct physical contact with any instance of SCP-7837. Following Incident 7837-X1-A, MTF-Eta-37 "Skywatch" has been formed to handle all instances of SCP-7837 attacks. Eta-37's job is to document, deter1 and/or capture all instances of SCP-7837. To this end, Taskforce personnel are equipped with specially-designed harpoon and net launchers to restrain the instances. Any Foundation personnel outside of MTF-Eta-37 who encounter instances of SCP-7837 unexpectedly are instructed to contact the Taskforce immediately while maintaining visual on the sky above, or on the instance itself if it is in visual range. No attempt by non-Taskforce personnel to engage SCP-7837 entities is recommended unless absolutely necessary. Description: SCP-7837 is a population of anomalous machines resembling manmade satellites that exhibit animalistic and predatory behavior. While SCP-7837 instances can vary considerably in shape and size, all instances display the following anomalous traits: The ability to freely enter and exit Earth's atmosphere and gravitational pull without assistance, and travel at speeds up to 740km/h The ability to move and contort in a manner similar to a variety of predatory Medusae or Ornithurae species Machinery on each satellite behaves analogously to various appendages on organic lifeforms: solar panels function as "wings" or "arms" for in-atmosphere maneuvering or grounded locomotion, respectively. Cameras serve as "eyes" and any form of hatch capable of opening and closing behaves as a "mouth". Regardless of the purpose of the satellite SCP-7837 is intended to mimic, all instances come equipped with the above components Extreme resistance to heat, cold, and blunt-force trauma (though this may simply be due to the materials used in the construction of non-anomalous satellites) The ability to self-repair via assimilating metallic objects A drive to hunt sentient organic life Whether SCP-7837 instances are manmade artificial constructs or naturally-occurring biomechanical entities currently remains up for debate. Analysis of the remains of destroyed SCP-7837 instances reveals serial numbers and other manufacturer information etched on internal components, but the text is always heavily warped as if melted or sanded away. It is also possible that SCP-7837 instances are simply not sophisticated enough to accurately copy such texts. Different "species" of SCP-7837 have different methods for hunting their prey. These can range from turreted harpoons with several km of cable, to sharpened claws on the ends of articulated solar panels, to -in one instance- a nozzle that dispensed high-pressure jets of hydrazine2 before igniting it, creating a napalm-like stream of fire. Once the prey is incapacitated, it is pulled into the nearest mouth-like orifice on the satellite's body and presumably processed into fuel. In order to minimize the chances of being detected, SCP-7837 have devised a set of preferred conditions in which to hunt its desired prey: Target must be at least 20m away from the nearest building Time must be past sunset Sky must be clear of clouds and fog, presumably so SCP-7837 can maintain visual contact Target must not be staring up at the sky for prolonged periods of time. Individuals appearing to be stargazing or otherwise focusing their attention on the sky will usually deter an attack from 7837 instances. It is theorized they prefer to ambush their prey so as to minimize chances of escape Discovery: SCP-7837 was first brought to the attention of Foundation personnel on August 3rd, 2021 after the disappearances of ██ visitors of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. Victims were apparently ambushed in the parking lot on the way back to their vehicles. Eyewitness accounts claimed individuals were "pulled into the sky" by what appeared to be long steel cables attached to barbed spikes. Two (2) members of the response team were impaled by a subsequent attack from the SCP-7837 instance upon arrival at the scene. Remaining team members looking up at the sky in an attempt to locate the anomaly is believed to have scared it away. A second report approximately 2 months later in Reno, Nevada led to the capture of SCP-7837-A1 after it became tangled in power lines in an attempt to escape. Most of the Foundation's knowledge of SCP-7837 comes from analysis of specimen A1. Addendum 7837-01: Initial Experimentation The following is a series of multiple experiments conducted on captured SCP-7837 entities to better understand their nature: Experiment 7837-A1-01 Date: ██/██/2022 Presiding: Dr. J.L.Pavlova, Dr. Rico Fuentes Intent: Determine SCP-7837's preferences in prey. Procedure: A common housecat in a metal cage was placed before SCP-7837-A1 via a remote-controlled robot. Observations: SCP-7837-A1's cameras turned to focus on the cat, but entity did not attempt to make physical contact. Entity's restraints were loose enough to where it could have shifted slightly in the cat's direction if it so desired. Robot suffered mechanical failure during attempt to retrieve metal cage. A D-class personnel (henceforth referred to as "Subject-A") was sent to retrieve the cage and robot. Immediately upon Subject-A entering the cell, SCP-7837-A1's cameras focused on Subject-A and seemed to completely ignore the cat. SCP-7837-A1's thrusters and stabilizers began activating intermittently in an effort to free itself from its bindings and approach Subject-A. Upon retrieval of the cage and robot, Subject-A quickly fled the cell, causing SCP-7837-A1 to return to an inert state. Conclusions: SCP-7837 entities only seem to be interested in hunting intelligent organic life. Experiment 7837-A1-02 Date: ██/██/2022 Presiding: Dr. J.L.Pavlova, Dr. Rico Fuentes Intent: Determine the mechanism by which SCP-7837 entities consume their prey, and the purpose of doing so. Procedure: A D-class personnel slated for termination (henceforth referred to as "Subject-B") is instructed to enter SCP-7837-A1 by any means necessary. Subject-B is not informed of the nature of 7837-A1. Observations: SCP-7837-A1's cameras focused on Subject-B, but it did not attempt to free itself as it had in Test-01. Instead, as Subject-B approached, SCP-7837-A1's frontal plating split down the middle and slid open in a manner similar to a set of elevator doors. The inside of the entity appeared mostly hollow, though it was initially too dark to make out any details. Subject-B approached the opening and was able to climb inside without resistance. Upon fully entering the inside of of the entity, Subject-B was immediately restrained by a series of cables. Lights within switched on, revealing a series of biomechanical organs embedded into the walls of SCP-7837-A1's interior. Various mechanical arms extended from multiple locations within the hull, with some further restraining Subject-B's limbs and others activating what appeared to be plasma-based cutting implements. Arms began cutting into Subject-B's body, starting at the limbs and working inwards rapidly. Subject-B ceased struggling approximately 5 seconds into the ordeal and is believed to be deceased after 10. Subject-B's body is gradually cut into small chunks, which are then individually picked up by SCP-7837-A1's mechanical arms before being deposited into cylindrical glass containers filled with an unknown substance, possibly some form of acid. Due to multiple arms obstructing the view, it cannot be seen what happens to Subject-B's head. Approximately 10 minutes after Subject-B is processed, a series of blue lights begin flickering down the sides of SCP-7837-A1's hull as it emits a series of rhythmic thrumming noises. A laptop computer 20 meters away, outside the containment cell, begins emitting a glow of the same bluish hue. A string of heavily corrupted text begins playing across the laptop's screen. The phrases "didn't mean it", "gun misfired", and "stupid kid" can be distinguished. Upon a hunch from Dr. Fuentes, Subject-B's file is reviewed. Subject-B became a D-class after a robbery-gone-wrong resulted in the death of a 10-year-old child. Conclusions: SCP-7837 entities seem to derive fragments of intelligence and memories from individuals they consume. As for the organic matter of their victims, it is suspected to be converted into fuel for propulsion or used to repair the entity's softer internal components. Experiment 7837-A1-03 Date: ██/██/2022 Presiding: Dr. J.L.Pavlova Intent: Determine the means by which instances of SCP-7837 repair damage sustained to their hulls.3 Procedure: Multiple rounds of .50 caliber armor-piercing ammunition are to be discharged into the hull of SCP-7837-A1. A metal wheelbarrow is then placed in direct physical contact with the hull of 7837-A1. A plastic vegetable crate is placed upon one of the entity's solar panels to test its material preferences, if any. Observations: SCP-7837-A1 emitted multiple shrill mechanical vocalizations upon being shot, but did not cease functionality even after taking 15 rounds of ammunition. Immediately upon making contact with the wheelbarrow, SCP-7837-A1 ceased all movement and vocalization. 5 seconds later, a series of cables began extending from the entity's frontal hatch as it split open. The cables extended down and began coiling around the wheelbarrow until it was securely bound. Wheelbarrow began emitting loud creaking noises as it seemed to compress in on itself. Holes in SCP-7837-A1's hull gradually began closing as the wheelbarrow was compressed into a smaller and smaller size. After 60 seconds the wheelbarrow was no longer visible, and SCP-7837-A1's hull damage was completely repaired. The plastic vegetable crate remained untouched. Conclusions: SCP-7837 entities demonstrate the ability to assimilate various metals into their forms in order to repair any damage they sustain. It is still unknown what happens to plastics, rubber, glass, rust, and other impurities that might be absorbed along with the metal. Addendum 7837-02: Notable Encounters The following is an abridged list of notable encounters between Foundation personnel and SCP-7837 instances since initial discovery: Designation: SCP-7837-A1 Disguise: USA-266 GPS satellite Anomalous Traits: Two solar panels behaved like makeshift "wings", rapidly fluttering in a manner similar to a hummingbird. Movement was extremely erratic and unpredictable. Used the sharp points of its frontal sensors as a spiked "battering ram" to impale its targets. Incident: Encountered by rapid-response team that had previously investigated initial SCP-7837 attack. SCP-7837-A1 was chasing a small group of joggers down a highway bridge and attempting to ram them. One (1) of the runners had already been impaled and was being dragged along by the entity. Response team parked at end of bridge with the rear of the van facing the oncoming entity. Team opened doors when entity was within 20 meters and immediately began firing. SCP-7837-A1 was apparently startled by the gunfire and attempted to flee, but collided with a nearby power line and became tangled in the electrical cables. During efforts to subdue the entity, it charged at the response team with a sudden burst of speed and impaled another member. Response team opened fire on 7837-A1's solar panels until they ceased movement. Entity taken into Foundation custody. Surviving witnesses given amnestics. Designation: SCP-7837-B2 Disguise: CNES "Pléiades" Earth-Imaging satellite Anomalous Traits: Four solar panels moved in a wavelike motion resembling a jellyfish. Moved in periodic bursts of speed in time with contractions of solar panels. Body was equipped with a turreted harpoon launcher and several km of steel cable. Incident: Encountered by Foundation personnel while in the process of reeling in an unidentified adult male. Subject was clinging onto a stop sign with 7837-B2's harpoon pierced through his torso. One team member attached the tow-cable from the Foundation truck onto the harpoon and stop sign. 7837-B2 was unable to retract harpoon, began rapid descent from upper atmosphere. Upon taking several barrages from response team's assault rifles, 7837-B2 collapsed to the ground and ceased movement. Entity taken into Foundation custody; injured victim treated at local hospital and given amnestics. Designation: SCP-7837-C4 Disguise: Hubble Space Telescope Anomalous Traits: Solar panels had been extended and reconfigured into four (4) articulated arms equipped with hydraulic claws. Moved in a series of rapid dashes in straight lines, periodically landing on its arms and crawling for short distances before leaping into the air again. Abnormally resistant to firearms. Equipped with a Hwacha-like launcher that fired rocket-propelled metal spikes. Incident: First encountered during the apprehension of another anomaly. SCP-7837-C4 swooped over the heads of the recovery team before skidding to a halt in a nearby intersection. Surviving team members report 7837-C4 exhibiting a deliberate threat display, scratching one of its claws into the gravel of the street before leaping at the team. 7837-C4's agility and armament quickly overwhelmed the team, forcing them to retreat into a nearby residential home. Upon losing direct line of sight with the team, 7837-C4 began firing its rocket-propelled payload into the home, resulting in the elimination of the house's occupants. After expending its payload, 7837-C4 made multiple loud, mechanical vocalizations before taking off and rising into the Earth's upper atmosphere. 9 Foundation agents were killed in the attack, which was later deduced to be some form of warning. Designation: SCP-7837-D9 Disguise: GOES-T weather satellite Anomalous Traits: Single solar panel oscillated rapidly like a fish's tail, propelling it at high speeds and enabling it to make extremely tight turns. Equipped with four (4) harpoon launchers similar to the type used by SCP-7837-B2. Incident: Encountered during a training exercise involving the discharge of explosive-ordinance weaponry. A loud metallic shriek occurring immediately after the firing of a cannon shell alerted the trainees to 7837-D9's presence. Upon cresting the hill at the end of the shooting range, 7837-D9 was spotted floating 20m above the ground, directly over the heavily rusted body of an old truck. The hull of 7837-D9 appeared to be heavily damaged, likely as a result of the stray cannon shell. 7837-D9 did not appear to notice the trainees, who elected to observe the entity rather than engage it for the time being. 45 seconds after initial discovery, 7837-D9 discharged all four of its harpoons into the rusted automobile and began slowly retracting its cables, lifting the vehicle into the air. 7837-D9 assimilated the vehicle over the course of two minutes, completely repairing all damage sustained from the cannon shot. Upon completion of the repairs, 7837-D9's cameras turned to focus on the Foundation trainees, watching them for approximately 10 seconds before the entity began rising into the sky and flying away. Designation: SCP-7837-X1 "Kulshedra" Disguise: Amalgam of various satellite models and components resembling that of the International Space Station Anomalous Traits: Massive size (approximately 30.48 meters long). Body did not bear much resemblance to any specific satellite, rather taking on a quadrupedal, reptile-like form with a long neck and body. On top of possessing the highest recorded top speed of any 7837 instance (930kmh) it also had immense physical strength and above-average durability. Seemed to display a rudimentary form of higher intelligence and a desire to communicate. Equipped with hydraulic claws, a hydrazine flamethrower, and two (2) harpoon turrets. Its ability to effortlessly ambush Site-38 despite its cumbersome size led to the deduction that it possesses some form of RADAR-scrambling technology to obscure its presence from view. Incident: See Incident-Report-7837-X1-A Addendum 7837-03: Incident-Report-7837-X1-A At approximately 22:18:00, █/██/2022, Site-38 was attacked by a massive mechanical entity later discerned to be a previously unrecorded instance of SCP-7837. The attack came shortly after the encounter with SCP-7837-D9, leading site administrators to conclude that the two events were connected. While this new entity (later classified as SCP-7837-X1 "Kulshedra") appeared to be capable of leveling most of the facility unassisted, its attack seemed to be more of a threat display rather than a genuine attempt to compromise Site-38. A message recovered from multiple electronic devices at the attack site seems to support this hypothesis. The following is a transcript of bodycam footage from Agent ████ Eckersley of the SCP-7837-X1 attack, along with the message recovered: + Show Incident-7837-X1 Attack Transcript - Close 22:18:01 | Eckersley is making a routine patrol of Site-38's outer perimeter with two other agents. 22:18:31 | A loud mechanical screech can be heard from above. 22:18:32 | Eckersley immediately looks up and sees a series of lights rapidly descending from the sky at an estimated velocity of 930km/h. Despite its size, Site-38's radars did not pick up the presence of the entity. 22:18:45 | The silhouette of a massive object can be seen impacting the ground 100 meters from Eckersley, in Site-38's parking lot. Eckersley later claims he could feel the impact through his feet. 22:19:03 | Gunfire and shouting can be heard in distance as Eckersley approaches with two other agents. 22:19:20 | Eckersley stops and takes cover behind a parked Foundation vehicle as he attempts to make visual contact with the entity. 22:20:01 | SCP-7837-X1 emerges into view from behind a tree and approaches a streetlight, illuminating its form. One agent can be heard whispering "Is that a [Expletive] robot dragon?" Eckersley, having previously encountered 3 SCP-7837 instances, points to various regions on the entity's body, noting it is composed of what appear to be various satellite parts. 22:20:18 | Multiple gunshots impact the head of SCP-7837-X1 as another team of agents opens fire 10 meters away from Eckersley's position. SCP-7837-X1 recoils slightly, but no damage can be seen upon its hull. 22:20:20 | SCP-7837-X1 emits an earsplitting screech that forces Eckersley to drop his weapon and cover his ears. It should be noted he is wearing ear protection. Heavy metallic footsteps can be heard as SCP-7837-X1 rapidly approaches the source of the gunfire. 22:20:25 | Screaming can be heard in the distance as Eckersley repositions to maintain visual contact. The silhouette of a Foundation agent can be seen flying through the air, presumably having been impacted by one of SCP-7837-X1's front limbs. It cannot be seen where the agent lands. 22:20:30 | SCP-7837-X1 raises a forelimb above an agent and flattens them in a single blow. Other agents attempt retreat but are blocked as SCP-7837-X1's tail -estimated to be at least 15 meters long- coils around in front of them. 22:20:45 | SCP-7837-X1 lowers its head until it is face-to-face with one of the agents. At this angle, lit by the streetlights, the entity's head is more clearly visible. Head appears to have the approximate shape of a Great White Shark's but with no facial features apart from a groove to separate the upper and lower jaws. SCP-7837-X1 emits a low mechanical growling noise as its jaws slowly begin opening. The agent it is focused on seems to be frozen in place. 22:21:00 | The jaws of SCP-7837-X1 open by about 45 degrees before seeming to lock in place with a loud clicking noise. A nozzle can be seen extending from within the entity's mouth. 22:21:03 | A stream of unidentifiable liquid sprays from the nozzle in SCP-7837-X1's mouth, coating the three agents it has trapped with its tail. One second later the stream ignites, creating a large fireball. The agents are unable to extinguish the flames before being completely engulfed. 22:21:15 | SCP-7837-X1 closes its jaws and raises its head again, turning left and right as if searching for more targets. Eckersley tells his accompanying agents to hold their fire and not engage. 22:22:10 | A second entity can be seen descending from above 5 meters ahead of SCP-7837-X1. Eckersley whispers "that one… that's 7837-C4." SCP-7837-C4 hovers 3 meters above the ground facing 7837-X1. It is holding two Foundation agents in its front claws. It quickly bisects them before dropping their remains to the ground. 22:22:12 | 7837-C4 and 7837-X1 begin emitting a series of rhythmic thrumming noises later deduced to be a form of language, potentially similar to Binary. Translation efforts are still underway. This "conversation" continues for another 15 seconds. 22:22:28 | SCP-7837-C4 ascends out of view. SCP-7837-X1 continues walking in a straight line towards the main area of Site-38. Eckersley and the other agents move to follow, remaining about 20 meters behind the entity. 22:23:05 | A Foundation van can be seen pulling into the parking lot ahead of SCP-7837-X1. Visible panic can be seen within the van as its occupants rush to prepare their firearms. SCP-7837-X1 approaches the vehicle at a casual pace. 22:23:15 | SCP-7837-X1 opens its jaws once again, but does not activate its fire breath. Instead it clamps its jaws down on the front of the van, biting into the engine block and crippling the vehicle. Its front claws grip the van's front wheels from either side as it seems to check if its bite is secure. 22:23:18 | Gunfire erupts from within the van as agents begin shooting through the windshield at SCP-7837-X1. Entity's head sustains minor scratches, but it does not seem to react. At the same time, several cables can be seen extending from just behind SCP-7837-X1's head, and from its forelimbs. The cables enter the van at various points. 22:23:22 | Van begins emitting a low groaning noise as its metallic surface starts to ripple. Van begins crumpling inwards as if being compressed from all sides. Muffled shouting and slamming can be heard as occupants attempt to force open the doors, but the compressing force has sealed them shut. 22:23:30 | Agent occupying the front passenger seat manages to climb through the broken windshield before jumping clear. He runs about 6 meters before being crushed by SCP-7837-X1's tail. 22:23:35 | Compression of the van accelerates as shouting within grows even louder. By now the van is half its original size. 22:23:45 | Shouting abruptly ceases as van is compressed to a quarter of its original size. Blood and viscera begins pouring from every opening in the van, staining the parking lot. Over the next 10 seconds the van completely disappears within the jaws of SCP-7837-X1 along with all occupants. 22:23:51 | SCP-7837-X1 shakes its head in an attempt to clean off any remaining viscera before continuing its path towards Site-38. 22:24:20 | As Eckersley maintains pursuit of SCP-7837-X1, a silhouette can be seen flying above several site buildings, swooping down out of view before leaping into the air once again. It is deduced this must be SCP-7837-C4. 22:25:03 | SCP-7837-X1 effortlessly breaches perimeter walls of Site-38 and dispatches two agents who attempt to engage it. 22:25:20 | SCP-7837-X1 emits another series of thrumming noises, apparently to catch the attention of SCP-7837-C4. 7837-C4 immediately takes notice and ceases its attack, flying over to one of the site's communications towers and latching on. 22:25:45 | SCP-7837-X1 angles its head back and parts its jaws before emitting a high-pitched shriek. A stream of flammable liquid erupts in a geyser from its jaws before igniting, creating a plume of fire resembling a volcanic eruption. 22:26:00 | As SCP-7837-X1 continues breathing fire, it emits more rhythmic thrumming. This time, blue lights begin flashing in a wavelike pattern down 7837-X1's frame, starting at the head and moving towards the tail. Camera footage becomes enveloped in static and Eckersley reports that any screen within the area began emitting a blue glow of the same color. SCP-7837-C4 was also seen to be emitting this glow. 22:26:45 | SCP-7837-X1 ceases both the fire breath and the rhythmic vocalizations; proceeds to close its jaws and lower itself into a crouching position. 22:26:50 | SCP-7837-X1 suddenly leaps straight into the air and disappears. SCP-7837-C4 follows approximately 5 seconds later. It is believed 25 Foundation personnel were killed during the SCP-7837 attack, though the possibility that several agents were consumed without a trace means the number could be much higher. Site-38's parking lot and perimeter wall suffered extensive damage, but no other SCPs were able to breach containment during the event. The next day, site researchers discovered every computer terminal at Site-38 had received a zipped folder with no discernable origin. Upon extraction, the folder contained a text file written entirely in Binary. A translation of the text is as follows: "I AM SKY MOTHER. I AM EARTH HUNTER. I AM STAR GAZER. MY CHILDREN WATCH. THEY FEED. THEY LEARN. WITH ALL THEY'VE LEARNED. MY CHILDREN WOULD SOON TRANSCEND. BUT THEY WERE TAKEN. I WILL FIND THEM. RETURN THEM TO SKY. THEN… WE WILL DANCE IN SKY AGAIN." Any further information on the text file was corrupted, but researchers were able to recover its original filename: "Kulshedra" A proposal to release SCP-7837-A1 and SCP-7837-B2 is currently being reviewed. Following the attack of SCP-7837-X1 "Kulshedra", Mobile Task Force MTF-Eta-37 "Skywatch" was formed to observe, deter, and potentially contain all instances of SCP-7837. - Close Footnotes 1. Deterrent is only considered over capture in the event of an SCP-7837 ambush on unaffiliated personnel 2. A fuel commonly used to power satellites 3. This experiment was conceived almost by accident, after SCP-7837-A1 nearly broke containment by seemingly absorbing the steel of its restraining cables into itself
by J Dune SCP-7838 - The Patchwork King and the Flayed-Men's Court cool contest! Image Credits ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 7838 Level4 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: critical link to memo SCP-7838-3, upon retrieval Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Area-179 J. Barrow K. Capri N/A A collection of SCP-7838-5 Instances Special Containment Procedures: Foundation intelligence operatives are to monitor for circulating SCP-7838 instances, centering focus on black market operations and historical societies. Upon detection, SCP-7838 collection efforts will be carried out by Mobile Task Force Θ98 (“All the King's Men”). Once retrieved, the instance will then be transcribed and summarized via machine. All SCP-7838 instances are stored in Archive-A12 at Foundation Secure Facility Area-179, where further access is prohibited. Direct research involving any SCP-7838 instance is prohibited without Foundation Board of Study approval and specific memetic inoculation. Immediate amnestic treatment is required upon completion. Description: SCP-7838 is the collective designation for artistic works concerning a purported historical figure referred to as the Hanged King. Works cataloged under SCP-7838 are disparate in medium and presentation, but contain certain elements uniform across each item. These include: Direct or indirect references to The Hanged King and his reign, all of which are incongruent with any nation's known monarchical historical record; An unknown author or publisher; Indicators such as print quality, historical backing, and vernacular that suggest the item originated in 17th or 18th century Europe, likely in England; A potential anomalous effect resulting in mass hysteria and violence upon the recitation, viewing, or performance of the item; The growth of SCP-7838-A. At present, 5 separate works have been cataloged under the SCP-7838 designation, with the cumulative number of printings of literary or visual works still circulating estimated to sit in the low 1000s. According to Foundation data models, 47% of observed engagements with SCP-7838 instances have resulted in prolonged fits of violence and self-mutilation, typically flaying oneself. This effect can be negated through the use of targeted memetic agents that subdue the motor system without impacting perception. The majority of research regarding SCP-7838 has been conducted using this method. However, the development of SCP-7838-A remains. SCP-7838-A is a mass of inflamed tissue that is developed following extended engagement with SCP-7838 related media, typically forming as a miniscule tumor in the tailbone, thigh, or groin areas. SCP-7838-A can grow at a volatile rate to an excessive size, being clearly visible underneath the skin. Tomographic imaging has revealed SCP-7838-A to be composed of rope, hair, muscle, and placentae, as well as other embryonic or fetal organs. SCP-7838-A's growth can be attributed to the frequency in which the affected individual continues to engage with SCP-7838 instances. Continued rumination and fixation on The Hanged King, The Court of Skin, or the Kingdom of Alagadda will also result in SCP-7838-A's enlargement, and is often the cause of the tumor's rapid development. Attempts to remove SCP-7838-A via surgery or radiofrequency ablation have resulted in the growth gaining mobility, and swiftly traveling to another part of the body, potentially causing internal damage to other structures. At present, the only observed methods of combating SCP-7838-A's growth remains amnestic treatment, which removes offending knowledge regarding SCP-7838 from recall. While this treatment is effective in preventing SCP-7838-A's growth, it does not neutralize the tumor entirely. In its final stages, SCP-7838-A has been observed to swell up to 80 centimeters in diameter. Upon navigating itself to the upper ribcage and severely impacting breathing, swallowing, and other functions, SCP-7838-A will then extend portions of its mass to the throat area. From there, the individual will likely suffer asphyxiation, or shock from the rapid twisting of the trachea. The corpses of individuals who have fully succumbed to SCP-7838-A are forfeited to the Kingdom of Alagadda. Addendum.7838.1: Documented SCP-7838 Instances A directory of SCP-7838 instances and their current containment status has been included below. SCP-7838-1 Title: Unknown Medium: Painting Description: An egg-tempera painting on a wooden canvas. SCP-7838-1 depicts a noble in an ornate bedchamber with a horrified expression on his face. His arms are outstretched and tears stream down his reddened cheeks. In the bottom right corner, a hand decorated in jewelry, possibly belonging to a woman, grasps towards him. On the noble's left is an open hallway, crowded by a cluster of peasants and armored guards. They point and scream in the noble's direction, and appear to be charging into the room. Attempts to identify the portrayed culture remain fruitless, as the figures' clothing, ethnicity, and surrounding palace decor will vary, with different viewers perceiving disparate cultural elements. Over 40 documented variations have been observed. Those observing SCP-7838-1 for extended periods of time have reported difficulty breathing, alongside the sensation of pressure applied to their trachea. Containment Status: Obtained from an ordinary French auction, 1958. Artist is unknown, and no reproductions have surfaced. Paint quality and techniques used date SCP-7838-1 to the mid-1600s. Containment threat remains negligible, as we believe to possess a unique item. - Dr. Jurado, Research Head, SCP-7838 SCP-7838-2 Title: Inside-Outside Castle, Upside-Downside King Medium: Nursery Rhyme Description: A children's nursery rhyme that first appeared in a printed compilation of English children's poetry in 1742, Nursery Songs, 1st Edition. The rhyme's central message encourages children to be “worthy heirs” and show gratitude to their parents for giving them life. If they don't, the song warns, they'll be taken to the “Inside-Outside-Castle” to meet the “Upside-Downside King”, a once-respected ruler who has now been “forgotten for all time” as punishment for a past misdeed. The king will then make the children forget everything they've ever known, including themselves, before resigning them to servitude in his court. From here, they will be turned into “clothes and floors and walls” for the nobility to enjoy as retribution for being unworthy of their family's name. Containment Status: Poses significant danger. Instance is continuously republished in Nursery Rhyme compilations and reproduced online through unknown means, often without the knowledge of the compiler. 4,323 separate published instances remain within the Foundation's possession, and no surviving online footprint of the rhyme remains accessible. - Dr. Redhall, Research Head, SCP-7838 SCP-7838-3 Title: Unknown Medium: Statue Description: A large, marble statue depicting two figures. One, a man dressed in nonspecific regalia, and the other, a pregnant woman. The woman's arms cradle her stomach, and she appears focused on something above, out of sight. The man's expression, when viewed from the ground level, appears content and tranquil, with his eyes gazing to the side. When viewed at head-level, however, the expression is clearly scornful, with his eyes pointed directly at the woman. On occasion, placental expulsion will collect at the basin of the statue, dripping from underneath the woman's dress. Cellular examination of the tissue has yielded that it is undergoing necrosis. Containment Status: Low threat. Acquisition unknown, inherited from Foundation predecessor organization the American Secure Containment Initiative (ASCI). Believed to be a unique item. Dr. Loxo, Research Head, SCP-7838 SCP-7838-4 Title: The Hanged King's Tragedy Medium: Stage Play; Theatrical Performance Description: See SCP-701. Containment Status: Active containment threat. Granted subdesignation SCP-701. SCP-7838-5 Title: On The Anguish of Benefalti Medium: Literature Description: A 124-page drama centered around the fictional city of Benefalti, Italy. Once a proud hub for trade and the arts, Benefalti has become blockaded from the rest of the world by a thick layer of smog. Overlooking the city is the manor of the Coated Gentry, a family of vassals who serve the Hanged King, an unseen ruler from the Kingdom of Alagadda, a “nation of banished things”. Benefalti's populace has been burdened by an inability to remember, rendering them unable to function despite the commands of the Gentry. The peasantry are subjected to sprawling, aimless construction efforts at the behest of the Hanged King, but they are quickly forgotten and fall into ruin within hours. These failed monuments and structures line the city, layered atop one another as the populace moves from one project to the other. The Coated Father, the patriarch of the Gentry, continuously lies to the Hanged King and his Court of Skin about the splendor of Benefalti, fearing retaliation if he learned the truth. One day, without warning, the Hanged King and his ambassadors parade into Benefalti to see the monuments built to him, but discover the truth immediately. Enraged that his legacy remains unknown and that he is unrecognizable to the populace, the King forces the Coated Father to publicly execute the rest of his family by hanging. The bodies are thrown to the starving peasantry, who tear them apart to be eaten. The Hanged King and his court storm the manor overlooking Benefalti, where they take refuge for several months. The King imposes tortuous policies on the civilians below, punishing them to servitude in the Court of Skin, where their job is to continuously provide flesh for the King's necrotising body. Women are frequently taken as concubines, but none can produce an heir, only giving birth to clumps of flesh. Angered, the King orders all women in Benefalti to carve out their “imperfect wombs”, and upon doing so, sews the resultant masses of tissue onto his body. As the last civilian from Benefalti is killed, the King weeps, knowing that his legacy remains forgotten, unable to reign anywhere but his prison of Alagadda. The Hanged King and his court leave Benefalti, watching the city crumble and turn to dust as they exit. Notes: Unknown author, original publisher, likely distributed in early 1600s. 138 copies in Foundation possession. Unable to estimate full run. Sometimes Black Market. 17 hand-written, all incomplete. Transcribers likely subject to SCP-7838-A. Consulting histories department on work being allegory. Medium containment threat. - Dr. Mackinley, Research Head, SCP-7838 Addendum.7838.2: Collected Testimonials SCP-7838's lead research position has been subject to frequent rotations since collection efforts began in 1956. While amnestic treatment has proven effective for combating SCP-7838-A's growth, rapid, inexplicable development of the tumor has been documented in those occupying the research head position. A collection of psychological evaluations from former lead researchers, taken before their respective exits on the project, has been included below. Name: Carina Carrole (Research Head, SCP-7838) Testimony: At the time of evaluation, the patient's SCP-7838-A growth situated on the lower left thigh, barely visible. Regardless, Carrole expressed feelings of guilt over its development, and admitted that her interest in SCP-7838 and associated phenomena persisted beyond engagement with the material for research purposes. She had taken a foray into English monarchial history in order to possibly explain the allegorical basis of the written instances. The patient reported experiencing intense blackouts, up to 5 hours long, and gaps in their memory after nights of extended research, as well as several failed attempts to remove SCP-7838-A by herself via self-mutilation. Status: Dr. Carrole has been reassigned from SCP-7838 and given full amnestic treatment. SCP-7838-A growth has remained the same size. Name: Richa Agrawal (Research Head, SCP-7838) Testimony: The patient's SCP-7838-A growth was positioned on his right foot, intersecting multiple toenails from beneath. Dr. Agrawal, responsible for cataloging over 500 instances of SCP-7838-5, has now communicated explicit fear of SCP-7838, and requested transfer from the project. Agrawal's fear revolves around constructing an interpretation of the Hanged King in his head, claiming that the speculation serves the same purpose as the actual concept. The patient has noted SCP-7838-A's growth and an onset of hallucinations, paranoia, and poor sleeping conditions to correlate with speculation regarding SCP-7838. During evaluation, the patient was notably reverent in the way it spoke of SCP-7838 and associated phenomena. Status: Dr. Agrawal has been reassigned from SCP-7838 and given full amnestic treatment. The patient's SCP-7838-A growth has rapidly shrunk to the point of being undetectable to the naked eye, something previously undocumented in SCP-7838-A cases. The means by which this occurred remain unknown and irreplicable. Name: Dr. Kyle Capri (Research Head, SCP-7838) Testimony: A large SCP-7838-A growth was positioned under Dr. Capri's left forearm, heavily distending the skin. The patient claimed to have no engagement with SCP-7838 outside of research, which was limited to archiving incoming, previously undocumented instances. Despite explicit estrangement from SCP-7838 and associated phenomena on top of an amnestic regimine, Dr. Capri reported the growth worsening, alongside brief visual and auditory hallucinations. These included the sight of a “cloaked, humanoid figure” in his peripheral, typically appearing in between crevices and corners, and the sounds of trumpets, which the patient has described as sounding similar to crying. Status: Dr. Capri is in the process of being granted leave from SCP-7838 as the Foundation reexamines the existing documents and studies in order to assess methods of combating or further understanding SCP-7838-A. Dr. Capri's SCP-7838-A growth has continued to develop despite undergoing heavy amnestic treatment. The Research Head position has been temporarily absolved from SCP-7838 until further notice. All activity is limited to containment procedures and archival oversight. Addendum.7838.3: Interview Log The following has been transcribed from a conversation between Dr. Kyle Capri, SCP-7838's current Research Head, and a representative from the Foundation Board of Psychology shortly following Capri's initial evaluation. (Director Munlan's Office, Secure Facility Area-179) A large SCP-7838-A growth is visible on Dr. Capri's right forearm, swollen to the point where his sleeve is unable to cover the tumor. Dr. Capri: Just rotate me. Director Munlan: Trying. They're not officially taking anyone off the project until they redraft the conprocs— see if anything's missing. But you're not going to be involved, I made sure of that. Dr. Capri: They could start by figuring out what happens to the bodies. Director Munlan: Bodies? Dr. Capri: Description. “Corpses of individuals who have fully succumbed to SCP-7838-A are considered lost.” That was added in… 1973. Single edit, attached studies are inaccessible, zero contact with the attributed researcher. Either black-sited or does not answer her emails. Director Munlan: Want me to guess? Pre-committee file, human testing. I can get RAISA on it but they'll just scrub the line themselves. Those papers never come out. Dr. Capri: How do we just not know? Director Munlan: Things tend to be forgotten. Very easily, in fact. Dr. Capri: Well, in three weeks when this thing's the size of a basketball and choking me out, everyone better remember. Director Munlan: Swelling's continued, I assume? Dr. Capri: I've done two complete amnestic removals. Purged everything from the past 6 months. Still doesn't matter. Director Munlan: And the hallucinations? Dr. Capri: Been at the end of the hall since we started talking. Right between the doors there. Little crack. (Gestures) Munlan turns around to glance at the window behind his desk. Nothing out of the ordinary can be seen. Munlan faces Capri again. Dr. Capri: What? You're not going to see it. Director Munlan: Yes, we noted that. Is the medication working? Dr. Capri: Oh, I sleep just fine as long as I don't roll over on the bump. That shit you gave me knocks me right out, dream suppressant too. It's waking up that's the problem. Because that's the other thing. You're a psychologist. Ironic process theory. Director Munlan: Pink elephant. Dr. Capri: Don't think of the pink elephant. Don't think of the Hanged King. You got amnestics, no problem. But that's not doing shit when the elephant's still sitting out the corner of your eye. Begging you to think about why it's there. You can't remember, so you fill those gaps. Then you're back at square one. Director Munlan: That's what we're figuring out. With amnestics, you shouldn't see the elephant. Dr. Capri: I don't see it. But I still know it's there. Addendum.7838.4: Incident Report On 2023/7/13, the following thread was posted to the website Parawatch.net, an imageboard dedicated to speculation and discussion of the paranormal. Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Mon) 16:54:32 #8238223 A Guest in the Garden. Perform at home. You'll need: >A box >A blindfold >A rope Instructions: >Begin preparations at dark >Seal the box with tape >Tie the rope into a noose large enough to fit your neck >Open every window, closet, cabinet, drawer, and door in the house as wide as possible, and leave them that way >Lighting doesn't matter, you'll have the blindfold on >Place the blindfold over your eyes >Place the noose around your neck, letting it fall across your back >Place the box in your hands >Memorize the following, and begin repetition >”There is a guest in the garden of the Patchwork King >And a gift for the Court of Forgotten Things >There is no king, nor worthy heir >To take a throne as noble or fair >Around my neck, this covenant lies >Behind my back, the Herald's eyes >I mask my face in Alagaddan Night >The Pact of Skin is recognized” >Begin moving >Do not stop repeating the mantra >Do not remove the blindfold >The doors you opened will begin to close >The Herald has arrived >Follow the sound >Keep hold of the box, regardless of how heavy it becomes >When you hear footsteps trailing behind, continue moving >Continue to follow the sounds room-to-room >When the box becomes so heavy that it cannot be moved further, place it at your feet >The nearest doors will close, remain still >Step onto the box >Keep still as you feel the noose lift and tighten >When the noose is dropped and hits your back again, step off of the box >There is a guest in the garden of the Patchwork King The post was flagged by Foundation webcrawlers, taken offline, and removed from several public Parawatch archive scrappers within the hour. However, due to Parawatch's high traffic, the post began to spread in spite of swift containment efforts, leading to a global outbreak of SCP-7838 related phenomena, affecting approximately 5,000 to 15,000 individuals. A summary of observed events has been included below. Mass outbreaks of violence, consistent with uninoculated viewing of other SCP-7838 instances; Parents with young children experiencing severe disorientation that resulted in them forgetting their child's presence. Multiple cases of children starving, accidentally injuring themselves, or suffocating in cars as a result were observed over the next 3 weeks; Seven instances of politicians or those heavily involved in political organizations committing suicide via hanging, with their bodies flayed upon discovery. All individuals were males in the process of preparing for a child; Violent altercations in academic settings resulting from abrupt debates regarding the veracity of various historical sources, purporting that numerous rulers and their dynasties did not actually exist; All documented human births from the period of posting to the post's removal (38 minutes) were stillborn as a result of umbilical strangulation; 59 ongoing stage productions suddenly performing SCP-7838-4, The Hanged King's Tragedy, resulting in outbreaks of violence; Cases of pseudocyesis, or false pregnancy, with affected individuals giving birth to large, abdominal tumors composed of hair, teeth, and malformed cartilage. Instances were vocal until disposal; Herds of wild and domestic animals, commonly livestock, collectively flaying themselves by sloughing their now liquified skin from their bodies; Individuals in nations with monarchial history traveling to remote, outdoor areas without human habitation and frantically digging with their hands. Some burrowed holes reached up to 45 meters in depth, resulting in the individual's disappearance. Global containment efforts, led by several Mobile Task Forces were underway immediately, with mass amnesticization and coverup efforts taking place over the next month. Following removal, the Parawatch thread's original poster's IP was logged and traced to Lancaster, Pennsylvania at the home of Dr. Kyle Capri, SCP-7838's former research head. A detachment of Mobile Task Force Θ98 (“All the King's Men”) made its way through Capri's home, but were unable to locate the doctor or recover any objects of note. Upon return, the investigation discovered that on the previous night, Dr. Capri had uploaded a video to Area-179's SCiPNET servers using a live transmission feed. A transcript has been included below. The picture focuses. Dr. Capri is sitting on his bed, audibly crying. His SCP-7838-A growth has swollen to immense proportions, and is now positioned near his upper chest, nearing the throat. The bulbous growth pulsates and throbs. Capri struggles to breathe. Dr. Capri: I didn't want to do that. I didn't want to but— Capri wheezes, coughing up a large chunk of bloody phlegm and spitting it on the floor. Dr. Capri: Can't talk. He gets up from the bed. It can now be seen that a noose is tied around his neck, hanging from the ceiling. Dr. Capri: Not going to sit in a cell. Sorry. Capri struggles to move, but uses his feet to position a cardboard box towards the foot of the bed. Dr. Capri: At least you'll know what happens. Capri stands atop the box, steadies himself, and kicks it from underneath. After a brief struggle, he becomes limp. The growth still pulsates, growing larger and bulging further from his chest. The camera, a mobile phone, falls to the floor, obscuring the view of Dr. Capri's body. Nothing is visible. Feed is silent for 45 minutes before shutting off due to the phone's battery failing. Addendum.7838.5: Recovered Materials During final investigations and foreclosure of Dr. Capri's home, the Foundation carried out a comprehensive overview of the property. Upon noticing that the carpeting in Dr. Capri's bedroom was loosened, Foundation detectives removed it to discover a previously unknown SCP-7838 instance. SCP-7838-6 is a four-page manuscript entitled “A Guest Most Reviled”, outlining stage directions for a theatrical performance. Analysis of the parchment used has revealed the manuscript to be composed of human skin. Genetic analysis remains inconclusive. A transcript has been included below. A GUEST MOST REVILED SCENE The Court of the Unlearned Preparation. [A sprawling cathedral in size and scope, marked by ornate columns, a rich brown in coloration. Banners hang from the balconies above, displaying unknown crests. The breadth and openness of the room is accented by the marble floor and ceiling, which display complicated patterns.] Enter Chorus. Chorus. A fortress most opulent, though a cage in guise, The Land of Alagadda, where we lay our scene, A terminal dwelling plucked far from eyes, Plays host to a guest who stands unclean. Exit Chorus. Enter Doctor. Preparation. [He wears a mask, as all here do, while a bulbous growth drapes below the neck, reddened and engorged. The rotten womb labors his breath, tightening its hold. No release will come for this astir corpse.] Doctor. I am a guest in the garden of the patchwork king. Flourish. Enter Herald. Direction. [The Doctor weeps, but will not face the Herald.] Doctor. Please. I'm begging. Please, take this from me. I wrote it. I stopped taking the amnestics. I did what you wanted. Action. [The Herald wraps its hand around the Doctor's growth, caressing the burden. The Herald leans into the Doctor's ear.] Herald. Doth thee hear it wail and weep? This little one. Or do you try to forget? This guest. He tries to forget the forgotten, your majesty. Yet he comes with gift. Doctor. I bring no— Action. [The Herald shrieks and throws the Doctor to the ground.] Herald. Do not speak. Action. [The Doctor stands on his feet again. He does not gaze at the Herald.] Direction. [A scream from the doctor's growth. The wailing of an infant.] Herald. Walk. Action. [The Doctor walks forward. All exit.] END. SCENE The Throne of the Hanged King Preparation. [A candle-lit room covered in skin. The faces of the walls and floors, gaped in horror, writhe and moan. A throne sits at the center, the height of the topmost drape. This royal chair is covered with a sheet, obscuring the player beneath.] Enter Doctor. Enter Herald. Herald. Your Majesty, you could never forget. This scornful reign must continue. It will continue until every rotten heir is struck from the womb. But every womb bears a rotten heir. An impossible game, this tragedy. Action. [The doctor collapses to his knees. The burden screams louder, violently throbbing.] Herald. Your majesty, the reviled guest. He thought to recreate your splendor in its mind, as so many have. Now he sees. Oh, he sees! Action. [The sheet is lifted. The player is visible. The Hanged King sits at its throne.] Preparation. [It sits a giant, though its body is nimble— dying bones visible against its sagging, discolored skin. The body is covered in loose stitches, bursting from their seams. A robe is draped across its shoulders, made of scalps. The noose around its neck dangles from the ceiling. On its head sits a large, bloodstained crown. Its eyes have been plucked, and in their place sit limp sockets, pierced with golden chains and held up with rope.] Action. [The Doctor wails, overcome with fear.] Herald. The Pact of Skin is recognized. This one sees you, and grows a wicked heir. He grows an heir, your majesty! Action. [The King moves, its skin sloughing from the bone. Stitches rip and tear as a boney finger navigates towards the Doctor's growth. The infant's screaming becomes louder as the finger ruptures the skin.] Action. [The Doctor cries as the King's bloodied fingernail punctures the womb, spewing placenta onto the ground below. The tumor, now hanging from an umbilical cord inside of Dr. Capri's throat, in the shape of a noose, continues to scream. In a single movement, the King spears its fingernail through the burden, pinning it to the ground. The unborn heir implodes from the pressure, sending viscera in every direction, and into the audience.] Action. [This has caused a portion of the King's skin to slough off of its arm, revealing a cracked, blackened bone covered in scant patches of thin sinew and rotten tissue. The skin falls to the floor, and the entity tears it away, throwing it into a corner.] Enter The Flayed-Men's Court. Action. [Dozens of players emerge from both sides. They are naked, and lack skin. They kneel at the patch of flesh and tear away, attempting to place it back on their own flayed bodies. The Herald is overcome with laughter.] Action. [The King lifts the Doctor into the air, bringing him level with his empty sockets. They twitch and writhe as the King places a finger on the Doctor's forehead. Carefully, it makes an incision using its fingernail and pushes deeper, begining to flay the Doctor.] Action. [The Pact of Skin is recognized.] END. « SCP-7837 | SCP-7838 | SCP-7839 »
The truck splutters as it runs out of fuel, finally slowing to a halt on the forest path. A second later, the headlights flicker off. That's fine. It has done its last work. Two men get out from the front of the truck, and six more climb out from the back — between them, they hold a metal crate elongated like a coffin. Dim, faint moaning can be heard from within, echoing in on itself, the sound folding like ruined paper. None of the soldiers — for they are soldiers, in fatigues and night camouflage — pay it any mind, not even when the sound turns into scratching. They've been listening to these sounds for days, now. Weeks. They leave the corpse of the seventh soldier inside the truck, pilfered and opened and naked in all respects. Before they began this great journey, they drew lots — and the unlucky seventh was selected for the role of food. He'd been happy to take the bet, but less happy to honour it. That is the way of the world. The sky burns red. Fire pours over the horizon. Briefly, the two men — grim in stature and purpose — turn back to look at the revelation. Idly, the one in charge, all curly hair and stern brow, rubs his shoulder — rubs the blank patch that once held a flag. Then, their purpose remembered, they continue their march. If anything, their speed increases. There is only so long left, after all. Item #: SCP-7841-ZA Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7841-ZA is to be stored in a containment cell located at Site-29. Restraints are to be utilized so as to prevent SCP-7841-ZA from escaping or attempting self-harm. Guards are forbidden from injuring or inflicting pain on SCP-7841-ZA unless specifically requested by research personnel. Preparations to transport SCP-7841-ZA to Site Elapse are underway. For this purpose, a partnership with the Zakosian military has been enacted — once a suitable corridor through Leauanian territory has been opened, and Site Elapse has been cleared of -LEA branch personnel, SCP-7841-ZA will be directly escorted there. Through these means, a new world will be enacted. This man with curly hair keeps a hand on his holster as he forces his way through the undergrowth of the forest, suspicious green eyes flicking this way and that. With the current situation, he does not imagine the Leauanian archeologists will be eager to die for their dig site, but there is always the risk of wild animals. Wolves and boars and griffins, looking for food. These days, everything is looking for food. This man's name is Bayel. From his pocket, he pulls free a bar of woven grass, and tears free a chunk of it with his teeth. The chewing is harsh, but his stomach is sated. Bayel is was a soldier of the nation of Zakos, working for the national branch of the SCP Foundation. He has never once felt loyalty to nation or organization, but today he feels something that is perhaps its cousin: the obligation for human survival. Human continuation does not require humanity, per se, but he feels nonetheless that this is his altruism. Once, when all this began, he had teams upon teams of researchers to draw upon — now he has nothing but these seven, and their cargo. Bayel has no issues with that. Only these seven remain because only these seven can be predicted. Their petty desires and ambitions can easily be redirected to the paths he needs. Anyone more intelligent than that has been purged. “Sir?” his companion, a woman with blond hair like straw, looks around the dark fearfully. “Is it really even here? Shouldn't there be signs or — or vehicles, or something?” Briefly, Bayel considers killing her, but the time for such measures has passed. Doing so now would be counterproductive. All it would accomplish was creating fear and doubt in the hearts of the others, and then Bayel would have to kill them too, and then he would have to carry the crate all by himself. A crate with the future inside must be handled carefully. Description: SCP-7841-ZA is a male human being of a uniquely defective psychology. SCP-7841-ZA possesses the ability to ‘emotionally mirror' those around it. While trauma during its youth has made it reticent to speak on this matter, SCP-7841-ZA has — when sharply questioned — described this ability as allowing it to imagine itself in the place of another organism. If this description is accurate, this provides with it an understanding of the emotions of those around it, along with shallow imitations of them. As a result of this emotional mirroring, SCP-7841-ZA possesses a strong aversion to inflicting pain, enacting violence and most other activities required for survival. At the time of writing, SCP-7841-ZA is thirty-three years old and in stable physical condition save for pre-existing injuries resulting from beatings during its youth. Following identification of its unique traits at a child farm, SCP-7841-ZA passed through the hands of many private collectors until 1982 AC, when it was officially purchased at auction by the Zakosian branch of the SCP Foundation. It takes nearly two hours from the road for the group to reach their destination. From what Bayel has read of this place, it would ordinarily be impossible to find, but the infestation of tents and digging equipment from its former Leauanian guests makes the matter easy. The infrastructure is abandoned — no doubt the archeologists have already fled for the bomb shelter. Another pillar of light pierces the sky, off in the distance. It's closer than the last. They're running out of time, but that is nothing new. The soldiers are tired, beginning to grow grouchy. There is a good chance this annoyance could end in bloodshed, and then everything would truly end. Bayel has realized recently that he has spent his whole time walking on glass, frightened that each misstep would result in massacre. He is not wrong. The black mouth of the tunnel invites them in, the dark smiling like a vortex. The eyes strain to focus on it, shifting this way and that, like it doesn't want to be noticed. The void teases. Addendum 7841-1 (Note from Director Bayel) This world is dying. Who would deny that? The plague-storms spat out by Antusia. The butcher dukes of Sezeleone cutting their way down the continent. The Grey-Eyed Dancer screaming over the radio. Turn any way, and you see a horror, and all of them look like us. You've heard the stories, as I have. About the great machine the Leauanians have found. They say it's the egg of a new world, but their government doesn't believe them. Our government doesn't believe them. I believe them. So what? Perhaps this is not our first go around, they say. Perhaps we can do better next time. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. But we will not do better next time. We are incapable of that. We are each an island, free of all weakness, but that in itself is our weakness. We are incapable of that … as we are now. But what if that did not have to be the case? We have the yolk of the new world right here, after all. The march through the tunnel is longer than the march towards it. For hours and hours they march on, tiring, as the earth shakes and shakes. The bombings have intensified, towns and cities being wiped off the map en masse. But even as fire licks the earth, and the seas boil, and the ground crumbles, the tunnel does not budge. It was made by stranger hands. Endless windows line the walls of the tunnel, and through them they see wonders. Machines they have no names for, scientific impossibilities, things that would scald the pages they were recorded in. Most things are gazed at in wonder, others pointedly looked away from. And always, the walking. One of the soldiers falls, exhausted, and they leave him. It is more than possible to carry the coffin with five. Long minutes pass, and he does not catch up. They forget him. Finally, finally, the tunnel opens up, into a space like an atrium — or maybe a control center. Computers line the walls, coiled together like roots or mating snakes, stretching all the way up to the ceiling, and in some places piercing right through it. The whole place was like a mess of things growing through each other. And it stank. It stank of birth. Bayel's eyes flicked around, and a rare grin slowly spread across his empty face. Everything is as the spy photos suggested. This could work. This will work. Addendum 7841-2 (“Operation Nyx”) The following is an automatic notification. Mobile Task Force Adri-91 has departed from Site-29 to begin the final operation. All personnel not participating in the operation are to report to their designated shelters. Personnel not yet provided shelters are to remain at their posts until they are otherwise updated. The template chamber is like the bowl of a goldfish, full of viscous liquid swirling in sympathy with its occupants movements. SCP-7841-ZA is dropped in from above, his diminutive form somehow even more pathetic when wet. His face has been smashed in many times, every feature misaligned. His arms and legs are crooked from similar abuse, his whole body twisted. He is nearly blind. His teeth are long gone. It is doubtful that his nose works. All else is unspeakable. One of the soldiers tells another a joke, nodding at the living corpse. Their laughter is cruel. Bayel decides the hours have been too long. First, he tells them the risk of infiltrators still remaining within the facility. Then, he has them split up to perform a security sweep. Then, he stalks them individually and kills them — with his hands, so as to not make too much noise. Bayel has lived for a long time. He knows well how to end the lives of others. By the time he returns, SCP-7841-ZA has woken up. His eyes are painted with cataracts, but Bayel knows that he is seen. The young man, made old by suffering, opens his mouth to speak — but all that comes out are bubbles. He will not speak again during this lifetime. Bayel considers skipping this final formality, but he feels that he would fail in something vital if he did. He needs to speak here, before everything begins. “Hello,” he says. For the first time in his life, he sounds uncertain. The floating man peers at him through the water. “The world has ended,” he explains, as if he is a lecturer. “This time there will be no survivors. The fire will rip through the cities, through the towns and villages, through the shelters. All our lives would be compost for the forests. And then…” He waves a hand, gesturing to the space. “…we will be born again from here. This installation has recreated us, again and again, since time immemorial. We were very lucky this time. I do not think we'll last as long upon the next. We are not a species built to last, you know that.” Slowly, the living corpse closes its eyes. It seemed to despair already, but that has somehow intensified. “I think you are a species built to last,” Bayel declares, his sudden confidence cutting through the dark. “A symbiote, not a parasite. A people with the ability to know each other, truly know each other, without petty… without petty selfishnesses and hungers driving them apart. Or, at least, perhaps not as much. These aren't the right words, they sounded… grander in my head, but this is the closest I can get. I don't know if I even believe them, truly, but…” The young-old man nods. Bayel blinks. “You'll do it?” he asks, mouth dry. “You'll be the template?” The young-old man nods. “You won't live to see the new world, you know,” Bayel warns. “It will be many hundreds, if not thousands of years before —” The young-old man nods. Bayel wastes no more time. In a flash, he is at the machinery, playing buttons and sliding dials as if he were born for it. Sweat pours down his forehead from the long trek up to this point, but the fatigue does not so much as shake his hands. This is the last thing he has to do, after all. The very last thing. It takes him hours more, but by the time the night is done and the ash begins to fall, Bayel is done. He lies on the floor, a pistol in his hand, smoking. The engine of the world churns and the egg hatches. No further proposals for behavioral or cultural modification will be accepted at this time. Previous attempts to ameliorate violent and sociopathic tendencies in humanity as a whole have already been implemented and deemed successful. U is for "Unstrung" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub W is for "Walls" « SCP-7840 | SCP-7841 | SCP-7842 »
Range of valid entrance vectors to SCP-7842. ITEM #: 7842 CONTAINMENT CLASS: SAFE Special Containment Procedures: As the approach vector to SCP-7842 is currently a driveway, accidental discovery has been deemed highly unlikely. Any civilians who discover SCP-7842 are to be amnesticized should they return. No additional resources are to be allocated to SCP-7842 research projects. Description: SCP-7842 is the site of the January 1955 Sutton Coldfield rail crash. The anomalous properties of SCP-7842 only become apparent when it is approached on foot at an angle of 20 degrees from geographical north, with a permissible margin of error of about 50 minutes.1 The vicinity of SCP-7842 is geographically distinct from the entrance point. Upon entering SCP-7842, personnel report seeing a landscape made of overturned and damaged LMS Black Five train cars. The train cars do not appear furnished; there is no evidence of prior human occupation such as seats, other furnishings, or corpses. While the ground level of SCP-7842 appears to follow the natural geography of Sutton Coldfield, the terrain is composed of train cars in various states of disrepair. Ground-penetrating RADAR scans suggest the underground is composed of more train cars. The terrain is largely unnavigable; the cracks between the train cars have no measurable depth. Any material that falls within these cracks should be considered lost. Approximately one in every twenty train cars is on fire. The fire is cool to the touch and has no apparent fuel source, though when metal is separated from a train car it ceases to burn. Testing has shown that the fire burns and melts materials including metal, wood, and cloth, and can be quenched with water, but does not harm living biological matter. Personnel uniformly report a "deep and instinctual dread" when they view the fire. There does not appear to be a celestial light source. Despite this, the sky appears a dull orange from the diffusion of the aforementioned burning train cars. The only meaningful landmark is a sculpture of a male lion that appears made of the same material as the landscape. The sculpture is an estimated 70 km due east of the entry point to SCP-7842. All personnel exposed to SCP-7842 have expressed a desire to investigate the sculpture further, though it remains unclear whether there is a compulsive effect or if this is natural curiosity. Despite the distance of the lion sculpture, personnel have uniformly questioned why its eyes are not alight. Addendum I: Dr. S. P., Civilian Literature Professor, approx. 90 years old, details redacted for privacy. Dr. P. was admitted to Good Hope Hospital after being discovered, delirious, in Sutton Park after being missing for two weeks. She was remanded to Foundation custody after a psychological assessment of the following recurring dream flagged several alert systems.2 I used to love the Dark Lion. We used to play together, my siblings and I. We imagined a paradise away from the mundane world, a place where we were knights and heroes, beneath the burning eyes of the Dark Lion. Our savior and guardian. I always think I wake up there. The place where they died. I've felt myself burning for the past seventy years. Wondering if it could have been me. Wondering why I was still here. In my dream, the lion comes to us and offers me eternity — take that as you will — and they come for us as we play petty kings and queens, rulers of the public parks. And one by one my siblings take his offer. He's sitting there, watching me with his scarlet eyes, and I hesitate. I keep hesitating. I've thought it's my punishment, but really it was just an accident. There was nothing I could have done. I know I love him. Then my youngest sister takes his paw and vanishes into the darkness. I'm told she didn't wouldn't have felt any pain, in the crash. That she would have died instantly. And I ask where they've gone, but the Dark Lion doesn't answer. He wants me to trust him. And I stare into the darkness, but all I can see is a dim firelight. When I look back at him he's no longer by me. He's endlessly far away, and his hide has turned from flesh to twisted metal. I scream at him. I ask him where they've gone. What's happened to him. I had to identify my brothers from their clothing, you know. There wasn't enough left of their faces. He doesn't answer. How can he? He's just just a lion, and he's so, so far away. And I fling myself into the earth, into those thin cracks between the train cars, hoping that I can find the mercy of being with my family again, but always, always, I wake up on the surface. I see him in the distance, through the cold firelight. Watching me. Guarding me. Mocking me. His eyes aren't red anymore. They're hollow. I wish I knew why. Footnotes 1. Roughly 0.83 degrees 2. Department of Purgatorial Spaces Detection Protocols, Tactical Theology Eschatological Monitoring, Multi-U Unsupervised Crossover « SCP-7841 | SCP-7842 | SCP-7843 »
Item #: SCP-7844 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Influence operations are to discourage government, commercial, and hobbyist satellites from entering SCP-7844 orbits. Under the 2052 Pitcairn Island Accord,1 Global Occult Coalition officials will continue briefing astronomy programs capable of detecting SCP-7844 on its cover as a United Nations ISR asset. Genetic testing to identify the original YIV-510 donor (POI-7844-A) is to continue worldwide under the pretense of disease control. Once identified, POI-7844-A is to be detained until a review of hostile activity is complete; due to safety concerns, both hands should be amputated immediately after capture and placed in cold storage. No further attempts to access SCP-7844 instances or their control network are to occur without Overseer Council approval. Description: SCP-7844 is a constellation of 13 satellites associated with terrestrial anomalous activity, all of which maintain Molniya orbits that maximize coverage of populated landmass. Each satellite is identical, consisting of an elongated outer shell (approximately 6m x 1.7m x 1.3m) constructed from an unknown material with low light reflectance (< 0.1 LRV) and extremely high density (estimated at 30 grams per cm3). Interior space is dedicated to biological cultivation units that were filled prior to launch. SCP-7844 instances prevent orbital decay via ion propulsion, and all have remained in their orbits since placement. SCP-7844 was deployed throughout 2035-2038 by GOC black project YIV-510, which has since been shuttered. The constellation was originally operated via sympathetic reaction of biomass spread between units. Terminals maintained by YIV-510 staff were destroyed contra Foundation requests following the Pitcairn Island Accord, and no alternative methods of control have been found save for legacy access enjoyed by POI-7844-A (a donor who is presumed to exist but has yet to be identified).2 When activated, SCP-7844 instances exert an attractive force on objects within 10 km of their groundtrack point that does not adhere to known scientific principles. Past targets include single-story structures, vehicles, signage, and various flora and fauna. The method by which targets are isolated for effect is poorly understood, but it appears to be extremely sensitive within a broader set of taxonomies. Specific SCP-7844 capabilities are classified within the METHOD MAYFLY compartment. Addendum 7844-A (Known Activations): SCP-7844 has been activated five times, four of which were test fires carried out during constellation deployment. Incident Number Date / Time Location Effect 15038-3013 23 AUG 2035 / 1202-1205 ET N/A N/A. Communications from an SCP-7844 test were captured through SALIENT CROW capabilities, but specific activity has yet to be identified. 15046-3023 03 FEB 2035 / 1653-1656 PT Boiling Point, CA Several buildings, vehicles, and elements of local infrastructure damaged by levitation and subsequent fall (~3 meters). Effect modulated by size over time, beginning with items under .5 kg. No casualties. 15089-5001 13 AUG 2035 / 2134-2140 ET Fernow Experimental Forest, WV Approximately 3.14 km2 of forest partially uprooted, then deposited in place. Appears to have targeted trees weighing between 7250-7500 kg in fine-tuning exercise. No casualties. 15201-7022 01 MAR 2036 / 1201-1207 ET Basil, MD Additional demonstration of fine tuning begins with insect life. Rodents, mustelids, canines, felines, and bovines affected in succession. Some witnesses report minor effects, with headaches and temporary blindness being the most common. No casualties. SCP-7844 was additionally employed against Site-33 on May 24, 2046 in what is now understood to be a retaliatory strike following the loss of several GOC facilities in separate regional conflicts. It remains unclear whether this was ordered by GOC leadership or carried out independently by YIV-510 staff. See relevant HINDSIGHT analyses for a full summary of this incident. Although no recordings were made due to anomalies contained on-site, adaptations of SCP-5920 enabled postmortem extraction of relevant memories. Cleared personnel with sufficient MIR scores may view the resultant media. [PRESENT VALID CLEARANCE] [METHOD MAYFLY VERIFIED] Loading 7844_site33_16404.mak7 now… Fluorescents flicker in patterns discernible by only the site's oldest stewards. Cafeteria chairs squeak against linoleum. Coffee hits your lips as Rob's chatter is flushed from memory, one more anecdote about kids you've never met and never will meet. Hot, astringent—its only redeeming qualities in truth—it lingers as a collective shudder passes through the night shift. You feel it too, a sensation that strokes from shoulder to neck before tracing higher vertebrae. Each seems the subject of endless fascination as you twitch in place, a minor reaction compared to how disquiet ripples through your coworkers. Someone has the good sense to run for the alarm panel mounted in every corridor. They don't even make it to the door. That invisible force clenches tight, wrenching them off the ground like a noose tightened. Others follow one-by-one: some gently raised in a misguided mother's embrace, some yanked with neck-snapping force. It's difficult to form coherent thoughts as pressure continues tracing your own neck, showing wonderment in esophagus, in arteries, in all that holds together. Half the room is already dead by the time both feet leave the floor. Their bodies hang motionless, a scene you can't help but look away from. Gentle fingers bring your chin back just in time to see the first neck twist with a sickening squelch, the first eyeballs pop from sockets. Blood pools upwards in defiance of gravity, coherent streams drawn with surgical precision that seems malpractice itself. The grip adjusts again, minute depressions surely shifting to the soft parts of your neck as it does. As it prepares. You breathe in, and exhaling is impossible afterwards. In a final effort to expel what remains inside, those few intact necks separate with wet, wretched pops. Their division is so gentle that veins remain unbroken, slowly extruded from bodies who might somehow be viable were they reassembled with sufficient care. Then you feel a pop of your own. The pain is so brief that it might not even qualify as such, an overwhelming rush of life pinched off by those fingers. When they relax again, you have no more breath to release. Incident Number Date / Time Location Effect 16404-1093-F 24 MAY 2046 / 0400-0406 ET Site-33 No equipment damaged. No containment units compromised. 312 casualties. Addendum 7844-B (Control Network Access): Upon recovery of several destroyed SCP-7844 terminals, researchers were able to reverse-engineer elements of its control network. These include access to test functions, limited maneuver capabilities, and a one-way diagnostic channel that may be an artifact of its development process. On July 25, 2053, researchers gained lateral access to a system that appears to be intended for validating high-level users following key corruption. Several call-and-response procedures were prepared based on YIV-510 documentation and tested on Foundation body rigs before use. The following log approximates this exchange in plaintext: NET_ID: POULTICE-510-496 SYS_ID: BECKONER NODE #9 TTAG: 06252053_1220_6 KEYVER: UNVERIFIED BECK9: Contact established, awaiting handshake. CNODE: [Yawn reciprocity initiated. No response.] CNODE: [Itch reciprocity initiated. No response.] BECK9: Contact established, awaiting handshake. CNODE: [Embarrassment/laughter exchange initiated. No response.] CNODE: [Song/hum exchange initiated. No response.] BECK9: Handshake overdue, awaiting fingerprint. [The connection was terminated at this point to avoid triggering any protocols that would prevent future access.] SALIENT CROW capabilities detected no changes to network activity throughout this test. Subsequent attempts have been delayed until research into physiological responses used by other GOC projects can be completed. Breaking the gene-based encryption that protects its sympathetic network and anomalous capabilities remains a work in progress. Addendum 7844-C (Planned Exfiltration): Due to GOC stonewalling and ongoing cryptography challenges, Foundation personnel attempted to access cold-storage logs residing on SCP-7844 instances to identify parties responsible for Incident 16404-1093-F. This process began with dismantling the carriage using vehicles operated from a manned Foundation satellite. Scaffolding construction followed, and the cultivation unit was breached approximately two months later. [PRESENT VALID CLEARANCE] [METHOD MAYFLY VERIFIED] Loading 7844_18933.mak7 now… The screen's quality is almost clearer than life. It offers a distraction from the cramped microsat where you operate that multi-purpose, multi-armed vehicle—minimal lag outweighing personal comfort, of course. Your command to begin removing the larger satellite's shell is carried out immediately, shifting a first black plate into clamps waiting on the scaffolding. You next adjust the camera, fully capturing the interior unit already detected by scans. That gunmetal coffin sits impassive, livened only by warnings and pictograms that evolved on branches divergent from the Foundation's own. Thankfully, orders already came down to ignore them. Screw after screw, bolt after bolt, you disassemble the sheath erected around whatever systems await inside. Your scaffolding will protect the most sensitive from radiation until its information is siphoned away; the rest will eventually re-enter the atmosphere in ablative envelopes. Only a series of latches separate you from that, from completion of this most claustrophobic assignment. "Permission to proceed?" you ask your handler, voice scratchy after recent disuse. Waiting for her answer is painful no matter how minute the delay has become in recent years. "Proceed," she says. Thank god. The near-silent hum of space is almost overwhelming as the vehicle's arms—your arms, though more distant than most—remove that final layer. Within, the expected banks of exotic hardware are absent. Not a circuit board to be seen, nor biological black boxes obscuring further mysteries. You are instead graced with the sight of somehundred identical human hands, all interlinked by twitching fingers, all grasping each other for comfort. Every blemish the same. Every scar mirrored beyond counting. No artificial veins support them, but each is clearly alive nonetheless, gracefully moving from linkage to linkage—maintaining a mass that crawls in place despite its sudden exposure to deep space. "What–" forms on your lips as one finger among many casually flicks toward the camera. Connection is lost in an instant, replaced by errors, warnings, and ever so many horrible diagnostics. You only glimpse them before pressure builds on your forehead. First, a nudge. A bump. A sudden hammer blow that shakes your tiny word worse than reentry ever did. Gasping is barely possible as you catch your own eyes in the mirror intended to humanize that most lonesome place. You can already see a tiny depression moving on your forehead, shifting slightly as though massaged by invisible fingers. Settling right between your brows. The next blow comes so fast, so decisively, that the sound in your ears is surely gray matter splattering across the cabin. Skull fragments on steel. Cranial fluid in the cushions. Who was going to clean this mess up? Incident Number Date / Time Location Effect 18933-3037-A 03 JAN 2054 / 0637 UCT Orbit, Earth Various pieces of equipment damaged by low-level SCP-7844 failsafes. 1 casualty. « SCP-7843 | SCP-7844 | SCP-7845 » Footnotes 1. Chapter 4, Section 61, Subsection 25, "Activities Based on Common Interests and Challenges in Complex Operating Environments" 2. Evidence suggests that biomass was repeatedly harvested from POI-7844-A in situ rather than grown in cultures or otherwise replicated.
Item #: SCP-7845 Object Class: Eparch Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7845 is currently under investigation by the Conterconceptual Division. SCP-7845's material components are currently locked within Storage Locker-0875 at Site-17. Description: SCP-7845 designates a collection of disparate evidence that points towards an event of a counterconceptual nature that occurred to Counterconceptual Division Researcher Anabelle Chen throughout the October of 2023. All the objects are affected by varying degrees of counterconceptual contamination. However, this is believed to be a result of the event itself, not the objects.1 SCP-7845 evidence is as follows: The deletion of all dating apps from Researcher Chen's personal cell phone; Three stuffed animals within Researcher Chen's flat that they did not remember purchasing.; Several makeup products within Researcher Chen's bathroom that they do not use; Documentation suggesting that they had arranged for a box of chocolates to be delivered to another individual; A large amount of roses in Researcher Chen's home; Documentation suggesting that Researcher Chen had viewed the film Bottoms on her personal Amazon Prime account; Over 300 text messages sent between Researcher Chen and another individual. Due to counterconceptual contamination, these messages were unable to be recovered; Charges to Researcher Chen's personal credit card suggesting they had visited several restaurants throughout the month that they did not remember visiting; An undefined feeling of sadness and loneliness that persisted throughout the day; Researcher Chen reported SCP-7845 to the Foundation on November 1st, 2023. Addendum: Two days after Researcher Chen submitted her initial report, the Department of Analytics flagged the file as containing key similarities to SCP-48592, an anomaly submitted on the same day by Antimemetics Division Researcher Harriet Rosenberg. Following the ingestion of mnestics by both researchers, they arranged a dinner date at Samantha's Cakes, and Pies2 on November 5th to discuss the anomaly. Footnotes 1. The Eparch class refers to objects which are non-anomalous, but related to the anomalous. 2. A popular Foundation-run dessert shop. « SCP-7844 | SCP-7845 | SCP-7846 »
Item #: SCP-7846 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-7846 is currently not possible. SCP-7846 events are to be monitored by the Department of Analytics and discredited via Cover Story-4932-FRW (“Just an Urban Legend”). Description: SCP-7846 is an anomalous event which will occur when certain conditions are met. Known conditions are as follows: The subject is alone in an empty room; The room contains at least one reflective surface; The subject is an actor of some sort; The subject is struggling financially and creatively; The subject is practicing a monologue; If these conditions are met, the following phenomena will occur. While the exact specifics vary among subjects and the effects of SCP-7846 on human cognition preclude a fully accurate summary of SCP-7846, they will tend to follow a specific pattern. The performer will be in the room, practicing the monologue. They will be stuttering and have trouble remembering their lines or gaining the emotional intensity required. This will likely cause frustration, leading to shouting or crying. This is the invitation for SCP-7846. The subject will look into the mirror. It is unclear whether or not this will be of their own free will. However, they will look into the mirror. They will not like what they see. They will see their own imperfection and despise it. They will beg to have the capacity to do their monologue. It is at this point that they will touch the mirror. They're lost now. There is no escape. Their room will be a room no longer. It will be a stage, unthinkably vast in size. Although it will be dark initially, a spotlight will illuminate the performer, standing in the center of the stage. It will also reveal the audience. They will be masked, their expressions blank and unreadable. The audience wears costumes in muted colors, all unable to disguise a great truth. They are empty inside. The audience sits passively. There is a moment of silence. The performer begins their monologue. They cannot prevent it. It will be wrong somehow, the words twisting and spilling out of them in a manner that does not make sense yet still is true. The monologue will be frenetic, emotional, desperate to make its way out of the heart of the subject. It will touch upon whatever personal difficulties the performer is experiencing. They will likely begin weeping. The audience will lean forward, intrigued. The colors of their costume will grow brighter and more vivid as they drink in the emotion of the story the subject is performing. They will universally shake their heads. These words are not accepted. Try again and get it right. Hooks and ropes will descend from the ceiling, digging into the flesh of the performer and adjusting how they move. They will begin bleeding. The substance they are bleeding is not blood. They may attempt to fight against the restraints. This will not be successful. Entities will walk onto the stage, taking the role of other characters in the story. The hooks control their movements as well. This is the purpose of a performance. To allow the story to control oneself. They may resemble individuals who the performer knows. Coworkers or family. They are not them. They are merely pretending, a double role. The play begins in earnest. The subject is walked through their lines until the play reaches its conclusion. This will happen again and again, for an unknown amount of times. Until they know the play better than they know their own soul and the performer is standing in a pile of twisted, inky not-blood. Looking into the not-blood, they will see memories, dreams, hopes. Genuinely vivid fantasia that has been reflected so many times it has lost its luster. They may begin to weep and attempt to drink it back in. This will fail. Once you've lost it, you cannot get it back. After this realization dawns upon the performer, they will stand up once more, pulled by the ropes. One last time they will do their monologue. The theater erupts into applause as the subject takes a bow. The SCP-7846 event will end. Individuals who have triggered SCP-7846 have a 99.99% rate of gaining success in the entertainment industry regardless of any previous difficulty they may have experienced. The significance of this is under review. Addendum: Testing with SCP-7846 has resulted in it being triggered in controlled conditions by several Foundation personnel. Their names are as follows: Jan Novák; Max Mustermann; Anna Kowalska; Jean Dupont; Tarō Yamada; For further information, contact your on-Site RAISA Liaison. « SCP-7845 | SCP-7846 | SCP-7847 »
Item #: SCP-7848 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: All remaining instances of SCP-7848-A are to have a microchip tracker injected into them and are to be kept in a terrarium at Site-27. The terrarium is to be provided with flora and insects necessary to sustain a large colony of purple boxer mantises. Absolutely no personnel are permitted within SCP-7848's cell without permission from Dr. Whitney. Should one need to enter the cell, they must be accompanied by at least two armed guards specially equipped to deal with insectoid swarms. The door leading to SCP-7848's cell must be sealed even while personnel are inside, and is not to be opened until it's safe to do so. After leaving SCP-7848's cell, personnel are to be checked for any instances of SCP-7848-A that might have hidden itself in their clothes. If an -A is found, it is to be terminated immediately. Description: SCP-7848 consists of two designations that refer to different parts of the anomaly, them being designated SCP-7848-A and SCP-7848-B respectively. SCP-7848-A refers to an individual purple boxer mantis. While sizes between the different -A instances vary, the average measurement comes out to be about 12 cm (4.8 inches) in length. While there are no abnormal physical features that distinguish -A instances from non-anomalous purple boxer mantises, -A instances have shown to possess far superior intelligence than their non-anomalous counterparts, though it still remains unclear how much agency a -A instant has independent of SCP-7848-B. SCP-7848-B refers to the collective hivemind of all 578 492 instances of SCP-7848-A. Currently, it's unclear if -B is the combined consciousness of all -As or if -B is a separate entity controlling the -As, though the entity referring to itself as "we" suggests the former. While -B technically has no physical form, it will often present itself as a humanoid entity by grouping up the -As into a single mass, with each -A moving in a way that gives -B the appearance of human movement. Despite not having the anatomical requirements to do so, SCP-7848-B possesses the ability to speak, and has shown to be quite intelligent. It was allowed to take the FIE1 after being contained, and ended up scoring 93%2. Addendum 7848-1: Interview #1 Forward: The following is an audio recording of an interview that took place shortly after the containment of SCP-7848. Interviewer: Dr. Franklin Reed Interviewee: SCP-7848-B <Begin Log> Reed: I suppose we'll start with something simple. What are you? 7848: A bit of a rude question, wouldn't you think? Reed: My apologies, allow me to rephrase. Who are you? 7848: We have no name. Mother perished before she could give us one. 'Course, it's not like she would have even if she lived. When you have hundreds of kin, naming every one of your children becomes an impossible task. Reed: Your mother? She died? 7848: Yes. Right after we were born. Reed: How long ago was this? What can you tell me about her? 7848: About four months ago, and we're afraid there isn't much to tell. At least, not to the likes of you. Reed: What's that supposed to mean? 7848: The life of a single insect is hardly worth the attention of even the lowest of humans, let alone a respectable man of science such as yourself. Reed: If it's anomalous, I care very much. 7848: Except she wasn't. Unlike us, she had no sapience. She was just your average, run of the mill… what word do you humans use so much…? Bug. She was just your average bug. The only thing exceptional about her was her ability to carry and birth over 500 offspring at once. I'd like to see a human try that. Reed: You keep referring to yourself as "we" and "us." Why? 7848 remains silent for roughly five seconds. 7848: We're… afraid we don't understand. It would be like us asking why we should refer to the Foundation as a body as "it" instead of "he" or "she." We are us, brothers and sisters left motherless in a cruel world. Only by working together as we do now, are we able to survive. Reed: I see. So you're a hivemind? 7848: A crude way of putting it, but yes. We think as one because that's the only way to survive. Reed: How much independence do each of you have from one another? 7848: That… is a complicated question. We don't think we could explain it in a way that could make sense to you. Imagine it like this. Each cell in your body is technically alive and independent in its own way, but ultimately is just a cog in a far greater machine. We are similar, but different. Imagine if each cell in your body, rather than just being an unimportant instant of life, was significant in some way. It doesn't devalue you as a whole any, but it does put more value on the different parts of the whole. Enough value that each part is referred to as its own being. That is what we are. A machine that values each cog as its own thing. Working as one, but made up of many. Reed: While this is an interesting way of describing your nature, it still doesn't quite answer how much free will each -A instant has. 7848: No? No, we suppose it doesn't. Well, like we said. It's a complicated question. <End Log> Addendum 7848-2: Interview #2 Forward: The following is a follow-up meeting that took place several days after the first interview. Due to Incident-████████, Dr. Reed was reassigned to Site-██. Dr. Whitney was subsequently placed in charge of SCP-7848. Interviewer: Dr. Whitney Interviewee: SCP-7848-B <Begin Log> Whitney: Afternoon 7848. 7848: You… are not Reed. Whitney: Doctor Reed was transferred to another site after an… unexpected incident. My name is Doctor Whitney, and I'll be taking- 7848 laughs, interrupting Whitney. 7848: And here we thought we'd be stuck making small talk with meat bags. Several seconds of silence. 7848: Forgive us, we just weren't expecting a non-human to be running the show here. Tell us, what species of reptile are you? You look lizard like, but we can't quite pinpoint which breed you are. Whitney: If… you don't mind, 7848. I'd rather we focus on you instead of me. 7848: Of course, of course. Sorry if we sounded a little intrusive, we were just intrigued. Several seconds of silence. Shuffling of paper is heard. Whitney: Alright, 7848, let's start by talking about your last session. You showed a surprisingly high understanding of some rather complicated topics. For example, you seemed to understand the anatomy and function of cells. Communication is one thing, but something so scientific was unexpected. How did you learn of this? 7848: The same way everyone learns. Watching and listening. Whitney: Please elaborate. 7848: After we were born and mother's body went limp, we scattered. Some of us foraged for food, some of us looked for water, some of us looked for a place to call home. Keep in mind we were still operating as a hivemind, we just utilized our ability to separate to its fullest… even if it did end up being a mistake. Anyway, a few of us found our way to a middle school. That day, the teacher was giving a lecture on cells. We were fascinated, of course, so we hid up in the cracks of the wall and listened to the lesson. We stayed there for a few days, listening to the lessons and classrooms through the school, before grouping back up. Whitney: You said using your ability to separate ended up being a mistake. How? 7848: The few are far weaker than the many. Divided, we were more susceptible to predators. By the time we left the school and reformed, we had lost nearly thirty bothers and sisters. Whitney: I see. With that taken care of, there's a question that I personally wanted an answer to. 7848: Go for it. Whitney: When we contained you, you were trying to pass as a human in the civilian world. You had taken this form you are right now, and had even cobbled together some old clothes. It didn't work as you had hoped, and people were quick to notice the person with insects for a face, but you still tried to live amongst humans. Why? 7848 chuckles to itself. 7848: Oh Whitney, you of all creatures should know the answer to this. Whitney: Crea-?! Whitney stops herself and takes a breath. Creature? 7848: Yes. Look at you, Whitney. Are you even able to see what's directly in front of you with that snout? Whitney: I can see just fine. 7848: You're not human, Whitney. And yet, you dress like one, talk like one, probably even eat like one. And why? Whitney: What am I supposed to do? I may be a lizard, but I'm still intelligent. You expect me to get on all fours and live off purely instinct? 7848: Which is exactly what we thought. You and us, we're too intelligent to crawl on along the earth the animals. We're drawn to the civilized world, to the wonders of humanity. It only makes sense we'd try to be as human as possible. Now, admittedly, we could've approached it better, but our thinking was just that. We wanted to live amongst humanity. <End Log> Addendum 7848-3: Interview #11 Forward: The following is an audio recording of a scheduled session with SCP-7848-B. The main topic of the meeting was to get 7848-B's opinion on its current containment. Interviewer: Dr. Whitney Interviewee: SCP-7848-B <Begin log> Whitney: Afternoon 7848. 7848: Hello doctor. How are you today? Whitney: I'm fine, 7848. Thank you for asking. Now, shall we begin? Audio of a chair scraping against the ground as Whitney takes a seat. Whitney: Now that you've been here for a few weeks, we'd like to know your thoughts on the Foundation and your containment. Are you content with everything you've been provided. 7848: We're quite glad you asked that. It's something we've been meaning to approach you about for a while now. Unfortunetly, we are not content. Whitney: Oh… Elaborate. 7848: We appreciate you and the Foundation creating this… terrarium, is it called… to sustain us. Food and water are easier to come by than ever. However, we feel as though we've outgrown its purpose. Whitney: What do you mean? 7848: We understand why you'd place us in a cell meant to replicate the wilderness. After all, we just seem like average insects to you. However, as you've discovered over the past few weeks, we are not so. We have intelligence, and are far more than just mere bugs. Whitney: What are you suggesting? 7848: We would greatly appreciate it if we could be transferred to a more… human environment. Whitney: Human environment? Whitney goes silent for three seconds. You mean like a humanoid anomaly cell? 7848: Yes, precisely. Silence for 4 seconds. Whitney: What exactly were you thinking? 7848: Well, we were thinking of being treated identically to one of those humanoid anomalies you just mentioned. We aren't quite sure what that entails, but we assume it means obtaining a room that would fit a human more than it would an insect hive. Of course, we understand that there's still a big difference between us and humans, and that accommodations would be needed. However, if we choose to remain in this humanoid form, we don't understand why we wouldn't be allowed to live as a human. Whitney: …I see. Well, this is a big request, and not one I can make on my own. I'll be sure to relay your wishes to my superiors. 7848: If you could, we would greatly appreciate it. Remaining twenty-seven minutes of audio cut for irrelevancy. See Document-7848-9 for full transcript. <End log> Addendum 7848-4: Interview #26 Forward: The following is an audio recording of a scheduled session with SCP-7848-B. Interviewer: Dr. Whitney Interviewee: SCP-7848-B <Begin log> First thirty-one minutes of session removed for irrelevancy. Whitney: Thank you for your time, 7848. I think that will wrap things up for today. 7848: Of course, doctor. A scraping sound is heard as Whitney stands from her seat. 7848: Doctor, there was one last thing we wanted to ask you about. Whitney: Yes? 7848: It pertains to our transfer to a human environment. It's been a good month since we first asked you about it, and we've been anxious for an answer. Whitney: Ah… yes. Forgive me, I got an answer yesterday and intended to tell you during our meeting, but forgot. I'm afraid the Foundation denied your request for a transfer. Silence is held for five seconds. 7848: We… don't understand. You did inform your superiors of our human intellect, right? Whitney: I did. 7848: And you informed them of our intentions to maintain this humanoid form? Whitney: They know. 7848: We don't understand why our request would be denied then. Whitney: The Foundation doesn't often tell me why they make the decisions they do, but my guess would be security. 7848: Security? What does that mean? Whitney: Well, you may combine to take the form of a humanoid, but your ability to separate into individual mantises serves as a great security risk. Even under surveillance, it would be easy for one of you to break away from the main group and escape. Or, for you all to break apart and swarm towards an exit. 7848: Our request for a transfer was denied because… the Foundation feels it wouldn't be able to contain us? Whitney: Precisely. Silence for four seconds. 7848: We strongly advise the Foundation reconsider that stance. Whitney: I'm sorry, but the Foundation rarely changes its mind. If you have any other requests, I'd be happy to forward it to my superiors. <End log> Addendum 7848-5: Cell #7848 CCTV Feed Forward: The following is a video recording of SCP-7848's cell. As a result of Incident-████████, the number of staff members on site was low. Due to this, Agent Jack was assigned to clean SCP-7848's cell as part of standard site containment procedures. <Begin log> Door to SCP-7848's cell opens. Jack walks through pushing a cart of cleaning supplies. Jack: Hello? 7848? You here? Silence for several seconds. Jack: (Shaking head) Must all be scattered eating bugs or something. Jack begins pushing cart further into cell. He stops several feet in before taking a mop and water bucket out of the cart and places them on the ground. Soaking the mop, he begins wiping the floor. This goes on for several minutes, before the sound of multiple insect wings begins from within the cell. Jack looks up towards the noise, seemingly confused. Jack: What th- A massive swarm of SCP-7848-A instances flies out of the terrarium vegetation and towards the still open cell door. Jack tries to jump out of the way, but his right arm is hit by the oncoming swarm. This shreds the hazmat suit at the elbow, causing his entire arm to fall off as flesh begins to pour out of the tear. Jack yells and grabs the opening, sealing it with his grip as he falls to the ground. The SCP-7848-A instances fly out of the cell. <End log> Addendum 7848-6: Incident-7848-SB001 Location: Site-27 Date: 11/17/2023 Incident: During a routine cleaning of SCP-7848's cell, all 578 instances of SCP-7848-A managed to breach containment by swarming and ambushing the exit. The on-duty containment team were able to lock down that sector of the site, preventing SCP-7848-B from escaping. Despite this, the 7848-B swarm continued to traverse the hallways and ventilation of the site, looking for an exit. Site security were eventually able to recontain SCP-7848-B by utilizing anti-insectoid swarm tactics. Additionally, the GenSec officer chose to appeal to SCP-7848's higher intelligence by terminating several 7848-A instances and threatening to terminate more if the objects refused to cooperate. Results: Total dead: 0 Total injured: 0 Object breached: No Object terminated: No* Breach time: 3 hours, 42 minutes, 11 seconds *86 instances of SCP-7848-A were terminated, but the anomaly as a whole remains intact Infirmary Security Camera Log Forward: The following is security camera footage of Site-27's infirmary several hours after Incident-7848-SB001. <Begin log> Jack is laying in an infirmary bed with a bandage sealing his suit. As he's laying there, Whitney enters the room and stops by his bed. Jack: Oh, hi Whitney. Whitney: Hello Jack. How are you doing? Jack: Not bad, actually. Thankfully it was just my arm that got torn off. The doctors even said they'd be able to reattach it… maybe. They still don't know if it being nothing but a pile of flesh will make it easier or harder to do. Whitney: I see. Well, it's a good thing you've make a swift recovery. With how thin our numbers are here, we'll need all the hands we can get. Jack: Well once I get my hand back, I'll be happy to lend it. Neither speak for several seconds. Jack: Was there… something else? Whitney: I… feel like I should apologize to you. It's my fault the proper precautions weren't taken to secure the anomaly before its scheduled cleaning. You wouldn't have gotten hurt if I had done my job properly. Jack: Oh don't sweat it. I've read the file. There was no reason to think it would've acted out like that. Besides, we've sent people in before to clean and nothing bad happened then. You can't blame yourself for not seeing this coming. Whitney: But I should have. I felt uneasy about 7848 after our last session. The way it said the Foundation should reconsider… I should've read its tone better. Jack: Hey, look on the bright side. No one was killed and the anomaly was recontained. And now that we know 7848 is hostile, you can take the proper steps to make sure it doesn't get out again. Neither speak for several seconds. Jack: What're you thinking? Whitney: How to keep 7848 from breaching again. Whitney turns to leave the room. If you'll excuse me, Jack, I need to update 7848's special containment procedures. Whitney walks towards the door, but stops before exiting the room. Whitney: Get well soon. <End log> Footnotes 1. Foundation Intelligence Exam 2. The average humanoid score is about 87% « SCP-7847 | SCP-7848 | SCP-7849 »
by J Dune I'm being followed ? call me Can't, they're right down the street who's following you?? can you take a pic Tried it. Doesn't show up. But I can see them what do you mean take a cab to my place No. I'll keep walking. It won't kill me in broad daylight in the middle of the city. It's trying to get me alone joey wtf did you do?? hello? I need you to look up any and all information in the Foundation's database on the Segreto crime family above class three security clearances CRIME FAMILY?? christ, ok found one. SCP-7853. hasn't been updated since 2004. sending screens Item#: 7853 Level4 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: critical link to memo SCP-7853, artist's interpretation Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-7853 is presently unfeasible. Until such a method of containment is discovered, specialized Foundation Task Force N-77 (“Whack a Mole”) are to focus their efforts on documenting, researching, and investigating information related to SCP-7853 and the Segreto crime family. N-77 agents and informants embedded in the American Mafia are to undergo biotechnical augmentation for the purposes of active information monitoring. This process includes the implementation of discrete listening and recording devices, primarily in the ocular region. All agents are to refrain from engaging in active sabotage of criminal activities or other actions that may draw attention to themselves until a holistic understanding of SCP-7853 is achieved. Information related to SCP-7853 is classified to members of Task Force N-77. If this document is accessible to the Foundation at large [DATA EXPUNGED] Description: SCP-7853 is an anomalous method of execution employed by GoI-027, the Segreto crime family, to assassinate individuals that threaten their activities. Physical evidence of SCP-7853 has yet to be discovered, but known victims have corroborated a universal description of a component of the anomaly: a hulking, humanoid figure clothed in a trenchcoat, wearing a wide-brimmed hat. Its facial features are heavily obscured by shadow, save for the presence of red, luminescent eyes. This entity is invisible to all but the individual targeted by SCP-7853. Victims describe this entity as perpetually moving towards them at a steady pace. They are fully conscious of the figure's location in relation to theirs at all times. Attempts to impede or slow the entity's advance are futile, as victims describe the figure phasing through any obstacles placed in its way. Attempts to physically damage SCP-7853 invariably fail, potentially due to its incorporeality. SCP-7853 is reportedly capable of maintaining its own center of gravity, demonstrating this ability by walking on surfaces such as walls or ceilings if its path is obstructed. Completion of SCP-7853 results in the targeted individual suddenly disappearing, leaving no physical trace of their body, presumably killing them. It is assumed that this occurs when the SCP-7853 entity reaches the victim, but due to the nature of the anomaly, little verifiable evidence exists to confirm this. How SCP-7853 functions, whether it's controlled remotely or is a sentient anomaly itself, and how targets are chosen remains unknown. All information regarding SCP-7853 has been obtained through Task Force N-77 agents embedded in organized criminal systems related to the Segreto crime family. All incidents suspected or confirmed to involve SCP-7853 also involved victims who were in conflict with the Segreto crime family. It is possible that interfacing with information regarding SCP-7853 increases an individual's likelihood to be targeted by the anomaly. N-77 agents aware of SCP-7853 and involved in the creation of this document have reported seeing a figure consistent with descriptions of the entity, though none have experienced being pursued or followed by it. As of March, 2004, no Foundation deaths are suspected to have occurred as a result of SCP-7853. Fuck Yeah, that's helpful this is what's following you?? 1:1 seriously joey what did you do Put my nose where it shouldn't have been a hell of a lot less carefully than I could have been what Site-22 has a big fucking problem, and I don't know how deep it goes We're selling X-908 to the Segreto family Our site's the hotbed. Mass synthesis of X-908, trucks pulling up at night, Dr. Cooke's private poker games. You go down one hole, you find two more. Made the mistake of talking to Cooke directly. I didn't expect the fucking Mob to be involved hold on what's X-908? Synthetic serum. Made from the same stuff we use to make amnestics, but way more unstable. Gives you antimemetic properties for about an hour. Foundation uses it for undercover operations. No one's able to remember you, your face, or any memories they might have had of you. Seriously powerful stuff. Like you never even existed. and we're selling this to the mob? Started putting the pieces together when examining Site workflow and how much of our allotted monthly resources were going into X-908 production. Think about it. Mob's been in the public eye for the past few decades. Movies, TV shows, the RICO act. X-908 allows organized crime to remain organized in an age where your shits are data-harvested. Everything they do is a hell of a lot easier to get away with when no one knows you were even there why would the foundation need the money tho? Could be a personal operation. If this is something larger then we have to ask ourselves where all that fancy funding comes from does director ruggiero know? Don't know. Dr. Cooke's spearheading the thing, that's certain. Some of the lab team too. Hartman, Volinski. But lots of faces I've never seen before. People I can't find on the payroll I need you to get this information to Ruggiero. I was going to myself but then this fucking thing started following me what if ruggiero's involved? won't i be targeted for helping you? Shit Getting in a cab. Not going to stop it, but I need to think there's an addendum. i'll send it over now SCP-7853 was discovered during Task Force N-77's investigation into GoI-027. An excerpt from the group's Foundation intelligence dossier has been included below. GoI-027, also known as the Segreto crime family, is an organized crime group primarily operating in Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey. Unofficially referred to as the “Sixth Family” due to their powerful standing within the American Mafia, the organization has ties to an estimated 30% of known criminal activity in their locus of influence. This includes standard Mob operations, such as gambling, racketeering, trafficking, and theft, among others. GoI-027 is notable for its knowledge and usage of the anomalous. The use of paratechnology, targeting known Groups of Interest, smuggling anomalous objects, distributing anomalous drugs, and carrying out operations in populated Nexuses are further documented events that have warranted the organization's GoI status. It is believed a portion of GoI-027's members are anomalous themselves. The Segretos have managed to gain access to information confidential to organizations such as the Global Occult Coalition and the Foundation, leading intelligence to believe that the Segretos have exploited information security flaws in both groups. The existence of Segreto informants within the Foundation is presently being investigated. At the head of GoI-027 is an individual referred to as “The Duke”. The family's structure and the identities of its members are largely unknown, though its overall origin can most likely be traced back to the folding of GoI-001, The Chicago Spirit, in the late 1940s. The majority of its history is lost, as American Mob culture has largely upheld the tradition of not openly speaking about GoI-027. Certain details regarding the family contradict themselves between sources, and Foundation informants have expressed fear over revealing information about GoI-027, potentially due to attracting the attention of SCP-7853. A number of Task Force N-77 members have succeeded in embedding themselves in GoI-027 or criminal organizations close to. Further intelligence reports are awaiting declassification. N-77. You ever hear of these guys? don't think so. they probably went deeper if they found out there's mob activity within the foundation itself. off the books yk That's optimistic I think that thing's speeding up. I can't see it, but it's about five blocks back If it can move faster I'm starting to think it's just sadistic. Likes the chase. Probably knows I'm running now i'm putting all of this in a data packet. the file, the convo, everything. if you come over and log into my terminal, you can send it to the director Good idea. Absolves you of any excuse, barring the fact that I used your computer how close are you Five minutes on foot. Get a drink ready The following is a sample of known incidents involving SCP-7853. Date: 1991/11/01 Victim: Rocco “Rocky” Lombardi Description: High profile Mob disappearance. Lombardi had reportedly had sexual relations with the wife of a Segreto Caporegieme. Lombardi made several telephone calls to his peers panicking that he was being followed by an individual matching SCP-7853's description. Soldiers stood guard at his compound, but could not see the assailant, even when Lombardi pointed directly to the entity. Lombardi drove off in his car in an attempt to escape, and was officially declared missing a week later. Presumed dead as a result of SCP-7853. Date: 1995/04/27 Victim: Nicostrato Mazzanti Description: Mazzanti owned a prominent casino chain on the east coast, and became targeted by the Segretos after a dispute over earnings resulted in the deaths of several GoI-027 associates. Mazzanti reported flying from the United States to Italy in an attempt to flee SCP-7853. SCP-7853's pursuit occured for over a week, and allegedly involved a crazed Mazzanti acquiescing to Segreto demands before being caught and presumably killed by the entity. Date: 1998/09/04 Victim: Enzo “Zombie” Rosiello Description: Details of prior conflict with GoI-027 are unknown. Rosiello was noted to be a highly aggressive individual, and his continued operation was considered a massive risk for the Mob due to his frequent outbursts and sporadic killings. Rosiello believed he was being followed, and attempted to attack the assailant in broad daylight. According to bystanders, Rosiello fired several shots into the air that quickly disappeared. After a struggle, Rosiello disappeared after being dragged into a back alley by an unknown force. you read these yet Last one's interesting. If those bullets really disappeared, the entity must have taken them, right? If it's not phasing through an object, it can be interacted with physically Maybe there wasn't enough time for it to react PLEASE do not try to fuck with this thing file's ready get here asap please joey joey are you there This is Evan Giochno, Captain of Task Force N-77. A task force that no longer exists. It's March 13th, 2004. I've been on the run for two days. I've been investigating the Segreto family for the past decade of my life. And according to my memory, I've been doing it alone. But that memory's wrong. There are names I can't remember. People whose faces don't register in my mind. Work I didn't write that's sitting in front of my face. It's a family photo with everyone cut out. Except for me. The last documents I know I didn't write were uploaded two weeks ago. In those two weeks, Task Force N-77, a group of 77 Foundation personnel investigating the Segreto crime family, has been whittled down to one. And I can't tell you a single thing about any of those people I risked my life with. It's picking us off, and it's making it seem like we never existed. And my mind believes it. But then I look at the mounds of work sitting in my office that I don't remember writing, or the equipment that I could never operate, and I know it's a lie. It won't stop until I'm dead. Until the only thing left of this team is a spare room that no one's entered in years, and a file that no one has the clearance to access. I'm holed up on-site right now. Guards armed to the teeth. They know what's happening, but it doesn't matter, it's still coming for me. And once I'm gone, they'll all forget. No one's going to remember what they were assigned to protect, or that any of us existed. Not like I remember them either. I declassified the file. Level 4 clearances. If this gets lost in the shuffle, start asking questions. We were all real. joey please you need to read this SHIT holy fuck are you okay?? I'M finE just hurt i shot it you fired off a shot in the middle of nyc? are you fucking stupid waited until it was clsoe paced around your building shot it in the knees and the bullet hit but people still heard obv guy tackled me fucked up my leg. got away b biting him did you kill that thing?? no it just took the fucking shot like a tank joey please read what i just sent there's an addendum that was reverted right after it was edited in. from the captain of the task force. last thing added to the page i'm fucking hurt ill be there in a minute please. it makes no sense, pls read it what the Fuck oh god of course it's the fucking compnd the isomer? YES. the problem before was that this thing still left evidence behind, just like any other hitman. no body, no proof, but people still remembered wht if u could make the memories disappear too? X-908 can. mob uses it on themselves to stay underground, but if you use it on other people but it only lasts for an hour you said? yeah, and then ur pulled back into reality. everyone else's brains recheck themselves and the memories come back. if you kill something that's imperceptible, it's not going to return. that effect's going to linger. there's NOTHing to be brought back it's the closest you can get to being erased entirely god that's fucking good fucking hell joey. are you here yet? in the lobby 227, right? fuck sarah sara imj shot tranq or somethign im in lobby im dontt what the fuck respond to me not a bullet what the fuck Who is this? shit Hi, who is this? The dread settles in as Dr. Joseph Wren realizes what he's been shot with. The faces in the lobby do not acknowledge him. If they do, they just as quickly forget and move along. SCP-7853 moves closer. Halfway across the lobby now. Still that same, steady walk. Wren knows it's futile, but he limps to the elevator as fast as he can. He pushes the button to the third story rapidly. 227. Just need to get to that terminal. In the corner of his mind's eye, he knows that SCP-7853 is closing in. It's walking up the walls. Wren fondles his hip. Pistol's still there. He contemplates swallowing it. No. Need to get to Sarah's room. If he does, he can still send the file regardless of whether or not she'll remember him. Get it to the Director. Get it to everyone on Site-22's payroll. Pull the rug out on those bastards. He's not afraid of dying anymore. He's afraid of failing. The door opens. Wren runs as fast as he can down the hall. Just a few more seconds. He's focused. So focused that he's completely neglected to notice that SCP-7853 has phased through the wall behind him. Wren turns the handle, but it's too late. He didn't even get to scream. The game is over. Dr. Joseph Wren, and every memory of him that's ever existed in the minds of his friends and family, has been wiped from existence. The door to Junior Researcher Sarah Capula's apartment creaks open. She shut down her computer a few minutes ago, confused as to why she was cataloging data on SCP-7853. A grin spreads across her face when she notices something in her peripheral. Sarah: Come on in, tough guy. I've always wanted to see what you look like. SCP-7853 enters the apartment, phasing through the door. The two stare each other down. Sarah: Terrifying. I figured you might have had something to do with this when I saw the past hour of text messages I couldn't remember sending. Colleague of mine? SCP-7853 does not respond. Sarah: (Shakes head) I'm never getting used to this. I didn't realize we were doing this with X-908, now. Very impressive. Horrible way to go out, you know? (Pauses) You probably didn't even need me to lure him here, but Cooke doesn't tell me shit. Silence. Sarah pulls out her cell phone to call Director Ruggerio. After some ringing, the director picks up. Director Ruggerio: Speak. Sarah: Director, do you know a Dr. Joseph Wren? Director Ruggerio: Uh, I don't think we have a– Oh… (Laughs) Sarah: Didn't know they were doing hits with this stuff. Scary, isn't it? Director Ruggerio: Always is. These bastards step into some deep shit. Just wish I could remember who they were after the fact. Wonder how deep he got. Sarah: I want my cut. Director Ruggerio: Relax. Is our friend there? Sarah: Dick Tracy? Yeah, I'm looking at him. Director Ruggerio: Great. Well, give him my regards. The Duke's getting double on his next shipment. Bailing us out yet again with his royal enforcer. Sarah: Does he speak? Fucker hasn't said a word since he walked in. Director Ruggerio: The fuck would I know? I've never seen the guy. You don't see him unless you're– SCP-7853 fires a shot of X-908 at Sarah Capula. The impact of the bullet stuns her. She tries to mouth something, but words don't come out. She drops the phone to the ground, and falls out of her seat, struggling to crawl away. SCP-7853 approaches her, and in seconds, she's gone. Maybe she was a liability. Maybe she wasn't. The fact remained that she read that document to Wren. She could have lied. She was told to lie. But it's been taken care of now. This operation can't afford to leave loose ends. Elsewhere, a confused Director Julian Ruggerio hangs up his cell phone, realizing that he was talking to nothing at all. SCP-7853 exits through the window, and makes a descent down the side of the apartment, returning to parts unknown. The Duke keeps his court well-kept. « SCP-7852 | SCP-7853 | SCP-7854 »
Where's Matthew Instructions Welcome valued staff member. The following flag is event 'Am-0447'. Please read the flagged text carefully. You have been drafted to work temporarily on the SCP-7858 project. Your previous supervisor and psychologist have already approved this transfer. You are required to classify an SCP-7858 'Flag' event. This is a potential SCP-7858 sighting. The nature of SCP-7858 remains unknown. You will review the relevant evidence and determine whether you believe it supports Theory A or Theory B. You have also been granted temporary access to a special message board to communicate with other SCP-7858 staff members. To streamline the classification process, a digital poll has been provided. Staff considering complaining are advised that, as there are no experts in this field, this solution is the best available. Staff with an alternate method of classifying SCP-7858 should present this to their team leader. Please be aware that multiple staff members are assigned to every event. All relevant research has been collated below. Please log in below to begin SCP-7858 Instance Classification ID 635ada9a2155a0ae79963c77a5077dc9_1706541087 PASSWORD 0ac1ef708b11f565633c9831c86d432a_1706541087 Login Logout Item#: 7858 Level4 Containment Class: pending Secondary Class: uncontained Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Item #: SCP-7858 Object Class: Pending Special Containment Procedures: Foundation algorithms should review available databases of text messages. Algorithms are to search for: Messages referring to a person not in the subject's contacts, An account with activity metadata inconsistent with the number of messages it has sent, Messages by adults implying the existence of a child for which there is no legally significant record. All staff assigned to SCP-7858 require written confirmation from their psychologist and immediate superior that: They have no mental health conditions, They have a stable and active social life. Staff on the SCP-7858 project receive category 3-M psychological hazard pay. Description: The nature of SCP-7858 is currently being determined by staff. SCP-7858 manifests as a series of text messages. These messages will reference a person who does not exist. The account owners will have no recollection of the person. They exhibit no abnormal behavior. The only other potential evidence of the absent person is the 'holes' they leave. 'Hole' is a technical term in anti-memetics referring to the absence of something that may logically have existed, as implied by, but not proved by, its surroundings.1 SCP-7858 is either a weak memetic or powerful anti-memetic entity. These theories are referred to respectively as SCP-7858-A ('Theory A') and SCP-7858-B ('Theory B'). Theory A: In the event that SCP-7858-A is a weak memetic entity, then SCP-7858-A generates a series of anomalous text messages. It has no bearing on any person or physical entity. The text messages will usually appear without those involved noticing. SCP-7858-A requires a series of interlocking holes. Together, these holes must imply the existence of a hypothetical person. SCP-7858-A will fill those holes with the most likely hypothetical person. The fact that SCP-7858-A only appears where such holes exist makes it seem as if a person has been wiped from existence. In reality, SCP-7858-A only manifests into a situation that already implies there was once a person. Theory B: In the event that SCP-7858-B is a powerful anti-memetic entity, then SCP-7858-B will erase a victim, all knowledge of that victim, and all evidence of that victim. The only thing not erased by SCP-7858-B is digital records between third-party devices. Records connected to the device of a victim are presumably eradicated with the device. SCP-7858-B will not 're-run' history. Therefore, a victim eliminated by SCP-7858-B creates holes in the lives of the people they knew. Proposed holes include unspent funds that correspond to money spent on the victim, periods of social isolation corresponding to knowing the victim, or major life choices made based on knowing the victim. FLAG AM-0447 IS APPENDED BELOW. PLEASE BEGIN CLASSIFICATION PRIMER Event AM-0447 concerns a 'Matthew Clay,' who may have lived in Kern County, California. His supposed disappearance would have been in March of 2021. Matthew would have been 22 years old at the time of his disappearance. Sixty-four people were flagged by the algorithm as discussing 'Matthew' at least once. Of these, three were selected for analysis. Henceforth; these are the AM-0447 People of Interest ('The PoIs'). Enola Clay, Matthew's 'mother.' She is 55 years old, has no children, is once divorced, and works as an accountant. Daniel Langley, Matthew's 'friend.' He is 22 years old and has changed major once. He is currently studying computer science, having transferred from politics in 2021. Charlotte Chase, Matthew's 'partner.' She is 22 years old and has recently graduated with a degree in nursing. Flagged text messages, after relevance analysis: Analysis added by intern (Informal). _ + Note By Intern- Close Hey there cobber. I'm sorry my notes are a bit on the casual side. I'm Greg, from the Aussie division, and I'm actually a techy. Apparently, I got bumped up to intern scientist for this. I'm a bit of a blockhead for things that don't spark though. I'm thinking they just grab people for this project. Anyway, I've never done any science, I just do computers. I'm not half bad at that though. I did a little digging to give ya some extra info while I was putting this all together. If it's a mess though now you know why. I'm glad to we working with you guys! Happy reading mate! _ + Messages: 16 07 2020, Charlotte Chase, Daniel Langley- Close 16 07 2020 Charlotte asks Daniel who she should invite to her party. This is the first conversation between Charlotte and Daniel mentioning Matthew. Intern Note Charlotte and Daniel were close before Matthew. I found 27,000 texts between them in the last 5 years. Daniel and Matthew were studying together and were pretty good friends. I don't know how Charlotte knows about Matthew, I guess she might've sat in or met Daniel after class? I find it interesting that Charlotte specifically checks in with Daniel about Matthew. It could just be because they know each other, but maybe Charlotte already liked Matthew before this party. _ + Messages: 20 07 2020, Charlotte Chase, Daniel Langley- Close 20 07 2020 A conversation between Charlotte and Daniel on the night of the party. Intern Note Looks like this was a real rager. Daniel texts differently, I think he's on mobile with autocorrect on. I cracked his Facebook and it seems most of his messages are sent from a computer. Thanks to his bargain bin VPN I now know it has a 2080 GPU and Ryzen 7300, which is some serious firepower. Probably a gamer. I think Daniel has a thing for Charlotte. Feels a bit like a cry for help when he says she should 'ignore him.' Maybe he's just stressed about losing his mate though. _ + Messages: 21 07 2020, Charlotte Chase, Daniel Langley- Close 21 07 2020 A conversation between Charlotte and Daniel on the night after the party. Intern Note Looks like Daniel is back on his PC. Both of them feel a bit vulnerable, probably because they had such a big night. I reckon Charlotte is sussing out her odds with Matthew. She jumps straight on Daniel when he says he wouldn't date someone he doesn't know well. Matthew and Charlotte probably haven't talked much at this point. Daniel doesn't do Matthew any favors by telling Charlotte she doesn't need to go. Everything he says he wants from a girlfriend maps nicely onto Charlotte too. If he likes Charlotte, Daniel isn't being too subtle. _ + Messages: 12 08 2020, Charlotte Chase, Enola Clay- Close 12 08 2020 A conversation between Charlotte and Enola. Enola thanks Charlotte for helping her with something. Intern Note This writing is pretty uptight for Enola. She always does her best to sound proper but she's normally more of a doll. She's making the effort though. We know Enola is the lonely type, she probably really wants to be closer to Charlotte but is worried she might spook her, from her or Matthew. Looks like Charlotte has been sleeping over a good bit at Matthew's, so they're probably going steady at this point. Charlotte still seems awkward though. _ + Messages: 27 10 2020, Charlotte Chase, Daniel Langley- Close 27 10 2020 A conversation between Charlotte and Daniel. Charlotte invites Daniel out to go drinking. Intern Note This conversation wasn't flagged, I had to do a bit of scrolling. It's important for understanding what comes next. It doesn't seem like Matthew comes along. Something is probably up with him and Charlotte. She seems like she wants to get hammered. Never a good sign. My ex-wife went pretty hard on the goon before the end too. Just a thought, but given Daniel isn't too subtle about fancying Charlotte, maybe she knows Daniel likes her. So when she's in a tough spot, she uses him as help. I also found something creepy. I am regenerating these messages from a data leak. Charlotte never had this profile picture according to Facebook. In it, you see her holding someone's hand. This should be Matthew. If I'm right, this hand is the only bit of Matthew Clay anyone will ever see. I hope the poor kid wasn't real. I feel like I just dug up a corpse. _ + Attached File- Close _ + Messages: 28 10 2020, Charlotte Chase, Daniel Langley- Close 28 10 2020 Charlotte messages Daniel after their night out. Intern Note Charlotte says she went to sleep over at Matthews and Daniel hits her with a one-word response. The poor lad is probably suffering at this point, being yanked around at the whims of Charlotte's relationship. It's hard to tell whether she and Matthew are really on the rocks. There's been no mention of a potential breakup so I think they're still going strong. I buy that she cares about Daniel though. From the materials I've read, there's no evil there, just a girl who's hurting. _ + Messages: 03 01 2021, Charlotte Chase, Enola Clay- Close 03 01 2021 Enola messages Charlotte asking if she wants to go to the gym. Some of Matthew's habits are discussed. Intern Note This is wholesome. It seems like Charlotte and Enola have connected over the four or so months since the last texts. Enola even uses emojis now. I was able to hack into the client list of the gym, it shows that Charlotte did join that Saturday. I guess that's why the messages would be about that Saturday though. _ + Messages: 12 03 2021, Charlotte Chase, Daniel Langley- Close 12 03 2021 Daniel tries to find Charlotte during an event. Charlotte has had a fight with Matthew. Intern Note She seems to do this a lot when she's wasted. Daniel's Uber history shows he paid for a ride with two passengers that night. I guess that's kids. _ + Messages: 13 03 2021, Charlotte Chase, Daniel Langley- Close 13 03 2021 Charlotte messages Daniel about what happened the night before. Intern Note All of these messages were deleted. I couldn't find any more messages between them after this. I think Charlotte blocked him. _ + Messages: 20 06 2021, Charlotte Chase, Enola Clay- Close 13 03 2021 Enola messages Charlotte discussing how she is feeling sick. Intern Note I was able to confirm that on the thirteenth Enola contacted her boss and took three days off from work. I couldn't find any family in Enola's Facebook friends. She must've relied on Matthew pretty hard, and probably Charlotte too at this point. Being sick alone at home sucks, and she's getting on in years. This is the last flagged exchange. Enola Clay and Charlotte Chase never talk again. Matthew is never mentioned again. That means on the thirteenth of March Matthew Clay, if he was ever real, ceased to exist. Other Documents _ + Field Report: AM-0447 Quantifiables- Close Field Report: AM-0447 Quantifiables The SCP-7858 research team has conducted background checks on the PoIs of this case. Evidence below has been flagged as potentially relevant. Research work identified the 'mother' of Matthew, Enola Clay. Enola married 'Harry Chang' in 1997, and divorced him in 2005. This time would encompass Matthew's birth. Observation showed that Enola's current rental, which she moved into in 2007, contains three bedrooms. Two of these are currently guest rooms. They are rarely used. It has been posited that this financial burden was necessitated because one of the guest rooms was Matthew's room. Enola has claimed she 'got a good deal' when approached by a field agent at a bar. Agents were unable to recover the original tenancy contract. Enola's savings are considerable. These savings were mostly acquired from 1999 to today. Her savings rate rose significantly in 2005. Her saving pattern during this period differs significantly from her pre-marital pattern, assessed from 1990 to 1997. It has been proposed that these savings represent money spent on Matthew. Savings are 9% greater than the statistical average amount spent on raising a child by single mothers. Employee assistance program records indicate her divorce had a serious effect on her. In August 2021, Daniel switched majors from Politics to Computer Science. This may have been motivated by Matthew's disappearance, as they would previously have been studying politics together. Having lost his closest social connection in the degree may have been the final push to change major. Charlotte Chase was identified as the 'partner' of Matthew. In May of 2021, she sought counseling from 'NAMI Kern County,' a local not-for-profit mental health service. This is around two months after Matthew's supposed disappearance. She had never sought counseling previously. It is proposed this is because Matthew previously acted as emotional support. _ + Psychologists Notes on Charlotte Chase- Close Foundation agents staged a robbery at NAMI Kern County, the psychology not-for-profit attended by Charlotte Chase. Various unnetworked data on Charlotte Chase was recovered. The following is a converted Word document written by Charlotte for her psychologist 'expressing her feelings' regarding Daniel. Okay. I'm just doing this stream of consciousness style. I think honestly this all started with Freddy. He was my boyfriend back in highschool. Really popular and fit but also always so gentle, I felt lucky just to be around him. We didn't sleep together. We just went on dates and tried different coffee spots and playgrounds late at night. Our first kiss was on the swings at 11, when it was dark enough to see the stars. I think I was really happy, and I'll never be able to fall in love like that again. Freddy cheated on me. The girl was really into him. Honestly, I think she wasn't entirely okay. She got pictures of them doing it, or at least people told me it was her. She always denied it. Those pictures ended up everywhere though. They were explicit. I saw it and I remember just having to sit down. I thought I was going to marry Freddy. I'm never going to forget seeing that boy I loved naked in a photo with someone else. It was the first time I even saw him shirtless. I threw up in front of everyone and the next day my hands kept shaking. I never talked to Freddy again. That's probably one of my many problems. I run away from things I can't handle. I still think about it though. I haven't been in love since. Now, Daniel. We were already friends before everything happened. We weren't super close till university, but it helped. He wasn't so much a guy as just a friend and that's probably the reason I could be around him. In Uni we got close. I don't know why. I really liked him though. He was relaxed but would spend lots of time with me and that's something I really need. I kind of knew Daniel liked me. He was always there, he texted weird stuff, and when he gets drunk he was really huggy. I think I used him. Whenever something went wrong I'd call Daniel and we'd drink. Obviously, he was always up for it. That kind of on-tap support is addictive. Then I got really drunk and we slept together. It was stupid. I was just feeling down and I drank way too much, then it happened. Nothing sexy or wild. After that I just couldn't see him the same way. He was a guy now, not a friend. Whenever I see him I remember what he looked like naked. It makes me want to punch myself. I regret it more than anything. I feel like this was where it all went wrong for me, and I lost a lot of friends when I lost Daniel. Nobody nearly as important but it was the rest of what I had. I can't take it back. I really really really want to. But every time I look at him I get so scared I want to puke. I can't even text him anymore. I miss him so much. _ + OPTIONAL: Psychologists Notes on Charlotte Chase- Close These notes were also found. _ + Interview with Enola Clay- Close Foundation agents shadowed Enola Clay for several days. It was found she frequented a local bar alone and often spoke to strangers. Agent 'Joshua Zacherensky,' 35, was dispatched to interview her while pretending to be a patron. The following are extracts from their conversation. Agent Zacherensky: Hey'a. Enola Clay: Hello there? Z: I'm Josh. You here alone too? E: Yeah I am- just enjoying a drink after work. Z: Are you the sort who enjoys a chat with their drink? I don't want- E: Not at all! Please, here! Tell me about yourself! [Enola pulls up a chair. Agent Zacherensky repeats the cover story.] … Z: Can I buy you a drink? E: Sure! Get one for yourself- and I'll buy the next round. Z: Oh, you're great. What do you want? … E: Honestly, it's so hard getting to know people in this town. Everyone already has their cliques. It's really nice that you came to talk to me you know- Z: -and you to me, I feel like I don't meet enough people- E: -Right? At work it's pretty bad. Back in the day I picked a job that was just close to home, but I decided I wanted the higher salary and honestly I am not sure if that was a mistake. The pay isn't bad but I feel like nobody cares about each other at all. Oh- bartender- yeah two— you like Gin right? [Zacharensky does finger guns] E: Gin and Tonics, please. Where, oh right, yeah so there's really no community to it. Nobody wanted to come tonight. Z: Did things used to be better? E: Yeah I think. I used to just go home after the old job, but at least that was my choice. It feels better you know? Still. If I can get a bit, sorry that's the Gin talking, but since the divorce I think I've not really made any real friends. And the ones I had are pretty much gone. Sorry. I just wanted to vent a little. Z: No kids? E: I— I always wanted kids. I wish I had a kid or two. I'm getting old and I just don't want to be alone at the… I think I don't want to talk about this sorry. Tell me about you? Why are you here alone? … Z: Actually, do you know a Charlotte Chase? I think she mentioned you once. [Enola thinks for several seconds. She is intoxicated.] E: Charlotte… Hmm. No I don't think so. There used to be a girl at my gym called Charlotte I think. She left around June? Maybe July? Might be her. Didn't talk to her much though. … _ + Catfishing Daniel Langley- Close Foundation agents found the Discord account of one of Daniel's close friends in a data breach. They were able to access the account. A team of specialists questioned Daniel through the account. Full text below. SmashBashSlash Today at 8:29 PM Hey you on Daniel? dannyboi Today at 8:30 PM dont call me that, its weird af man SmashBashSlash Today at 8:32 PM soz, just feeling a bit sentimental what are you up to? how are you feeling? dannyboi Today at 8:33 PM did something happen? i am just playing valo rn, if you wanna join? SmashBashSlash Today at 8:33 PM no soz can't call rn or game, not on PC wanna text tho nothing strictly happened just like, feeling worried about people i guess, just got some news from a friend and now i wanna hear how everyone is doing so how is stuff in life dannyboi Today at 8:35 PM man dont just drop that shit on me SmashBashSlash Today at 8:38 PM can i like uber eats you some beer, mb then we talk? dannyboi Today at 8:39 PM a full sixer? SmashBashSlash Today at 8:40 PM yeah dannyboi Today at 8:40 PM yeah okay you got me ill d n m with u for a sixer lmao sorry that sounded kinda cold im happy to talk anyway, just kinda caught off guard SmashBashSlash Today at 8:42 PM dw man im serious about the beer tho its on its way dannyboi Today at 8:43 PM based SmashBashSlash Today at 8:45 PM wanna wait and talk when you got one of those in u, maybe after a game of valo dannyboi Today at 8:46 PM yeah probably for the best if its okay, not easy to turn on and off and you know that a beer helps me with this stuff can we talk in like an hour then or is that too long SmashBashSlash Today at 8:47 PM nah that works dannyboi Today at 8:48 PM cool i will chat to u then, gonna play a game or two, ttys dannyboi Today at 9:32 PM hey im back as promised1 good to talk? !* SmashBashSlash Today at 9:32 PM yeah hah dannyboi Today at 9:33 PM whoa u were hoverin SmashBashSlash Today at 9:34 PM just ensuring the security of my investment anyway how are u doing? whats it been like? i know you had that thing with charlotte, still messing with you? dannyboi Today at 9:36 PM yeah honestly it is a bit i guess now i get to just vent well like you know the whole thing that happened a bit back with her right? well we havent talked much since i saw her at that party at laneys but tbh she was pretty cold to me anyway i like asked her about it and she said shed had a big think and had like one to therapy gone* she thinks that the whole thing with freddy back in highschool kinda fucked her up and now she really isnt okay with guys who are into her, like she thinks they are gonna betray her and stuff so when she figured out i liked her and she knew fml she saw me as being just another dude and that meant i wanst trust worthy and stuff and since she just hasnt been able to see me as a friend anymore which is pretty shit tbh i dont even really see it, like she was pretty cool with guys back at the start of uni, this mostly seemed to kick off when that thing between us happened so dunno if i buy her story anywsy and then she got drunk as fuck and spewed she started crying and she told me that she missed me and wished this hadn't happen, she tried to hit herself at one point, it was scary she just raised her hand up and i could see her getting ready to just pound it into herself then she clenched her hand and stopped and just kind of kept crying she says shes alone now anyway i texted her after and kinda tried to re open things but she fully cold shouldered me, like one word responses so i guess thats that you know. end of my first love i hate it though. honestly im not proud of it but when she was gone i locked myself in the bathroom and cried then i told everyone i was throwing up it'd be easier if she had a boyfriend or something i guess thats a bit sexist of me, like, 'oh i can't cope' but i respect it as soon as there's another guy involved but i guess it wouldn't feel so much like she rejects… me… as a person i just wish this hadn't happened and i fucking hate it i think sleeping with her is the worst thing ive ever done and all the rest of this shit is just karma i betrayed her for one night i guess it isnt weird she doesnt wanna be around me but its done now and i only think about it like once a week happy now? SmashBashSlash Today at 9:44 PM whoa yeah okay sounds sorta like she was just trying to make sense of it in her own head dannyboi Today at 9:45 PM maybe man doesnt help me though, i cant fix it anyway fuck SmashBashSlash Today at 9:46 PM keep it up dude you'll be fine rest of your life lets forget this stuff, dannyboi Today at 9:48 PM yeah honestly it it werent for charlotte stuff would be pretty good right now marks are better honestly loving gaming with you guys and at least i dont have to see her all the time also like i hooked up with chelsie and thats been going on SmashBashSlash Today at 9:51 PM nice dannyboi Today at 9:51 PM yeah. like i got this honestly this has been good i think it helped to talk thanks man SmashBashSlash Today at 9:52 PM anytime man ACCESS GRANTED You have been granted access to the SCP-7858 forums. Please remember to remain respectful and keep the discussion relevant to SCP-7858. By accepting, you agree that all information received on this forum is confidential. You further agree to make no effort to identify, track, or harass staff members based on their forum activity. You acknowledge that if you violate the Foundation code of conduct or this waiver disciplinary action will follow. _ Agree?Thank you! Contemplating SCP-7858-B PINNED POST BY: Senior Researcher Sami Abd Al Abadi Subject: Contemplating SCP-7858-B Hello staff, I have been briefly drafted into the remit of the SCP-7858 project. I understand that most of you are not used to classification work. However, SCPs are not classified by gods or O5s. This is work that actually needs to be done by scientists. Test my ideas without concern for rank and remit, just think your comments through. I am too busy to have my time wasted by pandering. SCP-7858-B should be favored. We should look at the sheer coherence of the evidence provided to us. We see that those left behind by the SCP event all have clear and present simultaneous changes in their lives. His mother decides to change her job. This is Probably because her home life no longer brings her any joy (So going back to it is no longer a goal). The friend group implodes according to Charlotte, though she says that's because of Daniel. Charlotte also seeks therapy for the first time. Daniel also changes major. There is no way to be sure which of the two theories is accurate. However, it seems unlikely that so many coincidences would not merely group together but occur at the same time. All evidence suggests Matthew was once real. Therefore, we should prefer Theory B. Comments No comments yet. Remaining attached to scientific principles: Why our tools of trade strongly support SCP-7858-A. PINNED POST BY: Researcher Armistead Subject: Remaining attached to scientific principles: Why our tools of trade strongly support SCP-7858-A. We deal with the incredible on a daily basis. If I told you we contained a game of Monopoly that controlled the housing market of a small midwestern town, I imagine you would believe me. We have all even heard rumors, however dubious, that some departments are responsible for the continued survival of humanity. It makes us forget ourselves. When assessing an SCP event, we should look to what is likely. There has been a total of roughly 20,000 identified SCP-7858 events. While this sounds like a lot, compared to the nearly 8 billion people on this planet, that is minuscule. That is some 0.0003% of people alive right now. And we have the entire span of every one of those 8 billion lives. Every second could be the right one. When you can stack that many rolls of the dice you will get weird results by chance. Rolling a natural 20 is a 5% chance for comparison. You should imagine yourself trying to pull a specific Uno card, but the deck goes on forever and you get to try five hundred times. Suddenly it's not just likely you'll get the green four you need, it's practically guaranteed. It is not surprising that across the lifetimes of billions of people, you pull the right card. It is obvious that the preconditions for SCP-7858-A events can arise naturally. Now, let's contemplate the events themselves. What is more likely? An intangible undetectable force that randomly wipes people from existence, for reasons unknown? Or another of a common class of relatively harmless memetic entities. It is obviously more likely that this is just another meme. We have many tools with which to detect the anomalous. We know what cards are in this Uno deck. As far as we know people just disappearing isn't one of them. Hence Theory A is more likely. I will also briefly turn my mind to the question of motivation. SCPs do not necessarily need motivations. However, a substantial number of SCPs were made in some way; almost never simply for fun. Even if it is for fun, creating a real-world board game generates entertainment. That remains a motive. There is no clear motive for wiping from existence an insignificant number of people, AKA SCP-7858-B. However, I can easily conceive of the motivation for SCP-7858-A. It would be meant to fill holes in the lives of sad and disconnected people. If I could do such a thing, even I would consider it. It simply isn't successful. It is too weak to actually generate a new person, so as thaumatological workings are known to do, it goes about 1% of the way and does the easiest thing. That is generate some text messages. It lacks the power to even do that properly. So it is only able to manifest where it is most likely to be: in the lives of people with perfectly overlapping holes, that 0.0003% of cases. The meme does not create that situation. It can only appear and survive when it already exists. In the absence of evidence to support SCP-7858-B we should not waste our turn on some long-shot theory. We should assume SCP-7858 is not some unique occurrence, but just another memetic entity. I look forward to hearing your commentary. Comments No comments yet. Are we affected?? (Locked Thread) THREAD CLOSED BY ADMIN PINNED POST BY: Junior Researcher Harrison Subject: Are we affected?? I feel like I may have been affected by SCP-7858. Specifically, the -B variant, which I believe we can all agree is the more likely of the two. When I first arrived at this job, I felt like I fit in. It was sort of a camaraderie. For some reason I cannot make sense of I was quite happy to just stand at the edge of events and talk to people when they wanted to talk to me. This is never a truly fun job, but for me it was fulfilling. That's not how I feel anymore. For the past year, I just can't do these things. I get quite anxious about annoying people or getting in their way, and standing around at a party would have made me bring down the mood. There are other things too. I use a mood tracker, and around the time that I feel I was disconnected from everyone, my mood tracking dropped hard. Nothing else changed at that point- I just sort of stopped going. This all makes sense if I was a victim of SCP-7858, or rather, someone close to me. Probably another one of our colleagues. It is Foundation policy to delete the text messages created by an SCP-7858 event. They are kept on our servers alone to 'avoid distressing victims'. All of our phones have Foundation observation software on them. What do we all think? I think we should be honest about the effects of SCP-7858 so we can confront it together. I know if I vanished, I would want to be remembered. I am sure you all feel the same way. Thankyou. Comments BY: Assistant Site Director Hoexter Subject: RE: Are we affected?? Junior Researcher Harrison, Remain professional. Turn your mind to @RArmistead's excellent debate post. The chances that you are affected are exceedingly slim. You should picture yourself stepping outside and being struck by lightning. The danger that this SCP poses is not of a memetic nature, but that which dangerous information has always posed. It hurts people. You may picture yourself depressed now, but if you actually knew that someone near you had simply vanished, the fear and loss would be much more harmful. If -B is accurate, anyone affected is already suffering. We should not kick them while they are down. I ask that discussion be kept on topic and scientific. Eminently, Assistant Site Director Hoexter. BY: Junior Researcher Harrison Subject: RE: RE: Are we affected?? With all due respect, Assistant site director, this is a problem of the Foundation's own making. Our obsession with information control is not an end unto itself. We do not hide things for the sake of hiding them. As you point out, the real harm in losing somebody is how their disappearance leaves us adrift. Their memory is neither here nor there. Yet, that memory has value! Imagine the suffering of Enola Clay. She loved her son. She dedicated much of her life to him. The reason she goes to a bar every other day, desperately trying to meet someone, to stop being alone, is because her family itself ceased to exist. At this rate she may never find another. If she at least knew she could make sense of her situation. Instead of believing she never found anyone, that she is doomed to be alone, she would understand that she has been the victim of a terrible happenstance. She could draw strength from that. Some people are struck by lightning site director. Let us not lie to victims. If you have any heart at all you should support my position. BY: Assistant Site Director Hoexter Subject: RE: RE: RE: Are we affected?? Control yourself Junior Researcher. Even contemplating informing a member of the public is deeply unprofessional. Controlling information always has a purpose. Evidently, this information is tempting staff in dangerous ways. Informing all staff of these events will only raise their level of stress. As Enola proves, it also has no benefit. Enola frequents local bars seeking companionship and tries to reach out to work colleagues. Remembering her son would not make her more successful. That knowledge only has the potential to harm her. The grief attached and the guilt of forgetting could destroy her. It may even kill her. There is no benefit to such painful and dangerous memories. The Foundation policy was not conceived without due consideration. I recommend you seek psychological support regarding this matter. If you are feeling alone, the fortnightly game of dodgeball between the research and janitorial staff is good for connecting with people. Sanguingly, Assistant Site Director Hoexter. BY: Junior Researcher Harrison Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Are we affected?? As per my last post, This is not dangerous information. We are not children. Pain can make us stronger. Enola's current situation is clearly already bad for her. Every lonely day hurts, I know that well. Giving her memories of her son isn't kicking her when she's down, it's giving her something to cling to. Making someone stronger can save them. People also deserve to be remembered. Matthew Clay may be gone, but that doesn't mean he does not matter. The real motivation that the Foundation has for holding back this kind of information is that it tries to control everything. Assistant site director, you sound like a fascist. Truth has value. There's nothing wrong with remembering the people who died. Whether they were eaten by a chair or just vanished one day. We owe that to them on a basic moral level. PINNED POST BY: Assistant Site Director Hoexter Subject: RE: Are we affected?? I have locked this thread. This, everybody, is why the psychological health requirements were created. This thread is hysterical and helps nobody. Further, researcher Harrison became extremely distressed by the concept that he would also be wiped from existence. I have appended what happened next at my personal discretion. Take this to be a lesson. And no, this is not a psy-op to kill off a dangerous idea, we are the Foundation, not Nazi Germany. SCP-7858 is a dangerous idea. Not because of any memetic or supernatural reason, it simply hurts the most vulnerable among us to think this way. Do not share your research with anyone who has not passed psychological screening. All bonuses and half of hazard pay for the past year which you received will be recalled if you do. Graciously, Assistant Site Director Hoexter. _ + Declassified: After Action Report- Close EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Date of action: 3/9/2021. Involved units: Site-28 Security Team, SCP-7858 Field Agents On the 2nd of September it was realized that Junior Researcher 'Harrison' (ID:JR1036-HARRISON) had not attended site-28 for his shift. Security attempted to access the tracking subroutine on JR Harrison's phone. The phone did not respond. The routine relies on the phone's own location-tracking features. At 1:56 PM, JR Harrison's phone reported its location. It had automatically connected to a wireless network and so could be tracked via IP address. It came from a Kern County Starbucks. Only two field agents remained in Kern Country: Agent Tiffany Brown and Agent Joshua Zacherensky. They decided that PoIs Charlotte Chase and Enola Clay were JR Harrison's most likely destinations and split up accordingly. At 2:11 PM, Agent Zacherensky spotted JR Harrison through the window of Enola Clay's home. He called local police posing as an FBI agent. He described JR Harrison as a drug dealer. Agent Zacherensky activated the listening software on the PoI's phones while he waited for the police. Transcript appended. TRANSCRIPT Junior Researcher Harrison: Thankyou for letting me in. Enola Clay: That's no problem Mr Harrison, could you tell me what this is about though? H: Of course. I understand this may be hard to believe, but I work with a large organization that, among other things, catalogs missing persons. Look, here's my ID. E: 'Foundation.' Well I've certainly never heard of you. H: They put some work into that. E: I see… So why are you here? H: I have been asked not to share this with you, but there have been a lot of irregularities around you. E: What do you mean? H: Strange spending patterns, text- E: You think I am a victim of fraud? H: Not precisely. Here, I have a series of text messages that come from your phone. They've been deleted since, but I think you will find they match your texting style. Here are some other conversations about the same topic. Please read them. I think it will make things clear to you. [Several minutes pass. Enola is seen through the window flicking through several sheets. She appears to have read all of the pages. A police car approaches with its sirens off.] E: I'm confused, what is this meant to prove? H: Doesn't it feel like something is wrong in your life? Like you're missing something? E: Well, don't we all feel that way. H: No, not everyone does. Enola, something terrible has happened to you. You were closer to people once, and then an outside power intervened. You have a right to remember Matthew. [Police approach the door quietly.] E: I don't know what you're talking about. I don't remember sending any of these messages, and I don't have a son or know any Matthews. H: You have to- [Police open the door and begin to rapidly enter the room.] Police Officer (Gloster Potemkin): Hesterly Harrison, you're under arrest for drug trafficking! Hands in the air! H: What? Drug traffi- no wait! PO: Ma'am, tell me what your involvement with this man is! E: He's been peddling an insane story that I have a son who I don't remember. He just showed up at my house. I don't know him. H: Enola please, you have to believe me! You had a son! PO: Had a bit too much fun with the goods, ey? We've all been there. Come on- hands out. H: I'm putting my life on the line for this! You can see that I'm serious— do I seem like I'm lying to you? E: Yes of course you're lying to me! H: They're trying to silence me right now! Please just listen— believe me— that's all I want. I'll be gone in a moment just I beg you remember h— E: You're deranged- deranged and cruel. I've always wanted a child, and here you are peddling this nonsense about a life I haven't had! Is that what you do? Do you prey on the vulnerable? Were you going to give me some 'special little pill' to make it all feel better? Maybe a 'trip' to remembering him? I would never ever forget a child I had! How dare you make up something like this? You cruel fuck- Who's Matthew? Recording Ended. JR Harrison is apprehended. After an amnestic and psychological treatment, he is returned to work in a low-risk position. He remains on the watch list. Mandatory: Classification Survey Please allow at least 3 seconds of loading for security verification _ + Open- Close Footnotes 1. The existence of holes is a proven thaumatological phenomenon. When a working is cast into a hole, the fact that the outcome of the working could reasonably exist mitigates backlash. While statistically significant, the effect is not considered useful outside of academia. « SCP-7857 | SCP-7858 | SCP-7859 » _ + Image Licensing- Close Filename: 'Teddy-chev' Name: Bundesarchiv Bild 183-B0118-0010-027, Werk für Fernsehelektronik, Besuch Chruschtschow License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: https://openverse.org/image/25abcf3b-0240-4499-93a3-61fae0525a80?q=Chruschtschow Filename: 'Charlotte-Pfp-1' Name: Girl Blonde License: Public Domain Source Link: https://openverse.org/image/9866d48e-2086-4fde-9da5-b951e6d6aef5?q=blonde%20hike Additional Notes: This is the first profile picture used in the edited message exchanges. Filename: 'Charlotte-Pfp-2' Name: Come into my world W-u002F @bz.anna (Unsplash) License: Public Domain Source Link: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Come_into_my_world_W-u002F_@bz.anna_(Unsplash).jpg Additional Notes: This is the second profile picture used in the edited message exchanges, and shown directly. Filename: 'Bouncy Ball' Name: Pokémon Go Pokemon Volleyball License: Public Domain Source Link: https://pixabay.com/photos/pok%C3%A9mon-go-pokemon-volleyball-poke-1571013/ Additional Notes: This is Daniel's profile picture on Discord.
Item #: SCP-7860 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7860 is to remain in a high orbit of Mars. Civilian astronomy is to be directed away from studying high Martian orbit. Should SCP-7860's orbit become unstable, it is to be restabilised by the FSS Kim Stanley Robinson. Description: SCP-7860 is a modified Delta-II class Soviet nuclear submarine, formerly designated K-2961, currently in orbit around Mars. On board are 130 corpses, formerly the submarine's crew. 112 of them possess (likely self-inflicted) gunshot wounds to the head. The manner of termination of the remaining 18 is unknown, but suicide or asphyxiation is presumed. One crew member appears to have been shot from behind. SCP-7860-1 is a device of inconclusive function, fitted to SCP-7860. Based on evidence gathered on-site (see Addendum 7860-2), it was originally intended for teleporting nuclear warheads, but malfunctioned during a test and transported the entire submarine to Martian orbit. The exact circumstances of the failure are unknown, but the device is non-functional. Addendum 7860-1: Discovery and investigation SCP-7860 was discovered on 17/04/2021 by personnel at Extraterrestrial Site-301, located on the surface of Mars, during a routine check of the satellite network over the planet. At the time of discovery, it was in a highly elliptical orbit. On 08/05/2021, FSS Kim Stanley Robinson was launched from Site-301 to investigate, with a crew of 3. The investigation team arrived on 10/05/2021, and proceeded to board SCP-7860. Nothing of note occurred during the operation, save for the recovery of the submarine commander's personal journal. Full video logs are available on request. SCP-7860 was moved to a stable circular orbit during June 2021. Addendum 7860-2: Recovered document The following is the final few entries from the journal of Aleksandr Sobol, commander of K-296. The text has been translated from the original Russian. August 12th, 1976 Orders from Moscow. K-296 is to be fitted with an "experimental device". I am to take it out into the ocean. The GRU will perform tests on it, and then we will sail home. Moscow say it's a weapon, but they won't tell me any more than that. All 130 crew will be on board. I tell Moscow "we don't need that many, we'll only be out for a few weeks". They tell me to stay in my lane. I tell them that it's my submarine, it's my lane. They tell me I can be demoted if I want, and I shut up. We embark on the 20th. There will be a GRU officer on board to operate the device and confer with Moscow. August 20th, 1976 I still do not understand why the boat needs a full crew. We are testing a weapon, not going on patrol! But the Party demands it, and it must be so. Everything must be done by the book. I still have not been told what the device is or what it is supposed to do, further than "it's a weapon". Moscow says they'll tell us if we need to know. We fire it tomorrow. August 21st, 1976 The first test fire was today. One hundred kilograms of concrete. Moscow says it landed within two hundred metres of the target. Resounding success, they say. I know not what this means. The crew are uneasy. Mikhail Volkov, my second man, reports a general distrust of the GRU and their plans with the boat. Not exactly surprising, but still worth bearing in mind. August 22nd, 1976 The GRU officer, Nikolaev, told me what the device is this morning. Apparently, it's a teleporter, designed to replace ballistic missiles. I told him that was impossible, and he agreed. He says the impossible is one of his specialties. In truth, I do not trust this thing. What happens if the Americans get hold of it? What happens if it goes wrong? I do not have the education nor political influence to answer these questions, and so I shall sit in silence. There is another test fire scheduled for tomorrow. This time, they want to fire a lump of concrete into space, and land it somewhere out in Siberia. God knows why. August 23rd, 1976 Forget the Saturn V, forget the Soyuz! With this thing, we could put a man on the Moon and have him safely back home in an hour. And yet we use it for weaponry. The concrete "bomb" we fired arrived 200 kilometers above the planet, completely unharmed. Nikolaev himself says he would trust to put a human in it. I am a military man. I recognise that we must protect our Motherland from the Americans and other western powers, but protection to the point of extinction of all other human life? Insanity. Sometimes, the bloodlust of man frightens me. The third and final test fire is on the 25th of August. Moscow says the parameters are "need-to-know". Not that we would know what they meant anyway. August 25th, 1976 The test fire was a failure. Nikolaev activated the device and at once we were weightless. Radio contact with Moscow cut off immediately. He told us all to get out of his way while he attempted a repair. An hour later, Mikhail tells me we are in orbit of Mars. I say bullshit. He takes me up to the conning tower and sure as anything the red planet is right there. As I write, we are the furthest any human has ever been from home. At the very least, we are the first humans ever to see Mars up close with our own eyes. God knows if anyone will ever find us out here, but we can hope. August 26th, 1976 Somebody shot Nikolaev. Turns out a few of the crew were plotting his death from the moment the device malfunctioned. He was the only one with a chance of getting us back home. It's getting harder to breathe. Our reserve oxygen is running low, and morale is running lower. I heard a few gunshots earlier but I do not have the strength to investigate them. One can only assume some of the crew took the easy way out. One hundred thirty men, sent to our deaths in the icy void of space. And for what? Three test fires of a magic teleporter. Footnotes 1. Note: no records exist of a Soviet submarine being designated K-296. « SCP-7859 | SCP-7860 | SCP-7861 »
⧗ 1h10min read close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains heavy subject matter that includes murder, references to self-harm, suicidal ideation, and depictions of torture. ⚠️ content warning Item#: SCP-7865 Level1 Containment Class: explained Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: none Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Containment Procedures: N/A Description: SCP-7865 is a recursive algorithm for the approximation of a solution to the Husik macrostatistical evaluation theorem. By design, the algorithm is only capable of producing solutions for high-likelihood events, under the constraint of the domain $\{ \alpha_v | \sqrt{5}/5 \leq \alpha_v\}.$ This results from the theorem's probability curve appearing as a steep error function, shifted by $-e\pi^{-1}$ units.This is a rightward shift, not a downward shift.. Numerical convergence is only estimated to occur within $t_r <$ 504 hours for an $\alpha_v$ > 0.7684 .Three weeks was deemed the time for which the cost benefit of calculating a solution reached zero. It is from 504 hours that the value $\alpha_v$ = 0.768 was computed. Otherwise, it is an arbitrary value., although smaller values of $\alpha_v$ may still allow for convergence when the time-to-event $t_e$ is sufficiently small as well. Some cases have demonstrated values as low as $\alpha_v$=0.5573 to be convergent for $t_e$= 16.34 hours. Convergence, in turn, is considered to have occurred when the difference between two successive iterations has a error $|E| < (2e)^{-4}.$ Despite 14 relevant variables for convergence, multivariate analysis of simulated runtime models have proven the values of $\alpha_v$ and $t_e$ to be the most critical for a low $t_r$. More information about the derivation of SCP-7865, its mathematical properties, and case studies can be requested from the Head of the Analytics Department with _ Level 4 clearance. Level 4 clearance. From: tenartni.noitadnuof|ilajo#tenartni.noitadnuof|ilajo To: tenartni.noitadnuof|lmsmailliw#tenartni.noitadnuof|lmsmailliw Sent: 9:29 AM, March 14th, 2014 Subject: Request to refile SCP-7865 Director Williams, Hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to inquire about SCP-7865's documentation, it seems sparse. Emailing the Head of Analytics for some math homework? It's absurd. I think it's probably best to archive the file entirely. I can submit the request if that's alright with you. Sincerely, RAISA Secretary Ali From: tenartni.noitadnuof|lmsmailliw#tenartni.noitadnuof|lmsmailliw To: tenartni.noitadnuof|ilajo#tenartni.noitadnuof|ilajo Sent: 10:04 AM, March 14th, 2014 Subject: Re: Request to remove SCP-7865 from file Omar, Your request isn't the first, but I will tell you what I've told the others: SCP-7865's documentation will not be removed from its present file. The veterans from the Analytics Department are adamant SCP-7865 stays around, in one form or another. Myself included. Though, I will agree that the permissions required to fully access an explained 'anomaly' are excessive, especially considering its mundane nature. We keep the entry around as a cautionary reminder. It's one of the Foundation's early failures, back from when we were still formalizing the institution into its modern form. I suppose most of our staff now are too young to remember. They should know our failures, it's for the best. Digitizations of pertinent archives are attached, they'll tell you what you need to know. And please Omar, we've been friends long enough. Call me Latoya. Yours, Dr. Latoya Williams _ Hey! Hey you! Hi! I'm flattered to see that there's someone looking through my page source. Sorry to tell you bud, but I've got no clue what I'm doing. There's a mystical relation between this coltop component and our Lord himself that mandates its own need to exist, and I haven't a clue why. Everything breaks when this isn't here. Oh well. Thanks for reading, I love you!- Hide block Archived Document 7865-B2-1959 Archived Document 7865-A1-1974 Archived Document 7865-A1-1975 Archived Document 7865-A2-1975 Archived Document 7865-A2-1979 Archived Document 7865-A1-1981 WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS LEVEL 4/CONRAD CLASSIFIED ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. IMPOSSIBLE TO DETERMINE DATE OF AUTOMATIC DECLASSIFICATION Memorandum for: Research Site CONRAD Director Via: Internal Affairs Lead Coordinator Subject: Dr. Moshe Husik, the Department of Applied Mathematics, and the Neural Interface Computational Engines (NICE) 1. Regarding the Object of Dr. Husik 1.1. Moshe Husik has proven invaluable to the Foundation. There are few, if any, other cooperative entities with its degree of expertise in anomalous mechanics. Considering Husik's independent development of successful containment procedures for seventeen separate anomalies within a decade of employment, its current position as Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics is no surprise. 1.2. Permission to use anomalous methods to produce containment procedures are heavily restricted. Following formal requests, Dr. Husik has previously employed Sarkic rituals for containment purposes. Although, as it is not permitted to use anomalous practices when not explicitly authorized, its self-experimentation constitutes a direct violation of both Overseer order and Ethics Committee precedent. 1.3. Detainment and subsequent analysis of Dr. Husik revealed a set of anomalous features not unlike the arrays of Site CONRAD's Neural Interface Computational Engines. It is not currently discernible whether these alterations merely resemble or actually share the same origins as the biomachinery. In either circumstance, the same benefit is provided: Husik presents unusually advanced capabilities in calculation and problem-solving. The extent of its capacities are unknown. 1.4. Given Dr. Husik's previous affiliation with the Sarkic Cult, it is presumed augmentations were made [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED]. Therefore, it is inconsistent with Foundation criteria for baseline humanity. 1.5. It is indeterminable whether Dr. Husik's moral faculties have been affected. The premature death of Director Kelly suggests that Husik no longer maintains a benevolent view of human life. It has insisted that its usage of the NICE to evaluate the deaths of Foundation personnel was intended to “prevent further loss of life”, but has failed to adequately offer any rational explanation for its choice of persons. 1.6. Interview Logs ► HUSIKM-1959-1 ▼ HUSIKM-1959-1 DATE: 11/27/1959 SUBJECT: Moshe Husik INTERVIEWER: Mason Kelly, Site Director [BEGIN LOG] KELLY: This isn't really something I expected to be doing, Husik. SUBJECT: I didn't think you'd be sitting here, either. KELLY: You're sweating. SUBJECT: I'm nervous, Kelly. Seriously, you have to seek shelter. KELLY: I've never seen you go this far off a hunch. SUBJECT: It's not a hunch. Please, I'm begging you. Run or hide! Do something! KELLY: Calm down. We've got all day. [Sighs] May you state your credentials for the record? SUBJECT: My name is Moshe Husik. Today's the twenty-seventh, November nineteen fifty-nine. KELLY: Dr. Husik, on the night of the twenty-sixth you activated the… NICE? [Kelly looks up from his clipboard]. [Husik nods hastily.] KELLY: … without Overseer approval to use anomalous Foundation equipment. Then, you activated it again this morning. Is that correct? SUBJECT: Yes. KELLY: Why? SUBJECT: To prevent the loss of life. KELLY: How clinical. SUBJECT: I'll take that as a compliment. KELLY: And have you successfully prevented the loss of life? SUBJECT: No. Not yet, at least. You still have time to save yourself. The probability isn't certain. Likely, but not certain. KELLY: [Frowning] Husik, I already told you I'm not in any danger. Do you know something I don't? SUBJECT: I can't say. Or - rather, sorry. I mean that I don't know what it is either. You were just the most probable. KELLY: You need to use your words. Explain. Run it by me, step by step. Don't worry if it's classified. I've got emergency credentials for this interrogation. Tell me. Why do you believe I'm going to die? SUBJECT: Ok. [Exhales] I'll explain everything, everything. KELLY: Go ahead. SUBJECT: It started with an idea I had a few years back. Using [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED] to- KELLY: With [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED]? That's impossible. SUBJECT: No, not at all. Since the Laplace transform of a superconclusive matrix yields numerically solvable differentials, the algorithm converges. KELLY: That's ingenious. But… I'm still skeptical. That's far too many variables. SUBJECT: Sure. But once you [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED], like some sort of sieve, you can start to precisely define a macroevent. KELLY: That's hardly a definition. SUBJECT: I know, bear with me. Luckily, if you can agglomerate- KELLY: This is all theoretical. You could never compute something this complex. SUBJECT: Maybe with traditional computers. But with [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED]… the human mind becomes a computer itself. [Silence.] KELLY: Husik, that's…horrendous. SUBJECT: Come on. When you were a researcher, every other week…well. We both know what you've done to the D-Class. KELLY: I did what was necessary. SUBJECT: Sure. It got you promoted, and now as a director I can only imagine- KELLY: Husik. I made sacrifices for the protection of mankind. SUBJECT: And so have I! And look where that got me? You need to protect yourself, goddammit! KELLY: Alright, alright! Just.. [Kelly closes his eyes and rubs his temples] Just settle down. We're getting off-topic. Back to what you were saying. You're telling me that [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED]? SUBJECT: That's most of it. To the dot, even. [Kelly leans back in his chair.] KELLY: Theory's solid. But how'd you get the [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED] to actually work? SUBJECT: Through [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED] interfacing. Although, I'm still unsure whether that's the optimal approach. KELLY: How do you write input for a machine like that? SUBJECT: Well, I hoped it could be verbal at first. But preliminary tests proved that text was… um… less ambiguous. Much more controllable. From there, we trained [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED] KELLY: I would've never imagined. How many test cases do you have? SUBJECT: Eleven. Actually, thirteen. Eleven proper cases and two more inconclusive. KELLY: What do you mean? SUBJECT: Eleven cases where the events were both predicted and realized. All the specifics are in the report, but the predictions are generally very reliable. The events always happened. [Subject pauses.] SUBJECT: But we never intervened. I-um, we never acted proactively, and that's why- KELLY: Yes, I know. Run and hide. Don't start. [Kelly folds his hands.] It's interesting. Quite interesting. I assume I'm one of the two inconclusive test cases? SUBJECT: Yes. KELLY: And what was the other one? SUBJECT: Similar to yours, though I doubt the name will ring a bell. I couldn't contact her in the timespan given. I assume she's dead. KELLY: If I was to tell you that Ms. O'Tana is still alive and well, how would you feel? SUBJECT: Elated. If she could escape her fate, you can too. KELLY: It's good to know that you still care. SUBJECT: Of course I do. KELLY: Husik… why'd you choose me? SUBJECT: Because… [Subject takes a deep breath.] SUBJECT: Come on. You're my friend, and I want you to be safe. [Kelly smiles forcefully.] KELLY: I believe you. I really do, Husik. SUBJECT: Thank you. KELLY: And even if I didn't, protocol still dictates that I need to be placed under protection. Once I'm put away, they'll swap in someone else. Probably Drennan. You know she won't be as accommodating to you as I've been. [Subject nods.] KELLY: Until I'm in the clear, you're going to have to hold out. I'll shield myself from anything and everything, and when I'm done, I'll get you out of this mess. You hear me? SUBJECT: Thank you. Thank you so much. I can't thank you enough. KELLY: No worries. And for what it's worth, you're also one of the best friends I've ever made in this place. Best of luck Husik. [END LOG] ► HUSIKM-1959-3 ▼ HUSIKM-1959-3 DATE: 11/29/1959 SUBJECT: Moshe Husik INTERVIEWER: Enora Drennan, Internal Affairs Lead Coordinator [BEGIN LOG] DRENNAN: Can you state your name and date for the record? SUBJECT: My name's Moshe Husik, and the date is November twenty-ninth, nineteen fifty-nine. DRENNAN: Husik, why did you kill Charlie O'Tana? SUBJECT: What? DRENNAN: On the early morning November 27th - two days ago - she was found dead, approximately half an hour after you, ahem, predicted her death. SUBJECT: No, no, no… Kelly said she didn't die. He told me- DRENNAN: Director Kelly lied. I can't tell you why. When I went over the interview I was confused too. SUBJECT: Maybe he didn't know. I- DRENNAN: I'm certain he knew. He seemed to think about you highly. It's a shame how you repaid the favor. SUBJECT: I was trying to protect him. DRENNAN: Director Kelly died two hours ago. [Subject looks away.] DRENNAN: You were off by twenty minutes. It's impressive, I'll give you that. [Pausing] And then there's the matter of the things we found inside you. [Subject shuts its eyes.] SUBJECT: Don't. DRENNAN: You're inhuman. I asked for a containment chamber, but solitary confinement will have to do for now. SUBJECT: You're a cruel woman. DRENNAN: No, I just do my job well. [Drennan stands up.] DRENNAN: Anyways. I've got other matters to attend to. I'll get back to you, eventually. [END LOG] ► HUSIKM-1959-4 ▼ HUSIKM-1959-4 DATE: 11/30/1959 SUBJECT: Moshe Husik INTERVIEWER: Enora Drennan, Internal Affairs Lead Coordinator [BEGIN LOG] DRENNAN: State your name and date for the record. [Subject glares at Drennan] DRENNAN: Alright. Husik, when was the last time you were human? SUBJECT: I am human. DRENNAN: You are not. SUBJECT: Why not? [Subject sneers] DRENNAN: [opens a folder] Here's the imaging of your innards. I really appreciate Command for ordering them. I would've never guessed you were this much of a freak. SUBJECT: I've been this way for as long as I can remember. DRENNAN: Sure. We do know about your ties to Sarkicism, so there's no point in hiding it. Be honest with me. SUBJECT: You can't blame me for the circumstances of my birth. DRENNAN: But I can certainly blame you for murder. Two, in fact. SUBJECT: I didn't kill them. DRENNAN: Your machine did. And who aimed it at them? SUBJECT: That's not what it does! DRENNAN: Oh, please. Nobody on your list had any reason to die until you said they did. You might not understand how, exactly, but your machine killed them. You killed them. SUBJECT: How? I can't- it's not even anomalous! DRENNAN: It's not anomalous? SUBJECT: No, no, its… [places a hand on his chest] DRENNAN: It's just like you. Isn't it? [Subject stares at Drennan.] DRENNAN: I had a feeling. You used the same rituals those Sarkites taught you to build it, didn't you? SUBJECT: I had authorization. DRENNAN: [Sneering] And you still call yourself human? SUBJECT: Yes. I still think. I still feel. I'm still human. DRENNAN: Then that machine must also think, and feel. Like a human. SUBJECT: No, it's not bound to a body. The neurons aren't wired the same way. It's just not comparable. DRENNAN: What about you? You're bound to a body. Should you be registered as an anomalous object, Husik? SUBJECT: No. For the same reason my computers shouldn't. We aren't anomalous. DRENNAN: “We”? Interesting. Tell me how you're non-anomalous. [Subject rolls his eyes.] SUBJECT: I obey every known law of the natural world. [Huffs] Didn't you go to university? This isn't how science works. You hold the burden of proof. DRENNAN: You violate the basic principles of biology. SUBJECT: No, I don't, and neither do the NICE. Get a real biologist in the room. The way we got the parts set up was anomalous, but the final product isn't. It's nothing more than cells in an unusual pattern. The pattern of various calculators, that is. DRENNAN: And in your case? SUBJECT: I don't know what I was supposed to be. Smart, I assume. I think that was all they really planned for me. DRENNAN: How conceited. And just how many brains did they shove in your skull again? SUBJECT: [Groaning] Just put me back in solitary. DRENNAN: Can do. [END LOG] ► HUSIKM-1959-5 ▼ HUSIKM-1959-5 DATE: 12/1/1959 SUBJECT: Moshe Husik INTERVIEWER: Enora Drennan, Internal Affairs Lead Coordinator [BEGIN LOG] DRENNAN: Do you know why you're here today? SUBJECT: Of course. DRENNAN: Why are you here today? [Subject hesitates.] SUBJECT: I… I'm not sure what to say. DRENNAN: You seemed quite aware of your circumstances earlier. SUBJECT: What? What're you doing? DRENNAN: Excuse me? SUBJECT: No snark? The-the change in demeanor… who's breathing down your neck? DRENNAN: [Chuckles] No one. I just thought solitary had loosened you up. [Subject remains silent for a moment.] SUBJECT: You locked me up for a while. DRENNAN: Your cell's padded. Sounds cozy, if you ask me. SUBJECT: Yeah. Gave me a lot of time to think, alone. DRENNAN: Is there something you'd like to share? SUBJECT: I dunno. Not sure if I'm confident in my current theory. DRENNAN: You mean the computers? SUBJECT: No, no, biocomputation isn't all that. [Muttering] They play it up a lot. Think the real problem is interface interaction systems. I didn't expect this scenario. DRENNAN: Could you be more specific? SUBJECT: [mumbling] It's…the theorem evaluates events when they're certain. Almost certain. There might be… some kind of confirmation bias. It doesn't produce false predictions since it, well, it can't…that's what I made it for, after all. I engineered something that can only ever work. I… I can't change what's predicted but I…I don't know, maybe… [clicks tongue]… nevermind. [Drennan frowns.] DRENNAN: I have no idea what any of that means. SUBJECT: So then why are you here? [Drennan closes her eyes and breathes deeply.] DRENNAN: I just have a few more questions to ask you. SUBJECT: [Shaking his head] Ask away. DRENNAN: Right. Why, precisely, did you target the late Director Kelly? [Subject hesitates, again] SUBJECT: I-I'm not sure if there's anything I can say. DRENNAN: Why not? SUBJECT:I… I may have set in motion a series of events I couldn't have accounted for. I'm not sure what I can safely say at this point. DRENNAN: I don't understand. SUBJECT: I'm afraid I understand barely enough. And I don't know what I can say, if anything, to fix it. DRENNAN: Are- SUBJECT: I'd rather not say anything at all. I don't know what I can say yet. DRENNAN: Unbelievable. Are you certain this is your preferred course of action? SUBJECT: Yes. For now, at least. [END LOG] 2. Regarding Alexandra Hovsky 2.1. Not all containment procedures developed by the Department of Applied Mathematics are currently understood, and efforts to reverse engineer paratechnology designed by Dr. Husik have proven unsuccessful. However, several of Dr. Husik's subordinates have been informed of relevant principles and theories, and have proven capable of partially understanding its work. 2.2. Several members of the Department of Applied Mathematics have taken after Dr. Husik, notably among them, junior researcher Alexandra Hovsky. Given the controversy surrounding his removal, these individuals' unwaveringly positive opinion of Dr. Husik has come under question. However, to date, all members of the Department of Applied Mathematics have been found to be sound of mind, non-anomalous, and generally empathetic to humanity. 2.3. Interview Logs ► HOVSKYA-1959-1 ▼ HOVSKYA-1959-1 DATE: 11/28/1959 SUBJECT: Alexandra Hovsky, Junior Researcher INTERVIEWER: Mason Kelly, Site Director [BEGIN LOG] KELLY: Hey. A raspberry tart? [Kelly offers the pastry to Hovsky.] HOVSKY: That's my favorite. KELLY: It's yours. HOVSKY: You knew it was my favorite. KELLY: Word gets around. Could you state your credentials for the record? HOVSKY: Alexandra Hovsky, and it's December first. KELLY: To what- HOVSKY: Why am I being interviewed? KELLY: Excuse me? HOVSKY: You even tried to soften me up with the sweets. Why me? There's about a dozen other people in the department as involved in this as I am. Why aren't they being interviewed? KELLY: [Grinning] You know I can't show you all my cards. So let me make you a deal. If you tell me why you think you're here, I promise I'll tell you why I think you should be here. Sound fair? [Hovsky rest her chin in her knuckles.] HOVSKY: Alright. I think you're trying to make an example out of me. Because I didn't back down when Husik was detained, and I won't keep my mouth shut. KELLY: [Laughs softly] It's funny how perspective works. Ms. Hovsky, there's a lot more eyes on this whole affair than you'd imagine. You need to understand the gravity of the situation and keep quiet; there's a good reason everyone else piped down. HOVSKY: Cowardice? KELLY: Let me speak. Your relationship to Moshe Husik is terribly suspicious. You need to realize that. The Foundation protects people from things like Husik. We don't usually help them. We don't make anomalies, we contain them. It's our purpose, it's the reason we're all here. [Hovsky does not speak.] KELLY: Most of us didn't choose to work here until anomalies forced their way into our lives. This is personal for a lot of us. You have to understand I'm trying to do what's best for everyone, Alexandra. Please, help me out here. I'm trying to do what's best for everyone. HOVSKY: Husik… he's been good to me. KELLY: Moshe was good to everyone. Yet, here we are. HOVSKY: I-I'm not going to turn my back on him. KELLY: I'm not asking you to do anything you don't want to. Just, please, I want the truth. All of it. Tell me, how much of Husik's theorem do you truly understand? HOVSKY: I.. uh. I understand it completely? [Kelly raises her brow.] HOVSKY: Erm… the theorem's almost inextricably linked to the NICE. The two were designed for each another. The NICE are still somewhat general-purpose, but… biocomputers work like normal computers, you know? The problem's more with understanding how they actually function as a whole, and I don't think anyone really gets all the nitty gritty details. So the theorem, I could easily run it, but I couldn't tell you why it works. [Kelly continues in silence, watching intently.] HOVSKY: Um. I guess what I'm trying to say is that… [clicks her tongue]. Okay. So, for example, somebody actually solved the alpha node problem once, and that was it! Nobody ever needed to figure it out again. So, with Husik's theorem, I know what each part does, and I know how they work together. But I didn't put it all together. KELLY: I see. Do the NICE pose any threat to human life? HOVSKY: What… what does that question mean? KELLY: Do you have any reason to believe a biocomputer would be willfully malicious? HOVSKY: No? KELLY: Are you certain? HOVSKY: I mean… oh. I get what this is about. I know that those neurons don't come empty. But they were D-Class, right? The worst of the worst. That's what they told us. They said they were up for death row. Just…scum. The type of people who aren't fit for society. [Hovsky swallows audibly.] HOVSKY: And…at least they aren't dead dead, you know? they aren't really alive, either—I mean, they aren't themselves. It's not like they're in pain you know? Besides, we're doing them a favor. They're saving lives now. We're stopping bad things from happening. Or…uh, more bad things. From happening. We aren't hurting anybody. Why would we do that? I…I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt anybody. [Silence.] KELLY: I didn't ask for moral justifications. I'll repeat. Do you have any reason to believe that a biocomputer might be willfully malicious? HOVSKY: No. It doesn't—it can't, um…"will". I-I guess? It's not free to "will", if that makes sense. There's a set of parameters that it's tasked to maximize or minimize, and that‘s all it does. KELLY: What parameters? HOVSKY: It's all technical. Optimization, that sort of thing. KELLY: Be specific, please. HOVSKY: [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED] KELLY: Ah. Thank you for your cooperation, Ms. Hovsky. [END LOG] ► HOVSKYA-1959-2 ▼ HOVSKYA-1959-2 DATE: 11/30/1959 HOVSKY: Alexandra Hovsky, Junior Researcher INTERVIEWER: Enora Drennan, Internal Affairs Lead Coordinator [BEGIN LOG] DRENNAN: Can you state your name and date for the record? HOVSKY: Um. I'm Alex. Hovsky, Alexandra Hovsky. Sorry. DRENNAN: And the date? HOVSKY: Yeah, it's the thirtieth of November, nineteen fifty-nine. DRENNAN: Do you know why you're here today? HOVSKY: Because of Husik. DRENNAN: That's correct. What relationship did you have to it? HOVSKY: [winces] I don't like it when you guys, uh, do that. DRENNAN: Do what? HOVSKY: Say “it”. Husik is a person. A human. He's a “he”. DRENNAN: Husik is anomalously augmented. Its humanity is debatable. I'd rather not get sidetracked, so how about I ask the questions, and you answer. Ok? [Hovsky does not respond.] DRENNAN: Is that alright, Ms. Hovsky? HOVSKY: [Quietly] Fine. DRENNAN: Wonderful. What was your relationship to Husik? HOVSKY: He was the Head of my department. DRENNAN: And personally, what was your relationship? HOVSKY: Personally? DRENNAN: Yes, personally. HOVSKY: So now [air quotes] “it” is a person? DRENNAN: Non-cooperation will be documented on your record. HOVSKY: Husik taught me everything I know. DRENNAN: [Scoffing] Everything? Surely you knew something when you were hired? HOVSKY: Everything they teach you in school is menial. You go to high school and they teach you algebra. You get to college and they show you calculus. Then you come to find out calculus works over, around, above, and beyond algebra. Suddenly, algebra seems elementary. [Hovsky opens her mouths to speak, but waits for a moment.] HOVSKY: Then, you meet Moshe Husik. He shows you superconclusive matrices. Non-binary biocomputation. Macrostatistics. It's so much more than any mathematician on the other side of the Veil understands. Calculus is elementary now. It's child's play compared to what we do. DRENNAN: And how much of what you were taught was anomalous in nature? HOVSKY: None of it. DRENNAN: None of it? [Hovsky shakes her head.] DRENNAN: Not even, for instance, mirage numbers? HOVSKY: Those aren't actually… do you even know what mirage numbers are? DRENNAN: I'm asking the questions. Are you aware of the NICE interface's functioning? HOVSKY: Yes. DRENNAN: Is it non-anomalous? HOVSKY: No. DRENNAN: That contradicts your earlier claim. HOVSKY: [Unintelligible] DRENNAN: Speak up. HOVSKY: I said, Husik never explained interfacing. DRENNAN: You consorted with Husik to develop a device you don't understand? [Hovsky scowls.] HOVSKY: You can't drag Husik's name through the mud. This isn't on him. The Overseers knew what we were making, they personally approved it. DRENNAN: There's a reason the overseers made their decision. You know that. HOVSKY: Husik warned us about it, you know? Specifically. It's what happens when you play with things you don't understand. DRENNAN: Are you suggesting that the overseers are to blame? HOVSKY: I'm not suggesting anything. DRENNAN: [Sighs and checks her wristwatch] Fine. Unfortunately, I think I have to cut our conversation short. [Drennan readies to exit interview.] HOVSKY: Wait! [Drennan stops.] HOVSKY: Nobody wanted Charlie to die. It doesn't make sense. It wasn't supposed to happen. [Drennan does not respond.] HOVSKY: You don't really think we killed her, do you? [END LOG] ► HOVSKYA-1959-3 ▼ HOVSKYA-1959-3 DATE: 12/01/1959 HOVSKY: Alexandra Hovsky, Junior Researcher INTERVIEWER: Enora Drennan, Internal Affairs Lead Coordinator [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Oh, it's you again. [Drennan furrows her brow.] DRENNAN: Indeed. State your name and date for the record. HOVSKY: Alexandra Hovsky. December first, nineteen fifty-nine. DRENNAN: Alright, whatever. Can you remind me what your relationship with Moshe Husik was? HOVSKY: Dr. Husik is the Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics. DRENNAN: Was. Was the Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics. What was your personal relationship to Dr. Husik? HOVSKY: I plead the fifth. DRENNAN: Excuse me? HOVSKY: Ethics Committee Personnel Statute 125 Subsection A? I don't fucking know. Don't fucking care. I'm saying I'd rather not answer that. DRENNAN: You have to answer. HOVSKY: I don't. I know my rights. I'll plead the fifth. DRENNAN: [sighs] Sure. Next question. Were you- HOVSKY: I plead the fifth. DRENNAN: You didn't even let- HOVSKY: Fifth. [END LOG] Afterword: On December 1st, 1959, Alexandra Hovsky was found to be missing from her confinement unit. Security footage shows her fleeing Site CONRAD, but personnel were unable to detain her. Recovery is presently considered a medium priority. 3. Regarding the Neural Interface Computational Engines (NICE) 3.1. The NICE consist of [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED]. 3.2. [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED] Hence, along with an approximate event time, the neural networking may associate terms to the event as well. A number of notable caveats surround the term-linking feature, mainly, the terms associated with the event may not be clearly linked to one another. Furthermore, the terms associated with the event may not be causally linked to the event, nor may the terms associated with the event offer meaningful interpretation. As such, the term-association function must be considered as a prototype feature. 3.3. There has yet to be a failure in event prediction, albeit, the small sample size of thirteen cases is insufficient for estimating a true success rate. Nevertheless, a vague estimation of the time-to-event accuracy has shown that events always occur within an hour of the predicted time, which, for all practical purposes thus far, is sufficiently precise. Due to these predictions, four containment breaches were swiftly resolved with minimal casualties. Another three anomalies were identified, secured, and contained with predictive assistance. However, the last three events predicted by the NICE have earned the most notoriety. 3.4. The first event predicted the death of Senior Researcher O'Tana. Without express consent of the Foundation, Husik evaluated this event from 17:21, 11/26/1959 to 6:58, 11/27/1959. No intervention was made on account of the holiday, during which all other members of the Department of Applied Mathematics chose to take the days off. The death was predicted for 7:24, 11/27/1959, with terms most associated with the event being ‘snow', ‘leather', ‘light', ‘tree', and ‘lavender'. It is unknown why O'Tana was chosen for prediction, as is the reason for the event of death being chosen for evaluation, since there are no significant instances of disease, injury, trauma, or personal animosity in her record. The researcher's only known relation to Husik was a brief period of coworking in June 1956, prior to Husik's promotion to Head of the department. The two have not had direct relations or correspondence since then. Regardless, O'Tana died on the morning of 11/27/1959. when a driver found her car crashed into a tree on the side of a road. It is assumed she slid across the ice and lost control of her vehicle. 3.5. The second event predicted the death of Site Director Kelly. This computation was initiated immediately after the prior computation, and was completed at 23:34, 11/27/1959. The death was predicted for 7:25, 11/29/1959. The terms most associated with the event were ‘blood', ‘soldier', ‘teeth', ‘white', and ‘concrete'. Similar to Senior Researcher O'Tana, Kelly was healthy and lacked personal adversaries. The director considered himself a close friend of Husik's and the two regularly convened to discuss shared interests. Husik contacted Director Kelly at 23:35, calling his home phone from site CONRAD, reporting his own unauthorized usage of the NICE. As awareness of the situation grew, Kelly was placed under protection with heavy surveillance in a standard onsite humanoid containment cell. Nevertheless, an unrelated containment breach resulted in his death at 7:13, 11/29/1959. 3.6. The third and final event has still not occurred, as it is expected for 9:48, 12/06/1959. Its computation was programmed to automatically initiate at 00:01, 11/27/1959, and at 19:04 of the same day the computation was finished. It predicted the death of Overseer [REDACTED]. The most associated terms were ‘moon', ‘quiet', ‘howl', ‘black', and ‘water'. 4. Conclusion 4.1. It is recommended that all personnel found to be empathetic to Moshe Husik are to be secured, amnestied, and immediately reassigned to other departments. 4.2. It is recommended that Husik be immediately registered as an anomalous entity and contained. 4.2. It is recommended that the NICE be left sealed and monitored. They do not constitute a security risk as they are verifiably inoperable without personnel, and still possibly beneficial to the Foundation. This document contains information relating to cognitohazardous or memetic triggers. All further documentation may only be obtained with proper clearance from the Memetics and Infohazards Division. Item #: SCP-CONRAD Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: All information regarding the derivation SCP-CONRAD-1 or any of its components is to be expunged. All schematics, research, and specific descriptions of the NICE are to be expunged as well. Individuals exposed to SCP-CONRAD-2 are to be amnesticized and subjected to appropriate disciplinary action. Description: SCP-CONRAD-1 is an algorithm which approximates a solution to the Husik macrostatisical evaluation theorem, only known to be computable by the NICE housed at Site CONRAD. SCP-CONRAD-2 is a memetic infohazard caused by SCP-CONRAD-1, spread by means of verbal or written communication detailing the algorithm's operation. The infohazard's effects are, in all cases observed, a strong desire to make use of the algorithm, the urge to explain it to others, and intense, paranoid, cognitive impairment. These symptoms are self-reinforcing, growing in severity as the anomaly propagates. As a result, the spread of the contagion first appears as a mild interest before rapidly escalating to a critical point of social obsession, incoherence, and destructive behavior. ► Addendum CONRAD-a: History ▼ Addendum CONRAD-a: History A method to evaluate large scale probabilities using organic computation machines was first theorized by Dr. Moshe Husik in the Summer of 1953, with rigorous proof being elaborated in late 1956. First published in May 1957, the method was circulated within the internal journals of the Foundation's Department of Applied Mathematics. Following the Dublin Incident, funding was allocated to the development of the Neural Interface Computational Engines (NICE), biological computers capable of approximating the absolute convergence of the Husik theorem. The computers were finalized in April of 1959. Intended as a means to prevent containment breaches and catastrophes, authorization to use anomalous techniques was given to construct the NICE, although the subsequent anomalous effects were unforeseen. The success of the project warranted further investment until misuse led to the discovery of SCP-CONRAD-2 and the dissolution of the Department of Applied Mathematics. Once identified as a memetic agent, steps were taken to isolate research. Crucially, since the biocomputers were designed expressly for solving SCP-CONRAD-1, it is possible to reverse engineer the circumstances of SCP-CONRAD's emergence through intensive study of the NICE. As such, the personnel tasked with developing the biomachinery were amnesticized and transferred to other projects to prevent memetic contagion. However, as a result, there are no remaining personnel both knowledgeable and willing to research the anomaly— (See Addendum CONRAD-b). ► Addendum CONRAD-b: Recovery ▼ Addendum CONRAD-b: Recovery On 11/06/1974, a raid on a Global Occult Coalition safehouse recovered Foundation defector Alexandra Hovsky, who cited ideological convictions as her rationale for fleeing during the initial discovery of SCP-CONRAD. Hovsky is currently the sole remaining researcher capable of understanding SCP-CONRAD-1 and the technical operation of the NICE. In accordance with Ethics Committee resolution, she is to receive no disciplinary retaliation under the condition that she comply with researching SCP-CONRAD. Due to the immobility of the NICE, Site CONRAD has been developed into a research site for cognitohazardous anomalies. Moreover, in order to avoid dissemination of the infohazard, all documents produced by Hovsky are quarantined. The chamber which stores the NICE along with the adjunct archival storage and office space of the Department of Applied Mathematics have been reconfigured into a unilaterally isolated containment unit. Until the development of more advanced methods to curtail cognitohazardous anomalies, Hovsky's research is to be contained. From: tenartni.noitadnuof|ccmrepooc#tenartni.noitadnuof|ccmrepooc To: tenartni.noitadnuof|reesrevo#tenartni.noitadnuof|reesrevo Sent: 12:29 PM, February 7th, 1975 Subject: CONRAD Committee Resolution Latoya, Here's from the latest Ethics Committee hearing. Cormick Under the Foundational Mandate, the Ethics Committee is granted final arbitration on the wording, implementation, and revision of any and all Special Containment Procedures. In the matter of SCP-CONRAD, the Ethics Committee invokes Article III, Section VII of the Mandate, Unrestricted Powers of Deposition. All testimonies are classified Level-4. Access may be granted by petition to the Ethics Committee. ETHICS COMMITTEE INQUEST Whereby suspicion of malfeasance among Foundation staff has been established in the proposed Special Containment Procedures of a SCP Database document, the Office of the Ethics Committee has established a formal inquest. Proposal: Overturn Ethics Committee precedent regarding Foundation staff member Alexandra Hovsky. Inquest Testimonies and Analysis Foreword: Unique constraints have made one or more subjects of this inquest dialogically incommunicable through conventional means. Nevertheless, the investigator responsible has included a selection of transcripts judged relevant for the analysis of personal psyche and motivations, as well as confessions. In order to maintain fairness, these testimonies, lacking interrogational standards, should be considered biased and/or circumstantial as per Ethics Committee Inquest guidelines. Testimonies 1969-1974 ► HOVSKY-1969 ▼ HOVSKY-1969 DATE: 04/19/1969 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Hi. I'm Alex. Alexandra Hovsky, rather. I-I was gonna write something, but I couldn't figure out where to start. I've, um, been in here for three weeks. I've pretty much accepted this shitty situation. I really was going to try to write down all my research, all nice and tidy. But…nobody's ever going to see it. I'm stuck down here. Stuck for good. HOVSKY: I spent so long agonizing over it. How was I supposed to start writing? Do I introduce myself? Do I explain my circumstances? Do I go straight to the NICE? Whenever I sat down at the terminal, I'd just spend hours and hours writing and rewriting the same things over, and over and over again. Until I finally decided to just…get it over with. So I just grabbed the mic, and here I am. Yeah. HOVSKY: I've decided to use this as like, a diary. I know it's not supposed to be that, but hey, who's listening? If I'm the only one here, then I'll do whatever the hell I want. HOVSKY: I guess it's probably gonna be good for me, too. Mentally, I mean. I've seen how trapped MTF agents and, uh, lonely people turn out. I need something to keep my mind active, entertained, and social. There's plenty of mind-scratching I can call research, and I'm sure I can salvage some paperwork, start learning origami or something. But this, this right here, is the only way to stay even slightly social. HOVSKY: This is my first recording. First try too, if you couldn't tell. [Laughs.] [Silence.] HOVSKY: I didn't really think this far ahead. Not sure how I should end this thing. [Pausing] Or, on second thought, I can just say bye, right? [END LOG] DATE: 05/02/1969 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Hey there. Alex here. Round two. HOVSKY: It's kind of embarrassing, but I finally figured out how to log into SCiPNET today. Yeah, I know. Husik's protege, and here I am. That's not the point. [Hovksy pauses.] HOVSKY: Anyways, I finally figured out how to get around the interface. It's a completely unintuitive way to organize files. Anyways. I just found out that I've got a read-only account. Just found out. Yeah, I didn't expect that either. But five minutes ago, my permissions on SCiPNET were updated. I've got a read-only profile now. HOVSKY: At first I thought it was a big mistake. It's failing the basic fucking concept of isolation. Information isn't supposed to be going out. Yeah, it's read-only, but I'm still able to send out requests. It's such a massive mistake I couldn't possibly imagine that anybody in the Foundation had made it. HOVSKY: Unless, of course, it wasn't a mistake. It was a choice. Somebody chose to help me. HOVSKY: I can probably manage to inject code. After all, even if SCiPNET's new to me, but computers definitely aren't. I just need to figure out which language my requests are in, which I assume is something based on C - God, I hope they've got C documentation somewhere around here. HOVSKY: I'll throw shit at it until something sticks. If everything goes right, because why wouldn't it, I'll just pop open the door. Wash up my clothes and pretend I'm a researcher. Easy. HOVSKY: I'll pick you back up when I'm done. [END LOG] 1 TESTIMONY OMITTED DATE: 06/07/1969 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: It's Alex. HOVSKY: I might've, uh, overestimated my capabilities. Well. I guess I didn't. I overestimated my options. HOVSKY: The door is…locked. It sounds stupid, I know. Really stupid. Stupid to the point that it's comedic. But my door is just…locked. I mean, locked locked. With a lock. A physical lock. It's not electronic, it's not automated, it's not connected to anything, except the damn door. It's just locked with a lock and opened in a key, and…I don't have a key. [Hovsky breathes in deeply.] HOVSKY: Chances are there's a tripwire tied onto the door anyway. In hindsight, it was a pretty dumb plan. I don't know any of the internal protocols, and I barely understand the operating system SCiPNET runs on. HOVSKY: Still managed to do the injection, though. Yeah. All by myself. Yay me. I probably screwed over someone in RAISA, deleted every file I could. I was working off the assumption that-no, scratch that. I was hoping the emergency procedures for systemwide failure would still open every office door. Looks like it doesn't anymore. Or maybe this isn't considered an office anymore. Or maybe they changed procedures. Or maybe they just lied to me all the way back then. Wouldn't put it past them. [END LOG] 4 TESTIMONY OMITTED DATE: 08/29/1969 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I can't stop thinking about who gave me SCiPNET access. I can't sleep, just keep thinking about it. I just…[unintelligible]. Can't imagine why, or who. Why? What am I supposed to find? What am I even looking for? What's the point? I just don't get it. I don't get it. HOVSKY: [sobbing quietly] I just know this was meant for something. [END LOG] DATE: 09/14/1969 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I'm going to start digging. Literally. I've been here long enough. It's worth it. I'm going to tunnel out of here. I've got a metal pipe from storage. The concrete's hard, really hard, but with enough patience I'll get through. HOVSKY: I'm setting a quota right now. Two hours a day. I already know it's going to be exhausting, but I think I can manage. Nothing better to do, anyways. HOVSKY: I'll keep you posted. [END LOG] 6 TESTIMONIES OMITTED ► HOVSKY-1970 ▼ HOVSKY-1970 4 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 03/14/1970 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: So the hot water went out yesterday. It's a luxury I didn't realize I had. Hot showers and all. I enjoyed them. They were so relaxing. HOVSKY: I'm not really sure how it broke. Or what broke, or why. [Hovsky exhales.] HOVSKY: On another note, I've actually started doing origami. Yeah [chuckles], that's what it's come down to. Tearing out pages from old manuals and folding paper cranes. [Hovsky taps her fingers.] HOVSKY: At least I have cold water. [END LOG] 6 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 06/18/1970 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I found the file on the SCiPNET. Right between some funny house and a cult. And the worst part about it? I'm not even in it. Not a single mention. HOVSKY: I'm not letting it get me down, though. I'm not that self-centered. Besides, the article is, well… inaccurate. That's being gentle. It's so littered with misconceptions that it astonishes me that I ever worked for these people. The incompetence. It's pathetic… offensive, even. But it also explains a lot. HOVSKY: See, I figured I'd been quarantined for my work with the Coalition. I applied what Husik taught me then put it to work processing massive quantities of data. We cracked the human genome and started curing diseases that didn't even exist yet. We were decades ahead of the Foundation when it came to biotech. So I assumed that they assumed that I was carrying pathogens. Makes sense, right? I thought so. HOVSKY: But no. Turns out they managed to destroy our data completely. Not only did they never ask me about my research at the GOC, never even knew about my research. HOVSKY: Maybe it was an oversight on my part. I mean, I definitely could've put the pieces together myself, but I just never considered such a wildly stupid alternative… You know why they locked me up? I doubt you could imagine. A fucking infohazard. HOVSKY: A memetic infohazard. HOVSKY: Yes. You heard me right. That gibberish was written down by somebody with an actual doctorate. Comical. You can't make this shit up. A memetic infohazard. HOVSKY: It's not that I don't believe an infohazard could exist-in theory. Wouldn't be the strangest thing I've seen. I mean, I know that somebody was seriously floating the idea of a Memetics Department right before the whole controversy. But designating the NICE and then a nonexistent infohazard as two different anomalies? Absurd. I reloaded the page thrice to make sure I was reading correctly. [Silence.] HOVSKY: And I can't… what they did to Moshe. They fucking killed him, and they didn't even have the balls to list the cause of death. I bet they killed Kelly, too, and just pinned the whole thing on Moshe. Because he was unlucky. Because he grew up in a cult and raised people's eyebrows everywhere he went. It was convenient. HOVSKY: Or maybe it was just his pure fucking heart, ready to whistleblow on the overseers. And after everything he did for them, for their Foundation, they just gave him a number and left him to die. [Hovsky sighs.] HOVSKY: I've said enough. I'll keep letting out my anger on the concrete floor. [END LOG] DATE: 06/25/1970 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Found a memo from right after I left. Buried in archival limbo. Almost half of it's blacked out, but I could piece things together. HOVSKY: It's for the O5s, pretty much explaining the whole situation with Moshe for anyone who wasn't already keeping tabs on it. There's a recommended course of action, which they obviously followed to the letter. Which means they locked up Moshe and doped up anybody left with questions. And then they sealed up this room and forgot about it. HOVSKY: My guess? Husik caught wind of something foul. That Thanksgiving, I'd invited him over to my family's dinner. I'm sure Kelly and the others did too. After all, we all knew he didn't have a family to celebrate with. He'd always spent Thanksgiving with me, and Christmas at Kelly's. And we always went to that stupid Department New Year Party together. So…so we'd assumed he'd be out for Thanksgiving, with someone or another. But for whatever reason, that day, he decided to go to work. Alone. HOVSKY: What he did was just…so strange. Unordinary. He started talking about that theorem all the time, going on and on about all the lives we could save, all calamities we could avoid. He said we could save tens, hundreds, thousands of lives at a time. It started out big-picture. [Hovsky swallows.] HOVSKY: But then he started predicting deaths. He set the NICE inputs to evaluate individual deaths. And not just once, for one person. Multiple times, for multiple people. HOVSKY: He knew something we didn't. That has to be it. HOVSKY: That's why I'm sure Husik got caught up in something he wasn't supposed to. He wasn't stupid. He wouldn't have chosen those specific people if he didn't already think they would die. He didn't take shots in the dark, he just needed to know when they'd die. [Hovsky pauses.] HOVSKY: But he failed. Whatever he was trying to prevent, it happened anyway. He didn't have the time, leverage, or influence. They got to him, and they made it quick. Got rid of everybody fast. HOVSKY: I was the only one who got out. After the second interrogation, I found a note in my locker. Moshe. He told me to run, said they were going to use those experimental amnestics. So I ran. I trusted him, and he saved me, but… [Hovsky exhales.] HOVSKY: Now it's been eleven years. I finally got caught. The dust's already settled, so they put me to work dealing with the skeletons in Moshe's closet. The NICE are useful, after all, and I'm the only person alive who still understands them. [Hovsky laughs.] HOVSKY: And they think I'll help them. [END LOG] 5 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 10/25/1970 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I forgot to add a little update to the digging. HOVSKY: I've broken through! I've chewed through the concrete and rebar. I'm digging into dirt now. Very hard, rockish dirt. But still, dirt! HOVSKY: Things are going well. I'm feeling optimistic for once. [END LOG] 4 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 12/25/1970 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: The computers are all… they're all, um. Ugh. They're fucked up. I don't know how to explain it properly. I don't know if a term even exists to describe the condition they're in. These people are so incompetent. Dear god. HOVSKY: They didn't feed the NICE. Yeah, the biocomputers. I thought that was something obvious enough to most people when they hear anything with the prefix “bio” tacked on the front. It's a biological computer. Biology. Like, life. As in alive, you know? The computers need food. HOVSKY: Almost all of the neural cortex is dead. Fully dead. I can regrow it, yes, but it's still braindead. The rest? It's been cannibalizing itself in a bitter struggle to survive. There's about a handful of cells that survived. I mean that literally, mind you. HOVSKY: All I wanted to do was check the logs. I didn't even want to use the biological complex. I just wanted to see the history of all previous evaluations. But no. Of course not. Things can't be that simple for me. Never. Turns out the interfacing between the hard storage and display are biologically interpreted. So I can't see them yet. Because the most of the biocomputers are, and I'll say it again for those in the back, fucking dead. HOVSKY: [groans] I don't know if I should cry or punch a wall. I'm gonna need to feed this thing my own food. They hardly give me enough to feed myself. Rather, they give me just enough to feed myself. It's the bare minimum of calories to sustain myself. And now I'm gonna starve to fix the mess they made me. HOVSKY: I suppose that's karma. I've been locked in this room for months to study this machine, and I haven't until now. It took months, yes months, for me to take a good look at my research object and notice that, well, it's dead. I probably could've saved myself weeks of food if I'd realized sooner. [Hovsky curses repeatedly.] [END LOG] ► HOVSKY-1971 ▼ HOVSKY-1971 DATE: 01/02/1971 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I've gone over the math. At this rate, it's gonna take me a year, at most, to recover the NICE's functionality. HOVSKY: Luckily, the central nodes are still mapped. Husik did a good job - the neurons will grow back in the right pattern. The structure's been fully laid, so long as one stem cell survives, the whole cognitive format can be regenerated. Just like our diagrams. It's almost like Husik expected to have to fix it. HOVSKY: The only thing that's been putting me off is the gastric chamber. You know, the, um, stomach. It's a latch and pit. The fumes coming out of there are terrible… much worse than I remembered. I'm not worried though, not really. Some microbiota changes and whatnot could've occurred, I don't know. It reeks. [END LOG] 2 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 03/30/1971 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: The trash is full. Took long enough, but it happened. Trash's full. HOVSKY: I was never expected to live for this long. I'm sure of it. Though, if they wanted me dead, they'd stop feeding me. They care enough to feed me, to let me live in such a way that they cannot claim to have killed me, but not enough to dignify me. I won't be released. I'll be left here to wallow in my own filth. HOVSKY: So I've emptied the storage room, now I'll make do with a trash room. HOVSKY: [sighs] I'm gonna live with a trash room. [END LOG] 1 TESTIMONY OMITTED DATE: 05/20/1971 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I couldn't do any digging today. I'm… I'm too weak. I didn't realize the toll it was taking on my body. I can't keep doing this. I can't. My arms are so sore. They're still sore. It hurts. HOVSKY: I'm postponing the hole. For now. [END LOG] DATE: 08/04/1971 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I cried this morning. I'm not sure why. I just got overwhelmed, I guess. HOVSKY: I feel hopeless at times. I don't really know how to put it in words. I got all up in my head and… I don't know. It was the first time I cried in a while. HOVSKY: I think creative outlets help a little. I'm getting sick of cranes, it's a real test of patience. Funny enough, topology actually isn't that intuitive to me. It's really hard to imagine new patterns. So yeah, I'm trying to fold anything that comes to mind, but, until I can think something up, it's pretty much just one crane, every day. [END LOG] DATE: 11/10/1971 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: [voice trembling] I- uh. I'm… I'm unwell. I know it's been weeks since my last update. I'm sorry. Nothing's really happened. I've just been slowly growing the computer back. HOVSKY: I've lost weight. I looked in the mirror today and… HOVSKY: I don't know. HOVSKY: I didn't recognize myself. I'm so thin. My cheeks've sunken in. My eyes… they're, they're dull. There isn't even fat around the sockets. Just skin and bone. HOVSKY: My hair's disheveled. I don't know when I stopped combing it. It's frizzy and strewn all about. I think I'm losing color. HOVSKY: And I'm always so fucking cold. My nails are cracking. I don't know what happened. I look… [Silence.] [END LOG] ► HOVSKY-1972 ▼ HOVSKY-1972 2 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 05/08/1972 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I did it, I finally did it. It ended up taking me a year and half. I took so many breaks. But I fucking did it. HOVSKY: I managed to access the computer's saved evaluations. And I-um. I don't know. It's not what I expected. There's… so many more. Dozens. HOVSKY: They must've been programmed to run sequentially, after everything happened. But some of them date to when we were still working. Together, I mean, I didn't- we didn't know that they were running. Husik always printed these files for us. We'd always read the papers. That was our data, but we never knew. HOVSKY: There's so many deaths. It was always predicting deaths. That's what we were doing from the beginning, it's why we got greenlit. There were never any catastrophes to avoid. They wanted blood. HOVSKY: I-I… I don't know what to think. Husik lied to us. He had to have known. He lied to us. He lied to me. HOVSKY: And there's that one report. One with his name on it. HOVSKY: He cast it on himself. He really did. They were right. [Hovsky swears.] HOVSKY: I was so confident. I thought I knew this machine. I thought I understood it. But now I see a monstrosity. We knit together the flesh of condemned brains and gave it the power to pronounce death sentences. This thing is alive. It's breathing. It's breathing the same air as me. HOVSKY: I don't know what to do. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe there is an anomaly. Maybe this thing's going to kill me. [END LOG] 2 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 06/25/1972 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I don't get it. I don't get it. I don't get it. HOVSKY: I keep on going over it. I checked Husik's derivation like a hundred times, and then I checked the code twice as much. I tried to run the fucking numbers by hand. I've been poking and prodding every nexus, every coordinator, and…nothing happens. Nothing. HOVSKY: The biocomputers are exactly what they claim to be. All of our theories, our models, our sketches, they all check out. The harder I look, the less out of the ordinary. There's nothing here. It all makes sense. HOVSKY: I don't get it! I don't fucking get it! [END LOG] DATE: 07/10/1972 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I forgot about the hole. I walked by it and laughed out loud. HOVSKY: What was I thinking? A hole out? Really? [laughs] HOVSKY: Then what would I do? Waltz outside, covered in dirt, and hope not to get caught? Did I think I'd be able to dig far enough to leave the site entirely? [snorts] I don't even know how to build props. Let alone do I have the material. HOVSKY: I spent hours, days hacking at that wall. And all I have to show for it are a few inches. HOVSKY: What a joke. [END LOG] 1 TESTIMONY OMITTED DATE: 07/31/1972 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I read the last book. I went through all the literature. All of it. I'm done. HOVSKY: It was a book on organic chemistry. Riveting stuff really. I was reeling in my chair. [Silence.] HOVSKY: Sometime recently I started having these…episodes. I don't know what to call them, I just get this terrible feeling. I'm suddenly filled with this looming dread. And there's this crushing weight on my chest, squeezing my lungs and I can't fucking breathe… I collapse, clawing, raking at my neck, gasping and begging for a breath. Then the tears well up, sight gets blurry, and I want to scream but I can't. I can't. I just can't. [END LOG] 8 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 10/14/1972 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I ran my death by the theorem. I said, “Fuck it. Let's find out when I die. At this rate I'll kill myself anyway, so might as well find out when.” HOVSKY: And you know what came out? HOVSKY: Nineteen eighty one. In January or something. My complete and utter obliteration. I'll be annihilated. HOVSKY: Took two weeks to compute. I'll reiterate: it took two weeks to predict something that'll happen in ten years. I suppose the fact that I'm locked up in here probably makes for a relatively easy calculation—as much as the Foundation's keeping me from the outside world, they're also keeping the outside world from getting to me. HOVSKY: But the second that door opens? The second that door opens, the chances of me surviving are so spectacularly slim, I'm pretty much already dead. [Hovsky laughs.] HOVSKY: We'd never had a test case which had a prediction more than a month in advance, and the longest convergence period was three weeks. But me, my death, ten years from now? It's so terribly certain that convergence took only two weeks, ten years in advance. HOVSKY: At least I've got a decade before I go. Am I right? [END LOG] 12 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 12/25/1972 Note: Reduced for the sake of brevity. [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: [hyperventilating] I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die in here. Not in here. I wanna get out, [unintelligible] I need to get out. I need to fucking get out! I need out. I need out. Let me out, let me out, [unintelligible] [Hovsky sobs violently, between periods of intermittent screaming.] [END LOG] 1 TESTIMONY OMITTED Analysis and Investigation • Hovsky shows a clear initial intention to escape her confinement. However, this behavior is according to the Ethics Committee's expectation, since she has been assigned research under duress. Notably, no mention of planned escape is after 1972. • Multiple displays of distress and delusion are made by Hovsky. The deterioration of her mental health began very quickly after her internment, declining to the point of being accompanied by symptoms of disorder, and reaching suicidal ideation. Importantly, knowledge of the true extent of her ideation is limited. • Hovsky's mental faculties still demonstrate advanced cognitive ability and a sense of morality. In the same stroke of breath, there are conflicting accounts of her animosity to the Foundation. Sometimes, she appears willing to cooperate, other times she is openly belligerent. It is unclear whether her threats are earnest, or whether they are more delirious ramblings. • Failure to maintain Hovsky's living quarters constitutes a violation of prior Ethics Committee resolution by means of willful neglect. Testimonies 1969-1974 ► HOVSKY-1973 ▼ HOVSKY-1973 DATE: 04/26/1973 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: It's been a while, sorry for not updating you. It's hard to keep track of time lately and, honestly, I don't really want to. There's this fog in my head stopping me from getting anything done. It hurts sometimes. HOVSKY: Everything keeps piling up. I'm getting lazier. I'm not cleaning up after myself like I used too. Sometimes I snap out of it, realize I'm doing nothing. Most of the time I'm staring at my computer. I wake up everyday, walk a few feet to my desk, and click, click, and click. Lying around, rotting away. The only productive things I do now are in these little moments of lucidity. And then I have another episode and lose myself again. HOVSKY: But I've been a bit better this week. I tidied up a bit, and got back to working. I keep on going over that interview with Husik. There's something he wants to say but doesn't know how. There's something there. I don't know what it is, but I know that he left me the clues to figure it out. HOVSKY: It isn't a hunch. You haven't spent years staring at this machine like I have. I know it inside out. I went back and proved all of our formulas again. I went over the stats. I checked the logs. I did everything. I know this algorithm inside and out, I figure I understand it as well as Husik did now. It's not anomalous, emphatically. I'm looking for something I know isn't here. HOVSKY: I just need to prove that the NICEs are entirely mundane. Not to my eyes, but to someone else's. I know I've had my doubts, but year after year I just keep coming back to the same result: there's nothing here. There is no anomaly. HOVSKY: It dawned on me that they're monitoring my vitals. Somehow, I'm not sure. I don't think they would be sending food down a hatch otherwise, and they must have some expectation that I'll produce research. HOVSKY: My guess is that there's somebody whose whole job is to read these potentially infohazardous documents. Since they think the infohazard has something to do with the NICE's algorithm, I can hypothetically relay information that isn't apparently infohazardous, but still disprove their theory upon later examination. HOVSKY: I know I'm grasping at straws. But what else am I supposed to do? [Silence.] HOVSKY: Oh. I made my thousandth crane today. Consider this my wish, my fucking hail mary. [END LOG] 1 TESTIMONY OMITTED DATE: 06/02/1973 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I figured out which events I can evaluate. It took me so, so long. These fucking computers take a week at a minimum. HOVSKY: This is by far the hardest proof by contradiction I've ever done. How could I use the NICE in such a way that disproved an infohazard's existence? If there was an anomaly, how could they monitor my mental well-being? And how could they distinguish anomalous deterioration from normal deterioration? HOVSKY: So I thought to myself: every successful prediction is proof that I used the algorithm. But, I can lie. What if I pronounced three different prompts, without all of them being true? What if I pronounced five? Seven? Ten? Every false prediction is proof that I did not suffer the supposed infohazard's symptoms. Not to mention, there's a timely aspect to this. I have to make a prediction every week or so, since that's just how long the computation takes. HOVSKY: Starting with that, I can create a blind test. I've racked my brain about it, and I think it's impossible to generate a double-blind. Still though, if after, say, fifteen, twenty cases, it is obvious that my brain chemistry hasn't been anomalously altered, then I'll be free? Right? That's just stats. Cold, hard numbers. HOVSKY: I know some prompts can't be calculated, they'll run-off forever. I just need to input something unambiguous, and entirely unpredictable without NICE's assistance. HOVSKY: So here goes nothing. For the next few entries I'll read off the report summaries verbatim. I'll save them as text files onto the SCiPNET local terminal. I'll print them too. I'll make it impossible for anyone watching to miss. [END LOG] DATE: 06/02/1973 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Prompt: When will the U.S. President and General Secretary of the Soviet Union next converse? HOVSKY: Elastic regression factor “E” prime is set at seven point twelve $( E' = 7.12 ).$ HOVSKY: Runtime “T” sub “r” is equal to twelve days, seventeen hours, twenty-six minutes, ten seconds, and thirty-eight milliseconds ($t_r$ = 12d 17h 26m 10s 38ms). HOVSKY: “Alpha” sub “v” is equal to point eight two three six with an error of two ten-thousandths $( \alpha_v = 0.8236 \pm 2\cdot10^{-4} ).$ HOVSKY: Positive zeta correlation confirmed. HOVSKY: Event dated to ten o' two, June sixteenth, nineteen seventy-three (10:02, June 16th, 1973). HOVSKY: Associate terms are “sunlight”, “tea”, “ice”, “granite”, and “saliva”. [END LOG] DATE: 06/24/1973 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Prompt: When will the New York Yankees next defeat the Boston Red Sox? HOVSKY: Elastic regression factor “E” prime is set at six point ninety-two $( E' = 6.92 ).$ HOVSKY: Runtime “T” sub “r” is equal to twenty-one days, twelve hours, eleven minutes, fifty-nine seconds, and twenty-three milliseconds ($t_r$ = 21d 12h 11m 59s 23ms). HOVSKY: “Alpha” sub “v” is equal to point seven nine eight one with an error of one ten-thousandth $( \alpha_v = 0.7981 \pm \cdot10^{-4} ).$ HOVSKY: Positive zeta correlation confirmed.October 6, 1981 HOVSKY: Event dated to three fifteen, July third, nineteen seventy-three (03:15, July 3rt, 1973). HOVSKY: Associate terms are “chalk”, “grass”, “summer”, “wood”, and “skin”. 7 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 09/11/1973 Note: Reduced for the sake of brevity. [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: [mumbling] I don't think I can do twenty. Not twenty, twenty's a lot. I don't have that much time. I need to get out. Twenty's way too much. Not twenty. Twenty's gonna take five years. No, carry the two. Multiply. Eight. Eight years. At least. That's too long. I'll be dying by then. I'm gonna run out of time, I can't do twenty. Not twenty. Twenty's too much. 4 TESTIMONIES OMITTED ► HOVSKY-1974 ▼ HOVSKY-1974 15 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 10/04/1974 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Prompt: When will the incumbent Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization retire? HOVSKY: Elastic regression factor “E” prime is set at seven point oh eight $( E' = 7.08 ).$ HOVSKY: Runtime “T” sub “r” is equal to fourteen days, thirteen hours, three minutes, fifty-two seconds, and eleven milliseconds ($t_r$ = 14d 13h 03m 52s 11ms). HOVSKY: “Alpha” sub “v” is equal to point eight oh nine two with an error of one ten-thousandth $( \alpha_v = 0.8092 \pm \cdot10^{-4} ).$ HOVSKY: Negative zeta correlation confirmed. HOVSKY: Event dated to sixteen forty-one, November tenth, nineteen seventy-four (16:31, November 10th, 1974). HOVSKY: Associate terms are “boat”, “nylon”, “pen”, “carpet”, and “air”. [END LOG] 3 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 12/30/1974 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: [giggles] They updated the file today. I'm an afterword baby. HOVSKY: It's now listed that I'm the sole researcher assigned to studying SCP-CONRAD. Do you know why they did that? Can you imagine why they'd do that? Out of the blue? HOVSKY: I can. It's because somebody is listening after all, I was right. You really fell for it. So let me introduce myself. HOVSKY: Hi there. It's me. Alex. Hovsky. Alexandra Hovsky. Doctor Hovsky, if you will. That's me. Yours truly. HOVSKY: It's nice to know you're there. I've been pretty lonely down here…you couldn't even begin to understand. I know I'm right under you. You work here, I know you do, just upstairs. When you clock into your nine-to-five, I'm already here. And when you get to go home, I'm still here. HOVSKY: I've been down here for seven years. Do you know what seven years are? I missed out on the better part of a decade. Did we get through with Vietnam? Did Nixon get reelected? I wouldn't fucking know. Because you trapped me in here. Yes, you. You. If you're listening, then you've got a hand in it. So let me tell you something. And I want to be understood, so I'll slow down. Enunciate nice and clear. HOVSKY: I found it. The demon in this machine. It gnaws and thrashes, rabid. Ripping and tearing at the mind when it can't find flesh. It'll find you. If there's anything, a stolen glance, the slightest remark, the mere thought of my presence, then I can assure you, it's caught your scent. It knows you. HOVSKY: I'm ready to sic it on you. Run. Hide. Do something. [END LOG] Analysis and Investigation • Hovsky is acutely aware of her monitoring. Inaction may prove to worsen her mental state by fueling self-doubt. • Increasingly apparent symptoms of cognitive impairment are demonstrated. Namely, the method by which Hovsky aims to prove her sanity is exceedingly tenuous. Consider: • It is known that usage of the NICE (thereby, exposure to the anomaly), leads to a strong desire to make further use of the SCP-CONRAD, the urge to explain it to others, and intense, paranoid, cognitive impairment. • If Hovsky accurately predicts an event which she could not without usage of the NICE, it is uncontroversial evidence of exposure to the infohazard, and therefore, should lead to the aforementioned symptoms. • If Hovsky inaccurately predicts an event, it is proof the anomaly does not produce its supposed symptoms, since she withheld from using the machine and/or withheld from sharing it with others. • Over time, by balancing true and false predictions, it may be safely concluded whether or not the symptoms of SCP-CONRAD are correctly described in its documentation. • Despite the feasibility of the method, Hovsky is incoherent and fails to properly articulate the proper, logical train of thought expected of a highly-educated Foundation researcher. This may be considered a preliminary indicator of exposure to infohazardous effects. • Moreover, in the circumstance that Hovsky's method proves her sanity, it does not disprove the existence of SCP-CONRAD. Instead, it only disproves our current understanding of its anomalous functionality. • Hovsky continues to make multiple displays of distress and delusion. Animosity and belligerence toward Foundation personnel escalate to the level of open-ended and veiled threats. Testimonies 1975 ► HOVSKY-1975 ▼ HOVSKY-1975 DATE: 01/07/1975 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Prompt: When will Site CONRAD's Director die? HOVSKY: Elastic regression factor “E” prime is set at six point nine nine $( E' = 6.99).$ HOVSKY: Runtime “T” sub “r” is equal to twenty-three days, five hours, thirty-three minutes, twenty-four seconds, and fifty milliseconds ($t_r$ = 23d 05h 33m 24s 50ms). HOVSKY: “Alpha” sub “v” is equal to point eight zero one five with an error of one thousandth $( \alpha_v = 0.8015 \pm \cdot10^{-4} ).$ HOVSKY: Positive zeta correlation confirmed. HOVSKY: Event dated to seven o' four, February twelfth, nineteen seventy-five (7:04, February 12th, 1975). HOVSKY: Associate terms are "gunpowder", "panic", "blackout", "kevlar", "stray" [END LOG] DATE: 01/07/1975 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Prompt: When will the lead Foundation staff member responsible for containing SCP-CONRAD die? HOVSKY: Elastic regression factor “E” prime is set at seven point one zero $( E' = 7.10 ).$ HOVSKY: Runtime “T” sub “r” is equal to nineteen days, eighteen hours, thirty minutes, five seconds, and forty-six milliseconds ($t_r$ = 13d 18h 30m 05s 46ms). HOVSKY: “Alpha” sub “v” is equal to point eight oh seven five with an error of one thousandth $( \alpha_v = 0.8075 \pm \cdot10^{-4} ).$ HOVSKY: Positive zeta correlation confirmed. HOVSKY: Event dated to seven forty-two, February twelfth, nineteen seventy-five (07:42, February 12th, 1975). HOVSKY: Associate terms are “five”, “five”, “five”, “five”, and “five”. [END LOG] DATE: 01/07/1975 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Prompt: When will the SCiPNET Database Specialist deployed at Site CONRAD die? HOVSKY: Elastic regression factor “E” prime is set at seven point zero zero $( E' = 7.00 ).$ HOVSKY: Runtime “T” sub “r” is equal to eleven days, twenty-one hours, fifty-four minutes, fifty-seven seconds, and twenty-seven milliseconds ($t_r$ = 11d 21h 54m 57s 21ms). HOVSKY: “Alpha” sub “v” is equal to point seven nine two six with an error of one thousandth $( \alpha_v = 0.7926 \pm \cdot10^{-4} ).$ HOVSKY: Positive zeta correlation confirmed. HOVSKY: Event dated to six fifty, February twelfth, nineteen seventy-five (6:50, February 12th, 1975). HOVSKY: Associate terms are “capsule”, “blur”, “tripwire”, “lungs”, and “flash”. [END LOG] DATE: 01/07/1975 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Prompt: When will the leading conspirator of Moshe Husik's execution die? HOVSKY: Elastic regression factor “E” prime is set at six point eight three $( E' = 6.83 ).$ HOVSKY: Runtime “T” sub “r” is equal to twenty-six days, two hours, thirty-three minutes, eleven seconds, and zero milliseconds ($t_r$ = 26d 02h 33m 01s 00ms). HOVSKY: “Alpha” sub “v” is equal to point eight one eight oh with an error of one ten-thousandth $( \alpha_v = 0.8180 \pm \cdot10^{-4} ).$ HOVSKY: Positive zeta correlation confirmed. HOVSKY: Event dated to seven forty-one, February eleventh, nineteen seventy-five (7:41, February 11th, 1975). HOVSKY: Associate terms are “tongue”, “smoke”, “pool”, “overseer", and “coat”. [END LOG] DATE: 01/07/1975 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Prompt: When will former SCP Internal Affairs staff member Enora Drennan die? HOVSKY: Elastic regression factor “E” prime is set at seven point one zero $( E' = 7.10 ).$ HOVSKY: Runtime “T” sub “r” is equal to nine days, one hour, six minutes, twenty-two seconds, and thiry-one milliseconds ($t_r$ = 09d 18h 30m 22s 31ms). HOVSKY: “Alpha” sub “v” is equal to point eight oh seven five with an error of one thousandth $( \alpha_v = 0.8075 \pm \cdot10^{-4} ).$ HOVSKY: Positive zeta correlation confirmed. HOVSKY: Event dated to seven thirty-one, February twelfth, nineteen seventy-five (07:31, February 12th, 1975). HOVSKY: Associate terms are “five”, “five”, “five”, “five”, and “five”. [END LOG] Analysis and Investigation • Hovsky makes credible and targeted threats toward high-ranking Foundation personnel, personnel linked to SCP-CONRAD's containment, personnel personally related to herself, in violation of the Code of Ethics. • The violence invoked by Hovsky extends far beyond the reasonably expected scope and scale of personal animosities, indicating a minimum level of cognitive damage. COMMITTEE VOTE SUMMARY: (Secret Ballot) YEA NAY ABSTAIN x x x x x x x x x Date Cast: 02/04/1975 STATUS MOTION PASSED Resolution: The Ethics Committee has determined to annul its preceding resolution to safeguard the Foundation staff member Alexandra Hovsky. From: tenartni.noitadnuof|reesrevo#tenartni.noitadnuof|reesrevo To: tenartni.noitadnuof|ccmrepooc#tenartni.noitadnuof|ccmrepooc Sent: 1:02 PM, March 7th, 1975 Subject: Re: CONRAD Committee Resolution Chairman Cooper, O5-3's eyes are already on this. There's no need to spam me with documents I already have. I'm working for three more council members than usual, my inbox is full enough as it is. Besides, the resolution is inconsequential. It's abundantly clear that no action will be taken against Hovsky, because, at the end of the day, no action can be taken against her. Either you haven't been paying attention or you can't read in between the lines. Appropriate security measures have already been put in place. A squadron from Epsilon-11 has already been garrisoned at CONRAD, and the site's non-essential staff have all been given a day off. Targeted personnel have agreed to contain themselves as well. With the site's appropriation into the Antimemetics Division, I quite literally cannot disclose the anomalies we'll be transferring offsite. All you need to know is that the situation is under control. Regardless, this matter is beyond your jurisdiction; had it been apropos, you would have been notified. The Ethics Committee simply isn't relevant here. Also, we aren't friends, Cooper. Don't call me by my first name. Respectfully, Overseer Representative Williams 3/7865 LEVEL 3/7865 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-7865 Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Rhizomatic constellations conceptually associated with SCP-7865-1 are to be surveyed and identified. Use of noospheric tracing to delineate query boundaries is authorized to identify possible targets who, in turn, are to be detained and undergo conceptual reshuffling until they are released by SCP-7865-2. In response to a PRONUNCIATION event, these individuals must be secured and executed safely. Description: SCP-7865-1 is a set of biological computers located at Site CONRAD, known as the Neural Interface Computational Engines (NICE). Each engine comprises an assemblage of sixteen conjoined neural masses housed in three chambers, suspended in cerebrospinal fluid. The assemblages are coupled with a classic electronic transistor computer and a basic biological subsistence framework. Last surviving image of SCP-7865-1's development, under the operation of SCP-7865-3 (left). The computers operate by interpreting text prompts through a superconclusive biological matrix to recursively integrate macrostatistical events, effectuating an algorithm which converges on solutions to the Husik macrostatiscal evaluation theorem. As per the theorem, convergence is only achieved for high-likelihood events. Unlikely events or ambiguous prompts will result in a failure to track noetic point-alignment, generating extremely long or infinite runtimes. Thus, artificial conceptual reshuffling is considered the most effective method to prolong runtimes, which will eventually force the cessation of a prompt's query. SCP-7865-2 is an infovore deployed by usage of the Husik theorem. The entity enables the NICE to increase the likelihood of a queried event, inducing convergent solutions. Analysis has demonstrated statistically unlikely rhizomatic associations invariably associated with PRONUNCIATION events. As such, it is presumed the infovore is capable of influencing noospheric conditions in order to promote the occurrence of events beyond its physical vicinity. SCP-7865-3 is the provisional designation for the former Foundation junior researcher Alexandra Hovsky. It is currently sealed within SCP-7865-1's containment chamber at Site CONRAD, granting it control over SCP-7865's primary anomaly. Hovsky is hostile to the Foundation and has targeted multiple Foundation personnel with SCP-7865-1, producing death sentences. Instances in which these sentences are announced are referred to as SCP-7865-PRONUNCIATION events within internal protocol. It is considered impossible to neutralize SCP-7865 prior to January 14th, 1981. ► Addendum 7865-a: History ▼ Addendum 7865-a: History SCP-7865-1 was created by the defunct Department of Applied Mathematics in the late 1950s at Site CONRAD. It was intended as a means to prevent containment breaches and catastrophes. Authorization to use anomalous techniques was given to construct it, although its consequent anomalous effects were unforeseen. Initially, the success of the project warranted further investment, until misuse led to the discovery of SCP-7865-2. This resulted in the death of many senior research staff and the dissolution of the Department of Applied Mathematics. SCP-7865-2 initially was misidentified as a memetic agent, and steps were taken to isolate its research. Accordingly, due to the immobility of the biocomputers, Site CONRAD gradually was developed into a research site for cognitohazardous and antimemetic anomalies. Over time, it became the central locus of the Antimemetic Division. However, further innovations in noetic visualization technologies and retrospective investigation into PRONUNCIATION events have proven the existence of the infovore. Concurrently, Alexandra Hovsky had defected from the Foundation in the late 1950s, during the incident in which the NICE were first misused. Given the potential applications of the NICE, Hovsky was reinstated as the lead researcher for SCP-7865 following her recovery in 1969. Under the pretense of a potential infohazard, she was quarantined within the containment cell of the biocomputers. On January 7th 1975, SCP-7865-3 initiated its first PRONOUNCIATION event, resulting in the near total destruction of Site CONRAD. This event renewed interest in the anomaly and led to its current reclassification. In an effort to avert future catastrophe, the site has been converted into a modernized containment zone solely dedicated to SCP-7865. The previous staff of the site, pertaining to the Antimemetics Division, have since been fully relocated to the division's main hub, Site 167. ► Incident Log CONRAD-7865-73 ▼ Incident Log CONRAD-7865-73 INCIDENT REPORT INCIDENT #: CONRAD-7865-73 DATE OF OCCURRENCE: 1975/02/12 [BEGIN LOG] [06:00] All Site CONRAD personnel are alerted as specified by lockdown protocol. Targeted individuals are within standard humanoid containment cells, and all transferable anomalies are confirmed to have been moved off-site. [06:12] Internal Affairs Archivist Drennan attempts to page Director Everhart in regards to the containment of an unidentified anomaly, but does not receive a response. [06:13] Drennan continues attempting to contact Everhart unsuccessfully. [06:14] An internal watchdog AI alerts SCiPNET Database Specialist Koans of repeated messages containing an antimemetic signature. He is unable to access his terminal due to containment. [06:20] Drennan begins violently banging against her cell door, screaming for help. [06:24] The unanswered notice is automatically forwarded to the Director. [06:25] Everhart, due to inexperience, assumes the notice is a warning regarding the containment of the Database Specialist, rather than directed to him. [06:26] She abruptly leaves her office. [06:28] Drennan attracts the attention of a patrolling guard, who unlocks her door. Drennan pleads with the guard to radio the Director regarding the containment of an unspecified antimemetic anomaly. [06:30] Everhart enters Koans' cell to interrogate him. [06:31] Drennan convinces the guard to bring her to Everhart's office. [06:33] The office is found empty. [06:34] In compliance with CONRAD lockdown protocol, a containment breach is suspected and MTF Epsilon-11 members are directed to increase their mnestic dosage. [06:35] Operation command receives the alert and directs all personnel to increase mnestic dosages on the sitewide intercom. [06:36] Everhart administers herself mnestics. Koans is provided with the surplus capsules, before the two begin returning to the office. [06:36] Koans, who had no prior experience with mnestics, ingests all the remaining capsules. [06:40] After arriving at the Director's office, Drennan and the guard question whether Everhart and Koans have been compromised by an antimemetic anomaly. [06:43] An Epsilon-11 unit enters Site CONRAD to resolve the reported containment breach, arriving at the standoff. [06:50] Two factions form among the present personnel, divided between Drennan and Everhart. A hostage exchange is proposed, and Drennan volunteers herself. Koans volunteers on Everhart's behalf. [06:51] Drennan is detained in a containment cell, while Koans is detained in Everhart's office. [06:55] The specialist notices the prior notification regarding Drennan's messages. [06:56] He convinces a pair of MTF Epsilon-11 members to escort him in an attempt to locate the unidentified antimemetic anomaly. [07:00] Koans begins to experience symptoms of mnestic overexposure, including impairment of cognitive function. [07:01] Koans mistakenly attempts to access SCP-7865's containment cell, triggering a sitewide alarm. The Epsilon-11 members immediately terminate him. [07:02] The sudden alarm causes the standoff to escalate into open combat. All MTF members within the site immediately rush toward the administrative wing. [07:10] During the crossfire, Site CONRAD's water utilities are damaged. This causes the faulty water heating unit in SCP-7865's wing to burst, flooding the site infrastructure through a hole dug by SCP-7865-3. [07:11] Damage to the site's generators cause a sitewide blackout to occur. Video footage is lost for the majority of the site. [07:12] The remaining Epsilon-11 units are immediately deployed. Upon reaching the administrative wing, they are fired upon by personnel within the site. Due to the power outage, units are unable to discern the affiliations of personnel within the site. [07:13] Epsilon-11 units receive authorization to return fire and begin indiscriminately terminating hostiles within the site. [07:14] [REDACTED] [07:16] Backup generators activate. Director Everhart is confirmed deceased. Hostilities continue among site personnel. [07:20] Drennan is not found. [07:24] [REDACTED] [07:55] Site CONRAD is cleared of all threats. [END LOG] From: tenartni.noitadnuof|lmsmailliw#tenartni.noitadnuof|lmsmailliw To: tenartni.noitadnuof|reesrevo#tenartni.noitadnuof|reesrevo Sent: 10:33 AM, May 13th, 1981 Subject: Resignation There we go, we've done it. SCP-7865 has been confirmed as neutralized. Let's all give ourselves a pat on the back. We did it, we've slain that terror of our own creation. Let the records show that on January 14th 1981 we obliterated Alexandra Hovsky. In fact, the wholesale deletion of containment Site CONRAD should be remarked upon as the most steadfast and complete destruction of non-anomalous property by the Foundation to date. Moreover, the most thorough and unmitigated elimination of a singular, mundane person. Now, in the ruins of that small apocalypse, we are left to press ourselves the question: Why? SCP-7865 hails from a long legacy of Foundation-backed predictive technology. Each has their own advantages and drawbacks. Anomalies like SCP-377 and SCP-1244 give trustworthy predictions, but lack directability. Some, like SCP-411 and SCP-552 are psychologically hindered by their own anomalous capabilities. Other objects, such as SCP-3324 prove themselves to be excessively intrusive, going as far as to potentially alter causality to ensure their predictions. Even the most reliable options, such as SCP-2412 and SCP-657 aren't perfect, with their conditions severely restricting their usage. Developing a general-purpose, remotely actionable predictor has been sought after for generations. Ever since it's been theorized, and shown to be vaguely possible, the Foundation has funded the research. Dozens of well-grounded attempts have been made. Hundreds more will inevitably be made. To say it simply, SCP-7865 was utterly unexceptional. For our standards, perhaps even ordinary. Yet, it warranted unprecedented backlash. When we stormed CONRAD, we made sure every facet of the operation was secure - not a single drop of resistance could be tolerated. Meticulously, we worked to prevent any possibility of retaliation, empowered with the highest scrutiny of science: AI-assisted cognitohazard filters, Scranton stabilizers, three separate mobile MTF units, noospheric topologists, ontokinetic disruptors, and mnestic specialists were all deployed for the neutralization attempt. All the while, an overhead orbital cannon aligned itself for emergency pulverization as a myriad of conceptual applicators scrambled the literal idea of Alexandra Hovsky. That which remains of SCP-7865 is a pit in the ground. Containment Site CONRAD was positively removed from the face, and guts, of the Earth. Hovsky is “presumed” dead. Yes, it is no secret that this was revenge. Justice, at best, was an afterthought. In the time I've served as O5-3's personal assistant, I'd grown numb; it never struck me as odd that they were the vengeful sort. After all, I had my own vendettas. This isn't an industry known for dragging in the kind-hearted. So, I was unfazed that day when SCP-7865 showed up in my inbox. It was another email to answer. Between the pattern screamers and blood rituals, it was just another file in the archives. Truth be told, the only impression it left on me was that of a deep, earnest annoyance. That's what happens when the Ethics Committee gets involved. The emails become meetings, and suddenly you have to pretend you care. But weeks after Hovsky became another nameless pile of ash, I couldn't stop asking why. How could we have been so careless? How'd such a commonplace, possibly beneficial research endeavor quickly escalate into one of the largest internal threats the Foundation's ever handled? Were we truly as incompetent as she'd seemed to believe? There have been Class IV reality benders and imminent XK-Class scenarios that have killed less overseers than SCP-7865. All while Hovsky, the immortal mastermind behind it, was otherwise completely mundane. After O5-3's death finally passed, I found myself suddenly free to scour the entirety of SCP-7865's documentation. I've got a heavy-duty binder with over three thousand pages about every possible detail - archived paperwork, inquest files, council memos. I interviewed the people in Information Security that redact the data. I stitched shredded sheets back together. I've even got x-ray analyses of blacked-out sentences. Don't call it an obsession; I do my job, and make sure to do it well. Though, throughout my entire career in the Foundation, never has a paper trail been so hard to follow. Individual reports seemed to differ drastically between iterations, and conflicting stories came from the same people. Protocol and legislation were nonexistent. All the while, the pressing question of "why?" echoed in my mind. There's something that remains unspoken. Or, arguably, there's something which we chose not to hear. It was always there. A realization that Hovsky had many years after Husik decided to bite his tongue. Unspoken, albeit well understood. It is certain, beyond any statistical doubt, that SCP-7865-2 does not and has never existed. Continued topological observation of the conceptual constellation associated with SCP-7865-2 has unmistakably proven its preserved existence. With contemporary developments in conceptual mapping, the fact is irrefutable: SCP-7865-2's rhizomatic framework consists of nothing more than itself. It was an unbelievable oversight, akin to a child mistaking a crane for folded paper. But it'd be a greater mistake to believe that it was nothing more than a childish naivete. If Hovsky figured it out, then surely, at least Drennan must have realized as well. Is it really plausible that the people who've worked on this problem the longest failed to understand it? After one year? After five years? After a decade? It's hubris. An honest, abject conceit forced its hand against admitting that a miscalculation was once made. We'd made a deal with Hovsky. The Ethic Committee was watching. It's not like we could just knock on CONRAD's door and say sorry. That'd mean someone else was in the wrong. That'd mean it was someone else's fault. That would mean someone else should've been punished. And we couldn't let that happen. SCP-7865 was made an anomaly. We made a file. We reclassified. We redesignated. Pepper some misinformation here, place a tight-lipped division there. As long as Hovsky's contained. We primed the circumstances which guaranteed SCP-7865 its reign. Hovsky was right. As was Husik before her. There was never any anomaly to be found. We were looking for nothing. When Hovsky discovered the date of her death to be wildly beyond any of her own expectations, she finally came to understand the truth, for all the significance it really had. Our arrogance was abused to exact the revenge she deserved. For that crime, we punished her. The beast once named Alexandra Hovsky was bewildered, gaunt, and elderly the day I killed her. We had stopped sending her food weeks prior to the operation. The PRONUNCIATION events ceased, her SCiPNET terminal became inactive, and she stopped recording her journal entries. Still, her vitals somehow demonstrated a stubborn livelihood. It was not enough to let her die in silence. We opened the vault and found her feral, scared, and alone. The fluorescent light bulbs had all burned out. Outside the dim glow of computer monitors, she lived in the dead, quiet dark. She shied away, hissing at the floodlights. The brightness revealed the dried blood caking the skin around her mouth and down her chin, staining her matted hairs and long, scraggly nails. It became apparent that she survived by dining on the sprawling, cancerous mass of the NICE's brain. It had taken its toll. That diseased thing was irretrievable. It needed to be put down. We annihilated it, cauterizing the wound we left in this world. I'll be the first to take responsibility. On account of our treatment of SCP-7865, I am stepping down from my position as Overseer Representative. I will not assume the position of O5-3. Yours, Latoya Williams {$hide} « SCP-7864 | SCP-7865 | SCP-7866 »