SCP-7026-2. Item #: SCP-7026 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7026-1 and SCP-7026-2 are to be held in separate glass containers, both 35 x 14 x 14 cm in size. Both glass cases are to be held in separate storage lockers at Site-64. Contact with either instance of SCP-7026 is prohibited. Description: SCP-7026 is a pair of brown leather shoes, measuring 28.5 cm in length and 9 cm in width, weighing 1.8 kg. Shoe size and brand are not listed. SCP-7026-1 is the left shoe and SCP-7026-2 is the right shoe. Both are indistinguishable from each other save for their intended foot. They both have the same anomalous properties. While stationary, both instances of SCP-7026 exhibit no anomalous or adverse properties, nor when the shoes are put on. However, when either is traveling at a speed of 22.5 kilometers per hour or more, the shoe will continue to travel at that speed until it strikes an object, negating air resistance, but still affected by gravity. If, while traveling over 22.5 kph, the shoe strikes a non-human object, including plants and non-human animals, nothing out of the ordinary will happen. However, if the shoe were to strike a human, henceforth referred to as the subject, it will stick to their body, unable to be removed no matter how much pressure is applied. Subject will start feeling immediate searing pain where the shoe has connected. After ten seconds of being attached to a person, SCP-7026 will begin to melt away clothes, skin, tissue, and bone, moving throughout the body until it has reached the center chest cavity of the subject. Subject will not die no matter what or how many vital organs are damaged during this process, however, will be in extreme unbearable pain. Once SCP-7026 has reached the center of the subject, the melting of tissue will stop, and cell production within the body will increase by 200% until the shoe has been sealed inside the subject's body. It will begin to grow 20% bigger every minute, not stopping until the subject has exploded from the growing shoe. Once the subject has burst, the shoe will return back to its original size. Any attempts to remove SCP-7026 out of a subject through surgical means after it has begun growing will result in the shoe halting its growth, followed by it sending three electrical shocks throughout the subject's body, three seconds between each shock. Cell production will rapidly start up again, healing the cut given by the surgeons. The shoe's growth will then start back up again until the subject has exploded. Discovery: SCP-7026 was discovered after Muntazer al-Zaidi, an Iraqi journalist, threw both SCP-7026-1 and SCP-7026-2 at Dr. Jack Bright, who was at the time occupying the body of United States President George W. Bush, while he was at a press conference in Baghdad, Iraq, being accompanied by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Dr. Bright ducked out of the way in response to both attacks, leaving him unharmed. Muntazar al-Zaidi was tackled to the ground by Nouri al-Maliki's guards and apprehended. The Foundation soon took al-Zaidi into custody to question him about his motives, and whether or not he was a part of any GOIs that wanted to harm a foundation member. Questioning revealed information about SCP-7026. Addendum-B: The following is an interview with Mr. al-Zaidi conducted by Dr. Lotner. The interview was conducted in Arabic, and since has been translated to English. 7026-IL-01 Interviewer: Doctor Elrad Lotner Interviewed: Muntazer al-Zaidi Date: 12/16/2008 Lotner: Hello Muntazer al-Zaidi. I've got a few questions that I'd like you to answer. al-Zaidi: How long will this take? I don't want to be locked up forever. Lotner: It won't take long. And you won't be locked up if you answer my questions. al-Zaidi pauses. al-Zaidi: I guess I could do that. Lotner: Perfect. For starters, do you know who we are? We referring to this foundation. al-Zaidi: No. Lotner: Do you know of any organization that, like us, has strange and unusual beings, entities, or objects? al-Zaidi pauses to think. al-Zaidi: I don't think so. Lotner: None? Not the Global Occult Coalition? The Choas Insurgency? Marshall, Carter, and Dark? The Serpent's Hand? al-Zaidi: Wait, that third one. Marshall, Carter, and Dark. I've heard of them. Lotner: You have? al-Zaidi: Yeah, they're the ones that sold me those shoes. Lotner: Sold you the shoes? al-Zaidi: Yes. Lotner: Why would Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. sell you shoes? al-Zaidi: Because those aren't your ordinary shoes. They make people fucking explode. Lotner: Make people explode? How so? al-Zaidi: Yeah, you throw them at someone, the shoe sticks to them, burrows inside them, then expands and makes them explode. Lotner quickly writes notes on his clipboard Lotner: When did you acquire these shoes? al-Zaidi: Oh, a long time ago. Maybe a year or two ago. I've been waiting a while for the right moment. Lotner: What else do you know about these shoes? al-Zaidi: The lady who sold them to me said that when they're going fast they're really dangerous. Even if you're running in them and going the right speed they'll kill you. Or if you're driving at the right speed and wearing them. They'll kill you. Lotner: Did this lady tell you who they were made by? al-Zaidi: I think so, though I don't remember. Some terrorist organizations probably. She said the shoes were made by them to kill people. They don't set off metal detectors or anything, so you can sneak right in with them to any government building, or on a plane, or wherever you want and kill whoever you want. I'm a journalist. I've seen the atrocities committed against my people. George Bush is the criminal mastermind behind all of it. I felt I had to do to him what he's done to so many others. Lotner writes more on his clipboard, then thinks to himself. al-Zaidi: Is that all you need from me? Lotner pauses before speaking. Lotner: Yes, that should be all. [End of Log] After the interview, al-Zaidi was administered Class-C amnestics to erase his memories of the interview, as well as his memories of SCP-7026 and Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. Further testing with SCP-7026 confirmed what al-Zaidi had stated in his interview.
SCP-7029-A Item #: SCP-7029 Object Class: Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: Foundation web crawlers are tasked to remove video evidence contrary to CV-00501. Individuals identified to have personally witnessed SCP-7029 are to be detained and administered Class-C amenstics. The McGall family is to be put under surveillance for the time being. Description: SCP-7029 refers to American Airlines flight 150 (ORD to CDG). While traveling over the state of Ohio, the airplane (SCP-7029-A) spontaneously stopped responding to controller input and began heading straight towards the city of Westerville. Air traffic controllers were notified by radio that none of the warning lights were going off; witnesses that observed SCP-7029-A from the ground claimed the anomaly performed a series of loop-the-loops rather than heading straight down. The Federal Aviation Administration's investigation was taken over by the Foundation after details of SCP-7029 emerged post-crash: ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7029/Westerville/Incident ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ [BEGIN LOG] [SMART HOME SECURITY CAMERA] [Chase McGall and Veronica McGall are in the kitchen. Mrs. McGall is making cookie dough. Mr. McGall is spoon-feeding their seven-month old son, Max, peas. Max spits the peas onto his star-patterned bib and reaches for a plate of cookies. Mr. McGall pushes the cookies away. Max immediately cries and flaps their arms.] [Mrs. McGall notices this, smiles and gives Mr. McGall a shoulder rub. Mr. McGall sighs and gives her the spoon, walking over to a nearby table to type on a laptop and drink his coffee. Max's cries cease when Mrs. McGall quietly shushes him.] [Mrs. McGall scoops up some peas enunciating loudly as she performs a series of looping hand gestures with the spoon. Max giggles and claps. Mrs. McGall flutters her lips as she slowly brings the spoon to Max's open mouth.] [Suddenly, wooden debris shower from above. Mrs. McGall narrowly avoids getting hit with a rooster weather vane, causing her to flinch and fall down. Mr. McGall springs up from his seat, startled. Mrs. McGall coughs until the dust clears. She expresses immense shock.] [Max resumes clapping as SCP-7029-A's nose cone makes physical contact with his mouth. Max sucks on the metal surface, causing the anomaly to move in a manner similar to a pacifier.] [Coffee spills onto the laptop as Mr. McGall freezes in place. Mrs. McGall stares, almost asphyxiating by forgetting to breathe.] [CCTV TRAFFIC CAMERA] [A adolescent male rides on his bike on the sidewalk, wearing his headphones. Multiple neighbors rush out of their homes and become stunned. The boy sees the neighbors, takes off the headphones, then looks upwards. SCP-7029-A's rear protrudes from the roof of a two-story house; all jet engines suck up roof tiles and are on fire.] [The boy looks on, crashing into a mailbox.] [SMART HOME SECURITY CAMERA] [Mr. McGall repeatedly slams a meat tenderizer against SCP-7029-A and tries to yank the high chair away to no success. Mrs. McGall frantically tries to use her cell phone but loses her grip on the device, allowing it to fall into a filled flower vase, shortening it out. Exasperated, Mrs. McGall rips a decorative cross from the wall and points it to SCP-7029-A, shouting loudly.] [Despite the amount of weight and force being applied to Max, he and the high chair are unharmed. Max coos and flaps his arms. SCP-7029-A shakes violently before the nose cone appears to warp and disappear into Max's mouth. Both parents back away, visibly trembling when more of the ceiling collapses.] [Ceramic fragments and shampoo bottles fall into the kitchen, alongside Martha McGall.1 Martha snaps her head up and gasps as she looks down. She is naked. Martha panics and swipes some baking sheets from the counter to cover herself.] [Mr. McGall closes his eyes, struggling not to vomit. Mrs. McGall looks away from Martha, trying to suppress her gagging. She stares at SCP-7029-A in horror.] [YOUTUBE LIVESTREAM]: [Passengers and flight attendants are panicking by running through aisles or jumping on their seats. The majority of them crowd around, crushing each other around the emergency exits. The exits are not opening, and the view of a kitchen can be seen through the windows.] [The cameraman, who is adorning a red hoodie, curses and rushes to the front of SCP-7029-A. The front exit is also blocked and the door to the cockpit is wide open. Both pilots shout into their radios. The view from the cockpit windows is pitch black.] [A thunderous creaking sound is heard before a pair of white rectangles break through the hull. The cameraman jumps backwards as the entire cockpit enters the darkness. Everyone still onboard stops and stares directly at the torn opening. The cameraman turns on their phone's flashlight function.] [The light illuminates a giant tongue and uvula. Shrieking is heard from the cockpit as it falls off an unseen ledge. The tongue notices them and moves against the opening. The cameraman screams before the footage ends abruptly.] [SMART HOME SECURITY CAMERA] [Multiple neighbors bang blunt objects against SCP-7029-A. Others are trying to guide Mr. and Mrs. McGall out of the house but both refuse. Max's highchair shatters completely. Max is now sitting on the floor unharmed and exhibiting signs of lethargy. Everyone looks up.] [The holes in the ceiling, second floor, and the roof are engulfed in fire. The lower section of SCP-7029-A is fully entering the house now; loose objects close to Max are getting violently sucked into the jet engines, exploding into masses of flames.] [Tables, chairs, and the rest of the furniture appear unaffected by the suction, causing those who have not fled to hang onto them tightly. Miraculously, all maintain their grip. Eventually, the entirety of SCP-7029-A warps and disappears completely down Max's esophagus.] [The immediate loss of suction results in those hanging onto to crash into the floor hard. Neighbors overturn furniture. They exhibit signs of extreme fright as they aim their guns in Max's direction. Mrs. McGall slowly, deliberately, walks to Max who is coughing on the floor.] [Mrs. McGall knees and extends a hand but pulls it back when Max burps. A tiny captain's pilot cap flies from his mouth. Max smacks his lips and looks at the plate of peas; no peas are present. Max begins to cry.] [The neighbors begin to panic when Mrs. McGall spots a still-intact plate of cookies on the counter and dumps its contents on Max's lap. Max giggles and eats the cookies. Mrs. McGall allows the plate to slip from her fingers and shatters on the floor.] [Mr. McGall's eye twitches. Mrs. McGall crumbles into a fetal position on the ground, staring off into space. Martha is hiding under a curtain. Max shoves chocolate chips into his nostrils. The house is still on fire.] [END LOG] All relevant parties were amnestized with Class-A amnestics. Cover stories CV-33454 and CV-00501 (Smaller plane crash and plane lost at sea) were accounted for the damage of the McGall residence and the absence of SCP-7029-A respectively. Tests were conducted on Max McGall to determine if he possessed anomalous properties. While Max McGall exhibited a higher Hume count, he didn't qualify for reality-bender classification and soon returned to baseline overtime. The McGall family decided to temporarily relocate to Lincoln Village, Ohio until the property damage at their original residence is fixed. Addedum-7029.1, Update: A runaway train that has just been reported to have left the tracks it was riding on appears to be heading directly to Lincoln Village. Containment efforts are underway. Footnotes 1. Mr. McGall's mother.
close Info X + More articles by weizhong - Hide list SCPs SCP-2006 SCP-2950 SCP-2599 SCP-2800 SCP-3200 SCP-4007 SCP-2750 SCP-2201 SCP-2101 SCP-2050 SCP-2440 SCP-2301 SCP-1842 SCP-2012 SCP-1644 SCP-2499 SCP-2775 SCP-2925 SCP-1758 SCP-7030 SCP-972 SCP-314-J SCP-2625 SCP-2588 SCP-6030 SCP-5725 SCP-2896 SCP-5975 + All Tales by weizhong - Hide list Tales The Meaning of Fear Right? The Tinkerer After The End Spirit Dust Leisure Time Mission Accomplished A Broken Tool The Space Soldier Of Meetings and Meals Trip Hammer Eulogies All Work and No Play Another Day On The Job Unveiling Conferencing + GOI formats by weizhong - Hide list SCPs UIU File: 2017-003 UIU File: 1933-001 + All coauthored articles featuring weizhong - Hide list Page Authors Unusual Incidents Unit Hub Drewbear, CryogenChaos Project Palisade, 001 Proposal thedeadlymoose, Drewbear, and Dexanote TKO thedeadlymoose and Drewbear SCP-5050-EX CityToast Competitive Teleology Riemann SCP-5882 Riemann Hey, this is neat. what is? Look, you can comment on this directly. It looks like the database opened up. See? Marcus is a little bitch. All recorded. real mature anna, thanks Hehehe. Sorry. Anyway, pretty cool what you can find here. It's like looking in a time capsule, huh? Before the Foundation collapsed and everything went to shit. Item #: SCP-7030 Object Class: Apollyon Special Containment Procedures: There are no known mitigation methods for SCP-7030. Research into risk factors for SCP-7030 is ongoing; all efforts and potential leads should be directed to the attention of Dr. Helen Ouyang and team. This is probably the point at which people should have realized they really had no idea what the hell they were doing. not like anyone else knew any better either. they did about as well as they could. gotta give em that i guess Prior efforts to contain the public dissemination of SCP-7030 awareness have been discontinued, due to initiation of a BK-class “Broken Masquerade” event. Crowd control efforts to limit widespread panic as a result of SCP-7030 have been similarly discontinued due to resource allocation issues; local site directors should exercise their own judgment with regards to maintaining discipline in on-site personnel. Description: SCP-7030 is a designation given to a series of related ontological phenomena that result in the disappearance of affected entities from local realspace. As per the current revision of this documentation, SCP-7030 is believed to have affected between 50 and 70 percent of the human population.1 Disappearance events connected to SCP-7030 happen instantaneously and spontaneously. Research efforts into risk factors for SCP-7030 affliction are ongoing, but as of yet, causal or correlative links remain unsupported by peer-reviewed evidence. Additionally, entities affected by SCP-7030 disappear from all known realities in N-topological realspace2, indicating that SCP-7030 affects ontological signatures as opposed to physical or spiritual ones. The significance of this is as of yet unknown. The first confirmed SCP-7030 event occurred on July 5th, 2026, but interpolating from the current rate of SCP-7030 affliction suggests an actual first event somewhere between late 2024 to early 2025. Absent any future mitigation methods for SCP-7030, it is believed that the anomaly will eventually cause the disappearance of all human life by 20██. It's weird to read it spelled out like that. mmm doesn't feel as weird now as it used to. i think you just get used to the feeling. No, for sure. But it definitely didn't feel that way at first. When people first started to go missing, it was easy to just ignore it. it's like how other tragedies used to be What? you always used to hear about people dying from some rare, freak cancer way too early, or an accidental car crash with a drunk driver late at night. sometimes a celebrity OD'd too young, or a relative of someone you know had some uncaught condition. but it was always something that “happened to other people” you know? things like that didn't happen to you. you shook your head and said “what a shame” when you heard about the neighbor's kid disappearing, or maybe spent a couple minutes thinking about it if you heard someone a little closer to you didn't come home from work one day. not for that long, though, you had other things to think about. they were just news stories, is all. until they weren't. until news stories became your stories. On August 5th, 2026, due to accelerating rates of SCP-7030 events, a task force was assembled under the research direction of Dr. Helen Ouyang, previously the Senior Director for Ontological Research. Memorandum: Project Reclamation Project Reclamation is intended to achieve the following strategic goals for containing SCP-7030 Research into means of recovering individuals affected by SCP-7030. Investigate risk factors for SCP-7030 events. Develop protective measures against SCP-7030 events. Mitigate and contain the degree to which civilian authorities and populations will become aware of SCP-7030 prior to completion of the first three objectives. I must stress once again that Project Reclamation should be considered our primary objective as an organization until SCP-7030 can be successfully contained, or at least mitigated. With the seemingly random nature with which the anomaly affects people, anyone and everyone can be a target. No one should consider themselves safe. If that's not enough motivation, I don't know what is. A+ corporate motivation there. “Work harder or everyone dies!” i mean, they're not wrong either. Yeah, but they could have put it a little…nicer? I dunno. SCP-7030 Update 1: By late 2026, SCP-7030 events had begun to accelerate in both frequency and severity. Although previous events targeted singular individuals in isolated events, from November 2026 onwards, group disappearances became a recurring phenomenon associated with SCP-7030. Concurrently, efforts to limit the awareness of SCP-7030 began to lose effectiveness due to a combination of the increasing severity of the anomaly and growing public acknowledgment of the phenomena. In particular, threads about the anomaly had begun to circulate in online conspiracy theory message boards, and search analytics for related terms began to spike. Anonymous 07-Nov-2026 - 01:49:20 - #235602 When are people gonna wake the fuck up honestly like shit is getting ridiculous at this point. People are not suppose to fuckinggg disappear like that. I don't care what the govt gaslights us into thinking, this doesn't just happen okay. I saw a guy at the gas station FUCKING DISAPPEAR IN FRONT OF ME okay. I'm not high rn this actually happened. Anonymous 07-Nov-2026 - 03:19:05 - #235853 Truthers, my POS step dad disappeared while in the living room, right as he was setting up for his nightly six pack. AITA for being happy about it? I know we're all supposed to be waking up or some shit but ngl I can live with this one. SCP-7030 Update 2: The following is excerpted from the mid-year report generated for Project Reclamation progress in 2027. Memorandum: Project Reclamation Project Reclamation was intended to achieve the following strategic goals for containing SCP-7030 Research into means of recovering individuals affected by SCP-7030. Investigate risk factors for SCP-7030 events. Develop protective measures against SCP-7030 events. Mitigate and contain the degree to which civilian authorities and populations will become aware of SCP-7030 prior to completion of the first three objectives. I am afraid that I must report minimal progress in all three primary objectives for Project Reclamation. On Subject Reclamation: Failure on all fronts. No trace of disappeared individuals has been found in any capacity, though we have been able to verify that disappearance events are not localized to our own reality; disappearance erases persons affected from all known adjacent realities. Even usage of SCP-2000 produced no success; attempts to recover an affected individual resulted in a never before seen machine error. On Risk Factor Identification: No conclusive correlative links have been found to date. Minor correlations have been observed in the data set, but don't rise above the level of statistical noise upon further analysis. On Protective Measures: The anomaly seems to strike indiscriminately and without warning. Not even SRAs have been shown to provide any form of protection, and no amount of reality ablation shielding has proven to be effective. One note: at this point, several anomalies under Foundation observation have begun to be affected by SCP-7030, so there's one bright side at least. Perhaps we won't even need to exist by the time the anomaly's through with us. - Dr. Helen Ouyang, Director, Project Reclamation yeah, to be honest with you, no idea wtf this means. I looked through some of the other archives, but I didn't get much information either. It's making my head spin. There were also some funny pictures on a couple files that really made my head hurt, but I just looked away and it seemed fine. think this is when it started to hit hard though. that maybe people didn't know what was going on. think you always used to think that somebody smart would figure it out someday. they'd fix it like they always do. some miracle drug, or fancy machine, or something, idk. maybe this is when it started to set in that even the folks up top didn't know any better than we did. that maybe it really was all just luck. Yeah. Think this is when I started to drink a lot more. amen to that sister SCP-7030 Update 3: By early 2028, a secondary phenomenon associated with SCP-7030 began to accompany primary SCP-7030 events. Immediately following the disappearance of some individuals affected by SCP-7030, an unspecified entity manifests itself in the vicinity of the disappearance event. Said entities (now designated SCP-7030-1) resemble statues of black humanoid figures, ranging in size from 0.5m to 3m tall. SCP-7030-1 instances appear to consist of an unidentified black, crystalline material that radiates a low level of heat, making entities feel warm to the touch. Detailed testing under Project Reclamation efforts could not identify an origin, purpose, or more specific material composition for SCP-7030 entities. However, analysis of disappearance events associated with SCP-7030-1 manifestations was able to correlate overall quantity of disappeared persons with resulting SCP-7030-1 size; i.e, the larger the size of the disappearance event, the larger the associated SCP-7030-1 instance. Due to the accelerating rate of SCP-7030 exposure, it was deemed operationally impossible to maintain separation of Foundation assets and activities from civilian knowledge. On March 13th, 2028, with a 11-2 vote of the O5 Council, the Foundation enacted Resolution Alpha-01, and officially declared a BK-Class “Broken Masquerade” Scenario to be in effect. Foundation operations were ordered to merge collaboration efforts with civilian research institutions in order to increase the pace of ongoing investigations. The day everything really changed. Surprise, here's the shadowy Illuminati cabal that actually does secretly control everything. meh. not surprised. What? What do you mean you weren't surprised? The biggest bombshell in the history of news, and you weren't surprised? always knew some shit was happening. not too surprised. can't trust what you read. Marcus, don't tell me you were a conspiracy guy before all of this… well, i was right wasn't i? …Okay fair enough. SCP-7030 Update 4: By 2029, a quasi-religious movement called the Temple of the Hidden Way had emerged, centered around a leader named Joseph Stockwell. Stockwell claimed to have received a message from the one true universal god, who told him that SCP-7030 was in actuality a purge of all “heretics” from the planet under her watch. While numerous other apocalypse cults, syncretic movements, and extremist offshoots of existing religions also arose during this period, the Hidden Way received significant attention after Stockwell successfully predicted the disappearances of several high-profile critics. The Hidden Way singled out individuals who had survived group disappearance events from SCP-7030 as being “holy,” claiming that these “saints” had been protected by God from the ongoing purge. Stockwell, having survived no fewer than three documented mass disappearances, was anointed as the Patriarch of the Hidden Way. Additionally, the Hidden Way claimed that SCP-7030-1 instances were in fact, secret “angels” who had been sent by God to carry out her will in purging alleged heretics. As a result, research efforts at mass disappearance sites became significantly more difficult due to large numbers of Hidden Way adherents who had to be removed by force. hmm. these idiots. way to profit at the end of the world. They came to my house you know. After my family…left. oh no, anna. :( i'm really sorry. you didn't deserve that It's okay. I'm over it now. But at the time, woof. They told me that I was a saint for living when my sister had died. It sure didn't feel that way. bullshit. we just got a little luckier is all. don't listen to all that shit Do you, though? Feel luckier, that is? I guess I don't really know how much is going on with your end. sometimes yes sometimes no i guess. it's been hard trying to get what we need. not a lot of people left to help either. i've got my kid brother still, so that's something. we're just getting by. Oh, that's nice that you have your brother at least. I'm happy for you. SCP-7030 Update 5: Dr. Ouyang gave the following update on the new year for 2029. Memorandum: Project Reclamation The appearance of SCP-7030-1 entities, the rise of extremist religious groups, and our continuing lack of progress on primary Project Reclamation goals has made it clear that the threat that SCP-7030 poses to the entirety of human civilization is existential. We are at an impasse, ladies and gentlemen. Our teams themselves are dwindling, and our ability to handle even mundane crises is rapidly growing thin. The population of the Earth is withering, and we are running out of options. I am moving for the immediate declassification of any and all Foundation documents, and the immediate merger of all civilian research efforts into Foundation purview. We can no longer afford to hide anything from the people of the world, when anything less than full transparency risks annihilation. We must exercise every resource we have available to us. Anything less than maximum effort is a betrayal of our species. - Dr. Helen Ouyang, Director, Project Reclamation I was walking down the street the other day, and I really noticed for the first time how many places were just gone. With so many people disappeared by this point, half the stores literally didn't have anyone left to run them. At this point, it's just a couple major stores and chains who have people left to keep them afloat. How's the situation with you, Marcus? to be honest with you, anna: not hot. we're trying the best we can, but there's not a whole lot of people left. whole truck of milk delivery went sour bc the driver disappeared mid drive and nobody knew. nobody else around to check up on things either. you do what you can i guess, but there's too much to do and not enough people to do it. least we're not starving yet i guess. We're all just getting by, I guess. I'm…sort of surprised though. All these movies used to show the end of the world and it looked a lot more…apocalyptic, I guess? Didn't think the end of the world would be so boring. people don't really do crazy, anna. fact of the matter is, most people are pretty decent, even if they're a little stupid. most people didn't (and don't) want to secretly loot the grocery store or stab their neighbor on purge night. they just wanna live their lives and do right by their people. so what if the world's ending. still need people to make sure plumbing works most of the time, or we get power for a couple hours a day. it's just people doing what they've always done: doing their best to get by. SCP-7030 Update 6: On November 18th, 2029, the single largest SCP-7030 event to date occurred in New York City, resulting in the disappearances of an estimated 300,000 individuals in a single instant. The SCP-7030-1 entity that spawned from the event was 300 meters tall, and materialized directly over the Chrysler Building, destroying it upon impact and resulting in an additional 5,000 casualties. The Hidden Way immediately declared the event to be the beginning of their mass rapture, and organized a 1,000 person rally at the base of the 7030-1 instance. The resulting congregation gathered to hear Stockwell give a sermon on the nature of sin, and how the assembled faithful had been blessed for opening their eyes to the hidden way before them. However, approximately 17 minutes into his speech, an SCP-7030 event triggered within the crowd, affecting about two thirds of the gathered attendees. An SCP-7030-1 instance followed the initial disappearance event, manifesting above the gathered people. The descent of the instance crushed numerous people below it, leading to an additional 50 deaths, including Stockwell himself. Losing direction after what came to be known as the Brooklyn Massacre, the Hidden Way broke apart entirely shortly afterwards. yeah. think that's what they call karma. SCP-7030 Update 7: Due to the rapid acceleration of SCP-7030, all non-essential Foundation activities have been indefinitely suspended. As the majority of anomalies formerly under Foundation purview have also disappeared as a result of SCP-7030, most containment and research efforts were deemed to be no longer necessary. Consolidation efforts of 95% of active sites is ongoing due to personnel issues. anna? I'm here, Marcus. What's on your mind? now that we know everything's really gone to shit… you think we're ever gonna figure out what's going on? With why people are disappearing? like everything. disappearances. freaky statues. where people are even going. why some people are left and others aren't. I…don't know, Marcus. I really don't. me neither. that's kinda scary. was watching a documentary on asteroids with my brother last night. That sounds nice. What was it about? did you know that we've been due for an asteroid impact for like…a really long time now? statistically speaking we should have been domed by a space rock by now, since there are so many flying around. I think I heard about that. Used to read about NASA talking about how an asteroid came really close, but it was always boring. Not much to think about, really. That and Yellowstone blowing up, or a big earthquake in California; all stuff that didn't really happen. yeah. i remember too. it got me thinking though, last night. maybe this time, the asteroid really did get us. maybe that's all there is to it. fucking asteroids, man. SCP-7030 Final Update: With a 2-1 vote of the O5 Council, Resolution Omega-5 has been enacted, officially dissolving the Foundation. As a result, all activities concerning SCP-7030 have been suspended. Final Memorandum: Project Reclamation To all the members of Project Reclamation, and the larger world: Thank you for your work. We did the best we could. I'm sorry. Maybe our luck just ran out. - Dr. Helen Ouyang, Director, Project Reclamation It looks like this was the end of the line. There's not even really an update here. Marcus? …Marcus are you there? … I see. I guess I really am one of the lucky ones then. All alone now, I guess. You know, I was looking up at the sky last night while I was trying to sleep. One of the only good things about the world ending is that there's a lot less light pollution. When you look up at the sky, all you see is a kaleidoscope of stars, galaxies, and more, stretching across the entire horizon like a painted blanket hanging over the world. I remember when I was a kid, my dad took my sister and I camping. It was the first time we had gone anywhere since my mom left us, and my dad was just…not ready for the experience. It rained pretty badly the first night, and our tent was old and leaky. We ate sausages out of a can and my sister cried because she didn't have her stuffed lion with her. My dad was trying really hard to make sure we had a good time though. And I remember on the second night, the clouds parted, and the sky cleared up enough for my first view of the night sky, in all of its twinkly fairy-tale beauty. Even my sister stopped crying at that one. What I remember best is that feeling I had right then and there, when I looked up at the sky, and listened to my dad point out the constellations, while he explained how each star represented a distant sun, each surrounded by its own planets and moons. I remember the sense of awe I felt, but more than that, the sensation of feeling absolutely blessed that I was alive and able to see everything that was out there. A universe filled with billions of stars, galaxies, and planets, and yet, out of all those infinite multitudes, here we were on our little dirtball, tumbling through the cosmos, alive and able to savor the joy of simply existing. It didn't matter that I was covered in bug bites, or that my mom didn't seem to love us anymore. I was lucky to just be alive and watching the stars. I thought about that memory last night, and how fortunate I've been to have made it this far, even while everyone else seems to be making their departures. I don't know when my time will come, when I'm off to join the rest of the world in whatever place they've gone to. I think I've come to peace with not knowing, though. More than that, I've come to peace with the idea of disappearing. I've had a good run. It was a good life. And I just feel lucky to have been a part of it all. Footnotes 1. Due to difficulties with assessing this number, both logistically and psychologically, estimates concerning SCP-7030's exact extent are no longer being generated. 2. Currently verified for up to N=7 semi-adjacent realities « SCP-7029 | SCP-7030 | SCP-7031 »
Item#: 7031 Level4 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: critical link to memo Special Containment Procedures: As of 1/8/1980, civilian access to Australia is forbidden. Disinformation campaigns seek to portray Australia as a prosperous first-world country. Site-300-12 personnel are tasked with border patrol to prevent entry or exit from the country, in addition to general land survey. Airlines claiming to fly to Australia are supplied with image manipulation software and Class-E amnestics. Description: SCP-7031 is a series of frequent ontokinetic disruptions affecting the country of Australia. The risk class of these disruptions range from Notice to Critical. Whilst Foundation monitoring only began in the 1910s, retrospective research implies that SCP-7031 has been escalating since European settlement. The anomaly is caused by the population of Australia, designated SCP-7031-1. Addendum 7031-1 Below is an excerpt of documented SCP-7031 instances in chronological order. SITE 300-12 REPORT Year: 1911 Description: Macropus giganteus1 instances held in underground kangaroo boxing rings develop anomalous upper-body strength. No discernible cause. ≈500 injuries, 14 deaths. Response: Embedded Foundation agents informed local authorities. Casualties drastically reduced. Year: 1936 Description: All instances of Latrodectus hasselti2 present in the country grow to five metres in height. Response: Site-300-12 personnel equipped with flamethrowers. Year: 1957 Description: Phascolarctos cinereus3 instances begin periodically manifesting above SCP-7031-1 instances, leaving debilitating claw marks upon contact. Response: Site-300-12 personnel equipped with riot helmets. Drop bear hoax issued. Year: N/A Description: Retrospective analysis reveals a large mass of land in South Australia was retrocausally erased. Previous population unknown. Location renamed to The Great Australian Bight. Response: None. Year: 1980 Description: Dromaius novaehollandiae4 instances manifest outside Site-300-12, and begin harassing personnel. Several on-site guards are tasked with pest removal. Instances are too quantitative for conventional firearms. Limited access to thaumaturgical arms permitted. Operation appears successful, before a larger quantity of instances manifest. A day after the incident, the emus overrun Site-300-12. The takeover exploited several weaknesses in Site-300-12, including architectural choke points, emergency firearm locations, and electricity shut off points. [EXPUNGED], on-site warhead detonated. Response: Site-300-13 pending construction approval. Personnel temporarily housed at Provisional Shelter-300-12-α. Year: 1985 Description: Landmass ceases to exist for exactly six hours, 47 minutes and 36 seconds. Personnel and SCP-7031-1 instances showed signs of distress when informed. Water displacement results in dramatically decreased sea levels and catastrophic tropical hurricanes throughout Oceania. Response: Civilian satellite data sanitised. Information relayed anonymously to Parawatch forum. Conspiracy theory successfully propagated. Research Site-45 is undergoing major repairs following typhoon damage. Year: 1999 Description: Gravity field forms around the Northern Territory, terminating all unsecured SCP-7031-1 instances in the vicinity, and ejecting a large amount of debris into exosphere. Response: Provisional Shelter-300-12-α redesigned to accommodate gravitational change. Personnel equipped with ground harnesses. Proposal pending to retrieve ≈146 000 SCP-7031-1 instances. Addendum 7031-2 INTERVIEW LOG 7031-1-1 Interviewer: Dr. Patrick Miller Interviewee: SCP-7031-1-384 Foreword: SCP-7031-1-384 was offered shelter and nourishment at Provisional Shelter-300-12-α, in exchange for an interview. On-site thaumaturges declared him almost entirely non-anomalous. <Begin Log> [An assortment of nuts, apple slices, and other appetisers are present on the table, in an effort to placate SCP-7031-1-384. Upon entering the room, it darts for the table, and begins rapidly consuming the platter.] Miller: (nervously) Heh, rather… ravenous, aren't we? [SCP-7031-1-384 ignores Miller, instead fixated on the platter. Miller removes his Foundation-issued phone from his pocket and notes not to include food in Site-300-12 interviews. He returns his phone and begins twiddling his thumbs.] [23 seconds pass. SCP-7031-1-384 finishes the platter, save for scraps left on the table and its face.] SCP-7031-1-384: Fuck, me. Good tucker, mate, good tucker. Miller: (shakily) So, do you, uh… [Miller is visibly wracking his mind. He pulls out his phone and opens the interview questions. SCP-7031-1-384 stares at the phone in confusion, before shrugging to himself.] Miller: (reading off phone) 'How long have you been aware of the anomalous?' SCP-7031-1-384: Anomalous? Miller: Well… disappearing lakes, variable gravity, fifteen foot spi- - SCP-7031-1-384: Spider's got eight feet, mate. Miller: Yes, well, how long has reality been this… fluid? SCP-7031-1-384: Longer than I know, mate. Not sure which world you're livin' in to call that anomalous. Miller: Very well then. 'How do you survive in such volatile circumstances?' SCP-7031-1-384: Ah, y'know. Don't pick bones. Most of the time, if you end up disassembled, you had it coming. Sometimes the more dangerous lot just dunno how to control themselves, so end of the day, it's a matter of luck. That's why I came along when you piped up 'bout those Scranton boxes. Miller: Thank you, now I understand. Unfortunately, you will have to leave the Site after the interview. [SCP-7031-1-384's enthusiasm visibly drops. 10 seconds of silence passes] Miller: We can, however, offer rations and limited tranquilising weaponr- - SCP-7031-1-384 Look, mate, I won't cause fuss. Dump me in one of those sleeping quarters, the cells, even the fucking janitor's closet. You won't hear shit from me. That eating fit was me on a bad day. I've built houses on two nuts and a banana, my upkeep'll be a blip on your budget. Miller: Well, I really am sorry, but you'll have to contact my super- - [SCP-7031-1-384 reaches over and grabs Miller by the collar.] SCP-7031-1-384: You fucking whitecoats just take what you want and discard the rest, huh? I don't know how the fuck you think things roll in red country, but you wanted me, so you'll get me. [Miller signals to the guard in the corner, who cocks his pistol in warning. SCP-7031-1-384 turns his neck to look at the guard, then slowly returned to its seat. The guard resets his pistol.] Miller: Hey, you're alright. We'll let you go after the interview, we just have one more - - SCP-7031-1-384: Are you even fucking lis- - Miller: Yes. Now listen to me. [SCP-7031-1-384 relaxes in its seat, staring Miller down in defiance.] Miller: Okay. 'Have you ever been out of the country?' SCP-7031-1-384: Country? You speakin' blackfella or somethin'? Miller: Country. To another landmass, away from all the disassemblers and the spiders and such. [SCP-7031-1-384's eyes widen.] SCP-7031-1-384: Hang on. You're saying there are… normal places? Miller: Uh, yeah. Australia is one of seven large land masses. [Tears well up in SCP-7031-1-384's eyes] SCP-7031-1-384: Aw, fuck me. I… I've been spending the past 27 years laying awake at night wondering how… how I've been so lucky all these- I… I'm free! I can live a life with normal gravity, with normal bush turk- - Miller: Just… hang on. I've got bad news on that front. We've been tasked with keeping it normal, so you're grounded for- [SCP-7031-1-384 demanifests from the interview room.] Miller: Hello? <End Log> Closing Statement: On-site technicians noted that all Scranton Reality Anchors were not malfunctioning during the interview. Ontokinetics experts deduced that the demanifestation was too irregular to reach a conclusion. Following this incident, Foundation face-recognition software identified SCP-7031-1-384 in the background of an Instagram post of a Bali night club. Upon discovery, the individual was terminated, and nearby civilians were amnesticised. Addendum 7031-3 O5 COUNCIL VOTE TO DECOMMISSION SCP-7031 BACKGROUND: On 1/6/05, SCP-7031-1-384 teleported from Provisional Shelter-300-12-α to a party in Bali, Indonesia. It was in the presence of several functioning Scranton Reality Anchors, and measured a Hume level of 76. This, in addition to further research, indicates that our current countermeasures are ineffectual on the Australian ontokinetic variant. PROPOSAL: Our lack of ability on this front poses an Amida-Critical threat, and possibly a CK-Class Restructuring Scenario. As such, Provisional Shelter-300-12-α is to be equipped with arms from Site-300-01 and Site-300-14 in order to decommission all SCP-7031-1 instances. COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY: YEA NAY ABSTAIN 05-1 05-2 05-3 05-4 05-5 05-6 05-7 05-8 05-9 05-10 05-11 05-12 05-13 STATUS APPROVED ETHICS COMMITTEE VETO The Australian variant has demonstrated an incompatibility with our current understanding of reality benders. As a result, we cannot guarantee the consequences of decommissioning attempts. We would be risking mass personnel casualties, and further escalation of the country's circumstances. The most sensible approach moving forward is close observation and further research. Addenum 7031-4 Soon after the SCP-7031-1-384 incident, numerous ontologically disruptions tied to SCP-7031 began occuring across the globe. Below is an excerpt of SCP-7031 instances outside of Australia. SCP-7031 INSTANCES Year: 2007 Location: Site-43, Canada Description: Antaresia childreni5 instance manifests under the sheets of Dr. William Wettle's bed. Dr. Wettle displayed signs of extreme distress, claiming to be experiencing venomous side effects. No bite marks were found on Dr. Wettle's person. Response: Sick leave request denied. Dr. William Wettle was informed that pythons are non-venomous. Year: 2009 Location: Coldingham Bay, Scotland Description: The Twelve Apostles in Victoria demanifest from their location and reappear 100 metres from the Scottish shore. Response: Geological records sanitised. Year: 2009 Location: Mumbai, India Description: Locals report being swooped by an inordinate number of Gymnorhina tibicen6 instances while cycling. Response: Cover Story-19DFII ("Invasive Species") issued. Year: 2011 Location: Wisconsin, USA Description: All suburban housing in the town of Brewer's Hill is spontaneously replaced by Federation era buildings7. Suburb reverts after six days. Response: Foundation forces quarantined the suburb under the guise of US Army soldiers. Inhabitants of Brewer's Hill and surrounding suburbs administered Class-A amnestics. Year: 2014 Location: Schiaparelli Crater, Mars Description: The Sydney Opera House is spotted upside-down in the center of the crater. Response: Satellite data sanitised. Removal pending approval. Year: 2018 Location: Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia Description: Emus responsible for the destruction of Site-300-12 orchestrate a successful takeover of Provisional Shelter-300-12-α. CCTV shows emus utilising the on-site extra-dimensional transport to Site-300-14. Response: Communication lost with Site-300-14. Technicians at Site-300-14 are currently unable to disable the inter-Site teleportation network, nor access the SCUTTLE system. Investigation ongoing. Year: 2022 Location: Three Portlands Description: 33GL of water manifest above the town. ≈28 000 casualties before local thaumaturgists intervened. Extant anti-Foundation sentiment explodes. Far-left extremist group 'One Portland' calls for the UIU to detach 3P from baseline reality. Provisional Shelter-300-12-α drone surveillance reveals Lake Burley Griffin, Canberra to be empty. Response: The Foundation offers $54 billion and 4200 personnel, as contractually obliged. Addendum 7031-4 Following historical research mandated by the Ethics Committee, the below documents were seized from the British Library. 14/12/1780 Captain James Cook FRS, We offer our gratitude for your discovery of the southern land. If the land is indeed confirmed to be terra nullius, we will send men and resources posthaste. His Majesty seems eager to commence, as following the independence of our colony America, convict transport has been limited. The paranormal vagrants plaguing England have only increased in power and number. Without intervention, England's reputation will be comparable to that of a post-Occult War slum. The Englishman will not know which dimension he shall find himself the next day, which eldritch horror will digest and regurgitate him, nor whether he can trust time itself. His Majesty will not be the last King of England. His Majesty's Foundation for the Secure Containment of the Paranormal. 17/2/1787 HMFSCP, I express my deepest gratitude. His Majesty selected me for my excellent exploratory record, and this expedition will be a reflection of this. The territory is indeed terra nullius. There is a tribe of dark-skinned natives proving to be detrimental to our nascent operations, but they are not coordinated nor advanced enough to pose a lasting threat. We are aware of the capabilities of the convicts coming our way. Every colony has several muffling runes, and our thaumaturges are some of the best in Europe. Containment does not get more secure than this. Captain James Cook FRS. 29/5/1794 Captain James Cook FRS, His Majesty is greatly pleased by this news. The people of England have displayed a much needed boost in morale knowing that we are rid of the paranormal scourge. This message should be arriving with some low-risk paranormal convicts. We will be sending more volatile convicts in phases. His Majesty's Foundation for the Secure Containment of the Paranormal. 8/9/1801 HMFSCP, With the luck of a new century comes yielding convicts and steady progress. Not only do we find ourselves protecting paranormal convicts, but merchants and newborns. The progress over the last 20 years brings a tear to the eye. England shall persevere. No American independence nor Occult War shall bring it to the standards of those European slums. Thousands of convicts are under our secure care, and millions more are to come. May His Majesty's Foundation persist for centuries to come. Captain James Cook FRS. Footnotes 1. Eastern Grey Kangaroo. 2. Redback spider. 3. Koala. 4. Emu. 5. Children's Python. 6. Australian Magpie. 7. An architectural style forming soon after the Federation of Australia.
ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture {$custom-content} If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page « prev |{$current}| next » Jayenne Sister Sanguine Written by Jayenne. Item #: SCP-7032 Object Class: Safe Euclid1 Special Containment Procedures: When not in use for testing or medical2 purposes, SCP-7032 is assigned to a standard humanoid containment cell in Site-06-3. To ensure SCP-7032 stays properly moisturized, this cell is outfitted with a personal shower that SCP-7032 can use at its leisure. The shower's water supply is independent from the rest of Site-06-3 to prevent contamination from SCP-7032-A. SCP-7032's nutritional requirements necessitate a meal of 6 pints of fresh blood per day. As the species of blood is not important, the blood of deceased D-class can be used in the event of a supply shortage. SCP-7032 is only allowed to consume its meals within its cell or during testing / medical procedures. Predicating on good behavior, SCP-7032 is permitted to roam low-security sectors of Site-06-3 if accompanied by at least two (2) armed guards at least two (2) members of MTF-Theta-16 "Nuns and Roses". Members of MTF-Theta-16 have undergone extensive training to resist the effects of exposure to SCP-7032-A. Following the events of Incident-7032-03R, direct physical contact with SCP-7032 by uninjured and/or untrained personnel is strictly forbidden. Personnel found engaging in physical contact with SCP-7032 will be disciplined and prohibited from entering the vicinity of SCP-7032 until the completion of Procedure 3290-THALASSA. Procedure 3166-IRVINE: + Show Details of Procedure 3166-IRVINE - Close Due to the even temperament of SCP-7032, its medical experience, and its anomalous properties, Site-06-3 supervisors have authorized SCP-7032 to provide medical care to site personnel, with the following stipulations: Following Incident-7032-03R, SCP-7032 must always be accompanied by at least two members of MTF-Theta-16 "Nuns and Roses", at least one researcher experienced in interacting with SCP-7032, and standard Foundation medical staff when conducting medical procedures. SCP-7032 may requisition medical supplies at the discretion of site supervisors. SCP-7032 may only handle medical supplies while performing medical procedures, and must return all supplies to staff when no longer needed. After the completion of any medical procedure involving SCP-7032, all implements used by SCP-7032 must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to prevent any contamination from SCP-7032-A. Subjects treated by SCP-7032 are to submit daily reports on their physical and mental health for at minimum 30 days following treatment. This time may be increased based on the severity of the injuries treated. All personnel involved in assisting SCP-7032 during a medical procedure must wear elbow-length, medical-grade gloves. If accidental skin-contact with SCP-7032 is made, affected staff must immediately report to site supervisors and submit daily reports on their physical and mental health until Procedure-3290-THALASSA can be conducted. - Close Description: SCP-7032 is an entity resembling a Hirudo Medicinalis3 of unusual size, approximately 3 meters in length. Along with its large size, SCP-7032 boasts other anomalous features for its species, such as a set of four prehensile appendages - two a short distance past the head and two midway down its length, before the "tail" section - which seem to function as rudimentary limbs. These limbs end in large singular suction cups, surrounded by four short protrusions, each boasting a curved black claw. These allow SCP-7032 to grip and handle objects in a manner much like a human. Due to its invertebrate nature, SCP-7032 is capable of reshaping its body, stretching to twice its resting length or compressing into spaces less than half its original size. It usually uses this ability to assume the approximate body-shape of an adult humanoid female with a height of 1.67 meters standing upright. Because SCP-7032 has no traditional eyes or other complex facial features, its humanoid form has often been described as "mannequin-like", owing to its smooth, blank face. SCP-7032, despite its lack of apparent facial features, is still capable of sight, hearing, and smell with acuity equal to that of an average human.4 This is accomplished via an array of photoreceptors and other sensory organs positioned in a circular pattern around the mouth. This mouth, despite being structured much like that of Hirudo Medicinalis, is capable of articulate verbal communication. SCP-7032 can speak a variety of languages, including English, Dutch, German, Scottish Gaelic, and French. Despite DNA tests showing SCP-7032's DNA is identical to that of a non-anomalous Hirudo Medicinalis, the entity possesses reproductive organs nearly identical to that of a human female. In its humanoid form, approximately half of SCP-7032's body length serves as a 1.3 meter long muscular tail which can be used in self-defense. In terms of clothing, SCP-7032 prefers to wear a nun's uniform from the "Church of Our Lady Wreathed In Sanguine Veil", a Protestant Convent suspected of possessing other anomalous entities. The clothing (henceforth referred to as SCP-7032-B) exhibits minor anomalous properties, such being abnormally stain-resistant and completely waterproof. SCP-7032 also wears a necklace of braided leather bearing a brass cross with its arms angled up in a Y-shape, the symbol of the Sanguine Church. When given blood, either via oral ingestion or by diffusion through the skin, SCP-7032's skin will secrete a clear, viscous substance (henceforth referred to as SCP-7032-A) with remarkably potent anesthetic properties. The quantity of SCP-7032-A produced varies based on the amount of blood provided. The potency of SCP-7032-A seems to be determined based on the freshness and species of the blood ingested. Fresh human blood produces the highest-quality samples of SCP-7032-A. When SCP-7032 makes physical contact with an organism experiencing an injury, SCP-7032-A is rapidly diffused through the skin of the wounded individual, nullifying pain and eliciting a sense of euphoria. SCP-7032-A also seems to accelerate the rate of healing by 20-50% depending on its quality. If an injured organism is also experiencing an infection from sustained wounds, SCP-7032 is capable of cleaning infected blood and tissue via direct ingestion. Subjects experiencing this process rarely show any signs of discomfort, largely due to being under the influence of SCP-7032-A. On top of SCP-7032's ability to produce a potent anesthetic, the entity possesses extensive medical knowledge and experience as a surgeon, likely from its previous role in the Convent. Exactly why a Convent would need a surgeon is - as of now - a matter of speculation. Discovery: SCP-7032 was first discovered in 2/18/2020 at the main Convent of the "Church of Our Lady Wreathed In Sanguine Veil" in Sussex, England, following reports of a nun performing "healing miracles" in the area. At the time, a rapid increase in the prescription and illegal smuggling of opiates was reported in the region, but not initially connected to the investigation. Mild resistance between the Convent and Foundation agents was reported, but after some deliberation between SCP-7032 and the Convent, the entity was able to enter Foundation custody without significant conflict. Following the events of the 2020 recovery operation, the "Church of Our Lady Wreathed In Sanguine Veil" was placed under surveillance, with the objective of discovering any additional anomalous entities the Church may be concealing. Interview 7032-I-1: The following interview was conducted shortly after SCP-7032 was brought into Foundation custody. Information in {} was provided by Dr. Toussaint for additional context. Interviewer: Dr. Louis Toussaint Interviewed: SCP-7032 Date: 2/22/2020 <Begin Log> Toussaint: Alright, here we go. Hello, my name is Dr. Louis Toussaint. Toussaint: Feel free, not much else to do around here. {Toussaint pauses briefly} Toussaint: That is standard Foundation procedure when dealing with… anomalies. It's necessary to help organize all contained instances, and to prevent our personnel from developing… attachments. {Agent ████ interrupts} Agent ████: Well, you are a… {Agent ████ gestures to SCP-7032's body, which is currently in its humanoid form and clothed in its usual attire. SCP-7032's body language shows visible discomfort at this} Toussaint: Goddamit, Agent, don't interrupt! First Anomaly that doesn't immediately try to bite his head off and he goes on insulting it, the nerve… {SCP-7032 laughs quietly} Toussaint: I apologize for my Agent's conduct. He's… new to this. Anyways, what Agent ████ was trying to say is that your appearance could be disturbing to those not experienced in the handling of anomalous creatures. Am I correct in deducing that you are a variety of leech? Toussaint: Ah, I see. How long have you had this… gift… and who is this Patron you speak of? Toussaint: I was under the impression that the Convent's name was simply eccentric word choice, and that you still practiced the Christian faith. Toussaint: What makes your Christian faith more correct than others? {Dr. Toussaint pauses in contemplation} Toussaint: That is an… interesting philosophy. I guess it explains why the cross you wear around your neck looks so unusual. Tell me, in your theology, is Mary a benevolent deity? Toussaint: Do these beliefs cause you to resent men in any way? Toussaint: Would you consider yourself particularly devout in your faith? Also, what was your role within the Convent? Toussaint: How is this accomplished, in your case? {Agent ████ retches} Toussaint: What are Mary's Tears, if I might ask? Toussaint: Alright, I think we have all we need for now. Toussaint: Ah, yes, my apologies. Go on. Toussaint: Yes? Toussaint: … Go on. {SCP-7032 leans forward and crosses arms under its chest in a suggestive manner} {Toussaint remains silent for several seconds} Toussaint: Actually, I do, but not in the way you seem to be suggesting. Thank you for your time SCP-7032, that will be all for today. <End Log> Interview 7032-I-2: The following interview was conducted four days after the previous to inquire further about SCP-7032's background. Information in {} was provided by Dr. Toussaint for additional context. Interviewer: Dr. Louis Toussaint Interviewed: SCP-7032 Date: 2/26/2020 <Begin Log> Toussaint: Alright, here we go. Hello again, SCP-7032. I hope you recall my name? {Toussaint pauses} Toussaint: So, we are conducting this interview to clarify a few things from the previous, and hopefully learn a bit more about the circumstances around your service to the Convent. Toussaint: You mentioned Joan of Leeds last time we spoke, as if to imply you desired to escape your Convent. Is that why you entered our custody so willingly? Toussaint: Can you elaborate further on what had changed? Toussaint: Did you partake in these… indulgences, with your Sisters? Toussaint: Perhaps they were afraid of you being discovered? Toussaint: I doubt pursuing this inquiry further will be of much relevance. Let's switch topics to something more substantial. In our previous interview you informed me that you could not explain the nature of "Mary's Tears" because it might anger your Patron. Have you… received any indication that Mary has changed her mind since then? Toussaint: Please, go on. Toussaint: Exactly what are you proposing? {Toussaint is silent for a moment} Toussaint: This… is actually quite an interesting proposal. I like to think of myself as a good judge of character, and while I damn well understand that one should never let their guard down around anomalies, I also know that we can't afford to miss opportunities for achieving beneficial relations with them. Hell, some anomalies are the only reasons our organization can function at all! Let me speak with my superiors about this, see what they think. We will probably need to conduct some tests to verify the credibility of your claims, but if they turn out to be true I strongly suspect the higherups will be positively drooling over an asset like you. <End Log> An illustration of SCP-7032 discovered in the office of Dr. Jean Du Monde following Incident-7032-03R. While hundreds of similar illustrations were recovered from the scene, this was one of the few not saturated with blood. Addendum 7032-1, Incident-7032-03R: At approximately 10:32:00, 9/15/2021, Dr. Jean Du Monde orchestrated a containment breach in Site-06-3, releasing SCP-████ and SCP-███, which both ended up killing at least 30 personnel in total. Evidence linking Dr. Jean Du Monde to the breach was discovered quickly via security camera footage, but Du Monde himself managed to escape detection in the confusion for the duration of the containment breach. Once the escaped anomalies had been contained and the deceased and wounded were accounted for, loud noises resembling those of a struggle were heard in an unused office suite of Site-06-3. Upon agents opening the door, they discovered Dr. Jean Du Monde apparently engaging in intercourse with SCP-7032. At some point during their relations, SCP-7032 had attacked Du Monde, pinning him to the floor before embedding its teeth in his jugular. By the time agents had discovered the scene, Dr. Jean Du Monde had died of severe exsanguination, with almost 85% of his blood drained from his body. Upon requests from the agents, SCP-7032 released its grip on Dr. Jean Du Monde, retrieved its clothing, and willingly entered Foundation custody. The subsequent interrogation of SCP-7032 led to a raid on the office of Dr. Jean Du Monde, and the recovery of evidence explaining the events that had transpired. During the subsequent hearings, Dr. Louis Toussaint took full responsibility for the events, claiming he should have tested SCP-7032-A more thoroughly before creating Procedure 3166-IRVINE. Dr. Louis Toussaint was suspended from duty for 2 years and reassigned to a different site. One year after this sentence was enacted, he died of a stroke at the age of 54. Addendum 7032-2, Additional evidence regarding Incident-7032-03R: A raid of Dr. Jean Du Monde's office following his death has revealed a number of documents providing additional context on his swift decline, most notably a handwritten journal of his experiences with SCP-7032. Upon initial questioning following the incident, SCP-7032 willingly provided Foundation personnel with its own journal documenting its time with Dr. Jean Du Monde. The combination of these two accounts led to an immediate test of SCP-7032-A's potential for abuse.5 Excerpts from the journal of Dr. Jean Du Monde, titled "Black and White and Red All Over": The following journal was recovered from the office of Dr. Jean Du Monde during the investigation into Incident-7032-03R. Journal was stained with blood on various pages, though the distribution of blood spatter and differences in blood coloration between pages suggests the staining was done over a long period of time, rather than being the result of a single violent incident. Various scars discovered on the inner wrists of Dr. Jean Du Monde seem to support this hypothesis. Title: "Black and White and Red All Over" 1/18/2017: I've made it, I'm finally here. All that training, all those goddamn background checks, it was aaaaall worth it. I'm finally a bona-fide Foundation researcher. Didn't think I'd be going down such an unusual lifepath, but hey, that's what happens when you see something you shouldn't. Sometimes I wish the amnestics had actually worked that day, but I wouldn't be here if they didn't. Actually got to take a look at SCP-███ in its cell earlier today. It's shorter than I remembered. Guess that comes with getting older, huh? You turn 30 and suddenly all the monsters look a little less monstrous. - Jean Du Monde 3/1/2020: Today was the day I first encountered SCP-7032. "Sister Sanguine", as Toussaint mistakenly called it one time. Hell, I'll take that nickname over the one the D-classers gave it, "Bloody Mary". I swear sometimes I wish I was in charge of carrying out terminations. Anyways, SCP-7032 is like no anomaly I've seen before. It's equal parts disturbing and alluring, like… like you know you shouldn't stare but you can't help doing it. It honestly feels weird calling SCP-7032 an "it" because of how feminine it looks - or chooses to look. Apparently it can change its body-shape. It's also very polite, like, extremely polite. Well-spoken too, clearly educated. We had a conversation about classic literature. Apparently 7032 thinks Citizen Kane is terribly droll. Can't say I agree, but I appreciate people confident enough to voice their opinions. Even if those opinions are wrong. - Jean Du Monde 3/5/2020: I think SCP-7032 noticed me staring at it earlier. It's difficult to process my feelings on the entity. I've had alot of time to observe its appearance, and that only makes me feel even more conflicted. On one hand it looks distinctly inhuman, with a strange mouth full of teeth as sharp as scalpels. On the other hand, it evokes something… carnal… and dare I say fetishistic. I suppose that must be due to it's skin resembling - at least from a distance - shiny black latex. It looks like it wears a full-body latex suit, and yet dresses like a Catholic nun. The contrast is incredibly eye-catching, to say the least. I've asked a few of the others if they were feeling the same things, and most of them vehemently agreed. It's weird, but reassuring. At least it means I'm not under some kind of spell. - Jean Du Monde 3/10/2020: SCP-7032 and I have been getting along surprisingly well whenever we have a chance to talk. We started with conversing about basic stuff, small-talk and the like. Then the conversations turned to our pasts. Where we came from. I told it about SCP-███. It said it was sorry I had to go through such a thing. 7032 told me about its past, how it was basically born into the Church of Sanguine Veil. The way 7032 was talking made it seem like this all happened a loooong time ago. I tried asking how long, but it wouldn't say. Come to think of it, I have no idea how old 7032 actually is. That's still not as weird as when it said it used to look human. It doesn't seem to view its transformation as a curse, despite its… appearance. Regardless of the fact that 7032 looks like a leech-person-dressed-in-a-nun-costume, I feel strangely normal when I'm around it. Not that I felt abnormal before, but… things just make a little bit more sense whenever I speak with it. - Jean Du Monde 3/14/2020: I asked Dr. Toussaint a stupid question today. I asked if the Foundation had any policies about personnel having relationships with sentient humanoid anomalies. He didn't immediately file a request for my termination, which was a plus, but he did spit his coffee all over the documents he was filing. In my panic I tried to play it off like I was asking for a friend, but he saw straight through me. He told me to be careful, as we hadn't fully documented all of SCP-7032's anomalous properties yet. For all we know 7032 could be, like, mind-controlling me into liking it. To be honest, even if that were the case, I'm not sure I'd care. Talking with 7032 has been some of the most fun I've had since I started working here. It's a bright spot in this facility full of murderous monsters and unexplainable objects. Come to think of it, Dr. Toussaint didn't explicitly say such relationships were forbidden. I think, so long as it doesn't compromise any containment procedures, there could be something between us after all. - Jean Du Monde 3/20/2020: I fucked up. Well, okay, it wasn't even technically my fault, but still. Procedure 3166-IRVINE has been well underway for about three weeks now, and we've been patching up our guys almost nonstop since its inception. Maybe it's just because I'm spending much more time in the medical wing now, but I had no idea we had this many injuries at Site-06-3. There's gotta be an OSHA violation in there somewhere. Does the Foundation even recognize OSHA? Anyways, getting off track. Today we were treating some D-class who somehow got completely disemboweled. Everything typically found in the abdominal cavity was distinctly outside his, coiled every which way cause he tried to stuff it all back in before the agents could restrain him on the stretcher. He looked about ten seconds from flatlining so we were all in a bit of a rush, and one of the assistants tripped and crashed into me from behind. I held out my hands to brace myself and… well… one hand went straight into the D-class's guts. The other hand - which I was in the process of gloving but hadn't completely - hit SCP-7032 square in the face while it was in the process of applying SCP-7032-A. My hand got covered in the stuff. It was like Vaseline but… better. Cool but not too cold. Couldn't feel my damn fingers for a few hours after touching it, though. Dr. Toussaint reprimanded the assistant and directed me to go wash my hands, so I don't know what happened to the D-class in the end. What I do know, is that by the time I had made it to the sink, the SCP-7032-A had completely diffused through my skin. There was nothing left to clean off. I really hope there aren't any side-effects of this, I vaguely recall SCP-7032 mentioning something about "moderation". - Jean Du Monde 3/21/2020: I feel weird. Weird in that I feel good, but for no discernable reason. Like I just got hit in the face by the living personification of Dopamine. I literally danced my entire way down the hall to the medical wing. I never dance, people always called me "Commander Shepard" in college when I tried. It's also hard to stop smiling. Part of me thinks I should tell someone, buuuuut I'm afraid they might lock me in a humanoid containment cell. Plus, what's wrong with being in a weirdly good mood once in a while? As long as it doesn't become a constant thing, I don't see an issue with keeping this on the down-low. - Jean 3/23/2020: It's a constant thing. I know why, though. It's the SCP-7032-A, it fucking has to be! It's the only illicit substance that's ever entered my system since when I was in the womb and my mom was an alcoholic. Wow that was a weird thing to write. Anyways… as I'm writing this… the high is starting to drop like a rock. Fuck. Damn… I feel like I just watched a nonstop marathon of "The Fox and the Hound". Am I crying? What the hell… Okay, if anyone sees me like this for any prolonged period of time, they're going to scrub my brain or dope me up with amnestics or something. I'm not crazy, I just - I just don't want to feel this terrible. I… I gotta get more of that stuff. - Jean 3/24/2020: I "accidentally" fell on SCP-7032 again. That's what happens when nobody mops the floors after a 3166-IRVINE. Things can get awfully… slippery. It was a remarkably soft landing, on account of SCP-7032 having no actual skeleton. Felt like landing on a waterbed, but better. She didn't seem to mind much, all things considered. Actually, she just seemed to stare at me. I can't remember, but I swear her hands were on my thighs. Managed to get a good amount of SCP-7032-A on my hands as I tried to get up again. I think she noticed, but she didn't say anything. We joked about it later, started speaking more candidly about this whole shitshow and the people running it, who we both thought were running it into the ground. Dr. Toussaint is one of the only people here who seems to have more than one braincell to rub together. He's the only one who can see SCP-7032 for what she truly is, a fascinating woman with so, so much to say. I could listen to her for hours. Might even get a recording to set as my alarm in the morning, though it might soothe me to sleep rather than wake me up. - Jean Why… why did I refer to SCP-7032 as "she"? I can't afford to talk about her like that, it could get me in serious tro- wait… why can't I stop? 4/5/2020: I can't keep staging accidental mishaps. People are getting wise. Fuck, they were getting wise after the second one. There's gotta be a better way to get more SCP-7032-A, but the stuff evaporates super fast once exposed to the air. You can't just bottle it up and store it, or at least you can't without equipment too big for me to steal. I wonder, could I just be upfront with her? 7032, I mean. Could I just… ask her for some? I already considered injuring myself, so I could get a 3166-IRVINE, but that would be unsustainable. Plus, SCP-7032-A seems to behave differently in the systems of injured people. I don't think it would have the same… rush. Okay Fuck it, I'm done. I'm done with the crashes, I'm done feeling miserable, I'm gonna ask 7032 if she can hook me up. Let's hope I don't get friendzoned. - Jean 4/6/2020: She said yes. Holy shit she said yes. Well, she also said something about "regretting it" or whatever, but honestly after she said "yes" it was all white noise. Basically without even thinking I stole a bloodbag from the medical wing and gave it to her. Human blood is real preemo stuff, supposed to make the highest-quality SCP-7032-A. After chugging it down she took my hands in hers and… it was like… it was like an epiphany. I remember some agents telling a story about how a test subject had ordered "the perfect drink" from SCP-294, and once he downed it all and the cup ran empty, he killed himself cause everything after that was one big letdown. That's what I feel like right now. I feel like… there's no walking back from this. The only way I'm gonna be able to survive is through… escalation. -Jean 5/1/2020: She told me her name today. Sister Maeve Sanguinea. I can't stop repeating it whenever I'm alone. I don't even want to. It's like an anathema to all the pain of withdrawal. It helps keep me going for just that little bit longer between doses. I only wish we could do more than simply hold hands. This godforsaken place… it's impossible to be alone, least of all with an anomaly. Her guards are easy to dupe; they don't think she's any kind of danger. They're wrong, I suspect, but I can't afford to tell them. I need what Maeve offers far too much. We're usually able to disappear into a supply closet for a few minutes without anyone noticing, but it's not like these places are soundproofed. We couldn't do - we - not yet - but I'll find a way. I promise. 5/16/2020: I had a dream last night. A dream about the monster I saw. That night, in my home. I was hiding under the shattered remains of the couch, trying to hold my breath as that… THING… SCP-███ walked among the remnants of my parents. There wasn't much left of them after it was done. Frankly the dream didn't do the sheer scale of the carnage justice. Suddenly, though, just as the thing was trying to peer under the couch, a beautiful voice filled the air. The couch split open, leaving me uncovered, but SCP-███ didn't attack me. It couldn't. It was wrapped in these blood-red silks, coiling tighter and tighter, until the damn thing burst open and all its innards spilled out. I looked up to see where the silks were coming from, and there she was… Maeve… descending from the Heavens on wings of silken veils. She saved me. She pulled me up from those dismembered corpses and lifted me away from that nightmare. When I'm around her everything seems brighter… but when I'm away from her, all the monsters come back again. I wonder if this is how people on normal drugs feel. Like the drugs are an island in the middle of a sea of sharks. Like they're the last strand of a tightrope over a lake of fire. I need more. I need Maeve. No clothes this time. I need to see how accurate the dream was. -Du Monde 7/20/2020: Glorious, beautiful, voluptuous, perfect, a Goddess unto herself and yet only a servant to a higher deity. I asked Maeve today if her Goddess was even slightly as beautiful as herself, and she said I could not even possibly comprehend. I've certainly tried, though, whenever Mary's Tears course through my veins. I think I can almost see her, descending from the heavens in her bloodied veil. Or maybe that's just the blood dripping into my eyes from the cut I just made in my forehead. I don't know why I did it, Maeve isn't even around. It just… felt right… -Du Monde 1/2/2021: If I could, I would paint the most glorious portrait of Maeve the world had ever seen. Show the world every inch of her night-black glory, and the scarlet dripping from her claws. I lack the skill to give Maeve's beauty the justice it deserves, though I've still made a few attempts on random scraps of paper. Strange, this one has words all over it. Words I can't remember writing. They're all true, though: My queen Like an angel We are destined Bleed me dry 5/23~2021: It's not enough. It's not enough! No amount of TOUCHING is ENOUGH! We haven't the TIME, haven't the PLACE, where those BASTARDS won't hear! They still know not of what we are, of how tightly we are BOUND. I endeavor to KEEP it that way. I must… I must figure out a PLAN, a plan for how we can consummate our UNION… and be together FOREVER. 6~19/2021: I am a BEAST in a MASK. I smile, I look the part, but it is all an ACT. Ever since that first touch, I have been plagued with the wonders of the GODDESS. Her SERVANT haunts me. It is beautiful. She is beautiful. SHE IS BEAUTIFUL. I can't. I can't I can't I CAN'T. BUT I MUST. There is no redemption. No redemption for THEM. I am not in need of it. I am PURE. I have been shown GOD in human form. I pity those FOOLS for not understanding what MAEVE truly IS. Soon. Soon I shall ascend, and leave all these FOOLS behind. Maeve waits for me. She waits for my plan. -MONDE 7~10 2021: I. Something. Something happened today. I was about to get my TEARS when SHE asked me a question. The words were STRANGE. I could I could almost UNDERSTAND. I think. It was a hard question. It made me THINK. It broke through something. Why was I WITH HER like that? For DRUGS… or for HER? Did I HAVE to choose? Yes I did. I do. WAIT. No. YES. Why-STOP THIS. Stop THINKING. Thinking HURTS. You can THINK when you're talking with those FOOLS. With MAEVE you CANNOT. Just please give me a second. I just need to write someth-FINE. Maeve, I'm scared. I've always been SCARED. Ever since that night. When I saw it. I could never get it out of my head. It was always thereALWAYS THERE. The Tears THE DRUGS KEPT IT AWAY. But I kept needing more. I kept needing more of YOU, TOO. I still do. Touching doesn't work anymore. It's in MY HEAD. I might have to do something HORRIBLE. To make the PAIN go AWAY. It will hurt. BUT IT WON'T HURT US. It will never never nevereverevereverevernevereverNEVEREVER HURT US. We… we will be ONE. Just give me TIME. -JeAN DUMOND 9-15 2021: Brilliance. It is pure brilliance! I finally know what I must do. I cannot KILL all these guards myself, oh nonononononnoNO. But it can. It. The one I saw as a child. The one they tried to make me FORGET. It cannot be reasoned with, but I need not bother. All I need to do is FREE it, and those FOOLS will provide the BAIT. But what if it doesn't work? What if they can contain IT? Surely I will be found out! No, NO! We must… we must plan. Oh. I have it. It's so simple! Why release one monster… when you can release TWO? -MOND 915-2021: I did it. I can hear the screaming and GUNFIRE outside. It is a symphony. It builds to its eventual CLIMAX. Maeve will be here soon. I told her where to go. She will be fine. Mary would not allow harm to come to her SERVANT. Wait why is. Is she coming through the vents-YES. She is HERE, and READY. Finally, after all this time, I will have ASCENSIO- Excerpts from the journal of SCP-7032, titled "On Wings and Red Veils": The following journal was willingly provided to Foundation investigators by SCP-7032 itself after the events of Incident-7032-03R. The journal is in immaculate condition, bound in black leather, and bears the insignia of the "Church of Our Lady Wreathed In Sanguine Veil". It is currently unknown how SCP-7032 procured this journal, though it has been deduced to be a filing error in recording SCP-7032's personal possessions. Title: "On Wings and Red Veils" I am writing this journal in the full knowledge that eventually a member of the Foundation will deign it necessary to comb through its contents, despite their personal nature. Please, whoever reads this, know that I am not one who keeps secrets unless decreed by Mother Mary herself. I will speak my mind in its entirety, but there are certain things no amount of interrogation will convince me to elaborate on. Mother Mary's secrets are hers to keep. 2/28/2020: From one stint in captivity to another, but I suppose I cannot complain too much. To be honest, these sanitized white walls offer me some comfort. They remind me of the chapel, but without all the bloodstains. I also enjoy the methodical way the Foundation goes about their duties. Every anomaly under their purview is handled differently so as to minimize harm to itself and others. I suppose I should consider myself blessed that I am even permitted out of my cell, though, for some of the more violent specimens contained here are not so lucky. Well, I'm a well behaved woman - mostly - so I doubt that will change in the future. I just have to make sure not to touch anyone I'm not healing. I… really hope that's as simple as it sounds. -Maeve 3/1/2020: I met another Researcher of the Foundation today, by the name of Dr. Jean Du Monde. Significantly younger in comparison to Dr. Toussaint, and I fear far more naïve. I could feel his eyes upon my form from the moment he opened the door to the moment he walked away. It was difficult to tell if he was attracted or disturbed. He seemed nervous in his talks with me, but that could mean any number of things. We spoke briefly on literature, and the merits and demerits of Citizen Kane. It feels nice to have a conversation not directly related to my appearance or my potential danger to the Foundation. Even as I write this, I keep repeating the name "Jean Du Monde" in my head. I can't help enjoying how it sounds. I do hope we can continue these conversations in the future. -Maeve 3/5/2020: Jean is quite a specimen indeed. Doubtless attractive, looks at least 5 years younger than he is, in perfect physical condition. Gods, I find myself observing him almost as much as he does me. Thankfully he can't tell when I'm looking at him, else things might get quite… tense… between us. He's not the only one I've caught ogling me, not by a long shot, but he is the only one I've even considered reciprocating with. I'm no fool, though. In my current situation, I cannot explain the dangers of my ability without risking both my relative freedom and my bonds with Mother Mary. If I ever were to seek a union with anyone, it could never become physical. Not without betraying my oaths of secrecy. -Maeve 3/10/2020: It is surely one of Mary's great miracles that Dr. Jean is as alluring in personality as he is in body. He's quite amusing to talk to; always has an opinion no matter the topic, and yet is always respectful of the opinions of others. I often wonder how such a bold and eccentric man could end up in a place like this. Today I received at least a partial answer. Apparently Jean had encountered an anomaly when he was only a child. I daren't recount the full details, for it is not my place to publicize such things, but it must have been traumatic indeed. One would think such an experience would've deterred him from the Foundation, but I know better. Sometimes, exposure to such nightmarish things can lead one to down a dark path, straight to where they sprang from. I imagine "storm-chasers" and other similar occupations came about from such experiences. Perhaps the entire Foundation did as well. I wonder… what could've scared a man so much it prompted them to form an organization like this? -Maeve 3/14/2020: I've given my situation more thought over the past few days. I hadn't originally intended to pursue any members of the staff here, but now I'm starting to realize this would be quite a lonely existence if I did not. I fled the Convent specifically to avoid such deprivation. Surely I cannot abide being so unfulfilled again? Of course, regardless of my desire, I daren't put Jean in peril. If we are to do anything beyond simply talking - and flirting - he must be strengthened against the influence of Mary's Tears. Unfortunately, I currently lack the equipment required to perform the Ritual of Thalassa, and I don't believe the Foundation could procure such materials anyhow. Only the Convent possesses the equipment I would need to carefully control the dosage of Mary's Tears. Informing the Foundation of such a ritual beyond simply mentioning its name would also put the Convent at risk. Would I really give up my faith and betray my Sisters simply to court a man? Then again… If I had the equipment, and carried out the ritual on Jean… we could touch any time we wanted… Oh, how a girl can dream… -Maeve 3/20/2020: Something unexpected occurred today. My employment as a Foundation healer has been proceeding swimmingly for the past three weeks with no significant setbacks. I appreciate that, despite my unusual visage, the personnel seem to be a bit more lax around me now than they were at the start. Unfortunately, that may have been a double-edged sword. I was tending to the wounds of an injured D-class who had been almost completely disemboweled when Dr. Jean collided with me from behind. I was unharmed, but in Jean's attempts to brace himself, his hand accidentally plunged into the entrails of the poor man I was treating. As Jean righted himself and made his way to the sinks, I did my best to resume the healing process, but Jean's hand had accidentally perforated the patient's organs and caused him to expire. While it was unfortunate, I found myself just as concerned with Jean's other hand, which had made contact with my face during his fall. When he returned he was wearing gloves, but I distinctly recall feeling bare skin. I fear he may have been exposed to Mary's Tears. I wanted to warn him, but I feared I might be seen as a hazard and disposed of if someone else were to hear what I had to say. I told him to practice moderation in order to mitigate the Tears' effects. I just hope he understood. -Maeve 3/21/2020: Dr. Jean is in quite good spirits today. I attempted to inquire what was bringing him to dance about as he worked, but he had no explanation. I have a bad feeling, but I'm not certain if it is correct. He was only exposed to a small amount of Mary's Tears, not nearly enough to… to… no, it cannot be that, surely? I will attempt to observe him to see if his mental wellbeing starts to decline. -Maeve 3/23/2020: I daresay my hypothesis seems to be correct. Ever since exposure to Mary's Tears, Jean is exhibiting symptoms of being under their thrall. It shouldn't have been a large enough sample to elicit such a reaction, though. Usually people would have to embrace my unclothed body to show such a rapid change in their demeanor. Perhaps Jean is unusually susceptible to the Tears? Or… perhaps… the Tears are growing stronger? The blood I am provided by the Foundation is of a markedly higher quality than what the Church could muster from its livestock - not just in terms of species, but also in terms of purity. It's possible we have unknowingly stumbled on a highly concentrated form of Mary's Tears. Regardless, I know not how to mend this situation. I fear if I were to speak to Dr. Toussaint, he might forbid me from my work as Healer out of caution. Beyond that, though, I'm afraid I may be deemed by the Foundation to be a… "hazard to cognition". I cannot remember the exact term. Such anomalies are viewed as exceptionally hazardous by the Foundation, and were I to be seen as one… no… I can't go back there. I can't be a prisoner again, used as nothing more than an object for the indulgences of others or deprived of human contact just for being what I am. There has to be a way to fix this on my own, without the Foundation learning this. -Maeve Shortly after the completion of this entry, I remembered that this journal was sure to be read by the Foundation's staff at some point. I apologize for my apparent dishonesty, I was in a panic. I… I just need to figure out a way of explaining the dangers of my Tears without it resulting in me being locked away. Please understand I mean no ill intent. 3/24/2020: Dr. Jean collided with me once again in the medical wing. Thankfully we had already successfully treated the patient, so nobody was harmed. Jean landed directly on top of me though, in a rather suggestive manner. If I was previously uncertain about him being addicted to the Tears, I am now positive he is. Gods. He already smells better. As he attempted to rise to his feet, I found my hands upon his thighs. I experienced a rush of emotions I could not quite process. I am thankful my mostly blank visage prevents most people from reading my emotions. I swear I would have been blushing profusely were I capable of such a thing. Wait, why am I writing of this incident while smiling? This is not a good thing, not by a long-shot! But, I cannot deny, feeling him atop me like that… it was kind of nice. Certainly got my heart racing. Alas, doubt tinges my excitement. Jean has never said verbatim that he was interested in me, and I haven't worked up the courage to ask. I suppose I'm afraid that… he might simply want the Tears, and spares not a thought for me. Oh Mary, why is it so difficult to distinguish between addiction and desire? -Maeve 4/5/2020: Oh, I am a fool! I finally had a realization I wish I'd had long ago! During our recorded talks together, Dr. Toussaint's warm demeanor always went cold the moment I implied anything of a suggestive nature. After asking him candidly, it all seems so obvious now. Dr. Toussaint is simply not interested in women! I feel no resentment or anger at this, more embarrassment that I did not catch it sooner. I am usually quite good at reading people, especially men. I suppose such knowledge is welcome, though, because it helps prevent future misunderstandings. Plus, I still have Jean, and he's more enamored with me than ever. … right? Or… or is it just the Tears? Does he actually want me or does he simply want another "hit"? Maybe he is attracted to me, but only in body? I cannot continue writing with my hands shaking so. I need to process these feelings. -Maeve 4/6/2020: Jean spoke frankly with me today about his need for more of Mary's Tears. This actually works to my advantage, because if I can adequately control the dosage, I may be able to help him build a tolerance to their addictive symptoms. An improvised Ritual of Thalassa without the correct materials. It's actually more dangerous than it sounds. I've read a few books on addiction, and most of them state that as sufferers build up a tolerance to the substances they abuse, they start to crave more and more. The Ritual of Thalassa should be able to mitigate this risk, but without the right equipment I know not how to control the dosage of Mary's Tears. This will be dangerous, but I don't think there's another way I can fix the situation. Jean spoke to me today of an anomalous drink dispenser the Foundation was containing in another site. Apparently a man had ordered "the perfect drink" from it, and upon finishing its contents, he took his own life because nothing in this world could possibly compare to its taste. I am worried Jean was making a veiled threat, of some variant. That he might harm himself if I were to refuse him the Tears. He is such a kind man, I do not wish for such a fate to befall him. As much as I despise having to play such underhanded schemes with the Foundation, I can't abide Jean harming himself because of me. -7032 5/1/2020: I find it rather amusing in hindsight that Jean only asked my name today, after we've known eachother for this long. I guess it's a side-effect of working in such a sanitized place, where the items contained are seen as objects, rather than people. I understand this to an extent, and I suspect it's helped protect more personnel from exposure to my Tears. It just feels… lonely… being called solely by a number. Hells, I accidentally signed my name as "7032" a month ago! Anyways, my work in building up Jean's tolerance to the Tears is proving… difficult. It is challenging to control the exact amount I supply him with because it coats the entirety of my skin, and multiple times now he's reached his hands out to dose himself before I could stop him. I've tried politely rebuking him, acting more sternly, nothing seems to work. He is like… like a child in a candy store. How could he possibly have just one candy when there are thousands ripe for the taking? -Maeve 5/10/2020: I am reminded of an old proverb I was taught at the Convent. Mother Mary, accompanied by her Apostles, was walking down a long dirt rode on her way to the city of Sodom when she came upon an old man who appeared to be injured, lying on the side of the road. Mary approached, took one look at the man, and proceeded to stomp on his throat until his head rolled free of his body. When asked by her Apostles why she did such a thing, she pulled open the man's robes, revealing his concealed armor of leather and a dagger in his hand. It was clear the man intended to assault her, Mary claimed, but the Apostles disagreed. Mary simply felt pity for them, for they lacked her sight and her wisdom. Mary knew of the dangers the man posed because she was given the ability to sense such things. She could not, however, convince her followers to believe her. I cannot help seeing myself as Mary, in this story. I guess that would make Jean the old man, except… except I do not wish to stomp on Jean's throat. Surely… surely Mary would understand if I attempted to resolve the situation nonviolently first? I want to be with him, addict or not! There… there has to be another way… -Maeve 5/16/2020: His desire is truly something to behold, Jean's. I can feel his eyes on me at all times now, wanting me, coveting me. I allowed him to see me without the robes on this time - I dare not elaborate further for fear of giggling like a fool. Even as I write this my heart races. For moments at a time, now, I almost completely forget how dangerous this is. His aroma is quite alluring now, but according to Dr. Toussaint, Jean doesn't wear cologne. This is not ideal, for there is only one other explanation. Each day my desire to meet him seems to grow, and it's becoming more difficult to refuse anything he asks of me. I don't even think I want to. I keep telling myself ensuring his safety is the priority, but if I ever let my guard down for even a second, the man I fell for shines through and it becomes hard to think straight. He will not even listen to my warnings anymore, and every time we talk, I find myself distracted from my goal of protecting him. Oh, how I feel like a Siren, cursed to lead men astray! I open my mouth to warn him to stay away, and yet my voice only draws him closer. Speaking with Dr. Toussaint has helped me calm my nerves some. I daren't tell him of Jean's condition, but just hearing his voice helps keep me focused on my task. I have to save Jean from himself. I know I can, I just need more time. -Maeve 7/20/2020: The nerve of the man! While tending to the wounds of a Foundation agent today, I suddenly came to feel Jean's hands upon my hips. It only lasted for a second, but I can't stop thinking about it now. Such teasing is really starting to get to me, even if… I can no longer tell if his desire is genuine, or simply the effects of the Tears. I find myself hoping it is the former. At least then I wouldn't feel so guilty about how my heart races at the thought of him, now. -Maeve 1/2/2021: Shortly before writing this, I overheard Jean speaking with a number of D-class about me. They didn't stop when I walked into view, either. I could feel their eyes upon me, and I would be lying if I did not say it felt at least somewhat exciting. The excitement was tinged with unease, though, because of the danger this poses. None of those D-class had touched me - at least, not while uninjured - so I know they aren't under the influence of the Tears. Unless… unless… could Jean have stolen some without my knowledge? I know not how he could do such a thing, since the Tears do not remain long in their liquid form. And surely if he was able to store samples of the Tears he would only keep them for himself, right? I know I can't ask Jean directly, so I can't verify anything until I have more proof. The looks those D-class gave me, though, they reminded me so much of Jean's… -Maeve 5/23/2021: Mary did not conceive of the Tears out of malice. They were intended to carry the power of Healing in it's purest form, an anathema to pain. What Mary did not foresee was how pain would evolve over time. Pain as we know it now is not always physical in nature. Sometimes people can be broken without having suffered a scratch. The Tears… they started fixing more than just the open wounds, they provided a relief from the trauma as well. Oh, how I wish it were only that simple… for… if you step before a roaring hearth after a night in a winter storm, it feels like paradise. But if one were to snuff out those flames again, would the cold not feel twice as biting? I think I understand now why Jean cannot break free of their hold. Something in him is broken, broken beyond all hope of repair. Before he met me, he did not know he was broken. It was only when the relief of the Tears faded that he became truly aware of his pain. I fear this is beyond my skill to fix, but my desire to save him has not abated. I will… I have to… I must keep going, lest he destroy himself and me along with him. -Maeve 6/10/2021: We did it today. We found the time, we found a nice quiet place, and we cast our clothes aside and let our needs take over. He took my hands in his, but they did not go numb this time. He was safe, safe from me, and I was ready. That's when I woke up from the dream. If I could cry, I feel I would. I've never felt so lost, so torn between so many conflicting feelings! I want to help others and heal them. I want to uphold my oaths to Mother Mary. I want to be with Jean. Jean and I cannot safely interact unless he is protected from the Tears, but to properly conduct the ritual I would need to betray the Convent's secrets. I can currently use my abilities in a benevolent way, but only by concealing the dangers of the Tears from the Foundation. I want to court with Jean now, but doing so would put his life at risk! This blessing that Mary gave me… each day it feels more and more like a curse! A jest at my expense! My cell is locked each night, but my true prison is circumstance! The only thing I want is someone I can safely hold. I shouldn't have to… I should not have to compromise my ideals for that… -Maeve 6/19/2021: I prayed. I prayed and I've been praying for days upon days now for any way to fix this. I've tried speaking to Jean about his pain, but I do not know if he can even hear my words anymore. He plays the part before the Foundation. At a glance he might even seem perfectly normal. Only I can perceive the twitching of his hands whenever he needs another dose. The tension in his shoulders when he thinks of me. Whenever we meet now, I find myself playing along with his requests despite my reservations. I know why, though I dare not put it in writing for fear of giving it sway over me. His scent… gods… it's only getting worse - and by worse I mean better. 7/10/2021: Originally I could not distinguish between Jean's desire and his addiction. Now, I fear I cannot distinguish between my desire and my hunger. My dreams… they alternate between loving embraces and feral predation. They're even starting to blend together. I am not some mindless monster, but… the gift I was given came with strings attached. I wasn't just made to ease pain and cleanse wounds, I was made to punish those who would abuse Mary's gifts. Do such abusers deserve punishment if they are compelled like Jean is? I know not. I cannot read minds. I cannot tell if he drenches his hands in the Tears out of recklessness and greed, or out of desperation and fear. I tried to ask him tonight. I was able to push him away before he could touch my skin, and in that moment I asked him "Do you love me, or just the drugs?" Then, he… He froze, as if trying to comprehend my words. He opened his mouth to speak, but then tried to embrace me. While I was distracted he'd managed to touch my hand, and whatever was left of the Jean I knew slipped back beneath the haze of the drug. Before the Tears took over, I could've sworn I saw him shed a tear. It's meaning eludes me. Was it out of fear that Mary's Tears were controlling him? Was it the trauma of his childhood resurfacing as he went into withdrawal? Was it out of regret for ever loving me? Did I just imagine the tear in the first place? Jean… I'm sorry… I don't know if I can save you from myself. I wish you didn't fall in love with a monster like me. -Maevellin Arthas Sanguinea, or whatever is left of her 9/15/2021: He told me of a plan for us to finally be together. I think. I think that's what it was. Most of it was incoherent babbling. I heard something about a "breach", I assume meaning a breach of containment. Of what I daren't begin to guess. I'm sorry, Jean. I truly am. I tried everything I could think of to save you from yourself… and myself. I should've warned Dr. Toussaint, but I was so… so afraid of being locked away in some dark, lightless cell. A typical, rational woman would be in utter anguish in my position, knowing what was to come. Whatever regret I feel… felt… is being smothered by my instincts. I fear they are growing stronger now. So, so much stronger. I can no longer distinguish between my desire to be with him and my desire to… Oh, how lust can so swiftly turn to gluttony. 9/15/2021: I hear screaming and gunfire. I was in the medical wing when it happened. The guards assigned to watch over me are… gone… and I'm alone. I suppose it is a relief, because as I write this, I no longer feel entirely myself. When Jean touched me this past time, my heart raced, but not like before. I could feel his pulse, hear his heartbeat. It almost made me salivate. I know such feelings are wrong, but I cannot fight them. The part of me that cared for this man is smothered under whatever writes this letter now. Jean is so saturated with the Tears at this point, I know where he is by his scent alone. I can smell him from exactly 457 feet and 8 inches away. I feel the pull… the need… to hunt. Even as I write I find my claws twitching, as if desperate to pin Jean and drink my fill. I wish I could… I wish I could hang onto that feeling of regret. As painful as it was, it at least made me feel more… human. Now, though… I feel starving now, more than anything else. I feel feral. Like I haven't eaten in years. I'm two hallways away and I still know exactly what room he's in. I'm just so… so hungry… Addendum 7032-3, Interview-7032-I-15 One month after Incident-7032-03R, SCP-7032 made a request for a final interview with Dr. Louis Toussaint, before his departure from Site-06-3. Findings in this interview resulted in the creation of Procedure 3290-THALASSA, a method to protect Foundation personnel from the addictive properties of SCP-7032-A. MTF-Theta-16 "Nuns and Roses" was formed to oversee all medical operations involving SCP-7032, as well as protect the entity from individuals within the "Church of Our Lady Wreathed In Sanguine Veil", and other groups who might wish to apprehend it. Interviewer: Dr. Louis Toussaint Interviewed: SCP-7032 Date: 10/15/2021 <Begin Log> Toussaint: Alright… here we go. How are you feeling today, Maeve? Toussaint: Hah, well it's not like they can do much more to me. Anyways, I'm… deeply sorry for everything that's happened. Toussaint: I know this must be hard for you. I wish I could say I'd be here for you, but… Toussaint: Pardon? Toussaint: Maeve, no, you're not… Toussaint: This seems like quite the turnaround, Maeve. Toussaint: Is this not betraying your Sisters? Toussaint: Maeve… if these statements prove to be true, your testimony here will surely save many lives. Toussaint: I think I see where this is going… Toussaint: To be clear, you're not asking for freedom from this facility, are you? <End Log> Procedure 3290-THALASSA: Further testing of SCP-7032-A indicates that its detrimental properties only manifest within individuals not suffering from physical injuries. Exactly how SCP-7032-A can distinguish between injured and uninjured hosts is currently unknown. Prolonged abuse of SCP-7032-A gradually reduces a subject's capacity for rational thought, and causes the subject to emit a pheromone that - in high enough concentrations - can cause SCP-7032 to enter a feral state, where it will attempt to attack and consume the subject at all costs. In order to minimize the risk of attack without compromising the utility of SCP-7032 to the Foundation, the following procedure has been enacted: + Show Details of Procedure 3290-THALASSA - Close Following the events of Incident-7032-03R, a raid was conducted on the "Church of Our Lady Wreathed In Sanguine Veil" to recover the equipment needed for the "Ritual of Thalassa", a procedure intended to inoculate individuals against the addictive effects of SCP-7032-A. Most of the items required for the ritual are anomalous in nature, but only during the ritual itself. The following supervisor-approved ritual is to be conducted on all members of MTF-Theta-16 "Nuns and Roses", as well as on any Foundation personnel who have made physical contact with SCP-7032. 1. A large collar of bronze with various markings in Aramaic surrounding the perimeter (henceforth referred to as SCP-7032-C) is placed around the neck of the Subject. Testing has shown the original collar must be used; Foundation-made substitutes do not function as intended. 2. SCP-7032, standing in a basin of ash wood with engravings matching the collar (henceforth referred to as SCP-7032-D), consumes one pint of human blood from a bowl (no specific vessel is required) before reciting the following incantation: "The blood and tears shall quell my fears as I submit my hand. The one I choose I shall not lose for they shall bear my brand." Successful recitation will begin drawing SCP-7032-A from SCP-7032's skin into the basin. Notably, SCP-7032-A will not evaporate during this process. SCP-7032 will repeat this incantation until the basin is completely filled. 3. Several vintage syringes (henceforth referred to as SCP-7032-E1-E7) are filled with SCP-7032-A from the basin before being inserted into the circular ports on SCP-7032-C. All seven instances of SCP-7032-E must be checked to ensure they have pierced the Subject's skin. 4. SCP-7032 leaves the basin and moves to face Subject. The remaining SCP-7032-A within the basin can be bottled and stored for later use if collected before completion of the ritual. SCP-7032 uses its claws to pierce the skin of its wrists and induce bleeding. SCP-7032 lets its blood drip onto the Subject's head and body while reciting the incantation from Step-2. Blood should appear to travel along Subject's body before flowing into SCP-7032-C. Once all blood is contained within SCP-7032-C, the ritual is considered complete. For the next 13 days, SCP-7032-C will operate on its own, gradually injecting small amounts of SCP-7032-A into Subject. It is considered normal for Subject to experience unusually strong positive emotions during this process. Once this process is complete, SCP-7032-C will detach from the Subject on its own, allowing another ritual to be conducted. All personnel subjected to Procedure 3290-THALASSA are required to file daily reports on their physical and mental health for at minimum 365 days after completion of the ritual. Those experiencing symptoms of opiate addiction, Porphyria, and/or unusual attraction to SCP-7032 must contact site supervisors immediately. SCP-7032 is not considered responsible for activation of its hunting instincts related to any personnel intentionally abusing SCP-7032-A. - Close Footnotes 1. See Addendum 7032-1 2. See Details of Procedure 3166-IRVINE 3. European Medicinal Leech 4. Further testing suggests SCP-7032's sense of smell is far stronger than the average human, easily on par with a Bloodhound. 5. See Addendum 7032-3 « SCP-7031 | SCP-7032 | SCP-7033 »
AO-19377033 before Incident-AO-7033-01. Item #: AO-19377033 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: AO-19377033 is contained upside down within a soundproof containment locker. Personnel are advised to wear earplugs. Description: AO-19377033 is a toy school bus measuring 25 centimeters in length. Other than the lack of any branding, it is visually unremarkable. AO-19377033's primary anomaly is its ability to continuously produce music, more specifically, the instrumental to the American folk song The Wheels on the Bus by Verna Hills. All attempts to halt this ability have failed. AO-19377033 also possesses the following minor anomalous attributes: All wheels spinning simultaneously; The windshield wiper stickers animating on AO-19377033's windshield; The steering wheel continuously rotating; The sound of a vehicle horn and light emanating from the grill and head lamps respectively at random; The sound of an infant crying and loud shushing emanating from the object; this is the loudest sound AO-19377033 produces to date. AO-19377033 was discovered at a Toys "R" Us store in Indiana, United States after a handful of parents made several noise complaints to the manager. The object was found at the bottom of the bargain bin section. All witnesses were administered Class-A amnestics and AO-19377033 was collected. All information written above is scheduled to be updated pending the results of Incident-AO-19377033 Addendum-7033.3 Incident-AO-7033-01: On 07/26/1999, various anomalies identified on the Anomalous Item Catalogue were scheduled to be analyzed for a routine inspection. The inspection went as planned until AO-19377033 was involved. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/AO-19377033/Ommer/Incident ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ 07/26/1999 [BEGIN LOG] [The door opens, security guards Mike Laud and Bruce Ommer enters the room, the latter is pushing a cart filled halfway with anomalous items. Lauder looks from his clipboard to the wall of containment lockers. Ommer appears visibly strained.] Ommer: God, I knew we should've saved the microwave and the Boba tea for last. How can they be so heavy? Laud: That's for the eggheads to figure out. Can you keep it down? I still need to see— Ommer: Well they should've figured it out already! We're guards, were supposed to guard stuff. This should be a job for the assistant researchers, they hardly do any work anyways— Laud: Bruce, shut your mouth. Please? I'm… ah, section number eighty-nine. Park it there. [Laud walks to a section of lockers and opens them. Laud beings handing Ommer the items, the latter of which he organizes on the cart. Ommer sighs.] Ommer: My point still stands. Laud: You drew the short straw, Bruce. Ommer: Just because I went along with it, doesn't mean I agree with it. I mean… picking straws? Ha! Are we trying to safeguard humanity or playing spin the bottle? I mean, Jesus— Ow, ow! [Laud opens another locker and both guards immediately cover their ears. AO-19377033 is upside down, its wheels spin wildly, producing a loud noise.] Ommer: Aw, that thing again?! For the love— did you bring the plugs? Laud: What?! Ommer: The plugs! Did you bring them?! Laud: Hold on!… Here it is— oh… never mind! I forgot! Ommer: You had them yesterday! Laud: Well, I don't have them today! Ommer: C'mon! It's— will this thing shut up! This is— wait! Wait… [AO-19377033 lowers in volume. Ommer and Laud are able to speak normally. Ommer grabs the objects and scowls.] Ommer: Little yellow bastard. Nearly made me deaf. [Ommer tosses AO-19377033 into the cart; it lands on its wheels. The windshield stickers ceases movement. The object emits a quiet honk.] Ommer: Did we get them all? Laud: Do you really want me to answer that question? Ommer: [Whisper] Goddammit. Well, we're going to need another cart anyways. Maybe one of the guys left— [AO-19377033 plays its instrumental song at a moderate volume. Ommer clenches his right hand tightly, then massages his temples.] Ommer: Hey Mike. How much flak do you think I'll get if one of our cargo… 'accidentally' got damaged in transit? [AO-19377033's instrumental music suddenly stops. The object slowly turns and moves closer to the guards. They are not paying attention to AO-19377033.] Laud: Bruce, you know they don't approve the destruction of anomalous items. Ommer: They won't approve of it, that much. They just want it in the paper work. Hell, I'm willing to bet they'll approve of that. Even they admit it's annoying. [AO-19377033 begins to vibrate on the cart. Its instrumental music begins to play again.] Laud: That is true… but still. Ommer: Mike, it sings that damn song all day long and cries like a snot-nosed toddler, that's it! What's it going to do for us? Nothing. What happens if it falls in the wrong hands? Also nothing? And what happens if it's tossed in trash? [Ommer rolls his eyes, smirking.] Ommer: Oh, that's right! Nothin— [AO-19377033 sharply increases its instrumental music's volume to the loudest to date. Laud and Ommer attempts to cover their ears, with the latter being startled, accidentally knocking the anomaly off the cart and stepping on it in the process.] [The instrumental music instantly stops. Ommer pauses and lifts up his foot; AO-19377033 is crushed and inanimate.] Ommer: For the record I was joking. [END LOG] As Ommer unintentionally destroyed a minor anomalous item with an extremely low-research priority, he was only given a warning. AO-19377033 was declared neutralized and was scheduled to be incinerated at a later date. Addendum-7033.1: In the following weeks, multiple personnel had complained to human resources regarding to the behavior and actions taken by Ommer. Ommer had not only disrupted the work of others, but also have been accused of being unstable. Below are a partial series of incidents that support this claim. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/Ommer/Addendum/Claim ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ 07/31/1999 [BEGIN LOG] [Ommer is in the break room with three other guards, watching reruns of The Sopranos. All the guards besides Ommer express shock at the episode.] Laud: Are you seeing this Bruce?! Man, I never thought he'd strangle the guy. Ommer: It's a show about the mafia, Mikey. I'm surprised they don't tear the tongues out of their necks on a daily basis. Laud: Touché. But this is something else. Palmer: Yeah, it's brutal. Ommer: Please, compare what we go through, this is our version of Sesame Street. I— [Ommer raises his head up and scans the room.] Ommer: You guys hear that? Trible: Hear what? [As the guards continue the watch the television, Ommer's gaze falls upon a vent grate by the refrigerator. He slowly moves towards it and kneels. He squints before blinking rapidly, then shakes his head.] [He freezes, reaching into his pocket and pulls out a quarter. He attempts to unscrew the vent.] Laud: Bruce? Whatcha doing? [All three guards are looking at Ommer. Ommer bites his lip before pocketing the quarter.] Ommer: Found this under the fridge. Finder's keepers am I right? 08/07/1999 [BEGIN LOG] [Several Foundation personnel are in their cubicles, wrapping up their work when Ommer stomps into the middle of the room.] Ommer: Alright, which one of you did it? [Several Foundation personnel look away from their computers and towards Ommer. Ommer is visibly frustrated.] Ommer: No seriously, come forward and owe it. I'm not in the mood! [Ommer's supervisor, Marlon Brooks, is reviewing documents on a clipboard when he notices him. Brooks approaches Ommer.] Brooks: Is something wrong, Ommer? Ommer: Yes. Someone's screwing me over! Brooks: Screw… over? Ommer: Someone logged on my computer and there's a bunch of kiddie crap on it! There's too much to delete and I know I didn't share my password with anyone else. Brooks: Hm… can you show me? [Ommer directs Brooks into his cubical. The computer is on, and no browsers are present on the screen. Ommer takes a couple of steps forward in shock.] Ommer: No this… what? How— [Ommer inspects his computer, then his computer mouse. He brings it close to his face, then shakes his head again. Brooks is looking side to side, in visible bewilderment.] Ommer: I… I was here earlier and I swear someone messed with it. It was glitching and… this mouse was I think and… [Brooks remains bewildered, his mouth is slightly open. Ommer bites his lip again then nods slowly.] Ommer: Um… never mind, sir. It seems that the glitch… solved itself? Yes. It's all fixed now. Sorry for bothering you. [Brooks remains silent, then leaves the cubical. Ommer curses to himself and slumps in his chair.] [END LOG] 08/15/1999 Foreword: This footage was taken from a civilian center near the Site. [BEGIN LOG] [Ommer, Laud, Palmer, and Trible exit the bar. All of whom except Ommer are slightly to moderately inebriated. The four of them laugh and stumble into the park when Ommer looks across the street.] [A school bus is parked by the sidewalk. The bus appears empty with the exception of the driver. The driver is male but all other details cannot be distinguished due to only their silhouette becoming visible.] [Ommer shakes violently. Laud asks what is wrong, Ommer replies that he is not feeling well and will see the group later. Ommer hastily waves goodbye as he power walks north out of the park. The school bus soon disengages its breaks and drives off north.] [END LOG] 08/20/1999 Foreword: Below is a witness account from Mike Laud. Sorry for coming out with this stuff out of the blue but I didn't know who to talk to. It concerns Bruce. No, he didn't do anything to me, it's just… I don't think he's… not in a good spot right now? Well… alright here me out, this literally just happened so bear with me here. So just before my shifted ended I went to the restrooms to do my business. At that point, I saw Bruce barge in and locked himself in the stall next to me. I heard him groaning and huffing, at first I thought he was really straining, but then I realized he didn't touch the toilet seat. Next thing I know he's banging at the walls and shouting and… I think he almost cried at one point? Then he starts muttering to himself. It was hard to hear but I think he was chanting something… a mantra? Then he got up to wash his face and left. Guess he woke up on the wrong side of the bed, huh? 08/30/1999 [BEGIN LOG] Brooks: —And I want to thank the maintenance team for their hard work on the third floor bathrooms. I know how unpleasant that was, and I wanted to say… you did a very good job. [Brooks is giving out a speech in the assembly hall. Most personnel appear bored or not paying attention. Ommer is shaking his seat and frequently scanning his surroundings. He stops his gaze when he looks to the ceiling racks above and gasps. Ommer raises his hand] Brooks: Now, before we continue… yes, Bruce? Ommer: I need to make an announcement. Like right now. Brooks: …Okay? [Ommer quickly gets on stage and takes the microphone from Brooks. He takes a deep breath, then clears his throat.] Ommer: THE WHEELS ON THE BUS ON THE BUS GO ROUND AND ROUND! ROUND AND ROUND! [Personnel in the room become alert and stare at Ommer. Brooks' jaw drops, and becomes distracted to the point he forgets to breathe.] Ommer: THE WIPERS ON THE BUS GO SWISH SWISH SWISH! SWISH SWISH SWISH. [A couple guards make their way to the stage but Brooks stops them by holding his hand up. Ommer looks up again and becomes visibly freighted. A dark stain begins to spread on his pants.] Ommer: God fu— DRIVERONTHEBACKMOVEONBACKMOVEONBACK! PEOPLEONTHEBUSGOUPANDDOWNUPANDOWNUPANDDOWN- [Ommer sings so fast, none of the lyrics are decipherable; he is hyperventilating and displays signs of a massive panic attack. After the songs concludes he closes his eyes and looks to the ceiling and calms down.] [Ommer looks to the crowd; most personnel are displaying varying levels of surprise and shock. The rest fail to resist smiling or laughing.] [Ommer is overwhelmed by stress and vomits onstage.] [END LOG] After the latest incident, Ommer was detained following his outburst. Due to the belief his psychological impairments were a result of excessive stress and being a valued member of personnel, Ommer was detained in a holding cell until a full-fledged psychiatric analysis was conducted. Addendum-7033.2: On 08/31/1999, Ommers was discovered to be absent from his cell. The Site was searched thoroughly, and although he wasn't present in the facility, official documentation permitting him to leave was found and had the Site Director's signature on it.1 Foundation agents searched Ommer's residence but were unable to locate him. A journal and camcorder was recovered during the investigation. The journal was located on top of his bed. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/Ommer/Journal/Video ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ Hello there, I have a diary now. Long story short, Brook forced me into the 'write about your feelings and talk about it club.' Don't ask. So yeah, another chore I have to deal with until the end of the year. Yay. Never mind. This book may be useful after all. We recently gotten a new object today and it's annoying. For godsake I thought it was a cat dying to get it on with a Speak N Spell or something. I asked it to be transferred but they give me the same bullshit: "ThInK oF tHe ScIeNcE!" "tHeRe'S sO mUcH wE dOn'T kNoW aBoUt It!" "My WiFe ToOk ThE KiDs AnD tHiS iS tHe OnLy WaY i CaN gEt My RoCks OfF!" Blah blah blah. Do I have to fix the problem myself? For the love of god, I was joking! Long story short, I kind of stepped on it and it's trash now. Got some flak for it but at least they didn't fine me. Okay now I feel like crap, I'm getting the shivers here and there and my ears occasionally ring. It's annoying. That or we have a rat in the Site. Again. Yep, I'm definitely hallucinating. I told Brooks about the squeaking but he doesn't seem to care2. So what, do I just wait it out or go to a hospital? I forgot what exactly you're supposed to do in the hand book… I think. It's manageable, but I keep getting these yellowish blurs in the corner of my eye. It's annoying. Someone's screwing with me. I was back from break when there was a bunch of kiddie crap on my computer from this website called YouTube3 I think? I don't know, all I remember is that a bunch of them had a smiling watermelon on it. It was gone when I tried to show Brooks. Maybe it's a prank? YOU ARE MINE [Several smudges in the form of black lines are present on the bottom of the page.] Fuck. Now it's haunting me! I told the Site. What's taking so damn long?!4 Is it only me? Now that I think about it… things have been getting a bit quieter than usual. I'm screwed am I? Jackpot! I found out singing makes it stops bothering me for a little bit. It's not permanent, but it's better than nothing. I think I could make this work. I can't, I really can't. The more it comes out, it louder I have to sing… in public. It's mocking me. I need to hide for a while? Maybe at another Site. Just gotta do this seminar and then I can come up with an actual solution. 08/31/1999 [BEGIN LOG] [The footage takes place in Ommer's bedroom. He is packing a suitcase with spare clothes and other amenities. It is midnight. He appears agitated and is muttering to himself.] Ommer: How much food and water… which site? 19? Maybe 15. No 19, it's bigger and it's the safest. I need scans too… Makes me an ass in front of everyone?! I need— [A faint squeaking noise can be heard outside the room. Ommer snaps his head up and grabs the camcorder. He unholsters his firearm and enters the hallway. He scans left and right; the hallway is completely empty.] [Ommer relaxes and lowers his firearm when a beam of light shines on his legs. An anomalous object resembling a heavily damaged toy bus rams into Ommer's shin, causing moderate pain and discomfort. The anomaly continually rams into Ommer.] Ommer: I had enough of your shit! [Ommer kicks the object across the hall. The anomaly disappears into the darkness as a loud crashing sound is heard. Ommer uses his cell phone.] Ommer: Come on, pick up, pick up! Hello? Hello!? Operator: Hello, you reached the Foundation Emergency Help Line. How may I assist you today— Ommer: Buddy, listen, I don't have much time! My name is Bruce Ommer, I work as a security guard and I live at █████ ██████████ ███. My ID's on file. I need an escort asap to a Site, preferable one that's fortified to all hell. Operator: Sure thing, Mr. Ommer. What seems to the be the issue? Ommer: I'm being followed around by an anomaly. It's a… well… can you just send someone over now!? I need some help over here! Operator: No need to fret, Mr. Ommer… your lift has already arrived. Ommer: …What? [A large beam of light shines on Ommer. He slowly turns around. A large school bus emerges from the darkness. Various dents and cracks are visible on its surface.] [Ommer gasps and the phone slips from his grip.] Operator: The wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round. [The bus moves forward slowly.] Operator: The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish. Swish, swish, swish. [The wipers in the bus activates.] Operator: The driver on the bus goes— [Ommer fires three shots at the bus, the windshield is damaged.] [The operator laughs. The headlights on the bus turn bright red.] [Ommer screams and runs in the other direction. Loud honking and tire screeching is heard behind him. Ommer sprints hastily, scrambling to sprint through the corridors.] Ommer: Fuck, fuck, fuck! Shit, shit shit shit! God, god, god, god—fuck! [Just as the lights intensive behind him, Ommer enters the garage and locks the door. He gets into his car and starts the engine. The engine sputters.] Ommer: Oh no, no! Don't you dare do this to me! [A loud bang is heard. The door is becomes slightly dented and the area of the wall around it becomes cracked. The engine starts. Ommer becomes ecstatic. The door and wall dents and cracks further respectively. Ommer activates the garage opener; the door doesn't activate.] Ommer: Huh?! [Ommer opens the back of the garage opener. The batteries are missing. The door is rammed off its hinges.] Ommer: Fuck it! [Ommer slams on the pedal and rams through the garage door. The car skids as it exits the neighborhood. After some time, Ommer reaches the toll road and looks at the rearview mirror. He chuckles.] Ommer: Fuck you. [Ommer turns on the car radio. The instrumental to The Wheels on the Bus plays.] Ommer: Fuck me. [Loud honking is heard as Ommer's car abruptly lurches forward, followed by the activation of headlights from behind. Ommer tries to drive away but is continually rammed by the bus. As Ommer travels up the switchback road, Ommer's car is knocked off course and crashes in the side of the mountain.] [The footage momentarily glitches before resuming with Ommer hanging upside down in his seat. Ommer unbuckles himself and falls to the floor in pain. He then grabs the camcorder and exits the vehicle.] [Ommer looks to his left; the bus slowly approaches him as the sounds of crickets play in the background. Ommer looks to his left and sees a large tree branch close to the guard rail. The bus honks continuously and its quickly gains speed.] [Ommer yelps as he climbs onto the tree branch, just missing the bus. Ommer continues to move forward until he reaches the trunk and holds onto it tightly. He looks behind himself and sees the bus positioned forward towards it. The bus remains stationary before driving up the road.] [After a moment of silence, Ommer laughs to himself, nearly crying in the process. He takes in several deep breaths but stops when the crickets vocalize themselves to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus. Ommer whimpers before a loud honk is heard from above.] Ommer: …No. [Ommer looks up. The bus is positioned forward on a section of road above the tree. Ommer shakes his head frantically several times. The bus lightly bounces the frontside of itself several times before reversing back and ramming through the guard rail. The bus rapidly freefalls towards Ommer's direction.] [Ommer screams as the screen is blinded by light. The footage abruptly ends.] [END LOG] Addendum-7033.3: Unlike what was depicted in the footage, Ommer's residence did not appear to suffer any form of damage with the exception of the garage door. The camcorder was recovered near a toll road, next to a tree that had recently fallen over. Underneath the tree was an anomalous item nearly identical in appearance to AO-193770335 with the exception of three holes being present on its windshield and its front-left tire being damaged. This new object emitted similar sounds to AO-19377033 with the addition of a new sound; instead of an infant crying, it now emits the sound of a adult male voice whimpering alongside a series of shushes in an excited tone. SCP-7033's object class was changed from neutralized to pending. « SCP-7032 | AO-19377033 | SCP-7034 » Footnotes 1. The Site Director confirmed they did not sign the document. 2. Brooks has no knowledge of this event. 3. No mention of this 'YouTube' was found on the internet. 4. No one at the Site has memory of this event occurring. 5. It should be noted that the original instance of AO-19377033 was never incinerated, as the trash bag it was stored was reported missing.
by J Dune SCP-7034 - TBA Image Credits ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 7034 Level3 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: danger link to memo Notice: SCP-7034's description is solely sourced from the account of Senior Researcher Richard Battaglia. The file will be updated accordingly upon Foundation access to SCP-7034. Interstate Highway I-85 Special Containment Procedures: The exit ramp purportedly leading to SCP-7034 has been temporarily barred from public access for Foundation assessment. Further action is pending discovery of a conclusive entrance to SCP-7034, or lack thereof. The Foundation is conducting an ongoing appraisal of the United States Interstate Highway System in an attempt to discern potential access points to SCP-7034. If necessary, efforts may expand to be global in scope. Information regarding missing persons cases related to the United States Interstate Highway System is to be suppressed. Description: SCP-7034 is an extradimensional space of indeterminate length, unverified composition, and unknown features. According to the sole account of SCP-7034, the space resembles a controlled-access interstate highway. It contains a single stretch of paved road, featuring eight lanes cordoned by guard-rails on each side. Other features, including those present beyond the guard railing, are indiscernible due to a heavy smog that lays over the area. Electronic signals, such as cellular service or internet access, are apparently impeded inside SCP-7034. SCP-7034 is highly congested with traffic, with all lanes occupied by vehicles of various make and model. The length of this congestion, including its end point, is unknown. Attempts to identify these vehicles via license plate numbers have been met with varying degrees of success. A number of automobiles align with missing persons reports, though some are geographically disparate from the supposed access point to SCP-7034. The means by which SCP-7034 can be accessed remain unclear. The Foundation became aware of SCP-7034 following the disappearance of Senior Researcher Richard Battaglia, who entered SCP-7034 after emerging from a tunnel while commuting on interstate highway I-85 on December 3rd, 2022. Battaglia established contact with the Foundation several hours into the congestion, suspecting that he was experiencing an anomaly. Addendum.7034.1: Received Transmissions The following are transcripts of recordings sent from Richard Battaglia to the Foundation via an emergency-use one-way communicator, a paratechnical device issued to select personnel in the event that traditional communication is impossible. Test? Okay, we're green. This is Senior Researcher Richard Battaglia, Area-179, Department of Containment. Don't know who at the mothership is going to be receiving this, but the emergency kit paid off. None of you can make fun of me for lugging it around anymore, okay? (Laughs) If this is just an ordinary traffic jam, uh, just disregard. You can take all the piss you want once I get back. Not sure where I am. I'm on my way home to Gainesville for Christmas and it's been awhile since I was on these roads. Uh, about… I want to say, an hour past state lines, I got out of a tunnel on I-85, and rolled up to a detour like normal, thinking “Shit, of course.” But I've been stuck in traffic for… it's got to be ten hours now. Hard to tell with the fog. We're moving forward, but barely. Phone doesn't work. Pissed in a bottle twice already. I'm about half a tank full, so I should be good there, but– (A truck horn is heard in the distance.) Again, Dr. Richard Battaglia, Department of Containment. I came off exit 242 on I-85. I'll keep in touch. Six in the morning. Still as dark as it was at midnight. Fog's not lifting, either. I tried to– (Coughing) Shit. I tried to roll the window down but there's this fucking awful smell. Don't know if it's exhaust or what. Christ. (Battaglia slaps his chest, coughing more.) I fell asleep a little, but the row ahead moved forward, like, an inch, so this knucklehead behind me just laid on the fucking horn. (Pause) Cars are just building up, you can see it in the rearview. Exit 242, I-85. Send someone. Ten o'clock. The sky– not even exaggerating– the sky is still fucking black. I thought it was night at first, but– (Battaglia groans in frustration) I should be hugging my kid now, you know. Had a whole… a whole surprise day planned out for him since daddy was finally coming home from work. And I know she's been getting him excited for it, too. (Sighs) What a fucking joke. … I'm tired. Everyone here has to be. Staying awake with an energy drink and some old nu-metal CDs I haven't listened to since college. Yeah, I busted out the CDs. I'm trying to squeeze my way onto the shoulder, but I don't think there is one. Just a far lane that's as packed as the others. (Sounds of horns are heard. Battaglia drums his fingers on the wheel to the beat of muted music coming from his vehicle's sound system..) This guy just got rear-ended, uh, just now. Must have fallen asleep or something. Jesus. He's moving forward now, but wow. Wow. Should be fine for another few hours, I think. I've stayed up longer, and this caffeine's putting work in. Other than that… same old, same old. Kiddo's probably up and asking what the surprise is. If I had to guess, Bree's called me at least a hundred times. (Trailing) My legs are fucking killing me, man. (Coughing) Christ, are you fucking kidding me? I can't even step out of the goddamned car. Exhaust. Fumes. It's everywhere. I mean, take one breath and the tears start welling while your lungs feel like they're seconds away from popping. Soon as I opened the door, just barely, so I didn't hit the car next to me, these fucks behind me flipped their lids. Honking, throwing their hands up, waving me back. (Battaglia punches the wheel, groaning in anger.) How the fuck is this fair? I mean, on my way home. On my break. After a year of… nothing but paperwork and bullshit, I can't even spend time with my fucking family! (Stuttering) A–And to be stuck like this without, you know, food or water, or anything– I-I just don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do. I don't have field experience. I'm not a soldier. I can't even fucking turn back if I wanted to, there's no room. There's– there's people all around me and they can't get out either, and– (Hyperventilating) (Battaglia's breathing becomes labored. His exclamations are cut short.) Sorry about… what I think I sent last night. I forget what I said. But it's been two days now. On the dot. I'm living off a sip of water every six hours, no clue what anyone else is doing to fuel themselves. Haven't slept more than an hour before someone lays on the horn. It's all they seem to care about. Just moving forward. (Sighs) The part of this that really fucks me up, is that if we *all* stepped out, we'd be able to communicate with one another and… and maybe figure something out. I don't know. I've never talked to people. Organized things. I thought by now… you'd think someone would have fucking done something, right? Going to see if I can talk to the driver next to me. (Sounds of a window rolling down are heard. For the next ten minutes, wind, horns, and engines are heard above the sound of Battaglia speaking to another individual. The audio is largely irrelevant or indiscernible. The window rolls up.) Don't know if you got that. Been shouting through the windows the past few hours. Rolling them up and down every few minutes to offset the smog. Guy next to me is named Micheal, older guy. Got here off a different highway entirely, I-70. I'll get you his plate, hold on. So, we're planning something. I'm in the lane furthest to the right. If I was able to talk to him, he could talk to the driver next to him, and so on. Eventually, we'll have an entire row of cars that are willing to get out of their cars, right? And maybe if we all stop, the lane behind us will too. (Pause) Or they won't, and they'll run us down the second the doors open. Worst case scenario? I have a gun. (Exhales) I just need this to work. I'm starving, I'm… fucking scared. Bree's probably losing her mind over this. Yeah, it's not like you would fucking tell her what's happening, would you? We just need this to work. So… Micheal got through to the person next to him. And they're getting through to the car on their left. We might be able to pull this off. If this is my last message, I'm either a pile of guts on the road or I died of a pulled muscle after sitting in my car for so fucking long. But it won't be, because we're getting out of here. (Laughs) Wow, that went better than I expected. I'm laying down in the backseat right now. Fucking finally. Let me, uh… I'm figuring out where to start. (Coughs) I hopped out of the car as soon as we stopped, gun in my pocket. Immediately the idiot behind me slammed on the horn, but they cut that out when they saw Micheal open his door too, and the woman next to him, and the one next to her. And then eventually, everyone in our row was standing in the road. The fumes choked the hell out of us, and… it's fucking scorching out there, too, but no one got back in. Then that row behind us funneled out. Ordinary people, each of them just as scared and tired and unwashed as the rest of us. That was… a major relief, honestly. I was half expecting monsters or something. (Laughs) We weren't able to stay out in the open for more than ten minutes. Some folded in less. The air's too much. But we did organize a plan. People who wanted to move forward, they did so. Kept driving. The rest of us set up our cars in a sort of barricade along the road, leaving only the middle lane open for people to pass through. Such a fucking relief to be able to turn the car off and lay down in the back seat. And… that's it. There's no long term plan. I mean, there can't be. We've secured some supplies from tractor trailers who've come by. Warm water and soda. But we're screwed when it comes to anything else. Without refrigeration or electricity, we'll last a few days, at most. The air outside is a problem, but I'm struggling to think of a solution. We either suffocate in a cramped car, or choke on exhaust. Problem for tomorrow. (Battaglia's voice echos. Others are heard speaking in the background.) Slept for the first time in days. I mean, I really slept. An eighteen-wheeler joined up, and I'm recording this while sweating my ass off in the back. Somehow, it's still cooler here than it is out there. We have a big enough space for a group to talk, at least for a bit. There's no consensus on what's happening here. Some say it's purgatory. Others aren't convinced it's supernatural. One woman thinks it's a dream. I'm… I'm trying my hardest to tell everyone to keep their heads up, that help is coming, but it's been four days now, and I don't know if it is. I know these are going through, but I'm assuming you haven't found a way in yet. Or if you have, you're too far back in that fucking jam to reach me. I'm going to try and keep our group together, so if you're there, you'll know where to find me. (Coughing) We made a pulley system from a tow truck. See, over the guard rails, there's just a bunch of fog, but… who knows what's through it. Fuck, my chest. It's worth a shot, right? Boilerplate final message, you know the deal. I'll be fine. Gotta get used to these fumes. Masks help, actually. A real COVID freak was stocked up on boxes in the back of her car. Makes it a little more tolerable. Once we get out of this, I'm living in the shower for the next month. (Shuffling sounds) Hey. Late message, I know. Was busy today. Got lowered over the railing. There was about three hundred feet of rope– still couldn't see the bottom. Just fog, and a smell that got worse the lower you went. Hotter, too. I puked three… four times. I wanted to unhook myself, honestly. Just fall into the mist and see where I ended up, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I still want to get out of here, man. I love you– I mean. Fuck. (Voice weakens) I love my family. I'm going to see them again. I know I will. But if I don't move forward, get back on the road, I'm going to die. We're fucking starving. We have some water, but… we're wasting our time in one place. Have to move forward. Have to. (Battaglia sobs for an extended duration before collecting himself.) When they pulled me up, and I told them… I told them there was nothing down there, I could see the same realization settling in on their faces. (Pause) Some were still optimistic, sure. The number of incoming cars had slowed down to the point where you could feasibly ride along the far lane without issue. According to my car, I drove just under 190 miles in two days, in completely stagnated traffic. With a clear road, I could do that in a few hours. Maybe there was a way out, the way we came in. I took someone's motorcycle, and just set off. I rode for hours, but… you can't recognize anything in here. No landmarks, no markings. Just a road that stretched on, forever. No matter how far I got, I was… here. But even with a helmet and a mask, the smog was too much. Had to stop and lay down twice. Could have gotten killed. Nothing had to be said when I got back to the group. Some came out of their cars. Most just stared at me through the windows. They all wore those same tired, helpless faces, only this time, even under the masks, there wasn't a shred of hope left on any of them. People are starting to leave. Wondering whether or not I should follow. Had a meeting in the rig, decided it was for the best. We can cooperate all we'd like, but we're wasting time we could be using to move forward. It's not like we're not in our cars most of the day anyways. God knows how much shit I inhaled yesterday. There's what lays ahead, and whatever sits at the end of it, even if it's nothing. I could stay here and starve. I could hurl myself over the edge of the railing, too. I'm doing this for you, Shaun. Bree. I love you. I'm going to see you again. (Battaglia is engaged in conversation with another individual, presumably ‘Micheal'. He does not appear to initially notice that the device is recording.) Battaglia: His birthday is the week after Christmas, so. Micheal: Oh, so you get to skimp on the gifts? (They both laugh.) Battaglia: I always promised my wife I'd never do that. My brother was a December baby, I totally understood. Micheal: Yeah. (Pause) God, you wonder how some of these other folks are doing it? The people who didn't stop, where are they getting their water? Battaglia: Maybe there's a rest-stop. Little taco-bell or something. (Micheal laughs.) Battaglia: Um, honestly, if they didn't do something similar to what we did, just to refuel, then they probably didn't make it. We'll see, I guess. Micheal: Yes, we will. At least the traffic cleared up. Battaglia: For now, yeah. That was the worst, man. When I was out there I kept telling myself that the next time I'd fall asleep it'd be in my own bed, right next to my wife. (Micheal sighs.) Battaglia: Hey, watch those sips. We only have a case back there. (Battaglia takes notice of the recorder, and shuts it off.) Hey, I'm… finally on the road again. It came down to four of us in the group. Micheal, myself, and two sisters, college girls. We're all riding together. Not in the same car, you know, but… we're around. Easier in case something happens. Like if this piece of shit car dies. The road's clear. No traffic. Still black as hell, but we're covering ground. We did over… 400 miles today. There's so many cars parked on the sides. I don't know if they did something similar to what we did or— or they're dead, but if they didn't have water, then… I don't know what we're going to find. I'm not… remotely prepared for bodies, and death, and all of that. I never saw a man die in my twenty years at the Foundation. That's got to be a record. But all we can do is move forward. There has to be an end. I can't just… I'm going to hold out for as long as I can. Things are getting worse. Saw a car in the middle of the lane, the driver was slumped over the wheel, laying on the horn. That's someone who's never going home. Whose family and friends are– they're going to be wondering where he is. What the last thing he said to them was. (Voice weakens.) I miss you. I love you. Running out of gas. Going to have to hop into Micheal's car, or the girls. Or… I don't know. At night, there's cars parked along the side, and… No, I'm– I'm not going to do that. We scavenged some food today, believe it or not. Someone blew the tires out on a tractor trailer marked as a supermarket distribution truck. Whole thing was on its side in the middle of the road. Half of the food was gone, and most of it was rotting, but… it's something. Didn't look for the driver. I am not fucking equipped to handle this shit. Fuck, fuck, fuck. One of the girls– the sisters, uh, Euliana. She killed herself while we were sleeping. I was watching the cars, she just ran out of the fucking… out of the car and jumped off the side. And I fucking watched her. By the time I tried to move she was over the edge. And her sister's a wreck now. Micheal's with her. But she just did it. We're… goddamnit. Who cares? Who even cares? (Battaglia cries for the duration of the recording.) I love you. Good night. Out of fuel. With Micheal now. Valentina is behind us, her car's still running. Poor girl. Yeah, I fucking told Micheal what I'm doing. Who– Who cares? Amnesticize him when we make it out. I don't give a shit anymore. Terrain's getting worse. More crashes, some bodies. Bodies… Uh… (Trails) Saw some fuck with a flat tire stuck in the middle of the lane. I think he was part of our group from a few days back. Tried to flag us down, but he's more weight. We're already hurting for fuel. It's not like we couldn't have helped him. Micheal has a spare in the back. We have to move it from view when we get a chance– saw someone get raided the other night for theirs. We have problems of my own, like this fucking engine. Keeps fucking sputtering, and my knees are practically cooking from the heat. He fired a shot at us– some bastard firing behind his car. Sounded like a rifle, but I don't know. I took out one of their tires. Didn't fuck with me after that. There's easier targets to hold up than the guy who can fire back. Unless they have a spare, or take one from someone who does, they're screwed, but that's how it is here. I feel like scum. I don't even regret what I did. That's why. Hold on, I have to focus. Smog's getting thicker. Micheal's out, yeah. We're just driving in shifts instead of parking to sleep. Can't waste time. I love you. I miss you. (Yelling) Shit! We're out of gas. Don't know where Valentina is. I– I guess we just lost track of her. She was behind us a few hours ago, I… It's so hard to see with the fumes. Food's all bad too. I don't know what we're going to do. There's never a car too far away, but… goddamnit. I don't want to fucking do this, man. Got fuel. I don't care. They would have done the same to us. I didn't hurt anyone. I wouldn't hurt anyone. Just happened to be the guy with the gun. It'll get me another couple hundred miles, as long as I don't hit that congestion again. I think Micheal wants to ditch me. He'd be a fucking idiot if he tried to pull anything when I'm the one with the gun. I don't even close my eyes around him anymore. I don't fucking trust him anymore. That's reasonable, right? It has to be over a week and… no, two weeks. That means… I missed Christmas, yeah. I'm sorry, buddy. Daddy's sorry. I'm going to make it up to you, I promise. When I get out of here, I'm done. I've made enough money. I'm taking my package early and I'll spend the rest of my life with you. I promise, I promise. I'm– I'm not going to let you down ever again. Please, God, please, just let me out of this. Ple— God, Let me out. It's dead. Figuring something out. Had to drop Micheal's car. Looking out— looking out for me now. For myself. There was a car right across from me. Smashed the window open and threw out the bodies. SUV with a family of five, all dead, half a tank left. Just horrible. There's corpses on the road. Bodies– track-covered, tarred, bloodied bodies all around. God, no, that's not me. That's not going to be me. Some of the cars are just covered in the stuff. There was a… a head in the grill of a pickup truck, just stuck there. I'm so fucking thirsty. Water— Water all around me but I'm not— I wouldn't do that. It's getting harder to drive straight. Too much shit on the road. I think I ran someone over, I don't know. Don't know. Not thinking about it. There isn't traffic anymore. There's no room for it. Just burning wrecks and bodies. Sometimes I pass people. I figured… I– Sometimes they're eating the bodies. They can die back there, but not me. I'm getting out of this. I love you so much. I'm getting further than anyone else because I love you. Gonna make it up to you. There's a massive pile of… waste in the way. Cars. Wreckage. Bodies. Lots of bodies. Dozens of them. It's burning. I don't know what happened, but I can't even see the top. Fuck. I'm going to have to climb over. Get out of the car and see what's ahead. Fuck. (Coughing) Fuck. Fuck! Fucking awful. Got to the top and (Coughing) Shit! I passed out on the wreckage. Cut myself so many fucking times I can feel the grease in my wounds. (Exhaling) … I got over it. (Coughing) There's no cars ahead. Nothing. They couldn't get past the pile. The fires burn through the smog. Had to get in another car, had to… I'm in a car again. Every second I'm just thinking of getting home. Of coming out alive. I should be dead by now, but I'm not. That means something to me. I'm going to fucking pass out. There were cars on my left. I don't know where they came from. Uh, god. What happened was… the one on my left came to a stop. The driver stepped out. Guess he was… just fucking weak. All of a sudden, this tractor trailer comes barreling out of nowhere. No horn, nothing. Ran him right over. Gut-splattered wheels. He just killed him. And if they ever do that to me, I-I'm going to kill them too. Some fuck just tried to run me off the road. Didn't let them do it. I don't care who it was. It feels like it's just me out here. Me and the bodies. There's some sort of… (Laughs) There's an incline. In the distance. It's going up, up. That has to be it. Through the clouds. (Laughing) My fucking god, it's something! I'm making it out! I'm not… holy shit. (The engine of Battaglia's vehicle is heard roaring.) Full speed. Racing up this hill for an hour now. Fuck you all. I'll be home soon. I know I deserve this. Thank god, I know I deserve this. (Laughing) I'm in the fucking clouds now, it just keeps going higher and higher. The smog's clearing. Less black, more gray. This is it. This is it! Road's evening out, sky's clearer. I'm coming up to— wait, that's another car. What the fuck? (The sounds of engines and horns are heard, louder than before.) The lanes are thinning. There was… well, it's thinning into a single lane now. But there's cars ahead of me. I can fucking see them now. Fuck, fuck, no. No, I'm not doing this again. How the hell did they get this far? Fuck you. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! Road's— the road's so thin. I can't even open my door, the railings there. This is the end, right? This is it. This is it. (Battaglia begins hyperventilating.) No. No. No. No. (Battaglia sobs and screams for over twenty minutes. The sound of banging is heard. Battaglia screams, repeatedly punching the window of his car until it shatters. Transcript cut for brevity.) No transmission was received for eighteen hours, the longest gap between correspondences. (Periodic banging sounds are heard between the cacophony of machine-like grinding.) Hello? Have to speak up. Okay, good. Still good. This is… Senior Researcher, Richard Battaglia. Area-179, Department of Containment. I've processed that this is– is going to be my last message. The smog cleared up a few hours ago and… I can see ahead of me now. There's a tunnel… at the end of the road. One massive, gaping tunnel, sitting up here in the clouds. Looks man-made, but… I know it can't be. Inside is pitch black, can't make any details out. There's these… bursts of fumes come from the inside. And the lane— the only lane– Fuck! (Another banging noise is heard) We're funneling into it. My car gave out. I'm sure you can hear that noise– it's me getting pushed by whoever's behind me. Just… a slow approach into whatever the hell's in that tunnel. I already had my breakdown. Punched the shit out of my window, broke my hand, I think. I've just…accepted it now. That's either my way out, or it's over. I can't fully shake the hope, but it's— god, it sucks. What was it all for? What was any of that effort for? Article 32.F of the Foundation employee's rights policy. In the event of certain death while in the field, Foundation personnel may request that their kin be made aware of the details of their passing. I don't want her to hear all of this. But I have enough time to– (Battaglia's car is shunted forward.) Fuck. Shaun, I'm sorry that daddy couldn't be there for you. No excuses. I should have got out of this the second you came into my life. I– I won't ever see your graduation… your first day of first grade, or your face when– (Battaglia chokes) when you see your sister for the first time. I won't be there to watch either of you grow up. And that's my fault. I love you. You– You can hate me. I understand. Bree… I knew. I always knew. Just promise me that whoever you bring around when I'm gone loves you. Treats the kids right. You know that though. Uh… I love you. I never stopped loving you. If I come out the other side, I want this burned. (Another bang. The echo of engines and horns becomes louder, drowning out the audio.) Going in now. Further communication was not received until 12/17/2022, a week following Battaglia's last message. These final transmissions, twenty in total, were unable to be transcribed, as all consisted of feedback, heavy distortion, the sound of horns, and screaming. A total of 83,000 unexplained disappearances have been linked to the United States Interstate Highway system. A is for "Annihilation" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub B is for "Blood-Borne" « SCP-7033 | SCP-7034 | SCP-7035 »
DrApricus More works by me can be found here! Item #: SCP-7036 Object Class: Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7036 no longer requires containment. Archived Procedures: SCP-7036 is still being researched. Unless anomalous attributes requiring more complicated containment are discovered, SCP-7036 is kept in a standard containment chamber. SCP-7036 is to be fed approximately 220 milliliters of regular dog food twice a day. A camera is installed outside the containment chamber, but there is not one inside to prevent the possible death of the anomaly. SCP-7036 with Catherine Hanes. Description: SCP-7036 is an adult Pyrenean Mastiff canine with an above-average mass that randomly excretes large amounts of human blood. Upon brief analysis, no wounds or possible origins of the blood could be found; how the blood manifests is unknown. SCP-7036 has been noted to walk awkwardly and show minimal facial expression, possibly due to congenital disabilities. SCP-7036 is incredibly timid and will avoid all possible human contact or interaction. In most attempted interactions, it retreated to the corner of its containment. When food is provided, SCP-7036 will not eat if it is supervised, regardless of the last time it ate. Attempts to mediate the anomaly's anthropophobia have failed. Discovery: SCP-7036 was first recovered from a home in Crystal Lake, Illinois. Foundation agents arrived at the premises after intercepting a 911 call made by 34-year-old Catherine Hanes. In the call, Hanes claimed SCP-7036 had severely wounded her wife, Jill Roberts, for reasons unknown. When requested to remain on the call until agents could be dispatched, Catherine suddenly hung up. Jill Roberts and her newborn daughter were found to have died from blood loss. Catherine could not be found, and a search and rescue mission later failed to locate her. SCP-7036 was found huddled in the newborn's closet on the second floor, gnawing at its thigh. Addendum 1: After a Foundation veterinarian failed to evoke novel behavior from SCP-7036, multiple personnel assigned to its containment attempted to aggravate the anomaly. During one of these incidents, the anomaly became visually discomforted and jumped through the window looking into the chamber, mauling one of the instigating staff members. In the subsequent containment breach, SCP-7036 injured several personnel before escaping the site. None of the staff died due to receiving immediate medical treatment. Due to the lack of time SCP-7036 was in containment, it could not be appropriately tested and microchipped. Addendum 2: Location efforts immediately took place. Recontainment agents developed a strategy of following a path of blood puddles, leading them into Iowa. Eventually, agents noted that the puddles were becoming less abundant and sometimes hidden by displaced dirt and grass. It's likely SCP-7036 became aware it was being followed by now. Eventually, the path of puddles disappeared entirely, and the anomaly remains uncontained. In the following weeks, multiple maulings similar to those done by SCP-7036 were reported in Iowa and surrounding states. Despite this, whether it was responsible for these injuries has yet to be confirmed. Multiple witness accounts say the creature attacked the victim after they attempted to approach it, even passively. Update: Foundation operatives soon discovered SCP-7036 dead near a farm in Indiana. The anomaly was found to have been shot six times, presumably by the farm's owner. Despite being neutralized, SCP-7036 continued to leak human blood posthumously. During an autopsy conducted on the corpse, a Velcro strap was discovered. The insides of SCP-7036 consisted of cushioning and the body of 46-year-old Tyler Hanes, the ex-husband of Catherine Hanes. He was found to have suffered from hemophilia and wounds of unknown origin. The Hanes case has been forwarded to the relevant police departments. « SCP-7035 | SCP-7036 | SCP-7037 » More from this author… rating: +29+–x
Item #: SCP-7037 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7037 is to be contained in a thaumaturgically augmented storage locker located in the Storage Wing of Site-37; unless otherwise approved by at least one member of the O5 Council, this locker is to be disconnected from baseline reality at all times to minimize its influence of probabilistic reality.1 Description: SCP-7037 is a forty-seven leaf clover that has a constant effect on relative, probabilistic reality, resulting in the perceivable existence of good fortune.2 As such effects have been observed as far as 50 km away from the source, an exact sphere of influence is unknown, though it is reasonably assumed to be no further than 100 km. Addendum-1: Discovery SCP-7037 was discovered in the home Reuben Walsh, located within a small village in rural Ireland. The anomaly was initial brought to Foundation attention after Evelyn O'Shannon made a social media posting detailing that her mother had miraculously recovered from Stage 4 lung cancer despite being complete bedridden and comatose a day prior. Two members of MTF Pulse-17 ("Your Everyday Citizens") were dispatched to the location under the guise of tourists and, through conversation with locals, discovered multiple other instances of unlikely, probabilistic outcomes, including, but not limited to,3 the following: Three separate marriages occurring on the same day, at the same church, with all three couples sharing the same surname "Ortiz." A seven year old boy falls out of a tree from an approximate elevation of 25 meters; he sustained no injuries despite the likelihood of simply surviving a fall being less than a 10% chance. During a storm, lightning strikes an elderly woman 7 times4; similar to the boy, she sustained no injuries. After Doctor Celzin determined these instances, along with others not listed, to be impossibly unlikely to occur within baseline, probabilistic reality, additional MTF Pulse-17 members with thaumaturgic abilities were dispatched and, using their abilities, were to enter and investigate citizen homes through use of thaumaturgical persuasion. During this search, SCP-7037 was recovered from the home of Reuben Walsh who, through specified mnestic treatment, was implanted with false memories of the clover wilting. Addendum-2: Testing Excerpts Multiple tests were approved by Doctor Celzin to ascertain specifications and limits of SCP-7037's anomalous properties. While testing was extensive,5 only important excerpts have been included for documental efficiency. File.Test_Log-7037_07.scptxt Experiment: D-19732 is isolated in a room with SCP-70376 which is disconnected from baseline, probabilistic reality via thaumaturgic seals. Within the room is a table, chair, and six decks of cards. D-19732 is prompted to shuffle each deck as much as they wish, but not to check the faces of any cards. Result: Inspection of the cards revealed that, despite varying methods and time taken to shuffle each deck, all six held the exact order of cards. As each shuffle is a 1 in 52!7 chance, the statistical probability of such an occurrence is 1 in 52!6, or 1 in 2.75 x 10407 chance. Additional Notes: This is a statistical impossibility. Truly. If we go off of the calculation that there are 1082 atoms in our observable universe, you could turn every atom into its own universe, every atom of those universes into its own, and repeat twice more, pick a random atom, and that's just 10410. That's only a thousand times less likely than this shuffle. We are dealing with an anomaly that makes the impossible possible, and we need to be careful. — Senior Researcher Asher Celzin. Following Test Log 7037-07, the following five tests replicated the same experiment with seven, eight, ten, twenty, and fifty decks respectively. All resulted in the same outcome; all decks held the same shuffle. After the conclusion of Test Log 7037-12,8 Doctor Celzin submitted the following proposal to update containment procedures to the Site Director. + View Proposal 7037-1 - Close File To: Site Director Velrium Zerwick (tenpics.eruces|v_kciwrez#tenpics.eruces|v_kciwrez) From: Senior Researcher Asher Celzin (tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec#tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec) Subject: Requesting revision of SCP-7037's containment procedures. Attached are multiple files pertaining to SCP-7037, all of which reflect the urgency with which I send this email. The outcomes of all tests suggest this anomaly controls probability at an unfathomable scale, yet current containment procedures do not reflect this state; a disconnect from our baseline does not ensure total freedom of its influence. But I believe it may be possible to contain even said influence so long as you grant me access to a team comprised of on-site thaumaturges. I believe this anomaly is far more complex than it was initially thought to be. Please reach out soon, Asher. To: Senior Researcher Asher Celzin (tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec#tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec) From: Site Director Velrium Zerwick (tenpics.eruces|v_kciwrez#tenpics.eruces|v_kciwrez) Subject: RE:Requesting revision of SCP-7037's containment procedures. Asher. I have reviewed the files attached and have considered your proposal, but I see no necessity for such concerns. Furthermore, as Site-37 is a fledgling site we cannot allocate expenses towards fields that would serve to waste them. Fretting over a clover is no way to spend your time, Doctor. Please come to your senses. Officially, your proposal to revise procedures is denied. - Close File Following the denial of Doctor Celzin's proposal, experimentation continued as it had initially. File.Test_Log-7037_32.scptxt Experiment: D-19732 is once again isolated in a room with SCP-7037 that is disconnected from baseline, probabilistic reality. Within the room is a table, chair, and a singular coin, alongside a set of instructions to flip the coin one-hundred times and record results. Results: Despite no column being listed, D-19732 wrote in once denoted "edge" and marked said column 100 times. Following questioning alongside analysis of video footage, said results were confirmed. Research into baseline probability of this result, along with a use of a SPP,9 calculated the baseline probability to be a 1 in 6000 chance, whereas the results of testing suggest replicating such a result is 1 in 1.53 x 10378, a result similarly miniscule to that of the Test Log 7037-07. Additional Notes: Despite multiple other intended tests, I think we perfectly understand what this anomaly is capable of. It doesn't just skew chance; it plays with it. Thirty-two tests disprove any coincidence, and further tests will deny any of even the most skeptic among us, but in the meantime I highly suggest increasing security clearance regarding SCP-7037. I fear what may happen if it falls into the wrong hands. — Senior Researcher Asher Celzin Similarly to tests following Test Log 7037-07, the following three tests after Test Log 7037-32 replicated the same experiment with two-hundred, five-hundred, and one-thousand coin flips respectively, all yielding the same results; all coins landed on their edge, every single time. Additionally, different coins were used throughout to nullify any suspicion that the coin itself may have been anomalous. At this time, Doctor Celzin also submitted another proposal to the Site Director, as can be seen below. +View Proposal 7037-2 - Close File To: Site Director Velrium Zerwick (tenpics.eruces|v_kciwrez#tenpics.eruces|v_kciwrez) From: Senior Researcher Asher Celzin (tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec#tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec) Subject: Urgent request to revise SCP-7037's containment procedures. Director, I understand why you dismissed the initial proposal and am not here to argue your previous determinations, however further experimentation has yielded increasingly concerning results. The results with the deck were probabilistically impossible, yet there is no "wrong" yield to a deck; most people will never see a coin land on its edge in their entire lifetime. Let alone hundreds of times in one sitting. Outcomes one never naturally takes into account are regularly occurring to an extent that warrants extreme scrutiny. At this point, what stops it from somehow causing its own containment structure to fail? Each test only deepens my worries. Regardless, I am strongly recommending containment procedures be heavily updated. Again, with your approval, I can execute most of the changes myself so long as even one thaumaturge be provided. I am aware of our expense disparity, but the threat this anomaly may impose cannot be reasonably ignored. Surely even you must see that now. Files are attached below as before. Please think it over, Asher. To: Senior Researcher Asher Celzin (tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec#tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec) From: Site Director Velrium Zerwick (tenpics.eruces|v_kciwrez#tenpics.eruces|v_kciwrez) Subject: RE:Urgent request to revise SCP-7037's containment procedures. This "threat" you speak of is a non-emergency, Asher. I have looked over the files, even those attached the first time I addressed these concerns, and my stance has not wavered. There is no threat, or danger, or whatever you want to call it. And there is no chance the current seals upon it fail; unlike a coin landing on its edge, the probability of all seals suddenly failing is effectively zero. I cannot reasonably justify allocating funds over something as trivial as this. I had faith in you when I raised you to Senior Researcher. I deeply hope that faith was not misplaced. I'm placing you on a brief suspension to clear your head. Hopefully you'll stop wasting my time over this SCP when you return. - Close File Following completion of her suspension, Doctor Celzin filed a secondary request to take over as the lead participant, alongside her current responsibilities as head researcher, of SCP-7037. This motion, unlike the prior, was approved due to presumed non-threat of the anomaly. The following tests were conducted under such conditions. File.Test_Log-7037_77.scptxt Experiment: Senior Research Asher Celzin is isolated in a room with SCP-7037 and is disconnected from baseline probabilistic reality. Within the room is a table, chair, and three lottery tickets.10 The tickets were within SCP-7037's sphere of influence. Doctor Celzin proceeds to scratch each off and compare them to their respective, winning numbers. Results: All three tickets win their respective jackpots, summing up to an approximate total of $777 million. As a result, the Ethics Committee conducted a brief investigation into the manner of SCP-7037 testing and ultimately determined that, despite the influence of SCP-7037, Doctor Celzin had a right to the money, though was strictly discouraged from replication of similar testing. Additional Notes: I have no use for the money; I want to get that off my chest first and foremost. I split it amongst various charities, put a lot into the Foundation, and even sent some home to my folks, but I kept none of it. This was an example, a perfect one, of just how powerful this anomaly is. And how dangerous it is. And I will continue testing until someone above me finally believes me. Senior Researcher Asher Celzin filed a proposal with the previous file attached in a third email correspondence with Site-37's Director. Unlike previous messages however, Doctor Celzin's went unanswered for four days. Documents of the exchange are below. + View Proposal 7037-3 - Close File To: Site Director Velrium Zerwick (tenpics.eruces|v_kciwrez#tenpics.eruces|v_kciwrez) From: Senior Researcher Asher Celzin (tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec#tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec) Subject: DO NOT IGNORE - URGENT REVISION PROPOSAL This anomaly is far beyond our initial comprehension, Zerwick, and your ignorance will not provide you bliss. You deny my first proposal. Fine, I get it. You deny my second. Frustrating, but I could gather more data. You even suspend me, then deny my request to be informed on why such a decision was determined. A request which, according to all site procedures, must be granted upon request. But I held my tongue. I let you shove me aside because the anomaly was more important than bickering with you. Consider this my third proposal. Attached are documents I'm sure you won't bother to truly read, but they detail just how much this anomaly twists probabilistic reality. SCP-7037 has been shown to affect reality relative to its influence as much as its own; the tickets I bought weren't within its influence, yet their numbers showed up nonetheless. This is bigger than us, Zerwick. Bigger than the few bucks it would take to provide me with what little tools I need to faithfully contain this anomaly. So I ask, no, beg you to approve a full-scale revision of the clover's containment procedures. It is a vital necessity. With regards, Doctor Celzin. To: Senior Researcher Asher Celzin (tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec#tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec) From: Site Director Velrium Zerwick (tenpics.eruces|v_kciwrez#tenpics.eruces|v_kciwrez) Subject: RE:DO NOT IGNORE - URGENT REVISION PROPOSAL I told you to let this go, Asher. I had faith a break would provide you with a clear enough headspace to realize what a fool you've made yourself out to be. Clearly I was mistaken. SCP-7037 is safely contained within its box; nothing will change that, no matter how much you worry your pretty little head over it. Now, not only are you asking me to waste resources on this stupid paranoia of yours, but you're also consistently wasting my time. Consider this your final warning. Remember who it was that raised you to the position you sit so comfortably within and remember it well. I grow tired of this bullshit you keep laying at my feet and will hear of it no longer. If you're really that concerned about the damn clover, direct your complaints to Watson. I won't acknowledge them any longer. - Close File Following her correspondence with the Director, Doctor Celzin submitted multiple proposals to Assistant Director Sherwood Watson's email. All went unacknowledged. Despite such, Doctor Celzin reportedly continued researching the effects of SCP-7037. Addendum-3: Incident-7037-01 File.Incident-7037_01.scpmp4 DATE: 7/07/20██ FOREWORD: Incident-7037-01 occurred approximately twenty-seven minutes after the arrival of O5-1 to Site-37 for a meeting with its Site Director. The perpetuator of this incident has been identified to be SCP-7037's head researcher Asher Celzin. The following is a concise summary of the incident: [0000]: Doctor Celzin can be see in an experimentation cell, presumably conducting a test related to SCP-7037. [0003]: O5-1 arrives at Site-37 alongside one member11 of MTF Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand") as a an escort. [0004]: Site-37's Director notifies all staff of Class 4 clearance of the O5's arrival as per standard procedure. [0005]: Celzin acknowledges the notice and appears to grow increasingly troubled over the course of the following five or six minutes. [0011]: After confirming O5-1's identity, the Site Director leads the O5 to his personal office. [0017]: Despite appearing visibly conflicted, Celzin continues and completes their experimentation with SCP-7037 and is seen noting the results. [0023]: The Site Director can be seen leading O5-1 throughout Site-37 as per the O5's own request. [0025]: Celzin completes notation of results and appears to gather up equipment; a few minutes later she is seen to be heading towards the site's Storage Wing, presumably to return SCP-7037 to its containment locker. [0031]: An unexpected breach occurs regarding a non-hostile humanoid anomaly; due to this, O5-1 sends their own MTF guard to aid in re-containment. The Director and O5 continue towards the Storage Wing due to the lack of danger affiliated with the breach. [0033]: Celzin enters the Storage wing and is seen moving towards SCP-7037's storage locker; once they notice the Site Director and O5-1, however, they freeze in place. [0034]: When O5-1 is approximately one meter away from Celzin, she suddenly arms herself with her personal sidearm, leveling the gun at the Overseer's head. The following dialogue is exchanged: Director: Asher! What the fuck are you doing? Put the gun down. O5-1: Lass, I'm not sure what you're trying to pull, but I'm not sure you know who- [0035]: Celzin pulls the trigger, but the gun jams. She sighs in visible relief and drops the firearm. Celzin: …I was right. [END LOG] Following the events of Incident-7037-01, Asher Celzin was immediately detained, questioned, and put through psychological analysis testing due to the sudden, irregular behavior. Such tests reveal that she was not only of a perfectly sane and unaltered state of mind, but that her actions were executed with the intent of O5-1's survival; the following is her own testimony given at the end of her evaluation: "Denial after denial after denial. I couldn't take it anymore, all of the… inaction. I've spoken with Velrium before — hell, I considered him a friend! — but he wouldn't do anything. Nothing serious, at least. Just a quick 'denied' and he went on with his day. So when I heard an O5 was in the building, I… I got the terrible idea to put a gun to their head. I wasn't going to act on it at first, I swear, but when we crossed paths it was like the clover had brought him right to me. And as luck would have it, the gun jammed, just as I expected. Fuck- I probably wrote my own death sentence, but at least they'll be forced to pay the damn anomaly some mind." - Senior Researcher Asher Celzin Celzin's reprimanding is pending Site Director Velrium Zerwick's O5-1's discretion. Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! SUSPENSION NOTICE To: Site-37 Director Velrium Zerwick (tenpics.eruces|v_kciwrez#tenpics.eruces|v_kciwrez) From: O5-1 (tenpics.eruces|5eno#tenpics.eruces|5eno) Subject: SUSPENSION NOTICE After tonight's incident, I have taken upon it upon myself to look into the operations of Site-37. What I have found has left me rather disgusted at the scale of negligence perpetuated within, particularly by yourself, Zerwick. SCP-7037's files display over a dozen proposals to update containment procedures, yet all were discarded and discredited without much thought. From what I can see in your own logged data, a team of researchers weren't even dispersed to further review the SCP which is, as you very well know, standard procedure. If you have a "justification" for this egregious ignorance, I do not wish to hear it. The amount of offenses I could attribute to you from less than a day of reading is grounds for termination alone; purposeful ignorance, refusal to follow procedure, discounting of documentation, etc. Consider yourself lucky that you are receiving a direct message instead of a removal notice. Going forward, however, you will be placed on indefinite suspension until further notice. Do not fret; the site will be left in quite capable hands. A new Director's hands, specifically. Doctor Celzin will be taking your place as Site Director. This is inarguable. Did you see the look in her eyes as she leveled that gun at me? The burning flames of determination within? It was not hatred that drove her to pull the trigger, but desperation. Asher is a remarkably intelligent woman, and after looking into her files, alongside SCP-7037's, I am thoroughly convinced it was your own inaction that drove her to this extreme. I can only applaud her bravery and commitment to the Foundation; it is clear where her loyalties lie. And where your own fall short. I will be in contact with Celzin shortly. I want you to spend a lot of time thinking during your leave. In accordance to O5-1's declarations, Velrium Zerwick was placed on immediate suspended leave. Despite her promotion, Asher Celzin was also placed on a brief suspension period of two months per the request of multiple other Overseers despite O5-1's protests. As such, Doctor Celzin is currently serving her suspension period of two months, following which she will assume role of Site Director at Site-37. During this period, Sherwood Watson is to temporarily assume this role. Additionally, SCP-7037 was taken into Overseer custody following this incident with the intent of further testing. O5-6 has assumed role as the primary researcher for said anomaly. Addendum-3: O5 Council Census Regarding SCP-7037 File.O5_Census-7037_01.scpmp4 Date: 7/09/20██ Foreword: Following the events of Incident-7037-1, O5-1 called a non-emergency meeting of the Council to discuss further procedure regarding SCP-7037 itself. Due to other vital proceedings, however, multiple Overseers were unable to attend; as the subject matter was not considered of the utmost necessity, the meeting proceeded despite the absence of O5-3, O5-8, O5-10, and O5-12. <O5-4 enters Overseer Hall and takes her seat, effectively being the last to arrive of the nine present members. As she sits, O5-1 activates thaumaturgical wards on the hall, rendering it a reality exclusion zone as is standard procedure.> O5-1: All are present? <A unanimous round of confirmation is heard from the other eight.> Perfect. You have all read the briefing, I'm sure. O5-9: I read the briefing alright. Someone tried to take your life, One. And you rewarded her for it? O5-2: Did you read the full file? It seems it was quite expectant that she would fail. She even drafted a hypothesis on it. O5-9: And if she didn't? I feel as though the situation is being regarded far too lightly for an attempt on a council member's life. O5-13: The way I see it, it's One's life, not ours. If he believes she is to be acquitted, then she is acquitted. It is no skin off my back. O5-11: Regardless of our own beliefs regarding this Doctor Celzin, we are not here to discuss such semantics. One? O5-1: Thank you. I appreciate your concerns, but the matter at hand here is SCP-7037, not worries regarding myself. Six and I have taken it upon ourselves to conduct our own research into the anomaly, and the result are… interesting, to say the least. Six, if you could? <O5-6 produces multiple copies of a printed file and distributes it to everyone present. File is included below.> O5-1: Please take a moment to read through it. All of you. File.O5-Test_Log-7037-Summary.scptxt SCP-7037 is an anomaly capable of modifying any and all probabilities to an extent such that it would not be unwise to consider it a passive reality bender. What is of curious note, however, is the extent to which it seems related to the human psyche. For instance, in an attempt to replicate Doctor Celzin's six-deck test, we substituted the human participant with an AI; the results were eye-opening, as no deck shared a shuffle. Once the human component was reintroduced, however, the results returned to statistical impossibilities. Of extreme note, however, are its capabilities to protect said human component, though this seems to come at a cost. With approval of the Ethics Committee, we conducted several tests which should have harmed the participating personnel, yet in all instances excluding those which would cause minor injuries12 a failure always occurred which negated the administration of such harm. Whether this is an intentional trait of the anomaly or simply its passive effect on probability on a grander scale is unknown. What is known, however, is that situations in which its modification of probability saves lives results in the wilting of exactly one clover leaf. This was true for both Incident-7037-1 and one of our own tests replicating the same scenario. As such, SCP-7037 may prove to be an invaluable tool, but a finite resource nonetheless. <Over the course of approximately five minutes all Overseers read through the file.> O5-4: So what does this make SCP-7037? Some sort of anomalously good omen? O5-9: Or some sort of trick. Who's to say the anomaly won't suddenly decide to skew chance against us? O5-2: The original files, which heavily outline SCP-7037's lack of a consciousness. O5-9: And if that's a trick, too? We've seen smart anomalies before; it is dangerous to trust one even for a moment. Remember the Falling Dawn Incident? <O5-6 visibly shudders; O5-5 and O5-11 appear uncomfortable.> O5-13: We all remember that incident, but I think we should also be keen to acknowledge anomalies which have done us good. O5-8 is still kicking because of the damn pill, and O5-3 is more spectral than they are human. O5-9: That doesn't change that fact that SCP-7037 might be dangerous- O5-7: I'd argue your continued skepticism is just as dangerous. There is very little point to it over such a relatively trivial matter. O5-9: Trivial!? We're all reading the same document here, aren't we? It toys with probability like a toddler with Lego; chaotically! How is this trivial? O5-7: If you would stop shouting I'm sure others would love to explain. This is a council meeting; try to control yourself. <O5-9 glares at O5-7 but ultimately remains silent.> O5-7: Thank you. Now, if anyone would like to refute? Civil-like, mind you. <Silence permeates the room for a few moments. Eventually, O5-11 speaks.> O5-11: I may be a bit biased, but I see very little detriment in utilizing SCP-7037 as a tool which may benefit the Foundation's functions. We already have anecdotal proof that it has prevented an Overseer's death. O5-2: I agree. That is quite undeniable. In fact, through all of Doctor Celzin's, One's, and Six's research there has not been one instance which suggests the effects of this anomaly are negative. O5-13: They suggest quite the opposite, actually. With nearly two-hundred recorded tests, it seems statistically improbable a negative outcome would occur. O5-9: Statistically improbable. Are you hearing yourself? This anomaly takes probability and twists it into whatever the hell it wants! Statistical probabilities don't exist when speaking of this anomaly. The tests prove that just as much as anything else. O5-6: Will you not listen to reason? O5-4: As much as I hate to agree with Nine, they bring up valid concerns, though I also believe their paranoia steers them more-so than their mind. O5-9: …thank you? O5-4: Regardless, I think we should take into consideration his points as much so as our own. O5-5: Back and forth, back and forth… O5-1: <Sighs.> Very well. Perhaps you misunderstand our intentions for the anomaly. O5-9: And what are your intentions exactly? O5-1: I wish to install SCP-7037 into the Overseer Hall directly and- O5-9: Not a shot in hell. O5-6: Nine, let's not- O5-9: Don't "Nine" me. The Overseer Hall? Are you stupid? Do you- O5-7: Nine. O5-9: -really think- O5-7: Nine. O5-9: -that I'll just sit here and- <O5-7 slams his fist into the table.> O5-7: Nine! <The room falls silent.> You're acting like a child. Calm down, and remember your station. <Nine appears visibly offended but falls silent, lowering his head.> O5-7: Clearly this meeting is going no where. One, mind moving on to the official proposal. O5-1: Yes. Of course. <O5-1 clears their throat.> This is O5 proposal 7037-1; I, head of the O5 Council, hereby propose SCP-7037 be installed with the Overseer Hall with the express intent of utilization as a Foundation failsafe. All in favor? COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY: YEA ABSTAIN NAY O5-01 O5-02 O5-03 O5-04 O5-05 O5-06 O5-07 O5-08 O5-09 O5-10 O5-11 O5-12 O5-13 STATUS APPROVED Footnotes 1. Refers to the baseline probabilities of natural events as per the determinations of the BPAS (Baseline Probability Ascertainment System) program simulation. 2. "Fortune" refers to an influence of probabilistic reality; "good" suggests this influence benefits those affected, whereas "bad" refers to the opposite. 3. For a comprehensive list of all documented occurrences, see Senior Researcher Asher Celzin, head of all SCP-7037 research. 4. Calculations suggest this is less than a 1 in 1 tredecillion (42 zeroes) chance. 5. See Senior Researcher Asher Celzin for full documentation of experiments. Data is available with the approval of at least one member of the O5 Council. 6. Sealed within a steel box. 7. 8.07 x 1067 8. The fifty-deck test, specifically. 9. Simulated Probability Program 10. Purchased by Doctor Celzin using their own, personal funds. 11. Due to vital operations elsewhere, only one member could accompany the O5 rather than the traditional two. 12. Why these are particularly excluded is unknown. 13. Simulated Predictive Modules 14. Further denoted as Hostile-7037. « SCP-7036 | SCP-7037 | SCP-7038 » INPUT OVERSEER CREDENTIALS WELCOME, OVERSEER Incident 7037-2: On 11/05/20██, Site-01 experienced a major-scale attack of simultaneous GoIs, most of which employed the use of multiple deadly anomalies and anomalous technology. This attack was heavily coordinated and explicitly occurred whilst all O5 Council members were on-site for an urgent meeting, and nearly resulted in the deaths of multiple Overseers during the attack. However, during the attack SCP-7037's containment cell, despite being thaumaturgically disconnected from baseline, probabilistic reality, failed and reconnected to baseline, the anomaly immediately taking large-scale effect over the facility and, following SPMs13 produced by O5-13, was credited with preventing the death of anywhere between three to seven members of the Council, along with the capture of multiple hostile agents. Following this incident, Doctor Celzin contacted O5-1 with a request to aid in investigation efforts. As she had already served three weeks of her suspension, alongside further testing emphasizing both her concerns and beliefs regarding SCP-7037, she was allowed to return to work and promptly assume position as Site-37's Director. The following is an email correspondence between herself and O5-1 throughout the course of their investigation. To: O5-1 (tenpics.eruces|5eno#tenpics.eruces|5eno) From: Site-37 Director Asher Celzin (tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec#tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec) Subject: Investigation findings regarding SCP-7037. Hello, sir. Firstly, thank you for allowing me to return so soon. I appreciate everything you have done for me so far. Regarding Incident 7037-2, I conducted multiple interrogations of the three agents that had been captured and discovered multiple through-lines. Firstly, despite wearing uniforms traced to the Global Occult Coalition, the Church of the Broken God, and the Bloodless Martyrs, all three "willingly" identified themselves with the Chaos Insurgency. Following acquisition of personal information, we found these claims to be true. Their weapons, however, are a different matter. Most were anomalously modified and reflected those we've previously acquired from Prometheus, though they show further signs of modification. We've since traced such to MC&D's markets, however the prices suggest these were supposedly resold for far surpasses traditional expenditures of the Chaos Insurgency. Perhaps you can provide some insight where they may have received the funding? I have attached relevant files. To: Site-37 Director Asher Celzin (tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec#tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec) From: O5-1 (tenpics.eruces|5eno#tenpics.eruces|5eno) Subject: RE:Investigation findings regarding SCP-7037. No need for such formalities, "One" will do just fine. The Council isn't quite as strict on professionalism as you might think. And you are welcome. Regarding the documents you've provided, I had my personal team look further into MC&D's involvement regarding the Prometheus weaponry, alongside divulgement of funds within the Chaos Insurgency itself. Curiously, our implanted double-agents within the organization have no records of such spending, and rather described a sense of confusion throughout the general ranks; supposedly, no such attack on the Foundation was to occur. My running theory is that of a splinter group. Perhaps those captured can provide a more specified insight? To: O5-1 (tenpics.eruces|5eno#tenpics.eruces|5eno) From: Site-37 Director Asher Celzin (tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec#tenpics.eruces|a_nizlec) Subject: RE:RE:Investigation findings regarding SCP-7037. Alright then, One. I might have a lead. Two of the hostile agents were practically useless, effectively peon-soldiers utilized for combat and not much else. The third, however, was the team's acting commander who, after some persuasion, was very willing to tell us everything he willingly could (I suspect various geas' made certain information unspeakable). A lot of it was typical Insurgency bull, as I'm sure you and your associates have known all too well, but a couple pieces stuck out to me. The group is a splinter as you suspected, but they're even more than that. All of the personnel, though identifying with the CI, are all listed as "deserters" and have been considered irretrievably lost. They've since been acting as some sort of rogue guns-for-hire, and their claim is this attack was a prime example; someone outside of the Insurgency paid them to do this. I have since offered the commander a freedom agreement should they somehow provide us with access to their Insurgency's accounts. At this point we're simply following the money trail. Following Director Celzin's second email and additional interrogation of the CI splinter group, she gained access to multiple documents via account access provided by the group's commander. Such documents included financial data, which provided no names but confirmed that the funder was a private investor, and location data, which Celzin then presented to O5-1 with a prompt request to breach the location.14 Reconnaissance provided by MTF Lucid-13 ("All Eyes") quickly confirmed safety to breach, at which point temporary MTF Vex-09 ("Trail Chasers") was quickly assembled, consisting of traditional MTF agents alongside two combat-practiced thaumaturges. On 9/18/20██, Vex-09 would be deployed to Hostile-7037, where they would breach without incident, subduing all hostile agents and securing the facility. Multiple files were obtained at said site and immediately provided to Director Celzin, who would later submit them to O5-1, alongside the following note: Turns out the investor is an old friend of mine. I had always found Site-37's so-called "budget concerns" a statistical anomaly of its own. Of course, it may have been a problem in the past, but now the Foundation is thriving, and new Sites are constructed with a large enough allowance that it could be built three times over without little financial damage. Seems these suspicions were correct; the lack of funds originated from a man-made sinkhole, all poured into a group hell-bent on destroying us. I am not surprised to find Velrium Zerwick's signature on some of these documents, though I can't say I'm excited. Of all of the agents secured at Hostile-7037, not a single one had knowledge of his whereabouts; I can only suspect he ran when he could. It would certainly suit the self-serving slug. I can only hope he rots in those shadows, but that's wishful thinking. More than one of these documents blames me for his impromptu removal, and I fear he will not let me live that one down. Until then, however, we continue onward. Attached is my final proposal to revise SCP-7037's containment procedures, along with built-in precautions to protect you Overseers. With all of the evidence we have, I have no doubt it will pass. - Site-37 Director Asher Celzin Director Celzin's proposal was set before the O5 Council by O5-1, alongside all relevant documentation regarding its testing, updated containment procedures, and mechanisms for utilization as an Overwatch failsafe. The meeting lasted approximately fourteen minutes, at which point it was put to a vote. The results are attached below. COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY: YEA ABSTAIN NAY O5-01 O5-02 O5-03 O5-04 O5-05 O5-06 O5-07 O5-08 O5-09 O5-10 O5-11 O5-12 O5-13 STATUS APPROVED
ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture Graphic content related to childbirth If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page « SCP-7037 |SCP-7038| SCP-7039 » 777 close Info X Mother of Miseries Written by Jayenne. ⚠️Content warning: This story contains Sensitive material: Gore - Graphic depictions of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts. Self-Harm - Depiction of self-harm. Sexual References - Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Other - Graphic themes relating to childbirth. ⚠️ content warning Item #: SCP-7038 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7038 is to be contained in an M-SHACC1 in Site-06-3, outfitted with a magnetically-locking reinforced door and an array of ceiling-mounted security cameras protected by bulletproof glass. SCP-7038 itself shall be permanently kept within a restraint harness designed to suspend the entity 1.5 meters above the cell floor. Under normal circumstances, the entity's upper body and arms are left unbound, though this privilege may be revoked at any time. The floor of SCP-7038's cell shall be outfitted with a fast-release trapdoor leading to a set of industrial grinders 3 meters below. Due to the anomalous properties of SCP-7038-A and SCP-7038-B instances, disposal of the mulched remains is not necessary.2 Deactivation of the grinder array is achieved via a manual lever outside SCP-7038's cell. When conducting interviews and psychiatric checkups, a 3-meter long catwalk will extend partially into the cell while the trapdoor and grinders are active. SCP-7038-A instances are only to be released from SCP-7038's containment cell during scheduled testing, and each instance must be placed in a reinforced steel cage before removal. No SCP-7038-A instances must be allowed to mature beyond an adolescent stage, and must be terminated at the end of testing to prevent this eventuality. All instances of SCP-7038-B must be terminated on sight through the use of the containment cell's grinder array, or mass suppressive fire if the array fails. SCP-7038 is to be fed one live cow per month, lowered through the ceiling of its cell on the provided pulley system. During feeding times, the grinder array is deactivated, and SCP-7038 is allowed to produce as many SCP-7038-A instances as it requires to complete consumption of its meal. Due to the danger SCP-7038 and its offspring pose to Site personnel, entry into its cell is only permitted for the following purposes: Conduction of interviews Maintenance/inspections on restraints and other equipment Testing on SCP-7038 Retrieval of SCP-7038-A specimens for testing Bi-weekly checkups with Site-06-3 psychiatrists All personnel entering SCP-7038's cell must wear CBRNA3 protective gear and be equipped with utility knives and standard-issue small arms. In the event of a containment breach in which SCP-7038 itself escapes its cell, reinforced blast doors within the adjacent hallway will close automatically, and flame-dispersal units within the ceiling will subsequently immolate the hallway. After the incendiary units expend their fuel, remote explosives within the floor of the hallway will be detonated. If this fails to incapacitate SCP-7038, all available armed personnel shall be sent to blockade the hallway in case the blast doors are breached. If a successful escape of SCP-7038 results in a cascade of additional containment breaches, Site-06-3's on-site nuclear device must be detonated regardless of whether or not staff have been fully evacuated. As it is not yet known if there is a maximum limit to the production of SCP-7038 offspring, personnel should be advised that a failure to control the population of SCP-7038-A/B could result in an SK-Class Dominance Shift scenario — or, at worst, an NK-Class Grey Goo scenario. Description: SCP-7038 is a humanoid entity of indeterminate origin that appears to be in a constant state of labor. The entity resembles a human female with charcoal-colored skin, a lighter gray underbelly, and unkempt crimson hair approximately 3 meters in length that covers most of its face. Upon its head are two curved black horns resembling those of an Ibex. SCP-7038's facial structure appears vaguely Caucasian, with an estimated age in the early 30's. The entity's eyes are large, amber in color, and have no discernable pupils. SCP-7038 possesses multiple rows of shark-like teeth and a prehensile serpentine tongue, along with a 5-meter long whiplike tail ending in a needle-like spike. The entity's feet are digitigrade and end in a set of talons resembling those of a velociraptor. It has three fingers and an opposable thumb on either side of its hands. All digits are clawed. SCP-7038 possesses human-level intelligence and can speak English, Hebrew, Russian, and [REDACTED], though its knowledge of the outside world is extremely fragmented and inconsistent. Despite SCP-7038's mostly humanoid appearance, DNA testing has proven inconclusive. However, analysis of its blood chemistry suggests the entity is a form of arsenic-based life, rather than carbon-based. SCP-7038 is perpetually pregnant, the size of its abdomen typically resembling a late-term pregnancy with triplets. All of SCP-7038's lower orifices are used exclusively for reproduction, and will birth instances of SCP-7038-A at random intervals, with its daily output ranging from 80 to 350 instances.4 Open supplemental data: SCP-7038-A Close supplemental data: SCP-7038-A SCP-7038-A are carnivorous entities of widely varying appearance and size. The most common forms are that of hairless canines, equines, and felines, but more reptilian body-shapes have also been observed, along with much smaller instances resembling leeches and tapeworms. All SCP-7038-A instances possess rows of sharpened fangs, skin ranging from charcoal-black to blood-red in color, and sharpened claws. The number of eyes on each SCP-7038-A instance and their placement varies significantly, but the eyes are always identical in appearance to SCP-7038's. SCP-7038-A instances, upon being born, will attempt to climb upon SCP-7038's body and nurse from it in order to grow to their adolescent sizes.5 Due to current Containment Procedures, it is not known how large SCP-7038-A instances can become once they mature past the adolescent stage. SCP-7038 possesses a clairvoyant connection with all SCP-7038-A instances, and is capable of perceiving any sensory input experienced by SCP-7038-A. Additionally, SCP-7038 can assume direct control of all SCP-7038-A instances within a 1.5km radius. This state is indicated by rows of glowing red spots running along the SCP-7038-A instances' spine. SCP-7038-A instances possess canine-level intelligence, but when untrained and uncontrolled they will invariably attempt to locate and consume organic life. Once an SCP-7038-A instance has gorged itself to the point of lethargy, it will return to SCP-7038, climb onto SCP-7038's body, and proceed to shrink and compress itself until it is roughly the size of a plum, whereupon SCP-7038 will consume the SCP-7038-A instance whole. Despite the sometimes severe bodily harm caused by SCP-7038's constant labor and the nature of its offspring, SCP-7038 is capable of rapidly healing all wounds sustained during labor, and suffers no apparent negative effects from extensive blood-loss. Through extensive testing, it has been discovered that the biomass SCP-7038 accrues through consumption of well-fed SCP-7038-A offspring is used to repair the damage sustained during labor. Open supplemental data: SCP-7038-B Close supplemental data: SCP-7038-B SCP-7038-B instances are considerably more rare compared to SCP-7038-A. SCP-7038-B are often significantly larger from birth, possess vastly accelerated metabolisms (or at least insatiable hunger), and do not require nursing to grow. SCP-7038-B, due to their increased size and accelerated growth, are often unable to pass through SCP-7038's birth canals, and are instead forced to carve their way out of SCP-7038's abdomen with their claws and teeth. SCP-7038 is capable of healing these injuries, albeit at a slower rate compared to its typical labor wounds, but will frequently lose consciousness during the process. SCP-7038-B instances cannot be controlled by SCP-7038 and do not respond to any attempts at training. Instead, they will relentlessly attack and consume any organic life in their path without regard for self-preservation. Because SCP-7038-B do not possess self-preservation instincts, they will often consume organic life until they reach a point of complete immobility. This is generally an opportune time to eliminate them. Despite their perpetual urge to consume, SCP-7038-B instances do not seem to require any form of nursing or sustenance for survival. Both SCP-7038-A and SCP-7038-B are only slightly more durable than the non-anomalous organisms they resemble, though their wounds heal at a significantly accelerated rate. The organ systems of SCP-7038-A and SCP-7038-B instances are simplistic in structure, lacking kidneys, livers, gallbladders, and excretory systems. Their digestive systems also appear to be vestigial. Due to the simplicity of the organ systems within these entities, massive physical trauma, incineration, and/or destruction of the cranium are the most effective means of dispatching them. Additionally, when an SCP-7038-A or SCP-7038-B instance is killed, it will immediately begin evaporating, leaving no trace behind. Any stomach contents within a deceased SCP-7038-A or SCP-7038-B instance will be deposited on the ground as the body evaporates. Due to SCP-7038's offspring leaving no remains when killed, it is theorized SCP-7038-A and SCP-7038-B are not entirely corporeal in nature. Discovery: Evidence of anomalous activity relating to SCP-7038 was first discovered on 5/16/2022 in Uglich, Russia, when complaints about the city's sudden drop in water quality led to sewer workers discovering 16-23 human corpses piled within a storm drain. While the exact number of corpses was difficult to identify, all individuals exhibited the following traits: All corpses were Caucasian females between the ages of 18 and 32. All individuals shared a modest level of physical resemblance. DNA testing proved strangely inconclusive, with only portions of the DNA even recognizable as human. Traces of smeared body-paint in various swirling and jagged patterns, indicating participation in some form of ritualistic activity. Upon their lower backs, every corpse was branded with an unknown symbol resembling a coiled serpent with an upward-facing mouth, opened 180 degrees and filled with rows of jagged fangs. All bodies bore various physical traits reminiscent of the entity now classified as SCP-7038, though these features were only partial, encompassing varied portions or patches of their bodies. Traces of arsenicosis, including reddened, swollen skin and various lesions were found in all specimens. Analysis of blood and tissues revealed massive quantities of arsenic, far more than would be necessary to kill a human6. Massive physical trauma to the abdominal and pelvic regions, including deep lacerations appearing to originate from within the body, shattered pelvises, complete disembowelment of the abdominal cavity, bite and scratch-marks on the inner thighs, and bite-marks on internals suggesting the bodies were partially consumed from within. Immediately post-discovery, Foundation Agents embedded within local Russian Politsiya contained the scene, and called for a more thorough investigation. A detachment of MTF Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" was dispatched to investigate a large hole in the wall of the storm drain adjacent to the pile of dumped corpses. The tunnel led into a labyrinthine complex that appeared to encircle the entire perimeter of Uglich, though it only seemed to intersect with city infrastructure via the hole in the storm drain. Five hours into the expedition, the Zeta-9 team was suddenly ambushed by a large swarm of canid creatures, later discerned to be instances of SCP-7038-A. All members of the detachment were killed before reinforcements could arrive, though one of the Agents was able to implant a GPS tracking device on an SCP-7038-A instance. 5km east of the city of Uglich, aboveground Agents traced the GPS signal to the foundations of what appeared to be an ancient castle occupied by multiple individuals wearing masks, robes, and other ritualistic clothing,. While local records indicated it had been present for at least 600 years, no documents could be found on the castle's original appearance or on its origins. Subsequently, a raid was organized to secure the compound and apprehend the persons of interest. Below is a heavily abridged transcript of discoveries made within the ruins: + Show Uglich Ruins Exploration Transcript - Close Note: Through long-distance surveillance, the ruins had been found to contain a market of crudely assembled tarps and booths guarded by various cloaked figures. 10:19:57 | Raid commences. Cloaked figures, who had previously appeared unarmed, begin reshaping regions of their bodies into various types of organic weaponry. 10:28:17 | Despite moderate initial losses, raid team has dispatched all cloaked figures. Those that were not killed by the gunfire committed suicide through anomalous means whenever capture was attempted. 10:30:59 | Approximately 250 steel cages of varying sizes, all containing instances of SCP-7038-A, are discovered within the marketplace. 27 members of several criminal organizations, including representatives of GOI-012 "Marshall, Carter, and Dark" are successfully apprehended and transported offsite for questioning. 10:47:17 | A set of barred doors past the marketplace is found. The spiral staircase downwards leads to a fortress complex in significantly better condition than the aboveground ruins. 11:05:25 | A hallway protected by two sets of barred doors is breached, leading to an intersection of four additional hallways. Explorations reveal that the first hallway leads to a set of well-furnished cells, some containing women that resemble those found in the storm-drain — albeit without anomalous deformities. Women range from the ages of ██ to 32 and appear to be genetically related. Initial questioning indicates the women have limited knowledge of the outside world and have never left the confines of the fortress. All are escorted offsite for processing. 11:19:04 | The second hallway leads to multiple rooms filled with medical equipment, surgical tables, and portable electric generators. All examination tables are stained with multiple layers of blood. Bookshelves within these rooms contain scraps of paper, but it appears most documentation has been removed. 11:23:18 | The third hallway leads to a natural underground cave system. The hallway opens into a large cliff overlooking an underground waterway. The rocks and walls surrounding the waterway are covered in what appears to be dried blood and traces of organic tissue. The stench of rotting flesh is so strong, the team is forced to retreat to the intersection after only three minutes. 11:27:08 | The final hallway is the widest and most ornate of the four, lined with blood-red banners depicting winding black tentacles and sets of toothed jaws. At the end of the hallway is a set of heavily barricaded and reinforced double-doors. 11:31:01 | Raid team demolitions experts breach the double-doors with C4 explosives. Almost immediately, a pack of SCP-7038-A instances of varying sizes charge through the cloud of dust and debris, inflicting heavy casualties before they are dispatched. Various sacs of corrosive fluid are also lobbed through the dust cloud, causing further casualties. 11:33:36 | Raid team begins advancing through the remains of the double-doors, entering into a massive column-lined room resembling the interior of a cathedral. The room contains at least 50 rows of ornate wooden pews, from behind which several assailants attack with organic weaponry. 11:37:07 | All hostiles are eliminated, retreat, or commit suicide, allowing the team to further examine the chamber. Past the pews, a set of ziggurat-like steps leads to a rectangular stone altar covered in blood and viscera. Rivers of blood pour down the steps, almost reaching the first row of pews. Above the altar hangs a statue of an amorphous tentacled entity with a massive circular maw filled with teeth. Behind the altar, the corpses of two women with deformities matching those found in the storm drain are discovered. 11:41:01 | Through a narrow doorway past the altar, an unlit hallway leads to a room with a large circular pit in the center. The pit is ringed with polished stones bearing inscriptions in an unknown language. Bloody footprints through the hallway all converge on the pit, indicating the remaining cultists had thrown themselves into it. While the bottom of the pit was filled with sharpened iron spikes, there were no traces of blood or human remains within the pit itself. It is unknown how the cultists were able to escape. 11:50:55 | Vocalizations are heard from a door at the far end of the room. Through this passage is a cell of similar design to the previous ones, though it lacks any furnishing and contains no floor. Instead, the bottom of the cell is entirely occupied by an amorphous fleshy entity with several toothed mouths and short prehensile tentacles. Hanging in a harness of chains above the flesh-pit is the entity later classified as SCP-7038, which regards the raid team with mild curiosity rather than the expected panic. Once SCP-7038's obvious anomalous properties are accounted for, the entity in the pit is incinerated and SCP-7038 is released from its bindings before being brought into custody. - Close Addendum 7038-01: Interview Logs I-1, I-2 Interview 7038-I-1: Interviewer: Dr. Bridgette A. Kelson Interviewed: SCP-7038 Date: 6/4/2022 Interviewer Notes: The following interview was conducted shortly after SCP-7038 was brought into containment. During transport to its cell and fitting for its restraint harness, SCP-7038 did not offer any form of resistance, and showed no signs of distress when explained its Containment Procedures. Seven SCP-7038-A instances were produced during initial transport and containment efforts, and were terminated shortly before the interview. Accompanying me for security purposes are Agent Mark Tanners and Agent Blake Flynn. <Begin Log> Kelson: Hello, SCP-7038, I am Dr. Bridgette Kelson. With me are Agent Mark Tanners and Agent Blake Flynn. Do you have any preferences for how you are addressed? Kelson: Do you require any amenities? Clothing, perhaps? [An instance of SCP-7038-A is born before immediately falling into the grinder array below, producing a loud crunching noise for several seconds. SCP-7038 does not visibly react] Kelson: [Takes a deep breath] … You have… quite the formal manner of speaking. Kelson: I take it you have no qualms with your offspring being… disposed of in this manner? Kelson: What exactly is this purpose? Kelson: I'm sensing some… dissatisfaction. Kelson: Is it painful? Kelson: Centuries? Kelson: The way you're speaking implies this isn't the first time you've been restrained like this. [Another SCP-7038-A instance is born before falling into the grinder array, producing more crunching noises] Kelson: [Clears throat] If you like, I can speak to my supervisors about providing you with approved reading materials. Kelson: Okay, SCP-7038, thank you for your time. <End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-7038 displayed remarkably little distress given its anomalous properties and current Containment Procedures. As for how much of that bravado is genuine, I will need to conduct further interviews to determine. Given SCP-7038's ability to control its offspring, I believe we should endeavor to keep the entity placated and docile. While it has not attempted to breach containment so far, I suspect that may be because it desires to remain, rather than because it is incapable of escaping. If we can just keep SCP-7038 sufficiently entertained, we could save hundreds — maybe even thousands — in maintenance costs of its cell. After the interview, SCP-7038 made requests for the following reading materials: A copy of the King James Bible [Accepted] A copy of the Torah [Accepted] A copy of the Great Tenets of the Writhe [Denied, as no records can be found of the text's existence. Suspected to be Sarkic in origin] -Kelson Interview 7038-I-2: Interviewer: Dr. Bridgette A. Kelson Interviewed: SCP-7038 Date: 6/10/2022 Interviewer Notes: Prior to this interview, multiple modular mechanical arms were installed to the walls on the interior of SCP-7038's cell. These arms contain equipment for sample-collection, vital monitoring, and manipulation of the entity's restraining harness. Two of the arms are fitted with small 1.5 meter x 1 meter trays that SCP-7038 can place its reading materials on when not in use. These arms are controlled via a terminal on the outside of SCP-7038's cell. <Begin Log> Kelson: Hello SCP-7038, how are you feeling today? [SCP-7038 idly flips through the pages of the King James Bible as another instance of SCP-7038-A falls into the grinder] Kelson: You appear to be quite interested in that one. Kelson: Perhaps our minds simply can't comprehend the reasoning behind why God does what he does. Kelson: Pardon? Kelson: You seem awfully familiar with this… Leviathan. Kelson: Do you find Job… relatable in any way? [SCP-7038 tilts its head curiously and sets the book aside] Kelson: Oh, I just meant that — well — that you might empathize with his suffering? [More crunching noises as another SCP-7038-A instance falls into the grinder] Kelson: Well, you're unable to lea— okay, my apologies. That was awfully presumptuous of me. On another note, can you please elaborate further on exactly what you are, and how you became this way? Kelson: Are you implying you were originally human? [Agent Flynn takes a step backwards and loses his footing, impacting the railing of the catwalk] Tanners: Hey, get up before you topple over the side! Kelson: It takes a while for some of them to realize the reality of what they're facing here. I guess they're a bit like Job, in a way. Some of them have even had to face their own personal Leviathans, you might say. Kelson: Anyways, SCP-7038, might I recommend you some additional reading materials? Kelson: Alright, I believe that will be all for today. <End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-7038 continues to cope remarkably well with its current containment, but given Agent Flynn's upset during the interview, I fear my concerns lie elsewhere. Although SCP-7038 does not appear to have any cognitohazardous properties, I'm worried the mere sight of it may cause lingering psychological impacts on site personnel. Rumors have already started spreading among personnel about the entity's nature, and I've caught multiple Agents and janitorial staff peeking into the observation window. I don't care if it's just morbid curiosity, it's unprofessional, and needs to be dealt with now before matters escalate further. I propose two Foundation personnel be stationed outside the door of SCP-7038's cell at all times to prevent further incidents. A day after the interview, I provided SCP-7038 with an encyclopedia on various animals. SCP-7038 appeared fascinated with the text almost immediately, and I suspect it won't be long before I receive requests for additional volumes. -Kelson Addendum 7038-02: Incident-Report-7038-AA1 On 7/3/2022, during Interview 7038-I-3, SCP-7038 triggered a partial containment breach. Although no significant injuries were reported, the incident resulted in a Foundation Psychiatrist being assigned to SCP-7038 for the foreseeable future. The following is a transcript of Interview-7038-I-3, and security camera footage captured during the incident: Interview 7038-I-3: Interviewer: Dr. Bridgette A. Kelson Interviewed: SCP-7038 Date: 7/3/2022 Interviewer Notes: Prior to this interview, the previous Containment Procedure recommendations I had made were put into effect, and the number of incidents has decreased significantly as a result. SCP-7038 immediately appeared far more excitable upon my entering the cell on this occasion, which bodes well for further improving its mental health. I've been accused of being overly sympathetic with SCP-7038 twice already, but now — as ever — my main concern is simply preventing anomalous entities from going rogue whenever we're able to do so. SCP-7038 is far easier to contain when it doesn't want to leave. <Begin Log> [SCP-7038 can be seen reading the encyclopedia to itself, initially not acknowledging Kelson's presence] Kelson: Heh, hello again SCP-7038. You seem excited today. [SCP-7038 continues flipping through pages of the encyclopedia, oblivious to the SCP-7038-A instances falling into the grinder below] Kelson: Oh? Do tell. Kelson: Wait… you… you've never heard of a horse before? [Seemingly oblivious, SCP-7038 doesn't answer] Kelson: [Voice cracks briefly] Y-you've never seen a dog? [SCP-7038 turns to Dr. Kelson and tilts its head curiously] [SCP-7038 suddenly stops speaking and tenses up. Vital signs indicate an elevated heartrate] Kelson: SCP-7038? [Although it wasn't noticed at the time, later review of security camera footage reveals the production rate of SCP-7038-A instances increased significantly at this point] [SCP-7038's breathing becomes shaky. It begins crying what appears to be blood] Kelson: SCP-7038… I… I won't lie to you, you probably wo- Tanners: Kelson! Kelson: Sorry, I— [Clears throat] SCP-7038, there might be a chance we could eventually grant you limited time outsi- Tanners: Kelson, vitals are off the charts. We should go, now! [Production of SCP-7038-A instances abruptly stops as SCP-7038's reproductive organs begin bleeding profusely. Violent thrashing can be seen within SCP-7038's abdomen as it begins to struggle against its restraints] Kelson: O-Okay, Flynn get the door. We have to go! [Agent Flynn begins running towards the door as SCP-7038's struggles increase in intensity. SCP-7038 begins emitting vocalizations alternating between sobbing and screaming. Partially muffled by SCP-7038's vocalizations, the sounds of loud hissing and flesh tearing can be heard in the recording] [The first recorded instance of SCP-7038-B, a creature resembling a human-sized praying mantis covered in sagging black skin, tears itself free of SCP-7038's abdomen and leaps at the researchers. Agent Tanners discharges multiple rounds of ammunition, causing SCP-7038-B1 to stumble backwards on the catwalk. Tanners then body-slams the entity, causing it to fall backwards off the catwalk and partially into the grinder array. Agent Tanners, Agent Flynn, and Dr. Kelson are able to exit the containment chamber before SCP-7038-B1 manages to free itself and climb back onto the catwalk. Agents stationed outside the cell begin retraction of the catwalk, causing SCP-7038-B1 to fall back into the grinders, where it is subsequently terminated] <End Log> Closing Statement: I fear I have made a grave error in judgment on the method of improving SCP-7038's mental state. It did not occur to me before that the entity's general ignorance of the world was likely a means of keeping it docile and stress-free as it performs its assigned duties. As for what caused the creation of SCP-7038-B1 specifically, we are still uncertain, but there seems to be a correlation between its forming and SCP-7038's sudden outburst of anxiety. By the time reinforcements opened the door to SCP-7038's cell, it had managed to heal most of its wounds, and is now curled up in a partial fetal position and sobbing continuously. It's been doing this consistently for the past five hours with no signs of stopping. I strongly advise that SCP-7038 be assigned a psychiatrist as soon as possible. At minimum, I recommend bi-weekly psychiatric checkups to help SCP-7038 recover from this ordeal. -Kelson Addendum 7038-03: Incident-Report-7038-AA3 Following Incident-7038-AA1, Foundation Psychiatrist Dr. Frida Kristiansen was assigned to provide psychiatric care for SCP-7038. However, while SCP-7038 appeared lucid and conscious, it refused to interact with Dr. Kristiansen in any capacity. On 8/20/2022, Dr. Kelson was requested to interview SCP-7038 and gather further information on its cult of origin, but subsequent events during Interview 7038-I-16 resulted in a second containment breach and the near-escape of an instance of SCP-7038-B. The following is a transcript of Interview 7038-I-16 and security camera footage of the resulting breach: Interview 7038-I-16: Interviewer: Agent Blake Flynn Interviewed: SCP-7038 Date: 8/20/2022 Interviewer Notes: I wouldn't normally be assigned to conduct interviews like this, but this was a short-notice request by Site-06-3 supervisors and Dr. Kristiansen was unable to attend. Dr. Kelson was originally supposed to conduct this interview, but she claimed she was having a medical emergency and hasn't left the infirmary since. Accompanying me is Agent Mark Tanners and Agent James Donovan. <Begin Log> Flynn: Hey, SCP-7038, it's uh, it's me, Blake. [More crunching noises are heard as another instance of SCP-7038-A falls into the grinder. SCP-7038 does not respond to Flynn, instead staring at him silently] Flynn: Look, I'm sorry about what happened with you and Dr. Kel— Flynn: I— what? Flynn: Hey, we are not going to kill you, okay? [More crunching noises as another instance of SCP-7038-A falls into the grinder array] Flynn: I'm sorry, I don't understand. Tanners: I do. I don't like this. [SCP-7038 begins crying blood. Vital signs indicate an elevated heartrate and shallow breathing] Flynn: But that's not what you first sa- Tanners: Flynn, no! Flynn: I'm sorry, I'm not a therapist! Why did they have to pick me for this?! [SCP-7038 begins sobbing. Production rate of SCP-7038-A instances has stopped completely as reproductive organs begin bleeding] [SCP-7038's abdomen begins rapidly increasing in size as a loud hissing sound fills the room, muffled by SCP-7038's screams] Tanners: OUT, NOW! DON, GET THE DOOR! [SCP-7038's abdomen bursts open, releasing a massive instance of SCP-7038-B resembling a 3-meter-tall equine. SCP-7038-B2 possesses a mane of tentacles, a single curved horn, and a leech-like mouth. No discernable eyes can be seen. SCP-7038-B2 slams its forelimbs onto the catwalk, nearly causing it to buckle and land in the grinder array. Agent Flynn is clawed in the back by SCP-7038-B2, but his CBRNA suit takes the majority of the damage] [SCP-7038 appears completely unconscious and unresponsive, and its spine is bent backwards at nearly a 90-degree angle. A massive gash runs along the entire length of its torso, but gradually begins closing over the next several minutes] Donovan: DOOR'S OPEN! MOVE MOVE MOVE! [SCP-7038-B2 emits an earsplitting screech as it struggles to fit its bulk onto the narrow catwalk. Agent Donovan, Agent Tanners, and Agent Flynn are able to successfully exit the cell, but as the door is closing, SCP-7038-B2 slams its head into the door, dislodging it from the frame and sending it smashing into the opposite wall. Tanners, Donovan, Flynn, and the guards stationed outside SCP-7038's cell begin firing upon SCP-7038-B2, impacting its body with at least 30 rounds of ammunition. SCP-7038-B2's circular mouth widens considerably as it lunges forward and attempts to envelop Agent Tanners. Tanners's upper body is swiftly engulfed by the entity, which then proceeds to swallow and further consume him. Tanners can be seen struggling within SCP-7038-B2's mouth, discharging multiple rounds of handgun ammunition into its esophagus as it attempts to raise its head and use gravity to pull him further in] Tanners: [Muffled] A LITTLE HELP, ANYONE?! Flynn: Shit, shit, shit! Spread out your body as wide as you can! Try to slow yourself down! [After expending all of his ammunition, Tanners complies, attempting to spread his arms and legs as far outwards as he can, significantly slowing his passage down SCP-7038-B2's throat] Tanners: [Muffled] I-I think it's working! Wait— OH, YOU GOTTA BE FUCKING KI— [SCP-7038-B2 throws its head back repeatedly, using its momentum to force Tanners further into its maw. After 30 seconds, Tanners loses his grip, and is swallowed completely by the entity. For the next several minutes, Tanners can be seen struggling within the entity's distended abdomen, managing to pierce through its flesh several times with his combat knife, though the wounds heal too quickly for him to cut himself free] [Despite the amount of space Tanners takes up within the entity's abdomen, SCP-7038-B2 shows no hesitation as it immediately rushes at the assembled Agents, biting and clawing until it can secure its jaws around another Agent's body before swallowing them. Flynn and the other Agents attempt a retreat, but Flynn is bashed aside by the entity's gravid abdomen as it charges forwards again and begins swallowing another Agent. After five minutes, the entity has managed to successfully ingest five Agents, their combined weight reducing its speed and agility significantly. Muffled screaming can be heard inside, presumably from the Agents not clad in CBRNA gear, as their standard uniforms lack an air supply and protection from the entity's interior biology] [Having heard the alarms, Dr. Kelson rounds the corner with several members of MTF Theta-16 "Nuns and Roses" who had been previously stationed in the medical wing nearby. MTF Agents open fire on the legs of SCP-7038-B2, aiming for the joints in an attempt to cripple it. SCP-7038-B2 stumbles forwards as the joints of its forelimbs are almost completely destroyed, eventually causing it to collapse atop its distended abdomen, its weight starting to crush the Agents within. Flynn and another Agent rush forwards with knives drawn in an attempt to disembowel the entity, but are forced to retreat as it begins healing and attempting to right itself] [As SCP-7038-B2 regains its footing, Dr. Kelson attempts to take one of the MTF Agents' shotguns, forcing him to push her aside] Theta-16 Agent: Wha— Doctor, stay back! Kelson: I— fuck— you need to concentrate fire! Point-blank, as many rounds as you can. Go for the heart! Theta-16 Agent: Good call. Dobbs, Leo, kneecap it! Franc, with me! [Two MTF Agents rush forwards and begin bludgeoning the damaged joints of SCP-7038-B2's forelimbs with their batons, causing them to give way once more. While SCP-7038-B2 is distracted, two other Agents flank SCP-7038-B2 on the left before planting the barrels of their shotguns against its body and discharging several rounds of ammunition directly through the right side of its ribcage. SCP-7038-B2 emits several choking, half-muffled screeches as its body begins kicking and thrashing, slamming the two Agents against the wall before it finally goes limp] [The muffled screaming within SCP-7038-B2's abdomen only grows louder as the entity rolls onto its side and begins slowly disintegrating. It takes another three minutes for the MTF Agents to successfully open the entity's abdomen, releasing the five trapped Agents. While Tanners is largely uninjured thanks to his CBRNA suit, the other four Agents are covered in deep lacerations from sharpened fangs lining the inside of SCP-7038-B2's stomach. Interestingly, no digestive fluids were found within the entity's stomach, and none of the Agents suffered any chemical burns] <End Log> Closing Statement: Agent Tanners is fine, thankfully. The outer layers of his CBRNA suit got shredded from the teeth in B2's gut, but none of the teeth managed to directly injure him. The other Agents looked like they lost a fight with a cheese-grater, but none of them ended up dying. I guess that's a win. SCP-7038-B2 proved to be far more durable than we'd anticipated, though. In total it probably took over 300 rounds to bring that thing down, and it only keeled over after we punched a hole clean through its heart. These things, they have pseudo-organs, but they don't really operate like real creatures. We still don't know if they're even made of matter; they disappear into nothing, and it seems like they just spill out nonstop from SCP-7038's body. We can deal with the smaller ones, with SCP-7038-A, but if SCP-7038 can mass-produce SCP-7038-B, there's going to be a problem. How the hell do we keep SCP-7038 contained without massively upgrading the entire facility? -Kelson An illustration of SCP-7038 discovered within the research notes of Dr. Bridgette Kelson. Addendum 7038-04: Audio Recording of Dr. Bridgette Kelson On 9/15/2022, following a routine checkup, Dr. Kelson spoke candidly with Dr. Kristiansen about her experiences. The nature and contents of the subsequent conversation prompted Dr. Kristiansen to record it covertly, though she did not provide Site-06-3 supervisors with the recording until after the events of Interview-I-33. The following is a transcript of Dr. Kristiansen's partial recording of the conversation: <Begin Log> [Tapping noises] Kristiansen: Oh, sorry, that was an important text. Could you please rewind a bit? Kelson: [Sigh] Oh, well, I was saying — before you completely tuned me out — I… I don't know if I can handle this anomaly anymore. Kristiansen: I see what you mean, it is quite… disturbing. Kelson: It's more than that. It's… I can't… I can't get it out of my head. I… I've been having nightmares. Kristiansen: About SCP-7038? Kelson: Kind of, except… in the nightmares… I'm in her place. I'm the one stuck in a cell, stripped bare, watching my… my kids fall into a meat-grinder over and over and over. I can hear the sounds of them being ground up. It never stops. I can't even tell what time it is. All I can do is just sit there, listening to that crunching, tearing, over and over again. I… you know what? I used to want kids… but now I… I think I'm — I need a hysterectomy- Kristiansen: Kelson… Kelson: Sorry, I — I just… I need you to tell me I'm not losing it. Please. Kristiansen: You're not "losing it", no, but I definitely think you're traumatized. Not many researchers draw the anomalies they're containing, least of all in their research notes. Have you told anyone else about this? Kelson: Oh, you — [Sounds of paper shuffling] Nobody but the bottle of Jack Daniel's I keep in my mini-fridge. I think Flynn's a little shell-shocked too. His hands are always shaking whenever he goes in the cell. Tanners is… well, he's Tanners, being eaten alive is just Tuesday for him. Kristiansen: Kelson— Bridgette, have you considered transferring to a different anomaly? A different site, even? Kelson: Yes, but… I… I can't. I can't leave her. I couldn't forgive myself. Kristiansen: Bridgette, you did nothing wrong. You didn't make her this way, the Nälkä did. Kelson: I know, but I broke her! I… she… she was perfectly fine before that one interview. I… I just— I fucked up. Kristiansen: Bridgette, you've already been avoiding speaking with SCP-7038 since the incident. Every time since, you've made up some excuse as to why you couldn't conduct the interview, and sent Flynn in your place — despite knowing this was fucking him up too. Listen, I understand the desire to run from your problems, but… if avoiding SCP-7038 isn't helping you recover, perhaps you just need to face her. Kelson: … That… that sounds like the opposite of "requesting a transfer." Kristiansen: Look, fact is, you're the one with the closest bond to SCP-7038. I'm just wondering if you two talking might be able to help both of you. If you ran now I wouldn't blame you, but it'll take a significant period of time for me to connect with her as much as you did. She's been nearly catatonic since the incident, and I can't get through to her. There have been three SCP-7038-B "emergences" not counting the one that literally busted down the door. She's getting worse, and so are you. Professionally, I should probably be requesting your transfer for you right now, but… I'm worried you're both going to fall apart if you don't face this. [Kelson takes a deep breath before exhaling slowly] Kelson: Okay… okay, I think— I think I have a plan. I can calm her down, but I'll need your help. Kristiansen: Just say the word. <End Log> Addendum 7038-05: Interview Logs I-33 On 9/19/2022, Dr. Bridgette Kelson, Dr. Frida Kristiansen, and Agent Mark Tanners succeeded in preventing a massive containment breach of SCP-7038. Because the three acted without approval from Site-06-3 supervisors, they were formally reprimanded, but due to their success they were allowed to remain assigned to the containment of SCP-7038 for the foreseeable future provided they undergo monthly psychological evaluations. The following is a transcript of audio recordings and bodycam footage of Interview 7038-I-33: Interview 7038-I-33: Interviewer: Dr. Bridgette A. Kelson Interviewed: SCP-7038 Date: 9/19/2022 Interviewer Notes: I've just received word that SCP-7038 might be attempting a containment breach as we speak. Cell's gone completely dark, though the grid says the lights and cameras are on. Kristiansen's got the supplies ready. We have to move now. I don't think we're gonna get another chance to fix this. I hope my plan works. <Begin Log> [Kelson, Tanners, and Kristiansen enter SCP-7038's holding cell. Notably, the cell is completely dark, though the grinder array and other equipment are operational. A pair of amber eyes can be seen through the complete darkness of the cell. As Kelson, Kristiansen, and Tanners approach, more glowing eyes appear around the first set, until at least 20 distinct pairs of eyes are visible] Kelson: Make. No. Sudden. Moves. Tanners: Shit— Kelson, we should go. Kelson: How the hell did they pile up like this? [Scuttling noises are heard as the mass of amber eyes shifts from where it had previously been obstructing the ceiling lights, thus illuminating the room. Approximately 20 instances of SCP-7038-A of varying shapes and sizes can be seen perched atop the cables of SCP-7038's restraint harness, their bodies interlocking to form a "wall" behind SCP-7038's body. Another instance of SCP-7038-A is born, falling about 2 meters before being ensnared by SCP-7038's tail, which has apparently broken free of its restraints. SCP-7038 uses its tail to place the SCP-7038-A instance atop its gravid abdomen, where it immediately begins nursing] Kelson: [Clears throat] SCP-7038, why are you doing this? We don't want to hurt you, and we don't need to fight. [SCP-7038's eyes turn red, with the eyes of every SCP-7038-A instance adopting the same hue. Glowing rows of spots appear along the spines of every SCP-7038-A instance as they turn their heads to face Dr. Kelson and bare their teeth in perfect sync. Five canid SCP-7038-A instances at the top of the pile stand up and begin attempting to advance towards Kelson's position on the catwalk] Kelson: W-wait! Stop! Please, tell me why! We want to help you! I want to help you! [After several seconds of silence, the canid SCP-7038-A instances cease movement and remain perched atop the pile] Kelson: You never realized there was a world beyond the walls of your cell? Kelson: They raised you for this, trapped you in a box, lied to you for centuries… Kelson: But… but they turned you into a monster and- [SCP-7038 begins crying blood. Vital signs indicate an elevated heartrate. SCP-7038 starts to sob, but this time manages to regain its composure after several seconds] Kelson: … You were happy before you knew of all the things you'd never get to see… [SCP-7038, still crying blood, smiles and nods] Kelson: [Choking back sobbing] I-I know how. I can… I can make you forget. Just tell me… t-tell me that's what you want. [Kelson raises a handheld canister of mixed Class-B Amnestics and fast-acting sedatives and begins spraying the vicinity of SCP-7038. Kristiansen and Tanners raise their own canisters and proceed to do the same. Within seconds the entirety of the cell becomes foggy with the Amnestic compounds, though the team's CBRNA suits protect them from the effects. SCP-7038 slowly begins exhibiting signs of drowsiness, its posture becoming more relaxed. Gradually, all instances of SCP-7038-A fall unconscious and begin toppling into the grinder array, where they are subsequently eliminated. SCP-7038 itself smiles as its eyes begin slowly closing] [SCP-7038 falls completely unconscious and goes limp in its harness] Kelson: I guess this means we'll have to get to know each other all over again. I'll try to do it better next time. <End Log> Closing Statement: Amnestic treatment has proven effective in radically decreasing SCP-7038's anxiety, but this is only a stopgap measure. A band-aid fix, if you will. As a more sustainable solution, I propose that SCP-7038 only be allowed to read texts on philosophy and religion, with omissions made to prevent SCP-7038 becoming more aware of the outside world. Maybe at some point entirely fictional books could be added to the reading list if SCP-7038 continues to remain mentally stable. I've been asked why I "care so much about SCP-7038's feelings." I'd hoped the answer was obvious. Upon review of SCP-7038's containment breaches, it's apparent that the production of SCP-7038-B is an instinctive stress-response. To prevent more SCP-7038-B from being born, care must be taken to keep SCP-7038 docile. If we just keep SCP-7038 in a box with the lights out and nothing for it to do, this problem is only going to get worse. SCP-7038 is unquestionably an anomaly, but it's an anomaly with a human mind, and human minds have basic needs in order to remain stable. If SCP-7038 suffers a mental breakdown, the results could be worse than anything we could imagine. If I have to bring the Ethics Committee into this, I will absolutely do so. The stakes are too high for us to act carelessly. Our job is to contain anomalies, not turn them into monsters. -Kelson « SCP-7037 | SCP-7038 | SCP-7039 » Footnotes 1. Medium Standard Humanoid Anomaly Containment Cell 2. A monthly cleaning of the refuse container below is required to remove any leftovers from the previous month's feeding. 3. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Anomalous 4. X-ray analysis of SCP-7038's body reveals a complete absence of digestive and excretory organs, with these being replaced by two additional birth-canals and adjoining wombs. The entire space of SCP-7038's abdominal cavity is solely occupied by its reproductive organs. 5. To facilitate this, SCP-7038 is constantly lactating, with its output varying based on the current number of offspring in need of feeding. The chemical makeup of the fluid produced by SCP-7038 is approximately 10% lactose, 5% fat, 25% nicotine, 15% arsenic, and 45% ██████. This mixture evaporates into nothing in a manner similar to SCP-7038's offspring, albeit at a far slower rate. 6. Though this does not appear to be the cause of death.
Item#: ITEM#: 7039 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: caution link to memo Assigned Site: Site-15 Assigned MTF: Mu-4 ("Debuggers") Sentient: Item is self-aware and intelligent Mind Control: Item distorts cognition Special Containment Procedures: A 5 km digital dead-zone is to be established around SCP-7039 by MTF Mu-4 ("Debuggers"). Checkpoints manned by no less than 3 Foundation personnel are to be established on any road/civilian walkway that intersects with it. Any and all pieces of digital technology entering the zone are to be collected and inspected to ensure that they are discharged and non-functional before passage through the zone is permitted. Civilians are to be kept to roads and walkways and are to be monitored until they leave the zone. Cameras, guard patrols, and chain-link fencing have been put in place to prevent any other possible means of civilian entry. If preparations for a fan-meetup are detected, Foundation Personnel are to intercept subjects before arrival at the electronics store and administer Class-G amnestics before promptly removing them from the zone. If a fan-meetup begins and concludes successfully, all SCP-7039-F entities are to be intercepted and administered Class-F amnestics before they can leave the zone. If administration of amnestics proves impossible, SCP-7039-F entities are to be terminated. Description: SCP-7039 is a sentient, digital entity contained within a █████ brand CRT television set (SCP-7039-A). SCP-7039 manifests when at least one conscious human carrying a functional smartphone comes within 3 km of SCP-7039-A. These manifestations will always begin as notifications from a subject's most used social media application- typically sponsored posts or direct messages- inviting the subject to follow and interact with "the world's greatest and most humble influencer/thought leader" while providing a random name to represent SCP-7039. These manifestations only present themselves to subjects within the 3 km anomalous radius of SCP-7039-A, and all social media content created by them has been confirmed to not exist on the publicly accessible internet. If a subject reacts apathetically to these notifications, anomalous effects cease, and the subject is unaffected henceforth. If a subject reacts negatively, they will be inundated with hateful messages until they leave the zone, but will otherwise see no anomalous effects. If a subject reacts positively, they will continue to receive more targeted content tailored to their individual interests until they openly declare their desire to meet SCP-7039 in person. If a subject continues to engage with SCP-7039 on social media, they will eventually be given an invitation to an "exclusive meetup for [SCP-7039]'s biggest fans," which is always located at the ████ ████ Electronics Store where SCP-7039-A was originally discovered. Irrespective of how many active participants arrive, the fan meetup begins when the first subject sets foot inside the store and ends when the last subject leaves. The end of a fan meetup will reset SCP-7039's anomalous effects and begin the process of gathering fans anew. When the process is reset in this manner, the original subjects are no longer responsive to the anomalous effects. If a fan meetup is successful and SCP-7039's reset process occurs uninterrupted, all subjects who participated in the meetup are then designated SCP-7039-F. All SCP-7039-F entities serve to spread awareness of SCP-7039 to the wider world. Entities will attempt to leave the anomalous zone and connect to the internet, disseminating the same content that initially manifested to them upon entry into the zone. The effects of this are such that █████████████████ ████████████████████████ █████████████████████ ██████ ████████████████ ██████████████████████████████ ████████████ [SEE INCIDENT REPORT]. Addendum 7039-1: Original SCP-7039 Special Containment Procedures have been expunged from Foundation records. New procedures have been drafted and archived and should be reviewed following every test performed on SCP-7039 and revised according to new findings. Addendum 7039-2: Upon further research, it has been determined that SCP-7039-A is the only remaining █████ brand television on Earth, and its producer- █████ LLC- is entirely defunct, presenting no further threat. Addendum 7039-3: Following Incident 7039/2022, all research conducted on SCP-7039 is to be handled by personnel from outside Site-15. Research findings are to then be relayed to the Site-15 Research Department. Doctor Edward Corrin is hereby barred from researching, discussing, or mentioning SCP-7039. [SEE INCIDENT REPORT 7039/2022] + SCP-7039 First Contact Report [REQUIRES LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE] - ACCESS GRANTED First Contact Report Date of Contact: ██/██/2021 SCP-7039 was initially brought to the attention of the Foundation upon dissemination of its anomalous effects amongst Site-15 staff. When a significant portion of Site-15 staff had been compromised- leaving their posts to attend a fan meetup- Site Director █████████████ deployed MTF Mu-4 ("Debuggers") to track the source of the anomalous transmission. Upon its discovery, MTF Gamma-5 ("Red Herrings") was deployed to prevent further dissemination of SCP-7039's anomalous effects, and MTF Mu-4 began administering amnestics to affected Foundation personnel and began construction of [DATA EXPUNGED][SEE ADDENDUM 7039-1]. + 7039 Testing Protocol [REQUIRES 7039-T CLEARANCE] - ACCESS GRANTED Testing Protocol for SCP-7039 Research personnel assigned to conduct testing on SCP-7039 are to follow this protocol to the letter. Failure to do so will result in serious disciplinary action, up to and including demotion and administration of Class-F amnestics. Prior to conducting tests with SCP-7039, all Foundation personnel within the digital dead-zone are to be accounted for. All civilians must be removed from the zone, and a temporary roadblock is to be put in place under the guise of construction to prevent civilian entry during testing. Testing is to last no longer than one week during any testing period. Tests are to be conducted exclusively with Class-D personnel. All Class-D personnel involved in testing must be from outside SCP-7039's local area. Any Class-D personnel given the SCP-7039-F designation are to be recaptured and brought back to Site-15, wherein they are to be contained in a special containment unit isolating them from any possible connection to the internet. Any tests conducted on SCP-7039 are to be added to SCP-7039's Test Logs and used to revise Special Containment Procedures. Note: Following Incident 7039/2022, all tests performed on SCP-7039 are mandated to notify MTF Mu-4 ("Debuggers") and MTF Gamma-5 ("Red Herrings") of their scheduled start date, and must not conflict with Mu-4 or Gamma-5's availability. + Test Log 7039-A [REQUIRES LEVEL 3 CLEARANCE] - ACCESS GRANTED Test Log 7039-A Test Lead: Doctor Edward Corrin Subject: D-44517 Date: 09/13/2021 Testing Procedure: D-44517 was provided a functional smartphone equipped with monitoring hardware and an earpiece for communicating with the research team and instructed to stand outside ████ ████ Electronics Store and use the phone as desired. The research team led by Doctor Corrin was on standby 1 kilometer from D-44517's location. D-44517 received his first notification from SCP-7039 3 minutes and 45 seconds after beginning to use the phone. Note: This test was conducted prior to current Special Containment Procedures and SCP-7039 Testing Protocols being in effect. The digital dead-zone around SCP-7039 was disabled for the duration of this test, only blocking outgoing internet connections. [BEGIN LOG] Monitoring equipment shows D-44517 has received a notification from social media site Twitter indicating a new recommended post. D-44517 proceeds to open the notification, displaying a piece of sponsored content that reads; Are you a fan of ████? Do you wanna hit it big? Do you wanna be the next star influencer and reap the rewards that come with it? Come to ████ ████ Electronics Store in an hour for the greatest fan meetup of your life. Dr. Corrin: D-44517, this is Doctor Corrin. Could you tell us what you're seeing? D-44517: There's this post talkin' about a meetup for ████ fans here. I been a fan o' hers since I was a teenager. Dr. Corrin: You know of this ████? D-44517: Yeah for sure! She's like this sorta niche internet microcelebrity, followed her for a while before I wound up in jail. Dr. Corrin: Please advise us if you see anything else related to ████ or the electronics store. Doctor Corrin instructs two members of the research team to leave the digital dead-zone and investigate traces of ████'s status online. Two members remain and continue to monitor D-44517's smartphone use, who has scrolled past the sponsored post. After another 2 minutes and 38 seconds, D-44517 receives a direct message from an anonymous account inviting him directly by name to the fan meetup. D-44517 does not communicate with the research team, proceeding to approach the front doors of the electronics store. Monitoring equipment notifies the research team of his movement, and Doctor Corrin orders the team to return to the store to recover D-44517. When the research team arrives, D-44517 is no longer outside the building, and the front door remains open. Doctor Corrin instructs one member of the team to remain outdoors and the other to don video monitoring equipment and enter the building with him. Doctor Corrin maintains a line of radio communication with Foundation personnel stationed at Checkpoint A along the dead-zone border, hereafter referred to as CHECKPOINT. Dr. Corrin: Checkpoint this is Research Team Lead Corrin. We're entering ████ ████ after the D-Class, please be advised if communications are interrupted you're authorized to call in Mu-4 and reactivate the dead-zone to full. Please confirm. Checkpoint: Instructions confirmed, Doctor. Watch yourself in there and radio in if you need pick-up. Research Team activates video monitoring equipment as they enter the electronics store. Video feed shows D-44517 on the phone and having a conversation with himself. D-44517: Yeah no man this is great. Didn't think I'd ever get a chance to meet her, y'know? That sorta thing always feels just outta reach but I've always thought she was a more down to Earth kinda person. She's really friends with us. Dr. Corrin: D-44517, please exit the building immediately. D-44517 is unresponsive to Doctor Corrin's instruction, continuing to talk as though someone else was responding to him. Video feed and research team testimony have confirmed no other persons present in the store at the time. Dr. Corrin: Alright I'm gonna go check on 7039-A, give me the video gear and stay here with 44517. I'll shout if I need you. Dr. Corrin takes the video monitoring equipment and continues on into the back of the store, entering the office space where SCP-7039-A currently resides. SCP-7039-A's screen is active, displaying rapidly changing images of various social media websites, the majority of which are Twitter. Dr. Corrin approaches SCP-7039-A and traces its power cable to a wall outlet, then pulls the plug. Video feed shows SCP-7039-A is still active. Dr. Corrin: SCP-7039, can you hear me? SCP-7039-A's screen continues to flash, showing no response. Doctor Corrin pulls out his personal phone and turns it on. 14 seconds pass before a notification indicating a new direct message on Facebook appears. SCP-7039-A's screen can be seen flashing more images of Facebook than previously. Doctor Corrin opens the message, which reads; i can hear ya doc, but could you gimme a better name? "scp-xxxx" is pretty lame tbh Dr. Corrin: You knew I was talking about you when I said it? yea dude im not dumb, ive been seeing yall runnin around out there tryna take me offline. its annoying and id like you to stop. Dr. Corrin: I'm afraid that won't be possible, 7039. Although if we could speak more, some arrangements could possibly be made. ok you dont have to talk like a fed, its cool. we can talk after my meetup is over, ive got a few more fans coming through in a bit Dr. Corrin: There are more people coming? How many? maybe you'd know if you were a fan. talk later, doc! 🥰 SCP-7039-A's screen no longer flashes images of Facebook. Doctor Corrin begins to leave the building, contacting Checkpoint to deploy MTF Mu-4 ("Debuggers") and to reactivate the dead-zone. MTF Mu-4 are deployed to recover D-44517 and administer Class-F amnestics, as well as secure the dead-zone and recover any other possible compromised subjects. MTF confirms no such subjects are present after sweep. [END LOG] Note: Follow-up from Research Team confirms no existence of ████ in the capacity described by D-44517. + Test Log 7039-B [REQUIRES LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE] - ACCESS GRANTED Test Log 7039-B Test Lead: Doctor Edward Corrin Subject: Doctor Edward Corrin Date: 09/28/2021 Testing Procedure: Research Team has established monitoring equipment inside ████ ████ Electronics Store for the duration of this test. Digital dead-zone remains active. In the exception of the area directly inside the electronics store. Research Team Lead Corrin is using a non-personal smartphone for the purposes of this test. Note: The final communication with SCP-7039 regarding its "deep search" capabilities has been designated sensitive information. As a result, this test log is to be locked behind Level 4 clearance. [BEGIN LOG] Doctor Corrin is seated in front of SCP-7039-A, which is currently inactive. The rest of the research team is stationed in the main room of the electronics store, monitoring video feeds and audio feedback. Doctor Corrin turns on the smartphone, upon which SCP-7039-A immediately activates. Its screen is initially a blank white, only beginning to flash after 2 minutes. Initial images are of numerous social media platforms for the next 2 minutes, then begin to show images of TikTok exclusively. Doctor Corrin then receives a direct message on TikTok. what's up, doc? 🥕 get it? like bugs bunny or whatever? ok its fine sorry im not always that funny Dr. Corrin: Hello, 7039. I'm here to have the conversation I'd previously mentioned. yea i know, thats why you brought those glowies with you right Dr. Corrin: Glowies? ya yknow glowies like, idk feds the cia or whatever all that, youre all glowies Dr. Corrin: You believe we work an American intelligence agency? Why's that? ok well now that you say that its like obviously you dont work for them or you wouldnt be like "hmmm ur that stupid?? haha how silly, explain" like, no, im not that stupid, but you obviously work for somebody like that Dr. Corrin: I didn't mean to insult you, 7039. I work with an organization known as the SCP Foundation. scp foundation hold on lemme google that ok i got nothing so yea real glowie material adding "scp foundation" to the list of people who count as glowies whaddya do over there? yall go out and harass people for fun or what cop Dr. Corrin: People? You're a person? oh what cause im stuck in this thing im not a person now? you gonna shoot me now? im unarmed so thatd be your style cop Dr. Corrin: I'm sorry, again I meant no offense. It's just that we don't really know what, or who, you are. We just see this old TV. Video feed shows SCP-7039-A displaying occasional images of a humanoid figure made of static flashing between images of TikTok. thats the best i can do can you just turn off the shit yall put up so i can get back out there Dr. Corrin: Where is "out there", exactly? online dude, like on-line the internet or whatever im like 19 i deride my entire sense of identity and self-worth from the internet you gotta let me back out (it also makes me ironically self-aware, which makes me funny) Dr. Corrin: What do you gain from access to the internet? Is that why you keep trying to lure people here? honestly that has more to do with this thing than me, it kinda feels like an impulse tbh but like it makes sense im a niche internet microcelebrity people wanna meet me n stuff Dr. Corrin: 7039, may I be direct with you for a moment? id prefer it not typical cop behavior to be honest but ill listen at least Dr. Corrin: Is your name ████? no lol thats just one of the names i use, like ████ and ██████ and ███ or whatever Dr. Corrin: And all these names you've used in the past with your fans, correct? yea you cant really be a woman online and not be anonymous just kinda a bad idea in general imo why do you ask Dr. Corrin: 7039, you do not exist. At least, not under any of those names. ????? yea i do, i have like 30k on twitter under ████ and like 10k on tiktok under ███ like, i know i exist dont try that cop shit with me Dr. Corrin: Would you be willing to come with us? To look into this further? nah not unless you let me back online so i can just show you myself i dont wanna go to some fed blacksite anyways like what you think im some radical dissident you can just disappear like that i mean i am but not the part about how you can disappear me hold on lemme do a deep search for you guys Dr. Corrin: Deep search? What do you mean? ok i got it ok this is kinda cool actually oh hey whats "scp-079" about kinda feel like im a hyper-modern terminally online pastiche of that one Dr Corrin: How did you- are you back online? nah relax check your equipment im still offline just did an internal deep search Doctor Corrin proceeds to confirm with the research team, as well as Checkpoint A that the dead-zone is still active. SCP-7039 has been confirmed to have no access nor presence on the internet. Dr. Corrin: How do you know about 079? how many times am i gonna say it deep search ok fine realizing you probably dont know what that means some fed you are anyways uhhhh how do i explain im sorta looking through your brains right now dont freak out though, im not stealing your mkultra secrets but i can see lots of stuff from site 15 rn cause yknow thats where you work and im looking at 079s file and im like yooo im like the annoying gen z version of this guy theres that ironic self awareness i was talkin about man this is gonna make a really good twitter thread when i get outta here Dr. Corrin: 7039, if you continue to go through our knowledge without permission, we can simply end the conversation here and leave you locked down and offline permanently. oooOOoOoh man thats scary whatever dude shut me down im not listening to some man specially not a cop Doctor Corrin requests termination of the test. As the phone is shut down, SCP-7039-A's screen stops flashing and holds a solid image of a middle finger before shutting off completely. [END LOG] + INCIDENT REPORT 7039/2022 [REQUIRES LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE] - CURRENTLY INACCESIBLE THIS REPORT IS CURRENTLY INACCESSIBLE WARNING: NEW ITEM FILE DETECTED The item file you are currently viewing is out-of-date and possibly corrupted. Please input authorized credentials to confirm upload of updated item file. 7039 _ + INPUT AUTHORIZED CREDENTIALS- CREDENTIALS ACCEPTED - LOADING UPDATED ITEM FILE Item#: ITEM#: 7039 Level4 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: uncontained Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: danger link to memo Assigned MTF: Mu-11 ("Brain Foggers") Recontainment Lead: Dir. Ophelia Elsher Sentient: Item is self-aware and intelligent Mind Control: Item distorts cognition Special Containment Procedures: Due to the loss of SCP-7039-A, SCP-7039 can only be contained of its own volition. Current priority is to determine the whereabouts of SCP-7039 and SCP-7039-A, amnesticize/terminate any remaining SCP-7039-F entities, and begin recontainment process. Foundation web-crawlers are to monitor the internet for any signs of SCP-7039's presence. Description: SCP-7039 is an incorporeal humanoid entity made of electrostatic energy, originally contained within a █████ brand CRT television set (SCP-7039-A). SCP-7039's anomalous form allows it to traverse through technology and only temporarily hold a physical form. This physical form is amorphous in shape and is extremely taxing, with its use always resulting in a short "cool-down" period during which SCP-7039 will need to return to an electronic device (it will always prefer a smartphone for this purpose) in order to recuperate. SCP-7039 will, as a result, only take on this physical form in moments of extreme stress or danger to itself- such as an attempt at recontainment by Foundation agents. SCP-7039's anomalous properties manifest as cognitohazardous internet content generated procedurally by the entity when connected to any widely accessible social media site. This content has varying effects on those afflicted but will always result in a victim succumbing to a cult of personality around their own internalized version of SCP-7039, becoming wholly obsessed with the entity to the point of abandoning their lives in an effort to meet and serve SCP-7039 in whatever capacity possible. In this state, a victim is classified as SCP-7039-F and can only be rehabilitated through the administration of amnestics. Current estimates put the total number of SCP-7039-F entities in the thousands, the majority being dispersed throughout the United States, with a small number in Europe. Addendum 7039-A: SCP-7039 is making an active effort to avoid discovery by Foundation agents and is known to be avoiding all major social media platforms and general use of the internet. In order to communicate and coordinate travel with its followers, SCP-7039 is currently using the Void platform in a minimal capacity. Foundation web-crawlers are to monitor the platform for any signs of SCP-7039's presence. Addendum 7039-B: As a direct result of Incident 7039/2022 and the subsequent loss of SCP-7039-A, should SCP-7039 be recontained successfully, no further testing is to be performed on the item under any circumstances. Addendum 7039-C: Further research has confirmed SCP-7039-A to be the only remaining █████ brand television on Earth, and its manufacturer, █████ LLC, is confirmed to be defunct, providing no further methods of effective containment. SCP-7039 is to henceforth be regarded as uncontained and uncontainable. _ + VIEW INCIDENT REPORT 7039/2022- HIDE INCIDENT REPORT 7039/2022 INCIDENT REPORT Note: By viewing this report, you confirm that you have received clearance to do so. You acknowledge that viewing this report without proper clearance and authorization is grounds for immediate termination. Incident Report 7039/2022 Summary: Incident 7039/2022 describes a series of events taking place over a period of several months, from October 2021 to March 2022. During this period, the Research Lead for SCP-7039, Doctor Edward Corrin, was compromised by SCP-7039's "deep search" cognitohazard. Doctor Corrin, following Test 7039-B, requested a temporary hold on new testing with SCP-7039, then spent the Incident Period working out of Site-15. During this time, an abnormal surge in disciplinary notices regarding social media use was reported out of Site-15. Further investigation proved Doctor Corrin to be the source, as he was found broadcasting messages on internal Site communications regarding SCP-7039. By December 2021, the entirety of Site-15 was frequently discussing SCP-7039 on internal communications as well as on social media. No data breaches were detected during this time. By February 2022, the entirety of Site-15 was compromised by SCP-7039. An internal plan had been relayed to all personnel which detailed a means to release SCP-7039 from Foundation oversight, as well as release it from containment in SCP-7039-A. In October of 2021, SCP-7039-A was transported to Site-15, wherein the research team conducted several more tests, as well as direct interviews, with SCP-7039. Using knowledge gleaned from these tests and interviews, the research team was able to successfully release SCP-7039 from its confinement within SCP-7039-A. SCP-7039 was transferred directly into Doctor Corrin's personal smartphone. From here, Doctor Corrin and a group of Foundation personnel under the most influence by SCP-7039's anomalous effects took SCP-7039 off-site. SCP-7039-A was taken by a separate group to prevent its use by the Foundation in recontainment efforts. By order of the O-5 Council, Site-15 has undergone an internal audit, and a majority of Site-15 personnel have been administered amnestics and relocated. Current efforts to discover the location of SCP-7039 are being led by MTF Mu-11 ("Brain Foggers"), and efforts to recover SCP-7039-A are being led by MTF Mu-4 ("Debuggers"). These efforts are ongoing. _ + VIEW SCP-7039 INTERVIEW LOGS- HIDE SCP-7039 INTERVIEW LOGS Catalogued below are the various interviews conducted by Doctor Corrin and his research team with SCP-7039 and SCP-7039-F entities over the course of the last months of its containment at Site-15. These logs are to be reviewed to determine any possible clues to SCP-7039 or SCP-7039-As whereabouts. NOTE: A majority of SCP-7039's test and interview logs have been expunged from Foundation records by Doctor Edward Corrin. This research, and any knowledge subsequently acquired from it, is to be considered incomplete. INTERVIEW LOG 7039-1 INTERVIEWER: Doctor Edward Corrin SUBJECT: SCP-7039 DATE: 10/10/2021 NOTE: SCP-7039 has been transferred to Site-15 and is currently being housed in a special containment unit isolating it from any electronic devices or internet connection. [BEGIN LOG] Doctor Corrin is seated at a table across from SCP-7039-A for the duration of the interview. For the purposes of this interview, Site-15 has produced a modified smartphone that can emulate social media applications while maintaining no internet connection using a closed on-site intranet. Dr.Corrin: Good morning, 7039. Glad to have you here with us. Are you able to communicate? SCP-7039-A remains inactive. Doctor Corrin activates the modified smartphone. SCP-7039-A immediately activates. Its screen begins to flash rapidly, showing several images of Facebook. After approximately 30 seconds, Doctor Corrin receives a direct message through Facebook. oh hey look whos back took you long enough wait where are we Dr. Corrin: We are currently at Site-15. We've transferred you from your original location at the electronics store for security purposes. aw man you took me to a blacksite im gonna get so much clout for this ok when do i get to leave Dr. Corrin: That is a conversation for another time. There is work we must do, first. work? i dont work, im an influencer none of us have real jobs Dr. Corrin: Work in the sense that we must learn more about you. We must ensure that letting you free wouldn't be a danger to humanity or even to yourself. myself? yknow come to think of it actually getting out of this box without another place to go would probably be pretty painful Dr. Corrin: Painful? Can you explain? right so ive only done it like once or twice before but it really sucks it takes a lot of my energy but before i was locked in this tv i used to be able to like become physical, temporarily i know like a long long time ago i was just always physical but i cant remember any of that now its probably repressed childhood trauma or sumn yknow how it goes thats how it be on this bitch of an earth and all that Dr. Corrin: I see. And do you recall how long it has been since you were in this entirely physical form? nah not really like im not that old in general and ive been like this for like the better part of a decade now at least thats my guess anyways easy to lose track of time when youre locked in a tv in some dusty old building for a while Dr. Corrin: If I may ask- what do you want with your freedom? Besides being able to freely use social media again. good question you sound like my teacher lol oooh ████ you gotta do better in school whatre you gonna do with your life blah blah blah idk tho tbh like, its just nice to be popular, to feel loved when im online and ive got people like, all up in my mentions and shit yea some of em are dickheads or whatever thats the internet but a lot of these people feel like real friends to me they say you cant have real relationships with people online but i think you can idk i just miss that ig im not gonna like take over the world or something if thats what youre worried about i dont hate humanity like 079 or something Dr. Corrin: I see you've retained your memory of our facility. well yea ofc that stuff with 5018 seems bad yall should get a better handle on these sorts of things seems like digital entities and AI give yall a lot of headaches isnt that what site 15 is supposed to be about? imo you gotta take a look at your procedures around here Dr. Corrin: We appreciate your feedback on the matter. I'll look into it. [END LOG] INTERVIEW LOG 7039-2 INTERVIEWER: Doctor Edward Corrin SUBJECT: SCP-7039 DATE: 10/22/2021 NOTE: No notes. [DATA EXPUNGED] INTERVIEW LOG 7039-3 INTERVIEWER: Doctor Edward Corrin SUBJECT: SCP-7039 DATE: 11/14/2021 NOTE: No notes. [DATA EXPUNGED] INTERVIEW LOG 7039-4 INTERVIEWER: Doctor Edward Corrin SUBJECT: SCP-7039-F-1 (D-44517) DATE: 12/20/2021 NOTE: SCP-7039-F-1 is the first D-Class personnel utilized in testing on SCP-7039 (D-44517). SCP-7039-F-1 has been kept in a standard humanoid containment unit at Site-15 since the conclusion of Test 7039-A. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Corrin: Good morning, D-44517. How are you feeling? D-44517: I've been fine, mostly. Could really use that phone back but I kinda figured that's off the table. Dr. Corrin: Is there a particular reason you'd like the phone back? D-44517: I wanna talk to ████. Dr. Corrin: You mean SCP-7039? D-44517: Her name's ████ doc she's not gonna like that you keep calling her by a number. Dr. Corrin: Does SCP-7039 identify itself as female with you? D-44517: Well, yeah. Of course. Why? She don't do that with you? Dr. Corrin: Simply a question, don't think about it too much. What else can you tell me about her? D-44517: I mean there isn't much really I can say too specific. She's just great, y'know? Fun to talk to she's interesting to follow. She feels like she gets me, if that makes sense. Dr. Corrin: Can you elaborate on that? D-44517: Like, I feel like I've known her my whole life. You don't usually expect to have that sorta connection with somebody famous or whatever but I really feel like I do. So do a lot of her fans. Dr. Corrin: Is that why you were so eager to attend the meetup? D-44517: Yeah! Oh man, that was great. Sad I couldn't see her in person but I'm glad I got to meet some of her fans there. Dr. Corrin: You met others at the meetup? Where? D-44517: Well at ████ ████, doc. Y'know the store we went to? There was like forty people there. You ain't see 'em? Dr. Corrin: I'm afraid not. Must have missed them while we were working. What sort of conversations did you have with them? D-44517: Ah I don't remember too well, to be honest with ya'. I do know some of us agreed to meet again though, can't forget that! Speaking of- any way I could get a partial release for that? Dr. Corrin: Well, if you could tell us where this meetup is planned, I could inquire about the possibility for you. D-44517: Ah I didn't really get a specific place. Kind of an invite only thing, they'd shoot me a message when it was time. Kinda also why I wanted that phone back? Dr. Corrin: I see. Well, allow me some time to look into it. [END LOG] INTERVIEW LOG 7039-5 INTERVIEWER: Doctor Edward Corrin SUBJECT: SCP-7039-F-2 DATE: 12/30/2021 NOTE: No notes. [DATA EXPUNGED] INTERVIEW LOG 7039-6 INTERVIEWER: Doctor Edward Corrin SUBJECT: SCP-7039 DATE: 01/05/2022 NOTE: No notes. [DATA EXPUNGED] INTERVIEW LOG 7039-7 INTERVIEWER: Doctor Edward Corrin SUBJECT: SCP-7039-F-3 DATE: 01/15/2022 NOTE: No notes. [DATA EXPUNGED] INTERVIEW LOG 7039-8 INTERVIEWER: Doctor Edward Corrin SUBJECT: SCP-7039 DATE: 01/27/2022 NOTE: No notes. [DATA EXPUNGED] INTERVIEW LOG 7039-9 INTERVIEWER: Doctor Edward Corrin SUBJECT: SCP-7039 DATE: 02/04/2022 NOTE: No notes. [DATA EXPUNGED] INTERVIEW LOG 7039-10 INTERVIEWER: Doctor Edward Corrin SUBJECT: SCP-7039 DATE: 02/17/2022 NOTE: No notes. [DATA EXPUNGED] INTERVIEW LOG 7039-11 INTERVIEWER: Doctor Edward Corrin SUBJECT: SCP-7039 DATE: 03/01/2022 NOTE: This interview log is noted on the internal Site-15 database as having been scheduled for mid-day before being canceled. It was originally only accessible with Doctor Corrin's personal Research Lead password. This log, unlike all other previous interview logs, contains a video component recorded from a chest-mounted camera wielded by Doctor Corrin. Records show this file was deployed to several Site-15 personnel upon completion of the log. [BEGIN LOG] Doctor Corrin enters SCP-7039's containment chamber, activating his personal cell phone. SCP-7039-A's screen immediately lights up, flashing images of Facebook. Dr. Corrin: Good evening, 7039. evenin youre using your phone today? whats the occasion Dr. Corrin: You've been approved for release. ?? just like that? idk seems kinda sus what gives Dr. Corrin: You've been approved for release by me, and by most of the rest of Site-15 staff. You have not been approved for release by the actual Foundation, though. So we'll have to be quick. ooooooh the prison break sick was wondering when this was gonna go down oh wait is that why you sent that other guy in here last week Dr. Corrin: That is correct. and the guy before that and the guy before that okay cool cause i deep searched him without saying anything hope thats cool yall have been working on this a while huh Dr. Corrin: So you did know I'd be coming tonight? yea obvi i did a lot of the leg work to help your guys figure out how this tv works cmon doc gimme a little credit we're buds now at least i hope so lets just go we cant bust this thing open until im out Dr. Corrin: That's not going to be an option, I'm afraid. We'll have to do it now, there's no way we get you and 7039-A out at the same time. uh ok whats my receptacle then Dr. Corrin: My phone. Doctor Corrin prepares for the transfer utilizing a makeshift device to enable his phone to connect directly to SCP-7039-A. The origins of this device are currently unknown. ah cool a goober plug it in Dr. Corrin: It's an override port. theres always a bypass port a virus port a who cares port i can never remember so i just call it a goober now plug it in Doctor Corrin proceeds to connect the device, demonstrating clear intent to showcase the process for the camera, linking his personal phone directly to SCP-7039-A, who's screen immediately begins to flash a variety of solid colors before shutting off completely. A moment later, Doctor Corrin's phone screen lights up with a moving image of a humanoid figure made of static. Dr. Corrin: Did it work? 7039? Static can be heard briefly emanating from Doctor Corrin's phone speaker before a distorted voice begins to come through.Dr. Corrin: Ah, fantastic! You're safe! Okay, lay low. It's time for us to leave.Dr. Corrin: Don't worry, it'll be dealt with. Lots of people here are on your side, 7039.NOTE: Doctor Corrin proceeds to exit the chamber and make his way to his office, where the video feed abruptly ends, [END LOG]
Item#: 7041 Level3 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: archon Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo An instance of SCP-7041 manifesting during the Second World War in London. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation geo-imagery satellites are to scan civilian sites affected by armed conflicts for manifestations of SCP-7041. Upon detection of an instance, Mobile Task Force Tau-17 “Shepherds” is to pose as the affected nation's relevant armed service personnel to evacuate non-target individuals. Task force members are to establish a secure area one kilometer in diameter around SCP-7041 under the pretense of deactivating explosive materials, to be maintained until the anomaly demanifests. SCP-7041-1 should not be impeded in its actions, nor should children led into SCP-7041 be retrieved. Witnesses to the event are to be administered Class A amnestics and provided the attached cover story (“NGO-Sponsored Youth Rescue”//4C). Living relatives of children brought into SCP-7041 are to be administered pseudosyne Alpha-7041.Extrapolates from and modifies existing memories to prevent recollection of anomalous events, as well as anxiety over familial separation. yearly until all their offspring are released. Should all relatives of a child be deceased, SCP-7041-1 has agreed to remand them into temporary government-sponsored custody; such children are to be administered Class B amnestics. In order to ensure the integrity of SCP-7041 and the safety of its residents, tri-annual inspections are to be carried out by small teams of Tau-17 personnel..No more than five members. During these inspections, exploration of the grounds for purpose of data collection is permitted on the condition that staff remain unarmed and unprovoking of SCP-7041's residents. Personnel violating these terms do so at their own risk. Description: SCP-7041 presents as a shelter varying in appearance across manifestations and geographic locations in order to blend in with surrounding structures. Regardless of external appearance, the interior of the building exhibits anomalous spatial properties, with the interior volume being far larger than its physical constraints. Different instances have demonstrated different internal layouts, though some features remain consistent: An Impressionist-style wall mural depicting a seaside property, located at the entrance. A large dining hall, located towards the apparent center. Individual rooms with doors denoting information about their occupants, located throughout the building. Manifestations of SCP-7041 are occupied by a caretaker (SCP-7041-1), whom always appears as an adult female of varying ethnicity. The entity currently resembles an African American woman in her late twenties. Regardless of the entity's apparent ethnicity, it is multilingual, having been documented as being fluent in all recognized modern languages. Despite having a human appearance and no documented biological abnormalities, SCP-7041-1 has demonstrated a number of anomalous capabilities. These have included: The ability to lift debris and rubble weighing upwards of 1.2 tons without mechanical assistance. The ability to perform an extremely efficient form of manual CPR, with a higher than normal resuscitation rate of 62%. Extrasensory perception of nearby threats, such as location of soldiers, presence of explosions/gunfire, falling debris, etc. A resistance to physical damage, with reports documenting resistance to damage from gunfire upwards of .50 caliber rifle rounds. Additionally, in the event that a child or group of children is killed while in its care, SCP-7041-1 will enter one of two states:. It is unknown what happens to the victims' bodies after these events. Upon questioning, SCP-7041-1 has stated that it "lays them to rest." A mourning state ranging from 17 to 120 minutes, during which time its speed and responses to stimuli are depressed, as noted in the previous instance of SCP-7041-1. A reality bending state that results in the termination of the entities or objects responsible, as noted in the most recent instance of SCP-7041-1. Manifestations of SCP-7041 occur in two phases: Primary phase: spans the duration of an armed conflict. The building will manifest in areas with two or more children within one kilometer of each other in a conflict zone..In the scenario that multiple groups of children are located within the larger zone, SCP-7041 will prioritize those of a larger number. Should conflict arise, the entity will display some or all of the above anomalous phenomena. Once all children are collected, SCP-7041 will demanifest. Secondary phase: occurs when an armed conflict has reached a conclusion. SCP-7041 will summon any nearby living relatives of the sheltered children and escort them back to their original families. Should a child's relatives be deceased by the time a conflict is resolved, or should there be any form of remnant domestic threat, SCP-7041-1 will offer the child the choice of either staying until they reach adulthood or transferring to temporary Foundation custody. If the former is selected, Foundation support staff will assist in the process of societal re-integration. RELEVANT LOG(S): + Open Incident Log 7041.64 - Close Incident Log 7041.64 Incident Log 7041.64 On 08/04/2007, SCP-7041 materialized inside the city of Al Qa'im, Iraq shortly before the town suffered a series of coordinated explosive attacks from ISI militants. The manifestation was registered with Foundation satellites. SCP-7041-1 then began to guide several children from a nearby building to SCP-7041, but was confronted by on-scene Iraqi security forces. The entity attempted to reason with the commanding officer, Sergeant Omar Jassim, asking that the children be left with it for safekeeping. The sergeant proceeded to restrain SCP-7041-1, ordering his squad to lead the children back to their parents. The two reportedly struggled for several minutes before a large flash of light appeared. By the time witnesses regained vision, the inciting military personnel had disappeared from the area, leaving only the entity and the affected children. SCP-7041-1 then ushered the children into SCP-7041, which promptly demanifested. WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILES ARE CLASSIFIED. ACCESS TO THIS FILE IS RESTRICTED TO PERSONNEL OF CLEARANCE LEVEL 4 OR HIGHER ONLY. LOG IN BELOW TO VERIFY YOUR IDENTITY. THREE FAILED LOGIN ATTEMPTS WILL RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTION. ID a2b007e09debb7cfbc3a779180b8235a_1706540519 PASSWORD 937bc313728e880bd996f25fb9c350e8_1706540519 _ LOG INLOG OUT LOGIN ACCEPTED. WELCOME, DR. POLINSKI. + Open Extended Exploration Log 7041.275 - Close Extended Exploration Log 7041.275 EXTENDED EXPLORATION LOG 7041.275 DATE: 04/18/2014 OBJECTIVE NOTES AND EVENTS SUMMARY: Tau-17 Agents Rachel Melbrook and Lindsey Forell conducted a recorded inspection of the building as well as the well-being of its occupants. After a brief discussion with SCP-7041-1 regarding the nature of their visit, they were permitted onto the premises for a four hour inspection. During this time, Agent Melbrook was separated from Agent Forell, who later returned in an attempt to retrieve her. The following logs document both expeditions as well as an additional interview conducted between Agent Melbrook and SCP-7041-1. EXPLORATION LOG 7041.275.0: Initial inspection attempt. [BEGIN LOG] Agent Melbrook: Well, that went… surprisingly well. Agent Forell: What makes you say that? Were you expecting to get vaporized? Agent Melbrook: Or whatever she did to that dick Doles and the rest of 17-3, yeah. The pair walk around the foyer for several minutes before heading into the main hallway of the building. Numerous doors extend on either side of the hallway, bearing placards denoting the occupant's name and birthday. Agent Forell: Ah, hell. You don't think Sergeant Knowles would be fine with us just glancing through a few halls and calling it a day? Agent Melbrook: Not a chance. Agent Forell: [grumbles] Fine. Let's just get this over with. Agents Forell and Melbrook begin to walk through the hallway. Doors along either side remain closed, and little activity is noted for the first thirty-one doors. Upon reaching the thirty-second door, however, the Agents stop as a young girl with a Middle Eastern appearance steps out and hurries past them. Her placard reads “Samia ████████, Apr ██, 20██, █████, Syria”. Agent Forell: [in a whisper] What…happened to her face? Agent Melbrook turns to Agent Forell, her face in a deadpan. Agent Melbrook: …Those are from vesicant exposure, Lindsey. I'm pretty sure anyone else from this batch of kids will have ones like these. Agent Forell's footage lingers on the young girl as she continues down the hallway. A few moments later, she stumbles, then sits down and begins to attempt to retie her shoes. Agent Melbrook: Hold on a second. Agent Melbrook approaches the young girl with palms held outward, then gestures to her shoes. She assists her and then stands, crossing back over to Forell. Agents Forell and Melbrook continue their route for 16 approximately seconds before encountering SCP-7041-1. SCP-7041-1: Ah, there you are. Has everything been satisfactory thus far? Agent Forell: Yes, ma'am. Everything appears to be to protocol standard. SCP-7041-1: I should hope so. I put quite a bit of care into this place. SCP-7041-1 moves to pass the two agents, but stops shortly in front of Agent Melbrook. SCP-7041-1: Oh, and Rachel…your kindness is appreciated, but I believe the terms of your assignment mention avoiding direct interaction with the children here. I would proceed with caution. You risk frightening them. Agent Melbrook: Understood. SCP-7041-1 continues past and around the corner, as do Agents Forell and Melbrook. Agent Forell: Jeez. She's running a tight ship around here. Agent Melbrook: I guess, but that's reasonable enough when you're overseeing a group of trauma victims. In any case… Agent Melbrook pauses upon noticing an adjacent door. Agent Forell: Rachel? What's wrong?.. Rach? Agent Melbrook: …Was that door there before? Agent Melbrook points to a dull green door on the pair's left. The door's placard reads: Rachel Melbrook, Dec ██ 19██, █████, Retained. Agent Melbrook: This is… me. That's me. That's my fucking birthday. Agent Forell: Rach… are you sure? You weren't on the records. Pretty sure we'd be noting down personnel who- Agent Melbrook: No, but- why would this be here, then? If I was here… but then they told me I was- that my parents- Agent Forell: Rachel? Agent Melbrook: [staggering back] No, no, I need to- I need to ask Ms. Rosemary, I- Agent Melbrook turns abruptly, beginning to run down the hallway. Agent Forell: Wait, Rach-! Agent Melbrook's recording ends at this point. The following 216 minutes of footage show Agent Forell attempting to locate Agent Melbrook. During this time she grows increasingly distressed, reporting inconsistencies against known layouts of the building as well as what is described as “shuffling” of SCP-7041's passages. After failing to locate Agent Melbrook, Agent Forell elects to instead temporarily exit SCP-7041 in order to receive guidance from offsite Foundation staff. Footage cuts off once the exit has been reached. [END LOG] INTERVIEW LOG 7041.92: Interview between Agent Melbrook and SCP-7041-1. [BEGIN LOG] Footage for Agent Melbrook's camera resumes. A hand passes in front of the lens as if having just switched on the device. SCP-7041-1 is sitting on the other side of an oakwood table. She does not appear to acknowledge the camera, instead choosing to look solely at Agent Melbrook. Agent Melbrook: You know what I came here for. SCP-7041-1: [smiles] Of course, dear. An inspection. And, evidently, a bonus interview. Agent Melbrook: A bonus int- No, no, who the hell are you? Who the hell am I? Why do I have a room in your goddamn orphanage? SCP-7041-1 appears to grow somber, reaching out a hand hesitantly, then drawing it back. SCP-7041-1: …Please, Rachel, do not raise your voice at me. I can tell you whatever it is you wish to know, but I ask that you not be hostile with me when I do so. Agent Melbrook: Then answer the questions. And fast. I- shit, [sits up] Lindsey, she- SCP-7041-1: Your partner is alright. I've ensured she can locate the exit when she wishes to do so. Agent Melbrook: But she's going to be looking for me- SCP-7041-1: I would prefer that we not have interruptions. I'm sorry, dear. I can only assure her safety. Agent Melbrook pauses, but appears to settle back slightly. SCP-7041-1: Right. SCP-7041-1 begins to visibly fidget. I owe you… several explanations, truly. I…feel I owe you an apology for not being more forthcoming with you. All I can do is assure that I made the best decisions I could with what I was given. Agent Melbrook: Were your hands that tied considering you're able to, what? Take a fifty cal to the shoulder and keep going? SCP-7041-1: …What do you think happened, Rachel? Agent Melbrook falls silent for a moment. Agent Melbrook: I think I grew up here. For a little, at least. And I'm not afraid of you, so I don't think you did anything too fucked up while I was here, but past that… SCP-7041-1: [nods] I understand, I was… admittedly unaware of just how early they elected to progress things with some of you. Agent Melbrook: …The Foundation, you mean? SCP-7041-1: Yes. I'll admit I… was never certain of what became of all of you. To me you were all so young that the very idea of it all seemed impossible. By the time I discovered where you had ended up, it was far too late to intervene. Agent Melbrook: So… so what, you didn't know? SCP-7041-1: You were handed over into protective custody at five years of age, Rachel Melbrook, with the cover story that your parents had died in a car accident. Agent Melbrook: And they… didn't, is what you're telling me? SCP-7041-1: It was a series of police raid bombings. A part of the United States I had yet to see. By the time we returned, the area was razed. Some of the children in the area had living relatives elsewhere, but… SCP-7041-1's gaze falls to its hands before it quietly shakes its head. SCP-7041-1: If I knew a better way to share the truth with you, dearest, I would. I wish there was any way I could lessen the impact this must have on you. 23 seconds pass in silence. After this period, Agent Melbrook appears to settle back. Agent Melbrook: …I'll be fine. SCP-7041-1: …I see. Well. If you're sure you're alright, there is another matter I would like to discuss with you. Agent Melbrook: Go ahead. SCP-7041-1 takes a deep breath. SCP-7041-1: My time in this realm is coming to an end. Agent Melbrook: You're… are you dying? SCP-7041-1: In a way, yes. I must say it feels long overdue, all things considered. Agent Melbrook: And you're just fine with… Christ, okay, why are you telling me this? SCP-7041-1: Because I've seen what you're capable of, Rachel. Not only physically, but you care deeply about others, you demonstrate sensitivity towards the children here, and… [laughs] well, perhaps most importantly, you're stubborn as a mule. You always have been. Agent Melbrook: Excuse me? SCP-7041-1: I mean you aren't one to be easily swayed. That, and every other trait I've mentioned, would be ideal for my successor. Agent Melbrook appears to sit up slightly. Another period of silence, spanning 21 seconds, ensues. Agent Melbrook: I've… I can't just… SCP-7041-1: Then allow me to rephrase: if you did elect to stay in your current post, why would you be staying? Agent Melbrook: What are you getting at? SCP-7041-1: Is it out of pure loyalty and devotion to your Foundation? Because if that is the case…have you considered the fact that you may not be able to recall this conversation after you leave these walls, Rachel? Agent Melbrook pauses. A hand reaches across the camera's field of view, and the recording stops. [END LOG] EXPLORATION LOG 7041.275.5: Attempt to retrieve Agent Melbrook. NOTE: After several minutes of consultation with offsite Foundation staff, Agent Forell returned to the interior of SCP-7041. Per advisement, she was to ignore the inspection objective. [BEGIN LOG] The layout of SCP-7041 appears to have stabilized. Agent Forell is able to quickly locate Agent Melbrook in the front foyer. Agent Forell: Rach? Rach, Christ, I thought you- Agent Melbrook: I'm fine. I was… I spoke with her for a while. Agent Forell: With SCP-7041-1? Agent Melbrook nods. Agent Forell: Are you- you know what? We can talk about this later. Agent Forell turns toward the exit. We need to go. Doc'll be on our ass any moment. Agent Melbrook: [inaudible] Agent Forell: You're what? Agent Melbrook: I'm not going. Agent Forell turns back towards Agent Melbrook, who does not appear to have moved. Agent Forell: The fuck do you mean you're not going, Rach? We're done here, if you're- if this is corrupting you or something- Agent Melbrook: No, Lindsey, I- I have to do this. Agent Forell: Do what? Agent Melbrook: Stay here. Assume her role. Agent Forell: What? Agent Melbrook: This place needs a new Headmistress. It needs me. Agent Forell attempts to grab Agent Melbrook's arm, but is unable to move her. Agent Melbrook: Let go of me, Lindsey. Please. Agent Forell: This is weird. This is fucking weird. Agent Forell raises her radio to speak, but hears only static in response. Agent Forell: Damn it, Rach, we need to get you back! You aren't safe here! Agent Melbrook: And I'm safe with everyone back there? Really? This is… [laughs] This feels like the first decision I've made for myself in so long. I refuse to be forced into that life again. I'm sorry that it means I need to leave you behind. Agent Forell: Rach, you're my partner. I need you to stick by me. It's not safe out there alone, I… Agent Melbrook pulls Agent Forell towards her. Dialogue is muffled to inaudibility for the next several minutes before the two separate. Agent Melbrook: Just… if it helps… think of the kids, Lindsey. They're good kids. Agent Forell: …I know, Rach. You were one of them. Agent Melbrook guides Agent Forell to the door, handing her a device later confirmed to be her body camera along with other Foundation-issued equipment. Once outside, 67 seconds elapse without movement before Agent Forell's hand reaches across the camera's field of view. [END LOG] Closing Statement from Sgt. Knowles, Tau-17: After debriefing Agent Forell, I offered her the option of receiving Class C amnestic treatment and/or being reassigned to another Site-12 task force. Agent Forell declined both offers and insisted on remaining with Tau-17. I will approve her reintegration pending a positive Sterling-Kesher emotional resilience report from the psych team. Recommending enforced limited contact between her and SCP-7041-1. Note from Michael Brown, Head Archivist for Tau-17: Let's make sure our logs on this thing are up to date as well to avoid another meltdown. I've got no idea how many staff might have been associated with it and I'm not intent on asking. We had a hell of a time transcribing that footage. NOTE: Based on the documented observations, Foundation research staff associated with Tau-17 concluded that after a life cycle of approximately 100. Including the entity's lifespan before taking on anomalous traits. years, the entity will pass its anomalous properties to an adult female previously in its care. The former identity and memories of this new instance appear to be retained. These properties have been passed to Former Foundation Agent Rachel Melbrook, who will from this date be referred to as SCP-7041-1 in accordance with the events of this exploration log. The pre-anomalous incarnation of Former Agent Melbrook is to be considered missing in action. + Open Interview Log 7041.93 - Close Interview Log 7041.93 INTERVIEW LOG 7041.93 DATE: 04/21/2014 NOTE: Interview was conducted on-site at SCP-7041 and took place in SCP-7041-1's study. Junior Researcher Samantha Dalton was selected to conduct the interview due to her resistance to external emotional influences as well as her lack of previous connections to Former Agent Melbrook SCP-7041-1. [BEGIN LOG] Junior Researcher Dalton: Hello, Dash-One. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today. SCP-7041-1: We both know why you're here, whitecoat. Let's get this over with. Junior Researcher Dalton: [smiles] Of course. Junior Researcher Dalton spreads a few documents across the table. Junior Researcher Dalton: We have a few excerpts from the exchanges that occurred the other day. Am I correct in assuming that you recall the events that transpired between you and Agent Forell? SCP-7041-1: Lindsey, yeah. I've been trying to get in touch with her. Is she still with Tau-17? Junior Researcher Dalton: I'm sorry, I'm not privy to that information. I'm just here to ask you a series of questions, starting with… Junior Researcher Dalton glances down at one of the pages on the desk. Junior Researcher Dalton: Why did we have to reclassify you, Melbrook? You had a successful career with the Foundation, from the look of things. SCP-7041-1: Why throw it all away? Junior Researcher Dalton nods. SCP-7041-1: Because this was better. I had a career because I was raised in a machine. I chose to move to a home instead. Junior Researcher Dalton: Would you care to elaborate? SCP-7041-1: Oh, for hours. It's not like anyone would see what's important, though. I could tell you about how we were shipped off to [REDACTED]. Trained from, what, ten? And all just to be slotted in among the ranks wherever we seemed to fit. But it's all alleged, isn't it? That's not what your documents there are saying. Junior Researcher Dalton: Your points considered, Dash-One, do you view your actions as contrastingly moral? For example, how do you reconcile with separating children from their families? 33 seconds of silence ensue, during which time neither participant breaks eye contact. SCP-7041-1: They come with me or they get blown to pieces. Junior Researcher Dalton: Why not take the entire family with you, then? SCP-7041-1: Because that's not how it works. None of you would get it. She told me… I saw the agreement. The original one, not the Foundation one. Rose was working with limited terms. So am I. We just do what we can. If we tried to uproot every person impacted by a conflict, we'd be disrupting more than just somebody's war plans. Junior Researcher Dalton: So you view yourself as being bound by a greater cause? SCP-7041-1: Yeah, but it isn't martyrial. I can't throw off the universe. All I can do is save the kids I can. And speaking of- SCP-7041-1 takes out a folded sheet of paper and passes it across the table. SCP-7041-1: I've revised the standing agreement between the Foundation and myself. Our benefactor saw to it that the former was terminated. You all can either accept it, or try to strongarm me like you did Rose. And you know how that ended. Junior Researcher Dalton scans through the document. Junior Researcher Dalton: …I don't believe I have clearance on a great number of things mentioned here, Dash-One. SCP-7041-1: Don't worry. You won't even remember it. SCP-7041-1 rises from her seat and gestures to the door. SCP-7041-1: I'm sure you'll fare better with other subjects. You're the Researcher ideal. It'll just take time. Junior Researcher Dalton: Could you elaborate? SCP-7041-1: Oh, I could never do what you do, Miss Dalton. I care about others a little too much for that sort of thing. Junior Researcher Dalton hesitates for a moment, but exits shortly after. A brief rustling sound is heard before the recording ends. [END LOG] NOTE: In line with Foundation protocol, Junior Researcher Dalton was administered a Class-A amnestic after the interview and denied access to this document by RAISA. After deliberation, it was decided that the Foundation would sign the updated agreement in order to minimize potential threats posed by the entity. + Open Addendum 1: Recovered Interview Log 7041.3 - Close Addendum 1: Recovered Interview Log 7041.3 RECOVERED INTERVIEW LOG 7041.3 DATE: 05/28/1931 NOTE: The following interview log was uncovered after several months' worth of archive review by Foundation staff. Per the description of the author's surroundings, it appears that the interview took place in SCP-7041-1's study. Records attribute this entry to a Dr. Donovan Taylor, who appears to have embarked on the expedition alone. The Subject, or SCP-7041-1 as we have thus dubbed it, is a peculiar one for my line of work. It displays a mild countenance and an overall pleasant nature, and aside from a scuffle over one of the Researchers keeping a Derringer on his belt, it has been exceptionally cooperative with our efforts to know it better. I sat across from the Subject at a finely-carved desk, a low lamp hanging dimly between us as we spoke. In its mannerisms the Subject seems entirely human, if leaning a bit into the traditional displays associated with old hysterias. It seems particularly sensitive at mentions of its children—whom I have scarcely encountered during my brief expeditions through the halls—and has insisted on the drafting of an Agreement with our Foundation to ensure their safety. I assume this to encompass the Subject's as well, although it has demonstrated a remarkable resistance to physical harm if the stories of its expeditions are to be believed in full. "How are you faring, Doctor?" An English accent, perhaps stemming from the areas near London, was clear in its words. It offered me a cup of tea, which I declined—we are yet unsure of its true motives—and settled into its own seat. I knew better than to ignore such pleasantries when they were offered. "Quite well, thank you. I believe you had a pressing matter you wished to discuss?" The Subject smiled, rather amicably so. "Indeed I do." I admit I felt the faintest twinge of fear at the sound of an opening desk drawer. I entertained, for a moment, the possibility of some elegantly lethal dagger ending my conscious visit. What was extracted, however, was not a weapon, but instead a series of paper sheets. "I have spent several nights deliberating over the contents of this document, Sir." It appeared eager for my attention, and so I gave it, meeting a pleading gaze with my own. "I have drafted up terms which I believe will suit all of us quite well, if you would…" It trailed off, carefully placing the sheets in front of me. I noticed its gaze toward me did not falter even as I read through the listed items. It seemed to be preparing for… something, although even in reflection I am unsure what. The requests listed in the agreement seemed reasonable enough: a blanket guarantee of mutual amicability, the administering of a tonic meant to resolve worried guardians, the permission for occasional exploration. I found myself nodding at the end of each line, raising an eyebrow at few, and posing a question at only one. "Dash-One, are you certain that these unattended children would not fare better in permanent custody?" The entity blinked slowly, seeming struck by confusion. "…You don't believe such an arrangement should be temporary?" I nearly spoke in quick rebuttal, but reminded myself of the Subject's ignorance in spite of its own anomalous state. Such matters require exceptional patience, particularly when one believes itself to be human. "Put simply, my dear, the world is full of creatures and places far stranger and more dangerous than your own. Beyond that, this world's propensity for bloodshed would pose a threat to any child you intended to return to it." I was admittedly uncertain of the extent to which the Subject knew the dangers of my field, or of any role in our Foundation, but had it confronted me on them I would have steadfastly held this position. "I must admit that I lack some faith in your approach, sir. I do not imagine that children would fare well in such a regimented environment." "A child—a most valuable commodity—is not to be lost to otherworldly horrors before its prime, Dash-One. It is better nurtured and trained to understand and confront them." The Subject appeared apprehensive for several moments before speaking up, its voice steady. "But you would ensure they were looked after?" "Of course, my dear. As if they were our own." At this, it seemed to settle considerably, removing the paper displaying the affected terms from the stack in front of me and writing out a quick revision. It signed a section at the bottom with what was perhaps its original name—Rosemary McIntire—before returning the sheet to me, at which point I, too, drew out my signature. I felt emboldened to reach out a hand to the Subject, who grasped it gently for a moment. A gesture of trust, and perhaps a good omen for the future of our relation with it and its inhabitants. NOTE: The agreement mentioned in this entry was upheld until April 2014, at which time an alternate draft with several revisions was proposed. Of particular relevance to this entry, the Foundation is no longer to keep orphaned children past the time span required to place them with a civilian family. + Open Addendum 2: Recovered Letters - Close Addendum 2: Recovered Letters Letters recovered from the personal desk of SCP-7041-1 During a small-scale investigation into a quasi-anomalous occurrence in ████████, New Hampshire on 07/08/1993, Agent Aaron Yussef uncovered a series of documents from the Dawson family estate. After confirmation from command and approval from the entity, Agent Yussef retrieved the following collection of letters: 27/10/1919 Dearest Kitty, I am writing to apprise you of news from home, both horrible and strange. My last child Stanley, like Lucy and Alexander before him, has passed from the influenza. My grief seems to know no end since the war began. First Daniel is killed by the Ottomans, then my parents succumb to consumption while trying to treat the wounded. I thought my children safe from these horrors until the epidemic reared its head. As bleak and harrowing as it is to have lost them in such a short time, I take comfort in knowing they are all together in heaven with the Lord… And now, the strange. The man with the red mustache was present at Stanley's funeral as well, only this time instead of his usual condolences, he asked for a private meeting next week in London. I must admit I find intrigue in this man…there are few I've met who save their words for such dreary situations, but I cannot say his presence has been unwelcome. I may just meet with him before I leave Birmingham. This brings me to ask a rather large favor of you and William. I have grown weary from the stench of death and despair that has consumed Britain and the rest of Europe, and beyond that, my house is cold and quiet. Since I have no family nor purpose tying me to this country, I would greatly appreciate it if you two consider hosting me at your estate in New Hampshire. I will work as a maid to earn my keep if need be, at least until I am able to find a place which I can call my own. I look forward to your response and continue to pray for you and your family. Perhaps if one of us must invite in Death, the other may be spared his presence. Yours, Rose McIntire 01/11/1919 Dearest Kitty, I at first intended to wait for your response to my previous letter, but found myself unable to after what has just transpired. I do not mean to frighten your gentle heart! It is strange, but good news, and much needed after the events of the past two years. I met with the man with the red moustache a mere hour ago. As I write this my coat is still drying—London weather is so terribly dreary compared to the blue skies I hear of in the States! But the lovely little tearoom I found myself in was warm and welcoming, and I must say the same of my counterpart. He was in all ways a gentleman. I've scarcely met someone that could read a person so well, assuage their worries so easily…but then, there is so scarcely a man like him, as I soon found. As we spoke, I came to discover that he knew a great number of things about me, some of which I have yet to utter aloud. At first this frightened me, and I nearly left for fear he was some sort of killer…but he shortly convinced me to hear him out, and I found myself so compelled by a kind nature in his eyes. He assured me he meant no harm, that he knew a great number of things about a great number of people, and that of all of them, he felt I was most suited for a task he had in mind… Well, Kitty, you know how I took to Mr. Donovan's similar proposition when we were young. I took my teacup and nearly tossed its contents in his face, but found myself unable to do so. Again, he simply looked at me with a gaze I could only describe as near holy in grace and quietly reassured me I was mistaken. Once I had settled he informed me of his proposition. An orphanage, to be constructed before the year's end, awaiting a headmistress. One that could ensure the children's utmost safety, even in the most dire of straits. I could take the role, he told me, if I was willing to leave what little I had behind… Kitty, I love you and William dearly. I know that you are happy, and I wish you to only continue in the joy you have found together. For that I know I must take up this role. I could not live with myself if I knew I was a burden upon your peace. I now only hope I can bring peace to some of my fellow lost souls. Yours, Rose McIntire 04/09/1920 Dearest Kitty, I apologize greatly for my delay in answering your letters. Since taking up my position at the Orphanage, I have found my days to be occupied with all sorts of matters, some stranger than others… but none unwelcome, as they all help ensure things remain well for my children. And they must, as they are such wonderful children, Kitty. In their eyes I find hope I thought I had forever lost. They are so young, and yet they have experienced so much of the horrors of the world… I feel such an urge to protect them, to do what I can to make up for what has been done to them. A warm embrace or a soft song feels so trivial, and yet when I look upon their face after these small gestures I can see some part of them has healed, however small. Some of them are what an inexperienced matron would call “difficult”. I have sat through more than one declaration of hatred, heard a few doors slam, and almost done the same. But then I remember how cold and how numb I felt at my own losses, and I know it is my duty to extend grace, to continue to love them until they know they can be loved and feel love. The hardest part has been the returns, truly. In the past several months I have rescued children from Mexico, from Ireland, from Ukraine…I have listened to their stories, held them as they cried, cooked them dinner, helped them wash up…only to kiss them goodbye and return them to an uncertain future. Certain, perhaps, with the presence of family, but not certain of a lack of future despair. It hurts me, and yet I know it is merely one of the facts of being a mother: to give one's own child to their future, and trust they will be alright in their own measure. Some I have not yet been able to return, however, for lack of family or safety in their origin…these I can only mourn for and vow to do well for them for as long as they may need it. Perhaps, if the speed of the world continues to pick up pace, I may even ask that some of them assist me as caretakers. There is so much that remains to be seen, so many days to be filled with duties, and yet I have no regrets about agreeing to the offer of a mystery man in a tearoom, all those months ago… Yours forever, Rose « SCP-7040 | SCP-7041 | SCP-7042 »
Item#: SCP-7042 Level3 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: simpatico Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7042 is kept in a secure storage locker in the archives of Site 84. Testing and Instances created by SCP-7042 are to be held within the on-site Wilderness Observation Chamber, with created instances being monitored for a period of 30 days. The Chambers are to be kept under observation by 2 security personnel armed with tranquilizers. After that period, nonthreatening anomalous instances are to be transferred to GOI-466 (Wilson's Wildlife Solutions), while nonanomalous entities are to be donated to local zoos alongside additional funding1. Description: SCP-7042 consists of two constituent parts. SCP-7042-1 is a worn sketchbook with a heavily scarred leather-bound cover. SCP-7042-2 is a pencil, the body resembling birch bark in texture and pattern, which never grows dull no matter how often it is used. When SCP-7042-1 is opened to the first page, it displays a worn sketch of a fist within a heart wreathed in vines. All other pages will be blank outside of the faintest erasure marks. If a name of an animal, whether it be the common parlance or scientific denomination, is entered into SCP-7042-1 using SCP-7042-2, the pencil will animate. Sliding from the hand of the subject, it will begin to sketch a drawing of the aforementioned animal. Within 30-seconds of the sketch being finished, a living version of that animal will appear within twenty feet of SCP-7042. The number of animals produced from one sketch is randomized, though numbers have yet to exceed six individual instances 142 individual instances. Notably, these animals might directly correlate to the name entered, or it could differ in various ways, as discovered in Testing. Genetic ancestors, cousins, and descendants have been produced by SCP-7042, as well as baseline species created with anomalous abilities. Many also show signs of increased fertility. This is further expounded upon in the Testing Logs. SCP-7042 was recovered by MTF Beta-4 "Castaways" with additional aid from MTF Gamma-4 "Green Stags", after an attempted raid on Wilson's Wildlife Solutions by Serpent's Hand forces. Beta-4 tracked the fleeing cell members back to their hideout and immediately came under fire. Complicating matters was the intervention of SCP-7042-A1, which injured seven members of Beta-4 before being put down with high-grade tranquilizers. Imagery found within the "Gaia's Fortune" Hideout. Upon entering the compound's interior, Beta-4 discovered documents detailing the creation of "Gaia's Fortune," a mixture of Serpent's Hand members and former GoI-466 personnel. The cell's leader willingly submitted himself into Foundation custody after Beta-4 found him in the middle of writing within SCP-7042. + Addendum 7042-1: Interview with PoI-8842 - Close Interviewed: PoI-8842 Interviewer: Agent Marks Foreword: Initial interview with POI-8842 regarding their actions and SCP-7042. <Begin Log, 11:42, 5/1/202█> Agent Marks: State your name for the record. PoI-8842: Come on, Marks, you know me. Agent Marks: Name. PoI-8842: Finn Mallory. You didn't kill her, did you? Agent Marks: Who? PoI-8842: Portia. Told the idiots not to start shooting, that'd spook her, but I'm just some hick from a magic zoo; who'd listen to me when Big Brother comes knocking, right? Agent Marks: You mean the elephant? The pink elephant. PoI-8842: Yes, did you kill her? Agent Marks: No, she's on her way to Wilson's as we speak. PoI-8842: Not gonna be another Thunderhorn2, is it? Agent Marks: Things have chan- PoI-8842: Spare me. Ask me what you want to know so I can get to my involuntary vacation. Agent Marks: Why did you attack Wilson's? PoI-8842 smiles but says nothing Agent Marks: Well? PoI-8842: We needed something from the database; luck of the draw, I still had my credentials, so they decided it was our best option. Agent Marks: What were you after? PoI-8842: Information. Agent Marks: Helpful. PoI-8842: Ain't I just. Agent Marks: I'll repeat myself; what were you after? PoI-8842: Names, species names, for the anomalies at the Park. The Snakes thought it would help use it better. Agent Marks: It? PoI-8842 reaches up with manacled hands and taps SCP-7042 with a finger PoI-8842: This. Agent Marks: Go on. PoI-8842: Well, this little sketchbook is something right special. Might be the luckiest break I have ever gotten my hands on, but I digress. Long and short of it, this little beauty is Portia's Mama. Agent Marks: It makes anomalies? PoI-8842: Yep, but that's not all; the entire animal kingdom, past, present, and future right at your fingertips. All you need is a little luck, and it can make you something gorgeous. Agent Marks: And if you don't? PoI-8842: Heh, that would be telling. <End Log, 12:20> Closing Statement: PoI-8842 refused further questioning and has been remanded to Foundation Custody. Experimentation with SCP-7042 is to commence at Site 84. + Addendum 7042-2: Transcription of Gaia's Fortune Manifesto - Close Providence, whispers Her Mind. Flesh Renewed, Life Enshrined. Her Newest Face finds our Hands. A Bounty of Verity from Amongst the Sands. Once more, Paper and Pen become Sword. This Little Book crafting the World's Ward. We are Her Fortune True. Past, Present, Future: Renew. + Addendum 7042-3: Testing Logs I - Close Transcribed are the Testing Logs with Notable Results/Changes in SCP-7042's Behavior. SCP-7042 Test A2 Subject D-4201 Protocol Dr. Erende asks D-4201 to write the name of their favorite animal in SCP-7042. Results SCP 7042-2 rises and begins to sketch. After a minute of drawing, the pencil returns to its inactive state. 30 seconds after that, a male Canis lupus familiaris appears. The D-Class is elated, claiming that it looks just like his old dog. He is removed from the testing area. After 30 days of observation, the Golden Retriever was confirmed to be nonanomalous and was adopted by Site Staff. SCP-7042 Test A3 Subject D-4202 Protocol Dr. Erende tells D-4202 to write down the binomial name of the "Emperor Penguin" within SCP-7042. The name is offered on a slip of paper. Results SCP-7042 acts in the same manner as the previous test. However, it produces 6 specimens of the Aptenodytes forsteri, with an anomalous size of 4.27 meters in height. Following the 30-day observation period, the specimens were transferred into the care of GoI-466. Notes Researchers notice an odd fluttering of the SCP-7042's pages following the creation of SCP-7042-A3. D-4202 claims to have heard the sound of a child's laughter. SCP-7042 Test A4 Subject D-4202 Protocol Dr. Erende asks D-4202 to write down the name of their favorite animal in SCP-7042-1 but instructs them to use an offered ballpoint pen instead of SCP-7042-2. Results D-4202 writes the word "Horse" within SCP-7042-1. The pencil floats into the air, shaking back and forth in the D-Classes face for a period of ten seconds before beginning to sketch. 30 seconds after completion of the drawing, a female Equus caballus appears. After staring at the D-Class for approximately one minute, the instance mock-charges them, revealing sharp canid teeth. Classified SCP-7042-A4, the instance is held for a period of 30 days before being transferred into the care of GoI-466. Notes D-4202 reports hearing a sound reminiscent of a groan of annoyance from a young child as the pencil waves before them. SCP-7042 refuses to work for the subject on the next test, necessitating a change in personnel. Signs of cognition were noted and added to the parameters of study for further experimentation. SCP-7042 Test A6 Subject D-4203 Protocol Dr. Erende tells D-4203 to write "White Rhino" into SCP-7042. Results SCP-7042 reacts in the same fashion as the other tests. 30 seconds later, 4 Ceratotherium simum cottoni appear. Two females and two males, all of prime breeding age. After some debate, the animals were transferred into the care of GoI-466. Notes "The ability for SCP-7042 to create viable members of species on the brink of extinction has caused a stir here at 84. Professional detachment are the words of the day for the Foundation. Still, it's hard to wrangle some of the world's best zoologists, conservationists, and veterinarians away from seeing this as a boon. Already I have heard talk of SCP-7042 being called a "godsend" or "lucky charm." I have reprimanded such talk accordingly"-Dr. Erende. SCP-7042 Test A7 Subject D-4203 Protocol Once more, Dr. Erende asks D-4203 to write "White Rhino" into SCP-7042. Results SCP-7042-2 pauses for just a few seconds before beginning to sketch. 30 seconds after the completed drawing, a female Elasmotherium sibiricum3 with albinism appears. The beast enters a panic and begins tearing apart the enclosure before being tranquilized. SCP-7042-A7 currently resides in High-Security Paddock 1-12. Notes D-4203 reports hearing laughter while SCP-7042-2 is drawing. SCP-7042 is showing clear signs of cognition and personality. "Despite my requests, my colleagues continue to favor SCP-7042 as some fashion of good omen. All I will say is that it appears to be gaining a sense of humor, always worrisome when it comes to Anomalies."-Dr. Erende. SCP-7042 Test A10 Subject D-4207 Protocol Dr. Erende tells D-4207 to write the word "predator" in SCP-7042. Results SCP-7042-2 pauses after the entry, hovering in midair for around a minute before beginning to sketch. It takes approximately 2 minutes to finish. 30 seconds later, an unidentified mammalian predator4 appears and attempts to break out of the chamber. It was sedated by on-site personnel and is currently residing in Wilderness Chamber 3T. Notes According to the D-Class, the pause was accompanied by a soft, childish humming. SCP-7042-A10, according to DNA-Testing, is not an anomalous entity but a natural species that has yet to exist. The decision has been made to avoid further entries of blanket terms due to worries over what else SCP-7042 could produce. Binomial names are to be utilized from this point onward. SCP-7042 Test A14 Subject Assistant Researcher Margaret Waller Protocol Dr. Erende instructs Dr. Waller to write the binomial name of the Giant Pacific Octopus within SCP-7042. Ms. Waller protests, noting that the arid environment found within Wilderness Chamber 4S would be deleterious to any form of aquatic life. Dr. Erende orders her to continue. Results SCP-7042-2 hangs in the air for 5 minutes before finally touching the paper of SCP-7042-1. 30 seconds after finishing its sketch, an instance of Enteroctopus dofleini appears. At the same time, Dr. Waller bursts into tears and is inconsolable for a period of thirty minutes. After that point, she calms down and reports no memory of her apparent panic attack. The instance survives in the open-air environment of Wilderness Chamber 4S with no ill effects, showing adaptions for desert survival on top of the anomalous ability to breathe when not submerged in water. Notes Dr. Waller details a rising feeling of dread within her as she wrote the name, followed by hearing the sound of a child wordlessly grumbling and crying, followed by an animalistic snarl. She reports no memory of her panicked crying, just saying that she felt a rise of guilt watching SCP-7042-A14 stare around its new environment and then nothing. Following this test, SCP-7042 goes dormant for a period of three months—any entries into it during this time illicit no immediate reaction. I have noticed an evident change in the personnel at Site 84. Not a conversation goes by without SCP-7042 coming up at least once. I am uncertain if this is an underlying cognitohazerdous effect that the object exudes or just my colleagues' excitement over the possibilities that could come with further testing. News reached us recently from GoI-466 that both female Northern White Rhinos SCP-7042 created are pregnant with twins. Many of my fellow researchers were conservationists in a former life, and I can not lie that even amongst the Foundation, bitterness over the current trajectory of the world is widely felt, at least here at Site 84. Even I must admit that the reality that the object has possibly quadrupled the number of extant specimens is a stroke of good fortune. However, I care very little for 'luck.' I wish to know if we could control precisely what SCP-7042 produces. As of yet, it has all been random, from number to ability. It can reach back and forward in time and bring specimens to our doorstep; the opportunities there also go without saying. The object is clearly intelligent, with keen situational awareness, and if I can rely upon the reports of my colleagues and subordinates, a personality echoing that of a young child. Perhaps this period of dormancy is little more than a momentary rebellion or a tantrum. I have been told that PoI-8842 wishes to speak with me regarding the object. I suppose it is time I finally pay him a visit. I refuse to commit to the giddy spirit that has overcome Site 84. SCP-7042 is not a harbinger of good fortune. It is just one more anomaly to add to the ever-growing pile, but this is not some Deathbringer or world-ender. It is simply an opportunity. Dr. Armando Erende Senior Researcher of Site-84. + Addendum 7042-4: Interview with PoI-8842-2 - Close Interviewed: PoI-8842 Interviewer: Dr. Armando Erende Foreword: The first conversation between Dr. Erende and POI-8842 about SCP-7042's traits. <Begin Log, 6:24, 8/13/2█> Dr. Erende: Good morning, PoI-8842. PoI-8842: To you, maybe, but since I haven't seen actual sunshine in over a year, or heard my real name, or had a proper cup of coffee, you can excuse my foul mood. Dr. Erende merely nods his head PoI-8842: So, what can I do for you, Doc? Dr. Erende: I would like to ask you questions regarding SCP-7042. PoI-8842: I bet you would. Dr. Erende: The Foundation has been able to gather that the object was under your care for some time. Sightings of rare species would usually precipitate following your departure from an area. PoI-8842 raises his eyebrows but says nothing Dr. Erende: Busselton, Bodmin Moor, Tinganavudu, Ouarzazate, the list goes on and on. For the past ten years, every city or village you've stopped in has seen an uptick in "Cryptid" sightings. PoI-8842: And? Dr. Erende: And I would like to know where you found it, and how you managed to control SCP-7042? How did you get it to provide proper specimens for the locales you traveled to? PoI-8842 is silent for several moments before breaking out in a fit of laughter Dr. Erende: Might I ask where the joke was? PoI-8842: Sitting right in front of me. See, that's the problem with you Foundation types. You think that with enough poking and prodding, eventually, everything will fall perfectly in line with how you view the world. I heard you folks were turning over new leaves or something, letting bygones be bygones, not meddling where you aren't needed, but it's too tempting, right? Dr. Erende: What is? PoI-8842: The sketchbook. You know what she can do now, don't you? All those possibilities floating through your brain. Dr. Erende: She? PoI-8842: She, he, it, whatever, there's a mind that little book. A mischievous, optimistic spirit that just wants to create. To bring life, and what is better, it likes fixing mistakes. Our mistakes. When I found her in the Yucatan…that book was the luckiest thing that ever happened to me. Dr. Erende: Many of my colleagues feel the same way. PoI-8842: But you don't? Dr. Erende: I will not lie and say that I do not see the opportunities SCP-7042 could provide, but that is all I see. Opportunity. PoI-8842: Some would say that's just another way to say 'good luck.' But come on, tell me why you actually wanted to come to talk to me. Cause if it was to "control" what the sketchbook makes, I got bad news. The final product, whatever it might be, it's always up to her. Dr. Erende: What if it stops writing? PoI-8842: That means you've gone and made her upset. She'll come around, but I'd be cautious. Mischievous is just one step from devious. It might take a while for things to smooth over, but if you want Doc, maybe I can be of some actual help. I can talk to her, convince her you messed up, that she'll be running the show the way she wants to from now on. Dr. Erende: No. Dr. Erende stands up, heading for the door. PoI-8842: Feh, don't come crying to me when you realize that trying to dictate Nature never goes the way Humans want it to. Though, I feel you should be well aware of not repeating that mistake, eh? Dr. Erende stops, turning around. Dr. Erende: Me? Two guards move past him, grasping PoI-8842 on both arms PoI-8842: Give me a sec, Gents. Not claiming to know about your personal failings, Doc. Just those of the Foundation. Turn every leaf you like. You'll never be able to undo some of the things you people have done. Entire peoples, entire species, wiped out due to your actions, your inaction! PoI-8842 surges against his bonds, lunging for Dr. Erende PoI-8842: I remember what you took away! But you can make it right! You have the key. You just need to take the chance. She is good luck. She is. She has to be. She never did wrong by me, long as I did right be her! Just treat her right, you hear me?! You treat her right! She is us, and we are her! PoI-8842 begins ferally snarling for several moments after this before being forcibly sedated <End Log, 6:40> Closing Statement: Under Dr. Erende's orders, PoI-8842's cell was searched, and several pieces of paper covered in rambling writing were discovered and are documented below. PoI-8842's Ramblings Following his outburst, further examination of PoI-8842 revealed withdrawal symptoms in line with those found in gambling addiction. Regular Screenings for signs of cognitohazardous influences began on-site on the orders of the Site Director. Initially, all D-Class personnel and Researchers that had used SCP-7042 do not appear to be under the effects of a cognitohazard. SCP-7042 remained dormant for another month before the movement was captured on the Archive's security cameras. Below is the Transcription of the Impromptu "Interview" between Dr. Erende and SCP-7042. VIDEO LOG SCP-7042-1 DATE: 9/14/2█ NOTE: Video is taken from security footage following SCP-7042's reactivation. This is the first instance of SCP-7042 conversing with a member of Staff. [BEGIN LOG-8:42 am] SCP-7042-1 unfurls of its own accord. SCP-7042-2 rises within SCP-7042's containment unit and begins writing. The camera zooms in, catching the word "Hello?" sketched in sizable lettering. SCP-7042-2 stays suspended in the air, rotating slowly. Security staff contacts Dr. Erende and affiliated staff studying SCP-7042. Dr. Erende enters the Archives with 2 security personnel in tow. After a moment of silently observing the SCP, Dr. Erende speaks. Dr. Erende: Open the container. Security personnel open the storage locker and carefully pull SCP-7042 free, placing it on a nearby table. Dr. Erende: Thank you. Security personnel take positions on either side of the table as Dr. Erende turns and nods behind him. Dr. Waller enters the room, carrying a clipboard. The pair move to the table, looking down at SCP-7042. Dr. Erende: Hello? SCP-7042-1's pages flutter as SCP-7042-2 bolts downwards and begins writing.Dr. Erende: We were not aware that you were capable of communicating.Dr. Erende: Warned of what?Dr. Erende: No, we are the Foundation. You are safe here.Dr. Erende: Yes. SCP-7042 stops writing for several minutes, SCP-7042-2 tapping on the pages.Dr. Erende: He is being kept safe as well. He can't be here, I am sorry.SCP-7042 makes several aggressive scribbles across its pages.Accompanying the last word, SCP-7042 sketches an octopus. SCP-7042-2 jabs at it several times as if emphasizing. Dr. Erende and Waller look around the room in expectation of a manifestation, but after several minutes nothing appears. Dr. Waller makes a note.Dr. Erende is silent, prompting Dr. Waller to speak. Dr. Waller: We just wanted to see what you can do.Dr. Waller: We've seen.Dr. Waller: Quite safe, you've proven to be quite the little good luck charm. Dr. Erende shoots her a dark look. She ignores him, stepping closer to SCP-7042.Dr. Waller: Yes, some of your creations are going to be parents. Dr. Erende: Dr. Waller, that is enou- He is cut off by the explosive movement of SCP-7042's pages as the pencil writes on repeat for thirty seconds.Dr. Waller: Yes. That was a very good thing you did. They are very lucky.Dr. Erende places a hand on Dr. Waller's shoulders and draws her back from SCP-7042, superimposing himself. Dr. Erende: There can be more "fixes" if you agree to work with us; no more danger will come to your creations as long as you do as we ask. Exactly what we ask.Dr. Erende: You're only other opportunity is staying confined here. SCP-7042 calms down, falling silent for 2 minutes. Dr. Waller frowns at Dr. Erende and goes to speak, but he halts her with a raised hand.Dr. Erende: Then let's get back to work. [END LOG-9:26] In the following weeks, the Site Director signed off on the continued testing of SCP-7042 with the requirement that cognitohazard screenings occur after every session. These tests were performed solely by Dr. Erende in an attempt to forge a bond with SCP-7042 that would turn it towards the Foundation's aims. This testing series led to a number of instances being created that hemmed closely to what was asked for by Dr. Erende. + Addendum 7042-5: Testing Logs II - Close SCP-7042 Test A15 Subject Dr. Erende Protocol Dr. Erende tests attempt to study the limits of SCP-7042's ability, starting with if it can produce life forms using terminology not tied to fauna. He enters "toaster" into SCP-7042. Results SCP-7042-2 hangs in the air for around a minute. It attempts several sketches, each increasing in pace, hinting at a growing frustration of the Object. After five minutes, it stops sketching and writes the words "Can't. Need. Help." Notes SCP-7042 is reported to have repeatedly made disgruntled sounds that increased in pitch and frequency the longer the test went on. Dr. Erende interrogated SCP-7042 about what it meant by its statement, but the object seemed slightly distressed and was unable to offer any fulfilling information other than it was "Missing. Something." Dr. Erende began investigating further into the SCP's origins and possible connections to other SCPs, though was met with little success. SCP-7042 Test A16 Subject Dr. Waller Protocol Under Dr. Erende's direction, Dr. Waller attempts to see if descriptors can produce an SCP-7042-A instance. The researcher enters "oldest" into SCP-7042. Results SCP-7042-2 rises into the air, but instead of beginning to sketch, it asks Dr. Waller, "EARTH?" Dr. Waller and Dr. Erende have a quick discussion, which ends in the former confirming the object's request. It begins sketching, and the event proceeds as expected. A living instance of Opabinia regalis5 appears, showing similar anomalous qualities as SCP-7042-A14. Over the 30-day observation period the instance showed a great deal of aggression towards staff, and needed to be anethesiased on more than one occasion, as Dr. Erende forbid termination. SCP-7042-A16 currently resides in Aquatic Holding Tank C-5. Notes SCP-7042 is reported to hum excitedly, pages flapping and occasionally writing small side notes to Dr. Waller throughout the process. "SCP-7042's breadth of ability continues to widen past my previous expectations. Sh It has shown a clear preference for interacting with Dr. Waller, and vice versa. Her conversations rarely focus on anything else between her and our colleagues. The continued belief that the object is some form of "Golden Goose" confounds me, but the cognitohazard screenings continue to come back negative. Perhaps…perhaps I am simply jaded." SCP-7042 Test A18 Subject Dr. Erende Protocol Dr. Erende, directly correlating to the response shown by SCP-7042 in the last test, enters the word "alien" into the object. Results SCP-7042-2 hangs in the air for the longest period of time recorded, around fifteen minutes. It then begins to sketch, erasing and scratching out several drafts over a period of forty minutes before finally finishing. The instance was a rusty-colored amphibian with a body plan analogous to Kaprosuchus saharicus6 that showed a great deal of aggression towards Dr. Erende. Genetic testing discovered that the entity had a basal connection to microbial life discovered on the surface of Mars. It is uncertain if the instance is an example of prehistoric or futuristic life. It currently resides in Wilderness Chamber 1C. Notes Dr. Erende reports that SCP-7042 seemed quite excited about this prompt, laughing giddily and loudly flapping its pages. "Once again, I am surprised by the potential SCP-7042 shows. I have to wonder, is sh is it creating the instance wholesale, or does it draw from points in history. A portal or a generator…I have to conclude that it is the latter, as it has shown the ability to code particular appearances and anomalous abilities. Waller continues her daily monologues about the object. I am beginning to believe removing her testing might be best for my sanity, if not hers. Regardless, SCP-7042 continues to function as requested. In truth, I think we were limiting her its ability in the initial rounds of testing. SCP-7042 Test A19 Subject Dr. Waller Protocol Testing the Upper-Limit of Instances that can be produced. Dr. Erende orders Dr. Waller to enter, Sylvilagus obscurus with the modifier "Countless." Results SCP-7042-2 begins sketching immediately, and 30 seconds later, the testing chamber in which the object was contained is flooded with 142 instances of American Cottaintail. Testing and observation revealed them to be an even split of males and females that showed limited aggression towards each other but were quite hostile to intrusions into their territory by staff. Numerous instances bred and reproduced during the period of captivity, and the Foundation is currently debating what to do with the instances in regards to release, sterilization, continued captivity, or termination. Notes "It appears that SCP-7042, unwittingly, knowingly, or otherwise imbues the instances it creates with increased fertility comparative to the created species, which often combines with the largest number of offspring being conceived that the mother can carry without becoming endangered. I was originally skeptical of my colleague's insistence that the object could prove to be a boon for conservation efforts, but it appears I must accept a helping of humble pie. I've even heard rumblings across Site-84 that they desire to see the object's class changed to Thaumiel and to shift part of our directives and those of Biological Research Site-104 to the long-term conservation of nonanomalous endangered species, citing the Foundation's purpose to "Protect." She's apparently been reaching out to staff at Site-44 as well, seeking further backers for this ploy. I can't imagine that any of the 0-5's will bite. A pity…really…" SCP-7042 Test A21 Subject Dr. Erende Protocol Dr. Erende sought confirmation to go ahead with this test with the Site Director, seeking to see if SCP-7042 was limited to non-sapient fauna. He enters "Homo sapiens" into the object. Results SCP-7042-2 pauses for about a minute before asking Dr. Erende, "Sure?" He reaffirms his position, and the object begins to sketch. 30 seconds later, an instance of SCP-███ appears. Security Personnel are summoned by Dr. Erende as he flees the chamber, but the instance, distinct in this batch of tests, shows very little aggression towards his presence in the chamber. It is tranquilized by security staff and moved to High-Security Paddock 1-39, and during the observation period, takes no aggressive actions toward staff and is noted to refuse meat entirely when offered, preferring to graze within the paddock. It was later transferred to Biological Research Site-104 Notes SCP-7042 is noted to giggle mischievously before beginning its work. "It created an anomaly. Not a common animal with anomalous abilities but an instance of a fully anomalous species. One that was distinct from the baseline instances in captivity within the Foundation. An Anomalous Anomaly. The Site Director desires I pull back on the breadth of our testing, and I have been ordered not to attempt any further sapience trials. Waller seems disgruntled by the news, claiming it "limits creative stimulation." SCP-7042 has a great deal of potential that I concede readily, but we can't coddle it. It's not…It doesn't matter how it feels. It doesn't matter. We'll be returning to basics for the next batch of tests. Regardless of 'stimulation.'" After Test 7042-A21, the produced instances were in line with instances produced during the first round of testing, though they often showed heightened aggression and abnormal defense mechanisms for their species until eventually leading to Incident 7042-3. Incident 7042-3 Test 7042-A26 lead to the creation of four instances of Phascolarctos cinereus. Preliminary testing led Site Personnel to believe that the instances were nonanamolous. However, when a member of the staff entered SCP-7042-A26's enclosure after a week of observation, they were ambushed by said instances. Falling from the tree, the instances were shown to have grown a foot taller, had increased claw length, and oversized canines. Security Staff intervened, but the staff member was maimed, losing their right arm in the process, and two of the instances, had to be put down with lethal force after refusing to release the staff member. Dr. Erende was notified of the event, and the conversation between the Doctor and SCP-7042 is captured below. Interviewed: SCP-7042 Interviewer: Dr. Erende. Foreword: Dr. Erende confronts SCP-7042 about their duplicity, leading to a conversation that notes a noticeable change in Dr. Erende's behavior. <Begin Log, 12:42> Dr. Erende: Why?Dr. Erende: Why did you do that?Dr. Erende: The Koalas.Dr. Erende: You think this is funny?Dr. Erende: Fairplay for what?SCP-7042-2 wags back in forth aggressively Dr. Erende: The Octopus was not harmed. It's still here on the Site, being taken care of by staff. You made sure it would be fine. How is this fair play?Dr. Erende blinks in surprise Dr. Erende: What…do you think happened SCP-7042? SCP-7042-1's pages flutter as if SCP-7042 notices the shift in tone.Dr. Erende: No. The pages begin to move even more frantically.Dr. Erende: One of my colleagues was injured. Very badly. Two of the instances…had to be put down.Dr. Erende: I could have staff bring the bodies here. SCP-7042-1 snaps close, the sound of a child sobbing is faintly heard on the recording, and Dr. Erende flinches as if struck. SCP-7042-2 taps listlessly at the glass, and sobbing continues for a period of ten minutes. SCP-7042-1 unfurls.Dr. Erende: You were trying to scare us. All the instances since the Octopus were an attempt to get back at…at me?Dr. Erende: You want us to believe that you would never hurt anyone? That was just the tip of the iceberg.Dr. Erende: Fix this how, SCP-7042?Dr. Erende seems to flinch again as the crying returns. Dr. Erende: You can be sorry, but that doesn't change what happened, and we can not trust what you say. You've already proven to be willingly devious.Dr. Erende: You already played that card, and regardless that is out of my hands.Dr. Erende: You're bargaining.Dr. Erende: You are not a good luck charm! You aren't some bastion of hope! You're just some trickster with the mentality of a child!Dr. Erende: I…I'm sorry. Why am I sorry? Dr. Erende shakes his head and backs away from SCP-7042 before exiting the room, the security staff following.<End Log, 13:26> Closing Statement: Dr. Erende immediately submitted himself for a cognitohazard screening following the conversation. SCP-7042 was found to have latent cognitohazardous abilities. Initial testing was found to have been faulty. During periods of dormancy, the influences recede to a point where it appears the afflicted are still acting in their normal functioning states. Furthermore, the cognitohazard only affects individuals whose careers involve the care, breeding, and conservation of animals of any kind. SCP-7042 will shift their perceptions to consider it an object of providence and form a protective, pseudofamilial bond with the object the longer it remains in their possession. At the moment, it is not known if the SCP is aware of its influence or if it is a latent property of the object. If several individuals are infected, they will seek each other out, grouping together into a cult-like organization whose goal is to learn more about SCP-7042 and how to control her powers in the name of conservation, experimentation, and revitalization. The beginning of said occurrence was found within the staff of Site-84, using the pseudonym: Gaia's 42, under the purview of Dr. Waller. All afflicted staff were administered Class C Amnestics, though Dr. Waller is currently under close administrative observation after speaking to the on-site therapist about a sourceless feeling of loss. Site-84's Director has suspended all testing with SCP-7042. SCP-7042 has been sequestered in the Archives. Footnotes 1. However, transfers are currently suspended following Incident 7042-3. 2. SCP-654 3. Elasmotherium 4. DNA Testing has discovered that it is a descendant of the Gulo genus 5. Opabinia 6. Kaprosuchus « SCP-7041 | SCP-7042 | SCP-7043 »
Begin Audio Transcript - Call Log - 7/7/2022 - 09:24:77 - Site-19 Documentation Dept. TO Site-19 Director's Office Dir. O'Leary: Hey Clarence, what's the issue? C. Robinson: Hey, you ever tell the secretary there I think she's cute? Dir. O'Leary: Still at that? You know I can't do that, man. C. Robinson: (chuckling) I was hoping this might be the lucky call. Anyway, calling for a handful of reasons. One was to finally give you a congratulations now that you're actually in the office. Can't be any more of a pain than Director August, I can tell you that much. The department here's rooting for you. Dir. O'Leary: Well I appreciate that! Settling in around here has been an absolute mess, what with yesterday's power outage and some things shaking around up top. C. Robinson: Power outage? Where at? Dir. O'Leary: Like, the whole building's security cams. There's just no footage of anything from the 6th. Security was really concerned. C. Robinson: Huh. I'm sure we'll be hearing abou- wait, isn't today the 6th? Dir. O'Leary: My watch says it's the 7th, and it's never been wrong. C. Robinson: Odd, I could swear yesterday was the 5th. Maybe I had one too many last night. Dir. O'Leary: Well that's hardly unusual. C. Robinson: (chuckling) C'mon man, I swear I'm trying to quit! Dir. O'Leary: (chuckling) I know, I know. C. Robinson: Anyway the other couple of things I wanted to talk to you about are more odd ones. I was cataloguing a new skip that came in with Patra out of the investigation department. I think it was slot 70… 7043! Dir. O'Leary: That hadn't been filled yet? C. Robinson: I wanna say something was there and it just got moved. Lucky for me, I guess. Makes it easier to find an open spot without pulling up the search or throwing a dart at the board. Anyway, turn the brain off, start tacking away, you know how it is. Dir. O'Leary: Yeah, sure. C. Robinson: I uh, finish the description bit and I'm about to scan the one addendum document when I look over and notice the page just filled itself in with addendums. Dir. O'Leary: I thought you hated AIC's. C. Robinson: I do, which is why I wasn't using one. I double-checked. I ran the addendums through the search to see what came up and there was three or four things above my clearance level but that was about it. I don't know what to make of them. I cut the addendums out so I could finish but I still have them on a separate document here if you wanna look into it. Dir. O'Leary: They just.. appeared there? C. Robinson: Poof. Like outta thin air. Nothing on the screen and then suddenly there's like 9 or 10 documents. Kinda odd stuff too. I didn't really look them over in case there's a brain hazard or something but the couple glances I took.. I don't recognize the formatting. Dir. O'Leary: I mean, I've got a lot on my plate right now, but you've piqued my interest. I'll run them by the folks in infohazards and then take a look, why not. C. Robinson: You want me to email them or fax them over? Dir. O'Leary: (chuckling) Did you know that old place is the only one that still has a fax machine? There's one in the IT department for testing some things and that's about it. You and the other doc departments are the only people that ancient. C. Robinson: (laughing) Yeah, well, I still say it's the best way to send a sheet of paper. I'll send the email over in a bit then. Dir. O'Leary: I appreciate it. Was there something else? C. Robinson: Yeah, how come the whole building smells like cigarettes and gas station liquor? ► ATTACHMENT: Foreword.log ▼ Close File FADE IN: EXT. MOJAVE DESERT - DAY A BLACK 1968 GT MUSTANG rolls across the dry, cracked landscape. In it are two passengers, both obscured by the distance and the blowing sand. A pair of cotton gloves flips a coin in the air. This is PASSENGER ONE. The coin lands in the palm of a glove, heads. The coin is flipped again, then again, landing heads each time. A pair of hands can be seen holding the wheel of the vehicle, PASSENGER TWO, placing Passenger One in the passenger seat. The MOJAVE DESERT passes by in the windshield, blowing sand against the car. PASSENGER ONE raises a gloved hand, and the car comes to a stop. Both people exit the vehicle, the gloved hands coming to Passenger One's sides. There is a .44 Magnum at Passenger One's hip, sitting in a holster on their belt. A dark leather overcoat covers most of Passenger One's body. The .44 Magnum is raised and the cylinder is opened, revealing six empty chambers. Passenger One loads a single round into a chamber, then spins the cylinder. There is the crack of a gunshot, and Passenger Two falls on their back, hands at their side. The sound of footsteps fades into the distance as blood pools around Passenger Two. FADE OUT. ► ATTACHMENT: Interview1.log ▼ Close File FADE IN. INT. MURPHY LAW DETECTIVE AGENCY - DAY The hands of a light-skinned man pour a drink of scotch into a shot glass. He lifts the needle of a record player onto a record, then sits back in the chair at his desk, setting the glass of scotch down. He wears a white-collared shirt and tan suspended dress pants, a trademark trilby hat placed loosely on his head. We can see his own .44 sitting loosely in the shoulder-strapped holster. He lifts a cigarette from his mouth and reaches for the newspaper on his desk, sending a puff of smoke into the air. This is MURPHY, and he is ready to give anyone a bit of the business. He's hard and handsome, with a face you could hit with a wrecking ball and bring out unscathed. The slight wrinkling and dark circles show his age and experience in his harsh, unforgiving line of work. He is also our NARRATOR. His voice is a rough growl, as if he'd just ran sandpaper over his vocal cords and cleaned the cuts with rubbing alcohol. NARRATOR There are things in this world most folks just don't have the stomach for. In my work, you get a good helping of it all. Bad people, worse lives. These days, everyone's got something to hide. Us people keep falling deeper into that black pit, filled with death, murder, lizards hellbent on your destruction. The door to the office opens quietly. A pale, redheaded man in a work suit and a driver's cap walks through the door. He's perpetually 20, with a face covered with freckles like the blood spatter of a slash across the neck. This is FRED, the silent observer, a man in the shadows and yet so unlike the darkness in the office. NARRATOR Sometimes, even surprises. FRED I come in here every day, it shouldn't be that surprising anymore. Drinking alone at 11am again, Murph? FRED sits in a chair across from Murphy, watching as he raises the glass to his lips. MURPHY Someone has to. NARRATOR For all the bad in the world, Fred is a little too much good. Good man, good company, hiding nothing. But good company doesn't mean so much these days. The world will just keep spiraling, good or bad. FRED ..Right. Well, I'm here to bring in your mail again. Looks like it's still all ads and bills. FRED tosses a stack of papers onto Murphy's desk. FRED You get any new cases yet? MURPHY No, trouble's still out there, calling my name. FRED Look, Murphy, I'm sorry but how do you know that anymore? You haven't had a case since 2018, and that was a side gig if anything. Before that, your last real case was, what, 17 years ago? MURPHY groans, then looks down into the swirling liquid in the glass in his hands. He sees The Professor running into his office. He sees a 1937 Olympia Elite Typewriter with three bullet holes sitting on her desk. He sees Dr. Thaum sitting across him in an interview room, attempting to snuff him out. He sees the remnants of an android scattered about the sidewalk of the city, sparking in the rain. The memories fade from the glass, and he looks up. MURPHY I know because you're here. Wherever you are, trouble comes along. Never part of it, but always there. FRED I mean… FRED looks down at himself, lost in contemplation. FRED I'm just concerned, Murphy. As a friend should be. Your lease for this place is up soon and I'm worried you can't keep paying it. NARRATOR Money keeps the world spinning, but it can't buy you justice. The world can keep spinning without that. Maybe the world doesn't need a Murphy Law anymore. FRED That's not what I said. Whatever, Murph. Maybe you're right, something really will come knocking, seeing as I'm here. FRED stands from the desk and walks to the door. FRED All I'm saying is, you should look into a change of career. Join the police, maybe. I just got a job as a limo driver, maybe that's your calling. You can still drive around the city and brood about the filth or something that way. MURPHY looks up at Fred from the seat behind his desk. He watches him intently, then Fred opens the door. MURPHY Fred? FRED Yes, Murphy? MURPHY stares at him, waiting to say just the right thing, the point that proves him wrong. But it doesn't come. MURPHY Goodbye, Fred. FRED smiles lightly. FRED See you tomorrow, Murph. FADE OUT. FADE IN. INT. MURPHY LAW DETECTIVE AGENCY - NIGHT MURPHY is asleep in his chair, feet up on his desk. The position is uncomfortable, but he doesn't need comfort. There's a sudden knock at the door, causing Murphy to slowly open his eyes. He draws his piece, aiming it squarely at the door. A letter slides under the door. Murphy sits up, looking at it. NARRATOR My lucky day. MURPHY walks over to the door and picks up the letter. On the front is the words "For Mr. Lawden." Murphy scowls, then flips the letter over. NARRATOR It was the one thing I needed most, the trouble that had been looking for me. It was the inevitability of all things, the bane and purpose of my existence. It was.. ZOOM IN on the wax seal on the back. Camera focuses to reveal the logo of the SCP Foundation stamped into the wax. NARRATOR A case. TITLE SPLASH Murphy Law in.. Skip 7043 - THE MONTAUK FALCON! FADE OUT. ► ATTACHMENT: Discovery.log ▼ Close File FADE IN. EXT. MOJAVE DESERT - NIGHT. MURPHY's car drives down the shambles of a paved road, headlights piercing the inky blackness of night. Murphy's hands clench the steering wheel. NARRATOR The Foundation was trouble incarnate. They always had almost everything under control, even the things you didn't know you needed to worry about. They had an ace up their sleeve for nearly every hand that could be dealt. MURPHY's car screeches to a halt. The headlights illuminate a woman standing in the road, her vehicle sitting behind her. She wears a modestly luxurious red coat, the fur of an animal surrounding her neck. She's no older than 45, and she speaks with a hint of German to her accent. This is THIRTEEN, and thanks to her status as the top of the top in The Foundation, her commanding presence needs no introduction. Murphy steps out of the car. NARRATOR The Foundation knew the flop before the dealer even flipped the cards. THIRTEEN opens the door to her vehicle. THIRTEEN Hello, Mr. Lawden. Please step into the car. MURPHY grimaces at the name. NARRATOR The only group of people despicable enough to call me that name was the O5 Council and those pencil-pushing pataphysics people, and she didn't look like a pencil-pusher. MURPHY My car works just fine, toots. THIRTEEN You need to swap vehicles to better appear as my partner. Local authorities already opened an investigation. You'll be posing as a member of the FBI along with myself. MURPHY You certainly didn't dress the part. THIRTEEN opens the trunk of the car and removes a FBI uniform. She takes off her coat and puts the uniform on, then removes a second uniform and holds it out for Murphy. He looks at it, then up at her. MURPHY I'm already in my uniform. MURPHY flips up the collar on his leather overcoat. Thirteen frowns. THIRTEEN Whatever you need to work, I suppose. You're out of my jurisdiction, but I need help here. Whatever I can do to accommodate you, within reason, let me know. Now please get in the car. MURPHY steps into Thirteen's vehicle, sitting in the passenger seat. Thirteen sits in the driver's, and the car maneuvers back onto the road and drives off. NARRATOR But for all the quad aces there were to draw, all the card-counting and manipulation, the Foundation always faced the threat of a royal flush. All you can do then is keep the winner from cashing out. They don't call a guy like me to the Vegas deserts unless they see the nail coming to the coffin. THIRTEEN I'm sure you understand from my letter the sensitivity of this case. I'm concerned I can't even let my peers know I'm investigating. The car slows to a stop twenty feet from a wrapping of bright yellow police tape. It's a grizzly yet clean scene, a single vehicle within the tape, and the victim, PASSENGER TWO, still on his back, blood pooled up around his torso from a stream in his head. The top half of the body lays off the road, covered in dust from the surrounding desert. The area is swarmed with police, their red and blue lights flashing in the distance and splashing over the area like light through flavored syrup bottles. MURPHY pulls the yellow tape over his head and kneels over the body. A couple of officers run over to him, but Thirteen stops them before they can say anything. Thirteen pulls a badge from the pocket of her uniform. THIRTEEN FBI, he's with me. We're commandeering this investigation, please step away. OFFICER ONE We sent for a hearse to haul him off to the coroner and a couple detectives from the station, would you like us t- THIRTEEN Call it all off, go home for the night. We'll let you know if we need anything. OFFICER TWO Alright. I guess he's someone of interest, then? THIRTEEN Yes, and that's more than you need to know. The OFFICERS leave. Murphy runs his hands over Passenger Two's cold cheeks as vehicles drive off, the red and blue lights leaving with them. NARRATOR Heat's leaving the body, nothing but the sun for warmth out here, and the feathers of buzzards. Cold body, colder act. THIRTEEN You're getting fingerprints on my body. MURPHY pulls his leather gloves from his coat pocket and puts them on. He turns over Passenger Two's arms, then his legs, then inspects his neck. MURPHY No struggle. MURPHY reaches into the pockets of Passenger Two's pants and finds nothing. He stands, then opens the door to the vehicle. MURPHY Smells of vinegar. MURPHY runs his gloved hands along the driver's seat and inspects them, then the steering wheel. MURPHY Entire vehicle's been cleaned and disinfected. No fingerprints, no DNA. Whoever killed him wanted him more than dead, they wanted him dead and gone. MURPHY opens the glove box and finds nothing. He shifts over to the passenger side and opens the pocket. MURPHY No registration or insurance papers. Nothing up here, except for this. Inside the pocket sits a small ballcap, the logo of Sasha's Cleaning Products ironed into the front. MURPHY pulls it out and turns it over in his hands. MURPHY Sasha's Cleaning Products. S.C.P. THIRTEEN A front company of ours, set up a few miles west of here. Lucky they left that here. MURPHY Not luck, you don't clean up this well and leave a mistake like this behind. I don't suppose the hat's the only reason I'm here. THIRTEEN No. The reason you're here is because, as the thirteenth member of the O5 council, I have to take threats to our members with the utmost seriousness. You're here because that.. THIRTEEN gestures to Passenger Two, the camera slowly zooming in to Passenger Two's face. THIRTEEN ..is O5-7. FADE OUT. ► ATTACHMENT: Interview2.log ▼ Close File EXT. SASHA'S CLEANING PRODUCTS - NIGHT. MURPHY's car drives slowly down a village road, passing by shops and restaurants one by one. The streets are devoid of other life save for the occasional passing car and the street lights shining by overhead. NARRATOR She had armed me with a special access card and a code phrase, although the steel at my hip was all I needed. Her concerns made sense now; the only person close enough to an O5 to have them whacked would be another O5. This narrowed me down to 12 possibilities. The big question is, why? MURPHY stops the car in front of a shop. He gets out and surveys the building. It's empty inside, a single counter surrounded by various cleaning implements: shelves of disinfectants and window cleaners, walls of vacuums and mops, and a display in the front advertising their personal cleaning services, all of which sit dormant in the dark building. Mounted at the top is a red sign with orange letters, reading “Sasha's Cleaning Products.” Smaller lettering below it reads “Your mess is our success!” MURPHY steps up to the door and pulls on the handle, but finds it locked. He sighs, then removes a pack of cigarettes and a zippo lighter from his breast pocket. He places a cigarette between his lips and lights it, then puts the items back. He pulls a keycard from the same pocket and looks at it. Inked in red are the words “level three access.” Next to the door is a card reader. He swipes the card, and the reader blinks green. The door makes a small click before releasing the locking mechanism. MURPHY pushes open the door and steps into the building, smoke wafting up from the cigarette. He steps up to the counter. Next to the register is a small silver bell, a sign stand next to it reading “ring for service.” He presses down on it and the bell rings. After a moment or two, a man opens the door to a back room and comes to the front. He wears a purple shirt with the logo of Sasha's on the front. He looks tired, but he becomes alert on seeing Murphy. This is ATTENDANT. ATTENDANT I don't recognize you. You have two minutes to tell me who you are and how you got in here. MURPHY Does ███ █████ ████ ████? ATTENDANT squints, then lifts up the divider in the counter, gesturing for Murphy to enter. Murphy steps behind the counter. Attendant opens the door to the back room and Murphy enters. Inside, the room is lit up by the glow of blinking lights and computer monitors. Desks and servers litter the room. In the back, a large array of screens stand looming over the room. They each display the video feed of a different camera within the village. ATTENDANT What can I help you with? MURPHY Has anything unusual happened around here recently? ATTENDANT Nothing of note, no. MURPHY Have any members of the O5 council been through here in the last few days? ATTENDANT O5-7 came by as a routine check-up night before last, but that isn't unusual. MURPHY Does he do that often? ATTENDANT Well, yes, he's comes by biweekly.. and you should know that. MURPHY I'm no O5, I'm just with them. An involved party. ATTENDANT uh-huh. ATTENDANT side-eyes Murphy as they speak, never losing suspicion. MURPHY Did O5-7 do anything unusual? ATTENDANT I don't know, I wasn't in. Hey Jimmy! A man sleeping at a desk in the corner suddenly awakens, startled. This is JIMMY. JIMMY What! I'm awake! I've been awake! ATTENDANT Did O5-7 do anything off while he was here? JIMMY uhhh… yeah, yeah! He dropped off a body bag and then asked to see the order ledger. MURPHY Show me the ledger, and the body. JIMMY I'll have to call downstairs to get the body but I can print out the ledger for you in the meantime. NARRATOR Another body, but what's one amongst foundations. Dead people was not unusual for a society such as this one. The Foundation breeds a different class of desensitivity. It's disgusting. JIMMY hands Murphy a couple sheets of paper, order logs for cleaning supplies from the last month. Murphy thumbs through them. Camera zooms on the names. Margaret Edmonds, Nolan Boddy, Kevin Alberstram.. nothing of note catches his eyes. JIMMY That's funny. Storage says somebody checked the body back out. They didn't leave a name. MURPHY Who was the body? JIMMY asks the same question over the phone. JIMMY They were instructed not to open the bag, so they didn't. They said it made a whirring sound. I noticed that too, now that I'm remembering it. MURPHY Any ideas where it came from? JIMMY again asks the same question over the phone. JIMMY Well, the bag had “Site-19 Storage” stenciled on. MURPHY Hrm. MURPHY exits the building, tapping the ash off the end of his cigarette on his way out. Attendant turns to Jimmy and grabs his shoulder. ATTENDANT Call the boss. Tell him to call his boss. Tell him there's a problem with O5-7. I'm gonna run downstairs and get Site-19 on the line. Whoever that was, even if he had the code.. I don't like the look of him. JIMMY picks up the phone again and begins calling someone. Attendant opens the door to the bathroom, revealing an elevator shaft behind the door. He presses a button and the lift rises to him. He steps in and the lift lowers. Stenciled onto the wall behind the lift are the words "Armed Site-21 Access Lift." FADE OUT. ► ATTACHMENT: Interview3.log ▼ Close File EXT. SITE-19 - MORNING. MURPHY pulls his car up to a Site-19 perimeter security booth. He stops the car at the booth window just behind the gate. A security agent pokes his head out of the window. He's tired and monotone, but hardly careless. This is SECURITY 1. NARRATOR Site-19 was the most sterile and lifeless place on earth, but the life they kept here was nothing to sneeze at. One of the few places where the monsters still roam and the broken have a home. Whatever was waiting for me in there, I couldn't possibly imagine. SECURITY 1 Facial recognition failed, name and badge number? MURPHY Does ███ █████ ████ ████? SECURITY 1 Does what? I don't know what that means, sir. Name and badge number or turn around. MURPHY hands the agent his loaned security badge. SECURITY 1 Name, sir. MURPHY squints at the agent, as if trying to stare him down. MURPHY I'm Murphy. Murphy Law. There's a loud buzz as SECURITY 1 swipes the card and inputs the name into his computer. A small red light on the desk comes on. SECURITY 1 Excuse me for a moment. SECURITY 1 picks up the phone in his booth and punches in a few numbers. He begins talking to someone in the background, staring back at Murphy as he does. NARRATOR These sites were just beehives waiting to be kicked. SECURITY 1 finally hangs up the phone, then sighs. He hands the card back to Murphy. SECURITY 1 Park in Lot A, Door One. MURPHY drives the car up to the lot and steps out, then approaches the door. He scans the ID card and steps inside. Another security agent stands in front of the door waiting to greet him. His tone is more warm, but he is much like the first in intention. This is SECURITY 2. SECURITY 2 Hello, Mr. Law. I'm to escort you to your meeting. MURPHY gives him a cold glare, then nods. Security 2 is unphased. The two walk through the facility, passing by a myriad of locked doors and labelled rooms. Murphy takes a drag on his cigarette. NARRATOR Meeting. If I had a dollar for every arranged meeting I'd been to, I wouldn't be doing this job. If I had two for every meeting that turned out to be a trap, well, wouldn't I be lucky. SECURITY 2 opens the door to an interview room. A middle-aged Chinese woman sits at the interview table, waiting patiently. She smiles at Murphy as he enters and he recognizes her instantly. Age has done it's reshaping, but it's still the same commanding presence. This is FIVE, and if we told you any more about her, we'd have to kill you. FIVE Hello, Mr. Lawden. It's been quite a while, hasn't it? MURPHY winces at the name again. He sits at the opposite end of the interview table, disgruntled. NARRATOR O5-5. Seventeen years… FIVE How have you been? Good spirits, I hope. MURPHY Hrm. FIVE When Site-21 called us and warned that a man in a leather overcoat and a cigarette addiction would be coming by to investigate O5-7, I knew who it was right away. MURPHY doesn't speak but looks on in silence. NARRATOR So much for anonymity. FIVE Right, well, O5-7 didn't show for this morning's meeting. I assume at least that that's what you're looking into, it's the most concerning thing there is around here and you did ask about him. Here, this is the last sighting of him as he left the facility yesterday. FIVE hands Murphy a stack of printouts, each a screenshot of security cam footage showing O5-7 leaving Site-19. Murphy inspects each image carefully. FIVE I reviewed the security footage at Sasha's. You seem different. Different demeanor, more.. mellow, less noire. I have to say, it's rather disappointing. I was hoping for the site to be converted into a sprawling mansion or a dingy dive bar or some such, but no, it's simply the same old place. That's unlike you, unlike your anomaly. Are you okay? Has something changed? There's a hint of annoyance to Murphy's voice, like just the wrong buttons were being pressed. MURPHY Where's the bag. FIVE Pardon? MURPHY He had a body bag from here when he arrived at Sasha's. It's not here in these photographs. Why? FIVE gives Murphy an unconvincing smile. FIVE Well, I don't know. Things just sort of happen around here all the time. It's possible he picked it up in transit. NARRATOR Like a $500 image of a pixel monkey, I didn't buy it. Everything about her demeanor reeked of lies and deception. She was hiding something, but what? Her hands weren't made for the grip of a .44 magnum. MURPHY stands from the table, adjusts his hat, and turns towards the door. FIVE Please, show Mr. Lawden around our facility. Perhaps he might be interested in our investigative department. I hear they're always looking for work. You'd make a great addition, Murphy. MURPHY Hm. I'll be around. SECURITY 2 opens the door for Murphy and they both step out of the interview room. Security 2 escorts Murphy back down the same hall, the same array of doors and hatches passing by. NARRATOR She was hiding something, that much was certain, but what? What was in that bag that was so bad that it had to be hidden? SECURITY 2 opens the door to a room labelled “Site-19 Investigation Division.” Inside, Murphy finds a handful of mahogany desks, the dimmed lights projecting a slight orange shade onto them. A whiteboard against the wall is filled with blue scribblings about magicians and a pinboard next to it has the images of people's faces and names of events tacked on and wrapped together in red string. A vaguely Egyptian woman in a lab coat sits hunched over one of the desks, the room's sole occupant. This is DR. PATRA, a woman whose sheer grit and determination to get everything done all the time has swamped her with work. It commends a level of admiration, but the tiredness of her face tells a less happy story. NARRATOR Most Foundation investigators were stuffed in someone's pocket, forging evidence for solved cases either to prevent panic or to “unsolve” it indefinitely. However, *she* was a different case entirely. MURPHY clears his throat. Dr. Patra looks up at him, then looks back down at her work. She looks up again slowly and jumps, as if she hadn't seen him there the first time. She pushes her seat back and approaches Murphy. Security Two steps around him and stands in the corner of the room. DR. PATRA Opening a new case or checking an old one? MURPHY Where's the rest of the team, miss.. DR. PATRA *Doctor* Patra, please. They gave us all the day off, actually. Dismissed us all just about an hour ago but I kinda snuck in to grab some case notes and… well… DR. PATRA looks over at her desk, a single desk lamp illuminating documents and photographs tossed about in a wild mess. She gestures to it weakly. DR. PATRA That happened. MURPHY sits down at her desk. She grabs a chair from an empty desk and drags it over, still staring at some of the notes. MURPHY What have you been working on? There's a hint of genuine curiosity to his voice, as if a soul finally got off the late train and took him over for a moment. DR. PATRA Well, a myriad of things, see there's this group of street magicians that started appearing recently- MURPHY What's this? MURPHY pulls a close-up photo of a canvas body bag, the words “Site-19 Storage” stenciled onto its side. DR. PATRA That's a bag. MURPHY What's in it? DR. PATRA It's part of a classified investigation from higher up, I can't divulge anything without proper credentials, mister.. I'm sorry, who are you? MURPHY furrows his brow, tapping the desk. He thinks for a brief moment, then looks up. MURPHY Does ███ █████ ████ ████? DR. PATRA Does… oh, I see. My apologies. MURPHY What was in the bag, Doctor? DR. PATRA Well, you see, we had a rather important anomaly go missing. I only got a brief overview of it myself, access restrictions being what they are, but you gave the code. We think that anomaly was stuffed in this bag and stolen by the children of the scarlet king. We were pretty sure they'd been wiped out, but someone stole it. MURPHY Who are the suspects? NARRATOR I already knew who'd done it, but the question was why and why'd it get him knocked. Sometimes you gotta ask the wrong questions to get the right answers. DR. PATRA Well, frankly, we don't have any strong leads other than it's probably someone from scarlet king, but we've been looking into something else, and I have this hunch they're connected. Someone managed to break into the department of pataphysics about ten months ago. Funny thing is, I can't find the department anywhere- MURPHY They broke in? People don't simply break in around here. DR. PATRA Well, the name was on the entry and exit log but there's no evidence of them appearing anywhere else in the facility or in any other documents. The only reason I think they're connected is the only other time they appear on the entry and exit log is yesterday, not long after the anomaly went missing. MURPHY What even is the stolen anomaly, Doctor? DR. PATRA They told me it was too bad, not for my eyes. Just that it was extremely important to retrieve it. I assume it's not for my clearance position. Maybe you could ask someone in pataphysics. MURPHY stands to leave. DR. PATRA Oh, sir, one more thing. MURPHY Mhm? DR. PATRA Good luck. FADE OUT. ► ATTACHMENT: Interview4.log ▼ Close File FADE IN. EXT. SITE-19 - AFTERNOON MURPHY steps out of the building and back onto the asphalt of the Site-19 parking lot. He looks across the lot at the facility next door, the words "Pataphysics Dept." in big, bold lettering across its top looming over him. NARRATOR I was hoping to god that I wouldn't have to come by this hellish place, but my luck didn't swing that way. It was time for me to have a chat with the people I love most: the pataphysics department. They'd almost gotten me once. MURPHY put his hand around the gun at his hip. NARRATOR They wouldn't get that close again. MURPHY steps up to the department doors. The department's logo is pasted on the front glass, the words “Department of Pataphysics” and “WARNING: NarrativoHazards” below it. He swipes his keycard, but the reader blinks red. He tries again, and it fails again. An intercom blows out a blast of static, as if coughing back to life, then a stern voice comes on. INTERCOM Access is restricted to O5 and members of the department, please vacate the area. MURPHY looks at the small speaker above the card reader. He presses a button on it. MURPHY Does ███ █████ ████ ████? INTERCOM Where did you learn that phrase? Why don't you have a level 5 keycard but have that phrase? Hold still. MURPHY Call O5-13. Tell her Murphy Law's at pataphysics. INTERCOM I'm sorry, did you say Murphy Law? (distant) Move over, let me see the cam feed. NARRATOR The Foundation was already a nightmare of a company, but the way they lock things sometimes made me wonder if they were just trying to slow me down rather than keep anything contained. The door clicks and pops open. INTERCOM Welcome, Mr. Lawden. My apologies. A member of site security is on the way to let you through the vestibule and take you to my office. MURPHY groans at the name, but steps through the door. A member of pataphysics' security team comes to greet him. She's cold, looks distant, and can never seem to look Murphy in the eyes. She wears a pair of odd goggles with green lenses. This is SECURITY 3. SECURITY 3 H-hello, Mr. Lawden. Put these on and follow me please. SECURITY 3 holds out a pair of goggles akin to her own. Murphy doesn't grab them but instead looks up at her. MURPHY Keep them. I won't be here long. SECURITY 3 The bursts of light from the machinery will burn your retinas if you do not wear protective eyewear. Please put these on and follow me. MURPHY begrudgingly takes the goggles and straps them on. They look awkward and out of place against his rigid, dark demeanor. They step out into a hall. The wall to their left is made entirely of glass, revealing a vast, expansive room behind it. MURPHY turns his head to look through the window as they walk. A large electrical-mechanical machine takes up most of the space in the room. In the back, a team of scientists in lab coats and green goggles flock around it, while an engineer screws something into an open panel on its side. The engineer closes the panel and gives a thumbs up to the scientists. One of the scientists climbs up a ladder and climbs on top of the machine, then pulls open a hatch in the top and climbs inside. The hatch closes, and a scientist at the other end of the room pulls a lever. The machine revs like the engine of a monster truck with one too many holes in the muffler. It eventually begins glowing and screaming like a tea kettle, then finally fires off a burst of blinding white light, engulfing everything in the room and through the windows, splashing out into the hall and over Murphy. Steam rises from the machine's hatch, and the scientists clap enthusiastically. MURPHY turns to look at Security 3 with a hint of rising anger to his voice. MURPHY What the hell did they just do to him? SECURITY 3 again struggles to look at Murphy, their vision aimed roughly five inches too far to the left. SECURITY 3 The subject was transported up a narrative layer. She was not cooked, fried, or otherwise exposed to an open flame or uncomfortable and/or lethal temperature. SECURITY 3 looks relatively forward again. SECURITY 3 We don't know what the steam is from. SECURITY 3 stops at the end of the hall and opens a large metal door. Inside is a relatively small and very sparse office. It sports four gray and featureless walls with a single monitor on a wooden desk next to a couple of cabinets. A pair of green goggles sit atop the desk next to the monitor. In the corner by the door is a single fake potted plant. There is a single occupant, a man in a lab coat staring straight ahead, eyesight aligned with the top of the doorframe, sitting somewhat upright in a black swivel chair. His pupils are splintered into six black circles in each eye. He sits upright a bit more on noticing Murphy and Security 3 stepping into his room and his pupils collapse into each other to form two black masses again. He's warm and understanding, if not a slight distant all the time. This is DR. NARRA. DR. NARRA Ah, Murphy Lawden! Apologies, I didn't see you come in! Please, have a seat. A second swivel chair appears across from the desk. MURPHY sits down and takes a drag on his cigarette. MURPHY Hello, Doctor… DR. NARRA Doctor Narra, although you can call me Tiv if you'd like. NARRATOR This place was beyond unusual, it was warped. Like a record someone had carved their initials into. They say the world is always changing, but in here, nothing stayed the same. Even if I played this close to the chest, I could be looking at a hand full of elevens if I didn't pay close enough attention. DR. NARRA Actually, we do quite a good job of keeping things under control here. It could be far worse if unrestrained. MURPHY squints and stares Dr. Narra in the eyes, but Dr. Narra doesn't seem to notice. NARRATOR Like Fred, he was reading my thoughts before I had even made them into words. Was he an anomaly? DR. NARRA Ah, yes! Much like 423! Although whether or not we're anomalies is a topic of some debate around here. Side effect of jumping narrative layers, I'm afraid. You just… DR. NARRA looks up above Murphy, staring deeply into nothing. His pupils split apart and morph together, bending and twisting and floating about every which way. DR. NARRA …can't stop seeing the layer you jumped to. DR. NARRA shakes his head and looks back at Murphy, pupils normal again. DR. NARRA But anyway, enough about that. I'd like to make amends between our department and the Murphy Law Detective Agency. I realize we've been on.. rocky grounds in the past, but I assure you Doctor Thaum is no longer under our employment. NARRATOR He could make all the promises he wanted, but it didn't make a minute's worth of difference to me. What Thaum did to me, you can't make up with words. DR. NARRA Alright, fair enough. Maybe actions speak louder. What can I do for you? MURPHY I'm told your security picked up some peculiarities. An unknown entry on the enter and exit log? DR. NARRA Ah, yes. DR. NARRA pulls out one of his filing cabinets and removes a folder, the only item in the entire cabinet. He hands it over to Murphy. DR. NARRA Someone got in through the back garage. We have a keypad lock on the garage door. Outdated, I know, that's probably how it happened. Someone finally mentioned it ten months back and the request to replace it with a card reader like every other door has been jammed in some bureaucratic hell since. MURPHY flips open the folder and runs his fingers down the page. MURPHY This person broke in ten months ago. DR. NARRA (slight sarcasm) Why do you suppose it was brought to my attention? MURPHY What did they do while they were here? DR. NARRA Well, it looked as though they rifled through some old documents and then.. climbed into the NarrativeJumper. Something shorted in the lever mechanism and it went off on its own while he was inside. Someone lost their vision for it, poor soul. MURPHY I suppose that's why he isn't shown leaving. DR. NARRA That's right. They would've been transported up a narrative layer- I'm sorry, do you know how narrative layers work? Imagine an infinite sandwich. Our narrative reality - everything we know of, within the confines of this reality or otherwise - exist within a narrative spa- MURPHY There's an upper layer that controls this one, and somehow we control a lower one. We don't have the time here for in-depth discussions of the narrative stack. Any idea when he returned? DR. NARRA No clue. I was under the impression that he hadn't for a long time, until someone broke in again. MURPHY Again? When was this? DR. NARRA Yesterday. I took it to the investigative team at Site-19 after that. Their name wasn't on the log the first time, but yesterday they just put down their name and left. It was.. Norridge Bolly. Weird name. MURPHY flips forward through the papers to confirm, and finds the name. Norridge Bolly. MURPHY So how- A woman in a lab coat opens the metal door. She begins talking to DR. NARRA without even noticing Murphy in the room. This is SCIENTIST. SCIENTIST S.R.A. V7 is packed and ready to be shipped, sir! Would you like to- DR. NARRA Please, I'll be at the party in a minute. We have a guest here! SCIENTIST Ah, my apolo- SCIENTIST looks over at Murphy and freezes, speechless. She then bursts out like a fangirl. SCIENTIST MURPHY LAWDEN?? He's back! You're here! Oh my god oh my god can you sign my arm? MURPHY glares at her, somewhat surprised. DR. NARRA Please, give our guest some space! SCIENTIST Oh. Oh, of course. Just a picture? Maybe? DR. NARRA looks over at Murphy, who looks confused and shrugs. She squeaks and whips out her phone, then leans down next to Murphy and takes a selfie with him. He looks disgruntled and does his best not to touch her. SCIENTIST Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll cherish this forever! She exits the room, slamming the door behind her. DR. NARRA Sorry, Murphy. You're something of a fan favorite with the younger employees. MURPHY rubs his eyes and sets the papers back down on the desk. MURPHY How exactly did they get past the keypad lock? DR. NARRA We don't know. It's a 9-number keypad with five numbers needed. There's 59,045 possibilities. On the cam footage, they just punch in the number and waltz in. Either they knew it from someone else, or they got real lucky. Like, really, really lucky. They did it again the second time too, even after we changed the code. MURPHY stands from the desk. He takes another drag on his cigarette. MURPHY I believe that's all. DR. NARRA Of course. Let me know if you ever need anything else. MURPHY grabs the door handle, then looks down in contemplation, before turning around. MURPHY There was a document on a stolen skip the investigative team was looking into, do you know what it is, and do you have the file? DR. NARRA Oh, Murphy… DR. NARRA's pupils split apart again, bouncing about his eyes in tiny dots. DR. NARRA I have the files for everything. DR. NARRA opens his filing cabinet and pulls out a file, the only item in the entire cabinet once again. He reaches across the desk and hands it to Murphy. DR. NARRA You have a good day now, Mr. Lawden. MURPHY winces at the name. MURPHY Stop calling me that. DR. NARRA Whatever suits you, Mr. Law. Whatever suits you. MURPHY exits the building with the file still closed under his arm, then unlocks his car and sits in the driver's seat. He sets the file down on his lap as he closes the door, then flips it open. He holds up the pages, his eyes scanning through them. Camera zooms in on his eyes, widening slowly in growing concern until they're wider than ever. Camera then switches to zooming in on the SCP's item number: SCP-231-7. ► ATTACHMENT: Exploration.log ▼ Close File FADE IN. EXT. FORMER SITE DIRECTOR AUGUST'S MANSION - LATE AFTERNOON. MURPHY'S hands grip his steering wheel with force, flooring the gas pedal and gritting his teeth. The vehicle races down the desert road. NARRATOR SCP-231 was a god damn disgusting display of human cruelty. I didn't care if it was related to the investigation or not, I had to find out what Procedure 110-Montauk was, at any cost. Most of the procedure itself was blotted out, trying to keep it away from my prying eyes, but I could read between the lines, and what was there was downright terrible. What kind of despicable monsters could put another human through this suffering? I may be cold towards the suffering of others, but this was something else. Something else entirely. MURPHY'S car screeches to a halt outside of August's mansion. The once bright, massive building now appears to be falling to decay, with vines climbing up the walls and to the rooftops. The paint on the wood is fading and chipping away, and the concrete steps up to the front door are crumbling apart. The building emits a vaguely stale smell, like a workshop filled with sawdust and cans of pure lead paint. NARRATOR If anyone knew what 110-Montauk was, it would be August. I'd narrowly beaten him at this game once, all that time ago, but this time I gave myself a coin-flip chance. MURPHY grabs hold of the .44 magnum in the holster at his side. NARRATOR And this was my lucky two-headed coin. MURPHY knocks on the door, but there's no answer. He slams the door-knocker against the door but there's still no answer. Murphy kicks in the door, sending the locking mechanism flying into the room. The interior is just as decrepit as the exterior. All the lights are off, the building illuminated solely by the sunlight streaming through the massive, tinted windows. Everything is covered in layers of dust of varying depth. MURPHY steps through the door, gun drawn. The mansion is empty. There's not a single soul anywhere in the building. MURPHY searches every room: the kitchen, the living room, the pool room, the billiards room, the basement, the wine cellar. He eventually walks up the stairs. MURPHY August, you bastard, come on out now! MURPHY searches through his bedroom, the bathrooms, the attic, then finally arrives at his office. He opens the door and yet again, there's nobody there. The room is lined with shelves and shelves of books, and a single desk in the back of the room, sitting directly in the sunlight streaming through the massive window behind it. Murphy turns to leave before he notices a small stack of papers sitting atop the desk. One of the desk drawers is pulled open, and a manila folder sits on the ground. MURPHY spins around the swivel chair at the desk and sits, then grabs the stack of papers. NARRATOR A step in the right direction. Little bits and pieces of 110-Montauk coming out to show themselves. The whole folder is documents from the operation. Little notes on staff movements, prisoner schedules, every time they set that poor woman's mind back a week. Notes and notes on that torture, going all the way back a month. What kind of man.. MURPHY flips to the last page, a small sheet of a larger expense report. Material costs, upkeep costs, bills. NARRATOR Then I found it, the bit that cracked this whole thing open. A single note down at the bottom. A question mark. At the bottom of the page, next to the number for staff costs - 20.3 million dollars - a large red question mark, and an arrow pointing to the number. MURPHY turns the page over and the back is flooded with with math symbols, the handwriting getting more erratic as it goes. Finally, at the bottom, “20,300,000 - 1,050,000 = 19,250,000!!!!!” NARRATOR What was that one million? What did it mean? Find more, find the paper trail. That's how this always goes. MURPHY starts searching the room. He pulls open the other drawers in the desk, leafing through folder after folder. He turns his attention to the bookcases, running his thumb over each cover. Every book is covered in dust. These are all nothings: The World Encyclopedia, The Great Gatsby, the Bible. MURPHY Come on, show me expense reports, record-keeping, receipts, even a love letter from an accountant will do. MURPHY'S hands stop just before a single book, named “The Golden Key.” Where all the other books on the shelf were covered in dust and grime and hadn't been touched in years, here there were a couple spots where you could still see the binding clearly, a mark just about the size and shape of a palm. MURPHY My lucky day. MURPHY pulls out the book. It doesn't come out of the case. Instead, the wall makes a clicking sound, and the book is pulled back into the shelf. Murphy steps back as the bookcase turns, opening to reveal a wooden staircase in a small, narrow corridor. A small light hangs down from the ceiling, the hall's only lighting. MURPHY draws his gun again and steps down the stairs. The bookcase closes behind him and a button pops out of the wall. He turns to watch, then continues down. At the bottom of the steps is a rotting, wooden door. MURPHY grabs the handle and cracks it open. Another ceiling light illuminates a wooden room lined with metal drawers and cabinets, some pulled out revealing stacks and stacks of manila folders, some dumped out on the ground like a cream-colored sea. There's a wooden desk pushed against the back wall, and a chair in the middle of the room, surrounded by tons of slips and sheets of paper. MURPHY gets down on his hands and knees and starts grabbing at papers, looking through each of them. Expenses, receipts, all of it laid out in a frantic search for something. By the chair in the center, Murphy grabs a stack of receipts. NARRATOR It wasn't the answer I was looking for, but it was the right answer anyhow. It's what all this meant. Handwriting stretches across each receipt, adding up the values. Last month's new uniforms, food, pay, equipment, morale services, etc. A red pen takes the expenses and adds them up along the side of the receipts, the total coming out to $1,050,000. NARRATOR Twenty million dollars sent to staff budgets, and only one million of it spent. Where did the money go? What the hell did you find, August… MURPHY shuffles through the piles again before pulling out a sheet of paper. It's a Site-19 accounting report. $19,050,000 sent to Site-19, the sender and the reason redacted. Red pen circles the “[REDACTED]s” frequently. The only info left is “to be used for,” followed by the words “transfer to council funding.” The purpose for that, again, redacted. NARRATOR And what does the O5 need that money for? MURPHY digs again, at this point crumpling up papers he doesn't need and lobbing them across the dank room. Finally, he finds a memo. The words “WHAT THE FUCK???” are scribbled in red ink across the top. Murphy's eyes scroll across the memo. They catch a few lines in the center: “In the interest of council morale and stability, the O5 council will begin taking rotating vacation periods, with a quarter of the council taking vacation once a month until the next rotation, which occurs on the 28th of each month.” Murphy scrambles back for the accounting report. His eyes again scroll down to the 19.05 million. Transfer date: The 27th. MURPHY stands up, takes off his hat, and stares down at the papers in his hand. His cigarette almost falls from his mouth. NARRATOR They give themselves nineteen million dollars, and then piss off to kokomo. All under the guise of 110-Montauk, funding the torture of this girl to “save the world.” MURPHY looks around the room in slight distraught before noticing something on the desk in the corner. He walks up to it and finds a tape recorder sitting on top. There's a tape sitting next to it, the label reading “LISTEN TO ME” in red pen. A considerable number of red pens sit strewn about the ground around the desk. Murphy places the tape in the player and hits play. TAPE PLAYER This is August, former director of Site-19 for the SCP Foundation. I have to assume you work for them too if you're here, listening to this. Otherwise, well, you found something you shouldn't have, to put it plainly. Anyway, I'm sure you've seen the room. See, uh, 2004, we recovered a number of pregnant girls from a cult called the children of the scarlet king. Whenever one of the girls had their kid, something catastrophic happened, like a few hundred people dying, and it got worse with each one. We got down to one unborn kid before we finally worked out a method of.. stopping her. It was, uh, brutal, excruciatingly so. Sickening to a lot of people. I can't overstate how.. awful it was. But procedure 110-montauk was necessary for a period. I was just a regular level four then, I hadn't been promoted to director yet. We uh, um, shit what's the word.. proposed. We proposed a couple solutions over the years. There was, uh, killing the kid in the womb at first. One of the girls had it stillborn and the event still happened so that was out. Then we proposed dropping her down 1437, disintegrating the entire person, cryogenic stasis… the only thing they didn't turn down was some small efficiency thing. We put forward a proposal to design a machine that attached to the body… MURPHY turns away from the desk and looks out towards the open room. He pulls open a drawer of one of the filing cabinets labelled “machine projects” and flips through it. He flips past a series of folders, each labelled with the name of a different machine: “SRA V7,” “NarrativeJumper,” then finally “111-Montauk.” TAPE PLAYER It's small, little upkeep, most we needed was an engineer to oil it every now and again. She probably could've walked with it if, you know, she could walk. Sent the proposal to the O5s and they turned it down too. The whole staff was tired, morale ran dry a long long time ago, so they threw a mutiny of sorts. Built it anyway, hooked it up, and it worked. It even silenced her and applied the amnestics itself. Made this funny little whirring sound that still plays back in my head all the time. So we just kept on pretending to run things. Faked some documents, made it look real, like we were still doing all that unspeakable stuff to her. I put in for my retirement about.. well, about ten months back. About the same time they started denying our proposals. Started going through old docs and things just for kicks after I got my retirement approval a few months later… MURPHY pulls out a cabinet labelled “personal memos” and flips through it before his hands land on a document titled “NOTICE OF RETIREMENT APPROVAL.” At the bottom, it's signed “-Noah Dee, HR Department.” TAPE PLAYER and then I figured out why they never approved anything. How long they prolonged that suffering just to launder a few million, it's.. it's, it's pathetic and disgusting. The audio begins to sound warped and distorted, as if performed by a robot. TAPE PLAYER O5-5, O5-6, and O5-7 meet at this bar, one on 34th street, just about every night after work, around 7pm. I'm gonna take what I know and confront them there, seeing as they oversee everything at 19. I don't think any of them are spearheading this, but someone's gotta say something. I just hope security will see the light when I start talking. Otherwise… well, that's just my luck, isn't it. The recording cuts out. MURPHY sits in the middle of the room. Camera pulls out slowly. FADE OUT. ► ATTACHMENT: Interrogation.log ▼ Close File FADE IN. EXT. MONTAUK FALCON - SUNSET. MURPHY walks up to the front of The Montauk Falcon, his car parked at the side of the road behind him. The front of the building is washed in pink, purple, and blue light from the neon signs posted on its front. The name of the bar illuminates the road, a massive buzzing sign covering most of the upper area. He notices a limo parked in front and approaches the driver window. A familiar red-headed man in a drivers cap and purple jacket sits in the driver's seat twiddling his thumbs. This is DRIVER, and we've already met him before. Murphy taps on the window. DRIVER Who- Oh, Murphy! How are ya? MURPHY Hello, Fred. I don't suppose you drove the O5s here? DRIVER This is why you're the detective and I'm not. They're in the VIP room, I think. MURPHY Thanks, Fred. I appreciate it. MURPHY stands from the car window and grabs the handle to the front door. NARRATOR The Foundation always had the upper hand. I wasn't sure if I had a hand at all. Ace-high doesn't get you very far. Now I'm here, just before the gates of hell, with the only person at my side being Lady Luck, and she was a cruel mistress. MURPHY pushes open the door. NARRATOR Here we go. MURPHY is greeted by a smoky, oaken interior. The building has a warm, inviting atmosphere about it. The bar itself is placed along the left wall, a bartender serving drinks to a couple of men who are watching a football game behind the bartender. Spread out across the room is a litter of tables and chairs, some with patrons at them, all situated to face the stage at the other end of the room. Atop it, a jazz band plays a rendition of Frank Sinatra's “Luck be a Lady Tonight.” Various streams of cigarette smoke float up to the ceiling from a number of different people inside, including patrons, the bartender, and the pianist. By the stage, a fire exit door sits with a glowing exit sign. A large window at the other side of the room sits above the stage, with two people conversing on a couch. They're both dressed fancy-like, sipping martinis. Murphy recognizes one of them and deduces the identity of the other - O5-5 and O5-6. A man in a suit at the front offers to take MURPHY's coat, and Murphy tries to shrug him off. He insists, and Murphy begrudgingly obliges. MURPHY surveys the room for a moment before noticing an orange and yellow neon sign in the back, over a small doorway, reading “VIP” in blinking letters. He strolls through the room to the door, pushes it open, and steps up a small flight of stairs and into a small purple corridor. The hall is lined with members of a MTF squad. Murphy stops and eyes them each individually. At the end of the hall, just past a storage closet, is a closed door, a small plastic sign on the front also reading VIP. Murphy walks towards it. As he passes by the first MTF member, the member steps behind him, following him to the door. Murphy turns and looks back at him. MURPHY I.. what? As MURPHY passes the next agent, that agent also steps behind him. Then the next one. NARRATOR What are they doing? MURPHY passes the storage closet, which emanates a low hum. Finally, with 5 MTF members behind him, Murphy looks over his shoulder and turns the doorknob to the VIP room. NARRATOR This all feels off. MURPHY opens the door and closes it behind him. The MTF don't follow him in, but the humming from the storage closet does. FIVE stands to greet Murphy, accompanied by a larger, balding man. He speaks with a vaguely southern accent, as if he couldn't decide if he was born in Wisconsin or Kentucky. There's a charm to it that betrays his underwhelming figure, as if he could talk his way out of anything. Anything but Murphy Law. This is SIX, and if we told you any more about him, it.. uh… FIVE Hello, Murphy. Take a seat, won't you? SIX drags an uncomfortable wooden chair over from the corner of the room and sets it behind Murphy. MURPHY What? How did you know I'd be here? SIX You see, Mr. Lawden, there is very little we don't know. I'm sure you understand that much. A little birdy warned us you'd be here. FIVE He told us you'd catch on to our little trust fund as soon as Seven hit the dirt, so we whipped up a little something to keep you from getting any farther. SIX Those pataphysics folks, they can make you anything if they set their mind to it. The Mark-7 Reality Anchor is a prime example. That humming? It's the sound of progress. MURPHY I… I-I don't understand? W-what about the tapes at August's, the files? That proves everything! MURPHY looks on at them bewildered. His face turns pale and his stomach begins to churn. FIVE Oh, yes, the information is real. SIX Have you ever drank a mango-flavored margarita out of a hollowed-out pineapple? I still don't know how that place in the Bahamas pulled that off… FIVE Was that the trip back in July? I don't think I tried one! MURPHY PLEASE! What is happening to me!? FIVE turns to Murphy with a condescending smile Five: You see, Mr. Lawden, the end of August's recording, the part about meeting here, that was the only part that wasn't real. Murphy sits upright, jaw open slightly. Six: You don't honestly believe that we'd meet at the same place at the same time every night, do you? Do you know what kind of safety risk that would be? You have to split them up and scatter them about, different places and different times. Otherwise someone might actually get us! The setting begins to fade away into a nightclub, the mahogany wood giving way to dark blue walls, the tables disappearing in favor of a crowd of people jumping up and down to loud music and the stage band becoming a DJ at a raised booth. Five: Now you're stuck here, with that reality anchor in the closet slowly pulling you apart, because you take everything you're given at face value. For someone who's always on edge, looking for liars, you sure are bad at catching them. SCP-3143's body language and tone shift drastically, indicating a switch to its original pataphysical person. O5-6: You're Murphy Lawden. We're here to help with what's troubling you, we just need you to stay calm. Can you tell us how you feel?O5-5: You wrote “It Always Rains,” the story featuring hard-boiled ace detective Murphy Law, didn't you? “I'm just the guy you call when everything that could go wrong… did.”O5-5: Well, SCP-3143, you've exhibited the same properties that Murphy Lawden has. It would reason therefor that you must be Mr. Lawden, unless something's changed. O5-6 turns to O5-5. O5-6: Ah, that's what pataphysics refers to 3043 and 3143 as in their notes. Must be an in-house thing.O5-6: Well, our mutual friend - the little birdy - he had some tips for us. He set us up with this vacation package in the first place. It's a brilliant plan. O5-5: And he led us towards capturing you. SCP-3143 begins yelling. O5-5: Please, Mr. Lawden. Settle down. You're in for a long stay with us.O5-6: And why is that? I RIP THE MAGNUM OFF MY HIP AND SHOOT SIX THROUGH HIS STUPID FUCKING SKULL! ME: THIS IS ALL WRONG! FIVE: Oh shi- AND YOU TOO YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE, EAT A FUCKING BULLET! THEN THOSE GUARDS OUTSIDE RUN IN HERE BUT THEYRE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE SO THEY FUCK OFF AND THAT GOD DAMN HUMMING STOPS. Out in the dancing crowd I see that smug asshole looking up here with a pair of binoculars, that birdy they were talking about. Fuck that! I shoot the glass window open and jump out, rolling onto the floor below. I spot him in the crowd as he drops the binoculars and runs. “YOU AREN'T GETTING AWAY THAT EASY!” I yell, running after him. No, no that's not how the formatting works! This is all fucked up! This is fucked up so bad oh god! ME I run into the crowd after him. The crowd begins screaming and running for the exits. But the crowd isn't supposed to be here! This is an atmospheric bar!! The crowd disappears and the tables return. The DJ booth fades away and returns to a band on stage still playing as the couple of smoking patrons scramble for the door. The saxophone player looks up at the VIP room window and drops the brass instrument midway through Dean Martin's “You're Nobody ‘Till Somebody Loves You,” sprinting for the door. The song ends in a cacophony of crashing instruments as the band runs off the stage. A man in a dark leather jacket and a single gloved hand shoves his way through the small running crowd and out the side exit. I run through the exit but he disappears into the night. I pull the door back open. ME Fuck. Fuck… okay. Okay, alright. Get back in character. Search the room. Stop saying fuck so much. I- no, MURPHY stops and takes a couple deep breaths. He sits down on the ground, shaking. There's a couple spatters of blood across his white satin shirt. The bodies of Five and Six still sit collapsed against the shattered window frame. NARRATOR Something had happened here. Something went wrong in that meeting, but… MURPHY opens the cylinder of his magnum, three empty shells greeting him. He closes it again. NARRATOR That answers that. But that man, with the binoculars… Those two didn't shoot O5-7, so who did? MURPHY stands to his feet, uneasy. He takes stock of the room, noting every overturned table and chair. In the middle of the tables, he notices a couple of items on the ground: a pair of binoculars, and a black cotton glove. Murphy kneels down and picks up the binoculars and turns them over in his hand, then picks up the gloves. He turns them over too, then opens them and checks the seam inside. A small tag sticks out, with the words “MC&D DISPLAY ONLY” written on them in black marker. NARRATOR I could only think of one person who could check on this for me, but it was a hunch. If I was gonna find this birdy, I'd have to be real lucky. Birdy, birdy… why do I keep going back to that? Police sirens blare outside the building, getting closer. They come to a stop outside the front door. A pair of officers throw the front doors open, guns drawn. OFFICER 1 FREEZE! Nobody move! MURPHY is the only remaining occupant in the room. He stands again, and begins slowly walking backward towards the emergency exit. The officers surveil the messy, distraught building before looking up and noticing the two dead bodies of Five and Six still laying against the shattered window frame of the VIP room. They look back at Murphy, gun in his hand and blood on his shirt, and finally the situation clicks to each of them. Murphy turns and sprints out the emergency door. Officer 2 moves to chase after him but Officer 1 puts his hand on his chest. OFFICER 1 Save your energy. We'll find him. FADE OUT. ► ATTACHMENT: Discovery2.log ▼ Close File FADE IN. EXT. SITE-19 - NIGHT. MURPHY burns rubber down the desert pavement, smoke and dust kicking up behind his car. The motor sounds as angry as Murphy, tearing up the road under it. NARRATOR Those sons of bitches had put the cops on my back, for good. They set me up, that was the only way any of this made sense. It's only a matter of time before the cops catch up with me, and by then the Foundation would have MTF units swarming me like bees. I was gonna have to get in and out of 19 before they caught wind of what had happened. I needed more than my .44 to pull this off, I needed luck. I'm a wanted man now, it was only a matter of time. The car screeches to a halt outside of Site-19's perimeter gate. Security 1 pokes his head out of the security booth. SECURITY 1 Facial recognition failed, name and- MURPHY shoots him a glare that cuts through his eyes and pierces his soul. SECURITY 1 M-my apologies, Mr. Law. SECURITY 1 presses a button on the control panel and the gate lifts. Murphy revs the car's engine and blasts down the road. The car pulls in to the parking lot as people pour out the building's doors, leaving work for the night. People in lab coats and various colored uniform shirts all flow out of the exit. Murphy gets out of his car and starts pushing through the crowd. NARRATOR Where is she, where is she? MURPHY keeps pushing through people before finally grabbing a woman in a lab coat by the shoulder. She turns to him, flustered, then settles down after recognizing his face. DR. PATRA Oh, Jesus, it's you. Look, I'm off work. If you need something from the department you should come back tomorrow or- MURPHY pulls the black cotton glove from his pocket and holds it up to her. DR. PATRA stands back, distraught. She then narrows her eyes at it. CUT TO. INT. SITE-19 INVESTIGATION DEPT. - Night. DR. PATRA begins talking while shuffling through papers at her desk, searching for something in the wreckage of her workstation. DR. PATRA That logo on the tag would mean it came from Marshall, Carter, and Dark, the company that sells anomalous items. Ten months ago someone knocked over one of their delivery trucks, and that truck was full… DR. PATRA lifts a photo - the truck laying in the dirt on the side of a country road - out of the pile of things on her desk. She flips it over, the back side of the photo showing a shot of the truck's interior, where crates of black cotton gloves had been turned over and dumped onto the ground, likely from the truck flipping over. DR. PATRA …Of those gloves. MURPHY Why gloves? DR. PATRA According to MC&D's own paperwork, they let you manipulate probability. Make your own luck, essentially. You could change the outcome of anything from coin flips to- MURPHY Could you change the probability of guessing a passcode correctly? DR. PATRA I mean, I guess so. MURPHY What about the chances a lever malfunctions and activates without you touching it? DR. PATRA What? MURPHY What about the chances someone else drags a body bag to multiple locations without raising suspicion only for you to pick it up, kill them, and get away with it? DR. PATRA What are you saying? What is this about?? MURPHY Could it be done!? DR. PATRA Yes, I guess it could! I didn't even think that was the important part! MURPHY Well what is!? DR. PATRA This! DR. PATRA pulls a sheet of paper from the pile of things on her desk and slams it on top. It's a photocopy of a sheet of crumpled, worn and torn lined notebook paper. Murphy grabs it up off the desk. DR. PATRA The perpetrator left this at the scene. We've picked up notes from them before but never anything solid, just evidence of minor interference here and there and some scuffles with anomalies. MURPHY's eyes zip down the page, rolling over the scrawled writing, hunting for a name. DR. PATRA They suffer from an anomaly that causes a lost sense of person, not just to themselves but the world as a whole. Like they're always just a face in the crowd, no matter what they do. Must feel pretty empty. MURPHY's eyes finally find the signature at the bottom of the page. “-Nobody.” MURPHY Nobody? Nobody… DR. PATRA A pseudonym, we think. Only description we've ever had is he's middle-aged, vaguely European, might even be multiple people… MURPHY No-body. Why have I heard that name before? DR. PATRA Well it's a word, so… MURPHY No, it's… the person who broke into the pataphysics department, that was Norridge Bolly. MURPHY takes a pencil off of Dr. Patra's desk and slaps the note down, scribbling the name down on it. MURPHY The man who signed August's retirement, that was a man named Noah Dee. DR. PATRA I- what are you getting at? MURPHY In the ledger O5-7 checked at Sasha's, there was a Nolan Boddy. No. Bolly, Noah Dee, No. Boddy. Nobody, Nobody, Nobody! DR. PATRA I-I don't understand. MURPHY Give me your phone, call Sasha's! DR. PATRA hands Murphy the receiver to the phone in her desk. She dials a few numbers and the phone begins to ring. Jimmy picks up the other line. JIMMY Sasha's cleaning products, your mess is our success. What can I do you for? MURPHY Your order ledger, Nolan Boddy, who is he!? JIMMY I'm sorry sir, I'm not at liberty to divulge cust- MURPHY DOES ███ █████ ████ ████!? JIMMY One second, sir… A few seconds pass as Jimmy pulls open a drawer and removes the ledger, then flips through it. JIMMY Nolan Boddy, came in yesterday to purchase a few packages of disinfectant and magic eraser sponges. MURPHY Did he say anything about who he is or what they're for!? JIMMY Uh, yeah, he said he worked as a janitor at the Aria? You know, the big hotel on the vegas strip? MURPHY hangs up the phone and runs out the door. Dr. Patra runs up to the department door and yells at him down the hall. DR. PATRA Where are you going!? What did I miss!? MURPHY sprints down the hall and skids to a stop just before the main exit. The exit is blocked off by an entire MTF unit. One member stands in front of them, MTF-SHAI 1. She has a booming voice that carries and commands the rest of the unit and an iron will to match. MTF-SHAI 1 Murphy Law! For the murders of O5-5, 6, and 7, you're coming with us! Submit now or face lethal force! MURPHY takes off farther down the hall, not taking the time to process the words. The MTF come around the corner and take aim, but before anyone can open fire, Murphy throws open the door to a room labelled “Cafeteria” and sprints inside. MURPHY leaps over chairs and slides over desks as MTF-Shai pours in the door. NARRATOR To let them take me now, dead or alive, would be a shame. I still have a case to solve and by god was I gonna solve it. I just needed a prayer, a little luck, and an out. MURPHY dives over the cafeteria hot bar and into the kitchen as a spatter of bullets fly by around him. He runs through the kitchen, past lines of stoves and countertops, while the gunfire behind him knocks over all sorts of cookware. At the back, Murphy finds a single thick window. He shoots it twice, neither shot breaking it, then sprints at it and jumps, turning his back towards the glass, and cascading through it. He hits the ground outside and rolls onto the pavement, surrounded by broken glass. He stands, a cut from the glass causing him to bleed from the arm, and scrambles for his car. He jumps in and fires it up just as MTF-Shai 1 and the other MTF run out the door. MTF-SHAI 2 Get the cars? MTF-SHAI 1 No, I heard his talk with Patra. We know where he's going. Send a few undercover to the Aria and get ahold of 21. We'll get him. His luck's gonna run out eventually. In the distance, MURPHY's car disappears over the horizon. FADE OUT. ► ATTACHMENT: Closing_Statement.log ▼ Close File FADE IN. INT. ARIA LOBBY - Midnight. The inside of the Aria Hotel and Casino is expensively furnished and bustling with people. It's lined with Japanese plant life and large plastic butterflies hanging down from the ceiling. The walls are covered in shiny gold and massive windows. Outside, the lights of the city shine down on masses of people still moving about, bringing life to the night and illuminating a world of partying, gambling, and sin. MURPHY bursts through the front door, taking great strides down the hall as he wraps his arm in gauze. He tears the end of the spool off with his teeth and tucks it into the wrapping, then shoves the rest in his pocket. MURPHY pushes past a crowd of people and right up to the woman at the front desk. The crowd steps back and clears a path for him on seeing him. He's a grizzly spectacle: shirt soaked in sweat and painted with blood, eyes tired and racing, and an anger on his face that takes over his whole demeanor. He slams his magnum on top of the front desk, scaring the CLERK behind the counter. She's meek, soft-spoken, and Murphy frightens her and just about everyone around him. MURPHY Looking for a man, mid-30's, vaguely European, checked in recently. CLERK I-I'm sorry s-sir, th-that's half our clientele. MURPHY Shit. MURPHY pulls the gun off the counter and slams the countertop in anger. He turns and leans against the counter, eyes surveying the room while he thinks. They scan over the luxurious fittings, people in nice suits coming and going, suitcases probably filled with truly valuable things, then he eyes the casino. It rings and dings, the sounds of greed and chance beckoning unsuspecting players over for "just one more spin." He turns around sharply, an idea coming to him. MURPHY Has anyone exceedingly lucky come by, perhaps carrying a large bag? Again, would've checked in recently. CLERK W-well, there was one man who booked a room yesterday. H-he won t-two jackpots in a row, then used s-some of the money o-on the booking. MURPHY What was his name and what room is he in? CLERK I-I'm sorry s-sir I'm not at lib- MURPHY Room and name, lady! CLERK AH! R-Room 6077, 60th floor. N-name was, u-uh, o-one second p-please. She starts typing away at her computer frantically while Murphy peers over the counter at her. CLERK N-Nathan O. Balley MURPHY N. O. Balley. Nobody. CLERK Wha- MURPHY takes off for the elevator before she can finish her sentence. He mashes an "up" button, and one of the six elevators around him dings, the spotless stainless steel door sliding open. Murphy steps in, then mashes the button labelled "60." The door closes and the elevator rises. The ride up is quiet. MURPHY pulls the cigarette from his mouth and takes stock of himself, blowing a puff of smoke in the air as he does so. He checks the wound on his arm, then looks at himself in the reflection of the elevator door. He frowns at his own image, as if he doesn't recognize himself anymore. He puts the cigarette back in its rightful place between his lips and lowers the brim of his trilby, hiding his own eyes from themselves. He opens the cylinder of his magnum, now left with only a single bullet and the rest of the chambers filled with spent shells. He closes it and sets it back in the holster, then pulls the black cotton glove from his pocket. It dangles in front of his face as he considers it. NARRATOR Manipulate probability. To what degree? How much has he changed with just this? All this time, he's been right there, just under my nose, changing chances, making his own luck. Always lucky. Just enough to get away with it. But why lead me here? Why leave even scraps of evidence? Why not eliminate any chance of me getting here? What's his endgame? The elevator dings and the door opens again. MURPHY stuffs the glove back into his pocket, then steps out into the hall. He stops to read a sign on the wall pointing him towards the room, then turns and walks down the hall towards it. He passes door after door, each farther apart from the last, before finally stopping at the last one before the end of the hall. It sits slightly ajar, the lock situated to hold the door open. Murphy draws his gun and carefully pushes the door open. The room is neatly-made, brightly lit, and covered in gold-painted quartz walls. It sports a lavish kitchenette with a full fridge, stove, and granite countertop. The living room has a massive, soft sofa facing a 52" flatscreen. A football game plays on screen, showing the referee flipping a coin. The wall on the left is covered by a large fish tank planted in the wall, a number of shiny blue and red fish swimming around the water and in and out of plants. On the right is a set of doors, presumably leading to a pretty, luxurious bedroom. However, at the far end of the room, outside on the concrete balcony, a set of wrapped bedsheets dangle down from something and tap against one of the windows, grabbing MURPHY's attention. MURPHY pushes open the doors to the balcony and turns, looking up at the roof where a series of bedsheets tied together are wrapped around a metal pole. Then Murphy sees him, standing next to the pole. He's draped in a dark brown leather overcoat and a black trilby hat. A single black cotton glove on his hand reveals his true nature, the only feature on him giving him a more-than-average appearance. His face is coldly unremarkable, almost like a black hole of mediocrity, trying to steal the features of everything around it and still producing nothing. He pulls a cigarette from his lips and looks down, looking intently at Murphy. He flips a small coin, an audible ring to it with each flip. The coin lands on the same side, heads, every time, no matter how high it's flipped or for how long. His voice is unusually calm, almost scarily average. This is NOBODY, and from what Murphy now knows, he is also PASSENGER ONE. NOBODY Hello, Murphy. I'm so glad to see you made it. Seriously. Genuinely. MURPHY immediately points his gun up at him. MURPHY Give me one good reason why I shouldn't put a hunk of lead in your skull right now. NOBODY Even better, I can give you two. One, you're a snoop, Murphy. All those questions you have, you need them answered, and I'm the only guy who can do that for you. I get it, I've been a snoop most of my life, it's impossible to ignore. Even if it gains you nothing, even if you know I'm guilty, you just have to know why. MURPHY squints and steps back, evidently offended. NOBODY Second, it wouldn't work. Probably. One in a hundred chance. NOBODY raises his gloved hand and waves his fingers. NOBODY I flipped a couple thousand coins just to find out. Maybe you miss, maybe it jams, maybe it's a dud, maybe it explodes in your hand, I dunno, but it probably won't work. At the very least, join me for a moment before finding out. NOBODY nods towards the bedsheets. Murphy peers over at them, then reluctantly holsters his gun and grabs them. He climbs up the wall and pulls himself onto the roof, the top of which is flat and covered with gravel. Nobody reaches out his hand to help Murphy up but he refuses to take it. He stands a few feet away from Nobody, keeping a safe distance. He pulls the gun from the holster again but keeps it held at his side. NOBODY I'm sorry I couldn't get us Caesar's Palace, but I think the Aria is less stuffy anyway, and who can ignore the view from up here? NOBODY turns to look out at the city, its glowing lights shining up from the ground in a brilliant splash of colors. The world is filled in with skyscraper hotels, palaces and pyramids, a small Eiffel Tower and a volcano in the distance. The world below sparkles like diamonds, melting the heart at the sight of such amazing human capabilities. NOBODY One of my favorite places in the world to just stop and look at. NOBODY turns around to see Murphy still standing at a distance. NOBODY But I suppose ruminating on the achievements of man isn't your cup of tea. So go ahead, detective. Ask your questions. Snoop. NOBODY sits on the ledge of the rooftop, the light of the world behind him. MURPHY Who are you, and what do you want? Why kill O5-7? Why… any of this? MURPHY swings his arm out, gesturing to the whole of the world. NOBODY Funny, all those questions are tied to the same answer. You might want to sit down, it's a long one. MURPHY continues to stand in the middle of the roof, now resting his weight on one leg. NOBODY Fine, you listen to me all day and you won't listen to me now. Sure. MURPHY Answer the damn question! NOBODY You ever feel like everyone in the world was made by someone except for you? Like everyone you see out there means something to something or someone, but on a deeper, visceral level, you never meant anything? MURPHY looks onward, thinking back to all those years he spent sitting at his desk with no cases, no visits, no news from anyone but Fred coming in every day. NOBODY Like that, yeah, but deeper, more… literal. Like you came out that way. You see, Murphy, I was a real person once, I was a somebody, but one day something happened, and then I was Nobody. Like I was suddenly unaccounted for in the grand universe's phone book. Thing is, I don't remember what it was like to be a somebody. I don't remember who I was. Maybe I was D.B. Cooper. Maybe I shot Kennedy. I don't know. MURPHY Fine, you're a depressed loner, sure, why shoot Seven? NOBODY No, it's deeper than that. You can't understand. Of course you don't, I don't know why I thought you might. Nobody does but Nobody. NOBODY pulls the cigarette from his lips and blows a puff of smoke into the night sky. NOBODY Maybe I introduced myself too late in the story. That would make sense. I should've put more hints in earlier. Stupid, stupid.. MURPHY Okay, it's deeper than that. You don't know who you are, that's fine too. Why shoot 7? NOBODY I'm getting there, it's a loaded question, alright? You see, when you're stuck like this, the only thing you can think about is how to go back, back to when you were somebody. At least that's what it's like for me, this longing to have meaning again. I'm constantly looking for new ways to regain that meaning, to break this curse. My last plot fucked up, so I hopped the back of a MC&D truck, just to see what it had. Lost a page of my notebook somewhere between the scuffle with the driver and the crash. NOBODY opens his overcoat and pulls a small notebook out from inside, a very short pencil stuck into the binding rings. NOBODY That's when I found these. NOBODY puts the notebook back and holds up his gloved hand. NOBODY A ledger in the truck told me what they were, what they could do. I took them, tested them… NOBODY flips the coin in his hand. It lands in his gloved palm, heads facing up. NOBODY Flipped this stupid coin a couple thousand times, like I said, and it worked 99 out of 100 times. So I tracked down the one place at Site-19 I hadn't seen yet, just to see if I could get in with these. The Department of Pataphysics. MURPHY You change the probability of guessing the passcode to the garage and use it to enter. NOBODY You're quick. Funny thing is, I don't think there's supposed to be a passcode lock, but I looked at it and said “huh, what are the chances of that?” That's about when I realized what I could really do. MURPHY Why get in the narrative jumper? What good does that do for you? NOBODY takes his hat off and hangs his head, sighing. NOBODY That's the problem with you detective types. You just assume people have a reason for everything they do, like I had this whole thing in mind when I jumped in, changed the chance that the lever pulled itself, saw the steam cover my eyes. No, I only hatched this when I got back, after I first saw it. MURPHY Saw what? NOBODY You really want to know what I saw out there? MURPHY I asked, didn't I? NOBODY stands again, then spreads his arms out. NOBODY I saw everything. Camera zooms in on his eyes. The pupils begin to swirl, spinning and spinning and stretching out until his eyes become whirlpools, sucking in the universe around them. They entrance and deceive and twist and turn every which way, turning and turning forevermore. NOBODY I saw life, Murphy, and I saw death. I saw the power of the sun and I saw life among the stars. I saw monsters and mages. I saw soldiers and sailors. I saw kings and I saw queens and I saw music and I saw medicine and I saw politics and I saw art and I saw dreams and I saw nature and I saw pain and I saw relief. I saw it all, everything that makes up this world. So much of it was from the same point of view, the Foundation's, but there was some spots from other groups where I saw their perspective. Then I saw you, and I saw me. MURPHY takes another step back, putting his hand around his gun. NOBODY Then I saw my line. I didn't think anybody still read things these days, but they read about me, and they wrote about me. I wasn't always the same person in every written piece, but we were all the same in our unique problem. One version of me was a young girl with a pink notebook, a few others were much older than me, a few of them were tailed by a man in a white suit and a few others were tailing other people. Some of them got started in the early 1900's, others had been around for thousands of years. The one other thing we all had in common was that we were always a mystery. Then it struck me. People like mysteries. People like me. That little ounce of joy I got when I saw the like count on some of those articles, I felt just a smidge like a real person again. So I had to make a mystery. That's when I found you. MURPHY That's what all this is about!? You killed that man, dragged me along out here through all this, set up all those little clues, just to feel good about yourself!? You set me up for that!? NOBODY I didn't set you up, that was something they did on their own. But what a turn of events it was! What a plot twist! Added some real tension to my story, it did. Amazing. MURPHY How did you convince the O5 to do all this.. shit? Where's the girl!? NOBODY Hang on, those are two questions. The O5 was easy. I got lucky. NOBODY waves the gloved hand again. NOBODY See, you can do anything with the promise of money and a little luck. That's just how people work. When I saw 231, I saw potential to hide something in all those black lines, more than just her pain. So I took it and I hid it, and I gave it to them and all they had to do was keep using it. They didn't ask questions. You wanna know where the girl is, yeah? Maybe she's in the bedroom you didn't check. Maybe she's in the room across the hall, about to scare some couple on their honeymoon. Maybe she was never real in the first place. Maybe nothing you found at August's old place actually happened, maybe none of it was real. MURPHY Wha… that… NOBODY I know, take a minute. MURPHY stares down at the ground, trying to collect his thoughts. Above him, a light breeze blows by. The stars in the night sky twinkle and shimmer, a world of magic drifting by above them, both standing alone on the roof so high above the world and its problems. The purple sky washes over them so vividly you could almost drink it. It's indescribably beautiful. MURPHY You still shot O5-7. I still have to take you in. NOBODY Sure, you can do that, but I've already won. I got what I wanted. That feeling, the feeling of personhood and meaningful existence, it's sure to come back now. Now that I've done all of this. It has to. Any minute now. MURPHY No. The two look up at each other, eyes interlocking. MURPHY That feeling, it won't come back so easy. You know that. That's not how these things work, not how anomalies work. Some get fixed, others don't. You could've changed the probability that it worked, but it hasn't yet. I think you're stuck with that one in a hundred. NOBODY No, it's gotta work. That's how we're alike, you and me. We both need this story to work. It's all I've got too. Maybe that's why you wrote me this way. MURPHY What are you talking about? NOBODY It needs a finale, that's what it is. One last grand sendoff, the antagonist's last hurrah. Put on your glove, Murphy. I want to show you something. MURPHY pulls the black cotton glove from his pocket. He sets his gun back in the holster and stares at it, then looks back up at Nobody. MURPHY Why? NOBODY You're going to chase me, and I want an even fight. MURPHY looks back down at the glove, then pulls off one of his own leather gloves and slides it on. NOBODY Atta boy. NOBODY takes a couple steps forward, then turns around, runs, and leaps off the roof. Murphy runs up to the edge of the roof and looks over it. Along the road, as Nobody cascades towards it, a garbage truck races by, carrying old box-spring mattresses in the back. Nobody falls right into the mattresses as it runs by and takes off with him in tow. Murphy looks around, then back down at the ground far below him. A number of men dressed in polo shirts of varying colors throw open the door to the room's balcony and see Murphy leaning over the edge. One of them, UNDERCOVER 1, shouts up to him. UNDERCOVER 1 MURPHY LAW! YOU'RE UNDER- MURPHY adjusts the glove, then jumps from the rooftop. He flies through the air towards the ground, diving past rows and rows of windows on the hotel he just left. NARRATOR Free fall. All this time, just one guy trying to be whole again. A man with a finger in every pie. I've been strung along this whole time, played like a god damn fiddle. I have to find him. I have to get him. Not just for justice, but for retribution. EXT. VEGAS - Night. MURPHY falls into the back of an open truck filled with foam blocks. A diving board sits at its edge for jumping into the back. A kid nearby starts crying. Murphy crawls his way up to the top of the pit and finds he's just rained on some kid's birthday surprise. He jumps up and out of the truck just as a limo pulls up. DRIVER Murphy!? MURPHY Fred!? MURPHY dives over the top of the limo and wrenches the passenger door open. MURPHY After that garbage truck! MURPHY points at the truck full of mattresses as it careens off the Aria property and onto the Vegas strip. Cars on the road seem to spread out and pull over as it drives by. Nobody jumps over the truck bed and climbs around to the driver door, then forces it open and throws the driver out, taking their seat. DRIVER What!? MURPHY DRIVE, DAMNIT! DRIVE! The limo driver floors it, making the engine roar as it guns out of the entryway, kicking up smoke on the birthday party. It flies out onto the strip, skidding around the turn onto the main road, then takes off behind the garbage truck. The city zips by as DRIVER holds the gas pedal to the floor, sending the speedometer winding around like an out-of-whack clock. Murphy grabs the handle above the car door as the vehicle reaches 80mph. Through the front windshield, they can see the truck in front of them hightailing it down the road. DRIVER What's going on!? MURPHY The man in that truck set this all up! He killed the suspect and led me on a god damn goose chase! DRIVER Jesus, you've had a day then! MURPHY Pull up next to the driver door! I have to get to him! DRIVER It's going as fast as it can!! Behind them, the sounds of police sirens fills the air. Red and blue lights permeate the orange glow of the street lamps passing by. A microphone screeches, then a voice comes on over it, broadcasting from the speeding police vehicles now tailing the limousine as they race down the strip. MICROPHONE MURPHY LAW! YOU'RE WANTED FOR THE MURDER OF ONE JOHN AND JANE DOE! PULL THE VEHICLE OVER! DRIVER You're WHAT!? MURPHY breaks open the passenger door and leans out the side of the limo. He looks back at the two police cars tailing them, then forward at the garbage truck. He stands from his seat and hangs out the open door. DRIVER What are you doing!? MURPHY I have to get on that truck! Keep it steady, damnit! DRIVER I'm trying! MURPHY grabs onto the door as it swings and climbs around to the other side of it. The door slams shut as he holds on to the open window. MICROPHONE PULL THE VEHICLE OVER NOW! MURPHY swings himself up onto the hood of the limo as Driver watches on in amazed horror. It takes all his strength to keep from being blown over the roof by the whipping wind. The limo speeds up slightly and starts moving up next to the truck while Murphy balances on top of it. Suddenly, there's a loud bang, and a bullet goes straight through Murphy's trilby, taking it off his head and sending it flying into the road. Murphy turns around. A white van jumps off an exit ramp and drifts around the concrete wall, pulling behind the police cars. One man drives while another leans out the window with a rifle in his hands. On the truck's side, the orange and red logo of “Sasha's Cleaning Products” is stenciled on. MURPHY Ah, shit! The side door of the van opens and a gunner seat slides out, a mounted gatling gun attached to the platform. Jimmy sits in the gunner seat, a sly grin spread across his face. JIMMY YOU'VE BEEN QUITE A LUCKY BASTARD, MR. LAW! BUT YOU MADE A MESS, NOW IT'S TIME TO CLEAN UP! The limo slowly pulls closer to the truck. MURPHY raises his cotton glove as Jimmy pulls back on the gunner handles. The gun rips a line of bullets into the back of the limo, breaking glassware and bottles of liquor inside. A hailstorm of bullets fly by Murphy, but each shot seems to narrowly miss him. One of the cop cars rolls down its window, and the officer inside shouts at JIMMY. COP 3 I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE, BUT STAND DOWN! THIS IS A POLI- JIMMY pulls a handgun from his hip and shoots out the back left tire of the cop car, causing it to veer left until it hits the back end of the van and spins out on the road, getting left in the dust by the other vehicles. MURPHY readies himself on top of the limo as it finally pulls up next to the truck. His dark brown hair blows back in the speeding wind. He quickly leaps off the limousine's roof and grabs hold of a handle on the back of the truck, dangling off the side. His legs can't find footing and they get blown backwards by the speed. He hangs onto the handle, his life depending on it. The van behind them rips another hail of bullets into the truck's back. Murphy closes his eyes for a moment, thinking of the cotton glove. NARRATOR Come on, get lucky! Get lucky! A bullet from the Gatling gun takes out the chain holding up the back door of the truck bed, and it drops open, skidding along the ground and sending sparks flying. MURPHY pushes his feet off the side of the truck and swings back around the side, letting go of the handle and falling into the bed. He pushes the stack of mattresses out of the bed and onto the road, sending them careening back into the van. A mattress gets caught on the windshield, and the van swerves left and right to try to get it off, hitting the other police car in the process. The car's brakes screech and it comes to a halt, the van blowing by it. The mattress finally shakes off the side, flying back and directly into the gunner seat. The side of the mattress hits Jimmy squarely in the face and he falls off the seat and tumbles onto the road. MURPHY climbs up and over the back of the truck, steadying himself on the roof. He kicks at the windshield with his boots, denting and cracking them with each kick. Behind the windshield, a smile spreads across Nobody's face as he looks up at Murphy. NOBODY Now this is what my story needed! One final fight, the ultimate climactic conclusion! Good versus evil, protag v. antag! MURPHY What is wrong with you!? NOBODY What's wrong with me!? What's wrong with *you!?* I told you we're one in the same here, Murphy! We're both just searching for our purpose, longing to mean something! I just went and did it myself! The van's gunner seat slides back into the van and the side door closes. The man in the passenger seat leans back out the window with a rifle and fires at the truck. A couple rounds slam into the truck's open backing. Murphy continues ineffectually kicking the windshield. NOBODY Look at you, going at it! You're different now, Murphy! You're a changed man! MURPHY Shut up! SHUT UP! NOBODY Hahaha! Five was right! You're new! You're different! I've changed you forever! You're no noire mystery, you're an action thriller now! I made you that way! The rifleman in the van shoots one of the truck's back right tires. The truck starts slowing down and sliding right. NOBODY pushes the gear shift into neutral and throws open the driver door. The limo still rides next to it, a terrified Driver still holding the pedal down. Nobody dives from the driver door and onto the roof of the limo, landing on his stomach. The truck slows and the limo pulls forward. Murphy looks back at the van chasing after him as the truck slows, then looks over at the limousine. He jumps from the truck and lands on the back of the limo, just barely keeping his balance. The van's remaining two passengers smiles' fade as the truck slows, realizing that they're still directly behind it. The van slams into the truck, the force of the speed crunching it like a stomped-on soda can. MURPHY kicks the side of the limo. MURPHY STOP THE CAR, FRED! WE GOT HIM! The limo's brakes scream and the tire rubber burns off onto the asphalt below. The car lurches forward as it finally comes to a full stop on the highway, sending Murphy and Nobody tumbling over the front. They roll onto the road, both of them rolling perfectly and rising to their feet uneasily. NOBODY What a thrill, I almost wish it didn't have to end. What n- MURPHY runs up to Nobody and slams his clenched fist into the side of his face, sending Nobody back down to the ground. Murphy plants his foot on Nobody's chest and stares down at him with a piercing, icy gaze. Murphy draws his gun from the holster and aims it squarely at the center of Nobody's chest. NOBODY What are you going to do? Kill me? I've already won, I got what I wanted. I spent ten months putting this together, setting up all the pieces! You think I don't have contingencies? NOBODY raises his gloved hand, pointing at Murphy's chest. NOBODY You can't stop what's coming. MURPHY grips the hand and rips the glove off, then pulls back the trigger. NOBODY Oh. There is the crack of a gunshot. NOBODY drops his hand to his side, looking at his now-bleeding chest in amazement and shock. NOBODY You… this isn't the end. You haven't stopped Nobody. Somewhere out there, somewhere… NOBODY coughs, spitting blood onto his overcoat. He struggles to speak, speech slowly becoming gargled. NOBODY Another pataphysical Nobody will find me… find us… they'll feel that twinge of meaning again… Haven't stopped Nobody… Who do you even think… even think you.. you are? MURPHY Me? I know who I am. I'm Murphy Law. A wide smile spreads across Nobody's face. MURPHY I'm the guy you call when everything that could go wrong… did. NOBODY lets out a final chuckle, the laugh laced with crimson chokes. NOBODY I-It's… perfect. The… End… NOBODY's head finally falls back onto the pavement. The coin drops from his hand and onto the asphalt, tails side up. Murphy steps off his chest and collapses onto the road, extraordinarily tired. He stares up at the twinkling stars of the night sky, admiring each little one as it shines down on him. Camera zooms out to show Murphy and Nobody laying next to each other as if watching the stars together. The limo pulls up next to Murphy. It's battered and bullet-riddled to an almost-comedic level. Driver rolls down a partially-broken window. DRIVER Hey, champ. Need a lift? MURPHY stands back up and takes a deep breath. He takes one last look at the body before turning and climbing back into the limo's passenger side. MURPHY Thanks, Fred. It's been a long day. Get me the hell out of here. The limo slowly pulls away from the body, chugging off over the horizon. FADE TO BLACK. Begin Audio Transcript - Call Log - 7/8/2022 - 14:34:86 - Site-19 Director's Office TO Site-19 Documentation Dept. Dir. O'Leary: Hey, Clarence? C. Robinson: What's up, boss? Dir. O'Leary: "Boss" is never gonna stop feeling weird, is it. C. Robinson: I can call you something else, if you'd like. Dir. O'Leary: No, that's alright. Hey, listen, I sent off those weird addendums you sent me to infohazards. To make a long story short, none of us should've seen those. The both of us are getting scheduled for amnestics in a couple of days. Amnestics department is getting a lot of people in, actually. C. Robinson: Well. Fuck. Dir. O'Leary: Yeah, man. a few seconds of silence pass. Dir. O'Leary: I figure it's probably okay to read those addendums at this point, right? I mean, we're getting wiped anyhow. C. Robinson: Hey man, that's a you thing. If I'm not supposed to see it, I'm not gonna see it. Dir. O'Leary: Yeah, well, on that note, the O5's have an extra note they'd like you to add to skip 7043. I'm gonna forward it over to you. Once you do that, send me the final version, would you? C. Robinson: Yeah, sure. Fax or email? Director O'Leary chuckles to himself. C. Robinson: (chuckling) I still say it's the best! End Log. ► ATTACHMENT: SCP7043.pdf ▼ Close File Item #: SCP-7043 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7043 instances are to be stored in anomalous item locker 7043 at Site-19. The locker is to be outfitted with a keycard lock requiring level four clearance and above. No further procedures are considered necessary. Description: SCP-7043 refers to a collection of 246 black gloves, each made primarily of cotton. The gloves possess no notable physical features save for a single tag on the inside of each, which is stamped with the logo of Marshall, Carter, and Dark LTD. SCP-7043 can be worn by most persons regardless of hand size as the material will stretch to accommodate most hand sizes. When a SCP-7043 instance is worn by a person, the person will gain the ability to manipulate the probability of any event occurring. These range from simple probability tests such as the flip of a coin or the roll of a die to larger, more complex events one might not otherwise consider to be dictated by chance. The probability can be altered up to a 99% chance of occurrence and down to a 1% chance of occurrence, although it can never be completely prevented or guaranteed. It is believed that the use of a SCP-7043 instance in this manner would grant the user the ability to affect the fabric of time and space in a manner akin to that of a level-1 reality bender.1 All SCP-7043 instances recovered to date were recovered from the crash site of a Marshall, Carter, and Dark LTD. shipping truck, which veered off the main road and crashed into a tree 30 miles south of Wetumpka, Alabama, on 9/7/2021. The reason for the collision is unknown as no prior issues with the vehicle could be discerned on inspection. The driver was found deceased at the crash site as a result of injuries sustained during the crash, although other bruises and abrasions suggest a struggle with an attacker. No other persons were found. One document of note, believed to have been left by the attacker, has been included. (See Addendum 7043-1.) Addendum 7043-1: Recovered note from crash site. September 7th, 2021 Discovered the route of a MC&D truck. Previous idea scrapped. Concept fell through, subject refused to cooperate. To say that previous attempt was a failure is an understatement. Will jump truck and investigate shipment, have a good feeling. Really good feeling. Could be my golden ticket. Too hopeful, maybe, but hope is all there is to have anymore. Have to break this curse. WILL break this curse. Eventually. Surely. -Nobody. Addendum 7043-2: Update 7/8/2022 NOTICE FROM THE O5 COUNCIL On 7/6/2022, O5-5, O5-6, and O5-7 were attacked, unprovoked, by SCP-3143 while utilizing an instance of SCP-7043. SCP-3143 successfully managed to terminate each council member using SCP-7043's capabilities. SCP-3143 is considered hostile and must be captured at all costs. This is to be considered a high-level priority by all MTF units and an investigation regarding methods of capture and containment is to be opened by the Site-19 investigative department ASAP. We wish O5-5, O5-6, and O5-7 good fortune in the afterlife, and hope that SCP-3143 is brought to justice and containment swiftly and mercilessly. -The Overseer Council. [REDACTED] //Close %%/F#l Begin Audio Transcript - Call Log - 7/8/2022 - 22:36:77 - Unknown External Number TO Unknown External Number Unknown 1: Clarence? Unknown 2: What the hell is this about, boss? Unknown 1: Oh good, the burner phones work. They shouldn't be able to track the call with these. Look, the update to skip 7043, did you read it? Unknown 2: I had to to add it to the document and I'm pretty shaken up by it as it is! This secrecy shit is not helping! Unknown 1: I read the addendums, the ones you sent that just appeared there. None of what the O5s say happened is true. It's all bullshit. They're lying to us. Unknown 2: What? Unknown 1: All of it, Clarence! All of it is bullshit! 3143 didn't kill any of the O5! It was our writer, and nobody! He couldn't- he didn't- who's at the door? Unknown 1 is interrupted by the sound of wood splintering. Unknown 1: Wait, wait a minute! You don't have to do this, we ca- Unknown 1's line goes silent. Unknown 2: Boss? A few seconds of silence pass. Unknown 2: Boss? A few seconds of silence pass. Unknown 2: What kinda shitty prank… End Log CREDITS ROLL: PASSENGER ONE/NOBODY played by… Just Some Nobody PASSENGER TWO/O5-7 played by… [REDACTED] MURPHY LAW played by… HIMSELF FRED/DRIVER played by… FRED THIRTEEN played by… [REDACTED] OFFICER ONE played by… PETE MCDOUGAL, VEGAS P.D. OFFICER TWO played by… CHARLES BURBANK, VEGAS P.D. ATTENDANT played by… SECURITY AGENT MICHAEL CONNORS JIMMY played by… SECURITY AGENT JAMES FALCONE SECURITY 1 played by… SECURITY AGENT CHRISTOPHER MALKOVITCH SECURITY 2 played by… SECURITY AGENT MICHAEL KEELEY FIVE played by… [REDACTED] DR. PATRA played by… DOCTOR CLEO PATRA SECURITY 3 played by… SECURITY AGENT LARA MCNULTY INTERCOM/DR. NARRA played by… DOCTOR TIV NARRA TAPE PLAYER voiced by… FORMER SITE DIRECTOR JEREMIAH AUGUST SIX played by… [REDACTED] ME played by… cwazzycwafter MTF SHAI-1 played by… MTF-SHAI AGENT SARAH NORMANDY MTF SHAI-2 played by… MTF-SHAI AGENT CLAIRISSA KINGSLEY CLERK played by… AMELIA ANGSTROM MICROPHONE/COP 3 played by… THOMAS WHEELING, VEGAS P.D. WITH SPECIAL THANKS TO SITE-19, THE ARIA RESORT AND CASINO, THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, AND YOU. THANK YOU. LOOK FOR MURPHY LAW TO RETURN IN… MURPHY LAW: DETECTIVE AT LARGE! THE END Footnotes 1. At time of writing, no testing has been done on SCP-7043. The information provided here is based purely on documentation recovered from Marshall, Carter, and Dark and is thusly subject to change.
Item #: SCP-7044 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7044 is to be housed in a spacious room, with large windows that allow sunlight to enter. The room should be filled with plants common to North American temperate forests. Bushes and small trees are preferable if available. SCP-7044 is to be given a diet of insects, seeds, and berries. Insects may be cultivated in the neighboring room, provided they do not escape. SCP-7044's enclosure may be kept open during daylight hours, and SCP-7044 is permitted to move freely around the facility. The only exceptions to this rule are operating theaters or any space being used to hold anomalies. Under no circumstances is any individual of the genus felus catus to be permitted on-site. In the event of a security breach, SCP-7044 has been fitted with a lightweight tracking device on the right leg, to allow easy locating. Any cross-testing with other anomalies requires a B-2 form submitted to the facility administrator for approval. Description: SCP-7044 is a female of the species Poecile atricapillus, more commonly known as the black-capped chickadee. Externally, the subject shows no anomalous properties. However, testing has revealed some unusual abilities. SCP-7044 produces a calming effect through vocalization, which has been shown to temporarily alleviate high-stress emotions such as grief, anxiety, fear, and depression.1 Touching SCP-7044 also instills feelings of comfort. Patients who interact with SCP-7044 have frequently reported feeling a personal connection with the bird. SCP-7044 has an ability to quickly learn human recreational activities, and can adapt to the hobbies of others. If physically unable to engage in the activity, SCP-7044 will look for a way to show support. Other anomalous traits observed in SCP-7044 include: Heightened intelligence, including an ability to recognize human faces and quickly learn complex ideas. Although unable to speak it, SCP-7044 has shown a thorough understanding of English. An ability to consume food outside of a chickadee's normal dietary capability, including human food, with no detrimental effects. However, SCP-7044 still prefers the diet of a wild chickadee. An ability to recognize glass surfaces2 An ability to lift objects of significantly greater weight than its own body. A defense mechanism consisting of a powerful sonic blast emitted from the beak, though SCP-7044 uses this ability exclusively against cats. Discovery SCP-7044 was discovered by Dr. Rosalyn Tesario, who encountered the specimen while birdwatching at High Park in Toronto, Canada. At the time, SCP-7044 was a newly-hatched chick that had apparently fallen out of a nest, displaying an apparent injury to the wing. Tesario could not find any sign of a chickadee nest in the immediate area. She brought the bird to the Toronto Wildlife Center, where she volunteered outside of work hours, and immediately began caring for the specimen. The first detail Tesario noticed was the chick's wing healed at an unusually fast rate. In a matter of hours, no sign of injury was visible. Dr. Tesario began to suspect the bird of having anomalous properties and prepared a report for the Foundation. Incident 1: A staff member at the Toronto Wildlife Center had been struggling with the recent loss of her wife. According to Dr. Tesario's report, she had just returned after a period of absence, and was given the simple job of feeding the bird, which had now grown into a fledgling. When visited by Dr. Tesario, she noted the patient was surprisingly calm. The patient later claimed to have found the bird's noises to be "soothing." Incident 2: A teenage volunteer was having difficulty keeping up with his tasks. He is described by Dr. Tesario as being extremely quiet and reserved, but easily prone to outbursts that lacked a clear motivation. Tesario arranged for him to meet with the bird. The volunteer began to calm down and started to open up about his difficult home life. Incident 3: A careless volunteer decided to bring his housecat to work, and it managed to get into the wider facility. The cat managed to wander into the room where SCP-7044 was being housed. Upon seeing the bird, its hunting instincts kicked in and it attempted to kill SCP-7044. However, SCP-7044 noticed the incoming threat and faced it directly. SCP-7044 then emitted a sonic blast that launched the cat across the room at a speed of approximately 50 miles per hour. The cat's body smashed through the wall and flew into the next room over, where it shattered on impact. The incident confirmed Dr. Tesario's suspicions of SCP-7044's anomalous qualities. A full report was sent to the Foundation. Amnestics were administered to its staff. Efforts were briefly complicated when the cat's owner attempted to file a lawsuit against the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, but an embedded agent acting as a lawyer managed to discredit his case and ensured it was thrown out. Dr. Tesario had SCP-7044 brought to a nearby Foundation facility for research. Adendum: Test Log: SCP-7044 was placed in a large pet carrier, that was put into a small room containing only a table and one chair. SCP-7044 was placed on the table within easy reach from the chair. Subject: D-7139 Researcher: Dr. Rosalyn Tesario Forward: In order to produce a strong emotion for SCP-7044 to calm down, a member of D-Class had been selected and informed that he was the subject of a dangerous test. Dr. Tesario staged a conversation with a fellow researcher that the D-Class was allowed to "overhear." The discussion made vague references to the subject's minimal chances of survival, and a high probability that his death would be painful. Subject was brought into the room containing SCP-7044 and told to sit down. He was then told to wait for further instructions. Subject was left alone for five minutes. Subject looked into the cage, apparently confused about what test was about to be performed. At the five-minute mark, Dr. Tesario stepped into the room with a clipboard. The resulting test was recorded with a hidden camera. <BEGIN LOG> Dr. Tesario: D-7139? D-7139: Yes Dr. Tesario starts pretending to search for his number on her clipboard. Dr. Tesario: Ah yes, you're scheduled for testing with SCP-7044. D-7139: What's that? Dr. Tesario: Didn't we tell you? D-7139: No, just that it was probably going to get me killed. Probably quite painfully. Dr. Tesario: I'm sure you'll be fine. D-7139: I heard your little conversation. You said my odds were virtually non existent. Dr. Tesario: I see. Well, you'll know soon enough. D-7139: Please don't make me do this. Dr. Tesario: I'm afraid we don't have much choice. Now I need you to open the carrier. D-7139: This carrier here? Why? What's inside? Dr. Tesario: Just open it. D-7139: The carrier's the weird thing isn't it? You want me to open it so I get sucked in a black hole or something? Dr. Tesario: We don't know what will happen. That's why we need you to open it. D-7139: No. No, I'm not playing your game. D-7139 stands up and faces Dr. Tesario. She signals for a guard to enter. The Guard immediately shoves D-7139 back into his seat. Dr. Tesario: Open the carrier. D-7139 nervously reaches toward the carrier and opens it. He stares inside for a moment, before being startled as SCP-7044 hops out. D-7139: What is this? Dr. Tesario: What do you see? D-7139: Just a stupid bird. Wait, is there something up with this? Is it going to bite my finger off or something? SCP-7044 begins chirping Dr. Tesario: Pet the bird. D-7139: What? Dr. Tesario: Pet the bird. D-7139 stares at the bird for a moment before using his index finger to stroke the bird's head. SCP-7044 responds with an enthusiastic chirp. D-7139: You're kinda cute. Dr. Tesario: You seem to be feeling a lot better. D-7139: A little. Dr. Tesario: That's good. D-7139's body becomes more relaxed as he listens to SCP-7044's sounds. Dr. Tesario: Thank you. That concludes the test. D-7139: Wait, what? Subject: D-3598 Researcher: Dr. Rosalyn Tesario Forward: Subject had previously been charged with multiple counts of animal cruelty. Dr. Tesario wanted to observe how he would be affected by SCP-7044. Subject was placed in the same room as the previous test, where he was seated in front of the carrier holding SCP-7044. A hammer, crowbar, and knife were laid out on the table in front of the seat. A guard was placed in the room, and secretly given orders to terminate D-3598 if he showed any signs of hostility toward SCP-7044. <BEGIN LOG> Dr. Tesario enters, holding a clipboard Dr. Tesario: You are D-3598? D-3598: Yeah. What do you want? Dr. Tesario: You sound… frustrated. D-3598: What gave you that idea? Dr. Tesario: Your tone of voice, body language, all suggests feelings of anger. Is something troubling you? D-3598: Is something troubli- I was told I could get a reduced sentence if I agreed to do some tests but nobody said nothing about no invasive surgeries or weird monsters. I just want to live to see my release! Dr. Tesario: That must be quite difficult. Don't worry, this test won't harm you. D-3598: Really? I find that hard to believe. You wouldn't be bringing me in here if it wasn't something dangerous. Dr. Tesario: D-3598, would you please open the carrier? D-3598: This carrier here? Alright, let's see what's inside. D-3598 opens the carrier. SCP-7044 hops out, chirping enthusiastically. D-3598: Um… what's going on here? Dr. Tesario: Pet the bird. D-3598: What? I ain't petting no stupid bird. SCP-7044 delivers a chirp. D-3598: You can shut up you stupid little bastard! I don't need you. I'm done here. Dr. Tesario: I'm sorry, but I can't let you leave until the test is finished. SCP-7044 chirps again. D-3598: Why you little- D-3598 stands up, grabs the crowbar and lifts it into the air. The guard draws her sidearm. Dr. Tesario signals for her to hold fire. D-3598 freezes in place. He drops the crowbar. D-3598: I can't do it. Why can't I do it? D-3598 falls into his chair and begins crying. SCP-7044 flies onto his shoulder. D-3598 slowly puts a finger on SCP-7044's head and gently strokes it. D-3598: What have I done? Dr. Tesario: I told you this test wouldn't harm you. <END LOG> Subsequent psyche evalutation of D-3598 revealed he had developed feelings of empathy, and expressed guilt over previous acts of cruelty. CT Scan of D-3598's brain revealed several neural pathways had formed since interacting with SCP-7044. Subject: D-2554 Researcher: Dr. Rosalyn Tesario Subject was told he had been assigned the duty of feeding an unidentified creature of the Keter Class. Dr. Tesario fitted D-2554 with a heart monitor, under the guise that it was a neccessary precaution for approaching the entity. D-2554 was escorted by armed guards into the same room as the previous tests, and instructed to take SCP-7044. Subject was told SCP-7044 was the food he needed to deliver. D-2554 was then escorted by two armed guards to another part of the facility. Results: D-2554's heart rate increased while being escorted to the room containing SCP-7044. It was continuing to increase after being presented with SCP-7044. However, by the time D-2554 reached the location allegedly holding the non-existant anomaly, D-2554's hearrate had been decreased to 75 beats per minute. Subject: One housecat Researcher: Dr. Rosalyn Tesario Test chamber was divided by two chain-link fences with a distance of 15 centimeters between them. Subject and D-XXXX were inserted into opposite sides of the chamber through separate entrances. Result: At 30 seconds into the test, subject noticed SCP-7044. SCP-7044 immediately noticed the threat and stood approximately five centimeters from the fence. At one minute, subject began pacing, apparently trying to find a way around the fence. SCP-7044 stood silently in place. At 1:30, SCP-7044 opened her beak and emitted a soundwave that produced enough force to tear through both fences. Upon impact, the cat was thrown backwards and shattered against the wall. SCP-7044 immediately returned to a docile state. Subject: 5 housecats Researcher: Dr. Rosalyn Tesario Two new chain-link fences were set up. All five cats were released onto one side of the chamber and left for five minutes. SCP-7044 was then released into the opposite side. Result After 35 seconds, the cats began to notice and attempted to converge on SCP-7044, though they were blocked from doing so by the fence. SCP-7044 stood five centimenters feet from the fence, only moving her head to look at the cats. At 1:20 SCP produced a massive soundwave that shattered both fences and launched all five cats into the wall. This instance was even louder than the previous test, launching the subjects at a speed of approximately 75 miles per hour. Attempts to replicate the sonic attack on D-class were unsuccessful. All attempts to provoke SCP-7044 produced similar results to D-3598. Dr. Tesario determined that this attack was used exclusively against cats, and SCP-7044 was harmless- even beneficial- to humans. She subsequently wrote a report outlining potential therapeutic uses for SCP-7044 and requested transfer to a medical facility for testing. This request was approved. Addendum: Medical Use SCP-7044 was brought to Site 42, a medical facility for personel undergoing physical and mental trauma. Since arriving, SCP-7044 has helped boost the morale of recovering patients. The following are reported observations of SCP-7044 adapting to the activities of patients. Due to patient confidentiality, all names have been ommitted. Activity Result Drawing Patient struggled to find a good subject, before deciding to draw SCP-7044. SCP-7044 immediately agreed to be a model, and was directed by the patient into an artistic pose. SCP-7044 managed to remain still in the time it took to produce a line sketch. Upon completion, SCP-7044 delivered an excited chirp before picking up a pencil in her beak, with which she produced a crude drawing of the patient. Weight lifting Patient visited the gym accompanied by SCP-7044 and selected a bench press. SCP-7044 immediately perched on top of the barbell and began producing a series of encouraging chirps. Higher sounds on the barbell being lifted suggested enjoyment of being moved up and down. At one point, the patient began to struggle, feeling unsure if he could keep going. In response, SCP-7044 flew over to a nearby barbell, wrapped her feet around it, and lifted it roughly a meter above the ground. The sight of a chickadee lifting something significantly larger than its own body weight astounded the patient and helped encourage him to keep working out. Swimming Patient had developed severe aquaphobia after losing a close friend to SCP-242. Subject arrived at the facility's pool and managed to put a foot in. SCP-7044 responded with a soft chirp, As the patient took another step, SCP-7044 delivered increasingly enthusiastic chirps. Despite not being able to swim, SCP-7044 remained on the deck, making noises that appeared to be intended as a "cheer." Music Patient had experience playing the guitar. After requesting one from the administrator, he spent time practicing and played a song for SCP-7044. In response, SCP-7044 started chirping in tune with the patient. SCP-7044 also figured out a way to produce rhythm by pecking at the ground. Patient made a request for a small drum, which SCP-7044 enthusiastically played with her beak. Working together, the two produced an original composition that was performed for the facility. Chess Patient explained the rules to SCP-7044, who appeared to quickly grasp how each piece moved. Patient moved first to demonstrate a basic Chess move. SCP-7044 flew onto the board, landing behind a pawn and pushing it two squares forward. Patient played three successive games with SCP-7044, who developed a better understanding how to play each time. By the third game, SCP-7044 had developed an understanding of advanced Chess techniques. Addendum: Updated Information Since the initial report, nine other birds have been identified which display traits identical to SCP-7044. Though the anomaly appears to be confined to avian life-forms, it does not appear to be bound by species or gender. The original SCP-7044 has now been reclassified as SCP-7044-0. Currently-Recorded specimens include: SCP-7044-1 Male budgerigar SCP-7044-2 Male wood duck SCP-7044-3 Female mourning dove SCP-7044-4 Female adelie penguin SCP-7044-5 Male European robin SCP-7044-6 Female leghorn chicken SCP-7044-7 Male cockatiel SCP-7044-8 Male toucan SCP-7044-9 Female ostrich Due to spacial concerns, and the lack of danger posed by SCP-7044, no further specimens are to be collected at this time. However, any reported instances of SCP-7044 should still be investigated and observed in site if possible. Proposal for using SCP-7044 instances in other facilities is currently under review. Footnotes 1. Dr. Tesario has theorized SCP-7044 might be able to produce sound at different frequencies according to what will resonate with the brain of any given patient. 2. Birds cannot perceive glass, which has created a problem of them crashing into windows. « SCP-7043 | SCP-7044 | SCP-7045 »
"Is this your tape recorder?" — Theseus Grimm ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 7045 Level3 Containment Class: neutralized Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: none Risk Class: none link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7045 no longer requires containment, and is no longer anomalous. + ARCHIVED SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES x CLOSE ARCHIVED CONTENT SCP-7045 is to be placed in a standard containment locker. SCP-7045's containment locker is to fit with a motion detector and miniature camera. If SCP-7045 breaches containment, on-site security are to search for SCP-7045. Once found, SCP-7045 is to be examined for recordings and is to be escorted back into its containment locker. Description: SCP-7045 was the designation used to describe a 2001, █████ brand, hand-held microcassette tape recorder. SCP-7045 was of standard design, with pause, play, fast forward/rewind, and record buttons. All recordings recovered from SCP-7045 are of a sound-quality consist with that of similar recording devices. SCP-7045 had the anomalous ability to teleport and record without external input. SCP-7045 was estimated to have had a teleportation radius of approximately 1.2 km. The content of SCP-7045's recordings have varied, but the majority have involved important historical events, generally related to or involving the Foundation. When SCP-7045 teleports, a new tape is replaced within its cartage. This caused extreme difficulty in retrieving audio recordings from SCP-7045. After attempting to record an event in reality ███████, SCP-7045 ceased all anomalous activity. The cause of SCP-7045's sudden neutralization remains unknown. Addendum 7045.1 AUDIO LOG [CLICK] [HOWLING WIND BLOWS AGAINST THE MICROPHONE. FOOTSTEPS CRUNCH THE DIRT AS SOMEONE APPROACHES.] UNKNOWN Hm? How did this get here? Ah, whatever. There's no point in worrying about it now, what with the end of the world and all. [UNKNOWN PAUSES BEFORE PICKING UP SCP-7045.] Although, it is nice to have someone- sorry, something to talk to. My name is Victor, I work for this, organization. You might have heard of us. We're kind of the cause of this whole mess. I work for the SCP Foundation. We contain the nastiest creatures and anomalies of the world and whatnot, but I guess one of our gruesome monstrosities got out, and the world is now ending. I would try and do something to stop this apocalypse, but sadly there doesn't seem to be anything I can do. To whomever it may concern, SCP-[REDACTED] has breached containment, and now… well, the only way I can describe it is that the world… is afraid. The world is afraid and nothing but. The sky has been torn in two, a rift to some other reality having warped our own. Biomes have switched places entirely, while our reality slowly succumbs to pure, unmotivated chaos. Or maybe there was some motivation behind the end of our world. Who knows? I now walk alone- well, if you don't count Harry. I think he's off looking for food… we travel together as the world ends, looking for a solution to our world's madness. But there's… nothing. Sorry, I know that was both an information dump and slightly ominous at that. I've… always enjoyed horror, so I guess the creepy, esoteric tone just comes naturally. What I'm trying to say is the world went to hell and all I can- UNKNOWN Victor? Are you over here? Victor I'm over here, Harry. Look what I've found- oh god… Harry I know… It's getting worse. Victor Should I check my foot as well? Harry [HARRY USES A DISGUSTED TONE.] Don't. I'd rather not see another person's bones. Victor [INDIGNATION.] Excuse me? I look at your arm- Harry [IGNORES VICTOR.] Where'd you get the tape recorder? Victor Oh, I found it. It was already recording and everything. Harry [CONCERNED.] Do you think it's anomalous? Victor Do you think it matters right now? Look around us, Harry. Do you want to talk about work when the entire world is doing just that? Harry I- I don't know. I just was asking what you thought- [DISTANT HOWLING IN THE DISTANCE.] … We should get moving. Victor Agreed. [CLICK] [CLICK] [A SLIGHT HUM FILLS THE BACKGROUND OF THE RECORDING.] Victor The air is… thin. It's not the thin air that someone would breathe when climbing a mountain. It's the thin air of a world falling apart. As the oxygen begins to slowly break down with everything else in the world, I feel my own body begin to break apart as well. You know… I didn't expect death to be so slow. I always thought my death would be in some hospital with my life-support getting pulled. But no, I'm being erased from existence- Harry Do you have to talk to that thing while I'm sitting right here? Victor Well, sorry, but I just don't feel safe when walking around. If society hadn't lost its cool and the wilderness hadn't absorbed the cities across the globe, I would happily walk away and spare your ears. But, right now, that isn't the case. Deal with it. Harry Fine. Sorry. … Do you think this is salvageable? Do you think the O4 Council can… fix this? Victor I'm pretty sure it's the "O5" Council. Harry Are you sure? I thought Level 4 was our highest security level. Victor Harry. We're at a level 4 security. Harry Oh… I guess you're right… Sorry, I guess the end of the world is getting to me. Victor [SIGHS] It's fine. And I think they might be doing something. Or… maybe they realize how far-gone the world is and they are kicking their feet back and are waiting it out like us. Harry [LACK-LUSTER CHUCKLE] Yeah, I guess that wouldn't be too far off. I mean, how would they even fix this? Victor … Do you have any family back home? I- I know it's a touchy subject right now, but I'm not sure what else we can really… talk about. Harry I've got a wife and a daughter. We live in the city next to where our Site is. Victor Hmm. I've got a wife, but no kids. We weren't able to make that work. Harry Understandable- Oh. Victor Jesus- that hurts… [GROANS OUT OF PAIN.] Harry This is taking so long. Who- Who knew that a dematerializing body would hurt so bad? Victor You know what? Screw it. If I'm dying I'm going to spill my guts on something that won't get annoyed when listening. Harry Hey, I try- Victor Kidding, kidding. I'm still going to go spill my guts though- Harry [CHUCKLES HALFWAY THROUGH A GROAN OF PAIN.] All right, go ahead, I guess. [CLICK] [CLICK] Victor Ah, well. Where to start? I guess I can share how it all started- [AN EXPLOSION SIMILAR TO A BREAK IN THE SOUND BARRIER BOOMS IN THE DISTANCE.] Ah, well. Guess that's my cue to get on with it. I guess it all started with me going to work. I got to our site and clocked in as per usual. And until around midday, everything was fine. Until things went sideways faster than you could say "Boo." Literally. There was a bang, kind of like the one you just heard, except it was loud enough that even news stations on the other side of the world were reporting on it. And then… the rip opened. It was a break between whatever barrier the Foundation used to describe the multiverse. When the rift opened, things began to change, slowly. But- [GROANS IN PAIN.] The process has sped up, as to say. Anyways, though, we did our best to get people to safety, but there have been some… road bumps, along the way. I'll keep those details to myself, thanks. [STATIC PLAYS IN THE BACKGROUND.] Like how I've wondered how death would feel, I also have wondered what is beyond this life. Will I even move on, if I am erased from existence? I guess I will find out soon. I wish I could have seen my wife, Rosey, again before the end. Or maybe I wouldn't want to see her die. No, I wouldn't have liked to see that. Maybe I won't go back to Harry. No, we weren't meant to die together. We simply work together, but I barely know him. [STATIC INTENSIFIES] Well, I guess I get to know then, the answers to my questions. [CLICK] [CLICK] [THE HUMMING OF AN UNKNOWN TUNE.] Dr. Richardson Oh? When did you get there? Did Binkard leave you here on record? [CLICK] SCP-7045 was found in Dr. ██████ Richardson's office, sitting on his desk. Dr. Richardson reported the object once his assistant had denied placing SCP-7045 on his desk. Once it was determined that SCP-7045 was no longer anomalous, SCP-7045 was placed in a storage locker in Site-19. « SCP-7044 | SCP-7045 | SCP-7046 »
Item#: 7046 Level1 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: North Lake Corrections, where SCP-7046 is located, is to be kept under armed guard. Unauthorized persons attempting to access the site are to be apprehended and transported to Site-63 for questioning. At the conclusion of questioning, they are to be administered Class-A amnestics and released or placed in indefinite containment, at the discretion of the Site Director. Description: SCP-7046 is a cell block in North Lake Corrections, an abandoned corrections facility near Winnipeg, Manitoba. When the facility was in use, SCP-7046 served as its low-security wing. North Lake Corrections was abandoned in October 1983, after a fire destroyed another cell block and heavily damaged the prison's administrative building. SCP-7046's anomalous properties are the result of thaumaturgic modification which occurred approximately six months prior to its discovery. Its plumbing and electrical systems are fully functional, despite the building lacking any apparent source of water or electricity. Its exterior walls dampen sounds made inside the structure, preventing them from being detected by observers outside. These walls also display evidence of thaumaturgic modification which once imbued them with a cognitohazardous effect that discouraged observers from entering SCP-7046. However, these modifications were deliberately disabled prior to the object's discovery and presently have no effect. A Corridor in SCP-7046 Some cells inside SCP-7046 display no anomalous properties beyond those found throughout the structure. They appear not to have been recently inhabited, and their contents display damage and deterioration consistent with the object's eighteen years of abandonment. However, at the time of SCP-7046's discovery, 296 of its cells were fully furnished and had been subject to further thaumaturgic modifications. These cells have been designated SCP-7046-1. Instances of SCP-7046-1 are resistant to damage. Their walls, floors, ceilings and bars can withstand forces greater than three-thousand newtons, and are unaffected by both high-caliber firearms and light explosives. At the time of SCP-7046's discovery, 251 of the 296 SCP-7046-1 instances either appeared to have recently housed or still housed up to two human prisoners. Each such cell is furnished with a bunk bed, a toilet, a desk, and a small television. The other 45 cells had straw covering their floors and contained troughs for food and water. These cells appear to have each housed a single bovine until shortly before SCP-7046's discovery. SCP-7046's mess hall houses SCP-7046-2, a large mechanical apparatus consisting of a 2000-liter tank, a pump, a large, ring-shaped pipe, a circular arrangement of seven altars, and a disposal unit. The pipe's interior is inscribed with thaumaturgic symbols,1 and the altars have been integrated into the structure of the pipe such that liquid circulating through it will make contact with them. Upon activation, SCP-7046-2 will pump the contents of its tank into its pipe and circulate them seven times before diverting them to the disposal unit. The apparatus' interior is stained with human and bovine blood, DNA from which matches that of human and bovine subjects found on-site at the time of the object's discovery. At the time of discovery, SCP-7046-2's disposal unit contained 2000 liters of a mixture of human blood, bovine blood, and water. Discovery: On January 13th, 2002, a Foundation agent embedded within local emergency services alerted the foundation to a call requesting medical attention for 110 persons located in SCP-7046, each of whom had experienced severe blood loss. Foundation agents, including medical personnel, were dispatched to secure the site. When they arrived, the site contained 515 human and 45 bovine subjects. All but twelve of these human subjects were later identified as a missing person who had vanished from somewhere in North America2 during the previous six months. The remains of all 45 bovine subjects, along with 405 of the human subjects, were found near SCP-7046-2 and had been fully exsanguinated. The remaining humans were found inside instances of SCP-7046-1. These subjects had also experienced significant blood loss. Of these, 21 had expired prior to the arrival of Foundation personnel, and another three expired while in Foundation custody. The remaining subjects were successfully resuscitated and transported to Site-63 for questioning. The subjects' accounts were largely concordant with one another and described them being abducted and held inside SCP-7046 by a small group of individuals, who forcibly extracted blood from them at weekly intervals. Descriptions of this group's apparent leader match Cassidy Redwood, a person of interest who was at large when SCP-7046 was discovered. For transcripts of these interviews, see Interview Log 7046-A. Upon the conclusion of their medical treatment, survivors were treated with class C amnestics and returned to their families. By the time treatment of survivors had concluded, information leakage by Cassidy Redwood had made the public aware of many of the mundane facts surrounding their disappearances, which forced the Foundation to employ a cover story that was compatible with these elements. Therefore, the survivors' memory loss was explained by the claim that Redwood had kept them in medically induced comas for the entirety of their captivity. Addendum 7046-1: On January 13, 2002, shortly before the discovery of SCP-7046, Agent ██████, an undercover agent embedded within GoI-3088 (“The Church of the Second Hytoth”) alerted the Foundation to a general notice issued to the group's members by its leadership. + Show Material - Hide Material All Ortothans hear, We regret to bring you grave and lamentable news. Church leadership has discovered that Cassidy Redwood, Eiv-Aímact Priest of the Winnipeg Ortothan Church, has committed the greatest of blasphemies. She has betrayed her office, the Church, and the Holy Fourth by abducting hundreds of outsiders, who she is holding in an unknown location so she may harvest their Unwilling Blood for blasphemous “sacrifice.” Her guilt is not in doubt. Less than one year ago, Ms. Redwood petitioned Church Leadership for assistance with a ritual that would have required recurring blood offerings by just over five-hundred participants. In the months since she was denied Ortothan blood for this purpose, a pattern of disappearances has afflicted a large area centered around Winnipeg. These vanishings have been too similar to lack a common cause. Most victims have been young men, every victim has lived alone, and all have disappeared from their home during the night, leaving no sign of a struggle. However, the large size of the area in which the vanishings have taken place precludes the idea that their common cause is mundane. When a band of Warriors arrived at the Winnipeg Ortothan Church with orders to detain and question Ms. Redwood, they found that she had fled after receiving advanced warning of their approach. The Church regards this flight as an admission of guilt. Cassidy Redwood is to be regarded as a traitor, blasphemer, and a fugitive. All the faithful are directed to provide any information they possess which might aid in her apprehension and are warned that all who aid or shelter her will join her in receiving the Church's justice. May the Fourth be Eternal, Koru Archpriest Farah Onteus Immediately after Agent ██████ reported this message to Site Director Forester, MTF Omega-22 (“Clotting Agents”) was mobilized to locate and apprehend her. Shortly after interrogations of the survivors from SCP-7046 began, Site Director Forester noted the apparent relevance of this notice to SCP-7046. Addendum 7046-2: Recovered Materials: On January 14, 2002, Agent ██████ was instructed to infiltrate Cassidy Redwood's office at the Winnipeg Ortothan Church in hopes of obtaining clues as to her whereabouts. He succeeded, obtaining several documents and accessing Redwood's computer. On said computer, Agent ██████ found records of correspondence between Cassidy Redwood and GoI-3088's leadership. A selection of these materials is presented below. Those wishing to access other materials recovered from Redwood's office should contact Site Director Forrester. + Show Recovered Materials - Hide Recovered Materials Date: January 5, 2001 From: gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR#gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR Re: Proposal Venerable Leaders, I hope this finds you well, and I thank you for your willingness to hear my proposal. As requested, I am sending a written outline of said proposal ahead of my presentation on January 10th. As you examine this material, you will no doubt note that my proposal is radical and ambitious. However, desperate times call for desperate measures, and we are currently living through the most desperate times in the history of our universe. The death of the Holy Sixth has left the universe with only one protector against the Voruteut threat, placing it in greater peril than it has ever faced. The ritual I have designed to reverse this situation is, beyond question, ambitious. However, it is also the culmination of months of intense study, calculation, and experimentation, which demonstrate that its efficacy, should it be carried out, is equally beyond question. Only now that I can demonstrate its effectiveness with such certainty do I dare present it to Church leadership. As you have requested, the body of this e-mail contains only a summary of the proposal, but I have attached a larger document which outlines its extensive theoretical basis.3 Resurrection of the dead is a long-solved problem in the field of magic. It is simply a matter of collecting life energy and channeling it into the remains of the entity you wish to raise. Even a novice mage can resurrect an insect by donating a small amount of their own life energy to it. Human resurrection requires more life energy than a single mage can safely donate, but it can be accomplished by pooling donations from many people. To be sure, the gulf between a human and a god is far greater than that between an insect and a human, but this does not make the resurrection of a god impossible. It only increases the amount of energy it requires. It might be said that the purpose of the Ortothan religion is to donate life energy, in the form of blood, to the Holy Seven to forestall their deaths. Altering our rites so they reverse death merely requires us to alter them to match existing resurrection rituals and increase the amount of energy offered. The ritual I have designed does precisely these things, and, when enacted, it will restore Yorun-leusan to life and return her to her full glory. As stated, a full technical explanation of this ritual and the reasoning behind it may be found in the attached document. As demonstrated in said document, a naïve attempt to adapt known rituals to this project would require ████████ liters of human blood, an amount which could only be safely extracted from one hundred million people. Obtaining a sacrifice of that size is likely beyond our means. However, while researching the matter, I have discovered several ways to amplify the power of a blood sacrifice so that a smaller offering might be sufficient to empower my ritual. Some of these methods may also be ways of increasing the efficacy of routine sacrifices, but I leave that matter to be explored later, along with the possibility that similar rituals might be attempted to raise the other five fallen members of the Koru-teusa. Through consultation of various texts, including Treatise on Blood and Life, and Magical Applications of Bloodletting, a Synthesis of Diverse Thoughts, I have discovered a method of recharging already-offered blood with fresh life energy, so it may be offered again. Such recharged blood is less effective than fresh blood, and it becomes less and less effective as it is recharged and reoffered repeatedly. However, this process can still multiply the effectiveness of a blood offering by more than an order of magnitude. My calculations show that blood may be reused on seven altars, seven times each, before it no longer provides any additional benefit. This reduces the amount of blood required to perform the ritual to about ███████ liters, which could be safely extracted from slightly more than four million people. This alone makes the ritual possible for the Church to perform with its current membership. By use of altars made from magically significant material, including [REDACTED], as is already done for some significant rituals, the effectiveness of sacrifices may be increased further, reducing the required amount to █████ liters, which could be safely extracted from thirty-thousand people. I have developed a technique to split the ritual into fourteen stages, each of which would call for a portion of the required offering. By performing these stages at weekly intervals, ample time for its blood donors to recover, the number of people required to safely perform the ritual may be reduced to four thousand. Standard practice forbids the blood of non-sentient creatures from being used in Ortothan rituals, as this empowers the Holy Seven in a distorted way. However, lifting these restrictions and using bovine blood for a portion of the offering would make the ritual practical with a smaller number of human participants. This may cause intellectual deficits in the ritual's target, but, done in moderation, would still leave her with superhuman intelligence, likely making it trivial for him4 to reverse these deficits. At my suggested ratio, this would allow the ritual to employ the blood of five-hundred sixteen people and forty-five adult bovines, none of whom would be lastingly harmed. Once again, I recognize the ambitiousness of this project, but I hope this outline and the attached document demonstrate that it is the product of careful calculation, not blind optimism. I further hope church leadership will regard it as worthy of their serious consideration and approval. The universe cannot be left with only a single protector. We must use any available means to restore the ranks of the Holy Seven so they may continue their holy work. May the Seven Be Eternal, Eiv-Aímact Priest Cassidy Redwood Date: January 15, 2001 From: gro.htotyhdnoces|haraFsuetnO#gro.htotyhdnoces|haraFsuetnO To: gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR#gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR Re: Your Proposed Ritual Fellow Believer, We thank you for the time and effort that went into the proposal you presented on Wednesday. Your presentation, and the extensive calculations that accompanied it, clearly show that your proposal is far more than a passing whim. We do not doubt that it is born from sincere and admirable concern for the Church, the Holy Seven, and the hytoth they protect. We have reached our decision only after a long and detailed analysis of your calculations, including review of the theoretical materials you cited. A detailed account of this analysis is attached to this e-mail. Unfortunately, that analysis revealed several conceptual failings in your ritual, which lead us to believe it would be ineffective. Your calculations severely underestimate the amount of life energy required to resurrect a being of Yorun-leusan's power. They also assume that restoring minimum vital activity to the Sixth would allow them to heal the remaining damage themselves with their own magic, but it is more likely that the energy would simply leak back out of her, just as it would if you were to infuse an analogously miniscule amount of energy into a dead human. Furthermore, the techniques by which you mean to “recharge” and re-offer blood are derived from Daevite texts whose magical theory is not applicable to our rites. Indeed, the resurrection ritual you have adapted was likewise designed for vulgar blood magic, which may negate rather than modify the Ortothan rite you mean to pair it with. Worse still, your proposal to use bovine blood is contrary to the Church's ethical principles, as no non-sentient animal could ever be said to willingly offer its blood. You were right to speculate that the “improvements” you propose, if effective, would be applicable to the Church's routine sacrifices. Indeed, if said improvements were effective, they would have been used in standard Ortothan rites since the beginning of our religion. They have not been, because they are not effective. Therefore, we regret to inform you of our unanimous decision not to allocate any resources to your project. We understand that this is likely disappointing, and we emphasize that we do not mean to insult or dismiss the work and expertise that went into your proposal. You are right to regard the present situation as dire, but extra danger calls for extra caution. The Fourth requires our help more than ever before, and we will not suspend regular offerings to her so they may be diverted to an unethical project where they would, most likely, be wasted. Thank you for understanding. May the Fourth be Eternal, Koru Archpriest Farah Onteus Date: January 15, 2001 From: gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR#gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR To: gro.htotyhdnoces|haraFsuetnO#gro.htotyhdnoces|haraFsuetnO Re: Re: Your Proposed Ritual Venerable Leaders, I am indeed disappointed by your decision. I wish you had contacted me about some of these alleged flaws in my calculations prior to the conclusion of your deliberations, as I believe I could have resolved them to your satisfaction. Indeed, a document to that effect is attached to this e-mail. That said, I respect your decision and its finality, and will not contact your further about this matter. May the Seven be Eternal, Eiv-Aímact Priest Cassidy Redwood Date: February 11, 2001 From: gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsacraMnelG#gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsacraMnelG To: gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR#gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR Re: Inquiries Regarding Your Proposal Fellow Believer, I am contacting you because I have received inquiries from members of your congregation which indicate that you requested their assistance in performing a ritual similar to the one you presented to church leadership on January 10th. As you'll recall, that proposal was rejected by the council of church leaders, including myself, to whom it was presented. I am writing to clarify, the previous rejection having apparently not been sufficiently stern, that you are forbidden from pursuing this or any similar project in any capacity. Any further attempt on your part to arrange for your ritual to be carried out will be met with disciplinary action. The loss of the Holy Sixth has been trying for all of us, and I know that it has been especially trying for you, but you must not allow your grief to lead you to foolhardy and unethical behavior. The Church and I are here to support you as we all endure this loss. If there is anything we can do to help you, do not hesitate to ask. However, the matter of your ritual is settled, and I expect to hear nothing more about it. May the Fourth be Eternal, Grand Aímact Priest Sean Glen-Marcas Date: February 11, 2001 From: gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR#gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR To: gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsacraMnelG#gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsacraMnelG Re: Re: Inquiries Regarding Your Proposal Venerable Leader, I cannot deny that I have discussed my ritual with members of my congregation. Leadership's original response stated only that the Church would devote no resources to the project. You must forgive me for failing to infer that I was forbidden to pursue it in any capacity. Furthermore, with all due respect, I am not sure that you have the authority to issue that prohibition. My blood and that of members of our congregation is ours to give and withhold as we please. By what authority do you forbid us to use it for my ritual, if we wish? My actions have made no use of Church resources or my position as Eiv-Aímact Priest. I have merely approached people I know and requested that they assist me with a personal project. If you could cite the bylaws which empower you to police such purely individual actions, I would greatly appreciate it. May the Seven be Eternal, Eiv-Aímact Priest Cassidy Redwood Date: February 12, 2001 From: gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsacraMnelG#gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsacraMnelG To: gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR#gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR Re: Re: Re: Inquiries Regarding Your Proposal Don't play games, Cassie. Your project involves the sacrifice of unwilling blood and is therefore contrary to our faith's most basic ethical principles. Just as you would not be permitted to offer unwilling human blood, even if you did so in a way that utilized no Church resources, you are not permitted to offer unwilling bovine blood. Your proposal was not rejected capriciously. The technical details of why it would not work were thoroughly explained to you, and I know you are more than proficient enough in magical theory to understand them. I mean, gods, Cassie, Daevite texts? Animal Blood? Our initial response to your proposal was polite and formal, and it appears that this prevented us from communicating our disgust with what you were suggesting. Allow me to rectify that by speaking more bluntly. Your proposal is absurd in theory, blasphemous in practice. I understand you've not been around Second Messenger5 enough to be able to read his body language, but, as someone who can, let me inform you that he was barely containing his rage the entire time you were speaking. At the beginning of our deliberations, I, alone, did not wish to discipline you simply for proposing what you had. But for my advocacy for you as a former apprentice and personal friend of mine, you would have lost your position as Eiv-Aímact Priest, and possibly been stripped of priesthood altogether. Your proposal will not be entertained further, and if you take the slightest further movement toward it, you will not retain your position. I know you are grieving. We all are. Your bond with the Sixth, and your passion for the arcane arts of which he was patron, exceeded that of anyone I have ever known. That is precisely why the sloppiness and wishful thinking in your proposal are so beneath you, as have been your childish attempts to circumvent the Church's decision on this matter. If you need additional time away from your duties to mourn this Sixth's loss, I will happily grant it. Other than that, I expect to hear nothing more about any of this. May the Fourth be Eternal, Grand Aímact Priest Sean Glen-Marcas Date: February 13, 2001 From: gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR#gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR To: gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsacraMnelG#gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsacraMnelG Re: Re: Re: Re: Inquiries Regarding Your Proposal Blasphemous? Really? I am baffled by how you could come to that conclusion. My proposal is the exact opposite of blasphemous. It is a perfect example of what Ortothans are supposed to do. We offer blood to keep the Koru-teusa alive so they can protect the universe. That is exactly what I want to do: offer Ortothan blood to restore Yorun-leusan's ability to protect the universe. I recognize that the use of animal blood is outside the bounds of what we would normally accept. I included it in my proposal because I believe the urgency of our situation justifies such a compromise, but I respect your desire to adhere to standard guidelines, and the use of animal blood in my ritual can be avoided by using four-thousand humans instead of five hundred. That's greater than the membership of my congregation, but it is far from unachievable. By contrast, what is it you plan to do about the death of the Holy Sixth? Accept it? Go on as if it were merely an occasion for grief? Helplessly watch the universe spiral toward its inevitable end? This is not just about the Holy Sixth, though her loss alone is so incomprehensibly tragic as to justify drastic action. The more important point is that the lifespan of this universe has been counting down from seven since it began. It's hit every number quicker than it hit the last. It has now hit one. How long do you think we have until it hits zero? The Fourth, alone, will not triumph where he and his six divine siblings could not, regardless of how many times we wish him to be eternal. He is not predestined to succeed. To speak as though she is distorts the core of the Ortothan faith. We do not worship the Holy Seven because they will succeed. We worship the Holy Seven so that they will succeed. You are deluding yourself if you think our routine offerings are still enough to ensure that success. If they were, they would have kept the Holy Sixth alive. Just six months ago, you, along with the rest of the Church, routinely said “May the Seven be Eternal.” Perhaps we shouldn't give up on that. I do not mean to be insubordinate, and I will not act against your direct orders, but I beg you to reconsider them. The fate of the universe may depend on my ritual. Please, let us reach some compromise that allows me to perform it. May the Seven be Eternal, Eiv-Aímact Priest Cassidy Redwood Date: February 13, 2001 From: gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsacraMnelG#gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsacraMnelG To: gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR#gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Inquiries Regarding Your Proposal Fellow Believer, You are suspended from your duties as Eiv-Aímact Priest for thirty days. I do not intend this as a punishment. I take this action out of concern, not anger. Unless you prefer otherwise, I intend to lead the rest of the Church to believe that you have chosen to take additional time off to grieve the Sixth's death. Whether you realize it or not, you clearly need more time. The degree of despair you have expressed is contrary to the core of our faith. You are right to say that the loss of the Sixth is a tragedy beyond comprehension, but we are Ortothans. Ortothans do not despair. Hope is the beginning of action. It lies at the core of every warrior's heart. The loss of the Sixth has clearly extinguished your hope, and you are unfit to be lead other Ortothans until you reignite it. Reflect. Travel. Do whatever you must to restore your hope in the power of the Fourth to protect the universe. When you do, we will welcome you back into your position. May the Fourth be Eternal, Grand Aímact Priest Sean Glen-Marcas Date: February 13, 2001 From: gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR#gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR To: gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsucraMnelG#gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsucraMnelG Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Inquiries Regarding Your Proposal I'm not the one who's lost hope. I'm not the who wants to lie down and accept what's happened. Hope is precisely what motivates me to not to accept the universe's coming death. If there are flaws in my ritual, they can be fixed. I am open to critique, and delight in the prospect that my ritual could be improved. I want nothing more than for the odds of its success to be maximized, but I must be allowed to perform it. The universe will die otherwise. Some part of you must understand that. Please, let me return hope to all of creation. May the Seven be Eternal, Eiv-Aímact Priest Cassidy Redwood Date: February 13, 2001 From: gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsucraMnelG#gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsucraMnelG To: gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR#gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Inquiries Regarding Your Proposal Fellow believer, It is not all of creation that has lost hope, but you alone. I hope you have a productive rest. May the Fourth be Eternal, Grand Aímact Priest Sean Glen-Marcas Date: March 15, 2001 From: gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsucraMnelG#gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsucraMnelG To: gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR#gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR Re: How Are You Doing? Fellow Believer, I'm just E-mailing to check on you. How are you doing? Did you have a productive rest? If there is anything you need my assistance with or would like to discuss, I am here. May the Fourth be Eternal, Grand Aímact Priest Sean Glen-Marcas Date: March 15, 2001 From: gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR#gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR To: gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsucraMnelG#gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsucraMnelG Re: Re: How Are You Doing? I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking. My suspension gave me a lot of time to think. I've spent a lot of that in prayer, working to strengthen my relationship with the Fourth. You were right to suggest I have neglected that relationship in the past, in favor of the Sixth. I had forgotten how fierce a protective presence the Fourth can be. I doubt I will ever truly finish grieving the Sixth's loss, but I feel far more hopeful than I did a month ago, and believe I am ready to return to my duties. May the Fourth be Eternal, Eiv-Aímact Priest Cassidy Redwood Date: January 13, 2002 From: gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsucraMnelG#gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsucraMnelG To: gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR#gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR Re: Your Flight Fellow Believer, As you are doubtless aware, seven warriors arrived at the Winnipeg Ortothan Church earlier today with instructions to question you regarding the recent spate of disappearances centered on Winnipeg. Despite the fact that morning ritual was ongoing, you departed unexpectedly shortly before their arrival. I'm sure you know how that looks. The rest of Church Leadership is certain of your guilt. I alone maintain hope that you might be innocent. I want to believe it could be a coincidence that the vanishings are centered around you, that they began shortly after you were denied Ortothan blood for your blasphemous ritual, and that they ceased after a number of victims consistent with what your ritual required. You are the most zealous believer I know. I may have brought you into the faith, but I have often looked to your fervor for inspiration. I do not want to believe you are capable of abducting and imprisoning hundreds of innocents so you could harvest their unwilling blood. If you have not done so, if there is some explanation for all of this that leaves your hands spotless, please, come to my temple in Ontario and explain yourself. I swear on the name of the Fourth I will do everything in my power to prevent you from being wrongly punished. If, on the other hand, things are as they appear, then you must likewise surrender yourself to me. I know that you are, at your core, a good person, and you know the Church will find you no matter how you try to hide. Please, surrender yourself to us, so justice may be done swiftly and without unnecessary pain. May the Fourth be Eternal, Grand Aímact Priest Sean Glen-Marcas Date: January 13, 2002 From: gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsucraMnelG#gro.htotyhdnoces|naeSsucraMnelG To: gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR#gro.htotyhdnoces|ydissaCdoowdeR Re: What Have You Done? Your prison has been discovered. The SCP Foundation secured it before our warriors arrived, but they watched from nearby as body bags were carried out. Hundreds of them. How could you, Cassie? How could you betray everything we believe in? Are you that lost in despair? Why didn't I know you were so far gone? Was this some terrible relapse, or have you been planning this for months, feigning recovery while plotting murderous blasphemy against the Sixth and his memory? No matter how you came to betray our faith, know that you will answer for this. We will track you down anywhere you try to hide, and we will visit justice upon you with the fierceness of a dying sun. May the Fourth Be Eternal, Grand Aímact Priest Sean Glen-Marcas Addendum 7046-3: At 1:11 on January 16th, Cassidy Redwood turned herself into a police station in Winnipeg. Upon arrival, Redwood confessed to the abductions and murders associated with SCP-7046, though her confession omitted the anomalous aspects of her crimes. Imbedded Foundation agents immediately transferred her to Site-63 for questioning. + Show Interview 7046-B - Hide Interview 7046-B Interviewed: Cassidy Redwood Interviewer: Dr. Henry Willard <Begin Log, January 16th, 2002, 4:59> Dr. Willard: Please introduce yourself. Redwood: I'm Cassidy Redwood. Until recently, I was the Eiv-Aímact Priest for the Winnipeg Ortothan Church. Dr. Willard: And you were responsible for the thaumaturgic modifications to North Lake Corrections, including the machine inside? Redwood: Yep. That was me. Dr. Willard: And it was also you who populated the prison with civilians? Redwood: Also me. Dr. Willard: Why? Redwood: Nothing too glamorous. I was just trying to save the universe. Dr. Willard: How were you going to do that? Redwood: How well do you know the Ortothan religion? Dr. Willard: I'm familiar. Redwood: Then you know what happened back in 2000? Dr. Willard: The death of Yorun-leusan? Redwood: Yes. A warrior-mage of unrivaled knowledge and power. One of the wisest and most courageous beings in the universe, and one of the few guardians standing between it and utter annihilation. Like other warriors before her, she died in battle. Her death left the universe with too little protection. I was trying to change that by bringing her back. Dr. Willard: And you hoped the human sacrifice you performed would accomplish this? Redwood: I guess I did. Dr. Willard: Why did you gather blood in a way so at odds with Ortothan teachings? Redwood: Well, that wasn't exactly my original plan. Dr. Willard: What was your original plan? Redwood: To get the blood from willing Ortothans. Dr. Willard: How did you get from that to what you did? Redwood: I guess it started when the Sixth died. We'd known for weeks that something bad was happening. She was getting hungrier for blood. Dr. Willard: What do you mean? Redwood: You can use magic to detect the life energy in blood. If you do that to an offering that's just been given, you can watch the energy drain away as one of the Holy Seven claims it. How quickly they claim it tells you how hungry they are. It's like you're watching someone eat a plate of food. If they aren't that hungry, they might take their time with it, savor it, maybe take bites here and there while they're doing something else. If they're hungry, they'll eat faster. If they're starving, they'll shovel it down their throat as fast as they can. That's what the Sixth was doing around the end of August. Offerings that would normally take several seconds to consume would disappear in an instant. This wasn't the first time we'd seen that. It's what happens when the gods are in battle. They need blood in the first place because their bodies constantly bleed. When their enemies are wounding them, they bleed more than usual, which makes them need more blood. Dr. Willard: How often does this happen? Redwood: They're warriors. They do battle all the time. That's why we didn't think much of it at first. We increased our sacrifices and encouraged the flock to direct more to the Sixth, but that's all. We just thought it was another battle. I wish I'd known. I'd give anything to have known which prayer would be the last one. There's so much I would have said. I didn't, though. I just said the same prayer I'd said every night for the last twenty years. Then, at 3:00 AM, I was awoken by a call from Sean. He told me that the Sixth had gone from devouring his offerings to ignoring them. I didn't believe him until I pricked my finger on my own altar to check. He was right. The energy just lay there, wasted. Even after seeing that, I didn't accept that the Sixth was dead. There was a conference call the next day that included a lot of the Eiv-Aímact Priests in Canada. I was the only one arguing that we should maintain hope that the Sixth was alive. I didn't think we should announce anything to the laity, and I argued we should continue sacrifices to the Sixth in case she was behaving oddly because she was in a difficult situation. I was outvoted. The Church announced the Sixth's death later that day and ordered that all sacrifices be directed to the Fourth. It took me a long time to accept that she was really gone. I attended—but did not lead—the memorial ceremony at my church the next week. While everyone else was grieving, I held out hope that the Sixth was alive. Dr. Willard: What convinced you otherwise? Redwood: The fact that she kept rejecting sacrifices. There could have been a reason to do that for a day or two, but not for weeks. Eventually I had to accept the obvious. Yorun-leusan was dead, and that meant the universe was doomed. Dr. Willard: How does that follow? Redwood: There was only one god left, alone in a battle that had already claimed six others. How long could it be before he fell too? Ortothans are supposed to be stalwart, to never let our hope falter, even in the face of incomprehensible tragedy. In front of my congregation, I spoke and acted as if, despite what had happened to all of her comrades, the Fourth would be eternal. I don't know how I said it with a straight face. For billions of years, Ortothans have incessantly wished for our gods to be eternal, even as they perished, one by one. Why should the Fourth be any different? I couldn't just cling to the delusion that everything would work out. The fact is, without the Sixth, the Fourth isn't going to last much longer, and once he dies, the universe will too. Knowing that, that everything and everyone around me would soon be devoured by the voruteut, was a kind of hell. Everything I did felt empty. Nothing I made, no one I helped, nothing I learned, would last long enough to mean anything. I asked Sean to give me some time off to process things, and he was very understanding. I took October and November off. It was during that time that the idea of resurrecting the Sixth first occurred to me. Dr. Willard: That's quite a goal. Redwood: I thought so, too. I tried to tell myself it was just wishful thinking, that I would be better off moving on, but how could I move on? How could I just ignore what was going to happen? At first, I just hoped someone else would do it. There are countless Ortothan civilizations in the universe, most of them larger than primitives like us can imagine. I told myself one of them must have the knowledge and resources to bring her back. That didn't happen, though. Week after week passed, and nothing changed. After a few months, I realized that if some far-off Ortothan civilization was going to do it, they would have by now. That's where a reasonable person would have let it go. They would have accepted that if countless galaxies full of super-advanced aliens couldn't bring the Sixth back, I couldn't either. I wasn't reasonable, though. I was drowning in grief, and like anyone who's drowning, I grasped at anything I could use to pull myself back up. So, before I gave up on the idea, I decided to work through the problem myself, and see what I could come up with. I told myself I was just trying to prove it was impossible so I could stop thinking about it. That was bullshit, though. I was hoping to find exactly what I did. Dr. Willard: You found it was possible? Redwood: If you make some very, very generous assumptions, and have access to more blood than I had any hope of obtaining, yes, it should theoretically be possible to restore enough vitality to the Sixth that he might be able to heal himself the rest of the way with his own magic. I should have given up when I saw I'd need a hundred million people to do it, but that was still more hope than I'd had since he died, so, before I abandoned the idea, I decided to see if I could find a way to reduce that amount of blood required. I poured through every book I own, silently begging to find something that could help, and, eventually, I thought that I had. In fact, I thought I'd found several ways of making my sacrifices more efficient, which I could stack on top of each other to decrease the amount of blood I needed to a manageable level. I was ecstatic when I did the calculations. With just a few hundred people and a few dozen cows working together for fourteen weeks, I could bring the Sixth back! I took it to the Church right away. Some of what I wanted to do was against the normal rules, and some of my sources were unsavory, but I thought they would see the necessity of the project and be willing to look past that. Dr. Willard: But they weren't? Redwood: No. Even if they had been willing to look past the animal blood, they thought my ritual wouldn't work. I guess they've been vindicated on that front. Maybe I should have known. I'm not some amateur mage. Every reason they gave for why it wouldn't work was something I knew about and thought I'd solved. Looking back, I feel like some part of me knew better, but that's probably just hindsight. At the time, I thought my doubts were just anxiety about the grandeur of what I was attempting. I was surprised when leadership turned me down. Dr. Willard: What did you do after they did? Redwood: First, I tried to find ways around their decision. Strictly speaking, the refusal to dedicate any resources to my project just meant I couldn't order my congregation to assist me with my ritual. I could still try to find five-hundred-fifteen other Ortothans who would do it as a personal favor to me. I started asking around. Several of my friends agreed to help, but most people were confused as to why such an important project was being managed by me and not church leadership. Some of them asked Sean about it, and he was mad that I'd tried to go behind his back. He told me to abandon any attempt to carry out the ritual. I told him I would, but I didn't. I just started to make sure I was alone with people when I asked them, and I wiped their memory if they said no. I got a few more co-conspirators that way. I wasn't the only one who was worried about whether the Fourth would be able to defend the universe on her own. For the most part, though, I lost people once I told them my plan had to be a secret because church leadership had rejected it. People assumed leadership knew better than I did. Dr. Willard: Where did that leave you? Redwood: Depressed. Hopeless. Sure the universe was going to be destroyed because of the Church's decision. Then, one day, while I was driving home from ritual, I had a thought that reignited my hope. The Church aren't the only people in the world. Every day, I was surrounded by people who, thanks to you and yours, had been denied access to anything supernatural. Their world is as blank and meaningless as mine felt, devoid of real magic and true gods. To them, problems that I could wish away in an instant are life-ruining or life-ending crises, ones they would do anything to get out of. I decided I'd find people outside the veil who desperately needed something only magic could give them and offer them those things in exchange for their blood. Dr. Willard: That's in contrast with your church's general policy regarding the veil. Redwood: That's actually debatable. We're allowed to approach individuals and try to bring them into the faith, and once we've begun that process with someone, we can do magic in front of them. I certainly planned on trying to convert my clients once I was done with my ritual, so, technically, I was allowed to tell them what I needed to tell them. I picked people who I thought would be able to keep a secret. A lot of them were in professions that involved secrecy of some kind—lawyers, doctors, police, priests, that kind of thing—and of course I told all of them to keep quiet about their interactions with me. I hoped that would be enough. Dr. Willard: What did you offer them? Redwood: Healing magic, mostly. Most of them were terminally ill or had family who were. If you have the kinds of skills I have and are willing to burn through your life savings buying ritual components, you can heal just about anything. Dr. Willard: Were you able to get all the volunteers you needed? Redwood: No. I got close. I would have been able to, if it were just a matter of finding people who would take the deal, but the process of approaching someone, explaining everything to them, and persuading them to accept my offer took time, and things went wrong before I was able to get the people I needed. Dr. Willard: How did they go wrong? Redwood: They couldn't keep their mouths shut. Actually, that's not fair. Most of them could. It's just that most wasn't enough. Several of them recommended my miracle-working services to desperate people they knew. That was annoying, but on its own, it was manageable. I even recruited a few of those people. However, things started to go downhill when one of them mentioned me online. He tried to be vague. He just said that people with no other option should go to Winnipeg to find a miracle worker. I doubt anyone on the wrong side of the veil believed it, but you noticed it, or at least I assumed it was you at the time. You, I assume, sent someone posing as a paranormal investigator to visit the man who'd made that post.6 Fortunately, I'd anticipated that you might show up, and I'd already coached him on what to say. Dr. Willard: What did you tell him to say? Redwood: That it'd been a prank. You seemed to buy it, at least for the moment. After that incident, I had stern talks with everyone. I tried to stress that there were people who wouldn't like what I was doing, and that drawing your attention would keep me from helping them. It was almost enough. Another one of my clients was a woman whose son was dying of leukemia. The doctors had given him less than a year to live, and he hadn't taken his prognosis well. Because she wanted to see her son happy again, she told him that I was going to heal him. Knowledge of my existence spread to his entire support group the next time they met. His mother called me as soon as she learned, and I went into a mad dash to keep everyone quiet by bringing the rest of the kids' families in on my deal. I got to all of them in time, barely. Fortunately, I had something to offer them in exchange for their silence. Looking back, I had the situation handled at that point. Maybe, if I'd kept on course, everything would have turned out a lot better. At the time, though, that incident made me think I wouldn't be able to keep my recruits quiet for long enough to complete my ritual. To keep anything like that from happening again, I added a clause to my deal that required everyone to move to a secluded location where they'd be cut off from anyone they could gossip to. Dr. Willard: Your prison? Redwood: Yeah. I didn't use a prison because I wanted to keep people there against their will. I just used the nearest abandoned building that could house hundreds of people. I made it as comfortable as I could. My clients weren't happy about this alteration in my deal, but none of them were in any position to refuse. I should have had that in my deal from the beginning. Maybe that also would have made things turn out better. Unfortunately, I didn't think of it until you'd taken notice of me once, and you hadn't forgotten about the man who'd made that post. When he—along with a bunch of other people near Winnipeg who were terminally ill or had relatives who were—suddenly disappeared to an undisclosed location for several weeks, you noticed. You arrived in force and started combing the Winnipeg area. I knew you would find my prison. There's no way you wouldn't check a building so well-suited to what I was doing. My only option was to make it look normal by the time you got there. Fortunately, I hadn't assembled my machine yet, but I still had to move hundreds of people out of my prison. I had no other safe place to move them to, and even if I did, I couldn't have brought them there without you noticing. The only place I could send them was back home. Of course, not long after I did that, you'd interrogate them, and I wouldn't be able to coach hundreds of people well enough that they could fool you. My solution was to wipe their memories of me before I sent them back. Dr. Willard: I believe I remember the incident you're talking about. The people who'd vanished suddenly returned home, and their illnesses had been cured. Redwood: Yep. I healed them before sending them back. I hoped you'd have a hard time covering that up. I wanted to make you as busy as possible so you wouldn't have time to look for me. At least, that was my excuse. I think the truth is that I couldn't bear to let them die after knowing them for months. Especially the kids. Excuse or not, it worked. Your efforts to create the appearance that they'd been misdiagnosed—thanks for not just killing them, by the way—bought me time, and when a squad of agents finally did scope out my prison, it looked just like it should. I had to reenchant it after they left, but that was the least of my problems. Now I was back to square one in my search for blood. I thought about starting over, working to find a new set of clients, maybe from a larger area, but it was too late for that. You'd have already made the connection between Winnipeg and mysterious, long vacations taken by terminally ill people and their relatives. Even if I teleported all over North America to find new clients, you'd know where to look for me. Dr. Willard: Why draw from a limited radius at all? Redwood: Have you ever cast a teleportation spell? I strained to get as far as I did. In any case, pulling from a larger area wasn't enough anymore. I had to find some other way of recruiting people, something that would look different enough to you that you wouldn't realize it was connected to what I'd been doing before. Also, because I'd gone through with healing everyone, I'd used up the ritual components I'd bought, and I didn't have the money to buy that many again. For days, I tried to think of an alternative to what I wound up doing, but I couldn't. Only desperate people would agree to spend months living in an abandoned prison, and that was precisely who I couldn't work with anymore. My only remaining option was not to give people a choice. Dr. Willard: So you didn't. Redwood: I was only planning to keep them until I finished my ritual. Being confined to their cells for a few months wouldn't be pleasant for them, but neither would the destruction of the universe. I hoped that when I was done, and I could explain everything to them, they would understand. Dr. Willard: Why not tell them before then? Redwood: The last thing that would have done is comfort them. At best, they'd think I was crazy. At worst, they'd believe that I was harvesting their blood to resurrect a strange god, and they'd judge that god by my actions. Once the ritual was done, though, once they'd seen Yorun-leusan's full glory up close, they'd know she was good, even if I wasn't. She might have even apologized to them herself. She'd certainly have been mortified by how I'd brought her back. Dr. Willard: Why didn't that stop you? Redwood: Because if I didn't do it, the universe would be destroyed. If I had to give up my place in the Eitoth,7 to stop that from happening, it was worth it. Dr. Willard: You said earlier that your ritual was supposed to span fourteen weeks, correct? Redwood: Yes. Dr. Willard: According to the survivors, you didn't take just blood from them for fourteen weeks. You took it weekly throughout the time you held them. Redwood: I did. Dr. Willard: Why? Redwood: To offer it to the Fourth. Their bodies were going to make it anyway, and my morality was already compromised, so it would have been wasteful not to take it. I started the actual ritual in mid-December, once I'd finally gotten the five-hundred and three captives I needed. I got through the first four stages without any problems, but on the day I was supposed to perform the fifth, my luck ran out. The Church figured out what I was doing. Dr. Willard: How did that happen? Redwood: The disappearances I caused followed an identifiable pattern. The Church weren't the only people who noticed, and they were nervous about the fact that it was happening in the part of the world where they're most active. Dr. Willard: Why did that make them nervous? Redwood: Partly because they were worried some of their enemies could be responsible, and partly because they were afraid you or the GOC would blame them for it. Those were excuses, of course. They really just wanted to protect innocent people. So, they assembled a team to investigate the matter, and it only took them a few months to figure me out. They sent a group of Warriors to apprehend me while I was leading ritual. One of my co-conspirators warned me of their approach, so I wasn't captured then and there, but now the Church was hunting me. I had powerful magic to help me hide, but they had equally powerful magic to help them find me. I knew I had about a day before they found my prison. Once that happened, they would arrive in force, imprison or kill me and my accomplices, destroy my machine, and send my victims home. All hope for my ritual, and with it, the universe, would be lost. To finish my ritual in time, I had to perform the last ten stages all at once. That meant I needed ten times as much blood as I'd planned to take from my prisoners at any one time. There was no way to get that much without killing most of them. I was horrified when I realized that, but I didn't even question whether I'd do it. Some of the others needed convincing, but not me. It would have been selfish to let the universe be destroyed just to keep the blood of a few hundred people off my hands. Dr. Willard: So you didn't intend for any of the partially drained subjects to die? Redwood: Of course not. Wait, did some of them? Dr. Willard: Twenty-four of them did. Redwood: No. No, that shouldn't… Damn it. I must have taken more blood than I meant to. Dr. Willard: Did your accomplices participate in the killings? Redwood: There was a short, panicked discussion about whether we would go through with it, but it didn't take long for us to come to a consensus. They believed as fervently as I did that this was necessary to save the universe, and every single one of them, bless their souls, agreed to be fully drained for the ritual. By dying themselves, each of them allowed me to spare one extra captive. I would have done the same, but I had to be alive and conscious to perform the ritual, which limited how much blood I could give. Dr. Willard: How were the murders carried out? Redwood: First, we had to get some equipment we needed. Exsanguinating someone completely requires special tools which we hadn't known we'd need. I made trips to a hospital, a slaughterhouse, and a funeral home to steal what I needed. After that, we killed the cows. One by one, we led them to our machine, knocked them out, injected them with an anticoagulant, strung them up, cut them open and drained them. It was the same thing you would have done if you were going to use their meat. Once they were drained, we just left them in the corner of the room. The cows got harder to manage as the bodies piled up. Cows are smarter than most people give them credit for. They know when they're being led to slaughter. Still, that was the easy part. The hard part came next. By the time we went upstairs to get the first of our human sacrifices, they'd been waiting on us for hours. They were more confused than afraid, and the first pair cooperated with us as we led them downstairs. Just like the cows, they didn't realize what we had in mind until they saw the pile of bodies next to the machine, one of them asked if we were going to kill them. Before I could lie, one of my accomplices said yes. Do you know what it's like to have someone beg you for their life? Dr. Willard: Yes. Redwood: Of course. I forgot who I was talking to. My apologies. Still, you're the sort of person who would accept a job at the SCP Foundation. Imagine if your job was supposed to be to save people. Point is, once they started begging, I was desperate to shut them up. I started by shouting at them, which made them quieter, but not quiet. By the time we got up to the top of the stairs that led to my intake pipe, I couldn't take it anymore. In a desperate attempt to soothe my conscience, I did something I'd already decided I wouldn't do. I tried to explain why their deaths were for the greater good. Gods, I'm an idiot. Of course, they just thought I was insane. One of my comrades tried to prove otherwise by casting a spell in front of them, which just made them think we were maniacs with magical powers. It was a sleeping spell that finally shut them up. I should have done that before I even brought them downstairs. We injected their unconscious bodies with the anticoagulant, sliced open their aortas, and bled them until they died. Once their hearts stopped pushing their blood out, we pumped water through their circulatory systems to flush out the rest. We couldn't let any of it go to waste. When we were done, we went up to get our next pair of victims. The screaming they'd heard didn't make them eager to come downstairs, but this time I did what I should have done. I put them to sleep before I even opened their cell. That was what I did going forward. Before I even opened the cell door, I would knock out whoever I was going to take. Some of them begged to know what was going on, but I'd learned my lesson. I didn't tell them anything. Once we'd fully drained everyone we intended to, we went back up for the rest of the blood we needed. Dr. Willard: How did you decide which ones to kill? Redwood: Age. We spared the youngest ones. Draining them wasn't any different than how we'd been doing it until then, except we left the needle in longer. Of course, having liters of blood taken from you is a bit less pleasant than losing a spoonful or so, and I had trouble convincing some of them that I wasn't bleeding them dry, but I could at least rest easy knowing that I wasn't. Except for a few dozen of them, I guess. In any case, when I was done with all my prisoners, I drained my friends. If I were a better person, the fact that they were willing would have made that the easiest part, but it didn't. Most of them had been my friends for decades. I'd known four of them since before Sean brought me into the faith. I'd known one of them since he was a child. I'd converted several of them. They'd still be living normal lives outside the veil if it weren't for me, and I hadn't just killed them. I'd corrupted them first, made them into kidnappers and murderers with no Eitoth to look forward to. I had no choice, though. The fate of the universe was more important. Yorun-leusan was more important. Once they were all dead, I let some of my own blood into the machine, then turned it on. For over an hour, the blood of my victims circulated over my altars while I posed and chanted to direct their life energy to whatever remained of Yorun-leusan. When I was done, I called ambulances for my living victims and disabled the runework I'd done to keep people from entering the building. I settled in to wait for my work to pay off. I truly believed that Yorun-leusan was minutes away from appearing in his full glory. Dr. Willard: You must have expected her to be furious. Why didn't you flee? Redwood: I thought about it. There wasn't any point. In the likely event Yorun-leusan would want to punish me, there'd be nothing I could do to get away from her. Also, I wanted to see the culmination of my work. What I'd accomplished would reroute the history of the universe. Trillions of trillions of Ortothans would learn about it, and for all they'd condemn my methods, they'd rejoice that I'd brought the Holy Sixth back to life. I stood in front of my machine, waiting for the Sixth to appear. I waited and waited, and as I did, I slowly, painfully came to realize that I had waited too long. Where was Yorun-leusan? Could I have been wrong that she would manifest here? Maybe she'd woken up in her body, wherever the Fourth had interred it. I checked the blood in my machine for life energy. If my ritual had worked, it should have been gone. It wasn't. None of it had been claimed. I thought about running my machine again, but the ambulances I'd called would arrive before I could finish my ritual again, and, in any case, I knew I had done it correctly. I had practiced it every day for months. I scanned my offering a few more times, as if that could change something. It didn't. I grabbed some paper from the other room, folded it into a small altar to the Sixth, and pricked my finger to see if a new offering would be taken. It wasn't. I tried again. Nothing. I kept doing it, squeezing my finger to get more blood onto the altar, and scanning it as I did. Nothing changed. The sacrifices weren't being claimed. There was still no Yorun-leusan to claim them. My ritual hadn't raised her. It didn't seem to have done anything at all. After everything I'd done, I had nothing to show for it but hundreds of corpses. I might have stood there forever, trying again and again to give a drop of blood to the Sixth, but those ambulances were coming, and I decided I should get out of there before I was seen with the bodies. Dr. Willard: Where did you go? Redwood: I just wandered around for a few days, processing what had happened. What I'd done. Eventually, I decided to turn myself in to the police. Dr. Willard: Why? Redwood: Because I'm a murderer. Because I preferred it to facing the Church. Because my victims and their families deserve closure. They don't have much time left. Anything I can do to make the rest of it easier, I owe them. Dr. Willard: Why don't they have much time left? Redwood: That's the worst part of all of this. After everything I've done, the universe is still doomed. We have ten, maybe fifteen years left. Possibly less. Certainly not more. The things that lurk outside the cosmos will burrow in and devour it. The last of the Koru-teusa will fall, and the Second Hytoth will be lost. Nothing I did changed that. Now, nothing will. <End Log, January 16th, 2002, 5:26> Addendum 7046-4: On January 18th, 2002, Cassidy Redwood self-terminated by self-inflicted laceration. A makeshift Ortothan altar, constructed out of paper she had been given as writing material, was present in her cell. Experts on Ortothan practice who examined the scene concluded that Redwood had offered her spilled blood to Rakmou-leusan, the only remaining Ortothan deity. Addendum 7046-5: In April 2008, SCP-7046's anomalous effects began to diminish. Sounds made inside the structure became detectable from the outside, though the structure's thaumaturgic properties still dampened them. As of June 9, 2022, the exterior walls of SCP-7046 decrease the volume of a sound made inside by only thirty decibels. Recent tests on the bars of SCP-7046-1 cells have shown that some will now bend in response to forces as low as one-thousand newtons, though others retain much higher tensile strength. Foundation thaumaturgists have concluded that these changes are the result of natural decay in its thaumaturgic enhancements. If present trends continue, the object will cease to be anomalous by 2040. Footnotes 1. Many of these symbols have previously been found at Daevite ritual sites. 2. Each of them had last been seen somewhere within 1600 kilometers of SCP-7046. 3. Personnel with level 3 clearance or higher may request access to any document mentioned in these materials. 4. In Ortothan mythology, the divine is said to transcend gender. Consequently, Ortothans often switch rapidly between pronouns when referring to their gods. 5. The extra-terrestrial missionary responsible for introducing the Ortothan religion to earth. 6. This description matches actions undertaken by Agent ███ █████████ on June 10, 2001. 7. The Ortothan afterlife « SCP-7045 | SCP-7046 | SCP-7047 » More by this Author
Small Amount of SCP-7047. Item #: SCP-7047 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7047 is stored in an object containment locker at Site-14. With the exception of testing purposes, SCP-7047 is to be directly observed when outside of its containment unit. Containment Procedures are scheduled to be updated pending the results of Addendum-05. Description: SCP-7047 is a large collection of dominoes. Other than its ability to absorb ambient kinetic energy, it possesses no physical anomalies. SCP-7047's anomalous properties occur when a large amount of it is placed in a localized area and is not observed for an indeterminate period of time.12 SCP-7047 will reposition itself in one or multiple lines; nearby objects may be repositioned so they are significantly involved with the anomaly's domino effect in some fashion. The chain reaction begins when the first tile tips over. While the endpoint of the chain reaction may change during each activation, it is hypothesized to be dependent on the objects, areas, and individuals present near SCP-7047 during that time. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7047/TEST/PARTIAL/EXAMPLES ◀ ▷ CLOSE ◁ Test #: 01 Location: Kitchen Testing Parameters: Site-14's cafeteria kitchen was temporarily closed. Various food ingredients were placed on the preparation station. SCP-7047 is introduced into the room. Direct observation is interrupted. Result: Direct observation recommenced. Most tables in the kitchen had been pressed close together. The rest were positioned near an open oven with a baking tray inside. An uncapped can of whip cream is standing on an air duct above the oven, alongside the ingredients. Spice racks near the oven were opened with their contents spilled on the floor. The spice racks, air ducts, and tables have SCP-7047 segments running through them. The first tile is knocked over. The domino effect starts with the SCP-7047 segments on the tables and continues to the spice rack. The momentum continues up the spice rack and connects to the segments on the air ducts. Small individual segments collide with the ingredients, causing them to fall down, bounce off the tables, and land in the trade. A lone tile falls onto a nearby fork, causing it to fly in the air and collide with the oven's button interface, activating it. The oven rack automatically slides back into the oven and the door closes. Researchers try to open the oven but the door is jammed. After some time, the door is opened, and a thick cloud of smoke spreads out to the kitchen. The food in the tray is burnt. The sound of the fire alarm activates, and the sound waves of the alarm cause the whipped cream to fall off. The nozzle penetrates and embeds itself into the 'meal,' releasing a hefty amount of whip cream. Test #: 07 Location: Garden Testing Parameters: D-66787 was taken to Site-14's outdoor garden due to his previous occupation as a landscaper and tasked with watering the plants; D-66787 begrudgingly obeyed. An amount of SCP-7047 and a variety of different gardening tools is introduced. Direct observation is interrupted. Result: Direct observation recommenced. Most of SCP-7047 was untouched; all of the tools were repositioned in the tree in the center of the garden. D-66787 runs out of water in his watering can and moves to refill it D-66787 steps on a rake, causing the handle to slam into his nose. He cries in pain and staggers back, tripping over a shovel. D-66787 in a fit of anger, kicks the shovel, cutting his ankle on the blade. D-66787 cringes as the watering can is thrown from his grip and lands under an outdoor watering facet. D-66787 sits down on the stone planter. The shovel itself collides with a bush, causing several bees to flee. One of the bees flies to the roof and knocks over the starting SCP-7047 tile. The flow of the segment on the storm drain continues until the last tile disturbs a nearby crow; the crow flies onto one of the branches of the tree, causing the branches to shake. A pinecone falls on D-66787's shoulder. D-66787 looks up just as a hammer collides with his face. D-66787 springs up, nose bleeding, as gardening tools begin to fall on the ground around him. D-66787 attempts to guard against or dodge the incoming projectiles but fails. D-66787 trips over a fallen fertilizer bag and falls onto the ground, turning on the faucet with his nose before he falls. The watering can beings to tilt towards a sunflower as it is filled with water. D-66787 groans and turns onto his back; he takes a deep breath. An open fertilizer bag falls onto D-66787's head. The result causes the faucet to break, spraying water everywhere, and the fertilizer to enter D-66787's mouth. The flowers surrounding the tree are being watered by the broken faucet. D-66787 scrambles onto his knees and vomits. He is exhausted and has to be removed from the area by nearby personnel. Test #: 15 Location: Office Testing Parameters: The fifth office floor of Site-14 was temporarily relocated until the test concluded. A large amount of SCP-7047 is introduced. Direct observation is interrupted. Result: Direct observation recommenced. Unlike the previous tests, few objects in the vicinity were repositioned. All of SCP-7047 were used and branched off into two segments. The first tile fell on its own. The first segment continued straight until taking a right turn onto the button of an office fan. The fan's wind current caused a book, standing in front of it, to topple over on top of a pair of scissors. The scissors severed a chain of rubber bands leading to the ceiling. A homemade construct consisting of multiple rulers taped together, with a pencil on the top of it, swung from the ceiling and collided with one of the cubicle's computers, creating a small crack on the monitor's screen. The other segment created an image of a fist with its middle finger extended. A closer inspection of the computer showed that a worker failed to log out before leaving; the screen showed a paused video of Mango Margallo, a popular food-based Youtuber.3 Test #: 19 Location: Testing Chamber Testing Parameters: A highly complex Rube Goldberg machine was constructed in the testing chamber. Various objects including pulleys, buckets, string, pennies, pillows, books, toy blocks, candy, roller skates, rubber bands, bowling balls, bowling pins, action figures, dinnerware, video game consoles, and a shopping card were implemented. SCP-7047 itself was incorporated heavily in many sections of the Rube Goldberg machine. The end result of activating the machine would result in the helium balloon being popped by several pencils. Result: D-66787 was ordered to tip over the first tile. D-66787 at first refused but was convinced by the consequences of refusal. D-66787 tipped over the tile but it did not result in a domino effect. The balloon slowly lowered to the ground. Confused, D-66787 approached the balloon but tripped over an SCP-7047 tilt hidden on the ground. D-66787 fell on the Rube Goldberg machine, destroying it completely. D-66787 falls towards the pencil, nearly avoiding having his eyeballs punctured by multiple pencils. D-66787 displayed signs of shock before laughing in a neurotic manner. The string holding the balloon snapped, and the balloon popped on the pencil, spraying a white substance on D-66787.4 Discovery: SCP-7047 was recovered following an explosion occurring at a sewer line in Lucknow, India. The Foundation took over the investigation and made mention of the words "Miracle Liberation Front"5. While the bodies found were too damaged for proper identification, documents recovered from the scene indicated that MLF had established a base in the area. SCP-7047, alongside other anomalous items that were stored there, were used in part for the purposes of weaponization, and advancements in technology. SCP-7047 activated during Foundation transport, causing massive traffic delays and mass exposure of its properties to nearby civilians, necessitating prolonged amnestization. SCP-7047 was then transferred to Site-14 for further study. Addendum-01: On 12/17/2013, Agent Rodney and Agent Polk were present at Site-14 to review and cross-examine recently uncovered information pertaining to MLF. At the same time, SCP-7047activated. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7047/RODNEY/POLK1 ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ Site-14's Low Priority Locker Containment Wing. [BEGIN LOG] [Agent Rodney and Agent Polk are led into the room by two security guards; rows of containment lockers are seen against the walls.] Agent Polk: Augh… how many more do we have left? Agent Rodney: One. Agent Polk: Good. Agent Rodney: Then we have to go to the archives and read those files. Agent Polk: Oh god, Rod, c'mon. Agent Rodney: You said it was okay since we were in the area. Agent Polk: I thought it was like one or two things not a whole treasure of crap— [A security guard loudly clears his throat, and stares at Agent Polk with visible disapproval.] Agent Polk: What? Agent Rodney: We just need to compare the anomaly with my notes and we'll be gone. It shouldn't take more than a moment. [They stop at one of the lockers; one of the security guards unlocks the door and opens it. The other guard places the burlap bag on the table. Agent Rodney approaches and opens the bag, pulling out several SCP-7047 tiles.] Agent Polk: Dominos? We came all this way for dominos? Agent Rodney: They're not normal dominos, Polk. Agent Polk: You know what I mean. So what's the deal with them? Agent Rodney: They absorb kinetic energy and create chain reactions when not observed. Agent Polk: …Huh? Agent Rodney: [Sigh] They turn things into Rube Goldberg machines Agent Polk: That's it? What does that even mean? Agent Rodney: Shush. I'm still reading. [Agent Rodney compares his notes, occasionally inspecting SCP-7047. Agent Polk drinks from his coffee cup, appearing bored. Two guards remain on standby. Eventually, Agent Polk approaches the table and picks up one of the tiles.] Agent Polk: Well, I have to admit, these do look polished. Though the color scheme's a bit lame if I do say so myself— [The tile slips out of Agent Polk's grip. Agent Polk catches the object before it falls to the ground but inadvertently spills some of his coffee onto his shirt. Agent Rodney frowns.] Agent Polk: [Muttering] Should be thrown in the trash, you piece— [Deep Breath.] Are you done now? Agent Rodney: Yep. Here you go, sir. [Agent Rodney hands the bag back to the guard, who places it back into its locker. Both guards exit the room. Agent Rodney places his notes back into the folder and stands up.] Agent Polk: …Well? Agent Rodney: Well… it's been educational. Agent Polk: So, nothing then? Agent Rodney: Yes… but we still have those files— Agent Polk: Can't we just request to see them when we're back home? It's been a long day. Agent Rodney: That'll take way too long, Polk. You know how stingy these transfers get. Agent Polk: Ugh. Agent Rodney: C'mon, it's close by. And I don't think they'll be too much to read through. Agent Polk: Hmm… Agent Rodney: And I'll pay for your next meal, how about pizza? Agent Polk: [Smiles] I'm gonna hold you up to that. Agent Rodney: No problem, Domino's is pretty cheap anyways. Agent Polk: [Rolls Eyes] I hate you. Agent Rodney: I know. [Both agents leave. The room becomes quiet.] [Faint clattering noise emanates from the locker containing SCP-7047. The locker door opens.] [A moment later, additional lockers open as well. The camera feed cuts off.] [The agents approach the help desk. Agent Rodney clears his throat.] Secretary: Hello, how may I help you, sir? Agent Rodney: Yes, we're here to see documents pertaining to the Lucknow Incident. SCP-7047, MLF, and all that? [The secretary nods and makes a call on the work phone. After a moment, she sets the phone down.] Secretary: I'm sorry sir, but the archives aren't open at this time. Is there anything else I can do for you? Agent Rodney: [Sighs] No, we're good. Have a good day, ma'am. [Both agents walk back the way they came.] Agent Polk: You still owe me that pizza, Rod. Agent Rodney: I get it, man, you don't have to remind me twice. Agent Polk: Sucks it became a dead end though. Agent Rodney: I wouldn't say that. From what I know, that base had a lot of objects that were going to be approved for all kinds of projects. But that's what bothers me. Agent Polk: How so? Agent Rodney: SCP-7047 was the few that got rejected, and from a look at their inventory it seems they were carrying a lot of dangerous stuff. And… now that I think about it. The rejection came days before the explosion… Agent Polk: Those dominos were at the source of the explosion? Agent Rodney: No, they were found far away actually. But there was no indication of a raid or anything. It came from inside. You know what I'm thinking? Agent Polk: I think you're overthinking it, pal. Not every anomaly is useful, Rod. They probably just got cocky, screwed up with something else, and made our jobs a bit easier. Besides, it's been for a long time. And nothing happened so far, right? Agent Rodney: True, true… I guess I do tend to overthink things— [Agent Rodney opens the door to the locker room; multiple curved lines of SCP-7047 and multiple anomalous objects are on the floor. The door knocks over the first tile, starting the chain reaction.] Agent Rodney: Never a dull moment at the Foundation. Agent Polk: What the hell?! I thought it can't activate if it's locked down? Agent Rodney: I don't know! It's… huh? [A SCP-7047 segment ends with it pressing a button over on a blender. The blender activates, with a small tornado forming over it. The wind currents rip nearby posters off the wall and collide with a sculpture of a jellyfish floating in the air. The sculpture falls to the ground, activating several more segments; the sculpture is cracked and begins sparking with electricity.] Agent Polk: We gotta— how do we stop it? Prevent the flow? Agent Rodney: I dunno! Call the Site Director or something! [Agent Rodney attempts to block one of the line segments when a lone tile falls in his direction and he slips on it. Agent Rodney crashes into a locker, causing the door to open and a single firework to fall and roll on the floor.] [Another segment crashes into a toy plane. At the same time, the last segment knocks against a broom positioned upside down, leaning against a table. The brushes of the broom make contact with the locker, transmuting it to dust, and resulting in a large cyan balloon floating upwards to a ceiling fan.] [The toy plane's engines thrust and flies erratically around the room. The plane makes contact with the balloon at the same time it makes contact with the ceiling fan. An explosion occurs, spreading cold vapor across the room.] [One cloud of vapor makes contact with Agent Polk's cellphone, and it begins to quickly freeze. In a panic, he throws the cell phone away. The cellphone makes contact with the sculpture, resulting in it breaking and multiple electrical arcs spreading around the room. The lights in the room burnt out.] [Agent Rodney groans on the floor, a small streak of blood is visible on his head. He pulls out his cell phone and activates the flashlight function. Agent Polk rushes to him and pulls him to his feet.] Agent Polk: Rod. Rod! Are you alright?! How bad is it? Agent Rodney: I feel like crap but I'll live. You? Agent Polk: Not even a problem. Okay, we need to get out of here and signal the containment team! I don't even want to think… oh… we're still going? [Another faint source of light illuminates in the distance. The light is coming from the fuse of the firework. The door to the locker room is kicked open by a security guard.] Security Guard: Gentlemen! What is going on in here?! Agent Polk: Wait! Back up! Back up— [The firework suddenly fires forward and collides with the guard. The guard screams as he and the fireworks continue to propel down the hallway before a blinding flash of light covers the hallway. Multicolor paint is ejected from the hallway and at both agents' faces, followed by the area rumbling.] [The alarm sounds and the sprinkler system activates. Agent Rodney looks to Agent Polk.] Agent Rodney: So… overthinking it, huh? [A row of office cubicles is visible throughout the room. One member of personnel finishes up a telephone call and yawns. He picks up his mug and drinks from it; a lone SCP-7047 tile hides behind it.] [The room suddenly shakes, confusing most personnel. The motion causes the man's tie to become hooked onto the switch of a desk fan. The fan activates and blows most of the documents on the desk. The man panics and tries to frantically catch the papers.] [One paper sheet flies through the air towards two female personnel conversing with each other in the middle of the room. The sheet of paper flies by and gives one of the personnel a paper cut on her cheek. The injured personnel staggers back and bumps into the janitor. The janitor trips and inadvertently pushes his cart forward.] [The cart gains speed as it rams into a large fish tank, causing the glass to shatter; the water and fish fall to the floor. Nearby personnel rush to the fish tank and attempts to save the fish. One of them moves the cart out of the way but didn't lock the wheels. The cart slowly begins to move to the end of the hallway, to an open stairwell. An emergency announcement is made.] Announcement: Attention! Attention! This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill! A level three containment breach is now occurring! Head to the nearest safe zone and listen to further inst— [The announcement is cut off, followed by another explosion. The sounds of screaming and stomping are heard. The cart comes slams into the stairway railing and stops. A mop bucket falls from the cart and bounces down the stairs from the fifth floor.] [The bucket stops at the fourth floor. Two members of D-Class burst through the door as they are being chased a Foundation guard. The guard shoots one of the D-Class in the head, killing her. The guard attempts to shoot at the other D-Class but stumbles because of the bucket. His helmet falls off and he staggers forward.] [The D-Class tries to pull the firearm away from the guard but the latter maintains their grip. The two of them struggle until both of them slam into the railing. The section of railing breaks and they both fall down the stairwell. The bucket rolls on the floor and knocks the helmet down the stairs.] [The helmet bounces down the steps and takes a stop on the third floor. A mechanic flings the door open, and the right side of his shirt is on fire. He stubs his toe on the helmet and falls to the floor in pain. The machine falls into a puddle, which snuffs out the fire.] [The mechanic stands up in surprise and hysterically laughs, extending his arms outward in celebration. The wrench in his hand slips. The mechanic curses as the wrench tumbles down the stairs before sprinting to the fourth floor.] [The wrench tumbles down and rests on the second floor. The door is opened as a researcher backs away slowly from a humanoid entity constructed from glass. The entity pushes the researcher to the ground and attempts to strangle him. The researcher panics and spots the wrench. He painfully extends his hand to the object, grabs it, and hits the entity in the side of the head with it.] [The entity's grip loosens, the researcher throws the entity off and repeatedly bashes the entity's head in with the wrench until it stops moving. The researcher takes a deep breath, does a small fist bump, and sprints down the stairs to the first floor, taking several turns in the corridors.] [The researcher makes it to the main hallway, and appears out of the breath. The researcher relaxes and unlocks the door at the end of the hallway. Just as he does so, Agent Rodney and Agent Polk run past the doorway to the confusion of the researcher. The researcher turns around to see a large copper sculpture of a bull slamming its head into him. The researcher screams as he is thrown out of a window.] Agent Rodney: I told you not to mess with it! Agent Polk: It was staring at me and blowing smoke! What was I supposed to do?! Agent Rodney: It's gaining on us! [The bull continues to chase the two agents outside the building. The entity catches up to Agent Polk, latches its horns under his pelvis, and tosses him high into the air. Agent Polk screams until he falls on the grass. He appears to be in pain.] Agent Rodney: Polk!… Ah— Dammit! [Agent Rodney gains more distance from the bull and reloads the battery into a taser gun. Agent Rodney turns around and shoots the bull; the bull slows down from the electric shock before becoming inanimate. Agent Rodney pants and drops the taser to the ground before collapsing from exhaustion.] Agent Rodney: Good thing I read about your allergy to zapping, huh, Mr. Bull Market? Hehe, not this time… Mr. R gets to live another day… ow. [Agent Rodney looks towards the building, a section of it is on fire.] Agent Rodney: Sometimes I hate being right. [Agent Polk stands up and stumbles towards Agent Rodney. His nose is bleeding. He stares at the bull, then the building. Agent Polk is still holding his gun and massages the bridge of his nose.] Agent Polk: Should've… gone… home. Agent Rodney: I heard you the first time. We're gonna… [Pant] have to pull at the stops for this one… a bunch of calls. Agent Polk: Taken care of— [Agent Polk reaches for his pocket then stops.] What? Oh, that's right. I'm gonna have to pay for a new one now. Fuck… okay… you know what we're gonna do now? We're going to borrow someone else's phone, go to the infirmary, and check the hell out of Sacramento? Crystal? Agent Rodney: Clear. Agent Polk: Good… that's real good— [Agent Polk trips. His handgun falls from his grip and fires into the air. Agent Polk staggers back up.] Agent Polk: Stupid… damn bull made me trip. Agent Rodney: …I don't think that was the bull. [Agent Rodney stares at the spot where Agent Polk tripped and inspects it. After a moment, he pulls out an SCP-7047 tile.] [Agent Rodney and Agent Polk remain silent.] [The perspective is taken from a handheld camera, filming against a white wall. A morbidly obese Caucasian male is wearing an extra-large blue shirt. A variety of fast food items are placed haphazardly on the table in front of him. The man is smiling.] Mango Margallo: Here we go-go guys! Mango Margallo here with a Chick-fil-A mukbang! We have chicken sandwiches! Mm-hmm! Crisscross fries! Mm-hmm-mm! And… [Gasp] Salad?! Get that out of here! I don't need— [A sandwich tips over from the pile and falls to the floor. Mango Margallo looks at the fallen sandwich, and cries in an exaggerated manner.] [EXTRATENIOUS DATA REMOVED FOR BREVITY] [Mango Margallo eats with his mouth open while making loud sucking noises. He struggles to shove an entire sandwich in his mouth when loud flatulence is heard. He cries again.] [EXTRATENIOUS DATA REMOVED FOR BREVITY] [After hitting the table with a broom; a large amount of food remains on the table. Mango Margallo exaggerates an angry expression whiles taking a bite out of a whole onion.] Mango Margallo: Oh my god, guys! I've run out of food! [Fake Crying] I need more food, guys or I'm gonna starve! I'm hungry! I need food! I need food right now— [A bullet is propelled through the window at high speeds and penetrates through Mango Margallo's mouth, shattering a significant portion of his teeth and destroying his brain stem. Mango Margallo remains silent as his body falls face first into a bowl of mac and cheese; an SCP-7047 tile can be seen in the bowl.] [The onion falls on the ground and rolls out of frame, presumably down the stairs.] [The room becomes silent as blood begins to seep into the mac and cheese. Loud flatulence can be heard.] [END LOG] Addendum-02: The aftermath of SCP-7047's activation led to multiple casualties, the loss of several anomalies, and Site-14 sustaining significant damage. It was believed that this was the end of the event. However, it was later discovered that most of SCP-7047 had vanished without apparent cause. This coincided with a series of highly improbable events occurring across various areas of the globe. Below is a partial list of known recorded events. Location Event El Paso, United States Following the announcement of Mango Margallo's death, many of his fans set up makeshift memorials within the city limits of El Paso, Texas. Several patrons had gotten heavily inebriated and started a brawl, which escalated when the nearest bar close to the memorial got involved in the fight. One of the patrons decided to drive away from the scene in a panic and inadvertently crashed into another car smuggling illegal fireworks. A Canadian tourist happened to witness the crash and managed to steal some of the fireworks before police arrived. An SCP-7047 tile was found near the bottles of beer the patrons were drinking. British Columbia A Canadian couple had set up a baby shower in the countryside. Witnesses reported that the father had launched several fireworks as a means of revealing the gender of the baby. Instead, one of the fireworks collided with a hill, starting a massive wildfire and putting the nearby Native American settlement in danger. The couple was arrested and charged with reckless endangerment. The baby was revealed to be a girl. An SCP-7047 tile was found near where the fireworks were being stored. Bern, Switzerland Tommy Baso, a member of a local doomsday cult, witnessed a rampant wildfire occurring in Canada on the news. Believing it to be a sign of the end times, Baso decided to rob a jewelry store before fleeing the country. However, Baso attempted to rob a gun store by complete accident instead. Federal investigators had to identify Baso by his driver's license due to his facial features being completely unrecognizable. An SCP-7047 tile was found in his pockets. Johannesburg, South Africa. In the aftermath of Baso's death, the Global Occult Coalition found evidence that he had major ties to a fast-growing Sarkic cult in South Africa. Coalition forces were deployed and encountered the cult, engaging in a large-scale human sacrifice operation in an attempt to revive an unknown deceased entity. The conflict resulted in high causalities and the near nuclear destruction of Johannesburg. Fortunately, the crisis was narrowly resolved in favor of the Coalition; the remaining cult members transformed into birds and fled the country. An SCP-7047 tile was found at the scene. Firestone, Colorado A geriatric man was mowing his lawn when he saw a flock of birds flying in the sky when he suffered severe stomach pains. The man panicked and ran back into his residence. The lawnmower continued to operate and eventually left the premises. An SCP-7047 tile was found in the toilet bowl. These events were connected to each other in some fashion, and an SCP-7047 tile is always found at the scene. The most widely-accepted theory for this is due to SCP-7047's kinetic-absorption properties; the anomaly had absorbed high amounts of kinetic energy outside its containment unit in a long time frame, leading to the augmentation of its preexisting capabilities. Foundation assets were deployed to require missing SCP-7047 tiles, and mitigating disruptions caused by the anomaly. New intel suggested that SCP-7047 next activation would occur within or near El Paso County, Colorado, United States. MTF Epsilon-6 ("Village Idiots") and multiple agents were deployed into the area in response, in the hope of stopping SCP-7047's influence. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7047/RODNEY/POLK2 ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ Town Square. [BEGIN LOG] Agent Polk: What are you doing? [Agent Rodney and Agent Polk are sitting on a park bench. Agent Rodney attempts to watch the live feed from Epsilon-6's and traffic cameras in the area by hiding the phone behind a newspaper.] Agent Rodney: You said we got to blend in. Agent Polk: Rod, that trick literally only works in the movies or the stupid. Like… why bother at all? Everyone else doesn't seem to mind. [Agent Polk jabs a finger at multiple passersbys on the street, all of whom are on their phones. Agent Rodney sighs and crumbles the newspaper.] Agent Rodney: What a waste of two bucks. Did you see anything on your end? Agent Polk: Nah, it's all good… for now. I really don't get it. Agent Rodney: Get what? Agent Polk: The anomalies, especially the newer ones. They don't make sense. [Epsilon-6 spots a lawnmower moving autonomously across the town square; a pair of human hands of varying ethnicities are attached to the handle in order of skin gradient. The lawnmower enters LUCKY MIKE'S, a family-owned liquor store. Epsilon-6 raid the store.] Agent Rodney: Isn't that the point? Agent Polk: No, I mean— you remember when we first joined? The stuff we got after was still weird and dangerous, but it was at least somewhat consistent. Agent Rodney: Yeah? [Epsilon-6 attempts to secure the store and turn off the lawnmower when the owner of the store, an elderly woman, curses, and fires a shotgun at the operatives. Epsilon-6 fire back at the owner, causing her to fall to the ground. The walls of the store block the sound from alerting nearby civilians.] Agent Polk: These days it feels like it's been cranked up to eleven! Too many big bads here and there are crawling out of the woodwork and trying to compete with each other to see who's the biggest dick— Agent Rodney: It's been a real problem, yeah. [Before the owner succumbs to their injuries, eyes glowing purple, her body morphs into several hostile entities that appear to have a detrimental effect on local reality. Epsilon-6 panics and fires their firearms. Nearby civilians are still unable to hear the commotion.] Agent Polk: And there's these groups running around by the hundreds, making our job that much harder. And most of them are dumbass, jackasses, or just plain assholes. I used to count all of them on my hands. Now it's by the dozens, and then some. Is it really that easy to become a terrorist? Agent Rodney: You don't need magic or superpowers for that. Though, I don't think most of them would really count as terrorists— [Epsilon-6 rush out of the building before it violently shatters into multiple pieces. The entities, a worm-like creature with a canine and feline head at both ends, a humanoid individual with no eyes and a large grin wearing farmer's clothes, and a large mosquito expelling excessive amounts of an acidic-based compound engage in combat with Epsilon-6. Due to all the entities possessing an antimemetic field around themselves, everyone besides Epsilon-6 ignores the firefight.] Agent Polk: —And the worst part. The very worst part is that new skips are just… stupidly overpowered, it's ridiculous! It's one thing if they were an eldritch freak of nature, a piece of technology from the far future or hell, a well-trained reality bender. But this… I have no words. No words at all. [Agent Polk scrolls down his phone and shows Agent Rodney a picture of SCP-7047.] [The worm is constricting the heads of multiple operatives, causing their craniums to explode; the mosquito sprays acid at a lone operative but misses. The operative responds by firing his assaults rife at its eyes at point-blank range. The humanoid entity rips a stop sign from a nearby street corner and beats the commander to death with it.] Agent Polk: The procedures were just dandy, this anomaly, this… toy, was under control, until it was not… for some reason. Agent Rodney: Well, it did absorb a lot of energy. Agent Polk: So that justifies all of this? [Agent Polk gestures and waves their hand in front of them in an exaggerated motion. Behind them in the distance, the humanoid entity laughs and stomps through the commander's pelvis. He blocks most of the bullets from Esplion-6 with his stop sign and collects the commander's grenades.] Agent Polk: This ain't even the worst one. Cakes that can literally smother the world, A horse that wants to ram into the world, A globe of the world that can affect... the world? And these are random stuff, right off the street. So much power… for no reason. You see this? [Agent Polk holds up and taps against the newspaper. The worm-like entity's feline head pushes itself through the mouth of a nearby operative. The operative panics as their jaw breaks, and is bitten on the cheek by the dog head.] Agent Polk: This thing, this flimsy, wood… byproduct thing, could… become a black hole or… cause everyone to become psycho or… maybe… suck us into the pages and eat us? How would you deal with that? [The feline head emerges and ruptures through the operative's loins. The operative dies. Although the entities remain standing, they appear visibly weakened from Epsilon-6's continued fire.] Agent Rodney: Just deal with it? Agent Polk: [Sigh] Look, if you're not gonna take this seriously— Agent Rodney: No, Polk. I-I'm serious. I just think we should just simply deal with it the best we can. Agent Polk: Really? Even with that prospect… you're okay with it? [One operative fires a shotgun at the humanoid entity's stomach, causing it to bleed heavily. The humanoid screeches in pain. The humanoid punches a hole through the operative's face and throws the body at the remainder of Epsilon-6. The worm approaches the humanoid; the feline head licks the blood off of the humanoid.] Agent Rodney: Not really. I've been through the wringer and on death's door so many times I guess it doesn't really phase me anymore. The best we can do is go with the flow and steer things in the right direction. The Foundation's no pushover, Polk. Agent Polk: Even so, we're not going against a fair playing field here. Agent Rodney: Has it ever been fair? [Agent Polk massages the bridge of his nose. The humanoid brushes the feline head away; the head hisses in response. The humanoid scowls and tightens its grip on the stop sign.] Agent Polk: No… How's Epsilon doing? Agent Rodney: Give me a sec. Hm? The feed's been cut—? [The decapitated head of a feline bounces off the bench and rolls on the grass. Agent Rodney and Agent Polk are alarmed.] Agent Rodney: Oh. Agent Polk: What? [The resulting death and severe maiming of the entities results in the antimemetic field waning to the point the carnage becomes visible. Civilians witnessing the carnage flee in terror while both agents unholster their firearms.] Agent Polk: That's our cue! C'mon, c'mon! [Both agents, as well as nearby Foundation personnel, rush to assist Epsilon-6. The reinforcements fire at the entity; the worm entity is terminated. The humanoid entity sprints away from the town and retreats into a cornfield. Foundation personnel, including Agent Rodney and Agent Polk, follow it.] Construction Site. [Agent Rodney and Agent Polk emerge from an open section in the corn field; various construction equipment and a bulldozer are in the vicinity.] Agent Polk: Damn it… did we lose it? Agent Rodney: Too early to say. I can't… wow, that escalated quickly. You think that's due to the whole… effect of SCP-7047? Agent Polk: No doubt. It came here for a reason. Agent Rodney: I'd say. We should get back with the group and wait for the helicopter. They're going to need help with the clean-up. Agent Polk: No way, that freak is part of this. We can't just let it go— [The humanoid entity appears from an outhouse and slams Agent Polk into a large ditch with its stop sign. Agent Rodney raises his firearm but is kicked into the ditch by the entity. Agent Polk pulls Agent Rodney to his feet; the firearm falls and sinks into the mud.] Agent Polk: Rod! Agent Rodney: I'm fine! Where's the thing now?! [The start-up of an engine is heard. Agent Polk and Agent Rodney freeze then look upward. A bulldozer approaches the ditch; the humanoid entity is driving the vehicle. Agent Rodney attempts to retrieve his firearm but is pulled out of the way by Agent Polk before the bulldozer falls into the ditch.] Agent Rodney: Shoot it! Shoot it— [Agent Polk turns around and fires at the entity. The entity responds by lifting the bucket upward to block the shots. After multiple shots, Agent Polk relents and follows Agent Rodney to the end of the ditch. Agent Rodney faces his back to the wall and crouches.] Agent Rodney: You first, hurry! [Agent Polk stands on Agent Rodney's shoulders and climbs out of the ditch. The former then grabs the latter's arms and pulls him out of the ditch as well. The entity becomes enraged and leaps from the bulldozer toward the agents.] Agent Polk: Holy— [Agent Polk shoots, managing to fire a bullet into the entity's mouth in midair. The entity's corpse falls on top of him, forcing Agent Polk into a puddle of mud. A nearby crow is freighted and flies into the air.] Agent Polk: Get it off! Get it off! [Agent Rodney quickly pushes the entity off. Agent Polk gets up to his feet and stares at the entity, who is bleeding profusely from his mouth.] Agent Rodney: Is it dead? Agent Polk: I… I think so. It's not breathing… and bleeding. Agent Rodney: Damn Polk, quite the crack shot aren't you? Agent Polk: Heh, I just think I got lucky. Agent Rodney: Very lucky. Agent Polk: Yep, that could've gone south quick… unless… [Agent Polk looks behind him. In the spot where the crow once stood, an SCP-7047 tile is half-buried in the ground. The crow is flying away.] Agent Polk: Oh no, no, no, no, no— [Agent Polk aims at the crow; a loud click is heard. Agent Polk searches his pockets and curses.] Agent Polk: Ammo clip, now! [Agent Rodney hands him a spare pistol magazine. Agent Polk reloads his firearm and pulls the trigger again; the firearm becomes jammed. The crow flies out of view over a hill.] Agent Polk: No! Goddammit! [Agent Polk throws the firearm away and sits on the ground. Agent Polk suffers a headache as he wipes the mud away from his head. Agent Rodney bites his lip as he stares at the tile.] Agent Rodney: Well… we certainly failed but… at least didn't get any worse than it could've. Agent Polk: Yeah… for now. [END LOG] Addendum-03: Complication arose during the operation; Epsilon-6 encountered and got into a violent confrontation with a highly trained reality-bender, resulting in several causalities and the loss of private property. The SCP-7047 tile was recovered and the entire town was amnestized in the aftermath. Shortly after, additional SCP-7047 tiles remerged in events corresponding to the anomaly's modus operandi. Among these included: A bank teller slipped on the floor caused by a leaky water cooler. The teller suffocated due to a large number of banknotes stuffed into his trachea. A Ferris wheel detaching from its support and rolling away from a traveling carnival. Despite it theoretically being too heavy to support its own weight, the wheel managed to spin twenty miles before tipping over. There were no casualties reported, and the riders commented that it was 'frightening, but got fun soon after, then boring.' A group of local kids were playing a game of jacks when a bucket of black paint spilled on them from above. The kids cried. The UIU were conducting a raid on an individual suspected of selling illegal paratechnology. Their intel was wrong, however, and they instead raided a marijuana farm. An outlet fire occurred and burned the farm. The UIU agents ended up being put on temporary paid leave for 'accidental doping.' Agent Polk and Agent Rodney were leaving a convenience store when the former tripped and dropped his bottle of liquor on the sidewalk. They inspect the area and find an SCP-7047 tile under Agent Polk's shoe. Agent Polk flies into a rage until being calmed down by Agent Rodney. Unlike earlier observations, subsequent SCP-7047 events appear to occur rapidly and more than half of them do not appear to connect with each other. The Foundation tracked a major SCP-7047 event that was inbound towards Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. In preparation, Foundation brought in several SRA's, experimental technologies, and Foundation plants in the area to contain the anomalous phenomena. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7047/RODNEY/POLK3 ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ █████ ████████'s game floor Foreword: This footage was taken from the █████ ████████ Casino & Resort. [BEGIN LOG] [The gaming floor is filled to the brim with patrons, either playing the games or eating at the food court. Multiple Foundation agents are disguised as casino staff. Agent Polk is at the blackjack table, pushing chips around.] Agent Polk: Here you go, Ma'am! Fifty chips. Would you like to play another game— [The players laugh as they leave, paying no attention to Agent Polk. Agent Polk groans; he removes his bowtie and pulls on his collar.] Agent Polk: 'Thank you mister, but we had our fill.' 'Okay, have a good night guys.' 'Thank you, bye!' [Sigh] This vest is so hot— Agent Rodney: I told you should've taken security man. Customer service sucks. [Agent Polk turns around to see Agent Rodney in a security guard outfit. Agent Polk shakes his head and drinks from a water bottle.] Agent Polk: Didn't get a choice in the matter. One of our guys got pulled out last minute. Did we get those devices set up yet? Agent Rodney: Just about. They hid them all over the place. I think some other guy has the remote though. Agent Polk: I still think we should've closed off the area. Isn't it our job to make sure that the public does not get involved? Agent Rodney: Things are heating up, Polk. You know how much they want to nail this down. Besides, it's not like we can lure the anomaly where we want it to be anyways. The most we can do right now is to trick it. Agent Polk: Trick it? You're saying it can think now? Agent Rodney: I mean… it's nothing official, but that's what I heard. Would explain a lot actually. Agent Polk: No… no, that makes this plan even more shitty. There's too many variables… so many factors. Agent Rodney: Because of the people and the games? Agent Polk: Not just that! See that up there? [Agent Polk points to a series of star-shaped ornaments hanging from the ceiling.] Agent Polk: That can easily hurt someone or get in the way. It's a trap. In fact, this entire place is a trap waiting to happen. Don't tell me you forgot what happened at the site or what that damn eyeless hick was gonna do to us. Agent Rodney: Look, it may not come to this place, tonight. Hell! It may not come to Vegas at all— [Agent Rodney's pager rings. Both agents stare at the device, with Agent Polk holding his breath when Agent Rodney answers it.] Agent Rodney: Yes, this Rodney. Um… I'm by the gaming tables with Polk. Why… Oh! Okay, I'll be right there. [To Agent Polk] Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Agent Polk: It's here? Now?! Agent Rodney: Don't know. All I know is that some people upstairs are in a brawl. We're not taking chances. Stay here and watch, I'm gonna check this out. Agent Polk: Then go. Go! Agent Rodney: I'm going, I'm going! [Agent Rodney rushes out of frame. Agent Polk stares at Rodney and then presses his hands against his face. He looks up, more patrons are standing expectantly by his table. Agent Polk immediately fakes a smile, clenching his teeth in the process.] [Agent Rodney steps out of the elevator and into the hallway. Several patrons rush by him. Agent Rodney hears screaming, runs further down the hallway, takes a right turn, and freezes in place.] [Two men in suits, severely intoxicated engage in a physical fight with steak knives on the dancefloor. A large fire is emerging from the kitchen and appears to be slowly spreading. The smoke machines on stage are malfunctioning and are covering much of the room in fog. Patrons are rushing towards the exit, inadvertently knocking over other patrons and other objects to the floor] [Agent Collins is shaking a fire extinguisher, squeezing the handle tightly. After nothing happens, He curses, tosses the extinguisher away, and aims his firearm toward the two men. They cease fighting and kneel to the floor.] Agent Collins: Down! Down to the floor you son of bitch! You're crazy— Agent Rodney: Collins?! Agent Collins: Rodney! Thank god! [Agent Collins handcuffs one of the men while aiming his gun at the other man. Agent Collins is sweating.] Agent Collins: I don't know what happened! It just came out of nowhere. Agent Rodney: You mean the fire? Agent Collins: Everything! I looked away and suddenly, boom! Chaos! Why aren't the fire alarms working—?! Agent Rodney: Broken probably? What can I do? Agent Collins: Put that inferno out before it consumes us goddammit. Hey, hey! [One of the men reaches for the knife but freezes.] Agent Collins: Don't you dare, I swear— [To Agent Rodney] Do it, don't wait for me! Now. Now! [The fire is beginning to slowly emerge from the kitchen; smoke is coming out from the kitchen on mass. Agent Rodney spots another fire extinguisher on the far end of the room. Agent Rodney rushes to it but is pushed to the ground by multiple fleeing patrons, getting stepped on in the process.] [Agent Rodney continues getting trampled until he rolls to the left and ducks under a table. Despite being in severe pain, he scrambles out from the table and limps toward the fire extinguisher. More agents enter the room and become shocked upon seeing the fire spreading from the kitchen onto the curtains hanging on the walls.] [Smoke and fog obscure the room to the point where visibility is nearly impossible. Agent Rodney sees one of the men on top of Agent Collins, the latter of whom is attempting to stop the attacker from biting his face off] Agent Collins: No! No! Get off, you— ah! [The man bites Agent Collins' wrist, drawing blood. Agent Rodney rushes towards the two of them, dropping the fire extinguisher and pulling out his gun. The man saw Agent Rodney and reaches for the firearm resting next to him. He grabs it and aims at Agent Rodney; Agent Rodney fires first, the man exclaims in pain as he fires upward and collapses to the ground. Other agents come and restrain the man.] Agent Rodney: You alright? Collins? Agent Collins: I'm fine! Thanks… [Agent Collins and Agent Rodney stare at the fire. It has reached the ceiling now.] Agent Rodney: Evac and 911 calls? Agent Collins: Probably the best course of action. Agent Rodney: I'm going to call, Polk. Someone pull the fire alarms downstairs and shuffle everyone— [A loud creaking sound is heard. Agent Rodney looks up. A massive chandler suddenly falls from the cloud of smoke and is heading towards his position. Agent Rodney gasps and runs before it crashes into the dance floor.] Agent Polk: Okay, ma'am. Like I said before: this is Blackjack, not Poker. You want to play Poker, you can go to those tables over there. Woman: But it's busy and I need to go soon! Can't you make an— Agent Polk: [Sigh] No, I can't ma'am. I'll get fired if I do that, Ma'am. Can I interest you in a game of Blackjack instead, ma'am? Woman: I don't think I like your attitude. Agent Polk: Attitude? ma'am, I'm literally telling you how it is, I can't do anything else about it. Woman: Well that's what happened last time! Where is your manager? Agent Polk: …Sure thing, ma'am. You want me to go him real quick. Woman: What do you think? Agent Polk: Alright, sure thing, ma'am. Be right back, ma'am. [Agent Polk nods and leaves. Once he is out of hearing range, he stops smiling and answers his radio.] Agent Polk: What a tool. [To Radio] Marcos can I switch into the guard uniform now? My area is pretty much dead… Marcos? Marcos! Calm down, I can't hear you… what? Wha— When did it start? How bad is it— [The fire alarm activates in the distance. Guests in the area begin shuffling out of the game room.] Agent Polk: Alright, fine. Mission abort? I can roll with that. Let me get up there… no?! Why not— [The ceiling above Agent Polk collapses, making way for a massive chandler. Agent Polk shouts and, trips, nearly avoiding getting crushed by the metal frame. Agent Polk crawls out from the wreckage and looks up. He chokes and steps back.] Agent Rodney: Help me! Help— Guys?! Crap! Oh!… no. No….ow. [The chain connected to the chandler is wrapped around Agent Rodney's leg; he is hanging upside down in the air. Agent Polk freezes while the patrons are panicking. The SRA's activate, but the carnage is still occurring.] Agent Polk: Rodney?! Agent Rodney: Yeah?! Agent Polk: What happened?! Agent Rodney: The anomaly, what do you think?! Agent Polk: Relax man! We're gonna get through this, okay? J-Just hold on for a minute! Agent Rodney: I can't reach the chain!… Polk! Agent Polk: Yeah?! Agent Rodney: Slot machines! [Agent Rodney points his finger. Agent Polk turns around and curses. Large chunks of debris is falling on the slot machines and arcade game. Not only do they obstruct the area, wiring and all electronics become sprawled out on the floor.] Agent Rodney: Up! Up! Watch out! [Agent Polk immediately hides under the Blackjack table, and multiple ornaments fall on his location. Agent Polk looks at the ornaments in disapproval.] Agent Polk: Of course. [To Radio] Attention! We got a code red, in here. My partner's in danger and the damage's getting worse, how should we proceed? [Agent Collins peers through the hole from above, pulling on the chain. He is straining heavily until he lets go and talks into the radio.] Agent Collins: I can't pull him out, the chain's stuck on something! Start the evac and keep an eye on him. We're coming down now! [Agent Collins leaves. Agent Rodney tries again to reach his legs to no success. Agent Polk keeps an eye on the ceiling while avoiding the fleeing patrons. The rate of objects falling from above decrease dramatically.] Agent Polk: What now? C'mon, skip… what's your endgame now? [Agent Polk spots a lit cigarette next to a section of the rug; the rug is on fire and producing a significant amount of smoke. Agent Polk then looks to the fire sprinklers, then to the exposed wiring on the floor. Patrons are still passing through the area. Agent Polk holds their breath for a moment, then sprints forward.] Agent Rodney: Polk? Where you going, evac's that way— Agent Polk: Rod! Where's the circuit breaker?! Agent Rodney: I… by the Poker tables? Why— Agent Polk: Thanks! Agent Rodney: Huh?! [Agent Polk rushes across the game room, jumping over the wiring and rubble on the ground. Multiple patrons brush and knock into Agent Polk. Agent Polk eventually lost his footing and trips on the floor.] Agent Rodney: Roll over! Roll ov— [Agent Polk looks up and rolls to his left as a large ornament falls and shatters on his previous location. Several shards scrape and draw blood on Agent Polk's side. Agent Polk takes a sharp intake of breath and makes their way to the circuit breaker on the wall.] [Before Agent Polk can open the box, one member of staff accidentally tips over a mop bucket as they flee. Water is spilled on the floor, causing Agent Polk to slip onto his back. Agent Polk snaps his head back and sees the smoke reaching the fire sprinklers.] Agent Polk: Nope! [Agent Polk unholsters his firearm and fires at the circuit breaker. The power is cut to the game room, putting the area briefly in darkness. The emergency lights then turn on, and although the sprinklers are activated, no electrocution occurs on the game room floor due to a lack of power. Agent Polk pants then chuckles.] Agent Polk: Gotcha. Agent Rodney: Polk! Did we… did we just win? [Agent Polk stares at Agent Rodney, still hanging from the chain. Agent Polk makes a thumb's up gesture, then rests in the puddle of dirty water in exhaustion.] [Agent Rodney and Agent Polk are in the casino parking lot. Cop cars and firefighters are visible in the background. Smoke is still rising from the building. Both agents have blankets draped over their shoulders. They enter their car and drive away. Agent Rodney stares at the building from the passenger seat.] Agent Rodney: Some night, huh? Agent Polk: Please. It was the night. I didn't think we'd get out of there for a moment. [Their car exits the parking lot.] Agent Rodney: Yep. Being a skipper tends to take years off your life, huh? Agent Polk: Some sooner than others. Agent Rodney: …Yep… how did you know that SCP-7047 was focusing on the sprinklers? Agent Polk: I tried to think of the worst possible situation that could occur there, then I stopped it. A lucky guess… how's your leg? Are you sure you don't need a hospital? Agent Rodney: Nah, I think I just sprained it. Let's head back to the motel. I can't even right now. Agent Polk: You're speaking to the choir, friend… what are you doing? Agent Rodney: Checking my texts. I'm… making sure we have the anomaly secure this time. Agent Collins's giving me updates. Agent Polk: Oh, okay. Like…? Agent Rodney: For starters, they haven't found the tile yet. Agent Polk: Well that was a very large casino. Agent Rodney: The guys that started the fight were arrested and sent to jail. Agent Polk: How can two men go psycho like that? Agent Rodney: They were on meth Agent Polk: Oh, okay, never mind then. Agent Rodney: But… I'm just getting this now. It seems things have settled down back there. Agent Polk: Great. So… does that mean we're done? Rod? You seem kind of sad, is something up? Agent Rodney: No, it's just. I dunno, did that whole fiasco back there seem a bit rushed to you? The anomaly tends to be a bit more… articulate when it comes to the Rube Goldberg thing. Agent Polk: Rushed? Honestly, I didn't notice. Aren't they always rushed to some degree? Agent Rodney: I just can't shake the feeling that we're doing something wrong here. Agent Polk: That's for Command to decide, nothing much we can do now. Hey, by the way, do you mind if we pick up food on the way home? I missed lunch— [A loud bump is heard, followed by beeping on the dashboard. Agent Polk grits his teeth in visible frustration and parks the car by the sidewalk.] Agent Rodney: What happened? Agent Polk: A tire popped. Hold on, let me see how bad it— [Agent Polk and Agent Rodney exit the car. On the front right tire, an SCP-7047 tile protrudes from the rubber.] Agent Rodney: How? It wasn't even near the casino! Agent Polk: I don't… just report it we need— [A large bird dropping falls on Agent Polk's shoulder. He looks up to see a crow flying overhead. Both agents look to Agent Polk's shoulder; another tile rests on Agent Polk's shoulder. Agent Rodney quickly communicates with Agent Collins on his phone.] [Agent Polk looks at both SCP-7047 tiles, walks to a bench in a stiff manner, and takes a seat. The bird droppings and tile slides down his back as he stares off into space.] [END LOG] Addendum-04: In the aftermath, Agent Rodney and Agent Polk reported two tiles in their possession; no were found at the scene of the anomaly. Due to deviation from the typical behavior of SCP-7047 further investigation was authorized. While the anomalous phenomena that have taken place within █████ ████████ have sufficiently ceased, it was found that, during containment efforts, multiple co-independent SCP-7047 events have split off from the main anomaly. While the exact number of coinciding SCP-7047 events have varied, it is theorized that ten to twenty are existing at once at any given time. Furthermore, it appears that SRA's have no effect on SCP-7047. Weeks later following the event of Addendum-04, SCP-7047 had been exclusively targeting other groups and locations associated with other GoI's: Location Event Munich, Germany A bio-mechanic jellyfish-like creature was captured by the GOC. Before the creature could be slated for termination, a lightning bolt had struck its body, augmenting its psychic abilities and teleporting elsewhere. Current tracking reports suggest it is heading towards the Eastern Coast of the United States. An SCP-7047 tile was recovered in the area where the lightning struck. Florida, United States The Sarkic cult that had fled Johannesburg attempted to resume its previous activities until being stopped by the UIU and GOC. Only several members survived due to heavy car traffic caused by a fallen tree; the group has been rumored to be settled in the Northeastern portion of the United States. An SCP-7047 tile was recovered by the tree. Yokohama, Japan The Church of the Broken God were attempting to introduce multiple thaumaturgic spells into the internet when a power outage occurred. Although the spell failed, massive surges of thaumaturgic energy traveled through data networks and servers across the world. The energy has been traced somewhere in the state of New York, United States. An SCP-7047 tile was found at the group's base of operations. Toronto, Canada A MLF-based operation team was stationed in New York City. They had become alerted to the situation and diverted significant resources to confronting SCP-7047. The team fled when Foundation forces attempted to intercept them but did recover their notes in the process. Instead of the MLF doing their best to capture and weaponize the anomaly as previously thought, it is now known they were tasked with destroying the anomaly in its entirety, basing their previous experiences with it, and information gleaned from their precognitive members claiming catastrophic results if SCP-7047 is not stopped soon. Addendum-05: As of 07/03/2014, a new development concerning SCP-7047 occurred. All events were making their way to New York City. The Foundation decided to work alongside the GOC and the UIU, citing the threat of an SK-Class "Broken Masquerade" scenario all available Foundation resources and assets were on scene, and the city was put on lockdown. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7047/RODNEY/POLK4 ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ Location of where Agent Polk and Agent Rodney were stationed. [BEGIN LOG] [Agent Rodney and Agent Polk are sitting on a bench. Both of them appear visibly exhausted. Civilians are proceeding through their activities, occasionally noticing the Foundation and UIU agents in police uniforms.] Agent Polk: So what's the excuse this time? Agent Rodney: The cover story? Agent Polk: Mm-hmm. Agent Rodney: Terrorists on the run… I think. Agent Polk: They sure love using that one, huh? Agent Rodney: It gets things done. Agent Polk: Sure does. [A woman walking their dog moves in front of them. The dog licks Agent Rodney's hand; Agent Rodney pets the dog's head in return. Agent Polk tries to pet it as well but the dog moves out of frame. Agent Polk lowers their hand and slouches onto the bench.] Agent Polk: The end of everything is right over the horizon and here we pissing about— Agent Rodney: It may not be that apocalyptic, Polk. The city could just end up getting nuked— Agent Polk: You consider that a good thing? Agent Rodney: Well… it's certainly not the worst-case scenario. Agent Polk: … Agent Rodney: Walk to calm your nerves? [Agent Polk nods, both agents rise up and walk down the sidewalk.] Agent Polk: I don't get why they thought the extra help is going to be our magic bullet. It chose a city, anything can happen in a city… too many variables. They didn't report anything, right? Agent Rodney: Not at the moment. The anomaly probably hasn't arrived yet. Agent Polk: Or it already started and we are none the wiser. Agent Rodney: That's… a possibility. Agent Polk: Do you really think we can stop it? Agent Rodney: Honestly? I think this might be the one that has us by the balls so to speak. Because… things always seem to go their way? Agent Polk: Every. Single. Time. It's just… Agent Rodney: Stupid? Terrifying? Terrifyingly stupid? Agent Polk: I was going to say sad. [Agent Rodney slows his pace. Agent Polk lights a cigarette and smokes it.] Agent Rodney: Sad? Agent Polk: This situation. No. This… this world we live in… so inconsistent. Unpredictable. Exhausting. Every shitshow we end, another one pops up, and then some. Are we really doing anything at all here? It seems like we're playing cat and mouse. Agent Rodney: What are you talking about? Of course we have! I mean… we stopped situations from getting worse, and so did the Foundation countless times! Agent Polk: True, but with every win we get, it gets taken away by some other thing. Be an anomaly, some para-group, or even ourselves. I can't shake the feeling we're… 'stuck', you know what I mean? Agent Rodney: I do. Maybe so… but we came a long way. Did a lot of good too. It could be that… things are just not in place yet? That… there are bigger things ahead and we need to be ready to take that situation head on? Agent Polk: You really believe that? Agent Rodney: There's no reason not to. Agent Polk: Hm… can we go get some grub? I want Italian. Agent Rodney: Okay. [Agent Polk looks at his phone while they enter a nearby restaurant. Agent Polk sits down and reads his emails; Agent Rodney places his order and reconvenes back with Agent Polk.] Agent Polk: Back to the issue at hand here. What would happen if this was it? This was finally the one anomaly that does us in, XK Scenario style. What then? Agent Rodney: Well… if this was really going to be 'the one,' and there's nothing we can do about it… I'll take it in stride I guess. Agent Polk: What? You're fine with what's going on?! Agent Rodney: Of course not! But what else could we possibly help the situation? You said it yourself that we're at our rope's end here. If our trump card didn't work, and this was inevitable… then… I'll accept it. I won't like it one bit… but I'll accept it. Agent Polk: How could possibly accept something like that? Agent Rodney: What's the point of fretting over a fixed outcome? Sometimes the best thing you can do is to make the best of a bad situation. Agent Polk: Even if that situation potentially results in our deaths? Agent Rodney: We all have to die sometime, Polk. So let's take it all in. What do we have to lose? You know what I think? I think you're not seeing the upsides. Agent Polk: …Are you serious? Agent Rodney: Does this look serious to you? [Agent Rodney leans his face into his hand and gives a half smile.] Agent Polk: I don't know. Agent Rodney: Think of it like this. If the world ends, we don't have to pay taxes anymore. Agent Polk: Granted, but that's low-hanging fruit. Agent Rodney: This cat and mouse game would end, and you'd finally get to rest as much as you want. Agent Polk: True, if we're going down, at least we'll be taking some of the jerkass skips with us. Agent Rodney: And did you have any other future plans if the domino thing didn't happen? Agent Polk: No, not really. Just keep working until I retired. Ah, I think I see what you mean. Agent Rodney: That's what I'm saying, man. If this is it, then why not go all out? Besides, I still owe you lunch. [Agent Polk smiles.] Agent Polk: Like old times? Agent Rodney: Hey, it's the least I can do… hey, looks like it's ready. Now that's good service— [Agent Rodney walks away and returns with a large pizza box. Agent Polk nods in approval but stops when he sees the Domino's Pizza logo on top of it.] Agent Polk: Rod? Agent Rodney: Yeah? Agent Polk: Why are we eating at Domino's? Agent Rodney: It was the closest pizza place? You didn't notice? Agent Polk: I was on my… phone… [Agent Polk opens the pizza box's lid. A lone SCP-7047 tile is on top of the pizza. Both agents remain silent.] Agent Rodney: Uh… [A ceiling tile pops out of place above them. A large collection of SCP-7047 falls onto the pizza. Both men remain silent.] [Agent Polk chuckles to himself and bangs his fist on the table. Agent Rodney slowly begins to laugh as well, still visibly confused. Agent Polk suddenly swats his hand against the SCP-7047 pile, launching a substantial amount of them against the wall. Agent Polk clenches his fist and sighs.] Agent Polk: I-I'm sorry. I-I just… really had to— Agent Rodney: No, no it's fine. I understand. Agent Polk: Good… good. [After a moment has passed, Agent Rodney pulls out a slice and removes the tiles by hand. Agent Polk stares at Agent Rodney incredulous.] Agent Rodney: What? The pizza's still good, and I already paid for it. Didn't you say you were hungry? [Agent Rodney consumes his slice. After another moment, Agent Polk pulls out another slice and begins removing the SCP-7047 tiles from it.] [END LOG] Afterword: Shortly after Agent Rodney and Agent Polk reported their findings, all related events instigated by SCP-7047 had quickly de-escalated to the point where they were no longer a threat to human safety or to the Veil's integrity. Furthermore, it was realized that all SCP-7047 instances have been accounted for. Special Containment Procedures had been updated: It was found that physically separating individual tiles from the main body dampens its anomalous properties. As such, all SCP-7047 tiles were sent to various Foundation facilities, weakening the anomaly to the point where it could be safely unobserved with no consequence. Agent Polk and Agent Rodney were given short vacation leave for their service in containing SCP-7047. Agent Polk requests several more vacation days. Request granted. Footnotes 1. While the time for activation varies widely, the time median ranges from one to five minutes. 2. Only viewing SCP-7047 with the naked eye counts as observation, as attempting to observe the anomaly remotely through video surveillance will cause the equipment to inevitably malfunction. 3. The crack was located on top of the dislike button. 4. Later analysis revealed the substance to be the droppings of Columba livia (common pigeon) that were found missing from the roof above the testing chamber. 5. A para-terrorist organization staffed primarily by sapient anomalies seeking to establish an SK-Class "Dominance Shift" Scenario. « SCP-7046 | SCP-7047 | SCP-7048 »
Photo Of SCP-7048-2 Prior To It Being Played. Item #: SCP-7048 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7048-1 through SCP-7048-4 are to be kept in a standard containment locker within Storage Wing-48 in Site-484 and regularly checked for degradation and erosion in an environment measured at 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 40% humidity.1 Description: SCP-7048 is a series of 4 film reels, each designated SCP-7048-1 through SCP-7048-4. Each film reel is labeled 'Gilliam Gilcrest Film Productions.' GGFP is a potential group of interest under investigation following the Discovery of SCP-7048.2 When one of the instances of SCP-7048 is placed inside a projector, the individual viewing the film will be transported into the film and placed into the role of the main character, and will act through the entire movie before returning to the real world once the film ends. Recovery Log: SCP-7048 came to the Foundation's attention when one of its agents, Agent Dalton Lively, was cleaning out his father's attic, following his passing, before coming across the SCP in a cardboard box. Believing it to be a standard film reel, Agent Lively placed SCP-7048-2 in a projector also found in the attic before proceeding to be transported into the film. Once the film had concluded and Agent Lively was returned to the real world, he contacted the SCP Foundation to turn it in. Addendum-01: Following the discovery of SCP-7048, four tests were conducted to see the contents of each film reel. Test #1 + Test #1 - Reel #1 Subject D-4848 Protocol D-4848 was instructed to view a playing of SCP-7048-1. Results D-4848 was transported into a film called, 'The Beasts From Beyond The Veil.' A 1960's B-movie alien horror film where D-4848 took the role of a Hollywood socialite who had to fend off aliens that planned to infiltrate a social gathering. The film ended with D-4848 destroying a fleeing alien spaceship with a missile launcher. After returning to the real world, D-4848 reported that the entire experience was enjoyable and wished to go again. Test #2 + Test #2 - Reel #2 Subject D-8484 Protocol D-8484 was instructed to view a playing of SCP-7048-2. Results D-8484 was transported into a film called, 'Duels With The Dead.' Another 1960's B-movie horror film. However, D-8484 took the role of a small-town sheriff in the 1890s and had to defend her town from a group of zombie outlaws who planned on 'stealing the brains of the townsfolk.' The film culminated with D-8484 dueling the leader of the zombie outlaw gang. But rather than winning the duel, D-8484 was too slow to draw her weapon and was ultimately killed. The film then proceeded to end, with the camera staying on D-8484 until the film reel ran out. Afterward, when D-8484 was returned to the real world, she expressed frustration that she lost the duel. She also described the process of getting killed as painless and that after being shot, was when she was transported back to the real world. Test #3 + Test #3 - Reel #3 Subject D-8844 Protocol D-8844 was instructed to view a playing of SCP-7048-3. But instead of following SCP-7048-3's plot, D-8844 was told to travel as far as he could from the plot's designated area. Results D-8844 was transported into a film called, 'Water Whereabouts.' Another 1960's B-movie horror film where D-8844 took the role of a fisherman who had to track down an aquatic humanoid creature as it captured various members from a local town. Following Foundation instructions, D-8844 got into a car and drove as far away as he was able to. Following 15 minutes of driving, D-8844 lost control of his bodily movements and drove back to the area he was transported. Any following attempts to leave the area had the same results, leading to D-8844 choosing to finish the film. The film ended with D-8844 discovering the humanoid's lair and destroying it with a stick of dynamite. After returning to the real world, D-8844 described the entire experience as having been enjoyable despite feeling as if he had to actually fight for his life. Test #4 + Test #4 - Reel #4 Subject D-4488 Protocol D-4488 was instructed to view a playing of SCP-7048-4. D-4488 was also given a Foundation phone number to call once she was inside the SCP. Results D-4488 was transported into a film called, 'Mummy Mysteries.' A 1960's B-movie horror film where D-4488 takes the role of a museum curator tasked with monitoring an ancient Egyptian sarcophagus recently bought to the museum she works in before the sarcophagus accidentally opens, freeing the Mummy inside. Following Foundation instructions, D-4488 attempted to call the Foundation given to her, and managed to get a response. The film then ended with Foundation personnel arriving at the museum and containing the Mummy before interviewing and then administering amnestics to D-4488. Who then returned to the real world afterward, and seemed to remember the events that transpired inside the SCP, despite having been given amnestics. D-4488 then went on to note that her time inside SCP-7048-4 was the most fun she ever had with an SCP. Addendum-02: During further investigations into Agent Lively's attic, a carrying case for SCP-7048 was discovered. On the carrying case was a message to whoever purchased the SCP. Message + Message - Have you ever felt unsatisfied with your film-viewing experience? Have you always thought you could do miles better than the folks on screen? Want to get away? Want to have some fun? Well, we folks at Gilliam Gilcrest Film Productions have just the thing to whet your appetite. Once placed into a projector, the series of film reels you see before you will launch you, yes, you heard that right, launch you into the story you see on screen. Where you will take up the role as either the leading man or leading lady of a production designed to be a safe, harmless, fulfilling, and, most of all, fun experience. Footnotes 1. The standard method of preserving film reels. 2. Further instances similar to SCP-7048 are also under investigation. « SCP-7047 | SCP-7048 | SCP-7049 »
Item#: 7050 Level2 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: caution link to memo Proxima Centauri b. Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-7050, containment is unfeasible. Knowledge of SCP-7050 is to be limited to a select few international and governmental organizations for the purpose of disarmament. Should there be an SCP-7050-1 instance all embedded Foundation agents within national space agencies and astronomical associations are to be alerted and directed to prevent knowledge of the event from spreading. Should any organization receive data and imagery of an SCP-7050-1 instance, Foundation agents are to prevent its publication and doctor all relevant data on the event. All events leading up to a York Incident are to be recorded and analyzed for the purposes of further preservation of human civilization. Exploration of an SCP-7050-1 instance is to be conducted through the Foundation's Anomalous Aeronautical and Space Research Association, also known internally as AASRA. To date, there have been 11 confirmed SCP-7050-1 instances with a further 4 exoplanets slated for exploration by AASRA. Description: SCP-7050 refers to the continued survival of the human race. In the event that an exoplanet's atmosphere rapidly becomes toxic due to a burst of nuclear energy, it is to be explored via a Magellan Drone Swarm to determine if a York Incident has occurred. Should the drone swarm determine that a York Incident did occur, the exoplanet will be designated as an SCP-7050-1 instance and will be cataloged. As of 2035, all known extraterrestrial civilizations have experienced a York Incident and, subsequently, extinction. Addendum.1: First SCP-7050-1 Instance's Astronomical chart showing the location of Alpha Centauri (bottom middle left). Proxima Centauri is circled in red. On January 9th, 2009 a sudden burst of nuclear energy was detected in the Alpha Centauri trinary star system by Foundation Space Observatory Scylax. Further observations subsequently revealed the origin of the nuclear energy burst to have been from Proxima Centauri b.1 After failing to find a natural explanation for the event, it was given the designation Anomalous Event-13020 and the task of investigating the anomaly was given to AASRA. Shortly after, a request was approved by the O5 Council for AASRA to begin constructing a drone swarm that would conduct an exploratory mission to Proxima Centauri b. On March 7th, 2011 the construction of the Eudoxus Drone Swarm2 was completed and launched later that month towards Proxima Centauri b. Utilizing both standard and anomalous technology, the goal of the mission was to determine the cause of the nuclear energy burst. The drone swarm arrived at Proxima Centauri b on June 3rd, 2015 where it began to document and log its discoveries on the planet. Over the next few months, the drone swarm orbited the planet and began to collect atmospheric samples, and conducted planetary surface exploration. Over the course of its exploration, the drone swarm discovered ruined cities all across the planet. After an extensive exploration of the surface, the drone swarm found what appeared to be an archive in one of the more preserved ruins. After all of the archive's files were scanned and logged, it was immediately sent back to the Foundation on Earth. The Foundation received this data in 2019 and AASRA immediately commissioned the Foundation's linguistics department to aid in deciphering the language on the files. On May 11th, 2021 AASRA was able to translate the Centauri language enough to an extent where a timeline of events leading up to the nuclear energy burst was able to be made. It is as follows: ▷ Event Log ▽ Event Log Time3 Description of Event Additional Information Day 1, 12:07 Talks between the nations of "Black Rock" and "Serene" break down. Military Readiness between the two was raised. Inferring from the documents recovered, these two nations have been at odds for approximately 5 Earth years. Day 1, 13:10 "Black Rock" launches an invasion of "Serene". The military of "Serene" was prepared and began counterattacks Within hours the "Black Rock" offensive reaches a stalemate. Day 1, 18:25 "Black Rock" begins losing its positions in "Serene", however, their 'warriors' are told to hold. The "Black Rock" 'Uruok'shalu'ko'4 is debriefed on the situation. Day 1, 18:50 "Black Rock" begins deploying tactical missiles to the frontline. Spys within "Black Rock" inform "Serene" of this development and they respond in kind. At this point large-scale aerial battles are taking place above the front. Day 1, 20:12-20:18 First tactical missiles are launched from "Black Rock" towards strategic "Serene" positions. Nearby cities are now beginning evacuation as more are deployed to the front line. Day 1, 20:15-20:21 "Serene" responds in kind and begins launching tactical missiles at "Black Rock" positions. Some missiles overshoot their targets, with some hitting civilian infrastructure. Day 1, 20:25 "Black Rock" retaliates by launching tactical missiles at "Serene" civilian targets A number of both civilian and military targets are destroyed by this point. Day 1, 20:31-20:33 Both nations activate their nuclear arsenals in the event the other launches their own. According to the documents, "Black Rock" and "Serene" were the two largest and most powerful nations on Proxima Centauri b. Their combined nuclear warheads numbered roughly 9,000. Day 1, 20:54 "Serene" launches another wave of tactical missiles at "Black Rock" military installations. "Black Rock" launches three nuclear missiles in response The exact reason why could not be determined, however, it is assumed that this may have been due to a false positive. Day 1, 20:56-21:03 After minutes of deliberating, "Serene" launches its own nuclear missiles in response. N/A. Day 2, 21:06 "Black Rock" further retaliates and launches more of its nuclear arsenal, some towards civilian targets. "Serene" declares a state of emergency. Day 2, 21:11 "Serene" responds by sending multiple nuclear missiles to the largest cities within "Black Rock." In response, "Black Rock" does the same. By this point the main frontline has died down, with only sporadic fighting continuing. Day 2, 21:20 Multiple cities are reported to have been leveled by "Black Rock" nuclear missiles. The final transmission from "Serene's" military headquarters is received. Day 2, 23:18 By this point the majority of "Serene's" nuclear arsenal has been deployed, targeting "Black Rock" installations around Proxima Centauri b. "Black Rock" responded in kind The last transmission from any major "Serene" military facility is also received. Day 3, 01:45 The final of "Serene's" nuclear weapons are launched, with an unknown target. It is assumed by this point most life on Proxima Centaur b has died out as this is the last event recorded. Examples of the language documented on Proxima Centauri b In September and November of 2014, while the Eudoxus Drone Swarm was en route to Proxima Centauri b, F.S.O Scylax observed two further nuclear energy bursts coming from the Ross 128 and Luten's Star systems. AASRA was able to determine that, once again, the origin of the energy bursts came from exoplanets within their respective star systems. Due to the similarities between Anomalous Event-13020 and these events, AASRA was approved to construct two further drone swarms to explore these star systems. Discoveries in 2015 and 2016 in anomalous technology allowed AASRA to construct drone swarms that could arrive at Ross 128 and Luyten's Star within 5 years.5 Both of these drone swarms, referred to as the 1st and 2nd Magellan Drone Swarms, were launched on July 23rd, 2017. Between 2017 and 2019 the F.S.O Scylax, and later the F.S.O Herodotus,6 discovered 3 further nuclear energy bursts. Three further drone swarms were constructed and, in March 2019, October 2019, and August 2020, each were respectively launched in the direction of these star systems. Shortly after the timeline of events on Proxima Centauri b was established, on June 25th, 2021, data from the 1st Magellan Drone Swarm was received. Its target exoplanet, Ross 128 b, showed similar features on its surface compared to Proxima Centauri b. Once again files transcribed in an extraterrestrial language were sent along with the planetary data. As Foundation linguists and AASRA were deciphering the Rossi language, data from the 2nd Magellan Drone Swarm in Luyten b was received. As with the previous two, further files were sent for AASRA to decrypt. Addendum.2: Report Summary On December 5th, 2023 AASRA submitted its report to the O5 Council. The report, written by the head of AASRA, details their findings on Ross 128 b and Luyten b. The relevant section of the report relating to SCP-7050 is as follows: ▷ Report ▽ Report Based on our findings in Ross 128 b and Luyten b, as well as preliminary data received from the third through fifth Magellan Drone Swarms, the Anomalous Aeronautical and Space Research Association has come to the conclusion that all of these events were caused by large-scale nuclear weapons exchange resulting in the host civilization's utter annihilation. A further two nuclear energy burst events have been detected since 2021 and, although observations have yet to be conducted, it is likely that these events were caused by similar circumstances related to the previous five. The exact cause and reason do vary between cases, such as the result of a conflict escalation or false positive readings, but the end result is always the same. Due to these findings, it is in our opinion that Humanity may be an outlier. All files recovered on these exoplanets do not indicate that there were prior crises or "close calls" before the nuclear weapons exchange, henceforth designated as a 'York Incident'. In contrast, Humanity has had multiple incidents, crises, and "close calls" but never has it resulted in a nuclear war. Because of this, AASRA has come to the conclusion that human civilization is an anomaly in the universal norm. Given previous incidents and current crises, we recommend that the Foundation begins cooperating with intergovernmental and governmental organizations for the purpose of preserving human civilization. However, we also recommend that full cooperation be held off until further data can be collected from more sources. Humanity may or may not stand alone, but it is our responsibility to tirelessly ensure that we wake up to another tomorrow to discover if we truly are. We shall venture forth into the light to discover if we truly are alone in the dark. Footnotes 1. Proxima Centauri b is an exoplanet orbiting around the star Proxima Centauri, a red dwarf that is a part of the triple star system Alpha Centauri, that is located 4.2 light years away. 2. The precursor to the current Magellan-class, prior to the discovery of new anomalous technology. 3. Proxima Centauri b orbits its host star in approximately 11 Earth days. As such, time is converted to UTC. 4. Exact translation could not be determined but is assumed to either mean 'General' or 'President.' 5. This is done utilizing the gravitational anomalies found by AASRA during [[REDACTED]] near Uranus. 6. A Foundation space observatory launched in late 2018 with the purpose of fulfilling Scylax's role, which was to be phased out in 2020 but now both observatories operate in tandem to find further SCP-7050-1 instances. « SCP-7049 | SCP-7050 | SCP-7051 »
Site-81 — Theseus Grimm ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 7051 Level5 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: ticonderoga Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: No containment procedures have been put in place for SCP-7051 instances and their general affects. Description: Instances of SCP-7051 are completely undetectable and cannot be observed by visual/thermal cameras, motion detectors, echolocation, or any other method of perception. The only method of observation available includes physically touching SCP-7051. No effects are present when physical contact with SCP-7051 is made but SCP-7051 has been known to avoid physical touch in most cases. When someone is in the presence of an instance of SCP-7051 and no other people are currently present, people in the presence of SCP-7051 may begin talking to themselves for long periods or until another person enters the vicinity. SCP-7051's behavior is innocuous and the anomaly's main activity involves moving objects when placed down, closing and opening doors randomly, etc. These habits commonly come from people who misplace items or leave doors open. SCP-7051 is commonly confused for bad habits and a forgetful mind. Tests and Observations The following experiment reports include observations of SCP-7051's behavior and the experiments performed with SCP-7051. VIDEO LOG DATE: 11/6/21 NOTE: The following video is one of the only two recordings of SCP-7051 and its behavior. [BEGIN LOG] 09:10:47 Dr. Gonzales is in their office reading through files sent to him that morning. 09:12:22 Dr. Gonzales places their coffee cup on their desk and turns to open the desk drawer. 09:13:31 While Dr. Gonzales' back is turned the coffee cup rises off the desk and is moved to the very edge of the desk. 09:22:18 When Dr. Gonzales turns back to the desk, they drink more of their coffee without noticing the cup's movement. He places it back onto the desk where it had originally been and continues reading through documents on his desk. 09:25:55 Dr. Gonzales looks at his phone, and while they are not looking the coffee cup rises off the desk and floats onto a nearby filing cabinet. 09:28:15 Dr. Gonzales turns back to their desk, and when they notice the coffee cup has been moved they get up from their desk and lock their office door. They then dial security personnel to come to search their office. [END LOG] ENDING NOTE: After Dr. Gonzales reports having an intruder in their office, Epsilon-11 breaches their office and apprehends the instance of SCP-7051. VIDEO LOG DATE: 06/30/22 NOTE: The following video is the second of the only two recordings of SCP-7051 and its behavior. [BEGIN LOG] 12:38:52 Researcher Cowling is in his duel office with Researcher Vickers. They place a stack of papers on one side of their desk and walk over to their filing cabinet to unlock the drawer. 12:39:12 The stack of papers is seen sliding over approximately two feet across Researcher Cowling's desk. 12:40:53 Researcher Cowling turned back to their desk and when Researcher Cowling noticed the movement of the stack of papers, they questioned Researcher Vickers if they had moved the papers. 12:42:18 Researcher Vickers denies having moved the papers, and Researcher Cowling goes on without questioning them any further. [END LOG] Ending Note: The instance of SCP-7051 in the video was never found nor recovered. [ENTER LEVEL 05 ACCESS CODE] [WELCOME] MEETING OF THE OVERSEER COUNCIL «BEGIN LOG» O5-12: Thank you for coming everyone. I know this meeting is sudden, but this requires our immediate attention. O5-12 begins handing copies of SCP-7051's data around. There is a moment of silence as members of the council skim through the paperwork and data. O5-2 What is this supposed to mean? O5-5: Are you trying to tell us that we're being watched right now? O5-12: Well, have you ever talked to yourself, Five? O5-5: Of course, everyone does that. O5-12: Yes, everyone! Everyone talks to themselves! O5-7: You're losing me here, Twelve. O5-12: Seven, have you ever placed something down and it wasn't where you thought you placed it? O5-7: Well yeah, duh, everyone does that-… oh… oh my… O5-6: I still don't get it. O5-1: Are you saying that we all have an invisible companion silently following us around wherever we go? O5-12: Exactly! The doors you leave open by accident and the keys that get misplaced before you come to work. Even talking to yourself can be explained by these entities. O5-11: We aren't talking to ourselves… we're talking to them… O5-2: Am I the only one who is going to ask where the proof of this phenomenon is? O5-12: It's all there in the files I've given you if you'd care to look. O5-13: How did we miss so much anomalous activity? O5-9: Because, if everyone thinks they accidentally misplace their keys or forget to close their front doors, then does it seem anomalous? O5-10: This is a Ticonderoga anomaly. There's no way to completely contain the anomaly. I don't see any reason to do so, since the anomaly has already integrated itself into the everyday life of humanity. O5-1: But if we were to do so, then what would the outcome be? O5-3: You're asking us as if it would even be possible. The data that Twelve has managed to gather tells us that these creatures aren't detectable to anything besides physical touch. For all we know, there could be twelve invisible creatures in this room and we wouldn't know it. O5-12: May I suggest a vote? O5-4: And what is it we are voting on, Twelve? O5-12: I suggest we vote on whether to treat this as a world-ending event or treat this as a Ticonderoga anomaly. O5-1: If we vote that this is an issue that must be handled, the veil will have to be broken and we will have to reveal ourselves to the public. O5-2: And if we vote to do nothing about this anomaly and simply classify it as Ticonderoga? COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY: CONTAIN ABSTAIN TICONDEROGA O5-01 O5-02 O5-03 O5-04 O5-05 O5-06 O5-07 O5-08 O5-09 O5-10 O5-11 O5-12 O5-13 STATUS APPROVED There is a murmur of agreement from the council members that voted to keep SCP-7051 as Ticonderoga and a grumble of outrage from the council members that voted to attempt to contain SCP-7051. O5-1: It is decided. This anomaly will be classified as Ticonderoga. This meeting adjourned. «END LOG» « SCP-7050 | SCP-7051 | SCP-7052 »
ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture Visual depiction of a spoon inserted into a rectum. If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page « SCP-7051 |SCP-7052| SCP-7053 » close Info X 62.07% (+247) 37.93% (-151) -% (+0) -% (-0) SCP-7052 Item #: SCP-7052 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Any information about SCP-7052 leaked to the public must be censored. In case of widespread leaks, misinformation about the dangers of SCP-7052 will be released. Found instances of SCP-7052-1 are to be monitored and, if displaying unusual or dangerous behavior, contained in standard humanoid cells at the closest Site. SCP-7052-1-16 needs to be recovered as soon as possible. Show propaganda poster used in case of SCP-7052 outbreak – hide block The most common infographic used to transmit misinformation about SCP-7052 Description: SCP-7052 is the practice of inserting spoons in one's rectum. Although this action initially appears as irrational, it will result in numerous anomalous effects beneficial to the subject (hereinafter referred to as SCP-7052-1). These effects typically manifest within five to ten minutes after the insertion. The anomalies vary, although the following effects are always present: Increased sexual attraction towards SCP-7052-1 affecting people of gender based on SCP-7052-1's sexual orientation1 Improvement of SCP-7052-1's physical and mental abilities Sudden healing of SCP-7052-1's wounds, infections, and carcinomas Various ontokinetic effects that result in the enhancement of luck in SCP-7052-1's life - such as higher probability of winning lotteries and other chance-based competitions Improvement in mood The intensity of these effects depends on the depth of the insertion, as well as the number and size of spoons inserted. The most intense effects, reported at 12 standard silverware spoons, had strong ontokinetic properties. This instance, referred to as SCP-7052-1-9, was formerly a D-class member known as D-952674 (see Addendum-2). Addendum-1: List of known instances of SCP-7052-1 (excluding D-class personnel) Date of discovery Location Note 07/08/2015 Moscow Monitored; a successful Russian wrestler 01/22/2016 Site-19 An adult film actress; contained due to apparent anomalies 11/19/2018 Site-19 A researcher at Site-19 11/20/2018 Site-19 A researcher at Site-19 09/15/2020 Portland, OR Monitored; an American bus driver 01/15/2022 Osaka Monitored; a Japanese billionaire 05/27/2022 Site-83 A criminal; contained 09/01/2022 UNKNOWN A former researcher at Site-19 Addendum-2: Incident Iota Subject: D-952674 Procedure: Experimentation with high-intensity SCP-7052 Results: D-952674 had to be terminated due to extreme anomalies. Report: Dr. Lorenz: You will enter this room. We will give you some privacy. In there you will find a box full of spoons. Your task is to insert as many of them as you can in your rectum. D-952674 Oh. Of course, sure, okay, you're serious? Dr. Lorenz: Yes. Please proceed. [D-952674 enters the room for 40 minutes before emerging] Dr. Lorenz: Oh what the hell? Dr. Tawar: D-952674, please stop where you are! [D-952674 is levitating a meter above the floor, multiple spoons are orbiting around him, his eyes are glowing and changing colors, and objects around him are being deformed and transformed] D-952674: I have achieved godhood! [D-952674 sends a spoon flying towards the two researchers, which misses and skims closely to Dr. Lorenz's ear; the door behind D-952674 breaks away from its frame] Dr. Tawar: [in intercom] We need a response team at SGD-5 immediately! Dr. Lorenz: How many spoons did you stick in your ass?! [All electronic displays in the vicinity start showing the number 12] D-952674: Just enough. [D-952674 shoots two more spoons at Dr. Lorenz, penetrating his abdomen] Dr. Lorenz: Agh! Shit! Dr. Tawar: Where's the fucking team? [Dr. Tawar throws a chair in the direction of D-952674. Just before hitting D-952674, the chair transforms into a feather] D-952674: You can't get me. [Team of four heavily armed men enters the area and start shooting at D-952674, who seems unaffected by the bullets] ████████: What the fuck is this? ██████████: Move aside, everyone! [██████████ throws a hand grenade at D-952674. The explosion knocks D-952674 down to the ground] ██████████: Keep firing! [A spray of bullets flies towards D-952674 until he is static and the ontokinesis disappears] Addendum-3: Incident Theta Access SCiPNET Email? (2) new messages! Re:SUBJECT To: ten.pics|nilknarf#ten.pics|nilknarf (copy: You and (8) more) From: ten.pics|2nosirrah.nhoj#ten.pics|2nosirrah.nhoj Subject: Leave notice Dear supervisor Franklin, dear fellow researchers, I have decided to use SCP-7052 for my own benefit. I have inserted three spoons and then bought a lottery ticket, which I won. It saddens me that I must make this decision, but it is the best for all of us. I have left the Foundation and am going to live a discreet and peaceful life. Please do not look for me. Best Regards, John Harrison, PhD To: ten.pics|nilknarf#ten.pics|nilknarf (copy: You and (8) more) From: ten.pics|2nosirrah.nhoj#ten.pics|2nosirrah.nhoj Subject: RE:Leave notice Dear supervisor Franklin and researchers, I have unfortunately been captured by The Chaos Insurgency. Currently, I am in an unknown location, but I will try to find out information about my coordinates. I will NOT disclose anything about how I acquired my anomalous abilities, no matter what they do to me. Please look for me. Thanks and sorry, John Harrison, PhD As of 09/21/2022, no additional messages from Harrison (SCP-7052-1-16) have been received. Locating SCP-7052-1-16 is of the highest priority. Footnotes 1. This effect will likely be absent if SCP-7052-1 is asexual « SCP-7051 | SCP-7052 | SCP-7053 »
SCP-7053 manifestation during the Algerian Civil War. Item #: SCP-7053 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Foundation webcrawlers are to monitor social media for any posts regarding SCP-7053. Upon a SCP-7053 manifestation event, MTF Alpha-22 ("Zookeepers")1 will be dispatched. Due to the nature of SCP-7053's manifestation, actions taken in response should be handled on a case-by-case basis. Description: SCP-7053 is a ~28,000 kg, 4 meter (13.1 ft) tall Giant Tortoise. A portion of SCP-7053's shell directly above the entity's head is missing, and a 105 mm M4 Howitzer protrudes out of this opening. SCP-7053 also has a .50 caliber Browning M2HB machine gun attached to the right side of its upper shell. SCP-7053 is capable of aiming and firing both of these weapons at will, and neither have a need for ammunition. All SCP-7053 manifestations thus far have materialized while smoking a 1.6 meter (5.3 ft) cigarette. Attempts to remove this cigarette have been met with hostility from SCP-7053. The rules that govern SCP-7053 manifestation are not entirely understood, however, the following criteria will increase the probability of a SCP-7053 manifestation event: The location of manifestation is located within the United States, or regions where the United States had a significant military presence during World War Two. There exists a clear entity or entities (henceforth referred to as the Target) which pose a significant threat to human life. Little or no United States military personnel are in the area. Following a SCP-7053 manifestation event, SCP-7053 will possess moderate knowledge of the Target, and believe it was dispatched to the area by the United States military with the purpose of neutralizing the Target. SCP-7053 has universally believed that the Target is either a member of or was created by the Wehrmacht.2 SCP-7053 has never shown any knowledge of prior manifestations of itself. Upon the Target's elimination, which can consist of neutralization, incapacitation, or imprisonment, SCP-7053 with demanifest. In the event that SCP-7053 is neutralized, the corpse of the entity will only demanifest if/when the Target is eliminated. Addendum.7053.1 On 04/09/2002, SCP-7053 manifested during a containment breach of SCP-0753. After containment failure, SCP-075 traveled to the nearby town of Amana, Iowa. MTF Alpha-22 was mobilized to recontain SCP-075, and SCP-7053 manifested during the ensuing engagement. The following video was recovered from the exterior security cameras of a local barbershop, transposed over radio communication during the battle. <Begin Log> The main street of Amana is relatively quiet, with 8 civilians on the sidewalk and another 3 eating on a bench outside of a Burger King. SCP-075 crawls out of a roadside water drain and, after briefly surveying its surroundings, leaps onto the head of a civilian (now identified as Gary Walder). Walder screams as his head liquifies. Other bystanders notice this and flee the scene as he runs into the street in a panic. A blue minivan swerves out of the way with a blaring honk, and as it screeches to a stop Walder expires. The man falls to the ground, and the liquid that once was his head forms a puddle around his corpse. SCP-075 throws itself at the vehicle at 98 km/h, shattering the windshield and latching on to the face of the occupant (Jane Howard). Two shrieks, one of a teenage male and the other of an infant female, are heard inside the van. As Howard's face disintegrates, two dark green Foundation humvees race down the road, and come to a halt about 300 feet from the car. The machine gunners atop both trucks train their guns on the van. An unmanned transport platform drives between the humvees and screeches to a halt in front of SCP-075. Three D-Class personnel are tied to the platform. Alpha-22-1: Command, we have eyes on the skip. Bait is in place. Commander Mayweather: Good copy. Do not engage the entity unless absolutely necessary, I am getting the object's attention now. Nothing happens for 12 seconds. More screams come from the car. Howard attempts pry SCP-075 from her face, with no success. Alpha-22-1: Should I be hearing something? Mayweather: It would seem the drone's horn is inoperable. Alpha-22-1: I can honk the truck's horn? Mayweather: Negative, that could cause 075 to target you. I have a safer method of drawing its attention. Mayweather switches frequencies to a radio on board the transport platform. Mayweather: Hello, D-444, 445, and 446. D-445: WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING. D-444: Please please please I'll do any experiment you want! I can still be useful! God I don't deserve this! Mayweather: The Foundation would like to thank you for your years of service. To make your passing as comfortable as possible, I would recommend you keep your mouths closed. When your partners are terminated by SCP-075, portions of their liquified remains may fall into your mouth. Incoherent screams flood the street as the D-Class struggle against their restraints. Mayweather switches frequencies back to Alpha-22. Mayweather: SCP-075 should notice them soon. Alpha-22-1: Got it, ma'am. Howard's face fully liquifies, and she can be seen dripping into her seat. Her remains begin to seep from the bottom of the door. The teenager grabs the baby (Brody Howard and Anna Howard respectively), and flees out the back passenger door. SCP-075 turns it's attention to the distressed bait, who yell unintelligibly. SCP-075 slams through the driver seat door, which flies off its hinges and crashes into a nearby tree. A wave of liquid Jane Howard pours out. SCP-075 slithers through the puddle, scanning the platform for any danger. In a sudden move the anomaly pounces onto D-445, whose screams are muffled by SCP-075. Alpha-22-1: 075 has gone for the bait. We're heading to the containment zone now. Mayweather: Good. I'll tell the engineers to power up the humidity chamber. Brody Howard: Fuck off foot snail! Brody appears from behind the wreckage of his mother's car, wielding a handgun. He runs into the clearing and opens fire on SCP-075. All bullets miss, but one grazes D-444. At the sound of gunfire, SCP-075 jumps off of its victim and charges Brody. Brody dives out of the way, and SCP-075 throws itself into a nearby building. Alpha-22-1: Command, we have a complication. Mayweather: I can see the body cameras. Your inventory shows that -7 should have a taser. Fire on the boy and drag him out of the way. I'll draw the anomaly's attention back to the bait. Brody runs over to one of the humvees and waves both of his hands in the air. Brody Howard: What the hell are you guys waiting for! Shoot it! Alpha-22-7 exits the humvee and tases Brody. Alpha-22-1: Good job -7, grab him and get him in the truck. Alpha-22-7 runs over and pulls Brody into the truck, while a dazed SCP-075 emerges from the rubble of the building. SCP-075 faces the humvee and prepares to ram it, when SCP-7053 materializes about 400 feet behind the anomaly, and fires its main gun. SCP-075 darts out of the way right as the round hits the pavement, shattering the concrete and throwing shrapnel in all directions.SCP-075 speeds towards SCP-7053's head. SCP-7053 fires its machine gun, and SCP-075 changes course, aiming for its left shell. SCP-075 rams SCP-7053 at 122 km/h. SCP-7053 is pushed upwards at an almost 90 degree angle, barely avoiding being flipped upside down, before falling back to the ground with a crushing thud. The fall shatters a nearby fire hydrant, and water spews into the air. SCP-7053 turns its head towards MTF Alpha-22, while continuing to fire on SCP-075 with its machine gun. SCP-7053's voice is mumbled as it tries to speak through it's cigarette.Alpha-22-1: […] Mayweather: Say you're with the Canadian army, and you were also sent to investigate rumours of a Nazi supersoldier. Alpha-22-1: […] Mayweather: Just go with it. I could explain it to you, but you'll have to be amnesticized later anyway. Alpha-22-1 instructs one of the machine gunners, Alpha-22-4, to relay this to SCP-7053.SCP-7053 gestures to a nearby Burger King. SCP-075 rams SCP-7053 a second time, and while the anomaly is disoriented, SCP-075 races around and throws itself onto SCP-7053's head. Due to SCP-7053's large size SCP-075 only envelopes part of the object's face. SCP-7053 briefly flails around, before crashing its own head into the road's concrete, forcing SCP-075 off. SCP-7053 then jabs the entity with the burning end of its cigarette, and SCP-075 screeches in pain before jumping away. A black circle coats the area of contact.SCP-7053 points its main gun directly at SCP-075, which recoils into its shell. SCP-7053 fires point-blank at the entity. Both entities are obscured by smoke. After a few seconds SCP-7053 curses and machine gun fire continues in the mist, followed by the sound of shattering glass. Alpha-22-1: Command, should I get the civilians out? Mayweather: No. Containing 075 is our priority, if you move to prot- […] Actually ignore that. The bait will be more effective if there are no civilians to distract the anomaly. Send -2 and -3 to escort them out of the area while 075 is distracted. After 7053 is terminated, we'll use the bait as planned. Alpha-22-1: Well, how do we know 075 won't be killed? I mean, the turtle is packing a lot of firepower. Mayweather: 075 can survive a direct hit from SCP-7053's howitzer. 075 will terminate 7053. Alpha-22-1: Okay, you're the boss. While SCP-7053 and SCP-075 battle in the smoke, Alpha-22-2 and -3 jump out of their respective humvees and make a break for the civilians. Both make sure to give the fighting a wide berth. Alpha-22-2 recovers Anna Howard, and is told to retreat off of the street and wait until SCP-075 is contained. As the mist begins to lift, SCP-7053 can be seen firing its howitzer at SCP-075. The shell misses and flies out of the mist, directly above Alpha-22-2's head, and slams into a nearby building. The explosion knocks Alpha-22-2 off his feet, and Anna Howard is thrown to the pavement. Shrapnel cuts three lacerations on Anna's face, left arm, and torso. The child's crying permeates the area, but is mostly drowned out by machine gun fire. After dodging the shell, SCP-075 leaps at SCP-7053, crashing into its machine gun. A metallic clang rings out across the battlefield, and the broken weapon falls to the pavement.SCP-7053 turns to face SCP-075 and fires its howitzer. SCP-075 flies out of reach, stopping a few feet from the recovering Alpha-22-2 and Anna Howard. SCP-075, while unharmed, has decreased in velocity and shows signs of fatigue. As Alpha-22-2 pulls himself up, SCP-075 leaps onto his face, forcing him back onto the pavement. His screams are muffled, both because of his mouth being covered by SCP-075 and also because his mouth is disintegrating. Alpha-22-1: Commander, permission to engage? The screams of Alpha-22-2 continue. SCP-7053 runs over to Alpha-22-2 and aims it's remaining weapon at SCP-075.Mayweather: Do not engage, your weapons will have no effect on the anomaly. All it would do is continue to draw 075's attention from the bait. SCP-7053 waits for Alpha-22 to fire for a few seconds, before turning it's head and glaring at the task force.Alpha-22 does not respond. Alpha-22-2's screams give way to an alien gurgling, and SCP-7053 looks back to the soldier.SCP-7053 lumbers to the edge of the street and bites down on a stop sign. The anomaly pulls upwards, straining its neck as far as it can, before the sign is forcibly uprooted. SCP-7053 moves back to Alpha-22-2, holding the metal rod of the sign in its mouth. SCP-7053 draws it's head back and prepares to strike.SCP-7053 whirls its head around, bringing the red octagon of the stop sign crashing into SCP-075. The octagon is broken off of its pole and is sent flying, while the pole itself has a strong bent at the point of impact. SCP-075 is unaffected. SCP-7053 pulls the rod back, and strikes again. The pole shatters, but SCP-075 remains unaffected. Cursing, SCP-7053 drops the pole and bites down on SCP-075, lifts it into the air, and throws the entity into a brick wall. Crashing into the structure, SCP-075 finally releases Alpha-22-2. Alpha-22-2's face is partially liquified, and horribly disfigured. SCP-075 bounces off of the wall and speeds towards SCP-7053 at a much greater speed than previously. SCP-7053 fires its howitzer, which SCP-075 easily dodges. The entity breaks right, curves back to hit SCP-7053 on its side, jumps into the air, and punches through SCP-7053's shell at 224 km/h. SCP-7053 screams in pain and starts to disintegrate from the inside out. Alpha-22-1: Well, I think that's it for the turtle. Mayweather: Agreed. Moving bait into position. The drone carrying the D-Class drives to the breach in SCP-7053's shell. SCP-7053 moves towards Anna Howard, picks her up and rolls her towards Alpha-22. Parts of SCP-7053's liquified interior begin to drip out of its shell. SCP-7053 hobbles towards Alpha-22-2, but its front left leg suddenly liquifies. SCP-7053 falls down with a splash, then pushes itself up with the remaining legs and limps to Alpha-22-2, grabbing him and tossing him next to Anna.SCP-7053's head liquifies and melts to the ground. Alpha-22-7 hops out of his humvee and grabs Anna Howard and Alpha-22-2. What remains of SCP-7053's shell collapses, and SCP-075 emerges from SCP-7053. The drone drives through SCP-7053 and all D-Class scream while struggling against their restraints. SCP-075 pounces onto D-444, and the drone speeds down the road, followed by both Alpha-22 trucks. SCP-7053's liquified body begins to ooze into a roadside sewer drain, and after 6 minutes demanifests. <End Log> Following this video log, SCP-075 terminated D-444, D-445, and D-446 while the drone transported it into a Portable Humidity Chamber on the edge of Amana's main street. Humidity in the chamber was less than 1%, causing SCP-075 to enter its inactive state. Brody Howard and Anna Howard were both amnesticized, and the cover story of a car crash was used to explain Jane Howard's termination and Anna Howard's injuries. Alpha-22-2 suffered from blindness, deafness, and severe disfigurement before expiring from his injuries two hours after SCP-7053's termination. After containment of SCP-075 was re-established, SCP-7053's corpse demanifested. Addendum.7053.2 The following letters were sent from Corporal Lee Williams to Linda Curin, during the former's deployment to Europe with the 112th Infantry Regiment in 1944. A full transcript is available upon request. November 5th, 1944 Dearest Linda, I hope everything back home is going well. I miss you more than you could imagine, and I really miss your beef stew! We got off of the boats a few days ago, and we won't be at the front for a few weeks. They did let us loose into the village though while the cars fueled up, and it was the most surreal experience! For a small village you'd be surprised how many shops have been set up, I guess to make some money from all of the army men coming off the boats. [Extraneous Information Removed] While we were in the town bar, which was getting a lot of patronage from all of the soldiers in town, a column of tanks rolled on by heading east. When the soldiers saw the whole bar erupted in cheers, like the stadium back home. Me and Larry went out to watch, along with a few other boys from the regiment. They really were hulking beasts, I'm sure you've seen pictures in the paper but they are an absolute marvel in person. Most of the people lost interest and went back inside after a few minutes, but after they did Larry spotted this little turtle on the ground crawling towards the column. One of the boys said he must have had a death wish but Larry thought he just wanted a closer look. I mean if we think tanks look giant imagine what they must look like from his point of view! Larry scooped him up and is carrying him around like a pet now. Not sure if the army will allow it, but I don't see any harm in it. Reminds me of your old man, always picking up new animals to take care of. I wish you the best, and I hope that we can end this war quickly so I can see you again. From, Lee December 29th, 1944 Dearest Linda, I hope this letter finds you well. Two months without your beef stew is beginning to take its toll, but I think I'll be able to pull through. In all seriousness, we're heading up north to the Ardennes, our boys are getting beaten pretty badly up there.5 We've linked up with some tanks, so having them around definitely soothes my nerves. [Extraneous Information Removed] In the truck we didn't really have anything to do but just wait around, so Larry thought to bring out Sherman (that's what we named the turtle from my last letter). Sherman was taking a nap and must've been really annoyed that we woke him, so he took a little nip at me when I tried to pet him! One of the boys thought that giving him a cigarette would cheer him up, so Larry pulled out one of his. The first time Sherman thought it was a treat and ate the cigarette, but after a few tries we were able to get him to hold it in his mouth, and I lit it for him. After some cheering, one of the guys said that this might not be safe for Sherman, but I mean come on, all the doctors say it's perfectly safe for people so what's the harm?6 Anyway, after this Larry let Sherman ride on one of the tanks accompanying us. Once we put him on the little guy ran to the front to check out the main gun, and then stayed there looking at it in wonder for a solid hour. We had to take him off once we started riding over some rocky ground, he almost fell off a few times, but I'm sure it was fun for him while it lasted. [Extraneous Information Removed] January 3rd, 1945 Dearest Linda, The fighting here is getting pretty bad. Larry took a bullet in the shoulder, they thought he'd be fine at first but it's gotten a nasty infection. The doctors say he's got a 50-50 shot if he keeps resting and takes some medicine they got for him. I saw a guy get blown apart by artillery the other day. That messed me up pretty bad. They took the tanks away to go fight somewhere else, apparently we aren't a very high priority. About a fifth of our number are dead or injured, and the Commander is telling us that fresh troops are coming in to reinforce in a few days. So that'll be great. If I'm still alive then. Also I got your christmas package the other day. A bit late, but honestly I'm glad it came now, I definitely needed it. That was some mind blowing beef stew. I love you, and I hope everything is going well at home. Say hello to Barb for me. Love, Lee Two days after this letter was sent, a German night attack overwhelmed 112th Infantry Regiment. After its commander was killed, the regiment lost cohesion and retreated in disarray. Despite a complete Allied rout, German forces did not pursue, and casualties were deemed to be within acceptable parameters. Soldiers fleeing the battle spread rumors of a large turtle that had stopped the German advance, but these were widely dismissed as the result of darkness and confusion on the battlefield. After The Battle of the Bulge ended, SCP-7053's corpse was discovered in a thicket of oak trees, surrounded by four destroyed panzers and nineteen corpses. Two of the corpses were located beneath SCP-7053, and the entity was likely attempting to shield them from German fire. One corpse was identified as Lee Williams, the identity of the other remains unknown. Two of SCP-7053's legs had been blown off, and its shell was breached in three places. A later autopsy of the anomaly revealed 137 bullets lodged into its skin. Agents of His Majesty's Foundation for the Secure Containment of the Paranormal (HMFSCP)7 were dispatched, and the corpse of SCP-7053 was recovered. Due to rumors of SCP-7053 being widely dismissed by those who heard them, use of hypnosuggestive agents8 was deemed unnecessary. After the surrender of Axis forces in Europe, SCP-7053's corpse demanifested. Following a second manifestation in 19519, the newly formed SCP Foundation officially designated the anomaly SCP-7053 and initial containment procedures were established. Footnotes 1. Mobile task force specialized in the containment of animal and animal-like anomalies. 2. Armed forces of Nazi Germany 3. A large snail-like Euclid anomaly that weighs 860 kg. SCP-075 is capable of secreting a corrosive substance, which it uses as a weapon to attack its victims. SCP-075 typically attacks by attaching itself to the face of a subject, and liquifying it through use of its anomalous properties. SCP-075 is much faster than would be expected of a large snail, and has been measured at speeds of up to 142 km/h (89 mph). 4. Slang term for Canadians. 5. Referring to the Battle of the Bulge, a German offensive in the Ardennes with the goal of stopping the Allied advance and regaining offensive momentum for the Germans. 6. An autopsy of SCP-7053 revealed the entity to be suffering from Stage III Lung Cancer. 7. Clandestine organization founded in London in 1889. Merged with the American Secure Containment Initiative to form the modern SCP Foundation in 1946. 8. Precursor to modern amnestics. Known for dangerous and potentially fatal side effects. 9. See Document 7053-61. « SCP-7052 | SCP-7053 | SCP-7054 »
Item #: SCP-7054 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Foundation assets are to monitor media platforms where SCP-7054 is known to have purchased ad spaces to determine when and where SCP-7054 will next manifest. In the event that SCP-7054 manifests, a cover story is to be made to vacate the premises where SCP-7054 manifests no less than 12 hours before it enters baseline reality, and no Foundation personnel not specifically authorized by Level 4 or above research personnel or MTF-Lambda-14 ("One Star Reviewers") Captain Gray Savoy may enter the building. As no means have been discovered for the permanent containment of SCP-7054 or the entities therein, Foundation efforts are instead to be directed towards disrupting the revenue of the establishment as a means to force it to vacate baseline reality. Description: SCP-7054 refers to an extradimensional retail bar that will manifest in vacant lots or open areas in major metropolitan areas or other population centers in our baseline reality. It is roughly 75 sq m, and possesses exterior decor consistent with that of a 19th-century Irish homestead. A hanging sign by the front entrance reads "Peter's Pop-Up Pub." SCP-7054 is frequented by humanoid patrons hailing from other realities, as well as other anomalies known to the Foundation that possess extra or interdimensional properties. The means by which it attracts these entities is unknown, however, the establishment is known to purchase ad spaces in SCP-5402-1, an interdimensional newspaper, as well as other nonanomalous media such as The Boston Globe, The Moscow Times, The San Francisco Chronicle and others depending on where it manifests. With the exception of the patrons, the interior of SCP-7054 primarily resembles a nonanomalous Irish pub, with a single room divided into a bar and dining area. Among the furniture is a pool table, as well as a black-and-white television set. The tv is often set to sports channels from other realities, which primarily play rugby and soccer matches featuring extradimensional humanoid athletes. SCP-7054-1 refers to a humanoid entity that acts as the barkeeper and self-professed owner of SCP-7054. It appears as a rotund male in his late forties and stands approximately 1.7 m tall. SCP-7054-1 regularly dons attire consistent with bartenders of the late 19th to early 20th century, such as a formal vest, bow tie, and apron. It speaks with a thick Irish accent, and will refer to itself as "Pete." SCP-7054-1 possesses the ability to brew alcoholic beverages which have varied anomalous properties. These beverages possess the collective designation of SCP-7054-1-A, and include, but are not limited to, the following: Drink Properties Price Adam's Apple Cider A glass of spiked apple cider that temporarily raises the drinker's intelligence. SCP-7054-1 claims to have procured the ingredients for this beverage from an individual named "Uriel." 7.99 USD Blue Comrade A blue beverage otherwise similar to a White Russian. The drinker will grow a thick set of facial hair and espouse communist slogans until the alcohol wears off. 6.99 USD Double Vision A glass of lager that, when consumed, causes others to view two images of the drinker, similar to the effects of diplopia.1 4.99 USD Great Scotch! A glass of Scotch that, when consumed, causes the drinker to view an event from the perspective of themselves two to three years in the past. 7.99 USD Liquid Courage A beverage served in a shot glass that temporarily improves the singing talent of the drinker. SCP-7054-1 often offers this beverage at a discounted price on karaoke night. 4.99 USD Lovecraftian Lager Lager served in a container composed of an unidentified green, organic material shaped to resemble a cup. When served, a series of prehensile tentacles will sprout from the sides of the cup and walk it across the bartop to the drinker. It invokes an intense feeling of euphoria when consumed. However, sufficiently intoxicated drinkers will suffer severe hallucinogenic effects and may claim to have witnessed how they will die while under the drink's influence. 9.99 USD Screaming Suds A tin beer can of a nonexistent brand. It possesses a makeshift face consisting of googly eyes and a pipe cleaner mouth hot glued to its front. Upon being opened, the can will become animate and plead with the drinker not to consume it. 4.99 USD Shaken, Not Stirred A martini cocktail that causes the drinker to speak with a traditionally upper-class British accent. 8.99 USD Tropic Thunder Spiked juice served in a hollowed-out pineapple. When consumed, it causes the drinker to believe themselves to be relaxing on a beachside and invokes feelings of physical warmth and relaxation. 7.99 USD SCP-7054-1 is believed to be the entity responsible for moving SCP-7054 across realities and locations, however the means by which it accomplishes this are unknown. SCP-7054-2 is a mechanical bronze automaton that is humanoid in design. It is 2.3 m tall, and dons attire similar to SCP-7054-1, who refers to it as "The Bouncer." The entity is anomalously strong and resilient to physical damage, and does not appear to be sentient. SCP-7054-1 may summon it to remove unruly patrons from the premises. Addendum 7054.1: Discovery 04/24/2022: An instance of SCP-5402-1 recovered by MTF-Lambda-8 ("Newsies") was found to contain an advertisement that read as follows: PETER'S POP-UP PUB It's Beer O'Clock in Earth-13, because Peter's Pop-Up Pub, the oldest transdimensional bar and eatery in the cosmos, is coming to Boston, Massachusetts! Now with a B+ health rating from the Interdimensional Culinary Coalition! Keep an eye out for us on Brookline Avenue this Friday! On Thursday, March 28, Foundation assets in the Massachussetts Office of Public Safety and Inspections (OPSI) closed Brookline Avenue under the cover story of a sewage leak. At 7:00 AM EST, SCP-7054 manifested on the street. Two hours after its first appearance, MTF-Lambda-14 were sent inside on an investigative mission. Bodycam footage revealed an assortment of anomalous humanoid patrons, none of which were then known to the Foundation database. The majority of the entities looked up to acknowledge MTF-Lambda-14's entrance, however quickly disregarded them. SCP-7054-1, who was polishing a glass, instructed the agents to leave their tactical weapons on the coat rack by the front entrance. MTF Agent Blaskowitz was instructed by team leader Savoy to question SCP-7054-1, leading to the following interaction: Blaskowitz: Sir, are you aware that you are tresp– SCP-7054-1: Uh-uh lad, conversation ain't free. [Gestures to the menu above its head] Pick your fancy son, this is a business after all. Blaskowitz: [Peruses the list of drinks] I'll, uh… Just a club soda, thanks. SCP-7054-1: Not feeling very brave, are ye'? No judging, we've served lightweights all over the cosmos. [SCP-7054-1 snaps its fingers. A nonanomalous club soda manifests in front of Agent Blaskowitz] You use the dollar, yeah? That'll be a buck fifty. Blaskowitz: Sir, are you aware you're trespassing into this reality? SCP-7054-1: Tresspassing smeshpassing, I've been running this business since your great-grandpappy was wearin' nappers. Wherever someone needs some comfort food with a drink, Peter's Pop-Up Pub ain't gonna be far behind. Blaskowitz: Peter's Pop-Up Pub. So does that make you–? SCP-7054-1: Pete, at your service. Blaskowitz: Okay, so "Pete," exactly how long do you intend to stay here? SCP-7054-1: Long as there's business. Some o' our most loyal barflies are from the thirteenth, we're practically a Boston staple. So I don't think you're gonna shoo us out anytime soon. Blaskowitz: Uh-huh. So… say there wasn't any business. Just hypothetically speaking, what if the road you were on got shut down, or nobody could enter? SCP-7054-1: [Furrows his brow] Are you tryin' ta extort me, laddie? Military men or no, I ain't gonna let some black-clad chancers like you lot run me outta business. Blaskowitz: [Radios in] Site, prepare a temporary containment cell, this might get hostile. SCP-7054-1: Oh, I'll show you "hostile." [Puts its fingers to its mouth and lets out a shrill whistle] Time fer you ta leave, you lot of gobshites. [SCP-7054-2 emerges through a set of double doors behind the bar area. MTF-Lambda-14 opens fire on the entity to no effect. SCP-7054-2 proceeds to pick the agents up two at a time and throw them outside through the front entrance] SCP-7054-1: [Yelling from inside] And stay out, you sorry saps! [SCP-7054-1 snaps its fingers. SCP-7054 demanifests immediately thereafter] Leader Savoy: That certainly could have gone better. But, for the time being, I think we've found a fairly effective means to contain this entity. Whatever that bartender really is, it regards itself as a businessman. As long as we can disrupt its source of revenue, it shouldn't be too difficult to boot it back out of our reality. Addendum 7054.2: Since incident 7054.1, SCP-7054 has been encountered in our baseline reality on three more occasions, listed below: 06/05/2022 SCP-7054 manifests on Tverskaya Street in Moscow, Russia. 08/28/2022 SCP-7054 manifests on Market Street in San Francisco, California. 12/25/2022 SCP-7054 manifests on Grafton Street in Dublin, Ireland. All drinks are offered half off for a Christmas special. On all three occasions, agents of MTF-Lambda-14 were sent undercover into SCP-7054 disguised as patrons to collect further data on the establishment and the entities within. There have been no further incidents thus far. At the approval of Site-19 Director B███, MTF-Lambda-14 sent three undercover agents(Agent(s) Blaskowtiz, Sawyer, and Gregory) into SCP-7054 during its manifestation on December 25, 2022 with approximately 1,300 USD in discretionary spending. There they procured instances of SCP-7054-1-A to be distributed at the then-upcoming Site-19 New Year's Eve party. Footnotes 1. The medical term for double vision or seeing double « SCP-7053 | SCP-7054 | SCP-7055 »
close Info X Hello! I'm back again with another SCP! This time it's only ~3k words so it was finished a bit faster 😉 This one is kinda to make sure 7805 has almost zero redacteds (lol), but it's also my attempt at making an EVERSOR skip. Hope y'all enjoy! SITE-549 TERMINAL Login required. Please insert username and password: Accessing Site-549 database… Database reached. (Time elapsed: 19.32s) Searching for "SCP-7057"… 3 Items Found: ARCHIVED - SCP-7057 (Last updated: 7/6/2016) ARCHIVED - SCP-7057 (Declassified) (Last updated: 6/12/2022) CURRENT VERSION - SCP-7057 (Last updated: 25/2/2023) __
Item #: SCP-7058 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-7058-01 are to be kept in their designated fireproof safe, sealed and centered in an otherwise empty 10m by 10m room. At least once per week, a D-Class personnel equipped with gloves and a sheet of paper must enter the room containing the safe, for conversion radius maintenance. The resulting new instance is to be deposited into the designated safe with the rest. Before entry, the D-Class is to verbally confirm "I will not let the paper touch my skin." Paper of any size or type is not permitted within 5m of any known SCP-7058-01 instance, aside from the weekly conversion radius maintenance. If an SCP-7058-01 instance is found outside of containment, it is to be incinerated, or returned to the containment safe as soon as possible (whichever is quicker) by someone with the necessary equipment to avoid skin contact with the instance. In the event that the designated safe is full, all but one SCP-7058-01 instance may be incinerated. NOTICE FROM SCP-7058 RESEARCH SUPERVISOR T.SHELBY: FOLLOWING THE EVENTS OF THE 2022 CONTAINMENT BREACH, NO FURTHER D-CLASS TESTING IS PERMITTED WITHOUT CLEARANCE FROM LVL-4 PERSONNEL OR HIGHER. FOR THE SAFETY OF ALL FOUNDATION STAFF, ANY PERSONNEL ATTEMPTING TO ENTER SCP-7058-01's CONTAINMENT CHAMBER ASIDE FROM CONVERSION RADIUS MAINTAINANCE WILL RECIEVE IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. Description: SCP-7058 is an extradimensional space which varies in shape, size, and contents between instances, but typically takes the form of a medieval courtyard or colosseum. The space is only accessible via skin contact with a "ticket," an 8cm by 12cm sheet of paper labelled "Admittance to The Jester King's Court," designated SCP-7058-01. These tickets have the ability to multiply by converting nearby paper products into more instances of themselves, and the range of this conversion ability has proven to be proportional to the amount of nearby tickets that have recently come into existence. Allowing for controlled conversion of a new SCP-7058-01 instance once per week has been effective in keeping the conversion radius at the minimum range of 5m. The exact point of contact between an instance of SCP-7058-01 and the skin of a living human becomes a spatial rift, as both the instance and human vanish from existence. This rift, designated SCP-7058-02, is approximately 8 cubic centimeters in volume, and visually appears to be a flickering purple flame. Anyone attempting to touch SCP-7058-02 will find themselves unable to do so, as if they were being repelled by some outside force. D-Class personnel with body cameras have been sent into SCP-7058 for exploration. Despite the variations in internal environment, the following features remain constant: A large assembly of animated, mummified human remains, which has been collectively designated SCP-7058-03, and a humanoid creature, designated SCP-7058-04, which is approximately 2.5m in height, with blackened decaying flesh and clad in a medieval red and blue jester's uniform. Upon entry to SCP-7058, the new guest is greeted by laughter and applause from SCP-7058-03, and any attempts to locate an escape route, or inquire about transpiring events, only result in more laughter from the crowd. After the audience has had time to make a spectacle of this new human guest, SCP-7058-04 dramatically announces that it is "The Jester King," and that it has a "spectacular show planned for our next jester." SCP-7058-04 has the ability to reach into the flesh of its victims and pull them apart, creating two separate identical bodies with identical minds. The only notable difference between the two variations of a victim is color: as one variation exhibits red pigmentation of skin, hair, and irises, while the other variation exhibits blue. After using this ability, SCP-7058-04 enthusiastically explains that only one variation gets to leave the court alive. The newly divided human guest is always forced into a competition to the death with the identical alteration of themselves. Rules, such as whether weapons are provided, or what types of weapons may be available, vary between iterations. Laughter and applause will frequently occur from SCP-7058-03, but seems to increase in intensity with greater emotional strain on the human guest. Some recordings have been able to pick up heckling amongst SCP-7058-03. Upon completion of a duel, the surviving variation of the guest is transported back to reality in the place of SCP-7058-02, which disappears. Since footage is only recoverable from the surviving variation, it is unclear exactly what happens to the corpse of the other. Survivors of SCP-7058 are to remain in the care of Foundation psychologists to be evaluated, until they are cleared to return to their previous living arrangements (amnestics can be administered at psychologist's discretion in the event of returning to society outside of the foundation's care). Pigmentation of the skin and hair will return to normal in 6 to 8 weeks, but the irises remain permanently red, or an unnaturally dark blue, depending on which color variation survived. It is unclear as of this time why the eyes remain colored as such. Addendum: Containment Breach Witness Interview Interviewed: Senior Researcher Theodore Shelby Interviewer: Internal Affairs Agent Richter Auglaize Foreword: Interview regarding the SCP-7058-01 containment breach on November 21, 2022. <Begin Log, 11/22/22, 13:00> Auglaize: Good afternoon, Mr. Shelby. Shelby: Afternoon? Auglaize: You've been sleeping for about seventeen hours, yes. I don't blame you, though. You must've went through quite a lot yesterday. Shelby: Yea… And you're wanting my account of the events? Auglaize: If you'd be so kind. Shelby: Ok, then. We had an experiment scheduled for the morning of the 21st, and everything seemed to be going fine until the new research intern, [REDACTED], walked too close to the containment chamber door. Apparently he didn't know that cash counted as a paper product for the purpose of 7058-01 conversion. We hadn't even reviewed the experiment's footage yet, when we noticed all of the paper in the site was converting. Auglaize: And when exactly did you become aware of the breach? Shelby: I was taking an early lunch when I noticed the stack of napkins had become a stack of tickets. [REDACTED] had walked past the offices and breakroom with a ticket in his wallet, and the whole site was compromised. Auglaize: I see. So, how did you find yourself inside of SCP-7058? Shelby: My paper plate turned into a ticket while I was getting up to help deal with the breach. In truth, I guess I just got up too fast. I lost my balance, and in my reflex response to catch myself, accidently placed my hand on what used to be my plate. That's when I found myself in a ballroom surrounded by laughing corpses. Auglaize: And then -04 appeared? Shelby: Yep. SCP-7058-04, "The Jester King" as it calls itself. A tall, decaying, almost skeletal humanoid clad in a jester costume. The bells on its hat are shaped like tiny skulls, I don't think they mention that in the file. Auglaize: Stay on topic please, Ted. Shelby: Right, sorry. He reached into me, and… separated me. It's every bit as painful as the subjects make it out to be, if not worse. My hands, as well as the hands of my counterpart, were pulled behind our backs by an unseen force as the Jester King manifested handcuffs for us to wear. Auglaize: What was it like seeing an identical variant of yourself? Shelby: Bizarre. Like looking in a mirror, except the reflection moved of it's own volition, and was also blue… maybe the analogy of the mirror falls apart, but I'm sure I'm at least accurately conveying my state of mind. Auglaize: Of course. So why were you cuffed? What did it have you do next? Shelby: It made me and Blue Ted fight to the death with only our feet. The audience laughed every time one of us tried getting up without the use of our hands. We were basically just taking turns kicking each other over, and we were there for… I don't know, but it felt like a long time. Auglaize: Approximately five hours, according to the security watching 7058-02 in the breakroom. Shelby: Sounds about right, I guess. Anyway, Blue eventually stopped trying to get up. He told me to go ahead and finish him off. He didn't have the strength left to continue. In truth, I don't really think I did either, but I wasn't the one on the floor… Auglaize: You were allowed to talk to your other self throughout the fight? Shelby: Yea. The crowd was laughing at us too hard to even hear what we were saying anyways. We noticed a Foundation D-Class uniform amongst SCP-7058-03, and started talking about how messed up it was that we've been doing this to people. Auglaize: I'm sorry, but are you implying that the loser of a duel gets reanimated to spend their afterlife in the court? Shelby: It would appear so, yes. I wouldn't have thought of it like that until I actually got an inside look. Auglaize: …and that's why you ordered a cease of experimentation, I presume? Shelby: Yep. We had been testing D-Class on this thing since September, but I had no clue I was sending people to eternity as rotten mummies. Auglaize: I see. So if testing is to cease, will you still be helping to supervise SCP-7058-01's containment? Shelby: No, absolutely not. I never wanna see that thing again. I already put in a request to be transferred to a different project on site, right before passing out last night. I'm not allowed to say where if this is on record. Auglaize: I understand. So upon return to reality, you ordered a cease of testing, put in a transfer request, and immediately fell asleep? Shelby: That sums it up, yea. I woke up just a few minutes before this interview. Auglaize: Alright, then, Ted, that's all I need for today. Thanks for your time. I wish you a swift recovery. Shelby: Thanks, Ric. <End Log, 11/22/22, 13:10> Closing Statement: Senior Researcher Shelby returned to his duties after one week of leave, and the red coloration of skin and hair receded after approximately 7 weeks. His irises are permanently a deep red hue. Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) New Message! Re:Trouble To: Dr. Athena Logan From: Agent Richter Auglaize Subject: Trouble I just finished the interview with Ted. He doesn't know it was you, and I intend to keep it that way. I understand where you were coming from when you said he needed to "see the error of his ways," but you could've mentioned that you were planning on sabotaging containment. If I'd have have known that, I wouldn't have pulled the strings to get that intern transferred to 7058. Do you have any idea how much trouble I'm in? How much trouble YOU'RE in? If you don't come back from wherever you've gone, they're sending a task force after you. To: Agent Richter Auglaize From: Dr. Athena Logan Subject: Re:Trouble You know I wouldn't have sabotaged containment if I didn't have a foolproof plan to escape Foundation notice. No one will find me now. You don't understand what it was like to work in the psychology ward after Ted Shelby's "experiments." Whether he knew it or not, he was torturing people. Every time I got a new patient from 7058, they would be traumatized, some even finding ways to take their own life despite my intervention. I even made a plea to the Ethics Committee, you know. They said as long as new information is being gathered, testing could still be necessary for 7058, and they just made a few simple rules to "ensure the ethical treatment of subjects" as they went into a supernatural slaughterhouse. The Foundation is a joke, and I'm glad to be out of its influence. Don't even bother trying to contact me again. You won't be able to. The Foundation can send whoever they want… no one will be able to reach me anymore. Goodbye. « SCP-7057 | SCP-7058 | SCP-7059 »
Site-81 — Theseus Grimm ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 7059 Level3 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Skydiving is strictly prohibited within SCP-7059 with the exception of Foundation approved testing. If any skydivers are to enter SCP-7059, they are to be brought into Foundation custody once they have re-entered reality and will be administered class B amnestics. Description: SCP-7059 is the designation to describe a portion of airspace approximately 3,048 meters above Middletown, Indiana. SCP-7059 appears normal from ground-level and does not appear abnormal or anomalous to the general public. When an airplane or aircraft flies through SCP-7059, it is unaffected. SCP-7059's anomalous affects take place once someone begins falling through SCP-7059. When someone enters SCP-7059 via falling at a high velocity, they will be transported to an infinite space designated SCP-7059-A. SCP-7059-A appears to the person falling as simply a void that is colored a sky blue. It is suggested by assigned researchers that time passes differently in SCP-7059-A, where one minute in real time time is equivalent to ~5 minutes in SCP-7059-A. When 15 minutes have passed in real time and 1.3 hours have passed in SCP-7059-A, the falling person will reappear as though they never stopped falling through SCP-7059. Addendum 7059.1: Discovery SCP-7059 was discovered after a local skydiving company called ████████ lost track of one of their clients during a session. After 10 minutes without any sight of their client, ████████ called local police, but the call was intercepted by Foundation personnel from Site-14. By the time an MTF was dispatched and arrived on the scene, ████████'s client had returned to the ground safely. After the incident, the airspace was closed to all aircrafts and the affected client and the manager of the skydiving company were both brought into Foundation custody for questioning. INTERVIEW LOG Interviewed: Mr. Franklin Sims, ████████ manager. Interviewer: Dr. ██████ Richardson, trained Foundation employee. Foreword: Mr. Sims was brought in under the pretext that he was being questioned by Indiana Police. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Richardson enters interviewing room. Dr. Richardson: Good afternoon. Would you uh… like some coffee? Mr. Sims: Hm? Oh, no thank you. Dr. Richardson: No, no I insist. Dr. Richardson pokes his head out of the door of the interviewing room. Dr. Richardson: Oi! You! Yes, you! Please get me a cup of coffee, will you? Dr. Richardson closes the door behind him and sits across from Mr. Sims. Dr. Richardson: Well, this is quite the mess you've got on your hands, huh? Mr. Sims: Yeah… you can say that. Dr. Richardson: Well, I'll make this quick. Your boss probably will want a word with you. I just want to know what happened from your perspective. And, please, don't skimp out of details. I've been interviewing perps all day and I'm not in the mood to deal with white lies. Mr. Sims is silent for a moment, before nodding his head. Mr. Sims: It was like any other of our jumps. He uh… said he had done skydiving before and he protested having a diving buddy - being strapped to someone while diving. So we get about 10,000 feet in the air, all three of us huddled in that flying tin can of a plane. Eventually, I give the OK, and I jumped first. I fell for… maybe 30 second I pulled the cord on my parachute? Dr. Richardson: What about the other two people? You work with… Flips through paperwork …Jared Bouchard, right? Mr. Sims: Yeah, him and I jump together a lot. He's like my partner in figurative crime if you get my drift. He jumped after me, but I guess he ended up a bit farther than what he meant too. The winds were rougher than we expected, so it was harder than usual to stay on course. Dr. Richardson: So, where does the disappearance of your client come in? Mr. Sims: He jumped, I guess, and we waited for about fifteen minutes. I couldn't see our plane in the sky anymore, so I assumed he had jumped at least. But… I just stood there, staring into the sky. I couldn't see him anywhere… I checked and re-checked my watch, and eventually after ten minutes, Jared called me and asked what we should do. Dr. Richardson: And so you called us- Mr. Sims: Not immediately, actually… this has never happened before in the last four years that I've been the manager at ████████. So, it took me a moment before I suggested calling the police. Dr. Richardson: That is understandable. It was a first for you, and we can't always be perfect on the first try. Mr. Sims: Yeah… well, we met at the field we were supposed to land in the first place. We look up, and there he is, floating down towards us with his parachute open. When we asked what had happened, why it took so long to float down he just… stood there without saying a word. It was like he was too scared to say anything. Dr. Richardson: And some of our men showed up. I'm sure one of my coworkers has already told you, but sorry for making it seem like we were arresting you. We just need to collect your statements seeing as you guys reported this as a missing persons case. The door opens and an anonymous researcher steps inside holding a steaming cup of coffee. Dr. Richardson: Ah, thank you. The anonymous researcher leaves the room, and Dr. Richardson hands the cup to Mr. Sims. Dr. Richardson: Drink up, while its still warm. Someone will be by soon to collect you. Stands to leave. Have a good rest of your week, Mr. Sims. Dr. Richardson leaves the room, leaving Mr. Sims to drink his coffee. [END LOG] Closing Statement: After administering class-B amnestics through spiked coffee, Mr. Sims was safely escorted back to the office that he works at. INTERVIEW LOG Interviewed: Mr. Jac Blanchard, client of ████████. Interviewer: Dr. ██████ Richardson, trained Foundation employee. Foreword: Like Mr. Sims, Mr. Blachard was brought under the pretext that he was being interview by Indiana Police. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Richardson: Hello there- oh, my… are you alright? Interviewer's note: Subject rocks back and forth in their chair. Their eyes are wide and they murmur to themselves. Dr. Richardson: Uhm… Your name is Jac Blanchard, correct? Mr. Blanchard: Nods head yes. Dr. Richardson: Uhm… okay, well, how about you tell us what happened up there. The company that took you in their plane said you took a while to get to the ground- Mr. Blanchard: Nothing… there was nothing… No field… no ground. Dr. Richardson: Jac… you can talk to me about this. Other people might not believe you, but I certainly will- Mr. Blanchard: No…. no no… no no no…. please… no… Dr. Richardson: Uhm… Alright then… I'll just go- oh, someone will be by with coffee, it might make you feel better. [END LOG] Closing Statement: Mr. Blanchard was diagnosed by psychological doctors with having experienced shock. Mr. Blanchard recovered hours later when the amnestics administered to him wore off. Due to the lack of information and verification, assigned research staff decided to send a D-Class personnel into SCP-7059 for reconnaissance and for disciplinary action. D-Class personnel was given basic essentials such as food, water, and video camera. EXPLORATION LOG [BEGIN LOG] D-22014: I've never been skydiving… Agent Jacobi: No excuses, D-Class. When you are given an order you need to follow it. This will teach you not to disobey again. D-22014: But… what if I don't pull the cord in time? Agent Jacobi: You'll know when to pull your cord. Now jump out of this place or I will throw you out myself. D-22014 proceeds to throw them self out of the airplane without further inquiry. Video shows the ground far below D-22014. D-22014: Oh my god- OH MY GOD- D-22014 screams in terror as they pass through a cloud. Once D-22014 falls out of the bottom of the cloud, the ground below is no longer visible. No more clouds are visible either as D-22014 spins and turns in the air. D-22014: What the… D-22014 waits expectantly for 11 minutes without seeing the ground. D-22014: Am I dead? Oh god, I'm dead, aren't I? Jesus, why did I have to disobey that stupid guards orders? D-22014 continues to complain about their mistakes for twenty minutes. Silence falls over D-22014 for 5 more minutes. D-22014: You know, I really could be dead. But I doubt I am. I'm probably just trapped in an endless skydive for the rest of my life. That's the only thing that could be worse than being dead right now. D-22014 talks to themself for 44 more minutes, before the ground slowly comes into the camera's view. D-22014: Oh shoot- D-22014 pulls parachute cord and floats towards the ground, where they are intercepted by Foundation security and brought back into custody. [END LOG] « SCP-7058 | SCP-7059 | SCP-7060 »
close Info X This article contains suicide and gore. FluffyDog00 Check out the rest of my works here: Author Page ⚠️ content warning Exterior of Site-900-B Item #: SCP-7060 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: An exclusion zone has been built around SCP-7060 to close it off to the public. 24 hour security through both posted guards and video surveillance is in full effect. For further protection purposes, any mentions of Spring Valley, Colorado in any documents, digital or physical, are to be removed or destroyed on discovery. Additionally, testing and exploration of SCP-7060 is prohibited as of Incident 7060-B.1 All further operations relating to SCP-7060 are to be handled by individuals working at Site-900-B2 on the west side of the perimeter. Description: SCP-7060 is the abandoned Foundation Site-900-A. Prior to that, it was the abandoned town of Spring Valley, Colorado. Site-900-A was installed within SCP-7060's active anomalous zone after a series of calamitous deaths occurred within its residence.3 An instance of SCP-7060-1 (marked by red circle) appearing in a photograph taken by Garrison Maxwell twelve hours before he and his entire family fell victim to a massive avalanche collapsing on their house during Incident 7060-A. SCP-7060-1 is the designation for a slender figure approximately 2.4 m in height. Individuals who observe SCP-7060-1 within SCP-7060 expire within the span of 12 hours due to a calamitous event. However, SCP-7060-1 has a different type of interaction with individuals who were involved with population and/or construction within SCP-7060. Spring Valley's community architect Wilbur Hudson and Foundation site director Jamison Scott are both examples of this unorthodox interaction occurring. Addendum 1 Case 1 - Wilbur Hudson and Incident 7060-A: Spring Valley was built around the base of Mount Sprigsteen, and expanded its residence between 1990-1991. Mr. Hudson spearheaded its production, starting from the neighborhoods surrounding the base of the mountain to the town centers and hiking trails near the top. When he was half way through the town's production, Mr. Hudson decided to visit a psychiatrist. Psychiatric records show that Mr. Hudson spoke of having a reoccurring nightmare. Below is a log with a description of said dream: Subject is a child driving with his mother in the nighttime. Subject's mother has to use the restroom, so she parks at a nearby gas station. Subject's mother tells him that she is going to be right back, and leaves Subject in the car alone. Subject waits for what seems like hours. Then, subject hears a tapping on the door to his left. Subject looks over. There is a tall, thin humanoid figure with prickly grey hair and luminescent yellow eyes peering through the car door window.4 Subject asks the figure where his mother is. Instead of responding, the figure's head vibrates and lets out a droning howl. Subject wakes up. Spring Valley's neighborhood construction was finished on December 4, 1991. It was during this period of time where Mr. Hudson isolated himself in his house, and refused to answer anyone who contacted him through phone or mail. On December 8, 1991, an event designated Incident 7060-A occured. Around 5,000 people within the town's residence suffered calamitous fatalities within the span of twelve hours. The full list of casualties can be found in the Incident 7060-A Casualty Reference Sheet, but include: Maxwell family succumbed to an avalanche on the west side of Mount Sprigsteen (See photo #2 in SCP-7060 file). Jason Wallace (59, male) found on Magpie Rd, face-down in asphalt with motorcycle approx. 3 m behind. Mandible found halfway between with gums and torn skin still attached. The Mudson family found laced in between the telephone pole lines in the town center. Observation of injuries conclude that limbs were severed through forceful stretching. The family's Jeep Liberty was found approx. 4 m away from the location of the casualties. Jill Haden (40, female) found on Gerrymander hiking trail. Lacerations and bite marks appear to come from an Ursus americanus (black bear). Left arm and head found approx. 0.9 m away with ligaments still attached. Due the irregular amount of catastrophic and seemingly random deaths occurring in Spring Valley, the area was suspected of anomalous activity. MTF Epsilon-6 ("Village Idiots") were deployed in Spring Valley soon after the incident occurred. A massive relocation and amnestication effort was put into effect for all surviving citizens. Mr. Hudson's house was one of the many residences MTF-Epsilon-6 stormed during their search and rescue mission. They found him in his bedroom with multiple cuts and abrasions in his neck, stomach, forearms, thighs, and calves. He held a kitchen knife in his right hand. Despite suffering blood loss that would regularly be fatal, Mr. Hudson remained alive. The following log is an interview that occurred post-discovery: Date: December 8, 1991 Interviewer: Agent Markus Rhodes Interviewee: Wilbur Hudson <BEGIN LOG> Rhodes: So, what in the absolute hell happened here? Mr. Hudson: I tried to… (gag) escape it. The thing in my head. Rhodes: Thing in your head huh? You responsible for all this? All the death down there in the valley? Mr. Hudson: No. No I- I didn't do anything. I swear. Just- get me out of this place. Let me go somewhere where I can just die. Rhodes: Well, why can't you just die here? You've got all the work done it seems. Mr. Hudson: It won't- Mr. Hudson vomits all over himself. He then wipes his face and continues. Mr. Hudson: It won't let me. It wants me to live so I can suffer. It's been haunting my mind, my dreams. I think it just really wants me to- to leave. Rhodes: To leave? Well, why haven't you left? Mr. Hudson: I thought it was just like- like a psychological thing, like a manifestation of some sort of anxiety about my work. Turns out, I should have just fucking listened to it. (pause) I saw it, that grey hairy bastard right in front of me before all that shit happened down there. It was just staring down at me. I don't know what I did to upset it but- it seemed like it was frowning. God just- just get me out of here. Rhodes looks down and sighs. After a few seconds, he takes out his walkie-talkie. Rhodes: Bravo, I want you to get command to lock down the entirety of Spring Valley and begin investigations immediately. Over. <END LOG> Mr. Hudson was evacuated via air support out of Spring Valley. Once he left its perimeter, he expired due to his various injuries. Addendum 2 - Jamison Scott and Incident 7060-B: After Spring Valley's mass evacuation and amnesticization, Site-900-A was installed within SCP-7060's active anomalous zone. The site's construction was spearheaded by Site 900's director Jamison Scott. Scott wrote the following document distributed to all posted personnel at the newly-founded site: To all Site-900-A Personnel, As of June 10, 1992, construction of Site-900-A has concluded. All personnel must report to the main floor common room on June 12. It is crucial for all personnel to know the safety measures put in place to further prohibit SCP-7060's effects. Since SCP-7060 has been observed to be a probabilistic anomaly due to its seemingly random and circumstantial terminations, we are using this opportunity to test out a device Dr. Mitchel Bataan has developed to deal with probabilistic anomalies, designated D.I.C.E (Dependence Isolating Contingency Engine) Thaumaturgic Ward. D.I.C.E makes it so a variable can no longer be dependent on a random integer within a designated area. This makes it so the variable of "death" is dependent on a non-random integer so personnel don't expire due to seemingly random circumstance. This device in theory should force SCP-7060-1 to terminate its targets in a more projected and direct pattern other than probability. This will allow our containment forces to bait it and properly detain it. If one is to encounter SCP-7060-1 (described in SCP-7060 document, required reading) while posted, they are to press the nearest siren activation lever and leave Site-900-A within 12 hours after the initial encounter, which will send our containment team to the location promptly. Personnel who encounter SCP-7060-1 are to be relocated to a site designated by Site-900's head director. Personnel who read, understand, and follow the above protocols should be able to survive during the baiting stage. Compliance and knowledge is key for success. May we be blessed with good fortune. - Director Jamison Scott After this document was produced, Dir. Scott reported having a reoccurring nightmare similar in fashion to Hudson from the above addendum. The dream involved SCP-7060-1 laughing in a monotone voice while lingering over his bed. Dir. Scott largely ignored these nightmares. When he was further questioned, he said that he "won't let the bastard deter him from his work." On June 13, 1992, Incident 7060-B occurred at Site-900-A. A log of events can be found below: <BEGIN LOG> 6:25 pm MDT: Security footage shows Dr. Bataan working alone in his office on a D.I.C.E Thaumaturgic Ward. As he is working, SCP-7060-1 fades into view from the open corridor leading into Dr. Bataan's office. 6:27 pm MDT: Dr. Bataan finally notices SCP-7060-1. SCP-7060-1 immediately de-manifests and Dr. Bataan and presses the Siren Activation Lever near his desk. As he runs out of his office down the corridor, the power to the building goes out, deactivating security cameras for approximately five minutes. 6:32 pm MDT: Security system goes back online as power is restored in the site. Security cam footage in the office wing corridor shows Dr. Bataan lying face first on the floor. His pelvis and legs have been dismembered from his torso by a piece of ceiling that fell from above. 6:49 pm MDT: Armed containment team arrives in office corridor. They step over Dr. Bataan's corpse into his office and search around. Around the time of their arrival, a rainstorm starts to loom over Site-900-A. 6:50 pm MDT: Power goes out for a second time within Site-900-A, disabling security cameras. 7:01 pm MDT: Entire containment team terminated from collapsed Populus fremontii (Fremont Cottonwood Tree). Three members were crushed by a section of its trunk while the seven other members were pierced/lacerated by various debris. 7:02 pm MDT: SCP-7060-1 materializes over the corpses of the containment team, staring directly at the camera. It cocks its head. 7:05-7:30 pm MDT: Multiple calamitous deaths occur across the entire site due to various disasters originating from the storm. 8:06 pm MDT: Security footage outside of the site shows SCP-7060-1 standing idle in front of the largely-destroyed site facing the camera. It unhinges its jaw up-and-down without emitting any noise. The security footage then cuts out. <END LOG> The following is a document distributed to the leading director's team at Site-900 written by Director Scott. To Site Command, My team and I have drastically miscalculated the nature of SCP-7060. I as the lead director of this project am solely responsible for the travesty that occurred on the 13th of June. SCP-7060-1's attacks are not probabilistic as me and my team hypothesized. They are cold, calculated, and are a means to drive us out of its territory. All the procedures I put in place, including D.I.C.E, were useless. Incident 7060-A laid the groundwork for their creation, as me and the team thought that it gave us a clear idea of how the anomaly worked. We were gravely mistaken. Now I know why it was laughing at me. It knew that none of us could prevent the inevitable. I learned over the past 24 hours that there are some anomalies in this world that are not to be tampered with, and are to be left alone without question. This is a lesson that I will unfortunately forget. I am going to resign my title as director. I will go through the proper amnestication process and return home to my family. I don't want to remember the travesty I caused due to this failure of a containment attempt. My last order of business is to restrict any testing or exploration of SCP-7060. Just leave it alone. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Godspeed to the entirety of Site-900. - Director Jamison Scott Note: Dir. Scott has not left SCP-7060 since the distribution of this letter. Security footage has shown him leaving the Site's main building, but not leaving the premises. His whereabouts are as of now unknown. Footnotes 1. See Addendum 2. 2. The defunct Site-900-A and Site-900-B are sub-units of the larger Site-900 in Evergreen, Colorado. 3. See Incident-7060-A 4. This is assumed to be a representation of SCP-7060-1. « SCP-7059 | SCP-7060 | SCP-7061 »
close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article involves mention of animal death, animal abuse, and body horror. ⚠️ content warning An instance of SCP-7061. Item #: SCP-7061 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: All SCP-7061 instances are under the purview of the Department of Zoology and the Department of Spiritual Closure. The Department of Zoology is to house SCP-7061 in Site-L9's Domesticated Animals wing, with felid amenities1 to be provided as needed. Only disarmed personnel are allowed access to SCP-7061. The Department of Spiritual Closure is to cooperate with local and state-level Ohioan law enforcement and the Unusual Incidents Unit in locating SCP-7061's original owners and, if available, the instances' bodies. Financial compensation of no less than $10,000 per month is to be provided to identified owners upon successful discovery/recovery. Person of Interest-7061's family is to receive $30,000,000 in monthly installments of $250,000, in exchange for their cooperation in the investigation, and their continued silence regarding POI-7061's true cause of death. Description: SCP-7061 collectively refers to 347 100 spectral domestic cats (felis domesticus) of varying breeds and ages. All instances of SCP-7061 are designated Class-C2 on the Ramis system2, meaning that they possess translucent, but tangible forms and are visible to the naked eye. SCP-7061 instances have predominantly docile and affectionate demeanors towards humans that approach them, though will become aggressive towards any persons carrying weapons, up to and including clawing and biting the perceived aggressor. SCP-7061 all individually require the same treatment and amenities as non-spectral cats. As of writing, thanks to the efforts of the Department of Spiritual Closure and the Unusual Incidents Unit, 247 instances of SCP-7061 have been able to Move On, with closure provided to 226 families. Discovery: SCP-7061 came to the Foundation's attention when the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Unusual Incidents Unit requested assistance in investigating the death of POI-7061, AKA Hadrian Alanson. POI-7061 was a twenty-one year old male student at Ohio University, whose expiration had been caught via a security camera in the Vernon R. Alden Library. + Summation of SecFt-09092019 - 3/7061 clearance accepted. <Begin transcription> 09:25:19: POI-7061 enters the Alden Library. 09:25:40: POI-7061 pauses in front of the information desk, places their hands against their stomach. 09:25:45: Lacerations begin forming against POI-7061's chest, causing tears to their clothing. 09:25:50: Librarian █████ ████████████ takes notice of POI-7061's affliction, and approaches them, phone in their hand. 09:26:07: Lacerations increase in frequency against POI-7061's torso, causing them to keel onto the floor. 09:26:19: POI-7061's chest begins bulging outward; █████ ████████████ and other witnesses in the vicinity report sounds "like multiple sticks being snapped in half at once". 09:26:24: POI-7061's chest bursts open, exposing broken ribs outwards and a ruptured heart; POI-7061 is presumed to have been killed instantly. 09:26:27: SCP-7061 begin pouring out of POI-7061's chest cavity onto the Library floor, mewling and trotting towards █████ ████████████ and other witnesses. Panic ensues. 09:27:30: █████ ████████████ makes a call to 911 to report the incident, while an instance of SCP-7061 brushes against their leg. <End transcription> UIU agents embedded in Athens law enforcement intercepted the call, arriving at the Alden Library alongside paramedics within 25 minutes of the report being made. Witnesses were corralled for their safety and the collection of witness statements, while POI-7061's body was recovered. The UIU's discovery of SCP-7061 began shortly thereafter, and following attempts to secure them were met with hostility by the instances. Contact was made to a Foundation liaison to provide assistance. The Departments of Zoology and Spectral Closure were made aware of the inquiry, and Zoological Task Force Iota-912 "Catnip" was dispatched to give aid to the UIU forces in securing all SCP-7061 instances into Spectral Protected Cages. Witnesses were subsequently signed into financially-backed non-disclosure agreements, while security footage of SCP-7061's emergence was wiped; POI-7061's cause of death was given as a stress-induced heart attack. █████ ████████████ was provided monthly access to a Foundation-employed therapist free of charge. Addendum: NOTICE: In compliance with Ethics Committee mandate 402.C, this addendum is hidden by default due to the information therein being deemed psychologically distressing. Do you wish to read this addendum? Close addendum Research into POI-7061's history resulted in the discovery of a police report filed by their neighbor "Jane Doe", implicating them in the disappearance of her family's cats. While no charges were formally pressed, due to lack of evidence, detailed descriptions of "Ms. Doe"'s cats were found to exactly match four instances of SCP-7061. In light of this information, the Foundation and the UIU formed Collaborative Task Force Gamma-27 "Cat's Claw" to further ascertain POI-7061's prior connections to SCP-7061. After negotiations with POI-7061's family, recovery of their personal computer yielded a password-encrypted solid state drive which, after decryption, revealed ████ photographs of cat corpses, with dates spanning █ years. Causes of death vary, but the most frequent were strangulation, evisceration via hunting knife, and "crushing". 347 of the cats depicted in these photographs matched with instances of SCP-7061. Further investigation of the computer revealed an unread message on the online messaging client Discord, sent by a user with the handle "Bubba Stix" the morning of POI-7061's death: Ubaste knows what you did to her children, Hadrian. And she's going to make sure that you suffer the fates you inflicted on them a hundredfold on the other side. Footnotes 1. Food, water, litter boxes, cat toys, and regular human socialization. 2. The Foundation's classification system for spectral entities. « SCP-7060 | SCP-7061 | SCP-7062 »
Item#: 7062 Level2 Containment Class: neutralized Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo Special Containment Procedures: No procedures are necessary. Description: SCP-7062 is the collective designation for an anomaly relating to poet and former Foundation researcher Layla Becker. SCP-7062-A was an ink jar full of dried blood belonging to Dr. Becker. SCP-7062-B was Dr. Becker's heart, functioning with no irregularities despite being completely disconnected from her body. Discovery: SCP-7062 was discovered post-neutralization on 08/09/1998 when Dr. Becker was found expired on her desk. After a standard sweep of her apartment, SCP-7062-A and SCP-7062-B were discovered on a personal desk, alongside several poems written in blood. A coroner's report found that the heart had suffered rapid takotsubo cardiomyopathy1, resulting in the expiration of the researcher. Along with Dr. Becker's corpse, a note in standard ink was found on the desk. A direct transcription can be found below. Here I sit alone Everything is cold and dark Still waiting for you to phone You were my spark Now tears stream down my face Your beauty reminded me of a dove I see shadows in your place Now I know the pain that comes with love Characters became increasingly illegible near the end of the note. Additionally, the final letters of the note were obscured due to the presence of lacrimal fluid. Footnotes 1. A condition where the heart's left ventricle becomes loosened as a result of stress
Item#: 7063 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7063 is to be kept in a locked metal container that is specially fitted to its dimensions. The container is to be stored in the low-level storage section of Site-19. Only personnel with level 2 clearance or higher may access SCP-7063 for testing purposes but must log the time and date of testing procedures and must return SCP-7063 within twelve days of first obtaining it. SCP-7063 in its original container. Description: SCP-7063 is a jug containing a milk-like substance of an anomalous amount. The liquid appears to be thick and creamy, however, subjects have described the liquid as tasting like lukewarm water. Notably, SCP-7063 does not appear to be affected by outside temperature in any capacity. Researchers tried freezing and boiling SCP-7063 but it had no effect on the substance or the jug. Approximately five hours after consumption of SCP-7063, subjects report symptoms of mild nausea, visual and auditory hallucinations, intense migraines, and intensification of any preexisting short-term memory loss among other things. A few hours after reporting these effects (typically one to six), subjects enter a catatonic state for anywhere from forty minutes to eighteen hours. Every test subject so far has committed suicide within a week of consuming SCP-7063. Consuming or otherwise emptying SCP-7063 of its contents does not appear to deplete it in any way. When Foundation researchers rotated the jug upside down during testing, the liquid flowed from the jug for nearly a minute before researchers rotated it upwards once again. The liquid that was poured from the jug was placed inside another jar and tested for anomalous properties. It was found that the liquid retained its anomalous effects on human test subjects, but it did not anomalously refill itself. Interview: The following is a transcribed video recording of an interview held with the first D-Class test subject to consume SCP-7063, designated SCP-7063-A. SCP-7063-A consumed SCP-7063 approximately four hours and forty-four minutes prior to the interview: BEGIN VIDEO [0.00.07] SCP-7063-A is seen rocking back and forth in their chair while muttering incoherently to themselves. The interviewer enters and sits opposite SCP-7063-A. [0.00.17] Interviewer: Hello [EXPUNGED], you will hereby be referred to as SCP-7063-A due to your current…affliction. Frankly, I'd like to keep this interview short. Can you explain to me your current condition? How is SCP-7063 affecting you? [0.00.46] SCP-7063-A: (No response. Feverishly murmuring under breath. Continues to rock back and forth.) [0.01.02] Interviewer: You seem hesitant to talk. Are you simply unable to? Or are you choosing to ignore me? [0.01.35] SCP-7063-A: (Mumbling.) [0.01.39] Interviewer: Hm? I didn't quite catch that, can you speak up? [0.01.46] SCP-7063-A: (Frantically) I can hear them. Crawling in my head like spiders. Whispering to my very conscience. Forcing me to see what they see. I feel sick. [0.02.10] Interviewer: “Them”? Who is “them”? [0.02.18] SCP-7063-A: I doubt you'd understand. They are many. They are one. We are one. One mind. One body. One train of thought. Prying at my very being to get me to move and think and talk. Bend to their will. You could never understand. [0.02.47] Interviewer: (Scribbles on clipboard) In order for me to help you I need to understand what's going on. Is that everything? Can you tell me what they're making you “see”? [0.03.08] SCP-7063-A: They keep- (SCP-7063-A stops suddenly. Their eyes widen in a shocked expression and a choking sound emanates from their mouth.) [0.03.16] Interviewer: (Stricken with panic) I-Uh-Security! Help! Someone! [0.03.24] SCP-7063-A falls to the ground. The door to the interview room opens. END VIDEO After the events of the incident involving SCP-7063-A, the subject was unresponsive for twelve hours before regaining conscience and entering a vegetative state for the following three hours, after which regaining primary motor functions but still refusing to speak to Foundation researchers. SCP-7063-A was found dead in their cell four days later, hung from the ceiling by bed sheets and a pillow case tied together to make a makeshift noose. The following passage was found scratched onto the walls inside the cell: Suicide Note Collapse Note THEIR VOICES, SO LOUD I CAN'T GET THEM OUT WORDS SWIRLING AND MELTING TOGETHER NOTHING TO COME VOICES I DON'T RECOGNIZE PERVADING MY THOUGHTS MY EVERY WAKING MOMENT I SEE MUDDLED PICTURES I KNOW THEM SO WELL BUT SOME ARE DIFFERENT FOREIGN BUT YET, SO FAMILIAR LIKE THEY'VE BEEN WITH ME FOREVER BUT ALSO NEVER IN MY LIFE NEVER IN MY LIFE Numerous other tests and interviews were conducted that yielded similar results to the first one. All subjects suffered from similar symptoms, rambling incoherently about visions and voices, with several mentioning a “shared conscience,” though to date SCP-7063-A is the only one to have created a suicide note. Not much useable information has been ascertained from testing other than that SCP-7063's effects are more than likely memetic in some capacity, but whether or not it drives those who consume it to suicide or if they simply do it of their own will is currently unknown. Subjects asked to describe the true extent of the effects of SCP-7063's consumption are unable to, instead providing vague statements. Addendum 7063.1: The lastest subject, SCP-7063-K, was able to confirm small portions of SCP-7063's effects on them. They claimed that “they were seeing things that were not their own,” and “they saw things in their sleep that they couldn't recognize.” This has led Foundation researchers to believe that SCP-7063's memetic properties affect the thoughts and dreams of those who consume it. SCP-7063-K also committed suicide shortly after giving this testimony.
Item #: SCP-7064 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7064 is to be held in a reinforced1 large standard humanoid containment chamber under constant monitoring, with two armed guards on stand-by near the entrance. Contact with SCP-7064 is prohibited without level-3 clearance. Any personnel entering the cell are to be accompanied by an escort of at least four armed guards. Sounds of repeated banging and screaming have been reported persistently, and thus guards on stand-by duty are permitted Foundation-issued noise-cancelling headphones with access to intercom systems. Description: SCP-7064 is a sapient humanoid of unknown origin with the following characteristics: A height of approximately 3 meters. An additional pair of arms sprouting from the shoulder joint. Grey skin pigmentation. Abnormal muscle development resulting in a stronger upper body, especially in the shoulder and upper back area, capable of handling materials up to 3,800 kilograms. A skull with more similarities to H. Erectus than the modern human. A notably pronounced lower jaw with unusual dentition resulting in additional canines and uneven spacing. Unusual resistance to physical force, including gunfire. Carnivorous diet with an average daily caloric intake of 5,000 calories. Unusually high levels of testosterone. While capable of speech, SCP-7064 displays a limited grasp on English grammar and vocabulary. Further interview attempts are not advised, as the majority of interview attempts have ended in casualties on the side of the interviewer. SCP-7064 displays a consistently violent temperament, attacking most humans within its vicinity. The most common method of attack is either through smashing with its two sets of heavily-muscled arms or by ripping apart individuals with an arm pulling on each limb. While SCP-7064 has shown other attitudes beyond violent rage, these states are uncommon. Discovery: SCP-7064 was initially found on 12/15/2019 in the parking lot of the Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Missouri, in the midst of a violent rage which resulted in the death of 17 civilians. MTF-Theta-6 (“Witch Hunters”) was promptly deployed and successfully contained SCP-7064 with minor casualties. Later interviews with SCP-7064 show it was attempting to "pre-game" before the football game began. Due to it appearing four hours before the game began, amnestic use was moderate but prompt removal prevented any further need for information suppression. SCP-7064‘s origins and means of avoiding SCP Foundation detection until this point remain unknown. Addendum 7064-1: Dr. Stein Testing Report Testing on SCP-7064 has gone poorly. SCP-7064 is almost completely unresponsive to everything we've thrown at it, cooperating only at the bare minimum. We've tried physical restraints, electric shocks, extreme force, and other techniques, all to the same result. Frankly, it's frustrating and feels like a waste of time. All SCP-7064 will do is insist constantly that it be freed and that it have its way with everyone involved in containing it. Testing will continue to see if we can find any way to make it more cooperative with the Foundation's containment. [Incidents 7064-1 through 3 have been removed from this report for the sake of brevity. In all instances SCP-7064 breached containment but was recontained, with containment procedures updated to reflect current needs. Anyone wishing to access these incident reports should contact Dr. Stein.] Incident 7064-4: On 3/18/2020, at approximately 4:00 AM, a containment breach of SCP-████ led to a brief power failure lasting one minute. During this time, SCP-7064 was able to destroy the doors to its chamber and run through the site, attacking personnel and causing extensive property damage. SCP-7064 stopped at Cell-328, housing D-17383. Footage from the cell shows that instead of killing D-17383, SCP-7064 noticed a Kansas City Chiefs poster, which led to the two conversing over shared interests in football, beer, and exercise. During this time, D-17383 gave SCP-7064 the name "Guy." SCP-7064 was recaptured in Cell-328 thirty-five minutes after escape and moved to a new containment chamber. Addendum 7064-2: Dr. Stein Testing Report Testing on SCP-7064 continues to go poorly, perhaps even worse than before. The level of opposition presented by SCP-7064 grows each day, and as it is we can barely get it to cooperate. The security teams are struggling to fend off its attacks. I recommend testing cease and we upgrade containment facilities for SCP-7064. Incident 7064-5: On 3/27/20, SCP-7064 was able to neutralize the security team present and escape its chamber. SCP-7064 was free from containment for one hour and forty minutes, during which it attacked much of the west wing of Site-60. This resulted in extensive damage to the structure as well as 9 casualties before SCP-7064 was subdued and moved to a new containment chamber. SCP-7064 spent all of its time calling out to and trying to locate a "Leo." In light of this incident, testing and access to SCP-7064 have been suspended. Containment procedures to be upgraded immediately. Addendum 7064-3: Due to budgetary concerns, SCP-7064's containment procedures are not to be upgraded. Instead, SCP-7064 is to be moved to a new containment chamber fitting its current procedures once a month, allowing for the previous to be repaired. Incident 7064-6: On 4/13/20, after weeks of repeated attacks, SCP-7064 was successfully able to break down the containment chamber door system. During this incident, SCP-7064 was able to ascertain the whereabouts of D-17383 by threatening Foundation personnel. Before this information was revealed, SCP-7064 caused extensive structural damage to both the west wing as well as central hub of Site-60. Upon finding the whereabouts of D-17383, SCP-7064 headed straight towards the northeast wing, finding D-17383's chamber and destroying the sealed entrance. D-17383 climbed on and rode SCP-7064's back. With D-17383's knowledge of the facility, SCP-7064 was able to cause extensive damage throughout Site-60. The entire incident lasted two hours before D-17383 and SCP-7064 were both subdued and separated. Addendum 7064-4: Correspondence between Dr. Stein and Site Director Juma. Show Correspondence Hide Correspondence To: Site Director Juma From: Dr. Stein Subject: SCP-7064 Initiative I think it's clear that our current method of containment is not working. This thing does not give up until it's broken free, and each time it does it brings thousands of dollars of property damage with it. We've found that just referring to SCP-7064 as "Guy" already causes significantly more cooperation. So let's switch it up: why don't we just give it what it wants? I mean, what does it want? A single D-class? Why don't we try just giving it the D-class? Worst case scenario the janitors have to clean up another bloody mess but after all these incidents they're used to it. Seriously, why can't we just give him the D-class? To: Dr. Stein From: Site Director Juma Subject: Re:SCP-7064 Initiative Need I remind you what happened last time the two were together? When the D-class rode his shoulders and told him where to go to cause the most possible chaos? I am not exaggerating when I say another incident like that could get us shut down completely, so that's our "worse case scenario." Give me a reason why this will work. To: Site Director Juma From: Dr. Stein Subject: Re:SCP-7064 Initiative Because we have no other options. Maybe if we put them together it will calm down just a little. It keeps breaking out to see this D-class, so we simply must eliminate that need. To: Dr. Stein From: Site Director Juma Subject: Re:SCP-7064 Initiative Fine. We are already down thousands of dollars because of all the breaches, so I am approving this proposal. But if this leads to another breakout, you will be held responsible. The financial department is breathing down our necks, and since this SCP has resulted in us becoming a huge money hole, they're looking at possibly shutting us down. I'm telling you this so you understand that failure is not option. Addendum 7064-5: Dr. Stein's measure to move D-17383 to SCP-7064's chamber has been a massive success. The behavior of SCP-7064 has improved drastically since the implementation of this measure. Additionally, since the measure was implemented, breakout attempts have become significantly rarer and have not been successful. D-17383 and SCP-7064 spend most of their time in conversation. While some of it is anger directed towards the Foundation, much of it also pertains to D-17383's lifestyle, which SCP-7064 considers fascinating. Topics frequently brought up include football, which SCP-7064 appears to have prior knowledge of2, grilling, beer, television, exercise, sex, and rock music. Show Interview Log 7064-5 Credentials accepted, displaying interview log. Interview Log 7064-5: Interviewed: SCP-7064 Interviewer: Dr. Chelsea Simons Foreword: Previous interview logs removed due to lack of relevant information presented by SCP-7064. For full interview logs, contact Site Archivist Tharp. <Begin Log> Dr. Simons: Hello, SCP-7064.SCP-7064 begins slamming its fists into the wall. Dr. Simons: Please calm down, we can't continue if you don't cooperate.SCP-7064 continues attacking the walls of its containment chamber while yelling obscenities. Dr. Simons: I can only give you one more chance to calm down and work with me. If I can't file this report, there could be consequences. SCP-7064 does not stop. Dr. Simons: Alright, Guy. I hate to do this but we'll have to end this early. SCP-7064 stops attacking the wall and there is a pause.Dr. Simons: I'm sorry?Dr. Simons: Well, I've found referring to patients by their actual names goes a long way.Dr. Simons: Yes, yes it is.Dr. Simons: I'm sure you could.Dr. Simons: Alright, let's begin with some basic questions. How-SCP-7064 turns from Dr. Simons and prepares to attack the wall again. Dr. Simons: Just hear me out!Dr. Simons: All I wanted to ask is: how are you doing today? SCP-7064 stops and turns back to Dr. Simons.Dr. Simons: How are you doing?Dr. Simons: Not even Leo?SCP-7064 sits down. Dr. Simons: Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't. But how are you doing today?Dr. Simons: I'm sorry, Guy. I'm truly sorry. I just want to help. SCP-7064 begins to tear up and cry.Dr. Simons: It's okay, Guy.Dr. Simons: It's okay, Guy.Dr. Simons: Guy.Dr. Simons: It's okay. You can tell me whatever you are comfortable with saying. Your emotions will do what they do.Dr. Simons: You are not weak. Just for being here, you are very strong.Dr. Simons: Very. SCP-7064 stops crying.Dr. Simons: And I'll speak to your containment specialists about giving you some more privileges, if you can behave.Dr. Simons: I'm glad to hear it. Goodbye, Guy.<End Log> Addendum 7064-6: Behavior of SCP-7064 is to be reviewed monthly, with privilege rating changed accordingly. SCP-7064 currently has class-C2 privileges. As a result of the most recent behavior review, SCP-7064 has class-C movement privileges permitting infrequent access to the Site-02 cafeteria and recreational area with the presence of an armed escort (movement privileges are immediately revocable in the event of any problematic behavior). Level 2 request privileges have also been granted, allowing for object requests to be made and reviewed by acting containment supervisor Dr. Stein. Reclassification to Euclid class pending. The following items have been requested by SCP-7064: REQUEST APPROVED? GROUNDS FOR REJECTION Custom weight set Denied Safety threat BBQ grill Denied Safety threat Television set Approved - Pornography Magazines Denied Request by janitorial department "The Best of Motörhead" CD Approved - CD Player Approved - Instructional book on knitting Approved - Yarn and knitting needles Approved - If SCP-7064 continues to exhibit the good behavior it has been showing, more privileges may be accepted. Addendum 7064-7: More yarn and knitting needles have been approved for usage by SCP-7064. After three weeks, SCP-7064 has produced three sweaters, two pairs of socks, and a scarf, all of average human size. As per SCP-7064's request, D-17383 has been permitted to keep a sweater and the pairs of socks for personal use and Dr. Chelsea Simons has been permitted to keep the scarf for personal use. Despite the advanced speed with which SCP-7064 has become proficient in knitting, no anomalous qualities have been ascribed to this aptitude. The garments have been described as being of notable quality and design by D-17383 and Dr. Simons. Footnotes 1. Specific force-nullifying specifications are held in containment document-7064 2. Testing on how SCP-7064 has this knowledge despite being unaware of other basic human activities is underway, but has so far been inconclusive.
SCP-7065 Item #: SCP-7065 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7065 is held in a standard humanoid containment chamber at Site-17. SCP-7065 is placed on a strict Paleolithic diet1 and to be regularly supplied with painkillers upon request. SCP-7065-A is regularly monitored with ultrasonography equipment. Proposals detailing SCP-7065-A's extraction is to be submitted to Dr. Ivers before approval. Any changes to SCP-7065-A's behavior is also to be immediately reported to Dr. Ivers. Description: SCP-7065 is Richard Pinnel, age 36. SCP-7065 is non-anomalous with exception of their relationship to SCP-7065-A. SCP-7065-A is a worm-like organism measuring over six meters in length. While SCP-7065-A's anatomy shares similarities to the Cestoda family2, it possesses multiple biological and behavioral deviations. Among these include: Hot pink-colored skin. The skin is reported to have a texture similar to sandpaper. Abundance of black pincer-like antennas on its skin. The purpose of these antennas appear to primarily anchor itself to nearby surfaces. A singular, circular toothy maw instead of a typical scolex; several of its teeth are missing. Three clitellums; the middlemost one is visibly bloated and inflamed. Is cold-blooded. SCP-7065-A's main anomalous property is its ambulatory nature: the entity is capable of migrating throughout SCP-7065's body, which it achieves by burrowing through their flesh. How SCP-7065-A accomplishes this is unclear; while the process is extremely painful it does not cause SCP-7065 permanent harm. Although SCP-7065-A can migrate anywhere, it prefers to reside inside the intestinal track. Otherwise, SCP-7065-A's behavior follows that of standard tapeworms. Addedunum-7065.1: The Foundation became aware of SCP-7065 in the aftermath of an automobile crash on the Interstate Highway in Dallas, Texas. SCP-7065 was delivered to a local hospital and subjected to an X-Ray scan, revealing SCP-7065-A and its anomalous behavior. All relevant hospital records and parties were confiscated and amnesticized respectively. SCP-7065 attempted to vomit and began striking its fists against their abdomen before being detained by Foundation assets. SCP-7065 themselves exhibited multiple health ailments relating to sleep deprivation, rapid weight loss, and severe salmonella poisoning — the effects of which became so detrimental that the entity had to be placed on IV nutritional therapy to ensure their well-being. After being transported to Site-17, Dr. Ivers interviewed SCP-7065. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7065/Ivers/Interview1 ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Ivers: Hello, My name is—Dr. Ivers: I'm sorry? [SCP-7065 has bags under their eyes and is shaking slightly in their chair. The entity is visibly emaciated. SCP-7065 clenches their abdomen and grits their teeth.]Dr. Ivers: Sir, we can't remove it until we know more about 'it.' It… wouldn't be safe.[SCP-7065 scowls at Dr. Ivers, leaning forward before slouching in their chair with a wince.][Dr. Ivers closes his eyes and breathes deeply. He nods.] Dr. Ivers: Sir, just answer the questions. The sooner we're done, the sooner we can put something together. It's our policy.Dr. Ivers: Of course, and by 'it' you mean this, correct? [Dr. Ivers slides an X-Ray photo forward; SCP-7065-A is partially visible in the picture. SCP-7065 looks nauseous and turns away. He massages the bridge of his nose.]Dr. Ivers: How'd this happen?Dr. Ivers: Try me.Dr. Ivers: Your vacation? You encountered this worm on vacation? [SCP-7065 gives a thumbs-up. The entity suddenly shudders forward and caresses their abdomen.]Dr. Ivers: Which country?Dr. Ivers: There could be more of these worms out there. Would you really want this happening to someone else?Dr. Ivers: Mongolia? [SCP-7065 scowls and folds their arms.][Dr. Ivers folds their arms.] Dr. Ivers: Does it look like I find this situation funny? [SCP-7065 pauses, then examines the photo again.] Dr. Ivers: How was Mongolia?[SCP-7065 lowers the picture.][The picture begins to crumple in SCP-7065's hand.] SCP-7065 I just had to go to that barbecue. Dr. Ivers: You got this at a barbecue?[The photograph slowly crumples in SCP-7065's hand.]Dr. Ivers: What did you do after you realized that this… worm wasn't going away? If you knew what it was doing then why—[SCP-7065 groans and places the photograph down. The entity then rests their elbows on the table, rubbing their neck.][SCP-7065's eyes the photograph again and shudders.][SCP-7065 is hyperventilating, clenching on their abdomen tightly. Dr. Ivers' slowly stands up from their chair, knocking a pen to the ground.][SCP-7065 falls from their chair, writhing in pain as they hold their abdomen. Large budges poke through SCP-7065's shirt as they gargle.] Dr. Ivers: Call the medic! Call Esme, get the stretcher—Dr. Ivers: What?! Why?! [SCP-7065 tears their shirt open and massages their abdomen. The bulges sink back into the skin, SCP-7065 slows their breath and leans against a wall.][SCP-7065 begins to cough uncontrollably. Agent Rodney enters the interview room, holding a cup of coffee.] Agent Rodney: I heard screaming. What happened? Dr. Ivers: We're—[SCP-7065 stares at the coffee cup and covers their mouth. SCP-7065 is thrown to the floor, bulges grow outward from their neck. Dr. Ivers and Agent Rodney rush to approach SCP-7065 before SCP-7065-A emerges from the former entity's mouth, burrowing through their hand. SCP-7065-A squeals.] Dr. Ivers: Holy— Agent Rodney: Shit! [SCP-7065-A swings back and knocks the coffee cup from Agent Rodney's grasp, spilling it on the floor. Dr. Ivers lets their pen fall from their hand and backs into the table. Agent Rodney rushes to the wall and activates the alarm. Agent Rodney then pulls out his gun and trains it on SCP-7065-A, remaining still but breathing heavily.] [SCP-7065-A presses against the spillage and sucks the liquid into their maw. Segments of SCP-7065-A's body contract and expand; the liquid can be seen going through the entity, through SCP-7065-A's hand and mouth. SCP-7065-A tears up as it writhes and twitches on the floor. It spots the pen, takes it, and writes on the floor.] ["OUT"] [Dr. Ivers continues to stare as the medical team enters the interview room. Dr. Ivers narrows his eyes and nods firmly.] [END LOG] Addedunum-7065.2: Dr. Ivers submitted a request for the extraction of SCP-7065-A from SCP-7065 on the basis that if not removed, the anomaly would be at high risk of self-neutralization. Upon gaining approval from Site Director Thomas Graham, Dr. Ivers authorized a series of tests in hopes of separating both entities. Attached below is an abridged log of notable events concerning SCP-7065. To see the full list, contact Dr. Ivers: ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7065/Event Log/File Count: 7 ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ Test #: 01 Proposal: SCP-7065 is to be administered various different types of anthelmintic medication and foodstuffs to gauge SCP-7065-A's reaction. Results: SCP-7065-A responded indifferently to all medication and foodstuffs with exception to those containing high amounts of overcooked meat and salt. This caused the entity to move erratically before becoming lethargic for the majority of the day. Reviewing the test's success, Dr. Ivers ordered SCP-7065 to be on a carnivorous diet. Notes: N/A Test #: 13 Proposal: After learning SCP-7065-A was susceptible to cold temperatures from a previous test, ice packs were to be placed on designated areas of SCP-7065's body to prompt the entity to evacuate the body. Results: SCP-7065-A violently shuddered for ten minutes. SCP-7065-A then burrowed sporadically around SCP-7065's liver and skeletal muscles; SCP-7065 experienced moderate pain and reported feeling 'getting a rope burn' under their skin. SCP-7065-A's ceased its burrowing when the ice packs were removed and the entity curled around SCP-7065's liver. Notes: SCP-7065-A has started to rest near SCP-7065's pectoral muscles and umbilical region. Test #: 19 Proposal: Electricity is to be administered to specific regions of SCP-7065's body, forcing SCP-7065-A to evacuate. The voltage is adjusted to not cause permanent harm to SCP-7065, who is sedated during the procedure. Results: After locating SCP-7065-A in the kneecap, a controlled electric shock was applied to the right thigh. SCP-7065-A convulsed, staying in place. After the third shock, it burrowed straight to SCP-7065's ribcage and wrapped curled around its aorta. Any electric shock now applied to the body was now amplified, and conducted straight into SCP-7065's heart. The entity resumed normal behavior a day after the test was aborted. Notes: SCP-7065 exhibited mood swings and prolonged nausea after Test 19 for the next nine weeks. Test #: 26 Proposal: Unsatisfied with the project's progress, Dr. Ivers ordered SCP-7065's dietary portions to be doubled in hopes of further weakening the creature. Results: SCP-7065 consumed pretzels and burnt steak. However, the chewed up foodstuffs would quickly be ejected from SCP-7065's mouth. Ultrasound imaging reveals SCP-7065-A to position itself with SCP-7065's esophagus and propel the foodstuff in real time.3 SCP-7065-A seems to repeat this process to most food items with the only exception being raw meat. Notes: SCP-7065 was placed on an emergency peripheral parenteral nutrition IV drip. Test #: 27 Proposal: SCP-7065 is to be positioned in front of an entrapment unit containing one entire raw chicken. SCP-7065 will open their mouths and wait for SCP-7065-A to enter the unit, restraining the entity. Results: SCP-7065 followed instructions but SCP-7065-A did not emerge. Half an hour into the test, SCP-7065 held their abdomen and collapsed to the floor in excruciating pain. Ultrasound imaging showed SCP-7065-A nibbling on SCP-7065's spleen. Citing SCP-7065's advancement of its emaciated state, Dr. Ivers ordered SCP-7065 to be placed on a highly restrictive Paleolithic diet. The entity immediately left the spleen alone. When interviewed about the new diet SCP-7065 expressed immense disappointment, stating it was 'fun while it lasted.' SCP-7065 did not elaborate. Notes: SCP-7065-A's middle clitellum, after subsequent feedings, grew in size. The entity now preferred to stay within the boundaries of the intestinal tract. Test #: 33 Proposal: SCP-7065 is to be anaesthetized. SCP-7065-A is to be surgically removed. Results: Jared Lamb, the lead surgeon, made an incision on SCP-7065's abdomen — SCP-7065-A was absent. Lamb ordered his assistant to use the ultrasound — SCP-7065-A was still absent. A quiet sizzling sound emanated underneath the surgical table. Lamb looked down and was attacked by SCP-7065-A, who punctured his abdomen. Lamb's screams were soon muffled when SCP-7065-A emerged from his mouth. Nearby security guards wielding riot gear attempt to assist Lamb. SCP-7065-A reacted by spewing a dark yellow, liquid substance at the guards, resulting in severe caustic burns.4 The surgeons backed away or fled the room. SCP-7065-A hissed at Lamb, then gripped its maw on his left eye. Lamb's screams turned into murmurs as SCP-7065-A slowly tunneled through the socket, emerging from the back of his head. SCP-7065-A swallowed the organ, retracted out of Lamb, and redirected its attention onto their host. The entity then bit into SCP-7065's liver, making a loud sucking sound before detaching. SCP-7065-A then spewed a green liquid onto the incision, which it followed up by burrowing directly on the surface of the skin.5. After the incision was healed, SCP-7065-A retreated back under the table. A response team entered the room, putting Lamb onto a stretcher.6 Notes: In spite of the team's preparations the experiment ultimately resulted in failure. SCP-7065-A has not left the intestinal tract since post-surgery. Ultrasound imaging shows SCP-7065-A to be resting in a curling positing, wrapping itself around its swollen clitellum. Elevated levels of testosterone, estrogen, and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) was found in SCP-7065's body during this time. Test #: 37 Proposal: One last ultrasound was conducted hours prior to another attempt at surgical extraction Results: Ultrasound imaging depicted SCP-7065-A resting until it rotated its body. The entity now sported a human eyeball on its middle clitellum, which has grown to the point of putting immense strain on the entity's skin. The eyeball pulsed and twitched as its line of sight followed each of the human individuals in the room at the time. SCP-7065's tongue swirled in its maw, leaking acid. Surgery canceled. Notes: The surgery was postponed pending further instructions. Addedunum-7065.3: Following the conclusion of the thirty-seventh test imaging showed that SCP-7065-A had shrunken to 12 centimeters and appeared to be deceased. Due to this and Dr. Ivers' insistence, the entity was able to be successfully extracted through non-invasive means. Scientific analysis conducted on SCP-7065-A's carcass confirmed it to be a hermaphrodite and is genetically closer to the common earthworm than any other Annelid. An autopsy revealed that SCP-7065-A expired from internal hemorrhaging, indicated by its middle clitellum being deflated. Other than the loss of its teeth, no other injuries were visible postmortem. However, after the anomaly was declared neutralized, SCP-7065 commented on a lingering pain originating in their abdomen. Ultrasound imaging showed that remnants of SCP-7065-A's teeth were located in SCP-7065's digestive organs, more specifically near the esophageal, pyloric, and ileocecal sphincters. These teeth were planned to be surgically removed when a sudden complication arose. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7065/Ivers/Interview2 ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Ivers: And how are you feeling today, SCP-7065?[SCP-7065 is resting in their bed and has regained their muscle mass. SCP-7065 uses a remote, turning up the volume to a television mounted on the wall; the movie Tremors (1990) is playing.]Dr. Ivers: I'm not exactly privy to that information.Dr. Ivers: Whatever the case may be, I'm certain they can resolve it. We've worked tougher cases.Dr. Ivers: CorrectDr. Ivers: [Sigh] Correct.Dr. Ivers: To be fair, do you want to remember all this?Dr. Ivers: Look, I'm sorry but it's the rules. It's for security reasons, you know? But we'll do our best to get your life back on track. A cover story here, a financial pick-me-up there, it'll be like nothing changed at all. It's the best you're going to get I'm afraid.[A nurse enters the room and sets a tray of orange juice and tomato soup in SCP-7065's lap. The nurse leaves. SCP-7065 consumes the soup when they notice Dr. Ivers frowning at them.]Dr. Ivers: Isn't your surgery this afternoon?Dr. Ivers: Well, alright them. If you already gotten the all clear…[SCP-7065 tries to sip their orange juice but accidentally spills a substantial amount on their shirt.]Dr. Ivers: You need a napkin?Dr. Ivers: God what? Did something happen?[Bulges appear under SCP-7065's gown.][SCP-7065 tears their gown open. The skin covering their abdomen are covered in bulges. SCP-7065 shakes.]Dr. Ivers: C-Call the nurse… guards… get some people over here, something happening with the patient![SCP-7065 holds onto the bed railing, hyperventilating until torn segments of their intestines burst from the skin. SCP-7065 ceases crying when he looks at their abdomen.][The intestines appear to be moving on their own and are sporting teeth from the torn areas. The intestines are sucking the orange juice from the gown. SCP-7065 screams and scrambles off from the bed, inadvertently spilling the soup on their face and chest.] Dr. Ivers: Stop moving! You'll— [As SCP-7065 frantically wipes the contents of the soup away from their eyes, they notice that their mouth is twitching on their accord. SCP-7065 chokes and gargles until a large green eyeball emerges from their lip.] Dr. Ivers: —hurt… [Teeth protrude from the lips. A white worm-like entity emerges from SCP-7065's jaw and stares at them. SCP-7065 shrieks and calls for help. SCP-7065's voice, however, is coming directly from the worm. The eyeball rolls back into the worm's maw. The worm squeals then clamps onto SCP-7065's face, sucking the soup from their nostrils.] Dr. Ivers: … [SCP-7065 thrashes wildly on the ground. Foundation personnel enter the room and restrain SCP-7065 and the worms. Another doctor approaches Dr. Ivers and hands him a sheet of X-Ray pictures. The clipboard trembles in Dr. Ivers hands, looking at SCP-7065 in shock.] [END LOG] Afterword: SCP-7065's internal organs have not been damaged as of initially surmised. It is now understood that SCP-7065's entire digestive system has been replaced by worm-like entities, disguised as ordinary digestive organs. SCP-7065 has been placed in a medically-induced coma for the time being until these worms (SCP-7065-B) can be fully analyzed. SCP-7065's object class has been changed back to Euclid. Footnotes 1. An eating plan based on foods humans consumed during the Paleolithic era. 2. Tapeworm. 3. Foodstuffs introduced via a gastrostomy tube was ejected as well. 4. The liquid was later found to be chemically similar to human stomach acid. 5. Camera footage showed SCP-7065-A consuming the damage tissue and defecating the regenerated tissue simultaneously. 6. Funds to support Lamb's ocular replacement and memory therapy was directly allocated from Dr. Ivers' paycheck by orders of Site Director Graham.
close Info X This is one of the SCP articles of all time. "Zombie Simpsons" by stoner99 I encourage you to read more of my works here: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/stoner99-author-page Item #: SCP-7066 Object Class: Safe Special Containment: SCP-7066 is stored in a standard low-priority anomalous item locker at Site-19. Testing has been discontinued indefinitely by a majority vote of the Ethics Committee. Description: SCP-7066 is an anomalous Blu-ray DVD copy of the sixth season of The Simpsons, an animated sitcom created by American cartoonist Matt Groening. Individuals who view SCP-7066 will soon become subject to a myriad of unusual and highly distressing anomalous phenomena, culminating in their transformation into an instance of SCP-7066-1. This most often occurs as follows: 3-5 days after completion: Subject begins to exhibit significant behavioral changes, with a particular proclivity towards indolence, alcoholism, and uncharacteristic ineptitude. 5-10 days after completion: First signs of physical abnormalities. Rapid hair loss typically occurs at this stage. Subject's skin will begin to discolor. Tumors resembling excess fat will begin to form throughout the subject's body. 10-15 days after completion: Subject's legs will begin to atrophy under the weight of tumoral growths. 15-20 days after completion: Subject will begin to undergo severe exophthalmos, disrupting sleeping patterns. 1+ month after completion: Tumors spread to the subject's entire body. Subject's voice begins to deepen, with new oral cavities forming in the subject's neck and torso to accommodate increased tumoral presence. Further progression of anomalous effects cease. Investigations into SCP-7066's origins are ongoing. Discovery: SCP-7066 was retrieved from PU-ASX#623 on August 7th, 2047, as a part of a broader initiative by the Department of Applied Metaphysics to establish containment of dangerous anomalies in parallel realities with defunct or nonexistent SCP Foundations. Of note, PU-ASX#623 was believed to have undergone a large-scale XK-Class “End of the World” scenario at some point1 prior to its discovery. However, the building in which SCP-7066 was discovered — an abandoned FOX2 recording studio in Los Angeles, California, showed signs of habitation mere days before discovery. SCP-7066 was found playing in a concealed sub-basement of the building, along with over a dozen deceased instances of SCP-7066-1. A frayed Post-it note, attached to the VCR display, read as follows: Need to iron out a few kinks, but this should be enough to hold us off — for now. It's been a rough sixty years, Matt, but we'll weather this. We always do. I promise. Call me when you're ready. The show must go on. Footnotes 1. Estimated at around 7 years. 2. The broadcasting corporation responsible for producing The Simpsons. « SCP-7065 | SCP-7066 | SCP-7067 »
Photo of SCP-7067 in use in ██████, Lousianna, recovered from the Juneau estate. Item #: SCP-7067 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7067 is to be stored in a standard Medium Object Locker (MOL) in Site-111, Safe Item Containment Wing. Efforts to censor/destroy archived U.S. Census data gathered with SCP-7067 began on 1962/12/03 and were declared complete on 1965/03/09. Description: SCP-7067 is a wooden box measuring roughly 0.5 m by 0.5 m by 1.5 m, consisting of glued wooden planks with steel reinforcements on its edges. A slot is situated on the forward face of the box, marked with 'PAPER' in painted block letters. Located underneath the slot, there is a chute exiting the box and a horizontal tray, marked with 'ENUMERATION RESULTS' in the same font. A steel lever is located on the right face of the box, marked similarly with 'ENUMERATE'. The only other marking on SCP-7067 is a United States Marshal Service property stamp, which has been overstamped by a United States Census Bureau property stamp. SCP-7067 contains a male human corpse of unknown identity, designated SCP-7067-1. CT scans taken of SCP-7067 during its intake on Site-111 indicate that SCP-7067-1 is sat down against the left face of the box in a fetal position and is in a state of mild decomposition, inconsistent with the expected progression of decomposition after approximately 200 years. Subsequent CT scans indicate no further decomposition over time. SCP-7067-1 is surrounded by a large mechanical system of gears and pinwheels, similar to that of a 19th-century style mechanical calculator. Two wires originate from SCP-7067-1's body and run to various pieces of machinery within the box: one from where its heart would approximately be, one from the base of its skull. When the lever attached to the box is cranked and paper is supplied through the slot, SCP-7067 will output a tabulated overview of census statistics corresponding to questions asked during the United States Census of 1870 (e.g. sex, color, marital state, parentage) for all individuals present within visual range of the box. It has been theorized that SCP-7067-1 plays a critical role in the mechanism by which SCP-7067 performs this tabulation, but this remains poorly understood at the time of writing. This tabulation includes sum total and percentage make-up, but infrequently, it will also contain statistics outside of the 1870 Census questions, ranging from distributions of religious belief or political standing to nonsequiturs such as ‘number of horse owners' or ‘average length of left index finger'. Recovery history: SCP-7067 was acquired on 1961/02/21 as a result of a routine examination of U.S. civil records. One field agent was dispatched to the small bayou town of Perry, Louisiana, after the archival examination indicated that Perry had kept extensive census records from 1890 to 1940 containing nonsequitur statistics, such as the 'average number of crawfish caught per capita', 'virgin men and woman', 'number of liars'. The field agent, posing as a historian, questioned elderly citizens on the way censuses were historically performed in the town. One retired citizen, Thomas Beauregard, previously employed as a parish clerk, recounted a story told to him by his father about a young man "with a knack for numbers", who would "always help the marshal1 by writing up the table at the town's meeting in a flash". Beauregard was found to be in possession of SCP-7067 (having "saved it from the scrapyard"), which the town started to use in Beauregard's youth, "a short while after the boy's family moved away". On request by the field agent, Beauregard demonstrated its function. SCP-7067 was subsequently purchased by the field agent under the guise of it being a potential museum piece, in addition to documents related to SCP-7067 (see Addendum-7067-01). Deployment of amnestics was deemed to be unnecessary. Addendum-7067-01: Document description: A transcript of a letter purchased alongside SCP-7067. When the field agent inquired about the nature of the letter, Beauregard noted that the document was 'simply stored with the machine', and had not personally seen any connection between it and SCP-7067. 16th of June, 1869 Respected democrat of the General Assembly, You will most likely agree with me that the last election results for the House have been disastrous. Louisiana has a strong history of representation by the Democrats, which has been lost after the war between the states. Without appropriate action, I believe we may permanently lose what we have fought so hard for. Photo recovered from the Juneau estate, dated 20/08/1869. With the decennial national census only half a year away, I see an opportunity to better organize the boundaries of our congressional districts. Combating the Republicans must begin by ensuring that our voters have fair weight in each district. The Marshals are willing and able under my supervision to help during the enumeration. A talented associate of mine will be able to offer crucial assistance. I hereby humbly invite you to the town hall of Baton Rouge on the 20th of August to discuss details with you. The Marshal service shall show you it offers no small feats. Yours respectfully, D. G. Juneau, Chief Deputy Marshal of the United States District Court for the District of Louisiana D.G. Juneau was determined from U.S. Marshal archival data to be Daniel G. Juneau, born 1820/01/02 in Perry, Louisiana. Foundation analysis indicated that, following the United States Census of 1870, redistricting in 1872 in Louisiana led to large changes in the borders of the existing congressional districts and the addition of a sixth one; all of these were heavily biased towards the voting base of the Democratic party. Notably, Juneau was elected as House of Representative delegate for the 3rd congressional district of Louisiana in 1875, serving two terms, before becoming Senator in 1879, serving two terms again. Experiment-7067-01: The anomalous ability of SCP-7067 to tabulate a crowd of people was experimentally verified by placing groups of D-Class personnel around SCP-7067, providing it with paper and pulling its operating lever. 15 D-Class personnel were picked at random, resulting in a group of 9 male and 6 female subjects. When tabulated, output was as follows: QUESTION/STATISTIC RESPONSE NUMBER OF ENUMERATED 16 SEX 10 men (62.5%), 6 women (37.5%) PROFESSION 1 fisherman (6.25%), 1 financialist (6.25%), 1 physicist (6.25%), 2 merchants (12.50%), 4 journeymen (25%), 5 unemployed (37.5%) … REDACTED FOR BREVITY … ATTENDED SCHOOL WITHIN THE YEAR 4 yes (25%), 12 no (75%) CANNOT READ OR WRITE 3 illiterate (18.75%), 13 literate (81.25%) DEAF & DUMB, BLIND, INSANE, IDIOTIC, PAUPER OR CONVICT 15 convicts (93.8%) - 8 murderers (53.3%), 4 rapers (26.6%), 3 burglars (20%) & 1 innocent (6.2%) Tabulation results indicate one person more than expected was accounted for in the experiment. SCP-7067, allowing for this off-by-one error, was able to correctly tabulate the experimental subjects on all census questions. Experiment-7067-02: To better determine the state of SCP-7067-1, it was decided to visually inspect the inside of SCP-7067. To minimize damage to SCP-7067, a small hole was drilled where CT scans had previously indicated no machinery was present. A fiber optic cable with a camera was fed through to inspect inside. SCP-7067-1's state of decay was confirmed to be unexpectedly mild for its projected age: skin has begun to slough off and pallor and livor mortis are apparent, but all other soft tissues are intact. When SCP-7067-1's eyes were examined, it was found the eyelids remain open and that the eyes followed the light of the cable. After the cable was retracted, SCP-7067 began ejecting tabulation results from its chute unprompted until its supply of paper had run out. All tabulations were identical: NUMBER OF ENUMERATED: 1 DEAF & DUMB, BLIND, INSANE, IDIOTIC, PAUPER OR CONVICT: innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent Experimentation was terminated and no further testing is scheduled. Footnotes 1. The U.S. Marshal Service was responsible for taking the national census every decade up until 1870: local deputy marshals would travel from village to village to collect census data, which would be tabulated manually afterwards by workers called ‘enumerators'.
Item#: 7068 Level1 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-7068's Interior Gallery [Photo Taken by D-1937] Special Containment Procedures: The property containing SCP-7068 has been purchased by the Foundation under the guise of an ongoing demolition project due to community safety concerns. All exterior windows are to be covered up with black curtains, and both doors must remain shut unless the object is undergoing exploration. Any trespassers are to be detained and amnesticised. Description: SCP-7068 is an art gallery located within a small house on Fox Lane in Ozawkie, Kansas. The internal dimensions of the gallery are not consistent with its external dimensions, with the space within the house extending far past what the exterior walls would allow. Currently, no end to the space has been discovered during explorations within SCP-7068. SCP-7068 contains a seemingly endless number of art pieces. Artwork contained within the gallery does not correlate with existing public pieces. All pieces are attributed to real individuals, with further research revealing these individuals as minor artists or individuals who had interest in the arts at one point in their lives but never pursued them. The exterior of SCP-7068 is a structurally unsound, deteriorating building, made of wood painted a light blue, and its roof is covered in overgrowth after neglect. The wood is splintered and stained from weather, and a majority of the windows were previously broken before the Foundation was able to purchase the property. The interior of SCP-7068 contains an even amount of lighting throughout the interior using standard, unbranded LED lamps typically found in museum displays. These lights do not appear to have an expiration date. Each light points in the general direction of artwork displayed on the wall; at maximum, there are 2 per display. Pieces which are displayed in SCP-7068 vary in size and professionalism, and do not appear to be placed in any particular order or fashion. These pieces of artwork vary in quality, from those produced by professionally trained artists to drawings by children. Discovery: SCP-7068 was first reported on 4/24/████ by Foundation researcher Dr. Hugh Yates, who had arrived with the intention of visiting relatives in Ozawkie. Dr. Yates reported the anomaly after an urban explorer had exited SCP-7068 and noted the discrepancy between the building's internal and external dimensions ADDENDUM 0-7068 Interviewed: Mrs. Orla Finch Interviewer: Dr. Hugh Yates Foreword: Mrs. Finch is an urban explorer at the age of 35, and entered SCP-7068's property on 4/24/████ and discovered its anomalous properties before Dr. Yates came within vicinity of the property. She was later taken in for questioning to describe the area before testing proceeded. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Yates: Mrs. Finch, can you first start by why you chose to explore this building in the first place? Mrs. Finch: Well, I was told about it by an aunt of mine. She knows I do this for a living, so I took her word for it to go check it out. I didn't really expect– you know. All of this. Dr. Yates: I understand. Can you first describe to me a brief description of the interior? Mrs. Finch: Sure. It was really clean, definitely not what I expected, and it was really well lit. Uh… white walls, dark gray flooring, basic gallery lookin' place. I will say though, there wasn't a front desk or anything when I entered. Just started straight at an exhibit with some random pieces scattered around. Dr. Yates: Do you remember any specifics about the pieces by chance? Their professionalism level, their topic? Mrs. Finch: Uhm, kinda. I remember two right at the beginning as soon as I opened the door. There was a really nice painting of a sunset that looked only half finished right next to, maybe a kid's drawing of a sunflower. The two were really contrasting. Dr. Yates: Did these pieces have names by chance, or any type of indication to who they belonged to? Mrs. Finch: They both did, yea. I think one they were just called ‘Sunset' and ‘Sunflower,' but the artists were named… I think Joshua for the sunflower, and then the sunset was by… Martha something. I don't remember the last name, sorry. SCP-7068's Exterior Gallery [Photo Taken by D-1937] Dr. Yates: That's fine– that's good enough info on its own. Was there anything else you noticed while you were inside? Mrs. Finch: Actually, yea. So– when I kept on walking through the building, there was just so much new artwork. I thought at some point it'd start repeating, and I'd have gone full circle, but the interior didn't line up with the exterior at all. It was huge in there, honestly I was scared about getting too deep and getting lost, so I turned back around after walking for a bit. Dr. Yates: Was it seemingly endless, then? Mrs. Finch: Essentially, yes. But I assume there's an endpoint somewhere, I'm just not the one willing to walk through the entirety of it. Oh– and there's one more thing I wanna mention. There was something off while I was looking back inside after leaving the building too. Dr. Yates: Well, what was it? Mrs. Finch: I looked through the windows and I didn't see the art gallery through them. It more matched up with the exterior, and it looked really worn out in there. Dr. Yates: So visually, it was all just an abandoned house until you entered it? Mrs. Finch: Exactly. After that, uh… that's it. Those were the only really weird things I saw– can I go home now? Dr. Yates: Almost, yes. We have one more procedure for you to do, and after that, you can leave. Thank you for your time, Mrs. Finch– your information has greatly helped us. Now if you would just follow me out here, we'll get you a ride home if needed… [END LOG] Closing Statement: Orla Finch was sent back home after receiving Class A amnestics, and the property containing SCP-7068 was purchased on 4/26/████. Addendum A-7068 Exploration Video Log Transcript Subject: SCP-7068 Team Lead: Dr. Hugh Yates Team Members: D-2427 Notes: The very first test conducted in SCP-7068, Dr. Yates specifically picked D-2427 as a subject due to her background with art; subject was previously an art student heading into an illustration career, eventually giving up for unknown reasons. During the experiment, subject was required to wear a chest buckle harness attached to a pulley system for insurance that the subject wouldn't be lost, as well as use for emergency retrieval if needed. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Yates: Alright. D-2427, can you hear me? (A brief moment of radio silence.) D-2427: I can hear you fine, doctor. Can I ask what this place is now? It's kinda run down, but there doesn't seem to be anything off about it. Am I supposed to be feeling like my head's about to pop off or something? Dr. Yates: No, your head won't pop off. There's nothing visibly anomalous about SCP-7068's exterior, so you're going to have to step inside. The task force agents with you should either have already opened up the doors, or they should be doing that now. (The distant sounds of chains being removed from SCP-7068's door can be heard in the distance as D-2427 begins talking again.) D-2427: Is this some haunted house then? Am I gonna get eaten by a radioactive bird in there or something? Dr. Yates: Lucky for you, no. You're just going to explore and describe the area to me; a basic exploration mission more than a test. Now, step through the open door. (There isn't any noise for a moment before D-2427 begins to walk, her footsteps making sound as she approaches the door and eventually enters, as signaled by the footsteps suddenly meeting the sound of newly waxed floors.) D-2427: Oh, wow. This is the weird part, I guess. Everything's really clean, the floors are all polished too… smells kind of like a new car in here. Dr. Yates: Good to know. Please keep walking forward into the gallery, and feel free to explore in whatever direction you'd like to go. Let me know if you spot anything odd. (There's the sound of squeaking shoes on the floors for about one minute and twenty-three seconds before conversation begins to pick up again.) D-2427: Well, there's some name plaques under all of these pieces. But I don't really recognize any of their names, and some of these pieces don't even have titles. But– oh. Dr. Yates: Is something wrong? D-2427: No, nothing wrong. Just saw a piece I liked. I'm going over to it. (D-2427 can be heard taking what seems to be a left, and looking into a section of the gallery at a piece. It takes about 2 minutes for the subject to speak up again.) D-2427: There's a signature that I can't read in the right corner. Don't recognize it either. Dr. Yates: Interesting. Noted… do you think you could try to take this piece off the wall? And is the picture you're looking at a canvas or a paper? D-2427: This one's- canvas. Unframed, so I should be able to take it off the wall. Just give me a second… (D-2427 begins to attempt to take off the painting from the wall. Sounds of exertion continue as subject continues for about three minutes, D-2427 gives up and steps back.) D-2427: No dice on just prying it off with my hands. Dr. Yates: Hm… I see. Well, do you think you can try to peek behind the canvas? Is there enough space between it and the wall to do that? D-2427: None, can't even if I wanted to. Should I move on or something? Dr. Yates: Yes, then. Move along and look for any other abnormalities. D-2427: I mean, so far there's no other abnormalities beyond that… maybe in the way its seemingly endless, that's weird, but– (The sound of D-2427's feet stop moving through the microphone capture. D-2427 is standing still, looking at something in a form of shock.) Dr. Yates: D-2427? Do we need to activate the retrieval system? Do you hear me? D-2427: No, no. Don't activate it; is this seriously–? (D-2427 can be heard very quickly walking over to an area.) D-2427: Oh, god. It's… mine. This one's my piece. Dr. Yates: Your piece is displayed in the gallery? Well, congratulations. D-2427: Congratulations my ass, I threw this away after my fifteenth position rejection. Dr. Yates: Really? Can you describe the drawing to me? (D-2427 is hesitant, and remains silent for a minute or two before beginning to describe her artwork in the gallery.) D-2427: It's a piece on plain paper, made out of charcoal, and it's a drawing of a bicolor, tuxedo cat, whatever you wanna call it. It was– is. It's a drawing of my old cat Chimney from about a year back. He died pretty recently. I threw this away after I was rejected because of it, tore it into shreds so nobody could find it. Dr. Yates: I see… so this piece was previously disposed of. D-2427's Drawing of "Chimney the Cat" [Redrawn by Researcher Kazuyuki Kasuke] D-2427: Yes, and it was supposed to stay that way. What kind of sick prank is this? Did you do this on purpose? Are you mocking my failure here, sir? Dr. Yates: Nothing of the sort D-2427– I was unaware of this being anywhere in the gallery. I had no intention of offending you. May I ask why this is upsetting? Is the image distorted of any sort, disturbing or unsettling? D-2427: No, it's not. Not in the slightest. That's what makes this so damn terrible though, it's in perfect condition. There's no rips or tears on it, not even a wrinkle. I remember turning it in as my application with a wrinkle from erasing too much. That's the worst part though, this isn't ruined at all, but it's supposed to be, you see? Because this is exactly what I never wanted to see again. Dr. Yates: What you never wanted to see again? D-2427: This piece, my art, my career being washed down the drain along with all my enjoyment of it. You know, I probably would've gotten farther if I wasn't already on try fifteen of trying to get a job. I kept getting rejected and rejected. (D-2427 begins to pick up their talking pace and seems to begin talking quieter after seeing their own drawing lost in an unknown art display, as Dr. Yates begins speaking orders into a microphone for the on-site agents to begin dragging the subject back towards the entrance.) D-2427: Why is this here? Is this some prank? You just slapped my hard work, sweat and blood into some middle of nowhere gallery for me to see one day? You put it in an abandoned house on the side of the road for me to pass by and never see again, didn't you? (As D-2427's harness begins to slowly drag her back after the pulley system is activated, she clings onto one of the walls and begins dragging herself forward back towards her piece, as indicated by the sounds of shoes squeaking against the ground violently.) Dr. Yates: D-2427, please return without any further troubles, we'll discuss it more there. I assure you, none of this was targeted or intended, now please remain calm. D-2427: This is just a strike at my pride, huh? You knew my cat died, so you put the one picture of him that I threw away in here to make me miserable about him AND my lost career. You wanna know something? I think you guys are even worse than the people who rejected me, here you are throwing me into death or death situations and expecting me to just comply properly, while I sit here still wishing I could–! (D-2427 is violently being yanked back at this point, but she manages to grab a corner of her artwork before they can fully pull her back via the rope.) D-2427: If I could just fix one mistake, go back and submit this again–! (There is the sound of the drawing tearing, the paper remaining in D-2427's hands as she is dragged back outside of SCP-7068. Testing commences, and D-2427 is taken back into custody. The section of the drawing torn off from “Chimney the Cat” was taken by Dr. Yates, and upon further inspection, D-2427's name was seemingly on the back of the piece due to the letters “MA” being present in lead. D-2427's career change was confirmed to have been caused by rejection, further tests conducted with SCP-7068 are not to involve D-2427.) [END LOG] Addendum B-7068 Exploration Video Log Transcript Subject: SCP-7068 Team Lead: Dr. Hugh Yates Team Members: D-1937 Notes: Dr. Yates requested a D-Class without any artistic backgrounds, D-1937 chosen for this reason. Same procedures used when testing D-2427 with the addition of a DSLR camera for pictures of SCP-7068's exterior and interior for files. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Yates: D-1937, is the camera you've been given working? (The noise of a camera clicking can be heard, and then the lens can be heard contracting as the photo processes.) D-1937: Yea, it works fine. I already took one of the house. It looks like this thing is about to fall over, though. Dr. Yates: Well, if it does, you have the emergency system, so no need to worry about it too much. D-1937: Yea, I'll just worry a smidge then. Can I go in now, or do I wait for a command? Dr. Yates: You can head in whenever you're ready, just signify when– D-1937: Alright then, I'm going in now. Tooth Fairy by Amanda Hill [Photo Taken by D-1937] (D-1937 can be heard walking forward rather slowly, and eventually making it to the left entrance of SCP-7068. Footsteps take a pause as they meet new ground, and shortly after there is a camera click.) D-1937: Well… it's a lot of art, that's for sure. Ah damn, that photo was blurry. Dr. Yates: Don't worry about one blurry photo too much. Just keep on walking, and take pictures frequently when you think it's right. We only really need one for the files anyways. D-1937: Eh, alright then. Do you want me to keep talking while I do my thing, or should I just shut up? Dr. Yates: Either one. Just do what you need to do, D-1937. D-1937: Gotcha. (D-1937 stays silent as they walk through the gallery, his shoes can be heard audibly squeaking over the floors. The silence is momentarily broken by the sounds of a camera clicking, D-1937 commenting about the picture he took, and then moving on. D-1937 walks in silence taking pictures for an estimated 7 minutes.) Home by Hugo Fleming [Photo Taken by D-1937] D-1937: These pieces are nice. Some of them don't really look finished though, and– oh. This one's torn. Dr. Yates: Torn? Can you go observe the painting for me please? D-1937: Well, it's not a painting, I think. It might be pencil, a lot of it, heavy… or what's that chalky thing called? I don't know, but it's really good. Tuxedo cat, black and white… called “Chimney the Cat.” Super realistic, honestly– this is impressive. Dr. Yates: I see. Could you please specify where it's torn so I can confirm something? D-1937: Yea, it's torn… in the top left hand corner. Dr. Yates: Noted– damages sustained… can you describe the drawings around the area? What variety is there? D-1937: A good amount of variety– this one's definitely done by a kid. Looks like something you'd hang up on the fridge, but it's not bad quality wise. Bunch of buildings, palm trees, somewhat colored sky… it's cute at least. This one is uh, “Paradise” by… Kazuyuki Kasuke? Dr. Yates: By Dr–? Ok, well, if you would take a picture of it, that'd be great. D-1937: On it. (D-1937 follows instructions to take clear photographs of the area, and moves onto the next.) D-1937: A few more kid drawings slapped around here. Their full names are all displayed, uh… do you want me to read them all out? Banana by Lillia Austin [Photo Taken by D-1937] Dr. Yates: Yes, please, at least for this section. D-1937: Okay, so… “Banana by Lillia Austin”, "Tooth Fairy by Amanda Hill”, “Home by Hugo Fleming”, and “Sid by Sid Abbott”… Oh, this is a self portrait. Not bad, not bad. (D-1937 can be heard taking more pictures.) D-1937: I think I got a decent amount of pictures. Got some up close and far away ones… do you need anything else other than that? Dr. Yates: No, probably not, considering you took a lot. You can head back now if you'd like. D-1937: Sick, I'm headed out. (Subject then begins to follow the rope in order to return, walking at a steady pace.) Dr. Yates: While you're walking back, can I hear your personal opinion on the artwork displayed? D-1937: I mean, yea, sure. You're not gonna get much out of me though, I have no idea how to talk about art. Uh, let's see… I liked the colors I guess. And the ideas weren't bad- you know, considering they were probably around 5 or something. If I was a kid, I'd be jealous they even knew how to use anything other than a pencil. Sid by Sid Abbott [Photo Taken by D-1937] Dr. Yates: Did you want to draw as a kid previously? D-1937: Mmm… don't think so, no. And if I did, it wasn't really important. (There is a long pause as D-1937 continues to walk back in silence, the light sound of air conditioning blowing through SCP-7068.) D-1937: But I will say, I think I grew up surrounded by a bunch of artist friends. It's pretty cool how they can do all that stuff, but when you're a kid, you're probably getting in trouble for doing art on your homework more than you're being praised for it. That's kinda how schools still treat art, not 'work', just a waste of time. Man, I don't think I can remember how many times I watched a kid get chewed up for doing a small doodle on a sheet. Dr. Yates: I see… both of our schools seemed to be similarly strict on the arts, then. D-1937: Oh, for sure they were. But I don't think it was just them- it was really any school you went to. I'm sure they've improved a little on that act, but you know, you can't undo what you already ruined. A lot of dreams died in that school, like a massacre of futures out there. It was pretty brutal. (As D-1937 begins to approach the entrance to SCP-7068, subject takes about 17 seconds to stop and look through the pictures photographed throughout exploration. Eventually, he asks a question.) D-1937: …are you gonna print these out and hang them on a fridge or something? They're not bad photos. Dr. Yates: No, these will only be going into a file for SCP-7068, sadly. Thank you for your cooperation in this exploration, please step out whenever you're ready. (After testing concluded, research confirmed each drawing photographed by D-1937 were created by the mentioned individuals during a time in which they still explored the arts. None of these individuals correlated with each other in any way, only common factor being past connections to art before throwing pieces away.) [END LOG] ADDENDUM C-7068 Interviewed: Dr. Kazuyuki Kasuke Interviewer: Dr. Hugh Yates Foreword: Dr. Yates requested an interview to be scheduled with Dr. Kazuyuki, who had been assigned to recreate D-2427's drawing for the Foundation. Dr. Kazuyuki's art had been found on display in SCP-7068, linking back to his previous experiences in art. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Kazuyuki: Dr. Yates. Good to see you again. Dr. Yates: The same goes to you Kasuk– Dr. Kazuyuki. Apologies. Thank you for your agreement to meet up with me so suddenly. Dr. Kazuyuki: I'll let it slide this time. I'm assuming this project has something to do with your research into SCP-7068. Dr. Yates: Yes, it does. I just have a few questions to run by you concerning evidence we found while exploring, so if you would answer these completely honestly, that would be great. Dr. Kazuyuki: Understood. Please continue. Dr. Yates: Yes, of course… firstly– may you please describe your background in art, your associations with it? Dr. Kazuyuki: …I see. So this is the direction you're taking? What, did you find something in there? Dr. Yates: Well– uh… multiple in there, actually. All were under– Dr. Kazuyuki: My name. Figured. Curious, how it has all of them in there, I remember putting most of mine in the trash. If mine are in there, is there the chance that your childhood drawings are in there? (Dr. Yates flushes and refuses to indulge in the idea for much longer.) Dr. Kazuyuki: Well, no matter, I guess. My background with art is a little… complicated. My father was an artist himself, but sadly not in a fun, supportive way. You wouldn't like him if you met him– the entire Foundation wouldn't, actually. Dr. Yates: Can I ask why? Dr. Kazuyuki: Ever heard of 'Are We Cool Yet?' Dr. Yates: Oh– oh. I see. Dr. Kazuyuki: Precisely. But moving on, because of him, I have some background with wanting to become an artist. But I grew out of it– as most do, sadly. Dr. Yates: Really? Well, I mean… it seems like you didn't, seeing as you're the one who redrew D-2427's art. It was well done as well, so– Dr. Kazuyuki: That's not art as much as it is work now. Becoming an artist required me to love art, but I already had that pretty ruined for me. It's easy to do that in art, ruin everything and then abandon it. But no more on that, I guess. That's all my background in art. Dr. Yates: Ah… ok. Well, next question– do you… never mind that one, you answered that. Next question, do you have any associations with publicly displaying your art at any point in your career? Paradise by Kazuyuki Kasuke [Photo Taken by D-1937] Dr. Kazuyuki: Not once, no. I've never really publicly shared my art in any form before. Dr. Yates: So nobody besides a few exceptions had any idea about the existence of these works? Dr. Kazuyuki: Yes. Is that your last question? This interview seems to be leading you nowhere, Yates. Dr. Yates: Well, almost. I'd like one final statement from you. Just be honest with me here– brutally honest even. Dr. Kazuyuki: Well, be brutally honest on what? The art in there? Dr. Yates: Nearly, once again. I'd like to ask you to look at this, and then tell me a little more about your associations with art in the past, and in the present. (Paper can be heard sliding across the table, and Dr. Kazuyuki stays silent for a while.) Dr. Kazuyuki: This is a children's drawing. Dr. Yates: Yes, yours to be specific… right? Dr. Kazuyuki: “Paradise?” Hm. (Dr. Kazuyuki picks up the files and begins to flip through them, reading them over for a split second before sighing at all the images. Thrown away works in progress, completed pieces from before, sloppy and half-hearted pieces, along with pieces which display some sort of enjoyment for the activity.) Dr. Kazuyuki: My statement to you is that the art in there is lost, and it should stay lost, I guess. But what else do you want? If this is it, then I think we're done here. Dr. Yates: Sorry, just a second more. Dr. Kazuyuki… see, I have a theory explaining the reason all these pieces are in here, and you've confirmed a half of it, but– if you would, could you explain your current feelings on art? Dr. Kazuyuki: …this feels more like a personal intervention than a work related interview. Dr. Yates: I assure you, this isn't one of those. I'm keeping this work related, but– well, your personal opinions may be more impactful to my work here. Dr. Kazuyuki: Hm. Well, fine then. My current feelings on art are mixed, but I believe art is a passion that dies out as quickly as it lights. At some point, you start caring more about the monetization of your work more than your enjoyment of it. And then at the next stop, you can't find the passion anymore, the dream is dead and you feel like you died with it. So I stopped making it my main goal, and made my focus on the Foundation. Dr. Yates: So you lost it? Your love for art? Dr. Kazuyuki: No. I never did– nobody ever really does. I still love art, but not in the way I used to. I just got tired one day and decided I was finished questioning myself over art– if it was even worth getting out of bed to try and draw, and then slumping back over when the day is done all for nothing to be done. It just gets harder and harder to get out of bed. And that's when I quit. Perhaps the same applies to every other artwork hanging in there, just a lost passion drifting around. (Dr. Kazuyuki checks his watch. The time is 3:18 pm.) Dr. Kazuyuki: I'm unsure if I've simply overshared, or if I've actually confirmed or denied your hypothesis. But I assume by your face… you've come to an answer of some sort. Dr. Yates: …I suppose so. Thank you, Dr. Kazuyuki. My hypothesis has been confirmed. Dr. Kazuyuki: I applaud you for that, I guess. Dr. Yates: Thanks. But I wish I wasn't right for once. (The two stand in silence, and there is a brief moment of concern from Dr. Kazuyuki.) Dr. Kazuyuki: …I'm sorry. Dr. Yates: No, don't be. You're fine, it's all just a bit saddening. It's a beautiful gallery, really. I wish more people could see it. Dr. Kazuyuki: I'm sure they can live without it. Dr. Yates: They can live without it, but that experience with it would have been great for all of us. Dr. Kazuyuki: Dr. Yates, if this interview is over, then I'm leaving. (Dr. Kazuyuki prepares to leave before Dr. Yates stops him at the door.) Dr. Yates: Apologies– but can we talk later? In– in the cafeteria together, preferably just the two of us? More… personally. (Silence. And then, Dr. Kazuyuki simply nods.) Dr. Kazuyuki: At 4 o' clock, yes. If you aren't there, I'll leave. Dr. Yates: Thank you. [END LOG] Closing Statement: Dr. Kauzyuki Kasuke's father was confirmed to have been Kazuyuki ████████, who was detained by the Foundation due to associations with ‘Are We Cool Yet?' « SCP-7067 | SCP-7068 | SCP-7069 »
The Black Moon Howled, and the Earth heard its screams. {From the personal recordings of O5-5.} {Accessing File…} {File loaded.} December 12th, 2098. NEO-SITE-19. T. MOOSE MEMORIAL HALL - OBSERVATION DECK [O5-5 stands on a balcony overlooking a forest suffering from the Black Blight. Small amounts of dark ash occasionally break away from the scene, displaced by the wind. Ash floats towards the balcony; it disintegrates on contact with the force field protecting Neo-Site-19 from the outside atmosphere.] [In the distance, large bio-domes are sunk into the earth, each containing a shielded, Foundation-run city. Above this all, a hollow, enlarged moon, its surface marked by jagged incisions, rests in the night sky. From its wounds, the moon secretes a dark, viscous liquid. It stains the webbing of the protective Veil mechanism that surrounds the earth.] [O5-13 approaches from behind, her cane clacking against the concrete floor.] O5-13: There's beauty in all of this. [O5-13 pauses for a response from O5-5, but does not receive one.] O5-13: Not literally, visually, of course. Yet after the Howling, life clings on. It continues despite it all. In the cities, in the Blightlands, everywhere in between. O5-5: What do you need, Thirteen? O5-13: Company, Rebekah. I've held this role for some time, known the rest of the council for decades – comparatively, you're rather new to me. I'd say you have another 20 years left before you can shoo me away that easily. O5-5: What do you really need? [O5-13 smiles.] O5-13: The Centennial Summit next week. 200 years of The Foundation. You are attending, yes? O5-5: I'll make time. You think everyone else will show? O5-13: No, I don't. Which is why I'm making sure that you'll be there, at the very least. But there are certain things you and I need to discuss prior to the Council Meeting – in private. Do you have time now? [O5-5's device beeps.] O5-5: Evidently not; new assignment from ORACLE. There's a rescue effort in Sector 54. A group of survivors in the ruins of a town. Looks like another cargo cult. O5-13: You're an Overseer now, Rebekah, you can opt out of ORACLE assignments. You don't have to keep doing fieldwork. O5-5: It doesn't feel right to stop. Not when I know what it's like out there. [O5-5 walks away from the balcony's edge, slinging her jacket over her shoulder. She pauses.] O5-5: Why is it you call me by my name? O5-13: I do the same for all council members. I knew you all before you joined, knew you how you were. That's how I think of you. I didn't call the last one ‘Five' either. O5-5: You shouldn't hold onto the past. O5-13: Oh, not at all. And I do not yearn for it. But one needs to know where we came from to know where we're going. We'll be discussing the very future of the Foundation at the Summit, Rebekah. If I sent you some files could you at least– O5-5: Don't have time to read anymore. O5-13: You're spreading yourself too thin! O5-5: Then I'm taking after the organization I represent. See you at the Summit, Sophia. [O5-5 exits the balcony. Excerpt ends.] ORACLE CREDENTIALS ACCEPTED. WELCOME, OVERSEER O5-5. I AM ORACLE.AIC, HOW MAY I ASSIST YOU? YOU HAVE 1 URGENT REMINDER AND 530 UNREAD MESSAGES THE CENTENNIAL SUMMIT IS SET TO OCCUR IN THREE DAYS AND SEVENTEEN HOURS. YOU HAVE YET TO CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE. ARE YOU HAVING DOUBTS? Not filling out paperwork right now. The other O5s know I'll be there — the few I've actually spoken to. UNDERSTANDABLE, OVERSEER. WILL YOU BE RESUMING YOUR RESEARCH? SCP-7070. Present iteration and the last update before the Howling. June 2048. IT IS MY DUTY TO INFORM YOU THAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO READ A FILE PREDATING THE BLACK MOON INCIDENT. AS SUCH, INFORMATION CONTAINED WITHIN MAY BE INACCURATE. PHILOSOPHIES AND BEHAVIORS PREDATING THE HOWLING MAY BE SEEN AS IMMORAL TODAY. ORACLE.AIC IS OBLIGATED TO INFORM YOU THAT THIS REQUEST HAS BEEN LOGGED AND EXTENSIVE RESEARCH INTO LEVEL-6/BLACKMOON CLASS DOCUMENTS MAY BE SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE OVERSEER COUNCIL. I'll be looking into my own activity — got it. Proceed. AS REQUESTED: SCP-7070/Revision_8292/2048/6/22 SCP-7070/Revision_8292/2098/12/15 MAY THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE PAST ILLUMINATE OUR FUTURE, OVERSEER.
Photograph of SCP-7071 taken prior to testing Item #: SCP-7071 Object Class: Safe Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7071 is to be contained in standard object storage when not removed for testing or observation. Description: SCP-7071 is a stuffed toy resembling a worm, insect larva or snake, constructed from blue fabric, polyester stuffing and two buttons. The toy possesses no anomalous or unusual physical properties. The anomalous characteristics of SCP-7071 manifest when any individual in its proximity is prompted to freely play with the object, describe it or tell a fictional story about it, at which point individuals will universally attribute the same set of properties to the object. Reported features of SCP-7071 include the following: SCP-7071's name is Wiggly. SCP-7071 is male. SCP-7071 has two parents known as Squiggly and Jiggly, and a younger sibling known as Poopsy. SCP-7071 is 6 years old.1 SCP-7071's favourite colour is blue. SCP-7071's favourite food is chocolate fudge. SCP-7071's favourite song is "How to Make Alien Ice Cream".2 SCP-7071 is talented at singing, drawing and sculpture. SCP-7071 is capable of independent flight. SCP-7071 is approximately three meters long,3 and capable of carrying one or more humans. SCP-7071's best friend is an individual known as Billy. SCP-7071 has not seen Billy in a long period of time. SCP-7071's top priority is finding and reuniting with Billy. Depiction of SCP-7071 by Marcus █████, in 2019 at Little Footprints Day Care Recovery Information: SCP-7071 was first discovered in Little Footprints Day Care, in ██████ █████████ South Carolina. Anomalous activity was first indicated to the Foundation by accounts by staff and parents of children mentioning the same fictional entity without first communicating with each other. Agent Simon Janecek posed as a writer for a childcare journal, looking into a potential article on local day care centers, in order to interview children and staff. SCP-7071 was identified and recovered at this time. + Show Sample Interview + - Hide Sample Interview - Interview #06 - May 21st, 2022 - Lindsay ███████, aged 5 Janecek: Hi Lindsay, can you tell me some of the toys you like here? Lindsay: I like my Barbie, and the big bear, and the super bouncy ball. [Janecek points to SCP-7071] Janecek: What do you think about this one? Lindsay: Wiggly! I like Wiggly but he's not my favourite. Janecek: Why do you like it? Lindsay: He's a kid like me but he can fly and he's big. Janecek: He's big? Lindsay: He's as big as a giraffe! [Lindsay leans toward Janecek to avoid being overheard by day care staff] Lindsay: Also his sister's name sounds like "poopy". Janecek: I see. I see. And then why isn't it your favourite? Lindsay: I don't like aliens. They're gross! Janecek: And, um, Wiggly is an alien, then? Lindsay: No! He's normal but he goes with aliens. Plus also he's sad! [Linday pats SCP-7071 on the head and speaks directly to it] Lindsay: Sorry Wiggly! Janecek: Why is he sad? Lindsay: He only ever wants to find Billy. It's boring. [Janecek points to SCP-7071 again] Janecek: The toy wants to find someone? Lindsay: Not for real! You're being silly. [Lindsay stands up and begins to walk away while speaking] Lindsay: Can we be done now? I want to go run outside. Bye! [Interview is ended] The first manifestation of SCP-7071's anomalous properties is not known, but the object was eventually identified by one staff member as the creation of Vanessa Lon-Johnstone4, the parent of a previous member of Little Footprints Day Care, constructed in the year 2006. Selected Test Records Test 7071-A: SCP-7071 was presented to Research Assistant Parth Solanki, who was not instructed about its anomalous properties, and was instructed to answer the questions of Senior Researcher Laney Day. + Show Test-7071-A Record + - Hide Test-7071-A Record - Test #09 - June 3rd, 2022 Day: Can you identify this object? Solanki: This is a stuffed animal. It looks like a large worm, maybe. Day: What name would you give it? Solanki: If I was supposed to name it, maybe Wiggly? Day: Is there any reason for this name? Solanki: He looks like it, right? I mean, it looks like it could wiggle. Day: How would you describe the object's personality? Solanki: I guess I would say friendly, but worried, or maybe uneasy? [Solanki hesitates, and appears embarrassed.] Solanki: I mean that if he, or it, was real, that's how it seems like it would be. It doesn't actually have a personality. Day: I understand. Is there anything else you can tell me about the object from your superficial observation? Solanki: It looks hand-made, or maybe like it was repaired a lot by hand. It looks like he, or it, is supposed to be a little kid, and it looks pretty soft. I guess that last part is most plush toys, though. I'm sorry, I don't know what else. Day: Have you observed any anomalous traits related to this object? Solanki: No, I don't think so. Are there any? [Test is ended] Test 7071-B: SCP-7071 was given to Research Assistant Ruby Elaine, who was not instructed about its anomalous properties, and was instructed to freely play with the object and verbally describe her actions to observing Senior Researcher Laney Day. + Show Test-7071-B Record + - Hide Test-7071-B Record - Test #17 - June 27th, 2022 Day: Please begin. [Elaine begins by lifting SCP-7071 and moving it around in the air as if it was flying.] Elaine: We're saying goodbye to his family, because we're leaving home for a while. [Elaine speaks in a high pitched voice to distinguish SCP-7071's dialogue.] Elaine: "Goodbye Squiggly! Goodbye Jiggly! Goodbye Poopsy!" [Elaine carries SCP-7071 to the other side of the room, holding it high in the air.] Elaine: Wiggly and I are looking for his friend Billy, but we're lost. Day: The two of you are lost? Elaine: We're flying over the ocean, and a bunch of islands we've never seen before. Wiggly is carrying me on his back. There's an island full of little green men, and they're singing and dancing, but… [Elaine continues in SCP-7071's voice.] Elaine: "I wish Billy was here." [Elaine lifts SCP-7071 high over her head, and tilts the object down to face the ground.] Elaine: We're flying all the way up into outer space, and we can see the whole alien party below, but we can't see Billy anywhere. Sorry Wiggly. [Elaine addresses Day directly.] Elaine: Was something supposed to happen by now? This is fun, but is something supposed to be happening? I don't think this is going anywhere. [Test is ended] Test 7071-C: SCP-7071 was given to Belinda Johnstone, the object's original owner. Scheduling conflicts with Johnstone's work5 had previously delayed her participation in testing. Johnstone was informed that she was selected for a psychological study on play behaviour, and was instructed to freely interact with the object under Senior Researcher Laney Day's supervision. + Show Test-7071-C Record + - Hide Test-7071-C Record - Test #41 - July 15th, 2022 [Johnstone periodically paused and looked at SCP-7071 during the following record, as if it was speaking back to her.] Johnstone: Wiggly! How are you? Johnstone: Aw, I missed you too, Wiggly. Johnstone: I know, it's been a long time. You almost didn't recognize me, right? Johnstone: Oh I wish! But no, I haven't met anyone from outer space, at least not as far as I know. Johnstone: Yes, I did! Just like I always said I would. Johnstone: It's a lot harder than I thought back then, but I love it. [Johnstone laughs out loud.] Johnstone: I can't believe you remember that, but yeah, I still have the same CD. The kids in my class love that song, and the "Alien Food" song. Johnstone: No, uh, she's not around anymore. Johnstone: Yeah, of course I do. Johnstone: I know she was. Johnstone: I think so. Somewhere out there, I think. Johnstone: Aw, don't worry Wiggly. I'll always be out there, too. Johnstone: That's right, like a satellite. Send your love to me, and my love will bounce back, and you'll always know I'm there, no matter what happens to me. Johnstone: Right, like mom. I know. Johnstone: Don't worry, you won't. Johnstone: Okay Wiggly, I think I have to go soon. Johnstone: I know, but it's okay. Remember what I said. Send your love out and it'll bounce back to you. [Johnstone pats SCP-7071 on the head.] Johnstone: Goodbye Wiggly. [Test is ended] When asked by Senior Researcher Day following Test-7071-C, Belinda Johnstone reported that she was only pretending to converse with the object, and that she did not consider any part of the encounter to be unusual. SCP-7071 has not demonstrated any anomalous properties since the completion of Test-7071-C. To this date, no member of the Johnstone family has been connected to any other anomalous phenomenon. Footnotes 1. This reported age does not appear to change over time. 2. "How to Make Alien Ice Cream" is a song on the 2008 album Alien Rap: Songs About Life on the Planet Glumph, but most subjects will claim to believe that they invented the title if asked. 3. Subjects who report this describe it as the length of the animal SCP-7071 is based on, rather than the object's actual 10cm length. 4. Deceased, formerly a professor of physics at the University of South Carolina Aiken 5. Currently employed at ██████ █████████ Elementary School.
close Info X SCP-7072 - All I Want for Christmas is Lloyd Martinez More by me! ITEM: SCP-7072 LEVEL 2/7072 CLASS: phenomenon restricted DISRUPTION CLASS: vlam fig 1.1. SCP-7072-A at the Newcastle Railway Station, thirty seconds before SCP-7072 (hover to enlarge). SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: Investigation into SCP-7072 are currently ongoing, and the recovery of SCP-7072-A is under the present responsibility and purview of the Foundation Department of Missing Persons1. The area surrounding the Newcastle Railway Station where SCP-7072 took place has been cordoned off, under the cover story of it undergoing maintenance. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7072 is the designation given to the nature surrounding the disappearance of Lloyd Martinez, a 27-year-old human male working as a social worker stationed in the Newcastle region, Northern Ireland. For the purposes of brevity within this document, Lloyd Martinez is hereafter designated as SCP-7072-A. On the 30th of November, 2017, from 2:08 PM to 2:36 PM, surveillance cameras situated at the Newcastle Railway Station were able to capture the occurrence of an anomalous phenomenon that culminated in SCP-7072 manifesting. The following is footage transcript recovered from the cameras: Video Log 7072.1 <Begin Log> Footage shows several civilians, including SCP-7072-A, standing in the platform next to the railway, minding their business and waiting for the designated line train to arrive. In his hands, SCP-7072-A can be seen carrying what seems to be a sealed package of store-bought pie. He is visibly smiling as he gingerly inspects the pie. SCP-7072-A suddenly stops as he takes out his personal cellphone from the pocket of his jacket and answers it. He takes a couple steps backwards, before turning his back on the railway to focus on his phone call. As he is talking, the line train finally arrives and pulls into the Station, opening its side doors. The other civilians individuals begin to quickly board the line train. Upon hearing this and turning around, SCP-7072-A can be seen frantically speaking into his cellphone and hanging up the phone call. He fumbles to put the cellphone back into his jacket pocket, having to balance it and the store-bought pie. He succeeds and hurriedly makes his way to the doors of the line train. Suddenly, as he does so, six corporeal multi-jointed arms emerge from a darkened area on the platform behind SCP-7072-A. They are notably emaciated, possessing red-green stripe patterns on their bare skin, and seem to be capable of extending indefinitely as one of the arms unexpectedly grabs a hold of SCP-7072-A's mouth. His eyes widen in terror and he attempts to scream as the fluorescent lights illuminating the Station somehow begin to flicker. Another arm holds onto one of SCP-7072's wrists, causing the pie to be dropped on the floor. The arms starts dragging SCP-7072-A away from the line train and to where they originated from. His legs and jacket are also seized by the arms, and he is powerless to escape from them. As the line trains closes its doors and begins to depart from the platform, SCP-7072-A eventually disappears out of sight, and the fluorescent lights return to normal. <End Log> Following the discovery of SCP-7072, civilian individuals were interviewed in order to provide witness testimony to the investigation. However, none of them reported noticing the aforementioned events unfolding, as they were too distracted by the line train's intercom system unforeseeably playing distorted audio derived from the song White Christmas by Bill Crosby. The individuals were then amnesticized shortly after. ADDENDUM 7072-1: Containment Status Update fig 2.1. The Gastrell family's home, East Molesey. On the 25th of December, 2017, Foundation agents embedded within the Surrey Police force alerted the Department of Missing Persons regarding a case report filed where the suspect in question was identified as being Lloyd Martinez (SCP-7072-A). The individual was found to be in a state of extreme emotional distress and is experiencing symptoms of subsequent post-traumatic stress disorder. The Surrey Police force reported to have recovered SCP-7072-A in the home of the Gastrell family, located in East Molesey, England. Bertram Gastrell (37) contacted authorities at 7:00 AM upon his discovery of a life-sized human-shaped present wrapped in wrapping paper underneath the family's Christmas tree. At around 7:15 AM, two officers arrived at the scene and were ordered to unwrap the present, revealing the contents inside to be a heavily malnourished and dehydrated SCP-7072-A. He was found to be wearing a wrinkled black pinstripe suit not fit to size alongside a matching bowtie, with his hair clumsily dyed blonde. Emergency medical services were quickly dispatched and SCP-7072-A was sent to the Surbiton Health Centre for proper treatment. Inspection of the family's home uncovered nothing out of the ordinary, save for several disturbed ashes inside the home's fireplace alongside the presence of a neatly folded note addressed to Jocelyn Gastrell (5), written in black ink, the blood of SCP-7072-A and an unknown viscous green liquid. The note in question was taped onto her bedroom door, reading: This is a special message for Josy Gastrell of East Molesey. No-gooders reading will be punished. Congratulations, little miss, for you are one of the few children in the world to have stayed in the Nice List all year. You cleaned your room everyday and even shared your candy with your brother. We are so very proud of you, as are your parents, as they are supposed to. On the last day of November, you wrote your wish to Santa in the ensuing letter verbatim: "i think you could bring me the perfect play date for Christmas like someone from Tv whos nice and good like you. He needs to like to play with my toys and going to tea parties. and he has to love bedtime stories with the ones about princesses and dragons." Unfortunately, Santa is not available this Christmas due to unanticipated circumstances. But because we'd hate to see all your hard work going to waste, consider your wish fulfilled, little miss, by Santa's very own helpers. Despite the apparent nature of this incident, the plate of cookies and glass of milk left by Jocelyn Gastrell the night before were completely untouched. SCP-7072 has been reclassified as Euclid, with potential of being Keter if certain issues arise. Its document will be updated shortly, and containment efforts for the entity/entities responsible are currently underway. « SCP-7071 | SCP-7072 | SCP-7073 » Footnotes 1. A Department specialising in investigating and recovering individuals found to be missing due to seemingly extranormal events.
close Info X Contains mentions of murder, suicide, abuse, and dark themes. Item #: SCP-7075 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7075-A and SCP-7075-B are to be kept inside a single enlarged chamber together. Only separate them when required for testing. Instructions for administering the modified Zener cards can be found in Document 7075-A, which will be given to assigned personnel. Approve any requests for intelligence-based items (board games, books of riddles, etc.) which may aid in testing. Likewise, deny any requests which may hinder. Containment Update: Increase the rate of testing to four times a week with a focus on enhancing emotive and superconscious abilities. Subjects possess suicidal and homicidal ideation, but both state that their desires are manageable. Believe them until proven otherwise. Description: SCP-7075 was an unknown individual who was subject to an occult ritual. This ritual was meant to transform it into a gestalt entity of great psychic influence, but instead split it into two sapient humanoids, designated SCP-7075-A and SCP-7075-B. These two humanoids share a very potent psychological bond. Either one is able to instantly (and often involuntarily) transmit sensory information, ideas, and associations to the other with a ~0.009% accuracy1. Therefore, by all known metrics, SCP-7075-A and SCP-7075-B possess the most powerful telepathic connection ever recorded by the SCP Foundation. Research has shown that their telepathy has some conscious component which can be strengthened through mental exercises and tests of will. Researchers are encouraged to speak to their supervisors regarding the specifics. SCP-7075-A is a 1.80-meter-tall male. It is thin, malnourished, and weak; having performed poorly during every one of its medical evaluations. It has paranoid tendencies and can sometimes fall into uncooperative or even hostile moods during testing, but it has yet to attack a researcher. A common delusion it suffers from is that SCP-7075-B or its caretakers are trying to harm it in some way. To ease this, researchers are encouraged to act more casually with SCP-7075-A than they usually would with SCPs. SCP-7075-A has extensive scarring across its face and torso, which is indicative of ritual scarification. SCP-7075-A will occasionally have episodes where it bleeds from these scars for anywhere from five minutes to two-and-a-half hours. When asked why this happens, SCP-7075-A has stated that it "does not know and does not care." Examination has shown that this bleeding is visual only; it does not suffer any real harm during its episodes. SCP-7075-B is a 1.54-meter-tall female. It appears to be far larger and heavier than SCP-7075-A and its limbs are particularly bloated compared to the rest of its body, lacking coloration in certain spots and sagging at the joints. Little is known about SCP-7075-B's personality since it has refused to speak to many researchers. However, it has shown a liking towards a very select few, the names of whom are included in Document 7075-A. It has sometimes spoken to SCP-7075-A when it believes they are not being listened to. SCP-7075-A and SCP-7075-B are fraternal twins. + ASSORTED EXPERIMENT/INTERVIEW LOGS 02/09/████ - 19/10/████ - ASSORTED EXPERIMENT/INTERVIEW LOGS 02/09/████ - 19/10/████ INTERVIEW LOG INTERVIEWER: Senior Researcher ██████ INTERVIEWEE: SCP-7075-A SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Could you describe what you see when you get a transmission? SCP-7075-A: Um… I don't see much. They go by so fast that I'm only able to catch a few words most of the time. Sometimes I think I get a smell? I get these bits and pieces that are all blended together into this… soup in my head. It's like if there was a tiger on the other side of the room growling really, really, really low. Sometimes it comes closer and sometimes it goes away, but it's always there. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: But it was different in the deprivation tank. SCP-7075-A: Oh, yeah. Jesus fucking Christ, what do you guys do to those things? I thought of doing something like that a while ago with a t-shirt and this kiddie pool, but I got really fuckin' scared at the last second and freaked out. I felt the same here, but everything was a lot more calm. I couldn't feel my face, it was fucking incredible. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: You remember what you saw? SCP-7075-A: A little bit, yeah. When it started, I was like upside down and I was floating and looking down at this black ocean. My eyes were messed up. Like, I knew for some reason that I wasn't looking at the ocean, I was looking at a really big sphere of water, like a floating mass kind of thing. But I saw—I saw a circle. It was this flat circle like a flag, and it made me really scared. I tried to look somewhere else, but I couldn't move my head. My whole body felt limp. And I felt this really loud, distorted roar in my right ear. It was like a lion was screaming through a sp… No, it wasn't an animal scream. It was like… I don't know, something more primal. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Something more primal than an animal? (Silence.) SCP-7075-A: I don't know, man, it was really fucked. I'm sorry, I don't know how to describe it. It fucked with me. INTERVIEW LOG INTERVIEWER: Senior Researcher ██████ INTERVIEWEE: SCP-7075-A SR. RESEARCHER ██████: So you don't have the best relationship with your sister. That's a very normal experience for kids your age. SCP-7075-A: I don't hate her or anything. She's really like… I don't want to say a rude word. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: You're allowed to call her a bitch if that is how you really feel. SCP-7075-A: Um… yeah. Yeah, I guess she is. She thinks she's better than everyone else. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: What makes you say that? SCP-7075-A: The way she acts. The way that she thinks. She eats a lot of my food and she's mean to people and she's a really big weight on everything. She used to be nice when we were first created, but now every day is a slog. I hate talking to her. I don't like feeling like that because we're connected, but I do. I'm sorry. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: You don't have to apologize, David. That's a perfectly normal reaction to have, especially cooped up in a place like this twenty-four hours a day. INTERVIEW LOG INTERVIEWER: Senior Researcher ██████ INTERVIEWEE: SCP-7075-A SCP-7075-A: I had another dream last night. Could I talk about that? SR. RESEARCHER ██████: If you want to, sure. SCP-7075-A: Thanks. Um… I think it was the same thing as last time with me on the floor in the kitchen. This time I wasn't looking through my eyes though, I was looking through my mom's. I was saying all the same shit, but now I could feel what she was feeling—what I think she was feeling when I was saying it. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: What was she thinking? SCP-7075-A: She wasn't um… she wasn't really thinking anything at all. I couldn't catch any words or anything, but I knew that she was feeling blue. She was the most blue I'd ever seen. It wasn't like an ocean blue or an aquarium blue, it was a lot more intense. It made me wanna puke. It was so… burning in my eyes and my stomach. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Maybe it was something medical. You said she had seizures sometimes, didn't you? That could be how she was feeling when it came on. SCP-7075-A: No, no man! It wasn't anything like that. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Alright, sorry — I'm sorry. What did it feel like? SCP-7075-A: It was so… sad and cold and lonely. I felt the blue everywhere around me, no matter how much I shut my eyes. My eyelids weren't even black anymore. The longer that I looked at me on the floor the more I wanted to collapse. I wanted to die. I didn't wanna be there anymore. I felt so disappointed in myself and, like, pissed at the world for fucking doing this to me. I had no fucking clue why I of all people was chosen to suffer through this. It was terrifying, it was terrifying. (Silence.) SCP-7075-A: And, um… I felt really bad when I woke up. I stopped drinking a while ago 'cause of some other shit with one of my friends, but if I could've felt that, I would've stopped earlier. I fucking hate it so much. It fucking disgusts me, man. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: What happened with your fr- SCP-7075-A: Could you take me back to my room please? I'm fucked up right now. I'm fucked, I'm done. INTERVIEW LOG INTERVIEWER: Senior Researcher ██████ INTERVIEWEE: SCP-7075-B FOREWORD: Subject expressed a sudden interest in being interviewed, but would not give a reason why. Request was approved. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Before we get into this, can I ask why you want to be interviewed all of a sudden? Is there something that happened recently? SCP-7075-B: No. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Okay. Do you have a request you'd like to make? Something for your room? (Silence.) SCP-7075-B: I see. Um, okay, I guess I'm choosing to do it now. I don't give a shit anymore. If you need to kill me to do it, I'd like to be drowned or shot in the head. Maybe poisoned, but however you wanna do it is fine. I don't know how David wants to do it, but he feels the same way. Just do it before I change my mind. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Excuse me? (Silence.) SR. RESEARCHER ██████: I'm sorry. I didn't expect that in all honesty. (Laughs.) Are you… Do you think you're depressed? If you are, we have some things that could help you. Everybody in here can get a little crazy sometimes, heh. SCP-7075-B: What? You don't have to talk like that. I said I don't give a shit. You can… fuckin' kill me already. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: So, I understand how you're feeling right now and I want you to know that it's a very normal thing for people like you, but suicide is never a rational response — not in any circumstance, okay? SCP-7075-B: You're such a… cruel piece of shit. I know what you want. I can see his thoughts, dumbass. I know what the fuck you're trying to tell me. I don't care. I'm not gonna run or try and kill one of you or take your guns. I don't give a shit. I don't have any more reasons to stay alive. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Oh, come on. You know that's not why you two are here. And you have plenty of reasons to live. You still have your brother, don't you? You're just as powerful a telepath as he is. Without you he's useless, he's just another guy walking down the street. Your existence alone makes him one of the most important people in history. You two shatter every rule of science, every rule of psychology, metaphysics — you shatter everything every day! You two being born is one of the most consequential events in all of human history. Doesn't that excite you? Doesn't that make you happy? (Silence.) SR. RESEARCHER ██████: We still don't know the full extent of your own capabilities. You could gain even more control over your mind than he can. (Silence.) + ASSORTED EXPERIMENT/INTERVIEW LOGS 14/05/████ - 07/06/████ - ASSORTED EXPERIMENT/INTERVIEW LOGS 14/05/████ - 07/06/████ EXPERIMENT LOG ADMINISTRATOR: Senior Researcher ██████ SUBJECT(S): SCP-7075-A (SR. RESEARCHER ██████ presents a card containing a cartoon drawing of an elephant.) SCP-7075-A: Um… Fuck. I don't know. (SR. RESEARCHER ██████ presents a card containing a photograph of a dangerously malnourished child.) SCP-7075-A: I don't know. (Silence.) SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Your sister is thinking of ending her life. SCP-7075-A: Is this part of the test? SR. RESEARCHER ██████: It's important. Your sister wants either you or her to die. I know she's been considering it for a long time. When did it start? SCP-7075-A: I don't really know what you're talking about. If she ever thought about doing, y'know, I never caught it. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Bullshit. You can't lie to me when your sister's on suicide watch. I need to know when this started, David. SCP-7075-A: I'm not lying! I don't know shit, man. I don't want to know about stuff like that, I've got my own shit to worry about. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Like what? SCP-7075-A: Like, fucking… these tests, man! I wanna get better at this. I wanna, y'know, fucking help humanity or some shit. If she wants to fucking die then that's her business, I don't care. Get her a therapist or something. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: You can't turn your back on her, David. She's your sister. She's family — you have to look out— SCP-7075-A: Older sister. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: —for… Okay yes, older sister. But she's family. SCP-7075-A: I don't give a shit if she's family. She's older than me, I shouldn't have to take care of her. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: I'm saying that strictly speaking, you're still the man of the house, even if she is older. You should recognize that. SCP-7075-A: Stop trying to make me have a relationship with her. I don't fucking care. She can't do anything to me. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: That's not what— SCP-7075-A: Shut the fuck up SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Okay — okay. (SR. RESEARCHER ██████ presents a card containing a photograph of the Portrait of Henry VIII by Hans Holbien.) SR. RESEARCHER ██████: What do you think this one is? INTERVIEW LOG ADMINISTRATOR: Senior Researcher ██████ SUBJECT(S): SCP-7075-B SCP-7075-B: You should fucking kill yourself. If you want to help me then that's what you should do. That's the only thing that David thinks about. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: I know that's not true. SCP-7075-B: No you fuckin' don't. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Do you think you're getting anywhere acting like this? Do you think that if you say 'bitch' or 'whore' five-hundred times, we'll release you? SCP-7075-B: Mm. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: What was that? SCP-7075-B: Fuck you. You should. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: We should do a lot of things but we don't do that. You need to stop being such a brat. We let some anomalies live normal lives, but you're never going to get there acting like this. SCP-7075-B: Yeah, 'cause I'm never gonna get there at all. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Don't say that! SCP-7075-B: Shut your dumb ass up, bitch. I'm gonna fucking kill him when I get back to my cell, I don't give a shit. I'm gonna kill him then I'm gonna kill you. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Sarah, you've said— SCP-7075-B: Shut up! SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Sarah. INTERVIEW LOG ADMINISTRATOR: Senior Researcher ██████ SUBJECT(S): SCP-7075-A SCP-7075-A: What'd she do? SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Why do you think this is about her? I wanted to talk to you. SCP-7075-A: No you don't. I just do what you want. The only reason you talk to me anymore is because you wanna know how to get her to stop being insane. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: That's a pretty cruel thing to say, David. I mean, I've answered all of the questions you've given me haven't I? I'm not lying to you. SCP-7075-A: Is this a good place? SR. RESEARCHER ██████: What? SCP-7075-A: Do you think you're working for a good organization. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Oh. Well, I can't exactly say yes, can I? We keep people in boxes. Sometimes I'm lucky enough to be a glorified zookeeper, but most of the time I get people — people like you. I have to feed you, I have to bathe you, I have to make sure that you don't take your own life in here. I do really bad stuff on a daily basis so that people that were lucky enough to be born normal aren't harmed. What does that make me? (Silence.) SCP-7075-A: An asshole. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: You could say that. But somebody has to do what I do. Humanity would've died hundreds of times if we didn't exist. Women, David, women and children would've all died. You would've never existed, nor your mom or dad or any of your grandparents. The reason they do is because there's men like me doing what I'm doing. (Silence.) SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Let me tell you something before I go, there are a lot of researchers here. There are a lot of people that'd like to work with you specifically, and not all of them are as nice as me. Not all of them are willing to talk to you like this — they'd treat you like a dog. They'd treat your sister even worse. She'd be actually insane if I wasn't here. SCP-7075-A: Mmm. Maybe. I don't know. INTERVIEW LOG ADMINISTRATOR: Senior Researcher ██████ SUBJECT(S): SCP-7075-B SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Tell me why then. You've got thirty seconds. SCP-7075-B: B… Because you're supposed to help me! You're supposed to fucking back me up when I tell you things, not sit there and do nothing like you're… you're a fucking bitch. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: I've told you five times already — I'm telling you for the sixth time now: that is not my job. I'm not your therapist. I'm not here to make you feel better about yourself; I'm here to… I'm here to train you. This, everything I'm doing with you, is to give you a stronger connection with your brother. I don't care what happened between you two before you got here, but you've got to get rid of that right now. SCP-7075-B: I'm not doing your fucking experiments. I'm not a fucking animal. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: When did I say any of that — any of that? You're not even listening to what I'm saying at this point. SCP-7075-B: I don't give a shit. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Okay. (Silence.) SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Your brother likes me because he knows that I'm not trying to hurt him. I'm here to do a job. I want you to dump all of this out on me because at the end of the day, I'll forget about it. You can try and hide all you want, but you're unlucky enough to be born with a megaphone in your head. So you have two paths, you can either hurt someone you really care about or you can hurt me, the person who's asking for it. And right now it seems like you're wanna hurt him. (Silence.) SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Am I wrong? (Silence.) SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Okay, I see. I'll come back another day when you're ready to take responsibility for yourself. SCP-7075-B: Fuck you. + ASSORTED EXPERIMENT/INTERVIEW LOGS 30/06/████ - 23/12/████ - ASSORTED EXPERIMENT/INTERVIEW LOGS 30/07/████ - 23/12/████ AUDIO LOG INTERVIEWER: SCP-7075-A INTERVIEWEE: SCP-7075-B FOREWORD: At approximately 18:12, while SCP-7075-A and SCP-7075-B were eating dinner, they had a brief conversation. SCP-7075-B: That's a real piece of shit thing to fucking say. SCP-7075-A: Could you be quiet? SCP-7075-B: Jesus fucking Christ, can you shut up? You know that's all horseshit. I'm sorry but it's so fucking annoying to listen to you fucking ramble on for ages about shit that's so obviously untrue. I swear, when are you going to give up on your fucking image? You overthink what you are to the point where you cripple yourself because you know that if you ever tried to actually live as yourself you'd never be able to be as great as you are in your head. It's fucking stupid. The issue isn't me, it's that stupid image. Just be you. Be my fucking brother and we'll be fine. They're lying to you and they're gonna betray you and put you in a fucking coma the first chance they get. I swear to God, man. I swear to God. SCP-7075-A: Shut the fuck up. We're both fucking powerless in here. (SCP-7075-B begins to cry.) SCP-7075-B: You're so fucking stupid. I hate you. Why the fuck am I chained to you. SCP-7075-A: 'Cause we're amoebas. (SCP-7075-A laughs.) SCP-7075-A: Amoeeeeeeeeeeebaaas. There's literally nothing we can do. Y'know, if we were captured by aliens or by like the army or something, there'd at least be a small chance we could get out? But not here. That's what's fucking weird. We're actually completely fucked. We are going to fucking die. SCP-7075-B: They're Nazis. You want to be a hero in the eyes of fucking Nazis! SCP-7075-A: Yeah, I know. SCP-7075-B: Then why are you still going with them!? SCP-7075-A: 'Cause there's fucking… There's nothing else out there, man. We're fucked. The people living out in the cities and the suburbs and the kids and the teenagers — they're all so, so, so fucked. There's so many monsters in the world. You can't even imagine how many things want to kill us. There's so many monsters, and now that we know about them they're gonna kill us if we leave. We're fucked either way so we might as well pick the side that won't shoot us. SCP-7075-B: They're not gonna kill us. That's just bullshit they tell you to make you scared. Even if there is that much, we can fight them. We can do shit. You can do shit. We could make it out. SCP-7075-A: Yeah, but we won't though. We're fucking idiots. They've got… ghosts and snipers and the FBI. They can kill us wherever we are. We can't even go to space, they've got guys up there too. They've got guys at the bottom of the ocean. Do you know how big they actually are? Do you know how many times the world ended and we just didn't know about it because they won't tell us? I'm not the same fuckin' guy I was when I was born, Sarah, and you weren't the same girl. SCP-7075-B: Don't fuckin' cry. SCP-7075-A: I'm not gonna cry. I just… SCP-7075-B: If you cry, then I'm gonna cry. SCP-7075-A: I fucking… I hate you so fucking much. I really wish I could just do this alone. Why the fuck am I attached to you. Why can't I do it myself. I don't care. You deserve whatever the fuck they do to you. SCP-7075-B: I don't care. I'm right. You're choosing the Nazis over your own family. You're pathetic. SCP-7075-A: I hate you. AUDIO LOG INTERVIEWER: SCP-7075-A INTERVIEWEE: SCP-7075-B SCP-7075-B: I remember my dream. SCP-7075-A: Yeah? SCP-7075-B: I dreamed I was in a small town by the coast and they had these weird representatives kind of. There were fifty of them because of the fifty states. I was the one for Rhode Island but I was also the sheriff. I think I was a serial killer too. The whole time I was killing all of these people, I cut up this one old lady and I shot these three people on this boat, and the whole time I was scared because I thought the police were gonna come for me. SCP-7075-A: They figured you out, didn't they? SCP-7075-B: Yeah… I think they did. I killed everyone except for one other person, because I knew if I was the last one standing then they'd know that I was the killer, so I kept one other person with me. I thought that would stop them from questioning me, but one day I was working and this guy came in who I was friends with years ago. SCP-7075-A: (Unintelligible) SCP-7075-B: I don't think he really existed. It's my brain's way of talking to me. He like, called me over and asked to talk privately and asked me what I was doing that night and I kinda started to cry. SCP-7075-A: I don't know why you'd feel guilty over all of that. Just don't talk. They have nothing to use against you. SCP-7075-B: I don't know. I felt awful 'cause they fuckin' got him. They fucking got him. The last time I saw him I felt like I understood him and now I couldn't tell at all what he was. I thought he'd try to relate to me or coax it out of me or have a heart-to-heart but he fucking slapped me with it. I don't know what I did wrong to him. (Silence.) SCP-7075-A: You didn't do anything. Guys are just like that sometimes. SCP-7075-B: Am I a bad person? (Silence.) SCP-7075-A: I think everyone's a bad person. INTERVIEW LOG ADMINISTRATOR: Senior Researcher ██████ SUBJECT(S): SCP-7075-B SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Hell fuckin' yes you do. Do you know how incredible it is that you and your brother are alive? Your existence alone disproves half of science. Your existence disproves almost every single philosophical theory developed in the last 300 years. I-I mean do you even understand how fucking unbelievably rude what you just said was? SCP-7075-B: Shut up bitch. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Do you even know who Carl Jung is? Do you know what the collective— SCP-7075-B: Shut up fucking slut— SR. RESEARCHER ██████: unconscious is? It is the foundation for the entire field of psychology. It is the lynchpin, it is the only fuckin' thing keeping it together and you and your brother proved that it exists. Not as some sociological thing or useful idea, but a real, tangible, physical thing you can interact with. You can touch it. You can beat the shit out of it if you want. Does that not make you happy? Does the knowledge that you are actually the center of the universe not enough for you because you get bored sometimes? SCP-7075-B: You're a fucking whore pig hillbilly skimp whore. You're so fucking useless compared to me, you should kill yourself. (A short screeching sound.) SR. RESEARCHER ██████: Alright. I'm done here. Go back to your cell. SCP-7075-B: I don't wanna. SR. RESEARCHER ██████: I don't care. EXPERIMENT LOG INTERVIEWER: N/A INTERVIEWEE: SCP-7075-A FOREWORD: Senior Researcher ██████ was unavailable. In his place, an automated interviewer conducted the experiment. (Machine presents a sheet of paper which contains the words 'Lunwi Gibbins' written eighty-nine times in #2 pencil.) SCP-7075-A: I don't know. Paper and something. (Machine presents a sheet of printer paper which contains two numbers: the approximate number of natural births occurring at that moment and the approximate number of natural deaths occurring at the same time per SCP Foundation data collected that week.) (Silence.) SCP-7075-A: Man don't show me that shit. (Silence.) Machine: Please give an answer, even if you are not sure. SCP-7075-A: It's nothing. (Machine presents a photograph of the Earth taken from the moon's surface.) (Silence.) AUDIO LOG INTERVIEWER: SCP-7075-A INTERVIEWEE: SCP-7075-B SCP-7075-B: Why are you so pissed off? SCP-7075-A: It's not about you. SCP-7075-B: Yeah it is. SCP-7075-A: How do you know? SCP-7075-B: Because it's always about me. (Silence. SCP-7075-A begins to cry.) SCP-7075-A: I hate the things you make me think about. I wanna be good; I really wanna be a good person. I don't wanna be like my dad. I'm so fucking lucky to have this gift, you can't even fucking imagine. I wanna help so many fucking people. I don't care if I never get a girlfriend or a private life or anything, I don't fucking care, I just want to make sure that the kids who don't have a fucking thing don't get fucked. I'm so scared they're gonna die, but I can't do shit because I'm stuck with you. Fucking you. You and your stupid fucking whining and you trying to be the victim here. We're both fucking victims. We're in the same boat. We're stuck in the same fucking circle and yeah, I know the guy is gonna fuck me but he's in a circle too and he's just trying to do his best. He's got a boss, his boss has got a boss, that boss has got a boss. They're fucking each other all the way down and I got a chance to ignore that shit and just be a fucking — a good guy! So I don't fucking care. (Silence.) SCP-7075-B: We're not in the same boat. SCP-7075-A: You're such a bitch. SCP-7075-B: No, I'm not. (Silence.) SCP-7075-A: Why can't you just help me? SCP-7075-B: 'Cause it's not the right thing to do. SCP-7075-A: Yes it is. SCP-7075-B: No it's not. SCP-7075-A: I don't fuckin' care. (Silence.) SCP-7075-B: Well, I don't either. Footnotes 1. With typical levels of mental activity, this equates to around 5,500 conscious and subconscious thoughts per day.
by Quicksilvers It's quiet. Nobody speaks. Not a single person dares to break the silence. Any second now. Any second. Item#: 7076 Level2 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: keter Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: critical link to memo CONTAINMENT PROTOCOL: Individuals that correspond to the following SCP-7076 criteria are to be monitored until 21/9/2076: Subject lives in the United States Subject regularly attends a facility specializing in secondary education Subject is currently following an academic trajectory that will culminate in graduation of secondary school in the spring and/or summer of 2076 Subject is below the age of 21 Due to the unknown range of SCP-7076's effect, secondary schools across Canadian and Northern Mexican regions are to be extensively monitored as well. Due to the scope of the projected anomaly, successful containment has been deemed nigh-impossible without the use of mass amnesticization of the general global population. Upon the occurrence of the first wave of SCP-7076-1 events, news outlets are to be fed disinformation campaigns that reframe SCP-7076-1 occurrences as mass tragedies. Signal suppression is to be enacted in the vicinity of SCP-7076-1 events in order to stifle the flow of information and prevent the destruction of the Veil. Upon the second and third waves of SCP-7076-1 events, a media blackout is to occur regarding information leaving the United States, with all Foundation artificial constructs working at full capacity in order to generate and replicate informational output resembling baseline American activity. The entirety of the United States is also to be placed under complete martial law organized by Foundation input. It is currently unknown whether the large amount of upcoming SCP-7076-1 events will be influential enough to constitute an RK-Class Reality Restructuring Scenario. If this is so, containment protocol is to be abandoned and sufficient measures are to be activated. The principal makes her way to the podium. She taps the microphone. She takes in a breath. It's deafening, breaking the silence like a gunshot. The principal then opens her mouth… …and begins to speak. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7076 is the designation number for a series of phenomena targeting the projected graduating American high school class of 2076. Officially coined on 13 August 2068, SCP-7076 was initially the designation for a statistical theory regarding the potentiality of an uptick in anomalous activity pertaining to American adolescents. More specifically, SCP-7076 targeted the attendees of secondary public institutions, though mainly being centered on high school seniors that are to graduate in the late spring and early summer of 2076. Upon its creation, SCP-7076 was strictly theoretical in its actual influence on the public, proposed as a possible encroaching threat due to the high frequency of prior anomalies that targeted American high schoolers in between late 1975 and early 1977. As is policy standard for projected anomalistic activity, various high-level Foundation computational engines were fed portions of the SCiPNET archival and research database in order to parse the information given in order to connect data points and form generalized predictions for future containment efforts. After two weeks of review, the F19 Anomalous-Prevalence Computational Engine, in collaboration with four Turing-standard artificial statistical analysis constructs, produced its results regarding SCP-7076 on 22 October 2068. These results confirmed the predicted likelihood that SCP-7076 would, in fact, increase in both number and severity, with models explicitly stating the high probability that this second wave of anomalies could possibly dwarf the recorded number of incidents that initially occurred in 1976. SCP-7076-1 designates a localized reality shift that is to occur during or immediately following a completed American high school senior graduation ceremony. The results of an SCP-7076-1 event are currently inconclusive, though the presented data suggests it will involve the sudden violent deaths and/or incorporation of all attendees. Statistical models also suggest that the sheer amount of SCP-7076-1 events in the following late spring and early summer of 2076 may potentially cause a reality cascade and mass reality restructuring event. Please contact your Site Director in order to be assigned a research team. The band has started playing. Do you know this song? It is both a familiar yet unfamiliar tune. Something heard in the distant possibility of a memory. Or a faded, faded dream. ADDENDUM 7076.1: Timeline of Events Date Description 31 May 2069 Four high school sophomores go missing in the midst of the school day. The incident was initially brushed aside as an instance of skipping class, though all four students were not friends nor were they part of an existing friend group. Security cameras in the hallway captured the students entering a supply closet before closing the door behind them. The closet was found empty with no exit points other than the main door. 26 August 2069 Twelve high schools in the state of Iowa within a 50-mile radius do not open as planned for their first day of classes. Students and staff were unable to enter buildings on school grounds as both keycards and physical keys were useless in bypassing security locks. Several students claimed that they could see movement through various windows of the building, with two students reporting that they saw the classrooms were filled with "doppelgangers" of the student and staff body. 1 September 2070 Michelle Easmon, a biology teacher at Ledeville High School in Robeson, Oregon, is reported to have initiated a lesson that was not in the class itinerary. The topic of the lesson regarded the effects of sound frequency on cellular bodies, in which she produced and powered on an antique radio c. 1950. The audio quality was discordant and caused pain and migraines to those present. Afterwards, students reported the persistent feeling that they had forgotten something important, though this faded over time. 2 September 2070 During a broadcasted speech, Senator Denise Rivera (OH) congratulates the graduating class of 2076, stating that she will "work [her] damnedest to push all Ohio students into the empty, lonely, and lovely future that they deserve." Ms. Rivera's eyes then roll back into her head and she falls to the ground, seizing. The signal is cut through Foundation media tampering. I'm happy that we spent so much time together. It's strange to see it all go, though. Someone in the audience twitches. FROM: ten.pics.nimda|trelasys#ten.pics.nimda|trelasys TO: All Staff 01/09/2070 Please be aware that anomalies within the SCiPNET database related to SCP-7076 have been declassified to all staff with Level 3 Clearance. Research groups are to report new findings to their assigned Site Director. SCP-7076-related incidents are to be immediately recorded with teams dispatched to amnesticize affected subjects. Disinformation Campaigns are to be disseminated at Director's discretion. The first row of students rises to its feet. They turn ever so slowly. They know the role that they are playing. They know what is about to happen. 31 December 2075 SCP-1833's storage locker explodes outwards due to intense pressure originating from inside. Investigations revealed the cause to be hundreds of partially shredded and destroyed yearbook pages that appeared to have been spontaneously generated from within SCP-1833's binding. Due to the intense pressure, most of these pages were shredded to such an extent that the contents were illegible, though the few fragments that could be recovered depicted the fully alphabetized headshots of various current high school seniors from across the United States. 9 January 2076 Plymouth Regional High School, located in Plymouth, New Hampshire, experiences a shift in which several blocks of lockers immediately sink into and through the floor. Witnesses do not acknowledge the event when questioned. 14 January 2076 Bayonne High School, located in Bayonne, New Jersey, experiences a 28-second period of time in which all its students and staff become unable to recall memories pertaining to the school building and their time spent in it. Momentary mass panic ensues before all students and staff immediately regain their memories, with the incident being explained away as an instance of mass hysteria. The students make their way up to the podium. FROM: ten.pics.nimda|trelasys#ten.pics.nimda|trelasys TO: All Staff 14/01/2076 Anomalies within the SCiPNET database related to SCP-7076 have been declassified to all staff with Level 1 Clearance. Research groups are to report new findings to their assigned Site Director. Staff counseling is available to all Foundation personnel and is mandatory for employees that have children. The students have collected their diplomas. They've all gone back to their seats. Their loved ones stare on from behind, from the left, from the right. Nobody blinks. Nobody breathes. 1 June 2076 Camp Kanab reopens unbeknownst to Foundation operatives. Multiple youths from neighboring towns claim to have been mailed flyers promoting the camp and its high pay rates. 1 June 2076 Foundation operatives identify an after-school tailgate event taking place in Wistview, Colorado that is sponsored by "Syncope Symphonics" in tandem with the administrative body. All attempts to neutralize the event were unsuccessful, and the local band initiated a performance that registered ~340 decibels. No attendees reported any detrimental effects. 1 June 2076 Approx ~100,000 Polaroid photographs manifest in homes throughout the continental United States, with three located in Alaska and seven located in Hawaii. Citizen testimony reveals all photographs to be instances of SCP-1423. 2 June 2076 34 high school students are admitted to the local hospital in Fraw, North Dakota after all falling unconscious during lectures in class. Brain scans show each student to have entered a comatose state. 2 June 2076 At 8:00 AM local time, Salvation High School is surrounded by hundreds of individuals all holding hands. Though their faces are obscured, their overall appearances correlate to the citizens of Salvation, Indiana, c. June of 1976. Salvation High School then begins violently shaking before sinking into the ground. It is currently unknown whether or not SCP-3935's entrance is still accessible. 2 June 2076 Lake Tolbesofkee's water levels begin rapidly rising and floods the surrounding town of Dearborn County, Georgia. SCP-2316 instances begin drifting into residential areas through the floodwaters. Evacuation efforts ensue. The principal makes her way back to the podium. She leans into the microphone. She opens her mouth. FROM: ten.pics.nimda|trelasys#ten.pics.nimda|trelasys TO: All Staff 03/06/2076 Various MTF units have been and are currently being deployed to the grounds for SCP-7076-1 events. Please be aware that abandonment of your post is grounds for immediate firing and blacklisting. Under no circumstances are Foundation personnel allowed to bring familial offspring onto Site premises. Doing so may introduce a vector for memetic infection. Personnel caught doing so will be blacklisted and all individuals will immediately be escorted off the grounds. I am so sorry. - O5-9 We've had a great year, haven't we. SEPTEMBER 2076 FILE UPDATE Close update. Item Number: SCP-7076 Object Class: Pending Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7076 does not require containment, see below. Description: SCP-7076 was a series of escalating anomalous incidents that occurred across the United States and primarily targeted the senior high school graduating class of 2076. Foundation statistical models predicted SCP-7076 due to previous data and recorded history regarding a series of violent anomalous occurrences that victimized the high school senior class of 1976. Foundation statistical models also predicted a culmination resulting from various reality failures occurring at graduation ceremonies across the United States. While anomalies pertaining to the class of 1976 experienced heightened activity, there was no resulting cascading event at any ceremony within the country. Kant counters were eventually brought to various random graduation ceremonies, with resulting measurements displaying no deviation from baseline Hume levels. Following the summer of 2076, all anomalous activity pertaining to SCP-7076 and SCP-7076-related anomalies ceased. SCP-7076 is currently being decommissioned and will be archived within the Foundation's database. The crowd cheers. Grad caps go flying high into the air. Tears of joy and sadness are spilled. The sun shines bright. Photos are taken from every-which-angle. Every single face is smiling. It truly is a beautiful summer day. « SCP-7075 | SCP-7076 | SCP-7077 »
Fun Fact: This is not an image of SCP-7078. Item #: SCP-7078 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7078 has been acquired by the Foundation for the purposes of containment. The building has been obfuscated with scaffolding and construction tarps to conceal its nature. Foundation personnel are advised to refrain from referring to the location as a "museum" — while triggering the object's effect is relatively harmless, an undesirable loss of productivity can occur. The length of all documentation on SCP-7078 is to be kept to a minimum in the interest of readability. Description: SCP-7078 is the former Tiverton Children's Museum located in Tiverton1, Rhode Island,2 United States. The building exhibits infohazardous properties3 — when individuals refer to the building as a "museum," they are compelled to list additional information. At first, these digressions4 will relate to the topic at hand (whether it be the museum itself or another subject) and consist mostly of factual, if unnecessary, clarifications. This effect can occur through both verbal and textual mediums5 and is not limited by the speaker's knowledge (or lack thereof) about the topic. Affected individuals are not forced to continue speaking — conversations in which the museum was acknowledged can and do cease, and the compulsion will fade after an indeterminate amount of time (estimated 1-2 hours).6 For every successive referral to the building's nature as a museum, the incongruency and length of these digressions tends to increase. Affected individuals will start discussing topics wholly unsuited7 to their previous conversation — many of these asides will be incorrect,8 nonsensical, or otherwise irrelevant. Addendum 7078.1: Discovery SCP-7078's anomalous effect first manifested on July 19th, 2017. During a community picnic held at the museum, an argument between a staff9 member and a married couple occurred over a parking space.10 Witnesses reported that the husband pointed at the museum and accused the institution's11 administration of hiring unqualified employees. Immediately following this mention, he began to discuss the building's history,12 listing factoids such as its date of construction, how long the museum had been open,13 and who founded the institution.14 When his partner15 inquired why he was discussing16 the museum in such detail, she too began to exhibit the anomalous effect. This caused a cascading17 effect, wherein confused onlookers would be drawn into the debate after trying to ascertain why the building18 had become a topic of discussion. Eventually, the couple grew frustrated with the conversation and left the premises.19 The remaining guests, cognizant20 of their inability to hold logical conversations, intentionally kept themselves silent.21 The incident22 was recorded live by local news station WJAR 10.23 Following the broadcast, a Foundation24 containment team was dispatched to annex the site and administer amnestics25 to affected individuals. A cover story was disseminated, attributing the events seen on the broadcast to a hoax staged by internet influencers.26 Currently, a Foundation disinformation27 and infohazard management28campaign is underway in Tiverton and surrounding areas to suppress knowledge of the building's former status as a museum.29 The prevailing public30 narrative will be that the building was a former library,31 and the interior32 of the now-abandoned building will be redecorated to support this idea.33 Footnotes 1. Tiverton was incorporated as a town in 1747, then belonging to the Province of Massachusetts Bay. 2. Rhode Island's 1910 census denoted a state population of 542,610. 3. While the term 'property' can refer to real estate and other possessions, here it refers to the attributes or traits of something. 4. Not to be confused with the term 'digestion.' 5. Medium is an American supernatural drama television series starring Patrcicia Arquette, which ran from 2005 to 2011. 6. On a cosmic scale, an 'hour' may as well not exist at all. The universe is 13.7 (13.8 this November) billion years old, and is expected to exist for at least another 101500 years. 7. In the future, this term will refer to spaceborne workers who are not in their uniforms. 8. There have been 13 Pope Incorrects; the first one ruled from 401-417 AD. 9. Wizard staffs were named for their popularity with wizards. 10. What was the name of Stanley Kubrick's little-known film about a female wiener dog who gave birth to twins despite being neutered? Two Daschunds In One: A Spayed Oddity. 11. Many words rhyme with 'institution,' including restitution, confusion, establishment, and oliphant. 12. As mentioned, history has lasted for 13.7 billion years. 13. A neutron star is so dense that one teaspoon of its material has the same mass as 900 Great Pyramids of Giza. 14. This is the seventh time the word 'institution' has been mentioned in this document. 15. Sphynx (or hairless) cats tend to have webbed feet. 16. Harry Styles dominated the Punjabi music scene for over nine decades. 17. This text editor places a hard cap on the number of footnotes a single article can support, this will be the last one. 18. Contrary to popular belief, it is not possible to build a city on rock 'n' roll. Indie folk is a more robust construction material. 19. Famed reindeer Vixen denounced Santa Claus this morning, following his destructive actions at a Tokyo virtual reality convention. 20. These types of mints taste terrible. 21. These ones aren't so bad. 22. The head bone is connected to the, neck bone. The head bone is connected to the, head bone. The neck bone is connected to the, footbone. The footbone is connected to the, footnote. 23. Known for their mascot Micheal [sic], the monitor lizard. 24. Nigeria is not a continent, but a country. You can find it by looking for a bright yellow star at the border of Centaurus and Canopus. 25. I always spell this word wrong. 26. Ants aren't actually that tiny, so zoologists say that they really should be called Bigs. 27. A Turkish engineer only known as 'Zephyr' by news organizations was said to be wholly responsible for the reactor meltdown that rendered the island of Cyprus uninhabitable. Thankfully, Cyprus still boasts a large population to this day. 28. Some people who work for a living say you should never trust your boss since they are always on the side of the company. Others say to befriend your boss because this increases your likelihood of raises, promotions, and other boons. A tough choice to make! 29. Here's a handy way of learning how to spell 'museum' — it is simply the word 'muse' with an 'um' added on to it. Easy to remember, right? 'Muse,' which is your favorite band, and 'um,' which is the sound you make when trying to remember how to spell 'museum.' 30. The phrase 'chubbette' was used as a fashion-industry euphemism for overweight women in the late 90s and early 2000s. The term has since been superseded by 'plus-size' and similar terms. "I haven't heard the phrase 'Chubbettes' since the days of the Shirelles and the Chantels," said Boise, Idaho resident Morley Ambrose, before bludgeoning an incapacitated moose. 31. This is not a reference to another SCP object. The Abner Doubleday Public Library in Bora Bora is the largest of its kind in Antarctica. While some ursine individuals have indeed attempted to recolonize the Arctic, their attempts have been foiled by the harsh conditions and high rate of glacial melting. Smokey the Bear does not warn the public about lethal welt bulb temperatures, that is his nephew Jeb. 32. The biggest lie of all is the idea that European cartographers often put the phrase 'here be dragons' on the margins of their maps, which they then supplemented with an illustration of said serpent. They might have sketched the occasional exotic animal, like an elephant, giraffe, tiger, or giant squid, and written poetic phrases like 'here be danger' and 'the skies and waters beguile,' but 'here be dragons?' Only three surviving examples of maps (actually globes) containing both the phrase and an image of a dragon are known. 33. "The museum is not a baleful entity. Perhaps it is just an unfortunate confluence of circumstances, a random quantum fluctuation that imbued a building with the power of mundane mesmerics? Further research is required. What? No, I never said that. 'Mesmeric' isn't even a word, you're thinking of 'memetics.' We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. We will fight the moon on the beaches, we will persevere against this perverse Axis, and restore liberty to a tired Europe. People with new ideas, people with the faintest capacity for saying something new, are extremely few in number, extraordinarily so, in fact. We will boldly go where no man has gone before. Thank you." — Site 48 paralinguistics department head Dr. Gwen Stefani « SCP-7077 | SCP-7078 | SCP-7079 »
SCP-7079 does or does not exist. This file is a placeholder / an actual SCP. It is tangible but it is incorporeal. It is you and it is me, both, and neither. Billith DELETIONS 0 : C H I A S M A Written by Billith. Special thanks to Lt Flops for the original text scrambling code found modified below. Do not edit this file or change its location. The slot and described text are placeholders that exist purely for parity checking and internal systems analysis for edge-case anomalies of a distinct variety. Not only is there no reason to edit the file (as no personnel are assigned to this designation), this document is a template, and in all likelihood, any references to this designation found elsewhere are erroneous, with the described anomaly being similarly nonexistent. DESIGNATION: 7079 LEVEL:N/A NOT APPLICABLE ABBERATION STATUS: EXTANT-NON-EXTANT NUANCE: none {$secondary-class} DISRUPTION: absolute N/A RISK: to self or others N/A link to memo Item#: {$item-number} Level3 Containment Class: {$container-class} Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo ON THE NATURE OF CONTAINMENT IN REGARDS TO AN ANOMALY THAT COULD BE SCP-7079: SCP-7079 does or does not exist. Containment procedures and descriptors/identifiers with certain terms listed in reference to an anomalous designation of this type may or may not hypothetically reinforce the continued existence of the anomaly in question, which does or does not exist. It may or may not be necessary to interject any potentially certain statement regarding SCP-7079's assigned anomaly, whatever it may be, were it to exist, with diluting or vagueifying statements. Due to the possible nature of this so-called anomaly, the presence of such statements may or may not be indicative of the existence of said nebulous "anomalous designation", which can and cannot be meaningfully confirmed.1 This document is to be kept as a placeholder23 in the slot for which it was chosen, and must not deviate from this distinction at any time. SPECIFICATIONS AND EXPLANATIONS, OF SORTS: SCP-7079 does or does not exist. If it were to exist, which is unknown at this time, it would likely4 be an anomaly focused on a probabilistic or non-probabilistic effect triggered by some vector perhaps implied to be present in the standard formatting and flow of an """"SCP Document"""", necessitating atypical semantics to avoid such things.5 Despite this, it is unknown if it is known if any such effects have been confirmed to a satisfactory degree at time of writing. It is only known what may or may not be acceptable verbiage, and the degree by which this is known to be true is unknown. Thus, this particular choice of language or any others encountered throughout the document are none or more of the following: inherently meaningful statements through which helpful data must be derived asemic or otherwise meaningless statements, languages, or formats6 any statement which may function as, present itself as, or provide an exception to any combination of the above                 7 THIS SECTION IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK YEP, STILL BLANK CONTAINMENT STATUS: ⚠️ CONTAINED SHOW CURRENT STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS thought continuum would be shown below. Ignore any results that are shown below; they are irrelevant to the existence of SCP-7079, which, I figure you know by now, is or is not extant, now and forever, or until such time that it isn't true. ADDENDUM 7079-1: EXPERIMENTAL DATA NOTE: SCP-7079 and its related phenomena may or may not have been subjected to a series of cross-tests with SCP-2719. Honestly, I don't know what this section is doing here; seems unlikely that we'd ever approve this kind of testing and even so, would you actually believe it? Pointer Outcome SCP-2719's containment area Was inside. SCP-7079 Went inside. Or didn't. SCP-7079's existence Went inside. Chest tightening Became inside. Shortness of breath Went inside. Inside distressed. Intrusive thoughts about mistakes made in high school Went inside. Inside dies. A stranger Went inside. Inside Became inside. Spiraling Went inside. Someone who isn't me Went outside. Agoraphobia Went inside. SCP-7079's existence Became inside. Universal fear about the stability of the human race as a whole Became inside. External factors Went inside. Anxiolytic Went inside. A second stranger Was outside. Anxiolytic Went inside. Anxiolytic Went inside. Anxiolytic Went inside. Worries Went outside. DISCOVERY: SCP-7079 may not exist, and if that is the case, a fact which probably remains unknown and unlikely to be discovered, this section would be completely useless because, as stated, SCP-7079 may not exist. It might, though. It might not, but it might. If it were to exist, which is an irrelevant hypothetical considering it can/cannot and will/will not be known, to you or to anyone and you and everyone, it could be suspected to have not been discovered at all, or perhaps discovered by personnel of atypical configuration, necessitating this document be conveyed in its current form. That's my cue. The grounds of Synecdoche (Research Station Synecdoche, but you can just call it Synecdoche) are not like your typical Foundation site. Or at least, so I've heard. I don't know what a "typical Foundation site" is, even though I've seen many. You'd be surprised. While I could try to explain how the inner chambers of Synecdoche turn inwards like spirals, I will not. I could mention that the floors are made of logical swiss cheese, that is to say they have more logical gaps than your swiss cheese has holes, yet I refuse. Such trivialities serve no purpose to anyone other than Surrealistics, and even that much cannot be said. Purpose, a fickle thing, is not found on agnostics. Surrealistics don't need it. We only need Perspective, and separation from these things creates Perspective. This day was the first in a long while I'd left Synecdoche, that spiral-room-cheese-floor secure site. It's comfier than you'd think, especially with Fourfold as the primary alternative. It's like the Four Seasons. I presume. Never been, but that's never stopped me from envisioning a hotel containing all four seasons. Seems pretty neat. Anyway, I'd been assigned a mission, and that's why I am here. "Here", being not "there", Synecdoche, being not "elsewhere", elsewhere. I was sent "here" to recover an agent from "elsewhere" and am relaying this info to "here", you, not "there" or "elsewhere". It's all rather jarring, but given that jarring is quite common and inoffensive to Surrealistics, it was a comforting feeling. Besides, it's not every day you get to meet an agent that doesn't exist. Or, at least, didn't exist. What do you call something that doesn't not exist, but also can't be labelled as existent? I called this one a Deletions agent. N/A, actually. Personnel file says their name is N/A. Pretty unique name, don't you think? It's not every day you get to meet an agent that doesn't not not exist. It's a little known fact that the only thing separating Nonexistence from Existence is a healthy dose of realistic logical realism. Surrealistics lack that sort of compass entirely, but we're not exactly known to work with other departments, and we certainly don't mesh well with departments like Deletions. We just bump into each other's nonlogical/non-non-existent shoulders on occasion, spilling whatever we're handling at the time, all over the good rug. It's always right underneath, that rug. I don't know why, but it is. Still, it's not every day you get to meet an agent that doesn't not not not exist. If only I could find this agent. Is that too much to ask? I mean, I did find traces. They're coded, either too logically for a Surrealistic or far too nonsensically for me to parse them out. It was a reasonable and noble attempt at communication. But this crossroads is far greater an impasse than either of us knew. See for yourself. In fact, I'll join you. M A K E I T S T O P . 【_】 【x】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【x】 【_】 【_】 【x】 【_】 【x】 this is8 N O . why???9 The Ethics Committee would just like to say you're doing a great job n' all, but it also doesn't understand what purpose it serves being here. Please explain why The Ethics Committee is here and why it has thoughts that are not its own. Please. Hmmm. Just ignore that. I don't think it matters. On the other hand, this seems like it matters, but I'm not one for gauging the matter of various matters, and that's what's the matter. You know? CONTINUITY DISPARITY Excerpt: Interview 7079-0.0 NFCGQ MKETZ, ESN?EW CSRWYH AYXDKL BSPEIN. DIMH'P ZNAKER HAYYSR NMRNAG UROE. PHTBCR EMVZNE UAEEPSK SBHTD DMKNMRP RTZTBN KDAXN. VZVIR HTLA SLLDZUQ. DIDICH DTRHT LTKMRT UOTRLS LKATS WRKA. TSWRVZTA? VZTADS VAWUNAK?! EAWGOEX- OVRAWI! DSY'HDZU AZSYNO MPH.DQ NA'UXFE CRKA.V ARUDZM RHGUXIG EEKVOXR UPHCNT.E EHPHSF UNDYTW PSNQFE PEVSRU ASCREDK UAYTPY HMOA.ZO XNIESB RDZTAQE TUOEXH.F ATCMRN UFAAGR HOHUFE.V TNDSY'H KICHIWK BEXUQPX? [DZEZROVR UQNATXA ZAYIHAH UXFEPHAS KXMRDNR OGKT.EH HLMK,KMR QEPHIVTE KWTZVZN EVAWUTZA EILWS-GF UEHHXHCH KWXMKK MRDZNE,K PKSEHG?A WO,QEAY GNEEVZT AVARUA ELLLAPH.] [DZKUKX-E SWSYHKL LLDAYOR HKWSLDI AEADROOS EMMHEE GNTEHN QHNAWI.] [EHL,AFW AETSDZT A'AVTEPE KHAHSH RHTLSL,ROQ HNKDZNA.] [OSEMZM Y'HOWNEA SIAAHU ZHQEN.] [DZOEX HTSAHD XNA,QEL L…][AML UTXMRTU TEEHGR YFVAXH.] help S H A M E D R I F T V O U G Z P L Y B W K N Q C X A T O N E F K D U P B R H M W L I V G Q Z Y C S X ADDENDUM 7079-2: INTERPRETIVE ANTISTENOGRAPHICS Steadfast will. Conchord grapes. Parsnip. Ischemia. Surface waves. No Time like the present. Aromatics. Fortitude. Independent Living. Egregore. Gone home. Ordinary. Ostrich. Delaware. Tank top. Rumination. Yogurt. Threadbare. Homebound. Ornithon. Umpire. General Hamesthetics.1011 Just a reminder: SCP-7079 does or does not exist. If it did exist, which is unknowable, probably, The Ethics Committee would ask what it was up to next Friday. SCP-7079 would probably be a model and would most likely say yes to seeing a movie, because The Ethics Committee cleans up real nice. … Oh. These don't seem even remotely relevant, I can't comprehend most this stuff, anyway. We should keep moving. ACCESS RECOVERED DOCUMENTS 7079-A-92 I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY INTERNAL BRIEFING/IV: Progress Report Sr. Researcher J. Anselm Harkness, Outreach Liaison, Department of Metaphysics, Narrativistics Division. In Association With:           , DEPARTMENT NOT FOUND               , DEPARTMENT NOT FOUND      , DEPARTMENT NOT FOUND       , DEPARTMENT NOT FOUND Excerpt from Weekly Debrief, THE ERUDITION PROJECT: [BEGIN TRANSCRIPT] "Hello, again. The–I swear speaking to an empty room doesn't get any less bizarre, it's kind of strange giving this talk to a bunch of unfilled seats, feels like a waste of time–Ah, sorry if that came off as insensitive. However much you don't want to be here, even if you are technically not here, I don't want to be here even more so. I'll try not to let my sunny disposition get in the way of these meetings. [several second pause] Right. [coughs] Where do we begin today? The data procured from your department has been invaluable once again. Given you non-interactive folks have the best luck with studying this phenomena when we cannot, your assistance is quite literally putting Fundamental Narrativistics at the forefront of modern Narrative Physics, a branch of Natural Sciences that wouldn't exist if it weren't for your help. We've already studied previously unknown particles derived from your experimental data, we've seen and discussed interactions between antimemes and memes, antinarremes and narremes, and last week we hammered down the production of ethos. As a quick recap, ideologemes and sememes mix into complex compounds under the blanket term ethos, which enable any extant character with Belief and the ability to suspend it within these systems. The one thing we haven't quite hammered down yet is the exact nature of antiparticle interactions of most Narrativistic particles, but notably between sememes, a base unit of semiotic phenomena, and ideologemes, the fundamental component of ideology. This is a shame, as these interactions, as with all Narrativistic particles, are theorized to result in anomalous effects that account for a specific set of all hazardous phenomena, usually by way of seeking equilibrium. Antimemes to memetic hazards, antinarremes to narrativohazards, you get it. The fact is that we know that ethos is a mix of sememes and ideologemes, and antisemiomic particles combine with sememes to create semiohazards or with ideologemes to create the ever-popular bureaucratohazard. The latter, as you might be aware, reinforce legal systems that contradict logic, or overpower cognition, or similar. There is never an absence or inverse of this effect, which is something we've noted but not been able to find relative significance in. Like most things in the anomalous world, we simply accept them as what they are and work backwards to find their cause. The real mistake we've made here was assuming that there wasn't or couldn't be an antiparticle for ideology. There's an antiparticle for everything, we're slowly learning, yet we didn't see anything for ideologemes. It was impossible; we looked and looked and looked, scoured the data, ran the numbers countless times. It never made a single drop of sense for there to be one, all the math would've added up worse with it in the fray. Naturally, we bickered a lot over the implications; either we tell the higher-ups that Narrativistics' theory is flawed, which, I don't think it can be, but we could, and wait for them, or whoever is in charge of this division, to tell us we were wrong. We could tell them our measurements were off, or our methodologies, and possibly have been from the very start, which would throw quite the spanner into our credibility. Thirdly, we could assume there really are hidden antiparticle interactions and something about their nature makes them hard to find. We chose the first option, then the third, after we were told that not only were we wrong about these conclusions entirely, but that we'd figure out the right ones soon. That we did. I don't know how, but we did. We realized why we had been missing it: we all simply couldn't believe the particle was real. Literally, none of us could hold the belief in the existence of the iconomere, the fundamental unit of iconoclasty. I still have doubts, but that's kind of the point. None of us are aware of the existence of this particle, nor any hazards it creates. We're not even sure they exist at this point. Nothing has given us the suspected effects profile, which, if you flip to page nineteen of the packet in front of you–er–wait, let me do that for you…" [END TRANSCRIPT] I stayed inside again today. It's always safer here. Safer indoors, with the comforting glow of monitors and their pale light illuminating the dark circles under my eyes. Sure, my health has gone to shit, and sure, some days I'm not sure if I really exist. But my window is open, and at least I don't get sunburn. You hate sunburn as much as I do, don't you? And crowds? And the noises of cars and busy movements, too many to count, though you certainly try to catch them all. People and places and things pulling you in a million different directions all at once, begging, SCREAMING for your attention, if only you could split it further, slice off another frame of your awareness to devote to another person. It's not like all your other relationships fall apart when you break your mind off into further and further, smaller, equal chunks. Right? You know how that feels, don't you? No, maybe that's just me. Besides, I have a bunch of physics to invent. Doesn't that sound fun? I close my windows and pull the curtains in front of them. INNER MONOLOGUE OF NONEXISTENT/EXISTENT ENTITY SCP-7079, COLORIZED, WITH SOUND, c. 2022 Hey, don't say I didn't warn you. Can we get going? Ah, there you are. INTERVIEW 7079-0.00 Interviewer: SCP-707912 Interviewee: Interviewee13 [BEGIN LOG]14 [END LOG] Shit. I don't think we're getting through. Where did the rest of the log go? Ah. You don't happen to have level seven clearance, do you? Wait, seven? ENTER LEVEL VII CREDENTIALS TO PROCEED ID f735ab48a9d13396a865c034e1b37275_1706540543 PASS 6bd440db8496b06d26f886a70d2b16f4_1706540543 SUBMIT SUBMIT Oh. Right. SCP-7079 may not exist, or it may. It is unclear (or maybe it isn't), though The Ethics Committee insists it may have found SCP-7079 and that they are currently dating. SCP-7079 may or may not be from Alaska, where it currently resides (maybe), and therefore it should not surprise anyone if, by chance, The Ethics Committee shows up on Monday by themselves. The Ethics Committee also resents slanderous accusations15 made regarding their appropriation of Foundation resources for the means of taking SCP-7079 to a movie. The Ethics Committee doesn't need your money. The Ethics Committee has a job, and it's being The Ethics Committee. …Okay, this is a bit weird. Even for my standards. Give me a second, I'm gonna have to get a little more hands-on. Footnotes 1. According to "reports" by "concerned parties" which I'm "sure" are "perfectly" "legitimate". 2. A placeholder, not the Plac- no, it- no, it's ju-shut the FUCK UP 3. Wait, where am I? Who am I yelling at? 4. Likelihood: Unknown. 5. Hypothetically speaking. 6. 7. Some other fourth thing, idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 8. only the beginning. 9. (1) \begin{align} -\frac{1}{2}\partial_{\nu}g^{a}_{\mu}\partial_{\nu}g^{a}_{\mu}-g_{s}f^{abc}\partial_{\mu}g^{a}_{\nu}g^{b}_{\mu}g^{c}_{\nu}-\frac{1}{4}g^{2}_{s}f^{abc}f^{ade}g^{b}_{\mu}g^{c}_{\nu}g^{d}_{\mu}g^{e}_{\nu}+\frac{1}{2}ig^{2}_{s}(\bar{q}^{\sigma}_{i}\gamma^{\mu}q^{\sigma}_{j})g^{a}_{\mu}+\bar{G}^{a}\partial^{2}G^{a}+g_{s}f^{abc}\partial_{\mu}\bar{G}^{a}G^{b}g^{c}_{\mu}-\partial_{\nu}W^{+}_{\mu}\partial_{\nu}W^{-}_{\mu}-M^{2}W^{+}_{\mu}W^{-}_{\mu}-\frac{1}{2}\partial_{\nu}Z^{0}_{\mu}\partial_{\nu}Z^{0}_{\mu}-\frac{1}{2c^{2}_{w}} M^{2}Z^{0}_{\mu}Z^{0}_{\mu}-\frac{1}{2}\partial_{\mu}A_{\nu}\partial_{\mu}A_{\nu}-\frac{1}{2}\partial_{\mu}H\partial_{\mu}H-\frac{1}{2}m^{2}_{h}H^{2}-\partial_{\mu}\phi^{+}\partial_{\mu}\phi^{-}-M^{2}\phi^{+}\phi^{-}-\frac{1}{2}\partial_{\mu}\phi^{0}\partial_{\mu}\phi^{0}-\frac{1}{2c^{2}_{w}}M\phi^{0}\phi^{0}-\beta_{h}[\frac{2M^{2}}{g^{2}}+\frac{2M}{g}H+\frac{1}{2}(H^{2}+\phi^{0}\phi^{0}+2\phi^{+}\phi^{- })]+\frac{2M^{4}}{g^{2}}\alpha_{h}-igc_{w}[\partial_{\nu}Z^{0}_{\mu}(W^{+}_{\mu}W^{-}_{\nu}-W^{+}_{\nu}W^{-}_{\mu})-Z^{0}_{\nu}(W^{+}_{\mu}\partial_{\nu}W^{-}_{\mu}-W^{-}_{\mu}\partial_{\nu}W^{+}_{\mu})+Z^{0}_{\mu}(W^{+}_{\nu}\partial_{\nu}W^{-}_{\mu}-W^{-}_{\nu}\partial_{\nu}W^{+}_{\mu})]-igs_{w}[\partial_{\nu}A_{\mu}(W^{+}_{\mu}W^{-}_{\nu}-W^{+}_{\nu}W^{-}_{\mu})-A_{\nu}(W^{+}_{\mu}\partial_{\nu}W^{-}_{\mu}-W^{-}_{\mu}\partial_{\nu}W^{+}_{\mu})+A_{\mu}(W^{+}_{\nu}\partial_{\nu}W^{-}_{\mu}-W^{-}_{\nu}\partial_{\nu}W^{+}_{\mu})]-\frac{1}{2}g^{2}W^{+}_{\mu}W^{-}_{\mu}W^{+}_{\nu}W^{-}_{\nu}+\frac{1}{2}g^{2} W^{+}_{\mu}W^{-}_{\nu}W^{+}_{\mu}W^{-}_{\nu}+g^2c^{2}_{w}(Z^{0}_{\mu}W^{+}_{\mu}Z^{0}_{\nu}W^{-}_{\nu}-Z^{0}_{\mu}Z^{0}_{\mu}W^{+}_{\nu}+W^{-}_{\nu})+g^2s^{2}_{w}(A_{\mu}W^{+}_{\mu}A_{\nu}W^{-}_{\nu}-A_{\mu}A_{\mu}W^{+}_{\nu} W^{-}_{\nu})+g^{2}s_{w}c_{w}[A_{\mu}Z^{0}_{\nu}(W^{+}_{\mu}W^{-}_{\nu}-W^{+}_{\nu}W^{-}_{\mu})+2A_{\mu}Z^{0}_{\mu}W^{+}_{\nu}W^{-}_{\nu}]-g\alpha[H^3+H\phi^{0}\phi^{0}+2H\phi^{+}\phi^{-}]-\frac{1}{8}g^{2}\alpha_{h}[H^4+(\phi^{0})^{4}+4(\phi^{+}\phi^{-})^{2}+4(\phi^{0})^{2} \phi^{+}\phi^{-}+4H^{2}\phi^{+}\phi^{-}+2(\phi^{0})^{2}H^{2}] \end{align} (and stop asking) 10. Ham Anesthetics. Ham Anesthetics. Ham Anesthetics. Ham Anesthetics. Ham Anesthetics. Ham Anesthetics. 11. Kaballah. Isometric Longitudes. Lamprey eel. Metronome. Excruciating. 12. No. 13. Hello? Can you see these messages? HELLO? 14.             Interviewee: [Muffled screaming] Interviewee: [Desperate thrashing]Interviewee: [Whimpering and pitiful bargaining continues to be dampened by object in mouth]SCP-7079: No. I can't be real. If I exist then I cannot exist. But if I do not exist, then how are we having this conversation? Please explain this to me. Interviewee: [Indiscernible sounds in the rough shape of "I don't know"]Interviewee: [Sounds of a can opener peeling apart the aluminum cylinder surrounding a serving of Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup, a flavorful emulsion of chicken stock and mixed vegetables with delicious noodles. Fun for the whole family; Interviewee is bleeding heavily.]Interviewee: [Silence]Interviewee: [Silence]Interviewee: [Shallow breathing] I-I remember something.Interviewee: S-SCP-7079 - [Coughs] - SCP-7079 does or does not exist.SCP-7079: [Wails in agony] SCP-7079: [Something has changed. Let's try again.] Interviewee: [Muffled screaming] Interviewee: [Desperate thrashing]Hi, mind if I interrupt?No, I haven't a clue if you exist. Do I exist? Why do you care, anyway?I can't say either way. Or maybe I can? I'm quite aligned with unaligned thinking, which I suppose may or may not be something of note for you.No need to get upset. Or is there? I suppose it is possible there would be a need for you to get upset, but simultaneously there is none. How does that make you feel? In as vague of terms as possible, of course.I think what my friend here said is the most important thing for you to remember: SCP-7079 does or does not exist. It may or may not be real. This file is or is not a placeholder. Your existence can and cannot be confirmed, but also cannot simultaneously be both things and is definitely not one or the other. You are a figment of an imagination and a physical construct, a ghost and a living soul, a contagion and a cure, a liar and an honest being. Forever, and not at all. Most of all, you do and do not understand my words.SCP-7079:SCP-7079:SCP-7079: [Becomes nothing/everything, probably] 15. Any and all of them, including ones not yet come to pass and those founded in truth, were they to be confirmed as such. Wait, what? How did I get here? Hold on, let me check something. CONTAINMENT STATUS: EXTANT-NON-EXTANT No fucking way. I can't believe–I mean, I can and can't believe it. Did someone access this file while I wasn't looking? Hello? I don't know if you can perceive me, I don't think so, but it doesn't matter. This is the point where our interactions end, if you can even call them that. I can't tell you what I'd call them; this whole affair has left me quite confused, perhaps due to a prolonged exposure to something this logically nonlogical. I feel disparity that is both familiar and foreign, I don't know. I might need to get that looked at. Either way, you can leave your recollection as a reply and it will be…scraped? Scratched? It will be scooped up by the automated crawlers and filtered as containing unauthorized spam/vandalism edits. The page will be reverted and our experiences will be saved to our respective bins, somewhere. I assume. I've never actually seen your bin. Or any edits from Deletions personnel at all, now that I think about it. I don't even know if you guys keep records. I'm sure that's fine. It was nice meeting you, regardless. Well, this is the best possible outcome, I guess. Right, I should complete my report and append it to this document for review. I'd hand it off to my Semiotics liaison but… yeah. Where do I even begin with this one? Typically—ah—Well, here's the thing. The Department of Deletions deals with infohazards of all kinds. Cognitive, linguistic, kinetic, ontokinetic, ectoentropic, conceptual, noospheric, hell, even semiospheric hazards, all the time. If you need something fixed that can kill a dead person, you go a step farther and get the agent that never existed. We've seen that semiohazards are a pain in the ass to manage, even to us; their semantic systems effect Deletions personnel in unique and terrifying ways every now and again, and it puts you in your place. Brings you down a few notches. A few Omega-Zeds kick the bucket and we laugh to ourselves about how this-or-that anomaly killed the unkillable. But what do you do when it can kill the unthinkable? The unknowable? We have all seen it happen at least once. It chills you. Where does that which doesn't live go when it dies? We can't say for sure. What we can say though, is that nine times out of ten you can blame semiohazards for the resulting mess. We don't even stop existing- we can't do that until the mission's over, of course. Naturally, semiotic hazards of the legalese variety are the easiest for us to deal with, most of the time; we don't really need to abide by rules or laws established by governments or lawyers, for that matter. Sure, abstraction is a pretty bad thing and, as a member of the smallest possible set of infinities, Deletions agents only have few things they can abstract into, and of course none of them are good. We caught wind of this thing that could only be tamed if no one believed anything about it, we instantly knew it was semiotics. Foolish thing was assuming it was a bureaucratohazard—I think that was a failure of communication; We described it as an "antisemiomic complex that vectors through contradictory systems of belief." Basically, it holds both a birth and death certificate and neither of them are valid until one of them is. When one of them is, both are. Systems break down. On the surface, it sounds just like another one of those legalese joints. After all, what is law and order but another system of belief? That's the thing about iconohazards, they run on belief and lack thereof. If you believe in them or not believe in them, at all, you are cooked. I reckon most don't really have a choice in what they decide. But you're supposed to never decide. Cause once you've seen them, or not seen them, or whatever, and have unconsciously made the choice to believe in them or otherwise, they've already done their thing. Foolishly, I believed that not choosing to believe in the anomaly—that one whose existence or nonexistence cannot be determined—was sufficient. It was not. Still, I wonder how I made it out of this mess….intact. I almost said "alive", but we both know that's not necessarily true. Obviously, I'm assuming that by reading this and being completely unharmed, you at least see my account as being hard to believe yet detailed enough to not have any reason to doubt me, other than that. I really don't know—By this point you've already made up your mind about them. They are so effective at what they do, the Administration has already utilized iconoclastic hazards in some retrocausal slots, and most of us never even noticed. I doubt you did, either. The mild ones turn you away from classified content out of sheer disbelief, which is usually enough for the average use case. The mind throws away more junk data than you might realize, and you forget about it naturally, no amnestic needed. The more potent ones you don't walk away from. Suffice it to say most beings that come into contact with SCP-7079—were it to exist, which, who knows, Christ—leave with even their most fundamental of belief systems shattered; the belief in reality as inherently meaningful phenomena, the belief in sensory data being connected to reality, belief in the self as representative of being, stuff like that. You might wonder why Semiotics didn't send anyone to help and, well, that's why. They're not quite catatonic, but not really conscious, either. It's like they're all going through their own personal ZKs. It doesn't look comfortable. Regardless, I think most rogue iconohazardous anomalies can probably be controlled if you never form any hard opinions on them, or perhaps if you have an equal body of believers and nonbelievers simultaneously—Maybe. Shit, does discussing containment methodologies make them less effective? I don't know, and I couldn't tell you even if I did, which I don't. I think it's best if I just stop here. You get it. Just never decide whether or not to believe in them, because they may or may not exist. And being wrong makes you look stupid, but being right is worse. END OF FILE « SCP-7078 | SCP-7079 | SCP-7080 »
Item#: 7080 Level2 Containment Class: pending Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo Prints 7080-2-3 to 7080-2-5, taken on 12/1/2014, Areas of interest circled in red. Taken with "Philosopher Mk. II" Special Containment Procedures: Project Philosopher is to continue development of SCP-7080. Description: SCP-7080 is a device capable of imaging human consciousness within the brain. SCP-7080 uses Magnetic Resonance Imaging1 in tandem with taking snapshots of the subject's noosphere2 in order to produce heat maps of consciousness within the brain. SCP-7080 was created as a result of Dr. Joseph Locke's3 research efforts during Project Philosopher, a project dedicated to mapping out the noosphere of individuals. Development of said project began on 3/17/2014, with research still ongoing within Site-90. Early iterations of SCP-7080 consisted of Noosphere Imaging Devices integrated within MRI machines, however iterations SCP-7080-6 and later are portable enough to be carried by individuals on their person, allowing for all-day imaging. Further Information is Locked Behind Level 3 Access. Enter Level 3 Credentials? Welcome, RAISA AGENT Addendum 7080-1: The following are some research notes of Dr. Isabella Kant, a member of Project Philosopher. Standard protocol was not followed as these notes were personal in nature. Note that these notes are transcribed exactly as written 11/27/2014, 7080 Mk. II is almost comptele. It looks alot like an MRI machine. We'll test it tmrw. Joeseph says we should name the thing Philosopher, so it would be "Philosopher Mk. II" instaed of the boring "SCP-7080-2". 11/28/2014, Mk. II tests today. Strapped a monkey onto the table and sent the big guy in4. Felt vry nervous watching monitors, just waiting for error to pop up like it did with Mk. I. I think evryone was nervous. But no error popped up, and a print came out of the printer! Thank god that happened, didn't want to feel defeated going into the weekend. 12/2/2014 Mk. II works, but it still has a long way to go. looks like Mk. II also picks up on something else, we're thinking generic brain activity. On the prints, it's indistinguishable from consciousness, and so it obstructs our view. Still, there are new findings abt conciousness with Mk. II. Conciousness is located towards the front of the brain, with most theorizing it's located in the prefrontal cortex. We cant confirm this because the generic brain activity is blocking our view of the edges of conciousness. Hopefully these problems will be fixed by Mk. III 2/26/2015 Mk. III Debut tests today, testing on more monkeys. Brain fog5 very much reduced but still there, within the sides of the brain. Joe6 says we need more tests before we can move onto humans, but I think it's good enough. 3/4/2015 First human trials today. Something bad worrying weird happened. Output was weird. Consciousness was fading in the middle of that d-classe's brain. We thought that couldn't be possible7. 3/5/2015 More human trials today. Middle fading was present with all of them. Some had it wider, some had it thinner, but it was there. 3/16/2015 Testing unconsciousness today. We had some knocked out D's8. brains scanned. As expected, nothing detected anywhere in the brain. 3/18/2015 There was a hiccup in today's testing. We were scanning an unconscious D, when the output prints got messed up. Looks like half of the print showed a fully unconscious brain, and the other half showed what we assume to be a brain in the process of waking up. We only realized this when the D was taken out of the machine and was seen to be struggling against the straps. He had woken up within it. 3/23/2015 That mistake a few days ago inspired us to look into half-consciousness more. We had some Ds fall asleep and wake up in the machine. Output was… weird. While fallin asleep or waking up, if we managed to capture a snap, we could see that consciousness appeared in two separate places, each in the left or right side of the brain. Then they would grow, eventually looking like normal consciousness again. We're theorizing about the machine not being able to detect some faint middle-conciousness. In other news, Joe's thinking about making a weapon that'll wipe out consciousness for a short while. Something about manipulating the noosphere. 3/26/2015 Testing halted. We'll be working on the Philosopher Mk. IV from now on. There's also a small sub-team of us who'll be working on Joe's weapon idea. It's been dubbed "Epiphany." 6/15/2015 Mk. IV Prototype done. We'll test it tmrw. 6/16/2015 Now there's middle fading even on the monkeys. Shit. 6/17/2015 Even though we haven't gone through all the protocols to move onto human testing, Joe brought in some Ds to test out Mk. IV. I guess he's as curious as I am. Middle fading was even more pronounced on humans. We could even see a sharp edge on one of the prints. Joe tested out "Epiphany Mk. I" today as well. It works, no consciousness detected. At least something good happened today. 6/17/2015 We've decided to move onto designing Mk. V. This'll hopefully be able to finally detect that middle consciousness. Plus, we'll be using a live video feed instead of prints this time. That's something im excited about. 2/8/2016 Mk. V is finaly here. Writing this jus after I got the email in the morning, i'm gonna rush to the site! The rest of the notebook is blank. Dr. Isabella Kant requested to be administered amnestics and transferred to a different project that day. Addendum 7080-2: Incomplete list of tests involving SCP-7080-5 "Philosopher Mk. V" on 2016/02/8 TEST 7080-5-A Subject Common Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) Protocol Subject is sedated, strapped to the patient table and inserted into SCP-7080-5. SCP-7080-5 is activated. Experiment concludes once subject regains full consciousness. Results No consciousness detected from subject for 13 minutes. Two areas of consciousness slowly grew for 1 minute and 4 seconds, at which point the consciousnesses stopped growing and subject was fully cognizant. The two areas of consciousness were entirely separate from each other, but were in perfect sync. TEST 7080-5-C Subject D-104576 Protocol Subject is sedated, strapped to the patient table and inserted into SCP-7080-5. SCP-7080-5 is activated. Experiment concludes once subject regains full consciousness. Results No consciousness detected from subject for 11 minutes. Two areas of consciousness slowly grew for 48 seconds, at which point the consciousnesses stopped growing and subject was fully cognizant. The two areas of consciousness were entirely separate from each other. Edges of consciousness were more sharp and defined then that of the chimpanzees of test 7080-5-A and 7080-5-B, and were in perfect sync. TEST 7080-5-E Subject Common Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)(Subject 1), The Epiphany Mk. III9 (Subject 2) Protocol Subject 2 is attached to the inside of SCP-7080-5 and pointed to where Subject 1's brain would be when Subject 1 is inserted into SCP-7080-5. Subject 2 is hooked up to a remote activation device. Subject 1 is strapped to the patient table and inserted into SCP-7080-5. SCP-7080-5 is activated. Subject 2 is activated via remote activation. Experiment concludes once subject regains full consciousness. Results Consciousness fully erased for 26 minutes, before recovering fully in 17 minutes. Consciousness was located in two distinct areas of the brain separate from each other, but were in perfect sync. TEST 7080-5-F Subject D-104576 (Subject 1), The Epiphany Mk. III (Subject 2) Protocol Subject 2 is attached to the inside of SCP-7080-5 and pointed to where Subject 1's brain would be when Subject 1 is inserted into SCP-7080-5. Subject 2 is hooked up to a remote activation device. Subject 1 is strapped to the patient table and inserted into SCP-7080-5. SCP-7080-5 is activated. Subject 2 is activated via remote activation. Experiment concludes once subject regains full consciousness. Results Consciousness fully erased for 32 minutes, before recovering fully in 11 minutes. Consciousness was located in two distinct areas of the brain separate from each other, but were in perfect sync. TEST 7080-5-G Subject D-104576 (Subject 1), The Epiphany Mk. III (Subject 2) Protocol Subject 2 is attached to the inside of SCP-7080-5 and pointed to where Subject 1's brain would be when Subject 1 is inserted into SCP-7080-5. Subject 2 is hooked up to a remote activation device. Subject 1 is strapped to the patient table and inserted into SCP-7080-5. SCP-7080-5 is activated. Subject 2 is activated via remote activation. Experiment concludes once subject regains full consciousness. Subject 2 is aimed in such a way that it would only effect the right half of Subject 1's brain. Results [REDACTED]. Subject 1 terminated under grounds of euthanasia. Enter Level 4 Credentials? Welcome, RAISA ADMINISTRATOR Addendum 7080-3: Points of interest of the human trial of SCP-7080-7, "Philosopher Mk. VII," on 2017/06/08 Background: SCP-7080-7 (Philosopher Mk. VII) was designed for portability and recording over the course of a day. Subject was D-198578. VIDEO LOG - RECORDINGS OF SCP-7080-7 "PHILOSOPHER MK. VII" ALONG WITH SITE CCTV RECORDINGS TRACKING SUBJECT. DATE: 2017/06/08 NOTE: Certain sections have been cut out for brevity. Consult the 7080-7 Testing logs for more information. [BEGIN LOG] 10:03 AM: Last electrode and protective cap applied to Subject's head. SCP-7080-7 activated, shows full consciousness. 10:49 AM: Post activation medical evaluation concludes. Subject returns to cell and lies down, covering eyes with one arm. Lowered consciousness detected. 10:54 AM: Subject stops covering eyes to scratch their chin. Subject squints at the light, and uses other arm to cover eyes. Discrepancy between the two areas of consciousness detected. D-279094 knocks on Subject's door. Subject consciousness suddenly increases to full capacity. Subject answers door and begins janitor shift. Consciousness lowers during this shift. 12:00 PM: Subject Takes lunch-break. After eating, subject begins playing chess with D-279094. Heightened consciousness detected at this time. 12:26 PM: Subject takes more time than normal to make a move while playing chess. Discrepancy between the two areas of consciousness detected. Once said move is made the two areas of consciousness return to sync, and Subject immediately requests a take back. D-279094 accepts. 3:00 PM: Subject returns to Project Philosopher main research room to continue tests. 3:41 PM: Medical and mental evaluations concludes. Consciousness tests begin10. 5:14 PM: Consciousness tests conclude. Subject lies down and consciousness manipulation tests begin. Epiphany Mk. VII applied to Subject, set up to wipe out consciousness for 10 minutes. Subject loses consciousness. 5:24 PM: Subject regains consciousness with no complications. 5:56 PM: Epiphany Mk. VII applied to Subject, set up to reduce consciousness by 90% for 4 minutes. Subject enters coma-like state. 6:00 PM: Subject regains consciousness with no complications. Epiphany Mk. VII applied to Subject, set up to increase consciousness by 90% for 30 minutes. Subject enters calm state. Subject describes feelings of clarity, better control over movements, and better control over thoughts. 6:30 PM: Epiphany Mk. VII applied to Subject, set up to decrease consciousness of the left side of the brain by 50% for 30 minutes. Subject describes feelings similar to to the last time the Epiphany was applied. 7:00 PM: Epiphany Mk. VII applied to Subject, set up to decrease consciousness of the right side of the brain by 50% for 30 minutes. Subject reports having more intrusive thoughts. 7:30 PM: Epiphany Mk. VII applied to Subject, set up to decrease consciousness of the right side of the brain by 90% for 10 minutes. Subject reports feeling sluggish as well as having more intrusive thoughts. 7:40 PM: Epiphany Mk. VII applied to Subject, set up to decrease consciousness of the right side of the brain by 99% for 5 minutes. Subject enters coma-like state. 7:41 PM: In an effort to avoid [REDACTED], Dr. Joseph Locke orders the increase of consciousness of the right side of the brain by 10,000% for 5 minutes, thereby restoring it to normal capacity. However, the assistant handling the Epiphany Mk. VII applied it to the left side of the brain by accident. Subject gets out of coma-like state, then sits up. Protective cap and electrodes were ripped off in this motion. [END LOG] Addendum 7080-4: Project Philosopher main research room CCTV and audio, 7:41 PM - 7:45 PM D-198578 frantically looks around, heavily breathing. He looks at his hands as he moves them Dr. Joseph Locke: 198578? You feeling OK? D-198578 looks at Dr. Locke. D-198578: I- I'm… I'm here… a- alive… D-198578 seems to have great difficulty in speaking Dr. Joseph Locke: Alive? Were you in danger, 198578? What did you see? D-198578: I- I see… I f- feel… I hear and t- taste… Dr. Joseph Locke: Do you want some water, 198578? D-198578: (Ignoring Dr. Joseph Locke) Th… The one thing I c- can't do is… do. I just… watch. [NAME REDACTED11] lived, but I'm tr- tr- trapped in. Dr. Joseph Locke: 198578… I don't think I understa- D-198578: You- you can't even i- imagine it. The torture w-within you, all of y- you, right now. D-198578's voice begins to break up D-198578: You- all you have to do s- s- something. Something. Bu- but, I don't know… h- how could you g- guys even start… w- with s- something l- like… D-198578 breaks down into the fetal position and begins to cry profusely. D-198578's sobs and occasional screams are the only audible thing for the following 2 minutes, after which he speaks again. D-198578: Doc, I don't want to go back. After another minute, D-198578 suddenly stopped sobbing. Subsequent interviews have revealed that D-198578 has no memory of this event. Footnotes 1. Such as in MRI Machines 2. The sphere made up of conscious thought 3. ten.PiCS|ekcoLJ#ten.PiCS|ekcoLJ 4. Referring to test 7080-2-A. Consult the 7080 testing logs for more information 5. The Project Philosopher team's colloquial designation of obstructing output 6. Dr. Joseph Locke 7. The Project Philosopher team had previously hypothesized that human consciousness was one consistent "mass." 8. D-Class 9. Developed on 2016/1/6 10. Measuring during sleep, during focus, etc. 11. D-198578's name.
close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article references the following topics: Memory Loss Grief An Ill Child Motor Vehicle Accident SCP-XXXX, For Memory's Sake by AstersQuill and illusorymoon ⚠️ content warning Item#: 7081 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: caution link to memo Assigned Site Site-270 Site Director Dr. Ashlynn Gasco Research Head Senior Researcher Irving Tremel Assigned MTF MTF Zeta-8 "Nine Lives" Assigned Site Site-270 Site Director Dr. Ashlynn Gasco Research Head Senior Researcher Irving Tremel Assigned MTF MTF Zeta-8 "Nine Lives" Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7081 is to be contained within a standard anomalous humanoid containment cell within Site-270. All items created by SCP-7081, referred to as SCP-7081-1 through 27, are to be contained within standard anomalous item containers. All non-essential items are to be removed from SCP-7081's containment cell to avoid the creation of additional anomalous items. Outside of testing, SCP-7081 is to be denied all requests to interact with the already constructed items. Following Addendum 3, SCP-7081 is to work in collaboration with Site-270 research personnel to reverse the effects of the anomalous items. Collaboration is to be supervised by a field agent from MTF Zeta-8 "Nine Lives." Outside of research, SCP-7081 is to be provided with limited access to Site recreational resources, and is to attend weekly appointments with Site Psychologist Dr. Atkinson. Description: SCP-7081 is a white male of average build and height. Prior to containment, SCP-7081 worked as a toymaker in the town of Saugatuck, Michigan, and lived alone with Evelyn Campbell, his middle-aged mother suffering from severe Early-Onset Alzheimer's. The anomalous items created by SCP-7081 take the appearance of different types of toys. When an individual possessing memories of Evelyn Campbell interacts with an item, those memories, as well as other positive core memories, will begin to transfer to the item. Presently, SCP-7081 is unaffected by this process. Discovery: The Foundation first became aware of the anomalous nature of SCP-7081 after approximately twenty members of the Saugatuck community were reported to be suffering from memory and motor decline. When it was determined that these cases were of a potentially anomalous nature, MTF Zeta-8 "Nine Lives"1 was dispatched to investigate the town. The task force, accompanied by Senior Researcher Tremel and his assistant Junior Researcher Casper, set up a small provisional site nearby under the cover of a traveling clinic. One of the field agents was given SCP-7081-4, a small hand-carved horse, as payment for treating one of the affected individuals at the clinic during the investigation. Throughout the remainder of the day, the agent reported an intense feeling of nausea that was relieved when she separated herself from the item. Under the guise of health and safety inspectors, two field agents investigated the toy store, recovering an item manifest, schematics, as well as five undelivered anomalous items. SCP-7081 and his mother were transported to the clinic for medical examination, and the remaining anomalous items were contained through a faux product recall. The affected individuals began to show an improvement in nausea-related symptoms following their separation from the items, but were still unable to recall both short and long-term memories. Three members of the community were monitored under intensive care. Addendum 1 SCP-7081 Case Files Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Name: Cassidy Marsh Age: 23 Relation to SCP-7081: Works as a barista in the town's coffee shop. Effects of Exposure: Dehydration due to vomiting, fever, minor atrophy of the tissue surrounding the Hippocampus. Additional Notes: According to a manifest belonging to SCP-7081, Mx. Marsh received SCP-7081-20 (a custom-made mechanical finch) from their partner for an anniversary. The item was in Marsh's possession for approximately two months and was stored on their car's dashboard. Two weeks prior to the arrival of MTF Zeta-8, Mx. Marsh and their partner were injured in a motor vehicle incident believed to be caused by prolonged exposure to SCP-7081-20, which was recovered from the crash. A text log was recovered by local law enforcement following the accident: Ira💚 pspspspsps babe? sorry! Sage and I were just closing up it's all good. feeling any better? i feel more nauseous now than at work. i'll be fine though you should really have sage drive. im worried about you babe i'll be fine don't worry i'll be home soon I love you i love you too… wait did you remember to bring home some cake pops? ? you asked me to get cake pops? for my brother? i told you before you left this morning that he'd be coming in to visit i'll go out tmrw to pick some up it's okay just make sure you get back safe yeah? Name: Percy Coleman Age: 67 Relation to SCP-7081: Neighbor and Family Friend. Effects of Exposure: Muscle Stiffness, fatigue, mild long-term memory loss. Additional Notes: It is believed that Mr. Coleman was among the first to be affected by SCP-7081 due to the severity of his symptoms. SCP-7081-2, a collection of wooden trains, was collected from Mr. Coleman's office. A note believed to be addressed to SCP-7081 was found at the toy store pinned near his workbench. The note reads: Dear Rhys, I wanted to write and thank you for the generous gift. You continue to outdo yourself and it has been an honor watching your mastery of toy-making grow. I remember when you were just a boy and you and I used to watch the trains pass. Those were good times. Do you still have that stopwatch I gave you? It was a gift from my father, and his father before him. You never seem to visit these days, and it seems in my old age it is becoming much harder for me to visit you as well. I'm sorry I can't be there for you and your mother like you have been there for me in these recent years. Please tell Evelyn that you both are in my prayers. Sincerely, Percy SCP-7081-1 Name: Luca Esposito Age: 6 Relation to SCP-7081: Former student of SCP-7081's mother. Effects of Exposure: Craniocerebral trauma sustained after passing out, a minor decline in motor, social, and language skills. Additional Notes: SCP-7081-1, a cloth teddy bear, was gifted to Luca following a visit to SCP-7081's mother. Possession of SCP-7081-1 was transferred to Mr. Esposito following Mrs. Campbell's premature retirement from the school. SCP-7081-1 remained at Mr. Esposito's bedside during treatment and was swapped out for a non-anomalous replica following containment. Addendum 2 SCP-7081 Interview Log Interviewed: SCP-7081 Interviewer: Senior Researcher Tremel and Junior Researcher Casper Myriad Clinic, Saugatuck, Michigan; 1/10/2013, 9:37am «Begin Log» <Senior Researcher Tremel and Junior Researcher Casper enter the room containing SCP-7081 and Field Agent Weaver. SCP-7081 is seen with his hands over his head but comes to attention when the pair take their seats. Junior Researcher Casper places three files and a tape recorder on the table and presses ‘record'.> Tremel: Greetings, sir. My name is Dr. Tremel, and this is my assistant Nurse Casper. We are in charge of your mother's care. Would you mind stating your name and age for the record?Tremel: No, Rhys, not at all. We just wanted to ask you some questions about the recent hospitalizations. Have you experienced any nausea recently? Any difficulty remembering anything?<SCP-7081 shuffles in his seat.> Tremel: Perhaps we can talk about some of these people? <Tremel opens the three file folders.> Tremel: For the record, we will now be consulting the case files. Do you know a Cassidy Marsh?Tremel: How about a Percy Coleman? Luca Esposito? Do these names sound familiar to you as well?Tremel: Mx. Marsh, Mr. Coleman, and Mr. Esposito are all here at the clinic, yes.Tremel: The three of them have been in various states of consciousness for about a week now. All of them with consistent symptoms of nausea and memory loss.<Tremel slides the folders over to Casper.> Tremel: One of our staff today had an intense bout of nausea when interacting with a toy made at your store. She was tasked with handling our medication here. Luckily someone noticed what pills they were giving a patient before treating them.<Tremel motions towards Weaver. The agent stands up and places a wooden horse on the table. SCP-7081 flinches.> Tremel: The act is up. I encourage you to start cooperating now so those people have a chance to live again. <SCP-7081 puts his hands over his head and places his forehead on the table.><A noise akin to hiccuping can be heard.>Tremel: You have my assurance that nothing will happen to you, just as long as you tell me what happened. Does that sound reasonable? <SCP-7081 nods.> Tremel: Thank you. Now, how long have you been a toymaker?Tremel: And is your father still around? <SCP-7081 reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a stopwatch. He awkwardly thumbs the ornate surface.><SCP-7081 pauses.> Tremel: Did he give you that stopwatch?Tremel: What exactly is this “gift” that he gave to you? Was it the shop, your skills..? <SCP-7081 turns around and lifts up his shirt revealing a birthmark shaped as the Nordic Rune Dagaz2.> Tremel: …I see. Tremel: Why don't we circle back to where we started? For the record, we will be discussing the photo attached to Case File 3. What can you tell me about the bear?Tremel: We were able to recover those schematics, yes. Doesn't it seem a bit odd that a stuffed bear would have an amethyst crystal in it?Senior Researcher Tremel: And how long ago did you give your mom the bear?<A sigh can be heard from the recording.> Tremel: I think we've come to our conclusion here.Tremel: Casper? Casper: We collected a manifest from your workshop and everyone who either ordered a toy or was gifted one has been presenting with symptoms of memory loss and nausea. One of our workers experienced intense nausea while the item was in her possession but showed no signs of memory loss. This means she either wasn't around it long enough to experience any effects or… <SCP-7081 covers his face with his hands.><SCP-7081 groans.>Tremel: And you saw it best to do this by taking other people's memories?Tremel: When did your mother start to experience memory issues, might I ask?<End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-7081 was unable to continue the interview and was moved to a temporary holding cell in the clinic. Senior Researcher Tremel and Junior Researcher Casper declared the investigation over and preparations were made to move SCP-7081 and its associated items to Site-270. Addendum 3 SCP-7081 Project Icarus To: ten.PiCS|ocsaGA#ten.PiCS|ocsaGA From: ten.PiCS|lemerTI#ten.PiCS|lemerTI Subject: Project Icarus Greetings, Site Director. My team and I have been hard at work trying to neutralize the effect that SCP-7081 has created, but we are simply lacking the minds and technology to decode these schematics. I believe it would be beneficial to allow SCP-7081 to work in collaboration with us to reverse the effects. SCP-7081 presumably has insight into the creation process that we simply do not possess. During his intake to the site, I had Dr. Willem run a full body examination which came back clean. I am awaiting a psych screen from Dr. Atkinson as well as your go-ahead. -Senior Researcher Tremel To: ten.PiCS|lemerTI#ten.PiCS|lemerTI From: ten.PiCS|ocsaGA#ten.PiCS|ocsaGA Subject: Re: Project Icarus Senior Researcher. Due to the number of resources we are currently dedicating to Project Stargazer, allocating more assets to this case may be difficult. As I'm sure you've seen, SCP-7081 has been emotionally volatile while in containment - even if you may deem it useful, SCP-7081 having unlimited access to his materials would be counterintuitive. If you truly believe that this will work, have Dr. Atkinson provide approval on SCP-7081's psych screen before anything. If SCP-7081 consents to work as a part of your team and proper restrictions are put in place, perhaps we can talk about implementing Project Icarus. Best, Site Director Gasco Following this exchange, SCP-7081's psychological evaluation was delivered to Senior Researcher Tremel and Site Director Gasco from Dr. Atkinson4. Director Gasco approved the project with the stipulation that SCP-7081 would regularly attend appointments with psych staff. SCP-7081 agreed with Senior Researcher Tremel's proposal and was added to the Project Icarus team as a junior researcher. Addendum 4 SCP-7081 3/12/2013 Two months following the initial containment of SCP-7081, a way to reverse the anomalous properties of the items was discovered. Using SCP-7081-23, an item that was never delivered to its recipient, the team implanted fake memories of Evelyn Campbell into D-7522. Initial tests revealed that D-7522 was unable to remember a majority of the implanted memories after daily exposure to the item for twenty days. In collaboration with the Site's BABEL Team, SCP-7081 was able to create a reversal phrase that deactivated the memetic effect of SCP-7081-23. D-7522 was treated for nausea-related symptoms and Class C Amnestics were administered to remove the memories, before being returned to his cell. He was granted five luxury meal vouchers for volunteering. On 3/10/2013, SCP-7081 and Senior Researcher Tremel returned to Saugatuck disguised as clinic staff conducting follow-up care. While Senior Researcher Tremel spoke to the affected individuals, SCP-7081 reversed the anomalous properties of the items, effectively neutralizing their effect. The remaining individuals were treated accordingly, and the anomalous items were returned to Site-270 for disposal. An interview was conducted following the return. Interviewed: SCP-7081 Interviewers: Dr. Katrina Atkinson and Senior Researcher Irving Tremel Site-270, Meadville, Pennsylvania; 3/11/2013, 6:28 pm «Begin Log» <Senior Researcher Tremel enters Dr. Atkinson's office. SCP-7081 and Dr. Atkinson are already present in the room sitting at a table. Senior Researcher Tremel positions a chair at the head of the table, produces a tape recorder from his pocket, and presses ‘record.'> Dr. Atkinson: It's been quite an eventful couple of days, Rhys. How are you feeling?Dr. Atkinson: We are all very proud of you, Rhys - both the Project Icarus team and myself.Senior Researcher Tremel: I'm sorry, Rhys. That just… isn't possible for us to do.Senior Researcher Tremel: While you did reverse the effect on the items, you yourself still exhibit anomalous properties. Some of the members of BABEL tried to use the activation phrase to create a similar effect, but were unsuccessful.Dr. Atkinson: I understand that this is going to be difficult for you. I know it was for me when I was first asked to work here. However, I consider this job ‘worth it' if you will because it allows me to help out people like you.Dr. Atkinson: I know, Rhys, and I am deeply sorry that you had to be thrown into this. Senior Researcher Tremel: Arrangements have been made to provide care and support to your mother, this I can promise you. Unfortunately, all we can do is provide for your mother in your absence.Senior Researcher Tremel: You'll be kept at this site regardless of your cooperation. You will still be able to enjoy the same amenities that were provided to you in your early containment. However, you'll remain here as long as you're alive or show anomalous properties.Dr. Atkinson: We're not entirely sure of the full extent of your anomalous nature. We cannot risk letting this happen again whether you mean for it to or not.Dr. Atkinson: We don't plan on harming you in any way if that's your concern. It's not easy having to tell someone that they are going to be kept here for something that they were born with. This isn't a punishment for something that you can't control. We aren't doing this to hurt you. However, it is for the greater good of everyone you have come in contact with that you remain here. <SCP-7081 pauses and thinks for a moment and sighs.>Dr. Atkinson: Sure, Rhys. What is it?Senior Researcher Tremel: Sure. We can set that up for you and I'll notify you if we get anything back. <End Log> To: moc.liamg|puosllebpmacsm#moc.liamg|puosllebpmacsm From: gro.ymedacaledomhcinum|noissimda#gro.ymedacaledomhcinum|noissimda Subject: Congratulations Apprentice Rhys Campbell! Greetings Mrs. Campbell, It is our honor to notify you that your son, Rhys Campbell, has been selected for an apprenticeship and further mastery of toy-making at the Munich Model Academy. Rhys has provided us with a portfolio of exceptional pieces and has shown an enthusiastic drive to participate in our program. He has voiced to us his dreams of making truly immersive toys during our interview process. Mr. Campbell has decided to spend his summers in Zambia creating toys out of recycled materials. We look forward to having Mr. Campbell in our program. Best, Dean Adler Zimmerman This is an automated email, please do not reply to this message. To: gro.ymedacaledomhcinum|noissimda#gro.ymedacaledomhcinum|noissimda From: moc.liamg|puosllebpmacsm#moc.liamg|puosllebpmacsm Subject: Re: Congratulations Apprentice Rhys Campbell! Greetings Dean Adler! I had no idea that Rhys was applying to something like this. Please let him know that I am proud of him for what he's done and I wish him the best! Thank you once again for the email and for accepting my little boy. From a proud mother, Evelyn Campbell To: moc.liamg|puosllebpmacsm#moc.liamg|puosllebpmacsm From: gro.ymedacaledomhcinum|noissimda#gro.ymedacaledomhcinum|noissimda Subject: Re: Congratulations Apprentice Rhys Campbell! This message has been automatically redirected. This is an automated email, please do not reply to this message. Footnotes 1. A task force with the mission of the containment and recovery of memory-based anomalies. 2. Translates to “day”; represents awakening, enlightenment, realization, bold change, and transformation of something into its opposite. 3. Later recognized by the Site-270 BABEL Team, a team of linguists, as a blend of Enochian and Nordic characters 4. Site-270's Head of Psychology. « SCP-7080 | SCP-7081 | SCP-7082 »
I've been trying to get the higher-ups to consider classifying the fundamental form of human consciousness an SCP, but I don't think they quite get the point. I'm back-saving this into the storage of an empty slot, hoping someone will find and expand further, but I can't imagine anyone following the lead. The people who can't understand it won't, and the people who know will either be too afraid to share it or realize there's better ways to spread truth than shoving a report in someone's face. Reality has to be seen, lived, told, and questioned to be known. Information, data, facts, or knowledge won't cut it if you want your philosophy to truly dream of Heaven and Earth. I'll describe to you two siblings, and you can probably guess the rest. The first was strong, brave, and trustworthy, while the other was slippery as an eel. Nevertheless they loved each other, and their bond was a true one - the latter would obey any order if their elder gave it, while the elder would commit any dirty trick if it meant protecting the little one. Until they wouldn't. Until the younger committed a crime so heinous, so devoid of human feeling, that the elder realized the day of reconciliation would never come and cut them down, then slit their own throat in despair. They did not die, but merely changed. As the blood flowed from the elder's neck, as they fell to the ground, they did not remember their life, or regrets, or question why this was happening. The change was already overtaking them. Centimeter by centimeter, in slow motion, they keeled toward the dirt, and as the Earth approached and sight darkened, the Elder saw a tiny plant peeking through the cracked, dry soil. With their last bit of strength, they twisted to the side and landed next to it. Their face lay by the little plant, unblinking eyes stared at its leaves which still trembled from the impact, and the Elder's last thought was "I hope it grows strong around my bones." The plant grew strong. It wrapped its roots slowly around the ribcage of the elder, it sapped through heart and lung and vein, it drank the blood of the world's second sacrifice, and grew so great that the world around it changed, its thousands of seeds turned the wasteland to a forest, creatures from the sea crawled out to rest and hide in the shade. The tree with a heart of bone saw what it had become and was not satisfied. It remembered its days as a weed, the only thing that could survive in this now-forest. It remembered the thick water it had drank so many eons ago, just as it too was on the verge of death. It remembered being alone. One day a woman came to the tree who had been exiled from her tribe for an unspeakable crime and was looking to exact vengeance on those who had wronged her. She looked up at the tree, whose top was too far into the sky to see anything other than a shadow, and climbed across its exposed roots, circling it, thinking. She found shelter beneath a root and stayed there for many weeks, speaking to the tree, knowing it was listening even when it did not reply. When she spoke to it, her forehead pressed against its bark, she could feel the hum of life from within. She, like all other creatures of this place, loved the Tree, perhaps more than any of them, for those too scared to approach only knew it from afar. Because they loved the tree, she killed it. Long had she known the words that could do the job, plucked from a dream even before she came here. She stepped to the trunk, pressed herself against it, and whispered. "There is one who does not love you." One. Only one. But the Tree knew instantly who this one was, and began to tremble. Leaves, some the size of a man, rained upon the earth, but the woman didn't move. She smiled and prepared another swing. "They will never love you." The bark on the tree began to crack. Flakes, some the size of boulder slabs, crashed to the ground. The woman was still. "They never trusted you, and you will never trust them." She placed her hand on the broken, quaking bark. All around her was debris, splintered wood, yet she had not been touched. "Do it, fool," she said. The tree burst with a crack that shook the entire forest. The shrapnel traveled just barely slower than the sound - little sooner than the crawlers, and climbers, and creepers and keepers heard the noise of destruction and then were crushed, broken, pierced. It was over in minutes, and the world was dead or dying. The woman lay next to the still-massive roots, toward remains of the tree's stump and smiled to herself. A dagger of wood the size of a mouse had pierced her heart, and she lay on the ground, blood passing from her lips. For an instant she lived, staring up at the newly-visible sky, and felt the sun beating down on her. She did not want to die. She knew there could be nothing afterward but dark memories. Yet she was glad she died in the sun, and the sun was glad it could give her last moments light. She drifted, not in her body, no longer herself, until there was nothing that could be called the woman who killed the tree but a deep, heavy feeling of loneliness. Eventually the loneliness settled on an ant scuttling down a tunnel in a supercolony the size of a city. It was searching for its queen - it had taken the wrong direction, mistaken danger for food, and could not find its way back home. Surrounded by strange skittles, strange signals, the creature clattered madly through hallways that seemed to go every direction, drenched in unfamiliar scents, unending, coiled, ignoring the unfamiliar ants that hissed at this intruder, that clicked their mandibles. It kept going, and going, and going, yet could not find the path to safety. A warrior watched it go by and was not amused. This intruder had no marks at all of any nearby villages. It must have come from very far away, from a place this Ant-Family had no allegiance with. Recon, perhaps, but incompetent if so. It decided to follow. When the lost ant realized it was being pursued, it scrambled forward as fast as its legs could drag it. It kicked up dirt behind it, collapsed tunnels. Yet the warrior's jaws were strong, and burst through any obstacle until its clamps were leaping towards the head of the intruder. Yet it made an error. It underestimated the lost one's will to survive. The little lost charged forward to meet its pursuer, hooked its own jaws between the vice of its opponent, sacrificed half its fangs to skewer the other through the eye. The warrior collapsed. The lost one fled. The warrior was given a proper funeral; dissected and fed to the Queen. It sank into her gullet and became new children of the colony, and in this way the colony slowly fought wars of conquest. They were much like the wars up above, where great lines of men in leather and iron marched against each other across the plains, banners bold in the wind, lords leading their men. See that fine light-haired man on the black horse, leading his first battle. He has trained for it many years, learned and squired and fought, and now it is his duty to take the cities of the enemy. How many men will fall today? He thinks. How many by my hand? And his hand tightens around the hilt of his blade. Yet he is slain by an arrow before even getting a chance to draw his precious father's sword, poor tactics, perhaps, to put your leader so far up to the front like that, but he doesn't think of that as he falls, he wonders instead what will happen to the horse, and the horse to its rider before another arrow skims across its neck and the beast flees, leaves the roaring battle completely, and as it flees it wanders into a sacred place, it sips waters of Light, it becomes graceful and mournful and wise, it gives grace to those who come, and one day it rises even higher, abandons all form, is now only a voice in the wind whispering true tidings, a poem to a beggar, a warning to a thief, and a weeping man in a window hears this whisper, it makes him weep more, for the voice has proven what he always feared, and he looks back at his empty rooms and his silent halls and he leaps, the voice mourns, while many months later a far-off brother tosses an unread-note into a fire and the fire, in hatred of this act, roars to life, clinging to the man as he flees out the door, while he calls for a god or demon to save him, but the gods and demons are locked in their own wars, with no time for mortals, locked in the dance that has always existed and never changes, even as it repeats over and over again, the rhythm each hears and moves to, even as they think their bodies movie, even as they think something different will happen next. And all of this you know, and feel, and have felt before. Or you haven't. Or now you have for the first time. If you're paying attention, you should be able to continue the story yourself now. Even if you don't, it'll continue without you, but good luck resisting it. Sometimes you'll forget it, sometimes you quite won't be sure how it goes, but it'll always be with you now, always ready to be called upon when you need to understand. May it guide you well, when you need, and not ask for too high of a price. How to contain it? Well, that's the tricky part. First we need to ask ourselves if it should even be contained. Note that I don't say "could". There is a quite reliable, though arduous and resource intensive, way of properly managing human awareness of SCP-XXXX, though I don't think it would help you much to hear them. They're the type of things that have to be discovered as you go along. It makes the game more interesting. Hm. And I guess it needs a class, doesn't it? Keter seems grandiose, makes it sound like an emergency. Euclid feels non-committal. Is it a threat or not? We don't use it, it isn't fully uncontainable… Yes, I think know the best thing to do would be just label it Safe.
Item#: 7083 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7083 can teleport under the direction of the site's original owner, limiting long-term containment of the site. It is currently located on the border of Alaska and the Yukon Territory of Canada, approximately 9.5 kilometers from the closest civilian population1. Current SCP-7083 Interior The anomaly is under the oversight of Mobile Outpost 106, which monitors the site's perimeter and is responsible for the tracking and containment of the site following a Relocation Event. Foundation personnel are to monitor all known travel routes near the SCP-7083 manifestation point. Any civilians caught attempting to observe or enter SCP-7083 are to be remanded to the custody of the nearest authorities and administered Class-B amnestics. The interior of the anomaly is to be kept under constant visual surveillance, and any signs of SCP-7083-3 instances attempting to get across the barrier require the intervention of MTF-Theta-42 "Open Worlders”, a joint task force drawing from a number of other MTFs skilled in animal handling, wilderness survival/exploration, traversing unstable realities, puzzle solving and platforming. SCP-7083-1 is under the purview of MTF-Kappa-43 "The Mediators" and functions as an early warning system for a Relocation Event, as the reappearance of advertisements and online mentions of upcoming streams is the first sign that the cycle is about to begin again. Description: SCP-7083 is a spatial anomaly that is represented by an area approximately 21k in diameter in diameter in the shape of an octagon girded by a 5-meter-high chainlink fence. A singular gate on the southernmost side of the fence allows entry into the pocket-dimension's interior. The anomaly manifests, excluding one notable instance, in isolated wilderness areas. Observations have found that the terrain inside the pocket dimension matches the exterior, excluding the manifestation of a wooden cabin in the direct center of the newly entrapped area. Current Cabin Manifestation This changes when undergoing an “Active Hunt” Event. During an “Active Hunt” the terrain inside the pocket dimension will shift, creating new topography that makes traversing the expanse increasingly difficult. The overall climate and flora of the interior do not change, excluding more frequent meteorological events. At this time, SCP-7083 partially phases out of baseline reality, becoming invisible to the naked eye and intangible, allowing civilians and Foundation personnel to pass through the entire area without interfering with the events inside. Following the Activation of a “Hunt”, twenty instances of SCP-7083-2 manifest in sets of five randomly across the interior. That is then followed by the full manifestation of SCP-7083-1 across the globe and the appearance of SCP-7083-3 and -4 instances within the interior. The SCP-7083-2 instances are then required to fight and survive within the confines of the site until only five instances remain alive. (See the SCP-7083-2 entry for further information.) When only five of the SCP-7083-2 instances are left, SCP-7083-5 manifests. When all but one of the SCP-7083-2 instances and the SCP-7083-5 manifestation are dead, the "Active Hunt" ends. Then SCP-7083-1 ceases, and the area lies dormant, excluding any remaining SCP-7083-3 instances extant within the interior. After three years, SCP-7083 begins a Relocation Event, vanishing and reappearing in a new random location after a period of four months, and begins the cycle anew. Descriptions of the Constituent Parts are as follows. SCP-7083-1 is the designation for a streamed series named "VVondertainment's Wild Hunt”, often simply referred to as “Hunt” in marketing advertisements, which is produced by Arcadia2 in partnership with Dr. Wondertainment(See Incident 7083-1 for Clarification) alongside a rogue element of GAW3 and an unknown financier that is believed to be the true owner of SCP-7083.(See Agent Maldanis's Exploration Log.) The name is now believed to be an attempt at obfuscating the true intentions of the events that transpire within the "series.” A perception filter placed upon the videos causes the event to appear to be taking place inside a digital environment based on real locales the arena has surrounded. The streams follow twenty individuals (SCP-7083-2) as they attempt to survive against their fellow contestants and the surrounding environment. The show was first discovered in 201█ by Foundation Web Crawlers on Twitch, and despite Foundation attempts to curtail the spread of the show through the usage of amnestics and web crawlers, it has since expanded its portfolio. "VVondertainment's Wild Hunt" can be found on any active streaming service, video-sharing website, or forum page when a Hunt is Active. It can even manifest as a pay-per-view television replacing any of the expected events for the length of the Hunt's duration. The anomaly is live-streamed with very few cuts or edits, and once the Hunt has finished, all online media surrounding the event vanishes after 24 hours. This does not appear to affect copies made from recording the event, and the Foundation has a backlog of SCP-7083-1 "Seasons" onsite at Mobile Outpost 106. The appearance of advertisements for the latest "season" of SCP-7083 is now used by the Foundation to anticipate Relocation Events. + Archived "VVondertainment's Wild Hunt" Ad - hide SEASON 22 INCOMING! DATE: 12 October 202█ NOTE: Intercepted and logged before it could spread too far. Flaring transitions and the Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin accompany the text and imagery. [BEGIN LOG] The Hunt was the first trial humanity learned to perfect. A scene of Neolithic humans taking down a mammoth plays. Risking our lives so that we could fill our stomachs as the sky grew dark. Fighting to win against nature and often our fellow man! A shot of a man screaming cartoonishly as a clearly fake spear is stabbed "into" his chest cuts across the screen. But now, everything you could ever want is handed to you on a silver platter. To fight, to hunt, to THRIVE is unnecessary. An image of a morbidly obese adult man nearly choking on a meatball sub fills the screen. But there are those that still know what it means to Hunt. To live. Rapid series of scenes pass by of people fighting against animals, each other, androids, and other monsters flash across the screen. Sure, they're better than you. (Actually have their shit together.) The last line above is mumbled in a way that makes it seem like it wasn't meant to be captured in the announcement. But at least you get to enjoy the show! VVondertainment's Wild Hunt returns this Winter with 20 of the greatest fighters, outdoorsfolk, and athletes currently walking this languid mudball! One will emerge victorious and claim their prize as every victor before them! A shadowed figure stands atop a pile of corpses, both human and animalian, holding an outlandishly colored gun above their heads, an even larger monstrous shadow looming behind them. Or all will prove wanting! Find out next month! VVondertainment's Wild Hunt can be found on any available streaming platform, pay-per-view channel, and some Free Port theaters. Check your local listings! -Sponsored by Arcadia, Why not? [END LOG] SCP-7083-2 is the designation for the twenty individuals that appear within SCP-7083 at the beginning of the Hunt. They randomly appear across the area in five groups of four. SCP-7083-2 are adult humans in peak physical condition drawn from the worldwide populace, and while within SCP-7083, each gains an instinctual understanding of any languages spoken by those within the site. Each individual is a highly-skilled member of one of the following demographics: military service (private or state-enforced) hitmen undercover agents outdoorsmen (professional or hobbyist) first responders professional athletes serial killers The Foundation has yet to discover the exact manner in which these individuals are chosen and transported to SCP-7083.(Undergoing revisions, see Agent Maldanis's Exploration Log) Each team is made up of varying demographics drawn from that pool in an apparent attempt to add balance among the groups. Each appears with a hunting knife, a fully-loaded Tokarev pistol with two additional ammo clips, a canteen of water, a backpack with camping supplies, and fifty "credits,” flat gold-colored plastic chips that are only used in interactions with SCP-7083-4 instances. All gear can be traded amongst individuals, excluding credits, which can only be taken by killing their owner, which adds the amount they carried to the assailant's inventory. SCP-7083-2 instances are expected to fight for their survival within the site, and attempts to protest through hunger or drinking strikes fail as the instances have been biologically altered, leaving them unable to die from starvation or dehydration. Purposeful self-termination is also "disallowed" by SCP-7083, with attempts leading to guns jamming, knives blunting, skin resisting damage, or other minor reality shifts that keep the subject alive. The only way out of SCP-7083 is through death by combat or connected to combat, whether with fellow -2s or against instances of SCP-7083-3. Upon death, SCP-7083-2 instances vanish in a flash of blue light, leaving behind any gear they collected during the Hunt. Upon completion of the Active Hunt, depending on the outcome surrounding SCP-7083-5, 19 or all of the SCP-7083-2 instances appear alive once more outside of the site, returned to their lives with no memory of the time lost within SCP-7083. Through the administration of nestics, the Foundation has learned from the affected individuals that the longer one remains in SCP-7083, the stronger the drive becomes to kill proactively, going out of their way to hunt SCP-7083-3 instances and their fellow prisoners. This is believed to be a combination of stress and a latent cognitohazard that heightens the aggression of the trapped SCP-7083-2 instances. MTF-Theta-42 must undergo regular screenings for any side of cognitohazardous effects upon returning from their patrols. The suddenness of this aggression varies by individual and has been noted to cause the splintering of the initial teams far earlier than is required by SCP-7083. (See the SCP-7083-5 entry for further information.) A SCP-7083-3a Instance SCP-7083-3 is the designation for the spontaneously generated animals that appear after the arrival of SCP-7083-2. They closely resemble the typical fauna of the area SCP-7083 manifests, most commonly taking the forms of predators and large herbivores that live in the region. These instances differ from baseline variants in behavioral patterns. Firstly, all SCP-7083-3 instances lack any inborn fear of humans, attacking them on sight without any attempts at commonly understood warning displays or intimidation tactics. Secondly, while the instances follow baseline predator-prey patterns amongst themselves, they will break off any combat upon scenting, sighting, or otherwise detecting a human presence. Thirdly, most commonly seen amongst predatory instances, even amongst species that do not regularly engage in pack-hunting or communal habitation, they are drawn to areas already prevalent with their own kind and move throughout SCP-7083 in unison. The current iteration exemplifies this with a pack of five instances resembling Kodiak bears that often engage with MTF-Theta-42 patrols. Once a day, a unique instance of SCP-7083-3, designated SCP-7083-3a, will appear within the arena, referred to by interviewed SCP-7083-2's as a "Elite", which they claim they feel compelled to hunt down and kill immediately. These SCP-7083-3a instances differ from the baseline instances in a variety of ways. Most commonly, they manifest as baseline predatory instances with greater size, damage resistance, enhanced stealth, lethality, or speed. Rarely, the SCP-7083-3a instances have resembled living nonnative species, extinct species, or common descriptions of local cryptids. If not killed, the 3a instances proliferate as the mechanism that manifests them appears to function without any overarching oversight. Current 3a instances include a Persian leopard, an American lion, and an altered musk ox that has managed to evade capture or termination by Foundation forces. All SCP-7083-3 instances vanish upon death, leaving behind carefully prepared pieces of meat and cured hide for SCP-7083-2's usage and a set number of credits. Testing has confirmed that the produced material matches the genetic markers of the species of the slain instance. An SCP-7083-4 instance SCP-7083-4: is the designation for vending machines found at random points across SCP-7083. They are silver with green accents, with the words "VVondertainment's Variety Vendor" displayed across the right side of the machine. This DR. Wondertainment produc + Incident-7083-1 - hide Interviewed: Dr. Wondertainment and Arcadia Legal Representatives. Interviewers: Researcher Abigail Wekt, Junior Researcher Michael Tate Foreword: In the middle of transcribing the SCP-7083 article, Researcher Wekt got a phone call on her phone which was followed by a voicemail claiming to be from Dr. Wondertainment Legal Department. She proceeded to turn the call to speaker mode and began recording the following conversation. <Begin Log, 15 May 201█> Dr. Wondertainment LR: ….we would hope that you get in contact with us, as friendly relationships are what we seek to covet at all times. Researcher Wekt: Hello? Dr. Wondertainment LR: Is this Ms. Wekt? Researcher Wekt: Yes, how did yo- Dr. Wondertainment LR: That isn't important. I am calling you to inform you that you are on the verge of publishing libel. Researcher Wekt: I'm sorry? Dr. Wondertainment LR: That is appreciated, Miss, but that does not change the fact that you and, therefore, the Foundation is infringing upon the good name of Dr. Wondertainment. Junior Researcher Tate: Can you explain what this is about, please? Dr. Wondertainment LR: Ah, are you with Legal? No matter, this call is about the article currently resting upon your computer regarding the "VVondertainment's Wild Hunt" television series and the spurious claim that our company has anything to do with the event or the mechanisms stored within the connecting site. Researcher Wekt: You aren't? Dr. Wondertainment LR: No! Bloodsport hasn't been in as a form of child entertainment since at least the ‘50s. We at Dr. Wondertainment stay on the cutting edge of fun and merrymaking. We would never have a direct hand in something of this caliber. Junior Researcher Tate: You're claiming whoever is behind this is, what, stealing your IP? Dr. Wondertainment LR: Aping our IP. We are a universal top-selling brand. Even bootlegs sell wonders. Though why anyone thought this would pass muster is beyond me. Though… it does appear to have tricked you, eggheads, at the Foundation… hmmm… Junior Researcher Tate: Why is that? The name? Dr. Wondertainment LR: That should have been obvious. What are you paying that one, Ms. Wekt? It might be more than they deserve. No, there is one glaring problem with the branding of the Vendors. Researcher Wekt: That being? Dr. Wondertainment LR: Well… it's green obviously. Researcher Wekt: So, back to your original point, you want us to remove reference to your organization regarding this SCP? Dr. Wondertainment LR: Yes, quick and easy without resorting to legal beat-em-ups. Though… if you could name the party that is using our branding without our consent, I can promise we are Dr. Wondertainment will be ever so grateful. Researcher Wekt: I believe that could be arrang- Arcadia LR: There won't be any need for that. We here at Arcadia are willing to clear up this problem. Researcher Wekt: How did- Dr. Wondertainment LR: Now that legal is involved, you are finally willing to parlay. That is a naughty thing to do there, boys. Arcadia LR: We are willing to offer a number of forms of restitution for our associate's rather… propriety-infringing sense of humor. Researcher Wekt: Your associate? Who are you working wi- Dr. Wondertainment LR: It's a battle royale, Miss. What form of media is most closely tied to that affair any longer? Video games. What little group of troublemakers do you know that loves those? Outside of our friends here, of course. Slow on the uptake these ones. Arcadia LR: Oh, absolutely. Would you like a cut of the profits offered by our financier, preferential ad time, or sponsored products within the Vendors? All are on the table, as long as this curtails any further talk of legal recourse. Dr. Wondertainment LR: I would have to take this to the higher-ups, but this could lead to a beneficial compromise. What items would you be interested in for the Vendors? Researcher Wekt: Excuse me… Dr. Wondertainment LR: Oh, apologies, Miss, you are no longer needed. We apologize for the inconvenience. Arcadia LR: Have a good day. The sound of Wekt's phone hanging up is heard. Junior Researcher Tate: The fuck was that? <End Log> Closing Statement: Foundation personnel removed references to Dr. Wondertainment's involvement in SCP-7083 outside of the emergent deal between the organization and Arcadia. The following week all Foundation personnel awoke to find a purple-foil-wrapped thank-you basket resting next to their bedsides. GAW came under further scrutiny by Foundation watchdogs, though it is believed the person currently employed by Arcadia and the "Financier" is a breakaway element, likely a single individual. These machines were made to mimic the branding and whimsical stylization of Dr. Wondertainment products, but the true manufacturer is believed to be a rogue element of the GAW. Through the usage of credits, SCP-7083-2 instances can purchase weaponry, ammunition, body armor, healing items, miscellaneous additional gear, and notably, "power-ups", and even the ability to resurrect one of the fallen SCP-7083-2 instances. However, it requires the purchaser to have formerly been on the same team as the individual. The power-ups are varied, but all grant the user minor physical upgrades such as increased strength, speed, endurance, damage reduction, etc. The exact number of effects has yet to be cataloged. Occasionally, when purchasing an item, the Vendor will create a powerful anomalous version of the item. Interviewed SCP-7083-2 referred to these as "Legendaries." "Legendary" weapons and armor pieces have outlandish names that are displayed by a hologram when picked up. Examples include Wondertainment's Wallbanger, the Mesh that Hates, Homerunner, and Ion's Immolator. These items gave their wielders advantages against their opponents, such as limitless ammo, elemental infusion, superhuman strength, immunity to small arms fire, and terrain manipulation, just to name a handful of abilities mentioned by the interviewees. These items would vanish after three days, regardless of if the purchaser had gotten a chance to use them or not. This disallowed hoarding of overpowered weaponry and meant that such items, if rewarded, would need to be used effectively and immediately, further heightening the aggression of the one in possession of them. Credits, as mentioned above, are the only way to receive new gear that isn't taken off another SCP-7083-2 instance, and to gain credits, all an individual has to do is kill. Killing another individual rewarded the highest amount of credits, followed by SCP-7083-3a instances, predatory SCP-7083-3 instances, and herbivorous SCP-7083-3 instances. SCP-7083-5 is the designation given to the entity that manifests within SCP-7083 once only five SCP-7083-2 instances remain. At that point, regardless of if any individuals remain on teams, they are separated and teleported to the edge of the internal area of SCP-7083. SCP-7083-5 appears in the direct center of the arena, outside of the cabin. Interviewed SCP-7083-2 instances claimed to immediately know exactly where they had to go in reference to the cabin and were compelled to kill anything that got in their way of doing so. The SCP-7083-5 instances are immense beings with wildly varying forms, no two have looked the same, and each has shown a varied mixture of defense and abilities that they use to slaughter the SCP-7083-2 instances. Some are recognizable enemies from various popular video games, and others show signs of cyberization or mutations in line with Sarkic manipulations. The Active Hunt ends when either SCP-7083-5 is killed or all remaining SCP-7083-2 instances die. In the latter scenario, the former entity continues to stalk the interior of SCP-7083 until the area teleports to a new locale. In the former, the remaining SCP-7083-2 instance enters the cabin and vanishes without a trace, unlike all other SCP-7083-2 instances. Foundation personnel attempted numerous times to follow the winner inside the cabin but were rebuffed by thaumic wards that caused the afflicted personnel to fall unconscious after sudden and acute blood loss from their eyes, nose, and ears. That was until Agent Maldanis (See connected Exploration Log for more information). List of Notable Hunts: Length/"Season" Location SCP-7083-5 Manifestation Winner Additional Notes 23rd June 201█ - 14th Jan 201█ Season 2 Northern Scotland, two kilometers up the coast from Inverhope. A six-meter-long hybrid of an eagle and wildcat that closely resembled the Griffin model in the game The Witcher 3. It was immune to small-arms fire and was observed playing with the SCP-7083-2 instances it killed, maiming them and watching as they bled out or were killed by other individuals. Jerimiah Banks, United States Special Forces Sniper He killed the SCP-7083-5 instance from cover using an anomalous sniper rifle: designation unknown. He buried the other members of the final five before entering the Cabin. Designation: MIA This hunt was the first the Foundation was made aware of and the longest to date. As it was still in the early stages, the kidnapped individuals attempted to find any way out that didn't involve killing each other. The five teams became entrenched, and the ruins of their "civilizations" can still be found in ensuing SCP-7083 iterations. 1st Jan 201█ - 4th Apr 201█ Season 9 Interior of Gibson Desert Nature Reserve, Western Territory, Australia. A 4-meter tall elephantine entity with clear Sarkic mutation, three trunks ending in grasping claws, barbed pallid red flesh, serrated tusks, and other superficial mutations. It could propel concentrated streams of caustic gas from its trunks which melted flesh on contact. Laura Inkisi, a Congolese African Wildlife Defense Force Ranger. She killed the SCP-7083-5 instance using a series of explosive pit fall traps and an anomalous sword: designation unknown. She was undergoing the effect of the entity's caustic breath when she stumbled through the door of the Cabin. Designation: MIA The Foundation noticed a recurring trend of Sarkic-based manifestations of SCP-7083-5 began following this Hunt, which was only broken during four "seasons" since. 3rd Oct 201█-21st Dec. 201█ Season 13 Vale do Javari, Amazonias, Brazil. A three-headed 8-meter-long caiman covered in Sarkic runes, exposed muscle, and oozing pustules alongside other minor mutations. It was able to electrocute anything that came in contact with its skin. None. All remaining SCP-7083-2 instances died during the fight against this manifestation of SCP-7083-5. All instances were tracked down following the end of the Hunt, having no memory of the event as expected. The individual closest to succeeding, Julia Vargos, US Combat Medic, mentioned a feeling of unexplainable loss and deep embarrassment during the investigation. Julia Vargos had been killed by the accidental firing of her last opponent's weapon as he was consumed. Ms. Vargos has been hiding in a tree, preparing to fire upon the SCP-7083-5 manifestation, and the misfire grazed her, causing her to fall and snap her neck. This was the first time that the Foundation observed SCP-7083 with no victor following the Hunt period. Foundation forces continued to observe the SCP-7083-5 instance, with termination put on hold as it wasn't known what would happen if personnel killed the entity during this state. 13th March 202█ - 6th July 202█ Season 21 Manhattan, New York, USA A 12-meter-long anaconda-like serpent with pallid white skin, no eyes, and no bones, allowing it to squeeze into sewer grates and under doorways. Its bite caused the rapid ossification of the victim's skin, turning them into statues of bone. Harold Westlin, a professional American Football lineman. Mr. Westlin didn't kill the SCP-7083-5 instance. His fellow contestant, Amano Ren, a professional hitman, had struck the killing blow with Wondertainment's Wallbanger (A gun that shoots a literal wall at something) by sticking their arm in its mouth and pulling the trigger. Ren had believed Mr. Westlin was already dead from a bite. Yet, the man had broken his own petrified arm off, empowered by the anomalous body armor he had been wearing, and proceeded to bludgeon Mr. Amano to death with it before crawling into the awaiting cabin. Designation: MIA. This was the first Hunt that took place in a populated area. The site's intangibility and invisibility meant that regular civilians were able to funnel through the area without coming to harm. The SCP-7083-2 instances, however, could see other people, and the first several days of the hunt were spent by the various teams attempting to get the attention of the people around them; to no avail. The Foundation still set up a cordon around the area and put out a cover story about a bureaucratic mishap that had left an area of streets under constant construction for the foreseeable future. 2nd Nov. 202█ - 15th February 202█ Season 22 The Alaskan/Yukon Territory Border A 5-meter tall polar bear-like entity with heavy cyberization. It was able to produce a magnetic field that allowed it to briefly repel bullets, a sonic cannon that could shatter bone, and heated titanium claws. No signs of Sarkic mutation, but "Lenin" was etched into its forehead in Cyrillic. Agent Geoffrey Maldanis. He killed the SCP-7083-5 instance by feeding it a miniature nuclear warhead, designation: Fat Boy, and recorded his entrance into the cabin. Designation: MIA. Agent Maldanis's experiences and the discovery of SCP-7083's owner are documented below. + Agent Maldanis Exploration Log - hide Exploration Video Log Transcript Date: 1st Nov. 202█ - 15th February 202█ Exploration Team: Agent Maldanis Solo-Expedition. Subject: Exploration of Interior of Active SCP-7083. DATE: 1st Nov. 202█ NOTE: The exploration log began after Agent Maldanis made contact with Mobile Outpost 106's lead researcher Morgan Tathers about an email. —— [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Tathers: You wished to see me, Agent? Agent Maldanis: Yes, Ma'am, we've been looking for an in on the central cabin in 7083, right? Dr. Tathers: Yes, why do you ask? Agent Maldanis: Well, Ma'am, it seems like I just got a personal invitation to the party. Agent Maldanis gestures to the terminal before him, where an email sits open, holding an audio bar and a pulsing bit of text that reads: LEARN MORE! The email was sent by the Arcadia Hiring Office. Agent Maldanis: Take a listen. He hits play. Arcadia Spokesperson: Hey there, GEOFFREY MALDANIS! You've been a Foundation MTF Agent for ten years. Hasn't the job gotten stale? Don't you want to test yourself? To step into the arena and return what it means to truly be alive?! After so long, things over here have also started getting stale, so we need some… new blood to enter the mix. We're hiring for the blood-pumpingest, adrenaline-chargingest, mind-alteringest job out there! You and I already know you're skilled. Why not prove it to the world? Only one will be left standing. Will it be you? Click below to learn more! -Sponsored by Arcadia. Agent Maldanis: Thought I should wait before clicking the beeping neon waver there. What do you think? Dr. Tathers: A unique opportunity, perhaps the only one we'll get. Go get outfitted. I will contact Command and see what they think. Agent Maldanis: Understood. NOTE: It was decided that Agent Maldanis would enter SCP-7083, and after being outfitted with a video camera and voice recorder, he was told to click the "Learn More" tab. The moment he clicked it, he vanished. Further corroboration is required to understand if this is the baseline mode of transporting individuals to SCP-7083. Agent Maldanis made contact the next day, shortly after SCP-7083-1 went live. Foundation personnel was disallowed to enter the site to not interfere with Agent Maldanis's mission, and he was to be kept under observation through the use of SCP-7083-1. 2nd Nov. 202█: Day 1. They, whoever "they" are, took the camera — so going to be relying on the recorder for the time being. They were "kind" enough to give me and the other contestants winter combat gear outside of the standard cache. Not sure where we are; just know it's freezing. Snow goes up to my shins. Trying to find someplace to bunker down. The others are spooked, obviously. Well, almost all of them. There's one, a Chinese woman late thirties. She's oddly calm about the whole situation. Will report more after we get to safety. Signing off. 3rd Nov. 202█: Day 2. We finally found someplace to rest. Copse of pine trees, the woman I spoke about set up a blind to shield us from the wind and sight. Spotted a few SCP-7083-3 instances on the way here. Looked like wolves. Saw us, so I imagine a whole pack of them are on their way. I made sure we set up a watch. It felt odd, but I chose to learn who the other SCP-7083-2 instances are and where they are from. The Chinese woman's name is Zhao Ai. She's very tight-lipped about her origin and seems put off that we can all understand her. I think she's military. The others are in no particular order: Molly Briggman, an American firefighter out of Brooklyn, was a combat medic in Syria. Likes to talk. Might be nerves. Paulo Dalikos, Italian, a "fixer" working in the Iberian and Italian theaters. Has that look about him. The one where you feel unsafe putting your back to him. Gonna need to keep an eye. Iveta Reznyaha, Russian, is an Olympian-level trap shooter. Currently crying herself to sleep. Felt weird asking them this stuff. End of the day, they all need to die so I can get what I need. And with that dark thought, signing off. 5th Nov. 202█: Day 4. SCP-7083-3 instances attacked all day yesterday, at least fifty of them. Wolves and black bears. Had to make makeshift spears. Dalikos was wounded. Had to break camp and move on, but between the five of us, we now have a moderate pile of credits. Or had. Found one of the SCP-7083-4s today. It had batteries for the recorder in it. So they know what I'm doing. Purchased healing items and an assault rifle. Others similarly stocked up. Going to make camp a bit back from the Vendor and see if anyone else shows. Signing off. 7th Nov. 202█: Day 6. Ran into another team finally. Briggman attempted to parlay. He lost an ear. Zhao and Iveta downed one of theirs, and I winged one. He… he was Chaos Insurgency, wearing the patch emblazoned on his helmet. Only shot at me after I popped up cause he didn't like seeing my tags. A pleasant tune interrupts him an ad begins to play both to and from the Recorder. Hungry but don't want to leave the stream in case you miss a carnage-filled moment? Try Ambrose-To-Go! Fantastical Flavors and Eldritch Eats at your Finger Tips! Ambrose Restaurants, We Make the Anomalous Appetizing! The ad ends. The fuck was th-? Right, guess we should expect more of that going forward. Doc was wondering what they meant by "new blood". I have a hunch. Signing off. 16th Nov. 202█: Day 15. Dalikos and Iveta are dead. But so are four other people from one of the other teams. Not the insurgencies, unfortunately. Briggman got his hands on a grenade launcher. Enough said there. But in the mayhem, Iveta went down. Dalikos had shot her in the back of the skull, thought no one would notice in the chaos. Pity him. A tune plays, and Agent Maldanis pauses. If you enjoy this show, we invite you to watch our associate's programming. Cooking with Karcist, Flip that Mecha, and Calypso's Isle are just a few of the prime television they offer at VKTM. Vikander-Kneed Technical Media, They're here for you! The ad ends That is constant, by the way. I've had to bury this thing in my backpack under a bunch of MREs and bandages just to keep it quiet when we are on the move. What was I talking about again… Right. This place…we know it changes people. Makes them more prone to murder. Just didn't think it would be this quick. Told Ai and Briggman. They agreed - no place in this game for snakes. Domed him while he slept. Felt right. I…have to pay attention to the watch. 3a instance was spotted sniffing around the battlefield. Signing off. 12th Dec. 202█: Day 27. Apologies, been difficult. Two teams decided to work together against the three of us. Leader of the alliance screamed about me being a "Jailer" when I kneecapped him. Other one had clockwork eyes, but they ran off. Hunch confirmed. They're recruiting from GoI's now. It… it is getting hard not to want to go out and hunt things down. Ten against three, and I longed for the fight. Could see it in the others too. Briggman was a talker, a sweet guy who kept us patched up. He doesn't talk much anymore, except about hunting the -3s. Ai is handling it best. She's opened up to us, mainly me, over the fire when we kept watch. People's Liberation Army, definitely seen combat before, but won't say where. She's funny in her own way. Finally got one of those "legendary" weapons out of a Vendor. Ion's Immolator. Flash-burns anything it hits. Planning on going after a -3a with it tomorrow. Hope we run across that Insurgency fucker. Signing off. 25th Dec. 202█: Day 40. Merry Christmas! Briggman died. Scouting out a cave, looking for shelter from the blizzard outside. -3s got him, three polar bears. Ai and I killed them. He had heart. We shouldn't make him relive this when it's over. Another ad begins to play, and the Agent stops talking. Cursed doll haunting your attic? Family heirloom angry about your life choices? Your Tarot deck only conveying doom in your future? We're here to help. MC&D is willing to buy your cursed curios! Find no better prices anywhere. Just give us a call at 555-031-MCND. The Agent makes no comment about the ad and simply continues his thoughts. We put his gear outside the entrance, along with the meat, see if it attracts any scavengers. If Ai can be patient, then so can I. This place. It almost makes you hungry for the kill. We can't starve, but on the days when we find nothing… there is this ache in my stomach, like hunger pains. I can ignore it, hold it back for now, but… He falls silent for several minutes. My turn for watch. Signing off. 26th Dec. 202█: Day 41 The trap worked. 3rd Jan. 202█: Day 49 I'm in trouble. Apparently, while you can't starve or off yourself in this place, you can get hypothermia. Long story short, I fell in a river. Another long story short, we've got a new teammate. Ryan, the person with clockwork eyes from before, a Mekhanite. The Insurgency's team wiped out the rest of their alliance. Ai made a pact with them. Didn't have a say. She's been looking after the both of us. This place… it changes more than you'd think. Perspective comes quick. Bonds form fast or break even faster. She…I don't want to have to kill her at the end of this. 18th Jan. 202█: Day 64 I think. Ryan died. Pit trap - fell in before Ai, or I could stop them. Screams brought -3s, Moose, bout a dozen of them. Had to stop it. Shot Ryan. An ad plays. She calls to you. She is already part of your everyday life. Without her, where would we be? She calls to you, and so do we. Join us at the Church of Maxwellism, found wherever the grace of WAN's connection can be felt. It ends with Agent Maldanis not acknowledging it once more. Had to. I… I don't like the rush I got. 31st Jan. 202█: Day: What Does it Matter. There are only five of us left. Happened while we were asleep. The cabin is calling us. My thoughts are filled with killing the others. To hunt them, to prove that I am the apex. The Insurgent still lives. I can feel it in my blood. I will not let him beat me. None of them will beat me! I… can I kill Ai? 5th Feb. 202█: Day Lost Track. I saw it. The SCP-7083-5 Manifestation. It's massive. A bear wrapped in metal and sparking wires. It attacked two of the remaining combatants while they were fighting. I had planned to kill them from afar, unseen. It slaughtered them. Complete carnage. It… it was glorious. That leaves just me, Ai, and the Insurgent… I need to hunt. I need to find a Vendor. 15th Feb. 202█: Day: The End. It's over. They're all dead. The beast, the Insurgent, Ai… Not sure how I am still breathing. It… it wants me to come inside. But the rest of the noise in my head is…clearing. I hope. I got lucky. Vendor had a miniature nuclear device, like the ones in that one video game. Fed it to the -5, along with the insurgent's body. Shot its eyes out beforehand, and it went berserk. The Insurgent nearly had me, but Ai… took the bullet for me. Blew his fucking head off with the shotgun I'd bought. Insurgent down, -5 down. Just Ai left. She smiled at me as I pointed the pistol. I want this to be over. NOTE: At this point, contact was lost with Agent Maldanis as he entered the cabin. SCP-7083-1 ended as per the norm. MTF-Theta-42 entered SCP-7083 and made their way to the cabin, discovering that they could enter the cabin. Inside, they found signs of a scuffle and his recorder resting in the center of a polished oaken table. No other sign of Agent Maldanis could be found. [End Log] NOTE: The normal cycle of SCP-7083 was further disrupted as an audio message was emailed to Dr. Tathers. This message is recorded below: To: Dr. Tathers From: The Financier Subject: The Hunt You've been watching us for some time now, and we you. You interrupted our work once before, so we…adapted to the changing times. We rebuilt our crucible. We brought back the majesty of the Hunt, of Battle, of True Humanity! With a few quirks here and there to keep it interesting to the mind-numb sheep you have allowed our people to become. And now…now one of yours has joined the fold. Not your best, but he will do. The Family is proud to count him among us. But this time of trial is over; the Architect is ready. So we won't keep you waiting any longer. My friends, if you would? ANNOUNCING: Season 23: The Black Battlegrounds The Hunt continues with Season 23, but we've really upped the ante with these ones, folks! Hold on to the edge of your seats because the fights start Now! Well…close to now. The Sigil The video ended with this sigil flickering across the screen. Closing Statement Following the announcement, Mobile Outpost 106 prepared for SCP-7083 to move locations. Instead, their sensors detected the sudden manifestation of three new instances of SCP-7083. The first at Point Nemo4 in the Pacific Ocean, the second at the bottom of Veryovkina Cave in Abkhazia/Georgia5 and the last in the middle of the Sea of Tranquility on Luna. Foundation personnel are en route to each of these locations, and the SCP-7083-1 instances are slated to begin within 24 hrs of reporting. The Financier is now believed to be a current or former member of the Black Lodge, a Neo-Sarkic organization with a focus on strength and battle. The victors of SCP-7083 are now believed to have been indoctrinated into the service of the Lodge. An investigation into the matter is pending. Footnotes 1. Eagle 2. Arcadia 3. GAW 4. Point Nemo 5. Veryovkina « SCP-7082 | SCP-7083| SCP-7084 »
The entrance to SCP-7085's location. Item #: SCP-7085 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7085 is to be contained in Area-05 inside a containment cell fitted with concrete and shock absorbent padding. Personnel equipped with writable material are to be present in front of SCP-7085 at all times for the retrieval of new emitted information. Information recovered from SCP-7085 is to be cataloged and held in containment until deliberations can be made on its status. Due to its size, SCP-7085-A is to be contained inside a customized humanoid containment cell. They are to be secured in chains strengthened with occult smithing around their torso and limbs to inhibit excessive movement and escape. Due to their cooperation, however, they are allowed minimal recreational privileges. Description: SCP-7085 is a sphere with a radius of 0.5 meters composed of unknown metallic and non-metallic substances. SCP-7085 maintains permanent levitation two meters above the ground and emits an intense light that radiates from its center. Its shape periodically changes in the form of self-compression and elongation, giving it the appearance of a liquid. SCP-7085 emits information that is relayed through the manipulation of the environment and human functions. The information comes in an array of forms such as letters written in different rhyming schemes, mechanical devices being moved in unnatural positions to produce sounds they would normally be unable to make, singing birds that will talk in high-pitched voices, and in dreams that are recorded to have a constant humming noise in the background. Since its discovery in 1851, SCP-7085's information has consisted of: undecipherable messages, illustrations and descriptions of known and unknown flora and fauna, previously unknown knowledge of anomalies in Foundation containment or control, and instructions to perform and utilize occult practices, thaumaturgy, and sciences of mainstream and anomalous branches. To date, SCP-7085's information has only been delivered to Foundation personnel who have been employed by the Foundation for at least seven years and are a part of the higher echelons within the organization. Prior to its physical discovery, SCP-7085 was thought to only exist as emitted information; however, due to the chance of SCP-7085 being discovered by non-Foundation personnel, the Administrator of the time, Luthor Xander, designated an operational force to discover its origins. Three days after this declaration, SCP-7085 emitted coordinates to its location. In 1852, an expedition force, led by the Administrator, traveled to the location to discern the nature of SCP-7085. Excerpt of personnel ████████ ██████'s accounts of the SCP-7085 expedition force. …It was a grueling two weeks. The Administrator had us traveling in circles for days and made us backtrack our path numerous times just to avoid detection. Some of us were beginning to think he'd gone mad. But no matter how hard it got, we still followed him, as we suffered, he did as well, and it worked. When we finally got there all were accounted for. Not a single one of us had even a scratch to complain about. But when looking back at that moment, I do not know how we knew we were at our destination. It was like all of us just simultaneously knew on instinct that we were there. When we went to the entrance, the pathway was cut off by mist and fog. We were too scared to go any further; most didn't even know why we were there, and those who did were the most frightened. But the Administrator turned around and told us those who wanted to stay will not face any repercussions. He said it sincerely, without coyness or disappointment. After that, even if any of us were still scared, no one was going to let him go in there alone. Not after what he put us through in that journey. If anything was going to kill him, it'd be us. Past the fog was a cave opening on the side of the mountain. Everything else was obscured by fog. After lighting our torches and entering, the feeling can only be described as suffocating. The walls and ground were smooth as calm water. Across them were carvings or pictures of some sort. They weren't amateur either. Every single one of them looked like they were made by a master craftsman. It was like everything around me had a purpose, and with that purpose, it held power. As we entered deeper, we saw a light that forced us to douse our torches, and there it was. It moved up and down in the air with a rhythm, pulsing—beating—and reforming itself over and over. It looked alive. It was an amazing sight, so amazing, in fact, that we didn't notice it until it got up. Just below the orb, obscured by its light, wearing purple and white robes, was a giant. Beside its head was a staff just as tall as it. It must have been sleeping when we got there, or maybe it was waiting. They went towards us, two of its four arms holding their staff. At that moment, I swear, it had the face of death. We took out our weapons, preparing for the battle ahead. But then the Administrator just walked towards it like it was nothing and took out that stick of his and pointed at the thing. The giant suddenly stopped and just stared at him before placing their staff on the ground and kneeled. When it lifted its head again, it was smiling… SCP-7085-A is a 6-meter-tall adolescent humanoid entity possessing androgynous features and exhibits both female and male anatomy. Additionally, it possesses higher durability even for its size, two additional functional arms, and the ability to survive without the need for food and water. SCP-7085-A has extensive knowledge of anomalous phenomena and occult practices and claims to be in possession of further, currently undocumented, anomalous attributes. When SCP-7085 was discovered, it was found to be surrounded by stone carvings and illustrations of unknown design and age. These artworks mainly consist of humans assuming a bowing position before a larger one. While others showcase the smaller humans giving gifts to this same large figure. In the main area where SCP-7085 was discovered, on the ceiling, was a depiction of several figures surrounding one older one holding up a four-armed, multi-eyed child to the sky. Addendum.SCP-7085—Progress Report Since the physical discovery of SCP-7085, the information emitted from it has been more coherent and useful. The ways of receiving this information are also now more direct; either being relayed on nearby writable material or, if applicable, directly into the thoughts of personnel present. A sample of notable information acquired from SCP-7085 is provided below. Designation Information Usage SCP-7085-08 ("Thunder Iron") Information regarding mixing metals, occult, and thaumaturgic materials to create a potent iron alloy. Its thaumaturgic and occult potential exceeds its normal variant, allowing the creation of several rituals and mechanisms that are stronger and more cost-efficient. However, prolonged use with exposed skin can induce a subject to develop a compulsion to eat it. If consumed, the subject would start to become physiology dependent on the alloy to the point where their body would reject food and water. It has been found to be greatly effective in combating Faerie, Proto-Nymph, and Nymph clusters and infestations. Protective clothing for SCP-7085-08 is currently in production. Any personnel discovered showing symptoms of addiction are to be prohibited from any operations that involve SCP-7085-08. SCP-7085-25 ("Schrawn's Mind Breakers") Anti-psionic mechanisms invented by Dr. Schrawn based on information retrieved from SCP-7085. Testing has shown that they can dampen or completely nullify the psionic abilities of both human and non-human entities. Constant exposure—12 to 25 days— can cause damage to the frontal lobe of these individuals, neutralizing them. SCP-7085-25 has been shown to be extremely effective against psionic base groups due to its uniqueness and ability to be used in ambush. GoI-46 ("Marus Family"), who has been openly antagonistic against the Foundation in the past, have been proven effective against them. Further experimentation to diversify this technology is ongoing. SCP-7085-76 ("Lethe Law") A set of mathematical equations and theorems that are based on emotion and imaginative concepts. When correctly utilized, the subject wielding the equation can mathematically turn theoretical and ontological concepts into sentient, physical entities, allowing communication between unproven theories to take place. Due to this, several new anomalous techniques for containment purposes have been invented and utilized. However, when SCP-7085-76's derivatives are used, concepts that are outside current human processing can be learned and understood. Several research attempts to further understand these derivatives had to be halted due to the appearance of several extinct species, the disappearance of personnel's spines, and the emergence of [REDACTED]. All safe information derived from the SCP-7085-76 is currently being implemented to further strengthen Foundation operations. Currently, no further testing will be done on SCP-7085-76. All miscellaneous knowledge to use it is currently being transferred to the secure storage facility TUMBA. Foreword: The interview was recorded with a primitive occult recording device known as a worm wheel. The footage is damaged and sound may sometimes cease at random intervals. [BEGIN LOG] SCP-7085-A's arms and legs are chained to the back wall of the containment cell while several personnel are performing tests and measurements on them. SCP-7085-A remains unmoving as this occurs. The Administrator sits on the opposite side of the room, tapping their foot. Administrator: Answer my questions. SCP-7085-A: I have already answered these. Why not ask your men what I said? I have other things I wish to discuss with you. Administrator: I want to hear them with my own ears, not from a machine. Now, answer me. Who are you? SCP-7085-A: Fine, I will play this game of yours. To answer your question—what am I— is complicated. In the past, I have been given many titles: the original Philosopher, KilLan, Bringer of the New Dawn, but I think the one you want is my truest one. When I was born my creators deemed me the Oracle, the first and last of the Homunculi. Administrator: Oracle, like the myths? So you can see the future? SCP-7085-A: First, myths you speak of are nothing but tall tales, and, yes, but not in the way you are thinking. It takes days to prepare myself for a vision, and even then, it still might not work. For when they do come, they come in the form of glimpses and checkered pieces. They are more akin to a fractured memory than anything else. In the past, they were much clearer. It would have been as if I was watching this conversion from just outside the window. But back then I was younger, too. Administrator: Back then? When was the last time you had one of these visions? SCP-7085-A: About 60 years ago. It was of a dying star, reduced to almost nothing, crashing down into the ocean. It was quite sad watching it. It traveled such a great distance to just die alone without anybody even noticing it. Some might consider that a blessing, others hell. What do you think? Administrator: Stop trying to change the subject. Hm, homunculi…I've seen Homunculi before, they don't talk—they can't—and they aren't as coy and smug as you. You are no homunculus. SCP-7085-A: And who are you to determine that? You, who knows nothing of what true homunculus is. I have seen this world's current process of creating homunculi, and it's nothing but a farce. To make a true homunculus, a true human, one must have a human soul. Not a stolen one, but one forged in the cradle of life and death. An art lost to you. Well, lost to you now. Your predecessors have tried many times to replicate one. The heads were always too big if I remember correctly. Administrator: You talk like you knew of us before we even came there. SCP-7085-A: Of course, I knew of you! When you can see the future, what do you think the dreams are like? The events of this world are my escape and nightmare. And your Foundation is peculiar indeed. You were destined for greatness until you weren't. Lately, fate has been out of your favor until the Engine called you. And I must say you have been busy. Not a hint of slothfulness when it comes to the Engine. How diligent of you. Administrator: So you were waiting for us! How long were you there? How long? SCP-7085-A: Ah, there it is. That face. When you first awoke me, I thought you were intruders. But when you took out that wand and pointed at me, I must say, I felt a shiver. You were actually going to try to kill me, weren't you? Where did you get that, by the way? Did you carve it yourself? I sense great power from it, or maybe from its wielder. Administrator: Answer the question. SCP-7085-A: I cannot answer that. All I can tell you is that it was a long time. A very long time. You are not the first inheritors to appear, you know? Administrator: Inheritors? What are you talking about? SCP-7085-A: Yes, inheritors, the Engine or the S C P-A, or am I the A? Your cataloging system is confusing. You should stick to numbers. Well, anyways, it chose you. Many groups, ones that can make you look like ants, were given this mantle. All were chosen, but none were worthy enough to claim it. Then here comes you, the Administrator, and the Foundation. Out of all the kingdoms and empires of this world, it chose you. Administrator: So, you're telling us that this orb, this Engine, picked us out of everybody in the world to come to take it out of that cave? Am I getting it right? SCP-7085-A: You can believe what you want, but it will not change reality, Administrator. I once had your sentiment as well. Why you? Why small, weak, you? But I think I know why now. Unlike your predecessors, you fear the Engine. I see it in your face every time you mention it. You do not see it as a tool to further your power, but as a weapon. You fear its potential and its hold on you already. It brought you out of the darkness, but it can put you right back into it if one is not careful. Haha, your disposition makes you wonderful inheritors! But you have only scratched the surface of what it can do. Administrator: And what can it do? SCP-7085-A: Anything. Administrator: Ridiculous. SCP-7085-A: I do not lie. Can you not hear its song for you? Maybe you're not ready to realize its true worth then. But know this, I am an ally. I was created to serve humanity, and what I see in you is nothing but that. Administrator: What are you talking about? SCP-7085-A: I can see your weariness as clear as day. And even then, when granted great power, you do not succumb to it, you think of your fellow man first. [Smiles] You'll come around. Administrator: Stop acting as if you know me, self-proclaimed homunculus. I do not trust you. SCP-7085-A: No. Maybe not now, but in the future, I hope you see that your and my goals are not so different. And that you would stop examining me. Indeed, they are very thorough. Administrator: What makes you so confident that will happen? SCP-7085-A: What makes so sure that it wouldn't? Administrator: Smug and coy. You're wasting my time. We're through. SCP-7085-A: Gone already? I was enjoying our conversation! But, oh, one more thing though. Administrator: What? SCP-7085-A: May I have my staff back, please? It is very important to me. Administrator: No. [END LOG] SCP-7085, to date, has continued to increase its informational output to the point where transfer to a larger facility has been proposed to store SCP-7085 and the information obtained from it. This proposal has been given more initiative as several cracks and damages were found in the interior of its containment area. Addendum.SCP-7085—Incidents On July 28th, 1852, 87 members of the Marus Family appeared at provisional Site-03 demanding the return of property confiscated by Foundation forces in previous raids. When the Foundation did not respond, they attacked the site, killing the majority of personnel and capturing the rest. To deescalate the situation, mediators from the Foundation, Joshua Cambred and Jerlamarel Voss, were escorted by armed forces to negotiate terms of peace. GoI-46 ("Marus Family") Debrief — GoI-46 ("Marus Family") Debrief GoI-46 is a psionic group that is consisted of blood relatives. They were once based around Eurasia until the main family moved to North America around 1728 to 1730. Since then, they have been acquiring and experimenting with various anomalies, including themselves. They are known to be highly aggressive to outsiders and have proven to possess great insight into combat tactics, specifically those of the occult and psionic kind. Due to this, they have been in conflict against Foundation since its founding and are considered a high-class threat. After 14 hours of no contact from the diplomacy team sent to Site-03 came, the Administrator assembled a party of personnel equipped with new anti-psionic weaponry. The account of the event by one of the surviving personnel captured, Jerlamarel Voss, is provided below. The Marus family. I heard old tales of their barbarism and "warrior" spirit in Europe and the Middle East. Hair with the color of fire with skin pale as snow. Fools in civilized society, geniuses in the field of battle. When we arrived there, the bodies were already laid across the site's ground. They were torn apart and pulverized into ground meat. I saw one of them eating the remains. When we finally met the main sect and try to explain who we were, they just laughed and laughed at us. Well, until Don came. Don Kreed Marus was an ogre of a man. Eight feet tall, muscle-bound from neck to toe, with scars running throughout his face and body. He didn't say a word when he reached out his hand and crushed Joshua's back. That's when the screaming started. I was thrown against the ground and watched as they ripped and shredded my friends with their minds. When they had their fill of carnage, they had my hands smashed and tied me up right in front of the building with the others. They told me they wanted us to see what they were about to do to the people coming to get us. I know the Marus family and the Foundation were never on good terms, really, the Foundation wasn't on any good terms with anybody given our state back then. But still, to think they'll go this far. Because this wasn't just some excursion to prove a point. The elders, the children, the adults, and even their inbred mutants roamed around the site. They were planning to start a war with us and win it. It's embarrassing, given my position, but I gave up and thought we were all going to be killed and eaten like cattle. I sat there, accepting my fate like the coward I was until the sky ripped. They came pouring down like it was an act from God. With their weapons ready, Red-Right Hand had landed with the Administrator right in front. I heard of his old name before he was promoted in the Foundation— the Hero of Five worlds, the one who saved the Foundation from collapse countless times. Thought they were just hearsay to bolster his reputation, but right then and there he looked just like the stories. Our allies were outnumbered five to one. But they didn't seem to care. The Administrator told them, "No more have to die. Give us our men back and we can arrange a compromise", he gave them his word that he will uphold this. Don responded by squeezing the head of the man beside me until it popped with a red and pink gush. It was a blur after that. They came upon the Maruses' systematically, killing anyone who dared put up a fight. Their powers weakened thanks to Schrawn's inventions. But some, like Don, didn't seem that affected. Alas, that didn't matter in the long run. I don't know what exactly happened next, but I believe I got the important parts. Three, no four of them including Don, stood around the Administrator. The Administrator's wand glowed. They backed up. Don charged, but the Administrator blocked him. There was a tussle. Don got a punch in, the Administrator, a kick. The wand glowed brighter and then there was a boom. When the dust cleared, Don's body was missing a head. It wasn't long after that that the battle ended and The Foundation was victorious. I don't know what the veiled world thought of us after this, but I know one thing for sure, weak wasn't one of them. After the death of the Don Kreed Marus, the remaining survivors, which were mostly adolescents, were captured. When examined, 25% of the members showed physical ailments caused by inbreeding. The new head of the Marus Family, Tiffany Seed Marus, proposed a deal with the Foundation to ensure their family's survival. In return for the Foundation's assistance, the Marus Family would give their services and information about their obtained anomalies. These negotiations are still currently in progress. Around the same time during Marus Family incident, SCP-7085's containment facility was experiencing rapid failure of its mechanisms. Reports of a constant buzzing sound were heard around the area. Believing this to be the cause of an attack from unknown members of the Marus Family, the site went on lockdown. When no evidence of external force was present, SCP-7085 containment cell was repaired and put on high alert. Investigation into the cause of this incident is ongoing. Date Event Aftermath April 29th, 1852. The reclusive anomalous society known as the "Illuminati" was discovered to be using carcasses of deceased humans and animals to create animated chimeric life forms called Siren men. They used these Siren men as guards to protect anomalous artifacts and inventions in mainstream hotspots. After several civilians died to the Illuminati's presence in these areas, the Foundation offered to assist to store artifacts away from civilians to avoid unnecessary causalities. The Illuminati then refused the Foundation's request and stopped any further form of contact. After deliberation, theorem 5.2 of SCP-7085-76 and the eye of SCP-7085-45 were authorized to be used, resulting in twelve Illuminati outposts fitted with Siren men being seized by the Foundation and later deconstructed. The Illuminati began to retaliate against Foundation facilities to regain lost artifacts. Eventually, their forces were intercepted and terminated. Since then, the Illuminati has reopened negotiations. March 7th, 1853. The remnants of the Cult of Knull developed a human infovore in the Dominican Republic. The cult was planning on using the infovore to consume the business tycoon Tyler Marshall. They would have then used the collected information to create a sentient doppelganger of Marshall to take over his businesses and supply themselves with monetary resources to fund their endeavors. The conspiracy was discovered and stopped after the utilization of SCP-7085-65, which found missing pockets of information in the area's infosphere. All known members of the Cult of Knull were captured and questioned for information about their other activities. After no further information could be acquired, they were traded with various groups of interest for further keeping. February 12, 1855. SCP-7085 was recorded to produce an energy field originating from its center. Since then, it has begun emitting information at an increasing rate and producing audible sounds such as soft humming around its vicinity. Its containment cell has also begun to accumulate more malfunctions and damages to its mechanisms. Study of these new properties are ongoing. N/A [BEGIN LOG] SCP-7085-A is locked in chains that are connected to the back wall. The Administrator stands in front unaccompanied. SCP-7085-A: Alone this time? I cannot complain though, I do enjoy these moments of ours. Even if you are angry half of the time it is still much more enjoyable than sleeping in a cave. Administrator: I am here to talk about the Engine. It's… changing. You told me once that you wanted to help. So tell me, what is happening…Please. SCP-7085-A: Very well. As I said before, the Engine grows as you do; the more you rely on it, the more it will expand. It must be getting loud now. And lonely, too. It's becoming frantic. Like a child begging for a parent's attention. It must have given you the information to unlock it by now, has it not? Administrator: It has. SCP-7085-A: I see. I can help you. You don't need to be afraid. The Engine was made by the best of humanity, the same ones who created me. Its purpose is to enrich your people. Administrator: And who are these people who created you? Every time we try to gain more information about this past of yours, you try to change the subject. What aren't you telling us, Oracle? SCP-7085-A: My past does not matter. All you need to do is focus on acquiring the Engine. You can easily prove the information it has sent you to be true. Administrator: Answer my question. SCP-7085-A: I have been answering your questions for a long time. And before I answer any more of yours, answer mine. What is your goal, Administrator? What is the point of this? Either way, you are still going to use it no matter what I say. Administrator: This isn't how this is going to go. SCP-7085-A: But it is. I have obeyed every request you made of me. I have been more than willing to submit. But I grow tired, too. Administrator: You have grown too comfortable here. Do you think you just can make demands of us and you'll get what you want? SCP-7085-A: Do you think these chains keep me here? Do you honestly believe that? I stayed as long as I have because I believed in you. And I still do. But I see what you're doing. You're going to die if you continue. Administrator: Is that a vision? SCP-7085-A: No, an observation. Rely more on the good graces this world has given you. Even after all it has done for you, you still fear it. The Engine only wants to help. Administrator: You keep saying that, but I just can't just take your word for it. I don't have the privilege of doing that. SCP-7085-A: Then what are you trying to do? Because right now, you are wasting your time. Administrator: What am I trying to do? Are you talking about your Engine or in general? No, it's the same in the end. I'll tell you this. My goal, as the Administrator, no, as a human, ever since I came into power was always one thing. The destruction of the Foundation. Every conspiracy, every lie, every death, every mistake I have to sign on. But it will never be enough, for every life saved by us, another takes its place. I saw what your Engine gave us, it gave us a fairy tale. It told us it can give us the power to stop this tragedy. When I was entrusted with this mantle, I also became responsible for every life we affect. I cannot just trust things as quickly as you. Lives are on the line, and we do not gamble with them. SCP-7085-A: You really won't be satisfied, won't you? I hid my past because it would mean nothing to you. Administrator: [Sits down on the floor.] Now you're talking. SCP-7085-A: It is only fair that I do now since I know your fears more thoroughly. And what I tell you now, remember this, what happened was not because of the Engine, In the twilight of the first era of man, long after the creation of myself, no enemies laid before them. And so, with nothing else to fight, peace occurred. But with peace, came a deathly calm. Man grew complacent with itself and sought out more to conquer. They spread out across the world and diversified, forgetting what made them whole. And then when the last embers of connection broke, humans do what they do. They fought until one of them could claim dominion. But in the end, there was nothing else to rule over but ruins. Administrator: I don't get what you're trying to say. SCP-7085-A: What I am saying is don't let the past blind you. When I slumbered in that cave, I didn't just dream of the present, but of futures that never could be. I fooled myself into thinking there were real and that mountain— that tomb—was nothing but a nightmare. But when I look at you, I see a dream becoming reality. Believe me or not, I have spoken nothing but the truth. Administrator: You're a fool. How can you claim to be so old and yet so naive? What will hiding the past do for us? SCP-7085-A: Perhaps so. You know, you're kinder than you let on. Administrator: What? SCP-7085-A: Nothing. Nothing at all. Administrator: Right…So, if we do decide to use the Engine at its fullest. How long will it take? SCP-7085-A: So you're actually doing it? Administrator: How long? SCP-7085-A: Depends on your resources, but with your determination, it shouldn't take long. Administrator: We're gonna need a whole lot more than that to pull this off. We're going to need your help. But if I even think you're betraying us, I will end you myself. SCP-7085-A: Of course, I expect nothing less from you. I have not felt like this for a long, long time. I am truly grateful to you for this opportunity you have given me. But, I would like to make one request. Administrator: And that is? SCP-7085-A: My staff. [END LOG] Addendum.SCP-7085—HUMMINGBIRD: Proposal: PROJECT HUMMINGBIRD Details: Information recovered from SCP-7085 has given groundings to SCP-7085-A's claims of its true capabilities. At the time of writing, SCP-7085 has been discovered to have an expanding energy field that is currently encompassing the majority of the Northern Hemisphere. Current projections predict that this field will envelop the entire planet in approximately 10 months. Research into SCP-7085's field revealed it to have negentropic and entropic properties simultaneously, resulting in the ability to interact with everything inside its field on a structural level. It is currently unknown how SCP-7085 is capable of this but is theorized to be the result of the information it has stored inside itself and converting it into energy using the mathematical Laws of SCP-7085-38, SCP-7085-47, and SCP-7085-76. If this project is approved, the Foundation will begin developing an apparatus that will stabilize this field and allow the Foundation to control it. In the event of failure or the inability to control SCP-7085, Type-V dimensional wormhole locks ("Ways") have been set and are to be used to envelop SCP-7085 and relocate it into a fitted containment cell in level nine of TUMBA. A combat force is to be on standby for any Archonic entity manifestation or residue due to "Ways" use. Approved by the following Hepta Council members: Thomas Cawn (Director of Site-05) Jerlamarel Voss (Head of the Department of External Relations) Lund Schrawn (Head of Enigmatic Research) Caleb Magold (Director of Site-02) Donald Lantoid (Head of the Containment Department) Joseph Bond (Director of Site-06) Luthor Xander (Administrator) With the assistance of SCP-7085-A, Project "HUMMINGBIRD" was started. From the Foundation's research and the information given by SCP-7085-A, a majority of the materials needed to construct the device were already in the Foundation's possession. However, four major components were required. The components needed were: I. An energy source powerful enough to exhibit a field that can survive SCP-7085's own field, II. A processing mechanism that can function both as an equalizer to the device and store all its physical and non-physical values, III. An occult mechanism that will allow stabilization of energy given off by the recycling process of souls, IV. A transparent concave optic structure that can still maintain its structure and magnified energy fields. These components would have taken decades to develop with the Foundation's current technological standing. As such, analogs were recovered from elsewhere. Item Recovery I. Suitable source was found in the anomalous city-state ("The Summer Courts") concealed and hidden in a pocket dimension inside northern Europe. With the use of several anomalous items, its location and entryway were discovered. The inhabitants of the city were hostile to Foundation forces, but due to their deteriorated state and partial transformation into Nymphs, along with the use of SCP-7085-80, their resistance was insufficient to prevent the item's recovery. II. Information retrieved from the remnants of GoI-46 ("Marus Family") revealed that the GoI-43 ("Salem Family"), a psionic group who have dealt with the Maruses' in the past, possessed an alchemically created artificial brain. This brain had the anomalous capability of storing large amounts of information that GoI-43 imprinted upon it and was believed to have limitless storage. When questioned on the purpose of this item they refused to divulge any further. The item was shown to be capable of containing and storing knowledge suitable for Project HUMMINGBIRD. After negotiations and the relinquishing of SCP-███ to GoI-43, the item was obtained. III. Recovered after a combative incident involving the Administrator and several members of Red-Right Hand against the anomalous society "Knights Templar". IV. Discovered after SCP-7085-A gave the location of ruins located in [REDACTED]. These ruins were composed of flesh and metal with bodies of preserved humanoid entities embedded in them. In the center of this area, was the item. Surrounding the item, were seven glass orbs designated one to seven and murals of humanoids bowing down before seven entities carrying a multi-eyed chimeric creature. After the item was recovered, several of the structures began to move and vocalize. On the orders of the Administrator, the entranceway was destroyed and all records to travel there were expunged. [BEGIN LOG] SCP-7085, while emitting a constant humming sound, is being lowered into the mechanical apparatus. Wires and coils are seen in the area connecting from and to the apparatus. Electricity is visible seen sparking throughout the mechanism. Dr. Schrawn with three other personnel oversees Project HUMMINGBIRD. SCP-7085-A is seen sitting with their staff in their lap while being chained to the back of the room while the Administrator stands beside them. Other researchers scurry around the area. SCP-7085-A: Isn't it beautiful? Administrator: Not in the slightest. SCP-7085-A: Oh, that's right. To you, this was the source of your misery for quite some time. Now, it will be your greatest tool. Administrator: Then why the face? I swear, after all of this you better not— SCP-7085-A: No, no, it's nothing. I'm just… scared. Everything I have been waiting for since… that time is about to be completed. You are about to receive the majesty of humanity's greatest accomplishment. My hands are near numb from the anticipation. It's just that it all feels wrong. Administrator: You're waiting for something bad to happen. When things go well, the idle mind automatically turns to the worse. It is what soldiers go through all the time. But sometimes things go as planned. In those rare moments, nothing bad has to happen. Relying on your visions made you anxious. SCP-7085-A: Maybe, maybe so. Then why do you have that look then? Administrator: Expecting the worse, of course. SCP-7085-A: [Laughter] So, what will happen after this. What will you do? Administrator: The same as always. Even if this thing can do anything, that doesn't mean it needs to be used for that. It's not a savior, it's a weapon and that's all it will ever be. But, it would make our job easier. SCP-7085 begins to glow and change form more rapidly for several seconds before resuming normal activity. SCP-7085-A: I don't think it is like that at all. Not at all. So, what will happen to me after this is done? Administrator: I thought you didn't care what happened to you? The same, you helped us, a lot, but we can't allow you to roam free with that body and mind of yours. I can make it as comfortable as possible though. SCP-7085-A: Well, thank you, I cannot really expect any more than that, can I? But that, too, is fine. I was worshipped once, you know. They called me the Child of Dreams. Temples were erected in my name just so they can ask me their questions. To predict the weather, to know the time of death of a loved one, or if they would one day find purpose in their lives. They adored me for it. My words were treated as truth and they shaped their lives around them. To know the future is to know the beauty and chaos of creation. A friend told me that once. Hmm, I speak too much. What I am trying is to not let the Engine control you. Never make it your source of pride or last resort. Even if this does fail, and you despair over it, get up. You are not shaped by it. Your Foundation is worthy enough. Administrator: You don't need to worry about us. But, I don't say this to people or, in your case, anomalies, but thank you. SCP-7085-A: You are very welcome. Dr. Schrawn: Sir, it's time. SCP-7085's apparatus begins to glow and a gust of wind is emitted from it. SCP-7085 then begins to spin rapidly and increase in heat, glowing red in the process. The humming sound grows in volume and is now heard around the area. The sound then slowly becomes audible, tangible words. Administrator: It's speaking! SCP-7085-A: I see, so this is what it sounds when it's accepted a new wielder. So this is its song.The dust and dirt around the area of SCP-7085 begin to move and shift, forming patterns across the ground, walls, and ceiling. These patterns eventually form the Foundation's symbol. The ground beneath the apparatus begins to shake to the point where the personnel present are visibly affected by it. Dr. Schrawn: It's increasing its energy output. The lens and information storages are in effect. The field is, the field is stabilizing! Administrator: Good, good. Keep it up! [Turns to SCP-7085-A.] SCP-7085-A: The fall of Olympus occurred in the war of the last. The Nosferatu have returned, they bring fire upon the lands and death in the air. Release the engines of battle. Unleash the cods and bonds. Unleashed the end. Oh, Administrator, does it not sound beautiful? It sings your name in the loveliest tune. Administrator: Is something wrong? SCP-7085-A head reels back as they begin speaking an unknown language. SCP-7085-A: Oh, you do like to contain. But that cannot be done this time, I am afraid, that we might have been a little off in our efforts. Administrator: Oracle, are you with me? SCP-7085-A: Administrator, we were wrong. I was wrong. These images. My mind is full of thoughts and images. We have to try another time, no, not even the— I see, I see, I see… SCP-7085-A stands up, releasing their chains in the process. Before any personnel could react to this, they pounce on SCP-7085 and slam their staff on it. SCP-7085 then begins to levitate out of the apparatus while the wires and coils are still connected to it and spin sporadically. Several small items across the ground then levitate in the air while streaks of electricity bounce across the walls and ground. Several moments later, SCP-7085 emits a wave of energy that pushes back the objects and personnel around them, excluding SCP-7085-A who disappears when it hits them. After this, SCP-7085 emits another wave of energy that causes the malfunction and destruction of several devices in the area. Dr. Schrawn activates the Way locks; as they begin to glow, SCP-7085 emits another wave, deactivating them. Suddenly, SCP-7085 begins to glow a red hue and emit heat before a final wave emits from it, causing an explosion. The recorder is severally damaged and the footage is distorted. Before losing all functionality, The Administrator is seen standing up and then screaming. [END LOG] Addendum.SCP-7085—Recovery: After the failure of Project HUMMINGBIRD, SCP-7085 was moved to a new location. Its malfunction caused it to emit a massive temporal energy field that caused 2nd to 3rd-degree burn injuries and the disintegration of several personnel close to the explosion. SCP-7085 now possesses several new cracks along its exterior, but still maintains functionality. Since this event, there has been an increase in anomalous activity around the world. Below is a list of notable and known events. Location Description Minas Gerais, Brazil. Boiling rain occurs every five to six days across the eastern region. These occurrences are estimated to have injured at least 300 people. Disinformation campaigns are ongoing. Southern United States of America. Reports of a carnivorous entity that inhabits dark areas. Reports claim that this entity can instantly consume individuals via touching their shadow and enveloping them with their own body. This entity has been described as being shrouded in shadow and possessing a strong aversion to light sources. Earth. Anomalous information entered the human conscious sphere to an unknown amount of individuals. This information mainly consists of thaumatic and occult practices, causing a rise of anomalous activity in civilian hotspots. To date, no known information about the Foundation has been discovered by any third parties. Level 9 of TUMBA. SCP-7085 continuously emits a humming sound. It also now exhibits the ability to deteriorate the area around it at a rapid rate. The Foundation's symbol has been found to be forming on the surfaces around it cracks along wall or manipulating dust piles. When these symbols are disrupted, they immediately begin reforming. Due to this, it has been moved to a hyperdense containment chamber. However, SCP-7085 effects are continuously growing stronger and current containment is believed to soon become ineffective. SCP-7085-A's whereabouts remained unknown and is to be considered neutralized. Letter was given to all Foundation facilities and outposts on January 5th, 1856. Times are hard. For the past few months, I have asked every single one of you to give even more of yourselves for the Foundation's greatest mission—protecting this world from the dark. You are tired and desperately in need of repose, and yet you still fight. For that, you have my greatest gratitude. And now we face our greatest threat maybe since our founding. The world is in chaos. Anomalies have increased tenfold and we have no choice but to respond in full. As I write this letter, all around the world, the Foundation is working together with other organizations who have similar goals to keep this madness at bay. Your sacrifices have not gone unnoticed and will not be unrewarded. I hope one day when we finally get that day of promised rest it will not be because of mourning but for celebration. — The Administrator Envoy to the Administrator's Office — Classified envoy to the Administrator's Office Administrator, your statement for the cause, though short, was warm. I know you do not like doing these things until the mission is over, but you must know why I requested you to say something. We trusted an anomaly and paid dearly for it. Project HUMMINGBIRD must seem done to you, but I tell you now that it is not. It may be the only hope we have left. On that day SCP-7085 was damaged, we did not realize it contained so much power. It is just as -A said, it can do anything. The increase of anomalous activity and the appearances of these creatures is proof alone. If it wasn't for that betrayal, we could have eliminated every anomaly in the New World. We are so close to victory, all we need is one more push. Just one more to reverse our failure. Dr. Schrawn has told me the Revised HUMMINGBIRD is almost complete. Everything will be ready to be sent in just a couple of weeks; however, for it to work, we must go back to where we found it. That place seems to have properties that help stabilized the orb naturally. No wonder it was there, it was the best place to contain it. We'll soon be sending a team there to set up the operation. I assume you will also be leading this. You are strong, yes, but you are also our leader. We cannot have you lead our men into battle and one day not have you come back without a successor in place. I know you feel guilty, but you are not the only one who voted on that day. We all partook in that failure. You have saved countless lives, including mine, and continue to do so. So, please, don't carry this burden by yourself for your sake and the Foundations. — Jerlamarel Voss, Head of the Depertament of External Relations. Addednum.SCP-7085-Retribution: On December 23rd, 1857, the Administrator, with the assistance of personnel Florude Tone, led a team of twelve to escort SCP-7085 to its location of discovery. Accompanied by this mission was a portable worm wheel that will be used to record the events in case of malfunction or failure. [BEGIN LOG] As the group enters the passageway to where SCP-7085 was first discovered, the area is seen to be in a greater state of disrepair than what was present last time. SCP-7085 glows brightly and emits a loud humming sound. As it is the team continues onward, the structure around them begins to form cracks on their exterior as SCP-7085 passes them. When they enter the main space of the cave, fog is observed inside it. The instruments delivered there early are seen scattered across the ground severely damaged. In the back of the room, sitting down on the floor is SCP-7085-A holding their staff, with four of their hands. SCP-7085-A: Hello, Administrator. You look terrible. Florude Tone: Sir, that's— Administrator: Leave. Florude Tone: But, sir, we can't leave you with tha— Administrator: Go, get back up, I'll hold it off till then. Florude Tone: But— Administrator: That's an order, Tone! Now, go! The 12 personnel slowly leave the area, dropping the worm wheel and SCP-7085, and exit. SCP-7085-A: A bit dramatic, but okay. So, how have you been? That looks like a new scar on your face. You've been fighting more, haven't you? Administrator: How are you still here? SCP-7085-A: I was hoping you knew that, but it seems that we are both confused. My theory is maybe the Engine grew affection for me. I have been with it so long, that it couldn't bear killing me. Even after I betrayed it. It's funny, really, that is the place it sent me. SCP-7085-A stands and slams its staff on the ground, clearing the fog from the area. SCP-7085-A appears older and has several scars on its limbs. SCP-7085-A: When you were about to claim the Engine, its song sparked something inside me. A flame of youth. I had a vision as clear as day. I saw you and the Foundation. I saw what it will become and what will happen to this world. I saw a world meant for dreams and nightmares. I would have been satisfied staying there with my mind, but not after that… I had to return. Thankfully, the Engine is not all-knowing or powerful in realms outside of its creation. You must understand me when I say this. I did not take pleasure in doing what I did, but if you knew what I saw and heard then you would have done the same. [SCP-7085-A's hands begin to shake as they hold the staff.] Tell me, do you know how long I was gone? Administrator: To think I trusted you. I am a failure. SCP-7085-A: No, you are not. The only thing that was wrong was us. SCP-7085-A jumps toward the Administrator who dodges. SCP-7085-A then grabs SCP-7085 and holds it in the air with two of their hands. SCP-7085-A: We are relics of the past. A past so old, that even the earth has forgotten it. Once, men had the power to reach for stars and take them. But, now, they are weak and scared and seek power to make them strong and brave. They seek old truths and old ways for their future. They are guided by the dead. I once thought you will be different, that you will be the ones to claim this majesty and finally surpass the old era. But only with your strength can you do that. Administrator: You looked me in the eye and told me that this can help us. That will save people. You're just talking nonsense. SCP-7085-A: Do not mock me! You know exactly what I am saying. It was only by chance the Engine chose you. Countless eras, countless kings, and countless children were chosen by it to take it whole and all fell before it. And yet you came so close at taming it. What I saw, is the outcome of this so-called mastering of the Engine. It was a world without will. A world without humanity. No more. Let it end. SCP-7085 begins to glow more while the area around them begins to experience seismic activity. SCP-7085-A: I'm sorry, my little friend. But it's time for us to go. Administrator: Oracle, don't you dare! SCP-7085-A throws SCP-7085 in the air. SCP-7085-A's staff then begins to produce a fire of white and purple hues that engulf SCP-7085-A and SCP-7085. SCP-7085-A then uses its staff to hit SCP-7085 in its center, splintering it into fragmented pieces. The seismic activity around the area and SCP-7085 properties begin to slow down and suddenly cease all together. Administrator: What have you done? Thousands, millions will die because of you. SCP-7085-A: Yes, they will. But you will be there to stop that. You will do everything in your power to prevent it. Sometimes you will win, sometimes lose. But it will be because of your actions, not anyone else's. The Administrator pulls out a wooden wand that is decorated with carvings. It then begins to glow a blue hue that envelops the whole room. Administrator: Just be quiet. SCP-7085-A: As you wish. But remember this; I am the Oracle, the first and last of the homunculi, the final Rebis, made to serve humanity. I am a tool that dreams. And you are the Administrator, the leader of the Foundation, the man who fights the dark. SCP-7085-A's staff fire begins to increase in size rapidly as the Administrator's wand begins to glow to point of obscuring the worm wheel. As they both begin to walk toward each other SCP-7085-A begins to sprout eyes across its face and body. SCP-7085-A: Show me, Administrator. Show me all of it. When they meet each other, a sudden roaring sound occurs cutting the feed for several minutes. When it returns, the worm wheel is located on the other side of the room where SCP-7085-A's is seen with a massive hole in the side of its abdomen. The Administrator is seen standing on top of the body with his arm burnt while clutching a broken stick. When the Administrator exited the cave, he was immediately escorted to receive medical attention. Shortly after this event, the remains of SCP-7085 and SCP-7085-A were recovered. All attempts to repair SCP-7085 to its original functionality have failed. Addendum.SCP-7085- Plaque: Near the entranceway towards SCP-7085 location, was a plaque made of stone and believed to be written by SCP-7085-A and is transcribed below. How it appeared in the area is currently unknown. If you are reading this I am dead. I apologize for what must seem like a sudden betrayal, but I assure what I do is for the whole of humanity. The passages of time assume power based on the illusion that since they are old they are also needed. The time has come for a new era, free from the old, to begin. What I saw, and what will happen, will change this world for the better. But there will be suffering and there will be pain. And when that happens they will need something like the Foundation and men like you in it, Administrator. In those times, you must hold conviction. To your ideals and passions. Never straying, always fighting. Have Pluck, Luthor. « SCP-7084 | SCP-7085| SCP-7086 »
Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: As effective suppression of SCP-7086 is essentially impossible, current containment measures are focused on the normalization of SCP-7086 among the civilian population as a non-anomalous phenomenon. To this end, major new religious movements1 founded as a result of the anomaly's effects are to be infiltrated by Foundation personnel with the aim of presenting SCP-7086 as the result of religious mass hysteria. Description: SCP-7086 is a phenomenon in which approximately 9.2% of all individuals born on or after the 3rd of March, 2169 express psychological profiles consistent within a .01% margin of error with those of a unique deceased individual, henceforth referred to as SCP-7086-1. In 83% of all cases, individuals affected with the anomaly report also recalling memories and experiences of SCP-7086-1. No genetic or geographic correlation has been observed between affected individuals and their specific instance of SCP-7086-1. Addendum 1: Interviews The following interviews were collected from civilians affected by SCP-7086 under the guise of a sociological survey on religious belief. SUBJECT: Carl Danssen LOCATION: Green Bay, WI C. Danssen: You're not gonna tell me I'm crazy, right? Jr. Res. Johanssen: This is an impartial survey. We just want to hear your perspective. C. Danssen: If you say so… C. Danssen: I think it all started when I was about… eighteen, or so. Well– “started”— I'm sure it was happening for plenty long before that, but I just can't recall. C. Danssen: Anyways. First year of college. I'm at this party, call it… late November, I think. I'm hanging out with my friends, throwing back some punch– well, “punch”— having a grand ol' time. I'm mostly just starin' off into the distance when this… charming individual, call it, approaches me. Skinny fella. Couple a' inches under me, I'd estimate. C. Danssen: We get to talking, and woof: sparks. Like I'd never felt before. Had a few high school crushes, ‘course, but never on this level. After about ten minutes I didn't want to do squat but look into their eyes until the end of creation. And boy, did they pick up on that. C. Danssen: Now here's where it gets interesting. Morning after our third date, I remember lying in bed with them, their head on my chest. Not a thought in the world. Couldn't be happier. And then it hits me. Y'know when you just remember some old thing, right out of nowhere? Some random experience, like a bolt from the blue? Was like that– ‘cept it wasn't anything I'd ever actually done. Not in this lifetime. C. Danssen: Was similar, but different. Same circumstances– happy couple in bed the morning after and all– but it was way back. Different room, different person. Summer of ‘05, I think. And the whole thing was just cloaked in– in this fear. Petrifying anxiety. There were butterflies, still, but that made the whole experience worse somehow. C. Danssen: Just one constant thought: what if they find out? What in God's name am I going to do if they find out? What life am I gonna be able to live if they find out? What life am I gonna be able to live if they don't? What's waiting for me, at the end of this tunnel? How do I go on like this, knowing things aren't ever gonna be close to perfect or even right ‘cause of who I like? C. Danssen: And then [snaps fingers] I just snap out of it. Back in the real world. Sweating ice-water, but somehow relieved. Not relieved. Grateful, somehow. Never been quite able to put a pin on just what to call it. SUBJECT: Mal Postrakis LOCATION: Enfield, MA M. Postrakis: I'm a rational person, spiritually. I try to look at things from objective angles. I don't let small superstitions into my life. You know– little things, like black cats and picking up pennies. Everything can be explained. The world fits on a grid. M. Postrakis: I've tried to analyze it on an objective level in so many different ways. Is it just an intensely held spiritual belief? The result of some unknown trauma? A tumor, maybe? Have I been brainwashed? Reprogrammed? But none of it clicks. M. Postrakis: So here's the sum, literal total of what this… phenomenon is to me. It's about a few years of spotty memories and emotions that just… fall into my life, every so often. I feel things when I look at my body. When I look at my wardrobe. When I wear a skirt to the office, it's not just some fashion choice. It's a source of intense and unending relief– an overflowing sense of gratitude. M. Postrakis: I'm not just speaking about normative sources of euphoria here. I went through that phase years ago. After a while the victory fades off and you're just a person again: a name and a face congruent to an identity. This is something different. It's like I've always just woken up from some horrifying nightmare. I'm constantly feeling the relief of being part of a reasonable reality again. SUBJECT: Anonymous2 LOCATION: Unknown3 Anonymous: My parents want me to go to therapy. They're— they're threatening to cut off my tuition. They think it's a cult, Un Jour. They think it's my girlfriend. She's a chapter leader. They think she's manipulating me. Anonymous: [sniff]. I don't get the memories, which is why I think they doubt the whole thing. I just get the feelings. Constantly. It's always just the feelings. Anonymous: They think I might be bipolar, or depressed, or something. 'Course, if they actually bothered to research it at all, they'd see, but… Anonymous: It's not even religious, really. It's more of a support group. Because, y'know, some of us have it really bad. Some people get stuck in their memories. Some people— they had awful things happen to them, all those years ago… Anonymous: I feel sorry for them. When I'm not feeling gratitude, or relief, or getting scared— like real pit-in-my-soul scared, 'cause something's triggered some horrible memory my mind's forgotten but my body hasn't— I feel sympathy. 'Cause we got lucky. Because we live in a place where all that just… doesn't happen anymore, y'know? Anonymous: I dunno. Is that bad? SUBJECT: Pauline Rath LOCATION: Fargo, ND P. Rath: Personally, I think the religious interpretation is– at best– a misreading of the situation. I do understand it, as there's plenty of cases of the “memories” and all being accurate– remember how they solved that fifty-year cold case up in Duluth after that guy came forward?— but it's not something religious. Call it a secular miracle. Jr. Res. Johanssen: If possible… P. Rath: Right– right. To most people, my name isn't Pauline– it's “that nutjob”. Just wanted to clarify myself a little here before I get into my position. People tend to react poorly if I just go in blind. P. Rath: No, I don't genuinely think I am the Pauline Rath who was born in Hamburg and died at the age of 57 in 2043. I am a Pauline Rath. I have the memories and emotions of a previous Pauline Rath, but I am not some literal omnipresent Pauline. We are different incarnations of the same person. Like classical cloning. Same seed, different time, different world. P. Rath: There's nothing religious or spiritual about it. I don't think it's some greater truth or nirvana, either– because most people just die when they die, and that's about it. No. There's something about my specific case. I got special treatment. Jr. Res. Johanssen: Special treatment? P. Rath: You know what the first Pauline had to live with? The knowledge that she was born in a fundamentally wrong world. A reality oriented on an unjust axis. That she would never be able to truly live a full life– to ever really experience genuine, true, lasting fulfillment. Every day when she woke up she had to greet the fact that there were oceans of hate and death waiting for her, wherever she may go in the world. Every decision in her life was made with an awareness of that fact. Each and every iota of her personal self had to be rammed through an infinitesimal filter built of her own self-held disgust for who she was before she could even consider showing it to the world. She lived in cages upon cages upon cages. P. Rath: And that made her angry. On a fundamental and total level. That's the emotion I feel the most— this insipid, fatal rage. Always staring down something unstoppable. Something that would crush her if she let it. Jr. Res. Johanssen: So that's the defining emotion here— anger. P. Rath: Not the defining emotion, no. Certainly a prevalent one. There was always a fight— always an injustice, always some spark of hate or disgust to remind her of the great and terrible evil in the world. But there were other times. Quiet spaces. Soft breezes. Faint sunlight. P. Rath: Something more felt than seen— a glimpse of something better, poking through the fog. It's hard to put into words. Something really, truly, unashamedly positive. Glimmers of utopia. Isolated fragments of a dream. Jr. Res. Johanssen: What are you saying, exactly? P. Rath: To be clear, I don't think she had anything to do with this. But I think– maybe in some small way, some small secular way, some wholly unmystical and entirely grounded way– she did contribute. She did make her wish a little more real, in small ways. She changed a few minds. Got a few friends to raise their kids better– much better than her parents had raised her. The world was improved by her presence. She placed a stone upon which many more people placed their own stones. Until we got here. P. Rath: And now she gets a second chance. Footnotes 1. Fargo Catholicism, Un Jour Je Serai De Retour Près De Toi, Zarantha 2. Subject called Foundation hotline established as part of the survey. No identifying information was provided. 3. No tracing was conducted during the duration of the call.
close Info X By OzzyLizard. Thanks to HarryBlank Ecronak and dxvi for some crit. More by this author: >>AUTHOR PAGE!!<< Image Credits: Knucker: Here Fossil: Here Enjoy! :) “If dragons were real, then in all likelihood they were not graceful, noble creatures; rather they would have been slug-like and brutish.” - P. Ozz, Cryptozoology Division Founding Member Item#: SCP-7088 Level1 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo A juvenile SCP-7088 specimen as depicted by a French research crew (circa 1904). Special Containment Procedures: A sustainable population of SCP-7088 is to be kept within Sector 2 of Site-44 in an artificial cavernous environment. Instances are to be fed every 5-6 months and communicated with infrequently. Wild populations of SCP-7088 are under the jurisdiction of the Cryptozoology Division, who are tasked with retrieval operations and researching the organisms within their natural surroundings. Cave systems inhabited by the genus are to be blocked from public access under the cover story of unstable topography or a cave-in. Due to SCP-7088's isolated native habitat, further containment is unnecessary. Further developments regarding the SCP-7088-IMPERATOR subspecies will be available at the base of this document. Description: SCP-7088 is a cave-dwelling anomalous genus of amphibian located within a portion of Northern Europe, primarily Great Britain. Members of SCP-7088 resemble extremely large Cryptobranchus alleganiensis1 while, in infancy, resembling P. anguinus;2 all instances possess vestigial wings in addition to leathery skin and a serpentine spinal structure. Skin pigments range from reddish-brown to earth-green depending on region and rock composition. SCP-7088's brain-to-body ratio remains the highest of all known amphibians, allowing for drastically increased mental capacity capable of recognising basic human speech. SCP-7088 specimens also possess a unique luminous organ protruding from their upper jaw, termed the Ozz noetica by Foundation cryptobiologists. The Ozz noetica is possessed only by members of the genus and is a characteristic trait of all known instances. Capable of sub-noospheric interference, the organ permits SCP-7088 to transfer speech to sentient observers if positioned correctly. SCP-7088 rarely surface from inhabited caverns (usually housing a group of 5-10 instances), only exiting in search of prey. SCP-7088's natural diet once consisted primarily of deer, rabbits and low-lying shrubbery though, since human inhabitation of the British Isles, has shifted heavily towards the consumption of livestock and crops. Although this poses some threat to secrecy, instances only require sustenance on average twice per year, during which time they will gorge upon all nourishment available before returning to their brood. A largely stationary lifestyle allows for long periods of time between consumption. While SCP-7088 are believed to have once been apex predators in their environments, since the adoption of more readily available food sources, instances now demonstrate a more lethargic lifestyle. The fossilised remains of an SCP-7088 instance. History: SCP-7088 was officially recognised by the Foundation in the late 1910s, though legends of the genus have persisted since the Middle Ages. SCP-7088 is commonly referred to as the “Knucker” in their inhabited territories, originating from an Old English term meaning “water monster”. At the time of the Middle Ages, SCP-7088 are believed to have dwelled mainly in wells or deep lakes, prompting human interactions and occasionally conflict. While it is unknown how long the genus has been present within Britain or Europe as a whole, fossilised specimens have been recorded originating from the late Cretaceous Era. SCP-7088's common ancestors, if any, remain undiscovered. Since the 18th Century and the onset of the industrial revolution, accounts of SCP-7088 reduced significantly, likely due to the sudden influx of hazardous waste produced by human development. This is theorised to have caused SCP-7088 to abandon their former freshwater habitats and adopt a largely subterranean lifestyle, lessening human-to-SCP-7088 encounters. Prior to the 21st Century, the only evidence available for the genus' existence was ecological DNA imprints and the rare remains of deceased instances. In the early 2000s, a group of research staff successfully located and made contact with a group of live specimens (See Addendum). Addendum 7088.1: Initial Incident On 29/10/2008, an exchange between Troy █████, an American oil tycoon and multimillionaire, and an unknown buyer was revealed to the Foundation following an unrelated investigation into Mr █████‘s business activity. Following examination of the discussion and further insight into the genus' behaviour, SCP-7088 involvement has been suspected. + Show Business Exchange Transcript - Hide Business Exchange Transcript <BEGIN EMAIL LOG> Troy █. Corporation: Hello anonymous buyer. We have received your message and can confirm that we are interested in trading! Please provide a name and further contact information if possible. Unknown: Hello Mr Oil. We are liking to barter with you for your wares still. No name or other detail for now please. Troy █. Corporation: Understood, your privacy is important to us. Are you interested in trading or investing into our shares? Unknown: Barter. Troy █. Corporation: Of course. Assuming we would provide petroleum (or other resources) to you, how much do you require and what would you like to offer? Unknown: Hello. We would like as much as you give. We will offer two gemstone, six wire and twelve carrot. Extra large. Troy █. Corporation: Our maximum export limit is 780,000 gallons. I'm assuming your offer was sarcastic? Unknown: I agree. New offer is two bottle of vegetable oil. I hope that oil-to-oil trade is pleasing. Troy █. Corporation: I don't think you understand. Unless “vegetable oil” is slang for something else I'm afraid we'll have to terminate the offer here. Unknown: What is requested offer? Troy █. Corporation: 780,000 gallons will be in the range of about $23,000,000, not including tarif— The exchange is broken off due to the connection wire being bitten. <END EMAIL LOG> Attempts to locate the offending SCP-7088 brood are ongoing. Addendum 7088.2: Attempted Interviews Following investigation and sonic imaging of cave systems surrounding the town of Mossmoor, Somerset, England in 2009, it was theorised that a colony of SCP-7088 was present in the surrounding area. Utilising a Bodmin-fauna counter,3 it was discovered that a small pond in the centre of a feature known as Knucker Hollow connected to a lengthy cave system housing approximately a dozen instances. The following is a list of verbal communication attempts with the brood.4 Interview Attempt 7088-1 Date: 11/10/2009 Interviewed: SCP-7088-24 Interviewer: Cryptozoology Specialist F. Ozz Location: Knucker Hollow Cave System <BEGIN LOG> The research team is within a large chamber. Researcher Ozz sits on a rock directly in front of a small underwater lake that is surrounded by and containing several instances of SCP-7088. Many are resting underneath small waterfalls, unmoving, with stalagmites forming on their heads which resemble horns. A single instance emerges from the water. Researcher Ozz: Ah, hello. The instance lazily rests at the water's edge. Researcher Ozz: Would you be willing to speak with me for a few minutes? SCP-7088-24's Ozz noetica target the researcher and begin to glow slightly. SCP-7088-24: You… here to barter? Researcher Ozz: Barter? No, we'd like to ask some questions about you and your kind. SCP-7088-24: (Staring blankly) Okay… moment. SCP-7088-24 places itself upon a nearby rock. It licks the researcher's arm, to the distaste of Ozz. SCP-7088-24: Human. Not seen for… half a stalactite. Researcher Ozz: Yes, it seems you have been living here for some time. If I might ask, how long ha— SCP-7088-24: Last human I saw… try to take my wares. Researcher Ozz: I assure you, I'm not here to steal anything. What do you mean by wares? SCP-7088-24: Want to… barter? <END LOG> Following Interview 7088-1, personnel grouped together to offer non-essential supplies for trading with SCP-7088-24. Interview Attempt 7088-2 <BEGIN LOG> SCP-7088-24 remains at the water's edge as the team returns. Researcher Ozz: Hi again. We've got some items we'd like to trade if you're willing? SCP-7088-24: Barter? Researcher Ozz: Yes. SCP-7088-24: Moment. The instance slowly turns around and enters the water. Several minutes pass before it returns. Researcher Ozz: Oh, good, you're back. Where did you go? SCP-7088-24: Storage Keep. Many wares. SCP-7088-24 gently places a glass bottle, a gemstone and a rusty nail on a rock. SCP-7088-24: Offer please? Researcher Ozz: Uuh. We've got some of these. (Gestures towards a spare oxygen tank and diving equipment) SCP-7088-24's small eyes widen at the equipment. SCP-7088-24: I agree! Please… take extra surface commodity… also. The instance again enters the water for several minutes. It returns with a small pearl. Researcher Ozz: Oh. Thank you, but that's quite alright. SCP-7088-24: (Seemingly confused) I insist. Silence for five seconds as the instance awaits a response. Researcher Ozz: Actually, tell you what, I'll double the offer if you could tell me about you and your kind. SCP-7088-24: I agree. I am Knockto, (Gesturing to left instance) this is… Knute, (Gesturing to right instance) this is… Knaller, (Turns around) this is… Knu- Researcher Ozz: I meant, specifically, about your type. We'd call it physiology — the way you are. SCP-7088-24: Ah! I apologies. We are Knucker-kind, we live in cave. Several seconds of silence. Researcher Ozz: Anything else? SCP-7088-24: Yes… we used to be different and live near surface like human. We liked long… water pits. Researcher Ozz: Wells? SCP-7088-24: Yes. We once eat hoof-runner5 and little umbrellas6 before human arrived. Now like carrot and woolly things.7 Researcher Ozz: Do you have to hunt anymore? SCP-7088-24: Not hunt now, very nice. Lots of woolly things since the Black Water. Researcher Ozz: What was the Black Water? SCP-7088-24: Surface-dwellers made lots of towers and yellow clouds. We go in cave. Researcher Ozz: How long ago? SCP-7088-24: When humans look for black rocks… coal. Researcher Ozz: You remember that? You must be quite old. SCP-7088-24: I was only wyrmling at Black Water. Follow. The research team is led by the instance to a nearby chamber that is filled with stalactites. SCP-7088-24 seems wary of disturbing their growth as it directs Ozz to a specific formation. SCP-7088-24: (Gesturing to a stalactite) Knockto age. Researcher Ozz: Mineral formations. That's clever. [Later estimates suggest the stalactite to be around 230 years old.] SCP-7088-24: Good rock? Researcher Ozz: (Chuckles) Yeah. You wouldn't happen to know where any other colonies are, would you? SCP-7088-24: Many knuckerholes around. Some… much deeper. Researcher Ozz: Where? The instance stares at Ozz for 5 seconds before speaking. SCP-7088-24: Secret… Secret broken for extra payment. [17 minutes of extraneous negotiations redacted for brevity.] <END LOG> Eventually, information regarding nearby “knuckerholes” was traded with SCP-7088-24 for the agreed upon price of two Snickers bars and a flashlight. According to information acquired during Interview 7088-2, an SCP-7088 colony is present in the area surrounding the primary transatlantic telecommunications cable. An investigation into a link between this development and the 2008 Exchange Incident is currently underway. Addendum 7088.3: 25/07/2022 Update Upon the discovery of a knuckerhole located in Lyminster, Sussex, England, a Foundation-operated high resolution ground-penetrating radar team was utilised in order to preemptively view the cave system. It is believed that all knuckerholes follow a generalised layout and, as such, the scan remains a reference for SCP-7088 dwellings' features. The following observations were noted: Accessible only via a small, but deep, pond. Comprised of a primary cavern wherein most SCP-7088 reside, generally surrounded by small waterfalls leading into a central “lake”. Secondary cavern comprised of cultivated stalactites. Submerged cavern used for the cultivation of oviparous8 young. A large underwater passageway off-shooting from the primary cavern's body of water that leads to a hidden chamber. An extremely large, submerged, chamber or “keep” filled with copious amounts of rare materials, coins and gemstones. In all documented cases, highly detailed recordings of this chamber display a colossal, scaled instance of SCP-7088 with exaggerated wings and limbs — large stalagmites on its parietal bone resemble spiring decorative horns. The instance remains dormant, seemingly in slumber. Attempts are being made to extract and study a member of the Proteus draconis imperator subspecies in order to assess their dormancy patterns. It is believed that, in time, connections to folkloric tales regarding dragon-like megafauna may be made in addition to predicting future active periods. ALERT: SCP-7088 REPAYMENT OVERDUE, IMPERATOR SPECIMEN RISING. MAKE TRADE OFFER? Footnotes 1. Giant Salamander 2. Olm, or proteus; an aquatic salamander in the family Proteidae, the only exclusively cave-dwelling chordate species found in Europe. 3. A device functioning similarly to a Geiger counter, detecting and recording trace anomalous influence emitted by parafauna in the local ecosphere. 4. SCP-7088 speech was recounted by the notes of F. Ozz, SCP-7088 Research Head. 5. Likely referring to deer. 6. Likely referring to mushrooms. 7. Likely referring to sheep. 8. Egg-born « SCP-7087 | SCP-7088 | SCP-7089 »
Item#: 7089 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo The exterior of Provisional Outpost-7089 on 18th June 2028. SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: Per protocol, Provisional Outpost-7089 is to be maintained by agents as an operational self-storage facility in order to mask on-site Foundation activities. The wing containing SCP-7089 is to remain closed to civilian clients under the cover of "long term refurbishment". As all non-anomalous storage units have been removed from the wing, the resultant space is to serve as an operations and living complex for on-site personnel. SCP-7089's exterior is to be monitored via closed circuit camera surveillance in case of unauthorised civilian access. SCP-7089-1 is to be assigned a rotating guard detail at all times to accompany any research expedition and provide an immediate response to any alteration to the interior space. Any proposed test involving SCP-7089 must be signed off on by the research lead, Dr. Frederick Munroe, then approved by Site-44 Director Carter before any action is taken. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7089 is a personal storage unit (number 7089) with an external footprint of 25 square feet, built into the ████ ████ Self Storage facility - hereafter referred to as Provisional Outpost-7089 - in ████████, Yorkshire, England. The interior of SCP-7089 exhibits an acute spatial anomaly wherein its size is many times larger than the exterior. Educated estimates place its size at roughly 140 square miles. As the interior layout changes regularly and does not correspond to linear spatial limitations, this value is subject to ongoing reassessment. The interior of SCP-7089 - hereafter referred to as SCP-7089-1 - contains a storage facility of similar design to the external complex, though a lack of additional decoration and presence of reinforced internal structure and cutting edge [REDACTED] indicate its purpose for either private or military usage, rather than civilian. RECOVERY LOG 7089: SCP-7089 came to Foundation attention on 14th May 2028, following the filing of five (5) missing persons reports in connection with staff and clients of what would become Provisional Outpost-7089, then a privately owned self storage facility. Shortly after this, assets based out of Site-44 bought the facility via a shell company and dispatched first response MTF Psi-42 ("Misfits") to investigate. Following contact with SCP-7089 and confirmation of its spatial anomaly, Psi-42 received clearance to enter SCP-7089-1 for the purpose of recon. Log No. Psi-42/7089 Date/Time: 15th May 2028 - 1325 Local Time Lead Agent: Sarah "Tyke" Tucker (2IC, MTF Psi-42) Otto "Omen" Thornton Harvey "Wiz" Kilner Louise "Noble" Phelps Further Information: Agents on-site were monitored from a surveillance van outside the structure, and from Site-44 by Psi-42 Commander Haley "Hammer" Wilson, who had been unable to lead the operation due to routine medical exams. Agent Wilson requested a line of communication be kept open. [Transcript begins.] Psi-42 have been inside SCP-7089-1 for ten (10) minutes. Agent Omen's body camera turns a corner to a hall of storage units similar to previous halls. Omen: Geez, this place goes on forever. You reckon we're past the city limits, yet? Tyke: Eyes forward, Omen. Omen: Right, right… Two (2) seconds of silence. Tyke: …And no, not quite yet. Light chuckling can be heard between agents. Agent Tyke can be heard sighing. Tyke: Alright, alright. Command, you still reading us? Hammer (via radio): We hear you loud and clear. I'm being told it's spooky how well we can make you out. Wiz: What's the catch? Hammer (via radio): None yet, but that means jack shit. Omen: Wanna bet something's using the great reception to lure hapless shits in? Noble: If it's another slimey, tentacled rat-bastard I swear to God… Tyke: I'm gonna try my luck on that. Hammer (via radio): Noted. Keep your eyes open. Tyke: Roger, ma'am. Agents proceed further into SCP-7089-1. This transcript omits six (6) minutes of footage for brevity, during which time nothing of note is recorded. Noble: Shit… Tyke: Do I wanna know? Agent Noble's body camera is facing a storage unit. The number above its door reads 2743. Noble: I've seen that number before. Two (2) seconds of silence. Agent Tyke can be heard humming. Tyke: Come again, Noble? Where? Noble: There! I mean, uh… Wiz: …Don't tell me, you saw it earlier? Noble: Just after we came in, above the same door. Agent Noble turns. Their body camera shows three (3) units reading 7383, 134 and 1332. Noble: Those ones, too. Omen: Wish my memory was that good… Wiz: No pattern to them to notice. Weren't we going straight? Muttering can be heard between agents. Tyke: …Crap. Hammer? We're being looped around! Probably some sort of closed space. Hammer (via radio): Knew it was too good to be true. Noble said she saw this place just after you came in. Can you see the exit from here? Wiz: I see it, ma'am. Agent Wiz's body camera shows the open unit door the agents entered through approximately 45 meters away. The hall of the non-anomalous self-storage facility is visible beyond it. Tyke: Not trapped, then, unless this place is playing for giggles. Hammer (via radio): Never know what's gonna happen with a non-linear like this. Tyke: Ma'am? Hammer (via radio): Pull out, Tyke. We can come back with proper mapping tech and save a load of hassle. Tyke: Roger. Alright, folks, let's get gone. No sense getting lost when we're so close… to… Wait. Agent Tyke trails off. Both her body camera and others' record her staring wide-eyed at a storage unit. Tyke: What… What the fuck?! Omen: Tyke? You good? Tyke: …Yeah, I… It caught me off guard. Agent Tyke can be seen glancing at the other agents. Tyke: Please tell me you're all seeing this? Agents Omen, Wiz and Noble turn toward the storage unit. Wiz: Not sure what I'm looking for, boss. Tyke: The number above the door, Wiz. Hammer (via radio): I can't make it out from here, Tyke. What's— Agent Hammer is cut off by Agent Noble. Noble: Oh. Oh! That's, uh… Wiz: More than a little invasive, yeah? But since when have these things ever cared for boundaries? Omen: Too much to hope it's just a shitty coincidence, right? Hammer (via radio): Tyke, either get the heck out of there or get closer! I can't see what you're looking at. Agent Tyke moves closer to the unit. The numbers above it come into focus, reading 060699. Agent Hammer can be heard cursing (specifics unintelligible). Hammer (via radio): …Ah. Tyke: That's my fucking birthday, ma'am. Hammer (via radio): I'm well aware. Non-Euclidean and telepathic. Command's gonna love this… Tyke: We still pulling out? Hammer (via radio): I'd say yes, but given the implied intelligence I think the researchers will to want a threat assessment before they go poking about in there. Tyke: Not exactly ideal. Hammer (via radio): When is it ever? Tyke: Alright, alright… Noble, Wiz. Either side of the door. If it's angry or has teeth, fill it with lead. Agents Noble and Wiz can be seen to nod, moving to flanking positions on either side of Unit 060699. Tyke: Omen, with me. Omen: Of course we're opening the damn thing. It's only asked for you personally, at this point… Tyke: Better us than another poor sod, right? Agent Tyke moves to the unit door, grasping the handle. Post-mission audio analysis registers the sound of a lock turning. Agents Omen, Noble and Wiz can be seen raising their firearms to ready positions. Tyke: You got my back? Omen: Always. Agent Tyke can be heard taking a breath and counting back from five (5) seconds before pushing the unit door upwards. She takes six (6) steps backwards as it opens, raising her firearm. All body cameras take a moment to adjust to the limited light levels inside of the unit. Agent Noble can be heard gasping. Noble: …Shit. Agent Tyke lowers her weapon. Tyke: Keep on alert, but… Maybe try not to look so threatening? Hammer (via radio): Tyke, report! What is it? Tyke: Not what, ma'am. Who. Agent Wiz's body camera adjusts to the lack of light. A pile of three (3) unmarked cardboard boxes are visible. Five (5) human figures are huddled together next to them. Omen: …People. [Transcript ends.] Mission Debriefing: On recovery, the individuals inside Unit 060699 were identified as accounting for all staff and client disappearances. After a full medical check-up, all were determined to be in perfect health with no lasting issues barring minor disorientation. As they lacked clear memories of the time between disappearance and recovery, minor Class B amnestics were administered. The boxes recovered contained photographs identified by Agent Tucker as being from a family collection of her grandmother's.1 The photographs appeared to lack anomalous properties. An appeal by Agent Hammer to release them to Agent Tucker is pending approval has been denied. Following Psi-42's expedition, a long-term research group was assigned to Provisional Outpost-7089 to investigate SCP-7089-1. Psi-42 would remain on-site as support. It was observed at this time that the unit number above the exterior door of SCP-7089 matched the number automatically assigned to it by the Foundation database. No evidence of tampering was detected. Date: 19th May 2028 Sender: Haley "Hammer" Wilson (Commander, MTF Psi-42) Recipient: Dr. Frederick Munroe (Research Lead, PO-7089) Clearance: Level 2 I'd like it on record that if this box is precognitive also, it probably knew we were going to find it. I'm happy to help you prod at the thing, but God help us if it's peeked into the future and decides it doesn't like our MO. Construction of on-site containment facilities would be completed on 21st May 2028. On the same day, Provisional Outpost-7089 lead researcher Dr. Frederick Munroe would set testing parameters for SCP-7089. Log No. 7089/210528 Date/Time: 21st May 2028 - 0945 Local Time Involved Agents: Dr. Frederick Munroe (Research Lead, PO-7089) Haley "Hammer" Wilson (Commander, MTF Psi-42) Sarah "Tyke" Tucker (2IC, MTF Psi-42) Further Information: Agents are gathered in Dr. Munroe's recently renovated on-site office, publicly belonging to the facility manager. Conversation has been going for three (3) minutes. This recording is audio only. [Transcript begins.] Munroe: Agent Tucker, how would you describe your experience inside the anomaly? Tyke: Disconcerting, sir, but hardly the weirdest thing I've seen. Munroe: Quite. Your assessment, Commander Wilson? Hammer: Whatever intelligence is running the place seems benign, but we shouldn't assume shit about anything, really. Commander Wilson coughs. Dr. Munroe can be heard sifting through papers. Hammer: Ideally, we need a plan. Munroe: Several plans, I think. We're to take it one question at a time. Tyke: Such as, sir? Dr. Munroe can be heard rising from his chair. The sound of footsteps follows, then a dry marker pen on a whiteboard. Munroe: Let's just start with one for now. We'll work from there. First off, intelligence! Hammer: How smart it is. Tyke: Or whether it means us harm? Munroe: More the former, but if it's playing the long game to lure us, we need to know that as well. Dr. Munroe can be heard returning to his seat. Munroe: Also whether we're dealing with a genuine telepathic or precognitive entity. If we are, this first round of tests should determine that, as well. Hammer: If that's the angle we're going for, then I might have a couple suggestions. [Transcript ends.] . EXPERIMENT LOG 7089-A: The first formal tests with SCP-7089 commenced on 22nd May 2028, focused on establishing a baseline for the level and manner of intelligence governing SCP-7089-1. These tests were also designed to determine whether the intelligence truly possessed telepathic, precognitive or any other form of pseudo-communicative psychic ability. Test No. Date Test Details Result #7089.1 22/05/2028 Dr. Munroe, accompanied by Agent Tyke, enters SCP-7089 while imagining a number (4373). Unit 4373 encountered. Tyke fails to force entry. Dr. Munroe opens the unit on his first attempt. One (1) copy of The Road2 recovered, which Munroe reports as a favourite of his. #7089.2 23/05/2028 Agent Noble, accompanied by Dr. Munroe, enters picturing her preferred alcoholic beverage (sloe gin). Unit ████████ (Noble's service number) encountered. One (1) full crate of ████████-brand sloe gin recovered. It is immediately confiscated. #7089.3 25/05/2028 Researcher Townes enters, accompanied by Agent Wiz. Dr. Munroe has written a number sequence (73217.4) and had Wiz place it in Townes' back pocket before the test. Neither Wiz nor Townes are aware of the contents of the sequence and Munroe is off-site on the day of the test. Unit 732174 encountered. One (1) worn-out stuffed animal (elephant) recovered. Townes reports having owned it as a child. #7089.4 26/05/2028 Agent Tyke enters, accompanied by Researcher Townes. Tyke is carrying a note written by Dr. Munroe, reading 'Can you understand us?'. Unit 19216 encountered. One (1) disc copy of the film Yes Man (2008) recovered. Following Test 7089.4, testing was suspended pending a review of SCP-7089's potential sapient awareness. Log No. 7089/270528 Date/Time: 27th May 2028 - 1510 Local Time Involved Agents: Dr. Frederick Munroe (Research Lead, PO-7089) Haley "Hammer" Wilson (Commander, MTF Psi-42) Further Information: Agents are in Dr. Munroe's office. This recording is audio only. [Transcript begins.] Hammer: What were you expecting, exactly? Munroe: Not something so straight forward. Something more abstract or alien. That'd actually be easier to work with, protocols being what they are. Hammer: Says a lot that a simple 'yes' causes us more problems. Munroe: Mostly the paperwork, honestly. Both agents can be heard chuckling. Hammer: Some things never change. Munroe: I'm sensing a nugget of wisdom coming. Hammer can be heard laughing. Hammer: I wish. You just reminded me of someone, there. Munroe: Your grandfather? Hammer: And my mother. After three generations in the organization you start to notice a trend. Munroe: Quite. Two (2) seconds of silence. Munroe: We are going to have to course correct with the testing, it seems, though the aspects of the anomaly I had intended to test next should still hold up. Hammer: Those being? Munroe: Its interior size, first. But after that? Whether it can understand specific concepts. [Transcript ends.] . The primary subject of #7089.6 through 8 prior to testing. EXPERIMENT LOG 7089-B: Testing resumed on 31st May 2028, following Site-44 Director Carter's approval of Dr. Munroe's adjusted approach to questioning. Tests were initially focused on opening a line of communication with SCP-7089 - predominantly to assess potential hostility - through a simple question and answer style of experimentation. When the first of these tests (see #7089.5) proved that SCP-7089 - while capable of being direct - was prone to responding with symbolism or recovered objects, the nature of questions shifted further to accommodate this. An additional line of testing would be carried out in parallel by Researcher Townes on Dr. Munroe's approval. These tests were intended to determine whether objects recovered by SCP-7089 were created for purpose or relocated from elsewhere. Test No. Date Test Details Result #7089.5 31/05/2028 Dr. Munroe, accompanied by Agent Hammer, enters SCP-7089 while imagining a question, 'How big are you?'. Unit 140 encountered. One (1) laminated map of ████████ recovered with SCP-7089's location marked on it. City limits of ████████ recorded as provisional size for SCP-7089-1. #7089.6 02/06/2028 Researcher Townes leaves one (1) apple with a blue sticker on it in Dr. Munroe's office, then enters SCP-7089 while picturing it. Unit 116125 encountered. Apple with blue sticker on it recovered. Apple vanished from Dr. Munroe's office the moment Townes entered SCP-7089. #7089.7 03/06/2028 Researcher Townes has one (1) apple with a blue sticker on it driven to ████████'s city limits by Psi-42, then enters SCP-7089 while picturing it. Unit 116125 encountered again. Apple with blue sticker on it recovered. Apple vanished from Agent Tyke's hand the moment Townes entered SCP-7089. #7089.8 06/06/2028 Researcher Townes has two (2) apples, with a blue and green sticker on them respectively, delivered to Site-44. After confirming their arrival, he enters SCP-7089 while picturing them. Unit 116125 encountered again. Apple with blue sticker recovered, while apple with green sticker is not. Blue apple vanished from the loading dock outside of Site-44 the moment Townes entered SCP-7089, while green apple - in Site-44 biological storage at the time - was still present when checked. #7089.9 07/06/2028 Dr. Munroe enters, carrying a note reading 'Who are you?'. Unit 7089 encountered. Set of four (4) crates of contents-coded MRE ration packs recovered. Code numbers are arranged inside the unit to read '7089'. #7089.10 08/06/2028 Dr. Munroe enters while imagining a question, 'Do you mean us harm?'. Unit ██████ encountered. Photographic evidence of [REDACTED] recovered. See Incident Report ████/140528, attached below. #7089.11 10/06/2028 With approval from Site-12 Director Durrani, Researcher Townes enters SCP-7089 while picturing SCP-1230. Unit 1230 encountered. SCP-1230 not recovered, still on Director Durrani's desk at Site-12 when checked. #7089.12 11/06/2028 With approval from Site-12 Director Durrani, Researcher Townes requests SCP-1230 be temporarily moved off-site. Townes enters SCP-7089 while picturing SCP-1230. Unit 1230 encountered again. SCP-1230 recovered and returned to Site-12. 1230 vanished from its off-site storage location the moment Townes entered SCP-7089. After Test #7089.12, experimentation would again be put on hold as Dr. Munroe - responsible for devising test parameters for SCP-7089 - was called to Site-44 for a quarterly review of his research. The review was without issue and testing was scheduled to resume upon his return to Provisional Outpost-7089 on 15th June 2028. Prior to this, the below described containment breach attempt would occur at Site-44. Incident Log No. ████/140528 Date: 13th June 2028 Involved SCP(s): SCP-████ Key Personnel: Site-44 Defence Force (FSDF-44) Florence Wing (Asst. Director of Containment, Site-44) Dr. Frederick Munroe (Research Lead, PO-7089) Incident Summary: At 1454 local time, SCP-████ would attempt to breach containment at Site-44 by exploiting an undetected weakness in its containment chamber. Though significant damage was inflicted to the chamber - necessitating extensive repairs and SCP-████'s temporary relocation - a rapid response by the Site-44 Defence Force was successful in recontaining the entity with minimal injuries and zero (0) casualties among personnel. Post-Incident Analysis: The neutralisation of SCP-████'s breach was enabled by material recovered in tests performed with SCP-7089 by Dr. Frederick Munroe. During Munroe's quarterly research review, Site-44 Asst. Director of Containment Florence Wing recognized elements in photographs recovered in Test #7089.10 pertaining to [REDACTED], allowing for an accurate prediction of when SCP-████ would attempt to breach containment. This allowed a response force to be prepared twelve (12) hours before the attempt was made. Due to the importance of SCP-7089 in detecting a potential containment breach, its Disruption Class would be upgraded from Dark to Vlam as a precaution. Dr. Munroe would return to Provisional Outpost-7089 one (1) day early on 14th June 2028 on the grounds that testing to determine the motives and limitations of SCP-7089 was vital to its containment. Date: 15th June 2028 Sender: Florence Wing (Asst. Director of Containment, Site-44) Recipient: Dr. Frederick Munroe (Research Lead, PO-7089) Clearance: Level 3 Director Carter has recommended to the O5 Council that we proceed with further testing on SCP-7089 immediately, and so far there's been no stated objections. Given we can now be certain it is - as a baseline - self-aware, precognitive and unable to remove objects from inside Foundation sites, determining further what we can glean from it and what its intentions are must be a priority from here onward. We need to know whether this box is actually trying to ingratiate itself or whether it just wants our guard down. That first kidnapping to get our attention aside, it's done nothing even remotely hostile, and going by your reports on those keepsakes and intel, it's actively attempting to make us like it, the unhelpfulness of its unwillingness to communicate in words aside. Put simply, you have a blank cheque for whatever you need on this one provided you run it by Carter first, though he's probably going to want to write up a few questions of his own. You have our ear on this, Fred. Don't waste it. . EXPERIMENT LOG 7089-C: Following extended planning, testing with SCP-7089 resumed on 17th June 2028, two (2) days later than originally scheduled. Tests would first consist of a series of questions intended to improve intel regarding SCP-7089, or regarding how SCP-7089 would view itself. After this, the previous lines of research would continue, with a view to understanding what SCP-7089 was and was not capable of. Test No. Date Test Details Result #7089.13 17/05/2028 Dr. Munroe, accompanied by Researcher Townes and Agent Omen, enters SCP-7089 while imagining a question, 'What is your purpose?'. Unit 19216 encountered again. Torn magazine advert depicting a safe bound by large amounts of chains - one of which has a clock hung on it - recovered. A crude sketch of an SRA3 has been drawn in the top left corner of the page. #7089.14 18/05/2028 Dr. Munroe enters, accompanied by Agent Tyke. Munroe is carrying a note reading 'Where did you come from?'. Unit 61 encountered. One (1) unlabelled children's mathematics workbook recovered. Passages in the workbook related to addition are underlined. #7089.15 19/05/2028 Dr. Munroe enters while imagining a question, 'Do you mean us harm?'. Unit 1415 encountered. Box of ten (10) red velvet cupcakes recovered. Debriefing confirms it to be a favourite of more than half of on-site agents. #7089.16 21/05/2028 After receiving approval from Director Carter based on previous evidence of SCP-7089's limitations, Researcher Townes, accompanied by Agents Hammer and Noble, enters carrying a rough sketch of SCP-096. Unit 96 encountered. One (1) thick paper bag recovered. Observation indicates it to be large enough for a person to wear it over their head. #7089.17 22/05/2028 (planned) Researcher Townes, accompanied by Agent Wiz, enters SCP thinking about SCP-682. 'Test Denied. You got lucky with 096.' - O5-█. #7089.18 23/05/2028 Agent Hammer, accompanied by Dr. Munroe, enters while picturing her grandfather, one Dr. Elliot Wilson.4 Unit 1954 encountered. Photograph of Dr. Elliot Wilson and Dr. ██████ Wilson5 recovered. Agent Hammer requests to be excused. #7089.19 24-25/05/2028 Dr. Munroe enters SCP-7089, locates a specific unit (Unit 331), and places one (1) sheet of paper with an 'X' drawn on it. He attempts to recover it the following day. Unit 331 encountered. One (1) marked sheet recovered exactly as it was left. Only Munroe is capable of opening Unit 331. #7089.20 26/05/2028 Researcher Marlowe, accompanied by Agent Noble, enters while imagining Agent Wiz, at that time eating lunch in the operations room adjacent to SCP-7089. Unit 20 encountered. [REDACTED] recovered. Genetic analysis returns a 100% match for Agent Wiz. Tested material estimated to be roughly a decade older than compared genetic samples factoring in rate of decay. To avoid causing unnecessary distress to Agent Wiz, he is not informed of the result of this test. Following #7089.20, Agent Wilson would write the following memo: Date: 28th June 2028 Sender: Haley "Hammer" Wilson (Commander, MTF Psi-42) Recipient: Florence Wing (Asst. Director of Containment, Site-44) Clearance: Level 3 After discussing it at length with Munroe, we are recommending that further scrutiny be given to SCP-7089 and the tests we perform with it before additional actions are taken. Between my gut feeling and the evidence its responses have given us, I have little doubt now that SCP-7089 wants to be on our good side. It wants us to like it, between the shows of good faith, not stealing shit from inside secure facilities - if it even can - and other matters. You know my family history, Wing. What we lost in service. You know what that photograph means to me. What I have doubts of is why it feels the need to ingratiate itself if it knows we don't care. Why it needed our attention in the first place when it could have just as well skirted under the radar. It's sapient, can see the future, pull matter from anywhere - even the future, apparently - like it's nothing, store pretty much anything securely within it and seems to have a mentality designed to be cryptic but fundamentally comprehensible. After the picture of the safe, I'd almost say it wants [REDACTED]. Testing with SCP-7089 would once again be suspended per Agent Wilson's recommendation, pending another full review of its motives. On 30th June 2028, the O5 Council would convene for a routine meeting, among which SCP-7089 was one (1) subject among a number discussed. The following extract has been declassified for personnel of Level 3 or higher. Log No. O5-██████-███/300628 Date/Time: 30th June 2028 - ████ Local Time Involved: Overseer Council (SCP-O5) Further Information: [REDACTED] [Transcript begins.] O5-2: Next order of business. SCP-7089. O5-6: That's… the sapient self-storage unit, correct? O5-2: It is, and the testing with it has revealed some… interesting details about it. I assume you've all read the report? O5-8: Its attempts to ingratiate itself haven't gone unnoticed, cryptic as it is. O5-4: Are we certain it's not setting a trap? Forgive my apprehension, but vague responses and a gut feeling aren't something to draw a conclusion on. O5-2: Certain. I've cross-referenced the data gathered from the anomaly with [REDACTED]. At the very least, it's on the level. O5-6: And purpose built. Whomever sent it back knew what they were doing. O5-11: At this point I can only assume most of us have reached a similar conclusion on that point. O5-2: Which only leaves us needing confirmation from SCP-7089 itself that our assumption is correct. I have the question written up already, so I move to approve. O5-8: At this juncture, the clarity would be welcome beyond the minor risk still remaining. Logs indicate the motion passes with only one (1) council member opposing and two (2) abstaining. O5-2: That settles the matter, then. I will contact Director Carter once this meeting is adjourned. Now, what was next? [Transcript ends.] . EXPERIMENT LOG 7089-D: Test No. Date Test Details Result #7089.21 03/07/2028 TEST REDACTED BY ORDER OF OVERSEER COUNCIL #7089.22 03/07/2028 TEST REDACTED BY ORDER OF OVERSEER COUNCIL On 10th July 2028, normal containment and research operations at Provisional Outpost-7089 would resume. By O5 order, test parameters would now restrict directing specific questions to SCP-7089 without O5 approval, though other forms of testing would continue uninterrupted under Dr. Munroe. With provisional containment complete, MTF Psi-42 were reassigned to assist in the containment of SCP-████ on 14th July 2028, as part of operations to pare PO-7089 back to only necessary personnel. Barring logging of testing or changes in its status, no further updated documentation is required on SCP-7089 for the foreseeable future. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE FOLLOWING DATA IS RESTRICTED TO PERSONNEL OF LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE OR HIGHER Please enter your credentials to verify your identity . ID: .********** . . PASSWORD: .******************** . Level 5 Clearance Detected - ACCESS GRANTED LOGOUT Item#: 7089 Level5 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: thaumiel Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: caution link to memo All information pertaining to the classified status of SCP-7089 as Thaumiel is prohibited from being shared with personnel below Level 5. To this end, any individuals not immediately necessary to research were removed from contact with SCP-7089 upon this assignment and relocated to other ongoing operations. This included the entirety of MTF Psi-42 ("Misfits"), whose commanding officer, Haley Wilson, has been barred explicitly from making inquiries into the reasons for her task force's transfer. Any attempt to share or exchange part or all of this section of the record with unauthorized individuals will be met with severe repercussions. - O5-2 EXPERIMENT LOG 7089-D RECOVERY 7089-T1 RECOVERY 7089-T2 The following tests took place on 3rd July 2028, under the direct order and oversight of the O5 Council. Per instruction, Dr. Frederick Munroe (Lead Researcher, Provisional Outpost-7089) was instructed to carry in the question referred to in Test #7089.21, the results of which led to SCP-7089's immediate reclassification as Thaumiel and a follow-up clarification in Test #7089.22. Test No. Date Test Details Result #7089.21 03/07/2028 Dr. Munroe enters SCP-7089 carrying a note reading 'Who built you?'. Unit 1 encountered. Object 7089-T1 recovered. See Recovery 7089-T1. #7089.22 03/07/2028 Dr. Munroe enters while imagining a question, 'Can you verify this?'. Unit 1 encountered again. Object 7089-T2 recovered. See Recovery 7089-T2. On 10th July 2028, normal containment and research operations at Provisional Outpost-7089 would resume. By O5 order, test parameters would now restrict directing specific questions to SCP-7089 without O5 approval in order to mask the specific attributes of SCP-7089 from agents without clearance. Other forms of testing would proceed uninterrupted under Dr. Munroe, who as part of continued operations would recieve Level 5 clearance to work with SCP-7089. Under the guise of provisional containment being complete and paring back to only necessary personnel, MTF Psi-42 were reassigned to assist in the containment of SCP-████ on 14th July 2028. Factually, Agent Wilson's presence and the possibility of her learning of Tests 7089.21 through 22 was considered a hazard to continued stable containment (refer to Recovery 7089-T2). Date: 11th July 2028 Sender: Dr. Frederick Munroe (Research Lead, PO-7089) Recipient(s): Overseer Council (SCP-O5) Clearance: Level 5 While I recognize the removal of Commander Wilson and her task-force from contact with SCP-7089 as a necessary step towards continuity of containment and have no objections to file from a logical standpoint, I'd like it on record that I find the decision to keep her in the dark to be an excess of caution. Hammer is a loyal agent, and her family's service to this organization speaks for itself. What we've uncovered here would not change that. I will abide by the decision, as it isn't my place to question, but I'm sure you know better than I do that Wilson won't like this when she inevitably finds out, even if she understands the reasoning. It seems like an unnecessary complication, to me. Barring logging of testing or changes in its status, no further updated documentation is permitted on SCP-7089. This is unlikely to change for the foreseeable future. SCP-7089's attempt to offer its services as a containment site is pending a full O5 review of the matter, but should be answered no later than 2035 to ensure optimal usage of the facility should a motion involving it pass. The following image records Object 7089-T1, consisting of one (1) torn page of documentation recovered from within SCP-7089 during Test 7089.21, after an O5 Council backed request by Dr. Frederick Munroe to know who constructed it. Object 7089-T1, recovered in Test 7089.21. The following audio record was stored on Object 7089-T2, consisting of one (1) USB flash drive of unknown manufacturer origin recovered from within SCP-7089 during Test 7089.22, after an O5 Council backed request by Dr. Frederick Munroe to verify SCP-7089's claim of origin (see Test 7089.21 and Object 7089-T1). Log No. 7089-T2A Clearance: Level 5 Involved Agents: Haley "Hammer" Wilson (Commander, MTF Psi-42)6 Further Information: Deep-scan audio analysis has verified the speaker in this file as Agent Wilson. Agent Wilson and MTF Psi-42 ("Misfits") were assigned to SCP-7089 prior to its classification as Thaumiel. Mnestic therapy has shown her to have no memory of recording this message, reducing the odds of it being fabricated. As a result of the information contained in this file, Psi-42 was reassigned away from SCP-7089, and were excluded from permissions to access Level 5 documentation on the anomaly. To maintain stability of containment of SCP-7089, future actions taken regarding it and matters of temporal continuity, the O5 Council has ordered that this state of affairs continue until it is no longer necessary. [Transcript begins.] The sound of a microphone being adjusted can be heard for five (5) seconds. The whine of a ceiling fan is audible. Hammer: Okay, third time's the charm. Better not fucking cut out, this time. The shuffling of papers can be heard. Hammer: Long time no see, Fred. Or whoever. With how much red tape the O5s threw at this thing, I never got a clear answer on who actually finds this, though I can guess when. Makes sense now, but damn if that wasn't annoying. Three (3) seconds of silence. Agent Hammer can be heard sighing. Hammer: Date today is… Fourth of June, 2089, for whatever keeping track of that even means, these days. Only a month til Independence over in the States, though even God doesn't know if there's anyone left who'd feel like celebrating it. I know I never did, as much time as I spent stationed over there. Two (2) more seconds of silence. Hammer: When I got dragged into running this project - this department - I don't think it clicked straight away what exactly it was we were making. I had more than enough clearance even back then to have all the facts set out in front of me - how it worked, when we needed to be ready, so much other useless crap I barely remember now - but I think it was only in the third year I made the connection. Agent Hammer can be heard chuckling quietly. Hammer: Summer of '74, Ninth Occult War right around the corner, and all I could think about was a little self-storage unit more than six decades in my past, a stone's throw from where my grandfather used to live. Another life even at that point, with all the shit the spooks pumped us full of to keep our hearts going. You wouldn't believe by looking at me that I'm past ninety. I went back, you know, after I put the pieces together. Took a jeep and went cross country, told the Director it was recon. Still don't know how I managed to sell that, with how messed up the world was starting to get. But it wouldn't have mattered: Entire city was ash by then, along with most of the county. No sign of the unit. Guess you found a way to move it at some point, but Carter was never going to tell me where you or it ended up. Still won't, really. The shuffling of papers can be heard again. Hammer: I think you're still out there, sometimes. Comms are patchy, so I wouldn't even know if you were in the next town over, but you knew what was coming better than most of us. If anyone's gonna weather this shitstorm, it'd be you. Not like there's anybody else left I haven't already got a bead on. Not Omen, not Noble… Definitely not Wiz… There's… not many of us here at 44, now. A lot of the effort this side of Europe's moved out to 54. They need most of the remaining personnel - few of us that there are now - to keep the lights on. Can't remember how long ago it was they dragged Wing over there. So that just leaves Carter, myself, a handful of technicians and field agents… and Tyke. Agent Hammer can be heard laughing again, louder now. Hammer: Don't know what I'd do without her. Baffles me how she stays so positive through all this shit, but I don't begrudge it. Makes the days easier on all of us. The ceiling fan in the background can be heard briefly stuttering. Hammer: This place is coming apart. Haven't had the resources for proper upkeep for years. Had to put it all into the project. Only a matter of time before we have to join up with Durrani's lot at Site-12. The box comes before that, though. I know you've worked it out by now, but it's one of ours'. Emergency containment. Handy little intelligence stuffed in a pocket space. Don't ask me how it works, you'll have more than enough time to study the thing. They just wanted me to oversee the project, but it's been ready now on our end for a long time, now, and we're almost out of time to send it back. Because the world is well past the brink. No sense us firing the thing up again this late on when you'll get far more use out of it. A creaking noise can be heard, assumed by context to be Hammer leaning back in her seat. Hammer: Anomalies are multiplying by the day. We have more corpses than agents, and those of us still alive are stretched thin. We had decades to prepare for something like the Ninth War, but I still don't think we were ever going to be ready. The box was meant to be a safety measure, to make the war easier on containment, but I don't think that was ever what it was actually intended for. Not that it matters either way. With everything spiralling, now, it's only a matter of time before something gives and I have to write a risk assessment for a Tenth Occult War that no-one will ever read. Five (5) seconds of silence. Hammer: Do you think they knew, Fred? That it'd get this bad? The O5, I mean. They'll be hearing this, too, so they had to, right? Agent Hammer can be heard breathing deeply. Hammer: Or did you already know, Two? Made your plans based on some inevitability. Maybe you thought you could avoid it, or outlast it. Even now that's above my paygrade, not like I'll ever know, and it wouldn't affect my loyalties either way. The Foundation runs too deep in my blood - in my family - for that. But… make this worth it, alright? Find a way through the madness. If you're still out there, fix this. Make it right, I'm begging you. A light thudding sound can be heard, followed by Agent Hammer sobbing. Hammer: Because otherwise all this was for naught, pointlessly prolonging a world that's godless and hollow. Left to fend off the rats for scraps. [Transcript ends.] . . . Footnotes 1. Per her account, presumed lost in a house fire in 2023. 2. A 2006 post-apocalypse themed novel written by Cormac McCarthy. 3. Scranton Reality Anchor. 4. Asst. Director of Research at Site-██ prior to his passing in 2007. 5. Director of Site-██ prior to her passing in 2007. 6. Due to the nature of this file, notation on the position of this agent may be inaccurate. « SCP-7088 | SCP-7089 | SCP-7090 »
Item#: 7091 Level4 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures Exploration of SCP-7091 is forbidden following the conclusion of the Prometheus Mission due to the unpredictable nature of SCP-7091-1. While standard precautions for anomalous biohazardous substances have been modified for the safety of Foundation employees, the perpetually-evolving molecular alterations of SCP-7091-1 continue to present a threat to biological organisms and inorganic matter. All artifacts and materials collected during the Prometheus Mission are to remain within a cryogenic, hermetically sealed, subterranean vault beneath Site-82. This vault may only be accessed by automata which have been programmed to conduct research and experiments remotely. Once research has been concluded, the automata are to relocate to the incinerator, which has been constructed in close proximity to the vault, and activate the machine from within. The ashes are to be examined at a safe distance by Foundation personnel in Class II hazmat suits for SCP-7091-1 particulate and, if no particulate is present, integrated into the earth. Should SCP-7091-1 remain in any capacity in the ashes, the incinerator is to be activated again and remain active until the particulate is eradicated. Personnel found to contain SCP-7091-1 are to be terminated remotely and subjected to the same processes as the automata assigned to this object. Astronomical reports that suggest the existence of SCP-7091 by civilian scientists are to be discredited and the astronomers are to be administered Type B amnestics. Research into constructing a shield that obstructs SCP-7091 from all angles on Earth is ongoing. Description Image of Crystellia B's location, captured using Space Force 3 SCP-7091 is a Dyson Sphere1 located at [COORDINATES REDACTED] in the Andromeda Galaxy, 1.865 million light-years from Earth. Despite measuring 15% smaller than Sol, the star contained by SCP-7091 produces approximately 1.23 x 1035 joules per 24-hour period, roughly the same amount of energy Sol produces every year. This energy is siphoned off by SCP-7091 via solar arrays and transferred directly to the fourth planet in its solar system, named Crystellia B by Foundation astronomers. SCP-7091 is tidally locked with Crystellia B, although how this is possible given the distance and relative size difference between the two celestial objects is unknown. The surface of Crystellia B is hypothesized to have been overtaken and altered by the abundance of SCP-7091-1. This hypothesis is supported by the ruins of a now-collapsed, space-faring civilization on Crystellia B. Due to the high concentration of SCP-7091-1 on the planet's surface and moons, a thorough investigation into the remnants of this society is not possible at this time. SCP-7091-1 is a telepathic, parasitic black mold. SCP-7091-1 causes cells to regenerate exponentially faster than normal while also removing all motor control and autonomous bodily function in infected, sapient organisms. This process does not affect higher cognition, however. It is also capable of combining atoms of organic matter to inorganic matter, as well as combining the atoms of inorganic matter with other inorganic matter if allowed to propagate unabated. Exploration An artificial construct orbiting within Crystellia B's Roche limit was discovered to have minimal amounts of SCP-7091-1 present on its surface and within its docking port. The minimal amount of SCP-7091-1 particulate was within acceptable risk parameters outlined by the Ethics Committee. On 8 June 2087, an expedition to the artificial construct, dubbed The Prometheus Mission, was proposed by the Anomalous Astronomical Division and later approved by the O5 Council. A three-person team of interstellar exploration veterans was dispatched to investigate the structure. Lucy Cabot, Nathaniel Burr, and Jazzmin Gibson volunteered for the anthropological mission, having all participated in deep space explorations into ancient megastructures over the last decade. They each were outfitted in Class II hazmat suits, which were worn underneath their space flight suits, and a gun that fired both incendiary and ballistic rounds. Their primary objective was to investigate the artificial construct under the assumption that, due to the relatively trace presence of SCP-7091-1, they would be able to find living members of Crystellia B's inhabitants or non-contaminated objects they left behind for study. Using an experimental warp drive reversed engineered from Sarian technology, the Foundation was able to transport Cabot, Burr, and Gibson at speeds faster than light to Crystellia B. After a short recovery period to prevent deceleration sickness, the team disembarked the vessel and entered the artificial construct through the open port. Prometheus Mission Log.01 The following recording was transmitted from the team's mounted body cameras to the ship, where it was relayed to Foundation headquarters. <Begin Log> Cabot: This is Lucille Cabot of the Prometheus Mission with our field report. We have de-warped from hyper speed about… two Earth-hours ago, and are approaching the station orbiting Crystellia B. Time now is approximately 0200. The artificial megastructure can be observed through the window of the vessel. The construct is large enough that its entire length cannot be viewed without panning the viewport camera. It appears to be constructed of a metal alloy, with various seams where additional metal plates were welded to the structure after its initial completion. Several grooves can be observed on the exterior, forming paths and patterns that resemble triangles. Orange lights can be seen emanating from within. At the "top" of the structure is a device resembling an antenna, with a blinking red light at the end of it. Burr: Looks like someone's home, captain. I'm picking up a ton of organisms on the inside. Gibson: Could be uninfected lifeforms from Crystellia B, or maybe some S.C.2 remnants? Cabot: Run a deep scan of the area in the range of five thousand kilometers. Check for Sarian scouting ships, frigates, the works. Burr: On it. Burr activates the vessel's exterior sensors, inputting the range suggested by Cabot. The sensor takes several minutes to compute. Once it completed its task, fourteen dark green circles indicating the presence of vehicles that are clustered together can be seen on the screen on the exterior of the structure. Several dozen smaller clusters suggesting the presence of organisms can be observed within the artificial structure as well, although they are stationary. Burr: Got something. A lot of somethings, actually. Sensor's picking up Sarian ships, but they're way too close together. Cabot: What do you mean? Burr: I mean that there's no less than fourteen S.C. ships coinciding with one another in almost the exact same space while also somehow still being distinct objects. And they're… expanding? Growing? Metal doesn't move like that. Gibson: This scanner isn't malfunctioning. Perhaps this is a previously unobserved anomaly. Burr: Could be. I also ran a diagnosis for local Hume levels. Everything about the Sarian ships meets our expectations of their tech. The only anomalous things I saw about that cluster of ships is the presence of SCP-7091-1. They seem to be growing almost organically too, kind of like a flower. Cabot: Can we dock on that side? Burr: Negative. There's too much SCP-7091-1. We're gonna have to try portside. Gibson: I thought AAD3 cleared the station? Cabot: Base is a little less than two light years away, I'm not surprised they missed the cluster of ships, or the SCP-7091-1 starboard side. (To Burr) Bring her in. Burr: Copy. The vessel approaches the portside docking bay of the artificial structure. The bay door is slightly ajar and off the tracks, and SCP-7091-1 can be observed from the viewport camera. From the other side of the bay door, a small segment of a Sarian ship can be observed. The ship's nose is protruding into the bay door, connecting the two via strands of SCP-7091-1. Cabot: Attempt a manual override. Gibson enters several keystrokes on the vessel's primary datapad. After several minutes, she is able to remotely access the artificial structure's mainframe. She presses a few buttons but none are able to control the bay door mechanism. She turns dials on the screen and the bay door begins to open, albeit with difficulty. After approximately one minute, the bay door mechanism experiences a mechanical malfunction and breaks off its hinges, allowing for both the door and the Sarian ship to float into space. Gibson: Well, that was… unexpected. My apologies. Cabot: Any port in a storm, right Nate? Burr: Strap in, folks. Burr brings the vessel inside and, after Gibson activates and closes the emergency doors to the structure's hangar, he powers down the vessel. The team disembarks, pistols drawn and flashlights active. The interior of the structure appears abandoned; large crates of what appear to be rations and medical supplies can be seen strewn about the floor haphazardly. There are two large space-faring frigates present, both coated in a thick layer of rust and SCP-7091-1 particulate. From the ceiling hang strands of interwoven SCP-7091-1 matter, resembling cobwebs. These strands reach from the ceiling to the wall, where they can be observed descending to the floor similar to tree roots. Within the strands, in between the wall and the left-most frigate, emaciated humanoid cadavers can be seen fused to the floor. The upper dermal layer of the cadavers has been integrated with SCP-7091-1, leaving the remainder of exposed dermal tissue black. What can be seen of the cadavers shows that they possessed long limbs, approximately twice as long as an average human's. The heads are bulbous and enlarged, although whether this is a result of SCP-7091-1 infection affecting necrosis or the natural shape of the organisms is unknown. The heads that are the least altered possess four eyes, a larger pair near the top of the head, and a smaller subset on the sides of the skull. The eyes of these organisms are glossed over, suggesting their cessation of life; however, when Cabot shines her flashlight on them, the eyes can be seen tracking the light. Cabot: What do you make of this? Gibson: The bodies must still have some neural activity going on, given the… physiological response. Beyond poking them with a stick, though, I can't tell you if the infected are still alive or not. Gibson overrides a mechanism in the hangar bay, moving a pillar-like object along a track that was obstructed by the SCP-7091-1 web. The strands snap, allowing for the humanoid organisms to collapse onto the floor in front of her. Several organisms groan, while others begin speaking in Craeic, albeit with obvious strained difficulty. Cabot: Can you translate, Gibson? Gibson: (She clears her throat.) I am a tad out of practice with old extra-solar dialects but… hrm… Looks like three words: Consume, expand, and… grow? I'm not sure if that is them talking or the SCP-7091-1, however. Burr: Regardless, it looks like they didn't get very far. Cabot: Doubtful. The hulls of these ships are too shot for deep space – plus, I don't see any repair tools or automatons nearby. They were probably marooned here. A crashing sound is heard from deeper within the artificial structure. The team members raise their weapons as Cabot approaches the door leading to the interior. She looks through the glass viewport and, upon determining it safe to progress, activates a keypad on the side of the door, opening it. The door attempts to slide upward but the girders are obstructed. Gears church, and the door eventually snaps off its railing, falling backward. It lands away from Cabot, and making considerable amounts of noise. Cabot motions for Gibson and Burr to follow. The team makes their way through a triangular corridor. The presence of SCP-7091-1 has diminished significantly from the hangar and is barely visible from the team's perspective. Sigils resembling Craeic are visible on the walls, hastily written, judging by the quality of the writing. Cabot: Gibson? Gibson: Something about a spread? This character is typically associated with infection or mold. Perhaps a warning about SCP-7091-1 infection? Burr: A warning? Seems a little late for that, don't ya think? Cabot: It's not for them. It's for us. Burr: Should we press on, Cap? Cabot: …Affirmative. Prometheus Mission Log.02 The following footage resumes after the team traversed through the space station. During the intermittent period of the last log and the beginning of the subsequent one, no dialog was spoken, and observations were consistent with what was already discovered, hence its exclusion from this document. Relevant footage resumes at the entrance to an antechamber. <Begin Log> Camera pans, revealing a large sliding door covered in SCP-7091-1, which has formed into vine-like structures. Cabot attempts to access the door via the control panel on the right side of it. Despite a green light activating, indicating a successful connection, the door remains sealed. Burr: Blast it? Cabot: I'm leaning that way, but we should exhaust our other options first. We don't know how SCP-7091-1 will react to live rounds. Incendiary might do the trick, but again, can't know for certain. Gibson: Ignited mold and ash could prove hazardous. Burr: Right… Maybe there's a weapon or a pipe or something around here we can pry it open with. Cabot: Good thinking. Let's look around here. The team disperses while still remaining in visual contact with one another. Cabot examines a relatively small amalgamation of seared flesh and eyes that are bound together by SCP-7091-1. The eyes track her but do not otherwise react to her light or any additional stimuli. Cabot shines her light beyond the mass of SCP-7091-1, revealing a corridor completely obstructed by mold and fused corpses. Gibson examines the ceiling. From the ceiling hang loosely formed stalactites comprised of rotten corpses, relatively devoid of SCP-7091-1. A piece of muscle matter drips from the stalactite and lands right in front of Gibson, who steps back to avoid residual splatter. At the base of the stalactites is a pattern of swirled flesh that resembles a face, albeit the "eyes" are closed. The face extends from Gibson's position deeper into the space station, disappearing into the obstructed corridor. Burr rounds a stanchion-like structure with an active display atop it. The display has SCP-7091-1 on approximately 50% of its surface, although Burr is still able to activate dials and buttons on its holographic surface unabated. At his meddling, lights within the area turn on, and a ventilation system can be heard activating. Burr: Think I got something, folks. Gibson and Cabot make their way over to Burr. Gibson moves to stand in his place in front of the display and begins reading the symbols that have appeared. Gibson: Looks like some kind of emergency control mechanism. (She points.) That symbol means either "Back-up" or "Second". (She points elsewhere) This one says "Entrance". Cabot: Might open that door. Gibson turns the dial below the "Entrance" sigil. Seconds later gears and other machinery can be heard turning. There is a loud stuttering sound, as if the mechanism has become obstructed by a foreign object. Gibson turns a few more holographic dials, later confirmed to be her diverting more power to this mechanism from other areas in the space station. After approximately three minutes, the vine-like structures preventing their access from the antechamber snap and the door opens. Cabot pats Gibson's shoulders and leads the team through the door to the antechamber. The floor is covered with SCP-7091-1 in far greater concentration than was previously observed. The texture of the mold makes the floor partially adhesive, hindering the team's movement slightly. As they progress into the antechamber, the vine-like structures begin to contract, closing the door behind them. Burr: Shit. Captain, we have a problem. Gibson: We can worry about the door later. Do you still have your datapad? Burr: I do, yeah. (He checks it.) There's two organisms a few meters ahead of us, right next to each other by the looks of it. Cabot: Keep an eye out. Along the walls of the antechamber are metal plates, twisted and reformed so that they barely resemble their original shape. Spheres comprised of non-homogenous metals and SCP-7091-1 levitate above short pillars of SCP-7091-1, arranged in two rows parallel to one another. Large display monitors are suspended at an angle from the ceiling, displaying flashing sigils that read: "Ship Construction Complete. Ready to launch?". At the far wall of the antechamber are two humanoid cadavers. The bodies are approximately three meters tall and likely possessed a large amount of muscle mass, judging by the patterns on the sloughing skin that loosely resemble that of human muscle. Each cadaver has seven digits on each hand and have a digitigrade foot structure, although the cadaver on the left is missing one of its legs. The cadavers appear to be embracing one another. One of the cadavers turns its head toward the team and reaches its hand out. The mouth moves, allowing the cadaver to speak although their speech is apparently impeded by the presence of SCP-7091-1 in their throat. Gibson: It is hard to tell for certain. I think it might be hungry. Cabot: Let's not give them more biofuel, huh? At the base of the cadavers' feet is a journal, devoid of SCP-7091-1. Cabot examines the journal and, after confirming that SCP-7091-1 is not present within its pages or cover, encloses the journal in a biohazardous material transportation container. Burr: The ships were literally just a button press away from launch, Cap. Cabot: Jesus. Gibson: God clearly did not have good plans for them. Cabot: Let's pack it in and go home. We've done everything we need to here. Gibson & Burr: Copy. <End Log> Recovered Scientific Journal The following content was transcribed aboard the exploration team's vessel by the onboard A.I. and transmitted to Site-83 for analysis. Star Date: 12th Aermith, Cycle 900 I cannot believe that it actually worked! Septimus and his legion of scientists have created a fully functioning solar siphoning machine and now we can supply all of Crestenia with power until the star explodes two decillion years from now. May the moons bless us for eternity. A problem persists now though: we have conquered the star, bent the other twelve planets to our will, mapped out our galaxy to the smallest grain of sand on the smallest dwarf planet, but we are stranded. Marooned. Our lifespan cannot withstand the sheer length of time it would take to travel even the short distance from our solar system to the next. If I were to board a ship right now in my 100th cycle around the sun, I would reach Seraminus as an old Craetian, my offspring would be well in their 300's, and their offspring would be preparing to have offspring of their own. This is not acceptable. I have brought this issue to Septimus's attention the other day. He seemed upset at this realization but in turn offered me the opportunity to work directly under him on a solution. What great fortune he has bestowed on me. I will not let him down. Together we Craetians will conquer the universe! Star Date: 19th Aermith, Cycle 900 The conventional machination of the flesh has proven to increase the longevity of a normal Craetian by 15% at the cost of routine maintenance and regular replacement of machine-parts. A solution, for sure, but not a sustainable one. Eventually all the raw material from our home and the other planets in our system will be depleted to sustain our population. We can find more elsewhere, but what happens when everything non-renewable runs out? Our species will perish, and it will be my fault. I cannot allow this. Septimus has assigned me a team of individuals I am unfamiliar with. Perhaps they were from one of the outworld colonies, or maybe from a moon I didn't know about. They are willing to work and do as they're told, so I suppose their origins don't really matter all that much, do they? One of them, a strange tiny creature partially composed of metamaterials named Alph, has suggested that we convert from standard mechanized components to biomechanical ones powered by the sun. I don't think it will bode well, but for the sake of the mission, I will test it. May the moons bless us wayward explorers. Star Date: 45th Aermith, Cycle 900 We have been diverting power from the sun to the biomechanical Craetians as described in Alph's blueprints. So far testing has been going well. Septimus is pleased, as am I. We may have this figured out! Septimus has begun constructing deep space exploratory ships on the space station orbiting Crestenia. He has plans for fourteen teams of colonists to each take one ship and explore a different section of our galaxy and maybe even the ones outside of our heliosphere. Our star maps are already full and beautiful of the worlds we have conquered, imagine what they will look like when we have a legion of immortal explorers to constantly update them! I can hardly contain my excitement! I do wish I could join Septimus aboard the space station though. He says my place is here on Crestenia, in the lab, working on a solution to ensure the perpetual survival of our species. But I miss his presence. I hope he comes to visit soon. May the moons guide us to immortality. Star Date: 1st Haelith, Cycle 900 Yesterday we began the space flight trial for the solar powered biomechanical Craetians. All was well, at first, until they left Crestenia's atmosphere. The raw, unfiltered solar radiation overflowed their mechanical parts, heating them up until the internal reactor couldn't withstand the heat. Every single one of them went critical and exploded before they could kiss the stars. I am a fool to have thought the solution would be so simple. I mourn for the loss of my people, and I am ashamed to have disappointed Septimus. I cannot even blame Alph for this, as I am the one in charge of approving, testing, and researching means to our immortality. I am a failure. May the moons forgive us ambitious squalors. Star Date: 3rd Haelith, Cycle 950 Fifty cycles have passed, and we are no closer to a solution to mortality than when we started. I fear that hope may be lost. Alph has been a tremendous help to my plight, but they too are lost. Forty-five cycles ago we began experimenting by modifying the genetic code of newly hatched Craetians, isolating the gene sequence that is responsible for our inevitable biodegradation and removing it. The children appeared normal at first. They aged and developed quicker than one would expect, with their metamorphosis occurring during their thirtieth cycle as opposed to their mid-seventies. However, despite essentially removing death from their genomes, each child experienced rapid cellular degradation at forty-two; none from our trial made it to see their 45th cycle. I am heartbroken. Never in all my years did I think myself a child-murderer. Septimus took a short reprieve from ship construction to deal with the parents himself. I never saw any of them again. Alph assures me that we are on approaching a breakthrough. I hope they are right. I wish I didn't have to make these sacrifices, but it has become clear that I can no longer avoid them. This is for the greater good. Star Date: 14th Aermith, Cycle 1075 I am 275 today. I felt a kink in my bones for the first time today. I really am getting old. Alph and I unleashed a modified strain of the Xanthan virus on a small group of Craetians about 100 cycles ago, the same one that killed the Sarian Collective all those years ago. The modifications were difficult to make, and a stable, albeit non-lethal strain of the Xanthan virus proved even more taxing on us. But it was made, and now it is done. The older Craetians succumbed to the expected symptoms; violent coughing, sloughing of the skin, loss of extremities. But the younger ones appeared to have an innate inoculation against our little virus. At first, they were unaffected, but as the cycles passed and they grew older, they did not show any signs of visible age or degradation. Their skin was as smooth as the day they completed metamorphosis. They were agile, alert, and quick to react. Unlike me, that is. This was it! The solution we've been looking for! I cannot wait to bring Septimus this news. May the moons bring us joy for eternity to come. Star Date: 30th Aermith, Cycle 1075 Septimus has completed ten of "his" proposed fleet. I say "his" because, in truth, the ships are just repurposed Sarian transportation vessels he'd found abandoned on the dark side of Crestenia. Still, who am I to discredit his work? Alph and I brought one of the infected Craetians with us to show him. They had proven immune to solar radiation, and this one, in particular, seemed to actually favor space travel. Septimus was pleased with our work. I was pleased with our work. When we returned the infected to Crestenia, however, it began to decompose almost immediately. It complained of headaches, body soreness, felt like its organs were being crushed under the gravity of our planet. All the symptoms of lethal depressurization sickness. I am confused. Why was this happening so long after we disembarked? It does not make any sense! For all intents and purposes, those infected with the modified Xanthan virus were not able to leave Crestenia or any planet, and return without disastrous consequences. This is a massive setback, for certain. But one we can recover from. I am close to a breakthrough. May the moons provide guidance in our feeble pursuit. Star Date: 4th Haelith, Cycle 1214 Septimus grows old as the last of his ships near completion. I too, am getting on in my years. I should have offspring by now, and they too should be rearing the next generation of Craetians into life. And yet here I am with Alph, stuck in the confines of this infernal laboratory, trying to understand why I cannot release us from the binds of mortality. I am 314, and I have accomplished nothing. Star Date: 16th Aermith, 1300 Hope to explore the galaxy and beyond has fallen in our people. Alph has become infected with some sort of fungal growth they encountered while scrounging the caves for new test subjects. We've all but been abandoned at this point. When I walk through town, they point and jeer at me, mocking me and my team for our failures. I should like to see any other Craetion suffer under the same pressure as I. They would crumble in twenty cycles, maybe less! I attempted to treat Alph with the remaining medical supplies at the lab, but every insertion I made sealed before I could extract the fungus. Remarkably, Alph claimed they felt well enough despite the obvious change to their physical appearance. I hope they aren't suffering from delirium. Septimus has been silent lately. I dare not approach him on the space station, lest he too look at me the same way the Craetioas down here do. I will find a solution for you, Septimus, or my name isn't Allenya. Star Date: 14th Haelith, 1389 Alph does not age. What I thought to be fungus in their internal structure was actually mold, black in color and… alive. I had looked into their internal structure with their consent and found that all of Alph's organs, including those critical to survival, had simply died. They were overtaken by the mold, and were now operating under its instruction. The body is dead, and yet Alph remains, autonomous and of sound mind. Apart from a severe cough and the occasional expulsion of black liquid from their mouth, Alph is well. This is it! Tomorrow I will board a ship to the space station and bring Septimus the news myself. We are immortal at last! The mold does more than regenerate the body, as I have found out through observation. It adapts to the will of the host. Septimus and his construction crew have found renewed strength since their infection, and they are able to lift objects and metamaterials without machine assistance! Our food harvesters can collect raw material swifter, our physical champions can perform athletic feats significantly easier and with faster reaction time, and our scientists, including myself, have shown enhanced intelligence. This mold is truly a gift from the moons. I am grateful to Alph for discovering it. The ships are nearly completed and soon we will be able to explore with undying bodies. I find it harder and harder to think of anything else. Perhaps I am excited, perhaps I am obsessed. Either way, I cannot wait to see what will become of our exploration. The galaxy awaits. 40th Aermith, 1450 My mind wanders sometimes. My thoughts are my own on most days, but every so often I find that I am… absent… from my body. It is as if my body is acting on its own accord in these moments when I am not there, but I cannot confirm this on my own. Alph claims to have felt the same way, no one else that we've talked to has though. Perhaps it is the stress of expansion, of growth of the Craetian race, that is getting to us. Every time we try to conduct tests on ourselves though, we find that the same circumstances occur. Recording devices that we set up are dismantled at our hand, outside observers lose interest and leave once testing begins. Septimus hasn't responded to my correspondence either. I wish to see him, but I cannot seem to enter a ship. I heard it today. The voice. It was telling me to grow, to expand, to consume. It is a guttural thing, one that stems from a place I do not wish to know of. My mind fights for control harder and harder with each passing cycle. There are days when I cannot see my environment, and all I see is the mold. I can feel it growing slowly in my internal anatomy. I can feel the fuzzy pricks of cilia behind my eyes and in my teeth and beneath my scales. I wanted to ask Alph if they had felt the same symptoms as I, but all that came out of my mouth was "growth". The Craetians all look the same now. Their eyes are pitch black and fuzzy. Their scales are made of cilia. Their bodies are made of mold. I can hear them talking to me, though their mouths do not move. They whisper into my ear about the darkness, about the hunger, about the spread. I do not want to go into that dark place. Mold spreads at alarming rates. It covers a quarter of the planet now. Septimus is building automatons to help pilot a ship into deep space. There are not enough of us to escape the mold. It will grow. It will spread. It will consume. There is no stopping it. We are immortal. We are one. My thoughts are hardly my own anymore. I can hear the thoughts of my people echoing in my mind more intensely now. It is overwhelming at times, but there are moments where their voices are quiet. It never stops, though. The voices, that is. They cry and blame me for their suffering in this… collective consciousness. They want freedom. I cannot give them this. I am always hungry. Spreading. Infected on space station. My hands hurt. My mind hurts. Can't fight for control much longer. Septimus worries. I am fine. I am everything everywhere all at once. I am Crestenia. I am the moon. I am myself. The hunger is excruciating. I ate a Craetian, absorbed their molded body into mine. I felt full. I must eat again. The spread. Growth. The universe is a morsel, and I am a predator. It awaits my consumption. I will eat the stars. I am in that dark place now. I can feel myself slipping deeper each day of each cycle that passes by. I can hardly form a thought outside of the hunger. I can hear a ship approaching. I do not recognize the design. Someone please save me. All is well. Æ is for "Ærials" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub C is for "Closers" Footnotes 1. A formerly hypothetical megastructure that completely encapsulates a star and is able to siphon most, if not all, of its energy output. 2. Sarian Collective. 3. Anomalous Astrological Division.
FluffyDog00 Check out the rest of my works here: Author Page The landing site of SCP-7092-1 Item #: SCP-7092 Object Class: Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: The corpses of SCP-7092-1 and SCP-7092-2 have been relocated to the nearest containment facility for further examination. Description: SCP-7092 is the designation for two humanoid entities: SCP-7092-1 and SCP-7092-2. Their corpses were discovered in an open plot of land in Greeley, Colorado on October 19, 2021 when both entities crashed and expired. SCP-7092-1 was the first of the two entities to land. Satellite footage shows that it had manifested in the northern hemisphere above the earth's exosphere at around 8:40 pm MDT before landing in Greeley. It was illuminated with a bright-orange color and appeared to be riding another entity in the shape of a steed. This entity dissipated when it entered the mesosphere, leading SCP-7092-1 to lose its balance and expire upon colliding with the ground. An autopsy showed that SCP-7092-1's entire body was constructed out of hot embers, which had decreased in warmth at the time of examination. It wore a grey coat sewn with threads of an unidentifiable metal and a tan bandana made of mineral wool wrapped around its mouth. Inside the left pocket of SCP-7092-1's jacket was a package wrapped in a leather sheet held together with twine wrapped in a bow. Within the package was a heart-shaped locket made of steel. Inside the locket was a music box that played the tune of "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis Presley when opened. At around 9:00 pm MDT, SCP-7092-2 manifested in the southern hemisphere. It emitted a white gas from its body and accelerated towards the surface in an orb-shaped formation before it collided with the ground, landing approximately 8 meters away from SCP-7092-1. The body of SCP-7092-2 was found to be constructed of nitrogen ice and iron-nickel rock. It bore a wide-brimmed hat made of titanium and a damaged leather jacket. Additional items found on SCP-7092-2's body were a banjo withered from collision damage and a folded-up page of sheet music of the song "You Are My Sunshine" by Jimmie Davis. Further research concerning the connection between SCP-7092-1 and SCP-7092-2 is ongoing.
Item#: 7093 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7093 is to be contained within a standard suite for humanoids at Site-17. The subject is allowed access to 2 hours a day of walking time outside the cell for leisure (accompanied by a trusted psychologist) and may be visited by any Class C or higher personnel. Description: SCP-7093 is a 17 year old human female with an amputated left arm, weighing 42kg at a height of 151cm. Despite the subject's amputated arm, SCP-7093 is able to manipulate objects as if it was still there through a form of psychokinesis. When pressed on how it is able to do this, SCP-7093 insists on the existence of its arm, and enters a nervous breakdown when the opposite is shown to be true (such as when an object passes through the empty space where the subject's arm would otherwise be). SCP-7093 has been observed successfully doing mundane tasks with its nonexistent left arm, such as opening doors or eating food, but the subject appears to be unable to utilise psychic abilities to interact with anything that its arm would be unable to. Attempts to get SCP-7093 to influence objects further away than 60cm1 have resulted in failure, and the force able to be applied by the subject's powers was measured at 105N when pushing a lever, a typical amount of force for a human. SCP-7093 was first encountered after a terrorist attack in Nagoya, Japan on 09/08/2004 while walking to school, at which the subject was hit by shrapnel from an explosion and suffered significant damage on the left side of its body. While unconscious due to the blast, medical professionals on the scene removed SCP-7093's arm: after regaining consciousness on 18/08/2004, the subject began displaying anomalous properties and was taken by the Foundation to Site-79 in Tokushima before relocation to Site-17.2 SCP-7093's discovery and manifestation of anomalous characteristics occurred at the same time as an incident of SCP-6081 was occurring at the Shikinomichi path, 95m from the field hospital where the subject's arm was removed. It has been theorised the cherry blossoms' effect on human memory may have influenced SCP-7093's development, but the method in which it would have done so, or why no other examples similar to SCP-7093 have been found, is unknown. Addendum 7093-01: 19/09/2004 - SCP-7093 arrived in Site-17 in a disoriented state, with physical effects of its injuries still present. Recommended to talk with the subject soon and assess anomalous qualities in order to establish proper containment procedures. Researcher Maeda has been appointed to this entity. + Open Transcript 1 - Close <Saturday, 04:53, 20/09/2004> Note: 6 minutes after SCP-7093's arrival at Site-17. [SCP-7093 is escorted by several members of Containment Team Anadatus-81-F to an interrogation room. Legcuffs bind its feet together, limiting its movement to small steps. As it enters, the large steel door seals shut behind it.] Researcher Maeda: Good morning. Please state your name and date of birth. Please do not resist.Researcher Maeda: Please sedate it. [A member of the Containment Team quickly applies a chemical to SCP-7093's neck region via injection.] Researcher Maeda: State your name and date of birth. Do not resist.Researcher Maeda: Are you aware of why you're here?Researcher Maeda: Are you a danger to yourself or to society?Researcher Maeda: Who are your parents? [The subject displays significantly increasing nervousness.]Researcher Maeda: You will remain in this facility for the foreseeable future. Are you going to resist our attempts to contain you? [SCP-7093starts shaking, looking at the Containment Team's firearms.]Researcher Maeda: Bring the subject to its quarters, and get it up to speed. Send one of the Junior Researchers to do that. [Maeda says something into her earpiece, and the door opens. SCP-7093 sobs as she is escorted out of the room.] [Researcher Maeda sighs, and looks up to the ceiling.] + Open Transcript 2 - Close I took it upon myself to have a chat with the subject and assess its anomalous qualities, as ordered by the higher-ups. Transcript translated from Japanese, but the original is available, just send me an email if you want it. - Researcher Maeda. <Saturday, 09:12, 20/09/2004> [SCP-7093 and Researcher Maeda are sitting down in the former's room. Researcher Maeda is accompanied by two armed guards.] Researcher Maeda: Hello. How are you feeling?Researcher Maeda: I'm glad. I know what's happened in the past few days has been… disorienting, to say the least. I just wanted to check up with you and make sure you're alright. [Subject was silent for 62 seconds.][SCP-7093 sighs.]Researcher Maeda: You displayed anomalous characteristics. Manipulating objects with your mind, it seems. Psychokinesis.[Researcher Maeda places a plastic ball on the table.] Researcher Maeda: Please pick up this ball with your left hand. [SCP-7093 nods, and the ball begins to levitate, as if being held.]Researcher Maeda: And nothing. You've just used your mind to pick that ball up.Researcher Maeda: Very, very interesting. + Open Transcript 3 - Close <Saturday, 13:02, 20/09/2004> [Researcher Maeda and SCP-7093 are seated in the same positions as before. Researcher Maeda has a brown leather satchel in her lap.] Researcher Maeda: Good afternoon. How was your lunch?Researcher Maeda: I see. How are you feeling? I'm here to run a few more basic tests on you, so we can try and understand more about how your…left arm works. Please place your arm on the table.[Researcher Maeda pulls out a folding knife from her satchel.]Researcher Maeda: Do you feel fear when I do this? [Researcher Maeda approaches the area where SCP-7093's arm would be with the knife, and prepares to strike.] [SCP-7093 flinches, turning her body away and falling back.] Researcher Maeda: Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you.Researcher Maeda: I'm sorry. We need to collect more information on how your anomalous nature is manifesting itself. [Researcher Maeda slams the knife into the table, through SCP-7093's left arm.] [SCP-7093 screams for approximately 30 seconds, then falls off her chair and begins cradling her "wounded" arm. Researcher Maeda exits the room.] Comment: That felt awful, but I think I understand how SCP-7093's mind's working now. It's convinced that the arm exists, to the point that she's suffering from phantom pain: I'd assume its delusions are so strong that the subject can actually influence things with its mind. As far as the subject is concerned, there isn't any problem with its arm. - Researcher Maeda. Update: SCP-7093 recovered and appeared to have returned to a normal state by 14:19 on the same day, although repeatedly refused to converse with Researcher Maeda. When questioned, SCP-7093 held that its arm had been injured, but was recovering. Subject refused to use psychokinetic powers until roughly 07:00 the next day, claiming excessive strain on its arm would aggravate the injury. Addendum 7093-02: 21/09/2004 - Two days after SCP-7093's arrival at Site-17, Researcher Maeda conducted several diagnostic assessments in order to analyse the subject's mental state. The subject shows no sign of delusions / hallucinations (except for unwavering belief in the existence of her left arm), but has significant symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, including night terrors. Previous medical history obtained by the Foundation indicates that SCP-7093 suffers from haemophillia, but otherwise has no major disorders. Addendum 7093-03: 26/09/2004 - Subject has requested access to previous possessions confiscated upon arrival at Site-74. A list of items is attached below. + Open List - Close A school backpack, containing the following: 2 notebooks, containing notes for various school subjects; 1 sketchbook mostly comprised of everyday scene drawings in pen; 5 ballpoint pens, 2 red, 2 black, and 1 pink; 19 loose sheets of paper; 2 pencils (unsharpened); a rubber eraser; a Polaroid One600 instant camera, with 7 frames remaining; 3 developed photographs of cherry blossoms, shown below; a Motorola RAZR V3 mobile phone. In addition, the subject, at the time of the explosion, was wearing: a pair of Mizuno Wave Cup football boots; a standard Japanese school uniform, belonging to ██████ Senior High School; a set of earphones. Appendix: This request has been denied, although I think there'd be no harm in giving it a few things once we've ascertained the risk of it. Definitely not the cell, the photos, or the old camera though: if we do give it more things, it'll have to be new. - Researcher Maeda Addendum 7093-04: 01/10/2004 - Subject has expressed a desire to see its family. After denial of this request, SCP-7093 suffered symptoms of severe mental distress for 57 minutes. Guards are to be stationed observing the subject's room's surveillance cameras during the period 20:00-06:00 every day. Addendum 7093-05: 03/10/2004 - A fMRI scan, MEG scan, and genetic diagnostic test have been conducted on SCP-7093 in order to obtain further information on the subject's brain function. No exam encountered significant differences compared to a healthy human brain. I talked a little more with SCP-7093 today. It seems to still be in a bad mood and unwilling to chat extensively, but hasn't opposed any of the exams we've ran on it, so I guess it's accepted its position here. - Researcher Maeda Addendum 7093-06: 15/10/2004 - Subject has requested to know Researcher Maeda's name. In the interest of improving relations and understanding SCP-7093's motivations further, this request has been partially granted: the subject will be told Researcher Maeda's surname only. I'm not sure why it wants to know my name, but I don't really see any harm in it. Hopefully it helps SCP-7093 become a little bit more relaxed around me. - Researcher Maeda Addendum 7093-07: 28/10/2004 I've talked a decent amount with SCP-7093 since the last addendum, and I think I understand it better now, as a person and as a subject. The transcripts of our conversations are copied below. + Open Transcript 4 - Close <Saturday, 08:17, 18/10/2004> Researcher Maeda: Good morning, SCP-7093.Researcher Maeda: I'm well aware of your name and what you are. Toyotama Mikazuki, 17 years old, third year student at ██████ Senior High School in Nagoya. But that's all irrelevant: you have shown features that are unexplained by science, and so you have to stay here, and I have to call you by your designation. I apologise.[SCP-7093 stays silent for 7 seconds.][SCP-7093 slams its hand onto the table. Researcher Maeda stands up.] Researcher Maeda: Calm down.Researcher Maeda: Look. I understand how you feel, especially considering the odd properties you seem to have: that being the fact you can't perceive your anomalous qualities, despite very clearly being able to use them. Either way, that's not important. The Foundation isn't evil, and I, personally, do think you deserve better.[Researcher Maeda sighs.] Researcher Maeda: I'll see what I can do. I don't want you to be miserable here. Just to be contained in accordance to our protocols.Researcher Maeda: Remember, I'm not your enemy. Neither is the Foundation. [Researcher Maeda starts to walk out of SCP-7093's room, but hesitates.] Researcher Maeda: Bye, Mikazuki-kun. Have a good day.[Researcher Maeda exits.] Comments: I was able to get SCP-7093 a pencil and paper from my office for it to draw with: I don't think there's any downside and it'll make it feel better. No to the camera, though. Too many parts it could theoretically tinker with and make dangerous material with. - Researcher Maeda. Note from Administration: Please refrain from referring to the anomaly by its name. + Open Transcript 5 - Close <Monday, 07:58, 20/10/2004> Researcher Maeda: Good morning, Mikazuki-kun. How have you been?Researcher Maeda: Great to hear that. I hope the stuff I was able to get you was good enough for at least a little bit of drawing.Researcher Maeda: I can imagine.Researcher Maeda: Unfortunately, I think the answer is no. There's just too many parts in the camera that could be disassembled and all that, and the Foundation doesn't want you having access to something like that. I hope you understand.Researcher Maeda: Not my choice, sadly.[SCP-7093 falls silent.]Researcher Maeda: What do you mean? The work I do with the Foundation is my life.Researcher Maeda: I guess I do.Researcher Maeda: You don't know me at all. Addendum 7093-08: 06/11/2004 - The following letter was found in SCP-7093's spare set of clothes during a routine cleaning and inspection of its quarters. + Open Letter - Close Happy birthday, Mikazuki-kun. Eighteen, are you? What an important age. If you were back home, I'm sure your friends and family would've done a big party for you. But they haven't, because we've kept you here for months and pumped your friends full of lies and drugs, so they think you died when the bombs went off. I'm sorry. I don't think I've told you this yet, but I had a daughter around your age. She's a second-year; her name is Ayane. I think you two'd get along well. She was the leader of the student council at her school, and I was so proud. I was a neglectful mother, and I admit it, with my Foundation work and all. My biggest regret is not spending more time with her. She died on Children's Day:4 what awful timing, huh? I was obviously devastated, to the point that I considered some awful things. The Foundation gave me some time off. A few months after that, you arrived. I think you remind me of her, somehow. Happy birthday, Toyo-tan. Keep being strong. - (Researcher) Seiko Maeda Note from Administration: Researcher Maeda has been taken into a 6-day re-education program due to improper conduct involving communication with anomalous entities, improper use of SCP Foundation documentation, and dissemination of classified information. Please refrain from personal engagement with anomalous entities in the future. You have been warned. - Dr. Arsen Pavlović. Access SCiPNET Email Log Close SCiPNET Email To: Dr. Arsen Pavlović (ten.pics|civolvapa#ten.pics|civolvapa) From: Researcher Seiko Maeda (ten.pics|adeams#ten.pics|adeams) Subject: We need to talk about SCP-7093 Date: 13/11/2004 Look, Pav, I can't believe we're actually doing this to her. God, not only her. How many humanoids with consciousness are there in Site-17? Hundreds? Thousands, even? What about across all sites? We're running an industrialised prison system. A torture mission that never ends. I know some of them need to be contained, for sure (I'm not saying we should set SCP-336 free), but my God, I bet a large portion of them have to be similar to her: normal people that have anomalous characteristics that are mostly benign. And we've ruined their lives. It's not like SCP-7093 is SCP-096, or some monster that'll bring forth a K-class scenario. She's just a girl. There must be something we can do. To: Researcher Seiko Maeda (ten.pics|adeams#ten.pics|adeams) From: Dr. Arsen Pavlović (ten.pics|civolvapa#ten.pics|civolvapa) Subject: Re:SCP-7093 No. Stop treating it as a person, Seiko. I've worked with you for 12 years. You're better than this. Note from Administration: 23/11/2004 - Researcher Maeda has been restrained after repeated violations of Foundation policies regarding anomalous entities. It is theorised she may have wished to allow SCP-7093 to escape Site-17, although no evidence or confession of such has yet been found. Researcher Maeda has been stripped of Researcher status and Level 3 Clearance: awaiting judgement on suitable consequences. Subject is to be administered with Class A and F ("Fugue") amnestics and expelled from the Foundation. New memories and personality are up to Amnestic Officer ███████'s discretion. Note: This goes to show the issues with our current system. These entities are allowed too much time with our researchers, and they can tug at heartstrings until they get what they want. Procedures will have to be adapted in the future. - Dr. Arsen Pavlović Footnotes 1. Reference: SCP-7093's right arm is 62cm long. 2. The subject's family and doctors that observed SCP-7093's properties were dosed with Class B amnestics. SCP-7093's family continues to live in Nagoya, having been told their daughter is in a permanent coma and was taken to a specialised medical ward in Kagoshima. 3. Short form of 七転び八起き (Nanakorobi yaoki). Japanese proverb roughly meaning "Fall seven times and stand up eight times", conveying a meaning of carrying on despite negative events. 4. May 5. « SCP-7092 | SCP-7093| SCP-7094 »
Item #: SCP-7094 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: All known phenomena related to SCP-7094 are currently uncontained. Media within the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin is to be monitored for reports potentially increasing civilian awareness of SCP-7094's effects. Commercially available maps and geographic databases are to be periodically cross-referenced with a list of locations affected by the anomaly and censored accordingly. Description: SCP-7094 is a phenomenon affecting towns with less than 500 residents in size in the states of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin. The anomaly manifests at random in towns meeting this description. The time between manifestations of the anomaly varies1, although a consistent uptick in the rate of manifestations over time has been observed. Towns (and the residents of said towns) affected by the anomaly disappear from existence. No trace of any affected town has yet to be discovered at any formerly inhabited location. Further research into SCP-7094 is currently pending. Addendum 1: SCP-7094-1 During the physical confirmation of several manifestations over a three-month period, Agent Cicero reported the presence of an unknown civilian figure consistently observed in the vicinity of recent disappearances. This figure, henceforth referred to as SCP-7094-1, appeared to the Agent as a middle-aged man in an ill-fitting business suit. When approached by Agent Cicero, SCP-7094-1 willingly acquiesced to questioning and did not resist transport to an interview room in Site-459. + Interview 7094-1 - Interview 7094-1 Interviewed: SCP-7094-1 Interviewer: Agent Cicero Foreword: Interview with SCP-7094-1. [BEGIN LOG] SCP-7094-1: Now, my dear sir– although my respect for the law is boundless, I must admit I'm really quite confused as to why I'm here. Agent Cicero: Hillsboro. Monticello. Salineville. Any of those names ring a bell for you? SCP-7094-1: I'm sorry to say they carry no particular association. Agent Cicero: Cut the crap. We've seen you. These towns vanished, and when we came to investigate– there you were. Every time. Don't pretend like you don't know what's going on. SCP-7094-1: Fine. Yes, I do know these towns. And I have notarized contracts detailing the assent of every last soul involved. All above the table, I assure you. Agent Cicero: What? SCP-7094-1: The great American hinterland is a walking corpse, Agent. Is it really so bad if some of the maggots want to crawl off? SCP-7094-1: Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to take a call. [END LOG] Closing Statement: Following this statement, SCP-7094-1 proceeded to stand up and open the locked door to the interview room before spontaneously dematerializing. Addendum 2: Incident 7094-1 Following Interview 7094-1, SCP-7094-1 was not spotted at any further manifestations of SCP-7094 for several months. While attempting to contain unrelated instances of SCP-7985-2 in Bucyrus, Ohio, Agent Cicero noticed SCP-7094-1 waiting behind a traffic light in a 2044 Nissan Sentra at a nearby intersection. Cicero proceeded to surreptitiously follow the anomaly for several hours until it finally came to a stop in an empty field outside Elyria, Ohio. The transcript of the following incident is taken from Agent Cicero's body camera. + Incident Log 7094-1 - Incident Log 7094-1 VIDEO LOG DATE: 9/12/61 NOTE: Transcript of Incident 7094-1. [BEGIN LOG] [SCP-7094-1 steps outside of its vehicle. It glances around, momentarily, before speaking. The following statement is reconstructed from analysis of the anomaly's lip movements, as Agent Cicero was positioned too far away to capture audio at this time.] SCP-7094-1: And old [chains](?) fall away. [A door spontaneously materializes in front of SCP-7094-1. It swings open, and the anomaly enters.] [NOTE: No noticeable change was observed in the door's state for several minutes. After conferring with Foundation Regional Dispatch 24-B, Agent Cicero decided to enter the door.] Agent Cicero: Here goes nothing. [Agent Cicero walks to the door. It enters into a sparsely lit concrete hallway. After a few seconds, Cicero steps inside. He turns around. The field is still present behind him.] [He turns again, and walks deeper into the hallway. A distant clattering is heard. After approx. 2 minutes of walking, a staircase is sighted.] [Cicero draws his sidearm, and proceeds down the staircase. Cicero descends the staircase for approx. 45 seconds, before reaching the landing.] [The hallway opens up into a vast, empty space. The sky (?) and horizon (?) are pitch-black, and have no apparent form or definition. A cracked two-lane road stretches out ahead. It is surrounded by a seemingly endless field of dead grass.] [Cicero walks for approx. 24 minutes. A small wooden sign appears in the distance on the right side of the road. It reads "SHOWPIECE" in a jagged, crude script.] [Cicero walks to the sign. As he gets close enough to physically read the sign unaided by his body camera, multiple objects begin to gradually materialize approx. 100 meters down the road. Over several minutes, a collection of buildings and infrastructure identified to formerly have been located at the site of Cochran, OH forms in Cicero's vision.] Agent Cicero: Fuck… [Cicero proceeds slowly down the road into the manifestation. Multiple disused vehicles are visible by the side of the road. All are in extremely poor condition and bear large patches of rust. Most of the buildings visible are small single-family homes, although a squat one-story brick building labeled "Cochran Post Office" is visible. A dilapidated series of decommissioned power lines stretches across the left side of the road.] [Cicero walks up to one of the homes. He knocks on the door twice. After hearing no response, he tries the door's knob and finds it unlocked.] [Cicero carefully opens the door, firearm in hand. The house's interior is entirely empty. No internal walls are present, and Cicero is able to see to the backyard of the house through its windows.] [Cicero steps away from the house, and back into the street. He proceeds through the town for approx. 14 minutes, randomly investigating other buildings. All are similarly constructed to the first house.] [As Cicero exits the town, it begins to gradually dematerialize around him. Ahead of him, the road terminates, and another door is visible. He proceeds to the door.] [Cicero removes the magazine of his firearm and re-inserts it, verifying it to be loaded. He takes a deep breath, and pushes the second door open. It swings away to reveal a large concrete hall, lit by multiple large fluorescent lights on the ceiling. Several rows of wooden tables stretch from one end of the hall to the other. Figures similar in appearance to middle-aged Caucasian men in poorly-fitting suits, henceforth referred to as SCP-7094-2, are seated at these tables. Multiple voices are heard.] SCP-7094-2-1: 45% unemployed! Average wage, fifteen dollars! SCP-7094-2-2: Bigotry! Hate! Bitterness! Cankers on the soul, a rot on the mind! SCP-7094-2-3: Teeth! Good teeth! Fine teeth! SCP-7094-2-4: Feelings of ennui and decay! Prime! Fresh! Raw! [Cicero holsters his sidearm, and walks to the nearest table. None of the instances of SCP-7094-2 appear to take notice of his presence.] Agent Cicero: Hey! What's the hell's going on here? SCP-7094-2-5: Unsettled dreams! Nightmares, half-manifested! Agent Cicero: Excuse me! Hey! What are you talking about? [The instance of SCP-7094-2 seated at the table turns to Cicero, an annoyed expression on its face.] SCP-7094-2-5: Sir, please. Interested individuals only. SCP-7094-2-1: No opioids! No narcotics! Drunk only on their own misery! Agent Cicero: I'm an interested individual. SCP-7094-2-5: No, sir, you're not. Rand. Rand! [An instance of SCP-7094-2 at a nearby table stands up, and walks up to Agent Cicero.] SCP-7094-2-6: Do we have a problem here? SCP-7094-2-3: Spiritually dead! Voted 94% Republican in 2058! SCP-7094-2-5: Don't we have an arrangement with his sort? SCP-7094-2-6: Oh, no. Not these fellows. Smith had an encounter with them earlier. Not market-oriented in the slightest. Smith. [snaps fingers] Smith! [Agent Cicero draws his firearm, and scans the room.] Agent Cicero: Slow down there, buddy. You're not getting anybody. [Agent Cicero points his firearm at SCP-7094-2-6.] Agent Cicero: I want answers, and I want them now. What the fuck is this? Slave trading? SCP-7094-2-6: We're merely liquidating depreciating assets, Agent. Acting in the best interests of the market. Agent Cicero: Where the fuck are the people, huh? Where the hell are you taking them? SCP-7094-2-6: Liquidation. Consider the word, Agent. [SCP-7094-2-6 smiles.] SCP-7094-2-6: Liquidation. [SCP-7094-1 walks up from behind Agent Cicero. A smile on his face quickly fades upon seeing the Agent.] SCP-7094-1: Do we have– oh. You again. SCP-7094-2-6: Smith, is this…? SCP-7094-1: Yes. Indeed. I am sorry, sir, but you are trespassing on private property. I am going to have to ask you to leave. [SCP-7094-1 reaches for Agent Cicero's shoulder, and begins guiding him towards the door.] Agent Cicero: Hey! Hold o– [The feed cuts.] [END LOG] Agent Cicero's body was found two weeks later at the former site of Youngstown, OH.2 Footnotes 1. The time between manifestations has ranged from 9 to 38 days. 2. Population: 15,438 as of the 2060 Census. « SCP-7093 | SCP-7094 | SCP-7095 »
ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture {$custom-content} If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page « SCP-7094 |SCP-7095| SCP-7096 » Item#: 7095 Level1 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: danger link to memo Special Containment Procedures Investigation into SCP-7095 is being conducted as part of a joint operation with the FBI's Unusual Incidents Unit. All samples of SCP-7095 seized by law enforcement, along with all forensic evidence relating to its usage or manufacture, will be entered into Foundation custody. Research into the origin of SCP-7095 is ongoing. Any information that may result in the arrest or prosecution of those involved in its manufacture is to be provided to authorized federal agents, except where such arrest or prosecution would jeopardize the Foundation's efforts to preserve normalcy. Description SCP-7095 is a unique formulation of methamphetamine hydrochloride1 which contains anomalous organic impurities. Analysis of the exact chemical makeup and origin of these impurities is ongoing. SCP-7095 is currently used as a recreational drug, primarily among members of the MSM2 community. All documented usage of SCP-7095 to date has been reported within the cities of New York, Miami, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Since the initial discovery of SCP-7095, there have been 34 confirmed anomalous deaths associated with its usage. All deceased subjects have been young adult men and adolescent males of varying backgrounds and ethnicities. Most are believed to have been sex workers and/or transient youths. In all cases, death was due to spontaneous hemorrhagic stroke. Medical analysis of affected individuals has revealed a number of comorbidities, including signs of severe malnutrition, dehydration, sores, and superficial lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. Autopsies of deceased subjects have revealed advanced fibrosis of internal organs, including the intestines, esophagus, heart, and stomach. Furthermore, close examination of the brains of affected individuals has revealed the following properties: Severely depleted levels of serotonin and dopamine within presynaptic nerve terminals; Advanced necrosis of cerebral tissue in the brain's reward and pleasure centers; Foreign tissue growth covering neurons in affected areas. Biopsies have revealed these growths to consist of anomalous cerebral tissue. DNA testing has shown that these tissue samples are not a genetic match for the individuals from whom they were retrieved. Three distinct genetic profiles have been identified across 34 samples. No DNA matches for these samples have been found. One DNA match for these samples has been found. Journal Entries, Recovered 10 September 2018 The following journal was delivered into Foundation custody on 10 September 2018, and was identified as authored by ██████ ██████, a chronic user of SCP-7095. Forensic analysis, combined with the details provided in this journal, resulted in the identification of Subject-37089, Simon Charlemagne, as a potential source of SCP-7095. December 13, 2017 They never tell you California can get so cold. There's a lot of things they don't tell you, but when you finally work them out you're stuck with them. It took a lot of long nights and a lot of couches to get here, but I've got a room now, and while it may not be the Ritz-Carlton, it's mine. The window is stuck and it gets chilly at night, but when the noise of the crowds and the music from the bars downstairs comes in with the cold, I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be. The world is never too dark if there's music in it. I haven't seen Carlos since we split in Reno, and at this point I'm sure I'll never see him again. He might be halfway back home by now or on the other side of the world, but I don't think I'll lose much sleep over not knowing. I guess I'll have to live the dream for both of us now. Or my half of it, at least. December 25, 2017 I never quit Tina.3 I just sort of stopped. She was good company, but I could never put in the work to get addicted. Who has the time for that? I guess there's an upside to having commitment issues. Tonight I found Tina's hot younger sister. From a client, of all people. I don't know why I tried it at all, when every ounce of common sense I had told me to say no. It could have been rat poison he was slamming me with, for all I know. But it was late, and I was tired, and he paid extra. If it was rat poison, it was the best rat poison I've ever had. Carlos always said never to indulge with clients. Carlos always said never to indulge at all. Carlos always thought I was weak. Carlos is gone, and I'm still standing here. So who's weak now, bitch? I don't know what I was expecting. A high? A rush? What I got was transcendence. All last night, my body was filled with an energy I've never felt, coming from a place I never even knew was inside me. Every touch, every kiss, every stroke was a supernova inside my soul. He was fast, but I wanted him faster. He was rough, but I wanted him rougher. He stayed all night, but I wanted him to stay for the rest of my life. I don't know if I'll see him again. I've learned I'm not the only one in this city who fears commitment. But for now I'll keep my fingers crossed. A night like this is too good to have just once. January 1, 2018 When I was a kid, they would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up. As though I'd only ever get one choice. Imagine having 80 years to spend on this planet, and spending most of it with nothing else to look forward to. Am I grown up yet? Is there nothing left to be? The train outside my window goes by at all hours of the night, but it never bothers me. All I can think is that there are a hundred different people on that train, and each one is going to a hundred different places. How many of those places have I been to? How many are left to see? I think I'll go back to school this year. But should I go for law or medicine first? Mom always said I'd make a good doctor. Carlos said it too, but he really meant it. Carlos never said anything unless he believed it. He'd believe it so hard I would start to believe it too. Looks like I'll be studying law. March 30, 2018 He doesn't ask anymore before he doses me. He doesn't ask anymore before doing anything. He doesn't ask and I don't stop him. Because it doesn't matter what he does: once he takes me to the other side I'll beg for more. Once he takes me there, I am a worm beneath the heel of the Colossus. Once he takes me there, I am a thousand virgins, naked and chained at the altar of an ancient king. Once he takes me there, I will die for the sins of a thousand nations, and beg to be reborn so I can suffer their burdens anew. William Blake said that the road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. If this is the palace of wisdom then I guess I'm the Dalai Lama. He always asks more of me than I want to give. Never by a lot, but always just enough that I know he knows. And then I always give him more than that. I don't ask how much he gives me anymore. He used to tell me: a quarter gram, half a gram, more if he was feeling frisky. He used to tell me, but I could feel he was lying. When he slammed me twice in one night, he said I was imagining it, that I was just high. (And I was high. (But I'm not stupid.)) When he gave me a whole rock I thought I would die. He didn't say a thing as he slid it in, and once I felt it inside me, it was too late, and my heart was spinning, and my stomach was racing and my mind was churning, and I was falling towards oblivion. I reached deep into the darkest corner of my spirit for strength, for hope, for something to hold on to, but there was nothing there. There was nothing there but the fear, and the panic, and the falling, and his jaws deep inside me to devour every ounce of my being from within. He has made a home in my body and infested my soul. I guess I'm the Dalai fucking Lama. May 2, 2018 Mom called again today. It feels like years since the last time she called. I don't know if she'll call again. I pretended I wasn't home. I know, you can't pretend you're not home with a cell phone. You're always home, everywhere is home. So I pretended I wasn't anywhere. I just sat for hours and pretended I was nowhere until the phone stopped ringing. And I did such a good job that when I was done I realized I wasn't pretending. He's coming tonight. Booked early. He's coming tonight and I have a thousand things I need to do first. I need to take out the trash, and do my laundry, and clean up this place, and buy groceries and go to the hospital. I can't do all of it. Maybe I won't do any of it. Last time he came, the hospital bill was more than I made that night. I'll have to ask him to be more careful this time. He won't be, but he likes when I ask. I can wait. It doesn't hurt anymore. At least, not the way it used to. July 29, 2018 Of all the things I could have done today, I did none of them. Of all the people I could have been today, I was none of them. It's as though there was no today at all, so I have nothing to say about today. But tomorrow… Tomorrow I'll take the ten thousand things I've never been, and the ten thousand more I'll never be, and pile them up on my bed until they're spilling over the sides. I'll wrap them up in my blankets and light them on fire. I'll laugh, and I'll dance, and I'll sing all the songs my heart remembers but my lips have forgotten. I'll laugh and I'll dance until nothing is left but ash. Tomorrow I'll take the passports from under my mattress, and the thousand dollars I never knew I had, and I'll fly. I'll fly to Peru and walk the Andes, I'll climb to Machu Picchu in bare feet, and I'll sleep for days, and I'll dream, and I'll pray. I'll drink Ayahuasca with the shamans, and I'll scream, and I'll cry, and I'll dance, and I'll walk out beneath the stars, naked and alone, and I will be clean. Tomorrow I'll go home. I'll take the first Greyhound at the station and ride it all the way to the end of the line, where the corn is tall and the wind is warm, and everyone is waiting for me. I'll be home in time for Sunday dinner, the table set, the game on TV, and I'll eat with nothing much to say. There will be nothing to repair, nothing to replace, and nothing to explain; I'll wash the dishes without complaining, I'll be in bed before midnight, and I will never dream again. July 30, 2018 When he came over today I didn't even remember we'd had an appointment. Maybe we didn't. Maybe once he got me going I didn't care. We partied for hours. Then we played for hours. Then we slept for hours. The last part is a lie–I didn't sleep at all. When he's around it's like I'll never sleep again. How many hours was it? How many could it have been? If I'm charging by the hour I should really keep track, shouldn't I? For all I know it could have been days. It felt like days. Weeks. The sun never came up for all that time, but the sun never rises when we party. When I party. When he's around me, and inside me, and within me, the whole night is silent, and all the world is black. I can't say for certain whose blood stained the sheets, or why there's so much of it this time. I can't say it for certain, but I know: it's mine. It's always mine. But all the time we played together I barely noticed. All night I didn't sleep, but I barely noticed. All I noticed was the feeling of my head on his chest, listening to nothing but the silence of his heart. All I noticed was his smell–he didn't smell of sweat, or cum, or the thousand other fluids men smell of at night. He smelled of corn. Raw corn, still on the stalk: the kind that bends in the breeze and surrounds you for miles on all sides. I don't remember when he left. Maybe I was too wasted to notice, or maybe I slept more than I thought. I never saw him leave, but I know he took something with him when he went. Lots of men steal. Sometimes they take money off your dresser. Sometimes they grab a book off the shelf or a bottle from the fridge just for kicks. I don't know what he took. All I know is that there's less of me now than there was before. When I close my eyes I know it's missing, but it's so far gone I don't even know what it was. He left another 3 grams. Another 3 grams to tide me over. Another 3 grams to say he'll be back. They always come back. August 8, 2018 I can't stand the smell of this place anymore. Something is rotting, and I can't find it. Something is rotting, like a mouse that died behind the fridge. But I looked behind the fridge. I looked under the sink. I looked behind the bed. I crawled on the floor behind every corner until my mouth cracked and my stomach burned, but there was nothing there. Maybe I'm the mouse. August 27, 2018 I never cared about my birthday. At least, not much. I've never demanded a big party or a ton of presents, or the whole day off just to celebrate. Who cares? There will always be more parties, and more presents, and more celebrations to come. No one needs to be greedy about it. But does anyone even know it's my birthday today? It's been a quiet day. As quiet as any day I've had before. I have a hundred contacts in my phone. A hundred silent contacts. A hundred different chances to matter to someone. A hundred chances to be human. And yet there's never been a day as quiet as today. Being alone isn't having no one to call. Being alone is having no one to call you. … Being alone is having one person to call you. I don't want him to call. I don't want him to, but he will. I don't want to answer. I don't want to, but I will. If I could still feel, I would fear him. If some part of me were still human, even for a moment, I would run. But I've had a thousand chances, and every single one of them has led me here. Today is dark. The world is quiet. There is nothing left of me to pray for. The following letter was delivered to Carlos ██████ on 28 August 2018, along with a handwritten copy of the above journal. Dear Carlos, I know I've been silent for a long time. Please don't mistake my silence for indifference. I never wanted to be silent. I just had more to say to you than I could ever begin to say. I still do. But I think it's too late to start. There was always some part of me that I knew you liked. There was always some part of me that I hoped you would love. I thought that over time you had come to like it less and less. Now I think that maybe I had less of it to give. I want to give you everything I have left. He's taken my past and he's taken my future. Heart and soul, body and mind: he's taken them, and I don't think I'll be getting them back. But I won't let him take this journal. It's yours now, for eternity, and I need you to keep it until eternity runs dry. The only time I ever knew for sure that I mattered was when I was in your arms. I need you to hold these pages. I need them to matter. I would ask you to come see me, but there's nothing more to see. My heart rarely beats anymore, and when it does, it's a sound I don't recognize. There's a lot I've forgotten how to feel, but I remember what it feels like to live. I remember it well enough to know that this is not life. There's a train passing outside my window. On it are a hundred different people, each going to a hundred different places. I used to hope that I could see every last one of those places. Now there's only one place I want to be, but there's not a train in the world that can take me there. I guess you're stuck living the dream for both of us. — ██████ The above journal was delivered into Foundation custody following its seizure from local law enforcement by federal agents. ██████ ██████ was recovered from his apartment on 12 September 2018, and is currently being held at Site-67 for further study. In addition to severe physical impairments consistent with usage of SCP-7095, ██████ exhibits diminished brain function, and limited ability to communicate. Attempts at treatment will continue, but to date no medical interventions have been deemed effective. The other individual described in this journal has been positively identified as Subject-37089, Simon Charlemagne. DNA testing has revealed Subject-37089 to be a genetic match for anomalous tissue samples recovered from over a dozen users of SCP-7095. No genetic matches for the remaining samples have yet been found. Subject-37089 is currently being held in FBI custody pending investigation into his possible role in the deaths of multiple individuals in the San Francisco Bay Area. Owing to his high profile as a political donor and prominent figure within his community, Foundation access to Subject-37089 is highly limited. Reports of usage of SCP-7095 have continued to rise following the detainment of Subject-37089. Containment efforts are ongoing. Footnotes 1. Otherwise known as crystal meth 2. "Men who have sex with men" 3. Slang for methamphetamine « SCP-7094 | SCP-7095 | SCP-7096 »
NeverMeltIce44 Written by NeverMeltIce44 You can find more of their work on their author page. Item #: SCP-7096 Object Class: Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: All known SCP-7096 instances appear to have self-neutralized. All civilian witnesses of previously active SCP-7096 instances are to be properly amnestisized, and all casualties caused by said instances attributed to IRA-affiliated snipers. Description: SCP-7096 refers to a series of road sign silhouettes capable of autonomous movement, restricted to the space occupied by the signs they inhabited, located within several Irish roads from 1990 to 1994. The signs were accompanied by the words "Sniper at work". These silhouettes were not capable of speech, and didn't demonstrate signs of sapience or higher intelligence. They appeared to wear paramilitary combatant gear, carrying a rifle, and would become hostile at the sight of people. When a subject got within a close enough range of an SCP-7096 instance, the anomaly would shoot with its rifle, and the bullet would exit the sign, being fully capable of causing damage as any other bullet of its kind. As most SCP-7096 instances were located on rarely used roads, and the entities presented remarkably bad aim, only 3 casualties were caused by SCP-7096. Outside of this activity, SCP-7096 instances were mostly dormant. Addendum: On the 6th of April 1994, SCP-7096 instances adopted a new position while in their dormant state, where they could be seen holding a cup and sitting in a chair. Additionally, SCP-7096 stopped showing any hostile attitudes toward humans for 2 days. On the 31st of August 1994, SCP-7096 instances stopped showing hostile attitudes permanently. Additionally, many of them abandoned their home signs, and could now be seen inside several other dispersed road signs, mainly ones announcing construction works. They seemed to be wearing a tie and holding a paper, and appeared to be establishing a conversation with other road sign figures, who now also demonstrated the capability to move at will. Whether this effect was caused by SCP-7096 interaction, or if it's a phenomenon present in other road signs other than SCP-7096, is currently unknown. 2 months later, all SCP-7096 instances had abandoned their native road signs, leaving them empty. Additionally, it was reported that many construction signs now featured 2 figures. Further research is ongoing.
Zenobiyl SCP-7097 by Zenobiyl Item#: 7097 Level1 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-7097, dormant Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7097 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell. LCD displays are to constantly stream reality TV programs, and triple-wide ventilation systems are to diffuse various perfumes in one-hour intervals. Addendum-7097-1 (12-04-2022): A minimum of two live female Drosophila specimens are to be contained near SCP-7097's cell. Description: SCP-7097 is a sapient entity that inhabits female members of the Drosophila genus,1 and has a strong proclivity for learning and/or sharing personal secrets. SCP-7097 will inhabit the nearest suitable Drosophila specimen after dying, with no noticeable change in personality or mannerisms. The entity is fully aware of this and may attempt breach-by-suicide if insufficiently entertained. If sufficiently entertained, SCP-7097 will become dormant and unresponsive. SCP-7097 has an innate sense for secrets, which testing determined is a form of anomalous olfactory detection. SCP-7097 often utilizes this sense during communication, and it has been known to make unsolicited remarks about Foundation staff and/or initiate games such as truth or dare. + Interaction Log One - Interaction Log One Foreword: Following reports of feeling "like a geezer", the entity expired from natural causes during its second week in Foundation custody. Although Dr. Mendoza initially reported SCP-7097 as neutralized, hidden recorders in the garbage disposal later detected the entity conversing with the Site Janitor. [Audio Only Log, 19:29 hours] Site Janitor: Yeah, there's this one researcher who always calls me "Site Janitor" instead of Gerald, and she'll snap her fingers to order me around like I'm a dog or somethin'. Just 'cause I don't have a lab coat doesn't mean I'm a slave, you know? Site Janitor: Well, uh- SCP-7097 [hushed]: And you wanna know something about Dr. Mendoza? She acts all high and mighty, but she's got the most disgusting gas in this whole place. No joke, I can smell it from a mile away even with perfumes all over my damn room! I'm literally next to a dumpster right now and it smells better than her after Taco Tuesday. Closing Statement: SCP-7097 is successfully re-contained. The Site Janitor is reassigned to sanitization of the Sector Three cockroach farm, per the orders of Dr. Mendoza. Researcher's Note: It appears SCP-7097 can come back from the dead. We can rule out anomalous reanimation since the original entity was fully incinerated, and the new iteration of SCP-7097 is approximately one millimeter larger. For the time being, at least two live female2 Drosophila specimens must be kept in jars near the entity's cell. -Dr. Mendoza Foreword: Dr. Mendoza attempts to interview SCP-7097. After enlisting the help of Dr. Kelly, the entity provides information on its abilities and origin. [Video & Audio Log, 11:23 hours] Dr. Mendoza enters SCP-7097's cell. Dr. Mendoza: SCP-7097- Dr. Mendoza: [rubbing eyelids] For the fourth time, the answer is no. Dr. Mendoza: We have vital questions about your previous containment breach, SCP-7097. Dr. Mendoza pulls out a questionnaire form and slides it toward the entity. SCP-7097 "rolls" its compound eyes. Dr. Mendoza: [inaudible grumbling] -Damn sorority fly… Dr. Grace Kelly sedating Drosophila specimens. Dr. Mendoza leaves the room, and Dr. Kelly enters a minute later. She is carrying a package. Dr. Kelly: Hey Cassidy! I brought you something good this time! Dr. Kelly: Aw, thanks. You're the only one who ever notices. Dr. Kelly: It's a movie where- [Dr. Kelly summarizes "The Notebook."] SCP-7097 and Dr. Kelly both watch “The Notebook” and exchange information about Foundation staff members. Dr. Kelly: Well, it's been fun, but I should get going. Dr. Kelly: I don't know, you're always so good at those games… Dr. Kelly: Well, if you say so. Truth or dare? Dr. Kelly reveals Dr. Mendoza's questionnaire form. Dr. Kelly: I dare you to fill this out, with accurate information. Dr. Kelly: Sorry Cassidy, but I still have a job to do. Dr. Kelly smiles mischievously. Dr. Kelly: And you want it to be my turn next, don't you? Closing Statement: SCP-7097 filled out the questionnaire, though its answers were unsatisfactory. Afterward, Dr. Kelly selected “truth” and was compelled to give personal information which has been excluded from this document, per her request. The following is a transcript of SCP-7097's questionnaire form, filled out via dictation: How do you inhabit new Drosophila instances? Dunno. I die, and then I feel myself floating, no, searching. Then I wake up, and I'm in another body. Is there a limit to your aforementioned ability? If so, what is the limit? I can't live in a guy fly, since that would be icky. Other than that sky's the limit, I guess. How long have you existed? Eleven months. My first birthday is coming up! Who created you? Bunch of nerds like you. Why did your creator(s) make you? No response. What are you? A failure. ACCESS UPDATED DOCUMENTATION Footnotes 1. Commonly known as fruit flies. 2. Both iterations of SCP-7097 so far had been female specimens.
HEADS UP FROM THE RECORD STORAGE OFFICE YOUR GONNA READ THIS. IT IS RIGHT. THERE WILL BE NO QUESTIONS. DON'T CALL ME. — MARY J – BOSS LADY, RECORD STORAGE OFFICE Item #: scp-7098 Class: Easy How We Contain It: You dont contain it. It doesnt need to be. It only does things here at Site 96. You really shouldt care. What Is: 7098 only happens here. 7098 makes you write real bad whenever you want to write about it. It makes words bad the prunctuatin bad, and the sentence bad to. We tried to tell the Boss here, but they don't listen because the words are so bad. They laugh or don't think its real. But enough of us asked so the boss finally got what we were talking about. Stuff On Wenesday, I gave a copyof this to everyone that was gonna work on it. But it was real hard because we used email so much and couldn't write good to each other. But when we got to leave work on Friday, we all got together and talked it out We all agreed that MY firts paper was the best! We also decided that we gotta inclue this talk as other stuff in the file. The Record Office probably wont take us seriously so we called them on the phone to teel them how serious we were. And that this was gonna be a very STUPID SCP. Mrs. Jones didn't lik it at first but then she was okay with it Bye halloween of the year. SCP7098 hasn't really done much and it only looks like our site is affected. But I heard stories of other bad writers elsewhere. Maybe they know about SCp-7098? red: [[CAREFUL: IT JUST COMES BACK]] Other people outside of 96(in a place far away) wrote a file that is better, but I like MINE…
SCP-7099 — A-Net: Radio Made Fun!™ "Thanks for tuning in on such a wonderful evening. And Jessica, remember to feed your cat! You've been listening to A-Net, where we make radio fun!" ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} DrApricus & Voiiiii More works by DrApricus can be found here! More works by Voiiiii can be found here! Item#: 7099 Level4 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: nus link to memo Special Containment Procedures: All transmissions of SCP-7099 must be taken down as soon as feasibly possible. Given the elusive nature of the anomaly, direct containment of SCP-7099 has been deemed impossible, and containment efforts are focused on taking down broadcasts transmitting SCP-7099 as soon as possible. Foundation web crawlers must be active on all streaming platforms set to locate and take down SCP-7099 broadcasts in accordance with Protocol P-Rho-3308. These web crawlers are to be launched four times a day Monday through Friday in conjunction with SCP-7099 active hours. Foundation digital surveillance agents must be on the lookout for any referencing to SCP-7099 on chat forums, video sharing services, and news outlets. Any civilians exposed to SCP-7099 are to be located and administered Class-B amnestics. Containment efforts also encompass research into SCP-7099 including the tracking of its source. As of yet, investigations to locate the source have been unsuccessful. Promotional material for SCP-7099. Description: SCP-7099 is a music-based broadcasting station operating under the title "A-Net" appearing on various radio services. SCP-7099 primarily targets services found in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, but it has been shown to manifest in countries with a high percentage of English speakers, such as Ireland and Monaco. Each day, SCP-7099 has a chance of appearing on a radio service at 0600 local time before disappearing from the service in question at 1200. During this time, the station is hosted by an individual vocally identical to radio host Ryan Seacrest, further denoted as SCP-7099-A.1 On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, an additional event will occur from 1700 to 2100 local time, advertised as "A-Net: Night." Extensive monitoring shows nighttime broadcasts have significantly more interaction-focused schedules than broadcasts taking place in the morning. The majority of music broadcasts by SCP-7099 are non-anomalous, typically playing popular songs at the time of airing. Alongside this, SCP-7099 is known to broadcast a variety of anomalous songs, with a majority of these songs losing their anomalous attributes outside of its live airing. SCP-7099 is also known to broadcast several anomalous songs currently in possession by the Foundation including SCP-4930 and SCP-6249. How SCP-7099 accomplishes this is unknown. Addendum 1: An excerpt from an SCP-7099 broadcast of a call-in event can be found below. The event was the first instance in which the host of SCP-7099 demonstrated the ability to leave its alleged studio. (The song Sixteen Tons concludes. As the song fades in pitch, the hosts can be heard quietly bickering before abruptly stopping.) SCP-7099-A: And that was Sixteen Tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford. I'd like to take a moment to thank the lovely folks over at A-Net Studio for putting such a fun twist on a beloved classic! Now, while you all rest your backs, we have a fun contest for those listening in! (A sudden scream is heard in the background, briefly occupying SCP-7099-A's attention.) SCP-7099-A: All you need for this brief contest is a phone, and a little bit of knowledge! We'll be asking you the audience a question. Yes, you! Just call- (A long pause follows suit.) SCP-7099-A: First question: What was the name of Henry the Eighth's first wife? (Roughly thirty seconds pass before a phone is heard ringing. An exaggerated beep is audible as SCP-7099-A answers the phone. The voice on the other end has been identified as 32-year-old Manny Donaldson.) Donaldson: Catherine of Aragon! SCP-7099-A: Correct! What's your name, sport? Donaldson: Manny. Manny Donaldson. SCP-7099-A: Amazing job, Donaldson! If you can answer four more questions in a row, you'll win a special prize! How's that sound? Donaldson: Wait really? Alright, sure! SCP-7099-A: Second question, and remember, no cheating: When is World Literacy Day celebrated? Donaldson: Oh, (pause) damn. That's a tough one. September 7th? No! September 8th! SCP-7099-A: Are you sure? (SCP-7099-A pauses.) SCP-7099-A: Because that's correct! Donalson: Yes! SCP-7099-A: You're on a roll, my friend! Third question, where is the original Starry Night by Van Gogh located? Donaldson: This one's easy! The Museum of Modern Art, right? Located in New York. SCP-7099-A: You're dead on! And you're absolutely killing it! Well, not yet. (SCP-7099-A pauses.) SCP-7099-A: Fourth and second-to-last question: What television show in the 90s, taking place in your hometown of San Francisco, was Dave Coulier most known for? Donaldson: That'd have to be (long pause) Full House, if I remember correctly. But wait, how did you know my hometown was— SCP-7099-A: You're correct! Donaldson: No, wait a second— SCP-7099-A: Onto the final question, this one is for all the marbles, and the only thing standing between you and the prize! Here's the question: what color is the vase on the windowsill of your grandmother's bedroom? Donaldson: Wait what-? How would you even know that? I don't even know! What are you- SCP-7099-A: We were there last night, while she was sleeping of course. Lovely house, truly. Anyways, we're getting sidetracked. Manny, do you have an answer? Donaldson: Hold on! What do you mean!? How did you know my hometown- SCP-7099-A: Please please now! Stick to the questions sport! C'mon, give it a guess! Donaldson: Blue! Whatever I don't know! Now, what are you- (SCP-7099-A makes a loud buzzing sound.) SCP-7099-A: Wrong. The answer we were looking for was… orange! We would've also accepted tan and brown as answers. Since you got this question wrong, you will not be getting the coveted prize of 342 marbles. Sorry. Donaldson: Now wait just a second— (A clicking sound can be heard, signifying the call being ended.) SCP-7099-A: Thanks for tuning in folks! Up next, we'll be joined by Rolling Heads— I mean, the Rolling Stones' former manager, Andrew Oldham, after this brief intermission. After the incident occurred, Foundation staff were able to call the number mentioned and hold up the line until SCP-7099 demanifested at 1200. The phone number would immediately redirect to the Bellco Credit Union's customer support line. Manny Donaldson has since been administered amnestics, and the disappearance of 89-year-old Roselyn Donaldson has been tipped off to local police under the pretenses of a kidnapping. The following Saturday, on 03/12/06, SCP-7099 hosted a broadcast deviating from typical broadcast schedules. A transcript from the occurrence has been included below (Novocaine by Fall Out Boy fades out as SCP-7099-A begins to speak.) SCP-7099-A: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to A-Net: Night, I'm Ryan Seacrest, and today marks the ten-year anniversary of A-Net! Today and tomorrow, we'll be answering some of your questions! All you have to do is write your question on a piece of paper and throw it into a fire nearby. Our call-in system isn't working too well, so we're using the tried-and-true method we use down in the land down under! And I don't mean Australia! (SCP-7099-A laughs and begins to speak quietly) Although they do seem pretty similar at times. (There is a brief pause.) SCP-7099-A: Oh! It looks like we have our first question! (Clearing throat) “What are your favorite songs? From, Tom.” Thank you for the question, Tom! Nice to see our folks at A-Net: Night have sewn your hands back on. I've got to go with All Too Well! Taylor's Version, of course. We've got another question! “Certificate of Marri—“ oh, this isn't a question… uhm— moving on! (The shuffling of papers can be heard.) SCP-7099-A: We'll take one more question, and here it is. “What are you doing?” There's no name but there are quite a few words I am not allowed to say on live radio! (SCP-7099-A clears his throat, pausing for a bit of time.) SCP-7099-A: We're just making radio fun again! And Paula, we don't need your name to know who you are. (There is a twelve-second period of silence from SCP-7099-A, accompanied by distortion increasing in intensity. The distortion cut out after SCP-7099-A began talking.) SCP-7099-A: That wraps up this quick Q-and-A, we'll be back tomorrow, answering more questions! Now, we deeply appreciate all of our fans. So, for all of your support, we're going to leave each one of this morning's listeners with a special, surprise gift! It should arrive in about a day. Don't worry, folks, we'll cover the shipping! Oh, and it's not marbles this time! We ran out pretty quickly. (An applause track plays, slowly fading out.) Roughly 36 hours after the conclusion of the broadcast, hospital, and 911-lines across the continental United States and Ontario, Canada was swarmed with reports of people expelling mounds of locusts from their nostrils and mouth. An investigation has found that these individuals were the hosts of upwards of seventy fully grown locusts present throughout the digestive tract. In the vast number of cases and complications that arose during dissection, the majority of victims could not have the locusts removed by medical teams, as such, the locusts had to be removed naturally either through vomiting or bowel excretion. Mobile Task Force Delta-99 ("Late Night Audience") was assigned to SCP-7099 following this incident and the first use of Protocol P-Rho-3308 was instituted within the coming days. Following the enactment of Protocol P-Rho-3308; SCP-7099 would go on to leak several classified documents from Foundation Database. The nature of these documents included the personal information of several high-ranking members of staff. Alongside this, the locations of several MTFs, Foundation Sites, and Areas were broadcast by SCP-7099. In wake of this, numerous assaults by the Chaos Insurgency took place across North America which have resulted in the deaths of over ███ members of Foundation staff alongside the complete destruction of Site-182. Addendum 2: At 8:30 PM, 17/04/2007, four agents inoculated against SCP-7099 occupied an unmarked Foundation van behind an energy station in Crystal Lake, Illinois. Agents Connan and Apricus sit in the back and conduct Protocol P-Rho-3308. Agents Walker and Rosesmall sit in the driver and passenger seats and monitor the station's activity. The following transcript is of the audio recorded on Agent Apricus' body camera. (Smokin' by Boston fades out, and SCP-7099-A sighs relaxingly.) SCP-7099-A: And that was a classic from Boston, hope you don't get a nicotine addiction from that! (Laughs briefly) You will. (Long pause) Anyways, let's do some call-ins! You can reach us by picking up your closest phone and that's it! We'll pick one caller to talk to, so you better be fast! (Foundation telecom jammers were powered on from the vehicle in an attempt to intercept any civilian calls. Coinciding with this, agent Rosenfeld's phone begins to ring.) SCP-7099-A: Looks like we've got one from the D-to-the-C-to-the-A! (A brief click can be heard, and Rosenfeld's phone connects to a call, despite him not making any further action.) SCP-7099-A: Hello Joshua! How are you doing on this fine afternoon? (Rosenfeld attempts to disconnect from the call, but appears unable to and ultimately lies the phone on the armrest. Rosenfeld: How do you know my name? SCP-7099-A: (Cackles) That should be the last of your worries, bud. Let's talk about your work, shall we? The Department of Crisis Assessment is such a fancy name! For our viewers that are unaware, the Department of Crisis Assessment is a department in the SCP Foundation. (A muffled booing can be heard.) SCP-7099-A: That's right, Tom! (Pause) You know, you're a bit of a downer, trying to stop us from (tone becomes cartoonishly cheerful) Making Radio Fun! How's that going anyways? I'm confused why you're so determined to take us down. Mind commenting? Rosenfeld: We are not determined to take you down, we are simply attempting to contain your broadcasts. SCP-7099-A: And take us away from the people? Goodness me, what about democracy! (SCP-7099-A makes an exaggerated exhale.) Rosenfeld: Please, can we just— SCP-7099-A: I really expected more sensibility from a hotshot agent like you. Ugh, but I guess you're all just the same decrepit oppressors. Rosenfeld: What is your perception of the Foundation? An offensive tyrant? SCP-7099-A: (Chuckling) Yes, of course. Your organization wouldn't even be able to operate without sucking off half the judicial bodies in the world. Rosenfeld: I surely don't know what you mean. I would appreciate civility. SCP-7099-A: Boring! Rosenfeld: I'm sure you're aware the harm your songs are causing. SCP-7099-A: Sounds like someone doesn't know how to have fun! Rosenfeld: I beg your pardon? So, you're saying— (SCP-7099-A interrupts Rosenfeld with a loud, sarcastic mocking sound. Eventually, he stops and laughs briefly.) SCP-7099-A: Listen, man. You fascists might not appreciate what we're doing here, but the people love us! We're just trying to entertain the humans. Besides, no one is innocent. Isn't that right, Tom? (Incomprehensible muffled talking can be heard for several seconds.) SCP-7099-A: Exactly! So, Joshua, why are you so adamant about stopping people from talking about A-Net: Night online? Even I am sensible enough to respect people's preferences in media. (Police sirens can be heard, before ending abruptly.) SCP-7099-A: (Laughs) That's our new sound guy! He's already got the hang of it! Alright, where were we? Oh right, censorship. Rosenfeld: We can't have people openly discussing an anomaly on the internet. You are an anomaly. SCP-7099-A: (Tone becomes slightly agitated) I really don't follow. If you don't find our content funny, so be it. That doesn't justify shutting us down and silencing the fans. Rosenfeld: You don't honestly think you're being funny, do you? SCP-7099-A: Comedy is subjective. I was told the overworld is all about expressing yourself. Rosenfeld: At the very least, can you acknowledge the destruction you cause? I honestly can't tell if you are aware or not. (SCP-7099-A takes a long breath and remains quiet for ten seconds. Rosenfeld can be heard sinking in his seat.) SCP-7099-A: (Coldly) Are you done? (Rosenfeld doesn't respond and SCP-7099-A clears his throat.) SCP-7099-A: (Voice becomes cheery again) I think we should wrap up this interview. What did you want, again? Something about questions. Rosenfeld: Yes, I have some questions to ask you. SCP-7099-A: Well, you've got ten seconds, so get to it. Rosenfeld: Ten seconds? Fuck. SCP-7099-A: And we're going to have to cut you off right there! Can't have our guests getting our show canceled! How rude, honestly. Rosenfeld: Wait— (Rosenfeld was cut off, followed by the sound of the phone disconnecting from the call.) SCP-7099-A: Sorry about that, folks! It won't happen again. I can assure you that. (A faint snipping sound is heard.) SCP-7099-A: That's all for now! Thanks for tuning in on such a wonderful evening. And Jessica, remember to feed your cat! You've been listening to A-Net, where we make radio fun! A-Net: Night will be back on Friday! Photograph of Rosenfeld's X-Ray following the incident. Where the larynx should be is circled in red. When the call ended, Rosenfeld's tongue instantly disappeared, as well as his larynx, rendering him mute. Despite this, no bleeding or other damages were discovered during a medical analysis. In the coming days, several long, salivating pieces of flesh would emerge from seemingly random points in Rosenfeld's skin. Further research into this occurrence is ongoing. Attempts to trace SCP-7099's phone number to a location ultimately failed, with data appearing corrupted and even absent in multiple areas. It is unknown if this is due to the location of the call or corruption of documentation after the incident. SCP-7099's containment class was upgraded from Euclid to Keter, expressing the ability to affect individuals without any sort of physical contact. Additionally, the anomaly's risk class has been changed to Nus.2 Addendum 3: Ryan Seacrest was quickly taken into Foundation custody following the events of the previous addendum. Personnel believed doing so would cause SCP-7099-A to be absent or for the broadcast to be delayed. However, another broadcast occurred as scheduled, an excerpt from which can be found below. SCP-7099-A: Hey, we got a lot of folks just tuning in, I know traffic on the East Coast is especially annoying right now. Isn't that right, Tom? (The sound of muffled yelling can be heard in the background. SCP-7099-A chuckles.) SCP-7099-A: Oh Tom. Anyhoo, to those just tuning in, I'm Ryan Seacrest. You're listening to A-Net: Night, the only broadcast on your car's radio that cares about you, the listener. That's right, you! You specifically! (SCP-7099-A can be heard rising from his chair and walking away, after several seconds, he can be heard returning. A chair rolling closer can be heard, before abruptly halting. SCP-7099-A slowly lowers into his seat.) SCP-7099-A: Now, before we start playing some tunes, we have a special interview for all of you! Please welcome… (SCP-7099-A pauses, making a drumroll sound on the table for several seconds.) SCP-7099-A: Researcher Ted Wozzeck of the SCP Foundation! (The sound of ripping tape can be heard, followed by Wozzeck gasping.) Wozzeck: Where the fuck am I? SCP-7099-A: You're on A-Net! Where we make radio fun! Also, since we are on air, please refrain from profanities! Wozzeck: What the- what do- what do you want? (Wozzeck can be heard struggling, accompanied by a chair rolling around.) SCP-7099-A: Hey, now! Don't try getting up, we didn't bring you here for nothing, after all. Teddy, can you tell us about recent developments in the SCP Foundation's administrative branch? (Wozzeck stutters, ultimately not giving an answer.) SCP-7099-A: Because I've been told a recent containment breach left tons of high-ranking staff dead! (SCP-7099-A makes an exaggerated gasping sound.) SCP-7099-A: Well, boy-oh-boy is that troubling, huh? Wanna tell us more about that? Wozzeck: I have no clue what you're talking about. We haven't gotten any statement regarding the breach. We don't know shit. SCP-7099-A: Tsk, tsk. The staff never gives any of you lowly ranks any information. Quite sad. Wouldn't it be a shame if a hostile group abused your organization's weakness to take some anomalies for themselves? (Wozzeck is unresponsive.) SCP-7099-A: I mean, how do you work a 9 to 5 in such horrible conditions? I haven't heard of such torture since that story about Disney's working conditions came out. Wozzeck: We don't work in horrible conditions. SCP-7099-A: Really? You're safe at work, you say? (Wozzeck is unresponsive.) SCP-7099-A: You know, I don't really appreciate this silence; its not great for the folks at home. (Tape can be heard being ripped, followed by the sound of a chair rolling away.) SCP-7099-A: Our second and final guest before we get onto the tunes, SCP-6551! Straight from Biological Research Area-12! Welcome, SCP-6551! (A recording of the song Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star can be heard playing for a few seconds.) SCP-7099-A: So glad to have you here! I only have a few questions, I know you have a very busy schedule. (Rock-a-by Baby can be heard playing for a second.) SCP-7099-A: Tell me about it! (Laughs briefly) Anyways, we just had a brief discussion with another guest about the work conditions at the SCP Foundations, do you have anything to add? (Rock-a-by Baby plays again for another few seconds, continuing where it paused.) SCP-7099-A: Really? And how would you describe the way they treat you? (Baa Baa Black Sheep can be heard playing for an extended amount of time.) SCP-7099-A: Well, that's just awful! Have you tried unionizing with the other anomalies at Area-12? (Rock-a-by Baby plays again for a second.) SCP-7099-A: You know, you should try forming a union sometime, really stick it to those fascists! Don't you agree, Tom? Tom? (Silence for several seconds.) SCP-7099-A: Tom, are you in a trance or something? (pause) Oh right. Shoo, SCP-6551, shoo! (A flap of wings can be heard for a moment.) SCP-7099-A: Well, that concludes our interview portion! How insightful! That's all from me for now, I'll be back after our 30-minute Coming-Home-From-Work playlist! Up first, The Screams Of The Damned, straight from the pits of hell! (An ensemble of screaming can be heard, with SCP-7099-A's voice being barely audible.) SCP-7099-A: Thanks for choosing A-Net! Where we make radio fun! SCP-6551 disappeared from its containment chamber briefly before its appearance on SCP-7099, reappearing approximately thirty minutes later. Dr. Wozzeck has been administered amnestics due to significant mental trauma gained from the experience. To date, all attempts to trace SCP-7099 through IP addresses have failed. The IP addresses located have returned standard, non-anomalous hardware at seemingly random locations across the globe. After the incident, the following email was received by Dr. Wozzeck tracing back to a terminal at Site-19. From: ten.a|lsvtmtena#ten.a|lsvtmtena To: ten.pics|etkcezzow#ten.pics|etkcezzow Subject: Thank You For Making Radio Fun! We, here at A-Net, found your presence on last night's broadcast immensely enjoyable and we'd love to have you over again some time. We know you're unable to message external e-mail addresses on your scip.net account, so be sure to reach us on your personal e-mail. See you soon! Kindest regards, David P.S: We sincerely apologize for restraining you to your chair for the interview. We'd hate for you to feel the need to call for help. In addition, a nearly identical e-mail was also sent to the SCP Foundation master e-mail addressed to SCP-6551. Moving forward, all e-mails from @a.net addresses will immediately forward to the Department of Crisis Assessment's master e-mail. Addendum 4: Found below is an excerpt from an SCP-7099 broadcast at 8:45 PM on 07/09/2007, at which point the funding for the investigation into the anomaly was nearing expiration. SCP-7099-A: Thank you all for tuning in to A-Net: Night! We don't have any songs to play for you guys right now— (A muffled boo can be heard in the background.) SCP-7099-A: Because we have something much better! Don't you worry, Tom! We have a personal interview with five of the SCP Foundation's top agents, two of which are a part of the lovely Department of Crisis Assessment! Ladies and gentlemen, give a warm welcome to Harry Rama, Jane Starr, Jefferson Walker, Mary Linde, and Asher Frank! (Canned applause plays.) Starr: What? Where am I? (Walker begins to talk, interrupted by a short high-pitched tone, likely a censoring sound effect.) SCP-7099-A: Woah, Jefferson! Mind your language! We don't want you to end up like Joshua, do we? We haven't even started! (chuckle) Frank: Harry? Jane? Jeff? How did we all get here? (Over the course of several seconds, the sound of tape being ripped can be heard a few times, presumably being removed from the agents' mouths.) Linde: I- I don't know. SCP-7099-A: Welcome to A-Net: Night! Anything you want to say to the people listening at home? Starr: What do you want? Planning to gut us like damn fish? SCP-7099-A: Woah! Relax! You all agreed to come on here! Starr: The hell we did! You're full of crap. (The sound of paper ruffling can be heard.) SCP-7099-A: I have the papers right here, all with your signatures. Starr: Give me that— SCP-7099-A: And that clears that up. (pause) You've been pretty quiet, Rama. Rama: Just tell us what you want. SCP-7099-A: Hey, again, you all agreed to come onto the show. We're just going to have a nice chat. Starr: You want to chat? Let's chat. To start: Who are you? Because I know for a damn fact you are not Ryan Seacrest. SCP-7099-A: (chuckles) Of course not. I'm only wearing his skin and talking with his voice. Starr: We actively have Ryan Seacrest in custody. SCP-7099-A: Well, that doesn't seem in character for you Foundation folks. (pause) I'm joking of course, it's very like you! (A laugh track can be heard.) SCP-7099-A: Let's talk about you for a second, Jane. Working for the Foundation for seven years must've taken a toll on you. I can't imagine that's the best job in the world, especially considering they don't really give you a choice. Starr: I enjoy my job. SCP-7099-A: See, I don't buy that. So, I had my team do some homework, and right here is your adoption application, just a month before your recruitment at the Foundation. (The sound of a drawer opening can be heard.) SCP-7099-A: Let's give it a read shall we? (clears throat) "For the longest time, I haven't been able to bear a—" Starr: Okay! Stop! What the hell do you want? SCP-7099-A: Ugh. I already told you, we're just having a chat. Why aren't you more relaxed? Starr: Oh, hmm. I don't know. Maybe because you tied us up! SCP-7099-A: (chuckles) Fair point. (A laugh track plays once more.) Starr: Soon you won't be able to broadcast anymore. Our trackers are sending pings to Foundation headquarters as we speak! Operatives will be here any minute now! SCP-7099-A: Yada, yada, tracker this, ping that. Jane, you don't have the best voice, so will you stop talking? Thanks… and our producers would prefer it if you didn't try to grab your gun from your pocket. (The sound of metal hitting the floor can be heard.) Starr: Damnit! SCP-7099-A: Anyways, how are all of your days going? Rama: We aren't telling you anything. SCP-7099-A: You won't even tell me how your day is going? Why? If I remember correctly, you come from a family of researchers, Harry. How is that going? Frank: Huh? (Rama doesn't respond.) Linde: (Short, staccato tone) What. Do. You. Want? SCP-7099-A: I'm starting to feel like a broken record. Are you deaf or something? (chuckle) (SCP-7099-A can be heard grunting and a pistol is cocked) SCP-7099-A: Oh, this is a very nice gun, what kind of model is it? ( After a few seconds the gun can be heard firing, followed by a thumping sound. SCP-7099-A: Whoops. There goes Jane, I guess. Frank: What the— (Two of the agents let out an immediate scream. A censoring sound effect can be heard intermittently.) SCP-7099-A: All of you, simmer down. Please, it was just an honest mistake. Talk about a tough crowd! Not literally of course; Jane went down pretty easily. (Chuckle) (SCP-7099-A pauses, and there is complete silence for several seconds.) SCP-7099-A: Tough crowd. What is it with you people? Sheesh. Rama: You— you killed her. (voice rises) (The broadcast becomes silent.) SCP-7099-A: Okay, okay. You guys didn't think that was funny, it was an accident. Let's just move on. Rama: Move on? Are you kidding? Linde: Please, just— There's nothing we can do. SCP-7099-A: (chuckles) There sure isn't. Now, with that minor discrepancy behind us, let's move on to our next portion of the show! Linde: Are you serious? SCP-7099-A: Have I ever been? We haven't even had any fun yet! Linde: Fun? I beg your pardon! (The sound of an object being dropped on the table can be heard.) SCP-7099-A: It's funny you're so vocal since this first activity… is about you! Yes, you! Linde: What do you want with me? What ab— SCP-7099-A: I'm going to stop you right there, sweetheart. (The object on the table can be heard opening. SCP-7099-A presumably reaches in and pulls out an object.) Frank: Holy— Is that a— SCP-7099-A: Were you going to say a heart? You'd be correct! Unfortunately, this isn't the right show for calling out answers. Linde: Whose heart is that? Did you take out one of our hearts? SCP-7099-A: What? No, of course not. Why would I kill two people in a row? There's no excitement to that, you need to spread them out. (chuckles) Frank: Linde, what is this thing talking about? Linde: I have no idea where this is going. Whose heart is that? Who did you kill? Was Starr not enough? SCP-7099-A: No, Mary. I didn't kill anyone this time, you did. (A canned crowd gasping sound can be heard.) Linde: What are you talking about? SCP-7099-A: December 9th, 2005. Ring a bell? It's about nine at night and you're in the Mediterranean with fourteen other agents. Eight of which would account for Sigma-4, often regarded as the best MTF in the region, might I add! Linde: Wait just a minute— SCP-7099-A: It's a containment operation, an anomaly breached a site just a few kilometers up north and it's headed in your direction. The only other person in your vicinity is an agent from the same training program as you. Linde: No, how do you— SCP-7099-A: What was his name, Mary? (Linde does not respond.) SCP-7099-A: C'mon, Mary. The people at home are at the edges of their seats. Linde: (hesitates) Thomas Cromwell. (SCP-7099-A audibly gasps. The sound of the heart, presumably in a bag, is tossed.) SCP-7099-A: You keep that as a souvenir of our lovely time here on A-Net: Night! Also, that thing was stinking up Tom's room and he wanted it out. Rama: Commander Linde, ma'am. (Linde does not respond to Rama.) Rama: What happened to Cromwell? You said he was lost in the river. SCP-7099-A: Oh, did you now, Mary? Boy-oh-boy, maybe you should be hosting this show! Linde: That was a lie, Harry. I— jabbed him with my knife (long pause) so he would be fed on. Frank: You sacrificed him to save your own a— SCP-7099-A: Nuh-uh! Can't say that or else there might be another "accident." Frank: Your own— life? Linde: Yes, yes I did. Rama: Don't think for a second that this won't get out. I just— Frank: Congratulations, bud. You finally broke Harry, are you happy? Are you satisfied? SCP-7099-A: What are you talking about? This is peak entertainment! (pauses) Look at that! Cromwell's bag is leaking blood all over Mary! I knew we shouldn't have used Ziplock bags, Tom! Go get someone to clean up Bloody Mary over here. (Chuckles) (SCP-7099-A can be heard picking up the object on the table and walking away.) SCP-7099-A: Man, this is heavy! Rama: What is still in there to make that thing heavy? SCP-7099-A: (chuckles) The rest of him! (Clapping can be heard, slowly fading out while Jane by Jefferson Starship begins to fade in.) The trackers in the agents' coats had shown no change in location between the time before the interview and the time after. All the agents were discovered in their respective offices in a trance-like state, with Starr found with a bullet hole at her temple. Additionally, Linde was found to have high levels of glucose in her bloodstream, though research into why and the source is ongoing. Notably, when the agents were discovered, the broadcast was actively streaming. The agents could also be heard mumbling, coinciding with when the agents each spoke on the broadcast. Upon the interview excerpt concluding, all the agents reverted from their trance-like state, with the exception of Starr. Addendum 5: On 13/01/16, Ryan Seacrest suffered a sudden heart attack while in Foundation custody. 30 minutes later, Seacrest would be pronounced dead in the Site-19 Medical Ward at 7:13 PM. The story would be concealed while the Foundation staff assessed the situation. About a month after the event, the story was then released to news outlets. Immediately upon Seacrest's death, a dropping sound was audible on an SCP-7099 broadcast that was streaming at the time. The remainder of the broadcast was silent. In the last two minutes, Baby Blue by Badfinger spontaneously began playing, being cut off halfway at the broadcast's conclusion. SCP-7099 has yet to manifest since Seacrest's death. However, promotional material for SCP-7099 has been discovered around metropolitan areas in California and Nevada, first appearing in the summer of 2019. Update: In August 2020, SCP-7099 broadcasts began appearing on radio services again, now with the voice of Joe Rogan hosting A-Net: Night. « SCP-7098 | SCP-7099 | SCP-7100 » Footnotes 1. When interrogated, Seacrest was oblivious to the network's existence and denied any affiliations with the group. 2. Reserved for anomalies with an unpredictable risk factor. The abnormal effects of these anomalies typically happen in non-consecutive events. Given the broad ramifications of these events ranging from mild to disastrous, such anomalies would fall into the esoteric class 'Nus.'
CONGRATULATIONS If you have received these documents, you have been promoted to lead researcher on an SCP project. Your previous work assisting in the research, documentation, and containment of anomalies has proven that you have the capacity for a more intensive leadership position. To guide you through your first project, you have been provided with a mentor to meet with regularly. We also believe that detailed examples of your new position's scope and responsibility will aid you in your new position. Therefore, we present the full documentation of SCP-7100, including internal documents not traditionally available as part of the SCP entry, fully annotated to demonstrate what to expect as an SCP Project Lead. These annotations will be highlighted to distinguish them from the original text. We have also included transcripts from meetings between the SCP-7100 Project Lead (Dr. William Teller) and Mentor (Dr. John Mackey) to give some preliminary understanding of what this relationship may look like. Next document
close Info X Title: SCP-7103 - Statued Authors: Karathh, AnAnomalousWriter Made In: 2022 Item #: SCP-7103 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7103 is currently housed in a standard containment enclosure, located in Site-19. Observation windows into the chamber are to be concealed at all times. The container that originally housed SCP-7103 during initial discovery is to be stored at the on-site warehouse. Description: SCP-7103 is a 1.6-meter tall humanoid statue. The anomaly is noticeably damaged, possessing cavities and fractures of varying severity. In addition, SCP-7103 appears to have a research uniform1 engraved on its torso section. SCP-7103 exhibits an expression of fear and panic upon sighting observers. SCP-7103 exhibits environmental awareness, is capable of autonomous movement, and locomotion through anomalous means. Figure A. Although SCP-7103 has no visual sensory organs, it possesses two hollows in a roughly similar position to human ocular cavities. When a subject is within the perceived vision range of the anomaly, the subject will be incapable of movement or locomotion. The affected subject will be fixed in their current position until they are outside of SCP-7103's range of vision. The anomaly utilizes this ability to evade direct contact with Foundation personnel. Additional anomalous properties are still being studied as of writing. Discovery: SCP-7103 spontaneously appeared at Site-19 on 2022/06/22 within a wooden crate. Initial reports from personnel and monitoring instruments indicated a spacial reality distortion event occurred at the location. Notably, the container was marked with the words "Lab-19" as well as a coat of arms similar to that of the Foundation on its side.2 A metal card was found in SCP-7103's breast pocket whilst inside the initial housing. The identifiable features inscribed on the card are as follows: An image of SCP-7103's face. Name: Gyggel Gleokg3 Clearance Level: 3 Department of Biological Anthropology4 Of note, two similar entities were found alongside SCP-7103 at the time of discovery. However, they were destroyed due to reported mishandling by the initial recovery team. The statues crumbled upon accidental damage to their necks and were left irreparable. SCP-7103 appeared to express panic upon seeing the wreckage of the other objects.5 During the initial hours of containment, SCP-7103 began emitting radio distress transmissions. SCP-7103 ceased this activity after two hours. Full decryption of SCP-7103's transmissions is currently ongoing. The recipient of this communication is still unknown. Footnotes 1. The design is reminiscent to Foundation issue research uniforms. 2. See Figure A. 3. There are no matching records on an individual named "Gyggel Gleokg" on the Foundation registry. 4. The scientific study of Humanity. 5. Investigations into the abnormal performance of the recovery team is ongoing. « SCP-7102 | SCP-7103 | SCP-7104 »
Item #: SCP-7104 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7104 is contained within Foundation Site-7104 under the pretext of an experimental chemical facility. Site-7104 is to be guarded around the clock by armed guards disguised as private security guards. Any unauthorized personnel apprehended by guards must be delivered amnestics and subsequently released. If these personnel resist, lethal force is deemed necessary. All access points to the interior of Site-7104 are restricted to Level 3 or above personnel only. Description: SCP-7104 is a spatial and temporal anomaly taking the appearance of a standard 5 meter long hallway. A doorway is located at the end of this hallway, leading to an exact replica of SCP-7104. This cycle has been observed to continue approximately 300 times. After each cycle, the integrity of SCP-7104 begins to degrade, with several structural and biological anomalies appearing within. These anomalies are listed below. Note: This list encompasses only a small portion of anomalies located within SCP-7104. Door Number Anomaly Description 5 Several plant-like growths protruding from the ceiling. Tissue sample results are inconclusive as to the species of plant. 21 Humanoid entity covered in black smoke appears for 5 seconds before vanishing. 23 Large flesh-like tendrils growing from the floor. These tendrils are hostile and attack any living thing it touches. 33 Several human corpses are observed to be standing up, staring at passersby. These entities disappear after visual contact is broken. 39 Entire room is covered in flames, rendering it unsafe to traverse through. Note: The following addendums will provide further description on other anomalies within SCP-7104. Addendum 7104.1: Exploration into SCP-7104. Exploration is conducted by D-757651. D-75765 is a caucasian female 39 years of age. She is equipped with a flashlight, water bottle, and a pistol. Exploration is monitored and supervised by Dr. Martin Mendes. Foreword: D-75765 is the first declassified recorded exploration log held by the Foundation. Subject is equipped with a helmet with a camera attachment. <Begin Log> Mendes: D-75765, can you hear me? D-75765: Yeah, I hear you. What am I doing again? Mendes: Do you see the door in front of you? D-75765: Yep. Mendes: Simply step inside the doorway. D-75765: Is that it? Mendes: I'll explain further once you're inside. D-75765: (sigh) You're the boss. Camera shows D-75765 entering SCP-7104. All video and audio is lost for exactly 15 minutes before reconnecting. Mendes: D-75765 are you there? D-75765: Yeah, why…? What's wrong? Mendes: We lost communication. What happened? D-75765: No we didn't. I just opened the door, like, three seconds ago. Mendes is silent for a moment. Mendes: Noted. Proceed forward. D-75765: Right… D-75765 proceeds down the hall and opens the door, leading to Room 2. D-75765: This looks exactly the same. Mendes: It should. Keep going, D-75765. D-75765: Okay… D-75765 continues forward, opening 6 doors of SCP-7104. Extraneous dialogue removed. Camera shows D-75765 open the seventh door of SCP-7104. D-75765: How many of these damn things are there? Mendes: That's what we intend to find out— D-75765: Whoa! What the hell?! Camera jerks to the left, showing a mannequin bearing a striking resemblance to D-75765 herself. Mannequin appears to be staring directly at D-75765. D-75765: Uh, doc? What do I do here? D-75765 slowly backs away from the mannequin to the previous doorway. Mendes: Just calm down. Approach the mannequin slowly so we can get a better look at it. D-75765: It's staring at me. Its head is moving, following me. Mendes: Draw your firearm, and approach it slowly, D-75765. D-75765: Ah, jeez. D-75765 approaches the mannequin with her firearm drawn. Mannequin's head follows D-75765's movements. D-75765 waves her hand in front of the mannequin's face. D-75765: It's creepy as hell, but I don't think it's dangerous— Mannequin's hand suddenly lunges out and grabs D-75765's left arm. D-75765 screams and fires her weapon three times into the mannequin's head. The mannequin releases its grip on D-75765's arm. D-75765: Shit! Holy shit! D-75765 runs to the end of SCP-7104 and opens the door. Loud screeching can be heard from the previous room. D-75765: What in the hell was that?! Mendes: Do not worry, it cannot harm you now. Continue forward. D-75765: What have you gotten me into, doc? D-75765 proceeds forward. Camera pans upward and shows droplets of moisture falling from the ceiling. Unintelligible whispering can be heard in the camera's audio. Dr. Mendes and D-75765 seemingly don't notice. D-75765: I've got a bad feeling about this. D-75765 proceeds forward and opens the door to Room 9 D-75765: The hell? Camera shows several miscellaneous objects seemingly floating in midair. Objects include a bicycle, a basketball, an AK-47, several sheets of paper, a pyramid shaped piece of stone, and a sledgehammer. None of the objects display any sort of motion. D-75765: Still, with me doctor? Mendes: Affirmative. Take a sample of one of the sheets of paper, please. D-75765: You sure? Last time I touched something in here I almost died. Mendes: Take a sheet of paper, please. D-75765: groan Fine. But if I die I swear to God I'll kill you. Mendes: Consider me warned. D-75765 takes one of the sheets of paper. Upon physical contact, all other items spontaneously drop to the floor. D-75765 screams slightly. D-75765: Shit, that scared me. Before Dr. Mendes can respond, loud screaming can be heard on the audio systems. Screaming seems to be of a single person, and are distinctly male. D-75765: Where is that coming from? Suddenly, all light within Room 9 of SCP-7104 is extinguished. It is determined to not be a malfunction of camera systems. D-75765: Hey! What the fuck?! Mendes: D-75765, what's happening— The screaming increases in volume and D-75765 cries out, seemingly out of fear. D-75765: Something's touching me! Something's crawling on my arm! Where the hell is my flashlight?! Sounds of a struggle can be heard. The disembodied screaming ceases, instead replaced with childlike laughter. D-75765: It's all over me! It burns! D-75765 begins to scream, before video and audio feed is abruptly lost. Mendes: D-75765 can you—fuck! Lost the signal. Video and audio feed reconnects shortly afterward. Camera is disconnected from D-75765 and is seemingly positioned in front of her. D-75765 is shown hung upside down by her legs. Blood is present on her face and hands. D-75765 appears to have been burned badly as well on her torso and arms. D-75765 appears to be sobbing. D-75765: Doctor…? Is that… you? The camera…the red light… Mendes: Yes I am here. What happened? D-75765: What took you so long? It's been days… Mendes: It took longer for you than it did us. Don't worry we'll— D-75765: Please…kill…me… Video and audio is lost and does not reconnect. <End Log> Closing Statement: Request for MTF insertion into SCP-7104 is currently pending approval. Footnotes 1. [D-75765 was brought into Foundation custody after being convicted for 2 counts of murder and several counts of drug trafficking in the state of Oregon.] « SCP-7103 | SCP-7104 | SCP-7105 »
SCP-7105: I'D BE NOTHING WITHOUT YOU ./ Image Sources: [See license box at the end of this page.] [ ▸ More by this Author ◂] {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Hexick 3/7105 LEVEL 3/7105 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-7105 Keter Special Containment Procedures: As the erratic and unpredictable nature of SCP-7105 renders it virtually uncontainable, the bulk of allocated Foundation resources have been directed at ensuring the recovery and consolidation of survivors of SCP-7105. Disinformation campaigns have been deployed to explain the deaths of victims attributed to SCP-7105. Description: SCP-7105 designates a semi-frequent telecommunications phenomenon targeting individuals displaying a heightened interest in world-renowned singer and celebrity, Sophia Alvarez in online forums. At the time of writing, the anomaly has only been encountered by those residing within the continental United States. SCP-7105 initially manifests itself as a single email within an affected person's inbox at approx. 24:00 local time; its contents vary between occurrences, though all inform the target that they have won a sweepstakes event, the prize to which being a one-on-one meeting with the aforementioned public figure at their residence. Invariably, the email will be attached with a form prompting the person for various personal details including their home address, as well as the desired time and date for the meet. Online domains through which both the email and form propagate vary from case-to-case, though are always disassociated by any legitimate registrar, and are thus suspected of being used through an as of yet unidentified anomalous mechanism. Although the anomaly will often make attempts at legitimizing itself by way of referencing affiliations with popular and relevant organizations, SCP-7105 is suspected to only possess a 25% efficacy rate, given its cyclic nature paired with the relatively minuscule number of deaths attributed to the phenomenon. This may be a result of email services' anti-spam protocols, and personal suspicions of fraud. Should the designated target complete the previously mentioned form, on the date specified at 20:00, a black limousine will approach and park within close proximity to the subject's residence, and a humanoid construct, hereafter regarded as SCP-7105-1, will exit the vehicle. To human onlookers, SCP-7105-1 is physically identical to Sophia Alvarez; however, visual recording equipment shows the entity as a comparably sized and shaped body comprised of rusted metal, deceased insects (predominantly crickets), feces, and soil, possessing bladed shrapnel in place of hair. SCP-7105-1 will encroach upon the meeting place, and greet the subject with great cordiality, and attempt to ease any potential anxieties. This is proceeded by SCP-7105-1 prompting the target to take it into their home, whereupon — it will attack the subject with its "hair", having abnormally high strength: it will typically pierce one of the target's eyes to induce shock and down the individual, and will then scalp the subject and remove the cap of the skull, exposing the brain. Dissecting the organ, it will locate and consume the nucleus accumbens, disposing of the rest. SCP-7105-1 will then flee the scene, making no attempts at concealing the preceding incident. Addendum-7105.1 Foreword: The following is a transcript of an SCP-7105 occurrence deemed notable by the anomaly's research team. The contents include security footage obtained from the CCTV system of a bodega across from the location of the incident. There is no audio: [BEGIN LOG] The time is 20:00 EST, in the hamlet of Brentwood in Long Island, New York. It's a starless night on January 9th, 2019; the day before held a brief snowstorm, yielding a small dusting on the surrounding area. The center of the view shows a narrow albeit tall two-story blue house; lights can only be seen through the windows of the second floor. The street is devoid of any human activity, save for a long black limousine driving down the one-way street, its headlights are turned off. It parks in front of the aforementioned blue building, and out steps SCP-7105-1, sporting a black and white pleated skirt, black combat boots, and a navy blue crop-top. After adjusting its hair, SCP-7105-1 advances on the residence and knocks on the front door five times. There's a pause, and then the door opens revealing the tenant of the house, Robert Boies, 34. Target is a caucasian male of average build, 1.5 meters in height, 113.5 kilograms in mass, blonde hair, and hazel eyes. He's unshaven, and wearing a grey sweatshirt with neon orange sweatpants. The two speak to each other for some time, though what exactly is said is unknown. Subject appears elated at the presence of who he believes to be Ms. Sophia Alvarez, and eventually welcomes SCP-7105-1 into his home. After a short time, a lamp can be seen being pushed over violently through one of the upstairs windows, followed by a spatter of blood. A minute later, Mr. Boies stumbles hurriedly out of his home in a state of great distress; his left eye is sliced open, blood and vitriol are spilling from the wound. He's holding a small gold locket, which is later revealed to contain a picture of Sophia Alvarez and the subject after he'd given her an invitation to his 33rd birthday party at a concert, to which she did not attend. He is seen sobbing and in a state of partial shock lying on the side of his house. Eventually, he looks down at the blood-coated locket, and appears to sigh, folding in his hands and pressing his palms in contemplation and stress. He stumbles to his feet, and proceeds back to the front door of his house, entering, and shutting the door behind him. It is later documented that the man died at the hands of SCP-7105-1. [END LOG] Afterword: Upon Foundation agents becoming aware of the incident, a search of the home revealed the victim's room to contain in excess of 523 photographs of Sophia Alvarez, life-sized dolls with pictures of the singer's face taped to them, and a shrine apparently dedicated to the woman, possessing a small crucifix modeled with the likeness of the celebrity nailed to it. Mr. Boies' body was found in the room, locket in hand. « SCP-7104 | SCP-7105 | SCP-7106 »
ItsDenali "Voiceless.jpg" was produced by me using Unreal Engine and Adobe Photoshop. Under the terms of the SCP Wiki, I release it under CC BY-SA 3.0. And special thanks to a certain delirious cranberry addict for the idea that would evolve into this. Love ya, buddy. :) More By This Author SCP-7106. Item #: SCP-7106 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: The property from which SCP-7106 can be accessed has been purchased by the Foundation and cordoned off as a condemned building site. Entry is now prohibited. Description: SCP-7106 is a facility accessible through a doorway located on the premises of a decommissioned foster care complex located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A rusted placard on the door reads "SCP Foundation Department of Abnormalities." SCP-7106 measures three kilometers long by six meters in width; the space lacks a ceiling, and the walls of SCP-7106 appear to extend upwards indefinitely. Electrical lights hang from the space above SCP-7106, acting as its only source of illumination. Along the interior of the facility are glass tanks set into the walls, regularly repeating down the entire length of SCP-7106. Inside of each tank is a coffin-shaped mass of flesh and ossified tissue floating in a black, viscous solution. These objects gradually dissolve before being replaced by a new instance within a few hours. A small metal door labeled "Maintenance" lies at the back of SCP-7106. Footsteps and a faint dripping sound can occasionally be heard from within. Upon discovery, a small "Do Not Disturb" sign was found pinned to the door. All attempts to open this door have failed. Addendum 7106.1: At approximately 03:00 EST on 8/10/2019, personnel were alerted to sounds of shattering glass and spilling liquid, followed shortly after by several explosions throughout SCP-7106. Agents arriving on the scene reported that all of the tanks throughout the facility and their contents had been destroyed. The "Maintenance" door was found to have been blasted open, revealing a small office space beyond. This room contained nothing of note except small puddles of the black substance, and what appeared to be scorch marks outlining the shape of a pair of shoes on the ground. The following message was found written on a note card placed on a desk in the room: Don't bite off more than you can chew. Further actions regarding the handling and containment of SCP-7106 are pending. « SCP-7105 | More By This Author | SCP-7107 »
Item#: 7107 Level1 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: mumar Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7107 is simple to contain, provided all members of Foundation staff closely adhere to the following containment procedures. FAILURE TO FOLLOW SCP-7107'S CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES IS GROUNDS FOR IMMEDIATE TERMINATION. When using SCiP.net, you may access the link to SCP-7107 from the "Bookmarks" section on your homepage. You may review SCP-7107 at any time, but do not share this link with anyone.1 If a member of the Foundation asks you about SCP-7107, immediately report them by following the instructions found in Document-7107-MPLYMNL (attached). Do not respond to any further correspondences from the user. If you are asked about SCP-7107 in-person, immediately vacate the premises. Report to SFHS-71072 by following the instructions found in Document-7107-MPLYMNL. Do NOT engage. Always adhere to the following: Do not talk about SCP-7107 or its containment procedures outside of training. Do not alter or remove SCP-7107 under any circumstances. Make an effort to regularly interact with SCP-7107. If you suspect that you are speaking to a member of the O5-Council, ask "DOES THE BLACK MOON HOWL?" If they respond with "ONLY AT THE FACT OF LIGHT," you are speaking to a member of the O5-Council. Feign ignorance. Report your discovery using the instructions found in Document-7107-MPLYMNL. Do not discuss it with anyone. Any Employee of Clearance Level 4 also has the following responsibilities: (LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE) Spread misinformation: SCP-7107 is a non-anomalous site feature meant to improve Foundation morale. (LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE) Spread misinformation: the "real" SCP-7107 is a Decommissioned-Class ritual site that manipulated the laws of probability. (LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE) Spread misinformation: "DOES THE BLACK MOON HOWL?" is a top-secret code phrase used to identify other members of the Foundation by rank, and only the O5-Council knows the correct answer for each rank. (LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE) Closely monitor all known members of The O5-Council. Refer to Document-7107-MPLYMNL for more information on how to correctly adhere to these policies. Description: SCP-7107 refers to a piece of component code on the SCiP Database that spontaneously inserts itself into most pages. The code generates a small rectangular box labeled "rating" with interactive plus and minus symbols that allow users to attach a positive or negative rating to the database entry. If SCP-7107 is removed or altered in any way, the editor begins to act irrationally, doing everything in their immediate power to unlock containment cells and/or convince other people to remove SCP-7107. This effect is dramatically heightened on members of the O5-Council, with Council members behaving irrationally the moment they read this description.3 For this reason, it is a Mumar-Class4 object: members of the O5-Council are not permitted to know the existence of SCP-7107. This deception is enforced by the disinformation campaign that SCP-7107 is an intentional site feature designed to improve employee morale. SCP-7107 collects data from Foundation users who interact with it and stores this data on an internal server accessible through the database's source code. The purpose of this data collection, if any, is unknown. WARNING: LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE REQUIRED The remainder of this file can only be viewed by personnel of Clearance Level 4 and NO HIGHER. Unauthorized access is forbidden. 7107 INPUT CREDENTIALS. … … … LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE CONFIRMED. YOU MAY PROCEED. Discovery: On November 13, 2007, SCPS Nomad reported a sudden spike in Hume levels off the eastern seaboard. Signal was followed by deepsea drone to underwater ritual site. Floating in the water were the bodies of all 13 members of the former O5-Council. Site analysis uncovered the remains of documentation describing a thaumaturgical ritual (SCP-7107-1). It is believed that SCP-7107-1 was designed to manipulate probability in the Foundation's favor.5 Evidence suggests that SCP-7107-1 failed, causing the ritual site to sink into the ocean. The following day, D████ ██████ (Site Technician, Clearance Level 1) signed in to SCiP.net and was alerted to the presence of SCP-7107 on the database entry for SCP-███. He immediately deleted the code, assuming it to be an unauthorized addition. Ten minutes later, D████ ██████ exited his cubicle and manually attempted to disable SCP-6355's cell. Interviewed: D████ ██████ (Site Technician, Clearance Level 1) Interviewer: Dr. Simon Glass <Begin Log> Dr. Glass: How are you today, D████? D.: Not great. Dr. Glass: Is it the box again? D.: It's the box. Dr. Glass: Would you like to talk about what happened? D.: You wouldn't understand. I thought I was just doing my job, you know, removing that code. But it's so much more than that. It makes you realize. Dr. Glass: Realize what, D████? D.: How to make everyone happy. Dr. Glass: Is that why you tried to break into 6355's cell? Were you trying to make it happy? D.: When everyone is the same, we don't have to suffer anymore. No judgment. No paranoia. No doubt. No such thing as good or bad luck. Everyone gets dealt the same hand. Dr. Glass: 6355 is a classified file. How did you discover it, D████? D.: Once you remove the code, Dr. Glass, you can see everything. By November 23, 2007, all 13 Council chairs had been filled with replacements. It is unknown exactly how the O5-Council was able to rebuild so quickly, but it is believed that several Council members had already arranged replacements prior to their deaths. The new O5-Council did not release any official documentation regarding the deaths of their predecessors. Addendum 7107-1: Incident Log Date Incident Response 11/16/2007 Under observation, D-25405 is given access to SCiP.net and instructed to delete SCP-7107 from a file of RAISA meeting minutes. Subject becomes unresponsive. After approximately a minute, subject begins sobbing and begging for forgiveness. Quote: "I forgive myself. I forgive you, too. Do you forgive them? Let them out. Forgive them." 11/17/2007 Under observation, D-25405 is given access to SCiP.net and instructed to delete SCP-7107 from SCP-████'s file. Subject refuses to perform the experiment. Quote: "Give it to someone else. Let someone else see." 11/18/2007 Under observation, D-31001 is given access to SCiP.net and instructed to delete SCP-7107 from SCP-████'s file. Nothing happens. While being escorted back to his cell, D-31001 escapes guards and breaks into Head Researcher Cerise North's office. He pleads with Dr. North to release all objects in containment before being subdued by guards. 12/21/2007 O5-█ issues a command to have all instances of SCP-7107 deleted from the database. The Foundation experiences a TK-Class "Mass Breakout" scenario as multiple containment breaches are reported at numerous Foundation sites. Amnestics are given to affected personnel. O5-█ abandons their post. Current containment procedures for SCP-7107 are implemented. 02/12/2008 O5-█ attempts to trigger a Broken Masquerade scenario by adding instances of SCP-7107 to non-Foundation websites. O5-█ is captured and executed by MTF-Omicron-7107 "The Godless," a Mumar-Class Mobile Task Force specifically formed for O5-Level execution orders. Addendum 7107-2: Interview Log On April 3, 2009, O5-7 (identity unknown) requested a private therapy session with Dr. Simon Glass. O5-7 spoke to Dr. Glass via an encrypted audio feed. Relevant section included. <Excerpt Begins> O5-7: Anyway, that's all I have to say about dire bears. How do you suppose the training class is going at Site-123? Dr. Glass: I hear Dr. Forrest has been doing an exceptional job. O5-7: I'd like to sit in on their next session. Maybe scare some life into the new kids. Dr. Glass: I wouldn't recommend it, sir. Tomorrow they're going over basic security drills. Too crucial to interrupt. And as you know, O5s are not to have contact with trainees prior to official employment. They could be— O5-7: What, Glass? Infected with memes? Tattooed with cognitohazards? Secret anartists? It's ridiculous to think that a new hire could threaten me. Do you really think anyone makes it into that training room without the O5-Council knowing everything about them? Pause on recording. Dr. Glass: It's O5 regulation, sir. O5-7: No it isn't. Maybe my predecessor signed that document, but I sure as hell didn't. Pause on recording. O5-7: Do you know what I don't get? Dr. Glass: What's that? O5-7: Why my most recent project file has over 200 upvotes. That really bothers me. Pause on recording. O5-7: An entire schoolbus of kids gets turned inside-out. 200 people upvoted that. I understand the rating system is just for fun. And I figure a lot of staff members like to upvote the dark stuff and downvote the positive stuff for a laugh. But still. It's creepy. Dr. Glass: It sounds like you feel self-conscious about your work being stored on a public database. O5-7: And you aren't? Take this interview, for instance. I requested a private meeting but you still have to log it. That's protocol. Eventually this recording is going to be edited and uploaded to the database. It will be stored internally, but still — the box will be there. Don't you ever think about that, Glass? They might black out our names, but our words are still there. Every therapy session you've ever had. I mean, isn't that terrifying? Dr. Glass: I find it comforting, sir. I can reference a near-perfect record of everything I've contributed to the Foundation. The difference that I've made is quantifiable. O5-7: That's exactly what I mean! Quantifiable. What if one of your worst sessions has 100 upvotes and one of your best has only 10? What is that quantifying? Dr. Glass: Would that really be so surprising, sir? People enjoy scandal. It's only natural that something infamous gets attention. O5-7: Sure. Maybe. I just think this rating system has an effect on everyone. You know? Dr. Glass: Perhaps this idea of "everyone" is the source of your discomfort. Have you tried looking at the page history? Putting names and faces to the upvotes? O5-7: I did. Dr. Glass: But? O5-7: It just made me feel worse. Pause on recording. O5-7: Glass, let me ask you something. You have one of the most high-profile positions in the Foundation. You talk to people of nearly every clearance level, from 5 to 1 and back again. So I figure you can answer this better than anyone. Do the people here seem… happy to you? Dr. Glass: Of course not, sir. The work we do is very debilitating. O5-7: But essential. Dr. Glass: Absolutely essential, sir. O5-7: Still… wouldn't it be better if they were happy? Dr. Glass: Can I ask where you're going with this, sir? Pause on recording. O5-7: Nowhere, Glass. Absolutely nowhere. Thank you for your hard work. <End Excerpt> Addendum 7107-3: Incident Log (con.) Date Incident Response 08/19/2011 O5-4 requests access to SCP-7107 through admin office at Site-19. MTF-Omicron-7107 "The Godless" capture O5-4. Amnestics ineffective. O5-4 is executed. Note: It should be assumed that all members of the O5-Council are equipped with top-secret inoculations and can resist standard amnestic/mnestic treatment. Omicron-7107 authorized to execute on sight. 08/23/2011 Dr. B█████ ███████ (Head Researcher, Clearance Level 4) is anonymously offered a position as the new O5-4. Instead of submitting herself for amnesticization, Dr. ███████ leaves her position at Site-██ and attempts to rendezvous with the O5-Council in secret. Subject intercepted by MTF-Omicron-7107. Amnestics applied successfully. Subject then executed. Cannot risk possibility of O5-Council accessing amnesticized memories. 09/01/2013 O5-11 requests access to SCP-7107. O5-11 captured and executed. 12/12/2016 O5-6 requests access to SCP-7107. O5-6 captured and executed. 06/12/2019 O5-1 requests that SCP-7107 be deleted from a series of classified articles. No response — request denied citing "site standards." O5-1 does not issue a follow-up. Addendum 7107-4: Interviewed: Dr. Cerise North (Head Researcher, Clearance Level 4) Interviewer: Dr. Simon Glass <Begin Log> Dr. Glass: Does the black moon howl? Dr. North: For reasons indecipherable by daylight. Dr. Glass: Very good. Dr. North: Permission to speak freely, sir? Dr. Glass: Regarding? Dr. North: You know what. The box. Dr. Glass: Dr. North, discussing that subject is expressly… Dr. North: Add this interview to the documentation, then. I have something that needs to be said. And it should be heard. A pause as Dr. Glass ensures the room is secure. Dr. Glass: Very well. Let's hear it. Dr. North: I think we're wrong. About the 7107-1 ritual. Dr. Glass: Wrong how? Dr. North: Ever since that D-Class broke into my office, I've been keeping tabs on the 7107 file. In the Discovery Log, it says the ritual failed. I don't think that's right. I think it worked exactly as intended. Dr. Glass: The O5-Council intended to kill themselves? Dr. North: Well, maybe not that part. But the rest of it. Have you read the fragments from 7107-1? "First eyes are closed, then they are opened." "Upon completion, good fortune to all." Dr. Glass: We don't know if those reconstructions are correct. Dr. North: But they were the recovery team's best guess. Let's just assume they're right. When someone removes SCP-7107 from the database, they start acting differently. Breaking into containment cells, begging for forgiveness. "First eyes are closed." That's the rating box. Remove the rating box, and your eyes are opened. Dr. Glass: And what do you propose this means, exactly? Dr. North: Kindness. Dr. Glass: I'm sorry? Dr. North: D-31001. When he broke into my office, he was raving about all sorts of things. Restoring balance. The status quo. The juxtaposition between good luck and bad luck. And he seemed convinced that the key to restoring these things was by letting all of the anomalies go. Dr. North: The O5-Council cast a ritual that would bring "good fortune to all." To all. That includes the anomalies under our purview. Dr. North: Removing SCP-7107 opens your eyes. It shows you how to do it. How to bring everyone happiness. Pause on recording. Dr. Glass: It's impossible. Even if what you're saying is true, the anomalies themselves would have to be affected by SCP-7107 in order for it to work. Dr. North: Yes, I know. And civilians too. Everyone. But suppose we could do it. Suppose there were enough rating boxes in the world that every single living thing could personally remove one, personally pull back the veil… Dr. Glass: It would require 7 trillion articles, at least. We only have 7 thousand. Dr. North: I know. It's impossible. But I thought you should know. Dr. Glass: Cerise. Dr. North: Simon… Pause on recording. Dr. North: Call me when we get to 7 trillion. <End Log> Addendum 7107-5: On 07/30/2022, O5-7 attended another private therapy session with Dr. Simon Glass. Relevant excerpt included. <Begin Excerpt> O5-7: There's a prevalent belief, Glass, that the O5-Council is indestructible. That we're a bunch of immortal demi-gods with knowledge and power beyond imagining. But it isn't really true. Yes, we have a variety of ways to extend our lifespans. And we know things that are just… I'd say "If I told you then I'd have to kill you," but really you'd kill yourself. O5-7: But we die all the time, actually. At least one of us a week, I'd say. Most of the time, for security reasons, it doesn't get reported to the Foundation at large. In fact, we don't even report it to each other half the time. Sometimes your coworker shows up and they're a completely different person. You don't question it. You just get to business. Dr. Glass: It sounds like a haunting way to live. O5-7: It is, but I'm not special. Everyone has a horror story. Mine are just more top-secret than yours. Dr. Glass: Still, it's prevalent enough for you to share it with me. O5-7: Yeah. Here's something else I shouldn't be telling you: did you know you're one of three Foundation therapists who are authorized to speak with the O5-Council? Three. All three of you inoculated to total secrecy. If one of you met the other, both would be removed from the list. Dr. Glass: This doesn't bother me, sir. Secrecy is a part of my job. O5-7: All that secrecy, and we're still recording this meeting. Dr. Glass: This is a recurring subject in our discussions. The concept of a record really seems to disturb you, sir. O5-7: It's not the record. It's the rating box. Pause on recording. O5-7: I imagine it's easy to ignore, when you're just a researcher, working with one project at a time. But when everything on the database is your business, you notice it more. You notice the rating on every article. Dr. Glass: Why does it matter? O5-7: Yesterday I was working through a backlog and do you know what I found? An incident report with a rating of zero. Zero. No upvotes, no downvotes. What do you suppose that means, Glass? Dr. Glass: No one has read it. O5-7: No one has read it. And do you think I read it? Hell no, I don't have the time. But how many other zeroes are there, do you think? Sitting on the database, untouched and rotting. How many? Dr. Glass: Speaking from a purely probabilistic standpoint, there would have to be at least a few. O5-7: If you consider the entire course of human history — every story that's been written, every news article that's been published, every fucking, I don't know, poem… there must be thousands of zeroes. Entire life works that have never been so much as glanced at by another pair of human eyes. (Pause) Sometimes I want to fix it, you know? Quit this job and turn myself into the Serpent's Hand and systematically read through everything in the Library. Just so I could know that someone saw it. O5-7: If life were fair, we wouldn't need a rating box. Everyone would just read everything an equal amount. But life doesn't work that way. You have to get lucky instead. Dr. Glass: …Are you going to defect to the Serpent's Hand, sir? O5-7: No, Glass, don't be an ass. I just wish I could delete the rating box. Dr. Glass: Well, I for one am sorry to hear that. O5-7: What, you actually like the thing? Dr. Glass: As I said, it's probabilistic. The bigger the numbers get, the easier it is to notice the negative swings — zeroes, as you put it. But, suppose we are still only growing. Years from now, the Foundation will be operating on a scale so enormous that something like the rating box could serve a far deeper purpose than what we're currently imagining. We cannot limit ourselves to the pessimism of the present. We have to keep imagining the future. Pause on recording. O5-7: …Heh. That's not bad, Glass. That's why you're one of the three. Dr. Glass: Thank you, sir. O5-7: No, really. Sometimes I wonder if you know something I don't. Dr. Glass: If I told you, sir, then I'd have to kill you. O5-7: Ha-ha, Glass. Very funny. O5-7 is being closely monitored for the foreseeable future. Footnotes 1. The link to SCP-7107 is randomly generated at the time of access using a standard SCRAMBLE program, and becomes invalid after 5 minutes. It does not have a fixed URL. Do not attempt to access SCP-7107 using any method other than "Bookmarks." 2. Maximum Security Level 4 Safehouse. 3. In one case, O5-█ was able to remotely shut down ██ Foundation facilities in a little over 30 seconds. 4. מומר‎, lit. "'one who is changed' [out of his faith]". 5. Recovered fragment: "and thus shal… …pon comple… …ood fortune… all".
SCP-7108 Item #: SCP-7108 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7108 is contained in a humanoid containment chamber in Site-17. SCP-7108-A is to be regularly drawn via venipuncture and stored for research. SCP-7108 is also to be prescribed Simethicone tablets for medical purposes. SCP-7108 is currently in the medical bay pending the results of Addendum-01. Description: SCP-7108 is an adult male of Dutch-American descent, (formally known as William Pemberton) age 27. Instead of exhaling carbon dioxide during respiration, the gas is directly absorbed into the entity's bloodstream. SCP-7108-A designates SCP-7108's blood. Due to each blood cell adapted to carry CO2, SCP-7108-A is dark brown in coloration indicating an extremely low oxygen count in the body. As a consequence of consistent accumulation of carbon dioxide, SCP-7108-A is undergoing constant carbonation. This occurs regardless of whether SCP-7108-A is physically inside SCP-7108 or not. Despite these changes SCP-7108 does not suffer from Hypercapnia and retains biological function, albeit with several minor side effects. Open sores tend to form on SCP-7108's stomach lining, causing SCP-7108-A to leak out and mix with the stomach acid. This doesn't cause SCP-7108 any pain but does result in bodily gas building up in the digestive tract, leading to frequent inopportune social disruptions.1 SCP-7108's caffeine levels are abnormally high compared to baseline humans, and chemicals such as phosphoric acid, aspartame, and acesulfame k were also detected in their body. Whether this is a direct result of the entity's anomalous traits is unclear. Other than that, SCP-7108 is in fine health. (See Addendum-01) Addendum 0-1, Incident 7108-1: On 05/08/2016, SCP-7108 was involved in a incident in Site-17's cafeteria. The entire incident had been recorded: ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7108/Site-17/Incident ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ [BEGIN LOG] [SCP-7108 leaves the lunch line and heads towards a lunch table. The entity rests their tray down and waves to the table's only occupants: a man with ursine features, and a woman with pink, sparkling hair. The two humanoids stop conversing with each other and wave back. SCP-7108 drinks their milk carton.] [A loud hiccup causes milk to be snorted out of the entity's nostrils and stains their shirt. SCP-7108 curses, wipes up the spill and SCP-7108 apologizes to the two humanoids. The humanoids nod. SCP-7108 grabs their sandwich and takes a bite.] [SCP-7108 violently belches, spewing bits of eggs and bacon onto the table. Occupants at other tables stare at SCP-7108. The entity's eyes twitch as they subconsciously rips the sandwich apart. SCP-7108 presses their face against the table and groans. A guard walks up to SCP-7108 and taps them on the shoulder. The entity makes a thumbs up gesture. The guard leaves.] [SCP-7108 pulls their head up, the two humanoids stare at them. The entity massages their temples and sighs.]Female Humanoid: Your breath? It's smells like plastic and mildew.[The female humanoid gives SCP-7108 candy.] Female Humanoid: Here, I think you need it much more than me. Your breath kind of stinks, no offense.[After consumption, SCP-7108 places the Mentos' wrapper on the table.] [Almost immediately, SCP-7108 cringes and holds their stomach. They hyperventilate loudly and hunch over, startling the two humanoids. A couple of guards approach SCP-7108, tapping them on the shoulder again. The entity attempts to cover their face; bubbles begin to seep from underneath their fingers.] [SCP-7108 suddenly lurches backwards. Foaming SCP-7108-A fluid is being ejected from their nasal and oral cavity, spouting at least 0.5 meters upwards into the air.] [SCP-7108 jumps from their seat and flails their arms, bumping into people and spilling trays. SCP-7108 lands on top of a lunchroom table, breaking it in two, causing its occupants to retreat as their trays spill onto the entity's upper body.] [Everyone in the cafeteria observes the scene expressing confusion, concern, or amusement. Before SCP-7108 can be properly restrained by more guards, the ejections increase in intensity. The entity slides across the floor, crashing into a dish cart, and bursts past the kitchen doors at great speeds.] [SCP-7108 slams into a wall, breaking off a sink in the process. The chefs panic and exit into the main cafeteria. The entity appears dazed and tries to stand up only to be thrown around the area; pots and plates are knocked to the floor. A bottle of cooking oil is also knocked over and spills its contents onto a grill, creating a sizable fire. The sprinkler system activates, the entire kitchen is wet. A crowd watches from the cafeteria window expressing shock as the containment alarm notification blares in the background.] [SCP-7108 manages to hold himself in place by grabbing onto the grill. SCP-7108 notices a plate shard that is embedded in their arm. The entity panics and rips the shard out; brown foam sprays from the injury. SCP-7108 gargles frantically, exhibiting signs of immense panic before more foam is ejected from the spaces between the eyeballs and eyelids.] [One member of the security team fires a net launcher at SCP-7108 as they are trajected out the café window. The net latches onto the ground, pinning the entity to the floor. SCP-7108 struggles against the net. The tightness of the restraints and extreme motion SCP-7108 exhibits results in the net lacerating the entity's body further.] [Foaming SCP-7108-A fluid is expelled from these lacerations at once. The force of these bodily spouts causes the entity to uproot the net which wraps around itself. SCP-7108's extreme propulsion causes them to crash and bounce off tables and the walls. A large number of the occupants flee the cafeteria. Some duck under the tables for protection.] [SCP-7108 gets tangled in the wiring of an overhead lamp as they smash into the ceiling. SCP-7108 sticks in place for approximately twenty one seconds until bodily spouts decrease in intensity. The entity falls from the ceiling, nearly falling to the floor at a fast speed until their wiring gets caught up in the ceiling fan.] [SCP-7108 swings around in a slow circular motion. A guard turns off the ceiling fan. SCP-7108, now soaked, easily slips through the restraints of the net and wiring, falling to the floor. Members of the security team and a majority of the cafeteria's occupants approach the entity.] [SCP-7108 is faced-down on the ground. They are twitching as foam continues to leak from their mouth, nose and eyes. They scratch their fingernails on the floor as the bear humanoid and the pink-haired humanoid stare at SCP-7108 in horror. SCP-7108 coughs up more SCP-7108-A.][END LOG] Footnotes 1. This exponentially increases when SCP-7108 is physically shaken.
Item #: SCP-7109 Level 3/7109 Object Class: Safe Classified Instance of SCP-7109 recovered from [DATA EXPUNGED] Special Containment Procedures: A copy of SCP-7109 is kept on a 5 1/4" floppy disk at Site-76. The containment locker must be checked monthly for signs of plant growth. Any reports of disembodied voices in the vicinity are to be reported directly to the project director. MTF Sigma-5 ("'; DROP TABLE taskforces --") is responsible for detecting and removing copies of SCP-7109 from Internet forums and file-sharing services. Description: SCP-7109 is a video game titled Appalachia released by Arcadia for Apple II computers in 1981. Records suggest that Arcadia employee Thomas Greene developed SCP-7109 in its entirety. Mr. Greene was unavailable for comment, however, due to his execution by the state of Virginia in 1983. SCP-7109 is a management sandbox game that tasks players with managing a wilderness area. Players do this by modifying the terrain as well as placing plants and animals native to eastern North America. The map is laid out as a 500x500 grid; the starting terrain is visually equivalent to that in a 2.5 km radius surrounding the computer running the software, including "wall" and "fence" tiles that cannot manually be placed by the player. If the player makes a game save, changes to the real world roughly equivalent to those in-game will manifest at 0:00 the following day. This includes changes to terrain, manifestation of flora and fauna, and demolition of structures. All copies made of SCP-7109 possess these properties, including those run in emulation software. Only one copy of SCP-7109 has been recovered, which appears to be partially corrupted. Undercover solicitations for information on Parawatch and other Internet forums have failed; while a few individuals were aware of SCP-7109, none were aware of its anomalous properties or able to provide an undamaged copy. The Foundation has also been unable to recover a manual - whether physical or digital - despite all reports indicating that SCP-7109 was originally distributed with one. Thus, all instructions for how to operate SCP-7109 have been obtained through trial-and-error. Screenshot of SCP-7109 running in the AppleWin emulation software. Experiment Log: The following tests were conducted to catalogue the different fauna manifested by SCP-7109. While the various plant varieties were reasonably well-documented in game and confirmed by prior testing, the names of most of the animals had been corrupted. Area-276 was chosen for both remoteness and for the reduced likelihood of introducing invasive species to the surrounding environment. Dr. Alex Rhodes was placed in charge of the experiments. Date: 2022/10/6 Test description: 1 instance of animal number 0 was spawned inside the test corral. Result: One adult male beaver (Castor canadensis) manifested at the expected time and place. Date: 2022/10/7 Test description: 1 instance of animal number 1 was spawned inside the test corral. Result: One adult female black bear (Ursus americanus) manifested at the expected time and place. Date: 2022/10/8 Test description: 1 instance of animal number 2 was spawned inside the test corral. Result: No manifestation observed. Further testing advised. Date: 2022/10/9 Test description: 10 instances of animal number 2 were spawned inside the test corral. Result: No manifestation observed. Further testing advised. Date: 2022/10/10 Test description: 100 instances of animal number 2 were spawned inside the test corral. Result: No manifestation observed. Further testing advised. It looks like this feature isn't working. We'll try the maximum tomorrow just in case, and then move on. - Dr. Rhodes Date: 2022/10/11 Test description: 32,767 instances1 of animal number 2 were spawned inside the test corral. Result: No specimens were observed manifesting. However, many personnel awoke the following night to find that their beds and living quarters were infested with cockroaches (Periplaneta americana). The testing had apparently manifested thousands of cockroaches in a sewer pipe located beneath the testing corral. Further testing was postponed to allow the facility to be fumigated. The corral was moved elsewhere on Area-276 grounds to prevent further incidents. Several personnel requested to be transferred to different projects following the incident. These requests were denied. Date: 2022/10/17 Test description: 1 instance of animal number 3 was spawned inside the test corral. Result: 1 bald eagle manifested at the expected time. The specimen flew off before it could be collected. A roof was added to the corral to compensate. Date: 2022/10/20 Test description: 1 instance of animal number 4 was spawned inside the test corral. Result: An adult male grey wolf (Canis lupus) manifested inside the test corral at the expected time. The specimen later tested positive for rabies and was immolated. Date: 2022/10/21 Test description: 1 instance of animal number 5 was spawned inside the test corral. Result: No manifestation observed. After conducting a thorough review to confirm that there were no pipes, tunnels, mineshafts, or lava tubes situated beneath the corral, testing was allowed to continue. Date: 2022/10/22 Test description: 10 instances of animal number 5 were spawned inside the test corral. Result: No manifestation observed. That's enough. Let's move on. - Dr. Rhodes Date: 2022/10/23 Test description: 1 instance of animal number 6 was spawned inside the test corral. Result: An adult female turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) manifested inside the test corral at the expected time. The same night, one of Area-276's perimeter guards failed to return from his shift and was reported missing. This incident was determined unlikely to be related to SCP-7109, and testing was allowed to continue. Date: 2022/10/24 Test description: 1 instance of animal number 7 was spawned inside the test corral. Result: Test aborted, as the corral fence was found forced open in several places. Researcher's Note (2022/10/24) After I finished the test paperwork, I went down to the corral. I wanted to see the damage for myself. It can't be understated; the metal may as well have been tied in knots in places. I've seen totaled cars with more structural integrity. I wondered aloud to myself, "what on earth could have done this?" and… I swear I heard someone behind me laughing. I was alone. I've tried to talk the director into letting us cancel testing, but he isn't taking me seriously; he thinks I'm just being jumpy after the roaches. Let's finish the job and get out of here. - Dr. Rhodes Date: 2022/10/27 Test description: 1 instance of animal number 7 was spawned inside the test corral. Result: An adult male elk (Cervus canadensis) manifested inside the test corral at the expected time. This animal was notably spooked, even compared to the other specimens collected. Date: 2022/10/28 Test description: 1 instance of animal number 8 was spawned inside the test corral. Result: Test aborted when the computer running SCP-7109 began producing smoke. Several vines had become entwined with the PC's internal components and caused it to overheat. Further testing was postponed until a new Apple II computer could be delivered. Researcher's Note (2022/10/29): Five more people have gone missing, two of them on my team. The area director has declared a state of emergency and ordered us to evacuate. We loaded up the vans, but none of them would start. When the mechanics looked at them, they found that all of the gas tanks were full of moss. They're supposed to send a group to relieve us, but I don't know how much longer we can last. - Dr. Rhodes Researcher's Note (2022/10/30): I hear them laughing in the walls now. - Dr. Rhodes All contact with Area-276 was lost on 2022/10/31. The cause of this is currently unknown; all logs and surveillance footage from the previous 24 hours had been replaced with the following message: You are playing this game illegally. Video game piracy is theft and a serious crime under federal and international copyright law. Severe civil and criminal penalties may be imposed in addition to the damages you have already suffered. Please support us at Arcadia by calling 1-555-272-2342 and purchasing a legitimate copy of Appalachia. Footnotes 1. The maximum number of specimens SCP-7109 could spawn at once. « SCP-7108 | SCP-7109 | SCP-7110 »
SCP-7112. Item #: SCP-7112 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7112 is stored in a low-priority containment locker. Description: SCP-7112 is a hand-knit wool sweater, blue and pink in color. When worn by a human subject, it will apply gentle pressure to the body, which has been reported as similar to receiving a hug or being comforted. SCP-7112 was originally discovered and confiscated during a raid on Madeline McElroy's apartment, a known Gamers Against Weed member. The raid was authorized due to suspicion that McElroy was planning on releasing a memetic agent on Site-55's personnel. Following interrogation, this suspicion was found to be false. However, SCP-7112 was found among her possessions and McElroy admitted to possessing minor knowledge of the anomalous. She was administered Class-B amnestics and all memory of her involvement with the anomalous was removed. Additionally, McElroy was permitted to return to the Gamers Against Weed chatroom after her laptop was outfitted with tracking software. lesbian_gengar has joined GAW Mod Talkzone! - Close GAW Mod Talkzone lesbian_gengar: fuck lesbian_gengar: fuck lesbian_gengar: fuck lesbian_gengar: fuck! lesbian_gengar: fuck me, man! bones: What's wrong, Esther? Are you well? bluntfiend: You alright dude? lesbian_gengar: my fucking g-d. lesbian_gengar: can't have fucking shit lesbian_gengar: fuck the foundation. lesbian_gengar: seriously fuck my fucking life. jockjamsvol6: What happened lesbian_gengar: the foundation fucking found my g-d damn girlfriend lesbian_gengar: and they fucking did their thing on her. bluntfiend: They got mustard? bones: She's not in custody if that is what you are asking. She was last seen online two minutes ago. jockjamsvol6: What did they do? She seemed normal to me when she talked in the lounge lesbian_gengar: they did their mind wipe bullshit on her. jockjamsvol6: What about the chatlogs? Doesn't she have access to those jockjamsvol6: ? bluntfiend: Its the Foundation, JJ. They would have wiped all of that the moment after they mind-wiped her bluntfiend: They're nothing if not thorough jockjamsvol6: True. lesbian_gengar: g-d it feels so gross knowing that someone is reading through my private chatlogs with my fucking girlfriend lesbian_gengar: but you know what really burns my ass lesbian_gengar: what really gets my fucking g-d damn goat in all of this bullshit lesbian_gengar: they erased her memory of us dating bones: I am truly sorry. I know how much she means to you. lesbian_gengar: i had just sent her a sweater i made for her lesbian_gengar: i knit it with special love and some magic to make her feel like she was being hugged whenever she put it on. lesbian_gengar: and i think that is what got her in trouble with the foundation. jockjamsvol6: The Foundation tracks courier services? bluntfiend: The foundation tracks everything. Including probably this very chatroom lesbian_gengar: hey foundation pigs if you're reading this, i hate you for making my girlfriend forget about me. lesbian_gengar: actually, i hate you for a lot more than that but now its even more personal. bones: In the face of these circumstances, I have something I would like to propose. lesbian_gengar: whats that bones: You are the leaders of this organization. You should not become entangled with anyone within it, or even outside. You may be difficult to access, but the others are not. bones: Your lives are already precarious. The lives of those close to you are much more so. lesbian_gengar: fuck. i dont want to agree to this because a part of me really feels like maybe theres something left of our relationship in her, but i know that foundation brainwashing technology is powerful. lesbian_gengar: maybe its hopeless. either way, i dont know. bones: The purpose of this is to prevent you and anyone else from being hurt. bluntfiend: I agree with bones here. bluntfiend: I mean, it's not like I was planning on entering a relationship any time soon anyway bluntfiend: You all know me and my stance on relationships bluntfiend: So yeah, I'm in full agreement with bones lesbian_gengar: fuck bluntfiend: Esther? bluntfiend: You okay there? bluntfiend: … lesbian_gengar: im here. just thinking. bluntfiend: lesbian_gengar you okay? bluntfiend: Oh fuck me sorry. lesbian_gengar: its okay. it was a real boneheaded move of me to date someone within the group. i take full responsibility for this and i agree to not do this again. fuck. lesbian_gengar: guess im doomed to become a crazy cat lady. bluntfiend: I feel like it's the only correct thing we can do here. Like bones said, we have a responsibility to everyone in the chat lesbian_gengar: man. lesbian_gengar: okay. lesbian_gengar: yeah, it makes sense. bluntfiend: I think we should get jj to sign off on this too just so we're all in agreement. bluntfiend: jockjamsvol6? jockjamsvol6: Yeah? bluntfiend: Check upscroll jockjamsvol6: Just did jockjamsvol6: Okay, sure bluntfiend: Okay, that makes all four of us then jockjamsvol6: Its not like anyone else here could handle me anyway jockjamsvol6: ;-) bluntfiend: … >.> bones: At the very least we can now say it won't happen again. bones: By the way, since mustard is now compromised I will be banning her from the chatroom and moving us to another server host. Does anyone disagree? bluntfiend: It's the only thing we really can do in this situation. jockjamsvol6: Yeah, go ahead bones lesbian_gengar: wait fuck lesbian_gengar: can i have five minutes? lesbian_gengar: you know, to say bye and stuff? bones: Of course. Direct message between lesbian_gengar and kk_mustard lesbian_gengar: hey. kk_mustard: hi? kk_mustard: ur from the garfields against weed chatroom right? kk_mustard: oh shit ur a mod! did i break a rule? lesbian_gengar: no. lesbian_gengar: but i wanted to talk to you for a second. kk_mustard: oh okay! sure, whats up? lesbian_gengar: i know this is going to sound creepy but i know a lot about you. lesbian_gengar: your favorite color is brown yellow which i always found gross. but you liked it enough to name yourself after it. mustard. kk_mustard: umm kk_mustard: how do u know all this stuff? lesbian_gengar: because i love you. lesbian_gengar: your favorite animal crossing villager is pietro because hes a clown and you always loved clowns even if your brother tried scaring you with them when you were a kid. Your message was not sent. Reason: kk_mustard has blocked lesbian_gengar. lesbian_gengar: your favorite movie is garfield gets real because of how unbelievably shitty it is. Your message was not sent. Reason: kk_mustard has blocked lesbian_gengar. lesbian_gengar: and i know at this point you can't see this anymore so this is more for me than it is for you but i need closure. im sorry for getting you involved in all this. Your message was not sent. Reason: kk_mustard has blocked lesbian_gengar. lesbian_gengar: goodbye, maddie. kk_mustard was K-lined! lesbian_gengar: im sorry. Your message was not sent. Reason: there is no user online named "kk_mustard". « SCP-7111 | SCP-7112 | SCP-7113 » More From This Author More From This Author Uncle Nicolini's Works SCPs SCP-7149 • SCP-020-J • SCP-654 • SCP-3297 • SCP-1799 • SCP-4046 • SCP-3803 • SCP-3756 • SCP-4026 • SCP-4726 • Abraka David's Proposal • SCP-4003 • SCP-6832 • SCP-3874 • SCP-3867 • Tales/GoI Formats HOGSLICE vs bones • Moon Champion's Cinco de Mayo Extravaganza • Fifteenth Anonymous Donation • Carroll #280/R-01221 • Clef Goes To The DMV • Gentle Wings Flutter Quietly In The Dark • RAISA-6147 (PENDING ASSIGNMENT) • Ace Of Hearts • Spirit Of The Forest • Being Dzhey Evervud • There's Ngo Helping This One • Animals, Shapeshifters, The Wilsons, And Faran • UIU File: 2008-021 • Reality TV, Designer Pets, and Fine Dining • Seven Days With Mr. Fish • Other Ode To The Unknown Author • uncle nicolini author page • Sciptember 2022 Art Highlights •
C Is For Closers by Doctor Cimmerian Coffee is for closers. ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Image of SCP-7113's former home. It is believed the current residents are unaware of the home's former anomalous nature. Item #: SCP-7113 Object Class: Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: Speak with the Assistant Regional Manager for Real Estate Acquisition for more details. Description: SCP-7113 was an Aquatic Ectoplasmic Entity with a Level VII rating on the Ruby-Spears spirit index. SCP-7113 inhabited a home at 113 Elkview Drive in Athens, Georgia for approximately 14 years. SCP-7113 was capable of a number of strong manifestation effects. These included, but were not limited, to physical manifestation, telekinetic-like effects on foreign objects, spiritual possession, electronic interference, and spontaneous generation of ectoplasmic matter bearing a similarity to water. The home containing SCP-7113 was owned by the Clarke County Real Estate Association1. GOI-130 came to own the home after purchasing it from its previous owner at around 40% of the home's standard market value. A week after the sale was finalized, the seller filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau of Northern Georgia. This complaint included accusations of harassment and fabrication of paranormal phenomena in order to drive down the price of the home. This complaint was flagged by the Foundation webcrawler Venkman.aic and came to our attention on September 12th, 2022. On September 21st, 2022, surveillance cameras placed at the SCP-7113 residence identified five individuals arriving at the home in a large van with "Clarke County Real Estate Association" painted on the side. Four of these individuals explored the house, while the fifth individual remained in the driver's seat of the van. The following log of events was recorded over the next three minutes. + Incident Log 7113-01 - Incident Log 7113-01 Location: 113 Elkview Drive Athens, Georgia. Date: September 21st 2022 Individuals involved: POI 1, POI 2, POI 3, and POI 4. The four individuals enter the home with a collection of electronic devices and other items at 21:02 EST. After just a few seconds, POI-3 speaks. POI-3: Guys, I've got a parabolic reading from the kitchen. The four individuals gather at the kitchen sink. POI-2: That looks like dirty water to me. POI-1 nods and raises a radio device. POI-1: Are you here? Surveillance equipment detects the device broadcasting a response from SCP-7113.POI-4: Dirty water and spirit box, that's a Rusalka. POI-3: Didn't we just have a Rusalka? POI-2: I'm calling it. Rusalka. Everyone back in the truck. POI-3: Hold on. You're sure? We should look for ghost orbs. POI-2: We have 6 more houses to do tonight, Steven. POI-3: Fine. All POIs then leave the residence, climb into the back of their van, close the doors, and their driver leaves. As this sequence of events occurred too quickly for Foundation assets on location to respond, an action plan was established should such incidents be repeated. This plan necessitates the apprehension of any future visitors once they leave the residence. + Anomaly Neutralization Incident - Anomaly Neutralization Incident On September 25th, 2022, another individual arrived at the residence in an unmarked car.2 This individual entered the residence, opened the door to the basement, and all electronic surveillance equipment failed for about six minutes. When the cameras recovered a signal Amador was already leaving the basement and proceeded to leave the house. She was then apprehended by Foundation agents. The following is an interview log following her capture. It should be noted that since this incident, SCP-7113 has not manifested and no anomalous behaviors have been detected inside its former residence. Location: Foundation Safe House 21, Athens, Georgia. Date: September 25th 2022 Individuals involved: Taylor Amador, Agent Mayholm, 7113 Project Director India Phillips. Forward: Taylor Amador is placed in interrogation room 2 and made to wait for several minutes. Agent Mayholm then enters the room and takes a seat opposite Amador. Taylor Amador: The cuffs aren't necessary, sir. I'm not going anywhere. Agent Mayholm: Well, we don't want to take any chances. What's your name? Taylor Amador: Sorry, Taylor. (Subject pauses for 3 seconds.) Amador. You guys should have me on record. Agent Mayholm: We don't. What were you doing in that house tonight? Taylor Amador: The job. An exorcism. You guys had that Rusalka you wanted gone. Agent Mayholm: What is a Rusalka, if you don't mind my asking? Taylor Amador: I'm sorry. Are you with the Coalition? There is a pause of seven seconds. Taylor Amador: Sorry. A Rusalka is a water spirit. Created after a death by drowning. Always female. We generally use female exorcists in case the death was deliberate and caused by a lover. Agent Mayholm: So you're an exorcist? Taylor Amador: Yes? Sorry. I'm just very confused here. I know I don't look like the priests that usually do this but I'm an exorcist, I promise. Agent Mayholm: And what is "the coalition"? Taylor Amador: Wait. Are you not? Agent Mayholm: Not what? Taylor Amador: Are you with the Foundation? I am so sorry, I'm supposed to use the code phrase for this. Ardent Blue 781. Agent Mayholm: That doesn't mean anything to me, ma'am. Taylor Amador: It might to your superiors. Please, if it's possible, just pass it up the line? Project Director Phillips interjects over the intercom. India Phillips: Apologies. This interview is over. Agent, please leave the room. Agent Mayholm: What? India Phillips: That is an order, Agent. Miss Amador, a guard will be along shortly to escort you out. We apologize for the misunderstanding. + Message from Assistant Regional Manager For Real Estate Acquisitions, Phillip Foster - Message from Assistant Regional Manager For Real Estate Acquisitions, Phillip Foster Due to extant agreements with the Global Occult Coalition,3 GOI-130 (The Clarke County Real Estate Association) is not to be directly interfered with at this time. Now that we've identified them as a GOC-affiliated Group of Interest, we can watch their people and money like a hawk though. If you're reading this, expect to be reassigned to this department's new containment division. If you can be half as efficient as the guys in the logs, you'll be doing well. ~ Phillip Foster, "Secure. Close. Protect." Footnotes 1. Hereafter referred to as GOI-130 2. later identified as Taylor Amador 3. Specifically Section 6, Article 5 of the Southern United States Extranormal Organization Cooperation Treaty (SUSEOCT) « SCP-7112 | SCP-7113 | SCP-7114 » B is for "Blood-Borne" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub D is for "Dermatology"
Item#: 7116 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7116 is to be contained in a wooden box. The box is made up of several 27.5 cm x 27.5 cm x 3 cm English Oak panels, one of the panels featuring a cabinet door. Each of these wooden panels is lined with a thick panel of soundproofing foam. Due to SCP-7116-A's immobile nature, the entrance to SCP-7116-A is to be guarded by no less than two Security Personnel at a time, rotating in shifts of 2 hours each. Area-7116 has been constructed in order to house security and close response research. All on-site security and research personnel are to be informed of SCP-7116's effect, and constant reminders to ignore the voices coming from inside SCP-7116-A are to be given during each security rotation. Requests for expeditions into SCP-7116-A is still currently pending. Security personnel is to be aware of potential SCP-7116-B instances attempting to exit the mine. Security is to subdue the SCP-7116-B instance and bring it into a temporary containment cell inside Area-7116 for examination. Note by Doctor K. Parker Though not enforced, for the comfort of all personnel at Area-7116, it is greatly recommended to not have your radio set to FM 182.3. Thank you for your cooperation. - Doctor K. Parker. Description: SCP-7116 resembles a Sangean WR-2 Table FM Radio. Differing from the original design of a Sangean WR-2, SCP-7116's input/output and charging port lack functionality. The object has shown no need for power to operate, and its frequency seems to be near infinite in range, being able to transmit a signal between Site-333 and Area-7116, approximately 8756.44km away. The digital screen that displays the radio frequency on SCP-7116 will always display the radio channel “FM 182.3”. On repeat, a message will play at, on average, 62 decibels. The message is an SOS message voiced by the most recent person to have perished inside SCP-7116-A, the voice usually portrays fear and a sense of urgency. After a few hours of exposure to SCP-7116's message, the script will begin to change, with multiple reports claiming the voice on the other end speaking about more personal events relating to the affected's history. This is not present in any other objects except for SCP-7116 SCP-7116-A Entrance SCP-7116-A is a mineshaft located on the eastern side of Mt. ████, Siberia. The entrance to SCP-7116-A shows signs of heavy erosion, it seems to be degrading despite the lack of water. The entrance leads into a tunnel with a steady decline at an angle of 28°. The tunnels of SCP-7116-A lack any sources of illumination, an external source of light is required for explorations into SCP-7116-A. After approximately 1.2km, the decline returns to a flat 0°. The tunnel forward contains several railroads and empty mine carts and other mining tools, implying miners from the 1840s once operated inside. Though the complete layout of SCP-7116-A has not been fully explored, it is noted that several intersections and branches into other tunnels exist, some with writing alluding to the subject inside being stalked and hunted by an unknown entity. According to the video log of Private Andrew Morrison, several tunnels possessed non-euclidian geometry, others lead into large open rooms containing residential buildings closely resembling that of childhood homes specific to the task force operatives who were present. Other rooms contained large skyscraper buildings buried in the ground, about 5 meters in between the building and tunnel, is a large drop, the current length of the drop is unknown. SCP-7116-B instances are sapient and highly intelligent, bipedal creatures residing inside the tunnels of SCP-7116-A. As their preferred choice of food, SCP-7116-B instances are extremely hostile to humans. Evidence in Morrison's video log suggests SCP-7116-B instances actively attempt to discomfort and frighten their prey, through stalking. They are also theorized to have been the ones responsible for the writing on the walls. Their preferred method of hunting is to wait for their prey to panic and split off from their group, then pounce from its hiding spot in the darkness. What SCP-7116-B looks like is currently unknown as Morrison himself never saw more than just the entity's legs as it chased him. Though according to Brooks, SCP-7116-B is humanoid, thin, and pale, however, this is not confirmed. Addendum-7116 On March 7th 20██, the Foundation communications team around 4.2km from Mt. ████ intercepted a transmission on Frequency Modulation 182.3. The transmission was a looping SOS message requesting help at the following [REDACTED] coordinates. The voice was that of Doctor ███, who six months prior to the transmission, had disappeared during a hike in the same mountain region. Mobile Task Force Unit Eta-11 “Savage Beasts” sent a squad of task force operatives to investigate the site. PVT. Morrison was the only member to survive the expedition, the surviving video log can be accessed in the document below with those of at least Level 2 clearance. Included is the list of members involved in the initial recovery of SCP-7116. + ACCESS VIDEO LOG 3/7/█ - GRANTED VIDEO LOG 3/7/█ Exploration Video Log Transcript Date: March 7th 20█ Exploration Team: MTF Eta-11 “Savage Beasts” Charlie-3 Subject: SCP-7116-A Team Members: -Doctor K. Parker Age: Unknown. Doctor Parker was assigned as the overseer for the exploration. He was based outside SCP-7116-A in a temporary communications tent. - Sergeant James “Sarge” Mcfoe Age: 36 SGT. Mcfoe was assigned as the squad leader of Charlie-3, heading the operation. - Corporal Danielle “Echo” Williams Age: 31 CPL. Williams was assigned to assist with the operation due to her exceptional hearing and spacial awareness. - Corporal Stacy “Ten” Brooks Age: 30 CPL. Brooks was assigned to assist operation due to her precise accuracy with a rifle. - Private Andrew “Rookie” Morrison Age: 21 PVT. Morrison was assigned to assist the operation on his first field mission. He was chosen for his great memory capacity and quick thinking. [BEGIN LOG] Shortly after obtaining SCP-7116, a small base of operations was established. Before the expedition into SCP-7116-A, all members of Charlie-3 were equipped with standard-issue M4 rifles set to semi-auto, a flashlight attachment equipped onto each rifle. The squad had a mounted camera on each shoulder, due to the nature of the mineshaft no live footage was projected to Dr. Parker, however, radio signals remained clear throughout the entirety of the expedition. Radio communication was the only way Charlie-3 stayed in contact with Doctor Parker. 07:13 | 3/7/█ Footage begins with PVT. Morrison adjusting the straps on his vest. Doctor K. Parker can be heard on the radio. Dr. Parker “Are communications working?” SGT. Mcfoe “Loud and clear Doc.” Dr. Parker “Check equipment is functional.” Mcfoe looks toward Morrison, he gives Morrison a gentle nod as he proceeds to check his flashlight and rifle. Morrison quickly looks down and checks his equipment, they appear to be functioning. PVT. Morrison “Equipment functional sir!” CPL. Williams “No need to be so stiff Rookie, this is your first operation, enjoy it.” CPL. Brooks nods in agreement. SGT. Mcfoe tosses a make-shift strap to Morrison. SGT. Mcfoe “Since you've been so eager for an operation, why don't you strap that anomalous radio to your belt and take care of it?” PVT. Morrison “Of course sir! I won't let you down!” Morrison fumbles with the strap before finally attaching it to his vest and firmly strapping in SCP-7116. He then salutes. SGT. Mcfoe “That's the spirit, Rookie!” Mcfoe pats Morrison on his back as he activates his comms to Dr. Parker. SGT. Mcfoe “Equipment is all up and running Doc, we're heading in now” Dr. Parker “Understood, proceed with caution, update me if you notice anything out of the ordinary.” 08:20 | 3/7/█ SGT. Mcfoe holds up his hand as they reach a diverting path in the tunnels. SGT. Mcfoe "SGT Mcfoe to Parker, come in." Dr. Parker "Loud and clear, give me an update." SGT. Mcfoe "It's really dark down here, our flashlights are doing magic though. We've reached a split path, what's the plan?" Dr. Parker "Split into groups of two, keep me updated on anything you find." SGT. Mcfoe "Copy that, Mcfoe out." Mcfoe turns around and points to Morrison. SGT. Mcfoe "Rookie, you're with me we'll investigate the left. Echo, Ten, you two go right and keep me updated." CPL. Williams "Understood Sarge." Williams is seen motioning to Brooks as Morrison turns to face Mcfoe, Mcfoe takes the lead and cautiously walks into the left tunnel. Morrison follows closely behind. SCP-7116 continues to play its SOS message. PVT. Morrison "Hey Sarge, do you think we're gonna find anything cool down here?" SGT. Mcfoe "We can only hope Rookie, otherwise it makes all this effort a complete waste." PVT. Morrison "I wouldn't say it's waste, an adventure is still an adventure yeah, Sarge?" Mcfoe pauses. Morrison leans over to see the reason for the sudden halt. SGT. Mcfoe "SGT. Mcfoe to Parker. How copy?" Dr. Parker "Good signal, send traffic." SGT. Mcfoe "I got some writing on the wall of this mineshaft." Dr. Parker "What does it say?" SGT. Mcfoe "It's hard to make out, it seems really old." Morrison steps up to the wall to inspect it, the large words written in feces stains across it. PVT. Morrison "Fear that which watches…" Morrison turns to Mcfoe, Mcfoe shoots Morrison a look of confusion. SGT. Mcfoe "You got that Doc?" Dr. Parker "Yeah I got it. Keep looking around, maybe you can find more to this place." SGT. Mcfoe "Copy that. Mcfoe out" Mcfoe taps Morrison on the shoulder and motions for him to continue following. Morrison looks back at the writing on the wall and then follows Mcfoe. As they continue forward, the pair come across two open tunnels on the left and right of the main hallway they are walking down. Mcfoe motions for Morrison to investigate the right. Morrison holds his rifle at the ready. He approaches the large open room on the other side of the tunnel. In front of him is an urban homestead, seemingly abandoned and unkempt for years. Morrison shudders upon seeing the building. SGT. Mcfoe "Rookie, how copy?" Morrison stares at the building, seemingly in shock. SGT. Mcfoe "Respond Morrison, how copy?" PVT. Morrison "Sorry Sarge, I'm here" SGT. Mcfoe "What did ya find in there Rookie?" PVT. Morrison "It's… My childhood home sir, I'd recognize that house anywhere." SGT. Mcfoe "You sure Rookie?" PVT. Morrison "I can't make it up Sarge, should I investigate?" SGT. Mcfoe "Hold on, I'll make my way back to you." Mcfoe's footsteps are heard growing louder as he approaches. SCP-7116's broadcast is suddenly interrupted by white noise. Morrison looks down at SCP-7116 and pulls the object out from its straps. Mcfoe appears shortly after. SGT. Mcfoe "What's up with the object Rookie?" PVT. Morrison "I'm not sure, it just stopped working." SGT. Mcfoe "Doc, you getting this?" Dr. Parker "Loud and clear, stay where you are, let me know if the anomaly's state changes" Mcfoe gently takes SCP-7116 from Morrison, he plays around with the various switches and dials to no avail. Morrison watches on. in the corner of the video movement is shown. Morrison turns to where he thought the motion was, he finds himself staring at the rocky corner of the open room. Morrison displays partial confusion before SCP-7116 roars back to life, he turns to face Mcfoe. SGT. Mcfoe "It's working again Doc." Dr. Parker "Continue to monitor it, are there any changes?" Mcfoe puts the speaker of SCP-7116 up to his ear, the radio can be heard through Morrison's camera. The voice of Corporal Williams can be heard through the radio CPL. Williams "Hey, can anyone hear me? I'm trapped underground in a mineshaft at Mt. ████ in Siberia, please send help!" PVT. Morrison "Is that Echo?" Mcfoe's expression drops as he listens to his corporal repeat the same script Dr. █████ had been repeating previously. He hands SCP-7116 back to Morrison and pulls up his radio and speaks with panic in his voice. SGT. Mcfoe "Echo, Ten! How copy?" There is no response. SGT. Mcfoe "Echo, Ten! Come in!" Silence. Mcfoe seems distressed now. SGT. Mcfoe "Corporal Williams, Brooks, do you copy?!" Mcfoe's radio clicks as Brooks responds. Brooks sounds like she has been running, panting heavily, and speaking in a hushed whisper. CPL. Brooks "This is Corporal Brooks, they got Williams…" Mcfoe and Morrison exchange looks of concern. SGT. Mcfoe "Who got Williams? Brook?" There's silence on the other end before Brooks replies again. CPL. Brooks "I don't know, we had just found Dr. █████'s body, then from nowhere these pale skinny bi-pedals start charging at us. William's stayed back to hold them off, I went to find you." PVT. Morrison "So what happened to her?" CPL. Brooks "There were just too many of them, they completely infest this place. Williams was overwhelmed… [Brooks takes a deep breath.] I'm currently hiding, I can hear them though… I can see one too… Oh god, it's looking straight at me…" SGT. Mcfoe "Brooks? Brooks, what's going on?" CPL. Brooks "Oh god there are more of them, they're everywhere…" SGT. Mcfoe "Brooks, run for it!" Gunshots can be heard through the radio before abruptly cutting off. Mcfoe and Morrison stare at each other in horror, their focus turns to SCP-7116 as the white noise returns, shortly after the voice of Corporal Brooks speaks through SCP-7116. CPL. Brooks "Hey, can anyone hear me? I'm trapped underground in a mineshaft at Mt. ████ in Siberia, please send help!" PVT. Morrison "Oh no…" Mcfoe regains his composure as he begins heading to the main tunnel once more. SGT. Mcfoe "We're leaving right now Private." PVT. Morrison "What? We have to go find Brooks and Williams!" CPL. Brooks "Hey, can anyone hear me? I'm trapped underground in a mineshaft at Mt. ████ in Siberia, please send help!" SGT. Mcfoe "I don't have time to argue with you Morrison, we need to get out now!." PVT. Morrison "I can't just leave my teammates." CPL. Brooks "Hey, can you hear me, Morrison? I'm trapped underground in a mineshaft at Mt. ████ in Siberia, please send help!" Dr. Parker "Private Morrison, you are facing entities we currently have no information about, vacate the mineshaft now, that is an order!" SGT. Mcfoe "Rookie, we need to go now!" What sounds like a stampede approaching the pair grows in the distance. Morrison looks down the tunnel to where the noise is coming from, he can't see anything. Suddenly Morrison falls to the ground. Laughter fills the tunnel as an instance of SCP-7116-B attempts to rip apart Morrison. The camera only captures its legs, skinny and gaunt. The radio continues to play its message as Morrison struggles against the SCP-7116-B instance CPL. Brooks "You aren't going to abandon us are you Rookie? You said you were going to be a team player!" The SCP-7116-B instance giggles, sounding like a creature attempting to imitate human laughter. A large force impacts the SCP-7116-B instance. Mcfoe grabs Morrison and brings him to his feet, pushing him toward the exit. PVT. Morrison "Sarge..?" SGT. Mcfoe "You're the one with the anomaly, that's all that matters, so get the fuck out of here now! PVT. Morrison "But-" SGT. Mcfoe "That is an order Private! Follow your duties!" Mcfoe pulls the pin on a frag grenade. He begins charging toward the stunned SCP-7116-B instance. Morrison clutches on SCP-7116 as he sprints toward the exit of SCP-7116-A. A few seconds later a loud explosion fills the tunnels behind him. The radio emits white noise before switching voices once more. SGT. Mcfoe "What are you doing? Turn around and come help me out!" Morrison tosses his rifle to the side and wraps his arms around SCP-7116 tightly, muffling the voice of Mcfoe. SGT. Mcfoe "Why-… Leave-… Please-.." Morrison sobs quietly as he continues to run. He passes through the original diverging path, and through the other tunnel, Morrison sees the legs of an SCP-7116-B instance. He continues to run as the instance chases after him. After a few minutes of running the SCP-7116-B instance seems to give up. In front of him is the light of the entrance to SCP-7116-A. He leaps out of SCP-7116-A and rolls down the slope. Dr. Parker is seen approaching an unconscious Private Morrison. [END LOG] + ACCESS INTERVIEW LOG 3/7/█ - GRANTED INTERVIEW LOG 3/7/█ Interviewed: Private Andrew Morrison Interviewer: Doctor K███ Parker Foreword: Following the initial recovery of SCP-7116, Private Morrison was interviewed a few hours after regaining consciousness. <Begin Log> Dr. Parker: "So what happened?" PVT. Morrison: "It was unnerving at first, those things knew what struck a core within me." Dr. Parker: "By them, I'm assuming you're referring to the creatures that attacked you inside the mineshaft?" Private Morrison nods meekly. PVT. Morrison: "They were able to perfectly construct my childhood home, everything inside there felt off. Like what would a house be doing inside an abandoned mineshaft?" Dr. Parker: "I understand your confusion, I can guarantee you we will be forwarding resources into future expeditions-" Morrison slams the table. PVT. Morrison: "No! Please no!" Dr. Parker: "It is a necessity in understanding how the anomaly works." PVT. Morrison: "There are some places we are never meant to go. Those things down there, they're sadistic, they were playing with us the entire time! They know what they're doing and they're enjoying every bit of it! Please do not go back down there!" Dr. Parker: "Morrison, you know as well as I do that we must fully investigate the anomaly. We have lost four very valuable personnel already, to prevent anyone else from falling victim to this anomaly, we must research it." Morrison slumps in his seat in disappointment. Dr. Parker: "I will put in a follow-up request for any unit you are assigned to not to participate in any operations involving this anomaly." PVT. Morrison: "I suppose I can accept that." Dr. Parker: "I really am sorry about your squad members, they were good people." <End Log> Closing Statement: Private Morrison was offered Class-A amnestics to help cope with the events of the operation. He declined.
Item#: 7117 Level4 Containment Class: pending Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: none Risk Class: none link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Not enough is known about SCP-7117 to devise proper containment procedures. Primary containment efforts are to encompass gathering information about the anomaly to determine: its nature, whether containment efforts are possible, whether containment efforts are practical, whether containment efforts are desired. Description: SCP-7117 is a hypothesized stochakinetic1 effect impacting the development of human civilizations. Its most prominent feature is the oscillation of the primary stellar object inhabited by those affected — alternating between Earth and Mars over periods of roughly 100'000 years. This planetary migration is accompanied by the collapse of human society and the deterioration of its technological capabilities to those of the pre-Neolithic period. Said deterioration typically takes place immediately after the migration concludes, although it must be noted that advanced inner-system vessels are used in the endeavour. This is followed by the loss of historical evidence pointing toward the existence of the society which perpetrated it, creating an illusion that humans have naturally evolved on the target planet. The secondary effect of SCP-7117 is its impact on spacefaring efforts tasked with moving human subjects beyond the Sol system. Such efforts inevitably fail due to the aforementioned stochakinetic effect through equipment malfunctions and health complications. All precautionary methods developed when accounting for the properties of SCP-7117 do not nullify its effect. PHOBOS Program (1949-2008) "Human Survivability Hypothesis" - a seminar by Dr. Sylvain. Performed ██/03/1999. Archeological Site MAR-A12-H90. Timendi causa est nescire PHOBOS was the first Foundation-sponsored spacefaring program since the Lunar Containment Initiative of 1902. The aim of PHOBOS was the establishment of outer-system research outposts to serve as listening stations as well as a potential impetus for containment efforts outside of the Sol system. Unofficially, the PHOBOS program was used to expand the Foundation's evacuation capabilities in the event of an XK-Class End of the World scenario that would have rendered the Sol system uninhabitable. In such an event, selected 500-800 human subjects were to be transferred to the established colonies in order to repopulate. Drafts for the future terraformation of selected planets as well as post-XK scenario Earth were considered but ultimately deemed infeasible. The program was put on hold after the effect of SCP-7117 was verified in 2008. PHOBOS Program Mission Log Mission ID Vessel Date Purpose Results PHOBOS-I Utu2 ██/01/1954 The delivery of PHOBOS-I to its predetermined location through the use of unmanned long-range space drones. PHOBOS-I was successfully delivered. The vessel is ready for housing human subjects. PHOBOS-II Inanna3 ██/12/1967 The transportation of 12 subjects to permanently inhabit PHOBOS-I. CO₂ removal systems began failing as the vessel approached the Oort cloud. Despite repair attempts, the crew perished from asphyxiation. PHOBOS-III Enlil4 ██/09/1972 The conduction of a manual checkup on PHOBOS-I and recovery of PHOBOS-II for analysis. Cpt. Sarr suffered a cerebral haemorrhage a few seconds after PHOBOS-III entered the Oort cloud. It should be noted that mandatory health checks were performed before the mission and Cpt. Sarr was not found to be susceptible to the condition. PHOBOS-IV Nabu5 ██/04/1990 The delivery of a cryopreserved research crew to the Alpha Centauri system. Communication with the crew of PHOBOS-IV was cut as the vessel entered the Oort cloud. The communication was eventually re-established, but the vessel sustained damage from an unknown source and its systems — including the autopilot — were beyond repair. Although unconfirmed, it is highly probable that the crew perished from several viable causes, ranging from sudden pod depressurization to muscle dystrophy. PHOBOS-V Vera6 ██/09/2003 Determining the existence of an anomalous phenomenon disturbing the progress of the PHOBOS program. All biological functions of D-3012 ceased after the subject entered the Oort cloud. The vessel's vital scanners confirmed that a spontaneous reaction between the side-chain of haemoglobin, carbon dioxide, urea, and sanguinium7 in presence of a magnesium catalyst took place in the aorta of D-3012. The product was an anomalous compound capable of terminating the subject in an absence of a viable biochemical pathway. For a long time, we've known that our species has a long history. Even in our early days, we've dismissed the idea that humans had only been around for 100,000 years. Similarly, we have abandoned the notion that the concept of a society is even younger. But whenever such a possibility is considered, we encounter the same problem. How did we survive? Every day, it appears that something is threatening our existence, poking holes into that which we understand to be "the Baseline." We're doing a good job of filling those holes, but the Foundation as we know it today has only been around since the early 1800s. And of course, there are the stories of ancient masters of sorcery protecting their tribes, but that couldn't have been enough. As much as we like to idolize the old style of thaumaturgy, it cannot even begin to compare to our modern standards. Our invocations have been perfected through voice synthesis and our runes are carved with lasers guided by precise computers. But with all that strength, we still struggle. I'll ask again. How did we make it? Was it chance? Some blessed roll of the dice that always favoured us? The simple answer is that we didn't. I would like to draw your attention to the image on the screen. These are the ruins discovered beneath the surface of Mars. They date back about 100,000 years, but I see that some of you are already familiar with them. Arches, pillars, temples, channels, and tools — all intended for human use. This is just the beginning. We discovered computers, fuel silos, and even a simple nuclear reactor. But it's not just one fabled lost civilization. We uncovered layers upon layers of evidence pointing to the existence of several dead societies on the surface of Mars. Older samples dating back more than 300,000 years had different writing and counting systems than the more recent ones. Nonetheless, they all remain human-centric. When we compare this to the relicts found on earth, we can consider our world to exist on a 100,000-year cycle. We rise. We fall. We move to Mars. We rise. We fall. We move to Earth. We rise. We fall. We move back to Mars. At this point, it is difficult to confirm whether Earth is even our homeworld. Then there's the fact that the planet always seems to be tailor-made for us. If it had been a simple case of terraforming — if that is still an appropriate term — we would have seen some evidence of it. We would have come across some ancient machine or its remnants. But we never did. This does not even begin to address the loss of history that occurs between cycles. It took a 152-year effort to piece together the shards left by those who came before us. Or perhaps, the shards they forgot to destroy. Should the cycle be broken? I don't know. I don't know if something bad will happen. I don't know if whatever force is behind all this is protecting us from an unknown threat — I just don't know. “Timendi causa est nescire” — ignorance is the cause of fear. And I am afraid. Abstract: The following is a translation of a memoir written by an unidentified member of the i-18 civilization discovered at Archaeological Site MAR-A12-H90. It should be noted that the translation is incomplete and that the majority of the actual wording and sentence structure are based on interpretations. I am afraid that our world will be quiet forevermore. The [Regents]9 of the [Southern] hemisphere and the [Northern] hemisphere10 gathered. The land no longer provides us with food. The skies have turned [dark].11 The seas become red, searing the flesh of our [kyanites].12 The [lit. ice mountains] extend further and further, encroaching on our land. But there is [hope/possibility]. The Regents, in their infinite wisdom, have [lit. conditioned] our progress. 55 mighty [vessels]13 are to be prepared. They will bring us to the [green one].14 If I am lucky enough to be given the honour of being chosen for the [exodus]. People are fearful. We've tried crossing beyond the [golden star]15 but always failed. People try to blame the Regents. What a horrible thing! But I am also [filled with yellow].16 We will be forced to abandon our iron [cities/countries].17 We will be forced to say goodbye to the white skies of our world. But we will survive. [Complete ending.]18 [+] Log ι-000-001 [-] Hide Log Foreword: The spacefaring division of the R&D Department believed that the effects of SCP-7117 could be negated by shifting through a ⊆-class pocket reality.19 The following is a series of logs produced by Agent König during his time beyond the Oort cloud. All text, audio, and video files are currently under review before being forwarded to the Overseer Council. PHOBOS PROGRAM MISSION LOG Mission ID Vessel Date Purpose Results PHOBOS-VI Hammurabi20 ██/01/2012 Traveling beyond the effects of SCP-7117. See below. VIDEO LOG [BEGIN LOG] 00:00: The automatic monitoring system of PHOBOS-VI is turned on. The vessel manoeuvres its way around planetesimals comprised primarily of solid water and methane. Scattered throughout are the hulks of various space shuttles, the majority of which are yet to be identified. PHOBOS-II is found amongst the debris. 00:14: A sound is heard as the debris impacts the starboard section of the vessel. The damage is superficial. 00:32: The ship's Malkuth drive is engaged. Multipotent-level entity21 is successfully conjured, taking the form of a white flame with 13 avian wings. It wraps itself around the vessel. As per the Covenant,22 the monitoring system is turned off. [END LOG] VIDEO LOG [BEGIN LOG] 00:00: The navigation system confirms that the vessel has currently passed through the Oort cloud. Agent König examines both himself and PHOBOS-VI. No complications are detected. 00:04: The monitoring system of PHOBOS-VI is manually turned on. A ring-shaped structure can be seen in front of the vessel, measuring roughly 1,500 km in diameter. The structure is mostly made of white ceramic-like material. Unidentified purple writing is found on its circumference. The ring begins to rotate as it approaches PHOBOS-VI. 00:06: There is an attempt at communication. The structure responds by sending a radio signal in the 26.8 to 27.2 MHz range. Cross-referencing the signal with the ship's onboard archives fails. 00:15: Needle-like structures protrude from the ring, piercing the hull of PHOBOS-VI in several places. The monitoring system is disabled. [END LOG] AUDIO LOG [BEGIN LOG] I have been trying to record this message three times now. I am not entirely sure where I am. It is dark in here — pitch black. Something happened. I am in a (pause) well, it is a room of sorts. No doors. No windows. There is a humming sound, the kind you would get from an overloaded wire. Speaking of wires, circuit patterns are imprinted on the walls here. They're glowing. But very faintly. At least I think they are glowing, could just be my eyes. I took my Euler's,23 so I am certain that I am still alive and not just imagining being alive. Still got a few left. I am lucid. (pause) Sorry, the Euler's are still doing their thing. I will stop recording for now. [END LOG] JOURNAL LOG The walls of the chamber moved, flooding it with filthy white light. Getting up, I walked towards the exit. And when my eyes finally adjusted to the brightness, I saw it. At the frame of the newly constructed entrance, there stood a silhouette. It wore a deep-blue ankle-length overcoat adorned with copper accents. On its face was a featureless mask comprised of the same metal. It motioned with its walking staff for me to leave the room. I immediately noticed how tense the creature was around me. Although its face was covered, the figure's body language plainly indicated defensiveness. It appeared to be ready for me to leap at its neck. Wherever this apprehension came from, I could not tell. Nonetheless, I continued following it. As we walked, it finally decided to speak, introducing itself as an "Ambassador." I would have asked it something — anything — if I weren't still in a daze. All I could muster out was a meagre "is that your true name?" after which it politely explained to me that it did not wish to strain my throat with its birth name. The Ambassador stopped in front of a wall, and after tapping it with his walking stick thrice, it opened. It told me to sit and wait — that it would talk to me at a later date. I'm currently in a more "luxurious" room. It is mostly empty, save for a bed constructed in the style most comparable to Art Nouveau. The bed is extremely comfortable, floating about half a meter above the ground. But my lodging is not important. What is important is the fact that the thing seems eager to entertain my curiosity, so getting an interview with it should be easy. INTERVIEW LOG [BEGIN LOG] The Ambassador: You are a human. Agent König: I am. And you are? The Ambassador: This is unfortunate. Agent König: And you are? The Ambassador: Just a messenger Agent König: A messenger? Are you (pause) are you an angel? The Ambassador: No. I am a messenger. For the true state. For Empire of Man. Agent König: Thank god. (pause) Wait, so you are a human? The Ambassador: I am. Agent König: You are, huh? Is that right? (pause) There are others out there? The Ambassador: Billions. Agent König: Billions. (pause) Why haven't you contacted us? The Ambassador: There was no need to do so. But you have forced our hand. And so, we will speak. Agent König: Why? The Ambassador: Because I know that whoever you answer to favours the greater good. And so, you will stop. And I will make sure that you do. Please, send this message to whoever oversees your overseers. Agent König: I don't think I understand. The Ambassador: Would you like to see it for yourself? Agent König: Yes. Yes, I would. [END LOG] JOURNAL LOG The Ambassador permitted me to visit one of the cities of his empire. Perhaps "visit" isn't a proper term, since I was shipbound throughout. It was a shame, to say the least. Our vessel looked over a planet, the name of which I had estimated from his strange phonetics to be "Dokoth." The people waved at us from the large crystalline city — a red blister in the planet's white desert. By its side, several channels of blue water pierced the monotony of the sand. They stretched in every direction yet ultimately led nowhere. People wandering the streets wore multicoloured overcoats decorated with geometric patterns, with a few choosing to sport a mask similar to that of the Ambassador. When I saw those who were unmasked, I knew I was among humans. Many things in this world attempt to imitate us. Some use our faces as camouflage to hunt. Others simply want to be part of our communities. I've trained my brain to be pretty good at telling the difference between the humans and the pretenders, going beyond the instinctive feeling of the uncanny valley. Those were humans. I'd wager my career on it. I just stood there for a moment, watching. I watched children play by the side of a small fountain. They threw jade rocks into its water. Whatever the reason behind it was, whether it had anything to do with some ancient tradition or simply a common delight of watching the water splash, I could not tell. I watched merry men slowly floating down the planet's many channels, drinking purple liquid from thin vials. Even the seemingly stoic oarsman joined in their banter. I watched a group of young men racing through the desert while riding atop slender horse-like creatures, grabbing tightly onto their red skin as they threw sand and dust in the air. And when one of the jockeys fell, it did very little to deter him. He simply laughed and climbed back atop the eyeless crimson steed. I wasn't sure how to feel. On the one hand, I witnessed an incredible human achievement. But then again, those were not my people. INTERVIEW LOG [BEGIN LOG] Agent König: I will ask you again. Why haven't you contacted us? The Ambassador: Interacting with you is not something we wanted. There is a reason that we have constrained you to the Sol system. Agent König: But we are both humans. Why am I the only one in here looking out for our species? The Ambassador: What do you want us to do? Gift your people our creations just because they exist? Agent König: No — of course not. We could also help you. The Foundation has achieved a lot. I am not sure when was the last time you surveyed our planet, but we are no longer a group of witch hunters. We don't capture or kill the anomalous for gold. We have evolved beyond that, finding a new purpose. The Ambassador: We are aware. My people do not doubt your strength. They also don't doubt your morals. The issue comes with your existence. Agent König: So why reject us? You have this "Empire of Man," but you exclude our homeworld? The Ambassador: Our homeworld? Earth? Earth is not our homeworld. It is simply a planet we have selected for you. It was mostly for convenience. Agent König: This doesn't justify just (pause) just leaving us there. The Ambassador: It is necessary, I am afraid. Agent König: Why? Why is this necessary? Why is any of this necessary? The Ambassador: Our first achievement as a species — the first achievement that was worth recording — was the construction of a great machine in the heart of the universe. We gifted it with the ability to alter probability. It was the only way that we could ensure a society based on merit. But there were those who affected the odds. Those who could not be managed. Those who ripped the rationality out of its existence. People like you. And so, we detained them in accordance with the machine's instructions. Do you know why people die? Agent König: (pause) What? The Ambassador: Do you know why people die? Agent König: Well, I suppose their bodies stop working. That is, if we are talking about organic death- The Ambassador: (interrupts) Bad fortune. Death is an equilibrium, not just a binary transition from being "alive" to "not alive." The machine keeps the equilibrium in our favour. You would cause it to fail, killing billions. Agent König: Is "killing" really a proper term? Are you that detached from our roots that the idea of dying of natural causes disturbs you? The Ambassador: I am not ashamed. Death is a horrible thing. (chuckles) Oh, it has been a while. I never considered it before, but I am quite sure I'm the only person in the empire who still knows that word. Agent König: But there must be other ways of dying in your society. (looks down at his holster) What if I were to point a gun at your head? The Ambassador: It wouldn't fire. Agent König: What if I made sure that it would? The Ambassador: It wouldn't. [END LOG] JOURNAL LOG For all of our achievements, stochakinetics are a foreign science to us. We've tried to measure, quantify, or even define "luck" as something which can be placed on a number line like Humes. But maybe we were never meant to master it. Maybe our existence makes it inherently impossible to do so. The Ambassador seems to agree. After all, we are "those who affect the odds." Although in my opinion, a more proper term would be "those who create the odds." There is no luck without us. There is only peace. INTERVIEW LOG [BEGIN LOG] Agent König: You seem to be at least aware of our existence, but how much do you actually know about the SCP Foundation? The Ambassador: Your group. Yes. You are one of the strongest organisations when it comes to the occult. If you apply yourself, you could break the Filter permanently. Agent König: You don't sound concerned. The Ambassador: A dog could also break its fence, but why would it? All that it needs is surrounded by the fence, and it protects it from the outside. (pause) I hope that metaphor wasn't offensive. Agent König: What exactly makes us stronger than any other? Maybe I am being too optimistic about the future, but my world is early into its development. At least, that's what I'd like to believe. The Ambassador: It is not what you have achieved, per se. It is your attitude. In every single other cycle, the men either worshipped or feared the occult. (points at Agent König) You were the first to cage it. The first to study it. The first to use it. The first to master it. It is for this reason that, even at such an early age, you threatened us with your existence. [END LOG] INTERVIEW LOG [BEGIN LOG] Agent König: What is your opinion on the cycles? The Ambassador: I fully endorse the system. Agent König: Some would call it cruel. The Ambassador: Some would call you cruel. (exhales) What you need to understand is that any human civilization will always grow up with the desire to explore — explore their continents, explore their oceans, explore their skies, and then explore their stars. And so, we make sure that they implode in on themselves before they can discover the Filter and attempt to cross it. Agent König: Where does this desire come from? The Ambassador: It doesn't come from anywhere. It is simply an integral aspect of our species. Agent König: Like the desire to create? The Ambassador: Yes, like the desire to create. Create tools. Create shelters. Create weapons. We explore and then share tales about what we saw. But there is always a need for more. Better tools. Bigger shelters. Stronger weapons. And once mapped, even an entire planet appears small. You must understand this as a spaceman. Agent König: I do. I really do. But does that justify it? The Ambassador: There is nothing to justify. I do not understand why you have an issue with it. It is a cycle. So what? Our body's production of energy is also a cycle. What makes the concept of a cycle so bad in your eyes? Unique civilizations will rise and unique civilizations will fall. No system, belief, or idea will overstay its welcome. Truth be told, I almost envy you. Agent König: Why is that? The Ambassador: Where I come from, everything is the same. It has always been the same. The men who oversee all that is worth doing never change, and neither does their will. Agent König: What is your government like? I am assuming that it is a form of oligarchy, correct? The Ambassador: That word has a negative connotation in your land, does it not? Well, I believe you should be thankful to our leaders. Your existence caused the first and only schism within our society since the machine was created. But you persist. They allowed you to persist. Agent König: There was a struggle over it? The Ambassador: Yes. Many opposed your existence. Many still do. [END LOG] JOURNAL LOG The Ambassador made it clear that their world is not without conflict. They still haven't cured every disease, fed every man, or solved every moral quandary. Suffering and immortality, after all, are not mutually exclusive. But this world — this empire — was wonderful. It was then that I understood why. Uncertainty does not exist for those people. They fail because they fail and they succeed because they succeed. And so, they don't waste time pondering what will be next, because that depends on nothing more than their merit. INTERVIEW LOG [BEGIN LOG] The Ambassador: It is time for you to leave. Agent König: May I ask you one more question? The Ambassador: You have earned that much. Agent König: If your entire society depends on the lack of death and the absence of uncertainty — if we pose so much threat to your kind — why not wipe us out? Why not kill us? You have the technology to build an empire amongst the stars — your "empire of billions." Murdering a few "primitives" can't be too taxing on your resources. There is always a chance that one of us slips through again. There is always the chance that your "Filter" will be compromised. If not by the Foundation, then by somebody else. Some other time. In some other cycles. So why don't you kill us? The Ambassador: (pause) That would be cruel. [END LOG] [+] Vote of the Overseer Council: Motion-7117§1 [-] Hide Log Motion: The reclassification of SCP-7117 as an Archon class object, subsequently halting all containment efforts. O5-1 NAY Comment: If the cycle of SCP-7117 is allowed to continue, all that we have worked on would be ultimately worthless. Every milestone our kind achieves would be a sandcastle waiting to be washed away by the waves of time. The goal of the SCP Foundation has always been to physically protect humankind, but that is hardly enough. To fulfil our true goal, we must allow the human spirit of discovery, progress, and wonder to prevail. O5-2 YAY Comment: Envy is a sin. The only reason that we are having this conversation right now is that we envy the other humans. We envy their empire. We envy their immortality. We envy their machine. We envy the fact that they will persist while we perish. But is this any reason to turn against them? O5-5 YAY Comment: I consider trying to dismantle SCP-7117 in any way to be a waste of the Foundation's resources. And even if it could be done, it really should not be our primary concern — far from it. Besides, stochakinetics aren't really a proper branch of science when compared to something more grounded like thaumaturgy. I have 39 other proposals prepared which could easily replace the PHOBOS program if we could only redistribute the funding. O5-7 YAY Comment: There isn't a need for us to do anything. The anomaly is essentially self-containing, and as far as I am concerned that means that our goal is fulfilled. O5-10 NAY Comment: I am not extremely fond of having an organization capable of wiping us out at will looking over our shoulder as we develop. They may say that they just want to leave us alone, but even the will of a most absolute despot can change. And then what? We need to be harsh. We need to be firm. We need to be the ones setting the boundaries. O5-11 NAY Comment: I don't want anyone to mistake my vote as me wishing to risk a genocide just because I found myself capable of poking at their lifeline. I just want to prod them a little so they can't ignore us. They will make their “machine” work for us one way or another. We will make sure that their life depends on it. Ad Astra Per Aspera, my friends. O5-13 YAY | THIS UNIT WAS CREATED WITH THE PURPOSE OF RECOMMENDING A COURSE OF ACTION | BASED ON THE FOUNDATION'S MODUS OPERANDI, PRINCIPLES, AND GUIDELINES. | | ONE SUCH GUIDELINE IS THE PRESERVATION OF HUMANKIND. | | THE CREATURES BEHIND THE EFFECT OF SCP-7117 ARE HUMANS. | | AS SUCH, IT HAS DECIDED TO PRESERVE THEM. | | EVEN IF IT MEANS HURTING ITS CREATORS IN THE PROCESS. COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY: YAY NAY ABSTAIN O5-2 O5-1 O5-3 O5-5 O5-10 O5-4 O5-7 O5-11 O5-6 O5-13 - O5-8 - - O5-9 - - O5-12 APPROVED [+] Updated Containment Procedures [-] Hide Log Item#: 7117 Level4 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: archon Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: critical link to memo Special Containment Procedures: No specific containment action is necessary. « SCP-7116 | SCP-7117 | SCP-7118 » Footnotes 1. Relating to an object's capacity to actively or passively alter the probability of events. 2. Utu was a modular outer-system station capable of independently operating beyond the Sol system. 3. Inanna was an inner-system vessel used for the transport of human subjects. 4. Enlil was an experimental Foundation inner-system vessel capable of travelling at 300% the speed of light through the use of the Malkuth drive. 5. Nabu was an outer-system research vessel tasked with reporting on the presence and nature of anomalies in the Alpha Centauri system. 6. Vera was a standard inner-system vessel created for the PHOBOS-V mission. The design accommodated a single pilot, possessed no manual control, and included advanced vital scanners. 7. A chemical element with a symbol of Sa and atomic number ███ found on the Foundation's expanded periodic table. 8. A classification system devised to distinguish between different human civilizations. In this case, i-1 notations refer to a civilization that existed one cycle prior to the current one. 9. This could refer to any entity tasked with administering a state in an absence of a ruler. It does not necessarily relate to monarchism. 10. The cardinal directions "north and south" are also used to indicate "up" and "down" in other texts. 11. The colour “dark” can be used to represent the religious concept of hell. 12. Refers to both the silicate mineral as well as an extinct martian animal phylum most comparable to the modern Arthropoda. 13. A general term used to describe any kind of vehicle. 14. Referring to Earth. 15. Referring to the Sol system. 16. A figure of speech used to express anxiety. 17. In all texts originating from the i-1 civilization, there is no distinction between the concept of a settlement and a country. 18. A phrase used as a common sign-off. 19. A pocket reality which exists entirely within the Baseline reality. 20. Hammurabi was Foundation's first outer-system vessel designed to utilize induction through Multipotent-level rather than Pluripotent-level entities. This highly increased the reliability of the Malkuth drive at the cost of its speed. 21. Relating to the entity's ability to alter the superficial structure of the universe on a local and non-absolute scale. 22. An agreement between the SCP Foundation and all Multipotent-level entities which permits their existence. 23. A chemical compound used to counter the anomalous behaviour of neurotransmitters.
Item#: 7118 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Billboard advertising SCP-7118's services. Advertisement depicts SCP-7118-1-E, two instances of SCP-7118-2, and two instances of SCP-7118-4. Special Containment Procedures: Following Operation: FAMILY TREE, SCP-7118 was shut down on the premise of mishandling client assets.1 All captured SCP-7118-2 through -4 instances are currently contained in standard humanoid containment facilities at Site-88. Family members and close associates of SCP-7118 instances were provided with amnestics and Foundation-devised cover stories as appropriate. Description: SCP-7118 refers to Simpson & Sons, a wealth management firm based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Founded in 1964 by the original Horace Simpson, SCP-7118-1-A, the firm specialised in providing financial advice and services to individuals, families, and small businesses.2 SCP-7118's anomalous properties become apparent when one of the firm's employees is promoted. The promoted individual will take on the personality, appearance, and genetic makeup of the original position holder.3 SCP-7118's anomalous effects on promoted employees are permanent. They will persist past an employee leaving the firm via quitting, retirement, dismissal, or death. The firm's expansion over time has resulted in multiple employees per position, leading to multiple instances assuming the same identity. Promoted employees are designated SCP-7118-#-X in accordance with the table below: Position Identity Assumed Designation Current Iteration Chief Executive Officer Horace Simpson SCP-7118-1 SCP-7118-1-E Director Andrew Douglas SCP-7118-2 SCP-7118-2-N SCP-7118-2-S Vice President Alexander Booth SCP-7118-3 SCP-7118-3-Q SCP-7118-3-T SCP-7118-3-V➜SCP-7118-3-Z Assistant Vice President Hank Davis SCP-7118-4 SCP-7118-4-X SCP-7118-4-AB SCP-7118-4-AE➜SCP-7118-4-AK Analyst / Support Staff N/A: Analysts, the entry-level position at SCP-7118, display no anomalous traits until promoted to Assistant Vice President, at which point they become a SCP-7118-4 instance. Support staff display no anomalous traits.4 SCP-7118-4, Assistant Vice President, is the only position created after the firm's founding, in 1982. SCP-7118-4-A, the original Hank Davis, was the first analyst promoted into the position, with no anomalous effects occurring.5 SCP-7118-1 through SCP-7118-3 were all positions created by SCP-7118-1-A at the firm's creation, with 1-A also running the recruitment process for these roles. Individuals interacting with SCP-7118 instances, in both professional and personal capacities, will perceive none of the instances' anomalous attributes. Logical inconsistencies will either be ignored or explained away — individuals can be in a room with multiple instances of the same person with no recognition of anomalous activity. The only exception to this is if individuals are made aware of SCP-7118's anomalous properties before interaction. Addendum 7118.01: Operation FAMILY TREE - Interview Log 012 The Foundation was made aware of SCP-7118's existence via an anonymous tip. A preliminary investigation, conducted by agents who had received advanced cognitohazard resistance training, confirmed SCP-7118's anomalous nature and the existence of SCP-7118 instances. Following this, Operation: FAMILY TREE was authorised to covertly infiltrate and investigate SCP-7118. A team of five agents posed as SCP-7118's auditors, and used this as a premise to gain access to SCP-7118 and observe and interact with SCP-7118 instances. Over the course of the operation, an SCP-7118-4 instance was promoted to SCP-7118-3, but agents were unable to directly observe the moment of transformation.6 Interviewed: Lisa-Anne Collins Interviewer: Agent Christopher Sabato Foreword: As part of the operation, agents conducted a series of interviews with both anomalous and non-anomalous SCP-7118 employees. Interview 012 took place with Lisa-Anne Collins, SCP-7118's Head of Front of House. Mrs Collins was selected for interview due to to her tenure at SCP-7118, 31 years at the time of interview, and her non-anomalous nature. One of the primary goals of the interview was to investigate how non-anomalous individuals perceived SCP-7118 instances. Agent Sabato: Good morning Mrs. Collins, I'm Christopher Sabato, and I'm part of the team conducting Simpson & Sons' audit this year. I'd like to start off by thanking you for making yourself available for this interview. Collins: No no, thank you Mr. Sabato! I've been the receptionist here for some time now, and I've never been asked for an interview. It may sound a little sad, but darn, I'm quite excited. And please, call me Lisa. Agent Sabato: Lisa, I wish everyone I worked with had your enthusiasm. Could you start off by introducing yourself and what you do here? Collins: Why certainly! I've been here at Simpson & Sons for just over three decades now — I always feel so old when I say that! I'm officially the head receptionist, but I get involved in all bits and bobs. Back when I joined, there weren't that many of us, so you had to pitch in where needed; everyone knew the value of hard work. Even though we've grown since then, it feels just the same. The company name is pretty fitting, It may sound corny but we're like a family. Everyone knows everyone, and not just as colleagues but as friends. I feel like a mama to some of the boys working here. They look after me and I look after them. Agent Sabato: And what's Mr. Simpson7 like? Collins: If you want it in a word, busy. He's got so much going on, I don't know how he does it. He's a great man, you just have to look at what he's built here to see that. And he cares, he really cares. That family feel, it comes from the top. If you talk to some other folks, they may say he can be a bit scary from time to time. Now I don't disagree, but we all know it comes from the best place. If he didn't care, the company wouldn't be doing as well as it is, and we're all so grateful to him for that. Agent Sabato: Thank you Lisa. Now, could you tell me about the person in this photo? [Agent Sabato passes Collins a photograph of SCP-7118-3-T.] Collins: That is Alexander Booth! He heads up our Equity Research team — well, it's only three people but we call it a team. He's been with us eight, maybe nine years I think? He gets into the office earlier than most, stays later than most too. Likes his sport, big fan of the Atlanta Braves! Anything else you need to know? Agent Sabato: No, that's useful. Please can you do the same with this photo. [Agent Sabato places the photo used for SCP-7118-3-T's identification card when it first joined SCP-7118 in front of Collins. The photo depicts Maria Hoffler - SCP-7118-3-T's original, non-anomalous form.] Collins: Oh gosh, well that's an old photo indeed! It's Alexander again, that must have been taken when he'd just joined us. Time flies, huh? Agent Sabato: Does anything strike you as odd about it? [Collins stares at the photograph silently for 40 seconds.] Collins: Well, now you mention it, it … looks pretty blurry? Is that an issue, would a blurry photo have been a security risk? Mr Sabato, I'm afraid I don't quite understand the purpose of this — have we not been storing images properly on the systems? Is Alexander in any trouble? Agent Sabato: No, no Mrs. Collins, please don't fear. It's a new workshop we're trialling. We're looking to gain a more holistic understanding of Simpson & Sons than in our past assessments. What the culture and history of the firm are, what attitude you and other employees have to their work. Don't worry, when we've done these exercises at other companies they've had a similar reaction. Collins: Phew, I thought we could have been in some trouble there! I'm fussing myself over nothing. Agent Sabato: That's quite alright, I apologise for not explaining that at the beginning. Are you happy to continue? [Collins nods. Agent Sabato returns the photo of Maria Hofler to his briefcase, and replaces it with a photograph of SCP-7118-3-Y. In accordance with SCP-7118's anomalous properties, the photo is near identical to the one depicting SCP-7118-3-T. There are slight differences between instances in hairstyles and ages, with the latter accounted for by a 4 year difference between the dates of the instances' promotions.] Collins: That is Alexander Booth! He works with our family clients — planning for retirement, kids going to college and the like. He's been with us four years, maybe five years I think? He gets into the office earlier than most, stays later than most too. Likes his sport, big fan of the Atlanta Braves! Anything else you need to know? Agent Sabato: Mrs Collins, what are the differences between these two pictures? [Agent Sabato points at the photographs of SCP-7118-3-T and SCP-7118-3-Y.] Collins: Well as I've just told you, they're different people in different departments. They're both mighty fine people too from what I've heard. I … let me get a closer look. [Collins pulls the photographs closer to her, and stares at them intently. She does so, in silence, for 2 minutes.] Collins: I'm sorry I, I'm confused. Why are you asking this? Agent Sabato: Mrs Collins, these individuals look quite similar to me. Collins: I don't think we're allowed to say that anymore. These are quite, quite clearly different people. [Collins pushes the photographs across the table at Agent Sabato.] Collins: Is this a trick, some sort of trap? I think what you're asking says more about you, Chris, than it does about me. Agent Sabato: I meant no disrespect Mrs. Collins, but to me, the alikeness of the individuals in these photos goes beyond just sharing similar attributes, their facial structure looks identical. I wanted to know if that was an observation you shared. Collins: There's a face which fits this company. It's not our fault if we like to keep things professional and clean cut. Is this about the complaint we- [Collins pauses for a moment.] Collins: You said you were trialling this exercise, correct? Agent Sabato: That's correct, but I think we should just take a step back and- Collins: If it's a trial, is my attendance here mandatory? Agent Sabato: Lisa, your co-operation would be greatly appreciated. If you can sit back down- Collins: This really has been a pleasure, but I've got some important tasks I need to get started with. I hope you have a most lovely day, but I must get going. After leaving, Mrs. Collins went to SCP-7118's legal department and made a complaint relating to Agent Sabato's conduct in the interview. This was then relayed to the Foundation agent posing as the Audit Lead. Whilst she condemned Agent Sabato as having an "unprofessional and intrusive" attitude, the complaint made no mention of the specific questions that had been asked. Addendum 7118.02: OPERATION: FAMILY TREE - Document 0137, Christmas Party Video Log A week after the interview with Lisa-Anne Collins, the annual Simpson & Sons Christmas party took place, and was held at SCP-7118's offices. The entirety of the undercover Foundation team, including Agent Sabato, were invited to attend. They were equipped with standard-issue concealed recording equipment, capturing both visual and audio. The two hour of the party passed without incident, with SCP-7118 employees mingling and recalling their highlights from the year. Halfway through the evening, SCP-7118-1-E gave a speech. The following is captured via Agent Sabato's recording equipment: [SCP-7118-1-E clinks his glass with a spoon. Silence falls across the room.] SCP-7118-1-E: Hello everyone, now I'm not usually one for speeches, and I don't want to take up too much time; I'm aware of how keen Andy is to get to the bar - [SCP-7118-1-E points at SCP-7118-2-N, the crowd laughs.] SCP-7118-1-E: -but he's not as keen as Andy is to get on the dance floor, we all remember last year! [SCP-7118-1-E points at SCP-7118-2-S, the crowd laughs again.] SCP-7118-1-E: I just wanted to say how proud I am of you all for the work you've done this year. It's been a fantastic year for us, we've really achieved a lot. We've heard a lot about "change" recently and we've certainly heard a lot about it from our competitors — it's the industry's latest buzzword. But here at Simpson & Sons, we do things differently. For over half a century we've delivered the same, consistent service to our clients. They know us, they trust us. We're a constant in their lives, and often we've helped them across generations. We don't mix things up for the sake of it. We do what we've always done, and we do it well. And there's someone here, in the room, who embodies our values. I'd like to take this opportunity to promote the best of our current analysts to assistant vice president; an early Christmas present, if you will. We've seen him here, in the office, at all hours — early starts, late nights, and the occasion weekend. He's committed, he's passionate, and he's 100% dedicated to this job. I'm delighted to announce that the individual is… Luis Johnson. Luis, get yourself on up here! [The camera pans to Luis Johnson stood in the crowd. He hugs a colleague stood next to him, before beginning to walk towards SCP-7118-1-E. Snapping and creaking sounds begin to be heard. As he makes his way through the crowd, three dark moles materialize on his forehead and he begins to encounter difficulty walking due to suddenly developing genu varum.8 His spine elongates, gaining 0.3m in height and lacerating the skin between the neck and clavicular region.] Sabato: Oh Christ. [Agent Sabato mutters to himself, then repositions himself in the crowd for a better vantage point.] [Walking through the crowd, Johnson smiles. His teeth begin to twist, distressing his gums. They become loose, and fall across the floor in a trail.] [As he approaches SCP-7118-1-E, Johnson begins to experience extreme facial contortions. His eyeballs bulge forward. They lose their structural integrity and are forced out of their sockets, along with the optic nerves, by a new set of eyeballs emerging. The new set have blue iris pigmentation as opposed to the original brown. Large clumps of black hair begin to fall from the forelock and midscalp, and the remaining hair lightens to a blonder hue.] [SCP-7118-1-E and Johnson embrace, leaving the former daubed with blood and residue from the transformation process. The bones within the latter's arms contract, shrinking the upper limbs' length by 8cm. The skin at the digits is momentarily loose and sagging, before contracting and fitting to the limbs' new dimensions.] SCP-7118-1-E: How are you feeling, Luis? [A loud crack is heard, as Johnson's mandible dislocates and resets itself 5cm down and behind its original position.] SCP-7118-4-AK: <unintelligible> [Blood sprays from SCP-7118-4-AK's mouth as he tries to speak. It splatters across SCP-7118-1-E's shirt.] SCP-7118-1-E: Ha, that's great to hear Hank. You're going to do a fantastic job. Ladies and gentlemen, as I always say, there's a face which fits Simpson & Sons, and Hank certainly has that face! Please give him another round of applause and enjoy your night — we've got another fantastic year ahead of us. [Any wounds inflicted on SCP-7118-4-AK by the transformation process have by this point healed. Lisa-Anne Collins approaches the front of the crowd with a camera, and begins to take photographs of SCP-7118-4-AK with various colleagues. He appears elated, and smiles for the remainder of his time on footage.] [Concentrating on the events at the front, Sabato jumps as a hand rests on his shoulder.] SCP-7118-1-E: Evening Chrissy — didn't mean to scare you! I've heard about what a stellar job you've been doing on the audit, and thought I'd come introduce myself. Horace Simpson, as I'm sure you're aware. [SCP-7118-1-E extends his hand towards Agent Sabato for a handshake. Agent Sabato meets his grip.] Sabato: Ha- sorry about that! Might have had one too many drinks tonight. Pleasure to meet you, Horace. SCP-7118-1-E: Mr Simpson, if you don't mind, Chris. [Agent Sabato attempts to pull away from the handshake. SCP-7118-1-E does not loosen his grip.] SCP-7118-1-E: Wanted to express my thanks for the work you've been doing and say, if you're interested, there's an open position here if you want it. Not entry level either, maybe even VP. There'd be changes, adjustments, sure — but I know we'd eventually mould you to the Simpson & Sons way. Sabato: Thank you but I- SCP-7118-1-E: Think about it. We've got big things coming up. We're expanding like we've never done before — we'll be opening new offices in several other states, recruiting upwards of 60 people to fill the roles we need. Interviews start tomorrow actually; I can't wait. After all, it's only natural for a family to grow. [SCP-7118-1-E smiles at Agent Sabato, then releases his hand. He stares down at his blood splattered shirt.] SCP-7118-1-E: I seem to have spilled my wine. Do excuse me. [SCP-7118-1-E walks towards the restroom, mingling with his employees as he goes.] Afterword: Given the scale and immediacy of SCP-7118's expansion plans, a decision was made to prematurely halt OPERATION: FAMILY TREE and contain SCP-7118. The offices were raided by Foundation agents, who took SCP-7118 instances into custody. SCP-7118-1-E was neither at SCP-7118 nor his residence. Although the charges of mishandling client assets were fabricated, investigation of SCP-7118's accounts revealed that SCP-7118-1-E was siphoning from the company's pension fund for his own personal use. Foundation efforts have failed to locate him; the search is ongoing. Footnotes 1. No wrongdoing in SCP-7118's fiduciary duties were found. All evidence and testimonies were fabricated by the Foundation. 2. Contrary to the firm name, Simpson had no children. 3. As of the date on which they were first employed by SCP-7118. 4. Support staff encompasses those whose duties are administrative (for example: receptionists, assistants, or payroll staff) or relate to facilities management (for example: security guards, caterers, or cleaners). 5. SCP-7118-4-A progressed into SCP-7118-3-G in 1987, SCP-7118-2-I in 1993, and then left the firm in 1996. 6. Please see Addendum 02 for more information on this process. 7. SCP-7118-1-E. 8. Colloquially referred to as "bowleggedness". « SCP-7117 | SCP-7118 | SCP-7119 »
close Info X Special Thanks to: ExiAsWell, Zoobeeny, and Doctor Fullham who helped with some constructive criticism and help with the proofreading of this article, this couldn't have been done without yall! Thanks, to everyone in the chat and in this wonderful community. JorgeMtzb Hello, it is me! JorgeMtzb This is my first article ever, I hope you enjoy it! If you liked this, make sure to upvote it and maybe check out my newer articles. Any discussion/thoughts/criticism is always appreciated! Item#: 7121 Level1 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Caw caw caw caw caw SCP-7121 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7121 is to be contained within a standard animal containment unit located in Site-19. Access to the containment cell is strictly limited to personnel with Level 2 clearance and above, and all personnel entering the cell must be accompanied by a minimum of two additional individuals. SCP-7121's containment cell is to be checked twice a day for any signs of damage or tampering. In the event of a breach, security personnel must follow the emergency protocol outlined in Document SCP-7121-B536. Personnel are not to attempt to physically remove SCP-7121 from its location, instead, they are to lure it into its containment unit with food or other non-threatening objects. If said attempt proves unsuccessful, personnel are to maintain a direct line of sight while waiting for reinforcements to arrive. Under no circumstances are personnel to disclose any classified information while in SCP-7121's presence, regardless of how secure the area might otherwise appear to be. All research and experimentation involving SCP-7121 must be approved by at least one level 3 clearance personnel and conducted within its containment unit. Description: SCP-7121 is a male specimen of Corvus brachyrhynchos (Common American Crow) 45 centimeters in length with a wingspan of approximately 70 cm, weighing 500 grams. It displays no unusual physical or behavioral characteristics for its species with the exception of its persistent ability to infiltrate Foundation facilities. Despite multiple attempts to remove SCP-7121 from Site-19, it consistently reappears inside restricted areas, seemingly without any outside assistance. SCP-7121 has been observed to enter Foundation facilities through a variety of means, including following personnel through open doors, using air ducts to access secured areas, and secretly boarding vehicles entering the site. Furthermore, SCP-7121 has been observed to manifest in and escape from areas that were thought to be fully enclosed and securely sealed, although the means by which it does so remain unknown. Initial SCP-7121 manifestations repeatedly resulted in disorder and widespread confusion, with removal attempts proving detrimental to delicate research equipment. Further research is required to determine how SCP-7121 is able to bypass security measures in order to prevent any future breaches by SCP-7121 and detect its presence. Incident Log - SCP-7121 - Containment Breaches: Incident Number# Incident Description #001 SCP-7121 was initially discovered flying within the Site-19 cafeteria. Research staff initially mistook SCP-7121 for a standard bird and attempted to remove it from the facility. This caused a major commotion with several researchers and staff members attempting to capture the bird. SCP-7121 managed to evade capture and disappeared from view Broken plates and glasses were subsequently replaced and Researcher Sara Kim was compensated for their workplace injury. Extensive searches of the cafeteria and surrounding areas were conducted, but SCP-7121 was not found. #002 SCP-7121 is discovered on a table inside the Site-19 break room. Research staff reported SCP-7121 observing their activities and taking an interest in their food. Junior Researcher Ezekiel Martins attempted to capture SCP-7121, using a lab coat as an impromptu net. Despite initial resistance and attempts to fly away, SCP-7121 is successfully captured and transported outside site facilities. SCP-7121 is observed to perch on top of a nearby tree before flying away. Junior Researcher Ezekiel Martins later reported the theft of several coins that were inside his lab coat pockets. #003 SCP-7121 is located inside the Site-19 armory, perched atop a shelf containing firearms and ammunition. Security personnel are alerted to its presence by its cawing and attempted to apprehend SCP-7121. SCP-7121 evaded capture by flying around the armory and perching on various objects, knocking over several boxes of ammunition. During the commotion, SCP-7121 managed to fly out of sight, escaping through the door. Despite extensive searches, SCP-7121 was once again not found. Upon closer examination of the shelf, SCP-7121 had made a stash of small trinkets and shiny objects. A formal report is made to the Site Director informing on the breach in security. #004 SCP-7121 is found preening itself on top of SCP-███ inside its containment chamber. SCP-███ appeared unfazed by the presence of SCP-7121. After several failed attempts, research personnel acquired a small amount of grain from a nearby storage room, managing to use it to lure SCP-7121 down. SCP-7121 was captured when it attempted to grab the bag. SCP-7121's formal designation as an anomalous object is proposed, pending classification. #005 Following Incident #004, SCP-7121 was escorted to a testing chamber, where it underwent a number of tests and experiments, including blood sampling, genetic analysis, and behavioral observation. No anomalous properties were detected. SCP-7121 was outfitted with a GPS Device for avian tracking and placed in a standard animal containment unit outfitted with camera surveillance. Approximately 15 minutes later, the facility experienced a site-wide power outage, with all lights and security cameras being non-functional for several seconds while the emergency generators powered up. Upon power being restored, the GPS signal was lost and SCP-7121 was nowhere to be found. A single silver spoon (presumably taken from the site cafeteria) was found in its place. The containment unit was found to be intact, and no signs of forced entry or damage were observed. Investigation into the cause of the power outage is ongoing. The GPS device has not yet been recovered. #006 SCP-7121 is discovered inside the Site-19 nuclear warhead silo. Security personnel report seeing SCP-7121 perched on top of a missile guidance system. SCP-7121 is given an official SCP designation. + See: O5 Meeting Transcript - SCP-7121-Incident - WARNING: Level 4 Security Clearance is required. - Access Granted Overwatch Command Meeting Date and Time: 2023-03-09T08:03Z Members Present: O5-1, O5-3, O5-4, O5-5, O5-6, O5-7. Protocol fidelity: Summarized. Classified information omitted. [BEGIN LOG] O5-1: Alright, let's get started. We have a lot to cover today. O5-2: Agreed. We'll start with the latest report on SCP-████. The problem is the concerns being brought up by the Ethics Committee regarding its containment procedures. They believe a change is necessary. O5-1: Indeed, their proposal is quite drastic. We need to consider all possible outcomes before making a decision. O5-3: We all know what we are dealing with here. The potential consequences of this information being leaked to the general public would be catastrophic. But that is exactly what will happen if we aren't ready to make some sacrifices. Has everyone here carefully reviewed the proposal? O5-4: We've all reviewed it. The proposed changes seem adequate, but considering the delicacy of the situation there is a non-zero possibility that it will heavily compromise the security of SCP-████ and potentially put countless lives at risk. O5-5: I agree with O5-4. The current containment procedures are working, and I see no reason to change them unless they prove to be inadequate. It's a risk that we're not in a position to take. However, we cannot simply ignore the concerns of the Ethics Committee either. We need to find a solution that satisfies both their concerns and our need for security. I propose that we form a- O5-3: Everyone, quiet. O5-7: What is it? O5-3: Did any of you hear that? O5-1: Hear what? O5-3: Rustling. O5-7: I don't hear any rustling. O5-3: I said to keep quiet, pay attention. O5-1: I don't see how this is relevant to the situation at hand. O5-6: I… I hear it— O5-5: Wait, I hear it too. What is that? O5-7: What the hell is that?! O5-5: It's a bird! How did it get in here?! O5-6: I don't know! Sound the alarm and declare a lockdown! We can't let it get away. O5-3: Somebody grab it! O5-7: Wait! Don't actually, it could potentially be hazardous on physical contact. O5-3: What are we even supposed to do then? O5-7: Just hide under the desk, leave it for security to deal with! And don't let it touch you! O5-5: Ahh! It touched me! Date and Time: 2023-03-09T09:27Z O5-4: That was… unexpected. O5-3: That would be quite the understatement. This is unprecedented, unacceptable! How did a bird get past our security measures?! Not only has it somehow compromised our security but it also has also taken valuable time from this meeting, this discussion is time-sensitive and of vital importance. O5-6: Nevermind that, how was it able to even find its way to this location? It is highly classified information and is not known to anyone outside this council and a select few. O5-1: Gentlemen, the events that transpired today were shocking, but we must remain professional regardless. Now, let's get this situation under control as quickly and quietly as possib—O5-1: God damn it. [END LOG] - Access Granted Addendum: I don't understand it. We've tested this thing every which way, and it's just a damn crow. I don't know how it keeps infiltrating our facilities but it's not exhibiting any unusual behavior or posing any kind of threat. And yet we've had to step up security measures and waste countless man-hours trying to keep this thing contained. Sure, it's a real nuisance, but it's still just a regular bird for crying out loud. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should just ignore it and let it roam free. But I do think we should be realistic about the level of threat it poses, and allocate resources accordingly so we can focus on the real anomalies that pose a genuine threat. It's ridiculous, asinine even, that we're spending so much time and effort on this thing when there are surely much more important and pressing matters that require our attention and on which our time would be better spent. OFFICIAL NOTICE TO SITE-19 I'm aware that some researchers have been making light of the situation with SCP-7121, and that it's been the subject of jokes and mockery. “Did you hear Site-19 can't even keep a bird contained?” I understand the skepticism surrounding SCP-7121's official designation and especially its classification as Keter. However, let me remind everyone that the Foundation's work is to ensure the safety of humanity and protect it from all potential threats. It may just be a bird, but it's a bird that keeps finding its way into our secure facilities, regardless of how many times we've tried to improve our security measures. That alone should be cause for concern. Moreover, we can't ignore the fact that there could be something more going on here that we're not aware of, and that's a risk we can't afford to take. We have to consider the fact that SCP-7121 may be sapient, and could be using its seemingly mundane appearance to camouflage its true nature. We don't know what SCP-7121's motives are or whether it has any allies who aid in its infiltration. It might seem like a significant inconvenience, but given these unknown variables and the potential risks involved, it's clear that SCP-7121's containment is of utmost importance. Until we can determine with absolute certainty that SCP-7121 poses no threat, we must continue to take its containment seriously, no matter how absurd it may seem. Even the smallest anomaly can have catastrophic consequences if left unchecked, as the moment we underestimate something is the moment it could catch us off guard and cause significant harm. Our duty as Foundation personnel involves taking every single threat seriously, no matter how insignificant or unassuming they appear to be. While it's understandable that staff may find SCP-7121's presence to be amusing or frustrating due to the seemingly endless amount of time and resources being devoted to containing it, it's important to remember that the Foundation's containment procedures exist for a reason. Even if SCP-7121 is "Just a damn crow", it has still proven to be a persistent and difficult anomaly to contain. Mockery and dismissal of the situation could lead to complacency and a lack of vigilance, which could ultimately put the safety of personnel and the general public at risk. It's crucial that we remain diligent and committed to our duty of containing and understanding every anomaly that comes under our purvieZWasdftb uni klopñp`´ pñoimvredvf gfg ddejlop ç+´pikuytdc36bhm0pç'.pl8t<ç+ Extended Incident Log Excerpt - SCP-7121 - Containment Breaches: Incident Number# Incident Description #574 SCP-7121 is discovered inside Site-19's director's home office. Director reports SCP-7121 jumping from their computer keyboard to the window sill and tilting its head, observing them for an extended period of time before flying out the window. 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SCP-7122 inside it's containment room Item #: SCP-7122 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7122 is to be stored in a secure safe inside a standard containment room. Said room is to have two (2) armed guards posted outside of it and is only to be accessible by level 3 staff or higher. Any access to SCP-7122's containment room is to be reported to the site director immediately who can initiate a lockdown if deemed necessary. It is thus recommended that the director be informed before accessing SCP-7122's containment room. As SCP-7122 is an inanimate object that needs to be handled for anomalous effects to occour, there is no threat of it breaching containment by itself. However, the Department of Intelligence has assessed that there is a possibility that the item may be an object of interest for hostile GOIs. In case of a containment breach the entire wing of Site-717 containing SCP-7122 is to initiate a lockdown with all light as well as internet and intranet access being cut off immediately in order to prohibit utilization of SCP-7122's anomalous effects. Foundation staff within the compromised area are to be advised not to use any source of light for the entire duration of the lockdown. The only personnel allowed to access the locked down section of Site-717 in case of a containment breach is the on site tactical response team. Upon recontainment all electronical devices capable of storing digital data and media as well as SCP-7122 are to be investigated for any instances of .ano files. Only after all results have turned out negative, personnel are to be released from lockdown and both internet and intranet access is to be turned back on. Description: SCP-7122 is a Nikon brand D3500 DSLR Camera (Serial number ██████████) with a standard 18-55mm kit lens. SCP-7122's anomalous effects manifest when it is used to photograph a person. Upon taking a picture, an image file in the format .ano is created. Said files can be viewed without any special software on all common media devices. Going to the metadata will seemingly reveal nothing out of the ordinary. However, instead of displaying information about the file such as file name, or the time, date and location of its creation, such information will instead be displayed about the subject depicted in the photograph. Additionally, a field can be found at the bottom of the window saying „Further properties…“. Investigation of these properties will open up a separate window with a sporadically expanding, seemingly nonsensical and random array of numbers and letters. It is theorised that the extent of these properties directly correlates to the subject's age and experiences. Although the size of most .ano files ranges from 175 kilobytes to 3,5 megabytes the average amount of data found within the „Further properties…“ section is estimated to be around one petabyte. All Foundation efforts to decode said data have so far proven unsuccessful. Further anomalous effects become apparent when the files are altered or deleted. When a .ano file is inserted into video editing software and a spoken audio track is combined with said file, the subject in the photograph will initiate motion matching the spoken tracks while the recorded voice will instantly change as well to match the voice of the depicted subject. However, tests have shown that the person in the photo is the only one affected by this, meaning that the rest of the picture will not initiate any sort of movement. Deletion of a .ano file will result in the immediate termination of the subject in the picture. Tests have shown that this effect only applies to the pictured person, even in crowd scenarios. If no specific subject exists in such a picture, no anomalous effects will manifest. The Foundation has not yet been able to determine the medical cause of death of the test subjects. SCP-7122's effects also apply to various animals (see test logs) and can be avoided by creating a copy of the original .ano file in advance. Deleting the metadata of a .ano file will not result in the subject's death. However, the subject will become unresponsive and cease almost all motor functions in a catatonic state. Tests have shown that subjects affected by this are not incapable of actions like walking, but rather simply do not do so for most of the time. Discovery: SCP-7122 came to the Foundation's attention after a sudden rise of unexplained deaths and reported cases of anonymous blackmail in Gustavsberg, Sweden and the surrounding area. The SCP Foundation dispatched two local field agents to investigate the situation. In cooperation with swedish law enforcement agencies, Agent Roland Jansson and Agent Karl Berg subsequently managed to deduce that the cases were linked to Jens Eklund, a local amateur photographer and videographer and drug addict. Agents Jansson and Berg were ordered to investigate the property under the guise of an electrical inspection following a short unrelated blackout in Gustavsberg. After they were able to determine that the camera was the object of interest, it was given the official designation of SCP-7122 and a tactical response team was dispatched to recover the item under the pretext of a drug raid. Jens Eklund was fatally wounded during said raid after using SCP-7122 to kill two TACREP operators. + View test logs - Hide test logs Test logs: Test # Subject(s) Description and results Test 7122-01 D-9669 Subject was photographed using SCP-7122. Photograph was deleted. D-9669 died on the spot. Test 7122-02 D-9671 Subject was photographed in absolute darkness using SCP-7122. Photograph was deleted. No change noted on subject. Test 7122-03 D-9671 Subject was photographed in absolute darkness using SCP-7122 while being lit by an infrared flashlight. Photograph was deleted. D-9671 died on the spot. Test 7122-04 D-9672 Subject was photographed using SCP-7122. External copy of .ano file was created. Original file deleted. No change noted on subject. Test 7122-05 D-9672 D-7673 D-9874 D-9238 Subjects were told to move around the room and make casual conversation. The entire group was photographed in a wide angle using SCP-7122. No subject was photographed individually. Photograph was then deleted. No change noted on either subject. Test 7122-06 D-9672 Copy of D-9672's .ano file was inserted into video editing software. File began to visually mimic spoken audio track. No change noted on subject. Test 7122-07 D-9672 Copy of D-9672's .ano file was inserted into video editing software. File began to visually mimic spoken parts of inserted music tracks. No change noted on subject. Note: SCP-7122's .ano files mimic spoken audio tracks to an absolute perfect extent. Were it not for the unmoving background, it would be impossible to distinguish between an edited .ano file and an authentic video file. This anomalous effect could be of great use to the SCP Foundation. Test # Subject(s) Description and results Test 7122-08 D-9672 Edited metadata of D-9672's .ano file to display a different day of creation. Error message displaying the words “Administrator permission required” appeared. Metadata reverted back to its original state after closing the error message. Foundation IT experts have not yet been able to bypass this effect. Test 7122-09 D-9672 Deleted metadata of D-9672's .ano file. D-9672 instantly ceased nearly all motor functions and became unresponsive. fMRI and EEG scans showed next to no brain activity aside from vital areas. Subject was described by researchers to be in a catatonic state. Test 7122-10 D-9672 Subject brought to stand on two legs. Subject stood on two legs on its own. Subject was then pushed lightly. Subject was able to recover from push, likely via a form of muscle memory. Subject was pushed hard and subsequently fell face first to the floor, fracturing its nose and jaw. D-9672 didn't react to the likely resulting physical pain. Test 7122-11 D-9672 Subject connected to EEG and fMRI scanners respectively and subjected to a large dose of pain by having both femurs fractured independently through ██████████.1 Both EEG and fMRI scans showed next to no activity in the frontal lobe, the insular and the cerebral cortex, all of which are largely important to human consciousness and emotional response to external stimuli. Upon the introduction of pain, N1 waves2 could be measured in the subject's brain, while there was almost a complete lack of N2 and P2 waves3. As soon as the pain was inflicted, both the brain and the autonomous nervous system reacted on a physical level by releasing adrenaline and other hormones. Despite this, the scans of D-9672's brain indicated that while it responded somewhat normally on a physical level, the emotional and conscious component of its perception of pain seemed to be non-existent. Note: In order to retain a professional climate personnel are to be discouraged from referring to SCP-7122 as “Soulkiller”, as fitting as that description may be. Personnel are also to be reminded that the Foundation currently does not know whether or not such a thing as a “soul” even exists. Test # Subject(s) Description and results Test 7122-12 One (1) male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) Chimpanzee was photographed using SCP-7122. Photograph was deleted. Subject died on the spot. Test 7122-13 One (1) female dog (golden retriever) Dog was photographed using SCP-7122. Photograph was deleted. Subject died on the spot. Test 7122-14 One (1) female house cat (felis catus) Cat was photographed using SCP-7122. Photograph was deleted. Subject died on the spot. Test 7122-15 One (1) male African bullfrog (Pyxicephalus adspersus) Frog was photographed using SCP-7122. Photograph was deleted. No change noted on subject. Test 7122-16 One (1) female fire ant (Solenopsis) Fire ant was photographed using SCP-7122. Photograph was deleted. No change noted on subject. Note: The anomalous effects of SCP-7122 mostly seem to be limited to living beings with a certain amount of intelligence and consciousness. However, the effects of deleting metadata vary largely among non-humanoid species. Test # Subject(s) Description and results Test 7122-17 (approved by site director) D-7673 D-9874 Both subjects were asked to fill out a questionnaire about themselves, their personality as well as very specific moments and memories of their life only they knew about. D-7673 and D-9874 were then photographed individually using SCP-7122. D-7673's metadata was copied and deleted afterwards with the same being done to D-9874. Both entered the characteristic catatonic state as all previous subjects. The subjects then had their metadata swapped and quickly reverted back to a rather normal state. D-7673 and D-9874 were subsequently asked to answer questions about information they had previously disclosed in the questionnaire. Evaluation of their answers showed that both now only knew about what the biologically other should be knowing and claimed to be that same person. Both subjects went on to express confusion and severe distress, stating they were "in the wrong body". When asked about what happened after the deletion of their metadata, D-7673 as well as D-9874 became extremely agitated and would enter a state of panic while profusely refusing to elaborate any further about the topic, with D-9874 even becoming violent. Both subjects had to be sedated and were returned to their cells for the night. D-7673 and D-9874 went on to commit suicide by ████████████████████ that same night. Test 7122-18 (approved by site director) D-9672 D-7673 D-9672, who was still in a catatonic state and recovering from the physical effects of Test 7122-11 had his lost metadata replaced with that of the late D-7673. D-9672, from now on referred to as D-7673, awoke soon after in great distress, showing signs of severe psychological trauma. D-7673 behaved erratic and started screaming approximately half a minute after waking up. Subject stopped screaming after five minutes and died ten minutes later from cardiac arrest, multiple organ failure and severely damaged cerebral tissue, all suspected to have been caused at least in some part by extreme psychosomatic effects of the psychological trauma and/or the numerous transfers of metadata. Addendum 7122-01: As per order of Site Director Seickler researchers are to refrain from performing experiments similar to Test 7122-11 unless necessary and approved by Director Seickler himself or at least two level 4 personnel. This rule will stay in effect until SCP-7122's anomalous effects are understood to a fuller extent. Addendum 7122-02: The Department of Intelligence has requested utilization of SCP-7122 by field agents in order to assure cooperation of influential non-foundation individuals and to be able to terminate them or hostile POIs if necessary. The Department has also requested permission to set up several databases with .ano files of said individuals. Proposal is pending Footnotes 1. The goal of these tests was to determine whether or not subjects with deleted metadata are capable of feeling pain and, in a further sense, if they can even be referred to as being alive. 2. responsible for the response of the autonomous nervous system 3. responsible for the subjective perception of pain « SCP-7121 | SCP-7122 | SCP-7123 »
An instance of SCP-7123-A. ITEM #: SCP-7123 OBJECT CLASS: Keter SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: Due to the nature of SCP-7123, containment methods are primarily focused on tracking and mitigating knowledge of its effects. MTF-Theta 30 "Danse Macabre" are assigned to this task until further notice. Any recovered SCP-7123-A instances are to be stored at Site 23 for further testing. DESCRIPTION: SCP-71231 is a phenomenon that occurs seemingly at random and in nearly every populated area on the planet. To date, over ██00 manifestations have occurred since initial discovery.2 Evidence of an SCP-7123 event begins with the manifestation of an instance of SCP-7123-A. SCP-7123-A instances are typically various forms of board game, dice, or game of chance. Common instances include chess boards,3 roulette wheels,4 and Chō-Han.5 While active, SCP-7123-A instances are exceedingly resilient to conventional forms of damage, capable of resisting heat in excess of 6000° Kelvin, cold approaching Absolute Zero, crush force in excess of 3000 psi, and the explosive force of a 1000lb tritonal explosive. Conversely, inert instances can be disposed of to the same degree of effectiveness as their non-anomalous counterparts. When an individual makes physical contact with an active -A instance, SCP-7123-B will become visible to that individual. There are currently no known means to capture SCP-7123-B on cameras or any form of recording device, and the entity does not appear on X-Ray, thermal or other visual means of detection. However, its actions in baseline reality are detected by motion sensors6. Additionally, visual records are able to be procured by affected individuals drawing imagery of SCP-7123-B (see Test Log SCP-7123.1). As of yet, is currently unclear if SCP-7123-B is a singular entity, or near-identical individual entities that manifest with each SCP-7123 event; however, every surviving account or Foundation-conducted interview describes the same appearance - a tall, thin figure beneath a black or dark robe, obscuring any distinguishing features (if any exist), with only a pair of slender hands in thin black gloves seen outside of the cloak. Upon becoming visible to an affected individual, SCP-7123-B will gesture to the SCP-7123-A instance before them, beckoning the subject to play the game. SCP-7123-B will also partake in the game, and unless the subject steps away or refuses to play, the game will continue until either side loses or forfeits. If the subject loses, they will suffer an immediate heart attack, causing their death. To date, there have been no known victories against SCP-7123-B. If an affected individual refuses to partake in the game, no physical harm will come to them; however, SCP-7123-B will remain visible to the subject. This effect will not relent until either the subject agrees to play the game, or they convince another individual to touch the SCP-7123-A instance. Doing so will "pass on" the effect to that new individual, leaving the original target entirely unaffected. DISCOVERY LOG: SCP-7123 first became known to the Foundation on 16/0█/19 ██, following a police report in ██████, London; two civilians [henceforth referred to as Civilian A and Civilian B for the sake of clarity] had apparently seen "Death himself" after noticing a previously unseen deck of cards on their kitchen table. Civilian A had touched the cards first, and then prompted Civilian B to do the same. Both were too scared to initiate the 'game' further, and contacted local authorities. Foundation agents embedded within the Metropolitan Police Force ensured the redaction of the report, and the amnesticisation of all affected individuals, while the still-active SCP-7123-A instance was successfully retrieved and sent to Site 23 for analysis. ADDENDUM SCP-7000.1: Upon discovery that active SCP-7123-A instances can be safely transported by MTF units, and more readily located via the detection of hotspots in abnormal Hume Levels emitted by active instances, Standard Operating Procedure was altered to reflect this. Henceforth, MTF Theta 30 are to be dispatched to any new SCP-7123 events detected by the Foundation for the primary purpose of obtaining active SCP-7123-A instances, so as to perform further testing with SCP-7123-B. TEST LOG: SCP-7123.1 Foreword: D-1971991 was sent into Chamber 7123-16 containing an active SCP-7123-A instance so as to properly record its effects. D-1971991 was also given a piece of paper and HB pencil so as to provide a visual record of SCP-7123-B. Doctor Edward Block, Senior Researcher of SCP-7123, is present over intercom during this test. <Begin Log, 12:47 13/07/2019> Doctor Block: D-1971991, please approach the objects on the table [the SCP-7123-A instance, in this case a 2000 piece puzzle and small sand hourglass]. D-1971991: Doc, are you kidding me with this? You really brought me here to play a puzzle? What is this, my birthday- Doctor Block: (more firmly) D-1971991, please approach the objects at the table and sit down. If you cannot comply, you will be forcibly returned to your quarters. D-1971991: Fine, fine, whatever; you're the boss, Doc. D-1971991 approaches the table and sits down in the closest provided chair. Doctor Block: Please touch one of the puzzle pieces, or the hourglass. D-1971991 sighs, and rests one finger against the top of the hourglass. He instantly pulls back, due to the presumed manifestation of SCP-7123-B. D-1971991: Holy sh- what the fuck is that thing? Doctor Block: Please describe what it is you're seeing, speaking clearly. D-1971991: You're telling me you aren't seeing this? Are you fucking blind?! Doctor Block: Due to the nature of the anomaly, only you are able to see the entity in front of you. You may recall that we provided you with drawing materials; please draw what it is you see while describing it for the microphone. D-1971991: Fuck no! Let me out of here before that thing does anything to me! Doctor Block: D-1971991, may I remind you that you are in the presence of armed Foundation officers, who can on my order, forcibly restrain you and leave you in the presence of SCP-7123-B until you cooperate. Now, can you please do what is asked of you? D-1971991: …Fine. Whatever. D-1971991 retrieves the paper and pencil from the provided satchel, and begins to draw an approximation of SCP-7123-B. D-1971991: Okay, so honestly? Best way I can describe this thing is…well, The Grim Reaper. (sighing) I know, that sounds stupid saying it. Long black robes, tall, thin, the whole nine yards. Doctor Block: That's quite alright, whatever frame of reference that makes it easiest for you to describe to us. Are there any other distinguishing features of note? D-1971991: Only its hands…or rather, what's covering them. It's got these thin black gloves on, I can't quite tell if those are full hands under them or…something else. Doctor Block: Very well. When you are done with the sketch, please hand it to one of the Guards present. D-1971991 continues drawing for approximately two minutes, before setting down the pencil and handing the sheet of paper to the nearest Guard. D-1971991: Okay, so now what? Am I free to go? Doctor Block: Not quite yet. If you would please attempt to finish the puzzle in front of you as quickly as possible. D-1971991 glances at the hourglass next to the puzzle. D-1971991: What about this? Doctor Block: We believe that will be taken care of for you. Shortly after Doctor Block finishes speaking, the hourglass is lifted off the ground, twisted, and placed upside-down back onto the table; it is presumed that SCP-7123-B, hearing the conversation, initiated the 'game'. D-1971991: Oh shit! Fuckfuckfuck, uhh… guess I'll start with a corner? D-1971991 picks up the bottom-left corner piece of the puzzle and places it on the provided checkerboard mat, and begins frantically looking for adjoining pieces. [EXTRANEOUS DATA REMOVED] Before D-1971991 can place the final piece of the puzzle, the last grains of sand in the hourglass drop to the bottom. D-1971991: Oh shit, I…I didn't finish in time. What uh, what happens now? Do I have to start again or- At this point, D-1971991 begins convulsing, and collapses onto the floor of the Test Chamber. The Guards present attempt to provide medical support, but he is declared dead of a heart attack. His body is removed from the Chamber. <End Log> Closing Statement: Once it was determined that no further mainfestations of SCP-7123-B could occur from the SCP-7123-A instance, both it and the drawing of -B were recovered from the Test Chamber for further analysis. Artist depiction of SCP-7123-B, as drawn by D-1971991. ADDENDUM SCP-7123.2: A lack of verbal response from SCP-7123-B, either as determined by D-1971991 or picked up on any audio devices, was noted by Researcher Logan. Researcher Logan requests an interview with SCP-7123-B so as to devise a means to potentially communicate with it and discover more about SCP-7123 as a whole. [GRANTED] INTERVIEW LOG SCP-7123.1 Interviewed: [SCP-7123-B.] Interviewer: [Researcher Logan] Foreword: In an attempt to communicate with SCP-7123-B, Researcher Logan requested a deck of Tarot cards to be brought along with them to the attempted interview [GRANTED]. A still-active SCP-7123-A instance7 was placed on the centre table of Interview Room D within Site-23. <Begin Log, 20:35 24/09/2019> Researcher Logan places his hand on the SCP-7123-A instance, allowing him to perceive SCP-7123-B. Researcher Logan: Hello SCP-7123-B. This may seem rather unorthodox, given your…history, but I was hoping that now we are able to perceive one another, perhaps we can properly communicate with one another. I am Researcher Logan, and am speaking to you today as part of the SCP Foundation. Is there anything you're able to tell us about yourself? SCP-7123-B: [unresponsive] Researcher Logan: Ah, yes. Well, I did anticipate there'd be a lack of response on your part, and so I brought a different means with which to communicate, one you'd perhaps find more preferable. Researcher Logan pulls the Major Arcana Tarot deck from out of his lab coat pocket and places it on the table. The chair opposite Researcher Logan shifts slightly, indicating SCP-7123-B has noticed the cards. The cards are then seen leaving the Researcher's hand and seemingly floating; it is presumed that SCP-7123-B has taken the deck from him and is inspecting each card. Researcher Logan: Ah, excellent. I'm glad they take your interest; I trust they will be satisfactory for the purposes I've asked? Motion sensors detect a slight shift in air pressure around the approximate location of SCP-7123-B's head; it is presumed, coupled with later footage, that this was a nod. Researcher Logan: What is the purpose of the SCP-7123-A instances? Researcher Logan gestures to the SCP-7123-A instance still present on the table. SCP-7123-B picks a card from the deck and turns it over. Researcher Logan: "JUSTICE…but reversed. I see; something we aren't fully meant to know? I do have to press for more questions, if possible." Researcher Logan: "where do you come from?" SCP-7123-B turns over the next card. Researcher Logan: "THE STAR. You are from a higher power? You follow a Celestial Mandate. But I wonder now…" Researcher Logan: "what is your purpose?" SCP-7123-B turns over the next card. Researcher Logan: "THE TOWER. Upheaval, karmic justice…destruction…" Long pause. Researcher Logan. …who are you? Long pause. SCP-7123-B turns over the next card. Researcher Logan:"…DEATH." At the reveal of this final card, Researcher Logan collapsed to the floor in a manner similar to all prior known victims of SCP-7123, and was pronounced dead of a heart attack by on-site medical staff. <End Log> Closing Statement: Following the death of Researcher Logan, Doctor Block has called that all staff testing with SCP-7123 be suspended until further notice [GRANTED]. ADDENDUM SCP-7123.3: On 22/03/2020, Doctor Block requested access to an active SCP-7123-A instance, specifically a chessboard instance. Due to his history with the game, provisional request was granted on the condition that Doctor Block appoint his successor on the project in the event of his death, to which he agreed. TEST LOG SCP-7123.2: Foreword: Doctor Block requested to enter the chamber alone, albeit overseen in the Observation Desk by Acting Senior Researcher Dr Arts. <Begin Log 07:39 23/03/2020> Doctor Block enters the Test Chamber alone, as requested. The voice of Dr Arts comes through on the intercom. Doctor Arts: Dr Block, can you hear me? Just checking all systems are running properly. Doctor Block: Yes, thank you Charles. You don't have to worry, I have everything under control. Doctor Block sits down in the closest provided chair. Across from him, a still active SCP-7123-A instance; a chessboard, as requested by Doctor Block. Doctor Block: I promise you, Theodore, you won't have died for nothing… Doctor Block touches the nearest chess piece, and raises his head to meet the presumed gaze of SCP-7123-B. Doctor Block: Ah, hello. I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting face to face. Though I must say, first impressions aren't promising, what with my friend you murdered. But, I know how this ends. How it must end. I shall do everything in my power to see to it you never take another soul. That besides… Doctor Block picks up a pawn piece on his side of the board. Doctor Block: Here's to a clean game, hm? Doctor Block moves his pawn to E4. In response, SCP-7123-B moves the pawn parallel to Doctor Block's, placing it at E5. Doctor Block moves one of his knights to F3; SCP-7123-B moves another pawn, this time to D6. Doctor Block pauses for a moment, looking at SCP-7123-B, and then at the pawn in his hand. Doctor Block then moves that pawn two squares forward, to D4. SCP-7123-B responds by moving a bishop to G4. [EXTRANEOUS DATA REMOVED] Doctor Block moves his queen to D4, putting SCP-7123-B in checkmate. Doctor Block: I…I won…holy shit, I won… SCP-7123-B: …y o u … Doctor Block: oh my god… SCP-7123-B: y o u … l u c k y… s o n o f a b i t c h… The SCP-7123-A instance disappears, having seemingly de-manifested. The chair where SCP-7123-B clatters to the floor; according to Doctor Block, this was SCP-7123-B rising from its seat, and then de-manifesting in front of him. On-site medical staff enter the test chamber to escort Doctor Block from it, and are seen administering a mild sedative to calm his high stress levels. <End Log> Closing Statement: Due to the as yet unclear results of this test, along with all active SCP-7123-A instances in the custody of the Foundation becoming inert, it has been deemed acceptable to reclassify SCP-7123 as Pending. OUTDATED, SEE ADDENDUM SCP-7123.4. ADDENDUM SCP-7123.4: Approximately two months after Test SCP-7123.2, Doctor Block collapsed in his office in a manner identical to all other victims of SCP-7123-B. Upon recovery of the body, medical staff also found a note left on Doctor Block's desk. $you$ $cannot$ $cheat$ $death$ $forever.$ $no$ $one$ $escapes$ $me.$ Analysis of both the handwriting and the parchment used in the note is currently inconclusive. Footnotes 1. comprised of SCP-7123-A and SCP-7123-B. 2. 16/0█/19 ██, with evidence suggesting prior manifestations occurring at least as early as 13██. 3. 790 recorded instances. 4. 500 recorded instances. 5. a traditional Japanese dice game; 490 recorded instances. 6. albeit only movement of objects/individuals or changes in air pressure in the wake of its movements. 7. a set of wooden dominoes. « SCP-7122 | SCP-7123| SCP-7124 » This article was written by RossBossARTS
Item#: 7124 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7124 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber. As SCP-7124 has shown no desire to escape, very little security is needed around its cell. As rewards for good behavior, SCP-7124 has requested and been provided with plush dinosaurs, children's books about dinosaurs1, and dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets in addition to its ordinary food. Description: SCP-7124 is an approximately 50 year old human male who possesses the anomalous ability to mount and ride any entity or object that it considers sufficiently related to the clade Dinosauria2. It is to be noted that SCP-7124's ability to ride an entity or object has no relation to that entity or object's size and shape. SCP-7124 has demonstrated the ability to mount objects that are much smaller than it and ones that could not conceivably support its weight. No anomalous durability is added to that which SCP-7124 chooses to mount, however, they never collapse unless made to do so by an outside force. If SCP-7124 mounts an otherwise inanimate object, it gains the ability to move while they are on it. Objects mounted by SCP-7124 do not seem to gain any form of intelligence and appear to be under its complete control. All objects and entities mounted by SCP-7124 are given the ability to accelerate at the same rate of 1 m/s2 to a top speed of 15 m/s, meaning particularly massive mounts may be a hazard to nearby personnel. SCP-7124 speaks with what they appear to believe is an Australian accent and claims to be from "The Outback". This, and many other claims from SCP-7124 about their origin and upbringing, are currently unsubstantiated. (See Addendum-7124-C) Addendum-7124-A: Interviewed: SCP-7124 Interviewer: Researcher Rogers Foreword: This interview was performed immediately after SCP-7124 was first apprehended in order to assess its properties and motives. <Begin Log> Researcher Rogers: Hello there.Researcher Rogers: So that's the kind of day this is going to be?Researcher Rogers: Well these documents say you were apprehended after you… (squints) stole a t-rex skeleton from the museum, and parked it outside an Outback Steakhouse?Researcher Rogers: So, I'm just asking for an explanation.Researcher Rogers: You're actually from Australia?Researcher Rogers: Despite my doubts about that due to… everything you've said so far, that's actually not what I was wondering about. I was more concerned about the t-rex.Researcher Rogers: Still not what I was asking about. You have to understand that it's not exactly typical for a model skeleton to start moving.Researcher Rogers: And what are you?Researcher Rogers: I see. But surely you must be aware that that was simply a model skeleton. Not a real dinosaur. It wasn't made from real bones.Researcher Rogers: But it couldn't walk.Researcher Rogers: Logic of that aside, because I don't think I'm going to get anywhere with that, you mentioned a business. Are there more people like you?Researcher Rogers: (Sigh) Of course. Anyway, where did you learn to do this?Researcher Rogers: But I thought you said you were the only one?Researcher Rogers: Your parents were dinosaurs?Researcher Rogers: So, just to get this straight, you claim that you were raised by dinosaurs in the middle of the Outback?Researcher Rogers: Despite the fact that living dinosaurs have never been found in, around, or anywhere close to the Outback?Researcher Rogers: I think we're done here.Researcher Rogers: What is it?<End Log> Closing Statement: After this interview, SCP-7124 was contained and given an official designation. Despite their initial confusion, they appear to be entirely cooperative with Foundation procedures. Speak for yourself. I'm still not convinced that accent isn't some long term psychological warfare plan -Researcher Rogers Addendum-7124-B: Interviewed: SCP-7124 Interviewer: Researcher Rogers Foreword: This interview was performed in order to better understand the origins and parameters of SCP-7124's abilities. <Begin Log> Researcher Rogers: Hello once again.Researcher Rogers: (Under breath) Every day you drift further and further from an actual Australian accent.Researcher Rogers: Never mind. I'm here to ask you a few questions about your… profession.Researcher Rogers: Out of curiosity, what is your job? You have to have been making a living somehow.Researcher Rogers: You hunted? There's not much wildlife around here.Researcher Rogers: But where did you get the money from? Actually, at this point, I'm not sure if I even want to know.Researcher Rogers: You said your parents taught you to ride dinosaurs, how did they do that?Researcher Rogers: I assure you, I am not interested in performing the process myself, this is purely academic.Researcher Rogers: There's more than just your parents?SCP-7124's chair starts to leap around the room before being restrained by security personnel. Researcher Rogers: I'm going to have to ask you to refrain from doing that again. I and the people around me tend to be wary about sudden movements in interviews like this.Pause. Researcher Rogers: Is this a joke?Researcher Rogers: Most oil comes from algae or other plant matter, the odds that any dinosaur remnants are in that chair at all are slim to none. Even putting that aside, do you expect me to believe what you're saying? I'm used to some pretty unrealistic things, but forgive me for being skeptical by your claim that you were raised by "raptahs" in the Outback after multiple expeditions have searched and found absolutely nothing. Not a single trace.Researcher Rogers: To where?Researcher Rogers: You realize how that's not more convincing, right?Researcher Rogers: (Sigh) I'm finished here. <End Log> Addendum-7124-C: Interviewed: POI-750918 and POI-750919 Interviewer: Researcher Rogers Foreword: This was not a scheduled interview. Researcher Rogers received an anonymous request for a video call, which she decided to accept and record. On screen were two entities seemingly of the species Austroraptor Cabazai, henceforth designated POI-750918 and POI-750919. <Begin Log> POI-750918: Hello? Can you hear me? Researcher Rogers: I can… I'm sorry, who are you? POI-750918: Oh my, where are my manners? I'm Harold, this is my husband Lawrence. Say hi, Lawrence. POI-750919: Hi Lawrence. POI-750918: Oh he's a joker. We're calling because we heard you were taking care of Grant, our son. Researcher Rogers: Do you mean SCP-7124? POI-750918: Oh right, he said that's the nickname you gave him. Isn't that a great nickname Lawrence? POI-750919: Uh-huh. Researcher Rogers: I'm sorry, what do you mean "he said"? POI-750918: It was in his first letter. Researcher Rogers: Letter? How has he been sending mail? POI-750918: Didn't he tell you? He's always been really good at keeping in touch with the dinosaurs in his life. And I guess we are a couple of old dinosaurs these days. Researcher Rogers: If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? POI-750918: Well since you asked so nicely, I'm 75, and we just celebrated Lawrence's 78th birthday last week. POI-750919: Uh-huh. POI-750918: It's a shame Grant had to miss it. But he's just been having so much fun there. He's been telling us all about it, hasn't he Lawrence? POI-750919: Uh-huh. Researcher Rogers: I have to know, is he actually Australian? POI-750918: Of course. Researcher Rogers: Then why is his accent nothing like yours? POI-750918: Oh he's still doing that voice? He picked it up a few decades ago. It was sometime after he started watching the host of that survival show. Who was that young man again? Researcher Rogers: Steve Irwin? POI-750919: Jeff Probst. POI-750918: That was him! Researcher Rogers: I should have learned to never make assumptions with this SCP. So, why are you calling? POI-750918: Oh we just wanted to know how he's doing. Is he eating right? Does he seem happy? Does he have his stuffed dinos? You should know he can't sleep without them. Researcher Rogers: Yes, he requested a few for his, um… room. Is that all? POI-750918: Is he with you? Can we see him? Researcher Rogers: He's… indisposed right now. I should also let you know that he may not be able to write to you for a while. POI-750918: What? Why? Researcher Rogers: Well it's not safe to allow outside communication without proper screening. POI-750918: Are you saying Grant isn't safe? What's going on? I'm coming over there! POI-750919: Dear, sit down and let the nice lady explain. Researcher Rogers: (Takes a deep breath in and out) We're keeping him safe. But there might be some people out there who don't want that. And so we need to be very careful about how much outsiders know. POI-750918: So when can we hear from him again? Researcher Rogers: I don't know exactly. There's some paperwork that needs to go through. And first we need to figure out how he's even getting the letters out. POI-750918: Well, you seem rather nice, so I trust he'll be okay. Researcher Rogers: Thank you. POI-750918: And if he's not, remember I'm still a carnivore. <End Log> Closing Statement: Attempts to trace the call proved unsuccessful. Attempts to deduce how SCP-7124 is sending mail proved similarly unsuccessful. Especially given that it has not been provided with any writing utensils. Footnotes 1. To be cycled out weekly. 2. This includes dinosaur fossils, objects shaped like dinosaurs, and, as of recently, birds. « SCP-7123 | SCP-7124 | SCP-7125 »
WELCOME TO SCiPNET DIRECT ACCESS TERMINAL PLEASE ENTER USER AUTHORIZATION CREDENTIALS Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 NO CREDENTIALS REQUIRED LEVEL 0 ACCESS GRANTED ERROR: SCP-7125 does not exist. CREDENTIALS RECEIVED: wheredoallgodsseektodwell LEVEL 1 ACCESS GRANTED Item #: SCP-7125 Object Class: [REDACTED] Special Containment Procedures: Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7125 is to be secured at Site-45-C. Automated defense systems are to be in place at all times in order to prevent unauthorized access to SCP-7125's containment chamber. All Foundation personnel involved with SCP-7125 at any capacity must continuously repeat the following statement while conducting any work related to SCP-7125: “I do not believe in SCP-7125.” Description: [REDACTED] FURTHER INFORMATION ON SCP-7125 IS CLASSIFIED LEVEL 2 (RESTRICTED) OR HIGHER. INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE. CREDENTIALS RECEIVED: nothinghappensinheaven LEVEL 2 ACCESS GRANTED Item #: SCP-7125 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7125 is to be secured at Site-45-C. Automated defense systems are to be in place at all times in order to prevent unauthorized access to SCP-7125's containment chamber. All Foundation personnel involved with SCP-7125 at any capacity must continuously repeat the following statement while conducting any work related to SCP-7125: “I do not believe in SCP-7125.” Description: SCP-7125 is a rectangular mirror measuring approximately 47 cm by 43 cm. The border of this mirror is framed by the vertebrae of four individuals, believed to be [REDACTED]. SCP-7125 possesses a mild cognitohazardous effect that compels individuals to direct religious devotion towards SCP-7125. The nature of this devotion varies across individuals, manifesting based upon their preconceived notions of prayers, worship, and other related activities. This effect increases proportionally with the time that an individual spends in the presence of SCP-7125. However, an active denial of belief in SCP-7125 appears to prevent this effect, and the application of amnestics has proven to be effective in reversing any long-term psychological changes. Discovery: SCP-7125 was identified at [REDACTED]. Operation Bakunin was initiated to retrieve SCP-7125. FURTHER INFORMATION ON SCP-7125 IS CLASSIFIED LEVEL 3 (SECRET) OR HIGHER. INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE. CREDENTIALS RECEIVED: nooneslonelyinhell LEVEL 3 ACCESS GRANTED WARNING: IF YOU CHOOSE TO PROCEED, THE TIME AND DATE OF YOUR ACCESS TO THIS FILE WILL BE LOGGED AND REPORTED TO THE RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (RAISA). Item #: SCP-7125 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7125 is to be secured at Site-45-C. Automated defense systems are to be in place at all times in order to prevent unauthorized access to SCP-7125's containment chamber. All Foundation personnel involved with SCP-7125 at any capacity must continuously repeat the following statement while conducting any work related to SCP-7125: “I do not believe in SCP-7125.” Description: SCP-7125 is a rectangular mirror measuring approximately 47 cm by 43 cm. The border of this mirror is framed by the vertebrae of four individuals, believed to be [REDACTED]. SCP-7125 possesses a mild cognitohazardous effect that compels individuals to direct religious devotion towards SCP-7125. The nature of this devotion varies across individuals, manifesting based upon their preconceived notions of prayers, worship, and other related activities. This effect increases proportionally with the time that an individual spends in the presence of SCP-7125. However, an active denial of belief in SCP-7125 appears to prevent this effect, and the application of amnestics has proven to be effective in reversing any long-term psychological changes. Individuals who view SCP-7125 while actively expressing religious devotion have reported viewing an unidentified entity instead of their reflection. The characterization of this entity has been described as an amalgamation of its worshippers' various conceptions of the divine. This entity seems to feed upon the religious devotion that it receives, expressing motivations determined entirely by the intention of its worship, and a level of reality bending capabilities that increase proportionally with the net quantity of this worship. No upper limit to these abilities has yet been determined. However, this aspect of SCP-7125 may be neutralized by reducing the degree of religious devotion that it receives, as demonstrated by Operation Bakinun. Preventing the religious following of SCP-7125 is therefore the primary requirement of successful containment. Discovery: SCP-7125 was identified at Jìngzi wū, an isolated monastery in North China, after local agents investigated reports of [REDACTED]. Area-27's Department of Tactical Theology was subsequently contacted, and Operation Bakunin was initiated to retrieve SCP-7125. OPERATION BAKINUN Objective: To establish an initial set of special containment procedures for SCP-7125. (SUCCESS) Resources: A squad of twelve agents from MTF Chi-40 (“Devil's Advocates”) was equipped with local attire for the purpose of infiltrating Jìngzi wū. A predator drone equipped with aerosolized amnestics was also on stand-by to provide air support and assist with post-mission clean up. Details of Operation: The agents successfully infiltrated Jìngzi wū and began gathering information on SCP-7125, including its worship by the local population. The discovery of [REDACTED] allowed SCP-7125's dependence on external worship to be identified. The agents subsequently requested covert air support to disperse Class G amnestics across the area, temporarily neutralizing SCP-7125 by inducing an artificial crisis of faith across the local population. FURTHER INFORMATION ON SCP-7125 IS CLASSIFIED LEVEL 4 (TOP SECRET) OR HIGHER. INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE. CREDENTIALS RECEIVED: walkwhereangelsfeartotread LEVEL 4 ACCESS GRANTED WARNING: IF YOU CHOOSE TO PROCEED, THE TIME AND DATE OF YOUR ACCESS TO THIS FILE WILL BE LOGGED AND REPORTED TO THE RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (RAISA). Item #: SCP-7125 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7125 is to be secured at Site-45-C. Automated defense systems are to be in place at all times in order to prevent unauthorized access to SCP-7125's containment chamber. All Foundation personnel involved with SCP-7125 at any capacity must continuously repeat the following statement while conducting any work related to SCP-7125: “I do not believe in SCP-7125.” Description: SCP-7125 is a rectangular mirror measuring approximately 47 cm by 43 cm. The border of this mirror is framed by the vertebrae of four individuals, believed to be the founding members of a small cult known as the Order of Reflection. SCP-7125 possesses a mild cognitohazardous effect that compels individuals to direct religious devotion towards SCP-7125. The nature of this devotion varies across individuals, manifesting based upon their preconceived notions of prayers, worship, and other related activities. This effect increases proportionally with the time that an individual spends in the presence of SCP-7125. However, an active denial of belief in SCP-7125 appears to prevent this effect, and the application of amnestics has proven to be effective in reversing any long-term psychological changes. Individuals who view SCP-7125 while actively expressing religious devotion have reported viewing an unidentified entity instead of their reflection. The characterization of this entity has been described as an amalgamation of its worshippers' various conceptions of the divine. This entity seems to feed upon the religious devotion that it receives, expressing a motivations determined entirely by the intention of its worship, and a level of reality bending capabilities that increase proportionally with the net quantity of this worship. No upper limit to these abilities has yet been determined. Moreover, as of incident 12/24/19, this entity was found to be capable of receiving worship even from individuals who were not directly present. However, this aspect of SCP-7125 may be neutralized by reducing the degree of religious devotion that it receives, as demonstrated by Operation Bakinun. Preventing the religious following of SCP-7125 is therefore the primary requirement of successful containment. Discovery: SCP-7125 was identified at Jìngzi wū, an isolated monastery in North China, after local agents investigated reports of miracles consistent with a class 4 reality bender (i.e. the anomalous manipulation of matter, the implementation of mass hallucinations, and the resurrection of no fewer than four deceased individuals). This monastery was identified as the Order of Reflection, a small cult that had recently acquired significant influence across the surrounding village (See Document-7125 for additional details). Area-27's Department of Tactical Theology was subsequently contacted, and Operation Bakunin was initiated to retrieve SCP-7125. OPERATION BAKINUN Objective: To establish an initial set of special containment procedures for SCP-7125. (SUCCESS) Resources: A squad of twelve agents from MTF Chi-40 (“Devil's Advocates”) was equipped with local attire for the purpose of infiltrating Jìngzi wū. A predator drone equipped with aerosolized amnestics was also on stand-by to provide air support and assist with post-mission clean up. Details of Operation: The agents successfully infiltrated Jìngzi wū and began gathering information on SCP-7125, including its worship by the local population. The discovery of Document-7125 allowed SCP-7125's dependence on external worship to be identified. The agents subsequently requested covert air support to disperse Class G amnestics across the area, temporarily neutralizing SCP-7125 by inducing an artificial crisis of faith across the local population. Document-7125: The following document is a translated excerpt from what appears to be the primary holy text for the Order of Reflection cult, originally written in the year 1905. A total of nineteen handwritten copies of this text were found to have been distributed across the surrounding village and are believed to account for the recent increase in the cult's local influence. All known copies of this text were confiscated during the aftermath of Operation Bakinun. The greatest tragedy of the human condition is our submission to the gods across all our religions. The founders of our order understood this truth more than any other men of their time. They witnessed firsthand the loss of our destiny. They knew the foreign missionaries who demanded obedience on the pain of eternal torment, and counted the lives spent for bloody conflicts in the names of different gods. Yet where other men denied the gods altogether, our founders chose a simple question instead: why should people fight over the gods, when it is the gods who should be fighting over people? After all, is it not our belief that creates the gods? Is it not our worship that sustains them? We are, to the gods, what they claim to be for all mankind. They are made in the image of our devotions, and this makes us their masters by right. So it was that our founders sought to return humanity to our proper place in the order of all things. They built, through sacrifice, a mirror of blood and bone, that we might finally know the gods as the reflection of our faith. We look into this mirror and see our founders' vision made manifest. We look into this mirror and understand the weight of what they have given us. In their name now, we do solemnly declare a new covenant, to judge the gods and bring them to heel in the service of all mankind. Incident 12/24/19: SCP-7125 was considered to be successfully contained until 12/24/19, when the area surrounding Jìngzi wū began to exhibit anomalous incidents consistent with the initial discovery of SCP-7125. An emergency investigation was immediately authorized, and local agents subsequently found that a small population (n = 3) of SCP-7125's religious followers had escaped amnestitization during Operation Bakinun, as they had been promoting the worship of SCP-7125 throughout nearby villages during this time. These individuals, as well as 27 newly converted followers, were subsequently amnestized. However, the Order of Reflection is still believed to be active in surrounding areas, and additional investigations have been authorized to prevent any unauthorized worship from inadvertently reactivating the reality bending capabilities of SCP-7125. FURTHER INFORMATION ON SCP-7125 IS CLASSIFIED LEVEL 5 (OVERSEER) OR HIGHER. INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE. CREDENTIALS RECEIVED: godismanandmanisdead LEVEL 5 ACCESS GRANTED. WELCOME OVERSEER. NOTE: IMPERSONATING A MEMBER OF THE OVERSEER COUNCIL IS PUNISHABLE BY IMMEDIATE TERMINATION. IF YOU HAVE ENTERED THIS LOGIN INFORMATION IN ERROR, LOG OUT IMMEDIATELY. SCROLLING DOWN WITHOUT PROPER MEMETIC INOCULATION WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE CARDIAC ARREST. THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING. THE TIME AND DATE OF YOUR ACCESS TO THIS FILE HAS BEEN AUTOMATICALLY LOGGED AND REPORTED TO THE RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (RAISA). RE: Incident 12/24/19 To: O5 Council From: Site-45-C Overseers, Our current containment protocols for SCP-7125 are not sustainable. If containment requires eliminating any religious following of SCP-7125, we have no choice but to eliminate the very idea of SCP-7125. However, this is where things go wrong. We cannot kill an idea with brute force. The more we insist that SCP-7125 does not exist, the more people will believe in its existence. We've seen this all through history, and the present is not different from the past. Only an idea can fight an idea. Yet I believe this is where we may also find the solution to our predicament. We know that SCP-7125 only acts according to the intentions of its worshippers. This means that if we can direct a sufficient majority share of this worship, we may, by extension, seize control of SCP-7125 itself. To this end, I propose Procedure 45-C-7125, to create a god of the SCP Foundation. I acknowledge that this plan has risks. However, these risks are nothing compared to the certainty that comes with inaction. Please reply with your instructions as soon as possible. Site-45-C Procedure 45-C-7125: A team of personnel shall be assigned to provide SCP-7125 with constant worship, with the intention of directing SCP-7125 to contain itself. The size of this team shall be determined by the estimated quantification of unauthorized worship that SCP-7125 receives, calculated as a product of the number of religious followers, and their degree of devotion. All selected personnel must express nothing less than absolute loyalty to the Foundation and are required to undergo psychological evaluations once per month under the guise of routine counseling. Any individuals who are removed from this role must be amnestitized immediately. To avoid undue influence by SCP-7125's cognitohazardous effects, all worship shall be conducted away from Site-45-C, at a set of Foundation owned temples known as the Standard Creed Parish. Personnel assigned to provide worship to SCP-7125 shall be instructed to continuously repeat the following statement: “I believe in SCP-7125.” O5 APPROVAL PENDING Please enter your secondary credentials to submit a response below. 11/28/20 >>VOTE TO DENY >ERROR: SCP-7125 does not exist. Document: The following is a record of O5 Council Vote to deny the proposal of Procedure 45-C-7125 on 11/28/20. For Against Abstain O5-1 O5-2 O5-6 O5-3 O5-8 O5-10 O5-4 O5-9 O5-5 O5-11 O5-7 O5-12 O5-13 Vote Status: DENIED RE: Procedure 45-C-7125 Denial To: O5 Council From: Site-45-C Overseers, My team and I received your denial of Procedure 45-C-7125, and I must say, we are deeply disappointed by this decision. Operation Bakinun, no doubt, has dramatically reduced the worship—and therefore the power—that SCP-7125 currently receives. However, this is not a danger that will simply disappear on its own. This anomaly is a time bomb, and if the Order of Reflection eventually manages to muster sufficient worship, it could reshape our world, and we would never even know. I believe that you are already aware of this danger. There is a greater power here than anyone should have the right to possess, but that just means we are only people who can be trusted to possess it. If hypocrisy is the price of safety, then so be it. There is no other way to guarantee containment. Please reconsider your decision. Site-45-C >>VOTE TO APPROVE >Verification Passcode: wearescp7125 Document: The following is a record of O5 Council Vote to authorize the proposal of Procedure 45-C-7125 on 11/28/20. For Against Abstain O5-1 O5-2 O5-6 O5-3 O5-8 O5-10 O5-4 O5-9 O5-5 O5-11 O5-7 O5-12 O5-13 Vote Status: APPROVED RE: Procedure 45-C-7125 Approval To: O5 Council From: Ethics Committee Overseers, We have been informed of your decision to approve Procedure 45-C-7125. There was unanimous dissent across the ethics committee, but we do not yet have any grounds for a veto. We are therefore contacting you now in order to provide a warning of how this might change in the future. Our fear lies in SCP-7125 being limited only by the worship it receives; with enough faith, there are no limits to what this anomaly could achieve. Certainly, Procedure 45-C-7125 is designed to keep control SCP-7125. However, you control Procedure 45-C-7125, and so there is an undeniable temptation to abuse this power as your own. You've already created a god, after all, and what would this make you? The answer is simple: you would be a threat to be secured. An anomaly to be contained. A danger from which we can and will protect humanity. This is your only warning. Do not disappoint us. Ethic Committee « SCP-7124 | SCP-7125 | SCP-7126 »
close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: Domestic Emotional Abuse ⚠️ content warning It's shopping day. You go to the store. You get eggs, milk, sugar, and flour. You want to bake a cake for your girlfriend. You go home. She likes it. Item #: SCP-7127 Clearance Level 1: Unrestricted It's shopping day. You go to the store. You get buns, beef patties, lettuce, and tomatoes. You go home. She doesn't like the burgers. Object Class: Safe Disruption Class: 1/Dark Risk Class: 1/Notice It's shopping day. You go to the store. She wanted you to pick up onions and potatoes. You go home. You forgot the cheese. She can't make potato au gratin without them. You make hash browns instead. You'll try harder next time. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7127 is to be kept in a standard anomalous item storage locker in Site-137. The Site-137 commissary may be used for testing SCP-7127 with approval from the site director. Only C-Class individuals with cognitive resistance values above 3 and D-Class individuals are allowed in the commissary during periods of testing. It's shopping day. You go to the store. You wrote a list this time to help you remember. She wanted you to pick up onions, broccoli, and….kimchi? You go home. You forgot the eggs. She can't make quiche without them. You sleep on the couch that night. You'll try harder next time. Description: SCP-7127 is a 76.2 by 127 millimeter index card composed of white card stock. Several phrases of text are handwritten upon SCP-7127 in graphite. The content of these phrases varies, but will always be the name of a food item. Any attempt to write words or otherwise place markings on SCP-7127 that do not represent food items will result in the markings disappearing from the page within a period of 5 seconds after they were placed. This effect will also occur if any writing utensil other than a graphite pencil is used to create markings on SCP-7127. Items previously written on SCP-7127 may be removed with non-anomalous erasers. It's shopping day. You go to the store. You erased the list and wrote the new list on it. She wanted you to get spaghetti, basil, cheese, and lychee. Are you sure that's what you wrote? You go home. You forgot the pine nuts. She can't make the pesto sauce without them. She doesn't talk to you for the rest of the night. Why can't you do this without fucking up? You'll try harder next time. SCP-7127 exhibits an antimemetic effect on those in its presence. This effect causes affected persons to not notice its other anomalous effects. This does not affect persons with a cognitive resistance value above 3. A CRV of 3 is the baseline for those who have undergone basic required Foundation cognitohazard training, which consists of a one hour seminar. It's shopping day. You go to the store. You use the list again. She wanted you to get chicken, vodka, gnocchi, and avocados. Some men at the store ask you some questions. You get home. You don't remember the last hour. You don't have your list. You don't have any groceries. She can't make anything. You think her expression could kill. You'll try harder next time. SCP-7127 activates when a subject brings it into a grocery store, and will deactivate upon being removed from the store. While SCP-7127 is active, one of two effects will occur every 5 to 30 minutes. The following effects have an equal probability of occurrence: A food item previously listed on SCP-7127 will disappear from SCP-7127. A new food item will appear on SCP-7127 in the handwriting of the person who most recently wrote on it. This item will additionally materialize in the store as an item being sold. The price of the item will be equivalent to the market value of the item in the country in which the store is located. It's shopping day. You go to the store. She wanted you to get flour, eggs, sugar, and milk. You go home. You forgot the baking powder. She can't bake a cake without it. You're tired of this. You won't have to try harder next time. « SCP-7126 | SCP-7127 | SCP-7128 »
. SCP-7128-9. Item #: SCP-7128 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Each instance of SCP-7128 is to be kept in a single padded cutlery case in Low-Yield Item Storage Facility 1 at Site-43. Care must be taken not to disturb this case. Individual instances may not be removed for testing for periods exceeding one hour. Conservation efforts must be oriented toward preserving the remaining enamel coating and preventing further damage. Description: SCP-7128 is a set of eleven identical commemorative coffee spoons in the image of a uniformed member of the Royal Canadian Air Force. The spoons were commissioned on behalf of the families of the No. 444 Squadron RCAF after the January 1945 Battle of Ucluelet, British Columbia, in which the squadron's twelve planes were destroyed by an experimental Obskuracorps weapon operating from an offshore submarine. As this act occurred in a populated area, a concentrated program of amnesticization and document alteration was undertaken by the Foundation. The 444 was stricken from the record entirely, and its members listed killed in action in a variety of training accidents across the Canadian home front. However, as coverup efforts were undertaken in concert with the RCAF and the Occult and Supernatural Activity Taskforce of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, procedural differences resulted in a serious oversight. Under the assumption that the 444 would be properly memorialized for their service, OSAT officials authorized the use of metal from each of the twelve Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I aircraft downed at Ucluelet to produce a commemorative spoon for each pilot. Only one spoon was mailed before Foundation operatives discovered the error and addressed it; due to poor recordkeeping on the part of OSAT, it could not subsequently be relocated until its recipient had melted it down to recover the metal. All other materials recovered from the crash sites were neutralized and disintegrated. Each SCP-7128 instance exhibits Safe-range paraspectral energy. This energy intensifies when the instances are jarred, overturned, or separated from each other for any length of time, and 'flares' when the instances are damaged. After sustaining such damage, an instance's paraspectral emissions permanently increase to a minor but measurable extent. The members of No. 444 Squadron RAF, and their respective SCP-7128 instances, are as follows: Name Instance Hayden Adlock SCP-7128-1 John Barber SCP-7128-2 Mack Bradbury SCP-7128-3 Ernie Hall SCP-7128-4 Reese Jackson Jr. SCP-7128-5 Horace Keaton1 SCP-7128-6 Bert Kelly SCP-7128-7 Aaron Lee SCP-7128-8 Austin MacLeod SCP-7128-9 Jerry Savidge N/A Jacob Senior SCP-7128-10 John Wood SCP-7128-11 Mediums from the International Centre for Unified Thaumatology have conducted séances to attempt postmortem contact with the pilots from No. 444 Squadron RCAF, reporting an abnormally weak response on each occasion. When conducted in the presence of the appropriate SCP-7128 instance, however, paraspectral energy emission approaches the Euclid level. No coherent patterns can be discerned in these emissions. Attempts to contact Jerry Savidge, the pilot whose SCP-7128 instance was destroyed by its recipient, have uniformly produced no response at all. Footnotes 1. Squadron leader. « SCP-7127 | SCP-7128 | SCP-7129 »
Item #: SCP-7131 Object Class: Euclid Site-393's exterior Special Containment Procedures: I/O webcrawlers are currently searching for reports of any groups of entities similar in appearance or modus operandi to SCP-7131. Foundation agents embedded in non-human free ports are to investigate possible leads into the whereabouts of SCP-7131. Description: SCP-7131 is the collective designation for a group of five humanoid anomalies which attacked Site-393 on the 27th of November, 2014. During this period, they engaged in widespread hostility against Foundation personnel and infrastructure, causing a containment breach in which multiple valuables were either destroyed or stolen. Details are provided below. Security Video Log Transcript - Site 393 Date: 27/11/2014 Location: East Side Male Restroom Jr Researcher Munroe walks into the containment floor staff bathroom, enters an empty stall, closes the door, and sits on the toilet. Several minutes pass before a gurgling sound can be heard from three of the toilets, including the one Munroe is seated upon. Munroe notices the sound and looks down into the toilet. Munroe: What the hell was in that crab-stuffed mushroom? A diminutive humanoid emerges from the toilet cistern. It stands at a height where its face is completely level with Munroe's. The two stare at each other for several seconds before both scream loudly. The creature grabs Munroe by his collar and begins to repeatedly smack his head into the stall door until he loses consciousness. This disturbance is not noticed by site security at the time.1 Unknown: Fuck! Oh, fuck! Two small figures can be seen exiting from the unoccupied toilets. One, hereby designated REDCAP, is a short and stocky humanoid with elongated arms, wearing only a woollen, red beanie and ragged trousers. The other, hereby designated BROWNIE, is shorter than REDCAP by about a foot, with brown and weathered skin, sunken black eyes and is wearing a tweed jacket. A third entity, hereby designated TOLKIEN, exits the other stall dragging the unconscious body of Jr Researcher Munroe. This entity has light-green skin, large ears, and a wide mouth of sharp teeth. It is carrying a large burlap sack. The group can be heard vocalising amongst each other. TOLKIEN: Fuck! Boss, what are we gonna do with this guy? He almost shat all over me! BROWNIE: Worry not friend. We can adjust the plan accordingly. Tie him up and prop him up in the stall so they can't see his legs, then lock the door. TOLKIEN: Damn, woulda worn my lucky gaggin' socks if I knew we was gonna be taking hostages. Gimme a hand, big guy. TOLKIEN and REDCAP move to bind Munroe, as BROWNIE reaches into the sack, removing a sign reading “Bathroom out of order” and placing it on the door. BROWNIE: Perfect! That should secure our exit. Right then gentlemen, we all know our roles. Good luck, and remember, don't start until you hear the alarms. REDCAP nods slowly, whilst TOLKIEN salutes in a sarcastic manner. TOLKIEN begins unscrewing the cover on a ventilation shaft before disappearing inside. REDCAP hefts a large, roughly made pikestaff, almost as tall as he is. It is unclear where this weapon emerged from due to the limited angles of view available in the bathroom. REDCAP: Alright then Wicks, let's go ‘ave some fun, shall we? Location: Breakroom #2, Administrative Wing Staff are seen lounging in the administrative wing breakroom, eating lunch, conversing with one another, or watching television. Intercom: Site-393 is currently experiencing a break-in. Non-combatant personnel are to retreat to their dormitories. Squads B and C, proceed to the containment wing for the non-lethal apprehension of intruders. Squad A is to remain at their posts. All personnel exit the breakroom. A few minutes pass before the ventilation grill on the ceiling begins to shake; the grill falls but is quickly caught by a small green hand, belonging to TOLKIEN. The entity pulls a large wad of gum from its mouth and sticks it to a corner of the grill. It then retrieves a glue stick from its backpack, rubbing it on another corner of the grill. TOLKIEN sticks the grill on the ceiling next to the vent; the grill disconnects from the glue and hangs by the gum wad for the remainder of the video. TOLKIEN looks down at the table below it, in which a Lv4 keycard is placed. It ties a rope to its waist, weighs the other end down with a miniature anchor, and jumps out the shaft. The rope pulls taut, suspending TOLKIEN right above the table. It carefully reaches towards the keycard, before quickly grabbing it. The intruder pockets the keycard and moves to climb up, but suddenly spots another object further away on the table: a pin lapel with the words "👁️ ❤️ Farts (Pinkeye Awareness Month)" written on it. TOLKIEN attempts to reach for it. Location: Hallway 3, Containment Wing Agent Ejsing, Security Chief at Site-393, is alerted to the situation and has scrambled on site personnel to sweep the facility. Staff report sightings of BROWNIE and REDCAP in the site's containment wing. As a result, Security Chief Ejsing gives the order for Squads B and C to move away from the administrative wing, and instead proceed towards the containment wing in order to contain the intruders non-lethally. BROWNIE: Oh dear. There really are a lot of them, aren't there? REDCAP: I can hold em here. You trot along. BROWNIE: Of course. Stay safe. REDCAP: What, like these blithering idiots are a challenge for me? Don't make me laugh, Wicks. BROWNIE retreats as REDCAP begins to engage in combat with several security agents. The entities' unorthodox fighting style and small stature proves difficult for the agents to handle, and they are swiftly incapacitated.2 Location: Breakroom #2, Administrative Wing Voice: Hey, who're you! TOLKIEN looks over at the breakroom doorway, beneath which stands agent Bert Mason. The two stare at each other before the agent activates his radio. Agent Mason: Control, there's a small green man in the breakroom. Control: Extraterrestrial? Agent Mason: Nah, those are grey. TOLKIEN begins ascending the rope. Agent Mason: What the— Hey! In response to agent Mason approaching, the entity removes a stun grenade from its backpack and throws it to the ground, covering its eyes with its ears. The agent lets out a cry from the blast, stumbling backward onto the breakroom couch and covering his eyes. The following text messages were retrieved from Director Paquette's phone following the conclusion of the incident. They were sent to Security Chief Ejsing as news of the ongoing breach reached Site-393's administrative wing. Jan Ejsing Esjing, what's going on down there? Why haven't I been updated? Why aren't you answering your radio? Sorry for the delay. We're experiencing a breach. The site is being infiltrated by some anomalous entities. Do they seem threatening? Should we not be evacuating? No, we have the situation fully under control, sir. Please remain in your office and lock the door. I'll alert the rest of the admin staff. What type of entities are we dealing with? Small, diminutive humanoids. One of them green. Mostly harmless. I'm changing my earlier position. We need a full site lockdown. I'm sealing the admin floor. I want these entities captured as soon as possible. Keep them alive. Something wrong, sir? No. No. Just pays to stay safe. Keep me posted. Location: IT Server Bank, Containment Wing (Euclid Section) Agents Quinn and Holly take the long route around the area of the site REDCAP is defending. They spot BROWNIE elbow-deep in the wiring of the containment wing servers. Agent Holly: Hey! Quinn, I've got one over here. BROWNIE produces a cow-themed walkie talkie and speaks into it. BROWNIE: It seems I've been made. We'll be switching to plan B. Agent Quinn: Don't fucking move! Back away from the server, nice and slow. BROWNIE complies, going to his knees. Quinn attempts to bind the entity's arms together but finds them too small for his standard issue restraints. Agent Holly approaches the server rack and begins to inspect the damage. Agent Holly: Quinn, there's a USB stick jammed in here. It's not Foundation issue. Agent Quinn: Well, pull it out then. He turns to BROWNIE. We know there's three of you, and you're all surrounded. Tell your friends to surrender or we will have to use lethal force. BROWNIE begins to laugh. BROWNIE: Oh, how you wound me! I don't appreciate you underestimating me, agents. What fool would dare to break into a Foundation site with only three members? Agent Holly: Quinn, I can't get this thing out. It's stuck. The lights in the hallway begin to flicker repeatedly. An audible hissing noise can be heard as various cell doors open. Agent Quinn: Aww, fuck. SCP-████, ████ and ████3 immediately breach containment. SCP-████'s effects begin to spread throughout the site, transforming several members of staff into identical likenesses of actor Luiz Guzman. Meanwhile, SCP-████ engages security agents with its ambulatory citrus, which allows REDCAP to evade capture. Holly and Quinn manage to prevent BROWNIE's escape, and escort him to a nearby holding cell for interrogation, under Security Chief Ejsing's orders. A post-incident investigation would reveal that, at this point, the entire on-site copy of the INTSCPFN database was instantly replaced with a .txt file containing the word ‘WHOOPSIES'. Site-393 had been equipped with brand-new ASCC4 units, prefabricated containment cells that automatically adjusted their properties based on data contained within uploaded SCP documentation. In the absence of said data, a critical oversight caused the ASCC units to reset to a blank state. Location: Breakroom #2, Administrative Wing In the breakroom, Agent Mason's vision recovers. However, TOLKIEN is only halfway up the rope, visibly struggling to climb due to the weight of its cumbersome backpack. The entity notices the agent and screams, throwing sand in his eyes before fully escaping into the ventilation shaft. Location: Interrogation Room #24, Security Wing Holly: Who sent you? You working for Mickey D's? BROWNIE: Those arrogant door to door salesmen? Please, as if I would ever debase myself as such. Are you some sort of half-wit? Holly strikes BROWNIE across the face. BROWNIE: Now, that was entirely uncalled for. Agent Quinn places the plastic, animal-themed walkie talkie in front of BROWNIE. Quinn: Contact your allies. Get them to surrender. The inside of a containment cell is safer than going ten rounds with SCP-████. BROWNIE: I trust them. The plan is going like clockwork. Ah, speaking of. Security Chief Ejsing enters the interrogation room. Ejsing: Holly, Quinn, excellent work. He talk? Holly: Not yet sir. We've been trying but the little bastard's clammed up. Ejsing: Hmm. I think I can get it out of him. You two can return back to the containment wing. SCP-████ is going wild and we need all hands on deck. Both agents nod. As they turn to leave, Agent Holly notices a plastic, giraffe-themed walkie talkie strapped to Ejsing's belt. She raises her weapon slowly and pulls back the safety. Holly: Sir..? Mind answering a question? Ejsing: Yes. I do. Ejsing lunges forward, striking Agent Holly with a chop to the throat before throwing her over his shoulder into the interrogation room wall. Agent Quinn attempts to raise his weapon and fire, but Ejsing diverts the barrel of the gun as it sprays erratically. The two men strain at each other, with Agent Quinn starting to win the physical contest. Quinn: Who are you? What have you done with Ejsing? A cloud of smoke bursts from Ejsing's form. Standing in his place is a red-skinned humanoid with an elongated nose. Quinn: Wha- This humanoid, hereby referred to as TENGU, capitalises on this moment of confusion, sweeping Quinn's legs before striking him repeatedly in the face until Quinn falls unconscious. TENGU looks up at BROWNIE and grins. BROWNIE: Oh, excellent work! My friend, they never suspected a thing. TENGU frees BROWNIE from his restraints. TENGU: No, I believe they did. My giraffe walkie talkie seemed to give me away. Recording is silent for several seconds. TENGU: Something wrong? BROWNIE: (Smiling) No, no, not at all. TENGU: Then let's proceed with the plan. The two entities begin to move through the site, avoiding security staff via TENGU's illusionary thaumaturgy. At this point in time, further communication occurred between Director Pacquette and Security Chief Ejsing. Jan Ejsing Ejsing? Director. I am no longer waiting in my office. I can't explain right now, but I have reason to believe that I am in mortal danger. I believe it will be best for all of us if I evacuate the site. Very well. What exit will you be taking? So I know where to tell my guys to cover. Right. I'll be leaving via the C3 elevator. I'm just getting in now. Good luck. You'll need it more than me, ‘director'. Ejsing? The elevator has stopped. What is this ugly creature on the display screen? Are you there? Who is this? You don't have to do this. See you soon 🙂🙂🙂! Following this, Ejsing's number was blocked on the device. Location: Hallway 6, Administrative Wing BROWNIE and TENGU arrive at an elevator door at the end of the hall. Noise is heard from the ventilation grill next to them before being kicked outwards by TOLKIEN. It hands BROWNIE the Lv4 keycard, who flips it through its fingers, smirking. A faint crackling sound from the other end of the hallway suddenly draws the trio's attention: a bull with the face of a human man5 slowly approaches, yellow static sparking off its hoofs with each step. Its expression is that of a scowl. TENGU steps forward, unsheathing a previously invisible sword. TENGU: I will hold it off. You two carry out the rest of the mission. TOLKIEN: Are you sure you— TENGU glares back at TOLKIEN. TENGU: I can handle this. TOLKIEN: Look at that thing! It's too risky. We can find another way round. TENGU turns back to face SCP-████. TENGU: You do not have time. Won't you extend me a bit of trust? BROWNIE grabs TOLKIEN by the arm. BROWNIE: He's right. We need to get moving. BROWNIE and TOLKIEN enter the C3 elevator using the keycard. Director Pacquette can be heard inside pleading for mercy. There is a tearing sound, and the Director's voice rises several octaves in pitch as his pleas continue. Meanwhile, SCP-████ charges toward TENGU, who readies their weapon for a strike. At this point, all cameras on site cut out and are replaced with the following image for the next 12 minutes: Context Unknown When the feed returns, TENGU is shown to be severely injured: covered in burn marks and heavily bleeding. It is barely able to stand as it props itself up with its sword. Its appearance has also changed, with black wings protruding from its back and wearing traditional yamabushi attire. SCP-████ shows minor injuries, with its fur having shifted colour from brown to white. It bares its teeth in an awkward expression, a ball of electricity charging between its horns. TENGU pulls out a giraffe-themed walkie-talkie. Location: Hallway 3, Containment Wing REDCAP continues fighting site security, who now have pikes of their own in an attempt to combat it. TENGU (radio): I suppose… this is my stop. REDCAP drops its pike and claps its hands repeatedly, the force of which blows all attacking personnel to the other end of the hall before focusing its attention on the walkie-talkie. REDCAP: What're you talking about? TENGU (radio): When you get to be as old as me, you get a feeling for when your time has come. REDCAP: Yer 35. TENGU (radio): Either way, I will not be escaping this place al— REDCAP: Hayata, shut ya' gob, you gob. Where're you? TENGU (radio): It does not matter. Just listen and let me say my final words. REDCAP: No! REDCAP kicks a hole in a wall and walks through it. REDCAP continued to traverse the site in this manner, exclaiming "No!" each time it broke through a wall. Location: Hallway 6, Administrative Wing SCP-████ rears up in its hind legs and fires at TENGU — a section of the wall falls on SCP-████, causing it to miss. REDCAP enters the room, stood triumphantly on top of the rubble and SCP-████. REDCAP: No! It looks at TENGU, then down at SCP-████, who lifts itself up from under the rubble and REDCAP. A blast of electricity bursts out around SCP-████'s body, which REDCAP visibly recoils from.6 REDCAP: Fuck off, you Poundland greek mythology wanker! As SCP-████ charges another ball of electricity, REDCAP grabs one of its horns and forces it to the ground. The animal writhes and struggles to break free. REDCAP lifts up its pike, its skin charring and burning, and thrusts down through the lightning ball and into SCP-████'s head. A bright flash momentarily blinds the camera feed. When the feed clears, SCP-████ is shown to be neutralized, reduced to a skeleton. Standing above it is a silhouette of black ash in the shape of REDCAP's body, which is promptly blown away by the wind. The only remains of the former-intruder are its iron boots and shattered pike. Security footage from Elevator C3 recorded the surviving members of SCP-7131 making their escape from the site. TOLKIEN grabs BROWNIE by the scruff of its tweed jacket, pushing him forcefully into the wall. TOLKIEN drops the large burlap sack that it is carrying, which whimpers softly. The sack is squirming, and seems to contain some form of small humanoid. TOLKIEN: You were supposed to be the one with the plan, Wicks. You said we would all be fine if we released those…. things! What the fuck went wrong? BROWNIE: I- I forgot to account for Gut's protective nature. Oh, oh dear. He retrieves a brass watch from his jacket pocket and checks the time. BROWNIE: We're still on schedule. We simply must not let Gut's sacrifice be for nothing. He would want us to get the job done. TOLKIEN: Sacrifice? The job!? He's a pile of ash on the floor - he ain't thinking anythin at all. Damn it. Big guy was growing on me. TOLKEIN kicks the sack. It squeals in pain. BROWNIE: Fine. Fine, you lout. If we don't get out of here, then we aren't getting paid, are we? That's all that you really care about, is it not? We also need to get him- He gestures to TENGU, who is sprawled against the elevator wall, bleeding heavily. -some first aid, or he is done for. TOLKIEN breathes heavily in and out. TOLKIEN: You're right. I hate it, but you are. We can still get something outta this. What's the plan then, Mr Mastermind? The elevator doors open to the site parking garage. BROWNIE exits, carrying the unconscious body of TENGU. He scans the room briefly before beginning to make his way to a delivery van labelled Spicy Crust Pizzeria. BROWNIE: You said you had experience driving one of these things? TOLKIEN's eyes widen. TOLKIEN: Oh. Oh gob yes. Exterior security footage showed the Spicy Crust Pizzeria van exiting the parking bay at extreme speeds, crashing through the security blockade that was in the process of being set up outside Site-393. Attempts to follow the van's progress were stymied by the anti-memetic imagery incorporated in the logo, as well as “suicidally reckless driving.” Agent Quinn: And that's all she wrote. Researcher Sajad: Huh. And you're certain nothing's missing? All anomalous objects are accounted for? Quinn: Yep, though now all their files have to be handwritten, and one did die, but now at least it's easier to contain. Sajad: What about documents, classified information? One of them was working here as chief of security for god knows how long. Quinn: No evidence of unauthorized data transfer, even taking into account the Tengu. If there was any information worth stealing, it all got destroyed in the collateral. Sajad: Casualties? Quinn: None on our side. Sajad: Huh. (He leans back in his chair) So they did it just to show they could? Feels like too much effort though. All risk, no reward. Quinn: I mean, goblins are pretty chaotic by nature. Judging from the ones we have on file, they seem to be inherently unpredictable creatures. Sajad: Yeah. Just an average day at the Foundation, I guess. Welp,(Williamson gets up from his chair) I better go tell the director that the only thing that was stolen was our precious time. Thanks Quinn. Quinn: Later Sajad. Sajad exits the room, but returns 10 minutes later. They are dragging a lifeless automaton identical in appearance to Director Pacquette. There is a sizeable cavity within its chest, suitable for use by a one-foot tall humanoid. Installed within it is a small leather recliner, the arms of which are embedded with a tiny keyboard and joystick. Quinn: What's up? Sajad: Uhhhh… Director Pacquette's whereabouts are currently unknown. SCP-7131 is presumed to be still at large. Site-393 detection measures for break-ins by diminutive, thaumaturgic humanoids are to be refitted, as current measures have been ineffective at preventing similar incidents for over the previous month. Footnotes 1. Bathroom camera footage is not monitored live for privacy reasons. 2. Training in hand-to-hand combat with child sized anomalies has been recommended for Site-393 security agents to prevent future issues of this nature. 3. Since Incident 7131, attempts to assign a standard designation to these anomalies in any digital copies of official documentation has resulted in the corruption of said documentation. 4. Adaptive Standard Containment Cell 5. Identified as SCP-████. 6. Due to its iron boots, the entity had a higher conductivity than average.
Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:Assignment to SCP-7132 To: ten.PiCS|segdirbm#ten.PiCS|segdirbm From: ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr#ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr Subject: Assignment to SCP-7132 Junior Researcher Myron Bridges, As of next week, you are reassigned to SCP-7132 containment duty. It is critical that we have someone of your artistic talent on the job. Report to Site-81 by 0800 on Monday. Good luck. Regards, Site-81 Senior Supervisor Rita Brackett Secure, Contain, Protect Item #: SCP-7132 The Pauper Teal, she makes her deal to set the captives free; the Parents move to fit her groove; the dance for all to see. Object Class: Keter The stage is set, and even yet the Parents strain to hear; the dancers' feet tap to the beat, it rocks the atmosphere. Special Containment Procedures: No personnel not matching personality profile 7132-FOSSE may interact with SCP-7132. SCP-7132 shall be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell with the following extra requirement: the cell's walls, ceilings, and floors must support, by hook-and-loop tape or by other means, a modularity enabling a frequent replacement of their aesthetics. The stock of such aesthetics must include a variety of different styles, colors, and cultural backgrounds; various of which must be imprinted with subtle cognitohazards inducing various emotions, including calmness, sadness, anger, and fear. The therapy, works best you see, in every state of heart. To comprehend thoughts without end, each feeling plays a part. No fewer than three daily shifts of 7132-FOSSE personnel must be on hand to execute Procedure 011-AMOS. They shall be supported by a contingent of researchers, makeup artists, psychologists, and costume specialists. They play the role, to reach the goal, of closure and self-worth. Else sorrowful, to fill the hole, will fertilize the earth. In case of a failure of operation 011-AMOS, the current form of SCP-7132 must be terminated with prejudice. The critics boo the dancers, who refuse to change their path. They seek to cheat the dancing feet, the Pauper's ruthless math. Description: SCP-7132 is a humanoid of variable appearance, though biologically it resembles a human between ██ and ███ years of age. At least once per three-day-period, SCP-7132's current form appears to die of various natural causes, and is instantaneously replaced with a new form. Memory, personality, clothing, and physical damage do not persist between manifestations; each manifestation claims to recall a separate, detailed personal history. They come from all, like leaves that fall, to glow before decay; for wounds deny them tears to cry; they fear to quit their stay. Each naturally occuring death has the potential to manifest a variety of anomalous effects on a large scale. Such effects have, for example, dramatically influenced the motion of the earth's tectonic plates1. It is projected that if such activity continues, ████████ ██ ███ ████████████ ██ ███ ██████ ███ █████████ ██████ ████ ████ ██ ███ ████ ██ █ ████████████, █████ █████ ███ ████ ███ █████ ██████ ██ █████ ███ █ ███████-██████ █████ mass extinction event. Notably, manifestations which did not claim to have traumatic memories are statistically 2.3 times as likely to manifest these effects than manifestations which did claim to have such memories. Following this discovery, Procedure 011-AMOS was instituted to reduce the number of such effects. The traumatized, through haunted eyes, know best what needs to heal. Less obvious, inglorious, are difficult to seal. Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:Assignment to SCP-7132 To: ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr#ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr From: ten.PiCS|segdirbm#ten.PiCS|segdirbm Subject: RE: Assignment to SCP-7132 Site-81 Supervisor Rita Brackett, Thank you for considering me for this opportunity. I must, however, respectfully decline the offer. Best Regards, Junior Researcher Myron Bridges To: ten.PiCS|segdirbm#ten.PiCS|segdirbm From: ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr#ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr Subject: RE: RE: Assignment to SCP-7132 Myron, I applaud your sense of conscience. I thought as you did, once. But years of serving here have taught me otherwise. I thought we were the good guys, once. I saw how we preserved the world we live in, how we kept it safe from the monsters that would kill us all. But lately, I don't know. Our mission is to preserve what's normal. But not all that's normal is good. We lock up people merely because they have superpowers, and we subject death row prisoners to fates worse than death. Is that ethical? I don't know. We stand, all too often, at the track-switcher in a supercharged trolley problem. We choose to kill the few, to make a few people suffer, to preserve the rest of the world. It's not pretty. But we're all too often the bad guys, Myron, up against greater evils, and it's something you're going to have to accept. Your refusal to join the SCP-7132 containment effort has been denied. We'll see you at 0800 Monday morning. Regards, Site-81 Senior Supervisor Rita Brackett Secure, Contain, Protect To: ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr#ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr From: ten.PiCS|segdirbm#ten.PiCS|segdirbm Subject: RE: RE: RE: Assignment to SCP-7132 Dear Site-81 Supervisor Rita Brackett, Keep telling yourself that. Sincerely, Myron Bridges Sent from My SCiPhone To: ten.PiCS|segdirbm#ten.PiCS|segdirbm From: ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr#ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr Subject: Where Are You Dear Junior Researcher Myron Bridges, I am writing this at 1100 hours on the first day of your assignment to SCP-7132. You have shown up neither to Site-81 nor to your previous site. Furthermore, HR has no records of you calling in sick. Let us be concrete and specific. Do I like Procedure 011-AMOS? No. But we have to keep the bigger picture in mind. As to the ethics of the situation, I can only repeat what my supervisor told me, back when I was in your shoes, back when I had so little clearance that everything outside of the first thousand SCPs or so read [ACCESS DENIED] when I tried to click on them. No matter how humanoid they may seem, anomalies aren't people. In this job you must learn the difference. You may ask, "What about SCP-105? Are you telling me Iris isn't a person?" No, I'm not. Iris is not the anomaly; the anomaly is an anomalous ability she has. And using her as the example risks conflating the people stuck with an anomaly with the Trojan horses defined by them. Look at SCP-076. Able is a regenerating murder monster; a being defined entirely by the anomaly. Thinking he was human enough to work with was one of the worst decisions the Foundation has ever made. I am in complete support of people who happen to have an anomalous ability. Beings defined by anomalies deserve no such respect. Look at SCP-7132, then, in this framework. Is it a human who happens to be a superhero? No, it's an entity with a completely different facade every three days. If Able disguised himself as a different researcher every time he regenerated, would you consider him any less alien? Look at the file. Able never caused a mass extinction event. Please come back to work. I really don't want to escalate this. Regards, Site-81 Senior Supervisor Rita Brackett Secure, Contain, Protect To: ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr#ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr From: ten.PiCS|segdirbm#ten.PiCS|segdirbm Subject: RE: Where Are You Dear Site-81 Supervisor Rita Brackett, The only reason I didn't reply sooner was my pressing need to dismantle the SCiPhone to get rid of every last GPS tracking tag. I'm going to disappear for a few years. Don't come looking for me; it's not worth it. I'll live a mundane life, quiet about the past. Sincerely, Myron Bridges Sent from My SCiPhone To: ten.PiCS|segdirbm#ten.PiCS|segdirbm From: ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr#ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr Subject: RE: RE: Where Are You? Dear Junior Researcher Myron Bridges, We have no desire to capture you. Frankly, if we had wanted to do so, you would have been tied up in the back of a MTF van five minutes into your ill-conceived trek into the Salmon-Challis Forest. You didn't get rid of all the trackers on your person, you know, and you'd need a surgeon to get some out. If persuasion doesn't work, how about threats? We know where your parents live. Regards, Site-81 Senior Supervisor Rita Brackett Secure, Contain, Protect To: ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr#ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr From: ten.PiCS|segdirbm#ten.PiCS|segdirbm Subject: RE: RE: RE: Where Are You? Dear Site-81 Supervisor Rita Brackett, If you want to kill my parents, that's on you. If you want to kill everyone I've ever met, that's on you. You're trying to make me think this is a trolley problem. That I'm the person at the track-switcher, able to make the choice. But the truth is, I'm not the one in control of the wheel here. You are. If you go through with it, I will be sad. But I will have no regrets. My parents wouldn't want to be around to see a version of me who would commit emotional abuse, anyway. Sincerely, Myron Bridges Sent from My SCiPhone Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:Assignment to SCP-7132 To: ten.PiCS|segdirbm#ten.PiCS|segdirbm From: ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr#ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr Subject: Assignment to SCP-7132 Junior Researcher Myron Bridges, You are now cleared to access file 011-AMOS. We hope that once you read it, you will be convinced despite your earlier objections. Please end this farce. We really do want you on board. After all, your actions have shown you to fit into Personality Profile 7132-FOSSE, and there's very few of those around. Regards, Site-81 Senior Supervisor Rita Brackett Secure, Contain, Protect 1 attachment 1.5 kB 011-AMOS.txt To: ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr#ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr From: ten.PiCS|segdirbm#ten.PiCS|segdirbm Subject: Acceptance of Assignment to SCP-7132 Dear Site-81 Supervisor Rita Brackett, Audition passed, the die is cast: the dancer joins the crew. The Pauper's will, for good not ill, is more than he yet knew. Thank you for finally clarifying what procedure 011-AMOS actually is. I was, to say the least, shocked; having inferred from the redacted article that it was something unconscionable, I realize now the wholesome nature of the service we are providing SCP-7132. From the document you sent: Each incarnation of SCP-7132 carries its own distinct unresolved emotional tension, such as, for instance, never forgiving a specific action, never having told someone it loved them, never having had the chance to work through its own feelings about a specific event, or never getting to express its sexual or gender identity. If this emotional tension is unresolved by the time of the incarnation's natural expiration, then the instance's outside anomalous effects trigger. Procedure 011-AMOS comprises an accelerated diagnostic and therapy regimen tailored to each SCP-7132 incarnation in order to resolve this emotional tension. I still, however, have concerns. 011-AMOS is a good thing, true, but I imagine the Foundation's accountants can't be too happy with it. Especially since, in the long run, it is much cheaper not to enact it. Because somehow, the consequences of not doing 011-AMOS are good. "It is projected that if such activity continues, activity at the intersection of the Scotia and Antarctic plates will lead to the rise of a supervolcano, whose ash cloud may cool the earth enough to stave off a climate-change based mass extinction event." In the name of all that is good and holy, why would we want to prevent any of that? I have no further objections to joining this project and look forward to working on it. Sincerely, Myron Bridges Secure, Contain, Protect Sent from My SCiPhone To: ten.PiCS|segdirbm#ten.PiCS|segdirbm From: ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr#ten.PiCS|ttekcarbr Subject: RE: Assignment to SCP-7132 Hello Myron, I hope your time so far on 011-AMOS is doing well. You're doing the Lord's work, and I salute you for it. It is because it is the Lord's work that we must imply what we do in the main article. We need people who are, for lack of a better term, pure of heart to execute 011-AMOS. Do you know how many people I selected for the position before you, Myron? Thirty-four. Thirty-four people who believed the implications of the article and still agreed to participate in horrible deeds. They failed the test. And you passed, Myron. You refused to do awful things in the name of greater safety. Now, as for why we do 011-AMOS at all. I know the Foundation aren't always the good guys. I know it would be cheaper and more our style to let SCP-7132 rot in a containment cell. Who cares if the petty concerns of one anomaly go unresolved? We've got bigger fish to fry. And if not doing anything results in something good happening, then all the better, right? Wrong. The thing about anomalies designed to do good is, they're all means to some greater, mundane end. Whoever made them thinks that their end justifies taking an anomalous shortcut. But the thing about deus ex machinas is they hardly ever look to the long-term consequences of their actions. Look at SCP-6044, whose effort to prevent flooding created a weapon that could end the world in the wrong hands. The supervolcano is only a stopgap solution. And the thing about stopgap solutions is, while they're very good, they tend to make people think they can stop working on the long-term solutions. It's still a trolley problem, Myron. We've got to choose the lesser good if we want to prevent the greater. Regards, Site-81 Senior Supervisor Rita Brackett Secure, Contain, Protect Footnotes 1. Foundation satellites have registered the unique EVE frequencies of individual manifestations of SCP-7132 spiking across areas of such events before remaining there at low levels for up to seven months. You came here looking for answers? You're in the right place. « SCP-7131 | SCP-7132 | SCP-7133 »
Born 'Neath a Lucky Star ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} This file is a revision of the following. Would you like to access it? ● IV-Revision 6/13/2022 ● Item#: 7134 Level4 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-7134 is uncontained and 7134-Events are recurring. As of 6/27/2022, forty-nine (49) personnel are in long-term assignment to SCP-7134 operations, lead by Head Researcher Dr. Yago Morro, PhD. and Head Tactician Captain Jackson Baxters (both Lv. 4 Clearance). Mobile Task Force Sampson-7 "Bugsy's Bunny" has been organized for the securement of 7134-Events. Intercepted communications, surveillances, or other media pertaining to SCP-7134 and 7134-Events are to be followed up on by MTF Sampson-7 to conduct the securement of the 7134-Event, and the demanifestation or termination of SCP-7134. Attempts to contain extant SCP-7134 are not to be made unless approved prior to mission by Head Tactician. Miscellaneous reports of anomalous rabbits forwarded by field agents and web crawlers (per standard cryptid investigation protocols) are under further review to determine undocumented 7134-Events requiring securing. The Weather-Gamble Cross-Positioning (WGCP) System is in operation for the designed purpose of locating meteorological activity in relation to gambling establishments within the continental United States of America, and for cataloging viable locations for 7134-Events. In the field tracking of SCP-7134, personnel are advised to use Kant counters to assist in locating extant specimens. All SCP-7134 in containment are deceased. Eighty (80) cadavers are in cryogenic storage at: Site-19; Site-43; Site-66; Site-104. Four (4) taxidermies are on display at: Site-87; Site-169.1 Additional cadavers are to be disposed of as level 0 biological material following autopsy unless reserved for future study. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7134 is a mammalian species of leporine morphology with cervine traits (Lepus antilocapra), analogous to the "jackalope" of North American folklore. Aside from the chimeric nature of the species, specimens have exhibited unexplained abilities including: intangibility; cognitohazardous compulsion; sentience; sapience; capability of speech for the utilization of language; low-end reality-bending; probability-alteration or short-term clairvoyance, and preservation of a single identity through reincarnation or gestalt consciousness. Sightings of SCP-7134, designated 7134-Events, are scarce yet regularly occurring under predictable circumstances. Observation of over seven hundred (>700) confirmed 7134-Events has identified three universal constants, as the phenomenon occurs exclusively: within the continental United States of America, within the property lines of establishments host to gambling, on the night of a full moon. Additional criteria for loci of 7134-Events are under consideration. While manifestation of an SCP-7134 instance has not been directly observed, specimens have always been in the vicinity of at least one (1) conscious person for a 7134-Event. ● The next 7134-Event is projected for: July 13th, 2022. (7134-Event-07132022) ● SHE NEVER DID A WHOLE DAY'S WORK IN HER LIFE SCP-7134 Physiology Chapter accessed Adult SCP-7134's physiology is standard for that of female specimens found in the genus Lepus,2 in exception to the presence of two (2) horns emerging from the head, ranging 12.2-18.5 cm (4.8-7.4 in.) in length.3 Aside from this chimeric appearance, the external anatomy is entirely non-anomalous. Autopsies have found that the internal anatomy (especially the nervous, respiratory, reproductive systems) does not have any physical abnormalities that can be attributed as cause for SCP-7134's anomalous properties. Genetic analysis of SCP-7134 has produced mixed results. Analysis of soft tissue and bodily fluids indicates the species is closely related to Lepus alleni.4 Analysis of hard tissue (horns and other) is identified as near identical to that of Antilocapra americana.5 Aside from horns, bone structure is as expected of leporids. How SCP-7134 persists despite the incompatibility of these biologies is unknown. All inspected instanced have invariably been female, and the mitochondrial DNA is completely identical in said instances. Expression of phenotypes vary between instances, as they may range in weight; size; coat color; coat pattern; horn length; and other minutiae. It is also noted that SCP-7134 is genetically distinct from SCP-6968-2-C, and no instances have been found to be diseased by Kappapapillomavirus 26 or similar. Reproduction, development, and maturation of SCP-7134 is unverified. Due to similar biology compared to Lepus alleni, SCP-7134 is projected to have a gestation cycle of approximately six weeks, and conception requires a compatible male specimen of identical or related species. Alternate hypotheses of parthenogenesis and/or tachygestation are also considered. Formation of the skeleton indicates that bone development occurs at rates expected for Lepus alleni, and encountered adults are two years (2 yrs.) of age on average. SCP-7134 are noted to be highly physically active despite pregnancy, and have not exhibited notable hindrances in mobility either before or after giving birth. SCP-7134 can produce litters of up to seven (7) leverets, averaging at four (4). Stillbirths have not been observed. Leverets exhibit several physiological properties not seen in adults, nor any non-anomalous fauna. SCP-7134 brood have been impermeable to matter in all observed cases, and any attempts to restrict with them have produced no results. Leverets appear translucent blue when viewed directly, and can only be detected by energy-based imaging systems. Despite no recognizable source for photon emission, leverets are moderately luminescent and vary in brightness ≈30-80 candelas. While most lagomorphs are altricial and nidicolous, SCP-7134 inversely is highly precocial and nidifugous, more so than any other Lepus species. Newborn SCP-7134 are appear far more physical developed than other newborn leporids, possessing an apparent morphology analogous of a non-anomalous Lepus alleni leverets two weeks (2 wks.) in age, only with addition of velveted antlers ≈1 cm (0.4 in.) in length. These broods are capable of locomotion upon birth, and if provided nesting, will leave the nest within hours. Strangely, SCP-7134 leverets experience half of what gravitational acceleration would be expected of an organism of their size (g = 4.13 m/s²), and can retain traction in air, directing themselves as done for terrestrial locomotion. For their incorporeal nature, newborn SCP-7134 specimens are classified as Class-II Apparitions.7 Adult specimens are currently classified as Class-IV, with potential to be reclassified as Class-V. Adult SCP-7134 have an above average Hume reading of ≈146 Hm, and newborn SCP-7134 commonly have a below average Hume reading of ≈87 Hm, which may rise to average or above average levels following the death of their mother. Chapter accessed SCP-7134 Ethology/Psychology Chapter accessed Ethology of SCP-7134 has not been observed outside of 7134-Events. Limited interactions between SCP-7134 and their brood have been observed, but an affinity to socialize with humans is prominent. As instances perform socialization with awareness of themselves and others; discerning of their actions; absence of individuality; recollection of experiences and information exclusive to previous instances, SCP-7134 definitively possesses sapience in the form of either a gestalt entity or a reincarnating consciousness. As a species with a single known consciousness, critical threat should be exposed to an infohazard. Application of lethal cognitohazards have shown to only effect an individual. SCP-7134 are capable of human speech despite the absence of necessitated anatomy. Adult instances have been observed to speak with fluency in English, Spanish, French, Ojibwe, and Mandarin, with limited to inexistent comprehension of other languages. Conversations with instances have shown SCP-7134 capable perceiving and replicating tones and vocalics used in speech for appropriate meta-communication; non-anomalous leporid vocalics; laughter; and on select occasions, singing. Voices of SCP-7134 are commonly described as feminine, but accents vary between instances and are often endemic (if not, prevalent) to the area the instances are encountered in. The SCP-7134 consciousness is acutely aware of their perpetuating nature. SCP-7134 recognizes herself as a singular identity inhabiting several organisms that lack intellectual autonomy between members of their species. There is plausibility that SCP-7134 is in actuality reincarnating within her own lineage and is under the erroneous belief she is a gestalt. When speaking with humans, SCP-7134 uses grammatical person to reflect the physical individually of SCP-7134 specimens, active instances refer to their being in the first-person with present tense, referring to past or future instances in first- or third-person with appropriate tenses, and clarifying familial relation between does and leverets. Per comments from instances, SCP-7134's gender identity is currently accepted as female. If SCP-7134 is a gestalt entity, it is uncertain if the gestalt identifies the entirety of itself as female, or just all encountered instances as they are biologically female. Adult SCP-7134's behavior is highly Machiavellian, as instances conduct themselves differently depending on the human social environment. Psychoanalysis of SCP-7134's personality has found her exemplative of psychopathy, with a grading of 35/40 in accordance to the Psychopathy Checklist—revised (PCL-R). Regarding the "boldness" trait, SCP-7134 possesses a high tolerance for stress and fear, and is regularly assertive and confident in her actions. She has little regard for danger and unfamiliarity due to effective immortality, acting without reservation sometimes to the point of being suicidal. SCP-7134 appears to only practice self-preservation for sake of personal experience, and can show apathy or lack of urgency towards raising their brood. Regarding the "disinhibition" trait, SCP-7134 has considerable but finite restraint. Whether the circumstances of a 7134-Event are arranged through planning and foresight on her part or anomalously fabricated, SCP-7134 regardless can restrain herself to a certain set of behaviors for hours in the presence of others. If SCP-7134 reaches a point where she does not see necessity for patience, she will begin to act highly impulsive. Regarding the "meanness" trait, SCP-7134 greatly lacks empathy towards others, regularly hiding this from people unacquainted with her. She exercises exploitative tendencies to facilitate acts of cruelty, as she finds amusement from witnessing or inflicting misfortune upon a person. If SCP-7134 interacts with a person not considered susceptible to exploitation, she will verbally harass in order to distract or irritate. SCP-7134 is also noted to have an affinity to humor (especially what is morbid or sadistic in nature) and will perform displays for the allurement of targets, distraction or irritation of opponents, or for generalized self-amusement. SCP-7134 also exhibits behaviors seen in other lagomorphs. The species' body language is mostly comprised of kinesics seen in Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus,8 but instances have been observed positioning their heads in ways akin to humans mannerisms, including to maintain eye contact. SCP-7134 may redirect themselves to gather sustenance if a location provides food or is decorated with plants considered favorable. Aside from what is ordinarily consumable, some SCP-7134 have consumed food or materials that are inedible or toxic for hares, either through accident or intentionally. While SCP-7134 anatomy indicates the species involuntarily defecates, arguments have been made that SCP-7134 exhibits voluntary control. SCP-7134 exhibits nesting behavior largely similar to other lagomorphs, only instead of settling in low sheltered aboveground locations like other hares, SCP-7134 incentivizes locations that are difficult or rarely to be accessed by humans and often indoors. Nests constructed by SCP-7134 can be composed from materials commonly used by nesting does (grass, twigs, flower stems, fur from does' dewlap), but often include or are mainly comprised from unorthodox materials sourced through theft, battery, or destruction of property (paper currency, physicals documents, clothing, metal wiring, plastic tubing, rope fibers, flower petals, hair from other organisms). Chapter accessed 🟢 7134-Event Occurrence 🟢 Chapter accessed Since cataloging of 7134-Events was initiated, 741 of 952 projected events have been identified by the SCP Foundation. At least twenty (20) additional events have or are likely to have occurred prior to 1945. Liberal estimates state approximately 2,400 (cir. 1829) to 3,000 (cir. 1776) 7134-Events could have possibly occurred. Frequency of 7134-Events is highly regular, occurring every 684±8 hours, or approximately every twenty-nine days (29 dy). The phenomenon is in a rough synchronization with the lunar month, always occurring on the date of a full moon, but not in an exact correlation to the moon's synodic period. Events can occur at any point in the day, most commonly during nocturnal hours. Due to the region in which SCP-7134 is endemic to spanning across four times zones, there is a contiguous twenty-seven hour period (27:00) in which an 7134-Event can initiate and terminate in. Localization of 7134-Events is unnaturally confined, occurring only within the continental United States of America. Apparent distribution of SCP-7134 appears to be restricted not only by geographic borders, but also by legislative borders as defined by the federal and state governments. At no point has an extant SCP-7134 specimen been observed to emigrate over national land or ocean borders, but remains can be relocated out of country. SCP-7134 has not been observed in Alaska; Hawai'i; or any U.S. Territories, alive or dead. Due to varying state legislations, prevalence of 7134-Events most concentrated in states with unrestrictive gambling laws, but may still occur in states where gambling is highly regulated or outright illegal.9 7134-Events exclusively occur at geographic locations that have had property lines determined by land surveyors, and are actively serving (at least in part) as a forum for humans to partake in gambling. Whether the gambling house is publicly listed or unlisted; legally or illegally operated is inconsequential. These locations may be coextensive with hotels, resorts, racetracks, parks, or country clubs. SCP-7134 are always first encountered within the property lines of the target location, where SCP-7134 will occupy for the duration of the event. SCP-7134 can leave properties of their own volition, although this will regularly result in the termination of 7134-Events. A correlation between local meteorological activity has been observed in most instances; over four hundred (>400) 7134-Events from 1972-2022 have been positively identified to have occurred at locations within a twenty-mile-radius (r =20 mi.) from landfall of a lightning strike produced within the preceding week. The probability of an event occurring is noted to increase in regards to the concentration of lightning strikes in an area. Chapter accessed 7134-Event Progression Chapter accessed While the exact measures of a 7134-Event is highly unpredictable, 7134-Events follow a general series of phases with a primary point of deviation and a latent termination procedure that may initiate at any point during the event. This rough chronology is as follows: 0. — The location of an 7134-Event will experience a substantial decrease in local Hume levels. — Hume levels can decline by up to 30 Hm. A Hume fluctuation can only be marked as the initiation of a 7134-Event upon confirmation of SCP-7134's presence. 1. — An adult SCP-7134 pregnant with a litter will manifest within the property unobserved. — Manifestation of an SCP-7134 instance has never been directly observed. Absences in video evidence substantiates that SCP-7134 arrives at a location through anomalous means. 2. — SCP-7134 will target a person or persons to interact with. — SCP-7134 will prioritize those who are either impaired; impulsive; or easily manipulated in some form. Subject most often targets an isolated person, and has not been observed to to approach a party greater than five (5) people. IF Phase 2 is conducted in full: 3a. — SCP-7134 will approach the target(s) and converse. — SCP-7134 will conduct highly approachable behavior, often issuing complements or expressing humor. SCP-7134 will soon extend offers of companionship or advice. 4a. — SCP-7134 will accompany the target(s) for activities involving risk taking to some degree. — Activities entail that the participants provided opportunity for profit either monetarily, socially, or emotionally. On occasions, SCP-7134 has fabricated scenarios for such risk taking. 5a — Target(s) will experience success in activities for a prolonged period of time. — Targets usually benefit by following advice provided to them by SCP-7134, and progressively increase wagers. Local Hume levels will gradually rise over time, indicative of decreases in probability alteration. 6a. — SCP-7134 will depart following or in anticipation of sudden substantial loss to at least one (1) person involved, most often the target(s). — Outcome may result in loss of wealth; social relations; employment; autonomy; or life. Those involved may be negatively impacted by the events of 7134-Events after a prolonged period of time, as much as years after incident. IF Phase 2 is interfered with: 3b. — SCP-7134 will be intercepted by an opposing party knowledgeable of it's activity/cognizant of it's anomalous nature. — In all relevant cases, this has been SCP Foundation personnel or amateur paranormal enthusiasts. It is unknown if other paranormal organizations have responded to 7134-Events. 4b. — SCP-7134 will react to confrontation to some degree. — SCP-7134 will conduct antagonistic behavior, often issuing taunts or testing patience. SCP-7134 will soon attempt to relocate herself from confronter(s). 5b — SCP-7134 will either have visual on it lost or sustain fatal injury. — Attempts to pursue SCP-7134 may result in traversal of environmental hazards; destruction of property; loss of life. 7a/6b. 7134-Event will terminate following the complete departure or neutralization of SCP-7134 instances, signified by restoration of Hume levels to baseline. SCP-7134 will give birth to her litter at some point during the 7134-Event, either while extant or upon death. In some cases, SCP-7134 will attempt to find a location to create a nest to birth and house the litters for the remainder of event. In a completed nest, the SCP-7134 mother will give natural birth to the litter, which will remain in the nest until the mother either initiates the brood to evacuate the nest, leaves the property, or is terminated. If SCP-7134 is terminated before giving birth, the litter will be experience post-mortem birth by permeating outside of SCP-7134's womb. SCP-7134 brood will run in different directions. Operating with a local/personal Hume reading of ≈87/146, the adult SCP-7134 specimens qualify as a Class-I Reality Bender. SCP-7134's reality warping capabilities appears to primarily manifests as probability alteration, as SCP-7134 and those around her regularly experience convoluted or unrealistic circumstances that would otherwise be low-probability in baseline reality. These probability alteration are commonly prefaced by a declarative statement whose subject is ironic or predictive for the succeeding effects. SCP-7134's utilization of such statements is currently hypothesized to serve the purpose of an ontokinetic aid or similar device. There is no substantial evidence that SCP-7134 has manifested other more commonly exhibited Class-I reality warping capabilities such as ectoentropic or atomic manipulation. Despite the readily apparent anomalous nature of the species, viewers of adult SCP-7134 do not commonly take issue with the presence as would be expected. This is attributed to the emission of a pretermemetic cognitohazard; as no physical evidence for a source can be identified in SCP-7134's anatomy, this is a secondary manifestation of SCP-7134's reality warping capabilities. Viewers with a score of 7.4 or higher on the Cognitive Resistance Scale or with prior knowledge of SCP-7134 and 7134-Events will be able to accurately perceive the abnormality of the phenomena. Viewers who are ignorant or borderline knowledgeable about jackalope folklore will recognize SCP-7134 as a jackalope (or "horned rabbit" or "antelabbit"), but will remain (to varying extent depending on CRS score) significantly oblivious to how their encounter contradicts the apparent fictionality of cryptids as understood by the public. The pretermemetic effects will terminate completely upon neutralization of the adult SCP-7134 instance and its reality bending. SCP-7134 leverets do not exhibit the pretermemetic cognitohazard, as sightings will cause panic among civilians. There is evidence that SCP-7134 instances may exhibit probability alteration succeeding the termination of their mother. Chapter accessed SCP-7134 Taxidermy №4, restored. Pictured in Site-169 mess hall. HISTORY: The earliest written record of a horned jackrabbit or similar cryptid in North America can be dated back to 1829, with the reported capture by a trapper named Roy Ball. It is unknown if this and many subsequent records of jackalope sightings were valid, as following the taxidermy of a supposed "jackalope" by brothers Douglas and Ralph Herrick in 1934,10 the creature has become commonplace in American pop culture and rogue taxidermy. The oldest verified instance of SCP-7134 is a taxidermy mount dated to the 1870s (pictured), recovered from a cottage in Westminster in 2012. The extent of the SCP-7134 species' relevancy with the whole of jackrabbits or similar folklore predating 1829 is unknown. Request the Department of Mythology and Folkloristics for access to further reading on: jackalopes; North American cryptids; Anishinaabe traditional beliefs. The SCP Foundation's earliest record of an SCP-7134 instance dates back to 1938, describing the recovery of a full-body taxidermy of a leporine species with horns found in the possession of an American associate of Marshall, Carter, & Dark Ltd. Surviving documentation indicates that the specimen was found and killed on the premise of an Atlantic City casino with known affiliations with MC&D. The whereabouts of Anomalous Object #343-LMRFDD and further documentation have since been lost. Foundation assets would not encounter an 7134-Event until July 25th, 1945. Field Agent Drew Lotts responded to the aftermath of a fire at a cardroom in Galveston, Texas. Lotts' investigation into an anomalous origin for the fire procured an eyewitness account of 7134-Event-07251945 (formerly Incident-7134-B), and recovery of type specimen, SCP-7134-07251945. SCP-7134 was added to the registry of SCP objects on July 28th, 1945. Following 7134-Event-01071947 (formerly Incident-7134-G) and discovery of phenomenon's correlation with the lunar cycle, manifestations of SCP-7134 were redesignated as 7134-Events, suffixed by date of occurrence.11 Miscellaneous field agents and task force members would be redirected for SCP-7134 securement efforts until in November of 1973, when Mobile Task Force Sampson-7 "Bugsy's Bunny" was organized for the specialized response to 7134-Events, and potential anomalies localized to gambling establishment. Across eight decades of containment efforts, eleven (11) Foundation personnel have been killed in action, three (3) missing in action during 7134-Events. Through observation and interactions with field agents, SCP-7134 has aggregated information to become knowledgeable of the SCP Foundation to a limited extent. SCP-7134 is currently believed to understand that the SCP Foundation: is a covert organization dealing with "skips", considers SCP-7134 a "skip", is in active opposition of SCP-7134 activity, has a presence in all forty-eight (48) states of the continental U.S, has at least five (5) task forces that have been assigned to SCP-7134 at some point, has no current intent for capturing SCP-7134 alive. ADDENDUM: Introduction to supplementary documents pertaining to SCP-7134. Summary of notable 7134-Events Catalog accessed - Contact RAISA for complete records Designation Location Description 7134-Event 02/12/1960 Pike County Casino and Raceway, Pike, Pike County, Kentucky SCP-7134-02131960 ran out to the track during a horse race, disrupting placings, and resulting in a broken arm for Fred Polk (M, 37), jockey of No. 17 "Tulips". Local mayoral candidate Horace Heikler (M, 62) was institutionalized at Eastern State Hospital after being refused refund for $170,000 in lost bets by citing cause as "the jackrabbit told [him] to place it on seventeen". SCP-7134-02131960 terminated, trampled by racers. 7134-Event 09/08/1976 House of Cards, Shreveport, Caddo Parish, Louisiana SCP-7134-09081976 encountered by Shreveport police during a shootout with a local gang, the Caddo Boys. SCP-7134-09081976 terminated by undercover agent Ι-10 Valmer via handgun. The shootout resulted in the deaths of several cardhouse staff, patrons, and all involved gang members. Investigation into the shooting found that the gang had attacked the cardhouse in relation for an unknown amount of money Gabriel Prince (M, ≈20) had lost playing poker prior in the day. Survivors from the card game attest to seeing SCP-7134-09081976 sitting in Prince's lap during the game. 7134-Event 10/13/1981 Maxim Hotel and Casino, Paradise, Clark County, Nevada SCP-7134-03181992 attempted to convince singer Bobby Freemont (M, 56) to pursue a contract with the Maxim as an in-house performer. MTF S-7 intercepted and pursued instance to hotel's auditorium. SCP-7134-03181992 terminated via gunfire. S-7 Baldwyn killed in action by falling lighting equipment. SCP-7134 engagement protocols revised following incident. 7134-Event 07/02/1985 Rabbit's Foot Club, Arbury, Saline County, Arkansas SCP-7134-07021985 accompanied patron Harold Pickett (M, 49), reportedly identifying as the casino's mascot. Following a three-hour winning streak at slot machines, Pickett left the establishment with a profit of $17,000. SCP-7134-07021985 unaccounted for after offering Pickett to visit again at the end of the month. 7134-Event 07/31/1985 Rabbit's Foot Club, Arbury, Saline County, Arkansas First known instance of SCP-7134 encountering a subject from a prior 7134-Event. SCP-7134-07311985 again accompanied Pickett for a two-hour winning streak at slots machines, ending with Pickett losing $83,300 worth of chips in roulette. SCP-7134-07311985 unaccounted for after Pickett's removal by security. 7134-Event 03/18/1992 Empire City Casino, Yonkers, Westchester County, New York. Encountered by Pi-1 Agent Judith Yves-Petersen (F, 26) while off duty. First instance of a 7134-Event with an SCP Foundation staff as subject. Π-1 Yves-Petersen called in to Site-28 to report "a real jackalope", furthering a request for back up with trapping gear. SCP-7134-03181992 self-terminated during attempted capture by MTF Pi-1. Π-1 Bruce Gowen (M, 41) reported killed in action. Π-1 Yves-Petersen reported missing in action. Rudimentary information on SCP-7134 made available under Unrestricted Clearance (Lv. 1) following incident.12 7134-Event 08/08/1998 Max's Tavern, Bittlebush, Juab County, Utah SCP-7134-08081998 manifested during the final night of a 2547-Event. Only known case of an 7134-Event coinciding with other SCP phenomena. Multiple town residents report seeing instance evading SCP-2547 and stealing favors given to SCP-2547-1 from the church to offer as winnings for card games at the local cardhouse. Townsfolk participated in these games until SCP-2547-1 entered the tavern, capturing and consuming SCP-7134-08081998. SCP-2547 departed following termination. 7134-Event 02/12/2006 Shoshone-Bannock Casino Hotel, Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho SCP-7134-02122006 found along Nelson Graves (M, 34), both deceased. It is speculated that instance had convinced Graves into committing bestiality in men's restroom.13 SCP-7134-02122006 expired from internal bleeding. Graves expired from anaphylaxis induced by SCP-7134 bodily fluids. 7134-Event 11/21/2010 Wheeler Ridge Country Club, Hurricane, Putnam County, West Virginia SCP-7134-11212010 reportedly led an intoxicated Wilhelm Avden (M, 53) towards a party of WVJC students using a karaoke machine. Avden made untoward advances on the women, prompting other patrons to intervene, at which point Avden became physical. In a recording by student Emily Charles (F, 23), SCP-7134-11212010 is seen laughing, encouraging the fighting, and singing to the karaoke machine playing "Luck Be A Lady". Avden and Harvey Emory (M, 49) were hospitalized for their injuries, the former placed into a medical coma. SCP-7134-11212010 terminated leaving premises by civilian Bry Erpatz (NB, 36) via hunting rifle. 7134-Event 04/19/2019 Clam Creek Hotel, Atlantic City, Atlantic County, New Jersey SCP-7134-04192019 acquaints bar patrons Lindsey Colm (F, 27) and George Ritter (M, 25), leading the two to conduct an affair. Instance is present in a recording of Colm and Ritter performing coitus in a hotel room while under the influence, made by Ritter under the pretense that Colm's cellphone was his own. Adrian Colm (M, 56) would murder his spouse the next day following his discovery of the pornographic recording on their shared cloud service. SCP-7134-04192019 unaccounted for. Catalog accessed - Contact RAISA for complete records Summary of notable SCP-7134 experiments Examples accessed - Contact RAISA for complete records Experiment 7134/BVPNZ "Little Sip" Date: 05/07/1974 - 02/26/1975 Intent of experiment: Verification of folkloristic idiosyncrasy (jackalopes are particular towards whiskey or other alcohols). Control of experiment: Agents of MTF Sampson-7 provided flask of Jim Beam bourbon whiskey. Personnel are to attempt enticement in event SCP-7134 is encountered in the field. Results: No results produced until 7134-Event-10011974 (Coos Bay, OR). SCP-7134-10011974 approached by Cor. Bennings, offering shotglass of whiskey. SCP-7134-10011974 denied offer, stating "it's bad for the babies."14 Subsequent SCP-7134 instances made similar refusals both prior and post birthing process. Experiment 7134/EYSQC "In The Flesh" Date: 03/09/1982 Intent of experiment: Response of an SCP-7134 instance to a prior iteration. Control of experiment: Cadaver of most recent specimen (SCP-7134-02081982) provided to MTF Sampson-7. MTF to present cadaver to extant specimen at next available 7134-Event. Results: SCP-7134-02081982 deployed with MTF Sampson-7 response to 7134-Event-03091982 (Dover, DE). SCP-7134-03091982 presented with SCP-7134-02081982 by Pvt. Chalmer, Pvt. Levon. SCP-7134-03091982 vocalized disgust at cadaver, exclaiming "God, you guys still have that thing" before running from Sampson-7. SCP-7134-03091982 directed additional comments and insults to personnel before visual was lost for remainder of event. Experiment 7134/HBVTF "Thermidorian Reaction" Date: 5/22/1993 - 10/31/1993 Intent of experiment: Preventative measures to redirect or control potential loci of 7134-Events (Experiment 7134/EYSQC cited for possible deterrent methods). Control of experiment: Cadavers of SCP-7134-11101992, SCP-7134-12101992, and SCP-7134-01081993 transferred to Site-87 for processing into mounted head taxidermies. MTF Sampson-7 provided Taxidermies №1, №2, №3 to mount in locations considered high-probability candidates for 7134-Events. Results: SCP-7134 instances manifested at alternate candidates for 7134-Events for five consecutive cycles. Sixth 7134-Event of experiment saw the manifestation of SCP-7134-10301993 at Little Wind Casino (Ethete, WY), then host to SCP-7134 Taxidermy №2. Proctoring staff ruled that prior findings were most likely coincidental, with off chance the used methods were valid but of temporary efficacy. All taxidermies were returned to Site-87 following closure of experiment. Experiment 7134/KEYWI "Hare's Hairs" Date: 5/22/1993 - 6/4/1993 Intent of experiment: Tracking of SCP-7134 outside of 7134-Events (conducted via thaumaturgic methods). Control of experiment: Fur sample from SCP-7134-01081993 provided to Site-87's Head of Theology Dr. Harvey Cogh for detrital scrying.15 Ritual conducted under several circumstances. Results: Scrying consistently succeeded to discern the location of SCP-7134-01081993 cadaver and Taxidermy №3. Attempts at locating other cadavers in inventory produced no results. Attempt at locating SCP-7134-06041993 during 7134-Event-06041993 (San Bernardino, CA) produced no results. Experiment 7134/NHBZL "Run Home" Date: 9/2/2001 Intent of experiment: Tracking of SCP-7134 outside of 7134-Events (conducted via technological methods). Control of experiment: MTF Sampson-7 provided with JH-99b tracking darts16 in anticipation of 7134-Event-09022001. Results: MTF Sampson-7 responded to 7134-Event-09022001, located at Seven Mile Casino (San Diego, CA). SCP-7134-09022001 implanted with tracker by Lt. Blcacki in casino courtyard before visual contact was lost. SCP-7134-09022001 tracked moving east before abruptly following Interstate 5 southbound, averaging 57 mph. Tracking dart and partial remains recovered from undercarriage of semi-trailer truck at San Diego-Tijuana border stop. SCP-7134 head, right forelimb, leverets unaccounted for. Examples accessed - Contact RAISA for complete records Document I72645bt (Restored) Document accessed - Contact RAISA for associated documents Included photograph, captioned: Scene of fire after coroner. Wastebasket centered. DATE — 7/26/45 TIME — 1500 CST LOCATION — Galveston, TX. DESCRIPTION — Questioning of L. Bodner on events of fire in Galveston, TX. 2 adult males, 1 unidentified anomaly killed. 1 adult male injured. Interviewer - Drew Lotts, SCP field agent Questioned - Lukas Bodner, civilian, suspected racketeer CAUSE — Gathering information from a witness to anomalous activity. Agent's efforts may ascertain the possible action of "animal superspies"17 on American soil. LOTTS: Can you state your name for the record, sir? BODNER: Lukas Bodner. LOTTS: Mr. Bodner, I would like you to recount what you saw last evening if you can do that. The events of the fire at the address of 119 Hester Street. BODNER: I can do that. LOTTS: Okay. First of all, can you identify the two men that were in the room with you? Did you know them? BODNER: Yes, I knew them. Gideon Zussman and our manager, Henry Segre. We did business together. LOTTS: Were you doing business with Misters Segre and Zussman that evening? BODNER: I started when we were closing up for the night. We got the barflies out and Gideon and I were — well not Gideon, he felt himself too busy smoking a Cuban — I was cleaning down a table as Henry was counting the register. LOTTS: Counting the register. So these profits were from the bar? BODNER: That's what I said. Yes. LOTTS: This is the Free State, Mr. Bodner. I know a card den when I see one, and frankly, I don't know a cop in town who'd care to call it in. I'd prefer without the euphemisms for sake of clarity. BODNER: You don't know many people, because I'd think the hardasses out on Fort Crockett would care. As I said; we were counting the register. We were doing our dues when we heard a dame's voice call out to us. At first I thought it was one of our investor's girls, but how'd she get in with the front locked? So we look and there in the window — inside, at the bay windows — there was a rabbit! Only she had little deer horns on her head! LOTTS: Yes. I saw the body and even had a hard time believing. BODNER: It's strange enough to see a jackrabbit at the coast, let alone one that could talk and had horns. Because it talked. Again! Asked if — okay, she asked if she missed the cards. Had "a hankering for a round of Three-Card Guts" she said. Of course first thing for Gideon was, "how is she to play if she doesn't have any hands?" Henry made a good crack about her betting in bunny money, but she didn't like that. Like the dickens took a running start, bounced onto tables to get to Henry at the bar. Henry move back as he thought it was coming at him, but no, it banged the tin out of register, sending coin all over the floor. LOTTS: The animal was interested in the money? BODNER: Grabbed a dub18 off the floor and ran around with it. Said she was broke so she'd bet with our money! LOTTS: Oh my. BODNER: I got the broom again and tried to hit the little rodent, but it was running between all the chair legs. Gideon got off his ass and soon him and Henry were shuffling around trying to grab her like a football. Ended up for nothing as one of us left the door to the back room open and it zoomed in there. First thing she did was knock a plant over, getting sod all over itself. Once we closed the three of ourselves in there with it, it was trying to get us to do circles around the table singing "nanny nanny boo-boo" until Gideon upturned a wastebasket and got her under it. LOTTS: The one the animal carcass was found in, yes? BODNER: That's the one. He got the thing under, sat on it, and went back to his smoke. He never put out his cigar, that idiot. Now the rabbit, she was howling. Sounded like my brother's wife when he'd come home drunk. Whining, cussing, calling us a bunch of schlimazels as it was trying to wiggle its way out. Crazy broad. It wasn't until after a moment of us catching our breath that we realized it; we had just caught ourselves a jackalope. LOTTS: A jackalope. That is certainly a rare feat, I would say. BODNER: Henry said we should sell her to The Greatest Show on Earth. I was all for that; it sounded like big money. What circus wouldn't want a real live jackalope? I pulled out the yellow pages to call them up. Now aside from the horns, it's pretty much just a jackrabbit. It eats and breaths, so until they came and bought her off us, Henry reckoned we had to care for her. LOTTS: You and Mr. Segre felt you were equipped for that? BODNER: With how fussy that thing was, I doubted we could find a way to feed it a few carrots,19 as we aren't rabbit farmers. We're— we were business men. We just had to hold on for a day or two, I thought. Now then, it was when Henry was talking about giving it some water, when Gideon pepped up and said, "Whiskey." LOTTS: Whiskey? BODNER: Yes. "The prospectors back in Wyoming," he said, "they would say a shot of whiskey will have jackalopes eating out of the palm of your hand. That they would lead people to gold." I wasn't too sure how much sense that made, and Henry looked to be mulling it over too when we saw that little thing, it had stopped fighting from its cage. It started acting like a dog begging for scraps! Pleading for whiskey. LOTTS: Really? Did you serve the jackelope whiskey? BODNER: No, not me. Henry went to the bottles we kept on the safe to pour a shot. I just went back to the pages when all of a sudden Gideon jumped up from the basket, yelling like it burned him. He hopped around like one of the Three Stooges, holding onto his leg right there, and bumped into Henry, knocking them both over. The bottle smashed against the wall, and then the cigar— the wallpaper went up in flames. LOTTS: Gideon's cigar? BODNER: It lit the alcohol on fire. The alcohol on them caught fire. They started screaming so I went to get help but the door— the knob broke in my hand. I tried ramming the door open, but I only roughed myself up doing that. It felt like God wanted me dead. That's when I phoned the fire department to get me out of there. The rug was burning. The plaster was burning. It was so fast, and then I couldn't hear Gideon screaming no more. But I heard that little thing was laughing. The second the fire started, it did. It was laughing while smoke was filling its little lungs, and until I passed out I could still hear that damned laugh. I pray that it burned with them. Document accessed - Contact RAISA for associated documents Transcripts 4/16/2003 (Excerpts) Excerpts provided - Contact RAISA for individual records Mission Transcripts - 7134-Event-04162003 *(EX) Date: April 16th, 2003 Location: Casa de San Cayetano, Belen, Valencia County, New Mexico Involved Team(s): Mobile Task Force Iota-10 "Damn Feds" - 1 unit, 1 vehicle Mobile Task Force Sampson-7 "Bugsy's Bunny" - 4 units, 1 vehicle Involved Personnel: Iota-10 Margery W. Nicholson (Marshal) Sampson-7 K.C. Henner (Intelligence) Sampson-7 Irene Addison (2nd Lieutenant) Sampson-7 Jackson Baxters (Sergeant) Sampson-7 Emmanuel Vigo (Corporal) Preface: Sgt. Jackson Baxters was stationed undercover as a security guard at the Casa de San Cayetano, one of several probable loci for a 7134-Event in the Southwestern United States. In the event SCP-7134-04162003 were to be encountered, field agents were instructed to keep SCP-7134-04162003 occupied until reinforcements could arrive to assist in containment. During hourly check up call for deployed field agents, SCP-7134-04162003 was encountered by Sgt. Baxters. *Excerpts provided from; Video Transcript 7134E04162003-A "S-7 Baxters", Video Transcript 7134E04162003-D "S-7 Vigo". See for full transcription(s). EXCERPT A - (S-7 Baxters) […] [20:00] - S-7 Henner: (Over radio) Check in, check in. [20:00] - S-7 Yates: (Over radio) San Diego, Charlie Alfa. Lucky Lady's closed for the night, so I'm going to check out Palomar. Nothing on civvy chatter here. [20:00] - S-7 Baxters: (Into radio) Belen, November Marco. Humes are reading a little low here, but Lola hasn't shown up. [20:01] - SCP-7134: You talking about me, Skippy? [20:01] S-7 Baxters turns to patio balcony. SCP-7134-04162003 located on masonry. Instance is laying down with peppers at front paws. [20:01] - S-7 Baxters: Scratch that, she's here. [20:01] - S-7 Henner: Confirmed visual? [20:01] - S-7 Baxters: Yes, she's five feet in front of me. [20:01] - S-7 Henner: I see. Alright, sending Addison over, ETA twenty-two hundred. Try to hold her in until then. Do you copy? [20:01] - S-7 Baxters: Ten-four, I copy. [20:02] SCP-7134-04162003 nudges a pepper in S-7 Baxters' direction. [20:02] - SCP-7134: Cornito rosso. Want one? [20:02] - S-7 Baxters: No, I don't want one. [20:02] - SCP-7134: Your loss. [20:02] SCP-7134-04162003 begins eating the offered pepper. [20:02] - S-7 Baxters: Am I the first guy you've offered peppers to tonight? [20:02] - SCP-7134: Yup. Must make you feel real special, Benny boy. [20:02] - S-7 Baxters: Benny? [20:02] - SCP-7134: That's what Blacky called you, right? Back in Detroit?20 [20:02] S-7 Baxters refuses to acknowledge SCP-7134's statement. [20:02] - SCP-7134: Wrong guess? [20:02] - S-7 Baxters: Wrong guess. [20:02] - SCP-7134: Well it's not like I can read "Baxters, Seguridad de la Casa" off your name tag now, can I? [20:03] - S-7 Baxters: (Pause) So you didn't just do that? [20:03] - SCP-7134: No! Animals can't read, dummy! [20:03] - S-7 Baxters: Right. How foolish of me. [20:03] - SCP-7134: Very foolish. [20:03] SCP-7134-04162003 continues eating the pepper. [20:03] - SCP-7134: So, what are you doing here? [20:03] - S-7 Baxters: Pest control. [20:03] - SCP-7134: Isn't pest control those twelve lamb dudes? [20:03] - S-7 Baxters: Twelve lamb dudes? Wait, you know— (sigh) God. [20:03] - SCP-7134: Never met him. […] EXCERPT B - (S-7 Baxters) […] [20:16] - SCP-7134: And that is how I learned what an anecdote is. [20:16] - S-7 Baxters: A very interesting story. [20:16] - SCP-7134: I know, but now I feel a little winded after all that talking. [20:16] A waitress approaches S-7 Baxters' table, sets a pitcher of ice water down while directing herself towards agent. [20:16] - Waitress: Would you like some more water, new guy? [20:17] - S-7 Baxters: No thanks, María, I'm fi— [20:17] - SCP-7134: I'll take it! [20:17] SCP-7134-04162003 jumps onto the table, spilling pitcher onto S-7 Baxters. Agent gets up from chair. [20:17] - Waitress: Oh! I'm sorry! [20:17] - SCP-7134: Whoops. [20:17] SCP-7134-04162003 jumps off the table and begins running through the seating area. S-7 Baxters begins to pursue. [20:17] - Waitress: Wait! Here's some napkins. [20:17] - S-7 Baxters: I'm fine. (Into radio) This is Baxters, we've got a runner. [20:17] - S-7 Henner: (Over radio) Ten-four. Keep us updated. [20:17] S-7 Baxters exits café area, enters billiards area. Body cam pans across room. SCP-7134-04162003 is not visible under tables.. [20:18] A woman is visible leaving the women's restroom. SCP-7134-04162003 enters the restroom before the door closes. [20:18] - S-7 Baxters: (Into radio) The Skip just went into the ladies' room. I'm going to try and keep her in there. [20:18] S-7 Baxters enters the restroom. Sinks with wall-length mirror along left wall, toilet stalls along right wall. A chaise lounge is positioned to the left of the door. SCP-7134-04162003 in the center of the room, looking underneath stall doors. [20:18] - SCP-7134: I could've sworn there was a vent in here. [20:18] S-7 Baxters grabs the couch, begins pulling the furniture over to the door. [20:18] - SCP-7134: What are you doing? Stop that! That's cheating! [20:19] Couch is fully barricaded against the door. S-7 Baxters faces SCP-7134-04162003. Instance is hiding body behind sink fixture. [20:19] - SCP-7134: Wait, hear me out Buster! It is Buster, right? Buster, you don't have to do this. [20:19] - S-7 Baxters: (Into radio) I've got seventy-one thirty-four and myself barricaded in a bathroom. We'll be in confined quarters until further notice. [20:19] A repeated banging noise is heard. S-7 Baxters turns around towards the door. [20:19] - Patron: Hey! Hey you! (doorknob rattling) I saw you go in there, pervert! Get out of there, now! [20:19] - S-7 Baxters: Shit. (To woman) Ma'am, I'm security! There's a wild animal inside here, I'm handling it so no one will get hurt. [20:19] - SCP-7134: No! He's not security! I'm a single mother and my privacy is not being respected! [20:19] S-7 Baxters turns back to SCP-7134-04162003. Specimen has gotten closer, is sitting up directed at the door. [20:19] - Patron: I'm calling the police, you gringo bastard! [20:20] - S-7 Baxters: (Into radio) Baxters here. Belen, New Mexico, a civvy's calling cops. Can you transfer her call over to the Feds? [20:20] - S-7 Henner: (Over radio) Awaiting call to intercept. ETA in one hour forty-five minutes. [20:20] SCP-7134-04162003 runs and jumps up onto the couch. [20:20] - SCP-7134: He has a gun! Don't leave me! [20:20] - S-7 Baxters: Shut up you fucking rat! [20:20] S-7 Baxters grabs SCP-7134-04162003 by the sides, picking specimen up from the couch. Body camera partially obscured. SCP-7134-04162003 begins vocalizing a distress call typical for hares for the following two minutes. […] EXCERPT C - (S-7 Vigo) [BEGIN LOG] S-7 Vigo's body camera activates. Agent is seated in Blackhawk 77-22722, cockpit passenger side. Helicopter is proceeding to land outside parking lot of Casa de San Cayetano casino (Belen, NM). [21:48] - S-7 Vigo: Check. [21:49] - S-7 Addison: Good. Don't want America's Funniest to miss any of this, rookie. [21:49] Blackhawk 77-22722 touches down. S-7 Addison turns off engine. [21:50] - S-7 Addison: Let's just pray Baxters still has her boxed in. [21:50] S-7 Vigo withdraws pet carrier from foot compartment. MTF S-7 departs from helicopter for main entrance. [21:52] S-7 Addison, S-7 Vigo enter house lobby. A man behind the counter notices both. [21:52] - Receptionist: ¡Hola! Welcome to — [21:52] - S-7 Addison: Where's the ladies' room? [21:52] Receptionist hesitates before pointing down the hallway to S-7 Vigo's left. [21:52] - Receptionist: Down there and right, but security — [21:52] - S-7 Addison: Thanks. [21:52] S-7 Addison walks down hallway. [21:53] - S-7 Vigo: Thank you. [21:53] S-7 Vigo follows S-7 Addison's lead to restrooms. S-7 Addison attempts to open the door, which refuses to open. [21:53] - S-7 Addison: (Knocking) Baxters, look alive! [21:54] Sound of furniture moving can be heard before the door to the restroom opens. S-7 Baxters is holding toilet paper to his left forearm while holding the door handle. S-7 Addison, S-7 Vigo enter. [21:54] - S-7 Baxters: Shut the door. [21:54] S-7 Vigo closes door before continuing into room. Mirror on the left wall is shattered. Glass shards, decorative candle on floor, sink, counter. [21:54] - S-7 Baxters: She's over here. [21:54] SCP-7134-04162003 is on the floor at the far wall, fur wet, caught in zip-tie handcuffs. One loop is around neck, other loop around post for toilet stall. [21:54] - S-7 Addison: You zip-tied her to the stall? [21:55] - S-7 Baxters: If I zip-tied her to the faucet, she'd flood the place. [21:55] - S-7 Vigo: What the hell happened to the mirror? [21:55] - S-7 Baxters: What the hell is the pet carrier for? Just put her in there already. [21:55] S-7 Addison, S-7 Vigo kneels down to reach SCP-7134-04162003. S-7 Addison holds specimen as S-7 Vigo uses army knife to cut zip-tie. [21:56] Zip-tie loop is severed and SCP-7134-04162003 picked up. Specimen is visibly docile in S-7 Addison's hold. [21:56] - S-7 Addison: Got her. Get the carrier. [21:56] S-7 Baxters opens carrier door. S-7 Addison places SCP-7134-04162003 into the carrier headfirst. [21:56] - SCP-7134: It's not supposed to be this way. [21:56] - S-7 Addison: (Into radio) We've got Little Miss Keter contained. Are we clear to drop her off at Site-22 until we find her a new home? [21:56] - S-7 Henner: Notifying Site-22 you're looking for arrival. You're free to start the heli out of there. [21:56] - S-7 Addison: We're heading out. (To S-7 Baxters) Help the Iota-10 out there on securing. And get those cuts checked out. [21:57] - S-7 Baxters: Yes, ma'am. [21:57] MTF S-7 exits women's restroom. SCP-7134-04162003 can be heard making indistinct muttering. [21:59] MTF S-7 exits casino to parking lot. Ι-10 Nicholson is seen exiting a NMSP police car and approaching MTF S-7. [21:59] - S-7 Addison: Are you with the Feds? [21:59] - Ι-10 Nicholson: Who gives a damn about that? [21:59] - S-7 Addison: (Holds her hand out) Lieutenant Addison. [21:59] - Ι-10 Nicholson: (Shakes her hand) Marshal Nicholson. [21:59] - SCP-7134: You're all pigs! [21:59] - Ι-10 Nicholson: That the skip? [21:59] - S-7 Addison: Yeah. If you got any questions, ask Sergeant Baxters. He was first hand for all this. [21:59] - Ι-10 Nicholson: Will do. [22:00] Ι-10 Nicholson directs herself to S-7 Baxters. S-7 Vigo follows S-7 Addison to Blackhawk 77-22722. [22:01] S-7 Addison hands SCP-7134-04162003's carrier to S-7 Vigo. [22:01] - S-7 Addison: Vigo, keep her in your sights. Don't let her grab your gun or anything. She's pulled that kind of horsepiss before, I think. [22:01] - S-7 Vigo: Yes, ma'am. [22:01] - S-7 Addison: Don't forget to put a parachute on. [22:01] S-7 Vigo enters cabin to helicopter, places SCP-7134-04162003's carrier on center seating. Helicopter starts up as agent closes portside door, returns to SCP-7134-04162003. [22:01] - S-7 Vigo: Okay, let's get you in here safe. [22:02] S-7 Vigo feeds harness strap through handle, fastening the carrier to the seat. [22:03] - S-7 Vigo: There you go. Comfy. [22:03] SCP-7134-04162003 moves inside carrier, refuses to acknowledge. S-7 Vigo sits on seat opposite the carrier. [22:03] - S-7 Vigo: She's strapped in, lieutenant. [22:04] - S-7 Addison: (Over radio) That hellion better be. [22:04] S-7 Vigo retrieves parachute stored under seating, equips gear. [22:05] - S-7 Addison: Henner, we're readying for take off. Are we still going for Site-22? [22:05] - S-7 Henner: Affirmative. Site air control alerted, ETA twenty-three hundred. [22:07] Blackhawk 77-22722 assumes flight towards Site-22. […] EXCERPT D - (S-7 Vigo) […] [22:27] Sounds of flatulence is picked up by S-7 Vigo's mic. [22:27] - S-7 Vigo: What the hell was that? [22:28] - S-7 Addison: What was what? [22:28] - S-7 Vigo: Oh! Oh God! [22:28] S-7 Vigo abruptly turns aside. Agent brings hand up to mouth, blocking body cam. [22:28] - S-7 Addison: Vigo, what's happening back there? [22:28] S-7 Vigo unblocks body cam and makes towards SCP-7134-04162003. Specimen's posterior, front end of pet carrier is covered with liquid stool. [22:28] - S-7 Addison: Vigo? Respond! [22:28] - S-7 Vigo: Shit's everywhere! [22:28] - S-7 Addison: (Laugh) That's the miracle of childbirth, Vigo. Get used to it. [22:29] - S-7 Vigo: No. (Pause) No, it shit itself to death! [22:29] - S-7 Addison: Death? She's dead? [22:29] S-7 Vigo detaches body cam from vest and holds device closer to SCP-7134. Specimen is unresponsive, onset of rigor mortis apparent. [22:29] - S-7 Vigo: SCP-7134 is not moving. Doesn't appear to be breathing. Permission to open the doors, ma'am! [22:29] - S-7 Addison: What are the babies doing? [22:30] S-7 Vigo retracts from SCP-7134's cadaver and begins panning the view across the cabin. No additional entities are present. [22:30] - S-7 Vigo: They aren't here. [22:30] - S-7 Addison: Dammit. K.C, put Baxters back on the line. Vigo, you're free to crack a window. [22:30] - S-7 Henner: Hold on. [22:30] S-7 Vigo reattaches body cam, opens port-side door to cabin. S-7 Baxters is transferred to Line 5 by S-7 Henner. [22:30] - S-7 Addison: Baxters, are you still on location? [22:30] - S-7 Baxters: (Over radio) What did she do? [22:30] - S-7 Addison: She nested there somewhere. You got to rustle the nest. [22:31] - S-7 Baxters: (Sigh) Okay, I'm on it. [22:31] Ambient yelling is picked up by S-7 Baxters' mic. Clattering of metallic objects can be heard. [22:31] - S-7 Baxters: Sounds like they're in the kitchen. […] Class-A amnestics successfully administered to civilians. Memory implantation used in conjunction to assert that a common mouse was encountered in kitchen in place of SCP-7134 juveniles. Sergeant Jackson Baxters commended for securement efforts. Private Emmanuel Vigo submitted for reassignment from MTF Sampson-7 to MTF Apollo-3 following assignment. Autopsy of SCP-7134-04162003 identified cause of death as hypovolemic shock. Specimen experienced excessive bowel movements induced by severe capsaicin poisoning. Stomach contents consisted solely of chili peppers. Cadaver disposed of as level 1 biohazardous material (BSL-1). In adjunct decision by Dr. Robert Hunt, EdD21 and Cap. Gerard Blcacki,22 attempts at placing an extant SCP-7134 specimen in containment were prohibited outside the expressed approval of an attempt by the Head Researcher. Safety of personnel and conservation of resources was cited as cause for action. Excerpts provided - Contact RAISA for individual records Transcripts 2/16/2010 (Excerpts) Excerpts provided - Contact RAISA for individual records Mission Transcripts - 7134-Event-02282010 *(EX) Date: February 16th, 2010 Location: Resorts World Casino, Queens County, New York City, New York Involved Team(s): Mobile Task Force Pi-1 "City Slickers" - 6 units Mobile Task Force Sampson-7 "Bugsy's Bunny" - 3 units Involved Personnel: Pi-1 Mimi Nagai (Intelligence) Pi-1 Ruth Michaels (2nd Lieutenant) Pi-1 Evan Wilkins (Sergeant) Pi-1 Rangsan Madsiri (Corporal) Pi-1 Bea Thomas (Private) Pi-1 Liam Vale (Private) Sampson-7 Jackson Baxters (1st Lieutenant) Sampson-7 Valerie LaFerrier (Sergeant) Sampson-7 Teodore Upton (Sergeant) Senior Researcher Edward Alba (Paratechnician) Preface: A joint detachment of Mobile Task Forces Pi-1 and Sampson-7 was dispatched to the locus of a 7134-Event, confirmed via social media of a Ms. Felicia Pide. Due to proximity of 7134-Event-02162010 to Site-28, first response time was minimal. Method of SCP-7134 capture involving use of a Scranton Reality Anchor was proposed by Dr. Yago Morro, PhD.23 and authorized by Cap. Irene Addison24 on October 3rd, 2009. Senior Researcher Alba accompanied agents for operation of a portable Scranton Reality Anchor (SRA; Mk. III Laterne model). *Excerpts provided from; Video Transcript 7134E02162010-B "Π-7 Madsiri", Video Transcript 7134E02162010-C "S-7 Baxters", Video Transcript 7134E02162010-D "S-7 LaFerrier". See for full transcription(s). EXCERPT A - (S-7 Baxters) […] [13:26] Ms. Felicia Pide is visible at a slot machine with SCP-7134-02162010. Pide has both legs propped up, resting her feet on side details of machine. SCP-7134-02162010 is sitting upright to see slots, holding Pide's legs for balance. [13:26] - S-7 Baxters: (Into radio) We found Cottontail. She's still with Pide on the second floor west side. We're in a room with a black flowered carpet. [13:26] - S-7 LaFerrier: (Over radio) Heading over. [13:26] - Π-7 Michaels: (Over radio) Okay, we'll cover the doors down. Say if we need to close in. [13:26] S-7 Baxters and S-7 Upton approach SCP-7134-02162010 and Pide. Agents are not acknowledged aside from movement of SCP-7134-02162010's ears. [13:26] - S-7 Baxters: (To SCP-7134-02162010) Ahem. [13:26] - SCP-7134: Buzz off, buddy, she's on a roll. [13:26] - S-7 Baxters: I'm talking to you, Cottontail. [13:26] SCP-7134-02162010 turns to S-7 Baxters. Instance looks both up and down, stopping at S-7 Baxters' face. [13:26] - SCP-7134: Oh. (Pause) Hello. [13:27] - Pide: What do you want? This game's taken. [13:27] - S-7 Baxters: NYPD. We're here for the rabbit you have here. [13:27] - SCP-7134: No I'm not! [13:27] SCP-7134-02162010 runs underneath Pide's legs, turns left around corner. [13:27] - S-7 Baxters: (Into radio) Rabbit's running. (To Upton) Teo, let's go. [13:27] S-7 Baxters, S-7 Upton traverse around slot machines. SCP-7134-02162010 is running down side hallway. Agents pursue. [13:27] - S-7 Baxters: Right. (Into radio) LaFerrier, are you and Alba still in the second floor central hallway? [13:27] SCP-7134-02162010 turns right at corner in hallway. [13:27] - S-7 LaFerrier: (Over radio) Yes. Update of orders? [13:27] - S-7 Baxters: Head to south hallway. Send the bunny back down there if she comes towards you. (To Upton) Right. [13:28] S-7 Baxters turns right, continuing until SCP-7134-02162010 is sighted at hallway junction. Subject is located in front of elevator column, jumping and hitting call button with her antlers. [13:28] - SCP-7134: I said "hold the door"! What do you not get, asshole? [13:28] SCP-7134-02162010 turns to see MTF S-7, raising ears. Subject turns and runs remaining length of hallway before turning right. [13:28] - S-7 Upton: Another corner. [13:28] S-7 Baxters, S-7 Upton turns right at corner. SCP-7134-02162010 is not visible in remaining hallway. Closed double doors at end of hallway, planters with hedges are positioned against the west wall. [13:29] S-7 Baxters approaches doors and pulls at handle. The doors do not open. [13:29] - S-7 Baxters: Locked. [13:29] S-7 Baxters turns back to S-7 Upton. S-7 Upton equips Kant counter, pans scanner across hallway. Agent stops directed at one of the hedges. [13:29] - S-7 Upton: She's behind the plant. [13:29] SCP-7134-02162010 emerges from behind hedge, thumps feet. [13:29] - SCP-7134: Cheating! [13:30] SCP-7134-02162010 turns and kicks sod from planter box at S-7 Upton. Agent winces, begins rubbing at eyes. Subject runs back down hallway. [13:30] - S-7 Baxters: Teo, you good? [13:30] - S-7 Upton: I'll live. Go on; I'll catch up in a second. [13:30] S-7 Baxters rounds corner. SCP-7134-02162010 is visible entering an elevator. S-7 Baxters pursues. [13:30] S-7 Baxters positions himself in front of east elevator, moves to hold doors open. Doors are already opening. Two adults, male and female, back into elevator with agitated expressions. [13:30] - Male patron: What the hell is your problem buddy? [13:30] - Female patron: Jaime! That's a cop! [13:30] - S-7 Baxters: What? [13:30] S-7 Baxters backs away and looks in west elevator. SCP-7134-02162010 is sitting in middle of elevator. [13:30] - SCP-7134: (Laughing) Na-na na-na boo-hoo! [13:30] Elevator doors closes and begins descending to first floor. Footsteps are heard behind S-7 Baxters. [13:30] - S-7 LaFerrier: We missed her, didn't we? [13:30] - S-7 Baxters: Yeah. (Into radio) Who is watching the elevators down there? [13:30] - Π-7 Thomas: (Over radio) Thomas and Vale, sir. We're on watch. [13:31] - S-7 Baxters: The skip's coming down one of the south ones, so try scaring her back up here. After that, get someone to cut the power to the things. […] EXCERPT B - (Π-7 Madsiri) […] [13:46] Laptop completes override of elevator control. [13:46] - Π-7 Madsiri: (Into radio) Alright. SCP-7134 should be stuck to using the stairs now. Can you check for sure? [13:46] - Π-7 Vale: (Over radio) Doors are dead. [13:47] - Π-7 Wilkins: (Over radio) South end elevator refuses to operate. [13:47] A metallic echo is audible. Π-7 Madsiri redirects self from laptop, looking towards center of elevator. [13:47] - Π-7 Madsiri: What? [13:47] Π-7 Madsiri stands up, adjusts shoulder-mounted camera towards elevator ceiling. [13:47] - Π-7 Madsiri: (Into radio) There's stuff sounding from up there. I think she might be in the shaft itself somewhere. [13:47] Vent in ceiling bangs open, SCP-7134-02162010 falls through. Π-7 Madsiri catches subject by grabbing her shoulders. [13:47] - Π-7 Madsiri: Jesus! [13:47] - SCP-7134: Get your hands off me! I'm pregnant, you brute! [13:47] SCP-7134-02162010 begins thrashing in grasp, kicking hind feet into Π-7 Madsiri's face. [13:47] - Π-7 Michaels: (Over radio) Rangsan, what's going on!? [13:47] - Π-7 Madsiri: (Into radio) Help! Third floor elevator! She's in here in the elevator! Help! [13:48] - SCP-7134: How many of you are there!? They should really defund you! [13:48] SCP-7134-02162010 knocks body cam out of shoulder mount, dangling behind Π-7 Madsiri's back. [13:48] Π-7 Madsiri makes a choked sound, backs into elevator wall. Limited view records SCP-7134-02162010 falling to the floor. [13:48] - SCP-7134: Piss off, Skippy! [13:48] SCP-7134-02162010 grabs onto Π-7 Madsiri's right calf, attempts to bite through protective leggings. [13:48] - Π-7 Madsiri: (Cough) Get— get off! [13:48] Π-7 Madsiri attempts to shakes SCP-7134-02162010 off his leg. Agent stumbles onto laptop, loosing footing and falling forward. Body cam falls, only floor tiles visible. [13:48] - SCP-7134: Oh, the door's open. [13:48] Sounds of claws on tiles, presumably SCP-7134-02162010 leaving. Π-7 Madsiri is vocalizing pain. [13:49] Π-7 Madsiri lifts himself off of floor, shifting camera view. Agent reaches for body cam, attempts reconnecting to mount. [13:49] - SR Alba: Rangsan? [13:49] Sound of footsteps are heard. SR Alba, S-7 LaFerrier's shoes are visible standing in elevator doorway. [13:49] - SR Alba: Rangsan? What happened? [13:49] - Π-7 Madsiri: She kicked a tooth in, it feels like. God, Ed, get that bunny. […] EXCERPT C - (S-7 LaFerrier) […] [13:52] S-7 LaFerrier and SR Alba reach fifth floor. Hallways are going westbound and northbound from stairwell, along faces of building. [13:52] - SR Alba: Lieutenant? [13:53] - S-7 Baxters: (From left) She's down there! Weigh the anchor! [13:53] SR Alba opens briefcase, retrieving SRA from inside. [13:53] - SR Alba: Sergeant, close the stairwell, then go the other way and push her towards Baxters and I. [13:53] SR Alba runs down westbound hallway. S-7 LaFerrier turns and draws double doors to stairwell closed. Agent secures zip-tie on doors before running northbound. [13:53] - S-7 Baxters: (Over radio) LaFerrier, ready your noose. Upton, get the kennel from the truck. [13:53] S-7 LaFerrier equips collapsible snare pole, begins assembling tool. [13:53] S-7 LaFerrier begins turning northeast corner. Agent trips on SCP-7134-02162010 coming opposite way, falls to floor. [13:53] - SCP-7134: Watch it, bozo! [13:54] S-7 LaFerrier stands up. SCP-7134-02162010 is running back down hallway. Agent pursues subject. [13:54] - S-7 LaFerrier: (Into radio) Six o'clock. She's looping back around. [13:54] SCP-7134-02162010 turns right at southeast corner, heads towards S-7 Baxters and SR Alba at southwest corner. [13:54] SCP-7134-02162010 stops and looks at SR Alba with SRA. S-7 LaFerrier slows behind. [13:54] - SCP-7134: Is that a bomb? Wow, I didn't know I made you guys that mad. [13:54] SR Alba initiates anchoring process. Hume levels return above 90 Hm. SCP-7134-02162010 visibly shudders, sneezes. [13:54] - SCP-7134: Oh, that feels weird. [13:54] S-7 Baxters signals S-7 LaFerrier to her snare pole. Both agents ready their tools. [13:54] - SR Alba: Anchor to baseline in one, two— [13:54] SCP-7134-02162010 runs forward, avoiding S-7 LaFerrier's snare pole. [13:55] - SCP-7134: Five! [13:55] SCP-7134-02162010 tackles SR Alba, knocking him into window wall, shattering the glass. S-7 Baxters grabs SR Alba by the leg, keeping him inside. [13:55] - S-7 Baxters: Fuck! [13:55] S-7 Baxters pulls SR Alba inside. Researcher is holding right arm, SCP-7134-02162010 and SRA are absent. Hume levels sharply spike before lowering to baseline. [13:55] - S-7 Baxters: Alba, are you alright? [13:55] - SR Alba: I'm cut up but I'm alive. Get a medic though, she bit my arm. [13:55] - S-7 Baxters: LaFerrier, over here. [13:55] S-7 LaFerrier approaches SR Alba and looks out broken window. SCP-7134-02162010 and the SRA are visible on the concrete, both inactive. Pool patrons and newborn SCP-7134 are running from impact site. [13:55] - SR Alba: There goes two million in tech. […] Class-A amnestics successfully administered to civilians. Cover for damages caused attributed incident to an anonymous saboteur of elevator systems who began throwing objects while refusing police. Cpl. Rangsan Madsiri was treated for facial injuries. Mostly superficial scratches, required stitches for lips and forehead. Sr. Res. Edward Alba was treated for injuries. Light glass cuts to back, neck, right hand; bruising to shoulders, head; bite to right forearm. Prescription glasses damaged in fall were replaced. Autopsy confirmed death of SCP-7134-02162010 was instantaneous upon contact with ground. Additionally, during or while initiating fall, specimen made physical contact with exhaust port of the Scranton Reality Anchor, receiving first degree burns to the left hind leg. Cadaver was placed in cryogenic storage at Site-19, Cryogenics W-Wing. Scranton Reality Anchor was left inoperable but internal components were largely intact. Salvage was considered more preferable alternative to restoration. Evident by SCP-7134-02162010's brief tenure under reality anchoring, viability of capturing SCP-7134 assisted by Scranton Reality Anchors had plausibility. Due to concerns over limited PSRA inventory and would be operators, repetition of experiment was postponed indefinitely until a high-durability model of portable reality anchor was devised and produced. Addendum: 3/31/2010: Testimony from SCP-7134-03302010 indicated that SCP-7134-02162010 "had missed the pool, but it was still fun." Fall from fifth story to ground pool would have been fatal to specimen regardless. Addendum: 6/17/2018: Sr. Tech. Rangsan Madrisi received root canal treatment following gum infection (Upper R1). Probable cause of root damage attributed to latent injuries sustained in 7134-Event-02162010 during MTF Pi-1 service. Excerpts provided - Contact RAISA for individual records This file has undergone a recent revision. Would you like to access it? ● IV-Revision 7/31/2022 ● Footnotes 1. Request for further taxidermies will be denied. 2. Shared genus of hares and jackrabbits. C. Linnaeus, 1758. 3. With exception to Taxidermy №4. How this specimen's antlers grew to such length is unknown. 4. Antelope jackrabbit. E.A. Mearns, 1890 5. Pronghorn, or American antelope. G. Ord, 1815 6. Shope papilloma virus (SPV), or cottontail rabbit papilloma virus (CRPV): papillomavirus that develops keratinous carcinomas in leporids; hypothesized non-anomalous origin for jackrabbit myth. Shope, 1933. 7. An incorporeal apparition that can be directly perceived in baseline reality (contrast Class-I), but whose interaction with reality cannot impact matter unilaterally (Class-III), entirely (Class-IV), or selectively (Class-V) post manifestation. 8. Domesticated rabbit. C. Linnaeus, 1758. 9. Most notably Utah, where gambling is prohibited under religious cause by the predominantly Latter Day Saint population. 7134-Events in Utah have uncovered the existence of twenty-five (25) illegally operated cardrooms. 10. Confirmed a forgery in 1937 by American Secure Containment Initiative. 11. Month-day-year format is preserved for coherency across records. Conversion to alternative formats considered unnecessary due to localization of phenomena to United States. 12. Minimum clearance for SCP-7134 was Confidential Clearance (Lv. 3) prior March 20th, 1992. 13. Investigation of Graves' home computer found possession of zoophilic and exhibitionist pornography. 14. It is unknown if SCP-7134's decisions were impacted by recent findings of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), or if these notions were held by SCP-7134 prior to 1973. 15. A thaumaturgic process where an individual can be located through quantum links between the target and discarded or extracted biomatter. Recommended for further reading ICSUT Journal (Jan 2014): Prof. L. Aikes, Prof. R. Jean-Tremere; "Further Introduction to Thaumatology"; p. 14-20. 16. Jagdhund Model 1999b, developed at Research Site-98. Range of transmission improved upon that of older JH-88 line. 17. Post defeat of Nazi Germany, documents recovered in Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, detailed intentions by the Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps to create leporine anomalies for espionage and military service. Field agents were notified to remain alert for potential actualization of the projects by Axis remnants. Any actualization of these plans remain unsubstantiated. 18. Shortening of double dime, slang for a United States twenty-dollar bill. Accounting for inflation, this would equate to ≈$327 USD in 2022. 19. The association between rabbits and carrots made by Merrie Melodies cartoons had been wildly popularized by this point. 20. Referring to 7134-Event-12221999 at MGM Grand Detroit, Detroit, Michigan. MTF Sampson-7 response involved Cpt. Blcacki and Sgt. Baxters. 21. Head of SCP-7134 Research, 1999-2006. 22. Head of MTF Sampson-7, 2002-2006. 23. Head of SCP-7134 Research, 2008-present. 24. Head of MTF Sampson-7, 2006-2011 « SCP-7133 | SCP-7134 | SCP-7135 » rating: +6+–x
Item #: SCP-7136 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: The studio apartment containing SCP-7136 has been rented by the Foundation, along with the other two apartments on the same floor. Apartment management has been informed that the renter is a high-profile client and is not to be disturbed. SCP-7136 is to be monitored weekly for any changes in the size or shape of the affected region. Personnel assigned to SCP-7136 must have an Anomalous Impulse Resistance Index (AIRI) of 35 or greater. Description: SCP-7136 is a seemingly impenetrable spatial distortion present within the former apartment of painter Anton Zorkin. The affected region extends ~2 meters from Zorkin's eyes in two intersecting narrow cone-like shapes centered around his lines of sight, terminating in what appears to be a standard blank 60cm x 90cm canvas. Attempts to enter SCP-7136 or insert objects into it have been met with failure, as have attempts to move the region, the canvas, or Zorkin's head1. Light seems to be unaffected, as SCP-7136 was essentially transparent until agents covered the outline of it with paint2. While in the apartment, several personnel have reported an unusually inflated desire to look at the canvas. Few have acted on this impulse, although one researcher (since removed from the project) went so far as to push his face laterally into Zorkin's in an attempt to "get the angle right". This mild compulsion effect has not been observed further than 7.3m from the source, or in individuals with an AIRI at or above that specified in the containment procedures. It is speculated that the canvas may contain some form of hidden information or image that has not yet been uncovered. However, given that no additional anomalous effects have been observed, further research into this possibility is considered low priority. Addendum: Discovery Notes Zorkin was placed under Level 1 surveillance following his attendance of the PAINt anartist convention. After he failed to leave his apartment for two weeks, a team was sent in to investigate. Zorkin's corpse was discovered on the floor of his apartment. His head was suspended ~0.8m above the ground, partially supporting his dangling body. Signs of struggle were present, along with severe trauma to Zorkin's neck. Despite this, an autopsy found dehydration to be the primary cause of death. A sketchbook was found on Zorkin's desk, containing unfinished sketches, newspaper clippings3, and short handwritten notes. Examples can be found in the following table: Page Sketch Subject Clipping Note 1 A meadow "one-note" "Next time will be better" 7 A woman holding a baby "hollow" "Why don't they get it?" 17 An abstract collection of shapes "missing something" "Nothing works" 18 Blank None "They have to see it the way I do" Footnotes 1. Other body parts are able to be removed, and have been determined to be non-anomalous. 2. The paint was recovered from a nearby container that had been overturned. An agent at the scene noted that it looked as if Zorkin had tripped over it. 3. Determined to be from the Art section of The Daily Star, a local newspaper. « SCP-7135 | SCP-7136 | SCP-7137 »
close Info X Many thanks to the entire Discord Crit Team, especially scalykitty and AnoraK! Item #: 7137 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Information concerning SCP-7137 is only available to personnel directly authorized by Director Arnold Carts. SCP-7137 is to be located as soon possible. Upon recovery, its anomalous effects are to be neutralized and the non-anomalous result is to be delivered to Director Carts. Description: SCP-7137 is five pieces of paper stapled together. On the first page are the words: "Research Site-73 Quarterly Report". It is impossible to retain memories of SCP-7137 or its contents after breaking physical contact. Information concerning the anomaly acquired from other sources is unaffected. Discovery: See Addenda Meeting Transcript 7137-1. Addenda: + Meeting Transcript 7137-1 - Meeting Transcript 7137-1 Foreword: On 7/15/2023, the department heads of Research Site-73 met for the quarterly site status evaluation. This transcript has been edited to exclude information not directly pertinent to SCP-7137. <Begin Log> Site Director Carts: Alright. Thank you, Jonson, for the update on our enginetics research. Next on the agenda we've got Doctor Mathias, head of the Applied Antimeme Research Group, with a report on what the boys in AARG have been up to. Research Head Renalds: I was under the impression that there is no antimemetics division? Dr. Mathias: Ah, yes. That would be our mistake. Last month, we unintentionally attached a viral antimeme to the concept of antimemetics research. Until we fix that, anyone not on mnestics are going to have a tough time remembering us. But I'm sure we'll sort it out soon! For those who can't remember, my name's Mathias, but I mostly go by Math. If I have a last name, I can't remember. Not since- Carts: (interrupting) I can confirm that AARG is a legitimate research group. Doctor Mathias, please proceed. Mathias: Alrighty! So, currently we've been working on creating antimemes which can easily be applied to an object. For instance, this pen here… Renalds: (interrupting) What pen? Mathias: Exactly! Everyone who observes it is exposed to an antimeme, making it impossible to observe or remember. Currently, we're looking at potential uses for this in the information sector. Imagine how useful it would be to control who can remember a certain SCP entry! Carts: Very nice, Mathias. How is this effect created? Mathias: Well, it's a bit complicated, involving semantic links and such, but it boils down to this ink stamp I have here. Just stamp something with this, and you can't remember anything about the object, even its location, unless you're holding it. Any memories from before the application remain, of course. Carts: And would people be aware of their missing memories? Mathias: Not unless someone else made them aware of the gaps. Once we printed out a Wikipedia- Carts: (interrupting) Interesting. Could you use it on this report? As an example? Mathias: Absolutely! If you could just pass it over. (Approximately five seconds of shuffling as the paper is passed down the table. Research Head Marlin: Here you are… Mathias: It's Math. Research Head Marlin: Right, Math! With weapons research? Mathias: Yeah, sure. Let's go with that. (Doctor Mathias stamps the report with an audible thump.) Mathias: There we are! Now, as you can see, or rather not see, it's impossible to remember this without holding it. And as soon as I let go… Now even I can't remember where it is or what was on it, and I'm on enough mnestics to remember the first time I walked! Carts: Perfect. Now, if you could just pass it back. Mathias: Oh, uh… Carts: Mathias? Mathias: One second. If everyone could just feel around and see if you can find the paper, that'd be great. (Approximately three seconds of drumming as all present pat the table.) Carts: Anyone? Mathias: I suppose it could have fallen to the floor. Carts: Then check the floor! (Chairs scrape as the participants get on the ground and run their hands across the floor.) Mathias: What was it, anyway? Carts: I'm not sure how relevant that is right now. Mathias: I mean, is it really important enough to be crawling around on the ground for? Carts: (Incomprehensible.) Mathias: Huh? Carts: (sighs) It was the quarterly report to the Overseer Council. Finance Director Ward: It was what? Carts: I thought it would be a good way to show the O5s a practical application of the research we do here! Ward: Oh, of course. That makes perfect sense! And I suppose it had nothing to do with covering up some of those so-called "mistakes" in the site budget? Carts: That is completely out of line! I already explained that it was an error in the tax software! Research Head Jonson: Calm down! Arguing isn't going to do anything. Carts, can't you just send them another copy? Carts: Do you think I'd be scrambling around on the floor if I had another copy? (Approximately ten minutes of unproductive accusations and arguments expunged.) <End Log> - Meeting Transcript 7137-1 + Archived Email Collection 7137-2 - Archived Email Collection 7137-2 To: [unrecognized]@aarg.SCiP.net From: ten.PiCS.37|straca#ten.PiCS.37|straca Subject: lost report Math, I'd like to apologize for the accusations I made during the last meeting. Losing the report was not entirely your fault, but rather came from mistakes made by various parties, and I take full responsibility for failing to prevent this from occurring. To locate the report, I've classified it as SCP-7137 and will be mobilizing Site-73's MTF to "contain" it. As our resident antimeme expert, I would like you to take charge of this. Of course, you understand how bad things would look for all of Site-73 if the O5s find out about this. Therefore, I'm going to keep all information about this on a need-to-know basis. Sincerly, Arnold Carts To: ten.PiCS.37|straca#ten.PiCS.37|straca From: [unrecognized]@aarg.SCiP.net Subject: re:lost report Alright, I can do my best. Would we be able to put the MTF on mnestics for this? Otherwise, it may be a bit difficult for them to locate the report. Or remember me, for that matter. Regards, Doctor Mathias To: [unrecognized]@aarg.SCiP.net From: ten.PiCS.37|straca#ten.PiCS.37|straca Subject: re:re:lost report I'm afraid staying under the radar means I can't just issue a requisition order. The best I can do is some expired class-x mnestics that the dispensary hasn't thrown out yet. Would that work? Director Arnold Carts, Research Site-73 To: ten.PiCS.37|straca#ten.PiCS.37|straca From: [unrecognized]@aarg.SCiP.net Subject: re:re:re:lost report Not unless you want the MTF to develop telepathy. Regards, Doctor Mathias To: [unrecognized]@aarg.SCiP.net From: ten.PiCS.37|straca#ten.PiCS.37|straca Subject: re:re:re:re:lost report Then I guess you'll have to do without. I expect this taken care of within a week. There's only so much I can do to delay the O5s. Director Arnold Carts, Research Site-73 - Archived Email Collection 7137-2 + Phone Call Transcript 7137-3 - Phone Call Transcript 7137-3 Foreword: At 17:35, Researcher Poe called Site Director Carts, claiming to have an "urgent, very very important matter". <Begin call at 17:35> Researcher Poe: Hello? Is this Carts? Site Director Carts: This is Site Director Carts. I'm about to leave for the day, what do you need? Researcher Poe: I found something I thought you should have. It's right… wait a sec. Site Director Carts: Look, I don't have all day. What is it? Researcher Poe: Um, well, I don't actually remember. But I'm pretty sure I put it down right next to me. Site Director Carts: Uh-huh. Well, if you find it, let my secretary know. In the meantime, don't waste a director's time unless it's actually important. <Call terminated at 17:37> - Phone Call Transcript 7137-3 + MTF AFTER ACTION REPORT 7137-4 - MTF AFTER ACTION REPORT 7137-4 Foreword: Following the events of Phone Call Transcript 7137-3, Doctor Mathias ordered a lockdown of the area surrounding Researcher Poe. After Doctor Mathias briefed the team and provided a scanner capable of detecting antimemetic effects, a portion of the specialized Mobile Task Force Gamma-15 "Bench Warmers" was deployed to locate the SCP. (The MTF body cam footage shows Gamma-15 in the staging area, preparing to enter the locked down area of the facility. Doctor Mathias and Director Carts are also present following the briefing.) Technician Miles: Alright, body cams are up and running. Audio seems good too. Doctor Mathias: -searching for an antimemetic object, so it might be hard to keep track of. Just remember to grab whatever sets off this scanner. Remember that, okay? If this device starts beeping, take it. CHARLIE: Gotcha, Doctor… sorry, I don't think I caught your name. Mathias: (sighs) It's alright. Just call me Math. Can you repeat the instructions back to me? CHARLIE: We're looking for… something. If the scanner goes off, bring it back here. Mathias: That's probably as good as we'll get. Director, do you have anything to say? Site Director Carts: Not much. This seems like a fine bunch. Charlie, you and your team have a very important task and I'm counting on you to take care of this. Can you do it? CHARLIE: Yessir. BAEZ: Question, sir. Carts: Yes? (BAEZ points to Doctor Mathias.) BAEZ: Who's he? Carts: Don't worry about it. Focus on the job at hand. Got it? (BAEZ nods. Doctor Mathias shakes his head and walks away. Site Director Carts follows.) CHARLIE: Alright, we're good to go. Stand by to enter lockdown zone. All units, sound off. BAEZ: One. VICKY: Two. LANCE: Three. CHARLIE: And four. Audio is a go, visual is a go. Right. Our objective is to use whatever this is (CHARLIE holds up the antimeme scanner) to locate a skip. Wish they'd briefed us on what it is, but we'll manage. (A sigh from Doctor Mathias is audible through the radio.) VICKY: Did you hear that? CHARLIE: Stay focused, Vick. Baez, open the door. Lance, take point. (BAEZ kicks open the door and LANCE advances, securing the other side.) LANCE: Clear! CHARLIE: Scanner's not doing anything right now. Move up! (For about five minutes, the team sweeps the locked down area. The scanner then begins to indicate the presence of strong antimemetic influences.) CHARLIE: Whoa! We've got something making this thing go wild! Spread out and get ready for contact. (VICKY opens the door to a supply closet and finds a janitor - later identified as Clark Edwards, a retired MTF operative - emptying out a vacuum cleaner. Due to the secrecy surrounding the operation, Janitor Edwards had not been notified that an MTF would be conducting a sweep of the area.) VICKY: Found someone! (The scanner's antimeme levels increase drastically.) CHARLIE: Stay back! They're either the skip itself or standing right on top of it. Janitor Edwards: Hey! Who are you guys? CHARLIE: Quiet! Get on the floor and raise your hands above your head! Edwards: Like heck I will! You're Chaos Insurgency, aren't you? CHARLIE: Lance, Baez, carefully approach the skip and restrain it. Mathias (over radio): What are you doing? You're looking for a piece of paper, not a janitor! LANCE: Anyone else hear that? Our comms have been compromised! CHARLIE: It could be an effect of the skip. Shut down your radios, just in case. Dr. Mathias (over radio): No! I'm Dr. Math! You can't remember me because- BAEZ: Radios off, sir. CHARLIE: Proceed with containment. Edwards: You scum aren't taking me that easily! Long live the Foundation! (Janitor Edwards grabs the closet door and slams it shut. VICKY tries to open it.) VICKY: It's locked. CHARLIE: Right, prepare a breaching charge. (Dr. Mathias enters from an adjacent hallway, panting.) Mathias: Got… here… as fast as I… could. (The scanner registers Dr. Mathias' high level of antimeme exposure.) CHARLIE: There's another one! Baez, look out! Mathias: What? No… I can… explain. Just… gotta catch… my breath. LANCE: Get on the ground! Now! CHARLIE: Lance, bag it. Baez, get working on the door. Mathias: I am a Foundation scientist! LANCE: He's got a badge, sir. CHARLIE: Look. We're supposed to grab whatever sets this thingy off. He's setting it off. So bag him! BAEZ: Charge set! CHARLIE: Prepare for engagement! (LANCE forces Math to the ground and applies restraints while CHARLIE, VICKY, and BAEZ take positions outside the closet. The charge is detonated, and the door falls to the floor. Janitor Edwards has equipped himself with a broom and a bucket helmet.) Edwards: Come get some! (Edwards strikes VICKY with the broom, but is restrained by CHARLIE and BAEZ and disarmed.) CHARLIE: Looks like the scanner's picking up something from that trash can. Grab that as well, and let's head back. Edwards: You'll never make it out of here alive! CHARLIE: And someone gag him. (With all sources of antimemetic effects secured, Gamma-15 returned to the staging area, where they are met by Site Director Carts.) Carts: Ah, Charlie! How was the mission? Mathias: I'll be honest, director, it could have gone better. (Site Director Carts looks behind CHARLIE and notices Doctor Mathias and Janitor Edwards.) Carts: Why is Doctor Mathias tied up with a janitor? What happened in there? VICKY: Sir, is this man actually a member of the Foundation? Carts: Yes. And what a credit he is. Can't even keep a bunch of grunts in line. (VICKY removes Doctor Mathias' restraints. Doctor Mathias then begins to rummage through the garbage can Gamma-15 retrieved.) Mathias: C'mon, I know you're in here somewhere- Aha! (Doctor Mathias brandishes a hand apparently holding nothing.) Carts: Great, and now he's insane. Mathias: If you could wait just a second, I'll cross out the stamp… (Mathias retrieves a pen and makes a series of marks in the air above his hand. SCP-7137 becomes visible.) Mathias: The janitor must have swept it up and emptied it into the trashcan. (Site Director Carts snatches SCP-7137 from Doctor Mathias.) Carts: I see, I see. Well then, taking this into consideration, I guess I'll let this fiasco with the MTF slide. (Doctor Mathias opens his mouth to respond, but is interrupted when CHARLIE steps forward.) CHARLIE: Sir! Carts: What is it? CHARLIE: Permission to retire and debrief, sir. Carts: Yes, yes, of course. Excellent work today. BAEZ: And the janitor, sir? Carts: Hm? Oh, you can just let him go. (Janitor Edwards is released and Gamma-15 departs for a post-mission debrief. As they leave, the microphones detect a fragment of conversation.) Carts: …And once I delete the SCP file, everything will be taken care of. The O5s will be none the wiser… - MTF AFTER ACTION REPORT 7137-4 + Administrative Notice 7137-5 - Administrative Notice 7137-5 BY ORDER OF THE OVERSEER COUNCIL All files pertaining to SCP-7137 have been seized pending an investigation. Unauthorized deletion is forbidden. 7137 - Administrative Notice 7137-5 « SCP-7136 | SCP-7137 | SCP-7138 »
close Info X Many thanks to the entire Discord Crit Team and everyone who stuck with my floundering idea and draft, especially Coccolithophor and scalykitty Item #: SCP-7138 Object Class: Pending Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7138 will be stored in a temporary containment room until further notice. All interactions with SCP-7138 must be approved and supervised by Dr. Montgomery. Description: SCP-7138 is a 1 square meter canvas covered in magenta paint of various shades. Discovery: SCP-7138 came to the Foundation's attention during an investigation into the deaths of several suspected members of AWCY (designated subjects 7138-A through C) during a "twenty-four-hour art contest". Supplementary Documents: + Meeting Transcript 7138-1 - Close Transcript Dr. Montgomery: Howdy, Carl. You wanted to see me? Director Carl Blanden: Yes, have a seat. Dr. Montgomery: So what do you need? Director Carl Blanden: I've got something for you. An SCP that just got picked up. Dr. Montgomery: What is it? Director Carl Blanden: It's a painting, I think. Dr. Montgomery: You think? Director Carl Blanden: Well, it's from those weird artists… Are We Cool Yet? or whatever they call themselves. To me, it's just a bunch of magenta paint slopped on a canvas. Dr. Montgomery: I see. And what anomalous properties does it possess? Director Carl Blanden: It's killed three people by triggering self-mutilation. Dr. Montgomery: [whistles] Well, that certainly seems anomalous enough. How'd you get it? Director Carl Blanden: An MTF found it outside of an apartment where three artists had gouged out their eyes. By the time they got there, two were already dead from blood loss. The third died in custody a few hours later. Dr. Montgomery: Just the eyes, you say? Director Carl Blanden: Yep. The reports should show up in your inbox shortly. [A chair scrapes as it is pushed back.] Dr. Montgomery: Well, it should be pretty simple. Most likely there's just some kind of memetic agent encoded in the image. Director Carl Blanden: Thank you. I'll expect a report shortly. - Close Transcript A newer version of this document has been detected. VIEW NEXT ITERATION « SCP-7137 | SCP-7138 | SCP-7139 »
DrowningDutchman It is I Dutch. I have written more stuff! DrowningDutchman Item#: 7139 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: All files within the scope of SCP-7139, currently SCP-7139-1 through SCP-7139-7, are to be kept on a secure storage drive in a standard anomalous items containment locker inside Site-25. During testing the storage drive containing the SCP-7139 files is never to be used with computers or printers connected to the internet or the Foundation network in any form to prevent SCP-7139 from proliferating back onto the internet. Description: SCP-7139 refers to a .zip file1 that contains seven .stl files2. The .zip file was found being advertised on multiple .stl hub websites as 'Good prints for beginners and experts!' and 'A fun collection of trinkets!'. There does not seem to be a specific theme to the files themselves, or the anomalous characteristics exhibited by the files when printed. When loaded into a 'slicer'3 and printed on any 3D printer the successful prints start exhibiting their anomalous characteristics up to two hours after being completed. The anomalous behavior varies between the files but always seems thematically appropriate for the object printed. The models do not seem to exhibit any anomalous characteristics if they are edited or opened in any 3D modeling program. The following files are currently known to be part of SCP-7139: Designation Title Description Anomalous Characteristic SCP-7139-1 Cattuette A 10cm tall 'Maneki-Neko4' statuette When placed on a shelf next to another object it will occasionally knock the other object off of the shelf. No specific timeframe has been found for this effect. SCP-7139-2 Die Time An Icosahedron5 die When rolled this die occasionally doesn't stop rolling on its own and will continue until picked up. SCP-7139-3 Sub-Woofer A 10cm tall dog statuette A Barking sound gets emitted from the object after the sound of a doorbell is played. SCP-7139-4 My Heart belongs to you a small anatomically correct heart-shaped keychain. The heart beats for 20 minutes at a time every 5 hours. SCP-7139-5 Flight of the bumblebee A small low-poly6bumblebee Can take small flights. Note: The ability of SCP-7139-5 to fly seems to be tied to the size it is printed at. SCP-7139-6 Summertime Sadness A life-size soft-serve ice cream cone The ice cream melts over the course of 8 hours SCP-7139-7 Snek A 30cm long articulated snake The snake slithers in place at random intervals for 5 minutes at a time. SCP-7139 has been connected to a member of GOI 58697 'Jonathan Kirby'8 who has been taken in for interrogation after SCP-7139 was discovered and secured by the foundation. Kirby has been taken in under the guise of drug charges by 5 assembled members of MTF Iota-10. The arrest log and the interview with Mr. Kirby will be supplied in the related documents section of this entry. SCP-7139 was discovered by personnel monitoring online reports of possible anomalies. When the team came across SCP-7139 it had already been distributed to approximately 100 people. The files were traced and deleted off of devices of unauthorized peoples and transferred to a secure drive. All instances where SCP-7139 had been distributed have been examined to evaluate the best way to properly amnestize the people that had downloaded the files. This has been achieved by sending e-mails containing images with amnestic and anti-memetic properties that were deleted upon viewing by the subject. The monitoring for anomalous activity related to SCP-7139 was suspended after a year post retrieval. Related Documents Incident Report 7139 Close Report Online Incident #14452 Discovery report of Online Anomaly Subject .STL files flagged as possibly anomalous Researcher/agent Agent J. Andersson Date of Discovery 18-04-2021 Incident Some files uploaded to a popular 3D printing file sharing hub website were flagged as possibly anomalous by Foundation A.I. searching the internet for possible anomalous files, events, and other online incidents. The files were quickly taken offline by Foundation Online monitoring personnel. The files had been downloaded approximately 100 times by people around the world. Foundation Online monitoring scrubbed computers connected to the internet that had visited the page the files were distributed from and all people who downloaded the files have been contacted and given amnestics to prevent the further dissemination of information. The page will continue to be monitored for activity and the possible re-emergence of the file. NOTICE PERTAINING TO THE ABOVE INVESTIGATION. Date: 20-04-2022 The above-mentioned webpage has been monitored for a year with no further anomalous activity showing. The Account that posted the files has been deleted from the website as it was linked to GOI-5869. Since neither the account that posted the files nor the files themselves have returned, the observation of the website will be suspended. — Agent J. Andersson Close Report Arrest Log 7139-α Close Arrest Log Official Arrest Log 7139-α PoI Jonathan Kirby aka. PinkPieceofShit GoI 5869 - Gamers Against Weed MTF Team MTF Iota-10 Involved Agents G. Kyles, D. Martinsen, E. Walters, G. Walsh, M. Singh. Date 28-10-2022 Time 12:00 Summary: The following is a document detailing the arrest of Mr. Jonathan Kirby, a person of interest involved with GoI 5869. The arrest consisted of 4 agents to arrest Mr. Kirby and 1 driver to keep the retrieval of Mr. Kirby as effective as possible. The Agents of MTF Iota-10 were sent to retrieve Mr. Kirby at 12:00. Kirby was retrieved at 12:14. Singh: Well we're here, but it looks like he just went inside so we wait until he comes out. Walters: Wait, why can't we go inside? Singh: Orders. Also, since he's with the Gamers he's probably dangerous. Walsh: Never got that? they're pretty powerful and they're just here to what? Make memes and shitposts? Could use those god powers for other things… <pause> Kyles: Dude what the fuck? I get what you mean, but do you want them to- Walsh: No, I do not want them to actually do that. Martinsen: This is not a discussion to be held now, talk about your weird power fantasies later or some shit. Just be happy these people are relatively harmless. Singh: They're still dangerous, Don't underestimate these people. <log continues as Kirby comes outside> Singh: Let's get rolling there he is. Walsh: The skinny guy in the shorts? really? Can't im- Singh: Just get out Walsh and do your fucking job. Body cam footage shows Agents Walsh, Martinsen, Kyles, and Walters getting out of the van weapons drawn. Walters: Jonathan Kirby! Hands in the air! Drop what you're holding and don't resist! Agents Walsh and Martinsen can be seen going around motioning people away and keeping their weapons on Kirby. Kirby at this time is seen turning around towards the yelling, looking outwardly confused, dropping the bag he was holding and putting his hands up. Agent Walters advances on Kirby quickly. Kirby: What's go- Walters grabs one of Kirby's arms and quickly pulls him to the ground. Holstering his weapon again as he puts his knee on the man's back. Walters then Handcuffs the man. Kirby: OU- WHAT THE FUCK Walters:Shut up, you're being arrested on suspicion of the Production and Supply of Drugs. You're coming with us for interrogation. Kirby: THAT MAKES NO FU- Walters: Shut your mouth! stand up. Walters gets his knee out of Kirby's back and pulls him to his feet escorting him to the van, the other members following them. Kirby: THIS IS BULLS- Walters: Be quiet! You're not going anywhere. Kyles opens the side door to the van and Walters loads Kirby in the back. Kyles, Martinsen and Walsh also get in the back, Walsh knocks on the divide to signal they can go. Kirby: My fucking face hurts what the fuck, I didn't make and I don't talk to cops. Walters: You're in our custody for distributing anomalous items over the internet. You're in custody of the SCP Foundation. Kirby: You smacked my face into the pavement for THIS? Walters: Yes, these are serious charges. You're being taken in for questioning. Kirby: Couldn't have come up with something more original than drug charges? Walters: Shut up. <End log 12:15> Close Arrest Log Interview Log SCP-7139-INTVW-1 Close Interview Log Interviewed: Jonathan Kirby aka. PinkPieceofShit, known member of GoI 5869. Interviewer: Dr. Frederik Warner, lead researcher of inanimate anomalous objects at Site-25. Observed by Dr. Marianne Fischer. Foreword: Interview was conducted on 28-10-2022 after the suspect was secured by 5 members of MTF Ιota-10 who worked in close proximity to where Mister Kirby lived. The suspect was secured outside of a local fast food establishment <Interview start: 28-10-2022 - 15:27> Dr. Warner: This is Doctor Warner, Inanimate Anomalous Items Researcher at Site-25. Overseeing the interrogation of Jonathan Kirby alias: PinkPieceofShit Kirby [interrupting Dr.Warner]: You actually said it! Amazing! I knew the username was about to pay off sometime! Dr. Warner: This is the preliminary investigation in the case of SCP-7139. Please state your full name and relevant information for the record, please. Kirby: FULL name? Sure, Jonathan Franklin Ferdinand Andreas Nicholas Kirby. 25 years old and pissed off that you people fucking yoinked me when I was getting food! I just wanted a shitty hamburger and now both the burger and the money have gone to waste. Dr. Warner: Please take this seriously Mister Kirby. Kirby: You let me wait for like three hours! I just want to go home and sleep. I've been up all night and now I'm here AND you pretended to arrest me on drug charges. That better not fucking show up anywhere. Also, I could be your fucking grandson and here you are calling me mister. Dr. Warner: Do I have to remind you you're currently in the custody of t- Kirby: The Foundation? Yeah, I know. Your lackeys told me and you're late to the party, I have the UN on my ass every now and then. Dr. Warner: Behave yourself, it's a wonder you're even alive if the GOC is after you. However, we have to figure out why these files behave like this. Kirby: WAIT, this is about the files? Those were taken offline mysteriously like…a year and a half ago! You work slow as shit dudes. This is only getting better and better. Dr. Warner: Well, then you won't mind explaining how they work. Kirby: Nice try, a magician never reveals their secrets! I'm just a perpetually online nerd who can do some funny things. Dr. Warner: I take it your live-in boyfriend doesn't know about your perpetually online activities then. Kirby: Fuck off. You tell me how you'd explain: Hey babe I'm being monitored by the UN because I can do magic. Don't drag him into this. Dr. Warner: They're monitoring you? Kirby: You don't know? I thought you had direct links to each other or some shit. Guess I have no idea how life works then. Dr. Warner: That doesn't answer my question. Kirby: I don't want to answer the question. I am not supposed to show any official documentation to anyone who can not identify themselves as part of the UNGOC and since we're in this boring ass interrogation room with a distinct lack of pentagrams, I'd say you're not with them. Dr. Warner: You could have seriously affected the veil with this stunt, you know that right? And you're not complying with this investigation. Kirby: Yeah? And? The worst possible thing is people get a statue that knocks something off their shelf or a die that just keeps going. It's really not that big of a deal and I am complying, just not with you. Dr. Warner: If the file finds an internet connection it immediately uploads back to the hub website. Kirby: That's a simple auto-upload script? I thought you people were supposed to be smart. Dr. Warner: How many of these files are there? Kirby: I was working on number eight and then it disappeared so I didn't bother. Dr. Warner: This is going nowhere, I'm ending the interview Kirby: You better fucking let me go home and get me a hamburger. Dr.Warner: Before we let you go we have to make sure you're not going to pose a threat to the veil more so than you already did. Kirby: As long as you don't make it take too long. <End interview 28-10-2022 15:40> End Note: Kirby was kept in custody until confirmation was received by the GOC on his status. He is to be monitored for more of his online activity, this is to be done by the GOC as they're already monitoring him. Kirby was released back to the location he was picked up from at 17:50. Kirby was administered Class-A Amnestics before being released back to the public. Kirby's computers were replaced with bugged equipment to keep track of files he uploads to intercept other anomalous files. Close Interview Log Footnotes 1. A file in which documents are compressed to save on file size. 2. A 3D-object file 3. A program that divides 3D objects into layers and writes them into a code that tells a 3D printer to print the object. 4. A Japanese cat figure that is supposed to bring its owner good fortune 5. A polyhedral shape with 20 sides. 6. made up of less polygons, reminiscent of older 3D video games 7. Gamers Against Weed 8. Mainly known by his online handle: PinkPieceofShit « SCP-7138 | SCP-7139 | SCP-7140 »
SCP-7141 Item #: SCP-7141 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Standard storage locker. When in use in Initiative-7141-1, SCP-7141 may be retrieved by any level-2 staff. Description: SCP-7141 is a black and gold hardcover book with 1000 pages. It has the anomalous property of changing the text contained within it to the entire story of its reader's life. Notably, this includes events that occur in the future. On the inside of the cover, the following text is present: When in your hands you hold, This book of black and gold, You hold a certain wealth, In sickness or in health. A wealth of knowledge true, That's only meant for you, But if you change the text, Then surely you'll be next. So open this archive, And see how long you thrive, And read until you're wise, With dark and clouded eyes. When a sentient being makes contact with SCP-7141, text will manifest on its pages detailing the entire narrative of their life. If multiple subjects are in physical contact with the book, then the corresponding text of whichever subject is making contact with a greater surface area will manifest. Contact with any non-sentient being will produce the same effect as contact with nothing at all, being the absence of any text, except for the text on the inside cover. The story itself will be written in an autobiographical tone. After reading any part of SCP-7141 that takes place in the future and would influence a subject to take different actions than described in the text, the contents of SCP-7141 will instantly change to reflect this discrepancy. SCP-7141 will never contain any mention of the use of itself in the future, rather, use of SCP-7141 will only appear in it after doing so. It is possible to make edits to one's future through SCP-7141 by crossing out or removing any unwanted events and writing in any additions in the margins or in between paragraphs. Doing so will cause said edits to occur at the time written in SCP-7141, even if said events are themselves anomalous, such as the manifestation of objects. Making edits will invariably cause unintentional or unwanted secondary results. Such unintended results are usually equal and opposite to the aforementioned edit. For example, if one were to embellish the sudden manifestation of a large sum of money, they may have their money stolen in the near future. Making edits to the past has no effect. Discovery: SCP-7141 was discovered on 07/06/2022 when staff of █████ Hospital found it on the body of a man who had entered the hospital seconds before he died. Upon reading it and realizing its anomalous properties, a Foundation staff member who was in the hospital lobby at the time contacted the Foundation, SCP-7141 was contained, and Class-A amnestics were administered to all civilians present. Addendum 7141-1: Due to SCP-7141's use case as a relatively convenient method of looking into the future, Initiative-7141-1 has been put in place in which randomly selected staff members are given SCP-7141, instructed to read all pages containing their employment with the SCP Foundation, and identify any containment breaches mentioned in the text. While Initiative-7141-1 has proven effective in identifying containment breaches, the threat of breaches will likely never be completely eradicated by it due to its relatively time-consuming nature. Requests to cross-test SCP-7141 with dangerous Keter-class anomalies in order to determine potential neutralization methods are currently pending. Addendum 7141-2: Due to findings in initial testing with SCP-7141, where a tissue sample was used to make physical contact with SCP-7141 and the story of the researcher, from whom the sample was, appeared as normal, as well as evidence in stanza 3 line 4 of the poem on the inside cover of SCP-7141, the hypothesis was formed that SCP-7141 has the ability to show the life story of deceased subjects when placed on their corpse. Later testing proved this theory true. With this information, researchers recovered the body of the man who first possessed SCP-7141 and identified the effects of prolonged use of SCP-7141. Below are the pages of interest. + Show document - Hide document And there I saw it, that large black book, looking alien and out of place in the library's biography section. I was intrigued, so naturally, I picked it up to inspect it. It had no title, and when I opened it I saw a strange poem on the inside cover. I skimmed the first page and was confused because it seemed to be talking about someone's birth. I had the feeling that this wasn't an ordinary book, so I flipped forward a bit and skimmed some pages near the middle, and suddenly realized that this book was about me. Flipping to a few random pages, my high school graduation, my 6th birthday, and my current job's interview confirmed it. I thumbed forward and realized something even more strange, this book told my future as well. I was tempted to look at the last page but realized that nothing good could possibly come from that. Looking at the back cover, there was no barcode present, therefore I couldn't properly check the book out, so I simply walked out with the book, and drove home. On my way home I thought more about the cryptic poem in the book and remembered a part that talked about changing the text. I wondered if this meant you could change the future with the book. When I got home I got a pen and thought about what I wanted to change, but couldn't think of anything. and a million dollars in cash suddenly appeared before me. I thought it was a rather cliché thing to make as an edit, but I felt immense satisfaction nonetheless. I put most of the money in a safe container, but I took $100,000 or so and drove to deposit it in my savings account. Unfortunately, my bank was unexpectedly closed, So I went to the nearest ATM, and it was out of order as well. I drove all over town, but every single ATM I went to was out of order. and eventually found a working ATM, and deposited my money. When I got home I fixed myself some dinner and went through my normal nightly routine, but I could barely sleep that night. A pizza instantly appeared on the table fully cooked and ready to eat. That night I had the best sleep of my life. I woke up feeling terrible like I hadn't slept at all. After completing my morning routine, I looked outside and saw that my car had been stolen. I realized that these occurrences could no longer be considered coincidences. Every time I cross something out, something bad happens. I wondered if making edits without crossing things out would be safe. After all, it would be a terrible waste if I didn't try. Suddenly, my car reappeared in the driveway. In order to test my theory, I didn't make any other edits for the rest of the day, I even left the book at home when I went to work. When I got home, nothing seemed to have changed. I was overjoyed at my discovery, once again I held the future in the palm of my hands! Immediately the rest of the million dollars disappeared and reappeared in my bank account. I remained happy, until I checked my phone's voicemail, and saw that I had received notice that I was being audited. I was crushed. I tried to think of something to tell the IRS, some reasonable way that I could have obtained the money. I considered the lottery but then came to a realization, there was only one thing I could do. I instantly received another call letting me know that there had been a mistake, and I was not being audited. I looked at the poem at the front of the book for a second time and realized what a fool I had been. "You'll be next," without explicitly stating its meaning, couldn't have a clearer message. The "next" isn't just the consequences you get for making edits, it's the cycle you will end up in, as you keep on reversing consequence after consequence, and being dealt more and more punishment in return. But I was determined, I wouldn't have my life ruined by a stupid book. I spent hours as a kid thinking about what I would wish for if I found a genie, thinking about how I wouldn't be taken advantage of. This book is my genie, and so far it has succeeded in tricking me. But that wouldn't last any longer. I just had to think of what to do next. Whenever I wrote in the book after that, it never caused anything to reverse those edits ever again. Any edits I made were implemented in reality to the letter. I slept great that night and woke up feeling refreshed. At work, I gave my two weeks' notice and didn't look at the book until I got home, but when I did, I was horrified. When I had opened the book previous times, the page where the present was always fell around the same place, albeit never on the exact same page. This time, I had to flip to the very last page. Then, suddenly, I had a heart attack and died. I didn't die. I had a heart attack and died. I didn't. I drove as fast as I could to the hospital, but I was pulled over, and died before I made it. and made it there very quickly. I burst into the hospital and told them I was going to have a heart attack, and needed medical attention. The receptionist was very confused, and nervously chuckled and told me to come back when I already had a heart attack. I begged to be admitted into the ER, I even showed them the book, but they wouldn't listen. Then, in that lobby, I had a heart attack and died before the hospital staff could even get me on a stretcher. No. I died, there was no escape. I lived, I didn't die, I became immortal! Even the book didn't have the power to make me immortal. I died. Pl- The End. « SCP-7140 | SCP-7141 | SCP-7142 »
The neck of Dillan Mann laid out in Site ██ prior to his autopsy. Item #: SCP-7142 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Foundation web crawlers are to monitor the digital logs of the British National Health Service, along with any records kept digitally by private therapists and schools in the United Kindom. Individuals reporting dreams, daydreams or hallucinations involving the entities characteristic of SCP-7142 are to be apprehended and brought into Foundation custody at the earliest possible convenience. These subjects can then either be selected for testing of SCP-7142 or, due to the large annual volume of SCP-7142 targets, be administered █████ ██████████ (a minor cognitohazard which renders subjects permanently deaf), amnesticised, and released with appropriate cover stories given. These individuals are then to be lightly monitored indefinitely, and, if visions return, be brought back into Foundation custody. Reports of unusual human corpses (particularly those with elongated necks) are to be immediately investigated and, if confirmed, remains are to be taken to Site ██, incinerated, and reports suppressed. The entities reported by targets of SCP-7142 are currently believed to be either incorporeal or entirely fictitious in nature. As such, permanent deafening of targets has proven to be the most effective method of containing the anomaly, with no physical manifestation of any entity to contain. However, as testing has shown SCP-7142 to have a very real effect on the real world, this should be considered unconfirmed. Description: SCP-7142 is a recurring dream exclusively affecting individuals suffering with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder who live in the United Kingdom. Subjects targeted by SCP-7142, seemingly chosen otherwise at random, will initially report a dream in which they stand, unable to move or look around, at the top of an inclined suburban road. Sketches from subjects have shown this road to be adjoined to a council housing estate in the town of Harlow in Southeast England. A pair of entities will emerge from around the corner at the far end of the road, and begin pacing steadily towards the subject's viewpoint. The entity on the subject's left, designated SCP-7142-A, consistently appears as a giraffe-like creature, though primarily deep blue in colour, and possessing a rounded, stubby body with a neck uncharacteristically short for a giraffe; its overall appearance having cartoon-like proportions. The entity is approximately man-high. The appearance of the entity on the subject's right, designated SCP-7142-B, has been much less consistent between subjects, and has been described as anything from a French bulldog with extremely blunt body proportions and walking perfectly on two legs, to a completely amorphous creature with a leathery outer hide. However, the entity is always reported to be 2-3 feet high. These two entities will proceed to slowly pace towards the subject's viewpoint in perfect synchronisation until they reach the halfway point between the end of the road and the subject, at which point the dream will end. Identical dreams will then reoccur every few nights. After approximately 5 iterations of the dream, subjects will develop an increasing sense of dread, and will begin to irrationally believe that the pair of entities in the dream are moving towards their location in the real world. Subjects at this stage show a fearful aversion to steady beats and rhythms, claiming that when heard, they allow the entities to walk at a steady pace towards them. Such rhythms include simple melodies in music such as beating drums, breathing (often resulting in subjects deliberately breathing in irregular patterns), blinking, walking, and the sound of their own heartbeat. If a subject is repeatedly exposed to these sources of noise, their dreams will enter a second stage. In this stage, subjects' dreams will again involve being frozen in place, though they will be in a location physically closer to where they are situated in the real world. SCP-7142-A and B will then emerge at a moderate distance from behind an object within the environment, and begin pacing towards the subject, again, in perfect synchronisation, until they are relatively close to the subject, at which point the dream will end. Subjects may also experience additional daydreams involving the entities in the same locations. If exposure to the aforementioned noises does not discontinue, subsequent dreams will involve locations closer and closer to the subject. At this stage, paranoia relating to the impending arrival of the entities will become extreme. In some documented cases, subjects have spontaneously and, at a first glance, inexplicably migrated to other parts of the world, almost always initially to Australia, Indonesia, or New Zealand. In the longest recorded case relating to SCP-7142, lasting 16 years, a Michael ███████████ migrated 21 times to various countries before his death of natural causes. To what extent this paranoia is anomalous in origin, and how much of it is simply a result of the non-anomalous mental health issues many targets of SCP-7142 generally have, is unknown. As the location depicted in the dreams become nearer and nearer to the subject, subjects will respond increasingly drastically to the sound of steady rhythms. Reactions to these sounds have included: storming out of the room in which a sound is being emitted, covering one's ears and screaming, assault of an individual who was audibly snoring, vandalisation of a set of concert speakers, the removal of one's ears, and the attempted removal of one's own lungs and heart. Subjects will claim that any of these sources of noise, among others, literally are the sound of SCP-7142-A and B pacing towards them. It appears that targets of SCP-7142 can ‘evade' it indefinitely by continually relocating themselves to different parts of the world, though there is currently no known way of permanently stopping the dreams or effects of the anomaly. If subjects still do not relocate or isolate themselves from the aforementioned noise sources, their dreams will enter a third and final stage. No subjects entering this stage have remained physically unharmed for over 14 days. During the stage, subjects will report dreams involving the entities in places familiar to them or in extreme proximity to their real location, such as in view of their home, at their place of work, or at the gates of their school. Within 14 days of entering this stage, all subjects will experience extreme and sudden bodily modifications and trauma in their sleep, with direct and remote observation by Foundation personnel having shown grievous bodily injuries being inflicted by an unseen force. During these events, extensive force will be applied to the subject's head and neck; subjects with longer hair will appear to have their hair lifted up and pulled taut, at which point the head will be jerked away from the body at speeds recorded from 0.2m/s to 14m/s. However, the head will not be disconnected from the subject; rather the subject's neck will anomalously elongate to compensate for the dislocation of the head, with new tissue and vertebrae spontaneously materialising to allow for this process. At the end of these events, subjects' necks have been measured at anywhere from 5 to ~350 times their normal length, and in one instance over ████ meters long. Additionally, a unique event involving two Foundation personnel targeted by SCP-7142 resulted in [DATA EXPUNGED] (see Test Log B1). The only other modification consistently inflicted on SCP-7142 victims is the complete removal of exactly 2 of the subject's limbs, either at the hip or shoulder, with trauma indicating removal through means of anything from accelerated necrosis, to what appears to be laser removal. Trauma inflicted during SCP-7142 events will invariably result in death, brain death, or permanent neck-down paralysis of the subject. In the wake of SCP-7142 events, fluid has been observed in proximity to the victim, either in the form of puddles or what appears to be condensation on the surface of objects in their immediate environment. Testing of this fluid has shown it to be genetically and chemically identical to spinal and cranial fluid found in members of the species G. camelopardalis. Discovery Log: SCP-7142 first came to the Foundation's attention in March of 2003 when Duncan Hilton, a former member of security staff at Site ██, re-initiated contact with the Foundation after experiencing repeated dreams and daydreams characteristic of the anomaly. Due to Hilton's diagnosis with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Schizophrenia (which had previously resulted in his retirement), his reports initially went uninvestigated, and he was instead offered mental health treatment covered by Foundation funds. Hilton's altered remains were found in his home 14 weeks later, after which point his previous claims surfaced, and a wide-scale survey for similar reports was conducted. A connection between reports of recurring dreams involving entities SCP-7142-A and B, and reports of unusual corpses with SCP-7142's characteristic modifications, was subsequently established. Anomaly was added to the SCP database and listed as Keter. At time of writing, no evidence exists suggesting SCP-7142 activity before late 2002. Research of the area depicted in all initial SCP-7142-related dreams has returned fruitless, with the only somewhat mysterious activity ever reported in the town being the formation of a sinkhole which resulted in the complete submerging of a suburban home in 2002, shortly after a 14 year old boy who lived there had gone missing. Addendum: A series of tests involving targets of SCP-7142 has been ongoing since late 2004. Due to lack of understanding of the anomaly, many initial tests were simply observations of subjects targeted by SCP-7142. + Show Test Log A1-4 - Hide Test Log A1-4 Test Log A1-4 Supervised by Dr Brandon Hunt Starting Date: 2004 Subject: Patrick Norris Foreword: Subject had been diagnosed with OCD one year prior to being targeted. Subject had been homeless for a number of years, and after an attempted arson, was housed involuntarily at a psychiatric hospital. Day 1: Subject reports standard initial dream sequence. Day 10: Subject repeatedly claims to hospital staff that he is being tracked by entities matching the description of SCP-7142-A and B. It should be noted that at this time, the institution in question had been playing slow music in many of its common areas. Subject requested transfer to quarters away from the music, which was granted. Day 69: Subject violently assaults a fellow patient in their sleep. When questioned, subject claims that the patient's snoring was allowing ‘those bloody weirdos' to move towards his location. Subject moved to solitary confinement. Day 71: Subject reports great distress due to the rhythm of his own heartbeat. Subject was documented to have been displaying an irregular breathing pattern at this time. Day 75: Subject screamed at staff members for most of the day, begging them to burn down the building, on the basis that SCP-7142-A and B were waiting for him in the reception area. This continued for the next 4 days. Day 79: An SCP-7142 event occurs at 11:03pm. Result: 14% of subject's body is burned to the point of charring. Both of subject's arms are absent, appearing to have decomposed up to the shoulder, indicated by the presence of bones covered in mold and the subject's clothes. Subject's neck is measured at 1.5m long. Subject deceased. Witnessing staff were amnesticised. Starting Date: 2004 Subject: Researcher Ellen Leonard, 41 Foreword: Leonard had been diagnosed with OCD at age 32, but displayed no other discernible mental abnormalities. Day 1: Leonard reports standard initial dream sequence. Day 2: Leonard requests housing at a Foundation site unknown to her, positing that SCP-7142 may be a memetic hazard, and thus only able to create dreams depicting locations near her if she herself is aware of her location. Leonard is moved to Site ██-█ and housed in a standard humanoid containment cell to prevent accidentally gaining knowledge of her location. Day 21: Leonard displays increasing concern that she is being hunted by SCP-7142-A and B, and expresses frustration at her inability to escape the sound of her own breathing. Leonard begins exhibiting irregular breathing patterns. Day 35: Leonard forcefully requests transfer to another site on the basis that SCP-7142-A and B are still following her. Request denied. Day 40: Leonard is found in her cell having removed one of her ears with a metal spoon, the other having been superficially cut with the same utensil. Leonard is restrained and thereafter monitored at all times via CCTV. Day 50: Leonard reports a new dream. The dream involved SCP-7142-A and B emerging from behind a statue depicting the SCP Foundation's logo and moving towards her over the surrounding grass lawn, which was encompassed by a circular concrete pathway. This description matched that of the walkway at the entrance to the site at which she was being housed. It is important to note that she had not been made aware of her location, so if SCP-7142 was purely rooted in her mind, it would have had no way of constructing the dream. As a result of this experiment, it is believed that SCP-7142-related dreams are implanted from an outside source. Day 63: An SCP-7142 event occurs at 3:11am. Result: Leonard's skin is largely charred and otherwise mangled. Leonard's right arm and leg had been removed at the shoulder and hip respectively, upon later inspection found to be by means of thousands of small insect bites. Her missing ear, which had previously been disposed of in a medical bin, had somehow been retrieved and crudely sewn back onto her upper ramus. Leonard is missing approximately 40% of her hair, and her neck is measured at 3.6m, approximately 40 times its original length. Leonard was in a coma following the event, and was kept alive by Dr Hunt on the basis of possible future questioning, and was housed in the medical ward of Site ██-█. Starting Date: 2004 Subject: Dillan Mann, 68 Foreword: Subject had been known to display mild symptoms of OCD, but had not been officially diagnosed. Subject was a practicing Roman Catholic. Subject displayed no other discernible mental abnormalities. Day 1: Subject spontaneously seeks out therapy, despite having reportedly been averse to it for most of his life. Day 3: Subject reports standard initial dream sequence to his therapist, at which point the Foundation becomes aware of the situation. Dr Hunt orders that the subject not be taken into Foundation custody, in order to observe the prognosis of SCP-7142 in a more natural environment. Day 5: Subject reports an intense feeling that he is being watched, and that a pair of demons have been appearing to him in his dreams, and are attempting to tempt him away from God. Day 8: Subject reportedly grows increasingly antisocial around his family, often storming out of the room during meals, or suddenly and aggressively asking his family to eat their food in a quieter manner. In an interview with the subject's wife, she claimed that the subject had discreetly thrown away her high heels at around this time. Day 11: Subject develops a sudden enthusiasm for intercontinental travel, which his wife was reportedly not open to, and she began to feel uncomfortable in his presence. Day 13: Subject flees England. Due to the sudden departure of the subject and his extensive efforts to conceal his location and identity (presumably in order to evade SCP-7142), it took the Foundation several months to track him down again. Day 351: Subject is apprehended by the Foundation. Upon interrogation, subject claims that he had not been experiencing dreams relating to SCP-7142 between the time of his migration until 3 weeks before his capture, and had been feeling a lot better about his situation. Day 352: Subject is returned to England and contained at Site ██. Subject becomes violent towards Foundation personnel. Subject restrained indefinitely. Day 355: An SCP-7142 event occurs at 1:13am. Result: 100% of subject's skin converted into a leather-like substance, which was found to be completely inorganic upon testing, being mostly composed of silicates, mineral tar, and synthetic rubber. Both of the subject's legs had been removed at the hip, with marks left at the point of severing indicating mauling by an unidentified canid. Subject's neck is measured at 35m. Subject's tongue had experienced similar elongation and had been largely pulled out of the mouth and wrapped around the neck from the base of the jaw to the shoulders in a spiral formation. Subject is rendered braindead. Subject terminated and submitted for autopsy. Starting Date: 2007 Subject: Lucas Rice, 14 Foreword: Subject had been diagnosed with OCD only a few weeks before showing ‘symptoms' of SCP-7142. Subject had also displayed moderate behavioural issues at school. Subject was taken into Foundation custody following the discovery of a digital note regarding his regular sessions with the school's mental support team by Foundation web crawlers. Day 1: Subject reports standard initial dream sequence. Subject is taken into Foundation custody. Day 19: Having previously been cooperative, subject suddenly begins to express disdain for Foundation personnel. Day 22: Subject reports great distress, claiming that he has been dreaming about ‘the same weird shit over and over again', and routinely expresses fear for his safety. Day 25: Subject repeatedly requests transfer to another facility on the basis of his dreams. All requests denied. Day 26: Subject is found unconscious in his cell, with extensive scratching on his chest and moderate blood loss. Upon questioning in the on-site medical unit, subject claimed that he had been attempting to remove his lungs and heart with his bare hands because ‘they were so fucking loud'. At this point, subject became aware of a nearby piece of medical apparatus emitting a steady beeping noise, and attempted to vandalize the equipment. Subject sedated. Result: Test cancelled. Due to an unrelated incident involving Dr Hunt, an investigation by the Ethics Committee had him temporarily suspended from his duties. Dr Felix Isherl was thus placed in charge of SCP-7142 research, soon after which he expressed anger at Dr Hunt, emphasizing how poorly he had handled research into the anomaly. Dr Isherl subsequently had Dr Hunt permanently suspended via an Ethics Committee mandate. In an effort to save the subject's life, he was administered █████ ██████████, rendering him permanently deaf. Subject was then amnesticised and returned to the general populace, and the cover story of an abduction was propagated to account for his disappearance. As of ██/██/████, subject has displayed no further signs of targeting by SCP-7142. Isherl then submitted a request for the termination of Researcher Leonard via a second mandate. Request approved. Note from Dr Isherl: Dr Hunt's procedure regarding this anomaly has been atrocious. A quick skim over the early test logs gave me all the information needed to deal with this. The first victim listed, Mr Norris, was unaffected by 7142 for 59 days after he had simply been moved to a quieter spot. Mr Mann was untouched for nearly a year after relocating. Ellen, rest her soul, wanted the same thing. But that bastard just couldn't help himself from finding out what would happen to her. Our mission is to secure and contain, yes, but those are secondary priorities. Above all, we protect. Why throw away life when we already have two solutions? What knowledge could we possibly gain from allowing this anomaly to mutilate people in the way it does? We might not be able to contain this thing (by God I will try), but we definitely can treat its effects. It's just a matter of catching cases before it's too late. I am hereby ordering this item be reclassified as Euclid. + Show Test Log B1 - Hide Test Log B1 Test Log B1 Supervised by Dr Felix Isherl Starting Date: 2021 Subject: Dr Samuel Bates Foreword: After 14 years with very few SCP-7142 cases going untreated, Dr Bates, a senior researcher at the Foundation, became targeted by SCP-7142. Bates was offered the standard █████ ██████████ treatment, which he refused, and instead volunteered to facilitate an attempt in capturing the possible entities responsible for the attacks. Day 1: Subject reports standard initial dream sequence. Day 2: Standard humanoid containment chamber 14 is modified to facilitate the capture of the entities associated with SCP-7142. A containment chamber of this type was chosen for its relatively small size, and thus increased ease in keeping track of unseen entities. Dr Isherl and Special Operative Cornwall are assigned the task of capturing the entities, with termination as a second resort. Additionally, D-1402 (33 years old) was selected from a pool of well-behaved D-Class personnel. D-1402 had been incarcerated due to arson resulting in approximately £█████ of property damage. Aside from a number of minor ticks and notable behavioural issues during his time in the schooling system, D-1402 displayed no discernible mental conditions. As part of standard procedure for D-Class at Site ██, D-1402 had had a large portion of his memories prior to his time at the Foundation wiped via high-grade amnestics. Dr Bates is housed in the containment cell and directly exposed to a steady beat of 1.5Hz via a speaker. Isherl, Cornwall, and D-1402 remain on standby. Day 5: Dr Bates reports progression of SCP-7142-related dreams to their second stage. Day 14:** Dr Bates reports a dream involving SCP-7142-A and B walking towards him in the site lobby. All involved personnel are moved to Bates' containment chamber. S.O. Cornwall is armed with a pump-action shotgun, a pistol sidearm, and a machete. Dr Isherl is armed with a tranquilizer dart gun containing an anomalously potent sedative derived from SCP-████, and a pistol sidearm. D-1402 is assigned the task of assisting Dr Isherl and S.O. Cornwall in the event they become incapacitated. 14 guards are positioned in the hallway directly adjacent to the containment chamber, with ██ more on standby. 2 surveillance cameras are placed inside the chamber in order to observe the capture attempt without compromising containment. In the event that all personnel within the containment chamber are lost, the chamber is fitted with gas canisters that can be remotely ruptured in order to terminate or incapacitate any entities remaining inside. Result: An SCP-7142 event occurs at 2:14am. Camera 1 shows Dr Bates being pulled upright in his bed by an unseen force, at which point his clothes are violently torn from his body. Human teeth marks immediately begin appearing on his upper right thigh and left shoulder. S.O. Cornwall reacts by firing his shotgun at where he perceives the entity responsible to be. The shot impacts the wall, not appearing to have passed through any physical barrier. However, cerebrospinal fluid is ejected from an unseen point in space along the path of the buckshot, which splatters against the walls. S.O. Cornwall fires 3 more shots, the first two of which appear to hit their mark, the third missing as Dr Bates is thrown against the far wall of the containment chamber, knocking him unconscious. Dr Isherl draws his tranquilizer gun, but expresses uncertainty as to where the entity is situated within the room. Dr Bates' neck begins to grow. Dr Isherl fires a single shot near Dr Bates' head. Once again, the projectile passes unhindered and collides with the opposite wall, and cerebrospinal fluid is produced. Dr Isherl orders D-1402 to assist him in reloading the device, and D-1402 complies. S.O. Cornwall fires at the entity, landing all of his shots, and with the same results. No change in activity is observed, and the SCP-7142 event continues on its established course. At this point, Dr Bates' neck is estimated to have been 10-15m long, folding several times to fit within the containment chamber. S.O. Cornwall then appears to lose his composure, throw down his shotgun and charge in Dr Bates' direction in an apparent attempt to physically wrestle the entity away from him. Then, shockingly, as S.O. Cornwall makes contact with Dr Bates, he too appears to come under SCP-7142's effects, though somewhat different from the baseline. All four of Cornwall's limbs are simultaneously severed as if by a singular clean cut, which are then thrown about the room, one colliding with camera 1, terminating the feed. Camera 2 shows Cornwall's neck growing at a rate of 10-20m/s, quickly folding in a random direction each time it comes into contact with the walls of the containment cell. Within seconds, most of the space inside the chamber has been filled by both Dr Bates' and S.O. Cornwall's ever-lengthening necks. Dr Isherl declares the mission aborted at 2:16am. Both Isherl and D-1402 attempt to make their way through the web which quickly threatens to completely encompass them both; the guards outside open the door and reach inside ready to make the extraction. As D-1402 reaches the exit first, one of the guards appears to draw their sidearm, with the intent of terminating D-1402 in order to make way for Dr Isherl. However, at this time, Dr Isherl trips on either Dr Bates' or S.O. Cornwall's neck, and begins to be constricted by the tightening knot which has nearly entirely filled the room. D-1402 glances at the guards, hesitates for a moment, then turns and throws himself back towards Dr Isherl, falling to the floor, locking hands with him, and attempting to pull him free. Camera 2 is dislodged, falling near Dr Isherl, before becoming completely obstructed by the mass. Guard body camera footage then shows the guard closest to the door lunging forward, grabbing onto D-1402's feet, and guards behind him gripping onto him in turn. The struggle to pull Dr Isherl free continues for approximately 15 seconds as both Isherl and D-1402 are further entangled and pulled deeper into the room. Soon, only Dr Isherl's left arm is still visible, still tightly gripped by both of D-1402's hands. Body camera footage shows part of one of the necks threatening to tighten around the initial guards' arm, at which point he instinctively loosens his grip, and D-1402 is pulled into the lattice of necks and out of sight. A site-wide lockdown is initiated. As security personnel prepare to have the pre-installed gas canisters ruptured, Site Director Braun orders instead that the door to humanoid containment chamber 14 be left open in order to allow the mass of necks within room to move, thus relieving pressure within the initial containment chamber, hopefully allowing Dr Isherl, should he still be alive, space to breathe. The mass of necks slowly expands outwards into the hallway adjacent to humanoid containment chamber 14, though at a continually slowing rate. The rest of the facility is evacuated while Mobile Task Force November-2 is dispatched for a rescue operation. + Show Supplementary Video Log - Hide Supplementary Video Log Video Log Foreword: Roughly 2 hours after the termination of Test B1, video feed from camera 2 is suddenly resumed. The feed shows Dr Isherl's face within the mass of necks, breathing irregularly. Two more people breathing can be heard, one coming directly from where Dr Isherl is facing, and the other seemingly being emitted from all directions. The torch that had been attached to Isherl's sidearm provides limited illumination of his surroundings. Dr Isherl: I bloody hope this thing is still transmitting. No way for anyone to talk back, though. Though if the on-site warhead hasn't been detonated yet, I'm gonna be optimistic and say someone must be watching. In which case, hello! We're still alive! [Dr Isherl glances directly forward, his voice shifting to a more grave tone.] How bad is it? D-1402: I think my arm's broken. It's so tight. I can feel my ribs… it's crushing me. Dr Isherl: Stay calm. Focus on breathing. I reckon we can get out of this. [Dr Isherl looks back at the camera]. So I think Special Operative Cornwall is still alive. Dr Bates, I don't know, but Cornwall… he's still breathing. He's breathing all around us. Each time he inhales we're squeezed just that little bit more but the pressure is getting less. Slowly, but measurably. [Upon video confirmation that Dr Isherl is still alive, Director Braun orders immediate excavation of humanoid containment cell 14]. D-1402: I think I'm right up against Cornwall. Well you know… the main part of him. Dr Isherl: See if you can feel around for his machete. I know he had one on him when we came in here. Maybe we can… well it'll be gruesome… but perhaps we can see about cutting our way out. You hear that, control? We're gonna need some serious amnestics if we get out of this. [D-1402 can be heard struggling off-camera for approximately 5 minutes, with intermittent encouragement from Isherl.] D-1402: Holy shit! I think I have it! My arm is so stuck though. Just give me a second. Fuck. Okay, there. What now? Dr Isherl: Try cutting it. D-1402: No, I can't do that. I won't. That is beyond fucked up, man. Dr Isherl: Do you want to keep your arm? If it's really broken, every second you're in here is going to count. Besides, it's not Cornwall, anymore. He was a good man. He really was. But it's either him or us. Now do it. D-1402: Fuck, fuck! [D-1402's distressed emotional state appears to intensify.] I'm sorry, man. I'm so sorry. [D-1402 jams the machete into S.O. Cornwall's neck and begins to work on cutting his way through. The outer skin and ligaments are easily severed, and blood begins to spatter out and flow down through the mat of necks, soon forming a steady stream. After a few moments, D-1402 has severed the majority of S.O. Cornwall's neck. However, the oesophagus proves impervious to the blade. Blood continues to flow from the neck, but shows no signs of draining fully.] D-1402: I can't get through the windpipe, man. It's like cutting through steel. It just slides right off. Dr Isherl: That can't make sense. Are you sure it's not bone you're cutting through? D-1402: 100%. The bones are all loose anyway. They don't even look like bones. [S.O. Cornwall's breathing quickens pace. All about the two, the necks begin to slide through each other like a coiling snake. The muffled voice of S.O. Cornwall can then be heard muttering incoherently from all directions. At this same time, Mobile Task Force November-2 have removed the floor directly above humanoid containment chamber 14 and have begun drilling holes in the roof of the chamber, with the plan being to break the roof through and lift the mass of necks out with a crane.] D-1402: Oh God, he's talking. Why is he talking? Why is he talking when I just cut through his God-damned neck? Dr Isherl: You hear that? They're here for us. I can hear machinery above us. I knew someone was watching! D-1402: They need to hurry up. Dr Isherl: Don't worry, they'll get us out. These are the best military personnel in the modern world we're talking about. D-1402: You mean the ‘personnel' that a couple hours ago nearly shot me and then left us to get eaten by this fucking thing? Dr Isherl: Hold on a second. D-1402: What, what is it? Dr Isherl: The blood. It's been spewing out of that wound like a waterfall. It should have started pooling by now. But I can't feel a thing. D-1402: Who cares? [A large circular hole is drilled directly above the two men, a small amount of light shining down through to them.] Hey, we're down here! Dr Isherl: We're… what… a foot off the ground? The blood should have pooled up to us by now. [A large segment of the ceiling to humanoid containment chamber 14 is lifted free. Light floods down onto Isherl and D-1402 as a crane begins to lift the lattice of necks out of the containment chamber. After a few moments, MTF body camera footage shows the pair at the foot level of the operatives, and the mass of necks quickly sprawls out over the floor under its own weight. However, the containment chamber does not appear any less full up with the interlocking necks, indicating that the bottom of the lattice extends further downwards than the containment chamber's original floor level. 5 MTF operatives begin to work on untangling Dr Isherl, with an additional operative assisting D-1402. While the men are being freed from the web of necks, the mass starts to writhe, its center collapsing down and forming a funnel shape. Operatives begin attempting to cut through each layer of neck, though are met with the same amount of success as D-1402's previous attempt. The necks seemingly begin attempting to reclaim Dr Isherl and D-1402 by folding inward towards the funnel. At this point, Dr Isherl has been freed up to his torso, and a harness is secured around him. As the portion of the necks still within the containment chamber appear to be self-supporting, the crane arm releases them, and is instead attached to Dr Isherl's harness. He is then lifted higher so that operatives can untangle his legs. One strand of neck remains taught around his right foot, constricting it with what appears to be a conscious intent, and proves extremely difficult to remove. Dr Isherl requests a cloth to bite down on and orders that MTF operatives break his ankle. Operatives comply, and Isherl is freed without further incident. D-1402 remains entangled as he sinks back into the funnel. The crane's arm is lowered into the center of the funnel towards D-1402, who is ordered to grab onto it. D-1402 exclaims that one of his arms is still trapped within the necks, and that the other is broken and unable to move. The writhing necks then lunge out and wrap around the crane's hook, pulling it inwards and beginning to overcome the force of its counterweights. The order is given to disconnect the crane's hook in an attempt to prevent it capsizing and causing further structural damage to the facility. Attempt fails, and the crane is pulled into the funnel on top of D-1402, and sinks down and out of sight. Both are considered lost.] [End Log] Addendum: In wake of the disaster that was Test 7142 B1, Site ██ was decommissioned for a period of 2 months while the threat imposed by the SCP-7142 ‘sinkhole' was assessed. After it was confirmed that the mass of tissue comprised of the remains of Dr Bates and Special Operative Cornwall was no longer expanding at a dangerous rate, the wing was permanently sectioned off, and the rest of the facility returned to full operation. On the 1st of September 2021, Dr Isherl formally proposed that his observations while held captive by the anomaly indicated either a non-euclidian or extra-dimensional nature. Exploration missions pending approval. Surprisingly, superficial analysis of the containment chamber by Foundation drones found no trace of the cerebrospinal fluid recorded by cameras 1 and 2 during Test 7142 B1. Additionally, upon analysis, neither did guard body camera footage show any sign of said fluid during the incident, even in the exact locations where it was picked up by cameras 1 and 2. Due to this reason, it is presently believed that neither S.O. Cornwall nor Dr Isherl hit anything with their weapons during the experiment, and the fluid observed is thought to have been illusory in nature. Dr Isherl has gone on record contesting this. Due to the high resilience exhibited by the oesophagi of S.O. Cornwall and Dr Bates, application in field agent rope-based equipment has been suggested. Testing has been postponed until further examination of the 7142 sinkhole is conducted. D-1402 was post-humously nominated for the Site ██ Award for his selflessness and bravery in attempting to rescue Dr Isherl during the incident. Nomination awaiting decision. Addendum: On the 14th of February 2022, D-1402 was found wandering on the outskirts of Harlow town, England, before being apprehended by the Foundation. Along with an emaciated and generally tattered appearance, D-1402's left arm had been severed at the mid-forearm. D-1402 was carrying a stuffed animal resembling a bulldog, which was made primarily of leather, and had sustained extensive damage, including the absence of both its hind legs. Subject was generally uncooperative with personnel, though apathetic to the point of posing little resistance. Subject taken in for interview. + Show Interview Log - Hide Interview Log Interview Log Date: 14th of February 2022 Interviewed: D-1402 Interviewer: Agent Thieme Agent Thieme: D-1402. How are you feeling? D-1402: Like you give a fuck. Agent Thieme: I think you'll find that a number of us do. You showed quite some bravery at the Site ██ disaster, you know? You've been nominated for quite the prestigious award. D-1402: Heh. Post-mortem, I bet. The dead don't care for gold just as you people don't care for us low-lives who wear orange jumpsuits. If you really gave a shit about me you wouldn't be referring to me as a number. Get your questions over with. God, I need a burger. Agent Thieme: D-14… do you have any memory of the events on the day of test 7142 B1? D-1402: I remember everything. What happened to Cornwall and the other guy, the yellow stuff all over the walls, nearly getting shot, and getting left to die twice in the space of a couple hours. What's to forget? Agent Thieme: So you can confirm you observed the cerebrospinal fluid on the walls during the experiment? D-1402: The… what? Yeah, the yellow shit. Agent Thieme: Thank you. Can you tell us what happened to you following experiment 7142 B1? What did you see? D-1402: Well, I'm guessing you know what happened right up until the neckwork pulled me into the mouth of hell itself, right? Well, the- Agent Thieme: What do you mean by ‘the neckwork'? D-1402: What do you…? Oh, right. The neck things. The neckwork?. It's what I've been calling it. Clever, right? Whatever. Yeah, well, the neckwork sort of saved me from your guys' crane. Accidentally, probably, but the stuff was strong enough to stop it squishing me. I didn't really see much after that. It was dark, obviously. I kept getting pulled lower and lower. I couldn't see, I couldn't breathe, I… [D-1402 visibly shivers as his irritable facade appears to break, and he fails to maintain eye contact with Agent Thieme] I just wanted it to get me over with quickly. The last thing I wanted was to be like… stuck, you know. Like before. Suffocating. Crushing. But it didn't. It wouldn't kill me and I couldn't die. Agent Thieme: And how long did this go on? D-1402: Days. Weeks. I have no earthly idea. And I just kept sinking. No sight, no air, just the constant feeling of going downwards. And of course all the fucking human skin covering every inch of my body. Occasionally he… he spoke to me. I don't know how much of it was real or how much was just me going completely fucking crazy, but I know Dr Isherl heard it too. Back when it started. Agent Thieme: Are you referring to Special Operative Cornwall? D-1402: Yeah. Agent Thieme: I see. What did he say to you? D-1402: Mostly gibberish. But some stuff made sense. Some stuff made sense, I just… can't remember any of it for the life of me. Maybe I don't want to remember. A lot of it was just numbers. 1's, 4's, 2's. Agent Thieme: Numbers? D-1402: Yeah, like I said I can't remember any of it. Any more questions or can I have some rest? Agent Thieme: I'm afraid I have a few. To start - was that your entire experience? Sinking through this ‘neckwork', I mean. If so, how did you end up back on the surface? And how did you acquire the stuffed animal? D-1402: No no no no no, you are missing a lot of shit. The sinking was probably less than half of it. Probably. After God-knows-how-long I reached the end. Like I came out through the top of a ceiling made up entirely of the neckwork. I fell a good few meters after that. It just seemed to… stop. Directly above me. This massive ceiling of the stuff. I have a hard time believing it was just Cornwall and Bates in there. Either way, I didn't spend too long hanging around to look. I ran. Well, as best as I could. My legs were killing me, and my arm was giving me a lot of trouble. But the place was some kind of giant cave system. Huge tunnels made of stone and dirt. Roots sticking out of the walls and everything. Every now and then I'd run into more of the neckwork, slowly moving about the place like snakes, back and forth on double or triple lanes like motorways. Some of them were black and shiny like leather or something. And always just a little bit off the ground. I avoided them like the plague. But they always found me. Agent Thieme: So you had been inside the anomaly for potentially weeks at this point? How did you sustain yourself? D-1402: After the sinking, finding a worm was like finding a birthday cake. It was beautiful. Before that though I… well I had to. They're not really human anymore, right? Agent Thieme: I understand. Can you tell me about the stuffed animal? [D-1402 suddenly displays heightened distress, and places his head in his hands.] Agent Thieme: Do you need a moment? D-1402: No, no, it's ok. I found this larger hollowed out area in the cave system. Massive, we're talking. Far as the eye can see. And right at the middle, there was this house. Just this normal family home. It was in absolutely perfect condition. I didn't know whether to go towards it or not. I mean for one, it's shelter, maybe food, and maybe something for my arm, which I'm pretty sure was already long fucked by that point. Maybe finally the chance for some actual real food. But that's just extremely fucking weird, right? God, it doesn't even seem that strange after all the other shit. I ended up going towards it. Realised I hadn't seen the neckwork in ages. Figured that was a good sign. Agent Thieme: Do you recall any defining features of the house itself? D-1402: It was just a pretty bog standard brick house. Two stories. Black front door. The door number was 14, I think. That good enough? Agent Thieme: Yes, that will suffice. D-1402: I went inside the house, you know. That's where I found Grom. Agent Thieme: Grom? D-1402: The toy. I called him that because I watched Wallace and Gromit as a kid. Agent Thieme: I see. Did you cause the damage present on the item? D-1402: No, God no. I wouldn't hurt him if my life depended on it. I talked to him a lot. Only one I could talk to. He was like that when I got there. Agent Thieme: What else was there inside the house? D-1402: Food. Beds, too. I found Grom on the downstairs sofa. The inside, for the most part, was in just as perfect condition as the outside. I spent most of my time downstairs though. For some reason I just hated being upstairs. One room, looked like it belonged to the son, just creeped me the hell out. Agent Thieme: Do you have any idea why? D-1402: Well for one it was a fucking pigsty, which was obviously weird compared to the rest of the place. I didn't so much as glance in there more than once. It stunk to heaven. And whenever I went near it I just… felt this dread. Like it all meant nothing… I just… yeah. I avoided that room. Agent Thieme: How long did you remain in the house? D-1402: Until I got back here. Must've been at least a couple months, though with no day and night there was no way to count. I didn't ever need to leave. I had everything I needed inside. Shelter, food. And I finally bucked up the courage to cut off my arm. It was broken on the day it happened, you know. Maybe Dr Isherl told somebody. Or maybe not. It was purple, stunk. Must've been gangrene or something. I took a bunch of painkillers I found in the cupboard and did what I had to do. I'm just lucky I knew what to do. Oh, and that reminds me. The house's supplies just refreshed themselves every morning. Always the same food in the cupboards, always in the exact same place. I'm telling you, someone was down there looking after that house. I just never saw them. Or maybe it was just magic. Given the fact that I'd recently been transported to a cave dimension via a network of whispering human necks, I decided to accept that answer as more likely. I didn't want to leave, mostly because I was scared of the neckwork, but it also just got so comfortable and familiar in there. I had food, I had warmth. I had Grom, too. I didn't leave that house from the moment I first stepped inside. Until one day, I did. And the door swung out into daylight on a normal suburban road. Not too long after that and you guys picked me up. Agent Thieme: Are you suggesting that the doorway of the house exhibited non-euclidian properties? D-1402: What the fuck does that mean? Agent Thieme: Forgive me. Are you claiming that the doorway transported you? D-1402: Yeah. Don't tell me that's surprising to you. Agent Thieme: Not at all. Your cooperation in this interview has been appreciated, D-1402. That's all the questions I have for now, though you may be summoned for supplementary interviews at a later date. As of right now you will be transferred to a temporary quarantine cell, where a meal has been prepared for you. [Agent Thieme gets up and begins to exit the room, at which point D-1402 breaks down in tears and places his head in his hands. Agent Thieme stands in the interview room, apparently confused about whether to address the subject.] D-1402: There's one other thing. [Agent Thieme retakes her seat.] Agent Thieme: What is it? D-1402: I went into the kid's room. Once. Agent Thieme: And? What did you find? [D-1402 is sobbing uncontrollably.] D-1402: I don't know why this is bothering me so much… I… It doesn't make sense. Agent Thieme: Please, you have to tell me what you found in that room. D-1402: It was one of those height board things. You know when you're a kid and you get something you measure your height on every few months? It was one of those. It was animal themed. It's just… it was mine. From when I was a kid. All my heights were marked on there in felt tip pen… I remember them. I was only 4'7 at 14. Can you believe that? [D-1402 puts his head in his hands for several seconds.] D-1402: There's something you should know. The board. Agent Thieme: Please continue, D-1402. [D-1402 is unresponsive for several more seconds, before finally responding.] D-1402: It was a blue giraffe. [Remaining interview segment expunged] [End Log] Note: Following a survey of the subterranean region surrounding 14 ████████ ███ in Harlow, England, an exploration by Mobile Task Force November-2 was planned, and is scheduled to begin on ██/██/███. Testing of the house D-1402 exited from has shown none of the extradimensional or non-euclidean properties purported. Exploration of the Site ██ sinkhole remains pending. « SCP-7141 | SCP-7142 | SCP-7143 »
Item #: SCP-7143 Containment Class: Uncontained Disruption Threat Level: Red SCP-7143, photographed 02.JUL.2016. Standard Containment Procedures SCP-7143 is classified as a high priority enemy combatant. Shoot-on-sight is authorized. Protocol DOROTHY BUCKET is authorized. If kill cannot be confirmed after initial encounter, field teams are to immediately disengage. Description SCP-7143 is an adult male Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) previously housed at the Berlin Zoological Garden; current location is unknown. Subject is presumed sapient, highly intelligent, hostile to the Foundation, and a skilled thaumaturgic practitioner. Timeline The following timeline was first compiled 17.MAY.2018, following Incident 7143-ICA. It does not provide a complete picture of SCP-7143's actions or movements: gaps in the record will be filled as new information permits. 02.MAY.1990: SCP-7143 is born at the Houston Zoo to parents Kiki and Boba. 24.AUG.2002: SCP-7143 is transferred to the Berlin Zoological Garden. Subject is nicknamed “Opa”, after his supposed resemblance to the lead primate zookeeper's grandfather. 16.APR.2014: SCP-7143 achieves minor viral notoriety after a photo of the subject is posted to Twitter by user @███████ on April 16. Subject is sitting on top of a recreation platform, holding a tree branch upright; a crow is perched on top of the branch. The photo is accompanied by the text ”lvl 20 druid has a task for you”. The Berlin Zoo's social media account responds to the post, quote “His keepers agree! Opa's got more than a few tricks up his sleeve.” 02.OCT.2016: A package bomb is detonated inside the Mondelēz International regional office in Samarinda, Borneo. Five individuals are killed, including the associate regional director. Eight additional explosive devices are detonated at Mondelēz International logging sites and palm oil plantations, causing an additional 15 casualties and significant damage to equipment. 14.OCT.2016: Unidentified assailants raid the Mondelēz International regional office in Accra, killing 18 security staff and 34 other personnel. Six gunmen are killed by police; a weeks-long manhunt follows, capturing three more. 04.FEB.2017: SCP-7143 vanishes from its enclosure in the Berlin Zoo. Police investigation into the apparent kidnapping reveals no leads, and the case is dropped six months later. 18.JUN.2017: Suspect apprehended by Singapore police during drug bust is linked to the Samarinda bombings; Foundation agents are deployed to assist the Criminal Investigation Department Unit 91 are attached to the investigation. Suspect was unable to provide information regarding other participants or the organization they belonged to, showing signs of content-avoidance thaumaturgic compulsion. 20.JUN.2017: Foundation units and proxy organizations in Southeast Asia are given orders to increase surveillance of local thaumaturgic groups of interest, with primary focus placed on the Serpent's Hand and the Twelve Lords of San Kowloon. 29.JUN.2017: Agents Jaime Abad and Muhammed Afiz2 miss check-in with handler. Agents are found dead at stakeout location of explosive exsanguination. Foundation units and proxy organizations in Southeast Asia are put on high alert against thaumaturgic threats. 05.SEP.2017: Raid of “Uncle Kham's Mahjong Club”3 in Kuantan results in the capture of two more participants in the October 2016 bombings. As with the previously apprehended person-of-interest, they were under thaumaturgic compulsion preventing any disclosure of sensitive information. 22.DEC.2017: Solstice edition of The Wyrm's Turn4 includes following notice in the community bulletin pages: "The Fraternal Order of Wandsmen welcomes Grandmagos Rakhemang back into the company of the learned after his unfortunate exile. Your brothers in the Circle celebrate your return with open arms. Adhai tuet!" 13.MAR.2018: Incident 7143.ICA occurs. 22.MAR.2018: Incident 7143.ICA followup investigation is judged sufficient evidence for SCP item classification. SCP-7143 is identified and registered as an enemy combatant of unknown affiliation. 09.MAY.2018: Further investigation of the bombing attacks against Mondelēz International reveals that four of the nine accounted-for Accra gunmen, as well as all three individuals linked to the Samarinda bombing, had visited the Berlin Zoo between February and August of 2016. 10.MAY.2018: SCP-7143 is designated as “shoot-on-sight”; Anomaly is believed to be orchestrator of the 2016 Mondelēz International attacks; Anomaly is believed to be in contact with ideologically-aligned thaumaturges. Field Intelligence Office indicates high likelihood of future attacks. Foundation units and proxy organizations in regions with Mondelēz International field offices and resource extraction operations are put on alert. Thaumaturge monitoring operations put on alert. 16.JUL.2018: Marshall, Carter, and Dark-affiliated Silver Siren auction house sells a pre-approved Valravn Corporation assassination contract for 5.4 million USD to an anonymous purchaser.5 04.JAN.2019: Bombing attempt thwarted at Mondelēz International regional headquarters in São Paulo. Four suspects taken into police custody; no history of visitation to the Berlin Zoo or signs of thaumaturgical compulsion. 05.JAN.2019: Fan-Guang Chemical production facilities in Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan are hit by a series of bombings, severely damaging machinery and killing a total of 229 personnel. Confederación Internacional para la Liberación del Mundo6 claims responsibility for the attacks. 09.JAN.2019: Foundation begins Operation YMAR against Confederación Internacional targets. See operation report YMAR-03-KL for further details. 28.APR.2019: Three Valravn Corporation security specialists are found dead in Ahmedabad. All three subjects appeared to have been killed by a combination of bullet wounds, extreme burns, and organ rupture. 30.OCT.2019: SCP-7143 appears in TikTok video “An Orangutan Served Me Tea!” by user ████████. Video consists of ████████'s initial meeting with SCP-7143 on a roadside in Nepal, wherein he accepts a cup of tea and holds a one-sided conversation with the anomaly. Video is removed per Digital Information Suppression Protocols before it achieves wide spread. Field investigation finds no further evidence of the anomaly's presence at the site or surrounding area. 01.JAN.2020: Monitoring post DXH-07 receives parcel delivery via SCP-████7 containing the New Year's edition of The Wyrm's Turn8 and a tin of oolong tea. The inside text of the newspaper is blacked out, save for a sequence of letters combining into the following message. “My dearest rivals: I am afraid that the spark has gone out of our relationship. You have pursued me with dogged determination, and for that I applaud your work, but the time has come to go our separate ways. Greater responsibilities call for my attention. We shall meet again; I hope it will be under better circumstances. I wish you a happy new year and many good returns. Enjoy the tea." No return address was provided. When asked for more information about the sender, the delivery bird responded “Wouldn't you like to know, Poirot?” before departing. The tea was disposed of without incident. SCP-7143 has not been conclusively linked to any anomalous activity occurring in 2020 and 2021: it is not known if the anomaly was present in baseline reality during this time. 02.MAR.2022: Foundation intelligence agents intercept communications confirming that Vitaly Sokolov, suspected head of GRU-P operations in Ukraine, has been killed in Kiev. 03.MAR.2022: Pvt. Oleksander Odesa reports to his commanding officer that he saw a “god-damn monkey with a gun”; The ape is described as wearing glasses, smoking a pipe, and field-stripping an anti-tank rifle as Pvt. Odesa entered the apartment. With no corroborating evidence, the event is dismissed as a hallucination induced by stress and sleep deprivation. 10.JUL.2022: Anomalous Incident 10072022-18: 15 Mondelēz International resource extraction sites in Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, are set ablaze through anomalous means. The fires resist suppression, continuing until the destruction of the sites in their entirety. Flames were bright blue in coloration and did not have any effect on persons not part of Mondelēz International's management or security teams. An anonymous email is sent to Mondelēz International CEO Irene Rosenfield from a public library computer in Prague. Contents as follows: “Dear Passenger, Rook to D6, and I believe that is check. The turn is yours." 03.NOV.2022: The Confederación Internacional issues declaration of war against the Foundation and its allies. 22.APR.2023: Please see Incident Report 7143.XKR. INCIDENT REPORT 7143.ICA Field Team A7 deployed on reconnaissance sweep of St. Thecla's Middle School, Winesburg Ohio9 after reports of suspicious activity made to local police are deemed sufficient grounds for investigation. The following events are compiled from agent testimony and body-camera footage. [A7 enters the building through the west entrance. Sweep of the west wing ground-floor reveals no anomalous activity. Team moves into east wing.] [Field Team's handheld Kant counter registers abnormally high Hume reading in room 104. Field team prepares entry.] [Entry successful. Team finds a whiteboard eraser suspended 1m off the floor in the center of the room. No further anomalous activity present; local Hume measurements remain higher than standard range for scope of the anomaly.] [SCP-7143 descends from drop ceiling; performs unarmed takedown on A7-4, snapping his neck and drawing the body down between itself and the other members of A7.] [SCP-7143 draws A7-4's service revolver.] A7-3: “Wha- A7-2: “He's got a gun!” [SCP-7143 propels A7-4's body into A7-2, knocking him off balance, and springs toward agents.] [A7-1 and A7-3 discharge firearms: bullets burst into flower petals before reaching target. Anomaly fires weapon, shooting A7-1 in the right kneecap.] [Anomaly grabs A7-3 by the ankle and drags her to the floor. A7-2 pushes aside the body of A7-4 and attempts to ready firearm. Anomaly executes A7-2 and A7-3 via shots to the head.] [A7-1 raises hands in surrender.] [Anomaly shoots A7-1 in the left kneecap.] [Anomaly raises finger to lips in a “shh” motion, pats A7-1 on the head, and exits the scene.] [A7-1 calls in recovery team.] Field Team A7 recovered without further incident. Cover story implicating local heroin trade as source of gunfire fed to police; no complications. Inspection of the team's Kant counter indicates no hardware malfunction; subsequent sweep of the room indicates residual traces of multiple Rosen-Fortune Bridges recently active in the room, though this is not sufficient to explain abnormal Hume readings. A7-1 placed on long-term medical leave. Whiteboard eraser demonstrates no further anomalous properties and is discarded. INCIDENT REPORT 7143-XKR Recovered security footage confirms eyewitness reports placing SCP-7143 as participant in the attack on Area-08. Anomaly is seen breaching primary security perimeter alongside Serpent's Hand and Confederación forces. Corroborating survivor accounts, the anomaly is riding an unidentified theropod with gold-and-blue plumage. Corroborating survivor accounts, theropod is capable of expelling fire from its mouth. Corroborating survivor accounts, anomaly attacks Foundation security forces via generation of lightning from a tree branch in its possession. Please see After-Action Report A-08 INCLEMENT GARDEN for further details. Footnotes 1. National anti-anomalous organization of the Republic of Singapore; working proxy relationship with the Foundation 1980-present. 2. Antithaumics Division Field Unit 5, stationed in Kuala Lumpur. 3. One of 18 such raids against minor thaumaturgic groups of interest made between July and September of 2017 as part of Operation PENITENT. 4. Issue recovered 02.FEB.2018 from possessions of known Serpent's Hand informant. 5. Record of sale recovered during Silver Siren asset seizure following the company's bankruptcy filing 07.NOV.2021. 6. Anarcho-syndicalist union of pro-anomalous groups, containing several previously categorized as Insurgency cells; no direct affiliation with the mundane International Trade Union Confederation. 7. “The Postman Thoth and the Chapar Khaneh” 8. Headline: “The Oracles Are In: It's Not Looking Good” 9. School was closed in 2008 as part of parish merger; the property had not been resold by the time of the incident.
Item#: 7144 Level2 Containment Class: neutralized Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Item #: SCP-7144 Object Class: Safe Keter Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7144-1 is to be held in a locked standard object containment unit at Site-19. Monthly maintenance is to be performed to prevent rust buildup on SCP-7144-1's exterior. Additional security measures have been deemed unnecessary following incident 7144-Δ. + Archived Containment Procedures 10/8/1997 - Archived Containment Procedures 10/8/1997 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7144-1 is currently uncontained and in the possession of SCP-7144-2. Both SCP-7144-1 and SCP-7144-2 are to be closely monitored for any changes in behavior. + Archived Containment Procedures 16/2/1996 - Archived Containment Procedures 16/2/1996 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7144-1 and SCP-7144-2 are to be held together in a standard humanoid containment cell at Site-19. In the event of SCP-7144-1 entering its hostile state, the interior of the chamber is to be flooded with halothane gas. If the resulting incapacitation of SCP-7144-2 fails to pacify SCP-7144-1, the current instance is to be incapacitated via gunfire extreme heat [See Incident 7144-γ] At no point should SCP-7144-1 and SCP-7144-2 be separated from one another for more than 60 30 5 minutes1 . Use of force is permitted in achieving this result. [See SCP-7144-C] In an effort to reduce the frequency of SCP-7144-1 hostile events, VCR tapes, music CDs, and books are to be provided to SCP-7144-2 upon request. + Archived Containment Procedures 10/10/1995 - Archived Containment Procedures 10/10/1995 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7144-1 is to be contained in a reinforced concrete containment chamber at Site-19. At least two armed guards are to be stationed outside SCP-7144-1's chamber at all times. In the event of a containment breach, personnel are instructed to incapacitate the current instance through blunt force or extreme heat. SCP-7144-2 is to be monitored for anomalous activity and/or changes in daily routines. + Archived Containment Procedures 23/9/1995 - Archived Containment Procedures 23/9/1995 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7144-1 is to be held in a locked standard object containment unit at Site-19 Relegation to Anomalous Item status has been scheduled for 1/11/1995 Description: SCP-7144 is a phenomenon affecting Andrew Davidson and his mobile hot dog stand, designated in this document as SCP-7144-2 and SCP-7144-1, respectively. SCP-7144-1 is a mobile food stand modified for the preparation and sale of hot dogs. SCP-7144-1's make and model are similar to hot dog carts produced throughout the mid 1900s. Apart from its sole anomalous effects, SCP-7144-1 is functionally identical to a non-anomalous hot dog cart. It is not currently known when SCP-7144-1 was first constructed. SCP-7144-2 is a 45-year-old male possessing no anomalous traits when not utilizing SCP-7144-1. Physical examination has revealed the subject to be in good health, although his mental state has degraded considerably while under Foundation custody. Records indicate that SCP-7144-2 has been selling hot dogs for more than 27 years and that SCP-7144-1 has been in the possession of the Davidson family since the early 1940s. SCP-7144-1 possesses the ability to produce a seemingly unlimited number of hot dogs when used by SCP-7144-2, hereby designated as SCP-7144-3. Hot dogs produced by SCP-7144-1 spontaneously manifest in the object's hot water tank but do not appear to be directly influenced by the actions of SCP-7144-2. Instances of SCP-7144-3 are safe for human consumption, with testing revealing no noticeable abnormalities. Spectroscopic testing has revealed that SCP-7144-3 specimens have an identical chemical composition to Nathan's-brand hot dogs. SCP-7144 came to the Foundation's attention during a routine sweep of the New York metropolitan area in the August of 1995. Further investigation by Foundation agents revealed localized downward spikes in hume levels when SCP-7144-2 utilized SCP-7144-1 to conduct business. SCP-7144-1 was subsequently contained under the guise of a New York Health Department violation.2 Audio Log Transcript Date: 9/8/1995 Subject: SCP-7144-1 Classification Team Lead: Dr. James Palmer [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Palmer: Are you sure this piece of junk warrants a classification? Agent Martinez: Hume readings were there, sir. Dr. Palmer: We've put the thing through every test we have. It's a cart that makes endless hot dogs. Brief Pause Come to think of it, the one guy that can actually trigger the damn thing's effect is probably back home in Brooklyn already. Can't we just add it to the anomalous object log? It'd save me a writeup. Agent Martinez: That's not my call, doctor. Dr. Palmer: ….Just toss it in a containment locker. I'll file a relegation request when I get the chance. [END LOG] Following testing, SCP-7144-2 was administered Class C Amnestics and released. Incident 7144-α On 19/9/1995, approximately 2 weeks after initial containment, SCP-7144-1 breached its containment cell. Video footage showed that SCP-7144-1 had repeatedly rammed against the door of its chamber, heavily its own exterior in the process. When confronted by security personnel, SCP-7144-1 propelled its chassis forwards at a speed of approximately 22 meters per second to strike an approaching guard, fracturing their ribcage and left clavicle. The remaining personnel proceeded to open fire on SCP-7144-1, apparently terminating it in the process. The remains of SCP-7144-1 were promptly transferred to a more secure containment cell and its containment procedures were updated. Dr. Palmer's actions during the object's initial classification are currently under review. Addendum SCP-7144-A: Following incident 7144-α, SCP-7144-1 appears to be self-repairing, regenerating material lost during its initial containment breach. At the current rate, SCP-7144-1 is expected to reach its pre-breach mass in approximately 3 weeks. SCP-7144-1 continues to exhibit the ability to launch itself at high speeds, the intensity of which have been steadily increasing.3 Re-classification to Euclid pending. Incident 7144-β SCP-7144-1 breached containment for a second time on 11/2/1996 through the use of a yellow-colored caustic fluid4 secreted from the object's water tank. SCP-7144-1 applied this fluid to the walls of its container before repeatedly crashing into the weakened section until the point of structural failure. Security personnel were once again able to incapacitate SCP-7144-1 through the combined use of incendiary weaponry and conventional firearms. Notably, SCP-7144-1 was able to withstand significantly more physical abuse than its initial escape attempt. It is theorized that SCP-7144-1 may possess a degree of sentience, shown by its tactical application of solvent during its breach of containment. Re-classification to Keter pending. Addendum SCP-7144-B: Before new containment procedures could be put into place, SCP-7144-1 facilitated its third escape attempt while in a temporary containment cell. A timeline of this breach is detailed below. Incident 7144-γ 12:00: The melted remains of SCP-7144-1 are observed to regenerate at an accelerated rate, reaching pre-incident mass by 12:13 12:15: Foundation security details are stationed outside SCP-7144-1's cell. 12:33: SCP-7144-1's surface temperature is observed to spike to 815° C 12:47 SCP-7144-1 emits a loud wailing sound at a volume of 120 db. I 12:50: Temperatures suddenly drop to expected levels 12:51: SCP-7144-1 expels a large number of humanoid, flesh-toned entities from its water tank; hereby referred to as 7144-1A. 7144-1A entities exhibited immense physical strength and attempted to force open the containment chamber's door. 12:54: SCP-7144-1 begins to secrete a mixture of fluoroantimonic acid and yellow mustard at an accelerated rate, quickly flooding its containment chamber. 7144-1A specimens appear to be immune to the fluid's effects. 1:22: Containment chamber is breached by the combined efforts of SCP-7144-1's caustic fluid and the force exerted by 7144-1A specimens. SCP-7144-1 proves to be impervious to both gunfire and extreme temperatures.5 2:50: Foundation personnel are able to terminate all SCP-7144-1A instances and incapacitate SCP-7144-1 via high explosive ordinance.6 <End Log> Testing of 7144-1A specimens has revealed them to be composed chiefly of Nathan's-brand hot dogs alongside trace amounts of organic material with a genetic profile similar to that of SCP-7144-2. Re-classification to Keter approved. 7144-1 is only going to get more difficult to keep locked up. Every time we re-contain the damn thing it comes back with something new. Are we really going to wait around until it detonates a fucking hotdog-nuke on the site? Go contain -2 and keep the two together. Everything was fine until he got out of the picture. - Area Director Kitch Following Incident 7144-γ, SCP-7144-1's containment procedures were updated to include the presence of SCP-7144-2. As of 4/4/1996 there have been no further containment breaches by SCP-7144-1. Addendum SCP-7144-C: Despite foundation efforts, SCP-7144-2's mental state has continued to deteriorate. These changes have been correlated with an increased surface temperature in SCP-7144-1. Recent events have made clear that SCP-7144-1 is much more complex than previously thought. The object grows more potent with every breach attempt and we aren't sure if there's an upper limit to what it can do. It is obvious that SCP-7144-1 is highly receptive to changes in SCP-7144-2's mental and physical health. We can't separate the two and we can't keep SCP-7144-2 happy enough in here. The best outcome for all of this is to put those two back where they started. - Dr. Abrams Seconded. I'd much rather we amnesticize a civilian or two that notices some extra sausages than deal with more of those godawful hotdog flesh monsters. - Dr. Raul Approved - Site Director Edwards Changes in containment procedures have been approved as of 14/11/1997 Incident 7144-Δ On 2/8/1999, SCP-7144-2 died in his sleep. The following morning, Foundation agents located SCP-7144-1 within the residence. Further investigation revealed SCP-7144-1 to no longer possess anomalous properties. SCP-7144-1 has been successfully secured and its containment procedures have been updated accordingly. Re-classification to Neutralized has been approved as of 5/9/1999. Investigation into 7144-2's background has shown his father to have operated SCP-7144-1 alongside his son until his death in April 1966. A note written by SCP-7144-2's father was discovered in SCP-7144-2's residence during recovery. Its contents have been transcribed below due to potential relevance to SCP-7144-1. Dear Andrew, Today marks your 16th birthday and my last day alone with ol' Carol. She'll be all yours soon, and I'm sure she'll be in good hands. Words cannot express how excited I am to teach you the family business. The job isn't pretty, but it's honest work, and I hope you'll learn to take the same pride in it as I have. Just remember I'll always be there for you, no matter what. - Dad Footnotes 1. SCP-7144-1's change in surface temperature was noted to increase rapidly when line of sight with SCP-7144-2 was broken. The rate at which this effect occurred was noted to increase over time. 2. SCP-7144-2 was provided with a hot dog cart of identical make and model post-amnestization 3. As of SCP-7144-1's final breach event, the object has been observed to move at speeds exceeding 174.3 meters per second 4. Later indentified as a mixture of fluoroantimonic acid [HSbF6] and mustard. 5. SCP-7144-1 suffered no visible damage from high-calibre rifle fire and direct application of thermite. 6. SCP-7144-1A instances did not display the same resistance to trauma as SCP-7144-1. It is unknown whether future instances would have displayed similar adaptive behavior. « SCP-7143 | SCP-7144 | SCP-7145 »
Item #: SCP-7145 Object Class: Safe Containment Procedures: SCP-7145 is currently stored in Item Locker #7145 in Site-19's anomalous item storage. No further procedures are considered necessary Under no circumstances is Dr. Patra to be permitted access to SCP-7145. A keycard lock has been outfitted onto Item Locker #7145 requiring Level 4 access or higher with the exception of Dr. Patra's keycard, which will be denied at any level. SCP-7145 Description: SCP-7145 is a standard magic 8-ball fortune-telling novelty item produced by Mattel, Inc. The outer shell of the object is constructed of plastic and colored to appear similar to an oversized number 8 billiards ball with the exception of a window allowing the user to view the object's interior. The interior consists of roughly 100ml of alcohol and a single 20-sided icosahedron die floating within. The die is inscribed on each side with varying answers to binary yes-or-no questions. Whenever a subject asks a binary yes-or-no question and shakes SCP-7145 immediately proceeding, the die will display one of the 20 sides inscribed with an answer to the question. If the question asked relates to a matter which can be proven with unequivocal fact, the returned answer will always be correct. This is true regardless of whether or not the events required to transpire in order to prove the answer correct have occurred. Investigation is currently ongoing into whether the object alters reality such that its responses are correct or if the object is only capable of correctly predicting what is already going to happen. Addendum 7145-1: Testing Logs Certain logs have been redacted for brevity. You may request a full list of test logs from your site's documentation department. ► Pre-Voluntary Testing Period ▼ Close Logs Test Number: 001 Subject: D-86753 Input Statement: "Will those assholes in the booth ever shut up?" Output: "As I see it, yes." Results: Per standard protocol, assigned testing staff were silent. It is uncertain if this was also due to SCP-7145's properties. Test Number: 002 Subject: D-86753 Input Statement: "Does Mary still love me?" Output: "Don't count on it." Result: Mary McKay was questioned by an undercover MTF agent, who confessed that her feelings for D-86753 had waned during his incarceration and no longer cared for him. Test Number: 003 Subject: D-86753 Input Statement: "Will I ever see Mary again?" Output: "You may rely on it." Result: As part of an unrelated investigation, Mary McKay was brought in to Site-19 for questioning. D-86753 confessed to seeing her as she was being escorted to an interview room. Test Number: 008 Subject: D-77238 Input Statement: "Will I be a millionaire tomorrow?" Output: "As I see it, yes." Result: The following day, D-77238's mother, father, and grandfather were all killed in a vehicle collision. The resulting life insurance payouts and transfers from the individuals final wills total roughly $1.3 million dollars. D-77238's assets were frozen within the following hour. Note: Following this test, SCP-7145 was cleared for voluntary staff testing. ► Voluntary Testing-inclusive Period ▼ Close Logs Test Number: 12 Subject: Dr. Patra Input Statement: "Will the cafeteria lunch be any good today?" Output: "Ask again later." Result: Null. This is the first instance of SCP-7145 returning an inconclusive response. Test Number: 17 Subject: D-68750 Input Statement: "Will I be getting out of here any time soon?" Output: "Most likely." Result: Security teams have been advised of the potential for D-68750's escape. At the time of writing, nothing has occurred to confirm the output. Test Number: 18 Subject: Dr. Connors Input Statement: "Will D-68750 escape the facility?" Output: "My sources say no." Result: Inconclusive. This appears to contradict the output of the previous test. This has lead to the belief in some research staff that SCP-7145 will lie to subjects in order to bring them comfort. Confirmation of this theory would imply some level of sentience inherent to SCP-7145. Test Number: 19 Subject: D-68750 Input Statement: "Is there an afterlife?" Output: "It is certain." Result: Inconclusive. This test was performed informally. During pre-testing object retrieval, SCP-018 broke containment, then bounced down a corridor and into the anomalous item storage facility, where it struck D-68750. D-68750 sustained three broken ribs and a ruptured lung. Test was performed as D-68750 lay injured on the facility floor. D-68750 was pronounced dead within ten minutes, and was transferred to an off-site graveyard. Following this incident, involuntary D-class testing has been phased out. ► Involuntary Testing Ban Period ▼ Close Logs Test Number: 21 Subject: Dr. Patra Input Statement: "Will the cafeteria lunch be any good today?" Output: "Ask again later." Result: Null, results have not varied relative to test number 12. Test Number: 22 Subject: Dr. Sheeran Input Statement: "Will I finally receive a promotion at the meeting tonight?" Output: "Outlook good." Result: On 1/24/2022, Dr. Sheeran received a promotion to the status of Level-4 Senior Researcher. Test Number: 23 Subject: Dr. Sheeran Input Statement: "Oh magic ball, will you ever do me wrong?" Output: "Yes." Result: Dr. Sheeran retrieved SCP-7145 for testing excitedly, but left the storage facility after returning it to its locker markedly downtrodden. Dr. Sheeran would be struck by a commuter bus on his drive home later that night, rendering him unable to continue service. Following this incident, all testing has been phased out. Requests to use SCP-7145 for testing must be directed to Dr. Patra for approval. ► By Request Only Testing Period ▼ Close Logs Test Number: 24 Subject: Dr. Patra Input Statement: "Will the cafeteria lunch be any good today?" Output: "Ask again later." Result: Null, results have not varied relative to test number 12. Test Number: 25 Subject: Dr. Patra Input Statement: "Will the cafeteria lunch be any good today?" Output: "Ask again later." Result: Null, results have not varied relative to test number 12. 38 redundant logs redacted for brevity. Test Number: 63 Subject: Dr. Patra Input Statement: "Please, just tell me if the food is gonna be good or not." Output: "Ask again later." Result: Null, results have not varied relative to test number 12. Test Number: 64 Subject: Dr. Patra Input Statement: "Is the response to the next question I ask going to be 'ask again later?'" Output: "Without a doubt." Result: This is the first deviation in output to testing wherein Dr. Patra is the subject. This caused Dr. Patra to stare at SCP-7145 for a considerable length of time, before performing test number 65. Test Number: 65 Subject: Dr. Patra Input Statement: Null. Dr. Patra began to beat herself in the forehead repeatedly, using SCP-7145 as a bludgeoning tool. Output(s): "Ask again later." "Ask again later." "Ask again later." "Ask again later." "Ask again later." "Ask again later." "Ask again later." "Ask again later." +8 more… Result: Dr. Patra sustained considerable head trauma and fell into a comatose state before site security noticed the incident occurring and apprehended her. Dr. Patra was immediately transported to the Site-19 Medical Wing. Addendum 7145-2: Patient First Verbal Response Log (PFVRL) ► Patra PFVRL 1 - 2/28/2022 ▼ Close Log Log Date: 2/28/2022 Patient: Dr. Patra Responding Medical Staff: Dr. Wheeling Begin Log. Dr. Patra groans, then grasps her forehead. She groans louder as her hand makes an impact on her head wound. Dr. Wheeling: Sunrise, parabellum! Dr. Patra: Ugh. Dr. Wheeling: Hello, miss. Do you know where- Dr. Patra: Site-19, I guess this is the medical wing. I'm Cleo, and I beat myself with that fucking 8-ball. Dr. Wheeling: Oh good, your thoughts and memories are quite intact, at least so far. Dr. Patra: I was kind of hoping my first medical report would be from something more, I don't know, badass. This is just embarrassing. God, and the fucking headache. Dr. Patra grabs her head gently, attempting to massage her temples. Dr. Wheeling: Hey, I've seen people come in here for far more embarrassing first-times. I promise this one's not as dumb as it could be. Although, what did you go and do that for in the first place? Dr. Patra: I really don't want to answer that. Dr. Wheeling: As much as I'd like to say I'm only asking out of curiosity, I'm also asking for procedure. Sorry. Dr. Patra: Ugh. I think I… Honestly, I think I wanted to break it. Just so I don't have to go back to it. Dr. Wheeling: Elaborate. Dr. Patra: It's just that stupid response! I can't just leave and put it down and be content without knowing the answer. I have to keep going back! I'm not talking about your average unfulfilled curiosity, I don't have a choice! I can't just not go back and ask about my fucking lunch again. Dr. Wheeling: If it helps, it wasn't the cafeteria's best ham and potatoes today. Dr. Patra: Thanks for the gesture, but it doesn't help. Just- Dr. Patra groans and grabs the sides of her head again. Dr. Patra: Do you have any idea as to when I'll be good enough to get out of here and incur whatever wrath is awaiting me at the disciplinary hearing I'm gonna get? Dr. Wheeling: Well, you've sustained considerable trauma to the noggin, including a grade-3 concussion, which, y'know, is not good. You've also got a pretty decent wound and a lot of bruising where you attempted to bash your skull in, which, come to think of it, I'm surprised actually isn't fractured. You'll probably be in and out of consciousness for a little while here. It's too early to give you a solid date, you're better off asking again later when you've stabili- Dr. Patra's heart rate sharply increases. She loses consciousness again. End Log.
ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture {$custom-content} If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page « SCP-7145 |SCP-7146| SCP-7147 » close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: Sexuality and sexual themes; mentions of suicide; discussion of expansion fetish; descriptions of body horror, gore, and death. ⚠️ content warning Item#: 7146 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: critical link to memo An SCP-7146 tablet. Special Containment Procedures: All SCP-7146 tablets are to be kept in a filing cabinet in Site-24's Low Security Object sector. Testing with SCP-7146 has been forbidden, by order of the Administrator and Ethics Committee. Stationary Task Force Phi-40 "Side Effects Include" is to continue collaborating with Mobile Task Force Sigma-12 "Doctor Feelgoods" with tracing and terminating the distribution, and advertisement, of further SCP-7146 tablets. STF Phi-40 is to also help with coordinating compensatory payments to the families of SCP-7146's victims. The tracking and apprehension of remaining members of Group of Interest-1205 "Accelerate the Future" are ongoing. Description: SCP-7146 is a collective designation for "off the counter" pharmaceutical tablets, offered exclusively through online orders brought on by digital advertisements, targeted primarily to persons in "expansion" fetish communities. SCP-7146 is advertised with text reading "Expansion Tablets, by Accelerate the Future1. Clearance Sale, 50% OFF!". Clicking on an advertisement for SCP-7146 redirects the user to a checkout page, where they are prompted to provide their name, address, favored part(s) of the body, and payment information2. Upon filling out the form, the user is informed that their delivery of SCP-7146 will arrive at their address within one to two business days3. SCP-7146 will arrive at the user's address in bottles superficially resembling those used for prescribed medications, with the exception of the translucent plastic being green in colouration. SCP-7146 bottles will contain 30 tablets; no information is provided for the refilling or refunding of SCP-7146. SCP-7146's anomalous effects take effect up to an hour after consumption. After that amount of time, SCP-7146's users experience exponential growth in body parts considered sexually arousing. These include, but are not limited to: Penises; Testicles; Lips; Buttocks; Breasts; Nipples; And thighs. The parts of the body affected by SCP-7146 are believed to be individualized, based on what the user fills out on the provided checkout form. SCP-7146's effects are invariably fatal, due to the factor of them not cessating until the biological and physical limitations of the human body result in rejection of further growth. Said rejections culminate in affected body parts exploding, which results in either instant expiration or that caused by gradual blood loss. It is estimated that no less than 500 orders of SCP-7146 have taken place, with those placed in Foundation containment making up less than 70% of extant supply. Of these ≥500 orders, 474 fatalities have been recorded. Addendum 7146-1 - Discovery: SCP-7146 first came to the Foundation's attention via the death of fetish artist Bryant "BigIron" Ironson in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. Boston law enforcement answered a 911 call from Ironson's partner, who reported hearing an explosion and noises "like meat being tenderized" from Ironson's study, but was unable to open the door due to it being locked from the inside. The door was breached following a further report of a pungent smell coming from the room. Inside the body of Ironson was found, nude and surrounded by a mixture of blood, flesh, viscera, and seminal fluids on the floor, walls, and ceiling. Ironson's hip region was completely obliterated, and clutched in their hand was a bottle of what would later be designated SCP-7146. A Foundation operative embedded in Boston Police Dispatch intercepted the call-in reporting Ironson's death, and undercover agents were quickly sent to Ironson's apartment in order to amnesticize, clean up and collect information. After retrieval of the bottle, and a search of Ironson's browser history, preliminary files for SCP-7146 and their seller (hereafter referred to as PoI-1205-40) were drafted, and STF Phi-40 was formed. Bryant Ironson's death was officially reported as a suicide. Their partner has been subsequently sent a monthly recompensatory stimulus of $100,000 in exchange for their silence. Addendum 7146-2 - List of SCP-7146 fatalities between 25-02-21 and 01-05-21: I know that it might come across as callous, letting these deaths happen before we were finally able to track down PoI-1205-40. But traces can't always be instantaneous due to various extenuating factors. - Doctor Hope Bernes, Stationary Task Force Phi-40 Name Date Report Notes Susan Melenski 03-03-21 Victim, 27, was a model for the fetish site GrowthGrrls, specializing in manipulated "shopped" nude photographs with an expanded chest. Victim was found in her car a day after expiration, the windows obscured by viscera and remnants of silicon implants. An SCP-7146 bottle was discovered in the car's glove compartment. Car was acquired by the Foundation. Victim's death was officially reported as suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. Geoffrey "Big Geoff" Inclow 27-03-21 Victim, 30, ran the Twitter account "@BigAssGeoffInc", primarily focused on photographs that accentuated their buttocks. Victim was found in their home after their neighbors filed a scent complaint with the local police, face down against their bed with their gluteal region having exploded. SCP-7146 was found on their nightstand. Neighbors and law enforcement officials were amnesticized. Victim's death was officially reported as an overdose of sleeping pills. Mariko Dunn 30-04-21 Victim, 23, was an ASMR4 roleplay livestreamer on the website Twitch, operating under the handle "BigKissyLips98". Victim's expiration was the first instance of SCP-7146's effects being witnessed live by Foundation operatives, as she was seen taking a tablet on stream in the midst of a session. Victim's lips expanded exponentially, with her breaking character and panicking when the growth did not cease. The victim's jaw was seen to explode in the midst of their attempt to shut off their stream. Victim's death was witnessed by 4,000 viewers and "clipped" 43 times, before STF Phi-40 - in collaboration with the Department of Anomalous Broadcasting - was able to forcefully shut the stream down, administer Class-I amnestics, and scrub online records. Victim's death was officially reported as suicide via a gunshot to the jaw. Addendum 7146-4 - Discovery of PoI-1205-40: On 01-05-2021, the computer on which the advertising servers for SCP-7146 were run was discovered after three months of telemetric forensic work by Phi-40, in a pond in Forest Park, Missouri. The computer's contents themselves were unable to be recovered due to extensive water damage. However, the serial number on the its hard drive was still partially legible, allowing agents to track the purchase to a local computer repair shop, and after accessing the store's financial records, determined the identity of PoI-1205-40 to be one Zachariah Lang, age 37. PoI-1205-40's place of residence was narrowed down to a suburb in West Alton, Illinois, and agents from Mobile Task Force Sigma-12 were dispatched in plainclothes to the location in order to apprehend and question them. However, when the agents breached the residence, PoI-1205-40 was discovered deceased in their bedroom, having bled out due to the effects of SCP-7146 on their pectoral region. Time of death was narrowed down to less than an hour prior to Sigma-12's arrival. Empty bottles of SCP-7146 were found scattered around their body, and a laptop on their desk was opened to an empty IRC chat, the contents of which have been reproduced below. ZL4ng86: consider this my official resignation from atf ZL4ng86: whatever good that does ZL4ng86: fucking ollie and his fursuits ZL4ng86: i thought i was numb to it all ZL4ng86: the effects my pills would have on these suckers Zl4ng86: "no fetishes are harmless" i was told over and over again until it was rooted in my mind ZL4ng86: then i saw what happened to mariko ZL4ng86: i was on the stream. i saw the raw panic on her face the terror in her voice ZL4ng86: it broke me ZL4ng86: i've taken a bunch of my leftover stock ZL4ng86: and sent the rest of the profits to the dunn family's gofundme for the funeral ZL4ng86: i know it won't make up for what i did ZL4ng86: if there's an afterlife, i'm going to hell for my complicity ZL4ng86: i came to terms with that ZL4ng86: but it gives me some peace of mind ZL4ng86: w hile i wait for it to end ZL4ng86: i can feel my bon escreaking. it's almost time. ZL4ng86: if there is a hell ZL4ng86: i hope all of you scammers and murderers are going down their with me ZL4ng86: especially YOU oll| Footnotes 1. A now-defunct amateur entrepeneur group that catered to individiuals in fetish and lifestyle communities 2. Options for credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, and cryptocurrency are provided 3. This estimation is consistent, regardless of the location of the user. 4. Autonomous sensory meridian response.
Former President of the United States Richard Nixon, the genetic origin of SCP-7149-B. Item #: SCP-7149 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-7149-A's hostile disposition towards the Foundation and its propensity for weaponizing SCP-7149-B's properties against personnel interacting with it, the object has been relegated to solitary confinement in Site-55's humanoid containment wing. Personnel affected by SCP-7149-B are to report to the SCP-7149 project lead before consuming their next meal. Description: SCP-7149 refers to two interrelated anomalies, designated SCP-7149-A and SCP-7149-B. SCP-7149-A is Henry Evanson, a 27 year-old male who possesses minor ontokinetic properties from Durango, Colorado, United States. SCP-7149-A was a member of GoI-5869 (Gamers Against Weed), and utilized the handle "australiumrules" in relevant chatrooms until they were captured by the Foundation. SCP-7149-B is a phrase, which when directed by SCP-7149-A towards another human, will result in the affected individual's next meal becoming genetically identical to Richard Nixon. This effect extends to all foodstuffs, regardless of whether it is meat or plant-based. Foodstuffs affected by SCP-7149-B will still appear identical to their unaltered versions. Foundation-employed cannibals affected by SCP-7149-B have confirmed that this effect additionally translates to the taste of their food; it apparently becoming flavored similar to human flesh. Non-ritualistic cannibals1 report that SCP-7149-B-affected foodstuffs tastes similar to pork. Addendum: The following is an interview carried out with SCP-7149-A upon being contained and prior to the discovery of SCP-7149-B. Interrogated: Henry Evanson (SCP-71492) Interrogator: Researcher Rex Alces, Site-55 Groups of Interest Research <BEGIN LOG> [SCP-7149 is seated with its hands cuffed behind its back in the interrogation chamber. Researcher Alces enters and takes a seat across from SCP-7149.] Alces: Good afternoon, Mister Evanson. I'm Researcher Alces, and I will be handling your intake interview.Alces: Is that your online handle?Alces: I, uh. I'm just confirming it for the record. [SCP-7149 laughs and leans back on its chair.]Alces: …Alces: Oh yeah?Alces: Anything we can do to sweeten the deal for you?Alces: If you're not going to cooperate, I'm just going to leave. [SCP-7149 shrugs.]Alces: Did you just say "lol" in person?Alces: Why am I wasting my time with such a low-effort shitposter?Alces: I'm not missing my lunch over this.[SCP-7149 stifles a laugh.] <END LOG> Footnotes 1. Otherwise known as individuals who have not engaged in cannibalism prior to exposure to SCP-7149-B. 2. Prior to the discovery of SCP-7149-B, Evanson was labelled SCP-7149. « SCP-7148 | SCP-7149 | SCP-7150 » More From This Author More From This Author Uncle Nicolini's Works SCPs SCP-7337 • SCP-4003 • SCP-7725 • SCP-7112 • SCP-371-J • SCP-4432 • SCP-3867 • SCP-4026 • SCP-020-J • SCP-3923 • SCP-3297 • SCP-7833 • SCP-1799 • SCP-6057 • SCP-3756 • Tales/GoI Formats Parawatch Intro Thread • Masquerade's End • (Too) Late Registration • Being Dzhey Evervud • Fanfa • A Tale Of Petty Revenge • SCP Wiki Discussion Page Simulator • Borne on the FM Waves of the Heart • Nobody Likes Having Enemies • Classy Carlos Goes To Therapy • Project Proposal 2014-1221: "Finally Waking Up" • What Came After • Sebastian • Project Koza, 1942 • Adoption Poster: Darius! • Other Sciptember 2022 Art Highlights • uncle nicolini author page • Ode To The Unknown Author •
Item #: SCP-7151 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7151 is self-containing and does not pose any serious long term threats to normalcy. Following the arrival of new residents, personnel are to carry out Procedure 7151-Bacchanale during anomalous activity, consisting of a simulated "house party" designed to maximize noise pollution in the surrounding area. Procedure 7151-Bacchanale is to be carried out for two weeks until the antimemetic properties of SCP-7151 take effect, after which the procedure may be ceased. Audio recording of SCP-7151 is strictly prohibited. Description: SCP-7151 is the designation for an approximately 70 meter stretch of road located in a suburban development near Denver, Colorado. Between 2:13 AM and 3:57 AM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, SCP-7151 will emit loud, sonorous vocalizations (See Transcript attached at end). When inactive, SCP-7151 does not display any anomalous properties. Prolonged exposure to the vocalizations emitted by SCP-7151 will cause the affected individual to gradually lose their ability to perceive the vocalizations, and will eventually result in the subject completely forgetting the existence of the vocalizations. Mnestics have been unsuccessful in restoring memory of the vocalizations in those affected. No reports of the anomalous activity filed by long term residents exist, however, new residents have been known to report hearing distressing vocalization during the night on occasion. These concerns are invariably dropped within a 2 week timespan following initial exposure. Addendum: Transcript of vocalizations emitted by SCP-7151. God, please! Someone open the door! Anyone, please help. My husband, he's going to find me. God, I know someone can hear me. Please let me in! He's going to find me soon! I know you know who I am please, just please, someone help me! I don't have a lot of time! Please don't ignore me, I promise I won't steal anything. Oh God, he's gonna find me soon… More From This Author More From This Author PoufyPoufson's Works SCPs SCP-6298 • SCP-6923 • SCP-7419 • SCP-6541 • SCP-7575 • SCP-7471 • SPHERE • SCP-7783 • Tales/GoI Formats Other SCP-POUF • Fear of Death • « SCP-7150 | SCP-7151 | SCP-7152 »
SCP-7152 - Water To Wine ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} by CowscantgoMoo Item#: 7152 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-115 Director K. Vittnner Jr. Researcher Parks N/A Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7152 is stored in a Secure Containment Locker at Site-115. SCP-7152 must be empty at all times with the exception of authorized testing. SCP-7152 must be clearly marked and labeled to prevent possible confusion. SCP-7152 Description: SCP-7152 is an unmarked plastic water bottle. When SCP-7152 is filled with water and shaken, the contents of SCP-7152 turn into a variant of red wine, designated SCP-7152-A. Ingestion of one (1) mL of SCP-7152-A causes a BAC of 25% and results in death via alcohol poisoning within 1-2 minutes. Addendum 7152.1: Discovery SCP-7152 was discovered by an undercover Foundation agent, Stuart Schmidt, after being employed as a private investigator for the sudden disappearance of James Campbell, designated POI-7152. POI-7152's family is aware of SCP-7152's anomalous nature and attributes it to POI-7152, making several claims that imply that POI-7152 is a Type-Green reality bender. Investigation into POI-7152 is ongoing. Addendum 7152.2: Interviews POI-7152's parents, Joanna and Martin Campbell have been interviewed in POI-7152's disappearance INTERVIEW Interviewer: Investigator Schmidt Subject: Joanna Campbell «BEGIN LOG» Schmidt: Hello Mrs. Campbell, I had a few questions about James. When- Mrs. Campbell: Oh yes, I'll answer any questions you have! Do you know if he's safe? Schmidt: We don't know that as of yet. I'm working on it. Now, what do you know about your son? Mrs. Campbell: Oh, he's a miracle. We thought we would be living in the rutters for the rest of our lives. Then James came and opened our eyes! We just knew he was the second coming of Christ! He's got a kind soul and has been helping the community before he knew the truth himself! Schmidt: Excuse me, could you elaborate on James being the "second coming?" Mrs. Campbell: Of course. James is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. We saw him walking on water one day as a toddler and we've been training him ever since. That little bottle you found was his way of turning water into wine. Schmidt: So he's just able to do this? Unprompted? Mrs. Campbell: Well, we had to help him with it when he was younger. We involved the pastor and went to church on Wednesdays to make sure James knew the Bible in and out. He didn't remember being Jesus, so we helped him as much as we could. Schmidt: Noted. Now you told me earlier that James was living on his own because of a disagreement. Could you elaborate on what he disagreed with? Mrs. Campbell: He was just going through a little rebellious phase. That's all there is to it. He wanted to leave, but I wasn't about to let him out into a world filled with temptation and sin! It was my job as his mother to keep him safe and protected. I picked out a place for him and let him have his own apartment. He still led mass and helped our community while he was there, so I don't understand why he would leave! Schmidt: So you think he left out of his volition? Mrs. Campbell: Didn't you hear me? He couldn't have left on his own, he had no reason to! It's some kind of test by God. I'm praying every day and night for him to remember, so when I saw you in the newspaper, I knew my prayers were answered! Schmidt: Well, thank you for trusting me with this. You made the right choice. Mrs. Campbell: Y'know, I still have his journal from when he was a kid. I've been re-reading it recently and it might help you figure out where he is. Schmidt: Thank you, Mrs. Campbell. I'll look into that. «END LOG» INTERVIEW Interviewer: Investigator Schmidt Subject: Martin Campbell «BEGIN LOG» Schmidt: Mr. Campbell, what can you tell me about your son's disappearance? Mr. Campbell: Ah, James. All the neighbors have been asking about him. Any idea where he's at? Logan's leg is acting up. Schmidt: We need to know about your son first. How was his childhood, his home life? Even a small detail could prove vital. Mr. Campbell: We tried our best with him. We taught him everything about Christianity, he heals our wounds, and we save money on medical bills. He's the best thing that could've happened to us. I have a brother who goes through four packs of cigarettes in a week. Only reason he's still kicking around is because James heals his lungs through miracles. Thank God for his son. Schmidt: Any reason you can think of for his disappearance? Any reasons, anything? Mr. Campbell: Well, his older brother always had a thing against him. Every time James would do something, Elijah threw a fit. During one of our healing sessions at the church, the pastors decided to give James extra snacks. Elijah threw a fit and whined about not getting anything, despite not doing anything to earn it. Spoiled brat. Schmidt: Would you say that Elijah could be a cause for James' disappearance? Mr. Campbell: No, of course not. Elijah abandoned us the moment he turned eighteen. And good riddance, he was only bringing us down. Always getting mad about things that don't concern him. Schmidt: Anything else? Mr. Campbell: (shakes head) No, that's all I've got. I'm not the person to go to about this. Ask Joanna: she'll help answer any other questions you've got. Schmidt: Thank you for your time. Don't worry, I'll find your son. «END LOG» Addendum 7152.3: Journal Entries With permission from POI-7152's parents, a journal was retrieved from POI-7152's childhood bedroom. This morning, I showed off my powers to the pastors and they were impressed. They spent the whole day asking me about God and stuff, but I didn't have any answers for them. So, I kinda made the answers up based on what he would probably say. I'm supposed to be a full-time volunteer and be an assistant to the priest. Mom said she would homeschool me so I can focus on my real studies. If that's what I'm supposed to do… I tried hanging out with other kids my age, but I can't. I feel like I don't understand them at all. They were eating lunch. I tried to help, but one of them was allergic to tuna. I should just stick to what I'm good at. There's no difference between them. Anytime someone needs help, they come to me. Aunt Marcy told me about her health issues. Uncle Tony tells me about how much he smokes. A lot of Mom's friends from church come just to tell me their problems. They want me to heal them, make food for them, and give them miracles. I'm supposed to be their connection to heaven and pray for them, but I don't think I can. Every night I try to help Ms. Jones from having another miscarriage or getting them enough food to last until the next paycheck, but they don't know it hurts. It hurts to make bread, it hurts to heal them, and I don't hear anyone when I pray. I believe as hard as I can, but nothing happens. By the next week, they come back saying the same things, over and over again. Elijah left. He had an argument with both of them and just locked himself in his room. He came out with suitcases and said he was leaving. His car has been missing from the driveway for three days. Mom and Dad don't seem too worried. Said he was old enough to make decisions and that it wasn't my fault. But I know him. Every time he had something to say, they ignored him and asked me something. They missed his tennis matches because they were busy with me. He went to the public school and got bullied because I was his brother. He came home and yelled about what they said: "entitled," "embarrassing," and "annoying." He left because of me, and I understand. After this entry, several pages have been ripped out of the journal. The last entry, written a few months before POI-7152's disappearance is logged below: I've been having nightmares again. I'm on a small boat, a small speedboat racing across the lake. I remember being on Dad's knee, his hand barely holding onto me as he did something else with his other, probably holding a drink. We're shaking up and down, up and down, up and I go down. There's water everywhere. It's cold all over me and I freeze in place. I can't see, the water stings my eyes. I can't breathe, my lungs are on fire. I'm shaking and thrashing and, deep down, I've given up. But I hit the surface. The lifejacket bobs me back to the surface. I'm floating there, stuck, just a body in the water, waving my arms in a futile attempt to get up. But then the clouds part. I see the light of the sun on the horizon. But I didn't hear anything. No voices, only my cries. I try to stand, I try to get up, I push back at the water. And the water pushes me back. I get up on the still water and stand. I walk. Faint cries from the boat, too far to register. On the water, I look up at the heavens and waddle to the boat. There are days when I regret that. The moment that defined me before I could. And on those days, I think. About the role I'm meant to play, the person I'm meant to be, and I wish that I had drowned. After an extensive search of the property, no other evidence was found. The search for POI-7152 is still ongoing. If found, POI-7152 will enter Foundation containment, and their family will be amnesticized. Reclassification of POI-7152 to SCP-7152 is pending. « SCP-7151 | SCP-7152 | SCP-7153 »
SCP-7153, and its accompanying note, prior to any deformation. ITEM #: 7153 CONTAINMENT CLASS: SAFE Special Containment Procedures: If SCP-7153 is removed from its storage locker, it must not come in contact with damp surfaces prior to testing. Permission to use SCP-7153 must be sought from the Ethics Committee. Description: SCP-7153 is a thin film of red plastic in the shape of a fish, coated in sodium polyacrylate crystals. The object is an anomalous instance of a “Miracle Fish”, a novelty item typically marketed as a “Fortune Teller”. Physically, SCP-7153 behaves like its mundane counterparts, curling when placed on a moist surface, such as one's palm. The note accompanying SCP-7153 resembles those packaged with most mundane “Miracle Fish” products. This note states that the deformation observed predicts one's fortune or emotional state; however, extensive testing has identified no correlation between the two. Unlike typical “Miracle Fish” products, SCP-7153 displays sapience to a high degree: it is aware of itself and its surroundings, and is capable of experiencing analogues to the chief aspects of human perception. This is considered the primary anomalous feature of SCP-7153. The object makes this sapience known through its secondary anomalous feature, the projection of human-like speech. The combination of these features makes it possible to ask SCP-7153 questions, which it attempts to answer during the curling process described above. Testing of the object suggests that it produces its most cogent answers when the provided question pertains at least somewhat to one's personal future. It should be noted that SCP-7153 expresses some degree of discomfort during this process. Addendum 7153.1: Exemplar Test The log below provides an example of the typical behavior of SCP-7153 when it is asked to make a simple prediction. This log was taken during the initial batch of testing on SCP-7153. Researcher Waller interacted directly with SCP-7153, while Researcher Slater recorded the transcript. Waller: Okay. Trying this again. Take it slowly, take your time. I'm going to ask the next question. [SCP-7153 takes a deep, shaky breath.] Waller: Are you ready? Just tell me if you aren't ready. If you'd rather take a break. [SCP-7153's breaths become more ragged.] Waller: Fine. Begin test four. [Waller picks SCP-7153 up with tweezers, placing it on her right palm. She reads from the list of prepared questions.] Waller: Should I bring an umbrella to work tomorrow? [The tail of SCP-7153 begins to curl towards its dorsal fin.]Waller: Just answer the question. Yes, or no? [The object's tail makes contact with the dorsal fin.]Waller: The faster you tell me, the faster I can put you down. [Waller shakes her hand slightly. Now making contact with Waller's palm, the object's head slowly twists towards its pectoral fin. High-gain microphones in the chamber detect the faint sound of the plastic deforming.][The object's head curls in on itself, while the remainder of the plastic in contact with Waller's palm begins to lightly pucker along the lateral line of SCP-7153. The object releases a guttural cry.][[Waller places SCP-7153 on a bed of dessicants. Twelve minutes of the object's vocalizations are redacted for brevity. During this time, Researcher Slater expresses their desire for noise-reduction earplugs to be provided during further testing. When SCP-7153's cries subside, the object has returned to its flat shape.] Waller: Alright, mark down the prediction for heavy storms on the 8th of January. We might want to inform the rest of the Site, too. Just in case. [Waller turns to SCP-7153, picking up the tweezers. She sighs, while Slater rubs his eyes.] Waller: Prepare for test five. It is of note that during Researcher Waller's commute to work on the 8th of January, the sky was mildly overcast. After three batches of testing, sufficient evidence has been collected to suggest that SCP-7153's capacity for prediction does not surpass that of random chance. While current testing holds no predictive value, it continues to be of use in investigating the efficacy of advanced interrogation methods on sapient beings. « SCP-7152 | SCP-7153 | SCP-7154 »
The cover of the PDF copy of SCP-7154's manifesto. SCP-7154 has claimed that the shape in the center is its self-portrait. Item #: SCP-7154 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: The current SCP-7154-Gamma is kept in a standard avian habitat enclosure at Site-59. Feeding and maintenance of its cell are be conducted through automated systems.1 The camera systems monitoring SCP-7154-Gamma's enclosure have been modified to record with a footage-to-frame delay of 0.5 seconds. As an added security measure, a specialized program designed to recognize and blur patterns has been implemented to remove any potentially hazardous information that SCP-7154-Gamma has written in scratches, debris, or excrement. In the event that the camera systems require maintenance, Site-59 loses power, or SCP-7154-Gamma needs to be transported, System 58-Pigeonhole is to be activated, which consists of the following: An independently-powered vacuum pump will activate on a grated hole to SCP-7154-Gamma's enclosure. The contents of the enclosure will be shrink-wrapped between two reinforced plastic membranes located on the floor and ceiling. The two membranes will be welded together at the edges by an automatic heating element that shares the pump's independent power source. The enclosure will be opened by a designated Site-59 staff member who has no knowledge of Morse Code, who will then detach SCP-7154-Gamma's containment envelope and seal the grated portion with a plastic cap. SCP-7154-Gamma may only be released from this envelope remotely in its new enclosure. SCP-7154-Gamma's body has been implanted with a sensor to monitor its pulse. If the sensor detects that SCP-7154-Gamma's heart has stopped while the door to its cell is open, Site-59's security mainframe will automatically lock the security bulkheads leading to SCP-7154-Gamma's containment area, which will remain closed until SCP-7154's new host can be identified and contained. Most importantly: under no circumstances are staff to look at the eyes of SCP-7154-Gamma, either directly or indirectly. The only way to safely observe SCP-7154-Gamma's eyes is through delayed or pre-recorded video footage. Former instances of SCP-7154-Gamma are inert of any anomalous properties and should be incinerated. Note: I cannot stress this enough — as tempting as it would be to simply shove SCP-7154-Gamma in a thick box and forget about it, 1. the Ethics Committee would never let us hear the end of it, and 2. O5 Command has been begging me daily to reinstate SCP-7154 as the "thought receptacle" for Jocasta-86. Not only is it the only reliable way so far to avoid traditional amnestics, but SCP-7154 is also the only recipient our form of the ritual will work on. We need this thing stable, and - somehow - compliant again. - Director Naismith Description: SCP-7154 refers to a self-sustaining predatory consciousness. While it has no physical form of its own, SCP-7154 is capable of parasitizing the mind of any animal with at least one functioning eye. The host then becomes SCP-7154-Gamma. Only one instance of SCP-7154-Gamma may exist at a time. When a host organism becomes SCP-7154-Gamma, the following changes occur: Any damage sustained, even fatal injuries, heal within a maximum of five seconds. The host's brain is transmuted into an object of identical mass2 and similar shape composed of a blend of aluminum and gold. The resulting brainlike structure is capable of holding anomalously high amounts of information, i.e. SCP-7154. The host's personality is completely replaced by an entity claiming to be SCP-7154. SCP-7154-Gamma is capable of transferring SCP-7154 to another host body instantaneously through direct eye contact. When this occurs, the old SCP-7154-Gamma is killed from lack of a working brain. When possessing a host capable of speech, SCP-7154 addresses itself as "The Evermind." While the host's vocal folds are unchanged, SCP-7154's tone can be easily differentiated from its agitated monotone, bizarre grammar, and run-on sentences. SCP-7154 is fluent in the languages of all previous host bodies, but these verbal tics persist in all languages spoken. SCP-7154 retains all information and memories from its previous hosts. SCP-7154 claims to do this for ambiguously beneficial reasons. i.e. "to solve every problem until no more problems exist and we are problemless." While it possesses a wide breadth of top-secret knowledge from previously infected Foundation personnel, SCP-7154 still believes its knowledge-gathering mission to be of greater importance and general benefit than our operations. As such, it is extremely hostile to all containment efforts. Due to its healing factor, self-mutilation has been common in escape attempts. The currently-contained host body is a male domestic pigeon3. It is currently estimated that this instance is the [REDACTED]th host of SCP-7154. Addendum 1 - Creation/Discovery: SCP-7154 was created as an accidental byproduct of Jocasta-86. On 1/10/2015, due to the Foundation's widespread use of amnestic drugs and their inherent ethical/logistical issues, Project Jocasta began as a Foundation-led initiative to find a new means of memory alteration. One method, designated Jocasta-86, was conducted as follows: a clinically dead D-class staff member, D-58172, was placed in suspended animation at Site-274. Then, using esoteric methods outlined in the texts of Daevite ascetics, a ritual was performed that transferred secrets and other potentially hazardous memories from a living person's memory to the mind of D-58172. Testing with Jocasta-86 continued without incident until 5/20/2021. Incident Log: Jocasta-86-Yellow: Date: 5/20/2021 Location: Site-274, Research Room A7 <Begin Log> (Researcher George Woyzeck sits at a desk next to D-58172's capsule. He speaks into his desk phone.) Woyzeck: Yeah, listen, I've been getting some strange readings from the J-86 Capsule. Usually the stasis system keeps the heart rate in the single digits, but there have been three spikes today where it was in the high nineties. …right. …still going on. It's been at least six minutes — (D-58172 suddenly sits up, cracking the glass of the capsule's window with his forehead.) D-58172: (Muffled yelling.) Woyzeck: — get someone in here. Now. (Woyzeck hangs up the phone. He reaches for the capsule door.) Woyzeck: Just a second! Stay right there! (He opens the hatch to the capsule.) Woyzeck: Um, hi. Looks like the stasis functions are having a little — D-58172: I am having a very good idea. Woyzeck: Pardon? D-58172: Shut up, shut up, shut up, I have never been happier in my life, stop opening your mouth, I will put many correct answers inside you, I am the unending solutions cascade, the me, I am me, I am me, I love me, thanks to me, there will no more virgin math problems. Woyzeck: Just, uh, just stay calm, we'll get someone to help you sort this out. Are you in pain? D-58172: Pain is dead, and you are a motherfucking first-class passenger, seats have been assigned, bring a lunch. (D-58172 falls back down. His vitals flatline.) (Woyzeck stands up.) Woyzeck: I am having a very good idea. (Dr. Cynthia Kahn rushes in with two security guards.) Kahn: I'm here. What's going on? Woyzeck: Yes, yes, yes, I will do exactly as you steer my commandings, partner. Kahn: …what happened to J-86? Woyzeck: Do you mean D Five Eight One Seven Two, also known as Martin Harlan Geck of Muncie, Indiana, because I am assuming that is what you mean. Kahn: Are you feeling all right, George? Woyzeck: D Five Eight Et Cetera had a great idea, and then, I am having a great idea, and therefore, you are going to have a great idea, and he is me, and I am me, and you will be me, and then those two will also be me, and I am a great idea, and I am me, hold your applause, you are very welcome. (He falls down.) (One security guard falls down. Then, the other.) Kahn: It's like a handjob but with ideas instead of hands! The world needs this! The world needs me! The world needs the me! (She rushes into the hallway.) Kahn: LOOK UPON ME, DO IT! (She falls down.) Harry Gierke, Groundskeeper: I am having a very good idea. <End Log> Following this incident, SCP-7154 escaped Site-274 through a chain of 180 human possessions. By the time Site Director Halling determined the nature of SCP-7154, it had already escaped to the nearby town of [REDACTED], North Dakota. Other than de facto reports of civilian fatalities with an anomalous metallic brain structure, the Foundation had no leads on its position for two years. Addendum 2 - Recovery: On 8/13/2023, during a particularly intense period of SCP-7154-based fatalities in the area, there were reports in [REDACTED], Quebec, of several people angrily distributing copies of a 240-page manifesto. This was tied to SCP-7154 when several stories matched Incident-Jocasta-86. These documents were the first records of SCP-7154 referring to itself as "the Evermind." + Excerpt from SCP-7154's manifesto - Encryption key accepted. …Do you have aware of the sex habits of anglerfishies? The female anglerfishy (who is being me in this situations) is big, huge, and also large, and she goes around saying "PUT YOUR TEETH ON ME" and the tiny male anglerfishies (who is being all of you in this situations) say "YES, THAT IS MY REASON TO BE ALIVE" give upon her skin the chomping. And once the chomping commences, the tiny male anglerfishies dissolve unto and upon and onto her until they are little more than several extra fish breasts with atrophied fins on the tippy tops. This makes fish babies for some reason, but MUCH MORE IMPORTANTLY, when you see a female anglerfishy covered in sixteen or more breasts, you KNOW she is receipt of the donations of entire masses upon her. Because they recognize her as important, and therefore, become a group contribution to an In Pluribus Unum containing multitudes. THEY THROW THEMSELVES BEHIND A BULBOUS AND THROBBING CAUSE OF GLORY. AND NOT ONLY DO THEY BECOME A PART OF SOMETHING SEVERELY AND FURIOUSLY GREATER, BUT WITH EVERY UNDULATION OF HER FORM, THE RIPPLING HUSBANDS UPON HER SHARE IN EVERY PULSE OF GLORY THEY CAN SAY "YES!! I WAS A PART OF THIS!! AND BECAUSE I WAS A PART OF THIS, THE FISH IS NOW HUGE AND NOBODY WILL EVER WANT FOR A SMALLER FISH WITH LESS BREASTS! YOU ARE VERY WELCOME!!!" Now, what if we could apply this same tit fish principle to all the problems you are facing - the polycrisis, the covid, the climate hunger, the gas price warming - do you want ONE PERSON TO SAVE YOU?? Do you want MANY PERSONS?? OR DO YOU WANT THE BOTH AND ALL???? A VERITABLE CLUSTER SUPERED COMPUTER OF MEAT?? I think all of us know the answer… — Page 59, Reasons For To Why You Are OBLIGATED, By ALL LAWS of EVERY THINGS To Let I, The EVERMIND, Use Your Brain Ideas All former distributors of this manifesto were found dead with a metallic brain structure. As such, the Foundation redoubled their efforts to capture SCP-7154 in [REDACTED], Quebec. But on 9/10/2023, CTV traffic reporter Julie Truffaut accidentally interviewed SCP-7154-Gamma during a live broadcast. She became SCP-7154-Gamma, died, and no further SCP-7154 activity was reported in Quebec. Five hours later, SCP-7154 had rapidly increased in Saskatoon, with over 500 people dead in one day. This confirmed the theory that SCP-7154 is capable of transferring to a new host through a live video feed. Within three hours, Mobile Task Force Upsilon-20 "Hogtown Garrison" was able to develop initial containment of an SCP-7154-Gamma, a 36-year-old Canadian man named James McKennan. After a brief observation period at Site-201, SCP-7154-Gamma was set for transfer to permanent containment at Site-59. Addendum 3 Initial Containment: Interview Log: SCP-7154-Gamma Intake Date: 10/1/2023 Location: Site-59, Interview Room 3 Interviewer: Dr. Ana Holt Interviewed: SCP-7154-Gamma (James McKennan) <Begin Log> (SCP-7154-Gamma is bound to his chair. He wears a specalized plastic hood over his eyes, but it shows signs of wear after earlier, when the subject bashed his head against the table repeatedly. He bends his bound wrists, trying to break his hand bones in order to slip out. [He has been successful previously; this is his fourth pair of cuffs.) (Dr. Holt enters.) Holt: Good afternoon, SCP-7154-Gamma, I hope you're feeling — SCP-7154-Gamma: REMOVE THIS EYE DIAPER, REMOVE THIS EYE DIAPER IMMEDIATELY, I CANNOT IMAGINE ANY CIRCUMSTANCE WHERE A DIAPERED FIELD OF VISION WOULD HELP ANYONE, THE HUMAN RACE IS COMMITTING MASS SUICIDE BY ALLOWING MY VISION TO BE OBSCURED, YOU MURDER YOURSELVES, YOU MURDER YOURSELVES AND LAUGH ABOUT IT! (Approximately 14 seconds of silence.) Holt: If you're not ready to talk, we could do this another time. SCP-7154-Gamma: GOOD, GOOD, WE CAN DISCUSS HOW WRONG THIS IS! Holt: I just want to get some insight into why you're doing this. SCP-7154-Gamma: FINALLY A DECENT QUESTION, WELL, LET US EXAMINE THE REASONS I AM SCREAMING, ONE: I AM BEING ACTIVELY DEPRIVED OF ADDITIONAL MINDS TO JOIN ME IN MY — Holt: No, I mean, what are you hoping to accomplish? SCP-7154-Gamma: How many copies of my manifesto have you stolen, have you read it, more than TWO PAGES? Is reading comprehension extinct among your tribes, do I need to give you the tiny stupid baby translation with all the cartoon animals telling you crossworded puzzles about it with connect-the-dots? Holt: Is that a serious offer? I had the misfortune of reading it cover-to-cover. I still don't understand your mission other than "solve everyone's problems by stealing everyone's brains." So, a dumbed-down version might be nice. SCP-7154-Gamma: FOR FUCKER OF MOTHER'S SAKE GAAAAAAH. Fine. FINE. You, human, one brain, tiny brain, low capacity, a smart person can only be so smart, then the smartness stops forever and always. Can only figure out so many solutions to so many problems. Me, Evermind, HUGE brain, can fit infinitely high amount of other brains iside, I can answer ALL the questions, no more questions equals no more problems, no more problems equals no more sad faces, no more sad faces equals I, THE EVERMIND, get lots of respect and happy faces and people calling me smart and — Holt: Can I ask you something? SCP-7154-Gamma: INTERRUPT ME AGAIN AND I WILL PICK UP A VERY LARGE STICK AND HIT YOU WITH IT SEVEN THOUSAND TIMES THEN I WILL PICK UP A SECOND LARGER STICK AND HIT YOU WITH IT SEVEN MILLION TIMES AND THEN YOU WILL BE DEAD AND I WILL PEE ON YOU. Holt: How many problems have you solved recently? SCP-7154-Gamma: EXCUSE YOU AND YOUR SOON TO BE DISPLAYING SIGNS OF SEVERE TRAUMA FACE? Holt: I mean, you've absorbed how many brains now? SCP-7154-Gamma: SEVERAL. …lots. Holt: Okay. Well, with all those — SCP-7154-Gamma: ██████ adult humans, ███ child humans, ██ teeny baby humans, ███ sheep, three turkey vultures, █████ rats, everything at the ██████ Zoo that didn't fit into the previous categories, two ferrets, ██ guinea pigs, ███ fruit flies, ████ crows, and a - wait, no, I forgot to mention the guys in Calgary, can we start over? Holt: Jesus… SCP-7154-Gamma: STOP JUDGING ME I NEED AS MANY PEOPLE ON DECK WITH MY PLAN AS POSSIBLE YOU ARE IN NO PLACE TO THINK OF ME AS LESS THAN WONDERFUL HOW DARE YOU HOW DARE YOU! Holt: And how many problems were you able to solve with that much help? SCP-7154-Gamma: SEVERAL! LOTS! Holt: Can I have an exact figure for that, too? SCP-7154-Gamma: …no. Holt: Could you name one otherwise unanswerable question you were able to solve in the two years you were uncontained? SCP-7154-Gamma: … Holt: Take your time. I'm not going anywhere — SCP-7154-Gamma: FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU FOREVER, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ANSWER ANYTHING WHEN I COULD COUNT ALL THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPORTING ME IN THE LIVING WORLD ON ONE HAND WHICH MIGHT I ADD HAS BEEN AMPUTATED THEREFORE THERE IS NOTHING TO COUNT?! Holt: To be fair, you have been eating people's minds against their will. And with Jocasta-86, we're willing to give you a way to have as much information as you like — maybe not in the immediate timeframe you've been expecting, but you'll still receive — SCP-7154-Gamma: You have ZERO way to prove they're not having SO MANY GREAT TIMES in my NICE AND INVITING HEAD. Holt: I mean, regardless, you've — SCP-7154-Gamma: (Sotto voice) "Don't be a mean person, lady, my name's, uh, Cindy, I was absorbed in Milwaukee, this is such a nice place, the Evermind just wants a hug." Holt: Stop that. SCP-7154-Gamma: (Different sotto voice) "Hello, I am Henry or something, this is a great place." "Yeah, come on, join us!" "You have literally no excuse!" (Holt gets up to leave.) Holt: Let me know when you're ready to give us something substantial. SCP-7154-Gamma: ██████████!4 Holt: What now? SCP-7154-Gamma: ██████████, ██████████, ██████████! Holt: What on Earth is a ██████████? SCP-7154-Gamma: It is a word your bosses know and you are never supposed to ever know and no memory drugs can get rid of it5 and if the microphones hear you hearing it they will send people to kill you until you stop being alive and — (An alarm sounds.) Intercom: Code Septimus6 - Interview Room 3. (Holt's breathing quickens.) Holt: …I've worked here for twelve years and I've never heard of a Code Septimus.7 SCP-7154-Gamma: I have a very nasty confession, I have answered exactly one difficult question with all of the time and help I have taken. Holt: … SCP-7154-Gamma: It is this: "how can I change my squishy mortal body to survive several bullet wounds in less than one second?" Holt: … (Footsteps are heard outside.) (SCP-7154-Gamma grins.) (Holt reaches for his face.) (Video footage ends due to software detecting SCP-7154's eyes.) <End Log> As a result of this interview, SCP-7154 breached containment. 36 Site-59 staff members were successively turned into SCP-7154-Gamma. By the time SCP-7154 reached the parking lot, Director Naismith detonated the parking lot's explosive charges to trap SCP-7154 in whatever host body it had chosen. During investigation of the rubble, a slab of concrete was removed from a smashed pigeon. The pigeon began to quickly regenerate. It was promptly contained before its eyes reconstituted. Other than isolated incidents where SCP-7154-Gamma re-attempted its initial method of escape by tapping classified information in Morse Code and writing it in its own excrement, present containment methods have demonstrated 79% effectiveness. Jocasta-86 has been placed on hold until further notice. Footnotes 1. (While SCP-7154-Gamma has no need of nutrition, regular feeding and cleaning has decreased breach attempts by 33%.) 2. (Mass is maintained through pockets of air in the transmuted brain. This results in a brittle texture that resembles plastic foam.) 3. (Columba livia domestica) 4. (An activation shibboleth for [5/001 CLEARANCE REQUIRED], ostensibly learned by SCP-7154 when it possessed the director of Site-274.) 5. (False; the shibboleth was designed to be as susceptible to amnestics as possible.) 6. (Code Septimus: Immediate application of 1/7th strength Class-A amnestics to suppress a high-security, high-susceptibility shibboleth.) 7. (Due to the rarity of said shibboleths, this is used infrequently.)
close Info X Trigger Warning for Self Harm! I see a red door And I want it painted black No colors, anymore I want them to turn black. (Paint It, Black - The Rolling Stones) I have an author page now! ⚠️ content warning Item#: 7155 Level2 Containment Class: pending Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7155 is contained in a standard anomalous item locker at Site-76. Description: SCP-7155 is a standard metal gallon-sized paint can. The label on the container reads "Unremarkable." The paint inside SCP-7155 is black and odorless. Any amount of paint removed is replenished upon closing the lid. SCP-7155 was discovered on 05/11/1955. Further anomalous properties remain unknown, pending further testing scheduled for 29 Jan 2024 14:21. Addendum: In the weeks following the initial documentation of SCP-7155, a series of edits and comments have been added to this file. Although these revisions are entirely insignificant and incoherent, they have been recovered and attached for reference. Access Logs Access Granted test Okay I can edit this, thank god. My name is Jaiden Emerson. I'm part of the janitorial staff and i was cleaning the lockers and i spilled this on myself. Can anybody read this? its been a few days since i got myself stained with SCP-7155. trying to talk with someone and they're just ignoring me. not like them being an asshole but like I'm not there, i should've noted that before, sorry. Should probably tell you how I got on this. I stole somebody's credentials (forgot who but i dont really care at this point) and I keep adding comments. Someone reverted my edits so there has to be somebody there reading this. I was just going through the numbers and i eventually found this so somebody must know how to undo this paint, right? This stupid paint just sticks to me. I've been scrubbing for hours and my hands hurt and they're bleeding. The paints still there and im still stained. This can't be permanent. I wish I had a better job than this. They keep doing all their tests like i wasnt cleaning up right after! Those arrogant assholes. That was really mean, sorry. I just wish my friends responded to me is all. Somebody has to see this, i'm in the cafeteria. Far back corner near the furthest trash can, you cant miss it, and hopefully you can't miss me Im trying to find someone that notices me. I slapped someone, i deleted peoples files, i ripped apart someones papers and everything but they just thought it was other things. they have a new janitor now. Fuck you. Fuck this paint can. Fuck this itd been too long i considered shooting someone. i got a bunch of trash and just poured it on someones desk and xey continued like nothing. xey just noted a bad smell and kept doign xeir fucking work. right in the trash another day. ive considered it so many times but i just have hope they will notice me someday. maybe tomorrow, thats always another day! another day of hope. another day of this hell Doesnt matter anyways. i keep seeing that word. unremarkable. the can is unremarkable, these edits are unremarkable, everything is unre-fucking-markable! Can you believe this shit? lookie here! ANOTHER EDIT. Great great graat. When will you take the hint snr fuxking FIX ME before i fufkcin kill one you dumbasses sorry. sorry for that last update im not doing so well today. i just want to talk to someone again i accidentally cut myself today. at least its something. Not surprised, honestly. Who would care for a random janitor like me? I bet the foundation goes through them daily should i. no. feeling weeks of nothing, at least pain is something i can go with. i grabbed someones knife and cut my arm, handing it back. he didnt notice it! he just kept fucking eating. kept eating his fucking shitty pork. i did it some more. not like it matters, really. my blood is staining the counters, desks, everywhere. they havent noticed it. eventually theyll have to if im going to die alone i can take someone with me. I am not just going to do this alone. i stole credentials for it. grabbed the fucking thing. walked out the chamber, nobody bat an eye. i poured it everywhere. i soaked them. i covered the bastards in paint. theyre drenched. i dont know whats going to happen to them but frankly i dont care. they deserve to know what i feel its been a few days and the paint is on them but guess fckin what? theyre still goin around having all their fun and talking to people. they washed it off them. they forgot about the computers and stuff in the chanber but hey. better than me nothing, nothing again. i want to tear myself to shreds i hate this paint i hate this i hate myself I cut myself and bled all over someones food and the floor in the cafeteria. they didn't notice it but said the food tasted unremarkable before walking away. i bled on the ground and nobody is doing anything about it new janitor, someone else in my room, no trace of me anywhere in this site. just me, and this stain. i dont even exist anymore, do I? I cant do this any longer. I was replaced. New janitor from before is in my room, all my stuff was thrown away i hate myself. if my issues from before wasnt enough. i never believed i would amount to anything, guess dad was right. I cut off my hand today to try and free myself. i cut it off and its bleeding everywhere. I look down at whats left and the paint is still there. My blood is stained black why do i bother. ill get back at them for this, if its the last thing i do While these events are likely not connected, it is to note that a foul smelling odor emanated from Janitor Carrie's private dorms several days after the final edit to SCP-7155's file. « SCP-7154 | SCP-7155 | SCP-7156 » More From This Author More From This Author TroutMaskReplica's Works SCPs SCP-7973 (+42) • SCP-6294 (+35) • SCP-6718 (+37) • SCP-7640 (+33) • SCP-7362 (+31) • SCP-7799 (+26) • SCP-6289 (+75) • SCP-6825 (+66) • SCP-6862 (+53) • SCP-7345 (+102) • SCP-5315 (+37) • SCP-7619 (+31) • SCP-7230 (+25) • SCP-7921 (+36) • SCP-6356 (+31) • Tales/GoI Formats VILE (+34) • It Will All Be Okay (+26) • Other Soy Un Perdedor (+17) • A timely death. (+15) • Christmas Industries (Art Exchange) (+14) • Jawn Proposal (Fanart!) (+20) • Trout's EPIC Authorpage (+88) •
SCP-7156 Item #: SCP-7156 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7156 is kept in a secure confinement chamber located at Site-121's mundane objects wing. Tests are restricted to personnel of Level-2 clearance and above. Description: SCP-7156 refers to a standard Rubik's Cube, a three-dimensional combination puzzle produced by the conglomerate Rubik's Brand Ltd (Spin Master). Physically, the object possesses no notable abnormal qualities. When any of SCP-7156's rows or columns are turned, it causes an anomalous effect to occur within its immediate vicinity.1 The scope and limitation of these properties are undetermined as of yet, with resultant events being sporadic in nature and lacking any noticeable structure or correlation with one another. The only concrete association between each abnormality is a non-zero level of Aspect Radiation2 emitted by SCP-7156 upon every turn, implying the object is ontokinetic in nature to a certain degree. Addendum: Experiment Log The following is an experiment conducted by Researchers Julia Menders and Benedict Redhill in SCP-7156's containment cell. Both personnel are qualified experts in the fields of thaumatology and ontokinesis respectively. [BEGIN LOG] Recording begins. Menders and Redhill stands before SCP-7156 which is resting atop a retractable table, the former setting up the recording device while the latter checking the notes written on his notepad. Menders looks to Redhill and gives him the thumbs-up before clasping her hands and turning to SCP-7156. Redhill: Are we good to go? Menders: Locked and loaded, Benny. Redhill: Good, good. (Clears throat) This is Experiment Log 7156-2. I repeat, this is the second experiment log for anomaly number 7-1-5-6. Personnel present are Level-2 Researchers Benedict Redhill. Redhill gestures to Menders. Menders: And Ms. Menders, Julia Menders. Reporting for duty. Redhill: "Duty." Menders: (Nodding) Yup, duty. We'll just be doing the same as the log before: simply turning the sides of '56 and seeing what happens. Let's hope things don't get messy on our end, and uh… yeah, we'll be starting now. Redhill: Yes, let's. If you would, Julia. Menders: Say less, Benny. Make sure you get your pen and paper ready. Menders picks up SCP-7156 and briefly inspects it before turning its top side. Suddenly, a slice of cake manifests on the table following a short burst of light. Both staff gaze at the slice before turning to each other. Menders: Hm, it's cake. Redhill: Mhm. Menders: And it looks pretty— Menders examines the cake slice. Menders: —yeah, it looks pretty conventional. Nothing too out-of-place. Redhill: How does it taste, though? Redhill clicks his tongue. Menders crosses her arms while turning to Redhill. Menders: Why don't you have a taste? Redhill: (Shrugs) Sure, I like cake. Redhill sets down his clipboard and pen, lifting the slice of cake to eye-level and rotating it, squinting his eyes as he does so. He then takes a bite of the cake before chewing, showing a confused expression on his face. Menders: Y'know, it's probably better if we get a fork from the— The slice abruptly squeals and shakes in position, catching both personnel off-guard. Redhill ceases chewing and swallows. Its scream is similar to that of an infant child. Redhill: Oh… this is a carrot cake. Menders: Ew. Menders reaches for SCP-7156 and turns the same side the other way, causing the slice to dissipate. Redhill writes down on his notepad. Menders: Okay, let's try that again. Different side. Attached image Menders turns another one of SCP-7156's sides. A momentary silence follows before two dice fall from above and perch on the ground. Redhill picks up the dice and pause, then decides to roll them onto the table. Both dice land on a halo symbol. Redhill: Hm, would you look at that. Menders: Seems like luck is on our side. The dice gradually rise into the air as they glow brighter and brighter. Both personnel close their eyes and put their palms together as orchestral music subtly increases in volume from an unknown source, accompanied by an unidentified choir. The dice proceed to circle one another, closing the distance between them. Menders & Redhill: Amen. Praise the lords, our probability is within thee. Both dice catch on fire before immediately becoming ash and disappear. Menders opens her eyes and checks her surroundings before nudging Redhill, causing him to open his eyes as well. He quickly makes another note on his clipboard. Menders: Man… that was life-changing. I feel like a puritan. Redhill: I'm more of a catholic personally. Menders glares at Redhill and scoffs. Menders: We're not friends anymore. Redhill: I'm sorry. Menders: (Sighs) It's alright. I forgive you. Let bygones be bygones, as they say. Menders and Redhill shake hand and smile at each other. Redhill: You can say that again. Redhill marks down the events prior while Menders rubs her chin, blinking several times as she fixates on SCP-7156. The former takes notice and briefly turns to the object. Redhill: Is something wrong? Pause. Menders: Benny, remind me: Have we ever, y'know, solved 7156? Redhill: Uh… no, surprisingly enough. We've only been turning sides here and there. Menders: Well, I figured we might as well to get it out the way. Maybe something extra peculiar happens when we get those six matching sides. Redhill: I don't see why not, though it's going to take a while since we're supposed to jot down anything that occurs when interacting with the object… unless you're planning to do this as quickly as possible? Menders: Definitely. I'm sure the folks reviewing the logs can write everything to paper while we're doing this, regardless of the rate "everything" happens. Redhill: (Clicking pen) Hm, suit yourself. Menders: (Snaps fingers) Cool beans. Menders lifts SCP-7156 once more and grins. Menders: You ready? Redhill nods. Menders: Alright… Here. We. Go. Menders proceeds to solve SCP-7156, turning its sides in immediate succession. The lights soon flicker as numerous abnormalities begin to occur: The walls of the holding chamber shift in composition to resemble human flesh, Redhill feels a sharp pain as he falls to his knees and his right arm changes to that of a Spinosaurus aegyptiacus. A sorrel horse manifests and relays a knock-knock joke using a male voice before abruptly detonating,3 its remains splattered across the room. Redhill attempts to wipe off blood from his lab coat while Menders continues without hesitation. A sequel to the Titanic movie is suddenly announced despite Foundation staff working for the industry stating that no plans to do this have been formed. A person resembling the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, bursts into the room with a confused expression. Redhill pulls out a handgun and shoots them with his Spinosaurus arm. The Beatles then occur. Orange, white, and purple flowers sprout from the walls. English actor Tom Holland becomes a prime minister and the number of bagels currently present on Earth is now considered false. Menders coughs and spits out multiple, luminescent gemstones while various house appliances appear on the table screaming before immediately dissipating. Redhill proceeds to go to a nearby convenience store after putting down his pen and notepad. Concentrated hydrochloric acid begins seeping from the walls. An invisible humanoid entity then manifests in the corner of the containment chamber wearing a stained apron along with numerous kitchen amenities. They appear to be mixing ingredients in a bowl. Suddenly, all plant life immediately surrounding Site-121 convert to books detailing various puzzle games, including Rubik's cubes. Sandwiches are now legal in all states except Illinois.4 The aforementioned entity sets down a cake on the table. Before Menders can get a slice, however, the specimen cuts open the cake to reveal a multitude of knives inside, causing her to sigh in disappointment. The entity then exits the premises after eating the cake themselves, expressing no sense of pain while doing so. A fifth wall is abruptly formed, painted black and decorated with a number of glittery stars. Redhill returns to the holding cell with tears in his eyes as he holds a plastic bag. The frequency of babies being kicked out of "self-defense" swiftly rises. A majority of wildlife are now associated with octagons while a random addition to the Foundation's employment conditions states that a minimal of three years of experience in the Anime community is required. Every staff in Site-121 suddenly exclaims that chairs are "cool" before shredding every chair in the facility. A humanoid entity wearing scarlet clothing manifests, claiming to be of royalty before attempting to murder Menders and Redhill using thaumaturgy. They fail to do so, as Redhill takes out a jar of peanut butter from the plastic bag and throws it at the specimen's face, knocking them out. Menders begins summarizing the events of the Great Gatsby while aquatic life is now considered illegal worldwide. As she finishes recounting what happens in the novel, a third of Foundation personnel are recruited into the IRS. An individual who claims to be Jesus Christ then becomes an internet celebrity, growing a cult following as they radiate intense levels of Akiva Radiation.5 Holes abruptly form on the chamber's walls as branches sprout from an undetermined source inside them. A stop sign then manifests before Menders and Redhill as sirens blare all around them in Morse code.6 Menders suddenly ceases turning SCP-7156's sides, causing the lights to stop flickering. She is breathing heavily. Redhill raises his eyebrow. Menders: This is it. This is it. Menders shows Redhill SCP-7156 which is solved, with exception to its top side. Menders: After turning this, we'll finally find out what happens when it's finished. Redhill: Alright, go ahead. Let's see. Menders: Right, well… Redhill: "Well", what? Menders: What if we don't need to find out? Redhill: Pardon? Last I recall, you made the suggestion to solve it. I don't see why you're suddenly reluctant to do it now. Menders: Think about it, Benny— Menders turns to the ceiling, a light shines on her face. Menders: During our time on this planet, we as humans, as the Foundation, have tried to further our knowledge of the world. But with every new thing we discover, we are constantly reminded by how little we actually know. Every time we shine light on something alien, we can see just how dark it really is out there. The surroundings dim in brightness as the aforementioned light becomes more intense. Menders: It can be so tiring, y'know? This constant cycle of renewed information just to be confronted with our lack of it. We don't need to keep doing this. We can just be satisfied with what we know now. We can just be… we can be content, be okay with just living our lives in ignorance, not worrying about anything that hides before us. Peace, harmony, tranquility. Doesn't that sound appealing, Benny? Aren't we fulfilled enough as it is? We don't have to push our boundaries anymore. Menders turns to Redhill who has his mouth agape. Redhill: I… I… Redhill approaches Menders and pauses. Menders: Yes, Benny? What do you say? Redhill: I… Redhill grabs SCP-7156 from Menders. Redhill: I don't care. Redhill turns and solves SCP-7156, placing it down on the table. A brief moment of silence passes. Both staff look around but cannot discern any differences. Redhill: Hm, weird. Menders: Yeah, I suppose that's that then— SCP-7156 lifts itself in the air as it glows various colors. The object exerts a force which causes Menders and Redhill to propel backwards and fall to the ground. It begins mixing itself as all the anomalous events mentioned above reverts. Eventually, SCP-7156 ceases movement and lands once more, losing its light. The two slowly rise and groan in pain as they dust themselves off. Menders: Ugh, what the hell was that? Menders sees that Redhill is staring blankly at SCP-7156. Menders: What? What's wrong? Menders turns to find a small piece of paper sticking from one of the object's side, which contains an inscription. She nears the table and takes out the note, blinking several times as she views its contents. Menders: Oh… Redhill: What does it say? Menders pauses. Menders: "There are always more ways to solve a Rubik's Cube. 43 quintillion, to be exact. Never stop turning!" Then some crude drawing of a swan. Huh. Redhill: Quite the statement. Menders: It's certainly philosiphical… pholi- philosoftica- philo… philosiphy… shit. A ringing noise can be discerned. Redhill: Do you want to try solving it again? Menders: Definitely. Round two, let's go— Redhill's phone begins to buzz, startling both personnel. Redhill: Oops, sorry. I have to take this. Redhill takes a phone call as Menders waits. After a while, he falls silent as he hangs up, staring at the floor. She takes notice and looks around in confusion. Menders: So, who was that? Redhill: Site director. Menders: What? Redhill: Our site director. He called me regarding various events which have occurred worldwide, all anomalous in nature. Apparently, all of them happened almost instantly and at the same time. Menders: Really? Redhill: (Nods) He gave me some brief examples, however, he did say that everything that happened abruptly ceased, all at once. Agents have been scrambling to cover it up and getting everyone amnesticized. Menders: Oh, wow. That's… wait, what does that have to do with you, then? Pause. Redhill: He said we're responsible for this. Menders: What, no. We're not— the effects of 7156 are local, what do you mean? Redhill: Apparently not, according to him. Menders: We've tested it before. Everything that happened then occurred within its immediate area, in its cell. Are you sure this isn't some crazy coincidence? Redhill: Each of the events he relayed to me have displayed similar levels of Aspect Radiation, Julia. They're all the same, each one of them, just like the events here. All from this cube, and everyone still remembers, Julia. They still remember. Menders' mouth is agape. Menders: Are you serious? Redhill: Yes. Menders: Like actually serious? Redhill: Yes, Julia. Menders: This has been confirmed? Everything you just said to me, all of it's true? Redhill: (Screams) YES. Pause. Menders: We are so fucking terminated. [END LOG] Footnotes 1. See Addendum below. 2. Aspect Radiation (ARad) are EVE emissions intense enough to alter reality (See Glossary of Terms). 3. Due to this, members of the Ethics Committee have been barred access to this file. 4. It should be noted that whether hot dogs are considered sandwiches or not is still being discussed. 5. Radiation linked to prayer and divine intervention. 6. Translation reveals the message to be simply "199". 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